Tom vai ter de ir sozinho. Tom is going to have to go alone. Tom's gonna have to go alone. Que harà l'ahar. This will do for now. That he'll do the ahar. No volem prendre res. We don't want to take anything. We don't want to have anything. Apa yang membuatmu begitu marah? What made you so angry? What's making you so angry? Tu sai cosa dire? Do you know what to say? You know what to say? Què és un palíndrom? What is a palindrome? What's a palindrome? Mi meta es hacer que la gente conozca el arte. My goal is to make people know art. My goal is to get people to know art. Restate concentrate. Keep focused. Stay focused. Passatemi il ketchup, per piacere. Pass me the ketchup, please. Pass me the ketchup, please. Rob mi ha detto le buone notizie! Rob told me the good news! Rob told me the good news! Il souffre d'un mal de dents. He is suffering from a toothache. He's suffering from a toothache. Tom non ha nessuno a cui rivolgersi per farsi aiutare. Tom has nobody to turn to for help. Tom doesn't have anyone to turn to to for help. Un corte de cabello te vendría muy bien. You could really do with a haircut. A haircut would be good for you. Est-ce que les enfants dorment déjà ? Are the children already asleep? Do children already sleep? Tu es mon obsession. You are my obsession. You're my obsession. Come ti riconoscerò? How will I recognize you? How will I recognize you? ¿Quién es el director de esta empresa? Who is the boss of this company? Who is the director of this company? Je l'ouvrirai. I'll open it. I'll open it. Tamara parecía un alma en pena porque andaba siempre sola, cabizbaja, melancólica. Tamara seemed like a soul in despair since she was always lonely, downcast, and melancholic. Tamara seemed a soul in grief because she was always alone, cabizbaja, melancholy. Il fut fait prisonnier et tué lors de la Révolution. He was imprisoned and killed during the revolution. He was taken prisoner and killed during the Revolution. Nós nos sentamos ali. We sat there. We sat there. Guruku menunjukkan di mana letak kesalahanku. I had my mistakes pointed out by my teacher. My teacher showed me where I was wrong. C'est ce que tu dois faire. This is what you must do. That's what you have to do. Eu não gosto de estudar línguas. I don't like to study languages. I don't like studying languages. Comment vas-tuyau de poêle ? What's up, dawg? How'd you feel about the stove? Metti via le pistole. Put your guns away. Put the guns away. Fumem-nos aquesta merda! Let's smoke this shit! Let's smoke this shit! Onde você esteve durante a tarde toda? Where have you been all afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Io sarò proprio dietro di lei. I'll be right behind you. I'll be right behind you. Parecía como que tivese estado enferma. She looked as if she had been ill. It looked like she was sick. È vero che ha vinto la corsa? Is it true that he won the race? Is it true he won the race? És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. This is the best book I have ever read. It's the best book I've ever read. Tom își face griji de sănătate. Tom is concerned about his health. Tom's worried about health. Eso era lo único que tuve que hacer. That was the only thing I had to do. That's all I had to do. Je considère cela comme de la discrimination raciale. I consider that racial discrimination. I consider this to be racial discrimination. No tenim cap problema. We don't have a problem. We don't have a problem. Eu te dei a minha palavra. I gave you my word. I gave you my word. Setkan masa memasak untuk 1 minit 45 saat. Set cooking time for 1 minute 45 seconds. Set a cooking time for one minute 45 minutes. De acum înainte voi spune ce gândesc. From now on, I'm going to say what's on my mind. From now on, I'll tell you what I'm thinking. El hotel me cobró ocho mil yenes por la habitación. The hotel charged me 8000 yen for the room. The hotel got me eight thousand yen for the room. Si muero, quiero morir virgen. If I die, I want to die a virgin. If I die, I want to die a virgin. Non sono suo amico. I'm no friend of yours. I'm not your friend. Il est dans le coma ! He is in a coma! He's in a coma! Tom parla français. Tom spoke French. Tom speaks French. La derrota hirió su orgullo. Losing injured their pride. The defeat hurt his pride. ¿Era usted tan pesado? Were you really boring? Were you so heavy? Te rog să închizi uşa când pleci. Please lock the door when you leave. Please close the door when you leave. El arcoíris es un fenómeno natural. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon. C'est commencé. It's started. It started. El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Bolehkah saya mencoba mengenakan ini? May I try this on? Can I try to wear this? Deve rimanere sveglia. You need to stay awake. You must stay awake. El este avut. He is well off. He's had it. Eske Galileo Galilei se yon vrè non? Is Galileo Galilei a real name? In what way is Galileo Galileo a real name? Elle a essayé de diminuer ses dépenses. She tried to lower her expenses. She tried to cut her expenses. Sudah bertahun-tahun kami saling kenal. We have known each other for years. We've known each other for years. O ? Where? Oh? Eu sabia. I knew it. I knew it. Trebuie să mănânc ceva.‎ I need to eat something. I have to eat something. Toată lumea a început să intre în panică. Everybody started to panic. Everybody started panicking. Il me faut une chambre pour deux. I need a room for two people. I need a room for two. Tom ține o cravată în plus în sertarul din biroul de la muncă. Tom keeps an extra tie in his desk drawer at work. Tom keeps an extra tie in the desk drawer at work. Per què no m'ho demana? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Saya mau bilang kata itu. I want to say that word. I'd like to say that. Londres est l'une des plus grandes villes mondiales. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Aku akan mengantarmu sampai ke bandara. I'll drive you to the airport. I'll take you to the airport. Ajudem-me! Help me. Help me! En effet il est riche, mais il n'est pas digne de confiance. Indeed he is rich, but he is not reliable. Indeed he is rich, but he is not trustworthy. Tengo miedo de que llueva mañana. I am afraid it will rain tomorrow. I'm afraid it's raining tomorrow. Nu vrei să te gândeşti la Tom, nu-i aşa? You don't want to think about Tom, do you? You don't want to think about Tom, do you? A comida de aquí non é moi boa. The food isn't very good here. The food here isn't very good. Mary, Tom quiere matarte. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Mary, Tom wants to kill you. ¡Kerry está en la tele! Kerry's on TV! Kerry's on TV! No, non devi andarci adesso. No, you need not go right now. No, you don't have to go now. Conserver à température ambiante. Store at room temperature. Keep at room temperature. Tom bebió demasiado anoche. Tom drank way too much last night. Tom drank too much last night. J'étais là en premier. I was here first. I was there first. Lui Tom nu-i place felul în care râde Mary. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Je suis en sécurité. I'm safe. I'm safe. Matang lebih baik. Mature is better. It's better off. Saya ingin beli baju untuk adik saya. I want to buy a shirt for my brother. I wanted to buy clothes for my sister. Ahora debes de estar muy ocupado. You must be very busy now. Now you must be very busy. Oggi il tempo è bello. Today the weather is nice. Today the weather is beautiful. Lamento llegar tarde. Sorry to be late. I'm sorry I'm late. Ester es un terdjuman. Esther is a translator. Esther is an abject. Elok bahasa, kan bakal hidup, elok budi, kan bakal mati. Manners maketh man. About a year later, my mother died, just as she did when she was in her late teens or early 20 ’ s. Amanhã, nós começaremos. Tomorrow, we'll begin. Tomorrow, we'll start. Nimeni nu a rezolvat problema. Nobody has solved the problem. No one solved the problem. Istrimu marah padamu. Your wife is mad at you. Your wife's mad at you. Picasso a peint ce tableau en 1950. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Picasso painted this painting in 1950. Tom nu știe unde să o aștepte pe Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Creo que Tomás es ingenuo. I think Tom is naive. I think Thomas is naive. Siamo tutte molto fiere di lui. We're all very proud of him. We're all very proud of him. Come va questa notte? How're you doing tonight? How's it going tonight? Tom è ancora in galera, vero? Tom is still in prison, isn't he? Tom's still in jail, isn't he? Eu não gosto muito deles. I don't like them that much. I don't like them very much. Aku mau menyimpan sesuatu di brankas hotel. I'd like to put something in the hotel safe. I want to keep something in the hotel safe. No recorde on el vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Seu trabalho foi apenas um gesto de boa vontade. His work was merely a gesture of good will. His work was just a gesture of goodwill. Deve pagare in anticipo. You must pay in advance. He must pay in advance. El mi-a scris din când în când. He wrote to me from time to time. He's been writing to me from time to time. No puedo creer que ya sea verano. I can't believe it's summer already. I can't believe it's summer already. Non é suficientemente intelixente para facer contas de cabeza. He's not smart enough to work it out in his head. He's not smart enough to make head count. Je ne suis pas comme la plupart des gens. I'm not like most people. I'm not like most people. Ela veu onda min e dixo algo que non entendín para nada. She came to me and said something that I didn't understand at all. She came to me and said something that I didn't understand at all. "Tom, j'ai faim." "Moi aussi." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." En anglais, certains mots proviennent du japonais. In English there are some words borrowed from Japanese. In English, some words come from Japanese. Com certeza vai ser bom fazer isso. It sure is gonna be nice to do that. I'm sure it'll be good to do that. Aún no he desayunado. I have not eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Conte-me tudo sobre a viagem que você fez. Tell me all about the trip you've made. Tell me everything about the trip you made. L'Italia ha due catene montuose, le Alpi e gli Appennini. Italy has two mountain ranges, the Alps and the Apennines. Italy has two mountain chains, the Alps and the Apennines. On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the train station? Where's the railway station? Apa kau percaya akan hal ini? Are you buying into this? Do you believe this? Ero sfigurato. I was disfigured. I was disfigured. Pots escriure en tots els idiomes que vulguis. A Tatoeba, totes les llengües tenen el mateix valor. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. In Tatoeba, all languages have the same value. Vexo o neno. I see the boy. I see the boy. Apa kamu benci aku? Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Ho un piccolo blog riguardo all'olandese. I have a small blog about Dutch. I have a little blog about Dutch. Esas son sus opciones. Those are your options. Those are your options. Estamos de vuelta. We're back. We're back. Ne sono convinto. I'm convinced. I'm convinced of it. Voglio essere parte di questo. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of this. Organizzerò una conferenza con loro. I'll arrange a meeting with them. I'll hold a conference with them. Un dia m'agradaria visitar New York. I would like to visit New York someday. One day I'd like to visit New York. ¡Cuidado con las chispas que saltan de la chimenea! Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace! Watch out for the sparks that jump out of the fireplace! Tom ha usato la stessa scusa che hai usato tu. Tom used the same excuse as you just did. Tom used the same excuse you used. ¿Mancástete? Did you hurt yourself? Did you miss? Por favor, saca a túa bicicleta de aquí. Please move your bicycle out of here. Please get your bike out of here. Selain dirimu, kami semua miskin. Apart from you, we are all poor. Besides you, we're all poor. Vous avez choisi le meilleur. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Sei preoccupato per loro? Are you worried about them? Are you worried about them? Lo que más me gusta es la primavera. I like spring the best. What I like most is spring. Dobbiamo portare Tom da uno specialista. We have to get Tom to a specialist. We need to get Tom to a specialist. Sami était très intelligent. Sami was very intelligent. Sami was very smart. Il abandonna tout espoir. He gave up hope. He gave up all hope. O Tom concordou que não devíamos fazer isso. Tom agreed that we shouldn't do that. Tom agreed we shouldn't do that. Marie a acheté une jupe et une chemise. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Marie bought a skirt and a shirt. Il connait ce sujet sur le bout des doigts. He has the subject at his fingertips. He knew this subject on the tip of his fingers. Potete contare su di noi. You can count on us. You can count on us. Tom è disubbidiente. Tom is naughty. Tom's disobedient. Voló a Nueva York por negocios. He flew to New York on business. He flew to New York for business. Csa sucèd? What's happening? Csa sucéd? Je ne m'attends pas à recevoir d'aide. I don't expect help. I don't expect any help. Lei è generoso? Are you generous? Are you generous? Espero que te mueras. I hope you die. I hope you die. La symétrie, c'est l'ennui. Symmetry is boring. Symmetry is boring. Non abbiamo altra scelta che rischiarlo. We have no choice but to risk it. We have no choice but to risk it. Te ayudará si se lo pides. He'll help you if you ask. It'll help if you ask him. Qu'ei la darrèra partida. This is the last game. What the hell is the last game? Eso es lo que Tom estaba buscando. That's what Tom was looking for. That's what Tom was looking for. Empezó a sentir miedo. He began to feel afraid. He started to feel afraid. O Francês é a única língua que posso falar. French is the only language that I can speak. French is the only language I can speak. Você realmente não se importa que eu esteja indo sozinha? Do you really not care that I'm going alone? Do you really care that I'm going alone? Londres es grande comparado con París. London is large, compared with Paris. London is great compared to Paris. Tom se ve agotado. Tom looks worn out. Tom is exhausted. Tom no podía descartar la posibilidad de que no le gustara a Mary. Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that Mary didn't like him. Tom couldn't rule out the possibility she didn't like Mary. Nunca vi uma melancia tão gigante! I've never seen such a giant watermelon! I've never seen such a giant melancholy! E l'ân mìa catêda. They didn't find it. And my axe. Quero ir à França. I want to go over to France. I want to go to France. Son jardin est une œuvre d'art. His garden is a work of art. Its garden is a work of art. Oímos a la bomba estallar. We heard the bomb go off. We heard the bomb burst. Talvez eu não deva ir para Boston esse fim de semana. Perhaps I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Maybe I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Tom fue detenido el lunes. Tom was arrested on Monday. Tom was arrested on Monday. Será que não existe nada além disso? Can this be all there is? Is there nothing but that? Pada hari Minggu, kami memajukan jamnya menjadi lebih lambat. On Sunday we put the clock forward. On Sundays, we pushed her to slow down. Você está prestando atenção? Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? O senhor tem dinheiro? Do you have money? Do you have money? Quem você acha que quebrou a janela? Who do you think broke the window? Who do you think broke the window? Tom décida de quitter la société. Tom has decided to leave the company. Tom decided to leave the company. Ouvi dizer que você é muito talentoso. I hear that you're very talented. I heard you're very talented. S'ê-t drē a dîr? What are you saying? Did he say that? Lamento mucho oír eso. I am really sorry to hear that. I'm so sorry to hear that. O que vamos fazer com isso? What're we going to do with it? What are we gonna do with that? È ostile. He's unfriendly. It's hostile. Je comprends tes raisons. I understand your reasons. I understand your reasons. Yo mantendré vivo al pez. I will keep the fish alive. I'll keep the fish alive. El pan huele muy bien. The bread really smells good. The bread smells very good. Eu falei alguma coisa que não deveria? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Did I say something I shouldn't? Tom compró a María un microscopio. Tom bought Mary a microscope. Tom bought Mary a microscope. Hanno perso dieci partite di fila da quando è finita la loro serie di vittorie. They have lost 10 games in a row since their winning streak ended. Ten games of a row have been lost since their series of wins ended. Hem d'actuar ràpid. We have to act quickly. We need to act fast. Você acha que fala Inglês melhor do que Eu? Do you think you speak English better than I do? Do you think English speaks better than I? Al doblar la esquina nos encontramos con el desfile. We came upon the parade when we turned the corner. By bending the corner we meet the parade. Treci la subiect! Get to the point! Get to the point! Teño as chaves do coche. I've got the car keys. I have the keys to the car. Andò lì da solo. He went there by himself. He went there alone. Lo casau qu'ei enqüèra a l'ombra. The garden is still in shadow. The house is shaded up. Je n'ai jamais pensé que je dirais ça. I never thought I'd say that. I never thought I'd say that. Contacte-moi dès que tu arrives ici. Get in touch with me as soon as you arrive here. Contact me as soon as you get here. Dia pe umur su lapan taong. She's eight years old. He was eight years old. Está mojado. That's wet. It's wet. Tom non si è mai scusato per quello che ci ha fatto. Tom has never apologized for what he did to us. Tom never apologized for what he did to us. Lihatlah permasalahannya, oke? See what the problem is, OK? Look at the problem, okay? Él se va a China mañana. He's leaving for China tomorrow. He's going to China tomorrow. Pelo que eu sei, esta é a última edição. As far as I know, this is the latest edition. As far as I know, this is the last edition. Quella parola la descrive perfettamente. That word describes it perfectly. That word perfectly describes it. Le capital est mort. Capital is dead. The capital is dead. Piango troppo. I cry too much. I'm crying too much. Deixe-me explicar como isto funciona. Let me explain how this works. Let me explain how this works. Han pasado tres años desde que nos mudamos aquí. It's three years since we moved here. It's been three years since we moved here. Unde locuiește? Where does he live? Where does he live? Fue una escena horrible. It was a horrible scene. It was a horrible scene. Seu inglês é melhor que o meu. His English is better than mine. Your English is better than mine. Tom pare șovăitor. Tom looks reluctant. Tom seems shocking. Cuando comemos demasiado, nos da indigestión. When we eat too much, we suffer from indigestion. When we eat too much, it gives us indigestion. Non ho bisogno di convincerlo. I don't need to convince him. I don't need to convince him. Bisakah kau mematikan lampu-lampunya? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn off the lights? Quin t'apèras ? What is your name? What's your name? El și-a făcut bagajul în grabă. Tom hastily packed his suitcase. He packed his bag in a hurry. Es vivificante. It's exhilarating. It's vivifying. Alguien debe haberlo dejado ahí. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left it there. Io dovevo andare a Boston. I had to go to Boston. I had to go to Boston. Te derretirás. You will melt. You'll melt. Io fisso le clausole. I fix the terms. I'll fix the clauses. Qu'est-que on peut faire le soir ? What can one do at night? What can we do tonight? Conosci Singapore? Do you know about Singapore? Do you know Singapore? Não suporto o cheiro. I can't stand the smell. I can't bear the smell. Em sentia igual. I felt the same. I felt the same way. Mi-a luat mai mult de două ore pentru a traduce câteva pagini de limba engleză. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. Non lo rivedremo mai più. We'll never see him again. We'll never see him again. O verdadeiro Fadil tornou-se conhecido. The real Fadil came out. The real Fadil has become known. Cada persona madura a su propio paso. Each person matures at his own pace. Each person matures at his own pace. Olahraga apa yang paling Anda sukai? What sport do you like best? What sports do you like the most? Apa kamu bisa berski dengan baik? Can you ski well? Can you ski well? La Svezia è già caduta così in basso? Has Sweden already fallen that low? Has Sweden already fallen so low? Voglio che le vostre amiche vengano. I want your friends to come. I want your friends to come. Soy argentino. I am Argentinean. I'm Argentine. La semana pasada él estuvo enfermo. He was sick last week. Last week he was sick. La cena está lista. Dinner's ready. Dinner's ready. Sangat mudah untuk bergaul dengan Tom. Tom has always been a very easy person to get along with. It's easy to hang out with Tom. Jésus est bon. Jesus is good. Jesus is good. Sortiriez-vous jamais avec un gars qui ne saurait pas chanter ? Would you ever go out with a guy who couldn't sing? Would you ever go out with a guy who can't sing? Vocês pegaram os ovos? Did you get the eggs? Did you guys get the eggs? De muitas maneiras, os animais podem fazer coisas melhores do que as pessoas. In many ways, animals can do things better than people can. In many ways, animals can do better things than people. Eu estava com uma terrível dor de estômago. I had a terrible stomachache. I was in a terrible stomach pain. La Californie est ennuyeuse. California is boring. California is a tiresome country. Tom tahu ada yang salah, iya kan? Tom knew something went wrong, didn't he? Tom knows something's wrong, right? Noi abbiamo fatto il possibile per Tom. We've done what we can for Tom. We did everything we could for Tom. Ini adalah sebuah bencana ekologis. It's an ecological disaster. This is an ecological disaster. Tom foi demitido porque muito frequentemente ele se atrasava para o trabalho. Tom was fired because he often showed up late for work. Tom was fired because very often he was late for work. Hei, Tom, kau sudah jauh lebih tinggi dibanding terakhir kali aku melihatmu. Hey, Tom, you've gotten a lot taller since I last saw you. Hey, Tom, you've been a lot taller than the last time I saw you. Il est rond comme une queue de pelle. He's hammered. It's round like a ponytail. Seremos capazes de criar vacas e ovelhas, por exemplo. We will be able to breed cows and sheep, for example. We'll be able to raise cows and sheep, for example. Alerta! Careful! Watch out! Es trabajo sucio, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it. It's dirty work, but someone has to do it. Faré els deures després de veure la televisió. I'll do my homework after I watch television. I'll do my homework after I watch TV. Vaig baixar en l'estació equivocada. I got off at the wrong station. I went down to the wrong station. Ahora sigo yo. My turn comes next. I'll follow you now. Por favor corrige mi pronunciación. Please correct my pronunciation. Please correct my statement. A trebuit să mă adăpostesc sub un copac. I had to take shelter under a tree. I had to take shelter under a tree. Quando estamos com uma pessoa com a qual não queremos ser vistos, é comum que nos deparemos com um conhecido. When we are with a person we don't want to be seen with, we often meet someone we know. When we're with someone we don't want to be seen with, it's common for us to meet someone we know. Anda terlihat sangat pucat. Apakah Anda baik-baik saja? You look very pale. Are you OK? You look very pale. Tres de las carreras fueron ganadas por Tom. Tom won three races. Three of the races were won by Tom. Ditemi cosa avrei dovuto fare. Tell me what I should've done. Tell me what I should have done. Que't cau hèr çò de melhor. You must do your best. That's the best thing. Dësmentieve nèn Tom. Don't forget Tom. Don't forget, Tom. La cuisine française me plaît énormément. I like French food very much. I really like French cuisine. Ella envió esos correos electrónicos hace una hora. She sent those e-mails an hour ago. She sent those emails an hour ago. Ellos están aburridos de su tedioso trabajo. They are weary of their tedious work. They are bored of their tedious work. Ya ha comido. He has already eaten. He's already eaten. Ero innamorata di lui una volta. I was in love with him once. I was in love with him once. À partir de maintenant, je n'utiliserai plus ce mot. From now on, I will not use that word. From now on, I won't use that word anymore. Parei de fumar há seis meses. I gave up smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. Hai lasciato le luci accese. You left your lights on. You left the lights on. Ce vreţi să beţi? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Vous ne le regretterez pas ! You won't regret it! You won't regret it! Serius? Seriously? Seriously? Debemos crearnos una reputación. We must work up a reputation. We must create a reputation. Am dinți strâmbi. I have crooked teeth. I have narrow teeth. Significa un enorme aumento dell'utilizzo dell'aria condizionata, che utilizza energia, costa denaro e crea inquinamento. It means a huge increase in the use of air conditioning which uses energy, which costs money and creates pollution. It means a huge increase in the use of air conditioning, which uses energy, costs money and creates pollution. Jangan takut membuat kesalahan. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Pensé que Tom pasaría a decir hola. I thought Tom would stop by to say hello. I thought Tom would come over and say hello. Dove li avete scambiati? Where did you exchange them? Where did you exchange them? Lavori con lei? Do you work with her? You work with her? ¿Cuándo llegaste a Boston? When did you get to Boston? When did you get to Boston? E va remete's lèu ? Will she get well soon? And he'll be back soon? Lasciatemi da solo, OK? Leave me alone, will you? Leave me alone, OK? Vocês podem falar com o Tom. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Arremessa a bola. Pitch the ball. Ball shot. Sungguh kami ingin membantu mereka. We really want to help them. We really wanted to help them. Tom no pudo oír lo que estaba diciendo Mary. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Tom couldn't hear what he was saying to Mary. Prefiero el inglés a las matemáticas. I like English better than I like mathematics. I prefer English to mathematics. Que'm soi lavat la camisa. I washed my shirt. I've been washing my shirt. Qu'em gahat lo panaire. We caught the thief. Let me get the panary. Te rog, du-te la bancă. Please go to the bank. Please, go to the bank. Apprezzo il vostro lavoro. I appreciate your work. I appreciate your work. No dejen que nada más nos distraiga. Don't let anything else distract us. Don't let anything else distract us. No tengo interés en hacer eso hoy. I'm not interested in doing that today. I have no interest in doing that today. Você parece fantástico. You look fantastic! You look great. ¿Qué te parece el próximo domingo? What about next Sunday? What do you think of next Sunday? Vreau să scriu o carte. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Tom deve dormire adesso. Tom needs to sleep now. Tom needs to sleep now. Soy diestro. I am right-handed. I'm right behind you. Tom a trecut de cei mai buni ani ai vieții lui. Tom has already seen the best years of his life. Tom's spent the best years of his life. Du point de vue de Kate, il travaille trop. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's point of view, he works too hard. Tom adora escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves climbing mountains. Io non vedo l'ora di morire. I can't wait to die. I can't wait to die. El era un ijiko, i eya era una ijika. She was a girl, and he was a boy. He was an ijicho, and he was an ijika. ¿Qué vais a ver? What are you going to see? What are you going to see? Le meilleur est encore à venir. The best is yet to come. The best is yet to come. Eu não posso salvar ninguém. I can't save anyone. I can't save anyone. O rádio chegou ao país há pouco tempo. The radio arrived to this country not long ago. The radio arrived in the country a short time ago. Nu se poate în ambele moduri. You can't have it both ways. It can't be in both ways. « Qui s'en soucie ? » « Moi. » "Who cares?" "I care." "Who cares?" "Me." Ayah saya meninggal dua tahun yang lalu. My father passed away two years ago. My father died two years ago. Corect. Correct. Right. Parecía como si el agua hubiese penetrado en los cables de algún modo y estuvieran estropeados. It sounded like water had got onto the cables somehow, and they were breaking. It seemed as if the water had penetrated the cables somehow and were damaged. Si vens a Rio, no t'oblidis de trucarme per ser el teu guía! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! Havia uma ponte aqui. There used to be a bridge here. There was a bridge here. Care este numele tău de familie? What is your surname? What's your last name? Você estava lá? Were you there? Were you there? Sto progetto, stæto propòsto a-i tempi de Napolion, o l'é ciù costoso. This project, proposed during the Napoleonic era, is more expensive. I'm project, stæto proposed to the times of Napolion, or it's expensive. Pe tine te iubesc mai mult decât pe ea. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. Je suis au-dessus. I'm upstairs. I'm upstairs. Contesta en anglès! Answer in English. Answer in English! Je souhaiterais que tu fasses comme on te dit. I wish you would do as you're told. I'd like you to do as you're told. Você não gostaria que Tom fizesse isso, gostaria? You wouldn't want Tom to do that, would you? Wouldn't you like Tom to do that, would you? Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mom with the kitchen. Solo unas pocas personas no fueron. Only a few people didn't go there. Only a few people were not. Povestește-mi! Tell me about it! Tell me! Por que vieste aqui hoje? Why did you come here today? Why did you come here today? Di recente mi sono trasferito in un altro appartamento. Recently I moved to another apartment. I moved to another apartment recently. Nu pot scrie în chineză. I can't write in Chinese. I can't write in Chinese. Saya malas. I'm lazy. I'm lazy. Todavía no ha sonado la campana. The bell has not rung yet. The bell hasn't ringed yet. Ha scritto una lettera minatoria alla sua fidanzata. He wrote a threatening letter to his girlfriend. He wrote a letter to his girlfriend. Tom está sob custódia. Tom is in custody. Tom's in custody. Tive um sonho estranho. I had a strange dream. I had a strange dream. Mari kita lakukan sekarang. Let's do it now. Let's do it now. Merkad! Buy! Merkad! Dovrei portarle con me. I should take them with me. I should take them with me. Non vuole vederla? Don't you want to see her? Don't you want to see her? Não sou uma grande fã. I'm not a big fan. I'm not a big fan. Je commence demain. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Encara no ens hem començat a barallar. We have not yet begun to fight. We haven't started fighting yet. Qualquer livro serve, contanto que ele seja interessante. Any book will do, so long as it is interesting. Any book serves, as long as it's interesting. Tens dues flors. You have two flowers. You have two flowers. Conte ao Tom pessoalmente. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom personally. Cwand est çk' i rvént? When will he be back? When to recover? Ele caiu sobre o gelo e machucou a perna. He fell down on the ice and hurt his leg. He fell on the ice and hurt his leg. Saya harus pergi sekarang. I must leave now. I have to go now. Est-ce que Tom embrasse bien ? Is Tom a good kisser? Does Tom kiss well? Când a fost ultima dată când ai umblat cu Tom? When was the last time you hung out with Tom? When was the last time you walked with Tom? Tom non ci ascolterà. Tom isn't going to listen to us. Tom won't listen to us. I fiori fioriscono. Flowers bloom. The flowers bloom. No necesito nada. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. O cavalo é meu. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Tom siguió a María hasta la cocina, tomó un cuchillo y la amenazó con él. Tom followed Mary into the kitchen, picked up a knife and threatened her with it. Tom followed Mary into the kitchen, took a knife and threatened her with it. Tenho medo de altura. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of height. No sé cuáles son sus intenciones. I don’t know what her intentions are. I don't know what their intentions are. Vozotros estash en Berlin? Are you in Berlin? Vozotzros estash in Berlin? Sungguh saya tidak faham apakah yang lucu sangat. I really don't understand what's so funny. I really don’t understand how funny that is. Je n'aime pas manger des glaces pendant l'hiver. I don't enjoy eating ice cream during the winter. I don't like to eat ice cream during the winter. Les employés d'Air France étaient en grève l'été passé. The employees of Air France were on strike last summer. Air France employees were on strike last summer. Bak kata pepatah, "Masa itu emas." As the proverb says, "Time is money." Bad words, "The time is gold." Aujourd'hui, les voleurs ont attaqué une autre banque en plein jour. The thieves knocked off another bank today in a daytime robbery. Today, thieves attacked another bank in the middle of the day. Mon radio réveil ne s'est pas déclenché. C'est pour cette raison que je suis en retard. My alarm clock didn't work. That's why I was late. That's why I'm late. Descubra o que Tom sabe. Find out what Tom knows. Find out what Tom knows. Vreau să mă odihnesc. I want to rest. I want to rest. La mia casa è a nord della biblioteca. My house is north of the library. My house is north of the library. Ti stai sentendo meglio oggi? Are you feeling better today? Are you feeling better today? ¡Besos! Kisses! Beasts! Je voudrais manger quelque chose. I want to eat something. I want something to eat. Sono sceso dal treno alla stazione sbagliata. I got off at the wrong station. I got off the train to the wrong station. Eu fiquei surpreso com a resposta. I was surprised at the answer. I was surprised at the answer. Apatia mea față de vot vine de la dezgustul meu pentru politică. My apathy for voting comes from my distaste for politics. My appetite for voting comes from my disgust for politics. A campainha está tocando. The doorbell is ringing. The bell's ringing. Per favore, aspetta. Please wait. Please, wait. Est-ce que la pièce est équipée de l'air conditionné ? Does the room have air conditioning? Is the room equipped with air conditioning? Ne sois pas encore en retard à l'école. Don't be late for school again. Don't be late for school yet. La acea vreme taxele erau mari pentru multe produse. At that time, tariffs were high on many products. At that time the taxes were large for many products. Elles sont nos invitées. They are our guests. They're our guests. Todos estão chorando. Everybody's crying. Everyone's crying. Itu kesalahan yang bodoh. It was a stupid mistake. It was a stupid mistake. Tom fue promovido a gerente. Tom was promoted to manager. Tom was promoted to manager. Aku sudah beberapa tahun di Australia. I've been in Australia several years. I've been in Australia for a few years. Voi vorreste vivere con noi? Would you like to live with us? Would you like to live with us? Tom não veio para a escola na semana passada. Tom didn't come to school last week. Tom didn't come to school last week. Dinheiro é a ultima coisa que ele quer. Money is the last thing he wants. Money is the last thing he wants. Quand vas-tu terminer ça ? When are you going to finish this? When are you gonna finish this? A Tom le plaze nadar. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. Si llueve, me quedaré en casa. If it rains, I'll stay at home. If it rains, I'll stay home. Que préférez-vous, l'automne ou le printemps ? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? What do you prefer, fall or spring? Eu adoro dançar. I love dancing. I love dancing. Por que você não me trouxe aqui antes? Why haven't you brought me here before? Why didn't you bring me here before? Am îndoieli despre asta. I'm having second thoughts about that. I have doubts about that. Ei sunt o adunătură de proști și de cretini lacomi. They are a bunch of inept and vulturous morons. They're a bunch of fools and greedy assholes. La major part de la gent que ha mort a causa del tabac no eren grans fumadors. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most of the people who died because of tobacco were not big smokers. Odio las organizaciones terroristas. I hate terrorist organizations. I hate terrorist organizations. Mon père a la même voiture que Monsieur Kimura. My father has the same car as Mr Kimura's. My father has the same car as Mr. Kimura. Io non ho preso nulla per Tom. I didn't get anything for Tom. I didn't take anything for Tom. As pessoas pensavam que isso fosse verdade. People used to think that was true. People thought that was true. ¿Por qué estoy estudiando islandés? Why am I studying Icelandic? Why am I studying Icelandic? Tom es un machista. Tom is a chauvinist. Tom's a macho. El pare foarte obosit. He looks very tired. He looks really tired. Él es amable. He is kind. He's kind. Dji so ki magne on yawoute po ls efants. I'm eating a yogurt for children. Only magnification takes place for children. Eu queria que você estivesse comigo. I wish you were with me. I wanted you to be with me. Es un hombre de gran capacidad para los negocios. He's a very capable business man. He's a man of great ability for business. Tom, qui est devenu millionnaire par son propre travail, a vécu dans la misère quand il était enfant. Tom, a self-made millionaire, had lived in abject poverty as a child. Tom, who became a millionaire for his own work, lived in misery when he was a child. Muchas gracias por haberme invitado a cenar la otra noche. Thanks very much for having me to dinner the other night. Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner the other night. Possiamo partire dopo pranzo. We can leave after lunch. We can leave after lunch. Tom e Mary vengono entrambi dall'Australia. Tom and Mary are both from Australia. Tom and Mary both come from Australia. Tom t'aurait vraiment aimé. Tom definitely would've liked you. Tom would have really loved you. Hayat bagaikan permainan catur. Life is like a game of chess. Hayat's like a chess game. L'altro giorno ho visto la ragazza. The other day I saw the girl. I saw the girl the other day. Eu me deixava levar pela música. I was carried away by the music. I'd let myself get carried away by the music. La llei és dura, però és la llei. The law is harsh, but it is the law. The law is tough, but it's the law. Quella è la ragione per cui non volevo uscire con Tom. That's why I didn't want to go out with Tom. That's why I didn't want to go out with Tom. Es mon gos. This is my dog. You're my dog. Parece que mañana va a nevar. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Looks like it's going to snow tomorrow. Essa metade é sua. Half of this is yours. That's your half. Tom fez um trabalho malfeito. Tom did a sloppy job. Tom did a bad job. Manierele la masă variază de la o țară la alta. Table manners differ from country to country. The table handles vary from country to country. Pekerjaan itu memerlukan banyak tenaga. That job takes a lot of strength. The work can be tedious. ¿Por qué no quieres venir al cine conmigo? Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me? Why don't you come to the movies with me? Ti ha baciata, vero? He kissed you, didn't he? She kissed you, didn't she? El agricultor estuvo arando su campo todo el día. The farmer plowed his field all day. The farmer was plowing his field all day. Les Étasuniens noirs continuaient à endurer le racisme. Black Americans continued to suffer from racism. Black Americans continued to endure racism. Tom estará dormindo pelo tempo que eu chegar em casa. Tom will be asleep by the time I get home. Tom will be sleeping for the time I get home. Gardons une belle nature autour de nous. Let's keep beautiful nature around us. Let's keep a nice nature around us. Você pode trazer quem quiser. You may bring whoever you like. You can bring whoever you want. Ia berlaku kadang-kadang. That happens sometimes. He does it sometimes. Știi când vor sosi? Do you know when they'll arrive? You know when they're coming? Que n'as-tu pas ? What don't you have? What's wrong with you? Quella è davvero una grande mela. That's a really big apple. That's really a big apple. Nous sommes en train de nous déshabiller. We're undressing. We're taking off our clothes. « Serveuse, que fait cette mouche dans ma soupe ? » - « Je dirais du dos crawlé, monsieur ! » "Waitress, what's this fly doing in my soup?" "Looks to me to be backstroke, sir!" "Serve, what does this fly do in my soup?" - "I'd say with my back, sir!" Për piasì pulì 'l paviment ëspòrch. Please clean the dirty floor. Për liked to clean the floor sporch. Cos'ha comprato da me? What did you buy from me? What did he buy from me? Prețurile mărfurilor creșteau. Commodity prices were rising. The prices of the goods grew. La enfermera ciega se dedicó a cuidar a los ancianos. The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly. The blind nurse dedicated herself to caring for the elderly. Esse é realmente o meu nome. That's my real name. That's really my name. Tom nu ar fi trebuit să o facă. Tom shouldn't have done it. Tom shouldn't have done it. Il ne va nulle part sans sa voiture. He doesn't go anywhere without his car. He's not going anywhere without his car. ¿Ula? Where is she? Ura? O meu irmán leva enfermo dende onte. My brother has been sick since yesterday. My brother's been sick since yesterday. Tom et Mary gagnent-t-ils toujours? Do Tom and Mary still always win? Do Tom and Mary always win? J'ai quitté la pièce. I left the room. I left the room. É sábado. It is Saturday. It's Saturday. Beliau tidak lagi kanak-kanak. He is no longer a child. He's no longer a child. Tom ha già uno di questi. Tom already has one of these. Tom already has one of these. Aquera seda qu'ei doça. This silk feels smooth. This silk is sweet. Esto está frío. This is cold. This is cold. Você não virá com a gente por quê? Why aren't you coming with us? Why won't you come with us? Sé que está usted contento por eso. I know you're happy about that. I know you're happy about that. Ninguém me dava ouvidos. Nobody would listen to me. No one would listen to me. Noi accettiamo solo contanti. We only take cash. We only accept cash. Eres un lunático. You're a lunatic. You're a lunatic. Você dois estão brigando de novo? Are you two fighting again? Are you two fighting again? O enxofre queima numa chama azul. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. The sulphur burns in a blue flame. Allende é nome de mulher e também um sobrenome. Allende is a woman's name and a last name. Allende is a woman's name and also a surname. Les coses estan canviant ràpidament. Things are changing quickly. Things are changing fast. Sus ojos son mavis. His eyes are blue. His eyes are mavis. Él está cenando. He is having dinner. He's having dinner. C'è una cosa che devo dirle. There's one thing I must tell you. There's something I need to tell you. Non era in grado di spiegarsi. She wasn't able to explain herself. He couldn't explain himself. El a negat că ar fi furat banii. He denied having stolen the money. He denied that he would steal the money. É improvável que o Tom queira ir. Tom is unlikely to want to go. It's unlikely that Tom wants to go. Usò dei piccioni nel suo esperimento. He used pigeons in his experiment. He used pigeons in his experiment. Nadar es kolay. It is easy to swim. Swimming is kolay. ¿Cómo se llama el restaurante? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of the restaurant? J'ai du faire une liste des choses que j'avais besoin de faire. I had to make a list of things I needed to do. I had to make a list of the things I needed to do. Je suis désolée mais je n'ai pas la moindre petite monnaie. I'm sorry, but I don't have any small change. I'm sorry, but I don't have any small currency. Que contient-il ? What does it contain? What does it contain? O preço está subindo. The price is going up. The price is rising. Eu não gosto de queijo de cabra. I don't like goat cheese. I don't like goat cheese. Insistiu en que fosemos. She insisted on us going. He insisted we were. É por isso que os gatos te adoram. That's why cats love you. That's why cats love you. Je n'ai jamais imaginé un instant que je gagnerais. I never for a moment imagined that I would win. I never imagined a moment I'd win. Je t'envoie cette phrase quand tu t'y attends le moins. I'm sending you this sentence when you least expect it. I'll send you that sentence when you least expect it. É muito grande. It's too big. It's too big. Es justo lo opuesto. It's just the opposite. It's just the opposite. Tom abita a qualche isolato da Mary. Tom lives a few blocks away from Mary. Tom lives a few blocks from Mary. Era in America il mese scorso? Were you in America last month? Was he in America last month? Era mi único amigo. He was my only friend. He was my only friend. Este un om de zăpadă. It's a snowman. He's a snowman. Siempre que yo estoy en la cima de una montaña, me siento agradecido. Whenever I'm on top of a mountain, I feel grateful. Whenever I'm on the top of a mountain, I feel grateful. No has de fer-ho. You don't have to do this. You don't have to. Si dice che sia gravemente malata. It is said that she is seriously ill. She's said to be seriously ill. Se moucher sans cesse le nez pendant la saison des allergies. Constantly blowing his nose in allergy season. Swim constantly during the allergy season. Niciunul dintre copacii bătrâni nu a supravieţuit focului. None of the old trees survived the fire. None of the old trees survived the fire. Non usi la traduzione automatica. Don't use computer translation. Do not use automatic translation. Ei au condus spre casă. They drove home. They drove home. Patia per arribar tard quan vaig perdre el tren, però me'n vaig sortir per arribar-hi a temps. I was worried that I was going to be late when I missed my train, but I managed to get there just in time! I was afraid to be late when I lost the train, but I got out to get there in time. Io vorrei attraversare gli Stati Uniti d'America con una decappottabile. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I would like to cross the United States with a convertible. A gente demora um pouco a se acostumar com as idiossincrasias de Tom. Tom's idiosyncrasies take a bit of getting used to. It takes us a while to get used to Tom's idiosyncrasies. Copiii noștri sunt la școală, unde sunt ai dumneavoastră? Our children are at school; where are yours? Our kids are at school, where are yours? Au Tòm que l'agrada brocar. Tom likes to knit. To the man who likes to brocade. Où t'es-tu rendu pour les congés de printemps ? Where did you go for spring break? Where did you go for spring leave? Voglio solo partire. I just want to leave. I just want to go. Es la voz de Baba. It's Baba's voice. It's Baba's voice. Ses études l'absorbent. His study absorbs him. His studies absorb it. Minha dor de cabeça se foi. My headache is gone. My headache's gone. Je ne dispose pas de l'argent pour le faire. I don't have the money to do that. I don't have the money to do it. Menjauhlah dariku. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. J'ai voyagé à Tokyo. I took a trip to Tokyo. I've been to Tokyo. No queremos llegar tarde al concierto. We don't want to be late for the concert. We don't want to be late for the concert. Je pourrais réciter l'histoire par cœur. I could recite the story by heart. I could recite the story by heart. Ella le dijo que su padre había muerto. She told him that her father had died. She told him her father was dead. Hawái es llamada a menudo "la perla del pacífico". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." Hawái is often called "the pearl of peace." Ainda gosto de você. I still like you. I still like you. Soyez polis avec tout le monde ! Be polite to everyone. Be a cop with everybody! Sai che a Tom piacciono le automobili. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. Comprueba tu buzón. Check your inbox. Check your mailbox. Esa es la oficina de Tom. That's Tom's office. That's Tom's office. Parcă aș fi în rai. It feels like heaven. It's like I'm in heaven. A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At first, Meg had a crush on the house. Ketika Sir Alex Ferguson melihat pemainnya mulai kelelahan, dia selalu mengganti mereka. When Sir Alex Ferguson saw that his players were getting tired, he always substituted them. When Sir Alex Ferguson saw his players get tired, he always replaced them. Comment ? Non, bien sûr que non. Whaat? No, of course not. No, of course not. Tom necesita tiempo. Tom needs time. Tom needs time. Avremmo dovuto provare più duramente. We should've tried harder. We should have tried harder. Tú realmente estás lleno de curiosidad, ¿no es así? You are really full of curiosity, aren't you? You're really full of curiosity, aren't you? O céu se iluminou. The sky brightened. The sky was illuminated. C'est ce qui surviendra. This is what'll happen. That's what's gonna happen. Que'ns lhevem a las aubetas. We got up at dawn. They'll take us to the pubes. La madre di Tom vive in questo villaggio. Tom's mother lives in this village. Tom's mother lives in this village. Las rosas se marchitaron y Ania lloró mucho. Roses withered and Ania cried very much. The roses withered and Ania cried a lot. La pluja ens ha impedit fer una passejada. Rain prevented us from taking a walk. The rain prevented us from taking a walk. Não se esqueça de pagar o aluguel. Don't forget to pay the rent. Don't forget to pay the rent. Loro sono venuti la settimana scorsa. They came last week. They came last week. Era un buon piano. It was a good plan. It was a good plan. O problema é você. The problem is you. The problem is you. Mi-a scris să vin numaidecât. She wrote to me to come at once. He wrote me to come over. Ei caută un țap ispășitor. They're looking for a scapegoat. They're looking for a rapture. Tom foi o primeiro. Tom was the first. Tom was the first. Yo los maté a ambos. I killed them both. I killed them both. Espero que esteja tendo um bom feriado. I hope you're having a good holiday. I hope you're having a good holiday. Tom diz que viu um OVNI na noite passada. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Acest atlet este puternic și agil. This athlete is strong and agile. This athlete is strong and agile. Trebuie să vorbim. We have to speak. We need to talk. Não quero dizer ao Tomás que estive em Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Thomas I was in Boston. Ini merupakan idenya. Dia membuatku melakukannya. It was her idea. She made me do it. It was his idea, he made me do it. Linguagens de programação são seu passatempo. Programming languages are his hobby. Programming languages are your hobby. Je pense que Tom est ici le seul à savoir où Marie habite. I think Tom is the only one here who knows where Mary lives. I think Tom is here the only one who knows where Mary lives. Seja muito bem-vinda, Srta. Lindsey. You are very welcome, Ms. Lindsey. Welcome, Miss Lindsey. Ho letto il tuo libro. È molto interessante. I have read your book. It's very interesting. I read your book, it's very interesting. Un chubasco me cogió y me mojó hasta los tuétanos. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. A pimp took me and wet me to the killers. Il ne me dit pas tout. He didn't tell me everything. He doesn't tell me everything. Faut-il vraiment que l'on rentre aussi tôt à la maison ? Do we really have to go home so early? Do we really have to go home early? Ninguém veio. No one came. No one came. Mon amor, qu'èi acabat de còser lo minjar. My love, I've finished cooking the food. My love, I'm done eating it. Estáis de acuerdo con Tom, ¿no? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? Lo pintaremos. We'll paint it. We'll paint it. Tom não consegue enxergar o que está escrito na lousa. Tom can't see what's written on the blackboard. Tom can't understand what's written on the slate. Biarkan aku mengantarmu pulang. Let me drive you home. Let me take you home. Tom tidak suka disentuh. Tom doesn't like to be touched. Tom doesn't like touching. Saya berdiri disini selama tiga puluh menit. I stood here for thirty minutes. I'm standing here for thirty minutes. Todos miraron. They all watched. They've all looked. Tom tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan Mary. Tom wasn't happy with Mary's answer. Tom was not content with Mary’s answer. Tom despierta a las once. Tom gets up at eleven. Tom wakes up at eleven. Daniela mi-a telefonat acasă. Daniela called me at home. Daniela called me at home. Tom este bărbatul pe care Mary l-a întâlnit de curând. Tom is the man Mary met the other day. Tom is the man Mary recently met. Dite qualcosa in arabo. Say something in Arabic. Say something in Arabic. Tom solía meditar todas las mañanas. Tom used to meditate every morning. Tom used to meditate every morning. Quel tizio è un guastafeste. That guy is a party spoiler. That guy's a mess. Tom a l'avìa gnente da dì. Tom didn't have anything to say. Today's Tom's birthday. Estoy babeando como un perro. I am drooling like a dog. I'm babbling like a dog. És una bona notícia? Is this positive news? Is that good news? ¿Usted acaba de pegarle? Did you just hit him? Did you just hit him? Dacă nu există soluție, atunci nu e o problemă. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there's no solution, then it's not a problem. Jangan merendahkanku. Don't patronise me. Don't underestimate me. Kalau mereka tidak keberatan, mereka dipersilahkan makan sisa makanan di kulkas. If they don't mind, they are welcome to eat the leftovers in the fridge. If they don't mind, they'll eat the rest of the food in the fridge. Tom quiere culparnos. Tom wants to blame us. Tom wants to blame us. Você acha que eu deveria esperar? Do you think I should wait? Do you think I should wait? T’as déjà entendu comment il parle vite ? Have you heard how fast he talks? Have you heard how he talks quickly? On-z a assez po magnî. There is food enough for us. We've got enough magnification. No me avergüenza decir que lloré. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried. I'm not ashamed to say I cried. Ele ficou sozinho. He stayed alone. He was alone. Io sono sicura che fosse lei. I'm sure that was her. I'm sure it was her. Tom s-a abținut de la vot. Tom abstained from voting. Tom abstained from voting. LLeva lloviendo desde el lunes pasado. It has been raining since last Monday. It's been raining since last Monday. Sama sekali tidak ada kesalahan tata bahasa pada karangannya. Her composition had no grammatical errors at all. There was no error in the language in his essay. Sekarang malam. It's night. It's tonight. Me duele mucho en el brazo que me pegaste. I have a very sore arm where you hit me. It hurts a lot in my arm that you hit me. Nous avons du vin. We have wine. We have wine. Elas estão jogando xadrez. They're playing chess. They're playing chess. Je crains que vous ne soyez descendue au mauvais endroit. I'm afraid you got off at the wrong place. I'm afraid you're not going down to the wrong place. Bagaimana kau bisa menjadi seorang polisi? How did you become a police officer? How can you be a cop? Eu não flertei com Maria. I didn't flirt with Mary. I didn't flirt with Maria. Es-tu mort ? Are you dead? Are you dead? Ya verás. You'll see. You'll see. Tom décida de demander de l'aide auprès de Marie. Tom decided to ask for Mary's help. Tom decided to ask Marie for help. Meu nome é Paola. My name is Paola. My name is Paola. ¿Te puedes callar, por favor? Can you please shut up? Can you shut up, please? Tom acaba de venir. Tom just showed up. Tom just came. Itu terserah padamu. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. Les crimes sont en augmentation. Crime is on the increase. Crimes are on the rise. L-am căutat peste tot. We looked for it high and low. I've been looking all over for him. De ce asta este o problemă? Why is that a problem? Why is that a problem? Non è impossibile. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. O suicídio de Fadil não afetou Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Vous auriez pu tuer quelqu'un. You could've killed somebody. You could have killed someone. Só quero salvar a Terra. I just want to save Earth. I just want to save Earth. Veux-tu te taire ? Will you shut up? Will you shut up? Ela adórao. She worships him. She loves him. Siento que ha pasado algo terrible. I feel like something terrible has happened. I feel like something terrible has happened. Para hadirin nampak bosan. The audience appeared bored. The delegates were amazed. Dinguno estado tiene el derecho a egzistir. No state has the right to exist. No state has the right to exist. El mushteri esta de akodro. The customer agrees. The mushteri is an akondro. Estàs a favor o en contra de la pena de mort? Are you for or against the death penalty? Are you for or against the death penalty? ¿Por qué Tom está todavía aquí? Why is Tom still here? Why is Tom still here? J'ai terminé d'écrire le rapport. I finished writing the report. I've finished writing the report. La verdad es algo que se dice, no algo que se conoce. Si no existiera el habla o la escritura, no existiría verdad acerca de nada. Sólo existirían las cosas. The truth is always something that is told, not something that is known. If there were no speaking or writing, there would be no truth about anything. There would only be what is. Truth is something that is said, not something that is known. If there was no speech or writing, there would be no truth about anything. Only things would exist. Yo a ka kanpe w. They won't be able to stop you. They can stop you. Ce-ai pe suflet? What's in your heart? What's on your mind? Mi madre tiene cinco años más que mi padre. My mother has five more years than my father. My mother is five years older than my father. Tom mandou umas flores para Maria. Tom sent Mary some flowers. Tom sent flowers to Mary. Il est absent de l'école parce qu'il est malade. He is absent from school because he is ill. He's gone from school because he's sick. Moriremo tutti prima o poi. We'll all die sooner or later. We'll all die sooner or later. Mi madre hornea pan y galletas los fines de semana. My mother bakes bread and cookies on weekends. My mother bakes bread and cookies on weekends. L'amende pour crachat est de cinq livres. The penalty for spitting is five pounds. The buy-in fine is five pounds. Mi sono sentita molto fiera. I felt very proud. I felt very proud. Je suis impartial. I'm unbiased. I'm impartial. Empújenla. Push it. Push her. J'ai écrit une lettre à ma mère la nuit dernière. I wrote a letter to my mother last night. I wrote a letter to my mother last night. Ella le ordenó que lo hiciera. She ordered him to do it. She ordered him to do it. Ma voiture n'a pas assez de chevaux. My car doesn't have enough horsepower. My car doesn't have enough horses. Riesci a vederlo? Can you see it? Can you see him? Io vorrei conoscere Tom. I'd like to meet Tom. I'd like to meet Tom. Avete avvisato Tom? Did you warn Tom? Did you warn Tom? Li puoi tenere. You can keep them. You can keep them. Dijo que había dejado su billetera en casa. He said that he had left his wallet at home. He said he left his wallet at home. Karena aku membencimu. Because I hate you. Because I hate you. Sembla que aquell parell estan fets l'un per l'altre. It seems those two are made for each other. Looks like that couple's made for each other. Dacă înveţi din greu, vei deveni un student bun. If you study hard, you will become a good student. If you learn hard, you'll become a good student. Quante uova sei stata in grado di prendere ieri? How many eggs were you able to get yesterday? How many eggs have you been able to take yesterday? Tom yang memberitahukan saya soal itu. It was Tom who told me that. Tom told me about it. ¿Qué tan lejos de aquí está el museo? How far is it from here to the museum? How far from here is the museum? Je viens d'Amérique. I come from America. I came from America. Io non parlo irlandese. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. Scrivi solamente il tuo cognome in maiuscolo. Write only your family name in capitals. Just write your last name in capital. Perché Tom non è qui oggi? Why isn't Tom here today? Why isn't Tom here today? A Terra gira em torno do Sol. The Earth rotates round the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun. La habitación no está arreglada. The room hasn't been made up. The room is not fixed. Ajudatz-me, vos prègui. Will you please help me? Help me, I pray. Festeggi con stile! Celebrate in style! Celebrations with style! Aunque suene extraño, anoche tuve el mismo sueño dos veces. Strange to say, I dreamed the same dream twice last night. Even though it sounds strange, last night I had the same dream twice. Quelqu'un a pris ma place. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. Probabilmente dovremmo viaggiare assieme. We probably should travel together. We should probably travel together. Tom está bien de salud. Tom is in good health. Tom's all right. Você pediu para me ver por quê? Why did you ask to see me? You asked me to see why? Tom meminta kami untuk diam. Tom asked us to be silent. Tom asked us to shut up. On a vraiment besoin d'eau. We are badly in want of water. We really need water. Sarai in grado di giocare a calcio. You will be able to play soccer. You'll be able to play football. O que você fez agora? What have you done now? What have you done now? Depois da reunião, fomos a um bar. After the meeting, we went out to a bar. After the meeting, we went to a bar. Cobalah untuk tidak menangis. Try to keep from crying. Try not to cry. Ele mora na cidade. He lives in the city. He lives in town. L'effet du médicament fut impressionnant. The effect of the medicine was amazing. The effect of the drug was impressive. Io non voglio che lei finisca nei guai. I don't want her to get into trouble. I don't want you to end up in trouble. Tom connaît bien les problèmes d'argent. Tom is no stranger to money problems. Tom knows the money problems well. C'est difficile de convaincre John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. Nici măcar Tom nu vrea să facă asta. Even Tom doesn't want to do that. Tom doesn't even want to do that. Parler français est difficile. To speak French is difficult. French speaking is difficult. Ela pensou em um bom plano. She thought of a good plan. She thought of a good plan. Lo he hecho yo. I made it myself. I did. C'est vous qui m'avez entraîné. You're the one who trained me. You trained me. Je veux t'entendre le dire. I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say it. Îndreaptă-te. Straighten up! Stand up. Me encantan las mariposas. I love butterflies. I love butterflies. Tom di que non pode dar un paso máis. Tom says he can't walk another step. Tom says he can't take another step. Ce n'est pas une obligation légale. It's not legally binding. This is not a legal obligation. Tom makan siang sendirian setiap hari. Tom eats lunch by himself every day. Tom eats lunch alone every day. Io sono un camionista. I am a truck driver. I'm a trucker. Não sei o que fazer. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Kate está loca por un nuevo cantante que aparece a menudo en la televisión. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on TV. Kate's crazy about a new singer who often appears on television. Neppure Tom è felice. Tom is not happy, either. Even Tom's not happy. Tom deveria ter feito isso. Tom should've done that. Tom should have done that. Loro sono amiche? Are they friends? Are they friends? ¿Ela toca o piano? Does she play the piano? She plays the piano? Câinii latră. Dogs are barking. Dogs bark. Non le ho preso nulla. I didn't get anything for you. I didn't take anything. M'agradaria anar a l'estranger. I would like to go abroad. I'd like to go abroad. Tom tem um segundo emprego. Tom has a second job. Tom has a second job. Todos los camaradas dormían. My companions were all asleep. All the comrades slept. Vass tchire e Mouze! Screw you! You're gonna tchire and mouze! Nós somos como uma família. We're like family. We're like a family. Nu mai este lemn de foc. There's no more firewood. It's no longer firewood. O Tom estava assumindo um risco. Tom was taking a risk. Tom was taking a risk. Ella instaló una nueva estufa eléctrica en la pieza. She installed a new electric stove in the room. She installed a new electric stove in the piece. Din ce în ce mai mulți oameni au calculatoare acasă. More and more people have a computer in their home. More and more people have computers at home. Dia sengaja menginjak kaki saya di kereta. He trod on my foot on purpose in the train. He accidentally stepped on my foot on the train. J'ai perdu mes clés. I've lost my keys. I lost my keys. Tom marcó el ternero. Tom branded the calf. Tom marked the calf. Nesta sociedade em que tudo é descartável, usar algo até que se desgaste completamente é uma virtude. In this society where everything is disposable, it is a virtue to use something until it wears out. In this society in which everything is disposable, using something until it wears off completely is a virtue. Saya pergi ke Bali saat libur musim panas. I went to Bali in the summer. I went to Bali on my summer vacation. Tom pergi ke Boston untuk menemui Mary. Tom went to Boston to meet Mary. Tom went to Boston to see Mary. Chi ruppe questa finestra? Who broke this window? Who's breaking this window? Cosa farebbe Gesù? What would Jesus do? What would Jesus do? Impactul științei asupra societății este mare. The impact of science on society is great. The impact of science on society is great. Tengo que limpiar mi habitación. I have to clean my room. I have to clean my room. El kavayo es un animal. A horse is an animal. Kavayo is an animal. Ets un criminal. You are a criminal. You're a criminal. Non è stato facile per loro. It hasn't been easy for them. It wasn't easy for them. Tu ne comprends pas ce qui se passe, non? You don't understand what's going on, do you? You don't understand what's going on, do you? No les gusto. You don't like me. They don't like it. Não conheço nenhum desses três. I don't know any of those three. I don't know any of those three. Non abbiamo fame. We're not hungry. We're not hungry. Tú no eres mi padre. You're not my father. You're not my father. Ai vrea ceva de băut? Would you like something to drink? Would you like a drink? Apparteneva a loro. That belonged to them. It belonged to them. Puedes hacer una tarta con harina, leche y un huevo. You can make a cake with flour and milk and an egg. You can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg. Crezi că este o problemă? Do you think it's a problem? You think it's a problem? Você poderia carregar minhas malas para mim? Could you carry my bags for me? Could you carry my bags for me? Te rog să te abții de la fumat. Please refrain from smoking. Please stop smoking. Io devo prendere un po' di cibo. I have to get some food. I need to get some food. Arrêtons-nous ici. Let's stop here. Let's stop here. Algunos así piensan. Some do think so. Some of them think so. Fără el, aş fi neajutorată. Without him, I would be helpless. Without him, I'd be helpless. O Projeto Tatoeba, que se pode encontrar on-line em, trabalha na criação de um grande banco de dados com frases-exemplo traduzidas em muitas línguas. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at, works on creating a large database with phrases-examples translated in many languages. Não se preocupe. Você pode confiar em mim. Don't worry. You can confide in me. Don't worry, you can trust me. Apa kau akan menembakku? Are you going to shoot me? Are you gonna shoot me? È pronto ora, vero? He's ready now, isn't he? It's ready now, isn't it? Je vois de l'argent mais je ne vois pas d'or. I see silver, but I don't see gold. I see money, but I don't see gold. În luna august nu se face școală. There is no school during August. In August there is no school. Éstos son mis libros y ésos son los suyos. These are my books and those are his books. These are my books and these are yours. Vă mulțumesc foarte mult! — Cu plăcere. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. Thank you very much! — You are welcome. Je dois garder à l'esprit cette importante question. I have to keep my mind on this important question. I have to bear in mind this important question. É bem possível. It's quite possible. It's quite possible. Siamo d'accordo, venite a cena da noi. We agree, you will come to dinner at our house. We agree, come to dinner with us. Coba lagi. Try again. Try again. Presupun că Tom este de aproximativ aceeași vârstă cu tine. Tom is about the same age as you, I suppose. I assume Tom is about the same age with you. Dinheiro não compra felicidade. Money can't buy happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness. De repente se le empezó a acelerar el corazón. His heart suddenly began to beat faster. He suddenly started to speed up his heart. Le stress est aujourd'hui le premier risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans le monde. Today, stress is the number one risk for the health of workers in the world. Stress today is the first risk to the health of workers in the world. J'ai été gardien de prison pendant dix ans. I was a prison warden for ten years. I've been a prison guard for ten years. ¿Cuándo compraste ese reloj? When did you buy that watch? When did you buy that watch? Perché non possiamo cantare quella canzone questa sera? Why can't we sing that song tonight? Why can't we sing that song tonight? Ei mi-au luat câinele. They took my dog away from me. They took my dog. Eres mejor que él. You're better than him. You're better than him. Son pull est gris. His sweater is gray. Her pull is gray. Tom sa la strada per la casa di Mary. Tom knows the way to Mary's house. Tom knows the way to Mary's house. Le aprirò la porta. I'll open the door for you. I'll open the door for you. Tiparele verbului trebuie să fie învățate. The patterns of the verb have to be learned. Verb patterns must be learned. Tom todavía puede recordar el dolor que le causó cuando María se fue. Tom can still remember the pain caused when Mary left him. Tom can still remember the pain that caused him when Mary left. Elle se porta volontaire pour aller à la réunion avec lui. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. Minha jaqueta tem um bolso secreto onde eu posso esconder dinheiro ou outras coisas de valor. My jacket has a secret pocket where I can hide money or other valuables. My jacket has a secret pocket where I can hide money or other valuables. Quereis ir a algum lugar? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to go somewhere? A trecut frontiera. He passed across the border. He crossed the border. ¿Puedes hacer algo para ayudarme? Can't you do something to help me? Can you do something to help me? Tom es mi abuelo. Tom is my grandfather. Tom is my grandfather. Você teve a sorte de ele não te morder. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You were lucky he didn't bite you. Bill tidak pernah adu mulut dengan orang lain. Bill never argues with other people. Bill never spoke to anyone else. Lasci che la dimostri. Let me prove it. Let me prove it. Hazlo más pequeño. Make it smaller. Make it smaller. Ne ho portata una. I brought one. I brought one. ¿Qué voy a comer con 20 pesos? What am I going to eat with 20 pesos? What am I gonna eat with 20 pesos? Pásame el bolígrafo rojo. Pass me the red pen. Give me the red pen. Tom espirra muito. Tom sneezes a lot. Tom sneezes a lot. Nada es gratis. Nothing's free. Nothing's free. Nu ar trebui să fumați în timp ce lucrați. You shouldn't smoke whilst you work. You shouldn't smoke while you work. Kim é dois anos mais velho que ele. Kim is two years older than him. Kim is two years older than him. È ora di studiare il giapponese. It is time to study Japanese. It's time to study Japanese. Sono disgustata. I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted. Laurie langsing. Laurie is slim. Laurie langing. Eu estou com vontade de te contar uma coisa. I feel like I can tell you anything. I want to tell you something. Elle le loua pour son honnêteté. She praised him for his honesty. She praised him for his honesty. Deuries prestar més atenció a allò que dic. You should pay more attention to what I say. You should pay more attention to what I say. Nós não somos, este ano, as mesmas pessoas que éramos no ano passado; assim também acontece com aqueles que amamos. É uma felicidade se nós, mudando, continuamos a amar uma pessoa mudada. We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. We are not, this year, the same people we were last year; so also happens to those we love. It is a happiness if we, by changing, continue to love a changed person. Puteam auzi gemetele bărbatului rănit. We could hear the groans of the injured man. I could have heard the groans of the wounded man. Nous allons bien tous les deux. We're both fine. We're both good. Il n'y a pas de lait dans le verre. There isn't any milk in the glass. There's no milk in the glass. Quer casar comigo? Will you marry me? You want to marry me? Il écrit une lettre à sa mère de temps en temps. He writes to his mother every now and then. He writes a letter to his mother from time to time. Estava el Tom a classe d'història avui? Was Tom in history class today? Was Tom in history class today? Elle courut dans sa chambre en pleurant. She ran to her room, crying. She ran into her room crying. ¿Con quién fuiste a la playa? Who did you go to the beach with? Who did you go to the beach with? Florile se usucă repede după ce au fost tăiate. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers dry quickly after they have been cut. Quizá este mundo sea el infierno de otro planeta. Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Maybe this world is the hell of another planet. Se venden recuerdos. Souvenirs are sold or are for sale. They sell memories. Vamos comer juntos. Let's go eat together. Let's eat together. Ella leyó el libro toda la noche. She read the book all night. She read the book all night. Vai custar muito dinheiro. It will cost a lot of money. It's gonna cost a lot of money. Tom está ficando cego. Tom is going blind. Tom's getting blind. Era oarecum încântat. He was somewhat excited. He was kind of excited. Tom está convencido de que todo mundo o odeia. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. Tom's convinced everyone hates him. Hai să plecăm când eşti pregătit. Let's leave when you are ready. Let's go when you're ready. Si interessa alla musica. He is interested in music. He's interested in music. Você não sente saudade do seu pai? Don't you miss your father? Don't you miss your father? Non chiedergli chi è. Don't ask him who he is. Don't ask him who he is. Você ainda me deve vinte dólares. You still owe me twenty bucks. You still owe me 20 bucks. Tom no sabe qué hacer primero. Tom doesn't know what to do first. Tom doesn't know what to do first. Eres una verdadera amiga. You're a real friend. You're a true friend. Lei non ha ancora lavato i piatti? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? You haven't washed the dishes yet? Dobbiamo avvertirle. We need to warn them. We need to warn them. Avez-vous écrit ce livre ? Did you write this book? Did you write that book? Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom vai para Boston. I'm sure Tom will go to Boston. I'm sure Tom's going to Boston. Quel animal est grand ? Which animal is big? Which animal is big? Non possiamo parlarne con lui? Can't we tell him about it? Can't we talk to him about this? Senti-me sem fôlego depois de subir correndo as escadas. I felt winded after running up the stairs. I felt breathless after going up the stairs. Eles não estão nadando no rio. They aren't swimming in the river. They're not swimming in the river. La gestuelle est un autre moyen de communication. Gesture is another way of communication. Gesture is another means of communication. Hai să-ți spun care e chestia. Let me tell you what the point is. Let me tell you what this is. Pernahkah kamu ke Amerika? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Deberíais deshaceros de estas malas hierbas. You should get rid of these weeds. You should get rid of these weeds. Passejo cada dia menys quan plou. I take a walk every day except when it rains. I spend less and less of a day when it rains. Vous êtes trop jeunes pour savoir ce qu'est une règle à calcul. You're too young to know what a slide rule is. You're too young to know what a rule is to be calculated. Mi ha consigliato Tom. Tom recommended me. Tom advised me. Dei-lha. I gave it to him. I gave it to her. Dans ce film d'horreur, les morts peuvent revenir à la vie. In this horror movie, it is possible for the dead to come back to life. In this horror film, the dead can come back to life. Ho dimenticato se beve vino o no. I've forgotten whether you drink wine or not. I forgot if you drink wine or not. Kòrsou ta usa un sistema di skirbimentu fonétiko. Curacao uses a phonetic writing system. Corso uses a system of phonetic writing. Je vous ai regardée étudier. I've been watching you study. I watched you study. Qu'attendez-vous de nous ? What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Vous êtes une sale menteuse ! You're a filthy liar! You're a dirty liar! L'embarcació està unit a l'ancoratge per una cadena. The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain. The boat is attached to the anchor for a chain. Eu estou livre até hoje às seis da tarde. I am free till 6 o'clock this evening. I'm free until today at six o'clock. Posso sposare il nipote del marito di mia zia? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Puis-je emprunter une règle ? May I borrow a ruler? Can I borrow a rule? Tom le pidió a María que lo llamara después de la cena. Tom asked Mary to call him after dinner. Tom asked Maria to call him after dinner. Noi am avut ședințe. We've had meetings. We had meetings. O Tom acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom thinks Mary is cute. Tom thinks Mary's pretty. Tu cosa fai nel pomeriggio? What do you do in the afternoon? What are you doing in the afternoon? Tom è a casa, ma Mary non lo è. Tom is home, but Mary isn't. Tom's home, but Mary's not home. Combien de jours y a-t-il avant Noël ? How many days are there until Christmas? How many days before Christmas? Stai bene. You're fine. You're okay. Ci incontriamo una volta al mese. We meet once a month. I'll meet you once a month. Dia masih percaya pada kata-katanya. He still believes her words. He still believes in his words. Jo també tinc 17 anys. I'm 17, too. I'm 17 years old, too. Yang Tom inginkan adalah kedamaian dan ketenangan. All Tom wanted was some peace and quiet. All Tom wants is peace and peace. Agora, tenho minha composição escrita. Now I have my composition written. Now, I have my written composition. A l'era 'n rat. It was a mouse. In the 'n rat era. Voi avete letto dei libri di Agatha Christie? Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? Have you read Agatha Christie's books? Voi siete parte di me. You're part of me. You're part of me. Te di mi corazón para que lo ames, ¡no para usarlo! I gave you my heart for you to love it, not use it! I gave you my heart to love him, not to use it! C'était un attentat-suicide. It was a suicide bombing. It was a suicide attack. Estou orgulloso de pensar que ainda non cheguei nunca tarde a escola. I'm proud to think that I have never yet been late to school. I'm proud to think I've never been late in school yet. Tom é nome de um homem e Mary é um nome de uma mulher. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Tem mais dinheiro na gaveta. There's more money in the drawer. He's got more money on the drawer. Tom vuole sapere chi è il ragazzo di Mary. Tom wants to know who Mary's boyfriend is. Tom wants to know who Mary's boy is. Ojalá pasara más a menudo. I wish it would happen more often. I wish it would happen more often. Le bœuf est le mâle de la vache. The ox is the male of the cow. The beef is the male of the cow. La tierra cedió bajo sus pies. The earth gave out under his feet. The earth yielded under its feet. Saya tidak tahu dia di mana! I don't know where he is! I don't know where he is! O Tom parece perigoso. Tom seems dangerous. Tom seems dangerous. L'albergo può ospitare cinquanta persone. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. The hotel can accommodate 50 people. Qui sou totes vosaltres? Who are you all? Who are you all? Îmi actualizez blog-ul în fiecare lună. I update my blog every month. I update my blog every month. Tom a curățat mărul pentru Mary. Tom peeled the apple for Mary. Tom cleaned up the apple for Mary. Tom debería haberle prestado atención a lo que Mary dijo. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. L'honnêteté n'est pas toujours la meilleure politique. Honesty isn't always the best policy. Honesty is not always the best policy. Eu nu-ți împărtășesc opinia. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. Os professores de Tom não gostam dele. Tom's teachers don't like him. Tom's teachers don't like him. Deberiades ter máis coidado. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. É uma tradição. It's a tradition. It's a tradition. "O que você quer dizer?" "Bobagem." "What do you want?" "Forget about it." "What do you mean?" "Bobage." Son xusto as cinco. It is just five o'clock. It's just five o'clock. Eu estou falando. I'm speaking. I'm talking. Ada sebuah gelas di atas meja. There is a glass on the table. There's a glass on the table. I Morales sono in sala. The Morales are in the living room. Morales are in the room. Il y a un petit chien marron sous cette table. There's a small brown dog under the table. There's a little brown dog under this table. Lei è un'assassina seriale. You're a serial killer. She's a serial killer. Eu nunca pude voltar lá de novo. I could never go back there again. I could never go back there again. Tidak ada kursi di ruangan ini. There is no chair in this room. There's no chair in this room. A reunião durou uma hora. The meeting lasted one hour. The meeting lasted an hour. Câinele vrea să iasă. The dog wants to go out. The dog wants out. Por sobre a água boiam centenas de folhas. Hundreds of leaves float on the water. Over the water drink hundreds of leaves. Quella canzone mi suona familiare. That song sounds familiar to me. That song sounds familiar to me. Nous avons tous raté la cible. We all missed the target. We all missed the target. Sono troppo indebitati per ottenere il prestito per le piccole imprese. They are too far in debt to get the small business loan. They are too indebted to get the loan for small businesses. Souviens-en-toi. Remember it. Remember. Nos cau estar prèsts per tota escadença. We ought to be ready for whatever comes. We need to be ready for every step of the way. Ai câștigat? Did you win? Did you win? Hati-hati. Be careful. Be careful. Questo sito web utilizza dei cookie. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. O peso de um pacote menos seu conteúdo é o peso do pacote ou a tara. The weight of a package minus its contents is the packaging weight or the tare weight. The weight of a package minus its contents is the weight of the package or the tara. Tom și-a lăsat pălăria în camera mea. Tom left his hat in my room. Tom left his hat in my room. No puedes tenerle miedo a cometer errores cuando aprendes una lengua extranjera. You can't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a foreign language. You can't be afraid to make mistakes when you learn a foreign language. Tom se está mudando a un sitio nuevo. Tom is moving into a new place. Tom's moving to a new place. A que horas nós entramos no prédio? What time was it when we entered the building? What time did we get into the building? Je n'arrive pas à croire que je sois à nouveau ici. I can't believe I'm here again. I can't believe I'm here again. Não posso cavalgar. Minha perna está quebrada. I cannot ride a horse. My leg is broken. I can't ride, my leg's broken. Mari kita coba lihat. Let's take a look. Let's see. Bivo en Turkiya. I live in Turkey. Bivo in Turkey. Ce la stiamo facendo. We're managing. We're doing it. On te réclame au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. We're calling you on the phone. Tom não é um jardineiro muito bom. Tom isn't a very good gardener. Tom's not a very good gardener. Él habla bien japonés, pero yo no sé hablar alemán. He speaks Japanese well, but I can't speak German. He speaks well Japanese, but I can't speak German. Di mana pamanmu tinggal? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? La gata de Tom esta hazina. Tom's cat is sick. Tom's cat is hammock. Me desculpe se eu acordei você. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'm sorry if I woke you up. Não se nasce com o mal; este é aprendido. You're not born evil; you learn how to be evil. It is not born with evil; this is learned. Saya ingin kamu baca buku ini. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Io devo saperlo. I must know. I need to know. Apa yang menghalangimu untuk datang lebih awal? What prevented you from coming earlier? What's keeping you from coming early? T'es-tu jamais soumis à l'épreuve d'un détecteur de mensonges ? Have you ever taken a lie detector test? Have you ever been tested by a lie detector? M'encuantarèi de tu quan seràs vielh. I will take care of you when you are old. I'll find you when you're old. Elle a dit qu'elle a une idée. She said she has an idea. She said she had an idea. Somos de Rusia. We are from Russia. We're from Russia. Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he leave Mongolia? Je sais que tu ne veux pas parler de ce qui s'est produit. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. I know you don't want to talk about what happened. Acesta este un hotel de trei stele; trei sute de dolari pe noapte. This is a three-star hotel; three hundred dollars a night. This is a three-star hotel; three hundred dollars a night. Ela tem medo de ficar sozinha com o paciente. She is afraid of being alone with the patient. She's afraid to be alone with the patient. Nosotras deberíamos seguirlos. We should follow them. We should follow them. Cola-lì a l'é na canson motobin bela. That's a beautiful song. There he is in beautiful motobin song. Argleton es un pueblo en West Lancashire, Inglaterra, el cual existe sólo en los mapas de Google. Argleton is a town in West Lancashire, England which exists only on Google maps. Argleton is a town in West Lancashire, England, which exists only on Google maps. Eles renovaron a casa da súa avoa e trouxeron mobles modernos. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought in modern furniture. They renovated his grandmother's house and brought modern furniture. Jangan hanya makan ikan, makan daging juga. Don't just eat fish. Eat meat, too. Don't just eat fish, eat meat too. Espero que Tom esteja surpreso. I hope Tom is surprised. I hope Tom's surprised. Vamos falar sobre o seu trabalho. Let's talk about your work. Let's talk about your work. Ne soi pas brica cansat. I'm not at all tired. Don't be tired. Talvez o seu problema seja o que você não saber o que fazer. Maybe your problem is that you don't know what to do. Maybe your problem is what you don't know what to do. Memerlukan pemberitahuan pabean. A customs declaration is required. Requires a notice. Il n'est pas nécessaire qu'il travaille. There is no need for him to work. There is no need for him to work. Em vaig comprar la tele d'una tacada. I paid in a lump sum when I bought a television set. I bought a cut-off TV. Por pequena que fosse, a casa de Geppetto era arrumada e confortável. Little as Geppetto's house was, it was neat and comfortable. As little as it was, Geppetto's house was tidy and comfortable. Eu quero ir ao centro da cidade. I want to go downtown. I want to go downtown. No hagan ruido. Don't make noise. Don't make any noise. ¡Mamá! ¡Apurate! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! Peux-tu croire que ce soit déjà en train d'arriver ? Can you believe this is already happening? Can you believe it's already coming? Pensez-y ce soir. Think about it tonight. Think about it tonight. Nós não confiamos mais no Tom. We don't trust Tom anymore. We don't trust Tom anymore. Estudian la Biblia. They're studying the Bible. They study the Bible. As pessoas são geralmente bem céticas em relação às coisas a menos que sejam dadas provas credíveis. People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof. People are generally very skeptical about things unless credible evidence is given. Empújenla. Push her. Push her. Lei da dov'è venuta? Where has she come from? Where did she come from? Ele visitou Boston. He visited Boston. He visited Boston. Le pedí que nos enviara el libro. I asked him to send us the book. I asked him to send us the book. Iddu è cuntentu cu so travagghiu. He is pleased with his work. Iddu is content with travagghiu so. Espere um segundo. Hold on one second. Wait a second. Tom encontrou Mary pela primeira vez em Boston. Tom first met Mary in Boston. Tom first found Mary in Boston. Jim conducía su coche, silbando alegremente. Jim drove his car, whistling merrily. Jim drove his car, whistling cheerfully. Non abita più qui. He doesn't live here anymore. She doesn't live here anymore. O mundo está cheio de idiotas. The world is full of fools. The world is full of idiots. Esperanto é a garota dos meus sonhos. Esperanto is the girl of my dreams. Esperanto is the girl of my dreams. Mereka tidak saling menyapa selama sisa tahun mereka bersekolah. They didn't say a word to each other for the rest of the school year. They didn't greet each other for the rest of their years at school. Você vai me buscar às 7 amanhã de manhã? Are you picking me up at 7 tomorrow morning? You're gonna pick me up at 7 in the morning? Dia seorang yang degil. She's stubborn. He's a caller. Non la vedo da un po'. I haven't seen her for a while. I haven't seen her in a while. È sempre in orario, vero? He's always on time, isn't he? It's always on time, isn't it? Disinilah di hatiku. Here is my heart. Here's in my heart. J'espère avoir fini de payer ma voiture pour septembre prochain. I hope to have my car paid off by next September. I hope I'm done paying for my car next September. Voi siete sofisticati. You're sophisticated. You guys are sophisticated. Pensei que fosse colocar o seu terno novo. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought he was going to put on his new suit. Lei pensa che Tom sia andato in Australia? Do you think that Tom went to Australia? Do you think Tom went to Australia? Oraș după oraș, largi întâlniri publice au avut loc. In city after city, big public meetings were held. City after city, wide public meetings took place. Si se agacha un poco, se puede ver cómo aparece y desaparece de la vista la bandera de señalización. If you just crouch a little, the signal flag can just be seen flicking in and out of sight. If you hide a little, you can see how the signage flag appears and disappears from the view. Aku penasaran bagaimana rasanya. I wonder what it feels like. I wonder what it's like. Tom boit. Tom drinks. Tom's drinking. Le è piaciuto? Did you enjoy it? Did you like it? Coneixes el meu germà Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? He venido a decir adiós. I've come to say goodbye. I've come to say good-bye. J'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour y réfléchir. I need some time to think about it. I need a little time to think about it. Semplicemente non lo riesco a fare. I just can't do it. I just can't do it. Siete ancora alle prime armi! You're still wet behind the ears! You're still with the first guns! Coloque o pão em cima da mesa. Put the cornbread on the table. Put the bread on the table. Los hombres sacaron sus espadas de sus fundas. The men drew their swords from their scabbards. Men take their swords off their backs. Pensavo che sarebbe stato troppo. I thought it'd be too much. I thought it would be too much. Tom est devenu plus gros depuis la dernière que je l'ai vu. Tom's gotten fatter since the last time I saw him. Tom's gotten bigger since last I saw him. Tiene el doble de libros que yo. He has twice as many books as I do. He has twice as many books as I do. Tatăl lui Tom s-a opus deciziei sale de a se înrola în armată. Tom's father opposed his decision to enlist in the army. Tom's father opposed his decision to join the army. Sami jouait. Sami was gambling. Sami was playing. I-a arătat poza mea. She showed him my picture. He showed her my picture. Aku tidak bisa membaca pikiranmu. I can't read your mind. I can't read your mind. Pêder nòster, che t'é int al cēl, c'al sia santifichê al tó nòm, c'al vègna al tó règn, c'la sia fata la tó volontê, cme in cēl, acsé anch'in tèra. Das incō al nòster pan, e scanşèla i nòster dèbit cme nuêter e j scanşlòm ai nòster debitōr, e an lasêr mia ch'e cascòm in tentasiòun, e lébres dal Mēl. Amen. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Thy kingdom come, on earth as in heaven. Gives us our daily bread. Forgive us of our sin, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. Amen. Our Leader, who has joined you in this, has been sanctified to the whole name, is disgraced to all the realms, is faced with all the will, is done in cēl, is charged also in terra. From the incō to the noster bread, and scans and wet dibite to the night and I scanshloat to our debitor, and let me leave my helmet in temptation, and hares from Mēl. Amen. Bagaimana kau tahu kalau pasiennya tidak berpura-pura sakit? How do you know that the patient is not feigning illness? How do you know that the patient doesn't pretend to be ill? El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero. The knife belongs to the gardener. The knife belongs to the gardener. Nu, mulțumesc. Sunt obosit. No, thanks. I am tired. No, thank you. I'm tired. Comment t'es-tu impliqué dans ce projet ? How did you become involved in this project? How did you get involved in this project? Quanto spesso giochi a golf? How often do you play golf? How often do golf games? Esta bisikleta no es vuestra. That bicycle isn't yours. This bike isn't yours. Je ne pouvais simplement pas laisser ça arriver. I just couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't let that happen. I pens ch'a-i sia quajdun a la pòrta. I think someone's at the door. You think there's a quarter at the gate. He mengatakan bahwa dia telah kehilangan kekuatannya di usia 40. He said he had lost his vigor at forty. He said that he had lost his power at the age of 40. În sfârșit am absolvit liceul. I finally graduated from junior high school. I finally graduated from high school. Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. L'ha suggerito a lui? Did you suggest that to him? Did he suggest it to him? Perché siete così incaute? Why are you so reckless? Why are you so incarcerated? Asta e replica MEA! That's MY line! That's my reply! Todavía quiero ir. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom trabaja en un banco. Tom works at a bank. Tom works in a bank. Un passant innocent fut abattu en plein jour. An innocent passer-by was shot dead in broad daylight. An innocent passer was shot in the middle of the day. Nu i-am spus lui Tom nimic despre asta. I didn't tell Tom anything about this. I didn't tell Tom anything about it. Tom foi suspenso. Tom got suspended. Tom's been suspended. Su clase tuvo una gran audiencia. His lecture had a large audience. His class had a great audience. No vull treballar. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. C'est précisément le livre que j'ai voulu lire depuis longtemps. This is the very book that I have long wanted to read. It's exactly the book I've wanted to read for a long time. Torang tu tara bole tako biar bagimana lagi. There's no reason to be afraid. You know, the guy's not gonna leave me anywhere else. Fa fred. It's cold. It's cold. Tom lavora en un ospital. Tom works in a hospital. Tom works at a hospital. O brinquedo amarelo é pequeno. The yellow toy is little. The yellow toy is small. Étant seulement étudiant, je ne peux pas me permettre de me marier. Being only a student, I can't afford to get married. Just being a student, I can't afford to get married. Qual è il problema con quello? What's the problem with that? What's the matter with that? Eu não irei me rebaixar a seu nível. I won't stoop down to his level. I'm not going to lower myself to your level. La totalidad es más que la suma de sus partes. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. C'est affaire de goût personnel. It's a question of personal taste. It's personal taste. Mi sono iscritto a un corso di spagnolo. Inizia la prossima settimana. I joined a Spanish course. It starts next week. I enrolled in a Spanish course and started next week. Kyoto terkenal dengan kuil dan viharanya. Kyoto is famous for its shrines and temples. Kyoto is famous for its temple and victual. J'ai reçu ton message hier. I received your message yesterday. I got your message yesterday. Monte dans la voiture immédiatement. Get in the car immediately. Get in the car immediately. Não tenho que estar aqui. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Tom a parcat cât de aproape a putut de apartamentul lui Mary. Tom parked as close to Mary's apartment building as he could. Tom parked as close as he could to Mary's apartment. Tom não é muito bom nisso. Tom isn't very good at it. Tom's not very good at it. Inspiroume confianza. He inspired me with confidence. He inspired me to trust him. É dia três de outubro. It's October the third. It's October 3rd. Il la laissa partir. He let her go. He let her go. Am venit să văd ce mai faci. I came by to check on you. I came to see how you're doing. Sei disposta ad aiutarlo? Are you willing to help him? Are you willing to help him? Supongo que es posible. I guess that's possible. I guess it's possible. Eu acho que você fez muito bem. I think you did very well. I think you did very well. ¡Estoy a punto de llorar! I'm about to cry! I'm about to cry! Itu bagus! That's great! That's good! Penyakitnya belum sembuh. The pain hasn't gone away. The disease hasn't recovered yet. Eu torci o tornozelo. I twisted my ankle. I torpedo your ankle. Tom ha un'ammiratrice segreta. Tom has a secret admirer. Tom has a secret admirer. Tom não irá fazer isso. Tom isn't going to do that. Tom won't do that. Faz sentido. It makes sense. It makes sense. Tom tidak tahu apa yang Mary pikirkan tentang hal itu. Tom didn't know what Mary thought about it. Tom doesn't know what Mary thinks about it. Adoptaron dos niños de Asia. They've adopted two boys from Asia. Two children from Asia were adopted. Je suis du genre à fuir le risque comme la peste. I'm the type that avoids risk like the plague. I'm kind of running away from risk like the plague. Favor de imprimir sólo si sea necesario y recicla. Please print only if necessary and recycle. Please print only if necessary and recycle. Dia punya kebiasaan buruk selalu datang terlambat. She has the bad habit of always being late. He has a bad habit always coming late. Permets-moi de t'arrêter à ce point. Nous ne voulons pas en entendre parler. Let me stop you right there. We don't want to hear about that. Let me stop you at this point, and we don't want to hear about it. Pensate che la situazione migliorerà? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Pronto serán las tres. It'll soon be three o'clock. It'll be three soon. Tom è occupato? Is Tom busy? Is Tom busy? Un plus un égale deux. One plus one equals two. One plus two equal. Sabía que estaban detrás de esto. I knew you were behind this. I knew they were behind this. Feliç dia de la Mare! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Je n'ai pas du tout cru le vieil homme. I didn't believe the old man at all. I don't believe the old man at all. Ha fugit un bou en pantalons curts acusat de furt. A bull with short trousers has escaped accused of stealing. He ran a bull in shorts accused of stealing. Tom își ia serviciul în serios. Tom takes his job seriously. Tom takes his job seriously. Economia s-a înrăutățit în mod constant. The economy steadily worsened. The economy has steadily worsened. Apakah perlu visa Australia jika kita telah memiliki paspor Inggris? Do you need a visa for Australia if you have a British passport? Do we need Australian visas if we have English passports? È arrabbiata con te, vero? She's angry at you, isn't she? She's mad at you, isn't she? Tom sedang bermain violin sekarang. Tom is playing the violin now. Tom's playing violin now. De qué digó lo mètge ? What'd the doctor say? What did the doctor say? Tom è corso fuori dalla stanza. Tom ran out of the room. Tom ran out of the room. Tom è interessante. Tom is interesting. Tom's interesting. Fără îndoială că el este fiul tău. No doubt he is your son. No doubt he's your son. Je décore la salle de cours. I'm decorating the classroom. I decorate the classroom. La société a abandonné ce projet. The company abandoned that project. The company has abandoned this project. Hujan bana hari, inyo ka main golf juo. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. He also went to golf, rain or shine, and occasionally went to sleep. Tom regarda le tableau sur le mur. Tom looked at the painting on the wall. Tom looked at the painting on the wall. ¿Tienes tu pasaporte? Do you have your passport? Do you have your passport? Nós as respeitamos muito. We respect them a lot. We respect them very much. Estoy fascinada. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated. Eu estava tentando proteger o Tom. I was trying to protect Tom. I was trying to protect Tom. A professora se apaixonou pelo estudante. The teacher fell in love with the student. The teacher fell in love with the student. Pulang pergi? Hanya sekali jalan. Round trip? Only one-way. Just one way. Sólo es un niño. He is only a child. He's just a kid. Ea a adormit repede buștean pentru că era foarte obosită. She was soon sound asleep because she was very tired. She quickly fell asleep in the bush because she was very tired. Se hará más duro. It's going to get tougher. It'll get tougher. Él tiene la mala costumbre de beber demasiado vino. He has a bad habit of drinking too much wine. He has the bad habit of drinking too much wine. Sapete chi sia? You know who she is? Do you know who he is? Eu não a amo. I don't love her. I don't love her. Când eram tânăr a trebuit să muncesc mult. I had to work hard when I was young. When I was young I had to work a lot. Tom ne savait même pas qu'il était ici. Tom didn't even know it was here. Tom didn't even know he was here. El peor virus es el kapitalizmo. The worst virus is capitalism. The worst virus is capitalism. Familia a servit masa principală la prânz. The family had its dinner at noon. The family served the main meal at lunch. Amanhã será realizada uma reunião. Tomorrow, a meeting will be held. A meeting will be held tomorrow. Creo que a él no le gusta aquí. I think he doesn't like it here. I think he doesn't like it here. Vocês riram de mim. You have laughed at me. You guys laughed at me. Il suo cane è un pastore tedesco? Is your dog a German shepherd? Is your dog a German shepherd? Ellos tratan bien a sus empleados. They treat their employees well. They treat their employees well. Tom mă va împușca. Tom is going to shoot me. Tom's gonna shoot me. Tom volvió a acomodarse en su camión. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom moved back into his truck. Je ne saurais pas te dire à quel point je t'aime. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. Glielo avete dato? Did you give it to him? Did you give it to him? Nadie puede saberlo todo. No one can know everything. No one can know everything. Kamu tidak pernah menyebutkan hal itu padaku. You never mentioned that to me. You never mentioned that to me. Então o quê? Não me interessa. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. Tom no podía decidir por quién debería votar. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who he should vote for. La famille Van Horn était prospère. The Van Horn family was prosperous. The Van Horn family was prosperous. Tom și-a pierdut drumul. Tom lost his way. Tom lost his way. Ce este un prieten? Un suflet ce sălășluiește în două trupuri. What is a friend? A soul that lives in two bodies. What is a friend? A soul salting in two bodies. Tom kata awak perlukan pekerjaan. Tom said you needed a job. Tom said you needed a job. Tu auras beau essayer, tu ne seras pas capable de finir cela en un jour. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish that in one day. You'll be fine trying, you won't be able to finish this in a day. De que maneira você vai fazer isso? How are you going to do that? How are you going to do that? Care pare a fi problema astăzi? What seems to be the problem today? What seems to be the problem today? Ce a făcut cu toţi banii? What did she do with all the money? What did he do with all the money? Vous pouvez me compter au nombre de vos amis. You can number me among your friends. You can count me on your friends. Es catedrático en la Universidad Nacional. He's a professor at the National University. He's a professor at the National University. Quem é mais jovem, ele ou eu? Who is younger, him or me? Who's younger, him or me? Coses absolutament absurdes succeeixen en este món. Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. Absolutely absurd things happen in this world. Preneu aquest medicament abans de cada àpat. Take this medicine before each meal. Take this medicine before each meal. I pran on katon wouj. Il a eu un carton rouge. I'll take a red sheet. Não posso ler isto. I can't read this. I can't read this. Tom se preguntaba si el pintor será capaz de disimular los pequeños agujeros en las paredes. Tom wonders if the painter will be able to disguise the small holes in the walls. Tom wondered if the painter would be able to conceal the small holes on the walls. No quiero morir aquí. I don't want to die here. I don't want to die here. Vamos tentar mais uma vez. Let's try one more time. Let's try again. Tom fue asesinado por los miembros de su propia pandilla. Tom was killed by his own gang members. Tom was murdered by the members of his own gang. Precisamos de um tempinho a sós. We need a little time alone. We need a little time alone. No le vendí mi auto a Tom. I didn't sell Tom my car. I didn't sell my car to Tom. Mélange le riz avec les œufs et la sauce soja. Mix the rice with the eggs and the soy sauce. Mix the rice with eggs and soy sauce. ¿Cómo te pasó esto? How did this happen to you? How did this happen to you? Perekonomian Amerika Serikat adalah yang terbesar di dunia. The United States's economy is the largest in the world. The U.S. economy is the largest in the world. Eu poderei lhe arranjar um cobertor, se você precisar de um. I could get you a blanket if you need one. I'll be able to get you a blanket if you need one. O Tom não sabia que a Mary concordara em fazer isso. Tom didn't know Mary had agreed to do that. Tom didn't know Mary agreed to do that. È assolutamente incredibile. That's absolutely unbelievable. It's absolutely incredible. Que Dieu vous bénisse tous. God bless all of you. May God bless you all. I comprind bé minou sins dire mon cat. A word to the wise is enough. And I understand well mine without saying my cat. Non era così difficile. That wasn't so hard. It wasn't that hard. Ele perdeu interesse na política. He has lost interest in politics. He's lost interest in politics. La meva conducta era molt peculiar. My behavior was very odd. My behavior was very peculiar. Les trois furent arrêtées. The three were arrested. All three were arrested. Propongo que nos quedemos en casa y veamos la tele. I suggest that we stay home and watch TV. I suggest we stay home and watch TV. Je pensais que vous seriez parties et m'auriez quittée. I thought you'd gone and left me. I thought you'd go and leave me. O exame comeza o próximo luns. The examination begins next Monday. The exam starts next Monday. J'ai trouvé ce test difficile. I found the test difficult. I found this test difficult. Un gusto verte. It's good to see you. Nice to see you. Ela divertiuse moito na festa de onte. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. Aku sangat suka rasanya semangka. I love the taste of watermelon. I love it so much. Tom știe că ne interesează. Tom knows we're interested. Tom knows we're interested. J'aimerais bien être chinois. I'd like to be Chinese. I'd like to be Chinese. Tom sering bersumpah serapa ketika marah. Tom often swears when he's angry. Tom swears a lot of times when he's angry. Tom se divirtió mucho en la fiesta. Tom really enjoyed the party. Tom had a lot of fun at the party. Princesse, ne buvez pas la potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Gracias por ser mi novia. Thanks for being my girlfriend. Thanks for being my girlfriend. He oblidat el llibre. I forgot the book. I forgot the book. Caută pe Wikipedia. Look it up on Wikipedia. They're looking for Wikipedia. Não deixe de conferir também outros artigos do nosso blog, sobre como aumentar seu vocabulário em inglês. Also, check out other articles on our blog about how to increase your English vocabulary. Also check out other articles from our blog, about how to increase your vocabulary in English. Tom está ficando no Hotel Hilton? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Nous n'aurions aucune chance. We wouldn't stand a chance. We wouldn't have a chance. Ton Dieu, où est-il maintenant ? Where is your God now? Where is he now? Elle lui confectionna un nouveau manteau. She made him a new coat. She made him a new coat. Tom ha dato una banana a Mary. Tom gave Mary a banana. Tom gave Mary a banana. Pot să folosesc dicționarul tău? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Não se atreva a dizer uma palavra sobre o que você viu aqui! Don't you dare utter a word about what you saw here! Don't you dare say a word about what you saw here! Ambrassa Tom. Hug Tom. Ambrassa Tom. Saya harus bawa apa? What should I bring? What do I have to carry? No había más de diez clientes en la tienda. There were not more than ten customers in the shop. There were no more than ten customers in the store. Je n'arrive pas à comprendre comment faire fonctionner cet engin. I can't figure out how to operate this machine. I can't figure out how to make this machine work. Tom não sabia que você estava brincando. Tom didn't know you were joking. Tom didn't know you were playing. Te conseggio vivamente de vixitâ Kyoto. I strongly suggest you visit Kyoto. I strongly advise you to watch Kyoto. ¿Podo comprarche unha bebida? Can I buy you a drink? Can I buy you a drink? Ele foi mordido na perna por uma cobra. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. È mio dovere proteggerle dal pericolo. It's my duty to protect you from danger. It is my duty to protect them from danger. Aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang rencananya. I didn't know anything about his plan. I don't know anything about the plan. Isso lhe parece algo que gostaria de fazer? Does that seem like something you might want to do? Does that sound like something you'd like to do? É uma estrela de Hollywood. He is a Hollywood star. It's a Hollywood star. Io sto lavorando sul mio progetto. I'm working on my project. I'm working on my project. Tom telah mengenali Mary hampir sepuluh tahun. Tom has known Mary for close to ten years. Tom had known Mary almost ten years. Tom starà bene, giusto? Tom is going to be OK, right? Tom's gonna be okay, right? Ela aborda tudo com atitude de negócios. She approaches everything with a businesslike attitude. She addresses everything with business attitude. Ar trebui să câștigăm. We should be winning. We should win. Ele sabia que estava errado. He knew it was wrong. He knew it was wrong. Nessuno lo può capire. Nobody can understand it. No one can understand. Kesabaran merupakan kebajikan yang sukar ditemukan belakangan ini. Patience is a rare virtue these days. Patience is something that has never been found in recent times. Tom a l'é orgojos ëd lòn ch'a l'ha fàit. Tom is proud of what he's done. Tom was proud of what he did. Ai face bine să crezi asta. You'd better believe it. You better believe that. Mă dor picioarele. My feet hurt. My legs hurt. Io sono completamente fuso. I'm completely knackered. I'm completely melted. Itulah yang aku katakan pada mereka. That's what I told them. That's what I told them. O recipiente está vazio. The container is empty. The container is empty. Je veux ce qui est mien. I want what's mine. I want what's mine. Che brutto film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Teniamos un gato. We had a cat. We had a cat. Il voyagea à travers le pays. He traveled around the country. He traveled across the country. Tutto quello che voglio è un po' di cameratismo. All I want is some camaraderie. All I want is a little bit of cameratism. Toutes ces pommes sont très douces. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. Mereka berenang. They are swimming. They swim. La soupe est épaisse. The soup is thick. The soup is thick. Loro si sono sposate tre mesi fa. They got married three months ago. They got married three months ago. Ho trovato le mie scarpe. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Questo CD è mio, vero? This CD is mine, isn't it? This CD is mine, isn't it? Saya tidak serajin kakak saya. I am not so diligent as my brother. I'm not my brother's maid. Quanti punti ha? How many points do you have? How many points does he have? Perché siete così gelose? Why are you so jealous? Why are you so jealous? Sahur tadi, awak makan apa? What did you have for sahur? Sahur, what did you eat? Les jours anciens ne reviendront jamais. The old days have gone never to return. Old days will never come back. "Terima kasih." "Sama-sama." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." La cortadura se curará en unos pocos días. The cut will heal up in a few days. The cutting will heal in a few days. Bahasa adalah subjek dari perubahan yang konstan. Languages are subject to constant change. Language is the subject of constant change. Se puede fumar aquí. You can smoke here. You can smoke here. Hay muchas ovejas en el pasto. There are a lot of sheep in the pasture. There's a lot of sheep in the pasture. Et s'il revenait maintenant ? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back now? Tom não parece convencido. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. Abbiamo tutti riso di Tom. We all laughed at Tom. We're all laughing at Tom. Tom e Mary sono davvero gelosi, vero? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? Oh, benarkah? Oh, really? Oh, really? Tom e eu vamos nos casar. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. Di Jepang, sekarang 3:00 pagi. In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m. In Japan, it's 3:00 in the morning. Io diedi a Tom tutti i soldi che avevo con me. I gave Tom all the money I had on me. I gave Tom all the money I had with me. Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Noi ce ne siamo assicurate. We made sure of it. We've made sure of that. Gli hamburger qui sono molto buoni. The burgers here are very good. The hamburgers here are very good. Je t'ai dit ça cent fois. I've told you that a hundred times. I told you that a hundred times. Meja yang digunakan Ken itu sudah tua. The desk Ken uses is old. The table Ken used is old. Ayde. Let's go. Ayde. Tom est mort seul. Tom died alone. Tom died alone. O nosso cão está no canil. Our dog is in the kennel. Our dog's on the canil. J'aimerais t'accompagner, si tu n'y vois pas d'inconvénient. I'd like to come along if you don't mind. I'd like to come with you, if you don't see it wrong. Tom dio una charla breve. Tom gave a short talk. Tom gave a short talk. Tom tem um metro e setenta. Tom is five foot six. Tom's got a meter and seventy. Tom puede usar mi cámara de vídeo si quiere. Tom may use my video camera if he wants to. Tom can use my video camera if he wants to. Tout le monde parle de lui en bien. He is well spoken of by everybody. Everyone's talking about him for good. Keresh un portokal? Would you like an orange? Keresh an orange? Mi perro no muerde, a menos que se lo pidas. My dog won't bite you, unless you ask for it. My dog doesn't bite, unless you ask. Adakah anda membaca sebarang selain dari Injil? Do you read something besides the Bible? Have you read anything but the Gospels? Pourquoi as-tu invité Tom à la fête ? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Quello è davvero buono. That one is really good. That's really good. Je lui parlerai seul à seul. I'll speak with him alone. I'll talk to him alone. Ótima pergunta. That's a great question. Great question. Eu toco Chopin. I play Chopin. I play Chopin. Se tot plimbă în sus și-n jos fără odihnă. He keeps pacing up and down restlessly. He keeps walking up and down without rest. Protège-moi de tous ceux qui veulent me faire du mal. Keep me safe from all those who want to harm me. Protect me from all those who want to hurt me. Mai întâi cred că primul lucru pe care îl observă un străin ajuns în China este cu siguranţă mărimea ţării. Firstly, I think that the first time each foreigner is in China, the earliest impression is certainly the size of the country. First of all, I think the first thing a stranger gets to China is definitely the size of the country. Tornerò alle sette. I'll be back at seven o'clock. I'll be back at seven. Esta máquina não tem um dispositivo de segurança. This machine doesn't have a safety device. This machine doesn't have a security device. Je suis allée au cinéma mais le film ne m'a pas beaucoup plu. I went to the cinema, but I didn't enjoy the film much. I went to the movies, but I didn't like the film much. Nancy tidak bermain tenis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Tom pourrait être le traître. Tom might be the traitor. Tom could be the traitor. Lei lasciò la scuola per ragioni di salute. She quit school for health reasons. You left school for health reasons. Saremo vicini. We'll be neighbors. We'll be close. E inteligent din partea ei să rezolve o problemă atât de dificilă. It is clever of her to solve such a difficult problem. It's smart of her to solve such a difficult problem. Cette maison se louera facilement. This house will rent easily. This house will be easily rented. Quero que espere aqui até eu voltar. I want you to wait here till I get back. I want you to wait here until I get back. Nós moramos numa casa de três quartos. We live in a three-bedroom house. We live in a three-bedroom house. Você consegue terminar isto em três dias? Can you finish this in three days? Can you finish this in three days? Je n'ai jamais pensé que je vous reverrais un jour. I never thought I'd ever see you again. I never thought I'd see you again someday. Ella quiere el mejor resultado para su dinero. She wants the most bang for her buck. She wants the best result for her money. Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que sabia falar Francês. I dated a girl in high school who could speak French. I dated a high school girl who knew French. S'il continue de boire trop, il tombera malade tôt ou tard. If he continues drinking too much, he will fall ill sooner or later. If he continues to drink too much, he will get sick sooner or later. Un pelo de mujer atrae más que una yunta de bueyes. One hair of a woman draws more than a team of oxen. A woman's hair attracts more than a handful of oxen. Este doar un mic eșec. It's only a minor setback. It's just a small failure. Sé que debería quedarme a ayudar. I know I should stay and help. I know I should stay and help. O Tom ouviu um barulho alto lá fora. Tom heard a loud noise outside. Tom heard a loud noise out there. Conheci um lugar muito bonito hoje. I discovered a very nice place today. I knew a very nice place today. Loro stanno complottando per assassinare il re. They are plotting to kill the king. They're plotting to murder the king. Si tu vois ou entends quelque chose, fais-le moi savoir. If you see or hear anything, let me know. If you see or hear anything, let me know. Bagi saya, tidak ada perbedaan mendasar antara kebudayaan dari kedua negara tersebut. To me, there aren't any fundamental differences between the cultures of these two countries. To me, there was no fundamental difference between the cultures of both countries. ¡Espero que tu día haya sido grandioso! I hope your day was great! I hope your day has been great! Io non riesco a controllarla. I can't control it. I can't control her. Je n'ai rien trouvé, à part des ciseaux. I found nothing but a pair of scissors. I didn't find anything except scissors. Mi francés está un poco oxidado. My French is a little rusty. My Frenchman is a little rusty. Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous ne soyez pas disposé à au moins envisager la possibilité qu'il y ait une autre explication. I can't believe that you aren't at least willing to consider the possibility that there's another explanation. I can't believe you're not willing to at least consider the possibility of another explanation. Stavo bene ed ero sorpresa. I was fine and startled. I was fine and I was surprised. Tenho que fazer isso de vez em quando também. I have to do that sometimes, too. I have to do this from time to time, too. Escondi-me debaixo da mesa. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. É verdade que isto não é verdade? Is it true that this is not true? Is it true that this is not true? Tenta tua sorte. Try your luck. Try your luck. Essaie-la encore une fois. Try it once again. Try it again. ¿Vosotros vais? You're going? Are you going? La cinci ani puteam deja să schiez. At five I was already able to ski. At the age of five, I was already able to ski. ¿De quién es este móvil? Whose cell phone is this? Whose mobile is this? Tom guarda todas las cartas que su madre le manda. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps all the letters his mother sends him. Kamu sebaiknya pulang ke rumah. You should get back home. You should go home. Le professeur a donné à Tom la permission de faire tout ce qu'il désire. The teacher has given Tom permission to do whatever he wants. The teacher gave Tom permission to do whatever he wanted. Apa ia kencan dengan seseorang? Is she dating someone? Did he date someone? Nu a trebuit să plătesc pentru nimic. I didn't have to pay for anything. I didn't have to pay for anything. Les bactéries ne se reproduisent pas dans l'alcool. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. Bacteria do not reproduce in alcohol. Sub nicio formă Tom va putea vreodată să jongleze. There's no way that Tom will ever be able to juggle. In no way Tom will ever be able to juggle. Lo siento mucho, pero no nos conocemos. I'm very sorry, but we don't know each other. I'm so sorry, but we don't know each other. ¿Tú hablas filipino? Do you speak Filipino? You speak Filipino? Elles se sont toutes tuées. They all killed themselves. They all killed each other. Tom la salvò dall'incendio. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom are ceva dreptate în chestiunea asta. Tom is partly right on that. Tom's got something right about this. Io non scorderò mai quella notte. I'll never forget that night. I'll never forget that night. Falta el punto al final de la oración. The full stop is missing at the end of the sentence. The point is missing at the end of the prayer. Kau ingin pergi ke mana? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? Abbiamo visto il notiziario. We saw the news. We saw the news. El este un om căsătorit. He's a married man. He's a married man. Ce n'est efficace qu'à courte portée. It's only effective at close range. It is effective only in short range. Bellas festas da Nadal! Merry Christmas! Lovely Christmas parties! Per favore, non interrompermi mentre sto parlando. Please don't interrupt me when I am speaking. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Tom era îngăduitor. Tom was lenient. Tom was forgiving. Tom ama stare sdraiato sull'erba nelle giornate di sole. Tom loves to lie in the grass on a sunny day. Tom likes to be lying on the grass in the days of the sun. Mari kita bicara tentang apa yang akan kita lakukan dengan hal itu. Let's talk about what we're going to do about it. Let's talk about what we're gonna do with that. Tom benar-benar kelelahan. Tom was completely worn out. Tom was really tired. Desde que estoy aquí, se me ha ensuciado toda la ropa. All my clothes have gotten dirty since I've been here. Since I'm here, I've got all my clothes dirty. Espero que ella me escuche. I hope that she listens to me. I hope she listens to me. Tom tiene una boca grande. Tom's got a big mouth. Tom has a big mouth. La rue était déserte. The street was very empty. The street was deserted. Ele parece muito mais jovem que ela. He looks much younger than her. He looks much younger than her. No hay ninguna solución. There is no solution. There is no solution. Todo el mundo quiere conocerle, usted es famoso. Everyone wants to know you; you're famous. Everyone wants to meet you, you're famous. Il se peut que j'y accorde trop de réflexions. I may be overthinking this. I may give too much thought to that. Nous avons vu cet oiseau lorsqu'on a visité Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw this bird when we visited Okinawa. Tom lo può fare. Tom may do that. Tom can do it. Am fost uimită de îndrăzneala elevului, de a îi adresa lectorului o astfel de întrebare personală. I was amazed at the audacity of the student to ask the lecturer such a personal question. I was amazed at the student's boldness to ask the reader such a personal question. Non sono mai stata innamorata di Tom. I was never in love with Tom. I've never been in love with Tom. Les clameurs venimeuses d'une femme jalouse empoisonnent plus sûrement que la dent du chien enragé. The venom clamours of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a mad dog’s tooth. The poisonous cryers of a jealous woman are more likely to poison than the teeth of the angry dog. Lei ha sentito la porta aprirsi? Did you hear the door open? Did you hear the door open? Hoy a la tarde iremos a la iglesia. This evening we will go to church. We're going to church this afternoon. Estas azeitonas não estão no mercado. These olives are not in the market. These olives are not on the market. Em Tóquio, a estação de frio começa em meados de novembro. In Tokyo, the cold season starts in the middle of November. In Tokyo, the cold season begins in mid-November. Tom é muito bom nisso. Tom is very good at it. Tom's very good at that. Soe! Kita lupa bali nasi tu. Damn! I forgot to buy rice. We forgot your ball of rice. Loro sono traditori. They're traitors. They're traitors. Saya dijemput ke majlis ini. I was invited to the party. I was invited to this meeting. Io vi ucciderò. I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you. Ce livre m'appartient. This book belongs to me. This book belongs to me. Étiez-vous au cinéma, hier soir ? Were you at the cinema last night? Were you in the movies last night? Je me souviens l'avoir rencontré à Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. Voglio incontrarli. I want to meet them. I want to meet them. Tu corbata va bien con tu traje. Your necktie matches your suit. Your tie's fine with your suit. Aku mengharapkanmu semalam. I was expecting you last night. I expected you last night. Está a uns 133 quilómetros de Londres. It's about 133 kilometers from London. It's about 300 miles from London. No es ninguna sorpresa que el inglés sea el idioma más hablado del mundo. It isn't a surprise that English is the world's most spoken language. It is no surprise that English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Se vede mult mai bine pe un ecran mare. It's much better on a big screen. It looks much better on a big screen. No eres canadiense. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Aku cinta kamu. I love you. I love you. Nous cherches-tu ? Are you looking for us? Are you looking for us? Necesito saber por qué estás aquí. I need to know why you're here. I need to know why you're here. Ne bougez pas ou je tire. Stop, or I'll shoot. Don't move or I'll shoot. Voi sarete impressionate. You'll be impressed. You'll be impressed. ¿A qué hora almuerzas? What time are you having lunch? What time do you have lunch? El djudaizmo es ermozo. Judaism is beautiful. Judaizm is ominous. As crianças sempre encontram um motivo para travar uma amizade. Children always find a reason to become friends. Children always find a reason to make friends. La ley no se aplica en este caso. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law does not apply in this case. Só falta uma semana para o Dia das Bruxas. Halloween's only a week away. It's only a week away for Witch Day. Você deve se comportar como um homem. You must act like a man. You must behave like a man. O Tom não folga muito nos fins de semana. Tom doesn't have many weekends off. Tom doesn't work very hard on weekends. Des vieillards jouaient à la pétanque sous les platanes. Old men played pétanque under the plane trees. Old men were playing the petanque under the platinum. Tom i-a lăsat ceva mâncare lui Mary. Tom left some food for Mary. Tom left Mary something to eat. Tom foi o primeiro garoto a beijar Maria. Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary. Tom was the first boy to kiss Mary. Byen veni. Welcome. Welcome. Ya no puedo más con este ruido. I can no longer stand this noise. I can't do this noise anymore. C'est quelque chose de nouveau. This is something new. It's something new. Eu tive que demitir Tom. I had to fire Tom. I had to resign Tom. Je suis en train de manger une banane. I am eating a banana. I'm eating bananas. Mary e eu pretendemos ter dois filhos. Mary and I plan to have two kids. Mary and I want to have two children. Beh, cambia le cose, vero? Well, that changes things, doesn't it? Well, it changes things, doesn't it? Sapevo che Tom avrebbe fatto qualcosa di romantico. I knew Tom would do something romantic. I knew Tom would do something romantic. Am mâncat toate bomboanele pe care le-am găsit în camera ei. We ate all the candies we found in her room. I ate all the candy I found in her room. Él encontró la puerta cerrada. He found the door closed. He found the door closed. Allez-vous au théâtre ce soir ? Are you going to the theater tonight? Are you going to the theater tonight? Tu ne peux pas te débarrasser de moi. You can't get rid of me. You can't get rid of me. Je me suis fermement tenue à la corde pour ne pas tomber. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I was firm on my rope so I wouldn't fall. Mi sono divertita ieri sera. I had a good time last night. I had fun last night. Beritahu aku kalau ada yang bisa kubantu. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help. Tell me there's something I can help you with. Bois-tu du thé vert ? Do you drink green tea? Are you drinking green tea? C'est probablement une bonne idée. That's probably a good idea. That's probably a good idea. Ei s-au dus la un bar. They went to a bar. They went to a bar. Tom stă la calculator. Tom is on the computer. Tom's on the computer. Dua perkara tidak terkait. The two cases aren't related. Two factors are not involved. Ahir vaig sentir una cançó bonica. I heard a beautiful song yesterday. I heard a beautiful song yesterday. Como você resolveu o problema? How did you solve the problem? How did you solve the problem? El menjar va ser cosa fina a Itàlia. The food was great in Italy. The food was fine in Italy. Apa kau biasa minum teh untuk sarapan? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Eles não me compreenderam. They didn't understand me. They didn't understand me. Tom non sarà di ritorno oggi. Tom won't be back today. Tom won't be back today. Quem é aquele menino nadando ali? Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's that boy swimming there? Il est temps que nous changions cela. It's time we changed that. It's time we changed that. Chi sei, amico? Who are you, friend? Who are you, man? Tom vai te achar. Tom will find you. Tom will find you. ¿Por qué sigues en Boston? Why are you still in Boston? Why are you still in Boston? Lei sa che cosa deve fare. She knows what she's got to do. You know what to do. Eles já chegaram? Have they arrived yet? Have they arrived yet? Mi esposa trató de persuadirme a comprar un coche nuevo. My wife tried to persuade me into buying a new car. My wife tried to persuade me to buy a new car. Non capite ancora? Don't you understand yet? Don't you understand yet? Com ho vas trobar? How did you find it? How did you find it? Vous n'avez pas le droit de vous garer ici ! You don't have the right to park here! You don't have the right to park here! Tu plan ha fracasado. Your plan failed. Your plan failed. Tinon an mwen sé Paola. My name is Paola. I’m sorry, I broke up with Paola. Mă gândesc să scriu o carte. I'm thinking of writing a book. I'm thinking of writing a book. Io ero molto fiera. I was very proud. I was very proud. Sami n'est pas d'accord avec Layla. Sami doesn't agree with Layla. Sami disagrees with Layla. Am răcit. I got a cold. I'm cold. Ne pouvez-vous comprendre la douleur de vos parents ? Can't you understand the pain of your parents? Can't you understand your parents' pain? « C'estoit vostre ydee. » « Je le sçay. » "It was your idea." "I know." "There's your ydee." "I'll break it." Ce fut une chance pour elle que son mari arrive à ce moment-là. It was fortunate for her that her husband arrived at that moment. It was a chance for her that her husband arrived at the time. Je glisserai un mot en ta faveur. I'll put in a word for you. I'll slip a word in your favor. El hombre moderno ve al dinero como un medio para conseguir más dinero. Modern man looks on money as a means to getting more money. Modern man sees money as a means to get more money. Meu Deus! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! El niño iba acompañado por sus padres. The boy was accompanied by his parents. The child was accompanied by his parents. Usted es más alto que ella. You are taller than she. You're taller than her. La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question persists, why would Tom want to do that? La degradación de almidón está ligada a un reloj Circadiano. Starch degradation is linked to a Circadian clock. The degradation of starch is linked to a Circadian clock. Spero che Maria scriverà presto. I hope Maria will write soon. I hope Mary will write soon. Eu liguei para o Tom da delegacia. I called Tom from the police station. I called Tom from the office. Quédate quieto un momento. Be quiet for a moment. Stay still for a moment. Vejo a minha coroa. I see my crown. I see my crown. L'ho già chiamato. I've already called him. I've already called. Come la tradurrebbe? How would you translate it? How would you translate it? ¡No estoy gorda! I'm not fat. I'm not fat! Puedes invitar a quien quieras. You can invite whomever you desire. You can invite whoever you want. Lui Tom îi place să forţeze limitele. Tom likes to push the limits. Tom likes to push limits. Quiero escribirle una carta de amor en francés a mi novia. I want to write my girlfriend a love letter in French. I want to write a letter of love in French to my girlfriend. Je ne le connais que de nom. I only know him by name. I only know him by name. Tom colocou o bebê no berço de vime. Tom put the baby in the bassinet. Tom put the baby in the vime cradle. La route était bloquée par des éboulements de roches. The road was blocked by fallen rocks. The road was blocked by rock flows. Numa democracia, os cidadãos têm os mesmos direitos. In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights. In a democracy, citizens have the same rights. Houve bastante tráfego. There was plenty of traffic. There was a lot of traffic. Dia punya temperamen yang tidak terkontrol. He has an uncontrollable temper. He's got an uncontrollable temper. Lo comprereste? Would you buy that? Would you buy it? Por que você está procrastinando? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you procrastinating? Eu apenas pensei que você não quisesse ir. I just thought that you wouldn't want to go. I just thought you didn't want to go. Tom está tocando no parque. Tom is playing in the park. Tom's playing in the park. Ela é uma famosa cantora. She is a well-known singer. She's a famous singer. Darwin telah mengubah dunia. Darwin changed the world. Darwin has changed the world. Il est dans le pétrin. He's in hot water. He's in the chest. Lei ha portato suo fratello allo zoo. She took her brother to the zoo. You brought your brother to the zoo. Aku pikir kita akan baik-baik saja. I think we'll be OK. I think we're gonna be okay. N'y prête pas attention. Never mind! Don't pay attention to it. Por favor, llámeme si llueve. If it rains, please call me. Please call me if it rains. On se remet encore de la nuit dernière ? Still recovering from last night? Are we still getting back from last night? Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir menti. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying to her. Tom tidak tahu berapa biayanya. Tom doesn't know how much it'll cost. Tom doesn't know how much it costs. Ella es va aixecar. She stood up. She got up. A me servono solo due di queste. I only need two of these. I need only two of these. Você sabe o endereço de Tom? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Noi abbiamo parlato di molte cose. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Les étrangers se sentent souvent de trop ici. Foreigners often feel unwelcome here. Foreigners often feel too much here. Nous tentâmes d'éteindre le feu mais sans succès. Nous dûmes appeler la brigade des pompiers. We tried to put out the fire but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade. We tried to extinguish the fire but without success. We had to call the fire brigade. Tout est naze. Everything sucks. It's all crazy. Le vuole fermare? Do you want to stop them? You want to stop them? Tom nunca pensou no futuro. Tom never thought about the future. Tom never thought of the future. Ele disse que a única solução era uma rebelião de escravos. He said the only answer was a slave rebellion. He said the only solution was a revolt of slaves. Nous nous levâmes tous d'un seul homme. We all stood up at once. We all got up from one man. La porta della stanza di Tom era chiusa. The door to Tom's room was closed. Tom's room door was closed. Tom e Maria estão na biblioteca. Tom and Mary are in the library. Tom and Maria are in the library. ¿Qué le pasó al libro que dejé aquí ayer? What has become of the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I left here yesterday? Tengo tantas cosas para decirte que no sé por dónde empezar. There are so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start. I have so many things to tell you I don't know where to start. Ho una domanda seria. I have a serious question. I have a serious question. Você tem um blog? Do you have a blog? Do you have a blog? Nu vreau să te induc în eroare. I don't want to mislead you. I don't want to mislead you. No quiero ir al baile con Tom. I didn't want to go to the dance with Tom. I don't want to go to the dance with Tom. Tom sempre diu això. Tom always says that. Tom always says that. Sam era apatic din punct de vedere mental. Sami was mentally numb. Sam was mentally apathetic. Tom non voleva caffè. Tom didn't want any coffee. Tom didn't want coffee. Sería mejor que ella desayunara. She had better eat breakfast. It would be better if she had breakfasted. Ils n'y parviendront jamais. They'll never make it. They'll never make it. Tom guardava il poster. Tom looked at the poster. Tom was looking at the poster. J'ai claqué tout mon fric en conneries. I spent all my money on stupid stuff. I threw all my money into shit. Podemos cambiar si queremos. We can change if we want to. We can change if we want to. Los dos queremos a Tom. We both love Tom. We both want Tom. Savlon es una crema hidratante para la piel. Savlon is a moisturizing skin cream. Savlon is a moisturizing cream for the skin. Al m'l'îva mia dét. You didn't tell me. My debt was mine. Iarna ninge. In winter it snows. It's snowy winter. Vous perdrez tout. You'll lose everything. You'll lose everything. ¡Pásale! Do come in! Put it on! Tom lleva una cicatriz en su brazo. Tom has a scar on his arm. Tom wears a scar in his arm. Ini kali pertama saya makan masakan Jepun. It's my first time eating a Japanese dish. This was the first time I ate Japanese food. Tom acordou as crianças e disse-lhes para que se preparassem para a escola. Tom woke up the children and told them to get ready for school. Tom woke up the kids and told them to get ready for school. Pe câinele nostru l-am numit White. We named our dog White. Our dog I called White. Tom scrisse male il mio nome. Tom spelled my name wrong. Tom miswritten my name. ¿No es una hermosa mañana? Isn't it a lovely morning? Isn't it a beautiful morning? Non lo posso guardare. I can't look at him. I can't look at him. Kami memerlukan orang-orang yang berbakat. We need talented people. We need talented people. Feu! Fire! Fire! No puedo seguirlo, ¿puede dictar más despacio? I can't keep up with you. Could you dictate a bit slower? I can't follow him, can you dictate more slowly? Mari kita melakukannya sekarang. Let's do this now. Let's do it now. Podes tostemps utilizar lo men diccionari. You may always use my dictionary. You can literally use this dictionary. L'ufficiale di polizia fa rispettare le leggi civili. The police officer enforces civil law. The police officer enforces civil law. ¿Cuándo le viste por última vez? When was the last time you saw him? When was the last time you saw him? C'est ma grand-mère. This is my grandmother. She's my grandmother. Este o fotografie recentă? Is it a recent picture? Is this a recent picture? Tom aún no puede sacar a Mary de su cabeza. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Am studiat-o cu atenție. I studied it thoroughly. I studied it carefully. Tu hai comprato questi per loro? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? Si sente minacciata dai semafori? Do you feel threatened by the traffic lights? Do you feel threatened by traffic lights? Ce rapport est écrit sans aucun soin. This report is very sloppily written. This report is written without any care. Tom não sabe cantar. Tom can't sing. Tom can't sing. Dove sono i miei soldi? Where's my money? Where's my money? Hablando del rey de Roma. Speak of the devil. Speaking of the king of Rome. Comprendo el porqué. I understand why. I understand why. Qual é o seu maior medo? What is your biggest fear? What's your biggest fear? Perché lo voleva comprare? Why did you want to buy that? Why did he want to buy it? El e departe. He's far away. He's far away. Me estoy poniendo ropa. I am getting dressed. I'm getting dressed. Nu, sunt logodit cu Mary de doi ani. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. ¿Dónde estuviste entre la una y las tres horas? Where were you between one and three o'clock? Where were you between 1 and 3 o'clock? ¡Me sacas de mis casillas! You drive me nuts! You're getting me out of my boxes! Non, grazas. Estou canso. No, thanks. I am tired. No, thanks, I'm tired. Tom no hace caso de lo que piensa la gente de él. Tom doesn't care what people think about him. Tom doesn't listen to what people think of him. La competencia lingüística es innata, no adquirida. Linguistic competence is inborn, not acquired. Language competition is innate, not acquired. Me gusta cómo huele. I like the way that smells. I like the smell. Je crois que Tom a dit qu'il resterait à Boston pour trois semaines. I think Tom said he'd be staying in Boston for three weeks. I think Tom said he'd stay in Boston for three weeks. ¿Cómo lo sabes? How do you know? How do you know? Estavam dançando muito! They were dancing a lot! They were dancing a lot! Nous sommes hantés par une vie idéale, et c'est parce que nous avons en nous le début et la possibilité pour cela. We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and the possibility for it. We are haunted by an ideal life, and that is because we have in us the beginning and the possibility for it. Tom urăște temele. Tom hates homework. Tom hates his homework. Sei la persona più importante della mia vita. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Sună bine! Sounds good! Sounds good! Comportamentul tău a fost jenant. Your behaviour was shameful. Your behavior was embarrassing. Pobre como era, non pediu diñeiro a ninguén. Poor as he was, he did not borrow money from others. Poor as it was, he asked no one for money. Não confunda o açúcar com o sal. Don't confuse sugar with salt. Do not confuse sugar with salt. Saresti interessato a lavorare per me? Would you be interested in working for me? Would you be interested in working for me? È ancora suo amico, vero? He's still your friend, isn't he? He's still your friend, isn't he? Será mejor que te examines los ojos. You had better have your eyes examined. You'd better check your eyes. És una dona que mereix admiració. She is a woman worthy of admiration. She's a woman who deserves admiration. Tom chiar știe ce face. Tom really knows what he's doing. Tom really knows what he's doing. Una promesa no es suficiente. A promise is not enough. A promise is not enough. Teño unha boa idea. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Sono avida. I'm greedy. I'm alive. Veja a sétima linha de baixo para cima da página 34. Look at the seventh line from the bottom on page 34. See the seventh line below above page 34. Aku bisa menghilangkan kemungkinan itu. I can't rule out that possibility. I can eliminate that possibility. No quiero sufrir sin razón. I don't want to suffer for no reason. I don't want to suffer for no reason. Él vino a los irlandeses con todos los símbolos de un apóstol, y cuando la gente le pidió que explicara la Santísima Trinidad, él se acercó al suelo y cogió un trébol. He came to the Irish with all the signs of an apostle, and when the people asked him to explain the Blessed Trinity, he reached down to the ground and picked up a shamrock. He came to the Irish with all the symbols of an apostle, and when people asked him to explain the Holy Trinity, he approached the ground and caught a truce. Me baño cada mañana. I take a bath every morning. I bathe every morning. Ellos los llamaban scalawags. They called them scalawags. They called them scalawags. Fai attenzione a loro. Look out for them. Watch out for them. Ela piscou para ele. She winked at him. She blinked at him. No olvidemos. Let's not forget. Let's not forget. Lavora per una grande società. She works for a large corporation. He works for a big company. Kaki Tom terluka. Tom hurt his leg. Tom's leg's hurt. A me serve il tuo aiuto, Tom. I need your help, Tom. I need your help, Tom. Elles ont été endommagées. They've been damaged. They were damaged. Pot vorbi cu tine afară pentru un moment? Can I talk to you outside for a second? Can I talk to you outside for a moment? Est-ce qu'il pourra venir demain ? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Can he come tomorrow? Câteodată tatăl meu merge în străinătate. My father sometimes goes abroad. Sometimes my father goes abroad. Dá para ir mais depressa? Can you go faster? Can you go faster? Ela já conhecia a história. She knew the story already. She already knew the story. La neige fond. The snow is melting. The deep snow. Quina posta de sol més bonica. What a beautiful sunset. What a beautiful sunset. Nu pot să cred că Tom a mâncat totul. I can't believe Tom ate the whole thing. I can't believe Tom ate everything. N'appelles-tu jamais Tom ? Don't you ever call Tom? Don't you ever call Tom? Tom era ganancioso. Tom was greedy. Tom was greedy. Kabar kalau dia akan datang menyebar dengan cepat. The news that he would come, quickly got abroad. News that he's coming to spread fast. Ma vie est vide sans lui. My life is empty without him. My life is empty without him. Se volete veramente aggiornare le vostre abilità linguistiche, allora la traduzione potrebbe non essere il modo migliore per farlo, ma state davvero giocherellando e basta, quindi credo che se lo trovate divertente, più potere a voi. If you truly want to upgrade your language skills, then translation might not be the best way to do it, but you're really just playing around, so I believe that if you find it fun, then more power to you. If you really want to update your language skills, then translation might not be the best way to do it, but you are really playing and just, so I think if you find it fun, more power to you. Sujétalo mientras tu mujer llama a la policía. Keep hold of him while your wife calls the police. Hold him while your wife calls the police. Comparez les signatures. Compare the signatures. Compare signatures. Aku pikir anak perempuan itu dulunya cantik ketika ia lebih muda. I think that girl was pretty when she was younger. I thought that girl was beautiful when she was younger. La nave scomparve all'orizzonte. The ship vanished over the horizon. The ship disappeared on the horizon. Je ne veux pas le voir. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. É doi giac. I have two cats. It's two jacch. El periódico decía que se había perdido el contacto con el avión. The newspaper said that contact with the plane had been lost. The newspaper said that contact with the plane had been lost. Caia fora daqui. Preciso de paz e tranquilidade. Get out of here. I need some peace and quiet. I need peace and quiet. Nu te panica! Don't panic! Don't panic! Mi dica che c'è una ragione. Tell me there's a reason. Tell me there's a reason. Em minha opinião, o Esperanto é muito importante. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. Ola! Cómu andamus? Hello! How are you? Hi, howdy-damus? Estaré en casa de Tom. I'll be at Tom's. I'll be at Tom's. J'aimerais voir la fête. I would like to see the festival. I'd like to see the party. Ho suonato con Tony ieri. I played with Tony yesterday. I played with Tony yesterday. Vorbeşti germana? Do you speak German? Are you talking sister? Ela está comprando um bolo na padaria. She is buying a cake in the bakery. She's buying a cake in the bakery. Esta es la peor de todas. This is the worst of all. This is the worst of all. Non ero felice di vederle. I wasn't happy to see them. I wasn't happy to see them. El paràgraf no admet cap altra lectura. There is no other way to understand the sentence. Paragraph does not support any other reading. Non lo incolpo per quello. I don't blame him for that. I don't blame him for that. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you actually think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Am nevoie de ziare vechi pentru a acoperi pereții. I need old newspapers to cover the walls. I need old newspapers to cover the walls. Si è rotta del fumo. She broke herself of the habit of smoking. It broke the smoke. As marés são causadas pela gravidade da Lua. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity. The tides are caused by the moon's gravity. Sono stati fatti dei progressi. There has been progress made. Progress has been made. Ayuda a Tom. Help Tom. Help Tom. Cet ordinateur nous épargne beaucoup de travail. This computer saves us a lot of work. This computer saves us a lot of work. Tu vas étudier le français ? Are you going to study French? Are you going to study French? Tu sei favorevole o contrario alla guerra? Are you for or against the war? Are you in favour or against war? Tom no me contó el secreto de Mary. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. Tom didn't tell me Mary's secret. Déjame ver. Let me see. Let me see. Je peux entendre le son de ton esprit. I can hear the sound in your mind. I can hear the sound of your mind. Noi îl căutăm. We're looking for it. We're looking for him. Dia mengambil libur selama seminggu. He took a week off. He took a week off. Vous devez mettre en œuvre votre plan de départ. You must carry out your first plan. You must implement your departure plan. Eu acho que o Tom já fez isso. I think Tom has already done that. I think Tom's done that before. Indosserei un casco. I'd wear a helmet. I'll wear a helmet. Tom tahu persis apa yang ada dibalik semua ini. Tom knows exactly what this is all about. Tom knows exactly what's behind all this. Tom, katakan yang sejujurnya. Tom, tell me the truth. Tom, tell me the truth. Paman Tom adalah adik ibuku. Uncle Tom is my mother's brother. Uncle Tom was my mother's sister. Ha un'automobile nuova. He has a new car. He's got a new car. T'agrada lo peish ? Do you like fish? Do you like the peish? Saya sudah memesan yang pukul enam tiga puluh. I have a reservation for six-thirty. I've ordered it at six thirty. Si tienes algo que decir, dilo ahora o cierra la boca. If you have something to say, say it now or pipe down. If you have something to say, say it now or shut your mouth. L-am făcut să vopsească poarta săptămâna trecută. I had him paint the gate last week. I made him paint the gate last week. Tom posa quelques questions à l'enseignant. Tom asked the teacher some questions. Tom asked the teacher a few questions. Ce sont de vrais disciples de Jésus. They're true followers of Jesus. They are true disciples of Jesus. Deixe-me falar com o Tom. Let me speak to Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Esta tarde estou livre. I am free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. O que você está fazendo aí em cima do telhado? What are you doing there on top of the roof? What are you doing up there on the roof? È sempre preparato. He is always prepared. He's always ready. Eso fue hace años. That was years ago. That was years ago. Ero disinformata. I was misinformed. I was misinformed. Las carreteras están muy transitadas a esta hora del día. The roads are very crowded at this time of the day. The roads are very busy at this time of day. Tom non riusciva a immaginarsi a sparare a qualcuno. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. Tom couldn't imagine shooting at someone. Un comité est un groupe de gens qui ne peuvent rien faire individuellement mais qui peuvent tenir des réunions en tant que groupe et parvenir à la décision qu'on ne peut rien faire. A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done. A committee is a group of people who cannot do anything individually but can hold meetings as a group and reach the decision that nothing can be done. Mi ha appena ucciso. You just killed me. He just killed me. Comment ai-je pu le manquer ? How did I miss this? How could I miss him? C'est une tragédie pour cette famille, une tragédie pour cette communauté, une tragédie pour la ville. This is a tragedy for this family, it’s a tragedy for this community, it’s a tragedy for the city. This is a tragedy for this family, a tragedy for this community, a tragedy for the city. Eu posso começar a comer agora? May I start eating now? Can I start eating now? Nu vreau să vorbesc cu tine. I don't want to speak with you. I don't want to talk to you. Cela ne m'inquiète pas du tout. That doesn't worry me at all. I'm not worried about that at all. Puedes llamarle tonto, pero no puedes llamarle cobarde. You may call him a fool, but you cannot call him a coward. You can call him a fool, but you can't call him a coward. Tom tiene una voz grave. Tom has a deep voice. Tom has a serious voice. Ero nudo. I was naked. I was naked. Cet accident est-il vraiment survenu l'année dernière ? Did that accident really happen last year? Did this accident really happen last year? Kau terlalu mabuk untuk mengemudi. You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. Mon père est né à Matsuyama en 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941. Chi li ha avvisati? Who notified them? Who warned them? Se il tempo lo consente, partiamo tra un'ora. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time permits, we leave in an hour. Ser nativo não significa que você não vá cometer erros. Being a native doesn't mean that you won't commit mistakes. Being native doesn't mean you won't make mistakes. A Manin a l'é ciù grande che a Cattæn. Marina is older than Catherine Manin's kind of big than Cattæn. L'une des filles a été laissée en arrière. One of the girls was left behind. One of the girls was left behind. Je ne suis pas riche, et ne souhaite pas l'être. I am not rich, nor do I wish to be. I'm not rich, and I don't want to be rich. Giuro che era lui. I swear it was him. I swear it was him. Kau dan aku adalah sahabat. You and I are good friends. You and I are friends. Tom stava sciando. Tom was skiing. Tom was skiing. Emily a citit această carte. Emily read this book. Emily read this book. Ya los tengo. I already have them. I got 'em. Je ne devrais pas être ici. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. Minha mãe se casou quando tinha 20 anos. My mother got married at the age of twenty. My mother got married when she was 20. Todo lo popular es malo. Everything popular is wrong. Everything popular is bad. Dime kon ken andas, te dire ken sos. People can be judged by the company they keep. Tell me who you are, tell me who you are. Vorrei andare a dormire ora. I would like to go to sleep now. I'd like to go to sleep now. T'estimo. I love you. I love you. Io non sono mai stata a Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Quiero comer algo dulce. I want to eat something sweet. I want something sweet. Puc parlar de qualsevol cosa amb el meu amic. I can talk about anything with my best friend. I can talk to my friend about anything. Me pregunto cuánto tiempo más tendremos que hacerlo. I wonder how much time we will have to do that. I wonder how much longer we will have to do it. ¿Qué hemos hecho para ser castigados así? What have we done to be punished like this? What have we done to be punished like this? Estuvo chido. It was cool. It was closed. ¡Qué desgracia! What rotten luck! What a shame! Dia terlihat lelah malam ini. He seems tired tonight. He looks tired tonight. Ești foarte frumoasă. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Le vin répandu ne sera pas recueilli. Don't cry over spilt milk. The scattered wine will not be collected. Vamos, admíteo. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Ha debido llover durante la noche. It must have rained during the night. It must have rained during the night. Tant de bo poguera comprar eixa guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Un libro cayó de la estantería. A book dropped from the shelf. A book fell out of the shelf. Kebijakan ekonomi Jepang yang terus berubah dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya tenaga kerja. Japan's changing economic policy is tied up with the labor shortage. Japanese economic policy, which continues to change, is influenced by the lack of labour. Kalmaring kita barmaeng bola kaki. I played soccer yesterday. Kalmaring we're a foot-banger. Itu adalah satu hal yang belum aku pikirkan. That's the one thing I hadn't thought of. That's the one thing I haven't thought about. Chiar e hazliu. It's really kind of funny. It's really funny. Ideea lui e prea abstractă pentru a fi folosită practic de către noi. His idea is too abstract to be of practical use to us. His idea is too abstract to be used by us practically. Não conte com aquele acontecimento. Don't count on that happening. Don't count on that event. Sarebbe bello trascorrere l'estate in montagna. It would be nice to spend the summer in the mountains. It would be nice to spend the summer in the mountains. Io presenterò mio padre. I will introduce my father. I'll introduce my father. Eles querem isso. They want this. They want that. Siusplau renteu-vos les mans com cal abans de menjar. Please wash your hands properly before eating. Please shake your hands properly before eating. L'ho conosciuto alla Stazione di Tokyo. I met him at Tokyo Station. I met him at Tokyo Station. Crebbe in Australia. He was brought up in Australia. He believed in Australia. Ti piace il rap? Do you like rap? You like rap? Que jogam lo dimenge. We play on Sunday. Let's play Sunday. ¿Viven aquí? Do you live here? Do you live here? Tom se apaixonou por seu vizinho. Tom fell in love with his next door neighbor. Tom fell in love with his neighbor. Où devrais-je mettre mes bagages ? Where should I put my baggage? Where should I pack my bags? Ciò sarebbe accettabile per te? Would this be acceptable to you? Would that be acceptable to you? Camera are două ferestre. The room has two windows. The camera has two windows. E o joacă de copil. It's a piece of cake. It's a kid's play. Dovrebbe essere pronto al peggio. You should be ready for the worst. He should be ready for the worst. Tom a lăsat niște bani pentru Mary. Tom left some money for Mary. Tom left some money for Mary. A grama do vizinho é sempre mais verde. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The neighbor's grass is always greener. At ses dastrà simpàtich. You are very nice. She'll be nice enough. Arrête de rêver. Stop dreaming. Stop dreaming. Nós estávamos todos no mesmo ônibus. We were all on the same bus. We were all on the same bus. Il significato di questa pratica è stato offuscato da secoli di interpretazioni soggettive dei praticanti. The meaning of this practice was obfuscated by centuries of the practitioners' subjective interpretations. The meaning of this practice has been obscured by centuries of subjective interpretations of practitioners. Acabei de falar com o Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just talked to Tom. Harga dari emas berubah-ubah setiap harinya. The price of gold fluctuates daily. The price of gold changes every day. Il se pourrait que je ne revienne pas. I might not come back. I might not be coming back. Il préférerait mourir que de travailler pour cet homme. He would sooner rather die than work for that man. He'd rather die than work for that man. ¡Encantado de conocerlos a todos ustedes! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Je peux parler avec Tom pendant des heures. I can talk to Tom for hours. I can talk to Tom for hours. Nous devons accepter la réalité. We must accept the reality. We must accept reality. Ho ragione. I am right. I'm right. Tom memukuli Mary. Tom is beating up Mary. Tom hit Mary. Quelle sono lacrime di coccodrillo. Those tears are artificial. Those are crocodile tears. Nul ne peut être poète. No one can be a poet. No one can be a poet. Tom lo vio. Tom saw it. Tom saw it. Sareste sorprese di quello che potete imparare in una settimana. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You'd be surprised at what you can learn in a week. Guarda! Un aeroplano! Look! An airplane! A plane! Entre, Tom. Come in, Tom. Come in, Tom. Sami a făcut o descoperire înspăimântătoare. Sami made a gruesome discovery. Sami made a frightening discovery. Tom a abordé ce point. Tom addressed that point. Tom addressed that point. Tom tem olhos grandes. Tom has big eyes. Tom has big eyes. O Tom realmente quer fazer isso. Tom really does want to do that. Tom really wants to do that. Tom è stufo di tutte le vostre lamentele. Tom is tired of all your complaining. Tom's sick of all your complaints. Fadil conhece um outro segredo. Fadil knows another secret. Fadil knows another secret. N-ar fi trebuit să mănânci atât de multă îngheţată. You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. Se pare că am scăpat de pericol. We seem to have escaped from danger. Looks like we're out of danger. J'y suis parvenu en avance. I got there ahead of time. I've got it in advance. O que posso fazer para ajudar? What can I do to help? What can I do to help? Ma langue maternelle est le polonais. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. Eu pareço mais velha. I look older. I look older. Eu estou muito cansada. I'm pretty tired. I'm very tired. Tom fala muito sobre isso. Tom talks about that a lot. Tom talks a lot about it. Acabo de terminar de comer. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. ¿Cuándo escuchaste la noticia? When did you hear the news? When did you hear the news? Como está o seu progresso? How is your progress? How's your progress? Què signifiquen aquests punts al mapa? What do these dots represent on the map? What do these points mean on the map? Un copil nu este o persoană matură. A child is not a mature person. A child is not a mature person. Feliç Pasqua! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Harga makanan di kedai ini sangat mahal. The food in this restaurant is very expensive. The price of food in this shop is very expensive. Eu não o tinha visto aqui antes. I haven't seen him here before. I hadn't seen him here before. Ciaschedun o l'à i seu mendi. Everyone has their own flaws. Achehadone or ana and his mendi. Él fue atropellado y murió. He was run over and killed. He was hit and he died. Tom n'a pas aidé Marie autant qu'il aurait dû. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Non siamo delusi. We're not disappointed. We're not disappointed. Tahan! Hold it! Hold it! Eché el buitre anoche. Last night I puked. I had my vulture last night. Quan ès vasut ? When were you born? When did you go empty? Lei è di Hokkaido, vero? You are from Hokkaido, aren't you? You're from Hokkaido, aren't you? Tom e Mary sono in un luogo sicuro ora. Tom and Mary are in a safe place now. Tom and Mary are in a safe place now. Mari kita menunggu hujannya berhenti. Let's wait for the rain to stop. Let's wait for the rain to stop. Não vale um centavo. It's not worth a dime. It's not worth a penny. Oy es alhad. Today is Sunday. Oy is alhad. Tom non voleva essere un eroe. Tom didn't want to be a hero. Tom didn't want to be a hero. No tengo suficiente dinero para comprar el medicamento que mi padre necesita. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. I don't have enough money to buy the medication my father needs. Era stanco, ma continuò a lavorare. He was tired, but he kept on working. He was tired, but he kept working. Il faisait pousser une variété de cultures. He grew a variety of crops. He was growing a variety of cultures. Él entró en mi cuarto. He entered my room. He walked into my room. Tu veux encore un truc facile ? Would you like another piece of cake? Do you still want something easy? No me queda otra opción. I have no options left. I have no other choice. Ninguém pode parar o Tom. No one can stop Tom. No one can stop Tom. Lo odia così tanto? Do you hate him that much? You hate him so much? Pourquoi renifles-tu les choses que tu vois au sol ? Why do you sniff things you see on the ground? Why do you reinvigorate the things you see on the ground? Estou pronto para ir? Am I ready to go? Am I ready to go? A gente fala disso mais tarde. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. É o teu corpo; cuida dele! It's your body. Take care of it. It's your body; take care of it! Eu não sei se isso vai ter alguma utilidade para você. I don't know whether this'll be of any use to you. I don't know if that's gonna have any use for you. Voglio che loro vincano le elezioni. I want them to win the election. I want them to win the election. Pourriez-vous le mettre sur ma chambre ? Could you charge it to my room? Could you put it in my room? Taipei est la capitale de Taïwan. Taipei is Taiwan's capital. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. Je ne suis pas si mauvais. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. Tom melihat ke arah tanah. Tom stared at the ground. Tom looked to the ground. Aún queda mucho por hacer. There's a lot left to be done. There's still a lot left to do. Vândut! Sold! Sold! Tutti vogliono il denaro. Everyone wants money. Everyone wants the money. Eu abomino a violência. I abhor violence. I abhor violence. Él tiene toda clase de libros. He has all kinds of books. He's got all kinds of books. Ce train se dirige vers New-York. This train is bound for New York. This train is heading towards New York. Você consegue arrumar isto? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Ini adalah makanan. It is food. It's food. Vas-tu travailler jusqu'à dix heures ? Are you going to work until 10:00? Are you going to work for ten hours? Él habla inglés mejor que yo. He speaks English better than me. He speaks English better than I do. Noi siamo divorziati. We're divorced. We're divorced. Avete conosciuto dei canadesi qui a Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Até Tom e Mary estavam chorando. Even Tom and Mary were crying. Even Tom and Mary were crying. Toți trăim în același cartier. We all live in the same neighborhood. We all live in the same neighborhood. Tom sabe de dónde sopla el viento. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Perché non siete venute alla festa? Why didn't you come to the party? Why didn't you come to the party? Quand'è venuta in Australia? When did you come to Australia? When did she come to Australia? Nu traduceţi această propoziţie! Do not translate this sentence! Do not translate this sentence! Mon père est plus fort que le tien. My dad is stronger than your dad. My father is stronger than yours. Avevo una specie di cotta per lui. I sort of had a crush on him. I had some sort of cotta for him. Toți spun că eu semăn cu tatăl meu. Everybody says I look like my father. They all say that I look like my father. A venit iarna. Winter came. Winter's here. Estou bem, obrigado por perguntar. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thank you for asking. Perché non parli in berbero con i berberi? Why don't you speak Berber with Berbers? Why don't you talk beer with the beers? Vrei să mă ajuți un minut? Will you help me for a minute? You want to help me for a minute? Noël est seulement dans trois semaines. Christmas is only three weeks off. Christmas is only in three weeks. Obramos de buena fe. We act in good faith. We work in good faith. N'essaie pas de faire deux choses à la fois. Don't try to do two things at a time. Don't try to do two things at once. Ea este fericită. She is happy. She's happy. Aquesta es la meva resposta a la teva pregunta. This is my answer to your question. That's my answer to your question. Ya dormí esta semana. I've already slept this week. I've slept this week. Juga al beisbol tots el dies. He plays baseball every day. Play baseball every day. Eso no tiene nada que ver con él. That has nothing to do with him. That has nothing to do with him. Kami sudah kehilangan tiga hari. We've already lost three days. We've lost three days. Ja estic llest. I'm already ready. I'm ready. Lasciatemi. Leave me. Let go of me. Il est interdit de fumer ici. Smoking is not permitted here. It's forbidden to smoke here. Como você respondeu aquela pergunta? How did you answer that question? How did you answer that question? Você contou isso para ele? Did you tell him about it? Did you tell him that? Am rămas fără cuvinte. I'm at a loss for words. We're out of words. Vorbiți arabă? Do you speak Arabic? You speak Arabic? « Elle s'est enquise de vous. » « De moi ? » "She asked about you." "About me?" "She wondered about you." "From me?" La télé-réalité n'est-elle pas réelle ? Reality TV isn't real? Isn't TV reality real? Chi è l'uomo che sta suonando il violino? Who is the man playing the violin? Who's the man playing the violin? Oke. Okay. Okay. Si ma femme appelle, dites-lui que je suis en pleine réunion importante et qu'il ne faut pas me déranger. If my wife calls, just tell her I'm in an important meeting and cannot be disturbed. If my wife calls, tell her I'm in the middle of a big meeting and don't bother me. Je voulais le réserver pour une occasion spéciale. I wanted to save this for a special occasion. I wanted to reserve it for a special occasion. Nu beau din apa lor. I don't drink their water. I don't drink from their water. Gostaria de ir com você. I would like to go with you. I'd like to go with you. Debes estar bromeando. You've got to be joking. You must be joking. Voulez-vous que je vienne au Japon pour vous voir ? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? Ça compte. It matters. It doesn't matter. Él estará furioso cuando se entere que ella mintió. He will be angry to learn that she told a lie. He'll be furious when he finds out she lied. Questa parola deriva dal latino. This word derives from Latin. This word comes from Latin. Je te laisse t'en occuper. I'll leave you to it. I'll let you take care of it. Io sogno di andare ad abitare in Lituania. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I dream of going to live in Lithuania. On ne peut apercevoir des Koalas qu'en Australie. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. We can only see Koalas in Australia. Dovrebbe comprare un'automobile nuova adesso. You should get yourself a new car now. You should buy a new car now. Il a mis le feu au bâtiment de l'école. He set fire to the school building. He set fire to the school building. Tom a l'avrìa nèn dovù lasse guidé Mary. Tom shouldn't have let Mary drive. Tom was nowhere near Mary's laisse. C'est l'une des miennes. It's one of mine. It's one of mine. Tout à fait par chance, je rencontrai mon vieil ami à l'aéroport. Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport. All by luck, I met my old friend at the airport. Tom escondeu seu dinheiro debaixo do colchão. Tom hid his money under his mattress. Tom hid his money under the mattress. Elle a refusé ma demande pour devenir amis. She refused my friend request. She refused my request to become friends. Me pregunto qué debería hacer para la cena. I wonder what I should make for dinner. I wonder what I should do for dinner. Vaig entendre el que has dit I understand everything you said. I understood what you said. "Come pronunciate il simbolo @ in questa lingua?" "Chiocciola." "How do you pronounce the sign @ in this language?" "at" "How do you pronounce the @ symbol in this language?" "Ciocciola." Hace mucho que no hago una barbacoa. I haven't had a barbecue for a long time. I haven't had a barbecue in a long time. Kon plazer. With pleasure. With pleasure. Tom sangat lucu. Tom is very funny. Tom's very funny. Saya ingin menang barang sekali. I want to win for once. I want to win things once. Sărăcia este o povară, dar nu o ruşine. Poverty is a pain, but no disgrace. Poverty is a burden, but not a shame. É tão bom ver e ouvir as vozes e sotaques das crianças, enquanto elas falam Inglês. It's so good to see and hear the children's voices and accents while they speak English. It is so good to see and hear the voices and accents of children while they speak English. Scrive articoli per il giornale locale. He writes articles for the local newspaper. Write articles for the local newspaper. ¿Qué hay en esta caja? What's in this box? What's in this box? Apa ada makanan yang tidak kamu suka? Is there any food you don't like? Is there any food you don't like? La mantega fa bona olor. The butter smells good. Butter smells good. O que você escolheu para fazer? What did you choose to do? What have you chosen to do? Ceneremo in un ristorante indiano stasera. We are going to have dinner in an Indian restaurant tonight. We'll have dinner in an Indian restaurant tonight. Que plorè quan ausiscó la tarribla novèla. She wept when she heard the terrible news. Who weeps when the new tarrible is heard. Hai, bagaimana kabarmu? Hi, how's it going? Hi, how are you? Este trabajo no debe tomar más de un par de horas. This job shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. This work should not take more than a couple of hours. On devient distrait en vieillissant. We become forgetful as we grow older. We're getting distracted as we get older. Dați-mi pușca. Give me the gun. Give me the rifle. Mary nu are un soț. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary doesn't have a husband. O rádio transmite as notícias em detalhe. The radio broadcast the news in detail. The radio broadcasts the news in detail. Sinto moito pedirche axuda con tan pouca antelación, pero non me din de conta que este proxecto sería tan esixente. I'm so sorry I ask you for help at such short notice, but I didn't realize this project would be so demanding. I'm so sorry to ask you for help on such short notice, but I don't realize that this project would be so demanding. Él podría por lo menos disculparse. He might at least apologize. He could at least apologize. Quiero terminar lo que empecé. I want to finish what I started. I want to finish what I started. Sami a une petite sœur. Sami has a little sister. Sami has a little sister. Eu estarei aqui amanhã. I will be here tomorrow. I'll be here tomorrow. Disse-lhe que saísse da sala. I told him to leave the room. I told him to get out of the room. Lepaskan Tom! Let go of Tom. Let go of Tom! Le week-end, j'emmène mes chiens dehors pour une longue promenade dans le parc. On weekends, I take my dogs out for a long walk in the park. On the weekend, I take my dogs out for a long walk to the park. Quale dente fa male? Which tooth hurts? Which tooth hurts? J'aime ceux-ci. I like these. I like these. J'étais belle. I was beautiful. I was beautiful. ¿Alcanzas a hacerlo? Can you make it on time? Can you do it? La nostra galàxia s'anomena la Via Làctia. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Nu-mi vine să cred că l-ai făcut pe Tom să plângă. I can't believe that you made Tom cry. I can't believe you made Tom cry. Perché sei così motivato? Why are you so motivated? Why are you so motivated? Io trascorsi l'intero weekend a casa al computer. I spent the whole weekend at home on the computer. I spend the whole weekend at home on the computer. Revelar o final é um crime hediondo contra a humanidade. Spoiling an ending is a heinous crime against humanity. Revealing the end is a heinous crime against humanity. Io non ti perdonerò mai. I will never forgive you. I will never forgive you. A asa do pássaro estava quebrada. The bird's wing was broken. The bird's handle was broken. Calla i escolta! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Aku gagal. I failed. I failed. Se casará pronto. She'll get married soon. She'll be married soon. ¿Cómo llegaste a ser el agente de Tom? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did you become Tom's agent? Me pâ ch’o l’agge atrovòu pe caxo. It looks like he found it by accident to me. I don’t care if he finds it on the box. Es poca la diferencia. Scant difference. There's little difference. Questo sarà un problema? Is this going to be a problem? Is this going to be a problem? Non gli ho mai fatto del male. I never harmed him. I've never hurt him. Tim é um grande fã de comédia satírica. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. Tim is a big satirical comedy fan. J'aimerais seulement qu'il ne fasse pas aussi chaud, aujourd'hui. I only wish it wasn't so hot today. I just wish it didn't make it that hot today. Tom beijou Maria e depois foi trabalhar. Tom kissed Mary and then went to work. Tom kissed Maria and then went to work. Tom este foarte disciplinat, nu-i așa? Tom is very self-disciplined, isn't he? Tom's very disciplined, isn't he? Veuillez me dire quel bus prendre pour me rendre en ville. Please tell me which bus to take to go downtown. Please tell me what bus to get me to town. De nombreuses personnes vous détestent déjà. A lot of people hate you already. Many people already hate you. Tenho que dizer não I have to say no. I have to say no. Kami bermasalah dengan merpati. We're having a problem with pigeons. We had a problem with pigeons. Você está seguro aqui. You are safe here. You're safe here. Sami e Layla decisero di separarsi. Sami and Layla decided to split up. Sami and Layla decided to separate. Eşti singura persoană pe o cunosc în afară de mine căruia nu-i place să se uite la base-ball. You're the only person I know besides myself who doesn't like watching baseball. You're the only person I know besides me who doesn't like to look at baseball. Hujan terus turun hingga sehari penuh. It kept raining all day long. The rains continued down to a full day. Es bien bueno. It's quite good. It's good. Eu disse para a Jane se acalmar. I told Jane to calm down. I told Jane to calm down. Ho sap la teua mare? Does your mother know? Does your mother know? Ridică-te și luptă. Get up and fight. Get up and fight. Cât de mulți de felul vostru există? How many of you are there? How many of your ways are there? Vende aparatos de radio. He sells radios. He sells radio equipment. Nos dê uma chance. Give us a chance. Give us a chance. O que vocês têm a perder? What do you have to lose? What do you guys have to lose? Durante mi vida, he tenido la gran felicidad de viajar mucho por el mundo y trabajar en muy diversas naciones. Throughout my life, I've had the great pleasure of travelling all around the world and working in many diverse nations. During my life, I have had the great happiness of traveling a lot around the world and working in many different nations. Nessun minore permesso. No minors allowed. No minors allowed. No me gusta este juego. I don't like this game. I don't like this game. ¿Crees que Judas traicionó a Jesucristo? Do you believe Judas betrayed Jesus Christ? Do you think Judas betrayed Jesus Christ? Se tudo o que acontece tem alguma razão, não terá isso uma razão de ser? If everything happens for a reason, does that reason have a reason to be? If everything that happens has a reason, won't that have a reason to be? Ela estava com medo de viajar sozinha. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. ¿Estades listos para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? Alcuni produttori di latte suonano della musica rilassante per le loro vacche mentre vengono munte, perché delle vacche rilassate e contente fanno più latte. Some dairy farmers play soothing music to their cows while they are being milked, because relaxed, contented cows give more milk. Some milk producers play relaxing music for their cows while they come up, because relaxed cows and happy ones make more milk. Mary pense qu'Oliver passe trop de temps sur les jeux vidéos. Mary thinks that Oliver is spending too much time playing videogames. Mary thinks Oliver spends too much time on video games. Tu ne cesses jamais de me surprendre. You never cease to surprise me. You never cease to surprise me. Lei cacciò il suo ragazzo fuori di casa. She kicked her boyfriend out of the house. She chased her boyfriend out of the house. A minha mãe experimentou o leite. My mother tasted the milk. My mother experienced milk. Tiada sesiapa yang boleh menunggang belakangmu selagi kau tidak membongkok. As long as you don’t bend over, no one can ever get on your back. No one can ride behind you while you're not fooling around. Il y a très, très longtemps vivait une belle petite fille. Long long ago, there lived a pretty girl. A very, very long time ago, she lived a beautiful little girl. Pratiquement tout le monde apprécie la bonne nourriture. Almost everybody appreciates good food. Almost everyone appreciates good food. Duas retas paralelas são equidistantes. Two parallel lines are equidistant. Two parallel lines are equidistant. È ansiosa di visitare l'Europa. She is anxious to visit Europe. She is eager to visit Europe. A te piace viaggiare? Do you like to travel? You like traveling? Deben ser pasadas la medianoche. It must be past midnight. It must be past midnight. El nen parla com si fos una nena. The boy talks as if he were a girl. The boy talks like he's a child. Tom disse que está com uma gripe leve. Tom said he had a slight cold. Tom said he's with a light flu. Me preguntaba cómo podía marcar una diferencia en el mundo. I wondered how I could make a difference in the world. I was wondering how I could make a difference in the world. Me gusta el surrealismo. I like surrealism. I like surrealism. Vi conoscevano tutti. They all knew you. They all knew each other. O açougue vende vários cortes de carne. The butcher shop sells assorted cuts of meat. The sugar sells several cuts of meat. Parlate cinese? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Lo que propones es imposible. What you propose is impossible. What you're proposing is impossible. Ele quase se afogou. He almost drowned. He almost drowned. Uneori el poate fi un tip ciudat. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes he can be a weird guy. O Tom é terrível na cozinha. Tom is terrible at cooking. Tom's terrible in the kitchen. De qué leges ? What are you reading? What laws? Io amo il modo in cui Tom suona la batteria. I love the way Tom plays the drums. I love the way Tom plays drums. Saya tetap berusaha memperbaikinya, tetapi masih belum berhasil. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. I kept trying to fix it, but it still didn't work out. Seja gentil com os outros. Be kind to others. Be kind to others. Tom amarrou os cavalos ao poste. Tom tied the horses to the post. Tom tied the horses to the postpost. Miré en el armario. I looked in the cupboard. I looked in the closet. Ets humà. You're a human. You're human. Tom es inseguro. Tom is insecure. Tom's insecure. Hanno detto che erano divorziati. They said they were divorced. They said they were divorced. Mozotros ambezamos muzika. We're studying music. We made music in Mozotzros. I-i soma mach noi bele sì. We're the only guys here. It's soma mach us beautiful yes. Es la mea question. This is my question. It's on my question. Tom conoce las consecuencias. Tom knows the stakes. Tom knows the consequences. Les filles commencent leur puberté aux environs de dix ou onze ans et les garçons autour de onze ou douze. Girls begin puberty around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve. Girls begin puberty at about ten or eleven years old and boys around eleven or twelve. Le è piaciuto? Did you like it? Did you like it? Hai iniziato a imparare l'esperanto. You began to learn Esperanto. You started learning hope. Je n'ai pas très envie de manger. I don't feel much like eating. I don't really want to eat. Puis-je lui parler ? Can I speak to him? Can I talk to him? Je vais être papa. I'm going to be a father. I'm gonna be Dad. Il s'attendait à échouer à l'examen. He expected to fail the exam. He expected to fail the exam. Tres de los amigos de Tom fueron a la fiesta de María. Three of Tom's friends went to Mary's party. Three of Tom's friends went to Mary's party. Ce ai spus? Îmi pare rău, căzusem pe gânduri. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, I was thinking. Sentémonos. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Ponha o livro sobre a carteira. Put the book on the desk. Put the book on the wallet. Quiero quedarme aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. În general lupii nu atacă oamenii. Wolves won't usually attack people. In general wolves don't attack people. Vai a prendere un po' di latte. Go fetch some milk. Go get some milk. Io ero felice all'epoca. I was happy then. I was happy back then. O Xapón aínda non é suficientemente comprendido por outros países, e os xaponeses, así mesmo, encontran os estranxeiros difíciles de comprender. Yet Japan is still not sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese, likewise, find foreigners difficult to understand. Japan is not yet sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese still find the foreigners hard to understand. Yumi es feliz, ¿verdad? Yumi is happy, isn't she? Yumi's happy, isn't she? Apa kamu tahu kenapa Tom tidak hadir pada rapat tadi siang? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Do you know why Tom didn't attend the meeting last day? Dia pasti sangat cantik ketika muda. She must have been very beautiful when she was young. She must be so beautiful when she's young. Tom não quer falar tudo a Mary. Tom doesn't want to tell Mary everything. Tom doesn't want to talk to Mary about everything. Aprendí mucho esta semana. I learned a lot this week. I learned a lot this week. Adevărul este că nu am vrut să mănânc cu Tom. The truth is that I didn't want to eat with Tom. The truth is, I didn't want to eat with Tom. Il a engagé un nouveau secrétaire. He hired a new secretary. He hired a new secretary. Menang benar? Is it really true? Win right? ¿Te levantarías por favor? Would you please stand up? Would you please stand up? O presidente está voando para a cidade de helicóptero. The president is flying to the city in a helicopter. The president is flying to the helicopter city. Aprendo japonés. I'm learning Japanese. Learning Japanese. Como está o seu resfriado? How's your cold? How's your cold? Esa no es mi firma. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Kau harus memenuhi kewajibanmu. You must fulfill your duty. You have to fulfill your obligation. Alguém indagou sobre o Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Necesito cargar mi celular. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to load my cell phone. Vino de muy lejos. He came from far away. He came from far away. Tu mérites le prix. You deserve the prize. You deserve the price. Aku mendengar sesuatu yang menarik perhatianku. I heard something that grabbed my attention. I heard something that drew my attention. A medida que uno envejece, el sueño se vuelve más liviano. As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper. As one ages, the dream becomes lighter. De qué hascoc Jean ? What did Jean make? What hassoc Jean? ¿Qué piensas de este sombrero rojo? What do you think of this red hat? What do you think of this red hat? Je suis sûr qu'il ne serait pas trop difficile de déterminer qui a pénétré notre système. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find out who hacked into our system. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to determine who entered our system. Voi stavate giocando. You'd been playing. You guys were playing. Él vio a un antiguo amigo la semana pasada a quien no había visto en años. He saw an old friend last week whom he hadn’t seen in years. He saw an old friend last week who he hadn't seen in years. Ceux qui s'indigèrent ou qui s'enivrent ne savent ni boire ni manger. Those who eat to the point of indigestion or become drunk do not know how to eat or drink. Those who take offense or who get drunk do not know how to drink or eat. Wanita lebih cerdas ketimbang pria. Women are brighter than men. Smarter women than men. Io non so guidare molto bene. I can't drive very well. I can't drive very well. Tom nunca teria machado você. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have axed you. Terrible accidente de helicóptero nun cemiterio belga, os rescatadores xa acharon máis de 500 cadáveres. Horrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, the rescuers have already salvaged more than 500 corpses. Terrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, rescuers have already found more than 500 corpses. El admira munca prietenului său. He admired his friend's work. He admires his friend's work. Din cauza unor circumstanțe neprevăzute, excursia noastră în munți, din acest weekend, va fi anulată. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our trip to the mountains this weekend will be cancelled. Because of unforeseen circumstances, our trip to the mountains this weekend will be cancelled. Mi puoi aiutare? Can you help me? Can you help me? No fue hasta mucho después de casarse que Tom descubrió que Mary era buscada por asesinato. It wasn't until long after they got married that Tom found out that Mary was wanted for murder. It wasn't long after Tom got married that she found out that Mary was wanted for murder. De qui êtes-vous la plus proche dans votre famille ? Who are you closest to in your family? Who are you closest to in your family? O que vocês estão fazendo? What are you guys doing? What are you doing? Hal menakutkan apa yang pernah kamu alami? What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you? It's scary what you've been through? Quando vocês viajarão a Paris? When will you travel to Paris? When will you travel to Paris? Gulanya larut dalam kopi hangat. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. It's late in a hot coffee. Ne les invitons pas. Let's not invite them. Let's not invite them. Por favor, no me malentiendas. Please don't get me wrong. Please don't misunderstand me. Donne la maison à ma fille. Give the house to my daughter. Give my daughter the house. Non l'ho vista in giro. I haven't seen her around. I didn't see her around. Consulta a tu doctor. Consult your doctor. I'll see your doctor. Je suis déshydratée. I'm dehydrated. I'm dehydrated. Llévaselo a Tom. Take it to Tom. Take him to Tom. Notre chien enterre ses os dans le jardin. Our dog buries its bones in the garden. Our dog burys his bones in the garden. Nada pode deter-me. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can stop me. Io voglio che voi piacciate a Tom. I want Tom to like you. I want you to like Tom. Ea l-a forțat să-și facă curat în cameră. She made him clean his room. She forced him to clean his room. D'on véns? Where are you from? Where are you coming from? Está tudo bem; obrigada. It's OK, thanks. It's all right, thank you. Tom solo escucha los lados B. Tom only listens to B-sides. Tom only listens to sides B. Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Me gusta la música, especialmente la música clásica. I like music, especially classical music. I like music, especially classical music. Há mais alguma coisa que eu possa fazer por você? Is there anything else that I can do for you? Is there anything else I can do for you? C'est complètement faux. That's all wrong. It's completely false. Cukup! Enough! Enough! É rude falar de boca cheia. It is rude to talk when your mouth is full. It's rude to speak up. O l’é andæto davanti a sta comiscion. He went in front of this commission. Or it is andæto in front of this commission. Que l'am hèit partir. We made him go. I let him go. Tom, eu acho que você deveria comer mais. Tom, I think you should eat more. Tom, I think you should eat more. Diz tchau para os teus amigos. Say goodbye to your friends. Say you rang for your friends. Febbraio è finito. February is over. February's over. Je ne suis amoureuse de personne. I'm not in love with anyone. I'm not in love with anyone. Tom é uma pessoa interessante, não é? Tom is an interesting person, isn't he? Tom's an interesting person, isn't he? Mi devi credere. Io sono innocente! You have to believe me. I'm innocent! You have to believe me, I'm innocent! Eu acho que você está errado. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Curăță coaja. Strip off the bark. Clean the shell. Tom não conseguia encontrar Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Ils ont gardé leur amour secret. They kept it secret that they were in love. They kept their love secret. Somos estagiários. We're trainees. We're interns. Pulau itu terletak satu mil dari pantai. The island lies a mile off the coast. The island is one mile from the beach. Que surpresa tão agradável vê-lo aqui! What a pleasant surprise to see you here! What a pleasant surprise to see you here! Oricine începe să lucreze în tinerețe, ajunge să trăiască luxos la bătrânețe. Whoever starts working in their youth, gets to live lavishly when they're older. Anyone who starts working in their youth ends up living luxuriously in their old age. No pudo haber venido en un peor momento. It couldn't have come at a worse time. He couldn't have come at a worse time. Când va veni vremea, nu uita să mă anunți. Don't forget to let me know when it's time. When the time comes, don't forget to let me know. Dia lebih baik daripada saya. He's better than I. He's better than me. Qu'ei çò que digó. This is what he said. That's what he said. Vamos colocar a árvore de Natal aqui. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Ea și-a scrântit glezna când era în drumeție. She sprained her ankle while hiking. She cremated her ankle when she was on the road. Ellos renovaron la casa de su abuela y trajeron muebles modernos. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought in modern furniture. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought modern furniture. Ea este nerăbdătoare. She is impatient. She's impatient. Alcuni politici sono lupi travestiti da agnelli. Some politicians are wolves in sheep's clothing. Some politicians are wolves disguised as lambs. Tom está golpeando la puerta principal. Tom is banging on the front door. Tom's knocking on the front door. Io sono arrivato a casa tardi ieri sera. I got home late last night. I got home late last night. Eu sou egoísta. Eu admito. I'm selfish. I admit it. I'm selfish. No voy a permitir que nadie me detenga. I'm not going to let anyone stop me. I'm not gonna let anyone stop me. Tidak ada alasan untuk takut. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. Per quanto tempo è stato via? How long have you been away? How long has he been gone? Você acha que ele sairia comigo? Do you think he'd go out with me? Do you think he'd go out with me? Él es muy malo inventando excusas. He is very bad at inventing excuses. He's very bad at making excuses. Știi tu ce știi! You know what you know! You know what you know! Si è tolto il soprabito. He took off his overcoat. He's taken over. Cum e viața în Rio? How's life in Rio? How's life in Rio? Percobaannya berhasil. The experiment was successful. The experiment worked. Non sarei mai dovuta venire a Boston. I never should've come to Boston. I should never have come to Boston. No soy nada más que un pobre huaso. I am nothing but a poor peasant. I'm nothing but a poor hole. Io non voglio rifarlo. I don't want to do it again. I don't want to do it again. Aquest cotxe és un trasto. This car is a pile of rubbish. This car is a mess. Ini adalah tanggungjawab kami untuk membantu. It is our obligation to help. It's our responsibility to help. Me la seca. I hate it. She's drying me out. Él se considera enfermo. He is considered sick. He thinks he's sick. Cúbrote eu. I've got your back. I'll cover for you. ¿Tienes alguna idea para el regalo? Do you have any ideas for the gift? Do you have any idea for the gift? Hanno rubato la borsa a mia sorella mentre tornava a casa la scorsa notte. My sister was robbed of her bag on her way home last night. They stole my sister's bag while she was coming home last night. Tom ne sait pas qu'il est adopté. Tom doesn't know that he's adopted. Tom doesn't know he's adopted. Ils sont nerveux. They're jittery. They're nervous. Monte le son. Turn the volume up. Sound up. Sta a lei fare una scelta. It's up to you to make a choice. She's making a choice. Nu mi-a fost foame. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't hungry. Sua saia é tão comprida, que alcança o chão. Her skirt is so long as to reach the floor. Its skirt is so long, it reaches the ground. Dovrei dire a Tom cos'è capitato? Should I tell Tom what happened? Should I tell Tom what happened? Tom non era pronto. Tom wasn't ready for it. Tom wasn't ready. Tom abusa de su autoridad. Tom abuses his authority. Tom abuses his authority. Beaucoup parler de soi peut être aussi un moyen de se dissimuler. To talk about oneself a great deal can also be a means of concealing oneself. Many talk about themselves can also be a means of concealing themselves. No me puedo creer que estés tratando de sobornarme. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. Ini tidak mahal. This is not expensive. It's not expensive. Burj Khalifa aktyelman se gratsyél ki pi wo nan mond. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest gratell in the world. Sono arrivata a Boston alle due e mezza. I arrived in Boston at 2:30. I arrived in Boston at two and a half o'clock. Discúlpeme. Creo que me equivoqué de número. Sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. Excuse me, I think I got the number wrong. Son idée a été mise en avant lors de la réunion. His idea got a boost at the meeting. His idea was highlighted at the meeting. Sa cosa deve fare. She knows what she's got to do. He knows what to do. Cinta tak pernah salah. Love is never wrong. Love never goes wrong. Quedarse hasta tarde no es bueno para la salud. Staying up late is not good for the health. Staying late is not good for health. Ils n'ont pas tenu leur promesse. They didn't keep their promise. They didn't keep their promise. ¿No hablaste con Tom? Didn't you talk to Tom? Didn't you talk to Tom? Cum soția mea mă aștepta, m-am grăbit spre gară. I hurried to the station as I had kept my wife waiting. As my wife expected me, I rushed to the station. Mwen ni on kansè. I have cancer. I'm neither cancer nor cancer. Tom nunca piensa en los demás. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks of others. Abbiamo vissuto ad Osaka per dieci anni prima di venire a Tokyo. We lived in Osaka for ten years before we came to Tokyo. We lived in Osaka for ten years before coming to Tokyo. ¿Conocés al señor Takahashi? Do you know Mr. Takahashi? Do you know Mr Takahashi? Je ne veux pas des excuses. Je veux une explication. I don't want an apology. I want an explanation. I don't want excuses, I want an explanation. Dia menunggu sampai tersengguk-sengguk menahan mengantuk. He waited until he was already nodding off to sleep. He's waiting until he's a little bit of a pain in his sleep. Le-am dat un cadou pentru aniversarea lor. I gave them a present for their anniversary. I gave them a present for their anniversary. Ho mal di testa. My head hurts. I have a headache. Ela levantou a man. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Fais attention quand tu transportes de l'huile de tournesol. Be careful when carrying sunflower oil. Be careful when transporting sunflower oil. Cost lìber-sì a l'é 'd mè pare. This book is my father's. That's what I'm talking about. ¿Qué vas a llevar puesto? What will you wear? What are you gonna wear? Noi non abbiamo segreti. We don't have secrets. We have no secrets. Quanto tempo dura a viagem? How long is the ride? How long does it take? Les chats aiment courir après les pelotes de laine. Cats love to run after balls of wool. Cats like to run after wool pellets. Hutangnya bertumpuk-tumpuk. He has many accumulated debts. The debt's a little overcrowded. Temo di non capirlo. I'm afraid I don't understand that. I'm afraid I don't understand. ¡Ganaron ustedes! You win! You've won! ¿Tienes tiempo mañana? Do you have time tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? Que Deus vos proteja daqueles que vos odeiam! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Evitó responder a mis preguntas. She avoided answering my questions. He avoided answering my questions. Sto mandando a casa Tom. I'm sending Tom home. I'm sending Tom home. Conquistadores espanhóis, portugueses e outros massacraram os habitantes indígenas da América do Sul numa proporção média de um a cada 10 minutos. Spanish, Portuguese and other foreign conquerors massacred South America's Indian inhabitants at an average rate of roughly one every 10 minutes. Spanish, Portuguese and other conquerors massacred the indigenous people of South America in an average proportion of one every 10 minutes. Io sono una tossicodipendente. I'm an addict. I'm a drug addict. Você escolheu o melhor. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Vocês estão bem, crianças? Are you children all right? You guys okay, kids? Elle est tombée dans les pommes en voyant l'accident. She blacked out on seeing the scene of the accident. She fell into the apples when she saw the accident. M. Sato parle bien anglais. Mr Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks English well. Espèri que n'a pas agut un accident. I hope he hasn't had an accident. Wait till there's been an accident. Mustafà Kemal va proclamar la República Turca el 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Levanta la mano antes de responder. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before you answer. Ce problème ne peut être résolu de la manière habituelle. You cannot solve this problem in an ordinary way. This problem cannot be resolved in the usual way. Ton nom ne figure pas sur la liste. Tu n'es pas invité à la fête. Your name doesn't appear on the list. You're not invited to the party. Your name isn't on the list, you're not invited to the party. Os lunáticos tomaram o hospício. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. The lunatics took the hospice. Tom poderia ter dito não. Tom could've said no. Tom could have said no. Ella prepara exquisitos platos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. She makes excellent meals in the blink of an eye. She prepares exquisite dishes in an opening and closing of eyes. È un intenditore. He's a gourmet. He's an intruder. Entré en la Marina. I joined the Navy. I got into the Navy. Mereka melihat ke arahku dan tersenyum. They looked at me and smiled. They look at me and smile. Dov'è il mio cane? Where is my dog? Where's my dog? Elle est une vrai beauté. She is a real beauty. She's a real beauty. O barco está a afundirse. The ship is sinking. The boat is sinking. La tempête de neige se poursuivit. The snowstorm continued. The snowstorm continued. Noi ci stiamo avvicinando. We're getting closer. We're getting closer. Y para todos aquellos que nos ven desde más allá de nuestras costas, desde parlamentos y palacios, para los que están acurrucados alrededor una radio en zonas olvidadas del mundo, nuestras historias son singulares, pero nuestro destino está unido, y un nuevo amanecer del liderazgo americano se acerca. And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. And for all those who see us from beyond our coasts, from parliaments and palaces, for those who are encircled around a radio in forgotten areas of the world, our stories are unique, but our destiny is united, and a new dawn of American leadership approaches. Não estamos bravos. We're not angry. We're not angry. Mary não agrada a Tom. Tom doesn't like Mary. Mary doesn't like Tom. Io ho qualche libro inglese. I have some English books. I have some English books. El cole empieza a las nueve y termina a las seis. School begins at nine and is over at six. The cole starts at nine and ends at six. Per quanto resterete? How long will you be staying? How long will you stay? Aku terkena flu berat. I've caught a bad cold. I had a heavy flu. Entendido! Roger! Got it! Isso não tem um gosto bom. This doesn't taste good. That doesn't taste good. Hasta donde yo sé, él viene en auto. As far as I know, he is coming by car. As far as I know, he's coming by car. Siempre he sido el número uno. I've always been the number one. I've always been number one. Je te prie de rediriger ceci à autant de gens que possible. Please forward this to as many people as possible. I ask you to redirect this to as many people as possible. Sunt plictisit cu viața mea. I'm bored with my life. I'm bored with my life. Elle avait un mal de tête dû au manque de sommeil. She had a headache from lack of sleep. She had a headache because of a lack of sleep. Pria itu sedang makan kacang. The man is eating beans. The guy's eating peanuts. Anda ingin minum apa? What do you want to drink? You want a drink of what? Aimerais-tu cela ? Would you like that? Would you like that? Ò sentio quarchedun scigoâ. I heard someone whistle. Or I felt quarched a sneeze. Hay que trabajar, no pensar. You have to work, not think. We have to work, not think. Dov'è la Croce Rossa? Where's the Red Cross? Where's the Red Cross? O que há de errado com você? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? A mi pe pan e træ caravelle. They look like the three caravels to me. To me on bread and træ caravelle. Apa kamu mengerti dia? Do you understand him? Do you understand him? ¿Hay alguien aquí que hable inglés? Is there someone here who speaks English? Is there anyone here who speaks English? ¿A qué hora vas a trabajar? What time do you get to work? What time are you going to work? Ela estava sentada ao balcão comendo amendoim. She used to sit on the balcony eating peanuts. She was sitting on the counter eating peanuts. Pourquoi ne demandes-tu pas simplement de l'argent à tes parents ? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Eu ainda não sei de quanto vamos precisar. I don't yet know how much money we're going to need. I still don't know how much we're gonna need. Nós escalámos a montanha no ano passado. We climbed the mountain last year. We climbed the mountain last year. Puis-je écouter ce disque ? Can I hear a little bit of this record? Can I listen to this disc? Je sais que Tom a disparu. I know Tom has gone. I know Tom's gone. Tom mengemudi terlalu cepat. Tom drives too fast. Tom's driving too fast. Tatoeba: tenemos más frases de las que podría decir tu madre en toda su vida. Tatoeba: We've got more sentences than your mom could ever say in her lifetime. Tatoeba: We have more phrases than your mother could say in her whole life. Tatoeba a maintenant 555 phrases en Klingon. Tatoeba now contains five hundred fifty-five Klingon sentences. Tatoeba now has 555 sentences in Klingon. ¿Pueden ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Estamos merkando. We're buying. We're on the market. Notre école a été fondée en 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. Él distribuye muebles. He deals in furniture. He distributes furniture. La început vă displăcuse ideea, dar acum păreți mulțumiți. At the beginning you had disliked the idea, but now you seem to be content. At first you disliked the idea, but now you seem satisfied. Quiero descubrir si Tom ha ido hoy a la escuela. I want to find out if Tom was at school today. I want to find out if Tom went to school today. Vada a svegliarle. Go wake them up. Go wake them up. Estou tomando leite. I am drinking milk. I'm taking milk. No sé como puedo agradecértelo. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how I can thank you. El gato de Tom esta malato. Tom's cat is sick. Tom's cat is sick. O luns falaremos con el. We'll talk with him on Monday. On Monday we'll talk to him. Cuando te despiertes, no estaré más aquí. As you wake up, I won't be here anymore. When you wake up, I won't be here anymore. Siapa nama anda, pak ? What is your name, sir? What's your name, sir? Nu avem nevoie de un nou limbaj auxiliar, limba engleză îndeplinește deja acest rol. We do not need a new auxiliary language, the English language already fulfills that role. We don't need a new auxiliary language, English already fulfills this role. Va le chercher ! Go look for it. Go get him! Quando verrà fuori il sole uscirò dal letto. When the sun comes up, I'll get out of bed. When the sun comes out I'll get out of bed. Tom comprò un paio di orecchini per Mary. Tom bought a pair of earrings for Mary. Tom bought a pair of earrings for Mary. Facebook ha molti dati su di lei. Facebook has a lot of data about you. Facebook has a lot of data on you. A cidade está a cincuenta millas ao norte de Londres. The city is fifty miles above London. The city is 50 miles north of London. Vara va începe duminica următoare. Summer time will start next Sunday. Summer will start next Sunday. Vidi che sua figlia stava piangendo. I saw his daughter was crying. I saw his daughter crying. Elles ont un rêve. They have a dream. They have a dream. Saya mandi sehari sekali. I shower once a day. I bathed once a day. Vous raffoliez du chocolat. You loved chocolate. You're cooling chocolate. No puc tolerar els covards. I have no tolerance of cowards. I can't tolerate cowards. T'sè gia stai a Pariis? Have you ever been to Paris? Are you in Pariis yet? Tom quería comer pastel y helado de postre. Tom wanted to eat cake and ice cream for dessert. Tom wanted to eat pie and dessert ice cream. Has de menjar més a poc a poc. You should eat slower. You have to eat more slowly. J'adore ton appartement. I love your apartment. I love your apartment. No puedo hablar español, pero con la ayuda de un diccionario español-alemán comprendí un poco de tu carta. I don't know Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish-German dictionary, I nevertheless understood your letter to some extent. I cannot speak Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish-German dictionary I understood some of your letter. Tom e eu fomos nadar juntos. Tom and I went swimming together. Tom and I went swimming together. Tom știe că lui Mary îi place regae. Tom knows Mary likes reggae. Tom knows Mary likes the kingdom. Cred că e foarte puțin probabil că-mi voi revedea vreodată motocicleta furată. I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again. I think it's very unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again. De obicei, nu sunt atât de neîndemânatic. I'm not usually this inept. I'm usually not that unmanageable. ¿Gústanlle as laranxas? Does he like oranges? Do you like oranges? Foi você quem fez isso? Did you do that? Did you do that? Gli ho detto che stavo bene. I told him I was OK. I told him I was fine. Os meninos não têm medo dele. The boys are not afraid of him. Boys aren't afraid of him. Est-ce ce que Tom voulait dire ? Is that what Tom meant? Did Tom mean that? Tatoeba nem mesmo é uma pessoa. Tatoeba is not even a person. Tatoeba isn't even a person. La parada de autobús está cerca de nuestra escuela. The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is close to our school. Eu sabia que havia uma razão. I knew there was a reason. I knew there was a reason. Tom no pudo descubrirlo. Tom couldn't figure it out. Tom couldn't find out. No le di cuerda al reloj anoche. I didn't wind the clock last night. I don't remember the watch last night. Eu não vou cantar essa música. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not singing that song. Fără cea mai mică îndoială! Without the slightest doubt! No doubt about it! Han pasado tres horas y media desde que se marchó. Three and a half hours have passed since he left. It's been three and a half hours since he left. Instruktur mengemudiku berkata bahwa aku harus lebih sabar. My driving instructor says I should be more patient. The instructor drove me to say that I had to be more patient. As coisas mudaram. Things changed. Things have changed. Que no se te olvide apagar la luz. Don't forget to turn the light off. Don't forget to turn off the light. Il a marché dans une merde de chien. He stepped into dog shit. He walked into a dog shit. Immagino che tu sia canadese. I assume that you're Canadian. I guess you're Canadian. Não conheço essa música. I don't know that song. I don't know that song. Mi sono comprato un paio di scarpe. I've bought me a pair of shoes. I bought myself a pair of shoes. Voi fi mai mult decât fericit să te ajut. I'll be more than happy to help. I'll be more than happy to help you. Tom a plecat din Boston. Tom left Boston. Tom left Boston. Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Je n'ai rien à lire. I don't have anything to read. I don't have anything to read. Je désire parler à une avocate. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. Es camarero y también actor. He is a waiter and also an actor. He's a waiter and also an actor. Cul-lé l'é nōv. That's new. He's a nōv. No te preocupes, ella no entiende alemán. Don't worry. She doesn't understand German. Don't worry, she doesn't understand German. Tonalitatea vocii poate indica anumite trăiri. Tone of voice can indicate feelings. The tone of the voice can indicate certain lives. El s-a întins să ia zahărul care era pe masă. He reached out for the sugar that was on the table. He stretched out to take the sugar that was on the table. Lo mantenian custiodiado por turnos. They kept guard by turns. They kept him on shift. Tom convenceu Mary a mudar de ideia. Tom persuaded Mary to change her mind. Tom convinced Mary to change her mind. Ni siquiera estuvisteis allí. You weren't even there. You weren't even there. Persero la scommessa. They lost the bet. I lost the bet. Sudah saya katakan jangan menyalakan lampu. I told you not to turn on the lights. I told you not to turn on the lights. Tom es uno de mis amigos más cercanos. Tom is one of my closest friends. Tom is one of my closest friends. Charra aragonés? Do you speak Aragonese? Did you speak Aragonese? Lei che vuole? What does she want? What do you want? Ele se deitou de costas. He laid on his back. He's lying on his back. È la prima volta che mi sento nauseata. This is the first time I've ever felt nauseous. It's the first time I've felt sick. Nous ne devrions rien faire à ce sujet pour le moment. We shouldn't do anything about that right now. We shouldn't do anything about it at the moment. Io preferisco l'estate all'inverno. I like summer better than winter. I prefer summer in the winter. L'uomo è deceduto qualche ora fa. The man passed away a few hours ago. The man died a few hours ago. La gata está bajo la silla. The cat is under the chair. The cat's under the chair. Desafortunadamente, no puedo hacer eso por ti. Unfortunately, I can't do that for you. Unfortunately, I can't do that for you. Lei aveva un contratto di lavoro. She had a work contract. She had a job contract. Per favore, raccogli un po' di sterpi. Please gather some brushwood. Please, pick up some strains. Kimint ça vs va? What's up? How are you? Lo tòm qu'a copat la hinèstra. Tom broke the window. The man who cut the hysteria. Você escreveu para Tom, não é? You've written to Tom, haven't you? You wrote to Tom, didn't you? Tom cercava la sua penna. Tom looked for his pen. Tom was looking for his pen. Crezi c-ar trebui să merg singur? Do you think I should go alone? You think I should go alone? Sí, ¿cuánto cuestan? Yes, how much do they cost? Yeah, how much are they? Tom aún debe terminar de pintar la cerca. Tom still has to finish painting the fence. Tom must still finish painting the search. Sami tenía un terrible dolor abdominal. Sami had terrible abdominal pain. Sami had a terrible abdominal pain. L'ho già detto che non so la risposta. I've already said I don't know the answer. I already said I don't know the answer. Plus d'un étudiant étudie le français dans notre classe. More than one student studies French in our class. More than one student studies French in our class. Isto não é francês. This isn't French. This isn't French. El padre y el hijo van a ser juzgados por homicidio calificado. The father and the son will be tried for homicide. The father and the son are going to be tried for qualified murder. Sé Bondyé ki ka bay lavi. It is God who gives life. Happiness is life - giving. Sí, una mica. Yes, a little. Yeah, a little bit. Il avait besoin de se reposer. He needed to rest. He needed to rest. Ne pouvez-vous pas y appliquer une petite remise ? Can't you discount it a little? Can't you apply a small discount? Me plaze ambezar linguas. I like learning languages. I like to set up languages. Vous avez l'air satisfait. You look satisfied. You look happy. Il est probable que je suis juste paranoïaque. I'm probably just paranoid. I'm probably just paranoid. Ele parecia ter sido muito feliz. He seemed to have been very happy. He seemed to have been very happy. Je dois m'occuper de mes enfants. I need to take care of my kids. I have to take care of my children. Passeggi quando possibile. Walk when possible. Walk as soon as possible. Conheci belas polonesas na universidade no Brasil, e também encontrei lá algumas pessoas muito amigáveis que falavam polonês. I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish. I met beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met some very friendly people who spoke Polish. Où sont toutes les autres ? Where's everybody else? Where are all the others? Aquera poma n'ei pas bona. This apple is bad. This apple is not good. La farò domani. I will do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. Posibles efectos secundarios incluyen visión borrosa y dificultad respiratoria. Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. Possible side effects include blurred vision and respiratory difficulty. Saya sepenuhnya setuju. I agree totally. I agree completely. Não nos importamos com dinheiro. We don't care about the money. We don't care about money. A noiva riu de repente. The bride suddenly laughed. The bride laughed all of a sudden. ¿Sois inglesas? Are you English? Are you English? Je sais à quel point tu aimes Tom. I know how much you love Tom. I know how much you like Tom. Togliti di dosso! Get off my back! Get off me! A-t-il des enfants ? Has he any children? Do you have any children? Angkat tanganmu. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. Je pensais que vous étiez intelligentes. I thought you were smart. I thought you were smart. Él va allí cada día. He goes there every day. He goes there every day. Ang ko sedang bagarah ato serius katiko mangecek an ko? Are you joking or are you serious when you say this? The angel is barking a serious act when he eats it? No, gràcies. No, thank you. No, thank you. Ella me agrada. I like her. I like her. Tom chiamò durante la tua assenza. Tom called during your absence. Tom called during your absence. A l'é 'l mej porté 'n caplin an testa ant ij frèid invern ëd Mosca. It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters. At it the mej carried 'n caplin an test between ij franid invernëd Moscow. Muitas árvores foram derrubadas. A lot of trees were cut down. Many trees have been demolished. Venho me sentindo muito solitário nesses dias. I feel very lonely these days. I come feeling very lonely these days. Sus padres lo odian. His parents hate him. His parents hate him. Kamu itu masih muda. You're still young. You're young. Le seul moment où les imprimantes ne fonctionnent pas c'est lorsque vous en avez besoin. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time printers don't work is when you need them. Si te levantas temprano te sentirás mucho mejor. If you get up early, you will feel so much the better. If you get up early, you'll feel a lot better. Tomás no vino, ¿verdad? Tom didn't come, did he? Tomás didn't come, did he? ¿Y nadie te ayudó? And nobody helped you? And no one helped you? Sam nu are rezistența necesară pentru a termina un maraton. Sam doesn't have the stamina to finish a marathon. Sam doesn't have the strength to finish a marathon. Tu crois tout ce que Tom te dit ? Do you believe everything Tom tells you? Do you believe everything Tom tells you? Me volví rico. I became rich. I got rich. Je suis allé à la boulangerie. I went to the baker's. I went to the bakery. Lo siento, películas para su cámara no tenemos. I'm sorry, we don't have films for your camera. Sorry, movies for your camera we don't have. Le entregué la carta a escondidas. I slipped the letter to him. I delivered the letter to him in hiding. Sbrigati e vai a letto. Hurry up and go to bed. Hurry up and go to bed. La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss causes me a deep sorrow; the second was simply a German. "Bukankah Anda Tn. Ogawa?" "Ya. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" "Are you not Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes. Can I help you?" Tom ha lanciato il libro nel fuoco. Tom threw the book into the fire. Tom threw the book into the fire. Es benvido. You are kind to come. You're welcome. Il n'y a rien d'aussi relaxant que de s'allonger dans un bain chaud. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. There's nothing as relaxing as staying in a hot bath. Eu não estou, absolutamente, interessado em física. I'm not interested in physics at all. I'm absolutely not interested in physics. Penses-tu que Tom a envie de manger, maintenant ? Do you think Tom wants to eat now? Do you think Tom wants to eat now? Te rog nu-l ajuta pe Tom. Please don't help Tom. Please don't help Tom. Ai mai dori altceva? Would you like anything else? Would you like something else? Soyez hardis ! Be bold! Be hard! Ti dovremmo lasciare da solo. We should leave you alone. We should leave you alone. Queira passar-me a cola e a tesoura que estão nessa caixa, por favor. Hand me the glue and the scissors in that box, please. You want to pass me the glue and the scissors that are in that box, please. Quelque chose m'est apparu. Something's dawned on me. Something happened to me. Dedaunan di taman sudah mulai berubah warna. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves in the park are starting to change colors. J'aimerais faire un petit somme. I'd like to get a little shut eye. I'd like to make a little money. Apa yang paling bagus dari dorang ni: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, ka Windows 10? Which one is better: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8 or Windows 10? What's the best of this guy's: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, for Windows 10? Lo son roman navèth vau la pena d'estar lejut. His new novel is worth reading. The roman naveth is worth being read. Eu encontrei o livro que estava procurando. I found the book that I was looking for. I found the book I was looking for. Nós estamos exaustos. We're exhausted. We're exhausted. Io spero che Tom e Mary si sbaglino. I hope Tom and Mary are mistaken. I hope Tom and Mary break up. Chiedete a Tom dov'è. Ask Tom where he is. Ask Tom where he is. Botol ini memuat satu liter. This bottle holds one liter. This bottle contains one liter. De ce a trebuit să fiu aici? Why did I have to be here? Why did I have to be here? Tom și Mary au spus că încă le este frică. Tom and Mary said they're still afraid. Tom and Mary said they're still afraid. Je n'avais pas préparé d'exposé. Je l'ai donc fait à l'esbroufe. I didn't prepare a presentation. So I just blagged it. I didn't prepare a presentation, so I did it in the first place. Tinc dos nebots. I have two nephews. I have two nephews. Ils ne virent que peu d'intérêt à des syndicats. They saw little need for labor unions. They only see little interest in trade unions. Le figlie della mia morosa si sono iscritte a Facebook. My girlfriend's daughters have joined Facebook. My stepdaughter's daughters signed up for Facebook. Non capisco la politica. I don't understand politics. I don't understand politics. Am de două ori mai multe cărți decât el. I have twice as many books as he. I have twice as many books as he does. Posso prendere in prestito 30 dollari? Can I borrow $30? Can I borrow $30? O flacără puternică se naște dintr-o mică scânteie. A powerful flame arises from a tiny spark. A strong flame is born from a small spark. Se dice a menudo que las mujeres viven más tiempo que los hombres. It's often said that women live longer than men. Women are often said to live longer than men. I gatti non mangiano le banane. Cats don't eat bananas. Cats don't eat bananas. Les villes côtières feront les frais de la tempête. Coastal cities will take the brunt of the storm. Coastal cities will cost the storm. Tetangga sebelah melihat ke luar jendela saat Tom berteriak. The next-door neighbor looked out the window when Tom yelled. The next neighbor looked out of the window when Tom screamed. Elle se fit toute belle pour son grand rendez-vous. She got all dolled up for her big date. She made herself beautiful for her big appointment. A América está mais dividida que nunca. America is more divided than ever. America is more divided than ever. Io non canto da un po'. I haven't sung in a while. I haven't been singing for a while. Eu amo a França! I love France. I love France! Dia menikahi seorang gadis pilihannya. He married a girl of his own choice. She married a girl of her choice. Aqueth líber qu'ei mei petit. This book is smaller. It's half a pound. Saresti dovuta restare con lei. You should've stayed with her. You should have stayed with her. Tu t'habitueras vite à parler en public. You will soon get used to speaking in public. You'll get used to talking in public. O pai de Tom nunca voltava para casa antes das nove ou dez. Tom's father never came back home before nine or ten. Tom's father never came home before 9:00. Tom est allé à Boston avec Mary. Tom went with Mary to Boston. Tom went to Boston with Mary. Não acredito em mais nada. I don't believe in anything else. I don't believe in anything else. Vedo la vostra penna. I see your pen. I see your pen. Non osi parlare con la mia ragazza. Don't dare to talk to my girlfriend. Don't you dare talk to my girlfriend. La jent se cruzia n muie de plu dla ebicait dò sies mort che dla ebicait inant che nascessa. Ma ela é la medema cantità dl zenza fin che slèria fora per duc i versc dal pont olache stescion. People worry a lot more about the eternity after their deaths than the eternity that happened before they were born. But it’s the same amount of infinity, rolling out in all directions from where we stand. The jent was crossed by a lot of pluto de la dicado do sees morte che da la dicita inant que nasce. But it is the same amount of the zença until the sleria out by duke i versc da bridge olache stescion. Harga yang murah membuatku membeli barang-barang yang tidak aku perlukan. The cheap prices tempted me to buy things I didn't need. Cheap price makes me buy things I don't need. C'è buio qui dentro. It's dark in here. There's dark in here. Lei mi seguì in cucina e prese un coltello. Iniziò poi a tagliare le verdure. She followed me into the kitchen and picked up a knife. She then started cutting vegetables. She followed me in the kitchen and took a knife. Then she began to cut the vegetables. Ci dovremmo sbrigare. We should hurry. We should hurry. Unde e mașina mea? Where is my car? Where's my car? Ese presidente escribió sus memorias. This president has written his memoirs. That president wrote his memoirs. Odio las citas. Dime lo que sabes. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. I hate dating, tell me what you know. Abbiamo imparato che la terra gira attorno al sole. We learned that the earth goes around the sun. We learned that the earth revolves around the sun. Él sabe cómo hacer enojar a su hermana. He knows how to anger his sister. He knows how to make his sister angry. Dovresti analizzare il fatto da un punto di vista medico. You should investigate the fact from a medical viewpoint. You should analyze the matter from a medical point of view. Yo no escribí esta frase. I didn't write this sentence. I didn't write this sentence. Cela n'est pas très logique à mes yeux, mais Tom a décidé de ne pas aller à l'université. It doesn't make much sense to me, but Tom has decided not to go to college. That's not very logical in my eyes, but Tom decided not to go to college. Yo también debo comer. I have to eat, too. I must eat, too. Voi due siete delle musiciste? Are you two musicians? Are you two musicians? Tom e Mary sono inesperti. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Prova a pensarci. Try to think about it. Try to think about it. Meg sedang menyiapkan sarapan. Meg is preparing breakfast. Meg's preparing breakfast. Penjenayah itu rasa tegang The criminal is nervous. The criminal is tense. Aussitôt qu'il m'a vu, il s'est enfui. No sooner had he seen me than he ran away. As soon as he saw me, he ran away. Apresentaremos nossa ideia ao comitê. We will present our idea to the committee. We'll present our idea to the committee. Eu queria ser o patrão. I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be the boss. Pero el granjero le sonrió. But the farmer smiled at him. But the farmer smiled at him. Traverse le pont. Cross the bridge. Cross the bridge. Ne me tentez pas ! Do not tempt me. Don't try me! No hay nada más aterrador que la muerte. There is nothing scarier than death. There's nothing more terrifying than death. Eu a dei a ela. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Hay una cabaña cruzando el puente. There is a cottage beyond the bridge. There's a cabin across the bridge. Tom não sabe muito sobre a Indonésia. Tom doesn't know much about Indonesia. Tom doesn't know much about Indonesia. Não é legal impor nossos ideais aos outros. It's not good to force our ideas on others. It's not legal to impose our ideals on others. La statua è stata danneggiata. The statue was damaged. The statue has been damaged. Tom diu que ell mai ha intentat menjar menjar de gos. Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food. Tom says he's never tried to eat dog food. Dia menyumbang uang dalam jumlah yang besar untuk membantu orang miskin. He contributed much money to relieving the poor. He donated a large amount of money to help the poor. Semasa saya sedang membaca, saya tertidur. While I was reading, I fell asleep. As I was reading it, I fell asleep. Il mio lavoro mi piace davvero. I really love my work. I really like my job. Tu non sei il marito di Mary? Aren't you Mary's husband? You're not Mary's husband? Unrum. Yep. Unrum. Tinc una cosa a dir-te. I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you. Ci ha sentiti cantare. He heard us sing. He heard us sing. Tom não é muito forte. Tom isn't very strong. Tom's not very strong. Qué lástima que murió tan joven. It is a pity that he died so young. Too bad he died so young. À quelle heure commence cette représentation ? What time does that play start? What time does this representation begin? Me gustaría escribir cientos de frases en Tatoeba, pero tengo otras cosas que hacer. I'd like to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. I'd like to write hundreds of phrases in Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. C'era una volta un gatto il cui nome era Tango. There was once a cat whose name was Tango. There was once a cat whose name was Tango. Quantos anos tem esse castelo? How old is this castle? How old is that castle? Smith vem pesquisando há anos sobre os efeitos do sono e dormir menos causa perda de memória e de rendimento nos estudos. Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning. Smith has been researching for years on the effects of sleep and sleep less causes loss of memory and performance in studies. Kau agresif. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Il réclama une bière. He asked for a beer. He's asking for a beer. Ambos rieron. The two chuckled. They both laughed. C'est difficile de prouver l'existence des fantômes. It is difficult to prove that ghosts exist. It's hard to prove the existence of ghosts. Molti musei sono chiusi al lunedì. Many museums are closed on Mondays. Many museums are closed on Monday. Tom prometeu não contar. Tom promised not to tell. Tom promised not to tell. Mi papá me animó a aprender el piano. My father encouraged me to study the piano. My dad encouraged me to learn the piano. Tom ha aspettato con Mary. Tom waited with Mary. Tom waited with Mary. Fă-o! Do it! Do it! J'aurais dû simplement me taire. I should've just shut up. I should have just shut up. Va ser una denúncia anònima la que va permetre a la policia arribar als terroristes. It was an anonymous tip-off that allowed the police to catch the terrorists. It was an anonymous complaint that allowed the police to reach the terrorists. Quanto tempo vi serve per imparare il tedesco? How long do you need to learn German? How long do you need to learn German? Pensei que vós gostásseis de aprender coisas novas. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you guys liked to learn new things. ¿Por qué me estás imitando? Why are you imitating me? Why are you imitating me? La niña salió herida de gravedad en el accidente de tránsito. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was seriously injured in the traffic accident. Declará-la guerra despóis dun ataque sorpresa é de supoñer, pero matar a máis de dez mil non combatentes cunha bomba e algo nunca visto. Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of. To declare war after a surprise attack is to suppose, but to kill over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb and something never seen. La cantine est sous-utilisée mais toujours sale et négligée. The canteen is underused, but always dirty and neglected. The canteen is underused but always dirty and neglected. Eu preciso pagar esta conta até amanhã. I need to pay this bill by tomorrow. I'll have to pay this bill by tomorrow. Tom e Mary sono feriti? Are Tom and Mary injured? Are Tom and Mary hurt? ¿Has encontrado tus lentes de contacto? Did you find your contact lenses? Did you find your contact lenses? I 'ndoma al mercà, an savend che Tom a l'é là. We go to the market, knowing that Tom is there. I don't care about mercan, I know Tom's there. Je te souhaite la meilleure des chances. Best of luck to you. I wish you the best of luck. O meu pai consegue falar bem inglês. My father can speak English well. My father can speak well English. Maria foi a primeira mulher de Tom. Mary was Tom's first wife. Mary was Tom's first wife. Eu não joguei muito bem hoje. I didn't play very well today. I didn't play very well today. Tom essere molto più alto di Mary. Tom seems to be much taller than Mary. Tom was a lot taller than Mary. Llegíem. We were reading. We read. Negli ultimi anni, la scienza ha fatto dei progressi notevoli. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. In recent years, science has made considerable progress. Ele sabe como fabricar um rádio. He knows how to make a radio. He knows how to make a radio. Fu costretto a tornare indietro a causa del maltempo. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. Es una situación fea. It's an ugly situation. It's a bad situation. Tem um gato debaixo da mesa? Is there a cat under the table? Do you have a cat under the table? Tatăl meu merge la muncă cu bicicleta. My father goes to work by bike. My dad's going to work on a bicycle. Sapete cosa abbiamo fatto? Do you know what we did? You know what we did? Mes amies me manquent. I miss my friends. I miss my girlfriends. Durante el primer mes después del accidente ella sólo podía tomar líquidos con pajita. For the first month after the accident she could only drink liquids through a straw. During the first month after the accident she could only take liquids with pajamas. Tolong panggilkan taksi. Please call a taxi. Get a cab, please. Solte o Tom. Release Tom. Let go of Tom. Fue un milagro. It was a miracle. It was a miracle. Quello era Tom. That was Tom. That was Tom. Qui ve amb mi? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Tom não está rindo. Tom isn't laughing. Tom's not laughing. Miriam es antisemita. Mary is antisemitic. Miriam is anti-Semitic. Avete visto il nuovo film? Have you seen the new movie? Did you see the new movie? Tom gostaria de ter dinheiro suficiente para se aposentar. Tom wished that he had enough money to retire. Tom would like to have enough money to retire. Il a ouvert la porte. He opened the door. He opened the door. Eu sunt șomer. I am out of work. I'm unemployed. Você tem um bom emprego. You have a good job. You have a good job. O Japão não é rico em recursos naturais. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Vă rog să nu vorbiți atât de repede. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Am auzit ce s-a întâmplat la școală. I heard what happened at school. I heard what happened at school. Me fas falta! I miss you! You need me! Grazie per essere rimasto con Tom. Thanks for staying with Tom. Thank you for staying with Tom. Os meus pais disuadíronme de viaxar. My parents discouraged me from traveling. My parents prevented me from travelling. Non sei stanco adesso? Aren't you tired now? Aren't you tired now? Os pais de Mary desaprobaron a súa decisión de tatuarse. Mary's parents disapproved of her decision to get tattooed. Mary's parents disapproved of her decision to get tattooed. Tom si rilassò. Tom relaxed. Tom relaxed. La chica estaba siempre siguiendo a su madre. The girl was always following her mother. The girl was always following her mother. Tom me disse que o livro era interessante. Tom told me the book was interesting. Tom told me the book was interesting. Ella se presentó a la reunión por petición del presidente. She attended the meeting at the request of the chairman. She introduced herself to the meeting at the request of the President. Dulu dia pergi ke bioskop pada hari Minggu. She used to go to the movies on Sundays. He used to go to the movies on Sunday. Por favor, hágalo. Please do that. Please do it. Quan comença ? When does it begin? When does it start? Apa? What? What? Nous avons été surpris par son comportement. We were surprised by his behavior. We were surprised by his behavior. Tom va faire du jogging dans le parc tous les matins. Tom goes jogging in the park every morning. Tom's gonna jogg in the park every morning. Cred că ea știe de noi. I think she knows about us. I think she knows about us. J'ai acheté une nouvelle planche à découper. I bought a new cutting board. I bought a new cutting board. Vi chiamerò dopo pranzo. I'll call you after lunch. I'll call you after lunch. O să stau aici pentru câteva zile. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Aprovizionarea cu apă a eşuat. The water supply has failed. Water supply failed. Il tuo albergo ha un nome? Does your hotel have a name? Does your hotel have a name? Tom a l'ha mangià. Tom ate. Tom ate it. Tom realmente acreditava naquilo. Tom actually believed that. Tom really believed in that. Noi ci siamo divertite. We enjoyed ourselves. We had fun. Catturammo il ladro. We caught the thief. We caught the thief. Il est une personne différente. He's a different person. He's a different person. J'ai l'intention de le faire. I intend to do so. I intend to. Stiamo andando a guardare un'opera. We're going to watch a play. We're going to watch a play. No sé cómo expresar mi gratitud. I don't know how to express my gratitude. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Mon père ne gaspille pas son temps. My father doesn't waste his time. My father doesn't waste his time. Faloulle a ela do seu plan. He told her about his plan. He talked to her about his plan. Eu tenho 18 anos. I am 18 years old. I'm 18. La destinazione è Blackpool. The destination is Blackpool. The destination is Blackpool. Io ho poco più di 5 dollari. I have little more than 5 dollars. I have little more than $5. Eu nunca saio. I never go out. I never go out. Sei por que o Tom está surpreso. I know why Tom is surprised. I know why Tom is surprised. C'était presque impossible. It used to be nearly impossible. It was almost impossible. Para mim, elas são todas parecidas. They all look the same to me. To me, they're all alike. Io non credo a una parola di quello che dite. I don't believe a word you say. I don't believe a word of what you're saying. L'homme qui aime normalement sous le soleil, adore frénétiquement sous la lune. The man who normally loves under the sun frantically worships under the moon. The man who normally loves under the sun, worships freneticly under the moon. Saya tidak bodoh. I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid. Nessuno vuole aiutarla. Nobody wants to help her. No one wants to help you. Venga verso di me. Come to me. Come to me. Nous n'avons rien à boire. We have nothing to drink. We have nothing to drink. Je pense que le temps résoudra le problème. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve the problem. Convidei meus amigos. I invited my friends. I invited my friends. Ella es demasiado joven para saber la verdad. She is too young to know the truth. She's too young to know the truth. Eu não estou errado. I'm not mistaken. I'm not wrong. Está orgullosa de su talento. She prides herself on her talent. She's proud of her talent. Nu pot să beau alcool. I can't drink alcohol. I can't drink alcohol. Abbassa un po' il volume della TV. Sto provando a dormire. Turn down the TV a little. I'm trying to go to sleep. Put the TV down a little bit, I'm trying to sleep. Elige entre estos dos. Choose between these two. Choose between these two. Mi piace il tuo dipinto. I like your painting. I like your painting. Non fissi. Don't stare. Don't fix it. Preferisce il vino rosso o il vino bianco? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Do you prefer red wine or white wine? Lejos de terminar, la tormenta se volvió mucho más intensa. Far from stopping, the storm became much more intense. Far from ending, the storm became much more intense. Prosedurnya harus dijalankan secara tepat dan menyeluruh. The procedure must be executed correctly and completely. The procedure must be carried out properly and thoroughly. Tom estava gritando com Maria. Tom was yelling at Mary. Tom was yelling at Maria. Acho que há uma boa possibilidade disso acontecer. I think there's a good possibility that that will happen. I think there's a good chance that could happen. Ella nunca me dijo que tenía un gato. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Le nuvole stanno volando nel cielo. Clouds are flying across the sky. The clouds are flying in the sky. Com o lançamento do Skype, estudar idioma se tornou mais fácil. With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier. With the launch of Skype, studying language became easier. Estaba de vacaciones. I was on leave. I was on vacation. Les portes étaient fermées de l'extérieur. The doors were locked from the outside. The doors were closed from the outside. Non, non et non ! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no and no! Mwen renmen'w. I love you. I like you. "Tom suka pada Mary." "Aku pikir itu sudah jelas bagi semuanya." "Tom likes Mary." "I think that's obvious to everyone." "Tom likes Mary." "I think it's clear to everyone." Io voglio qualcosa di buono da mangiare. I want something good to eat. I want something good to eat. Tolong jangan permainkan saya. Please don't make fun of me. Please don't play me. Notre catalogue peut vous être envoyé sur demande. Our catalog will be sent on demand. Our catalogue can be sent to you on request. Todos sabemos que él tenía razón al fin y al cabo. We all know he was right after all. We all know he was right at the end and at the end. Abbiamo caldo. We're hot. We're hot. No sé si hará buen tiempo mañana, pero si hay buen tiempo vamos de picnic. I don't know if it will be fine tomorrow, but if it is fine we'll go on a picnic. I don't know if it'll make good time tomorrow, but if there's good weather we're going to picnic. On a eu l'accord de Sami. We had Sami's agreement. We had Sami's deal. El promedio de 7,10 y 16 es 11. The average of 7, 10, and 16 is 11. The average of 7.10 and 16 is 11. Diligência é essencial para o sucesso na vida. Diligence is essential to success in life. Diligence is essential to success in life. Posso dire loro il perché? Can I tell them why? Can I tell them why? Stia vicina a Tom. Stay close to Tom. Stay close to Tom. Eu vou consertar isso eu mesmo. I'm going to fix it myself. I'll fix that myself. ¿Eres idiota? Are you fucking stupid? Are you an idiot? Ni siquiera sé dónde está Tom ahora. I don't even know where Tom is now. I don't even know where Tom is now. Le dispiacerebbe dire dove ha preso questo? Would you mind telling where you got this? Would you mind telling me where you got this? La lumière du soleil traversait les épaisses feuilles des arbres. The sunshine penetrated the thick leaves of the trees. The light of the sun crossed the thick leaves of the trees. Iubitul meu este jurnalist. My boyfriend is a journalist. My boyfriend is a journalist. Elle ignore les choses scientifiques les plus simples. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. It ignores the simplest scientific things. Nós nos encontramos em uma hora. We'll meet in an hour. We'll meet in an hour. Qu'ei un can. This is a dog. There's a dog. Vidi il video. I saw the video. I saw the video. Aku tidak bisa melihat film ini. Aku tidak suka. I cannot watch this film. I don't like it. I can't see this movie, I don't like it. Je suis certain que Mary comprendra. I'm sure Mary will understand. I'm sure Mary will understand. Lo ammetto. I admit it. I admit it. Je suis content d'être ici. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad I'm here. Niente è più facile che parlare. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. Es hora de irte a la cama. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Saya sedih. I'm sad. I'm sad. Saya tidak fikir bahawa Tom berasa malu. I don't think that Tom was embarrassed. I didn’t think that Tom was ashamed. A ver. Son como unas dos horas en bus. Let me see. It takes about two hours by bus. I'm about two hours by bus. Vous voulez vraiment le faire, non ? You really want to do this, don't you? You really want to do it, don't you? J'adore faire des desserts. I love making desserts. I love to do dessert. Accidentalmente la vi desnuda. I accidentally saw her naked. Accidentally, I saw her naked. Mi ta yama bo mañan. I'll call you tomorrow. I call you tomorrow. Et ton bruit, est-il gaussien ? And is your noise Gaussian? And your noise, is he a Gaussian? Quina foto més bonica! Pareix una pintura. What a beautiful photo! It seems like a painting. It looks like a painting. Non lo vedo da domenica scorsa. I haven't seen him since last Sunday. I haven't seen him since last Sunday. Mary dice que nunca ha visto un oso panda. Mary says she's never seen a panda. Mary says she's never seen a panda bear. Ken tiene un perro blanco. Ken has a white dog. Ken has a white dog. Pourquoi as-tu menti ? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Eu ajudo o Tom quase todos os dias. I help Tom almost every day. I help Tom almost every day. Estou melhor que ele. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Câinele lui Tom a lăsat urme de noroi pe noul lui covor. Tom's dog left muddy paw prints all over his new carpet. Tom's dog left traces of mud on his new carpet. Le sue condizioni di salute mi preoccupano. His health situation worries me. I'm worried about your health. Bienvenido a Japón. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. E como é verdade! How true it is! And how true! Ai putea să mă înveți limba ta? Could you teach me your language? Could you please kiss me your tongue? O Tom e a Mary estavam sozinhos no elevador. Tom and Mary were alone in the elevator. Tom and Mary were alone in the elevator. Pedi a Ken que me ajudasse. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help me. Eu sei que você está ouvindo. I know you're listening. I know you're listening. Quiero que te eches y te relajes. I want you to lay back and relax. I want you to go out and relax. Un alto grado de especialización es requerido en esta compañía. A high degree of specialization is required in that company. A high degree of specialization is required in this company. Mohon tunggu sebentar. Please wait a minute. Please wait a minute. Je viens de me couper le doigt. I just cut my finger. I just cut my finger off. La espalda me está matando. My back is killing me. My back is killing me. Ô Roméo Roméo, pourquoi es-tu Roméo ? O Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? O Roméo Roméo, why are you Roméo? Chi l'ha trovata? Who found her? Who found it? Non lasciarmi da sola! Don't leave me alone! Don't leave me alone! Jagalah kebersihan kelasmu. Keep your classroom clean. Keep your class clean. Si accorse che i genitori la stavano tenendo d'occhio. She became aware that her parents were watching her. It turns out the parents were keeping an eye on her. En Tom parla italià perfectament. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Él cumplió su ambición de navegar por el mundo. He realized his ambition to sail around the world. He fulfilled his ambition to navigate the world. Ceci est la maison où je suis né. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Io amo aver ragione. I love being right. I love being right. Todos os crescidos foram uma vez crianças. All grown-ups were once children. All the grown up were once children. No me hagas enojar. Don't make me angry. Don't make me angry. Perché sto imparando il francese? Why am I learning French? Why am I learning French? Eu vou fazer isso de novo se o Tom quiser. I'll do that again if Tom wants me to. I'll do it again if Tom wants to. Tom sedang memotong rumput di halaman depannya. Tom is mowing his front lawn. Tom was cutting the grass on his front page. O Tom gosta de camisas azuis. Tom likes blue shirts. Tom likes blue shirts. Je prends plaisir à travailler. I enjoy working. I'm happy to work. Non avevamo niente di cui parlare. We had nothing to talk about. We had nothing to talk about. Bien qu'elle vive à proximité, je la vois rarement. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. A Tom lo tiene sin cuidado lo que se piensa de él. Tom doesn't care what people think about him. Tom doesn't care what he thinks of him. De mica en mica creix el nostre coneixement de l'anglès. Little by little our knowledge of English increases. Little by little, our knowledge of English grows. Ele se adaptou extremamente bem. He has adapted extremely well. He adapted extremely well. Ne t'inquiète pas ! Même si je bois, ça n'affecte pas ma capacité à conduire. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Don't worry, even if I'm drinking, it doesn't affect my ability to drive. Kenapa kau tidak berkata sepatah katapun? Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you say a word? Saya satu-satunya orang yang tidak tahu Tom telah dipenjara. I was the only one who didn't know Tom had been in prison. I'm the only person who didn't know Tom had been imprisoned. Eu não vi nenhuma criança. I didn't see any children. I didn't see any kids. Esto le pertenece a mi hermano. It belongs to my brother. This belongs to my brother. Ha il senso dell'umorismo. He has a sense of humor. It has a sense of humor. Cât de adânc este lacul? How deep is the lake? How deep is the lake? Devo parlare con lui ora. I need to talk to him now. I need to talk to him now. Il ne peut le lire. He can't read it. He can't read it. Reculez ! Stand back! Get back! Não falo castelhano. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Castilian. È proibito fumare sul lavoro. Smoking on duty is not allowed. Smoking is prohibited at work. Es una habitación bastante capaz para biblioteca. It's a room large enough for a library. It's a room quite capable for library. Você consegue consertá-lo? Can you get it repaired? Can you fix it? Quiero viajar algún día al exterior. I want to go abroad someday. I want to travel abroad someday. Sê criativo. Be creative. Be creative. Les pièces sont en métal. The coins are made of metal. The parts are metal. Por que Tom não terminou? Why didn't Tom finish? Why isn't Tom over? Quel couillon ! What a dope! What a dick! Eu acredito em ti. I believe in you. I believe in you. Gana 300.000 yenes al mes. He earns 300,000 yen a month. He earns 300,000 yen a month. C'était une très grande pièce. It was a very big room. It was a very big piece. Me hace falta hilo para coser este botón. I need thread to sew on this button. I need wire to sew this button. Mary itu bukan pacarku. Mary isn't my girlfriend. Mary's not my girlfriend. Tom dijo que quería mudarse a Boston porque era donde vivía Mary. Tom said that he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lives. Tom said he wanted to move to Boston because it was where Mary lived. Da quanti crediti è questo corso? How many credits is this course? How many credits is this course from? Qu'ei çò qu'èi besonh. This is what I need. Which is what I need. Apa kalian punya bir ringan? Do you have a light beer? Do you have a light beer? ¿Qué caso tiene preocuparse? What is the use of worrying? What case do you have to worry about? Hi havia deu ous en total. There were ten eggs in all. There were ten eggs in total. Torna a lavorare. Go back to work. Get back to work. Veniu quan vulgueu. Come whenever you like. Come as soon as you like. Ngana tau bahasa Prancis, io to? You speak French, right? You don't speak French, do you? Avem noi nevoie de mai multă inflație? Do we need more inflation? Do we need more inflation? Siamo andati al museo. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. El calor me está matando. The heat is killing me. The heat is killing me. O ponto não é este. That's not the point. That's not the point. Non chiedere cosa pensano. Chiedi cosa fanno. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. Don't ask what they think. O Tom não sabe porque eu estou aqui. Tom doesn't know why I'm here. Tom doesn't know why I'm here. Dia terhilang beg tanganya. She lost her handbag. He's lost his handbag. Non mi potete sconfiggere. You can't defeat me. You can't defeat me. Cosa ti fa pensare che lei è il mio tipo? What makes you think she's my type? What makes you think she's my guy? Io ero pietrificato. I was petrified. I was petrified. Si sta soltanto prendendo del tempo. He's just buying time. He's just taking time. Je suis ! I am! I am! Gli ho detto di andare a casa. I told him to go home. I told him to go home. Se ve que a Tom le gusta estar en exteriores. Tom seems to enjoy being outdoors. It turns out Tom likes to be outdoors. Cosa sa sulla Germania? What do you know about Germany? What do you know about Germany? Esto es estupendo. This is great. This is great. La ville est devenue populaire grâce au parc d'attractions construit l'an dernier. Thanks to the amusement park built last year, the city has become popular. The city became popular thanks to the amusement park built last year. I protestanti non venerano i santi. Protestants don't venerate saints. Protestants don't worship saints. Dans lequel de ces verres as-tu bu ? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Which one of those glasses did you drink? Não esqueça de assinar o cheque. Don't forget to sign the check. Don't forget to sign the check. Il est absent en congés. He's away on vacation. He's absent on leave. No te puedo parar. I can't stop you. I can't stop you. Es la primera vez que ceno fuera. This is the first time I've ever had dinner out. It's the first time I've had dinner. Io ero giovane e ingenua all'epoca. I was young and naive back then. I was young and naive at the time. Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al sol. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Él despilfarró su herencia en copete y mujeres fáciles. He pissed away his inheritance on booze and loose women. He squandered his inheritance on top and easy women. Tom a probablement juste peur. Tom is probably just scared. Tom's probably just scared. È più veloce di lei, vero? He's faster than you are, isn't he? It's faster than you are, isn't it? Bisakah kau memperkenalkan dirimu sedikit? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Can you introduce yourself a little? É difícil para os nosos ingresos manterse coa inflacción. It's difficult for our income to keep up with inflation. It's hard for our income to keep with inflation. Tom è stato sepolto vivo. Tom was buried alive. Tom was buried alive. Logo que saí da loja, dei com o meu professor. I had no sooner left the shop than I met my teacher. As soon as I left the store, I gave it to my teacher. De qué servís aquera clau ? What's this key for? What kind of service is that? Combien mesures-tu et combien pèses-tu ? How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? How much do you measure and how much do you weigh? Allons-nous toutes mourir ? Are we all going to die? Are we all going to die? Est-ce qu'on peut éteindre la télé ? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Ils vont très certainement me manquer. I will surely miss them. I'm sure they'll miss me. Som el que fem. We are what we do. We're what we do. Por alguna razón, me siento más vivo por la noche. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. Nunca arrumo a cama. I never make my bed. I never get to bed. ¿Te gusta esa canción? Do you like that song? Do you like that song? Aku pikir kau perlu bertemu dengan Tom. I thought you might want to see Tom. I think you need to meet Tom. La llave a un problema a menudo está en la puerta del vecino. The key to a situation often is in the neighbor's door. The key to a problem is often at the neighbor's door. Sami stava drogando Layla. Sami was drugging Layla. Sami was drugging Layla. Êtes-vous toujours effrayées ? Are you still scared? Are you still scared? « Comment te sens-tu ? » « Je ne me plains pas. » "How do you feel?" "No complaints." "How do you feel?" "I don't complain." L'export d'armes était interdit. Arms export was prohibited. The export of arms was prohibited. Îmi place să cânt. I like singing. I love singing. Io voglio qualcosa di buono da mangiare. I want something nice to eat. I want something good to eat. O bezerro deve ser separado da mãe dele. The calf should be separated from its mother. The calf must be separated from his mother. Demandez à n'importe qui. Ask anyone. Ask anybody. Iarna asta este caldă. This winter is warm. This winter is hot. Ar fi bine să crezi. You'd better believe. You better believe it. A Tom se le da muy bien jugar a los videojuegos. Tom is very good at videogames. Tom is very good at playing video games. Híu! Hello! Hey! Vorrei una piantina della città. I'd like a map of the city. I'd like a map of the city. Li conoscerò. I'll meet them. I'll know them. Non sono ancora tornati. They haven't come back yet. They're not back yet. Él atrapó a un chico robando su reloj. He caught a boy stealing his watch. He caught a guy stealing his watch. Estarão aqui em dez minutos. They'll be here in ten minutes. They'll be here in ten minutes. Eu só tenho um desejo. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Ella es alta y bella. She's tall and beautiful. She's tall and beautiful. A senhora quer nos esperar na estação? Will you wait for us at the station? You want to wait for us at the station? Presta atención a su consejo. Pay attention to his advice. Pay attention to your advice. Déjame dormir. Just let me sleep. Let me sleep. Apa kabar? How are you? How are you? Hola, soy yo, ¡Nancy! Hello, it's me, Nancy! Hi, it's me, Nancy! Lo potresti chiedere a loro. You could ask them. You could ask them. Ellos quieren ser ciudadanos. They want to become citizens. They want to be citizens. Apprête-toi ! Prepare yourself. Get ready! Pasé la noche del domingo aprendiéndome las palabras nuevas de la lección del lunes. I spent Sunday night learning the new words from Monday's lesson. I spent Sunday night learning the new words of Monday's lesson. Siapa nama Anda? What is your name? What's your name? Non possiamo ignorarli. We can't ignore them. We can't ignore them. Les hippopotames vivent dans l'eau. Hippopotamuses live in water. The hippopotamus live in the water. Pero no los puedo entender muy bien. But I can't understand them very well. But I can't understand them very well. Sunt Tom. I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Lei mi ha comprato un bel cappotto. She bought me a nice coat. She bought me a nice coat. Quell'auto è così grande che è difficile da parcheggiare. That car's so big that parking it is difficult. That car is so big that it's hard to park. La enfermera me pondrá una inyección. The nurse will give me an injection. The nurse will give me an injection. Estoy un poco ido. I'm a little crazy. I'm a little gone. Il n'a pas pu venir à cause du mauvais temps. Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. He couldn't come because of the bad weather. Queremos cuentas separadas. We'd like separate checks. We want separate accounts. Aku perlu kertas. I need some paper. I need paper. Estabais escuchando a escondidas. You were eavesdropping. You were listening in hiding. Si una nació espera ser ignorant i lliure, espera el que mai va ser i mai ho serà. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be. If a nation hopes to be ignorant and free, what it has never been, and it will never be. Lui Tom nu-i place să fie singur. Tom doesn't like to be alone. Tom doesn't like being alone. C'est un héros. He is a hero. He's a hero. Vous feriez mieux de commencer tout de suite. You'd better start at once. You better get started right away. ¡Está viva! Se estaba ahogando, pero su padre la salvó. She's alive! She was drowning, but her father saved her. She was drowning, but her father saved her. J'étais détendue. I was relaxed. I was relaxed. Je sais que Tom n'est pas Canadien. I know Tom isn't a Canadian. I know Tom's not Canadian. ¿Cuánto vas a cobrar? How much are you going to get paid? How much are you gonna charge? Meus pais saíram da igreja. My parents came out of the church. My parents left the church. Êtes-vous certains de n'avoir rien fait ? Are you sure you didn't do anything? Are you sure you didn't do anything? Tutti andarono a casa soddisfatti. Everybody went home satisfied. Everyone went home satisfied. Tu dois parler à Tom. You need to talk to Tom. You need to talk to Tom. O coche en fronte de min é de Karam. The car that's in front of me is Karam's. The car in front of me is from Karam. Tom não encontrou o que estava procurando. Tom didn't find what he was looking for. Tom didn't find what he was looking for. Tout ça est une grosse blague. It's all a big joke. This is all a big joke. Perdoe-me, mas eu não tenho troco. Forgive me, but I have no change. Forgive me, but I don't have a change. Da, cu plăcere. Yes, with pleasure. Yeah, you're welcome. Elle enseigne des leçons de mathématiques, de physique et de biologie. She teaches lessons in math, physics, and biology. It teaches lessons in mathematics, physics and biology. Al é do a lieje n liber. He is reading a book. Al is from the liège n libre. Sami parlò con Layla. Sami talked to Layla. Sami talked to Layla. Você está com problemas se comeu aquele bolo! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! Eu tomei café da manhã às oito. I ate breakfast at eight. I had breakfast at 8:00. Maria treballava en un circ. Ella era contorsionista. Maria worked in a circus. She was a contortionist. Maria worked on a circus, she was a contortionist. Asemănarea era izbitoare. The resemblance was striking. The likeness was exhilarating. Eu tenho visto o Tom fazer aquilo várias vezes. I've seen Tom do that several times. I've seen Tom do that several times. Corta a energia! Cut the power! Cut the energy! L'arbre se coucha. The tree fell down. The tree is lying. A astronomia é a ciência dos corpos celestes. Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies. Rupa-rupanya dia ada hati dengan perempuan itu. He turned out to be in love with her. Apparently he had a heart with that woman. Mereka tinggal di blok kami. They live in our block. They live in our block. La fille lit facilement. The daughter reads easily. The girl is easy to read. Am un bun simț al mirosului. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Mary não bebe. Mary doesn't drink. Mary doesn't drink. Se lo fa, Tom si arrabbierà. If you do that, Tom will get angry. He does, Tom will be angry. Tom ne peut pas dire avec certitude quand Mary arrivera. Tom can't say for sure when Mary will arrive. Tom can't say for sure when Mary arrives. Ha bisogno di un ginocchio nuovo. He needs a new knee. He needs a new knee. ¿Dónde podemos estacionar el coche? Where can we park the car? Where can we park the car? Un certain M. Brown est passé vous voir en votre absence. A Mr. Brown came to see you when you were out. A certain Mr. Brown has come to see you in your absence. Minha irmã tem pernas longas. My sister has long legs. My sister has long legs. Tom prende delle vitamine. Tom takes vitamins. Tom's taking vitamins. Je me souviens encore de son nom. I am learning her name still, too. I still remember his name. Eu vou te ajudar. I'll assist you. I'll help you. Kroasia berada di bagian tenggara Eropa. Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is on the eastern side of Europe. Aku mempunyai beberapa buku berbahasa Prancis. I have some French books. I have some French-speaking books. Mio padre era ancora a casa quando sono partita. My father was still at home when I left. My father was still at home when I left. Non mi credi, vero? You don't believe me, do you? You don't believe me, do you? Non mwen sè Tom My name is Tom. My Sister Tom Dia sangat pintar. She is very intelligent. He's very smart. Jo tampoc entenc res. I, too, didn't understand anything. I don't understand anything either. On ne sait pas ce qui s'est mal passé. It's unclear what went wrong. We don't know what went wrong. Tom m'avait prévenu que ce serait enfumé ici. Tom warned me it would be smoky here. Tom warned me that it would smoke in here. Io e mio fratello condividevamo la stanza. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Tom cruzó el río. Tom crossed the river. Tom crossed the river. El cine es una gran distracción. Movies are a great diversion. Cinema is a great distraction. Bagaimana efeknya untukmu? How did this effect you? What's the effect on you? Penses-y, j'ai vraiment besoin d'un téléphone mobile. Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone. Think about it. I really need a mobile phone. Stavo aspettando che Sami parlasse con me. I was waiting for Sami to talk to me. I was waiting for Sami to talk to me. Aku dapat surat dari temanku di London. I got a letter from a friend of mine in London. I got a letter from my friend in London. Voi potete o non potete vincere. You may or may not win. You can or can't win. N'est-ce pas malhonnête ? Isn't that dishonest? Isn't that dishonest? Los europeos modernos son muy parecidos a los americanos. Modern Europeans and Americans are very much alike. Modern Europeans are very similar to Americans. Un second miroir est suspendu à côté de la porte. A second mirror is hanging next to the door. A second mirror is suspended next to the door. Je déteste la cravate que tu portes. I hate the tie you're wearing. I hate the tie you're wearing. Ha llovido continuamente durante tres días. It has rained for three days on end. It has rained continuously for three days. No como mucho. I don't eat a lot. Not at all. Il fait un froid glacial. It is ice cold. It's freezing cold. Não sabemos o que ele fez na festa. We do not know what she did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. La conta a l'é familjar për noi. The tale is familiar to us. The account is familiar with the boy. Estais vendo aquelas mulheres? Do you see those women? Are you seeing those women? Je ne suis plus un jeune homme. I'm not a young man anymore. I'm not a young man anymore. ¿Juegas en un equipo? Do you play in a team? Do you play on a team? Disculpi, quina hora és? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Molte persone sono pigre. A lot of people are lazy. A lot of people are lazy. Maria berkata kepada dirinya sendiri, "Aku sangat beruntung". Maria said to herself, "I am very lucky". Maria said to herself, "I'm so lucky." À l'heure du courrier électronique, je suis tellement heureux quand un ami m'envoie une vraie lettre. In the era of email, I'm so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. At the time of the e-mail, I'm so happy when a friend sends me a real letter. Por que ainda estamos vivos? Why are we still alive? Why are we still alive? Qu'èi mau de cap. I have a headache. I'm sick of my head. Voi state sprecando il mio tempo. You're wasting my time. You're wasting my time. J'ai même perdu mon téléphone cellulaire. I've lost even my cell phone! I even lost my cell phone. Je ne peux pas faire ce boulot sans vous. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. So Jack. My name is Jack. It's Jack. Aku adalah seorang laki-laki tanpa wanita I'm a man without a woman. I'm a man without a woman Que dirais-tu si je te demandais de rester ? What if I asked you to stay? What would you say if I asked you to stay? Veuillez vous montrer polie. Please be polite. Please show yourself polite. Ei, sóc en Mike. Hey, I'm Mike. Hey, it's Mike. Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio. Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school. Flávio is running the third series of Middle School. Es un hombre ocupado, así que la única forma que tienes de contactar con él es por teléfono. He's a busy man, so the only way you can contact him is by telephone. He's a busy man, so the only way you have to contact him is by phone. Eu não entendi praticamente nada. I hardly understood anything at all. I didn't understand practically anything. Ambezavamos inglez. We studied English. We were English. Vorrei il tuo permesso per utilizzarla. I'd like your permission to use it. I'd like your permission to use it. Vivre sans illusions, c'est le secret du bonheur. Living without illusions is the secret to happiness. Living without illusions is the secret to happiness. Je suis allé au jardin public ce matin. I went to a park this morning. I went to the public garden this morning. Estou feliz com minha namorada. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Nous serons toujours amis. We'll always be friends. We'll always be friends. Eu o vi com uma outra mulher. I saw him with another woman. I saw him with another woman. ¿Piensas ir en autobús a Tokio? Do you plan to go to Tokyo by bus? Are you thinking about going by bus to Tokyo? De quelles preuves disposes-tu ? What evidence do you have? What evidence do you have? Il a quitté sa famille. He has left his family. He left his family. A moins qu'une belle femme ne soit un ange, son mari est le plus malheureux des hommes. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most wretched of men. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most unhappy of men. Non riesco semplicemente a ignorarle. I can't just ignore them. I can't just ignore them. Je déteste quand mes habits sentent la clope. I hate it when my clothes smell of cigarette smoke. I hate it when my clothes feel the bell. La manière dont les choses tournent n'est-elle pas merveilleuse ? Isn't it wonderful how things work out? Isn't the way things turn wonderful? Viața e ceea ce ți se întâmplă în timp ce tu ești ocupat cu făcutul altor planuri. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. Life is what happens to you while you're busy with making other plans. Sens ça. Smell this. That's it. Sono disordinato. I'm messy. I'm messy. Sejauh yang saya tahu, desas-desus itu tidak benar. To the best of my knowledge, the rumor is not true. As far as I know, those gods aren't right. On est ce qu'on mange. You are what you eat. We're what we eat. Aku terkena flu berat. I've caught a terrible cold. I had a heavy flu. Vou tomar outra cerveja. I'll have another beer. I'll have another beer. Que faites-vous pour l'arrêter ? What are you doing to stop this? What are you doing to stop him? J'ai été expulsé. I've been evicted. I was expelled. Tom já fez o dever de casa. Tom has already done his homework. Tom's done the homework. Lei ha finito il lavoro con facilità. She finished the job with ease. You're done with ease. Eu não gosto de francês. I don't like French. I don't like French. Toma el control. Take control. Take control. Você tem uma proposta melhor? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you have a better proposal? Esa es una pregunta difícil de contestar. That's a hard question to answer. That's a difficult question to answer. No recuerdo nada sobre ellos. I don't remember anything about them. I don't remember anything about them. Deja tu paraguas en el pasillo. Leave your umbrella in the hall. Leave your parachutes in the hallway. Aku akan menelepon balik nanti. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back later. Quiero tener un gato en vez de un perro. I want to keep a cat instead of a dog. I want to have a cat instead of a dog. Non lo lascerò venire qui ancora. I won't let him come here again. I won't let him come here again. Tom no ha hecho nada de momento. Tom hasn't done anything so far. Tom hasn't done anything right now. Tom est très occupé récemment. Tom has been quite busy recently. Tom's been very busy recently. Você está gravando isto? Are you recording this? Are you recording this? Hay algo que tenés que saber. There is something you must know. There's something I need to know. Ici, nous cultivons le blé. We grow wheat here. Here, we grow wheat. Akibat musim panas yang dingin, bir menjadi tidak begitu laku. Thanks to a cold summer, beer has sold poorly. Because of the cold summer, beer doesn't go that far. La suerte está echada. The game is over. Luck's gone. Tom virá. Tom will show up. Tom will come. Mary quería que Tom le ponga bronceador en la espalda. Mary wanted Tom to put suntan lotion on her back. Mary wanted Tom to put a tan on her back. Je suis enceinte. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Cominciai a pensare a lei. I started thinking about her. You started thinking about the law. Escuta, por favor. Please listen. Listen, please. Miriam es sosyalista. Mary is a socialist. Miriam is a socialist. Tom começou a vomitar. Tom started vomiting. Tom started throwing up. J'ai haché les oignons et les ai mis dans une casserole avec du beurre et de l'huile. I chopped the onions and put them in a casserole with butter and oil. I chopped the onions and put them in a pan with butter and oil. Ovviamente, ero molto scioccata. Obviously, I was very shocked. Of course, I was very shocked. Aku tidak akan menjual pohon rimbun ini. I won't sell this tree shade. I'm not selling this rich tree. Dia datang dengan bus. He came by bus. He's coming by the bus. Vous veniez tous les étés à Bergerac ! You came to Bergerac every summer! You were coming all summer to Bergerac! Vam anar-hi sense ell, perquè no estava preparat. We went without him, as he wasn't ready. We went without him, because he wasn't ready. Noi siamo oneste. We're honest. We're honest. ¿Podes describir a relación supervisor - subordinado ideal? Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? Can you describe the supervisory - subordinated ideal relationship? Hi habia una vegada un rei que tenia tres filles. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. There was once a king who had three daughters. Au milieu de chaque difficulté se cache une opportunité. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. In the midst of each difficulty there is an opportunity. A decir verdad, no me agrada su manera de vivir. To tell the truth, I don't like his way of living. I really don't like their way of life. Tom non andrà a dormire fino a quando non gli racconterai una storia. Tom won't go to sleep unless you read him a story. Tom won't sleep until you tell him a story. Il régla le problème en un éclair. He fixed the problem in a jiffy. He fixes the problem in a flash. Va seure al davant per poder sentir. He sat in the front so as to be able to hear. He sat in front so he could hear. Aurés hèit la medisha causa. You'd do the same thing. Gold is causing the medisha. Pouvez-vous m'enseigner comment faire cela ? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do this? Eu me pergunto se o Tom precisa fazer isso ou não. I wonder whether Tom needs to do that or not. I wonder if Tom needs to do that or not. El hombre es el único animal que puede reírse. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Bo tin frei? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Je ne souhaite pas apporter de commentaire. I don't want to comment. I do not wish to comment. Tom no tenía voz en el tema. Tom had no say in the matter. Tom had no voice on the subject. Nem tudo que reluz é ouro. All that glitters is not gold. Not everything that shines is gold. Tutti i tentativi fallirono. All attempts failed. All attempts failed. Je ne m'inquiète pas pour Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. Et desitjo el millor! I wish you the best! I wish you the best! Bătălia era efectiv terminată. The battle was virtually over. The battle was effectively over. No es asunto mío. That's not my concern. It's none of my business. Aku menghirup udara yang berpolusi. I am breathing polluted air. I breathe air that's polluted. Los sorprendiste a todos. You surprised everybody. You surprised them all. Tom estava vestindo um suéter azul. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Você está agindo como uma criança. You're acting like a child. You're acting like a child. On l'a appelé Horatio comme son oncle. He was named Horatio after his uncle. We called him Horatio as his uncle. Só o Obama sabia disso. Only Obama knew about it. Only Obama knew that. Non sono sicuro, però penso di voler diventare insegnante. I am not sure, but I think I want to be a teacher. I'm not sure, but I think I want to be a teacher. El teléfono sonó repetidamente. The telephone rang repeatedly. The phone sounded over and over again. Eu queria salvá-lo. I wanted to save you. I wanted to save him. Nós vamos descer na próxima estação. We're getting off at the next station. We're going down at the next station. Quan te'n vas de vacances? When do you go on holiday? When are you going on vacation? ¿Está completo este juego de té? Is this tea set complete? Is this tea game complete? M-am săturat de viață în ultimul hal. I'm incredibly sick of living. I've had enough of my life in the last thing. Il partit tôt. He left early. He left early. Stasiun kereta ada di mana? Where's the train station? Where's the train station? Elle a l'air vraiment jolie. She really looks pretty. She looks really pretty. Completi la sentenza. Complete the sentence. Complete the sentence. Tom mencoba untuk melindungi Mary. Tom tried to defend Mary. Tom tried to protect Mary. Mă doare în gât şi îmi curge nasul. I have a sore throat and runny nose. My neck hurts and my nose flows. Vas' à l'djote ! Fuck off! Go to the dinghy! Quelqu'un nous a apporté des raisins. Someone has brought us some grapes. Someone brought us grapes. A economia brasileira está crescendo rapidamente. The Brazilian economy is growing by leaps and bounds. The Brazilian economy is growing rapidly. Nós iremos jogar beisebol agora. We'll play baseball now. We'll play baseball now. Eu trebuie să-mi vând casa. I must sell my house. I have to sell my house. Tom n'a pas hurlé. Tom didn't scream. Tom didn't scream. Você poderia por favor me dizer sua altura e peso? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Io non posso contattarlo. I can't contact him. I can't contact him. Mobil apa yang kamu suka? What kind of cars do you like? What car do you like? Ella ni siquiera intentó ayudarle. She didn't even try to help. She didn't even try to help him. Tom sta cercando una cintura. Tom is looking for a belt. Tom's looking for a belt. Depois do almoço, eles geralmente tiram uma soneca. After lunch, they usually have a nap. After lunch, they usually take a nap. Estoy hecho polvo. I'm all tuckered out. I'm dusted. Je ne perdrai pas ! I won't lose! I'm not gonna lose! Sunt aici. They are here. I'm here. Tom disse que não quer uma promoção. Tom said that he doesn't want a promotion. Tom said he doesn't want a promotion. Comme tu veux. Whatever you say. As you wish. Tom tem um plano. Tom has a plan. Tom has a plan. Lascia la valigia lì! Leave the suitcase there! Leave the suitcase there! Aku akan pergi ke rumah Tom malam ini. I'm going over to Tom's tonight. I'm going to Tom's house tonight. La momentul accidentului aproape toți călătorii din autobuz dormeau. At the time of the accident, almost all of the passengers on the bus were sleeping. At the time of the accident almost all the bus trips slept. Regardez-vous la télévision ? Do you watch television? Do you watch TV? N-am mers niciodată în Statele Unite. I have never been to the United States. I never went to the United States. Preferisco la camicetta nera a quella blu. I like the black blouse more than the blue. I prefer the black shirt to the blue shirt. È un nome indù. It's a Hindu name. It's a Hindu name. Il parco è chiuso lunedì. The park is closed Monday. The park is closed on Monday. Tom parece que no puede sobreponerse a la muerte de Mary. Tom can't seem to get over Mary's death. Tom doesn't seem to be able to overlap Mary's death. Aku akan pergi denganmu. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Je ne peux simplement pas encaisser ça. I just can't take it. I can't just cash that. Ella no solo es hermosa, además es amable con todos. She is not only beautiful but also kind to everybody. She's not only beautiful, she's kind to everyone. Câinele pare bolnav. The dog looks sick. The dog looks sick. Eu vou passar a tarde inteira ouvindo música. I'll spend all afternoon listening to music. I'll spend the whole afternoon listening to music. De qué a ? What does she have? What to? Tom trabaja en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Tom works for the United Nations. Tom works in the United Nations. La sécheresse conduisit à une pénurie de nourriture. The drought led to an insufficiency of food. Drought led to a shortage of food. Tom não está gordo. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. ¿Te gustaría ir? Would you like to go? Would you like to go? Jean travaille en neuromarketing. John works in neuromarketing. Jean works in neuromarketing. Tom riesce a venire con noi. Tom can come with us. Tom can come with us. Lei ha deciso dove festeggerà la Vigilia di Natale? Have you decided where you're going to celebrate Christmas Eve? Did you decide where to celebrate Christmas Eve? Il faut que nous l'avertissions. We have to warn him. We need to warn him. Les mouches du temps aiment une flèche ; les drosophiles aiment une banane. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. The flies of time love an arrow; the drosophiles love a banana. ¿Por qué no llamó por teléfono? Why haven't you called? Why didn't you call on the phone? Saya mulai malam ini. I will start tonight. I started tonight. Aku bisa mengakhiri penderitaanmu. I can end your suffering. I can end your suffering. Tom deixou a porta destrancada. Tom left the door unlocked. Tom left the door unlocked. Abbiamo imparato il berbero assieme. We learned Berber together. We learned the Berber together. Keretanya baru saja berangkat. The train has just left. The train just left. ¿Podrías arreglar esto, por favor? Could you fix this, please? Could you fix this, please? À ma surprise, ce psychologue réputé a été accusé d'enlèvement. To my surprise, the noted psychologist was accused of a kidnapping. To my surprise, this well-known psychologist was accused of kidnapping. ¿Tienes algo más? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? El tiempo asignado se agotó rápidamente. The alloted time ticked away quickly. The allotted time was quickly exhausted. J'espère que quelque chose de bien va se produire avant que la journée soit finie. I hope something good happens before the day is over. I hope something good will happen before the day is over. Você nada muito rápido. You swim very quickly. You're nothing too fast. Cet endroit n'est il pas terrible ? Isn't this place great? Isn't this place terrible? Je ne voyais pas suffisamment bien pour pouvoir dire si la tache noire sur le plafond était une araignée ou une mouche. My eyes weren't sharp enough to tell whether the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. I didn't see well enough to be able to tell whether the black spot on the ceiling was a spider or a fly. Muito bem, obrigado. Fine, thanks. All right, thanks. Apa perbedaannya? What's the difference? What's the difference? Nós estamos vindo. We're coming. We're coming. O braço direito de Sami foi quebrado em seis lugares. Sami's right arm was busted in six places. Sami's right arm was broken in six places. Il serait préférable de traîner à la maison aujourd'hui. It would be better to stay home today. It would be better to drag home today. Los diamantes son eternos. Diamonds are forever. Diamonds are eternal. As coisas não são sempre o que parecem. Things aren't always as they appear. Things aren't always what they look like. Tom è burbero. Tom is grumpy. Tom's a burbero. Onde esta mi marido? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Tom mengambil pisau dan memeriksanya. Tom picked up the knife and examined it. Tom took a knife and checked it out. Será mejor que te calles. You'd better shut up. You'd better shut up. Puedes entender a Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Beh, a parlare del diavolo... Well, speak of the devil. Well, talking about the devil... Je l'ignore encore mais je vais bientôt le découvrir. I don't know yet, but I'll find out soon enough. I still don't know, but I'll soon find out. Só espere um minuto, por favor. Just wait a minute, please. Just wait a minute, please. Tendré que llamarle más tarde. I'll have to call you back. I'll have to call you later. Un instant, s'il vous plaît. Just one moment, please. Just a moment, please. Este libro es más pequeño. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. Întrebarea asta a apărut deseori. This question has often arisen. This question has often arisen. Esperaba encontrarte en la cama. I expected to find you in bed. I was hoping to find you in bed. Me alegro de que hayamos hablado. I'm glad we talked. I'm glad we talked. Tom estuvo durmiendo en el sofá casi toda la tarde. Tom was sleeping on the couch most of the afternoon. Tom was sleeping on the couch almost all afternoon. J'ai vraiment passé du bon temps avec votre famille. I had a really great time with your family. I've really had some good time with your family. No chão há um tapete grande. There's a large carpet on the floor. There's a big carpet on the floor. Tom está bravo com você, não está? Tom is angry at you, isn't he? Tom's mad at you, isn't he? Maintenant que Poezio est sur GitLab, j'ai de nouveau envie de contribuer. Il suffisait de pas grand-chose. Now that poezio is up on GitLab, I feel like contributing again. It didn't take much. Now that Poezio is on GitLab, I want to contribute again. La Bulgarie est le seul pays d'Europe où un ancien souverain ait été élu Premier ministre. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former monarch has been elected prime minister. Bulgaria is the only country in Europe where a former sovereign has been elected Prime Minister. Tom quer aprender. Tom wants to learn. Tom wants to learn. Es-tu en train de me dire que vous n'êtes pas impliqués ? Are you telling me you're not involved? Are you telling me you're not involved? Sei troppo sospettoso di tutto. You're too suspicious about everything. You're too suspicious of everything. Eu apaguei o fogo. I put out the fire. I turned the fire off. Sei ancora inesperto. You're still inexperienced. You're still inexperienced. Elle haussa des épaules. She gave a shrug of the shoulders. She wears shoulders. Lei non guida per paura di fare un incidente. She doesn't drive for fear of an accident. You don't drive because you're afraid to make an accident. Esteu d'acord amb Tom, veritat? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don't you? Perché non sei restata con lei? Why didn't you stay with her? Why didn't you stay with her? Bon nochi. Good evening. Good night. Quando foi a última vez que você teve um dia de folga? When was the last time you had a day off? When was the last time you had a day off? Me voy a echar una siesta. I'm going to have a siesta. I'm gonna take a nap. Awak dihormati oleh semua orang. You're respected by everybody. You're honored by everyone. Dia juga tidak datang. He is not coming, either. He didn't come either. Kita akan bekerja di Osaka tahun depan. We are going to be working in Osaka next year. We're gonna work in Osaka next year. Ta sœur aime bien regarder la lutte sumo à la télé. Your sister enjoys watching sumo wrestling on TV. Your sister likes to watch the Sumo fight on TV. Não assisto TV. I don't watch TV. I don't watch TV. Je vous assure que je ne serai pas en retard. I assure you that I won't be late. I assure you I won't be late. Vocês adoravam Boston. You used to love Boston. You loved Boston. Le Japon est en tête de l'industrie mondiale des hautes technologies. Japan is a leader in the world's high-tech industry. Japan is leading the world's high-tech industry. Sos muy inteligente. You are very intelligent. You're very smart. Hablo portugués con fluidez. I speak Portuguese fluently. I speak Portuguese fluently. ¿Quién es tu panelista favorito en CNN? Who's your favorite announcer on CNN? Who is your favorite panelist in CNN? Eu preciso de outra chance. I need another chance. I need another chance. Nós caminhamos ao redor do lago. We walked around the pond. We walk around the lake. Je vous ai méjugée. I have misjudged you. I've belittled you. Sempre es poden dir coses dels errors, però se'n digui el que se'n digui, el més important que se'n pot dir és que són erronis. There is something to be said for every error; but, whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous. You can always say things about mistakes, but you can say what you're saying, the most important thing you can say is they're wrong. Ei sunt actori. They are actors. They're actors. A fost incredibil de ireal. It was incredibly surreal. It was incredibly unrealistic. Por que você não está com ele? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? ¿Están seguras de que no quieren nada? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure you don't want anything? Ça ne me semble pas si terrible. It doesn't sound too bad to me. It doesn't seem so terrible to me. Soy tuyo. I'm yours. I'm yours. Há quanto tempo você está sentada aqui? How long have you been sitting here? How long have you been sitting here? Ninguém queria falar comigo. Nobody would talk to me. No one wanted to talk to me. J'ai une ampoule au pied. I have a blister on my foot. I've got a light bulb on my foot. Teño sede. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Bona nit. Good night. Good night. Elas vieram juntas. They came together. They came together. Am împrumutat o masă. I've borrowed a table. I borrowed a table. Ce n'est pas exactement ce que je voulais dire. That's not exactly what I meant. That's not exactly what I meant. En Japón supuestamente hay gente que tiene pingüinos como mascotas. It seems that there are people in Japan who keep penguins as pets. In Japan there are supposedly people who have penguins like pets. Il était assis les jambes croisées. He sat with his legs crossed. He was sitting his legs crossed. Por consideración a la industria de la cría de cerdos, el nombre de 'gripe porcina' ha sido cambiado a 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'. Considering the pig breed industry, the name 'porcine flu' has been changed to 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Tom spune că-i este foame. Tom says he's hungry. Tom says he's hungry. Questa settimana è stata bella. This week was nice. This week was nice. Mi chiedo se Tom verrà qui in orario. I wonder if Tom will get here on time. I wonder if Tom will be here on time. Todos os livros na estante foram lidos. All of the books on the bookshelf have been read. All the books on the shelf have been read. Estás doente, tu precisas repousar. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need to rest. Jamás cedió a la tentación. He never gave in to temptation. He never gave in to temptation. Dia adalah orang yang baik, tetapi sesungguhnya, dia tidak terlalu pandai. He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever. He's a good man, but, really, he's not too smart. No necesitamos pedirle que renunciase. We didn't need to ask him to resign. We don't need to ask him to give up. Io ho scritto loro una lettera. I wrote a letter to them. I wrote them a letter. Esto es una norma. This is a rule. This is a rule. La explotación forestal ilegal ha disminuido considerablemente. Illegal logging has decreased considerably. Illegal logging has decreased considerably. ¿Por qué Tom está enojado conmigo? Why is Tom mad at me? Why is Tom mad at me? Je veux savoir qui vient avec nous. I want to know who's coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. Susan adalah sebuah nama bahasa Inggris. Susan is an English name. Susan is an English name. O pai de Tom é rico. Tom's father is rich. Tom's father is rich. Pensado para los niños, este libro a menudo lo leen adultos. Intended for children, this is a book often read by adults. Designed for children, this book is often read by adults. Tu hai mai giocato a poker? Have you ever played poker? Have you ever played poker? Quando scesi dal treno vidi un mio amico. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. Non sto pranzando con lei. I'm not having lunch with her. I'm not having lunch with her. Pa angek aia tu pakai gas. The water heater runs on gas. For that duck you use gas. Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken with her? Did anyone talk to her? Era uma emergência. It was an emergency. It was an emergency. Tots els meus nens saben parlar francès. All of my children can speak French. All my children can speak French. Pensez-vous que je doive lui dire ? Do you think I should tell her? Do you think I should tell him? A Mary piacciono anche le banane. Mary also likes bananas. Mary also likes bananas. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi, le vingt et un octobre. Today is Saturday, the twenty-first of October. Today is Saturday, October 20th and October. La noticia de su embarazo la tomó por sorpresa. News of her pregnancy took her by surprise. The news of her pregnancy took her by surprise. Marie a amené sa fille au travail. Mary brought her daughter to work. Marie brought her daughter to work. Sami è uno di noi. Sami is one of us. Sami is one of us. ¿Cómo fueron tus vacaciones de verano? How was your summer vacation? How was your summer vacation? ¿Puedes encontrar el momento para jugar con nuestra hija? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Él era grande, lento y silencioso. He was big and slow and silent. He was big, slow and silent. La ciudad fue destruida por el fuego. The city was destroyed by fire. The city was destroyed by fire. Desculpe por te incomodar nesta hora de pico. Sorry for bothering you at this busy time. Sorry to bother you at this peak hour. Tóquio deve ser uma cidade muito segura. Tokyo is supposed to be a very safe city. Tokyo must be a very safe city. Sta diventando tutto economico. Everything is getting cheap. It's all getting cheap. Non era tua sorella. She wasn't your sister. She wasn't your sister. Je pense que tu l'as fait. I think you did it. I think you did. ¿Qué estás comiendo? What're you eating? What are you eating? Ai vreo idee la ce oră va ajunge Tom acasă? Do you have any idea what time Tom will come home? Do you have any idea what time Tom's coming home? Un dia d'aquests et portaré al zoo. I will take you to the zoo one of these days. One day I'll take you to the zoo. Quiero un Toyota. I want a Toyota. I want a Toyota. Ele casou com a Ann. He married Ann. He married Ann. O Tom disse que a Mary está bem. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom said Mary's fine. No me dejaste terminar. You didn't let me finish. You didn't let me finish. Sami a passé la bouteille à Layla. Sami passed Layla the bottle. Sami passed the bottle to Layla. Su historia es extraña, pero es creíble. His story is strange, but it's believable. His story is strange, but it's credible. Sembla que plourà. It looks like it'll rain. Looks like it's raining. Eso no es justo. That isn't fair. That's not fair. ¿Estoy hablando demasiado rápido? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? Faccio delle domande al mio dottore. I ask questions to my doctor. I'm asking my doctor questions. Tom quer esperar a Mary chegar. Tom wants to wait until Mary gets here. Tom wants to wait for Mary to come. Ella se casó a los diecisiete. She got married at seventeen. She married at seventeen. Sto pensando di trasferirmi in una nuova città. I'm thinking of moving to a new city. I'm thinking of moving to a new city. Ha non più di 1.000 dollari. He has no more than 1,000 dollars. No more than $1,000. Apakah program TV pendidikan kegemaran anda? What's your favorite educational TV program? What is your favorite educational TV program? Aku tidak suka kalau adikku mendaki gunung. I don't like my brother climbing the mountains. I don't like my sister climbing the mountain. Je n'ai pas de téléphone mobile. I don't have a cellphone. I don't have a cell phone. Elles ouvrent la fenêtre. They are opening the window. They open the window. Sta a voi decidere. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. Você quer um pouco de açúcar? Would you like some sugar? Do you want some sugar? Aku takut sebentar lagi akan turun hujan. I'm afraid it's going to rain. I'm afraid it'll be raining soon. Para. Ya no es divertido. Stop. It's not funny anymore. Stop it, it's no fun anymore. Quem você está descrevendo? Who are you describing? Who are you describing? Tom quizás podría desfallecer. Tom might faint. Tom might fail. Akan memakan waktu berapa lama? How long does it take? How long will it take? Ai profitat de mine. You took advantage of me. You took advantage of me. Tom commença à aimer Mary de plus en plus. Tom started to like Mary more and more. Tom began to love Mary more and more. Jangan pergi dulu. Don't go yet. Don't go. Soy bueno para el tenis. I'm good at tennis. I'm good for tennis. ¿Quién pondrá fin a esta huelga? Who is going to put and end to this strike? Who will end this strike? Non lle deu resposta a súa pregunta. He didn't give an answer to the question. He didn't answer his question. Nu utilizați în mod greșit acest produs! Don't misuse this product! Do not misuse this product! L'hébreu est ma langue maternelle. Hebrew is my native language. The Hebrew is my mother tongue. Je voudrais nettoyer la maison avant que mes parents ne viennent. I would like to clean up the house before my parents come. I'd like to clean the house before my parents come. Mio zio abita a Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. Saya senang bisa membantu. I'm glad I could help out. I'm happy to be able to help. « T'as pas fait la vaisselle ? » « Tu m'as pas demandé. » "You didn't do the dishes?" "You didn't ask me. " "Didn't you do the dishes?" "You didn't ask me." Existe uma fina linha entre o que é aceitável e o que é inaceitável. There's a fine line between what's acceptable and what's unacceptable. There is a fine line between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Fadil queria fazer de Layla uma mulher honesta. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. "Apa sampai sekarang kau tidak menyadarinya?" "Ah tidak, bukan begitu maksudku... begini, aku sama sekali tidak terbayang kalau..." "Did you possibly not notice until just now?" "Er, well ... it was just so beyond my imagination that ..." "What until now do you not realize?" "Ah, no, I don't mean... like this, I don't care that..." Por que o Tom é tão infeliz? Why's Tom so unhappy? Why is Tom so unhappy? Se erigió un monumento en memoria de los fallecidos. A monument was erected in memory of the deceased. A monument was erected in memory of the dead. Ero piuttosto nervoso. I was kind of nervous. I was kind of nervous. Di hadapan hukum kita semua sejajar, tetapi orang kaya terkadang memiliki keuntungan lebih. We are all equal before the law, but the rich often have a big advantage. In the light of the laws we all follow, the rich sometimes have more benefits. A menudo no hago las cosas bien. I often get things wrong. I often don't do things right. Tom chiuse tutte le finestre. Tom closed all the windows. Tom closed all the windows. Tom non aveva intenzione di ferire Mary. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary. Tom wasn't going to hurt Mary. No se puede chiflar y comer pinole. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't crack and eat pinole. C'est à toi de décider si nous allons là-bas ou non. It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not. It's up to you to decide whether or not we're going there. Ele gostou daquilo. He liked that. He liked it. Em que navio você chegará? What ship will you arrive on? Which ship will you get to? Ils ont mangé tout le gâteau. They ate up all the cake. They ate all the cake. Tom colocou dinheiro na jukebox. Tom put some money in the jukebox. Tom put money in the jukebox. Si tu veux être un bon citoyen du monde, tu dois t'efforcer de t'affranchir de tes préjugés. If you are to be a good world citizen, you should try to be free of any prejudices. If you want to be a good citizen of the world, you have to try and get rid of your prejudices. A maccia mediterrania a l'é scciassa. The maquis shrubland is thick. Mediterranean buttock to sneezing. La sua condotta non ammette scuse. Your conduct allows of no excuse. His conduct makes no excuses. Ann a plusieurs amis. Ann has many friends. Ann has several friends. Moi, Tabnit, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, fils d'Eshmunazar, prêtre d'Astarté, roi de Sidon, je suis couché dans ce sarcophage. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, am lying in this sarcophagus. I, Tabnit the priest of Astart, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astath, king of Sidon, lie in this sarcophagus. Ella reveló el secreto. She revealed the secret. She revealed the secret. Isso é perda de dinheiro. That's a waste of money. That's a loss of money. Bangun! Get up! Get up! Tom gosta de brincar com seus carrinhos de brinquedo. Tom likes playing with his toy cars. Tom likes to play with his toy carts. Potete scegliere quello che vi piace. You may choose what you like. You can choose what you like. Non è potuta venire per via della sua malattia. She could not come because of her illness. She can't come because of her illness. O menu exibirá a opção de inicializar a partir da unidade de disquetes. The menu will display the option to boot from the diskette drive. The menu will display the option to initialise from the floppy drive. Podría llevar semanas, incluso meses. It could take weeks, even months. It could take weeks, even months. Hai da fare qualche reclamo? Do you have any complaints? Do you have any complaints to make? Come andò l'esame? How did the exam go? How'd the exam go? Cuzco es uno de los lugares más interesantes del mundo. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Cuzco is one of the most interesting places in the world. Je suis en train de tomber amoureux de toi. I'm falling in love with you. I'm falling in love with you. Non estou seguro diso. Depende. I'm not sure about that. It depends. I'm not sure about that. Sună la poliție! Call the police! Call the police! ¿Esto está hecho de madera o de metal? Is it made of wood or metal? Is this made of wood or metal? Si è ristretto perché l'ho lavato. It shrunk because I washed it. He's narrowed down because I washed him. Eu tenho olhos na parte de trás da minha cabeça! I’ve got eyes on the back of my head! I have eyes on the back of my head! Eu nunca mais voltarei aqui de novo. I'll never come back here again. I'll never come back here again. Apa arti kata "get" dalam kalimat ini? What is the meaning of the word "get" in this sentence? What does "get" mean in this sentence? Voi vedete questo? Do you see this? Do you see this? Nadie dice eso. No one says that. No one says that. Para Tom é difícil correr. It is hard for Tom to run. For Tom it's hard to run. Vous pouvez voir quelle différence quelques degrés font. You can see how much difference a few degrees can make. You can see how different some degrees are. Nu cred că aceste pete de cerneală vor ieși. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink spots will come out. Pots ajudar-me, per favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Io amo le battute. I love jokes. I love beatings. Nós dois temos sido muito, muito sortudos. We've both been very, very lucky. We two have been very, very lucky. Lei l'ha fatta sembrare facile. She made it look easy. She made it look easy. Um acordo de confissão de culpa para redução de pena está fora de cogitação. A plea bargain is out of the question. A guilty confession agreement for penalty reduction is out of cogitation. Il n'est pas aussi intelligent que son frère ainé. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his little brother. Berapa tahun cikgu sudah mengajar di Sabah? How long have you been teaching in Sabah? How many years have you taught in the Sabah? Mia mamma era una donna meravigliosa. My mom was a wonderful woman. My mom was a wonderful woman. Cando Mary era unha cativa, a súa familia era moi pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. Îți place sushi? Do you like sushi? You like sushi? Perdeou os estribos e comezou a chamarme cousas. He lost his temper and began calling me names. He lost his tempers and started calling me things. Questa è gratuita. This one is free. This one's free. Tghime kaseh! Thank you! Tghime caseh! Aku punya saudara kembar. I have a twin. I have twins. Fíxoo ben nos negocios. He made good in business. He did well in business. Tom não é tão conservador. Tom isn't all that conservative. Tom's not that conservative. Saúde é melhor que riqueza — para quem só tem riqueza. Health is better than wealth—to him who has wealth only. Health is better than wealth — for those with only wealth. Je ne connais pas son nom. I don't know what her name is. I don't know his name. Tu n'es pas le problème. You're not the problem. You're not the problem. Lei ha provato a nuotare. She tried to swim. She tried to swim. Questa è una sera molto speciale. This is a very special night. This is a very special evening. Se așteaptă ca rata divorțurilor să crească. The divorce rate is expected to rise. The divorce rate is expected to increase. Agora é a minha chance. Now's my chance. Now it's my chance. Gurita ini bersembunyi di dalam tempurung kelapa. The octopus is hiding in a coconut shell. This octopus is hiding in the coconut cage. Comment s'appelle-t-elle ? What's her name? What's her name? Apa cara terbaik melakukan itu? What's the best way to do that? What's the best way to do that? Ele estava com pressa de ver sua mãe. He was in a hurry to see his mother. He was in a hurry to see his mother. Dans une démocratie, il est important que la presse soit indépendante. In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. In a democracy, it is important that the press be independent. Tom no tenía tiempo que perder. Tom had no time to waste. Tom didn't have time to waste. Tom meminta Mary untuk memelankan suaranya Tom asked Mary to lower her voice. Tom asked Mary to lower her voice Sei molto stilosa oggi. You're very stylish today. You're very stylish today. Utarid ialah planet terkecil dalam sistem suria kita. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Utarid is the smallest planet in our solar system. È energica. You're energetic. It's energetic. Noi siamo ottimisti. We're optimistic. We're optimistic. Je pense que nous connaissons tous les règles. I think we all know the rules. I think we know all the rules. Paul prefiere el inglés a las matemáticas. Paul prefers English to math. Paul prefers English to mathematics. Ollo por ollo, dente por dente. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. ¿Alguien quiere algo más? Does anybody want anything else? Anybody want anything else? No puc suportar el soroll per més temps. I can't put up with the noise any longer. I can't stand the noise any longer. ¿Puedo ir? May I go? Can I go? Cuando Mary era una niña, su familia era muy pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a little girl, her family was very poor. ¿Entonces lo harás? So you'll do it? So you're gonna do it? ¿Nieva mucho aquí en el invierno? Does it snow much here in winter? Does it snow here in the winter? Cum este vremea acolo? How's the weather there? How's the weather there? Você disse que Tom estava ocupado. You said that Tom was busy. You said Tom was busy. Saúde e inteligência são as duas bênçãos da vida. Health and intellect are the two blessings of life. Health and intelligence are the two blessings of life. Queremos ajudar, mas não podemos. We want to help, but we can't. We want to help, but we can't. Has de deixar de fumar. You must quit smoking. You need to stop smoking. Aku lebih memilih tinggal di rumah. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay at home. Els beduïns viuen al desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. No me opongo a que vayas a trabajar fuera de casa, pero ¿quién se ocupará de los niños? I don't object to your going out to work, but who will look after the children? I don't object to you going to work outside the house, but who's gonna take care of the kids? Kreyo en el sol, afilu si el no briye. Kreyo en el amor, afilu si no lo senta. Kreyo en el Dio, afilu si El se kaye. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. Kreyo in the sun, afilu if he doesn't shine. Kreyo in love, afilo if he doesn't sit down. I believe in the God, afilu if He is waving. Traz para mim. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. ¿Se te ha ido la olla? Have you gone off your rocker? Is your pot gone? ¡Que Dios te oiga! From your lips to God's ears! May God hear you! J'apprécie vraiment ça. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Lui aveva una grande influenza su di me. He was a great influence on me. He had a big influence on me. Tout ce que je veux est ce qui me revient de droit. All I want is what's rightfully mine. All I want is what comes to me right. Mañá é o seu aniversario. Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow's your birthday. Abbiamo lasciato questo. We left this. We left this. Còst l'è trôp chêr! This is too expensive! He's cheap! Kamu tidak bisa datang besok. You can't come tomorrow. You can't come tomorrow. Mi restituì i soldi. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money back. O Tom queria deixar Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Gli hai detto che stavi scherzando? Did you tell him you were joking? Did you tell him you were kidding? Yang harus kau lakukan adalah mengatakan yang sebenarnya. All you have to do is to tell the truth. All you have to do is tell the truth. Tom foi de viaxe en coche cos seus amigos. Tom went on a road trip with his friends. Tom went by car with his friends. C'est en Sciences qu'elle est la plus faible. She is weakest at science. It's in Science that it's the weakest. Los djudios estan kansados. The Jews are tired. The gambling is exhausted. Desculpe. Não pretendi fazê-lo. I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. Sorry, I didn't mean to. A senhorita Green me ensinou inglês. Miss Green taught me English. Miss Green taught me English. Je ne peux pas te raconter ce que Tom m'a dit. I can't tell you what Tom told me. I can't tell you what Tom told me. Rapatnya diadakan kemarin. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting was held yesterday. La besó al despedirse. She kissed her farewell. He kissed her when he said goodbye. La fille engagée par ce magasin pour attirer les clients est assez jolie et à chaque fois que j'y vais je finis par acheter beaucoup de trucs. The girl hired by the shop to attract customers is quite cute and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of things. The girl engaged in this store to attract customers is pretty nice and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of stuff. Boleh minta tolong? Can I ask you a favor? May I ask you a favor? Mañana tengo la prueba escrita. Tomorrow I have the written exam. Tomorrow I have the written proof. Ambos Tom e Mary conhecem o John. Tom and Mary both know John. Both Tom and Mary know John. E ceva așa de rău? Is that such a bad thing? Is there something so bad? Tom s'est noyé. Tom drowned. Tom drowned. Eu não quero viver convosco. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Kapan Anda pulang ke rumah? When are you going home? When did you go home? Você é sempre muito sério. You're always too serious. You're always very serious. Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works in a language school and loves him. Voglio solo un po' più di informazioni. I just want a little more information. I just want some more information. Ini enak. This was good. It's good. Tom diz que vai esperar por nós. Tom says that he'll wait for us. Tom says he's gonna wait for us. Avez-vous des projets pour la soirée ? Do you have any plans for tonight? Do you have any plans for the evening? Tom voleva un luogo nel paese da poter chiamare casa. Tom wanted a place in the country he could call home. Tom wanted a place in the country to be able to call home. Eu sabia que você queria fazer isso. I knew that you wanted to do that. I knew you wanted to do that. Ha sido confirmado. It has been confirmed. It's been confirmed. Je vais vérifier. I'll check in. I'll check it out. Richard Roberts es el autor de numerosos libros. Richard Roberts is the author of numerous books. Richard Roberts is the author of numerous books. Por que eu tenho que decidir? Why do I have to decide? Why do I have to decide? Saya staf yang paling junior di kantor saya. I am the most junior staff in my office. I'm the most junior staff in my office. Ve adentro. Go on inside. Go inside. ¿Cómo encontraste esta chomba? How did you find this sweater? How did you find this dome? È improbabile. It's improbable. It's unlikely. Tarik! Pull! Pull! Tom quebrou algo de novo? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break anything again? Pensavo che Tom mi avesse visto. I thought that Tom saw me. I thought Tom saw me. Am rămas fără cuvinte. Words fail me. We're out of words. Chiar am nevoie să lovesc pe cineva. I really need to hit somebody. I really need to hit someone. Je n'aime simplement pas qu'on me laisse à la traîne. I just don't like getting left behind. I just don't like being left behind. Soy precavido cuando doy mi direccion de correo a un desconocido. I don´t carelessly give my address to a stranger. I'm cautious when I give my email address to an unknown person. Nous ne sommes pas contentes. We're not happy. We're not happy. Tom está ahuyentando a los cuervos. Tom is scaring the crows away. Tom's running the crows. Déjame solo. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Lo men hilh ne sap pas enqüèra comptar. My son can't count yet. The Hilh won't count. Isso é justo. That's fair enough. That's fair. El niño juntó un puñado de maníes y los metió en una cajita. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy put a handful of handcuffs together and put them in a box. Tom seguiu as instruções. Tom followed the instructions. Tom followed the instructions. Kalau marah, hitung sampai sepuluh; kalau marah sekali, sampai seratus. When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred. If angry, count to ten; if angry, to a hundred. Nu am dat niciodată peste un caz atât de ciudat. I've never come across such a strange case. I've never hit such a weird case. A partida de futebol será jogada ainda que chova. The soccer game will be played, even if it rains. Football game will be played even if it rains. Tu ne peux pas te fier à quoi que ce soit qu'il dise. You can't trust anything he says. You can't be proud of anything he says. Anak laki-lakiku percaya akan Santa Claus. My son believes in Santa Claus. My boys believe in Santa Claus. Credeam că am auzit o ușă de mașină izbindu-se. I thought that I heard a car door slam. I thought I heard a car door coming out. Mary morava sozinha em um pequeno apartamento. Mary lived in a small apartment by herself. Mary lived alone in a small apartment. Sente-se no banco. Sit down on the bench. Sit on the bench. Estarà enllestida la feina per a demà? Will the work be finished by tomorrow? Will the job be done for tomorrow? Tom salvou minha filha. Graças a ele, ela está viva. Tom saved my daughter. Thanks to him, she's alive. Tom saved my daughter, thanks to him, she's alive. É tudo culpa sua. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Jer a l'é stòria, 'dman a l'é 'n mister, ma 'ncheuj a l'é regal. Për lòn as ciama "present". Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present". Jer has the story, 'dman to the 'n mystery, but 'challenge to the gift. Ahora un computador es una absoluta necesidad. A computer is an absolute necessity now. Now a computer is an absolute necessity. Ci sono molti parchi nella nostra città. There are many parks in our town. There are many parks in our city. A condição do paciente piorou. The patient's condition worsened. The patient's condition has worsened. Avez-vous trouvé Tom ? Did you find Tom? Did you find Tom? Lo mejor es decir la verdad. The best thing is to tell the truth. The best thing is to tell the truth. Não consigo entender por que isso é importante. I don't understand why that's important. I can't understand why that's important. Setengah dari para siswa tidak hadir. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students were not present. J'avais faim et soif. I was hungry and thirsty. I was hungry and thirsty. Ci siamo appena fermati. We just stopped. We just stopped. Saya telah menerjemahkan, saya sedang menerjemahkan, saya akan menerjemahkan... tapi hanya kalau saya mendapat uang. I translated, I translate, I will translate, I would translate... but only if I make money. I've translated, I'm translating, I'll translate... but only if I get the money. Tom potrebbe non venire alla festa questa sera. Tom might not come to the party tonight. Tom might not come to the party tonight. Tôt ou tard, tu regretteras ta paresse. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you'll regret your laziness. Io preferirei prendere un pezzo di torta. I'd rather have a piece of cake. I'd rather have a piece of cake. Use a cabeça! Use your head! Use your head! Io non voglio uscire dal letto. I don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to get out of bed. Naturalmente accettò l'invito. Naturally he accepted the invitation. Of course he accepted the invitation. Les mots ne peuvent pas l'exprimer. Words cannot express it. Words cannot express it. Milleiros de candeas alumaban a igrexa durante a cerimonia. Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony. Thousands of candles lit up the church during the ceremony. Ella odia correr. She hates running. She hates running. Este cão salvou a vida da garota. This dog saved the girl's life. This dog saved the girl's life. ¿Qué estaban haciendo Tom y Mary ayer? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? Pássaros têm asas. Birds have wings. Birds have wings. Me pregunto si le pasó algo. I wonder if anything happened to him. I wonder if something happened to him. No todo se puede comprar con dinero. Not everything can be bought with money. Not everything can be bought with money. Saya ingin melakukan segalanya. I want to do everything. I want to do everything. Quiero hablar con Tom. I want to talk to Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Tráeme una toalla húmeda. Bring me a moist towel. Bring me a damp towel. Qual a sua altura e peso? What is your height and weight? What's your height and weight? Em vaig perdre quan et vaig visitar per primer cop. I got lost when I visited you for the first time. I lost myself when I first visited you. Io vorrei essere a Boston. I wish I were in Boston. I'd like to be in Boston. Quiero cambiar de vida. I want to change my life. I want to change my life. El temps vola. Time flies. Time flies. Ça semble fonctionner. It appears to be working. Looks like it's working. Isso é para o Tom. This is for Tom. That's for Tom. Ese hombre está muy bronceado. That man is very tanned. That man is very tanned. Mereixes saber la veritat. You deserve to know the truth. You deserve to know the truth. Ada banyak hal yang harus kami pikirkan. There are lots of things for us to think about. There's a lot we need to think about. Kamu mau makan malam denganku besok, di rumahku? Do you want to eat dinner with me tomorrow, at my house? You want to have dinner with me tomorrow, at my house? Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. Cadde dall'albero. He fell from the tree. It falls from the tree. Eu levo meu molho de chaves no bolso. I carry my set of keys in my pocket. I'll take my key sauce in my pocket. Quando você gostaria de vê-lo? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Dove le avete coperte? Where did you cover them? Where did you cover it? Les cerisiers sont en pleine floraison. The cherry trees are in full blossom. The cherry trees are in the middle of bloom. Não falo inglês tão bem quanto ele. I can't speak English as well as he can. I don't speak English as well as he does. ¿En qué calle vive usted? What street do you live on? What street do you live in? Les statistiques montrent que notre niveau de vie s'est élevé. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living has risen. El aire del mar es puro y sano. The air by the sea is pure and healthy. The sea air is pure and healthy. Il m'a fait ce que je suis aujourd'hui. He has made me what I am today. He did what I am today. J'ai mangé. I ate. I ate. Dia telah mengeluarkan iklan satu halaman penuh di surat khabar merayu bantuan untuk mencari anak perempuannya yang telah diculik. She took out a full-page ad in the newspaper pleading for help in finding her kidnapped daughter. Early in his ministry, John had just released a box of newspapers asking for help to find his kidnapped daughter. Comment se fait-il que tu ne sois pas le patron ? How come you're not the boss? How come you're not the boss? A pesar de eso, lo he conseguido. Despite that I succeeded. Despite that, I got it. Când am sunat, el deja plecase. When I called, he had already set off. When I called, he was already gone. Bibi saya membuatkan saya rok baru. My aunt made a new skirt for me. My aunt made me a new skirt. Pelo que eu sei, ele nunca chegou na hora. As far as I know, he has never come on time. As far as I know, he never came in time. Ce thé est très agréable. This tea is very nice. This tea is very nice. Êtes-vous tous les deux occupés ? Are you two busy? Are you both busy? Aku tidak bisa menaikkan lengan kananku. I can't raise my right arm. I can't raise my right arm. Tom e Maria provavelmente fizeram isso juntos. Tom and Mary probably did that together. Tom and Mary probably did that together. J'en suis vraiment fière. I'm really proud of this. I'm really proud of it. Ele está comprometido em ensinar. He is engaged in teaching. He's committed to teaching. Ça fait drôle. It feels weird. That's funny. Es pobre, pero no se preocupa por el dinero. He is poor, but he doesn't care about money. He's poor, but he doesn't care about the money. Jepang terkenal akan Gunung Fujinya. Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. The famous Japanese on the Fuji Mountain. Le Titanic coula en 1912. The Titanic sank in 1912. The Titanic collapsed in 1912. La mea mair que's desbrombè de hornir sau a la salada. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. My mother who's sick of corn or salad. Ils étaient vôtres. They were yours. They were yours. Êtes-vous toujours malade ? Are you still sick? Are you still sick? Tom en realidad no lleva una vida fácil. Tom really leads no easy life. Tom doesn't really lead an easy life. Nu-ți face griji de asta. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Io non ho tempo di aiutarla con il lavoro. I have no time to help you with the work. I don't have time to help you with your job. A te piace la torta di mele? Do you like apple pies? You like apple pie? Salut. Comment vas-tu ? Hi. How are you doing? How are you? Il vous est inhabituel de faire une telle chose. It's unusual for you to do something like that. It is unusual for you to do such a thing. Você possui muitas canetas? Do you have a lot of pens? Do you have many pens? Selamat ulang tahun! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Na minha opinião a Austrália é um dos melhores países do mundo. In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. Quant'è costato? What did it cost? How much is it? Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? Do you like me? Do you love me? A gloria non si va senza fatica. No pain, no gain! You don't go to glory without effort. Eu costumo usar roupas escuras. I usually wear dark clothes. I usually wear dark clothes. Ei erau mediocri. They were mediocre. They were mediocres. Nós vimos o pássaro quando visitamos Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. Ne confondez pas l'astrologie avec l'astronomie. Don't confuse astrology with astronomy. Do not confuse astrology with astronomy. Permítanme decir algunas palabras en esta ocasión. Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion. Let me say a few words on this occasion. Tom tiene tres gatos. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Harga tiket masuk ke museum tiga puluh dollar. Admission to the museum is thirty dollars. The price of tickets to the 30-dollar museum. J'aime ma patrie. I love my motherland. I love my country. Me ha fallado uno de mis mejores amigos. One of my best friends has failed me. I missed one of my best friends. Tem certeza de que essa é a palavra certa? Are you sure that's the right word? Are you sure that's the right word? È una professoressa. You are a teacher. She's a teacher. Je ne pense pas que je parvienne encore à faire ça. I don't think I can do this anymore. I don't think I can do this yet. O trem chegou em Londres. The train got into London. The train arrived in London. Pode-se ler nas entrelinhas. You have to read it between the lines. You can read in the interlines. Eu quero ficar. I want to stay. I want to stay. O que nós vamos fazer com eles? What are we going to do with them? What are we going to do with them? Je n'y suis jamais allé en personne. I have never been there myself. I never went in person. Il m'a écrit des lettres d'amour. He wrote me love letters. He wrote me love letters. Assim que ele terminou de comer, ele voltou a andar. As soon as he finished eating, he began to walk again. As soon as he finished eating, he walked again. Io stavo solamente essendo educato. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Você foi para a praia na segunda-feira passada, não foi? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? No puedo esperar a que Tom y Mary vuelvan a casa para poder mostrarles esto. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show them this. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show you this. Lavoro kada diya, salvo el Shabat. I work every day except Saturday. I work every day, except the Shabat. J'apprécie la marmelade d'orange. I love orange marmalade. I appreciate the orange jam. Cela te rendrait-il heureuse ? Would that make you happy? Would that make you happy? Si tu manges autant, tu vas devenir gros. If you eat that much, you'll get fat. If you eat so much, you'll get fat. Muitas palavras persas existem em turco. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. J'ai besoin de davantage d'argent. I need more money. I need more money. Kandungannya kembar. She's pregnant with twins. It's sweet twins. Nu putem fi siguri ce s-a întâmplat cu Tom. We can't be sure of what happened to Tom. We can't be sure what happened to Tom. So Jack. I am Jack. It's Jack. Au supraviețuit chiar dacă clădirea a fost distrusă. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived even if the building was destroyed. Nu trebuie să te schimbi. You don't have to change. You don't have to change. Le rouge n'est pas votre couleur. Red is not your colour. Red is not your color. La bellezza è negli occhi di chi la guarda. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the eyes of those who look at it. J'espère que je me trompe, mais j'en doute. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Aku berjalan sejauh 10 kilometer hari ini. I walked 10 kilometers today. I'm walking 10 kilometers today. Cuando miro esta foto me acuerdo de mi familia. When I look of this photo I remember my family. When I look at this picture, I remember my family. Él caminó ayer por el parque. He walked in the park yesterday. He walked through the park yesterday. A cidade foi fundada em 573. The city was founded in 573. The city was founded in 573. Ma femme est très imprévisible. My wife is very unpredictable. My wife is very unpredictable. Kamu tidak akan bisa sesantai itu jika kamu terlibat langsung. You wouldn't be so casual about it if you were directly involved. You won't be able to relax that if you're involved directly. Războiul este continuarea politicii prin alte mijloace. War is the continuation of politics by other means. War is the continuation of politics by other means. A superfície desta mesa é polida. This table's surface is smooth. The surface of this table is polished. Acesta este un loc perfect pentru o ambuscadă. This is the perfect place for an ambush. This is a perfect place for an ambush. Am fost la masă cu doi americani și două nemțoaice. We went out to dinner with two American men and two German ladies. I went to the table with two Americans and two Germans. Él pesa 10 kilos más que yo. He outweighs me by 10 kg. He weighs 10 pounds more than I do. Tu sei avido. You're greedy. You're greedy. A pesar de la adversidad, el arquitecto consiguió fama mundial. Despite adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame. Despite adversity, the architect gained world fame. Hanno dato una risposta a ogni domanda. They have given an answer to every question. They have given an answer to every question. Crezi ceea ce a spus el? Do you believe what he said? Do you believe what he said? Pediume que che comunicara os seus desexos. He asked me to communicate his wishes to you. I asked him to communicate his wishes to you. Vous êtes fort attirant. You're very attractive. You're very attractive. As mulheres estão tendo filhos mais tarde. Women are having children later in life. Women are having children later. O professor ensinou-lhes que a Terra é redonda. The teacher taught them that the earth is round. The teacher taught them that Earth is round. Tom ha iniziato a ballare. Tom started dancing. Tom started dancing. Buena tardi. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Si llueve, esta noche no salgo. If it is raining, I won't go out tonight. If it rains, I'm not going out tonight. Su hermano llevaba treinta años siendo camionero. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. Her brother had been a truck driver for 30 years. Voi prinde trenul următor. I'll catch the next train. I'll catch the next train. Tom diz que eles estão fazendo exatamente isso. Tom says they're doing just that. Tom says they're doing exactly that. Kapan terakhir kali kamu memberi makan sapi-sapi itu? When was the last time you fed the cows? When was the last time you fed those cows? Me marcho en tren pronto. I leave by train soon. I'll be off by train soon. Elle doit travailler fort pour rattraper les autres dans sa classe. She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class. She has to work hard to catch up with others in her class. Berhentilah melamun. Stop daydreaming. Stop blushing. Le pregunté su nombre. I asked him for his name. I asked her her name. Perché si sta nascondendo da lei? Why are you hiding from her? Why are you hiding from her? T'ê un grand'òmmo. You're a great man. You're a big man. Me plazen los dos. I like them both. I like both of them. Ella le aconsejó que no bebiera demasiado. She advised him not to drink too much. She advised him not to drink too much. Sabato era speciale. Saturday was special. Saturday was special. Majoritatea oamenilor scriu despre viața lor zilnică. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their daily lives. Sa già leggere. She already knows how to read. He already knows how to read. La sta leggendo. She is reading it. He's reading it. Paramos y estiramos las piernas un rato. Let's stop and stretch our legs for a bit. Let's stop and stretch out our legs for a while. Mary está usando bastante maquiagem. Mary is wearing a lot of makeup. Mary's using a lot of makeup. Você quer ir pescar? Do you want to go fishing? Do you want to go fishing? María se levantó más temprano en la mañana para prepararle una tarta a Tom. Mary woke up very early in the morning to prepare a pie for Tom. Mary got up earlier in the morning to prepare Tom a cake. Bueno, ¿qué estás cantando? Well, what are you singing? Well, what are you singing? Asta e Rusia! This is Russia! This is Russia! De verdad lo dudo. I truly doubt it. I really doubt it. Vino înspre mine. Come towards me. Come to me. Vierta el aderezo sobre la ensalada y mezcle suavemente. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently. Pour the dressing on the salad and stir gently. Eravate confusi. You were confused. You were confused. Aparent, ai dreptate. Apparently you are right. Apparently, you're right. Quanto as suas vidas mudaram? How much have your lives changed? How much have your lives changed? A veces te puedes dar un capricho con algún lujo. Sometimes you can indulge yourself in some luxury. Sometimes you can take a whim with some luxury. Gostaria de enviar esta encomenda para o Japão. I'd like to send this package to Japan. I would like to send this order to Japan. Nós vamos morrer de fome. We'll starve. We're going to starve. Il signor Ito insegna storia? Does Mr. Ito teach history? Does Mr. Ito teach history? Adivinhe quem vem para o jantar esta noite. Guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Estos son míos. These are mine. These are mine. Io sono ancora deluso. I'm still disappointed. I'm still disappointed. Invitai alcuni amici per una festa. I invited some friends for a party. I invited some friends for a party. Noi ci siamo alzate alle quattro di mattina. We got up at four in the morning. We got up at four in the morning. In quale mese siete nate? In what month were you born? What month were you born? Cosa non farei per tirarvi entrambe fuori dai guai? What would I not do to help you both out of the trouble? What wouldn't I do to get you both out of trouble? «¿En qué estás pensando?» «Estoy pensando en ti.» "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you." «What are you thinking about?» «I am thinking of you.» Avui et convido jo a dinar. Today, I invite you to have dinner. I'll invite you to lunch today. No tuvimos más alternativa que dejarle el asunto a él. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. We had no choice but to leave the matter to him. Matilah. Die. Die. Il peut neiger dans la soirée. It may snow in the evening. It can snow in the evening. Não pense naquilo! Don't think about it. Don't think about it! Êtes-vous encore en colère après moi ? Are you still mad at me? Are you still angry after me? Ini adalah film untuk laki-laki. This is a film for men. It's a movie for men. Kita membutuhkan aturan-aturan. We need rules. We need rules. Perché Tom è venuto con Mary? Why did Tom come with Mary? Why did Tom come with Mary? Tom se abstuvo de votar. Tom abstained from voting. Tom abstained from voting. Non fate rumore mentre mangiate la minestra. Don't make noise while eating soup. Don't make any noise while you eat the soup. Elle va tous les trois jours au supermarché. She goes to the supermarket every three days. She goes to the supermarket every three days. Je suis fier de faire partie de ce projet. I am proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. ¿Qué marca prefieres? Which brand do you prefer? Which brand do you prefer? Dormi até tarde e perdi o primeiro comboio. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept late and lost the first train. ¿Dónde consigo caretas para deportes acuáticos? Where do I get masks for water sports? Where do I get water sports blankets? Je ne boirai plus jamais, au grand jamais. I will never, ever drink again. I will never drink again, to the greatest ever. Je me suis levée plus tôt que d'habitude afin d'attraper le premier train. I got up earlier than usual to catch the first train. I got up earlier than usual to catch the first train. Am crezut că Tom va fi de acord cu mine. I thought Tom would agree with me. I thought Tom would agree with me. Tom intervenne. Tom intervened. Tom intervenes. Je l'ai cassée. I broke it. I broke it. Tienes que comer la tostada. You must eat your toast. You have to eat toast. Questi sono belli. These are beautiful. These are beautiful. Ignoranța ta este un produs secundar al aroganței tale. Your ignorance is a byproduct of your arrogance. Your ignorance is a secondary product of your arrogance. Loro si sentono affamate. They feel hungry. They feel hungry. C'est vrai. That's true. That's right. Je ne peux plus supporter son arrogance. I can't stand his arrogance any longer. I can't stand his arrogance anymore. O meu irmán leva doente dende onte. My brother has been sick since yesterday. My brother's been sick since yesterday. La nostra conversazione sembrava scorrere facilmente. Our conversation seemed to flow easily. Our conversation seemed to flow easily. aku mencintaimu I love you. I love you. En invierno me gusta comer chocolate. In winter I like to eat chocolate. In winter I like to eat chocolate. Não acredito em extraterrestres. I don't believe in aliens. I don't believe in aliens. Eu estou esperando um cliente hoje. I'm expecting a customer today. I'm waiting for a customer today. Mary si è accidentalmente imbattuta in Tom. Mary accidentally bumped into Tom. Mary accidentally hit Tom. Hier, c'était lundi. Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday. Non sappiamo se verrà o no. We don’t know if you’re coming or not. We don't know if he's coming or not. Ella bebió una taza de leche. She drank a cup of milk. She drank a cup of milk. Sei manipolatoria. You're manipulative. You're manipulative. Desempaca el equipaje, por favor. Please undo the package. Unpack your luggage, please. Loro chiusero gli occhi. They closed their eyes. They closed their eyes. Akhir-akhir ini, sedikit orang mengunjungiku. Few people visit me these days. Lately, a few people have been visiting me. Di dalam kelas tidak boleh berisik. You must not make noises in the classroom. There's no noise in the classroom. Nu e clar cine a scris această scrisoare. It is not clear who wrote this letter. It's not clear who wrote this letter. O mais forte deveria tomar conta do mais fraco. The strong should take care of the weak. The strongest should take care of the weakest. Tom melihat Mary ingin menangis. Tom could see Mary was about ready to cry. Tom saw Mary want to cry. L'ho inviato. Pregate per me. I sent it. Pray for me. I sent it, pray for me. Por que você se importa? Why do you care? Why do you care? Tenho de perder alguns quilos. I have to lose some weight. I have to lose a few pounds. Tome este medicamento cada seis horas. Take this medicine every six hours. Take this medicine every six hours. "Mesi." "De ryen." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Mess." "De ryen." Sus mâinile. Up with your hands. Put your hands up. Un uomo si lamentava di qualcosa in una voce aspra. A man was complaining of something in a sharp voice. A man complained about something in a harsh voice. Di por sentado que me darían un recibo. I took for granted that they would give me a receipt. He just sat down and said he'd give me a receipt. Tengo que ir primero a la tienda. I have to go to the store first. I have to go to the store first. Vá para o médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go and get the prescription for your doctor! La guerra non è ancora finita. The war isn't over yet. The war is not over yet. Io l'ho data a lei. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Am venit chiar în momentul în care el pleca. I arrived just when he was leaving. I came right when he left. As-tu pensé à regarder le niveau d'huile ? Have you thought of checking the oil level? Have you thought about looking at the oil level? ¿Ellos harían eso? Would they do that? They would do that? Alangkah baiknya kalau ada lebih banyak duit. It would be nice if there were more money. It's good to have more money. Como vocês se machucaram? How did you get hurt? How did you guys get hurt? Dubiul este în favoarea acuzatului. When in doubt, in favour of the accused. The van is in favor of the defendant. Tom ha mangiato una tazza di zuppa di vongole. Tom ate a bowl of clam chowder. Tom ate a cup of vodka soup. Tom è barbaro. Tom is barbaric. Tom's a barbaric. Agora case nunca vou o cine. Now I seldom go to the movies. Now I almost never go to the movies. Quand Vin Diesel fait des pompes, ce n'est pas lui qui se pousse en haut - c'est la terre qui est poussée en bas. When Vin Diesel does pushups, he's not pushing himself up - he's pushing the Earth down. When Wine Diesel does pumps, it is not him who pushes up - it is the earth that is pushed down. Tom tinha de ir lá. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. Lei è la più alta. You're the tallest one. She's the highest. O pai da menina é médico. The girl's father is a doctor. The girl's father is a doctor. Entonces era una niña pequeña. She was a little girl then. Then she was a little girl. Cosa significano questi segni? What do these markings mean? What do these signs mean? Tom verrà presto. Tom will come soon. Tom's coming soon. L'auto di Tom è in garage. Tom's car is in the garage. Tom's car is in the garage. Quello è un vecchio castello. That is an old castle. That's an old castle. Esto podría ponerse feo. This might get ugly. This could get ugly. Non farà male. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. Mereka baru saja sampai. They have just arrived. They just got there. Aku merasa seperti sudah dilempar ke dasar kolam. I feel like I have been thrown into the deep end of the pool. I feel like I've been thrown into the pool floor. Tom selalu membuatku tertawa. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always made me laugh. Você quer tomar café da manhã comigo? Do you want to have breakfast with me? Do you want to have breakfast with me? No te dejes engañar otra vez. Don't be fooled again. Don't let yourself be deceived again. No sona natural. It doesn't sound natural. It doesn't sound natural. Quem é amigo de todo mundo não é amigo de ninguém. A friend to all is a friend to none. Who is a friend of everyone's is no friend of anyone's. Voici un de mes tableaux. Here is one of my pictures. Here's one of my paintings. Tom chamou a Mary para pedirlle axuda para a venda de pasteliños. Tom called Mary to ask her to help at the bake sale. Tom called Mary to ask for help in selling pies. Akhir-akhir ini aku bosan dengan rapat. I'm sick of conferences these days. I've been bored of meeting lately. Îți plăcea să mergi la expoziții în România? Did you enjoy going to exhibits in Romania? You liked going to exhibitions in Romania? Ellos quieren más dinero. They want more money. They want more money. O Brasil é um país jovem e sem compromisso com o passado. Brazil is a young country without a commitment to the past. Brazil is a young country with no commitment to the past. Io non mordo. I don't bite. I don't bite. A me piacerebbe un tè caldo con il miele. I'd like a hot tea with honey. I'd like a hot tea with honey. Le place să se adune şi să bea. They like to get together and drink. They like to gather and drink. Estaba agotadísimo. He was completely worn out. I was so exhausted. Mă dezbrac. I'm undressing. I'm undressing. Jangan membaca di kamar ini. Don't read in this room. Don't read in this room. Si ricorda il suo numero di targa? Do you remember your license plate number? Do you remember your plate number? Cuaca hari ini sangat dingin sehingga membuat kami menggeletuk. Today's weather is very cold that it makes us shiver. Today's weather is so cold that it makes us sleep. Je ne pourrais simplement pas me résoudre à le faire. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just couldn't solve myself to do it. Tom fait plus vieux que son âge. Tom looks older than he really is. Tom's older than his age. Pretendo contratar alguém que saiba falar inglês. I plan to hire someone who can speak English. I intend to hire someone who knows English. Tom è morto, non Mary. Tom died, not Mary. Tom's dead, not Mary. Tiene cáncer de mama. She has breast cancer. She has breast cancer. So palestiniano. I'm Palestinian. I'm Palestinian. Tom no tiene bicicleta. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom está grogue. Tom's groggy. Tom's yellow. Elle aime beaucoup cuisiner. She has a strong liking for cooking. She likes to cook a lot. Mia figlia ha appena quindici anni. My daughter is barely fifteen. My daughter is just fifteen years old. Meu marido está de bom humor hoje. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband's in a good mood today. È presumibilmente l'assassino. He is allegedly the murderer. He's presumably the killer. Nous n'avons pas eu à faire face à cela auparavant. We haven't had to deal with this before. We haven't had to deal with this before. A respirat adânc. He breathed deeply. He breathed deep. Bolehkah saya bertanya satu kali lagi? Can I ask you one more question? May I ask you one more time? Me encanta este restaurante. I really love this restaurant. I love this restaurant. Tom fingió no conocer a Mary. Tom pretended that he didn't know Mary. Tom pretended not to meet Mary. Por aqui! Over here! This way! Léelo de nuevo para mí. Read it back to me. Read it again for me. Mike Brant est un chanteur israélien de renommée internationale. Il est très apprécié par les algériennes. Mike Brant is an Israeli singer of international renown. He is very appreciated by the Algerian women. Mike Brant is an Israeli international singer and is greatly appreciated by Algerians. Su bisikleta es mavi. His bicycle is blue. His biklet is mavi. Bine! Well! Okay! Si vous voulez discuter, discutons ! If you want to talk, let's talk. If you want to talk, let's talk! Sou o deus do novo mundo. I am the god of the new world. I am the god of the new world. Es conocido como cantante de rock. He is known as a rock singer. He's known as a rock singer. Ho una lista da parte sua. I have a list from him. I have a list for you. Tom non la dimenticherà. Tom won't forget it. Tom won't forget it. O Tom está a mentir para me proteger. Tom is lying to protect me. Tom's lying to protect me. Tom empezó a trabajar como voluntario en el refugio de desposeídos cuando aún seguía en la escuela secundaria. Tom began working as a volunteer at the homeless shelter while he was still in high school. Tom started working as a volunteer in the retirement shelter while still in high school. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de répondre. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Aku akan pergi ke Eropa minggu depan. I'm going to Europe next week. I'm going to Europe next week. Non sono una centrista. I'm not a centrist. I'm not a centrist. Não sabia que você sabia cozinhar tão bem. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you knew how to cook so well. Aos poucos, a minha avó ficava esquecida e fraca. My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. Little by little, my grandmother was forgotten and weak. Tu es difficile. You're fussy. You're hard. Que tal três semanas a partir de segunda-feira? How about three weeks from Monday? How about three weeks from Monday? Kami suka makan epal. We love eating apples. We like to eat apples. Triunfei sobre aquele medroso. I've triumphed over that coward. I've triumphed over that plumber. Tom se grăbește. Tom is in a big hurry. Tom's in a hurry. Ho preparato un po' di caffè. I've made some coffee. I made some coffee. Kami tidak punya banyak masalah. We don't have a lot of trouble. We don't have much trouble. Sugiro que veja o Sr. White. I suggest that you see Mr. White. I suggest you see Mr. White. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que enseñaste a conducir? When was the last time you taught driving? When was the last time you taught to drive? Ele tentou colocar a culpa em mim. He tried to put the blame on me. He tried to put the blame on me. Todas las personas deberían descubrir por sí mismas la alegría de compartir. Everyone should discover for themselves the happiness of sharing. All people should discover for themselves the joy of sharing. Tom faz isso. Tom does that. Tom does that. Ser deve ser sentido. Não pode ser pensado. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. It must make sense, it can't be thought about. Tom è grandissimo. Tom's terrific. Tom's great. A cada passo deparamos com barreiras. At every step, we face obstacles. Every step we find barriers. Non saremo in grado di finire questo lavoro oggi. We won't be able to finish this job today. We will not be able to finish this work today. La moneda de Vietnam es el đồng. Su símbolo es el "₫". Vietnam's currency is the đồng. Its symbol is "₫". The currency of Vietnam is the . . . . . Its symbol is the ". . . . . Hay una iglesia al cruzar la calle. There is a church across the street. There's a church across the street. Lasă-mă. Go away. Let me go. Vocês estão atrasados. You guys are late. You're late. A Tom non piace questo tipo di film. Tom doesn't like this kind of movie. Tom doesn't like this kind of movie. Il a fallu beaucoup de temps pour le rallier à notre point de vue. It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view. It took a lot of time to rally it to our point of view. ¡Ojalá lo supiera! If only I knew! I wish I knew! Não há por que tentar escapar. It is no use trying to escape. There's no need to try to escape. J'aime les vêtements de coton l'été. I like cotton clothing in the summer. I like cotton clothes in the summer. Se eu tivesse de fazer de novo, eu faria! If I had to do it again, I would! If I had to do it again, I'd do it! Se eu apenas soubesse que havia uma possibilidade de que aconteceria, teria sido mais cuidadoso. If I'd only known there was a possibility that would happen, I'd have been more careful. If I had only known that there was a possibility that it would happen, it would have been more careful. Se fossi in lei, comprerei quello. If I were you, I'd buy that one. If I were you, I'd buy that. Il a souri et est parti. He smiled and left. He smiled and went away. Eu posso lhe ensinar a cozinhar. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. Por que che gusta tanto Boston? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you like Boston so much? Jangan bangunkan dia. Don't wake her up. Don't wake him up. Leyó el libro ayer. He read the book yesterday. He read the book yesterday. Maria não tem marido. Mary doesn't have a husband. Maria doesn't have a husband. Personne ne sait pourquoi elle ne m'aime pas. Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. Pintunya belum ditutup. The door was not closed. The door's not closed yet. Non parli a bocca piena. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't speak in your mouth. O final do outono en Escocia é bastante frío. Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold. The end of the autumn in Scotland is quite cold. Era una storia davvero spaventosa. That was a really scary story. It was a really scary story. Ei, să începem lucrul. Well, let's start our work. Well, let's start the work. Pour le dire clairement : l'odeur de ta transpiration est abominable. To put it bluntly, your sweat smells awful. To tell you clearly: the smell of your sweat is abominable. Argumentul tău este nefondat. Your argument is unfounded. Your argument is unfounded. On a acheté le journal. We bought the newspaper. We bought the paper. Esta é a cidade em que nasci. This is the town where I was born. This is the city I was born in. Tom si leccò le dita. Tom licked his fingers. Tom licked his finger. Era atraente. It was attractive. It was attractive. Non lo sa che io sono giapponese. She doesn't know that I'm Japanese. He doesn't know I'm Japanese. Ci do a mucchio fin da subito. I'm giving up before I start. I'll give you a lot from now on. Lei com'è arrivata qui? How did you get here? How did you get here? An bizwen lajan onlo. I need a lot more money. Let's get money on it. Tom pindah keluar tiga minggu yang lalu. Tom moved out three weeks ago. Tom moved out three weeks ago. Costa soltanto una moneta. It only costs a coin. It costs only one coin. Tom e Maria construíram um castelo de areia na praia. Tom and Mary built a sand castle on the beach. Tom and Maria built a sand castle on the beach. Emily es la chica más brillante de la escuela. Emily is the brightest girl in school. Emily is the brightest girl in school. Io non ho mai picchiato nessuno nella mia vita. I've never hit anyone in my life. I've never hit anyone in my life. Eu não menti para você. I didn't lie to you. I didn't lie to you. Il n'en a pas le courage. He doesn't have the courage. He doesn't have the courage. Aunque reconozca mi habitación, a mi mascota, y a mí mismo en el espejo, reconozco que estoy soñando. Even when I recognize my room, my pet and myself in the mirror, I recognize I'm dreaming. Even though I recognize my room, my pet, and myself in the mirror, I recognize that I'm dreaming. Io sono sicuro che stanno parlando di noi. I'm sure they're talking about us. I'm sure they're talking about us. Apakah Anda pernah ke Inggris? Have you ever been to Britain? Have you ever been to England? Recomiendo la isla Maui. I recommend Maui. I recommend Maui Island. I vôreut divni medcén. He wants to become a doctor. I want to get medicated. O ditador oprimiu o povo. The dictator oppressed the people. The dictator oppressed the people. De acuerdo, y ¿qué vas a hacer tú por mí? OK, and what are you going to do for me? Okay, so what are you gonna do for me? Meu computador tem que me ser útil para algo. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computer has to be useful to me for something. Vous êtes tous les deux jolis. You're both pretty. You're both beautiful. Mary dijo que no tenía plan alguno. Mary said she didn't have a plan. Mary said she had no plan. Eu preciso de água. I need some water. I need water. Seharusnya kamu melakukannya. You should have done so. You should've done it. Elas nunca fizeram o que disseram que fariam. They never did what they said they would do. They never did what they said they would. Je me sens vraiment mal à ce sujet. I feel really bad about this. I feel really bad about it. Il croit fermement qu'il a été enlevé par un OVNI et a fait l'objet d'expérimentations par des extra-terrestres. He firmly believes that he was abducted by a UFO and experimented on by aliens. He firmly believes that he has been kidnapped by a UFO and has been experimented with by extra-terrestrials. Ci avete trovati. You found us. You found us. Sans un instant d'hésitation, ils prirent des mesures draconiennes contre la conspiration. Without a moment's hesitation, they took drastic action against the conspiracy. Without a moment of hesitation, they took draconian measures against conspiracy. Los votantes escogieron a Nixon el día de las elecciones. On election day, voters chose Nixon. The voters chose Nixon on election day. La TV non dovrebbe essere così vicina. Mettila un po' più indietro. The TV shouldn't be so close. Put it a little further back. The TV shouldn't be so close, put it back a little bit. Aku masih belum belajar mengendarai mobil. I still haven't learned to drive a car. I haven't learned to drive yet. Ella lleva una mochila a su espalda. She is carrying a backpack on her back. She's carrying a backpack on her back. Lei ha mai cenato con la sua famiglia? Have you ever had dinner with your family? Have you ever had dinner with your family? Nunca subestime o Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Vozotros avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Vozotzros avlash Ladino? Eu aprovo o teu plano. I approve of your plan. I approve of your plan. Ta mère m'adore. Your mother loves me. Your mother loves me. Ça blesse plus que tu ne peux l'imaginer. This hurts more than you can imagine. It hurts more than you can imagine. Tenho que tomar cuidado. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Los niños están jugando Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. Care este adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail? What's your e-mail address? What's your e-mail address? Ma vos plaze! But you like it! My pleasure! Tom non mi guarderà neanche. Tom won't even look at me. Tom won't even look at me. Perang dunia pertama dimulai pada tahun 1914 dan berakhir pada tahun 1918. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. First world war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Mi madre insiste en que no salga después de que oscurezca. My mother insists that I should not go out after dark. My mother insists she doesn't go out after it's dark. Nós somos estagiários. We're trainees. We're interns. Sei una vera perdente. You're a real loser. You're a real loser. Voglio vederla adesso. I want to see you now. I want to see her now. Secondo te non fa proposte concrete e fattibili? In your opinion, he does not make concrete and feasible proposals? Don't you think he makes concrete and feasible proposals? Ayer estudiamos inglés. Yesterday, we studied English. We studied English yesterday. On vols vendre això? Where do you want to sell this? Where do you want to sell this? Tom terminou mesmo com Mary? Did Tom really break up with Mary? Did Tom really end up with Mary? Non sei se vaia ou non vaia. I don't know whether I'll go or not. I don't know if I'm going or not. La polizia ci troverà se restiamo qui. The police will find us if we stay here. The police will find us if we stay here. Io sono andata a fare escursionismo con il gruppo. I went hiking with the group. I went for a walk with the group. Je pense que c'est évident, pas toi ? I think it's obvious, don't you? I think it's obvious, isn't it? Où est ton chien ? Where's your dog? Where's your dog? Il possède une voiture étrangère. He has a foreign car. He owns a foreign car. Farò qualche chiamata. I'll make a few calls. I'll make some calls. Uma maçã caiu da macieira. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell from the apple tree. Qui connaissez-vous à Boston ? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Pot să vorbesc puțină franceză. I can speak French a little. I can speak a little French. Boleh saya membawa kot anda? Shall I carry your coat? May I take your home? Il ne vous est point nécessaire de me remercier. Je suis ici pour vous servir. You don't need to thank me. I'm here to serve you. You don't have to thank me, I'm here to serve you. Acabo de estar no aeroporto para despedirme del. I have just been to the airport to see him off. I've just been to the airport to say goodbye to him. Qu'ei un líber ancian. This is an old book. It's an old liber. El perro lamió el plato con la lengua. The dog licked the plate with its tongue. The dog licked the plate with the tongue. Iernile erau foarte friguroase. The winters were bitterly cold. Winters were very cold. Tom siempre se acuesta a las 22:00. Tom is always in bed by 10:00. Tom always lies down at 22:00. J'aurais aimé être plus grand. I wish I were taller. I wish I was bigger. Quand es-tu revenu de Londres ? When did you get back from London? When did you get back from London? Tom no beu. Tom doesn't drink. Tom doesn't drink. Mi camisa está mojada. My shirt is wet. My shirt's wet. Tony pode correr rápido. Tony can run fast. Tony can run fast. Che cosa posso fare per aiutarla? What can I do to help her? What can I do to help you? Apa yang akan kulakukan tanpamu? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Deixa a gente ficar aqui. Let us stay here. Let us stay here. Noi ci stiamo spogliando. We're undressing. We're stripping. Não sou ciumento. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. ¿Cuánto puedes entender de lo que he escrito aquí? How much of what I've written here do you understand? How much can you understand what I've written here? Eu votei nela no ano passado. I voted for her last year. I voted on it last year. Adoitabamos quedar nunha cafetería en Shinjuku despois do traballo. We used to meet at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work. We used to stay at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work. Tom est un manipulateur. Tom is a manipulative person. Tom's a manipulator. Casi nunca llueve en esta región. It hardly ever rains in the area. It hardly ever rains in this region. Un environnement riche et stimulant est important dans le développement cognitif de l'enfant. A rich and stimulating environment is important for a child's cognitive development. A rich and stimulating environment is important in the cognitive development of the child. Tom no sabe quién soy. Tom doesn't know who I am. Tom doesn't know who I am. Deve aiutarli. You've got to help them. He has to help them. Je vous protègerai. I will protect you. I'll protect you. Isso seria assassinato. It'd be murder. That would be murder. Feliz Día Internacional da Muller! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Ils se sont rencontrés au collège. They met in high school. They met at college. Por que você está fazendo isto? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Los buenos artistas copian, los grandes artistas roban. Good artists copy, great artists steal. The good artists copy, the great artists steal. Eu acabei de machucar minhas costas. I just hurt my back. I just hurt my back. Îmi reduc cantitatea de dulciuri. I'm cutting down on sweets. I cut my sweets. Poco a poco comenzarás a comprender el texto sin traducciones ni explicaciones. Little by little you will begin to comprehend the text without translations or explanations. Soon you will begin to understand the text without translations or explanations. Eu não tenho certeza do que foi isso, mas soou como um tiro. I'm not sure what it was, but it sounded like a gunshot. I'm not sure what that was, but it sounded like a shot. Di venti studentesse, soltanto una ha letto il libro. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of twenty students, only one read the book. Educar una hija es como regar las plantas del vecino. Raising a daughter is like watering your neighbour's garden. Educating a daughter is like watering the neighbor's plants. Linda estava tão desapontada que caiu em prantos. Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears. Linda was so disappointed she fell into tears. Aprilie este a patra lună a anului. April is the fourth month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. Tom planea irse de vacaciones la próxima semana. Tom plans to go on a vacation next week. Tom plans to go on vacation next week. Tom morreu. Tom died. Tom's dead. Durante varios meses después del robo los ladrones trataron de no llamar la atención. For several months after the robbery the thieves kept a low profile. For several months after the robbery the thieves tried not to draw attention. Io non sono interessata alla politica. I'm not interested in politics. I am not interested in politics. E un monarh absolut. He is an absolute monarch. It's an absolute monarch. Siete americani. You are American. You're American. Antes de morrer, passou mais de um mês hospitalizado. He was hospitalized for over a month before dying. Before he died, he spent more than a month in hospital. Merauke adalah kota paling timur di Indonesia. Merauke is the easternmost city in Indonesia. Merauke is the most easterly city in Indonesia. Mary și eu avem în plan să creștem doi copii. Mary and I plan to have two children. Mary and I are planning on raising two children. Eu ouvi pelo rádio. I heard it on the radio. I heard it from the radio. Esas son mis cosas. Those are my things. Those are my things. Non penso che le barzellette di Tom siano particolarmente divertenti. I don't think Tom's jokes are particularly funny. I don't think Tom's jokes are particularly funny. Sono così felice che il Natale sia qui. I'm so happy that Christmas is here. I'm so happy Christmas is here. Nu este ușor să dresezi câinii. It is not easy to train dogs. It's not easy to drive the dogs. El cel d'esta foto està molt saturat. The sky in this photo is very saturated. The sky in this picture is very saturated. M'ho hauries d'haver dit ahir. You should've told me yesterday. You should have told me yesterday. Mă bucur că s-a întors. I'm glad he came back. I'm glad he's back. Me gusta esa universidad, pero está demasiado cerca de casa. I like that university, but it's too near my home. I like that university, but it's too close to home. Acesta este un caz urgent. This is an emergency case. This is an urgent case. Tout bien considéré, mon père a eu une vie heureuse. All things taken into consideration, my father's life was a happy one. All in all, my father had a happy life. Não temos tempo a perder. We don't have any time to waste. We don't have time to waste. Eu preciso falar com você sobre algo. I need to speak to you about something. I need to talk to you about something. Kamu sudah makan malam? Have you already eaten dinner? Have you had dinner yet? Tom està casat i fins i tot té un fill. Tom is married and even has a son. Tom is married and even has a son. Tom este îngrijit la un spital din apropiere, Tom is being treated at a nearby hospital. Tom's taken care of at a nearby hospital, Suzanne me lleva dos años de edad. Suzanne is two years older than me. Suzanne's been taking me for two years. Non spezzarmi il cuore. Don't break my heart. Don't break my heart. Păsărilor le era foame. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. La mulți ani, dragă prietene! Happy birthday, dear friend! Happy birthday, my dear friend! Lo so che abitate qui. I know that you live here. I know you live here. Qu'est-ce que j'y gagne ? What do I get? What am I winning? È magro. You're thin. He's skinny. ¡Qué padre! Cool! What a father! Tom adora cantar. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Il sait à peine parler anglais. He can hardly speak any English. He can barely speak English. Soyez tolérant. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Cien años se llama un siglo. 100 years is called a century. One hundred years is called a century. Tom e Mary sono giovani e attraenti. Tom and Mary are young and attractive. Tom and Mary are young and attractive. Mon passe-temps consiste à collectionner les insectes. My hobby is collecting insects. My pastime is to collect insects. Mary planchó su falda. Mary ironed her skirt. Mary ironed her skirt. ¡Qué hermoso lugar! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! Tom adestrou o seu can a ladrar aos descoñecidos. Tom conditioned his dog to bark at strangers. Tom trained his dog to bark at strangers. Lei mi trova attraente? Do you find me attractive? Do you think I'm attractive? Vamos ver se nós conseguimos abrir essa porta. Let's see if we can get this door open. Let's see if we can open that door. Tom donna tout ce qu'il possédait. Tom gave away everything he owned. Tom gave everything he had. La gente beve il tè nel tuo paese? Do people drink tea in your country? Do people drink tea in your country? Quiero saber qué le pasó a Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. Tom no es estudiante. Tom is not a student. Tom's not a student. Eu vou tomar um banho. I'm going to have a shower. I'll take a bath. Ho bisogno di vederle ora. I need to see them now. I need to see them now. Obtuve mi venganza. I took my revenge. Got my revenge. Tom dijo que él estaba dispuesto a ayudarnos. Tom said he was willing to help us out. Tom said he was willing to help us. Mi marido lee el diario mientras desayuna. My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast. My husband reads the diary while he eats breakfast. Ell és un somia truites. He is a daydreamer. He's a trout dream. Alguém varreu a despensa. Someone swept the pantry. Someone swept the pantry. Silahkan nikmati segala macam makanan yang ada di dalam lemari es. Please feel free to eat anything in the fridge. Enjoy all kinds of food in the fridge. La realidad es, que él rompió la ventana. The fact is, he broke the window. The reality is, he broke the window. Si le temps le permet, nous partirons dans une heure. Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If time permits, we'll leave in an hour. Que é aquilo do outro lado da rua? What is that across the street? What's that on the other side of the street? No me gusta que la gente me mire. I don't like people staring at me. I don't like people looking at me. Quiero ir a Inglaterra. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. Às vezes ele corre, às vezes ele caminha. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Il a raconté son secret à ses amis. He told his friends his secret. He told his friends about his secret. Posso scattarle una foto? May I take a picture of you? Can I take a picture of her? Noi vogliamo solo parlare con loro. We just want to talk to them. We just want to talk to them. El padre del padre es el abuelo, el padre del abuelo es el bisabuelo, el padre del bisabuelo es el tatarabuelo, pero no se ha definido una palabra para las generaciones anteriores al tatarabuelo. The father of a father is a grandfather, a grandfather's father is a great-grandfather, a great-grandfather's father is a great-great-grandfather, but no word has been decided upon for the generations before great-great-grandfather. The father of the father is the grandfather, the father of the grandfather is the great grandfather, the father of the great grandfather is the father-in-law, but no word has been defined for generations prior to the father-in-law. Le secret a été enfermé au loin pour l'éternité. The secret was locked away for aeons. The secret has been locked away for eternity. Bastou um só momento de minha vida para que eu viesse a te conhecer e te amar, mas nem minha vida inteira seria suficiente para que eu conseguisse te esquecer. Only one moment of my life was enough to manage to know and love you, but my entire life would not be enough to manage to forget you. It's only one moment of my life that I come to know you and love you, but not my whole life would be enough for me to forget you. Déjame llamar a Tom. Let me call Tom. Let me call Tom. Me has engañado. You befooled me. You cheated on me. Estou exausto. I'm worn out. I'm exhausted. A decir verdad, nos enteramos de que su nuevo marido era un tío espantoso. To tell the truth, we learned that her new husband was a terrible guy. To tell you the truth, we learned that her new husband was a scary guy. Es una buena idea estudiar la lengua y cultura del país que vas a visitar. It's a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you're going to visit. It is a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you are visiting. Chove no molhado. It never rains, it pours. It rains in the wet. Quanto ci vorrà per arrivare lì? How long will it take to get there? How long will it take to get there? Desayunaremos a las ocho en punto. We'll have breakfast at eight o'clock. We'll have breakfast at eight o'clock. Sanno chi sei. They know who you are. They know who you are. O jovem casal inspecionou o quarto. The young couple surveyed the room. The young couple inspected the room. Tom lesse la lettera a Mary. Tom read the letter to Mary. Tom read Mary's letter. Nadie me habló acerca de eso. No one told me about that. No one told me about it. Hoy hay más nubes que ayer. There are more clouds today than yesterday. There are more clouds today than yesterday. C'étaient des soldats. They were soldiers. They were soldiers. Shota a dit qu'il était gêné de la voir. Shota said that he was shy about seeing her. Shota said he was embarrassed to see her. Tom quiere ser como su padre. Tom wants to be like his father. Tom wants to be like his father. J'ai le meilleur moyen pour la faire devenir ta petite amie. I've got the best way to get her to be your girlfriend. I have the best way to make her your girlfriend. Eu sei que o Tom está com o coração partido. I know that Tom is heartbroken. I know Tom's with a broken heart. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la politique gouvernementale sur l'éducation. I don't agree with the government's policy on education. I disagree with government policy on education. Saca tu mente fuera de la cuneta. Get your mind out of the gutter! Get your mind out of the cracker. Nous devons trouver ce qui se passe. We have to find out what's going on. We need to find out what's going on. Tom non ha comprato niente a Mary. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. La aspettavamo alle 2:30. We expected you at 2:30. We were waiting for her at 2:30. Estic estudiant anglès. I'm studying English. I'm studying English. Ela adora animais. She adores animals. She loves animals. Il campione di Formula 1 Michael Schumacher subì un grave infortunio alla testa. The F1 champion Michael Schumacher sustained a serious head injury. Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher suffered a serious head injury. O home do tempo di que teremos choiva pola tarde. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. Time man says we'll have rain in the afternoon. Să încercăm să-l sunăm. Let's try calling him. Let's try calling him. Él conduce un camión. He drives a truck. He drives a truck. Elle dansa avec lui. She danced with him. She danced with him. El hombre se imagina que ve a una niña joven. The man is imagining he sees a young girl. The man imagines he sees a young girl. A Mary le gusta Japón, ¿verdad? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? Se vòs estar liure, destrusís ton finestron. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you're free, destroy your windowtron. El profesor les riñó. They were scolded by the teacher. The teacher laughed at them. No l'he vist des d'aleshores. I have not seen him since then. I haven't seen him since. Isso soa como uma piada. That sounds like a joke. That sounds like a joke. Ella va alçar la mà. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Dia mudah bosan. He got bored quickly. He's easy to get bored. Tom a pris le bus pour aller à l'école. Tom took the bus to school. Tom took the bus to school. Sé què tens raó. I know you're right. I know you're right. Quiero ver lo que estoy enfrentando. I want to see what I'm up against. I want to see what I'm dealing with. Quería hacer lo correcto. I wanted to do the right thing. I wanted to do the right thing. Precisamos fazer isso antes de irmos para casa. We need to get this done before we can go home. We need to do this before we go home. He leído el diccionario de principio a fin. I've read the dictionary cover to cover. I've read the dictionary from beginning to end. Lei ha un albero di Natale? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? O dinheiro traz felicidade? Does money bring happiness? Does money bring happiness? Mă durea inima pentru păsările aflate pe moarte. My heart ached for the dying birds. My heart was in pain for the dying birds. Perché siete sempre così stanche? Why are you always so tired? Why are you always so tired? Lapar? Hungry? Hungry? Quarantacinque per due fa novanta. Forty-five times two is ninety. Forty-five for two nineties ago. Esta é a casa na qual ele mora. This is the house in which he lives. This is the house he lives in. Elle vit au mois le mois. She lives paycheck to paycheck. She lives in the month. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec celui-là ? What's wrong with this one? What's wrong with that one? Cepat! Step on it! Hurry! Ouvre la bouteille. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Kita menyia-nyiakan minyak. We take oil for granted. We're wasting oil. No podemos dormir bien las noches de verano. We cannot sleep well on summer nights. We can't sleep well in summer nights. Io sono molto rapida. I'm very quick. I'm very fast. È una persona impegnata, vero? He's a busy person, isn't he? She's a busy person, isn't she? Ulat ini akan berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantik. This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. This is going to turn into a beautiful butterfly. L'urdu è la sua lingua madre. Urdu is his mother tongue. Urdu is his mother tongue. Tatoeba no és una escola — és una universitat! Tatoeba is not a school; it's a university! Tatoeba's not a school — it's a university! Kamu masih muda. You're still young. You're young. Minha bagagem não chegou. O que houve? My luggage didn't arrive. What happened? My luggage didn't arrive. Sami est imprévisible. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami is unpredictable. Tu me rappelles quelqu'un que je connaissais. You remind me of someone I used to know. You remind me of someone I knew. O ano escolar acabou. The school year ended. The school year is over. Teus filhos são tão charmosos! Your children are so charming! Your children are so charming! Ti piacciono queste canzoni? Do you like these songs? Do you like these songs? Tra i due, Ken è il più alto. Between the two of them, Ken is taller. Between them, Ken is the tallest. Has cometido un error fatal. You have made a fatal mistake. You made a fatal mistake. ¿Llamarías por mí? Will you telephone for me? Would you call for me? Proletari din toate ţările, uniţi-vă! Workers of all lands, unite! Proletarians from all countries, unite! El hombre que vi ayer era un completo caballero. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. Tom è infido, vero? Tom is devious, isn't he? Tom's infected, isn't he? De ce ar face Tom un astfel de lucru? Why would Tom do such a thing? Why would Tom do such a thing? Eso es humillante. That's humiliating. That's humiliating. La campana de la glèisa abança de tres minutas de mei cada setmana. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The church bell starts three minutes a half a week. Kamu harus membantuku. You need to help me. You have to help me. Danki! Thank you! Thank you! Il fut embarrassé, comme j'insistai pour lui lire les critiques de son nouveau livre. He was embarrassed when I insisted on reading the criticism of his new book. He was embarrassed, as I urged him to read the criticisms of his new book. No vull llegir aquest llibre. I don't want to read this book. I don't want to read this book. Sabía que preguntarías eso. I knew you were going to ask that. I knew you'd ask that. Roma n-a fost construită într-o zi. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome wasn't built in a day. Se vén, dille que agarde por min. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. Kami sarapan pada pukul tujuh. We have breakfast at seven. We had breakfast at seven o'clock. Ellos son mis amigos. They're my friends. They're my friends. Următoarele cuvinte se numesc pronume și sunt folosite ca subiect al unei propoziții. Ele reprezintă o persoană sau un lucru. The following words are called pronouns and are used as the subject of a sentence. They represent a person or a thing. The following words are called pronouns and are used as a subject of a sentence. They represent a person or a thing. No sé por qué se encuentra ausente hoy. I don't know the reason he is absent today. I don't know why he's missing today. Eu vi o grande profeta com meus próprios olhos. Seus olhos eram qual estrelas cintilantes, e sua barba parecia água cheia de espuma. I saw the great prophet with my own eyes. He had eyes like sparkling stars, and a beard like foaming water. I saw the great prophet with my own eyes. His eyes were what bright stars, and his beard looked like water full of foam. Io ho avuto fortuna. I got lucky. I was lucky. Mama și fiica reprezentau două generații. The mother and daughter represented two generations. Mother and daughter represented two generations. Se ha ido a América. He has gone to America. He's gone to America. Hemos terminado de hacer la limpieza de la clase. We've finished cleaning the classroom. We're done cleaning up the class. Qual é a sua fonte favorita? What's your favorite font? What's your favorite source? Saya ngga tahu apa yang salah tapi beberapa kali saya mencoba untuk masuk ke website ini, saya ngga bisa masuk juga. I don't know what's been going wrong, but several times when I tried to log onto the site today, I couldn't do it. I don't know what's wrong but several times I try to get into this website, I can't go in too. Perché non lo voleva fare? Why didn't you want to do that? Why didn't you want to do it? Tout le monde vous appréciait. Everybody liked you. Everyone liked you. Je pense que ce que tu fais est dangereux. I think what you're doing is dangerous. I think what you're doing is dangerous. A mulher está trabalhando. The woman is working. The woman's working. Avlo japanez, inglez i fransez. I speak Japanese, English, and French. I have Japanese, English, and French. Non ho cercato di fermarla. I didn't try to stop her. I didn't try to stop her. O Tom disse que ele tinha alguma coisa para você. Tom said he had something for you. Tom said he had something for you. É duro ser mulher. É preciso pensar qual um homem, proceder qual uma senhora, parecer uma garota e trabalhar qual um cavalo. It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse. It's hard to be a woman, you have to think what a man to do as a woman, to look like a girl and to work as a horse. Ciò che ci rende liberi è il denaro, non la legge. What makes us free is the money, not the law. What makes us free is money, not the law. Sentii che Tom fu ucciso. I heard Tom was killed. I heard Tom was killed. Io mi feci controllare gli occhi. I had my eyes checked. I got my eyes checked. Un orso ha scritto la storia. A bear wrote the story. A bear wrote the story. « Tu es amoureux de ce garçon ! » « Non, ce n'est pas vrai ! » "You've got a crush on this boy." "No, I don't!" "You're in love with that boy!" "No, that's not true!" Tom decidió que no había que pintar el techo. Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to paint the ceiling. Tom decided that there was no need to paint the ceiling. Bill adalah seorang pemain bisbol. Bill is a baseball player. Bill was a baseball player. Am muncit mult săptămâna asta. I worked a lot this week. I've been working a lot this week. Aku lupa mengunci lacinya. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. Saya ingin menjumpai kamu. I want to visit you. I want to see you. Tom está disponible. Tom is available. Tom is available. Le dirò il resto domani. I will tell you the rest tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow. Tom a demandé à Mary pourquoi elle était en retard. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Marie dépense beaucoup d'argent pour acheter des vêtements. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. Marie spends a lot of money to buy clothes. Aku rasa aku harus mencari pinjaman. I think I may have to get a loan. I think I should be looking for a loan. Eles estão calmos demais. They're way too calm. They're too calm. Muriel berumur 20 sekarang. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is 20 now. Tom axuda a Mary a mover o moble. Tom helps Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Nu plâng ușor. I don't cry easily. Don't cry easily. Nu-ți fie teamă să ceri ajutor. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Hai mancato il bersaglio. You missed. You missed your target. Eram pe punctul de a plecat când ai sunat. I was about to leave when you telephoned. I was about to leave when you called. Io mi sento sufficientemente bene. I feel good enough. I feel good enough. Nu avem vreun motiv să fim nervoși. We have no reason to be angry. We have no reason to be angry. C'est un dictionnaire ambulant. He is called a walking dictionary. It's an ambulant dictionary. Pero las comadronas temían a Dios, y no hicieron lo que les había mandado el rey de Egipto, sino que dejaban con vida a los niños. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children. But the midwives feared God, and did not do what the king of Egypt had commanded them, but left the children alive. Tom è solo un tipo qualunque. Tom is just an average Joe. Tom's just some kind of guy. Yo puedo nadar rápido. I can swim fast. I can swim fast. ¿Por qué me lo agradeces? Why thank me? Why do you thank me? Je préfère la science fiction. I like science fiction better. I prefer science fiction. ¿Cuándo dejó de llover? When did it stop raining? When did it stop raining? ¿Quién es ese hombre? Who is that man? Who's that man? El siglo XXI le pertenece a Asia. The 21st century belongs to Asia. The twenty-first century belongs to Asia. Itu tidak berarti apa-apa. It didn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. Os homens não abandonam suas namoradas até que tenham uma substituta. Men don't abandon their girlfriends until they have a substitute. Men don't abandon their girlfriends until they have a replacement. Noi siamo analfabeti. We're illiterate. We're illiterate. Nous l'avons attaché pour qu'il ne s'échappe pas. We tied him up so that he wouldn't be able to escape. We tied him up so he wouldn't get away. Si vous pouvez, venez avec nous. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Suis-je sur la mauvaise route ? Am I on the wrong road? Am I on the wrong road? Ele voltou para casa e comprou um cavalo. He returned home and bought a horse. He came home and bought a horse. He dejado de beber cerveza. I don't drink beer anymore. I stopped drinking beer. Estamos tomando café da manhã. We are having breakfast. We're having breakfast in the morning. Kita beruntung sudah hidup. We're very lucky to be alive. We're lucky we're alive. Je vis de l'autre côté de la rue. I live across the street. I live across the street. Hay muchos niños en el parque. There are many children in the park. There are many children in the park. Sa colère était sincère. Her anger was genuine. His anger was sincere. Yo pienso que la comida en Japón es cara. I think food is expensive in Japan. I think the food in Japan is expensive. Tu dois arrêter de t'inquiéter. You have to stop worrying. You need to stop worrying. Lei non troverà mai un moroso migliore di Tom. You're never going to find a better boyfriend than Tom. You'll never find a softer man than Tom. Sudah pernah hujan di hutan. It has been raining in the forest. It's been raining in the woods. Ils ont dit qu'ils arrêteraient de faire ça. They said they'll quit doing that. They said they'd stop doing this. Care e rasa ta favorită de câini? What's your favorite breed of dog? What's your dog's favorite breed? Eu quero saber o que você encontrou. I want to know what you've found out. I want to know what you found. Planeamos invitar tanto a Tom como a Mary. We plan to invite both Tom and Mary. We plan to invite both Tom and Mary. Que dirais-tu d'arrêter pour aujourd'hui ? How about calling it a day? How would you like to stop for today? O Tom não sabe tocar violão. Tom doesn't know how to play guitar. Tom can't play a guitar. Tom crede in strane cose. Tom believes in strange things. Tom believes in strange things. Quem sentará lá atrás? Who'll sit in the back? Who's gonna sit back there? Non capisco quello che ha detto la professoressa. I don't understand what the teacher said. I don't understand what the teacher said. Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela. He will break up with her. He's gonna end up dating her. Tom não via a Mary em lugar nenhum. Tom didn't see Mary anywhere. Tom didn't see Mary anywhere. Él es más suertudo que astuto. He is more lucky than clever. He's smarter than smarter. Loro ci hanno chiamati. They called us. They called us. Ne sors pas de la pièce en laissant la fenêtre ouverte. Don't leave the room with the window open. Do not leave the room by leaving the window open. Apa kau sudah mencuci mobilnya? Have you washed the car yet? Did you wash the car? Las dos estan okupadas. Both of them are busy. They're both ombudsmen. Ça caille ici ! It's bloody freezing here! It's shitty here! Seu vestido estava rasgado. Her dress was torn. Your dress was torn. Estuve dos veces en los Estados Unidos. I have been to America twice. I've been in the United States twice. Io leggo una rivista per ammazzare il tempo. I read a magazine to kill time. I read a magazine to kill time. L'église est édifiée dans le style gothique. The church is built in Gothic style. The church is built in Gothic style. La tienda se traspasó a finales del verano pasado. The store changed hands at the end of last summer. The store was moved by the end of last summer. Você deveria cuidar das crianças de vez em quando. You should look after the children from time to time. You should take care of the children from time to time. Tom sentì un acuto dolore nel suo stomaco. Tom felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Tom felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Je ne vous décevrai jamais. I'll never deceive you. I'll never let you down. Tom foi obrigado a esperar mais de uma hora. Tom was made to wait for over an hour. Tom was forced to wait for more than an hour. Molte persone pensano che le macchine d'epoca abbiano un prezzo superiore al loro valore effettivo. Many people think that antique cars are overpriced. Many people think that vintage machines have a price higher than their actual value. Je dois manger, aussi. I have to eat, too. I have to eat, too. ¿A qué hora te bañas en la mañana? What time do you take a bath in the morning? What time do you bathe in the morning? No creo que sea suficiente. I don't think that's enough. I don't think that's enough. Tío Vasya me regaló una pintura. Uncle Vasya gave me a painting as a gift. Uncle Vasya gave me a painting. Il Portugais Vasco da Gama ha scuvert la via maritima che maina dal Portugal enturn il continent da l’Africa en l’India. The Portuguese man Vasco da Gama discovered the maritime route which leades from Portugal around the continent of Africa to India. The Portugais Vasco da Gama has discovered the maritime route that lies around the continent from Africa in India from Portugal. Per favore, guida più lentamente. Please drive slower. Please drive slower. Il mio nome è James, però chiamami Jim, per favore. My name is James, but please call me Jim. My name is James, but call me Jim, please. Qual o problema, querida? What's the matter, dear? What's the matter, dear? Irei se vocês quiserem. I'll go if you will. I'll go if you want. Tú faries el mateix per mi. You'd do the same for me. You would do the same for me. Sunteți ocupată? Are you busy? Are you busy? Lo stress è insopportabile. The stress is unbearable. Stress is unbearable. Él estaba aquí entonces. He was here at that time. He was here then. Layla si chiedeva dove fosse Sami. Layla wondered where Sami was. Layla wondered where Sami was. Povestea lui sună credibilă. His story sounds believable. His story sounds credible. Je seulement une chose à vous demander. I have just one thing to ask of you. I'm just asking you one thing. Lo conoscete questo proverbio polacco? Do you know this Polish proverb? Do you know this Polish proverb? Al mé fradèl l'é dvintê prét. My brother has become a priest. He's being a priest to me, he's a fraud. Sea como sea, mañana toma ese tren. In any case, catch the train tomorrow. Anyway, tomorrow take that train. Stavo solamente cercando Tom. I was just looking for Tom. I was just looking for Tom. Pedro mora com seu amigo. Peter lives with his friend. Pedro lives with his friend. Saps qui va escriure aquesta novela? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this novel? Eu te abraço. I hug you. I'll hug you. Ao orar, é melhor ter um coração sem palavras do que palavras sem coração. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. When praying, it is better to have a heart without words than a heartless word. Eu quero muito aprender francês. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. Deixe-me ir contar ao Tom a boa notícia. Let me go and tell Tom the good news. Let me tell Tom the good news. Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri. We will die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we'll die. Traté de hacerle un acertijo. I tried to ask her a riddle. I tried to get him a hit. Pouvez-vous me prendre à la gare ? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you take me to the station? Sila beritahu saya nombor bank. Please tell me the bank's number. Please tell me the bank number. Ma grand-mère était une fermière. My grandmother was a farmer. My grandmother was a farmer. È permaloso, vero? He's touchy, isn't he? It's dangerous, isn't it? Boleh saya tanya soalan? May I ask you a question? May I ask questions? La informació és útil a un gran nombre de persones. The information is useful to a great many people. The information is useful to a large number of people. Deixa a porta aberta. Keep the door open. Leave the door open. Já reparaste na semelhança da pronúncia entre a língua portuguesa e a língua polaca? Have you noticed the similarity in pronunciation between the Polish and Portuguese languages? Have you noticed the similarity of pronunciation between Portuguese and Polish? So Hase. My name is Hase. So Hase. Cuando ella era estudiante, trabajaba como camionera. When she was a student, she worked as a truck driver. When she was a student, she worked as a truck driver. Se entregó a las penas. She abandoned herself to grief. He gave himself up to grief. Mio fratello non ha niente. My brother has nothing. My brother has nothing. Sono riuscito a salvarle. I managed to save them. I managed to save them. Le considero un gran escritor. I consider him a great writer. I consider him a great writer. Je vais chez mon oncle cette semaine. I'm going to my uncle's this week. I'm going to my uncle's this week. Dacă luați la vrac este cu 20% mai ieftin. If you buy in bulk, it's 20% cheaper. If you take the bulk it's 20% cheaper. Tu nu conduci fără permis, nu-i așa? You're not driving without a license, are you? You don't drive without a license, do you? Li vaig demanar de pagar la factura immediatament. I demanded that he pay the bill immediately. I asked him to pay the bill immediately. Qui écoute Tom ? Who listens to Tom? Who's listening to Tom? Aku tidak bisa menekuk tangan kananku. I can't bend my right arm. I can't shake my right hand. Tocmai s-a întors de la bibliotecă. He just came back from the library. He just got back from the library. Ainsi soit-il. Let it be. So be it. J'ai eu le billet pour trois fois rien. I got the ticket for nothing. I got the ticket for three times nothing. Peux-tu m'aider à le trouver ? Can you help me find it? Can you help me find him? Non succederà. It won't come to that. It won't happen. Nas suas mãos havia manchas de nicotina. His hands had nicotine stains. In his hands there were nicotine stains. Ninguén pode escapar da morte. Nobody can escape death. No one can escape death. Lo prendiamo personalmente. We take it personally. We'll take it personally. Elle a un mari et deux filles. She has a husband and two daughters. She has a husband and two daughters. ¿Él tiene novia? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he have a girlfriend? Noi am așteptat. We waited. We waited. Fue noqueado de un puñetazo en el primer asalto. He was knocked out by a punch in the first round. He was nailed by a punch in the first assault. Mike ha regresado de la biblioteca a las cinco. Mike got back from the library at five. Mike's back from the library at 5:00. Ella cocina bien. She cooks well. She cooks well. I prezzi dei terreni sono molto alti in Giappone. Land prices are very high in Japan. Land prices are very high in Japan. Je ne suis pas celui qui devrait y aller. I'm not the one who should go. I'm not the one who should go. Persoanele care nu se grăbesc stau pe partea dreaptă a scărilor rulante. People who are not in a hurry stand on the right side of the escalator. People who don't rush sit on the right side of the stairs. ¿Has sido feliz alguna vez? Have you ever been happy? Have you ever been happy? Bougez-vous les fesses, les filles ! Hurry up, girls. Move your butts, girls! Eu sou um ser humano. I'm a human. I'm a human being. Isso custa muito dinheiro. That costs a lot of money. That costs a lot of money. Son explication de cette affaire concorde avec la vôtre. Her explanation concerning that matter matches yours. His explanation of this case agrees with yours. Turun hujan di hutan. It rained in the forest. It rains in the woods. Pensé que Tom sencillamente firmaría el contrato sin leerlo con cuidado. I thought Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully. I thought Tom would just sign the contract without careful reading it. Tom deve fare questo. Tom has to do this. Tom has to do this. Tom rigole. Tom is laughing. Tom's kidding. Kuantu aña bo tin? How old are you? How old are you? Tom spune că tu meriți o șansă. Tom says that you deserve a chance. Tom says you deserve a chance. Que lui as-tu fait ? What have you done to her? What did you do to him? Cessez de faire ceux qui ne sont pas intéressés ! Stop playing hard to get. Stop doing those who are not interested! És una nova experiència per a mi. It's a wholly new experience for me. It's a new experience for me. È bello vederla così felice. It's nice to see you so happy. It's nice to see you so happy. Tom só queria atenção. Tom just wanted attention. Tom just wanted attention. Está preparado. He's prepared. He's ready. Arrédate de min. Keep away from me. Get rid of me. L'èxit de Marilyn Monroe no la va fer feliç. Marilyn Monroe's success did not make her happy. Marilyn Monroe's success didn't make her happy. Eu atravessei a rua escura. I crossed the dark street. I crossed the dark street. Ustedes dormían. You were asleep. You guys were sleeping. Gostaria disso. I would like that. I'd like that. Tolong kenakan sepatu Anda. Please put on your shoes. Please wear your shoes. Tom ha detto che è stato tradito. Tom said he was betrayed. Tom said he was betrayed. Aku tidak tidur dengan nyenyak akhir-akhir ini. I haven't been sleeping very well. I haven't slept well lately. Vi ha scelte. He's chosen you. You've been chosen. Parla amb soltura. He speaks fluently. Speak with singleness. Una barca si capovolse. A boat capsized. A boat's falling apart. Su bisikleta es mavi. Her bicycle is blue. His biklet is mavi. Son hermosos. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. È due anni più grande di lui. She's two years older than he. It's two years older than him. Kwan tor tin? What time is it? Are there bulls? Que parla anglès, ell? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Visca Maduro Long live Maduro. Visca Maduro Tom marinò la scuola. Tom cut school. Tom swam the school. El conduce propria sa mașină. He drives his own car. He runs his own car. Nu dormeam. I wasn't asleep. I wasn't sleeping. El vine. He's coming in. He's coming. Somos mejores. We're better. We're better. Esta é a bicicleta de Tom. This is Tom's bicycle. This is Tom's bike. Tom fut au bon endroit au bon moment. Tom was in the right place at the right time. Tom went to the right place at the right time. Isto é um trocadilho. This is a pun. This is a trade. Stavi parlando di me? Were you talking about me? You were talking about me? Vocês planejam ir a Tóquio de ônibus? Do you plan to go to Tokyo by bus? Are you planning on going to Tokyo by bus? Espero que Tom llegue aquí a tiempo. I hope Tom gets here on time. I hope Tom gets here in time. Se los líbers n'existivan pas, la vida seré avegiva. If it were not for books, life would be boring. If the libres did not exist, life will be watching. Je suis né durant l'ère Showa. I was born during the Showa era. I was born in the Showa era. Quel est ton restaurant de restauration rapide préféré? What is your favourite fast-food restaurant? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Nous avons besoin de batteries neuves. We need new batteries. We need new batteries. ¿Quién compró esta casa para usted? Who bought you this house? Who bought this house for you? Se son maridats la devarada passada. They got married last fall. They're married to the last wreck. Eu lhe parti o coração, mas o amo. I broke his heart, but I love him. I broke his heart, but I love him. El teléfono sonó apenas llegué a casa. I had barely got into the house when the phone rang. The phone rang. I barely got home. L'hai sottovalutata. You've underestimated her. You underestimated it. Falta-lhe experiência. He lacks experience. He lacks experience. Esta es una hoja de ruta. This is a road map. This is a road map. Tom mi-a mai acordat o șansă. Tom gave me another chance. Tom gave me another chance. A vegetação e a água murmurante acalmam minha mente ardente. Um gerador de energia eólia gira por trás das árvores. The vegetation and the murmuring water calm my ardent mind. A wind turbine rotates behind the trees. The vegetation and murmuring water calm my burning mind. A wind power generator rotates behind the trees. Nous parlions à voix basse pour ne pas réveiller le bébé. We talked in a low voice so as not to wake the baby. We spoke in a low voice so as not to wake the baby. Podemos dizer que a Sra. Smith é viciada em televisão. We can say that Mrs. Smith is a television addict. We can say that Mrs. Smith is addicted to television. Nous sommes toujours actifs. We're still active. We're still active. Apa kau punya korek api? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? ¿Cuál es tu propósito principal para que estudies inglés? What is the main purpose of your studying English? What is your primary purpose for your study of English? Las funciones seno y coseno toman valores entre -1 y 1 (incluyendo -1 y 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sine and cosine functions take values between -1 and 1 (including -1 and 1). Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron. After so many dates, they finally kissed. After so many appointments, they finally kissed. Tom no pudo encontrar a nadie que lo ayudara. Tom couldn't find anyone to help him. Tom couldn't find anyone to help him. Il modo in cui lo sta facendo è sbagliato. The way you're doing it is wrong. The way he's doing it is wrong. Quem o Tom está procurando? Who's Tom looking for? Who's Tom looking for? Que tal uma taça de chá, caso não esteja muito ocupado? What would you say to a cup of tea? That is, if you're not too busy. How about a cup of tea if you're not too busy? Kami tidak benar-benar melihat kecelakaan itu. We didn't actually see the accident. We didn't really see that accident. La pel·lícula va començar a les 2. The film started at 2 o'clock. The movie started at 2:00. Păstrează banii la loc sigur. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money safe. Há uma teoria segundo a qual frequentemente os proprietários de cães ficam parecidos com os próprios cães. There's a theory that dog owners often resemble their dogs. There is a theory that dog owners often look like dogs themselves. Ne-am mutat într-o casă nouă. We moved into a new house. We moved into a new house. Está escurecendo. The sky's getting darker. It's getting dark. Tom a recunoscut că ceea ce a zis mai devreme nu era adevărat. Tom acknowledged that what he said earlier was not true. Tom admitted that what he said earlier was not true. Je sais que Tom voulait vous rencontrer. I know Tom wanted to meet you. I know Tom wanted to meet you. Apakah kita siap? Are we all ready? Are we ready? Atitudinea lui Spencer mă înnebunește. Spencer's attitude drives me nuts. Spencer's attitude is driving me crazy. Son anniversaire tombe dimanche. His birthday falls on Sunday. His birthday falls on Sunday. Como está indo seu trabalho? How is your work coming along? How's your job going? Eu te encontro lá. I'll meet you up there. I'll meet you there. Ha comprato queste per loro? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? Como Mary é uma garota muito gentil, é amada de todos. Since Mary is a very nice girl, she's loved by everyone. As Mary is a very kind girl, she is loved by all. Está procurando um artigo específico? Are you looking for a specific product? Are you looking for a specific article? Hay una cantidad limitada. Quantities are limited. There is a limited amount. La policía le detuvo por robo. The police arrested him for theft. The police arrested him for stealing. Tom a încercat să o sugrume pe Mary. Tom tried to strangle Mary. Tom tried to suck Mary. Ella faltó a las actividades del club. She was absent from the club activities. She missed the club activities. Eu não quero ir até lá. I don't want to go up there. I don't want to go there. Saya pikir dia sakit. I think he is sick. I think he's sick. Les enfants ne sont pas autorisés sur le siège avant. Children are not allowed in the front seat. Children are not allowed at the front seat. Ella es buena en lo que hace. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. Loro non hanno detto nulla. They didn't say anything. They didn't say anything. Tu sais t'y prendre avec les femmes. You have a way with women. You know how to hang out with women. Il arrivera dans la soirée du cinq. He'll arrive in the evening of the fifth. He'll be in the fifth night. Tom memejamkan mata. Tom shut his eyes. Tom closed his eyes. Il était sept heures trente. It was seven thirty. It was seven thirty hours. Un feu de forêt se déclara dans cette zone. A forest fire broke out in this area. A forest fire will be declared in this area. Nou ka manjé. We are eating. We can eat. Ele é meu tipo! He is my type! He's my type! Bem feito! Nada mal. Well done! That's not bad. Well done, not bad. Eu nunca a vi sorrir. I've never seen her laugh. I've never seen her smile. Concertul va avea loc vara viitoare. The concert will take place next summer. The concert will take place next summer. Tidakkah kau tahu apa yang terjadi kemarin? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Berapa umurnya? How old is he? How old is he? Non potete fermarla. You can't stop her. You can't stop her. Aqueste burèu qu'ei plan. This desk is good. This desktop is flat. He oído hablar que en Echigo había espíritus hembras de nieve, pero no sé si es verdadero o no. I heard that there were female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know whether it's true or not. I heard that in Echigo there were female snow spirits, but I don't know if it's true or not. Io sono sua sorella. I'm your sister. I'm his sister. Ci ha salvati. You saved us. He saved us. Sesuatu yang mengerikan telah terjadi. Something horrible has happened. Something terrible has happened. Mwen te pè pale. I was afraid to speak. I was afraid to talk. Je prétendis ne pas l'avoir vu. I pretended that I didn't see it. I pretended I didn't see him. Tom est un homme très discret. Tom is a very private man. Tom is a very discreet man. Gh'ò òtantequattr'anni. I'm eighty-four years old. I've had four years. Majoritatea a votat cu el. The majority was for him. Most voted with him. Se poate un asemenea lucru? Is such a thing possible? Can it be such a thing? Yo trabajo en esta empresa. I work at this company. I work in this company. J'ai une question. I have got a question. I have a question. Lei mi portò una tazza di tè senza zucchero. She brought me a cup of tea without sugar. She brought me a cup of tea without sugar. Ignoralos. Ignore them. Ignore them. Ce chien est presque humain. This dog is almost human. That dog is almost human. Sembla que va ser un gran atleta. It seems that he was a great athlete. Looks like he was a great athlete. Ebbe la sfrontatezza di chiedere del denaro. He had the nerve to ask for money. He had the misfortune to ask for money. Y aparte, está creciendo el desempleo. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. And apart from that, unemployment is growing. Il mio nome sembra bizzarro. My name sounds bizarre. My name sounds weird. Veuillez trouver une solution à ce problème. Please find a solution to the problem. Please find a solution to this problem. Indossa il cappello. Put on the hat. Wear the hat. Os óculos protegem os olhos da poeira. The goggles protect your eyes from dust. The glasses protect the eyes from dust. Il est important de lire des livres. It's important to read books. It's important to read books. À cause de ma maladie, je n'ai pu te rendre visite. Due to my illness, I couldn't visit you. Because of my illness, I couldn't visit you. Ea nu e o persoană bună. She's not a good person. She's not a good person. Che squadra! What a team! What a team! Je n'ai même pas remarqué que tu étais là. I didn't even notice you were there. I didn't even notice you were here. Pedínlle ao meu pai que mercara este xoguete. I asked my father to buy this toy. I asked my father to buy this toy. Apa yang kalian lakukan akhir pekan ini? What are you doing this weekend? What did you guys do this weekend? J'aime ton appartement. I like your place. I like your apartment. Lalita chiamò. Lalita called. Lalita called. Mary prefiere pintarse el pelo güero. Mary prefers to dye her hair blonde. Mary prefers to paint her chubby hair. Tom a vrut să se oprească și să se gândească. Tom wanted to stop and think. Tom wanted to stop and think. Hi ha seixanta segons en un minut. There are sixty seconds in a minute. There's 60 seconds in a minute. Sigue conduciendo. Keep driving. Keep driving. C'est mieux d'être un gagnant qu'un perdant. It's better to be a winner than a loser. It's better to be a winner than a loser. Io non sapevo del suo piano. I didn't know about his plan. I didn't know about his plan. Jangan mempermainkanku. Don't make a fool of me. Don't play me. Quite de aquí estos cachivaches. Take this junk out of here. Get these cachivaches out of here. Chiar mă ameninți? Are you actually threatening me? Are you really threatening me? Sta a te decidere. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. Quem vem comigo? Who's going with me? Who's coming with me? Que son los nòstes líbers. Those are our books. That's our books. Estudio la Espanya musulmana. He studied Muslim Spain. I studied Muslim Spain. Fotografi merupakan hobi yang mahal. Photography is an expensive hobby. Photographers are expensive hobbies. Aku melakukannya bukan karena ingin, tetapi karena harus. I did so, not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I did it not because I wanted to, but because I had to. Sono rilassata. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. Tom no está buscando una relación. Tom isn't looking for a relationship. Tom's not looking for a relationship. Estoy considerando irme con ellos. I'm considering going with them. I'm considering going with them. Mon frère est stupide. My brother is stupid. My brother's stupid. A ella le gusta él. She loves him. She likes him. Sami va payer. Sami is gonna pay. Sami's gonna pay. Tom mungkin tidak punya cukup uang untuk membeli apa yang ia butuhkan. Tom may not have enough money to buy what he needs. Tom may not have enough money to buy what he needs. La prenda come viene. Take it as it comes. Take it as it comes. Correram nus no parque. They ran naked in the park. They ran naked in the park. Véalo usted mismo. See for yourself. See for yourself. C'est pour ça que j'ai menti. That's why I lied. That's why I lied. Io non ne sarei sorpreso. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Não deixe nenhum vestígio. Don't leave a trace. Don't leave any trace. Este é um dos piores filmes que eu já vi. This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Perché Tom si sta comportando in modo così stupido? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Why is Tom acting so stupidly? Ne joue pas les héros ! Don't try to be a hero. Don't play heroes! Que drom com un nenet. He's sleeping like a baby. That drom like a little boy. Tom estava na cena do crime. Tom was at the scene of the crime. Tom was at the crime scene. Las películas modernas no me gustan. I don't like modern films. I don't like modern movies. El dolor de dientes es uno de los peores dolores que haya tenido. Toothache is one of the worst pains I've been through. Toothache is one of the worst pain you've ever had. Maria tirou o colar. Mary took her necklace off. Mary pulled out the necklace. Les droits des femmes sont des droits de l'homme. Women's rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. È arrivato con me. He arrived with me. He came with me. Dites à Tom que je suis désolée, s'il vous plaît. Please tell Tom I'm sorry. Tell Tom I'm sorry, please. Eu não deveria ter feito isso ontem. I shouldn't have done that yesterday. I shouldn't have done that yesterday. Això no ho has de fer. You don't have to do this. You don't have to. Mukanya teramat sendu. His face looks so sad. It's still dark. Ele não distingue o certo do errado. He cannot tell right from wrong. He does not distinguish right from wrong. Ken nunca esteve em Nova Iorque. Ken has never been to New York. Ken was never in New York. Demostrareiche que estou no certo. I'll show you that I am right. I'll show you I'm right. Chiar vreau să-l întâlnesc. I really want you to meet him. I really want to meet him. El cotxe és molt ràpid. The car is very fast. The car's very fast. Você nunca fez isso antes, não é? You've never done that before, have you? You've never done that before, have you? Sarà troppo tardi allora. It'll be too late then. It'll be too late then. Sou da opinião de que ele deveria pedir desculpas ao seu professor. I'm of the opinion that he should apologize to his teacher. I'm of the opinion that he should apologize to his teacher. Si el budismo es atractivo, es porque aparece como una posibilidad de tocar el infinito y de obtener felicidad sin tener alguna obligación religiosa concreta. Un auto-erotismo espiritual en cierta medida. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility of touching the infinite and obtaining happiness without having any concrete religious obligations. A spiritual auto-eroticism of some sort. If Buddhism is attractive, it is because it appears as a possibility to touch the infinite and to gain happiness without having any concrete religious obligation. A spiritual self-erotism to some extent. Lui ha ignorato i consigli di suo padre. He ignored his father's advice. He ignored his father's advice. Es el mejor pavo que he probado nunca. It's the best turkey I've ever tasted. It's the best turkey I've ever tasted. Vrei să-ți deschizi propriul restaurant? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? You want to open your own restaurant? Aku tidak setuju denganmu. I don't agree with you. I disagree with you. É um sistema estúpido. It's a stupid system. It's a stupid system. Jane telah mengguntingkan rambutnya pendek sebelum mesyuarat hari sukan. Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet. Jane had cut her hair short before the gymnasium. Pensate per voi stesse. Think for yourselves. Think for yourself. Mi piacerebbe intervistarle. I'd like to interview them. I'd like to interview you. Tom tidak berusaha melindungi dirinya sendiri. Tom made no attempt to defend himself. Tom wasn't trying to protect himself. Mo ena enn ser. I have one sister. I have a sister. Nos pasamos una eternidad buscando estacionamiento. We spent ages looking for a place to park. We spent an eternity looking for parking. Ei s-au dus la pescuit. They went fishing. They went fishing. Pensé que habías dicho que tu auto había sido robado. I thought you said your car was stolen. I thought you said your car was stolen. J’aime faire la cuisine et lire. I like cooking and reading. I love cooking and reading. Baisse-toi ! Duck! Get down! ¡¿Tu yes faltosu o fais-te, ho?! You're retarded, or something?! You're missing or you're doing it, huh?! Él estaba tan triste que casi se volvió loco. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad that he almost went crazy. Quiero que me digas que eso no es verdad. I want you to tell me that's not true. I want you to tell me that's not true. Tom è lugubre. Tom is grim. Tom's dark. O Tom não veio porque ficou doente. Tom didn't come because he got sick. Tom didn't come because he was sick. Escolhemos um hotel perto dos museus. We chose a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. Tom salió de la sala sin decirle una palabra a nadie. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas vu Tom ? Why did he not see Tom? Why didn't he see Tom? Cada dia esmorzo. I have breakfast every morning. Every day I have breakfast. Anak laki-lakiku masih percaya akan Santa Claus. My son still believes in Santa Claus. My boys still believe in Santa Claus. Ea nu ştie cum să conducă o maşina. She doesn't know how to drive a car. She doesn't know how to drive a car. Las ardillas se mueven velozmente. Squirrels move quickly. The squirrels move fast. Comment es-tu entrée dans notre chambre ? How did you get into our room? How did you get into our room? Tenemos que aceptar la vida, para bien o para mal. We must accept life, for good or for evil. We have to accept life, for good or for bad. El perro está durmiendo en el auto. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog's sleeping in the car. Je ne vous ai jamais vu ainsi. I've never seen you like this. I've never seen you like this. Voici votre numéro de chambre. Your room number, please. Here's your room number. La plupart des gens sont idiots. Most people are idiots. Most people are idiots. Tom è un allenatore di pallacanestro molto bravo. Tom is a very good basketball coach. Tom is a very good basketball coach. Él jugaba un rol importante en el comité. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the committee. Elle lui conseilla de rester chez lui. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him to stay at his house. Pot să te ajut în vreun fel? Can I help you at all? Can I help you in any way? Sais-tu nager ? Are you able to swim? Can you swim? Nimic special. Nothing special. Nothing special. Niște dificultăți neașteptate au apărut. Some unexpected difficulties have arisen. Some unexpected difficulties have arisen. Casi es hora de irse a la cama. It's almost time to go to bed. It's almost time to go to bed. Tom non ha mai ricevuto una risposta da loro. Tom never got an answer from them. Tom never got an answer from them. Espero que você não minta mais para mim. I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you don't lie to me anymore. Ceda el paso. Let me pass. Give it up. Aku berterima kasih padamu. I'm grateful to you. I thank you. Tom foi para Boston de avião. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom pasa mucho tiempo estudiando. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Tom spends a lot of time studying. Este o clădire din piatră cenușie. It's a gray stone building. It's a building of ash stone. Ligou para o encanador? Did you call the plumber? Did you call the plumber? No tienes que ayudarme. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. Remontemos cometas. Let's fly kites. Let's remove comets. Tenho a impressão de que tu não queres mesmo que eu ganhe. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I have the impression that you really don't want me to win. Avionul s-a prăbuşit. The plane crashed. The plane crashed. Tengo algo que preguntarle. I have something to ask her. I have something to ask you. Foule inconstante ! Fickle rabble. Inconstant fuck! Te odio desde el fondo de mi corazón. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Sabes nadar, non si? You can swim, can't you? You know how to swim, don't you? Ha detto al suo assistente che avrebbe vinto. He told his assistant that he would win. He told his assistant he'd win. So che mi sta tenendo d'occhio. I know he is watching me. I know he's keeping an eye on me. Me quedaré en casa mañana. I will stay home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Tenho um tio que mora em Quioto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. Qué aprofeite! Bon appetit! What a pleasure! Posso portarla a casa. I can take her home. I can take her home. Ei au vrut doar să-mi pună câteva întrebări. They only wanted to ask me a few questions. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. Tom non tornò mai a casa. Tom never came back home. Tom never came home. Aggiungi dello zucchero al tè. Add sugar to the tea. Add sugar to tea. Ho lavorato a sufficienza sul mio tedesco oggi. I worked enough on my German today. I've worked enough on my German today. Não gostaríamos de te perder. We wouldn't like to lose you. We wouldn't like to lose you. Si la montaña no viene a Mahoma, entonces Mahoma debe ir a la montaña. If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. If the mountain does not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. Eu sei ler em inglês. I am able to read English. I can read in English. Solo quisiera tener una conversación rápida con Tom antes de que nos vayamos. I'd just like to have a quick conversation with Tom before we leave. I just want to have a quick conversation with Tom before we leave. El Dio ke vos mate a ambos. Fuck both of you. The God ke kills you both. Qual é o seu trabalho? What do you do? What's your job? O que vocês fizeram hoje? What did you do today? What did you guys do today? Janganlah awak risau. Don't you worry. Do not be anxious. O time deles não era muito conexo. Their team is not very cohesive. Their team wasn't very related. Contanto que isso não estrague com o fim de semana. As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend! I'm glad that doesn't ruin the weekend. Stiamo diventando più intimi. We're getting closer. We're getting more intimate. Amanhã ele irá aterrissar na lua. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. Je préfère y aller à bicyclette. I prefer biking. I'd rather go on a bicycle. Os meus labios están selados. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Am iubit cartea aceea! I loved that book. I loved that book! Novel ini susah dimengerti. This novel is difficult to understand. This novel is hard to understand. Porumbeii pot găsi drumul spre casă cu ajutorul câmpului magnetic al Pământului. Pigeons can find their way home with the help of the Earth's magnetic field. Pigs can find their way home using Earth's magnetic field. È ancora là con lei, vero? She's still there with you, isn't she? He's still there with you, isn't he? Amanhã é domingo, não? Tomorrow is Sunday, isn't it? It's Sunday tomorrow, isn't it? Trebuie să studiezi mai mult. You must study more. You need to study more. Je ne veux pas être différente. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be different. Quale corso consigliate? Which course do you recommend? Which course do you recommend? Aquele que abanou a fruta da árvore também deveria juntá-la. He who shook the fruit from the tree should also gather it up. The one who shook the fruit of the tree should also gather it together. Je me sentais seul. I felt lonely. I felt alone. Je me souviens lui avoir écrit. I remember writing to her. I remember writing to her. Questa batteria è ricaricabile. This battery is rechargeable. This battery is rechargeable. Si vous le voulez, nous irons. If you want to, we'll go. If you want it, we'll go. Sto pronunciando correttamente il suo nome? Am I pronouncing your name correctly? Am I pronouncing his name correctly? Io penso che non sarà un problema. I think it won't be a problem. I don't think that's gonna be a problem. Este ordenador es potente, eficiente y fácil de utilizar. This computer is powerful, efficient, and easy to use. This computer is powerful, efficient and easy to use. Non ho mai voluto ferirli. I never wanted to hurt them. I never meant to hurt them. Sentimmo la porta chiudersi. We heard the door close. We heard the door closed. Vass ti fé araedjî! Screw you! Vas must have been taken care of! Nulla di quello che ha detto Tom era vero. None of what Tom said was true. None of what Tom said was true. Tom vient de l'école. Tom goes to school. Tom's from school. Vamos ao hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Dove le hai spruzzate? Where did you spatter them? Where did you spray it? J'ai mangé du curry hier soir. I ate curry last night. I ate curry last night. Eles vão voltar. They'll be back. They'll be back. Donald Trump es un mentirozo patolojiko. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a pathetic liar. Deje el libro donde lo encontró. Put the book back where you found it. Leave the book where you found it. Sepertinya ada lift di sekitar sana. It looks like there's an elevator over there. Looks like there's an elevator around there. Cada niño tiene su propio cuarto. Each child has his own room. Each child has his own room. Él sabe como tocar el piano. He knows how to play the piano. He knows how to play the piano. Saya akan pergi selama beberapa waktu. I could be away for some time. I'll be gone for a while. Tom não vai machucar mais ninguém. Tom isn't going to hurt anybody else. Tom's not gonna hurt anyone else. Io riesco a mangiare di tutto. I can eat anything. I can eat everything. Tom me disse que estava entediado. Tom told me he was bored. Tom told me he was bored. Mary nu poate avea peste treizeci de ani. Ea pare a avea cam vreo optsprezece ani. Mary can't be over thirty. She looks like she's about eighteen. Mary can't be over thirty, she seems to be about eighteen. ¿Quién es usted? Supongo que usted no es de por aquí. Who are you? I guess you're not from here. Who are you? I guess you're not from around here. Sayang sekali. That's unlucky. That's too bad. Comment cela pourrait-il ne pas avoir d'importance ? How could it not matter? How could this not matter? Essaja aquera jupa. Try on that shirt. Try that skirt. Vorrei diventare un famoso giocatore di calcio. I'd like to become a famous soccer player. I'd like to become a famous football player. Je suis désolé de ne pas vous avoir écrit pendant aussi longtemps. I am sorry that I haven't written to you in such a long time. I'm sorry I didn't write to you for that long. Io mi sento già molto meglio. I feel much better already. I feel much better already. El yen está todavía bajo respecto al dólar. The yen is still low against the dollar. The yen is still under the dollar. Sembrava che Tom fosse scettico. Tom looked like he was skeptical. It seemed like Tom was skeptical. Masih ada orang-orang yang tidak bisa membaca. There are still people who are unable to read. There are still people who can't read. A él le gusta la cultura occidental. He likes Western culture. He likes Western culture. Au revoir et bonne chance. Goodbye and good luck. Good-bye and good luck. Se paró el reloj. Necesita una nueva pila. The clock has stopped. It needs a new battery. He's stopped the watch, he needs a new pile. O primeira base é o talón de Aquiles do noso equipo. The first baseman is the Achilles heel of our team. The first base is the Achilles heel on our team. Apa kau seorang nabatiwan? Are you a vegetarian? Are you a nabatan? Tom a été assassiné la nuit dernière. Tom was murdered last night. Tom was murdered last night. Proiectul nostru a eșuat. Our project failed. Our project failed. Nu numai că ne era foame, dar sufeream şi de sete. Not only were we hungry, but we were also suffering from thirst. Not only were we hungry, but we were also thirsty. Ini merupakan sebuah masalah, bagaimanapun kamu melihatnya. It's a problem, however you look at it. It's a problem, no matter how you see it. Aquilo teria sido chato. That would've been awful. That would have been boring. Su bicicleta es mejor que la mía. His bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. No me malentienda. Don't misunderstand me. Don't blame me. J'ai simplement pensé qu'il se pourrait que vous vouliez venir skier avec nous. I just thought you might want to go skiing with us. I just thought you might want to ski with us. Tom dice che lo fanno tutti. Tom says everyone does that. Tom says they all do. Ia agak marah sepertinya. I should say she is a little angry. He's kind of angry like that. Me fui de marcha. I went hiking. I left. In realtà sono più ricchi di noi. Actually they're richer than us. They're actually richer than we are. Tu as raison. Je m'y rendrai en taxi. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll drive in the cab. Aku harus pulang. I had to get back home. I have to go home. Il ne sert à rien de parler avec Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. Hey Pandark, comment ça se fait que tu sois devenu si célèbre que Pharamp commence à écrire des phrases sur toi ? Hey Pandark, how did you became so famous that Pharamp started writing sentences about you? Hey Pandark, how come you became so famous that Pharamp starts writing sentences on you? C'est stupide. That's stupid. It's stupid. Io rimpiango di non essere mai stato gentile con lui. I regret that I have never been kind to him. I regret never being kind to him. Tom sedang membaca buku. Tom is reading a book. Tom was reading a book. Ai fin finala acabat lo meu trabalh. At last, I completed my work. I'm finally done with my work. Nu știu ce să mai fac. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Mi-ai deschis ochii în privința a cum e când totul este bine. You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right. You opened my eyes to what it's like when everything's fine. Ero occupato. I was busy. I was busy. Ai mai auzit gluma asta? Have you heard this joke before? Have you heard that joke before? Tom non è ordinato. Tom isn't neat. Tom's not ordered. Non voglio correre rischi. I don't want to take risks. I don't want to take any chances. È il più anziano. He is the eldest. He's the oldest. Malheureusement je n'aurai pas beaucoup de temps libre. Unfortunately I will not have much free time. Unfortunately, I won't have much free time. ¿Por qué debería pagar? Why should I pay? Why should I pay? Su esfuerzo dará fruto. His effort will bear fruit. His effort will bear fruit. Tom mengatakan semua orang melakukannya. Tom says everyone does that. Tom said everybody did it. Tom não teve tempo para terminar de comer. Tom didn't have time to finish eating. Tom didn't have time to finish eating. Então, não estás contente de me ver? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? Avó fala moi lentamente. Grandfather speaks very slowly. Gran speaks very slowly. É prazeroso trabalhar com o Sr. Norton. Mr Norton is pleasant to work with. It's nice to work with Mr. Norton. Pido perdón. I apologize. I'm sorry. Io smisi di fumare e di bere. I stopped smoking and drinking. I stopped smoking and drinking. Esto se está poniendo difícil. This is getting hard. This is getting tough. Sont-ils nos frères éloignés? Are they our distant brethren? Are they our faraway brothers? Él fue un líder forzado. He was a forceful leader. He was a forced leader. Sei ferito, vero? You're hurt, aren't you? You're hurt, aren't you? București este capitala României. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Anne me dijo que mi cabello está demasiado largo. Anne told me that my hair was too long. Anne told me my hair is too long. ¿Recuerdas esa tienda? Do you remember that store? Do you remember that store? Copenhague es la capital de Dinamarca. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Trebuie să investim în energie verde și regenerabilă. We need to invest in clean, renewable energy. We need to invest in green and renewable energy. Tu comprends, n'est-ce pas ? You understand, right? You understand, don't you? O senhor não tem esposa, tem? You don't have a wife, do you? You don't have a wife, do you? Oamenii din Brazilia erau mândri de el. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Tom vuole conoscere meglio Mary. Tom wants to get to know Mary better. Tom wants to get to know Mary better. L'Amérique est un pays d'immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. L'homme assis là-bas est un chanteur célèbre. The man sitting over there is a famous singer. The man sitting there is a famous singer. Non faresti mai una cosa del genere. You would never do such a thing. You'd never do anything like that. Il nous a montré la photo de sa mère. He showed us his mother's picture. He showed us his mother's picture. Ar trebui să regândiți acest program. You should rethink this program. You should rethink this program. La policía está interrogando a los testigos. The police are questioning witnesses. The police are interrogating the witnesses. Voi privi televizorul. I'll watch TV. I'll watch TV. Podes confiar nela, sempre mantém as suas promessas. You can trust her, she always keeps her promises. You can trust her, always keep her promises. Este lugar tiene una atmósfera misteriosa. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. Seguro que no sabes hacerlo. I'm sure you don't know how to do it. I'm sure you don't know how to do it. Tom dormiu sem cobertor. Tom slept without a blanket. Tom slept without a blanket. Io non vi perdonerò mai. I'll never forgive you. I will never forgive you. Ouvi dizer que o Tom quer nadar esta tarde. I heard that Tom wants to swim this afternoon. I heard Tom wants to swim this afternoon. Tu as dû dépenser un pont pour cette bague de mariage ! You must have dropped a bundle for that wedding ring! You must have spent a bridge for this wedding ring! Lui aveva un libro in mano. He had a book in his hand. He had a book in his hand. Tom non andò, e neppure io. Tom didn't go, and neither did I. Tom didn't go, neither did I. Je n'ai pas suffisamment d'argent pour mon voyage. I am short of money for my trip. I don't have enough money for my trip. Boleh kamu terangkan peraturan-peraturan kepada saya? Would you please explain the rules to me? Can you explain the rules to me? Você pode me ajudar a traduzir algumas palavras? Can you help me to translate some words? Can you help me translate a few words? Kembalikan dompetku. Give me back my wallet. Give me my wallet back. Lei ha incontrato qualcuno. She has met someone. You met someone. ¡No toques a mi hija! Keep your hands off my daughter! Don't touch my daughter! ¿Ves al pájaro sobre el cable de teléfonos? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? You see the bird on the phone cable? Sta bene. You're fine. She's fine. Me gustaría hojear la carta. I'd like to see the menu. I'd like to present the letter. Usted está libre mañana. You are free tomorrow. You're free tomorrow. Eu não sei por que eu tenho que ir. I don't know why I have to go. I don't know why I have to go. Vou te mostrar. I'll show you. I'll show you. Tom probabilmente non sarà timido. Tom won't likely be shy. Tom probably won't be shy. Temo che sia troppo tardi per dire di no. I guess it's too late to say no. I'm afraid it's too late to say no. Se fas iso vas quedar en ridículo. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do that, you're going to be ridiculous. Kau tidak boleh tambah nombor sebenarnya dan nombor khayalan. You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number. You can't add real numbers and delusional numbers. Tom est marrant. Tom is funny. Tom's funny. Hai un gran número de incendios forestais en América. There are a great many forest fires in America. There's a lot of forest fires in America. Io sono così sola. I am so lonely. I'm so lonely. Le problème est comment gérons-nous les difficultés actuelles ? The problem is how we cope with the present difficulties. The problem is how do we manage the current problems? Cred că mi-ar plăcea să mă căsătoresc cu ea. I think I'd like to marry her. I think I'd love to marry her. Estic ocupat, no puc ajudar-vos. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, I can't help you. Saya seharusnya bertemu Tom di Boston Senin depan pada 2:30. I'm supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. I was supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. Non erano felici qui. They weren't happy here. They weren't happy here. Se eu visse um rapaz roubando alguma coisa no supermercado, eu o denunciaria ao gerente. If I saw a boy steal something in the supermarket, I would report him to the manager. If I saw a boy stealing something from the supermarket, I'd report it to the manager. Vàire temp ch'a resta? How much time is left? Is it early to see what's left? Nu a fost intenția mea. That wasn't my intention. It wasn't my intention. Los osos son animales solitarios. Bears are solitary animals. Bears are solitary animals. Qué tienga un buen diya. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. C'est merveilleux ! It is marvelous. That's wonderful! Faremo sempre del nostro meglio. We'll always do our best. We'll always do our best. 'T sas chi ch'i son? Do you know who I am? 'Do you know who I am? J'ai perdu la montre. I lost the watch. I lost my watch. Você está em apuros? Are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? Quanti soldi le devo? How much money do I owe you? How much money do I owe you? Je pense que vous avez fait un excellent boulot. I think you did an excellent job. I think you did an excellent job. Vigie as malas. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on the bags. Voglio che restiate dove siete. I want you to stay where you are. I want you to stay where you are. O Tom não é meu aluno. Tom isn't my student. Tom's not my student. Cette voiture n'est pas vieille, mais neuve. This car isn't old. It's new. This car is not old, but new. Tom anggota terbaru tim kita. Tom is the newest member of our team. Tom's the newest member of our team. E atât de cald încât ai putea găti un ou pe capota unei mașini. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. Los Estados Unidos son una tierra de inmigrantes. America is a land of immigrants. The United States is a land of immigrants. Le chiamerò. I'll call them. I'll call them. Ma è meraviglioso! But it's wonderful! But it's wonderful! Lui mantenne la sua promessa. He kept his promise. He keeps his promise. No te tienes que sentir mal por eso. You don't have to feel bad for that. You don't have to feel bad about that. Dacă lista de cărţi este prea lungă, vă rog să excludeţi toate cărţile străine. If the list of books is too long, please leave out all foreign books. If the list of books is too long, please exclude all foreign books. Prends autant de temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as long as you want. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste una fiesta? When was the last time you threw a party? When was the last time you had a party? ¿Quién crees que ganará el torneo? Who do you think will win the tournament? Who do you think will win the tournament? ¡Qué horror! How awful! What a horror! Maria joue encore avec des poupées. Mary still plays with dolls. Maria still plays with dolls. Madrid es la kapital de Espanya i la su sivdad mas importante. Madrid is the capital of Spain and its most important city. Madrid is the capital of Spain and its most important citizenship. "Aku tidak bisa menyalakan mesinnya." "Biarkan aku mencobanya." "I can't start the engine." - "Let me have a go." "I can't turn on the engine." "Let me try." Mau bergabung dalam pembicaraan kami? Won't you join our conversation? Want to join in our conversation? Nous ne sommes pas des imbéciles. We're not fools. We're not fools. Los investigadores han creado gatitos que pueden brillar en la oscuridad. The researchers have created kittens that can glow in the dark. Researchers have created kittens that can shine in the dark. Interdependența umană este singura noastră cale de a supraviețui. Human interdependence is our only way to survive. Human interdependence is our only way to survive. Avarua es la capital de las Islas Cook. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. Estoy convencido de que mi hijo es inocente. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I'm convinced that my son is innocent. Non ho mai rubato niente. I've never stolen anything. I never stole anything. Mary nu vrea să facă asta singură. Mary doesn't want to do that herself. Mary doesn't want to do this alone. Quanto spesso usa il suo telefono? How often do you use your phone? How often does he use his phone? Perché Tom dovrebbe aiutarla? Why should Tom help you? Why would Tom help you? Los neños, que taben percansaos, quedaron dormíos darréu. The kids, who were exhausted, fell asleep right away The children, who were overwhelmed, fell asleep right away. Tu sei mai stata a Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Aku pikir karena dia orang yang ceplas-ceplos, banyak orang tidak menyukainya. I think that because he is a blunt person, many people do not like him. I think because he's a smart guy, a lot of people don't like him. Nu-mi dezvălui secretul. Don't give away my secret. Don't tell me the secret. Tuan Soarez adalah temanku selama bertahun-tahun. Mr. Soarez has been my close friend for years. Mr. Soarez has been my friend for years. Elle mange une poire. She's eating a pear. She eats a pear. Ella no quiso bailar conmigo. She didn't want to dance with me. She didn't want to dance with me. Esta planta tiene algunas hojas quemadas. This plant has some burnt leaves. This plant has some burned leaves. Sei sicura che non fosse solo un incidente? Are you sure it wasn't just an accident? Are you sure it wasn't just an accident? Nu sunt un specialist. I'm not a specialist. I'm not a specialist. Lo sapete che non è vera. You know it's not true. You know it's not true. Per què les persones van al cinema? Why do people go to the cinema? Why do people go to the movies? Fuimos a pasear. We went out for a stroll. We went for a walk. La mujer se despierta. The woman awakens. The woman wakes up. Dime su nombre. Tell me his name. Tell me his name. Je ne veux pas de petit ami. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want a boyfriend. Mary ora sta studiando nella sua camera. Mary is now studying in her room. Mary is now studying in her room. Voi sapete quanto è profonda l'acqua? Do you know how deep the water is? Do you know how deep the water is? Nous aurons des bonnes notes. We'll get good grades. We'll have good grades. Până și Tom a rânjit. Even Tom grinned. Even Tom laughed. Nuestra memoria es como un colador, ya que olvidamos casi la mitad de lo que aprendemos dentro de los primeros veinte minutos. Our memory is like a sieve, as we forget almost half of what we have learned within the first twenty minutes. Our memory is like a gluer, as we forget almost half of what we learned within the first twenty minutes. Lui mi ha afferrato la mano. He gripped my hand. He grabbed my hand. Nel ristorante è vietato fumare. Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. In the restaurant it is forbidden to smoke. C'est une de mes préférées. It's one of my favorites. It's one of my favorites. Non vado a scuola il sabato. I don't go to school Saturday. I'm not going to school on Saturday. Tu es juste différent. You're just different. You're just different. Quero o melhor. I want the best. I want the best. Io sono orgoglioso di essere italiano. I'm proud to be an Italian. I'm proud to be Italian. Était-ce un mensonge lorsque tu as dit que tu m'aimais ? Was it a lie when you said you loved me? Was that a lie when you said you loved me? Ambil perlengkapanmu. Grab your gear. Get your gear. Noi siamo molto dispiaciute per la sua perdita. We're very sorry for your loss. We are very sorry for his loss. Si vous nous piquez, ne saignons-nous pas ? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you bite us, don't you know us? Tom finalmente comeu algo. Tom finally ate something. Tom finally ate something. Vrei să te cerți din nou? Do you want to argue again? You want to ask yourself again? Un sage dit un jour que la vie est une succession de déceptions. A wise man once said, life is a series of disappointments. A wise man once said that life is a succession of disappointments. Eravamo tutte sedute. We all sat. We were all sitting down. Elle prend toujours des airs, agissant comme si elle était une reine. She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were a queen. She always takes air, acting as if she was a queen. Acest site este inutil. This website is useless. This site is useless. Cosa ti ha portato a Boston? What brought you to Boston? What brought you to Boston? Il a semblé très sympa. He seemed very nice. He seemed very nice. Aquò ne'ns hè pas arríde's. We are not amused. This won't make us laugh. Halo, bagaimana bisnismu? Hello, how's business? Hello, how's your business? Me acuerdo del calor de sus brazos. I remember the warmth of her arms. I remember the warmth of your arms. El Tanah es la Biblia djudia. The Tanach is the Jewish Bible. The Earth is the Bible disinherited. Abbiamo pregato assieme. We prayed together. We prayed together. Benvingut! Welcome. Welcome! Tom è un testimone oculare. Tom is an eyewitness. Tom's an eye witness. Il a fait du bon boulot. He did a good job. He did a good job. No tienes ningún sentido de la orientación. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of guidance. Eya ambeza inglez. She studies English. She emulates English. Chiar dacă și-a cerut scuze, sunt tot furios. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even if he apologized, I'm still angry. Je ne peux rien promettre. I can't promise anything. I can't promise anything. Deulle a súa aprobación para o partido. She gave her assent to the match. He gave her his approval for the party. Che cosa ne pensi del nuovo insegnante? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? Tem um homem na porta. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Părul tău e prea lung. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Saya beranggapan bahwa Mary adalah pacarnya Tom I just assumed Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I assume that Mary was Tom's girlfriend Non vi fidate di me? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? Închide-ți cărțile. Close your books. Close your books. Il est nécessaire que vous commenciez maintenant. It is necessary for you to start now. You need to start now. El es el bohor. He's the oldest son. He's the bohor. Kamu tampaknya belum tahu rasa dipatil lele. You apparently haven't known the pain of catfish sting. You don't seem to know the taste of the lollipop. ¿Ya te has mudado a tu nueva casa? Have you got settled into your new house yet? Have you moved to your new home yet? Il y a de la moisissure dans les douches. There's some mould in the showers. There's mold in the showers. Sta ancora lavorando qua, vero? She's still working here, isn't she? He's still working here, isn't he? Mary continuava a fissare Tom. Mary kept staring at Tom. Mary kept staring at Tom. Je ne sais pas ce qui te soucie tant. I don't know what you're so worried about. I don't know what's bothering you so much. ¡Ganaste tú! You win! You win! Pacarku meninggalkanku saat mengetahui aku hamil. My boyfriend dumped me when he found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend left me when I found out I was pregnant. Foi muito difícil pra nós decidir qual comprar. It was difficult for us to decide which one to buy. It was very difficult for us to decide which to buy. Por que você precisa de minha permissão? Why do you need my permission? Why do you need my permission? La Suisse est un beau pays. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Ce bureau est trop petit pour Meg. That desk is too small for Meg. This office is too small for Meg. Sua casa está à venda. His house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Trop d'alcool vous rendra malade. Too much drinking will make you sick. Too much alcohol will make you sick. Un verdadeiro amigo teríache advertido. A true friend would advise you. A true friend would have warned you. C’est très touchant. That's very touching. It’s very touching. Tolong maafkan saya. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Tutti quelli che venirono sulla strada furono sorpresi. Everybody that came to the street was surprised. Everyone who came on the road was surprised. Poți să vorbești mai încet? Sunt mahmur. Could you please speak more quietly? I feel hungover. Can you talk slower? Com està? How are you? How is she? Me gusta el chucrut. I like sauerkraut. I like the chuccrut. Soy miembro del coro. I'm a member of the glee club. I'm a member of the choir. No se quede ahí. Pase. Don't just stand there. Come on in. Don't stay there. Saya butuh teman. I need friends. I need a friend. Eu raramente choro. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Me l'hai detto prima. You've told me that before. You told me before. Pergi! Go! Go away! Prácticamente cada sujeto en el bar estaba mirando a María. Practically every guy in the bar was looking at Mary. Virtually every subject in the bar was looking at Mary. El este fericit. He's happy. He's happy. Uno dei motivi per il quale Twitter è così popolare in Giappone è una caratteristica stessa del giapponese: il giapponese usa gli ideogrammi che permettono di convogliare più informazioni in 140 caratteri rispetto alle altre lingue, senza considerare il cinese. Tra l-altro, la versione giapponese di questa frase è scritta con esattamente 140 caratteri. Quanti caratteri ci vogliono in altre lingue? One of the reasons Twitter is popular in Japan is a characteristic of Japanese itself: Japanese uses ideograms which enable it to convey more information in just 140 characters than other languages, not counting Chinese. Incidentally, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters does it take in other languages? One of the reasons why Twitter is so popular in Japan is the same as Japanese: Japanese uses ideograms that allow us to convey more information in 140 characters than other languages, without considering Chinese. Among other things, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters do they want us in other languages? Tom non è ancora pronto a ricevere dei visitatori. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom is not yet ready to receive visitors. A quanti concerti è andato l'anno scorso? How many concerts did you go to last year? How many concerts did he go to last year? Necesito una semana. I need a week. I need a week. Claro que lo entiendo. I do understand. Of course I understand. O Tom ainda está na Austrália. Tom is still in Australia. Tom's still in Australia. O que você vai fazer hoje à noite? What're you doing tonight? What are you going to do tonight? Vous étiez celui qui était derrière ça. You were the one behind this. You were the one behind it. Tom nu se trezește întotdeauna devreme, dar întotdeauna se trezește înaintea lui Mary. Tom doesn't always get up early, but he always gets up before Mary does. Tom doesn't always wake up early, but he always wakes up before Mary. Tu ne devrais pas faire les choses à moitié. You shouldn't do things by halves. You shouldn't be doing things half the time. Odia il whiskey. He hates whisky. He hates whiskey. În ciuda recesiunii economice, prețurile mărfurilor sunt încă ridicate. In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high. Despite the economic recession, the prices of the goods are still high. Apa kamu berhasil menangkap ikan di sungai? Did you catch any fish in the river? Did you catch fish in the river? Tom ci ha mostrato la foto di sua madre. Tom showed us his mother's picture. Tom showed us his mother's picture. Va declarar que la Terra gira al voltant del Sol. He declared that the earth goes round the sun. He declared that the Earth revolves around the sun. Você pode abrir a porta para mim? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Mes repas sont confectionnés par ma mère. My meals are prepared by my mother. My meals are made by my mother. Te dejo mi número de teléfono por si quieres llamarme. I'll leave my number in case you want to call me. I'll leave my phone number for you if you want to call me. Dia terus menangis. He kept on crying. She kept crying. Je ne sais pas ce que tu cherches. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Disse che non era interessato. He said he wasn't interested. He said he wasn't interested. Come sta andando la sua ricerca di un impiego? How is your job search going? How is your search for a job going? A ella le gusta el jazz, y a mí también. She likes jazz, and so do I. She likes jazz, and so do I. Un băieţel are nevoie de o persoană pe care să o admire. A small boy needs some person he can look up to. A little boy needs a person to admire. Mary sabe nadar. Mary knows how to swim. Mary knows how to swim. Bisakah diperbaiki? Can it be repaired? Can you fix it? L'écureuil est en train de manger de la pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. The squirrel is eating pizza. Je suis sûre que Tom sera acquitté. I believe Tom will be acquitted. I'm sure Tom will be acquitted. Quando eu tinha dez anos de idade, eu pensava que, quando tivesse dezesseis, a minha vida seria legal. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I would be sixteen, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I was sixteen, my life would be legal. Nu a fost răsfățat de viață. He was not spoiled by life. He wasn't spoiled by life. Eso fue aspero. That was harsh. That was rough. Tom e Mary disseram que estavam com muita sede. Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty. Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty. Lui mi consigliò di non fumare. He advised me not to smoke. He advised me not to smoke. Le auto elettriche possono essere ricaricate a casa. Electric cars can be recharged at home. Electric cars can be recharged at home. Se não tiveres nada para fazer, olhe para o teto de seu quarto. If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room. If you don't have anything to do, look at the roof of his room. Ce médicament n'a pas d'effets secondaires indésirables. This medicine has no harmful side-effects. This medicine has no side effects. Você poderia parar com isso. You could stop this. You could stop that. Saya pikir saya bisa datang siang ini. I think I can come over this afternoon. I thought I could come this afternoon. Por favor, no hables demasiado rápido. Please don't speak too quickly. Please don't talk too fast. No queremos publicidad negativa. We don't want any bad publicity. We don't want negative publicity. En varios países europeos, a divisa actual é o euro e o seu símbolo é "€" e o euro é a división da lira turca entre dous. In several European countries, the current currency is the euro. Its symbol is €. One euro is worth about two Turkish lira. In several European countries, the current currency is the euro and its symbol is "€" and the euro is the division of the Turkish lira between two. Te diré todo lo que sé al respecto. I'll tell you all I know about it. I'll tell you everything I know about it. Je viens de me lever. Donne-moi quelques minutes pour me préparer. I just got up. Give me a few minutes to get ready. I just got up, give me a few minutes to get ready. Me tienen a mí. You've got me. They got me. Tom não gostava da mãe. Tom didn't like his mother. Tom didn't like Mom. Tom morreu quase imediatamente. Tom died almost immediately. Tom almost died immediately. Cet Espagnol-là peut chanter une aria de Mozart. That Spanish boy can sing a Mozart aria. This Spanish can sing an aria of Mozart. I a quicòm que truca a sa calculadera. Something is wrong with this calculator. And the thing that calls his calculator. Los ratones no tienen nietos. Mice don't have grandchildren. Rats don't have grandchildren. Tom ha fatto l'impossibile per cercare di convincere sua madre a trasferisrsi in una casa più piccola dopo la la morte del padre. Tom did his darndest to try and convince his mother to downsize into a smaller house after his father died. Tom did the impossible to try to convince his mother to move into a smaller house after her father died. Le sel est une substance utile. Salt is a useful substance. Salt is a useful substance. Não posso usar isto. I can't use this. I can't use this. Tom não estava com muita saúde naquela época. Tom wasn't very healthy at that time. Tom wasn't very healthy back then. Eu anotei num guardanapo. I wrote it down on a napkin. I wrote in a napkin. Wajahnya memerah. Her face turned red. His face is red. Je lui ai acheté une horloge. I bought him a clock. I bought him a watch. Quiero contarte lo que pasó. I want to tell you what happened. I want to tell you what happened. Non vi fidate di lei? Don't you trust her? Don't you trust her? Bat Tom. Hit Tom. Bat Tom. Aínda que chova, xogará ao golf. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if it rains, it'll play golf. Tom tomou algumas decisões ruins recentemente. Tom has made some bad decisions recently. Tom made some bad decisions recently. Escriba con tinta. Write in ink. Write with ink. Parad de tiraros pedos. Stop farting. Stop tossing them. C'est important. It matters. It's important. O Tom sugeriu aquilo. Tom suggested that. Tom suggested that. Vous n'êtes pas censées nager ici. You aren't supposed to swim here. You're not supposed to swim here. Aku harus pulang sebelum orang tuaku menjadi khawatir. I should go home before my parents start to worry. I have to go home before my parents get worried. A aguia é a raíña das aves. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the queen of birds. Nu pot vedea nimic. I can't see anything. I can't see anything. Ne me traitez pas en idiote ! Don't treat me like I'm stupid. Don't treat me like an idiot! Vă mulțumesc foarte mult pentru ajutor. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much for your help. Tom lavó el carro. Tom washed the car. Tom washed the car. Tom este o persoană foarte generoasă. Tom is a very generous person. Tom is a very generous person. Tom não tem advogado. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. Loro sono pronti per lei. They're ready for you. They're ready for you. Ele carrega uma bolsa nas costas. He carries a bag on his back. He's carrying a bag on his back. J'apprends vite. I'm a fast learner. I'm learning fast. Sauté. Jump. Jumped. Il est une autorité en Chine. He is an authority on China. He's an authority in China. Esta é a rapariga cujo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. Estamos salvos. We're safe. We're saved. Este no es lugar para un niño de tres años. This is no place for a three-year-old kid. This is no place for a three-year-old. El diumenge és l'últim dia de la setmana. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Non rilassatevi troppo a riguardo. Don't get too relaxed about it. Don't relax too much about it. Ken y su hermano se parecen mucho. Ken and his brother are very much alike. Ken and his brother look a lot alike. Șterge praful de pe raft. Dust off the shelf. Wipe the dust off the shelf. Tom es extremadamente ambicioso. Tom is extremely ambitious. Tom is extremely ambitious. Por favor, cállate. Just please be quiet. Please shut up. Votre réponse est incorrecte. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is incorrect. Cât de adânc este lacul ăsta? How deep is this lake? How deep is this lake? Compró una caja de dulces. He bought a box of candy. He bought a candy box. He! Gue bilangin ya! Lu nggak pantes sama Radit! Gue yang pantes! Ngerti? Ngomong sama tangan! Hey, I'm tellin' ya! You don't deserve with Radit! I'm the one who deserve it! Got it? Talk to the hand! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ¿Cuánto va a costar? How much will it be? How much will it cost? Aqueste hèit que'ns muisha qu'ei inocent. This fact shows us that he is innocent. This time we're sick of being innocent. Gliel'ho detto che non ho fame. I told you I'm not hungry. I told him I'm not hungry. No puedes distinguir a estos gemelos. You can't tell these twins apart. You can't distinguish these twins. Tom caiu do cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom fell off the horse. Je me suis remarié. I've remarried. I remarried. Elle est riche mais malheureuse. She's rich but miserable. She's rich but unhappy. Ahir vaig comprar un llibre. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Vei sta acasă. You will stay at home. You'll stay home. Este preocupată de sănătatea ei. She is concerned about her health. She's worried about her health. Ellos lo enterraron en el cementerio al lado de la iglesia. They buried him in the graveyard by the church. They buried him in the cemetery next to the church. Aceasta este o realizare tehnologică impresionantă. This is an impressive technological achievement. This is an impressive technological achievement. Supongo que tienes razón. I guess you are right. I guess you're right. Ceva face ca ușa să se blocheze. Something is making the door stick. Something makes the door block. O Japão está aqui! Japan is here! Japan is here! Je pars ce soir. I leave this evening. I'm leaving tonight. L'accident s'est produit il y a deux heures. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident occurred two hours ago. Alguien los está mirando. Someone is watching them. Someone's looking at them. La tua spiegazione è troppo astratta per me. Your explanation is too abstract for me. Your explanation is too abstract for me. Non voglio dimenticarlo. I don't want to forget it. I don't want to forget it. No se comprendió el valor de su descubrimiento sino hasta después de su muerte. The value of his discovery was not realized until after his death. He did not understand the value of his discovery until after his death. Mi piace la lotta professionista. I like pro wrestling. I like professional struggle. Eles não podem detê-la. They cannot stop her. They can't stop her. Non so dove porta quella strada. I don't know where that street leads. I don't know where that road leads. Qu'as-tu fait dimanche dernier ? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Il peut rester ici pour une nuit, pas davantage. He can stay here for one night, no longer. He can stay here for a night, no more. La mansana es vedre. The apple is green. The manor sees itself. Não volte. Don't come back. Don't come back. Este reloj es mío. This clock is mine. This watch is mine. Il tempo sta passando molto rapidamente. Time is going by very quickly. Time is passing very quickly. ¡A cea está lista! Dinner is ready! Dinner's ready! Eles farão uma festa para ela de 15º aniversário de casamento. They will have a party for her 15 º wedding anniversary. They'll make her a 15th wedding anniversary party. Ça s'assombrit. It's getting dark. It's getting dark. Eu sei que Tom não bateria em Mary. I know that Tom wouldn't hit Mary. I know Tom wouldn't beat Mary. Tom sta pranzando in questo momento. Tom is eating lunch right now. Tom's eating right now. Tom foi o último a chegar esta manhã. Tom was the last one to arrive this morning. Tom was the last to arrive this morning. Saya sangat gembira! How happy I am! What a joy! É um detalhe. It's a detail. It's a detail. Tradusse il libro dal francese all'inglese. He translated the book from French into English. He translated the book from French to English. Veng nadar dab jo. Come swim with me. I'm coming for a swim. Nós trocamos de casa ano passado. We moved house last year. We changed the house last year. Această bere conține 5% alcool. This beer contains 5% alcohol. This beer contains 5% alcohol. C'est un abstème. He's a teetotaller. It's an abstem. Mia madre non sa guidare un'automobile. My mother cannot drive a car. My mother can't drive a car. Não dá para entender o porquê. I fail to see the reason. You can't understand why. Lui fornisce spiegazioni semplici e facilmente comprensibili. He gives plain, simple explanations. He provides simple and easily understandable explanations. Personne d'autre ne le sait. No one else knows it. No one else knows. Perché non lo avete seguito? Why didn't you go after him? Why didn't you follow him? Je suis sûr que Tom avait une bonne raison. I'm sure Tom had a good reason. I'm sure Tom was right. Dia memiliki lengan dan kaki yang panjang. She has long arms and legs. He has long arms and legs. Il a désespérément besoin de se faire couper les cheveux. He's in desperate need of a haircut. He desperately needs to get his hair cut. Qual é o teu jogador de futebol favorito? Who's your favourite soccer player? What's your favorite football player? Jane mempunyai banyak pakaian untuk dibasuh. Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. Jane had many clothes to wear. Je suis très occupée depuis ce matin. I've been very busy since this morning. I've been very busy since this morning. Piensa en toda la diversión de la que te has estado perdiendo. Think of all the fun you've been missing. Think about all the fun you've been missing out on. Aku mau belajar bahasa Arab. I would like to study Arabic. I want to learn Arabic. Já não preciso de vocês. I don't need you anymore. I don't need you anymore. Hay un gran agujero en la pared. There is a large hole in the wall. There's a big hole in the wall. Regarder les photos de vos amis de Facebook est une perte de temps. Looking at your Facebook friends' photos is a waste of time. Watching photos of your Facebook friends is a waste of time. Eu acho que Tom estava relutante em fazê-lo. I think that Tom could've been reluctant to do that. I think Tom was reluctant to do it. Tom é um vendedor de automóveis, não é? Tom is a car salesman, isn't he? Tom's a car salesman, isn't he? Tom te poate ajuta mai târziu, poate. Tom can help you later, perhaps. Tom can help you later, maybe. Si solo bebes este zumo durante unos días, te encontrarás mejor. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you'll get better. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you'll find yourself better. El meu aerolliscador està ple d'anguiles My hovercraft is full of eels. My flight attendant is full of eagles. La ribera derecha del río es empinada. The right riverside is steep. The right bank of the river is steeped. Lei è bravo in questo, vero? You're good at this, aren't you? You're good at this, aren't you? Puxo unha venda no meu dedo mancado. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. He put a sale on my broken finger. Déjame pagar mi parte. Let me pay my share. Let me pay my share. Eu não pensei que seria demitido. I didn't think that I'd be fired. I didn't think you'd be fired. Nada es más rápido que el tiempo. Nothing is faster than time. Nothing's faster than time. Tu me connais bien. You know me well. You know me well. Non avvicinarti troppo a lui. Don't get too close with him. Don't get too close to him. Terlepas dari keuntungan yang didapat dari membujang, mereka berkeinginan untuk menikah suatu hari nanti. But in spite of the merits of being single, they do want to get married some day. Aside from the benefits of singleness, they desire to marry someday. N-am mâncat la fel de mult ca tine. I didn't eat as much as you. I didn't eat as much as you. Jangan mengejekku. Don't mock me. Don't make fun of me. Você está com dor de cabeça? Do you have a headache? Are you with a headache? Ils ont abattu tous les arbres morts. They chopped down all the withered trees. They killed all the dead trees. Eu não me lembro onde coloquei os meus óculos. I don't remember where I put my glasses. I don't remember where I put my glasses. Esto pasaba cada otoño. This was happening every autumn. This happened every fall. J'aime ton t-shirt. I like your T-shirt. I like your t-shirt. Guidate. You drive. Drive. Bisakah saya meminta Anda untuk menunggu hingga besok pagi? Could I ask you to wait until tomorrow morning? Can I ask you to wait till tomorrow morning? Enfant, il allait à la mer tous les étés. As a boy, he would go to the seaside every summer. He was going to sea every summer. Ganamos mucho dinero vendiendo pasteles en la escuela. We make a lot of money selling cakes in the school. We made a lot of money selling pies at school. Je pense que vous devriez y aller. I think you should go. I think you should go. No muestres tus intenciones. Don't show your cards. Don't show your intentions. Felice anniversario! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary! ¡Cierra la puñetera puerta! Close the damn door! Shut the fucking door! Não irei. I'm not going. I won't. Eu não posso ir sozinho. I can't go alone. I can't go alone. Tu hai parlato con Tom? Have you talked to Tom? Did you talk to Tom? O Tom escapou para a Austrália. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. A bomba atômica é uma séria ameaça para a humanidade. The atomic bomb is a grave threat to mankind. The atomic bomb is a serious threat to humanity. Nous avons deux enfants. We have two children. We have two children. Aku butuh beberapa informasi. I need some information. I need some information. Mateo es un kristiano sekular. Matthew is a secular Christian. Matthew is a secular Christian. Quanto vocês gastaram enquanto estavam na Austrália? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? Fără el n-aș fi putut face asta. I couldn't have done it without him. Without him I couldn't have done that. Desculpe, mas tenho de me apressar. Não tenho tempo para explicar isso em detalhes. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. I'm sorry, but I have to hurry, I don't have time to explain that in detail. ¿Cuál es tu vino favorito? What's your favorite wine? What's your favorite wine? Deberías tener más cuidado en un cruce. You should be more careful at a crosswalk. You should be more careful on a crossing. Kenapa dia tidak datang? Why didn't she come? Why didn't he come? È italiano. He's Italian. It's Italian. Tu eri giovane. You were young. You were young. Só che traio té só. I only bring you tea alone. I only bring you tea alone. Estaba a punto de salir cuando sonó el teléfono. He was about to go out when the telephone rang. I was about to leave when the phone rang. Tom bekerja sepanjang hidupnya. Tom worked all his life. Tom worked all his life. Questo punto sarà discusso domani. This point will be discussed tomorrow. This will be discussed tomorrow. Ellos no han dormido por cuarenta y ocho horas. They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours. They haven't slept for forty-eight hours. È rimasto a New York per tre settimane. He stayed in New York for three weeks. He stayed in New York for three weeks. Sunt îngrijorată de ceea ce se întâmplă aici. I'm concerned by what's happening here. I'm worried about what's going on here. Posso dar uma mordidinha? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? La mama va plorar. Mama cried. Mom cried. A verdade é que nunca cheguei a conhecer o Tom. The truth is I've never even met Tom. The truth is, I've never met Tom. O Tom gostou muito do filme. Tom liked the film a lot. Tom liked the film very much. Dia masih di bawah umur. She's still a minor. He's still underage. El a urcat scările. He went up the stairs. He went up the stairs. Est-ce toi ? Is it you? Is that you? Meus colegas me receberam cordialmente. My colleagues welcomed me very warmly. My colleagues received me cordially. Eu lavo sempre a minha roupa ao fim-de-semana. I always wash my clothes at the weekend. I always wash my clothes for the weekend. Tem só uma estrada na ilha. There's only one road on the island. There's only one road on the island. Je ne sais pas où vivra Tom l’année prochaine. I don't know where Tom will live next year. I don’t know where Tom will live next year. Nos resultó difícil entrar en la discoteca. We found it difficult to enter the disco. We found it hard to get into the disco. Tom vino hacia mí con un cuchillo en la mano. Tom came at me with a knife in his hand. Tom came to me with a knife in his hand. Tom cantou com Maria. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Maria. Eu gosto de ser espontâneo. I like to be spontaneous. I like to be spontaneous. U figghiolu dissi cu tassì spariu nta nigghia. The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog. U figghiolu said with taxis sprung nigghia. Kita tinggal di Selandia Baru. I live in New Zealand. We live in New Zealand. Una mujer no apareció mágicamente en el transbordador espacial. Requirió la dedicación implacable de Sally Ride y el coraje sin fin de Mae Jemison para hacer añicos ese techo de cristal. A woman did not magically appear on a space shuttle. It took Sally Ride’s relentless commitment, Mae Jemison’s boundless courage to shatter that glass ceiling. A woman did not appear magically in the space shuttle. She required the relentless dedication of Sally Ride and the endless courage of Mae Jemison to make that glass ceiling agnostic. Me gusta tener amigos en todos los países. I like having friends in every country. I like having friends in every country. He oído suficiente. I've heard enough. I've heard enough. J'étudie. I study. I'm studying. Cuénteme todos los detalles. Tell me all the details. Tell me all the details. Tetaplah semangat. Keep your chin up. Keep your spirits up. Tratatul a fost aprobat. The treaty was approved. The treaty was approved. Ingoiala. Non masticarla. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Don't chew it. J'ai un jumeau. I am a twin. I have a twin. Sa négligence a conduit à un accident. His carelessness resulted in the accident. His negligence led to an accident. Di che colore è il suo camion? What colour is your truck? What color is your truck? Buona fortuna per l'esame! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with the exam! Quantos pares de sapatos você possui? How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many pairs of shoes do you have? Ella solía disfrutar estar con él. She used to enjoy being with him. She used to enjoy being with him. Esperé en vano toda la tarde. I waited all afternoon in vain. I waited in vain all afternoon. Je ne joue pas au tennis après l'école. I don't play tennis after school. I don't play tennis after school. O Tom ficou muito mandão. Tom got very bossy. Tom's got a lot of bad luck. El niño tiene un reloj en su mano. The boy has a watch in his hand. The boy has a watch in his hand. Kau memang benar. You're totally right. You're right. Ştiinţa şi arta trebuie să contribuie la creşterea bunăstării umane. Science and art must contribute to the promotion of human welfare. Science and art must contribute to human well-being. Sóc Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. ¡Cómo arruina el matrimonio a un hombre! Es tan desmoralizador como los cigarros, y mucho más caro. How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. How does marriage ruin a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and much more expensive. Solo tenemos una oportunidad. We only have one opportunity. We only have one chance. Il lui confectionna un gâteau. He baked her a cake. He made him a cake. Tom no viene porque no quiero que venga. Tom's not coming, because I don't want him to. Tom's not coming because I don't want him coming. Mi padre consintió mi ida al extranjero. My father consented to my going abroad. My father consented to my going abroad. Feche a caixa. Close the box. Close the box. Dà una festa questa sera. She is giving a party tonight. He's having a party tonight. Non, je ne suis pas des États-Unis. No, I'm not from the United States. No, I'm not from the United States. Dia ke New York atas urusan perniagaan. He went to New York on business. He's in New York on business. Nu sunt obișnuită cu un asemenea tratament. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to such treatment. Tom aínda non sabe nadar. Tom can't swim yet. Tom still can't swim. Vale mesmo a pena? Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it? Tenemos un elevador y un baño privado. We have an elevator and a private bathroom. We have an elevator and a private bathroom. Tom dice che è felice. Tom says he's happy. Tom says he's happy. Apa kata saya belanja awak makan malam? Shall I treat you to dinner? What do I say you're shopping for dinner? Solo quiero leer. I just want to read. I just want to read. Você sofre de insônia? Do you suffer from sleeplessness? Do you suffer from insomnia? J'en ai assez vu. I have seen enough. I've seen enough. No sé por qué se están peleando. I don't know why they are fighting. I don't know why they're fighting. Lo bello no es siempre lo mismo que lo bueno. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. The beauty is not always the same as the good. Mentí contra mi voluntad. I told a lie against my will. I lied against my will. Unde este toaleta? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Felizes são aqueles que amam flores. Happy are those who love flowers. Happy are those who love flowers. Tu peux rester dans la chambre supplémentaire, si tu veux. You can stay in the extra bedroom if you want. You can stay in the extra room if you want. Ella observaba como vuelan las mariposas. She observed how butterflies fly. She watched the butterflies fly. Ce ticket vaut pour trois jours. The ticket holds good for three days. This ticket is worth three days. Fareste meglio a non contare su un aumento. You'd better not count on a raise. You'd better not count on an increase. Deberías hacerlo inmediatamente. You ought to do that right away. You should do it right away. Lui sta urinando sangue. He's urinating blood. He's urineing blood. So inglez. I'm English. I'm English. Tinc ganes de dir-li què penso d'ell. I feel like telling him what I think of him. I'd like to tell him what I think of him. Gli ho prestato un CD. I lent him a CD. I lent him a CD. N'as-tu donc aucune ambition ? Don't you have any ambition? So you have no ambition? Trebuie sa învăţ japoneza. I must learn Japanese. I have to learn Japanese. Passez-moi le marteau. Hand me the hammer. Give me the hammer. Jangan takut. Aku tidak akan melukaimu. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Él bebió una taza de café. He drank a cup of coffee. He drank a cup of coffee. Jesús acepta cheques. Jesus takes checks. Jesus accepts cheques. Je suis toujours membre. I'm still a member. I'm still a member. Sulit bagi pasangan tersebut untuk tinggal bersama lebih lama lagi. It is hard for the couple to live together any longer. It is difficult for the couple to stay together longer. Meu Deus! Dói pra caramba! Oh my God! It hurts like hell! Oh, my God, it hurts! Ambas as irmãs dele são bonitas. His sisters are both beautiful. Both his sisters are beautiful. Alors ça c'est réduit à cela. So it has come to this. So that's reduced to that. A l'ha dividù un milion ëd dòlar an tra sò sinch fieuj. He divided one million dollars among his five sons. It's divided into five thousand dollars. No soy una persona simpática. I'm not a nice person. I'm not a nice person. Donne-le-lui. Give it to him. Give it to him. Há um pacote de correspondência para o senhor. There's a package in the mail for you. There's a correspondence package for you. Non ti fidi dei tuoi istinti? Don't you trust your instincts? Don't you trust your instincts? Me acuesto con hombres. I sleep with men. I sleep with men. Buku itu berwarna merah. The book is red. It's red. Agora ele está comendo o café da manhã. He's eating breakfast now. Now he's eating breakfast. Você não pode nadar aqui. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. Nous avons des problèmes plus importants. We've got bigger problems. We have more important problems. Hè los tons devers adara. Do your homework now. Here's the tones from Adara. Em pregunto si vindrà demà. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. Conozco a mucha gente. I meet a lot of people. I know a lot of people. Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi. She is interested in learning new ideas. She's interested in learning new things. Lo visitò. She visited him. He visited it. Tom decise di rallentare. Tom decided to slow down. Tom decided to slow down. Ela não conseguia tirar os olhos dele. She could not take her eyes off of him. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Tom es un chiflado. Tom is a nutter. Tom's a jerk. O duque possui muitas terras. The duke holds a lot of land. The duke has many lands. Bayarkan kad kredit anda setiap bulan. Pay off your credit cards every month. Pay your credit card every month. Soy alérgico al polvo. I'm allergic to pollen. I'm allergic to dust. Voici la monnaie. Here's the change. Here's the currency. Assieds-toi, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Sunt sigur că vei reuși. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. Veo un leon blanko. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Io non mi sono mai ammalata da quand'ero bambina. I have never been sick since I was a child. I've never been sick since I was a child. Has venido en un momento oportuno. You have come at an opportune time. You came at a good time. Nunca me pasa a mí. It never happens to me. It never happens to me. Nous sommes toutes des lâches. We're all cowards. We're all cowards. Lascia che ti dica i miei piani. Let me tell you my plans. Let me tell you my plans. Kamu butuh terapi. You need therapy. You need therapy. Talvez papai possa fazer o trabalho sujo. Maybe dad can do the dirty deed. Maybe Dad can do the dirty work. Une scène angoissante s'accompagne forcément d'une chouette qui hulule ou de loups qui hurlent à la pleine lune. In a scary scene, it never fails that there is either an owl hooting or wolves howling under the full moon. A worrying scene is necessarily accompanied by a chouette that roars or wolves that shout at the full moon. Sono andati a Edimburgo per fuggire dal calore estivo. They went to Edinburgh to escape from the summer heat. They went to Edinburgh to escape summer heat. Êtes-vous proches de vos parents ? Are you close to your parents? Are you close to your parents? Dovrebbe essere revocato immediatamente. It should be revoked immediately. It should be revoked immediately. Eu posso te perguntar quem é você? May I ask who you are? Can I ask you who you are? Tom se está bañando. Tom is taking a shower. Tom's bathing. Tom e Mary olhavam um para o outro. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Voglio diventare un musicista. I want to become a musician. I want to become a musician. Carlos Morel fue el primer pintor argentino. Carlos Morel was the first Argentine illustrator. Carlos Morel was the first Argentine painter. Tom não vai escapar. Tom won't go away. Tom's not getting away. Los dos estaban desnudos. Both were naked. They were both naked. Ketika melakukan sesuatu, lakukanlah yang terbaik. In doing anything, do your best. When you do something, do your best. Tom mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Tom tried to commit suicide. Tom tried to kill himself. Je sais très peu de choses de lui. I know very little about him. I know very little about him. Asta e ceea ce aș fi spus. This is what I would have said. That's what I would have said. Tu fumes beaucoup trop. Tu devrais freiner ta consommation. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. You're smoking too much, you should slow down your consumption. Tom est considéré comme le candidat ayant le plus de chances de l'emporter. Tom is considered the candidate with the best chance of winning. Tom is considered the candidate most likely to take him away. Façam o que for preciso. Do whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Você precisa vir. You need to come. You need to come. ¿Esta carta debe ser escrita en inglés? Must this letter be written in English? Should this letter be written in English? Je ne pouvais pas résister à l'attrait des grands profits. I could not resist the lure of great profits. I couldn't resist the attraction of great profits. Sólo para adultos. Only for grownups. For adults only. Hanno speso sei mesi a costruire la casa. They spent six months building the house. They spent six months building the house. Che cos'è successo? What has happened? What happened? Trebuie să găsim reguli care merg. We have to find rules that work. We need to find rules that go. Sto facendo affari su larga scala. I am doing business on a large scale. I'm doing big-scale business. Perché non lo fate di più? Why don't you do that more? Why don't you do it anymore? Tom lavora en un ospital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom works at a hospital. Tu me ramènes, s'il te plaît ? Will you take me home? Will you bring me back, please? Tenéis que mantener vuestra pieza ordenada. You must keep your room tidy. You have to keep your piece tidy. Ça doit être difficile à faire. It must be hard to do that. It must be hard to do. Cerco una soluzione più semplice. I'm looking for a simpler solution. I'm looking for a simpler solution. Tom veio me encontrar. Tom came to meet me. Tom came to find me. Se você gosta dele, então se pronto! If you like it then get ready! If you like him, then you're ready! Non viene qui ogni giorno. He does not come here every day. He doesn't come here every day. Eu sei. I know it. I know. Mon père me tuera. My dad will kill me. My father will kill me. La dipendenza da droga è un cancro nella società moderna. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Será que Tom nunca me perdoará? Will Tom ever forgive me? Will Tom never forgive me? Ha cresciuto il ragazzo rendendolo una brava persona. She raised the boy to be a fine person. He grew up making him a good person. De ce nu mergem acasă? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Pensate veramente che Tom e Mary siano al sicuro? Do you really think Tom and Mary are safe? Do you really think Tom and Mary are safe? Estas peras estão ótimas. These pears are great. These pears are great. Ai făcut progrese notabile la limba engleză în ultimul an. You've made remarkable progress in English in the past year. You've made remarkable progress in English in the last year. Riuscite a catturare il pollo? Can you catch the chicken? Can you catch the chicken? Di cosa vuole parlarmi? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Tom mungkin sedang tidur. Tom is probably sleeping. Tom may be sleeping. Aku biasanya pergi tidur jam sembilan. I usually go to bed at nine. I used to go to bed at nine. Tom achou que era impossível persuadir a Mary. Tom found it impossible to persuade Mary. Tom thought it was impossible to persuade Mary. Devo parlare con lui. I've got to speak to him. I need to talk to him. Isso não é propina. It's not a bribe. That's not a tip. Ellas han venido. They have come. They're here. Gh'ea 'na vòtta 'n figeu. There once was a boy. Gh'she's in the vote' in the fig tree. Tom était assis à son bureau. Tom sat behind his desk. Tom was sitting in his office. Saya dimaklumkan kepada dia kedatangannya. I informed her of his arrival. I'm told to him it's coming. Elle m'a fixé. She stared at me. She fixed me. Tom queria comprá-lo. Tom wanted to buy it. Tom wanted to buy it. Aku memikirkan tentang Tom beberapa saat yang lalu. I was thinking about Tom earlier today. I was thinking about Tom a while ago. Voi avete bisogno di studiare di più. You need to study more. You need to study more. Chantes-tu toujours cette chanson dans cette tonalité ? Do you always sing this song in this key? Do you still sing that song in this tone? Tom se înțelege bine cu John. Tom is on good terms with John. Tom gets along well with John. Para de gritarme. Stop yelling at me. Stop yelling at me. Aonde estamos indo mesmo? Where are you going anyway? Where are we really going? Tom adalah orang Inggris. Tom is British. Tom was an Englishman. Je ne vous ai pas entendues. I did not hear you. I didn't hear you. Grazas. Thanks! Thank you. Eu sei que o Tom está furioso. I know that Tom is furious. I know Tom's mad. Senti a tua falta hoje. I missed you today. I missed you today. Tom vinse il primo round. Tom won the first round. Tom won the first round. J'imagine que je pourrais être en colère après ce qui m'est arrivé. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me. I guess I could be angry after what happened to me. Solo un momento... Just a moment ... Just a moment... Tom nu știe când se va întoarce Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary's coming back. Eu comprei uma camiseta. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Sono completamente d'accordo con lei. I totally agree with her. I completely agree with you. Si on raconte un mensonge suffisamment de fois, on se met à le croire. If you tell a lie enough times, you begin to believe it. If we tell a lie enough times, we get to believe it. Você não está fazendo nada errado. You're doing nothing wrong. You're not doing anything wrong. Ajoute de l'alcool de riz pendant la cuisson pour faire partir l'odeur désagréable. Add rice wine before cooking to remove the unpleasant odour. Add rice alcohol during cooking to remove the unpleasant smell. Quero deixá-los com inveja. I want to make them jealous. I want to leave them with envy. Pe când era copil, a fost la Paris de trei ori. As a child, he went to Paris three times. When he was a kid, he was in Paris three times. Il vous faut lire entre les lignes pour connaitre la véritable pensée de l'auteur. You have to read between the lines to know the true intention of the author. You must read between the lines to know the true thought of the author. Avete parlato con loro? Have you spoken to them? Did you talk to them? Berikan aku sesuatu untuk dimakan. Give me something to eat. Give me something to eat. Nous nous sommes tous deux séparés l'année dernière. The two of us split up last year. We both separated last year. Adakah basikal ini milik anda? Is this your bicycle? Is this bicycle yours? Tom troverà un lavoro sufficientemente presto. Tom will find a job soon enough. Tom will find a job soon enough. Miren de nuevo. Look again. Look again. Io sto camminando con lei. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. Faites attention à ne pas attraper froid. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful not to catch cold. Vas-tu acheter cela ? Are you going to buy that? Are you gonna buy this? Isto é para você. This is for you. This is for you. J'ignorais comment. I didn't know how. I didn't know how. Mary ha un nastro rosso nei capelli. Mary has a red ribbon in her hair. Mary has a red ribbon in her hair. Beijaste mesmo o Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Aquest és el teu fill, Maria! This is your son, Mary! This is your son, Mary! Cum a putut Tom să fie atât de greșit? How could Tom have been so wrong? How could Tom be so wrong? Este o metodă excelentă de a scăpa de stres. It's an excellent method to relieve stress. It's an excellent way to get rid of stress. A luz viaja a cerca de 186.000 milhas por segundo. Light travels at about 186,000 miles per second. The light travels about 186,000 miles per second. Belok ke kanan. Turn to the right. Turn right. J'ai écrit une lettre à ma mère. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. Sami non fuma. Sami doesn't smoke. Sami doesn't smoke. È sicuro che è quello che vuole? Are you sure that's what you want? Are you sure that's what you want? Hai! Bagaimana kabarmu? Hi! How are you? How are you? Sabia que la Layla deia la veritat I knew Layla was telling the truth. I knew Layla was telling the truth Şcoala începe la opt treizeci? Does school start at eight-thirty? School starts at eight thirty? Quina ei la toa adreça ? What is your address? What's her address? Decisi di essere un avvocato. I decided to be a lawyer. I decided to be a lawyer. Llegué diez minutos tarde a la escuela. I was ten minutes late for school. I arrived ten minutes late to school. Ya vendrá el día en que podremos viajar a la Luna. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. C'est dans ce palais qu'habitent le roi et la reine. In the palace live the king and the queen. It's in this palace that the king and the queen live. Tom pare a fi un om cinstit. Tom seems to be an honest man. Tom seems to be an honest man. Pan y mantequilla es mi desayuno habitual. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Ne prenda solo una. Take only one. Just take one. Asegúrate de que todas las cajas estén bien selladas antes de la entrega. Make sure all the boxes are well sealed before they're delivered. Make sure all the boxes are well sealed before delivery. Aku punya saudara kembar adik laki-laki. I have a twin brother. I've got a twin brother. Nuestros descendientes llegarán tarde o temprano, como raza, a la condición de conciencia cósmica, al igual que, hace mucho tiempo, nuestros antepasados pasaron de la conciencia simple a la autoconciencia. Our descendants will sooner or later reach, as a race, the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness into self-consciousness. Our descendants will arrive sooner or later, as a race, to the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness to self-consciousness. Avresti dovuto arrestarla. You should have her arrested. You should have arrested her. Que vas-tu faire avec ma photo ? What are you going to do with my picture? What are you gonna do with my picture? Ele não fuma. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Il est récemment décédé. He died recently. He recently died. Aquéllos son mis libros. Those are my books. Those are my books. Așa se face asta. That's the way it's done. That's how it is. Tuvimos que cancelar el juego por la lluvia. We had to call off the game because of the rain. We had to cancel the game for rain. ¿Por qué vas a pie si tienes un auto? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why are you walking if you have a car? Eu não compreendo a sua geração. I don't understand your generation. I don't understand your generation. Estou avergonzado porque actuei coma un idiota. I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly. I'm ashamed because I acted like an idiot. Mari kita coba lihat. Let's have a look. Let's see. Tom a fost singur în majoritatea timpului. Tom was alone most of the time. Tom was alone most of the time. A mi perro le gusta retozar en la nieve. My dog likes to romp in the snow. My dog likes to retrace in the snow. Supa este rece. The soup is cold. The soup is cold. Cosa farà Tom domani? What'll Tom do tomorrow? What will Tom do tomorrow? Ella no tiene amigos en esta ciudad. She doesn't have many friends in this town. She doesn't have friends in this town. Am fost condamnat. I was convicted. I was convicted. El señor White llega a Tokio a las 10:30. Mr White arrives in Tokyo at 10:30. Mr. White arrives in Tokyo at 10:30. J'ai quelque chose à vous faire faire. I have something for you to do. I have something to do with you. Io ho appena scritto un SMS a Tom. I have just written an SMS to Tom. I just texted Tom. Kau boleh menggunakan mobil baruku. You may use my new car. You can use my new car. Aku membeli sebuah mobil sport merah. I bought a red sports car. I bought a red sports car. Adelante, den a Estados Unidos todo el dinero que se han ganado. Go ahead, give America all your hard earned money. Go ahead, give the United States all the money they've earned. Danki! Thanks! Thank you! Ese es el elefante más grande que he visto nunca. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. Ele pede que eu esteja atento. He asks me to be attentive. He wants me to be careful. Eu trabalho num hotel em Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. Grazie per avermi invitata. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. Non essere così formale, per piacere! Don't be so formal, please! Don't be so formal, please! Hoy es lunes. It's Monday today. Today is Monday. Fais-le travailler pour ! Make him work for it. Get him to work for! O que você passa fazendo durante sua infância afeta o resto de sua vida. What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life. What you go through during your childhood affects the rest of your life. No nos dejaban entrar. They wouldn't let us in. They wouldn't let us in. Dia tidak sepatutnya datang sini. He was never to come here. He shouldn't have come here. Qu'ei l'ora de dromir. It's time to sleep. It's time to drop. Nos hicieron quedarnos en una habitación pequeña. We were made to stay in a small room. They made us stay in a small room. Soi policièr. I'm a policeman. I'm a police officer. Ho sentito dire che Tom sta imparando a guidare. I heard that Tom is learning how to drive. I heard Tom's learning to drive. Tom și Mary au spus că nu au făcut-o ei. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. J'aimerais avoir ton boulot. I wish I had your job. I wish I had your job. C'est une politique discutable. It's a questionable policy. It's a debatable policy. En el prinsipyo krio el Dyo los syelos i la tyerra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning krio the Dyo seals and the thierra. Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Can somebody help me? Can anyone help me? È destinata a superare l'esame. She is bound to pass the examination. She's destined to pass the exam. Que a paz, a misericórdia e as bênçãos de Deus estejam com você. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be with you. Dois-je enfiler l'aiguille pour toi ? Must I thread the needle for you? Do I have to stick the needle for you? Pensil siapa ini? Whose pencil is this? Whose penis is this? Vous devez étudier plus assidument. You need to study harder. You need to study more assiduously. Muchas personas cazan. Many people hunt. Lots of people hunt. Todavía no sabe la verdad. She doesn't know the truth yet. He doesn't know the truth yet. Eyas kompran pan. They buy bread. Eyas understands bread. Va apagar la cigarreta en el cendrer i es va posar dempeus per marxar. He stubbed out his cigar in the ashtray and stood up to leave. He turned off the cigarette in the ashtray and set up to go. Tom trouxe um presente para Mary. Tom brought a gift for Mary. Tom brought a present for Mary. Bilakah awak akan pulang? When will you return? When will you be back? Muito obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much for your help. Ho messo la mia scrivania dalla finestra. I put my desk by the window. I put my desk out the window. Tom pasó despierto toda la noche estudiando. Tom was up all night studying. Tom spent the whole night studying. El año pasado ya se ha ido. Last year is gone already. Last year he's gone. Elas estão se encarando. They're staring at each other. They're facing each other. Ha una cattiva fama tra i suoi studenti. He has a bad reputation with his students. He has a bad reputation among his students. Stai facendo dell'ottima roba qui. You're doing great stuff here. You're doing great stuff here. Ada hal lain yang harus ku kerjakan. I have to do something else now. There's something else I need to do. Sta sempre studiando. He is always studying. He's always studying. Lei accese le candele. She lit the candles. She's accessing the candles. Eu acho que skates são geralmente mais baratos do que patins. I think skateboards are usually cheaper than rollerblades. I think skates are usually cheaper than skates. Pur și simplu fugi de problemele vieții. You're just running away from life's problems. Just run away from life's problems. Serang! Attack! Attack! Je dis que je l'aimais. I said I liked it. I'm saying I loved him. I pran on katon wouj. He got a red card. I'll take a red sheet. Lepas kaus kakimu. Take off your socks. Take off your socks. Tom sudah jarang berbicara dengan kami. Tom seldom speaks to us anymore. Tom's rarely spoken to us. Tom pianse per tutta la notte. Tom cried all night. Tom cried all night. Será que o tempo se manterá assim? I wonder if the weather will hold. Will time be kept like this? A Mary piace comprare da Macy. Mary likes to shop at Macy's. Mary likes to buy from Macy. Noi siamo molto deluse. We're very disappointed. We're very disappointed. ¿Cuándo me van a pagar? When do I get paid? When are you going to pay me? Eso podría pasar el lunes. That might happen on Monday. That could happen Monday. Bill meneleponku tadi malam. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. L'un vit à Fukuoka, et les autres vivent à Niigata. One lives in Fukuoka, and the others live in Niigata. One lives in Fukuoka, and the others live in Niigata. Estive procurando um piano para minha filha. I have been looking for a piano for my daughter. I've been looking for a piano for my daughter. Estupa lo deishudader. Turn off the alarm. You know what I'm saying. Qualcuno mi prese per il braccio. Somebody caught me by the arm. Someone took me by the arm. Estou com tanta fome e o almoço não está pronto. I am so hungry and lunch is not ready. I'm so hungry and lunch's not ready. Tom tiene lo que necesita. Tom has what he needs. Tom has what he needs. La mia schiena mi sta uccidendo. My back is killing me. My back is killing me. È acuto, vero? He's sharp, isn't he? It's sharp, isn't it? Notre rêve s'est réalisé, enfin ! Our dream has come true, at last! Our dream has come true, at last! Tom sarà sempre qui per te. Tom will always be here for you. Tom will always be here for you. «Parlez-vous l'allemand ?» «Non, je ne le parle pas.» "Do you speak German?" "No, I don't." "Do you speak German?" "No, I don't speak German." Lui non ascolta. He doesn't listen. He doesn't listen. Três vezes três é nove. Three times three is nine. Three times three is nine. È pratico avere un computer portatile. It's practical to have a laptop. It's convenient to have a laptop. Quem ligou? Who phoned? Who called? Pourquoi ne m'aimez-vous pas ? Why don't you love me? Why don't you love me? Tengo que cambiarle las pilas a la radio. I have to change the batteries in the radio. I have to change the batteries to the radio. Algumas pessoas poderiam pensar assim. Some people might think so. Some people might think that way. Devono non avermi sentito. They must not have heard me. They must have never heard of me. Que'm brombi çò que digoc. I remember what he said. I'm kidding what I'm saying. La route a été bouchée par des arbres qui sont tombés. The road was obstructed by fallen trees. The road was blocked by trees that fell. Tom nici măcar nu poate citi. Tom can't even read. Tom can't even read. Prenez-vous plaisir au travail ? Do you enjoy the work? Do you enjoy your work? Les habitants de la ville furent effrayés par le tremblement de terre. The townsfolk were frightened by the earthquake. The inhabitants of the city were frightened by the earthquake. Du-mă de aici. Take me away. Get me out of here. Merci de le ramener demain. Please bring it back tomorrow. Thanks for bringing him back tomorrow. Non cadere dalla sedia. Don't fall off your chair. Don't fall out of the chair. En Tom va a Boston de tant en tant. Tom goes to Boston every once in a while. Tom goes to Boston from time to time. Noi mangiamo mele. We eat apples. We eat apples. Mulțumesc pentru explicație. Thanks for the explanation. Thank you for explaining. Ella no almorzó nada. She ate nothing for lunch. She didn't have breakfast. Goreng. Fry. Goreng. Elle le laissa partir. She let him go. She let him go. Ese es tu problema. That's your problem. That's your problem. Io non sono Tom. Sono John. I'm not Tom. I'm John. I'm not Tom. Teve de ficar no hospital por uma semana. He had to stay in hospital for a week. I had to stay in the hospital for a week. Ha la metà dei suoi anni. She's half his age. She's half her years old. Ele tem algo para você. He has something for you. He has something for you. Você não consegue carregar o piano sozinho. You cannot lift the piano alone. You can't carry the piano alone. Tăcerea este apăsătoare. The silence is oppressive. Silence is pressing. Maukah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana cara pergi ke Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to go to my Shinju? A foto foi adulterada. The photo was doctored. The photo has been adulterated. Je suis convaincu que mon fils est innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I'm convinced my son is innocent. Me da igual la fama. I do not care for fame. I don't care about fame. Maria e Alice não são irmãs. Mary and Alice aren't sisters. Maria and Alice are not sisters. La vida és una qüestió de prioritats. Life is a question of priorities. Life is a matter of priorities. Como foi o voo? How was the flight? How was the flight? Tengo un caballo blanco. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. O petrecere de rămas bun a fost ţinută în onoarea d-lui Tanaka. A farewell party was held in honor of Mr. Tanaka. A farewell party was held in honor of Mr. Tanaka. Eu sei que Tom gosta de jazz. I know that Tom likes jazz. I know Tom likes jazz. Tom colocou os enfeites na árvore de Natal. Tom hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Tom put the beads on the Christmas tree. En este momento los dos estamos demasiado ocupados para ayudarte. We're both way too busy to help you right now. Right now we're both too busy to help you. Isso não é novidade para ele. This is nothing new to him. That's not new to him. Ero incosciente. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. Nous ne voulions pas être dans vos pattes. We didn't want to get in your way. We didn't want to be in your shoes. El o să plece. He's going away. He's gonna go. Deve essere americano. He must be an American. He must be an American. Sus ojos son mavis. Her eyes are blue. His eyes are mavis. Mi piace farlo. I enjoy doing that. I like it. Il semble que Wataru se consacrait à ses études. It seems that Wataru devoted himself to his studies. It seems that Wataru was devoted to his studies. Os homens creem no que querem. Men believe what they want to. Men believe what they want. J'ai sauté une ligne en lisant. I have left out one line in reading. I jumped a line reading. Un cinturón ayuda a que no se te bajen los pantalones. A belt keeps your pants from falling down. A belt helps keep your pants off. Polisi mengisyaratkan saya untuk berhenti. The policeman signed to me to stop. The police signaled me to stop. Eres la única persona que conozco, aparte de mí mismo, a la que no le gusta ver béisbol. You're the only person I know besides myself who doesn't like watching baseball. You're the only person I know, apart from myself, who doesn't like to see baseball. Jaga agar Tom tetap diam. Keep Tom quiet. Keep Tom quiet. Vino cât poți de repede. Come as soon as possible. Come as fast as you can. Setidaknya pahamilah nasihatnya terlebih dahulu. At least understand the advice first. At least understand his advice first. O que você tem contra o Tom? What do you have against Tom? What do you have against Tom? Tom ha un'automobile nera? Does Tom have a black car? Does Tom have a black car? Riusciamo a salvarli? Can we save them? Can we save them? Vreau să mănânc niște înghețată. I want to eat some ice cream. I want to eat some ice cream. Dia meremas tangannya. He squeezed her hand. He packed his hands. It l'has dla pitura adoss. You've got paint on you. You've got it attached to it. Gli ho già dato il tuo numero. I already gave him your number. I already gave him your number. Me llamu Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. I'm looking for Ahmad. Je parie contre lui. I bid against him. I'm betting against him. Avez-vous essayé de jouer ce morceau sur votre guitare ? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Have you tried playing this piece on your guitar? Pensez-vous que je l'aie fait ? Do you think I did it? Do you think I did it? Elle dit qu'elle était heureuse. She said she was happy. She says she was happy. Tom comeu todo o pão que eu comprei ontem. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu, ei au scăpat nevătămați din accident. Thank God they came out unscathed from the accident. Thanks to God, they got rid of the accident. Tom è un ragazzo d'oro. Tom is a golden boy. Tom's a gold boy. ¿Entonces adónde voy? So where do I go? So where am I going? Vous disposez de suffisamment de temps. You have enough time. You have enough time. Ini dia sebuah lagu dari album perdana. Here is a song from the first album. Here's a song from the artist's album. Tom e Mary probabilmente sono ancora affamati. Tom and Mary are probably still hungry. Tom and Mary are probably still hungry. Eu alimento meu cão só antes de eu jantar. I feed my dog just before I eat dinner. I fed my dog just before I ate dinner. Nous devrions préserver la beauté du paysage. We should preserve the beauties of the countryside. We should preserve the beauty of the landscape. Sono molto felice che visiterete Tokyo il mese prossimo. I'm very happy you'll be visiting Tokyo next month. I'm really glad you'll be visiting Tokyo next month. Tom ha chiesto a Mary di uscire diverse volte. Tom has asked Mary out several times. Tom asked Mary out several times. J’ai joué au tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Por favor, não grite comigo. Please don't scream at me. Please don't yell at me. Attrape le voleur! Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Bergen est une ville de Norvège. Bergen is a Norwegian town. Bergen is a town in Norway. C'est gentil. This is sweet. That's nice. Não tem ninguém melhor que o Tom. There's nobody better than Tom. There's no one better than Tom. Saya akan tinggal di tempat paman saya di Kyoto. I will stay at my uncle's place in Kyoto. I'll live in my uncle's place in Kyoto. Muitos temas foram abordados durante a entrevista, mas alguns deles foram censurados. Many topics were discussed during the interview, but some of them were censured. Many topics were addressed during the interview, but some of them were censored. El amor sin sufrimiento no puede existir. Love without sorrow cannot be. Love without suffering cannot exist. Tom s-a ascuns în spatele unui copac. Tom hid behind the tree. Tom hid behind a tree. Fottuto stronzo! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Nu cred că Tom este furios. I don't think Tom is mad. I don't think Tom's angry. Eu preciso de tempo para refletir antes de eu decidir o que fazer. I need time to mull things over before I decide what to do. I need time to reflect before I decide what to do. Qu'arresponè, emplorida. She answered in tears. That he'll answer, ma'am. Tom es algo quisquilloso. Tom is a bit of a nitpicker. Tom's a quisky thing. Pranziamo! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! No hay ninguno. There's no one. There's none. Tout l'argent du comptoir a été volé. All money from the counter was stolen. All the money from the counter was stolen. Elle essaya de cacher ses larmes. She tried to hide her tears. She was trying to hide her tears. Você acha que eu sou bobo? Do you think I'm silly? Do you think I'm stupid? Tom terkejut mengetahui Mary memiliki sepeda motor. Tom was surprised that Mary had a motorcycle. Tom was surprised to know Mary had a motorcycle. Non è sicuro. It isn't secure. It's not safe. Eu tenho medo que tenho que sair. I'm afraid that I have to leave. I'm afraid I have to go out. O topo da montanha é de difícil acesso. Access to the mountaintop is difficult. The top of the mountain is difficult to reach. Olha o quadro na parede. Look at the picture on the wall. Look at the painting on the wall. No sabemos cuándo comenzó a existir este mundo. We don't know when this world came into being. We do not know when this world began to exist. Itu tadi menarik, ya? That was interesting, wasn't it? That was interesting, wasn't it? Tom ha chiesto dov'eravate. Tom asked where you were. Tom asked where you were. Non la posso dare a loro. I can't give it to them. I can't give it to them. Tom começou a chorar. Tom began to cry. Tom started crying. É essencial que você coma mais vegetais. It's essential that you eat more vegetables. It is essential that you eat more vegetables. Te ves como si hubieras visto a un fantasma. You look as if you had seen a ghost. You look like you've seen a ghost. Aku tidak menyangka akan bertemu denganmu di sini. I never expected to see you here. I didn't expect to see you here. Tom no entiende por qué Mary se enfadó con él. Tom doesn't understand why Mary got angry with him. Tom doesn't understand why Mary got angry at him. Maria me odeia? Does Mary hate me? Does Mary hate me? La reunió de hui ha estat cancel·lada. Today's meeting has been cancelled. The meeting today has been cancelled. Tenies que haver estat tu. It had to be you. It had to be you. Vous payerez pour ça ! You will pay for this! You'll pay for it! Pensavo ci odiassi. I thought you hated us. I thought you hated us. ¿Estás dormido? Are you asleep? Are you asleep? Não o conheço mais. I don't know you anymore. I don't know him anymore. Voici une ordonnance pour quelques comprimés. Here is a prescription for some tablets. Here's an order for some tablets. Quando eu crescer eu quero ser rei. When I grow up, I want to be king. When I grow up I want to be king. Tinc un amic el pare del qual és un pianista famós. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Eu preciso do seu amor. I need your love. I need your love. Je vais souvent en ville le dimanche. I often go downtown on Sunday. I often go to town on Sunday. Faça uma frase usando todas essas palavras. Make a sentence with each of these words. Make a phrase using all these words. O Tom ainda não sabe da verdade. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. Tom still doesn't know the truth. Je vais épargner plus d'argent. I'm going to save more money. I'll save you more money. Vamos a casa. We're going home. Let's go home. Ar fi bine să nu înoți dacă tocmai ai mâncat. You'd better not swim if you've just eaten. You better not swim if you just ate. Kamu tidak menandatangani semua dokumennya You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Te gândești serios să mănânci toată aia? Are you seriously thinking about eating all that? Are you seriously thinking about eating all that? Quan serà el debat? When will the debate take place? When will the debate be? No puede descartarse la posibilidad de que la explosión haya sido causada por negligencia. The possibility that the explosion was caused by carelessness cannot be ruled out. The possibility of the explosion being caused by negligence cannot be ruled out. Il semble qu'il puisse pleuvoir cette après-midi. It seems like it might rain this afternoon. It looks like it can rain this afternoon. No tinc res en comú amb ella. I have nothing in common with her. I have nothing in common with her. Le Premier Ministre a signé un accord commercial entre les deux pays. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. T'he de dir una cosa. I have something to tell you. I have to tell you something. Nu i-am cerut să se întoarcă. I didn't ask him to come back. I didn't ask them to come back. Je sais que vous bluffez. I know that you're bluffing. I know you're bluffing. Gracias! Thanks! Thank you! Il tabacco agisce sul cervello. Tobacco acts on the brain. Tobacco acts on the brain. Tom está ao telefone de novo. Tom is on the phone again. Tom's on the phone again. Durante los últimos diez años, la gente se ha dado cuenta progresivamente de que necesitan cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios. Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits. Over the past ten years, people have progressively realized that they need to change their eating habits. Uscite da qui! Get out of here! Get out of here! N corp uman mesan tegn ite assà osc per componer n ossam uman entriech. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. N human body mesan tegn it assà osc to compose n ossam human entriech. Io non so cosa gli è capitato. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know what happened to him. Je ne me sens pas si spécial. I don't feel so special. I don't feel so special. Quand es-tu rentrée de Boston ? When did you get back from Boston? When did you get home from Boston? Jam berapa rencana kedatangan pesawat? What time is the plane scheduled to land? What time is the plan of the plane coming? Il n'y a pas de raison logique à ceci. There's no logical reason for this. There's no logical reason for this. Quanto mais um homem sabe, mais ele descobre o quanto não sabe. The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. The more a man knows, the more he discovers what he doesn't know. Vale a pena ouvir essa música várias vezes. That music is worth listening to many times. It's worth listening to that song several times. Je crois que c'est le problème. I think that's the problem. I think that's the problem. Ella vive con él. She lives with him. She lives with him. Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang percuma stok energi kita. We mustn't waste our energy stocks. We must not waste our energy stocks. Siete pronti per Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Ele se parece com o meu pai. He looks like my father. He looks like my dad. O Tom nunca vai mudar, vai? Tom is never going to change, is he? Tom's never gonna change, is he? Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors. A lot of jobs are done by computers. Many jobs are done by computers. Tom comprou um presente para a filha. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Je n'ai pas besoin d'une raison. I don't need a reason. I don't need a reason. A Itália está longe do Brasil. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Je déteste faire ça. I hate doing that. I hate doing this. Il fait de pire en pire. The weather is getting worse. It's getting worse. –¿Novatos? –preguntó Dima con un ligero tono de enfado en la voz– ¡Esto no es un videojuego, Al-Sayib! ¡Esto es la vida real! "Noobs?" Dima asked, a slight hint of anger in his voice. "This isn't a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!" –News? –Dima asked with a slight tone of anger in her voice – This is not a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life! Yo no fui una buena madre. I was not a good mother. I wasn't a good mother. Ben a couru un 100 mètres avec Karl. Ben ran a 100-meter race with Carl. Ben ran a 100 meters with Karl. A vida é uma questão de prioridades. Life is a question of priorities. Life is a matter of priorities. Grita a la policía! Call the police! Call the police! Tom ar trebui să doarmă un pic. Tom should get some sleep. Tom should sleep a little. C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne suis pas venu hier. This is the reason why I didn't come yesterday. That's why I didn't come yesterday. Dia mengantarku pulang. She gave me a ride home. He took me home. ¿Quiere usted tocarlo? Do you want to play it? Do you want to play it? Eu não acho que as coisas vão mudar. I don't think things will change. I don't think things will change. Il y a quelques livres sur le bureau. There are some books on the desk. There's a few books on the desk. L'allemand et l'anglais sont des langues parentes. English and German are two related languages. German and English are related languages. Să punem pomul de Crăciun aici. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Eu quero um quarto com duas camas. I want a room with two beds. I want a room with two beds. Sunt convinsă că este cinstit. I have confidence that he is honest. I'm sure he's honest. Si se te mojan los pies, te dará un catarro. If your feet get wet, you'll get a cold. If your feet are wet, it'll give you a waterfall. Tom e Mary non vogliono parlare con te. Tom and Mary don't want to speak with you. Tom and Mary don't want to talk to you. Saya menyetujui usulnya. I approve his suggestion. I agreed to the proposal. Seperti ayah, seperti anak. Like father, like son. Like a father, like a child. Gostaria de visitar a França um dia. I would like to visit France someday. I would like to visit France one day. Eu îl pot recunoaște chiar într-o mulțime. I can recognize him even in a crowd. I can recognize him even in a lot. Dia berumur 8 tahun. He's eight years old. He's 8 years old. A ficção é obrigada a manter as possibilidades. A verdade não. Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. Fiction is forced to keep the possibilities. Eu vou me demitir no final do mês. I'll quit my job at the end of the month. I'll resign at the end of the month. Sigues amable amb Ann. Be nice to Ann. Be kind to Ann. Aimes-tu étudier ? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like studying? Yutaka a deux frères plus âgés. Yutaka has two older brothers. Yutaka has two older brothers. On dit que les Américains considèrent le revenu d'un homme comme critère majeur de ses capacités. Americans are said to regard the amount of money a man makes as a criterion of his ability. It is said that the Americans consider a man's income as a major criterion of his abilities. Ea s-a întrebat ce avea în minte. She wondered what he had in mind. She wondered what she had in mind. ¿Cuándo y dónde compraste ese reloj antiguo? When and where did you buy that old clock? When and where did you buy that old watch? Talvez o Tom não irá comprar aquilo. Perhaps Tom won't buy that. Maybe Tom won't buy that. Nadie me habla. Nobody speaks to me. No one's talking to me. Me dê um, por favor. Please give me one. Give me one, please. Ambos son impredecibles e impacientes. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. They're both unpredictable and impatient. Devo inserire una moneta prima? Do I need to put a coin in first? Should I put a coin in first? Terima kasih untuk ini. Thanks for this. Thank you for this. In che religione credi? What religion do you believe in? What religion do you believe in? Je n'ai plus fait ça depuis le lycée. I haven't done this since high school. I haven't done this since high school. Aaron foi assassinado friamente por Mary. Aaron was coldly killed by Mary. Aaron was coldly murdered by Mary. Eu tive sorte. I was lucky. I was lucky. Dobbiamo aiutarle. We need to help them. We need to help them. Mary, cette espiègle, vint coller son nom au début de cette phrase, pour ne pas en laisser le monopole à Tom, alors que ce n'était pas du tout nécessaire. Mary, this mischievous girl, came sticking her name at the beginning of this sentence, in order to not leave that monopoly to Tom, although it wasn't necessary at all. Mary, this spy, came to paste her name at the beginning of this sentence, so as not to leave her monopoly to Tom, while it was not at all necessary. Apa minuman tidak beralkohol kesukaanmu? What's your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? Don't drink your favorite alcohol? È troppo semplice. It's too simple. It's too simple. No m'agraden els viatges llargs. I don't like long drives. I don't like long trips. Ce train vous y emmènera en moitié moins de temps. This train will get you there in half the time. This train will take you in half the time. Combien de temps allez-vous rester à Boston ? How long are you going to stay in Boston? How long are you going to stay in Boston? Il faut que vous soyez davantage patientes. You need to be more patient. You need to be more patient. Il se peut qu'elle n'attende pas plus longtemps. She may not wait any longer. Maybe she won't wait any longer. Tom e Mary hanno chiesto delle migliori condizioni di lavoro. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Tom and Mary asked for better working conditions. Layla ritornò a casa. Layla returned home. Layla came home. Kamu ingin tidur di mana malam ini? Where do you want to sleep tonight? Where do you want to sleep tonight? Si ricorda il compleanno di suo padre? Do you remember your father's birthday? Do you remember his father's birthday? Desexaba unha entrada para o concerto. He was itching for a ticket to the concert. I wanted an entrance to the concert. Eu me lembro claramente desse dia. I remember that day clearly. I clearly remember that day. Tom estudou em Harvard. Tom studied at Harvard. Tom studied at Harvard. O cachorro de Tom dorme na cama com ele. Tom's dog sleeps in bed with him. Tom's puppy sleeps in bed with him. Não acreditei em nada que o meu avô disse. I didn't believe a word my grandfather said. I didn't believe anything my grandfather said. O carro pegou fogo. The car caught fire. The car caught fire. Tom ha detto che ci avrebbe aspettate. Tom said he'd wait for us. Tom said he'd wait for us. Tienes que ir al hospital. You have to go to the hospital. You have to go to the hospital. A me piace la mia lingua. I like my language. I like my tongue. Me voy a París mañana. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Se você botar muito peso nesta caixa, ela vai estourar. If you load too much weight in this box, it's going to blow up. If you put a lot of weight in this box, it'll explode. Vi crede. He believes you. He believes you. Băieţelul şi-a lăsat capul în piept şi n-a spus nimic. The little boy hung his head and said nothing. The little boy left his head in his chest and said nothing. Noi vogliamo la pace nel mondo. We want peace in the world. We want peace in the world. Tom va a casa a piedi. Tom walks home. Tom goes home on foot. Apa itu memang benar! Is that really true! That's true! Guidarono fino a casa. They drove home. They drove home. Io non devo rendere conto a lei delle mie azioni. I am not accountable to you for my actions. I don't have to account to her for my actions. Non mi cambia nulla. I don't mind. Nothing changes me. Necesítoo para mañá. I need it by tomorrow. I need it by tomorrow. Nous recherchons un développeur C++ expérimenté près d'Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ programmer near Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ developer near Amsterdam. Io non sto cercando di essere sarcastico. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. Anche molti uomini vogliono essere magri. Many men want to be thin, too. Even many men want to be skinny. È molto egoista, vero? He's very selfish, isn't he? He's very selfish, isn't he? Elle n'est pas parue. She didn't show up. She's not ready. Il est intéressant de se faire des amis avec un étranger. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It's interesting to be friends with a stranger. Io voglio trovare Tom. I want to find Tom. I want to find Tom. Fais-le nous savoir, je te prie ! Please let us know. Let us know, please! Lo men hilh que sap léger l'ora. My son can read a clock. I don't think he knows the hour. Es-tu en train de dire que tu ne peux pas le réparer ? Are you saying you can't fix it? Are you saying you can't fix it? Dite loro che sto bene. Tell them that I'm fine. Tell them I'm okay. Estou atrás dele. I'm behind him. I'm after him. Eu irei com você. I'll come with you. I'll go with you. O Tom pediu à Mary para ela esperar do lado de fora. Tom asked Mary to wait outside. Tom asked Mary to wait outside. Boleh pinjam ponselmu? May I use your phone? Can I borrow your phone? Me pergunto se o Tom ainda está satisfeito. It looks like Tom is scared. I wonder if Tom is still satisfied. Sapete che a Tom piace Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. Ei nu mă sperie. They don't scare me. They don't scare me. Baterai saya habis. My battery is running out. My battery's out. Nu mai pot continua să ignor problema. I can't continue to ignore the problem. I can't keep ignoring the problem anymore. Est-ce un film d'action ? Is it an action movie? Is this an action film? Io credo ancora che Internet non sia un posto per bambini. I still believe the Internet is not a place for children. I still think the Internet is not a place for children. Lei ci ha trovate. You found us. She found us. No soy un adicto a las drogas. I'm not a drug addict. I'm not a drug addict. Este fallo no es mío. That's not my mistake. This failure is not my fault. Sin embargo, es una traducción directa de la versión japonesa. However, it is a direct translation of the Japanese version. However, it is a direct translation of the Japanese version. Il écrit une longue lettre. He's writing a long letter. He wrote a long letter. Nu vrei să vorbești cu mine? Don't you want to talk to me? You don't want to talk to me? ¡A buen entendedor pocas palabras bastan! A word to the wise is sufficient. To a good understanding few words enough! A lei piace giocare con questo agnello. She likes to play with this lamb. She likes to play with this lamb. Ele sempre evita falar da morte da esposa. He always avoids talking about his wife's death. He always avoids talking about the death of his wife. A que horas você vai? At what time are you leaving? What time are you going? Uma modelo deve ter um corpo atraente. A model must have an attractive body. A model must have an attractive body. Există vreun remediu? Is there a cure? Is there a remedy? Que't caleré n'i anar pas. You'd better not go. I won't let you go. Bisakah saudaramu mengendarai mobil? Can your brother drive? Can your brother drive a car? Nimic nu este cunoscut în mod cert. Nothing is known for sure. Nothing is known in a certain way. Ellos adoran el dólar todopoderoso. They worship the almighty dollar. They love the all-powerful dollar. Amô vegio o no fâ a ruzze. An old love doesn't rust. I see or don't make noises. Non sei felice di essere in pensione? Aren't you glad you're retired? Aren't you happy to be retired? A me non piace il calcio. I don't like football. I don't like football. Tom terlihat terkejut. Tom seemed to be surprised. Tom looks surprised. Noi siamo preoccupati per Tom. We are concerned about Tom. We're worried about Tom. Qu'ei tròp brac. This is too short. There's too much arm. Bukankah Tom terlihat sibuk? Tom looks busy, doesn't he? Doesn't Tom look busy? Eu vou te pagar. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Je suis comme toi. I am like you. I'm just like you. J'étais convaincu que vous viendriez. I took it for granted that you would come. I was convinced you'd come. Aku bisa menyentuh langit denganmu. I can touch the sky with you. I can touch the sky with you. No me akodro lo ke komi anoche. I can't remember what I ate last night. I don't know what to do last night. Giochi bene a tennis? Are you good at tennis? Do you play tennis well? Tiens-toi prêt au pire ! Be prepared for the worst. Hold on to the worst! Perché hai pianto così tanto? Why did you cry so much? Why did you cry so much? Tos lès-omes vinèt-st-å monde lîbes, èt so-l'minme pîd po çou qu'ènn'èst d'leu dignité èt d'leus dreûts. I n'sont nin foû rêzon èt-z-ont-i leû consyince po zèls, çou qu'èlzès deût miner a s'kidûre onk' po l'ôte tot come dès frés. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All people in the world have come close to being strangers, or even worse because of their dignity being their own. They are neither good nor bad in their minds. They have a sense of zeal, which they must cherish each other as soon as they are cold. Então? Vocês virão? Well? Will you come? So, are you coming? Nu pot identifica problema. I can't pinpoint the problem. I can't identify the problem. Ho rifiutato il suo invito a cena. I refused her invitation to dinner. I refused your invitation to dinner. Dovetti cercare di convincerlo. I had to try to convince him. You had to try and convince him. Dove posso acquistare delle stampanti? Where can I buy printers? Where can I buy printers? Ochii de pisică sunt foarte sensibili la lumină. Cats' eyes are very sensitive to light. Cat eyes are very sensitive to light. Surorile mele amândouă sunt căsătorite. Both of my sisters are married. My sisters are both married. Seks dengan gelora malam ini Sex by the fire at night Sex with jealousy tonight Avlash Ladino? Do you speak Judeo-Spanish? Avlash Ladino? Una forma de reducir el número de errores en el Corpus de Tatoeba sería fomentar que la gente tradujera únicamente a su lengua materna. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of mistakes in the Corpus of Tatoeba would be to encourage people to translate only into their mother tongue. Avanti, rifacciamo questo. Come on, let's do this again. Come on, let's do this again. Care este formația ta favorită? What is your favorite band? What's your favorite band? Les infirmières doivent veiller au confort de leurs patients. The nurses must see to the comfort of their patients. Nurses should ensure the comfort of their patients. E timpul sa nu mai aștepți. It's time to stop waiting. It's time to stop waiting. Întreabă-l pe Tom. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Mungkin kebahagiaan yang sedang menunggu kita bukanlah kebahagiaan yang kita inginkan. It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want. Perhaps the happiness that we are waiting for is not the happiness that we want. Aku rasa Tom tidak perlu melakukannya. I see no need for Tom to do that. I don't think Tom has to. Tu ești doctorul? Are you the doctor? You're the doctor? Ele a presenteou com uma boneca. He presented her with a doll. He introduced her to her with a doll. È stato utilizzato un martello per rompere la finestra. A hammer was used to break the window. A hammer has been used to break the window. Acuma bea! Now drink up. Now drink! Je me suis longtemps tut. I have been silent for a long time. I've been working on it for a long time. Adakah ada taman yang cantik di Jepun? Are there any beautiful parks in Japan? Is there a beautiful garden in Japan? Dobbiamo rilassarci e basta. We've just got to relax. We just need to relax. Tom se ha dejado la barba por todo el verano. Tom has been growing a beard all summer. Tom's been leaving his beard all summer. Setelah banyak usaha, beliau berjaya mendapat kontrak. After much effort, he ended up with a contract. With much effort, he won a contract. Tom ci ha detto il perché. Tom told us why. Tom told us why. No es del todo raro vivir más de 90 años. It's not at all rare to live to be over ninety years old. It's not really weird living over 90 years. Nu pot dormi din cauza zgomotului. I can't sleep because of the noise. I can't sleep because of the noise. Las flores se desabrochan. Flowers bloom. The flowers unravel. Nós merecemos esta oportunidade, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. Tom también habla francés. Tom can speak French as well. Tom also speaks French. Vous devriez être sûre qu'il est chez lui avant de lui rendre visite. You had better make sure that he is at home before you call on him. You should be sure that he's at his place before he visits. Por favor, espera media hora. Please wait half an hour. Please wait a half hour. Apesar de morar do lado, ele nem diz oi para nós. Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us. Although he lives on the side, he doesn't say hi to us. Itu dulunya rumah kami. That was our home. It used to be our home. Estoy nervioso. I'm jittery. I'm nervous. Encontrei o Tom em um clube. I met Tom at a club. I found Tom at a club. Ho solo diciott'anni. I'm only eighteen. I'm only eighteen. Tom aveva bisogno di un martello. Tom needed a hammer. Tom needed a hammer. Como máximo, costará diez pesos. At most, it'll cost ten pesos. At most, it will cost ten pesos. Cred că nu sunt deloc bun la limba germană. I think I'm really not any good at German. I think I'm not good at all in German. Tu as ouvert une fenêtre. You've opened a window. You opened a window. Este juego fue básicamente diseñado para ser usado con teclado y mando, pero la configuración sólo se puede realizar con un ratón. This game is basically designed for use with keyboard and gamepad but configuration can only be done by mouse. This game was basically designed to be used with keyboard and command, but the configuration can only be done with a mouse. Loro tornarono. They went back. They came back. Pensano che moriranno presto. They think they'll die soon. They think they're gonna die soon. La distancia entre el sol y la tierra es de casi 93 millones de millas. The distance from the sun to the earth is about 93 million miles. The distance between the sun and earth is nearly 93 million miles. ¡Estas son flores hermosas! These are beautiful flowers. These are beautiful flowers! La estaca que sobresale es machacada hacia abajo. The stake that sticks out gets hammered down. The stake that rises is crushed down. Il a de la classe. He's got style. He's got class. Sólo era una broma. It was only a joke. It was just a joke. Estades a armar un rebumbio enorme. You are making a big fuss. You're arming a huge bouncy. Sami ha fatto una cosa molto stupida. Sami did a very stupid thing. Sami did something very stupid. El Tom es va divertir molt a la festa. Tom had lots of fun at the party. Tom had a lot of fun at the party. Neppure gli angeli possono soddisfare tutti. Even angels can't satisfy everyone. Not even angels can satisfy everyone. Non sa che sono giapponese. He doesn't know that I'm Japanese. She doesn't know I'm Japanese. Solitamente mangi più di cinque fette di pizza al mese? Do you usually eat more than five slices of pizza a month? Do you usually eat more than five slices of pizza a month? Montre-le-moi sur la carte. Show it to me on the map. Show me on the map. Tom perse le sue scarpe. Tom lost his shoes. Tom lost his shoes. Tom tinha várias fotos da Mary que o John havia lhe dado. Tom had several photos of Mary that John had given him. Tom had several pictures of Mary that John had given him. Cobalah berenang! Try and swim! Try swimming! No tomé ninguna medida de precaución. I didn't take any precautions. I didn't take any precautions. Dia telah mengajar musik selama 30 tahun. She has taught music for thirty years. He's been teaching music for 30 years. Abbiamo un sacco di neve in questo periodo dell'anno. We have a lot of snow at this time of the year. We have a lot of snow in this period of the year. Eu não acho que ele possa te ajudar. I don't think he can help you. I don't think he can help you. Es un buen artista el que ha ilustrado este libro. The artist who illustrated this book is very good. It is a good artist who has illustrated this book. Estaba demasiado cansado para seguir caminando. I was too tired to walk any more. I was too tired to keep walking. Va avea Tom voie să meargă în tabără cu ceilalți copii? Will Tom be allowed to go camping with the other children? Will Tom be allowed to go to camp with the other kids? Acabo de oír de Tom. I just heard from Tom. I just heard from Tom. Unha semana ten sete días. A week has seven days. A week has seven days. Stasiunnya terletak 100 meter dari sini. The station is 100 meters away. The station is 100 meters from here. Não seja tão mesquinho. Don't be so petty. Don't be so mean. Tu sei una buona influenza su di lui. You're a good influence on him. You're a good influence on him. Eu conheci bem o Tom. I got to know Tom well. I knew Tom well. Tengo muchos proyectos de traducción. I have many translation projects. I have a lot of translation projects. So cosa studiare. I know what to study. I know what to study. Si nous pouvons rassembler nos ressources, il sera d'autant plus facile de résoudre le problème. If we pool our resources, it'll be that much easier to solve the problem. If we can gather our resources, it will be all the easier to solve the problem. Gajah Afrika memiliki telinga lebih besar dibandingkan gajah Asia. African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants. African elephants have greater ears than the Asian elephants. Quan li convendria venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When would you like me to come? Tom a împușcat-o pe Mary. Tom shot Mary. Tom shot Mary. Tu ne devrais pas abandonner l'espoir. You shouldn't give up hope. You shouldn't give up hope. El a dat examenul oral. He took an oral examination. He gave the oral exam. Conduisez lentement, vous pourriez avoir un accident. Drive slowly. You might have an accident. Drive slowly, you might have an accident. Fece quello che le era stato detto. She did what she was told. He did what he was told. Precisamos sair da nossa zona de conforto para tentar alguma coisa nova e desafiadora. We need to step out of our comfort zone and try something new and challenging. We need to get out of our comfort zone to try something new and challenging. Ela pediu a ele para vir até ela. She asked him to come over to her. She asked him to come to her. Qu'espères-tu trouver ici ? What do you hope to find here? What do you expect to find here? Hanno parlato per tutta la notte. They talked all night. They talked all night. Aquera cramba que pudís au samarit. This room smells musty. Those cramps I could get in the samarit. Nous mangeons de sorte que nous pouvons vivre. We eat so we may live. We eat so we can live. Non c'era niente che Tom potesse fare al riguardo. There was nothing that Tom could do about it. There was nothing Tom could do about it. Vous êtes plus grandes que moi. You're taller than me. You're bigger than me. Va ser negligent per la seva part deixar la porta sense tancar amb clau quan ella va sortir. It was careless of her to leave the door unlocked when she went out. It was negligent on her part to leave the door unclosing when she went out. Terdapat suatu laluan rahsia. There's a secret passage. It's a secret path. Tom regó las flores. Tom watered the flowers. Tom watered the flowers. Antes de nada, aprende a fórmula de memoria. First of all, learn the formula by heart. First of all, learn the formula of memory. Qu'attendent-elles ? What are they waiting for? What are they waiting for? Es-tu sûre de ne vouloir que de l'eau ? Are you sure you just want water? Are you sure you want only water? Yo solo como verduras frescas. I eat only fresh vegetables. I just like fresh vegetables. Tom foi atingido por um raio. Tom was hit by lightning. Tom was hit by a lightning. Tom a făcut-o cu mare zel. Tom did it with great zeal. Tom did it with great zeal. Dia menunjukkan albumnya kepada saya She showed me his album. He showed me his album. Tentu saja! Of course! Of course! J'espère que vous vous sentirez mieux demain. I hope you feel better tomorrow. I hope you'll feel better tomorrow. Tenho notícias sobre ela. I have news about her. I have news about her. Sírvete ti mesmo. Help yourself. Help yourself. Cheamă-mă dacă ai nevoie de ajutorul meu. Call on me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need my help. Kenapa aku perlu melakukan ini? Why do I need to do this? Why do I have to do this? A terceira tentativa desse homem de deixar de fumar falhou. The man's third attempt to stop smoking failed. The third attempt of that man to quit smoking failed. Eu não me importo, quer fiques ou não. I don't care whether you stay or not. I don't care whether you stay or not. Tom a ajuns ultimul. Tom was the very last to arrive. Tom made it last. Jika Tom lebih dewasa, dia akan mengerti. If Tom were older, he'd understand. If Tom gets older, he'll understand. Metoda ta este mai bună. Your method is better. Your method is better. Kami harus melapor ke kantor imigrasi. We have to report to the immigration office. We need to report to the immigration office. Tom não acha que isso é possível. Tom doesn't think it's possible. Tom doesn't think that's possible. Ele deu a seus filhos uma boa formação. He gave his children a good education. He gave his children good training. È sul punto di partire. He is about to leave. It's about to start. Que l'am vista dançar. We saw her dance. That I saw her dancing. Combien cela va-t-il me coûter ? How much is it going to cost me? How much will that cost me? Lo decidimos por votación. We decided by vote. We decided by vote. Sunt un profesor de sport. I'm a gym teacher. I'm a sports teacher. Chiedetegli se Mary è a casa o no. Ask him whether Mary is at home or not. Ask him if Mary is home or not. Eu tomei chá ontem. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea yesterday. Ne demandez pas ce qu'ils pensent. Demandez ce qu'ils font. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. Don't ask what they think. Perry obteve informação preciosa dele. Perry obtained precious information from him. Perry got precious information from him. Hem de controlar les nostres passions. We must control our passions. We must control our passions. Un dels conductors es va dormir al volant, provocant l'accident. One of the drivers fell asleep at the wheel, causing the accident. One of the drivers slept in the wheel, causing the accident. Io sono molto orgogliosa dell'impiego che ho scelto da sola. I'm very proud of the job I chose myself. I'm very proud of the job I've chosen on my own. Il tuo destino è nelle mie mani. Your fate is in my hands. Your destiny is in my hands. Tenim dues filles. We have two daughters. We have two daughters. Tinon an mwen sé Kèn. My name is Ken. I belong to The Kenites. Siempre me cepillo los dientes después de comer dulces. I always brush my teeth after having eaten sweets. I always brush my teeth after eating sweets. Je suis sûr de ma décision à 100%. I'm 100% sure of my decision. I'm sure of my decision at 100%. Io ho una laurea in legge. I have a law degree. I have a law degree. No caminho para a escola eu perdi minha carteira. I lost my wallet on the way to school. On the way to school I lost my wallet. Tom não pode entrar. Tom can't come in. Tom can't come in. El a avut partea lui de noroc. He had his share of luck. He had his lucky share. Por ejemplo, ¿cuántas muestras? How many samples, for example? For example, how many samples? Aku tidak mau memakannya. I won't eat it. I don't want to eat it. Ella no mencionó la razón de su retraso. She didn't mention the reason for being late. She did not mention the reason for her delay. No puedo colgar un cuadro en mi oficina. Está prohibido. I cannot hang a picture in my office. It's forbidden. I can't hang a picture in my office. Algo así podría arruinar tu carrera. Something like this could ruin your career. Something like that could ruin your career. Nada máis chegar á aldea, foi dereito a vela. On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her. No more getting to the village, it was right to see her. Ele prometeu aos escravos que eles seriam libertados. He promised the slaves that they would be freed. He promised the slaves that they would be released. Ella podía sentir cómo temblaban sus rodillas. She could feel her knees shaking. She could feel the shaking of her knees. Tom a mers la școală cu mașina. Tom went to school by car. Tom went to school with his car. Macam apapun permainan yang aku dan kau mainkan, kau tidak pernah menang. No matter what game you and I play together, you never win. Whatever game you and I play, you never win. Vorremmo una bottiglia di rosato. We'd like a bottle of rosé. We'd like a bottle of rosé. Soarele a topit neaua. The sun melted the snow. The sun blew the snow. Pen ada. There is a pen. Pen exists. Ho dormito meglio di ieri notte. I slept better than I did last night. I slept better last night. Apprendre à nager est une promenade. It's a cinch to learn to swim. Learning to swim is a walk. De qué hè lo Ken adara ? What's Ken doing now? What's Ken adara? El tiempo pasa muy rápido. Time is going by very quickly. Time goes by very fast. Non prendetelo così seriamente! Don't take it so hard! Don't take it so seriously! Eu perdi a esperança. I've lost hope. I lost hope. Laisse-toi aller ! Loosen up. Let go! Pensa che sia un indizio? Do you think that's a clue? Do you think it's a clue? Eles sabem a verdade. They know the truth. They know the truth. Mi scrive ogni tanto. He writes to me once in a while. She writes to me all the time. Ou jòn. You're yellow. You are fast. ” Eu não quero ir nadar. I don't want to go swimming. I don't want to go swimming. Isso não vai mudar nada. That won't change anything. That's not gonna change anything. Tom no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacer nada más. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Nu am putut spune nu. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Je lui ai conseillé de ne pas broyer du noir sur son passé. I advised him not to grieve over the past. I advised him not to burn black on his past. Tom tidak ingin minum apa-apa. Tom doesn't want anything to drink. Tom doesn't want to drink anything. Su llegada animó la fiesta. His arrival pepped up the party. His arrival cheered up the party. Jo prefereixo la natació a l'esquí. I prefer swimming to skiing. I prefer swimming in the ski. Deme usted un vaso lleno de agua. Give me a full glass of water. You give me a glass of water. Apa kau ingin makan sesuatu? Would you like anything to eat? Do you want to eat something? Ella se subió a un bus hacia Harajuku. She got on a bus for Harajuku. She got on a bus to Harajuku. Tom a fost în Boston timp de o săptămână. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom was in Boston for a week. Gosto muito da língua japonesa. I like the Japanese language very much. I like the Japanese language very much. Loro si sono nascoste dietro l'albero. They hid behind the tree. They hid behind the tree. Je tricote. I knit. I'm knitting. Eu orei. I prayed. I prayed. Tom sourit sans enthousiasme. Tom smiled halfheartedly. Tom smiled without enthusiasm. J'y croirai lorsque je le verrai. I'll believe it when I see it. I'll believe it when I see it. Il était assis entre Tom et Marie. He was sitting between Mary and Tom. He was sitting between Tom and Marie. Mimpi indah! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! E aí pessoal! Sejam bem vindos ao meu Canal do YouTube. Hey, guys! Welcome back to my YouTube channel. You guys are welcome to my YouTube Channel. Han sido buenos soldados. You have been good soldiers. They've been good soldiers. ¿Qué es lo que realmente viste? What did you really see? What did you really see? Qui sou tots vosaltres? Who are you all? Who are you all? Dia terus berpikir bahwa kita adalah temannya. She continues to think that we are friends. He kept thinking that we were his friends. Elle l'a prié de le lui lire car elle avait perdu ses lunettes. She asked him to read it for her because she had lost her glasses. She asked him to read it to her because she had lost her glasses. Profite de tes vacances. Enjoy your holidays. Enjoy your holidays. No tengo nada que decirle. I've got nothing to say to him. I don't have anything to tell you. Portate del vino. Bring wine. Bring the wine. Lina belajar bahasa Ilokano. Lina studied the Ilokano language. Lina learned Ilokano. È una riunione aperta. It's an open meeting. It's an open meeting. Potresti abbassare un po' il volume della TV per favore? Would you please turn down the TV a little? Could you lower the TV volume a bit, please? Il mio obiettivo è di imparare la vostra lingua. My goal is to learn your language. My goal is to learn your language. Presta más atención a tu trabajo. Pay more attention to your work. Pay more attention to your work. Tom no actúa como el típico profesor de universidad. Tom doesn't act like the typical college professor. Tom doesn't act like the typical university professor. Ce a mâncat Tom la prânz? What did Tom eat for lunch? What did Tom eat at lunch? Deschide-ți cartea la pagina zece. Open your book to page ten. Open your book on page ten. Tom menipu Mary. Tom played a trick on Mary. Tom fooled Mary. El combate duró una semana. The fighting lasted one week. The fight lasted a week. Che cosa dovrei fare riguardo a lei? What should I do about her? What should I do about you? No creo que la gente deba hacer una montaña de un grano de arena. I don't think people should make a mountain of a mole hill. I don't think people should make a mountain of sand grain. Tom e Mary si urlavano a vicenda. Tom and Mary yelled at each other. Tom and Mary were yelling at each other. Haré una excepción solo por esta vez. Just this once, I'll make an exception. I'll make an exception just this time. Tom não sabe muito sobre arte. Tom doesn't know much about art. Tom doesn't know much about art. J'aimerais soumettre une demande de visa. I'd like to apply for a visa. I'd like to submit a visa application. Tenemos dos perros, tres gatos y seis pollos. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Le consensus indique que nous sommes opposés à l'idée proposée. The consensus indicates that we are opposed to the proposed idea. The consensus indicates that we are opposed to the proposed idea. Hoy no quiero ir a la escuela. I don't want to go to school today. I don't want to go to school today. Am luat în considerare propunerea ta. I've been considering your proposal. I took into account your proposal. La burocrazia si sta espandendo per incontrare i bisogni della burocrazia in espansione. The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of expanding bureaucracy. Vous conduisez. You drive. You're driving. Tom ha promesso di non essere mai più in ritardo. Tom has promised never to be late again. Tom promised never to be late again. ¿Dónde deberiamos encontrarnos? Where should we meet? Where should we meet? Jogue-o para Tom. Throw it to Tom. Play it for Tom. Ha richiamato. She called back. He called back. De nombreux Américains sont intéressés par le jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. Many Americans are interested in jazz. No eres divertido. You're not funny. You're not funny. Espero que o Tom não tenha visto o que você fez. I hope Tom didn't see what you did. I hope Tom didn't see what you did. Îi știi pe toți. You know everyone. You know them all. N'oubliez pas de vous passer le fil dentaire. Don't forget to floss. Don't forget to pass the dental line. Charles improvisou um breve discurso. Charles improvised a short address. Charles improvised a brief speech. M'agrada aquesta tassa. I like this cup. I like that cup. Nu mai trebuie să muncesc. I don't have to work anymore. I don't have to work anymore. Sim, fi-lo intencionalmente. Yes, I did this intentionally. Yes, I did it intentionally. Est-ce que Lucy a déjà appelé ? Has Lucy already called? Did Lucy ever call? Tom ha fatto bene per se stesso. Tom has done well for himself. Tom did well for himself. Je pense que Tom aime son travail. I think that Tom likes his job. I think Tom likes his work. Tom face piese de schimb într-o fabrică de automobile. Tom is making spare parts in a car factory. Tom makes spare parts in a car factory. Apprenons quelque chose, par exemple, une nouvelle langue ! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Let's learn something, for example, a new language! Tom a observat o schimbare la Mary. Tom noticed a change in Mary. Tom noticed a change in Mary. Probabilmente non è una buona idea farlo adesso. It's probably not a good idea to do that now. It's probably not a good idea to do it right now. Io penso che queste siano tue. I think these are yours. I think these are yours. Ești nebun să cumperi o bicicletă atât de scumpă. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy a bike so expensive. Ela o beijou na face. She kissed him on the cheek. She kissed him in the face. Lo hemos consegido. We've got it. We've got it. Vorrei non avervi mai conosciute. I wish I'd never met you. I wish I'd never met you. Tom se encogió. Tom flinched. Tom shuddered. Guardai un documentario sul sushi. I watched a documentary about sushi. I looked at a documentary on sushi. Il a travaillé pendant cinq heures d'affilée. He worked for five hours on end. He worked for five hours in a row. Como foi a noite passada? How did last night go? How was last night? Apa kamu melihatnya? Do you see it? Did you see it? Sta andando in galera, vero? He's going to prison, isn't he? He's going to jail, right? Forse dovreste chiederglielo. Maybe you should ask him. Maybe you should ask him. Não nos diga o que fazer. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what to do. Aku membiasakan diri untuk tidak begadang. I make it a rule not to sit up late. I'm getting used to not having a fight. On ne peut pas l'arracher. You can't pull it off. We can't take it. Él me recordó que no olvidara mi pasaporte. He reminded me not to forget my passport. He reminded me not to forget my passport. Am adus faptul la cunostinta tuturor prietenilor mei. I made the fact known to all my friends. I brought it to the knowledge of all my friends. Tes lèvres douces m'ont manqué. I missed your sweet lips. I missed your sweet lips. A me serve del caffè. I need coffee. I need coffee. Fate quello che potete per loro. Do what you can for them. Do what you can for them. Olha, está nevando! Look, it's snowing! Look, it's snowing! Toute règle a ses exceptions. There is no rule without an exception. Any rule has its exceptions. Tom me perguntou quantas guitarras eu tinha. Tom asked me how many guitars I owned. Tom asked me how many guitars I had. Tom tidak ikhlas dahulu. Tom was insincere. Tom was not sincere first. Sobre o que estamos falando? What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Diga-me onde ele está. Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is. Îmi place să vorbesc limba velșă. I like to speak Welsh. I like to speak my own language. Io sapevo che Tom era un insegnante di francese a Boston, quindi non credetti a Mary quando mi disse che era un tassista a Chicago. I knew Tom was a French teacher in Boston, so I didn't believe Mary when she told me Tom was a taxi driver in Chicago. I knew Tom was a French teacher in Boston, so you didn't believe Mary when he told me he was a taxi driver in Chicago. ¡Ven por lo que más quieras! Do come by all means. Come for what you want! Non lo potete fermare? Can't you stop him? Can't you stop him? Comment retire-t-on les taches de vin de son tapis ? How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet? How do we get the wine stains off his carpet? Jo sóc! I am! It's me! Favlash Ladino? Do you all speak Ladino? Favlash Ladino? Tom fracassò il suo salvadanaio con un martello. Tom smashed his piggy bank with a hammer. Tom failed his lifeguard with a hammer. Você ainda pensa nela? Do you ever think about her? Do you still think of her? Tom deveria ter vencido a corrida. Tom should've won the race. Tom should have won the race. Apa yang sudah kulakukan? What did I do? What have I done? Lei ha iniziato a comportarsi in modo strano. She has started acting strangely. She started acting strangely. Je suis l'enfant unique de mes parents. I am the only child of my parents. I'm the only child of my parents. Je pense qu'elle va divorcer. I think she will divorce him. I think she's getting divorced. Es muy viejo. It's very old. He's very old. Tom é um mentiroso compulsivo. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom's a compulsive liar. Datanya sering tidak akurat. His data is often inaccurate. The data often isn't accurate. Repeti seus vídeos várias vezes, e agora falo Inglês muito bem com meus amigos, muito obrigado. I watched your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends. Thank you very much. Repeat your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends, thank you very much. Tom ne connait rien de Boston. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. Juntas, las edades de los dos niños equivalían a la edad de su padre. The ages of the two children put together was equivalent to that of their father. Together, the ages of the two children were equal to the age of their father. Por favor, ve a San Francisco. Please go to San Francisco. Please see San Francisco. Este un cal. This is a horse. It's a horse. Le précédent est inférieur au suivant par certains aspects. The former is inferior to the latter in some respect. The precedent is lower than the following in some aspects. Se ele estiver ausente, não teremos o teste de inglês. If he is absent, we will not have an English test. If he's gone, we won't have the English test. Não tenho tempo para ler. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. Tom diz que precisa da minha ajuda amanhã. Tom says he needs my help tomorrow. Tom says you need my help tomorrow. Este foarte sufocant aici înăuntru. It's very stuffy in here. It's very suffocating in here. Ne me gêne pas dans mon travail. Don't hinder me in my work. Don't bother me with my work. Specializarea mea este agricultura. My major is agriculture. My specialization is agriculture. Noi lo consideriamo il migliore giocatore della squadra. We regard him as the best player on the team. We consider him the best player in the team. ¿Estáis mirando? Are you looking? Are you looking? Vamos para o meu escritório. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. Keputusannya adalah negatif. The results were negative. His decision was negative. Sólo la superficie de las cosas revela su esencia. Only the surface of things reveals the essence of things. Only the surface of things reveals its essence. Nous nous dépêcherons. We'll hurry. We'll hurry. Il refuse de même me regarder. He wouldn't even look at me. He also refuses to look at me. Meu irmão vai me matar. My brother's going to kill me. My brother will kill me. Aku dengar sesuatu jatuh ke tanah. I heard something fall to the ground. I heard something fell on the ground. A noi piacciono veramente molto i picnic. We really like picnics a lot. We really like picnics. Asta a mâniat mulţi oameni. This got many people angry. That's what made a lot of people angry. Io non ricordo il volto di mio padre con precisione. I don't remember my father's face accurately. I don't remember my father's face with precision. Tom era sul pavimento. Tom was on the floor. Tom was on the floor. Signor Umemura ci insegna l'inglese. Mr Umemura teaches us English. Mr. Umemura teaches us English. Sono molto turbata. I'm very upset. I'm very upset. Você já tentou fazer isso desse jeito antes? Have you ever tried doing it this way before? Have you tried to do that before? Aquests llibres són molt vells. These books are very old. These books are very old. Da una oportunidad a la paz. Give peace a chance. Gives a chance to peace. Tom ha costruito questo. Tom built this. Tom built this. Graças a Deus é sexta-feira. Thank God it's Friday. Thank God it's Friday. Comment vas-tu aider Tom ? How are you going to help Tom? How are you gonna help Tom? Vorrei essere ricca come Tom. I wish I were as rich as Tom. I'd like to be rich like Tom. Che cosa fa il coronavirus? What does the coronavirus do? What does the coronavirus do? S'ê-t drē a dîr? What're you saying? Did he say that? Todo el mundo está de acuerdo con ustedes. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Tom tem uma família grande. Tom has got a large family. Tom has a big family. Je m'appelle Tom. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. N'èi pas de gat. I don't have a cat. It's not a cat. Orang menebangi pohon-pohon - tidak semua - disamping jalan. People have chopped down some trees - not all of them - by the side of the road. People cut the trees - not all - next to the road. Si sdraiò sulla schiena e guardò il cielo. He laid on his back and looked up at the sky. He lay on his back and looked up at the sky. Antes de llegar a la intersección debe reducir la velocidad. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Before reaching the intersection, the speed should be reduced. Riveddo o prezepio co-o beu e l'azenin. I see again the nativity scene with the ox and the donkey. Riveddo or prezepio co- drink it and azenin. Qu'ei un espitau. This is a hospital. It's a spy. Nessuno ha risposto. No one responded. No one answered. Voy a solicitar ese trabajo. I'm going to apply for that job. I'm going to ask for that job. Ea a făcut un pariu cu el. She made a bet with him. She made a bet with him. ¿Ah, sí? Is that right? Oh, yeah? Mary nu e așa tânără precum pare. Mary isn't as young as she looks. Mary's not as young as she seems. Se eu soubesse o endereço dele, teria enviado uma carta. If I had known his address, I would have written to him. If I knew his address, I'd have sent a letter. La niña dijo que nunca había oído hablar de esa persona. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. The girl said she'd never heard of that person. No me gusta el pescado crudo. I don't like raw fish. I don't like raw fish. È bravo in questo gioco, vero? He's good at this game, isn't he? He's good at this game, isn't he? Cortei a maçã em fatias. I sliced the apple. I cut the apple in slices. Lo devís deu Tòm qu'èra excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. The god's warning was excellent. Combien en as-tu eus ? How many have you had? How much did you get? Te estoy dando plazo hasta mañana. I'm giving you time until tomorrow. I'm putting you out until tomorrow. Non lo riesco a spegnere. I can't shut it down. I can't turn it off. La leyenda cuenta que ellos nunca aparecieron otra vez. The legend says they never turned up again. Legend has it that they never appeared again. Preparati ad evacuare. Prepare to evacuate. Prepare to evacuate. Aimes-tu les surprises ? Do you like surprises? Do you like surprises? Vosotros me pagáis muy bien. You pay me very well. You guys pay me very well. Já é setembro; no entanto, está muito quente. It's already September; however, it is very hot. It is already September; however, it is very hot. Il a pris le fusil puis a visé la cible. He picked up the rifle and aimed it at the target. He took the gun and then targeted the target. Qui sou? Who are you? Who are you? Riesco a trovare raramente del tempo per leggere. I can seldom find time for reading. I can rarely find time to read. O cafea, vă rog. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Tom adalah temanku. Tom is my buddy. Tom was my friend. Esse é o menor dos meus problemas. That's the least of my problems. That's the least of my problems. Avrebbe dovuto vederle correre. You should've seen them run. He should've seen them run. Eu estava lendo um livro realmente interessante. I've been reading a really interesting book lately. I was reading a really interesting book. Tom mempunyai lemak tubuh sebanyak 7%. Tom has 7% body fat. Tom had a body fat of 7%. Nimeni nu-i poate face față lui. No one can cope with him. No one can face him. La mansana es kolorada? Is the apple red? Is the manor dyed? I avèva mei d'ua rason ad aqueste accident. There were a number of reasons for this accident. And he had half an age right at that accident. Demandez Tom. C'est un de mes bons amis. Ask Tom. He's one of my good friends. Ask Tom, he's one of my good friends. Yo soy policía. I am a policeman. I'm a cop. Io sto lavorando sul mio sito web. I'm working on my website. I'm working on my website. I l'hai duvertà n'euj. I opened one eye. And you doubt it. En Madjaristan se avla el Madjar. In Hungary they speak Hungarian. Madjaristan has Madjar. Hay tulipanes alrededor del edificio de acero. There are tulips around the steel building. There are tulips around the steel building. Não posso concordar com eles neste assunto. I can't agree with them on this matter. I cannot agree with them on this. No esquives mi pregunta. Don't avoid my question. Don't miss my question. Nada de eso fue culpa tuya. None of this was your fault. None of that was your fault. Esta pareja estaba hecha el uno para el otro. That couple was made for each other. This couple was made for each other. Le romancier a rassemblé des documents pour son travail. The novelist gathered materials for his work. The novelist collected documents for his work. Saya tidak boleh tidur pada waktu malam, saya tidak boleh bangun pada waktu pagi. I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning. I cannot sleep at night; I cannot get up in the morning. Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack's hard to convince. El meu fill ha anat a Amèrica a estudiar medicina. My son has gone to America to study medicine. My son went to America to study medicine. Saya harus pergi ke kamar mandi. I need to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. C'est beaucoup d'argent liquide. That's a lot of cash. That's a lot of cash. Dia(lk) menjadi sangat marah, karena dia(pr) menolak untuk mengikuti sarannya. He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice. He became very angry, for he refused to follow his advice. Wak lah cubo mamelok annyo taruih, tapi nyo alun elok juo lai. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. Look both ways before the cube doesn't matter, but you are also able to turn around. Vous êtes maintenant en voie de rétablissement. You are now on the way to recovery. You're now on your way back. Eu voltarei para o Canadá amanhã. I will come back to Canada tomorrow. I'll be back to Canada tomorrow. Ils n'ont nulle part où aller. They have nowhere to go. They have nowhere to go. Suo fratello guarda continuamente la televisione. His brother watches TV all the time. His brother keeps watching television. Tu es le professeur. You're the teacher. You're the teacher. Io non sono sicuro di capirlo. I'm not sure I get it. I'm not sure I understand. A còsa ch'a la smia? What does she look like? What about the smia? Perdóname amor mío. Forgive me, my love. Forgive me my love. É fácil. This is easy. It's easy. Mon copain a copié mes devoirs et la prof s'en est aperçue. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. My boyfriend copied my homework and the teacher noticed it. Peu importe le rôle qu'il joue à l'écran, Tom est magnifique. No matter what he plays on the screen, Tom looks great. No matter what role he plays on the screen, Tom is gorgeous. Ele era feliz sendo judeu. He was happy being a Jew. He was happy being a Jew. Je pensais que j'avais vu quelque chose. I thought I saw something. I thought I saw something. Kamu juga tidak buruk. You aren't bad either. You're not bad either. Te vei răni. You will hurt yourself. You're gonna hurt yourself. Am auzit pe cineva ciocănind. I heard someone knocking. I heard someone knocking. Dia nampaknya sedang sakit. He seems sick. He seems to be sick. Non ti succederà niente. Nothing's going to happen to you. Nothing's gonna happen to you. Você ainda não terminou o café da manhã? Have you finished breakfast yet? You haven't finished breakfast yet? Maria é adestradora de cães. Mary is a dog trainer. Maria is a dog trainer. Combien de temps êtes-vous restée à la fête ? How long did you stay at the party? How long have you been at the party? Nimeni nu-l dorește. Nobody wants it. No one wants it. Eu não consigo ver. I can't see. I can't see. Tenho um filho de treze anos. I have a thirteen-year-old son. I have a thirteen-year-old son. Eu posso usar o seu computador para olhar o meu e-mail? Can I use your computer to check my e-mail? Can I use your computer to look at my e-mail? Qual è il problema, caro? What's the matter, darling? What's the matter, dear? Eu gostaria de estar em Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. Hoje é dia de lavanderia. Today's laundry day. Today is laundry day. Anda ingin pergi ke mana? Where would you like to go? Where do you want to go? Tom no sabe por donde empezar. Tom doesn't know where to start. Tom doesn't know where to start. Tom mangarti bahasa Prancis. Tom understands French. Tom's French. Il est plus jeune que moi. He's younger than me. He's younger than me. Aku mengembalikannya. I'm giving it back. I gave it back. Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu envisages de faire ça. I can't believe you're considering doing that. I can't believe you're planning on doing this. Hoy hace más calor que ayer. It is warmer today than yesterday. It's hotter today than yesterday. Na verdade, você está certo. Actually, you're right. Actually, you're right. È molto pallido. He's very pale. It's very pale. ¿Vas mañana a la escuela? Are you going to school tomorrow? Are you going to school tomorrow? Ët rancontrëroma là. We'll meet you there. There's no trace of it. Sa k'ay é ou menm ? I'm fine, and you? What is wrong with you? Tom bateu a porta. Tom slammed the door. Tom knocked on the door. N'as-tu rien à faire ? Don't you have anything to do? Don't you have anything to do? Ele veio apesar da forte nevasca. He came in spite of the heavy snowfall. He came despite the strong fog. Você realmente quer ir para Boston sozinho? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? Do you really want to go to Boston alone? Tom è venuto a Boston con lei? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Tom came to Boston with her? Todo mundo costumava ter um desses. Everybody used to have one of these. Everyone used to have one of those. Non è ciò che ha detto Tom. That's not what Tom said. That's not what Tom said. Am fost neglijent. I was negligent. I was careless. Qu’as-tu mangé pour le déjeuner aujourd'hui ? What did you eat for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch today? Siamo felici. Let's be happy. We're happy. Kesehatan itu lebih berharga dibandingkan dengan emas. Health is worth more than gold. Health involves more than gold. Tous tes problèmes ont été résolus. All your problems have been solved. All your problems have been solved. Tom sta solo facendo il suo lavoro. Tom is just doing his job. Tom's just doing his job. Ella me preguntó adónde iba. She asked me where I was going. She asked me where I was going. Io ero molto emozionata. I was very excited. I was very excited. Ellas hablan sobre nosotras. They speak about us. They're talking about us. O Tom, geralmente, chega em casa apenas a tempo do jantar. Tom usually arrives home just in time for dinner. Tom usually comes home just in time for dinner. Ma pression artérielle est assez élevée. My blood pressure is quite high. My blood pressure is quite high. Lui fece buon uso dell'opportunità. He made good use of the opportunity. He made good use of the opportunity. Même si ça me prend dix ans, je suis déterminée à accomplir ce boulot. Even if it takes me ten years, I am determined to accomplish the job. Even if it takes me ten years, I'm determined to do this job. Ets un criminal. You're a criminal. You're a criminal. Il se vêtit et sortit. He got dressed and went outside. He got dressed and out. Apa ini terdengar tidak asing? Does this sound familiar? Does this sound familiar? Tom pidió direcciones. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for directions. Pourquoi vous ne dites rien ? Why aren't you saying anything? Why don't you say anything? La tasse est pleine. The cup is full. The cup is full. Tom este un bucătar renumit. Tom is a renowned chef. Tom is a renowned chef. C'est du mauvais temps, ça ne fait pas de doute, mais nous avons vu pire. It's bad weather, to be sure, but we've seen worse. It's bad weather, it's no doubt, but we've seen worse. Li vaig dir que podia marxar. I said he might go. I told him I could go. Vous êtes quelqu'un de méchant. You're a mean person. You're a bad guy. E datoria noastră să ajutăm. It's our duty to help. It's our duty to help. Sono andata a vedere un film con Tom dopo il lavoro. I went to see a movie with Tom after work. I went to see a movie with Tom after work. Eu sei que você não virá a minha festa, mas eu queria que viesse. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wish you were. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wanted you to come. Cheltuiește bani și bucură-te de viață! Spend money and enjoy life! Spend money and enjoy your life! Frumosul nu e totuna cu binele de fiecare dată. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. The beauty isn't always good every time. El a strâns ultimele trei bețe de chibrituri rămase pe podea. He gathered the last three matchsticks left on the floor. He gathered the last three bets of matches left on the floor. Tom sembra familiare. Tom looks familiar. Tom looks familiar. Aku hanya ingin bilang aku cinta padamu I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just want to say I love you. Tidak apa-apa. No big deal! It's okay. Laisse-le s'en aller! Let him go. Let him go! Sami era assente. Sami was missing. Sami was absent. El estudiante acabó durmiendo en la clase. The student ended up sleeping in the classroom. The student ended up sleeping in the class. Non posso mostrargliela. I can't show you. I can't show her. Por favor, ve. Please go. Please, go. Kerannya bocor. The faucet is leaking. Because it's leaking. Kura-kura tidak punya gigi. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles don't have teeth. Ho un po' di soldi. I have a little money. I got some money. Ningú està treballant. Tots estan veient la Copa del Món. Nobody's working; they're all watching the World Cup. No one's working, they're all watching the World Cup. Nuestro maestro de inglés es tanto estricto como amable. Our English teacher is at once strict and kind. Our English teacher is both strict and kind. A filosofia nos ensina a desconfiar das coisas que nos parecem ser óbvias. A propaganda, por outro lado, ensina-nos a aceitar como óbvias questões sobre as quais seria sensato evitar julgamentos ou duvidar. Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. Philosophy teaches us to distrust the things that seem obvious to us. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as obvious questions on which it would be wise to avoid judgments or doubt. El padre de Tom era un djudio. Tom's father was a Jew. Tom's father was a disenchantment. Tienes cara de niño. You have a face of a child. You have childish face. He venido aquí a ayudarte. I've come here to help you. I came here to help you. Tous les gens sont bons au fond de leur cœur. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are good at heart. Tener seres queridos y apoyo para tus esperanzas y sueños es la clave de la felicidad. Having loved ones and support for your hopes and dreams is the key to happiness. Having loved ones and support for your hopes and dreams is the key to happiness. ¿Es suficiente con 10 mil yenes? Will ten thousand yen do? Is it enough with 10,000 yen? Tom só queria um pouco de privacidade. Tom just wanted some privacy. Tom just wanted some privacy. La mer était aussi lisse que le verre. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was as smooth as the glass. Io penso che lei sia l'unico a cui importa. I think you're the only one who cares. I think you're the only one that matters. Ele desenha linhas retas. He draws straight lines. He draws straight lines. Tom non lo sapeva. Tom didn't know. Tom didn't know. Nu-i pot spune acum. Deja nu mai e așa simplu. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. I can't tell him right now, it's not that simple anymore. Espero que o Tom esteja bem. I hope Tom is OK. I hope Tom's okay. Compré una corbata para Dan y compraré una bufanda para Elena. I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena. I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena. Aku harap aku dapat menemukan cara untuk membuat Tom membantu kami. I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to help us. I wish I could find a way to get Tom to help us. Personne ne put trouver la grotte. No one could find the cave. No one could find the cave. Hanno approvato il suo progetto? Did they approve your project? Have they approved your project? Quelqu'un a-t-il vu Tom partir ? Did anybody see Tom leave? Has anyone seen Tom leave? Les absents ont toujours tort. The absent are always in the wrong. The absentees are always wrong. Mi corressi. I corrected myself. Correct me. Avez-vous des guides de musée en japonais ? Do you have any museum guides in Japanese? Do you have museum guides in Japanese? Ea va strânge vesela de pe masă. She will clear the table of the dishes. She'll pick up the news from the table. Pembohong! Liar! Liar! Mary tem dois namorados. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two boyfriends. Aujourd'hui je n'ai pas envie de faire quoi que ce soit. Today I don't feel like doing anything. Today I don't want to do anything. Questa collana è così bella che vorrei comprarla per mia moglie. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy it for my wife. Quel genre de pièce est-ce donc ? What kind of play is it? What kind of play is that? Disculpe un momento. Pardon me for a moment. Excuse me a moment. Tom aveva molti problemi. Tom had many problems. Tom had a lot of problems. Ha bisogno di istruzioni? Do you need instructions? Do you need instructions? Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal. I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi. I suspect this is an illegal taxi. Lasci che io sia suo. Let me be yours. Let me be yours. È ancora lontano da qui? Is it still far from here? Is it still far from here? O policía pitou ó coche para que parase. The policeman whistled for the car to stop. The police picked up the car to get him to stop. Eu vou ficar lá. I will stay there. I'll stay there. Eu gostei de conversar com Tom. I enjoyed talking with Tom. I enjoyed talking to Tom. Quereis ter a gentileza de vos calar? Would you please stop talking? Do you want to be kind enough to shut up? Todos los delegados sabían que debían debatirlo. All the delegates knew they must discuss it. All delegates knew that they should discuss it. Kau membuatku merasa sangat bahagia. You've made my day. You make me feel so happy. Eu tenho um cachorro e dois gatos. I have a dog and two cats. I have a puppy and two cats. Espolvoreamos la sal para alejar la mala suerte. We sprinkle salt to ward off bad luck. We sprung the salt to keep the bad luck away. Eu não queria discutir com Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. Não posso ouvir Wagner muito tempo. Começo a ficar com vontade de conquistar a Polônia. I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland. I can't hear Wagner for long. I'm starting to want to conquer Poland. Sarà abbastanza al sicuro qui. You'll be quite safe here. It'll be safe enough here. Tengo unas cosas que quiero hacer ahora mismo. I've got some things I want to do right now. I've got some things I want to do right now. Descendez au prochain arrêt et prenez un bus à destination de l'aéroport. Get off at the next stop and take a bus headed to the airport. Get down to the next stop and take a bus to the airport. Tom voltou ao seu escritório. Tom drove back to his office. Tom went back to his office. Terima kasih banyak. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Eles vão jogar hoje? Will they play today? They're playing today? Bill ha continuato a piangere per ore. Bill kept on crying for hours. Bill kept crying for hours. Tom et moi ne sommes pas occupés. Both Tom and I aren't busy. Tom and I aren't busy. Será una buena lección para él. It will be a good lesson to him. It'll be a good lesson for him. Am stat în Londra două săptămâni. We stayed in London for a fortnight. I stayed in London for two weeks. Il s'en est déjà allé. He's already left. He's already gone. Vino la cină cândva. Come over for dinner sometime. Come to dinner sometime. Isso é, estritamente falando, um erro. This is, strictly speaking, a mistake. That is, strictly speaking, a mistake. Feliz retraso. Happy belated! Happy late. Non menta a loro. Don't lie to them. Don't lie to them. Ce ai făcut ieri? What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Non voglio che voi mi seguiate. I don't want you following me. I don't want you to follow me. Nous ne pouvons pas vous avoir à travailler avec nous. We can't have you working for us. We can't have you working with us. Cel care știe puține repetă aceleași lucruri. He that knows little often repeats it. The one who knows little repeats the same things. Vai, ce ceas mare! Da, este al bunicului. Wow, that's a big clock! Yes, it's a grandfather clock. Oh, what a big watch! I puristi devono morire. Il linguaggio non dev'essere tenuto nella gabbia della tradizione. Purists are to be defeated. Language is not to be kept in the cage of tradition. The purists must die. Language must not be kept in the cage of tradition. Erau majoritatea femei. They were mostly women. They were most women. Trebuie să ne trezim devreme mâine dimineaţă? Do we have to get up early tomorrow morning? Do we have to wake up early in the morning? Tu bebé nació y se encuentra bien. Your little girl was born and is doing well. Your baby was born and she's fine. Aku akan mengambil baik yang ini dan yang itu. I will take both this one and that one. I'll take good this one and that one. Por que eles fazem isso? Why do they do that? Why would they do that? Tom no quiere que lo molesten. Tom doesn't want to be disturbed. Tom doesn't want to be bothered. Debeu ser cousa da súa irmá. It must have been his sister's doing. It must have been his sister's thing. Ce scandale sera connu de tous un jour. That scandal will be known to everybody in the course of time. This scandal will be known one day. Non hai ascoltato. You haven't been listening. You didn't listen. O que eu tenho que fazer? What do I have to do? What do I have to do? Eya es una ladrona. She is a thief. She's a thief. Tokyo lebih ramai dibandingkan Beijing. Tokyo is more crowded than Beijing. Tokyo is bigger than Beijing. Dan despidió a Linda por arruinar el plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. È il mio lavoro proteggerti. It's my job to protect you. It's my job to protect you. Ha muerto un gran hombre. A great man has died. A great man has died. Vi siete alzate presto stamattina? Did you get up early this morning? Did you get up early this morning? Me encanta el francés. I love French. I love French. Nu folosi biroul de lângă fereastra aceea. Don't use the desk by that window. Don't use the office next to that window. La meva mare em va preguntar si li podia portar una mica de llet. My mother asked me if I could fetch some milk. My mother asked me if I could bring you some milk. As macieiras floresceram cedo este ano. The apple trees blossomed early this year. The apple trees bloomed early this year. Que l'am cercada. We looked for her. I've been looking for her. Aqueth líber que's ven aicí. This book is sold here. That liber you're coming here. Azi nu e ziua ta. Today is not your day. It's not your birthday today. Tu riesci a vederla? Can you see her? Can you see her? Os tucanos regulam a temperatura corporal ajustando o fluxo de sangue ao seu bico. Toucans regulate their body temperature by adjusting the flow of blood to their beak. Tucans regulate body temperature by adjusting blood flow to their kiss. Tom mange encore ? Is Tom still eating? Tom still eats? Era uno de los dirigentes de la clase trabajadora. He was a leader of the working class. He was one of the leaders of the working class. Cine este jucătorul tău de fotbal preferat? Who is your favourite soccer player? Who's your favorite football player? C'est votre argent. It's your money. It's your money. Les réponses sont toutes deux incorrectes. The answers are both incorrect. Both answers are incorrect. Ne soyez pas folle ! Don't be crazy. Don't be crazy! Japonia este formată din insule vulcanice. Japan is made up of volcanic islands. Japan is made up of volcanic islands. Il n'y avait rien que j'eusse pu faire. There was nothing I could've done. There was nothing I could do. Dos hombres se me acercaron. Two men came up to me. Two men approached me. A garçonete serviu o chá. The waitress served the tea. The little boy served the tea. Há quanto tempo a Lourdes trabalha com o senhor? How long has Lourdes worked with you? How long has Lourdes been working with you? Eu vi ele na estação. I met him at the station. I saw him at the station. Eya tyene ojos mavis. She has blue eyes. He's such a mavis eyes. Melda. She reads. Melda. Isto é contra a lei. This is against the law. This is against the law. As-tu eu des nouvelles de lui, récemment ? Have you heard from him recently? Did you hear from him recently? C'est une question qui me tient très à cœur. I feel strongly about this. It's a question that really touches my heart. Unde ne ducem? Where are we going? Where are we going? Je viens de rentrer. I just got back. I just got home. Puede que me equivoque. I may be wrong. I might be wrong. Aquela garota é linda! That girl is pretty! That girl is beautiful! Tu doar bagi problemele vieții sub preș. You're just sweeping life's problems under the rug. You're just dealing with life's problems under the pressure. Pourquoi portez-vous cette écharpe ? Why are you wearing that scarf? Why are you wearing this scarf? Aparentemente, não mudou muita coisa. Apparently, not much has changed. Apparently, it hasn't changed much. Me dan miedo las películas de terror. Horror movies frighten me. I'm scared of horror movies. Tu es la seule pour moi désormais. You're the only one for me now. You're the only one for me now. Lo Tòm ne sap pas hèr au tenís. Tom can't play tennis. The man doesn't know about tennis. A Tom non piace passeggiare. Tom dislikes walking. Tom doesn't like to walk. Il y a un chien ! There's a dog! There's a dog! ¿Qué no te gusta de tu letra? What don't you like about your handwriting? What don't you like about your letter? Lui sta provando a suicidarsi. He's trying to commit suicide. He's trying to kill himself. J'ai un commentaire. I have a comment. I have a comment. Mengapa? Why? Why? No hay peligro. There's no danger. There's no danger. Nous y travaillerons cette semaine. We'll be working on that this week. We'll work there this week. Ese es un gran plan. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Sami a început să planifice răzbunarea. Sami started planning retribution. Sami started planning revenge. C'est à mon goût et à mon gré. That's quite to my taste. It's my taste and my pleasure. L'Australia è un paese molto fortunato. Australia is a very fortunate country. Australia is a very lucky country. Cóntame como solucionaches o problema. Tell me how you solved the problem. Tell me how you solved the problem. Cuando sacudes manos con alguien, debes mirarlo a los ojos. When you shake hands with somebody, you must look him in the eye. When you shake hands with someone, you should look him in the eye. Fue un rey bueno. He was a good king. He was a good king. Podi pas estar d'acòrd amb sa perpausicion. I cannot agree to his proposal. You can't agree with his perp. Nu ești perfect. You aren't perfect. You're not perfect. Vieni a bordo. Come aboard. Come aboard. Perché siete brave in francese? Why are you good at French? Why are you good in French? Preciso de um novo. I need a new one. I need a new one. Te iubesc! I love you. I love you! Ils ne sont pas morts. They're not dead. They're not dead. "Sí, zumo de naranja por favor," dice Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," Mike says. Mè frel adess a l'é an Austràlia My brother is now in Australia. It's cooler than it's in Australia Am avut un vis urât noaptea trecută. I had a nightmare last night. I had a bad dream last night. Venez me voir. Come and see me. Come and see me. Ta mare sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Can your mother drive? Ayudó a mejorar las condiciones de vida de los trabajadores. He helped to ameliorate the living conditions of working men. It helped improve the living conditions of workers. Comment je fais cela ? How do I do that? How do I do that? Un niño de ahora no haría eso. A child today would not do that. A child now wouldn't do that. Faço as coisas do meu jeito. I do things in my own way. I do things my way. Je savais qui l'avait fait. I knew who did it. I knew who did it. Pergunte a Tom se ele irá ficar em Boston. Ask Tom if he'll stay in Boston. Ask Tom if he's gonna stay in Boston. Eu preciso de um cochilo. I need a nap. I need a nap. Que tipo de pão você está comendo? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread are you eating? Kaulah satu-satunya. You are the only one. You're the only one. Beh, prendetela. Well, take it. Well, take it. Me gusta Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. I like Alex Marcelo. Iarna a fost rece și cu ninsori. The winter was cold and snowy. Winter was cold and ninsori. Il a écrit une brillante préface pour cette pièce. He wrote a fine preface to the play. He wrote a brilliant preface for this play. Ma mère fait jeune pour son âge. My mother looks young for her age. My mother's young for her age. Il suo romanzo vendette bene. Her novel sold well. His novel was well sold. A taxa de encarceramento dos EUA é a mais alta do mundo. The U.S. incarceration rate is the highest in the world. The U.S. prison rate is the highest in the world. Aquera veitura qu'ei mea. This car is mine. This car is mine. Vrei o aspirină? Do you want some aspirin? You want an aspirin? Vas' tchîre è Moûze ! Screw you! You're going to Moses! Noi lucrăm în acest moment. We're working at the moment. We're working right now. Queste scarpe sono troppo piccole per me da indossare. These shoes are too small for me to put on. These shoes are too small for me to wear. Grasie tante. Many thanks. Thanks a lot. Personne ne se trouve dans la pièce. No one is in the room. Nobody's in the room. S-a dus repede la gară pentru a nu pierde trenul. She hurried to the station so as not to miss the train. He went to the station quickly so he wouldn't miss the train. Tom nunca havia se apaixonado antes. Tom had never been in love before. Tom had never fallen in love before. Ieri mi sei mancato molto. I missed you very much yesterday. I missed you so much yesterday. Tom me pediu para encontrá-lo aqui. Tom asked me to meet him here. Tom asked me to find him here. Tom le pidió a Mary que cantara más alto. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Para pasar el tiempo en sus largos viajes, una vez Cristóbal Colón hizo una oración con un número infinito de palabras. As a means to pass the time on his long journeys, Christopher Columbus once made a sentence with an infinite number of words. To spend time on his long journeys, once Christopher Columbus prayed with an infinite number of words. Kapan kamu pulang ke rumah? When are you walking home? When did you go home? Fratele meu mai mare știe să conducă mașina. My older brother knows how to drive. My older brother knows how to drive the car. Bisakah aku memegang kata-katamu? Can I take your word for it? Can I hold your word? Ayer entregué un trabajo. I turned in a paper yesterday. I delivered a job yesterday. Cum s-au întâmplat toate acestea? How did that all happen? How did all this happen? Gostaria de discutir isso com minha esposa antes de tomar uma decisão. I'd like to discuss this with my wife before making a decision. I would like to discuss this with my wife before I make a decision. Ai găsit un om bun. You've found a good man. You found a good man. Tom ha detto che a lui piace insegnare il francese. Tom said he likes teaching French. Tom said he likes to teach French. I media non diffondono queste notizie. The media doesn't report this news. The media do not spread this news. Isso não vai funcionar, acredite. That won't work, trust me. That's not gonna work, believe me. Vimos um objeto estranho no céu. We saw a strange object in the sky. We saw a strange object in the sky. Aku lebih cantik darimu. I am more beautiful than you. I'm prettier than you. Saya sudah mempelajari agama Anda, tapi saya tidak menyukainya. I studied your religion, but I didn't like it. I've learned your religion, but I don't like it. Estoy enseñando euskera. I'm teaching Basque. I'm teaching euskera. Escolteu! Listen! Listen! Esta agua está inodora. This water is odourless. This water is inhaling. ¡Meca! Wow! Mecca! Il va pleuvoir bientôt. It's going to rain soon. He'll be raining soon. Ne t'en va pas ! Don't leave! Don't go! Ha uno strano carattere. He's a strange character. He's got a strange character. Naquela ocasião, Tom estava em Boston. At that time, Tom was in Boston. On that occasion, Tom was in Boston. A escola é uma perda de tempo. School is a waste of time. The school is a waste of time. En Tom está menjant. Tom's eating. Tom's eating. Je sais ce qu'ils voudront que je fasse. I know what they'll want me to do. I know what they'll want me to do. Ninguém prestou atenção. Nobody paid any attention. No one paid attention. Non è sicuro che torni a casa di suo marito. It's uncertain that she goes back to her husband's home. It's not sure you're going back to your husband's. Él tenía envidia de mi éxito. He envied my success. He was jealous of my success. È finita. It's over. It's over. Elle te prêtera un livre. She'll lend you a book. She'll lend you a book. Le bébé grandit. The baby is growing up. The baby is growing up. Pásala bien. Have fun! Have a good time. Llamamos a nuestro perro Pochi. We call our dog Pochi. We called our dog Pochi. J'ai été dans cette situation auparavant. I've been in this situation before. I've been in this situation before. Que ne veux-tu pas que je fasse ? What don't you want me to do? What don't you want me to do? Nu există speranță pentru recuperarea lui. There is no hope of his recovery. There's no hope for his recovery. Qu'a decidit de deishar de fumar. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. La palissade avait besoin d'un coup de peinture. The fence needed painting. The palissade needed a paint shot. Tiada sesiapa yang menjawab telefon. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Deixe-me te ajudar. Suas malas parecem estar muito pesadas. Let me help you. Your bags look very heavy. Let me help you, your bags look very heavy. ¿Quieres una taza de leche? Would you like a cup of milk? You want a cup of milk? Nós tivemos que dirigir em estradas estreitas através de terreno montanhoso. We had to drive on narrow roads through hilly terrain. We had to drive on narrow roads through mountainous terrain. ¡Sé realista! Be realistic! Be realistic! Eu não serei capaz de ajudá-lo. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Elle eut la permission d'utiliser la voiture. Permission to use the car was accorded to her. She was allowed to use the car. A-o meuo neuo ch'é neue nae neue. At the new pier there are nine new ships. A-my snow that's snowy nae snow. Terminei. I just finished. I'm done. Pose-toi un instant. Settle down for a while and concentrate. Just give me a minute. Merka pan. She buys bread. The United States bread. Bangunkan aku jam delapan tepat. Wake me up at eight o'clock. Wake me up at eight o'clock. Aquera mangiscla que pudís a poirit. This food smells rotten. That manciss that I could rot. Ti devi fermare. You need to stop. You need to stop. Terima kasih telah menjawabnya dengan cepat. Thanks for your quick answer. Thank you for answering it quickly. La chica y sus padres eran muy simpáticos. The girl and her parents were very sympathetic. The girl and her parents were very nice. Vivo en una ciudad. I live in a city. I live in a city. Gli amanti incisero sulla corteccia della quercia le loro iniziali. The lovers engraved the oak tree with their initials. The lovers engraved their initials on the bark of the oak. Ces cahiers sont tous à moi. These notebooks are all mine. These books are all mine. No puedo comprar un libro tan caro. I can't buy a book this expensive. I can't buy such a expensive book. La foule en colère retourna des voitures et brisa des vitrines. The angry mob overturned cars and smashed storefront windows. The angry crowd returned cars and broke windows. On dirait que nous allons avoir un Noël blanc cette année. It looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year. Looks like we're gonna have a white Christmas this year. Você gosta de teatro? Do you like the theater? Do you like theater? Naples adalah kota yang indah. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a beautiful city. Dimostrate che mi amate. Prove that you love me. Show yourself that you love me. Nós tínhamos acabado de jantar. We've just had dinner. We had just dinner. Io affermai che era innocente. I affirmed that he was innocent. I said he was innocent. Sé que él sabe dibujar. I know that he can draw. I know he knows how to draw. Non possiamo permettere che questo succeda. We can't let this happen. We can't let this happen. Se lastimó su codo cuando se cayó. She hurt her elbow when she fell down. He hurt his elbow when he fell. Aunque ella se apresuró, la mujer mayor perdió el último tren. Even though she rushed, the elderly woman missed the last train. Although she rushed, the older woman lost the last train. Che cosa significa ciò per l'Australia? What does this mean for Australia? What does that mean for Australia? Tom é bem criativo. Tom is pretty creative. Tom's pretty creative. Por que o Tom não confia na Mary? Why doesn't Tom trust Mary? Why doesn't Tom trust Mary? Aku harus bertanya, bukan? I should ask, shouldn't I? I have to ask, don't I? Si us plau. Please. Please. Ficamos presos num congestionamento, o que nos fez chegar 20 minutos atrasados. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in a congestion, which made us 20 minutes late. Tom ne voulait même pas manger. Tom didn't even want to eat. Tom didn't even want to eat. Há quatro quartos na minha casa. There are four bedrooms in my house. There are four rooms in my house. Preencham-no, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it out, please. Qual é o nome da doença da qual Tom morreu? What's the name of the disease that Tom died of? What is the name of the disease that Tom died from? C'est très proche. It's very close. It's very close. Tom estava correndo um grande risco. Tom was taking a big risk. Tom was at great risk. Ils étaient paisibles. They were peaceful. They were peaceful. Vaig notar que ella va seure a la fila del davant. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she sat in the front row. Você sabe usar o computador? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you know how to use the computer? La campana está sonando. The bell is ringing. The bell's ringing. Bisakah Anda membawakan koper saya ke lantai atas? Would you carry my luggage upstairs? Can you take my suitcase upstairs? Tinon a madanm-mayé a'y sé Liz. His wife’s name is Liz. Tinon married Liz. "¿Por qué lo hiciste?" "Porque puedo." "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." Eu vou contar ao Tom o que aconteceu. I'm going to tell Tom what happened. I'll tell Tom what happened. Chi è il suo autore preferito? Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite author? "Você pode me ajudar a pintar a minha casa?" "Claro; sem problema." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Sure. No problem." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Of course; no problem." Tom bersembunyi di bawah meja. Tom hid under the table. Tom's hiding under the table. ¿Entiendes todo? Do you understand everything? Do you understand everything? Tom mi-a strâns mâna. Tom shook my hand. Tom held my hand. Tom é mais inteligente que eu. Tom is smarter than me. Tom's smarter than me. El fuego consumió el edifico completo. The fire consumed the whole building. The fire consumed the entire building. Layla è tornata adesso. Layla is back now. Layla's back now. Onde diabos você estava? Where the hell were you? Where the hell were you? Poate mai este altcineva în peșteră. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. Non posso fare nulla per lei. I can't do anything for her. I can't do anything for you. Am ars hârtia. I burned the paper. I burned the paper. Deke no vido Tom? Why didn't he see Tom? Deke on Tom's arrival? Bien, grasias. Fine, thanks. All right, graces. Eu nunca vou te esquecer. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. Je veux m'entrainer avec toi. I want to practice with you. I want to train with you. Eu me virei para Tom. I turned to Tom. I'll turn to Tom. Não acho que vá fazer isso sozinho. I don't think I'll do that by myself. I don't think you're gonna do this on your own. Îi voi scrie o scrisoare lui Tom. I'll write Tom a letter. I'll write a letter to Tom. Tom está ocupado agora. Tom is busy now. Tom's busy now. Prenons une photo. Let's take a picture. Let's take a picture. John sacó una llave de su bolsillo. John took a key out of his pocket. John pulled a key out of his pocket. Acela costă 1,5 euro fiecare kilogram. That costs 1.5 euros per kilogram. That costs 1.5 euros each kilogram. A quale club appartieni? Which club do you belong to? Which club do you belong to? Mi piace di più in assoluto l'autunno. I like autumn best. I like autumn more absolutely. Ken mi chiama ogni giorno. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Elas sabem quem é ela. They know who she is. They know who she is. No podemos vivir sin el aire. We cannot live without air. We can't live without the air. Chiamami se cambia qualcosa. Call me if there's a change. Call me if anything changes. Berikan padaku panahmu. Give me your arrow. Give me your arrow. Cred că au fost căsătoriţi timp de cinci ani. I think they have been married for five years. I think they've been married for five years. Aku menulis sebuah surat cinta untuknya. I was writing her a love letter. I wrote a love letter for him. Yo sé cuándo me están mintiendo. I know when I'm being lied to. I know when they're lying to me. Je savais que Tom était très en colère. I knew Tom was very angry. I knew Tom was very angry. Am un pachet pentru tine. I've got a package for you. I got a package for you. Allez, chante avec moi. Come on, sing with me. Come on, sing with me. Aqueth peish qu'ei gròs. This fish is big. This fish is fat. O verdureiro é muito gentil com seus clientes. The greengrocer is very kind to his customers. The gardener is very kind to his customers. Este livro está escrito em Inglês simples, de maneira que você deverá poder lê-lo facilmente. This book is written in simple English, so it should be easy for you to read. This book is written in Simple English, so you should be able to read it easily. Ellos me arrebataron mi libertad. They deprived me of my liberty. They took my freedom from me. Ini adalah danau terindah yang pernah aku lihat. This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful lake I've ever seen. J'ai pris part à la compétition. I took part in the contest. I took part in the competition. Contrattare è comune nei mercati. Haggling is common in markets. Contracting is common in markets. Les bouffons resteront des bouffons. Muppets will be muppets. Buffalos are going to be a joke. Eu sou um professor de francês. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. La sivdad kapitala de Fransya es Paris. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital city of Fransya is Paris. Puis-je aller jouer dehors ? May I go out to play? Can I go play outside? Esa caja es más grande que ésta. That box is bigger than this one. That box is bigger than this one. Iar plouă! It's raining again! It's raining again! Na miña casa é a miña nai a que manda. In my house it's my mother who's the boss. At my house it's my mother who's in charge. Discuțiile o să cuprindă problema poluării. The talks will deal with the problem of pollution. Discussions will cover the problem of pollution. J'ai besoin d'une lampe. I need a lamp. I need a lamp. Apa yang ingin kau minum? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Ela divertiuse moito na festa de onte. She enjoyed herself very much at the party yesterday. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. Le printemps est en retard cette année. Spring is late this year. Spring is late this year. Bon dia! Good morning! Good morning! Dia memberiku senyuman lebar. She gave me a wide smile. He gave me a big smile. Ia selalu mendengar berita di radio. He always heard the news on the radio. He's always heard news on the radio. Que't balharèi tot lhevat aquò. I'll give you anything but this. I'll light you all through this. Voglio lavorare con te. I want to work with you. I want to work with you. Tu aurais pu juste le leur dire. You could have just told them. You could've just told them. Tom a envoyé une douzaine de roses à Mary pour la Saint-Valentin. Tom sent a dozen roses to Mary on Valentine's Day. Tom sent a dozen roses to Mary for the Valentine's Day. Non lo disturbare. Don't disturb him. Don't disturb him. Nu-i nimic nou. It's nothing new. It's nothing new. Ele lamenta o fato de ter desperdiçado seu dinheiro. He regrets his having wasted his money. He regrets the fact that he wasted his money. Eu realmente me importo. I really do care. I really care. Vocês conseguem sentir a tensão? Can you feel the tension? Can you feel the tension? Elle l'a aidé à surmonter sa tristesse. She helped him overcome his sadness. She helped her overcome her sadness. Ne dites pas une telle chose en son absence. Don't say such a thing in her absence. Don't say such a thing in his absence. Como você soube que eu não sou canadense? How did you know that I'm not Canadian? How did you know I wasn't Canadian? Tom está procurando alguém para ocupar o lugar de Mary. Tom is looking for someone to take Mary's place. Tom's looking for someone to take Mary's place. Sampai jumpa lagi. See you later. See you later. Leia estas instruções. Read these instructions. Read these instructions. Tom non era al lavoro. Tom wasn't at work. Tom wasn't at work. Ton oncle a péri par le fer ; tu vas périr par l’eau ; ta Marie par le feu ! Your uncle perished by the sword; you will perish by water; and your Mary by fire! Your uncle died by iron; you will perish by water; your Mary by fire! Vado sempre a scuola in autobus. I always go to school by bus. I always go to school by bus. Usted debería ver a un dentista. You ought to see a dentist. You should see a dentist. Cosa vedete in Tom? What do you see in Tom? What do you see in Tom? Poţi alerga repede? Can you run fast? Can you run fast? Je n'ai pas d'eau. I don't have water. I don't have any water. Siete eccitati? Are you excited? Are you excited? L'avion a effectué un atterrissage parfait. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane has made a perfect landing. Como é possível que um ser com jóias tão sensíveis quanto os olhos, instrumentos musicais tão encantados quanto os ouvidos e tão fabuloso arabesco de nervos quanto o cérebro sinta que é algo menos que um deus? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? How is it possible that a being with jewels as sensitive as the eyes, musical instruments as delighted as the ears and as fabulous arabic of nerves as the brain feels that it is something less than a god? Tom acabou de jantar. Tom has just finished eating dinner. Tom's done dinner. Mi ta stima bo. I love you. I love you. Ella le contó sus problemas. She told her troubles to him. She told her problems. Buena suerte. Good luck. Good luck. Sper că John vine. I hope that John comes. I hope John's coming. Eu disse olá para ela e ela sorriu. I said hello to her and she smiled. I said hello to her and she smiled. Decidimos remarcar a reunião para domingo que vem. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to note the meeting next Sunday. 40 euro untuk skarf? Anda tidak ada sebarang yang lebih murah? Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? You don't have anything cheaper? Preţul era de doar trei mii de yeni sau aproximativ treizeci de dolari. The price was only three thousand yen, or about thirty dollars. The price was just three thousand yen or about thirty dollars. Eles são muito perigosos. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. J'ai froid ce matin. I feel cold this morning. I'm cold this morning. Poliția s-a uitat peste tot și nu a putut găsi nici o urmă a lui Tom. The police looked everywhere and could find no trace of Tom. The police looked everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom. Apa kau mabuk? Were you intoxicated? Are you drunk? Pentru că era peste mări, ea vorbea folosind Skype. Because she was overseas, she often phoned via Skype. Because she was overboard, she was talking using Skype. Mi maestro me enseñó que podés sacar la raíz cuadrada de un número negativo. My teacher taught me that you can take the square root of a negative number. My teacher taught me that you could take out the square root of a negative number. Você é muito mais inteligente do que eu. You're way smarter than me. You're much smarter than I am. Io sono sicura che ho visto quel tizio da qualche parte prima. I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. Non paga a pena reparar o coche. The car isn't worth repairing. It's not worth repairing the car. ¿Qué diablos estás haciendo? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Que veulent dire ces conneries? What the fuck does that mean? What do you mean, shit? Când vor începe orele de japoneză? When will the Japanese course start? When will the Japanese hours begin? Tu n'as pas besoin de dire quoi que ce soit. You don't need to say anything. You don't have to say anything. Solamente il suo progetto conta. Only your project matters. Only his project counts. Trebuie să clarifici situația odată pentru totdeauna. You need to set the record straight once and for all. You need to clarify the situation once and for all. Maria tem mente poluída. Mary has a dirty mind. Mary has polluted mind. So che questa è la prima volta che questo è successo a lei. I know that this is the first time this has happened to you. I know this is the first time that this has happened to you. Ela é gentil com animais. She is gentle to animals. She's kind to animals. Zouti-la pèrmèt nou travay. The tool enables us to work. That's our permission to work. Su salud tuvo una caída. His health has declined. His health had a fall. Aku rasa kau tidak menerima pesanku. I guess you didn't get my message. I don't think you got my message. Există doar o alternativă. There is but one alternative. There's only one alternative. Tom se ne andrà domani? Will Tom leave tomorrow? Tom's leaving tomorrow? Tenemos que vestir uniformes en el colegio. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We have to wear uniforms at school. Eu sabia que você não estaria lá. I knew that you wouldn't be there. I knew you wouldn't be there. Toutes les routes mènent à Rome. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Apakah kau sudah selesai mengepaknya? Have you finished packing yet? Did you finish packing it? Allons-y étape par étape. Let's take it step by step. Let's go step by step. E aí, que acha dele? So, what do you think of him? So, what do you think of him? Aku harap aku mati. I wish I were dead. I hope I'm dead. No te acerques al fuego. Don't go near the fire. Don't come near the fire. Comment c'est dans une école privée ? How is it in a private school? What's it like in a private school? Se hai un problema, parla con Tom. If you have a problem, talk to Tom. If you have a problem, talk to Tom. J'étais sûr que vous changeriez d'avis. I was sure that you'd change your mind. I was sure you'd change your mind. Tom le preguntó a Mary qué clase de comida le gustaba. Tom asked Mary what kind of food she liked. Tom asked Mary what kind of food she liked. Ela gosta de escutar música. She likes to listen to music. She likes to listen to music. Tom leva un diario. Tom keeps a diary. Tom's carrying a diary. Paulina tem um chapéu cor-de-rosa. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. Jugué golf todos los días durante mis vacaciones. I played golf every day during my vacation. I played golf every day during my vacation. Este es el cura que los casó. This is the priest who married them. This is the priest who married them. Tom desligou o motor. Tom turned off the engine. Tom turned off the engine. Eu não gosto desta jaqueta. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. Iblis menggugat Tuhan. Devil sued God. The devil is suing God. A montaña non é tan alta como o monte Fuji. The mountain is not as high as Mt. Fuji. The mountain is not as high as Mount Fuji. Ne fonciona pas. This doesn't work! Don't work. Una enorme multitud esperaba. A huge crowd of people waited. A huge crowd was waiting. Stasiunnya di mana? Where is the station? Where's the station? Est-ce que tu t'es déjà lavé les mains ? Have you washed your hands yet? Have you ever washed your hands? No debes contestar a tu madre cuando te regañe. You mustn't answer your mother back when she scolds you. You don't have to answer your mother when I water you. Nous n'attendrons que trois heures de plus. We'll only wait three more hours. We'll only wait three more hours. Nick nu trebuie să vină la biroul meu. Nick doesn't need to come to my office. Nick doesn't have to come to my office. Tiene un don natural para hablar. He has a natural gift for speaking. He has a natural gift to talk about. Pase lo que pase no se lo diré a nadie. Whatever happens, I won't tell anybody about it. Whatever happens, I won't tell anyone. No seas ridícula. Don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous. Fuego! Fire! Fire! Esperança não é uma estratégia. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Numele meu Cyril. Încântat de cunoștință! My name's Cyril; pleased to meet you! My name is Cyril. Tom precisa do seu amor. Tom needs your love. Tom needs his love. Dis-moi ce qui te déprime autant. Tell me what makes you so depressed. Tell me what's so depressing about you. Nós somos do mesmo tamanho. We're the same size. We're the same size. Tenho algo a dizer. I've got something to say. I have something to say. Io sono appena stata cacciata via da scuola. I just got kicked out of school. I just got kicked out of school. ¿Hay muchos árboles en el parque? Are there many trees in the park? Are there many trees in the park? Nu i-am spus lui Tom câte ouă să cumpere. I didn't tell Tom how many eggs to buy. I didn't tell Tom how many eggs to buy. E un lac în faţa casei mele. There is a lake in front of my house. There's a lake in front of my house. Sudah mari kita lakukan saja sekarang. Let's just do it now. Let's do it now. Qu'attends-tu qu'il se passe ? What do you expect to happen? What are you waiting for? Est-ce que votre perruque vous rend sourd ? Does your wig make you deaf? Does your wig make you deaf? Kamu harus membaca jenis buku yang informasinya dapat berguna untukmu di masa depan. You should read the kind of books that contain the kind of information that will be useful to you later in life. You have to read the kind of book that information can be useful for you in the future. Il y avait au milieu du cercle une colonne de cuivre supportant un œuf de cristal; et, comme le soleil frappait dessus, des rayons de tous les côtés en partaient. There was in the centre of the circle, a column made out of copper that supported a crystal egg. And because the sun shone on it, rays of light shot from all sides of the egg. There was in the middle of the circle a pillar of copper bearing an egg of crystal; and as the sun struck upon it, the rays of all sides departed. Mwen pa janm pral konprann. I'll never understand. I will never understand. Era uma cena caótica. It was a chaotic scene. It was a chaotic scene. Êtes-vous en train de me regarder ? Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me? Aku menikah saat berusia 19 tahun. I married when I was 19 years old. I got married when I was 19. Alerg zece kilometri zilnic. I run ten kilometers daily. I'm running ten kilometers a day. Apa kepanjangan dari USSR? What does USSR stand for? What's the length of the USSR? Era un ratón. It was a mouse. He was a mouse. Vem logo! Come quickly. Come later! Pourquoi ai-je fait cela ? What did I do that for? Why did I do that? Pulisci il tuo piatto! Clean your plate! Clear your plate! Tom e Maria brigaram feio. Tom and Mary had a huge fight. Tom and Maria fought ugly. Preciso comprar um mouse pad. I need a mouse pad. I need to buy a mouse pad. Eu não irei embora. I won't go away. I'm not leaving. Sendo vítima de crescente concorrência, a empresa faliu. Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt. As a victim of growing competition, the company failed. Domnul Tanaka nu este momentan în biroul său. Mr Tanaka is not at his desk right now. Mr. Tanaka is not currently in his office. Ve aquí cada cinc dies. He comes here every five days. He comes here every five days. ¿En qué piensas cuando ves esta foto? What do you think of when you look at this photo? What do you think when you see this picture? Je vous fournirai toutes les informations nécessaires. I will provide you all the necessary information. I'll give you all the information you need. Dovremmo aspettare Tom? Should we wait for Tom? Should we wait for Tom? La corte lo declaró inocente de los cargos de homicidio. The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder. The court found him innocent of the murder charges. Nu știu de ce trebuie să fac asta. I don't know why I have to do that. I don't know why I have to do this. "Veamos... ¿tienes jugo de tomate?" dice Hiroshi. "Let me see .... Do you have tomato juice?" says Hiroshi. "Come on... do you have tomato juice?" says Hiroshi. ¿Vas todos los días a pie al colegio? Do you go to school on foot every day? You go to school every day on foot? Lo puoi lasciare andare. You can let him go. You can let him go. Esta provavelmente é a sua escova de dentes. This is probably your toothbrush. This is probably your toothbrush. On dit qu'il y a des fantômes dans cette vieille maison. They say there are ghosts in this old house. They say there are ghosts in this old house. Tom si è svegliato sentendosi burbero. Tom woke up feeling grumpy. Tom woke up feeling like a drunkard. Les fusées ont été lancées depuis une rampe de lancement. The rockets were fired from a launching pad. The rockets were launched from a launch ramp. Eu pensei que isso fosse meio estranho. I thought that this was kind of weird. I thought that was kind of weird. Akankah Anda buka pintunya? Will you open the door? Will you open the door? J'adore cuisiner pour ma famille. I love cooking for my family. I love cooking for my family. J'aime courir sous la pluie. I like running in the rain. I like to run in the rain. O supermercado está aberto de segunda a sábado. The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday. The supermarket is open from Monday to Saturday. Kamu membuatku bahagia. You make me happy. You made me happy. Tom mengatur meja. Tom set the table. Tom set the table. Tom no quiere hablar de su vida privada. Tom doesn't want to speak about his private life. Tom doesn't want to talk about his private life. Você precisa de mim, Tom. You need me, Tom. You need me, Tom. Joe trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo nello sport. Joe spends the majority of his time in sports. Joe spends most of his time in sports. Tous ne sont pas pauvres. All of them are not poor. They're not all poor. Hice lo que pude I did what I could. I did what I could Depuis combien de temps connais-tu Jack ? How long have you known Jack? How long have you known Jack? Tom mangajar pa torang bahasa Prancis. Tom teaches us French. Tom's packing for French. È solamente un'espressione. It's just an expression. It's just an expression. Vous êtes en état d'arrestation ! You're under arrest! You're under arrest! Il n'y a donc plus de différence entre les Juifs et les non-Juifs, entre les esclaves et les hommes libres, entre les hommes et les femmes. Unis à Jésus-Christ, vous êtes tous un. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. So there is no longer any difference between Jews and non-Jews, between slaves and free men, between men and women. Together with Jesus Christ, you are all one. Tom mal reconheceu Mary. Tom scarcely recognized Mary. Tom barely recognized Mary. Io non ho mai fatto questo prima. I've never done this before. I've never done this before. Tom desceu da árvore. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom came down from the tree. À quelle heure te lèves-tu d'habitude ? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Acho que o Tom poderá nos ajudar na próxima semana. I think Tom will be able to help us next week. I think Tom might be able to help us next week. Tom e Mary fizeram exatamente o que eu lhes pedi para fazer. Tom and Mary did exactly what I told them to do. Tom and Mary did exactly what I asked them to do. La grue se tenait sur une patte. The crane was standing on one leg. The crane was standing on a leg. J'ai l'impression que je devrais dire quelque chose mais je ne sais pas quoi. I feel like I should say something, but I don't know what. I feel like I should say something but I don't know what. Le médecin est corrompu. The doctor is corrupt. The doctor is corrupted. Nous n'aurons pas cours la semaine prochaine. We won't have class next week. We won't have a course next week. Tot ce puteți face este să aveți încredere unul în altul. All you can do is trust one another. All you can do is trust each other. Voglio battere Tom. I want to beat Tom. I want to beat Tom. Lui Tom nu-i place la școală. Tom doesn't like school. Tom doesn't like school. Qu'aimi l'arabe. I love Arabic. I love Arabic. Il suo diamante sta brillando sotto la luce. Her diamond is sparkling under the light. His diamond is shining under the light. Pasé detrás de él sin que se diera cuenta. I passed behind him without being noticed. I passed behind him without realizing it. Cela prendra cinq à dix ans avant que la technologie ne soit prête. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. It will take five to ten years before the technology is ready. Gemei. I groaned. I moaned. Vi siete rifiutate di pagare. You refused to pay. You refused to pay. Je pense que c'est un homme bien. I think he is a good man. I think he's a good man. Je veux entendre de vos nouvelles. I want to hear from you. I want to hear from you. Peu importe ce qui arrive, gardez simplement le sourire. No matter what happens, just keep smiling. No matter what happens, just keep the smile. Grazie per avere rotto il mio telefono. Thank you for breaking my phone. Thank you for breaking my phone. O meu móbil non funciona. My cell phone doesn't work. My phone doesn't work. ¿Te recuerdo realmente a ella? Do I really remind you of her? Do I really remember her? Tu din nou? You again? You again? Tus amigos te echarán de menos. You'll be missed by your friends. Your friends will miss you. Închide ușa aia! Close that door. Close that door! Tom comprò dei regali per i suoi cari. Tom bought gifts for his loved ones. Tom bought gifts for his loved ones. Ngana mangarti bahasa Prancis, io to? You understand French, right? Ngana mantrate langua francis, yo to? Tom gifla Mary. Tom slapped Mary. Tom chucks Mary. De hecho, es muy fácil de aprender. Actually, it's very easy to learn. In fact, it's very easy to learn. Il concerto è durato circa tre ore. The concert lasted about three hours. The concert lasted about three hours. ¿Cuántas veces llamó ella? How many times did she call? How many times did she call? O experto en aviación analizou as estatísticas polo miúdo. The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail. The aviation expert analyzed the statistics for the kid. Me dê um diferente mesmo. Give me a different one. Give me a really different one. N'i a pas arren mei important que la santat. Nothing is more important than health. It's not as important as sanitizing. Tenho três opções para você. I have three options for you. I have three options for you. Vous n'êtes pas obligées de répondre. You don't have to respond. You don't have to answer. È andata a fare acquisti. She has gone shopping. She went shopping. Laissez-moi vous faire visiter notre maison. Let me show you around our house. Let me have you visit our house. No tengo más preguntas. I have no further questions. I don't have any more questions. Tom se ofreció voluntario rápidamente. Tom was very quick to volunteer. Tom volunteered quickly. Să trecem de biserică. Let's pass by the church. Let's get through the church. Posso utilizzarle con lei? Can I use them with you? Can I use them with you? Meskipun ia berulang kali mengatakan kalau ia mahasiswa, aku tidak bisa mempercayainya. Though she repeated that she was a college student, I could not bring myself to believe it. Even though he tells me repeatedly that he's a student, I can't believe it. Quelle chouette cravate ! What a nice tie! What a tie! Ella tiene flores en la mano. She has flowers in her hand. She has flowers in her hand. É difícil para o meu pai deixar a bebida. It's hard for my father to give up drinking. It's hard for my father to leave the drink. Ea este Li Ying. She is Li Ying. This is Li Ying. Rămânem fără mâncare. We're running out of food. We're running out of food. Tom est débutant, mais il apprend vite. Tom's a beginner, but he catches on fast. Tom's a beginner, but he learns fast. Faço tudo por minha família. I do everything for my family. I do everything for my family. Tu li hai incontrati prima? Have you met them before? Did you meet them first? Não seja sempre tão curioso. Stop being so curious. Don't always be so curious. Eu estou desapontado com você. I'm disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in you. Não sou bom em fingir. I'm not good at pretending. I'm not good at pretending. E clar? Is that clear? Is that clear? Plusieurs dizaines de jeunes gens participèrent à la manifestation. Several dozen young people participated in the demonstration. Tens of young people participated in the event. Este lápiz es suyo, el mío está en la mesa. This pencil is yours. Mine is on the desk. This pencil is yours, mine is on the table. Un homme approcha de Yoshi en dissimulant le bruit de ses pas. A man approached Yoko, concealing the sound of his footsteps. A man approached Yoshi by concealing the sound of his steps. La civilisation est aujourd'hui menacée par une guerre nucléaire. Civilization is now threatened by nuclear war. Civilization is now threatened by a nuclear war. Io ero maleducata. I was rude. I was rude. Fue a verle cuando estaba en Londres. He went to see her while she stayed in London. He went to see him when he was in London. Perché queste ragazze sono così meschine? Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so mean? Tom nu-mi va împrumuta banii de care am nevoie. Tom won't lend me the money I need. Tom won't lend me the money I need. Je n'ai rien appris de nouveau. I learned nothing new. I didn't learn anything new. Corrí adonde mi madre. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. Esto es debido a que el inglés es un idioma global. This is due to English being a world language. This is because English is a global language. În sfârșit era timpul să se semneze Constituția. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Je serais déçue de vous voir le faire. I'd be disappointed if I saw you doing that. I'd be disappointed to see you do it. Qu'èi vist ua vedeta uei. I have seen a star today. That I've seen one star. Tom tem uma namorada canadense. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Pensavo che fossi arrabbiata con lui. I thought you were mad at him. I thought you were mad at him. Je suis affamé ! I'm famished! I'm hungry! Mi amigo rompió con su novia y ahora quiere salir conmigo. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. Poderíamos ter feito uma fortuna. We could've made a fortune. We could have made a fortune. Selamat malam, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Io odio guardare la TV. I hate watching TV. I hate watching TV. Tom aún está saliendo con Mary, ¿no? Tom is still dating Mary, isn't he? Tom's still dating Mary, right? Pemerintah terus memperbarui sistem pendidikan. The government has been reforming education. The government continues to update the education system. Walikota memotong pitanya dengan sepasang gunting raksasa. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The mayor cut the ribbon with a couple of giant scissors. Ambeza inglez. She studies English. It's English. Eu quero uma lista completa de tudo o que Tom comprou. I want a complete list of everything Tom purchased. I want a complete list of everything Tom bought. Sinch pì tre a fa eut. Five and three is eight. Five and three to the eut. Você gosta do verão? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? In ogni caso devo finire il lavoro per domani. In any case, I must finish this work by tomorrow. In any case, I have to finish the job by tomorrow. Meu irmão possui uma conta no Twitter. My brother has a Twitter account. My brother has an account on Twitter. Che cosa dovremmo mangiare? What should we have for dinner? What should we eat? El padre pedía venganza contra el hombre que desfloró a su hija. The father asked for revenge against the man who deflowered his daughter. The father wanted revenge on the man who flowered his daughter. Voy a estar libre. I'll be free. I'll be free. Kami membuat sebuah kesepakatan. We made a deal. We made a deal. Siga ó coche. Follow the car. Follow the car. Elas estão estudando a Bíblia. They're studying the Bible. They're studying the Bible. Los exámenes tocan justo después de las vacaciones de verano. Exams are right after summer vacation. The exams play right after summer vacation. Ela está aguando as flores. She is watering the flowers. She's holding the flowers. Tom și-a pierdut toți banii. Tom lost all of his money. Tom lost all his money. Você parece convicto de que Tom pode fazer isso por contra própria. You seem convinced that Tom could do that by himself. You seem convinced that Tom can do this on his own. Tom le llama a las cosas por su nombre. Tom calls a spade a spade. Tom calls things by his name. Non ho alcuna musica classica. I don't have any classical music. I don't have any classical music. ¿Quieres ver tu pieza? Do you want to see your room? You want to see your piece? Naquela noite ele teve um sonho terrível. He had a terrible dream that night. That night he had a terrible dream. Me lastimé. I've been injured. I hurt myself. Llevo tres horas esperando el autobús. I've been waiting for the bus for three hours. I've been waiting for the bus for three hours. Itu tidak mungkin. It is impossible. That's impossible. Arătați-mi totul. Show me everything. Show me everything. Éste es mi gato. This is my cat. This is my cat. Elle était sujette au rhume. She was subject to cold. She was subject to the cold. J'ignore comment conduire une voiture. I do not know how to drive a car. I don't know how to drive a car. Merci de m'aider à porter mes valises. Thank you for helping me carry my suitcases. Thanks for helping me carry my suitcases. "Como se chama a sua esposa?" "Não sou casado." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." Estoy buscando un lápiz labial que combine con este esmalte de uñas. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that combines with this nail polish. Tocmai am renunțat. I just gave up. I just gave up. Shalom, komo vos yamash? Hello, what's your name? Shalom, as you call? ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? Ho intenzione di andare. I'm going to go. I'm going to go. Ahí se va mi última oportunidad. There goes my last opportunity. There's my last chance. Adara qu'ei reconegut coma l'un deus autors mei prometedís. Now he is recognized as one of the most promising writers. Adara is recognized as a promised god to me. Eso duele. That hurts. That hurts. Itu tidak akan terjadi. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. Acho que você é a mulher que eu estive esperando por toda minha vida. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for my whole life. Io sarò felice di bere un bicchiere di champagne. I'll be glad to drink a glass of champagne. I'll be happy to have a glass of champagne. Eu ia dizer a mesma coisa. I was just about to say the same thing. I was gonna say the same thing. Ella es una mujer egoísta. She is a selfish woman. She's a selfish woman. ¿Hablas español? Do you speak Spanish? You speak Spanish? É uma borboleta ou uma mariposa? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is it a butterfly or a butterfly? Dia bisa saja berbohong. He may have told a lie. He could have lied. La tuile qui est tombée du toit s'est cassée en morceaux. The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces. The tile that fell out of the roof broke into pieces. ¿Ya te juntaste con él? Have you met him already? Have you met him yet? O peixe é normalmente acompanhado de vinho branco. Fish is normally accompanied by white wine. The fish is usually accompanied by white wine. ¿Por qué debería escucharte? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? Acuérdate de mí la próxima vez. Remember me next time. Remember me next time. Quiero hacer lo correcto. I want to do the right thing. I want to do the right thing. Não dá para saber aonde ele foi. It's impossible to know where he has gone. There's no telling where he went. Rapida vulpe maronie nu a sărit peste câinele leneş. The quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog. Quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog. Tom não usa protetor solar. Tom doesn't use sunscreen. Tom doesn't use a sunscreen. Tom sering membuat kesalahan. Tom often makes mistakes. Tom made a lot of mistakes. Bon Dênâ! Merry Christmas! Bon Dêna! L'anglès no és fàcil, però és interessant. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it's interesting. Que esperaram os senhores que o Tom fizesse? What did you think Tom would do? What did you expect Tom to do? Tom está convencido de que Mary deveria fazer isso. Tom is convinced that Mary should do that. Tom's convinced Mary should do that. J'entends parfaitement bien. I can hear perfectly well. I understand perfectly well. Stai acasă pentru a putea răspunde la telefon. Stay home so that you can answer the phone. You stay home so you can answer the phone. O que vocês acham que vão fazer? What do you think you're going to do? What do you think they're gonna do? ¡Que actuación tan extraordinaria! What a remarkable performance! What an extraordinary performance! Amanhã vai ser tarde demais. Tomorrow it will be too late. Tomorrow will be too late. Elas sabem teu nome. They know your name. They know your name. Espero que me puedas ayudar. I'm hoping you can help me. I hope you can help me. Eu sugiro que você vá de trem. I suggest you go by train. I suggest you get off the train. ¡Obviamente, mis perros los protegerán! Obviously my dogs will protect you! Of course, my dogs will protect them! Je viens de France. I am from France. I came from France. Il a des nausées. He has nausea. He's having nausea. Il est avec toi. He is with you. He's with you. Non mi dovrebbe ascoltare. You shouldn't listen to me. He shouldn't listen to me. É um dos melhores restaurantes em Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. A túa explicación non pega nin con cola; é demasiado improbable para ser certa. Your explanation won't wash; it's too improbable to be true. Your explanation doesn't stick with glue; it's too unlikely to be true. Cât de tare este asta? How awesome is that? How hard is that? No volveré a dejarlos solos. I'll never leave you alone again. I won't leave them alone again. Je ne connais pas mes voisins. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Son histoire s'est avérée exacte. Her story turned out to be true. Her story proved to be accurate. Aku sangat menyukai pekerjaanku. I like my job very much. I really like my work. No puedo explicar todo ahora. I can't explain everything now. I can't explain everything right now. Eu preferiria ter um gato a um cão. I would rather have a cat than a dog. I'd rather have a cat with a dog. Eu não acho que Tom gostou de verdade de fazer aquilo. I don't think Tom really enjoyed doing that. I don't think Tom really liked to do that. Jim est parti pêcher à la jetée. Jim went fishing from the pier. Jim went fishing at the dump. Ci siamo sicuramente divertiti, vero? We sure had fun, didn't we? We definitely had fun, didn't we? Eles sempre fazem piadas sobre o chefe. They often make fun of the boss. They always make jokes about the boss. O Jorge ficou pálido! George was livid! Jorge got pale! J'ai entendu dire qu'une manière de rester en bonne santé est d'éviter de manger de la nourriture contenant des ingrédients imprononçables. I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients. I have heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating food containing improbable ingredients. Lo scriverò sulla lavagna. I'll write it on the blackboard. I'll write it on the sink. Je ne te parlerais jamais comme ça. I would never speak to you that way. I would never talk to you like that. Am știut-o tot timpul. I knew it all along. I knew it all the time. Scoprii il segreto di Tom. I discovered Tom's secret. I found out Tom's secret. Sua madre è qui? Is your mother here? Is your mother here? Tom todavía no encontró lo que está buscando. Tom still hasn't found what he's looking for. Tom hasn't found what he's looking for yet. Lo siento pero ya he ganado. Sorry, but I've already won. I'm sorry, but I've already won. Tom usa óculos com lentes progressivas. Tom wears progressive lenses. Tom wears glasses with progressive lenses. Perché vorremmo punirti? Why would we want to punish you? Why would we want to punish you? Les Américains sont nos amis. The Yanks are our friends. The Americans are our friends. Il semble qu'il pleuve. It looks like rain. Looks like it's raining. Ti stai già tirando indietro? Are you backing out already? Are you pulling back yet? Sunt în permanență sub stres. I'm always under stress. I'm always under stress. El mirlo silba. The blackbird whistles. The silba look. L'oreiller de Tom est rose, avec une image de fée. Tom's pillow is pink and has a picture of a fairy on it. Tom's pillow is pink, with a fairy image. Bogaţii sunt diferiţi de noi. The rich are different from you and me. The rich are different from us. Ibuku sudah tiada sepuluh tahun ini. My mother has been dead these ten years. My mom's been gone for ten years. Tom este bătrân. Tom is old. Tom's old. Les preuves abondent. The evidence is overwhelming. The evidence is abundant. Elle lui demanda de sortir avec lui. She asked him out on a date. She asked him to go out with him. Usted no tiene derecho legal a confiscar mi propiedad. You have no legal right to seize my property. You have no legal right to confiscate my property. Tom e Maria encontraram alguma coisa. Tom and Mary have found something. Tom and Maria found something. Passi il pepe, per piacere. Pass the pepper, please. Pass the pepper, please. ¿Viches a película "A caixa" ? Have you ever seen the movie "The Box"? Did you see the movie "The Box"? ¿Qué le regalaste a Tom el día de su cumpleaños? What did you give Tom on his birthday? What did you give Tom on his birthday? Ha annunciato il suo fidanzamento con lui. She announced her engagement to him. He announced his engagement with him. Ainda estou esperando que me digam o ocorrido. I am still waiting to be told what happened. I'm still waiting for you to tell me what happened. Receio que a tua tradução seja demasiadamente literal. I am afraid your translation is overly literal. I'm afraid your translation is too literal. Je t'ai posé cette question auparavant. I've asked you this question before. I asked you that question before. Al so che ti diré no. I know you're going to say no. I guess I'll say no. ¿Te comerías la última galletita del plato si otra persona estuviese mirando? Would you eat the last cookie on the plate if other people were watching? Would you eat the last pancake if someone else was watching? Em minha opinião, as crianças estão cansadas de nadar. In my opinion, the children are tired of swimming. In my opinion, children are tired of swimming. Io non sono vostra amica. I'm not your friend. I'm not your friend. Tomó una foto del precioso paisaje. He took a picture of the beautiful landscape. He took a picture of the beautiful landscape. Tom era el único hombre en la habitación. Tom was the only man in the room. Tom was the only man in the room. Nu am nici o obiecţie asupra ce vrei să faci. I have no objection to what you want to do. I have no objection to what you want to do. A vòj crèder. I want to believe. The hairdresser. Nous ne devons jamais plus le faire. We must never do this again. We never have to do that again. Tom telah mencadangkan agar kita menunggu di sini. Tom suggested that we wait here. Tom has suggested that we wait here. Se me deres a maçã, Helena, a mais bela dentre todas as mulheres, será tua. If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours. If you give me the apple, Helena, the most beautiful of all women, will be yours. Tom foi um pouco diplomático. Tom was quite diplomatic. Tom was a little diplomatic. Ho delle carie? Do I have cavities? Do I have caries? Kencangkan sabuk pengaman ketika kau mengendarai mobil. Fasten your seat belts when you drive a car. Fasten the seat belt when you drive the car. Cosa gli devo? What do I owe him? What do I owe him? C'était vous qui aviez tort. It was you that were wrong. It was you who was wrong. Elle n'a pu résister à la tentation. She could not resist the temptation. She couldn't resist the temptation. ¿Sabes inflar la rueda? Do you know how to inflate the tire? Do you know how to inflate the wheel? Lei non sopravviverà. You won't survive. She won't survive. Tom ha chiamato alle due e mezza. Tom called at 2:30. Tom called at two and a half. Quand vous êtes-vous mariées ? When did you get married? When were you married? Am un prieten. I have a friend. I have a friend. Tom achou que foi engraçado. Tom thought it was funny. Tom thought it was funny. Tentu! Sure! Sure! Mi manca veramente mio marito. I really miss my husband. I really miss my husband. Eu nunca soube que Tom e Mary estavam tendo problemas conjugais. I never knew that Tom and Mary were having marital problems. I never knew that Tom and Mary were having marital problems. Tom ha perso il suo migliore amico. Tom lost his best friend. Tom lost his best friend. Tom e Mary são meus amigos. Tom and Mary are my friends. Tom and Mary are my friends. La dulzura de la interlingua se adecuaba mejor a mi visión poética. The sweetness of Interlingua was more suited to my poetic vision. The sweetness of the interlingua was better suited to my poetic vision. ¿Eres tú el alcalde? Are you the mayor? Are you the mayor? Che tipo di feste le piacciono? What kind of parties do you like? What kind of parties do you like? L'uomo che avete visto lì ieri era il signor Brown. The man that you saw there yesterday was Mr Brown. The man you saw there yesterday was Mr. Brown. Ha detto che non è un'esperta. She said she's no expert. She said she's not an expert. Mia mamma ha tre cani. My mum has three dogs. My mom has three dogs. Attrape mon fusil ! Get my rifle. Get my rifle! Tutto ciò che voglio è andare a pesca. All I want to do is go fishing. All I want to do is go fishing. Él te va a estar esperando alrededor de las dos. He will be waiting for you about two o'clock. He's gonna be waiting for you around two. Ha estado trabajando en un arma secreta. He's been working on a secret weapon. He's been working on a secret weapon. Quêl vōt? Which do you want? What do you mean? L'aereo ha iniziato ad atterrare. The plane has started to land. The plane started landing. Quant à moi, je veux rester avec toi. I want to stay with you. As for me, I want to stay with you. Pari plictisit. You look bored. You look bored. As vacas comem capim. Cows eat grass. The cows eat grass. L'ho trovato. I've found him. I found it. Ce couple est éméché quasiment tous les soirs. That couple gets soused nearly every night. This couple's been kicked out almost every night. Ela precisa de um táxi. She needs a cab. She needs a cab. Lo Tòm qu'ei talentuós. Tom has many talents. The man is talented. Lo conosce Tom Jackson? Do you know Tom Jackson? Do you know Tom Jackson? El are o personalitate dublă. He has a dual personality. He has a double personality. Tiene problemes. She has problems. She's in trouble. La matematica è il suo punto debole. Mathematics is her weak point. Math is his weak point. He estado practicando. I've been practicing. I've been practicing. Dime qué comes, y yo te diré qué eres. Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are. Mi piace davvero molto. I really enjoy it a lot. I really like it. "Umur?" "16." "Age?" "16." "Umur?" "16." J'aime la natation. I enjoy swimming. I love swimming. Su objetivo es hacerse profesor. His objective is to become a teacher. Its goal is to become a teacher. Vivi e lascia vivere. Live and let live. Live and let go. Apenas tengo 5,000 yenes. I have only five thousand yen. I barely have 5,000 yen. Pouvez-vous me laisser voir votre passeport ? Would you mind letting me see your passport? Can you let me see your passport? Dame tres trozos de tiza. Give me three pieces of chalk. Give me three pieces of chalk. Aquí està prohibit banyar-se. This is a no-swimming zone. It's forbidden here to bathe. Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Fii atent! Be watchful. Be careful! Eu posso falar com o Tom? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Io stavo pensando ad altro. I was thinking about something else. I was thinking about something else. Mangiamo molti tipi di cibo. We eat many kinds of food. We eat a lot of food. Io non mangio carne, però Tom e Mary sì. I don't eat meat, but Tom and Mary do. I don't eat meat, but Tom and Mary do. Per piacere, torna dentro. Please go back inside. Please come back inside. La climatisation ne fonctionne pas. The air conditioner doesn't work. Air conditioning does not work. Tom esperou até eu chegar. Tom waited until I arrived. Tom waited until I got there. Necesito protegerme. I need to protect myself. I need to protect myself. Estoy revisando mi buzón. I am checking my mailbox. I'm checking my mailbox. Io sono molto sbadato. I'm very absent-minded. I'm very dazed. Silakan dinikmati kuenya. Please help yourself to the cake. Please enjoy the cake. El cuadro que está mirando es una copia de un Picasso. The picture you are looking at is a copy of a Picasso. The picture you're looking at is a copy of a Picasso. Cred că va fi o zi frumoasă. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think it'll be a beautiful day. Kau akan berangkat jam berapa? At what time will you be leaving? What time are you leaving? Sami puxou Layla para o tenebroso mundo da cultura de gangues. Sami pulled Layla in the dark world of gang culture. Sami put Layla into the dark world of gang culture. La revedere, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko! Que pensez-vous de ce chapeau rouge ? How about this red hat? What do you think of that red hat? Em que você se interessa? What are you interested in? What are you interested in? Los médicos recibiendo comisiones clandestinas de las compañías farmaceúticas para prescribir sus productos es un problema creciente. Doctors receiving kickbacks from drug companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. Physicians receiving illegal commissions from pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. La hotelul Hilton, vă rog! To the Hilton Hotel, please. To the Hilton Hotel, please! Espera aqui até que eu volte. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Lo sanno tutti che voi siete ricche. Everyone knows you're rich. Everyone knows you're rich. Ela é a minha irmã mais velha. She is my older sister. She's my oldest sister. ¿Estás seguro do prezo dese coche? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Are you sure about the price of that car? Voi pensate che Tom sia ancora arrabbiato? Do you think Tom is still mad? Do you think Tom's still mad? Bien sûr que tu peux te fier à moi. T'ai-je déjà refilé un mauvais tuyau ? Of course you can trust me. Have I ever given you a bum steer before? Of course you can rely on me. Ci scusereste per un minuto, per piacere? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Ella tiene un buen corazón por naturaleza. She is kindhearted by nature. She has a good heart by nature. Eu não quero correr o risco de perdê-la. I don't want to risk losing it. I don't want to take the risk of losing her. O vidro se quebra com facilidade. Glass breaks easily. The glass breaks easily. Che cosa? What? What? Ce l'hai un fiammifero? Do you have a match? Do you have a fireman? Eu gostaria de informações a respeito de motéis. I'd like some information on motels. I'd like some information about mopeds. Los estudiantes hicieron el trabajo ellos mismos. The pupils did the work themselves. The students did the job themselves. J'espère ne pas perdre. I hope I don't lose. I hope I don't lose. Je suppose que c'est vrai. I suppose that's true. I guess that's true. No vivo en Boston desde hace muchos años. I haven't lived in Boston for many years. I haven't lived in Boston for many years. Noi lo manderemo a casa. We're going to send him home. We'll send him home. Je suis allé en Europe via Anchorage. I went to Europe by way of Anchorage. I went to Europe via Anchorage. Sigur! Sure! Sure! Leggi questo libro stanotte? Are you reading this book tonight? Read this book tonight? Vei putea folosi întotdeauna dicţionarul meu. You may always use my dictionary. You'll always be able to use my dictionary. Zăpada este albă. Snow is white. The snow is white. Estou tentando ser justo. I'm trying to be fair. I'm trying to be fair. A Primeira Guerra Mundial terminara apenas quinze anos antes. World War One had ended just 15 years earlier. World War I had ended only fifteen years earlier. Dégagez, les gamins ! Beat it, kids! Get out of here, boys! No tengo computadora. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. La vue depuis cette pièce est magnifique. The view from this room is wonderful. The view from this room is beautiful. Qué bochornoso para todos nosotros. How embarrassing for us all. How boring for all of us. Dovreste pagare i vostri debiti. You should pay your debts. You should pay your debts. Mi bebida necesita refrescarse. My drink needs refreshing. My drink needs to be cooled. Noi siamo indignati. We're outraged. We are outraged. Anda tidak harus datang besok. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Tom admirait Marie pour son courage. Tom admired Mary for her bravery. Tom admired Mary for her courage. Não há respostas erradas. There are no wrong answers. There are no wrong answers. Que l'aimam totis. We all like him. We love him all. Eu posso consertar qualquer coisa. I can fix anything. I can fix anything. Fratele meu tocmai a plecat. My brother just went. My brother just left. Tom sta compilando un modulo di domanda di lavoro. Tom is filling out a job application form. Tom is compiling a job application form. Lei non saprà mai la verità. You'll never know the truth. You'll never know the truth. Você tem uma imaginação hiperativa. You have an overactive imagination. You have a hyperactive imagination. Tengo un vaso de plástico. I have a plastic cup. I have a glass of plastic. Elle montra son courage face au danger. She showed her courage in the face of danger. She showed her courage in the face of danger. Perdón por todos los errores ortográficos. Sorry for all the typos. I'm sorry for all the spelling mistakes. Lei viene da Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Are you coming to Urumqi? Tom corresse l'errore. Tom corrected the error. Tom was making a mistake. Da che ora a che ora è aperto il vostro ufficio? From what time to what time is your office open? From what time is your office opened? Gracias por cambiarte de ropa. Thank you for changing your clothes. Thank you for changing your clothes. Eu moro no Rio. I live in Rio. I live in Rio. O Tom sabe tudo que tem para saber sobre carros italianos. Tom knows everything there is to know about Italian cars. Tom knows everything he has to know about Italian cars. Dove l'hai imparato? Where did you learn that? Where did you learn that? Mi sono allenato con le forze speciali. I trained with the special forces. I trained with special forces. De qué vòu ? What is he after? What's yours? Tom è stato ferito in un furto con scasso. Tom was wounded in a burglary. Tom was injured in a crash robbery. Quem foi que escolheu essas cores? Who chose those colours? Who picked those colors? Lui non gioca a calcio. He doesn't play soccer. He doesn't play football. Escric cartes que no envio mai. I write letters that I never send. I write cards I never send. Îl voi putea vedea anul viitor. I'll be able to see him next year. I'll be able to see him next year. Me gustaría ser china. I'd like to be Chinese. I'd like to be Chinese. Eu encomendei novos móveis. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. Tom é muito peculiar. Tom is very peculiar. Tom's very peculiar. Susah untuk berbicara dengannya. It's difficult to speak with him. It's hard to talk to him. Se ve que la casa quedó firme. You can see the house was built steadily. It turns out the house was settled. Talvez sua mãe lhe conte quem é o seu pai. Your mother might tell you who your father is. Maybe your mother tells you who your father is. Não havia uma fila comprida no ponto de ônibus. There was not a long queue at the bus stop. There was no long line at the bus point. Tom non disse a nessuno la verità. Tom didn't tell anyone the truth. Tom didn't tell anyone the truth. Nu am ascultat. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Todos dicen que me parezco a mi padre. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like my father. Eu feri meu braço esquerdo. I hurt my left arm. I hurt my left arm. Cred că numele lui este Tom. I think his name is Tom. I think his name is Tom. Je préfère m'y rendre seul. I prefer to go alone. I'd rather go alone. Puedes comprarlo por unos mil yenes. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. You can buy it for a thousand yen. C'est pas bon. This is bad. It's not good. Mi diccionario de español recomienda no usar la palabra "desgraciado" en Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary says not to use the word "desgraciado" in Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary recommends not to use the word "unfortunate" in Ecuador. Los caballos están en la granja. The horses are on the farm. The horses are on the farm. Não perdi uma única reunião. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a single meeting. Leyendo esa leyenda se puede comprender con profundidad la civilización antigua. The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization. Reading that legend can be fully understood by ancient civilization. Tom va in vacanza domani. Tom is going on vacation tomorrow. Tom goes on vacation tomorrow. Ho forzato Tom a farlo. I forced Tom to do it. I forced Tom to do it. La mayor parte de esos hombres trabajaban en la mina. The majority of those men worked in the mine. Most of those men worked in the mine. Eu te levarei para casa. I'm going to get you home. I'll take you home. Lo guardava nuotare. She watched him swim. He was watching him swim. Como fizestes vós isso exatamente? How exactly did you do that? How did you do that exactly? Mi oponente odia los cachorros. My opponent hates puppies. My opponent hates puppies. Je ne suis pas très patiente. I'm not very patient. I'm not very patient. Espero me encontrar com vocês essa tarde. I hope to meet up with you this afternoon. I hope to meet you guys this afternoon. Que depenèm de tu. We depend on you. That we depend on you. Loro sono entrambe brave. They're both good. They're both good. Il suo unico pensiero è vedere lei. His one thought is to see her. His only thought is to see her. Alzai lo sguardo. I looked up. Get your eyes up. On dirait que tu as envie de dire quelque chose. It looks like you want to say something. Looks like you want to say something. Ele é um espião! He's a snitch! He's a spy! Starò bene. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Ele não conseguiu transmitir suas ideias aos alunos. He couldn't get his ideas across to the students. He couldn't pass his ideas on to the students. Tom a crié. Tom shouted. Tom raised it. Nessuno vi sta giudicando. No one's judging you. No one's judging you. Grazas. Thank you! Thank you. Le bonheur d'un homme dépend plus de ce qu'il est que de ce qu'il a. A man's happiness depends on what he is rather than on what he has. A man's happiness depends more on what he is than what he has. Ye paka macang ge ppuang. He dressed up as a woman. Ye-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Se sentaban. They sat down. They were sitting down. Dan a de l'attirance pour Linda. Dan was romantically interested in Linda. Dan has the attraction for Linda. Există o infinitate de stele în galaxie. There are innumerable stars in the galaxy. There's an infinity of stars in the galaxy. Tienes ojeras. You've got bags under your eyes. You have eyebrows. Nomearam-no capitão. He was made captain. They named him Captain. Cet endroit est parfait. This place is all right. This place is perfect. Hai fatto una prenotazione? Have you made a reservation? Did you make a reservation? Ele é um bom cantor. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Los ladrones se robaron todo el dinero en la caja fuerte. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. The thieves stole all the money in the safe. Tenéis mucho que aprender. You've got a lot to learn. You have a lot to learn. Sami pourrait revenir à la maison pour quelques jours. Sami might come home for a couple of days. Sami could come home for a few days. Spune-i lui Tom că nu este prea târziu să se înscrie. Tell Tom it's not too late to sign up. Tell Tom it's not too late to sign up. Lei venne in compagnia di sua madre. She came in company with her mother. She came with her mother. Tom potrebbe ancora vincere. Tom still might win. Tom could still win. Quizás sea demasiado tarde. Perhaps it's too late. Maybe it's too late. Je sais que je ne suis pas quelqu'un d'agréable. I know I'm not a likable guy. I know I'm not a nice person. Ce que tu as dit n'a pour moi ni queue ni tête. I can't make heads or tails of what you said. What you said doesn't have a tail or a head for me. Tom no quiso hacer eso. Tom didn't want to do that. Tom didn't want to do that. Accesero le candele. They lit the candles. I accessed the candles. Yo no soy de la India. I am not from India. I'm not from India. Non vi piace pescare? Don't you like fishing? Don't you like fishing? Elle vient de sortir de l'université, donc elle n'a pas d'expérience. She is fresh from college, so she has no experience. She just got out of college, so she has no experience. A casa do Tom é por aqui em algum lugar. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is around here somewhere. De què vols parlar amb mi? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Vos sosh moendiz? You're an engineer? Your sosh moendiz? Dësmèntia nèn Tom. Don't forget Tom. My daughter Tom. Tendré que llamarte más tarde. I'll have to call you back. I'll have to call you later. Lui fu ferito alla gamba. He was injured in the leg. He was wounded in the leg. Eu tive de parar. I had to stop. I had to stop. Quanto è sorprendente questo per voi? How surprising is this for you? How surprising is this for you? Ora dammi il libro. Now give me the book. Now give me the book. Kemampuan bahasa Jepang Tom meningkat sedikit demi sedikit. Tom's Japanese is improving little by little. The ability of Japanese Tom to grow little by little. A New York ci sono un sacco di ristoranti giapponesi. In New York there are a lot of Japanese restaurants. There's a lot of Japanese restaurants in New York. Él la halagó abiertamente. He freely praised her. He flattered her openly. Ça pourrait ne pas être possible. That might not be possible. It might not be possible. Quero que Tom me diga o que fazer. I want Tom to tell me what to do. I want Tom to tell me what to do. Dia pasti sudah berkata bohong. She must have told a lie. He must have lied. Kita mesti bersedia untuk menerima akibat perbuatan kita sendiri. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own actions. Tom pasa mucho tiempo al teléfono. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. J'ai quelques amis ici. I have a few friends here. I have some friends here. Non voglio mangiare adesso. I don't want to eat right now. I don't want to eat right now. Io voglio parlare in francese. I want to speak French. I want to speak in French. Metalele conduc energia electrică. Metals conduct electricity. Metals drive electricity. I shonnreut ki s' sicretaire kinoxhe li vraiy. His secretary seems to know the truth. The password seems to be known to be real. Mucha gente te va a decir que no debiste haber hecho eso. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. A lot of people are gonna tell you you shouldn't have done that. Tom è responsabile, vero? Tom is responsible, isn't he? Tom's responsible, isn't he? Vocês são os melhores. You are the best. You're the best. As-tu été mordu par un piranha? Were you bit by a piranha? Have you been bitten by a piranha? Tom kehilangan semua uangnya. Tom lost all the money he had. Tom lost all his money. Me ausenté del trabajo y fui al hospital. I took time off from work and went to the hospital. I left work and went to the hospital. Moveré el panel solar del balcón al techo en su debido momento. I'll move the solar panel from the balcony to the roof in due course. I'll move the solar panel from the balcony to the ceiling at the right time. Non mettete tutte le vostre uova nello stesso paniere. Don't put all your eggs in the same basket. Don't put all your eggs in the same basket. Fixamos as nosas tarifas para os próximos tres anos. We have fixed our fees for the next three years. We've set our rates for the next three years. Come despacio la comida. Eat meals slowly. Eat your food slowly. Je me suis senti affreusement mal. I felt awful. I felt terribly ill. C'est un nom inhabituel. It's an unusual name. That's an unusual name. Lo climat d'aquera vile ei tan doç que lo termomètre puja rarament dinc atrenta grads, quitament au bèth miei de l'estiu. The climate of this town is so mild that the thermometer seldom rises to thirty degrees, even in midsummer. The climate of this town is so sweet that the thermometer rarely rises to thirty degrees, even to the mist of summer. ¿Tom lo compró? Did Tom buy it? You bought it? So Andrea. My name is Andrea. It's Andrea. Nous, les étudiants, nous aimons tous le baseball. We students all like baseball. We students love baseball. Non sono stato bene. I haven't been well. I wasn't well. Mami, ¿cuál es la dirección de Papá Noel? Me gustaría enviarle una carta. Mum, what is the address of Father Christmas? I would like to send him a letter. Mommy, what's Santa's address? I'd like to send you a letter. Quando i risultati verranno resi pubblici, ti farò sapere. When the results are made public, I'll let you know. When the results are made public, I'll let you know. Dans le jardin il n'y avait personne. There was nobody in the garden. There was no one in the garden. Quero que você acompanhe de perto. I want you to follow closely. I want you to follow closely. Non è l'unico problema della vostra idea. That's not the only problem with your idea. It's not the only problem with your idea. Non è sempre occupato, vero? He isn't always busy, is he? He's not always busy, is he? Tom ten outra media hora de traballo que facer antes de poder marchar para casa. Tom has another half an hour of work to do before he can go home. Tom has another half hour of work to do before he can go home. Ada banyak perabotan di ruangan ini. There is much furniture in this room. There's a lot of furniture in this room. Tot timpul încearcă să facă imposibilul. He is always trying to do the impossible. He's always trying to make it impossible. Vous vous en êtes très bien sorti. You have done very well. You've done very well. Bondjoû, tortos. Good morning, everybody. Hello, turtles. Nu am timp să mă implic în probleme politice. I have no time to engage in political activity. I don't have time to get involved in politics. Brian memegang tangan Kate. Brian is holding Kate's hands. Brian's holding Kate's hand. Sydney est loin d'ici. Sydney is far from here. Sydney's far from here. No recuerdo haber enviado este mensaje de texto. I don't remember sending that text message. I don't remember sending this text message. A Rússia é um país imenso. Russia is a huge country. Russia is a huge country. Aku harus bangun pagi-pagi. I have to get up early. I have to wake up in the morning. J'ai une vague idée d'où ça se trouve. I have a rough idea where it is. I have a vague idea where it is. Tom dalam keadaan baik. Tom was good. Tom's in good shape. Ne vous approchez pas du chien. Don't approach the dog. Don't approach the dog. Eu construí sozinho essa casa de cachorro. I built this doghouse by myself. I built this puppy house by myself. No baiâ! Don't bark! Don't go! Tinha uma garotinha no volante. A young girl was at the steering wheel. I had a little girl on the wheel. Podes tornar tà casa adara. You can go home now. You can go home now. Sei que você provavelmente está bravo com o que eu disse ontem. I know that you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably brave with what I said yesterday. Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement. My father died before I was born. My father died before my birth. El Burj Khalifa és actualment el gratacel més alt del món. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Qué yes fendo? What are you doing? What are you doin'? ¿Por qué no solo te callas? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you just shut up? Li Burj Xhalifa est pol djoû d' ouy li pus hôt scrape-cir del Daegn. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Xhalifa is the most recent day of the world's history. Nous ne pouvons pas dormir à cause du bruit. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Peux-tu imaginer ? En fait, le carré de moins un est 'i'. Can you imagine? Indeed, the square root of minus one is 'i'. Can you imagine? Actually, the square minus one is 'i'. Quan te'n vas ? When are you off? When are you leaving? Comment oses-tu lui faire ça ! How dare you do that to him! How dare you do that to her! Posso andarci a piedi? Can I walk there? Can I walk? El secret de la longevitat és triar amb compte els pares. The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully. The secret of longevity is to choose parents carefully. Kau jatuh cinta dengan suaramu sendiri. You're in love with the sound of your own voice. You're in love with your own voice. Il ne peut pas être plus vieux que moi. He can't be older than me. He can't be older than me. Os meus pais estão mortos. My parents are both dead. My parents are dead. Nous avons regardé par la fenêtre, mais nous n'avons rien vu. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked through the window, but we didn't see anything. Se nos acabó la gasolina cuando íbamos al teatro. We ran out of gas on the way to the theater. We ran out of gas when we went to the theater. Sempre canviarem, sempre aprendrem. Forever we will change, forever we will learn. We'll always change, we'll always learn. Tom pode fazer as duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Tom can do both at the same time. Tom can do both at the same time. Mi-a căzut un nasture de la geacă. A button has come off my coat. I got a button off my jacket. Il a acheté une voiture. He bought a car. He bought a car. Yo lo aprendí de ti. I learned it from you. I learned it from you. Tom pensait que c'était une terrible idée. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Ayolah, mari kita lakukan. Come on, let's do it. Come on, let's do it. Quisiera ganar más dinero. I'd like to make more money. I want to make more money. Io penso che Tom sia pessimista. I think Tom is pessimistic. I think Tom's pessimistic. Continuez d'essayer. Keep trying. Keep trying. Você já construiu uma casa? Have you ever built a house? Have you ever built a house? Deși Tom încă avea lacrimi în ochi, el a început să zâmbească. Even though Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Although Tom still had tears in his eyes, he started to smile. L'ho incontrata mentre andavo a scuola. I met her on my way to school. I met her while I was at school. Lancez-moi la balle, s'il vous plaît. Please throw me the ball. Give me the ball, please. Me gusta jugar al tenis y al golf. I like playing tennis and golf. I like to play tennis and golf. Ketika memancing, dialah ahlinya. When it comes to fishing, he's an expert. When fishing, he's the expert. No em ve de gust passejar aquest matí. I don't feel like going for a walk this morning I don't like walking this morning. Siapa orang-orang ini? Who are these people? Who are these people? Am rămas în picioare. I remained standing. I'm standing. Lei ha lasciato che Tom la baciasse? Did you let Tom kiss you? Did you let Tom kiss her? Eu detesto o francês. I hate French. I hate French. Est-ce grave ? Is it important? Is it serious? Bagaimana kabar Anda? How do you do? How are you? No sé conducir un autobús. I can't drive a bus. I can't drive a bus. In realtà, ha perfettamente senso. Actually, it makes perfect sense. Actually, it makes perfect sense. Preţurile vor fi din ce în ce mai mari. The prices are going up higher and higher. Prices are going to get bigger and bigger. Não acredito que estou mesmo aqui. I can't believe that I'm really here. I can't believe I'm right here. Cosa mangerete domani? What'll you eat tomorrow? What will you eat tomorrow? Eu não gosto de homens como ele. I don't like men like him. I don't like men like him. Collo vacacións dende o 20 de xullo ata o 8 de agosto. I'm taking a vacation from July 20 through August 8. I've been taking vacations from July 20th to August 8th. Un grand changement est intervenu depuis la guerre. A great change has come about after the war. A big change has taken place since the war. Io e Tom vogliamo imparare il francese. Tom and I want to learn French. Tom and I want to learn French. Siete sbronze? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Boleh aku mengajak Tom? Can I bring Tom? Can I take Tom? Iar alții pur și simplu călătoresc prin America în mașini de agrement, vizitând regiuni din țara pe care înainte fuseseră prea ocupați pentru a le vizita. Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before. And others simply travel through America in recreational cars, visiting regions of the country that had previously been too busy to visit them. El corbatín le da un aire de extravagancia. The bow tie gives him an air of extravagance. The tie gives him an air of extravagance. La matemàtica pura a l'é, a soa manera, la poesia dle ideje lògiche. Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. Pure mathematics to it, in its own way, the poetry of the logical idea. Lo ingoi. Non lo mastichi. Swallow it. Don't chew it. You're swallowing it, don't chew it. Anche se la mia casa era nel percorso del tornado, rimase illesa. Though my house was in the path of the tornado it came through unscathed. Even though my house was in the tornado's path, it remained unharmed. Eles estão armados? Are they armed? Are they armed? Non si scordi di votare. Don't forget to vote. Don't forget to vote. Que tipo de carro era? What kind of car was it? What kind of car was it? Copacul, mare şi urât, distruge frumuseţea casei. The big ugly tree destroys the beauty of the house. The cup, big and ugly, destroys the beauty of the house. Lo dipingeremo. We'll paint it. We'll paint it. Tengo un chirrido en mi flamante coche nuevo, y ¿crees que puedo encontrar de dónde viene? I've got a squeaking noise in my brand new car, and do you think I can find where it's coming from? I have a chip in my burning new car, and you think I can find where it's coming from? M'agradaré d'estar ric. I wish I were rich. I'll like to be rich. O Tom parece estar apavorado. Tom looks like he's terrified. Tom seems to be appalled. Modernizar uma cidade custa caro. It's expensive to modernize a city. Modernizing a city costs expensive. Il m'a étrillée. He beat the shit out of me. He flung me. Elle a beaucoup de livres écrits en anglais. She has a lot of English books. She has a lot of books written in English. Crois-tu au destin ? Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in fate? Perché è così sgraziata? Why are you so clumsy? Why is she so miserable? Saule, dă-mi toba! Saule, give me the drum. Saule, give me the drum! Qu'èi crompat un parelh de cauçaduras. I bought a pair of shoes. I've bought a pair of bumps. Nada máis chegar á vila, foi dereito a vela. On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her. No more getting to the village, it was right to see her. Tom n'a jamais vu Mary. Tom never saw Mary. Tom never saw Mary. Sono stanco di litigare. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of fighting. Osamu Dazai s'est suicidé. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. Osamu Dazai killed himself. Je suis un bleu. Descends-moi ! I'm a noob, shoot me. I'm a blue. Hanno guardato tutti. They all looked. They've all been watching. Tom ingin menyisihkan uangnya hingga cukup untuk membeli sebuah mobil. Tom wanted save up enough money to buy a car. Tom wanted to set aside his money to be enough to buy a car. Estoy siendo perseguido. I'm being chased. I'm being chased. A Rússia é grande. Russia is big. Russia is great. Preciso ser mais paciente. I need to be more patient. I need to be more patient. Ma voiture est vieille. I have an old car. My car's old. Tom tiene munchas paras, ama no tiene munchos amigos. Tom has a lot of money, but not many friends. Tom has lots of birds, he doesn't have many friends. Dia pasti berhasil. He is certain to succeed. He's gonna make it. Eu não gosto de cerveja. I don't like beer. I don't like beer. És realment molest. It's really annoying. It's really annoying. Tu pene es pequeño. Your penis is small. Your penis is small. Părerea lui este în general corectă. His opinion is generally correct. His opinion is generally correct. He terminado. I'm done. I'm done. Quantas esposas você teve? How many wives have you had? How many wives did you have? Aquesta és una carta molt estranya. This is a very strange letter. This is a very strange letter. Há quanto tempo você é dono deste carro? How long have you owned this car? How long have you owned this car? Mary makan salad ayam panggang. Mary ate a grilled chicken salad. Mary ate roast chicken salad. Bawalah payung untuk berjaga-jaga kalau hujan. Take your umbrella with you in case it rains. Bring umbrellas to watch out for rain. Enviou ao seu fillo a por un doutor. She sent her son for a doctor. He sent his son for a doctor. Tom a negat orice delict. Tom denied any wrongdoing. Tom denied any offense. Tu as de nombreux livres. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Io ho visto mia sorella lì. I saw my sister there. I saw my sister there. Nós temos que ter alguma razão para viver. We must have something to live for. We have to have some reason to live. Mi-ar plăcea să joc tenis. I'd like to play tennis. I'd love to play tennis. Peki. Okay. Peki. Tom vaciló. Tom staggered. Tom's wavering. Como moito, Henry ten seis dólares. At most, Henry has six dollars. At most, Henry has six dollars. Personne ne m'arrêtera. No one will stop me. Nobody's gonna stop me. Dovresti andare lì ora. You should go there now. You should go there now. Je n'en vois pas l'objet. I don't see the point. I don't see the point. Bob tiene demasiados libros que leer. Bob has too many books to read. Bob has too many books to read. Layla se sintió abandonada. Layla felt abandoned. Layla felt abandoned. Distruggilo. Destroy it. Destroy him. Que dis-tu de nous arrêter ? What do you say to calling it a day? How about you stop us? Tom colou no teste de história. Tom cheated on the history exam. Tom took the history test. La seva valentia mereix grans lloances. His courage is worthy of high praise. His courage deserves great praise. Soy japonesa. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. Déjame ver tu receta médica. Let me see your prescription. Let me see your prescription. Un aller simple pour Birmingham, s'il vous plait. A one-way ticket to Birmingham, please. A simple trip to Birmingham, please. Ce te-a adus aici? What has brought you here? What brought you here? Tom privea absent pe fereastră. Tom looked absently out the window. Tom was looking away from the window. Já não sou tão má pessoa. I'm not such a bad person anymore. I'm not that bad person anymore. Personne n'aime la guerre. No one loves war. No one likes war. È quello che intendo. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. Il ladro si farà vivo. The thief will show up. The thief will be alive. Ela deixou claro que queria ir nadar. She made it clear that she wanted to go for a swim. She made it clear she wanted to go swimming. Foi um belo dia ensolarado. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was a nice sunny day. Es-tu en mesure d'aller plus vite ? Can you go faster? Are you able to go faster? Coloque o cinzeiro onde eu possa ver. Put the ashtray within eyes reach. Put the ashtray where I can see it. Tu pourrais accomplir beaucoup si tu y consacrais l'esprit. You could do a lot if you put your mind to it. You could do a lot if you devoted your mind to it. Vous ne pouvez pas vous en débarrasser. You can't get rid of it. You can't get rid of it. ¿Qué clase de comida te gusta comer? What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you like to eat? Ouvrez les yeux. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Si le doliera tanto, él no estaría jugando allá afuera. If it hurt that much, he wouldn't be playing outside. If it hurt him so much, he wouldn't be playing out there. Peut-être nous verrons-nous de nouveau ce soir. Perhaps we will see each other again tonight. Maybe we'll see each other again tonight. Tom llegó esta mañana. Tom arrived this morning. Tom arrived this morning. Eu vou descobrir qual é o problema. I'm going to find out what the problem is. I'll figure out what the problem is. Deși Tom a studiat din greu, el nu a trecut clasa. Even though Tom studied very hard, he failed the class. Although Tom has studied hard, he hasn't passed the class. Eu vou estar com vocês em um minuto. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. Lui Tom nu-i place să fie ținut în așteptare pentru mult timp. Tom doesn't like to be kept waiting for a long time. Tom doesn't like being kept waiting for a long time. È timido con gli estranei. He is shy of strangers. He's shy about strangers. ¿Debería hacer que me extraigan el diente? Should I have my tooth extracted? Should I have my tooth extracted? An ye o escusau? Where is the toilet? Is that an excuse? Per la nostra època, hi havia molts estudiants que aprovaven l'examen de graduació sense estudiar. In our time, there were many students who passed the graduation exam without studying. In our time, there were many students who passed the graduation exam without studying. Saya terjumpa si Tom sekali. I met Tom once. I hit the Tom once. ¡Se te olvidó entrar al perro! You forgot to let the dog in! You forgot to get in the dog! Fraier. Sucker. Fraier. El soldat m'ha donat aigua. The soldier gave water to me. The soldier gave me water. Io non lo faccio da un po'. I haven't done this in a while. I haven't done it in a while. A me fa piacere che Tom non sia più qui. I'm glad Tom isn't here anymore. I'm glad Tom's not here anymore. Roma és la capital del món. Rome is the capital of the world. Rome is the capital of the world. Je ne savais pas qu'il buvait autant. I didn't know he drank so much. I didn't know he drank that much. Nunca he trabajado con Tom. I've never worked with Tom. I've never worked with Tom. Fai unha semana tiven unha extracción do dente. I had a tooth extraction a week ago. I had a tooth extraction a week ago. Sua irmã trabalha ali? Does your sister work there? Does your sister work there? Am auzit pe cineva bătând la ușă. I heard someone knock on the door. I heard someone knock on the door. Elle m'a déposé à mon appartement. She dropped me off at my apartment. She dropped me off at my apartment. Tom fè plis lajan pase paran li yo. Tom makes more money than his parents. Tom’s parents make more money. Mereka tidak percaya padaku. They didn't believe me. They don't believe me. Noi stiamo andando a visitare Boston. We're going to visit Boston. We're going to see Boston. Tenho a intenção de fazer à senhora algumas perguntas. I have a few questions for you. I intend to ask you a few questions. Eu tenho um carro velho. I have an old car. I have an old car. Algo muy raro sucedió en la ciudad de Salvador. Something very strange happened in Salvador city. Something very rare happened in the city of Salvador. Tu ressembles à la femme de Tom. You look like Tom's wife. You look like Tom's wife. El procesador de texto del escritorio es el de mi padre. The word processor on the desk is my father's. The text processor on the desktop is my father's. Veniu ací tots els dies? Do you come here every day? You come here every day? El sueño continua. The dream goes on. The dream continues. Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang percuma sumber energi kita. We mustn't waste our energy resources. We can't waste our energy. Cuando estás a punto de tener exámenes, hacer pesas alivia la tensión, y es bueno además para la mente y el cuerpo. When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body. When you're about to have exams, making weights relieves tension, and it's also good for mind and body. Ne sors pas sans parapluie. Don't go out without an umbrella. Don't go out without a umbrella. Elle le pria de ne pas quitter son emploi. She asked him to not quit his job. She's asking him not to leave her job. Lei è in chiesa in questo momento. She is at church right now. She's in church right now. Lo devo portare a casa. I have to get him home. I have to take him home. ¿Cree usted en Dios? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? Eu não gosto da cor do meu quarto. I don't like the color of my room. I don't like the color of my room. Itu kesalahan yang bodoh. It was a foolish mistake. It was a stupid mistake. O Tom comprou uma câmera há apenas alguns dias, mas já a perdeu. Tom bought a camera just a couple of days ago, but he's already lost it. Tom bought a camera just a few days ago, but he already lost it. Il n'est point besoin de se soucier de précision, cette fois ; estime-la juste !» There's no need to worry about accuracy this time; just eyeball it. There is no need to worry about precision this time; believe it just!» Abbiamo commesso decisamente troppi errori. We've made way too many mistakes. We've definitely made too many mistakes. Kota itu hidup kembali dengan semangat yang lebih besar. The city revived with greater vigor. The city was alive with activity. Qu'èm bons amics. We are good friends. Let me be good friends. Ai vrea ceva de băut? Do you want something to drink? Would you like a drink? El pomo de la puerta está roto. The door handle is broken. The door handle is broken. Hotel ini tidak menyediakan makan siang. This hotel does not serve lunch. This hotel doesn't provide lunch. Dov'era lunedì? Where were you on Monday? Where was Monday? Eu estava tentando esquecer tudo. I was trying to forget everything. I was trying to forget everything. Je cherche un cadeau à l'intention de ma femme. I'm looking for a gift for my wife. I'm looking for a gift for my wife. La librería está abierta. The bookstore is open. The library is open. Tom è stato valutato. Tom got evaluated. Tom's been evaluated. Nu este ușor să instruiești câinii. It is not easy to train dogs. It's not easy to train dogs. Circule com lápis vermelho. Circle in red pencil. Round with red pencils. Vous êtes la seule en qui j'ai confiance. You're the only one I trust. You're the only one I trust. ¿Puedo comer esta torta? May I eat this cake? Can I eat this cake? Je ne vais pas venir aujourd'hui. I'm not coming today. I'm not coming today. Sebenarnya awak takkan melakukan sedemikian, bukan? You're not actually going to do that, are you? You're not going to do that, are you? Tom está dispuesto a recurrir a la violencia con el fin de conseguir lo que quiere. Tom is ready to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. Tom is willing to resort to violence in order to get what he wants. Awas, Ada lubang di jalanan. Look out! There's a hole in the road. Look out, there's a hole on the street. Que'm cau estudiar. I must study. Let me study. Buenas pasquas! Happy Easter! Good Easter! Je dois d'abord m'y habituer. I have to get used to it first. I have to get used to it first. Este livro é fácil para você ler. This book is easy for you to read. This book is easy for you to read. Nós pegamos um táxi. We took a cab. We took a cab. No tenemos que estudiar francés. We don't have to study French. We don't have to study French. Ellos se sentaron en un círculo. They sat in a circle. They sat in a circle. Vuoi un altro po' di tè? Do you want some more tea? You want some more tea? Esta noche es tu turno. Tonight it's your turn. Tonight's your turn. Vi a Tom con Mary. I saw Tom with Mary. I saw Tom and Mary. ¿Estás seguro de que no conoces a Tom? Are you sure you've never met Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Vi state lavando correttamente i denti? Are you brushing your teeth properly? Are you brushing your teeth properly? Sobreviví. I survived. I survived. O senhor não poderia inventá-lo se tentasse. You couldn't make it up if you tried. You couldn't invent it if you tried. Isso me fez lembrar de você. It reminded me of you. That reminded me of you. Nadie estaba contento. None were satisfied. Nobody was happy. Êtes-vous en bonne santé ? Are you healthy? Are you healthy? Ha amici su Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Do you have any friends on Tatoeba? Vous êtes allés trop loin. You've gone too far. You went too far. L'inquinamento è un grosso problema. Pollution is a massive problem. Pollution is a big problem. Es muy caro mantenerse al tanto con la moda actual. It is very expensive to keep up with the latest fashions. It is very expensive to keep up with current fashion. Nessuno può risolvere questo problema. Nobody can solve this problem. No one can solve this problem. J'ai parlé à la fille dont tu m'as parlé. I talked to the girl you told me about. I talked to the girl you talked to me about. Tom est un ami proche. Tom is a close friend of mine. Tom's a close friend. Tom ha tenuto il mio accendino. Tom kept my lighter. Tom kept my lighter. Pour combien de temps a-t-il été absent ? How long has he been absent? How long has he been away? Tom baixa filmes muitas vezes. Tom often downloads movies. Tom drops movies many times. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che hai danzato? When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you danced? Non ho fatto nulla di sbagliato. I haven't done anything wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. Il est plutôt optimiste. He is rather optimistic. It's rather optimistic. Quisiera algo de queso. I'd like some cheese. I'd like some cheese. Manga "One Piece" amat popular di Malaysia. The "One Piece" manga is very popular in Malaysia One Piece Manga is very popular in Malaysia. Anda mahu saya ambil itu untuk andakah? Do you want me to get that for you? You want me to take that for you? Tom mempunyai perangai yang buruk. Tom has a bad disposition. Tom had a bad attitude. Je pense que c'est la meilleure manière. I think it's the best way. I think it's the best way. I pens ch'i j'era già sì. I think I was already here. Thoughts I was already. Ela pode muito bem se orgulhar de seu filho inteligente. She may well be proud of her smart son. She may very well take pride in her intelligent son. Decembrie este ultima lună din an. December is the last month of the year. December is the last month of the year. Su reputación estaba en peligro. His reputation was at stake. His reputation was in danger. Tom tidak akan menyukai jawaban itu. Tom won't like that answer. Tom wouldn't like that answer. Dejó de fumar. She gave up smoking. He stopped smoking. Kau mau minum apa? What will you have to drink? What do you want to drink? Tengo un gato y un perro. El gato es negro y el perro es blanco. I have one cat and one dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I've got a cat and a dog, the cat's black and the dog's white. Vou escrever uma carta. I am going to write a letter. I'm going to write a letter. Me llamu Hase. My name is Hase. I met Hase. Tom se holba la Maria cu neîncredere. Tom stared at Mary in disbelief. Tom was staring at Maria with disbelief. Tom nunca ri de nenhuma das piadas da Mary. Tom never laughs at any of Mary's jokes. Tom never laughs at any of Mary's jokes. Sa che lo odio. You know I hate that. He knows I hate him. Tu seras dans mon cœur aujourd'hui et toujours. You'll be in my heart today and always. You'll be in my heart today and always. Perché detesta Tom così tanto? Why do you dislike Tom so much? Why do you hate Tom so much? Anda mahu cuba sekali lagikah? Do you want to try it again? Do you want to try again? ¿Los niños van al colegio? Do the children go to school? Are the kids going to school? J'ai toujours été intéressé par la science. I've always been interested in science. I've always been interested in science. Si vous êtes fatiguées, allez au lit. If you're tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Cada vez más gente se está retrasando en el pago de la hipoteca. More and more people are falling behind in their mortgage payments. More and more people are delaying mortgage payments. Kita tarada doi, satu sen me tarada. I don't have any money at all. We hit two, one without taking off. Meu primo, que é advogado, está atualmente na França. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is in France at present. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is currently in France. Nu știu cu cine să mă consult. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult with. Esto :-) es un emoticono. This :-) is an emoticon. This :-) is an emoticon. Cu toate acestea nu voi ști dacă a venit sau nu. However, I won't know whether he came or not. However, I won't know if he came or not. Kamu harus pergi. You have to go. You have to go. Mau pergi makan bersamaku? How about eating out with me? Want to go eat with me? Il y a ceux qui prétendent qu'une catastrophe se produira en 2012. There are those who claim that a catastrophe will occur in 2012. There are those who claim that a disaster will occur in 2012. Ela tem dois braceletes no braço direito. She has two bangles on her right arm. She's got two bracelets in her right arm. O que isso provará? What will that prove? What will that prove? Él se casó con una azafata. He married a stewardess. He married a saffron. A conferência de imprensa está marcada para daqui a uma hora. The press conference is scheduled to begin one hour from now. The press conference's in about an hour's time. Sus padres me querían. Her parents loved me. His parents wanted me. O discurso durou trinta minutos. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted 30 minutes. Soția îl ține sub papuc. His wife has him under the thumb. His wife's keeping him under fire. Eu gostaria de assistir ao sexto filme de Harry Potter. I'd like to see the sixth film of Harry Potter. I'd like to watch Harry Potter's sixth film. Estou certo de que você participará da reunião. I took it for granted that you would attend the meeting. I'm sure you will attend the meeting. Esa ley tiene muchos puntos ambiguos. That law is full of ambiguities. That law has many ambiguous points. Chiel a l'ha setasse da riva a mi. He seated himself next to me. Chiel took her from the shore to me. Em 1683, os turcos assediaram Viena pela segunda vez. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time. Tom pense que Mary ne dort pas assez. Tom thinks Mary doesn't get enough sleep. Tom thinks Mary's not sleeping long enough. No aboltaremos a la normalidad porke la normalidad era el problem. We won't return to normalcy because normalcy was the problem. We're not going to stick to normal porke normality was the problem. Ambrassé Tom. Hug Tom. Haunted Tom. Eu gostaria de aprender finlandês. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Los estadounidenses admiran a Lincoln por su honestidad. Americans admire Lincoln for his honesty. Americans admire Lincoln for his honesty. Layla a atins un punct critic. Layla reached a tipping point. Layla has reached a critical point. Ne fumez pas ici, c'est un hôpital ! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! Don't smoke here, it's a hospital! Dámo, Tom. Give it to me, Tom. Give it to me, Tom. Prejudecata este o opinie fără judecată. Prejudice is an opinion without judgement. Prejudice is an opinion without judgment. È più forte di lei, vero? He's stronger than you, isn't he? He's stronger than you are, isn't he? Je me lève tôt. I get up early. I'm getting up early. Um de meus melhores amigos é canadense. One of my best friends is a Canadian. One of my best friends is Canadian. Tom a mers în centru. Tom went downtown. Tom went downtown. La música ye el alma de la xeometría. Music is the soul of geometry. Music is the soul of geometry. Apa yang selalu membuatmu khawatir? What's always on your mind? What's always bothering you? Você deve ministrar-lhe uma lição! You need to teach her a lesson! You must teach him a lesson! Vai a casa. Go home. Go home. ¡No es cosa tuya! It's none of your business. It's none of your business! Beneran? Really? Really? Bob sempre vai para a cama às 10h00. Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. Los genios son meteoros destinados a quemarse para iluminar su siglo. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Genius are meteors intended to burn to illuminate your century. L'as-tu emporté ? Did you win? Did you take it? È incredibilmente ingenua. She's unbelievably naive. She's incredibly naive. ¿Estás preparada para mañana? Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you ready for tomorrow? Combien de livres pesez-vous ? How many pounds do you weigh? How many books do you weigh? Tomás perdió un dedo. Tom lost a finger. Tomás lost a finger. Las bandas de chicos fueron muy populares en esa época. Boy bands were very popular at that time. The boys' bands were very popular at that time. Je souffre d'ostéoporose. I suffer from osteoporosis. I'm suffering from osteoporosis. Lamento mucho no haber podido ayudar. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to help. I'm so sorry I couldn't help. Eu deixei Tom sentar nos fundos. I let Tom sit in the back. I let Tom sit in the back. Passai le mie vacanze in Tunisia. I spent my vacation in Tunisia. I spent my holidays in Tunisia. Em uma voz trêmula, ela pediu ajuda. In a quivering voice she cried "Help!" In a tremulous voice, she asked for help. Tom și Mary mi-au spus că vreau să ajute. Tom and Mary told me they wanted to help. Tom and Mary told me I wanted to help. Il suo cavallo ebbe un attacco cardiaco. Her horse had a heart attack. His horse had a heart attack. Eu tenho alergia à lagosta. I'm allergic to lobsters. I'm allergic to lobster. Sto tessendo un tappeto berbero. I am weaving a Berber carpet. I'm weaving a Berber rug. No puedo llegar hasta donde está mi equipaje. I can't get at my luggage. I can't get to where my luggage is. Nu bate vântul așa de tare astăzi. It's not that windy today. Don't blow the wind so loud today. Che dirà tua mamma? What will your mom say? What's your mom gonna say? Puoi fumare solamente sul terrazzo. You can only smoke in the roof garden. You can only smoke on the terrace. Ovviamente capisce. Of course you understand. Of course he does. Tom voleva che attaccassimo. Tom wanted us to attack. Tom wanted us to attack. Siete magnifiche. You are wonderful. You're magnificent. La meva filla no trobarà fàcil per acostumar-se a la nova escola. My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school. My daughter won't find it easy to get used to the new school. Estas fotos são bonitas. These photos are beautiful. These pictures are beautiful. Oke cukup. Aku sudah melakukan apapun yang bisa kulakukan. That's it. I've done everything I can do. I've done everything I can. ¿Me da una factura? May I have a receipt? Can I get an invoice? Tidak ada yang melihat kita. No one saw us. Nobody saw us. Când îi vei spune lui Tom? When are you going to tell Tom? When will you tell Tom? Je t'enverrai l'adresse par Texto. I'll text you the address. I'll send you the address by Text. Tom a murit subit. Tom died suddenly. Tom died suddenly. Mă întreb dacă Tom chiar știe franceză. I wonder if Tom really knows French. I wonder if Tom really knows French. J'ai quelque chose d'important à te dire. I have something important to tell you. I have something important to tell you. Tu peux l'avoir pour une bouchée de pain. You can have it for a bite of bread. You can have it for a loaf of bread. No quiero ir a ninguna parte. I don't want to go any place. I don't want to go anywhere. El cel és net i ple d'estrelles. The sky is clear and full of stars. The sky is clean and full of stars. Mary perdió las llaves. Mary lost her keys. Mary lost her keys. Je ne sais encore rien. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. Unde să mâncăm în seara asta? Where shall we eat tonight? Where to eat tonight? Um estrangeiro é apenas um amigo que você não conheceu ainda. A stranger is just a friend that you haven't met yet. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. Aprecio la ayuda. I appreciate the help. I appreciate the help. Me azes reir muncho. You make me laugh a lot. You help me laugh a lot. Cât de mare e casa lui Tom? How big is Tom's house? How big is Tom's house? Não deve haver discórdia entre irmãos. Brothers should not quarrel. There must be no discord among brothers. Eu comi uma fatia de Baumkuchen. I ate a slice of Baumkuchen. I ate a slice of Baumkuchen. Sono contro la guerra. I'm against the war. I'm against the war. Il avait servi en tant que député et sénateur. He had served as a congressman and senator. He had served as a member and a senator. Las ecuaciones son sencillamente la parte aburrida de la matemática. Trato de ver las cosas en términos de geometría. Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I attempt to see things in terms of geometry. Equations are simply the boring part of mathematics. I try to see things in terms of geometry. Dovremmo lasciarla riposare. We should let you rest. We should let her rest. Allez, jouons ! Come on, let's play. Come on, let's play! Tom face asta altfel decât mine. Tom does that differently than me. Tom does this other than me. "Nua abitais Vus?" "Jau abitesch a Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "We don't live in you?" "You live in Tokyo." O que há de errado com esses? What's wrong with these? What's wrong with those? Eu não sou muito bom na natação. I'm not very good at swimming. I'm not very good at swimming. Ea vă luminează viața. She sets your world alight. She's enlightening your life. Cuidado con los dedos del bebé. Watch the baby's fingers. Watch the baby's fingers. Achille nasceu em Paris em 1908. Achille was born in 1908 in Paris. Achille was born in Paris in 1908. Loro hanno molti pesci differenti da provare. They have many different fish to try. They have many different fish to try. O Tom gosta de alimentar os pombos no parque. Tom likes feeding the pigeons in the park. Tom likes to feed the pigeons in the park. Perché Tom è così bravo a nuotare? Why is Tom so good at swimming? Why is Tom so good at swimming? Ton école se situe-t-elle dans cette ville ? Is your school in this town? Is your school in this town? Quelle merveilleuse fête ! What a wonderful party! What a wonderful party! Sa paralysie progresse et bientôt, il ne sera plus en mesure de sortir du lit. His paralysis is progressing, and soon he won't be able to get out of bed. His paralysis progresses and soon, he will no longer be able to get out of bed. Tom va veni. Tom will be coming. Tom's coming. Apa yang ingin kau lakukan? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Penses-tu vraiment pouvoir faire ça ? Do you really think you can do that? Do you really think you can do that? Jane se ve feliz. Jane looks happy. Jane looks happy. Ce n'est rien d'autre qu'un idiot utile. He's nothing more than a useful idiot. It's nothing but a useful idiot. Il ne pleut pas encore. It's not raining yet. It's not raining yet. J'ai perdu ma clef. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Um cavalo é um animal. A horse is an animal. A horse is an animal. Quiero pedirte un último favor. I want to ask you one last favor. I want to ask you one last favor. Quando hai comprato questo cappello? When did you buy this hat? When did you buy this hat? Sono libero oggi. I'm free today. I'm free today. Jo no puc parlar Francès. I can't speak French. I can't speak French. Tom è ricco e potente. Tom is rich and powerful. Tom is rich and powerful. Posez tout sur la table ! Lay it all on the table. Put everything on the table! Nós queremos traduções que soem naturais, e não traduções diretas feitas palavra por palavra. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want translations that are natural, not word-for-word translations. Ho bisogno dei miei occhiali. I need my glasses. I need my glasses. Angela Merkel nasceu na Alemanha Oriental. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Lei è pronta adesso. She's ready now. You're ready now. Soţia mea a născut un copil săptămâna trecută. My wife had a baby last week. My wife was born a child last week. Aquera amassada qu'a hèit vénguer 150 diplomatas. This conference attracted 150 diplomats. That's when he took revenge on 150 diplomats. Tom a mis de nouvelles pédales sur le vélo avec lequel il va à l'école. Tom put new pedals on the bicycle that he rides to school. Tom put new pedals on the bike he's going to school with. Apa pekerjaanmu? What's your job? What do you do? Tom aceptó reacio el obsequio. Tom reluctantly accepted the gift. Tom agreed to reactivate the gift. Pourquoi ne te portes-tu pas candidate au conseil des élèves ? Why don't you run for student council? Why don't you run for student council? Kalau aku katakan padanya yang sebenarnya, dia akan marah. If I were to tell him the truth, he would be angry. If I tell him the truth, he'll be mad. A tela estava pendurada de ponta-cabeça. The picture was hung upside down. The screen was hanging from the tip of the head. Non hai por que ter medo. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no need to be afraid. Comment oses-tu m'en accuser ! How dare you accuse me of that! How dare you accuse me! Il te faut porter un smoking. You need to wear a tuxedo. You need to wear a tux. Vaig anar a acampar amb la meva família. I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. Sami stava provando ad imparare l'arabo. Sami was trying to learn Arabic. Sami was trying to learn Arabic. Ea a luat un taxi până la muzeu. She went by cab to the museum. She took a cab to the museum. Tenho que falar com Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Pourquoi n'irions-nous pas faire un tour à la campagne pour souffler un peu ? Why don't we drive out to the country for a change of pace? Why don't we take a tour of the countryside to blow a little? Nous devons vraiment accélérer. We've really got to step on it. We really need to speed up. Eu espero não ter errado seu nome. I hope I haven't misspelled your name. I hope I haven't got your name wrong. Él le aconsejó que fuera puntual. She was advised by him to be punctual. He advised her to be punctual. ¿Armenia es miembro de la Unión Europea? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? No bi'n ha prou con una luenga. One language is never enough. It's not enough for a long time. I 'ndaró a Boston. I'll go to Boston. And he went to Boston. Hai să terminăm treaba. Let's finish the job. Let's get this over with. Lui è arrogante nei nostri confronti. He is arrogant toward us. He's arrogant towards us. Lo que me dijo Jack sobre ti es un montón de mentiras, no le creo. What Jack told me about you is a pack of lies. I don't believe him. What Jack told me about you is a lot of lies, I don't believe it. Studiez la universitate. I study at the university. I'm studying at the university. Ele não permite interrupções. He doesn't allow interruptions. He doesn't allow interruptions. Exploraremos cada planeta que gira alrededor del sol. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We'll explore every planet that spins around the sun. Tom e Mary vão bem, não é? Tom and Mary are going to be OK, aren't they? Tom and Mary are going well, aren't they? Qu'am duas hlilhas. We have two daughters. That I have two hills. Duas glaças, vos prègui. Two ice creams, please. Two glaciers, please. Qu'il réussisse ou qu'il échoue, il doit faire de son mieux. Whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best. Whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best. Todos começaram a lutar. Everyone started fighting. They all started fighting. Il a raccroché. He hung up. He hanged up. Saya tidak melakukan apa-apa selama liburan. I did nothing during the holidays. I didn't do anything during the vacation. "¿Se va a servir un poco más de café?" "No gracias. Ya he bebido suficiente." "Will you have some more coffee?" "No, thanks. I've had enough." "Are you going to serve a little more coffee?" "No thanks. I've had enough." Tom mengolesi sepotong roti dengan mentega Tom buttered a slice of bread. Tom took out a piece of bread with butter. Sembrava stanco allora. He looked tired then. He seemed tired then. Por favor, ven antes de las dos y media. Please come before 2:30. Please come before two and a half. La seva explicació del problema no tenia ni cap ni peus. Her explanation of the problem made no sense. His explanation of the problem was clear. Tom dibunuh Mary. Tom was murdered by Mary. Tom killed Mary. Il y a une règle qui fonctionne pour chaque calamité. Que ce soit la peste, la guerre ou la famine ; les riches s'enrichissent et les pauvres s'appauvrissent. Les pauvres y contribuent, même. There is one rule that works in every calamity. Be it pestilence, war, or famine, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. The poor even help arrange it. There is a rule that works for every calamity. Whether it be plague, war or famine; the rich are enriched and the poor are impoverished; even the poor contribute to it. Foi atraído polo seu sorriso. He was attracted by her smile. He was attracted by his smile. Não posso ligá-lo porque o interruptor está quebrado. I can't turn it on, because the switch is broken. I can't call him because the switch is broken. Ele tinha um ódio intenso de seu professor. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. O să facem un grătar pe plajă. We'll have a barbecue at the beach. We'll have a barbecue on the beach. Ha paura dei cani. He's scared of dogs. He's scared of dogs. ¿Cómo sabés que no soy canadiense? How do you know I'm not Canadian? How did you know I'm not Canadian? Espero que te sirva. I hope it helps. I hope it serves you. Vingui quan vulgui. Come whenever you like. Come anytime. Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You're gonna call me, aren't you? Asta a fost înțelegerea. That was the deal. That was the deal. Baunya sangat tidak enak. The smell was terrible. It smells so bad. Isso é bom demais para ser verdade. That's too good to be true. That's too good to be true. Eu brincava aqui. I used to play here. I'd play here. Aceasta a fost a cincea carte a Rodicăi. This was Rodica's fifth book. This was Rodicia's fifth book. Tom est constamment grippé. Tom is constantly seized. Tom's constantly influenza. Atirei uma pedra ao pássaro. I threw a stone at the bird. I threw a stone at the bird. Numele prietenului meu german este Hans. My German friend's name is Hans. My German friend's name is Hans. Eu pensava que o Tom e a Mary eram eletricistas. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. Nu-s în toate minţile. I'm out of my mind. They're not in all minds. No hay que confundir la educación con la capacitación laboral. One should not confuse education with job training. Education should not be confused with training at work. Son corps est parfait. Her body is perfect. His body is perfect. Aduh! Ouch! Ouch! Calculé que costaría 300 dólares. I calculated that it would cost 300 dollars. I figured it'd cost $300. Mangiamo assieme questa notte. Let's eat together tonight. Let's eat together tonight. Le prix de tout augmenta. The price of everything increased. The price of everything increases. Ngana lala, kita me lala. You're tired. I'm also tired. Ngana lala, we lala. Tom tiene problemas para discernir distancias. Tom has trouble judging distances. Tom has trouble discerning distances. Se você fosse ter um cachorro, qual cachorro você teria? If you were to have a dog, which dog would you have? If you were to have a puppy, what dog would you have? Seré el último en hacer eso. I'll be the last one to do that. I'll be the last one to do that. Il bestiame stava pascolando nel campo. Cattle were grazing in the field. The cattle were grazing in the field. Lors de mon adolescence, je détestais la vie et j'étais continuellement au bord du suicide, mais j'en étais écarté par le désir de connaître plus de mathématiques. In adolescence, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, from which, however, I was restrained by the desire to know more mathematics. When I was in my teens, I hated life and I was constantly on the verge of suicide, but I was driven away by the desire to know more about mathematics. C'est une vieille image. It's an old picture. It's an old image. Você vai à festa? Are you going to the party? Are you going to the party? Ce crezi despre ea? What do you think about her? What do you think about her? Sai perché hanno smesso di parlare? Do you know why they stopped talking? You know why they stopped talking? Vous aimez ma fille ; mais êtes-vous sûr qu’elle vous aime ? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? You love my daughter; but are you sure she loves you? Tom ne peux pas empêcher Mary de faire cela. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Você acha que há alguma possibilidade de Tom saber o número de telefone de Maria? Do you think there's any chance that Tom knows Mary's phone number? Do you think there's any chance Tom will know Maria's phone number? C'était un beau jour, alors je suis allé pique-niquer. It was a fine day so I went on a picnic. It was a nice day, so I went picnic. Dans les notes de bas de pages, les titres d'ouvrages et les noms de journaux sont écrits en italique. In footnotes, book titles and journal names are written in italics. In the footnotes, the titles of books and newspaper names are in italics. Toată lumea vrea să te cunoască. Ești faimos! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you. Diventai nervosa sul palco. I got nervous on the stage. I got nervous on the stage. Le président et sa secrétaire discutaient autour d'une tasse de café. The president and the secretary talked over a cup of coffee. The president and his secretary were discussing a cup of coffee. Presumes más qu'un ratón encima un quesu. You brag more than a mouse on cheese. We assume more than a mouse on a complaint. Ella necesitaba a alguien que la comprendiera. She needed someone who would understand her. She needed someone to understand her. Resolvi liberar todas as minhas frases em inglês, inclusive esta. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. I decided to release all my English phrases, including this one. Dois cafezinhos, por favor. Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. Je n'arrive pas à croire que j'aie fait ça. I can't believe I did this. I can't believe I did this. Há quatro latas de lixo na escola: uma para papel, outra para plástico e duas outras para vidro e metal. There are four trash cans in the school: one for paper, one for plastic, and two more for glass and metal. There are four cans of garbage in school: one for paper, another for plastic and two for glass and metal. Juste un instant. Je ne me suis pas encore décidé. Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind yet. Just a minute, I haven't decided yet. Le re cabe. He really likes it. The king is in charge. Il m'a fallu de l'argent. I needed money. I needed money. Não consigo entender o Tom. I can't understand Tom. I can't understand Tom. J'apprécierais toute information que vous pourriez nous faire parvenir. I would appreciate any information you can send to us. I'd appreciate any information you could send us. J'ai un terrible mal de crâne. I'm suffering from a bad headache. I have a terrible skull disease. Kapan kamu akan kembali? When will you come back? When will you be back? Me pareció oir a alguien golpeando la pared. I thought I heard someone banging on the wall. I thought I heard someone hitting the wall. Tu devrais passer un peu de temps chaque jour à revoir du vocabulaire. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. You should spend some time every day reviewing the vocabulary. Tom demanda à Mary de cesser de fumer. Tom asked Mary to stop smoking. Tom asked Mary to stop smoking. Remington passou vários meses em Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. Ieri pe timpul ăsta, navigam pe internet. I was surfing on the internet at this time yesterday. This time yesterday, we're surfing the internet. ¿Cómo escaparon ustedes? How did you all escape? How did you escape? Responderán. They'll respond. They'll answer. ¡Tatoeba me está insultando! Tatoeba is insulting me! Tatoeba is insulting me! ¿Sabes qué hicimos? Do you know what we did? You know what we did? Tom è gentile con me. Tom is nice to me. Tom's nice to me. Nu-mi amintesc ce căutam. I don't remember what I was looking for. I don't remember what I was looking for. Ce limbă vei învața după asta? Which language are you going to learn next? What language are you going to learn after this? Solo puedo culparme a mí mismo, supongo. I have only myself to blame, I suppose. I can only blame myself, I guess. Eles continuaram a dizer as mesmas coisas. They continued to say the same things. They kept saying the same things. Tout le monde tombe amoureux au moins une fois dans sa vie. Everybody falls in love at least once in their lives. Everyone falls in love at least once in their lives. Não tenho de fazer aquilo se eu não quiser, não é? I don't have to do that if I don't want to, do I? I don't have to do that if I don't want to, do I? Ell és molt bó tocant la guitarra He's very good at playing guitar. He's very good at playing guitar Mi papá está en el baño afeitándose. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My dad's in the bathroom shaving. Aku tidak akan memintamu yang lain-lain lagi. I'll never ask you for anything else. I won't ask you any more. Je suis scandalisée ! I'm outraged! I'm shocked! Las faldas largas estaban de moda en esos días. Long skirts were in fashion in those days. Long skirts were fashionable in those days. Sami e Layla stanno facendo una conversazione. Sami and Layla are having a conversation. Sami and Layla are having a conversation. Tom afiou a faca dele. Tom sharpened his knife. Tom sharpened his knife. Tu n'es pas obligé de le faire immédiatement. You don't have to do it immediately. You don't have to do this immediately. Quants pennies te cal per far una liura ? How many pennies does it take to make one pound? How many pennies do you need to make a pound? Nu ai putea să te duci în altă parte? Couldn't you go someplace else? Couldn't you go somewhere else? Vira a man dreta. Turn to the right. Turn to the right hand. Io non conosco la verità. I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. ¿Bailas conmigo? Would you like to dance with me? You're going with me? Va ser una setmana terrible. It was a terrible week. It was a terrible week. El muchacho le contestó a su padre. The boy answered his father back. The boy replied to his father. Es bueno que estés aquí. It's good that you're here. It's good that you're here. Elle a demandé ma démission. She asked for my resignation. She asked me to resign. Tom nu mi-a spus nimic. Tom hasn't told me anything. Tom didn't tell me anything. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là? How did we get to this point? How did we get there? Tengo los ojos cansados. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Ele faltou à escola por uma semana. He was absent from school for a week. He missed school for a week. Qu'ensenha l'anglés. She teaches English. Let him teach English. Tom ha i capelli lunghi. Tom has long hair. Tom has long hair. No dejen que pulse este botón. Don't let him press this button. Don't let me pull this button. La passe a été interceptée. The pass was intercepted. The pass was intercepted. ¿Os gusta el vino blanco? Do you like white wine? Do you like white wine? Celui qui se bat avec des monstres doit veiller à ne pas devenir lui-même un monstre. Et quand vous regardez longtemps dans un abîme, l'abîme regarde aussi en vous. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. He who fights with monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself; and when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks at you. Tom a-t-il dit qu'il a bu ça ? Did Tom say he drank that? Did Tom say he drank this? Um veleiro solitário está navegando contra o vento. A lone sailboat is sailing against the wind. A lonely sailboat is sailing against the wind. A todos les gustan las personas educadas. Everybody likes polite people. Everyone likes educated people. Il a honte de son échec. He is ashamed of his failure. He's ashamed of his failure. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I really didn't expect that on your part. Une arête est coincée dans ma gorge. A fish bone has stuck in my throat. An edge is stuck in my throat. Berapa tarif untuk ke Liverpool? What's the fare to Liverpool? How much for Liverpool? ¿Estoy escribiendo en japonés? Am I writing in Japanese? Am I writing in Japanese? El și-a recunoscut greșelile. He admitted his mistakes. He recognized his mistakes. Antes del siglo XV era una creencia extendida que la Tierra estaba en el centro del universo. Before the 15th century it was generally believed that the Earth was at the centre of the universe. Before the 15th century it was an extended belief that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Cartea aceasta este plictisitoare. This book is boring. This book is boring. Cine te învață franceză? Who teaches you French? Who teaches you French? Sur quel bateau te trouvais-tu ? What ship were you on? Which boat were you on? Mon opinion diffère de la sienne. My opinion differs from hers. My opinion differs from his. Je ne sais quoi ajouter. I don't know what more I can say. I don't know what to add. Acordem! Wake up! Wake up! Samua-samua kita makang. I eat everything. We all eat. Il dispose de sa propre chambre. He has his own room. He has his own room. Le roi se présentera en personne demain soir. The king will appear in person tomorrow evening. The king will meet in person tomorrow night. Tom e Mary ambos foram condenados à morte. Both Tom and Mary were sentenced to death. Tom and Mary both were sentenced to death. Ele voltou às seis. He returned at six. He came back at 6:00. Meu pé adormeceu. My foot fell asleep. My foot fell asleep. Même ce câble me coûte 6000 yens. Even this cable cost me 6000 yen. Even that cable costs me 6,000 yen. Dia menyembunyikan kesedihannya dibalik senyum. He hid his sadness behind a smile. He hides his grief behind a smile. De postre siempre tomaba fruta. He always ate fruit for dessert. For dessert I always took fruit. Odată cu decesul său, s-a stins cea mai în vârstă familie din acest sat. With his death, the oldest family in this village died out. With his death, the oldest family in this village died. Tom i-a lăsat un bilet Mariei. Tom left a note for Mary. Tom left a note to Marie. Estoy ordenando mi oficina. I am tidying my office. I'm ordering my office. Io darò una buona lezione a quei delinquenti. I'll teach these punks a good lesson. I'll teach those criminals a good lesson. Ela é três anos mais velha que eu. She's three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. Ero moderatamente emozionata. I was moderately excited. I was moderately excited. Você não devia ter feito uma coisa dessas. You shouldn't have done such a thing. You shouldn't have done that. Es más fácil abrir una ostra sin cuchillo que la boca de un abogado sin honorarios. It's easier to open an oyster without a knife than the mouth of a lawyer without fees. It's easier to open an oyster without a knife than a lawyer's mouth without fees. A fost o plăcere. It's been a pleasure. It was a pleasure. Kau dalam masalah jika makan kue itu! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! You're in trouble eating that cake! En réalité le noir n'est pas une couleur. C'est l'absence de couleur. In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color. Actually, black is not a color, it's the absence of color. Je ne sais pas comment interpréter ses mots. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to interpret his words. Tuve el paraíso en mi corazón. I had the paradise in my heart. I had paradise in my heart. Degetele mele sunt amorțite. My fingers are numb. My fingers are numb. El enfermo está afiebrado esta tarde. The patient is feverish this afternoon. The sick one's felched this afternoon. No me queda tiempo. I have no time left. I don't have time. Am vazut câinele. I saw the dog. I saw the dog. Com licença, que horas são? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Lipsește o furculiță. There is a fork missing. There's a fork missing. Faccia attenzione a non offenderlo. Be careful not to offend him. Be careful not to offend him. Pouvez-vous vérifier cela ? Can you verify that? Can you check this out? Lui non lo utilizza. He doesn't use it. He doesn't use it. Arrête de t'inquiéter pour ça. Stop worrying about that. Stop worrying about it. El este țapul ispășitor. He's the scapegoat. He's the creeping head. Mă întreb dacă Tom ne-a așteptat. I wonder if Tom waited for us. I wonder if Tom waited for us. Il semble que nous soyons tous les deux seuls. It looks like it's just the two of us. Looks like we're both alone. Elles vont toujours au ski en hiver. They always go skiing in the winter. They always go skiing in the winter. ¿Que temperatura vai facer mañá? What's the temperature going to be tomorrow? What temperature are you going to do tomorrow? Quan de temps aquò preng entad anar d'ací dinc a l'ostaleria Hilton ? How long does it take to go from here to the Hilton Hotel? How long does this take me to get from here to Hilton's hotel? È un poeta nato. He is a born poet. He's a born poet. El Tom és jove, però sap el que està fent. Tom is young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom's young, but he knows what he's doing. Te estoy muy agradecido por tu consejo. I am very thankful to you for your advice. I'm very grateful for your advice. Tom s-a uitat la asta. Tom looked at it. Tom looked at that. So una gata. I am a cat. I'm ready. Non badi a Tom. Don't mind Tom. I don't care about Tom. Tu adorais le chocolat. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Sarò qua stanotte. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. El profesor me dijo que debería cortarme el pelo. The teacher told me that I should have my hair cut. The professor told me I should cut my hair. Elles n'avaient pas besoin d'argent. They needed no money. They didn't need money. Tom já sabe a verdade. Tom already knows the truth. Tom already knows the truth. Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is the same as mine. Faccia attenzione. Il pavimento è scivoloso. Be careful. The floor is slippery. Be careful. The floor is slippery. Je sais de quoi vous voulez parler. I know what you want to talk about. I know what you want to talk about. Suaminya tinggal di Tokyo sekarang. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband lives in Tokyo now. Kita ada bawa satu barang for kase ngana. I brought something for you. We've got one good case stuff. Ne pensez-vous pas que ce soit un peu bizarre ? Don't you think that's a bit odd? Don't you think it's a little weird? Credeți că acest lucru este relevant? Do you think this is pertinent? Do you think this is relevant? Tinon an mwen sé Sara. My name is Sara. I don’t care what Sarah is doing. Ti piace bere birra? Do you like to drink beer? You like beer? Hier soir nous avons entendu le président parler à la télévision. Yesterday evening we heard the President talk on television. Last night we heard the president talk on television. Ada yang tak kena ni mesin-mesin. Something must be wrong with the machinery. There's something wrong with the machine. Lei verrà? Will she come? Are you coming? Mange et bois. Eat and drink. Eat and drink. Eu estou com pouco dinheiro no momento. I have a little money at the moment. I'm with little money right now. Na verdade, o Tom não fez aquilo. Tom didn't actually do that. Actually, Tom didn't do that. Sebelum dia datang, aku tidak bisa pergi. Until he comes, I can't go. Before he comes, I can't go. Non so nulla di Boston. I don't know anything about Boston. I don't know anything about Boston. Nu-mi pot aminti codul secret. I can't remember the secret code. I can't remember the secret code. Il parle comme s'il connaissait tout. He talks as though he knew everything. He talks like he knows everything. Tom puxo a súa sotana. Tom put on his robe. Tom put his handkerchief on. Je suis gavée. I'm stuffed. I'm flattered. Es muy amargo. It's very bitter. It's very bitter. Ai obținut un răspuns de la el? Did you get an answer from him? Did you get an answer from him? Planeaba hacerlo, pero no supe descifrar cómo. I had planned on doing that, but I couldn't figure out how. I planned to, but I can't figure out how. Eu tive uma reclamação. I've had a complaint. I had a complaint. Eu não posso comprar uma câmera acima de 300 dólares. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't buy a camera over $300. Nimeni nu poate prevedea ce se va întâmpla. Nobody can foresee what'll happen. No one can predict what's going to happen. Meu quarto tem duas janelas. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. Le règlement scolaire exige le port d'un uniforme par les élèves. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms. The school regulations require the wearing of a uniform by students. Jika kamu mendengarkan penjelasan pak guru dengan lebih baik lagi, kemungkinan kamu akan bisa memahaminya. If you'd listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'd probably be able to understand. If you listen to the teacher's explanation better, you might be able to understand it. Tu sei pro o contro la sua idea? Are you for or against his idea? Are you right or against his idea? Ell encara no ha tingut èxit. He hasn't succeeded yet. He hasn't succeeded yet. Vi siete controllate le tasche? Have you checked your pockets? Did you check your pockets? Elle est dotée d'un talent spécial. She is endowed with a special talent. She has a special talent. Io non sono fiero di mio figlio. I'm not proud of my son. I'm not proud of my son. Non posso ancora farlo. I can't do it yet. I still can't do it. Dia kakakku. He's my brother. He's my brother. Tom adalah seorang politikus. Tom is a politician. Tom was a politician. Démosle una mano a Tom. Let's give Tom a big hand. Let's give Tom a hand. Tom está distraído. Tom is distracted. Tom's distracted. Os estadunidenses menores de dezoito anos não têm o direito de votar nas eleições presidenciais. Americans under the age of eighteen aren't allowed to vote in presidential elections. The Americans under the age of eighteen do not have the right to vote in the presidential elections. Exista o asemănare izbitoare între ei. There was a striking resemblance between them. There's a striking resemblance to each other. Non mi può fare questo! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! Estamos de reforma. We're remodeling. We're reforming. Mio figlio si sta lavando i denti. My son is brushing his teeth. My son is brushing his teeth. Perché sei così pigro? Why are you so lazy? Why are you so lazy? Eu gosto do meu emprego. I like my job. I like my job. Por allá se ve una torre blanca. You can see a white tower over there. There's a white tower. Elle est dans la douche. She's in the shower. She's in the shower. Eu gostaria de um lanche, por favor. I'd like a sandwich, please. I'd like a snack, please. Eso es mavi? Is that blue? Is that bad? Ve allí conmigo. Go there with me. Come there with me. El precio que pagan los famosos por su fama, es la falta de privacidad. The price that the famous pay for their celebrity is a lack of privacy. The price that famous people pay for their fame is the lack of privacy. Eu realmente gosto de ópera. I really like opera. I really like opera. Você pensa demais. You think too much. You think too much. Tom tentou ficar calmo. Tom tried to keep calm. Tom tried to stay calm. Elles m'ont laissé partir. They let me go. They let me go. Pourquoi ne vous joignez-vous pas à moi ? Why don't you join me? Why don't you join me? O Tom fica irritado quando a Mary não faz o que ele lhe manda. Tom gets upset when Mary doesn't do what he tells her to do. Tom gets upset when Mary doesn't do what he tells him to do. Apa keunggulan yang dimiliki mobil aneh ini? What does this weird-looking car has to offer? What's the advantage of this strange car? Él posee esta tierra. He owns this land. He owns this land. È stato al Cairo? Have you been to Cairo? Was he in Cairo? Lebih kurang beberapa buah buku anda mempunyai? About how many books do you have? A few more books do you have? Mă îndeamnă ceva să fac cumpărături. I have an urge to buy something. He's asking me to shop. O que você disse? I beg your pardon? What did you say? ¡No sé cómo demostrarlo, ya que es tan evidente! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! I don't know how to prove it, because it's so obvious! Ai face bine să-ncepi acum. You'd better start now. You better start now. Tudo o que sei sobre o Tom é que ele é professor. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. Esse é o que eu quero. It's what I want. That's what I want. Je pense que je suis prêt à partir. I think I'm ready to leave. I think I'm ready to go. C'è qualcosa di sbagliato qui. There's something wrong here. Something's wrong here. Je vais lui faire une proposition sérieuse. I am going to make him a serious offer. I'm going to make him a serious proposal. Tom a vizitat-o pe Mary săptămâna trecută. Tom visited Mary last week. Tom visited Mary last week. Me enamoré de la atractiva ingeniera. I fell in love with the charming female engineer. I fell in love with the attractive engineer. Com'è il tuo berbero? How is your Berber? What's your Berber like? Tom suka menggoda adiknya. Tom likes teasing his sister. Tom loved to seduce his brother. ¿A qué hora vas a la escuela? What time do you go to school? What time are you going to school? Gråces vormint des côps! Thank you very much. Thank you very much sometimes! Mennad la trovò molto difficile. Mennad found it very difficult. Mennad found it very difficult. Era un traveso cando era neno. He was naughty when he was a boy. He was a stranger when he was a child. Apa kalian lapar? Are you guys hungry? Are you hungry? Sei que vas dicir non. I know you're going to say no. I know you're gonna say no. Ella le ignoró hasta que él se hizo rico. She ignored him until he became rich. She ignored him until he got rich. Pode me dar o número do seu celular? Can I have your cellphone number? Can you give me your cell phone number? Respeita a polícia, vagabunda! Respect the police, bum! Respect the police, vagabond! Aseară am studiat. I studied last night. I studied last night. Es un maestro fuera de lo común. He is a teacher apart from the rest. He's a teacher out of the ordinary. Lo Tòm que cor hèra viste. Tom runs very fast. The One whose heart was seen. Ëv rancontrëroma là. We'll meet you there. There's a feeling about it. Nu am văzut niciodată un frigider roșu. I've never seen a red refrigerator. I've never seen a red fridge. Estou em frente a um grande perigo. I am confronted with a great danger. I'm facing a huge danger. Todos deviam votar. Everybody should vote. Everyone should vote. O campo mede mais de 300 acres. The field measures more than 300 acres. The field measures more than 300 acres. Tom este student la universitate. Tom is a university student. Tom's a college student. Tenez-vous un journal de rêves ? Do you keep a dream diary? Do you have a dream journal? Lei ignora anche la nozioni più basilari della scienza. She is ignorant of even the simplest facts about science. She also ignores the most basic notions of science. Cine face asta? Who does that? Who's doing this? Potete parlare in tedesco. You can speak German. You can speak in German. Este sistema funcionará bien en nueve de cada diez casos. This system will work well in nine cases out of ten. This system will work well in nine out of ten cases. Nous n'avons pas le temps de faire cela maintenant. We don't have time to do that right now. We don't have time to do this right now. La risposta non è corretta. The answer isn't correct. The answer is incorrect. Qui était-ce avec toi la nuit dernière ? Who was that you were with last night? Who was with you last night? Io non lo so cosa vuole Tom. I don't know what Tom wants. I don't know what Tom wants. Mi-e rușine de tine. I'm ashamed of you. I'm ashamed of you. J'ai laissé mon parapluie ici, hier au soir. I left my umbrella here last night. I left my umbrella here last night. Kita tatawa. I laughed. We're in. Le capitaine ira à la station météorologique pour avoir un compte-rendu météorologique. The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing. The captain will go to the weather station to have a weather account. Em 19 de agosto, 1960, a espaçonave soviética Korabl-Sputnik 2 levou duas cadelas (chamadas Belka (Esquilo) e Strelka (Pequena Flecha)) ao espaço e trouxe-as de volta à Terra em segurança. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs—named Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow)—into space and returned them safely to Earth. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 took two dogs (called Belka (Esquilo) and Strelka (Pequena Flecha) to space and brought them back to Earth safely. Lui dedicò tutto il suo tempo allo studio della storia. He devoted all his time to the study of history. He spent all his time studying history. Tom ar fi trebuit să-i spună lui Mary de la bun început că el nu este singur. Tom should have told Mary right away that he wasn't single. Tom should have told Mary from the beginning that he's not alone. ¿Cuándo será el desayuno? When is breakfast served? When will breakfast be? Tom a deschis robinetul, dar nimic nu ieșea. Tom turned on the water faucet, but nothing came out. Tom opened the tap, but nothing was coming out. J'ai emprunté de l'argent non seulement à Tom, mais aussi à sa femme. I not only borrowed money from Tom, but also from his wife. I borrowed money not only from Tom but also from his wife. Mi padre está igual de ocupado que siempre. My father is as busy as ever. My father's as busy as ever. Io mi sposerò presto. I'll be married soon. I'll get married soon. Ești într-o formă mai bună decât sunt eu. You're in better shape than I am. You're in a better way than I am. Júpiter é, em sua maioria, composto dos gases hidrogênio e hélio. Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium gases. Plus nous vieillissons, plus notre mémoire faiblit. The older we get, the weaker our memory becomes. The older we get, the weaker our memory. Kamu tidak belajar berjalan dengan mengikuti peraturan. Kamu belajar dengan melakukan dan kejatuhan. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. You don't learn to walk by following the rules, you learn by doing and falling. Saya ingin pergi dengan anda. I want to go with you. I want to go with you. Parece estar quebrado. It appears to be broken. Looks like he's broken. Perché non candidarsi per quel lavoro? Why not apply for that job? Why not run for that job? So la ragione per cui sei arrabbiata con loro. I know the reason why you are angry with them. I know why you're mad at them. J'essaie de ne jamais manger après huit heures. I try to never eat after 8:00 p.m. I try never to eat after eight hours. Estoy planchando mi vestido. I'm ironing my dress. I'm ironing my dress. Un home és responsable dels seus actes. A man is responsible for his deeds. A man is responsible for his actions. Que veux-tu que le message soit ? What do you want the message to be? What do you want the message to be? Când te duci la Sydney? When are you going to go to Sydney? When are you going to Sydney? Las clases empiezan el lunes. Classes begin on Monday. Classes start on Monday. Mary et Alice sont-elles vraiment sœurs ? Are Mary and Alice really sisters? Are Mary and Alice really sisters? Aku mau pergi ke tengah kota. I'm going to the center of the city. I'm going to the middle of town. Considerati fortunato. Consider yourself lucky. You're lucky. Quasi morivo di sete. I almost died of thirst. Almost dying of thirst. On ne parle pas la bouche pleine. You must not speak with your mouth full. We don't speak mouth-to-mouth. Il n'y a aucun moyen de savoir ce qu'apportera le futur. There's no way of telling what the future will hold. There is no way to know what the future will bring. Ele tem um cachorro. He has a dog. He's got a puppy. No parlis malament d'ell en public. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don't speak badly of him in public. Aspetta un attimo. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. J'étudie très bien les maths. I study math very well. I study math very well. A natureza é fascinante. Nature is fascinating. Nature is fascinating. Che fate tutti voi? What do you all do? What are you all doing? Anak itu bilang bahwa taksi tersebut telah lenyap di dalam kabut. The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog. The kid said that the cab was gone in the fog. Lei parla soltanto di lavoro. She speaks only about work. You only talk about work. În general, bărbaţii sunt mai înalţi decât femeile. Generally, men are taller than women. Generally, men are taller than women. Commençons par les bases. Let's start with the basics. Let's start with the bases. Come stai? How are you getting on? How are you? Esta é unha árbore na primavera. This is a tree in the spring. This is a tree in the spring. Fes-ho peti qui peti. Do it by all means. Ask who asked. Selesai. Done. Done. Non mi sarei dovuta fidare di lei. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted her. Estudié su cara buscando signos de agotamiento. I studied his face for signs of weariness. I studied his face looking for signs of exhaustion. Aquela saia é muito curta, não é? That skirt's too short, isn't it? That skirt's too short, isn't it? Segue ó coche. Follow the car. Follow the car. Non è niente per me. You're nothing to me. It's nothing to me. Je suis prêt pour demain. I'm ready for tomorrow. I'm ready for tomorrow. M-am săturat de toate plângerile. I'm sick of all the complaints. I'm sick of all the complaints. Endreça't l'habitació. Clean your room. Straighten your room. Absența ta m-a dezamăgit. I was disappointed at your absence. Your absence disappointed me. Não posso responder isso, por que esta pergunta é difícil demais para responder. I can't answer that, because that question is too difficult to answer. I cannot answer that, because this question is too difficult to answer. Lei sta facendo progressi con il suo inglese. She is making progress with her English. She's making progress with her English. Câți studenți sunt în facultatea ta? How many students are there in your university? How many students are in your college? Bevete troppo. You drink too much. You drink too much. Je ne vous suivrai pas. I won't follow you. I won't follow you. O ciocolată pe zi te scapă de doctorii. A piece of chocolate a day keeps the doctor away. A chocolate a day gets rid of the doctors. Toutes les trois furent tuées. All three were killed. All three were killed. Il y a quelque chose dont je veux m'entretenir avec toi. There's something I want to discuss with you. There's something I want to talk to you about. Jika turun hujan, maka aku tidak akan pergi. In case it rains, I won't go. If it rains, then I won't go. Esto no se tolerará. This will not be tolerated. This will not be tolerated. Él vino muy rápido. He came really fast. He came very fast. Es-tu au courant de cela ? Do you know about that? Are you aware of that? ¿Cuántos años tiene tu abuelo? How old is your grandfather? How old is your grandfather? ¿Cuál es tu lugar preferido para ir cuando querés estar sola? Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? What's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Há outras maneiras de se fazer isto. There are other ways to do this. There are other ways to do this. Il faut travailler, pas penser. You have to work, not think. We have to work, don't think. A professora de alemão parecia uma alemã. The teacher of German looked like a German woman. The German teacher looked like a German. Te-ai născut acolo? Were you born there? You were born there? É possível recuperar um arquivo excluído da lixeira? Is it possible to recover a file deleted from the bin? Is it possible to recover a deleted file from the trash? Este asta o poză recentă? Is this a recent photo? Is this a recent picture? Ele me disse: "Não faça tanto barulho." He said to me, 'Don't make such a noise.' He said, "Don't make it so loud." Eu ajudei o Tom a escapar da prisão. I helped Tom escape from jail. I helped Tom get out of jail. ¡Din que nos vai chover! They say we're going to get rain! It's gonna rain us! O povo resistiu ao seu cruel governante. The people resisted their cruel ruler. The people resisted their cruel ruler. Acesta este un loc înfricoșător. This is a scary place. This is a scary place. Ar trebui să anulăm excursia. We should cancel the hike. We should cancel the trip. J'ai sollicité un visa. I applied for a visa. I applied for a visa. Jangan sungkan untuk meminta saran. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't be shy about asking for advice. Tom e Mary estavam gritando. Tom and Mary were screaming. Tom and Mary were screaming. Tom est immédiatement tombé amoureux de Marie. Tom instantly fell in love with Mary. Tom immediately fell in love with Marie. Tom ar trebui să se înscrie pentru acest job. Tom should apply for this job. Tom should sign up for this job. John écrit à ses parents une fois par mois. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Siamo soddisfatte. We're contented. We're satisfied. Ella le mostró varios libros que estaban en el estante. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. No sabía que Tom y Mary se estaban muriendo. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. Sean más modestos. Be more modest. Be more modest. Él vivió en España, creo. He lived in Spain, I think. He lived in Spain, I think. O Tom ainda está acordado? Is Tom still awake? Is Tom still awake? Commençons à traduire ! Let's start translating! Let's start translating! Es por esta razón que él dejó la escuela. It is by this reason that he left school. That's why he left school. "Pruebe esto." "¿Qué es?" "Es cuscús." "Try this." "What is it?" "It's couscous." "Test this." "What is it?" "It's couscous." Îți place literatura franceză? Do you like French literature? Do you like French literature? Tu saresti una buona diplomatica. You would make a good diplomat. You'd be a good diplomat. ¡Ramera descarada! Impudent strumpet! Disgusting rammera! "Guardate quello!", disse, trionfante. "Look at that!" he said, triumphantly. "Look at that!" he said, triumphant. Escutem! Listen. Listen! Kamu lagi ngemil apa? What are you snacking on? What do you think you're doing? Elas estão comendo maçãs. They're eating apples. They're eating apples. Do que você está rindo, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? Esta es la casa. This is the house. This is the house. Eu tenho que quebrar a cabeça para entender matemática. I have to beat my brains out to understand math. I have to break my head to understand mathematics. Preciso mandar lavar esta camisa. This shirt needs washing. I need to have this shirt washed. Non teño ningún bolígrafo. I don't have any pens. I don't have a pen. ¿Cuánto cuesta el kilo de piña? How much is the kilo of pineapple? How much is the kilo of pine? Quin color associes amb la teva infància? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color do you associate with your childhood? Mary y Maki son hermanas. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mary and Maki are sisters. Demonstrația e lăsată cititorului. The proof is left to the reader. The demonstration is left to the reader. Mi fecero un grande torto. They did me a great wrong. I was so wrong. Tom provavelmente não lembra qual é a aparência de Maria. Tom probably doesn't remember what Mary looks like. Tom probably doesn't remember what Mary looked like. Elle fit du bon boulot. She did a good job. She did a good job. Tom não bebe leite. Tom does not drink milk. Tom doesn't drink milk. Tu punto de vista es demasiado optimista. Your view is too optimistic. Your point of view is too optimistic. Aku tergabung dalam sebuah kelompok musik. I play in a band. I'm part of a band of music. Eu tenho uma ideia diferente. I have a different idea. I have a different idea. Nós acabamos de chegar aqui. We just got here. We just got here. Pa mélé mwen kon sa ! Do not confuse me like that! Don't touch me like that! O Tom tem que agir rápido. Tom has to act quickly. Tom has to act fast. Multe comentarii ale consumatorilor de pe Amazon sunt false. Many consumer reviews on Amazon are fake. Many comments from consumers on Amazon are false. Tu sabes o que fazer. You know what to do. You know what to do. Não coma tanto. Você vai engordar. Don't eat so much. You'll get fat. Don't eat that much, you're gonna get fat. Los pasajeros deberían subir al tren ya. Passengers should board the train now. Passengers should get on the train now. Dia menangis sepanjang malam. She cried throughout the night. She cried all night. Tout le monde est là, maintenant. Everyone is here now. Everybody's here now. Tom estaba determinado a matar a Mary. Tom was determined to kill Mary. Tom was determined to kill Mary. El siete es considerado a veces como un número de la suerte. Seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. The seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. È una sfida? Is that a challenge? Is that a challenge? ¿En qué año nacisteis? What year were you born? What year were you born? Je l'attends depuis une heure. I've been waiting for her for an hour. I've been waiting for her for an hour. Mi licencia de conducir expira a final de este mes. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. Lei chiese dei consigli al suo insegnante. She asked her teacher for advice. She asked her teacher for advice. Io sto diventando basso! I am getting short! I'm getting low! Sto morendo dalla voglia di conoscerli. I'm dying to meet them. I'm dying to get to know them. Non fare rumore mentre mangi la zuppa. Don't make noise while eating soup. Don't make any noise while you eat the soup. Estic embarassada de quatre mesos. I am four months pregnant. I'm four months pregnant. Alguém sabe me dizer o nome desse filme? Can anyone tell me the name of this movie? Can anyone tell me the name of that movie? Si no tenés nada que decir, no digas nada. If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything. If I had nothing to say, don't say anything. Barang-barang ditegah oleh Bea dan Cukai. The goods were seized by customs. Things are being held back by Bea and Cukai. Estou completamente despido. I don't have any clothes on. I'm totally fired. Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi novio. Today is my boyfriend's birthday. Today is my boyfriend's birthday. No puedo ir contigo esta noche. I can't go with you tonight. I can't go with you tonight. Vuole questi biglietti? Do you want these tickets? You want these tickets? A minorias são desprezadas em muitos países. Minorities are despised in many countries. The minorities are despised in many countries. Nu te poți înțelege cu el căci vorbește întruna. You cannot get along with him because he speaks continuously. You can't understand him because he talks together. Preocuparea mea principală este siguranța ta. My primary concern is your safety. My main concern is your safety. Nu mânca între mese. Don't eat between meals. Don't eat between meals. Non ci vogliamo trasferire. We don't want to move. We don't want to move. ¿Harto improbable? How likely is that? Harto improbable? Tom le odiava. Tom hated them. Tom hated them. Sami deveria tentar outra coisa. Sami should try something else. Sami should try something else. As pessoas gostam de falar contigo. People like to talk to you. People like to talk to you. Să ți-o arăt. Let me show it to you. Let me show you. È sparito il mio anello. My ring is gone. My ring is gone. Qui lui avait dit? Where did she hear that from? Who told him? Ella acostumbra quedarse despierta toda la noche. She is used to staying up all night. She usually wakes up all night. A quoi ressemble ta sœur ? What is your sister like? What does your sister look like? Era de Tom. It was Tom's. It was Tom's. Nous sommes fautifs. We're incorrect. We are guilty. Comeremos en lo de María esta tarde. We'll eat at Mary's place this evening. We'll eat at Mary's this afternoon. Siempre anda metido en chanchullos. He's always involved in scams. He's always stuck in scissors. Sono sempre stata una repubblicana. I've always been a Republican. I've always been a Republican. Tom sta parlando con Mary al telefono. Tom is talking to Mary on the phone. Tom's talking to Mary on the phone. Cadê o Tony? Where's Tony? Where's Tony? Une fête de bienvenue a été organisée en l'honneur de monsieur Jones. A welcome party was held in honor of Mr Jones. A welcome party was organized in honor of Mr. Jones. Mama este ocupată cu îngrijirea casei. Mother is busy keeping house. My mother's busy looking after the house. Nadie te pondrá un dedo encima mientras yo viva. No one will lay a finger on you as long as I live. Nobody's gonna put a finger on you while I'm alive. Y a-t-il un message ? Is there a message? Is there a message? Espero que você se divirta! I hope you have a good time! I hope you have fun! Ella és a Boston. She's in Boston. She's in Boston. Si tuviera tiempo de hacerlo, lo haría. If I had time to do that, I would. If I had time to do it, I would. Sa sperăm la ce e mai bun. Let's hope for the best anyway. Let's hope for what's best. Sudah berapa lama menunggu bus? How long have you been waiting for the bus? How long have you been waiting for the bus? Prestome ayudar a Tom a mercar lo que-y facía falta. I was happy to be able to help Tom buy what he needed. I'm about to help Tom buy what he needed. Cred că e vremea să-l contactez prin telefon. I think it's time for me to contact him by phone. I think it's time to contact him on the phone. Eu disse que estava triste. I said I was sad. I said I was sad. Meu sonho é ser fluente em chinês. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. Ne-am mâniat de cuvintele lui. We got angry at his words. We were mad at his words. Aku terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu di depan komputerku. I spend too much time in front of my computer. I spent too much time in front of my computer. Nos atrapó una tormenta. We were caught in a storm. We got caught by a storm. Eu acho que esse tem de morrer para que o outro viva. É um mundo cruel. I think this one has to die for the other to live. It's a cruel world. I think this one has to die for the other to live, it's a cruel world. O maior problema das pessoas, é que elas muitas vezes não conseguem reconhecer seus próprios erros. People's biggest problem is that they often fail to recognize their own mistakes. The biggest problem for people is that they often cannot recognize their own mistakes. Layla usò la carta di credito di sua madre. Layla used her mother's credit card. Layla used her mother's credit card. ¿Puedes contribuir? Can you chip in? Can you contribute? Wow, siete così fortunate! Wow, you're so lucky! Wow, you're so lucky! No n'hi ha prou amb una llengua. One language is never enough. It's not enough with a language. Yo solía ir a la iglesia los domingos. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sundays. Greseli ca acestea sunt ușor de trecut cu vederea. Mistakes like these are easily overlooked. Mistakes like these are easy to pass with sight. Lui è così gay. He is so gay. He's so gay. Ainda estou próximo à casa do vizinho. I'm still near the neighbor's house. I'm still close to the neighbor's house. El próximo día lunes y martes son feriados. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Next day Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Mi sembra buono. That sounds good to me. Sounds good to me. Tom e seus funcionários estão se preparando para a reunião. Tom and his staff are preparing for the meeting. Tom and his staff are getting ready for the meeting. Si te caes de la escalera llegas pronto abajo. If you fall from the staircase, you'll quickly end up on the floor. If you fall from the ladder you get down soon. Si vous avez un bon jardin, cela augmentera la valeur de votre maison. If you have a good garden, it will enhance the value of your house. If you have a good garden, it will increase the value of your home. No, no vi a nadie. No, I didn't see anyone. No, I didn't see anyone. Deixa-me solenca! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Il peut parler japonais et anglais avec facilité. He can speak both Japanese and English with facility. He can speak Japanese and English with ease. È così pessima. You're so bad. It's so bad. Tom a vrut să mă vadă. Tom wanted to see me. Tom wanted to see me. Mary chiese di suo padre. Mary asked after his father. Mary asked about her father. Él usó mucha miel. He used a lot of honey. He used a lot of honey. Tienes derecho a la verdad. You have the right to the truth. You have the right to the truth. Qu'a quauquarren a la man. She has something in her hand. What's wrong with your hand. E ciæebelle à veddile de giorno no en miga guæi belle. Fireflies seen in daylight aren't all that pretty. And ciaebelle to veddile by day not in half beautiful guæi. Eu só falo um pouco de francês. I can only speak a little French. I'm just speaking French. Para um homem isto é apenas um pequeno passo, mas para a humanidade é um salto gigantesco. This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. For a man this is only a small step, but for mankind it is a gigantic leap. Já limpou a banheira? Have you cleaned the bathtub yet? Have you cleaned the tub yet? Obligué a ella a que hiciera mi tarea. I forced her to do my homework. I forced her to do my job. Quero café com leite. I want coffee with milk. I want coffee with milk. J'ai fermé les yeux pour me calmer. I closed my eyes to calm down. I closed my eyes to calm down. Ești bolnav! You're sick! You're sick! Apa kau suka minuman anggur Prancis? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? La serviette ne fut pas du tout utile. The towel wasn't at all useful. The towel was not useful at all. O Tom estava surpreso que a Mary ainda estava acordada. Tom was surprised that Mary was still up. Tom was surprised Mary was still awake. Non penso che succederà. I don't think that'll happen. I don't think that's gonna happen. No me los puedo sacar de la cabeza. I can't get them out of my mind. I can't get them out of my head. Prefiro morrer a ficar sem Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. Il y a peut-être un moyen. There may be a way. Maybe there's a way. Sërcoma 'd trové còsa ch'i podoma fé për giuté. Let's find out what we can do to help. Sërcoma 'd found that I can believe it was righteous. Todas as maçãs estão ali. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Supongo que dependerá del clima. I guess it depends on the weather. I guess it'll depend on the weather. E timpul pentru mine să-mi fac un control la ochi. I think it's time for me to get my eyes checked. It's time for me to take an eye check. Tom pensava frequentemente em Mary. Tom frequently thought of Mary. Tom often thought about Mary. Tom dit qu'il ne buvait pas de café. Tom said he didn't drink coffee. Tom said he wasn't drinking coffee. Qual é a favela mais perigosa do Rio de Janeiro? What's the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro? What is the most dangerous favela in Rio de Janeiro? Colui che scrive legge due volte. He who writes reads twice. The writer reads twice. Ela é qual uma tigresa. She's like a tigress. She's a tiger. Qual é a sua lembrança mais antiga da infância? What is your earliest memory from childhood? What is your oldest memory of childhood? Ho dimenticato qualcosa nella stanza. I forgot something in the room. I forgot something in the room. Kita harus tidur paling tidak selama delapan jam sehari. We must sleep at least eight hours a day. We should sleep at least eight hours a day. El problema es que no tenemos suficiente tiempo. The problem is that we don't have enough time. The problem is we don't have enough time. Les États-Unis ont été surnommés le "gendarme du monde", mais certains intellectuels américains n'hésitent pas à appeler leur propre pays "État voyou." The United States have been dubbed the "world policeman", but some American intellectuals do not hesitate to call their own country "rogue state." The United States has been nicknamed the "gendarme of the world", but some American intellectuals do not hesitate to call their own country "Voice State." Non penso che dovrei partecipare a quell'evento. I don't think I should attend that event. I don't think I should participate in that event. Saya pusing ke kanan. I turned right. I'm dizzy to the right. Je ne sais pas ce qui arrivera. I don't know what will pass. I don't know what's gonna happen. Je ne suis pas sûre que ça soit une bonne idée. I'm not sure that that's a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Cómo se diz XXX en anglés? How do you say XXX in English? What's XXX called in English? Pour le crime de meurtre au premier degré, cette cour vous condamne à la prison à perpétuité, sans possibilité de remise de peine. For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. For the crime of murder to the first degree, this court condemns you to prison for life, without the possibility of retribution. Je n'ai pas l'intention de préparer à diner pour vingt personnes. I'm not willing to cook dinner for twenty people. I don't intend to prepare dinner for twenty people. Les deux amoureux étaient assis face-à-face et buvaient du thé. The two lovers sat face to face, drinking tea. The two lovers were sitting face-to-face and drinking tea. En esta imagen hay cuatro personas: mi padre, mi madre, mi hermano y mi hermana. In this picture, there are four persons: my father, my mother, my brother and my sister. In this image there are four people: my father, my mother, my brother and my sister. Tout le monde n'est pas identique. Not everybody is the same. Everyone's not the same. No creo que tenga alternativa. I don't think I have much choice. I don't think I have a choice. Este dicionário também pode ajudá-las. This dictionary can also help you. This dictionary can also help them. Não é minha culpa. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Ho fatto quello che mi hanno detto di fare. I did what they told me to do. I did what they told me to do. Me gusta mucho haceros enfadar. I like making you mad. I really like to make you angry. Cerca de dois terços do oxigênio da Terra são produzidos pelo fitoplâncton. About two-thirds of the Earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. About two thirds of Earth's oxygen are produced by phytoplankton. Me siento atraído por Mary. I'm attracted to Mary. I'm attracted by Mary. Te pido que creas, no en mi habilidad para lograr el cambio, sino en la tuya. I'm asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about change but in yours. I ask you to believe, not in my ability to achieve change, but in yours. Guvernul speră că reducerea emisiilor de carbon va reprezenta un exemplu și că alte țări vor proceda întocmai. The government hopes that lowering its carbon emissions will set an example and that other countries will follow suit. The government hopes that reducing carbon emissions will be an example and that other countries will proceed accordingly. È andato tutto come previsto. Everything went as expected. Everything went as planned. Il avait l'impression de flotter. He felt as if he were floating. He felt like floating. Il économise pour acheter une maison. He is saving in order to buy a house. He saves to buy a house. Beethoven estaba sordo en sus últimos años. Beethoven was deaf in his late years. Beethoven was deaf in his last years. Dicen que el Zen cultiva nuestra mente. They say Zen cultivates our mind. They say Zen cultivates our mind. Sono la cugina di Tom. I'm Tom's cousin. I'm Tom's cousin. So che Tom non lo direbbe a Mary. I know Tom wouldn't tell Mary. I know Tom wouldn't tell Mary. Mis padres me dijeron que tenemos que respetar a los mayores. My parents told me we should respect the elderly. My parents told me we have to respect the elderly. Era un vânt puternic. There was a strong wind. It was a strong wind. Crezi că îl poți ajuta? Do you think you can help him? You think you can help him? Tom ha fatto veramente bene. Tom has done really well. Tom did really well. Perdi meu guarda-chuva. Eu tenho de comprar um novo. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella, I have to buy a new one. Ho dimenticato di chiudere a chiave la porta. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. Io penso che lei abbia più di quarant'anni. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40 years old. Iubirea este cea care conduce lumea. It is love that rules the world. Love is the one who rules the world. Je te laisserai en décider. I'll leave it up to you. I'll let you decide. J'étais juste derrière vous. I was right behind you. I was right behind you. Yo trabajo para un banco. I work for a bank. I work for a bank. Tom pot parlar amb Mary, si vol. Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to. Tom can talk to Mary, if he wants to. Le tengo miedo a la anestesia generalizada. I'm afraid of general anesthesia. I'm afraid of general anesthesia. Aqueth capèth qu'ei men. This house is mine. That's what this is. È urgente andare in bagno. It is urgent to go to the bathroom. It's urgent to go to the bathroom. Penses-tu que ça va marcher ? Do you think this'll work? You think it's gonna work? Mi-am pierdut codul pin! I've lost my pin number! I lost my pin code! Est-ce que ça te plaît de vivre ainsi ? Do you enjoy living like that? Would you like to live like this? Quero que o Tom fique onde ele está até eu voltar. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. Saltai la colazione. I skipped my breakfast. You missed breakfast. Finalmente tenho tempo para responder às correspondências que eu recebi durante estas três semanas. Finally I have time to reply to the mail I received these three weeks. Finally, I have time to respond to the correspondence I received during these three weeks. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien verärgert. Tom and Mary told John that they were upset. Tom and Maria sagten Johannes, whether they were seen by the Borgert. I son sigur ëd podèj fé mej. I'm sure I can do better. And I'm sure I can believe it. Aquilo não era necessário. That was not necessary. That wasn't necessary. Mau ke mana? Where're you going? Where are you going? Kau mau minum apa? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Ele é amigo dela. He's her friend. He's her friend. Ellas odiaban a Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. En este momento estoy ocupado cocinando. I am busy cooking at the moment. I'm busy cooking right now. Lui è un'autorità nel suo campo. He's an authority in his field. He's an authority in his field. Quina és la vostra olor preferida? What's your favorite smell? What's your favorite smell? Il nostro lavoro non finisce mai. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Mata saya sangat sensitif kepada cahaya. My eyes are very sensitive to the light. My eyes are very sensitive to light. Ho dato i libri a questa studentessa. I gave the books to this student. I gave the books to this student. Les médecins hospitaliers ne sortent pas souvent car leur travail leur prend tout leur temps. Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time. Hospital doctors often leave because their work takes them all their time. Si no ahora, ¿entonces cuándo? Not now, then when? If not now, then when? Sus poemas son difíciles de entender. His poems are difficult to understand. His poems are hard to understand. Mary tiene un aparato de ortodoncia. Mary has braces. Mary has an orthodontic device. Rispetto molto il mio insegnante. I respect my teacher very much. I respect my teacher very much. An pisimyé légim kri ki légim kuit. I prefer raw vegetables to cooked ones. For example, suppose we were to consider ourselves to be part of a bigger picture. ¿A qué hora llegas a casa? What time do you arrive home? What time do you get home? Puedes confiar en mi. You can trust me. You can trust me. Tem certeza de que não quer vir? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Fui capturado. I was captured. I was captured. Je me sens honteux. I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed. ¿Nunca te cansas? Don't you ever get tired? Don't you ever get tired? Os quartos estão no andar de cima. The bedrooms are upstairs. The rooms are upstairs. Préstame trabayar. I like to work. Just lend me a job. Ini tasnya. This is her handbag. Here's the bag. Ce dezamăgire! What a disappointment! What a disappointment! Tom y Mary parecen un poco confusos. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Tom and Mary look a little confused. Quanto tempo a carta vai demorar para chegar? How long will it take for the letter to arrive? How long will the letter take to arrive? Sudah berapa lamakah awak mempelajari bahasa Kadazan? How long have you been studying the Kadazan language? How long have you been learning Kadazan? Eu não gosto de ser julgada. I don't like to be judged. I don't like being judged. Guru bahasa Prancisku usianya sama denganku. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is as old as I am. Isso é engraçado e horripilante ao mesmo tempo. That's funny and horrifying at the same time. That's funny and horrifying at the same time. Elle est vraiment intelligente. She is very intelligent. She's really smart. Pourquoi voulez-vous être médecin ? Why do you want to be a doctor? Why do you want to be a doctor? Je suis monté sur une chaise pour pouvoir atteindre l'étagère du haut. I stood on a chair so I could reach the top shelf. I got on a chair to reach the top shelf. Hai să mergem undeva să vorbim. Let's go someplace and talk. Let's go somewhere we can talk. Estamos salvando vidas. We're saving lives. We're saving lives. Solo porque Tom haya dicho que no tenía una llave no significa que sea verdad. Just because Tom said he didn't have a key doesn't mean it's true. Just because Tom said he didn't have a key doesn't mean it's true. Restare a casa non è una cosa piacevole. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Staying at home is not pleasant. A făcut-o pentru sora lui. He made it for his sister. He did it for his sister. Tenho de me apressar; o meu voo sai em uma hora. I have to hurry. My flight leaves in an hour. I have to hurry; my flight leaves in an hour. Io non voglio giocare a scacchi. I don't want to play chess. I don't want to play chess. Hanno detto che sono imbarazzati. They said they're embarrassed. They said they're embarrassed. Mi dispiace di avervi trascinati in questo. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Vous devriez faire examiner vos yeux. You had better have your eyes examined. You should have your eyes examined. César ou rien. It is either Cesar or nothing. Caesar or nothing. Questo cibo è delizioso. Dove hai imparato a cucinare così bene? This food is delicious. Where did you learn to cook so well? This food is delicious, where have you learned how to cook so well? E vòus estar ric ? Do you want to be rich? And you want to be rich? Muito obrigado. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. C'est un moment historique. This is a historical moment. It's a historic moment. Pertanyaan yang bodoh akan menghasilkan jawaban bodoh Stupid questions will produce stupid answers. Stupid questions will lead to stupid answers Eu faço isso porque quero. I do it because I want to. I do that because I want to. Tom ci ha chiesto di aiutare Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Dia babiking mudel deng dia tara tau kita ni. She acted like she didn't know me. He's the piggyback he knows about us. Vim aqui para ver vocês. I came here to see you. I came here to see you guys. Tom va a la escuela a pie. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Esperar no sirve de nada. There's no point in waiting. Waiting is no use. Preciso trocar ideias com meus colegas em relação ao assunto. I must confer with my colleagues on the matter. I need to exchange ideas with my colleagues on the subject. En realidad Tom ya no es estudiante. Tom isn't actually a student anymore. Tom's not actually a student anymore. Você usa óculos? Do you wear glasses? Do you wear glasses? Esto es más pequeño que Tokio. This is smaller than Tokyo. This is smaller than Tokyo. Je vais vous faire envoyer une potion calmante que vous donnerez à mademoiselle pour qu’elle dorme, elle a besoin de sommeil. I'll send you some medicine to give to her so she can sleep. She needs the rest. I will send you a soothing potion that you will give to a young lady for her sleep, she needs sleep. ¿Todavía tiene usted mi llave? Do you still have my key? You still have my key? ¡Vamos, subamos! Come on, let's go up! Come on, let's go! Che ha causato l'incidente? Who caused the accident? What caused the accident? Je le pense du fond du cœur. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I think about the bottom of the heart. Andai bene nel mio test di francese. I did well on my French test. I did well in my French test. A vida no campo é moi tranquila en comparación coa vida na cidade. Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life. Life in the countryside is very quiet compared to life in the city. Eu queria poder parar de fumar. I wish I could break the habit of smoking. I wanted to be able to stop smoking. Il aime la culture occidentale. He likes Western culture. He loves Western culture. Fue muy egoísta de Tom no dejarte usar el auto. That was pretty selfish of Tom not to let you use the car. She was very selfish about Tom not letting you use the car. Il parlait en chuchotant. He spoke under his breath. He was talking in whispering. Ho sentito dire che hai comprato un nuovo trombone. I heard you bought a new trombone. I heard you bought a new trombone. Tom keluar dari mobilnya. Tom got out of his car. Tom got out of his car. Sangat penting untuk membaca buku. It's important to read books. It's very important to read books. tujuan aku ingin mempelajari bahasa mu My goal is to learn your language. purpose I want to learn your language Ea este la fel de vorbăreață ca tatăl ei. She's as talkative as her father. She's as talkative as her father. Estamos de akordo. We agree. We're in Kordo. Sii allegro! Aggiungi un punto esclamativo a tutte le tue frasi! Be cheerful! Add an exclamation mark to all of your sentences! Be happy! Add an exclamation point to all your sentences! Quero que Tom vá embora e me deixe em paz. I want Tom to go away and leave me in peace. I want Tom to leave and leave me alone. Vous êtes très courageuses. You are very brave. You're very brave. ¿Son velas estas? Are these candles? Are these candles? Apa kamu punya pertanyaan tentang makanannya? Do you have any questions about the food? Do you have any questions about the food? Mary puede encarar a la muerte con tanta serenidad. Mary can face death with so much serenity. Mary can face death with such serenity. Hablando del rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma. Speak of angels and you hear their wings. Speaking of the king of Rome, through the gate. Cuídalos. Look after them. Take care of them. Desista. Come off it. Give up. Potete parlare in esperanto? Can you speak Esperanto? Can you speak up? Ela estava segurando um guarda-chuva. She was holding an umbrella. She was holding a umbrella. Estuve toda la noche con amigos. I was with friends all last night. I was with friends all night. Dobbiamo trovare Tom prima che si faccia buio. We have to find Tom before it gets dark. We need to find Tom before it gets dark. Não importa o que você diga, farei do meu próprio jeito. No matter what you say, I'll do it my own way. No matter what you say, I'll do my own way. C'est très gentil de ta part. It is really nice of you. That's very kind of you. Você acha que consegue? Do you think you're up to it? Do you think you can do it? Creo que sobrevivirás. I think you're going to survive. I think you'll survive. Preciso de alguém com quem possa conversar. I need someone to talk with. I need someone I can talk to. Ho pagato non meno di cento dollari per questa biro. I paid no less than a hundred dollars for this pen. I paid no less than a hundred dollars for this office. Tom decidiu desistir. Tom decided to give up. Tom decided to quit. Ti piace la mia T-shirt? Do you like my T-shirt? You like my T-shirt? Qu'estoc elegit president. He was elected chairman. What a president. Tom est tout à fait capable de prendre soin de lui-même. Tom is quite capable of looking after himself. Tom is quite capable of taking care of himself. Enseñarle a los niños es más fácil que a los adultos. It's easier to teach children than adults. Teaching children is easier than teaching adults. Está claro que le hago sentir incómoda. Clearly, I make you uncomfortable. Of course I make you uncomfortable. Ils sont très gros. They are very big. They're very big. Por favor, dame un respiro. Give me a break, please. Please, give me a break. Gli ho disubbidito. I've disobeyed him. I disobeyed him. Je suis vraiment désolée d'avoir menti. I'm very sorry that I lied. I'm really sorry I lied. In questo paese condanniamo lo sfruttamento minorile. In this country we condemn child exploitation. In this country, we condemn the exploitation of minors. Ella lo negó todo. She denied everything. She denied everything. E deja vară. It's summer already. It's already summer. Te iubesc foarte mult. I love you very much. I love you so much. Atz ua veitura ? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Oke. Gotcha. Okay. Tu che cosa fai domani? What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? La casa è stata costruita diverse centinaia di anni fa. The house was built several hundred years ago. The house was built several hundred years ago. O que o Tom está dizendo? What's Tom saying? What is Tom saying? A fost cu adevărat interesant. That was really interesting. It was really interesting. Peux-tu me prêter ton vélo ? Will you lend me your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? Apesar de que estava doente, o menino foi à escola mesmo assim. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Even though he was sick, the boy went to school anyway. Je pensais que les choses allaient s'améliorer mais en fait elles ne font qu'empirer. I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse. I thought things were going to get better, but in fact they just get worse. C'est ton devoir de voter. It's your duty to vote. It's your duty to vote. Kau benar-benar seorang pekerja keras. You're really a hard worker. You're really a hard worker. Le amiche di Shelley sono morte molto giovani. Shelley's friends died very young. Shelley's friends died very young. A toalha é vermelha. The towel is red. The towel is red. Espero que triïn un bon govern. I hope they choose a good government. I hope they choose a good government. Il s'agit de mon parapluie. This is my umbrella. It's my umbrella. El tomou veleno por erro. He took poison by mistake. He took poison by mistake. Esas casas son de mi tío. Those houses are my uncle's. Those houses belong to my uncle. Fadil lutou para criar seus filhos sozinho. Fadil struggled to raise his children on his own. Fadil fought to raise his children alone. Tom untó un poco de mermelada de fresa sobre una rebanada de pan. Tom spread some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Tom greased some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Nous sommes très différents, toi et moi. We're very different, you and I. We're very different, you and I. I frutti marciscono al sole. Fruits decay in the sun. The fruits rot in the sun. Kami telah melakukan yang kami bisa. We've done what we could. We've done what we can. Estem parlant del mateix Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Nu ești nebun. You're not crazy. You're not crazy. C'est faux ! La fonction est bijective ! That's wrong! The function is bijective! It's not true, it's a two-way function! Apa kejadah ini? What the hell is this? What is this? A algunas personas les gusta el verano, y a otros les gusta el invierno. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Some people like summer, and others like winter. Alguém já pensou seriamente nisso? Has anybody ever given serious thought to this? Has anyone ever seriously thought about it? No sé. I don't know. I don't know. A dmwin. See you tomorrow. In the morning. Nu uita să pui un timbru pe scrisoarea ta. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Espere por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. Elle a pris un gros risque. She took a big risk. She took a big risk. Me siento bien, gracias. I'm feeling fine, thanks. I feel fine, thank you. Io non incontrai nessuna delle mie amiche. I didn't meet any of my friends. I didn't meet any of my friends. Quero que tu venhas de novo. I want you to come back. I want you to come again. Dia sedang berdiri di depan pintu itu. He's standing in front of the door. He's standing in front of that door. Ela tem medo de perder dinheiro. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Nu pot să cred că sunt aici. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm here. Por favor. Please. Please. C'est une Étasunienne d'origine asiatique. She's an Asian-American. She's an Asian American. Siapa mahu pergi ke Zoo Negara esok? Who wants to go to the National Zoo tomorrow? Who wants to go to the Zoo tomorrow? Tom a gagné. Tom won. Tom won. Tom aceitaria. Tom would accept. Tom would. Je t'ai dit que j'ai une nana. I told you I have a girlfriend. I told you I have a girl. Je ne peux qu'attendre. I can but wait. I can only wait. Cewek itu seksi gila! That chick is fucking hot! That girl's hot crazy! Je ne parviens pas à trouver quoi que ce soit. I can't find anything. I can't find anything. Espere seis horas. Wait for six hours. Wait six hours. Tom asaltó a un banco. Tom robbed a bank. Tom robbed a bank. Nu te duce acolo! Don't go there! Don't go there! Deve lavorare. You have to work. He's got to work. Non ero sposata all'epoca. I wasn't married then. I wasn't married at the time. La coda del topo è lunga. The mouse's tail is long. The tail of the mouse is long. Passa'm la sau, te prègui. Please pass me the salt. Pass me to the sauce, I pray you. Estaba feliz de ver a Tom. I was happy to see Tom. I was happy to see Tom. Lo volete ora? Do you want it now? Do you want it now? Legenda spune că el era invulnerabil. The legend says he was invulnerable. The legend says he was invulnerable. Aduya! Help! Help! Ai gene bune. You have good genes. You have good genes. Kita tara di sini. I'm not here. We're here. Dove ha pranzato? Where did you eat lunch? Where'd you eat? Tom decidió tomar cartas en el asunto. Tom decided to take matters into his own hands. Tom decided to take letters on the matter. Tom entró a la habitación. Tom walked in the room. Tom went into the room. Bosku dipaksa mengundurkan diri. My boss was forced to resign. My boss was forced to resign. Eu tenho vários amigos canadenses. I have several Canadian friends. I have several Canadian friends. Vous connaissez probablement déjà notre entreprise. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know our business. Je connais la réponse. I know the answer. I know the answer. Tu pensi che ci sia una connessione? Do you think there's a connection? You think there's a connection? Este posibil să ningă mâine. There's a chance that it'll snow tomorrow. It's possible to swim tomorrow. Il pénétra dans la banque. He went into the bank. He's going into the bank. Je pense que j'ai des problèmes avec ma femme. I think I'm in trouble with my wife. I think I have problems with my wife. Cela vous semble-t-il familier ? Sound familiar? Does that look familiar to you? Nu-mi place nici ceaiul nici cafeaua. I don't like either tea or coffee. I don't like tea or coffee. No lo cojo. I don't get it. I don't take it. Tom non quere ir para casa agora. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Je veux juste que tu saches que je suis désolée. I just want you to know I'm sorry. I just want you to know I'm sorry. La gente que vive sola siempre tiene algo en sus mentes que gustosamente compartirán. People who live alone always have something on their minds that they would willingly share. People who live alone always have something in their minds that will gladly share. Nós vamos trabalhar juntos. We'll work together. We'll work together. ¿Cómo está tu papá? How is your dad? How's your dad? Non vengo dall'India. I am not from India. I'm not coming from India. Él se siente muy feliz. He feels very happy. He feels very happy. Non sono sicura se a George piacerà questa idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. Mary, apakah yang sedang awak lakukan? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Pode ser tarde demais. It might be too late. It could be too late. ¿Existe alguna forma de vida en Marte? Is there any life on Mars? Is there any way of life on Mars? Io ho bisogno di tempo. I need time. I need time. Kau seharusnya membayar tagihanmu tepat waktu. You should've paid your bills on time. You should pay your bills on time. Eu não vou deixar você sozinha. I'm not leaving you alone. I'm not leaving you alone. Aprender lenguas extranjeras es difícil. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning foreign languages is difficult. Pero seguimos sin él. But we carried on without him. But we're still without him. No sóc el que faig, sóc el que puc fer ! I'm not what I do, I am what I can do. I'm not what I'm doing, I'm what I can do! Eu preciso ir dormir, de verdade. I really have to go to bed. I need to go to sleep, really. Je ne sais pas sur quel bouton appuyer. I don't know which button to push. I don't know what button to press. Tom ar putea invata cite ceva de la Mary. Tom could learn a thing or two from Mary. Tom could learn something from Mary. Je hais les chiens. I hate dogs. I hate dogs. Amiamo ciò che facciamo. We love what we do. We love what we do. Conform spuselor, această armă este foarte puternică. This gun is reportedly very powerful. According to the statement, this weapon is very powerful. Am găsit camera goală. I found the room empty. I found the room empty. Cosa indossi? What are you wearing? What are you wearing? Perché non la fai da sola? Why don't you do it by yourself? Why don't you do it yourself? Itu buah. It's a fruit. That's fruit. Vão embora daqui. Get away from here. Get out of here. As senhoras não podem jamais esquecer isso. You must never forget that. Ladies can never forget that. A nosa escalada será difícil. Our climb will be steep. Our climb will be hard. La noia que toca el piano és ma germana. The girl that plays the piano is my sister. The girl who plays the piano is my sister. Não há nada de errado com a fórmula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. Aviat arribara l'estació de les plujes. It'll soon be the rainy season. The rain station will soon be here. Maria disse que me amava, mas eu não acreditei nela. Mary said that she loved me, but I didn't believe her. Maria said she loved me, but I didn't believe her. Noi non chiediamo molto spazio. We don't require much space. We don't want much space. Dă cu zarul! Throw the dice. Give it to me! "De qui és la cadira?" "La cadira és meva". "Whose chair is this?" "It is mine." "Who's the chair?" "The chair is mine." Tom dove ha comprato quello? Where did Tom buy that? Tom, where did he buy that? Apa yang membuatmu memutuskan untuk datang kemari? What made you decide to come here? What made you decide to come here? Vous n'êtes pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to make excuses. Tout ce qui pue n'est pas de la chimie. Chemistry isn't the only thing that stinks. Everything that can't be chemistry. Chi è questa donna? Who is this lady? Who is this woman? "¿Te gusta viajar?" "Sí." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." Il laissa tomber la tasse, qui se cassa. He dropped the cup and broke it. He dropped the tax, who broke. Io penso che Tom sia obbediente. I think Tom is obedient. I think Tom's obedient. América fue descubierta por Colón en 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. Votre attitude, non votre aptitude, détermine votre altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. Your attitude, not your ability, determines your altitude. Eles estão exaustos. They are exhausted. They're exhausted. El a tradus un roman japonez în franceză. He translated a Japanese novel into French. He translated a Japanese novel into French. Yo trabajé igual de duro que lo hizo Tom. I worked just as hard as Tom did. I worked as hard as Tom did. Que prévois-tu de faire ce soir ? What do you plan on doing tonight? What are you planning on doing tonight? Toutes les deux se sont mises à rire. Both of them started laughing. They both laughed. Il a la capacité à élaborer un bon plan. He has the ability to make a good plan. He has the ability to draw up a good plan. Tom tem feito isso por menos de três anos. Tom has been doing that for less than three years. Tom's been doing this for less than three years. Hay muchos edificios antiguos famosos en Kyoto. There are a lot of famous old buildings in Kyoto. There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto. Él no hace caso a ningún consejo. He doesn't heed any advice. He doesn't listen to any advice. Fumate troppo. Non fumate così tanto! You smoke too much. Don't smoke so much! You smoke too much, don't smoke so much! Quello è troppo caro. That's too expensive. That's too expensive. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by the flames. Să jucăm o partidă de baseball. Let's play a game of baseball. Let's play a baseball game. Ela está aqui me fazendo companhia enquanto ainda me recupero. She is here to keep me company while I’m still recovering. She's here making me company while I'm still recovering. Dia bilang begitu? She said that? He said that? Elle a davantage besoin de lui que lui d'elle. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than she needs her. Te vas a lastimar. You will hurt yourself. You're gonna hurt yourself. Tom menembak Mary dengan senapan. Tom shot Mary with a rifle. Tom shot Mary with a gun. Ela non distingue entre o correcto e o incorrecto. She can't tell right from wrong. She doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. Saya belum siap. I'm still not ready. I'm not ready. Gostaria de aprender Inglês por vários motivos. I would like to learn English for several reasons. I would like to learn English for a number of reasons. Je n'ai jamais bu une goutte d'alcool de ma vie. I have never drunk a drop of alcohol in my life. I've never had a drop of alcohol in my life. Ils étaient mécontents de sa décision. They were angered at his decision. They were dissatisfied with his decision. Non ho finito con voi. I'm not done with you. I'm not done with you. Meus sapatos novos são confortáveis. My new shoes are comfortable. My new shoes are comfortable. O Tom não parecia estar triste, parecia? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Știi de ce a lipsit el de la oră astăzi? Do you know why he skipped class today? Do you know why he's missed since the hour today? Tom puede comer casi cualquier cosa menos maní. Tom can eat just about anything but peanuts. Tom can eat almost anything but sweet. Eles vieram para pedir paz. They came to ask for peace. They came to ask for peace. Sei un moralista. You're a prude. You're a moralist. Tom voltará de Boston na próxima segunda-feira. Tom will come back from Boston next Monday. Tom will be back from Boston next Monday. De nombreux livres furent volés. A number of books were stolen. Lots of books were stolen. Ninguno no vino. Nobody came. No one came. Nadar es kolay. Swimming is easy. Swimming is kolay. Les passagers sont-ils tous à bord ? Are all passengers on board? Are the passengers all aboard? Setelah memainkan sebuah theremin, instrumen-instrumen lain akan membuatmu merasa seperti mengenakan jaket pengekang. After playing a theremin, all other instruments make you feel like you're in a straitjacket. After playing a thermomin, other instruments will make you feel like wearing a locker jacket. Si Tom aparece, entrégale este documento, por favor. If Tom drops by, please give him this document. If Tom appears, give him this document, please. Debería hacer uso de esta oportunidad, pues tal vez nunca vuelva otra vez. You ought to take advantage of this opportunity, for it may not come again. It should make use of this opportunity, as it may never come back again. Aku mendengar suara teriakan. I heard yelling. I heard a scream. Hem trobat una petjada gran i un parell de més petites de diferent mida. We found one large footprint and a couple of different size smaller footprints. We found a large footprint and a couple smaller of different sizes. Tom teve de esperar. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Il m'a dit de l'y rencontrer. He told me to meet him there. He told me to meet him there. Voy a disculparme más tarde. I'll apologize later. I'll apologize later. Asta e o perioadă importantă. This is an important time. This is an important time. Am piaso i video-gieugh. I love video games. I set the video-gieugh. Quante volte glielo devo dire? How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do I have to tell him? C'est le maire qui va marier les deux jeunes personnes. It's the mayor who will perform the marriage of the two young people. It's the mayor who's going to marry the two young people. Él estaba parado en el piso. He was standing on the floor. He was standing on the floor. Chiamò il suo avvocato. She called her lawyer. He called his lawyer. Sabamos que por qué vivniste aquí. We know why you came here. We knew why you lived here. A vida sem amor não tem significado algum. Life without love has no meaning at all. Life without love has no meaning. Eu não vou ficar se você não quiser. I'm not going to stay if you don't want me to. I won't stay if you don't want to. Você pode explicar brevemente? Can you explain it briefly? Can you explain briefly? Espero que todo el mundo sepa lo que esto significa. I expect everyone knows what this means. I hope everyone knows what this means. Bolehkah aku berbicara dengan Tn. Sato? May I speak to Mr. Sato? Can I talk to Mr. Sato? O Tom agarrou a vara de pescar da Mary para ajudá-la a puxar o peixe. Tom grabbed Mary's fishing pole to help her pull in the fish. Tom grabbed Mary's fishing rod to help her pull the fish. Eu poderia te perguntar uma coisa? May I ask you something? Could I ask you something? Kami pergi ke luar negri setiap musim panas. We go abroad every summer. We go out black every summer. Je me suis occupée de tout. I've taken care of everything. I've taken care of everything. ¿Y por qué este no es un tópico interesante? And why isn't this an interesting topic? And why isn't this an interesting topic? Eu ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I helped a lot, I think. Bisa tolong Anda tutup pintunya? Would you mind shutting the door? Can you please close the door? Tom ha prenotato tutto: sarà una festa meravigliosa. Tom booked everything: it will be a wonderful party. Tom booked everything. It's gonna be a wonderful party. Creo que esta noche va a helar. I think it'll freeze tonight. I think tonight's going to be hilarious. O Tom se levanta cedo, e eu também. Tom gets up early and so do I. Tom wakes up early, and so am I. Io andrò a Boston. I'm going to go to Boston. I'm going to Boston. Quand avez-vous commencé à étudier le latin ? When did you start studying Latin? When did you start studying Latin? J'ai finalement trouvé ce qui n'allait pas dans ma télé. I finally found out what was wrong with my TV. I finally found what wasn't on my TV. O garoto era bem afiado em física. The boy was very sharp at physics. The boy was well sharpened in physics. Você tem um minuto para ir e voltar. You've got a minute to go and return. You have a minute to go and come back. C'est un homme simple. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. E timpul să mergi înainte. It's time to move forward. It's time to move on. Je pense que Tom a raconté à Marie ce que nous avons fait l'été dernier. I think Tom told Mary about what we did last summer. I think Tom told Marie what we did last summer. Então o que é que eu faço agora? So what do I do now? So what do I do now? Mary é a garota mais linda de sua sala de aula. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Mary is the most beautiful girl in your classroom. Tom m'a forcé à y aller. Tom forced me to go. Tom forced me to go. Ils me demandèrent si je pouvais les aider. They asked me if I'd help them. They asked me if I could help them. Brav ch'it ses ëvnùit a troveme: i calo 'n cròta a pijé na bota 'd vin ross. That's nice you came to visit me: I'll go get a bottle of red wine from the cellar. Brov who's already found me: and I'll keep 'in the crest to pee on the boot'd red wine. Io me ne vado dopodomani. I leave the day after tomorrow. I'll leave tomorrow. Por favor, acepte mis sinceras disculpas por mi impertinencia. Please accept my sincere apologies for my impertinence. Please accept my sincere apologies for my impertinence. Me pregunto si me prestará la guitarra durante las vacaciones. I wonder if he can lend me his guitar during the vacation. I wonder if he'll lend me the guitar during the holidays. No estoy seguro. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure. Tom probabil va fi acasă luni. Tom is probably going to be at home on Monday. Tom's probably gonna be home Monday. Dacă putem compara o limba maternă cu un copac, care s-a dezvoltat de-a lungul timpului, Esperanto poate fi comparată cu un copac artificial, care a fost creat artificial. If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially. If we can compare a mother tongue to a tree that has developed over time, Esperanto can be compared to an artificial tree that has been created artificially. Eu entendo mais do que posso dizer. I understand more than I can say. I understand more than I can say. Je me rappelle avoir dit ça. I remember saying that. I remember saying that. A fraqueza dela é que ela conversa demais. Her weakness is that she talks too much. Her weakness is that she talks too much. Al ver lo que pasaba, decidimos salir. Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. Seeing what was going on, we decided to go out. Tom suka membuat pesawat kertas. Tom likes making paper airplanes. Tom likes to make a paper plane. Mary hizo algunos emparedados de huevo. Mary made some egg sandwiches. Mary made some egg pads. Siete pronte a studiare il klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Are you ready to study the klingon? Nous vous inscrirons sur la liste. We'll put you on the list. We will register you on the list. Lavora come insegnante, però in realtà è un vampiro. He works as a teacher, but actually he's a vampire. He works as a teacher, but he's actually a vampire. Nu sunteți încântat? Aren't you pleased? Aren't you excited? Tom pensava che sarebbe stato divertente andare a vela. Tom thought that it would be fun to go sailing. Tom thought it would be fun to sail. Degun podèva pas refusar lor convit. No one could turn down their invitation. No one could refuse them. É verdade que estou loucamente apaixonado por ela. It is true that I was head over heels in love with her. It's true that I'm madly in love with her. Vin a alguén roubar a mercadoría. I saw somebody steal the merchandise. I saw someone steal the merchandise. Tom no cree que eso sea la gran cosa. Tom doesn't think it's such a big deal. Tom doesn't think that's the big deal. Tom tidak mendapat tidur yang cukup. Tom doesn't get enough sleep. Tom didn't get enough sleep. Oui, j'arrive immédiatement. Yes, I'm coming immediately. Yeah, I'll be right there. Ti suggerirei di essere più prudente. I'd suggest you be more careful. I'd suggest you be more cautious. Awak belajar bahasa Inggeris? Do you study English? You learned English? No parlo hongarès. I don't speak Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian. El a avut dureri de cap. His head ached. He had headaches. Gostaria de ficar uma noite mais, se puder. I'd like to stay another night if I can. I'd like to stay one more night if I could. Skak mat! Checkmate! Checkmate! Ela não queria ir ao médico. She didn't want to go to the doctor. She didn't want to go to the doctor. Era liniștea de dinaintea furtunii. It was the calm before the storm. It was quiet before the storm. Tom no puede parar de comer chocolate. Tom can't stop eating chocolate. Tom can't stop eating chocolate. El artículo es genuino. The article is genuine. The article is genuine. Acele idei politice au apărut în India. Those political ideas arose in India. Those political ideas appeared in India. L-am întâlnit de multe ori. I've met him many times. I've met him many times. Mersi că ați venit, băieți! Ne vedem mâine! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks for coming, guys, I'll see you tomorrow. No ghe n'ò coæ d'andâ a caza! I can't be bothered to go home! Don't go hunting! Perché avete paura di Tom? Why are you afraid of Tom? Why are you afraid of Tom? La următoarea oră, vom studia zilele săptămânii, lunile și anotimpurile. In our next class, we will study the days of the week, the months, and the seasons. The next hour, we will study the days of the week, the months and the seasons. Veng t'agorrinar dab jo. Come swing with me. I'm coming to put you to sleep with me. Prova a non preoccuparti per lei. Try not to worry about her. Try not to worry about her. Bisakah kami duduk di meja luar? Could we have a table outside? Can we sit on the outside table? Posso dire che siete arrabbiati. I can tell you're angry. I can say you're angry. Tom estava usando um uniforme de zelador. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Quello è il vostro obiettivo? Is that your goal? Is that your goal? Nadie se opuso a la elección. No one opposed the choice. No one opposed the election. È molto teso. He's very tense. He's very stubborn. Tom, voglio parlare con te. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Querem os senhores ir a algum lugar? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to go somewhere? Am nevoie de sfatul tău. I need your advice. I need your advice. Tom belum menonton videonya. Tom hasn't seen the video yet. Tom hasn't watched the video. Semnificația cuvintelor se poate schimba în funcție de contextul lor. The meaning of words can change according to their context. The meaning of the words can be changed according to their context. Je dois recommencer à zéro. I need to start again from zero. I need to start over. Il y a eu deux-cent-quinze suffrages en faveur de la motion et quinze contre. There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it. There were two-fifty-five votes in favour of the motion and fifteen against. C'era altro che volevi che facessi? Was there anything else you wanted me to do? Was there anything else you wanted me to do? Tom indossa la stessa camicia di flanella rossa ogni volta che va in campeggio. Tom wears the same red flannel shirt every time he goes camping. Tom wears the same red flannel shirt every time he goes camping. Kau harus lebih berhati-hati. You should be more careful. You need to be more careful. Cosa direbbe? What would you say? What would you say? Désolé, quelque chose est allé de travers. Sorry, something went wrong. Sorry, something went through. El a cerut mulți bani. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. A cultura americana é muito dinâmica. The American culture is so dynamic. American culture is very dynamic. Ella vol tancar al seu petit negoci. She wants to wind up her small business. She wants to close up in her little business. A miña nai puxo trece velas na miña torta de aniversario. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. Io devo solo riposarmi un po'. I just need to rest a little. I just need to get some rest. Nos hospedamos en el hotel más caro de la ciudad. We stayed at the most expensive hotel in town. We are staying at the most expensive hotel in the city. Mon frère est maintenant en Australie. My brother's in Australia now. My brother is now in Australia. Selamat pagi, semuanya. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. Procure usted al menos llegar a la hora. At least try to come on time. Try to at least get to the time. Nous devons éviter la guerre à tout prix. We must avoid war at all cost. We must avoid war at all costs. Il te faut être prudent. You must be cautious. You need to be careful. Eu posso sugerir para você alguns websites muito bons para seus estudos. I can suggest to you some very good websites for your study. I can suggest for you some very good websites for your studies. Akibat pukulan itu, dia menjadi gila. As a result of the blow, he became insane. As a result of that blow, he went crazy. Cheamă salvarea. Call an ambulance. Call for the rescue. Il gagne beaucoup d'argent. He earns a lot of money. He earns a lot of money. ¿Es cómodo viajar en barco? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is it comfortable traveling by boat? Pensa che Tom e Mary siano ancora arrabbiati? Do you think Tom and Mary are still mad? Do you think Tom and Mary are still angry? Je veux que tu me dises tout ce qui s'est produit. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. Entra a la pieza después que yo. Come into the room after me. Get in the room after me. Malaysia bersempadan dengan Indonesia. Malaysia borders Indonesia. Malaya is bordering with Indonesia. O ancião era amado por todos. The old man was loved by everyone. The elder was loved by all. Sami voulait pleurer en privé. Sami wanted to grieve in private. Sami wanted to cry in private. Tatăl meu e funcționar la bancă. My father is a bank clerk. My dad's a bank servant. Tu sos un ladron. You are a thief. You're a thief. Você não está na lista? Aren't you on the list? Aren't you on the list? Tom n'aime que les jolies filles. Tom likes only beautiful girls. Tom only likes the pretty girls. Je suis le plus grand de la classe. I'm the tallest one in the class. I'm the biggest in class. Mi dà proprio sui nervi. He really gets on my nerves. It gives me the nerves. Non ho mai fatto nulla di impulsivo. I've never done anything impulsive. I've never done anything impulsive. Vous avez un bel appartement. You have a beautiful flat. You have a nice apartment. Estiven levantado ata moi tarde a noite pasada. I stayed up till very late last night. I was up until very late last night. Aspeta. Wait. Wait. Si je peux faire quelque chose pour toi, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. If I can do anything for you, don't hesitate to let me know. É uma caminhada curta. It's a short walk. It's a short walk. Aquera mòstra qu'ei copada. This watch is broken. This shows it's a cut. Como te chamas? What is your name? What's your name? O Tom não gostou do que viu. Tom didn't like what he saw. Tom didn't like what he saw. L'é un côl tôrt. He's a bigot. He's an arsehole. Ella está tratando de ahorrar todo lo posible. She is trying to save as much money as she can. She's trying to save everything she can. Se rio cuando se lo conté. She laughed when I told her. He laughed when he contained it. Sebagian besar pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh Alexander Pischushkin terjadi di Taman Bitsa di Moskwa antara tahun 1992 sampai dengan 2006 Most of Alexander Pichushkin's killings took place in Moscow's Bitsa Park between 1992 and 2006. Most of Alexander Pischushkin's murders occurred in Bitsa Park in Moscow between 1992 and 2006 Así es como está escrito. It's written like that. That's how it's written. Ada hal yang ingin aku katakan padamu. I have something that I want to say to you. There's something I want to tell you. Mi sono abbuffato di pizza. I pigged out on pizza. I got drunk with pizza. J'adore le cinéma. I love movies. I love cinema. Vendo café. I sell coffee. I sell coffee. Mary marchou xa á súa excursión. Mary has already left on her trip. Mary has already gone to her excursion. Naikkan volume suaranya. Turn the volume up. Raise the sound volume. Matar dos pájaros de un tiro. To kill two birds with one stone. Kill two birds in one shot. Tom non è mai stato ingiusto. Tom was never unfair. Tom's never been unfair. Tom a depus o plângere. Tom filed a complaint. Tom filed a complaint. ¿Apetezte venir al baile? How would you like to go to a dance? Would you like to come to the dance? Eu gostaria de viver em um castelo. I would like to live in a castle. I'd like to live in a castle. Plus tard, j'aimerais être professeur d'histoire. I want to teach history when I grow up. Later, I'd like to be a professor of history. Las bayas se pueden congelar. Berries can be frozen. The berries can be frozen. Hai due libri. You have two books. You have two books. Vous êtes le maître. You're the master. You're the master. Quelque chose a eu lieu. Something happened. Something's happened. Il suo tavolo è pronto. Your table is ready. Your table's ready. Non li possiamo lasciare morire. We can't let them die. We can't let them die. L'aracnofobia è la paura dei ragni. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Aracnophobia is the fear of spiders. Dobbiamo andare là, che ci piaccia o no. We must go there whether we like it or not. We have to go there whether we like it or not. Tom si ricorda di voi. Tom remembers you. Tom remembers you. Bagaimana makan malam kemarin? How did dinner go yesterday? How was dinner last night? Qual è il nome della signora che deve rimanere senza nome? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What's the lady's name that needs to be nameless? El pasto es verde. The grass is green. The grass is green. Riducete lo zucchero. Cut back on sugar. Reduce sugar. Tom merasa gembira. Tom was elated. Tom was happy. Pon bien el reloj. Put the clock right. Put the clock on. Está na hora do intervalo. It's break time. It's time for the break. Probabil nu. Probably not. Probably not. È intraprendente. He is aggressive. It's enterprising. ¿Cuándo se fueron? When did they go? When did they leave? Tidak ada ruang untuk alasan ketika itu datang dari kelalaian anda, adakah? There's no room for excuses when it comes to your negligence, is there? There's no room for reason when it comes from your delusion, is it? Ela odeia música country. She hates country music. She hates country music. Je voudrais avoir une autre tasse de café. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. Tom nu poate face aşa ceva şi să scape nepedepsit. Tom can't do such a thing and get away with it. Tom can't do that and get away with it. O novo aeroporto está sendo chamado de elefante branco. The new airport has been called a white elephant. The new airport is being called a white elephant. Je n'y arrive pas. I can't do that. I can't do it. Il ragazzo cominciò a piangere. The boy began to cry. The boy started crying. Di mana saya bisa menaiki sebuah bus? Where can I catch a bus? Where can I get on a bus? Non venire più qui. Don't come here anymore. Don't come here anymore. Eu fui tomar um cerveja com uns amigos. I went to drink a beer with friends. I went to have a beer with some friends. Lavorate? Do you work? You're working? De fapt, Tom nu are asigurare. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. Ella apenas habla japonés. She can hardly speak Japanese. She barely speaks Japanese. Maman ouvre la porte. Mum opens the door. Mom opens the door. Leul este regele junglei. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Maria pediu uma xícara de chocolate quente. Mary ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Maria asked for a cup of hot chocolate. Kau salah memasukkan nomor telepon. You have the wrong number. You got it wrong to enter the phone number. Eu aconselhei o tímido jovem a declarar seu amor pela bela garota. I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. Je suis encore positif. I'm still positive. I'm still positive. Solo los productos animal contienen colesterol. Only animal products contain cholesterol. Only animal products contain cholesterol. Elles ne te diront pas la vérité. They won't tell you the truth. They won't tell you the truth. El tiempo parecía detenerse. Time seemed to stop. Time seemed to stop. He descubierto que es muy típico de él llegar muy tarde. I find that it's typical for him to come too late. I've discovered that it's very typical of him coming very late. Ea a mâncat mărul. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. Tu en as assez vu. You've seen enough. You've seen enough. Dia mengikuti kontes kecantikan. She participated in the beauty contest. He's following a beauty contest. Tom craigna que Mary ne change d'avis. Tom was afraid that Mary might change her mind. Tom fears Mary's changing her mind. Eu vim para esse país com o propósito de estudar música. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. I came to this country to study music. Io penso che Tom stia solamente facendo finta di dormire. I think Tom is only pretending to be asleep. I think Tom's just pretending to sleep. Les tarifs postaux internationaux varient en fonction de la destination. International postal rates differ according to destination. International postal rates vary depending on destination. Ele tem ficado aqui desde que chegou do Canadá. He has stayed here since he arrived from Canada. He's been here since he came from Canada. Portale alla stazione. Take them to the station. Take her to the station. Pamitlah pada teman-temanmu. Say goodbye to your friends. Say goodbye to your friends. Mi piace il rock sperimentale. I like experimental rock. I like experimental rock. La Terre est beaucoup plus grande que la Lune. The earth is far bigger than the moon. The Earth is much bigger than the Moon. Tom no es inglez. Tom is not English. Tom's not English. Ce simpatic! How cute! That's nice. Je le verrai demain. I'll be seeing him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. ¿Por qué Tom está ausente? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom away? Ce qu'on ignore peut nous faire du mal. What you don't know can hurt you. What we don't know can hurt us. Aku akan meminjamkannya padamu. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. Nossa escola fica no sul da cidade. Our school is in the south of the city. Our school is in the south of the city. Aquellas inmensas cajas metálicas que usted ve en el barco reciben el nombre de conteiners. Those huge metallic boxes you see in the ship are called by the name of containers. Those huge metal boxes you see on the boat are named containers. A Tom piace davvero Mary. Tom does like Mary. Tom really likes Mary. Ella lo echó a él. She threw him out. She threw it at him. Estar casado es estupendo. Being married is great. Being married is great. Nous sommes ennemies. We're enemies. We're enemies. Ei au devenit nervoși. They became nervous. They got nervous. Lo guarda il calcio? Do you watch soccer? Is he watching football? Penso che questo sia importante. I think this is important. I think this is important. Si sono sviluppati presto dei problemi. Problems soon developed. Problems have developed soon. Eu acho que é melhor fazermos o que o Tom pede. I think we'd better do what Tom asks. I think we better do what Tom asks. Avez-vous rendu votre rapport ? Have you turned in your report? Have you given your report? Mi hermano es un miembro del equipo de rescate. My brother is a member of the rescue squad. My brother is a member of the rescue team. Cred că e vremea să consult un avocat. I think it's time for me to consult a lawyer. I think it's time to consult a lawyer. Noi abbiamo visto tre guerre. We've seen three wars. We've seen three wars. Avrei dovuto leggere le istruzioni. I should've read the instructions. I should have read the instructions. Mon père va à son bureau de Shinjuku tous les autres jours. Father goes to his office in Shinjuku every other day. My father goes to his Shinjuku office every other day. Você pode me emprestar um dinheiro? Can you lend me a little money? Can you lend me a money? Les voleurs à la tire ont le droit d'opérer dans cette zone. Pickpockets may operate in this area. Shooters have the right to operate in this area. Danos un poco de privacidad, ¿puede ser? Give us some privacy, will you? Give us some privacy, can it be? Pense simplement à ce que tu ressentirais en pareille situation ! Just think about how you'd feel in a similar situation. Just think what you'd feel in the same situation! Quan arriba ? When does it arrive? When does he arrive? Io posso dipendere dai miei amici. I can depend on my friends. I can depend on my friends. Tom è furbo. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. Venta muito nesta manhã, não? There's a lot of wind this morning, isn't there? You sell a lot this morning, don't you? O relator golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The rapporteur hit the table with his fist. Sawako quer que eu vá para a França. Sawako wants to go to France. Sawako wants me to go to France. Come si può fidare di loro? How can you trust them? How can you trust them? ¿Cómo creen que me siento? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? En quoi une vie vaut-elle d'être vécue ? What is a life worth living? In what way is a life worth living? A on vas? Where are you going? Where are you going? Elle a éclaté de rire. She burst into laughter. She laughed. No siento pena de quien procastina. I feel no pity for people who procrastinate. I don't feel sorry for the one who procasted. Me pareció un niño brillante. I found him to be a bright boy. I thought it was a bright boy. Sono abituata al calore. I'm used to the heat. I'm used to heat. Ho sap tothom menys jo. Everybody knows it except me. Everyone knows that except me. Há habilidades que se desenvolvem mais rapidamente e outras que se desenvolvem mais devagar, porque será? There are abilities that improve rapidly and those that improve slowly, aren't there? There are skills that develop faster and others that develop slower, why will it be? Puc repetir-ho vint vegades. I can repeat it again and again. I can repeat it 20 times. Divenne irritato. He became irritated. He became angry. Macam mana awak bercakap dengan gagap itu? How is it you speak with such a stutter? Where did you talk to that stutter? Io vi avrei aiutate. I'd have helped you. I would have helped you. Io non sono nervoso. I'm not nervous. I'm not nervous. ¿No sabíais que Tom estaba viviendo con la familia de Mary? Didn't you know Tom was living with Mary's family? Didn't you know Tom was living with Mary's family? Tom a cumpărat bilete pentru noi toți. Tom bought tickets for all of us. Tom bought tickets for all of us. Tom s-a îmbrăcat ca o fată. Tom dressed like a girl. Tom dressed like a girl. Odio dirlo, ma Tom ha ragione. I hate to say it, but Tom is right. I hate to say it, but Tom's right. Hanya ibuku yang mengerti aku. Only my mother understands me. Only my mother understands me. Tom de fapt aproape niciodată nu studiază. Tom actually hardly ever studies. Tom almost never actually studied. Am continuat să corespondăm ani de zile. We have carried on a correspondence for years. We've continued to correspond for years. Jawab pertanyaan saya. Apakah kamu melihatnya di sana? Answer me this. Did you see her there? Answer my question. Il est assez riche pour acheter deux voitures. He is rich enough to buy two cars. He's rich enough to buy two cars. Vull viure a una ciutat tranquila amb l'aire pur. I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean. I want to live in a quiet city with pure air. Fingí que trabajaba. I pretended to work. I pretended I was working. Tom não conseguiu lidar com isso. Tom couldn't handle that. Tom couldn't handle that. Les garçons mangent du pain. The boys eat bread. The boys eat bread. C'est comme être dans une confiserie. It's like being in a candy shop. It's like being in a confectionery. Estic segur de la seva victòria al tennis. I am sure of his winning the tennis match. I'm sure of his tennis victory. N'aubedisson pas tostemps aus pairs. They don't always obey their parents. They don't listen to peers. Semua ini sangat menganggu. This is all very disturbing. All of this is very disturbing. Tu n'as pas d'alibi pour le jour du meurtre. You've got no alibi for the day of the murder. You don't have alibi for the day of murder. Io parto per Boston domani. I leave for Boston tomorrow. I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow. Por favor, abra a janela. Open the window, please. Please open the window. Stephen viaja mais do que seu chefe. Stephen travels more than his boss. Stephen travels more than his boss. Quando saranno finiti i suoi compiti? When will your homework be finished? When will his duties be finished? É, a-i son doe bon-e rason. Yes, there are two important reasons. Yeah, well, I'm right. Je t'assure que ce n'est pas qu'une question d'argent. I assure you this isn't just about money. I'm making sure it's not just a matter of money. Não apostei. I didn't bet. I didn't bet. Os meus pais estão casados desde antes de eu nascer. My parents have been married since before I was born. My parents have been married since before I was born. Je l'expliquerai en entier plus tard. I'll explain it all later. I'll explain the whole thing later. Sono così fiera di loro. I'm so proud of them. I'm so proud of them. Isso será suficiente? Will this be enough? Is that enough? J'ai trouvé le livre par hasard. I found the book by chance. I found the book by chance. Zero este un număr special. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. Este edifício está aberto ao público? Is this building open to the public? Is this building open to the public? Estoy demasiado cansado para salir a hacer jogging. I'm too tired to go out jogging. I'm too tired to go jogging. Cred că a venit timpul să discut problema cu ea. I think it's time for me to discuss the problem with her. I think it's time we discussed the matter with her. Tom e Mary erano molto occupati. Tom and Mary were very busy. Tom and Mary were very busy. Străzile noastre se inundă când plouă. Our streets flood when it rains. Our streets are raining when it's raining. Decidí pedir ayuda a mi amigo. I decided to ask for my friend's help. I decided to ask my friend for help. Io sono la stessa. I'm the same. I'm the same. Non è capitato nulla. Nothing has happened. Nothing happened. Nessun'altra montagna in Giappone è più alta del Monte Fuji. No other mountain in Japan is as high as Mt. Fuji. No other mountain in Japan is higher than Mount Fuji. Quiero comprar esta muñeca de juguete. I want to buy this toy doll. I want to buy this toy doll. Te enseñaré una mejor forma de hacerlo. I'll show you a better way to do that. I'll teach you a better way to do it. Hai, so Mary. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Mary. What's your name? What's your name? La notizia della sua morte si è diffusa. The news of his death spread. The news of his death spread. În zilele acestea nimeni nu se mai așteaptă la omenie. No one expects friendliness these days. In these days no one is expected to be in mankind. Quer que eu te busque no aeroporto? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? You want me to look for you at the airport? Esse acidente não tem nada a ver comigo. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident has nothing to do with me. Deixe te ensinar as conjugações do verbo. Let me teach you the patterns of the verb. Let me show you the verb conjugations. Eu preferiria morrer a ver você chorar. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die to see you cry. Veamos cómo reacciona Tom a eso. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Ella es la seva amiga She is his friend. She's her friend. Ho bevuto il vino. I drank the wine. I drank the wine. Lui Tom îi lipsește familia. Tom misses his family. Tom misses his family. Vou parar de tentar ser amistoso com você. I'm going to stop trying to be friendly with you. I'm gonna stop trying to be friendly to you. Algum problema? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? Non mi aspetto niente da Tom. I don't expect anything from Tom. I don't expect anything from Tom. Passa-me a chave inglesa. Hand me the wrench. Give me the English key. Può essere un fraintendimento. That may be a misunderstanding. It can be a misunderstanding. Eu quero a minha. I want mine. I want mine. Tom était en fuite. Tom was on the run. Tom was on the run. Cresme? Do you believe me? Do you believe me? Caty es lesbiana. Caty is lesbian. Caty's a lesbian. Bukannya Tom berkata seperti itu? Isn't that what Tom said? Didn't Tom say that? Tu já cogitaste fazer isso? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever had to do that? Els asiàtics normalment tenen el cabell negre, Asians generally have black hair. Asians usually have black hair, Já estamos casados. We're already married. We're already married. Você passou a noite com ela? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Diga para ela que estou assistindo o noticiário. Tell her that I am watching the news. Tell her I'm watching the news. Continue com os olhos abertos. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. Saya hanya bergurau. I was just joking. I'm just kidding. Quanto le piace il suo nuovo lavoro? How do you like your new job? How much do you like your new job? O Tom não estava preparado, mas Mary estava. Tom wasn't done, but Mary was. Tom wasn't ready, but Mary was. Je te reçois bien. I can hear you well. I'll be all right with you. Você é famoso? Are you famous? Are you famous? Por cierto, tengo algo que decirte. By the way, I have something to tell you. By the way, I have something to tell you. Uma pequena ajuda seria bem-vinda. I could use a little help. A little help would be welcome. "Você não é o Sr. Ogawa?" "Sou, sim. Como posso ajudá-lo?" "You're Mr. Ogawa, aren't you?" "Yes, I am. How can I help you?" "You're not Mr. Ogawa?" "I am, yes. How can I help you?" Îţi place tenisul? Do you like tennis? You like tennis? Obrigado pelo comentário. Thanks for the comment. Thank you for the comment. Tom está xingando Maria. Tom is calling Mary names. Tom's pissing Maria. Este é o fim da linha. This is the end of the line. This is the end of the line. Mon père s'est opposé à ce que j'aille au concert. My father disapproved of my going to the concert. My father objected to my going to the concert. Jeruk peras rasanya tidak terlalu masam. Sweet oranges are not very sour. Peanuts don't taste too thick. ¿Cuántos países son miembros de las Naciones Unidas? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? La fête de Tom était ennuyeuse. Tom's party was boring. Tom's party was boring. Un om egoist se gândește doar la sentimentele sale. A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings. A selfish man only thinks of his feelings. Tom réalisa soudain qu'il n'était pas seul. Tom suddenly realized he wasn't alone. Tom suddenly realized he wasn't alone. Toată lumea are defecte. Everyone has faults. Everyone's having a flaw. Tom ha comprato una chitarra costosa. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Tom bought an expensive guitar. Es un hueso duro de roer. He is a tough cookie. It's a hard bone to spray. Jalan kecil melintasi jembatan, menembus pedesaan, dan kearah bukit. A small road ran across the bridge, through the fields, and over a hill. A small road through the bridge, through the countryside, and up the hill. Que é que você quer fazer? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Non metto mai le patate in frigo. I never put the potatoes in the refrigerator. I never put potatoes in the fridge. Aku membutuhkan waktu paling tidak tiga hari untuk menerjemahkan tesis itu. I'll need at least three days to translate that thesis. It took me at least three days to translate that thesis. Questo oggetto è attualmente esaurito. This item is currently out of stock. This object is currently exhausted. Brincamos nesta praia. We have played at this beach. We're playing on this beach. Os dormitorios están enriba. The bedrooms are upstairs. The bedrooms are upstairs. Quella ragazza sa il tedesco e l'inglese. That girl knows German and English. That girl knows German and English. Les fantômes sont-ils réels ? Are ghosts real? Are ghosts real? Preşedintele Taft a scris o scrisoare călduroasă de adio prietenului său. President Taft wrote a warm goodbye letter to his friend. President Taft wrote a warm farewell letter to his friend. Los trabajadores luchaban mientras las fábricas cerraban. Workers struggled as factories closed. The workers were fighting while the factories were closing. Você não tinha que se vestir. You didn't have to dress. You didn't have to get dressed. Nin tú nin naide nun vais quitame de dir. Neither you nor anyone will prevent me from going Neither you nor anyone else will take you from me. Am nevoie de un șoarece. I need a mouse. I need a mouse. Étais-je supposé simplement l'ignorer ? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Was I just supposed to ignore it? Este de neconceput pentru mine că el ar face așa ceva. It is inconceivable to me that he would do such a thing. It's inconceivable to me that he would do such a thing. Precizia este importantă în aritmetică. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Te llevo a casa en coche. I'll drive you home. I'll take you home by car. Solo sé su nombre, eso es todo. I just know his name, that's all. I just know his name, that's all. Sarai sempre speciale per me. You'll always be special to me. You'll always be special to me. Non ero impressionata. I wasn't impressed. I wasn't impressed. Elle écrit une lettre à son ami. She is writing a letter to her friend. She wrote a letter to her friend. Kami membuat keputusan bersama. We make decisions together. We made decisions together. Ils sont d'accord. They agree. They agree. J'ai passé quelques appels. I made a few calls. I made some calls. Creía que no habías visto nada. I thought you didn't see anything. I thought you didn't see anything. Me interesaría leer un libro sobre la historia de la risa. I'd be interested in reading a book about the history of laughter. I'd be interested to read a book about the story of laughter. Io volevo essere pronta. I wanted to be ready. I wanted to be ready. Tom nunca leu o livro que a Maria lhe deu. Tom never read the book that Mary gave him. Tom never read the book Maria gave him. Él recibió en una ocasión una medalla de oro. He's been awarded a gold medal once. He once received a gold medal. È fastidiosa ed egoista. She's annoying and selfish. It's annoying and selfish. Fatela per lui. Do it for him. Do it for him. Nu m-am speriat. I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared. Este un actor printre actori. He is an actor among actors. He's an actor among the actors. Avevo detto a Tom che non potevo farlo senza il suo aiuto. I told Tom I couldn't do it without his help. I told Tom I couldn't do it without his help. Ne parlez à personne ! Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone! T'has d'afanyar. You need to hurry. You have to hurry. ¿Alguna vez has tomado unas vacaciones? Have you ever taken a vacation? Have you ever taken a vacation? Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouve-t-il à la maison ? Is anyone else home? Who else is home? Țesutul muscular este format din mii de celule. Muscle tissue consists of innumerable cells. Muscle tissue is made up of thousands of cells. Que pepino comprido! What a long cucumber! What a long cucumber! Vocês não deveriam ter escrito isso. You shouldn't have written that. You shouldn't have written that. Comme la règle le veut, je vais à l'école avant huit heures. As a rule, I go to school before eight o'clock. As the rule will, I'm going to school before eight hours. Tom não se parece nem um pouco com o pai. Tom doesn't look like his father at all. Tom doesn't seem a bit like Dad. Camarero, quiero pedir. Waiter, I'd like to order. Waiter, I want to ask. Siamo molto deluse. We're very disappointed. We're very disappointed. A Tom non piacciono le ragazze? Doesn't Tom like girls? Tom doesn't like girls? Eu recebi uma carta de minha mãe ontem. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Cum este Tom? What's Tom like? How's Tom? Ce a făcut Tom cu vechea lui mașină? What did Tom do with his old car? What did Tom do with his old car? Speriamo che non abbiate fatto un errore. Let's hope you haven't made a mistake. Let's hope you didn't make a mistake. Acest lucru nu mă privește deloc. This has nothing to do with me. This isn't about me at all. Je vois que vous vous êtes fait une amie. I see you've made a friend. I see you've made a friend. Cette séquence vous est offerte par la Société des Moteurs Ford. This segment is brought to you by the Ford Motor Company. This sequence is offered by the Ford Engineer Society. Il avait l'air vraiment nerveux. He seemed really nervous. He looked really nervous. Si è divertita alla partita? Chi ha vinto? Did you have fun at the game? Who won? Did you have a good time at the game? É um carvalho. It's an oak tree. It's a oak. Leí sobre él en el periódico. I read about him in the newspaper. I read about him in the newspaper. Tom perdeu o guarda-chuva dele de novo. Tom has lost his umbrella again. Tom lost his umbrella again. Iubesc studiul istoriei. I love studying history. I love history. Même maintenant, je pense parfois que j'aimerais te voir. Pas la personne que tu es aujourd'hui, mais celle dont je me rappelle. Even now, I occasionally think I'd like to see you. Not the you that you are today, but the you I remember from the past. Even now, I sometimes think I'd like to see you, not the person you are today, but the one I remember. Noi stavamo per sparare a loro. We were going to shoot them. We were about to shoot at them. A l'é passâ dottoa do 2002. She graduated in 2002. A la è passâ dottoa do 2002. Lei odia il berbero. She hates Berber. She hates the Berber. Pensé que era lo menos que podía hacer. I thought it was the least I could do. I thought it was the least I could do. Salut tuturor! Hi, everybody! Hey, everybody! Ele é muito calmo. He has a lot of poise. He's very calm. Per favore, risponda in francese. Please answer in French. Please answer in French. Awas! Watch out! Watch out! L'annunciatore riesce a parlare rapidamente. The announcer can talk rapidly. The advertiser can speak quickly. Ha raccolto le sue cose? Have you collected your things? Did he pick up his stuff? Ella ha muerto en un accidente de avión. She died in a plane crash. She died in a plane crash. Eles passaram o dia inteiro na praia. They spent the entire day on the beach. They spent the whole day on the beach. No té cap sentit intentar solucionar aquest problema. It is no use trying to solve this problem. There is no point in trying to solve this problem. Ce argument ridicol! What a ludicrous argument! What a ridiculous argument! Temos un avión que coller. We have a plane to catch. We have a plane to catch. Li stiamo ignorando. We're ignoring them. We're ignoring them. Seu francês melhorou. Your French has improved. Your French got better. Aquera taula qu'ei reservada. This table is reserved. This table is reserved. No lo conocemos. We don't know him. We don't know him. Je ne veux pas être impliqué dans cette affaire. I don't want to get involved in that business. I don't want to be involved in this case. Es fácil perder la noción del tiempo cuando estás en Las Vegas. It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas. It's easy to lose the sense of time when you're in Vegas. Lei vive con suo padre. She lives with her dad. She lives with her father. Siete fortunati, vero? You're lucky, aren't you? You're lucky, aren't you? Apa kau suka bermain voli? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like flying? Se não está à venda, não faça propaganda. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. J'ai vraiment adoré travailler ici. I really loved working here. I really loved working here. El a renunțat fără niciun anunț. He quit without notice. He gave up without any announcements. Je vous ai dit de ne pas venir ici. I told you not to come here. I told you not to come here. Sua cadeira é parecida com a minha. Your chair is identical to mine. His chair looks like mine. "Air" e "heir" sono omofoni tra loro. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. "Air" and "heir" are homophones between them. Você é parte de mim. You're part of me. You're part of me. Tidak diperbolehkan merokok di ruangan ini. Smoking is not allowed in this room. No smoking allowed in this room. Je pense que nous avons des souris dans le grenier. I think we have some mice in the attic. I think we have mice in the barn. ¿Me dejas un boli? Can you loan me a pen? Can I get a pen? S-a înfăşurat în pătură. She wrapped herself in a blanket. It's wrapped in a blanket. Ella cantaba alegremente. She sang happily. She sang cheerfully. Bon aniversari, Muirièl ! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! L'été est presque terminé. Summer is almost over. Summer's almost over. Tengo un par de libros en inglés. I have a few English books. I have a couple of books in English. És de Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Is it Urumqi? Tom y yo viajamos juntos. Tom and I traveled together. Tom and I traveled together. O no va un citto. It isn't worth a dime. Or it's not a city. Era uma vez uma pequena fada, muito amada pelas crianças. Ela gostava de brincar com os pássaros e os animais na floresta, e cantar canções ou tocar sua flauta; às vezes, ela visitava a aldeia, onde os seres humanos viviam, e corria e brincava com os meninos e meninas de sua preferência. There once was a tiny sprite, much loved by children. She would frolic with the birds and the beasts in the forest, and sing songs, or play her flute; sometimes, she would visit the village, where the humans lived, and cavort with her favorite boys and girls. It was once a little fairy, very beloved by children. She liked to play with birds and animals in the forest, and sing songs or play her flute; sometimes she visited the village, where human beings lived, and ran and played with the boys and girls of her preference. Aku benar-benar capek. I'm awfully tired. I'm really tired. Bon voyaedje. Enjoy your trip. Good trip. Se não tivesse sido por sua ajuda, eu certamente teria fracassado. If it had not been for your help, I would certainly have failed. If it had not been for your help, I would certainly have failed. Quem cuida desse cachorro? Who looks after this dog? Who's taking care of that puppy? Ese é un vestido precioso. That's a beautiful dress. That's a beautiful dress. Mi dispiace di impormi, ma potresti aprire la finestra, per favore? Sorry to impose, but would you please open the window? I'm sorry to ask, but could you open the window, please? Riusciva a parlare in francese. He could speak French. He was able to speak in French. ¡Hola a todos! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Tu es doté d'une assez bonne mémoire. You've got a pretty good memory. You have a pretty good memory. Ella visitó a su tío y a su tía. She visited her aunt and uncle. She visited her uncle and aunt. È malattia essere ossessionati dalla vittoria, è malattia essere ossessionati dall'utilizzo delle arti marziali, ed è malattia essere ossessionati dal presentare tutto quello che si ha imparato. È malattia essere ossessionati con l'attacco, ed è malattia anche essere ossessionati dalla difesa. È malattia anche essere ossessionati dallo sbarazzarsi della malattia. Fissare la mente ossessivamente su qualsiasi cosa è considerato malattia. It is sickness to be obsessed with winning, it is sickness to be obsessed with using the martial arts, and it is sickness to be obsessed with putting forth all one has learned. It is sickness to be obsessed with offense, and it is also sickness to be obsessed with defense. It is also sickness to be obsessed with getting rid of sickness. To fix the mind obsessively on anything is considered sickness. It is disease to be obsessed with victory, it is disease to be obsessed with the use of martial arts, and it is disease to be obsessed with presenting everything you have learned. It is disease to be obsessed with attack, and it is disease also to be obsessed with defense. It is also disease to be obsessed by getting rid of the disease. To fix the mind obsessively on anything is considered disease. Mon pare va morir abans que jo nasquera. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Eu vou deixar você pensar sobre isso. I'll let you think about it. I'll let you think about it. Aturan-aturanya sudah berubah. The rules have changed. The rules have changed. Ne le traduis pas littéralement. Don't translate it literally. Don't literally translate it. Și Tom și Mary au tușit. Both Tom and Mary coughed. And Tom and Mary coughed. La velocidad de la luz es mucho mayor que la del sonido. The speed of light is much greater than that of sound. The speed of light is much higher than that of sound. Cablurile de fibră optică sunt alcătuite din fibre minuscule de sticlă care sunt la fel de subțiri ca părul uman. Fiber-optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. The fiber optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibres that are as thin as human hair. Potrebbe dirmi come arrivare a Park Street da qui? Could you tell me how to get to Park Street from here? Can you tell me how to get to Park Street from here? S'ei portat guarant entà jo. He guaranteed my debt. He's been taking care of me. Io tengo sempre la mia camera il più ordinato possibile. I always keep my room as tidy as I can. I always keep my room as orderly as possible. Grazas, irmáns. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Voi sapete altro su Tom? Do you know anything else about Tom? Do you know anything else about Tom? Aku memikirkan tentang dirimu. I'm thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Ella va a la escuela de noche. She attends school at night. She goes to school at night. Ini alamat e-mail saya. Here is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Non l'ho ignorata. I didn't ignore her. I didn't ignore it. Ela me deu estas moedas antigas. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. É verdade que o Tom não sabe nadar? Is it true that Tom can't swim? Is it true that Tom can't swim? Volètz un pauc de pastís ? Won't you have some cake? Do you want a little cake? Mungkin dia tadi ketinggalan kereta. Perhaps he missed the train. Maybe he missed the train. A ordem ideal não é 1-2-3, mas 3-1-2. The optimal order is not 1-2-3 but 3-1-2. The ideal order is not 1-2-3, but 3-1-2. E o oaie neagră în fiecare turmă. There is a black sheep in every flock. There's a black sheep in every herd. El Islam es ermozo. Islam is beautiful. Islam is ominous. Eu durmo na miña habitación. I sleep in my room. I sleep in my room. Elas são. They are. They are. Il termometro segna tre gradi sotto zero. The thermometer reads three degrees below zero. The thermometer marks three degrees below zero. Il est difficile pour un vieil homme de changer sa façon de penser. It is hard for an old man to change his way of thinking. It's hard for an old man to change his mind. Je ne comprends pas votre question. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Je passe quelques heures par jour à entretenir mon site web. I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website. I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website. La aiuterò a cercarla. I'll help you look for her. I'll help you find her. Jang talalu capat basimore! Don't celebrate too soon! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Je sais que mes amies chinoises aiment bien quand je les corrige. I know that my Chinese female friends enjoy my disciplining them. I know my Chinese friends love it when I correct them. És aquest un cavall o una egua? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a horse or a water? Esto komprando. I'm buying. This is buying. Nous avons tout perdu dans l'incendie. We lost everything in the fire. We lost everything in the fire. Qu'ei un líber. This is a book. There's a book. ¡Salve, César, los que van a morir te saludan! Hail, Caesar, those who are about to die salute you! Salve, Caesar, those who are going to die salute you! Je l'ai oublié. I forgot it. I forgot. Lo que se hace por amor, se hace más allá del bien y del mal. What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. What is done for love, is done beyond good and evil. Avez-vous déjà pris votre médication ? Have you taken your medicine yet? Have you ever taken your medication? La llengua internacional Interlingue ha estat publicada en 1922 amb el nom Occidental. The international language Interlingue was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. The Interlingue International Language was published in 1922 under the name Occidental. Tom consigliò questo ristorante. Tom recommended this restaurant. Tom suggested this restaurant. La nostra insegnante di matematica disegnò un cerchio sulla lavagna. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math teacher drew a circle on the washbasin. Él tenía una gentileza que atraía a las mujeres atractivas. He had a gentleness that was attractive to women. He had a kindness that attracted attractive women. Manapun yang Anda pilih, itu akan memberikan Anda banyak manfaat. Whichever you may choose, it will do you a lot of good. Whatever you choose, it will give you a lot of benefits. Sa composition est sans aucune faute. His composition is free from mistakes. Its composition is without any fault. Mi hai deluso. You disappointed me. You disappointed me. Por que você emprestou dinheiro a alguém como ele? Why did you lend money to someone like him? Why did you lend money to someone like him? Quiero comprar este libro no porque sea barato sino porque es útil. I want to buy this book not because it is cheap, but because it is useful. I want to buy this book not because it's cheap but because it's useful. Allà no em conèixen. They don't know me there. They don't know me there. Elle est très gentille envers moi. She is most kind to me. She's very kind to me. Nu e nicio speranţă de reuşită. There is no hope of success. There's no hope of success. Il vend des fruits. He sells fruit. He sells fruit. Él devolvió el libro a la estantería. He replaced the book on the shelf. He returned the book to the shelf. Io devo perdere peso! I have to lose weight! I must lose weight! Solo quiero ir a casa. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Un'ulcera si forma nello stomaco. An ulcer forms in the stomach. An ulcer forms in the stomach. Vreau niște cafea, te rog. I want some coffee, please. I want some coffee, please. Chi indossa i pantaloni nella vostra famiglia? Who wears the pants in your family? Who wears pants in your family? Il supermercato è aperto stasera? Is the supermarket open this evening? Is the supermarket open tonight? Os xaponeses sacan os zapatos cando entran nunha casa. The Japanese take off their shoes when entering a house. The Japanese take off their shoes when they enter a house. Mañana ayudaré a Tom. I'll help Tom tomorrow. I'll help Tom tomorrow. Tout le monde a un point de vue sur le sujet. Everybody has an opinion on this subject. Everyone has a point of view on the subject. Essayez-vous de vous débarrasser de moi ? Are you trying to get rid of me? Are you trying to get rid of me? Lo siento, no llevo mi reloj. I'm sorry I don't have my watch with me. I'm sorry, I'm not wearing my watch. Ese vestido te sienta bien. The dress suits you very well. That dress feels good. Les roses de mon jardin sont belles. The roses in my garden are beautiful. The roses in my garden are beautiful. Dia bermain tenis kemarin. He played tennis yesterday. He was playing tennis yesterday. O Tom é um cidadão britânico. Tom is a British citizen. Tom's a British citizen. Ría con ellos. Laugh with them. Laugh with them. Sua lata de lixo está pegando fogo. Your garbage can is on fire. His can of garbage is on fire. Você come carne de vitela? Do you eat veal? Do you eat beef? Nu am fost atent și m-am urcat în autobuzul greșit. I wasn't being mindful and got on a wrong bus by mistake. I wasn't paying attention and I got on the wrong bus. Non è la mia idea di divertimento, però come volete. That's not my idea of fun, but whatever floats your boat. It's not my idea of fun, but as you wish. Estou muito feliz na Geórgia. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Adesso venite dentro. Now get in. Now come inside. Ne m'oblige pas à le dire. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say it. Io provo a non giudicare le decisioni delle mie amiche. I try not to judge my friends' decisions. I try not to judge my friends' decisions. Tom decidió salir del trabajo temprano. Tom decided to leave work early. Tom decided to leave work early. Disfrutamos del picnic. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We enjoy the picnic. É melhor ter amado e perdido, do que jamais ter amado. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It's better to have loved and lost, than never loved. Io vorrei due copie di ognuno di questi documenti. I'd like two copies of each of these documents. I want two copies of each of these documents. Di' loro cos'hai in mente. Tell them what's on your mind. Tell them what you're thinking. Él estaba totalmente borracho. He was totally drunk. He was totally drunk. Tom não o conhece tão bem quanto eu. Tom doesn't know you as well as I do. Tom doesn't know him as well as I do. Ella llevaba un sombrero nuevo. She was wearing a new hat. She wore a new hat. J'espère que tout va bien pour lui. I hope he's all right. I hope everything's good for him. Les promesses sont faites pour ne pas être tenues. Promises are made to be broken. Promises are made so as not to be kept. Kate casi nunca celebra su cumpleaños. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday. Apa orang tuamu tidak mengajarimu sopan santun? Didn't your parents teach you manners? Didn't your parents teach you politely? Tom insegnò a Mary a fare il pane. Tom taught Mary how to bake bread. Tom taught Mary to make bread. Les policiers examinent leurs sacs. The police are checking their bags. The police examine their bags. Banyak kompetitor internasional Amerika menawarkan kepada para siswa edukasi yang lebih ketat dan relevan pada tingkat sekolah menengah dan menengah atas. Many of America’s international competitors offer students a more rigorous and relevant education in their middle and high school years. Many international American competitors offer students a more rigorous and relevant education at the upper and middle school level. Parece-me que você tem apendicite. It seems to me you have appendicitis. It seems to me that you have appendicitis. No tengo ganas de cenar esta noche. I don't feel like eating supper tonight. I don't want to have dinner tonight. Estupa lo gas ! Turn off the gas. He sucks the gas! Ho chiesto aiuto. I asked for help. I asked for help. Elle s'est mise à transpirer. She began to sweat. She's sweating. Sconfiggilo. Defeat him. Defeat him. Sa profession est d'enseigner. Her occupation is teaching. His profession is to teach. N'oublie pas de poster cette lettre sur le chemin de l'école. Don't forget to mail this letter on your way to school. Don't forget to post this letter on the way to school. Você parou de fumar, certo? You've quit smoking, right? You stopped smoking, right? Pas davantage, je vous prie. No more, please. No more, please. Tom n'avait pas peur de la police. Tom wasn't scared of the police. Tom wasn't afraid of the police. Grasias al Dio. Thank God. Thank God. Li hai malmenati, vero? You beat them, didn't you? You damaged them, didn't you? Ero seduto accanto a lei. I was sitting next to her. I was sitting next to her. Qui és vostè? Who are you? Who are you? Il était aussi gentil avec les animaux. He was also kind to animals. He was so kind to the animals. Aku butuh beberapa perangko. I need to get some stamps. I need some stamps. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Mio figlio non mangia mai i suoi spinaci. My son never eats his spinach. My son never eats his spinach. Tom e Mary cantarono tre canzoni. Tom and Mary sang three songs. Tom and Mary sang three songs. Apa ada sesuatu di atas lantai? Is there anything on the floor? Is there something on the floor? Hanno giocato a un gioco da tavolo. They played a board game. They played a board game. Ele se decidiu rapidamente. He made up his mind quickly. He made a quick decision. C'est ici qu'il joue. He is playing here. This is where he plays. Il mio cane mi segue ovunque io vada. My dog follows me whenever I go. My dog follows me wherever I go. Par ici, s'il vous plait. Please come this way. This way, please. Mirei pola fiestra. I looked out the window. I looked out the window. Se ha puesto el sol. The sun has gone down. The sun's set. Ça pourrait arriver à n'importe qui. It could happen to anyone. It could happen to anyone. Com licença, quanto custa isso? Excuse me, how much does this cost? Excuse me, how much does that cost? Você não tem nada a dizer? You don't have anything to say about it, do you? You don't have anything to say? Ho avuto successo. I succeeded. I was successful. Non è di Tom. It isn't Tom's. It's not Tom's. Me temo que el doctor no está. I'm afraid the doctor is out. I'm afraid the doctor isn't here. Dos boletos a San Diego, por favor. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two tickets to San Diego, please. State nuotando. You're swimming. You're swimming. Si vous n'êtes pas sûre de la signification du mot, cherchez-le dans votre dictionnaire. If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. If you are unsure of the meaning of the word, look for it in your dictionary. Tom e eu sentamos na parte de trás. Tom and I sat in the back. Tom and I sat in the back. Mereka menjatuhkan bom atom di Hiroshima. They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. They dropped an atom bomb in Hiroshima. S-ar putea să ningă după-amiaza. It may snow in the afternoon. She might swim in the afternoon. Vai ao médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go to the doctor to pick up the prescription! Tom me vio. Tom saw me. Tom saw me. Tom não fez isso. Tom didn't do it. Tom didn't do that. Tom rescató al gato de las llamas. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. ¡Gracias, mamá! Thanks, Mom. Thank you, Mom! È discutibile. That's debatable. It's debatable. È un bricconcello. He's a rascal. It's a briquette. Fue imperdonable. It was unpardonable. It was unforgivable. Descubrí que el rumor era, en parte, cierto. I found the rumor to be true to a certain extent. I discovered that the rumor was, in part, true. Están casados. They're married. They're married. Se supone que estás feliz. You're supposed to be happy. You're supposed to be happy. Provo sempre ad essere preparata. I try to always be prepared. I always try to be prepared. Essa é a palavra que eu estava tentando lembrar. That's the word I was trying to find. That's the word I was trying to remember. Promettetemi che le aiuterete. Promise me you'll help them. Promise me you'll help them. Baiklah. Alright. All right. Nu înțeleg. I do not understand. I don't understand. Esta tarde voy a ver a Mary. I'm going to see Mary this afternoon. I'm going to see Mary this afternoon. Noi avem un supermarket mare. We have a big supermarket. We have a big supermarket. Cu desăvârșire interzis. Strictly forbidden. Totally forbidden. Le criminel a tenté de blanchir de l'argent. The criminal attempted to launder money. The criminal tried to whitewash money. Tom meletakkan sendoknya. Tom set down his spoon. Tom put down the spoon. Esse quarto tem dois roupeiros. This room has two closets for clothing. This room has two closets. Bienvenido a San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. El pájaro está muerto. The bird is dead. The bird is dead. Você não pode mudar quem você é. You can't change who you are. You can't change who you are. O cachorro deve estar com fome. The dog must be hungry. The dog must be hungry. Eu sei por que Tom me deixou só. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Ne troverò uno più tardi. I'll find one later. I'll find one later. Hai studiato la teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin? Have you studied Darwin's theory of evolution? Have you studied Darwin's theory of evolution? Non gli parli mentre guida. Don't speak to him while he is driving. Don't talk to him while he's driving. Lei vuole andare con Tom? Do you want to go with Tom? You want to go with Tom? Avreste fatto meglio ad andare. You had better go. You'd better go. Toma algunas galletas para calmar el hambre hasta la cena. She had some cookies to stay her hunger until dinner. Take some cookies to calm the hunger to dinner. Non ha cambiato niente. That didn't change anything. He hasn't changed anything. L'auditoire se composait essentiellement d'étudiants. The audience consisted mainly of students. The audience consisted mainly of students. Antiguamente la separación o el divorcio eran muy mal vistos por todos. In the past, separation and divorce were frowned upon by everyone. In the past, separation or divorce were very badly seen by all. Aku memberitahu Tom kalau kita bisa melakukannya hari ini. I told Tom we could do it today. I told Tom that we could do it today. Nous n'avons pas de piscine. We don't have a pool. We don't have a pool. El ruido me molesta. The noise disturbs me. The noise bothers me. Déronse un apertón de mans. They shook hands with each other. They gave themselves a handful of hands. J'aurais dû savoir que c'était vous. I should've known it was you. I should have known it was you. Le arance sono ricche di vitamina C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. The oranges are rich in vitamin C. Estic fent servir aquella tassa. I'm using that cup. I'm using that cup. Stà bòun. Keep calm. It's good. O colégio começa às 8h40. School starts at 8:40. College starts at 8.40. Ea l-a privit cu un zâmbet. She looked at him with a smile on her face. She looked at him with a smile. Eu sei onde podemos conseguir um. I know where we can get one. I know where we can get one. Nunca imaginé que sería tan fácil. I never thought it would be so easy. I never imagined it would be that easy. Je n'ai pas aimé la façon dont vous avez fait cela. I didn't like the way you did that. I didn't like the way you did that. Tom quase causou um incidente internacional. Tom almost caused an international incident. Tom almost caused an international incident. O Tom não sabe nada disto, não é? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Tom e Mary sempre brincavam juntos quando eram crianças. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary always played together when they were kids. Não tenho nada para relatar. I've got nothing to report. I have nothing to report. Prefiero que Tom lo haga. I'd rather Tom do it. I'd rather Tom do it. Tom tem de sair daqui. Tom has got to get out of here. Tom has to get out of here. Yo soy de Hungría. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Sarò a Londra per quest'ora domani. I will be in London by this time tomorrow. I'll be in London for this hour tomorrow. El terrorisme és un dels enemics més grans de la pau mundial. Terrorism is one of the biggest enemies of world peace. Terrorism is one of the greatest enemies of world peace. Puisque le bonheur n'existe pas, nous devons nous efforcer d'être heureux sans lui. Since happiness doesn't exist, we must strive to be happy without it. Since happiness does not exist, we must strive to be happy without it. Nerviós ? Jo ? Non pas ! Nervous? Me? No! Nervous? Lo perderemos todo. We'll lose everything. We'll lose everything. Per piacere, non sia arrabbiata con me! Please, don't be angry with me! Please don't be mad at me! Spense la radio. She turned off the radio. Listen to the radio. Kompramos pan. We buy bread. We buy bread. Opera apakah yang sedang dipertunjukkan di Lincoln Center saat ini? What operas are being performed at the Lincoln Center right now? What operation is being shown at Lincoln Center right now? Tom cortó la torta en seis trozos. Tom cut the pie into six pieces. Tom cut the cake into six pieces. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in diversity. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Dipende troppo da lui. She depends too much on him. It depends too much on him. Deveria encontrá-la aqui. I should find her here. I should find her here. Ești frumoasă ca o floare de vișin. You are pretty like a cherry blossom. You're beautiful like a bird flower. He oblidat el seu nom. I've forgotten his name. I forgot his name. Tom sabia que Maria não estava em casa. Tom knew Mary wasn't at home. Tom knew Maria wasn't home. Eu corro. I run. I'll run. Elle a besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler. She needs someone to talk to. She needs someone to talk to. Il est resté éveillé toute la nuit. He stayed up all night. He stayed awake all night. Nuestras virtudes son, en su mayoría, sólo vicios disfrazados. Our virtues are, most often, only disguised vices. Our virtues are mostly only disguised vices. Quem realmente se preocupa? Who really cares? Who really cares? Disse che oggi non sarei neanche dovuto venire. He said that I shouldn't even be coming in today. He said I shouldn't even be coming today. Aliémonos con ese grupo. Let's ally ourselves to that group. Let's get away with that group. A partir de ahora vamos a hablar solo en portugués. Starting now, we will only speak in Portuguese. From now on, we're going to talk only in Portuguese. Sou mais rápido que você. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Quelles sont tes qualifications ? What are your qualification? What are your qualifications? Vrei să fii lăsat pe dinafară? Do you want to be left out? Do you want to be left out? In realtà, Tom, io sono un po' impegnato. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Que volèm ua veitura. We want a car. We want one car. Vi uno. I saw one. One of you. Biddle dulunya adalah seorang yang sangat cerdas. Biddle was an extremely intelligent man. Biddle was a very smart man. Ma ville est près de la mer. My town is by the sea. My city is close to the sea. Pouvez-vous me donner votre numéro de téléphone? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? O trem deveria chegar em Osaka às dez. The train should reach Osaka by ten. The train should be in Osaka at ten. A medida que él hablaba, se ponía cada vez más entusiasmado. As he talked, he got more and more excited. As he spoke, he became more and more enthusiastic. Compra el que vol sense fixar-se en el que val. She buys what she wants regardless of the cost. Buy whatever you want without looking at what it's worth. No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy. Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Don't leave tomorrow what you can do today. Luz, câmera, ação! Lights, camera, action! Light, camera, action! No me olvidé de ustedes. I didn't forget about you. I didn't forget you. Por favor ve con Tom. Please take Tom with you. Please go with Tom. La faim est l'une des afflictions les plus dures. Hunger is one of the strongest griefs. Hunger is one of the hardest sufferings. Nu ați fost obosită? Weren't you tired? You weren't tired? Să nu-mi mai vorbești. Never speak to me again. Stop talking to me. Vocês deveriam ter visto. You ought to have seen it. You should've seen it. É uma boa câmera. It's a good camera. It's a good camera. È ancora a casa. He's still home. He's still home. Tom a acceptat jobul de portar la liceul local. Tom accepted the job as janitor at the local high school. Tom took the job of taking him to the local high school. Quan ei lo ton aniversari ? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Saya dari Brazil I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil ¿Quieres que vaya ahora? Do you want me to go now? You want me to go now? Si tu vois les dents du lion surgir, ne crois surtout pas que le lion te sourit. If you see the lion baring its teeth, don't think that the lion is smiling at you. If you see the lion's teeth come up, I don't think most of all the lion smiles at you. Supermarketnya buka jam sepuluh tepat. The supermarket opens at ten o'clock. The supermarket opens at ten o'clock right. Tom não fala muito, fala? Tom doesn't talk much, does he? Tom doesn't talk much, does he? Ellos lo acusaron de robar la bicicleta. They accused him of stealing the bicycle. They accused him of stealing his bike. En mer, pour empêcher le poisson qui est capturé de se gâter, il est immédiatement réfrigéré. When out at sea, to keep the fish that is caught from spoiling, it is immediately refrigerated. At sea, to prevent the fish that is caught from spoiling, it is immediately refrigerated. Por que você não os impediu? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you stop them? Lo lamento, pero sencillamente es imposible. I'm sorry, but it's just not possible. I'm sorry, but it's simply impossible. ¿Por qué Tom falta? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom missing? Sapete cosa c'è in quella scatola? Do you know what's in that box? You know what's in that box? Anda membuat saya bosan! You are boring me! You bore me! Eu gostaria de não ter dito isso ao Tom. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. Os meus amigos me chamam de Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. Éste es el reverso de la medalla. This is the back of the medal. This is the reverse of the medal. Ma clé USB contient un virus. My pen-drive has a virus. My USB key contains a virus. Faremo esattamente come suggerisce. We'll do exactly as you suggest. We'll do exactly as he suggests. Algumas pessoas gostam. Some people like it. Some people like it. Ce chapeau est trop serré pour moi. This hat is too tight for me. This hat is too tight for me. Non fumate qui dentro. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. No le añado azúcar al café. I don't add sugar to my coffee. I don't add sugar to the coffee. Elle alla faire des emplettes. She went shopping. She's going to do some stuff. Nu știu! I do not know. I don't know! Eu devo ao Tom $ 300. I owe Tom $300. I owe Tom $300. Poate cineva, vă rog, să comenteze această propoziție? Could someone please comment on this sentence? Can someone, please, comment on this sentence? Sunt căsătorit acum. I'm now married. I'm married now. Tenho orgulho de ser estranho. I am proud to be weird. I'm proud to be weird. Ajuda't tu mateix i Déu t'ajudarà. Help yourself and God will help you. Help yourself and God will help you. Las paredes oyen. The walls have ears. The walls listen. Isso está indo longe demais. This is going too far. That's going too far. Aku tahu ini tidak semudah kelihatannya. I know it's not as easy as it looks. I know this isn't as easy as it looks. Tom y Mary parecen estar enamorados. Tom and Mary seem to be in love with each other. Tom and Mary seem to be in love. Suaminya kaya. His husband is rich. His husband is rich. - Nu pot gândi cu zgomotul ăsta, a spus ea, uitându-se lung la mașina de scris. "I can't think with that noise," she said, as she stared at the typewriter. - I can't think of that noise, she said, looking long at the typewriter. Un día lo entenderéis. You'll understand someday. One day you'll understand. Espérons que l'année prochaine soit meilleure. Let's hope next year will be better. Let's hope next year's better. Stia lontano da lei. Keep away from her. Stay away from her. Eu estava prestes a sair quando Mary apareceu do nada. I was about to leave when Mary appeared out of the blue. I was about to leave when Mary appeared out of nowhere. Lei sa andare in bici? Can you ride a bicycle? Can you ride a bike? Io amo i suoi vestiti. I love your clothes. I love his clothes. Eu não quero te ver nunca mais. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't want to see you again. Vous ne semblez pas aussi organisés que Tom. You don't seem to be as organized as Tom seems to be. You don't look as organized as Tom. Eu ouvi dizer que Tom está no hospital. I heard that Tom is in the hospital. I heard Tom's in the hospital. Lei ha incontrato la ragazza nuova? Have you met the new girl? Did you meet the new girl? Quando finisce la scuola? When is school over? When does the school end? Me estoy meditando adelgazar un poco. I'm planning on losing some weight. I'm thinking about getting a little thin. J'aime ta nouvelle coiffure. I like your new hairstyle. I like your new hairstyle. Non podes aparcar aquí. Non obstante, hay un aparcadoiro xusto virando a esquina. You can't park here. However, there is a parking lot just around the corner. You can't park here, but there's a parking lot right around the corner. Va a la escuela caminando. She goes to school on foot. He's walking to school. Êtes-vous fatigués ? Are you tired? Are you tired? Michael masih belum memeriksa pintu-pintunya. Michael hasn't checked the doors yet. Michael hasn't checked the doors yet. An ka jwé. I am playing. They can be enjoyed. Dimana Tom dan keluarganya tinggal? Where are Tom and his family living? Where do Tom and his family live? Tom a exactement le même âge que toi. Tom is exactly the same age as you. Tom is exactly the same age as you. Le chat mange du pain. The cat eats bread. The cat eats bread. Je joue aux jeux vidéo. I play video games. I play video games. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir aussi tôt. You need not have come so early. You didn't need to come this early. Si tu fais une sieste ici, tu vas attraper froid. If you take a nap here, you'll catch a cold. If you take a nap here, you'll catch cold. Saya ingin beli baju untuk adik saya. I want to buy a shirt for my little sister. I wanted to buy clothes for my sister. Ella tiene una casa pequeña. She has a small house. She has a small house. ¿De quién son esas fotos? Whose pictures are those? Whose pictures are those? Por favor, no discutan. Please don't argue. Please don't argue. Ar fi cazul să-i mulțumești. You ought to thank him. You'd have to thank him. On està el banc més proper? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Estava à venda. It was on sale. I was on sale. Você é filho único? Are you an only child? Are you the only son? Districtul este abundent în resursele naturale. The district is abundant in natural resources. The district is abundant in natural resources. No olvides revolver el estofado. Don't forget to stir the stew. Don't forget to roll the stew. Je veux quelque chose à boire. I want something to drink. I want something to drink. El este înstărit. He is well off. He's strong. Non mi dire di calmarmi. Don't tell me to calm down. Don't tell me to calm down. O întâlnesc pe Mihaela în fiecare dimineață, la metrou. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I meet Mihaela every morning on the subway. Disculpa, cómu te llamas? Excuse me. What's your name? Excuse me, what's your name? Încă îmi pot aminti momentul când Tom a căzut din copac. I can still remember the time when Tom fell out of the tree. I can still remember when Tom fell out of the tree. Tom morou em Boston até os dez anos de idade. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom died in Boston until he was ten years old. Cânt un cântec frumos. I sing a beautiful song. I sing a beautiful song. Él siempre está alardeando. He is always talking big. He's always bragging. Dovresti chiederlo a lei. You should ask her. You should ask her. Estash en Berlin? Are you guys in Berlin? Estash in Berlin? La météo est au beau fixe. We're going to have good weather for awhile. The weather is high. Est-ce que je peux aider ? Can I be of help? Can I help you? Hai delle mele? Do you have apples? Do you have any apples? Tom entrou na casa. Tom entered the house. Tom went into the house. A l'ha dame na rispòsta sensa sens. He gave me a vague answer. He gave it to me in a sense of purpose. Hanno detto che sono stanche. They said they're tired. They said they're tired. Você realmente está doando isso? Are you really just giving it away? Are you really hurting that? Tom dan Mary sedang bermain Mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing Mahjong. Veuillez remplir cette bouteille d'eau. Please fill this bottle with water. Please fill in this bottle of water. Tom cre que Mary ten máis de corenta. Tom thinks Mary is over forty. Tom thinks Mary has more than forty. Aku sangat mencintainya, aku akan rela mati untuknya. I love her so much I would die for her. I love her so much, I'm willing to die for her. Sé pou sa. That's why. Remember that. Él era un buen rey. He was a good king. He was a good king. Los precios bajaron súbitamente. Prices dropped suddenly. Prices suddenly went down. Non stai mangiando niente. You are not eating anything. You're not eating anything. Não sou saudável. I'm not healthy. I'm not healthy. Me lo puedo comer aquí. I can eat it in here. I can eat it here. Tenia ambició. She was ambitious. He had ambition. Eravate gelosi di Tom? Were you jealous of Tom? Were you jealous of Tom? Tu n'es pas occupé, n'est-ce pas ? You're not busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? Fadil pensava che la medicina fosse veleno. Fadil thought the medication was poison. Fadil thought the medicine was poison. Nouă ne place zăpada. We like snow. We like snow. C'est très mature de ta part. That's very mature of you. It's very mature on your part. N'èi pas nat gat. I don't have a cat. It's not cat-born. Bona nit. Good night! Good night. C'è qualcuno con lei. There's someone with her. There's someone with her. C'est une arnaque nigériane classique. It's a classic Nigerian 419 scam. It's a classic Nigerian snail. Este acolo un birou lângă fereastră? Is there a desk by the window? Is there an office next to the window? La législation proposée piétine au moins trois amendements à la constitution. The proposed legislation runs roughshod over at least three amendments to the constitution. The proposed pedestrian legislation at least three amendments to the constitution. Je pensais que je te trouverais ici. I thought I'd find you here. I thought I'd find you here. Lei fa spesso questo? Do you do this often? Do you do this often? Tom planejou destruir o projeto. Tom plotted to destroy the project. Tom planned to destroy the project. Cosa sta disegnando? What are you drawing? What are you drawing? J'ai demandé qui il était. I asked who he was. I asked who he was. Io posso insegnarvi qualcosa. I can teach you something. I can teach you something. Io non sono un veterano. I'm not a veteran. I'm not a veteran. Jika anda bersetuju untuk menjadi penderma organ, anda boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa seseorang. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to be the organizer, you can help to save someone’s life. El nu a putut să-mi răspundă la întrebare. He was unable to answer my question. He couldn't answer my question. Ella lo ahorcó. She choked him. She hanged it. A capital da Ucrânia é Kiev. The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. N'as-tu jamais embrassé une fille ? Haven't you ever kissed a girl? Have you ever kissed a girl? É um jogador cauteloso. He is a careful player. He's a cautious player. Unde ai găsit aceste timbre rare? Where did you come across the rare stamps? Where did you find these rare bells? Nous n'avons pas vu trace de lui depuis qu'il s'est enfui avec sa petite amie. We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he eloped with his girlfriend. We haven't seen a trace of him since he ran away with his girlfriend. Ipoteza dumneavoastră e plauzibilă. Your hypothesis is plausible. Your hypothesis is plausible. La casa está en venta. The house is on sale. The house is for sale. J'ai découvert quelque chose d'intéressant, aujourd'hui. I found out something interesting today. I discovered something interesting today. Je n'ai pas pu le terminer. I couldn't finish it. I couldn't finish it. Prosopul este uscat. The towel is dry. The mess is dry. Pensa que é un fracaso por iso se dá á bebida. He thinks he is a failure so he drinks. He thinks it's a failure. That's why he's drinking. Cosa dovrei dirle? What should I tell her? What am I supposed to say to her? Quella casa necessita di riparazioni. That house needs repairs. That house needs repairs. Lo avete trovato divertente? Did you find that amusing? Did you find it funny? Apparemment, ce n'est pas exact. Apparently, that's not correct. Apparently, that's not true. Nonostante tutte le sue ricchezze, lei non è felice. For all her riches, she's not happy. Despite all her riches, she's not happy. Tom è presente. Tom is present. Tom's here. ¿Se están ocupando bien de ti? Are they taking good care of you? Are they taking good care of you? Saya membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menyelesaikan buku teks Islandia saya. I want the time and the health to finish my Icelandic textbook. I needed time and energy to complete my Icelandic text book. Científicos británicos han establecido que si uno pone de cabeza la bandera japonesa, da la bandera japonesa. British scientists have established that if you turn the flag of Japan upside down, you get the flag of Japan. British scientists have established that if one heads the Japanese flag, it gives the Japanese flag. Le connaissais-tu ? Did you know him? Did you know him? Montre-moi comment le faire ! Show me how to do that. Show me how to do it! Não esqueça sua promessa. Don't forget your promise. Don't forget your promise. Ada banyak sekali taman di Wrocław. There are a lot of parks in Wrocław. There's a lot of gardens in Wrocław. Trier é a cidade mais antiga da Alemanha. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Omul rău e speriat de înălţimi. The wicked man is scared of heights. The bad man is scared of heights. C'est pourquoi il me faut le faire. That's why I have to do this. That's why I need to do it. Nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de faire comme ça. We have no choice but to do so. We have no choice but to do that. ¿Cómo de bueno es? How good is he? How good is it? ¡Oye tú! Hey, you! Hey, you! Dia ada tabiat membiarkan pintu terbuka. He has a habit of keeping the door open. She had a habit of leaving the door open. J'ai apporté des renforts. I brought reinforcements. I brought reinforcements. L'Italie envahit l'Éthiopie en mille-neuf-cent-trente-cinq. Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Italy invaded Ethiopia in a thousand-nine-nine-three-five. Este o realizare măreață! It's a great accomplishment. It's a great achievement! Te gândești serios să cumperi mașina aia veche? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Volevo solo dire grazie. I just wanted to say thanks. I just wanted to say thank you. Lui è etiope. He is Ethiopian. He's Ethiopian. Mon ordinateur s'est figé. My computer has frozen. My computer's gone. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. Cât costă rochia aceasta? How much is this dress? How much is this dress? Tom non ha ricevuto alcuna risposta. Tom got no reply. Tom didn't get any answers. Eu acabei de escovar. I just brush it off. I just dug it. Tom era un po' scioccato. Tom was a little shocked. Tom was a little shocked. El bebé no puede caminar todavía. The baby can't walk yet. The baby can't walk yet. Nimeni nu poate ști totul. Nobody can know everything. No one can know everything. Boas noites. Good night! Good night. Tom está casado con Mary ahora, pero una vez estuvo casado con Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but at one time he was married to Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but once he was married to Alice. Sarebbe rischioso. That would be risky. That would be risky. Unul din regii Angliei a abdicat pentru a se căsători cu o fată din popor. One of England's kings abdicated the throne in order to marry a commoner. One of the kings of England abdicated to marry a girl from the people. ¿Por qué hiciste eso? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Nuestro viaje será largo. Our journey will be long. Our journey will be long. Vous devriez manger plus, sinon vous ne vous rétablirez pas avant longtemps. You should eat more, or you won't get well soon. You should eat more, otherwise you won't be restored for a long time. Io ti sostengo. I'm supporting you. I support you. Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom looked confused. Tom seemed confused. Tom sembra molto amichevole. Tom seems very friendly. Tom seems very friendly. Estou esperando minha mãe. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mom. Mereka bukan kakak beradik, tapi mereka mencintai satu sama lain seakan mereka sudah seperti itu dari dulu. They were not brother and sister, but they loved each other as much as if they had been. They're not brothers, but they love each other like they've always been. Tom membenciku. Tom hates me. Tom hated me. Mon appartement est rempli de bazar que je n'utilise jamais. My apartment is filled with stuff that I never use. My apartment is full of bazaars that I never use. Il m'a aidé à faire mes devoirs. He helped me do my homework. He helped me do my homework. Meu pai tem esse mesmo tipo de carro. This is the same type of car as my father has. My dad's got that same kind of car. Pourquoi Dan est-il si violent? Why is Dan so violent? Why is Dan so violent? Ela é multilíngue. She's multilingual. She's multi-lingual. Disparitas binokular mengacu pada perbedaan lokasi dari sebuah objek yang terlihat oleh mata kiri dan kanan. Binocular disparity refers to the difference in image location of an object seen by the left and right eyes. Binocular disparity refers to the different location of an object that is seen by the left and right eyes. Singa adalah raja rimba. The lion is the king of the jungle. Lions are kings. Tu es un homme bon. You're a good man. You're a good man. Non siamo i tuoi genitori. We're not your parents. We're not your parents. Tom si è irritato. Tom got irritated. Tom got angry. Trop tard ! Tom nous a déjà vus. Too late! Tom has already left. Tom's already seen us. Sugerezi că este un defect de proiectare? Are you suggesting it's a design flaw? Are you suggesting it's a design defect? Kero avlar kon eya. I want to talk to her. Kero's telling me how to do it. Ele vont dmorer chal sacwants djoûs. They will be staying here for several days. He'll stay here a few days. Tom était marié à l'époque. Tom was married back then. Tom was married at the time. Gli hai dato una lettera? Did you give him a letter? Did you give him a letter? Diz pro Tom que estou chegando. Tell Tom that I'm coming. Tell pro Tom I'm coming. Tom ammise che non gli piaceva molto Mary. Tom admitted he didn't like Mary very much. Tom admitted he didn't like Mary very much. L'è un lêder. He is a thief. He's a leader. Tous ces livres et vêtements sont à toi. These books and clothes are all yours. All these books and clothes are yours. Hace un calor insoportable. It's unbearably hot. It's an unbearable heat. Eu não vou deixá-lo dirigir. I won't let you drive. I'm not gonna let you drive him. Você sabe o meu nome? Do you know my name? Do you know my name? Elle a pris son temps. She took her time. She took her time. Ta sœur est belle comme toujours. Your sister is beautiful as ever. Your sister is as beautiful as ever. Todos cometemos errores. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Chiel a l'é pront adess. He's ready now. Chiel's ready. Je ne t'ai pas dit de faire ça. I didn't tell you to do that. I didn't tell you to do that. Él ya lo había editado para cuando me llegó al escritorio. He had already edited it by the time it came across my desk. He had already edited it by the time I got to the desk. Tepat seperti apa yang Anda katakan. It's exactly as you say it is. Exactly what you said. Lei la pensa così? Do you think so? Do you think so? Merci de rester assis dans votre siège jusqu'à notre arrivée au terminus. Please stay seated until we reach the terminal. Thank you for sitting in your seat until we arrive at the end. Se vuole ulteriori dettagli a riguardo, dovrà chiedere al mio capo. If you want more details about that, you'll have to ask my boss. If you want more details on this, you'll have to ask my boss. Sinuciderea este un act de disperare. Suicide is a desperate act. Suicide is an act of despair. Grace todavía no ha venido. Grace has not come yet. Grace hasn't come yet. M'alegra que estigueu ací. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. Ele tem uma forte personalidade. He has a strong personality. He has a strong personality. Lei sa quando farla? Do you know when to do it? Do you know when to do it? Kami sudah memesan yang pukul enam tiga puluh. We have a reservation for six-thirty. We've ordered it at six thirty. Kami pergi nonton semalam. We went to the movies last night. We went to watch last night. Non incolpo lei per ciò. I don't blame her for this. I don't blame you for that. Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you! I would never betray him! Es-tu une enfant unique ? Are you an only child? Are you a single child? Ho dovuto prendere qualcosa dalla mia stanza. I had to get something from my room. I had to get something out of my room. N'élevez pas la voix ! Don't raise your voice. Don't raise your voice! Erano fermamente convinti delle loro convinzioni. They held firm to their convictions. They were firmly convinced of their beliefs. Proteja-se de acidentes. Guard against accidents. Protect yourself from accidents. Tengo hambre que me comería un caballo. I feel the hunger of a 1000 devils. I'm hungry he'd eat me a horse. Înțelepciunea nu vine în mod automat cu vârsta. Wisdom does not automatically come with age. Wisdom does not automatically come with age. Quando você irá voltar? When will you return? When are you coming back? Eya melda. She reads. That's melda. Tom no tiene que levantarse temprano mañana. Tom doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to get up early tomorrow. Ascolti! Listen! Listen! Mon nom est John. My name is John. My name is John. Aku pikir aku akan pergi tidur. I think I'm gonna go to sleep. I thought I'd go to bed. Tom fez o que você pediu a ele? Did Tom do what you asked him to do? Tom did what you asked him to do? Tom se trancou no quarto e não sai. Tom locked himself in his room and won't come out. Tom locked himself in the room and didn't leave. Te desafío a que intentes pararme. I dare you to try to stop me. I challenge you to try and stop me. Mai de la vida no he vist una cosa així! I've never seen such a thing in my life, not once! I've never seen anything like it in my life! Avevamo un piano molto semplice. We had a very simple plan. We had a very simple plan. Escuchamos la radio. We listen to the radio. We listened to the radio. Esto es un portokal. This is an orange. This is a Puerto Rican. Pelajari! Learn! Learn! La legna secca brucia velocemente. Dry wood burns quickly. The dry wood burns quickly. Kami memiliki banyak sekali furnitur. We had a lot of furniture. We have a lot of furniture. Ne vous donnez pas des airs ! Don't give yourself airs. Don't give yourself any air! Non sapevo che ti stavi tagliando i capelli! I didn't know you were cutting your hair! I didn't know you were cutting your hair! Él es un buen violinista. He is a good violinist. He's a good violinist. Talvez isso seja verdade. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. Ti ho vista baciarlo. Non negarlo! I saw you kiss him. Do not deny it! I saw you kiss him. Eu não estou mais inspirado. I'm not inspired anymore. I'm not inspired anymore. Él tiene barba. He has a beard. He's got a beard. Filho, não seja tolo! Son, don't be foolish! Son, don't be crazy! Tu ai trei mașini. You have three cars. You have three cars. Kamu pulang jam berapa? What time do you go home? What time are you home? Si pruebas esta salsa la encontrarás un tanto salada. If you taste this sauce you'll find it a bit salty. If you try this sauce, you'll find it a little salty. Diedi un libro al ragazzo. I gave the boy a book. I gave the boy a book. Ela confiava em você. She trusted you. She trusted you. Tom non sa leggere la musica. Tom can't read music. Tom can't read the music. Je veux aller nager avec Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. I want to swim with Tom. Je n'y pense même pas. I'm not even thinking about it. I don't even think about it. Il libro di Tom Jackson è stato tradotto in molte lingue. Tom Jackson's book has been translated into many languages. Tom Jackson's book has been translated into many languages. Acordaron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They agreed to choose him as president. Necesito parlantes nuevos para mi PC. I need new speakers for my PC. I need you talking new for my PC. Îl voi suna pe Tom mâine. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. Isso faz eu me sentir velho. It makes me feel old. That makes me feel old. Penso che Tom possa volerlo fare. I think that Tom may want to do that. I think Tom might want to. Aquilo realmente aconteceu. That really happened. That really happened. Responda la pregunta. Answer the question. Answer the question. Você tem muita coragem! You have a lot of nerve! You have a lot of courage! A me non è mai piaciuta la scuola. I never liked school. I never liked school. É apenas outro alarme falso. It's only another false alarm. It's just another false alarm. No puedo evitar sentir lástima por esa chica. I can't help feeling sorry for the girl. I can't help feeling sorry for that girl. Ese movimiento fue un gran error. That move was a big mistake. That movement was a big mistake. Îmi place să merg cu trenul. I like to travel by train. I like to ride the train. Kau punya selera humor yang bagus. You've got a great sense of humor. You have a good sense of humor. Forse hai ragione. Perhaps you are right. Maybe you're right. Io e Tom andremo a Boston con Mary. Tom and I'll go to Boston with Mary. Tom and I are going to Boston with Mary. Ea este predispusă la răceli. She was susceptible to colds. She's prone to colds. Murieron cuatro soldados y doce civiles. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. Você fala ucraniano? Do you speak Ukrainian? Do you speak Ukrainian? Solo perché un uomo è ricco non vuol dire necessariamente che sia felice. Just because a man is rich it does not necessarily follow that he is happy. Just because a man is rich doesn't necessarily mean he's happy. Eu sunt liber. I'm free. I'm free. Vino una persona ke su lingua no entendi. A person came whose language I didn't understand. Come a person to his language you don't understand. Este es mi diccionario. This is my dictionary. This is my dictionary. Puedo ver a una mujer y a dos perros dentro del auto. I can see a lady and two dogs in the car. I can see a woman and two dogs inside the car. Mangeons dehors pour changer. Let's eat out for a change. Let's eat out to change. No me interesa mientras seas feliz. I don't care as long as you're happy. I don't care as long as you're happy. Les encantabas. They loved you. They loved it. De qué vòu díser ? What does it mean? What do you mean? Je voudrais en savoir plus sur les techniques utilisées pour construire les pyramides d'Égypte. I would like to know more about the technology which was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. I would like to know more about the techniques used to build the pyramids of Egypt. Você sabe quem era ele? Do you know who he was? Do you know who he was? J'ai échoué. I failed. I failed. Tom se ha enamorado de Mary. Tom has fallen in love with Mary. Tom has fallen in love with Mary. Finalement, ils ont pris une décision. At last, they came to a decision. Finally, they made a decision. No tengo ganas de responder preguntas. I don't feel like answering questions. I don't feel like answering questions. Il dut partager une chambre avec son frère. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to share a room with his brother. Creo que hice lo correcto. I think I did the right thing. I think I did the right thing. Grouille ! Hurry up! Grouille! Nous savons tous ce qui est arrivé ici. We all know what happened here. We all know what happened here. Qui ho ha pintat? Who painted it? Who painted it? Ne parlez pas tous en même temps. Don't all speak at the same time. Don't talk at the same time. Le couple d'à côté se dispute de nouveau. The couple next door are fighting again. The couple on the side is fighting again. En décembre 2013, le département de l'Agriculture a annoncé qu'il consacrerait jusqu'à 250 millions de dollars pour aider les entreprises et les clients particuliers des régions rurales à réduire leurs factures d'énergie au moyen de mesures d'optimalisation énergétique et d'utilisation d'énergies renouvelables. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced it will provide up to $250 million to help businesses and residential customers in rural areas cut their energy bills through energy efficiency and renewable energy use. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced that it would devote up to $250 million to assist rural businesses and customers in reducing their energy bills through energy optimization and renewable energy use. Mi padre construye puentes. My father builds bridges. My father builds bridges. Să facem curat. Let's clean up. Let's clean up. Por acaso ele parecia um médico? Did he look like a doctor? Did he look like a doctor? Apa kamu menemukan surat-suratmu? Did you find your letters? Did you find your letters? Je serais ravi de t'aider. I'd be happy to help you. I'd be happy to help you. Ci sono molti problemi da risolvere. There are many problems to solve. There are a lot of problems to solve. J'ai obtenu ce dont vous aviez besoin. I got what you needed. I got what you needed. Adikmu kelas berapa? What grade is your sister in? What kind of sister are you? Tu sei una prude. You're a prude. You're a prude. Demorou 22 anos para construir o Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. Cela est-il disponible en une quelconque autre couleur ? Does this come in any other colour? Is this available in any other color? Dites-moi comment vaincre l'insomnie. Tell me how to beat sleeplessness. Tell me how to win the insomnia. Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen. I took it for granted that he would pass the exam. I'm sure he'll approve the exam. Tulburările civile nu dau semne de atenuare. The civilian unrest is showing no signs of abating. Civil disorders do not give signs of mitigation. J'ai visité la maison dans laquelle Shakespeare est né. I visited the house in which Shakespeare was born. I visited the house where Shakespeare was born. Estoy bien, ¡gracias por preguntar! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm fine, thanks for asking! Tom non sa che Mary ha mentito. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. È proibita nella maggior parte dei paesi. It's prohibited in most countries. It is prohibited in most countries. En cuanto entré a clase, los estudiantes empezaron a hacerme preguntas. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I got into class, the students started asking me questions. L'è mìa fâcil. That's not easy. It's easy. Eu mal consigo dobrar o meu braço esquerdo. I can barely bend my left arm. I can hardly bend my left arm. De qué me cau díser ? What should I say? What am I supposed to say? Non posso credere che abbiate veramente venduto quella spazzatura a un prezzo così alto. I can't believe that you really sold that junk for such a high price. I can't believe you really sold that garbage at such a high price. En 1943 le Japon était en guerre. In 1943, Japan was at war. In 1943 Japan was at war. Tom es el único chico que Mary conoce que le tiene miedo a los conejos. Tom is the only boy Mary knows who is afraid of rabbits. Tom is the only boy Mary knows is afraid of rabbits. Ni siquiera sé cuál es tu dirección. I don't even know your address. I don't even know what your address is. S-a terminat între noi. Dă-mi înapoi inelul! It's over between us. Give me back my ring! It's over between us. Minha casa tem vista para o mar. My house looks toward the sea. My house has sea view. J'ai douze ans. I am 12 years old. I'm 12. Banyak kesempatan akan muncul dengan sendirinya, bilamana kau mau memperhatikannya. Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them. A lot of opportunities will come up alone, as long as you want to pay attention to it. Puoi parlarmi, sai? You can talk to me, you know? You can talk to me, you know? Estamos no meio do nada. We're in the middle of nowhere. We're in the middle of nowhere. Lui nu-i plac portocalele. He doesn't like oranges. He doesn't like oranges. Grasie tante. Thank you very much! Thanks a lot. Mange tant que c'est chaud. Eat while it's warm. Eat as long as it's hot. Je dois rentrer à la maison avant qu'on ne voit plus rien. I have to get home before it gets dark. I have to go home before we see anything else. Eu vim te fazer uma oferta. I came here to make you an offer. I came to make you an offer. Si tú quieres, yo volveré aquí. If you want, I will come back here. If you want, I'll be back here. Dovete imparare ad andare in bici. You need to learn how to ride a bike. You need to learn how to ride a bike. Aquera còrda qu'ei solida. This string is strong. This rope is solid. Kau pernah ke London? Have you been to London? Have you ever been to London? Veuillez vous asseoir ! Please sit down! Please sit down! Nu știam despre planul lui. I was ignorant of his plan. I didn't know about his plan. Fumar é perigoso à saúde. Smoking is dangerous to health. Smoking is dangerous to health. He hecho todo lo que se suponía que hiciera. I have done everything I was supposed to do. I did everything I was supposed to do. Algunos son rojos y otros son blancos. Some are red and others are white. Some are red and others are white. Hé, Tom, je peux te demander quelque chose ? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Nous nous sommes vraiment bien amusés, non ? We sure had fun, didn't we? We really had fun, didn't we? El matrimonio precipitado rara vez tiene éxito. Hasty marriage seldom succeeds. Precipitated marriage rarely succeeds. Il n'a pas le billet. He doesn't have the ticket. He doesn't have the ticket. Tenemos que ir a dormir ahora. We have to go to sleep now. We have to go to sleep now. Dia lebih kuat darimu. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Eu vou ficar. I will remain. I'll stay. Ei au cerut încetarea luptelor. They called for an end to the fighting. They asked for an end to the fights. Apa Anda mau bir lagi? Would you like some more beer? Would you like another beer? J'étais juste en colère. I was just angry. I was just angry. Il salario del peccato è la morte. The wages of sin is death. The wages of sin is death. Aku akan melakukan apa saja untukmu. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Les remèdes homéopathiques ne contiennent rien d'autre que de l'eau, étant donné que la substance d'origine a été diluée jusqu'au point où pas une molécule n'en subsiste. Homeopathic remedies contain nothing but water since the original substance has been diluted to the point where not a single molecule remains. Homeopathic remedies contain nothing but water, since the substance of origin has been diluted to the point where no molecule survives. Tom estaba reacio a marcharse. Tom was reluctant to go. Tom was reluctant to leave. Este sombrero es demasiado pequeño para mí. This hat is too small for me. This hat is too small for me. Tu ferais mieux de faire comme le médecin te l'a recommandé. You'd better do as the doctor advised you. You'd better do as the doctor recommended. ¿Puedes hacerme un favor? Would you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? ¿Qué fue eso? What was that? What was that? Aduceți-mi nota de plata, vă rog. Give me the bill, please. Bring me the payment note, please. Su madre es americana. His mother is American. His mother is American. I-am scris lui. I did write to him. I wrote it to him. Dia menjual makanan. She sells food. He's selling food. Cet hôtel est loin de mériter les quatre étoiles que le guide lui décerne. This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it. This hotel is far from worth the four stars the guide gives it. Tom não estava gaguejando. Tom wasn't babbling. Tom wasn't stabbing. El plan ha sido un éxito hasta ahora. The plan has been successful so far. The plan has been a success so far. Êtes-vous sûr que c'est nécessaire ? Are you sure that's necessary? Are you sure this is necessary? Nu intenționez să fiu egoist. I don't intend to be selfish. I don't intend to be selfish. Há pontes demais nesta cidade. There are too many bridges in this city. There are too many bridges in this city. Hablaremos más tarde. We'll talk later. We'll talk later. Eles comem tomates. They eat tomatoes. They eat tomatoes. Sinto-me muito triste. I feel very sad. I feel very sad. No murieron en vano. They didn't die for nothing. They didn't die in vain. Você não vai sentir nada. You'll feel nothing. You're not gonna feel anything. Preciso me trocar para trabalhar. I have to get changed for work. I need to change to work. Se fue a hacer compras. He went shopping. He went shopping. J'espère que tu t'amuses bien. I hope you're having fun. I hope you're having a good time. Je vais acheter un livre pour Tom. I'll buy a book for Tom. I'm gonna buy a book for Tom. Isso é comestível? Is that edible? Is that edible? Io non ho un lavoro, quindi non posso mai risparmiare denaro. I have no job, so I can never save money. I don't have a job, so I can never save money. Tom nem sequer fechou a porta. Tom didn't even shut the door. Tom didn't even close the door. Mi piace molto Tom. I like Tom a lot. I like Tom very much. Combien de temps penses-tu rester ici ? How long are you planning to stay here? How long do you think you'll stay here? Tom a été frappé par un mulet. Tom got kicked by a mule. Tom was hit by a mule. Puis-je avoir quelque chose contre les piqûres d'insectes? Can I have something for insect bites? Can I have something against insect bites? La matematica è divertente Math is fun. Math is funny. Ele era tímido no começo. He was shy at first. He was shy at the beginning. Tom non sarà mai d'accordo. Tom will never agree. Tom will never agree. Isso não foi um acidente. This was no accident. That wasn't an accident. Ciapalo. Catch this. Piss off. È andata a fare la spesa. She is gone shopping. She went shopping. Je n'avais jamais remarqué ça avant. I've never noticed that before. I've never noticed that before. Deixou aos seus estudantes estas famosas palabras. He left his students these famous words. He left his students these famous words. Ce preferi, vin alb sau vin roșu? Which do you prefer, white wine or red wine? What do you prefer, white wine or red wine? ¿Cuál es su nombre? What's its name? What's your name? Ne grimpe pas au mur. Don't climb up the wall. Don't climb to the wall. Parece que a todo el mundo le gusta ser generoso con sus invitados al darles la bienvenida a sus casas. It seems that everyone likes to be generous in welcoming guests to their home. It seems that everyone likes to be generous with their guests when they welcome them to their homes. Por favor, ¡ayúdenme! Please help me! Please, help me! Não sei o que o Tom está planejando a fazer. I don't know what Tom is planning to do. I don't know what Tom's planning on doing. Nós ficamos sem gasolina. We've run out of gasoline. We're running out of gas. Hai un calendario? Do you have a calendar? Do you have a calendar? Eu tenho uma irmã. I have one sister. I have a sister. Il criminale evase dalla prigione. The criminal escaped from the prison. The criminal escaped the prison. Tom ci chiese se avevamo delle domande. Tom asked us if we had any questions. Tom asked us if we had any questions. Êtes-vous sûr que vous ne voulez pas que je vous amène à l'hôpital ? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? Eu sempre vou à escola andando. I always walk to school. I'm always going to school. C'est un mensonge ! That's a lie! It's a lie! C'est une femme. This is a woman. She's a woman. Se você estivesse tendo um dia ruim, Fadil faria tudo para transformar o seu dia ruim em um grande dia. If you were having a bad day, Fadil made sure to turn your bad day into a great day. If you were having a bad day, Fatil would do everything to turn your bad day into a big day. Tom vuole mostrarle qualcosa. Tom wants to show you something. Tom wants to show you something. Va dient el mateix desde que el vaig conéixer. He's been saying the same things since I first met him. He's been saying the same thing since I met him. Ini kembalian Anda. Here is your change. It's your turn. Mike canta bien. Mike sings well. Mike sings well. Vaiga-se-ne! Go away! Go away! Ce fut une décision hardie. It was a bold decision. It was a hard decision. Tom ha i capelli corti. Tom has short hair. Tom has short hair. Tom e Mary erano qui prima, però ora sono scomparsi. Tom and Mary were here earlier, but now they've disappeared. Tom and Mary were here before, but now they're gone. Bo tin frei? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Papá volvió a casa. Father came home. Dad came home. Je suis désolé, je dois prendre congé des invités, maintenant. I'm sorry, I have to see off the guests now. I'm sorry, I have to take leave of the guests now. Potong kainnya secara diagonal. Cut the cloth diagonally. Cut the fabric diagonally. Di mana koranku? Where is my newspaper? Where's my paper? Plouă! It's raining. It's raining! Sayang sekali Anda tidak bisa datang. It's a pity that you can't come. Too bad you can't come. Estoy en la bañadera. I'm in the bath. I'm in the bathtub. Aku tidak merasa sakit atau apapun. I don't feel sick or anything. I don't feel sick or anything. También. As well. Also. Îmi voi întoarce privirea. I will look the other way. I'll turn my eyes around. Saya siap. I'm ready. I'm ready. Come sta suo padre? How's your father? How's your father? Asta e o imitație. That's an imitation. That's an imitation. Eso confirma que eres un mentiroso. That just goes to show that you are a liar. That confirms you're a liar. J'ai gribouillé son adresse au dos de mon journal. I scribbled down his address in the back of my diary. I yelled at her address at the back of my journal. Elles savaient quels danger ils encouraient. They knew how much danger they'd be in. They knew what dangers they were facing. Trôp têrdi. Too late. Too late. Este foi o melhor áudio que eu já ouvi! This was the best audio I've ever heard! This was the best audio I've ever heard! La Coca-Cola contiene caffeina? Does Coca-Cola contain caffeine? Does Coca-Cola contain caffeine? Tome a sopa antes que fique fria. Eat your soup before it gets cold. Take the soup before it gets cold. Ne m'obligez pas à y aller. Don't make me go. Don't make me go. Nos conte o que aconteceu no parque. Tell us what happened in the park. Tell us what happened at the park. M'encanta el menjar d'aquí. I love the food here. I love the food here. Lo último que querría hacer es herir a Tom. The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt Tom. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt Tom. El programa nuclear iranià ha estat atacat recentment per programari maliciós. The Iranian nuclear program has just been attacked by malware. The Iranian nuclear program has recently been attacked by malicious software. Tom é todo ouvidos. Tom is all ears. Tom's all ears. Poți să faci asta în treizeci de minute? Can you do that in thirty minutes? Can you do that in thirty minutes? Je vous conseillerais fortement de faire ce que le patron vous a dit de faire. I would advise you strongly to do what the boss asked you to do. I would strongly advise you to do what the boss told you to do. La rentrée d'argent inattendue a placé mon frère et son épouse à l'abri du besoin. The unexpected windfall has put my brother and his wife on easy street. The unexpected return of money placed my brother and his wife safe from need. Hicimos todos lo que pudimos para salvar al niño. We did everything we could to save the boy. We did everything we could to save the child. De acord, dar doar cu o singură condiție. I accept, but only on one condition. Okay, but only on one condition. Ils ont tout misé là-dessus. They've bet the farm on it. They put everything on it. Posso andare dopo? Can I go next? Can I go later? Está ficando frio. It's getting cold. It's getting cold. Ils sont similaires. They're similar. They're similar. Înfruntă viața cu un zâmbet! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit du tout curieux. But I don't think it's at all odd. But I don't think it's curious at all. Se piove quel giorno, la partita verrà posticipata fino al giorno successivo in cui ci sarà bello. If it rains on that day, the game will be postponed until the next fine day. If it rains that day, the game will be postponed until the next day when it will be nice. Jim è canadese. Jim is Canadian. Jim is Canadian. Quanto tempo geralmente leva para você ir em casa? How long does it usually take you to walk home? How long does it usually take for you to go home? Fata aceea este arogantă din cauza frumuseții sale. That girl is arrogant because of her beauty. That girl is arrogant because of her beauty. Es un suicidio. That's suicide. It's a suicide. À quoi êtes-vous bonnes ? What are you good at? What are you good at? Les écoles sont fermées pour Noël. Schools are closed for Christmas. Schools are closed for Christmas. Vou perdoá-lo apenas desta vez. I'll forgive you just this once. I'm going to forgive him just this time. Non le posso chiamare. I can't call them. I can't call you. Não quero machucar o Tom, mas vou fazê-lo se for preciso. I don't want to hurt Tom, but I will if I have to. I don't want to hurt Tom, but I'll do it if I have to. El este inspector. He is an inspector. He's an inspector. Tom berkata dia dapat menunggu lama. Tom says he can wait a long time. Tom said he could wait a long time. Ditemi perché Tom non è qui. Tell me why Tom isn't here. Tell me why Tom isn't here. Je veux y retourner. I want to go there once again. I want to go back. Que vergonhoso! How embarrassing! How embarrassing! Eu acho que está certo. I think that that's right. I think it's right. Cette entreprise cherche à réduire le nombre de ses employés en mettant à disposition beaucoup d'argent pour les départs volontaires. That company aims to reduce employee numbers by arranging a lot of retirement money for voluntary redundancies. This company seeks to reduce the number of its employees by making a lot of money available for voluntary departures. Sono completamente da solo. I'm all alone. I'm completely alone. Possèdes-tu des animaux domestiques ? Do you have any pets? Do you own pets? Cost dòp-mesdì i veul ëstudié meno mach doe ore. This afternoon I will study at least two hours. Dop-month cost the vehicles studied less mach doe hours. Mâine e sâmbătă? Will it be Saturday tomorrow? Is it Saturday tomorrow? Tom adalah pria yang baik. Tom is a good man. Tom was a good man. Anem al cementeri. We are going to the cemetery. Let's go to the cemetery. Esta es una historia real. This is a true story. This is a real story. Est-il si difficile de choisir entre le paradis et l'enfer ? Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell? Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell? Aku suka novel fiksi ilmiah. I like science fiction novels. I like science fiction novels. Io ho appena preparato la cena. I just made dinner. I just prepared dinner. Vá embora agora. Leave now. Go now. Il semblait assez fatigué. He looked pretty tired. He seemed tired enough. Apakah kalian jalan-jalan selama liburan musim panas? Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation? Are you guys going for the summer vacation? Choisissez votre arme. Choose your weapon. Choose your weapon. Questa è stata una settimana difficile per Tom. This has been a tough week for Tom. This was a difficult week for Tom. El s-a uitat la mine cu suspiciune. He looked at me suspiciously. He looked at me suspiciously. Ele está jogando golfe. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Se lució en el examen. He did splendidly in the examination. We did it on the exam. Hoy en la tarde, nosotros cantamos juntos en nuestra casa. This afternoon, we sang together at our house. Today in the afternoon, we sang together in our house. Deke no vido Tom? Why didn't she see Tom? Deke on Tom's arrival? Lei non la voleva fare. She didn't want to do it. She didn't want to. Noi stavamo solo studiando. We were just studying. We were just studying. Eu sou uma pessoa de nacionalidade sul-africana. I am a person of South African nationality. I am a person of South African nationality. Si no es importante. It's really not important. If it's not important. Está realmente ventoso. It's really windy. It's really windy. Io sto andando a prendermi una birra. Ne vuole una anche lei? I'm going to get myself a beer. Do you want one, too? I'm going to get a beer. Me comprends-tu ? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Ha già comprato i suoi regali di Natale? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Je veux être ici avec vous. I want to be here with you. I want to be here with you. Perché hai firmato la confessione? Why did you sign the confession? Why did you sign the confession? Era ridicol de fierbinte. It was ridiculously hot. It was ridiculously hot. Por favor, não pergunte a Tom o que aconteceu. Please don't ask Tom what happened. Please don't ask Tom what happened. Lo dovrò fare un giorno. I'll have to do that someday. I'll have to do it one day. Las manzanas van a estar maduras luego. The apples will be ripe soon. The apples will be ripe later. Costumo cantar no chuveiro. I often sing in the shower. I used to sing in the shower. Tom est stone. Tom's stoned. Tom's stoned. Dès que le résultat sera rendu public, je te le ferai savoir. As soon as the results are made public, I'll let you know. As soon as the result is made public, I'll let you know. Essa gravador precisa ser consertado. This tape recorder wants repairing. That recorder needs to be fixed. Poți avea locul de la fereastră dacă vrei. You can have the seat by the window if you want. You can have the place from the window if you want. Kon ta bai? How are you? How are you doing? Servídevos vós mesmos. Help yourself. Serve yourselves. Non capisco cosa sta provando a dire. I don't understand what you are trying to say. I don't understand what you're trying to say. È capace di farlo. He's capable of doing it. He's capable of it. Je ne suis jamais monté sur un cheval. I've never ridden a horse. I never got on a horse. Vous aviez fumé, n'est-ce pas ? You had been smoking, hadn't you? You did smoke, didn't you? Combien coûtent ces choses ? How much do those things cost? How much do these things cost? Está bem. It's OK. Okay. A lâmpada estava pendurada no teto. The lamp hung from the ceiling. The lamp was hanging on the ceiling. Es emprendedor. You are an entrepreneur. It's entrepreneurial. Ésa es una idea realmente buena. That's a really great idea. That's a really good idea. Când noi am început, erau lucruri pe care nu le cunoșteam. When we started out, there were things we didn't know. When we started, there were things we didn't know. Vă voi da o zi să vă gândiţi la acest lucru. I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll give you a day to think about this. Ni ell ni jo parlem espanyol. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Neither he nor I speak Spanish. Ele estava arquejando. He was panting. He was arching. Não faça com os outros o que você não quer que seja feito com você. Don't do to others that which you would not wish done to yourself. Don't do to others what you don't want it to be done with you. Un trépied à pizza est un petit bout de plastique qui empêche la pizza de coller sur le dessus du carton. The pizza saver is a small piece of plastic which prevents the pizza from sticking to the top of the cardboard box. A pizza tripod is a small piece of plastic that prevents pizza from sticking to the top of the carton. No me gusta jugar con él. Siempre hacemos las mismas cosas. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like to play with him. We always do the same things. Avlas kabil? Do you speak Kabyle? Cable news? Ainda não é noite. It's not evening yet. It's not night yet. J'ai une meilleure idée maintenant. I have a better idea now. I have a better idea now. Tom estava a caminho do hospital quando seu carro saiu da estrada. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car ran off the road. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car got off the road. A ninguén lle gusta a guerra. No one likes war. Nobody likes war. Il a dit à ses enfants de ne pas faire autant de bruit. He told his children not to make so much noise. He told his children not to make so much noise. Es bueno leer muchos libros. Reading a lot of books is a good thing. It's good to read a lot of books. Que son las meas bragas. Those are my trousers. That's my panties. Tom no podía dejar de pensar en Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Sami ha mangiato tutte quelle torte. Sami ate all those cakes. Sami ate all those cakes. Ele é um bom advogado. He is an able lawyer. He's a good lawyer. No dejaré que lo hagas. I will not let you do it. I won't let you do it. No podemos descartar la posibilidad de un accidente. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. Eu consegui escapar. I managed to escape. I managed to escape. Tunggu! Wait! Wait! Non mi sta ascoltando. You're not listening to me. He's not listening to me. Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken to her? Did anyone talk to her? Ieri a fost duminică. Yesterday was Sunday. It was Sunday yesterday. ¡No esperes! Don't wait. Don't wait! No bebas nada. Don't drink anything. Don't drink anything. Eu ficarei em Boston por três dias. I'll be in Boston for three days. I'll stay in Boston for three days. Tahukah anda bahawa untuk fakta? Do you know that for a fact? Did you know for sure? Lumea urmează o regulă de aur: oricine are aurul face regulile. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. The world follows a golden rule: whoever has gold makes the rules. Tolong bonnya. The bill, please. Please be nice. Planeemos un viaje a Australia. Let's plan a trip to Australia. We plan a trip to Australia. Ciertamente habrá dudas sobre tu propuesta. There will certainly be doubts about your proposal. There will certainly be doubts about your proposal. Quem mais lhe ajudou? Who else has helped you? Who else helped you? Ci dispiace per l'inconveniente. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We're sorry about the inconvenience. ¡Eso es exactamente lo que significa! That's exactly what it means! That's exactly what it means! Nu am observat. I didn't notice. I didn't notice. Saya guru bahasa Jepang. I'm a Japanese teacher. I'm a Japanese teacher. Chiese come cucinare il pesce. She asked how to cook the fish. He asked how to cook fish. Teño moitas moedas nesta caixa. I have many coins in this box. I have lots of coins in this box. Você está ocupado no domingo à tarde? Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Tom se quedó conmocionado cuando vio a Mary besar a John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kiss John. Je ne veux pas m'arrêter. I don't want to stop. I don't want to stop. Eres demasiado joven para enamorarte. You are too young to be in love. You're too young to fall in love. Non trattenete il fiato. Don't hold your breath. Don't hold your breath. Loro sono belle. They're lovely. They're beautiful. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where she lived. J'ai dit à Tom que je l'aimais. I told Tom I loved him. I told Tom I loved him. Kama arah pantai? Which way is the beach? Coastal cam? Il ne m'est jamais arrivé que la corde casse. I have never known the string snap on me. It never happened to me that the rope broke. Doar timpul va spune dacă el a avut dreptate. Only time will tell if he was right. Only time will tell if he was right. Há um avião sobre a igreja. There is a plane above the church. There's a plane over the church. Tom negou todas as alegações. Tom denied the allegations. Tom denied all the allegations. Déjeme hablar con usted. Let me talk to you. Let me talk to you. ¿Alguna vez has visto una paloma bebé? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Have you ever seen a baby dove? Je vais écrire une phrase en allemand. I'm going to write a sentence in German. I'll write a sentence in German. Él al fin descubrió la verdad. At last he found out the truth. He finally found out the truth. O que ele quer fazer? What does he want to do? What does he want to do? Loro si sono baciate. They kissed. They kissed each other. Se me pidió que abriera la puerta. I was asked to open the gate. I was asked to open the door. No me gusta la persona en que te has convertido. I don't like who you've become. I don't like the person you've become. Nu e câștig fără osteneală. No pain, no gain. It's not a win without a hostage. Tom sarebbe così fiero di te. Tom would be so proud of you. Tom would be so proud of you. La quiero hacer feliz. I want to make her happy. I want to make her happy. Dígalo en inglés. Say it in English. Say it in English. Kalian mau menuju ke mana? Where are you guys headed? Where are you going? Je ne peux pas vous dire combien je suis heureuse que vous soyez venues nous rendre visite. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come to visit us. I can't tell you how happy I am that you came to visit us. Vuole andare a fare la spesa con me? Do you want to go shopping with me? You want to go shopping with me? Realmente quero ir para Boston. I really want to come to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Lo inquietaba que en cualquier segundo alguien podría averiguar qué estaba ocultando. It made him uneasy that someone might find out any second what he was hiding. He was worried that in any second someone might find out what he was hiding. Tu es trop jeune pour te marier. You're too young to marry. You're too young to get married. Buah apel tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Apples don't fall far from the tree. Vá em frente, eu a desafio! Go ahead, I dare you! Go ahead, I'll challenge you! Je le rencontrerai demain. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll meet him tomorrow. Penso che Tom sia pazzo. I think Tom is mad. I think Tom's crazy. Tom sta indossando un cappotto largo. Tom is wearing a loose-fitting coat. Tom's wearing a wide coat. Eu sabia que não deveria ter tentado fazer isso sem a tua ajuda. I knew I shouldn't have tried doing that without your help. I knew I shouldn't have tried to do that without your help. Il étendit son bras pour attraper un magazine. He stretched out his arm for a magazine. He stretched out his arm to catch a magazine. El camión de la basura suele pasar a las cuatro de la madrugada. The garbage truck tends to come around at four in the morning. The garbage truck usually passes at four in the morning. Eu quero que Tom compre um presente de aniversário para Mary. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. I want Tom to buy a birthday present for Mary. Tom marcó un número incorrecto. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom marked an incorrect number. Aku ingin kamu bekerja lebih keras lagi. I want you to work harder. I want you to work harder. O médico da sua mãe quer falar com você. Your mother's doctor wants to talk to you. Your mother's doctor wants to talk to you. J'ignore vraiment. I really don't know. I really don't know. Eu achava que o Tom poderia ficar zangado. I thought Tom might get angry. I thought Tom might get angry. Come sei coraggioso! How brave you are! How brave you are! Los soldados están muertos. The soldiers are dead. The soldiers are dead. La bella coda del pavone lo aiuta ad attirare le femmine. The peacock's beautiful tail helps it attract females. The beautiful peacock tail helps him attract the females. Sigue intentando. Keep on trying. Keep trying. Un plat peut être épicé sans être brûlant. A dish can be spicy without being hot. A dish can be spicy without burning. Tom comprou um cachorrinho para a Mary. Tom bought Mary a puppy. Tom bought a puppy for Mary. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el alfabeto inglés? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How many letters does the English alphabet contain? Elles auraient pu te tuer. They could've killed you. They could have killed you. Já que você está com dor de garganta e febre, você deveria provavelmente ficar na cama. Since you have a sore throat and a fever, you should probably stay in bed. Since you are in sore throat and fever, you should probably stay in bed. Primero que todo, haz tus deberes. Do your homework first of all. First of all, do your homework. Mary fece irruzione nella cucina. Mary burst into the kitchen. Mary broke into the kitchen. Saya berpuas hati bersendirian. I'm perfectly happy being alone. I felt very lonely. El va reuși fără să greșească. He will succeed without fail. He'll succeed without making a mistake. Vuole chiaramente andare. She clearly wants to go. He clearly wants to go. Tom melihat Mary memecahkan kaca jendela. Tom saw Mary break the window. Tom saw Mary break the window glass. Tom não escreveu de volta para a Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. C'è un cane che ci sta seguendo. There's a dog following us. There's a dog following us. Isto não te diz respeito. This is none of your business. This is none of your business. Eu vi o senhor fazendo isso. I've seen you doing that. I saw you do that. Akurasi merupakan hal yang penting dalam aritmatika. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Accuracy is an important thing in arithmetic. Vamos a iniciar una investigación contra él. We are going to start a research on him. We're going to start an investigation against him. Non sei ancora arrivata a metà. You haven't heard the half of it yet. You're not halfway there yet. Ces stylos sont à lui. These pens are his. These pens belong to him. Io e Tom siamo piuttosto impegnate. Tom and I are kind of busy. Tom and I are pretty busy. Il sait tout ce qu'il faut savoir à propos du jazz. He knows everything that there is to know about jazz. He knows all we need to know about jazz. Tom încă are rucsacul pe care tatăl său i l-a dat. Tom still has the knapsack his father gave him. Tom still has the backpack his father gave him. Il gruppo ha provato a risolvere dei problemi sociali. The group tried to solve social problems. The group has tried to solve social problems. A que horas vocês saem? What time do you get off? What time do you guys go out? Eu não vou fazer isso. I'm going to go do that. I'm not gonna do that. Peux-tu emmener Tom à l'aéroport ? Can you take Tom to the airport? Can you take Tom to the airport? Sii gentile con me. Be nice to me. Be nice to me. Tom ha detto che non vedeva l'ora di mangiare a pranzo con Mary. Tom said that he was eager to eat lunch with Mary. Tom said he couldn't wait to eat lunch with Mary. J'ai besoin de plus d'exemples pour savoir comment ce mot est utilisé. I need more examples to know how this word is used. I need more examples to know how this word is used. Il souffre d'un rhume. He is suffering from a cold. He's suffering from a cold. Dia pergi ke sana musim panas lalu. She went there last summer. He went there last summer. Kau tinggal di rumah yang mana? Which house did you live in? What house do you live in? Non sei un barbiere, vero? You're not a barber, are you? You're not a barber, are you? Ela fica reclamando de não ter tempo. She keeps complaining that she has no time. She's complaining she doesn't have time. Mamá está trabajando. Mommy's working. Mom's working. Voi siete buoni. You are good. You're good. Quando pensate che serà di ritorno? When do you think he'll be back? When do you think it'll be back? Aparatul lui foto este de trei ori mai scump decât al meu. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera is three times more expensive than mine. Mai scrie-mi din când în când, OK? Write me sometime, OK? Write to me every now and then, OK? Murid mirip dengan gurunya. Like master, like disciple. Students look like their teachers. Por favor, apresse-se! Please hurry. Please hurry! Según íbamos bebiendo, nos fuimos abriendo el uno al otro. As we drink, we open up to each other. As we were drinking, we went to open each other. Gustos! Yummy! Tastes! Conozco un buen sitio para cenar. I know a good place for dinner. I know a good place to have dinner. Ero mortificato. I was mortified. I was mortified. Quins son los simptòmas ? What are the symptoms? What are the symptoms? Gustaríame que detallases os custos. I'd like you to itemize the charges. I'd like you to detail the costs. Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir volé de l'argent. She accused him of stealing her money. She accused him of stealing money from him. La paziente è in uno stato di profondo stupore. The patient is in a state of profound stupor. The patient is in a state of deep amazement. Cette expérience était un échec. That experiment was a failure. This experience was a failure. Estamos à procura de ajuda. We are looking for help. We're looking for help. Eso es un nivel por debajo. That's one level down. That's a level below. Gli diede un libro. She gave him a book. He gave him a book. Pinche puta. Fucking whore. Pinch whore. Beton! Cool! Beton! Il y a un message urgent pour vous. There is an urgent message for you. There's an urgent message for you. Somos da França. We are from France. We're from France. Sono molto preoccupata. I'm very worried. I'm very worried. Onde se encontra a loja mais próxima? Where can you find the closest store? Where is the nearest store? Tom recordou-se de algo. Tom remembered something. Tom remembered something. Tom al momento non sta lavorando da nessuna parte. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's not working anywhere at the moment. Tom non voleva trasferirsi a Boston. Tom didn't want to move to Boston. Tom didn't want to move to Boston. Meu tio me deu o carro dele. My uncle gave his car to me. My uncle gave me his car. Quem Tom trouxe? Who did Tom bring? Who brought Tom? Ella em va enviar una carta. She sent me a letter. She sent me a letter. Nous devons tirer le meilleur parti de la situation. We have to make the most of this situation. We must make the best of the situation. Tom guindou una pedra á árbore. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone at the tree. Sunt pasionat de munca mea. I'm passionate about my job. I'm passionate about my work. Kurasa sudah waktunya bagiku menyisihkan sedikit waktu untuk bersama dengan anak-anakku. I think it's time for me to spend a little time with my children. I think it's time for me to spend a little time together with my kids. Li abbiamo catturati. We've caught them. We caught them. Tom a l'ha dit ch'a chërdìa nèn lòn-lì. Tom said he didn't believe it. Tom said he didn't do it. Estoy seguro de que estás equivocado. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. Soarele a topit zăpada. The sun melted the snow. The sun blew snow. Tem gosto para tudo. There is no accounting for taste. She likes everything. Lompat! Jump! Jump! Siento haberme equivocado de dirección. I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction. I'm sorry I got the wrong direction. Ata mañá. See you tomorrow! See you tomorrow. Je ne veux jamais te faire de mal. I don't ever want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. L'automobile è vecchia ma buona. The car is old but good. The car is old but good. Îmi stai în cale. You're in my way. You're in my way. Aku suka lasagna. I like lasagna. I like lasagna. ¿Por qué está ladrando tu perro? Why is your dog barking? Why is your dog barking? A Tom non è piaciuta molto. Tom didn't like that very much. Tom didn't like it very much. Qu'ei lo vòste líbers. This is your book. That's your book. Creo que te equivocas en eso. I think you're wrong about that. I think you're wrong about that. Sekarang hampir jam tiga. It is almost three. It's almost three o'clock now. Les marchandises ont été transportées par bateau. The goods were transported by ship. The goods were transported by boat. Es muy fácil criticar a posteriori. It is easy to be wise after the event. It's very easy to criticize posteriori. Je ne pense pas que ça va te plaire. I don't think you'll like this. I don't think you're gonna like it. La soupe que j'avais était tellement chaude que je ne pouvais pas la manger. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot that I couldn't eat it. Keluargaku keluarga besar. My family is a large one. My family's big family. Ma femme m'appelle souvent lorsque je voyage à l'étranger. My wife often telephones me when I'm traveling in another country. My wife often calls me when I travel abroad. Mi computadora se descompuso a causa del calor. My computer broke due to the heat. My computer is decomposed because of the heat. Lo men pair qu'ei a la soa cramba. My father is in his room. Even though it's in just the crampa. Je les rencontrai. I met them. I met them. Tom, ada seseorang di sini mahu berjumpa awak. Tom, there's someone here to see you. Tom, there's someone here to see you. Dacă un cub e verde, faptul că nu știu cum să-ţi demonstrez că e verde nu îl face mai puţin verde. If a cube is green, the fact that I can't show you how it isn't green doesn't make it any less green. If a cube is green, the fact that I don't know how to prove to you that it's green doesn't make it less green. Puoi sceglierne uno. You may choose one of them. You can pick one of them. En quina direccion anàvan ? Which direction were they heading in? Which way are they going? Apakah Anda tahu perbedaannya? Do you know what the difference is? Do you know the difference? Crec que en Tom no està a casa. I think Tom isn't home. I don't think Tom's home. Uma língua é um dialeto com um exército e uma marinha. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a marine. J'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas si je pars tôt. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. Nu sunt misogin; și dacă aș fi, pentru tine aș face o excepție. I'm no misogynist, but were I so then I'd surely exempt you. I'm not misogynistic; and if I were, for you I would make an exception. Prestatemi il vostro cane. Lend me your dog. Lend me your dog. Você é muito mais rápido do que eu. You're much faster than I am. You're much faster than I am. Ele virá mais tarde. He will come later. He'll come later. D'après le journal, il y a eu un grand tremblement de terre au Chili hier. According to today's paper, there was a big earthquake in Chile yesterday. According to the newspaper, there was a great earthquake in Chile yesterday. Eu acho que o Tom é incompetente. I think Tom is incompetent. I think Tom's incompetent. L'ha perdonata? Have you forgiven her? Did you forgive her? Când am migrene, aspirina nu-mi atenuează durerea. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't alleviate the pain for me. When I have migraines, aspirin doesn't relieve my pain. Je te veux hors d'ici pour demain. I want you out of here by tomorrow. I want you out of here for tomorrow. Acho que perdi meu ingresso. I think I've lost my ticket. I think I lost my entrance. Chacun dans sa classe l'aime. Everyone in her class likes her. Everyone in his class loves him. ¿Os importaría no fumar en esta habitación? Would you mind not smoking in this room? Would you mind not smoking in this room? Volevo parlare con te di qualcosa. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to you about something. Ce sont des traîtres. They're traitors. They're traitors. Puis-je avoir votre attention, s'il vous plaît ? May I have your attention, please? May I have your attention, please? Eso depende de usted. That depends on you. That depends on you. Mi sono fatta un buco nei jeans quando sono caduta dalla bici. I tore a hole in my jeans when I fell off my bike. I made a hole in my jeans when I fell off the bike. Non provi a intimidirmi. Don't try to intimidate me. Don't try to intimidate me. Ei nu ajută. They don't help. They're not helping. Dia melihatnya memakan roti lapis. She saw him eating a sandwich. He saw her eat sandwiches. Él le dio a ella un gesto de aprobación. He gave her an approving nod. He gave her a gesture of approval. La tecnologia dei razzi migliorò durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Rocket technology improved during World War Two. The rocket technology improved during World War II. Dintr-odată s-a sculat și a părăsit sala. Suddenly he stood up and left the hall. Suddenly he got up and left the room. Estoy lista, ¿y tú? I'm ready. And you? I'm ready, and you? Cameleonul s-a schimbat în portocaliu, verde și galben. The chameleon changed its color to orange, green and yellow. The chameleon has changed into orange, green and yellow. Il n'y a rien à annuler. There is nothing to cancel. There's nothing to cancel. Împlinesc treizeci de ani lunea viitoare. I'm turning thirty next Monday. I'm about thirty years old next month. Debes vivir de acordo aos teus ingresos. You must live according to your income. You must live according to your income. Lui era stanco allora. He was tired then. He was tired then. Je veux la vie éternelle ! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! Nous avons passé des heures à la chercher. We spent hours looking for it. We spent hours looking for her. Tom tinha um cachorro. Tom had a dog. Tom had a puppy. A volte penso ancora a lei. I sometimes still think about her. Sometimes I still think of her. Berapa umurmu? Aku dua puluh enam tahun. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. How old are you? Ela le o xornal cada mañá. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads the paper every morning. Venite a trovarmi dopodomani. Come and see me the day after tomorrow. Come see me tomorrow. Trebuie să mă înveți, într-una din aceste zilele astea. You must teach me, one of these days. You have to marry me, one of these days. Je me suis trompé d'adresse sur l'enveloppe. I wrote a wrong address on the envelope. I cheated on my address on the envelope. Fiecare opinie este un amestec de adevăr și greșeli. Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes. Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes. Tom le sait. Tom knows that. Tom knows. Ça fait un moment que je ne t'ai pas vu et tu as grandi ! Haven't seen you for a while, and you've grown taller! It's been a while since I saw you and you grew up! Dji cåze li suwedwès. I speak Swedish. Using the Swedish language. Sembrava un lavoro da sogno. It sounded like a dream job. It looked like a dream job. Am dat locul meu doamnei în vârstă. I gave my seat to the old lady. I gave my old lady my place. Você pode identificá-los? Can you identify them? Can you identify them? No hagas caso a lo que diga la gente. Don't pay any attention to what people say. Don't listen to what people say. La mia umiltà mi rende fiera. My humility makes me proud. My humility makes me proud. O caminho para o sucesso não conhece atalhos. There is no shortcut to success. The path to success doesn't know shortcuts. Avla madjar. She speaks Hungarian. It's early in the morning. Tratá de ponerte en mi lugar. Try putting yourself in my shoes. Try to put you in my place. Aún no me has dicho por qué decidiste no ir. You still haven't told me why you decided not to go. You haven't told me why you decided not to go yet. ¡Cuidado con lo que haces! Watch what you're doing! Watch out for what you're doing! Tom entenderá. Tom will understand. Tom will understand. Ella estaba desilusionada y enojada consigo misma por ser así. She was disappointed, and angry with herself for being so. She was disillusioned and angry with herself for being like that. Saya balik awal setiap hari. I go home early every day. I go back early every day. C'est exactement ce que je veux entendre. That's exactly what I want to hear. That's exactly what I want to hear. Tom n'a pardonné à personne. Tom hasn't forgiven anybody. Tom didn't forgive anyone. Tom mungkin masih hidup. Tom might still be alive. Tom may still be alive. Apa kamu dengar tentang kebakaran yang terjadi kemarin? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire that happened yesterday? Tom avait certainement un but quand il a dit que nous devrions permettre plus de temps pour compléter le projet. Tom certainly had a point when he said we should allow more time to complete the project. Tom certainly had a goal when he said that we should allow more time to complete the project. Hai, so Tom. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name? Come on, it's Tom. Assicurati di metterti in contatto con me, se c'è qualcosa che posso fare per te. Be sure to get in touch with me, if there is anything I can do for you. Make sure you get in touch with me, if there's anything I can do for you. Você tem remédio para tosse? Do you have cough drops? Do you have cough medicine? Je le cuisis pour vous. I baked it for you. I cooked it for you. Avez-vous eu des nouvelles d'elle récemment ? Have you heard from her recently? Have you heard from her recently? Comme il est gentil, il est aimé de chacun. Being kind, he is loved by everyone. Since he's kind, he's loved by everyone. Elle fait du poulet comme je l'aime. She cooks chicken the way I like. She makes chicken the way I love her. Trabaja duro, o si no, tendrás que tomar el mismo curso otra vez el próximo año. Work hard, or you'll have to take the same course again next year. Work hard, or if not, you'll have to take the same course again next year. Amo litigare con lui. I love arguing with him. I love arguing with him. No os andéis con rodeos. Don't beat around the bush. You don't ride around. Prostii. Bullshit. Nonsense. As-tu besoin d'autant de licences que tu as de systèmes d'exploitation installés sur un PC ayant un multi-boot ? Do you need as many licenses as you have operating systems installed in a multi-boot PC? Do you need so many licenses that you have operating systems installed on a multi-boot PC? Comment se fait-il que vous n'êtes pas venus à la fête ? How come you didn't come to the party? How come you didn't come to the party? J'ai vu de la peur dans ses yeux. I saw fear in her eyes. I saw fear in his eyes. Les ales d'aquest pardal estan trencades. This sparrow's wings are broken. The wings of this sparrow are broken. Su debut fue el evento social más grande de la temporada. Her debut was the biggest social event of the season. His debut was the biggest social event of the season. Quero morar numa cidade grande. I want to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Abbiamo pagato un prezzo equo per essa. We paid a fair price for it. We paid a fair price for it. אסתר איס אונה סובﬞריביבﬞיינטי דיל אולוקוסטו. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. - - - - - - . - . - . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dia memberitahu saya rahsianya. She told me her secret. He told me his secret. Tom era orgoglioso. Tom was proud. Tom was proud. Cependant, en Amérique, les équipes sportives sont généralement choisies pour leur adresse, et les cours académiques par aptitude. However, in America, sports teams are generally chosen by skill, and academic courses by ability. In America, however, sports teams are usually selected for their address, and academic courses by aptitude. Ne vedem când mă întorc? Will I see you when I get back? See you when I get back? "Vamos beber algo, que tal?" "Sim, vamos." "Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's." "Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's go." Perché siete venuti in Australia? Why did you come to Australia? Why did you come to Australia? Avete un account di Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Il paraît qu'il a eu un accident. There appears to have been an accident. He seems to have had an accident. Lui presta sempre attenzione al comportamento delle sue figlie. He always pays attention to his children's behavior. He always pays attention to the behavior of his daughters. Sono rimasta con mio zio la scorsa settimana. I stayed with my uncle last week. I stayed with my uncle last week. Eu não quero chamar a polícia. I don't want to call the police. I don't want to call the police. Por que o relâmpago lampeja e o trovão estrondeia? Why does lightning flash and thunder rumble? Why does lightning flash and thunder thunder? Eu vou limpar o meu quarto amanhã. I'll clean my room tomorrow. I'll clean my room tomorrow. Non mi serve l'aiuto di Tom. I don't need Tom's help. I don't need Tom's help. Tom a essayé d'occulter la vérité. Tom attempted to obscure the truth. Tom tried to hide the truth. Tom nu o place pe Mary în mod special. Tom doesn't particularly like Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary specifically. Comment puis-je avouer à mes parents que je suis enceinte ? How do I tell my parents that I’m pregnant? How can I tell my parents that I'm pregnant? Nei tempi antichi, gli uomini si vendevano al Diavolo per acquisire poteri magici. Al giorno d'oggi acquisiscono tali poteri dalla scienza, e si trovano costretti a diventare demoni. In former days, men sold themselves to the Devil to acquire magical powers. Nowadays they acquire those powers from science, and find themselves compelled to become devils. In ancient times, men sold themselves to the Devil to acquire magical powers. Today they acquire these powers from science, and are forced to become demons. Io sono stata onesta con lei. I've been honest with you. I was honest with her. Esperamos un milagro. We hoped for a miracle. We're waiting for a miracle. Siete sinceri. You're sincere. You're being honest. Sunt aici. I am here. I'm here. Dio dà e Dio toglie. God gives, and God takes away. God gives and God takes away. El te va sfătui în acea chestiune. He will advise you on that matter. He'll advise you on that matter. Il entra dans la pièce, pour être confronté à un policier. He entered the room, to be confronted by a policeman. He goes into the room to face a cop. ¿No se puede hacer nada? Can't anything be done? Can't anything be done? Eu matei o pernilongo. I killed the mosquito. I killed the kennel. O Tom é o padrasto da Mary. Tom is Mary's stepdad. Tom's Mary's stepfather. As-tu une allumette ? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? Tom a avut o poliță de plătit lui Mary. Tom had a score to settle with Mary. Tom had a policy to pay Mary. Diferenţe subtile în ton diferenţiază orginalul de copie. Subtle differences in tone discriminate the original from the copy. Subtle difference in tone differentiates the copy orginal. El mi-a spus că tatăl lui a fost profesor. He told me that his father was a teacher. He told me his father was a teacher. Voi pensate in francese? Do you think in French? Do you think French? Tom ingin menghabiskan sedikit waktu berdua dengan Mary. Tom wanted to spend some time alone with Mary. Tom wants to spend a little time with Mary. Non obstante é un fastío ordenar o cuarto. However, it's a pain putting the room in order. Nevertheless, it's a mess to order the room. Tom no quiere perderte. Tom doesn't want to lose you. Tom doesn't want to lose you. Voulez-vous le faire maintenant ? Do you want to do this now? Do you want to do it now? Loro ti porteranno. They will carry you. They'll take you. ¿Dónde os quedaréis? Where will you be staying? Where will you stay? Na verdade, eu não sou assim tão velho. I'm not really all that old. Actually, I'm not that old. Aku ingin mati! I want to die! I want to die! Eu realmente me diverti. I really enjoyed myself. I really had fun. L'ho appena sentito. I just heard him. I just heard. Él me ayudó a cargar la maleta. He helped me carry the baggage. He helped me carry the suitcase. ¿Qué idioma usás cuando hablás con tus padres? What language do you use when you talk with your parents? What language do you use when you talk to your parents? Venga qua velocemente. Come here quickly. Come here quickly. O Tom morreu? Did Tom die? Tom's dead? Sin aire, en la luna no puede haber viento ni ruido. Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. Without air, there can be no wind or noise on the moon. Il me semble que tu as, par erreur, mis mon chapeau. It appears to me that you put on my hat by mistake. It seems to me that you mistook my hat. Vorrei un po' di aspirina. I'd like some aspirin. I'd like some aspirin. Ini cerita yang sebenarnya. This is a true story. It's a real story. Tom et Marie m'ont dit qu'ils aimaient faire ça. Tom and Mary told me that they like doing that. Tom and Mary told me they wanted to do that. È sospetta. It is suspicious. She's a suspect. Não toque nas minhas coisas. Don't touch my things. Don't touch my stuff. No se engaña a aquel que sabe que está siendo engañado. He is not cheated who knows he is being cheated. Don't deceive him who knows he's being deceived. ¡No os lo vais a creer! You won't believe this! You're not gonna believe it! Apakah Anda sudah pergi ke dokter? Did you go to see a doctor? Have you gone to the doctor? Io amavo Boston. I loved Boston. I loved Boston. Dove l'ha visto? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Ele mudou o endereço dele. He changed his address. He changed his address. Cómu andas, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Ela olhou para ele furiosamente. She looked at him angrily. She looked at him furiously. Al mal temps, fer-li bona cara. What can't be cured must be endured. In bad weather, make him look good. Tom recogerá a los niños después de la escuela. Tom will pick the kids up after school. Tom will pick up the kids after school. Cepat, atau kita akan ketinggalan keretanya. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Isso não é segredo. This isn't a secret. That's not a secret. Malauradament, el meu aniversario només succeeix una vegada a l'any. Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year. Unfortunately, my birthday only happens once a year. Debemos capturar vivo al león. We've got to catch the lion alive. We must capture the lion alive. J'étais terrifié. I was terrified. I was terrified. Tom sungguh telah melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa. Tom really did a fantastic job. Tom really did an amazing job. ¿Qué se supone que quiere decir eso? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? Je reviens la semaine prochaine. I'll be back next week. I'll be back next week. Di Jepang, sekarang pukul tiga pagi. In Japan, it's three in the morning now. In Japan, it's three o'clock in the morning. Todo mundo ficou louco. Everyone went crazy. Everyone's gone crazy. Je ne vous examine pas. I won't examine you. I'm not looking at you. Ia pergi ke sebuah sekolah asrama di New England. She went to a boarding school in New England. He went to a boarding school in New England. Et si je vous disais que je souhaite vraiment devenir enseignante ? What if I told you I really want to be a teacher? What if I told you I really wanted to be a teacher? Lui Tom nu-i place ideea lui Mary prea mult. Tom doesn't like Mary's idea very much. Tom doesn't like Mary's idea much. Me gustaría ir en un convertible a través de los Estados Unidos. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I'd like to go into a convertible through the United States. Siete strane. You're weird. You're weird. Le courant de cette rivière est rapide. The current of this river is rapid. The current of this river is fast. Apakah itu permata yang kita cari selama ini? Is that the jewel we've been looking for all this time? Is that the jewel we've been looking for? Por que você está me evitando? Why are you avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me? Tom non ci urla mai contro. Tom never yells at us. Tom never yells at us. Son muy inteligentes. You're very intelligent. They're very smart. Măcar lasă-mă să te ajut cu masa. At least let me help with the table. At least let me help you with the table. Tom vide che Mary era profondamente addormentata sull'amaca. Tom saw that Mary was fast asleep in the hammock. Tom saw that Mary was deeply asleep on the hammock. Lo hecho, hecho está. What is done cannot be undone. It's done, it's done. Essa substância não é venenosa em si. This substance is not poisonous in itself. This substance is not poisonous in itself. Sem correr riscos, jamais conseguiremos fazer alguma coisa. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done. No risk, we'll never be able to do anything. Jangan lupa tiket! Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget your tickets! Bolehkah saya meminta sesuatu untuk diminum? May I have something to drink? Can I have something to drink? Até Tom esperou. Even Tom waited. Even Tom waited. ¿Cuarenta euros por una bufanda? ¿No tiene algo más barato? Forty euros for a scarf? You don't have anything cheaper? Forty euros for a scarf? Don't you have anything cheaper? Coj jeans a son pròpe bej. Those jeans are really cute. Coj jeans to his own beige. Tom è in garage, vero? Tom is in the garage, isn't he? Tom's in the garage, right? Sígueme y no tengas miedo. Follow me and have no fear. Follow me and don't be afraid. Basta de discussão! Enough arguing! No more discussion! Desatadme. Untie me. Untie me. Dispones de una hora para terminar esto. You have one hour to get this done. You have an hour to finish this. Cette traduction ne vaut pas un sou. This translation is not worth a red cent. This translation is not worth a sum. Per favore, salutate la vostra famiglia da parte mia. Please say hello to your family on my behalf. Please greet your family for me. Hoy es un día lleno de goce. Today is a day full of joy. Today is a day full of joy. Mary ha visto un topo. Mary saw a mouse. Mary saw a mouse. Tu pars pour combien de temps ? How long are you going for? How long are you leaving? L'inglese è una lingua difficile da imparare. English is a hard language to learn. English is a difficult language to learn. Itu adalah cinta pada pandangan yang pertama. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. Harvard é uma universidade maravilhosa. Harvard is a wonderful university. Harvard is a wonderful university. Tom perdeu alguns livros da biblioteca da escola. Tom lost some school library books. Tom lost some books from the school library. Te pareces exactamente a tu madre. You look just like your mother. You look exactly like your mother. Il ne me donna pas seulement des conseils, mais aussi de l'argent. He gave me not only advice but also money. He gave me not only advice, but also money. Tom lê devagar. Tom reads slowly. Tom reads slowly. Vado ben volentieri a scuola. I go very gladly to school. I'm happy to go to school. Tom e Mary se apaixonarаm no momento em que se encontraram. Tom and Mary fell in love the moment their eyes met. Tom and Mary fell in love at the time they met. Sé que tengo razón. I know I'm right. I know I'm right. Kamu suka lagu? Do you like songs? You like songs? Meu pai vai melhorar rápido. My father will get well soon. My dad's gonna get better fast. Kenapa kau sangat lelah hari ini? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Kami bertentangan denga rencananya membangun jalan baru. We opposed his plan to build a new road. We're at odds with the plan to build a new road. Ho invitato Tom e sua moglie alla nostra festa. I invited Tom and his wife to our party. I invited Tom and his wife to our party. Semuanya sama. They're all the same. It's all the same. Si soy elegido presidente, mi compromiso será liderar un gran pacto de Estado contra la violencia de género. If elected president, my pledge is to forge a grand bargain to stop gender-based violence. If I am elected president, my commitment will be to lead a large State pact against gender-based violence. No totes les pomes vermelles tenen el mateix gust. Not all red apples taste the same. Not all red apples taste the same. La sal que agregué a la pasta era rosada. The salt I added to the pasta was pink. The salt I added to the dough was pink. Tómate tu leche. Drink up your milk. Take your milk. Já está quase na hora do encontro começar. It's almost time for the meeting to start. It's almost time for the meeting to begin. Notre équipe a remporté le tournoi intercollégial. Our team won in the intercollegiate tournament. Our team won the inter-collegial tournament. Hai molti nemici. You have many enemies. You have many enemies. Questo orologio è elettrico. This clock is electric. This watch is electric. Tom não sabe nadar. Tom is not able to swim. Tom can't swim. Você fez perguntas demais. You asked too many questions. You asked too many questions. Na minha escola, apenas o francês era ensinado como língua estrangeira. French was the only foreign language that they taught at my school. In my school, only French was taught as a foreign language. On dit que c'est un médecin qui a des compétences. He is said to be qualified as a doctor. It's said he's a doctor who has skills. Yo rápidamente río ante cualquier cosa, por miedo de tener que llorar. I quickly laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. I quickly laugh at anything, for fear of having to cry. Aku tahu dia marah, tapi aku tidak berfikir bahwa dia semarah itu. I knew he was angry, but I didn't think he was that angry. I know he's upset, but I don't think he's that angry. Toda liberación conlleva el peligro de un nuevo tipo de esclavitud. Every liberation bears within itself the danger of a new kind of servitude. All liberation carries the danger of a new type of slavery. Nous avons découvert une grande nouveauté. We have discovered a great novelty. We discovered a great novelty. Je t'en prie, donne-moi une bouteille ! I beg you, give me a bottle! Please, give me a bottle! Que compraste? What did you buy? What did you buy? Tu sei stata sfortunata, vero? You've been unlucky, haven't you? You've been unlucky, haven't you? Los hombres italianos nunca ayudan en la casa. Italian men never help in the house. Italian men never help at home. No tienes que quedarte si no quieres. If you don't want to stay, you don't have to. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. Nu credeam că aveam destui bani. I didn't think that we had enough money. I didn't think we had enough money. Keresh un portokal? Do you want an orange? Keresh an orange? Accidentalmente vertí la leche. I accidentally spilled the milk. I accidentally spilled the milk. Cerchi di non preoccuparsi per lui. Try not to worry about him. Try not to worry about him. J'ai besoin que tu le voies. I need you to see this. I need you to see him. Mereka suka perempuan. They like girls. They like women. Odeio o futebol. I hate soccer. I hate football. Sono felice perché sei qui. I'm happy because you're here. I'm glad you're here. Ne le laisse pas le toucher. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch him. Le dirò di più. I'll tell you more. I'll tell you more. Pelajar itu pergi tanpa menyebut apa-apa. The student left without saying anything. The student left without saying anything. ¡Buenos días, cielo azul! Good morning, blue skies! Good morning, blue sky! Soy ama de casa. I'm a housewife. I'm a housewife. Eu falei para o Tom não ligar. I told Tom not to call. I told Tom not to call. Ce am făcut să merit asta? What have I done to deserve this? What did I do to deserve this? Como será que o Tom aprendeu francês? I wonder how Tom learned French. How did Tom learn French? Ea gătește pentru el. She cooks for him. She cooks for him. Non creo que a TV vaia nunca a tomar o lugar dos libros. I don't think TV will ever take the place of books. I don't think TV will ever take the place of books. Fins ara! See you soon! So far! Unii oameni spun că treisprezece este un număr cu ghinion. Some people say thirteen is an unlucky number. Some people say that thirteen is a number with bad luck. Fadil saiu com sua bicicleta doze horas atrás e desde então nunca mais foi visto. Fadil left with his bicycle twelve hours ago and he has never been seen since. Fadil went out with his bike 12 hours ago and since then has never been seen again. Ella regaló un sombrero. She gave a hat for free. She gave me a hat. Tanto faz, cara Whatever, mate. Whatever, dear Me da que no quieres ir. I assume you don't want to go. It gives me that you don't want to go. Mereka akan pulang kerumah besok. They'll return home tomorrow. They're going home tomorrow. ¿La encuentras atractiva? Do you think her attractive? You find her attractive? J'ai lâché la corde. I let go of the rope. I let go of the rope. Como vou fazer isso? How am I going to do that? How am I gonna do that? Ella es obstinada. She's stubborn. She's stubborn. Io sono ingegnoso. I'm resourceful. I'm ingenious. Acordate. Remember. Wake up. Sono a scuola adesso. I'm at school now. I'm in school now. I bambini stavano scivolando sul ghiaccio. The children were sliding on the ice. The children were slipping through the ice. No debéis darles de comer a los perros los huesos de pollo. You shouldn't feed chicken bones to dogs. You don't have to feed the dogs the chicken bones. Sto cercando le mie chiavi. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for my keys. ¡Déjame marchar! Let me go! Let me go! Aku ingin kau menyembunyikan hal ini. I'd like you to keep this a secret. I want you to hide this. Amazòne qu'ei abeurada per un gran nombre d'afluents. The Amazon is fed by a large number of tributaries. Amazonast to be drunk with a large number of tributaries. Ia mengendarai mobil impor. She drives an imported car. He's driving an import car. Nu sunt pentru tine. They aren't for you. It's not for you. Tom et Mary ont tous deux l'air triste. Both Tom and Mary look sad. Tom and Mary both look sad. Você não é estudante, é? You're not a student, are you? You're not a student, are you? Il est dangereux de sauter d'un train en marche. It's dangerous to jump off a moving train. It's dangerous to jump from a moving train. Vorbiți italiană? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? Ella está tan pobre como siempre. She is as poor as ever. She's as poor as ever. L'è mìa mej d'un lêder. She is no better than a thief. He's in the middle of a leader. Mi madre es profesora de psicología. My mother is a psychology teacher. My mother is a psychology teacher. A peul dese ch'a pijo la màchina. They might take the car. At the mercy of the machine. Qui? Here? Who? On vòus anar ? Where do you want to go? Where are you going? C'est mon métier. It's my job. It's my job. No me preguntes nada. Don't ask me anything. You don't ask me anything. Ele é bom em baralho. He's good at cards. He's good at cheating. De qué suggerisses ? What do you suggest? What do you suggest? Mostri Tatoeba ai tuoi amici? Do you show Tatoeba to your friends? Show Tatoeba to your friends? Tom ha detto che Mary ha vinto. Tom said Mary won. Tom said Mary won. Kendalikan dirimu! Control yourself! Control yourself! ¿Por qué estáis en este barco? Why are you on this ship? Why are you on this boat? ¿Cómo encontrar las páginas menos visitadas y qué hacer con ellas? How does one find the least visited pages, and what does one do with them? How to find the least visited pages and what to do with them? Că fiecăruia i se spune că toate faptele sunt importante. That everybody is told all the facts is important. That everyone is told that all the facts are important. Nueva York es una de las ciudades más grandes del mundo. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. New York is one of the largest cities in the world. È un uomo di parola. He is a man of his word. He's a man of word. El Burj Khalifa ye actualmente el rascacielos más altu del mundu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Estaban abrazados. They had their arms around each other. They were hugged. Abbiamo molto cibo. We have a lot of food. We have a lot of food. Tom e Mary hanno un'auto, vero? Tom and Mary have a car, don't they? Tom and Mary have a car, right? Tom è scettico a riguardo, vero? Tom is skeptical about that, isn't he? Tom's skeptical about it, isn't he? Dia bersalaman dengan temannya. He shook hands with his friend. He's having fun with his friend. En rematando co libro, volve pólo onde o atopaches. When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it. At the end of the book, put it back where you found it. Io e lui eravamo nello stesso campo all'epoca. He and I were in the same camp then. He and I were in the same camp at the time. Perdón! Sorry! Excuse me! A l'é difìcil convince John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. Afasta-te de mim! Get away from me. Get away from me! Elles essayèrent de me remonter le moral. They tried to cheer me up. They tried to lift my spirits. Tutti pensano che io sia strano. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Rumah mana yang kamu tinggali? Which house did you live in? Which house do you live in? Estoy prendiendo mi cigarro. I am lighting my cigar. I'm getting my cigarette. Tidak pasti. It's not sure. Not sure. A venit ora somnului. It's time for bed. It's time for sleep. Que fixeches onte pola noite? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Eu li muitos livros em inglês. I read a lot of books in English. I've read a lot of books in English. ¿Estás haciendo lo que creo que estás haciendo? Are you doing what I think you're doing? Are you doing what I think you're doing? Deberíamos reanudar la meditación. We should take up meditation. We should resume meditation. La vida es ahora. Life is now. Life is now. Il y a un chien ! There is a dog! There's a dog! Saya pesan dua bufet santap siang. Two for the lunch buffet, please. I'm ordering two dessert buffets in the afternoon. Vous êtes une grande famille. You guys are a big family. You're a big family. Eu estava de coração partido. I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. Adik laki-lakiku lebih tinggi dariku. My younger brother is taller than I. My brother is taller than me. T'ai-je montré ceci ? Did I show you this? Did I show you this? No basta con hacer el bien; también hay que hacerlo bien. It is not enough to do good; one must also do it well. It is not enough to do good; it is also necessary to do good. Qual língua estrangeira vocês acham que seja mais fácil para os que falam inglês a aprender? Which foreign language do you think is the easiest for native English speakers to learn? Which foreign language do you think is easier for those who speak English to learn? Quell'uomo è nato fortunato. That man was born lucky. That man was born lucky. Filons ! Get moving! Son of a bitch! La nourriture naturelle n'est pas toujours bonne pour la digestion. Natural food is not always good for our digestion. Natural food is not always good for digestion. Ne ho pubblicato uno. I published one. I published one. Ses prouesses avec les femmes sont légendaires. His prowess with women is legendary. His feats with women are legendary. Yo le corregí hasta los detalles más finos. I corrected even the smallest details. I corrected him to the finest details. Eu estava à procura de palavras aptas. I was looking for apt words. I was looking for proper words. Não temos mais nenhuma cerveja. We don't have any more beer. We don't have any more beers. Dan nici măcar nu a plâns. Dan didn't even cry. And he didn't even cry. No l'ò ciù visto da aloa. I have not seen him since then. I didn't see him on the other side of the aloe. Estes são os meus amigos. These are my friends. These are my friends. Eu sei que você não tem tempo para nos ajudar. I know you don't have time to help us. I know you don't have time to help us. Nous avons vu la femme emmenée à l'hôpital. We saw the lady carried away to the hospital. We saw the woman taken to the hospital. Encik mahu minum apa? What would you like to drink? Which will you choose to drink? Ho parlato ancora con loro. I talked to them again. I've been talking to them again. Di mana mereka? Where were they? Where are they? Demana un desig Make a wish. Request a wish Al piano è meglio di me. He's better at the piano than I am. The flat's better than me. Berapa banyak gambar yang kau beli? How many pictures did you buy? How many pictures did you buy? Je raffole de ce magasin. I love this store. I'm cooling off this store. Vroiam să dansez cu tine. I wanted to dance with you. I wanted to dance with you. He de recuperar el temps perdut. I have to catch up the lost time. I have to get back lost time. Sono sicuro di aver visto qualcosa muoversi. I'm sure I saw something moving. I'm sure I saw something move. Tidak ada resiko-resiko kesehatan. There are no health risks. There's no health risk. Ya estoy preparado. I'm already ready. I'm ready. O que queres saber sobre nós? What do you want to know about us? What do you want to know about us? Stava succedendo qualcosa. Something was happening. Something was happening. Dile a Tom de parte mía, ¿vale? Tell Tom for me, OK? Tell Tom for me, okay? Je fus le seul à ne pas être invité à la soirée. I was the only one not invited to the party. I was the only one not to be invited to the evening. Tom est toujours vierge. Tom is still a virgin. Tom's still a virgin. Oi, eu sou Lucifer. Eu mando nas coisas por aqui. Hello, I'm Lucifer. I run things around here. Hey, I'm Lucifer. Jo estudio 3 hores cada dia. I study for 3 hours every day. I study 3 hours every day. Esta es nuestra casa. This is our home. This is our house. Tom suferă de dureri de cap. Tom suffers from headaches. Tom suffers from headaches. Que droga. Nós vamos comer bolo após o almoço. That's too bad. We're going to have cake after lunch. We'll eat cake after lunch. Securitatea a fost îmbunătățită în oraș. Security was increased in the city. Security has been improved in the city. Noi non riuscivamo più ad aiutarle. We couldn't help them any more. We couldn't help them anymore. La paraula "sam" és una abreviatura de "ordinador" en Lojban. The word "sam" is short for "computer" in Lojban. The word "sam" is Lojban's "computer" abbreviation. Fiduciosa come sono che voi non scherziate con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Trustful as I am that you do not joke with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the naked and cruel thought of such a possibility. Tom pediu para a Mary ir ao escritório dele. Tom asked Mary to come to his office. Tom asked Mary to go to his office. Je me suis rendu deux fois à Paris. I've been to Paris twice. I went to Paris twice. Metta in moto l'automobile. Start the car. Put the car in motion. ¿Cuándo se publica su nueva novela? When will your new novel come out? When is your new novel published? Dia tako dia pe ade tara lulus. He has a fear that his brother will fail. He wasn't on ade tara passus. Io sono un tale idiota. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. Vamos, rápido. Come on, hurry up. Come on, quick. Il semble que vous avez raison. It looks as if you're right. Looks like you're right. Truca'm si necessites ajuda. Give me a call if you need help. Call me if you need help. E o ţară bună de vizitat, dar nu aş vrea să locuiesc acolo. It's a nice country to visit, but I wouldn't live there. It's a good country to visit, but I don't want to live there. Este alimento contem carne? Does this food contain any meat? Does this food contain meat? Non so tre lingue. I don't know three languages. I don't know three languages. Avremo qualcosa per voi. We'll have something for you. We'll have something for you. El fumar puede causar cáncer de mama. Smoking can cause breast cancer. Smoking can cause breast cancer. As-tu travaillé hier ? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Tu as l'air fort ravi. You look very delighted. You look really nice to me. Acabo de almoçar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. Gosto da China. I like China. I like China. O Tom ficou surpreso quando ele viu a Mary na festa. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary at the party. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary at the party. Mâinile tale sunt ca niște cuburi de ghiață. Your hands are like ice cubes. Your hands are like shark cubes. L'ho comprata da loro. I bought it from them. I bought it from them. Fadil stava viaggiando da solo. Fadil was traveling alone. Fadil was traveling alone. Dacă dai peste cartea mea, mi-o trimiți? If you come across my book, will you send it to me? If you pass my book, will you send it to me? Fermeve! Stop! Steady! Non dovevo rimanere. I didn't need to stay. I didn't have to stay. Giliran saya? Is it my turn? My turn? Son fotos viejas. These are old photos. It's old photos. Nu-ţi plac poveştile de dragoste, aşa-i? You don't like love stories, do you? You don't like love stories, do you? Si quieres ser creíble, dile a la gente sólo lo que creen. If you want to be credible, tell people only what they believe. If you want to be credible, just tell people what they believe. Ele é apenas uma criança. He is a mere child. He's just a child. Era ridicol de cald. It was ridiculously hot. It was ridiculous hot. Já faz mais de dois anos que nos vimos. It's been over two years since we saw each other. We've seen each other for over two years. Todos eles entraram. They all entered. They all came in. De quelque manière que tu le fasses, le résultat n'est pas différent. Any way you do, the outcome is no different. Somehow you do it, the result is no different. Esta es una buena sugerencia. This is a good suggestion. This is a good suggestion. Buenas tadres! Good afternoon! Good work! Per favore, dille di partire. Please tell her to leave. Please tell her to leave. Tom tidak bisa berenang. Tom can't swim. Tom can't swim. Cela m'inquiète. I'm worried about it. I'm worried about that. Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce soir ? What are you doing tonight? What are you doing tonight? Quale di questi due è quello buono? Which one of these two is the good one? Which of these two is the good one? Arătați-mi. Show me. Show me. Suas ameaças não me assustam. Your threats don't frighten me. Your threats don't scare me. Amo suonare qui. I love playing here. I love playing here. Io non voglio sembrare stupido. I don't want to look stupid. I don't want to look stupid. Li os dois livros. I've read both books. I read the two books. C'est vraiment effarant. It's really awesome. It's really scary. Ceea ce îi este permis lui Jupiter nu este în mod necesar permis și unui bou. All that is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. What is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily a permit and a bull. Tom bicara pake bahasa Prancis bagus skali. Tom speaks French fluently. Tom's speaking French very well. Dovremmo cominciare a cercare i regali di Natale per i bambini. We should start getting Christmas gifts for the children. We should start looking for Christmas gifts for children. O Tom mandou uma carta de três páginas à Mary. Tom sent Mary a three-page letter. Tom sent Mary a three-page letter. Arrête de faire de la lèche à la prof ! Stop sucking up to the teacher. Stop licking the teacher! Tom não compreende Maria. Tom doesn't understand Mary. Tom doesn't understand Maria. Di mana kamu membeli bunga-bunga itu? Where did you buy the flowers? Where did you buy those flowers? Mă uitam în jos către fundul văii. I was looking downward to the bottom of the valley. I was looking down at the bottom of the valley. Cosa intendi fare questa estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What do you want to do this summer? Ella está cenando ahora. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. Certamente! Sure! Of course! A França é uma república. France is a republic. France is a republic. Farò un po' di pasta. I'll make some pasta. I'll make some dough. Dalam keadaan tangannya yang terketar-ketar, dia masih mampu menulis sepucuk surat. He still managed to write a letter even when his hands are shaking. In his shaking hands, he's still able to write a letter. Vomitaron. They threw up. Vomitaron. Precisamos ir embora agora mesmo. We must leave right away. We need to leave right now. Aspeté. Wait. I waited. Mi afición es escribir canciones. Writing songs is my hobby. My passion is to write songs. Somos primos. We are cousins. We're cousins. Ieri notte mia nonna è mancata senza soffrire. My grandmother passed away peacefully last night. My grandmother missed you last night without suffering. L'amore ama l'amore. Love loves love. Love loves love. Nesta loja vendemos carne. In this shop we sell meat. We sell meat in this store. Tu peux me préparer un casse-croûte ? Can you make me a snack? Can you fix me a crust cassette? Por que você mentiu para a polícia? Why did you lie to the police? Why did you lie to the police? Di mana Anda belajar bahasa Prancis? Where did you learn French? Where did you learn French? Tiene comezón en la espalda. His back itches. He's got a start on his back. Não dá para democratizar um povo faminto. You cannot democratize a starving people. There is no way to democratize a hungry people. Tom muore. Tom dies. Tom dies. Taksi itu menunggu di luar. The taxi is waiting outside. The taxi's waiting outside. Aquera poma qu'ei sucrada. This apple is sweet. It's an ointment that's sucrated. Com'è bello! How beautiful! How beautiful! Todo mundo na sala estava roncando. Everybody in the room was snoring. Everyone in the room was rocking. Aku akan memikirkannya dulu. I'll have to think about it. I'll think about it first. Qu'il neige à cette période de l'année est inhabituel. Snowing at this time of the year is unusual. That it snows at this time of year is unusual. Furtuna a făcut multe pagube. The storm caused a lot of damage. The storm has caused a lot of damage. Il disait la vérité. He told the truth. He was telling the truth. Scordai di scriverle. I forgot to write her. Forget about writing them. ¿Por qué ella no quería juntarse con él? Why didn't she want to join him? Why didn't she want to join him? Tom tahu ini saatnya untuk pergi. Tom knew it was time to leave. Tom knows it's time to go. Kita seharusnya tahu kalau Tom akan terlambat. We should've known Tom would be late. We should have known Tom was going to be late. Dia pergi ke mana? Where did he go? Where did he go? J’ai un stylo. I have a pen. I have a pen. I fiori nel giardino devono essere annaffiati. The flowers in the garden need to be watered. Flowers in the garden must be watered. Espero con ganas a que vengas a Japón. I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan. I look forward to you coming to Japan. In generale, gli uomini sono più forti delle donne. Generally speaking, men are stronger than women. In general, men are stronger than women. Io sarò la vostra guida. I'll be your guide. I'll be your guide. Quelqu'un a tenté de me tuer. Somebody tried to kill me. Someone tried to kill me. Perquè estas enfadat amb ell? Why are you angry with him? Why are you mad at him? Ne-am întâlnit iarna. We met in winter. We met in winter. Quizás sólo soy yo. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me. Peu importe la route que tu suis, le trajet jusqu'à la ville ne te prendra pas plus de vingt minutes. No matter which road you follow, the drive to town won't take you more than twenty minutes. No matter the road you're on, the road to the city won't take you more than twenty minutes. Seberapa tinggi kamu dapat melompat? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? John est maigre comme un clou. John is as lean as a wolf. John's thin as a nail. Ellos no son ricos. They aren't rich. They're not rich. Tu trabajo ha mejorado notablemente. Your work has greatly improved. Your work has improved noticeably. Nul n'est parfait. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. Petit à petit, notre connaissance de l'anglais augmente. Little by little our knowledge of English increases. Little by little, our knowledge of English increases. Fous le camp d'ici ! Je ne veux plus te parler ! Get out! I don't want to talk to you anymore! I don't want to talk to you anymore! Foi muito difícil seduzir Layla. It was so difficult to seduce Layla. It was very difficult to seduce Layla. Non sto condividendo questo con loro. I'm not sharing this with them. I'm not sharing this with them. Un bărbat în vârstă a venit în Jackson de la Albany, New York. One old man came to Jackson from Albany, New York. An old man came to Jackson from Albany, New York. Unde te-ai nascut? Where were you born? Where were you born? Por desgracia, no creo que yo fuera de mucha ayuda. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be of much help. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm in much help. Ho altre tre pagine da fare. I have three more pages to go. I've got three other pages to do. Io ho preso una ciotola di spaghetti in una strada qua vicino. I had a bowl of noodles at a street nearby. I got a bowl of spaghetti in a street nearby. O Tom nunca deu aula de francês antes. Tom has never taught French before. Tom never taught French before. Cine ar face așa ceva? Who would do such a thing? Who would do such a thing? Es impresionante cómo funciona. It's amazing how it works. It's impressive how it works. Precisamos de um lugar seguro para nos escondermos. We need a safe place to hide. We need a safe place to hide. ¿Puedes ver la diferencia? Can you see the difference? Can you see the difference? Anoche me quedé en casa. I stayed at home last night. I stayed home last night. Completa la frase. Complete the sentence. Complete the sentence. Ho perso la mia motivazione. I lost my motivation. I lost my motivation. A solidão é agradável, mas precisamos de alguém para nos dizer que a solidão é agradável. Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine. Solidarity is pleasant, but we need someone to tell us that loneliness is pleasant. Su oficina está muy cerca de la mía. His office is very close to mine. Your office is very close to mine. Ren. Nothing. Nothing. É bonita, não é? It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful, isn't it? Ele vont dmorer chal sacwants djoûs. They are going to stay here for several days. He'll stay here a few days. Numele meu nu este "tu"; este Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name isn't "you"; it's Ricardo. Je ne le recommanderais pas. I wouldn't recommend that. I wouldn't recommend it. Elles me laissèrent décider d'un cadeau. They left it to me to decide on a gift. They let me decide a gift. Am fost în grădină toată după-amiaza. I was in the garden all afternoon. I was in the garden all afternoon. J'ai eu une révélation. I had a revelation. I had a revelation. Tom parecia estar se divertindo. Tom looked like he was having fun. Tom seemed to be having fun. Bahasa Kadazan akan dilancarkan di Google Translate pada tahun 2018. The Kadazan language will be launched on Google Translate in 2018. Kadazan will be released on Google Translate in 2018. Eu fui lá sozinho. I went there by myself. I went there alone. El a primit o sumă considerabilă de bani drept compensație pentru rănile suferite. He received a large sum of money in compensation for his injury. He received a considerable amount of money as compensation for the wounds he suffered. Eu não acho que o Tom esteja acordado. I don't think Tom is awake. I don't think Tom's awake. Vous n'en êtes pas la seule responsable, je le suis aussi. You are not the only one responsible for it, I am too. You're not the only one responsible, so am I. Quero que você vá para Boston. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Aceste lucruri nu sunt ale mele! These things aren't mine! These things are not mine! Je ne suis pas mariée non plus. I'm not married, either. I'm not married either. Tom n'est pas un vrai guerrier. Tom is not a true warrior. Tom's not a real warrior. ¡Tomátela! Fuck you! Take it! As-tu fini le livre que je t'ai prêté la semaine dernière ? Have you finished reading the book I lent you last week? Did you finish the book I lent you last week? Elle retira ses vieilles chaussures et passa les nouvelles. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and passed the news. Il est l'un de nos présidents les plus expérimentés. He is one of our most experienced chairmen. He is one of our most experienced presidents. Che cosa devo fare con il coltello? What shall I do with the knife? What should I do with the knife? Il y a trop de meubles dans cette pièce. There is too much furniture in this room. There's too much furniture in this room. În timpul războiului, oamenii au trecut prin multe greutăți. During the war, people went through many hardships. During the war, people have been through many hardships. Qué aprofeite. Bon appetit. What a pleasure. L'aimez-vous aussi ? Do you love him too? Do you like her too? Tom è interessato, ma Mary no. Tom is interested, but Mary isn't. Tom's interested, but Mary's not. La ley establece que todos los hombres son iguales. The law says that all men are equal. The law states that all men are equal. Ne veillez pas pour moi ! Don't wait up for me. Don't look after me! A mi tío le han diagnosticado leucemia. My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia. My uncle's been diagnosed with leukemia. Tom takut mati. Tom is afraid of dying. Tom was afraid to die. Por que está tão calor? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? J'espère que tu n'es pas seul. I hope you're not alone. I hope you're not alone. La policia está buscando sospechosos. The police are looking for suspects. The police are looking for suspects. D'aquí a l'estació triguem mitja hora a peu. It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station. We take half an hour to walk from the station. Kamu tidak diajari itu di sekolah. They don't teach you that in school. You didn't teach that at school. Les costó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro. It took them some time to get used to each other. It took them a little while to get used to each other. Oí un ruido extraño. I heard an unusual sound. I heard a strange noise. Tom vuole fuggire. Tom wants to escape. Tom wants to run away. Parece bom no papel. It looks good on paper. Looks good on the paper. Lasciammo questo. We left this. Let's leave this. Mon père a acheté une voiture neuve. My father bought a new car. My dad bought a new car. Ça a très bon goût. It tastes very good. It tastes very good. On devrait abandonner cette coutume. This custom should be done away with. We should abandon this custom. Rappelez. Call back. Remember. Tom aida. Tom helped. Tom helped. Elle est allée en haut. She went upstairs. She went upstairs. Non sarò in grado di promuoverli. I won't be able to promote them. I won't be able to promote them. ¿Por quién votarás para presidente? Who will you vote for for president? Who are you going to vote for president for? Tom no es inglez. Tom isn't English. Tom's not English. Oke. OK. Okay. Fără să vrea, el i-a spus ei exact ceea ce ea vroia să știe. Unwittingly, he told her exactly what she wanted to know. Without wanting to, he told her exactly what she wanted to know. Nous payons le fils des voisins pour qu'il tonde notre pelouse. We pay the kid next door to mow our lawn. We pay the neighbor's son to blow our lawn. On l'entendit appeler à l'aide. She was heard to cry for help. We heard him call for help. Em va retreure que jo sigui mandrós. She reproached me for being lazy. He retired me from being lazy. Hanya ini yang dapat aku lakukan untuk bertahan. It was all I could do to keep standing. This is all I can do to survive. Mi madre me hacía tortitas de queso fresco cuando yo era joven. My mother made me cottage cheese pancakes when I was young. My mother used to make me fresh cheese cakes when I was young. Alors, quel est le programme maintenant ? So what's the plan now? So, what's the program now? Tom terus berbicara. Tom kept talking. Tom keeps talking. No es fácil escribir con una tiza. It is not easy to write in chalk. It's not easy to write with a chalk. Ha detto che avrebbe parlato con lui. You said you'd talk to him. He said he'd talk to him. Avete provato a parlare con lui? Did you try to talk to him? Have you tried talking to him? Ngana su perna sampe di Paris ka balong? Have you ever been to Paris? Ngana on the hammock of Paris ka balong? Tom sembra distrutto. Tom looks distraught. Tom seems destroyed. Mary este una din cele mai frumoase fete pe care le-am văzut. Mary is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Mary is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Je veux que vous me disiez quoi faire. I want you to tell me what to do. I want you to tell me what to do. J'aime bien le toki pona. I like Toki Pona. I like the pony. Jo tampauc. Nor am I. I don't know. A măsurat lungimea patului. He measured the length of the bed. He measured the length of the bed. Abbottonati la camicia. Button up your shirt. Take your shirt off. Ku kira kau sedang mencoba menghubungi kami tadi. I think you've been trying to contact us. I thought you were trying to call us back. Carai! Wow! Oh, my God! Elle est dépourvue de silhouette. She has no figure. She's free of silhouette. Quem plantou estas árvores? Who planted these trees? Who planted these trees? Tom mi ha chiesto di uscire questo weekend. Tom asked me out this weekend. Tom asked me out this weekend. J'ai dit que je voulais la vérité ! I said I want the truth! I said I wanted the truth! Io non conosco vostro fratello. I don't know your brother. I don't know your brother. Eşti serios? Are you serious? Are you serious? "Aku cuma bertanya satu hal." "Urus urusanmu sendiri." "I was just asking a question." "Mind your own business." "I'm just asking you one thing." "Your own business." Il farmaco sta funzionando. The medication is working. The drug is working. Nous avons passé un très bon moment la nuit dernière. We had a very good time last night. We had a really good time last night. Ngomong-ngomong,berapa umurmu? By the way, how old are you? By the way, how old are you? È in ordine? Are you tidy? Is that okay? M'agradaré d'estar mei joen. I wish I were younger. I'll like to be half-joen. C'est tout toi. That's just like you. It's all you. Este prea evident. It's too conspicuous. It's too obvious. Los gerentes de la empresa tenía una actitud floja hacia la seguridad de sus trabajadores. The company's managers had a very lackadaisical attitude towards the safety of their workers. The managers of the company had a loose attitude toward the safety of their workers. Tom todavía es tu mejor amigo, ¿no? Tom is still your best friend, isn't he? Tom's still your best friend, isn't he? Hoy no he comido. I didn't have lunch today. I haven't eaten today. Ele leu o artigo várias e várias vezes. He read the article over and over again. He read the article several and several times. Millones de personas en los Estados Unidos no tienen empleo. Millions of people in the United States are unemployed. Millions of people in the United States are unemployed. Les 3 R sont Réduire, Réutiliser et Recycler. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Recycle and Recycle. Ea i-a preparat o cină simplă. She made him a simple dinner. She made him a simple dinner. Yidir est un artiste connu dans le monde entier. Yidir is a universal artist. Yider is an artist known all over the world. Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio de ellos. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Io non sono abituata a camminare per delle lunghe distanze. I am not accustomed to walking long distances. I'm not used to walking for long distances. Nun te queda otra que facelo. You had no choice but to do it. You don't have anything else to do with it. À après-demain ! See you in two days. See you in the afternoon! J'étais un peu tendu. I was a bit tense. I was a little tense. El este foarte romantic! He is very romantic! He's very romantic! Qui se trouve à bord du train ? Who is on the train? Who's on board the train? Perché giochi d'azzardo? Why do you gamble? Why gambling? Munchos kantes relijiozos en Ladino son traduksiones del Ivrit. Lots of religious songs in Ladino are translations from Hebrew. Many churches in Ladino are translations of the Ivrit. Non chiedetelo a me. Chiedetelo a lei. Don't ask me. Ask her. Don't ask me. Tom tidak mengenal siapa-siapa. Tom doesn't know anyone here. Tom doesn't know anybody. Árvores frutíferas necessitam de muito espaço para crescer. Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow. Fruit trees need plenty of space to grow. Elle m'a écrit une longue lettre. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. Sono scioccata per loro. I'm upset about them. I'm shocked by them. Je pense que nous étions d'accord sur ça. I thought we had agreed on this. I think we agreed on that. Tom sembra agitato. Tom looks uncomfortable. Tom seems agitated. Combien de temps comptes-tu rester ? How long do you plan to stay? How long do you plan to stay? Il semble qu'il puisse emporter le premier prix. It looks like he might win first prize. It seems he can take the first prize. Știu că încă îl iubești. I know you still love him. I know you still love him. Marie veut mourir dans son sommeil. Mary wants to die in her sleep. Mary wants to die in her sleep. Deme la mitad. Give me half. Give me half. Él era el ídolo de los niños. He was the idol of children. He was the child's idol. Angin sedang berhembus dari utara. The wind is blowing from the north. The wind is erupting from the north. Saya tidak berapa suka dengan kehadirannya di sini. I'm not too pleased with him being here. I don't really like his presence here. Nimicuri. Nonsense. Nothing. Trebuie să îmi fac o asigurare de sănătate. I need to purchase health insurance. I need to get a health insurance. Tom vai decidir. Tom will decide. Tom will decide. Él vive en una casa grande. He lives in a large house. He lives in a big house. Io devo parlare con lei. I have to talk to her. I need to talk to her. O que é certo em uma sociedade pode não ser em outra. What is right in one society can be wrong in another. What is true in one society may not be in another. Je dois être en train de fatiguer. J'ai sommeil dès que termine de dîner. I must be getting tired. I feel sleepy as soon as I finish eating supper. I must be getting tired. I'm asleep as soon as I finish dinner. Você quer ir para a Alemanha? Do you want to go to Germany? Do you want to go to Germany? Tom disse a Mary cosa non fare. Tom told Mary what not to do. Tom told Mary what not to do. Qualcuno mi ha attaccato. Someone attacked me. Someone attacked me. Ibu ingin aku kuliah di Swiss. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. I want to go to college in Switzerland. Întotdeauna mă gândesc la el când sunt singur. I always think of him when I'm alone. I always think of him when I'm alone. Ideea lui nu era propice. His idea wasn't usable. His idea wasn't right. Io dico che verrà letto il libro di Paul. I say Paul's book will be read. I say Paul's book will be read. Él se volteó. He turned around. He turned around. Fins demà. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Laurie est une véritable amie. Laurie is a true friend. Laurie is a true friend. Il fait très chaud, n'est-ce pas ? It's very hot, isn't it? It's very hot, isn't it? El tiempo es precioso. The weather is beautiful. Time is beautiful. Tò métod a l'é divers dal mè. Your method is different from mine. The method is different from mine. Utilisez votre tête ! Use your head! Use your head! Marruecos es el país de la puesta del sol. Morocco is the land of the setting sun. Morocco is the country of sunset. Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne pouvais pas manger de poisson cru. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. Fu quel cane che mi morse la mano. It was that dog that bit my hand. That dog bit my hand. Suas ideias são um pouco antiquadas. Your ideas are a little antiquated. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Ouvi dizer que Tom está estudando francês. I heard that Tom is studying French. I heard Tom's studying French. Le chat mangea la souris. The cat ate the mouse. The cat will eat the mouse. Il faut que j'aille aux toilettes. I've gotta go to the bathroom. I have to go to the toilet. Me temo que no puedo ayudarte. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm afraid I can't help you. Sami telah menjalankan tugas tentera. Sami was on active military duty. Sami has served as a military officer. Estou sentindo uma vontade enorme de bater em alguém. I really need to hit somebody. I'm feeling a huge desire to hit someone. Qual é a moral da história? What is the moral of the story? What is the moral of history? Eu sei que vocês são vegetarianos. I know that you are vegetarians. I know you guys are vegetarians. Nul doute que tu dois être exténué après avoir travaillé toute la journée. You must be worn out after working all day. No doubt you should be exhausted after working all day. C'è grande differenza nella qualità di shampoo disponibili sul mercato. There is big difference in the quality of shampoos available in the market. There is a great difference in the quality of shampoo available on the market. Encham-na, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it up, please. J'aimerais sortir ce soir. I would like to go out tonight. I'd like to go out tonight. No hace falta que respondas. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. A espiral é uma das formas geométricas mais encontradas na natureza. The spiral is one of the most common geometrical forms in nature. Spiral is one of the most widely found geometric forms in nature. No la volvió a ver después de aquel día. Never again did he see her after that day. He didn't see her again after that day.