Eu vim pegar o Tom. I've come to pick up Tom. I came to get Tom. Non fumate qui dentro. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. Sorse un conflitto di opinioni riguardo alla questione. A conflict of opinions arose over the matter. There was a conflict of opinion on the matter. No importa cuanto lo intente, no puedo nadar hasta esa roca. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. No matter how much I try, I can't swim to that rock. Precisamos conversar contigo. We need to talk to you. We need to talk to you. Il m'a demandé si j'étais heureux. He asked me if I was happy. He asked me if I was happy. Comprò questa penna in quel negozio. She bought this pen at that store. I bought this pen in that store. J'ai un grand frère et deux petites sœurs. I have one big brother and two little sisters. I have a big brother and two little sisters. Le cottage de Pierre est très grand. Peter's cottage is very big. Pierre's cottage is very large. Lavura lur bab tar il chantun? Does their father work for the canton? Lavura lur bab tar il cantun? L'as vist sortir ? Did you see him go out? Did you see him come out? Tom esta merkando. Tom is buying. Tom's buying. Elle haussa des épaules. She gave a shrug of the shoulders. She's wearing shoulders. Ellos me arrebataron mi libertad. They deprived me of my liberty. They took away my freedom. Io sto aspettando Tom. I'm expecting Tom. I'm waiting for Tom. Lo amo, pero él es gay. I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's gay. Tom ha lasciato questo messaggio. Tom left this message. Tom left this message. D'on véns? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Tu as de si beaux yeux. You have such beautiful eyes. You have such beautiful eyes. Il m'a tout dit. He told me everything. He told me everything. Tom não irá fazer isso. Tom isn't going to do that. Tom won't do it. Encontrei o Tom em um clube. I met Tom at a club. I found Tom at a club. Mă voi duce la spital. I'll go to the hospital. I'll go to the hospital. Tom è all'università adesso. Tom is in college now. Tom's at the university now. ¿Querés mi ayuda o no? Do you want my help or not? Do you want my help or not? Il est un peu énervé aujourd'hui. Si j'étais toi, je ne le chercherais pas trop. He's a little on edge today. I wouldn't rattle his cage if I were you. If I were you, I wouldn't look for him too much. Tom foi dormir tarde. Tom slept late. Tom went to sleep late. Tom tiene miedo porque no entiende qué está pasando. Tom is afraid because he doesn't understand what's going on. Tom's afraid because he doesn't understand what's going on. Os números estão nas portas ou ao lado delas. The numbers are on the doors or next to the doors. The numbers are either in the doors or next to them. Yo leí la carta primero. I was the first to read the letter. I read the letter first. Je suis désolée d'être tellement en retard. J'avais complètement oublié le rendez-vous. I'm sorry to be so late. The meeting completely slipped my mind. I'm so sorry I'm so late. Tocmai am renunțat. I just gave up. I just quit. Je suis pratiquement sûr que Tom n'était pas là. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't there. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't here. Nos resultó difícil entrar en la discoteca. We found it difficult to enter the disco. We found it hard to get into the club. J'aimerais avoir une chambre simple avec un bain pour deux nuits. I'd like to have a single room with a bath for two nights. I'd like to have a simple room with a bath for two nights. Io non sono per nulla nervosa. I'm not nervous at all. I'm not nervous at all. Ești nebun să cumperi o bicicletă atât de scumpă. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such a expensive bike. Arrives-tu à voir ? Can you see? Can you see that? Elle se fit toute belle pour son grand rendez-vous. She got all dolled up for her big date. She made herself beautiful for her big date. Ya mirá ya yo cuneste salida antes. I've seen this movie before. I've already seen an exit before. Soy optimista por naturaleza. I am an optimist by nature. I'm optimistic by nature. ¿Quieres que vaya sin ti? Do you want me to go without you? You want me to go without you? Tu non sei idiota! You are not an idiot! You're not an idiot! Ma mère m'a fait un pull-over. My mother made a sweater for me. My mother gave me a pull-over. Nous allons commencer. We're going to begin. We're gonna get started. Tem um livro aqui. There's a book here. There's a book here. L'inquinamento è un grosso problema. Pollution is a massive problem. Pollution is a big problem. Se não houver problema, eu gostaria de dormir algumas horas. If it's OK, I'd like to sleep for a few hours. If there's no problem, I'd like to sleep a few hours. I chanjé. He has changed. And I changed. Il n'y avait personne dans la pièce. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. J'ai quelque chose d'important à te dire. I have something important to tell you. I have something important to tell you. La polizia le ha arrestate. The police arrested them. The police arrested them. Lei è una culturista. She's a bodybuilder. You're a culturist. Aceasta este doar o ipoteză. This is just a hypothesis. That's just a hypothesis. Tom nu a avut nicio șansă să-i spună lui Mary ceea ce gândea. Tom had no chance to tell Mary what he thought. Tom had no chance to tell Mary what he was thinking. É onde ninguém consegue alcançar. It's where nobody can get it. That's where no one can reach. Esta alfombra es hecha a mano. This rug is handmade. This carpet is handmade. Tom è sempre buono. Tom is always good. Tom's always good. Os homens são tão imprestáveis. Men are so useless. Men are so improbable. Le vent souffle vers le sud. The wind blows south. The wind blows south. Noi am avut ședințe. We've had meetings. We had meetings. Este é o fim da linha. This is the end of the line. This is the end of the line. Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de médecin. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Ya pará el viento. The wind stopped. The wind's already stopped. Fumatul este foarte dăunător pentru sănătatea dumneavoastră. Smoking is very bad for your health. Smoking is very damaging to your health. Io l'ho perso. I've lost it. I lost it. O povo resistiu ao seu cruel governante. The people resisted their cruel ruler. The people resisted their cruel ruler. Le ho detto di stare lontano da mia sorella. I told you to stay away from my sister. I told her to stay away from my sister. Je lui dirai de vous rappeler. I'll tell him to call you back. I'll tell him to call you back. Você já fez a sua lição de casa? Have you already done your homework? Have you ever done your homework? Tom siguió comiendo. Tom continued eating. Tom kept eating. Eu queria comprar um mapa de Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. Fiduciosa come sono che voi non scherziate con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Trustful as I am that you do not joke with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the naked and cruel thought of such a possibility. Cred că e timpul pentru mine să mă alătur luptei. I think it's time for me to join the fight. I think it's time for me to join the fight. Tom è il mio amico. Tom is my buddy. Tom's my friend. Je ne m'inquiète pas pour Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. Qu'ei lo can de la Maria. This is Mary's dog. That's Maria's dog. Sente-se no banco. Sit down on the bench. Sit down at the bank. O Tom ainda não lavou as roupas. Tom still hasn't washed his clothes. Tom hasn't washed his clothes yet. Le roi abusa de son pouvoir. The king abused his power. The king abused his power. Tom a regardé le sol. Tom looked at the floor. Tom looked at the ground. Am râs cu hohote. We roared with laughter. I laughed with hockey. Tom não tinha carro. Tom didn't have a car. Tom didn't have a car. Ton bateau part à quatre heures et quart. Your ship sails at a quarter past four. Your boat leaves at four and a quarter. El și-a ridicat pălăria în semn de respect. He raised his hat as a token of respect. He raised his hat in the sign of respect. La morte non deve spaventarci. Death must not scare us. Death must not scare us. Ma carte de crédit a été rejetée par le distributeur de billets. My credit card was rejected by the cashpoint. My credit card was rejected by the ticket distributor. ¿Te lo explico otra vez? Do you want me to explain it again? Can I explain it to you again? Mi piace passare del tempo con lui. I enjoy spending time with him. I like spending time with him. Sunt îngrijorată de ceea ce se întâmplă aici. I'm concerned by what's happening here. I'm worried about what's going on here. Și tu cine ai fi? And who would you be? And who would you be? No tomé ninguna medida de precaución. I didn't take any precautions. I didn't take any precautions. Vire à próxima direita. Take the next right. Turn to the next right. A fost o plăcere să te cunosc. It's been a pleasure meeting you. It was a pleasure to meet you. Dacă aş fi fost străin, probabil că nu aş fi putut mânca peşte crud. If I were a foreigner, I probably couldn't eat raw fish. If I were a stranger, I probably couldn't have eaten raw fish. Eu conseguia ouvir vários membros da platéia roncando. I could hear several audience members snoring. I could hear several members of the audience snoring. A ti te debo mi éxito. I owe my success to you. I owe you my success. È passata un'auto. A car went by. There was a car passed. Tom está ciente do perigo. Tom is aware of the danger. Tom is aware of the danger. Tem gosto para tudo. There is no accounting for taste. It tastes good for everything. J'ai piqué du nez. I dozed off. I hit a nose. Sami a făcut o descoperire groaznică. Sami made a gruesome discovery. Sami made a terrible discovery. Allez au lit ! Get to bed. Go to bed! Il est dépourvu de défauts. He has no faults. There are no defects. Aguardei acordado ontem à noite até duas horas assistindo aos jogos olímpicos na TV. I sat up last night until two o'clock watching the Olympic Games on TV. I waited up last night for two hours watching the Olympics on TV. Ya dale le jurgueza cunel batâ. He gave the child a toy. Now give him the swearing as a bat. No tienes ningún sentido de la orientación. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of orientation. Tom è nell'edificio. Tom is in the building. Tom's in the building. Loro sono le nostre amiche più care. They are our dearest friends. They're our dearest friends. Tom era in giardino. Tom was in the garden. Tom was in the garden. Hice un esfuerzo para terminar mi trabajo. I made an effort to finish my work. I made an effort to finish my job. Sinto muito tê-lo deixado esperando. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Nuotare è facile. Swimming is easy. Swimming is easy. Tom está na TV. Tom is on TV. Tom's on TV. Il n'y a pas de frais d'admission pour les enfants de moins de cinq ans. There is no admission fee for children under five. There are no admission fees for children under five years of age. Combien d'heures travaillez-vous normalement ? How many hours do you normally work? How many hours do you work normally? Tu as besoin d'une manette de jeu. You need a joystick. You need a game handle. Dovrebbe aver visto la foto. You should've seen the picture. He should've seen the picture. Su rostro palideció de miedo. His face went white with fear. His face palided with fear. În sfârşit a făcut bani. He finally made money. He finally made money. Est-ce que tu as oublié quelque chose ? Did you forget anything? Did you forget something? No hay para qué hacer esto. We don't have to do this. There's no need to do this. Em sorprèn que acceptés l'oferiment. I'm surprised that he accepted the offer. I'm surprised you accepted the offer. Il faut que je sorte d'ici. I need to get out of here. I gotta get out of here. O Tom tentava falar mas não conseguia. Tom tried to talk, but he couldn't. Tom was trying to talk but he couldn't. ¡Hazte con todos! Gotta catch 'em all! Do it with everyone! Puedes descansar. You can rest. You can rest. Je connais l'homme avec lequel tu es venu. I know the man you came with. I know the man you came with. Je m'en occupe cet après-midi. I'll look after it this afternoon. I'll take care of it this afternoon. Una vez un hombre vino a la casa a matar a mi padre. Once a man came to the house to kill my father. Once a man came to the house to kill my father. Vous êtes plus grandes que moi. You're taller than me. You're bigger than me. Te extrañamos. We miss you. We missed you. Lo sciopero generale ha paralizzato l'intero paese. The general strike paralyzed the whole country. The general strike has paralyzed the whole country. Débarrassez-vous d'eux ! Get rid of them. Get rid of them! Está mejorado. It's improved. It's improved. Comment t'en souviens-tu ? How do you remember that? How do you remember? Elle disparut. She vanished. She's gone. Tom tiene una importante decisión que hacer antes del próximo lunes. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Uite, ninge! Look, it's snowing! Look, snow! Grazie per essere rimasto con Tom. Thanks for staying with Tom. Thank you for staying with Tom. Ella habla siempre con una sonrisa en sus labios. She always talks with a smile on her lips. She always talks with a smile on her lips. Spero che ti piacciano le torte al cioccolato. I hope you like chocolate cake. I hope you like chocolate cakes. Invitai alcuni amici per una festa. I invited some friends for a party. I invited some friends to a party. La Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo lugar entre 1914 y 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. World War I took place between 1914 and 1918. Io non arriverò fin dopo le due. I shall not arrive until after two. I won't be here till two o'clock. O Tom precisa chamar um médico. Tom needs to call a doctor. Tom needs to call a doctor. Entra a la pieza después que yo. Come into the room after me. Get in the piece after me. Vuoi andare a nuotare? Do you want to go for a swim? Do you want to go swimming? ¿Oyes el gato? Quiere entrar. Can you hear the cat? She's wanting in. You hear the cat? "Tal vez no tenga novia, pero al menos soy rico", dijo Tom. "I may not have a girlfriend, but at least I'm rich," said Tom. "Maybe I don't have a girlfriend, but at least I'm rich," Tom said. Quisiera información más detallada. I'd like more detailed information. I would like more detailed information. Riflettei sul problema. I reflected on the problem. I thought about the problem. Tu avresti dovuto accettarlo il suo consiglio. You should have accepted her advice. You should have accepted his advice. L'amour est en grande partie une question de chance. Love is largely a matter of luck. Love is largely a matter of chance. Eu me pergunto por que Tom é tão cooperativo. I wonder why Tom is so cooperative. I wonder why Tom is so cooperative. Debes ser fuerte. You must be strong. You must be strong. Nessuno vuole aiutarla. Nobody wants to help her. No one wants to help you. Ella pulsó el interruptor. She pressed the switch. She pulsed the switch. Tom sabia como fazer isso. Tom knew how to do that. Tom knew how to do that. Ele foi tão imaturo, ele não pôde resistir à tentação. He was so immature, he couldn't resist the temptation. He was so immature, he couldn't resist temptation. J'espère que je ne vous ai pas réveillée. I hope I haven't woken you up. I hope I didn't wake you up. Sume usted esta columna de cifras. Add up this column of figures. You add this column of figures. Mio padre è preoccupato per la mia salute. Father is anxious about my health. My dad's worried about my health. Él estaba totalmente borracho. He was totally drunk. He was totally drunk. Tom está preparado para aceitar as consequências. Tom is prepared to accept the consequences. Tom is prepared to accept the consequences. A me non è mai piaciuta la scuola. I never liked school. I never liked school. Qual era il popolo originario qui? Who were the original people here? What was the original people here? Trois jours après la mort, les cheveux et les ongles continuent à pousser mais les appels téléphoniques se font plus rares. For three days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off. Three days after death, hair and nails continue to grow but telephone calls are rarer. Tom ficou ofendido por eu não ter ido à sua festa de aniversário. Tom was offended because I didn't go to his birthday party. Tom was offended that I didn't go to your birthday party. ¿Tes talles máis pequenos? Do you have smaller sizes? Do you have smaller cuts? Sto provando a cercare la persona che ha fatto questo. I'm trying to find the person who did this. I'm trying to find the person who did this. Il ne peut le lire. He can't read it. He can't read it. Nós temos um pouco de tempo sobrando. We have a little time left. We've got a little time left. Eu traduzi a carta do Tom em francês. I translated Tom's letter into French. I translated Tom's letter into French. Je peux tout manger sauf les oignons. I can eat anything but onions. I can eat everything except onions. Tom costuma remover ervas daninhas de seu jardim pela manhã cedo. Tom usually weeds his garden early in the morning. Tom usually removes weeds from his garden early in the morning. Connaissez-vous quiconque, ici ? Do you know anyone here? Do you know anyone here? O que você está escrevendo? What're you writing? What are you writing? Prețul cafelei s-a mărit cu aproape 50% în șase luni. Coffee prices have jumped almost 50% in six months. The price of coffee has increased by almost 50% in six months. O calitate importantă a oțelului este rezistența sa. An important quality of steel is its strength. An important quality of steel is its resistance. No quiero morir mañana. I don't want to die tomorrow. I don't want to die tomorrow. Teu namorado está te traindo. Your boyfriend is cheating on you. Your boyfriend's cheating on you. Aqueth caishau que bolega. This tooth is loose. Aqueth caishau that bolega. Nous t'aimons toutes. We all like you. We all love you. Vei putea folosi întotdeauna dicţionarul meu. You may always use my dictionary. You'll always be able to use my dictionary. Si tuviera tiempo de hacerlo, lo haría. If I had time to do that, I would. If I had time to, I would. Această care descrie viaţa japonezilor, aşa cum era acum o sută de ani. This novel describes the life of the Japanese as it was a hundred years ago. This one that describes the lives of the Japanese, as it was a hundred years ago. Ai un prezervativ? Do you have a condom? Do you have a condom? Possèdes-tu des animaux domestiques ? Do you have any pets? Do you own pets? Sunt fericit. I feel happy. I'm happy. Edimburgo, ci incontriamo ancora! Edinburgh, we meet again! Edinburgh, we'll meet again! ¿Dónde están vuestras cosas? Where are your things? Where are your things? Tom é forte como um touro. Tom is as strong as an ox. Tom's as strong as a bull. È ancora là con lei, vero? She's still there with you, isn't she? She's still there with you, isn't she? No creo que él pueda hacer eso. I don't think he can do that. I don't think he can do that. Quelle est la couleur naturelle de vos cheveux? What is your natural hair color? What is the natural color of your hair? Quel tizio è un guastafeste. That guy is a party spoiler. That guy's a mess. Creo que Tom puede que sea un genio. I think Tom may be a genius. I think Tom might be a genius. No recorde on el vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Nulla di quello che ha detto Tom era vero. None of what Tom said was true. None of what Tom said was true. Esto es estupendo. This is great. This is great. Él se baña todas las mañanas. He has a bath every morning. He bathes every morning. Io lavoravo per lui. I worked for him. I was working for him. L'é un côl tôrt. He is a bigot. It's a dead end. Prends une bouchée ! Take a bite. Get the fuck out of here! Combien d'élèves y a-t-il dans votre université ? How many students are there in your university? How many students are there in your university? A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At first, Meg had a bad place to live. Você acha que há alguma possibilidade de Tom saber o número de telefone de Maria? Do you think there's any chance that Tom knows Mary's phone number? Do you think there's any chance Tom knows Maria's phone number? Un'automobile ha quattro ruote. An automobile has four wheels. A car has four wheels. Eu não podia falar francês quando cheguei lá. I couldn't speak French when I first got there. I couldn't speak French when I got there. Lei è in chiesa in questo momento. She is at church right now. She's in church right now. Indossi il cappello. Put on the hat. Take the hat. Trebuie să fie o greșeală. This must be a mistake. It must be a mistake. Nu-mi place să învăț verbe neregulate. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like to learn irregular verbs. Después de ganar a la lotería, ella se dio un atracón de compras. After winning the lottery she went on a shopping binge. After winning the lottery, she gave herself a shoplifting. Non me ne andrò senza di lei. I won't leave without you. I'm not leaving without her. Que soi contentat. I'm satisfied. I'm happy. Vous ne devriez pas vous trouver là-dedans. You shouldn't be in here. You shouldn't find yourself in there. Siusplau renteu-vos les mans com cal abans de menjar. Please wash your hands properly before eating. Please wash your hands as needed before eating. Què ha passat amb el meu passaport? What has happened to my passport? What happened to my passport? Ele botou um boné na cabeça. He put a cap on his head. He put a cap on his head. Tom é nome de um homem e Mary é um nome de uma mulher. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Alguien nos envenenó. Somebody poisoned us. Someone poisoned us. Tom est un excellent avocat. Tom is an excellent lawyer. Tom's an excellent lawyer. Il prit un miroir et examina sa langue. He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue. He took a mirror and examined his language. Deveríamos contar isso a ele. We should let him know. We should tell him that. Urăsc chimia. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Sóc feliç amb la meva xicota. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. No puedo explicar todo ahora. I can't explain everything now. I can't explain everything now. Tenemos dos perros, tres gatos y seis pollos. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. J'ai acheté plusieurs guides, mais aucun d'eux ne m'a aidé. I bought several guidebooks, none of which helped me. I bought several guides, but none of them helped me. Ele recebeu o primeiro prémio. He got the first prize. He got the first prize. L'ha detto a sua madre? Have you told his mother? Did he tell his mother? Forse hai ragione. Perhaps you are right. Maybe you're right. Puedo ver a Tom. I can see Tom. I can see Tom. Es demasiado lejos para ir andando. It's too far to walk. It's too far to walk. Tom fa innervosire tutti. Tom makes everyone nervous. Tom makes everyone nervous. Temos cinco tipos de kebab. We have five kinds of kebab. We have five kinds of kebab. Questa è la storia della mia vita. That's the story of my life. This is the story of my life. No puc recordar on el vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I can't remember where I bought it. Sono un fottuto economista. I'm a fucking economist. I'm a fucking economist. Avete chiamato il 911? Did you call 911? Did you call 911? La bistecca aveva un sapore meraviglioso. The beefsteak tasted marvelous. The steak had a wonderful taste. Non ho lavorato. I didn't work. I didn't work. Elle est étudiante à l'université. She is a college student. She's a college student. Você vai à festa? Are you going to the party? Are you going to the party? Tom a l'ha dit ch'a podìa nèn chërde sòn. Tom said that he couldn't believe it. Tom said he could've done no son-in-law. Il tuo destino è nelle mie mani. Your fate is in my hands. Your destiny is in my hands. Mi rado quasi ogni giorno. I shave almost every day. I miss almost every day. Deve aiutarli. You've got to help them. You have to help them. C'est bien, là ; ni trop lourd ni trop léger. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. It's good, there; not too heavy or too light. J'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour y réfléchir. I need some time to think about it. I need a little time to think about it. On és el sol? Where is the sun? Where's the sun? Lei la costruì. She built it. She built it. "Soy demasiado grande para jugar con bichos," dijo el muchacho. "I'm too old to be playing with bugs," said the boy. "I'm too big to play with bugs," said the boy. Puedes hacer una tarta con harina, leche y un huevo. You can make a cake with flour and milk and an egg. You can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg. Mamá, ¿Por qué no limpia papá su estudio? Mum, why doesn't Dad clean his own study? Mom, why don't you clean Dad's studio? Beu un got d'aigua tots els matins. He drinks a glass of water every morning. Drink a glass of water every morning. Este é o saco do meu professor. This is my teacher's bag. This is my teacher's bag. Hai moitos cadros na parede. There are many paintings on the wall. There are many paintings on the wall. Tom e Mary têm até segunda-feira para terminar o relatório que estão escrevendo. Tom and Mary have until Monday to finish the report they're writing. Tom and Mary have until Monday to finish the report they're writing. Vous n'avez pas besoin de gagner des millions pour être heureux. You don't need millions to be happy. You don't need to earn millions to be happy. El padre pedía venganza contra el hombre que desfloró a su hija. The father asked for revenge against the man who deflowered his daughter. The father asked for revenge on the man who deflowered his daughter. Me desculpe se eu acordei você. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'm sorry if I woke you up. Lascia tornare a casa Tom. Let Tom go home. Let Tom come home. Soy argentino. I am Argentinean. I'm Argentine. Vi andrebbe di prendere un caffè insieme? Would you like to get a coffee together? Would you like to have some coffee together? J'ai reçu ton message hier. I received your message yesterday. I got your message yesterday. No trabajo. I do not work. I don't work. Vamos, apura. Come on, hurry up. Come on, hurry up. Je ne vous ai jamais vu ainsi. I've never seen you like this. I've never seen you like this. J'y étais hier. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Mersi. Thanks. Thank you. Los niños encontraron regalos navideños escondidos debajo de la cama. Children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed. The children found Christmas gifts hidden under the bed. Este país se tornou uma plutocracia. This country has become a plutocracy. This country has become a plutocracy. Talvez você possa ajudar. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Aceasta masă gigantică ocupă toată camera. This giant table occupies the entire room. This giant table takes over the whole room. J'ai un merveilleux plan. I have a wonderful plan. I have a wonderful plan. Pásenla bien. Enjoy yourself. Have a good time. La música no és una llengua, però algunes llengües són música per les meves orelles. Music is not a language. But some languages are music to my ears. Music is not a language, but some languages are music for my ears. Layla è tornata adesso. Layla is back now. Layla's back now. Tom pisou no meu pé. Tom stepped on my foot. Tom stepped on my foot. Te parás y cerrás la puerta. You stand up and close the door. You stand and close the door. È molto egoista, vero? He's very selfish, isn't he? He's very selfish, isn't he? Ho molte amiche berbere. I have many Berber friends. I've got a lot of Berber friends. Sono meloni. They are melons. They're melons. "Tu non sei messicana?" "Sì, anche se ora vivo in Argentina." "Aren't you Mexican?" "Yes, though now I live in Argentina." "Are you not Mexican?" "Yes, even though I live in Argentina now." Io non penso che a vostra madre piacerà. I don't think your mother will like it. I don't think your mother's gonna like it. Tata e plecat acum. Father is away now. Dad's gone now. Deve avere caldo. She must be hot. Must be hot. Tu ferais mieux d'aller chez toi immédiatement. You'd better go home at once. You'd better go home right away. Voi credete veramente ai fantasmi? Do you really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? ¿Qué tal este sombrero rojo? How about this red hat? How about this red hat? I l'hai duvertà n'euj. I opened one eye. And you doubted him. Acest zgomot continuu mă înnebunește. This incessant noise drives me mad. This noise keeps driving me crazy. És tot el que pots fer. It's all you can really do. That's all you can do. Vòli hèra mei. I want a lot more. All right, all right, all right, all right. Yo también debo comer. I have to eat, too. I must eat too. Háblanos sobre ellos. Tell us about them. Tell us about them. Io ho corso dei rischi. I took risks. I took risks. O primeira base é o talón de Aquiles do noso equipo. The first baseman is the Achilles heel of our team. The first base is the Achilles heel on our team. Sembla que en Tom no sap parlar francès. It seems Tom can't speak French. Tom doesn't seem to speak French. Nu știu de ce Tom a renunțat la job. I don't know why Tom quit his job. I don't know why Tom quit the job. O chão deve ser muito limpo. The floor must be very clean. The floor must be very clean. Questo articolo contiene alcune idee davvero nuove. This article contains some genuinely new ideas. This article contains some really new ideas. Este libro es verde. This book is green. This book is green. ¿Cuántas patas tiene un ciempiés? How many legs does a centipede have? How many paws do you have? El şi-a terminat treaba, nu-i aşa? He has finished his work, hasn't he? He finished his job, didn't he? Creo que deberían pensar en su futuro. I think you should think about the future. I think they should think about their future. Vorbind. Speaking. Speaking. C'était presque impossible. It used to be nearly impossible. It was almost impossible. Precisamos coller ese bus. We need to take that bus. We need to take that bus. Vous devriez manger plus, sinon vous ne vous rétablirez pas avant longtemps. You should eat more, or you won't get well soon. You should eat more, otherwise you won't be back for long. Mwen te timid. I was shy. I was shy. J'eus une bonne nuit de repos. I had a good night's rest. I had a good night's rest. É bem raro o Tom fazer isso. Tom very seldom does that. It's pretty rare Tom's doing that. È molto teso. He's very tense. It's very hard. Lei ignora anche la più semplice nozione di scienze. She is ignorant of even the simplest fact about science. She also ignores the simplest notion of science. ¡Céntrese! Focus! Get the fuck out of here! Tom tem uma personalidade forte. Tom has a strong personality. Tom has a strong personality. Tout en haïssant l'usage de la force, nous reconnaissons la nécessité de la loi et l'ordre. While we hate force, we recognize the need for law and order. While hating the use of force, we recognize the need for law and order. Je déteste attendre ainsi. I hate waiting like this. I hate waiting like this. No te deseo. I don't want you. I don't want you. ¿Crees que Tom estaba satisfecho? Do you think Tom was satisfied? You think Tom was satisfied? ¿Pueden ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Harry est tombé gravement malade. Harry fell seriously ill. Harry fell seriously ill. Sono troppo pigra per fare i miei compiti. I'm too lazy to do my homework. I'm too lazy to do my homework. Estou ocupado, então não posso ir. I'm busy, so I can't go. I'm busy, so I can't go. Me siento claustrofóbica. I'm feeling claustrophobic. I feel claustrophobic. Il braccio di Tom ha dovuto essere amputato. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Cada día nace gente talentosa. Talented people are born every day. Every day talented people are born. Da, se întâmplă din când în când. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens from time to time. Ces personnes âgées fabriquent des vêtements pour hommes. Those old people manufacture men's clothes. These elderly people make men's clothing. Tom travaillera dur. Tom will work hard. Tom will work hard. La gente non ha raggiunto un consenso sulla tassazione. The people did not reach consensus on taxation. People have not reached a consensus on taxation. Ci sono 5 uscite su questo aeroplano. There are 5 exits on this plane. There are 5 exits on this plane. Estudamos Inglês todos os dias. We learn English every day. We study English every day. Tom sta compilando un modulo di domanda di lavoro. Tom is filling out a job application form. Tom's compiling a job application form. ¿No hablaste con Tom? Didn't you talk to Tom? Didn't you talk to Tom? Estaba a punto de salir cuando sonó el teléfono. He was about to go out when the telephone rang. I was about to leave when the phone rang. Dipingere è un'altra cosa che so fare abbastanza bene. Painting is another thing I can do fairly well. Painting is another thing I can do pretty well. Am o mahmureală azi. I have a hangover today. I have a hangover today. Ne m'attaque pas ! Don't attack me. Don't attack me! Há pessoas que não gostam de ir para a cama cedo. There are people who don't like to go to bed early. There are people who don't like going to bed early. Non ho niente da dirvi. I have nothing to say to you. I have nothing to tell you. Está realmente nervoso. He's really angry. You're really nervous. Diga "aah". Say "aah." Say "aah." J'étais agacée. I was frustrated. I was upset. No estoy seguro de por qué Tom dijo esas cosas, pero apuesto que ahora desearía no haberlo hecho. I'm not sure why Tom said those things, but I bet he now wishes he hadn't. I'm not sure why Tom said those things, but I bet he would now wish he hadn't. Il allait se coucher à onze heures d'habitude. He usually went to bed at eleven. He was going to bed at eleven o'clock in the habit. O menino fugiu. The boy ran away. The boy ran away. El amor no conoce límites. Love knows no limits. Love knows no bounds. Filho, não seja tolo! Son, don't be foolish! Son, don't be silly! Six personnes ont posé leurs candidatures pour le job, mais aucune d'entre elles n'a été employée. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. Marie travaille pour une ONG en Afrique. Mary works for an NGO in Africa. Marie works for an NGO in Africa. Él no fuma. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. J'ai quelque chose à vous dire : j'ai menti lorsque j'ai dit que je ne savais pas. I have something to tell you. I lied when I said I didn't know. I have something to say to you: I lied when I said I didn't know. Io vorrei attraversare gli Stati Uniti d'America con una decappottabile. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I would like to cross the United States of America with a convertible. Você não tem nada a dizer? You don't have anything to say about it, do you? Don't you have anything to say? Lo son roman navèth vau la pena d'estar lejut. His new novel is worth reading. His naveth novel is worth being hurt. ¿Podes describir a relación supervisor - subordinado ideal? Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? Can you describe the supervisory relationship - ideal subordinate? Serios? No kidding? Really? Dove ha dormito Tom la scorsa notte? Where did Tom sleep last night? Where did Tom sleep last night? La sivdad kapitala de Fransya es Paris. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital city of Fransya is Paris. Eu espero que ninguém roube minhas coisas. I hope that nobody steals my stuff. I hope no one steals my stuff. Se seis serras serram seis ciprestes, seiscentas serras serram seiscentos ciprestes. If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws will saw six hundred cypresses. If six saws were six cypresses, six hundred saws saw six hundred cypresses. I sai nèn përchè ch'i dev fé sòn-sì. I don't know why I have to do this. You don't know why I have to do that. Simplemente odio ver llorar a Tom. I just hate to see Tom cry. I just hate to see Tom cry. Era liniștea de dinaintea furtunii. It was the calm before the storm. It was quiet before the storm. ¿No es suficiente para ti? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Tom preferisce studiare la notte. Tom prefers studying at night. Tom prefers to study the night. Hace años que no nos vemos. We haven't met for ages. We haven't seen each other in years. Aqueth cafè qu'ei amar. This coffee tastes bitter. That coffee is love. ¿Qué tan fácil es encontrar trabajo a tiempo parcial? How easy is it to find a part-time job? How easy is finding part-time work? Nu uita să pui un timbru pe scrisoarea ta. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Un monument a fost ridicat în memoria persoanei decedate. A monument was erected in memory of the deceased. A monument was erected in memory of the deceased. Lei non si deve preoccupare. You don't need to worry. You don't have to worry. Il n'y a rien de tel que son chez-soi. There is no place like home. There's nothing like his home. Você não quer fazer isso? Do you want to do it? Don't you want to do that? Il a été choisi pour capitaine. He was chosen captain. He was chosen as captain. Mi dimenticherà un giorno. You'll forget about me someday. He'll forget me one day. Vous avez torturé un prisonnier. You tortured a prisoner. You tortured a prisoner. Tengo que explicar un par de cosas. I need to explain a few things. I have to explain a couple of things. O que a moça quer saber? What does the girl want to know? What does the lady want to know? Nadie puede saberlo todo. No one can know everything. No one can know everything. Quelles sont tes qualifications ? What are your qualification? What are your qualifications? Je ne sais rien encore. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. Los dròlles que jogavan a l'ostau. The children were playing at keeping house. The drugs they threw at the hostage. Me ajuda! Help me. Help me! Pouvez-vous m'enseigner comment faire cela ? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do this? Ne puoi essere sicuro? Can you be sure? Can you be sure? J'étais impatient de te rencontrer. I was looking forward to meeting you. I was looking forward to meeting you. Desde que rompió con él, le ha estado poniendo verde delante de todos sus amigos. Ever since he broke up with her she's been talking trash about him to all her friends. Ever since he broke up with him, he's been putting green before all his friends. Tom a depus o plângere. Tom filed a complaint. Tom filed a complaint. Que son los mens líbers. Those are my books. That's the mens libers. Chi crederà a lui? Who's going to believe him? Who will believe him? ¿Te gusta el té? Do you like tea? Do you like tea? Tom no tiene exactamente una coartada hermética. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. El pardal tenia una ala trencada. The bird's wing was broken. The pardal had a broken wing. ¿Cósa de tu nombre? What is your name? What about your name? Aș vrea să nu fi spus ceea ce am zis. I wish I could take back what I said. I wish I hadn't said what I said. Me siento más despierto después de tomar una taza de café. I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee. I feel more awake after having a cup of coffee. Est-ce ce que Tom voulait dire ? Is that what Tom meant? Is that what Tom meant? Tu hai Halloween e il Giorno del ringraziamento. You have Halloween and Thanksgiving Day. You have Halloween and Thanksgiving. Hoy he visto una estrella. I saw a star today. I saw a star today. A torre vai desabar. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will collapse. Me agarré con fuerza a la cuerda para no caer. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I grabbed the rope so I wouldn't fall. Eu poderei lhe arranjar um cobertor, se você precisar de um. I could get you a blanket if you need one. I can get you a blanket if you need one. Siete soddisfatti. You're satisfied. You're satisfied. Eu não entendo o que você está dizendo. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I don't understand what you're saying. Tú tiene un agudo sentido de dirección. You have a sharp sense of direction. You have an acute sense of direction. Isto não te diz respeito. This is none of your business. This doesn't concern you. Sus mâinile. Up with your hands. Hands up. Hay alguien a la puerta. Someone is at the door. There's someone at the door. El matrimonio precipitado rara vez tiene éxito. Hasty marriage seldom succeeds. Precipitated marriage is rarely successful. Encendí un cerillo en la oscuridad. I struck a match in the darkness. I lit a hill in the dark. De qué hascotz ? What did you make? What are you talking about? Assim como o seu pai, ele tem vários livros. Like his father, he has many books. Like your father, he's got a lot of books. En esta ocasión es diferente. This time it's different. This time it's different. Eu acho que isso é meu. I think this is mine. I think that's mine. Mi restituì i soldi. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money. Não fique com vergonha. Don't be shy. Don't be ashamed. Le cochon engraisse. The pig is growing fat. The pig fattens. Il a rejeté notre proposition. He rejected our offer. He rejected our proposal. O que você disse? I beg your pardon? What did you say? O Tom conheceu sua esposa enquanto estava estudando na Austrália. Tom met his wife while he was studying in Australia. Tom met his wife while he was studying in Australia. Todo mundo costumava ter um desses. Everybody used to have one of these. Everybody used to have one of those. Tom está convencido de que todo mundo o odeia. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. Le pregunté si podía coser por mí. I asked whether she could sew for me. I asked him if he could sew for me. La casa è stata venduta per un milione di dollari. The house was sold for one million dollars. The house was sold for a million dollars. Gli ho fatto mettere a posto il mio orologio. I had him fix my watch. I made him fix my watch. Colorao el color de ese. Its color is red. Color that color. Estava pensando em você. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Tom e Mary sono inesperti. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Eu teria esperado. I would've waited. I would have waited. Je présenterai mes excuses. I'll apologize. I'll apologize. Eles devem estar esperando por você. They must be waiting for you. They must be waiting for you. La rosa è un fiore e la colomba è un uccello. The rose is a flower and the dove is a bird. The rose is a flower and the dove is a bird. Tom é formado em engenharia. Tom has a degree in engineering. Tom is trained in engineering. Ça ne vaut pas le dérangement. It is not worth the trouble. It's not worth the inconvenience. Tom restò indietro. Tom remained behind. Tom stayed back. El helicóptero está suspendido en el aire. The helicopter is at a hover. The helicopter is suspended in the air. Tatăl meu nu e acasă în acest moment. My dad is not home at the moment. My dad's not home right now. Tom écrit très bien. Tom writes very well. Tom wrote very well. Quale corso consigliate? Which course do you recommend? What course do you recommend? Les prix sont sujets à changement sans préavis. The prices are subject to change without notice. Prices are subject to change without notice. ¿Alguien te vio? Did anybody see you? Did someone see you? Na cama aou durmi la mio moza nun fae fríu. In the bed where my girlfriend sleeps it is not cold In the bed ao sleeps my girl no fae fríu. Vous ai-je demandé votre opinion ? Did I ask your opinion? Did I ask your opinion? Que penses-tu qu'elle soit en train de faire ? What do you think she is doing now? What do you think she's doing? Eso depende de usted. That depends on you. That's up to you. Sei un perdente, Tom. You're a loser, Tom. You're a loser, Tom. Necesito parlantes nuevos para mi PC. I need new speakers for my PC. I need new speakers for my PC. Me podría meter en problemas si hiciera aquello. I could get in trouble if I did that. I could get in trouble if I did that. Perché volete vederci? Why do you want to see us? Why do you want to see us? Como é que vocês normalmente decidem o que comer? How do you usually decide what to eat? How do you usually decide what to eat? Nu se poate în ambele moduri. You can't have it both ways. It can't be in both ways. Ma mère se lève plus tôt que je ne le fais. My mother gets up earlier than I do. My mother gets up sooner than I do. Él es la persona más floja que conozco. He's the laziest person I know. He's the lazyst person I know. J'aime ceux-ci. I like these. I love them. No os andéis con rodeos. Don't beat around the bush. Don't walk around. Tinon an mwen sé Itchiro. My name is Ichiro. I know Itchiro. Encontrei as luvas que estavam embaixo da cadeira. I found the gloves that were under the chair. I found the gloves under the chair. Quiere yo sabé si verdad ese. I'd like to know if that's true. He wants me to know if that's true. Su pobre perro está todavía vivo. His poor dog is still alive. His poor dog is still alive. Tom legge a sua figlia. Tom reads to his daughter. Tom reads to his daughter. A promis să nu spună. He promised not to tell. He promised not to say. Estabamos a cociñar tempura naquel momento. We were cooking tempura at that time. We were cooking time at the time. J'ai envie de lire quelque chose dans le train. I want something to read on the train. I want to read something on the train. Impactul științei asupra societății este mare. The impact of science on society is great. The impact of science on society is great. Il trouve ça difficile de résoudre ses problèmes. He is finding it difficult to solve his problems. He finds it difficult to solve his problems. Qual è il problema con quello? What's the problem with that? What's the matter with that? El compune poezii frumoase. He composes beautiful poems. He composes beautiful poems. La bahía bioluminiscente fue lo mejor de nuestro viaje. The bioluminescent bay was the highlight of our trip. The bioluminescent bay was the best of our journey. Pranziamo! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Ne me traite pas comme si j'étais un enfant. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like I was a child. I-am sfătuit să înceapă devreme. We advised them to start early. I advised them to start early. Que ns'encaminèm. We started to walk. Let's go on our way. ¿Le invitaste? Did you invite him? You invited him? Dintre toți jucătorii de baseball faimoși, el se evidențiază ca fiind un geniu. Of all the famous baseball players, he stands out as a genius. Of all the famous baseball players, he highlights himself as a genius. Ella le identificó como el asesino. She identified him as the murderer. She identified him as the killer. Io penso che Tom sia obbediente. I think Tom is obedient. I think Tom's obedient. Mary misurò due tazze di riso per la ricetta. Mary measured out two cups of rice for the recipe. Mary mixed two cups of rice for the recipe. Toma a trăit în Boston pentru aproape zece ani. Tom has been living in Boston for almost ten years. Toma lived in Boston for almost ten years. Je dois me rendre à la banque. I have to go to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Loro stavano parlando in tedesco. They were speaking German. They were speaking in German. La meva família d'acollida m'aconsella sovint. My host family often advises me. My foster family often advises me. Gli ho consigliato di smettere di fumare. I advised him to give up smoking. I advised him to stop smoking. Você está me provocando? Are you teasing me? Are you teasing me? Qual é a sua média de notas? What's your grade point average? What's your average grade? Pourriez-vous m'expliquer le sens de cette phrase ? Will you please explain the meaning of this sentence to me? Could you explain to me the meaning of this sentence? Ell es va caure i es va fer mal a la cama. He fell and hurt his leg. He fell and hurt his leg. No quiero tu dinero. I don't want your money. I don't want your money. Nimeni nu poate prevedea ce se va întâmpla. Nobody can foresee what'll happen. No one can predict what's going to happen. Il n'y avait pas de décision facile. There were no easy decisions. There was no easy decision. C'est un grand farceur. He is a big prankster. He's a big joker. Bătrâna i-a zâmbit nepoatei. The old lady smiled at her granddaughter. The old woman smiled at her niece. Je vais vous donner une chance additionnelle. I'm going to give you one more chance. I'll give you an extra chance. Eu acho que você está imaginando coisas. I think you're imagining things. I think you're imagining things. Não utilize nenhum adaptador AC ou cabo de alimentação AC além dos que foram fornecidos. Do not use a power cord other than the supplied AC adaptor and AC power cord. Do not use any AC adapter or AC power cable other than those provided. Que tens fil i agulla? Do you have needle and thread? What do you have wire and needle? Él hizo todo lo que pudo para rescatarla. He did his best to rescue her. He did everything he could to rescue her. La zuppa era saporita? Was the soup tasty? Was the soup tasty? Ela poderia morrer. She could die. She could die. Ma chambre est exposée à l'est. My room faces east. My room is exposed east. Tom não gosta da minha família. Tom doesn't like my family. Tom doesn't like my family. Ho finito i miei compiti com difficoltà. I finished my homework with difficulty. I've finished my homework with difficulty. Preferisce il tè al caffè. He prefers tea to coffee. He prefers coffee tea. ¿Por qué está usted tan feliz? Why are you so happy? Why are you so happy? Tom sapeva che ero occupata. Tom knew I was busy. Tom knew I was busy. Em posaré en contacte amb tu. I will get in touch with you. I'll get in touch with you. Te la sei meritata. You deserved it. You deserved it. Savez-vous où se trouve la gare ? Do you know where the train station is? Do you know where the train station is? Mon ami est gay et il trouve que les cunnilingus sont dégoûtants. My friend is gay and he thinks that cunnilingus is disgusting. My friend is gay and he finds the cunnilingus disgusting. Pour combien de temps a-t-il été absent ? How long has he been absent? How long has he been absent? De onde sos? Where are you from? Where are you from? El meu germà és tan intel·ligent i enginyós que no li puc guanyar en una discussió. My brother is so smart and witty that I cannot beat him in an argument. My brother is so clever and resourceful that I can't win him a fight. Vois-tu un inconvénient à ce que je fume ? Do you mind if I smoke? Do you see a problem with what I smoke? Creo que a él no le gusta aquí. I think he doesn't like it here. I don't think he likes it here. Je n'ai besoin que de quelques heures pour achever ce rapport. I just need a few hours to finish this report. I only need a few hours to complete this report. Să decidem ce avem de decis, apoi să ne împărțim in două echipe, OK? Let's decide what needs to be decided, then let's split into two teams, OK? Let's decide what we have to decide, then split up into two teams, okay? No son idiotas. They're not stupid. They're not idiots. Poate putem ajunge la o înțelegere. Maybe we can make a deal. Maybe we can get to a deal. Io sono ancora deluso. I'm still disappointed. I'm still disappointed. Estoy deseando que llegue. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. L'orologio si è rotto. The watch broke down. The clock's broken. Cuando si Tom ulihi ya vené aquí? When was the last time Tom came here? When did Tom olihi come here? A montanha estava coberta de neve. The mountain was covered with snow. The mountain was covered in snow. Tuve la suerte de encontrar un buen trabajo. I had the luck to find a good job. I was lucky to find a good job. J'ai été condamnée. I was convicted. I was convicted. Mia, no çe femmo descreuve, maniman ne scöxiscian! Look, don't let anyone find us, we will end up being put to shame! Mia, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Eu só falo francês em casa com os meus pais. I only speak French at home with my parents. I only speak French at home with my parents. Él se salvó por poco de ser atropellado. He narrowly escaped being run over. He narrowly saved himself from being run over. Ce qui ne nous tue pas ne fait que nous renforcer. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. What doesn't kill us only strengthens us. Cum vă simțiți acum? How do you feel now? How do you feel now? No puedo estar de acuerdo contigo. I cannot agree with you. I can't agree with you. Ils ont porté l'eau dans des seaux. They carried water in buckets. They brought water in buckets. Dove le hai affettate? Where did you slice them? Where did you hit them? El país permaneció neutral durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. That country remained neutral throughout World War II. The country remained neutral during World War II. Ella acostumbra quedarse despierta toda la noche. She is used to staying up all night. She gets used to staying awake all night. Tu le connais ? Do you know him? Do you know him? ¡El internet no puede cometer crímenes! The internet can't commit crimes! The internet can't commit crimes! Tatăl meu a cumpărat o mașină nouă. My father bought a new car. My father bought a new car. Loro ti fanno il sandwich proprio sotto gli occhi. They make the sandwich right in front of your eyes. They make you a sandwich right under your eyes. A súa casa queda preto do metro. His house is near the subway. His house is near the subway. A chuva forte causou uma inundação, provocando estragos. The heavy rain brought the flood, causing damage. The heavy rain caused a flood, causing damage. L'un d'eux est allé se cacher. One of them went to hide. One of them went to hide. Nous avons trouvé ce garçon plongé dans un sommeil profond. We found the boy sound asleep. We found this boy immersed in a deep sleep. Soy estudiante de la universidad Hyogo. I am a student at Hyogo University. I'm a student at Hyogo University. Hay nueve millones de bicicletas en Pekín. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. Você está cada dia mais bonito. You get more and more beautiful every day. You're getting prettier every day. Non posso credere che lo abbia fatto! I can't believe he did that! I can't believe he did it! Ele foi à escola de carro. He went to school by car. He went to car school. Tchau! Bye. Bye! ¿Por qué no le has dicho a Tom que debe 300 dólares? Why haven't you told Tom that he owes 300 dollars? Why didn't you tell Tom he owed $300? Loro si sono baciate. They kissed. They kissed. Mi può portare a casa? Can you take me home? Can you take me home? Elle quitta la ferme pour se rendre à la ville. She left the farm to go to the city. She left the farm to go to town. Je pense que Tom a besoin de points de suture. I think Tom needs stitches. I think Tom needs suture points. Mi madre insiste en que no salga después de que oscurezca. My mother insists that I should not go out after dark. My mother insists she doesn't leave after dark. Dopo la prima portata arriva il piatto principale. After the entrée comes the main dish. After the first stretch comes the main dish. Tom no ha tocado la guitarra en años. Tom hasn't played the guitar for years. Tom hasn't played the guitar in years. Le garçon avait le ventre plein. The boy was full. The boy had a full belly. J'aime la natation. I enjoy swimming. I like swimming. Tom non si è ancora scusato. Tom still hasn't apologized. Tom hasn't apologized yet. Io aspetterò Tom. I'll wait up for Tom. I'll wait for Tom. Chi sei, amico? Who are you, friend? Who are you, man? Ahora yo también estoy resfriado. Now I have a headache, too. Now I'm cold too. Para ser sincero, eu não notei. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. To be honest, I didn't notice. Io sarò a casa entro le cinque. I will be home by five. I'll be home by 5:00. Eles estavam jogando tênis. They were playing tennis. They were playing tennis. Cât de mare e casa lui Tom? How big is Tom's house? How big is Tom's house? Rovesciò il suo drink sul mio smoking. She spilled her drink all over my tuxedo. He poured his drink on my tuxedo. Ea a chiulit deseori. She often skipped class. She's shut up often. Tom me disse que acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom told me that he thinks Mary is cute. Tom told me you think Mary's cute. Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter ? Do you have anything to add? Do you have anything to add? Não adianta discutir por isso. There's no use arguing about it. It's no use arguing about that. Tom n'a jamais embrassé quelqu'un publiquement. Tom has never kissed anyone in public. Tom never kissed anyone publicly. ¿Dónde está mi celular? Where's my mobile? Where's my cell phone? Tom è molto modesto. Tom is very modest. Tom's very modest. ¿Cuánto duró la Guerra de los Cien Años? How long did the Hundred-Year War last? How long did the Hundred Years' War last? Désolé, je ne peux pas te laisser rester ici. Sorry, I can't let you stay here. Sorry, I can't let you stay here. Un bon docteur est bien disposé à l'égard de ses patients. A good doctor is sympathetic to his patients. A good doctor is well prepared for his patients. Et dono cinc dòlars. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five bucks. Tom è andato a fare shopping in un centro commerciale. Tom went shopping at a department store. Tom went shopping in a mall. Isso é uma piada? Is this a joke? Is that a joke? Nu mă pot gândi la nimeni care să te urască mai mult ca Tom. I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom does. I can't think of anyone who would hate you more than Tom. Cum pot să spun asta în limba ta? How can I say that in your language? How can I say that in your language? Quel est votre dentifrice préféré ? What's your favorite toothpaste? What's your favorite toothpaste? Îmi place Crăciunul. I love Christmas. I like Christmas. Não falo inglês tão bem quanto ele. I can't speak English as well as he can. I don't speak English as well as he does. Ha un'automobile nuova. He has a new car. He's got a new car. Sunt o persoană cu defecte, dar acestea sunt defecte de care se poate scăpa ușor. I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed. I'm a default person, but they're flaws that can easily escape. El estudiante acabó durmiendo en la clase. The student ended up sleeping in the classroom. The student ended up sleeping in class. Este libro de texto es demasiado difícil para mí. This textbook is too hard for me. This textbook is too difficult for me. Bonjou! Hello! Hello! Posso dizer a eles sobre isso? Can I tell them about this? Can I tell them about it? Sami também quer ir. Sami wants to go, too. Sami wants to go, too. Bien buen gente si Tom. Tom is a very good man. Good people if Tom. Il suo coraggio è degno di lode. His bravery is worthy of praise. His courage is praiseworthy. Ea mânca un sandviș. She was eating a sandwich. She ate a sandwich. Parfois, tout va mal. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Sometimes it's all wrong. Tu cosa vorresti per cena? What would you like for supper? What would you like for dinner? Nadie se presentó a la reunión. No one was present at the meeting. No one came to the meeting. Você tem outra? Do you have another one? Do you have another one? Por favor, tenha cuidado para não quebrar este vaso. Please be careful that you don't break this vase. Please be careful not to break this vase. Era obvio que habían mentido. It was obvious that they had lied. It was obvious they lied. Os teus sapatos estão aqui. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Es moito más alto do que adoitabas ser. You are much taller than you used to be. You're much taller than you used to be. Cosa farà Tom domani? What'll Tom do tomorrow? What's Tom gonna do tomorrow? Lei sa che cosa deve fare. She knows what she's got to do. You know what to do. On se remet encore de la nuit dernière ? Still recovering from last night? We're still getting back from last night? Ce que nous, républicains, devons défendre, c'est la croissance de l'économie. Nous devons agrandir la tarte. What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher. What we, the Republicans, must defend is the growth of the economy, and we must increase the tart. Tráeme algo de auga fría. Bring me some cold water. Bring me some cold water. Combien de jours y a-t-il avant Noël ? How many days are there until Christmas? How many days before Christmas? Est-ce que c'est moins cher d'appeler après 9h ? Is it cheaper to call after 9:00? Is it less expensive to call after 9 a.m.? Ne sors pas sans parapluie. Don't go out without an umbrella. Don't leave without umbrellas. O nosso cão está no canil. Our dog is in the kennel. Our dog's on the kennel. Ela pediulle unha cita. She asked him out on a date. She asked for an appointment. Vai ao médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go to the doctor and get the recipe! Solo me parecía que estaba oyendo tu voz. I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice. It just seemed to me that I was hearing your voice. Inta mæ famiggia pe-o disnâ da domenega gh'ea l'andio d'anâ à mangiâ feua de casa. In my family we used to eat out for Sunday lunch. Inta mæ famgia pe-o disnâ da domenega gh'ea l'adio d'ana à mangiâ fema de casa. Las personas lucen como hormigas. People look like ants. People look like ants. C'est ma femme. She's my wife. She's my wife. Me da igual. I don't care. I don't care. Escrevi três cartas. I've written three letters. I wrote three letters. Él jugó golf todos los días durante sus vacaciones. He played golf every day during his vacation. He played golf every day during his vacation. Vorbiţi spaniola? Do you speak Spanish? You speak Spanish? Uma das pás do ventilador se soltou e despedaçou-se na parede. One of the fan blades broke loose and shattered against the wall. One of the fan's shovels got loose and parted on the wall. Pienso que es poco saludable comer más de 20 naranjas en un día. I think it's unhealthy to eat more than 20 oranges a day. I think it's unhealthy to eat more than 20 oranges in a day. Julia té moltes roses i molts lliris al seu jardí. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden. Je vois que vous êtes prête. I see you are ready. I see you're ready. Est-ce une bonne idée de recruter d'anciens pirates informatiques comme professionnels de la sécurité ? Is it a good idea to hire former hackers to work as security professionals? Is it a good idea to recruit former computer pirates as security professionals? Mi padre solía leerme a la hora de acostarme. My father used to read to me at bedtime. My father used to read me when I lay down. ¿Me dan un poco? Can I have some? Can I get some? Tom parla perfettamente il francese. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French perfectly. Sa tentative se solda par un échec. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt is driven by a failure. Son français s'est beaucoup amélioré. Her French has gotten much better. His French has improved a lot. C'est difficile de parler trois langues. It's hard to speak three languages. It is difficult to speak three languages. Dans une heure, il partira. He'll leave in an hour. In an hour, he'll be gone. Tom não toma cerveja em casa. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. Tiengo dos gatos. I have two cats. I have two cats. Un'attrice è svenuta nel bel mezzo della rappresentazione. An actress fainted right in the middle of the play. An actress came out in the middle of the performance. Io non ho alternative. I have no alternative. I have no choice. ¿Puedes resolver este acertijo? Can you solve this puzzle? Can you solve this hit? Les filles éclatèrent de rire lorsqu'elles entendirent sa blague. The girls burst into laughter when they heard his joke. The girls laughed when they heard his joke. A sombra do bastón é visíbel. The shadow of the stick is visible. The shadow of the cane is visible. Ai prieteni în Antigua? Do you have friends in Antigua? Do you have friends in Antigua? Lo adottammo. We adopted him. We adopted him. בﬞיאו און ליאון בלאנקו. I see a white lion. It is true that it is not the same as that of the United States, that is to say, it is the case that the United States of America is not a member of the United States of America. Ustedes no parecen especialmente complacidas. You don't seem particularly pleased. You don't seem particularly pleased. No me preguntes nada. Don't ask me anything. Don't ask me anything. Écoute, je suis sérieux. Look, I'm being serious. Look, I'm serious. J'ai déjà lu ce livre avant. I have read this book before. I've already read this book before. No lleves demasiado equipaje cuando viajes. Don't carry too much baggage when you travel. Don't carry too much luggage when you travel. Aprender a hablar bien otro idioma lleva mucho tiempo. Learning to speak a foreign language well takes a lot of time. Learning to speak a good language has taken a long time. Peux-tu le prendre ? Can you pick it up? Can you take it? Un uomo di buon senso non farebbe mai una cosa del genere. A man of common sense would never do such a thing. A man of common sense would never do such a thing. Per piacere, non insultate la nostra intelligenza. Please don't insult our intelligence. Please don't insult our intelligence. No sé para nada. I don't know at all. I don't know for nothing. Tom își recunoaște greșelile cu ușurință. Tom readily admits his mistakes. Tom recognizes his mistakes easily. Nu eşti tu cel care a murit. You're not the one who died. You're not the one who died. Je ne serais pas contre un petit somme. I could use a little sleep. I wouldn't be against a small amount. Aquel cama donde tu ya sintá de mio lolâ quel. The bed you just sat on is my grandmother's bed. That bed where you already sat with my lolâ qué. La madre di Tom morì nel 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. Să nu întârzii la școală. Don't be late to school. Don't be late for school. Je ne me souviens pas l'avoir fait. I can't remember doing that. I don't remember doing that. ¡Que ollos máis bonitos ten! What lovely eyes she has! What beautiful eyes he has! Tom ha detto che la sua casa non era chiusa a chiave. Tom said that his house wasn't locked. Tom said his house wasn't locked. No hace falta que hagáis eso. You don't need to do that. You don't need to do that. Pronto serán las seis. It'll soon be six o'clock. It'll be six o'clock soon. J'aime ma vieille théière en laiton. I like my old brass tea pot. I love my old brass teapot. Le médecin examina ma gorge. The doctor examined my throat. The doctor examines my throat. A-o meuo neuo ch'é neue nae neue. At the new pier there are nine new ships. A-my neuo that's neue nee neue. Ho chiamato il mio cane Cookie. I named my dog Cookie. I called my dog Cookie. Quero que espere aqui até eu voltar. I want you to wait here till I get back. I want you to wait here until I get back. Feci la scelta giusta. I made the right choice. I made the right choice. ¿Necesitamos hacer algo más? Do we need to do anything else? Do we need to do something else? Tom è gentile con me. Tom is nice to me. Tom's nice to me. John Dalton foi o criador da teoria atômica. John Dalton was the creator of the atomic theory. John Dalton was the creator of atomic theory. Tu es au bon endroit. You're in the right place. You're in the right place. Ele bebeu uma garrafa inteira de leite. He drank a whole bottle of milk. He drank a whole bottle of milk. Tentaremos consertar a bicicleta mais tarde. Agora entre no carro. We'll try to fix that bike later. Get in the car now. We'll try to fix the bike later. Perché non siete venuti? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Ești pregătit să faci asta? Are you prepared to do this? Are you ready to do that? Il est important de lire des livres. It's important to read books. It is important to read books. Eso ya no es un oso. Es un cadáver de oso. This thing is not a bear. It is the corpse of a bear. That's no longer a bear, it's a bear corpse. Ningún artículo de esta tienda cuesta más de un real. No item in this shop costs more than one real. No articles in this store cost more than one real. Ele leu um romance muito interessante ontem. He read a most interesting novel yesterday. He read a very interesting novel yesterday. Dovremmo dirlo a Tom che non deve farlo? Should we tell Tom he doesn't need to do that? Should we tell Tom he shouldn't? Je les rencontrai. I met them. I found them. Ella me enseñó a nadar. She taught me how to swim. She taught me how to swim. Os livros estão organizados por assunto. The books are organized by subject. The books are organized by subject. Dovrebbe vergognarsi di se stesso per avermi trattato in questo modo! You should be ashamed of yourself for treating me this way! You should be ashamed of yourself for treating me like this! Los djudios estan kansados. The Jews are tired. The bad guys are tired. Io non voglio più avere paura di Tom. I don't want to be afraid of Tom anymore. I don't want to be afraid of Tom anymore. Je l'appelai mais une fille répondit au téléphone. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called her, but a girl answered the phone. Je t'en prie, donne-moi une bouteille ! I beg you, give me a bottle! Please, give me a bottle! Si vous le voulez, nous irons. If you want to, we'll go. If you want to, we'll go. A sopa estava muito quente. The soup was too hot. The soup was too hot. Con tutto il rispetto, mi sembra una stupidaggine. With all due respect, I think it's bullshit. With all due respect, it sounds stupid to me. È di cattivo umore, vero? He's in a bad mood, isn't he? It's a bad mood, isn't it? ¿Debería dimitir? Should I quit my job? Should I resign? Él es uno de los estudiantes más populares de la clase. He is one of the most popular students in the class. He's one of the most popular students in the class. Fui a casa. I went home. I went home. Eu preciso de 30 minutos. I need 30 minutes. I need 30 minutes. « Seras-tu à ma soirée, demain ? » « J'essaierai d'y être. » "Will you be at my party tomorrow night?" "I'll try to be there." "Will you be at my evening tomorrow?" "I'll try to be there." Amo mi dialecto italiano. I love my Italian dialect. I love my Italian dialect. Tom comprou um cachorrinho para a Mary. Tom bought Mary a puppy. Tom bought Mary a puppy. C'est un nom inhabituel. It's an unusual name. It's an unusual name. Combien de personnes se trouvaient-elles à bord de ce bateau ? How many people were aboard that ship? How many people were on board this boat? Pourquoi est-ce notre problème ? Why is this our problem? Why is this our problem? Eu vou tomar banho. I'm going to take a shower. I'll take a bath. Oprește-te din vorbit. Stop talking. Stop talking. Ela é qual uma tigresa. She's like a tigress. She's like a tiger. Tom prit rapidement une douche. Tom took a quick shower. Tom quickly took a shower. Fadil estava se esforçando para compartilhar as paixões de Layla. Fadil was making an effort to share Layla's passions. Fadil was trying to share Layla's passions. Posso vedere la sua patente, signore? May I see your driver's license, sir? Can I see your license, sir? Você pode embrulhá-lo para mim? É um presente. Can you wrap it up for me? It's a gift. Can you wrap it up for me? Ele é amigo dela. He's her friend. He's her friend. ¡Espero que tu día haya sido grandioso! I hope your day was great! I hope your day has been great! Scusami, qual è la minestra del giorno? Excuse me, what's the soup du jour? Excuse me, what's the miner of the day? Él me dio todos los detalles. He told me all the details. He gave me all the details. « Aime-t-il la musique ? » « Oui. » "Does he like music?" "Yes." "Does he like music?" "Yes." El ten dúas fillas. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. La Suisse est le pays à l'est de la France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. Switzerland is the country east of France. On dit que les Américains considèrent le revenu d'un homme comme critère majeur de ses capacités. Americans are said to regard the amount of money a man makes as a criterion of his ability. Americans are said to consider a man's income as a major criterion of his abilities. M'en apporteriez-vous un autre, s'il vous plaît ? Would you bring me another one, please? Would you bring me another one, please? Ela é a minha irmã mais velha. She is my older sister. She's my older sister. Che altro gli ha detto? What else did you tell him? What else did he say to him? Qual jaqueta é a sua? Which one is your jacket? What's your jacket? És un home que no parla amb ningú. He's a man who doesn't speak with anybody. He's a man who doesn't talk to anyone. Tom nunca comemorou o Natal. Tom has never celebrated Christmas. Tom never celebrated Christmas. Nu e niciodată prea târziu pentru a învăța. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Il a écrit une brillante préface pour cette pièce. He wrote a fine preface to the play. He wrote a brilliant preface for this play. Lei si è sposata giovane. She married young. She married a young woman. A Tom piacque parlare con Mary. Tom enjoyed talking with Mary. Tom likes to talk to Mary. Certains médicaments nous sont nuisibles. Some medicine does us harm. Some drugs are harmful to us. Me voy a duchar. I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to shower. Marie est une très jolie fille. Mary is a very pretty girl. Mary is a very pretty girl. Hanno detto che sono imbarazzate. They said that they're embarrassed. They said they were embarrassed. Nu am nici o obiecţie asupra ce vrei să faci. I have no objection to what you want to do. I have no objection to what you want to do. Femeia aia mă sperie, întotdeauna ţipă şi vorbeşte cu ea însăşi. That woman scares me. She's always shouting and talking to herself. That woman scares me, always yells and talks to herself. El jardinero plantó un rosal en medio del jardín. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose in the middle of the garden. On ne sait pas ce qui s'est mal passé. It's unclear what went wrong. We don't know what went wrong. Voudrais-tu une autre bière ? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? Dei-lha. I gave it to him. I gave it to her. Continue dirigindo. Keep driving. Keep driving. El piloto realizó un aterrizaje de emergencia en el desierto. The pilot made an emergency landing in the desert. The pilot carried out an emergency landing in the desert. C'è una radio sul tavolo. There's a radio on the table. There's a radio on the table. Avrò bisogno di un po' di aiuto. I'm going to need some help. I'm gonna need some help. J'ai presque renversé du café sur mon clavier. I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard. I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard. Est-ce que tu couches avec elle ? Are you sleeping with her? Are you sleeping with her? Auldey este o marcă chinezească. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey is a Chinese brand. No bi'n ha prou con una luenga. One language is never enough. I wasn't good enough for a long time. ¿Es esa la verdad, Tom? Is that the truth, Tom? Is that the truth, Tom? Clientul nu a venit. The customer did not come. The client didn't come. Baja un poco la música por favor. Please turn the music down a bit. Put the music down a little, please. Désolé, mais je n'ai pas envie de sortir aujourd'hui. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like going out today. I'm sorry, but I don't want to go out today. Ele ilustrou sua teoria com exemplos. He illustrated his theory with examples. He illustrated his theory with examples. E ceva cu Tom care nu-mi place. There's something about Tom that I don't like. There's something I don't like about Tom. Existem outros hotéis que você pode recomendar? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there other hotels you can recommend? Tom cadde dalla sedia. Tom fell off his chair. Tom fell out of the chair. Tom ha detto che a lui piace insegnare il francese. Tom said he likes teaching French. Tom said he likes to teach French. Nous nous battons tous contre notre propre remède; car la mort est le remède à tous les maux. We all labour against our own cure; for death is the cure of all disease. We all fight against our own remedy; for death is the remedy to all evil. Andersen avait aussi peur des chiens. Andersen was afraid of dogs, too. Andersen was also afraid of dogs. Quelle tragédie ! What a tragedy! What a tragedy! ¿Podes demostralo? Can you prove it? Can you prove it? Eu vou descobrir qual é o problema. I'm going to find out what the problem is. I'll find out what the problem is. Ele mudou o endereço dele. He changed his address. He changed his address. Voglio che lui vada lì. I want him to go there. I want him to go there. Estamos contando com vocês. We're counting on you. We're counting on you. Il fit un pas en avant. He took a step forward. He took a step forward. Je ne sais s'il faut que je sois heureux ou pas. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don't know if I have to be happy or not. L'important est de garder cela en tête. What is important is to keep this in mind. The important thing is to keep this in mind. Co te vàla pa encuei? How are you today? What's the matter with you? Ella le mostró la foto. She showed him the photo. She showed him the picture. Cwand est çk' i rvént? When is he coming back? When does he get back? Ci riuscite a credere? Siamo in Europa! Can you believe it? We're in Europe! Can you believe us? We are in Europe! Tom assoou o seu nariz. Tom blew his nose. Tom blew his nose. Tom es el profesor de Mary. Tom is Mary's teacher. Tom is Mary's teacher. Vi a Tom besando a Mary. I saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw Tom kiss Mary. Você fala espanhol? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Îmi place matematica. I like math. I like math. Puedes entender a Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Elle n'est pas parue. She didn't show up. She's not paid. Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. Nu am de gând să-ți fac ceea ce-mi ceri. I'm not going to do to you what you want me to do. I'm not going to do what you're asking. El pene es uno de los órganos sexuales masculinos. The penis is one of the masculine sexual organs. The penis is one of the male sexual organs. Il n’appellera pas ce soir. He won't call this evening. He won’t call tonight. Não há nada que eu possa fazer para mudar isso. There is nothing I can do to change that. There's nothing I can do to change that. Devido a um forte resfriado, ele não pôde participar da partida. Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game. Because of a strong cold, he couldn't participate in the match. La pelea se saldó con varios arrestos. The fight resulted in several arrests. The fight went off with several arrests. No parlis malament d'ell en public. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don't talk about him in public. Ya entendé yo. I understood. I got it. איל איבריאו אי איל פﬞיניסיו סון לינגואס קאנאניטאס. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. It is the most important thing to do is to make sure that you do not have the necessary information on the status of the system, and that you are not able to do so. Je l'enseigne l'anglais. I teach him English. I taught him English. Nous n'avons pas cela en Europe. We don't have that in Europe. We do not have this in Europe. Non possiamo permetterci di perderla. We can't afford to lose you. We can't afford to lose it. Eu sei que é verdade. I know that's true. I know it's true. Eres un buen cocinero. You are a good cook. You're a good cook. Peki. Okay. Peki. Potrebbe darmi una mano? Could you give me a hand? Could you help me? Tom le enseñó a Mary su colección de sellos. Tom showed his stamp collection to Mary. Tom taught Mary his collection of stamps. Les entraîneurs sportifs les plus efficaces sont ceux qui causent le plus de douleur. The most effective athletic trainers are those who cause the most pain. The most effective sports coaches are those who cause the most pain. Elle était plus belle que tous les autres. She was more beautiful than all of the others. She was more beautiful than everyone else. Să mergem să luăm ceva de mâncare. Let's go get something to eat. Let's go get some food. Comentai. Comment. Tell me. É hora de levar a prostituição infantil a sério. It is time to get serious with child prostitution. It's time to take child prostitution seriously. Estava lá fora. I was outside. I was out there. O preço está subindo. The price is going up. The price is rising. Aparatul lui foto este de trei ori mai scump decât al meu. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera is three times more expensive than mine. Mis ermanos partieron, mozotros kedimos aki. My brothers left and we stayed here. My brothers left, we mozotros kedimos here. Formo parte del club de kárate. I belong to the karate club. I'm part of the karate club. ¿Conocéis algún médico bueno? Do you know any good doctor? Do you know any good doctors? Tous les animaux ne sont pas sauvages. Not all animals are wild. Not all animals are wild. Il est scénariste. He's a screenwriter. He's a screenwriter. Étiez-vous au cinéma, hier soir ? Were you at the cinema last night? Were you at the movies last night? Él entró al equipo contrincante. He joined the opposing team. He joined the opponent team. Espera aqui até que eu volte. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Gostaria de pedir bebidas agora. I'd like to order drinks now. I'd like to order drinks now. Le métal se contracte quand il est refroidi. Metal contracts when cooled. Metal contracts when it's cooled. Eu também não acredito nele. I don't believe that either. I don't believe him either. Masquín cosa tu ablá, ay hindé yo cambiá de mio pensamiento. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. No matter what you say, I'll change my mind. Gardez Tom en sécurité. Keep Tom safe. Keep Tom safe. C'est un marcheur rapide. He's a quick walker. He's a fast walker. Incroyable ! Incredible! Incredible! Sono così fiera di loro. I'm so proud of them. I'm so proud of them. Eu o acho engraçado. I think you're funny. I think it's funny. Tu corbata va bien con tu traje. Your necktie matches your suit. Your tie's fine with your suit. Eu estudo francês desde quando eu tinha 15 anos. I have studied French since I was 15. I've studied French since I was 15. Decembrie este ultima lună din an. December is the last month of the year. December is the last month of the year. Tom è infido, vero? Tom is devious, isn't he? Tom's infuriated, isn't he? Malí silá. They're wrong. Mali sila. Dacă voi întârzia, voi suna. If I'm late, I'll call. If I'm late, I'll call. Eu queria que nós pudéssemos passar mais tempo juntos. I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Le bonheur est plus important que la richesse. Happiness is more important than wealth. Happiness is more important than wealth. Nu pot trăi acel fel de viață. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live that kind of life. Per piacere, torna dentro. Please go back inside. Please come back inside. Por favor tenga la amabilidad de decírmelo otra vez. Please say that again! Please be kind enough to tell me again. Avete conosciuto dei canadesi qui a Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Mayuko le dio una mascada a mi manzana. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko gave my apple a mask. Estudio económicas en la universidad. I'm studying economics in college. Economic study at the university. Tom a pornit ştergătoarele de parbriz. Tom turned on the windshield wipers. Tom turned on the windshield wipers. Non sapete parlare il francese? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? Essa era a última coisa que eu esperava ouvir. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. L'eau est bonne. The water is good. The water is good. Tu sei coraggiosa. You're courageous. You're brave. A que distância está o museu daqui? How far is it from here to the museum? How far is the museum from here? Il piccolo zoticone comprò una grande zucca. The little bumpkin bought a big pumpkin. The little doll bought a big pumpkin. Lui non infrange mai le promesse. He never breaks promises. He never breaks his promises. O cavalo é meu. The horse is mine. It's my horse. Todos estão fartos da atitude desdenhosa de Dan. Everybody is fed up with Dan's scornful attitude. Everyone's fed up with Dan's decent attitude. Trebuie să studiaţi toată viaţa voastră. You must study your whole life. You need to study your whole life. ¿No se puede hacer nada? Can't anything be done? Can't you do anything? Este es un huevo de gallina. This is an egg. This is a chicken egg. Eu não gosto de Boston. I don't like Boston. I don't like Boston. Avez-vous entendu la bonne nouvelle ? Have you heard the good news? Have you heard the good news? Tom sabía dónde vivía Mary. Tom knew where Mary lived. Tom knew where Mary lived. Non vuole un impiego? Don't you want a job? Don't you want a job? Che cosa posso fare per aiutarla? What can I do to help her? What can I do to help you? Non so come abbia fatto questo. Questo era un miracolo. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. I don't know how he did this. Procédons avec les points de l'ordre du jour. Let's proceed with the items on the agenda. Proceed with agenda items. Si no fuera por los libros, cada generación tendría que redescubrir por sí misma las verdades del pasado. If it were not for books, each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past. If it were not for the books, each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past. Comment passez-vous la fin de semaine, d'habitude ? How do you usually spend your weekends? How do you spend the weekend, usually? Verde el mga pono. The trees are green. Green the mga pono. Perché siete così gelose? Why are you so jealous? Why are you so jealous? Vols casar-te amb mi? Will you marry me? You want to marry me? Ante la duda, a favor del acusado. When in doubt, in favour of the accused. In the face of doubt, in favor of the defendant. Non l'ho neanche considerato. I didn't even consider that. I didn't even consider it. Ele queria sair com ela. He wanted to hang out with her. He wanted to go out with her. Abbiamo fatto molte cose divertenti insieme. We did a lot of fun things together. We did a lot of fun things together. Tom ha prenotato tutto: sarà una festa meravigliosa. Tom booked everything: it will be a wonderful party. Tom booked everything: it'll be a wonderful party. La tempête de neige se poursuivit. The snowstorm continued. The snowstorm continued. Ele está escrevendo uma longa carta. He's writing a long letter. He's writing a long letter. Você consegue ver o oceano da janela do seu quarto? Can you see the ocean from your bedroom window? Can you see the ocean in your room window? J'ai appelé la sécurité. I called security. I called security. Você sabe o quanto eu admiro a sua habilidade. You know how much I appreciate your expertise. You know how much I admire your ability. Numele meu nu este "tu"; este Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name isn't "you"; it's Ricardo. Ainda bem que ela já foi embora. Good thing she's already gone. I'm glad she's gone. Lo men pair que camina. My father walks. I need to be able to walk. Am steagurile fiecărei țări în lume. I have the flags of every country in the world. I have flags of every country in the world. Tom siguió sus instintos. Tom followed his instincts. Tom followed his instincts. Essaie de ne pas y penser ! Try not to think about it. Try not to think about it! Maria pediu uma xícara de chocolate quente. Mary ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Maria asked for a cup of hot chocolate. Lo estás haciendo muy bien. Sigue así. You are doing very well. Keep it up. You're doing very well. A mi esposa y a mi nos gusta salir a comer comida china de vez en cuando. My wife and I like to go out for Chinese food once in a while. My wife and I like to go out and eat Chinese food from time to time. Deixe Tom ficar aqui. Let Tom stay here. Let Tom stay here. No puedo creer que lo esté considerando. I can't believe I'm even considering this. I can't believe you're considering it. Eu me lembro claramente desse dia. I remember that day clearly. I clearly remember that day. Je déteste mes parents. I hate my parents. I hate my parents. Je serais heureux que ça se reproduise. I'd be happy if that happened again. I'd be glad it reproduces. Entonces, ¿qué tenemos que hacer? So, what do we need to do? So, what do we have to do? Ce sont les propriétés qu'elles possèdent. Those are the properties that she owns. These are the properties they own. Você não quer fazer isso. You don't want to do that. You don't want to do that. Quiero aprender esa canción. I want to learn that song. I want to learn that song. Le piante dei piedi sono insensibili al caldo e al freddo. Soles of the feet are insensitive to heat and cold. The feet are insensitive to heat and cold. Perché la devo aiutare? Why do I have to help her? Why do I have to help her? Il ne s'est pas montré. He didn't show up. He didn't show himself. Simplesmente estou planejando com antecedência. I'm simply planning ahead. I'm just planning ahead. No puede medirse en términos del dinero. It can't be measured in terms of money. It cannot be measured in terms of money. Y a-t-il quelque chose de particulier que vous vouliez regarder ? Is there something in particular that you want to watch? Is there anything special you wanted to look at? ¿Niegas que fuiste allí? Do you deny that you went there? Do you deny you went there? Llevé a la espalda la bolsa pesada. I carried the heavy bag on my back. I carried the heavy bag on my back. Le coïtus interruptus ne protège pas des maladies sexuellement transmissibles. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. The interrupted coitus do not protect from sexually transmitted diseases. Je la ferme. I'm keeping my mouth shut. I'll shut it down. Creo que Tom no está siendo honesto. I don't think Tom is being honest. I don't think Tom's being honest. O can persigue ao raposo. The dog is after the fox. The dog chases the fox. Acuzația dumneavoastră este absurdă. Your accusation is preposterous. Your accusation is absurd. ¿De casualidad sabes dónde dejé mis llaves? Any chance you know where I put my keys? Do you happen to know where I left my keys? Riusciamo a farlo adesso? Can we do that now? Can we do that now? Eu errei. I was wrong. I was wrong. Questa è una radio? Is this a radio? Is this a radio? Tom și Mary nu sunt cu adevărat verii mei. Tom and Mary aren't really my cousins. Tom and Mary aren't really my cousins. Tom encendió la cocina. Tom lit the stove. Tom lit the kitchen. Ela concorda com ele. She agrees with him. She agrees with him. Je n'ai plus besoin de votre aide. I don't need your help anymore. I don't need your help anymore. Tom, avendo lavorato tutto il giorno, voleva riposarsi. Tom, having worked all day, wanted to take a rest. Tom, having worked all day, wanted to rest. Nadie estaba contento. None were satisfied. Nobody was happy. Tom tem sido muito paciente. Tom has been very patient. Tom's been very patient. Venha cantar comigo. Come sing with me. Come sing with me. Cred că îmi pierd mințile. I think I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my mind. Que faites-vous pour l'arrêter ? What are you doing to stop this? What are you doing to stop him? Tom nu a mai fost același după accident. Tom was never the same after his accident. Tom wasn't the same after the accident. Nous n'oublions pas. We do not forget. We don't forget. Pas de détritus, s.v.p. No littering. No debris, s.v.p. Eu nunca vi ninguém praguejar como o Tom. I've never heard anyone swear like Tom. I've never seen anyone plague like Tom. Feme savej s'i peule felo doman. Let me know if you can make it tomorrow. Wise women's doll's feet. Sono sicura che è molto occupata. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure she's very busy. L'acqua qui è poco profonda. The water here is shallow. The water here is shallow. Stanno intervistando Tom. They're interviewing Tom. They're interviewing Tom. Tom lavora en un eshpital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom works in a hospital. A fost foarte drăguț din partea ta să-mi împrumuți o umbrelă. It was very kind of you to lend me an umbrella. It was very nice of you to lend me a umbrella. Ci ha salvati. You saved us. He saved us. ¿Cuál es la profesión de Tom? What's Tom's profession? What's Tom's profession? Io posso ucciderti. I can kill you. I can kill you. ¡No hables así de mis padres! Don't talk about my parents like that! Don't talk about my parents like that! L-am identificat imediat. I identified him immediately. I identified him right away. Muzeul național Brukenthal este primul muzeu deschis oficial în România. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. Brukenthal National Museum is the first official open museum in Romania. É só um gato. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. J'ai consulté le médecin. I saw the doctor. I consulted with the doctor. In caso di emergenza, chiami il 110. In case of an emergency, dial 110. In case of an emergency, call 110. Unde ai învățat franceza? Where did you learn French? Where did you learn French? Qu'am logat un bus. We chartered a bus. I hired a bus. Maria o beijou em ambas as faces. Mary kissed him on both cheeks. Maria kissed him on both sides. La criada limpiará la habitación de invitados. The maid will clean the guest room. The maid will clean the guest room. L'homme qui a appelé il y a une heure était Frank. The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank. The man who called an hour ago was Frank. Tom se hizo paso a través de la multitud. Tom made his way through the crowd. Tom went through the crowd. Não vou te dizer onde o Tom está. I'm not going to tell you where Tom is. I'm not gonna tell you where Tom is. ¿Siempre corréis? Do you always run? You always run? ¿Vosotros vais? You're going? Are you going? Je pense que nous descendrons à la prochaine station. I think we'll get off at the next station. I think we're going down to the next station. Como de antes, ya dejá le cunel llave na mesa. He put the key on the desk as usual. As before, I've already left him knelt the key on the table. Non, non et non ! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no and no! Aixo depen del contexte That depends on the context. This depends on the context Te doy la ocasión de ser feliz. I'm offering you the chance to be happy. I give you the chance to be happy. Aquera poma n'ei pas bona. This apple is bad. That apple's not good. Dans ce cas, je pense qu'il a raison. In this case, I think he is correct. In that case, I think he's right. Posso tentar. I can give it a try. I can try. Quell'uomo è nato fortunato. That man was born lucky. That man was born lucky. Perdí mi llave por aquí. I lost my key around here. I lost my key around here. Deixe Tom vencer. Let Tom win. Let Tom win. Tu sais jouer au mahjong ? Do you know how to play mahjong? You know how to play mahjong? Ils vont démolir le vieux bâtiment en deux jours. They will tear down the old building in two days. They'll tear down the old building in two days. Un òmi qui n'ei pas estat a l'escòla pòt panar d'un vagon de mercandisas, mès se a ua educacion universitària, va panar tot lo camin de hèr. A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. A man who hasn't been to school can pan out of a freighter's wagon, but at a university education, he's done all the way in. Savoir est savoir que vous ne savez rien. C'est la signification du vrai savoir. To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. Knowing is that you don't know anything. It's the meaning of true knowledge. Nunca trabajo los fines de semana. I never work on weekends. I never work on weekends. Eravamo seduti sull'erba. We sat on the grass. We were sitting on the grass. Tudo parecia bem. Everything looked nice. Everything seemed fine. Ne dis pas à ton père que tu veux devenir clown. Don't tell your father you want to become a clown. Don't tell your father you want to be a clown. Eu não queria chorar na frente de Tom. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. Siamo cavie umane. We are test subjects. We're human cables. Eres mi mejor amigo. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Estou com fome. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Chi pensi che siano? Who do you think they are? Who do you think they are? Chiel a l'é mai sortù. He never went out. Chiel's never out. Voi potete o non potete vincere. You may or may not win. You can or can't win. Él tiene una buena reputación. He has a good reputation. He has a good reputation. No todos los que deambulan están perdidos. All who wander are not lost. Not everyone walking is lost. Ela sempre traballa moito. She always works hard. She always works a lot. Tota persona té dret a la protecció dels interessos morals i materials derivats de les produccions científiques, literàries o artístiques de què sigui autor. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to the protection of moral and material interests derived from scientific, literary or artistic productions of which he is author. La Russie est grande. Russia is big. Russia is great. Tu sei mai stata a Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? No vienes, ¿verdad? You are not coming, are you? You're not coming, are you? Tom e soa granda a l'han andà an librerìa. Tom and his grandmother went to the bookstore. Tom and he sound great at being a bookstore. Si elle n'était pas au bureau hier, elle était probablement à la maison. If she wasn't at the office yesterday, she was probably at home. If she wasn't at the office yesterday, she was probably at home. Dobbiamo parlare con lui. We have to talk to him. We need to talk to him. El antisemitizmo es el sosializmo de bovos. Antisemitism is the socialism of fools. Antisemitism is the socializmo de bovos. Los genios son meteoros destinados a quemarse para iluminar su siglo. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Genius are meteors destined to burn to illuminate their century. Solamente il suo progetto conta. Only your project matters. Only his project counts. Ella cantaba alegremente. She sang happily. She sang cheerfully. Tom non ha paura dei serpenti, neanche di quelli velenosi. Tom isn't afraid of snakes, even poisonous ones. Tom's not afraid of snakes, not even those poisonous ones. Il abandonna tout espoir. He gave up hope. He gave up all hope. ¿Dónde está el email? Where's the email? Where's the email? Je fais vingt miles par jour. I cover twenty miles a day. I do 20 miles a day. Nul a esté prophete non seulement en sa maison, mais en son païs, dit l'experience des histoires. No man is a prophet in his house or in his country, if history is to be believed. No one has been a prophet not only in his home, but in his country, says the experience of stories. Podemos falar com vocês? Could we speak to you? Can we talk to you? O Sr. Jackson é o nosso professor de francês. Mr. Jackson is our French teacher. Mr. Jackson is our French teacher. Es gratis. It's free. It's free. Ella va cometre una altra vegada la mateixa errada. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Estaba intentando ocultar mis arrugas. I was trying to hide my wrinkles. I was trying to hide my wrinkles. Mi faccia fare un'altra domanda. Let me ask another question. Let me ask you another question. Elas estão jogando xadrez. They're playing chess. They're playing chess. Él acaba de trasladarse a un departamento que heredó de sus padres. He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents. He just moved to a department he inherited from his parents. Je n'aime pas sortir seule le soir. I don't like going out by myself at night. I don't like going out alone tonight. Tom è ricco, ma non è felice. Tom is rich, but he isn't happy. Tom's rich, but he's not happy. Le sage maîtrise bien ses pas. The wise man masters his steps well. The wise mastery over his steps. Mâine, va ateriza pe Lună. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow, he'll land on the moon. Comment êtes-vous arrivés ici avant moi ? How did you get here before me? How did you get here before me? Buyrun! Welcome! Buyrun! N-ar trebui să faci asta tot timpul. I shouldn't be doing this all the time. You shouldn't do this all the time. Grazas, irmáns. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Aș fi putut fi un concurent. I could've been a contender. I could have been a contestant. Tom non provava nulla. Tom felt nothing. Tom didn't feel anything. Eu não tomei banho. I didn't shower. I didn't take a bath. Não fiz essas coisas. I don't do those things. I didn't do those things. Eu estou acostumado a ser ignorado pelos meus pais. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. È qui per aiutarci, vero? He's here to help us, isn't he? He's here to help us, isn't he? Ella se detuvo a fumar un cigarrillo. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. She stopped smoking a cigarette. De quin color és la Terra? What's Earth's color? What color is Earth? Acho que você não fracassou muito. I guess that you didn't miss much. I don't think you've failed much. Cette bicyclette m'appartient. The bicycle is mine. This bike belongs to me. Espero que aprendas. I hope you learn. I hope you learn. Tom desató el listón. Tom untied the ribbon. Tom unleashed the bat. Era a quietude antes da tormenta. It was the calm before the storm. It was the stillness before the storm. El ejercicio mental es particularmente importante para los chiquillos. Mental exercise is particularly important for young children. Mental exercise is particularly important for chicks. Minha esposa é uma boa cozinheira. My wife is a good cook. My wife's a good cook. Por que você me ajudou? Why did you help me? Why did you help me? Ce garçon a fait exprès de frapper son fils. That boy hit her child on purpose. This boy deliberately hit his son. Abita in questo edificio. He lives in this building. She lives in this building. Los más aptos sobreviven. ¿Qué quiere decir "los más aptos"? Ni los más fuertes ni los más inteligentes; la debilidad y la estupidez sobreviven por todas partes. No hay una manera de determinar la aptitud aparte de que una cosa sobreviva. La "aptitud" es por lo tanto otra forma de decir "supervivencia". Darwinismo: Que los supervivientes sobrevivan. The fittest survive. What is meant by the fittest? Not the strongest; not the cleverest— Weakness and stupidity everywhere survive. There is no way of determining fitness except in that a thing does survive. "Fitness," then, is only another name for "survival." Darwinism: That survivors survive. The fittest survive. What does "the fittest" mean? Neither the strongest nor the smartest; weakness and stupidity survive everywhere. There is no way to determine fitness other than that something survives. The "aptitude" is therefore another way to say "survival." Darwinism: Let survivors survive. Je pense être prêt. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready. T'es-tu déjà demandé combien il y avait d'étoiles dans le ciel ? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars were in the sky? Je me demandais si tu allais venir aujourd'hui. I was wondering if you were going to show up today. I was wondering if you were coming today. Tom no lo hizo por alguna razón en particular. Tom did it for no particular reason. Tom didn't do it for any particular reason. O meu plan foi rexeitado. My plan was rejected. My plan was rejected. Ki kote nou ye? Where are you? Where are we? Este livro é fácil para você ler. This book is easy for you to read. This book is easy for you to read. O barco está a afundirse. The ship is sinking. The boat is sinking. Uma casa sem livros é qual um corpo sem alma. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A house without books is like a soulless body. Isto é um frasco. This is a bottle. This is a bottle. Eu acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. O mundo é um grande baile no qual todos vestem uma máscara. The world is a grand ball in which everyone wears a mask. The world is a great dance in which everyone wears a mask. Il était coupable de meurtre. He was guilty of murder. He was guilty of murder. Qu'aimi l'arabe. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Li van haver d'amputar el braç a Tom. Tom's arm had to be amputated. They had to amputate Tom's arm. Essa estrada é muito estreita para caminhões passarem. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. Je parle couramment l'anglais. I speak English fluently. I speak English all the time. Quante volte all'anno vai in spiaggia? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year are you going to the beach? Mâine e sâmbătă? Will it be Saturday tomorrow? Is it Saturday tomorrow? Son Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Non ho i fianchi larghi. I don't have wide hips. I don't have broad sides. Queremos comprar uma casa nova. We want to buy a new house. We want to buy a new house. Voglio che restiate dove siete. I want you to stay where you are. I want you to stay where you are. Jesús os quiere. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you. ¿Entiendes? Do you follow? Do you understand? Il fait plus froid aujourd'hui qu'hier. Today is colder than yesterday. It's colder today than yesterday. Elles sont ici. They're here. They're here. Io amo le battute. I love jokes. I love jokes. Che tipo di vino consigli? What kind of wine do you recommend? What kind of wine do you recommend? Estou feliz com minha namorada. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. O time ganhou as semifinais e avançou para as finais. The team won the semifinals and advanced to the finals. The team won the semi-finals and advanced to the finals. Io vorrei che la smetteste di lamentarvi. I wish you'd stop complaining. I want you to stop complaining. Entre. Come on in. Come in. Tom a curățat peștele. Tom cleaned the fish. Tom cleaned the fish. Speriamo che lo spettacolo ti piacerà. We hope you will enjoy the show. Let's hope you like the show. Non so di cosa stai parlando. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Alto! Stop! Stop! El valor de un hombre no tiene nada que ver con su apariencia. A man's worth has nothing to do with his appearance. The value of a man has nothing to do with his appearance. Le prisonnier le plus dangereux s'est échappé. The most dangerous inmate escaped. The most dangerous prisoner escaped. Una volta ero come te. I was once like you. I used to be like you once. La constante matemática Pi a 5 decimales es "3.14159". The mathematical constant Pi to 5 decimal places is "3.14159." The mathematical constant Pi to 5 decimals is "3.14159". Ele estava atordoado. He was stunned. He was stunned. Les animaux n'ont pas de raison. Animals have no reason. Animals are not right. És la germana menuda de Tom. She's Tom's younger sister. She's Tom's little sister. Yo nunca viajo sin mi diario. Uno debería siempre tener algo sensacional para leer en el tren. I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train. Chiedi a Tom se parteciperà alla riunione. Ask Tom if he'll attend the meeting. Ask Tom to attend the meeting. Pesce e vino rosso non stanno bene assieme. Fish and red wine don't go well together. Fish and red wine are not well together. O chão esta coberto de neve. The ground is covered with snow. The floor is covered in snow. Se nos acabó la gasolina cuando íbamos al teatro. We ran out of gas on the way to the theater. We ran out of gas when we went to the theater. Un "soroban" este un tip de abac japonez. A "soroban" is a type of Japanese abacus. A soroban is a type of Japanese abacus. ¿Es muy lejos de aquí? Is it very far from here? Is it far from here? Kobe est la ville où je suis né. Kobe is the city which I was born in. Kobe is the city where I was born. Toți pe care îi știu cred că Tom este cu nasul pe sus. Everybody I know thinks Tom is stuck up. Everyone I think Tom's got his nose on top. Favor de imprimir sólo si sea necesario y recicla. Please print only if necessary and recycle. Please print only if necessary and recycle. Cette eau est-elle potable ? Is this water drinkable? Is this water drinking? C'è un piccolo giardino di fronte a casa mia. There is a small garden in front of my house. There's a small garden in front of my house. Você não acha que Tom é meio bonito? Don't you think that Tom is kind of handsome? Don't you think Tom's kind of cute? El tiempo lo cura todo. Time heals all wounds. Time heals everything. Non lasciate che vi disturbi. Don't let it bother you. Don't let it bother you. La rue était déserte. The street was very empty. The street was deserted. "Você me ama?" "É claro que te amo." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." Por favor, venid aquí. Please come here. Please come here. Je t'entends à peine. I can hardly hear you. I barely hear you. Él no es el tipo de persona que robaría. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person he would steal. No volveré a dejarlos solos. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave them alone again. Presta atención a lo que dice. Pay attention to what he says. Pay attention to what he says. Tom é magro. Tom is thin. Tom's thin. Le spie hanno avvelenato il conte. The spies poisoned the count. The spies poisoned the Count. De la ce aeroport plec? Which airport do I leave from? What airport am I leaving from? Perché mi hai portato questo? Why did you bring this to me? Why did you bring me this? I personaggi creati da Walt Disney sono noti ai bambini di tutto il mondo. The characters created by Walt Disney are known by kids from all the world. The characters created by Walt Disney are known to children all over the world. Io non sono mai stato molto bravo in francese. I've never been very good at French. I've never been very good in French. Me gustaría más café. I'd like some more coffee. I'd like more coffee. Eu gostaria de alugar um carro. I'd like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car. Il a grandi en Australie. He was brought up in Australia. He grew up in Australia. Comparto la habitación con mi hermana. I share the room with my sister. I share the room with my sister. Les apparences sont souvent trompeuses. Appearances often are deceiving. Appearances are often misleading. Você é tão estúpido. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Uma luta começou entre Fadil e Rami. A struggle ensued between Fadil and Rami. A fight started between Fadil and Rami. No va a llegar a tiempo a la reunión. He won't be in time for the meeting. It's not gonna be in time for the meeting. Ele tinha o cabelo comprido o ano passado. He had long hair last year. He had long hair last year. Vino cât poți de repede. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as you can. ¿Cuándo me van a pagar? When do I get paid? When are you gonna pay me? Tom ne voulait pas avancer plus. Tom didn't want to go any further. Tom didn't want to go any further. Cookie a été élevé par Kate. Cookie was raised by Kate. Cookie was raised by Kate. Les rescató el helicóptero. They were rescued by helicopter. He rescued the helicopter. Tinon an mwen sé Anri. My name is Henry. I know Anri. L'accident s'est produit près de chez lui. The accident took place near his home. The accident occurred near his home. El Dio ke vos mate a ambos. Fuck both of you. God ke kills you both. Il ne sera pas d'accord avec nous. He will not agree with us. He won't agree with us. Você não sabe ler? Can't you read? Can't you read? Las palabras sin decir son como regalos que nunca se entregaron. Words left unsaid are like presents left undelivered. Words without saying are like gifts that have never been delivered. Eso es fascinante. That's fascinating. That's fascinating. Tom ha scritto un paio di libri. Tom has written a couple of books. Tom wrote a couple of books. Aș vrea să beau o cafea. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like to have a coffee. Tom stava singhiozzando. Tom was sobbing. Tom was humming. Tallá na de suyo pugarán el pajaro. The bird is in its nest. Tall at yours they'll put the bird in. Ça me va. I'm fine with it. I'm fine. Comment pouvez-vous être si cruelle ? How can you be so cruel? How can you be so cruel? Ligou para o encanador? Did you call the plumber? Did you call the plumber? Nu trebuia să te grăbești. Oricum ai ajuns aici prea devreme. You didn't need to hurry. You got here too early anyway. You didn't have to hurry, anyway you got here too early. Io non ho davvero voglia di parlare. I really don't feel like talking. I don't really want to talk. O Tom não quer falar agora. Tom doesn't want to talk now. Tom doesn't want to talk right now. Tout marche comme Tom l'avait prédit. Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. Everything works the way Tom predicted it. Lui è partito per Londra l'altro ieri. He departed for London the day before yesterday. He left for London the other day. Son las nueve y media. It's nine-thirty. It's nine and a half. Eu estou ficando maluco! I'm going crazy! I'm going crazy! Essa velha tradição desapareceu. That old tradition has disappeared. This old tradition is gone. Tom desligou o motor. Tom turned off the engine. Tom turned the engine off. ¿Cómo se llama tu amigo? What is your friend's name? What's your friend's name? São lágrimas de alegria. They are tears of joy. It's tears of joy. Recibí tu carta ayer. I got your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Sacá tu masquín cosa dos baraja quiere tu. Take any two cards you like. Get your mascot thing out of the deck wants you. O que tem lá? What's in there? What's in there? Es bueno que estés aquí. It's good that you're here. It's good you're here. Plusieurs personnes gisaient blessées. Several people lay wounded. Several people were injured. Es trabajo sucio, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it. It's dirty work, but someone has to. El Medio Oriente es la cuna de la civilización. The Middle East is the cradle of civilization. The Middle East is the cradle of civilization. Llama al médico de inmediato. Call the doctor right away. Call the doctor right away. Voi dove avete visto quella donna? Where did you see that woman? Where did you see that woman? Non avrei dovuto farlo. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that. Per piacere, mi scriva una lettera. Please write a letter to me. Please write me a letter. Ta duelé un poco de mío pescuezo. My neck hurts a little. I've hurt a little bit of my fishing. Hay comida en el escritorio. There is food on the desk. There's food on the desk. Am avut o vacanţă splendidă în Suedia. We had a splendid holiday in Sweden. I had a wonderful vacation in Sweden. Esse é o que eu quero. It's what I want. That's what I want. Elle enseigne le yoga. She teaches yoga. She teaches yoga. Tom ha comprato un paio di orecchini per Mary. Tom bought a pair of earrings for Mary. Tom bought a couple of earrings for Mary. Tom è in pensione ora, vero? Tom is retired now, isn't he? Tom's retired now, right? Qu'avez-vous mangé pour le petit-déjeuner ? What did you eat for breakfast? What did you eat for breakfast? Mi servono più dettagli. I need more details. I need more details. Tom está consolando a Mary. Tom is consoling Mary. Tom's comforting Mary. Tom si sposò con una vedova. Tom got married to a widow. Tom married a widow. O vigarista cruel não passará mais tempo atrás das grades. The cruel conman will not serve any longer behind bars. The cruel vicar won't spend any more time behind bars. Eu não gosto do que você está fazendo. I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing. Êtes-vous sûr que vous ne voulez pas que je vous amène à l'hôpital ? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Eu sempre como frutas e aveia no café da manhã. I always have fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. I always eat fruit and oatmeal at breakfast. Je me suis fermement tenue à la corde pour ne pas tomber. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I firmly held on to the rope so I wouldn't fall. Venite a cenare con me. Come have dinner with me. Come and have dinner with me. Tom ganha três vezes mais do que eu. Tom earns three times as much as me. Tom earns three times as much as I do. Ditele che siamo impegnati. Tell her we're busy. Tell her we're busy. Le 15 mars, nous fêterons nos vingt ans de mariage. On March 15 we will have been married for 20 years. On March 15, we will celebrate our twenty years of marriage. Comment l'amour peut-il aimer l'amour ? How can love love love? How can love love be loved? Mi familia la amaba. My family loved her. My family loved her. Había vivido en Osaka dieciocho años cuando me mudé a Tokio. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. È legale? Is this legal? Is it legal? Apenas para que não exista nenhuma dúvida, não estou morando mais com meus pais. Just to remove any doubt, I no longer live with my parents. Just so there's no doubt, I'm not living with my parents anymore. Volte para a cama. Go back to bed. Go back to bed. Nuáy quien ay hacé cuntigo sintí duele. No one will harm you. No one here made me feel sorry. As-tu une assurance médicale ? Do you have health insurance? Do you have medical insurance? Tom passa a maior parte de seu tempo livre exercitando-se ao violão. Tom spends most of his spare time practicing the guitar. Tom spends most of his spare time practicing the guitar. Si tu ne manques pas le train, tu y seras à temps. If you don't miss the train, you'll get there in time. If you don't miss the train, you'll be there in time. Semplicemente mi diverto con essa. I just have fun with it. I just have fun with it. Il risultato è calcolato secondo la tabella di lettura generale creata dalla World Health Organization (WHO) - la stessa per maschio e femmina a prescindere dall'età. The result is calculated according to general reading table created by World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for male and female regardless the age. The result is calculated according to the general reading table created by the World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for male and female regardless of age. Tom non ha per nulla paura dei serpenti. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom's not afraid of snakes at all. Se eu visse um rapaz roubando alguma coisa no supermercado, eu o denunciaria ao gerente. If I saw a boy steal something in the supermarket, I would report him to the manager. If I saw a boy stealing something at the supermarket, I'd report it to the manager. Não deveria estar dirigindo. I shouldn't have been driving. You shouldn't be driving. A volte, un po' di orgoglio è quello che ci serve. Sometimes, a little bit of pride is what we need. Sometimes a little pride is what we need. Não podemos beber leite. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. Tu auras beau essayer, tu ne seras pas capable de finir cela en un jour. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish that in one day. You'll be fine trying, you won't be able to finish this in a day. El meu apartament està al quart pis. My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment is in the fourth floor. Não quero saber os nomes deles. I don't want to know their names. I don't want to know their names. As-tu dit à Tom qu'il pouvait emprunter ta voiture ? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Tom crede in strane cose. Tom believes in strange things. Tom believes in strange things. Chiedetegli se Mary è a casa o no. Ask him whether Mary is at home or not. Ask him if Mary's home or not. ¿Cómo estuvo tu día? How was your day? How was your day? E periculos! It's dangerous! It's dangerous! La guardi. Look at it. Look at her. N’essaie même pas de t’égosiller à me parler ; j’ai des écouteurs. Don't even try to talk me to death - I have earplugs. Don’t even try to be willing to talk to me; I have listeners. Sapete che a Tom piace Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. Este rio é perigoso de nadar em julho. This river is dangerous to swim in July. This river is dangerous to swim in July. Podi pas estar d'acòrd amb sa perpausicion. I cannot agree to his proposal. You can't agree with his perp. Assieds-toi, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Il parle également russe. He can also speak Russian. He also speaks Russian. Você mentiu para mim, não foi? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? T'ê un grand'òmmo. You're a great man. You're a great man. Él devolvió el libro a la estantería. He replaced the book on the shelf. He returned the book to the shelf. Tom quería darle un beso de despedida a Mary, pero sabía que no debería. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but knew he shouldn't. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but he knew he shouldn't. Elle est venue de là. She came out of there. She came from here. Olvidá ya cunaquel! Forget it! Forget that cuckoo! Ele subiu as escadas. He climbed the stairs. He went up the stairs. Tots l'estimen. Everybody loves him. They all love him. Il y a quelque chose dont je veux m'entretenir avec toi. There's something I want to discuss with you. There's something I want to talk to you about. Sarà molto divertente. It's going to be lots of fun. It'll be a lot of fun. Aparte contigo, todo kita pobre. Apart from you, we are all poor. Apart from you, everything takes off poor. Zăpada acoperea autobuzul. Snow covered the bus. The snow covers the bus. C'è solo un problema, penso. There's only one problem, I think. There's only one problem, I think. Guardi giù. Look down. Look down. Io non ero preparata a riguardo. I wasn't prepared for it. I wasn't prepared about it. So inglez. I'm English. I'm English. Hablo francés a diario. I speak French every day. I speak French every day. No recorde on la vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Apenas tengo 5,000 yenes. I have only five thousand yen. I barely have 5,000 yen. Profesorul este nervos, așa că vă rog să nu faceți gălăgie în clasă! The teacher is angry, so please do not make noise in the classroom! The teacher is nervous, so please don't make noise in class! ¿Quién todavía se da tiempo para escribirle una larga carta a un amigo? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who still gives time to write a long letter to a friend? Realizam eleições gerais todos os anos. They hold a general election every year. They hold general elections every year. Tutto è tranquillo. Everything is quiet. Everything's quiet. Ho un fratello maggiore che abita a Boston. I have an older brother who lives in Boston. I have an older brother who lives in Boston. La banca non è aperta il sabato. The bank is not open on Saturdays. The bank is not open on Saturday. Há problemas nesta conta telefônica. There are errors in this phone bill. There are problems in this phone account. Por que você não foi à polícia? Why haven't you gone to the police? Why didn't you go to the police? Je n'ai pas de tronçonneuse mais je connais quelqu'un qui en a une. I don't have a chain saw, but I know someone who does. I don't have a stretcher, but I know someone who has one. La traducció de la novel·la francesa li va portar més de tres mesos. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. O teste foi difícil. The test was difficult. The test was difficult. O que há de errado com esses? What's wrong with these? What's wrong with these? Io voglio dormire un po' di più. I want to sleep a little longer. I want to sleep a little longer. Nu știu dacă am timpul necesar. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time. Qui és l'home amb qui parlaves? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the man you were talking to? Temos recursos limitados. We have limited resources. We have limited resources. Când a fost ultima dată când ai umblat cu Tom? When was the last time you hung out with Tom? When was the last time you walked with Tom? Je voudrais construire une nouvelle maison. I'd like to build a new house. I'd like to build a new house. Jimmy insistió en que le llevara al zoo. Jimmy insisted on my taking him to the zoo. Jimmy insisted he took her to the zoo. Furtuna a făcut mult rău recoltei. The storm did a lot of harm to the crops. The storm has done a lot of damage to the crop. Lui Tom îi lipsește familia. Tom misses his family. Tom's missing his family. Ara estic de servei. I am now on duty. I'm on duty now. Se hizo esas heridas por tocar demasiado la guitarra. He got those wounds because he played too much guitar. Those wounds were made for playing too much of the guitar. No te lo tomes a pecho. Don't take it seriously. Don't take it to heart. Resti qui con Tom. Stay here with Tom. Stay here with Tom. Como comida japonesa. I eat Japanese food. As Japanese food. Él es puntual. He is punctual. He's punctual. Mon ami n'a aucun intérêt pour le mariage. My friend has no interest in marriage. My friend has no interest in marriage. Garotos têm sentimentos também. Guys have feelings, too. Boys have feelings too. Mozotros merkamos pan. We buy bread. Mozotros merkamos pan. Non sono sempre impegnata. I'm not always busy. I'm not always busy. Tom non sta lottando, vero? Tom isn't fighting, is he? Tom's not fighting, is he? Tom ne mérite pas cela. Tom doesn't deserve this. Tom doesn't deserve that. Los empleados votaron sobre la propuesta del jefe. The employees voted on the manager's proposal. Employees voted on the proposal of the Chief. ¿Cuál es tu libro? Which is your book? What's your book? Apra la bottiglia. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Aceasta este o chestiune de gust. This is a matter of taste. This is a matter of taste. Je parvins à avoir l'eau. I came to have the water. I can get water. Cliquez ici pour davantage d'information. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Niciunul dintre copacii bătrâni nu a supravieţuit focului. None of the old trees survived the fire. None of the old trees survived the fire. Aș vrea să îți mulțumesc pentru că ai venit astăzi. I'd like to thank you for coming today. I'd like to thank you for coming today. Bratislava es la capitala d'Eslovaquia. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Je ne peux m'empêcher de me sentir quelque peu soulagé. I can't help but feel a little relieved. I can't help but feel a little relieved. Aquera cançon qu'ei trista. This song sounds sad. That song is sad. Sami amava Deus. Sami loved God. Sami loved God. Ne voulez-vous pas être rédacteur ? You don't want to be an editor? Don't you want to be a writer? O bezerro deve ser separado da mãe dele. The calf should be separated from its mother. The calf must be separated from his mother. Il était très endetté et a dû se départir de sa maison. He was deep in debt and had to part with his house. He was very indebted and had to leave his house. Chacun a son propre point de vue. Everyone has their own point of view. Everyone has their own point of view. Ea a stat lângă mine la biserică. She sat beside me in church. She stayed with me at the church. O Tom tem que ficar em casa hoje? Does Tom have to stay home today? Does Tom have to stay home today? ¿Estás contenta ahora? Are you satisfied now? Are you happy now? Sentii che Tom fu ucciso. I heard Tom was killed. I felt that Tom was killed. Nous avons regardé par la fenêtre, mais nous n'avons rien vu. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked through the window, but we didn't see anything. Tiene páyung el maga mujer. The women have umbrellas. Has payung the maga woman. Haré todo lo que pueda. I'll do everything I can. I'll do everything I can. Sempre ha sigut així. It's always been that way. It's always been like this. Não quero cantar agora. I don't want to sing right now. I don't want to sing now. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste una fiesta? When was the last time you threw a party? When was the last time you had a party? Il n'y a aucune chance. There's not a chance. There's no chance. Io penso che Tom sia piacevole. I think Tom is likable. I think Tom's nice. On dit que la maison est hantée. It is said the house is haunted. They say the house is haunted. Cette lettre porte un timbre étranger. This letter bears a foreign stamp. This letter is a foreign stamp. Tom ne boit que du café. Tom only drinks coffee. Tom only drinks coffee. Sé que hay gente que puede verlo. I know there are people who can see it. I know there are people who can see it. Tom compuxo un soneto. Tom composed a sonnet. Tom made up a sonnet. Am discutat deja cu studentul acesta. I already talked to this student. I've already talked to this student. Todo o mundo ignorou o Tom. Everyone ignored Tom. Everyone ignored Tom. Sub nicio formă va putea Tom vreodată să jongleze. There's no way that Tom will ever be able to juggle. In no way will Tom ever be able to juggle. Qualquer verdade é melhor do que a dúvida imprecisa. Any truth is better than indefinite doubt. Any truth is better than imprecise doubt. טום נו איס טרומפ. Tom is not Trump. I can't do that. Ela despediu a Mary. She fired Mary. She fired Mary. Eu posso começar a comer agora? May I start eating now? Can I start eating now? Esperemos aquí. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. Tom non ha un grande appetito. Tom doesn't have a big appetite. Tom doesn't have a big appetite. ¿Entendéis? Do you understand? Do you understand? Potrebbe chiamarlo? Could you call him? Could you call him? Quanto spesso vai al cinema? How often do you go to movies? How often do you go to the movies? Tudo o que há nesta sala precisa ser vendido. Everything in this room needs to be sold. Everything in this room needs to be sold. Elle lui baisa la joe. He kissed her on the cheek. She fucked her ass. O discurso durou trinta minutos. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted thirty minutes. Amanhã é Natal. Tomorrow is Christmas. Tomorrow's Christmas. Eu não sei tocar piano. I can't play piano. I can't play piano. Él nunca falla en venir a verme todos los días. He never fails to come to see me every day. He never fails to come to see me every day. De quoi parlez-vous ? What are you talking about!? What are you talking about? Vòus pas un pauc de hruta ? Won't you have some fruit? Don't you want a bite? Il ressemble à sa mère. He looks like his mother. He looks like his mother. Todos ellos cantaron en coro. They all sang in chorus. They all sang in chorus. Pongamos el árbol de Navidad aquí. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Tom ar trebui să facă la fel. Tom should do the same. Tom should do the same. Non voglio correre rischi. I don't want to take risks. I don't want to take risks. Eu não sei cantar tão bem quanto o Tom. I can't sing as well as Tom. I don't know how to sing as well as Tom. ¿Le importa si abro la puerta? Would you mind my opening the door? Do you mind if I open the door? Tom não é muito bom nisso. Tom isn't very good at it. Tom's not very good at this. É difícil para os nosos ingresos manterse coa inflacción. It's difficult for our income to keep up with inflation. It's hard for our income to keep up with inflation. Quan s'acabè ? When was it finished? When did it end? Je me souviendrai toujours de cet incident. I'll remember this incident forever. I'll always remember this incident. Els dos nens van tirar de la corda fins que es va trencar. The two children pulled at the rope until it broke. The two kids pulled off the rope until it broke. Cuando mi padre se marchó de la habitación, ¡mi hermana me hizo un gesto grosero levantando el dedo medio! When my dad left the room, my little sister gave me the finger! When my father left the room, my sister made a rude gesture to me, raising my middle finger! Di chi avete paura? Who are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? Non ho niente da dirti. I've got nothing to tell you. I have nothing to say to you. Tim escribe como si fuera zurdo. Tim writes as if he were left-handed. Tim writes like he's left-handed. Els joves estimen l'aventura. Young people love adventure. Young people love adventure. Che hai contro di loro? What do you have against them? What do you have against them? Ecco il suo amico. There's your friend. Here's your friend. Eu vou estar em Nova Orleans em abril, para o casamento de minha prima. I will be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. I'm going to be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. Marie dépense beaucoup d'argent pour acheter des vêtements. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. Marie spends a lot of money buying clothes. Lui portò la sua famiglia allo zoo. He took his family to the zoo. He took his family to the zoo. Mi piacerebbe. I'd like that. I'd like that. Tu doar bagi problemele vieții sub preș. You're just sweeping life's problems under the rug. You're just putting life's problems under price. Es la mansana de John. It is John's apple. It's John's mansa. Apenas os amigos roubam os seus livros. Just your friends steal your books. Only friends steal their books. Je vois que vous vous êtes fait une amie. I see you've made a friend. I see you've made a friend. Je n'apprécie pas que les gens me regardent. I don't like people looking at me. I don't like people looking at me. O Tom não parece estar infeliz. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy. Tom doesn't seem unhappy. Garde la bicoque pendant que je suis parti. Hold down the fort while I'm gone. Keep the beak while I'm gone. Il te faut sauver la princesse. You need to save the princess. You need to save the princess. Sé que li agrada el jazz. I know he likes jazz music. I know you like jazz. Il medico che ha fatto l'intervento chirurgico sta adesso parlando con la famiglia di Tom. The doctor who did the surgery is now talking with Tom's family. The doctor who did the surgery is now talking to Tom's family. Eu sou dona de casa. I'm a housewife. I'm a housewife. Las leyes han cambiado. The laws have changed. The laws have changed. Ne veillez pas pour moi ! Don't wait up for me. Don't watch over me! È ancora nella cucina, vero? He's still in the kitchen, isn't he? He's still in the kitchen, isn't he? Me acabo de encontrar a tu padre. I met your father just now. I just found your father. Les matemàtiques ocupaven els seus pensaments. Mathematics occupied her mind. Maths occupied his thoughts. Vine aquí para ver si había algo que pudiera hacer para ayudar, pero parece que no hay nada para que yo haga. I came here to see if there was something I could do to help, but there doesn't seem to be anything for me to do. I came here to see if there was anything I could do to help, but there seems to be nothing I can do. Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken with her? Did anyone talk to her? Ceea ce ne definește este modul în care ne ridicăm după ce cădem. What defines us is how well we arise after falling. What defines us is how we get up after we fall. Ne m'oblige pas à le dire. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it. Prețurile mărfurilor creșteau. Commodity prices were rising. The prices of the goods increased. Mon but est d'être heureuse. My goal is to become happy. My goal is to be happy. Tùit a savìo che chila a parlava motobin bin l'anglèis. Everybody knew that she spoke very good English. Tùit knew he was talking English motobin bin. Ce să mănânc? What should I eat? Eating what? A vòj crèder. I want to believe. I want to believe it. Cet homme portait un masque de tigre. That man was wearing a tiger mask. This man was wearing a tiger mask. ¿Recuerdas la vez que visitamos a Tom cuando era todavía un adolescente? Can you remember the time we visited Tom when he was still a teenager? Remember the time we visited Tom when he was still a teenager? Me voy a París mañana. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. ¡Nunca aceptes un regalo pensado como un soborno! Never accept a gift intended as a bribe! Never accept a gift thought like a bribe! Actúa sin esperar ni pedir nada a cambio. To act without excepting or asking for anything in return. Act without waiting or asking for anything in return. En mi cabeza está todo muy claro. In my head it's all perfectly clear. It's all very clear in my head. Mercés per ton present. Thank you for your present. Thanks for your present. Receio que a tua tradução seja demasiadamente literal. I am afraid your translation is overly literal. I'm afraid your translation is too literal. Le criminel sortit de la maison les mains en l'air. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal came out of the house with his hands in the air. M'écoutes-tu ? Are you listening? Are you listening to me? Al final los dos se quedaron dormidos. Finally they both fell asleep. In the end, the two were asleep. Este lugar é chato. This place is boring. This place is boring. Non, pas moi, mais toi ! No, not me, but you! No, not me, but you! Unele animale sunt foarte bune la cățărat. Some animals are very good at climbing. Some animals are very good at winning. Il se pourrait que vous vouliez jeter un œil à ceci. You might want to take a look at this. You might want to take a look at this. Può indicarmi la stazione della metro più vicina? Can you direct me to the nearest subway station? Can you tell me the nearest subway station? Eles xa están aquí. They're already here. They're already here. O que você quer que eu faça com o Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? Il y a quelques livres sur le bureau. There are some books on the desk. There are a few books on the office. Il lui fallut l'après-midi entière pour effectuer ce travail. She needed the entire afternoon for that job. It took him the whole afternoon to do this work. Tom a reușit în multe. Tom has achieved a lot. Tom succeeded in many. J'ai été arrêté. I was arrested. I was arrested. Iată că încep să cânte jazz blues. There go the twelve bars blues. Look, I'm starting to sing jazz blues. No sé si puedo resistir más. I don't know if I can resist anymore. I don't know if I can resist anymore. Sé que ganarás. I know you'll win. I know you'll win. Deixe-me nadar. Let me swim. Let me swim. Eu preferiria morrer a ver você chorar. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die than see you cry. Pare aí mesmo! Freeze right there! Stop right there! Vas vénguer dab jo ? Won't you come with me? You're going to avenge me? Nous sommes allés à Londres. We went to London. We went to London. Estamos todos perdendo tempo. We're all wasting time. We're all wasting time. Problema s-a dovedit a fi foarte controversată. The issue turned out to be very contentious. The problem turned out to be very controversial. Je pus répondre à toutes. I could reply to all of them. I had to answer them all. Què significa "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Toată lumea era indiferentă. Everyone was numb. Everyone was indifferent. Él tenía que alimentar a su numerosa familia. He had to feed his large family. He had to feed his numerous family. Tom è già addormentato. Tom is already asleep. Tom's already asleep. O Tom e a Mary chamaram seu filho de John. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary called their son John. A família dela mudou-se para o Brasil. Her family moved to Brazil. Her family moved to Brazil. Am coborât scările. I went down the stairs. We're down the stairs. Vous êtes une sale menteuse ! You're a filthy liar! You're a fucking liar! Tom es un chiflado. Tom is a nutter. Tom's a jerk. La faim est l'une des afflictions les plus dures. Hunger is one of the strongest griefs. Hunger is one of the hardest troubles. Je veux que vous alliez à l'étage. I want you to go upstairs. I want you to go upstairs. Il vend des légumes dans ce magasin. He deals in vegetables at that shop. He sells vegetables in this store. Él no es mi padre. He's not my father. He's not my father. O que vamos fazer com isso? What're we going to do with it? What are we gonna do about it? Nós prometemos a você que nunca faremos isso novamente. We promise you that we'll never do it again. We promise you we'll never do that again. Saltai la colazione. I skipped my breakfast. I skipped breakfast. "Parles-to almagn?" "Nò." "Do you speak German?" "No, I don't." "Do you speak soul?" "No." El tren tiene dos motores. The train has two engines. The train has two engines. Estou muito cansado do trabalho duro. I am very tired from the hard work. I'm very tired of hard work. Je me suis senti assez bien. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. Telefonami se piove. Telephone me if it rains. Call me if it rains. Je serai là à sept heures et demie. I'll be there at half seven. I'll be there at seven and a half. Siamo atterrati su di un'isola solitaria. We were landed on a lonely island. We're landed on a lonely island. Unde este telecomanda? Where is the remote? Where's the remote? Trecem printr-o perioadă dificilă. We're having a tough time. We're going through a difficult time. Ah, se empezaron a prender las luces de la calle. Oh, the streetlights have turned on. Ah, they started picking up the lights on the street. Seguramente él llegará tarde a la escuela. He is likely to be late for school. He'll probably be late for school. Mary era un'esile giovane donna alta con i capelli scuri. Mary was a tall slender young woman with dark hair. Mary was a tall young woman with dark hair. Es el mejor pavo que he probado nunca. It's the best turkey I've ever tasted. He's the best turkey I've ever tried. Isso é comestível? Is that edible? Is that edible? Io potrei avere torto. I might be wrong. I could be wrong. Eu lhe direi o que quero que faça. I'll tell you what I want you to do. I'll tell you what I want you to do. Tom pare a fi un om cinstit. Tom seems to be an honest man. Tom seems to be an honest man. Eles são todos assim? Are they all like this? Are they all like that? Avete un account di Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Ën pitor a pitura soe figure sla tèila. Ma 'j mùsich a pituro soe figure sël silens. Noi it doma la mùsica, e ti tën das ël silens. A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence. Ma'j músich a pituro soe figuree sel silens. Noi it doma la música, e tên das ël silens. Eu sei. I know it. I know. Tom se escondió en un edificio abandonado. Tom hid in an abandoned building. Tom hid in an abandoned building. Almeno non sono un perdente come lei. At least I'm not a loser like you. At least I'm not a loser like you. Est-ce qu'il vous manque ? Do you miss it? Do you miss him? Ella diu que es raspatlla les dents tots els dematins. She says she brushes her teeth every morning. She says she brushes her teeth every day. Tom está fazendo a barba em seu quarto. Tom is shaving in his room. Tom's shaving in his room. Gana 300.000 yenes al mes. He earns 300,000 yen a month. Make 300,000 yen apiece. Il y a beaucoup de sucre dans cette boîte noire. There is much sugar in this black box. There's a lot of sugar in this black box. Je dois escalader cette montagne. I have to climb this mountain. I have to climb this mountain. Va declarar que la Terra gira al voltant del Sol. He declared that the earth goes round the sun. He declared that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Vremea s-a răcit. The weather got cold. The weather's cold. J'ai besoin que vous partiez, maintenant. I need you to leave now. I need you to leave now. Tom non quere ir para casa agora. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Ellos nunca antes han visto nuestra casa. They had never seen our house before. They've never seen our house before. O Tom passou um tempo na Austrália. Tom has spent time in Australia. Tom spent some time in Australia. Tu chantes tout le temps. You're always singing. You sing all the time. Os olhos de todos estavam travados nas telas. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screens. Everyone's eyes were locked on the screens. Se va al colegio a las siete. He leaves for school at seven. He's going to school at seven. Tom a l'avìa gnente da dì. Tom didn't have anything to say. Tom's since today. Acesta este cuvântul pe care l-am găsit in dicționar. This is the word I found in the dictionary. That's the word I found in the dictionary. Este país es rico en carbón. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. Hi havia quatre cadires a prop de la taula. There were four chairs by the table. There were four chairs near the table. Stavano per impiccarlo. They were going to hang him. They were about to hang him. Il m'écrivit de temps à autre. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me from time to time. Você sabe que eu normalmente não falo assim. You know that I don't usually talk this way. You know I don't usually talk like that. Depois do inverno, vem a primavera. After winter, spring comes. After winter, spring comes. ¿Qué país es un poco más grande que las Filipinas en términos del área de tierra? Which country is slightly larger than the Philippines in terms of land area? Which country is a little larger than the Philippines in terms of land area? Cutremurul a fost o experienţă teribilă. The earthquake was a terrible experience. The earthquake was a terrible experience. A Tomás casi lo lleva por delante un auto. Tom almost got hit by a car. Tomás is almost driving him in front of a car. Eres mi sol. You are my sunshine. You're my own. Noi abbiamo gli stessi suoi problemi. We have the same problems as you. We have the same problems. On a acheté le journal. We bought the newspaper. We bought the newspaper. Quelle sono sue? Are those yours? Is that yours? ¿Que fixéches con ese libro? What did you do with that book? What did you do with that book? Minha mãe é dois anos mais nova que meu pai. My mother is two years younger than my father. My mother is two years younger than my father. O avião já tinha deixado o aeroporto. The plane had already left the airport. The plane had already left the airport. Tu as une odeur corporelle étrange. You have a weird smell. You have a strange body odor. E deja vară. It's summer already. It's already summer. A avut timp să-şi pregătească oamenii de luptă. He had time to prepare his men for battle. He had time to prepare his men to fight. Hasta rodillas de suyo el lodo. He was knee deep in mud. Even the knees of his mud. Quando si tratta di politica, io non so niente. When it comes to politics, I know nothing. When it comes to politics, I don't know anything. No tenemos nada que ocultar. We have nothing to hide. We have nothing to hide. Loro hanno pulito la casa. They cleaned the house. They cleaned the house. Națiunile Unite au trimis trupe pentru menținerea păcii în Bosnia. The United Nations sent peacekeepers to Bosnia. The United Nations has sent troops to maintain peace in Bosnia. Amar es dar algo que no se tiene. Love is giving something one doesn't have. Love is giving something you don't have. Ditegli che non l'ho letto. Tell him I didn't read it. Tell him I haven't read it. Algo muito estranho está acontecendo. Something very strange is going on. Something very strange is happening. È probabile che sia un errore. That's likely a mistake. It's probably a mistake. Ellos también deberían ser justos con los demás. They should also be fair to others. They should also be fair to others. Je vais jouir. I'm about to cum. I'll enjoy it. Eso duele. That hurts. That hurts. Lavatz-vos las mans de plan. Wash your hands well. Wash your hands of plan. Non mi aspetto che tu ricordi. I don't expect you to remember. I don't expect you to remember. Você se lembra de mim? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Quanto dista da Osaka a Kyoto? How far is it from Osaka to Kyoto? How far from Osaka to Kyoto? Eles estão entre os barulhos da cidade. They are amid the city noises. They're among the noises of the city. Tiene comezón en la espalda. His back itches. He's got a start on his back. Iarna a fost rece și cu ninsori. The winter was cold and snowy. Winter was cold with pillows. C'est l'examen ultime. It's the ultimate test. It's the final exam. Cine joacă golf? Who plays golf? Who plays golf? O Tom está sangrando de novo. Tom is bleeding again. Tom's bleeding again. Recibí un regalo de despedida de parte de todos. I got a farewell present from everyone. I received a farewell gift from everyone. Sono andata a vedere un film con Tom dopo il lavoro. I went to see a movie with Tom after work. I went to see a movie with Tom after work. Me gustaría esa cerveza, por favor. I'd like that beer, please. I'd like that beer, please. Dintr-un motiv sau altul microfonul nu funcționa adineauri. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For one reason or another, the microphone didn't work now. Tom espera poder visitar Boston antes de morir. Tom hopes that he can visit Boston before he dies. Tom hopes to visit Boston before he dies. Espero que o Tom esteja bem. I hope Tom is doing OK. I hope Tom's okay. ¿A qué hora has venido esta mañana? What time did you get here this morning? What time did you come this morning? Ha fatto lo schizzo di una mela. He sketched an apple. He made an apple scoundrel. Vaya chasco. What a letdown! Oh, boy. Tom esteve com a gente por apenas três meses. Tom has only been with us three months. Tom's only been with us for three months. "O telefone está tocando." "Eu atendo." "The phone is ringing." "I'll get it." "The phone's ringing." "I'll get it." Personne n'est rationnel. No one is rational. Nobody's rational. Vinimos a comprar auriculares. We came here to buy headphones. We've come to buy headphones. Es un maestro fuera de lo común. He is a teacher apart from the rest. He's a teacher out of the ordinary. Tom sabia que algo estava errado. Tom knew something was off. Tom knew something was wrong. Les guêpes piquent. Wasps sting. The shells sting. "Cómu se llama usté?" "Me llamu Tom." "What's your name?" "My name's Tom." "What's your name?" "My name is Tom." Tu problema es parecido al mío. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. Emily a citit această carte. Emily read this book. Emily read this book. ¿Tienes ganas de ir al teatro? Do you feel like going to the theater? You feel like going to the theater? Am încercat să spar uşa, dar am descoperit că e imposibil. I tried to break down the door, but I found out that it is impossible. I tried to break down the door, but I found it's impossible. Tom disse che non voleva una morosa. Tom said he didn't want a girlfriend. Tom said he didn't want a morosa. No tienes que contestar a sus preguntas. You don't have to answer his questions. You don't have to answer his questions. De ahora en adelante déjanos estudiar por las mañanas. From now on, let's study in the morning. From now on let us study in the mornings. J'ai besoin de davantage d'argent. I need more money. I need more money. Ya hace sila el cósa kanila ya habla. They did what they were told. She's already sila the kanila cosa already talks. O Tom nasceu na Austrália. Tom was born in Australia. Tom was born in Australia. Pediram-me que esperasse um instante. I was told to wait for a while. They asked me to wait a minute. Je ne peux pas en parler maintenant. I can't talk about that right now. I can't talk about it right now. Penso sia pericoloso per i bambini giocare nello stagno. I think it's dangerous for children to play in the pond. I think it's dangerous for kids to play in the pond. Reciteam scrisorile pe care mi le-ai trimis. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was repeating the letters you sent me. Tom é o pai biológico de Maria. Tom is Mary's biological father. Tom is Maria's biological father. De qué atz besonh ? What do you need? What are you supposed to be? Vi sono grata per la vostra gentilezza. I am grateful to you for your kindness. I am grateful for your kindness. Él me desnudó con sus ojos. He undressed me with his eyes. He naked me with his eyes. Aún estamos juntos. We're still together. We're still together. Tom perdeu alguns livros da biblioteca da escola. Tom lost some school library books. Tom lost some books from the school library. Você tinha razão, ela não mora no Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. Minha dor de cabeça se foi. My headache is gone. My headache is gone. Pouvons-nous disposer d'un moment seules ? Can we have a moment alone? Can we have a moment alone? Ho sempre voluto possedere una macchina sportiva. I've always wanted to own a sports car. I always wanted to own a sports car. Le public était en grande partie féminin. The audience was predominantly female. The public was largely female. Il emploie une femme de ménage. He employs a maid. He employs a housekeeper. Ele adora cozinhar para sua família. He likes cooking for his family. He loves cooking for his family. L'entreprise est dirigée par mon frère ainé. The company is managed by my older brother. The company is run by my eldest brother. Devo parlare con lui ora. I need to talk to him now. I need to talk to him now. Il lut le document à haute voix. He read the document aloud. He reads the document aloud. Não posso te dizer o que penso. I can't tell you what I think. I can't tell you what I think. Procurem ter a certeza de escolher bem. Make sure you choose wisely. Try to make sure you choose well. Pienso que Mary había estado llorando. I think Mary had been crying. I think Mary had been crying. Volevo essere ricco. I used to want to be rich. I wanted to be rich. Quan ès encuantat ? When are you busy? When are you encanted? Beaucoup de prisonniers ont été décapités. Many of the prisoners were decapitated. Many prisoners were beheaded. No hay yo puede durmí enbuenamente kay alboroto afuera. I couldn't sleep well because it was noisy outside. There's no I can sleep bouncy house out. Tom no hace nada más que ver la televisión durante todo el día. Tom does nothing but watch TV all day. Tom does nothing but watch television all day. Non sempre foi doado para Edison inventar novas cousas. It wasn't always easy for Edison to invent new things. It wasn't always easy for Edison to invent new things. Ei nu mă sperie. They don't scare me. They don't scare me. Largo el falda. The skirt is long. I'll put my skirt down. È probabile che Tom sia assetato. Tom is likely to be thirsty. Tom's probably thirsty. Eu sei falar em Interlíngua. I speak Interlingua. I know how to speak in Interlingua. Daca nu m-ar fi ajutat ea, nu aş mai fi viu acum. If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now. If she hadn't helped me, I wouldn't be alive now. Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a quelques semaines. We met a few weeks ago. We met a few weeks ago. On lui donna une seconde fois de la soupe. He had a second helping of soup. We gave him a second time of soup. Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You'll call me, won't you? Non dirò nulla. I won't say anything. I won't say anything. Ero innamorata di lui una volta. I was in love with him once. I was in love with him once. A cultura americana é muito dinâmica. The American culture is so dynamic. American culture is very dynamic. Tom dice che ci proverà. Tom says he'll give it a try. Tom says he'll try. L'inglese è una lingua difficile da imparare. English is a hard language to learn. English is a difficult language to learn. En Tom i la Mary es portaven com nens. Tom and Mary acted like children. Tom and Mary behaved like children. Concertul va avea loc vara viitoare. The concert will take place next summer. The concert will take place next summer. Guardi quello! Look at that! Look at that! Avrà il diritto di scegliere. You will get the right to choose. You will have the right to choose. Casáo ya yo y tiene yo dos anák. I am married and have two children. I've already married and I've got two anaks. Provai tutti i mezzi possibili. I tried all possible means. Try all possible means. Si lavi i piedi. Wash your feet. Live your feet. Arrêtez de crier. Stop shouting. Stop yelling. La mujer se despierta. The woman awakens. The woman wakes up. En invierno me pongo un abrigo. I wear an overcoat in the winter. In winter I put on a coat. Perché Tom ha esitato? Why did Tom hesitate? Why did Tom hesitate? Tu mujer me enseña italiano. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. Io penso che saranno in ritardo. I think that they will be late. I think they'll be late. Je dois faire mes excuses. I have to apologize. I have to apologize. Perché Tom è bravo in francese? Why is Tom good at French? Why is Tom good in French? Tom sabe que está pasando algo. Tom knows something's going on. Tom knows something's going on. Penso che Tom sia insistente. I think Tom is persistent. I think Tom's insistent. Eso debe haber sido socialmente incómodo. That must have been socially awkward. That must have been socially uncomfortable. No recuerdo haber enviado este mensaje de texto. I don't remember sending that text message. I don't remember sending this text message. Les beaux vitraux sont de l'art. Beautiful stained glass is art. The beautiful glass windows are art. Qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf. He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. Who steals an egg steals a beef. Ella se burló de su marido. She made fun of her husband. She made fun of her husband. A minha irmã caçula tem aulas de piano duas vezes por semana. My youngest sister has piano lessons twice weekly. My little sister has piano lessons twice a week. J'aime vos chaussures. I like your shoes. I like your shoes. Perché Tom non canterà? Why won't Tom sing? Why won't Tom sing? Avrei dovuto leggere le istruzioni. I should've read the instructions. I should have read the instructions. De qué t'agrada ? What do you like? What do you like? J'ai besoin d'une lampe. I need a lamp. I need a lamp. Tom venne a prendermi dopo il lavoro. Tom came to pick me up after work. Tom came to pick me up after work. Tom este mult mai tânăr ca Mary. Tom is a lot younger than Mary. Tom is much younger than Mary. Vino cât poți de repede. Come as soon as possible. Come as soon as you can. Sunt pasionat de fotbalul american. I'm crazy about American football. I'm passionate about American football. Tom sempre fala de você. Tom often talks about you. Tom always talks about you. Esse é o menor dos meus problemas. That's the least of my problems. That's the least of my problems. Eles adoram tocar fora. They love to play outside. They love to play outside. Eu achei que você não fumava. I thought you didn't smoke. I thought you didn't smoke. J'aimerais retirer de l'argent. I'd like to withdraw money. I'd like to withdraw the money. As-tu été mordu par un piranha? Were you bit by a piranha? Have you been bitten by a piranha? Tom estuvo durmiendo en el sofá casi toda la tarde. Tom was sleeping on the couch most of the afternoon. Tom was sleeping on the couch almost all afternoon. De quelque manière que tu le fasses, le résultat n'est pas différent. Any way you do, the outcome is no different. In any way you do, the result is no different. Elle essaya de cacher ses larmes. She tried to hide her tears. She was trying to hide her tears. Noi avem un supermarket mare. We have a big supermarket. We have a big supermarket. O Tom parece chateado. Tom looks bummed. Tom seems upset. Honestament, jo estaria mentint si digués que mai em penediria de les meves decisions ràpides. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I never regret my sudden decisions. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I'd never regret my quick decisions. Tom est assis à son bureau. Tom is sitting at his desk. Tom's sitting at his desk. Qual è la sua squadra di football preferita? Which is your favourite football team? What's your favorite football team? Gosto de lugares movimentados. I like busy places. I like moving places. Quante sorelle e fratelli hai? How many sisters and brothers do you have? How many sisters and brothers do you have? Sa famille émigra aux États-Unis d'Amérique. His family emigrated to the United States. His family emigrated to the United States of America. Nu a fost un accident. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident. Puede tu hablá cumigo cosa esté? Can you tell me what this is? Can you talk cumigo what's going on? Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom vai para Boston. I'm sure Tom will go to Boston. I'm sure Tom's going to Boston. Tom quiere que nos divirtamos. Tom wants us to enjoy ourselves. Tom wants us to have some fun. Durante el primer mes después del accidente ella sólo podía tomar líquidos con pajita. For the first month after the accident she could only drink liquids through a straw. During the first month after the accident she could only take liquids with straw. Feliç aniversari! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! ¿Ha oído alguna vez a alguien hablar en esperanto? Have you ever heard someone speaking in Esperanto? Have you ever heard anyone speak Esperanto? Ay cae ulán este tarde. It is going to rain this afternoon. Ay falls ulán this afternoon. Je suis nerveux. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. Lui sta provando a suicidarsi. He's trying to commit suicide. He's trying to kill himself. Je tiens à vous remercier d'avance pour l'évaluation de cet article. I want to thank you in advance for evaluating this article. I would like to thank you in advance for the evaluation of this article. Vada a svegliarle. Go wake them up. Go wake them up. D'un coup, ça a l'air plus grand. Suddenly, it looks bigger. All of a sudden, it looks bigger. N'ennuyez pas vos parents avec une chose si insignifiante. Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing. Don't bother your parents with something so insignificant. Ella tiene un nuevo trabajo y novio nuevo. She has a new job and a new boyfriend. She has a new job and new boyfriend. Como vou fazer isso? How am I going to do that? How am I supposed to do that? ¿Si te cuento un cuento te dormirás? If I tell you a story, will you go to sleep? If I tell you a story, will you sleep? Lincoln murió en 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lor a j'ero nèn a ca jer. They weren't at home yesterday. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm just like, Tom dormiu muito mais do que planejava. Tom slept much longer than he had planned to. Tom slept a lot more than he planned. Sami stava drogando Layla. Sami was drugging Layla. Sami was drugging Layla. Quante volte glielo devo dire? How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do I have to tell him? Minha impressora a laser pode também escanear uma imagem. My laser printer can also scan an image. My laser printer can also scan an image. Regarde! Behold. Look! Tom se dio cuenta de que estaba ahogándose. Tom realized that he was drowning. Tom realized he was drowning. El inglés se ha difundido por todo el país. English has spread all over the country. English has spread throughout the country. Mi hermana me mostró un reloj nuevo. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. Dame una tiza. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a slice. Que l'am hèit nosautes medish. We did it ourselves. I've heard him take our meds. Ya cogí yo cunele ta robá cunel sen. I caught him stealing the money. I have already taken the cuneel and stolen it. Você vai sentir frio demais com esse vestido. You're going to be too cold with this dress. You'll feel too cold in that dress. È stato sepolto in questo cimitero. He was buried in this graveyard. He was buried in this cemetery. Tens papel? Do you have paper? Do you have any paper? No me había dado cuenta de lo importante que esto es para ti. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. Bondjoû! Good day! Hello! Ce ne sont que des feuilles et des branches. It's only leaves and branches. These are only leaves and branches. Te oí cantar. I heard you sing. I heard you sing. Imaxínome que Tom quedará sin diñeiro nalgún momento e terá que volver para casa. I imagine that Tom will eventually run out of money and have to go back home. I imagine Tom will run out of money at some point and have to go home. Non metti in pratica quello che predichi. You don't practice what you preach. Do not practice what you preach. Tom è ancora assente. Tom is still missing. Tom is still absent. Elle a néanmoins un gros problème. She has a big problem, though. But she has a big problem. Os filhos de Tom estão lá embaixo. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's kids are downstairs. Cul-lé l'é nōv? Is that new? Is it nōv? Este libro se va a imprimir el año que viene. This book will be printed next year. This book will be printed next year. Ce s-a'ntâmplat? What's up? What happened? Você poderia passar um pouco de filtro solar nas minhas costas? Could you put a little sunscreen on my back? Could you pass a little solar filter on my back? Pisica a început să se comporte ciudat. The cat has started acting strangely. The cat started acting weird. Tom no quiere admitirlo, pero él está secretamente enamorado de María. Tom won't admit it, but he's secretly in love with Mary. Tom doesn't want to admit it, but he's secretly in love with Mary. Ignorateli. Ignore them. Ignore them. J'en garde un souvenir très vivace. I remember it vividly. I keep a very vivid memory of it. Há um pacote de correspondência para o senhor. There's a package in the mail for you. There's a correspondence package for you. Tu sais t'y prendre avec les femmes. You have a way with women. You know how to deal with women. Corije! Run! Corije! ¿De qué parte de Canadá eres? What part of Canada are you from? What part of Canada are you from? Va bene se mangiamo fuori stasera? It is all right to eat out tonight? Is it okay if we eat outside tonight? Tom adora viajar. Tom loves traveling. Tom loves traveling. Sto tornando a scuola. I'm going back to school. I'm going back to school. Hay un monstruo debajo de mi cama. There is a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Él me regresó el golpe. He hit me back. He hit me back. Prends place, veux-tu ? Have a seat, won't you? Take a seat, will you? Je ne sais pas ce qui arrivera. I don't know what will pass. I don't know what's gonna happen. Me gustaría ir a los Estados Unidos un día. I would like to go to the United States one day. I'd like to go to the United States one day. La mia schiena mi sta uccidendo. My back is killing me. My back is killing me. Să-i dai lui un sfat e ca și cum ai vorbi cu un perete de cărămidă. Giving advice to him is like talking to a brick wall. Giving him advice is like talking to a brick wall. Le guardie li hanno afferrati. The guards grabbed them. The guards grabbed them. Las flores en el jardín son maravillosas. The flowers in the garden are beautiful. The flowers in the garden are wonderful. A căzut multă zăpadă. It snowed a lot. A lot of snow fell. Ton école dispose-t-elle d'une bibliothèque ? Does your school have a library? Does your school have a library? Imparai delle cose sulla cultura greca. I learned about Greek culture. I learned things about Greek culture. Do que estás a falar? What're you talking about? What are you talking about? John veio para o Japão ontem. John came to Japan yesterday. John came to Japan yesterday. Può darmi un euro? Can you give me a euro? Can you give me a euro? Tu non devi chiamarmi. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Tu sei capace di battere a macchina? Are you able to type? Are you able to hit the car? Dimenticami. Forget me. Forget me. Ya retratá le cunel familia. He took a photograph of the family. He's already portrayed with his family. Tom parecia interessado. Tom seemed interested. Tom seemed interested. Qual é o seu nome? What is your name? What's your name? Poți să te folosești de biblioteca lui. You may use his library. You can use his library. La sfârșitul lui august forțele aliate au capturat Parisul. In late August, the Allied forces captured Paris. At the end of August the Allied forces captured Paris. Ella no té més de quinze dòlars She has no more than fifteen dollars. She doesn't have more than fifteen dollars. J'étais à Boston lundi dernier. I was in Boston last Monday. I was in Boston last Monday. Tiene ya cincuenta años diaton escuela. Our school is fifty years old. He's been in school for fifty years. Je suis allé à deux concerts la semaine dernière. I went to two concerts last week. I went to two gigs last week. Las manzanas van a estar maduras luego. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples will be ripe later. Sarai per sempre mio. You'll be forever mine. You'll be mine forever. Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle n'est pas dans mes rêves. Sans doute, en n'étant pas là, ne veut-elle pas me déranger. I don't know why she isn't in my dreams. Maybe she doesn't want to be there in order not to disturb me. I don't know why she's not in my dreams. Non mi ascolterà. He won't listen to me. He won't listen to me. Tu peux donner le livre à qui le voudra. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whom you want. La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me deep sorrow; the second was simply a German. Ești frumoasă ca o floare de vișin. You are pretty like a cherry blossom. You're beautiful like a vine flower. Je suis très inquiet à votre sujet. I'm very worried about you. I'm very worried about you. Sono andata in libreria. I went to the book store. I went to the bookstore. Ele está a comer. He's eating. He's eating. Ya quebrá de tuyo braso. You broke your arm. It'll break your arm. Ea a luat un taxi până la muzeu. She took a taxi to the museum. She took a taxi to the museum. Eu vou deixar o Tom te contar. I'll let Tom tell you. I'll let Tom tell you. Tom è arrivato a Boston la notte scorsa. Tom arrived in Boston last night. Tom arrived in Boston last night. Pourquoi n'essaies-tu pas une autre piste ? Why don't you try a different tack? Why don't you try another lead? Tom joue très bien du vibraphone. Tom plays the vibraphone exceptionally well. Tom plays vibraphone very well. Su oficina está muy cerca de la mía. His office is very close to mine. Your office is very close to mine. Tom n'est toujours pas très convaincu. Tom still isn't quite convinced. Tom's still not very convinced. Scuze! Pardon! Sorry! Lei verrà? Will she come? Will you come? Bunicul meu are păr alb ca zăpada. My grandfather has snowy white hair. My grandfather has white hair as snow. Alege. Choose. Choose. Necesita kamé papel. We need paper. She needs kamé paper. Trebuie să studiezi din greu. You must study hard. You need to study hard. Estarei aí daqui a pouco. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be there in a minute. Am crezut că asta este în regulă. I thought that that was right. I thought that's okay. Au secours ! au secours ! cria Pierrette, on me tue ! "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" To help, to help, to shout Pierrette, to kill me! Cele două țări vecine, diferă între ele în toate privințele. The two neighbouring countries differ from each other in all respects. The two neighbouring countries differ in all respects. M-am săturat de el! I'm tired of him! I'm sick of him! S-a făcut presiune asupra mea ca să semnez cu numele meu. I was forced to sign my name. Pressure was put on me to sign my name. Le rouge n'est pas votre couleur. Red is not your colour. Red is not your color. ¿Tienes una opinión? Do you have an opinion? Do you have an opinion? Il m'a collé un coup de pied dans les testicules. He kicked me in the balls. He kicked me in the testicles. Annuii, ma non mi mossi. I nodded, but did not move. Annuii, but don't move. Le chiamerò tra qualche minuto. I'll call them in a few minutes. I'll call you in a few minutes. ¿Cuál es tu lugar preferido para ir cuando querés estar sola? Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? What's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Se suponía que nos íbamos a encontrar en el restaurante, pero Tom nunca apareció. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. Tom tiene muchos gatos. Tom has many cats. Tom's got a lot of cats. Nu mai sunt copil. I am not a kid anymore. I'm not a child anymore. Tom sembra a disagio. Tom looks uneasy. Tom seems uncomfortable. De ce ești aici? Why are you here? Why are you here? Tom apenas foi preso. Only Tom got arrested. Tom was just arrested. Hoje é sexta-feira. Today is Friday. It's Friday. Lui ha detto solo cose stupide. He said only stupid things. He just said stupid things. Tendremos un examen de inglés esta tarde. We will have an English test this afternoon. We'll have an English exam this afternoon. Não quero perdê-los. I don't want to miss you. I don't want to lose them. Essayons ça. Let's try that. Let's try that. Tom é um pouco ingênuo. Tom is a bit naive. Tom's a little naive. Vorrei conoscere suo padre. I'd like to meet her father. I'd like to meet your father. Lo devolveré. I'll give it back. I'll give it back. Tengo un dolor en el pecho. I have a pain in my chest. I have a pain in my chest. Caty es lesbiana. Caty is lesbian. Caty's lesbian. Ele voltou dois dias atrasado. He came back two days late. He came back two days late. Los Estados Unidos son una tierra de inmigrantes. America is a land of immigrants. The United States is a land of immigrants. Venha quando quiser. Come at any time you like. Come when you like. Sortiriez-vous jamais avec un gars qui ne saurait pas chanter ? Would you ever go out with a guy who couldn't sing? Would you ever go out with a guy who couldn't sing? Vreau să locuiesc într-un oraş mare. I wish to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Você está sendo uma maluca. You are being a kook. You're being crazy. Não estamos bravos. We're not angry. We're not mad. Me enseñó la cámara que se había comprado el día antes. He showed me the camera which he had bought the day before. He taught me the camera he had bought the day before. Adixatz! Goodbye! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Estamos casi listos. We're almost ready. We're almost ready. Ne me faites pas attendre ! Don't keep me waiting. Don't keep me waiting! Ce fut très avisé de sa part de refuser le pot-de-vin. It was very sensible of him to reject the bribe. It was very wise of him to refuse the wine pot. Toda el armazón era de hierro. The whole framework was made of iron. All the armor was iron. Pero te digo cosas que conozco muy bien. But I tell you things I know very well. But I tell you things I know very well. Esse livro está velho. That book is old. This book is old. A vida não é tão doce assim. Life is not that sweet. Life isn't that sweet. Tom acredita que existe vida em outros planetas. Tom believes that life exists on other planets. Tom believes there is life on other planets. Ella me pidió perdón por haberme pisado el pie. She apologized to me for stepping on my foot. She asked me for forgiveness for stepping on my feet. Vá direto para casa. Go straight home. Go straight home. Isso está bastante claro, não está? That's plain enough, isn't it? That's pretty clear, isn't it? C'est une voie sans issue. This is a dead-end street. It's a dead end. Io non avevo bisogno di dirglielo. I didn't need to tell him. I didn't need to tell him. Dovremmo aspettare Tom? Should we wait for Tom? Should we wait for Tom? A venit iarna. Winter came. Winter's here. Dovete andare all'ospedale. You have to go to the hospital. You need to go to the hospital. O Tom disse que achava que poderia fazer isso na segunda. Tom said that he thought he'd be able to do that on Monday. Tom said he thought he could do it on Monday. Nós tentamos nos defender. We tried to defend ourselves. We tried to defend ourselves. Estudio la Espanya musulmana. He studied Muslim Spain. I study Muslim Spain. Je suis très content. I am very pleased. I'm very happy. Quisiera una mesa junto a la ventana. I'd like a table by the window. I'd like a table next to the window. Os preços dependem da oferta e da demanda. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prima operetă românească a fost jucată la Iași în 1848. The first Romanian operetta was performed in Iași in 1848. The first Romanian opera was played at Iasi in 1848. Ele quer desenvolver mais as forças armadas do país durante os próximos anos. He wants to develop the country's military more during the next few years. He wants to further develop the country's armed forces over the next few years. Ce couteau m'a beaucoup servi. This knife was very useful to me. That knife used me a lot. Potete chiedere a Tom di venire dentro? Can you ask Tom to come on in? Can you ask Tom to come inside? Io voglio solo umiliare Tom. I just want to humiliate Tom. I just want to humiliate Tom. Solo unas pocas personas lo escucharon. Only a few people listened to him. Only a few people listened to him. Tom é um cara de sorte. Tom is a lucky guy. Tom's a lucky guy. ¿Puedo ir con él? May I go with him? Can I go with him? Mă faci să mă simt rău. You're making me sick. You make me feel bad. Ses fils font ce qui leur chante. His sons do as they please. His sons do what they sing. J'ai besoin de l'asile politique. I need political asylum. I need political asylum. Tom cria cavalos árabes. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom raised Arab horses. Tom te poate ajuta mai târziu, poate. Tom can help you later, perhaps. Tom can help you later, maybe. Nous voulions parler d'eux. We wanted to talk about them. We wanted to talk about them. Muitos imigrantes na Grã-Bretanha vieram da Ásia. Many immigrants to Britain have come from Asia. Many immigrants in Britain came from Asia. Ici, nous cultivons le blé. We grow wheat here. Here, we grow wheat. Esta companhia precisa de um novo gerente. This company needs a new manager. This company needs a new manager. Él negó haber dicho algo así. He denied having said such a thing. He refused to say anything like that. Il nous raconta une histoire tellement bizarre que nous avons tous ri. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. He told us a story so weird that we all laughed. Tom è subdolo. Tom is sneaky. Tom's a pain in the ass. Tom ha detto che Mary ha vinto. Tom said Mary won. Tom said Mary won. Perché non mi viene più a trovare? Why doesn't she visit me anymore? Why don't you come meet me again? Les généraux algériens sont les dieux de l'Algérie. The Algerian generals are the gods of Algeria. Algerian generals are the gods of Algeria. Je suis heureux d'aider. I'm happy to help. I'm glad to help. Ai câștigat? Did you win? Did you win? Elle cria à l'aide mais personne ne vint. She cried out for help, but no one came. She screamed for help but no one came. Le temps est écoulé. Time is up. Time's up. Tom non está tan san como adoitaba estar. Tom isn't as healthy as he used to be. Tom's not as healthy as he used to be. Tom todavía no encontró lo que está buscando. Tom still hasn't found what he's looking for. Tom hasn't found what he's looking for yet. Faça como ele lhe disser para fazer. Do it the way he tells you to. Do as he tells you to do. Essa é a coisa mais idiota que eu já ouvi. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Nous devrions faire une pause café. We should take a coffee break. We should take a coffee break. Alas diez le ya acustá para durmí anoche. He slept at ten o'clock yesterday. Alas ten already accused him of sleeping last night. Essayez ces chaussures et voyez si elles vous vont. Try these shoes on and see if they fit you. Try these shoes and see if they go. Algunas personas piensan que Tatoeba no es una escuela. Some people think Tatoeba is not a school. Some people think Tatoeba is not a school. Ta estudiá yo chino todo'l día. I study Chinese every day. I study Chinese all day. Faccia attenzione, c'è un'automobile! Be careful, there's a car! Watch out, there's a car! Tom ha superato i trent'anni. Tom is past thirty. Tom's over thirty years old. Come la fate sempre? How do you always do it? How do you always do it? El profesor me dijo que debería cortarme el pelo. The teacher told me that I should have my hair cut. The teacher told me I should cut my hair. Nós vamos precisar dos dois. We're going to need both of them. We're gonna need both of you. Ell treballa al laboratori. He works in the lab. He works in the lab. Sinuciderea este un act de disperare. Suicide is a desperate act. Suicide is an act of despair. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să începem. We're looking forward to getting started. We're looking forward to getting started. Viva e deixe viver. Live and let live. Live and let live. El temps està plujós. The weather is rainy. Time's raining. O suicídio de Fadil não afetou Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Tom vai te achar. Tom will find you. Tom's gonna find you. Me plaze ambezar linguas antigas. I like to learn ancient languages. I like to amputate old languages. La nena no va dir res. The girl didn't say anything. The girl didn't say anything. Elle fait de l'urticaire lorsqu'elle mange des œufs. She gets hives when she eats eggs. She makes urticaria when she eats eggs. Potser farem tard a l'escola. We may be late for school. Maybe we'll be late for school. Ya me tengo que ir. I must be leaving now. I've got to go. Son doigt saigne. Her finger bleeds. It's a bloody finger. Și el învață chineza. He studies Chinese as well. And he learns Chinese. A professora se apaixonou pelo estudante. The teacher fell in love with the student. The teacher fell in love with the student. Penso che starai bene. I think you'll be fine. I think you're gonna be okay. Non dovremmo cercare di aiutarlo? Shouldn't we try and help him? Shouldn't we try to help him? Eu liguei para o Tom da delegacia. I called Tom from the police station. I called Tom from the station. E doar o poză pe care am descărcat-o de pe Internet. It's just a picture I downloaded from the Internet. It's just a picture I downloaded from the Internet. Nous allons vous trouver une place bientôt. Soon we'll be able to send you to gaol. We'll find you a place soon. Mâna mea este în apă caldă. My hand is in warm water. My hand is in warm water. Nunca digas eso. Never say that. Never say that. Ja faig tard. I'm already late. I'm late. Tom encontrou uma nota de cem dólares na rua. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. A che ora chiude quel ristorante? What time does that restaurant close? What time does that restaurant close? Qualcuno mi ha attaccato. Someone attacked me. Someone attacked me. Lei vuole essere mio amico? Do you want to be my friend? You want to be my friend? Me encanta coleccionar estampillas. I love to collect stamps. I love to collect prints. Voy a estar demasiado liado para hacer eso. I'm going to be too busy to do that. I'm gonna be too tied up to do that. La primavera es mi estación preferida. Spring is my favourite season. Spring is my favorite station. Ella me despidió. She fired me. She fired me. Casa era în flăcări. The house was ablaze. The house was on fire. Nunca hables mal de los demás a sus espaldas. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Never speak badly of others behind your back. Am pus acele fotografii pe pagina mea de internet. I put those photos on my webpage. I put those photos on my website. In strada c'era molta gente. There were a lot of people on the street. There were a lot of people on the street. Existe algo que você ainda não me disse? Is there something you haven't told me yet? Is there something you haven't told me yet? Ele agiu como louco. He acted like a madman. He acted crazy. Abbiamo deciso di lasciarlo da solo per un po'. We decided to leave him alone for a while. We decided to leave him alone for a while. Nous quittons définitivement ce pays. We are definitely leaving this country. We are leaving this country permanently. Amo litigare con lui. I love arguing with him. I love fighting with him. Il est temps que vous arrêtiez vos enfantillages. It is time you left off your childish ways. It's time you stopped your childhood. Lo peish qu'ei en aiga clara. The fish is in clear water. The fish is in clear water. Quanto sono contenta oggi! How happy I am today! How happy I am today! È arrivato con me. He arrived with me. He came with me. Sapete chi sia? You know who she is? Do you know who he is? Lăsaţi-ne şi pe noi studenţii să contribuim la bunăstarea victimelor cutremurului; chiar şi banii de buzunar pot duce departe. Let us students contribute to the welfare of the victims of the earthquake; even pin-money will go a long way. Leave us and our students to contribute to the well-being of the victims of the earthquake; even pocket money can go away. Jim miró a izquierda y derecha antes de cruzar la calle. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before crossing the street. Tom è arrivato secondo nella gara. Tom came in second in the race. Tom came in second in the race. Sou tailandês. I'm Thai. I'm Thai. Mi-e sete. I am thirsty. I'm thirsty. Emily está em casa agora? Is Emily at home now? Emily's home now? Las tejas que cayeron del tejado se rompieron en pedazos. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. The tiles that fell from the roof were broken into pieces. Vamos embora amanhã à tarde. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. Nunca kitá ay puede encontrá cun Tom. We'll never find Tom. Never removed ay can find a Tom. Ça coûtait moins de quinze dollars. It was less than fifteen dollars. It cost less than fifteen dollars. Je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point je suis heureux que vous soyez venus nous rendre visite. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come to visit us. I can't tell you how happy I am that you came to visit us. Il avait besoin de se reposer. He needed to rest. He needed some rest. Segue ó coche. Follow the car. Follow the car. Eu não conheço a prefeita, mas gostaria de conhecê-la. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet her. Votre discours était chiant. Your speech sucked. Your speech was boring. Non tutti gli studenti hanno un dizionario. Not every student has a dictionary. Not all students have a dictionary. Es la casa donde nací. It's the house where I was born. It's the house where I was born. Não fique com medo. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Lei è troppo anziana per me. She's too old for me. You're too old for me. Tu gato es negro. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. O seu discurso foi uma droga. You bombed your speech. Your speech sucked. Nossa irmã comprou algumas berinjelas, batatas, abobrinhas e acelga no mercado. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, zucchinis and Chinese cabbage at the market. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, pumpkins and garlic in the market. Em que empresa você trabalha? Which company do you work for? What company do you work at? Lui ha risparmiato molto denaro. He saved a lot of money. He saved a lot of money. Tom era indifferente. Tom was unimpressed. Tom was indifferent. Ei! O que está acontecendo? Hey. What's going on? Hey, what's going on? È destinata a superare l'esame. She is bound to pass the examination. It is intended to pass the exam. Tom se encontrou com a Mary enquanto ele estava em Boston. Tom met Mary while he was in Boston. Tom met Mary while he was in Boston. Conversé con mi familia. I spoke with my family. I talked to my family. Io non sono un veterano. I'm not a veteran. I'm not a veteran. Mary escribió una novela juvenil. Mary wrote a young adult novel. Mary wrote a young novel. Je ne sais pas s'il nous rendra visite dimanche prochain. I don't know if he will visit us next Sunday. I don't know if he'll visit us next Sunday. Kompras pan. You buy bread. Kompras pan. No te acerques al bulldog por si muerde. Don't come near to the bulldog in case it bites. Don't come near the bulldog in case he dies. Apporte à déjeuner ! Bring a lunch. Bring it to lunch! Uno, dos, tres, kuatro, sinko, sesh, siete, ocho, mueve, dies. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, senko, sesh, seven, eight, move, days. O que você acha desse plano? What do you think about this plan? What do you think of that plan? Como Tom fez isto? How did Tom do this? How did Tom do this? Pourquoi est-ce qu'un corbeau ressemble à un pupitre ? Why is a raven like a writing-desk? Why does a crow look like a desk? Lui è un DJ. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Tôt ou tard, la vérité éclatera. Sooner or later, the truth'll come out. Sooner or later, the truth will burst out. Les Japonais retirent leurs chaussures en entrant dans une maison. The Japanese take off their shoes when entering a house. The Japanese take off their shoes by entering a house. Este acolo un birou lângă fereastră? Is there a desk by the window? Is there an office by the window? Sami est mon voisin. Sami is my neighbor. Sami is my neighbor. Per què sempre penso en la Maria? Why am I still thinking about Marika? Why do I always think of Mary? La revedere, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko! Tom e Mary erano molto occupati. Tom and Mary were very busy. Tom and Mary were very busy. Tenim dues filles. We have two daughters. We have two daughters. Dime otra vez que me amas. Tell me again that you love me. Tell me again you love me. HIndê 'se sangre. It's not blood. HInden's blood. El jove es va ressentir per ser tractat com un covard. The youngster resented being treated as a coward. The young man resented being treated like a coward. Nous n'avons pas de piscine. We don't have a pool. We don't have a pool. Laisse-moi finir. Let me finish. Let me finish. Comemos pescado crudo. We eat fish raw. We eat raw fish. Il est fort grand. He is very tall. He's big. Si vous avez un bon jardin, cela augmentera la valeur de votre maison. If you have a good garden, it will enhance the value of your house. If you have a good garden, this will increase the value of your home. Non voglio vivere con te. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. E Burj Khalifa awo ta e mas halto edifisio di e mundo. Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Khalifa Burj is the tallest building in the world. Elle doit faire très attention quand elle traverse la rue. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She must be very careful when she crosses the street. Prefiero jugar al futbol que natación. I'd rather play football than go swimming. I'd rather play football than swim. Perque ballares amb ell? Why didn't you dance with him? Why are you dancing with him? Sunt foarte mândră de elevii mei. I'm really proud of my students. I'm very proud of my students. Tom estaba sentado en el bar a 3 taburetes de donde se encontraba Mary. Tom was sitting at the bar three stools away from Mary. Tom was sitting at the bar three stools from where Mary was. Eu fiquei surpreso, até mesmo chocado. I was surprised, shocked even. I was surprised, even shocked. Noi abbiamo ignorato Tom. We ignored Tom. We ignored Tom. De nouvelles routes furent construites l'une après l'autre. New roads were constructed one after another. New roads were built one after the other. Puc ajudar? Can I help you? Can I help you? Tom lo può fare per noi? Can Tom do that for us? Can Tom do it for us? Era ridicol de fierbinte. It was ridiculously hot. He was ridiculously hot. Su matrimonio se realizará mañana. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Your marriage will take place tomorrow. J'ai dit que je voulais la vérité ! I said I want the truth! I said I wanted the truth! Ya dejá yo de mío maga llave na coche! I left my keys in the car! I've already left my magic key in the car! Tom volvió a preguntar. Tom asked again. Tom asked again. Poți să conduci o mașină? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Ne fumez pas ici, c'est un hôpital ! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! Tom no pudo recordar en dónde había estado aquella noche. Tom couldn't remember where he had been on that night. Tom couldn't remember where he had been that night. Você precisa de conhecimento técnico para entender como este sistema funciona. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. Finalement, j'ai ma propre voiture. Finally, I have my own car. Finally, I have my own car. Iddu è cuntentu cu so travagghiu. He is pleased with his work. Iddu is conantu cu so travagghiu. Je suppose que c'est vrai. I suppose that's true. I guess that's true. Ayer se realizó un discreto homenaje a las víctimas del accidente. A discreet homage to the accident victims was carried out yesterday. Yesterday, a discreet tribute was paid to the victims of the accident. J'espère que quelque chose de bien va se produire avant que la journée soit finie. I hope something good happens before the day is over. I hope something good will happen before the day is over. Merci Thank you! Thank you. Quanto tempo geralmente leva para você ir em casa? How long does it usually take you to walk home? How long does it usually take you to go home? Voi odiate l'idea, vero? You hate the idea, don't you? You hate the idea, don't you? ¿Usted ayudó? Did you help? Did you help? Teño as chaves do coche. I've got the car keys. I have the keys to the car. Non abbiamo tempo per quello. We don't have time for that. We don't have time for that. Cum poți să stai și să nu faci nimic? How can you just sit there and do nothing? How can you stay and do nothing? Nu pot identifica problema. I can't pinpoint the problem. I can't identify the problem. Nós dançamos bem. We dance well. We danced well. J'étais terrifié. I was terrified. I was terrified. Il rapporto fu presto noto in tutto il paese. The report soon became known all over the country. The report was soon known throughout the country. Tom está almorzando con el jefe de policía. Tom is having lunch with the police chief. Tom's having lunch with the chief of police. Je dois aussi faire ça de temps en temps. I have to do that sometimes, too. I also have to do this from time to time. Ya limpiá ya yo de mio cuarto. I've already cleaned my room. I'll clean my room now. Donde ya el pan? Where's the bread? Where's the bread? Deixa a porta aberta. Keep the door open. Leave the door open. Io voglio qualcosa di buono da mangiare. I want something good to eat. I want something good to eat. Cette dame est indienne. This lady is Indian. This lady is Indian. Penso che Tom sia sgradevole. I think Tom is unpleasant. I think Tom's unpleasant. Me gusta la sus kaza. I like their house. I like his kaza. No quise preocupar a Tom. I didn't want to worry Tom. I didn't mean to worry about Tom. Qual é a moral da história? What is the moral of the story? What's the morale of history? Ele é um bom advogado. He is an able lawyer. He's a good lawyer. Eu acho que não poderia ficar no mesmo quarto com Tom a tarde toda. I don't think that I could stand being in the same room with Tom all afternoon. I don't think I could stay in the same room with Tom all afternoon. Não há mal nenhum em tentar. There's no harm in trying. There's no harm in trying. Es un buen artista el que ha ilustrado este libro. The artist who illustrated this book is very good. He is a good artist who has illustrated this book. Não sei se está sendo sarcástica. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. I don't know if you're being sarcastic. Él era el ídolo de los niños. He was the idol of children. He was the child's idol. J'ai l'impression que tu te moques de moi. I get the impression that you are kidding me. I feel like you're mocking me. Les enfants pleurent encore. The children are crying again. The children are still crying. Na verdade, eu não sou assim tão velho. I'm not really all that old. Actually, I'm not that old. La règle ne s'applique pas dans ce cas. The rule doesn't apply in this case. The rule does not apply in this case. Je pense que Delbert est fou. I think that Delbert is crazy. I think Delbert's crazy. La guerra non è ancora finita. The war isn't over yet. The war is not over yet. Am fost la Boston de mai multe ori. I've been to Boston several times. I've been to Boston several times. Sono davvero sorpresa. I'm really surprised. I'm really surprised. Todos sonreían. Everyone was smiling. Everyone smiled. Il y a beaucoup de grandes villes au Brésil. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. There are many big cities in Brazil. Por favor, espera media hora. Please wait half an hour. Please wait half an hour. Tom es un filozofo. Tom is a philosopher. Tom's a philosopher. Devo ir a Estambol. I must go to Istanbul. I must go to Istanbul. Ella llegó justo cuando yo me estaba yendo. She arrived just as I was leaving. She arrived just when I was leaving. Nous mettrons en œuvre un dispositif de coopération Nord Sud repensé. We will implement a reconsidered North-South cooperation mechanism. We will implement a renewed North-South cooperation mechanism. Dategli un'altra possibilità. Give him another chance. Give him another chance. Qu'ei a estudiar adara. He's now studying. I'm studying right now. O enxofre queima numa chama azul. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. The sulfur burns in a blue flame. Lavammo i nostri vestiti nel fiume. We washed our clothes in the river. We washed our clothes in the river. Não fumes aqui. Don't smoke here. Don't smoke here. ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? Do you want milk and sugar? לה מאנסאנה איס בﬞידרי. The apple is green. יה commented on by the President of the Republic of Moldova. Tu as changé la taille ? You changed the size? Did you change the size? No volveré a dejarte solo. I'll never leave you alone again. I'm not leaving you alone again. Si haces el esfuerzo, puedes mejorar tu inglés. You can improve your English if you try. If you make the effort, you can improve your English. Por favor, no discutan. Please don't argue. Please don't argue. Fu quel cane che mi morse la mano. It was that dog that bit my hand. It was that dog that bit my hand. Colles ou largas. Take it, or leave it. Take it or leave it. Mirá tu cunel luna. Look at the moon. Look at your cuckold moon. Tom le llama a las cosas por su nombre. Tom calls a spade a spade. Tom calls things by his name. Quem gere o hotel? Who runs this hotel? Who runs the hotel? Sami esta yevando su aniyo. Sami is wearing his ring. Sami's running his anio. OK ya yo ahora. I'm all right now. OK, I'll be right there. El Entrada, transportación, degradación y absorción del mana alimentos es posible y gracias na serie de conductos, tejidos y órganos que constituido el Sistema de Digestivo. Todo sila ta trabaja junto na manera de coordinado, para asimilá de mejor manera el mana sustancias que kita ta consumí cada día, suplicando kanáton con energía y facilitando de atón desarrollo. Entry, transportation, breaking-down and absorption of food is possible, and thanks to a series of conduits, tissues and organs that constitute the Digestive System. They all work together in a coordinated fashion in order to better assimilate the substances consumed everyday, supplying us with energy and easing our development. The entry, transport, degradation and absorption of mana food is possible and thanks to the series of ducts, tissues and organs that constituted the Digestive System. All sila works together in the way of coordination, to better assimilate the mana substances that removes ta consumption every day, pleading canaton with energy and making development easier. Mary tem muitas coisas para fazer. Mary has lots of things she has to do. Mary has a lot to do. ¿Cuándo comemos? ¡Tengo hambre! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? M-am săturat de toate plângerile. I'm sick of all the complaints. I'm sick of all the complaints. Sa réponse dépend de son humeur. His answer depends on his mood. His response depends on his mood. Tutti stanno andando. Everyone's going. Everybody's going. Je veux y retourner. I want to go there once again. I want to go back. Ya he terminado de leer este libro. I've already finished reading this book. I've finished reading this book. Vous appréciez tout le monde. You like everyone. You appreciate everyone. Tom tentou se matar. Tom tried to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. Tengo que acabar este trabajo antes de que oscurezca. I need to finish this work before it gets dark. I have to finish this job before it darks. Que viu confortablament. He lives in comfort. He lives comfortably. Cuando ruge el león, tiemblan las cebras. When the lion roars, the zebras tremble. When the lion prays, the zebras tremble. Non sono bravo a cantare. I'm not good at singing. I'm not good at singing. Ha chiesto aiuto a Tom? Have you asked Tom for help? Did you ask Tom for help? Tout univers suffisamment simple pour être compris est trop simple pour produire un esprit capable de le comprendre. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. Every universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind capable of understanding it. O dificultate după o alta a apărut. One difficulty after another arose. One difficulty after another came up. El își spală mașina. He is washing his car. He washes his car. Per piacere, non sia arrabbiata con me! Please, don't be angry with me! Please don't be angry with me! No puedo evitarlo. I cannot help it. I can't help it. Mi puoi dire l'ora, per piacere? Can you tell me the time, please? Can you tell me the time, please? Je le vis marcher seul dans le parc. I saw him walking alone in the park. I see him walking alone in the park. De qué hè ? What does she do? What do you mean? Chemaţi-mă dacă aveţi nevoie de ajutorul meu. Call on me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need my help. Tom s'est excusé. Tom apologized. Tom apologized. El examen fue fácil. The exam was easy. The test was easy. Está rompendo com Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Aonde você está indo? Where're you going? Where are you going? Tom fazia a diferença. Tom made a difference. Tom made a difference. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che ti sei fatto una doccia? When's the last time you showered? When was the last time you took a shower? Pépé fut un vrai grincheux jusqu'à la toute fin. Grandpa was a real curmudgeon to the very end. Pépé was a real climber to the end. Aoi baila bien. Aoi dances well. That's a good dance. Mucho gusto. ¿Cómo está usted? Nice to meet you. How are you doing? Nice to meet you. How are you? Hoje eu fui de carro para a praia. I drove a car to the beach today. Today I drove to the beach. E ceva în neregulă aici. Something's not right here. There's something wrong here. Este es justo el libro que estaba buscando. This is the very book I have been looking for. This is just the book I was looking for. Personne ne vous a reconnues. No one recognized you. No one recognized you. Está tudo acabado para você. It's all over for you. It's all over for you. O Tatoeba tem quase 3 milhões de frases! Tatoeba has almost 3 million sentences! Tatoeba has nearly 3 million sentences! Meu pé adormeceu. My foot fell asleep. My foot fell asleep. Hindé yo ta acordá cosa ya pasá. I don't remember what happened. Hinders I agree with things that are past. Tom levantou-se e aplaudiu. Tom stood up and clapped. Tom stood up and applauded. ¿Puedes quedarte hasta las dos y media? Can you stay till 2:30? Can you stay till two and a half? Tom no estaba contento con la situación. Tom wasn't happy about the situation. Tom was not happy with the situation. Laissez-moi rejoindre votre mouvement. Let me join your cause. Let me join your movement. Passe-me a manteiga, por favor. Pass me the butter, please. Hand me the butter, please. Meu marido é da Angola. Ele é angolano. My husband is from Angola. He is Angolan. My husband is from Angola. Tendré que realizar algunos ensayos más. I'll need to make some more tests. I'll have to run some more tests. Não existe passado, nem futuro; tudo flui num eterno presente. There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present. There is no past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present. ¿Voy por el camino correcto? Am I on the right road? Am I going the right way? La chica usaba bragas rosas. The girl was wearing pink panties. The girl was wearing pink panties. Por favor, não traduzam esta frase. Please don't translate this sentence. Please don't translate this sentence. Mă duc să fac cumpărături. I'm going to shop. I'm going shopping. S'il y a une bonne façon de savoir si une femme a un petit ami ou non, dis-le-moi s'il te plaît. If there's a good way to sound out whether a woman has a boyfriend or not please tell me. If there's a good way to know whether a woman has a boyfriend or not, please tell me. Com es diu? What is your name? What's his name? Tom è fortunato. Tom's lucky. Tom's lucky. Dice que no sabe jugar al billar, pero siempre gana. Debe de ser la suerte del principiante. She says she can't play billiard, but she wins every time. It must be the beginner's luck. He says he doesn't know how to play billiards, but he always wins. Tu es tatillonne. You're finicky. You're tatillon. Elle fut témoin de sa mise à mort. She witnessed him being killed. She witnessed her death. El avaro abrió la caja solo para descubrir que su dinero había sido robado. The miser opened the box to find his money stolen. The gutter opened the box just to find out that his money had been stolen. Până și mama știe. Even my mom knows. Until Mom knows. Não consigo entender o Tom. I can't understand Tom. I can't understand Tom. Devemos parar agora? Should we stop now? Should we stop now? Qual é o tamanho daquele prédio? How tall is that building? How big is that building? Tom este o persoană foarte generoasă. Tom is a very generous person. Tom is a very generous person. La esposa de mi tío es mi tía. My uncle's wife is my aunt. My uncle's wife is my aunt. Ha detto che l'avrebbe aiutata. You said you'd help her. He said he'd help her. Les enjeux étaient élevés. The stakes were high. The issues were high. Non ti capiterà niente. Nothing's going to happen to you. He's not gonna understand you. Sem você, a vida é horrível. Without you, life is awful. Without you, life is horrible. Ho ricevuto una chiamata da lei. I got a call from her. I got a call from you. Tom est toujours vierge. Tom is still a virgin. Tom's still a virgin. Nós conseguimos fazer isto. We can do this. We can do this. Eu vou começar a fazer isso hoje. I'm going to start doing that today. I'm gonna start doing this today. Chacun fait à sa guise. Each one does as he likes. Everyone does it as they please. Quem ligou? Who phoned? Who called? "Està ella llegint un llibre?" "Sí." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes." Su comportamiento hizo enfadar al policía. His behavior angered the policeman. His behavior made the police angry. Mes parents m'ont envoyé une carte postale. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. Riesco ad avere questa pellicola sviluppata? Can I have this film developed? Can I have this film developed? La vie est dure pour tout le monde. Life is hard for everybody. Life is hard for everyone. Queremos unha casa propia. We want a house of our own. We want a house of our own. ¡Perdón! Sorry! I'm sorry! Usted es muy valiente. You are very brave. You're very brave. Eu queria poder me importar mais com minhas notas, mas parece que, em um certo ponto da minha vida, eu decidi que isso não seria mais tão importante. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I wish I could care more about my grades, but it seems that, at a certain point in my life, I decided that wouldn't be that important anymore. ¿Estás consciente de que no le gustas a Tom? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Are you aware you don't like Tom? Mary ama il suo pony e il suo pony ama lei. Mary loves her pony and her pony loves her. Mary loves her pony and her pony loves her. Isso não é uma escola. É um hospital. This isn't a school. It's a hospital. This isn't a school, it's a hospital. Je ne l'ai pas lavé. I didn't clean it. I didn't wash it. Mon appartement est rempli de bazar que je n'utilise jamais. My apartment is filled with stuff that I never use. My apartment is full of bazaars that I never use. Il ragazzo cominciò a piangere. The boy began to cry. The boy started crying. Elle a acheté une nouvelle maison l'autre jour. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house the other day. Il ne sert à rien de parler avec Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. Io avevo in mente qualcos'altro. I had something else in mind. I had something else in mind. Tente mais uma vez. Try once again. Try it again. Vă rugăm să vă abțineți de la fumat. Please refrain from smoking. Please refrain from smoking. Comment vont vos achats de Noël? How's your Christmas shopping coming along? How's your Christmas shopping going? Io non sono infelice. I'm not unhappy. I'm not unhappy. Les promesses sont faites pour ne pas être tenues. Promises are made to be broken. Promises are made not to be kept. Venga verso di me. Come to me. Come to me. Je veux y réfléchir. I want to think about it. I want to think about it. Salé aqui. Get out of here. I'm out here. A Tom no le importa ayudar ocasionalmente a Mary. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Stavo solamente essendo educato. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Eu duc mai departe tradițiile familiei. I'm carrying on the family's traditions. I'm taking family traditions further. Avrei dovuto mangiare di più. I should've eaten more. I should have eaten more. Você ainda mora no Brasil? Do you still live in Brazil? Do you still live in Brazil? No quiere yo comé cunesté. I don't want to eat this. She doesn't want me to eat cuneiform. Sembrava sporco. He looked dirty. It looked dirty. Qu'insinuez-vous ? What are you implying? What are you innuendo? Pero entendo o que di. But I understand what he says. But I understand what you're saying. Nu le mai fac cum le făceau. They don't make 'em like they used to. I don't do them the way they did them anymore. Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. How I wish I could buy this guitar. Je veux que tu ailles me chercher une boisson pétillante. I want you to get me a soda. I want you to go get me a hot drink. Você pode me levar ao aeroporto, por favor? Can you take me to the airport, please? Can you take me to the airport, please? Caçoaram de Maria. They made fun of Mary. They hunted down Maria. ¿Dijo Tom cómo de temprano podría salir Mary? Did Tom say how soon Mary could leave? Did Tom say how early Mary could come out? Prefiro qualidade a quantidade. I prefer quality to quantity. I prefer quality the quantity. Sarai al sicuro qua. You'll be safe here. You'll be safe here. Bob diventò un predicatore. Bob became a preacher. Bob became a preacher. Contacte-moi dès que tu arrives ici. Get in touch with me as soon as you arrive here. Contact me as soon as you get here. Lo que sigue es una explicación detallada de como cada concepto es implementado en este ejemplo. What follows is a detailed examination of how each concept is implemented in this example. What follows is a detailed explanation of how each concept is implemented in this example. Él aceptó mi regalo. He accepted my present. He accepted my gift. קי איס און ביירבﬞו? What is a word? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perché Tom l'ha fatto ancora? Why did Tom do that again? Why did Tom do it again? Quiero comer gimbap. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat gimbap. Non sei felice di essere in pensione? Aren't you glad you're retired? Aren't you happy to be retired? Cando non estás, síntome perdido. When you are away, I feel lost. When you're not, I feel lost. Unde sunt dușurile? Where are the showers? Where are the showers? Lo men pair que fuma. My father smokes. I'm afraid he smokes. Mă voi lăsa de fumat începând de mâine. I'll stop smoking from tomorrow. I'm gonna quit smoking from tomorrow. Che giornata! What a day! What a day! ¡No esperes! Don't wait. Don't wait! Calmează-te. Calm down. Calm down. Hanno tutte lo stesso prezzo? Are they all the same price? Do they all have the same price? Fuera de aquí. Stay away. Get out of here. A-t-on besoin de boire du vin ? Do you need to drink wine? Do we need a drink of wine? É por isso que os gatos te adoram. That's why cats love you. That's why cats love you. Vous êtes tous les deux jolis. You're both pretty. You're both pretty. Am un bun simț al mirosului. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Tom è più intelligente di noi. Tom is smarter than we are. Tom's smarter than us. I poveri sono anche persone con dei sentimenti. The poor are also people with feelings. The poor are also people with feelings. Qu'est-ce que t'as d'autre à foutre ? What else you got going on ? What the hell is wrong with you? Quero ir e me divertir. I want to go and cheer. I want to go and have fun. Il ne fait pas aussi chaud aujourd'hui qu'hier. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. It's not as hot today as yesterday. Yan kamalí yo. I made a mistake. Yan kamali. Nu am de gând să mă implic. I am not getting involved. I'm not going to get involved. Për piasì pulì 'l paviment ëspòrch. Please clean the dirty floor. Për pì pì'il piazza ësporch. Elle lui conseilla de prendre davantage soin de lui-même. She advised him to take better care of himself. She advises him to take more care of himself. Vous étiez dans le coma. You were in a coma. You were in the coma. Meu irmão pequeno está vendo televisão. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother is watching television. Un pugno chiuso può indicare stress. A closed fist can indicate stress. A closed fist may indicate stress. J'ai acheté une maison. I bought a house. I bought a house. Muitas pessoas ainda estão esperando. Several people are already waiting. A lot of people are still waiting. Tom e Maria chegaram às 2:30. Tom and Mary arrived at 2:30. Tom and Maria arrived at 2:30. Ho aspettato per un'ora e mezzo. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. I waited for an hour and a half. Tom excluiu todas as mensagens de Mary. Tom deleted all of Mary's messages. Tom deleted all Mary's messages. O país todo estava coberto de neve. The whole country was covered with snow. The whole country was covered in snow. Io sto venendo seguita. I am being followed. I'm on my way. Tom riesce a dare un passaggio a casa a Mary? Can Tom give Mary a ride home? Can Tom give Mary a ride home? Quin t'apèras ? What is your name? What are you talking about? Je me demande ce qu'il adviendra de l'enfant. I wonder what ever will become of the child. I wonder what happens to the child. ¿Por qué no me creíste? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Com'è cresciuta! How you've grown! How she grew up! Non vi fidate di lei? Don't you trust her? Don't you trust her? O Tom aprendeu francês perfeitamente estudando por conta própria. Tom learned French perfectly studying by himself. Tom learned French perfectly by studying on his own. Posso fare una domanda intima? May I ask a personal question? Can I ask you a private question? Tom fait la sieste. Tom is taking a nap. Tom's siesta. Você escreveu para Tom, não é? You've written to Tom, haven't you? You wrote to Tom, didn't you? La smetta di guardarmi. Stop looking at me. Stop looking at me. Tom e Mary estão se vendo em segredo. Tom and Mary are seeing each other secretly. Tom and Mary are seeing each other in secret. Bouge tes fesses et vas-y ! Get off your ass and go for it! Move your butts and go! Estivo preto de ser atropelado por un coche. He was nearly run over by a car. He was close to being hit by a car. Me gusta Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. Nous aurons une nouvelle voiture le mois prochain. We're getting a new car next month. We'll have a new car next month. Nunca conocí a mi padre. I never knew my father. I never met my father. Tom sait bien raconter les histoires. Tom is good at telling stories. Tom can tell the stories. La place grouillait de milliers de personnes. Thousands of people were milling around in the square. The square was full of thousands of people. Ella sacó un libro de la repisa. She took down a book from the shelf. She took a book out of the shelf. Es la mea question. This is my question. It's on my question. Tom n'aime pas ce jeu. Tom doesn't like this game. Tom doesn't like this game. Questa sera c'è un buon film al cinema. Tonight, there's a good movie at the cinema. There's a good movie at the movies tonight. Gh'ea 'na vòtta 'n figeu. There once was a boy. Gh'a'a' votta'n figeu. Cerrá de tuyo ojos y contá hasta diez. Close your eyes and count to ten. Close your eyes and count to ten. Laisse-moi te payer un verre. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. Acuérdate de mí la próxima vez. Remember me next time. Remember me next time. Elle avait un mal de tête dû au manque de sommeil. She had a headache from lack of sleep. She had a headache due to lack of sleep. Esta águila no pot volar. Les seues ales estan trencades. This eagle can't fly. Its wings are broken. This eagle can't fly, its wings are broken. Sono libero oggi. I'm free today. I'm free today. Él se convirtió en un actor famoso. He became a famous actor. He became a famous actor. Tom parte presto. Tom is leaving early. Tom leaves early. Não tenho certeza se concordo com Tom. I'm not sure that I agree with Tom. I'm not sure I agree with Tom. Que mencionè l'incident a la soa hemna. He mentioned the incident to his wife. That mentioned the incident in the hemna alone. El candado está roto. The lock is broken. The lock's broken. Preciso de uma caixa menor. I need a smaller box. I need a smaller box. Eles não me devem nada. They don't owe me anything. They owe me nothing. Ven durmir aos meus brazos. Come fall asleep in my arms. Come to sleep in my arms. Aimerais-tu un peu d'aide ? Would you like a little help? Would you like some help? Toate luminile în clădire s-au stins. All the lights in the building have gone out. All the lights in the building are gone. Tu prêches un convaincu. You're preaching to the choir. You've been preaching a conviction. Onde estan mis djenitores? Where are my parents? Where are my toothpicks? Perché non abbiamo abbastanza cibo per tutti? Pensavo fosse andata a fare la spesa questo pomeriggio. Why don't we have enough food for everyone? I thought you went shopping this afternoon. Why don't we have enough food for everyone? I thought she went shopping this afternoon. Dublează-ți pariul. Double your bet. Double your bet. Pacientes geralmente morrem simplesmente porque cedem às suas doenças. Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases. Patients usually die simply because they give in to their diseases. Devias estar a dormir. You're supposed to be asleep. You should be sleeping. El lápiz que escribe bien es mío. The pencil which writes well is mine. The pencil you write well is mine. Nous savons ce que nous sommes, mais nous ne savons pas ce que nous pouvons être. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. We know what we are, but we do not know what we can be. Tant de bo pogués comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy this guitar. Ele está correndo atrás do que? What is he running after? He's running after what? Ce crezi că a făcut? What do you think he did? What do you think he did? Je veux te parler. I want to talk with you. I want to talk to you. Esta bicicleta necesita ser engrasada. This bicycle needs oiling. This bike needs to be greased. Ha anche invitato i suoi amici? Did you also invite your friends? Did he even invite his friends? Essuyez vos lèvres sur la serviette. Clean your lips with the napkin. Drain your lips on the towel. Nu am nici un fel de planuri. I have no plans whatsoever. I don't have any plans. Ten unha boa fin de semana. Have a nice weekend. He's got a good weekend. Tom est seul dans sa chambre. Tom is alone in his bedroom. Tom's alone in his room. Realmente eres un idiota. You really are an idiot. You really are an idiot. Tom parla français. Tom spoke French. Tom speaks French. Buen diya! Good morning! Good day! - Vă mulțumesc pentru ajutor. - Cu plăcere. "Thanks for the help." "Don't mention it." - Thank you for your help. Le problème est dans le moteur. The trouble lies in the engine. The problem is in the engine. Sono tuoi, Tom. They're yours, Tom. They're yours, Tom. Ell va dir: "Adéu a tots" i es va aixecar. He said 'Goodbye everyone' and stood up. He said, "Good-bye, everyone," and he got up. ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? J'ai bu une partie du lait et j'ai conservé le reste au réfrigérateur. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the fridge. Te gândești serios să divorțezi? Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce? Are you seriously thinking about getting divorced? Bienvenue ! Welcome. Welcome! Pensé que querías esto. I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted this. Que résulte-t-il de 5814 si on l'arrondit au millier ? What is 5814 rounded to the nearest thousand? What is the result of 5814 if we round it up to thousands? Tom comprò dei regali per i suoi cari. Tom bought gifts for his loved ones. Tom bought gifts for his loved ones. Apparteneva a loro. That belonged to them. He belonged to them. Voglio tuffarmi nel fiume. I want to dive into the river. I want to dive into the river. Te preocupás demasiado por lo que piensan los demás. You worry too much about what other people think. You worry too much about what others think. È uscito senza salutare. He left the house without saying goodbye. He went out without saying hello. A respirat adânc. He breathed deeply. He breathed deep. Ell va tornar a casa. He went back home. He came home. Tom i-a dat chelnerului un bacşiş gras. Tom gave the waiter a very good tip. Tom gave the waiter a fat tip. Me encanta el helado de vainilla. I love vanilla ice cream. I love vanilla ice cream. Je viens juste de me rappeler quelque chose qu'il me faut faire avant demain matin. I just remembered something I have to do before tomorrow morning. I just remembered something I had to do before tomorrow morning. Vezi vreo asemănare? Do you see a resemblance? Do you see any resemblances? Io non la incolpo per ciò. I don't blame her for this. I don't blame her for that. Csa sucèd? What's happening? Csa suced? Nu poți fi în două locuri deodată. You can't be at two places at once. You can't be in two places at once. Tiene kamé cuarenta cinco. We have forty-five. He's got forty-five. A nins ieri. It snowed yesterday. To children yesterday. Pronto podremos mandarte a la cárcel. We'll soon be able to send you to jail. We'll be able to send you to jail soon. Eu quero tomar uma cerveja gelada. I want to drink a cold beer. I want to have a cold beer. Por que tu nuáy preguntá cumigo? Why didn't you ask me? Why does your nuay ask Cumigo? I pens ch'it dovrisse torné a Boston. I think you should come back to Boston. And I think I should go back to Boston. Ești bolnav! You're sick! You're sick! Aoi dança bem. Aoi dances well. There's a good dance. Tom ha detto che non sarebbe mai venuta. Tom said you'd never come. Tom said he'd never come. Por que o Tom mentiria a sua idade? Why would Tom lie about his age? Why would Tom lie to your age? La femme est jeune. The woman is young. The woman is young. Eres la única que sabe cómo llegar a la casa de Tom. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. Ela ficou surpresa com a notícia. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised by the news. Eu acordei às 5 da manhã. I got up at 5 in the morning. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning. Ce ticket est valable trois jours. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Tivo a sorte de casar cunha rapaza linda. He had the good fortune to marry a pretty girl. She was lucky to marry a beautiful girl. Mira tu! Tiene yo tatú forma'y flores aquí na mío barriga. Look, I got a flower tattoo here on my belly. Look at you! I've got tattoo shapes' and flowers here in my belly. Je me suis fâché. I got upset. I got angry. Conozco a varios canadienses. I know several Canadians. I know a number of Canadians. ¡Oye tú! Hey, you! Hey, you! Alguém varreu a despensa. Someone swept the pantry. Someone swept the pantry. Quiero hablar con vos, Tom. I want to talk to you, Tom. I want to talk to you, Tom. Você tem uma? Do you have one? Do you have one? Tiene kamé testigo. We've got a witness. He's got Kamé witness. Finalement, ils ont pris une décision. At last, they came to a decision. Finally, they made a decision. ¿Qué es lo que más quieres? What is it you want most? What do you want most? Se non comes, morres. If you don't eat, you die. If you don't eat, you die. Qu'espiarèi de l'aute costat. I will look the other way. I'll spy on the other side. Eu pedi a eles para consertarem meu carro. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. O campeonato iniciar-se-á no próximo dia 5. The championship will start the next day 5. The championship will start next day 5. Où Tom est-il enterré ? Where is Tom buried? Where's Tom buried? Lo sanno tutti chi sei. Everybody knows who you are. Everyone knows who you are. O Tom adora cães. Tom loves dogs. Tom loves dogs. Suntem imparțiali. We're unbiased. We're impartial. J'ai besoin de ça pour un test de grossesse. I need this for a pregnancy test. I need this for a pregnancy test. I-am dat un telefon. I called him up. I gave him a call. Me resbalé y me caí por las escaleras. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I woke up and fell down the stairs. Parece que ela adica todos os seus esforzos á súa carreira. She seems to devote all her efforts to her career. She seems to devote all her efforts to her career. Tom a été escorté hors du bâtiment. Tom was escorted out of the building. Tom was escorted out of the building. Si la máquina está dañada, tú eres responsable. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If the machine is damaged, you're responsible. Dime se encontraches mozo. Tell me if you find a new boyfriend. Tell me if you've found a young man. La conquista de América costó entre 60 y 70 millones de vidas. The conquest of America cost between 60 and 70 million lives. The conquest of America cost between 60 and 70 million lives. É apenas outro alarme falso. It's only another false alarm. It's just another false alarm. Ya conocé yo cunele na Australia. I met him in Australia. I already know cuneiform in Australia. Enlevez son nom de la liste des candidats. Delete his name from the list of the applicants. Remove his name from the list of candidates. Odio così tanto Tom in questo momento. I hate Tom so much right now. I hate Tom so much right now. Sueño ba esté? Is this a dream? Is sleep ba still? C'è buio qui dentro. It's dark in here. There's dark in here. Mirava en el syelo i en la estreyeriya. He looked into the sky and at the stars. I was looking in the chair and at the stretcher. L'avion est parti avec un retard de trois heures. The plane left after a three-hour delay. The plane left with a three-hour delay. Ens sap greu la molèstia causada. We're sorry for the inconvenience. We're sorry for the trouble. Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi. She is interested in learning new ideas. She's interested in learning new things. Voi purta ochelari de soare. I will wear sunglasses. I'll wear sunglasses. Care a fost costul? What was the cost? What was the cost? Tom è abbastanza debole. Tom is quite weak. Tom's weak enough. L'inglese è sempre considerato una lingua internazionale. English is always considered an international language. English is always considered an international language. Je vous ferai un procès. I will sue you. I'll sue you. "Este es mi primer vuelo. Estoy nervioso," dice Hiroshi. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," says Hiroshi. "This is my first flight. I'm nervous," Hiroshi says. ¿Tiene él muchos libros? Does he have many books? Does he have a lot of books? Son fils est sa plus amère déception. His son is his bitterest disappointment. His son is his bitter disappointment. Ella se sentía mal. She didn't feel well. She felt bad. Nós agimos de boa fé. We acted in good faith. We acted in good faith. De ce este cerul albastru? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Isso não está acabado mesmo. This isn't finished at all. This isn't over. Me duele el codo aún. My elbow still hurts. My elbow still hurts. Aneu amb compte: en anglès, les nacionalitats, els dies de la setmana i les llengües s'escriuen amb majúscula. Be careful: We capitalize nationalities, days of the week, and languages in English. Be careful: in English, nationalities, days of the week and languages are written capitally. Es tracta d'una obra històrica. It is an historical play. It's a historical work. Lasă-mă să te învăț tiparele verbului. Let me teach you the patterns of the verb. Let me teach you the patterns of the verb. Bien qu'elle vive à proximité, je la vois rarement. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. Regretăm decesul său. We regret his death. We regret his death. Mwen pa konprann. I do not understand. I don’t understand. Para quem Gregor vai vender seu carro? Who will Gregor sell his car to? Who's Gregor gonna sell your car to? Jane não era feliz. Jane was not happy. Jane wasn't happy. Le cacci. Throw them out. You're shitting them. O copo de Tom estava vazio. Tom's glass was empty. Tom's glass was empty. Au fost într-o excursie în străinătate pentru prima oară. They went on a trip abroad for the first time. They were on a trip abroad for the first time. Je ne souhaite pas apporter de commentaire. I don't want to comment. I do not wish to comment. Tăcerea este apăsătoare. The silence is oppressive. Silence is pressing. Io stavo bevendo del latte. I was drinking milk. I was drinking milk. ¿Alguien más tiene algún consejo? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have any advice? Tom disse que ele faria qualquer coisa pela Mary. Tom said he'd do anything for Mary. Tom said he'd do anything for Mary. El policía detuvo al ladrón. The police officer arrested the burglar. The police arrested the thief. La început vă displăcuse ideea, dar acum păreți mulțumiți. At the beginning you had disliked the idea, but now you seem to be content. At first you disliked the idea, but now you seem satisfied. Io? Incoraggiare lei a lavorare? Blasfemia! Me? Encourage you to work? Blasphemy! I? Encouraging you to work? Blasphemy! John Locke, o conhecido filósofo da liberdade, era acionista da Royal African Company, que comprava e vendia escravos. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was an activist at the Royal African Company, who bought and sold slaves. Tom est aussi actif qu'une abeille. Tom is as busy as a bee. Tom's as active as a bee. Si no ahora, ¿entonces cuándo? Not now, then when? If not now, then when? Chacun pour soi -- Dieu pour tous. Everyone for themselves and God for us all. Everyone for themselves -- God for all of us. So Jack. I'm Jack. It's Jack. Mon amie est ici. My friend is here. My friend's here. L'alemany és la millor llengua del món. German is the best language in the world. German is the best language in the world. A verdade é que nunca cheguei a conhecer o Tom. The truth is I've never even met Tom. The truth is, I never met Tom. Non potete parlare con Tom oggi. You can't talk to Tom today. You can't talk to Tom today. Je voulais seulement te dire que je suis réellement désolé de ce que j'ai dit. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for what I said. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about what I said. Bill chorou por horas. Bill kept on crying for hours. Bill cried for hours. J'ai décidé de donner une augmentation à tout le monde. I've decided to give everyone a raise. I've decided to give everyone an increase. Un visage apparut à la fenêtre. A face appeared at the window. A face appeared in the window. Ho fatto la sua conoscenza due settimane fa. I became acquainted with her two weeks ago. I made your acquaintance two weeks ago. Canapeaua este în prim-plan, lângă masă. The couch is in the foreground next to the table. The couch is in the foreground, next to the table. Me negué a aceptar eso. I refuse to accept that. I refused to accept that. Ella dedicó su vida a ayudar a los discapacitados. She devoted her life to helping the handicapped. She devoted her life to helping the disabled. Que divertido! What fun! That's fun! Na gramática e no vocabulário, alguns dialetos diferem significativamente da linguagem padrão. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language. Posibles efectos secundarios incluyen visión borrosa y dificultad respiratoria. Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. Possible side effects include blurred vision and respiratory distress. ¿Dónde na Austria que vos ya engrandá? Where in Austria did you grow up? Where in Austria have you already grown up? Aceasta este o minciună. This is a lie. That's a lie. Pra que tudo isso? Why all this? What's all this for? Você quer ir para a Alemanha? Do you want to go to Germany? You want to go to Germany? Ho dovuto portarle a scuola. I had to get them to school. I had to take them to school. Je donnerai une chemise à mémé pour Noël. I'll give grandma a shirt for Christmas. I'll give you a memo shirt for Christmas. Je travaille le lundi. I work on Monday. I work Monday. Il ne l'approuverait pas. He would not approve. He wouldn't approve. Ele falou sobre sua doença. He talked about her illness. He talked about your illness. Sei ferito, vero? You're hurt, aren't you? You're hurt, aren't you? Ho lavorato a sufficienza sul mio tedesco oggi. I worked enough on my German today. I worked enough on my German today. Ella no sabe nadar. She doesn't know how to swim. She can't swim. Perdona a tu enemigo, pero recuerda el nombre de ese bastardo. Forgive your enemy, but remember the name of that bastard. Forgive your enemy, but remember that bastard's name. Riuscite a catturare il pollo? Can you catch the chicken? Can you catch the chicken? Il m'a fallu sortir de la maison. I had to get out of the house. I had to get out of the house. Il entra dans la pièce, pour être confronté à un policier. He entered the room, to be confronted by a policeman. He enters the room, to be confronted by a policeman. Hubo odio entre nosotros entonces. There was hatred between us then. There was hatred among us then. Tom è stato valutato. Tom got evaluated. Tom was evaluated. Eu vou tomar um banho. I'm going to have a shower. I'll take a bath. Lui la sta ignorando. He is ignoring you. He's ignoring it. Non ti ho vista. I didn't see you. I didn't see you. Ce preferi să bei atunci când se face frig? What's your favorite cold weather drink? What would you rather drink when it gets cold? Está enamorado hasta la médula. He's head over heels in love. He's in love until the medulla. Perché sei arrabbiato con me? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? Poți să-mi spui soldul contului meu? Can you tell me the balance on my account? Can you tell me my account balance? Orgulho-me de ser canadense. I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud to be Canadian. Eu li as notícias sobre o deslizamento causado pela tempestade. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. Eu não conheço essa pessoa. I don't know that person. I don't know that person. ¿Cuándo comenzará la clase de japonés? When will the Japanese class start? When will the Japanese class begin? Ils vont très certainement me manquer. I will surely miss them. I'm sure they'll miss me. Non beviamo. We don't drink. We didn't drink. Si è tolto il soprabito. He took off his overcoat. He took off his overcoat. Ti metterai questo kimono? Will you put on this kimono? You gonna wear this kimono? Io pensavo che fosse strana. I thought it was weird. I thought it was weird. Mon équipe est composée de dix personnes. My team consists of ten people. My team is made up of ten people. Solte-o! Let it go! Let him go! Elles étaient dehors. They were outside. They were outside. Ya escují yo unu. I chose one. I've already chosen one. Il y a une télévision dans cette pièce. There is a television in this room. There's a TV in this room. Ditemi perché Tom non è qui. Tell me why Tom isn't here. Tell me why Tom's not here. Eu acho que não será frio amanhã. I don't think that it'll be cold tomorrow. I don't think it'll be cold tomorrow. Asta e o imitație. That's an imitation. That's an imitation. O carro novo é dela. The new car is hers. The new car is hers. Tom è molto più vecchio di quello che sembra. Tom is much older than he looks. Tom's a lot older than he looks. No me iré de rositas. I won't go down without a fight. I'm not going with rosettes. Por que você está procrastinando? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you procrastinating? El hombre está comiendo alubias. The man is eating beans. The man is eating hazelnuts. Isso não foi culpa minha. It wasn't my fault. That wasn't my fault. No olvidaremos. We shall not forget. We won't forget. As pessoas pensavam que isso fosse verdade. People used to think that was true. People thought that was true. Sei occupata lunedì? Are you busy on Monday? Are you busy Monday? Elles oublièrent de fermer la porte à clé. They forgot to lock the door. They forgot to lock the door. Este o clădire din piatră cenușie. It's a gray stone building. It's a concrete stone building. Tom nunca tuvo un ataque al corazón. Tom has never had a heart attack. Tom never had a heart attack. Não há por que tentar escapar. It is no use trying to escape. There's no need to try to escape. Não se preocupe se você acha um verde do que você gosta. Don't worry if you find a green one you like. Don't worry if you find a green of what you like. Gràcies! Thanks! Thank you! O Xapón aínda non é suficientemente comprendido por outros países, e os xaponeses, así mesmo, encontran os estranxeiros difíciles de comprender. Yet Japan is still not sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese, likewise, find foreigners difficult to understand. Japan is not yet sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese, even so, find foreigners difficult to understand. Je suis assise à la table. I am sitting at the table. I'm sitting at the table. El meu gos té una cua molt llarga. My dog has a very long tail. My dog has a long tail. Es un hecho bien conocido. It's a well-known fact. It's a well-known fact. Tu as trois ans de plus que Tom. You're three years older than Tom. You're three years older than Tom. Ela aproveitava todas as sobras. She made use of all the left-overs. She took advantage of all the leftovers. Kate casi nunca celebra su cumpleaños. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. Kate almost never celebrates her birthday. C'est quelque chose de nouveau. This is something new. It's something new. Eu vou estar com vocês em um minuto. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. Quanto volete scommettere? How much do you want to bet? How much do you want to bet? Ojalá hubiera escuchado tu consejo. I wish I had listened to your advice. I wish I'd heard your advice. Pensa davvero che Tom sia bello? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Do you really think Tom's good? Sabato era speciale. Saturday was special. Saturday was special. Charras aragonés? Do you speak Aragonese? Aragonese charioteers? O que você está dizendo é verdade. What you say is true. What you're saying is true. Sta cercando di spaventarci, vero? He's trying to scare us, isn't he? He's trying to scare us, isn't he? A Tom se le olvidó de tomar su medicina esta mañana. Tom forgot to take his medication this morning. Tom forgot to take his medicine this morning. Tom era fericit că proprietarul său a scăzut chiria. Tom was happy that his landlord lowered the rent. Tom was happy his landlord dropped the rent. Mlle. Green m'a appris l'anglais. Miss Green taught me English. Miss Green taught me English. Sono solo delle foglie e dei rami. It's only leaves and branches. They're just leaves and branches. Eu venho tendo esperanças de ter notícias suas. I've been hoping to hear from you. I've been hoping to hear from you. El tren ya había salido cuando llegué a la estación. The train had already left when I arrived at the station. The train had already left when I arrived at the station. Tom a remporté le concours l'année dernière. Tom won the contest last year. Tom won the contest last year. C'è qualcosa che non va con te? Is there anything wrong with you? Is something wrong with you? Buona fortuna per l'esame! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with the exam! Não gosto de ficar só. I don't like to be alone. I don't like being alone. Tom e eu sentamos na parte de trás. Tom and I sat in the back. Tom and I sat in the back. Lei fa spesso questo? Do you do this often? Do you often do this? Asta nu se va termina niciodată. This is never going to end. That'll never end. Somos mejores. We're better. We're better. E floare la ureche. It's a piece of cake. It's a flower in the ear. ¿Esta carta debe ser escrita en inglés? Must this letter be written in English? This letter must be written in English? M'illumino d'immenso. I'm enlighted by immensity. I'm glowing immensely. Tomás está ganando. Tom is winning. Tomás is winning. ¿Te sientes afortunado? Do you feel lucky? You feel lucky? Estou tentando entrar em contato com a minha irmã. I'm trying to get in touch with my sister. I'm trying to get in touch with my sister. Você tem de ir à escola. You need to go to school. You have to go to school. Pourquoi ne le faites-vous pas vous-même ? Why don't you do that by yourself? Why don't you do it yourself? Eu gosto de estar a só. I like being on my own. I like being alone. Nós temos uma casa pequena. We have a small house. We have a small house. Dormii sulla panchina di un parco. I slept on a park bench. I slept on a park bench. Tom ha dormito sotto un ponte ieri sera. Tom slept under a bridge last night. Tom slept under a bridge last night. Para detectar drogas o explosivos ocultos, no hay tecnología que iguale a la nariz de un can. For detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose. To detect hidden drugs or explosives, there is no technology that matches a dog's nose. Elle lui conseilla de voir un avocat, aussi le fit-il. She advised him to see a lawyer, so he did. She advised him to see a lawyer, too. Ò sentio o dovei de falo. I felt it my duty to do so. I can hear you or I can talk. No se valora la salud hasta que viene la enfermedad. Health is not valued until sickness comes. Health is not assessed until the disease comes. La matematica è il suo punto debole. Mathematics is her weak point. Math is his weak spot. Ma mère oublie constamment le nom des gens. My mother is constantly forgetting people's names. My mother always forgets the names of people. Quem Tom trouxe? Who did Tom bring? Who did Tom bring? Estaremos perfectamente. We'll be fine. We'll be fine. Ela tirou a camisa. She removed her shirt. She took off her shirt. Escute essa linda valsa. Listen to that beautiful waltz. Listen to this beautiful waltz. O seu irmão gosta de basquete? Does your brother like basketball? Does your brother like basketball? Tomás se escondió en el ático. Tom hid in the attic. Tomás hid in the attic. Depuis combien de temps sortez-vous ensemble ? How long have you been dating? How long have you been dating? Apparemment, il devient plus difficile d'obtenir un bon emploi. Apparently, it's getting more difficult to find a good job. Apparently, it becomes more difficult to get a good job. Tom n-a ajuns decât după ce întâlnirea se terminase. Tom didn't arrive until the meeting was over. Tom only arrived after the meeting was over. O trem se perdeu de vista. The train disappeared from view. The train's lost sight. Penso che sia Tom che Mary siano qui. I think both Tom and Mary are here. I think Tom and Mary are here. Tenho uma ideia genial. I've come up with a brilliant idea. I have a great idea. Dobbiamo trovare Tom prima che si faccia buio. We have to find Tom before it gets dark. We need to find Tom before it gets dark. Un papagal bătrân nu mai învață să vorbească. An old parrot doesn't learn to speak. An old parrot doesn't learn to talk anymore. Este bebé tiene tres semanas. This baby is 3 weeks old. This baby is three weeks old. Onde fica o hospital? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? Tu la répareras, non ? You will fix it, won't you? You'll fix it, won't you? Uno de mis hijos está malo. One of my children is sick. One of my kids is bad. J'avais confiance en lui pour l'argent. I trusted him with the money. I trusted him for the money. Vine quan vulguis. Come whenever you like. Come whenever you want. Qual foi o último concerto que você viu? What was the last concert you saw? What was the last concert you saw? Quita do medio. Get out of the way. Get out of the way. Ce poulet est bien frit. This chicken is fried well. This chicken is very fried. Venite nella mia stanza fra le tre e le quattro. Come to my room between three and four. Come to my room between three and four. Questo è un uomo vestito da donna. This is a man dressed as a woman. This is a man dressed as a woman. Je suis disponible, ce soir. I am free this evening. I'm available tonight. Il titolo della discussione è errato. The thread title's wrong. The title of the debate is wrong. Tienes que hacerlo de inmediato. You must do it at once. You have to do it right away. Je n'aime pas le café avec du sucre. I don't like coffee with sugar. I don't like coffee with sugar. Vem mais gente? Are more people coming? More people coming? Je pense qu'il se pourrait que tu aies besoin de moi. I think you might need me. I think you might need me. Noi am așteptat. We waited. We waited. ¡Silencio! Silence! Silence! No sé què està fent, però no ho fa amb ella. I don't know what he/she is doing, but he/she isn't doing it with her I don't know what he's doing, but he doesn't do it with her. Perché Tom si sta comportando in modo così stupido? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Why is Tom acting so stupid? QU'ei tròp gròs. This is too big. That's too much fat. Io ero molto infastidito da lui. I was very much annoyed with him. I was very upset with him. No puedes dar una buena pelea con una actitud tan pesimista. You can't fight a good fight with such a defeatist attitude. You can't fight a good fight with such a pessimistic attitude. El e dascălul meu. He is my teacher. He's my son-in-law. A nova lei garante os mesmos direitos jurídicos e sociais aos casais homossexuais. The new law guarantees the same judicial and social rights to homosexual couples. The new law guarantees the same legal and social rights to homosexual couples. Smise di piangere. He stopped crying. Stop crying. Voi sarete impressionate. You'll be impressed. I'll be impressed. Ninguém prestou atenção. Nobody paid any attention. Nobody paid attention. Si vens a Rio, no t'oblidis de trucarme per ser el teu guía! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you're coming to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! Il suo inglese era davvero buono. Her English was really good. His English was really good. É preciso examinar todas as possíveis consequências. It is necessary to examine all possible consequences. We need to examine all possible consequences. Você parece nervoso. You look nervous. You look nervous. Esse prédio está quase pronto. This building is near completion. This building is almost ready. Tom și Mary s-au întors în camera lor de hotel. Tom and Mary returned to their hotel room. Tom and Mary returned to their hotel room. Llegué a Tokio ayer. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. Lo Tòm es un amic. Tom is a friend. Tom's a friend. Cuanto dinero tu ya recibí? How much money have you obtained? How much money did you get? Tom mi ha detto che vuole andare a Boston. Tom told me that he wants to go to Boston. Tom told me he wants to go to Boston. Acea noapte a fost foarte friguroasă. That night was very cold. That night was very chilly. Sou responsável por isto. I'm responsible for this. I'm responsible for this. Apprenons quelque chose, par exemple, une nouvelle langue ! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Il devint célèbre dans le monde entier, pour sa découverte. He became world-famous for his discovery. He became famous all over the world for his discovery. Le explicó sus circunstancias. He explained to her his circumstances. He explained his circumstances. Ei, o que você vai fazer amanhã? Hey, what are we going to do tomorrow? Hey, what are you gonna do tomorrow? Deixe-me ver sua mão, para que eu possa ler o futuro. Let me see your hand, that I may read the future. Let me see your hand, so I can read the future. Em sembla que he agafat un constipat. I'm afraid I caught a cold. I think I've taken a constipation. Ce dezamăgire! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Tom ha invitato Mary a casa sua. Tom invited Mary to his house. Tom invited Mary to his house. Ella nunca me dijo que tenía un gato. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Há quanto tempo você usa óculos? How long have you been wearing glasses? How long have you been wearing glasses? Non vos preocupedes. Don't worry. Don't worry. Isto é contra a lei. This is against the law. This is against the law. Quantas esposas você teve? How many wives have you had? How many wives did you have? Ta corré el ceiling fan. The ceiling fan is on. You're running the fan ceiling. Ni s-a spus că, din cauza zăpezii, putem pleca acasă. We were told that, due to the snow, we may go home. We've been told that because of the snow, we can go home. Tom è diffidente. Tom's suspicious. Tom's a tough guy. Vous êtes très chouette. You're very nice. You're very smart. Sé que sabes que lo sé. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. Preferisce il vino rosso o il vino bianco? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Acei ochelari ți se potrivesc. Those glasses suit you. Those glasses fit you. Nous devenons ce que nous pensons. We become what we think. We become what we think. Ça va à l'encontre de mes valeurs morales. It's against my morals. It's against my moral values. Non menta a loro. Don't lie to them. Don't lie to them. La cambieranno. They will change it. They'll change it. Mas que expressão ambígua. What an ambiguous expression! What an ambiguous expression. El toca moi ben a guitarra. He plays the guitar very well. He plays the guitar very well. Tu aurais dû voir l'exposition. You ought to have seen the exhibition. You should've seen the exhibition. Para de decir que lo sientes. Don't keep saying you're sorry. Stop saying you feel it. Si hubiese sabido que estabas aquí, habría venido inmediatamente. If I had known that you were here, I would have come at once. If I'd known you were here, I'd have come right away. Sia Tom che Mary sono molto terrorizzati. Both Tom and Mary are very frightened. Both Tom and Mary are very terrified. A ella le daba miedo viajar sola. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Nouă ne place zăpada. We like snow. We like snow. Je n'arrive pas à me souvenir où j'ai garé la voiture. I can't remember where I parked the car. I can't remember where I parked the car. De postre siempre tomaba fruta. He always ate fruit for dessert. I always used to take fruit. Il me baisa la main. He kissed my hand. He was fucking my hand. Lui Tom nu-i place atitudinea lui Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Quand on étudie les langues, le dictionnaire est d'une aide précieuse. The dictionary is an invaluable tool for learning languages. When studying languages, the dictionary is of valuable help. L'ignorance n'a pas de limites. Ignorance has no limits. Ignorance has no limits. M'agrada la llet freda, però no la calenta. El tel i la olor que fa em molesta. I like cold milk, but not hot milk. The white membrane and the smell that develops bothers me. I like cold milk, but it's not hot. È molto vicino. It is very near. It's very close. Mary não me contaria com quem ela teria falado. Mary wouldn't tell me who she'd talked to. Mary wouldn't tell me who she would have talked to. ¿Quién podría no amarte? Who could not love you? Who could not love you? Ne sors pas de la pièce en laissant la fenêtre ouverte. Don't leave the room with the window open. Do not leave the room by leaving the window open. Io sarò fuori in un secondo. I'll be out in a second. I'll be out in a second. Eu sempre respeitei meu pai. I've always respected my father. I've always respected my father. Non posso ancora farlo. I can't do it yet. I can't do this yet. Non riesce a capirlo. He isn't able to understand it. He can't understand. Vogliono che li aspettiate. They want you to wait for them. They want you to wait for them. Mangiò una mela. She ate one apple. He ate an apple. De quelle partie de l'Australie venez-vous ? What part of Australia are you from? What part of Australia do you come from? O estudante conhece o nome comum do ácido acetilsalicílico. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. Tom me animó a aprender el francés. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tengo pocos libros. I have few books. I've got a few books. On ei la veitura-restaurant ? Where's the dining car? Where are they at the car-restaurant? Te rog ia loc aici. Please sit here. Please sit here. Sunt în permanență sub stres. I'm always under stress. I'm always under stress. Reste attentive à quoi que ce soit qui se présente ! Keep on the watch for anything to come. Keep your eye on whatever's going on! Essa foi a última vez que eu visitei Tom. That was the last time I visited Tom. That's the last time I visited Tom. J'ai vu quelque chose d'intéressant. I saw something interesting. I saw something interesting. ¿Los marcianos hablan inglés? Do Martians speak English? Martians speak English? A Tom le gusta la comida italiana. Tom likes Italian food. Tom likes Italian food. Ils étaient fermés. They were closed. They were closed. Os muros da cidade foram destruídos. The walls of the town were destroyed. The city walls were destroyed. Você é famoso? Are you famous? Are you famous? Tom mi-a zis că tatăl lui cântă binișor la chitară. Tom told me his father was pretty good at playing the guitar. Tom told me his father was singing the guitar. El mes que viene voy a ir a París. I'm going to Paris next month. Next month I'm going to Paris. Vino a mi mente una brillante idea. A very bright idea came to my mind. A brilliant idea came to mind. Îl voi suna pe Tom mâine. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. É fácil. This is easy. It's easy. On parle l'anglais dans de nombreux pays. English is spoken in many countries. English is spoken in many countries. Elle est sur le point de s'en aller. She's about to go. She's about to leave. Onde posso comprar um bilhete? Where can I buy a ticket? Where can I buy a note? À quelle distance d'ici vis-tu ? How far do you live from here? How far from here do you live? Che donna meravigliosa! What a wonderful lady! What a wonderful woman! Tom ficou no carro. Tom stayed in the car. Tom stayed in the car. ¿Onde podo conseguir as entradas? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the tickets? Crezi că este vreo şansă? Do you think there's a chance? You think there's a chance? Hi ha dues milles d'aquí al parc. It is two miles from here to the park. There's two miles from here in the park. Ele tem 100 anos. He is 100 years old. He's 100 years old. Tengo un montón de amigos. I have plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Il aura des vacances un de ces jours. He shall have a holiday one of these days. He'll have a vacation one of these days. Tom fez o trabalho atual. Tom did the actual work. Tom did the present job. Còsa 't në dise d'un bocon? How about a snack? Didn't you say a mouthpiece? Je me cachai derrière l'arbre. I hid behind the tree. I hid behind the tree. Je pense que tu en as assez vu. I think you have seen enough. I think you've seen enough. Ël fransèis a l'é soa lenga mare. French is her native language. French is the only mother tongue. Estamos de preto este mês. We're in the black this month. We're close this month. Avreste fatto meglio ad andare. You had better go. You'd better go. Tom quer esperar a Mary chegar. Tom wants to wait until Mary gets here. Tom wants to wait for Mary to arrive. ¿Cal é a túa oración favorita? What is your favorite sentence? What's your favorite prayer? Esercitiamoci. Let's practice. Let's do this. Elle a été impressionnée. She was impressed. She was impressed. Si hace un buen día mañana, iremos de picnic. If it's a nice day tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic. If it's a good day tomorrow, we'll go to the picnic. Tom me impressionou. Tom impressed me. Tom impressed me. Eu não sei por que eu tenho que ir. I don't know why I have to go. I don't know why I have to go. No llorá dol batâ diútay! Don't cry like a child! Don't cry bad luck! Personne ne te croira. No one will believe you. No one will believe you. Io non sapevo che cosa dire. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Son haleine sent le fromage de chèvre. His breath smells like goat cheese. His haleine smells like goat cheese. Não é caro. It isn't expensive. It's not expensive. Linda no estaba maquillada. Linda wore no make-up. Linda wasn't makeup. Pfirsichbaeumchen vuole imparare il berbero. Pfirsichbaeumchen wants to learn Berber. Pfirsichbaeumchen wants to learn the Berber. Tom și-a pierdut cheia de la camera de hotel. Tom lost his hotel room key. Tom lost his key to the hotel room. Ho realizzato che non ero pronto. I realized I wasn't ready. I realized I wasn't ready. Il devrait pleuvoir bientôt. It may rain soon. He should rain soon. Sembra divertito. He seems amused. Sounds like fun. Cuando estás a punto de tener exámenes, hacer pesas alivia la tensión, y es bueno además para la mente y el cuerpo. When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body. When you are about to have tests, weighting relieves tension, and is also good for mind and body. Mi oponente odia los cachorros. My opponent hates puppies. My opponent hates puppies. Es un chico listo. He's a smart boy. He's a smart boy. Mi-e foarte dor de ei. I miss them so much. I miss them so much. Il m'a donné une pomme. He gave me an apple. He gave me an apple. Existau greșeli care au fost făcute. There were mistakes made. There were mistakes that were made. Lei comprò un servizio da tè. She bought a tea set. She bought a tea service. Yumi es feliz, ¿verdad? Yumi is happy, isn't she? Yumi's happy, isn't she? Vous êtes mon ennemi. You're my enemy. You're my enemy. E creses çò qu'a dit ? Do you believe what he said? And you believed what he said? Io affermai che era innocente. I affirmed that he was innocent. I said she was innocent. Pensez-vous que la télévision fasse du mal aux enfants ? Do you think television does children harm? Do you think television's hurting kids? Tom está escrevendo um novo livro. Tom is writing a new book. Tom's writing a new book. Esse livro parecia interessante. This book seemed interesting. That book seemed interesting. Eşti ocupat? Are you busy? Are you busy? Noapte bună, mamă. Goodnight, Mother. Good night, Mom. Voltarei às 6 e meia. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6 and a half. Alguém que fala inglês bem deve ter escrito isso. Someone who knows English well must have written this. Someone who speaks English well must have written that. Ci possiamo fidare di lei? Can we trust you? Can we trust her? Eu não gosto desta frase. I don't like this sentence. I don't like this sentence. La prego di trascrivere quello che lui dice. Please write down what he says. Please betray what he says. La legga ad alta voce. Read it aloud. Read it out loud. "¿Perdido?" - "Sí..." - "¿Asustado?" - "Sí." - "¿Confundido?" - "¡Sí!" -"¡Bien! ¡Jajajaja!" "Lost?" - "Yes..." - "Frightened?" - "Yes." - "Confused?" - "Yes!" - "Good! Ahahahaha!" "Lost?" - "Yes..." - "Feared?" - "Yes." - "Confunded?" - "Yes!" - "Well, jajajaja!" Deberías pedirle perdón a Tom. You should apologize to Tom. You should apologize to Tom. Sto parlando al telefono. I'm talking on the phone. I'm talking on the phone. Eu și Tom suntem pe aceeași lungime de undă. Tom and I are on the same wavelength. Tom and I are on the same wavelength. Deberías familiarizarte con las costumbres locales. You should acquaint yourself with the local customs. You should get acquainted with local customs. Corra atrás dos seus sonhos. Follow your dreams. Run after your dreams. Teniamos un gato. We had a cat. We had a cat. Restare a casa non è una cosa piacevole. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Staying home is not a pleasant thing. Solo se ho personalmente ucciso e macellato un animale ne mangio la carne. I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered. Only if I personally killed and slaughtered an animal eats the meat. Io persi. I lost. I lost. Não é necessário. I don't need it. It's not necessary. Sce tu ne menges nia, tu mueres. If you don't eat, you die. You eat nya, you die. Cheamă-mă dacă ai nevoie de ajutorul meu. Call on me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need my help. Lloré toda la noche. I cried all night long. I cried all night. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ma tenue ? What's wrong with the way I'm dressed? What's wrong with my outfit? Tom no cambiará de opinión. Tom won't budge. Tom won't change his mind. Su cabaña está en la costa. His cottage is on the coast. His cabin is on the coast. Bon tardi. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Cela fait longtemps que j'attends Tom. I've been waiting for Tom for a long time. I've been waiting for Tom for a long time. La decadència del santuari és deguda, en part, a la pluja àcida. The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain. The decay of the sanctuary is due, in part, to the acid rain. Souviens-en-toi. Remember it. Remember. Quien ya hablá? Who said it? Who's already talking? Fuimos a pasear. We went out for a stroll. We went for a walk. Sempre tem alguém lá. There's always somebody there. There's always someone there. Io mi feci controllare gli occhi. I had my eyes checked. I had my eyes checked. Diventai nervosa sul palco. I got nervous on the stage. I got nervous on the stage. Tom sembra stanco. Portalo a casa, per piacere. Tom looks tired. Please take him home. Tom seems tired, take him home, please. Puedo hablar esperanto como un nativo. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can speak Esperanto as a native. Puede tú aumentá nuevo oraciones que tú no sabe qué laya traducí. You can add sentences that you do not know how to translate. You can increase new prayers that you don't know what laya I translated. Você a conhece? Do you know her? Do you know her? Cum se numește acest râu? What is the name of this river? What's this river called? Tom quer ser paramédico. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Tom achou que Mary poderia se matar. Tom thought that Mary might kill herself. Tom thought Mary could kill herself. Penso che valga la pena provare. I believe it's worth trying. I think it's worth a try. Ho fratelli. I have brothers. My brothers. ¿Los encontrarás, no? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? Lo pair n'èra pas d'acòrd qu'angui sol a la montanha. Father objected to my going to the mountain alone. The peer was no match for the mountain. Diuen que el golf és molt popular al Japó. They say golf is very popular in Japan. They say golf is very popular in Japan. Nous sommes confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés. We're faced with many difficulties. We are faced with many difficulties. Eu acho que ninguém sabe. I think no one knows. I don't think anyone knows. As-tu perdu ton billet ? Have you lost your ticket? Have you lost your ticket? Me'n balhas un pauc ? Will you give me some? Are you kidding me? Nós fomos em frente apesar dos obstáculos. We pushed ahead despite the obstacles. We went ahead despite the obstacles. L'Italie envahit l'Éthiopie en mille-neuf-cent-trente-cinq. Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Italy invaded Ethiopia in a thousand-nine-hundred-trent-five. A Tom non piace questo tipo di film. Tom doesn't like this kind of movie. Tom doesn't like this kind of movie. En Sami vivia en una casa embruixada. Sami lived in a haunted house. Sami lived in a haunted house. Resterà il nostro segreto. That'll remain our secret. It'll keep our secret. Elle lui a demandé pourquoi il pleurait, mais il n'a pas répondu. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. Puedes ayudar. You can help. You can help. Il mio cane mi segue ovunque io vada. My dog follows me whenever I go. My dog follows me wherever I go. La cocaina è una droga. Cocaine is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. Su papá se llama Carlos Antonio y su novio, Carlos Miguel. Her father's name's Carlos Antonio. Her boyfriend's Carlos Miguel. His father's name is Carlos Antonio and his boyfriend, Carlos Miguel. Știu că încă îl iubești. I know you still love him. I know you still love him. Greseli ca acestea sunt ușor de trecut cu vederea. Mistakes like these are easily overlooked. Mistakes like these are easy past views. Oxalá tivéssemos um filho! If only we had a son! I wish we had a son! Se acabaron las clases. School is out. Class's over. Tom começou a chorar incontrolavelmente. Tom started crying uncontrollably. Tom started crying uncontrollably. Dobbiamo chiamarli. We have to call them. We have to call them. Mary e Alice erano come sorelle. Mary and Alice were like sisters. Mary and Alice were like sisters. Avete i biglietti di oggi? Do you have today's tickets? Do you have any tickets today? Ele veio a Roma para estudar italiano. He came to Rome to study Italian. He came to Rome to study Italian. Buen viache! Bon voyage! Good trip! Acho que você está correto. I think that you're correct. I think you're right. Le soleil nous procure lumière et chaleur. The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and heat. Tampei minhas orelhas. I covered my ears. I've shut my ears. Farei uma viagem para Kyoto no próximo mês. I'll take a trip to Kyoto next month. I'll take a trip to Kyoto next month. Tom è felice. Tom is delighted. Tom's happy. Fadil começou a ler jornais árabes todos os dias. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers everyday. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers every day. Molti paesi dell'UE stanno ripristinando i controlli alle frontiere interne. Many EU countries are reinstating internal border checks. Many EU countries are restoring controls at internal borders. Perché non indossa più quel cappello? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? C'est une question qui me tient très à cœur. I feel strongly about this. It's a question that really matters to me. Tienes que estar preparado. You have to be prepared. You have to be ready. Non sono invincibile. I'm not invincible. I'm not invincible. Tom trovò un impiego. Tom found a job. Tom found a job. Tienes que comer la tostada. You must eat your toast. You have to eat the toast. Siete davvero felici? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Dipende troppo da lui. She depends too much on him. It depends too much on him. Quem estava certo? Who was right? Who was right? Le voy a presentar a mi suegra. I'm going to introduce you to my mother-in-law. I'm going to introduce my mother-in-law. Je ne veux pas le voir. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Moi, Tabnit, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, fils d'Eshmunazar, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, je suis couché dans ce sarcophage. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, am lying in this sarcophagus. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarta, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarta, king of Sidon, lay in this sarcophagus. Acho que Tom é cego. I think Tom is blind. I think Tom's blind. Podem passar la nit en aquell hostel. We can spend the night in that hostel. We can spend the night at that hostel. So Jack. My name is Jack. It's Jack. Je me réjouis que quelqu'un comprenne. I'm glad someone understands. I'm glad someone understands. An bizwen vann bitasyon an mwen. I need to sell my farm. Let me out of my sight. ” È obeso, vero? He's obese, isn't he? He's obese, isn't he? Uso meu computador para fazer vários trabalhos no Excel. I use my computer to do various jobs in Excel. I use my computer to do a lot of work on Excel. Presumes más qu'un ratón encima un quesu. You brag more than a mouse on cheese. You assume more than a mouse on a cheese. Eu me considero um sortudo. I consider myself fortunate. I consider myself a lucky man. Quiero comprar este libro no porque sea barato sino porque es útil. I want to buy this book not because it is cheap, but because it is useful. I want to buy this book not because it's cheap but because it's useful. Il a des nausées. He has nausea. He's got nausea. É tudo ou nada. It's either everything or nothing. It's all or nothing. Quando você se der conta de que eu fui embora, estarei a milhas de distância. Não tente me encontrar. By the time you realize I'm gone, I'll be miles away. Don't try to find me. When you realize I'm gone, I'll be miles away. Te-am căutat toată viața mea dar nu am știut că tu ești acela. I was looking for you all my entire life but I didn't know that was you. I've been looking for you all my life but I didn't know you were that. Am un dicționar. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Il nous aide. He helps us. He's helping us. Abbiamo ancora qualche domanda. We still have some questions. We still have some questions. Tu ne connais rien d'Istanbul. You don't know anything about Istanbul. You don't know anything about Istanbul. Cómu vá la cosa, Mike? How are you, Mike? How's it going, Mike? Deseo hablar de inmediato con mi abogado. I want to talk to my lawyer straight away. I want to talk to my lawyer right away. Il pouvait toujours dire dans quelle direction soufflait le vent. He could always tell which direction the wind was blowing. He could always tell in which direction the wind was blowing. Je n'étais pas certain d'y arriver. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I wasn't sure I was there. Êtes-vous content de votre travail ? Are you satisfied with your job? Are you happy with your work? Preţul era de doar trei mii de yeni sau aproximativ treizeci de dolari. The price was only three thousand yen, or about thirty dollars. The price was only three thousand yen or about thirty dollars. Può aiutarci? Can you help us out? Can you help us? Guardi quell'edificio. È un tempio? Look at that building. Is it a temple? Look at that building, is it a temple? O primeiro-ministro renunciou ontem. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The prime minister resigned yesterday. Tom est un très bon sculpteur. Tom is a very good sculptor. Tom's a very good sculptor. Un oiseau a des ailes. A bird has wings. A bird has wings. Tutte le mie ex-morose abitano a Boston. All of my ex-girlfriends live in Boston. All my ex-husbands live in Boston. Pourquoi êtes-vous si bonne pour expliquer les choses ? Why are you so good at explaining things? Why are you so good at explaining things? Tom está tentando manter seu peso baixo. Tom is trying to keep his weight down. Tom's trying to keep his weight low. Es muy viejo. It's very old. He's very old. Quase não visitei Boston. I almost didn't visit Boston. I almost didn't visit Boston. Teritorio di Pais Kòrsou ta konsistí di e islanan Kòrsou i Klein-Curaçao. The territory of the country Curacao consists of the islands Curacao and Little Curacao. The Kurds ’ territory is made up of the islands Korsou and Klein-Curaçao. No le llega agua al tanque. He's stupid. There's no water in the tank. Lo buscábamos por aquí y por allá. We looked for it here and there. We were looking for him here and there. Tom no entiende por qué Mary se enfadó con él. Tom doesn't understand why Mary got angry with him. Tom doesn't understand why Mary got angry with him. Terminar o relatório amanhã é quase impossível. Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible. Ending the report tomorrow is almost impossible. Me acusó de mentiroso. He accused me of being a liar. He accused me of lying. Stiamo aspettando Tom. We're waiting for Tom. We're waiting for Tom. Como você sabe, nós nos atrasamos por causa da chuva forte. As you know, we were late due to the heavy rain. As you know, we're late for the heavy rain. Le garçon d'à côté ne rentre souvent que tard à la maison. The boy who lives next door often comes home late. The boy next door often comes home late. Tom voia un creion cu mină moale. Tom wanted a pencil with a softer lead. Tom wanted a soft-mine pencil. Proteja-se de acidentes. Guard against accidents. Protect yourself from accidents. Esperá kitá aquí hasta volvé le. Let's wait here till he comes back. He'll wait here until I get back to him. Hay una isla que es medio año española y medio año francesa. There's an island that's Spanish for half a year and French for the other half. There is an island that is half a year Spanish and half a year French. ¿Puedes parar de llamarme así? Can you stop calling me that? Can you stop calling me that? No vaig comprar aquest llibre. I didn't buy this book. I didn't buy this book. Esta é a rapaza cuxo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. Pues te apañas. Well, you'll manage. Well, get out of here. Aqueras flors que's moriscón. Those flowers have died. You want flowers that's moriscono. Elle a vécu là-bas environ cinq années. She lived there about five years. She lived there about five years. Preferisco uscire che restare a casa. I prefer going out to staying home. I'd rather go out than stay home. Nu face mișto de mine! Don't make fun of me! Don't make fun of me! Eu digo que "eu sou Tom". I say "I'm Tom". I say, "I'm Tom." Ho scordato il suo numero. I've forgotten your number. I forgot her number. Choisissez quelque chose. Choose something. Choose something. Nous sommes désolés, la personne que vous essayez de contacter n'est pas disponible. We are sorry, the person you are trying to contact is not available. We're sorry, the person you're trying to contact is not available. ¡Mamá! ¡Apurate! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! O Tom ficou quieto. Tom became quiet. Tom was quiet. Quizás sea demasiado tarde. Perhaps it's too late. Maybe it's too late. El tráfico es intenso aquí, sobre todo por las mañanas. The traffic is heavy here, especially in the morning. Traffic is intense here, especially in the morning. M-am săturat de frigiderul meu vechi. I am fed up with my old fridge. I'm sick of my old fridge. C'est simplement du bon sens. That's just common sense. It's just common sense. Para que você fez aquilo? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Pensate che sia attraente? Do you think she's attractive? Do you think he's attractive? Questa notte abbiamo intenzione di andare al concerto. Tonight we are planning to go to the concert. Tonight we intend to go to the concert. Combien de poupées avais-tu quand tu étais une petite fille ? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? El trebuia să muncească chiar și duminica. He had to work even on Sunday. He was supposed to work even on Sundays. Mes voisins sont mes amis. My neighbors are my friends. My neighbors are my friends. Sono stanca di cantare. I'm tired of singing. I'm tired of singing. Me conta! Tell me! Tell me! Le problème finira par se résoudre de lui-même. The problem will eventually solve itself. The problem will end by solving itself. Algumas pessoas gostam. Some people like it. Some people like it. De qué volètz ? What do you want? What do you want? O Tom ficou perplexo com o comportamento estranho da Mary. Tom was perplexed by Mary's odd behavior. Tom was puzzled by Mary's strange behavior. Sabe tu donde ya andá de tuyo tata? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father's already gone? Elle m'a fixé. She stared at me. She fixed me. An ni on kansè. I have cancer. It's neither cancer nor cancer. O-urile tale arată ca a-urile. Your o's look like a's. Your sheep look like the birds. Chaucer e Boccaccio sono due scrittori. Il primo è inglese, il secondo è italiano. Chaucer and Boccaccio are two writers. The first one is English, the second one Italian. Chaucer and Boccaccio are two writers. The first is English, the second is Italian. Diga a verdade a Tom. Tell the truth to Tom. Tell Tom the truth. Combien de pièces le premier étage de votre maison comporte-t-il ? How many rooms are there on the second floor of your house? How many pieces does the first floor of your house contain? Craps es un juego de azar jugado con dados. Craps is a game of chance played with dice. Craps is a random game played with dice. Todos cometemos errores. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Ahora entren. Now get in. Now come in. No tengas vacilaciones al decir la verdad. Never hesitate to tell the truth. You have no hesitation in telling the truth. ¡¡No quiero ser patético, quiero ser guay!! I don't wanna be pathetic, I wanna be cool!! I don't want to be pathetic, I want to be cool!! ¿Por qué es tan paranoico? Why are you so paranoid? Why is he so paranoid? Usted no debe saltar a conclusiones. You must not jump to conclusions. You must not jump to conclusions. Esta pareja estaba hecha el uno para el otro. That couple was made for each other. This couple was made for each other. Posso andare a scuola? Can I go to school? Can I go to school? Amo lo que eres. I love what you are. I love what you are. Voulez-vous de ceci ? Do you want some of this? Do you want this? Tom ha vomitato nel secchio. Tom vomited into the bucket. Tom threw up in the bucket. "Da próxima vez vamos ao cinema." "Que te faz pensar que haverá uma próxima vez?" "Let's go to the movies next time." "What makes you think there will be a next time?" "Next time we go to the movies." "What makes you think there'll be a next time?" Chacun connaît monsieur Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr Hashimoto. Everyone knows Mr Hashimoto. Cine a descoperit America? Who discovered America? Who discovered America? Consertei a bicicleta ontem. I fixed the bike yesterday. I fixed the bike yesterday. Haut o baish mila personas estón tuadas en aqueste accident. About one hundred people were killed in this accident. Up or down thousands people are killed in this accident. Faisons un concours. L'équipe qui trouve la pire insulte gagne. Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins. Let's make a contest. The team that finds the worst insult wins. Tom bebió directamente de la botella de vino. Tom drank directly from the wine bottle. Tom drank directly from the wine bottle. Ele entrou na sala primeiro. He came into the room first. He went into the room first. Il n'a pas été à l'université pour rien. He did not go to college for nothing. He didn't go to college for nothing. Ele compra roupas. He buys clothes. He buys clothes. Mi ha scelta. He's chosen me. He chose me. Sos un perdedor. You're a loser. You're a loser. Non la vedete? Don't you see her? Don't you see her? La prima lezione comincia alle otto e mezza. The first class begins at 8:30. The first lesson starts at eight and a half. Viens-tu avec moi au café ? Are you going with me to the cafe? Are you coming with me to the cafe? Je suis à présent dans un vieux château. I am now in an old castle. Now I'm in an old castle. Hoy tengo que repasar español. Today I have to review Spanish. Today I have to review Spanish. Isso não foi um acidente. This was no accident. That wasn't an accident. ¡Meca! Wow! Mecca! Tenho saudade da minha família e do meu país. I miss my family and my country. I miss my family and my country. Chila, tra tuti, a farissa nèn na ròba parèj. She, of all people, wouldn't do such a thing. Chila, in between toilets, had no flour at all in the orchard. Am ratat ceva? Did I miss something? Did I miss something? No vull que sigui descurat. I do not want him to be careless. I don't want him to be careless. ¿Quién te pensás que sos? Who do you think you are? Who did you think you were? Nós nos damos muito bem. We get along great. We're doing great. Credeam că am auzit focuri de armă. I thought I heard gunshots. I thought I heard gunfire. Je suis venue ici pour vous secourir. I came here to save you. I came here to help you. Usted se atrevió a contradecirme dos veces ante el Comisario. You have twice dared to contradict me in front of the commissioner. You dared to contradict me twice before the Commissioner. O grupo de xente veu tamén connosco. The group of people came along with us. The group of people came with us, too. Ne lui faites pas confiance. Don't trust him. Don't trust her. Nu am ascultat. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Vos sosh moendiz? You're an engineer? Sosh meendiz? Volo in italia. I fly to Italy. I fly in Italy. Feche a porta, por favor. Will you please shut the door? Close the door, please. Quero ensinar Tom a fazer isso. I want to teach Tom how to do that. I want to teach Tom to do that. Tom diz que ele já te encontrou várias vezes. Tom says that he's met you several times. Tom says he's found you several times. Dovresti assumere un avvocato. You should hire a lawyer. You should hire a lawyer. Quand vient le printemps, les jours rallongent de jour en jour. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, days go from day to day. Un comité est un groupe de gens qui ne peuvent rien faire individuellement mais qui peuvent tenir des réunions en tant que groupe et parvenir à la décision qu'on ne peut rien faire. A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done. A committee is a group of people who cannot do anything individually but who can hold meetings as a group and reach the decision that nothing can be done. ¿Acepta tarjeta de crédito? Do you accept credit cards? Do you accept a credit card? Você está prestando atenção? Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? O anjo da guarda do Tom deveria estar a olhar por ele. Tom's guardian angel must have been watching over him. Tom's guardian angel should be looking for him. Es de parte mía. It's my treat. It's on my side. Os pais de Tom não gostam de mim. Tom's parents don't like me. Tom's parents don't like me. Tom mi-a spus să ies din camera lui. Tom told me to get out of his room. Tom told me to get out of his room. Entonces los ojos de la muñequita empezarían a brillar como luciérnagas, y ella se convertiría en viva. Then the little doll's eyes would begin to shine like glowworms, and it would become alive. Then the eyes of the doll would begin to shine like skylights, and she would become alive. J'ai cassé la verseuse qui va avec la cafetière. I broke the carafe that goes to the coffee maker. I broke the pan that goes with the coffee maker. Chila a l'ha provà na neuva técnica. She tried a new technique. Chila's proved it to be technical snow. Mangiai un hamburger. I ate a hamburger. I ate a hamburger. Cosa sarebbe il mondo senza le donne? What would the world be without women? What would the world be without women? Nosso anfitrião nos ofereceu uma bebida. Our host offered us a drink. Our host offered us a drink. Emily m'ha abraçat. Emily hugged me. Emily hugged me. De ce este Tom acasă? Why is Tom home? Why is Tom home? Manada yo cosa ya aprendé este fin de semana. I learned a lot this weekend. I've already learned this weekend. Eu queria que você tivesse me contado a verdade. I wish you had told me the truth. I wish you'd told me the truth. Quanto burro avete comprato? How much butter did you buy? How much butter did you buy? Para todo lo que concierne a restaurantes, comedores, cafeterías y cosas por el estilo, "retroalimentación" puede ser la palabra equivocada. As far as restaurants, canteens, cafeterias or similar things are concerned, "feedback" may be the wrong word. For everything about restaurants, dining rooms, cafes and things by style, "retro-food" can be the wrong word. Tom diz que viu um OVNI na noite passada. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Ambasadorul rus a fost luat prin surprindere. The Russian ambassador was taken aback. The Russian ambassador was taken by surprise. Am în plan să merg la plajă mâine și eu. I'm planning on going to the beach tomorrow, too. I plan to go to the beach tomorrow and me. Mi sono fatto rasare e tagliare i capelli. I got a shave and a haircut. I shaved and cut my hair. Tom es el mejor amigo del esposo de Mary. Tom is Mary's husband's best friend. Tom is Mary's husband's best friend. Este hombre es mercader. This man is a merchant. This man is a merchant. No metas nada de ruido. You have to be very quiet. Don't get any noise. Quiere quiere tu fruit salad? Do you like fruit salad? Do you want your salad fruit? Ei nu au mașină. They don't have a car. They don't have a car. Io mi sento come se potessi piangere. I feel like I could cry. I feel like I can cry. Sans vous, je ne suis rien. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Él colgó antes de que pudiera decir nada. He hung up before I could say anything. He hung before he could say anything. Care este porecla ta? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Elles semblaient être sur le point de pleurer. They looked as if they would cry. They seemed to be about to cry. Ditele che va tutto bene. Tell her everything is fine. Tell her everything's fine. Ese de mio favorito canción. It's my favorite song. That's my favorite song. Tom n'avait pas l'habitude de parler travail à la maison. Tom wasn't used to talking about work at home. Tom wasn't used to talking work at home. Muito obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you so much for your help. Sos profesor. You are a teacher. His teacher. Boston é uma das cidades mais bonitas do mundo, e muita gente quer visitá-la. Boston is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and many people want to visit it. Boston is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and a lot of people want to visit it. Solo quiero que sepas que si muero hoy, te penaré por el resto de tu vida. I just want to let you know that if I die today, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life. I just want you to know that if I die today, I'll punish you for the rest of your life. Je ne le fais plus. I'm not doing it anymore. I don't do it anymore. Eu vi o Tom sentado na varanda. I saw Tom sitting on the porch. I saw Tom sitting on the balcony. No tengo tiempo para juegos. I don't have time for games. I don't have time for games. Él comenzó a ser un problema. He began to be a problem. He started being a problem. Non voleva trascorrere altro tempo con Tom. She didn't want to spend any more time with Tom. She didn't want to spend any more time with Tom. Él es más inteligente que ellos. He's brighter than they are. He's smarter than them. Ele chegou em Tóquio com três anos de idade. He arrived at age three in Tokyo. He arrived in Tokyo three years old. O Tom chegou de carro. Tom arrived by car. Tom's in the car. La prenda come viene. Take it as it comes. Take it as it is. No tendrás ningún problema con esto. You'll have no problem with this. You won't have any problems with this. Êtes-vous fatiguées de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? Ser deve ser sentido. Não pode ser pensado. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. Being must be sense, it can't be thought. Quelqu'un me déroba tout mon argent. Someone stole all my money. Someone steals all my money. Recibámolo cun gran sorriso. Let's receive him with a happy smile. We received it with a big smile. Quando não é agora. Whenever is not now. When it's not now. J'ai arrêté de fumer il y a trois ans. I quit smoking three years ago. I quit smoking three years ago. Il mio insegnante è il signor Haddad. My teacher is Mr. Haddad. My teacher is Mr Haddad. Non vorresti mangiare? Wouldn't you like to eat? You don't want to eat? Anche io sono preoccupato per lui. I'm worried about him, too. I'm worried about him, too. Je me demande qui est venu. I wonder who has come. I wonder who came. Eu trebuie să-mi vând casa. I have to sell my house. I have to sell my house. On ne peut pas travailler sans électricité. We can't work without electricity. We can't work without electricity. Mi scusi, dov'è il bagno? Excuse me, where is the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Isso é ridículo. This is ridiculous! That's ridiculous. Cosa puoi fare? What can you do? What can you do? Nous devons trouver un endroit pour nous cacher. We need to find somewhere to hide. We need to find a place to hide. Tom me lo avrebbe potuto dire. Tom could've told me. Tom could have told me. Eu acho que é uma ótima ideia. I think that's a great idea. I think it's a great idea. Tom ha detto che Mary può farlo. Tom said that Mary may do that. Tom said Mary can do it. Qui est ce mignon garçon avec lequel je t'ai vu hier ? Who's that cute guy I saw you with yesterday? Who's that cute boy I saw you with yesterday? El a renunțat fără niciun anunț. He quit without notice. He gave up without any announcements. Je suis assez contente. I'm happy enough. I'm pretty happy. Nuáy quien ta sintá aquí. There's no one sitting here. Nuáy who is sitting here. Nessuno vuole lavorare. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to work. Non vi aspettavo. I didn't expect you. I wasn't expecting you. Eu não vou à escola. I don't go to school. I'm not going to school. Tom no consigue describir cuán divertido fue. Tom can't describe how fun it was. Tom can't describe how much fun it was. Unde se află restaurantul? Where is the restaurant? Where's the restaurant? Moro en Estambol. I live in Istanbul. I live in Istanbul. ¡Se te olvidó entrar al perro! You forgot to let the dog in! You forgot to get in the dog! Tom sintió peligro e inmediatamente se sintió preocupado. Tom sensed danger and was suddenly worried. Tom felt danger and immediately felt worried. Convidei-a para ir ao cinema. I invited her to go to the movies. I asked her to go to the movies. Tom non voleva andare, però suo padre l'ha fatto andare. Tom didn't want to go, but his father made him go. Tom didn't want to go, but his father let him go. Ai putea să mă înveți limba ta? Could you teach me your language? Could you teach me your language? Vă sunt foarte recunoscător pentru această oportunitate. I'm so grateful to you for this opportunity. I am very grateful to you for this opportunity. Este tipo de cão existe apenas no Japão. This kind of dog exists only in Japan. This type of dog exists only in Japan. J'étudie afin de pouvoir maîtriser le quechua. I am studying with the purpose of being able to speak Quechua. I'm studying so I can control the quechua. Ele se encontra com a namorada aos sábados. He meets his girlfriend Saturdays. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. Aquesta torre ofereix una vista de tota la ciutat. This tower commands a full view of the city. This tower offers a view of the whole city. Il était sept heures trente. It was seven thirty. It was seven hours thirty. È quello che le avete fatto? Is that what you did to her? Is that what you did to her? É o meu gato. It is my cat. It's my cat. Mary es tan culpable como Tom. Mary is as guilty as Tom. Mary is as guilty as Tom. Franceza se vorbește într-o parte a Canadei. French is spoken in a part of Canada. Franceza is speaking in part of Canada. Mélange le riz avec les œufs et la sauce soja. Mix the rice with the eggs and the soy sauce. Mix rice with eggs and soya sauce. Tom e Mary cominciarono a pranzare assieme al parco. Tom and Mary started taking their lunches together in the park. Tom and Mary started lunching with the park. J'espère que vous êtes bien payé. I hope you're well paid. I hope you're well paid. Mi sono bruciato la lingua. I burnt my tongue. I burned my tongue. Se vai a pescare domani, ci andrò anche io. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go, too. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go, too. Hace un calor insoportable. It's unbearably hot. It's an unbearable heat. Se ha tomado tantas molestias para nada. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. He's taken so much trouble for nothing. Tom también habla francés. Tom can speak French as well. Tom also speaks French. Propunerea a fost adoptată în unanimitate. The motion was unanimously adopted. The proposal was adopted unanimously. O que o Tom achou? What did Tom think of it? What did Tom find? Tom nu știe nimic despre Boston. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. Ela convidou Tom e eu para a festa. She invited Tom and me to the party. She invited me and Tom to the party. Melda. She reads. Melda. Solo unas pocas personas no fueron. Only a few people didn't go there. Only a few people were not. ¿Por qué has comprado un diccionario tan caro? Why did you buy this expensive dictionary? Why did you buy such an expensive dictionary? Disculpá cumigo que atrasao yo. Forgive me for being late. Excuse me, cousin, I'm late. Vi ringrazio per la vostra esistenza. I thank you for your existence. Thank you for your existence. Betty se acostó en la cama. Betty laid herself on the bed. Betty slept in the bed. Por favor, ve. Please go. Please, come. De ce nu te-ai căsătorit? Why didn't you get married? Why didn't you get married? Eu só tenho moedas americanas. I only have American coins. I only have American coins. Puis-je manger ce gâteau ? May I eat this cake? Can I have this cake? Il a fallu beaucoup de temps pour le rallier à notre point de vue. It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view. It took a lot of time for the rally to our point of view. Même maintenant, je pense parfois que j'aimerais te voir. Pas la personne que tu es aujourd'hui, mais celle dont je me rappelle. Even now, I occasionally think I'd like to see you. Not the you that you are today, but the you I remember from the past. Even now, I sometimes think I'd like to see you, not the person you're today, but the one I remember. Tu dois tout abandonner. You have to leave everything. You have to give up everything. Era troppo ubriaco per guidare fino a casa. He was too drunk to drive home. He was too drunk to drive home. Esta planta tiene algunas hojas quemadas. This plant has some burnt leaves. This plant has some burnt leaves. Saremo ricche. We will be rich. We'll be rich. Les Japonais vivent de riz et de poisson. The Japanese live on rice and fish. The Japanese live with rice and fish. Hindê ta nadá el maga piedra. Stones don't swim. Hindi swims the stone maga. Non è come prima, sa. It ain't like before, you know. It's not like before, you know. Estoy aquí para pedir su ayuda. I'm here to ask for your help. I'm here to ask for your help. Voi siete ancora arrabbiati? Are you still mad? Are you still angry? Lui non era mai appagato. He was never content. He was never paid off. Sois una pareja maravillosa. You're amazingly beautiful as a couple. You're a wonderful couple. Nous y serons tous ensemble. We'll all be there together. We'll all be there together. A confissão dela veio como uma surpresa. Her confession came as a surprise. Her confession came as a surprise. Tom fume-t-il ? Does Tom smoke? Is Tom smoking? M'accusez-vous d'être une menteuse ? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Tom aime quand c'est chaud. Tom likes it hot. Tom loves it when it's hot. Quizá no debería haberlo hecho. I should probably not have done that. Maybe I shouldn't have. Favlash Ladino? Do you all speak Ladino? Favlash Ladino? Vous n'avez pas l'air convaincue. You don't seem convinced. You don't seem convinced. M-am distrat bine noaptea trecută. I enjoyed myself last night. I had a good time last night. Bon apre-midi! Good afternoon. Good afternoon! Nós precisamos de uma pausa. We need a break. We need a break. Tom posa quelques questions à l'enseignant. Tom asked the teacher some questions. Tom asked the teacher a few questions. Nós temos de encontrar um jeito de terminar esse trabalho até segunda. We have to figure out a way to get this job finished by Monday. We have to find a way to finish this job till Monday. Leila ficou imediatamente zangada com Sami. Layla was instantly angry with Sami. Leila was immediately angry with Sami. Estoy aprendiendo un poco de inglés. I am learning a little English. I'm learning a little English. ¿Hay algún cine cerca de aquí? Are there any movie theaters near here? Is there a movie near here? Què et passa? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Este un actor printre actori. He is an actor among actors. He's an actor among the actors. Şi-a învăţat fiul să înoate. He taught his son how to swim. He taught his son to swim. Je pense qu'il est temps pour moi d'acheter une voiture digne de ce nom. I think it's time for me to buy a decent car. I think it's time for me to buy a car worthy of that name. Tom s'est versé un grand verre de lait. Tom poured himself a tall glass of milk. Tom poured himself a big glass of milk. ¿Necesites les llaves? Do you need the keys? Do you need the keys? Isso é correcto e apropriado! That's right and proper! That's right and appropriate! Cost dòp-mesdì i veul ëstudié meno mach doe ore. This afternoon I will study at least two hours. Cost dup-edì i voul ëstudié less mach doe hours. Tom está fazendo isso por despeito. Tom is doing it out of spite. Tom's doing it out of spite. Je suis vraiment désolée d'être rentré à la maison aussi tard. I'm very sorry I came home so late. I'm really sorry I came home so late. Il mio compagno di stanza è stato deciso? Has my roommate been decided? Has my roommate been decided? Sou de Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. Juntémonos el domingo. Let's get together on Sunday. Let's get together on Sunday. Tengo que encontrar otro. I have to find another one. I have to find another one. Președintele Clinton a negat orice acțiuni dezonorabile. President Clinton denied any dishonorable actions. President Clinton has denied any dishonorable action. À quelle heure prenez-vous votre service ? What time are you going on duty? What time do you take your service? O que eles pensaram? What did they think? What did they think? Am muncit mult azi. I worked a lot today. I worked hard today. La misma explicación es válida para ese caso. The same explanation is true of that case. The same explanation is valid for that case. Las plumas de las palomas son blancas. The pigeons' feathers are white. The feathers of the pigeons are white. Soy una persona. I'm a person. I'm a person. Descendez au prochain arrêt et prenez un bus à destination de l'aéroport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Go down to the next stop and take a bus to the airport. Plus personne ne lui fait confiance. No one trusts him any more. No one trusts him anymore. Crezi că Tom ar considera să se întâlnească cu sora mea mai tânără? Do you think Tom would consider dating my younger sister? Do you think Tom would consider meeting my younger sister? Povestea lui sună credibilă. His story sounds believable. His story sounds credible. Ea este fericită. She is happy. She's happy. Il ragazzo cominciò a gridare. The boy started crying. The boy started screaming. Sono entrambe ubriache. They're both drunk. They're both drunk. Io ti fermerò. I'll stop you. I'll stop you. Combien de temps as-tu dormi la nuit dernière ? How long did you sleep last night? How long did you sleep last night? Eu ainda moro em Boston. I still live in Boston. I still live in Boston. Ya principiá le lavá cunel de suyo coche. He started washing his car. He's already beginning to wash his car's cunt. Eu sei que você acredita que você entendeu o que você acha que eu disse, mas eu não tenho certeza se você percebe que o que você ouviu não é o que eu quis dizer. I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure if you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. Sërcoma 'd trové còsa ch'i podoma fé për giuté. Let's find out what we can do to help. Sërcoma 'd found cosa che'i can fêtre për juté. Mergi la școală. Go to school. Go to school. Eu estudarei inglês nessa tarde. I am going to study English this afternoon. I'll study English this afternoon. Je pensais que j'avais vu quelque chose. I thought I saw something. I thought I saw something. Favor, llevá cumigo otro tenedor. Bring me another fork, please. Please take another tenant with me. Se enamoró de su mejor amigo. She fell in love with her best friend. He fell in love with his best friend. Tom viene? Is Tom coming? Is Tom coming? Ella guarda sus ahorros en el banco por seguridad. She kept her valuables in the bank for safety. She keeps her savings in the bank for security. Tom se golpeó su rodilla. Tom banged his knee. Tom hit his knee. Sors les ordures. Take the rubbish out. Get the garbage out. El mi-a scris uneori. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me sometimes. Presupun că Tom este de aproximativ aceeași vârstă cu tine. Tom is about the same age as you, I suppose. I guess Tom's about the same age as you. Câinii latră. Dogs are barking. The stray dogs. E l'ân mìa catêda. They didn't find her. And my letter. No los he visto recientemente. I haven't seen them recently. I haven't seen them recently. Lasciami dire perché a me non piace Tom. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Io sono amico di Mike. I am friends with Mike. I'm Mike's friend. Dov'era nel 1979? Where were you in 1979? Where was he in 1979? Não me obrigue a fazer isso. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do that. La idea nun ye nueva. The idea isn't new. The idea is not new. È finita. It's over. It's over. Quem é mais jovem, ele ou eu? Who is younger, him or me? Who's younger, him or me? Como você soube que eu não sou canadense? How did you know that I'm not Canadian? How did you know I'm not a Canadian? Merda! Shit! Shit! Sto cercando un anziano. I'm looking for an old man. I'm looking for an old man. Nous aimons toujours ceux qui nous admirent ; et nous n’aimons pas toujours ceux que nous admirons. We always love the people that admire us, but not always the ones we admire. We always love those who admire us; and we do not always love those whom we admire. A me non piace il calcio. I don't like football. I don't like football. Non sono sicura se a George piacerà questa idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. Dites à Tom que je reviendrai. Tell Tom I'll be back. Tell Tom I'll be back. Non ti farò del male. I won't hurt you. I won't hurt you. C'erano cinquanta persone in tutto. There were fifty persons in all. There were fifty people in all. Sabe tu cuando silá ay llegá? Do you know when they will arrive? Do you know when she'll be there? Tom caiu do cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom fell off the horse. He pedido ayuda. I called for help. I asked for help. Crezi că îl poți ajuta? Do you think you can help him? You think you can help him? Não quero que a senhora saiba meu verdadeiro nome. I don't want you to know my real name. I don't want you to know my real name. La carrera estaba arreglada. The race was fixed. The race was fixed. Ton oncle a péri par le fer ; tu vas périr par l’eau ; ta Marie par le feu ! Your uncle perished by the sword; you will perish by water; and your Mary by fire! Your uncle died by iron; you shall perish by water; your Mary by fire! À après-demain ! See you in two days. See you tomorrow. Je me suis rendu à la banque pour retirer de l'argent. I went to the bank to take out money. I went to the bank to get some money. Tom a l'ha manca 'd soa meisin-a. Tom needs his medicine. Tom missed it's so meisin-a. Se rio cuando se lo conté. She laughed when I told her. He laughs when I tell him. "Pourquoi tu n'y vas pas ?" "Parce que je ne veux pas." "Why aren't you going?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you go?" "Because I don't want to." Pourriez-vous résoudre le problème ? Could you solve the problem? Could you solve the problem? Am vorbit despre testul de ieri. We talked about yesterday's test. We talked about yesterday's test. Dites-moi juste ce qui s'est passé ! Just tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened! Non mi parlare di Tom. Don't talk to me about Tom. Don't tell me about Tom. Am renunţat să mai candidez pentru preşedinte. I gave up running for president. I gave up running for the president. Voi bevete troppo caffè. You drink too much coffee. You guys drink too much coffee. A Betty le gusta la música clásica. Betty likes classical music. Betty likes classical music. Frumosul nu e totuna cu binele de fiecare dată. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. Beautiful isn't always good every time. Ía prestame que fixeras una prueba de sangre. I'd like you to have a blood test. I'd promise you'd run a blood test. ¿Con quién quieren bailar primero? Who do you want to dance with first? Who do you want to dance with first? J'ai besoin de connaître votre réponse d'ici vendredi. I need to know your answer by Friday. I need to know your answer by Friday. A empresa estava à beira da falência. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Eu acho que eu gostaria de ser uma professora. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Neige-t-il beaucoup en hiver ? Does it snow much in winter? Does he need much in winter? Désolé, je rêvassais. Sorry, I was woolgathering. Sorry, I was dreaming. Elle devrait me remercier. She should thank me. She should thank me. Ella me agrada. I like her. I like her. Ai vrea să fii atent? Would you please pay attention? Would you like to be careful? Tom speră să obțină un profit în acest an, chiar dacă profitul va fi unul mic. Tom hopes to make a profit this year, albeit a small one. Tom hopes to get a profit this year, even though the profit will be a small one. Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Se você vai ir para a América, é melhor você aprender inglês. If you are to go to America, you had better learn English conversation. If you're going to America, you'd better learn English. Con la comparsa di Skype, studiare le lingue è diventato più facile. With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier. With the appearance of Skype, studying languages has become easier. Eu quero que haja algo para cantar. I want there to be something to sing. I want there to be something to sing. Cola toa seur as lamenta sèmper ëd sò òmo. That sister of yours is always complaining of her husband. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, Eu sei Português, tu sabes Alemão, ele sabe Inglês, ela sabe Italiano, ele/ela sabe Francês. Nós sabemos Esperanto, vós sabeis Espanhol, eles sabem Russo, elas sabem Japonês, eles/elas sabem Francês. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, and he or she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, and they know French. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, he/she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, they/they know French. Apenas 529 espectadores assistiram ao jogo. A mere 529 spectators watched the game. Only 529 spectators attended the game. A festa será amanhã. The party will be tomorrow. The party will be tomorrow. Mozotros kompramos. We buy. Mozotros comprarmos. Que souhaitez-vous commander, Messieurs ? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What do you want to order, gentlemen? No l'ò ciù visto da aloa. I have not seen him since then. I didn't see her from aloa. A conferência de imprensa está marcada para daqui a uma hora. The press conference is scheduled to begin one hour from now. The press conference is scheduled for an hour. Quisiera saber por qué no hiciste tu tarea a tiempo. I'd like to know why you didn't finish your homework on time. I'd like to know why you didn't do your job in time. Ils aiment bien les filles. They like girls. They love girls. Io sono scioccato. I'm upset. I'm shocked. Tiene kamé vino. We have wine. He's got Kamé wine. Non sapete nulla su di me. You don't know anything about me. You don't know anything about me. Cu asta nu este de glumă. This isn't a joking matter. That's not a joke. En vòli mai. I want more. I never want it. ¿Dónde está el banco más cercano? Where is the nearest bench? Where's the nearest bank? Ela está em perigo. She's in danger. She's in danger. Vous devez répondre à la question. You've got to answer the question. You have to answer the question. Déjame llamar a Tom. Let me call Tom. Let me call Tom. Era uma vez um rei que tinha uma filha única. Once on a time there was a king who had an only daughter. It was once a king who had a single daughter. Tu n'aurais pas dû emprunter la voiture de Tom. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Sono sicura che non fosse intenzionale. I'm sure it wasn't intentional. I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Sos un ladron. You are a thief. You're a thief. Le gané en el golf. I beat him at golf. I beat him in golf. Tom savait que Marie était à Boston. Tom knew that Mary was in Boston. Tom knew Marie was in Boston. Hai mai mangiato del cibo giapponese? Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Have you ever eaten Japanese food? O Francês é a única língua que posso falar. French is the only language that I can speak. French is the only language I can speak. Quand vas-tu terminer ça ? When are you going to finish this? When are you gonna finish this? On ôte son chapeau quand on entre dans une salle de classe. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. We'll take his hat off when we get into a classroom. Je ne suis pas très fort au backgammon. I'm not very good at backgammon. I'm not very strong at backgammon. Celui qui n'aime est malheureux, et malheureux est l'amoureux. He who does not love is unhappy, and unhappy is he who is in love. He who does not love is unhappy, and unhappy is the loving. Qu'ei lo líber deu Tòni. This is Tony's book. There's the pound of ten Toni. Je l'ai entendu descendre les escaliers. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him go down the stairs. Elles se sont toutes tuées. They all killed themselves. They all killed each other. Deve bere dell'acqua. You have to drink water. You need to drink some water. Volevo parlare con lei di qualcosa. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to her about something. Tom a explicat regulile lui Mary. Tom explained the rules to Mary. Tom explained Mary's rules. Eu entendo o seu ponto de vista, mas ainda não estou de acordo. I get your point, but I still don't agree. I understand your point of view, but I still don't agree. Me ne serve uno? Do I need one? Do I need one? Mary tiene un aparato de ortodoncia. Mary has braces. Mary has an orthodontics device. Mary este foarte bolnavă şi mi-e teamă că e pe moarte. Mary is very ill and I'm afraid she is dying. Mary is very sick and I'm afraid she's dying. Ils nous rattrapent. They're catching up with us. They catch up with us. Por que no puede kitá man cuento ahora? Why can't we talk now? Why can't I take my hands off now? Voy al cine todas las semanas. I go to the movies every week. I go to the movies every week. Afora nós dois todos morreram. Everybody died except for us two. Apart, we're all dead. Eu conheço um homem que fala bem o francês. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who speaks French well. Le docteur a informé son patient du nom de sa maladie. The doctor informed his patient of the name of his disease. The doctor informed his patient about his illness. J'ai besoin de quelque chose sur lequel écrire. I need something to write on. I need something to write about. Hay varios tipos de dulces en ese cuenco. There are various kinds of candy in that bowl. There are several kinds of sweets in that basin. Tom escuchó cuidadosamente. Tom listened intently. Tom listened carefully. Dan non si è nemmeno presentato. Dan didn't even show up. Dan didn't even show up. A lâmpada estourou. The light bulb burst. The lamp broke out. C'est vrai, elles ont été en retard deux fois déjà. That's right, they've been late twice already. That's right, they've been late twice already. Vou dormir aqui. I'll sleep here. I'm going to sleep here. Devo fazê-lo agora. I must do it now. I must do it now. Tenho uma reserva. I have a reservation. I have a reservation. Ya esribi le cunel palabra. She wrote the word. I already scribbled his word. Esta es la carta de mi amigo. This is the letter from my friend. This is my friend's letter. Il conto totale per le bevande arrivò fino a 7000 dollari. The total bill for drinks came up to 7000 dollars. The total drink account reached up to $7000. Vim pra casa de ônibus. I came home by bus. I came to the bus home. Questo sarà facile. This will be easy. That'll be easy. J'aime faire de la traduction. I like translating. I like to do translation. O que você quer que eu faça? What is it that you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Nosso segredo foi descoberto pelo governo. Our secret was discovered by the government. Our secret was discovered by the government. NImic nu e aşa de plăcut decât să călătoreşti singur. Nothing is so pleasant as travelling alone. Nothing's so good about traveling alone. Où est-ce que tout le monde se rend ? Where's everyone going? Where does everybody go? ¿Sabías que había unos cuantos zorros viviendo en esta montaña? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? En ceste foy je vueil vivre et mourir. In this faith I wish to live and die. In basket foy I see live and die. Eres nuevo por aquí, ¿verdad? You're new around here, aren't you? You're new here, aren't you? Jésus-Christ a averti que le blasphème contre le Saint-Esprit ne sera pas pardonné. Jesus Christ warned that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Jesus Christ warned that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. La bella coda del pavone lo aiuta ad attirare le femmine. The peacock's beautiful tail helps it attract females. The beautiful tail of the peacock helps him attract the females. Io prestai a Tom tutti i miei soldi. I loaned Tom all my money. I lent Tom all my money. Je prends plaisir à travailler. I enjoy working. I'm glad to work. Vous n'en ressortez que ce que vous y mettez. You get out only what you put in. You only know what you're putting on it. Sunt un băiat timid. I am a shy boy. I'm a shy boy. Ti stai già tirando indietro? Are you backing out already? Are you already pulling back? ¿Qué quiere usted de Tom? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? Je suis à vous dans une minute. I'll be with you in a minute. I'm yours in a minute. Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. Êtes-vous en mesure de le faire plus rapidement ? Can you do it faster? Are you able to do this more quickly? Você deve ser capaz de falar em inglês ou espanhol nessa empresa. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You must be able to speak in English or Spanish in this company. Continuate a non capire. You still don't understand. You still don't understand. Andate ad aiutarlo. Go help him. Go help him. Eles sempre fazem piadas sobre o chefe. They often make fun of the boss. They always joke about the boss. Perché è così burbero? Why are you so grouchy? Why is he so drunk? În anii 1950, finlandezii au fost citați ca având una dintre cele mai puțin sănătoase diete din lume. In the 1950's, the Finns were cited as having one of the least healthy diets in the world. In the 1950s, Finns were quoted as having one of the healthiest diets in the world. Tom no sabe de qué parte de Australia es Mary. Tom doesn't know what part of Australia Mary is from. Tom doesn't know what part of Australia Mary is. Lei è carina come sua sorella. She's as pretty as her sister. She's as cute as her sister. Je déteste la cravate que tu portes. I hate the tie you're wearing. I hate the tie you're wearing. Adivina qué me pasó. Guess what happened to me. Guess what happened to me. Ou, nou papa ki dan lesyel, Fer ou ganny rekonnet konman Bondye. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. You, our heavenly Father, make your boasting in connection with God. Eles vieram para pedir paz. They came to ask for peace. They came to ask for peace. Él se apoyó contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos. He stood against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Vou esperar aqui até ele voltar. I'll wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he gets back. Unde locuiești? Where do you live? Where do you live? No quiere yo dejá cuntigo. I don't want to leave you. He doesn't want me to quit. Eu me sentei do lado do John. I sat next to John. I sat next to John. Non pensateci! Snap out of it! Don't think about it! Non fumo e non bevo. I don't smoke or drink. I don't smoke and I don't drink. Non dubiti delle sue parole. Don't doubt his words. Don't doubt his words. Quando um homem quer matar um tigre, ele chama isso de esporte; Quando um tigre quer matá-lo, ele chama isso de ferocidade. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. When a man wants to kill a tiger, he calls it sport; When a tiger wants to kill him, he calls it ferocity. Je pris un bain. I took a bath. I took a bath. Os trabalhadores se uniram para resolver o problema. The workers united to solve the problem. The workers joined together to solve the problem. Espero que os seus pais permitam que nos casemos. I hope that your parents will allow us to marry. I hope your parents let us get married. Eu não tenho televisão. I don't own a television. I don't have a TV. Un d'eux m'a parlé. One of them spoke to me. One of them told me. Usa a porta da frente. Use the front door. Use the front door. Trabajo en una agencia de viajes. I work for a travel agency. I work at a travel agency. Est-ce que je peux aider ? Can I be of help? Can I help? Me hizo enfadarme tanto que me dio dolor de cabeza. He made me so angry that I got a headache. It made me so angry that it gave me a headache. Toma algunas galletas para calmar el hambre hasta la cena. She had some cookies to stay her hunger until dinner. Take some cookies to calm the hunger until dinner. Ficarei contente se você propuser um fraseado melhor. I'll be happy if you propose a better wording. I'll be happy if you propose a better phrasing. Io presenterò mio padre. I will introduce my father. I'll introduce my father. Ese perro es realmente feo. That's a really ugly dog. That dog is really ugly. Elle ignore tout des oiseaux et des abeilles. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. She doesn't know all about birds and bees. Necesita yo abrí cunel ventánâ. I have to open the window. I need to open the window. Il me confiait des choses qu'il n'aurait dites à personne d'autre. He confided in me things he would tell no one else. He trusted me with things he wouldn't have told anyone else. O preço subiu. The price rose. The price's up. Tu ne peux pas exiger autant d'argent. You can't charge that much. You can't demand that much money. J’aime faire la cuisine et lire. I like cooking and reading. I like cooking and reading. De la moartea tatălui ei, ea a trecut prin multe greutăți. Since her father's death, she has gone through a lot of hardships. Since her father's death, she's been through a lot of pain. Ya ganá yo. I've won. I won. Tom está muito triste mesmo. Tom is really upset. Tom's really sad. Tom ainda está determinado. Tom is still determined. Tom's still determined. Non ho votato Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. I didn't vote Tom. Hemos de considerar todas las opciones. We must consider all the options. We have to consider all options. Cela m'a presque fait rire. That almost made me laugh. It almost made me laugh. Am cel mai lung păr din clasă. My hair is the longest in my class. I have the longest hair in my class. Las encontré. I found them. I found them. C'est le moment pour vous de jouer votre carte maîtresse. The time has come for you to play your trump card. It's time for you to play your master card. Nous expliquerons. We'll explain. We'll explain. Tu es mon héros, Sami. You're my hero, Sami. You're my hero, Sami. As minhas lágrimas estão frias. My tears are cold. My tears are cold. Lavoro pure la domenica. I work even on Sunday. I also work on Sundays. De obicei, nu sunt atât de neîndemânatic. I'm not usually this inept. I'm usually not that unsuspecting. La Terra és molt més gran que la Lluna. The earth is much larger than the moon. Earth is much larger than the moon. Dale cumigo mirá el cosa tu ya comprá. Show me what you bought. Give him Cumigo will look at the thing you already buy. El próximo lunes y martes son fiesta. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Next Monday and Tuesday are parties. Riveddo o prezepio co-o beu e l'azenin. I see again the nativity scene with the ox and the donkey. Reveddo o prezepio co-o beu e l'azenin. Jo no era conscient que ell estava al davant. I was not aware of his presence. I wasn't aware he was in front. Laura este braziliana. Laura is Brazillian. Laura is Brazilian. Ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I've helped a lot, I think. Eu me pergunto se o Tom precisa fazer isso ou não. I wonder whether Tom needs to do that or not. I wonder if Tom has to do it or not. Tom spune că asta nu se va întâmpla. Tom says that won't happen. Tom says that's not gonna happen. Não sabemos o que ele fez na festa. We do not know what she did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. Eu mesmo bebi toda a cerveja. I myself drank all the beer. I drank all the beer myself. Quisiera pasar algunos días con Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. Parlo per telèfon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm on the phone. Voi meritate una vacanza. You deserve a vacation. I'll be worth a vacation. Non è più forte di me. She's not stronger than me. He's not stronger than I am. Ils s'amusaient. They were enjoying themselves. They were having fun. Eu trecut zece ani de când el a plecat din Japonia. It has been ten years since he left Japan. I've been ten years since he left Japan. Tom non sarà mai d'accordo. Tom will never agree. Tom will never agree. Content que nous soyons ensemble. Glad we're together. I'm glad we're together. Non so se andrò o no. I don't know whether I'll go or not. I don't know if I'm going or not. Non lo disturbare. Don't disturb him. Don't disturb him. Perché continua a darle dei soldi? Why do you keep giving her money? Why do you keep giving her money? Eu os convidei para jantar. I invited them to dinner. I invited them to dinner. Eles mataram o Tom. They killed Tom. They killed Tom. Dê um passo atrás da situação e tente descobrir o que está acontecendo Take a step back from the situation and try to figure out what is going on. Step back and try to figure out what's going on. Sus palabras la hicieron llorar de emoción. His words moved her to tears. Her words made her cry out of emotion. Est-ce que tu aimerais avoir un nouveau corps ? Would you like to have a new body? Would you like to have a new body? O urgență poate apărea în orice moment. An emergency may occur at any time. An emergency may appear at any time. È di tua responsabilità. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Ya has estado en Berlín. You've already been to Berlin. You've already been to Berlin. Ta resollá si Tom. Tom is breathing. It is resolved by Tom. Aconteceu pelo menos três vezes. It has happened at least three times. It happened at least three times. Quantos copos precisamos? How many glasses do we need? How many glasses do we need? Quedé inconsciente. I blacked out. I was unconscious. Je peux toucher le plafond. I can touch the ceiling. I can touch the ceiling. Tragam de volta. Bring it back. Bring it back. Robert é um oceanógrafo do Instituto Woods Hole. Robert is an oceanographer from Woods Hole Institute. Robert is an oceanographer at the Woods Hole Institute. Eles não parecem estar muito gratos. They don't seem to be very pleased. They don't seem to be very grateful. Lei è più felice quando è a casa. She is happiest when she is at home. She's happier when she's home. Tom sembrava pietrificato. Tom looked petrified. Tom seemed petrified. Este cachorro pulou. That dog jumped. This dog jumped. Tom a dû le faire même s'il ne le voulait pas. Tom had to do it even though he didn't want to. Tom must have done it even if he didn't want to. As-tu aimé le film ? Did you enjoy the film? Did you love the movie? O Tom não pôde recusar o pedido da Maria. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Tom couldn't refuse Maria's request. Che ha causato l'incidente? Who caused the accident? What caused the accident? Makaláwang el carajay. The frying pan is rusty. Makaláwang the snail. El helicóptero vuela muy bajo. The helicopter is flying very low. The helicopter flies very low. Vas' ti fé arèdjî ! Screw you! Go on, go on, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! El presidente de Francia visitará Japón el mes que viene. The President of France will visit Japan next month. The President of France will visit Japan next month. Réfléchissez-y s'il vous plaît et faites-moi part votre décision. Please think it over and let me know your decision. Please think about it and share your decision with me. A decir verdad, nos enteramos de que su nuevo marido era un tío espantoso. To tell the truth, we learned that her new husband was a terrible guy. To tell the truth, we learn that her new husband was a terrible uncle. Tom era incosciente. Tom was unconscious. Tom was unconscious. Eu conheci o Tom na biblioteca. I met Tom in the library. I met Tom in the library. Riesco a vedere uno schema. I can see a pattern. I can see a scheme. El m-a sunat. He has phoned me. He called me. Do que você está rindo, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? Tom aveva una fidanzata canadese. Tom used to have a Canadian girlfriend. Tom had a Canadian girlfriend. Cada segundo nacen cuatro bebés en el mundo. Four babies are born every second around the world. Every second four babies are born in the world. Las plumas son características de las aves. Feathers are peculiar to birds. The feathers are characteristics of the birds. Beva la medicina. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. È tornata a casa ora? Are you back home now? Is she home now? A mãe de Tom estava chorando. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mother was crying. Nu e cine știe ce surpriză, nu-i așa? It's not much of a surprise, is it? It's not who knows what a surprise, is it? Date loro le chiavi. Give them the keys. Give them the keys. Sabe tu pakimodo ya murí de su tata? Do you know how his father died? Do you know your pakimod already mutilated from his father? Tom está dispuesto a recurrir a la violencia con el fin de conseguir lo que quiere. Tom is ready to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. Tom is willing to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. La belle fille aux cheveux noirs était dans le parc. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful black-haired girl was in the park. Él participó en una gran estafa. He took part in a big scam. He took part in a big scam. Meu pai tem esse mesmo tipo de carro. This is the same type of car as my father has. My dad's got that same kind of car. Me opongo a cualquier tipo de guerra. I'm opposed to any type of war. I'm opposed to any kind of war. È così bello vederla. It's so nice to see you. It's so nice to see you. Tenho o pressentimento de que você será um bom advogado. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have the feeling you'll be a good lawyer. Dl. și dna. Yamada se vor întoarce în țara lor de baștină luna viitoare. Mr. and Mrs. Yamada will return to their homeland next month. Mr. and Mrs. Yamada will be back in their country next month. Extraño a mis amigos. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. Elle a quitté l'hôpital il y a une heure. She left the hospital an hour ago. She left the hospital an hour ago. Eu só tenho um desejo. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Alger est en Algérie. Algiers is in Algeria. Algiers is in Algeria. Nós falamos sobre fuso horários. We talked about time zones. We talked about time zones. Ei sunt oameni care iubesc pacea. They are peace-loving people. They are people who love peace. Questo punto sarà discusso domani. This point will be discussed tomorrow. This point will be discussed tomorrow. Il est très peu probable que je sois arrêtée pour avoir fait ça. I'm not very likely to be arrested for doing that. It's very unlikely that I was arrested for doing this. Te amo y quiero casarme con vos. I love you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. Tom encontrou um emprego para Maria. Tom found a job for Mary. Tom found a job for Maria. Io sono sicura di riuscire a trovarlo. I'm sure I can find him. I'm sure I can find him. Quanto isso vai me custar? How much is this going to cost me? How much is this gonna cost me? Dovremmo discuterne. We should discuss that. We should discuss this. O plural de "person" é "people", não "persons". The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The plural of "person" is "people", not "people". Perché le vorreste fare del male? Why would you want to hurt her? Why would you want to hurt them? Siete sempre piaciuti a Tom. Tom always liked you. You always liked Tom. Je suis membre de ce club de musique. I belong to the music club. I'm a member of this music club. El templo fue construido hace doscientos años. The shrine was built two hundred years ago. The temple was built two hundred years ago. Casa, meu fillo, cando quixeres - miña filla, casa cando puideres. Son, marry whenever you want - daughter, marry when you can. Home, my son, when you want--my daughter, marry when you can. Eu sou teu filho. I am your son. I'm your son. És aquest un ós? Is that a bear? Is that a bear? Non riesco a capire Tom. I can't understand Tom. I can't understand Tom. Finalement, j'ai achevé un tableau. Finally, I finished a painting. Finally, I finished a painting. ¿Es cierto que Tatoeba fue comprado por Google por mil millones de dólares? Is it true that Tatoeba was bought by Google for 1 billion dollars? Is it true that Tatoeba was bought by Google for a billion dollars? Non era colpa di Tom. It wasn't Tom's fault. It wasn't Tom's fault. Eu não o teria feito. I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have. Eu comprei alguns talheres. I bought some silverware. I bought some cutlery. Quiconque est-il blessé ? Is anybody hurt? Who's hurt? Amo Alex Marcelo. I love Alex Marcelo. I love Alex Marcelo. Passo molto tempo in Australia. I spend a lot of time in Australia. I spend a lot of time in Australia. Tom are o durere la degetul mare al piciorului drept. Tom has a pain in his big toe on his right foot. Tom's got a big pain in his right leg. En lisant un livre, je me suis endormi. While reading a book, I fell asleep. Reading a book, I fell asleep. La maggior parte delle persone sono d'accordo. Most people agree. Most people agree. Por favor, mova a mesa para a esquerda. Please move the desk to the left. Please move the table to the left. Senatul a acceptat tratatul, iar președintele Polk l-a semnat. The Senate accepted the treaty, and Polk signed it. The Senate accepted the treaty, and Polk President signed it. Tú encontrarás un rastrillo en el cobertizo. You'll find a rake in the shed. You'll find a raster on the deck. J'attends mon tour. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Tinc un abric, però cap barret. I have a coat, but no hat. I have a coat, but no hat. Fins demà. See you tomorrow! See you tomorrow. Ele caiu num sono profundo. He fell into a deep slumber. He fell into a deep sleep. Ea l-a mușcat. She bit him. She bit him. Lo regent que'ns expliquèc la significacion deu mot. The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us. The regent that I'm explaining the meaning to us is ten words. Tom stătea pe canapea lângă Mary. Tom sat down on the couch beside Mary. Tom was sitting on the couch next to Mary. Estou intrigado pelo que você disse. I'm intrigued by what you say. I'm intrigued by what you said. C'est tout ce qu'il a dit. That is all that he said. That's all he said. Bun. Good. Good. Hay problemas en esta cuenta de teléfono. There are errors in this phone bill. There are problems in this phone account. ¿Cuándo puedo devolver el libro? When shall I return the book? When can I return the book? Abitiamo vicino a lei. We live near her. We live next to her. La historia del mundo no es sino otra cosa que el progreso de la conciencia por la libertad. The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom. The history of the world is nothing but the progress of conscience for freedom. In Giappone fa molto caldo d'estate. In Japan, it's very hot in the summer. In Japan it's very hot in the summer. Sper că putem începe luna viitoare această activitate. I hope we can start this task next month. I hope we can start this activity next month. Cosa dice la nota? What's the note say? What does the note say? Mi-e tare frică de a fi disprețuit de către cei pe care îi iubesc și de care îmi pasă. I have a great fear of being disdained by those I love and care about. I'm so afraid of being despised by those I love and care about. Não penso em magoá-la. I don't want to hurt you. I don't think I'm gonna hurt you. Moveré el panel solar del balcón al techo en su debido momento. I'll move the solar panel from the balcony to the roof in due course. I'll move the sun panel from the balcony to the ceiling at the right time. Tom ne peut pas se permettre de l'acheter. Tom can't afford to buy that. Tom can't afford to buy it. Esto ambezando el djudeo-espanyol. I'm learning Judeo-Spanish. This is both the judeo-spanyol. O característico pelo rizo da señora Tanaka estaba de punta tras a súa orella. Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear. The characteristic by Mrs. Tanaka's laugh was on the tip behind her ear. Qui est assis là à l'autre bout de la table ? Who is sitting at the other end of the table? Who's sitting here at the other end of the table? A cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. On horseback we don't look at the teeth. Nu am avut idee despre faptul că Tom este aşa de bătrân. I had no idea Tom was that old. I had no idea that Tom was so old. Non mi ha dato niente. She didn't give me anything. He didn't give me anything. No quiere yo comé masquín cosa. I don't want to eat anything. He doesn't want me to eat a pet thing. Voldria trobar-me amb la teva germana gran. I'd like to meet your older sister. I'd like to meet your older sister. Tom è una persona gradevole. Tom is an agreeable person. Tom's a nice person. Eu acredito que ele seja inocente. I believe him to be innocent. I believe he's innocent. Soy alérgico al polvo. I'm allergic to pollen. I'm allergic to dust. Cosa el número? What's the number? What's the number? Fico feliz em saber que ela é solteira. I'm glad to hear that she is unmarried. I'm glad to know she's single. Perché qualcuno la vorrebbe baciare? Why would anyone want to kiss you? Why would anyone want to kiss her? Gostaria de aprender Inglês por vários motivos. I would like to learn English for several reasons. I would like to learn English for a number of reasons. Je viens d'inventer un nouveau processeur de mots permettant de les prononcer à l'envers. I just invented a new word-processor enabling to pronounce them backwards. I just invented a new word processor to deliver them in reverse. Quería que Tom se quedara en la escuela. I wanted Tom to stay in school. I wanted Tom to stay in school. È così bella da guardare. She's so beautiful to look at. She's so beautiful to look at. Ele estava determinado a viajar pro exterior. He was determined to go abroad. He was determined to travel abroad. Las frases más bellas son las que hablan de amor. The most beautiful words are those that speak of love. The most beautiful phrases are those that speak of love. Vous avez pris assez de risques. You've risked enough. You took enough risks. Lalita chiamò. Lalita called. Lalita called. J'ai écrit trois livres. I've written three books. I wrote three books. Non teño ningún tipo de plan. I have no plans at all. I don't have any kind of plan. Dovresti cambiare lavoro se ne capita l'occasione. You should change your job if the occasion arises. You should change your job if the opportunity comes up. Ci sarà di nuovo caldo domani? Will it be hot again tomorrow? Will it be hot again tomorrow? Dites-moi comment vaincre l'insomnie. Tell me how to beat sleeplessness. Tell me how to overcome insomnia. Nu era o aberație. It wasn't an aberration. It wasn't an aberration. La frase di esempio n° 354618 ha creato molta confusione nel sito web di Tatoeba. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The example phrase no. 354618 created a lot of confusion in Tatoeba's website. La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question persists, why would Tom want to do that? Sono arrivato appena in tempo per prendere l'aereo. I arrived just in time for the plane. I arrived just in time to catch the plane. L'anglèis a l'é nèn mia lenga mare. English is not my native language. English is not my mother tongue. Ellos contrataron a una maestra. They hired a teacher. They hired a teacher. Há quantos meninos nessa classe? How many boys are in this class? How many boys in this class? Merci. Arrêtez-vous ici, s'il vous plaît. Thank you. Please stop here. Please stop here. Eu não permitirei que você use a minha caneta. I will not allow you to use my pen. I won't let you use my pen. Tom solo había planeado quedarse un día o dos en Boston. Tom had only planned to stay in Boston for just a day or two. Tom had only planned to stay a day or two in Boston. Nu-mi e frică de moarte. I'm not afraid of death. I'm not afraid of death. Mi hijo nunca se come las espinacas. My son never eats his spinach. My son never eats spinach. Credința este moartea inteligenței. Belief is the death of intelligence. Faith is the death of intelligence. O Canadá fica ao norte dos Estados Unidos. Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is north of the United States. ¿Que vou facer? Non podo pechar o meu voo. What am I going to do? I can't close my fly. I can't close my flight. Qualcuno stava parlando con loro. Somebody was talking to them. Someone was talking to them. Sabe tu quien ya inventá cunel Ferrish wheel? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Do you know who's already invented Ferrish wheel? J'en sais long là-dessus. I know a lot about it. I know a lot about it. Où a été prise cette photo ? Where was this photo taken? Where was this photo taken? Fumes-tu ? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? A lei piacciono gli animali. She likes animals. She likes animals. Vado sempre a piedi. I always walk. I always walk. Hoy hace más calor que ayer. It is warmer today than yesterday. It's hotter than yesterday. Io voglio dormire ora. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. ¿Sois inglesas? Are you English? Are you English? Tom ha detto che Mary aveva paura. Tom said that Mary was afraid. Tom said Mary was afraid. O să stau aici pentru câteva zile. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Tiene si Tom cosa preguntá cun María. Tom has something to ask Mary. He has if Tom asks with a Mary. Hai studiato la teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin? Have you studied Darwin's theory of evolution? Have you studied Darwin's theory of evolution? El a fost disciplinat pentru faptele sale. He was disciplined for his wrongdoing. He was disciplined for his actions. He d'anar a dormir. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. Leghi il cane a un albero. Tie the dog to a tree. Tie the dog to a tree. Io andrò a fare una passeggiata se il tempo migliora. I'll go for a walk if the weather improves. I'll go for a walk if the weather gets better. Je ferais mieux de faire quelque chose avant que le problème n'empire. I'd better do something before the problem gets any worse. I'd better do something before the problem gets worse. Parlate con il mio capo. Talk to my boss. Talk to my boss. Quiere quiere yo leche. I like milk. She wants me to milk. Nu-ți plac merele? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Avrebbe dovuto dire di sì. You should have said yes. You should have said yes. Che cosa ne pensi del nuovo insegnante? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? No sé qué puedo hacer. I don't know what I can do. I don't know what I can do. Sabe tu cosa quiere si Tom? Do you know what Tom wants? Do you know what you want if Tom wants to? Ditemi un'altra cosa. Tell me one more thing. Tell me something else. « La mort de Tom était un accident. » « En êtes-vous sûr ? » "Tom's death was an accident." "Are you sure?" "Tom's death was an accident." "Are you sure?" Tom dov'è salito su questo autobus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Tom este în spatele gratiilor din nou. Tom is behind bars again. Tom's behind bars again. El cohete fue lanzado al espacio. The rocket was launched into space. The rocket was launched into space. J'ai dû louper quelque chose. I must've missed something. I must have missed something. Yo sé cuándo me están mintiendo. I know when I'm being lied to. I know when they're lying to me. ¿Quién yes tú? Who are you? Who are you? Au mai rămas doar câteva ruine. There remain only a few ruins. There's only a few more ruins left. Tom este auto-centrat. Tom is self-centered. Tom's self-centered. A él le encanta escribir artículos para Wikipedia. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. Elle a confectionné une tourte. She baked a pie. She made a twist. E se o Tom ainda estiver vivo? What if Tom is still alive? What if Tom's still alive? Tengo que despertar a Tom. I have to wake Tom up. I have to wake Tom. Kyoto est une ville exceptionnellement jolie. Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. La symétrie est ennuyeuse. Symmetry is boring. Symmetry is annoying. Andai a casa a cambiarmi i vestiti. I went home to change my clothes. I went home to change my clothes. Va marxar de viatge als Estats Units. He went on a voyage to America. He left on a trip to the United States. John se hizo policía. John became a policeman. John became a cop. Acoperișul s-a prăbușit sub greutatea zăpezii. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The cover has collapsed under the weight of snow. É melhor você não sair hoje. You'd better not go out today. You better not leave today. Tomas boit toujours du thé le matin. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Tomas always drinks tea in the morning. Mon père est plus fort que le tien. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than yours. Lei sa andare in bici? Can you ride a bicycle? Does she know how to ride a bike? Tom chiuse tutte le finestre. Tom closed all the windows. Tom closed all the windows. Mangiate del riso ogni giorno? Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? Ha studiato francese ieri? Did you study French yesterday? Did you study French yesterday? Por que você precisa de minha permissão? Why do you need my permission? Why do you need my permission? Ho provato a contattarlo. I've tried to contact him. I tried to contact him. E plau enqüèra ? Is it still raining? Fair enough? Quell'auto è così grande che è difficile da parcheggiare. That car's so big that parking it is difficult. That car is so big that it's hard to park. ¿De verdad estoy enferma? Am I really sick? Am I really sick? Le-am ordonat să părăsească încăperea. I ordered them to leave the room. I ordered them to leave the room. Espera un momento. Te prepararé un poco. Wait for a while. I'll make you some. Wait a minute, I'll fix you up a little bit. É verdade que você se recupera de resfriados quando você os passa para outra pessoa? Is it true that you recover from colds when you give them to someone else? Is it true that you recover from colds when you pass them to someone else? Immagino di non essere la prima a dirglielo. I guess I'm not the first to tell you that. I guess I'm not the first to tell her. J'apprécie vraiment ça. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Sper că niciunul dintre ei nu a fost implicat în accidentul rutier. I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. I hope none of them were involved in the road accident. Io sono scesa al parco. I got off at the park. I went down to the park. Então, não estás contente de me ver? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? Ce chien court très vite. That dog runs very fast. This dog runs very fast. Non li ho mai visti indossare dei cappelli. I've never seen them wear hats. I've never seen them wear hats. Dovresti andare ad aiutarla. You should go help her. You should go help her. Noi come lo troveremo? How are we going to find him? How will we find him? I-ai cumpărat ceva de Crăciun? Did you buy her something for Christmas? Did you buy her something for Christmas? Le téléphone est sur la table. The phone is on the table. The phone's on the table. ¡Mantenga la calma! You must keep calm! Keep calm! Io farò quello che dovrò fare. I'll do what I have to. I'll do what I have to do. Ella se tiñó de rubio. She dyed her hair blonde. She had a ruby. Ne prenda solamente una. Take only one. Just get us one. Acesta este un caz urgent. This is an emergency case. This is an urgent case. L'oració que estàs llegint no existeix. The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. The prayer you're reading doesn't exist. Un chubasco me cogió y me mojó hasta los tuétanos. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. A chubasco picked me up and wet me to the toilets. O Tom não ligou. Tom hasn't called. Tom didn't call. Maria treballava en un circ. Ella era contorsionista. Maria worked in a circus. She was a contortionist. Maria worked in a circus, she was a contortionist. J'aimerais me diriger vers le commerce extérieur dans le futur. I'd like to engage in foreign trade in the future. I'd like to head for foreign trade in the future. Lancez le dé ! Roll the die! Get the hell out of here! De verdad lo dudo. I truly doubt it. I really doubt it. Il est souvent absent de l'école. He is often absent from school. He is often absent from school. Tom tiene problemas para discernir distancias. Tom has trouble judging distances. Tom has trouble discerning distances. Perché lavora così duramente? Why do you work so hard? Why does he work so hard? Hindé tu de mío hermano. You're not my brother. I took you from my brother. Diria que é uma área cinzenta. I would say that it's a gray area. I'd say it's a gray area. Ho l'onore di lavorare con Tom. I have the honor of working with Tom. I have the honor of working with Tom. Non siamo qui per arrestarvi. We're not here to arrest you. We're not here to arrest you. Questo ristorante accetta soltanto contanti. This restaurant only accepts cash. This restaurant only accepts cash. Has de parlar amb ell sobre l'afer. You must talk with him about the matter. You need to talk to him about the matter. Non si può dire "no". You can't say no. You can't say no. Cui i-a păsat? Who cared? Who cared? Hem de controlar les nostres passions. We must control our passions. We have to control our passions. Tom pasa mucho tiempo estudiando. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Oslo é a maior cidade da Noruega, com uma população de 629.313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway, with a population of 629.313. Estou melhor que ele. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Je crois que j'ai convaincu Tom. I think I've persuaded Tom. I think I convinced Tom. O l'é 'n paize de 1000 abitanti ch'o s'atreuva inta Provinsa de Sann-a. It is a town of 1000 people that is located in the Province of Savona. Or it's 1000 inhabitants that's attracted to Provinsa de Sann-a. Montem no gato. Get on the cat. Get in the cat. Grazie per avermi invitata. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. Je pense que vous savez que c'est déplacé. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know it's moved. Aqueth peish que pudís. This fish smells bad. Aqueth fish I could. Saltou da frigideira e caiu no fogo. He fell out of the frying pan into the fire. He jumped out of the fridge and fell into the fire. Je suis contente que Tom ait pu te voir pendant que tu étais à Boston. I'm glad Tom was able to see you while you were in Boston. I'm glad Tom could see you while you were in Boston. No parlo pas castellà. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. Compré un telescopio y un libro de astronomía. I purchased a telescope and a book on astronomy. I bought a telescope and an astronomy book. Personne ne m'arrêtera. No one will stop me. Nobody's gonna stop me. Gli potrei tenere compagnia. I could keep him company. I could keep him company. C'est ce que je j'essaierai de faire - de dire la vérité du mieux que je peux, avec humilité devant la tâche qui nous attend, et ferme dans ma conviction que les intérêts que nous partageons comme êtres humains sont bien plus puissants que les forces qui nous séparent. That is what I will try to do – to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart. That is what I will try to do - to tell the truth of the best I can, with humility before the task that awaits us, and firmly in my conviction that the interests we share as human beings are much more powerful than the forces that separate us. Cum pot să te fac mai fericit? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? A alma individual deve procurar uma união íntima com a alma do universo. The individual soul should seek for an intimate union with the soul of the universe. The individual soul must seek an intimate union with the soul of the universe. Mi hermana me odia. My sister hates me. My sister hates me. Pose-toi un instant. Settle down for a while and concentrate. Just take a moment. Se eu me lembro corretamente, Tom e Mary se casaram eu outubro de 2003. If I remember correctly, Tom and Mary got married in October of 2003. If I remember correctly, Tom and Mary got married on October 2003. ¿Tiene un pasaje de vuelta a Japón? Do you have a return ticket to Japan? Do you have a passage back to Japan? Ya los veo. I see them now. I see them. Je n'ai même pas remarqué que tu étais là. I didn't even notice you were there. I didn't even notice you were there. ¡Estás louco! You're nuts! You're crazy! Non vi farò fare niente. I'm not going to make you do anything. I won't do anything to you. Rimanga qui un momento. Stay here for a moment. Stay here for a moment. Tom comió mucho más de lo que esperaba. Tom ate a lot more than I expected. Tom ate much more than he expected. Recibiu un trato moi duro. He received rough treatment. He got a really tough deal. Ela nasceu na Inglaterra. She was born in England. She was born in England. Non è sicuro che torni a casa di suo marito. It's uncertain that she goes back to her husband's home. You're not sure you're coming home to your husband. En cuanto entré a clase, los estudiantes empezaron a hacerme preguntas. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I went into class, the students started asking me questions. Je serai une bonne fille. I'll be a good girl. I'll be a good girl. A decidit de miar ua politica navèra. He had decided on a new policy. He's decided to give birth to nave politics. Estic ocupat, no puc ajudar-te. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, I can't help you. Le travail est tout pour moi. Work is everything to me. The job is all for me. Tom arată mult mai bine acum. Tom looks much better now. Tom looks much better now. Rumania es un paez balkaneo. La su kapital es Bucureshti. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Cum te-ai rănit așa de grav? How did you get hurt so badly? How did you hurt yourself so badly? Olá, meu amigo. Como vai? Hey, my friend. How are you? Hello, my friend. Aș fi încântat să te fac fericită. I'll be glad to make you happy! I'd be delighted to make you happy. A lei piace giocare con questo agnello. She likes to play with this lamb. She likes to play with this lamb. Si me hubiera dado cuenta de lo que tramabas, no lo habría concedido. Had I realized what you intended, I wouldn't have agreed. If I'd realized what you were up against, I wouldn't have granted it. Io e Tom andremo a Boston con Mary. Tom and I'll go to Boston with Mary. Tom and I are going to Boston with Mary. El mago agitó su varita mágica y despareció sin dejar rastro. The wizard waved his magic wand and disappeared into thin air. The wizard shook his magic wand and disappeared without a trace. Nunca me dejes ir. Never let me go. Never let me go. Tom é biólogo. Tom is a biologist. Tom's a biologist. Mon père ne gaspille pas son temps. My father doesn't waste his time. My father doesn't waste his time. Para mim, chega. I have had it. For me, that's enough. Tom es el mismo de nuevo. Tom is himself again. Tom's the same again. Ils ont abattu tous les arbres morts. They chopped down all the withered trees. They shot down all the dead trees. Quelqu'un lui a rendu visite hier. Someone called on her yesterday. Someone visited him yesterday. Tom estaba aburrido. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. Tu hai comprato questi per loro? Did you buy these for them? You bought these for them? O Tom não gostava muito daquilo. Tom didn't like that very much. Tom didn't like it much. Não gosto de me sentar lá fora. I don't like to sit outside. I don't like sitting outside. Eu sou grato a você pela sua ajuda. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful to you for your help. Tom a trouvé un travail de mécanicien. Tom found a job as a mechanic. Tom found a job as a mechanic. Tom déteste perdre. Tom hates to lose. Tom hates to lose. Ella estaba sorprendida de las noticias. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised at the news. Ta lavá le de tuyo coche. He is washing your car. It washes you from your car. La tienda se traspasó a finales del verano pasado. The store changed hands at the end of last summer. The store went through at the end of last summer. Perché hai firmato la confessione? Why did you sign the confession? Why did you sign the confession? Tom mi ha detto di stare lontana da là. Tom told me to stay away from there. Tom told me to stay away from there. Il n'est pas revenu à la base hier. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. Ei au fost norocoși. They were lucky. They were lucky. Je vous ai vues avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. Tom odia que nieve. Tom hates it when it's snowing. Tom hates snow. Eu venho comendo pizza todos os dias.‎ I have been eating pizza every day. I come eating pizza every day. Dacă putem compara o limba maternă cu un copac, care s-a dezvoltat de-a lungul timpului, Esperanto poate fi comparată cu un copac artificial, care a fost creat artificial. If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially. If we can compare a mother tongue to a tree that has developed over time, Esperanto can be compared to an artificial tree that has been created artificially. Dormi até tarde e perdi o primeiro comboio. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept late and lost the first train. Me gusta la ensalada de patatas. I like potato salad. I like potato salad. Como eu saberei onde ele está? How should I know where he is? How will I know where he is? Todos vieram de bicicleta. They all came by bike. They've all come on a bicycle. Creo que voy a quedarme. I think I'll stay. I think I'm staying. ¿Alguna vez soñaste con volar por el cielo? Do you ever dream about flying through the sky? Did you ever dream of flying through the sky? J'ai encore dû lui repasser ses chemises ! C'est la dernière fois ! I had to iron his shirts again! It's the last time! I still had to go over her shirts, that's the last time! Il fut un temps où je ne pouvais faire confiance aux autres. There was once a time when I could not trust others. It was a time when I could not trust others. On me podi aparcar ? Where can I park? Can I get some parking? Espero que no digas algo estúpido. I hope you don't say something stupid. I hope you don't say something stupid. Tom não parece convencido. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. Aici și acum. Here and now. Here and now. Você tem cerveja? Do you have beer? Do you have beer? Estoy embarazada. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. Ella me lleva a la llave. She leads me to the key. She's taking me to the key. Tom notou que Mary estava sorrindo. Tom noticed Mary was smiling. Tom noticed Mary was smiling. Niciodată n-am văzut un astfel de lucru. Never have I seen such a thing. I've never seen such a thing. Al ver lo que pasaba, decidimos salir. Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. Seeing what was going on, we decided to get out. Él vino a Tokio en busca de empleo. He came to Tokyo in search of employment. He came to Tokyo looking for a job. Insultaram a ele e a sua esposa. They insulted him and his wife. They insulted him and his wife. Acredita-se que ela é um gênio. It is believed that she is a genius. She's believed to be a genius. Ma mère m'a coupé les cheveux trop courts. My mother cut my hair too short. My mother cut my hair too short. Ce qu'on ressent est incroyable ! That feels amazing. What we feel is incredible! Lo Tòm que cor viste. Tom can run fast. The tom that color you saw. Non ten menos de dous mil iens con el. He has no less than two thousand yen with him. He doesn't have less than two thousand yen with him. Le dirò di più. I'll tell you more. I'll tell you more. La biblioteca tiene ochenta años. The library is eighty years old. The library is eighty years old. Puedes ponerlo en cualquier sitio. You can put it anywhere. You can put it anywhere. Que vaiga bueno! Take care! That's good! Toda história tem três lados. There are three sides to every story. The whole story has three sides. Cogí un libro de la estantería. I grabbed a book off the shelf. I took a book from the bookstore. Estoy nervioso. I'm jittery. I'm nervous. Tom este modest, nu-i așa? Tom is unassuming, isn't he? Tom's modest, isn't he? Mă scuzați, unde pot găsi o delicatesă? Sorry, where can I find a delicatessen? Excuse me, where can I find a delicacy? Grătarul este o modalitate de a găti carnea. Barbecuing is one way to cook meat. The barbecue is a way to cook the meat. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where he lived. Ela surtou ao ouvir a notícia. She flipped out at hearing the news. She freaked out when she heard the news. Sortir boire avec ses copains la fait se sentir un mec. Going out drinking with the guys makes him feel macho. Getting drunk with her boyfriends makes her feel like a guy. La date limite s'approche. The deadline is drawing near. The deadline is approaching. Meu pai está em casa. My father is in. My dad's home. È stata una buona scelta. It was a good choice. It was a good choice. Eu não posso comprar uma câmera acima de 300 dólares. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't buy a camera over $300. Manada yo amigo. I have many friends. Manada me amigo. Te amo, meu anjo. I love you, my angel. I love you, my angel. Il y a beaucoup trop de monde dans cette pièce. There are way too many people in this room. There's too much world in this room. Il campione di Formula 1 Michael Schumacher subì un grave infortunio alla testa. The F1 champion Michael Schumacher sustained a serious head injury. Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher suffered a serious head injury. Eu juro que não fui eu. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Lo creas o no, Tom tiene 70 años. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. ¿Sabe usted su nombre por casualidad? Do you happen to know his name? Do you know his name by chance? Peu importe que tu sois fatigué, tu dois le faire. However tired you may be, you must do it. No matter how tired you are, you have to. Elas estavam molhadas. They were wet. They were wet. Tu n'es pas obligé de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Aș vrea să studiez la Paris. I'd like to study in Paris. I'd like to study in Paris. Muito obrigado. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Disse che oggi non sarei neanche dovuto venire. He said that I shouldn't even be coming in today. He said I shouldn't even be here today. So che mi sta tenendo d'occhio. I know he is watching me. I know you're keeping an eye on me. Solicitou a admisión no club de equitación. He applied for admission to the riding club. He applied for admission to the riding club. La griglia è calda. The grill is hot. The grill is warm. Nous aboyons comme des chiens. We are barking like dogs. We're barking like dogs. Je veux que tu me dises tout ce qui s'est produit. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. Tengo 19 años. I am nineteen years old. I'm 19. Nous devons épargner pour les mauvais jours. We have to save money against a rainy day. We have to save for the bad days. Sono sicura di poterle trovare. I'm sure I can find them. I'm sure I can find them. Hay libros que, cuanto más los leo, menos los entiendo. With some books, the more I read them, the less I understand them. There are books that, the more I read them, the less I understand them. Ele resolveu o problema por conta própria. He solved the problem on his own. He solved the problem on his own. Tom ha detto di essere orgoglioso dei suoi figli. Tom said he's proud of his children. Tom said he was proud of his children. Eu gostaria de informações a respeito de motéis. I'd like some information on motels. I'd like some information about motels. Era tutto buono. Everything was good. It was all good. Il a tiré sur mon chat, ce cinglé ! He shot my cat, that lunatic! He shot my cat, you son of a bitch! L'ho messo sul tavolo. I put it on the table. I put it on the table. Tom no quiere comer nada. Tom doesn't want anything to eat. Tom doesn't want to eat anything. Tom nu a intenţionat să întârzie atât de mult timp. Tom didn't mean to be so late. Tom didn't intend to be so late. Această bere conține 5% alcool. This beer contains 5% alcohol. This beer contains 5% alcohol. Tom duvida que o que aconteceu hoje possa acontecer novamente no futuro. Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. Tom doubts that what happened today can happen again in the future. El cuerpo descompuesto de una joven fue encontrado en el borde de una carretera. The badly decomposed body of a young girl was found on the side of a highway. The decomposed body of a young woman was found on the edge of a road. De veras casáo ya kanda Tom y Mary? Are Tom and Mary really married? Do you really marry Tom and Mary? Él juega un papel importante en nuestra organización. He is playing an important role in our organization. He plays an important role in our organization. Ero moderatamente emozionata. I was moderately excited. I was moderately excited. Io diedi a Tom tutti i soldi che avevo con me. I gave Tom all the money I had on me. I gave Tom all the money I had with me. Eu não notei o Tom saindo. I didn't notice Tom leaving. I didn't notice Tom leaving. La conclusione può sembrare banale: l'esperanto esiste. The conclusion may seem trivial: Esperanto exists. The conclusion may seem trivial: Esperanto exists. Tom achou a experiência agradável. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Tom found the experience pleasant. Il nous a menti. He lied to us. He lied to us. Tu non vuoi questo? Don't you want this? You don't want this? Elle était sujette au rhume. She was subject to cold. She was subjected to cold. Siete religiose? Are you religious? Are you religious? Dinheiro não cresce em árvore. Money doesn't grow on trees. Money doesn't grow in a tree. Ie ne vue nia jì a scola. I don't want to go to school. I'll see you at school. Ella se tropezó con una carretilla. She stumbled over a wheelbarrow. She tripped with a cart. El și-a făcut bagajul în grabă. Tom hastily packed his suitcase. He packed his bags in a hurry. Tom e Mary sono canadesi? Are Tom and Mary Canadians? Tom and Mary are Canadian? Tom è venuto a Boston con lei? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Tom came to Boston with you? Ma-sucio esté tenedor. This fork is dirty. Ma-sucio is clinging. Tom vaciló. Tom staggered. Tom wavering. Ligarei para ele antes de ir. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. Preferia não ir lá sozinho. I would rather not go there alone. I'd rather not go there alone. Fidatevi di Tom. Trust Tom. Trust Tom. Fără sfatul meu, ai fi eşuat. But for my advice, you would have failed. Without my advice, you would have failed. Quero que tu venhas de novo. I want you to come back. I want you to come again. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir ? Would you like to sleep with me tonight? Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Quantos você queria? How many did you want? How many did you want? Mes amis me félicitèrent pour mon succès. My friends congratulated me on my success. My friends congratulated me on my success. Alguém indagou sobre o Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Li hauries de demanar al Tom que ho faci per tu. You should ask Tom to do that for you. You should ask Tom to do it for you. O tribunal irá repartir os direitos de propriedade entre os requerentes. The court shall apportion property rights among the claimants. The court will divide the property rights between the applicants. Você não lava as suas mãos antes de comer? Don't you wash your hands before eating? Don't you wash your hands before eating? L'ha criticato. She criticized him. He criticized her. Atualmente, os incêndios são menos temidos do que eram antigamente, pois cada vez mais casas são feitas de concreto e casas de concreto não queimam tão facilmente como as antigas casas de madeira. Fires are less frightening today than they once were, because more and more houses are built of concrete, and concrete houses do not burn as easily as the old wooden ones. Currently, fires are less feared than they were in the past, because more and more houses are made of concrete and concrete houses do not burn as easily as old wooden houses. Il est intelligent, et de plus, il est beau. He is clever, and moreover, he is handsome. He's smart, and besides, he's beautiful. Vaza spartă nu poate fi reparată. This broken vase cannot be repaired. The broken vase can't be repaired. Descends du train immédiatement. Get off the train immediately. Get off the train immediately. Ela se manteve perto dele. She stood close to him. She kept close to him. Ouvririez-vous la fenêtre, s'il vous plait ? Would you open the window, please? Would you open the window, please? Te gândești serios să te măriți din nou la vârsta ta? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Siamo abituati a vivere in una grande città. We are used to living in a big city. We're used to living in a big city. He estat esperant que arribi aquest dia. I've been waiting for this day to come. I've been waiting for this day to come. Você nem sequer chorou. You didn't even cry. You didn't even cry. State indietro. Stay back. Stay back. Tom quería despedir a Mary, pero John se lo impidió. Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him. Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him. Mark no tardará mucho en recuperarse. It won't be long before Mike gets well. Mark won't be long before he recovers. Che cosa? What? What? Ella no solo es hermosa, además es amable con todos. She is not only beautiful but also kind to everybody. She's not only beautiful, she's also kind to everyone. Fii binecuvântat pentru toate faptele bune. Bless you for all your good works. Bless all good deeds. I vostri genitori si stanno aspettando una vostra chiamata. Your parents are expecting your call. Your parents are waiting for your call. ¡Eres un idiota! You are a moron. You're an idiot! Ora è il mio turno. Now it's my turn. Now it's my turn. Il veut boire quelque chose de froid. He wants something cold to drink. He wants to drink something cold. Une chaîne se compose de nombreux maillons. A chain is made up of many links. A chain consists of many links. Tom se sintió muy solo. Tom felt very lonely. Tom felt very lonely. Qui est cette mignonne fille avec laquelle je t'ai vue à la galerie commerciale ? Who's that cute girl I saw you with at the mall? Who's that cute girl I saw you at the commercial gallery with? Lo que compré ayer fueron estos zapatos. What I bought yesterday was these shoes. What I bought yesterday were these shoes. Me gustaría ir a Francia. I would like to go to France. I'd like to go to France. C'était dégoûtant. That was disgusting. It was disgusting. Al contrario, nunca diría algo así. On the contrary, I'd never say such a thing. On the contrary, I would never say anything like that. Eché el buitre anoche. Last night I puked. I threw the vulture last night. Meu marido está de bom humor hoje. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband is in a good mood today. Le hai telefonato? Did you phone her? Did you call them? Deixe-me preparar uma xícara de café quente para você. Let me make you a cup of hot coffee. Let me get you a hot cup of coffee. Eu tenho uma dúzia de relatórios para ler. I have a dozen reports to read. I have a dozen reports to read. Deixa-ho córrer! Leave it! Let it go! L-am vândut și mi-am plătit datoria. I sold it and paid my debt. I sold it and paid my debt. Lui ci ha detto una bugia. He told us a lie. He told us a lie. Nous avons hérité du don de la musique d'animaux tels que les insectes et les oiseaux. We have inherited the gift of music from animals such as insects and birds. We inherited the gift of animal music such as insects and birds. Qui va inventar el piano? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Non lo rispetta. She doesn't respect him. You don't respect him. Vous achetez du pain. You buy bread. You're buying bread. Dev'essere il fratello di Tom. He must be Tom's brother. It must be Tom's brother. L'altro giorno ho visto la ragazza. The other day I saw the girl. I saw the girl the other day. Ne ho a sufficienza. I have enough. I have enough. Ora riprovate. Now try again. Now try again. Acesta e un vin excelent. This is excellent wine. This is an excellent wine. Espèri que va s'i escàder. I hope that he will succeed. Hope he's scurrying. Sabe tu cucí? Can you cook? Do you know how to cook? Est-ce ton premier voyage ici ? Is it your first trip here? Is this your first trip here? Cu toate că era sărac, era totuși fericit. Though he was poor, he was nonetheless happy. Though he was poor, he was still happy. Secondo te non fa proposte concrete e fattibili? In your opinion, he does not make concrete and feasible proposals? You don't think he's making concrete and feasible proposals? No me arrepiento de nada. I don't regret a thing. I don't regret anything. C'est une politique discutable. It's a questionable policy. It's a questionable policy. Estive com ela a semana passada. I was with her last week. I was with her last week. Tom estava atrasado. Tom was late. Tom was late. Chiar dacă și-a cerut scuze, sunt tot furios. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even if he apologized, I'm still angry. Io penso che Tom stia solamente facendo finta di dormire. I think Tom is only pretending to be asleep. I think Tom's just pretending to sleep. Și eu trebuie să mănânc. I have to eat, too. And I have to eat. Decidimos comezar o próximo domingo. We've fixed on starting next Sunday. We decided to start next Sunday. Il fit comme s'il n'entendait pas son patron. He pretended not to hear his boss. He did as if he didn't hear his boss. Alguno de vosotros tendrá problemas para hacer esto. Some of you will have problems doing this. Some of you will have trouble doing this. Putem avea o masă la fereastră? Could we have a table by the window? Can we have a table in the window? Tenho lutado de peito aberto. I have fought with my whole heart. I've had an open chest fight. Sabe tu cosa le ya hacé? Do you know what he has done? Do you know what I've done to him? A me non piace questo tipo di casa. I don't like this type of house. I don't like this kind of house. O que vocês querem saber sobre nós? What do you want to know about us? What do you want to know about us? Ella no puede estar en este hotel, porque ella regresó a Canadá. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be in this hotel, because she's back in Canada. Ils n'ont pas compris la question. They haven't understood the question. They didn't understand the question. Je ne peux pas adhérer au projet de Jim. I can't go along with Jim's plan. I can't join Jim's project. Quem plantou estas árvores? Who planted these trees? Who planted these trees? Ese foi un erro imperdoábel. That was an unforgivable error. That was an unforgivable mistake. En general, els homes són més alts que les dones. In general, men are taller than women. In general, men are taller than women. Waiter de antes si Tom. Tom used to be a waiter. Waiter from before if Tom. No creo que Dios exista. I do not believe that God exists. I don't think God exists. É um sistema estúpido. It's a stupid system. It's a stupid system. Layla si chiedeva dove fosse Sami. Layla wondered where Sami was. Layla wondered where Sami was. Il s'est assis à son côté. He sat down next to her. He sat next to her. Nu pot face mai bine de atât. I can’t do any better. I can't do better than that. Îl văd pe Dan. They see Dan. I see Dan. Probabil au crezut că sunteţi zei! They must have taken you to be gods! They probably thought you were gods! Qué lástima que murió tan joven. It is a pity that he died so young. Too bad he died so young. Tom le mandó flores a Mary. Tom sent Mary flowers. Tom sent flowers to Mary. La transparencia del gobierno es un componente clave de la democracia. Asegurar de que el público tenga acceso a la información gubernamental crea una confianza pública en el proceso de decisión del gobierno y también posibilita al público tener el gobierno responsable de esas decisiones. Transparency in government is a key component of a democracy. Ensuring that the public has access to government information both builds public trust in government decision-making and allows the public to hold government accountable for those decisions. Government transparency is a key component of democracy. To ensure that the public has access to government information creates public confidence in the government's decision-making process and also enables the public to have the government responsible for those decisions. Eu procuro alguém que saiba francês. I'm looking for someone who knows French. I'm looking for someone who knows French. Tom no está contigo, ¿verdad? Tom isn't with you, is he? Tom's not with you, is he? Io ho sempre voluto vivere a Roma. I have always wanted to live in Rome. I always wanted to live in Rome. Avem noi nevoie de mai multă inflație? Do we need more inflation? Do we need more inflation? Quan poderèm minjar ? When can we eat? When can we eat? No puedo creer que tú fueras porrista. I can't believe that you were a cheerleader. I can't believe you were a cheerleader. L'avion de papier descendit lentement au sol. The paper aeroplane slowly glided to the ground. The paper plane went down slowly on the ground. Tu plan ha fracasado. Your plan failed. Your plan has failed. Ce texte est difficile à lire. This text is hard to read. This text is difficult to read. È pazzo, vero? He's insane, isn't he? He's crazy, isn't he? Am câștigat cursa. I won the race. I won the race. Nous avons un peu de temps. We have some time. We've got some time. J'admets que ce n'est peut-être pas le meilleur moyen de le faire. I admit this may not be the best way of doing it. I admit that this may not be the best way to do it. Ells van arribar tard a causa de la tempesta. They arrived late because of the storm. They got late because of the storm. Tu sei la prossima in fila per la promozione. You are the next in line for promotion. You're next in line for promotion. Je n'en crois rien. I don't believe any of it. I don't believe it. Je pense que Tom est ici le seul à savoir où Marie habite. I think Tom is the only one here who knows where Mary lives. I think Tom is here the only one who knows where Mary lives. Discutimos nuestros planes para el futuro. We discussed our plans for the future. We discuss our plans for the future. Lui era un uomo magnifico. He was a wonderful man. He was a great man. Je l'ai rencontrée à la gare de Tokyo. I met her at Tokyo Station. I met her at Tokyo Station. Lui chiamò suo zio mentre arrivava a Matsuyama. He called up his uncle on reaching Matsuyama. He called his uncle as he arrived in Matsuyama. Mon grand-père fut tué pendant la 2e guerre mondiale. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Bueno le cusí. She cooks well. Well, I did. Nós caminhamos ao redor do lago. We walked around the pond. We walk around the lake. El mi-a corectat manuscrisul. He proofread my manuscript. He corrected my manuscript. J'ai le meilleur moyen pour la faire devenir ta petite amie. I've got the best way to get her to be your girlfriend. I have the best way to make her your girlfriend. Mi dispiace di impormi, ma potresti aprire la finestra, per favore? Sorry to impose, but would you please open the window? I'm sorry to charge, but could you open the window, please? Muitas árvores foram derrubadas. A lot of trees were cut down. Many trees have been torn down. Esta bisikleta no es vuestra. That bicycle isn't yours. This bicycle is not yours. El Dio ke vos mate a ambos! Fuck both of you! The God who killed you both! Ella es demasiado joven para saber la verdad. She is too young to know the truth. She's too young to know the truth. Io e Tom ci amiamo ancora. Tom and I still love each other. Tom and I still love each other. ¿Tengo que hacerlo ahora? Do I have to do it now? Do I have to do it now? Repósate. Take a rest. Take it back. De quanto você precisa? How much do you need? How much do you need? ¿Hacia dónde debería ir? I wonder which way to go. Where should I go? Noi eravamo obbligati a farlo. We were forced to do that. We were obliged to do it. Vedi l'orso? Do you see the bear? You see the bear? És de Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Soy japonesa. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. O que aconteceria? What would happen? What would happen? Almeno non sta fissando il suo seno. At least he is not staring at her breast. At least he's not staring at his breast. Perché non li ha aiutati? Why didn't you help them? Why didn't you help them? Intentasteis llevar a cabo el plan, pero no lo lograsteis. You tried to carry out the plan but you didn't succeed. You tried to carry out the plan, but you didn't succeed. Acordei cedo ontem. Yesterday I got up early. I woke up early yesterday. O elevador estava muito cheio. It was very crowded in the elevator. The elevator was too full. Elle se plaint toujours de mon faible salaire. She is always complaining about my small salary. She always complains about my low salary. Aimeriez-vous sortir prendre un verre après le travail ? Would you like go out for a drink after work? Would you like to go out and have a drink after work? Vada a scuola. Go to school. Go to school. Non deve dire tutto a Tom. You don't need to tell Tom everything. You don't have to tell Tom everything. Menja menjar ràpid, mor ràpid. Eat fast food, die fast. Eat fast food, die fast. É bem novo. It's brand new. It's very young. Yo no ayudo a nadie. I help nobody. I'm not helping anyone. Déjame dormir. Just let me sleep. Let me sleep. Chámoa todos os días. I call her up every day. I call her every day. Pot să înot? May I swim? Can I swim? Tom vai se divertir com isso. Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom's gonna have a good time with that. Gli diede un libro. She gave him a book. He gave him a book. Tom está cantando. Tom's singing. Tom's singing. Io penso che sia ora di un fine settimana tranquillo. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. Onde aprendeste esperanto? Where did you learn Esperanto? Where did you learn Esperanto? Vorbesc franceză destul de bine, dar încă mai fac o grămadă de greșeli. I can speak French fairly well, but I still make a lot of mistakes. I speak French pretty well, but I still make a lot of mistakes. No he oído nada. I haven't heard anything. I haven't heard anything. Você não pode entender como eu me sinto. You can't understand how I feel. You can't understand how I feel. J'ai claqué tout mon fric en conneries. I spent all my money on stupid stuff. I screwed up all my fucking money. Tom vai chorar. Tom'll cry. Tom's gonna cry. Insieme tutto è possibile! Together, everything is possible! Together everything is possible! Il y a ici un restaurant. There's a restaurant here. There's a restaurant here. A Mary se parece com a mãe dela. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. Puis-je en emprunter un pour deux semaines environ ? Can I borrow one for about two weeks? Can I borrow one for about two weeks? El plan ha sido un éxito hasta ahora. The plan has been successful so far. The plan has been a success so far. El campo de aviación en la isla está ahora cubierto de maleza. The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds. The field of aviation on the island is now covered with malice. ¿Que temperatura vai facer mañá? What's the temperature going to be tomorrow? What's the temperature going to be tomorrow? Lui chi è? Who's he? Who is he? Tom não o viu. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see him. Él quiere tarta, pero no la necesita. He wants a cake but doesn’t need it. He wants pie, but he doesn't need it. Nessuno ci crede più. No one believes that anymore. Nobody believes us anymore. Je me fiche de combien de temps ça prend. I don't care how long it takes. I don't care how long it takes. A tots els meus amics els agraden els videojocs. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like video games. Mary nu a avut un soț. Mary didn't have a husband. Mary didn't have a wife. A África não é um país. Africa is not a country. Africa is not a country. Je pense que je peux arranger ça. I think I can fix this. I think I can fix that. Sois gentil avec les autres ! Be kind to others! Be nice to the others! Tom nu știe când Mary va pleca din Boston. Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston. Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston. Tom non sa con certezza chi sia il fidanzato di Mary. Tom doesn't know for certain who Mary's boyfriend is. Tom doesn't know for sure who Mary's boyfriend is. Io sono disperato, non so che fare. I'm desperate, I don't know what to do. I'm desperate, I don't know what to do. J'ai tout essayé. I've tried everything. I tried everything. Elle enseigne des leçons de mathématiques, de physique et de biologie. She teaches lessons in math, physics, and biology. It teaches lessons in mathematics, physics and biology. Sem sombra de dúvida, este é o melhor. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is the best. No doubt this is the best. Él necesita gafas. He needs glasses. He needs glasses. Avez-vous déjà pris votre médication ? Have you taken your medicine yet? Have you ever taken your medication? Este bine să ai idealuri... nu crezi? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideals... don't you think? Ela estava sentada ao balcão comendo amendoim. She used to sit on the balcony eating peanuts. She was sitting at the counter eating peanuts. Quan ei lo ton aniversari ? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Sus libros se venden muy bien. Her books sell pretty well. Your books are sold very well. Mujer yo. I'm a woman. My wife. Albergínia, pastanaga, tomàquet. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Alberginia, carrot, tomato. Ea este mândră de copiii ei. She is proud of her children. She's proud of her children. Il a quitté sa famille. He has left his family. He left his family. Estic embarassada. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Ya apagá yo de mío cellphone. I turned off my phone. I've already turned off my cell phone. Si tu veux venir, tu peux. If you want to come, you can. If you want to come, you can. Encara no he trobat un metge. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Je sais que Tom l'aurait fait. I know that Tom might do that. I know Tom would have. Je ne suis amoureuse de personne. I'm not in love with anyone. I'm not in love with anyone. Quale è la tua stagione preferita? What season do you like the best? What's your favorite season? Este foarte bolnav. He's very ill. He's very sick. Allons-nous faire une promenade ? Are we going for a walk? Shall we take a walk? Han habido muchas quejas de parte de los consumidores de que nuestros productos no duran tanto como nosotros proclamamos. There have been a lot of complaints from consumers that our products don't last as long as we claim. There have been many complaints from consumers that our products do not last as long as we proclaim. Tom ne peux pas empêcher Mary de faire cela. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Isto vale um milhão de ienes. This is worth one million yen. This is worth a million yen. John es un buen amigo. John is a good friend. John's a good friend. Dinez m' on pô d' aiwe, s' i vs plait. Give me some water, please. Please tell me something else. Fill de puta! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Tom accedió a aceptar la oferta de María. Tom agreed to accept Mary's offer. Tom agreed to Mary's offer. Un gusto verte. It's good to see you. Nice to see you. Aquera blosa qu'ei de coton. This blouse is cotton. That blouse is cotton. A biblioteca ten oitenta anos. The library is eighty years old. The library is eighty years old. Fără efort, nimic nu este posibil. Without effort, nothing is possible. Without effort, nothing is possible. Nun falé con Tom desque salió del hospital I haven't spoken with Tom since he got out of the hospital. I didn't talk to Tom after he got out of the hospital Sei que és inteligente. I know you are clever. I know you're smart. Tom ainda não concluiu o ensino médio. Tom hasn't yet finished high school. Tom hasn't finished high school yet. Los niños no son bienvenidos. Boys aren't welcome. Children are not welcome. Voglio che voi mi diate un lavoro. I want you to give me a job. I want you to give me a job. Ella tiene una linda figura. She has a nice figure. She's got a beautiful figure. Je ne connais pas mes voisins. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Tom é a única persoa que ten algunha posibilidade de persuadir a Mary. Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary. Tom is the only person who has any chance of persuading Mary. Él es sumamente cortés. He is polite to a fault. He's extremely courteous. Vorremmo una bottiglia di rosato. We'd like a bottle of rosé. We'd like a bottle of rosemary. O fogo queimou nossa casa. The fire burned our house. The fire burned down our house. Onde está você? Where are you? Where are you? Eles me pegaram. They caught me. They got me. Ella trabaja en un banco. She works at a bank. She works at a bank. Aconteceu há muito tempo. It happened a long time ago. It happened a long time ago. Tom a mărunțit salata. Tom shredded the lettuce. Tom split the salad. Tom ficou extremamente agressivo. Tom got extremely aggressive. Tom was extremely aggressive. Mesmo sabendo que as chances eram poucas, eu nunca desisti. Even though I knew that the chances are small, I never gave up. Even though I knew the odds were few, I never gave up. Se basa en la suposición. It is founded on supposition. It is based on the assumption. Si no estuviera enfermo, me uniría a vosotros. If I weren't sick, I'd join you. If I wasn't sick, I'd join you. Sa sperăm la ce e mai bun. Let's hope for the best anyway. Let's hope for the best. A Tom le encanta escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves climbing mountains. Non è così scemo da credere a quella storia. He is not such a fool as to believe that story. It's not that stupid to believe in that story. Avete mai provato il cibo giapponese? Have you ever tried Japanese food? Have you ever tried Japanese food? Não há nada faltando. Nothing is missing. There's nothing missing. No creo que salgan estas manchas de tinta. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink stains come out. Estamos correndo o risco de chegar tarde. We're in danger of being late. We're running the risk of getting late. M'agrada escoltar música. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. Sento odore di gas. I smell gas. I smell gas. No puedo perdonarle. I can't forgive her. I can't forgive him. De fapt, Tom nu are asigurare. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. Perché non parli in berbero con i berberi? Why don't you speak Berber with Berbers? Why don't you talk to the Berbers? Zéro, dix, cent, mille, un million, un milliard. Zero, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion. Zero, ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion. Il le regrettait déjà. He was already regretting it. He already regretted it. Gli ho già dato il tuo numero. I already gave him your number. I already gave him your number. O café quente pode derreter o copo plástico. The hot coffee can melt a plastic cup. Hot coffee can melt the plastic glass. ¿De quién es la culpa del fracaso? Who is to blame for the failure? Whose fault is it? Ella debe pagar el libro. She has to pay for the book. She must pay for the book. Tom verrà lunedì. Tom is going to come on Monday. Tom's coming Monday. La meva afició és col·leccionar joguines antigues. My hobby is collecting old toys. My hobby is collecting old toys. Tom, está ouvindo? Tom, are you listening? Tom, can you hear me? Eu diria que você está apaixonada. I'd say you are in love. I'd say you're in love. Os lunáticos tomaram o hospício. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. The lunatics took the hospice. Je n'ai pas d'objection. I have no objection. I have no objection. Împlinesc treizeci de ani lunea viitoare. I'm turning thirty next Monday. I'm 30 years old next Monday. Disfrutamos nuestros viajes por Europa. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. We enjoy our trips to Europe. El gos és el millor amic de l'home. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is man's best friend. Je vais retourner travailler au bureau. I'm going to head back to the office. I'm going back to work at the office. Ela ficou indignada com o jeito que ela foi tratada. She was indignant at the way she had been treated. She was outraged by the way she was treated. Nu uita să scrii codul poștal! Don't forget to write the postal code! Don't forget to write the mail code! Y a-t-il une boîte aux lettres près d'ici ? Is there a mailbox near here? Is there a mailbox near here? No quiero jugar más. I don't want to play anymore. I don't want to play anymore. Come mi conoscete poco... How little you know me... As you know little of me... Betty tiene una voz dulce. Betty has a sweet voice. Betty has a sweet voice. Não posso ler isto. I can't read this. I can't read this. Tomás me preguntó si quería cocinar. Tom asked me if I would like to cook. Tomás asked me if I wanted to cook. Le nostre città creano seri problemi di inquinamento. Our cities create serious pollution problems. Our cities create serious pollution problems. Lorsque je me trouve avec toi, je suis heureuse. When I'm with you, I'm happy. When I meet you, I'm happy. O no va un citto. It isn't worth a dime. Or it's not a city. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date? What's today's date? ¿Por qué estás levantada? Why are you awake? Why are you up? Quand j'étais au lycée, j'avais l'habitude de me faire de l'argent de poche en gardant des enfants. When I was in high school, I used to earn extra money babysitting. When I was in high school, I used to make pocket money by keeping kids. M'agradaria una mica de sucre, si us plau. I'd like some sugar, please. I'd like some sugar, please. Ceci est un lion. This is a lion. This is a lion. J'ignore ce que je sais. I don't know what I know. I don't know what I know. ¿Vos, de dónde? From where are you? You, from where? Eu vou andar de bicicleta. I'll ride my bike. I'm gonna ride a bike. L'ho già chiamato. I've already called him. I've already called. Você sabe quem eu sou. You know who I am. You know who I am. Stai lontano da qui. Stay away from here. Stay away from here. Despertarse es una forma molesta de empezar el día. Waking up is an annoying way to start a day. Awakening is an annoying way to start the day. Almania es un paiz grande. Germany is a big country. Almania is a great peace. La llave a un problema a menudo está en la puerta del vecino. The key to a situation often is in the neighbor's door. The key to a problem is often at the neighbor's door. El quere un coche novo. He wants a new car. He wants a new car. Alguém tem um lápis? Does anybody have a pencil? Does anyone have a pencil? Ne penses-tu pas que Tanaka l'as fait ? Don't you think Tanaka is the one who did it? Don't you think Tanaka did it? ¿Con qué frecuencia hablas francés? How often do you speak French? How often do you speak French? Tom, aparentemente, não sabe falar francês. Tom apparently can't speak French. Tom, apparently, can't speak French. Es poca la diferencia. Scant difference. It's a little bit of a difference. No me gusta el olor del perfume que María está llevando hoy. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. I don't like the smell of perfume Mary's wearing today. Je vais vous faire envoyer une potion calmante que vous donnerez à mademoiselle pour qu’elle dorme, elle a besoin de sommeil. I'll send you some medicine to give to her so she can sleep. She needs the rest. I will send you a soothing potion that you will give to Mademoiselle for her sleep, she needs sleep. Non ha alcun amico. He doesn't have any friends. He doesn't have any friends. Vous êtes humains. You are human. You're human. Favlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Favlash Ladino? No invoques al diablo, porque puede aparecer. Speak of the devil and he is sure to appear. Don't call the devil, because he can show up. Tom cruzó el río. Tom crossed the river. Tom crossed the river. Bem feito! Nada mal. Well done! That's not bad. Well done, not bad. Oamenii chiar îi pot înțelege. People can actually understand them. People can really understand them. טינימוס און גאטו. We have a cat. Рייייה - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Você não está vendo um grampeador por aí? Can't you see a stapler somewhere around there? Don't you see a stapler out there? A guerra durou dous anos. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. El silencio es un argumento difícil de contradecir. Silence is an argument which is difficult to counter. Silence is a difficult argument to contradict. Les Russes ne sourient jamais. Russians never smile. The Russians never smile. Eu quero saber o que você encontrou. I want to know what you've found out. I want to know what you found. Tatoeba : Grand Frère pleurerait s'il voyait jamais notre site. Tatoeba: Big Brother would cry if he ever saw our site. Tatoeba: Big Brother would cry if he ever saw our site. Temos 24 horas para evacuar a cidade. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. J'ai lu beaucoup de livres. I have read a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. La seva valentia mereix grans lloances. His courage is worthy of high praise. His courage deserves great praise. En varios restaurantes turcos, shishkebab es el plato principal. In various Turkish restaurants, shishkabob is the main food. In several Turkish restaurants, shishkebab is the main dish. Quand allons-nous le faire ? When are we going to do it? When are we gonna do this? Al di d'ancheuj ël Burj Khalifa a l'é 'l palass pì àut dël mond. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Al di d'ancheuj ël Burj Khalifa has the 'palass pì aut dël mond. O melhor que temos a fazer é ficar calados. The best that we can do is remain quiet. The best we have to do is keep quiet. Nosso cachorro quase foi atropelado por um carro. Our dog was nearly run over by a car. Our dog was almost hit by a car. Partículas de polvo flotan en la atmósfera. Particles of dust float in the atmosphere. Powder particles float in the atmosphere. Guarde su energía. Usted va a necesitarla más tarde. Save your energy. You're going to need it later. Save your energy, you'll need it later. Bilal é mais alto do que Karam. Bilal is taller than Karam. Bilal is higher than Karam. Iubitul meu este jurnalist. My boyfriend is a journalist. My boyfriend is a journalist. Scott foi un contemporáneo de Byron. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. Scott was a contemporary of Byron. Ce serait très bénéfique. That would be very beneficial. That would be very beneficial. Voglio un medico. I want a doctor. I want a doctor. El es el bohor. He's the oldest son. He's the bohor. Tom lo può fare qua. Tom may do that here. Tom can do it here. Estoz coixhî? Are you hurt? Are you limping? Por que você mentiu para a polícia? Why did you lie to the police? Why did you lie to the police? Li conoscerò. I'll meet them. I'll meet them. Lui riparò il tavolo rotto. He fixed the broken table. He repaired the broken table. Eu conheci bem o Tom. I got to know Tom well. I knew Tom well. Et si j'étais homosexuel, serait-ce un péché ? And if I was homosexual, would that be a sin? And if I was gay, would that be a sin? Em que estás pensando? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking about? Ya encontrá yo cunel sen. I found the money. I've found my cunt without it. Yo amaría ser capaz de leer en francés sin esfuerzo. I would love to be able to read French effortlessly. I would love to be able to read in French without effort. Te rog, du-te la bancă. Please go to the bank. Please go to the bank. Avez-vous un sifflet ? Do you have a whistle? Do you have a whistle? Jean travaille en neuromarketing. John works in neuromarketing. Jean works in neuromarketing. A lua está bela esta noite. The moon is nice tonight. The moon is beautiful tonight. È tornato a casa ora? Are you back home now? Is he home now? O medicamento ainda está sendo testado. The medication is still being tested. The medicine is still being tested. Expoziția este deschisă încă o lună. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition is open another month. Cientos de admiradores están esperando a la cantante. Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer. Hundreds of admirers are waiting for the singer. Occidente mira con recelo las elecciones en Ruanda. The West watches the elections in Rwanda with suspicion. The West looks suspiciously at the elections in Rwanda. Por ahora debemos otorgarle el beneficio de la duda. For the time being, we must give him the benefit of the doubt. For now we must give him the benefit of the doubt. Não se zangue, tio. Por favor! Jante conosco amanhã. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't be angry, Uncle, please, have dinner with us tomorrow. De ce nu știau? Why didn't they know? Why didn't they know? Je voudrais que tu puisses passer chez moi sur ton chemin. I wish you could drop in at my house on your way home. I wish you could come by my house on your way. Quisiera ganar más dinero. I'd like to make more money. I'd like to make more money. Sono quella che l'ha uccisa. I'm the one who killed her. I'm the one who killed her. J'espère la rencontrer ce soir. I hope that I will meet her this evening. I hope I meet her tonight. Perché li ha lasciati andare? Why did you let them go? Why did he let you go? Pesez bien vos mots ! Weigh your words well. Wear your words! Ellos no han dormido por cuarenta y ocho horas. They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours. They haven't slept for forty-eight hours. Quería hablarte de eso. I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to talk to you about it. I l'hai 'n fieul e na fija. Mè fieul a l'é a New York, e mia fija a l'é a Londra. I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London. My pride is in New York, and my trust is in London. Nu-s în toate minţile. I'm out of my mind. I'm not in every way. Il y a quelque chose de pourri dans l'état du Danemark. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark. Eu sei exatamente o que vocês estão tentando fazer. I know exactly what you're trying to do. I know exactly what you're trying to do. Servídevos vós mesmos. Help yourself. Serve yourselves. A fost doar un singur caz de varicelă la școală. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. It was just one case of varicella at school. Ninguém pôde acreditar. Nobody could believe it. Nobody could believe it. Una promesa no es suficiente. A promise is not enough. A promise is not enough. Em vaig cremar els dits amb una planxa calenta. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers with a hot plate. Cosa stai indossando? What are you wearing? What are you wearing? La Mary ha escrit tres llibres. Mary has written three books. Mary wrote three books. Podeis servir-vos de quantos quiserdes. You can have as many as you want. You can serve as many as you like. Estic a casa. I'm at home. I'm home. Avez-vous déjà construit une maison ? Have you ever built a house? Have you ever built a house? É indispensável que as senhoras usem proteção para os olhos. Make sure you wear eye protection. It is indispensable for ladies to use eye protection. L'aimez-vous aussi ? Do you love him too? Do you like him too? Je n'ai aucune idée à quoi m'attendre. I have no idea what to expect. I have no idea what to expect. Pourquoi l'amour nous rend-il si heureux ? Why does love make us so happy? Why does love make us so happy? A existat o lipsă de combustibil. There was a shortage of fuel. There was a lack of fuel. Dès que le résultat sera rendu public, je te le ferai savoir. As soon as the results are made public, I'll let you know. As soon as the result is made public, I'll let you know. Mendier dans la rue est interdit par la loi. By law, begging in the street is forbidden. Mendier in the street is forbidden by law. Pourquoi ne pas essayer ce vin délicieux ? Why not try that delicious wine? Why not try this delicious wine? Ecco un nuovo consiglio per te! Here's a new tip for you! Here's a new advice for you! Estamos muy borrachos. We are very drunk. We're very drunk. Matematica pură de astăzi este matematica aplicată de mâine. Today's pure mathematics is tomorrow's applied mathematics. Today's pure mathematics is the mathematics applied tomorrow. Unde este toaleta? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Visíteme en casa en el momento que quiera. Drop in at my house any time you want. Visit me at home at any time. Es un hueso duro de roer. He is a tough cookie. It's a hard bone to roer. Eu espero que Tom não tenha perdido o ônibus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. Ho molti nemici. I have many enemies. I have many enemies. Eu acho que ele está escondendo alguma coisa da gente. I think he is holding something back from us. I think he's hiding something from us. Numá man cuento si lleno el boca. Do not talk with your mouth full. In one hand I tell if I fill my mouth. Cau qu'agi acabat lo tribalh a quate oras. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. Looks like you've finished the tribal at least four hours. Preciso mandar lavar esta camisa. This shirt needs washing. I need to have this shirt washed. Chi è l'uomo che sta suonando il piano? Who's the man playing the piano? Who's the man playing the plan? Le professeur a donné une présentation sur l'histoire de France. The teacher gave a presentation on the history of France. The professor gave a presentation on the history of France. Vi mostrerò come funziona. I'll show you how it works. I'll show you how it works. És mais forte do que ele. You're stronger than him. You're stronger than him. ¿Puedo hablar con Tom? May I talk to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Regresen esto. Return this. Go back to this. Ton école se situe-t-elle dans cette ville ? Is your school in this town? Is your school in this town? ¿Qué tal si damos un paseo después del almuerzo? How about going for a walk after lunch? How about we take a walk after lunch? Non avvicinarti troppo a lui. Don't get too close with him. Don't get too close to him. Eu perdi a chave do meu carro. I've lost my car key. I lost the key to my car. Tom não quer viver desse jeito. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Não consigo me lembrar da última vez que comi com a minha família. I can't remember the last time I ate with my family. I can't remember the last time I ate with my family. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que planchaste tu ropa? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? Este capítulo é o essencial da novela. This chapter is the heart of the novel. This chapter is the essentials of the novel. Nous sommes impitoyables. We're ruthless. We are impotent. Ta mirá si Tom TV na suyo cuarto. Tom is watching TV in his room. Tom's watching TV in his room. Ils me demandèrent si je pouvais les aider. They asked me if I'd help them. They asked me if I could help them. Io devo ancora pagare il mio affitto. I still need to pay my rent. I still have to pay my rent. Saíu un tema novo na conversa. A new topic came up in conversation. A new topic has come out in conversation. Vocês podem falar com o Tom. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Mandategli quel giornale. Send that newspaper to him. Send him that paper. Per favore, aspetta. Please wait. Please, wait. Você não me enganou. You didn't fool me. You didn't fool me. Não me entenda mal. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. A-t-il des enfants ? Has he any children? Do they have children? Dovrei dire a Tom cos'è capitato? Should I tell Tom what happened? Should I tell Tom what happened? Non ho preso niente per te. I didn't get anything for you. I didn't take anything for you. Il ne faut jamais se moquer des misérables, car qui peut s'assurer d'être toujours heureux ? One should never deride the wretch, for who can be sure of always being happy? You must never mock miserable people, for who can make sure you're always happy? Envie-nos o que quer traduzir. Send us what you want to translate. Send us what you want to translate. Tom vuole che io sia la sua fidanzata. Tom wants me to be his girlfriend. Tom wants me to be his girlfriend. Dis-moi que tu ne l'as pas vu venir. Tell me you didn't see that coming. Tell me you didn't see him coming. Você não perde tempo, não é? You don't waste any time, do you? You don't waste any time, do you? El sol sale. The sun rises. The sun goes out. Sigues amable amb Ann. Be nice to Ann. Be nice to Ann. Ella me pidió que no se lo contara a nadie. Así que no lo hice. She told me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Tu n'en auras pas besoin. You won't need that. You won't need it. Păstrează banii la loc sigur. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money safe. Hanno preso una vacanza di due settimane sull'isola di Phuket, nel sud della Tailandia, attraverso una agenzia di viaggi. They took a two week vacation on Phuket island in southern Thailand through a travel agency. They took a two-week holiday on the island of Phuket, in southern Thailand, through a travel agency. Você está equivocada. You are incorrect. You're wrong. Últimamente el número de automóviles se ha incrementado notoriamente. Recently the number of cars has greatly increased. Lately the number of cars has increased notoriously. Estamos en buenas condiciones. We are in good condition. We're in good condition. Avete studiato francese ieri? Did you study French yesterday? Did you study French yesterday? Gesù la accoglie. Jesus welcomes you. Jesus welcomes her. È a casa? Is she at home? Is he home? Lei ha annullato la festa. She called off the party. You canceled the party. Je veux quelque chose pour écrire. I want something to write on. I want something to write. O jovem está bem-disposto! The boy's as fit as a fiddle! The young man is well-disposed! Espere por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. Ils dansèrent maladroitement ensemble. They danced awkwardly together. They danced sadly together. Qui êtes-vous pour juger ? Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? Agudo el cuchillo. My knife is sharp. I'm sharpening the knife. Pensei que jamais a veria viva outra vez. I thought I'd never see you alive again. I thought I'd never see her alive again. Il n'y a aucun moyen de savoir ce qu'apportera le futur. There's no way of telling what the future will hold. There is no way to know what the future will bring. Disse che non era convinta. She said she wasn't convinced. She said she wasn't convinced. Lo so che sembra sciocco. I know it sounds silly. I know it sounds silly. Vada a dirgli come si sente. Go tell him how you feel. Go tell him how you feel. Mă uitam în jos către fundul văii. I was looking downward to the bottom of the valley. I was looking down to the bottom of the valley. Tom está bravo com você, não está? Tom is angry at you, isn't he? Tom's mad at you, isn't he? El será o meu suplente mentres estou fóra. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my alternate while I'm away. Ya pipiná el pajaro un ramita con su pico y después ya volá hasta su pugarán. The bird picked up the twig with its beak and flew to its nest. He already piped the bird a ramite with its peak and then flew up to its pungary. Cât costă rochia aceasta? How much is this dress? How much is this dress? Eh, Tom, es-tu là ? Hey, Tom, are you here? Hey, Tom, are you there? Io non credo a una parola di quello che dite. I don't believe a word you say. I don't believe a word you say. Ya dale comé cunel mga pescáo si Marie. Marie fed the fish. I already ate cunell mga fish if Marie. Je ne sais pas quand je devrais venir. I don't know when I should come. I don't know when I should come. Je connais votre mère. I know your mother. I know your mother. Eles deviam ter casado em maio. They were to have got married in May. They should have married in May. Fermatelo! Stop him! Stop it! Sai che a Tom piacciono le macchine. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. Você tem uma proposta melhor? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you have a better proposal? Ça semble être le genre de chose qu'il ferait. That sounds like the kind of thing he'd do. Seems to be the kind of thing he'd do. Sami a écrit un livre à propos de cette histoire. Sami wrote a book about this story. Sami wrote a book about this story. Lo avete già visto? Have you seen him yet? Have you seen him? Tom levantou-se para atender a porta. Tom got up to answer the door. Tom got up to answer the door. Il est propriétaire de quatre grandes fermes à Sao Paulo. He is the owner of four very big farms in the interior of Sao Paulo. He owns four large farms in Sao Paulo. Est-ce que vous comprenez tout ? Do you understand everything? Do you understand everything? Vos sos el amigo de Tom, ¿verdad? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Você tem remédio para tosse? Do you have cough drops? Do you have cough medicine? Ne le laisse pas le toucher. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch him. Tom me disse que ainda estava com medo. Tom told me that he was still afraid. Tom told me he was still scared. Sogno molto. I dream a lot. I dream a lot. Vous avez l'air d'une personne très intelligente. You seem like a very smart person. You look like a very intelligent person. Il y a eu un accident de la route ici. A traffic accident happened there. There was a road accident here. Você é sempre muito sério. You're always too serious. You're always very serious. Tom ci ha chiesto di aiutare Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Cum e să trăiești în Germania? What is it like living in Germany? What's it like to live in Germany? Tu voli frequentemente? Do you fly frequently? Do you fly often? Por que vocês estão fazendo isso com eles? Why are you doing this to them? Why are you doing this to them? Le acque calme scorrono profonde. Still waters run deep. The calm waters flow deep. Come lo aiuto? How do I help him? How do I help him? Estou cansado de ler. I am tired of reading. I'm tired of reading. Asta era greșit, desigur. That was wrong, of course. That was wrong, of course. Che cosa stava descrivendo Tom? What was Tom describing? What was Tom describing? Il nous faut faire un léger détour. We need to make a slight detour. We need to make a slight diversion. Tom morou em Boston quando era criança. Tom lived in Boston when he was a child. Tom lived in Boston as a child. Você não precisa me agradecer, porque você merece tudo de bom e do melhor. You do not need to thank me because you deserve all the best. You don't have to thank me, because you deserve everything good and best. ¿De qué quiere hablar? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Ho intenzione di andare. I'm going to go. I'm gonna go. ¿Podéis esperar hasta mañana? Can you wait until tomorrow? Can you wait till tomorrow? Minha amiga tem dezessete anos. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is 17 years old. La Terre tourne autour du Soleil en 365 jours. The earth moves around the sun in 365 days. The Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days. Não conheço nenhum desses três. I don't know any of those three. I don't know any of those three. A-i é 'n pach për Tom an sla mia tàula. There's a package for Tom on my desk. A-i is n pach për Tom an sla mia taula. Yo le vi jugar béisbol. I saw him play baseball. I saw him play baseball. J'ai noté son numéro de téléphone sur un morceau de papier. I wrote down his phone number on a scrap of paper. I noticed his phone number on a piece of paper. Îmi pare rău, dar plec acasă. I'm sorry, but I'm going home. I'm sorry, but I'm going home. Vorrei essere un chitarrista. I'd like to be a guitarist. I'd like to be a guitarist. No vull anar a l'escola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Cosa na Tagalog el "ventana"? What is the Tagalog word for "window"? What about the "window" Tagalog? Nous défendons la démocratie. We stand for democracy. We defend democracy. C'était un vrai miracle. It was nothing less than a miracle. It was a real miracle. Alcuni politici sono lupi travestiti da agnelli. Some politicians are wolves in sheep's clothing. Some politicians are wolves disguised as lambs. Tatoeba: tenemos más frases de las que podría decir tu madre en toda su vida. Tatoeba: We've got more sentences than your mom could ever say in her lifetime. Tatoeba: We have more phrases than your mother could say all her life. Bem, pessoal, vamos continuar. Now folks, let's go on. Well, guys, let's keep going. Tom raramente ri. Tom seldom laughs. Tom rarely laughs. Pourquoi vous ne dites rien ? Why aren't you saying anything? Why don't you say something? Quando scesi dal treno vidi un mio amico. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. Nada se ha movido. Nothing had moved. Nothing's moved. Cadê o meu chá? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? ¿Este pez sigue vivo? Is this fish still alive? Is this fish still alive? Noi abbiamo parlato di te. We've been talking about you. We talked about you. C'est possible que j'aie oublié mes clefs. It is possible that I forgot my keys. I may have forgotten my keys. Nu este nimic sigur în lume. There is nothing certain in the world. There's nothing safe in the world. Por consideración a la industria de la cría de cerdos, el nombre de 'gripe porcina' ha sido cambiado a 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'. For consideration of the pig breeding industry, the name 'crape porcine' has been changed to 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Nun me da más si me cree daquién o non. I don't care if anyone believes me or not. I don't care if you believe me or not. A l'é difìcil convince John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. Siete entrambe molto fortunate. You're both very lucky. You're both very lucky. Io odio lavorare. I hate working. I hate working. Îmi place barba ta. I like your beard. I like your beard. Je rajoute une phrase d'exemple. I am adding an example sentence. I add an example phrase. N-ar fi trebuit să spun asta. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that. Siamo depresse. We're depressed. We're depressed. Non me gusta correr riscos. I don't like to run a risk. I don't like taking risks. Răspunde! Answer! Answer me! Lei mentì sull'essere incinta. She lied about being pregnant. She lied about being pregnant. Il étendit son bras pour attraper un magazine. He stretched out his arm for a magazine. He stretched out his arm to catch a magazine. Non mi piace nuotare. I don't like swimming. I don't like swimming. No quiere yo durmí ulét na sofá luego denoche. I don't want to sleep on the couch again tonight. She doesn't want me to sleep on the couch after last night. Che squadra! What a team! What a team! Il a deux chats, un blanc et un noir. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He's got two cats, one white and one black. Eles disseram o que aconteceu? Did they say what happened? Did they say what happened? Je vais au ciné. I'm going to the cinema. I'm going to dinner. Mary si è guardata allo specchio. Mary checked herself in the mirror. Mary looked in the mirror. Lo único que tienes que hacer es trabajar más duro. All you have to do is to work harder. All you have to do is work harder. Você não virá com a gente por quê? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? Quanto vocês gastaram enquanto estavam na Austrália? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? El sol de verano pegaba en nuestra frente. The summer sun glared down on us. The summer sun was crashing right in front of us. Noi abbiamo fatto un sacco di cose divertenti insieme. We did a lot of fun things together. We did a lot of fun things together. O papel queima rapidamente. Paper burns quickly. The paper burns quickly. A s'ē ròt la mâchina. The car broke down. The machine's on its way. Soy universitario. I'm a college student. I'm a college student. Il mio papà è più forte del tuo. My dad is stronger than your dad. My dad's stronger than yours. Kate no asistió a la reunión. Kate didn't attend the meeting. Kate didn't attend the meeting. Me extraña que no te canses de hacer la misma cosa todos los días. I wonder if you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. I'm surprised you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. Você pode misturar diferentes comidas num liquidificador. You can mix different foods in a blender. You can mix different foods into a blender. Le travail est presque terminé. The job is almost finished. Work is almost done. Tom finira par céder, je pense. Tom will eventually give in, I think. Tom will end up giving in, I think. Vediamo questa maschera. Let's see this costume. Let's see this mask. ¿Puedes contribuir? Can you chip in? Can you contribute? Aquera doisha qu'ei copada. This shower is broken. That must have been cut. Je ne perdrai pas ! I won't lose! I won't lose! Nu pot să trăiesc fără tine. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Quero minimizar as chances de outro acidente. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. Vous perdrez tout. You'll lose everything. You'll lose everything. La femme de Tom l'a quitté. Tom's wife left him. Tom's wife left him. Chantes-tu toujours cette chanson dans cette tonalité ? Do you always sing this song in this key? Do you still sing that song in this tone? Je ne savais pas qu'il buvait autant. I didn't know he drank so much. I didn't know he was drinking that much. Al final, Jane no lo compró. Jane ended up not buying it. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. Mi sono scambiato di posto con Tom. I exchanged seats with Tom. I exchanged seats with Tom. Coste scarpe-sì a son motobin còmode. These shoes are very comfortable. Cost shoes-yes to his comfortable motorcycle. Él hizo una tonificante caminata a lo largo de la orilla del río. He took an exhilarating walk along the riverside. He made an invigorating walk along the riverbank. No era conscient que ell estava allà. I was ignorant that he was present. I wasn't aware he was there. Usted no es un perro. ¿Es un gato? You are not a dog. Are you a cat? You're not a dog. Is that a cat? Estivo a fumar todo o tempo. He kept on smoking all the time. He's been smoking all the time. Cât de des ia Tom lecții la franceză? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom take French lessons? Il nous cria de venir. He shouted to us to come. He's calling us in. Traitons ceci un problème à la fois ! Let's handle this one problem at a time. Let's treat this one problem at a time! Je vais l'étrangler. I'll choke the life out of him. I'm going to strangle it. Debes hacer buen uso de tu tiempo. You should make good use of your time. You must make good use of your time. Le vostre scarpe sono slacciate. Your shoes are untied. Your shoes are loose. El Dio ke no vos mate a ambos! To Hell with both of you! The God who doesn't kill you both! ¿Por cuánto tiempo vas? How long are you going for? How long are you going? Lei doveva condividere una camera da letto con sua sorella. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Ella tiene un blog. She has a blog. She has a blog. Es un trabajo de monos. This work is simple enough for a child to do. It's a monkey job. Eu pretendo partir cedo. I intend to leave early. I intend to leave early. Mark Twain foi um novelista americano. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Cosa indossi? What are you wearing? What were you wearing? Si el niño tiene sueño, no lo dejes delante de la televisión, llevalo a la cama temprano y contale un cuento. If the boy gets sleepy, don't leave him in front of the television. Take him to bed early and read him a story. If the child is asleep, don't leave him in front of the TV, take him to bed early and tell him a story. Repeti seus vídeos várias vezes, e agora falo Inglês muito bem com meus amigos, muito obrigado. I watched your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends. Thank you very much. Repeat your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends, thank you very much. M-ai sunat azi-noapte? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? A trebuit să achităm datoria. We had to write off the debt. We had to pay the debt. Tom faz o quê? What does Tom do? Tom does what? El poate vorbi foarte bine atât engleza cât și franceza. He can speak both English and French very well. He can speak very well both English and French. Êtes-vous surpris ? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? ¿Qué planea hacer este verano? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? Mon oreille me gratte. My ear is itching. My ear scratches me. Sezonul sărbătorilor este un moment minunat al anului, când oamenii se reunesc cu membrii familiei lor rasiste. The holiday season is a wondrous time of year when people are reunited with their racist family members. The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year when people meet with members of their racist family. Gracias por compartir esto conmigo. Thanks for sharing this with me. Thank you for sharing this with me. Benvingut! Welcome. Welcome! Puis-je vous parler un moment ? Can I talk to you for a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? Respondam-me. Answer me. Answer me. Avem o casă de închiriat. We have a house for rent. We have a rental house. A situação do Tom não é séria. Tom's condition isn't serious. Tom's situation is not serious. Ya no eres joven. You're not young anymore. You're not young anymore. Lui che cos'ha fatto alla mia carne? What did he do to my meat? What did he do to my flesh? Tiene cinco mansanas adentro de este cajón. There are five apples in this box. He's got five mansanas inside this drawer. Dejé mi paraguas aquí, pero ahora no lo encuentro. I left my umbrella here, but now I can't find it. I left my umbrella here, but now I can't find it. Pediu que eu não tocasse no assunto. He asked me not to touch the subject. You asked me not to touch the subject. Loro devono cambiare nome. They have to change their name. They have to change their names. Bonjou, ka'w fè ? Hello, how are you? Hi, can you do that? Qu'ei lo men burèu. This is my desk. That's the desktop hand. ¿Es ése tuyo? Is that yours? Is that yours? Aquera mòstra qu'ei copada. This watch is broken. She shows it's cut. Me llamu Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Ya preguntá le cumigo si puede yo hacé cunele un favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He's already asking his cousin if I can do him a favor. Él olvidó comprar un regalo para ella. He forgot buying a present for her. He forgot to buy her a present. ¿Hablas chino? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Traté de conseguirlo, pero fue en vano. I tried to get it, but in vain. I tried to get it, but it was in vain. Aínda que chova, xogará ao golf. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if it rains, it will play golf. Je veux que Tom et toi le fassiez ensemble. I want you and Tom to do that together. I want Tom and you to do it together. Ela está se exibindo. She's showing off. She's showing up. Noi prepariamo solamente cibo uiguro. We only make Uighur food. We only prepare uiguro food. Déjame que lo haga. Let me do this. Let me do it. Iernile erau foarte friguroase. The winters were bitterly cold. The winters were very cold. Je n'arrivais pas à comprendre ! I didn't understand. I couldn't understand! Ho bisogno di una donna nella mia vita. I need a woman in my life. I need a woman in my life. Ôte tes sales pattes de moi ! Keep your dirty hands off me! Another's got your legs on me! Ce train vous y emmènera en moitié moins de temps. This train will get you there in half the time. This train will take you in half less time. Tom casi muere. Tom almost died. Tom almost died. Je suis déjà préparée. I am already prepared. I'm already ready. Încearcă să fii cât de politicos poţi fi înaintea domnului Green. Try to be as polite as you can before Mr Green. Try to be as polite as you can be before Mr. Green. He vivido aquí durante treinta años. I have lived here for thirty years. I've lived here for thirty years. Non ci creda. Don't believe it. Don't believe it. Elle a tenu sa promesse. She kept her promise. She kept her promise. Tom ha detto di chiederlo a voi. Tom said to ask you. Tom said to ask you. È ancora tua amica, vero? She's still your friend, isn't she? She's still your friend, isn't she? No té cap sentit intentar solucionar aquest problema. It is no use trying to solve this problem. There's no point in trying to solve this problem. Tu devrais jeter un coup d'œil à ta garde-robe et ajouter un peu de couleur à tes vêtements. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a bit of colour to your clothes. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add some color to your clothes. Eu localizez software-ul. I'm localising the software. I'm locating the software. El es mi marido. He is my husband. He's my husband. Elle lui a donné un coup de pied dans les parties. She gave him a kick in the balls. She kicked him in the parts. Il mio nome sembra bizzarro. My name sounds bizarre. My name sounds bizarre. Lui sta andando d'accordo con tutti i suoi compagni di classe. He's getting along well with all of his classmates. He's going along with all his classmates. Bonjour mon trésor. Hello, my treasure. Hello, darling. Ayer trabajé duramente el día entero. I worked hard all day long yesterday. Yesterday I worked hard all day. As-tu une minute pour discuter ? Do you have a minute to talk? Do you have a minute to talk? Preparáo si Tom. Tom was prepared. Get him ready if Tom does. Quando observo o oceano eu me sinto em paz. When I contemplate the sea, I feel calm. When I observe the ocean I feel at peace. O Tom não é bem-vindo nesta casa. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom's not welcome in this house. Deus não joga dados! God doesn't play dice! God doesn't play dice! Just quan sortiscoi, que comencè de plàver. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. Just when I left, it started to rain. Puede que sea francesa. She might be French. Maybe it's French. Sabe lo que quiere. He knows what he wants. He knows what he wants. Corrí alrededor de la cancha. I ran around the field. I ran around the court. Él ha decidido no beber. I decided not to drink. He decided not to drink. É esse o dicionário que eu uso todo dia. This is the dictionary I use every day. That's the dictionary I use every day. Quería hablar más, pero ella me colgó. I wanted to talk more, but she just hung up on me. I wanted to talk more, but she hung me. Qual è la vostra lingua più forte? Which is your strongest language? What is your strongest language? Estes são os meus livros; aqueles, os dele. These are my books, those are his. These are my books; those are his. Olhe para aquilo. Look at that! Look at that. Él siempre tiene razón. He is always right. He's always right. ¡Benseique! Definitely! Benseique! Mon père a acheté une voiture neuve. My father bought a new car. My dad bought a new car. Finga di essere morta così non viene uccisa! Play dead so you don't get killed! Pretend she's dead so she's not killed! Voglio essere sicura che Tom sia colpevole. I want to be sure Tom is guilty. I want to make sure Tom's guilty. Il me faut y aller. I've got to get going. I have to go. Ni se te ocurra pedirme que te deje salir con mi hija. Don't even think of asking me to let you date my daughter. You can't even ask me to let you go out with my daughter. Questa collana è così bella che vorrei comprarla per mia moglie. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so beautiful that I want to buy it for my wife. Cómu andas, Tom? How are you, Tom? How you doing, Tom? Você não tinha que se vestir. You didn't have to dress. You didn't have to get dressed. Io sto pitturando uova di Pasqua. I'm painting Easter eggs. I'm painting Easter Eggs. Qu'aimam los nòstes dròlles. We love our children. We love our pots. Fiez-vous juste à moi ! Just trust me. Just be with me! O terreno virou uma favela. The land became a village. The ground turned into a favela. Ho bisogno di un asciugamano. I need a towel. I need a towel. Votamos por el candidato. We voted for the candidate. We voted for the candidate. Les scientifiques regardèrent les données dendrologiques. The scientists looked at tree-ring data. Scientists looked at the dyndrologic data. Il doit payer pour faire refaire sa plaque d'immatriculation. He must pay to have his registration plate re-made. He has to pay to remake his license plate. La legna secca brucia velocemente. Dry wood burns quickly. The dry wood burns fast. Aquí los errores son el alma del diálogo. Here, mistakes are the soul of dialogue. Here mistakes are the soul of dialogue. Eu sei que Tom é detestável. I know that Tom is obnoxious. I know Tom's detestable. Ehi ragazzi, penso di aver trovato qualcosa. Hey guys, I think I found something. Hey, guys, I think I found something. Viene a mezzogiorno. He comes at noon. Comes at noon. Abandono el Islam. He abandoned Islam. I'm leaving Islam. Com que estic malalt, no hi aniré amb vostè. As I'm sick, I won't go with you. Because I'm sick, I'm not going with you. Ya tomá leche si Tom. Tom drank milk. It's already milked if Tom. Diventerà un bravo dottore. He will become a good doctor. He'll be a good doctor. Lo importante es tener esto en mente. What is important is to keep this in mind. The important thing is to keep this in mind. Restate concentrate. Keep focused. Stay focused. Hindé tu ta sintí frio? Don't you feel cold? Is going in cold? Il avait le cœur brisé. He was heartbroken. He had a broken heart. ¡Mi corazón está latiendo tan rápido! My heart is beating so fast! My heart is beating so fast! Nuestra escuela ha aceptado a tres americanos como estudiantes de intercambio. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Our school has accepted three Americans as exchange students. Él está a punto de ir a Londres. He is about to leave for London. He's about to go to London. La mia anima è in cielo. My soul is in the sky. My soul is in heaven. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you really think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Ça semble fonctionner. It appears to be working. Looks like it's working. Ele vont dmorer chal sacwants djoûs. They are going to stay here for several days. He's going to stay here for several days. Kijan ou di "yuri" an angle? How do you say "yuri" in English? Kijan or say "yuri" in English? Sacá cumigo un toalla. Get me a towel. Get me a towel. Ea este predispusă la răceli. She was susceptible to colds. She's prone to colds. Tom planejou destruir o projeto. Tom plotted to destroy the project. Tom planned to destroy the project. Tom non è il benvenuto in questa casa. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom's not welcome in this house. M-am săturat de viață în ultimul hal. I'm incredibly sick of living. I've had enough of my life in the last ditch. Eu decidi estudar francês. I've decided to study French. I decided to study French. Nu bate vântul așa de tare astăzi. It's not that windy today. Don't blow the wind out today. Julia m-a adăugat ieri pe Facebook. Știi de ce? Julia added me on Facebook yesterday. Do you know why? Julia added me on Facebook yesterday. Antigas estrelas pop são simplesmente mulheres velhas quando completam 40 anos. Former pop stars are just plain old women by the time they're 40. Old pop stars are simply old women when they are 40 years old. Tom n'est probablement pas heureux en ce moment. Tom is probably not happy right now. Tom's probably not happy right now. Sólo nos llevó quince minutos completar la labor. It only took us fifteen minutes to complete the job. It only took us fifteen minutes to complete the work. ¿Cuál es la correcta? Which one is correct? What's the right one? Non riesco a dirvi quanto mi dispiace. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I can't tell you how sorry I am. Il refusa catégoriquement de me laisser entrer. He flatly refused to let me in. He categorically refuses to let me in. Vai ad aiutarli. Go and help them. Go help them. Ma classe est composée de quarante élèves. My class is made up of forty students. My class consists of forty students. Todavía no se ha tomado ninguna decisión. No decision has been made. No decision has yet been made. Heureusement les récoltes ne furent pas endommagées par le typhon. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Fortunately, the crops were not damaged by typhoon. Eu realmente adoro o Japonês. I really love Japanese. I really love Japanese. Il se couvrit la tête de ses mains. He buried his head in his hands. He covered his head with his hands. Legalizzalo! Legalize it! Legalize it! Non le ho ancora detto la cosa più importante. I haven't told you the most important thing yet. I haven't told you the most important thing yet. Siete ostinati. You're persistent. You're stubborn. Lui accettò la sua offerta. He accepted his offer. He accepted his offer. Tom y Mary parecen un poco confusos. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Estou com vontade de tomar um sorvete. I feel like having an ice-cream. I'm in the mood for ice cream. Nu lăsa pe nimeni să intre în cameră. Don't let anyone enter the room. Don't let anyone in the room. La ciencia ha traído muchos cambios a nuestras vidas. Science has brought about many changes in our lives. Science has brought many changes to our lives. Non andate da nessuna parte senza di lei. Don't go anywhere without her. Don't go anywhere without her. Tom a lăsat geanta Mariei în mașină. Tom left Mary's bag in the car. Tom left Marie's bag in the car. Nu contează ce spui, eu nu voi renunța. No matter what you say, I won't give up. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Se secó el sudor de la cara. He wiped the sweat off his face. The sweat in the face was dry. Toma una rosquilla. Have a donut. Here's a doughnut. Lei pensa che Tom scoprirà qualcosa? Do you think Tom is going to find anything? Do you think Tom's gonna find out anything? Mi sta offrendo un lavoro? Are you offering me a job? Are you offering me a job? Você está escrevendo os provérbios? Are you writing the proverbs? Are you writing the proverbs? Favor oí enbuenamente. Please listen carefully. I'd like to hear it bountifully. Eravamo dei ribelli. We were rebels. We were rebels. Eu estava sendo educado. I was being polite. I was being polite. El volcán retumbó. The volcano rumbled. The volcano retold. Pouvez-vous me faire de la monnaie sur un billet de mille yens ? Can you break a 1000 yen bill? Can you make me some money on a thousand yen ticket? Si no vols estar sol, puc fer-te companyia. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. De costuma que minjava un pan per l'esdejuar. He used to have bread for breakfast. I used to eat some breakfast bread. Tom fu arrestato per avere trasportato trenta grammi di cocaina. Tom was arrested for carrying 30 grams of cocaine. Tom was arrested for transporting 30 grams of cocaine. Tom pensó que Mary era verdaderamente amistosa. Tom thought Mary was really friendly. Tom thought Mary was truly friendly. Ël polìtich a disìa che chiel a l'avìa pagà tute soe tasse e fàit gnente d'ilegal. The politician said that he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal. Çl polìtich a tena que chiel a l'avà pays all soe tasso and fait gennte d'illegal. Lei vorrebbe avere un'altra tazza di caffè. She would like to have another cup of coffee. You'd like another cup of coffee. Traverse le pont. Cross the bridge. Cross the bridge. Cette maison est disponible. This house is vacant. This house is available. La obra de teatro salió muy bien en general. The play went very well on the whole. The play came out very well in general. O ar está impregnado de vapor de água. The air is damp. The air is soaked in water vapor. La guerra con Francia había terminado. The war with France was over. The war with France was over. Ti ha fatta arrabbiare? Did it make you angry? Did it make you angry? O Tom não ouviu nada. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. Eu vejo o menino. I see the boy. I see the boy. Cela fait-il mal ? Does it hurt? Does it hurt? Va passar pel meu costat fent veure que no em coneixia. She passed me pretending not to know me. He came by my side to see that he didn't know me. Ya pipiná le un tenedor. She picked up a fork. I've already piped to a keeper. Questo lavoro è sufficiente per rompermi la schiena. This work is enough to break my back. This job is enough to break my back. Recuerdo ya haber oído esa historia una vez. I remember hearing the story once. I remember hearing that story once. Lei aveva un contratto di lavoro. She had a work contract. She had a job contract. C'est difficile à décrire. It's difficult to describe. It's hard to describe. ¿Cuántos años ya tú? How old are you? How old are you? Kompra pan. She buys bread. Kompira bread. Posso beber um pouco de água? Can I have some water? Can I have some water? Voglio riposarmi. I want to take a rest. I want to rest. Tom e Mary estão se divorciando. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. No doné sangre. I didn't donate blood. I didn't give blood. Ele cria gado para o mercado. He breeds cattle for market. He's raising cattle for the market. Ela vende flores. She sells flowers. She sells flowers. Que soi embarassada. I'm pregnant. That I'm pregnant. No fue la primera vez. It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time. Ils haïssent Tom. They hate Tom. They hated Tom. Tom è un po' impulsivo, vero? Tom is a little impulsive, isn't he? Tom's a little impulsive, isn't he? Él pesa 10 kilos más que yo. He weighs ten more kilos than me. He weighs 10 pounds more than I do. Não, isso não é verdade. No, that's not true. No, that's not true. Ho sentito che Tom e Mary hanno intenzione di trasferirsi a Boston. I heard that Tom and Mary plan to move to Boston. I heard Tom and Mary are going to move to Boston. O Tom não quer desanimar a Mary. Tom doesn't want to discourage Mary. Tom doesn't want to discourage Mary. Tom și-a lăsat pălăria în camera mea. Tom left his hat in my room. Tom left his hat in my room. ¿Viches a película "A caixa" ? Have you ever seen the movie "The Box"? Did you see the movie "The Box"? Lasci che io sia il suo alibi. Let me be your alibi. Let me be his alibi. Voi fi pe aici timp de trei săptămâni. I'll be around for three weeks. I'll be around for three weeks. A estação é muito longe para ir a pé; vamos de ônibus. It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus. The station is too far to go on foot; we're going on a bus. Ela não é uma criança. She's not a child. She's not a child. Bonito día, ¿verdad? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Nice day, isn't it? Me ne parli, Jamal. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me about it, Jamal. Je sais que Tom voulait vous rencontrer. I know Tom wanted to meet you. I know Tom wanted to meet you. Eu votei nela no ano passado. I voted for her last year. I voted on it last year. Trebuie să scăpăm. We need to get away. We have to get out of here. Il n'est pas dans mon intention de vous blesser le moins du monde. It is not my intent to hurt you in any way. It's not my intention to hurt you the least in the world. Je t'ai réveillé. I woke you up. I woke you up. Il nous a dit de partir immédiatement. He told us to depart at once. He told us to leave immediately. Forse è morto con un falafel in mano. Maybe he died with a falafel in his hands. Maybe he died with a falafel in his hand. Buenas noches y dulces sueños. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and sweet dreams. Tenha paciência. Be patient. Be patient. Golondrinas vuelan por el cielo. Swallows are flying in the sky. Golondrines fly through the sky. Vom prezenta ideea noastră comitetului. We will present our idea to the committee. We will present our idea to the committee. La prossima volta la farò da sola. Next time, I'll do it myself. I'll do it on my own next time. Lucrez la o agenţie de voiaj. I work for a travel agency. I'm working with a travel agency. Je vais changer de chemise. I'm going to change my shirt. I'll change my shirt. J'ai été gardien de prison pendant dix ans. I was a prison warden for ten years. I've been a prison guard for ten years. Regarde-moi et fais à l'identique. Look on me, and do likewise. Look at me and figure it out. Vorrei trovare qualcuno che si prenda cura dei miei figli. I'd like to find somebody to take care of my children. I'd like to find someone to take care of my children. Venne a Berlino come insegnante. He came to Berlin as a teacher. He came to Berlin as a teacher. Fatemi finire. Let me finish. Let me finish. Jo sóc qui paga totes les factures. I'm the one who pays all the bills. I'm the one who pays all the bills. Beh, cambia le cose, vero? Well, that changes things, doesn't it? Well, it changes things, doesn't it? En quina direccion anàvan ? Which direction were they heading in? Where did you go? C'è qualcosa di sbagliato qui. There's something wrong here. There's something wrong here. Quien ya hablá na puede tu man cuento? Who said you could speak? Who's already talking can't tell your hand? Tom está na sala. Tom is in the living room. Tom's in the room. El avión voló muy bajo. The airplane flew very low. The plane flew very low. As senhoras não tiveram um carro? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't the ladies have a car? Dame la pala. Give me the shovel. Give me the shovel. Si su merced quiere, iremos. If you want to, we'll go. If your mercy wants, we'll go. Stai cercando di essere divertente? Are you trying to be funny? Are you trying to be fun? Quiero que vayas con Tom. I want you to go with Tom. I want you to go with Tom. Aggiunsi delle nuove sentenze. I added new sentences. I added new sentences. Mi sto sentendo stressato. I'm feeling stressed. I'm feeling stressed. M pa vlè alè nan lekòl. I don't want to go to school. I don’t have time at school. Mi i 't conòsso nen. I don't know you. I know you, boy. Sono piuttosto occupato qui. I'm pretty busy here. I'm pretty busy here. Me gustaría algo para tomar. I'd like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Cecenii au înclinații către independență. Chechens have inclinations towards independence. The Chechens are inclined toward independence. Tom dijo que no podría limpiar la piscina mañana por la tarde. Tom said he couldn't clean the pool tomorrow afternoon. Tom said he couldn't clean the pool tomorrow afternoon. Qu'avez-vous dit à Paula ? What did you say to Paula? What did you say to Paula? Por que necesita yo andá na escuela? Why do I have to go to school? Why do you need me to go to school? Hoy no has ido a la escuela y quiero saber por qué. You skipped school today and I want to know why. You didn't go to school today, and I want to know why. Hei mercar un Ford. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a Ford. Ce n'est pas le travail qui manque, par ici. There's no shortage of work around here. It's not the job that's missing, this way. À cause de ce virus, de nombreux éléphants perdirent la vie. Because of that virus, many elephants lost their lives. Because of this virus, many elephants lost their lives. El hijo le hizo una pregunta a su madre. The boy asked his mother a question. The son asked his mother a question. Mi piace di più in assoluto l'autunno. I like autumn best. I like autumn all the more. Limba engleză a devenit răspândită în întreaga lume din mai multe motive. The English language became prevalent around the world for many reasons. The English language has become widespread throughout the world for a number of reasons. Queria ter obedecido às suas instruções. I wish I had obeyed his directions. I wish I had obeyed your instructions. Eu escuto jazz frequentemente. I often listen to jazz. I hear jazz often. Il fut condamné à dix ans de prison. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. Elle a été accusée d'avoir menti. She was accused of telling a lie. She was accused of lying. Ero sfigurato. I was disfigured. I was disfigured. A mi reloj se le ha caído una aguja. One of the hands has fallen off my watch. My watch has dropped a needle. Starai a casa di Sile. You'll stay in Síle's house. You'll be at Sile's. No nos podemos dar por vencidos ahora. We can't give up now. We can't give up now. Científicos británicos han establecido que si uno pone de cabeza la bandera japonesa, da la bandera japonesa. British scientists have established that if you turn the flag of Japan upside down, you get the flag of Japan. British scientists have established that if one heads the Japanese flag, it gives the Japanese flag. De mio se páyung, hindé se de Tom. That's my umbrella, not Tom's. From my payung, I went to Tom's. Tom foi embora de táxi. Tom left in a taxi. Tom left the cab. Por favor, dame alguna medicina para frenar el dolor. Please give me some kind of medicine to curb the pain. Please give me some medicine to stop the pain. J'espère que je me trompe, mais j'en doute. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Il n'y avait pas un chat. There wasn't a soul. There wasn't a cat. ¿Adónde va esta pieza? Where does this piece go? Where's this piece going? Quel est le salaire minimum au Chili ? What's the minimum salary in Chile? What is the minimum wage in Chile? ¿Por qué nadie me previno? Why didn't anyone warn me? Why won't anyone warn me? Eu queria ser um tigre. I wish I were a tiger. I wanted to be a tiger. Sunt foarte obosit acum. I'm very tired now. I'm very tired now. Io ero pronta a farla. I was ready to do it. I was ready to do it. Quan ès vasut ? When were you born? When are you gone? Era un traveso cando era neno. He was naughty when he was a boy. He was a pain in the ass when he was a kid. Nu sunt un monstru. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster. Gracias! Thank you! Thank you! La tua torta è deliziosa. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is delicious. Bramar no es kantar. Shouting isn't singing. Bramar is not singing. Decidiron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They decided to elect him as president. Algumas pessoas ainda acreditam que o mundo é plano. Some people still believe that the world is flat. Some people still believe the world is flat. La habitación no está arreglada. The room hasn't been made up. The room isn't fixed. Che cos'è Tatoeba? What is Tatoeba? What's Tatoeba? De ce n-ai venit să mă întrebi mai devreme? Why didn't you come to ask me earlier? Why didn't you come to ask me earlier? Ses cheveux sont si longs qu'ils atteignent le sol. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. His hair is so long that they reach the ground. Facciamo colazione alle sette. We have breakfast at seven. Let's have breakfast at seven. Io sono un camionista. I am a truck driver. I'm a truck driver. La relazione "A ama B" non è riflessiva, transitiva né simmetrica. The relationship "A loves B" is not reflexive, transitive, or symmetric. The report "A loves B" is not reflective, transitive or symmetrical. A Manin a l'é ciù grande che a Cattæn. Marina is older than Catherine In Manin there is the big one that in Cattæn. T'es-tu jamais soumis à l'épreuve d'un détecteur de mensonges ? Have you ever taken a lie detector test? Have you ever been tested by a lie detector? Qu'avez-vous l'intention d'en faire ? What do you intend to do with her? What do you intend to do about it? Tudo ao meu redor faz que eu me lembre de você. Everything around me reminds me of you. Everything around me makes me remember you. Eu gosto de ser solteiro. I like being single. I like being single. Cela devrait durer trois semaines. That should last three weeks. This should last three weeks. El capitán dio la orden de abandonar el barco. The captain gave the order to abandon the ship. The captain gave the order to abandon the ship. ¿Dónde está la letrina? Where is the toilet? Where's the letter? Ele está só brincando com você. He is just pulling your leg. He's just playing with you. Solía haber un pequeño santuario por aquí. There used to be a small shrine around here. There used to be a little shrine around here. Decidimos remarcar a reunião para domingo que vem. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to reschedule the meeting for next Sunday. No existe tal cosa como una erección inoportuna. There is no such thing as an untimely erection. There is no such thing as an inopportune erection. O Tom disse que a Mary está bem. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom said Mary's okay. Je lui ai fait balayer ma chambre. I had her sweep my room. I had her sweep my room. Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio. Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school. Flavio is attending the third series of high school. Corta la tarta con un cuchillo. Cut the cake with a knife. Cut the cake with a knife. Eu escrevi uma carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Yo no quiero que Tom se enoje. I don't want Tom to get angry. I don't want Tom to get angry. Ho dovuto prendere qualcosa dalla mia stanza. I had to get something from my room. I had to get something from my room. Ustedes no saben apreciar a las moscas en todo su esplendor. You can't appreciate the flies in all their glory. You don't know how to appreciate flies in all their splendor. Vous pouvez voir quelle différence quelques degrés font. You can see how much difference a few degrees can make. You can see what a few degrees difference they make. Io pensavo di essere semplicemente fortunata. I thought I was just lucky. I thought I was just lucky. Ambos magá perro ta durmí. Both dogs are asleep. Both wet dogs sleep. ¿Que harías tú si estuvieses en mi lugar? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Tom și Mary te vor ajuta. Tom and Mary are going to help you. Tom and Mary will help you. Su tío, periodista, escribía en el Folha. Your uncle, a journalist, used to write for the Folha. His uncle, a journalist, wrote in the Book. Posso vedere questa? Can I see this one? Can I see this? Ola! Hello! Hello! Estou avergonzado porque actuei coma un idiota. I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly. I'm ashamed because I acted like an idiot. Tom è un ragazzo d'oro. Tom is a golden boy. Tom's a golden boy. Voi avete mai accarezzato una tigre? Have you ever patted a tiger? Have you ever stroked a tiger? Non sono prigionieri. They're not prisoners. They're not prisoners. Entre estas, pode haver novas fontes de peixes comestíveis e novas espécies de outras criaturas. Among these there may be new sources of food fish and new species of other creatures. Among these, there may be new sources of edible fish and new species of other creatures. Educadamente, corrigi-o. I politely corrected him. Educatedly, correct it. Espero que te mueras. I hope you die. I hope you die. Muzica este o parte importantă din viața mea. Music is an important part of my life. Music is an important part of my life. Perché siete così influenti? Why are you so influential? Why are you so influential? Nu te răzgândi! Don't back down. Don't change your mind! Eu queria comprar algumas flores para Mary. I wanted to buy some flowers for Mary. I wanted to buy Mary some flowers. Eu já respondi às perguntas de Tom. I've already answered Tom's questions. I've answered Tom's questions. É melhor você começar o mais rápido possível. You'd better start as soon as possible. You better get started as soon as possible. Elle lui baisa la joe. She kissed his cheek. She fucked her ass. Quelqu'un doit-il nous rencontrer ? Is someone meeting us? Does anyone have to meet us? A fost frumos din partea ta să faci atâtea eforturi. It was nice of you to go to so much trouble. It was nice of you to make so much effort. M. Smith commence toujours ses cours en faisant une blague. Mr Smith always begins his lectures with a joke. Mr. Smith always starts his class by making a joke. Ei nu înțeleg. They do not understand. They don't understand. Noi abbiamo parlato di molte cose. We talked about many things. We've talked about a lot of things. Io mi sento sollevata. I feel relieved. I feel relieved. Tom ha una gamba rotta. Tom has a broken leg. Tom's got a broken leg. He comprat la novel·la en la qual es basa la pel·licula. I bought the novel on which the film is based. I bought the novel on which the movie is based. Dixeron que a condición do señor Wilson non cambiara. They said Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. They said Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. Nous nous sommes rencontrés jeudi dernier. We met last Thursday. We met last Thursday. Double-cliquez sur l'icône. Double-click the icon. Double-click on the icon. ¿Es café lo que huelo? Is that coffee I smell? Is it coffee that smells? Quereis ter a gentileza de vos calar? Would you please stop talking? Would you like to be kind enough to shut up? Quelqu'un a laissé les lumières allumées. Somebody left the lights on. Someone left the lights on. Él es un sinvergüenza. He is a scoundrel. He's a scoundrel. ¡Vos ganaste! You win! You win! Non siamo riusciti a persuadere Tom. We failed to persuade Tom. We couldn't persuade Tom. No puedo llegar hasta donde está mi equipaje. I can't get at my luggage. I can't get to where my luggage is. Ara soi a Hong Kong. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm in Hong Kong now. Eu preciso do teu amor. I need your love. I need your love. Eu sunt satisfăcut de acești pantofi. I'm pleased with these shoes. I'm satisfied with these shoes. Mi-a scris să vin numaidecât. She wrote to me to come at once. He wrote me to come anyway. La foule en colère retourna des voitures et brisa des vitrines. The angry mob overturned cars and smashed storefront windows. The angry mob returned cars and broke windows. Le Mexique est un pays d’Amérique du Nord. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a country in North America. Nu a fost un accident. That was no accident. It wasn't an accident. Cred că e vremea să consult un avocat. I think it's time for me to consult a lawyer. I think it's time to consult a lawyer. Les matemàtiques són importants a la vida diària. Mathematics is important in daily life. Mathematics are important in everyday life. Continuarei cos meus esforzos. I will continue with my efforts. I'll go on with my efforts. Não falem comigo! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! Uno de los síntomas de la esquizofrenia es la atención patológica a los detalles, así que me siento aliviado cuando olvido algunas comas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel comforted when I forget a few commas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel relieved when I forget some comas. Perché Tom non è qui oggi? Why isn't Tom here today? Why isn't Tom here today? Ele era o líder do movimento. He was the leader of the movement. He was the leader of the movement. Parli con le sue amiche. Talk to your friends. Talk to her friends. Elle est raide dingue de lui. She's completely crazy about him. She's mad at him. Lei dovrebbe essere felice. You should be happy. You should be happy. Você não está brincando, está? You're not joking, are you? You're not kidding, are you? Ella misma le dio algo para comer. She herself gave him something to eat. She gave him something to eat. Il est censé être chez lui aujourd'hui. He is supposed to be at home today. He's supposed to be home today. Pourquoi êtes-vous ici si tôt ? Why are you here so early? Why are you here so early? Gordo tu? Are you fat? You fat? A Tom non è piaciuta molto. Tom didn't like that very much. Tom didn't like it very much. Non dirò una parola. I won't say a word. I won't say a word. Tom parecía feliz. Tom looked happy. Tom seemed happy. Tom não admitiu o seu erro. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tom didn't admit your mistake. El are prejudecăți împotriva străinilor. He has a prejudice against foreigners. He's prejudiced against strangers. Sto pensando di lasciarmi con la mia morosa. I'm thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend. I'm thinking of leaving with my morosa. Tom stă la calculator. Tom is on the computer. Tom's staying at the computer. Ei caută un țap ispășitor. They're looking for a scapegoat. They're looking for a scapegoat. Je ne comprends pas vraiment le problème. I don't really understand the problem. I don't really understand the problem. El va juca tenis mâine după-amiază. He will be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. He'll play tennis tomorrow afternoon. ¿Ella existe? Does she exist? Does she exist? Hace frío afuera. Ponte tu abrigo. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside. Seu cabelo está bonito. Your hair looks nice. Your hair looks nice. Smettetela di tormentarmi. Stop harassing me. Stop tormenting me. Ya man-ílag si Tom el golpe de María. Tom ducked Mary's punch. It's already hand-in-hand if Tom hits Mary. Une enquête de police a été ouverte. The police have opened an investigation. A police investigation was opened. Azi e foarte cald. It's very warm today. It's very hot today. Tom e Maria estão na biblioteca. Tom and Mary are in the library. Tom and Maria are in the library. Metti via la tua bicicletta. Put away your bicycle. Put your bike away. Tom ainda é muito novo para beber cerveja. Tom is still too young to drink beer. Tom's still too young to drink beer. Non ero il solo canadese sull'autobus. I wasn't the only Canadian on the bus. I wasn't the only Canadian on the bus. La sento forte e chiaro. I can hear you loud and clear. I feel it strong and clear. Noi siamo andati in spiaggia. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. El tata de mío esposa, de mío suegro. My wife's father is my father-in-law. My wife's father, my father-in-law. Le temps change souvent. Weather changes often. Time changes a lot. Il a deux amis étrangers. He has two friends who are foreigners. He has two foreign friends. Alcune persone si lavano, alcune persone non lo fanno. Some people wash themselves, some people don't. Some people wash themselves, some people don't. Espero con ganas a que vengas a Japón. I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan. I look forward to you coming to Japan. Nous sommes nouvelles en ville. We're new in town. We're new in town. Ninguém confia em ti. No one trusts you. Nobody trusts you. Il cancello è aperto. The gate is open. The gate is open. S'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous m'envoyer votre dernier catalogue ? Please send me your latest catalogue. Please, can you send me your last catalog? Tom nu a avut niciodată înclinații violente. Tom has never exhibited any violent tendencies. Tom never had violent leanings. La ville compte nombre d'avenues. The city has many broad streets. The city has many avenues. Non possiamo più essere amiche. We can't be friends anymore. We can't be friends anymore. Tu stai rallentando le cose. You're stalling. You're slowing things down. Eu mudei de ideia. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. El a plecat din comapnie. He left the company. He's out of his league. Disculpe, tengo una petición. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Tom è frustrato. Tom is frustrated. Tom's frustrated. Non mi lascia vivere! She doesn't let me live! Don't let me live! Non ho piani per stasera. I have no plans for tonight. I don't have plans for tonight. Paul anoche estaba leyendo un cuento. Paul was reading a short story last night. Paul was reading a story last night. T'aimo! I love you! I love you! Esta es una hoja de ruta. This is a road map. This is a road map. Pensez-vous que vous auriez plaisir à être renommées ? Do you think that you would enjoy being famous? Do you think you'd be happy to be renamed? Por que alguém mataria Tom? Why would someone kill Tom? Why would anyone kill Tom? Tom é um artista brilhante. Tom is a brilliant artist. Tom's a brilliant artist. Pido perdón. I apologize. I'm sorry. Eles estão perto. They're close. They're close. Le ascolti e basta. Just listen to them. Just listen to them. Tom a demandé à Mary pourquoi elle était en retard. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Si fuera joven iría al extranjero. If I were young, I would go abroad. If I were young, I'd go abroad. Quanto custa? How much does that cost? How much is it? Tu fous en l'air l'atmosphère. You're spoiling the mood. You look like the atmosphere. Tom riuse do chiste de Mary. Tom laughed at Mary's joke. Tom laughed at Mary's joke. Eu não trabalho para ninguém. I don't work for anyone. I don't work for anyone. Abita qui completamente da solo. He lives here all alone. She lives here completely alone. Comportamentul tău a fost jenant. Your behaviour was shameful. Your behavior was embarrassing. Ell és adorable. He's adorable. He's adorable. Ta hablá lang yo! I'm just saying! Their tongue is spoken! ¿Es eso un gato? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Habló en bereber. He spoke in Berber. He talked about drinking. Câți ani ai? What is your age? How old are you? La estupidez es la relajación de la inteligencia. Stupidity is the relaxation of intelligence. Stupidity is the relaxation of intelligence. Tom só é feio e pronto. Tom is just plain ugly. Tom's just ugly and ready. Firmen esto. Sign this. Sign this. Tu peux te reposer. You can rest. You can rest. Tom vai voltar às 14:30. Tom will return at 2:30. Tom's coming back at 2:30. O pau está viscoso. The stick is sticky. The stick is viscous. Puis-je fumer ici ? Do you mind my smoking here? Can I smoke here? Tom ha imitato Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Il veut beaucoup cela. He wants that a lot. He wants a lot of that. Les trois furent arrêtées. The three were arrested. All three were arrested. Tom nu se bucură să-și petreacă vremea cu Mary. Tom doesn't enjoy hanging out with Mary. Tom doesn't enjoy spending time with Mary. Y a-t-il des sacs dans cette boutique ? Are there any bags in this shop? Are there bags in this shop? Come ha trascorso le sue vacanze? How have you spent your holiday? How'd your vacation go? Tom es mecánico. Tom is a mechanic. Tom's a mechanic. Tu bebé nació y se encuentra bien. Your little girl was born and is doing well. Your baby was born and is well. Tom fue el único que no se rió del chiste de María. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. Tom was the only one who didn't laugh at Mary's joke. C'est un héros. He is a hero. He's a hero. M-am prefăcut că nu mă simt bine, pentru a rămâne acasă. I pretended to be unwell in order to stay at home. I pretended I didn't feel well to stay home. Je peux t'apprendre à pêcher. I can teach you how to fish. I can teach you how to fish. A me serve un topo. I need a mouse. I need a top. No puede tu negá cunese. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Non posso essere d'accordo con te su questo argomento. I can't agree with you on this matter. I can't agree with you on this. Andammo al parco a giocare. We went to the park to play. We went to the park to play. Elle a un chat blanc. She has a white cat. She's got a white cat. Chamem a polícia! Call the police! Call the police! De quem é esse número de telefone? Whose phone number is this? Whose phone number is that? Lacurile sunt înghețate. The lakes are frozen. The lakes are frozen. Attendez là. Wait here. Wait a minute. Oy es alhad. Today is Sunday. Oy es allhad. Muitas pessoas acham que Buenos Aires fica no Brasil. A lot of people think Buenos Aires is located in Brazil. Many people think Buenos Aires is in Brazil. Quello ti metterà in pericolo. That'll put you in danger. That'll put you in danger. A veces fumo sólo para darles a mis manos algo que hacer. Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do. Sometimes I just smoke to give my hands something to do. Când ai ajuns la Londra? When did you get to London? When did you get to London? Je fais ce travail pour aider un ami. I'm doing this job to help a friend. I'm doing this job to help a friend. Proverò a farlo. I'll try to do it. I'll try. Meu pai envelheceu consideravelmente durante sua convalescença. My father aged remarkably during his convalescence. My father grew old considerably during his convalescence. Vine sfârșitul. The end is coming. The city's coming. Non è in salute. He isn't healthy. He's not in health. Báixome do tren na próxima estación. I'm getting off the train at the next station. I get off the train at the next station. Nous devons être certains que nous faisons ça. We have to make sure we do that. We must be certain that we do this. Munca lor îmi pare bună. Their work seems good to me. Their work feels good to me. No me akodro lo ke komi anoche. I can't remember what I ate last night. I don't acroll the komi last night. Elles m'ont laissé partir. They let me go. They let me go. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I really didn't expect that from you. Tu es fort courageux. You're very brave. You're very brave. No hay otra solución. There's no other solution. There is no other solution. Tom retornou. Tom has returned. Tom's back. Lasci che io sia suo. Let me be yours. Let me be yours. La vida es rica en sacrificios y pobre en retribuciones. Life is rich in sacrifices and poor in retributions. Life is rich in sacrifices and poor in wages. Me gusta mucho el sol. I like the sun a lot. I really like the sun. Ontem estiveste muito ocupado? How busy were you yesterday? Were you too busy last night? Il s'attendait à échouer à l'examen. He expected to fail the exam. He expected to fail the examination. Quel est ton restaurant de restauration rapide préféré? What is your favourite fast-food restaurant? What's your favorite fast food restaurant? "Air" e "heir" sono omofoni tra loro. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. "Air" and "heir" are homophones among them. As crianças falam devagar. The children speak slowly. The children talk slowly. Ella informó a sus padres de su éxito. She informed her parents of her success. She informed her parents of her success. Je ne suis pas vraiment occupé. I'm not really busy. I'm not really busy. Achegouse e axeonllouse. He approached and fell on his knees. He approached and knelt. He estado en París. I have been in Paris. I've been to Paris. Qu'a quauquarren a la man. She has something in her hand. He's got anything in his hand. No te hagas el inocente. Don't play innocent. Don't be the innocent. Por que não tomaste o ônibus? Why didn't you take the bus? Why didn't you take the bus? Tom quebrou algo de novo? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break anything new? Nos n' avans nole prouve. We have no proof. We're not going to prove it. Io vedo un leone bianco. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Ta acordá yo el primer vez na yan mirahan kitá. I remember the first time we met. I remember the first time in jan mirahan was removed. Quando você aprendeu a nadar? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Je ne suis pas sûr de vouloir le faire. I'm not sure I want to do this. I'm not sure I want to. Podemos ficar um momento a sós, por favor? Can we have a moment alone, please? Can we stay alone for a moment, please? Siete già state a Berlino. You've already been to Berlin. You've already been to Berlin. Nous essayerons d'y être aussi tôt que possible. We'll try to get there as soon as possible. We'll try to be there as soon as possible. Fa davvero schifo. You really suck. That sucks. Tom se enfrenta a un enigma. Tom faces a conundrum. Tom faces an enigma. Não consigo falar rápido assim. I can't speak that fast. I can't talk so fast. C'est tout ce que nous pouvons faire pour le moment. That's all we can do for now. That's all we can do right now. Tom e eu almoçamos juntos. Tom and I ate lunch together. Tom and I had lunch together. Ela tem medo de gatos. She is afraid of cats. She's scared of cats. J'ai oublié son nom. I forget his name. I forgot his name. O Tom não fez isso da maneira certa. Tom didn't do that the right way. Tom didn't do it the right way. Ha chiamato il signor Tanaka mentre eri fuori. Mr. Tanaka called while you were out. Mr. Tanaka called while you were out. Je sais que je ne suis pas parfait. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. ¡Que actuación tan extraordinaria! What a remarkable performance! What an extraordinary performance! La leyenda cuenta que ellos nunca aparecieron otra vez. The legend says they never turned up again. The legend says they never showed up again. Il m'a cassé le nez ! He broke my nose! He broke my nose! Sei por que Tom me deixou em paz. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Mă doare capul. My head aches. My head hurts. Tom cortó la llave. Tom turned off the faucet. Tom cut the key. Aixeca't i presenta't, si us plau. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Necesito crema para las quemaduras. I need skin burn ointment. I need cream for burns. En Tom surt a treballar cada matí a dos quarts de set. Tom leaves for work at 6:30 every morning. Tom goes out to work every morning at quarter past seven. Algunos así piensan. Some do think so. Some of them think so. Eu encomendei novos móveis. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. Vamos conversar no Skype. Let's talk on Skype. Let's talk Skype. Io voglio Mary. I want Mary. I want Mary. Alguma coisa está perturbando o Tom. Something is bothering Tom. Something's bothering Tom. Nusabe yo cosa hacé. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Hoje, tanto os Estados Unidos quanto a Rússia enfrentam uma série de desafios completamente nova. Today, both Russia and the United States face a whole new set of challenges. Today, both the United States and Russia face a series of completely new challenges. Fierul este un metal foarte util. Iron is a very useful metal. Iron is a very useful metal. Vive y aprende. Live and learn. Live and learn. Tom vient de l'école. Tom goes to school. Tom's from school. Au supraviețuit chiar dacă clădirea a fost distrusă. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived even if the building was destroyed. Eu achei que você ia concordar comigo. I thought you'd agree with me. I thought you'd agree with me. Son appareil photo est 3 fois plus cher que le mien. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera is 3 times as expensive as mine. E o ţară bună de vizitat, dar nu aş vrea să locuiesc acolo. It's a nice country to visit, but I wouldn't live there. It's a good country to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Nuáy mandá cunel mío tata cargá mga pesáo el doctor. The doctor didn't allow my father to carry heavy things. Nuáy sent cinel my dad loaded mga weight the doctor. Tom negou todas as alegações. Tom denied the allegations. Tom denied all the allegations. Volevo solo parlare con loro. I only wanted to talk to them. I just wanted to talk to them. Não coma antes de dormir! Don't eat before going to bed! Don't eat before you sleep! Puneți-vă deoparte cărțile și caietele. Put away your books and notebooks. Put your books and notebooks away. La radio è rotta. The radio is broken. The radio's broken. Perché non sei venuta alla festa ieri? Why didn't you come to the party yesterday? Why didn't you come to the party yesterday? Tehnologia progresează în mod constant. Technology progresses steadily. Technology is constantly progressing. Sóc Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Nos caractères sont radicalement différents. Our characters are completely different. Our characters are radically different. Il faut que vous soyez davantage patientes. You need to be more patient. You need to be more patient. Sami ne reviendra plus ici. Sami won't show up here again. Sami won't come back here. Ce cină deosebită! What a splendid dinner! What a great dinner! Quita el pie del embrague. Take your foot off the clutch. Remove the foot from the clutch. Catalina é da Argentina. Ela é argentina. Catalina is from Argentina. She is Argentinian. Catalina is from Argentina. Je savais qui l'avait fait. I knew who did it. I knew who did it. Tom consigliò questo ristorante. Tom recommended this restaurant. Tom recommended this restaurant. A ciência não é uma religião. Science is not a religion. Science is not a religion. Qualcuno mi aiuti. Somebody help me. Somebody help me. La gerra en Teman kale akavar. The war in Yemen has to end. The vase in Teman kale akavar. Io partecipai al seminario. I attended the seminar. I participated in the seminar. Deux cafés, s'il vous plait. Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. Eu atravessei a rua escura. I crossed the dark street. I crossed the dark street. Sono andata a vedere un film con Tom dopo la scuola. I went to see a movie with Tom after school. I went to see a movie with Tom after school. Déjeuneras-tu ? Will you eat dinner? Are you going to lunch? Espèri que n'a pas agut un accident. I hope he hasn't had an accident. Hope there wasn't an accident. Eu estou convidado? Am I invited? Am I invited? Vive a un tiro di schioppo dal mare. He lives within a stone's throw of the sea. He lives at a gunfire from the sea. Le comportement de Tom a changé. Tom's behavior has changed. Tom's behavior changed. Zi-mi esențialul. Give me the gist. Give me the essence. Je suis sûre de pouvoir persuader Tom. I'm sure I can persuade Tom. I'm sure I can persuade Tom. J'ai pensé que vous vous en étiez assez bien tiré. I thought you did fairly well. I thought you guys were pretty good at it. Eu já disse que vou fazer isso. I've already said I'll do that. I told you I'm gonna do it. Regarde ta carte. Look at your map. Look at your book. Tom sabía que yo estaba avergonzado. Tom knew that I was embarrassed. Tom knew I was ashamed. Je vous suis reconnaissant pour votre hospitalité, et l'hospitalité du peuple de l'Égypte. I am grateful for your hospitality, and the hospitality of the people of Egypt. I am grateful to you for your hospitality, and for the hospitality of the people of Egypt. Bom dia! Meu nome é John Reindle. Trabalho na embaixada americana em Praga. Hello. My name is John Reindle. I work at the American Embassy in Prague. Good morning, my name is John Reindle, I work at the American embassy in Prague. Tot timpul încearcă să facă imposibilul. He is always trying to do the impossible. He's always trying to make it impossible. Eu tenho que estar lá. I must be there. I have to be there. Pouvez-vous appuyer sur le bouton ? Could you press this button? Can you press the button? Jim conducía su coche, silbando alegremente. Jim drove his car, whistling merrily. Jim drove his car, whistling cheerfully. Tom se quedó atrás. Tom remained behind. Tom stayed behind. Sei diventata più alta. You got taller. You've grown taller. Francia queda en Europa Occidental. France is in western Europe. France remains in Western Europe. Tom n'est pas là. Il est allé chez lui. Tom isn't here. He went home. Tom's not here. Deberías reconocer tu derrota. You should acknowledge your failure. You should recognize your defeat. Queria que Tom me dissesse o que fazer. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. Som el que fem. We are what we do. We're what we do. Eu uso o Google todos os dias. I use Google every day. I use Google every day. Eu estava com uma febre muito alta. I had a very high fever. I had a very high fever. O inglês dela é perfeito. Her English is perfect. Her English is perfect. Nous nous sommes vraiment bien amusés, non ? We sure had fun, didn't we? We really had a good time, didn't we? Man-kiss cun Tom. Kiss Tom. Man-kiss with a Tom. Educação é aprender aquilo que você nem sabia que não sabia. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. ¿A qué hora te levantas comúnmente en las vacaciones? What time do you usually wake up while on vacation? What time do you usually get up on vacation? Segundo cunel diário de este dia, tiene quema na ciudad. According to today's paper, there was a fire in the city. According to the daily cuckold of this day, it has burns in the city. Que pasou? What happened? What happened? Je sais ce que vous êtes en train de faire. I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. La fête chrétienne de Pâques est la célébration de la résurrection de Jésus-Christ. The Christian festival of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian Passover celebration is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mi occuperò di lei. I'll deal with her. I'll take care of her. Hindé tu de mío nana. You're not my mother. I took you from my girl. Vatz vénguer dab jo ? Won't you come with me? You're going to avenge me? Eu tomei chá ontem. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea yesterday. È molto improbabile. It's very improbable. It's very unlikely. La mia risposta corrisponde alla tua. My answer matches yours. My answer corresponds to yours. Não tenho que estar aqui. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Il cambiamento è sempre migliore? Is change always better? Is change ever better? Voi state entrando? Are you coming in? Are you guys coming in? Tú tienes miedo. You are afraid. You're scared. Aquera veitura qu'ei mea. This car is mine. I want my car. Tom nu ar trebui să fie așa de lacom. Tom shouldn't be so greedy. Tom shouldn't be so greedy. Não ponha à prova minha tolerância. Don't test my tolerance. Don't test my tolerance. Para cosa esos? What are those for? What are those for? Bucureshti tyene un povlasion de 2,1 milyones. Bucharest has a population of 2.1 million. Bucureshti tyene a population of 2.1 million. Ele virou a mesa de ponta-cabeça. He turned the table upside down. He turned the tip-head table. Hice lo que pude I did what I could. I did what I could. Estic parlant per telèfon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm on the phone. Se burló de nuestra ignorancia. He made fun of our ignorance. He made fun of our ignorance. Algunos cuestionarían la veracidad de tales rumores. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some would question the truthfulness of such rumors. Las lenguas pertenecen a todos sus hablantes, quienes tienen un interés común en la utilidad y la belleza. Languages belong to all their speakers, who have a common interest in utility and in beauty. Languages belong to all its speakers, who have a common interest in utility and beauty. Tom non è troppo stanco per studiare. Tom isn't too tired to study. Tom's not too tired to study. Vous êtes quelqu'un de méchant. You're a mean person. You're a bad guy. Quant costaria arreglar aquesta cadira? What would it cost to have this chair repaired? How much would it cost to fix this chair? O Tom tem que agir rápido. Tom has to act quickly. Tom has to act fast. Na verdade, o Tom não fez aquilo. Tom didn't actually do that. Actually, Tom didn't do that. Adoptaron dos niños de Asia. They've adopted two boys from Asia. They adopted two children from Asia. Ya llorá yo entero noche. I cried all night. I'll cry all night. Riuscirà a prendere il treno? Will he be able to catch the train? Can you get the train? Ingoiala. Non masticarla. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Don't chew it. Je ne crois pas que ça soit la vérité. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. Mis padres no hablan holandés. My parents don't speak Dutch. My parents don't speak Dutch. Me pone de los nervios. This is nerve wracking. It makes me nervous. S'ils veulent se détruire les poumons... If they wish to destroy their lungs... If they want to destroy their lungs... O garçom botou o Tom para fora do bar. The bartender kicked Tom out of the bar. The waiter threw Tom out of the bar. Je pensai que nous avions tout mangé dans la maison mais je trouvai une autre boîte de biscuits. I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought we had all the food in the house, but I found another box of cookies. Estou certo de que você virá à reunião. I take for granted that you will be coming to the meeting. I'm sure you'll come to the meeting. Você só pode estar inventando isso. You gotta be making this up. You can only be making that up. Ela está muito curiosa. She's very curious. She's very curious. Erano un po' imbarazzati. They were a bit embarrassed. They were a little embarrassed. Tu as été le meilleur chien qu'on puisse avoir ! You've been the best dog one could desire! You were the best dog we could ever have! Des vieillards jouaient à la pétanque sous les platanes. Old men played pétanque under the plane trees. Old people were playing petanque under the platters. Questo è il tuo primo compito. This is your first assignment. This is your first task. Quando verrà fuori il sole uscirò dal letto. When the sun comes up, I'll get out of bed. When the sun comes out, I'll get out of bed. În care pat vrei să dormi? Which bed do you want to use? Which bed do you want to sleep in? M'ha enxampat un xàfec pel camí. I was caught in a shower on the way. He caught me a jafe on the way. Sembra sorpreso. You sound surprised. You look surprised. Embora estejamos noivos, ela deveria me deixar beijá-la. Even though we're engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. Although we're engaged, she should let me kiss her. J'ai un jumeau. I am a twin. I've got a twin. ¡Mira! Una estrella fugaz. Look! There goes a shooting star. Look, a fleeting star. Dicci qualcosa. Tell us something. Tell us something. Tom ha spiegato a Mary la ragione del suo ritardo. Tom explained the reason he was late to Mary. Tom explained to Mary the reason for her delay. Indosso dei boxer. I wear boxers. I'm wearing boxers. Qu'èi crompat un bon aparelh de fòtos. I bought a good camera. That's a good camera. Desculpe. Não pretendi fazê-lo. I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Es muy triste saber que todos nuestros planes fueron en vano. It's very sad to find out that all of our plans were in vain. It is very sad to know that all our plans were in vain. Suerte, nuay quien ya sintí duele. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Suerte, it's naked who's already hurt. El suelo está cubierto de nieve. The ground is covered with snow. The ground is covered in snow. De acordo com a internet, coisas extraordinárias são consideradas interessantes. According to the internet, extraordinary things are thought to be interesting. According to the internet, extraordinary things are considered interesting. Lo stress è insopportabile. The stress is unbearable. Stress is unbearable. Hazlo otra vez. Do it a second time. Do it again. Tom è pazzo. Tom is crazy. Tom's crazy. Mozotras merkamos pan. We buy bread. Mozotras merkamos pan. ¿Luego qué hiciste? What did you do then? So what did you do? אסתר איס אונה ריסקאפאדֿה די לה שואה. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. - I can't do that. - I can't do it. Não parece que o Tom terminou. Tom didn't seem to be done. It doesn't look like Tom's finished. Mi-e teamă că am luat o răceală. I worry that I have caught a cold. I'm afraid I've had a cold. Que l'aimam totis. We all like him. We love him all. Le va di andare a teatro? Do you feel like going to the theater? You want to go to the theater? C'est tout nous. It's all us. That's all of us. Oh, rien de particulier. Oh, nothing special. Oh, nothing special. Cuando comemos demasiado, nos da indigestión. When we eat too much, we suffer from indigestion. When we eat too much, it gives us indigestion. Est-ce que tu connais des insultes en français? Do you know how to swear in French? Do you know any insults in French? Tom aplaudió. Tom clapped his hands. Tom applauded. Din ce în ce mai mulți oameni au calculatoare acasă. More and more people have a computer in their home. More and more people have computers at home. Ele ainda não preencheu o formulário. He has not filled out the form yet. He hasn't filled out the form yet. J'ai dormi toute la journée d'hier. I slept all day yesterday. I slept all day yesterday. Dovreste discutere di questo con Tom. You should discuss this with Tom. You should discuss this with Tom. Tom non sembra particolarmente interessato a Mary. Tom doesn't seem particularly interested in Mary. Tom doesn't seem particularly interested in Mary. María es una mujer muy hermosa e interesante. Mary is a very beautiful and interesting woman. Mary is a very beautiful and interesting woman. Estoy escuchando a esta banda. I'm listening to this band. I'm listening to this band. No me gusta ser controlada. I don't like being controlled. I don't like being controlled. Sunt destul de sigur că nu vreau să mă căsătoresc cu tine. I'm quite certain I don't want to be married to you. I'm pretty sure I don't want to marry you. Les champs ont produit une bonne moisson. The fields yielded a good harvest. The fields produced a good harvest. A verdade, tal qual o ouro, deve ser obtida não incrementando-a, mas depurando-a de tudo aquilo que não for ouro. Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. The truth, such as gold, must be obtained by not increasing it, but by purifying it from everything that is not gold. Hay un gran agujero en la pared. There is a large hole in the wall. There's a big hole in the wall. Vosotras primero. You go first. You first. Diz pro Tom que estou chegando. Tell Tom that I'm coming. Tell Tom I'm coming. Je vais chez mon oncle cette semaine. I'm going to my uncle's this week. I'm going to my uncle's house this week. Es muy difícil estar a la altura de su reputación. It is very hard to live up to your reputation. It's very difficult to live up to your reputation. È venuto via il francobollo. The stamp came off. The stamp's gone. Quin color associes amb la teva infància? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color do you have with your childhood? Dovreste essere felici. You should be happy. You should be happy. Lei l'ha guardata negli occhi. He looked into her eyes. You looked her in the eye. Nimeni nu a fost prezent. No one was present. No one was present. Lo comprereste? Would you buy that? Did you buy it? Creo que esta noche va a helar. I think it'll freeze tonight. I think tonight it's going to be hilarious. Todas las puertas de la casa están cerradas. Every door in the house is locked. All the doors of the house are closed. Você já pagou? Have you already paid? Have you paid yet? J'ai lu l'article sur vous dans le journal d'hier. I read the article about you in yesterday's newspaper. I read the article about you in yesterday's newspaper. Vam començar lèu lo tribalh. We'll begin work soon. We started out quickly on the tribal. Tom si mise una cravatta. Tom put on a tie. Tom had a tie. Ella no pudo impedir que su hija saliera. She could not keep her daughter from going out. She couldn't stop her daughter from leaving. Elle est arrivée alors que nous étions sur le point de partir. She arrived when we were about to leave. She arrived when we were about to leave. Salut, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hey, Tom. Aún no he desayunado. I have not eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Permítanme decir algunas palabras en esta ocasión. Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion. Let me say a few words on this occasion. J'ai vu quelque chose bouger. I see something moving. I've seen something move. Sunt obosită. I'm tired. I'm tired. Ho detto loro che le avrei aiutate. I told them I would help them. I told them I'd help them. Ella gritaba mientras blandía el cuchillo. While she was screaming, she brandished the knife. She screamed as she softed the knife. Perché non mi chiamate più tardi? Why don't you call me later? Why don't you call me later? Acho que ninguém notou o que você fez. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. Pensi qu'as subit un lavatge de cervèth. I think you've been brainwashed. You think you went through a deer wash. O duque possui muitas terras. The duke holds a lot of land. The duke has many lands. Il mio insegnante di inglese mi ha consigliato di leggere questi libri. My English teacher advised me to read these books. My English teacher advised me to read these books. Això no ho has de fer. You don't have to do this. You don't have to do that. La voiture s'arrêta en face de la banque. The car pulled up in front of the bank. The car stopped in front of the bank. Nous avons besoin que vous soyez forts. We need you to be strong. We need you to be strong. Io confesserò. I'm going to confess. I'll confess. Io ne ho iniziata una. I started one. I started one. Eu não vou deixá-lo dirigir. I won't let you drive. I won't let you drive. Nous avons toutes nos ordres. We all have our orders. We have all our orders. Ay esperá yo hasta mediodía. I'll wait till noon. I'll wait till noon. È una brava madre. You're a good mother. She's a good mother. Sospetto che Tom abbia nostalgia di casa. I suspect Tom is homesick. I suspect Tom's homesick. Dove le ha sfidate? Where did you challenge them? Where did he challenge them? Aparatele de muzică moderne acceptă acum chiar si stickuri USB. Modern music boxes accept even USB flash drives now. Modern music devices now accept even USB stickers. Todas estas frases precisam dum ponto final. All of these sentences need a full stop. All these sentences need a final point. L'addition s'il vous plaît. Check, please. The addition please. Ninguém sabia onde ela estava. No one knew where she was. Nobody knew where she was. Sper să ai dreptate despre asta. I hope you're right about this. I hope you're right about that. Penso che sia ora di iniziare. I think it's time to begin. I think it's time to start. Helen, el este vărul meu. Helen, this is my cousin. Helen, this is my cousin. Quan te'n vas ? When are you off? When are you leaving? Ye más fácil divertise que trabayar. It's easier to have fun than to work. It's easier to have fun than to work. Îţi place muzica? Do you love music? Do you like music? Je t'ai dit que j'ai une nana. I told you I have a girlfriend. I told you I had a girl. Elle a cinq ans de moins que moi. She is five years younger than me. She's five years younger than me. Nous attendons que tu sois parti. We're waiting for you to leave. We're waiting for you to leave. Seus pés estão sujos. Your feet are dirty. Your feet are dirty. Je me sens un peu responsable. I feel a little responsible. I feel a little responsible. Ha estado trabajando en un arma secreta. He's been working on a secret weapon. He's been working on a secret weapon. Chaque dimanche, Takashi adore régler le moteur de sa voiture. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust his car's engine. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to fix his car's engine. No podría haberlo hecho solo. I couldn't have made it alone. I couldn't have done it alone. E atât de cald încât ai putea găti un ou pe capota unei mașini. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot you could cook an egg on a car's hood. Siete pronte a studiare il klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Are you ready to study the Klingon? Nous avons vu la femme emmenée à l'hôpital. We saw the lady carried away to the hospital. We saw the woman taken to the hospital. Perquè no mirem si en Tom vol jugar a les cartes amb niosaltres? Why don't we see if Tom wants to play cards with us? Why don't we see if Tom wants to play cards with kids? Tom não é muito forte. Tom isn't very strong. Tom's not too strong. Consegues contar em italiano? Can you count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? Sembrava calma. She looked calm. It seemed calm. N'arriesciva à desviâ quello daddo ruzzenento manco à son de martellæ. I could't unscrew that rusty nut, not even with a lot of hammering. He risked the razzenente daddo at the sound of hammeræ. Je ne suis pas né ici mais j'y ai passé toute ma prime enfance. I wasn't born here, but I spent all of my early childhood here. I wasn't born here, but I spent my entire early childhood. Elle est vraiment attentive et patiente. She is very thoughtful and patient. She's really careful and patient. Todos os meus filhos gostam de Boston. All of my children like Boston. All my kids like Boston. Le potresti vedere lì. You might see them there. You could see them there. Deixe-me te pagar uma bebida. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. Grupul a stat la fortul Clatsop pentru patru luni. The group stayed at Fort Clatsop for four months. The group stayed at the Clatsop for four months. O Tom nunca me pagou. Tom never paid me. Tom never paid me. Estou realmente interessado em futebol. I am really into soccer. I'm really interested in football. In ogni caso, non si deve preoccupare. Anyway, you don't have to worry. In any case, you don't have to worry. Conosco quelle donne. I know those women. I know those women. Tom est couché sur le canapé à regarder la télé. Tom is lying on the sofa watching TV. Tom lay on the couch watching TV. Agora sei o que preciso fazer. I know now what I have to do. Now I know what I need to do. Tom n'est pas sûr. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Nu mă suna când sunt la birou. Don't call me when I'm at the office. Don't call me when I'm at the office. É tudo culpa sua. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Era um copo que ele quebrou. It was a glass that he broke. It was a glass he broke. ¿Es usted el autor de este libro? Are you the author of this book? Are you the author of this book? A Tom le costaba creer que no le gustaba en lo más mínimo a Mary. Tom found it hard to believe that Mary didn't like him at all. Tom found it hard to believe that he didn't like Mary at all. Este es mi diccionario. This is my dictionary. This is my dictionary. Moro en Japon. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. Ele acabou de sair do escritório. He left the office just now. He just left the office. Ia-o mai lent. Slow up. Slow down. M renmen fim sa a. I like this film. I like this movie. State spendendo troppo denaro. You're spending too much money. You're spending too much money. El era un om puternic, domnule, perspicace, practic, și la fel de lipsit de imaginație ca și mine. He was a strong-minded man, sir, shrewd, practical, and as unimaginative as I am myself. He was a powerful man, sir, insightful, practical, and as unimaginable as I am. Como você está? How's it going? How are you? Yo a konprann nou. They'll understand us. They will understand. La chica y sus padres eran muy simpáticos. The girl and her parents were very sympathetic. The girl and her parents were very nice. Te rog nu ezita să te exprimi liber. Please feel free to express yourself. Please don't hesitate to express yourself freely. J'ai apporté des renforts. I brought reinforcements. I brought reinforcements. Eu preciso de uma nova serra elétrica. I need a new chainsaw. I need a new electric saw. Non sono per niente occupato ora. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not at all busy right now. Vous avez fait cela. You did that. You did that. L'heure d'aller te coucher est largement dépassée. It's way past your bedtime. The time to go to bed is far exceeded. Trebuie să mă duc la spital. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Tom est un garçon chétif. Tom is a scrawny kid. Tom's a bad boy. Aqueth vin qu'ei saborós. This wine tastes good. Aqueth comes that's tasty. Le persone nelle città sono attratte dalla vita in campagna. People in towns are attracted by life in the country. People in cities are attracted to country life. Elle était incapable de lui parler. She wasn't able to talk to him. She couldn't talk to her. Vă rog să răspundeți cât mai curând posibil. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Please respond as soon as possible. La noble comtesse d’Ahlefeld rougit et pâlit. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushed and grew pale. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld rougit and pale. Je ne serai pas là demain. I won't be here tomorrow. I won't be here tomorrow. Tu vivi in Giappone. You live in Japan. You live in Japan. Non dimentichi di chiudere la cerniera della tenda una volta entrata. Don't forget to close the fly of the tent after you enter. Don't forget to close the tent lock once you get in. Jésus leur répondit. Jesus answered them. Jesus answered them. Minha vida está em perigo. My life is in danger. My life is in danger. Voi parteciperete alla riunione? Are you going to attend the meeting? Will you attend the meeting? Meu filho adora ler livros sobre dinossauros. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. My son loves reading books about dinosaurs. C'est inévitable. That is unavoidable. It's inevitable. Você me deixou. You left me. You left me. Ero piuttosto nervoso. I was kind of nervous. I was pretty nervous. Tom mi-a mai acordat o șansă. Tom gave me another chance. Tom gave me another chance. Todos nós somos únicos. We're all unique. We're all unique. Tom ten outra media hora de traballo que facer antes de poder marchar para casa. Tom has another half an hour of work to do before he can go home. Tom has another half hour of work to do before he can go home. În acest moment, ne păstrăm deschise toate opțiunile. We're keeping all options open at this point. At this point, we keep all options open. Vine și ea? Is she coming, too? Is she coming? J'ai pensé que vous apprécieriez peut-être de la compagnie. I thought you might like some company. I thought you might like the company. Iso depende de se estás interesado ou non. That depends on whether you are interested or not. That depends on whether you're interested or not. Malo sunsacá el maga cosas que vos ya dalé ya. It is bad to count all the things that you gave. Bad thing to say is the magic that I've already given you. Non vi ho mai visti sorridere. I've never seen you smile. I've never seen you smile. O meu pai pillou unha pneumonía o mes pasado. My father contracted pneumonia last month. My father caught a pneumonia last month. Sabe tu cosa pasá después? Do you know what happens next? Do you know your thing after that? El jardín está al frente de la casa. The garden is in front of the house. The garden is in front of the house. Nous ne disposions pas d'eau potable. We had no drinking water. We didn't have drinking water. Él quiere que vaya con él. He wants me to go with him. He wants me to go with him. Llámame en cuanto esté lista. As soon as she is ready, give me a call. Call me when you're ready. Uită-te la mine când vorbesc cu tine! Look at me when I'm talking to you! Look at me when I talk to you! ¡Ay, ho! ¿Pues cómo nun fuiste quién d'algamalu inda? My, my! How come you haven't been able to reach it, yet? Oh, man, how come you weren't who's wrong yet? Tom a împrumutat camera sa foto lui Mary. Tom lent his camera to Mary. Tom borrowed Mary's camera. Ele está olhando mas não vê nada. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. He's looking but he can't see anything. Non l'ho visto per tutto il giorno. I haven't seen him all day. I haven't seen him all day. Elle parle de tout avec ses parents. She talks about everything with her parents. She talks about everything with her parents. Il fut embarrassé, comme j'insistai pour lui lire les critiques de son nouveau livre. He was embarrassed when I insisted on reading the criticism of his new book. He was embarrassed, as I urged him to read the criticisms of his new book. Espero me casar com aquela mulher um dia. I hope to marry that woman one day. I hope to marry that woman one day. Yo solo fui sincero. I was just being honest. I was just being honest. Tom a ajuns ultimul. Tom was the very last to arrive. Tom's the last one. Il mondo è piccolo. It's a small world. The world is small. Ta quedá ya gordo el puerco. The pig is growing fat. The puerco was already fat. La mea mair que cosina plan. My mother cooks well. To my mother than the flat cousin. Quantas tias e tios vocês têm? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many aunts and uncles do you have? Abbiamo tutti giocato bene. We all played well. We all played well. No me gustó que volviera a casa cuando yo dormía. I didn't like him to come back home while I was sleeping. I didn't like her coming home when I was asleep. Io lo posso provare. I can try that. I can prove it. L'écureuil est en train de manger de la pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. Você não precisa se desculpar. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Si ma femme appelle, dites-lui que je suis en pleine réunion importante et qu'il ne faut pas me déranger. If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed. If my wife calls, tell her that I am in the middle of an important meeting and that I should not be disturbed. Tom quería que sepas eso. Tom wanted you to know that. Tom wanted you to know that. Ell va seguir el meu consell. He followed my advice. He followed my advice. Creatia si-a omorat propriul creator. The creation killed its creator. The creation killed its own creator. Tom e Mary cantano? Do Tom and Mary sing? Tom and Mary sing? Miré abajo hacia el mar. I looked down at the sea. I looked down into the sea. Testificou contra el. She testified against him. He testified against it. Io sono orgogliosa di lei. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Os amigos dela a esperaram no portão. Her friends waited for her by the gate. Her friends waited for her at the gate. Gh'è mia rason da véec pagüra. There's no reason to be afraid. That's my point. No puedo ayudarte. I can't help you. I can't help you. Tom disse ao filho para não comer de boca aberta. Tom told his son not to eat with his mouth open. Tom told his son not to eat open mouth. Uscì per mangiare. He went out to eat. He went out to eat. Piora. It gets worse. Worse. Quan tindràs vacances? When will you have holidays? When will you have a vacation? Tom a deschis robinetul, dar nimic nu ieșea. Tom turned on the water faucet, but nothing came out. Tom opened the tap, but nothing came out. Miyuki preparó la mesa para la fiesta. Miyuki set the table for the party. Miyuki set the table for the party. Quem sentará na parte de trás? Who'll sit in the back? Who's gonna sit on the back? Estou voltando para a cidade. I'm headed back into town. I'm going back to town. Isso é o que o Tom diz. That's what Tom says. That's what Tom says. Chi è questa donna? Who is this lady? Who is this woman? Luz, câmera, ação! Lights, camera, action! Light, camera, action! Me l'enseignerais-tu ? Would you teach me? Would you teach me that? Voi avete detto che non lo volevate. You said you didn't want that. You said you didn't want it. Conduce con xeito. Drive carefully. Drive in a manner. Gli ordinò di non dare ordini. She ordered him not to give orders. He ordered him not to give orders. Nous avons beaucoup de choses importantes à faire. We have lots of important things to do. We have a lot of important things to do. Te veo la semana que viene. See you next week. I'll see you next week. La campana de la glèisa abança de tres minutas de mei cada setmana. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The church bell has three minutes of a half each week. Ella reveló el secreto. She revealed the secret. She revealed the secret. Le vi anoche en el bar y estaba muy borracho. I saw him last night in the bar and he was really drunk. I saw him at the bar last night and he was very drunk. Eu não posso me encontrar com você agora. I can't meet you now. I can't meet you now. La lumière du soleil traversait les épaisses feuilles des arbres. The sunshine penetrated the thick leaves of the trees. The sunlight passed through the thick leaves of the trees. Tu comportamiento fue vergonzoso. Your behavior was shameful. Your behavior was shameful. Não tem ninguém em casa. Nobody's home. There's no one at home. Ella está comprando libros en la librería. She is buying books in the bookstore. She's buying books in the bookstore. Perché non è andato in Germania? Why didn't you go to Germany? Why didn't you go to Germany? A él le gusta sentarse y jugar videojuegos todo el día. He likes to just sit around and play video games all day. He likes to sit down and play video games all day. Tom non comincerà a farlo. Tom won't start doing that. Tom's not gonna start doing this. De ce nu-l întrebi pe Tom? Why don't you ask Tom? Why don't you ask Tom? Tom dice di essere in grado di comunicare con i morti. Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead. Tom says he can communicate with the dead. O que te faz pensar que eu confio em ti? What makes you think I trust you? What makes you think I trust you? Contanto que isso não estrague com o fim de semana. As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend! As long as that doesn't mess with the weekend. L'acqua era tiepida. The water was lukewarm. The water was warm. Tom è scontroso, vero? Tom is grumpy, isn't he? Tom's out of his mind, isn't he? Eu não sabia que vocês dois eram amigos. I didn't know you two were friends. I didn't know you two were friends. Voi avete avuto una cotta per me? You had a crush on me? Did you guys have a crush on me? El clima cambió repentinamente. The weather changed suddenly. The climate suddenly changed. Bien bajo el quísame de este cuarto. The ceiling is very low in this room. Right under the back of this room. De fapt care e secretul lui Tom? Just what is Tom's secret? Actually, what's Tom's secret? Non posso lasciare qui Tom. I can't leave Tom here. I can't leave Tom here. Ela não mora aqui. She doesn't live here. She doesn't live here. Você acha que eu não estou tentando fazer o melhor que eu posso? Do you think that I'm not trying my hardest? You think I'm not trying to do the best I can? J'ai rencontré un de mes amis sur le trajet en rentrant à la maison. I met one of my friends on my way home. I met one of my friends on the way home. Dan chiamerà Linda la settimana prossima. Dan will call Linda next week. Dan will call Linda next week. No quiero que Tom se lastime. I don't want Tom to get hurt. I don't want Tom to hurt himself. Tom es un estudiante de escuela secundaria. Tom is a high school student. Tom's a high school student. Sabe tu cosa el problema? Do you know what the problem is? You know what the problem is? Non sentirti male. Don't feel bad. Don't feel bad. Mi ta stima bo. I love you. I love you. Bill vive preto do mar. Bill lives near the sea. Bill lives near the sea. Vous auriez pu tuer quelqu'un. You could've killed somebody. You could've killed someone. Ells estan llegint un llibre. They're reading a book. They're reading a book. Cette zone de la bibliothèque est fermée au public. This area of the library is closed to the public. This library area is closed to the public. Le courant de cette rivière est rapide. The current of this river is rapid. The current of this river is fast. Não entendo por que Tom está tão zangado. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. I don't understand why Tom's so angry. Il ne le sait pas encore, mais il est déjà mort. He doesn't know it yet, but he's already dead. He doesn't know yet, but he's already dead. Sorprendentemente, él resultó ser un ladrón. Surprisingly enough, he turned out to be a thief. Surprisingly, he turned out to be a thief. Tom sembra arrabbiato? Does Tom look angry? Does Tom look angry? Mary puede encarar a la muerte con tanta serenidad. Mary can face death with so much serenity. Mary can face death with such serenity. Uma árvore caída bloqueou a estrada. A fallen tree blocked the road. A fallen tree blocked the road. Non riusciamo a fare nulla per loro. We can do nothing for them. We can't do anything for them. ¿Cuándo dejaré de ser una carga? When will I stop being a burden? When will I stop being a burden? ¿Por qué ella no quería juntarse con él? Why didn't she want to join him? Why didn't she want to join him? Quindi, cosa dovrei dirgli? So, what should I tell him? So, what should I tell him? Tom è soddisfatto del suo successo. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom is pleased with his success. Este es el mejor libro que jamás he leído. This is the best book I have ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Pensei que você fosse canadense. I thought you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. C'est tout ce que je possède. I've got it right here. That's all I have. Ho rappresentato la mia università alla conferenza. I represented my university at the conference. I represented my university at the conference. Io intendo vedere la regina. I intend seeing the queen. I want to see the queen. A mamãe disse a mesma coisa. Mas e daí? Não tem nada a ver comigo. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Mom said the same thing, but then there's nothing to do with me. Vous vous sentez bien ? Are you feeling OK? Are you all right? Como você tem tanta sorte assim? How are you so lucky? How are you so lucky? La société a coulé à cause d'un manque de capitaux. The firm went under due to lack of capital. The company has suffered from a lack of capital. Él solo quiere atención. He just wants attention. He just wants attention. A Tom a-j pias nèn coma ch'a canta la Maria. Tom doesn't like the way Mary sings. Tom's got nothing like Maria sings. Tom empezó a trabajar como voluntario en el refugio de desposeídos cuando aún seguía en la escuela secundaria. Tom began working as a volunteer at the homeless shelter while he was still in high school. Tom started working as a volunteer in the dispossessed shelter while he was still in high school. Hablá cunele vené le mediodía. Tell her to come at noon. I came to see you at noon. Tom è un veterano. Tom is a veteran. Tom's a veteran. Tom estaba mintiéndonos. Tom was lying to us. Tom was lying to us. ¿Por qué quisiste que ella se fuera? Why did you want her to leave? Why did you want her to leave? Tom te hait. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. He oblidat el llibre. I forgot the book. I forgot the book. O que vai acontecer se aquilo acontecer? What happens if that happens? What will happen if that happens? Perché pensa che io sia seduta qui? Why do you think I'm sitting here? Why do you think I'm sitting here? Ciò che voglio è un word processor. What I want is a word processor. What I want is a word processor. Lui può partire domani. He can leave tomorrow. He can leave tomorrow. Están caminando sin zapatos. They're walking without shoes. They're walking without shoes. Compania încearcă să își îmbunătățească imaginea. The company is trying to improve its image. The company is trying to improve its image. Yeu! Cómu vá la cosa? Hello! How are you? Yeah, how's it going? Tom es un artista desconocido. Tom is an unknown artist. Tom is an unknown artist. Un perro me mordió la pierna. I was bitten on the leg by a dog. A dog bit my leg. Está pronto. It's ready. It's ready. Somos más o menos de la misma edad. We are just about the same age. We're about the same age. A tempestade causou muitos estragos. The storm did a lot of damage. The storm caused a lot of damage. O Sr. Takahashi nos deu dever de casa. Mr. Takahashi gave us some homework. Mr. Takahashi gave us homework. Je sais ce qu'ils voudront que je fasse. I know what they'll want me to do. I know what they want me to do. Nós temos que sair daqui. We have to get out of here. We have to get out of here. Perché dovrei parlare con loro? Why should I talk to them? Why should I talk to them? Cette maison est massive. That house is big. This house is massive. Una sola lengua no es suficiente. One language is not enough. One language is not enough. Nunca te he olvidado. I've never forgotten you. I've never forgotten you. Francia estaba en guerra con Rusia. France was at war with Russia. France was at war with Russia. Eu acho que ele gosta de mim. I think he likes me. I think he likes me. Tom me disse que não tinha muito tempo. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de fournir des explications. You don't have to explain. You don't have to give an explanation. Mi profesora es la señora Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. My teacher is Mrs Li. Tom non era preoccupato. Tom wasn't worried. Tom wasn't worried. Este é meu irmão. This is my brother. This is my brother. Acho que o Tom poderá nos ajudar na próxima semana. I think Tom will be able to help us next week. I think Tom might be able to help us next week. Sarai impegnata domani, vero? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? O Tom parece estar se sentindo sozinho. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Ella tiene una casa pequeña. She has a small house. She has a small house. Je pensais que vous pourriez m'aider. I thought you could help me. I thought you might be able to help me. Il joue aux échecs depuis qu'il est au Lycée. He has been playing chess since he was in high school. He's been playing chess since he was in Lycée. Pouvez-vous le mettre dans un paquet cadeau, s'il vous plait ? Could you please gift-wrap it please? Can you put it in a gift package, please? Loro la pagano bene. They pay you well. They pay you well. Non dite cose stupide! Don't say stupid things! Don't say stupid things! Non sono più il suo angelo. I'm not your angel anymore. I'm not his angel anymore. Ya tapá yo de mio mga orejas. I covered my ears. I've covered my ears. Nu s-a dus ieri la cumpăraturi, nu-i aşa? She didn't go shopping yesterday, did she? He didn't go shopping yesterday, did he? Dá para ir mais depressa? Can you go faster? Can you go faster? Il concerto è durato circa tre ore. The concert lasted about three hours. The concert lasted about three hours. "'E' não é uma palavra em espanhol." "Sim, é. Você enganou-se." "'E' is not a Spanish word." "Yes, it is. You're mistaken." "'E' is not a Spanish word." "Yes, you're wrong." Ele está abrindo a janela. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Je suis sûr de ma décision à 100%. I'm 100% sure of my decision. I'm 100% sure of my decision. Ele só sabia falar alemão. He only knew German. He only knew how to speak German. Vous est-il venu à l'esprit que vous pourriez être celui qui a le problème ? Has it occurred to you that you might be the one with the problem? Did you remember that you might be the one with the problem? Este o treabă ingrată. It's a thankless job. It's an ungrateful job. Je veux le meilleur. I want the best. I want the best. J'aime le bœuf. I love beef. I love beef. Perché noi non possiamo lavorare assieme? Why can't we work together? Why can't we work together? Tom est enseignant de français. Tom is a French teacher. Tom is a French teacher. ¿Tú ta andá na escuela de pie? Do you go to school on foot? You're going to school on your feet? Chi è il cacciatore migliore? Who's the better hunter? Who's the best hunter? J'ai rencontré mes amis. I met my friends. I met my friends. Dov'è Britney Spears? Where is Britney Spears? Where's Britney Spears? Ella estuvo enferma por un largo tiempo. She was ill for a long time. She was sick for a long time. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui va arriver. I have no idea what'll happen. I have no idea what's gonna happen. Bonjou! Bon maten! Hello! Good morning! Good morning! Nos hospedamos en un hotel tres estrellas. We stayed at a three-star hotel. We stayed in a three-star hotel. Tom tomou sopa de legumes hoje de manhã. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom had some vegetable soup this morning. Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen. I took it for granted that he would pass the exam. I'm sure he'll approve the exam. Tom sta indossando un cappotto largo. Tom is wearing a loose-fitting coat. Tom's wearing a long coat. M-am mutat. I've moved out. I moved in. Il ne sera pas absent longtemps. He won't be away for long. He won't be away for long. Je ne saurais pas te dire à quel point je t'aime. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. Ela mereceu. She deserved it. She deserved it. Nu mai pot continua să ignor problema. I can't continue to ignore the problem. I can't go on ignoring the problem. O problema é você. The problem is you. The problem is you. Je veux regarder ceci. I want to watch this. I want to look at this. Écoutez, voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que j'emporte ceci ? Listen, do you mind if I take this with me? Look, do you see a problem with what I'm taking? Elle est riche mais malheureuse. She's rich but miserable. She's rich but unhappy. É dia três de outubro. It's October the third. It's October 3. Ho cercato di chiamarlo. I tried to call him. I tried to call him. Tom trascorre molto tempo in ufficio. Tom spends a lot of time at the office. Tom spends a lot of time in the office. Eu vou deixar você pensar sobre isso. I'll let you think about it. I'll let you think about it. Je suis heureux d'avoir un ami comme vous à qui me confier. I'm glad I have a friend like you to confide in. I'm happy to have a friend like you to trust me. Eu te vi ontem. I saw you yesterday. I saw you yesterday. Eu entendo seu posicionamento. I get your point. I understand your position. Je suppose que nous étions heureux. I guess we were happy. I guess we were happy. Sami era muito maduro. Sami was very mature. Sami was very mature. Onde você o encontrou, na escola ou em casa? Where did you find it, at school or at home? Where did you find him, at school or at home? ¿Cómo fueron tus vacaciones de verano? How was your summer vacation? How was your summer vacation? Està nevant! It's snowing! It's snowing! Bienveníu. Welcome. Welcome. Eu não gostava de vinho, mas agora adoro. I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot. I didn't like wine, but now I love it. Hubiera sido mejor que le preguntaras qué camino tomar. It would have been better, if you had asked him which way to go. It would have been better if you asked him which way to go. Nimănui nu-i place războiul. No one loves war. Nobody likes the war. Ya mirá yo un perro. I saw a dog. I'll see a dog. Yo regresaré pronto. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. איסטה מאנסאנה איס בﬞידרי. This apple is green. It is the first time you've ever done that, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, Ora sono libero. Now I am free. I'm free now. So Farshad. My name is Farshad. So Farshad. Mussolini fue el líder de la dictadura fascista. Mussolini was leader of the fascist dictatorship. Mussolini was the leader of the fascist dictatorship. De obicei mă trezesc la opt. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually wake up at eight. Ils ont désamorcé la bombe avec succès. They've defused the bomb successfully. They successfully dismantled the bomb. Le 2 mai 2011 est le jour des élections fédérales canadiennes: n'oubliez pas d'aller voter ! The 2nd of May 2011 is the date of the Canadian Federal Elections: Don't forget to go vote! May 2, 2011 is the day of the Canadian federal elections: don't forget to go vote! O Tom ficou. Tom stayed. Tom stayed. Ela abre a janela. She opens the window. She opens the window. Tom não sabe o que Mary quer que ele compre para o seu aniversário. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy her for her birthday. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy for his birthday. Loro venivano dall'Australia. They were from Australia. They came from Australia. Cuando tu ay andá na escuela? When will you go to school? When did you go to school? Comment le fait-elle ? How does she do it? How does she do it? O motor religou. The engine started again. The engine re-linked. Estou contando que vocês venham à festa de meu aniversário. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I'm telling you guys to come to my birthday party. Iré cuando él vuelva. I will go when he comes back. I'll go when he gets back. Tom pediu uma xícara de café. Tom ordered a cup of coffee. Tom asked for a cup of coffee. Tom le quitó la llave a la puerta del auto. Tom unlocked the car door. Tom took the key off the car door. A María le encanta bailar y cantar. Mary loves to dance and sing. Maria loves to dance and sing. Mon espee est ma vie. My sword is my life. My mirror is my life. O Tom foi transferido. Tom has been transferred. Tom's been transferred. El agua se congela a 0°C. Water freezes at 0° C. The water is frozen at 0°C. La città vuole allungare la strada. The city wants to extend the road. The city wants to stretch the road. Tom dormiu sem cobertor. Tom slept without a blanket. Tom slept without a blanket. Aquela saia é muito curta, não é? That skirt's too short, isn't it? That skirt is too short, isn't it? Ferm! Stop! Stop! Ella vive con él. She lives with him. She lives with him. Ya comprá le ticket para eroplano. He bought a plane ticket. He's already buying the eroplano ticket. ¿Hay alguien ahí? Is somebody there? Is anybody there? Je ne voulais pas que tu manques ton bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you missing your bus. En este momento los dos estamos demasiado ocupados para ayudarte. We're both way too busy to help you right now. Right now we're both too busy to help you. Mes initiales sont sur ma valise. My initials are on my briefcase. My initials are in my suitcase. Il a trouvé mon vélo. He found my bike. He found my bike. Mas quiere pa yo pescáo que carne. I prefer fish to meat. But he wants me to fish that meat. Observaré tu avance desde mi ordenador. I'll monitor your progress from my computer. I'll watch your advance from my computer. È davvero divertente, vero? She's really funny, isn't she? It's really fun, isn't it? Farebbe meglio ad andare ad aiutarli. You'd better go help them. You'd better go help them. Se você estivesse preso em uma ilha deserta, do que sentiria mais falta? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? Aprender un poco cada vez. Learn a little at a time. Learn a little at a time. Il a manqué sa chance. He missed his chance. He missed his chance. Tom está terminando su trabajo. Tom is finishing his work. Tom's finishing his job. Taccia e continui a lavorare! Just shut up and get on with your work! Shut up and keep working! M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Tom permaneceu solteiro toda sua vida. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained single all his life. ¿Estás diciendo la verdad? Are you telling the truth? Are you telling the truth? Non l'ha detto prima. You didn't say that before. He didn't say that before. Por favor, tráiganme mi libro cuando vengan. Please bring my book up when you come. Please bring me my book when they come. Acreditamos que foi Tom quem matou Mary. We believe that it was Tom that killed Mary. We believe it was Tom who killed Mary. Des trois enfants, c'est le plus jeune le plus attirant. Of the three boys, the youngest is the most attractive. Of the three children, he's the youngest of the most attractive. Tom quase morreu tentando me salvar. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. Lui è un'autorità nel suo campo. He's an authority in his field. He's an authority in his field. Aquest medicament no s'ha de deixar a la ma dels nins. This medicine must not be placed within the reach of children. This medicine should not be left in the children's hands. Lo chiama spesso. She often calls him. He calls him often. ¿Cuándo vas a Alemania? When will you go to Germany? When are you going to Germany? Je n'ai jamais été à Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Tom e eu estávamos ocupadíssimos na semana passada. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom and I were very busy last week. Felizes são aqueles que amam flores. Happy are those who love flowers. Happy are those who love flowers. El Sol también brilla de noche. The sun shines also at night. The sun also shines at night. Eu acho que realmente funcionou para você. I guess it really worked for you. I think it really worked for you. Como foi o voo? How was the flight? How was the flight? Dottore, io posso bere birra? Doctor, can I drink beer? Doctor, can I have a beer? Não há outra explicação. There's no other explanation. There's no other explanation. Io non sono interessata alla poesia. I'm not interested in poetry. I'm not interested in poetry. Potete portarli? Can you bring them? Can you take them? C'est humiliant. This is humiliating. It's humiliating. Tom muore. Tom dies. Tom dies. Revin. I'll come back. I'll be back. Ce n'est pas juste du tout. It's not fair at all. That's not fair at all. Mon père va à son bureau de Shinjuku tous les autres jours. Father goes to his office in Shinjuku every other day. My father goes to his Shinjuku office every other day. Eravate confusi. You were confused. You were confused. Quiere tu ayudá cumigo? Would you like to help me? Do you want your comigo help? Les marchandises ont été transportées par bateau. The goods were transported by ship. The goods were transported by boat. Entiendo. I understand. I get it. Tom siempre habla en voz tan baja que apenas le entiendo lo que dice. Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I can barely understand what he says. Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I barely understand what he's saying. Noi dobbiamo preservare la nostra pacifica costituzione. We must preserve our peaceful constitution. We must preserve our peaceful constitution. Io gli darò un consiglio. I'll give him a piece of advice. I'll give him some advice. J'ai une confession à faire. I have a confession to make. I have a confession to make. Talvez você devesse se deitar. Perhaps you should lie down. Maybe you should lie down. Me gusta el deporte. I like sport. I like sports. Je me suis mise en colère. I got angry. I got angry. Tom tiene dos niños. Tom has two children. Tom has two kids. Tom quase foi demitido. Tom almost got fired. Tom was almost fired. Estava um caderno azul sobre a mesa. There was a blue notebook on the table. There was a blue notebook on the table. Vous payerez pour ça ! You will pay for this! You'll pay for it! Ella no podía complacerlo por más que intentara. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't please him. She couldn't please him for more than she had tried. Es van quedar sense paraules. They were left speechless. They ran out of words. Esta casa de campo me recuerda a una donde yo nací. This cottage reminds me of the one I was born in. This country house reminds me of one where I was born. Veng nadar dab jo. Come swim with me. I'm coming for a swim. Ho lavorato con un contratto annuale. I worked on a yearly contract. I worked with an annual contract. Falo russo. I speak Russian. I speak Russian. Non interrompetemi mentre sto parlando. Don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Mayuko me volvió a llamar. Mayuko called me back. Mayuko called me again. Nosotros aún nos aferramos a los sueños de nuestra juventud. We are still clinging to the dreams of our youth. We still cling to the dreams of our youth. Ki kote ou ye? Where are you? Where are you? Kon plazer. Gladly. Have fun. Era ne volèva pas que sortissi dab autas hemnas. She didn't want him to go out with other women. He didn't want me to come out with a bunch of hems. Que pausèc uas questions au professor. He asked his teacher several questions. Why don't you ask the professor a few questions? J'ai dû supplier mes amis de venir à ma fête. I had to beg my friends to come to my party. I had to beg my friends to come to my party. Estoy en una casa nueva. I am in a new house. I'm in a new house. Pe durata războiului, oamenii au trecut prin multe greutăți. During the war, people went through many hardships. During the war, people went through a lot of hardships. Hindé ta volá el mga ostrich kay bien corto diila alas. Ostriches don't fly because they have very short wings. Hindé flies the mga ostrich house very short winged diila. Tenga a bada la lingua. Watch your tongue. Keep your tongue down. Tom a mers în centru. Tom went downtown. Tom went downtown. J'arrose les fleurs. I water the flowers. I'm rocking the flowers. O que era para eu fazer? What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to do? Non importava a nessuno. No one cared. It didn't matter to anyone. Girafa a fugit. The giraffe ran away. The giraffe ran away. Lui Tom i s-a cerut să apară la televizor. Tom was asked to appear on television. Tom was asked to show up on TV. Nessuno poteva lavorare. No one could work. No one could work. Io sono stanco di mangiare al refettorio scolastico. I am tired of eating at the school cafeteria. I'm tired of eating at the school refectory. Voi non avete sonno? Aren't you sleepy? Aren't you guys sleepy? Chi ha messo questo foglio qui? Who put this paper here? Who put this sheet here? Ei sunt actori. They are actors. They're actors. Yo so un gato. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. On en sait peu sur Tom. We don't know much about Tom. We know little about Tom. Seara el iese în oraş să bea ceva. At night he goes out in the city to drink something. He's out in town tonight for a drink. Leve alguns guardanapos contigo. Take some napkins with you. Take some napkins with you. Je l'ai fait une fois. I did that once. I did it once. Cresi dens la magia. I believe in magic. Grow up in magic. O home come para vivir, non vive para comer. Man eats to live, he does not live to eat. The man eats to live, he doesn't live to eat. Tom m'a dit ne l'avoir pas encore fait. Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet. Tom told me he hasn't done it yet. Il n'y a pas de preuve. There's no evidence. There's no evidence. Tom a épluché la pomme. Tom peeled the apple. Tom stuffed the apple. Dol bien cansáo man tu. You look exhausted. It's good to get tired of you. Ça ne me fait ni chaud ni froid. It cuts no ice with me. It doesn't make me hot or cold. Pour le dire clairement : l'odeur de ta transpiration est abominable. To put it bluntly, your sweat smells awful. To say it clearly: the smell of your sweat is abominable. Dacă nu mergi înainte, mergi înapoi. If you are not going forward, you're going backward. If you don't go forward, go back. ¿Querés conocer mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... You want to know my secret? Ma petite sœur sait très bien comment m'énerver. My little sister sure knows how to push my buttons. My little sister knows how to piss me off. Não me importa o quanto você diga que me ama. Eu sei que os seus sentimentos por ela não mudaram. I don't care how much you say you love me. I know your feelings for her haven't changed. I don't care how much you say you love me, I know your feelings for her haven't changed. Foi muito difícil seduzir Layla. It was so difficult to seduce Layla. It was very difficult to seduce Layla. O aspartame é um açúcar artificial. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. Yo me senté al lado de ella. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. Tom nu a purtat o cămașă. Tom wasn't wearing a shirt. Tom didn't wear a shirt. Alla maggior parte degli americani piaceva Roosevelt. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. Am sărutat-o pe obraz. I kissed her on the cheek. I kissed her on the cheek. La energía atómica puede utilizarse para fines pacíficos. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful purposes. nuay iu pwede durmi buenamente. I couldn't sleep well. Nuay i pwede sleeps well. Esto está muy soso. This is very bland. This is very quiet. Nu înțeleg. I do not understand. I don't understand. Certaines personnes disent que le Japon est une société dominée par la gent masculine. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say Japan is a society dominated by men. Nous parlions souvent de notre avenir. We would often talk about our future. We often talked about our future. Președintele a fost obligat să se reîntoarcă la Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. Îmi pare foarte rău. I really am sorry. I'm so sorry. Vocês são os melhores. You are the best. You're the best. As folhas caíram. The leaves fell. The leaves have fallen. Quelqu'un a dû voler votre montre. Someone must've stolen your watch. Someone must have stolen your watch. L’Azerbaidjan es diu «Azərbaycan» en àzeri. Azerbaijan is called "Azərbaycan" in Azeri. Azerbaijan is called “Azūrbaycan” in azeri. Elles ont établi un nouveau record du plus long baiser. They set a new record for the longest kiss. They made a new record of the longest kiss. Voudrais-tu bien arrêter de m'appeler comme ça ? Would you stop calling me that? Would you stop calling me that? Papá volvió a casa. Father came home. Dad came home. Que dirais-tu d'arrêter pour aujourd'hui ? How about calling it a day? What do you say we stop for today? Ya empezaba a preocuparme por vosotros. I was beginning to worry about you. I was beginning to worry about you. Son histoire s'est avérée exacte. Her story turned out to be true. His story turned out to be accurate. Voilà pourquoi je souris. That's why I'm smiling. That's why I smile. S'ha cancel·lat la reunió d'avui. Today's meeting has been cancelled. Today's meeting has been cancelled. Tens un mòbil? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a cell phone? Pour se cacher de la police, Dima passa la nuit dans une benne à ordure. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. To hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a garbage bin. Todo homem que é solitário está solitário porque tem medo dos outros. All men who are lonely are lonely because they're afraid of others. Every single man is lonely because he's afraid of others. Che ora è a Tokyo? What time is it in Tokyo? What time is it in Tokyo? Est-ce que vous voulez aussi venir, les gars ? Do you guys want to come, too? Do you want to come, too, guys? O que você está fazendo aí em cima do telhado? What are you doing there on top of the roof? What are you doing up there on the roof? Muncho plazer! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! Normalmente há táxis na frente da estação de trem. There are usually taxis in front of the train station. Usually there are taxis in front of the train station. È considerato come uno dei migliori scienziati del paese. He is considered one of the greatest scientists in our country. He is considered one of the best scientists in the country. Él no es menos listo que su padre. He is not less clever than his father is. He's no less smart than his father. Je m'en soucie comme d'une guigne ! I don't care a fig about it! I care about it like a gun! Tom fece un grande sbadiglio. Tom gave a big yawn. Tom made a big joke. Me has herido mucho. You've hurt me a lot. You've hurt me a lot. Te daré todo lo que mereces. I'll give you all that you deserve. I'll give you everything you deserve. O número de europeus que visitam a Tailândia a cada ano é muito elevado. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand every year is very high. Je lui ai parlé pendant une heure. I spoke with her for one hour. I talked to her for an hour. Io sono arrivata qui un po' presto. I got here a little early. I got here a little early. Mi dia un posacenere, per favore. Please give me an ashtray. Give me a lighthouse, please. La tua spiegazione è troppo astratta per me. Your explanation is too abstract for me. Your explanation is too abstract for me. El radar se rompió. The radar broke. The radar broke. T'agrada aquera flor ? Do you like this flower? Do you like that flower? O Tom ficou muito mandão. Tom got very bossy. Tom's been in a lot of trouble. Există oameni atât de flămânzi în lume, încât Dumnezeu nu le poate apărea decât sub formă de pâine. There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. There are so hungry people in the world that God can only appear in the form of bread. Nuáy cosa ya quedá. There's nothing left. Nothing's left. Bueno, ¿qué estás cantando? Well, what are you singing? Well, what are you singing? Coloque-o. Put it on. Put it on. S'agit-il d'un fait ? Is that a fact? Is this a fact? Qual olho lhe dói? Which eye is hurting you? What eye does it hurt? Nimeni nu a venit cu excepția lu Mary. No one came except Mary. No one came except for Mary. As-tu pensé à regarder le niveau d'huile ? Have you thought of checking the oil level? Have you thought about looking at the oil level? J'achète un chiot. I'm buying a puppy. I'm buying a puppy. Nu sta în pat, cu excepția când poți face bani în pat. Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. Don't sit in bed, except when you can make money in bed. No me opongo a que vayas a trabajar fuera de casa, pero ¿quién se ocupará de los niños? I don't object to your going out to work, but who will look after the children? I'm not opposed to you going to work outside the house, but who's going to take care of the kids? ¿Estáis en París? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? Ne vous rappelez-vous pas ce que vous avez dit ? Don't you remember what you said? Don't you remember what you said? Te quiero, ángel mío. I love you, my angel. I love you, my angel. Eu vi as senhoras a fazer isso. I've seen you doing that. I saw the ladies do that. Ele é o único filho que eles têm. He is the only child they have. He's the only son they have. O senhor Hirayama ensina muito bem. Mr Hirayama teaches very well. Mr. Hirayama teaches very well. Las bayas se pueden congelar. Berries can be frozen. The berries can be frozen. Hasta donde yo sé, él viene en auto. As far as I know, he is coming by car. As far as I know, he comes by car. Sa dire molto in olandese? Can you say much in Dutch? Can you say a lot in Dutch? Perché eravate in Australia? Why were you in Australia? Why were you in Australia? Puis-je payer par carte de crédit ? May I pay with a credit card? Can I pay by credit card? Ella quiere un sombrero nuevo. She wants a new hat. She wants a new hat. Tom no sabía qué hacer primero. Tom didn't know what to do first. Tom didn't know what to do first. Oy es djueves. Today is Thursday. Today is Thursday. Se il ritardo è semplicemente una svista, ve ne prenderete cura immediatamente, per piacere? If the delay is simply an oversight, will you please take care of it at once? If the delay is simply a sight, will you take care of it immediately, please? Elle tenta de se donner la mort. She attempted to kill herself. She's trying to kill herself. ¿Cómo se llama este río? What is the name of this river? What's this river called? Nós precisamos de sair cedo. We need to leave soon. We need to leave early. ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much is it? How much does it cost? De sobte, va començar a semblar gairebé agradable i càlid. Suddenly, it started to look almost nice and warm. Suddenly, it started to look almost nice and warm. Vocês praticam ioga? Do you do yoga? Do you practice yoga? Quando saranno finiti i suoi compiti? When will your homework be finished? When will his duties be over? Aurés hèit la medisha causa. You'd do the same thing. Aurés héit la medisha causa. C'è qualcosa di cui devo parlarti. There's something I need to talk to you about. There's something I need to talk to you about. Le mie condoglianze! My condolences! My condolences! Que s'arroncèc dens l'ostau. He broke into a house. I'll tear it down densely. Combien de fois me faut-il dire cela ? How many times do I have to say that? How many times do I have to say that? Estou tomando leite. I am drinking milk. I'm taking milk. No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida arrepintiéndome de ello. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. Ela quer ser uma cantora. She wants to be a singer. She wants to be a singer. Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio de ellos. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Teño unha dor de cabeza tremenda. I have a bad headache. I have a headache. Io a volte ho paura del buio. I'm sometimes scared of the dark. Sometimes I'm afraid of the dark. Avais-tu eu beaucoup d'expériences heureuses durant ton enfance ? Did you have a lot of happy experiences during your childhood? Have you had a lot of happy experiences during your childhood? Eu estudei francês há muito tempo, mas agora tudo de que eu me lembro é "bonjour". I studied French a long time ago, but now all I remember is "bonjour." I studied French a long time ago, but now all I remember is "good morning." Preciso ser mais paciente. I need to be more patient. I need to be more patient. Bene, chi sei? Fine, who are you? All right, who are you? En nous corrigeant l'un l'autre, nous nous améliorerons tous en espéranto. Correcting one another, we will all improve our Esperanto. By correcting each other, we will all improve in hope. Ele está comprometido em ensinar. He is engaged in teaching. He's committed to teaching. În general, bărbaţii sunt mai înalţi decât femeile. Generally speaking, men are taller than women. In general, men are taller than women. Como é de costume entre pessoas educadas, ele gosta mais de música clássica do que de jazz. As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than jazz. As it is usual among educated people, he likes classical music more than jazz. Você deve sempre lavar roupas novas antes de usá-las. You should always wash new clothes before wearing them. You should always wash new clothes before using them. Él es puntual y discreto en sus deudas. He is punctual and discrete in his debts. He is punctual and discreet in his debts. Je comprends le problème. I understand the problem. I understand the problem. O trabalho de um presidente é muito interessante. The work of a president is very interesting. The work of a president is very interesting. Todavía no he podido formatear mi disco duro. I still couldn't format my hard disk. I haven't been able to format my hard drive yet. Son hermosos. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. Ella siempre anota cada palabra que dice el profesor. She always writes down every word her teacher says. She always notes every word the teacher says. Tom disse che gli dispiaceva. Tom said that he was sorry. Tom said he was sorry. Quem te comprou isso? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? Il est décédé le jour de l'arrivée de son fils. He died on the day his son arrived. He died on the day of his son's arrival. Tom non ha pagato la sua quota. Tom didn't pay his share. Tom didn't pay his share. Sarò qui questa notte. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. Tom tirou os óculos e os colocou na mesa de cabeceira. Tom took his glasses off and put them on the bedside table. Tom took out the glasses and put them on the headboard. Tom e Mary sono in grado di parlare in francese? Are Tom and Mary able to speak French? Tom and Mary are able to speak French? Donde ya gahá si Tom? Where could Tom be? Where do you already stammer if Tom? Tom me pediu para te perguntar uma coisa. Tom asked me to ask you something. Tom asked me to ask you something. Prendi un po' di torta di compleanno. Have some birthday cake. Have some birthday cake. Tom è abituato a rimanere alzato per tutta la notte. Tom is used to staying up all night. Tom's used to staying up all night. Tom chiar știe ce face. Tom really knows what he's doing. Tom even knows what he's doing. Va anar de viatge a Amèrica. He went on a voyage to America. He went on a trip to America. Je travaille à temps plein dans une librairie jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre. I'm working full time in a bookshop until the end of September. I work full-time in a bookstore until the end of September. Eu esqueci completamente. I completely forgot. I completely forgot. Su idea va más allá del alcance de mi entendimiento. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. Your idea goes beyond the scope of my understanding. Câți studenți sunt în facultatea ta? How many students are there in your university? How many students are in your college? Ese hecho no puede ser negado. That fact can't be denied. That fact cannot be denied. Layla sentì un suono familiare. Layla heard a familiar sound. Layla heard a familiar sound. Tom está trabalhando no turno da noite. Tom is working the night shift. Tom's working the night shift. Son un heroe. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Il est certain que Tom passe beaucoup de temps à l'intérieur. Tom certainly spends a lot of time indoors. It is certain that Tom spends a lot of time inside. Tom puede visitarme cuando le plazca. Tom may come and visit me any time he wants to. Tom can visit me when he likes. Tom no fuma más. Tom doesn't smoke anymore. Tom doesn't smoke anymore. Onde eu preciso virar? Where do I need to turn? Where do I have to turn? Qu'est-ce que vos enfants mangent d'habitude au petit-déjeuner ? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your children usually eat at breakfast? Pode me dar o número do seu celular? Can I have your cellphone number? Can you give me your cell phone number? Adevărul e un lucru periculos. Truth is a dangerous thing. Truth is a dangerous thing. Nous devons travailler dur à abattre les barrières sociales. We must work hard to break down social barriers. We must work hard to break down the social barriers. Tom es inseguro. Tom is insecure. Tom's insecure. Arrête de défendre Sami. Stop defending Sami. Stop defending Sami. Azi a fost o zi minunată și mâine va fi deasemenea. Today was a wonderful day, and tomorrow will be too. Today was a wonderful day and tomorrow will also be. Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne pouvais pas manger de poisson cru. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. Parece que mañana va a nevar. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Looks like it's snowing tomorrow. Per favore, dica a Tom che è importante. Please tell Tom it's important. Please tell Tom it's important. Ela está aguando as flores. She is watering the flowers. She's holding the flowers. An sò gnînto. I know nothing. I'm sorry. Tom pediu que ficássemos quietos. Tom asked that we be quiet. Tom asked us to be quiet. De qué atz crompat ? What did you buy? What did you cheat on? ¿De quién es esto? Whose is this? Whose is this? Il sacerdote ha sposato tre coppie questa settimana. The clergyman has married three couples this week. The priest married three couples this week. Se acabó. That's over. It's over. Você não deveria responder aos seus pais dessa forma. You shouldn't talk back to your parents like that. You shouldn't answer your parents that way. Mi cliente no está diciendo una palabra más. My client isn't saying another word. My client's not saying one more word. Tom necesita tiempo. Tom needs time. Tom needs time. Fu intimidito dalla sua intelligenza. He was cowed by her intelligence. He was intimidated by his intelligence. La mise in salvo. He rescued her. I saved her. Estou no primeiro ano do ensino médio. I am in the first year of high school. I'm in high school first year. Oh, dar asta este o chestie lumească! Oh, but that is a mundane matter! Oh, but that's a world thing! El menjar no tenia gaire bon gust. The food didn't taste very good. Food didn't taste so good. Yo estaba en Nueva York cuando eso pasó. I was in New York when it happened. I was in New York when that happened. Usted está libre mañana. You are free tomorrow. You're free tomorrow. C'était une merveilleuse surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. Su bicicleta es mejor que la mía. His bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Io devo solo riposarmi un po'. I just need to rest a little. I just have to get some rest. Il padre di Tom è molto rigido. Tom's father is very strict. Tom's father is very stiff. Estou tentando ser justo. I'm trying to be fair. I'm trying to be fair. Tom sempre bebe chá de manhã. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Sua blusa cai bem com aquela saia. Your blouse goes beautifully with that skirt. Your blouse looks good with that skirt. Lei è un uomo ora. She's a man now. You're a man now. Tom só quer ser deixado em paz. Tom just wants to be left alone. Tom just wants to be left alone. Mary chiese di suo padre. Mary asked after his father. Mary asked about her father. Essaie-la encore une fois. Try it once again. Try it again. Qu'am miat au torn. We took turns driving. I've got half the turn. «les scientifiques sont-ils sur le point de répliquer un être humain ?» «Loin de là.» "Are scientists close to cloning a human being?" "Not by a long shot." "Are scientists about to replicate a human being?" "Beyond there." Mes efforts n'ont produit aucun résultat. My efforts produced no results. My efforts have produced no results. Ya limpiá tu de tuyo cuarto este día? Did you clean your room today? Did you clean up your room this day? Meu namorado não sabe. My boyfriend doesn't know. My boyfriend doesn't know. A honestidade deles é duvidosa. Their honesty is dubious. Their honesty is doubtful. Je pensais qu'elle était idiote. I thought she was stupid. I thought she was an idiot. Tienes exceso de trabajo. You are overworked. You've got too much work to do. Elle l'entendit pleurer au milieu de la nuit. She heard him cry in the middle of the night. She heard him crying in the middle of the night. Non estaba seguro da miña capacidade para facelo. I was uncertain of my ability to do it. I wasn't sure of my ability to do it. Solo porque Tom haya dicho que no tenía una llave no significa que sea verdad. Just because Tom said he didn't have a key doesn't mean it's true. Just because Tom said he didn't have a key doesn't mean it's true. E qu'ei lo problèma ? What is the problem? What is the problem? Nancy parece cansada. Nancy looks tired. Nancy looks tired. Lei lo sapeva che gli spaghetti crescono sugli alberi di spaghetti? Did you know that spaghetti grows on spaghetti trees? Did you know that spaghetti grow on spaghetti trees? Io sogno di andare a vivere in Lituania. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I dream of going to live in Lithuania. Ela adora brinquedos. She loves toys. She loves toys. És realment molest. It's really annoying. It's really annoying. On doit te sortir de là. We need to get you out of here. We have to get you out of here. Nous ne sommes pas satisfaits. We're unhappy. We are not satisfied. Por que você está lendo isso? Why are you reading this? Why are you reading this? Você disse algumas coisas boas sobre mim. You said some nice things about me. You said some good things about me. Siamo arrivate in albergo un'ora fa. We arrived at the hotel one hour ago. We arrived at the hotel an hour ago. Mary parecía desorientada. Mary looked like she was baffled. Mary seemed disoriented. A pesar de que estaba enfermo, aun así el chico fue al colegio. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Although he was sick, the boy still went to school. Fratele meu vrea să meargă pe lună cândva. My brother wants to go to the moon some day. My brother wants to go on the moon sometime. Mademoiselle March m'a donné un dictionnaire anglais. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Te duci undeva? Are you going someplace? Are you going somewhere? Nós nem mesmo conhecemos o Tom. We don't even know Tom. We don't even know Tom. No hice esa promesa. I made no such promise. I didn't make that promise. Tengo un chirrido en mi flamante coche nuevo, y ¿crees que puedo encontrar de dónde viene? I've got a squeaking noise in my brand new car, and do you think I can find where it's coming from? I got a crack in my burning new car, and you think I can find where it's coming from? Ci sarà bello domani. It'll be fine tomorrow. It'll be nice tomorrow. Eu gosto mesmo dele. I really like him. I really like him. Vocês ainda estão confusos? Are you still confused? Are you still confused? ¿Dejaste propina? Did you leave a tip? Have you tipped off? Ne cominciai uno. I started one. I started one. Tom veut venir avec nous à Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. Tom wants to come with us to Boston. El piloto describió la escena en detalle. The pilot described the scene in detail. The pilot described the scene in detail. Noi trebuie să respectăm întotdeauna regulile. We always have to obey the rules. We must always abide by the rules. Toutes ces querelles m'usent les nerfs. All this bickering is starting to fray my nerves. All these quarrels use my nerves. Io voglio comprare una dozzina di banane. I want to buy a dozen bananas. I want to buy a dozen bananas. Ea a luat pixul și a scris adresa. She took the pen and wrote the address. She took the pen and wrote the address. Você é muito mais inteligente do que eu. You're way smarter than me. You're much smarter than me. Il est responsable de cet accident. He is responsible for the accident. He's responsible for this accident. Això és el cafè. This is the coffee. That's coffee. Est-ce que tout va bien à la maison ? Is everything all right at home? Is everything okay at home? Non ero arrabbiato. I wasn't mad. I wasn't angry. Tom est plus grand que Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom's bigger than Mary. Noi siamo dedite. We're committed. We're dedicated. Tom decidiu ignorar o pedido de Maria. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Tom decided to ignore Maria's request. Io ho preso una ciotola di spaghetti in una strada qua vicino. I had a bowl of noodles at a street nearby. I took a bowl of spaghetti on a road nearby. Sănătatea lui s-a deteriorat din cauza suprasolicitării. His health has broken down because of overwork. His health has deteriorated as a result of over-requesting. ¿Ha estado Tom haciendo sus labores? Has Tom been doing his chores? Has Tom been doing his jobs? Non lo riesco a capire. I can't understand it. I can't understand it. Ele pede que eu esteja atento. He asks me to be attentive. He's asking me to be careful. Tom e Mary sono andati di fuori. Tom and Mary went outside. Tom and Mary went outside. Io ho suonato quella canzone così tanto che potrei farlo mentre dormo. I've played that song so many times I could do it in my sleep. I played that song so much that I could do it while I'm asleep. Sankt Petersburg este un oraș rusesc. St. Petersburg is a Russian city. Sankt Petersburg is a Russian city. Ella era joven. She was young. She was young. Tom non è caparbio. Tom isn't stubborn. Tom's not a freak. Tom è corso fuori dalla stanza. Tom ran out of the room. Tom's out of the room. Kero avlar kon eya. I want to talk to her. I want to bow down. Elle est morte des suites d'un choc. She died of shock. She died of a shock. Ya vendrá el día en que podremos viajar a la Luna. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. Perché non ha comprato uno di quelli? Why didn't you buy one of those? Why didn't you buy one of those? La police a exercé un mandat de perquisition dans l'appartement de mon frère. The police executed a search warrant on my brother's apartment. The police carried out a search warrant in my brother's apartment. Il est absent de l'école parce qu'il est malade. He is absent from school because he is ill. He's absent from school because he's sick. Abandónalo todo. Leave everything. Put it all away. Vem aqui, amigo. Come here, friend. Come here, buddy. Lui schiacciò il pedale del freno. He pressed the brake pedal. He smashed the brake pedal. L'aimez-vous ? Do you love him? Do you like him? Si prenda cura di loro. Take care of them. Take care of them. La inteligencia artificial no puede vencer a la estupidez natural. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural stupidity. Artificial intelligence cannot defeat natural stupidity. Eu ia dizer a mesma coisa. I was just about to say the same thing. I was gonna say the same thing. Sommes-nous perdus ? Are we lost? Are we lost? J'ai emprunté de l'argent non seulement à Tom, mais aussi à sa femme. I not only borrowed money from Tom, but also from his wife. I borrowed money not only from Tom, but also from his wife. No butá basura aquí. Don't throw trash here. Don't put trash in here. Nous pouvons attendre. We can wait. We can wait. Poderia dizer-me como posso ir para a estação do metro? Could you tell me how to get to the subway station? Could you tell me how I can go to the subway station? Mi mujer era una Smith. My wife was a Smith. My wife was a Smith. Tom ha detto che era vera. Tom said it was true. Tom said it was true. Il pleut fort. It's raining hard. It's raining hard. Tom está ficando no Hotel Hilton? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Tom's staying at the Hilton Hotel? Fue la primera vez que un hombre caminaba sobre la luna. It was the first time man walked on the moon. It was the first time a man walked on the moon. Onde eu posso comprar petiscos? Where can I buy snacks? Where can I buy snacks? Mira lo que he encontrado en el bosque. Look what I found in the woods. Look what I found in the woods. Les atomes ne peuvent pas être vus à l'œil nu. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. Atoms cannot be seen in the naked eye. De acordo com muitas religiões, adultério é crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. Cuando kitá puede man mirahan? When can I see you? When do you take off, can you look? ¡Vuelve aquí ahora mismo! Come back here immediately! Get back here right now! Veuillez tourner autour ! Turn around, please. Please turn around! Je vous ai vus au parc, hier. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw you at the park yesterday. Tom não queria se tornar advogado ou médico. Tom didn't want to become a lawyer or doctor. Tom didn't want to become a lawyer or a doctor. Io non posso proteggerla qui. I can't protect you here. I can't protect her here. Nous sommes conscientes de cela. We're aware of that. We are aware of this. È ancora scioccato, vero? He's still in shock, isn't he? He's still shocked, isn't he? Solo había un cine en la ciudad. There was only one movie theater in town. There was only one cinema in the city. É impossível para mim. It's impossible to me. It's impossible for me. Tradurre è molto faticoso. Translating is very tiring. Translation is very hard. Los ingenieros levantaron un plano para un nuevo muelle. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. The engineers raised a plan for a new dock. Sunt cam amețit. I'm pretty zonked. I'm kind of dizzy. Lo fraire escriu. The brother is writing. The friar writes. Soube que vocês precisam de ajuda. I heard you need help. I heard you guys need help. La pauvreté est à la racine de tout mal. Poverty is the root of all evil. Poverty is at the root of everything. Os senhores viram este homem? Have you seen this man? Have you seen this man? Il est l'heure de vous lever. It's time for you to get up. It's time to get you up. Tom ha tenuto il mio accendino. Tom kept my lighter. Tom kept my lighter. Mi son perso qualcosa? Did I miss something? Did I miss something? Je n'avais pas le droit de partir. I wasn't allowed to leave. I didn't have the right to leave. Keresh un portokal? Do you want an orange? Keresh a Puertokal? Es importante recordar quiénes son tus amigos. It is important to remember who your friends are. It's important to remember who your friends are. Eu posso consertar qualquer coisa. I can fix anything. I can fix anything. Sami savait que sa femme avait une liaison avec un homme marié. Sami knew that his wife was having an affair with a married man. Sami knew his wife had an affair with a married man. Tom non voleva tornare all'orfanotrofio. Tom didn't want to go back to the orphanage. Tom didn't want to go back to the orphanage. No puede mirá enbuenamente de mío abuela. My grandmother can't see very well. You can't look bountifully at my grandmother. Isso tem sido um grande problema para nós. It has been a big trouble for us. That's been a big problem for us. En musique comme en rhétorique, une pause est souvent utilisée pour créer un effet dramatique. In music or speaking, a pause is frequently used for dramatic effect. In music as in rhetoric, a pause is often used to create a dramatic effect. E ceva așa de rău? Is that such a bad thing? Is something so bad? É uma e quarenta e cinco. It's a quarter to two. It's one and forty-five. ¿Qué se supone que quiere decir eso? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? Tom non pensa di russare. Tom doesn't think he snores. Tom doesn't think he's snoring. Tan quedá yo triste pensá na de suyo muerte. It makes me sad to think of her death. So I was sad to think of his death. Sou legal. I'm cool. I'm cool. Él es mejor que yo para las matemáticas. He is better than me at math. He's better than me for math. Nós queremos traduções que soem naturais, e não traduções diretas feitas palavra por palavra. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want translations that sound natural, not direct translations made word by word. El medicación de Tom es no hay na baño. Tom's medication's not in the bathroom. Tom's medication is not in the bathroom. Qu'est-ce que tu préfères, le printemps ou l'automne ? Which do you like better, spring or autumn? What do you prefer, spring or fall? Él ha aprendido a ser paciente. He has learned to be patient. He's learned to be patient. Che ha intenzione di fare? What does he intend to do? What's he gonna do? C'était la seule chose à faire. It was the only thing to do. It was the only thing to do. Non penso che lei sia schizofrenica. I don't think you're schizophrenic. I don't think you're schizophrenic. Quien aquellos mga gente? Who were those guys? Who are those people? ¿Puede poner por escrito sus preguntas? Will you put your questions in written form? Can you write down your questions? Decidimos adiar a reunião para o próximo domingo. We've decided to postpone the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting for the next Sunday. Tom et moi nous estimons fortunés. Tom and I consider ourselves fortunate. Tom and I consider ourselves fortunate. Estou sóbrio. I'm sober. I'm sober. Non l'abbiamo trovata. We didn't find her. We didn't find her. Le es difícil resolver este problema. It's hard for her to solve this problem. It's hard for you to solve this problem. "Guardate quello!", disse, trionfante. "Look at that!" he said, triumphantly. "Look at that!" he said, triumphantly. Buona notte, amiche mie. Good night, my friends. Good night, my friends. Ella tuvo la amabilidad de prestarme una gran cantidad de dinero. She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money. She had the kindness to lend me a lot of money. Unii oameni spun că treisprezece este un număr cu ghinion. Some people say thirteen is an unlucky number. Some people say that thirteen is a badass number. Avem voie să fumăm în timpul pauzei? May we smoke during the break? Are we allowed to smoke during the break? ¡Hombre, no me fastidies con esas bromas! Don't annoy me with those jokes. Man, don't bother me with those jokes! Aonde você está indo? Where are you going to? Where are you going? ¿Podrías acostar al bebé por favor? Could you please put the baby to bed? Could you lie down to the baby please? Celui qui définit un problème l'a déjà à moitié résolu. The one that is able to define a problem, already solved half of it. The one who defines a problem has already been half-solved. O vestido tem saia rodada. The dress has a full skirt. The dress has a round skirt. Los precios se alzaron como resultado. As a result, prices rose. Prices rose as a result. Il garda son énergie pour le prochain match. He conserved his energy for the next game. He's saving his energy for the next game. Vas' à l'djote ! Screw you! Go to the deck! Je n'ai pas suffisamment d'argent pour mon voyage. I am short of money for my trip. I don't have enough money for my trip. Demà portaré el llibre a la Mary. Tomorrow I'll take the book to Mary I'll bring the book to Mary tomorrow. És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. This is the best book that I've ever read. It's the best book I've ever read. El este un om amuzant. He's a funny man. He's a funny man. "¿Estos autos son tuyos?" "Sí, son míos." "These cars are yours?" "Yes, they're mine." "Are these cars yours?" "Yes, they're mine." Ta usá silá cuntigo. They're using you. Sillah is used. Il faut que vous laissiez courir. You need to let go. You must let yourself run. Gli scrissi per chiedere il perché. I wrote him to ask why. I wrote him to ask why. Fingerò che questo non sia mai capitato. I'll pretend this never happened. I'll pretend this never happened. Ora Tom prova molto dolore. Tom now feels a lot of pain. Now Tom feels a lot of pain. Dicen que este pueblo está lleno de estafadores. They say this town is full of cozenage. They say this town is full of scammers. Oh, il a pété. Oh, he broke wind. Oh, he crashed. Él fue severo con sus hijos. He was severe with his children. He was severe with his children. Un robot debe obedecer las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos, excepto cuando tales órdenes entren en conflicto con la Primera Ley. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except when such orders conflict with the First Law. Nu sunteți încântat? Aren't you pleased? Aren't you excited? Ele acumulou uma grande fortuna. He accumulated a large fortune. He accumulated a great fortune. Gli farò sapere che avete chiamato. I'll let him know you called. I'll let him know you called. Chiese una birra. He asked for a beer. She asked for a beer. Quelle est cette urgence ? What's the emergency? What's this emergency? Eu sugeriria uma virgula. I’d suggest a comma. I'd suggest a comma. J'ai peint le portail en bleu. I painted the gate blue. I painted the portal in blue. El paràgraf no admet cap altra lectura. The passage admits of no other interpretation. Paragraph does not admit any further reading. Smettetela di piagnucolare. Quit whining. Stop crying. Los nuevos procedimientos contables requieren que llenemos diferentes formatos para reportar gastos. The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses. New accounting procedures require that we complete different formats to report expenses. Hoje eu não venho. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Ți s-a explicat deja: o luptă necesită disciplină și coordonare. It has already been explained to you: a battle requires discipline and coordination. You have already been explained: a struggle requires discipline and coordination. Je n'avais pas préparé d'exposé. Je l'ai donc fait à l'esbroufe. I didn't prepare a presentation. So I just blagged it. I didn't prepare a presentation, so I did it on the outside. Si accorse che i genitori la stavano tenendo d'occhio. She became aware that her parents were watching her. He realized her parents were watching her. Son appui financier est indispensable pour ce projet que nous avons. Her financial support is indispensable to this project of ours. Its financial support is essential for this project that we have. Eu tenho um amigo que mora na Alemanha. I have a friend who lives in Germany. I have a friend who lives in Germany. Tom è stato brutalmente pestato e medici lo hanno dovuto mettere in un coma indotto per alleviare il gonfiore nel suo cervello. Tom was viciously bashed and doctors had to put him into an induced coma to relieve the swelling on his brain. Tom was brutally pinched and doctors had to put him in a coma induced to lighten the swelling in his brain. Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela. He will break up with her. He'll end his relationship with her. Qu'espères-tu trouver ici ? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous le voulez. I don't understand why you want it. I don't understand why you want to. Mis ojos son mavis. My eyes are blue. My eyes are mavis. Sua voz era suave e linda. Her voice was soft and beautiful. His voice was soft and beautiful. Pode-se dizer assim, mas é muito vulgar. You can say it like that, but it's rude. You can say it like that, but it's very vulgar. Unde este valiza ta? Where's your suitcase? Where's your suitcase? Si haces trampa, corres el riesgo de ser arrestado. If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested. If you cheat, you're in danger of being arrested. Este é um dos piores filmes que eu já vi. This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Io non sono interessata alla politica. I'm not interested in politics. I am not interested in politics. Estoy muy contenta de veros. I'm very glad to see you. I'm very happy with real things. Je ne veux pas que tu me voies nu. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Tom a l'air un peu nerveux. Tom seems a little nervous. Tom seems a little nervous. Tom quer aprender a andar de moto. Tom wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Tom wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Moltes gràcies! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! ¡Todos te quieren conocer! ¡Eres famosa! Everyone wants to know you; you're famous. Everybody wants to meet you, you're famous! Perché qualcuno le rapirebbe? Why would anybody kidnap them? Why would anyone kidnap them? Prefiero un hotel por el aeropuerto. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel by the airport. Je pensais que nous allions l'emporter. I thought we were going to win. I thought we were gonna take him away. Siempre me había preguntado qué era ese ruido. I always wondered what that noise was. I've always wondered what that noise was. E ridicol! This is ridiculous! That's ridiculous! Il n'y a personne ici. There's no one here. There's no one here. Această femeie este întruchiparea perfecțiunii. This woman is the embodiment of perfection. This woman is the embodiment of perfection. Stai acasă pentru a putea răspunde la telefon. Stay home so that you can answer the phone. Stay home so you can answer the phone. Tom bebeu direto da lata. Tom drank straight from the can. Tom drank right out of the can. Poate că ai dreptate. You might be right. Maybe you're right. Christophe Colomb détestait les erreurs historiques. Christopher Columbus abhorred historical inaccuracies. Christophe Colombo hated historical mistakes. Não conheço nenhuma leitura mais fácil, mais fascinante e mais prazerosa do que um catálogo. I do not know any reading more easy, more fascinating, more delightful than a catalogue. I don't know any easier, more fascinating and more pleasurable reading than a catalogue. יעקב איס און גﬞודﬞייו סיקולאר. Jacob is a secular Jew. יĭ - יי - הי - יי - יי - ה - ה. Ya quedá el bala na de suyo pecho. The bullet lodged in his chest. He's already got the bullet in his chest. Voulez-vous que je vienne au Japon pour vous voir ? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? L'usine utilise de nombreuses machines compliquées. The factory uses many complicated machines. The plant uses many complicated machines. Qu'ei en maishanta santat. He is in poor health. That's holy mashanta. Tom abuzează de autoritatea sa, așa că nimeni nu-l place. Tom abuses his authority, so no one likes him. Tom abuses his authority, so no one likes him. Es muy fácil criticar a posteriori. It is easy to be wise after the event. It's very easy to criticize after. Scopri cosa vuole Tom. Find out what Tom wants. Find out what Tom wants. Eu não tive muita escolha. I didn't have much choice. I didn't have much choice. "L'hai finito?" "Al contrario, ho appena iniziato." "Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I've just begun." "Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I just started." No piensan, así que no existen. They don't think therefore they aren't. They don't think, so they don't exist. Je peux comprendre ça. I can understand that. I can understand that. Els homes porten camises de màniga curta. The men are wearing short sleeve shirts. Men wear short sleeves. Não dá para entender o porquê. I fail to see the reason. You can't understand why. Sami n'a pas sa place dans cette maison. There is no place in this house for Sami. Sami doesn't have his place in this house. Va alçar la mà. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. Elle pleurait amèrement. She cried bitterly. She'd cry sorely. Él fue a pescar a un río en las cercanías del pueblo. He went fishing in a river near the village. He went fishing in a river in the vicinity of the village. Si on ne peut pas obtenir l'argent de quelconque autre manière, on peut, en dernier recours, vendre la voiture. If we can't get the money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car. If you can't get the money in any other way, you can, as a last resort, sell the car. Coelhos têm orelhas compridas e rabo curto. A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. Rabbits have long ears and short tails. I bambini sono la ricchezza dei poveri. Children are poor men's riches. Children are the wealth of the poor. Combien ça t'a coûté d'aller à Boston ? How much did it cost you to get to Boston? How much did it cost you to go to Boston? O Tom nunca vai mudar, vai? Tom is never going to change, is he? Tom's never gonna change, is he? Quelle impression cela fait-il d'être constamment suivi par des gens autour de vous ? What does it feel like to always have people following you around? What impression does this make of being constantly followed by people around you? "Silêncio!", sussurrou Tom. "Quiet," Tom whispered. "Silence!" whispered Tom. ¿Tú reciclas? Do you recycle? You recycling? La Terra ha la forma di un'arancia. The earth is shaped like an orange. The Earth has the shape of an orange. Ho perso la mia motivazione. I lost my motivation. I lost my motivation. Loro non sono così gentili, vero? They aren't so kind, are they? They're not so nice, are they? Eu lucrez pentru bunăstarea publică. I work for public welfare. I work for public welfare. Tienes de facelo meyor. You've got to do better. You have to do better. Vino una persona ke su lingua no entendi. A person came whose language I didn't understand. A ke person didn't understand his language. Una de les meves aficions és la música clàssica. One of my hobbies is classical music. One of my hobbies is classical music. Montre-moi le contenu de tes rayonnages de livres et je te dirai qui tu es. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me the contents of your book rays and I'll tell you who you are. Quella era una storia molto triste. That was a very sad story. That was a very sad story. Los hombres italianos nunca ayudan en la casa. Italian men never help in the house. Italian men never help at home. Ne dis rien à ma nana ! Don't tell my girlfriend. Don't say anything to my girl! Alguém deve estar comendo. Someone must be eating. Someone must be eating. Mon père a beaucoup de livres. My father has many books. My father has a lot of books. Je savais que Tom était très en colère. I knew Tom was very angry. I knew Tom was very angry. Je pense que nous devrions demander de l'aide. I think we should get help. I think we should ask for help. À sa mort, Harry a laissé 200 millions de yens à sa famille. Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died. After Harry died, he left his family 200 million yen. No está muy lejos del hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Je veux la vie éternelle ! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! Tout sournois que vous soyez, vous ne pouvez jamais vous surprendre vous-mêmes. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. As foolish as you are, you can never be surprised at yourself. Un homme est venu te voir la nuit dernière. A man called on you last night. A man came to see you last night. Tom parou de rir. Tom stopped laughing. Tom stopped laughing. Si vous pouvez, venez avec nous. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Din căpșuni s-a făcut gem. Strawberries are made into jam. Of straws it's made jam. Opinia lor contează puţin. Their opinion matters little. Their opinion matters a little. Dai loro un momento. Give them a moment. Give them a moment. Ha chiuso la finestra? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Su padre es japonés. His father is Japanese. His father is Japanese. Io mi sento molto rilassata. I feel very relaxed. I feel very relaxed. Per què no m'ho demana? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Et s'il revenait maintenant ? What if he comes back now? What if he came back now? Tom ha sentito il suono. Tom heard the sound. Tom heard the sound. Je ne vais pas venir aujourd'hui. I'm not coming today. I'm not coming today. J'ai déjà écris trois livres. I've already written three books. I've already written three books. C'était négligent de sa part de faire une telle erreur. It was careless of him to make such a mistake. He was reluctant to make such a mistake. De quien lápiz esté? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is it? Il y a du vent. The weather is windy. There's wind. Les garçons mangent du pain. The boys eat bread. Boys eat bread. Mary este fiica lui Tom. Mary is Tom's daughter. Mary is Tom's daughter. Lo único que se puede hacer es intentarlo. One can but try. All you can do is try. Por que vocês estão chorando? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Assim que ele ouviu a batida, ele correu para fora da casa. As soon as he heard the crash, he rushed out of the house. As soon as he heard the knock, he ran out of the house. M'agradaré de véser lo men hilh. I'd like to see my son. I'll be happy to see the men hilh. ¿Podemos trabajar en eso ahora? Can we work on that now? Can we work on that now? El benestar de la nació és responsabilitat del govern. The well being of the nation is the government's responsibility. The well - being of the nation is the responsibility of the government. Todos los alumnos de la clase están presentes. Every pupil in the class is present. All students in the class are present. Dacă dai peste un cuvânt necunoscut, caută-l în dicționar. If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary. If you go over an unknown word, look it up in the dictionary. Se não fosse pela a ajuda dela, nunca teria passado no exame. If it weren't for her help, I would never have passed the exam. If it wasn't for her help, I'd never have passed the test. Non me lo direte? Won't you tell me? Don't you tell me? Da quale strada dovrei iniziare? On which street should I start? Which way should I start? L'home baix porta un jersei. The short man wears a sweater. The man downstairs is wearing a sweater. Que espécie de jogo você está jogando? What kind of game are you playing? What kind of game are you playing? J'ai raté la compétition. I missed the competition. I missed the competition. Je n'ai jamais vu de réfrigérateur rouge. I have never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red refrigerator. Tom era un băiat aventuros. Tom was an adventurous boy. Tom was an adventurous boy. Sabe tu de quien esté coche? Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know who the car is? ¿Cuándo y dónde compraste ese reloj antiguo? When and where did you buy that old clock? When and where did you buy that old watch? Não use sapatos na mesquita. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Don't wear shoes on the mosque. Todos saben que ella ha hecho todo lo que ha podido por sus hijos. Everyone knows that she has done everything she could for her children. Everyone knows that she has done everything she can for her children. Je n'avais pas prévu de te dire ce qui s'est passé hier soir. I hadn't planned to tell you about what happened last night. I didn't plan on telling you what happened last night. Tom se metió en el coche. Tom got into the car. Tom got in the car. Ho degli affari con lui. I have business with him. I have business with him. Io non ci ho mai creduto. I never believed it. I never believed it. Ella se maquilla en público. She makes up in public. She makes herself in public. Si alguna vez decides vender tu antigua colección de grabaciones, ¡me la pido primer! If you ever decide to sell your old record collection, I want first dibs! If you ever decide to sell your old collection of recordings, I'll ask you first! Bon maten, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Aquera còrda qu'ei solida. This string is strong. Any rope that's solid. Dovrei annullare il mio viaggio a Los Angeles. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel my trip to Los Angeles. El casa de Tom ya destruí plenamente. Tom's house was completely destroyed. Tom's house is already completely destroyed. Ahir vaig sentir una cançó bonica. I heard a beautiful song yesterday. I heard a beautiful song yesterday. No todo en este mundo se mide en dinero. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Not everything in this world is measured in money. No quiere más yo man-embusterías. I don't want to lie anymore. He doesn't want me to be a jerk anymore. Li vaig agrair el que va fer. I thanked him for what he had done. I thanked him for what he did. Eu sempre gostei de Tom. I always liked Tom. I always liked Tom. Tú sabes que odio las reuniones. You know I hate meetings. You know I hate meetings. Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1922. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Mustafah Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1922. Voi avete mai letto un libro in francese? Have you ever read a book in French? Have you ever read a book in French? Diedi un libro al ragazzo. I gave the boy a book. I gave the boy a book. Penso en tu. I'm thinking about you. I think of you. Estuve con una familia estadounidense. I stayed with an American family. I was with an American family. Tom aínda non sabe nadar. Tom can't swim yet. Tom still can't swim. À quelle heure ça ferme ? What time does it close? What time is it closing? Mary le aconsejó a Tom ahorrar un poco de dinero cada mes. Mary advised Tom to save a little money each month. Mary advised Tom to save some money every month. Eu voi mânca. I will eat. I'll eat. Non voglio essere via da casa. I don't want to be away from home. I don't want to be away from home. Procure usted al menos llegar a la hora. At least try to come on time. At least try to get to the right time. Io non penso che la sua storia sia vera. I don't think her story is true. I don't think his story is true. Je commence demain. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Ridatemi quel telefono. Give me that phone back. Give me back that phone. C'est une autre histoire. That's another story. It's another story. O que você vai fazer? What are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Siete all'erta. You're attentive. You're on duty. L'anglès és la meva llengua materna. English is my mother tongue. English is my mother tongue. Quanto Tom te deve? How much money does Tom owe you? How much does Tom owe you? I soldi possono comprare la felicità? Can money buy happiness? Can money buy happiness? Îmi place cum zâmbești. I like the way you smile. I like the way you smile. Non assumono abbastanza persone. They don't employ enough people. They don't take enough people. Questa è libera. This one's free. This is free. Me fas falta! I miss you! I need you! Me encanta aprender otras lenguas. I love learning other languages. I love learning other languages. ¿Habéis olvidado la contraseña? Have you forgotten the password? Have you forgotten the password? Io non piaccio neppure ai miei genitori. Even my parents don't like me. I don't even like my parents. Es-tu encore contrarié à propos de ce qui a eu lieu ? Are you still upset about what happened? Are you still upset about what happened? Puxo unha gorra na cabeza. He put a cap on his head. He put a hat on his head. No puedo esperar más a que la primavera llegue para así poder sentarnos bajo el guindo. I can't wait for spring to come so we can sit under the cherry trees. I can't wait any longer for spring to come so that we can sit under the handle. A lontra brincava no rio. The otter was playing in the river. The lontra played in the river. La stanza è troppo piccola. The room is too small. The room is too small. Lis-tu « Le Comte de Monte-Cristo » ? Are you reading "The Count of Monte Cristo"? Do you read "Le Comte de Monte-Christo"? El profesor les riñó. They were scolded by the teacher. The teacher laughed at them. ¿Está alguien contigo? Is there someone with you? Is someone with you? Je parie que tu parles de Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. Imagino que es hora de dejarlo. I guess it's time to stop this. I imagine it's time to leave him. Por favor quita tu libro de esta mesa. Please take your book off this table. Please remove your book from this table. No ha vist a ningú. He didn't see anybody. He hasn't seen anyone. Ya verás. You'll see. You'll see. Chi le ha insegnato il tedesco? Who taught you German? Who taught you German? J'avais envie de pleurer à ces nouvelles. I felt like crying at the news. I wanted to cry about this news. Vous a-t-on dit quand vous êtes attendu ici ? Have you been told when you are expected to be here? Did you say when you were waiting here? Vuoi dei bambini? Do you want kids? You want kids? Tom a l'air très heureux. Tom seems very happy. Tom seems very happy. Estoy seguro de que va a ganar. I am sure that he will win. I'm sure you'll win. Vem com a gente. Come along. Come with us. Solo lo diré una vez: no hay ni habrá nada entre nosotros. I'll just say it once: there isn't and there's not going to be anything between us. I will only say it once: there is neither there nor there will be anything between us. Pensi che io sembri grassa? Do you think I look fat? You think I look fat? Tom recogerá a los niños después de la escuela. Tom will pick the kids up after school. Tom will pick up the kids after school. Tom compongué un sonet. Tom composed a sonnet. Tom made up a sound. Imagino que es hora de pararlo. I guess it's time to stop this. I imagine it's time to stop him. Han pasado cinco años, aún lo recuerdo. It has been five years, I still remember it. It's been five years, I still remember. Chiel a l'ha lesù trantetrè lìber st'ann. He's read thirty-three books this year. Chiel's got those trentetre lìber st'ann. Tom arată tânăr. Tom looks youthful. Tom looks young. Tom dovette andare all'ospedale. Tom had to go to the hospital. Tom had to go to the hospital. Vocês precisam de um rei? Do you need a king? Do you need a king? É a primeira vez que eu cometo um erro assim. This is the first time I've ever made a mistake like this. It's the first time I've ever made such a mistake. Tu hai mai provato il cibo giapponese? Have you ever tried Japanese food? Have you ever tasted Japanese food? J'ai les cheveux trop longs. My hair is too long. I've got my hair too long. Il tua le temps dans un café en regardant les filles passer. He killed time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by. He kills time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by. Eu fiz uma pequena apresentação esta manhã. I did a short presentation this morning. I made a little presentation this morning. Eu sabia que não deveria ter tentado fazer isso sem a tua ajuda. I knew I shouldn't have tried doing that without your help. I knew I shouldn't have tried to do that without your help. ¿Podo comprarche unha bebida? Can I buy you a drink? Can I buy you a drink? Tom agrandissait les photos. Tom was enlarging the photos. Tom was expanding the photos. ¡Me estoy poniendo chico! I am getting small! I'm getting a kid! Eu moro perto de uma represa. I live near a dam. I live near a dam. Am fost fascinat de frumuseţea ei. I was fascinated by her beauty. I was fascinated by her beauty. Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit du tout curieux. But I don't think it's at all odd. But I don't think it's curious at all. Això et posarà en perill. That'll put you in danger. This will put you in danger. Pouca gente se deu conta da ausência dela na festa. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Few people noticed her absence at the party. Yo averiguaré finalmente. I'll find out eventually. I'll find out. Le amiche di Shelley sono morte molto giovani. Shelley's friends died very young. Shelley's friends died very young. Ea a pus tava la cuptor pentru 10 minute. She put the tray in the oven for 10 minutes. She put the tray in the oven for 10 minutes. Los lobos deambulan por el bosque. Wolves wander in the woods. The wolves walk through the woods. Pense por si mesmo. Think for yourself. Think for yourself. Io addestrai Tom per il lavoro. I trained Tom for the job. I trained Tom for work. Deberías pasar más tiempo fuera y menos tiempo dentro. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. Se tutto va bene, arriveremo domani. Hopefully, we'll arrive tomorrow. If everything goes well, we'll be there tomorrow. Temos muito tempo. We have a lot of time. We've got plenty of time. È troppo caro! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Ele descansava sob uma árvore quando uma maçã lhe caiu sobre a cabeça. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He rested under a tree when an apple fell on his head. Falando da Mary, faz tempo que não a vejo. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her for a long time. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her in a while. Ele faltou no exame porque é um preguiçoso. He failed the exam because he's a slacker. He missed the exam because he's lazy. Estoy planchando mi vestido. I'm ironing my dress. I'm ironing my dress. Ya hacé aguáo el hielo cunel juice. The ice watered down the juice. I've already made ice as a juice. A América está mais dividida que nunca. America is more divided than ever. America is more divided than ever. Non aspettatevi pietà. Expect no mercy. Don't wait for mercy. Escribe un poema de cuatro estrofas de tres líneas cada una. Write a poem with four three-line stanzas. Write a poem of four three-line stanzas each. ¿De quién es este móvil? Whose cell phone is this? Whose cell phone is this? Él vacilaba entre la esperanza y la desesperanza. He fluctuated between hope and despair. He wavered between hope and hopelessness. Probablemente lo voy a usar de nuevo. I'll probably use it again. I'm probably gonna use it again. Tom desceu da árvore. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom came down from the tree. Tom acordou as crianças e disse-lhes para que se preparassem para a escola. Tom woke up the children and told them to get ready for school. Tom woke up the kids and told them to get ready for school. Es per tu. This is for you. It's for you. Eres mucho más alto de lo que solías ser. You are much taller than you used to be. You're much taller than you used to be. L'ho capito, OK? I got it, OK? I got it, okay? No es tonto, pero sí es absurdo. It's not silly, but it's ridiculous. It's not silly, but it's absurd. Soy nuevo en esto. I'm new at this. I'm new to this. Tom n'est pas apparu. Tom didn't appear. Tom didn't show up. Mon oreille me gratte. I have an itch in my ear. My ear scratches me. Tom me disse que queria mudar seu nome. Tom told me he wanted to change his name. Tom told me he wanted to change his name. Su padre es alto. Your father is tall. His father's tall. Adicione um pouco de açúcar, por favor. Add a bit of sugar, please. Add some sugar, please. Tom provavelmente sabe que Mary gosta dele. Tom probably knows that Mary likes him. Tom probably knows Mary likes him. Estou seguro de que se atoparán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure they'll be found exploits. Stanno tutti sorridendo. Everybody's smiling. They're all smiling. Intenta investigar en profundidade os valores culturáis que evidencia o teu texto. Try to investigate in depth the cultural values your text brings into evidence. Try to investigate in depth the cultural values that your text shows. Dov'era lunedì? Where were you on Monday? Where was that Monday? Tom está trabajando en un idioma artificial. Tom is working on a conlang. Tom's working in an artificial language. Tom plia ses chemises. Tom folded his shirts. Tom folds his shirts. El zero és un número especial. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. I disho el Dyo, sea luz, i fue luz. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And I gave the Dyo, be it light, and it was light. Desigur. Obviously. Of course. Lo men vièlh professor d'anglès dèu solide s'arrevirar dens la soa tomba. My old English teacher is certainly rolling in her grave right now. The old English teacher gave it solidly to crawl into his grave. Tom no aparece en la guía telefónica. Tom isn't listed in the phone book. Tom doesn't appear in the phone book. Non bevo alcool. I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. Espere um segundo. Hold on one second. Wait a second. Viene dalla Svezia. You come from Sweden. It's from Sweden. Sus poemas son difíciles de entender. His poems are difficult to understand. His poems are hard to understand. Sabe tu quien esos maga gente? Do you know who those people are? Do you know who those potty people are? Sos un buen amigo. You're a good friend. You're a good friend. No sé si ho sap. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. "¿Cuántos años ya evos?" "Diecisiete años ya yo." "How old are you?" "I'm already 17 years old." "How old are you?" "Ten years ago I am." Tom era troppo lontano per sentire Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Ce que vous ignorez ne peut vous faire de mal. What you don't know can't hurt you. What you don't know can't hurt you. Eu não acho. Tom didn't think so. I don't think so. Quand on demande de l'argent, il faut accepter certaines conditions. When we borrow money, we must agree on the conditions. When you ask for money, you have to accept certain conditions. O jantar provavelmente já está pronto. Dinner is probably ready by now. Dinner's probably ready. La revedere, ne vedem mai târziu. So long, see you later. Goodbye, I'll see you later. Queremos isso. We want it. We want that. Dime si se lo vas a dar o no. Tell me if you're going to give it to him or not. Tell me if you're gonna give it to him or not. Quiere yo tené un novio. I want a boyfriend. He wants me to have a boyfriend. Vous êtes revenus ici en courant. You ran back here. You've come back here. Je l'ai informée de mon départ. I informed her of my departure. I informed her of my departure. Éste es el señor Smith. This is Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Smith. Io soffrirei di claustrofobia. I'd suffer from claustrophobia. I'd suffer from claustrophobia. Este el llave que ta buscá tu? Is this the key you are looking for? Is this the key you are looking for? Tenho que falar com Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Não posso ouvir Wagner muito tempo. Começo a ficar com vontade de conquistar a Polônia. I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland. I can't hear Wagner long, I'm starting to feel like I'm going to conquer Poland. ¿Dónde está el dinero? Where's the money? Where's the money? Ellos tomaron mi plan. They took my idea. They took my plan. Ya palpá yo de suyo pututuy duro. I touched his hard penis. I already beat them to their hard way. El Dio ke no vos mate a ambos! Fuck both of you! The God who doesn't kill you both! Următorul lor atac a fost la nord-est de Paris în luna mai. Their next attack was northeast of Paris in May. Their next attack was to the northeast of Paris in May. Tiene un diccionario na recepción. There's a dictionary on the desk. He has a dictionary at the front desk. As-tu prêté de l'argent à mon frère ? Did you lend any money to my brother? Did you lend my brother some money? Tom nu a călătorit niciodată peste hotare. Tom has never traveled abroad. Tom never traveled beyond the border. Ella compró esa cámara cuando estaba en Japón. She bought that camera while she was in Japan. She bought that camera when she was in Japan. Não se iluda. Ele não te ama. Don't fool yourself. He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you. Le monde entier nous regarde. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching us. Lo pintaremos. We'll paint it. We'll paint it. Eu realmente quero ser feliz. I really want to be happy. I really want to be happy. Est-ce le tien ? Is it yours? Is this yours? Les ales d'aquest pardal estan trencades. This sparrow's wings are broken. The wings of this pardal are broken. Tom es un pecador impenitente. Tom is an unrepentant sinner. Tom is an impenetrable sinner. No puedo hablar Inglés, y mucho menos alemán. I can't speak English, much less German. I can't speak English, much less German. Nous nous rencontrons à un moment de tension entre les États-Unis et les musulmans à travers le monde - tension enracinée dans des forces historiques qui dépassent tout débat politique actuel. We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world – tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate. We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world - tension rooted in historical forces that transcend any current political debate. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Il travaille comme nègre. He works as a ghost writer. He works like a nigger. Estupa lo lum. Turn off the light. Fuck the light. Se le ve feliz. You look happy. He looks happy. Non mi sta ascoltando. You're not listening to me. He's not listening to me. Tom nos assustou. Tom scared us. Tom scared us. T'a-t-il montré le tableau ? Did he show you the picture? Did he show you the painting? Eu não estou com medo de Tom. I'm not scared of Tom. I'm not afraid of Tom. Tom a vrut să se oprească și să se gândească. Tom wanted to stop and think. Tom wanted to stop and think. Vino înspre mine. Come towards me. Come to me. Cuando ella se despertó tenía mucho frío. When she awoke, she felt terribly cold. When she woke up, she was very cold. Questa frase non ha autori. This sentence has no authors. This sentence has no authors. Le visage de Tom est rugueux car il a besoin de se raser. Tom's face feels rough because he needs to shave. Tom's face is rough because he needs to shave. Kon plazer. With pleasure. Have fun. Dopo aver raggiunto il rango di primo ministro, e con il sostegno entusiasta delle masse, sembra che sia in grado di esercitare i poteri presidenziali. Having reached the rank of prime minister, and with the enthusiastic support of the masses, it seems he is able to wield presidential powers. Having reached the rank of prime minister, and with the enthusiastic support of the masses, it seems that he is able to exercise the presidential powers. Ai întârziat. Ședința s-a terminat acum 30 de minute. You are late. The meeting finished thirty minutes ago. The meeting was over 30 minutes ago. La seva arrogància ja no és tolerable. His arrogance is no longer tolerable. His arrogance is no longer tolerable. Tom escreveu uma carta longa para Maria, mas não enviou-a para ela. Tom wrote Mary a long letter, but he didn't send it to her. Tom wrote a long letter to Maria, but he didn't send it to her. Crecí haciendo esto. I grew up doing this. I grew up doing this. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te peinaste el pelo? When was the last time you combed your hair? When was the last time you combed your hair? Adonde quiero ir es a Boston. Boston is where I want to go. Where I want to go is Boston. Come vorrebbe cambiarla? How would you change it? How would you like to change it? Isto é para você. This is for you. This is for you. No tinc valor per demanar-te un préstec. I haven't got the nerve to ask you for a loan. I don't have the courage to borrow. Quina navèra ? What's the news? What ship? El niño considera que hizo trampa en el examen. The boy deemed that he cheated in the examination. The child considers that he cheated on the examination. Este de mío vaca. This is my cow. This one of my cow. No menjaran carn. They will not eat meat. They won't eat meat. Qu'as-tu eu ? What did you get? What did you get? De tuyo se sen. It's your money. You're out of yours. Então, David, qual é o seu trabalho? So David, what is your job? So, David, what's your job? Fiduciosa come sono che tu non scherzi con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Trustful as I am that you do not joke with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles with the naked and cruel thought of such a possibility. Nunca lo he dudado. I never doubted that. I never doubted it. Tom encontrou Mary pela primeira vez em Boston. Tom first met Mary in Boston. Tom met Mary for the first time in Boston. É melhor você mudar. You'd better change. You better change. Sé que está usted contento por eso. I know you're happy about that. I know you're happy about that. Eu avisei para o Tom não comer o camarão. I advised Tom not to eat the shrimp. I warned Tom not to eat the shrimp. È dolce. It's sweet. It's sweet. Yan tampa nusabe si Tom el answer. Tom pretended not to know the answer. Yan covers us if Tom the answer. No le volví a ver. I saw him no more. I didn't see him again. Je vous verrai en Corée mes amis ! I'll meet you guys in Korea! I'll see you in Korea my friends! Tom ama uscire con i suoi amici. Tom loves going out with his friends. Tom likes to date his friends. Veig la lluna sobre l'horitzont. I saw the moon above the horizon. I see the moon on the horizon. Tout ceci est-il nécessaire ? Is it all necessary? Is all this necessary? Toco un poco la guitarra. I play a little guitar. I play the guitar a little bit. Te vei căsători cu ea? Are you going to marry her? Will you marry her? Dă-mi mingea. Give me the ball. Give me the ball. Tu l'as fait ! You've done it! You did it! Tom tinha de ir lá. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. Abans de posar-te a manar has d'aprendre a creure. Before you give orders, you must learn to obey. Before you get to command you have to learn to believe. Am mâncat toate bomboanele pe care le-am găsit în camera ei. We ate all the candies we found in her room. I ate all the candy I found in her room. Tom nunca me disse que iria renunciar. Tom never told me that he was going to resign. Tom never told me he'd give up. Este filme é simplesmente fantástico. This movie is just great. This film is simply fantastic. Tom no podía decidir por quién debería votar. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who he should vote for. No quiero que me vean con él. I don't want to be seen in his company. I don't want to be seen with him. O olhar dela expressava a sua alegria. Her look expressed her joy. Her eyes expressed her joy. Tom ajudou Mary a mover os móveis. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Cerca ya alás tres. It's nearly three o'clock. Close by three. Ballerò con loro. I'll dance with them. I'll dance with them. Tom esce dal lavoro alle cinque. Tom gets off work at five. Tom's leaving work at five o'clock. Pourquoi le lui as-tu fait ? Why did you do that to her? Why did you do it to him? Li ho visti ieri sera. I saw them last night. I saw them last night. Suo padre è un impostore. His father is an impostor. His father is an impostor. Non farti ingannare. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. Parlo un po' di inglese, però sfortunatamente non lo capisco molto. I speak some English, but unfortunately I don't understand much. I'm talking about English, but unfortunately I don't understand much. Tom pode partir amanhã. Tom can leave tomorrow. Tom can leave tomorrow. Nu te uita! Don't look! Don't look! Você talvez queira reconsiderar isso. You might want to reconsider that. You might want to reconsider that. Il regarda par-dessus son épaule. He looked back over his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder. Mi-a prezentat-o pe fiica sa. He introduced his daughter to me. He introduced his daughter to me. Tom ha iniziato a ballare. Tom started dancing. Tom started dancing. Prefiero el inglés a las matemáticas. I like English better than I like mathematics. I prefer English to mathematics. Elas são muito velhas. They are very old. They're too old. Ens vam perdre i, encara pitjor, ens va enxampar un xàfec. We lost our way, and what was worse, we were caught in a shower. We got lost, and even worse, we got robbed. También. As well. Also. Tom era straordinariamente bello. Tom was extraordinarily handsome. Tom was extraordinarily beautiful. Nu era nimeni acasă. No one was at home. Nobody was home. Uma bola acertou a perna direita dela. A ball hit her on the right leg. One ball hit her right leg. Maria disse que me amava, mas eu não acreditei nela. Mary said that she loved me, but I didn't believe her. Maria said she loved me, but I didn't believe her. No t'oblidis d'agafar el paraigües quan surtis. Don't forget to take your umbrella when you go out. Don't forget to take the umbrella when you get out. Anda yo durmí antes de alas 10 de noche. I'll go to bed before 10 pm. I slept before wings 10 at night. Si, rabiáo le. Yes, she is angry. Yes, he's angry. Je me sens confuse. I'm feeling confused. I'm confused. Llevó toda la tarde. It took all evening. It's been all afternoon. Tom parece estar tan solo. Tom seems so lonely. Tom seems to be so lonely. Todas las hojas del árbol se pusieron amarillas. All of the tree's leaves turned yellow. All the leaves of the tree became yellow. A che ora si è alzata ieri? What time did you get up yesterday? What time did she get up yesterday? Tu tanben i vas ? Are you going, too? Are you going too? Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nós dois temos sido muito, muito sortudos. We've both been very, very lucky. We've both been very, very lucky. Acest program TV este destinat copiilor. This TV show is aimed at children. This TV program is intended for children. Sei curioso, vero? You're curious, aren't you? You're curious, aren't you? Per la nostra època, hi havia molts estudiants que aprovaven l'examen de graduació sense estudiar. In our time, there were many students who passed the graduation exam without studying. By our time, there were many students who approved the undergraduate exam without studying. Esa solo es una excusa. That's just an excuse. That's just an excuse. La ciudad fue defendida por una gran armada. The town was defended by a large army. The city was defended by a great army. Vous devez lire le manuel avec attention. You must read the textbook closely. You must read the manual carefully. Akeya bisikleta no es tuya. That bicycle isn't yours. Akeya biikleta isn't yours. Cansáo ya yo trabajá. I am tired of my work. I'm done working. Nous avons des avis différents. We have different opinions. We have different opinions. Sírvase vostede. Help yourself. Please. Plasticul este cel mai răspândit tip de deșeuri marine. Plastic is the most prevalent type of marine debris. The plastic is the most widespread type of marine waste. Eu sabia que você faria o que pedimos. I knew that you'd do what we asked. I knew you'd do what we asked. Tom dove fa colazione? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Tom, where's breakfast? Il linguaggio cambia come gli esseri umani. Language changes as human beings do. Language changes like human beings. Él pidió disculpas. He made an apology. He apologized. Ho realizzato che era un errore. I realized it was a mistake. I realized it was a mistake. Hai detto a Tom perché vuoi andare a Boston? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Je peux personnellement vous en assurer. I can give you my personal assurance of that. I can personally assure you of that. J'ai étudié l'anglais pendant que j'y étais. I studied English when I was there. I studied English while I was there. Tom si chiedeva se Mary sapesse parlare in francese. Tom wondered if Mary could speak French. Tom wondered if Mary could speak in French. A mulher está em frente à biblioteca. The woman stands before the library. The woman's in front of the library. A me non piace il modo in cui sorride. I don't like the way he smiles. I don't like the way you smile. Per piacere, traducete questo testo giapponese in francese. Please translate this Japanese text into French. Please translate this Japanese text into French. Quiero viajar algún día al exterior. I want to go abroad someday. I want to travel abroad someday. Necesito tiempo. I need time. I need time. Te rog să te întorci de-ndată. Please come back at once. Please come back at once. Carne, por favor. Meat, please. Meat, please. Nous devons nous débarrasser de ces vieilles règles. We must do away with these old rules. We must get rid of these old rules. O dinheiro traz felicidade? Does money bring happiness? Does money bring happiness? Noi abbiamo finito. We're finished. We're done. Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, parler le plus lentement possible ? Could you speak as slowly as possible? Could you please speak as slowly as possible? Ele parou de rir. He stopped laughing. He stopped laughing. Personne n'est venu. Nobody showed up. Nobody's here. Je comprends tes raisons. I understand your reasons. I understand your reasons. Puteam vedea în depărtare luminile oraşului. We could see the lights of the town in the distance. I could see the lights away from the city. Tom e Mary ambos foram condenados à morte. Both Tom and Mary were sentenced to death. Tom and Mary were both sentenced to death. Per quel che so, Tom è in pensione. As far as I know, Tom is retired. For what I know, Tom's retired. La llibertat no és gratuïta. Freedom is not free. Freedom is not free. Sabe tu cuando el cumpleaños de Tom? Do you know when Tom's birthday is? Do you know when Tom's birthday? Eu gosto de pintar naturezas-mortas. I like to paint still lifes. I like to paint dead natures. Cred că dacă aș vorbi mai des cu un vorbitor nativ, abilitățile mele în engleză s-ar îmbunătăți repede. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. I think if I talked to a native speaker more often, my English skills would get better quickly. Amestecă în supă. Stir the soup. Mix in the soup. Vreau unul și eu. I want one, too. I want one and I. El gato de Tom esta malato. Tom's cat is sick. Tom's cat is sick. Queimei o céu da boca. I burned the roof of my mouth. I burned the sky out of my mouth. Il est mort dans mes mains. He died in my arms. He died in my hands. Eu estou estudando francês por conta própria. I'm learning French on my own. I'm studying French on my own. Tom è un uomo con molti talenti. Tom is a man of many talents. Tom's a man of many talents. Eu não quero reprovar nas minhas provas. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to fail my evidence. Non cercai di ucciderli. I didn't try to kill them. I wasn't trying to kill them. O novo aeroporto está sendo chamado de elefante branco. The new airport has been called a white elephant. The new airport is being called a white elephant. La sua condotta non ammette scuse. Your conduct allows of no excuse. His conduct does not admit an apology. Esse café está muito forte. This coffee is quite strong. That coffee's too strong. Vincere non è stato facile. Winning wasn't easy. Winning wasn't easy. Oui, je suis allé hier. Yes, I went yesterday. Yeah, I went yesterday. Tom encontrou uma solução. Tom has found a solution. Tom found a solution. Il est l'un de nos présidents les plus expérimentés. He is one of our most experienced chairmen. He is one of our most experienced presidents. Onde é a delegacia mais próxima? Where is the nearest police station? Where's the nearest police station? Como está indo seu trabalho? How is your work coming along? How's your job going? Descansemos por cinco minutos. Let's rest for five minutes. Let's rest for five minutes. Debemos volvernos a la edad media para rastrear su origen. To determine its origin, we must go back to the middle ages. We must return to the middle age to trace its origin. Cet édifice est très grand. This building is very large. This building is very large. Non ero felice di vederle. I wasn't happy to see them. I wasn't happy to see them. ¿No estuvieron ellos un largo tiempo en el pueblo? Weren’t they a long time in the town? Wasn't they a long time in the village? Le dije que lo hiciera. I told her to do it. I told him to do it. Muchos de mis amigos estuvieron en Japón este año. Several of my friends have been to Japan this year. Many of my friends were in Japan this year. Quindi tu e Hanna state pensando di sposarvi? So are you and Hanna planning on getting married? So you and Hanna are thinking about getting married? Preciso de alguém com quem possa conversar. I need someone to talk with. I need someone I can talk to. ¿Tiene que irse ahora mismo? Does he need to go right now? Do you have to leave right now? Ele lamenta o fato de ter desperdiçado seu dinheiro. He regrets his having wasted his money. He regrets the fact that he wasted his money. Comprai questo per lei. I bought this for her. You buy this for her. Se fossi in lei, comprerei quello. If I were you, I'd buy that one. If I were in her, I'd buy that. Tenesh un shekel? Do you have a shekel? Tenesh a shekel? Él es muy sensiblero. He's very touchy feely. He's very sensitive. Te voy a hacer un favor. I'm going to do you a favor. I'm gonna do you a favor. Donde ya silá? Where are they? Where is she? Ela precisa perder alguns quilos. She needs to lose a few pounds. She needs to lose a few pounds. Je voudrais te voir demain. I'd like to see you tomorrow. I'd like to see you tomorrow. Tiene kitá visita. We've got a visitor. He's taken a visitor. Grazie per la tua onestà. Thanks for your honesty. Thank you for your honesty. Ha scordato qualcosa? Did you forget anything? Did you forget anything? Vous aimez ma fille ; mais êtes-vous sûr qu’elle vous aime ? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? You love my daughter, but are you sure she loves you? Ganhar las eleccions èra una victòria de las bèras peu partit deu candidat. Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party. Winning the election was a victory for the weakest ten candidates in the world. Ce zoo possède deux okapis. This zoo owns two okapis. This zoo has two okapis. Alice está corriendo para coger el autobús. Alice is running to catch her bus. Alice's running to pick up the bus. Son anniversaire tombe dimanche. His birthday falls on Sunday. It's a birthday grave Sunday. No puedo permitirme aceptar tu oferta. I cannot bring myself to accept your offer. I can't afford to accept your offer. Eu sou o filho mais novo da família. I'm the youngest child in the family. I'm the youngest son in the family. Cred că mi-ar plăcea să mă căsătoresc cu ea. I think I'd like to marry her. I think I'd like to marry her. Tom e Mary olhavam um para o outro. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Se lo dí al niñito. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to the little boy. Eu só queria algum conselho de alguém que já tenha estado em Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. Je pense que c'est évident, pas toi ? I think it's obvious, don't you? I think it's obvious, isn't it? Também gosto dessa cor. I like this color, too. I like that color, too. É o teu corpo; cuida dele! It's your body. Take care of it. It's your body; take care of it! Ya olvidá yo de mio antipara. I have forgotten my glasses. I've forgotten my anthem. Baklá yo, acabar? I'm gay, so? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Nu m-am distrat prea bine. I didn't have much fun. I didn't have much fun. Je l'ouvrirai. I'll open it. I'll open it. Vocês são ricas. You're wealthy. You're rich. La reunió de hui ha estat cancel·lada. Today's meeting has been cancelled. Today's meeting has been canceled. Non sono molto atletica. I'm not very athletic. I'm not very athletic. Ești fiica mea. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. I son content d'esse nèn na fomna. I'm happy because I am not a woman. And the sound of being a star. Le spectacle de travestis était spectaculaire. The drag show was spectacular. The transvestite show was spectacular. Io non ho ricevuto alcun avviso che lei sta arrivando. I haven't received any notice that she's coming. I didn't get any notice that you're coming. Şi pomul era deseori singur. And the tree was often alone. And the tree was often alone. Solía escribir un diario en inglés cuando era estudiante. I used to keep a diary in English when I was a student. I used to write a journal in English when I was a student. A união faz a força. Unity makes strength. The union does the strength. Eravamo tutte sedute. We all sat. We were all sitting down. Quelles sont les nouvelles? What's the news? What's the news? As placas de proteção em volta da chaminé estão danificadas. The flashing around the chimney is damaged. The protection plates around the chimney are damaged. O que você está pedindo a Deus? What are you asking God? What are you asking of God? Isto é amor verdadeiro. This is true love. This is true love. ¿Has decidido dónde vas a ir a estudiar al extranjero? Have you decided where you're going to go to study abroad? Have you decided where you're going to go to study abroad? À cause de la longue récession beaucoup de travailleurs sont sans travail. Because of the protracted depression, many workers are unemployed. Because of the long recession many workers are unemployed. Est-ce que Tom t'a appelé ? Tom called you? Did Tom call you? El mushteri no vino. The customer did not come. Mushteri didn't come. C'est une idée intelligente. That's a clever idea. That's a smart idea. Mary è eccezionalmente attraente. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Je ne veux pas jouer. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Io l'ho data a lei. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Les filles vont être en retard ce soir. The girls are going to be late this evening. The girls are gonna be late tonight. Qu'am escotat de plan entà ne pas mancar un sol mot. He listened very carefully in order not to miss a single word. That I heard of a plan was not to miss a single word. Quiere yo un ventilador. I want an electric fan. I want a fan. Eu estou sem ideias. I ran out of ideas. I'm out of ideas. Ce n'était pas lui. That wasn't him. It wasn't him. Nous n'avions pas tant faim que ça. We weren't all that hungry. We weren't so hungry. Perché non siete venute alla festa? Why didn't you come to the party? Why didn't you come to the party? Tom non ha mai ricevuto una risposta da loro. Tom never got an answer from them. Tom never got an answer from them. Tom a pledat vinovat pentru delapidare. Tom pleaded guilty to embezzlement. Tom pleaded guilty to delupidation. Digli di non essere in ritardo. Tell him not to be late. Tell him not to be late. Aqueste hèit muisha qu'ei aunèste. This fact shows that he is honest. That's the Auisha hat. Stia lontano dalla clinica. Stay away from the clinic. Stay away from the clinic. Él se caracteriza por tomarse mucho tiempo para tomar decisiones. He has a reputation for taking a long time to make a decision. He is characterized by taking a long time to make decisions. Je pensais que nous allions mourir. I thought we were going to die. I thought we were gonna die. Eu não gosto de areia. I don't like sand. I don't like sand. Tom e Mary vivono in una casa molto carina. Tom and Mary live in a very nice house. Tom and Mary live in a very nice house. OK, o senhor venceu. Okay, you win. OK, you won. Dans leur famille, ils ont toujours été agriculteurs de père en fils. In their family, they have always been farmers from father to son. In their families, they have always been father to son farmers. La ciudad de Grimbergen en Bélgica ha aprobado una ley que prohíbe a la gente hablar cualquier otra lengua excepto flamenco en toda la ciudad. The city of Grimbergen in Belgium has passed a law that prohibits people from speaking anything other than Flemish in the entire city. The town of Grimbergen in Belgium has passed a law prohibiting people from speaking any other language except flamenco throughout the city. Hoje esta loja não abre. We're closed today. Today this shop doesn't open. No necesito un abogado. I don't need a lawyer. I don't need a lawyer. El poate să vorbească franceza bine. He can speak French well. He can speak French well. Chiar nu trebuie să fac asta. I don't actually have to do that. I really don't have to do this. Asta te va salva de o mulţime de probleme. This will save you a lot of trouble. That'll save you from a lot of trouble. Îl puteţi folosi oricând. You can use it anytime. You can use it anytime. Levante a mão quando eu chamar o seu nome. Put your hand up when I call your name. Raise your hand when I call your name. Molts joves japonesos prenen pa per a esmorzar. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many young Japanese people take bread for breakfast. Espérons qu'ils n'y songent même pas ! Let's hope they don't even think about it. Let's hope they don't even think about it! Quelqu'un sait-il comment on peut gagner de l'argent en temps de crise ? Does someone know how to earn money in time of crisis? Does anyone know how to make money in times of crisis? Fas bona cara. You look good. You look good. C'est un vrai mec. He's a real man. He's a real guy. Gostaria de ligar. I would like to call. I'd like to call you. Vorbiţi chineza? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Tom marinò la scuola. Tom cut school. Tom marined the school. Andatevene dalla casa. Get it out of the house. Get out of the house. O homem está na cozinha. The man is in the kitchen. The man's in the kitchen. Seu tio aprovou o desenvolvimento da clonagem humana. His uncle approved the development of human cloning. Your uncle approved the development of human cloning. Tom colocou as suas coisas em uma caixa. Tom put his things into a box. Tom put his stuff in a box. Demasiado ejercicio hace más daño que bien. Too much exercise does more harm than good. Too much exercise does more harm than good. Tom não conseguia suportar a dor. Tom couldn't put up with the pain. Tom couldn't bear the pain. Liisa era stufa del rumore. Liisa was sick of the noise. Liisa was a noise stove. La început a făcut Dumnezeu cerul şi pământul. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At first God made heaven and earth. Tom, qui est devenu millionnaire par son propre travail, a vécu dans la misère quand il était enfant. Tom, a self-made millionaire, had lived in abject poverty as a child. Tom, who became a millionaire by his own work, lived in poverty when he was a child. Nous avons un lave-vaisselle. We have a dishwasher. We have a dishwasher. Ustedes dormían. You were asleep. You were sleeping. Îmi duc hainele la curățat de două ori pe lună. I take my clothes to the cleaner's twice a month. I take my clothes cleaned twice a month. Y a-t-il de mignonnes filles, dans ta classe ? Are there any cute girls in your class? Are there cute girls in your class? Layla contou à polícia que tinha sido espancada por Fadil. Layla told the police that she was beaten by Fadil. Layla told the police she had been beaten by Fadil. Tom è spesso in ritardo per la scuola. Tom is often late for school. Tom is often late for school. Ea este mult mai grea decât el. She's much heavier than him. She's a lot harder than he is. ¡Muere! Die! Die! Inspectez avec soin les buissons où les ennemis pourraient se cacher. Investigate thoroughly the bushes where the enemy may be hiding. Carefully inspect the bushes where enemies might hide. Voterai per lei? Are you going to vote for her? Will you vote for her? Creo que sobrevivirás. I think you're going to survive. I think you'll survive. Mi hermana fue a Italia a estudiar música. My sister went to Italy to study music. My sister went to Italy to study music. Vi o Tom na Austrália no mês passado. I saw Tom in Australia last month. I saw Tom in Australia last month. Les encantabas. They loved you. You loved them. Não o critique em público. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don't criticize him in public. No m'ha passat mai i toque ferro. That has never happened to me, touch wood. It's never happened to me and it's got to be iron. Lè Tom te reveye, li te jwenn Mary ap li yon liv nan biwo a. They walked side-by-side. When Tom woke up, he found Mary reading a book in the office. Nosotros tenemos bailes en la noche del sábado. We have dances on Saturday evening. We have dances on Saturday night. Quan te'n vas ? When will you leave? When are you leaving? En principe, pas seulement chez les humains mais aussi chez les animaux, une « parade sexuelle » survient, consciemment ou inconsciemment, à l'égard des individus de sexe opposé. As a rule, not only in humans, but also in animals, "sexual display" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, towards individuals of the opposite sex. In principle, not only in humans but also in animals, a "sexual parade" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, with respect to individuals of opposite sex. Fue un descuido de tu parte perder los documentos importantes. It was careless of you to lose the important documents. It was a carelessness on your part to lose the important documents. Me interesaría leer un libro sobre la historia de la risa. I'd be interested in reading a book about the history of laughter. I would like to read a book about the story of laughter. Je me suis bien amusé pendant la fête. I had a lot of fun at the party. I had a good time at the party. Penso molto a lui. I think about him a lot. I think about him a lot. No som la policia. We're not the police. We're not the police. Tengo que limpiar mi habitación. I have to clean my room. I have to clean my room. I miei genitori non ci punirono mai. My parents never punished us. My parents never punished us. Eu vou te mostrar exatamente onde encontrei isso. I'll show you exactly where I found this. I'll show you exactly where I found this. Estoy imprimiendo 100 páginas. I'm printing 100 pages. I'm printing 100 pages. Pode ser que ele goste do emprego dele. It may be that he likes his job. Maybe he likes his job. Ell no ha jugat mai al golf. He has never played golf. He's never played golf. Ebbe la sfrontatezza di chiedere del denaro. He had the nerve to ask for money. He had the misfortune to ask for money. Non è sempre occupato, vero? He isn't always busy, is he? He's not always busy, is he? "De qui és la cadira?" "La cadira és meva". "Whose chair is this?" "It is mine." "Who's the chair?" "The chair is mine." Tom es moendiz. Tom is an engineer. Tom's a moendiz. Este método é confiável. This method is sure to work. This method is reliable. Soyez plus flexible. Be more flexible. Be more flexible. Mă bucur să te cunosc. Pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you. È interessante com'è capitato. It's interesting how it happened. It's interesting how it happened. Tom e Mary hanno lasciato la festa assieme. Tom and Mary left the party together. Tom and Mary left the party together. מילייוניס די מוסולמאנוס נו פוידין בﬞיסיטאר לה סיבﬞדאד סאנטה די ירושלים. Millions of Muslims can't visit the holy city of Jerusalem. The יייייייייה י י י יהה יה -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- ה -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י -- י. Ascoltavo la musica degli uccelli. I listened to the music of birds. I was listening to the bird music. Acele idei politice au apărut în India. Those political ideas arose in India. Those political ideas came up in India. Ya comprá yo cunel puerco ayer. I bought the pig yesterday. I already bought my ass poerco yesterday. Ta tomá vino si Tom. Tom drinks wine. Wine is taken if Tom. Qu'est ce qui te fait mal ? What hurts you? What's wrong with you? Você quer brincar com Tom? Do you want to play with Tom? You want to play with Tom? Bien kuríput si Tom. Tom is very stingy. Well done if Tom. Quisiera reservar una habitación en un hotel. I'd like to reserve a hotel room. I'd like to book a room in a hotel. Eixe text va tindre gran repercussió en les xarxes socials. This text had a great impact on the social networks. That text had a great impact on social media. Cuando Mary era una niña, su familia era muy pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a girl, her family was very poor. Quan de temps aquò preng entad anar d'ací dinc a l'ostaleria Hilton ? How long does it take to go from here to the Hilton Hotel? How long does this take to start going from here to the Hilton Hostel? Tom è il mio papà. Tom is my dad. Tom's my dad. Quem estava tocando? Who was playing? Who was playing? Ma mère m'adore. My mother loves me. My mother loves me. Anche tu verrai con noi? Will you come with us, too? You're coming with us, too? Loro hanno bisogno di noi per finire il lavoro. They need us to finish the job. They need us to finish the job. ¿A qué hora vas al mercado? What time do you go to the market? What time are you going to the market? Întotdeauna sunt ajutat de tine. I am always helped by you. I'm always helped by you. Siete sicuri che Tom non sarà arrabbiato? Are you sure Tom won't be angry? Are you sure Tom won't be angry? Je ne pourrais te dire pourquoi. I couldn't tell you why. I can't tell you why. Devolví los libros que había sacado de la biblioteca y me llevé prestados otros nuevos. I returned the books I borrowed from the library, and I borrowed some new ones. I returned the books I had taken from the library and borrowed new ones. Ha detto che avrebbe parlato con lui. You said you'd talk to him. He said he'd talk to him. Foarte! Very! Very! Eu disse que o ajudaria. I said I would help you. I said I'd help you. ¿Evos ocupado? Are you busy? Busy you guys? Ela foi promovida antes de os colegas mais antigos. She was promoted over the heads of her seniors. It was promoted before the older colleagues. Te rog, lasă-mă! Please go away! Please, let me go! Cale a boca! Isto só tem a ver com nós dois. Shut up! This only has to do with the two of us. Shut up, this has nothing to do with both of us. Quelle heure votre montre indique-t-elle, maintenant ? What time does your watch say it is now? What time does your watch indicate now? Miel dans la bouche et poison dans le cœur. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. As localidades impuxeron prohibicións ó desenvolvemento. Localities imposed bans on development. Localities imposed development bans. Son veuo tutto o dòppodisnâ do 27 de frevâ. I am free all afternoon on February 27. I am widowed all or dopodisnâ do 27 de frevâ. Il m'a fallu le faire. I had to do it. I had to. Esto saliendo. I'm leaving. It's coming out. Tom se quedó conmocionado cuando vio a Mary besar a John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kiss John. No tienes que creerme. You don't have to believe me. You don't have to believe me. Bien saláo el sopas na cacerola. The soup in the pot tasted very salty. Well, there's soup in the saucepan. Anda, no fue mi intención lastimarte. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Come on, I didn't mean to hurt you. Quem reclamou? Who complained? Who complained? C'est une relation sans issue. It's a dead-end relationship. It's an unsolved relationship. Cred că nu ar fi prea greu să vii cu un sistem mai bun. I think it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a better system. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a better system. Ëv rancontrëroma là. We'll meet you there. That's where it's run-down. Que prévois-tu de faire ce soir ? What do you plan on doing tonight? What do you plan to do tonight? Vai ser bom. It's going to be good. It'll be good. Nu avem vreun motiv să fim nervoși. We have no reason to be angry. We have no reason to be nervous. Tom a murit subit. Tom died suddenly. Tom died suddenly. Il nonno non è contento di avere novantasei anni. Grandpa is not glad to be ninety-six. Grandpa isn't happy to be ninety years old. Eles são sempre cuidadosos. They're always careful. They're always careful. Piotr se interessa por futebol. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotr is interested in football. Puedes confiar en mi. You can trust me. You can trust me. Só posso me culpar. I've got only myself to blame. I can only blame myself. Ora sa che non era colpa mia. Now you know it wasn't my fault. Now you know it wasn't my fault. Levantei muito tarde esta manhã. I got up very late this morning. I got up too late this morning. Je suis heureuse de le faire. I'm happy to do it. I'm glad to do it. T'ai-je allouée suffisamment de temps ? Did I give you enough time? Did I give you enough time? Isso faz sentido. That makes sense. That makes sense. Şi-a ţinut respiraţia. He held his breath. He held his breath. J'avais eu l'intention de me rendre à l'étranger. I had intended to go abroad. I intended to go abroad. Marie est de nature sociable. Mary has a social nature. Marie is of a social nature. Je considère cela comme de la discrimination raciale. I consider that racial discrimination. I regard this as racial discrimination. C'è bel tempo, vero? It's beautiful weather, isn't it? There's plenty of time, isn't there? Cayó enfermo de gripe. He came down with the flu. He fell ill with flu. Escutei o Tom espirrar. I heard Tom sniffle. I heard Tom sneeze. Andá yo dale comé cunel maga pato. I'm going to go feed the ducks. I'll go and eat him ass as a duck maga. Mi tía llevó una vida feliz. My aunt lived a happy life. My aunt took a happy life. Il y a cinquante états dans l'union. There are fifty states in the union. There are fifty states in the union. Cò' a l'é 'n "terpomo"? Un pom ant la tera, o na patata? What is 'terpomo'? An apple in the ground, or a potato? What's in the "terpomo"? An apple between the earth, or the potato? Elle aime beaucoup cuisiner. She has a strong liking for cooking. She likes to cook a lot. L'accident s'est produit il y a deux heures. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident occurred two hours ago. Lei ha lasciato che Tom la baciasse? Did you let Tom kiss you? Did you let Tom kiss her? Este es el perro de Tom. This is Tom's dog. This is Tom's dog. Estou aprendendo quéchua. I am learning Quechua. I'm learning Quechua. Você fez perguntas demais. You asked too many questions. You asked too many questions. Inizia a correre. Start running. Start running. Jogar tênis é fácil para mim. Playing tennis is easy for me. Playing tennis is easy for me. Poate că ar trebui să mă întorc altă dată. Maybe I should come back another time. Maybe I should come back another time. Te veo el lunes. See you Monday. I'll see you Monday. O hotel é de frente para o lago. The hotel fronts the lake. The hotel is in front of the lake. Ce doriţi: ceai sau cafea? Which do you want, tea or coffee? What do you want: tea or coffee? Mi devi credere. Io sono innocente! You have to believe me. I'm innocent! You have to believe me, I'm innocent! L'ampolla està plena. The bottle is full. The bottle is full. Este o fotografie recentă? Is it a recent picture? Is this a recent photo? Temos uma festa hoje à noite. We're having a party this evening. We have a party tonight. ¿De dónde has sacado esos zapatos tan raros? Where did you get those strange-looking shoes? Where did you get those weird shoes? Elle est bien venue ici. She did come here. She came here. Aqui ta duelé, no? Dolor se de barriga. The pain is here, right? That's a stomach ache. Here's your duel, right? Leul este regele junglei. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Es un poco tarde para plegarias. It's a little late for prayer. It's a little late for prayers. Nu era nici măcar un copil în parc ieri. There was not one child in the park yesterday. There wasn't even a kid in the park yesterday. ¿Cómo podría estar Su Majestad equivocada? How could Her Majesty be wrong..? How could His wrong Majesty be? Gràcies per venir, nois! Fins a la propera classe! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming, guys! Parlez des anges et vous entendez le battement de leurs ailes. Speak of angels and you hear their wings. Speak of angels and you hear the beating of their wings. Ja qu'estossi estadit, que contunhèi de tribalhar. Although I was exhausted, I continued to work. Since you're staying, it's still tribal. Ella estaba temblando mientras escuchaba las noticias. She was trembling as she listened to the news. She was trembling while listening to the news. Eu quero comprar um livro para ler no avião. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. Axudareite despois do traballo se non estou demasiado baldado. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. I'll help you after work if I'm not too loose. Com que frequência você toma banho? How often do you shower? How often do you take a bath? Mo ena trwa frer. I have three brothers. I have three brothers. Pisica ta este neagră. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Tom nada dins la ribièra. Tom is swimming in the river. Tom had nothing in the vibe. Los gatos duermen mucho. Cats sleep a lot. Cats get a lot of sleep. So Wang. My name is Wang. So Wang. Quel fruit aimes-tu le plus ? What fruit do you like the best? What fruit do you like the most? Io mi sento spesso depresso. I often feel depressed. I often feel depressed. ¿Qué diablos estás haciendo? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? No voy a ver a nadie más. I'm not going to see anybody else. I'm not going to see anyone else. Pra falar a verdade, eu não percebi. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. Actually, I didn't get it. Eles contrataram vários professores novos. They hired several new teachers. They hired several new teachers. Eu văd casa. I see the house. I see the house. Los expertos políticos han empezado a opinar sobre el discurso del presidente. Political pundits have begun weighing in on the president's speech. Political experts have begun to comment on the President's speech. È scossa. You're shaken. She's shocked. Pasar tiempo con tu familia debería ser tu prioridad. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Éste es mi coche. This is my car. This is my car. Me entristece oírte decir eso. It saddens me to hear you say that. It makes me sad to hear you say that. Viratz a man dreta. Turn to the right. Turn right. Foi isso o que o Tom disse? Is that what you said? Is that what Tom said? Si tu vois ou entends quelque chose, fais-le moi savoir. If you see or hear anything, let me know. If you see or hear anything, let me know. Se nos otorgaron uniformes. We were supplied with uniforms. We were given uniforms. Isto é tudo muito aproximado. This is all very approximate. This is all very close. Sus políticas fueron demasiado agresivas. His policies were too progressive. His policies were too aggressive. Ela admite saber o segredo. She admits knowing the secret. She admits to knowing the secret. Vocês já assistiram a alguma das conferências de Tom? Have you ever attended one of Tom's conferences? Have you ever attended any of Tom's conferences? De nombreux chiens ont en commun la manie d'aboyer sur les inconnus. Barking at strangers is a habit common to many dogs. Many dogs have in common the mania to support the unknown. Posso chiamarla domani? May I call you tomorrow? May I call you tomorrow? No puedo soportar más su comportamiento. I can't stand his behavior anymore. I can't stand his behavior anymore. El Sol és més gran que la Lluna. The sun is larger than the moon. The sun is bigger than the moon. Não reparei como ela estava vestida. I did not notice how she was dressed. I didn't notice how she was dressed. So un gato. I am a cat. I know a cat. ¿Estás seguro de eso? Are you sure about that? Are you sure about that? Est-ce le problème ? Is this the problem? Is that the problem? Il me faut quelqu'un à qui je puisse parler. I need somebody to talk to. I need someone I can talk to. Como fruta. I eat fruit. As fruit. Ya abrazá yo cun Emily. I hugged Emily. I'll hug you with an Emily. Nimic nu e mai prețios în lumea aceasta decât sentimentul de a fi dorit. Nothing is more precious in this world than the feeling of being wanted. Nothing is more precious in this world than feeling like it's wanted. Vorrei non avervi mai conosciute. I wish I'd never met you. I wish I'd never met you. De qué hè lo Ken adara ? What's Ken doing now? What's Ken going to do? Tom é sorrateiro. Tom is sneaky. Tom's a troublemaker. Non ho il tempo di leggere questo libro. I don't have the time to read this book. I don't have time to read this book. Le soleil se lève pour tous. The sun rises for everyone. The sun rises for all of us. Él volvió a casa tras haber estado fuera durante diez meses. He returned home after being away for ten months. He returned home after being away for ten months. Je suis inquiet pour la santé de ma mère. I'm worried about my mother's health. I'm worried about my mother's health. Pari plictisită. You look bored. You look bored. Esta computadora portátil es mía. This laptop belongs to me. This laptop is mine. Tom a gagné. Tom won. Tom won. Tom a crié. Tom shouted. Tom raised it. Je sais ce que vous avez fait la nuit dernière. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. Qu'èi crompat un parelh de cauçaduras. I bought a pair of shoes. That's a pair of locks. Tom apostou no cavalo errado. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. È un pittore, vero? He's a painter, isn't he? He's a painter, isn't he? Tom no va poder contenir les llàgrimes. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't contain the tears. Când noi am început, erau lucruri pe care nu le cunoșteam. When we started out, there were things we didn't know. When we started, there were things we didn't know. Tiene el doble de libros que yo. He has twice as many books as I do. He's got twice as many books as I have. Am deschis radioul. I turned on the radio. I opened the radio. Le bonheur ne consiste pas seulement à avoir de nombreux biens. Happiness isn't merely having many possessions. Happiness is not just about having many goods. Cred că Tom este imparțial. I think Tom is unbiased. I think Tom is impartial. Qu'ei la mea bicicleta. This is my bicycle. Here's to my bike. Avete i miei occhiali da sole e li rivoglio. You've got my sunglasses and I want them back. You have my sunglasses and I want them back. Tom non la dimenticherà. Tom won't forget it. Tom won't forget her. Ellos se besaron. They kissed each other. They kissed. Deve essere uscita. She must have gone out. He's got to be out. Solo quiero ayudar. I only want to help. I just want to help. Su bisikleta es mavi. Her bicycle is blue. Her bicycle's nice. Te contrazici singur. You're contradicting yourselves. You're arguing on your own. Îi știi pe toți. You know everyone. You know them all. Você pode me ensinar francês? Can you teach me French? Can you teach me French? C'est beaucoup mieux. This is way better. That's much better. Nu am nimic de pierdut. I've got nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Tom n'a pas besoin de savoir où je vais. Tom doesn't need to know where I'm going. Tom doesn't need to know where I'm going. La nena s'ha passat tot el dia plorant. The girl has spent all day crying. The girl's been crying all day. Te deranjează dacă deschid uşa? Do you mind if I open the door? Do you mind if I open the door? Estes são os meus amigos. These are my friends. These are my friends. Recibió un trato muy duro. He received rough treatment. He got a really tough deal. Uno diinyo tan embusterías. One of you is lying. A diinyo would be so misleading. Charra aragonés? Do you speak Aragonese? Aragonese charra? Avremmo dovuto provare più duramente. We should've tried harder. We should have tried harder. Voi volete essere famose? Do you want to be famous? Do you want to be famous? Tom cantou com Maria. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Maria. Sono vivi. They're alive. They're alive. Somos todos burros. We're all stupid. We're all dumb. Cred că te voi iubi mereu. I think I'll always love you. I think I'll always love you. Te pido que creas, no en mi habilidad para lograr el cambio, sino en la tuya. I'm asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about change but in yours. I ask you to believe, not in my ability to achieve change, but in yours. Difícil pará de fumá. It is difficult to give up smoking. Hard to stop smoking. Mangerà questo? Are you going to eat this? Will you eat this? Est-ce un bus ou une voiture ? Is that a bus or a car? Is this a bus or a car? Mi spinge nei cespugli. She pushes me into the bushes. He pushes me into the bushes. Este juego fue básicamente diseñado para ser usado con teclado y mando, pero la configuración sólo se puede realizar con un ratón. This game is basically designed for use with keyboard and gamepad but configuration can only be done by mouse. This game was basically designed to be used with keyboard and control, but the configuration can only be done with a mouse. חנה איס אונה גﬞודﬞייה ריפﬞורמיסטה. Hannah is a Reform Jew. יה יה וה יה וה יה יה יה ייה ייה ייה. Sono caduto dalla scala. I fell off the ladder. I fell off the ladder. Je ne sais tout simplement pas quoi faire. I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. Je ne suis pas allemande. I'm not German. I'm not German. Tom non ci ha dato nulla. Tom didn't give us anything. Tom didn't give us anything. Tom este în vacanță cu părintii săi. Tom is on holiday with his parents. Tom's on vacation with his parents. Que vòli ua guitarra. I want a guitar. I wanted a guitar. Noi non possiamo rischiarla. We can't risk it. We can't risk it. Elles doivent être lavées. They need washing. They must be washed. Nous ferions mieux de le laisser tranquille. We'd better leave him alone. We'd better leave him alone. Vou tomar o café. I will drink the coffee. I'll go get the coffee. A Muralha da China tem mais de 5500 milhas de comprimento. The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long. The Wall of China is over 5500 miles long. Il coniglio ha le orecchie lunghe. The rabbit has long ears. The rabbit has long ears. Esto ambezando ladino. I'm learning Ladino. It's betting Ladin. L'ha visto. He saw you. He saw it. D'après cette preuve, il est innocent. From this evidence it follows that he is innocent. According to this evidence, he's innocent. Sami pourrait revenir à la maison pour quelques jours. Sami might come home for a couple of days. Sami could come home for a few days. Alguém disse o meu nome? Did someone say my name? Did anyone say my name? Ay bailá kamé dos de Tom. I'll dance with Tom. All right, let's dance, let's go, let's go. Ils font grève pour obtenir plus d'argent. They are on strike for money. They're on strike to get more money. Cien años se llama un siglo. 100 years is called a century. A hundred years is called a century. Tu ne devrais pas laisser les enfants jouer avec le couteau de cuisine. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. You shouldn't let the kids play with the kitchen knife. Ton nom ne figure pas sur la liste. Tu n'es pas invité à la fête. Your name doesn't appear on the list. You're not invited to the party. Your name isn't on the list, you're not invited to the party. Vezi oameni în parc? Do you see people in the park? You see people in the park? Tom vorbește multe limbi străine. Tom speaks many languages. Tom speaks many foreign languages. Feliz dia de ação de graças. Happy Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving. Lo casau qu'ei enqüèra a l'ombra. The garden is still in shadow. The house around the corner is shaded over. Estamos no meio do nada. We're in the middle of nowhere. We're in the middle of nowhere. No puc planxar la meva roba. No tinc planxa. I cannot iron my clothes. I have no iron. I can't iron my clothes. La lettera d'amore dovrebbe averla raggiunta. The love letter ought to have reached her. The letter of love should have reached it. Tom abriu a boca. Tom opened his mouth. Tom opened his mouth. El e departe. He's far away. He's far away. Je m'en suis douté. I thought so. I doubted it. Tom mă așteaptă acolo. Tom is waiting for me there. Tom's waiting for me there. Mary nu are un soț. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary doesn't have a wife. Tom não tem certeza do que deve fazer. Tom isn't sure what he's supposed to do. Tom's not sure what he should do. Vexo o neno. I see the boy. I see the boy. Tom era reticent în a pleca. Tom was reluctant to leave. Tom was reluctant to leave. La rencontre d'athlétisme a été reportée d'une semaine. The athletic meet was put off until next week. The athletic meeting was postponed for a week. Non essere così formale, per piacere! Don't be so formal, please! Don't be so formal, please! Io sto provando a imparare l'inglese. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Ils étaient mus par la vengeance. They were motivated by revenge. They were mossed by revenge. Mi è stato rubato il portafoglio sull'autobus. I had my wallet stolen on the bus. My wallet was stolen on the bus. A me servono solo due di queste. I only need two of these. I only need two of these. É melhor você verificar isso. You'd better check that. You better check this out. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas reçu votre réponse. Regrettably, we have not received your reply. Unfortunately, we didn't get your answer. Quem você visitou ontem de tarde? Whom did you visit yesterday afternoon? Who did you visit yesterday afternoon? Lo men pair qu'ei a la soa cramba. My father is in his room. I guess that's what it's all about. Tom ha chiesto a Mary di uscire diverse volte. Tom has asked Mary out several times. Tom asked Mary out several times. En avons-nous tant besoin ? Do we need them that badly? Do we need it so much? ¿Cuál prefieres, éste o aquél? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Unos niños están jugando en el pasto. Some children are playing on the grass. Some kids are playing in the pasture. Cette caisse est légère. This box is light. This box is light. As-tu une tronçonneuse que je pourrais emprunter ? Do you have a chain saw I could borrow? Do you have a stretcher that I could borrow? Tom era arrabbiato perché non è stato invitato alla festa di Mary. Tom was angry because he hadn't been invited to Mary's party. Tom was angry because he wasn't invited to Mary's party. Lo siento. Nunca tuve la intención de lastimarte. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never intended to hurt you. ¡Fue un accidente! It was an accident! It was an accident! Me llamu Yamada. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. ¿De dónde evos? From where are you? Where did you come from? Io sto mangiando il mio pranzo. I'm eating my lunch. I'm eating my lunch. Lui è circonciso, anche se è ancora un bebè. He is circumcised, even though he is still a baby. He is circumcised, even though he is still a baby. ¡Encantado de conocerlos a todos ustedes! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Nombreux sont ceux qui, en Angleterre, veulent voir disparaître le financement public de la monarchie. Many in England want to see the public subsidy of the monarchy done away with. Many are those who, in England, want to see the public financing of the monarchy disappear. O recargado escritorio renxeu de novo. The loaded desk groaned again. Desktop reloading has reborn. ¡Increíble! Incredible! Incredible! Tienes derecho a la verdad. You have the right to the truth. You have the right to the truth. Ell va ajudar els pobres tota la seva vida. He helped poor people all his life. He helped the poor all their lives. Mi fido di Ken. I trust Ken. My trust in Ken. Sami a mers să înoate în fiecare Vineri. Sami went swimming every Friday. Sami went swimming every Friday. Libre tu mañana? Are you free tomorrow? Will you be free tomorrow? Je veux rêver. I want to dream. I want to dream. Abbiamo una perdita. We've got a leak. We have a loss. Perché date del denaro a Tom? Why do you give Tom money? Why do you give Tom money? Si quieres un lápiz, te prestaré uno. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. Se sembra come la guerra, se suona come la guerra e se uccide come la guerra, allora è effettivamente una guerra. If it looks like a war, if it sounds like a war and if it kills like a war, then it actually is a war. If it looks like war, it sounds like war and if it kills like war, then it's actually war. Vamos descobrir o que Tom quer que a gente faça. Let's find out what Tom wants us to do. Let's find out what Tom wants us to do. Noi non riuscivamo più ad aiutarle. We couldn't help them any more. We couldn't help them anymore. Dispari din fața mea. Get out of my sight. Get out of my face. Eso es muy peligroso. That's very dangerous. That's very dangerous. Tom tuvo un muy mal día. Tom had a very bad day. Tom had a very bad day. Todo mundo disse que não poderia ser feito. Everybody said it couldn't be done. Everybody said it couldn't be done. Sami a făcut o descoperire înspăimântătoare. Sami made a gruesome discovery. Sami made a frightening discovery. Notre école est très proche du parc. Our school is very close to the park. Our school is very close to the park. Elle a pris son temps. She took her time. She took her time. Curierul aduce ziarele indiferent de vreme. The newspaper boy delivers newspapers no matter what the weather is like. The courier brings the papers no matter how long. El teléfono sonó repetidamente. The telephone rang repeatedly. The phone rang repeatedly. Il a tenté de jouer deux personnages en même temps, mais ce fut un échec. He tried to play two roles at the same time and failed. He tried to play two characters at the same time, but it was a failure. Questa è una sera molto speciale. This is a very special night. This is a very special evening. Ho già un piano. I already have a plan. I already have a plan. Tengo miedo de que llueva mañana. I am afraid it will rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it'll rain tomorrow. Hoy hay más nubes que ayer. There are more clouds today than yesterday. Today there are more clouds than yesterday. Tengo muchas habilidades. I have many abilities. I have a lot of skills. Me da que no quieres ir. I assume you don't want to go. Give me you don't want to go. Ya nadie escucha. No one listens anymore. Nobody listens anymore. Quelqu'un nous a apporté des raisins. Someone has brought us some grapes. Someone brought us some grapes. Su esfuerzo dará fruto. His effort will bear fruit. Your effort will bear fruit. La chambre est nettoyée par Tom. The room is cleaned by Tom. The room is cleaned by Tom. La strada era affollata di persone. The street was crowded with people. The road was crowded with people. Los osos polares viven en el Ártico. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Ella estaba lista para enfrentar su destino. She was ready to face her fate. She was ready to face her fate. Estava frio ontem. It was cold yesterday. It was cold yesterday. Ella le compró una cámara. She bought him a camera. She bought him a camera. Imagino que sabes lo que hacer. I suppose you know what to do. I imagine you know what to do. J'ai ouvert un œil. I opened one eye. I opened an eye. Le nouveau passe-temps de Tom est d'attraper et de relocaliser des taupes vivantes. Tom's new hobby is catching and moving live moles. Tom's new pass-time is to catch and relocate live stoppers. Stavo solo parlando con lui. I was just talking with him. I was just talking to him. Queda con él. Make an appointment with him. Stay with him. Lo trin acaba de se n'anar. The train just left. The train just left. C'est une histoire intéressante. This is an interesting story. It's an interesting story. Esto es un portokal. This is an orange. This is a portakal. La maison puait. The house stank. The house was fine. ¿Qué harás con el dinero? Preguntó el policía. "What are you going to do with the money?", asked the policeman. What are you gonna do with the money? Que m'ei vengut ajudar. He came to my rescue. I've come to help. Odio los días fríos de invierno. I hate cold winter days. I hate cold winter days. Yo tenía un billete de veinte dólares pero lo perdí. I had a twenty dollar bill but I lost it. I had a $20 bill but I lost it. Tom mal sabe falar francês. Tom can barely speak French. Tom can hardly speak French. Andatevene! Get out! Go away! Este é um mapa da cidade de Sendai. This is a map of the city of Sendai. This is a map of the city of Sendai. E în bani. He is in the money. It's in money. O ábaco é um instrumento de cálculo. An abacus is a tool used in counting. The abacus is an instrument of calculation. A fost filmul bun? Was the movie good? Was it the good movie? Aqueth ostau qu'a shèis crambas. This house has six rooms. Aqueth dared that she had cracks. Je pense qu'il t'apprécie. I think he likes you. I think he likes you. Ela tem uma vida de luxo. She is a high-liver. She's got a life of luxury. - Asta pare destul de interesantă, spune Hiroshi. "This looks pretty interesting," Hiroshi says. - That sounds pretty interesting, says Hiroshi. Sei casuale. You are random. You're random. No estoy seguro de ganar el juego esta vez. I am not sure of winning the game this time. I'm not sure I win the game this time. Tom le dijo a Mary que lo hiciera de inmediato. Tom told Mary to do it immediately. Tom told Mary to do it right away. Le véhicule roulant à vive allure glissa et s'enfonça tête la première dans l'arrière d'un camion avant que son conducteur n'ait pu dire Jack Robinson. The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The live moving vehicle slips and heads first in the back of a truck before its driver could say Jack Robinson. Me cuesta tocar el piano. It is difficult for me to play the piano. It's hard for me to play the piano. Care pare a fi problema astăzi? What seems to be the problem today? What seems to be the problem today? Não se ouvem muitas notícias sobre a Armênia. We don't hear much news about Armenia. You don't hear much news about Armenia. Deve lavorare. You have to work. He's got to work. La smetta di balbettare. Stop babbling. Stop snooping. După toate aparenţele, e un om învăţat. To all appearances, he is a man of learning. After all appearances, he's a learned man. Ya comé yo un manzanas. I ate an apple. I already ate an apple. Je connais quelqu'un qui parle bien français. I know someone who speaks French well. I know someone who speaks French well. "Você ainda está zangado comigo?" "Não, de jeito nenhum." "Are you still mad at me?" "No, not at all." "Are you still mad at me?" "No, not at all." Pensa che Tom sia andato in Australia? Do you think that Tom went to Australia? You think Tom went to Australia? Aquesta arma a ua portada de 300 mètres. This gun has a range of 300 meters. This gun has a 300-metre cover. Que horrível! Eles apedrejaram o homem até à morte. How horrible! They stoned the man to death. They stoned the man to death. Moins une ! Nice timing. Less than one! ¿Te sientes amenazado por los semáforos? Do you feel threatened by the traffic lights? Do you feel threatened by traffic lights? Gente buena puede encontrarse en cualquier parte. Good people can be found anywhere. Good people can be found anywhere. Tom aime écouter de la musique pendant qu'il fait ses devoirs. Tom likes to listen to music while he's doing his homework. Tom likes to listen to music while he does his homework. L'oro è più pesante del ferro. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Êtes-vous sûr de ne pas connaître Tom ? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Él no tiene una pistola. He doesn't have a gun. He doesn't have a gun. Mi sono morsa il labbro. I bit my lip. I bit my lip. Que a paz, a misericórdia e as bênçãos de Deus estejam com você. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. May peace, mercy, and God's blessings be with you. Loro hanno comprato un pappagallo. They bought a parrot. They bought a parrot. Tom poderia ficar em Boston por bastante tempo. Tom could be in Boston for a long time. Tom could stay in Boston for a long time. Tom também não gosta de Maria. Tom doesn't like Mary either. Tom doesn't like Maria either. Vorrei che qualcuno lo chieda a Tom. I'd like someone to ask Tom that. I'd like someone to ask Tom. O que você faz depois da escola? What do you do after school? What do you do after school? Chi ci abita in questa casa? Who lives in this house? Who lives in this house? Ma mère se lève tôt chaque matin. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother gets up early every morning. Ya comprá le arroz. He bought some rice. He already buys rice. Citesc cărți. I read books. I'm reading books. Es-tu sincère ? Are you sincere? Are you sincere? El Tom està malalt, pel que no podrà fer això avui. Tom is sick, so he can't do that today. Tom's sick, so he can't do this today. A fost înmormântat în acest cimitir. He was buried in this graveyard. He was buried in this cemetery. La police a arrêté trois hommes. The police arrested three men. The police arrested three men. Personne de sa classe n'a su résoudre le problème. No one in his class was able to solve the problem. No one in her class was able to solve the problem. El este un om căsătorit. He's a married man. He's a married man. Que sia fèit de tira. Let it be done at once. Let him be a cop. ¿Es suficiente con 10 mil yenes? Will ten thousand yen do? Is that enough with 10,000 yen? Yo no me quejo. I'm not complaining. I don't complain. En ese caso, ¿qué leyeron? If so, what did they read? In that case, what did they read? Io ne ho bisogno. I need it. I need it. Vorrei insegnarvi il cinese in cambio di un'altra lingua. I'd like to teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me another language. I'd like to teach you Chinese in exchange for another language. Non ci può vedere. He can't see us. He can't see us. Es rico, ¡no necesita dinero! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He's rich, he doesn't need money! Cette séquence vous est offerte par la Société des Moteurs Ford. This segment is brought to you by the Ford Motor Company. This sequence is offered to you by the Ford Motors Company. Ne confruntăm cu o alegere dificilă. We are faced with a difficult choice. We're facing a difficult choice. Ta ulí yo sangre. I smell blood. I smell blood. Sto pronunciando correttamente il suo nome? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Am I correctly pronouncing his name? Non si trasferì. She didn't move. He didn't move. Tom ya ha prometido hacer eso. Tom has already pledged to do that. Tom already promised to do that. O homem que eu estava esperando não apareceu. The man I was waiting for didn't turn up. The man I was waiting for didn't show up. Tom tem várias sugestões. Tom has several suggestions. Tom has several suggestions. No veo una razón por la que debiera ponerlo en práctica. I see no reason why I shouldn't put it into practice. I don't see any reason why I should put it into practice. Si quieres ir a Israel, necesitas muchos shekels. El agua cuesta sólo 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need many shekels. Water costs only 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need a lot of shekels. Water costs only 0.50 . Él trabajó tan duro que lo logró. He worked so hard that he succeeded. He worked so hard that he did it. Penso che Tom sia insensibile. I think Tom is insensitive. I think Tom's insensitive. Sais-tu t'y prendre ? Can you handle it? Can you take it? Esta tarde estou livre. I am free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Siete strane. You're weird. You're weird. Io dubito che Tom sia single. I doubt if Tom is single. I doubt Tom's single. Él é doutor. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. ¡Feliz día de la independencia! Happy Independence Day! Happy day of independence! Tom e eu vamos nos casar. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. S'ha aprimat des del darrer cop que la vaig veure. Em pregunto si està malalta o què. She's grown quite thin since the last time I've seen her. I wonder if she's sick or something. She's been depressed since I last saw her, and I wonder if she's sick or what. Largo de suyo pelo. Her hair is long. Drop your hair. Ya puede yo mirá mujer de negro. I saw a woman in black. You can see a woman in black. Yo no le echo azúcar al café. I don't have sugar with my coffee. I don't make sugar at the coffee. O prédio branco foi destruído pelo terremoto. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. Isso pode te surpreender. It might surprise you. That might surprise you. Rob, andá a mirar la tele. Rob, go watch TV. Rob, go watch the TV. Non è forte. He isn't strong. It's not strong. Tom está preocupado com algo. Tom is preoccupied with something. Tom's worried about something. Io ho scritto loro una lettera. I wrote a letter to them. I wrote them a letter. Tom non si deve alzare presto domani. Tom doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. Seu pneumonia foi curado por meio de um milagre divino. His pneumonia was cured through a divine miracle. His pneumonia was cured through a divine miracle. Sé tocar el piano. I can play the piano. I can play the piano. È finalmente finito. It's finally finished. It's finally over. Foi muito bom. It was really good. It was very good. Oui bien sûr. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Mon opinion divergeait souvent de celles de mes parents. I was often at odds with my parents. My opinion was often different from that of my parents. Io spero che Maria scriverà presto. I hope that Maria will write soon. I hope Mary will write soon. Non è potuta venire per via della sua malattia. She could not come because of her illness. He couldn't come because of his illness. Eu gosto de estar preparada. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. Quanti ani gheto? How old are you? How old a ghetto? Esta es una historia tan triste. This is such a sad story. This is such a sad story. Vorrei andare a dormire ora. I would like to go to sleep now. I'd like to go to sleep now. Dica 'ahhh'. Say 'ahhh'. Say "ahhh." Ci siamo appena fermati. We just stopped. We just stopped. Vas-tu acheter cela ? Are you going to buy that? Are you going to buy this? Il nous faut sortir d'ici. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. El mamífero está muerto. The mammal is dead. The mammal is dead. Sunt aici să ajut. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Quando vocês viajarão a Paris? When will you travel to Paris? When will you travel to Paris? El deseo y la felicidad no pueden vivir juntos. Desire and happiness cannot live together. Desire and happiness cannot live together. No es solo una teoría. It's not just a theory. It's not just a theory. Com'è andato il suo appuntamento con lei? How was your date with her? How was your date with her? Elle a dit qu'elle a une idée. She said she has an idea. She said she had an idea. Por que ela está aqui? Why is she here? Why is she here? Stanno lavorando. They're working. They're working. Il joue là. He is playing there. He's playing here. Você pediu para me ver por quê? Why did you ask to see me? You asked me to see why? Tom ganha trezentos dólares por hora. Tom earns three hundred dollars an hour. Tom earns three hundred dollars an hour. Guardate, vi farò vedere. Look, I'll show you. Look, I'll show you. Il a mis le feu au bâtiment de l'école. He set fire to the school building. He set fire to the school building. Cuidado, hay un hueco en el piso. Be careful. There's a hole in the floor. Careful, there's a hole on the floor. Elle a abandonné ses enfants. She left her children behind. She abandoned her children. Ella sabe hablar bien español. She can speak Spanish well. She can speak Spanish well. Il n'y a pas d'autre explication. There's no other explanation. There's no other explanation. Habrá escrito una carta. He will have written a letter. He'll have written a letter. Vi consiglierei di lasciarli andare. I'd advise you to let them go. I'd advise you to let them go. Es justo lo opuesto. It's just the opposite. It's just the opposite. Si è preso un giorno di ferie oggi. He is taking a day off today. He took a holiday today. Sei sicuro che Tom ci abbia mentito? Are you sure Tom lied to us? Are you sure Tom lied to us? ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? Poate cineva răspunde la întrebarea mea? Can anyone answer my question? Can someone answer my question? É só uma questão de adaptação. It's only a matter of adaptation. It's just a matter of adaptation. Tom, si Mary esté. Donde ya tu? Tom, this is Mary. Where are you? Tom, if Mary is, where are you? Il est plus beau que tu le penses. He is more handsome than you think. He's better than you think. Mi reloj se adelanta un minuto al día. My watch gains one minute a day. My watch is running for a minute a day. Sunt prea multe lucruri de făcut! There are too many things to do! There's too many things to do! La mia umiltà mi rende fiera. My humility makes me proud. My humility makes me proud. Tatoeba ora contiene cinquecentocinquantacinque frasi in Klingon. Tatoeba now contains five hundred fifty-five Klingon sentences. Tatoeba now contains five hundred and fifty sentences in Klingon. Chi pensate che l'abbia detto a lui? Who do you think told him? Who do you think told him? Ele não reparou que a Mary e a Eve tinham entrado. He didn't notice that Mary and Eve had come in. He didn't notice Mary and Eve had come in. Deixem-me em paz! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Tengo que recuperarlo. I have to get it back. I have to get it back. Acho que você é a mulher que eu estive esperando por toda minha vida. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. Nu-mi place înotul în piscine. I don't like swimming in pools. I don't like swimming in the pool. Você tem que usar um capacete para protejer a sua cabeça. You have to wear a helmet to protect your head. You have to use a helmet to protect your head. Per favore, raccogli un po' di sterpi. Please gather some brushwood. Please, get him some stripes. Eu queria ser jornalista. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. Io non gioco più a golf. I don't play golf anymore. I don't play golf anymore. L'ho aiutato a scappare. I helped him escape. I helped him escape. Vous vous en êtes très bien sorti. You have done very well. You've done very well. Donde ya el barco? Where is the ship? Where's the boat? Les investissements directs en Chine s'élevaient à 3 milliards de dollars l'année dernière. Foreign direct investments in China amounted to $3 billion last year. Direct investments in China amounted to $3 billion last year. Ta amá silá uno'y otro. They love each other. She loves one and the other. Tom non vincerà ancora. Tom won't win again. Tom won't win yet. Mange tant que c'est chaud. Eat while it's warm. Eat as long as it's hot. "Ah !" est une interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. La avete aspettata? Did you wait for her? Did you wait for her? Tu ești singura persoană pe care o cunosc în Boston. You're the only person I know in Boston. You're the only person I know in Boston. No sabía que Tom y Mary se estaban muriendo. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. Am stat față în față. We stood face to face. I've been safe. Voglio che la cerchiate. I want you to look for her. I want you to look for her. Eu tenho certeza de que Tom será simpático. I'm sure Tom will be sympathetic. I'm sure Tom will be nice. ¿De quién son esos zapatos? Whose shoes are those? Whose shoes are those? Ella alzó la vista al cielo. She looked up at the sky. She looked up in the sky. Estes sapatos estão me matando. These shoes are killing me. These shoes are killing me. Eu não gosto de francês. I don't like French. I don't like French. Dì mach a gnun anté ch'it l'has 'vù sossì. Just don't tell anybody where you got this. Dì mach a gnun anté ch'it l'has' vu rest. Tienes que volver. You have to go back. You have to go back. Eya tyene ojos mavis. She has blue eyes. Eya tyene eyes mavis. Io devo essere punita. I have to be punished. I must be punished. Las plantas crecen rápidamente después de la lluvia. Plants grow quickly after rain. Plants grow rapidly after the rain. Tiene veinte tindero na tienda. There are twenty salespeople in the store. He's got twenty tinders at the store. No se puede huir de la edad. No one can escape growing old. You can't run away from age. Vamos esquecer os estudos e nos divertirmos hoje à noite. Let's forget to study and enjoy ourselves tonight. We'll forget our studies and have fun tonight. ¿Cúando te has levantado esta mañana? When did you get up this morning? When did you get up this morning? Io non credo a ciò. I don't believe this. I don't believe that. Tom è in garage, vero? Tom is in the garage, isn't he? Tom's in the garage, right? È un ingegnere ora, vero? He's an engineer now, isn't he? He's an engineer now, isn't he? A ţintit pasărea. He aimed at the bird. He targeted the bird. Ya nunca diré una mentira de ahora en adelante. I will never tell a lie from now on. I'll never tell a lie from now on. Sacá las naranjas de la heladera. Take the oranges out of the fridge. He pulled the oranges out of the refrigerator. Me gusta mucho haceros enfadar. I like making you mad. I really like to make you angry. A fantasma de Cock Lane é un conto de fantasmas inglés do século 18. The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century. Cock Lane's ghost is an 18th-century English ghost tale. Tom vino a mi casa ayer a la mañana. Tom came to my house yesterday morning. Tom came to my house yesterday morning. La policía le detuvo por robo. The police arrested him for theft. The police arrested him for stealing. Ele no puede vené por causa ocupao le. She couldn't come because she was busy. He can't come because I occupy him. Sami si è diretto verso il bagno. Sami headed to the bathroom. Sami headed for the bathroom. C'è qualcuno dietro di voi. There's someone behind you. There's someone behind you. Eu odeio dirigir em estradas de gelo. I hate driving on icy roads. I hate driving on ice roads. Beneficiile depășesc costurile. The benefits outweigh the costs. Benefits exceed costs. Lo necesito antes de mañana. I need it by tomorrow. I need it before tomorrow. Pertence a que agregado familiar? You belong to which household? It belongs to what family addition? Ne disposez-vous pas d'un appareil pour l'air conditionné ? Don't you have an air conditioner? Don't you have an air conditioner? I suoi giorni sono contati. Your days are numbered. His days are numbered. Quants pennies te cal per far una liura ? How many pennies does it take to make one pound? How many pennies do you need to make a pound? É muito arriscado. It's too risky. It's too risky. Trova errori in tutto quello che faccio. He finds faults with everything I do. Find mistakes in everything I do. Nulle part on ne put trouver l'anneau. The ring couldn't be found anywhere. We can't find the ring anywhere. Necesito algo con que escribir. I need something to write with. I need something to write to. O vinho acabou. We're out of wine. The wine's over. A polícia acabou por prender Tom. The police eventually arrested Tom. The police ended up arresting Tom. Io non sono Tom. Sono John. I'm not Tom. I'm John. I'm not Tom. Cela est-il disponible en une quelconque autre couleur ? Does this come in any other colour? Is this available in any other color? Acest produs prezintă defecte semnificative. This product has significant shortcomings. This product has significant defects. Io non ne sarei sorpreso. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Je suis trop jeune pour faire ça. I'm too young to do that. I'm too young to do that. Tom não quer olhar. Tom doesn't want to look. Tom doesn't want to look. Siempre que yo estoy en la cima de una montaña, me siento agradecido. Whenever I'm on top of a mountain, I feel grateful. Whenever I'm on the top of a mountain, I'm grateful. Lui chiede sempre la sua opinione. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks for his opinion. El combate duró una semana. The fighting lasted one week. The fight lasted a week. ¿Querrías agregarme a tu lista de contactos? Would you like to add me to your contact list? Would you like to add me to your contact list? L'ho inviato. Pregate per me. I sent it. Pray for me. Pray for me. Él es muy generoso, así que vayamos con él. He's very generous, so let's go with him. He's very generous, so let's go with him. Isso é o que você disse ontem. That's what you said yesterday. That's what you said yesterday. Nous allons avoir un bébé ! We're going to have a baby! We're gonna have a baby! Io ero maleducata. I was rude. I was rude. Nosotros vamos juntos en la escuela. We are at school together. We're going to school together. É meio-dia. It's midday. It's noon. Tom è fortunato ad avere un po' di risparmi. Tom is lucky to have some savings. Tom's lucky to have some savings. Va tornar a casa tres hores més tard. He came home three hours later. He came home three hours later. Pensei que você tivesse dito que gostaria de saber por que Tom fez isso. I thought you said you'd like to know why Tom did that. I thought you said you'd like to know why Tom did this. Dende aquela non podía nin mirar a súa nai. Since then she couldn't look up to her mother. From that I couldn't even look at his mother. Ne faites-vous pas toujours ce qui est attendu ? Don't you always do what's expected? Don't you always do what is expected? Eu espero que Tom não tenha se entediado. I hope Tom didn't get bored. I hope Tom didn't get bored. Stanno esaminando i campioni. They're analyzing the samples. They're examining the samples. Mi cacciò fuori di casa. He threw me out of the house. He kicked me out of the house. Je l'ai dit en plaisantant. I said it in jest. I said it when I was joking. Madrid est la capitale de l'Espagne. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Biroul lui este foarte aproape de al meu. His office is very close to mine. His office is very close to mine. N'as-tu jamais embrassé une fille ? Haven't you ever kissed a girl? Have you ever kissed a girl? El mi-a recunoscut prezența cu o înclinare a capului. He acknowledged my presence with a nod. He recognized my presence with a head inclination. Non ne parlerò. I'm not going to talk about that. I won't talk about it. Tom anda comendo carne de porco demais. Tom has been eating too much pork. Tom's eating too much pork. Anul trecut şi-a făcut un testament. He made a will last year. Last year he made himself a will. En Tom fa tot el que pot per estalviar. Tom does everything he can to save money. Tom does everything he can to save. Non è impossibile. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. A son ëmlon. They are melons. It's his emlon. Qual é a sua metáfora favorita. What's your favorite metaphor? What's your favorite metaphor? Por que policiais amam rosquinhas? Why do cops love doughnuts? Why do cops love doughnuts? Me han pescado. You've got me. They caught me. Dovremmo chiederlo a loro. We should ask them. We should ask them. Lei ha mai russato? Have you ever snored? Did you ever snort? La majoria d'escoles avui estan tancades. Most schools are closed today. Most schools are closed today. Ogni tanto gioco a calcio con mio fratello. Every once in a while I play soccer with my brother. Every now and then I play football with my brother. Voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que nous nous asseyions ? Do you mind if we sit down? Do you see a disadvantage in what we were sitting on? Yo so un gato. I am a cat. I'm a cat. Tout le monde vous appréciait. Everybody liked you. Everyone liked you. Vorrebbe andare con me? Would you like to go with me? Would you like to go with me? Cum știi că Tom nu e un vorbitor nativ? How do you know that Tom isn't a native speaker? How do you know Tom's not a native speaker? Avez-vous bu ? Have you been drinking? Have you drunk? Y a-t-il un problème avec ceci ? Is there a problem with this? Is there a problem with this? Apareció humo. Smoke appeared. There was smoke. Quando tornerete? When will you return? When will you be back? Ela estaba ansiosa por mor da saúde do seu fillo. She was anxious about her children's health. She was anxious because of her son's health. Sorrisi. I smiled. Smile. Este é um novo sistema? Is this a new system? Is this a new system? Tu gaspilles de l'eau. You're wasting water. You waste water. Tien la zuna de escargatiar nes ñarres. He's got the bad habit of picking his nose. It has the slurry zone in the gnats. À quelle heure prends-tu habituellement ton petit déjeuner ? What time do you usually eat breakfast? What time do you usually have your breakfast? Penso che ti preoccupi troppo. I think you worry too much. I think you worry too much. Bashustune. With pleasure. Bashustune. Calla i escolta! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Pare să fie bolnav. He seems to be sick. He seems sick. Je me souviens l'avoir rencontré à Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. ¿Alguien tiene alguna otra pregunta? Does anyone have any other questions? Does anyone have any other questions? Io ho dormito troppo. I slept too much. I slept too much. De ce nu poți fi mai atent? Why can't you be more considerate? Why can't you be more careful? Todos sabem que ela casou com ela por seu dinheiro. Everybody knows she married him for his money. Everyone knows she married her for her money. Su belleza lo encantó. Her beauty cast a spell over him. His beauty charmed him. El seu llibre és roig. Her book is red. His book is red. Tom no me contó el secreto de Mary. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. La vérité ? The truth? The truth? Tom mentiu para você. Tom lied to you. Tom lied to you. Li os dois livros. I've read both books. I read both books. Isso não foi ideia de Tom. This wasn't Tom's idea. That wasn't Tom's idea. Lui ha assunto dei mercenari per uccidere Sami. He hired mercenaries to kill Sami. He hired mercenaries to kill Sami. Escolho ver a perfeição divina, em todas as células do meu corpo. I choose to see the divine perfection in every cell of my body. I choose to see divine perfection in all the cells in my body. ¿Tienes alguna idea de por qué Tom desapareció? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Dându-i usturoi câinelui meu va cauza vreo problemă? Will feeding my dog garlic cause any problems? Giving my dog garlic will cause any problems? Tom ascendió la montaña con Mary, John y Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. L'été est la saison la plus chaude. Summer is the hottest season. Summer is the hottest season. Trabajé en una oficina de correo durante las vacaciones de verano. I worked in a post office during the summer vacation. I worked in a post office during the summer holidays. Je reviens la semaine prochaine. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. Dovrei lasciarle andare? Should I let them go? Should I let them go? C'est complètement faux. That's all wrong. It's completely wrong. Mwen te pè pale. I was afraid to speak. I hesitated to speak. Fes-ho com sigui. Do it by all means. Do it any way. Tom i-a prânzul cu Mary pe terasă. Tom is having lunch with Mary on the porch. Tom had lunch with Mary on the terrace. Todos os seus segredos foram revelados. All their secrets have been revealed. All your secrets have been revealed. Es que Tom no logra decidirse. Tom just can't make up his mind. Tom just can't make up his mind. "Tallí de tuyo tícket?" "No puede yo encontrá el de mío." "Do you have your ticket?" "I can't find mine." "How about your ticket?" "Can't I find mine." ¿Cuántos huevos pone esta gallina por semana? How many eggs does this hen lay each week? How many eggs does this chicken put in a week? Pensaba kamé nuay tu gustá. We thought you didn't like it. I thought you liked kamé nuay. Ese era nuestro único consuelo. That was our only comfort. That was our only comfort. Tom viene de una pequeña villa en el norte. Tom comes from a small village up north. Tom comes from a small villa in the north. Tenemos que usar cualquier medio para persuadirle. We have to use every means to persuade him. We have to use any means to persuade him. Il finlandese è finito. Finnish is finished. Finnish is over. O noso uniforme de educación física eran só pantalons cortos pero dende hoxe son mallas. Our P.E. kit was just shorts but now it's spats from today. Our physical education uniform was only short pants but from today they are meshes. Discutamos el problema. Let's discuss the problem. We'll discuss the problem. Eu realmente gosto de ópera. I really like opera. I really like opera. Diferenţe subtile în ton diferenţiază orginalul de copie. Subtle differences in tone discriminate the original from the copy. Subtle differences in tone differentiate the copy organelle. Això és exactament el què va passar. That's exactly what happened. That's exactly what happened. Faresti meglio a combattere il sonno. You'd better fight off sleep. You'd better fight sleep. No puede tu fumá adentro del elevator. You may not smoke in the elevator. You can't smoke inside the elevator. Dammene unna de quelle ciappellette. Give me one of those sweets. Give me one of those hats. Penso che dovreste chiederlo a lui. I think you should ask him. I think you should ask him. Fique quieto. Stay quiet. Be quiet. ¿Me harás el honor de cenar conmigo? Will you do me the honor of dining with me? Will you make me the honor of having dinner with me? Sono arrivata a Boston alle due e mezza. I arrived in Boston at 2:30. I got to Boston at two and a half. Por que o Tom compra coisas naquela loja? Why does Tom buy things at that store? Why does Tom buy stuff in that shop? À moins que vous n'aies des preuves, tu ne peux pas l'accuser de vol. You can't accuse him of stealing unless you have proof. Unless you have proof, you can't charge him with theft. Il céda. He gave in. He gives in. Isso seria muito triste. That would be very sad. That would be very sad. Eu gosto muito de você! I like you very much! I really like you! N'espérez pas que je souscrive à un tel mythe ! Don't expect me to believe such a tall story. Don't hope I subscribe to such a myth! Paris est à son meilleur en automne. Paris is at its best in autumn. Paris is at its best in the fall. Você está errada ainda. You're still wrong. You're still wrong. Favor quitá tuyo calcetín. Take off your socks, please. Please remove your socks. Ho intenzione di vedere la regina. I intend seeing the queen. I intend to see the queen. Mercamos unha mesa redonda. We bought a round table. We bought a round table. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ella allí? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Chacune d'elles reçut un cadeau. They each received a present. Each of them received a gift. Când am migrene, aspirina nu-mi atenuează durerea. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't relieve my pain. Nunca subestime o Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Vous devriez vous vêtir. You should put on some clothes. You should get dressed. È indifferente alla politica. He is indifferent to politics. It is indifferent to politics. Nous prévoyons de passer notre lune de miel à l'étranger. We're planning to spend our honeymoon abroad. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. Peu importe le rôle qu'il joue à l'écran, Tom est magnifique. No matter what he plays on the screen, Tom looks great. Whatever role he plays on the screen, Tom is beautiful. Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you! I would never betray him! A mãe do Tom teve problemas em lhe dar o remédio que o médico havia prescrito. Tom's mother had trouble getting him to take the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. Tom's mother had trouble giving him the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. Dove cucina? Where does she cook? Where's the kitchen? Cosa planeta el pinakacerca na Sol? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? What's the planet of the pinaka search in the Sun? Benvinguts a la Viquipèdia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Tom sempre compra "Sopa de Fada Mágica" no supermercado. Para que nenhuma suspeita caia sobre ele, sempre diz na caixa registradora que é para sua (imaginária) filha. Tom always buys "Magic Fairy Soup" at the supermaket. So that no suspicion falls on him, he always says at the register that it's for his (non-existent) daughter. Tom always buys "Magic Fairy Soup" at the supermarket. For no suspicion to fall on him, he always says in the register box that is for his (imaginary) daughter. Je suis désolé d'appeler si tard. Je voulais juste entendre votre voix. I'm sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry to call so late, I just wanted to hear your voice. Questo è illegale. This is illegal. This is illegal. Mia figlia è in ospedale, perché è rimasta ferita in un incidente stradale. My daughter is in hospital because she was injured in a traffic accident. My daughter's in the hospital because she was injured in a road accident. La fortuna non ha niente a che fare con essa. Luck has nothing to do with it. Luck has nothing to do with it. Você tem uma teoria? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? El discurso del político fue ofensivo. The politician's speech was offensive. The politician's speech was offensive. Voi veni să îl ridic mai târziu. I'll come to pick it up later. I'll come pick him up later. È magro. You're thin. It's thin. O Tom vai comprar uma casa nova. Tom is buying a new house. Tom's going to buy a new house. Azi-noapte a fost foarte cald și umed, așa că nu am dormit prea bine. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. Last night was very hot and wet, so I didn't sleep too well. Você consegue contar até dez em francês? Can you count to ten in French? Can you count to ten in French? Já leste o jornal de hoje? Have you read today's paper yet? Have you read today's paper? Em pregunto si vindrà demà. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. É caro demais. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Venha até mim se estiver com dificuldades. Come to me if you are in difficulties. Come to me if you're in trouble. Às vezes o Sami andava com uma arma. Sami sometimes carried a handgun. Sometimes Sami was carrying a gun. Tom no fue metido en la cárcel por espionaje. Tom wasn't put in jail for espionage. Tom wasn't put in jail for spying. Se sopravvivete, leggerete. If you survive, you will read. If you survive, you'll read. Sei un membro di questa società? Are you a member of this society? Are you a member of this company? Të sté da sol? Do you live alone? You're out of the sun? Tunis est la capitale de la Tunisie. Tunis is Tunisia's capital. Tunis is the capital of Tunisia. Usted tiene un agudo sentido de dirección. You have a sharp sense of direction. You have an acute sense of direction. C'è un po' di carbone nel flusso. There is some coal in the stream. There's some coal in the stream. Controlli in giro. Check around. Check around. Él es capaz de correr una milla en cuatro minutos. He is capable of running a mile in four minutes. He's able to run a mile in four minutes. An pisimyé légim kri ki légim kuit. I prefer raw vegetables to cooked ones. Crying crumbs. Eu saí. I left. I'm out. Tienes unos adorables ojos, ¿no es así? You have lovely eyes, don't you? You have lovely eyes, don't you? ¿Qué marca prefieres? Which brand do you prefer? Which brand do you prefer? Je ne pouvais simplement pas laisser ça arriver. I just couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't let that happen. Lui è uno dei miei migliori amici. He is one of my best friends. He's one of my best friends. Tom e Mary non vogliono parlare con te. Tom and Mary don't want to speak with you. Tom and Mary don't want to talk to you. Elle vit encore. It's still alive. She's still alive. Tom está esperando por Mary no bar. Tom is waiting for Mary at the bar. Tom's waiting for Mary at the bar. Ella es seis años mayor que yo. She is senior to me by six years. She's six years older than me. Lamento desapontá-lo. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Reste chez moi ce soir, s'il te plait. Please stay at my house tonight. Stay home tonight, please. Gluma ta este comică indiferent de câte ori o aud. Your joke is funny no matter how many times I hear it. Your joke is funny no matter how many times I hear it. Desearía que Tom no hablara siempre de trabajo. I wish Tom wouldn't always talk about work. I wish Tom hadn't always talked about work. París é unha das cidades que visitei o ano pasado. Paris is one of the cities I visited last year. Paris is one of the cities I visited last year. È pigro. You're lazy. It's lazy. No confio en els polítics. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. ¿Me puedes prestar el diccionario? May I borrow your dictionary? Can you lend me the dictionary? Me s'é addormia unna gamba. My leg is numb. I fell asleep with a leg. Ele adora ficção científica. He loves science fiction. He loves science fiction. O Tom se casou com a Mary mês passado. Tom married Mary last month. Tom married Mary last month. Buscaba un rincón del cielo donde guarecerse de la lluvia. Was looking for a corner of heaven to shelter from the rain. He was looking for a corner of the sky where he could recover from the rain. Je n'ai rien à te dire. I don't have anything to say to you. I have nothing to say to you. Andrei a Boston se ne avessi l'occasione. I'd go to Boston if I had the chance. Andrei in Boston had the chance. Personne ne pense cela. No one thinks so. Nobody thinks that. No ghe n'ò coæ d'andâ a caza! I can't be bothered to go home! You're not hunting coæ! O que o Tom está fazendo aqui? Eu pensei que ele estava em Boston. What's Tom doing here? I thought he was in Boston. I thought he was in Boston. Por que você está estudando alemão? Why are you studying German? Why are you studying German? Estoy perdido para siempre, ¿lo ves? ¡Estoy en un aprieto! I'm forever lost, can't you see? I'm in a bind! I'm lost forever, see? Me dá uma laranja. Give me an orange. Give me an orange. Treballen vuit hores al dia. They work eight hours a day. They work eight hours a day. O garoto usa óculos. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy wears glasses. Quem foi que Batman salvou? Who did Batman save? Who saved Batman? Almorzá. Have breakfast. Breakfast. El Dr. Patterson se comunicó con un gorila usando la lengua de signos. Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language. Dr. Patterson contacted a gorilla using sign language. Tom no pudo evitar oír lo que Mary le dijo a John. Tom couldn't help overhearing what Mary said to John. Tom couldn't help hearing what Mary told John. La sua irresponsabilità mi sbalordisce. His irresponsibility astounds me. His irresponsibility overwhelms me. Tom ligou para dizer que não pode vir para ajudar. Tom called to say he can't come to help. Tom called to say he couldn't come to help. Quero esquecer isso. I want to forget about it. I want to forget that. Você viu o meu tio? Did you see my uncle? Did you see my uncle? Ese é o feito que quero saber. It is the fact that I want to know. That's the fact I want to know. Estou procurando romances eróticos de ficção científica. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. La comida está fría. The food is cold. The food's cold. Qu'ei l'ora de dromir. It's time to sleep. It's time to drink. Je pense que nous connaissons tous les règles. I think we all know the rules. I think we know all the rules. Sper ca Tom să nu fi pierdut autobuzul. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. Hanuka alegre. Happy Hanukah. Happy Hanuka. Prefiero caminar solo. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Am făcut o plimbare prin parc. We took a walk in the park. I took a walk around the park. O sangue escorria do ferimento dele. Blood ran from his wound. His blood was blood from his wound. Ets més alt que jo. You're taller than me. You're taller than I am. Lavoro per Tom. I work for Tom. I work for Tom. O problema é que eles só pensam em si mesmos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is that they only think of themselves. Os preços são altos no Brasil. Prices are high in Brazil. Prices are high in Brazil. Nos rendemos. We surrendered. We surrender. Sono arrivata a casa e mi sono tolta le scarpe. I got home and took my shoes off. I came home and took my shoes off. Vozotras avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Vozotras avlash Ladino? Alenté a Tom a hacer ejercicio con más frecuencia. I encouraged Tom to exercise more often. I encouraged Tom to exercise more frequently. Las sillas necesitan ser reparadas. The chair needs to be repaired. The chairs need repair. È sotto al letto, vero? He's under the bed, isn't he? It's under the bed, isn't it? Tom hizo parar a Mary. Tom made Mary stop. Tom made Mary stop. Cosa farebbe Gesù? What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do? Ceea ce spune Tom este adevărat. What Tom says is true. What Tom says is true. Tu parli bene lo xhosa. You speak Xhosa well. You speak the xhosa well. Se sentaban. They sat down. They sat down. El seu llibre és roig. His book is red. His book is red. O software foi atualizado. The software has been updated. The software has been updated. Motobin ëd coste costrussion-sì a son Sit dl'Ardità Mondial. A great number of these buildings are World Heritage Sites. Motobin èd cost cost concussion-si a son Sit d'Ardità mondial. Lui prende in prestito l'automobile dalla sua vicina. He borrows the car from his neighbor. He borrows the car from his neighbor. Il est très frugal. He's very frugal. It's very frugal. Je te promets que je te protègerai. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. De qualquer maneira, eu não queria ir. I didn't want to go anyway. Anyway, I didn't want to go. Hola, mi nombre es John Reindle. Trabajo en la Embajada Americana de Praga. Hello. My name is John Reindle. I work at the American Embassy in Prague. Hi, my name is John Reindle, I work at the American Embassy in Prague. Utilizo una Mac y no puedo leer un fichero de Windows 95. I'm using a Mac and I can't read a Windows 95 file. I use a Mac and can't read a Windows 95 file. Mi-a luat mai mult de două ore pentru a traduce câteva pagini de limba engleză. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It took me more than two hours to translate a few English pages. Credo che tu le conosca. I believe you know them. I think you know them. ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol con nosotros? Do you want to play football with us? You want to play football with us? Podes causir lo líber que vòs. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose how to free yourself. Sunt suspectat? Am I under suspicion? Am I suspected? ¿Alguien lo ha visto ocurrir? Did anyone see it happen? Has anyone seen it happen? Ella vol tenir un fill el mes vinent. She will have a baby next month. She wants to have a child next month. Su sinceridad es una cualidad muy positiva, aunque no sin sus defectos. His openness is a very positive quality, although not without its drawbacks. Your sincerity is a very positive quality, although not without its defects. ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared. What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. What do we do with this white elephant that gave us your aunt? It's too ugly to hang him on the wall. Sabes dónde encontrarme. You know where to find me. You know where to find me. Ero incosciente. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. Ăsta e perfect. This is perfect. That's perfect. Tom s-a alăturat infanteriei marine. Tom joined the Marine Corps. Tom joined the marine infantry. J'ai un fils qui est en début de secondaire. I have a son in junior high school. I have a son who's at the beginning of high school. Me'l vaig trobar davant la verduleria. I met him outside the greengrocer's. I found him in front of the greenery. Tú faries el mateix per mi. You'd do the same for me. You would do the same for me. Le tomará dos horas terminar el trabajo. It will take him two hours to finish the work. It'll take you two hours to finish the job. Eu sou a pessoa mais preguiçosa que eu conheço. I am the laziest person I know. I'm the most lazy person I know. Se não está à venda, não faça propaganda. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. Elle a éclaté de rire. She burst into laughter. She started laughing. Donnez-moi du café s'il en reste. Give me some coffee if there is any left. Give me some coffee if there's anything left. Dove metto le mie borse? Where do I put my bags? Where do I put my bags? J'aime celle-ci encore davantage. I like this one even better. I like this one even more. Nous ne sommes pas encore certaines de ça. We're not certain of that yet. We're not some of them yet. Es muy divertido leer la carta que me envía cada mes. Reading the letter that he sends me every month is quite funny. It's really fun to read the letter you send me every month. Prefiero que Tom lo haga. I'd rather Tom do it. I'd rather Tom do it. Noi stavamo solo studiando. We were just studying. We were just studying. Je suppose que j'ai posé trop de questions. I suppose I asked too many questions. I guess I asked too many questions. Nous boirons à ta santé. We will drink to your health. We'll drink to your health. Je me suis remarié. I've remarried. I remarried. Pensé que no íbamos a hacer esto. I thought we weren't going to do this. I thought we weren't gonna do this. Tom abita a qualche isolato da Mary. Tom lives a few blocks away from Mary. Tom lives a few blocks away from Mary. Atz ua veitura ? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Unde este cea mai apropiată bancă? Where's the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Londres est l'une des plus grandes villes mondiales. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. La cultura de la droga tiene sus propias reglas. The drug culture has its own rules. Drug culture has its own rules. Ensemble, ils rassemblèrent des fleurs. They gathered flowers together. Together, they assembled flowers. Nusabe pa usá cuchara el batâ diútay. The baby cannot use a spoon yet. It's no good to use a spoon to beat it. Bien qu'elle ait beaucoup de faiblesses, je lui fais confiance. She has many faults, but I trust her none the less. Although she has many weaknesses, I trust her. Je veux que vous soyez revenue aujourd'hui. I want you back today. I want you back today. Eu acredito que ele seja realmente seu amigo. I do believe that he's your friend. I believe he's really your friend. No quiero esta camisa. I don't want this shirt. I don't want this shirt. ¿Estades listos para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? T'hauries d'haver aturat. You should've stopped. You should have stopped. Hay que trabajar duro y tener suerte para adquirir riqueza. It takes luck and hard work to achieve wealth. You have to work hard and be lucky to acquire wealth. Il te faut être plus organisée. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. Él es tan desalmado. He is so heartless. He's so discouraged. Ea are niște preconcepții puternice împotriva picturii abstracte. She has a strong bias against abstract painting. She has some strong preconceptions against abstract painting. ¿Por qué están haciendo esto? Why are you doing this? Why are they doing this? Le service dans ce restaurant n'est pas très rapide. The service in this restaurant is none too fast. Service in this restaurant is not very fast. Bangkok és la capital de Tailàndia. Bangkok is Thailand's capital city. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Tatăl lui Tom este la închisoare. Tom's father is in prison. Tom's father is in prison. Vas-y et parle. Go ahead and talk. Go talk to him. Le produit de deux nombres négatifs est positif. The product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is positive. ¿Por qué no solo te callas? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you just shut up? Ils sont très intéressés par l'astronomie. They are very interested in astronomy. They are very interested in astronomy. Je dois m'habiller pour l'école. I've got to get dressed for school. I have to get dressed for school. Ele ainda me liga de vez em quando. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. Por que no quiere si Tom comé pescáo? Why doesn't Tom like to eat fish? Why don't you want Tom to eat fish? Tom smise di piangere non appena vide Mary e John. Tom stopped crying as soon as he saw Mary and John. Tom stopped crying as soon as he saw Mary and John. ¿Todavía tiene usted mi llave? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my key? Lei è la più alta. You're the tallest one. She's the highest. Et desitjo el millor! I wish you the best! I wish you the best! M-am săturat până peste cap de situația asta. I'm sick and tired of this situation. I've had enough of this. Io vorrei che Tom fosse qui con noi oggi. I wish Tom was here with us today. I wish Tom was here with us today. Avete mai visto un panda? Have you ever seen a panda? Have you ever seen a panda? L'albergo può ospitare cinquanta persone. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. The hotel can accommodate fifty people. Mary transporte un spray au poivre dans son sac. Mary carries pepper spray in her purse. Mary carries a pepper spray into her bag. ¿Sabes si acaso vendrá a la fiesta? Do you know if he's coming to the party? Do you know if he's coming to the party? Datemi una pausa, per piacere. Give me a break, please. Give me a break, please. La structure de la maison devrait être terminée d'ici un ou deux jours. The frame of the house should be finished in a day or two. The structure of the house should be completed by one or two days. Voi mi avete deluso. You disappointed me. You let me down. Tu es fort craintive. You're very timid. You're very scary. Tom a pus o pernă sub capul Mariei. Tom put a pillow under Mary's head. Tom put a pillow under Marie's head. Vreau să îți cunosc familia într-o zi. I want to meet your family someday. I want to meet your family one day. El cântă întotdeauna când face duș. He always sings while taking a shower. He always sings when he's showering. No cabe duda de que el universo es infinito. There's no doubt that the universe is infinite. There is no doubt that the universe is infinite. Une souscription fut lancée afin d'ériger un monument à la mémoire du défunt. A fund was launched to set up a monument in memory of the dead man. A subscription was launched in order to erect a monument to the memory of the deceased. Tom não consegue se lembrar qual raquete de pingue-pongue é a sua. Tom can't remember which ping-pong paddle is his. Tom can't remember which ping-pong racket is yours. Tom non mangia carne o uova. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Eu vou contar a você o que é o amor. É muito embaraçoso. I will tell you what love is. It's very embarrassing. I'll tell you what love is, it's very embarrassing. On dirait que tu as envie de dire quelque chose. It looks like you want to say something. Looks like you want to say something. Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit déjà ? What did he say again? What'd he say before? Ele é mais velho do que qualquer outro aluno da sua classe. He is older than any other student in his class. He's older than any other student in your class. O jovem casal inspecionou o quarto. The young couple surveyed the room. The young couple inspected the room. Tom era sposato con un canadese. Tom was married to a Canadian. Tom was married to a Canadian. En vull! I want some! I want it! Debería haber sido más cuidadoso. I should have been more careful. I should have been more careful. Ele foi mordido na perna por uma cobra. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. He was bitten on his leg by a snake. On a dû faire sauter un fusible. We must have blown a fuse. We had to blow up a fuse. Obramos de buena fe. We act in good faith. We opened up in good faith. Je te rembourserai la semaine prochaine l'argent que je te dois. I'll pay you back the money I owe you next week. I'll pay you back next week the money I owe you. Eu amo o meu namorado bissexual! I love my bisexual boyfriend! I love my bisexual boyfriend! Lo so che Tom e Mary sono gentili. I know that Tom and Mary are nice. I know Tom and Mary are nice. È un po' sovrappeso, vero? She's a little overweight, isn't she? He's a little overweight, isn't he? ¿Vas progresando en tus estudios de inglés? How are you getting along with your English study? Are you making progress in your English studies? La gata de Tom esta malata. Tom's cat is sick. Tom's baby is sick. Cineva trebuie să fie tras la răspundere pentru moartea sa. Somebody has to be held accountable for his death. Someone must be held accountable for his death. Aproximouse á estación. He approached the station. He approached the station. El cosa mesa? Which table? The table thing? A algunas personas les gusta el verano, y a otros les gusta el invierno. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Some people like the summer, and others like the winter. Io so tutto di lei. I know all about her. I know everything about her. Ea a izbucnit furioasă. She flared up with anger. She got angry. Tom non vuole che lei lo faccia. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Tom doesn't want her to do it. Che ne dice di una birra? What do you say to a beer? How about a beer? Le state aspettando? Are you waiting for them? Are you waiting for her? Álif es la primera letra del alfabeto árabe. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Álf is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. El bebe parecía estar profundamente dormido. The baby seemed to be fast asleep. The baby seemed to be deeply asleep. Por lo que yo sé, él nunca ha llegado a tiempo. As far as I know, he has never come on time. As far as I know, he's never arrived in time. Devolveste os livros? Did you take back the books? Did you give the books back? Aquera sopa qu'a besonh de mei de sau. This soup needs more salt. Any soup that's worth half an o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' o' No recorde on ho vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Discutimos varias opciones. We discussed a number of options. We discussed several options. Estamos a punto de salir de aquí. We are about to leave here. We're about to get out of here. Nós não fomos para a cama até a meia-noite. We didn't go to bed until midnight. We didn't go to bed until midnight. Leyó esta poesía sólo una vez, no puede saberla de memoria. He read this poem only once, he can't know it by heart. He read this poetry just once, he can't know it from memory. Eu acho que é hora de dizer o que eu realmente penso. I think it's time for me to say what I really think. I think it's time to say what I really think. La tempête de neige s'est déchaînée durant toute une semaine. The snowstorm raged for a full week. The snowstorm has been falling for a whole week. Os filhos de Adão são membros do mesmo corpo; pois eles são criados do mesmo barro. Adam's sons are body limbs, to say; for they're created of the same clay. The children of Adam are members of the same body; for they are created of the same clay. N'assène pas des évidences ! Don't state the obvious. Don't draw any evidence! Gosto demais desse vinho. I really like this wine a lot. I like that wine too much. Volvió a casa. He went back home. He came home. Una banda dirigió la marcha por la ciudad. A band led the parade through the city. A band led the march through the city. Tom s'est noyé. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. È stato un inizio difficile per Mary. It was a difficult beginning for Fadil. It was a difficult beginning for Mary. Tom non sta contribuendo, vero? Tom isn't contributing, is he? Tom's not contributing, is he? Cwand est çk' i rvént? When will he be back? When does he get back? Je suis convaincu que mon fils est innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I'm convinced my son is innocent. A fost o plăcere să lucrez cu tine. It's been a pleasure working with you. It's been a pleasure working with you. Probabilmente non è una buona idea farlo adesso. It's probably not a good idea to do that now. It's probably not a good idea to do this right now. Yo estoy trabajando para que tú puedas aprender Quechua. I am working so that you can learn Quechua. I'm working so you can learn Quechua. Eu gastei todo o dinheiro. I've spent all the money. I spent all the money. Largo é o portão e extenso é o caminho que leva à destruição. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. Largo is the gate and extensive is the path that leads to destruction. O carro explodiu poucos instantes depois do impacto. The car exploded a few moments after the collision. The car exploded a few minutes after the impact. Onde está o outro? Where is the other one? Where's the other one? Él vendrá más tarde. He will come later. He'll come later. Combien la chemise coûte-t-elle ? How much does the shirt cost? How much does the shirt cost? S'est-il moqué de toi ? Did he laugh at you? Did he mock you? Je me suis bourré la gueule, hier soir. I got hammered last night. I kissed my mouth last night. Non ha richiamato nessuno la mia attenzione su di esso. No one called my attention to it. He did not draw anyone's attention to it. Il haletait. He was panting. He was whistling. Noi adesea dăm peste turiștii japonezi în această zonă. We often come across Japanese tourists in this area. We often go over Japanese tourists in this area. Ibricul fierbe. The kettle is boiling. The boiling pot. Elle a perdu la mémoire suite à un accident de la circulation. She lost her memory in a traffic accident. She lost her memory as a result of a traffic accident. Le conosco dal lavoro. I know them from work. I know them from work. Podésh entender a Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Nu pot să cred că Tom a mâncat totul. I can't believe Tom ate the whole thing. I can't believe Tom ate everything. Obrigado pelas sugestões. Thanks for the suggestions. Thanks for the suggestions. A căzut cortina. The curtain fell. The curtain's down. Os homens creem no que querem. Men believe what they want to. Men believe what they want. Tom avea doar trei dolari la el. Tom only had three dollars with him. Tom only had three bucks on him. La maison est vide depuis des années. The house has been empty for years. The house has been empty for years. Me sinto mal a respeito disso. I feel bad about this. I feel bad about that. Nessuno parla più con Tom. Nobody talks about Tom anymore. Nobody talks to Tom anymore. Risolviamo questo problema assieme. Let's solve this problem together. Let's solve this problem together. Tom espirra muito. Tom sneezes a lot. Tom sneezes a lot. La higiene personal es muy importante. Personal hygiene is very important. Personal hygiene is very important. Il a pris une importante décision. He has made a significant decision. He made an important decision. Portez-le sur le compte de ma chambre. Charge it to my room. Take him to my room account. É doi giac. I have two cats. It's two jackets. ¿A dónde iremos mañana? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? Ningunha muller mercaría iso. No women would buy that. No woman would buy that. Voy a acercarme a la tienda de juguetes con los niños. I'm going to the toy store with the children. I'm going to get close to the toy store with the kids. Il est ce qu'on appelle un pionnier. He is what we call a pioneer. That's what we call a pioneer. Prometto che non capiterà ancora. I promise that it won't happen again. I promise you he won't understand yet. Nu avea nimic de spus. She was at a loss for words. He had nothing to say. Eu não devo nada a ela. I owe her nothing. I owe her nothing. Este río desemboca en el Océano Pacífico. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. Não me deixe de novo. Don't leave me again. Don't leave me again. Ea este extrem de sensibilă la frig. She is exceedingly sensitive to the cold. She's extremely sensitive to cold. ¿Te importa que encienda la radio? May I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? Seu jeito acalorado de tratar as pessoas o tornou enormemente popular. His warm way with people had made him hugely popular. His heated way of treating people has made him enormously popular. Uma parte de minha Lisa ficou comigo. A part of my Lisa stays with me. Part of my Lisa stayed with me. Bon maintenant regarde, nous avons risqué notre peau pour toi. Tu pourrais au moins montrer un peu de reconnaissance. Now look here, we've risked life and limb for you. At least you can show a little appreciation. Well now look, we risked our skin for you. You could at least show some gratitude. Il a un penchant naturel pour la musique. He has a natural bent for music. He has a natural tilt for music. Eles adotaram o meu ponto de vista. They adopted my point of view. They adopted my point of view. Vull viure a una ciutat tranquila amb l'aire pur. I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean. I want to live in a quiet town with pure air. Aia e ideea mea. That's my idea. That's my idea. Sei competente? Are you competent? Are you competent? J'ai été accusé injustement. I was falsely accused. I was unjustly accused. Aqueth arrelòtge ne marcha pas. This clock isn't working. That clock doesn't go. A casa do Tom é por aqui em algum lugar. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Eu estava muito chateado. I was very upset. I was very upset. Sta studiando legge ad Harvard. He is studying law at Harvard. He's studying law at Harvard. O Tom tem certeza de que a Mary fará isso. Tom is sure Mary will do that. Tom's sure Mary's gonna do it. Vous n'avez pas le monopole du cœur. You don't have the monopoly of the heart. You don't have the monopoly of your heart. Benvingut a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Lui ha lanciato la palla in prima base. He threw the ball to first base. He threw the ball in the first base. Ella es buena en lo que hace. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. L'événement s'est ouvert avec une interprétation émouvante de l'hymne national. The event opened with a stirring rendition of the national anthem. The event opened with a moving interpretation of the national anthem. Vende aparatos de radio. He sells radios. Sell radio equipment. ¡Qué coincidencia! What a coincidence! What a coincidence! Necesita yo lé pero nuay yo maga libro! I need to read but I don't have books! I need to read it but nuay me maga book! Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès. I started learning English six years ago. I started learning English six years ago. Cred că am tendinită. I think I have tendonitis. I think I have tendinitis. Un peu de douceur peut dissiper l'amertume. A little softness can clear the bitterness. A little bit of gentleness can dissipate the bitterness. A Tom è piaciuta immediatamente. Tom liked it immediately. Tom liked it right away. Chi vedrà Vera l'amerà. Who will see Vera will love her. Whoever sees Vera will love her. Tom sembrava riluttante. Tom looked reluctant. Tom seemed reluctant. Onde está o garoto? Where's the boy? Where's the boy? Ellos siguieron peleando contra los invasores año tras año. They continued fighting against the invaders year after year. They continued to fight against the invaders year after year. Io ho sentito delle voci. I heard voices. I heard voices. Parece não haver necessidade de ir. There seems to be no need to go. There seems to be no need to go. Um bom casamento é aquele onde cada um nomeia o outro como guardião da sua solidão. A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. A good marriage is the one where each one appoints the other as guardian of his loneliness. Meus dedos estão cruzados. My fingers are crossed. My fingers are crossed. Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mother with the kitchen. Pensavo che fossi arrabbiata con lui. I thought you were mad at him. I thought you were mad at him. טום איס און פﬞילוזופﬞו. Tom is a philosopher. It is the first time you've ever done that, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you Todos vitorearon. Everybody cheered. They all won. Le poisson commun nage délicieusement. The common fish swims beautifully. The common fish swims deliciously. Tom lo fece per la sua famiglia. Tom did it for his family. Tom did it for his family. Acho que você deveria fazer isso. I think that you ought to do that. I think you should do that. Bite essaya de résoudre le problème, en vain. Dick tried to solve the problem, in vain. Bite tries to solve the problem, in vain. Lei sta imbrogliando. You're cheating. She's cheating. Veux-tu te taire ? Will you shut up? Will you shut up? O general norte-americano Custer foi derrotado na batalha de Little Bighorn pelos indígenas americanos em 25 de junho de 1876. The U.S. General Custer was defeated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Native Americans on June 25, 1876. The U.S. General Custer was defeated in the Battle of Little Bighorn by the Native Americans on June 25, 1876. Nos prestas un gran servicio. You're doing us a great service. You're giving us great service. Boston este un oraș mare. Boston is a big city. Boston is a big city. A festa está apenas começando. The party's just getting started. The party's just starting. La clase dominante ha supuesto que una feliz y productiva población con tiempo libre disponible es un peligro. The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a danger. The ruling class has assumed that a happy and productive population with free time is a danger. Papá administra la tienda. Father manages the store. Dad manages the store. No sé como puedo agradecértelo. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how I can thank you. O homem é mortal. Man is mortal. The man is mortal. Stanno venendo a casa. They're coming home. They're coming home. Il est vrai que je veux la connaître. It's true that I want to know it. It's true I want to know her. Lei guarda dei film? Do you watch movies? You watch movies? Eles são rivais. They're rivals. They're rivals. M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Ti ne veu aggiuttâ? Do you want to help us? Did you get it adjusted? Ses études l'absorbent. His study absorbs him. His studies absorb him. Îmi place foarte mult Google Drive. I really like Google Drive. I really like Google Drive. Usted hay estudía. You will study. You have a study. Corregid las siguientes oraciones. Correct the following sentences. Please correct the following sentences. Pájaro viejo, no entra en jaula. Old birds are not caught with chaff. Old bird, don't go into cage. Le temps file et n'attend personne. Time waits for no one. Time's running out and nobody's waiting. Ils ont bâclé leurs devoirs. They botched their homework. They've done their homework. La gente que quebranta la ley es castigada. People who break the law are punished. People who break the law are punished. Lei lo aiutò. She helped him. She helped him. O rosto de Tom ficou vermelho de raiva. Tom's face turned red with anger. Tom's face was red with rage. Has de mantenir la teva promesa. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. Veio alguém durante a minha ausência? Did anyone visit me during my absence? Did anyone come during my absence? Tiene que dejar Boston. You have to leave Boston. You have to leave Boston. Qual é a sua opinião sobre o sistema de educação japonês? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? Suas idéias são péssimas. Your ideas are terrible. Your ideas are terrible. Tom a l'era nèn n'òm përfet. Tom was not a perfect man. Tom was neither a father nor a father. Tom s-a rănit la mâna stângă. Tom hurt his left hand. Tom got hurt on his left hand. Los trenes se detuvieron debido a la lluvia torrencial. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. Trains were stopped due to the torrential rain. É o mesmo para todos. It's the same for everyone. It's the same for everyone. Me llamu Sasha. My name is Sascha. My name is Sasha. Se hai tempo, andiamo a fare shopping. If you have time, let's go shopping. If you have time, we'll go shopping. Ela lhe pediu dinheiro para comprar um vestido novo. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked you to buy her a new dress. Sa fille est malade. Her daughter is sick. His daughter's sick. Dite a Tom quello che avete detto a me. Tell Tom what you told me. Tell Tom what you told me. Houve um ritmo no meu sono. Quando acordei o perdi. Por que saí do abandono de mim mesmo, em que vivi? There was a rhythm in my sleep. When I woke up, I had lost it. Why did I leave the abandonment of myself, in which I lived? When I woke up I lost him, why did I leave the abandonment of myself, where I lived? Nu m-am gândit la asta. It never occurred to me. I didn't think about it. Parece que no hay mucho acuerdo en cuanto a cómo preservar las pruebas en esos casos. There seems to be little agreement as to how to preserve the evidence in such cases. There seems to be little agreement on how to preserve evidence in such cases. Vale a pena perder tempo tentando ajudar pessoas que não querem ser ajudadas? Is it worth spending time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Is it worth wasting time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? N-am fost de acord să-l plătesc pe Tom atât de mult. I didn't agree to pay Tom that much. I didn't agree to pay Tom that much. É um lixo não-reciclável It's worthless junk. It's unrecyclable garbage. A escola começa em 10 de abril. School begins on April the tenth. School starts on April 10th. Puis-je revenir ? May I come again? Can I come back? ¿Cómo se llama el restaurante? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of the restaurant? Nu-mi place să ies afară când este frig. I don't like going out when it's cold. I don't like getting out when it's cold. Estou bastante certo que é um erro. I'm fairly certain it's a bug. I'm pretty sure it's a mistake. Avevamo torto. We were wrong. We were wrong. OK, venceste. Okay, you win. OK, you win. Estou planejando visitar Boston no ano que vem. I'm planning to visit Boston next year. I'm planning on visiting Boston next year. Ta tomá si Tom café. Tom drinks coffee. It is taken if Tom coffee. Eu sei que vocês não se importam. I know you don't care. I know you don't care. Quello che intendevo dire era che non dovresti farlo. What I meant to say was that you shouldn't do that. What I meant was you shouldn't do it. La guerra civil de los Estados Unidos duró cuatro años. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The U.S. civil war lasted four years. Attenta! Il coltello è molto affilato. Careful! The knife is very sharp. The knife is very sharp. Era una calda sera d'estate. It was a warm summer evening. It was a hot summer night. Debemos conseguir hacerlo con lo que tenemos. We must make do with what we have got. We must be able to do what we have. Você deve se livrar de maus hábitos. You must rid yourself of bad habits. You must get rid of bad habits. Trabajaron como esclavos. They labored like slaves. They worked as slaves. Por enquanto eles não encontraram nada. So far, they've found nothing. For now they haven't found anything. Es todo lo que quiero hacer. It is all I want to do. That's all I want to do. ¿Lo intentas? Will you try? Are you trying? Avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Avlash Ladino? J'ai oublié où se trouvait la voiture. I forgot where the car was. I forgot where the car was. ¿Pueden esperar hasta mañana? Can you wait until tomorrow? Can you wait until tomorrow? Tom és vell. Tom is old. Tom's old. Algum dia, você me verá. Some day, you will see me. Someday, you'll see me. Quel couillon ! What a dope! What a coillon! Estudio latín porque es mi lengua favorita. I study Latin because it’s my favourite language. I study Latin because it's my favourite language. Perché pensate che sto mentendo? Why do you think I'm lying? Why do you think I'm lying? Que'm soi lavat la camisa. I washed my shirt. Let me wash my shirt. Lo trin acaba de partir. The train just left. The trin just left. Il régla le problème en un éclair. He fixed the problem in a jiffy. He regulates the problem in a flash. Eu apoiei-te e tu ignoraste-me. I stood up for you and you ignored me. I supported you and you ignored me. Tom foi para Boston de avião. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom flew to Boston by plane. Isso poderia ser meio inconveniente para você, não acha? That might be a little inconvenient for you, don't you think? That could be a little inconvenient for you, don't you think? Eya melda. She reads. Eya melda. ¿Cuál es la prisa? What's the hurry? What's the hurry? Todo mundo sonha. Everyone dreams. Everyone dreams. Amigos, estoy muy enfadado con vosotros. I'm really mad at you guys. Friends, I'm very angry with you. Lei deve andare. You need to go. You have to go. Nous ne sommes pas prêts à faire cela. We're not ready to do that. We are not ready to do that. Estupatz lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. Please strike the hynestron. Non mi vedranno senza un appuntamento. They won't see me without an appointment. They won't see me without a date. Tout le monde est devenu fou. Everyone has gone crazy. Everybody's gone crazy. Grasias! Thank you! Thank you! Ha scritto una lettera minatoria alla sua fidanzata. He wrote a threatening letter to his girlfriend. He wrote a threatening letter to his girlfriend. Spero che tu non sia arrabbiata. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not angry. Vous n'en êtes pas la seule responsable, je le suis aussi. You are not the only one responsible for it, I am too. You're not the only one responsible, so am I. Zilele acestea, răsfoind Wikipedia, am dat de Esperanto. Recently, while browsing Wikipedia, I came across Esperanto. These days, spreading Wikipedia, I gave it to Esperanto. Je veux être certaine que vous êtes celui que vous déclarez être. I want to be certain you are who you say you are. I want to be sure you're the one you claim to be. Ela nunca morou na Índia. She has never lived in India. She never lived in India. În primul rând, trebuie să vă dați seama de ce sunteți aici. First and foremost, you need to figure out why you're here. First of all, you need to figure out why you're here. Décroche de ça ! Come off it! Get the hell out of here! Tom și-a pierdut toți banii. Tom lost all of his money. Tom lost all his money. Fais attention avec ce truc. Be careful with that thing. Watch out for this thing. Deixao. Just leave it. Leave it. La rumeur s'avéra infondée. The rumor turned out to be false. Rumor has been infused. Si el budismo es atractivo, es porque aparece como una posibilidad de tocar el infinito y de obtener felicidad sin tener alguna obligación religiosa concreta. Un auto-erotismo espiritual en cierta medida. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility of touching the infinite and obtaining happiness without having any concrete religious obligations. A spiritual auto-eroticism of some sort. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility to touch the infinite and to gain happiness without having any particular religious obligation. A spiritual self-erotism to some extent. Te llamaré mañana. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Su técnica era la mejor. His technique was the best. His technique was the best. A vitamina C é também conhecida como ácido ascórbico. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is also known as as as ascorbic acid. Haga usted lo indicado en el prospecto. Do what's directed in the prospectus. Do as indicated in the package leaflet. Le médecin est corrompu. The doctor is corrupt. The doctor is corrupt. Lo que sucedió estaba fuera de mi control. What happened was out of my control. What happened was out of my control. Lei andò a Chicago in autobus. She went to Chicago by bus. She went to Chicago by bus. Elle est malade aujourd'hui. She is sick today. She's sick today. Il nous faut épurer le code. We need to DRY out the code. We need to clean up the code. Grasie tante. Thank you very much. Grassie so many. Știi de ce cerul este albastru? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? El gato de Tom esta malato. Tom's tomcat is sick. Tom's cat is sick. Eu comprei isto para a minha namorada. I bought this for my girlfriend. I bought this for my girlfriend. Hindê le ta fumá. He does not smoke. Hindus smoke it. Tom et moi ne sommes pas occupés. Both Tom and I aren't busy. Tom and I are not busy. Tom fue raptado en público. Tom was abducted in public. Tom was kidnapped in public. La contrasenya és "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". L'accident est survenu à ce carrefour. The accident happened at that intersection. The accident occurred at this crossroads. Voy a encender el calefactor porque hace mucho frío. I'm going to turn on the heater because it's very cold. I'm gonna turn on the heater because it's so cold. Piaţa respectivă s-a extins rapid. That market has been rapidly expanding. That market has expanded rapidly. Tom era un testimone collaborativo. Tom was a cooperating witness. Tom was a collaborative witness. ¿A Tom le gusta ver películas de horror? Does Tom enjoy watching horror movies? Tom likes watching horror movies? Nós encontraremos você lá fora. We'll meet you outside. We'll meet you outside. No se puede dar gusto a todo el mundo. You cannot please everyone. You can't please everyone. È spietato, vero? He's ruthless, isn't he? You're sorry, aren't you? Señor, unas disculpas no van a curar cientos de quemaduras de segundo grado. Apologizing isn't going to heal hundreds of second-degree burns, sir. Sir, apologies aren't going to cure hundreds of second-degree burns. Parleremo al piano di sopra. We'll talk upstairs. We'll talk upstairs. Isso é muito caro. That is very expensive. That's too expensive. Que soi de Shizuoka. I am from Shizuoka. That I'm Shizuoka. Tom ha spaventato le pecore. Tom scared the sheep. Tom scared the sheep. Când pisica nu-i acasă, joacă şoarecii pe masă. When the cat is not there, the mice are dancing. When the cat's not home, they play mice on the table. Je connais son secret. I know his secret. I know his secret. J'ai envie d'aller au cinéma. I want to go to the movies. I want to go to the movies. Elle avait justement ce jour-là de libre. She happened to have the day off. She had just that day off. Necesito contratar a un contador. I need to hire an accountant. I need to hire an accountant. Chi mi chiamò? Who called me? Who called me? Avez-vous envie de partir en balade à vélo ? Do you fancy going for a bike ride? Would you like to ride a bike? As cerejeiras estão em plena floração. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The cherry trees are in full bloom. Não se zangue, tio. Deixe disso! Venha jantar conosco amanhã. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't be angry, Uncle, let it go, come and have dinner with us tomorrow. Encontré mi sombrero en el coche de Tom. I found my hat in Tom's car. I found my hat in Tom's car. Ils doivent faire très attention. They have to be very careful. They must be very careful. Há quanto tempo o Tom estuda francês? How long has Tom studied French? How long has Tom been studying French? Eu gosto de ser espontâneo. I like to be spontaneous. I like being spontaneous. Ella va a la escuela nocturna. She goes to night school. She's going to night school. Todo de mío maga hermano tiene trabajo. All of my brothers have jobs. Everything my wizard brother has work to do. Il est l'heure de rentrer chez moi. It's about time I was going home. It's time to go home. Mi sono innamorato di lei dal momento in cui l'ho incontrata. I fell in love with her the moment I met her. I fell in love with her from the moment I met her. O meu carro é movido a álcool. My car is alcohol-powered. My car is moved to alcohol. O să fete pisicuți luna viitoare. She is going to have kittens next month. She's gonna be a cat girl next month. ¡Estás chalado! You're nuts! You're lying! Já limpou a banheira? Have you cleaned the bathtub yet? Have you cleaned the tub yet? Te juro que jamás lo volveré a hacer. I swear to you I will never do it again. I swear I'll never do it again. J'ai beaucoup d'amour pour vous. I have a lot of love for you. I have a lot of love for you. Alguma pergunta? Are there any questions? Any questions? Dizem que as caixas d'água de amianto podem ser um risco à saúde. They say that water tanks made from asbestos can pose a health risk. They say asbestos water boxes can be a health risk. Je sais que ce n'est pas vrai, mais il semble vraiment que le Soleil tourne autour de la Terre. I know it's not true, but it definitely seems like the sun revolves around the Earth. I know it's not true, but it really seems that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Quelqu'un a déchiré deux pages de ce livre. Someone has torn two pages out of this book. Someone ripped two pages out of this book. À l'heure actuelle, les États-Unis ont décidé de faire cavalier seul. At present the Unites States have decided to go it alone. At present, the United States has decided to ride alone. La voiture est assez neuve. That car is quite new. The car's pretty new. Qu'èran ad espiar la television. They were watching television. They're gonna be watching TV. Nous ne pouvons pas assez te remercier. We can't thank you enough. We can't thank you enough. Leila não imaginava que aquilo iria tão longe. Layla didn't imagine it would go this far. Leila didn't realize that would go so far. Cu toate acestea nu voi ști dacă a venit sau nu. However, I won't know whether he came or not. However, I will not know whether he came or not. Desearía que fuera posible. I wish that were possible. I wish it was possible. Vuole continuare a uscire con lei? Do you want to keep dating her? Do you want to keep going out with her? Ascoltiamo della musica. We listen to music. Let's listen to music. O Tom ouviu atentamente a Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Aprendan a disfrutar de la lectura. Learn to enjoy reading. They learn to enjoy reading. Ela me pediu que escrevesse uma carta para uma amiga que ela tem na Alemanha. She asked me to write a letter to a friend of hers in Germany. She asked me to write a letter to a friend she has in Germany. Chiese il mio perdono. He asked for my pardon. He asked for my forgiveness. ¿Cuál es el más caro de los dos? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which is the most expensive of the two? Tom continuava a provare a chiamare Mary, però lei non rispondeva mai al telefono. Tom kept trying to call Mary, but she never answered her phone. Tom kept trying to call Mary, but she never answered her phone. Si te perdieras en una multitud, te buscaría. If you got lost in a crowd, I'd search for you. If you got lost in a crowd, I'd look for you. Potrebbe aver ragione. You might be right. He might be right. O que causou este tumulto? What has caused this tumult? What caused this turmoil? Tu sais que je déteste cela. You know that I hate it. You know I hate that. Adam doit s'inquiéter pour lui-même. Adam has to worry about himself. Adam must worry about himself. No podré terminarlo a menos que tenga tu ayuda. I won't be able to finish it unless I receive your help. I won't be able to finish it unless I have your help. Uva argentina por cinco reais a caixa! Argentinian grapes for five reals a box! Argentinian grape for five reals the box! Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps. It takes more than one swallow to make a summer. A swallow doesn't do spring. Je ne veux pas en parler pour l'instant. I don't want to talk about this now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Tom encontró un trabajo de medio tiempo cerca de su casa. Tom found a part-time job near his home. Tom found a part-time job near his house. No, no veig la CNN. No, I do not watch CNN. No, I don't see CNN. Il est très difficile de garder propres des tapis blancs. White carpets are very hard to keep clean. It is very difficult to keep white carpets clean. Tre giorni dopo, Tom era morto. Three days later, Tom was dead. Three days later, Tom was dead. Questo mi è capitato. This happened to me. That happened to me. Aaron foi assassinado friamente por Mary. Aaron was coldly killed by Mary. Aaron was murdered coldly by Mary. Le dauphin et le dresseur communiquaient beaucoup mieux que nous ne nous y attendions. The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected. The dolphin and the dresser communicated much better than we expected. No sabemos lo que él hizo en la fiesta. We don't know what he did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. No México, fala-se espanhol. Spanish is spoken in Mexico. In Mexico, you speak Spanish. Non dovremmo andare a cercarle? Shouldn't we go look for them? Shouldn't we go look for them? Quero que você acompanhe de perto. I want you to follow closely. I want you to walk closely. Je veux ton papier sur mon bureau d'ici mardi. Have your paper on my desk by Tuesday. I want your paper on my desk by Tuesday. Stai mentendo. You are lying. You're lying. Os professores cumprimentaram os meninos. The teachers greeted the little boys. The teachers greeted the boys. Io avevo paura di parlare. I was afraid to speak. I was afraid to talk. No muestra sus sentimientos. He doesn't show his feelings. He doesn't show his feelings. Cuando era niño, iba mucho a pescar al río con mi hermano. When I was a little boy, I often went fishing with my brother in the river. When I was a child, I would do a lot of fishing on the river with my brother. De qué me cau véser ? What should I see? What do I think I'm looking at? Tom quiere estar en contacto con Mary. Tom wants to get in touch with Mary. Tom wants to be in touch with Mary. Fata aceea este arogantă din cauza frumuseții sale. That girl is arrogant because of her beauty. That girl is arrogant because of her beauty. Ningea. It was snowing. Ningea. A Tom a pias soa màchina neuva. Tom likes his new car. Tom's at his feet just a snow machine. Tom verrà presto. Tom will come soon. Tom's coming soon. Non sono mai stata rapinata. I've never been robbed. I've never been robbed. La seule vraie science est la connaissance des faits. The only real science is the knowledge of facts. The only true science is knowledge of facts. El hierro colado es una aleación de hierro y carbono. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. The glued iron is an alloy of iron and carbon. Interdependența umană este singura noastră cale de a supraviețui. Human interdependence is our only way to survive. Human interdependence is our only way to survive. Esta es una buena sugerencia. This is a good suggestion. This is a good suggestion. Qu'y a-t-il à en dire ? What's there to say? What is there to say? Mă întreb de ce câinele tău nu a lătrat când am venit la ușă. I wonder why your dog didn't bark when I came to the door. I wonder why your dog didn't bark when I came to the door. Sí, un poquito. Yes, a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you. I would never betray him! Les jeans sont en rupture de stock. We're sold out of jeans. The jeans are in stock break. Estão armados? Are they armed? Are you armed? Tom diz que pode ler livros em francês. Tom says he can read books in French. Tom says he can read books in French. Ascult muzică. I'm listening to music. I'm listening to music. Non voglio spaventarvi. I don't want to scare you. I don't want to scare you. La Marginal del Tietê té dos quilòmetres de congestió. The Marginal Tietê expressway has two kilometres of traffic. The Tietê Marginal has two kilometers of congestion. Lui ha bisogno di una mano. He needs a hand. He needs a hand. Ce sont des chiens pleins de vie. They're lively dogs. They're dogs full of life. Loro se ne sono appena andati. They just left. They just left. Lascia che ti dica i miei piani. Let me tell you my plans. Let me tell you my plans. Era genuinamente sorpresa. She was genuinely surprised. It was a genuine surprise. Aqueste accident n'a pas arren de véser dab jo. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident didn't start to happen to me. Avez-vous rendu votre rapport ? Have you turned in your report? Did you give your report? Vaiga-se-ne! Go away! Get out of here! Una obra neutral es una obra de un hombre cobarde. A neutral work is the work of a coward. A neutral work is a work of a cowardly man. Tom está acostumado a viver sozinho. Tom is used to living alone. Tom's used to living alone. Ce qui est haïssable pour toi, ne le fais pas à ton prochain ; c'est là toute la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Maintenant, va et étudie. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. What is hateable to you, do not do it to your neighbor; this is the whole Torah, the rest is just comment. Now, go and study. Ses parents m'adoraient. His parents loved me. His parents loved me. Este lloc em fa recordar-me de quan era un xiquet. This place reminds me of when I was young This place reminds me of when I was a kid. No quiere yo estudiá Alemán. I don't want to study German. He doesn't want me to study German. Ce este un prieten? Un suflet ce sălășluiește în două trupuri. What is a friend? A soul that lives in two bodies. What is a friend? A soul that halls in two bodies. Il a vu la fille. He saw the girl. He saw the girl. Esta é uma escolha interessante. That's an interesting choice. This is an interesting choice. Quelle est ta spécialité ? What's your major? What's your specialty? Não ponha açúcar no meu café. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Estudiamos inglés en la misma clase. We study English in the same class. We studied English in the same class. Venga qua velocemente. Come here quickly. Come here quickly. Déjala tranquila ya que está muy triste por la muerte de su gato. As she feels deep sorrow at her cat's death, let her be. Leave her alone because she's very sad about the death of her cat. El otoño ha llegado. Autumn is here. Autumn's here. Uei qu'am peish tà disnar. Today's dinner is fish. I peish tá disnar. Non esiti a chiedere. Don't hesitate to ask. Don't hesitate to ask. Ça fait un moment que je ne t'ai pas vu et tu as grandi ! Haven't seen you for a while, and you've grown taller! I haven't seen you in a while and you've grown up! Qu'est-ce qui te fait tenir ? What keeps you going? What's keeping you? Não traduza esta sentença! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence! Tom quebrou o meu nariz. Tom broke my nose. Tom broke my nose. Eu acho que estará quente amanhã. I think that it'll be hot tomorrow. I think it'll be hot tomorrow. Tout change. Everything changes. Everything changes. Fique atento quando atravessar uma rua movimentada! Be alert when you cross a busy street! Watch out when you cross a busy street! O Tom não quer machucar ninguém. Tom doesn't want to hurt anybody. Tom doesn't want to hurt anyone. Tom è ancora in galera, vero? Tom is still in prison, isn't he? Tom's still in jail, right? A ella le gusta salir a caminar sola. She likes to go walking by herself. She likes to walk alone. Dixo que xa estivera en Hawai antes. He said he had been to Hawaii before. He said he'd been in Hawaii before. Uno dei motivi per il quale Twitter è così popolare in Giappone è una caratteristica stessa del giapponese: il giapponese usa gli ideogrammi che permettono di convogliare più informazioni in 140 caratteri rispetto alle altre lingue, senza considerare il cinese. Tra l-altro, la versione giapponese di questa frase è scritta con esattamente 140 caratteri. Quanti caratteri ci vogliono in altre lingue? One of the reasons Twitter is popular in Japan is a characteristic of Japanese itself: Japanese uses ideograms which enable it to convey more information in just 140 characters than other languages, not counting Chinese. Incidentally, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters does it take in other languages? One of the reasons why Twitter is so popular in Japan is a characteristic of Japanese: Japanese uses ideograms that allow to convey more information in 140 characters than other languages, without considering Chinese. Among other things, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters do you want in other languages? Gråces vormint des côps! Thank you very much. Thank you very much! Nu-mi amintesc ce căutam. I don't remember what I was looking for. I don't remember what I was looking for. Non voglio deluderla. I don't want to let her down. I don't want to disappoint her. Ne t'inquiète pas pour tes examens de demain. You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam. Don't worry about your exams tomorrow. Eu comprei uma guitarra nova hoje. I bought a new guitar today. I bought a new guitar today. Donde ya el maga zapatos? Where are the shoes? Where's the maga shoes? Gnun problema, i podoma giuteve. No problem, we can help you. No problem, and I could've done it. Sono andato a dormire. I went to sleep. I went to sleep. Chegamos um pouco tarde. We arrived a little late. We're a little late. Vous n'êtes pas si vieux. You're not that old. You're not that old. Riesci a leggere? Can you read? Can you read? Un dictionnaire définit les mots. A dictionary defines words. A dictionary defines words. Tout bien considéré, mon père a eu une vie heureuse. All things taken into consideration, my father's life was a happy one. Well considered, my father had a happy life. O recife de corais é a atração principal da região. The coral reef is the region's prime attraction. The coral reef is the main attraction of the region. לה ריאלידאד איס אירמוזה. Reality is beautiful. יה ה יה יה ה יה ה ה יה ה יה ה ה ה יה. ¿Intentas hacerme enojar? Are you trying to get me mad? Are you trying to make me mad? Quel est votre animal favori ? What is your favorite animal? What's your favorite animal? Ninge! It is snowing. Ninge! Tu n'as plus besoin de moi. You don't need me anymore. You don't need me anymore. Ninguém olha para mim. No one's watching me. Nobody looks at me. Aquele tambor tem um som muito estranho. That drum has a very strange sound. That drum has a very strange sound. Un máis dous é igual a tres. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. Quiero pasar toda mi vida contigo. I want to spend all my life with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. Quindi dev'essere argentino. Then you must be Argentinian. So it must be Argentine. Per quanto ha abitato a Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? How long did you live in Kobe? Por favor, no discutas con Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. Elle fait du poulet comme je l'aime. She cooks chicken the way I like. She makes chicken like I love her. Isso seria legal. That'd be cool. That would be nice. Il n'était pas très loin derrière. He was not far behind. He wasn't too far behind. Ètz estudiants ? Are you a student? Are you students? אסתר איס לה מוזﬞיר די רחל. Esther is Rachel's wife. I can't wait to see you. I can't do that. Não sei mais o que devo fazer. I don't know what I should do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Eu sou amigo dele há mais de vinte anos. I have been on friendly terms with him for more than twenty years. I've been his friend for over 20 years. É um prazer conhecê-lo. It's nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you. Estaven cofois. They were satisfied. They were cowards. Qu'am duas hlilhas. We have two daughters. I've got two pins. L'aventure en vaut la peine. Adventure is worthwhile. The adventure is worth it. Nu a putut dormi din cauza căldurii. He could not sleep because of the heat. He couldn't sleep because of the heat. Per favore, mi porti alla stazione. Please take me to the station. Please take me to the station. Ele não teve dificuldade em nadar no rio. He had no difficulty swimming across the river. He had no difficulty swimming in the river. Non vi dimenticate di lei. Don't forget her. Don't forget her. Bungee jumping este un sport extrem. Base jumping is an extreme sport. Bungee jumping is an extreme sport. Nadie estuvo de acuerdo conmigo. No one agreed with me. Nobody agreed with me. Qui devrais-je croire ? Who should I believe? Who should I believe? Nu are rost să-mi spui „Salut, ce mai faci?” dacă n-ai nimic altceva de spus. There's no point saying "Hi, how are you?" to me if you have nothing else to say. There's no point in saying, "Hello, how are you doing?" If you have nothing else to say. Bashustune! With pleasure! Bashustune! Spero di partecipare. I hope to participate. I hope to participate. Todos miraron. They all watched. They all looked. Experții istorici încă nu sunt siguri ce s-a întâmplat. History experts still are not sure what happened. The historical experts are still not sure what happened. Tiene cuidao cunel gorilla. Beware of the gorilla. He takes care of the gorilla ass. J'ai songé que je pourrais te trouver ici. I figured I might find you here. I thought I could find you here. Quels sont les aliments que tu manges habituellement avec tes enfants ? What are some foods you usually eat with your children? What are the foods you usually eat with your children? Bonjou, Tom. Bon maten. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Good morning, Tom. Casi no hay agua en el cubo. There's almost no water in the bucket. There's almost no water in the bucket. Le français était la langue de la diplomatie. French was the language of diplomacy. French was the language of diplomacy. Tenho a impressão de que tu não queres mesmo que eu ganhe. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I have the impression that you don't really want me to win. Layla a atins un punct critic. Layla reached a tipping point. Layla has reached a critical point. M a rete lakay mwen an demen. I'll stay home tomorrow. I will stay in my house the next day. ” Eu trabalho num posto de gasolina. I work at a gas station. I work at a gas station. Elle rapporta le livre à la bibliothèque. She took the book back to the library. She reported the book to the library. Há uma loja de brinquedos no bairro. There is a toy shop in the neighborhood. There's a toy shop in the neighborhood. Tom sta pranzando in questo momento. Tom is eating lunch right now. Tom's having lunch right now. Bienveniu a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Você é que é o culpado. It is you who is to blame. You're the one to blame. Por que o Tom não confia na Mary? Why doesn't Tom trust Mary? Why don't Tom trust Mary? Ele há de ser demitido. He shall be fired. He's got to be fired. Lei viene alla mia festa? Are you coming to my party? Are you coming to my party? Tom, ¿qué estamos haciendo aquí? What're we doing here, Tom? Tom, what are we doing here? ¿Te pasó algo? Did something happen to you? Did something happen to you? Și mie mi-a făcut plăcere să te cunosc. Likewise, it was nice to meet you. And I'm glad to meet you. Les Américains sont nos amis. The Yanks are our friends. The Americans are our friends. Chiel a ëv veul. He wants you. Chiel has the veil. Desideri dell'altra insalata? Would you like some more salad? Do you want the other salad? Posso prendere in prestito il vostro coltello? May I borrow your knife? Can I borrow your knife? "Vamos beber algo, que tal?" "Sim, vamos." "Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's." "Let's drink something, how about it?" "Yes, let's go." Tom vuole conoscerti. Tom wants to get to know you. Tom wants to meet you. Ayúdame a elegir un suéter que combine con mi nuevo vestido, por favor. Please help me pick out a sweater which matches my new dress. Help me choose a sweater that combines with my new dress, please. Oamenilor le place să vorbească. People like to talk. People like to talk. Me ha ayudado mucho. That helps a lot. It's helped me a lot. Tomás sabe lo que se tiene que hacer. Tom knows what has to be done. Tomás knows what needs to be done. Sí. Yes. Yeah. Cos'è stato discusso? What was discussed? What was discussed? Eu não vos devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. L'è vōd. It's empty. It's vōd. J'ai fait ce qui convenait. I did the right thing. I did what was right. Io mi persi a Boston. I lost my way in Boston. I lost myself in Boston. Conosco Tom ma non Mary. I know Tom but not Mary. I know Tom but not Mary. Estamos merkando. We're buying. We're buying. Quiere quiere si Tom comé paspás. Tom likes to eat fast. She wants to if Tom ate raisins. Quan li convendria venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When would you like to come? Mă asculţi? Are you listening? Are you listening to me? Chante, je te prie ! Please sing. Sing, please! Sunt din Turcia. I am from Turkey. I'm from Turkey. Tom me contou que se sentia mal sobre aquilo. Tom told me he felt bad about that. Tom told me he felt bad about it. O Tom não parecia estar triste, parecia? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Lei è più intelligente di lui. She is smarter than he is. She's smarter than him. Noi abbiamo cercato di contattarla per tutta la settimana. We've been trying to contact you all week. We've been trying to contact her all week. Acest sistem are nevoie de schimbare. This system needs changing. This system needs change. Qu'am passat mautemps. We had a rough time. What happened to Mautemps. Malabo é a capital da Guiné Equatorial. Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea. Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea. O policía pitou ó coche para que parase. The policeman whistled for the car to stop. The police stopped the car to stop. Não havia banheiro. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. Ven, miremos por la ventana. Come, let's look out the window. Come, let's look out the window. Je pensais devenir médecin. I thought I was going to become a doctor. I thought I'd become a doctor. Tras una madura reflexión, decidí aceptar su oferta. On mature reflection I've decided to accept their offer. After a mature reflection, I decided to accept his offer. Ti peu vegnî? Can you come? Was It Unveiled? Él se acabó de beber una cerveza y pidió otra. He finished drinking one beer and ordered another. He just drank one beer and asked for another. Ele se adaptou extremamente bem. He has adapted extremely well. He's adapted extremely well. Supongo que ahora me tengo que ir. I guess I'll have to leave now. I guess I have to go now. É o voo de Recife. It is the flight from Recife. It's Recife's flight. Parmi un choix de fruits, je choisis toujours les pommes. Among a choice of fruit, I always choose apples. Among a choice of fruits, I always choose apples. Nunca yo ay puede hacé cuneste. I'm never going to be able to do this. I can never do this. Tom foi uma grande inspiração para mim. Tom was a big inspiration for me. Tom was a great inspiration to me. Vous êtes désormais vraiment devenue amateur de Noirs. You've really turned black now. You've become really a Blacks lover now. Tú la conoces. You know her. You know her. Puedésh entender a Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Pe mine mă cheamă Dan. My name is Dan. My name's Dan. Él citó un pasaje de la Biblia. He quoted a passage from the Bible. He quoted a passage from the Bible. Él se resbaló en una cáscara de plátano. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped into a banana shell. Va ser genial. Vaig anar a Kyoto. It was great. I went to Kyoto. It was great, I went to Kyoto. Tom è in cima alla lista dei candidati. Dan is at the top of the list of candidates. Tom's on top of the list of candidates. Ell va ser un pioner en el seu camp d'estudi. He was a pioneer in this field. He was a pioneer in his field of study. El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero. The knife belongs to the gardener. The knife belongs to the gardener. Gli ho detto di andare a casa. I told him to go home. I told him to go home. Ela tenlle medo aos cans. She is afraid of dogs. She's afraid of the dogs. No temas hablar en público. Don't be afraid of public speaking. Don't be afraid to speak in public. ¿Por qué tú ta dormí na un como este? Why are you sleeping in a place like this? Why did you sleep on one like this? I-a pus imaginea în palmă. She put the picture back in his hand. He put his image in his hand. Aiutami. Help me. Help me. Ele já completou este formulário. He has already completed this form. He's already completed this form. Obrigado por me ajudar com o jantar. Thanks for helping with dinner. Thank you for helping me with dinner. Tu pourrais chercher dans le monde entier, jamais tu ne trouveras une femme plus belle que Marie. You could search the world over and never find another woman more beautiful than Mary. You could look all over the world, never find a woman more beautiful than Mary. Páselo. Pass it on. Put it on. Dispensá cumigo, nusabe yo man cuento inglés. I'm sorry, I don't speak English. Dispensing cousins, nusabe me manto anglés. Tem certeza de que essa é a palavra certa? Are you sure that's the right word? Are you sure that's the right word? Lor le place zăpada. They like snow. They like snow. O Tom estava muito rabugento hoje. Tom was very grouchy today. Tom was very angry today. Todos os países civilizados estão contra a guerra. All civilized countries are against war. All civilized countries are against war. Que dis-tu ? What are you saying? What do you say? As tartarugas non teñen dentes. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles have no teeth. Tem mais meninas do que meninos em nossa escola. There are more girls than boys in our school. There are more girls than boys in our school. Explica'm els teus plans per al futur. Tell me your plans for the future. Tell me your plans for the future. Você pode fumar um charuto quando crescer. You can smoke a pipe when you grow up. You can smoke a cigar when you grow up. Layla sognava in arabo, pensava in arabo, parlava in arabo e piangeva in arabo. Layla dreamed in Arabic, thought in Arabic, spoke in Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Layla was dreaming in Arabic, thinking in Arabic, talking in Arabic and crying in Arabic. Le noir te va bien. Black becomes you. Black's good for you. No creo que tenga alternativa. I don't think I have much choice. I don't think I have a choice. Nós nos sentamos ali. We sat there. We'll sit over there. J'aime ma patrie. I love my motherland. I love the homeland. Ella es nuestra profesora. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. A me piace fare degli sport. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. Vei sta acasă. You will stay at home. You're staying home. O Tom tentou dizer à Mary o que ela tinha que fazer. Tom tried to tell Mary what she needed to do. Tom tried to tell Mary what she had to do. Sami ci sta disturbando. Sami is disturbing us. Sami's bothering us. Tom non riuscì a convincere Mary. Tom couldn't convince Mary. Tom couldn't convince Mary. Io ho poco più di 5 dollari. I have little more than 5 dollars. I've got a little more than $5. Ea este nerăbdătoare. She is impatient. She's impatient. Va bene parcheggiare qui? Is it OK to park here? Is it okay to park here? Eu tenho de ajudar o Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Esperamos que você visite Boston em breve. We hope you visit Boston soon. We expect you to visit Boston soon. Il ne peut pas se permettre d'acheter une voiture. He cannot afford to buy a car. He can't afford to buy a car. Li conosce di persona? Do you know them personally? Do you know them personally? Entremos aquí a tomarnos una taza de café. Let's go in here and have a cup of coffee. Let's go in here and have a cup of coffee. Que't caleré lo mercejar. You ought to thank him. I'll sell it to you. Ridică-te, trezește-te și nu înceta până ce ținta nu este atinsă. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached. Get up, wake up and don't stop until the target's touched. Avlo kon mi en kastilyano. He spoke to me in Spanish. Avlo kon mi in kastilyano. Hoje é dia de lavanderia. Today's laundry day. Today is laundry day. Nós somos pessoas ocupadas. We're busy people. We're busy people. Mire atrás. Look back. Look back. Uraşte morcovii. She hates carrots. He hates carrots. Io non li introduco. I don't introduce them. I don't introduce them. Tom non realizzò di aver fatto un errore. Tom didn't realize he'd made a mistake. Tom didn't realize he made a mistake. Sua responsabilidade era cuidar das crianças. Her duty was to look after the children. Your responsibility was to take care of the children. Nu se aștepta la asta. He didn't expect this. Don't wait for that. ¿Dónde nos vemos? Where should we meet? Where do we see each other? Su perro no es muy rápido. Her dog isn't very fast. Your dog's not too fast. Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he go to Mongolia? Era un navío de guerra americano, grande y negro. It was a big black American warship. It was an American, big and black warship. Você pode começar? Would you like to start? Can you start? Il l'aimait vraiment beaucoup. He loved her very much. He really loved him. Io non posso accettare questo regalo. I cannot accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Tu es demandé au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. La caseta del perro está fuera. The dog house is outside. The dog's box is out. Mr. Bean és tan graciós! Mr. Bean is so funny! Mr. Bean is so funny! Mas bunita pa tu que cunele. You're prettier than her. More beautiful to you than to harvest it. En tot passejar peu parc, qu'estoi entercalhat per un vièlh coble. Taking a walk in the park, I was spoken to by an old couple. In all walking little park, I'm interwoven by an old cage. Me estoy cepillando los dientes. I am brushing my teeth. I'm brushing my teeth. Você gosta de comer peixe? Do you like eating fish? Do you like eating fish? Yo solía preferir el té negro al café, pero recientemente he estado bebiendo una buena cantidad de ambos. I used to prefer black tea to coffee, but recently I've been drinking a good amount of both. I used to prefer black tea to coffee, but recently I've been drinking a good deal of both. Fă-o de dragul meu. Do it for my sake. Do it for my sake. Sua sorella abita in Scozia. Her sister lives in Scotland. His sister lives in Scotland. Tous ne sont pas pauvres. All of them are not poor. They're not all poor. Pourquoi Dan est-il si violent? Why is Dan so violent? Why is Dan so violent? Piaci molto a Tom. Tom likes you very much. You like Tom a lot. È sospetta. It is suspicious. She's suspicious. Je veux voir Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Ricorda il codice? Do you remember the code? Remember the code? Que vergonhoso! How embarrassing! What a shame! De qué i a còsta lo burèu ? What's beside the desk? What's the cost of the desktop? Se fue a hacer compras. He went shopping. He went shopping. Tom e cu zece livre mai greu decât Jack. Tom is ten pounds heavier than Jack. Tom's ten pounds harder than Jack. Această clădire modernă este urâtă. This modern building is ugly. This modern building is ugly. Eu quero que estejamos preparados. I want us to be ready. I want us to be ready. Tom a mers la școală cu mașina. Tom went to school by car. Tom went to school with the car. Tout le monde ignore où nous sommes. No one knows where we are. Everyone doesn't know where we are. Ne te laisse pas impressionner. Don't let it scare you. Don't be impressed. O cafea, vă rog. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Aquele que abanou a fruta da árvore também deveria juntá-la. He who shook the fruit from the tree should also gather it up. The one who swung the fruit of the tree should also put it together. Dacă înveţi din greu, vei deveni un student bun. If you study hard, you will become a good student. If you learn hard, you'll become a good student. Il nous faut nous protéger. We need to protect ourselves. We must protect ourselves. Perché non lo farà? Why aren't you going to do that? Why won't he? Verriez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je vous embrasse ? Would you mind if I kissed you? Would you find it a disadvantage for me to kiss you? El a fost achitat. He was acquitted. He was acquitted. O meu amigo adoita axudar ao meu fillo cos seus estudios. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend often helps my son with his studios. Le monde change. The world is changing. The world changes. Il ne comprend pas les règles du jeu. He does not understand the rules of the game. He doesn't understand the rules of the game. Il presidente venne forzato a ritornare a Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. É trabalho. It's work. It's work. Eu não vou sair esta noite. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not leaving tonight. Centimetrul este o unitate de lungime. A centimeter is a unit of length. The centimeter is a unit of length. ¡Eso es exactamente lo que significa! That's exactly what it means! That's exactly what it means! C'est un gentleman et il faut le traiter comme tel. He is a gentleman and ought to be treated as such. He's a gentleman and he has to be treated like such. Lo prenderò. I will take it. I'll get it. Tom mi chiese di parlare con lei. Tom asked me to talk to you. Tom asked me to talk to her. Je prie pour Tom. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. Tom e Maria assistiram a um filme mudo. Tom and Mary watched a silent film. Tom and Maria watched a silent film. Bisogna leggere tra le righe. You have to read it between the lines. We need to read between the lines. Escrevi uma carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Bien dit ! Well said! Well said! L'interlinguistica tratta di comunicazione attraverso le barriere linguistiche ed esplora il modo in cui lingue pianificate come l'esperanto e il volapük sono utilizzate in queste situazioni. Interlinguistics deals with communication across language barriers, and explores how planned languages like Esperanto and Volapük are used in these situations. Interlinguistics deals with communication through language barriers and explores the way languages planned like Esperanto and volapük are used in these situations. Io sono piuttosto debole in questo momento. I'm pretty weak right now. I'm pretty weak right now. Ande! Look alive. Come on! Tom es uno de mis amigos más cercanos. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Es un restaurante barato. It's a cheap restaurant. It's a cheap restaurant. Contesta en anglès! Answer in English. Answer English! Sono venuta qui per imparare. I came here to learn. I came here to learn. Ea are o figură bine proporționată. She has a well-proportioned figure. She has a well-proportionated figure. Tom a exactement le même âge que toi. Tom is exactly the same age as you. Tom's exactly the same age as you. De Germany le. He's from Germany. From Germany him. Să nu-i lași să-ți spună că ești nebun. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Dan queria falar com a polícia de novo. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. I suoi vestiti sono consumati. His clothes are worn out. His clothes are worn out. Há uma chave sobre a escrivaninha. There is a key on the desk. There's a key to the desk. A árbore que viches era un carballo. The tree you saw was an oak tree. The tree you saw was a oak. Le coca cola me picota la langue. The cola made my tongue tingle. Coke poops my tongue. N'esprovatz pas la paciéncia de Diu. Don't try God's patience. Try not to dwell on Diu's patience. Fă-o! Do it! Do it! Estoy relativamente seguro. I am pretty sure. I'm relatively sure. Tom no es amistoso. Tom is unfriendly. Tom's not friendly. Sigamos en contacto. Let's stay in touch. Let's keep in touch. Vá fazer pipoca. Go make popcorn. Go popcorn. Eu gosto de estar preparado. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. Tiene tu cuchillo? Do you have a knife? Does he have your knife? Andatevene tutti. Everybody leave. Everybody go. Personne ne vous a reconnue. Nobody recognized you. No one recognized you. Asculţi? Are you listening? Are you listening? Odio i poliziotti come lui. I hate policemen like him. I hate cops like him. Loro sono pronti per lei. They're ready for you. They're ready for you. En el sur de Francia a los cátaros se les llamó albigenses. The Cathares in southern France were called Albigensians. In the south of France the catarians were called albigenses. J'ai été trop loin. I went too far. I've been too far. Minha esposa gripa fácil. My wife catches colds easily. My wife's flu is easy. Felicidade e tristeza só duram um tempo. Happiness and sadness only last for a time. Happiness and sorrow only last for a while. Seu país te agradece. Your country thanks you. Your country thanks you. No quiero saber. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. Por fin, llegamos al lago. We finally got to the lake. At last, we're on our way to the lake. Ya embarcá si Tom na barco. Tom boarded the ship. He's already boarding if Tom's on the boat. Ken était en train de lire quand je suis rentrée à la maison. Ken was reading when I came home. Ken was reading when I came home. Me dê uma aliança quando você decidir casar comigo. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me. Give me an alliance when you decide to marry me. Moltes gràcies. Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Quiere kamé aprendé cuantos maga canción español. We want to learn some Spanish songs. She wants kamé I learned how many spanish song. Dopo il bivio imbocchi l'autostrada. After the junction take the motorway. After the bus ride, you take the highway. Voglio soltanto salvare il pianeta. I just want to save the planet. I just want to save the planet. Nos conte o que aconteceu no parque. Tell us what happened in the park. Tell us what happened in the park. Este perro es grande. This dog is big. This dog is big. Ce performanță remarcabilă! What a remarkable performance! What remarkable performance! Donnez-moi la balle ! Give me the ball. Give me the ball! Tomaré una copa de champaña. I'll take a glass of champagne. I'll have a glass of champagne. Nu îi e ușor să învețe engleza. English is not easy for him to learn. It's not easy for them to learn English. Tom fez tudo o que Mary disse que ele deveria fazer. Tom did everything Mary said he should do. Tom did everything Mary said he should. Moriremo tutti. We will all die. We're all gonna die. ¡Hoy es tu cumpleaños! ¡Anda con más brío! Today's your birthday! Put some pep in your step! Today's your birthday! Quel est ton métier ? What's your job? What's your job? Respire, nom de Dieu ! Breathe, damn you! Breathe, God's name! Ella pagará el máximo de cincuenta dólares. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay up to $50. L'ha perdonata? Have you forgiven her? Did you forgive her? Loro sono miei amici. They're my friends. They're my friends. Merci de m'aider à faire mes devoirs. Thank you for helping me to do my homework. Thank you for helping me do my homework. En València es parla valencià i espanyol. In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish. Valencia speaks Valencian and Spanish. As-tu vu ce qui s'est passé là-bas? Did you see what happened out there? Did you see what happened there? Il n'est point besoin de se soucier de précision, cette fois ; estime-la juste !» There's no need to worry about accuracy this time; just eyeball it. There is no need to worry about accuracy this time; it is fair to think about it!" No lo desprecies solo porque es pobre. Don't look down on him just because he's poor. Don't despise him just because he's poor. Am fost ieri prezent la școală. I was present at school yesterday. I was present at school yesterday. Suntem gata să facem asta. We're ready to do that. We're ready to do this. Lo avete trovato divertente? Did you find that amusing? Did you find it funny? Você ficou sozinho a semana toda? Were you alone all week? Have you been alone all week? El nu este un scriitor aşa bun şi cred ca o ştie. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. He's not such a good writer, and I think he knows it. Qual è la temperatura del ghiaccio? What is the temperature of the ice? What's the temperature of the ice? Si ricorda il suo numero di targa? Do you remember your license plate number? Do you remember your plate number? Parlo francese. I speak French. I speak French. El nuevo coche pasó sus pruebas con éxito. The new car underwent its tests successfully. The new car passed its tests successfully. Hi ha lloc per una persona més? Is there space for one more person? Is there room for one more person? Tu as été parfaite. You were perfect. You were perfect. Roosevelt muore prima della fine della guerra. Roosevelt dies before the end of the war. Roosevelt dies before the end of the war. Nu mă provoca. Don't provoke me. Don't provoke me. Todos concordaram com a proposta. All of them agreed to the proposal. Everyone agreed to the proposal. Tom non ha risparmiato niente per la pensione. Tom hasn't saved anything for retirement. Tom didn't save anything for the pension. C'était incroyable. That was unbelievable. That was incredible. Quisiera conversar contigo. I'd like to have a word with you. I'd like to talk to you. Tu ne devrais pas faire les choses à moitié. You shouldn't do things by halves. You shouldn't do things half way. ¿A qué hora se va a dormir? What time do you go to bed? What time are you going to sleep? Il n'a pas pu venir à cause du mauvais temps. Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. He couldn't come because of the bad weather. Queste capre sono molto amichevoli. These goats are very friendly. These goats are very friendly. Tu sei in Bangladesh? Are you in Bangladesh? Are you in Bangladesh? No se permite a nadie salir de este edificio. No one is allowed to leave this building. No one is allowed to leave this building. Ester es la mujer de Rahel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Esther is Rahel's wife. Voulons-nous vraiment cela ? Do we really want that? Do we really want this? "¿Cuántos años ya vos?" "Diecisiete años ya yo." "How old are you?" "I'm already 17 years old." "How many years have you?" "Ten years ago I have." Yo soy tu padre. I'm your father. I'm your father. Escorpiões são perigosos. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpions are dangerous. Eu nunca disse que eu era frágil. I never said I was fragile. I never said I was fragile. Tom parece estar bem. Tom seems to be fine. Tom seems to be fine. Estoy contento de cómo salieron las cosas. I'm happy with the way things went. I'm glad of how things went out. Essas coisas levam tempo. These things take time. These things take time. Lo men hilh ne sap pas enqüèra comptar. My son can't count yet. The thread does not know how to count. Posso sposare il nipote del marito di mia zia? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Il est capitaine de l'équipe de football. He is captain of the football team. He's captain of the football team. Ya poné yo de mio sapatos abajo del cama. I put my shoes under the bed. I already put my shoes under the bed. Ti piace la montagna? Do you like the mountain? Do you like the mountain? ¿Onde podo obter os boletos? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the tickets? Eu coloquei leite no meu café. I put some milk in my coffee. I put milk in my coffee. Isso se vê todos os dias. You can see that every day. You see that every day. Lui fu intimidito dalla sua intelligenza. He was cowed by her intelligence. He was intimidated by his intelligence. Si llenas demasiado la caja, se le va a caer el fondo. If you stuff the box too full, the bottom will fall out. If you fill the box too much, the bottom will fall. Fii vigilent! Be watchful. Be vigilant! Tom dice que quiere casarse cuanto antes. Tom says he wants to get married right away. Tom says he wants to get married as soon as possible. ¿Me puedes enviar una captura de pantalla? Can you send me a screenshot? Can you send me a screenshot? Isso é para o quê? What's this for? What's that for? Autrefois, les choses étaient différentes. In days gone by, things were different. Once upon a time, things were different. El problema es que ellos solo piensan en sí mismos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is that they only think of themselves. Anoche me quedé en casa. I stayed at home last night. I stayed home last night. Estoy aquí para probar que estás equivocada. I'm here to prove you wrong. I'm here to prove you're wrong. Tom se suicidó ahorcándose. Tom committed suicide by hanging himself. Tom committed suicide by hanging himself. Esto de akordo. I agree. That's an acordo. Mañana, Judy hablará sobre Japón. Judy will talk about Japan tomorrow. Tomorrow, Judy will talk about Japan. Você me chamou? Have you called me? Did you call me? És una mica estrany. It's sort of strange. It's a little weird. Nós as respeitamos muito. We respect them a lot. We respect them very much. Esto no me pinta nada bien. I have a bad feeling about this. This doesn't look right to me. Sono come mio fratello. I am like my brother. I'm like my brother. Am dinți strâmbi. I have crooked teeth. I've got smug teeth. Pensavo li conoscessi. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. Todavía me puedo acordar de la vez que Tom se cayó del árbol. I can still remember the time when Tom fell out of the tree. I can still remember the time Tom fell off the tree. Nu te voi înșela niciodată. I'll never deceive you. I'll never cheat on you. Lo único que tienes que hacer es dar tu mejor esfuerzo. All you have to do is to do your best. All you have to do is do your best. Qu'èram hèra cansats. We were very tired. We were tired. El non é estúpido. He's not stupid. He's not stupid. Tom aveva bisogno di un martello. Tom needed a hammer. Tom needed a hammer. Stia lontana dalla corda. Stand back from the rope. Stay away from the rope. Està la teva mare a casa? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Tom deve dormire adesso. Tom needs to sleep now. Tom needs to sleep now. Il venditore pesa il formaggio sulla bilancia di rame. The seller weighs the cheese on the copper scales. The seller weighs the cheese on the copper balance. A empresa produz uma grande variedade de instrumentos musicais. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company produces a wide variety of musical instruments. Il a quitté le bureau en toute hâte. He left the office in great haste. He left the office in a hurry. O Tomás pediu a sua sobremesa preferida. Tom ordered his favorite dessert. Tomás asked for his favorite dessert. Qual è il film peggiore che tu abbia mai visto? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Che fortuna incontrarti qui. How lucky to meet you here. Lucky to meet you here. Esperamos que vuelva pronto. We expect him to come back soon. We hope you'll be back soon. Traime esi vasu lleche. Bring me that glass of milk. I brought that cup of milk. Eu quase fui demitido. I almost got fired. I almost got fired. Le soleil se lèvera bientôt. The sun will come up soon. The sun will rise soon. Cada aga, ta almorzá yo miel. Every morning, I eat honey for breakfast. Every needle makes me breakfast honey. Azar o teu. Sucks to be you. Bad luck with yours. Ero davvero triste. I was really sad. I was really sad. Sunt de acord, dar numai cu o condiție. I accept, but only under one condition. I agree, but only on one condition. La symétrie, c'est l'ennui. Symmetry is boring. Symmetry is boredom. Vos souliers sont ici. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. A me sta piacendo questo. I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying this. Meu irmão está assistindo à TV. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. Les écoles sont fermées pour Noël. Schools are closed for Christmas. Schools are closed for Christmas. Nu sunt chiar sigur. I'm not really sure. I'm not really sure. Torna qua, uomo! Come back here, man! Come back here, man! Está frio lá fora. It is cold outside. It's cold out there. È andata a fare acquisti. She has gone shopping. She went shopping. Je ne peux pas accepter une telle ignorance de mes élèves : n'ont-ils rien appris l'an dernier ? I can't accept such ignorance from my students. Did they learn nothing last year? I can't accept such ignorance from my students: have they learned nothing last year? Si mis padres me castigaran por algo que no había hecho, les contaría la verdad e intentaría convencerlos de mi inocencia. If my parents punished me for something I didn't do, I would tell them the truth and try to convince them of my innocence. If my parents punished me for something I hadn't done, I would tell them the truth and try to convince them of my innocence. È una ragione sufficiente. That's reason enough. That's enough reason. Tom está doblando su camisa. Tom is folding his shirt. Tom's folding his shirt. Știu întreaga poveste. I know the whole story. I know the whole story. Il ne regarde pas du tout la télé. He doesn't watch television at all. He's not watching TV at all. ¿Quién es ésa? Who is that? Who's that? De l'eau, s'il vous plaît. Water, please. Water, please. Ieri ho letto la tua lettera. I read your letter yesterday. I read your letter yesterday. Tom normalmente pesca desde el muelle, pero a veces pesca desde la playa. Tom usually fishes off the dock, but sometimes he fishes from the shore. Tom usually fishing from the dock, but sometimes fishing from the beach. A él le da lo mismo el dinero. He doesn't care about money. He gives the same money. ¡Bailá! Dance! Ballah! Ele patí yo, classmate kamé dos. She and I are classmates. He kicked me, classmate kamé dos. Tinc cinc gats. I have five cats. I have five cats. È un altro problema. That's another problem. It's another problem. Aquesta és la raó per la qual va entrar a la universitat. This is the reason why he entered at the university. That's why he went to college. Vaja, em sap greu. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. Quiero saber qué pasó con la pistola que te dio Tom. I want to know what happened to the pistol that you received from Tom. I want to know what happened to the gun Tom gave you. El rellotge es va aturar. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Io voglio un paio di guanti. I want a pair of gloves. I want a couple gloves. I ka manjé. She is eating. And it can eat. No quiero que se lo digas a nadie. I don't want you to tell anybody. I don't want you to tell anyone. No tu olvidá quien tu. Don't forget who you are. Don't forget who you are. ¿Tenéis algún mensaje para mí? Do you have a message for me? Do you have a message for me? Estic segur del seu èxit. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure of your success. ¡No seas ridículo! Don't be ridiculous! Don't be ridiculous! J'ai dressé une liste des choses que je voudrais bien acheter. I've made a list of things I'd like to buy. I made a list of the things I'd like to buy. Je lui ai suggéré ça. I suggested that to him. I suggested that to him. Él solo come fruta. He only eats fruit. He just eats fruit. È il mio amico. You're my friend. He's my friend. Acho que já tenha decisão. I guess it's decided. I think you've made up your mind. Soy adicta al chocolate y al helado. I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. I'm addicted to chocolate and ice cream. Tom estaba desorientado. Tom was baffled. Tom was disoriented. Nós ficamos sem gasolina. We've run out of gasoline. We ran out of gas. Gustaríame nadar neste rio. I'd like to swim in this river. I'd like to swim in this river. Mike tem duas amigas. Mike has two girl friends. Mike has two friends. Ti rimangono trenta minuti. You've got thirteen minutes left. You're 30 minutes away. Tom non mi dirà quando è nato. Tom won't tell me when he was born. Tom won't tell me when he was born. Mantén una lista de lo que te debo. Keep a tally of what you owe. Keep a list of what I owe you. Mi sánduche lo quiero con cuatro rodajas de tomate y asado, no crudo. I want my sandwich with four slices of tomato and roasted, not raw. My sandwich I want with four slices of tomato and roast, not raw. Come siete entrati? How did you get in? How did you get in? Jo vull escriure un llibre. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Como descubro se ele gosta de mim? How do I know if he likes me? How do I find out if he likes me? Este filme foi dirigido por John Ford. This movie was directed by John Ford. This film was directed by John Ford. Sembra familiare? Does that sounds familiar? Do you look familiar? Tom disse di essere felice. Tom said that he was happy. Tom said to be happy. Ama sua moglie? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? Ele vai morrer? Will he die? Is he going to die? Lo president es de costuma acompanhat per sa femna quan se'n va a l'estrangèr. The President is usually accompanied by his wife when he goes abroad. The president is usually accompanied by his wife when he goes abroad. Siento haberme equivocado de dirección. I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction. I'm sorry I misdirected. Cuando les vi se lo dije, y a él también se lo comenté. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. When I saw them I told him, and I told him too. Sarò là tra un paio d'ore. I'll be there in a couple of hours. I'll be there in a couple of hours. Qual è la sua villa? Which is your mansion? What's your villa? Tom e Mary passaram a tarde toda conversando sobre computadores. Tom and Mary spent all afternoon talking about computers. Tom and Mary spent the afternoon talking about computers. Él se lastimó su pie izquierdo al caer. He hurt his left foot when he fell. He hurt his left foot when he fell. Cancella questo commento. Delete this comment. Delete this comment. Sunt toate la fel? Are they all the same? Are they all the same? No puedes culparla por no saber lo que no le han enseñado. You can't blame her for not knowing what she hasn't been taught. You can't blame her for not knowing what she hasn't been taught. Merda! Shit. Shit! A gente fala disso mais tarde. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Vous n'avez pas souvent tort. You're not often wrong. You're not often wrong. Tom ne è consapevole ora. Tom is aware of it now. Tom is aware of it now. Che tipo di pane ti piace di più? What kind of bread do you like best? What kind of bread do you like the most? Sa come si usa questa macchina fotografica? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how this camera is used? Tinon a madanm a'y sé Liz. His wife’s name is Liz. I know Liz. Rimanete in linea, per favore. Hold the line, please. Stay in line, please. Tom pare a fi interesat de Mary. Tom seems to be interested in Mary. Tom seems interested in Mary. Hi ha alguna oficina postal per aquí? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office around here? Dovreste unirvi a noi. You should join us. You should join us. Vino aici, fetițo, stai jos! Come here, little girl, sit down! Come here, little girl, sit down! Je t'aime, ma déesse ! I love you, my goddess! I love you, my goddess! Tom mi dovrebbe lasciare aiutare Mary. Tom should let me help Mary. Tom should let me help Mary. No és bona navegant. She is not a good sailor. She's not good at sailing. Estávamos comendo pizza. We were eating pizza. We were eating pizza. - Nu pot gândi cu zgomotul ăsta, a spus ea, uitându-se lung la mașina de scris. "I can't think with that noise," she said, as she stared at the typewriter. - I can't think of this noise, she said, looking long at the typewriter. Me gusta tener amigos en todos los países. I like having friends in every country. I like having friends in every country. ¡Manos arriba! Hands up! Hands up! Non voglio che ritorniate a Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. Posso presentarvi il mio amico? May I introduce my friend to you? Can I introduce you to my friend? Faça aquilo que você gosta de fazer. Do what you like. Do what you like to do. Je me suis entraîné. I exercised. I trained. Avresti dovuto telefonare in anticipo. You should have telephoned in advance. You should have called in advance. Esta frase é tão bela quanto verdadeira. Eu certamente nunca a esquecerei. This phrase is as beautiful as it is true. I will surely never forget it. This sentence is as beautiful as true. I will certainly never forget it. El café puede tener un efecto adverso para el estómago. Coffee may have a bad effect on the stomach. Coffee can have an adverse effect on the stomach. Él alzó los ojos al cielo. He looked up at the sky. He raised his eyes to heaven. Je joue aux jeux vidéo. I play video games. I play video games. Este incidente es bastante sorprendente. This incident is quite uncanny. This incident is quite surprising. Dadme la pelota. Give me the ball. Give me the ball. Francamente falando, non quero traballar con el. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Frankly, I don't want to work with him. No se puede confiar en nadie. You can't trust anyone. No one can be trusted. Il adore marcher. He's very fond of walking. He loves walking. Unde? Where? Where? Pensa che Tom e Mary siano ancora arrabbiati? Do you think Tom and Mary are still mad? Do you think Tom and Mary are still angry? Esta costumbre comenzó durante el periodo Edo. This custom began during the Edo period. This custom began during the Edo period. Estamos na lua cheia ou na lua nova? Was it a full moon or a new moon? Are we on the full moon or the new moon? Precisas que che dea algo de cartos? Do you need me to give you some money? You need me to give you some money? Luând totul în considerare, nu poate fi criminal. Taking everything into consideration, he can't be the criminal. Taking everything into consideration, he can't be a killer. J'ai toujours pensé que c'était la bonne chose à faire. I always thought this would be the right thing to do. I always thought it was the right thing to do. Tom a abandonat speranța de a deveni actor. Tom abandoned the hope of becoming an actor. Tom gave up the hope of becoming an actor. Cosa chá tu ta tomá? Puede ya chá de limón? What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay? What tea do you have? Can I have some lemon tea? J'espère que tu t'amuses bien. I hope you're having fun. I hope you're having a good time. Este casaco é bonito, mas caro demais. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This jacket is nice, but too expensive. Ceci est un hectolitre de vin. This is a hectoliter of wine. This is a hectolitre of wine. Ils ont tous disparu. They're all gone. They're all gone. Neppure gli angeli possono soddisfare tutti. Even angels can't satisfy everyone. Neither can angels satisfy all. Le magazine a divulgué le scandale trop hâtivement. The magazine jumped the gun and reported on the scandal. The magazine disclosed the scandal too quickly. Du-mă de aici. Take me away. Get me out of here. Voglio chiedere loro quand'è il loro grande giorno. I want to ask them when their big day is. I want to ask them when their big day is. Ils sont d'accord. They agree. They agree. Il ne s'y trouvait pas la semaine passée. He wasn't there last week. He wasn't there last week. Vostè ho necessita. You need it. You need it. A morte do esposo alterou-lhe completamente a vida. The death of her husband changed her life completely. The husband's death completely changed his life. Meus pais saíram da igreja. My parents came out of the church. My parents left the church. Ele gostou daquilo. He liked that. He liked it. Pare de me interromper! Stop interrupting me! Stop interrupting me! Je ne pense pas que je parvienne à faire cela. I don't think I can do that. I don't think I can do that. Tots els vols s'han cancel·lat pel temporal. All flights have been cancelled due to the storm. All flights have been cancelled for the time being. Que cheiro é este? What's that smell? What's this smell? La Svezia è già caduta così in basso? Has Sweden already fallen that low? Has Sweden already fallen so low? És extrany que els nostres amics no estiguin aqui. It's strange that our friends aren't here. It's strange that our friends aren't here. No mundo inglês do século XIX, era frequentemente dito que a masturbação levaria a perda de memória e de atenção. In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to a loss of memory and attention. In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to loss of memory and attention. Fai che Tom mi chiami. Have Tom call me. Make Tom call me. Tom è barbaro. Tom is barbaric. Tom's a barbarian. Un día, si Jesús hay virá para kanáton y kita está junto con ele hasta para cuando. One day, Jesus will return for us and we will be with him forever. One day, if Jesus is going to come to Kanaton and take off he is with him until the time. A verdade é muito clara. The truth is really clear. The truth is very clear. Es una vergonha. It's a shame. It's a shame. Él entró en mi cuarto. He entered my room. He walked into my room. L'anziano cercava il suo cappello. The old man looked about for his hat. The old man was looking for his hat. La impresora de la oficina de Peter está rota y ya no imprime. The printer in Peter's office is broken and doesn't print anymore. Peter's office printer is broken and no longer prints. Layla a énormément manqué à Sami. Sami missed Layla so much. Layla missed Sami enormously. Éste es el último tren, señor. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. Mă voi întoarce la 6:30. I will return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. El locuiește pe vârful dealului. He lives at the top of the hill. He lives on top of the hill. Dovremmo cominciare a cercare i regali di Natale per i bambini. We should start getting Christmas gifts for the children. We should start looking for Christmas gifts for children. Tu kompras pan. You buy bread. You buy bread. Perché vorresti aiutarla? Why would you want to help her? Why would you want to help her? Vamos para o meu escritório. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. Am încercat să scot câinele afară din casă. I tried to take our dog out of our house. I tried to get the dog out of the house. Tom est considéré comme le candidat ayant le plus de chances de l'emporter. Tom is considered the candidate with the best chance of winning. Tom is considered to be the most likely candidate to take him. Mon frère est au chômage. My brother is out of work. My brother's unemployed. El auto de Sami fue encontrado abandonado en el desierto. Sami's car was found abandoned in the desert. Sami's car was found abandoned in the desert. Où t'es-tu rendu pour les congés de printemps ? Where did you go for spring break? Where did you go for spring break? Ela não pode beber álcool. She can't drink alcohol. She can't drink alcohol. Puede ser vergonzoso. It can be embarrassing. It can be embarrassing. O velho tentou nadar 5 quilômetros. The old man attempted to swim five kilometers. The old man tried to swim five miles. Tom veux que tu l'as. Tom wants you to have it. Tom wants you to have it. Maria costumava ser capaz de fazer isso por conta propiá. Mary used to be able to do that by herself. Mary used to be able to do this on her own. Tom foi condenado e sentenciado a morte. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. O vei invita la petrecere? Are you going to invite her to the party? Will you invite her to the party? Ya cumprá kamé un cadenita para cunele. We bought her a necklace. I've already bought a cadenite for a knife. J'étais si occupé la semaine dernière. I was so busy last week. I was so busy last week. ¿Estás seguro do prezo dese coche? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Are you sure about the price of that car? Fraier. Sucker. Fraier. C'est quelque chose que je dois faire seul. This is something I need to do alone. It's something I have to do alone. Nu te poți baza pe ajutorul lui Tom. You can't count on Tom's help. You can't rely on Tom's help. Não consigo achar Tom. Ele já foi embora? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Tom ha detto che è stato tradito. Tom said he was betrayed. Tom said he was betrayed. È senza zucchero. You're out of sugar. It's sugar-free. Vou perdoá-lo apenas desta vez. I'll forgive you just this once. I'll forgive you only this time. Tom doou muito dinheiro para a caridade. Tom contributed a lot of money to charity. Tom donated a lot of money for charity. Ils ont attrapé le renard avec un piège. They caught the fox with a trap. They caught the fox with a trap. Non avete niente da fare? Don't you have something to do? You don't have anything to do? Vivo en una ciudad. I live in a city. I live in a city. L'hai data a loro? Did you give it to them? Did you give it to them? Lei è generoso? Are you generous? Are you generous? Tom est plus riche que la plupart d'entre vous. Tom is richer than most of you. Tom's richer than most of you. Hanno detto che sono stanchi. They said they're tired. They said they were tired. Tom è furbo. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. Nessuno può fare niente. No one can do anything. Nobody can do anything. El este de două ori mai mare decât ea. He is twice as old as she is. He's twice as big as her. Sono annoiato qua. I'm bored here. I'm bored here. Eu devo recusar. I must decline. I must refuse. Pensavo vivessi con lei. I thought you lived with her. I thought you lived with her. Quero que todo o mundo teña a oportunidade de ser capaz de facer o que queira. I want the whole world to have the opportunity to be able to do what it wants. I want everyone to have the opportunity to be able to do whatever they want. Nu mă mai pot pune cu violenţa lui. I can't put up with his violence any longer. I can't take his violence anymore. È ancora suo amico, vero? He's still your friend, isn't he? He's still his friend, isn't he? Hice andar la máquina. I got the machine running. I made the machine walk. L'integrità a l'ha nèn da manca 'd régole. Integrity has no need of rules. The integrity to it has not given lack 'd rule. Am avut suișuri și coborâșuri, dar am reușit întotdeauna să îmi revin. I've had my ups and downs, but I've always managed to pull myself together. I've had suspenses and descents, but I've always managed to recover. Voglio che lei vada lì con Tom. I want you to go there with Tom. I want you to go there with Tom. Nu sunt obișnuită cu un asemenea tratament. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to such treatment. Queremos que você nos ajude. We want you to help us. We want you to help us. Ne'm vòli pas balhar faus espèrs. I don't want to give myself false hopes. I didn't want to dance false hopes. Su llegada animó la fiesta. His arrival pepped up the party. His arrival animated the party. Bebo leche directamente del cartón. I drink milk straight from the carton. I drink milk directly from the cardboard. Por que você é um policial, Tom? Why are you a cop, Tom? Why are you a cop, Tom? Ero impaurito quando lo vidi. I was frightened when I saw that. I was scared when I saw him. Nusabe si Robert pakimodo man spell cunel 'crème brûlée'. Robert does not know how to spell 'crème brûlée'. Nosabe si Robert pakimodo man spell cinel 'burned cream'. Ela caminha para trabalhar. She walks to work. She walks to work. Essa é a minha parte favorita do filme. This is my favorite part of the movie! That's my favorite part of the film. Yo a veces me preocupo demasiado por cosas que no debiera. I occasionally worry myself to death about worthless nonsense. Sometimes I worry too much about things I shouldn't. Lo dovremmo chiamare. We should call him. We should call him. ¿Ese precio incluye impuestos? Does that price include tax? Does that price include taxes? Te-ai născut acolo? Were you born there? You were born there? Por primera vez en mi vida siento remordimiento, pero no había otra salida. For the first time in my life, I felt a pang of conscience, but there was no other way out. For the first time in my life I felt remorse, but there was no other way out. Vous n'êtes pas censés fumer ici. You're not supposed to be smoking in here. You're not supposed to smoke here. Se você quer uma bicicleta nova, é melhor começar a economizar. If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up. If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up. Los cachorros hambrientos están ladrando en la calle. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Mary a retiré son casque. Mary took off her helmet. Mary removed her helmet. Eu não posso me gabar do meu time. Ele sempre perde. I cannot brag about my team. It always loses games. I can't brag about my team. Su quale nave eravate? What ship were you on? Which ship were you on? Hola, Paul. ¿Ocupado como siempre? Hi, Paul. Busy as usual? Hello, Paul. Busy as usual? Dan despidió a Linda por arruinar el plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Tom a avut un atac de panică. Tom had a panic attack. Tom had a panic attack. Tom è piuttosto presuntuoso, vero? Tom is pretty conceited, isn't he? Tom's pretty presumptuous, isn't he? Perché non è andato in Germania? Why didn't he go to Germany? Why didn't you go to Germany? Uno, tres y cinco son números impares. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three, five are odd numbers. Când va începe cursul de japoneză? When will the Japanese course start? When will the Japanese course begin? Je vais être papa. I'm going to be a father. I'm gonna be a dad. Tom ha vinto il campionato. Tom won the championship. Tom won the championship. Soy precavido cuando doy mi direccion de correo a un desconocido. I don´t carelessly give my address to a stranger. I'm cautious when I give my e-mail address to an unknown person. Mă simțeam rău. I was feeling ill. I felt bad. Tom consolait Marie. Tom comforted Mary. Tom consoled Marie. Se hará más duro. It's going to get tougher. It'll get tougher. Eu estou cansado de todas as reclamações. I'm sick of all the complaints. I'm tired of all the complaints. No me atreví a mirar. I didn't dare to look. I didn't dare look. Te recompensaré. I'll reward you. I'll reward you. Stà bòun. Stay calm. Stà boun. Eles estão exaustos. They are exhausted. They're exhausted. As únicas alternativas são o sucesso e a morte. The only alternatives are success and death. The only alternatives are success and death. Dépêchez-vous. Le train part dans quelques minutes. Nous ne voulons pas le rater. Hurry up. The train leaves in ten minutes. We don't want to miss it. Hurry up, the train leaves in a few minutes, we don't want to miss it. Quelle est sa taille ? How tall is he? What's his size? Tu n'as pas besoin de dire quoi que ce soit. You don't need to say anything. You don't have to say anything. Tenho certeza de que seus pais estão muito orgulhosos de você. I'm sure that your parents are very proud of you. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. Nous n'attendrons que trois heures de plus. We'll only wait three more hours. We'll only wait three more hours. O inglês não é a minha língua materna. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. Vocês estão bem, crianças? Are you children all right? Are you guys all right, kids? Tom peut compter sur Mary. Tom can count on Mary. Tom can count on Mary. Le dieron licencia absoluta del ejército. He got his discharge from the army. They gave him absolute military license. Todos deviam votar. Everybody should vote. Everyone should vote. Io vengo dalla Grecia. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Bois un coup, Tom. Have a drink, Tom. Have a drink, Tom. J'étais juste devant toi. I was right in front of you. I was right in front of you. Ya tirá cun Tom na pescuezo. Tom was shot in the neck. He's already shooting with Tom in the fishing. Amo la naturaleza. I love nature. I love nature. Voi siete subdole. You're sneaky. You guys are in pain. Você que deve decidir se nós vamos ou não vamos lá. It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not. You must decide if we're going or not going there. Dove le hai oliate? Where did you oil them? Where did you smell them? Înainte de apariția antibioticelor, medicii aveau tratamente eficiente doar pentru un număr limitat de boli. Before the advent of antibiotics, physicians had effective treatments for but a handful of diseases. Before antibiotics appeared, doctors only had effective treatments for a limited number of diseases. ¿Estoy hablando demasiado rápido? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? A que horas vocês saem? What time do you get off? What time do you two leave? Je ne vous aurais jamais tiré dessus. I never would've shot you. I would never have shot you. Diga a Tom que não estou. Tell Tom I'm not here. Tell Tom I'm not here. Dans ce genre de situation, il est préférable de rester calme. In this kind of the situation, it is preferable to remain calm. In this type of situation, it is better to remain calm. Sa paralysie progresse et bientôt, il ne sera plus en mesure de sortir du lit. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis progresses and soon, he will no longer be able to get out of bed. No los van a encontrar. You're not going to find them. They're not gonna find them. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je sois à nouveau ici. I can't believe I'm here again. I can't believe I'm here again. Ami il Natale, vero? You love Christmas, don't you? You love Christmas, don't you? Os edifícios são antigos e estão prestes a desmoronar. The buildings are old and about to collapse. The buildings are old and about to collapse. ¿Y por qué este no es un tópico interesante? And why isn't this an interesting topic? And why isn't this an interesting topic? Procure a palavra no dicionário. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in the dictionary. O Tom deu para a Mary instruções detalhadas sobre como fazer isso. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do that. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do this. Usted es más alto que ella. You are taller than she. You're taller than her. Eles estavam preocupados em pegar um resfriado. They were worried about getting caught. They were worried about getting a cold. Si lavò via il sangue dalle mani. She washed the blood off her hands. He washed the blood out of his hands. C'est interdit. It's forbidden. It's forbidden. Je vous l'avais dit ! I told you so. I told you! Mais le café, ça n'est pas bon. But coffee is not good. But coffee's not good. Les enfants jouent avec les jouets. Children play with toys. Kids play with toys. Il a été repoussé. He got brushed aside. He's been pushed off. O Sami passou alguns meses atrás das grades. Sami spent a few months behind bars. Sami spent a few months behind bars. Haragán ele. She's a slob. Harragan him. No tinc diners. I have no money. I don't have any money. ¿Qué piensas de este sombrero rojo? What do you think of this red hat? What do you think of this red hat? Ho perso la mia cena. I lost my dinner. I missed my dinner. Tom si fiderà di lei. Tom will trust you. Tom will trust you. Él odiaba mentir. He hated lying. He hated lying. N'attendons plus ! Let's not wait any longer. Let's not wait any longer! Ni fwais nén come si t' esteus sorpris. Don't act surprised. You don't feel as if you're surprised. J'ai un frère. I have one brother. I have a brother. Por mí, está bien. It's fine with me. For me, it's okay. Aqueth iogort qu'a un gost estranh. This yogurt tastes strange. That yogort has a foreign gost. Isso é realmente permitido? Is that really allowed? Is that really allowed? J'ai peur de faire ça en hiver. I'm afraid to do that in the winter. I'm afraid to do that in the winter. ¡Trabajadores de todos los países, uníos! Workers of all lands, unite! Workers from all countries, united! Escují maga libro enbuenamente. Choose books carefully. Escují maga book enbuenmente. Ha amici su Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Tom comprou três pares de sapatos. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Necesita tu pidí ayuda. You need to get help. He needs your help. Où est ton chapeau ? Where's your hat? Where's your hat? Tom est ambulancier. Tom is an ambulance driver. Tom's an ambulanceman. Prostii. Bullshit. Nonsense. Espero poder-te veure per nadal. I hope I can see you at Christmas. I hope I can see you for Christmas. Judy é uma estudante muito inteligente. Judy is a very intelligent student. Judy's a very smart student. Come sta andando la sua ricerca di un impiego? How is your job search going? How is your search for a job going? ¿Necesito frenillos? Do I need braces? Do I need brakes? Rispose in lacrime. She answered in tears. He answered in tears. Nous voulons toutes des changements. We all want changes. We all want changes. Le daré un año de subsidio de una vez. I'm going to give you a year's worth of allowance all at once. I'll give you a year's allowance at once. La roccia è stata spostata con della dinamite. The rock was moved by dynamite. The rock was moved with dynamite. Se paró con sus manos temblando de ira. He stood up with his hands trembling in a rage. He stopped with his hands shaking with anger. Que plorè quan ausiscó la tarribla novèla. She wept when she heard the terrible news. That wept when the new tarrible came in. Voi conoscete dei canadesi che vivono in Australia? Do you know any Canadians living in Australia? Do you know of Canadians living in Australia? Tom urăște temele. Tom hates homework. Tom hates homework. Io non sono nervoso. I'm not nervous. I'm not nervous. È stato improvviso. That was abrupt. It was sudden. Cuando ay principiá el salida? When does the movie start? When does the exit begin? Les scientifiques débattent de sa théorie sur la disparition des dinosaures. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists are discussing his theory of the disappearance of dinosaurs. Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler de ce qui s'est produit. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. Eya avla madjar. She speaks Hungarian. Eya avla majar. Comment le fais-tu ? How do you do this? How do you do that? Perché i koala non hanno un ombelico? Why don't koalas have navels? Why don't koalas have an umbilico? Iso é o que significa compartir o mundo no século 21. Esa é a responsabilidade que temos uns cos outros como seres humanos. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. That's what it means to share the world in the 21st century. That's the responsibility we have with one another as human beings. E l'ân mìa catê. They didn't find it. And my heart. Eu não acho que nós realmente precisamos fazer isso. I don't think we really need to do this. I don't think we really need to do that. Vocês devem ir à escola. You must go to school. You must go to school. Peki. Alright. Peki. Quero ir a Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. Ela começou a chorar de novo. She began to cry again. She started crying again. Quan dono menjar als pobres, em diuen sant. Quan demano per què els pobres no tenen res a menjar, em diuen communista. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I feed the poor, they call me holy, and when I ask why the poor have nothing to eat, they call me a Communist. El abandono el Islam. He abandoned Islam. The abandonment of Islam. No, no vi a nadie. No, I didn't see anyone. No, I didn't see anyone. Tom tomou algumas decisões ruins recentemente. Tom has made some bad decisions recently. Tom made some bad decisions recently. Estoy convencido de que tienes razón. I'm convinced that you're right. I'm convinced you're right. C'è una zanzara sul tuo avambraccio destro. You have a mosquito on your right forearm. There's a mosquito on your right forearm. Eu quero ir para a tua festa. I want to go to your party. I want to go to your party. Dov'è il mio cane? Where is my dog? Where's my dog? Poderia trazer outra garrafa de água? Could you bring another bottle of water? Could you get another bottle of water? Todo mundo odeia o Tom. Everybody hates Tom. Everyone hates Tom. Je suis là pour t'aider. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. Quer um sanduíche? Do you want a sandwich? You want a sandwich? Ambos perros duermen. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs sleep. Você vai estar aqui na segunda? Will you be here Monday? Will you be here on Monday? Emily a scris o scrisoare. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. Estaba allí con Tom. I was there with Tom. I was there with Tom. Yenul e încă scăzut în raport cu dolarul. The yen is still low against the dollar. Yen's still low compared to the dollar. Tom va ser despedit per una causa justa. Tom was fired for a good reason. Tom was fired for a just cause. Stava suonando il pianoforte. He was playing the piano. He was playing the piano. Tom vuole conoscere meglio Mary. Tom wants to get to know Mary better. Tom wants to get to know Mary better. "Què vols?" "vull un gos" "What do you want?" "I want a dog." "What do you want?" "I want a dog." Avez-vous des projets pour la soirée ? Do you have any plans for tonight? Do you have any plans for the evening? A mi mama le gustava muncho kontar anekdotas. My mom really used to like telling anecdotes. My mother liked a lot of anecdotes. Busco certa muller anciá. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for some old woman. O meu pai, eu aprendo muito com ele. I learn a lot from my father. My father, I learn a lot from him. Ho suggerito che dovremmo ascoltare la musica tanto per cambiare. I suggested that we should listen to music for a change. I suggested we should listen to the music so much to change. Personne ne me vit. Nobody saw me. No one lives me. Me empiezo a sentir mucho mejor. I'm starting to feel much better. I'm starting to feel a lot better. Ansiaba unha entrada para o concerto. He was itching for a ticket to the concert. I was looking forward to an entrance to the concert. Está ok. This is OK. It's okay. ¡No me abandones! Don't abandon me! Don't leave me! Le travail rend libre. Work makes free. Work is free. ¿Cuarenta euros por una bufanda? ¿No tiene algo más barato? Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? Forty euros for a scarf? Gostaria de ficar uma noite mais, se puder. I'd like to stay another night if I can. I'd like to stay one more night if I can. Les roses ont des épines. Roses have thorns. Roses have thorns. Ieri notte mia nonna è mancata senza soffrire. My grandmother passed away peacefully last night. Last night my grandmother died without suffering. Espero que te poñas ben pronto. Hope you'll get better soon. I hope you get well soon. Stația este mijlocul orașului. The station is the middle of the city. The station is the middle of town. Perdão. Devo ter ligado o número errado. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number. I must have called the wrong number. Tom garde chaque lettre que lui envoie sa mère. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom marcó un número incorrecto. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom dialed an incorrect number. Tony la ruppe. Tony broke it. Tony breaks it. Fastoche ! Piece of cake! Fastoche! Multe companii de software oferă versiuni gratuite ale produselor lor, dar cu funcționalitate limitată. Many software companies offer free versions of their products, albeit with limited functionality. Many software companies offer free versions of their products, but with limited functionality. A l'ha dame na rispòsta sensa sens. He gave a vague answer. She gave it to me in a sensible response. Ela foi à Itália para aprender italiano. She went to Italy to learn Italian. She went to Italy to learn Italian. No gràcies, només miro. No, thank you. I am just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Estoy en tus manos. I am in your hands. I'm in your hands. Tratar de corregir a ese niño es machacar en hierro frío. Trying to correct that boy is useless. To try to correct that child is to strike in cold iron. Ci do a mucchio fin da subito. I'm giving up before I start. I'll give us a lot from now on. Cosa le hai fatto? What did you do to her? What did you do to her? I sentoma la ciòca dla cesa da sì. We hear the church bell from here. I hear her slob ceases to do so. Nu sta acolo ca un butuc, începe să iei notiţe! Don't just stand there like a lump, start taking notes! Don't stand there like a button, start taking notes! Tu ne devrais pas porter de manteau de fourrure. You should not wear a fur coat. You shouldn't wear a fur coat. Tom cree que su país es el mejor del mundo. Tom thinks his country is the greatest country in the world. Tom thinks his country is the best in the world. T'agrada lo pesquit ? Do you like fish? Do you like fishing? Ella tenía miedo de cruzar la calle. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. Me baño cada mañana. I take a bath every morning. I bathe every morning. T'æ visto quello quaddro apeizo li in sciâ miagia? Have you seen that painting hanging there on the wall? Did you see that quadro apoeizo in scia miagia? Nous n'aimons pas nos voisins et ils ne nous aiment pas non plus. We don't like our neighbors, and they don't like us, either. We don't love our neighbors, and they don't like us either. Não consigo me lembrar da última vez que fizemos amor. I can't remember the last time we made love. I can't remember the last time we made love. Eu nunca a vi sorrir. I've never seen her laugh. I've never seen her smile. Este livro, que eu li duas vezes, foi presente do Peter. This book, which I've read twice, was a gift from Peter. This book, which I read twice, was Peter's present. De qué i a acerà ? What is over there? What's going to happen to her? Voi siete così strane. You're so weird. You guys are so weird. Haz lo que quieras. Do what you want. Do what you want. Celui qui lutte contre les monstres doit veiller à ne pas le devenir lui-même. Or, quand on regarde trop longtemps au fond d'un abîme, l'abîme, lui aussi, vous regarde. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. He who fights the monsters must ensure that he does not become himself. But when you look too long at the bottom of an abyss, the abyss, too, looks at you. Aujourd'hui c'est pour moi. Today it is on me. Today is for me. Je possède cet endroit. I own this place. I own this place. Je t'ai amené un cadeau. I brought you a present. I brought you a present. Mary ha gli occhi grandi. Mary has big eyes. Mary has big eyes. À quelle heure te lèves-tu d'habitude ? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Malo sunsacá el mana cosas que tú ya dalé ya. It is bad to count all the things that you gave. Bad blows the mana things you've already given me. Porque mi escalera vieja está rota. Because my old ladder is broken. Because my old stairwell is broken. Tom es el único que puede salvar al mundo. Tom is the only one who can save the world. Tom is the only one who can save the world. Sé que lo tienes. I know you have it. I know you have it. Éste es el bolígrafo con el que escribía el famoso novelista. This is the pen which the famous novelist wrote with. This is the pen written by the famous novelist. J'ai peur également, donc je ne vais pas m'y rendre. I'm scared too, so I'm not going to go. I'm afraid too, so I'm not going to go back. Vino en coche. He came by car. I came by car. Je ne peux pas tout te dire. I can't tell you everything. I can't tell you everything. Ascoltate e ripetete ogni frase. Listen and repeat each sentence. Listen and repeat every sentence. Eu tenho planos para esta noite. I have plans tonight. I have plans for tonight. Ninguém foi comigo. Nobody went with me. No one went with me. Sami a passé la bouteille à Layla. Sami passed Layla the bottle. Sami passed the bottle to Layla. O relator golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The rapporteur punched the table with his fist. L'homme est le seul animal doué de parole. Man is the only animal that talks. Man is the only animal with words. Vous êtes avec des amies. You're with friends. You're with friends. Tom virá. Tom will show up. Tom's coming. El niño entró corriendo a la habitación. The boy came running into the room. The boy ran into the room. "Que horas são?" ele pensou. "What time is it?" he wondered. "What time is it?" he thought. Nous croyons que c'est possible. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Você não está rindo. You're not laughing. You're not laughing. Sii allegro! Aggiungi un punto esclamativo a tutte le tue frasi! Be cheerful! Add an exclamation mark to all of your sentences! Be happy! Add an exclamative point to all your phrases! Non c'è alcuna vittima. There are no victims. There's no victim. Come posso mettermi in contatto con voi? How can I get in touch with you? How can I get in touch with you? Tengo que volver a casa antes de la medianoche. I've got to get back home by midnight. I have to go home before midnight. La pluja àcida no és un fenomen natural. Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. Bien rabiao gayot si Tom. Tom was furious. I hate gay people if Tom does. Eu tenho aulas de francês pelo Skype. I have French classes via Skype. I have French lessons for Skype. Aunque hagamos esto, serán otros sesenta años antes de que se repare el agujero de ozono antártico. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Meu coração está batendo tão rápido! My heart is beating so fast! My heart is beating so fast! ¿No hablarás con Tom al respecto? Won't you speak to Tom about it? Won't you talk to Tom about it? Ele aprendeu rapidamente. He learned quickly. He learned quickly. Te enseñaré la ciudad. I'll show you around the city. I'll show you the city. ¿La encuentras atractiva? Do you think her attractive? You find her attractive? Você verá as crianças que vendem jasmins árabes nas ruas. You'll see the children selling Arabian jasmines on the streets. You'll see the children who sell Arab jasmins on the streets. Laptele s-a stricat. The milk has gone bad. The milk's broken. Tom è greco. Tom is Greek. Tom's Greek. Foi Tom quem me ensinou a xingar. Tom is the one who taught me how to swear. Tom taught me how to laugh. Estou disponível esta noite. Tonight I'm available. I'm available tonight. La maison est blanche. The house is white. The house is white. Em baixo del tren a la pròxima estació. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I'm down on the train at the next station. Le cadeau exprime mes sentiments. The gift is expressive of my feelings. The gift expresses my feelings. Li cridaré més tard. I'll call him later. I'll call you later. Ea lucrează zi și naopte. She is working night and day. She works day and night. Ele não é fumante. He isn't a smoker. He's not a smoker. Tom fue al parque. Tom went to the park. Tom went to the park. Por que ninguém deveria se importar? Why should anyone care? Why shouldn't anyone care? Tom lesse la lettera a voce alta. Tom read the letter out loud. Tom read the letter out loud. ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de evitar que tus hijos se vuelvan ateos? What's the best way to stop your children becoming atheists? What is the best way to prevent your children from becoming atheists? Nu are mai mult de o sută de cărţi. He has no more than one hundred books. He doesn't have more than a hundred books. Il est riche, et, ce qui est encore mieux, il est extrêmement gentil. He is rich, and, what is better, very kind. He is rich, and, what is even better, he is extremely kind. ¿Es esa la llave que buscas? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Les costó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro. It took them some time to get used to each other. It took them a little time to get used to each other. ¿Me dejas la goma? May I borrow your eraser? Can I have the gum? O que o médico te disse? What did the doctor tell you? What did the doctor tell you? No apagues tu computador. Do not turn off your computer. Don't turn off your computer. Você não consegue carregar o piano sozinho. You cannot lift the piano alone. You can't carry the piano alone. Nu-mi pot aminti codul secret. I can't remember the secret code. I can't remember the secret code. Em minha opinião, o Esperanto é muito importante. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. Ne me claque pas dans les pattes ! Don't die on me. Don't slap me in the legs! Tom no conocía esa canción. Tom didn't know that song. Tom didn't know that song. Dez dividido por cinco é igual a dois. Ten divided by five is two. Ten divided by five equals two. Va a empeorar la herida. It will aggravate the wound. It's going to make the wound worse. O garoto era bem afiado em física. The boy was very sharp at physics. The boy was very sharp in physics. Am muncit mult săptămâna asta. I worked a lot this week. I've been working a lot this week. Tom și Mary au spus că nu au făcut-o ei. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Ese hombre está muy bronceado. That man is very tanned. That man is very tanned. Le virus a causé la mort de plusieurs éléphants en Afrique. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus caused the death of several elephants in Africa. Quieres bailar con yo? Would you like to dance with me? You want to dance with me? Un second miroir est suspendu à côté de la porte. A second mirror is hanging next to the door. A second mirror is suspended next to the door. Știam că era plastic, dar părea din lemn. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I knew it was plastic, but it looked like wood. Les secours arrivèrent sur les lieux en quelques minutes. Paramedics arrived on the scene within minutes. The relief arrived at the scene in a few minutes. Ho dimenticato se beve vino o no. I've forgotten whether you drink wine or not. I forgot whether you drank wine or not. Tom è fortunato ad essere qua. Tom is fortunate to be here. Tom's lucky to be here. A l'ha dividù un milion ëd dòlar an tra sò sinch fieuj. He divided one million dollars among his five sons. He divided it into a million dollars between the sinch feuj. Prends une autre photo. Take another picture. Take another picture. ¡Ya son las cuatro! It's already 4:00! It's already four! Ouvi dizer que o Tom quer nadar esta tarde. I heard that Tom wants to swim this afternoon. I heard Tom wants to swim this afternoon. Je dois rentrer à la maison avant qu'on ne voit plus rien. I have to get home before it gets dark. I have to go home before we see anything. Fadil tentou facilitar o trabalho da polícia. Fadil tried to make the police's work easy. Fadil tried to make the police work easier. Dejá cunele hacé cunese. Let him do it. I've already made you bowl. Mi chiedo che cosa pensi Tom. I wonder what Tom thinks. I wonder what Tom thinks. Creșterea cererii pentru cafeau de înaltă calitate a ajutat la mărirea prețului cafelei. Greater demand for high-quality coffee has helped drive coffee prices higher. Increasing demand for high quality coffee helped increase the price of coffee. Tu devrais prendre ton manteau au cas où il ferait froid. You must take your coat in case it should become cold. You should take your coat in case it's cold. ¡Esto debería ser bueno! This should be good! This should be good! Lo long pèu de la Jessy èra sancerament molhat. Jessie's long hair was completely wet. Jessy's long hair was absolutely wet. Não há necessidade de tentar traduzir uma frase palavra por palavra. There's no need to try to translate a phrase word-for-word. There is no need to try to translate a word for word. La kabylie est un pays tolérant contrairement à l'Algérie. Kabylie is a tolerant country unlike Algeria. Kabylie is a tolerant country contrary to Algeria. Em sembla interessant. I think it's interesting. I think it's interesting. J'écris une lettre à ma mère une fois par mois. I write to my mother once a month. I write a letter to my mother once a month. Me voy a echar una siesta. I'm going to have a siesta. I'm gonna take a nap. Dinguno estado tiene el derecho a egzistir. No state has the right to exist. Inno state has the right to exist. Eu quero que Tom compre um presente de aniversário para Mary. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. Je sais que vous bluffez. I know that you're bluffing. I know you're bluffing. Io preferirei prendere un pezzo di torta. I'd rather have a piece of cake. I'd rather have a piece of cake. Fue un rey bueno. He was a good king. He was a good king. Pourris-moi la vie ! Fuck my life. Give me a chance to live! Le darò una mano. I'll give her a hand. I'll give you a hand. Nun falo castellanu. I don't speak Spanish. Not a Spanish language. Je ne pense pas que vous devriez vous faire trop de mouron à ce sujet. I don't think that you should worry about it too much. I don't think you should make too much of yourself about it. Já que ela não foi, também não fui. Since she didn't go, I didn't go either. Since she didn't go, I didn't go either. O Tom é um parente distante meu. Tom is a distant relative of mine. Tom's a distant relative of mine. Elizabeth estaba encantada. Elizabeth was delighted. Elizabeth was delighted. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by flames. Eu estou com vontade de te contar uma coisa. I feel like I can tell you anything. I feel like telling you something. Am fost foarte fericit când am auzit acea veste. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was very happy when I heard that news. Am nevoie să fiu singur. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Suppongo che abbia senso andare avanti e pagare il conto ora. I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now. I guess it makes sense to go on and pay the bill now. Minha terra amada, pérola do Mar do Oriente. My beloved land, pearl of the Orient Sea. My beloved land, pearl of the Sea of the East. Pero yo tuve otra ventaja en eso. But I had another advantage in it. But I had another advantage in that. L'avez-vous pigé ? Got the hang of it? Did you get it? Ne soi pas brica cansat. I'm not at all tired. Don't be tired. Se quedaron en Roma hasta Septiembre. They stayed in Rome till September. They stayed in Rome until September. Estão prontas para falar? Are they ready to talk? Are you ready to talk? Aquella casa me pertenece. That house belongs to me. That house belongs to me. În sfârșit am absolvit liceul. I finally graduated from junior high school. Finally I graduated from high school. Estoy buscando un lápiz labial que combine con este esmalte de uñas. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lip pencil that combines with this nail polish. Esta es una historia real. This is a true story. This is a real story. Nous étions dans le couloir du deuxième étage de l'hôpital. We were in the hallway of the second floor of the hospital. We were in the corridor on the second floor of the hospital. Si no es importante. It's really not important. If it's not important. Vós podeis usar este dicionário. You can use this dictionary. You can use this dictionary. Sabe tu donde kamé ta quedá? Do you know where we live? Do you know where kamé stayed? ¿Te gustaría echar un vistazo? Would you like to have a look? Would you like to take a look? Penso che potrebbe funzionare. I think it might work. I think it might work. ¿Sugiere que soy un cobarde? Are you suggesting that I'm a coward? Are you suggesting I'm a coward? Ce n'est probablement que mon imagination. It's probably just my imagination. It's probably just my imagination. Io provo a non giudicare le decisioni delle mie amiche. I try not to judge my friends' decisions. I try not to judge the decisions of my friends. Dacă lumea nu era în forma în care e acum, aș fi putut avea încredere în oricine. If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone. If the world wasn't in the way it is now, I could have trusted anyone. Tom a une brillante carrière en tant que médecin. Tom has a bright career as a medical doctor. Tom has a brilliant career as a doctor. Je délivrai mon discours, préparé avec attention. I gave my carefully prepared speech. I will deliver my speech, prepared carefully. Eu tive que consertar a torradeira. I had to fix the toaster. I had to fix the toaster. Il discorso di Tom era abbastanza interessante. Tom's speech was quite interesting. Tom's speech was quite interesting. Questa è una delle forze di Tom. This is one of Tom's strengths. This is one of Tom's forces. O que estão vocês lendo? What are you reading? What are you reading? Nosotros escribimos para informarle que el Sr. Koichi Ohara ha sido designado como Administrador del Departamento en reemplazo del Sr. Taro Iida. We are writing to inform you that Mr Koichi Ohara has been appointed as Manager of the Technical Department in succession to Mr Taro Iida. We have written to inform you that Mr. Koichi Ohara has been appointed Administrator of the Department in replacement of Mr. Taro Iida. Eu era mesmo jovem quando o encontrei. I was really young when I met you. I was really young when I found him. Quem vai dar a festa? Who will host the party? Who's going to party? Tu provavelmente já viste isso. You've probably seen that already. You've probably seen that before. È ancora arrabbiata? Are you all still mad? Are you still angry? Usted sabe lo que quiero, ¿no? You know what I want, don't you? You know what I want, don't you? La devo provare. I have to try it. I have to try it. Pensavo fosse lui. I thought it was him. I thought it was him. Eu estava certo também, então! I was right too, then! I was right too, then! Eu deveria ter notado isso antes. I should've noticed it before. I should have noticed that before. Sei uno stregone? Are you a wizard? Are you a witch? Perché non siete tornate indietro per loro? Why didn't you go back for them? Why didn't you come back for them? No creo que sea suficiente. I don't think that's enough. I don't think that's enough. J'aime être une petite vedette ; être une grande vedette, c'est trop de pression et je n'aime pas du tout la pression. I like being a little star, being a big star is too much pressure and I don't like pressure at all. I like being a little star; being a big star, it's too much pressure and I don't like the pressure at all. O Monte Fuji, a montanha mais alta do Japão, tem 3776 metros de altura. Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is 3,776 meters high. Mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is 3776 meters tall. Ceci a besoin d'un certain courage. That requires a certain courage. This needs some courage. Li sto mandando a casa. I'm sending them home. I'm sending them home. Dale un cacho de carne al perro. Give some meat to the dog. Give the dog a piece of meat. O que você está fazendo no meu quarto? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Choverá, esta noite. It will rain tonight. It'll rain tonight. ¿No sientes a la casa sacudirse? Don't you feel the house shaking? Don't you feel the house shaking? A Mary, el cabello le llega hasta la cintura. Mary has hair down to her waist. Mary, her hair reaches her waist. Vocês dois parecem tão felizes juntos. You two look so happy together. You two seem so happy together. Perché Tom non è tornato indietro per loro? Why didn't Tom go back for them? Why didn't Tom come back for them? Dulce se o ágrio? Is it sweet or sour? Sweet if the sour? Prends autant de temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as long as you want. Tom lavora en un eshpital. Tom works in a hospital. Tom works in a hospital. Esta agua está inodora. This water is odourless. This water is odorless. Vou me encontrar com ele. I'm going to meet him. I'll meet him. Me mentiste, ¿verdad? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Adoita ir ó McDonalds. He usually goes to McDonald's. I usually go to McDonalds. ¿Cuántos países son miembros de las Naciones Unidas? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? Ne confruntăm cu o criză severă. We are facing a violent crisis. We're facing a severe crisis. Din cauza ta mi-am pierdut pofta de mâncare. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. Because of you, I've lost my appetite. Vendré como a las 10. I'll come by 10. I'll come at 10:00. O que vocês acham que vão fazer? What do you think you're going to do? What do you think you're gonna do? Com sabèva lo Tòm que la Maria estore pas ací ? How did Tom know that Mary wouldn't be here? How did Tom know Mary wasn't here? Cum a apărut această neînțelegere? How did this misunderstanding ever arise? How did this misunderstanding come about? Por que tenho de ir? Why am I going? Why do I have to go? Lei è normale. You're normal. She's normal. Sans les femmes le commencement de notre vie serait privé de secours, le milieu de plaisirs et la fin de consolation. Without women, the beginning of our life would be helpless; the middle, devoid of pleasure; and the end, of consolation. Without women the beginning of our lives would be deprived of relief, the environment of pleasure and the end of consolation. Mike a été élu président. Mike was elected chairperson. Mike was elected president. Io sto solamente ascoltando. I'm just listening. I'm just listening. Dove li ha sciacquati? Where did you rinse them? Where did he flush them? Vidi il video. I saw the video. I saw the video. Necesita tu un ambulancia? Do you need an ambulance? You need an ambulance? Che capelli lunghi che avete! What long hair you've got! What long hair you got! Tom puede dormir donde sea. Tom can sleep anywhere. Tom can sleep anywhere. Fas bon aspecte. You look good. You look good. Tom quiere que María se disculpe. Tom wants Mary to apologize. Tom wants Maria to apologize. Benvingut! Welcome! Welcome! Io ho bevuto troppa birra ieri. I drank too much beer yesterday. I drank too much beer yesterday. Non leo. I do not read. I don't read. Ajudatz-me, vos prègui. Will you please help me? Help me, pray you. Vira a man dreta. Turn to the right. Turn right. Vostè és més alta que ella. You are taller than her. You're taller than her. Boas tardes. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. No necesito recordar. I don't need reminding. I don't need to remember. Ce vârstă ai acum? How old are you now? How old are you now? Partez sans délai, je vous prie ! Please go right away. Leave without delay, please! Io vedo un modello. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. Le crime ne paie pas. Crime doesn't pay. The crime doesn't pay. Ele quer uma maçã. He wants an apple. He wants an apple. Os traballadores pediron unha suba de soldo. The workers asked for an increase in pay. The workers asked for a pay lift. Quina ei la toa puntura de cauçadura ? What's your shoe size? What's all the fuss about? Devo andare a Boston la settimana prossima. I've got to go to Boston next week. I have to go to Boston next week. Tom precisa de atendimento médico urgente. Tom is in need of medical attention right away. Tom needs urgent medical care. Ele ficou sozinho. He stayed alone. He was alone. Lo dovete fare. You have to do that. You have to. Ils m'ont forcé à prendre le médicament. They forced me to take the medicine. They forced me to take the medicine. Tom ganhou a aposta. Tom won the bet. Tom won the bet. Io penso che Tom sia pessimista. I think Tom is pessimistic. I think Tom's pessimistic. ¡Hola a todos! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! O comoară ascunsă a fost găsită în interiorul mormântului antic. A buried treasure was found inside the ancient tomb. A hidden treasure was found inside the ancient tomb. En effet, c'est une belle surprise de vous voir ici. In fact, it's a great surprise to see you here. In fact, it's a great surprise to see you here. Esta casa tiene seis habitaciones. This house has six rooms. This house has six rooms. Questa scatola contiene delle mele. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Moro en Mueva York. I live in New York. I live in Mueva York. La última carta es mía. The last card is mine. The last letter is mine. Plus j'ai de choses, plus il me faudra nettoyer. The more things I have, the more I am going to have to clean. The more I have things, the more I have to clean up. Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza. Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head. Since I'm not good at swimming, I avoid diving over my head. A noi servono dei capi. We need leaders. We need leaders. Lo haré que te llame en el momento que regrese. I'll make him call you back just as he returns. I'll do it by the time I get back. Ela correu para fora seminua. She ran outside half-naked. She ran out and sowed it. Mi amigo es estúpido. My friend is stupid. My friend's stupid. Est-il vraiment possible de procéder à une transplantation de cerveau ? Is it really possible to do a brain transplant? Is it really possible to perform brain transplantation? Es difícil creer lo que dices. It is difficult to believe what you say. It's hard to believe what you're saying. Por que você não pega emprestado o caminhão de Tom? Why don't you borrow Tom's truck? Why don't you borrow Tom's truck? Elle est contente de son succès. She's pleased at his success. She's happy with her success. El scrie o scrisoare. He writes a letter. He writes a letter. On vòus anar ? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? Nu am observat. I didn't notice. I didn't notice. Se tu mi avessi aiutato, te ne sarei stato grato. If you'd been helpful, I would have been grateful. If you had helped me, I'd have been grateful. Vreau să mănânc ceva. I want something to eat. I want to eat something. Nossos vizinhos estão discutindo de novo. Our neighbors are arguing again. Our neighbors are arguing again. Ceneremo in un ristorante indiano stasera. We are going to have dinner in an Indian restaurant tonight. We'll have dinner at an Indian restaurant tonight. Oh, mi dispiace. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. He abandonado la idea de comprar una casa. I have abandoned the idea of buying a house. I gave up the idea of buying a house. Ho visto Bob stamattina. I saw Bob this morning. I saw Bob this morning. Espero que você não minta mais para mim. I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you don't lie to me anymore. Eu não posso responder esta pergunta. I can't answer this question. I can't answer that question. Je veux présenter mes excuses. I'm willing to apologize. I want to apologize. Muito obrigado pela sua carta. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you so much for your letter. Tu hai fatto così tanto. You've done so much. You've done so much. Connais-tu pour sûr le prix de cette voiture? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Do you know for sure the price of this car? Ya escondé si Tom detrás de un ponô. Tom hid behind a tree. I already hid if Tom behind a ponô. Tom ha riempito il palloncino d'elio. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Tom filled the oil balloon. Mary planchó su falda. Mary ironed her skirt. Mary ironed her skirt. À quelle heure t'es-tu réveillé ? At what time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? Hay un parque cerca de mi casa. There's a park near my house. There's a park near my house. Lo amava ancora. She still loved him. She still loved him. Si je peux faire quelque chose pour toi, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. If I can do something for you, don't hesitate to let me know. Je pensais que vous seriez parties et m'auriez quittée. I thought you'd gone and left me. I thought you'd be gone and left me. Loro moriranno? Are they going to die? Will they die? Tom vive di fianco a una chiesa. Tom lives next to a church. Tom lives next door to a church. Ce serait intéressant de voir si nous pouvons faire ça. It would be interesting to see if we could do that. It would be interesting to see if we can do this. Mia lenga mare a l'é 'l giaponèis. My mother tongue is Japanese. My mother tongue is the Japanese. O Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça. Tom isn't going to want Mary to do that. Tom won't want Mary to do it. Faites ce qui vous paraît juste. Do whatever you think is right. Do what seems right to you. Ahora, Muiriel tiene 20 años. Muiriel is 20 now. Now, Muiriel is 20 years old. Eu fui àquela festa sozinho. I went to that party by myself. I went to that party alone. Estou arrumado. I'm tidy. I'm all set up. Le pedía a Tom que se diese prisa. I asked Tom to hurry. I asked Tom to hurry. O alemão tem mais palavras para neve do que muitas outras línguas. German has more words for snow than many other languages. German has more words for snow than many other languages. No vamos a encontrar nada. We're not going to find anything. We're not gonna find anything. דיקי איל איסקריבﬞייו איסטו? Why did he write that? Is it possible to do this? Vull aprendre l'esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. Sto lavorando qui. I'm working here. I'm working here. A gente precisa vencer. We need to win. We need to win. Ne me traitez pas en idiote ! Don't treat me like I'm stupid. Don't treat me like an idiot! Non mi ha protetto. You didn't protect me. He didn't protect me. Se você concordar em se tornar um doador de órgãos, pode ajudar a salvar a vida de alguém. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to become an organ donor, it can help save someone's life. Trovai un vaso in cui c'erano diverse monete antiche. I found a pot in which there were several old coins. I found a vase where there were several ancient coins. Tot s'ha acabat amb ell. It is all over with him. It's all over with him. Estou cansado de suas desculpas! I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your apologies! N'est-ce pas simplement beau ? Isn't this simply beautiful? Isn't that just beautiful? ¿Por qué estáis en este barco? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this boat? È sempre preparato. He is always prepared. It's always ready. Mi-e teamă că este o neînțelegere. I'm afraid there's a misunderstanding. I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding. Tom chiamò il suo cane Cookie. Tom named his dog Cookie. Tom called his dog Cookie. Nu îți băga nasul în treburile mele personale. Don't stick your nose into my personal affairs. Don't get your nose in my personal business. Tom mi ha lasciata guidare. Tom let me drive. Tom let me drive. Je voudrais avoir une autre tasse de café. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. I'd like another cup of coffee. Je ne voyais pas suffisamment bien pour pouvoir dire si la tache noire sur le plafond était une araignée ou une mouche. My eyes weren't sharp enough to tell whether the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. I didn't see enough good to tell if the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. Elle n'a rien dit qui l'aurait mis en colère. She said nothing that would make him angry. She didn't say anything that would have angered her. O ponto não é este. That's not the point. That's not the point. Aprendemos a leer y a escribir. We learn to read and write. We learn to read and write. Il concerto terminò alle dieci. The concert came to an end at ten o'clock. The concert ended at ten o'clock. De què vols parlar amb mi? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Tom est tombé dans l'eau glacé de la rivière. Tom fell into the ice-cold water of the river. Tom fell into the icy water of the river. Le connaissez-vous par hasard ? Do you know him, by any chance? Do you happen to know him? Eu falei alguma coisa que não deveria? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Did I say something I shouldn't? Ils s'ennuient. They are bored. They're getting bored. Nunca estaban solas. They were never alone. They were never alone. ¿Adónde quieres ir? Where would you like to go? Where do you want to go? Eles sorriram para você. They smiled at you. They smiled at you. Pêder nòster, che t'é int al cēl, c'al sia santifichê al tó nòm, c'al vègna al tó règn, c'la sia fata la tó volontê, cme in cēl, acsé anch'in tèra. Das incō al nòster pan, e scanşèla i nòster dèbit cme nuêter e j scanşlòm ai nòster debitōr, e an lasêr mia ch'e cascòm in tentasiòun, e lébres dal Mēl. Amen. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Thy kingdom come, on earth as in heaven. Gives us our daily bread. Forgive us of our sin, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. Amen. Pêder noster, who is in the cēl, there is sanfichê al tot nom, there is in the vineyard to all the kingdom, there is in front of all volonte, cme in cēl, axé also'in terra. From incō to noster pan, and it scans and nosster debibit cme nuêter and j scanşlom ai noster debitōr, and let my helmet in temptation, and lips from Mēl. Amen. Questo mi descrive così perfettamente! This describes me so perfectly! This describes me so perfectly! Não vou atirar em você. I'm not going to shoot you. I'm not gonna shoot you. Déjame ver. Let me see. Let me see. Eu alimento meu cão só antes de eu jantar. I feed my dog just before I eat dinner. I feed my dog just before I have dinner. Je ne suis pas sûre que quoi que ce soit ait eu lieu. I'm not sure anything happened. I'm not sure anything happened. Somos primos. We are cousins. We're cousins. Vorrei vederlo. I would like to see it. I'd like to see him. Ella fue de compras con él el lunes pasado. She went shopping with him last Monday. She went shopping with him last Monday. ¿Te gustaría que llame un taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? Would you like me to call a cab? Elle ne put surmonter le décès de son époux. She could not get over her husband's death. She could not overcome the death of her husband. Puedo ir caminando a la escuela en 10 minutos. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. Eu gosto das minhas amigas. I like my friends. I like my friends. No existe un camino hacia el amor. El amor es el camino. There is no path to love. Love is the path. There is no way to love. Love is the way. Il me faut reprendre le chemin du travail. I've got to head back to work. I need to get back to work. Anche io sono annoiata. I'm bored, too. I'm bored, too. Tom si è tolto la fede nuziale e l'ha gettata nello stagno. Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond. Tom took out his wedding faith and threw it in the pond. Mi piace il rock sperimentale. I like experimental rock. I like experimental rock. Créeme. Believe me. Believe me. Mon père est né à Matsuyama en 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. Era ingordo. He was greedy. It was fattened. Tiveron que despedir a 300 homes da factoría. They had to fire 300 men at the factory. They had to fire 300 men from the factory. Quali sono le origini delle Olimpiadi? What are the origins of the Olympics? What are the origins of the Olympics? Tom tenía la sospecha de que Mary estaba mintiendo. Tom had a hunch that Mary was lying. Tom had the suspicion that Mary was lying. Tom nu știe când se va întoarce Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be back. Cost lìber-sì a l'é 'd mè pare. This book is my father's. Costs-yes to the é' d'étà pare. Tom está rolando em dinheiro. Tom is rolling in money. Tom's in cash. Eu tomo leite quase todos os dias. I drink milk almost every day. I take milk almost every day. Acompanya'm. Come along with me. Come with me. Deixe te ensinar as conjugações do verbo. Let me teach you the patterns of the verb. Let me teach you the conjugations of the verb. Tom no vive muy lejos de acá. Tom doesn't live too far from here. Tom doesn't live far from here. Când ai observat prima dată că Tom lipsește? When did you first notice that Tom was missing? When did you first notice that Tom was missing? Arranxareino con el. I'll fix it up with him. I'll fix it with him. Noi eravamo bravi. We were good. We were good. La ley no se aplica en este caso. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law does not apply in this case. Trump llama al coronavirus "el virus chino". Trump calls the coronavirus the "Chinese virus." Trump calls the coronavirus "the Chinese virus." Necesita yo usá botas. I have to wear boots. I need to wear boots. El durmiu coa fiestra aberta. He slept with the window open. He slept with the window open. Je me baigne tous les jours. I take a bath every day. I bathe every day. Tom cercò di frenare la sua rabbia. Tom tried to restrain his anger. Tom tried to stop his anger. Dev'essere stupido per non vedere una cosa del genere. He must be stupid not to see such a thing. It must be stupid not to see such a thing. Não alimente os animais. Don't feed the animals. Don't feed the animals. Onde diabos você estava? Where the hell were you? Where the hell have you been? Dis-lui que je sais qui elle est. Tell her that I know who she is. Tell him I know who she is. Queríamos desejar-lhe boa sorte. We wanted to wish you good luck. We wanted to wish you good luck. Por que você tem me ignorado? Why have you been ignoring me? Why have you ignored me? Nosotros sabemos lo que somos, pero no así de lo que podríamos ser. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. We know what we are, but not so much as we could be. Oricine începe să lucreze în tinerețe, ajunge să trăiască luxos la bătrânețe. Whoever starts working in their youth, gets to live lavishly when they're older. Anyone who starts working in youth gets to live luxuriously in old age. Solo quiero saber una cosa. I just want to know one thing. I just want to know one thing. ¿Qué estuviste cocinando? What've you been cooking? What were you cooking? Eu vou te pagar. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Tom não pode vir comigo para Boston. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Tom can't come with me to Boston. A ella casi la chocó una bicicleta. She was nearly hit by a bicycle. She almost got hit by a bicycle. Las fresas ya están de temporada. Strawberries are in season now. The strawberries are already seasoning. Ay tirá yo cunele. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll take it off. La historia tenía un final feliz. The story had a happy ending. The story had a happy ending. Je peux vous parler une seconde ? Can I talk to you for a sec? Can I talk to you for a second? Noi toți te așteptăm pe tine. We're all waiting for you. We're all waiting for you. Isso foi muito mais difícil que eu esperava. It was a lot harder than I had expected. That was much harder than I expected. Chi è l'uomo che sta suonando il violino? Who is the man playing the violin? Who's the man playing the violin? Tom are o durere la umăr. Tom has a pain in the shoulder. Tom's got a pain in his shoulder. Am pias anvestì sold an proget anteressant. I like to invest money in interesting projects. I pias avetì Sold an project anteresant. Vení. Come here. I came. ¿Qué son esos ruidos? What are those noises? What are those noises? Ha mai consolato un'amica? Have you ever consoled a friend? Have you ever consoled a friend? Vi infastidisco a volte? Do I annoy you sometimes? Am I annoying you sometimes? מאתיאו איס און קריסטייאנו סיקולאר. Matthew is a secular Christian. It is the most important thing to do, and it is the most important thing to do with it. Pensavo ci odiassi. I thought you hated us. I thought you hated us. Quina és la seva olor preferida? What's your favorite smell? What's your favorite smell? Ternera, por favor. Beef, please. Ternera, please. Fericirea este mereu neașteptată. Happiness is always unexpected. Happiness is always unexpected. Je n'en vois pas l'objet. I don't see the point. I don't see the object. Tom pode voltar. Tom can come again. Tom can come back. Ne me questionne pas et je ne mentirai pas. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Don't question me and I don't lie. Estoy bendecido con mi vida. I am blessed with my life. I'm blessed with my life. El padre y el hijo van a ser juzgados por homicidio calificado. The father and the son will be tried for homicide. The father and son are going to be tried for qualified homicide. Deberíamos llegar si no hay demasiado tráfico. We should make it if the traffic isn't too heavy. We should get there if there's not too much traffic. Vota la mia fotografia! Vote for my pic! Vote for my picture! Îmi este foarte dor de ei. I miss them so much. I miss them so much. Perché Tom mi sta seguendo? Why is Tom following me? Why is Tom following me? ¡Estás tolo! You're nuts! You're crazy! Talvez você sempre experimentou a mesma coisa. Maybe you have always experienced the same thing. Maybe you've always tried the same thing. Eu não estou satisfeito com a sua explicação. I am not satisfied with your explanation. I'm not satisfied with your explanation. Amène ta viande ! Get off your tush! Bring your meat! Él murió y le dejó una fortuna a su hijo. He died and left his son a fortune. He died and left his son a fortune. Quelqu'un doit l'avoir laissé là. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left him there. Muchas gracias! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Morirò stasera. I'm going to die tonight. I'm gonna die tonight. Aquest és el lloc on va nèixer el meu pare. This is the place where my father was born. This is where my father was born. J'ai encore du mal à y croire. I still have trouble believing it. I still have a hard time believing it. No quiere yo llorá. I don't want to cry. She doesn't want me to cry. Le loro nozze saranno celebrate domani. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their weddings will be celebrated tomorrow. Tom di que non sabe con quén planea Mary ir o baile. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary is planning on going to the prom with. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary plans to go to the dance. "Dove sono i tuoi libri?" "Sono sul banco." "Where are your books?" "They are on the desk." "Where are your books?" "I'm on the bench." Tycho Brahe perdeu parte do seu nariz em um duelo de espadas. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a sword duel. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a sword duel. Toma tu oportunidad y hazlo. Take your chance, and do it. Take your chance and do it. J'ai acheté ceci hier. I bought this yesterday. I bought this yesterday. Está na hora de ir para a cama. It's time for bed. It's time to go to bed. Tom ha preparato la cena. Tom cooked dinner. Tom set up dinner. Casa mea este murdară. My house is dirty. My house is dirty. C'è un telefono nella mia stanza. There's a telephone in my room. There's a phone in my room. Hoy no he comido. I didn't have lunch today. I didn't eat today. Pensavo fossi qualcun'altra. I thought you were someone else. I thought you were someone else. Ele não tem nenhuma intenção de interferir em seus assuntos. He has no intention to interfere with your business. He has no intention of interfering in his affairs. Eu sei a resposta. I know the answer. I know the answer. Ricòrdo i Natali de quand'ea picin. I remember the Christmases when I was little. I remember Christmas from when she peeped. Eu sou mais baixo do que você. I am shorter than you. I'm lower than you. O Tom disse que ele tinha alguma coisa para você. Tom said he had something for you. Tom said he had something for you. No puedo asar esta carne a la parrilla. ¡Se echó a perder! I cannot grill this meat. It has gone bad! I can't roast this meat in the grill. Tu sei bravo a mantenere i segreti? Are you good at keeping secrets? Are you good at keeping secrets? Voi sapete altro su Tom? Do you know anything else about Tom? Do you know anything else about Tom? Evident, teorema este valabilă pentru mulțimi finite. Obviously, the theorem is true for finite sets. Obviously, the theorem is valid for finite seeds. Les bactéries ne se reproduisent pas dans l'alcool. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. Bacteria do not reproduce in alcohol. Mi sono seduto in mezzo a loro. I sat among them. I sat in the middle of them. Anem al cementeri. We are going to the cemetery. Let's go to the cemetery. Je ne fais pas ça pour l'argent. I'm not doing this for money. I don't do this for money. Tuve un sueño extraño. I dreamed a strange dream. I had a strange dream. Io non ho amici. I have no friends. I don't have any friends. Nu toate navigatoarele sunt sigure. Not all browsers are secure. Not all navigators are safe. Eu contei para a Mary. I told Mary. I told Mary. Este é o nosso último dia aqui. This is our last day here. This is our last day here. Est-ce que Tom va bien ? Is Tom alright? Is Tom okay? A maior parte dos jovens adultos gostam de sair à noite. Most young adults enjoy going out at night. Most young adults like to go out at night. Adesso mi dia le mani. Now give me your hands. Now give me your hands. Tom ha continuato a parlare. Tom went on talking. Tom kept talking. El a avut multe experiențe nefericite. He's had many unhappy experiences. He's had a lot of unfortunate experiences. Não tenho nada para relatar. I've got nothing to report. I have nothing to report. On anirem després? Where will we go afterwards? Where are we gonna go next? Al so che ti diré no. I know you're going to say no. I know I'll tell you no. Estas naranjas se pudrieron. These oranges have rotted. These oranges are rotting. È andata a fare la spesa. She is gone shopping. She went shopping. Sei molto stilosa oggi. You're very stylish today. You're very styling today. Nosotros la ayudamos. We helped her. We help her. Ne sono convinto. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Je vous ai méjugée. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. Noi abbiamo lasciato l'edificio circa alle sei. We left the building at about 6 p.m. We left the building about 6:00. Cosa fai qui? What do you do here? What are you doing here? A ideia de ver minha mãe me emociona muito. The idea of seeing my mother thrills me very much. The idea of seeing my mother thrills me a lot. Tengo el mismo problema que tú. I have the same trouble as you have. I have the same problem as you. No pudo encontrar el camino de regreso. She could not find her way back. He couldn't find his way back. Dj' a vormint froed. I'm really cold. I'm really cold. Nos amamos el uno al otro. We love each other. We love each other. Se la sta tirando. She's showing off. She's taking it off. Tom scese dall'aereo. Tom got off the plane. Tom got off the plane. On doit lui prendre sa pression artérielle chaque jour. He has to have his blood pressure taken every day. We have to take his blood pressure every day. Elle n'a pas encore nettoyé sa chambre. She hasn't cleaned her room yet. She hasn't cleaned her room yet. Tom non sarà di ritorno oggi. Tom won't be back today. Tom won't be back today. ¿Por qué él nunca puede hacer nada? Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? La riunione è stata rimandata perché John era malato. The meeting was put off because John was sick. The meeting was postponed because John was sick. Eu sei o que você pensa, mas ela não é assim. I know what you think, but she's not like that. I know what you think, but she's not like that. Lui non è molto gentile, vero? He isn't being very nice, is he? He's not very kind, is he? Ele ainda não veio. He hasn't come yet. He hasn't come yet. Ils étudient l'industrie. They study industry. They're studying the industry. No quiero salir con este tiempo. I don't want to go out in this kind of weather. I don't want to go out with this time. Ogni vòtta che ò provòu, ò falio. Each time I tried, I failed. Every vote he gave, it's a failure. Eso sería asqueroso. That would be gross. That would be disgusting. Donde ya si Mamang? Where's Mum? Where is Mamang already? Dan a exprimé ses convictions racistes en public. Dan expressed his racist beliefs in public. Dan expressed his racist convictions in public. Escuchá esto. Listen to this. Listen to this. Este îndrăzneț pentru oameni să presupună că sarcina noastră este de a face ceea ce poate face numai Dumnezeu. It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do. It is bold for people to assume that our task is to do what only God can do. Ella está tan pobre como siempre. She is as poor as ever. She's as poor as ever. Sa tutto. You know everything. He knows everything. Os garotos não respeitam as garotas. Boys have no respect for girls. Boys don't respect girls. De acord, dar doar cu o singură condiție. I accept, but only under one condition. Okay, but only on one condition. Esas son las reglas. Those are the rules. Those are the rules. C'est l'idéal. It's the gold standard. It's the ideal one. Tom e Mary mi hanno detto che non erano preoccupati. Tom and Mary told me they weren't worried. Tom and Mary told me they weren't worried. Él está demasiado cansado para estudiar. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Un gato saíu de embaixo do escritorio. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out from under the desk. Non ti succederà niente. Nothing's going to happen to you. Nothing's gonna happen to you. Jézi fè on chay miwak. Jesus did many miracles. I mean, we're gonna have to worry about that. Jo era sospitós de ser un criminal. I was suspected to be the criminal. I was suspected of being a criminal. A minha mãe é advogada. My mother is a lawyer. My mother's a lawyer. Como não tenho programa adequado, não consegui abrir o arquivo anexado. Por favor, envie-o novamente em outro formato. Since I don't have the software to open the attached file, I can't open it. Please send it again in another format. Since I have no suitable program, I have not been able to open the attached file. Please send it again in another format. Lo ha fatto ubriacare. She got him drunk. He made him drunk. Quito, Ecuador, está un pouco ao sur do ecuador. Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator. Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator. Brian se fue al colegio con Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Las bandas de chicos fueron muy populares en esa época. Boy bands were very popular at that time. The boy bands were very popular at that time. Tomo dos cucharaditas de azúcar con mi café. I take two teaspoons of sugar with my coffee. I take two teaspoons of sugar with my coffee. Você está a favor ou contra meu plano? Are you for or against my plan? Are you in favor or against my plan? Mi fa male il braccio. My arm hurts. My arm hurts. Não está em suas mãos. It's out of your hands. It's not in your hands. Tom è alto quasi quanto voi. Tom is almost as tall as you are. Tom's almost as tall as you. Tom e Maria são gêmeos. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Maria are twins. La bala va penetrar al seu pit i el va deixar en estat crític. The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition. The bullet penetrated his chest and left him in critical state. ¡Es basura! It's rubbish! It's garbage! Tom no presta mucha atención a cómo se viste. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he's dressed. Ells van baixar de l'autobús. They got off the bus. They got off the bus. Sembra che Tom sia infastidito. It looks like Tom is annoyed. Looks like Tom's annoyed. Dacă dai peste cartea mea, mi-o trimiți? If you come across my book, will you send it to me? If you go over my book, you're sending it to me? Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works in a language school and he loves it. Trebuie să studiezi mai mult. You must study more. You need to study more. Avlas muy avagar. You speak very slowly. You fly very slowly. Il n'y a pas de bière ici. There is no beer here. There's no beer here. Auldey és una marca xinesa. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Tom en realidad no lleva una vida fácil. Tom really leads no easy life. Tom doesn't really lead an easy life. Silenzio, per piacere. Quiet, please. Quiet, please. ¿Con qué antelación llegaremos? How soon are we going to arrive? How soon will we be there? Cette bière est pour vous. This beer is for you. This beer is for you. Je ne boirai plus jamais, au grand jamais. I will never, ever drink again. I'll never drink again, never again. Pensate che Tom abbia intenzione di farlo? Do you think Tom is planning to do that? You think Tom's gonna do it? Vreţi să mâncaţi ceva? Do you want something to eat? Would you like something to eat? Am de gând să mă duc să trag un pui de somn. I am going to go take a nap. I'm going to go take a nap. Il ne comprend pas les risques. He doesn't understand the risks. He doesn't understand the risks. Vino acasă. Come home. Come home. Ch'a l'abio lòn ch'a son meritasse. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. He's got the great-grandfather who deserves it. Benvenute su Tatoeba, tequila, sesso e marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Que tal jogarmos golfe amanhã? How about playing golf tomorrow? How about we play golf tomorrow? Eu ensinei francês ao Tom três anos atrás. I taught French to Tom three years ago. I taught Tom French three years ago. Tom colocou os enfeites na árvore de Natal. Tom hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Tom put the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Eu sei que o Tom se lamenta. I know that Tom is sorry. I know Tom's sorry. Nesta loja vendemos carne. In this shop we sell meat. In this store we sell meat. Salí de la cueva andando. I walked out of the cave. I walked out of the cave. Vidi che sua figlia stava piangendo. I saw his daughter was crying. I saw his daughter was crying. Nu putem avea încredere în ceea ce spune ea. We can't trust what she says. We can't trust what she says. Lui è venuto ad ascoltare del jazz. He came to listen to jazz. He came to listen to jazz. El niño le teme a la oscuridad. The boy is afraid of the dark. The child fears darkness. Esta era uma boa escola para o meu neto. This was a good school for my grandson. This was a good school for my grandson. Avant ma femme restait à la maison, mais maintenant elle travaille. My wife used to stay home, but she works now. Before my wife stayed at home, but now she's working. Antes coleccionaba posavasos. I used to collect coasters. I used to collect possavas. Non le dia delle idee. Don't give her any ideas. Not the day of ideas. A me piace il suo romanzo. I like her novel. I like his novel. No me interesa mientras seas feliz. I don't care as long as you're happy. I don't care as long as you're happy. O verdadeiro amor é eterno, infinito e sempre fiel a si mesmo. É constante e puro, sem demonstrações violentas: será visto com cabelos brancos e será sempre jovem no coração. True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. True love is eternal, infinite and always faithful to itself. It is constant and pure, without violent demonstrations: it will be seen with white hair and will always be young in the heart. Tom è spietato. Tom is callous. Tom's sorry. Portale alla stazione. Take them to the station. Take them to the station. Étiez-vous nerveux au cours de l'entretien d'embauche? Were you nervous during the job interview? Were you nervous during the hiring interview? Vos un haragán. You're a slob. You're a cockroach. Eu finalmente lavei o carro. I finally washed the car. I finally washed the car. Quel âge a ton chat ? How old is your cat? How old is your cat? Te rog să închizi uşa când pleci. Please lock the door when you leave. Please close the door when you leave. Eu orei. I prayed. I prayed. Io penso che voi stiate sprecando il vostro tempo. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. A Tom no le gusta el mismo tipo de música que le gusta a Mary. Tom doesn't like the same kind of music as Mary does. Tom doesn't like the same kind of music Mary likes. ¿Dónde fue a parar todo el pan? Where did all the bread go? Where did all the bread go? Am primit un pulover de la ea de ziua mea. I received a sweater from her on my birthday. I got a sweater from her on my birthday. Siete persuasivi. You're persuasive. You're persuasive. Anda yo sacá toalla cuntigo. I'll get you a towel. Come on, I'll take off my day-to-day towel. Mostrame otros. Show me some others. Show me others. Era vestito di blu. He was dressed in blue. He was dressed in blue. Ai vrea ca noi să aducem ceva la cină? Would you like us to bring anything to the dinner? Would you like us to bring something to dinner? Cette rose sent bon. This rose smells sweet. That rose feels good. No podemos descartar la posibilidad de un accidente. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. Je n'aime pas être traité de cette manière. I don't like being treated like this. I don't like being treated that way. Él se casó con una azafata. He married a stewardess. He married a saffron. Tom a plâns. Tom cried. Tom cried. Sta a lei fare una scelta. It's up to you to make a choice. It's up to you to make a choice. Ay cae ulán ahora tarde. It is going to rain this afternoon. Ay falls ulán now late. Tom bebió demasiado anoche. Tom drank way too much last night. Tom drank too much last night. ¿No podemos despedir a Tom? Can't we fire Tom? Can't we say goodbye to Tom? Eu quero checar isso. I want to check it out. I want to check it out. Ce thé est vraiment sucré. This tea is really sweet. This tea is really sweet. El paciente estaba en peligro. The patient was in danger. The patient was in danger. Eu sei por que o Tom está com medo. I know why Tom is afraid. I know why Tom's scared. Je veux le faire maintenant. I want to do that now. I want to do it now. A ellos les gusta jugar juntos. They enjoy playing together. They like to play together. A beleza non é unha calidade das cousas por si mesmas: unicamente existe na mente que as contempla; e cada mente percibe unha beleza diferente. Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. Beauty is not a quality of things by themselves: it only exists in the mind that contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. Mi maestro me enseñó que podés sacar la raíz cuadrada de un número negativo. My teacher taught me that you can take the square root of a negative number. My teacher taught me you could get the square root out of a negative number. No quiero que veas más a Tom. I don't want you to see Tom anymore. I don't want you to see Tom anymore. Io non ti disturberò più. I won't bother you anymore. I won't bother you anymore. Où sont mes affaires ? Where are my things? Where's my business? Tom não é como os outros garotos. Tom isn't like all the other boys. Tom's not like the other kids. Estoy babeando como un perro. I am drooling like a dog. I'm drooling like a dog. Les gens devraient être maîtres de leur propre destin. People should be the masters of their own destinies. People should be masters of their own destiny. Am înotat mai bine de trei ore ieri. I swam for more than three hours yesterday. I swam more than three hours yesterday. Tenemos un gato. We have a cat. We have a cat. Isso vai deixar ele muito feliz. That'll make him very happy. That'll make him very happy. Tom pagó con tarjeta de crédito. Tom paid by credit card. Tom paid with a credit card. Non la sto lasciando da sola. I'm not leaving you alone. I'm not leaving her alone. Você fala ucraniano? Do you speak Ukrainian? Do you speak Ukrainian? Tom si è chinato per uno sguardo più da vicino. Tom leaned down for a closer look. Tom stood up for a closer look. En un diccionario como éste debería haber por lo menos dos oraciones con "refrigerador". In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with "fridge". In a dictionary like this there should be at least two prayers with "refrigerator". L'uomo è deceduto qualche ora fa. The man passed away a few hours ago. The man died a few hours ago. Estou procurando um senhor. I'm looking for an old man. I'm looking for a gentleman. Ils l'ont dit encore faible, suite à une récente maladie. They said he was still weak from a recent sickness. They said it was still weak, as a result of a recent illness. Es bueno para ese trabajo. He is a good man for the job. It's good for that job. El vaig veure saltar. I saw him jump. I saw him jump. Această aplicaţie vă va lăsa să sincronizaţi fotografiile şi muzica dumneavoastră între toate aparatele dumneavoastră. This app will let you sync your photos and music between all your devices. This application will let you sync your photos and music between all your devices. Eu irei atirar. I will shoot. I'll shoot. Se ele estiver ausente, não teremos o teste de inglês. If he is absent, we will not have an English test. If he's missing, we won't have the English test. El collar me aprieta mucho el cuello. The collar is too tight round my throat. The collar really squeezes my neck. Ela a lo pèu cort. She has short hair. She's scared of her cort. Nu există speranță pentru recuperarea lui. There is no hope of his recovery. There is no hope for his recovery. Aqui está a carta dela pedindo para nós tomarmos conta do único filho dela. Here is her letter asking us to take care of her only son. Here's her letter asking us to take care of her only child. Tom ha provato ancora. Tom tried again. Tom tried it again. Gracias, amó lang aquel. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, I loved that tongue. Tom fingió no entender lo que Mary quería que hiciera. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary wanted him to do. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary wanted me to do. Ce drăguț din partea ta să mă inviți și pe mine! How nice of you to invite me along! How cute of you to invite me too! Starò bene, spero. I'll be OK, I hope. I'll be fine, I hope. ¿Me despertarás a las siete? Will you wake me at seven? Will you wake me up at seven? ¡Estas son flores hermosas! These are beautiful flowers. These are beautiful flowers! Allons prendre l'air dehors. Let's go outside for some fresh air. Let's go get some air outside. Me llamu Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. Cela n'est pas possible. This is impossible! That's not possible. Io ho fatto un grosso errore. I've made a big mistake. I made a big mistake. Je refuse de répondre à ça. I refuse to answer that. I refuse to answer that. Oricum. Anyway. Anyway. Le monde n'est pas parfait. The world isn't perfect. The world is not perfect. Revenez dans une heure ! Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour! Oggi è piuttosto freddo. It's rather cold today. It's pretty cold today. Vous êtes le professeur de mon enfant. You're my kid's teacher. You're my child's teacher. ¿No tiene como-se-llame el mismo carro? Doesn’t what’s-her-name have the same car? Doesn't it have the same car? Finalmente è qui! It's finally here. He's finally here! Su Señoría, mientras que este caso está marcado para juicio, de hecho, al acusado le gustaría aceptar un acuerdo. Your Honor, while this case is marked for trial, in fact, the defendant would like to accept a plea. Your Honor, while this case is marked for trial, in fact, the accused would like to accept an agreement. Eu tenho outra ideia. I have another idea. I have another idea. Non è niente per me. You're nothing to me. It's nothing to me. Él estaba envejeciendo. He was getting old. He was aging. Él va a regresar a las cuatro. He will come back at four. He'll be back at four. A Tom le suspendieron su licencia. Tom has had his license suspended. Tom was suspended from his license. Dobbiamo fare del nostro meglio per cambiare le cose. We should do our best to make things different. We have to do our best to change things. Nós éramos vizinhos. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. Eu tenho medo que tenho que sair. I'm afraid that I have to leave. I'm afraid I have to leave. Gracias, es todo. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. Ho has sentit també? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Per què les persones van al cinema? Why do people go to the cinema? Why do people go to the movies? Donne-le-lui. Give it to him. Give it to him. O Tom não folga muito nos fins de semana. Tom doesn't have many weekends off. Tom doesn't take much time off on weekends. ¡Ganaron ustedes! You win! You guys won! È il mio spazzolino da denti. That's my toothbrush. It's my toothbrush. Tom y Mary dixeron que marchaban. Tom and Mary said that they were leaving. Tom and Mary said they were leaving. Ils étaient paisibles. They were peaceful. They were peaceful. Mira al monitor. Look at the screen. Look at the monitor. Eu estava de coração partido. I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. Tout le monde a-t-il entendu ça ? Did everybody hear that? Did everyone hear that? Questa zona della biblioteca è chiusa al pubblico. This section of the library is closed to the public. This library area is closed to the public. ¿Y tú le crees? ¡No seas bruta, chica! And you believe him? Don't be stupid, girl! And you believe him, don't be dirty, girl! Maman et papa sont très nerveux. Mom and Dad are very nervous. Mom and Dad are very nervous. Vi Tom sorrir. I saw Tom smile. I saw Tom smile. Trang es tan guapa como Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Este problema não se resolve com dinheiro. This problem can't be solved with money. This problem is not solved with money. Donald Trump es un mentirozo patolojiko. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Mary mora em Boston com sua mãe. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Kero meldar. I want to read. Kero meldar. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de réduire les coûts. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the cost. For this, it is necessary to reduce costs. Era um milagre que Fadil ainda estivesse vivo. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. Certains aiment les chats, d'autres préfèrent les chiens. Some people like cats, others prefer dogs. Some like cats, others prefer dogs. Siempre se me escapa su nombre. Her name often escapes me. I always miss his name. ¡Lo siento! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Debemos acatar las normas. We must obey the rules. We must abide by the rules. Qual é a diferença entre "make" e "do" em inglês? What is the difference between "make" and "do" in English? What's the difference between make and do in English? Qui est la fille dans ta voiture ? Who is the girl in your car? Who's the girl in your car? Ella ha conseguido sus metas. She has achieved her goals. She's got her goals. Tom este foarte mândru de tine. Tom is very proud of you. Tom is very proud of you. Monsù, anvisché vòstri motor! Gentlemen, start your engines. Monsu, I want your engine! Eu sabia. I knew it. I knew it. Pourquoi as-tu invité Tom à la fête ? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Vamos colocar a árvore de Natal aqui. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Por que vocês não fizeram nada? Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you do anything? Minha irmã tem pernas longas. My sister has long legs. My sister has long legs. Tu hai mai scritto una lettera a Mary? Have you ever written a letter to Mary? Have you ever written a letter to Mary? L-am văzut pe Tom sărutând-o pe Mary. I saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw Tom kiss Mary. Não tenho certeza se Tom gostou da festa tanto quanto nós. I'm not sure Tom enjoyed the party as much as we did. I'm not sure Tom liked the party as much as we did. Eu tenho um segredo. I've got a secret. I have a secret. Estou feia. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. Pesah alegre! Happy Passover! Cheerful Pesah! Escolher os seus pais cuidadosamente é o segredo da longevidade. The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully. Choosing your parents carefully is the secret of longevity. El este vechiul meu prieten. He is my old friend. He's my old friend. Cresme? Do you believe me? You believe me? Siete favorevoli o contrarie al piano? Are you for or against the plan? Are you in favour or contrary to the plan? Elles en ont également un. They have one too. They also have one. Você parece bem certo. You seem pretty certain. You look pretty right. Hindé fácil memorizá cunel mga fecha. It isn't easy to memorize dates. Easy memorized memorized cunell mga date. Lei com'è arrivata qui? How did you get here? How did you get here? Scrive in arabo. He writes Arabic. Write in Arabic. Mozotros somos parientes. We're relatives. Mozotros are relatives. Me did venir a Japon fro China. I came to Japan from China. He told me to come to Japan from China. Hay principios gramáticos involucrados. There are grammatical principles involved. There are grammatical principles involved. J'ai passé du très bon temps. I had a fantastic time. I've had a really good time. Ellos intentaron escapar. They tried to escape. They tried to escape. Ela contou a Tony. She told Tony. She told Tony. Ne fais rien de bizarre. Don't try anything funny. Don't do anything weird. Le Canada compte environ 26 millions d'habitants. The population of Canada is about 26 million. Canada has approximately 26 million inhabitants. Tom va trebui să facă asta singur. Tom will have to do that himself. Tom's gonna have to do this alone. Nu e niciodată prea târziu pentru a învăța. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. C'est un membre estimé. He is a member in good standing. He's an estimated member. Lo habéis entendido mal. You've misunderstood. You misunderstood. Bona nit a tothom! Good night, everyone! Good night, everyone! À qui est-ce la faute ? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it? Îi văd pe Dan și Andrei. I see Dan and Andrei. I see Dan and Andrei. Lavora con Tom? Do you work with Tom? Do you work with Tom? Podemos falar com o Tom. We can talk to Tom. We can talk to Tom. Es un nuevo cine. It's a new movie theater. It's a new cinema. Je suis musicienne. I'm a musician. I'm a musician. Ela está na igreja agora. She is at church right now. She's in church now. Les hommes ne pensent qu'à une chose. Men only think about one thing. Men think only of one thing. Tornò in Giappone. He went back to Japan. He went back to Japan. Moramos en Mueva York. We live in New York. We live in Mueva York. Dreptul apei este domeniul dreptului care se ocupă cu proprietatea, controlul şi utilizarea apei ca resursă. Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. Water law is the domain of law that deals with the ownership, control and use of water as a resource. Cul-lé l'é nōv. That's new. It's nōv. Tom quizás podría desfallecer. Tom might faint. Tom might fail. Tom non è strano. Tom isn't weird. Tom's not weird. È incredibilmente stupida. You're unbelievably stupid. She's incredibly stupid. Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange. Something weird's going on. Something strange is happening. Elle lui a conseillé d'utiliser un vélo. She advised him to use a bicycle. She advised him to use a bicycle. Hobbyul tatălui meu este pescuitul. My father's hobby is fishing. My father's hobby is fishing. C'est une société étasunienne. It's an American company. It's a U.S. society. Nous sommes assez pressés. We're in kind of a hurry. We're pretty much in a hurry. Joc volei des. I play volleyball often. I've been flying since. Io sono molto rapida. I'm very quick. I'm very quick. O pior passou. The worst is over. The worst is over. El teu amic està cansat. Your friend is tired. Your friend is tired. Elle m'a demandé si je connaissais son adresse. She asked me if I knew her address. She asked me if I knew her address. Tom non ha mai chiesto il perché. Tom never asked why. Tom never asked why. Encontramo-nos em uma situação impossível. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. Noi finimmo la benzina nel mezzo del deserto. We ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We finished the gas in the middle of the desert. Empújenla. Push her. Push her. Avete un tavolo prenotato? Have you got a table booked? Do you have a table booked? È un bricconcello. He's a rascal. It's a briccollo. De las víctimas, ocho son mayores de edad y dos son menores. 8 was the oldest of the victims and 2 was the youngest. Of the victims, eight are older and two are smaller. El a inventat o poveste despre acel câine. He made up a story about the dog. He invented a story about that dog. Necesitas un abogado. You need a lawyer. You need a lawyer. Mă bucur că s-a întors. I'm glad he came back. I'm glad he's back. Quelle fut sa réponse à votre proposition ? What was her answer to your proposal? What was his response to your proposal? Je suis désolé, mon père n'est pas là. I'm sorry, my father's not here. I'm sorry, my dad's not here. Tu t'en remettras. You'll get over this. You'll get it back. Vous n'y êtes pas bonnes. You're not good at this. You're not good. Combien de temps va durer ce beau temps ? How long will this nice weather last? How long will this beautiful weather take? « Tu es amoureux de ce garçon ! » « Non, ce n'est pas vrai ! » "You've got a crush on this boy." "No, I don't!" "You're in love with this boy!" "No, it's not true!" Lamento que funcionara de esa manera. I'm sorry it worked out this way. I'm sorry it worked that way. Tienes que ir al hospital. You have to go to the hospital. You have to go to the hospital. Il cacciatore ha messo delle munizioni nella pistola. The hunter put ammunition in the gun. The hunter put ammunition in the gun. Meu irmão mais velho é um ano mais velho que o marido dela. My older brother is a year older than her husband. My older brother is a year older than her husband. Vous avez des problèmes. You have problems. You're in trouble. Quando é que foi a última vez que você trocou o filtro? When was the last time you replaced the filter? When was the last time you changed the filter? Ce programme est une rediffusion. This program is a rerun. This program is a recast. Non vorrei essere al suo posto per niente al mondo. I wouldn't change places with him for the world. I wouldn't want to be in his place for anything in the world. Io non penso che Tom e Mary abbiano paura. I don't think Tom and Mary are afraid. I don't think Tom and Mary are afraid. Cállate. Stop talking. Shut up. Salió el sol. The sun came out. The sun went out. Ta lé si Tom. Tom is reading. It's read by Tom. Come stanno andando le tue vacanze estive? How's your summer vacation going? How are your summer holidays going? Eu tenho que voltar a Boston. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. La meva bicicleta no té res a veure amb la teva. My bike is not anything like yours. My bike has nothing to do with yours. Io pagherò qualsiasi cosa. I'll pay anything. I'll pay for anything. Ela dorme como se nunca tivesse feito isso antes. She sleeps as if she had never done that before. She sleeps like she's never done that before. La factura ascendía a 500 dólares. The bill amounted to 500 dollars. The bill amounted to $500. Tutte le camere hanno una TV via cavo. All rooms have a cable TV. All rooms have a cable TV. Non ti voglio mentire. I don't want to lie to you. I don't want to lie to you. Tom è con le sue amiche. Tom is with his friends. Tom's with his friends. No tú debe anticipá kanámon. You should've expected us. You must not anticipate kanamon. Tiens-toi à l'écart de ma fille ! Stay away from my daughter. Stay away from my daughter! Il n'y a aucun problème du tout. There's no problem whatsoever. There's no problem at all. Je suis vraiment désolée d'avoir menti. I'm very sorry that I lied. I'm really sorry I lied. Tom desafiou Maria. Tom challenged Mary. Tom challenged Maria. Il n'était pas déçu. He was not disappointed. He wasn't disappointed. Ela envenenou seu marido. She poisoned her husband. She poisoned your husband. Educar una hija es como regar las plantas del vecino. Raising a daughter is like watering your neighbour's garden. Educating a daughter is like watering the neighbor's plants. El doctor está preocupado. The doctor is concerned. The doctor's worried. Pars sans délai, je te prie. Please leave right away. Leave without delay, I pray you. ¿Cómo consolar a una mujer que acaba de perder a su único hijo? How do you console a woman who has just lost her only child? How to comfort a woman who has just lost her only child? Dean chiar mănâncă mult, nu crezi? Dean really eats quite a lot, don't you think? Dean really eats a lot, don't you think? O homem é o único animal que usa o fogo. Man is the only animal that can make use of fire. Man is the only animal that uses fire. Cuidado, o homem tem uma arma. Watch out, the man has a gun. Careful, man has a gun. Io riesco a vedere il miglioramento. I can see the improvement. I can see the improvement. Naquela noite ele teve um sonho terrível. He had a terrible dream that night. That night he had a terrible dream. Hanno guardato tutti. They all looked. They've all looked. El Islam es ermozo. Islam is beautiful. Islam is a hermous. Non sae auga da ducha. Water is not coming out of the shower. There's no water coming out of the shower. Tom veio para a escola embora estivesse doente. Tom came to school even though he was sick. Tom came to school though he was sick. Tom diz que precisa de mais tempo. Tom says he needs more time. Tom says he needs more time. Cuesta un rato hacer galletas. Making cookies takes time. It takes a while to make cookies. Nós te visitaremos. We'll visit you. We'll visit you. No tenim cap prova. We don't have any proof. We don't have any evidence. Mary ti catturerà. Mary will catch you. Mary will capture you. Vous êtes tous les deux le noyau de l'équipe. You two are the nucleus of the team. You're both the core of the team. Pedro mora com seu amigo. Peter lives with his friend. Pedro lives with his friend. Amiamo il caffè. We love coffee. We love coffee. Tom est habitué à rester debout toute la nuit. Tom is used to staying up all night. Tom's used to standing all night. Je sais que tu ne prévois pas de rester ici longtemps. I know you're not planning on staying here for a long time. I know you don't plan on staying here long. Em que você se interessa? What are you interested in? What do you care? È capace di parlare dieci lingue. He is able to speak ten languages. She's capable of speaking ten languages. Non teño nada en particular que facer mañá. I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow. I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow. Eu estou com pouco dinheiro no momento. I have a little money at the moment. I have little money right now. Mi profesora de latín acostumbraba bajar la mirada con rigurosidad sobre mí por encima del borde de sus gafas, pero ahora sé que sólo se debía al hecho de que ella llevaba gafas de lectura y que resultaba molesto quitárselas siempre, así que lo que parecía desprecio hacia nosotros los estudiantes podría bien y realmente haber sido amabilidad. My Latin teacher used to look down sternly on me over the rim of her glasses, but now I know it only had to do with the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that she will have found it a nuisance taking them off all the time, so what looked like contempt towards us students might well and truly have been kindness. My Latin teacher used to go down her gaze with rigour over me above the edge of her glasses, but now I know that it was only due to the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that it was annoying to take them off all the time, so what seemed contemptuous to us students could be good and really kind. Lo Tòm arribèc en retard a la gara. Tom arrived late at the station. The tom is getting late at the train station. La mea mair que's desbrombè de hornir sau a la salada. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. My mother's either in the oven or in the salad. A ideia de surpreendê-la subitamente passou pela minha cabeça. The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. The idea of surpriseing her suddenly went through my head. Io ero molto soddisfatta con questo. I was very satisfied with this. I was very pleased with this. Le due sorelle si assomigliano così tanto che è difficile distinguerle. The two sisters are so much alike that we find it rather difficult to tell one from the other. The two sisters look so much like it is difficult to distinguish them. Você está de bom humor? Are you in a good mood? Are you in a good mood? Tom es excéntrico. Tom is eccentric. Tom's eccentric. Lei è la mia sorellastra. She's my half-sister. She's my sister-in-law. Sono salito sulla barca. I got into the boat. I got on the boat. Esto es un gato. This is a cat. This is a cat. O, e un fluture! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, it's a butterfly! Tom dijo que María no sabe hablar francés. Tom said Mary didn't know how to speak French. Tom said Mary can't speak French. Cum e viața în Rio? How's life in Rio? How's life in Rio? Pienso que usted es una persona muy agradable. I think you are a really nice person. I think you're a very nice person. Todos estão felizes. All are happy. Everyone's happy. La qualité du riz diminue. The quality of rice is going down. Rice quality is decreasing. La mancanza di sonno può avere un impatto negativo enorme sui voti di uno studente. Lack of sleep can have an enormous negative impact on a student's grades. Lack of sleep can have a huge negative impact on a student’s vows. Volete prendere questa? Do you want to take this one? Would you like to take this? Tom é o próximo da lista. Tom is next on the list. Tom's next on the list. Estos pájaros migran al norte de África en invierno. These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. These birds migrate north of Africa in winter. Quanto tempo você acha que levará? How long do you think it will take? How long do you think it'll take? El nas del gos és molt sensible. A dog's nose is very sensitive. The dog's nose is very sensitive. Io ho aiutato Taninna a imparare il berbero. I helped Taninna learn Berber. I helped Taninna learn the Berber. E inteligent din partea ei să rezolve o problemă atât de dificilă. It is clever of her to solve such a difficult problem. It's smart of her to solve such a difficult problem. Vei reuși. You will prevail. You'll make it. ¿Podría indicarme el camino a la estación? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you point me in the way to the station? Aș dori să vorbesc cu tine pe Skype dacă nu te deranjează. I'd like to talk to you on Skype if you don't mind. I'd like to talk to you on Skype if you don't mind. Tom morou nesse edifício. Tom lived in this building. Tom lived in this building. Você voltou, de novo. You're back again. You're back again. O Tom estava tímido, mas a Mary não. Tom was shy, but Mary wasn't. Tom was shy, but Mary wasn't. Tom está en la cama enfermo. Tom is sick in bed. Tom's in sick bed. Tonalitatea vocii poate indica anumite trăiri. Tone of voice can indicate feelings. The tone of the voice may indicate certain lives. Tom cantou uma música. Tom sung a song. Tom sang a song. Ai putea să-l întâlnești pe Tom. You might meet Tom. You could meet Tom. Nu știu ce să mai fac. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Lei conosce un uomo chiamato Tom Jackson? Do you know a man named Tom Jackson? Do you know a man named Tom Jackson? Me gustan los coches viejos. I like old cars. I like old cars. Io non riesco a controllarla. I can't control it. I can't control her. Va al colegio a pie. He goes to school on foot. Go to school on foot. Almorzamos temprano. We had an early lunch. We had lunch early. Su debut fue el evento social más grande de la temporada. Her debut was the biggest social event of the season. His debut was the biggest social event of the season. Que faisais-tu dans sa chambre ? What were you doing in his room? What were you doing in his room? Je connais un moyen. I know a way. I know a way. Tom è qui con noi. Tom is here with us. Tom's here with us. No estás solo. You're not alone. You're not alone. Il suo regno è il tuo inferno. His kingdom is your hell. His kingdom is your hell. I miei genitori sono morti. My parents are dead. My parents are dead. Dol puerco le si ta comé. He eats like a pig. Dol puerco if you eat it. Aspeté. Wait. I waited. Vuoi un passaggio per tornare a casa? Do you want a ride home? You want a ride home? Ella encuentra aburrido leer. She finds reading boring. She finds it boring to read. Esse bolo também parece bom. Dê-me um pedacinho. That cake looks good too. Give me a small piece. Give me a little piece of cake, too. Sou eu. It's me. It's me. Cum este clima în țara ta? How is the climate in your country? How's the weather in your country? Même si Marcel travaille très fort, il ne gagne que 30 000 dollars canadiens par année. Even though Marcel works hard, he only earns 30 000 Canadian dollars per year. Although Marcel works very hard, he earns only $30,000 a year. Cine te învață franceză? Who teaches you French? Who's teaching you French? Hier, c'était lundi. Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday, it was Monday. Que peux-tu m'enseigner ? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? Elle ne voulait pas m'embrasser même si nous étions fiancés. Even though we're engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. She didn't want to kiss me even if we were engaged. Tom tem um metro e setenta. Tom is five foot six. Tom's got a meter and seventy. Byen veni. Welcome. Welcome. Pense bem antes de prometer alguma coisa. Think carefully before you promise anything. Think about it before you promise anything. Tu sei Mary? Are you Mary? Are you Mary? Tom apagó la luz. Tom turned off the light. Tom turned the light off. Eu gosto das montanhas mais do que do mar. I like the mountains more than I like the sea. I like the mountains more than the sea. Sembrava stanca ma felice. She looked tired, but happy. She seemed tired but happy. Tom sait parler allemand aussi bien qu'anglais. Tom can speak German as well as English. Tom can speak German as well as English. É um detalhe. It's a detail. It's a detail. Je me suis battu. I got into a fight. I fought. Tom a dit qu'il pensait que Mary aurait faim. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be hungry. Tom said he thought Mary would be hungry. Nuestro plan no va a ninguna parte. Our plan won't get anywhere. Our plan isn't going anywhere. Nu i-am spus lui Tom nimic despre asta. I didn't tell Tom anything about this. I didn't tell Tom anything about it. Puedo compartir. I can share. I can share. Dicen que, en el día de Colón, el fantasma de Cristóbal Colón sale de su tumba y vuela alrededor del mundo, castigando a los chicos y chicas malos que no creen en él. They say that on Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus's ghost rises up from its grave and flies around the world, punishing the bad boys and girls who don't believe in Christopher Columbus. They say that on the day of Columbus, Christopher Columbus' ghost comes out of his tomb and flies around the world, punishing bad boys and girls who don't believe in him. Yo me sentí con hambre. I felt hungry. I felt hungry. È già ottobre. It's October already. It's already October. Sus manos se sienten ásperas. His hands feel rough. His hands feel rough. Ninguém me dava ouvidos. Nobody would listen to me. Nobody listened to me. Estou feliz que tenha apreciado. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Un évènement inoubliable s'est produit. An unforgettable event occurred. An unforgettable event occurred. Tom sabe muito bem que não deve discordar de Mary. Tom knows better than to disagree with Mary. Tom knows very well that you must not disagree with Mary. Los ejercicios son sencillos y efectivos. The exercises are simple and effective. Exercises are simple and effective. El este foarte sensibil. He is very sensitive. He's very sensitive. Cuídalos. Look after them. Take care of them. Si salé tu, favor cerrá cunel puerta. Please close the door when you leave. If I left you, please close the door. Il est l'heure de démarrer. It's about time to start. It's time to start. O Tom e a Mary disseram que fariam aquilo? Did Tom and Mary say they'd do that? Tom and Mary said they'd do that? Ta agradecé gayot kamé cuntigo por el cosa tu ya hacé. We are very grateful for what you did. I appreciate the gay kamé contigo for the thing you've done. Io devo fare le mie faccende. I've got to do my chores. I have to do my own thing. Por favor, aceite as nossas desculpas pelo problema que este assunto lhe causou. Please accept our apologies for the trouble this matter has caused you. Please accept our apologies for the problem this has caused you. Benvido a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Când te duci la Sydney? When are you going to go to Sydney? When are you going to Sydney? Tom admitiu que ele matou meu gato. Tom admitted that he killed my cat. Tom admitted he killed my cat. Il va me falloir y réfléchir. I'm going to have to think about that one. I'll have to think about it. Le noble chevalier retint son souffle tandis qu'il regardait fixement la belle princesse. The noble knight held his breath as he gazed at the beautiful princess. The noble knight held his breath while he stared at the beautiful princess. Quelles sont les sources du bonheur ? What are the sources of happiness? What are the sources of happiness? Posso farle una foto? May I take a picture of you? Can I take a picture? As gaivotas están a voar baixo. The sea gulls are flying low. The seagulls are flying low. Je veux aller nager avec Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. I want to swim with Tom. Noi vogliamo fare di meglio. We want to do better. We want to do better. Veux-tu t'y essayer ? Do you want to try it? Do you want to try? Eyos merkan pan. They buy bread. They buy bread. He tomado un medicamento para mi dolor de estómago. I've taken some medicine for my stomach ache. I took a medication for my stomach pain. Je ne m'attends pas à recevoir d'aide. I don't expect help. I don't expect help. Haría cualquier cosa por vosotras. I'd do anything for you. I'd do anything for you. Parlando di Svizzera, ci siete mai state in primavera? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring? Tienen problemas de presupuesto. They're having problems with their budget. They have budget problems. A vida não é justa. Life's not fair. Life is not fair. Grasie tante. Thank you very much! Grassie so many. Tom estava lendo um livro em seu leitor de livros digitais. Tom was reading a book on his e-reader. Tom was reading a book in his digital book reader. Êtes-vous attardé mental ou quoi ? Are you retarded or something? Are you mentally attached or what? Ei, aonde vai? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? O que o Tom fez foi irresponsável. What Tom did was irresponsible. What Tom did was irresponsible. Êtes-vous fatigué de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? I sai ch'it l'has por. I know you're scared. And you know you scared him. Mon opinion diffère de la sienne. My opinion differs from hers. My opinion is different from his. Il a été blessé pendant la bataille. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded during the battle. Le ténor a très bien chanté ce soir. The tenor sang very well tonight. The tenor sang very well tonight. Ésta es su respuesta a mi carta. This is his answer to my letter. This is your answer to my letter. El peor virus es el kapitalizmo. The worst virus is capitalism. The worst virus is capitalism. Tom este bărbatul pe care Mary l-a întâlnit de curând. Tom is the man Mary met the other day. Tom is the man Mary recently met. Ela o ajuda. She helps him. She helps you. Questa ragazza viene dal Giappone. This girl comes from Japan. This girl comes from Japan. Tom gemeu. Tom moaned. Tom moaned. Que's maridèn quan èran joens. They married when they were young. Marry them when they were together. Él ha sido operado de la pierna izquierda. He has had surgery on his left leg. He's been operated on his left leg. Pensez-vous que je sois mignon ? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm cute? Esto no es un problema para mí. For me, this is not a problem. This isn't a problem for me. Hier j’ai mis un chapeau parce qu’il faisait très froid. Yesterday I put on a hat as it was very cold. Yesterday I put on a hat because it was very cold. Sabó, sisplau. Soap, please. Sabo, please. Vreau o nouă rachetă de tenis. I want a new tennis racket. I want a new tennis racket. Le bateau était en chemin vers Le Caire. The boat was heading to Cairo. The boat was on its way to Cairo. Selon Vladimir Chizhov, le mot « chatte » est indécent. According to Vladimir Chizhov, the word "pussy" is indecent. According to Vladimir Chizhov, the word "catte" is indecent. Tom a trecut de cei mai buni ani ai vieții lui. Tom has already seen the best years of his life. Tom's been through his best years. A fost un moment de tăcere. There was a moment of silence. It was a moment of silence. Viaggiate spesso? Do you travel often? Do you travel often? Fous le camp d'ici ! Je ne veux plus te parler ! Get out! I don't want to talk to you anymore! I don't want to talk to you anymore! Ainda estou trabalhando com meu pai. I'm still working with my dad. I'm still working with my dad. Il est venu en bus. He came by bus. He came by bus. La început am crezut că sunt avantajat având o limbă din familia latină. At first, I thought I had an advantage because I spoke a Romance language. At first I thought I was advantageous with a Latin language. ¿Cuándo llegaste a China? When did you arrive in China? When did you get to China? Des mouches pour des enfants espiègles, voilà ce que nous sommes pour les dieux ; ils nous tuent pour leur divertissement. As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods ; they kill us for their sport. Mussels for sneering children, this is what we are for the gods; they kill us for their entertainment. Pakimodo tu ya subí alí arriba? How did you get up there? Did you get Pakimodo up there? Vous avez raison, Tom. You're right, Tom. You're right, Tom. È un problema per il quale non abbiamo risposta. It's a problem we do not have any answer for. It is a problem for which we have no answer. O Tom é menos ativo do que o irmão dele. Tom isn't as active as his brother. Tom's less active than his brother. Mai mult de 75% dintre ferme au crescut porci și vaci pentru lapte. More than 75% of farms raised pigs and milk cows. More than 75% of farms have grown pigs and cows for milk. Sería un honor para mí. I'd be honored. It would be an honor to me. Ela está chamando o médico. She is calling the doctor. She's calling the doctor. Tom no volvía. Tom didn't come back. Tom wasn't coming back. Odien les aranyes. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Je n'ai pas les moyens d'en acheter un nouveau. I can't afford to buy a new one. I can't afford to buy a new one. Je vous donnerai cet argent. I'll give you this money. I'll give you that money. Eu acho que pode ser feito. I think that it can be done. I think it can be done. Hi ha alguna oficina de correus prop d'ací? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office near here? Bienvenue dans le cyberespace ! Welcome to Cyberspace! Welcome to cyberspace! Muela usted este café muy finamente. Grind this coffee very fine. You grind this coffee very finely. Il faut que je me mette en route. I've got to get going. I need to get going. Ce ne possiamo andare adesso? Can we leave now? Can we go now? לה מאנסאנה איס אמארײאה. The apple is yellow. יה commented on by the U.S.A. Amanhã é domingo, não? Tomorrow is Sunday, isn't it? Tomorrow's Sunday, isn't it? Le sel est une substance utile. Salt is a useful substance. Salt is a useful substance. Noi lucrăm în acest moment. We're working at the moment. We're working right now. Por favor, mostre seu tíquete. Please show your ticket. Please show me your ticket. Que't prègui, ateng dinc a que torne. Please wait till he comes back. Let me pray to you, I'll take care of you. Este é o meu avô. This is my grandfather. This is my grandfather. Am avut o conversație lungă cu ea. I had a long conversation with her. I had a long conversation with her. Je suis déshydratée. I'm dehydrated. I'm dehydrated. Ahí se va mi última oportunidad. There goes my last opportunity. There's my last chance. Tom no duerme en un ataúd como la mayoría de los vampiros. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Coneixes el meu germà Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Quem não faz caso da verdade em questões de somenos não merece confiança em assuntos importantes. Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Anyone who ignores the truth in questions of sommen does not deserve confidence in important matters. Tom não conseguiu abrir a caixa. Tom wasn't able to open the box. Tom couldn't open the box. Fue un sueño hecho realidad. It was a dream come true. It was a dream come true. J'ai vu quelque chose. I saw something. I saw something. Ești sigur? Are you sure? Are you sure? ¿Andas con un bolígrafo? Do you have a pen on you? Going with a pen? Tom e Mary non hanno giocato a tennis, vero? Tom and Mary didn't play tennis, did they? Tom and Mary didn't play tennis, did they? Meza al bebé para dormir. Rock the baby to sleep. Half the baby to sleep. Tes lèvres douces m'ont manqué. I missed your sweet lips. I missed your soft lips. Perché avete scritto su di esso? Why did you write about it? Why did you write about it? Tom es un cantante talentoso. Tom is a talented singer. Tom is a talented singer. Sunt sigur că vei reuși. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. La tua grammatica è migliore del tuo alito. Your grammar is better than your breath. Your grammar is better than your breath. Tallin es la capital de Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Ceci devrait résoudre tous vos problèmes. This should solve all your problems. This should solve all your problems. Son sourire indique qu'elle m'a pardonnée. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Her smile says she forgave me. Só telefonei para dizer 'Eu te amo'. I just called to say 'I love you'. I just called to say, "I love you." Já acabaste de arrumar a mala? Have you finished packing yet? Did you just pack the bag? Soy demasiado bajo. I am too short. I'm too low. Pense nisto, por favor. Please think about this. Think about it, please. Lo Tòm qu'a amassat un gran nombre de parpalhòus. Tom has collected a great many butterflies. The tom that's mashed a large number of parpalhoes. Cor! Run! Color! Tom si presentò tardi per la lezione. Tom showed up late for class. Tom was late for class. Si ricorda di lei. She remembers you. She remembers you. Elle ferme la porte. She closes the door. It closes the door. Je veux une photo de ce chien. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of this dog. A Mary le gusta escuchar Hip-Hop. Mary likes listening to Hip-Hop music. Mary likes to hear Hip-Hop. Es muy, muy sencillo. It's really very simple. It's very, very simple. No quiero comprar el diario hoy. I don't want to buy a newspaper today. I don't want to buy the diary today. ¿No deberías atender? Shouldn't you be listening? Shouldn't you answer? Tenho a sensação de que já estive aqui antes. I have the feeling that I've been here before. I feel like I've been here before. Nous vous aimions. We loved you. We love you. É guapa. She's beautiful. She's pretty. Porque estive muito ocupado. It was because I was so busy. Because I've been too busy. Je fus capable de finir le travail plus tôt que je l'avais prévu. I was able to finish the work earlier than I had expected. I was able to finish the job sooner than I planned. Tom não gosta de filmes de terror. Tom doesn't like horror movies. Tom doesn't like horror movies. Qualcuno mi rubò il portafoglio. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my wallet. J'ai déjà fini de lire ce livre. I've already finished reading this book. I've already finished reading this book. As-tu appris qu'un cambrioleur a forcé la maison du voisin ? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? Did you learn that a burglar forced the neighbor's house? Alguén te está a chamar. Someone is calling you. Someone's calling you. È nubile, vero? She's unmarried, isn't she? It's cloudy, isn't it? Je suis allé à l'aéroport pour accueillir mon père. I went to the airport to meet my father. I went to the airport to welcome my father. Divisez le gâteau entre vous trois ! Divide the cake among the three of you. Split the cake between you three! Puedo resistir todo menos la tentación. I can resist everything but temptation. I can resist all but temptation. Tom était la première personne à arriver. Tom was the first person to arrive. Tom was the first person to arrive. Você já terminou o trabalho de casa? Are you done with your homework yet? Have you finished your homework? Tom é o engenheiro chefe. Tom is the lead engineer. Tom's the chief engineer. Eu falei para o Tom não ligar. I told Tom not to call. I told Tom not to call. Elle habite à Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. Ea este foarte ocupata vinerea. She's very busy on Friday. She's very busy Friday. Vocês são mais do que bem-vindos. You're more than welcome. You're more than welcome. Hai mai dormito per strada? Have you ever slept on the street? Have you ever slept on the street? No puedo creer que comas lo que el doctor dijo que no comieras. I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat. I can't believe you eat what the doctor said you didn't eat. Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. Vrea să se răzbune. He wants to retaliate. He wants revenge. Os rapaces son ruidosos e groseiros coas rapazas. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Siete meglio di me. You're better than me. You're better than me. Lo podéis poner ahí. You can put it there. You can put it there. Prends du gâteau s'il te plaît. Please help yourself to some cake. Take some cake, please. Sean más modestos. Be more modest. Be more modest. So che avete assunto Tom. I know you hired Tom. I know you hired Tom. Vaig notar que ella va seure a la fila del davant. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed that she sat in the front row. Sunt destul de sigur că am făcut lucrul potrivit. I'm pretty sure I did the right thing. I'm pretty sure I did the right thing. Il nome dell'insegnante è signor Jackson. The teacher's name is Mr. Jackson. The teacher's name is Mr. Jackson. Questo orologio subacqueo è un po' troppo costoso. This diver's watch is a little too expensive. This underwater watch is a little too expensive. Tu es le professeur. You're the teacher. You're the teacher. Soffri di osteoporosi. You suffer from osteoporosis. You suffer from osteoporosis. Alguien tiene que quedarse aquí con los niños. Somebody needs to be here for the children. Someone has to stay here with the kids. Il n'y a donc plus de différence entre les Juifs et les non-Juifs, entre les esclaves et les hommes libres, entre les hommes et les femmes. Unis à Jésus-Christ, vous êtes tous un. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. There is no longer any difference between Jews and non-Jews, between slaves and free men, between men and women. Together with Jesus Christ, you are all one. Mă duc la biserică. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Questo parco mi fa tornare in mente la mia infanzia. This park reminds me of my childhood. This park reminds me of my childhood. Ele fez uma importante descoberta. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Fadil foi estudar Árabe no Cairo durante um ano. Fadil went to Cairo to study Arabic there for a year. Fadil went to study Arabic in Cairo for a year. Benvinguts a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Nu-mi place gustul. I don't like the taste. I don't like the taste. Tom pidió prestados algunos libros de la biblioteca para leer por el fin de semana. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read over the weekend. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read for the weekend. Tom não sabia o que era. Tom didn't know what it was. Tom didn't know what it was. Arrostisca il bhakri mentre la pentola viene riscaldata. Roast the bhakri while the pan is heated. Sprinkle the bhaki while the pot is heated. Eu não estou errado. I'm not mistaken. I'm not wrong. Je crois que Tom a dit qu'il resterait à Boston pour trois semaines. I think Tom said he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. I think Tom said he'd stay in Boston for three weeks. Credevamo a loro. We believed them. We believed them. Tom n'aime que les jolies filles. Tom likes only beautiful girls. Tom loves only the pretty girls. Sauté! Jump! Jump! Demis în urma unei lovituri militare în septembrie 2006, fostul prim-ministru al Thailandei s-a reîntors în ţară după aproape un an şi jumătate de exil. Deposed in a military coup in September 2006 and having effectively been in exile, the Former premier of Thailand Thaksin has returned after about a year and a half. He resigned after a military coup in September 2006, the former Prime Minister of Thailand returned to the country after almost a year and a half of exile. ¿Te gustan los tatuajes de Tom? Do you like Tom's tattoos? Do you like Tom's tattoos? Le projet de loi fut fortement allégé avant d'être voté par le parlement. The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature. The bill was greatly lightened before it was voted by the parliament. Je pense que je vais prendre un bain ce soir. I think I'll take a bath tonight. I think I'll have a bath tonight. Nós temos duas orelhas. We have two ears. We have two ears. Je ne sais pas ce que vous faites. I don't know what you do. I don't know what you're doing. Pourquoi renifles-tu les choses que tu vois au sol ? Why do you sniff things you see on the ground? Why do you re-emphasize the things you see on the ground? Un ladrón ya entrá na banco anoche. A burglar broke into the bank last night. A thief's already in the bank last night. Nunca aperte esse botão. Never press this button. Never push that button. El siglo XXI le pertenece a Asia. The 21st century belongs to Asia. The 21st century belongs to Asia. Lamentablemente, nunca tuve la oportunidad de conocerla. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to meet her. Je n'ai jamais imaginé un instant que je gagnerais. I never for a moment imagined that I would win. I never imagined a moment I would win. As-tu une allumette ? Do you have a match? Do you have a light bulb? Para chá este cuchara. This spoon is for tea. For tea this spoon. A Itália está longe do Brasil. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Heu de menjar per viure. No heu de viure per menjar. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. You need to eat to live, you don't have to live to eat. Il est un tantinet plus petit que moi. He's a bit shorter than me. He's a little bit smaller than me. Vi sentirà. He'll hear you. He'll hear you. Elle est inquiète à propos de la santé de son fils. She is concerned about her son's health. She's worried about her son's health. Je suis trop vieux pour ce genre de choses. I'm too old for this sort of thing. I'm too old for that kind of thing. Qui est le grand type aux longs cheveux noirs qui joue de la guitare ? Who is the tall guy with long dark hair playing the guitar? Who's the big guy with the long black hair playing guitar? Nós fazemos o que queremos fazer. We do what we want to do. We do what we want to do. Eu sabia que isso não ia funcionar. I knew it wouldn't work. I knew this wasn't gonna work. Você já ouviu esta música antes? Have you ever listened to this song? Have you heard this song before? "Quelle heure est-il ?" se demanda-t-il. "What time is it?" he wondered. "What time is it?" he wonders. J'ai accepté de rester. I agreed to stay. I agreed to stay. Há mais de 70 milhões de vídeos de Minecraft no YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are over 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. Je requiers tes conseils. I require your advice. I need your advice. Tom è silenzioso ora. Tom is quiet now. Tom's quiet now. Eravate bendati? Were you blindfolded? Were you bandaged? Que dites-vous d'une promenade avec nous ? How about taking a walk with us? What about a walk with us? Tom comprou bebidas para todo mundo do bar. Tom bought drinks for everybody in the bar. Tom bought drinks for everyone in the bar. O que eu quero neste momento é uma xícara de café quente. What I want right now is a hot cup of coffee. What I want right now is a hot cup of coffee. Înnorat cu ploi ocazionale. Cloudy with occasional rain. Furnished with occasional rain. Ella tiene una pregunta. She's got a question. She has a question. Brincamos nesta praia. We have played at this beach. We played on this beach. Ela pode muito bem se orgulhar de seu filho inteligente. She may well be proud of her smart son. She may well be proud of her intelligent son. Acum, să vedem un pic de entuziasm. Now, let's see some enthusiasm. Now, let's see a little enthusiasm. Ipoteza dumneavoastră e plauzibilă. Your hypothesis is plausible. Your hypothesis is plausible. Per fi ha arribat! He finally arrived! He's finally here! El queso y la mantequilla son productos lácteos. Cheese and butter are products made from milk. Cheese and butter are dairy products. Je veux mettre un terme à ceci. I want to end this. I want to put an end to this. Avec quoi t'ont-ils frappé ? What did they hit you with? What did they hit you with? Non devi cambiare. You don't have to change. You don't have to change. Les couleurs du drapeau américain sont rouge, blanc et bleu. The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue. The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue. Él todavía dice que no hizo nada malo. He still says that he did nothing wrong. He still says he didn't do anything wrong. Tom scordò di menzionarlo. Tom forgot to mention that. Tom forgot to mention it. Ea nu bea cafea. She doesn't drink coffee. She doesn't drink coffee. Ponte pijama. Put on your pajamas. Get a pajamas. Amarre seus cadarços. Tie your shoes. Tie up your dead bodies. Eu vi ele na estação. I met him at the station. I saw him at the station. Esperando el autobús, me encontré a mi amigo. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I found my friend. Tens bona cara. You look good. You look good. A veces te puedes dar un capricho con algún lujo. Sometimes you can indulge yourself in some luxury. Sometimes you can give yourself a whim with some luxury. Ki non a'w ? What is your name? Ki didn't a'w? Lei ha punto il palloncino. She pricked the balloon. You've got the balloon. Je n'en suis pas sûr. I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure. Je te veux hors d'ici. I want you out of here. I want you out of here. ¿Querés escucharlo? Do you want to hear it? Do you want to hear it? Le coton absorbe l'eau. Cotton sucks up water. Cotton absorbs water. Gîndaci se ascunde în timpul zilei. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Guess he's hiding in the daytime. Quan el número 21 es divideix entre 7, el resultat és 3. When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3 When number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3. Nous pouvons discuter dehors. We can talk outside. We can talk outside. La législation proposée piétine au moins trois amendements à la constitution. The proposed legislation runs roughshod over at least three amendments to the constitution. The proposed legislation contains at least three amendments to the Constitution. Yo esto komprando. I'm buying. I'm buying it. Am adormit buștean pentru că eram foarte obosit. I fell sound asleep because I was very tired. I fell asleep because I was very tired. Arrête de faire de la lèche à la prof ! Stop sucking up to the teacher. Stop milking the teacher! Vi um cachorro cuja cauda tinha sido cortada. I saw a dog and its tail was cut short. I saw a dog whose tail had been cut. Qu'il l'aimât était certain. That he loved her was certain. That he loved her was certain. Tom non ha ancora riscaldato la sua automobile. Tom hasn't heated up his car yet. Tom hasn't heated his car yet. Elle essaya de diminuer ses dépenses. She tried to lessen her expenses. She was trying to cut her spending. Siempre he sido el número uno. I've always been the number one. I've always been number one. Tom prende l'autobus per la città. Tom takes the bus to the city. Tom takes the bus to the city. No nos lo podemos permitir. We can't afford that. We can't afford it. Lamento, não vos posso ajudar. I'm sorry, I can't help you. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Dormir es la mejor meditación. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleeping is the best meditation. Studiile dumneaei au contribuit foarte mult la dezvoltarea cercetării științifice. Her studies contributed greatly to developing scientific research. Your studies have greatly contributed to the development of scientific research. Esta película es una adaptación de una novela. This film is an adaptation of a novel. This film is an adaptation of a novel. Ne fonciona pas. This doesn't work! Do not work. Il fait froid à l'extérieur. Mets ton manteau. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside, put on your coat. Debería apagar su teléfono móvil. You should turn off your cell phone. You should turn off your mobile phone. Nous dressâmes notre tente à l'ombre d'un grand arbre. We put up our tent in the shade of a large tree. We built our tent in the shade of a large tree. Grazie di essere rimaste con lui. Thanks for staying with him. Thanks for staying with him. He visto muchísimos conciertos. I've seen loads of concerts. I've seen a lot of concerts. As roupas estavam espalhadas por todo o chão. Clothes were strewn all over the floor. The clothes were spread all over the floor. Cuando ella era estudiante, trabajaba como camionera. When she was a student, she worked as a truck driver. When she was a student, she worked as a truck driver. Voy al trabajo en autobús. I go to work by bus. I'm going to bus work. Eu vou ficar esperando aqui por Tom. I'll sit wait here for Tom. I'll wait here for Tom. El año que viene iré a América. I am going to go to America next year. Next year I'm going to America. Sono cresciuta in una piccola città. I grew up in a little town. I grew up in a small town. Apresentaremos nossa ideia ao comitê. We will present our idea to the committee. We will present our idea to the committee. Quemad el cuerpo. Burn the body. Burn the body. Alle donne piacciono gli uomini coi baffi. Women like men with mustaches. Women like men with mustaches. Cette ville est en France. This city is in France. This town is in France. Iarna asta este caldă. This winter is warm. This winter is hot. Aquera veitura que's ven plan. This car sells well. Any car that's sold flat. C'est un bâtiment élevé, n'est-ce pas ? That is a high building, is it not? It's a tall building, isn't it? Și-a numit fiul său Robert după propriul său tată. He named his son Robert after his own father. He named his son Robert after his own father. Donde tu ya hacé laga kanila? Where did you boil them? Where do you already leave canilla? Prestame los binoculares para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better. Give me the binoculars to see it better. Debido al mal tiempo, mi profesor de piano me sugirió que vaya a casa temprano. Because of the bad weather, my piano teacher suggested that I go home early. Because of the bad weather, my piano teacher suggested that I go home early. Poliția investighează asta. The police are looking into it. The police are investigating this. Supprimez ce fichier, s'il vous plaît ! Please delete this file. Delete this file, please! Os médicos pensavam que ele tinha um resfriado. Doctors thought he had a cold. The doctors thought he had a cold. Cela prendra cinq à dix ans avant que la technologie ne soit prête. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. This will take five to ten years before technology is ready. Si comete otro error, le despedirán. If he makes one more mistake, he'll be fired. If you make another mistake, you'll be fired. La plupart des élèves vont à l'école à pied. Most students walk to school. Most students go to school on foot. Dirijo un pequeño negocio. I run a small business. I run a small business. Avec qui êtes-vous allée ? With whom did you go? Who did you go with? Te ayudará si se lo pides. He'll help you if you ask. It'll help you if you ask. Gliel'ha detto, vero? You've told him, haven't you? You told him, didn't you? Cominciò a lavorare. He began to work. He started working. Amenez votre frère avec vous. Bring your brother with you. Bring your brother with you. ¿Por qué están hoy tan cansadas? Why are you so tired today? Why are they so tired today? Vous avez perdu la capacité de vous concentrer. You've lost the ability to concentrate. You've lost your ability to concentrate. Cet enfant a résolu facilement ce problème mathématique compliqué. This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily. This child has easily solved this complicated mathematical problem. L'è un lêder. He is a thief. It's a reader. Lo que acabás de decir me recuerda a un viejo refrán. What you have just said reminds me of an old saying. What you just said reminds me of an old reef. Tiò, qu'ac crèsi tanben. Yeah. I think so, too. Boy, we're growing up too. Lo enviaron a combatir. He was sent into combat. They sent him to fight. ¿Él se está entrenando últimamente? Has he been training recently? He's been training lately? A Austrália é menor que a América do Sul. Australia is smaller than South America. Australia is smaller than South America. A América foi descoberta em 1492 por Colombo. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered in 1492 by Colombo. Je te conseille de ne plus aider Tom. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. I advise you not to help Tom anymore. Traballa duro na oficina por un salario pequeno. She works hard in the office for a small salary. He works hard in the office for a small salary. Él no conoce a ninguno de sus dos hermanos. He knows neither of his two brothers. He doesn't know either of his brothers. La guerra empezó tres años después. The war began three years later. The war started three years later. Tom não fará mal algum a você. Tom won't do you any harm. Tom won't hurt you at all. Él estará furioso cuando se entere que ella mintió. He will be angry to learn that she told a lie. He'll be furious when he finds out she lied. Non ti ricordi di loro? Don't you remember them? Don't you remember them? Es muy amargo. It's very bitter. It's very bitter. Non cambiarono idea. They didn't change their minds. They haven't changed their minds. Trebuie să vorbim. We have to speak. We need to talk. Veuillez le servir en premier. Please wait on him first. Please serve it first. Dă-mi o bere. Give me a beer. Give me a beer. Hay demasiados anuncios publicitarios en YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. Um copo de água gelada é muito refrescante quando está calor. When I'm hot, a glass of cool water really refreshes me. A glass of cold water is very refreshing when it's hot. Finirono di mangiare. They finished eating. They just ate. Il suo tavolo è pronto. Your table is ready. His table is ready. En absoluto me importó hacerlo. I didn't mind doing that at all. I didn't mind doing it at all. Când m-am trezit, m-am întristat. When I woke up, I was sad. When I woke up, I was upset. Portami in centro. Take me downtown. Take me downtown. Tots l'estimen. Everyone loves him. They all love him. Tom le dio a Mary una taza de café. Tom handed Mary a cup of coffee. Tom gave Mary a cup of coffee. Faça isso você mesmo! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Trebuie să găsim reguli care merg. We have to find rules that work. We need to find rules that go. Levou os manteis á lavandaría. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. He took the blankets to the laundry. Nous proposons des maisons préfabriquées à prix modérés. We offer low-cost prefabricated houses. We offer prefabricated houses at moderate prices. Ei au greșit. They were wrong. They made a mistake. Vreau să te iubesc pentru totdeauna. I want to love you forever! I want to love you forever. O Tom não é notável? Isn't Tom great? Isn't Tom remarkable? El ar fi ultimul care te-ar păcăli. He would be the last to deceive you. He'd be the last one to fool you. Quelle journée délicieuse. What a lovely day! What a lovely day. Perché Tom è tornato? Why is Tom back? Why did Tom come back? Lo que dijo realmente me lastimó. What he said really hurt me. What he said really hurt me. Morirono. They died. They died. Il cherche toujours les compliments. He is always looking for praise. He's always looking for compliments. Podes explicar isto? Can you explain this? Can you explain this? Ele gosta de salada de batatas. He likes potato salad. He likes potato salad. Certains des étudiants aiment jouer de la guitare. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some of the students like to play guitar. Posso usar este dicionário? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Qual é a terceira opção? What's the third choice? What's the third option? Tom aposentou-se aos 67 anos. Tom retired at the age of 67. Tom retired at the age of 67. Qu'est-ce que tu crois branler ? What the fuck do you think you're doing? What do you think? Achille nasceu em Paris em 1908. Achille was born in 1908 in Paris. Achille was born in Paris in 1908. Lui è un fan del pane. He's a bread aficionado. He's a bread fan. Tom esperou um pouco. Tom waited a while. Tom waited a bit. Ambas as irmãs dele são bonitas. His sisters are both beautiful. Both his sisters are beautiful. Eu aprendi a cozinhar sob a tutela da minha irmã. I learned cooking under my sister's tuition. I learned to cook under my sister's tutelage. Tom quer ir dar uma volta. Tom wants to go for a walk. Tom wants to go for a walk. Tom, quelqu'un est ici pour te voir. Tom, someone is here to see you. Tom, someone's here to see you. Pensi davvero che Tom sia onesto? Do you really think Tom is honest? You really think Tom's honest? Él nunca va en contra de sus padres. He never goes against his parents. He never goes against his parents. Più siamo, meglio è. The more, the merrier. The more we are, the better it is. Sono piuttosto sicura che non succederà. I'm pretty certain that won't happen. I'm pretty sure it won't happen. Le déjeuner a une odeur délicieuse. Dinner smells delicious. Breakfast has a delicious smell. Hay un solo bus cada dos horas. There is only one bus every two hours. There's only one bus every two hours. Potrebbe non esserci alcuna soluzione a questo problema. There may be no solution to this problem. There may be no solution to this problem. Ellos tratan bien a sus empleados. They treat their employees well. They treat their employees well. Ontem foi quarta-feira e amanhã é sexta-feira. Yesterday was Wednesday, and tomorrow will be Friday. Yesterday was Wednesday and tomorrow is Friday. Roosevelt ha mantenuto la sua promessa. Roosevelt kept his promise. Roosevelt kept his promise. Sei pronto a fare questo? Are you ready to do this? Are you ready to do this? Sto cercando le mie chiavi. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. Aucun de ces œufs n'est frais. None of these eggs are fresh. None of these eggs are fresh. La gravedad liga los planetas al Sol. Gravity binds the planets to the sun. Gravity connects planets to the Sun. Munca grea este prețul succesului. Hard work is the price of success. The hard work is the price of success. Memórias se vão, mas palavras escritas permanecem. Memory fades but the written word remains. Memories go, but written words remain. Pedi-lhe que não me incomodasse. I asked him not to bother me. I asked you not to bother me. O filho de Tom se chama John. Tom's son is called John. Tom's son is John. De quem é esse caderno? Whose is that notebook? Whose notebook is that? La sua idea è superiore alla sua. His idea is superior to yours. His idea is superior to his. Perdi um pouco de peso. I've lost a little weight. I lost a little weight. Estas ventanas son abiertas por él. These windows are opened by him. These windows are open to him. O que dixo non foi nada claro. It was not clear what she said. What he said was not clear. Tom está mostrando su herida. Tom is showing his wound. Tom's showing his wound. La vostra mare sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mother know how to drive? Tom è molto emozionato, vero? Tom is very excited, isn't he? Tom's very excited, isn't he? Mostrate loro come si fa. Show them how it's done. Show them how you do it. ¿Cuál fue el sentido de todo esto? What was the point of all of this? What was the meaning of all this? ¿Dónde na Austria que evos ya engrandá? Where in Austria did you grow up? Where in Austria have you already grown? Tomás no trabaja por su cuenta. Tom isn't self-employed. Tomás doesn't work on his own. Tom probabilmente non sarà timido. Tom won't likely be shy. Tom probably won't be shy. Boston es un buen lugar para vivir. Boston is a good place to live. Boston is a good place to live. Tom fece irruzione. Tom broke in. Tom broke up. Non vantarti. Don't show off. Don't brag. Esto podría ponerse feo. This might get ugly. This could get ugly. Cuidado com os zumbis. Watch out for zombies. Watch out for the zombies. Nenhum deles sabe francês. None of them know French. None of them know French. Tom tornou-se bailarino. Tom became a dancer. Tom became a dancer. Mañana, tendré que estudiar diez horas. I'll have to study ten hours tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll have to study ten hours. Layla usò la carta di credito di sua madre. Layla used her mother's credit card. Layla used her mother's credit card. Gracias a Dios por eso. Thank God for that. Thank God for that. Non sono in disaccordo con la vostra decisione. I don't disagree with your decision. I don't disagree with your decision. Acesta este tatăl lui Tom. That's Tom's father. This is Tom's father. Ce que tu as dit n'a pour moi ni queue ni tête. I can't make heads or tails of what you said. What you said has no tail or head for me. Qual è la sua canzone preferita dei Beatles? What's your favorite Beatles song? What's your favorite Beatles song? Nous prendrons soin de cela pour toi. We will take care of this for you. We'll take care of this for you. J'imagine que je pourrais être en colère après ce qui m'est arrivé. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me. I guess I could be angry after what happened to me. J'ai besoin d'être seul. I need to be alone. I need to be alone. Tom leva jeito para mágico. Tom is something of a magician. Tom's a magician's way. Je ne peux pas lire sans lunettes. I cannot read without glasses. I can't read without glasses. Você é louco. You are mad. You're crazy. Devi soltanto spazzare il pavimento. You have only to sweep the floor. You just have to sweep the floor. ¿Por qué Adán comió la fruta prohibida? Why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit? Why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit? È pigra, vero? You're lazy, aren't you? It's lazy, isn't it? Avrebbe fatto meglio a non fumare mentre era in servizio. You had better not smoke while on duty. It would have done better not to smoke while on duty. Harry é um ator estadunidense. Harry is an American actor. Harry is an American actor. Este é meu cavalo. This is my horse. This is my horse. Estamos abertos às segundas. We're open on Mondays. We're open on Mondays. Minha bicicleta está com um pneu furado. My bicycle has a flat tire. My bike has a flat tire. A fascia a l'é fæta de tesciuo conetivo. Fascia is made of connective tissue. A fascia has the fæta of connective tissue. Io preferisco l'estate all'inverno. I like summer better than winter. I prefer summer to winter. Io suggerirei di inserire una virgola. I'd suggest inserting a comma. I would suggest you insert a comma. Meu nome é Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Puedes llevar puesto este reloj cuando nadas. You can wear this watch when you're swimming. You can wear this watch when you swim. Me levanté más pronto de lo normal para coger el primer tren. I got up earlier than usual to catch the first train. I got up sooner than usual to catch the first train. T'agrada lo peish ? Do you like fish? You like fish? Îmi iubesc soția. I love my wife. I love my wife. E o oaie neagră în fiecare turmă. There is a black sheep in every flock. There's a black sheep in every flock. ¿Nieva mucho aquí en el invierno? Does it snow much here in winter? Was it a lot of snow here in the winter? Sois demasiado estúpidas para vivir. You're too stupid to live. You're too stupid to live. It l'has confodù la margarin-a con ël butir? Did you mistake the margarine for butter? Did you confuse margarin with ël buttir? Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Perché vorremmo punirti? Why would we want to punish you? Why would we want to punish you? O Tom viaja a negócios de vez em quando. Tom often goes abroad on business. Tom travels business from time to time. Crezi că acest lucru este relevant? Do you think this is pertinent? Do you think this is relevant? ¿Entonces lo harás? So you'll do it? So you're gonna do it? Tom estaba reacio a marcharse. Tom was reluctant to go. Tom was reluctant to leave. Que suis-je censé dire à Tom maintenant ? What am I supposed to tell Tom now? What am I supposed to tell Tom now? Esto demuestra que han prestado atención a las necesidades de los clientes. This shows they have listened to the needs of their clients. This shows that they have paid attention to the needs of customers. Il faut que nous l'avertissions. We have to warn him. We have to warn her. Il m'a attendu jusqu'à mon arrivée. He waited for me until I arrived. He waited for me until I arrived. Ești căsătorit? Are you married? Are you married? Elle trouva barbant d'habiter à la campagne. She found it dull living in the country. She found it boring to live in the countryside. No hay razón para que hagamos eso. There's no reason for us to do that. There's no reason for us to do that. Ainsi soit-il. Let it be. So be it. Riesco a sentire l'odore dell'oceano. I can smell the ocean. I can smell the ocean. Você acha que Tom gostará de mim? Do you think that Tom will like me? Do you think Tom'll like me? Tom sabe jogar xadrez. Tom knows how to play chess. Tom knows how to play chess. Ils se vantent de leur pont. They boast of their bridge. They boast of their bridge. Sii qua per le due e mezza. Be here at 2:30. Be here for two and a half. Hai visto l'episodio di ieri? Did you see yesterday's episode? Did you see the episode yesterday? Eu gostaria de não ter dito isso ao Tom. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. Necesito su ayuda. I need his help. I need your help. Ella ni siquiera me miró. She did not so much as look at me. She didn't even look at me. J'aime étudier l'espagnol. I like to study Spanish. I like studying Spanish. No kero ke lavoresh ayi. I don't want you working there. I don't think I'm working here. Cette rivière est belle. This river is beautiful. This river is beautiful. Nu, sunt logodit cu Mary de doi ani. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. Io sto andando a fare shopping. I am going shopping. I'm going shopping. Tom no sabe nada de música clásica. Tom doesn't know anything about classical music. Tom doesn't know anything about classical music. Elle ne dit jamais du mal des autres. She never talks bad about other people. She never says bad things about others. Ceda el paso. Let me pass. Step over. Cred că a sosit timpul să discut chestiunea cu el. I think it's time for me to discuss the matter with him. I think the time has come to discuss the matter with him. Copiii au nevoie de iubire. Children need loving. Children need love. Comment est-ce que je vais pouvoir arriver à rencontrer l'échéance pour ce document ? How can I make the deadline for this document? How am I going to be able to meet the deadline for this document? Necesita yo viví. I have to live. I need to live. La fermele mari, vitele sunt de obicei însemnate cu fierul roșu. On large farms, cattle are usually marked with brands. At large farms, cattle are usually meant with red iron. De qué pensas qu'a hèit ? What do you think he did? What do you think she was? Es-tu en mesure d'aller plus vite ? Can you go faster? Can you go faster? Esta mansana es amariya. This apple is yellow. This mantle is bitter. Escribe o teu nome e enderezo neste sobre. Write your name and address on this envelope. Enter your name and address on this envelope. Vous n'avez pas l'air si occupées. You don't look so busy. You don't look so busy. Estamos tomando café da manhã. We are having breakfast. We're having breakfast. Ho finito di annaffiare i fiori. I've finished watering the flowers. I'm done watering the flowers. J'ai donné ta voiture. I gave your car. I gave you your car. Compro del latte quasi ogni giorno. I buy milk almost every day. I buy milk almost every day. Êtes-vous sûres d'avoir assez chaud ? Are you sure you're warm enough? Are you sure you're hot enough? Vous n'êtes pas si intéressantes. You're not that interesting. You're not that interesting. A Lady Gaga doou um milhão para a Cruz Vermelha para ajudar as vítimas do furacão Sandy. Lady Gaga gave $1 million to the Red Cross to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Lady Gaga donated a million to the Red Cross to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Cadun se deveré lavar. One should wash oneself. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Qu'ei çò que vòli. This is what I want. That's what I want. Hacé lo que quieras. Do whatever you like. I did what you wanted. ¿Te apetecería venirte de excursión con nosotros? Would you like to go hiking with us? Would you like to come on a trip with us? Oublie ça. Il est notre ami commun, après tout. Forget it. He is our mutual friend, after all. He's our common friend after all. Ai mai auzit gluma asta? Have you heard this joke before? Have you heard that joke before? Sono quasi stata investita da una macchina. I was almost run over by a car. I almost got hit by a car. Ayer fue domingo. It was Sunday yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday. Estupa lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. Fuck the hynestron. Tom vuole essere primo. Tom wants to be first. Tom wants to be first. Io aiuto Tom quasi ogni giorno. I help Tom almost every day. I help Tom almost every day. Je suis un homme prudent. I'm a careful man. I'm a careful man. Tom foi o único que esperou. Tom was the only one who waited. Tom was the only one who waited. Tendrá que irse. She will have to leave. You'll have to go. No soy lo suficientemente bueno. I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. Vamos, faça isso por mim, você não vai morrer por conhecer meus pais. Come on, do it for me, you're not going to die for meeting my parents. Come on, do it for me, you're not gonna die to meet my parents. Dites-moi comment épeler votre nom. Tell me how to spell your name. Tell me how to spell your name. Sono occupata adesso e non posso uscire. I am busy now and can't go out. I'm busy now, and I can't get out. Què vas fer amb aquell cotxe? What did you do with that car? What did you do with that car? O ? Where? Oh? Je ne sais encore rien. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. Je dois me grouiller. I must hurry. I've got to get rough. Ha davvero parlato con loro? Have you really talked to them? Did you really talk to them? Est-ce que je te surprends au mauvais moment ? Have I caught you at a bad time? Do I surprise you at the wrong time? Ela é pobre, mas é feliz. She is poor, but she is happy. She's poor, but she's happy. Que tipo de pesquisa faz a organização? What kind of research does the organization do? What kind of research does the organization do? Você não sente saudade do seu pai? Don't you miss your father? Don't you miss your father? Su fuerza disminuía con la edad. Age diminished his strength. His strength decreased with age. Dudo que sea buen escritor. I doubt that I'm a good writer. I doubt he's a good writer. Sono dovuta tornare a casa. I had to get back home. I have to go home. Qu'am devisat dinc a duas oras. We talked until two. That I bought two hours' worth of money. Îmi place insula Hokkaido. I love Hokkaido. I like the island of Hokkaido. La meva mare sempre està ocupada. My mother is always busy. My mom's always busy. Quins son los simptòmas ? What are the symptoms? What are the symptoms? He dejado lo mejor para el final. I've saved the best for last. I've left the best for the end. Necesita yo durmí. I have to sleep. I need to sleep. J'étais habitué à la chaleur. I was used to the heat. I was used to heat. Tu devrais suivre le conseil de ton professeur. You should follow your teacher's advice. You should follow your teacher's advice. Des choses absolument absurdes se produisent en ce monde. Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. Absolutely absurd things happen in this world. Nós moramos no terceiro andar. We live on the third floor. We live on the third floor. Ea are o inimă fragilă. She has a tender heart. She has a fragile heart. O que você recomendaria? What would you advise? What would you recommend? Io non riuscivo a credere ai miei occhi. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe it in my eyes. ¡Qué puesta de sol más bonita! Rondemos por aquí unos cuantos minutos para verla. What a gorgeous sunset! Let's hang around for a couple of minutes and watch it. What a beautiful sunset! Let's round here a few minutes to see it. Esta ha sido una semana larga. This has been a long week. This has been a long week. Você admitiu que estava errado. You admitted that you were wrong. You admitted you were wrong. Il s'est cassé le bras pendant qu'il jouait au foot. He got his arm broken while he was playing soccer. He broke his arm while he was playing football. ¿Compraron ellos el jugo? Did they buy the juice? Did they buy the juice? Tu pensi che Tom sarà offeso? Do you think Tom will be offended? Do you think Tom will be offended? Rompre ta promesse est irresponsable de ta part. It is irresponsible of you to break your promise. Breaking your promise is irresponsible of you. E ora cosa? And now what? Now what? Votre ami a une mauvaise influence sur vous. Your friend has a bad influence on you. Your friend has a bad influence on you. Me ofrecí a ayudarle con sus tareas. I offered to help her with her homework. I offered to help you with your tasks. Lei mi seguì in cucina e prese un coltello. Iniziò poi a tagliare le verdure. She followed me into the kitchen and picked up a knife. She then started cutting vegetables. She followed me in the kitchen and took a knife and then started cutting the vegetables. Será mejor que te examines los ojos. You had better have your eyes examined. You'd better look into your eyes. Perché mi stai dando questo denaro? Why are you giving me this money? Why are you giving me this money? C'est la dernière chose que je veux faire. That's the last thing I want to do. That's the last thing I want to do. Por fin he dejado de fumar. I finally gave up smoking. At last I quit smoking. Quelles sont les alternatives? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Tom are o durere grozavă de cap. Tom has a severe headache. Tom has a great headache. Asta nu este pentru Tom. That isn't for Tom. That's not for Tom. La sua offerta è ancora valida? Is your offer still open? Is your offer still valid? Está ficando mais frio, mas ainda temos mosquitos aqui. It's getting colder, but we still have mosquitoes here. It's getting colder, but we still have mosquitoes here. Tom era qui un secondo fa. Tom was here a second ago. Tom was here a second ago. Me presentó a su hermano. She presented me to her brother. He introduced me to his brother. Tom se empezó a preocupar acerca de cómo iba a pagar la educación de su hijo. Tom began to worry about how he was going to pay for his son's education. Tom began to worry about how he was going to pay for his son's education. Vous êtes tellement difficiles ! You're so picky. You're so hard! Acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. Não era para ser; simples assim. It just wasn't meant to be. It wasn't meant to be; simple like that. Este tipo es realmente débil. No puede tomar una decisión para salvar su vida. This guy is really wishy-washy. He couldn't make a decision to save his life. This guy is really weak. He can't make a decision to save his life. Eu adoro ir ao cinema. I love to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. Hace mucho calor en este cuarto, ¿no es así? It is very hot in this room, isn't it? It's so hot in this room, isn't it? Je vais vous donner une leçon. I'm going to teach you a lesson. I'll teach you a lesson. Vòli quauquarren de sucrat. I want something sweet. Queuquarrren de sucrat. Je n'avais jamais remarqué ça avant. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Spune-mi doar de ce ai nevoie. Just tell me what you need. Just tell me what you need. Todos os crescidos foram uma vez crianças. All grown-ups were once children. All grown-ups were once children. L'òmi qui n'a pas minjat desempuish tres dias, a problèmas entà pensar a quauquarren d'aute. The man, who had not eaten for three days, had trouble thinking about anything except food. The man who didn't eat breakfast for three days, had problems in thinking about what happened. Monsieur, avez-vous vu monsieur de Cyrano ? Sir, have you seen Sir Cyrano? Sir, have you seen Mr. Cyrano? Sei inavvicinabile. You're unapproachable. You're invincible. Teño unha boa idea. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Un cinquième de mon salaire part en impôt. One-fifth of my wages go to taxes. A fifth of my salary is taxed. No se le pueden pedir peras al olmo. You can't ask for the impossible. You can't ask the elm for pears. La mort plutôt que le déshonneur ! Death before dishonor! Death rather than dishonor! Eu conheço muito bem os fatos. I know the facts well enough. I know the facts very well. Nu mânca în grabă. Do not eat hastily. Don't eat in a hurry. Acabo de oír de Tom. I just heard from Tom. I just heard from Tom. Ella lo echó a él. She threw him out. She threw it at him. Io vivo in un hotel. I live in a hotel. I live in a hotel. Gracias! Thanks. Thank you! Îmi pot lua o zi liberă? Can I take a day off? Can I have a day off? ¿Te dijeron cuándo tienes que venir? Have you been told when to come? Did they tell you when you have to come? Tom a făcut-o cu mare zel. Tom did it with great zeal. Tom did it with great zeal. Você não está fazendo nada errado. You're doing nothing wrong. You're not doing anything wrong. Su familia está muy bien. His family are all very well. His family is fine. Descubram o que eles estão fazendo aqui. Find out what they're doing here. Find out what they're doing here. Il travailla très dur. He worked very hard. He's working very hard. Tom nu știe unde să o aștepte pe Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom a seulement trente ans. Tom is only thirty years old. Tom's only 30. Tom stava per aiutarci. Tom was going to help us. Tom was going to help us. Kon ta ku bo awe? How are you today? How are you today? En Escocia puede hacer bastante calor en septiembre. Scotland can be very warm in September. In Scotland it can make quite hot in September. Fue una gran decepción que Hingis fuera eliminado en el primer asalto. It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round. It was a great disappointment that Hingis was removed in the first assault. Eu quero jogar pebolim. I want to play foosball. I want to play pebolim. Zero este un număr special. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. A che ora apre il club? What time does the club open? What time does the club open? Não sou forte. I'm not strong. I'm not strong. Am reuşit să găsesc strada, dar nu am putut să-i găsesc casa. I was able to find the street, but I couldn't find her house. I managed to find the street, but I couldn't find his house. Este nuevo estado podría ser, en principio, cualquier estado microscópico. This new state could in principle be any microscopic state. This new state could, in principle, be any microscopic state. In realtà, Tom, io sono un po' impegnato. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Vuoi vedere un film francese, vero? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? You want to see a French movie, don't you? Alguns se ralaram, mas ninguém chegou a se ferir gravemente. Some got pretty scratched up, but nobody was severely injured. Some shuddered, but no one got badly hurt. Tom probabilmente sarà squattrinato. Tom will probably be broke. Tom's probably gonna be broken. Eu não me importo como o Tom faz isso. I don't care how Tom does that. I don't care how Tom does it. Ora sdraiatevi. Now lie down. Now lie down. Cathy viene a vedere il nostro bebè stasera. Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight. Cathy's coming to see our baby tonight. Siamo d'accordo, venite a cena da noi. We agree, you will come to dinner at our house. We agree, come to dinner with us. Al bebé le gusta la leche. The baby likes milk. The baby likes milk. Ai face bine să-ncepi acum. You'd better start now. You better start now. È successo che c'era un buco nella mia tasca. It happened that there was a hole in my pocket. It happened there was a hole in my pocket. O meu avô não dirige mais. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. À partir de maintenant, je n'utiliserai plus ce mot. From now on, I will not use that word. From now on, I'm not using that word anymore. Quando você contou ao Tom? When did you tell Tom? When did you tell Tom? La llengua internacional Interlingue ha estat publicada en 1922 amb el nom Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The Interlingue international language was published in 1922 under the name Western. Gostaria de lhes mostrar alguns textos traduzidos, para os senhores os corrigirem. I'd like to show you some translated texts for you to correct. I would like to show you some translated texts, so that you can correct them. Por favor não me puna desta vez. Let me off the hook this time, please. Please don't fuck with me this time. ¿Quién te dijo eso? Who said that to you? Who told you that? J'attendrai dehors. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. Lo avvertirai? Are you going to warn him? Are you going to warn him? As senhoras podem utilizar quantas quiserem. You can have as many as you want. Ladies can use as many as you like. Tom nun trouxo les sos llaves Tom didn't bring his keys. Tom did not bring his keys Yo tengo plena confianza en sus capacidades. I have every confidence in his ability. I have full confidence in his abilities. Aquest és el seu cotxe, crec. This is his car, I think. This is your car, I think. Dovrà aspettare. It's going to have to wait. He'll have to wait. Sé que vi algo moverse. I know I saw something move. I know I saw something move. Tom doit-il être présent ? Does Tom have to be present? Is Tom supposed to be there? Leila voltou para o Cairo. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leila's back in Cairo. Mostra spesso la sua rabbia. He often shows his anger. He often shows his anger. Elle fut obligée d'épouser le vieil homme. She was obliged to marry the old man. She was forced to marry the old man. Compró un pasaje a París. He bought a ticket for Paris. He bought a ticket to Paris. Je pense que j'ai laissé quelque chose dans la salle de classe. I think I left something in the classroom. I think I left something in the classroom. Provi a saltare il più in alto possibile. Try to jump as high as possible. Try jumping as high as possible. Potete usare la mia penna. You can use my pen. You can use my pen. Il demanda à ma mère. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Tom ha pagato con la carta di credito. Tom paid by credit card. Tom paid with the credit card. Has de complir amb la teva obligació peti qui peti. You've got to carry out your commitment at all costs. You have to comply with your obligation to request. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir. You didn't need to come. You didn't have to come. Tom ne sait pas combien tu es fort. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. Não quero ouvir suas teorias. I don't want to hear your theories. I don't want to hear your theories. Nous disposons d'un mandat pour fouiller votre propriété. We have a warrant to search your property. We have a warrant to search your property. Vous n'êtes plus la bienvenue chez moi. You're no longer welcome in my house. You're no longer welcome to my home. Totul sau nimic. All or nothing. Everything or nothing. Non resta. He isn't staying. It's all right. Mary se înțelege bine cu socrii ei. Mary gets along with her in-laws. Mary gets along well with her mother-in-law. Tudo o que eu quero é falar contigo. All I want is to speak with you. All I want is to talk to you. En el prinsipyo krio el Dyo los syelos i la tyerra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the krio principle the Dyo the syselos and the tyera. Lui ha tre sorelle più grandi. He has three older sisters. He has three older sisters. A lei è piaciuto? Did she like it? Did you like her? Anne era un objetivo excelente para las burlas porque siempre se tomaba las cosas muy en serio. Anne was an excellent target for teasing because she always took things so seriously. Anne was an excellent target for ridicule because she always took things very seriously. Tom ha i capelli lunghi. Tom has long hair. Tom's got long hair. J'aimerais améliorer mon cébouano. I'd like to improve my Cebuano. I'd like to improve my cyboano. Tom tinha um cachorro. Tom had a dog. Tom had a dog. Ești sigur că Tom este aici? Are you sure that Tom is here? Are you sure Tom's here? Spert e bain d'inrer cha vain. Fast and good rarely go well together. I hope and bathe d'iner cha van. Promettez-moi que vous ne le lui direz pas ! Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell him! Promettetemi che le aiuterete. Promise me you'll help them. Promise me you'll help them. Todos los delegados sabían que debían debatirlo. All the delegates knew they must discuss it. All delegates knew that they should discuss it. Io voglio abitare a Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. Tom è infastidito. Tom is annoyed. Tom's annoyed. Vou ligar para Tom amanhã e pedir ajuda a ele. I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. I'll call Tom tomorrow and ask him for help. El pan huele muy bien. The bread really smells good. The bread smells really good. Vamos fazer o nosso trabalho. Let's do our job. Let's do our job. Zvonul că ea se căsătorește se răspândește în oraș. The rumor that she's getting married is spreading around town. The rumor that she's getting married and spreading herself. Aquera pared qu'ei hreda. This wall feels cold. Any wall that's weeding. Este rușinos că în timp ce în multe țări lumea flămânzește, în Japonia sunt multe familii și restaurante unde mâncarea este aruncată. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. It is shameful that while in many countries the world is hungry, in Japan there are many families and restaurants where food is thrown. Não há evidências de que Tom tenha disparado a arma. There's no evidence Tom was the one who fired the gun. There's no evidence Tom shot the gun. Il a failli mourir. He almost died. He almost died. Bonjour Madame ! Hello Madam! Hello, ma'am! Usa solo il mio per adesso. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Per piacere, ditegli di sbrigarsi. Please tell him to hurry up. Please tell him to hurry. Como isso se quebrou? How did that get broken? How did that break up? Você está uma hora atrasada. You're an hour late. You're an hour late. Tom è nato a Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Stavo correndo. I was running. I was running. Je ne vous décevrai jamais. I'll never deceive you. I'll never let you down. O Tom gosta de camisas azuis. Tom likes blue shirts. Tom likes blue shirts. La semana pasada él estuvo enfermo. He was sick last week. Last week he was sick. Mi nombre es Omid. My name is Omid. My name is Omid. El gato salta encima de la mesa. The cat jumps on top of the table. The cat jumps on the table. Dubiul este în favoarea acuzatului. When in doubt, in favour of the accused. The van is in favor of the accused. Risipa aduce sărăcia. Waste makes want. Risipa brings poverty. Pourquoi font-elles cela ? Why are they doing this? Why do they do that? C'est du mauvais temps, ça ne fait pas de doute, mais nous avons vu pire. It's bad weather, to be sure, but we've seen worse. It's bad weather, no doubt, but we've seen worse. Nous n'aurons pas cours la semaine prochaine. We won't have class next week. We're not taking classes next week. Tout ce que tu dois faire est d'appuyer sur ce bouton rouge. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is lean on that red button. Tom despertó a Mary a las 6:30 como ella le había pedido. Tom woke Mary up at 6:30 as she had asked him to do. Tom woke Mary at 6:30 as she had asked. O Tom faz tudo o que lhe pedem. Tom does whatever he's asked to do. Tom does everything he's asked for. Não deveis esquecer isso jamais. You must never forget that. You should never forget that. O que tem de tão bom nisso? What's so good about it? What's so good about that? Yo amo a Dios. I love God. I love God. Ora Tom è occupato e non ti può aiutare. Tom is busy right now and he can't help you. Now Tom's busy and he can't help you. I l'hai mai vist doe përson-e annamorà coma Tom e Mary. I've never seen two people so much in love as Tom and Mary. You've never seen her doe përson-and anamom like Tom and Mary. Nu deschideți ușa aceasta, vă rog. Don't open this door, please. Do not open this door, please. Tom deixou a porta destrancada. Tom left the door unlocked. Tom left the door unlocked. Beh, a parlare del diavolo... Well, speak of the devil. Well, speaking of the devil... Așteptați cinci minute, vă rog. Wait five minutes, please. Wait five minutes, please. Comprengui pas pr'amor as hèit aquò. Estoc un miracle. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. Don't understand how many times this is happening. Eu queria te resgatar. I wanted to rescue you. I wanted to rescue you. Aprite la porta! Open the door! Open the door! Ela não pode ingerir álcool. She can't drink alcohol. She can't ingest alcohol. Vous êtes la personne la plus incroyable que j'aie jamais rencontrée. You're the most incredible person I've ever met. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. Has de menjar més a poc a poc. You should eat slower. You need to eat more slowly. Estas corbatas son muy caras. These ties are very expensive. These ties are very expensive. Je vis un chalet au loin. I saw a cottage in the distance. I live in a chalet far away. ¿Firmaron? Did they sign? Did they sign? Non succederà. That won't happen. It won't happen. Tom è un venditore terribile. Tom is a terrible salesman. Tom's a terrible salesman. Io rimpiango di non essere mai stato gentile con lui. I regret that I have never been kind to him. I regret never being nice to him. Mi tío me pidió que cuidara de las gallinas. My uncle asked me to take care of the chickens. My uncle asked me to take care of the chickens. Me perdí en el bosque. I lost my way in the forest. I lost myself in the woods. Ambeza inglez. She studies English. Both English. El verdadero problema es que ni te has enterado de que tenemos un problema. The real problem is you don't even know we have a problem. The real problem is you didn't even know we had a problem. Nu mai fi așa ridicol! Stop being so ridiculous! Stop being ridiculous! Deixa'm intentar-ho. Let me have a try. Let me try. Fii onest cu mine. Be honest with me. Be honest with me. Je ne vous ai pas demandé ça. I didn't ask you that. I didn't ask you that. Não estou ocupado hoje. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Rispetto molto il mio insegnante. I respect my teacher very much. I respect my teacher very much. Gli uccelli stanno beccando il terreno. Birds are pecking at the grounds. The birds are picking up the ground. Puis-je m'y rendre ? May I go? Can I go? El juego está amañado. The game is rigged. The game is set. Acest site este inutil. This website is useless. This site is useless. Ets un criminal. You are a criminal. You're a criminal. Essa é a sua única esperança. It's your only hope. That's your only hope. Rareori mama mea se uită noaptea la televizor. My mother seldom watches TV at night. My mom's rarely watching television at night. Nadie fue capaz de sugerir una solución. Nobody was able to suggest a solution. No one was able to suggest a solution. Tom não está colando. Tom isn't cheating. Tom's not collapsing. ¿Queres vir pescar comigo? Do you want to go fishing with me? You want to come fishing with me? ¿Quién de ustedes no estaba en el autobús? Which one of you wasn't on the bus? Who of you wasn't on the bus? Que esperaram os senhores que o Tom fizesse? What did you think Tom would do? What did the gentlemen expect Tom to do? Me acusaron injustamente. I was falsely accused. I was wrongly accused. S'aider soi-même est la meilleure aide. Self-help is the best help. Helping yourself is the best help. Tom é muito bom nisso. Tom is very good at it. Tom's very good at it. ¿Quieres una taza de leche? Would you like a cup of milk? You want a cup of milk? Jefferson non era pronto ad abbandonare il suo piano. Jefferson was not ready to give up his plan. Jefferson wasn't ready to abandon his plan. Sim, isso acontece de vez em quando. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, that happens from time to time. Posso me sentar lá atrás? Would it be OK if I sat in the back? Can I sit back there? Hai mai mangiato questo piatto? Have you ever eaten this dish? Have you ever eaten this dish? Sugiro que veja o Sr. White. I suggest that you see Mr. White. I suggest you see Mr. White. Foi atraído polo seu sorriso. He was attracted by her smile. He was attracted by his smile. La Fondation Gairdner, créée en 1957 par James Arthur Gairdner, donne les prix les plus prestigieux du Canada dans le domain de la science. The Gairdner Foundation, established in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner, is Canada's most prestigious science award. The Gairdner Foundation, created in 1957 by James Arthur Gairdner, gives Canada's most prestigious prizes in the science domain. Je suis votre sœur. I'm your sister. I'm your sister. Si vous ne bougez pas immédiatement, vous serez arrêtés. If you do not move immediately, you will be arrested. If you don't move immediately, you'll be arrested. Stiamo cercando qualcuno che possa usare un computer. We are looking for somebody who can use a computer. We're looking for someone who can use a computer. Ti piace cantare, vero? You like to sing, don't you? You like singing, don't you? Cuando me vio, el perro corrió hacia mí. Seeing me, the dog rushed up to me. When he saw me, the dog ran to me. Il a manqué se noyer dans la rivière. He came near to being drowned in the river. He missed drowning in the river. Iarna ninge. In winter it snows. Winter snow. Tu ești doctorul? Are you the doctor? You're the doctor? Ele não é italiano? Isn't he Italian? Isn't he Italian? Ești geloasă. You're jealous. You're jealous. O Tom sabe que pode contar com a Mary. Tom knows he can count on Mary. Tom knows he can count on Mary. Necesita kitá tiene cuidáo. We have to be careful. She needs to take care of him. Non crederà a quello che è successo oggi. You're not going to believe what happened today. He won't believe what happened today. La meva germana té un gos. My sister has a dog. My sister has a dog. Ya he creado miles de frases. I have created thousands of phrases already. I've already created thousands of sentences. El matrimonio gay es legal acá. Gay marriage is legal here. Gay marriage is legal here. Qui connaissez-vous à Boston ? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Eles estão com fome. They feel hungry. They're hungry. Dove siete in questo momento? Where are you right now? Where are you right now? Parola? Password? The password? Est-ce que tu as déjà mangé ? Have you already eaten? Have you ever eaten? Ne fais pas l'effarouchée avec moi ! Don't play coy with me. Don't mess with me! Am petrecut douăsprezece ore în tren. I was in the train for twelve hours. I spent 12 hours on the train. Lo sformato era delizioso. The pasty was delicious. The scoundrel was delicious. Tira qui pòt ! Run for your life! Throw out who can! È un angelo. She's an angel. He's an angel. Descascaré una naranja para ti. I'll peel an orange for you. I'll peel an orange for you. Pensé que Tom sencillamente firmaría el contrato sin leerlo con cuidado. I thought Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully. I thought Tom would simply sign the contract without reading it carefully. Perché le vorrebbe aiutare? Why would you want to help them? Why would you want to help her? Você não está sendo justo. You're not being fair. You're not being fair. Lo perderemos todo. We'll lose everything. We'll lose everything. Le due qualità si escludono l'una con l'altra. The two qualities are mutually exclusive. The two qualities exclude each other. Tu li hai incontrati prima? Have you met them before? Did you meet them first? Farò un po' di pasta. I'll make some pasta. I'll make some pasta. Sembrate perfette. You seem perfect. You look perfect. Lei sa per caso la data dell'esame? Do you happen to know the date of the exam? Do you know the date of the exam by chance? Il nostro treno è arrivato in ritardo. Our train arrived late. Our train is late. La teoria è troppo astratta per me. The theory is too abstract for me. The theory is too abstract for me. Era uma cena caótica. It was a chaotic scene. It was a chaotic scene. Nu pot vinde la acest preț. I can't sell at this price. I can't sell at this price. Eles não deveriam estar fazendo aquilo. They shouldn't be doing that. They shouldn't be doing that. Es probable que lo gorinèr de costuma atribuït a Sappho sia pas que calomnia. It seems probable that the licentiousness ordinarily imputed to Sappho may be a calumny. It is likely that the usual gorge attributed to Sappho is not slanderous. Posso lembrar-me muito bem do apaixonado interesse que se apossou inteiramente de meu corpo e de minha alma quando pela primeira vez me apaixonei. I can well remember the passionate interest that took possession of my entire body and soul when I first fell in love. I can remember very well the passionate interest that was entirely rooted in my body and soul when I first fell in love. È un po' tardi per quello, non pensa? It's a little late for that, don't you think? It's a little late for that, don't you think? Meu pai costumava me trazer aqui quando eu era jovem. My father used to take me here when I was young­. My father used to bring me here when I was young. ¿Apetezte venir al baile? How would you like to go to a dance? You expect to come to the dance? Mi padre está igual de ocupado que siempre. My father is as busy as ever. My father is as busy as ever. Comment es-tu entrée dans notre chambre ? How did you get into our room? How did you get into our room? J'ai demandé à Tom de jouer de la guitare. I asked Tom to play the guitar. I asked Tom to play guitar. No puedes cambiar tu nombre de usuaria. You can't change your username. You can't change your username. Quem te beijou? Who kissed you? Who kissed you? J'étais quelque peu surprise. I was slightly surprised. I was a little surprised. Pourquoi n'ai-je pas de petite copine ? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Why don't I have a girlfriend? Datele questa lettera quando viene. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her this letter when she comes. Tom não te pediria para fazer isso. Tom wouldn't ask you to do that. Tom wouldn't ask you to do that. Va aider ton frère ! Go and help your brother. Go help your brother! O livro de Tom foi traduzido para vários idiomas. Tom's book has been translated into many languages. Tom's book has been translated into several languages. Io spero che Tom e Mary si sbaglino. I hope Tom and Mary are mistaken. I hope Tom and Mary are wrong. Los proverbios están llenos de sabiduría. Proverbs are full of wisdom. The proverbs are full of wisdom. Parlando di passatempi, colleziona francobolli? Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps? Speaking of pastimes, do you collect stamps? Os soldados estavam prontos para morrer por seu país. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. C'est la voix de Baba. It's Baba's voice. That's Baba's voice. Quest'automobile è mia. This car is mine. This car is mine. Je ne parle plus du tout français. I never speak French anymore. I don't speak French anymore. Vosautes tanben i vatz ? Are you going, too? Are you ready to go too? ¿Qué pretende ahora? What is he up to now? What do you want now? Tengo algunos amigos americanos. I have some American friends. I have some American friends. I prezzi dei terreni sono molto alti in Giappone. Land prices are very high in Japan. Land prices are very high in Japan. Você o quebrou. You smashed it. You broke it. Nous avons presque achevé ce travail. We're just about finished with this job. We've almost finished this job. Em vaig quedar un dia més al llit per si de cas. I stayed in bed one more day just to be on the safe side. I spent another day in bed in case. Va tout droit dans cette rue. Go straight on down this street. Go straight to this street. J'aurais pu gagner la course si je ne m'étais pas foulé la cheville. I could have won the race if I hadn't sprained my ankle. I could have won the race if I didn't dig my ankle. J'ai failli dire la vérité. I almost blurted out the truth. I almost told the truth. Eu trabalho em Harvard. I work at Harvard. I work at Harvard. Você pode usar o meu carro. You may use my car. You can use my car. Il a acheté une voiture. He bought a car. He bought a car. Hay un pasaje secreto. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Perché non lo state facendo? Why aren't you doing that? Why aren't you doing this? Tom roncou tão alto que podia ouvi-lo do meu quarto. Tom snored so loudly I could hear him from my room. Tom snort so loud that I could hear him from my room. Te las pe tine să cumperi biletele. I'll leave it to you to buy the tickets. I'll let you buy the tickets. No murió nadie. No one died. No one died. Commenti e ce lo faccia sapere! Comment and let us know! Comments and let us know! Acho que vou partir cedo hoje. I think I'll leave early today. I think I'm leaving early today. Yo sé eso bien. I know that well. I know that. Él conduce un camión. He drives a truck. He drives a truck. Cosa stanno facendo qui? What are they doing here? What are they doing here? Eu queria que vocês não fizessem isso. I wish you wouldn't do that. I wish you guys wouldn't do that. É provável que ela venha amanhã. It is probable that she will come tomorrow. She'll probably come tomorrow. Stiamo uscendo ora. We're going out now. We're leaving now. Deixe de ser pessimista, tudo se ajeita. Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Stop being a pessimist, everything's fine. Os arpões de Philae não foram implantados. Philae's harpoons did not deploy. Philae harpoons were not implanted. Je n'aime pas voyager en groupes importants. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don't like traveling in important groups. Tom queria brigar. Tom wanted to fight. Tom wanted to fight. J'ignore qui va nous aider. I don't know who's going to help us. I don't know who's gonna help us. Debe haber una manera. There has to be a way. There must be a way. Todos los colores acordarán en la oscuridad. All colours will agree in the dark. All colors will remember in the dark. Je ne suis pas un spécialiste. I'm not a specialist. I'm not a specialist. Tu ne peux pas te débarrasser de moi. You can't get rid of me. You can't get rid of me. M'agrada nadar. I like swimming. I like swimming. Io lo chiamai. I called him. I called him. Tom poderia ser canadense. Tom could be Canadian. Tom could be Canadian. Ya dejá yo el mana llaves con mi pitaca. I left the keys with my wallet. I've already left the manna keys with my pitaca. Ne le dis à quiconque ! Don't tell anybody. Don't tell anyone! Ela estava pronta em ajudá-lo a limpar a casa. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. She was ready to help him clean the house. Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri cu toții. Sooner or later, we all are going to die. Sooner or later, we'll all die. Estash en Berlin? Are you guys in Berlin? Estash in Berlin? Tu collezioni ancora francobolli? Do you still collect stamps? Do you still collect stamps? Ya nadie que conozca va allá. No one I know goes there anymore. No one who knows goes there anymore. Todo mundo estava muito ocupado. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was too busy. Lo sorèlh lusís. The sun is shining. The sister is lucid. Se Deus nos concedesse ter um filho! If only we had a son! If God would allow us to have a son! Cette maison est célèbre. This house is famous. This house is famous. Necesita yo rindí gracias cunele. I have to thank him. He needs me to thank him. Ei sunt aliați. They're allies. They're allies. El vaig sentir cantant al concert. I heard him sing at the concert. I heard him singing at the concert. Tinc algunes bones idees però necessito diners. I've got some great ideas but I need money. I have some good ideas but I need money. Que faites-vous, vendredi soir ? What are you doing Friday night? What are you doing, Friday night? Es el mismo sombrero. It's the same hat. It's the same hat. Hoy no hace calor especialmente. It isn't especially hot today. It's not particularly hot today. Les garçons se brossent les dents. The boys brush their teeth. Boys brush their teeth. Él fue atropellado y murió. He was run over and killed. He was run over and died. Como acha a senhora que eu possa fazer desse matuto desengonçado um atleta? How do you expect me to turn this clumsy clodhopper into an athlete? How do you think the lady I can make of this unruly morning an athlete? Tom discutiu com Maria. Tom argued with Mary. Tom was arguing with Maria. Tom no es Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom's not Trump. Tienes un shekel? Do you have a shekel? Do you have a shekel? Tom nunca mais foi visto depois disso. Tom was never seen again after that. Tom was never seen after that. Foi ruim você ter ficado com raiva da sua mulher. It was bad of you to get angry at your wife. It was bad you got angry at your wife. Si tu agis comme un idiot, tu dois être traité comme tel. If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such. If you act like an idiot, you must be treated like such an idiot. O que você acha que o público quer? What do you think the audience wants? What do you think the audience wants? En la venganza y en el amor, la mujer es más salvaje que el hombre. In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man is. In revenge and love, women are more savage than men. Vreau o barcă care să mă ducă departe de aici. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I want a boat to take me away from here. Tan paypáy si Tom de suyo cuerpo. Tom is fanning himself. So paid if Tom of his body. Você são corajosos. You're courageous. You're brave. Cred că ea știe de noi. I think she knows about us. I think she knows about us. Mi fa così piacere che tu stia bene. I'm so glad you're OK. I'm so glad you're okay. Perché non puoi farla? Why can't you do it? Why can't you do it? També podriem romandre ací fins que el temps millore. We may as well stay here till the weather improves. We could also stay here until time gets better. Sabe yo cosa olor ese. I know what that smell is. I know what that smells like. Tom dit à Mary qu'il ne lui mentirait jamais. Tom told Mary he'd never lie to her. Tom told Mary he never lied to her. Mary fece irruzione nella cucina. Mary burst into the kitchen. Mary broke into the kitchen. Não acredito em mais nada. I don't believe in anything else. I don't believe in anything else. Tom ha dovuto stare all'ospedale per tre settimane. Tom had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Tom had to stay at the hospital for three weeks. Personne ne sait pourquoi elle ne m'aime pas. Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. No one knows why she doesn't love me. "Mesi." "De ryen." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Mesi." "De ryen." Tu n'es plus un bébé. You're not a child anymore. You're not a baby anymore. Se non fora polo meu consello fracasarías. But for my advice you would have failed. If it hadn't been for my advice, you'd fail. Să te ajute prietenul tău. Get your friend to help you. Let your friend help you. Osaka è il centro del commercio in Giappone. Osaka is the center of commerce in Japan. Osaka is the center of trade in Japan. N-aș fi crezut că într-o zi voi căuta „Viagra” în Wikipedia. I wouldn't have thought I would someday look up "Viagra" in Wikipedia. I wouldn't have thought that one day I'd look for "Viagra" in Wikipedia. Esse é realmente o meu nome. That's my real name. That's really my name. Me llamu Luis. My name is Luis. My name is Luis. So un gato. I'm a tomcat. I know a cat. Les chats aiment courir après les pelotes de laine. Cats love to run after balls of wool. Cats like to run after wool balls. Alguma coisa é melhor que nada. Something is better than nothing. Something's better than nothing. Il est juste en colère que nous nous amusions autant. He's just angry because we're having so much fun. He's just angry that we were having so much fun. Nous devons avoir foi dans le président. We must have faith in the president. We must have faith in the President. Aquí están los documentos que pedías. Here are the documents you asked for. Here are the documents you asked for. Va ser una nit fantàstica. It was a great night. It was a fantastic night. Evitó responder a mis preguntas. She avoided answering my questions. He avoided answering my questions. Lui sa recitare le poesie. He knows how to recite poems. He's going to play poetry.