Él tiene la mala costumbre de beber demasiado vino. He has a bad habit of drinking too much wine. He's got the bad habit of drinking too much wine. Enseigner nous apprend. By teaching, we learn. Teaching teaches us. Il s'est rendu à la bibliothèque. He went to the library. He went to the library. Le prix du chou chuta à cause de la surproduction. The price of cabbage fell because of overproduction. The price of cabbage falls because of overproduction. Siete gelose? Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Per favore, non mi lasci con lui. Please don't leave me with him. Please don't leave me with him. Sami non festeggia Halloween. Sami doesn't celebrate Halloween. Sami doesn't celebrate Halloween. Ces garçons sont dans leur prime jeunesse. Those boys are in the first flush of youth. These boys are in their first youth. Penses-tu que je devrais m'y rendre par mes propres moyens ? Do you think I should go by myself? Do you think I should go there by my own means? Elles ont fait ce qu'on leur avait dit. They did what they were told. They did what they were told. Él consideró que era una decisión acertada aceptar la oferta. He deemed it wise to accept the offer. He considered it a right decision to accept the offer. Sembla que avui estaré despert tota la nit. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'm gonna be up all night tonight. Algo le tiene que haber pasado a Bob ayer. Something must have happened to Bob yesterday. Something must have happened to Bob yesterday. Tom non ha idea di che fare. Tom has no idea what to do. Tom has no idea what to do. È un bell'uomo. He is a handsome man. He's a good man. ¿Y tu hijo conduce? And does your son drive? And your son drives? Já leste o jornal de hoje? Have you read today's paper yet? Have you read today's paper? Como você ajudou o Tom? How did you help Tom? How did you help Tom? Hemos tenido suficiente. We have had enough. We've had enough. Quindi cos'è successo qui? So what happened here? So what happened here? Loro chiusero gli occhi. They closed their eyes. They closed their eyes. Ça a l'air un peu dangereux. That sounds a little dangerous. That sounds a little dangerous. Ese coche rojo golpeó a la furgoneta azul. That red car hit the blue van. That red car hit the blue van. Io ero nella mia camera da letto. I was in my bedroom. I was in my bedroom. Je ne pouvais pas m'arrêter de rire. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. O Tom fala francês? Does Tom speak French? Does Tom speak French? Per piacere, non mi uccidere! Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! Io amo le battute. I love jokes. I love jokes. Estaba a punto de salir cuando sonó el teléfono. He was about to go out when the telephone rang. I was about to leave when the phone rang. La prospérité d'un pays dépend de ses citoyens. The prosperity of a country depends upon its citizens. The prosperity of a country depends on its citizens. Tom e Mary estão se divorciando. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. Apa este realmente murdară. The water is really dirty. Water is really dirty. Mai degrabă ar face Tom asta. I'd rather Tom do that. He'd rather do that tom. Eri innamorata di loro? Were you in love with them? Were you in love with them? Le fusible a brûlé. The fuse has blown. The fuse burned. Ni siquiera sé hervir agua, mucho menos asar un pavo. I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey. I can't even boil water, much less roast a turkey. Je ne peux pas t'aider si tu ne me fais pas confiance. I can't help you if you don't trust me. I can't help you if you don't trust me. Tengo que cambiarle las pilas a la radio. I have to change the batteries in the radio. I have to change the batteries to the radio. Non riesco nemmeno a pensarci. I can't even think about it. I can't even think about it. Eu nunca tinha viajado de avião. I've never traveled by plane. I've never been on a plane before. Tu queres algo para fazer? Do you want something to do? You want something to do? Aunque él lo dice, ella lo hará. Although he says it, she will do it. Even if he says so, she will. O Tom sabe que pode contar com a Mary. Tom knows he can count on Mary. Tom knows you can count on Mary. Tom ha decifrato il codice. Tom deciphered the code. Tom deciphered the code. Mia figlia è in ospedale, perché è rimasta ferita in un incidente stradale. My daughter is in hospital because she was injured in a traffic accident. My daughter is in the hospital, because she was injured in a road accident. Cette phrase a-t-elle une intention sérieuse ? Bien sûr que non ! Is this sentence meant seriously? Of course not! Does this sentence have a serious intention? Of course not! Avlash Ladino? Do you all speak Ladino? Avlash Ladino? Eu sabia que você finalmente apareceria. I knew you'd show up eventually. I knew you'd finally show up. Tom saltó al agua helada. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into the icy water. Esteu d'acord amb Tom, veritat? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, right? Él é doutor. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. Tom spune că vrea să studieze franceza. Tom says he wants to study French. Tom says he wants to study French. Dono per descomptat que aprovarà l'examen. I took it for granted that he would pass the exam. I'm sure he's going to pass the exam. Urăsc iarna. I hate winter. I hate winter. Tom ha mentito a Mary? Did Tom lie to Mary? Did Tom lie to Mary? Eu queria ver todo mundo. I wanted to see everybody. I wanted to see everyone. Non fumo. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. Porque Tom está cansado? Why is Tom tired? Why is Tom tired? Elle me prit au dépourvu. She caught me off-guard. She took me for nothing. Ce garçon a fait exprès de frapper son fils. That boy hit her child on purpose. That boy specifically hit his son. Hanno trovato il corpo di un neonato in un freezer. They found the body of a newborn baby in a freezer. They found a baby's body in a freezer. Ciò è davvero impressionante. This is really shocking. This is really impressive. Nu știu dacă am timpul necesar. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I have the time. Rămânem fără mâncare. We're running out of food. We're running out of food. A lui piace andare in spiaggia a volte. He likes to go to the beach sometimes He likes to go to the beach sometimes. Voglio prendere in prestito la sua automobile per un'ora. I want to borrow your car for an hour. I want to borrow his car for an hour. Asta este ceea ce mă îngrijorează. That's what worries me. That's what worries me. Te juro que jamás lo volveré a hacer. I swear to you I will never do it again. I swear I'll never do it again. Conserva este goală. The can is empty. Store is empty. Hay un gran agujero en la pared. There is a large hole in the wall. There's a big hole in the wall. Je ne vous aurais jamais tiré dessus. I never would've shot you. I would never have shot you. Tom se exprime muito bem. Tom expresses himself very well. Tom's expressing himself very well. A me non serve una scusa. I don't need an excuse. I don't need an excuse. Hay un pelo en mi sopa. There's a hair in my soup. There's a hair in my soup. La educación comienza en casa. Education begins at home. Education starts at home. La bandiera è in alto. The flag is up. The flag is up. Odeio fazer essas coisas. I hate doing this stuff. I hate to do those things. No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia. Don't judge a man by his appearance. Don't judge a man for his appearance. Siguieron platicando durante horas. They went on talking for hours. They kept arguing for hours. Esto no me pinta nada bien. I have a bad feeling about this. This doesn't look right to me. Odia le mazze. He hates bats. He hates bats. No podría estudiar sin este libro. If it were not for this book, I couldn't study. I couldn't study without this book. Ești fericită? Are you happy? Are you happy? Una volta avevo uno di quelli. I used to have one of those. I had one of those once. ¿Usted ayudó? Did you help? Did you help? Ho has sentit també? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? C'è qualcosa a cui è stata particolarmente interessata ultimamente? Is there anything you've been particularly interested in lately? Is there anything you've been particularly interested in lately? ¿Por qué debería pagar? Why should I pay? Why should I pay? È una nerd. You're a nerd. She's a nerd. Imagina que tu padre nos viera juntos, ¿qué diría? Suppose your father saw us together, what would he say? Imagine your father seeing us together, what would he say? Sami est toujours marié. Sami is still married. Sami is still married. Vos idées sont les bienvenues. Your ideas are welcome. Your ideas are welcome. Anatz-i, vos prègui. Will you please go there? Go ahead, pray. Tom no quiere que lo molesten. Tom doesn't want to be disturbed. Tom doesn't want you to be disturbed. Él la halagó abiertamente. He freely praised her. He flattered her openly. As minhas lágrimas estão frias. My tears are cold. My tears are cold. Você não quer fazer isso? Do you want to do it? You don't want to do that? L'ho data a lei. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Cum ai intrat? Ai avut cheie? How did you get inside? Do you have a key? How did you get in? Lei versò del latte nella tazza. She poured milk into the cup. She poured milk into the cup. Dobbiamo smettere di fare questo. We need to stop doing this. We have to stop doing this. Me pidieron que esperase aquí. I was asked to wait here. They asked me to wait here. Les langues officielles de l’ONU sont l’arabe, le chinois, l’anglais, le français, le russe et l’espagnol. The official languages of the UN are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Perché mi ha fermato? Why did you stop me? Why did you stop me? Você está indo? Are you going? Are you going? Io non gioco più a golf. I don't play golf anymore. I don't play golf anymore. Je ne sais pas comment vous joindre. I don't know how to reach you. I don't know how to join you. Me quiero despedir. I want to say goodbye. I want to say goodbye. "Olá, Tom!" "Olá, Mary!" "Hi, Tom!" "Hi, Mary!" "Hello, Tom!" "Hello, Mary!" Tom una volta mangiava fuori ogni giorno, però adesso non può permetterselo. Tom used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford to. Tom once ate out every day, but now he can't afford it. Mio padre morì quando avevo sette anni. My father died when I was seven years old. My father died when I was seven. În Japonia nu există lacuri mai mari ca lacul Biwa. In Japan there aren't any lakes bigger than Lake Biwa. In Japan there are no lakes bigger than Lake Biwa. Quero ir à França. I want to go over to France. I want to go to France. Doctorul mi-a spus că-mi voi reveni în curând. The doctor told me that I would recover soon. The doctor told me I'd be back soon. Je vais mettre fin à ton supplice. I'll put you out of your misery. I'll put an end to your torture. May lleva un año en Japón. May has been in Japan for a year. May has been in Japan for a year. Leí sobre él en el periódico. I read about him in the newspaper. I read about him in the paper. Si tu passes trop de temps au soleil sans mettre de crème solaire, il est probable que tu attrapes un coup de soleil. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you're likely to catch a sunburn. Deme usted un vaso lleno de agua. Give me a full glass of water. You give me a full glass of water. Os alunos estão entediados. The students are bored. The students are bored. Eles farão uma festa para ela de 15º aniversário de casamento. They will have a party for her 15 º wedding anniversary. They're having a party for her on her 15th birthday. Va plan ? What do you do? Are you going to plan? Eu acho que nós estamos melhorando. I think we're getting better. I think we're getting better. Ens sap greu la molèstia causada. We're sorry for the inconvenience. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Je ne sais pas ce qui arrivera. I don't know what will pass. I don't know what's gonna happen. Aqueth ostau qu'a besonh d'estar pintrat. This house needs painting. This is a hostage that needs to be painted. ¿Hay muchos árboles en el parque? Are there many trees in the park? Are there many trees in the park? Eles moram numa casa muito bonita. They live in a very beautiful house. They live in a very nice house. Vai a giocare con lui. Go play with him. Go play with him. Qu'avez-vous répondu ? How did you reply? What did you say? ¿Es ése tuyo? Is that yours? Is that yours? Cela m'inquiète. I'm worried about it. I'm worried about that. ¡Eh! Se os ha bajado la bragueta. Abrochaosla. Hey, your fly is down. Zip it up. Hey, you've got your panties down. ¿Andas con un bolígrafo? Do you have a pen on you? You going with a pen? Ei nu ajută. They don't help. They don't help. Tom e Mary hanno un'auto, vero? Tom and Mary have a car, don't they? Tom and Mary have a car, don't they? ¿A qué hora te levantaste hoy? What time did you get up today? What time did you get up today? No puedes herir mis sentimientos. You can't hurt my feelings. You can't hurt my feelings. Per favore, riempi questo secchio d'acqua. Please fill this bucket with water. Please fill this bucket with water. Todas as meninas riram. All the girls laughed. All the girls laughed. Las tejas que cayeron del tejado se rompieron en pedazos. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. Lo llamé al teléfono. I called him up on the phone. I called him on the phone. Ela está velha e gagá. She's old and crazy. She's old and gaga. Fiche-moi la paix ! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! No sé si hará buen tiempo mañana, pero si hay buen tiempo vamos de picnic. I don't know if it will be fine tomorrow, but if it is fine we'll go on a picnic. I don't know if it'll make good time tomorrow, but if there's good time we're going to picnic. Pensez-vous que je sois mignon ? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm cute? Attention ! Beware! Watch out! Cred că a venit vremea pentru mine să-mi iau o nouă adresă de email. I think it's time for me to get a new email address. I think it's time for me to get a new email address. Am cel mai lung păr din clasă. My hair is the longest in my class. I have the longest hair in class. Tom disse che Mary non aveva paura. Tom said that Mary wasn't afraid. Tom said Mary wasn't afraid. Los Smiths son nuestros primos. The Smiths are our cousins. The Smiths are our cousins. No sé cómo expresar mi gratitud. I don't know how to express my gratitude. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Es hora de irte a la cama. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Trebuie să mă duc la spital. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Quiero dejar mi auto ahí. I want to keep my car there. I want to leave my car there. La primavera es mi estación preferida. Spring is my favourite season. Spring is my favorite resort. Em caso de incêndio, disque 119. In case of fire, dial 119. In case of fire, record 119. De qué hascós ? What did you make? What have you got? Je ne crois pas que ça soit la vérité. I don't believe that's the truth. I don't think that's the truth. En Tom, si vol, pot parlar amb la Mary. Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to. Tom, if he wants to, he can talk to Mary. ¿Viches a película "A caixa" ? Have you ever seen the movie "The Box"? Did you see the movie "The Box"? Os cachorros são fiéis. Dogs are faithful. Dogs are faithful. Tom pediu a Mary que o esperasse em frente à biblioteca. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait in front of the library. É possível recuperar um arquivo excluído da lixeira? Is it possible to recover a file deleted from the bin? Is it possible to recover an deleted file from the dumpster? Me quedé en casa porque estaba lloviendo. I stayed indoors because it rained. I stayed home because it was raining. Quero subir esta montanha. I want to hike up this mountain. I want to climb this mountain. O que você recomendaria? What would you advise? What would you recommend? Tom vuole che io sia la sua fidanzata. Tom wants me to be his girlfriend. Tom wants me to be his girlfriend. Sunt cam amețit. I'm pretty zonked. I'm kind of dizzy. Che ne dice di una birra? What do you say to a beer? How about a beer? Tempestades no mar impediram nosso progresso. Storms at sea impeded our progress. Storms at sea have prevented our progress. De qué atz dit ? What did you say? What are you saying? O hobby dele é colecionar borboletas estranhas. His hobby is collecting strange butterflies. His hobby is collecting strange butterflies. « As-tu mangé ? » « Oui. » "Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have." "Did you eat?" "Yes." Estoy seguro de que estás equivocado. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're wrong. No estás solo. You're not alone. You're not alone. Tu as l'air intelligente. You look smart. You look smart. Ele é poderoso. He is powerful. He's powerful. Yo soy de Hungría. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Perché non sta succedendo niente? Why isn't anything happening? Why is nothing happening? Nous détruirons cette dictature. We'll topple this dictatorship. We will destroy this dictatorship. Las películas modernas no me gustan. I don't like modern films. I don't like modern movies. Ça n'était pas dans mon intention. It was not my intention. It wasn't my intention. Sé que no debería sentirme así. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I know I shouldn't feel that way. Ouvi falar que ele é muito rico. I heard that he was very rich. I heard he's very rich. Am plătit cam cincizeci de dolari. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid about $50. Dorme molto. He sleeps a lot. She sleeps a lot. Estava pensando quantas línguas você fala. I was just wondering what languages you can speak. I was thinking how many languages you speak. Levante a mão quando eu chamar o seu nome. Put your hand up when I call your name. Raise your hand when I call your name. Dove le avete massaggiate? Where did you massage them? Where did you massage her? Io non sono la tua sorellina. I'm not your little sister. I'm not your little sister. Tudo é possível com o trabalho. Work makes everything possible. Everything is possible with the work. Ocho entre dos es cuatro. Eight divided by two is four. Eight between two is four. Non hai molta fame, vero? You're not very hungry, are you? You're not very hungry, are you? Tenho de explicar isto a Tom. I have to explain this to Tom. I have to explain this to Tom. No sé què està fent, però no ho fa amb ella. I don't know what he/she is doing, but he/she isn't doing it with her I don't know what he's doing, but he's not doing it with her. Nous sommes prêts à partir. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Ele ficou endividado. He ran into debt. He was indebted. Descubra o que Tom sabe. Find out what Tom knows. Find out what Tom knows. Il mio compagno di stanza è stato deciso? Has my roommate been decided? Has my roommate been decided? Ho dormito meglio di ieri notte. I slept better than I did last night. I slept better than last night. La guerra non è ancora finita. The war isn't over yet. The war is not over yet. Nós estamos doentes. We're sick. We're sick. Non sabe inglés, moito menos francés. He does not know English, much less French. He doesn't know English, much less French. Não estou sendo intransigente. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not being intransigent. M'en apporteriez-vous un autre, s'il vous plaît ? Would you bring me another one, please? Would you bring me another one, please? Sii allegro! Aggiungi un punto esclamativo a tutte le tue frasi! Be cheerful! Add an exclamation mark to all of your sentences! Be happy! Add an exclamation point to all your phrases! Eu sou o Jorge. I am Jorge. I'm Jorge. Nadal ganhou uma partida de tênis extenuante, que se estendeu por cinco sets. Nadal won a grueling tennis match. It lasted five sets. Christmas won a game of exhausting tennis, which extended by five sets. Entrambi i suoi fratelli sono insegnanti. Both her brothers are teachers. Both of his brothers are teachers. E ora: tredici ore senza internet. And now: thirteen hours without internet. And now, thirteen hours without the Internet. Gli tirò i capelli. She pulled his hair. I pulled his hair. Quanti sono i continenti del mondo? How many continents are there in the world? How many continents in the world? A natureza é fascinante. Nature is fascinating. Nature is fascinating. Che hai contro di loro? What do you have against them? What do you have against them? Ele não sabe sequer assinar o nome. He does not even know how to sign his name. He can't even sign the name. Estamos felizes por estar aqui. We're glad to be here. We're happy to be here. Sus ingresos se redujeron a la mitad tras su jubilación. His income was diminished by half after retirement. His income was halved after his retirement. L'idée n'est pas mauvaise. The idea isn't bad. The idea is not bad. Isto parece bom para mim. This seems good to me. This looks good to me. La llevaron inconsciente hasta el hospital. She was taken to hospital unconscious. They took her unconscious to the hospital. Posso aspettarvi. I can wait for you. I can wait for you. Avete dimenticato di chiudere la porta. You forgot to close the door. You forgot to close the door. Va ser negligent per la seva part deixar la porta sense tancar amb clau quan ella va sortir. It was careless of her to leave the door unlocked when she went out. It was negligent on his part to leave the door unclosed when she left. Tu nous as tous manqué. We all have missed you. We all missed you. L'été est la saison la plus chaude. Summer is the hottest season. Summer is the hottest season. Nous ferions mieux de le laisser tranquille. We'd better leave him alone. We'd better leave him alone. Anhelamos la paz. We long for peace. We long for peace. C'est le dictionnaire dont je t'ai parlé hier. This is the dictionary I told you about yesterday. That's the dictionary I talked to you about yesterday. Poate că Tom își vopsește părul. Tom probably dyes his hair. Maybe Tom dyes his hair. Lui si dovette ritirare. He had to withdraw. He had to retire. O Tom disse que ele tinha alguma coisa para você. Tom said he had something for you. Tom said he had something for you. Travaille-t-elle dans la cuisine ? Does she work in the kitchen? Does she work in the kitchen? Le piacerebbe essere un elefante? Would you like to be an elephant? Would you like to be an elephant? Poate. Maybe. Maybe. Quiero que sepas que hiciste un gran trabajo. I want you to know you did a great job. I want you to know you did a great job. Qualquer livro serve, contanto que ele seja interessante. Any book will do, so long as it is interesting. Any book serves, as long as it's interesting. Noi li possiamo aiutare. We can help them. We can help them. No había peligros aparentes. There were no visible dangers. There were no apparent dangers. Você é fraco. You're weak. You're weak. Chá com limão, por favor. A tea with lemon, please. Tea with lemon, please. Meu professor me disse que eu devia ter passado mais tempo preparando meu discurso. My teacher told me that I should have spent more time preparing my speech. My teacher told me I should have spent more time preparing my speech. Spreco molto tempo a sognare a occhi aperti. I waste a lot of time daydreaming. I spend a lot of time dreaming with my eyes open. Vino înspre mine. Come towards me. Come to me. Avete visto il file, vero? You saw the file, didn't you? You've seen the file, haven't you? Não perdi uma única reunião. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a single meeting. Andiamo a trovarli. Let's go find them. Let's go find them. Sunt mișcat. I'm moved. I'm moving. Eu sou astrólogo. I am an astrologer. I'm an astrologer. Albergínia, pastanaga, tomàquet. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Alleberginia, carrot, tomato. Hai, so Tom. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name? Come on, Tom, what's your name? Extraño a mis amigos. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. La guerra civil de los Estados Unidos duró cuatro años. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The civil war in the United States lasted four years. Puisque le bonheur n'existe pas, nous devons nous efforcer d'être heureux sans lui. Since happiness doesn't exist, we must strive to be happy without it. Since happiness does not exist, we must strive to be happy without it. Tom è scontroso, vero? Tom is grumpy, isn't he? Tom's upset, isn't he? Indiferent de vreme, voi merge. I will go regardless of the weather. No matter how long, I'll go. Adoitaba facer moitos esforzos para obter todo sobresaíntes. He used to try very hard to get straight As. I used to make a lot of effort to get all the hang of it. Elle a trop confiance en elle-même. She's overconfident. She has too much self-confidence. Il avait peur de l'obscurité. He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of darkness. Ar fi cazul să-i mulțumești. You ought to thank him. You'd have to thank her. Les médias sont l'entité la plus puissante sur terre. Ils ont le pouvoir de rendre coupable l'innocent et innocent le coupable et c'est ça le pouvoir. Parce qu'ils contrôlent les esprits des masses. The media's the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The media are the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make innocent and innocent the guilty and that is the power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Por favor, muéstranos tus imágenes. Please show us your pictures. Please show us your images. Que font les professeurs ? What are the teachers doing? What do the teachers do? Me voy a París mañana. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Creo que a él no le gusta aquí. I think he doesn't like it here. I don't think he likes it here. Io penso che Tom sia malato di mente. I think Tom is insane. I think Tom's mentally ill. Queda muy poco papel. There's very little paper left. There's very little paper left. Su hermano llevaba treinta años siendo camionero. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. Cette ville est à deux milles de la côte. The town is two miles away from the coast. This town is two miles from the coast. Você já esteve nesse povoado? Have you ever been to that village? Have you ever been in this town? Combien de temps devons-nous rester ici ? How long do we have to stay here? How long do we have to stay here? O Tom não foi justo, mas a Mary foi. Tom wasn't fair, but Mary was. Tom wasn't fair, but Mary was. Por fin ha llegado mi turno. At last, my turn came. My turn has finally arrived. Brisez le silence. Break the silence. Break the silence. Sé un caballero. Please be gentle. Be a gentleman. Est-ce qu'il vous manque ? Do you miss it? Do you miss him? Nici în ruptul capului! Not for all the tea in China! Don't even break your head! La povertà non è un incidente. Come la schiavitù e l'apartheid, è artificiale e può essere rimossa dalle azioni degli esseri umani. Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings. Poverty is not an accident. As slavery and apartheid, it is artificial and can be removed from the actions of human beings. Je serai là à sept heures et demie. I'll be there at half seven. I'll be there at seven and a half hours. El avla madjar. He speaks Hungarian. The avdjar. Cu cine ai vorbit? Who did you speak with? Who did you talk to? Avem nevoie de o secretară nouă. We need a new secretary. We need a new secretary. Li vaig fer moltes preguntes sobre ecologia. I asked him many questions about ecology. I asked him a lot of questions about ecology. ¡Mamá! ¡Apurate! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! Eu sei que Tom gosta de jazz. I know that Tom likes jazz. I know Tom likes jazz. Et s'il revenait maintenant ? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back now? Votamos por el candidato. We voted for the candidate. We vote for the candidate. Hey Pandark, comment ça se fait que tu sois devenu si célèbre que Pharamp commence à écrire des phrases sur toi ? Hey Pandark, how did you became so famous that Pharamp started writing sentences about you? Hey Pandark, how come you've become so famous that Pharamp is starting to write sentences about you? Restare a casa non è una cosa piacevole. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Sunt inginer. I am an engineer. I'm an engineer. Tom n'aime pas partager. Tom doesn't like to share. Tom doesn't like to share. Não me deixe de novo. Don't leave me again. Don't leave me again. Ese hombre está muy bronceado. That man is very tanned. That man is very tanned. Je ne pourrais penser à rien de pire. I couldn't think of anything worse. I couldn't think of anything worse. Los alumnos absorbieron todo el conocimiento que el profesor les dio. The pupils absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them. The students absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them. Este o realizare măreață! It's a great accomplishment. It's a great achievement! Són paraules buides. Those are empty words. They're empty words. Nous mangeons de sorte que nous pouvons vivre. We eat so we may live. We eat so we can live. Estou a atirar a toalha. I'm throwing in the towel. I'm throwing the towel. Obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thanks for your help. Thank you for your help. J'ignore si je peux le gérer seule. I don't know if I can handle this alone. I don't know if I can handle him alone. Je pense savoir ce que c'est. I think I know what this is. I think I know what it is. Je veux ce qui est mien. I want what's mine. I want what's mine. Tom sabe que nosotros no estamos ocupados. Tom knows we aren't busy. Tom knows we're not busy. Io ti sostengo. I'm supporting you. I support you. Come ha convinto Tom a venire? How did you persuade Tom to come? How did Tom get here? Você ainda está sozinho? Are you still alone? Are you still alone? Tom non ha nessuno a cui rivolgersi per farsi aiutare. Tom has nobody to turn to for help. Tom has no one to turn to to for help. On et quedaràs? Where will you be staying? Where are you staying? A enfermidade de Fadil não lhe moderou a atividade. Fadil's infirmity didn't slow him down. Fadil’s illness did not moderate his activity. Boune Påke! Happy Easter! Buune Påke! Io non bevo mai il tè con il latte. I never drink tea with milk. I never drink tea with milk. J'ai eu un bon entraîneur. I had a good coach. I had a good coach. Dubito che Tom sia celibe. I doubt if Tom is single. I doubt Tom's celibate. La policía buscó por todas partes y no pudo encontrar ningún rastro de Tom. The police looked everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom. The police searched everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom. Io e Tom studiamo spesso insieme. Tom and I often study together. Tom and I often study together. Isso é engraçado e horripilante ao mesmo tempo. That's funny and horrifying at the same time. That's funny and creepy at the same time. Não tenho tempo para ler. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. J'ai été déçu par votre papier. I was disappointed with your paper. I was disappointed in your paper. ¿Tienes algo más? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Você sabe usar o computador? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you know how to use the computer? A Tom le plazen las paras. Tom likes money. Tom is being placed with his parents. Es muy viejo. It's very old. He's very old. No fue hasta esta mañana que dejó de llover. It was not till this morning that it stopped raining. It wasn't until this morning that it stopped raining. Il réclama une bière. He asked for a beer. He called for a beer. Stavo solamente essendo educato. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Avez-vous des guides de musée en japonais ? Do you have any museum guides in Japanese? Do you have museum guides in Japanese? Son veuo tutto o dòppodisnâ do 27 de frevâ. I am free all afternoon on February 27. I see all the dopodisina of the 27 of frevâ. Sei por que Tom me deixou em paz. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. ¿De quién es esto? Whose is this? Whose is this? Io sono calmo. I'm easy-going. I'm calm. ¿Quieres un poco más? Would you like any more? You want some more? Pensavo foste arrabbiati con me. I thought you were mad at me. I thought you were mad at me. Tan solo dile la verdad. Just tell him the truth. Just tell him the truth. Per fi ha arribat! He finally arrived! It's finally here! Étrangement, je me fatiguai rapidement et m'assis sur le bord d'un rocher. As was unusual for me, I got tired quickly and I sat down on the edge of a rock. Strangely, I got tired quickly and sat on the edge of a rock. Nous sommes impitoyables. We're ruthless. We are ruthless. ¿Me estás armando una escena? Are you making a scene? Are you setting a scene for me? Am învăţat multe din cărţile lui. I learned a lot from his books. I've learned a lot from his books. Nu-mi pot dezvălui sursele. I can't reveal my source. I can't reveal my sources. Quero que tu venhas de novo. I want you to come back. I want you to come back. ¿Me dejas la goma? May I borrow your eraser? You're leaving me the rubber? A pesar de que tenía menos apoyo de la clase dominante, pudo ganar el voto popular. Although he had fewer supporters among the governing class, he was able to get the popular vote. Although he had less support from the ruling class, he was able to win the popular vote. Eu acabei de chegar. I just arrived. I just got here. Toute règle a ses exceptions. There is no rule without an exception. Every rule has its exceptions. Os senhores são bonitos. You're cute. The gentlemen are beautiful. Stia lontano dalla clinica. Stay away from the clinic. Stay away from the clinic. Tom ne comprend pas, parce qu'il ne faisait pas attention. Tom doesn't understand because he wasn't paying attention. Tom doesn't understand, because he wasn't paying attention. Mi hermano me ayudó a resolver el problema matemático. My brother helped me solve the math problem. My brother helped me solve the math problem. "O problema não é esse." "Então o que há de errado?" "That's not the problem." "Then what's wrong?" "The problem is not that." "So what's wrong?" Tom nu mi-a spus nimic. Tom hasn't told me anything. Tom didn't tell me anything. La energía irá dónde nosotros la dirijamos. Energy will go wherever we direct it. Energy goes where we drive it. Señor, usted no puede estacionar su coche aquí. Sir, you are not allowed to park your car here. Sir, you can't park your car here. María dejó que Tom la besara. Mary let Tom kiss her. Mary let Tom kiss her. Eu sou muito discreto. I'm very discrete. I'm very discreet. Tom estava usando uma camisa polo rosa com a gola levantada. Tom wore a pink polo shirt with a popped collar. Tom was wearing a pink shirt with his throat up. Na gramática e no vocabulário, alguns dialetos diferem significativamente da linguagem padrão. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language. ¿Tenés la misma cosa en un color diferente? Do you have the same thing in a different color? Did I have the same thing in a different color? Ayer él no fue a la escuela. He was absent from school yesterday. He didn't go to school yesterday. Quand j'étais au lycée, j'avais l'habitude de me faire de l'argent de poche en gardant des enfants. When I was in high school, I used to earn extra money babysitting. When I was in high school, I used to make my own pocket money by keeping kids. Non sono in disaccordo con la vostra decisione. I don't disagree with your decision. I do not disagree with your decision. Estamos listos para partir. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. J'ai pensé que vous apprécieriez peut-être de la compagnie. I thought you might like some company. I thought maybe you'd appreciate the company. O canguru salta muito alto. The kangaroo jumps very high. The kangaroo jumps too high. Detesto dormir pasado la medianoche. I hate going to sleep after midnight. I hate to sleep last midnight. ¿Cómo se llama este río? What is the name of this river? What's the name of this river? Él es igual de alto que su padre. He is as tall as his father. He's just as tall as his father. Ho sentito che Tom e Mary hanno intenzione di trasferirsi a Boston. I heard that Tom and Mary plan to move to Boston. I heard Tom and Mary are going to move to Boston. Mi cacciò fuori di casa. He threw me out of the house. He drove me out of the house. Nici măcar nu pot să găsesc Germania pe hartă! Mi-e rușine! I'm not even capable of pinpointing Germany on a map! I'm ashamed! I can't even find Germany on the map! Hai viaggiato in Europa prima? Have you traveled in Europe before? Did you travel to Europe before? ¿Querrías agregarme a tu lista de contactos? Would you like to add me to your contact list? Would you like to add me to your contact list? An ye o escusau? Where is the bathroom? Is it an excuse? Lumea este un cuib de nebuni. The world is a den of crazies. The world is a nest of fools. Você tem que fazer algo a respeito. You have to do something about it. You have to do something about it. È stato un inizio difficile per Mary. It was a difficult beginning for Fadil. It was a difficult start for Mary. Quão profundo é o buraco? How deep is the hole? How deep is the hole? Penso di essere stata innamorata di lei. I think I was in love with her. I think I've been in love with her. Io trascorsi l'intero weekend a casa al computer. I spent the whole weekend at home on the computer. I spent the whole weekend at home on my computer. Tenia ambició. He had ambition. He had ambition. Abra a janela, por favor. Open the window, please. Open the window, please. Si haces trampa, corres el riesgo de ser arrestado. If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested. If you cheat, you run the risk of being arrested. ¡Llama a la policía! Call the police! Call the police! Ya es hora de que cambies de hábitos. Now it's time for you to change your habits. It's time for you to change your habits. Tengo un montón de amigos. I have plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Que sais-tu de la petite amie de Tom ? What do you know about Tom's girlfriend? What do you know about Tom's girlfriend? Je n'arrive pas à croire que personne ne l'ait entendu. I can't believe no one heard that. I can't believe no one heard him. Quin t'apèras ? What is your name? What do you think? Il luogo è cambiato. The location has changed. The place has changed. Fuimos forzados a trabajar duro. We were forced to work hard. We were forced to work hard. Merece la pena intentarlo. It's worth a try. It's worth a try. Nós somos concorrentes. We're competitors. We're competitors. Esta águila no pot volar. Les seues ales estan trencades. This eagle can't fly. Its wings are broken. This eagle can't fly, its wings are broken. L'idée est classique de sa part. The idea is typical of him. The idea is classic on his part. Elle écrivit le mot. She wrote the word. She wrote the word. El menjar va ser cosa fina a Itàlia. The food was great in Italy. Food was thin in Italy. Tu hai paura della morte? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? Sou pai. I'm a father. I'm a father. Deve aiutarli. You've got to help them. You have to help them. Nous t'avons attrapée. We caught you. We caught you. J’adore la distribution des cadeaux. I love the distribution of gifts. I love the distribution of gifts. Boas noites. Good night! Good night. Mi hermana me mostró un reloj nuevo. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. ¿Los marcianos hablan inglés? Do Martians speak English? The Martians speak English? Tom era un avvocato. Tom was a lawyer. Tom was a lawyer. Je suppose que peu importe le club de natation auquel je m'affilie. I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join. I suppose no matter what swimming club I'm affiliated with. Se lo expliqué. I explained it to him. I explained it to him. Vas' ti fé arèdjî ! Go screw yourself! You're gonna be all right! Penso che lei sia troppo esigente. I think you're too picky. I think you're too demanding. Você não sabe o que eu ia fazer. You don't know what I was going to do. You don't know what I was going to do. Io potrei conoscere qualcuno che può aiutarti. I may know someone who can help you. I could meet someone who can help you. Eu não gosto de francês. I don't like French. I don't like French. Prometto che non ferirò Tom. I promise I won't hurt Tom. I promise I won't hurt Tom. Le jury délibère. The jury is deliberating. The jury deliberates. Trata-me como sempre. Treat me as you've always done. Treat me like you always do. Chaque étape lui était difficile. Every step was difficult for him. Each step was difficult for him. Fuimos a pasear. We went out for a stroll. We went for a walk. Je ne peux pas croire que Tom soit mort. I can't believe Tom is dead. I can't believe Tom's dead. Quando saranno finiti i suoi compiti? When will your homework be finished? When will your homework be finished? N'importe qui peut faire ça. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Sept policiers ont été tués. Seven policemen were killed. Seven police officers were killed. È ancora scioccato, vero? He's still in shock, isn't he? He's still shocked, isn't he? ¿Tom vino aquí ayer? Did Tom come here yesterday? Tom came here yesterday? Tom está acampando com alguns amigos. Tom is camping with some friends. Tom's camping with some friends. Je n'aime pas le chocolat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Tom l'è 'n anquanòun. Tom is indecisive. Tom is one of them. É um mercado engraçado. It's a funny market. It's a funny market. Io sono fedele. I'm faithful. I'm faithful. As laranjas são boas fontes de vitamina C. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Oranges are good sources of vitamin C. Grazas. Thank you! Thank you. Come si può fidare di loro? How can you trust them? How can you trust them? O grupo de xente veu tamén connosco. The group of people came along with us. The group of people came with us too. Je vous conseillerais fortement de faire ce que le patron vous a dit de faire. I would advise you strongly to do what the boss asked you to do. I would strongly advise you to do what the boss told you to do. Tom non l'ha visto. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see it. A se sente inscia comme un ballon. She feels bloated like a balloon. It feels like a ball. Todo mundo na sala estava roncando. Everybody in the room was snoring. Everyone in the room was snoring. No recuerdo cuándo se trasladó él a Boston. I can't remember when he moved to Boston. I don't remember when he moved to Boston. Tom ne mérite pas cela. Tom doesn't deserve this. Tom didn't deserve that. Auzise că a început războiul, dar nu a conştientizat asta timp îndelungat până când tatăl său a fost înrolat. He had heard that war had started, but it didn't sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army. He'd heard the war started, but he didn't know that long before his father was enlisted. Cualquier partido político es conservador en sí mismo. Any political party is conservative in itself. Any political party is conservative in itself. Essaye maintenant, sinon tu le regretteras plus tard. Try now, or you will be sorry for it later. Try it now, or you'll regret it later. Eu saí. I left. I went out. ¿Habéis olvidado la contraseña? Have you guys forgotten the password? Have you forgotten the password? Eu realmente adoro o Japonês. I really love Japanese. I really love Japanese. Noi stiamo lavorando assieme. We're working together. We're working together. La gente suele tomar las decisiones equivocadas. People often make bad choices. People usually make the wrong decisions. Conosco quelle donne. I know those women. I know those women. Volevo essere ricco. I used to want to be rich. I wanted to be rich. Lo que se hace por amor, se hace más allá del bien y del mal. What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. What is done for love is done beyond good and evil. Aqueth sac qu'ei lo men. This bag is mine. That sack is mine. Est-ce que tu es en train de me dire que c'est de ma faute ? Are you telling me it's my fault? Are you telling me it's my fault? Você não tem senso de direção. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of direction. Deberías dar un bo exemplo aos teus nenos. You should set a good example to your children. You should set a good example for your children. Pronto serán las seis. It'll soon be six o'clock. Soon it'll be six. Dovete venire qui domani. You need to come here tomorrow. You need to come here tomorrow. Vor fi bine cu toţii. They'll all be fine. They'll all be fine. Sia Tom che Mary sono molto terrorizzati. Both Tom and Mary are very frightened. Both Tom and Mary are very terrified. Per quel che so, Tom è in pensione. As far as I know, Tom is retired. As far as I know, Tom's retired. É prazeroso trabalhar com o Sr. Norton. Mr Norton is pleasant to work with. It's nice to work with Mr. Norton. Stai facendo dell'ottima roba qui. You're doing great stuff here. You're doing great stuff here. Tom va veni. Tom will be coming. Tom will come. Il n'a pas parlé du tout. He did not speak at all. He didn't talk at all. Li posso portare? Can I bring them? Can I get them? Meu pai é velho demais para trabalhar. My father is too old to work. My dad's too old to work. C' esteut-st a meynute It was midnight. There was-st in meynute Je vous ai entendues siffler. Vous devez être heureuses. I heard you whistling. You must be happy. I heard you whistle, you must be happy. Li cridaré més tard. I'll call him later. I'll call him later. Il refuse de même me regarder. He wouldn't even look at me. He won't look at me either. Avem nevoie de ploaie. We need rain. We need rain. Deberías prestar más atención a lo que decís. You should pay more attention to what you say. You should pay more attention to what you say. Em sentia igual. I was feeling the same. I felt the same way. Una mayoría de los estudiantes odian historia. A majority of students dislike history. Most students hate history. O Tom não conhecia a Mary tão bem quanto eu. Tom didn't know Mary as well as I did. Tom didn't know Mary as well as I did. Tom ha già uno di questi. Tom already has one of these. Tom already has one of these. É só um gato. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. Tom não compreende Maria. Tom doesn't understand Mary. Tom doesn't understand Mary. Tom è in cima alla lista dei candidati. Dan is at the top of the list of candidates. Tom's at the top of the list of candidates. Poate mai este altcineva în peșteră. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. Maybe there's someone else in the cave. C'est commencé. It's started. It's started. Quer que eu te busque no aeroporto? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? You want me to pick you up at the airport? Quanto é que te devo? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Și ce-o să facem? And what are we going to do? And what are we gonna do? Pour le théâtre, il fabriqua des coulisses et des rideaux. For the theater, he made coulisses and curtains. For the theatre, he made scenes and curtains. O carro pegou fogo. The car caught fire. The car caught fire. En China es mejor viajar con un guía. If you travel in China, it is best to go with a guide. In China it is better to travel with a guide. Você é tão estúpido. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Tom savait où se trouvait Mary, mais il ne révéla pas à la police où elle était. Tom knew where Mary was, but he wouldn't tell the police where she was. Tom knew where Mary was, but he didn't reveal to the police where she was. Ne dis pas ça ! Don't you say this! Don't say that! Am făcut cum am primit instrucțiuni. I did as I was instructed. I did as I got instructions. Ela quer dançar. She wants to dance. She wants to dance. Foi bom falar com você. It was good talking to you. Good talking to you. Sazonamos con sal. We season with salt. Let's season with salt. A pesar de todos los contratiempos, él permanece optimista. Despite all his setbacks, he remains an optimist. Despite all the setbacks, he remains optimistic. Sono molto felice di conoscervi. I am very glad to know you. I'm very happy to meet you. Tom regarde les nouvelles. Tom is watching the news. Tom's watching the news. O trabalho é difícil? Is the work hard? Is work hard? Pas davantage, je vous prie. No more, please. No more, please. Ça va être serré. It's going to be close. It's gonna be tight. Chi mi chiamò? Who called me? Who called me? Eu coloquei na sua mesa. I put it on your desk. I put it on your table. Tom est à court d'argent. Tom is hard up for money. Tom's running out of money. Jack no está aquí. Jack isn't here. Jack's not here. Pot lăsa un mesaj? Can I leave a message? Can I leave a message? Ella ni siquiera me miró. She did not so much as look at me. She didn't even look at me. Quand'è venuta in Australia? When did you come to Australia? When did she come to Australia? Soy demasiado bajo. I am too short. I'm too low. Por que o Tom é tão infeliz? Why's Tom so unhappy? Why is Tom so unhappy? Tengo algunas cosas que quiero aclarar. I have a few things I want to make clear. I have some things I want to clarify. Tom es tímido con los extraños. Tom is shy around strangers. Tom is shy with strangers. Dégagez, les gamins ! Beat it, kids! Get the kids out of here! Elle a abîmé ses vêtements. She's ruined her clothes. She damaged her clothes. Siamo troppo vecchie. We're too old. We're too old. L'abbiamo fermata. We stopped it. We stopped her. Para perder peso, você precisa parar de comer doces. To lose weight, you must cut back on sweets. To lose weight, you need to stop eating candy. Nous défendons la démocratie. We stand for democracy. We defend democracy. Non dica loro il perché. Don't tell them why. Don't tell them why. Când a izbucnit focul, el dormea tun. When the fire broke out, he was sound asleep. When the fire broke out, he was asleep. Contractul lor va expira la sfârşitul lunii. Their contract is to run out at the end of this month. Their contract will expire at the end of the month. Fiecare era prietenos cu noua fată. Everyone was friendly to the new girl. Everyone was friendly with the new girl. Sabètz a quina ora son arribats ? Do you know what time they came? Do you know what time they arrived? Je dispose de beaucoup d'argent. I've got plenty of money. I have a lot of money. Estoy intentando acordarme. I'm trying to remember. I'm trying to wake up. Secondo te non fa proposte concrete e fattibili? In your opinion, he does not make concrete and feasible proposals? You don't think he makes concrete and feasible proposals? Si os dais prisa le alcanzaréis. If you hurry, you'll catch up with him. If you hurry, you'll get to him. Pasamos la tarde comiendo uvas. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. Glumești, așa-i? You're kidding, right? You're kidding, right? Può mangiare ora. You may eat now. You can eat now. Estaré allí en un minuto. I'll be in there in a minute. I'll be there in a minute. Os acusa de chantaje a ti y a tu hermano. He's accusing you and your brother of blackmail. You and your brother are being blackmailed. Yo rápidamente río ante cualquier cosa, por miedo de tener que llorar. I quickly laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. I quickly river in front of anything, afraid of having to cry. Ella no sabe nadar. She doesn't know how to swim. She can't swim. Il latte è per i bambini. Quando si cresce, si deve bere birra. Milk is for babies. When you grow up, you have to drink beer. Milk is for children. When you grow up, you have to drink beer. Che ne dite di giocare a tennis? How about playing tennis? How about playing tennis? Perché non è andato in Germania? Why didn't you go to Germany? Why didn't he go to Germany? Vocês já respiraram ar puro? Have you ever breathed pure air? Have you guys had any fresh air yet? Dende a barra de menú "Responder" selecciona" crear mensaxe de seguemento". A mensaxe á que contestas está citada. From the menu-bar's "Reply" select "create follow-up message". The message you reply to is quoted. From the "Reply" menu bar you select "create follow-up message". The message you reply to is quoted. Io odio questa professoressa. I hate this teacher. I hate this teacher. Que dites-vous de payer une tournée à tout le monde ? What do you say we buy everyone a drink? What do you say you pay everyone a tour? Una lingua es un dialekto kon una armada i una flota. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A language is a dialekto kon an army and a fleet. O que o Tom achou? What did Tom think of it? What did Tom think? Hans este un om de afaceri german. Hans is a German businessman. Hans is a German businessman. Sa chemise était tachée de sauce. Her shirt was stained with sauce. His shirt was stuffed with sauce. Ne dis pas à ton père que tu veux devenir clown. Don't tell your father you want to become a clown. Don't tell your father you want to become a clown. Ero con lei la scorsa notte. I was with her last night. I was with her last night. Actúen muy drásticamente y comenzarán una guerra. Act too forcefully and you'll start a war. They act very dramatically and they'll start a war. Esto no es un sueño. It isn't a dream. This is not a dream. No me puedo acordar de dónde puse la máquina de coser buena. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. O Tom ainda está acordado? Is Tom still awake? Is Tom still awake? Mio padre non approverà mai il mio matrimonio. Father will never approve of my marriage. My father will never approve of my marriage. Agarda por min! Wait for me! Wait for me! Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri. We'll die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we'll die. Você nada muito rápido. You swim very quickly. You're nothing too fast. Quiero saber qué le pasó a Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. Numele meu nu este "tu"; este Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. My name is not "you"; it's Ricardo. Savez-vous que je vous aime ? Do you know I love you? Do you know I love you? Vous ressemblez exactement à ma sœur. You look just like my sister. You look exactly like my sister. Cs'ê-t drē a dîr? What're you saying? What's wrong with you? Cette lettre porte un timbre étranger. This letter bears a foreign stamp. This letter bears a foreign stamp. "¡Diablos! Dejé mi paraguas en el tren." "¡Pelotudo!" "Oh no! I left my umbrella on the train." "You are a scatterbrain!" I left my umbrella on the train. Eu preciso falar com você agora! I need to talk to you now! I need to talk to you now! Ieri ho letto la tua lettera. I read your letter yesterday. I read your letter yesterday. Prestame los binoculares para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better. Lend me the binoculars to see it better. Lei pensa che Tom sia ancora alzato? Do you think Tom is still up? You think Tom's still up? Mi casa está bien comunicada con la estación de ferrocarril. My house stands within easy access of the railroad station. My house is well connected to the railway station. On cherche quelqu'un qui peut parler français dans un contexte professionnel. We are looking for someone who is proficient in French. We're looking for someone who can speak French in a professional context. Penso di avere lo stomaco sottosopra. I think I have an upset stomach. I think I have the stomach under me. A árbore é verde. The tree is green. The tree is green. Ellos están por partir. They're about to leave. They're on their way. Quando ele vai para casa? When will he go home? When's he going home? Tom ha comprato un nuovo camion. Tom bought a new truck. Tom bought a new truck. Sono arrivata a casa tardi ieri sera. I got home late last night. I got home late last night. Sami est un parfait gentleman. Sami is a total gentleman. Sami is a perfect gentleman. Grazie mille! Sono viva. Thank you so much! I am alive. Thank you so much, I'm alive. Yo no conozco a esta señora. I do not know this lady. I don't know this lady. Escuché, pero no oí nada. I listened, but I heard nothing. I heard, but I didn't hear anything. Abbiamo una perdita. We've got a leak. We have a loss. Lui Tom nu-i place să facă greșeli. Tom doesn't like to make mistakes. Tom doesn't like making mistakes. No tengo tiempo para estar enfermo. I don't have time to be sick. I don't have time to be sick. Sono stato aiutato da mio padre a pitturare la cuccia. I was helped by my father to paint the kennel. I was helped by my father to paint the seamstress. Mary tem dois namorados. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two boyfriends. Tom não é bom em lembrar nomes. Tom isn't good at remembering names. Tom's not good at remembering names. Eu gostei de conversar com Tom. I enjoyed talking with Tom. I liked talking to Tom. A fost o plăcere să te cunosc. It's been a pleasure meeting you. It was a pleasure to meet you. Non ho più intenzione di farlo. I don't plan on doing that anymore. I'm not going to do this anymore. Grasie tante. Thanks very much. Grasie tante. Qu'est-ce que je peux dire pour te convaincre ? What can I say to convince you? What can I say to convince you? Nous recherchons un développeur C++ expérimenté près d'Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ programmer near Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ developer near Amsterdam. A me non importa cosa bevete. I don't care what you drink. I don't care what you drink. Li van haver d'amputar el braç a Tom. Tom's arm had to be amputated. They had to amputate Tom's arm. En verdad, no me agradó el guisado de Tom. I didn't really like the stew that Tom made. Actually, I didn't like Tom's stew. Lui è già qua. He is already here. He's already here. Bănci în toată țara și-au închis porțile. Banks across the country had closed their doors. Banks all over the country have closed their gates. Porta il vaso da qualche parte dove c'è la luce del sole. Bring the vase somewhere where there is sunlight. Bring the vessel somewhere where the sunlight is. La règle ne s'applique pas dans ce cas. The rule doesn't apply in this case. The rule does not apply in this case. Marie a roșit extrem de tare, și-a coborât capul și nu a răspuns. Marie blushed exceedingly, lowered her head, and made no reply. Marie blushed extremely hard, lowered her head and didn't answer. No ando con la dirección. I don't have the address with me. I'm not going with the address. Je ne crains personne. I'm not scared of anybody. I'm not afraid of anyone. Tom chiese a Mary di portare John all'aeroporto. Tom asked Mary to take John to the airport. Tom asked Mary to take John to the airport. Não o acordes. Don't wake him up. Don't wake him. Sauf exceptions, tout le monde est autorisé à entrer dans l'immeuble. Except in special circumstances, anyone is allowed to enter the building. With no exceptions, everyone is allowed to enter the building. Io potrei tenerlo segreto. I could keep it a secret. I could keep it a secret. Dilma Rousseff é a presidente atual do Brasil. Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil. Dilma Rousseff is the current president of Brazil. Seus pais estão um tanto preocupados com sua segurança. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are a little concerned about your safety. Acho que você é a mulher que eu estive esperando por toda minha vida. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for my whole life. Esqueça! Era apenas uma ideia. Forget it! It was just an idea. Forget it, it was just an idea. Scrive articoli per il giornale locale. He writes articles for the local newspaper. She writes articles for the local newspaper. Me encerré. I locked myself out. I locked up. Nós gostamos de ler livros. We enjoy reading books. We like to read books. Ele fala 10 línguas. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. Ficarei aqui por um breve período de tempo. I will stay here for a short period. I'll be here for a short period of time. Si detestano completamente a vicenda. They absolutely detest each other. They totally hate each other. Tenho que mandar consertar o meu oboé. I need to get my oboe repaired. I have to have my oboe fixed. C'est une photographie de ma sœur. That's a photo of my sister. It's a photograph of my sister. Aki Yerushalayim es una revista kulturala eskrita en ladino. Aki Yerushalayim is a cultural magazine written in Ladino. Aki Yerushalayim is an eskrita kulturala magazine in Ladin. Mira lo que he encontrado en el bosque. Look what I found in the woods. Look what I found in the woods. Parece que isso nunca vai funcionar. It seems that it'll never work. Looks like it's never gonna work. Il était réputé pour être un génie. He was reputed to be a genius. He was famous for being a genius. Ho quasi fatto cadere i piatti. I almost dropped the plates. I almost dropped the plates. Me sinto mal a respeito disso. I feel bad about this. I feel bad about that. Eu sou conhecido por fazer isso. I've been known to do that. I'm known to do that. Ne vous en faites pas. Je vous ai dit que tout irait bien. Don't worry. I told you everything would be OK. Don't worry, I told you everything would be fine. De nombreux chiens ont en commun la manie d'aboyer sur les inconnus. Barking at strangers is a habit common to many dogs. Many dogs have in common the mania of barking on strangers. Nunca ha estado en el extranjero. He has never been abroad. He's never been abroad. Nu vreau să mă uit la acel video. I don't want to watch that video. I don't want to watch that video. Je me suis rendue avec mes amies, dans la galerie commerciale. I went to the mall with my friends. I went to the mall with my friends. Perché non gioca più con me? Why doesn't he play with me anymore? Why don't you play with me again? Eu não consegui escapar. I wasn't able to escape. I couldn't escape. Ele não perde nunca a curiosidade; é, por assim dizer, uma eterna criança. He never loses his curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal youth. He never loses curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal child. Y a-t-il de mignonnes filles, dans ta classe ? Are there any cute girls in your class? Are there any cute girls in your class? Je sais ce que vous avez fait la nuit dernière. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. So esattamente cosa stai pensando. I know exactly what you're thinking. I know exactly what you're thinking. Vino a mi mente una brillante idea. A very bright idea came to my mind. A brilliant idea came to my mind. Jean travaille en neuromarketing. John works in neuromarketing. Jean works in neuromarketing. Va trebui să așteptăm câteva minute. We'll have to wait a few minutes. We'll have to wait a few minutes. Dacă întârzii, vă rog să o luați înainte. In case I am late, please go ahead of me. If you're late, please take it forward. Y a-t-il des taxis par ici ? Are there taxis around here? Are there any cabs around here? Toglietemi le mani di dosso. Take your hands off me. Get your hands off me. Se va al colegio a las siete. He leaves for school at seven. He goes to school at 7:00. A t'iva mia vést. I didn't see you. You had my vest. Il a voté en faveur de la proposition. He voted for the proposal. He voted in favour of the proposal. Il parlait en chuchotant. He spoke under his breath. He was whispering. El periódico decía que se había perdido el contacto con el avión. The newspaper said that contact with the plane had been lost. The newspaper said he had lost contact with the plane. Il m'a aidé à faire mes devoirs. He helped me do my homework. He helped me do my homework. Antigas estrelas pop são simplesmente mulheres velhas quando completam 40 anos. Former pop stars are just plain old women by the time they're 40. Old pop stars are simply old women when they're 40 years old. Forse non ricorda il mio compleanno. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe he doesn't remember my birthday. Nunca bebe alcohol. He never drinks alcohol. Never drink alcohol. Am vrea să cânţi câteva cântece. We'd like you to sing some songs. I'd like you to play some songs. Toutes les deux se sont mises à rire. Both of them started laughing. They both laughed. Voi siete una buona influenza su Tom. You're a good influence on Tom. You're a good influence on Tom. Guidate. You drive. Drive. Exalou um profundo ar de desânimo. He exhaled a deep breath in discouragement. He exhaled a deep air of discouragement. Um júri totalmente masculino compadeceu-se de Layla. An all-male jury took pity of Layla. A fully male jury took pity on Layla. Questi monaci vivono dentro il monastero. These monks live inside the monastery. These monks live in the monastery. La policía está interrogando a los testigos. The police are questioning witnesses. The police are questioning the witnesses. Il y avait plusieurs pommes pourries dans le panier. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. There were several rotten apples in the basket. Tom ne peux pas empêcher Mary de faire cela. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Tom cannot prevent Mary from doing this. Les deux amoureux étaient assis face-à-face et buvaient du thé. The two lovers sat face to face, drinking tea. The two lovers sat face-to-face and drank tea. Furono accettate dalla scuola. They were accepted by the school. They were accepted by the school. O Tom nasceu na Austrália. Tom was born in Australia. Tom was born in Australia. Mañana estaré ocupado. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Tom decise di vendere la sua auto. Tom decided to sell his car. Tom decided to sell his car. Comprei uma nova bolsa. I bought a new bag. I bought a new bag. Eu não tinha nada para comer. I didn't have anything to eat. I had nothing to eat. Ella vive con él. She lives with him. She lives with him. Lo sapete che non è vera. You know it's not true. You know it's not true. O Tom disse que ele faria isso também. Tom said that he'd do that, too. Tom said he'd do that, too. Ser nativo não significa que você não vá cometer erros. Being a native doesn't mean that you won't commit mistakes. Being native does not mean that you will not make mistakes. Su castigo fue severo, pero justo. Their punishment was harsh, but just. His punishment was severe, but just. Je pense que Tom a besoin de moi. I think maybe Tom needs me. I think Tom needs me. Gracias por tu preocupación. Thank you for your concern. Thank you for your concern. Terrible accidente de helicóptero nun cemiterio belga, os rescatadores xa acharon máis de 500 cadáveres. Horrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, the rescuers have already salvaged more than 500 corpses. Terrible helicopter accident at a Belgian cemetery, rescuers have found over 500 bodies. L'autobús arribà deu minuts tard. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus was ten minutes late. Este país es rico en carbón. This country is rich in coal. This country is rich in coal. La société a abandonné ce projet. The company abandoned that project. The company has abandoned this project. Não posso fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. I can't do two things at the same time. I can't do two things at the same time. Io abito nella Svezia settentrionale. I live in northern Sweden. I live in northern Sweden. Estoy familiarizado con este barrio. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I'm familiar with this neighborhood. O lipsă de somn a afectat prestația cântărețului. A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. A lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. Cât de tare este asta? How awesome is that? How cool is that? Puede que sea francesa. She might be French. I may be French. Ce n'est pas aussi facile qu'on le croit. It's not as easy to do that as people think. It's not as easy as we think it is. Ha una teoria? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? Tom não queria ser nem advogado nem médico. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Acho que você está correto. I think that you're correct. I think you're right. J'ai estimé nécessaire de requérir de l'assistance. I found it necessary to get assistance. I felt it necessary to require assistance. Nous parlions à voix basse pour ne pas réveiller le bébé. We talked in a low voice so as not to wake the baby. We spoke in a low voice so as not to wake the baby. Il suo letto è accanto al muro. His bed is next to the wall. His bed is next to the wall. No me habría preocupado por eso. I wouldn't have worried about that. I wouldn't have worried about that. È più grande di Tom. It's bigger than Tom. It's bigger than Tom. Esta é a rapaza cuxo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. O anjo preto espalhou as asas bem pretas e subiu voando ao céu. The black angel spread those jet-black wings wide and flew up into the sky. The black angel spread his wings very black and flew up to the sky. Quina hruta vòs ? What fruit do you want? What's the rush? Su fuerza disminuía con la edad. Age diminished his strength. Its strength diminished with age. Io posso ucciderti. I can kill you. I can kill you. Sou o criador do meu mundo. I am the creator of my world. I am the creator of my world. Tom le contó a Mary todas las cosas que John no hizo y pudo haber hecho. Tom told Mary all the things John didn't do that he could have done. Tom told Mary all the things John did not and could have done. Él creció tres centímetros este año. He has grown three centimeters this year. He grew up three centimeters this year. Se me deres a maçã, Helena, a mais bela dentre todas as mulheres, será tua. If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours. If you give me the apple, Helena, the most beautiful of all women, it'll be yours. Eu preciso de uma nova serra elétrica. I need a new chainsaw. I need a new electric saw. Eu sei que ele a conhece, mas eu não sei de onde. I know that he knows her, but I don't know from where. I know he knows you, but I don't know where. Ella es amable con todo el mundo. She is friendly to everybody. She's nice to everyone. Un cop va arribar a l'estació, va trucar a un taxi inmediatament. Having arrived at the station, he immediately called a taxi. Once he arrived at the station, he called in a cab immediately. Je pense qu'il te faut un avocat. I think you need a lawyer. I think you need a lawyer. Até o rever! Goodbye! Until I see him again! Tom nu poate face calculatorul său să pornească. Tom can't get his computer to start up. Tom can't get his computer to start. Ces habits te vont bien. These clothes suit you. These clothes are good for you. Tom mandou umas flores para Maria. Tom sent Mary some flowers. Tom sent flowers to Mary. Ella reveló el secreto. She revealed the secret. She revealed the secret. O jardim fica atrás da casa. The garden is behind the house. The garden is behind the house. Sună bine! Sounds good! Sounds good! Cred că e vremea să consult un avocat. I think it's time for me to consult a lawyer. I think it's time to consult a lawyer. ¿Puedo ir a visitarte mañana? May I come and see you tomorrow? Can I come visit you tomorrow? Se fas trampa, corres o risco de ser arrestado. If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested. If you cheat, you run the risk of being arrested. ¿Es la salvia medicinal? Is sage medicinal? Is it the medicinal sage? Io non ho molta fame. I'm not very hungry. I'm not very hungry. C’est de l’hébreu. It's all Greek to me. It is Hebrew. Tom dit qu'il ne buvait pas de café. Tom said he didn't drink coffee. Tom said he wasn't drinking coffee. Nu mai ninge. It isn't snowing anymore. No more snowing. Sai che a Tom piacciono le automobili. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. As-tu eu des nouvelles de lui, récemment ? Have you heard from him recently? Have you heard from him lately? Tu te souviens de notre première rencontre ? Do you remember the day when we met first? Remember our first meeting? Je dis que je l'aimais. I said I liked it. I said I loved him. Abbiamo un sacco di neve in questo periodo dell'anno. We have a lot of snow at this time of the year. We have a lot of snow at this time of year. Tom aposentou-se aos 67 anos. Tom retired at the age of 67. Tom retired at 67. Nada disto foi uma surpresa. None of this was a surprise. None of this was a surprise. Lucy non riesce a usare le bacchette. Lucy cannot use chopsticks. Lucy can't use the sticks. Es fácil perder la noción del tiempo cuando estás en Las Vegas. It's easy to lose track of time when you are in Las Vegas. It's easy to lose track of time when you're in Vegas. Experții istorici încă nu sunt siguri ce s-a întâmplat. History experts still are not sure what happened. Historical experts are still not sure what happened. Ea ar vrea să-l vadă. She'd like to see him. She'd like to see him. Avez-vous jamais été amoureuses ? Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been in love? O sangue escorria do ferimento dele. Blood ran from his wound. His blood flowed from his wound. Tom a dû mettre sa guitare en gage pour payer ses factures. Tom had to pawn his guitar so he could pay his bills. Tom had to put his guitar in cash to pay his bills. Revin în câteva minute. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back in a few minutes. Fadil começou a ler jornais árabes todos os dias. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers everyday. Fadil started reading Arab newspapers every day. Trabalhaste bem. You did good work. You've worked well. Cette pièce se réchauffe facilement. This room heats easily. This room is easily heated. Va tornar a casa tres hores més tard. He came home three hours later. He came home three hours later. Sei troppo modesto. You're too modest. You're too modest. J'ai mangé une salade pour le dîner. I ate a salad for lunch. I ate a salad for dinner. Et dono cinc dòlars. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. L'ha corteggiata. He courted her. He courted her. Je suppose que tu as raison. I suppose you are right. I guess you're right. Le vin répandu ne sera pas recueilli. Don't cry over spilt milk. The widespread wine will not be collected. A me fa piacere che Tom non sia più qui. I'm glad Tom isn't here anymore. I'm glad Tom's not here anymore. Penso che valga la pena provare. I believe it's worth trying. I think it's worth a try. ¿Cando empezaches a aprender alemán? When did you begin learning German? When did you start learning German? Preciso de sapatos novos. I need new shoes. I need new shoes. Sí, una mica. Yes, a little. Yeah, a little bit. Il y a une télévision dans cette pièce. There is a television in this room. There's a TV in this room. Ho forzato Tom a farlo. I forced Tom to do it. I forced Tom to do it. Si metta in contatto con me appena arriva qui. Get in touch with me as soon as you arrive here. Get in touch with me as soon as he gets here. "Vocês não deveriam se casar." "Tarde demais. Nós nos casamos em Vegas na semana passada." "You shouldn't get married." "It's too late. We got married in Vegas last week." "You shouldn't get married." "It's too late, we got married in Vegas last week." Donc qui ? Then who? So who? Abbiamo fatto molte cose divertenti assieme. We did a lot of fun things together. We did a lot of fun together. Tom a l'ha dit ch'a chërdìa nèn lòn-lì. Tom said he didn't believe it. Tom said he didn't even speak there. Usando as palavras de Chaplin: "conte seu jardim pelas flores, não pelas folhas que caem." Using Chaplin's words "count your garden by the floweres, never by the leaves that fall." Using Chaplin's words: "tell your garden by the flowers, not by the leaves that fall." Voi sarete impressionate. You'll be impressed. You'll be impressed. ¿De dónde proviene esta palabra? Where does this word come from? Where does this word come from? Mary è eccezionalmente attraente. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Am fost răpit. I was kidnapped. I've been kidnapped. Estoy desesperada. I'm desperate. I'm desperate. ¿Has sido feliz alguna vez? Have you ever been happy? Have you ever been happy? El este fericit. He's happy. He's happy. No m'hauria preocupat per allò. I wouldn't have worried about that. I wouldn't have cared about that. Él juega un papel importante en nuestra organización. He is playing an important role in our organization. He plays an important role in our organization. N'essaie pas de faire deux choses à la fois. Don't try to do two things at a time. Don't try to do two things at once. Un sursis de l'exécution a été ordonné à la dernière minute. A stay of execution was ordered at the eleventh hour. A stay of execution was ordered at the last minute. Lei ci ha trovate. You found us. She found us. Tom consiguió volver a casa antes de que oscureciera. Tom managed to get home before dark. Tom managed to return home before it darkened. Tu peux remercier Jim pour ton échec. You have Jim to thank for your failure. You can thank Jim for your failure. Se isso fosse verdade, o que vocês fariam? If that were true, what would you do? If that were true, what would you do? În viitorul apropiat va fi o criză energetică. There will be an energy crisis in the near future. In the near future, there will be an energy crisis. Suis-je gros ? Am I fat? Am I big? Nada é para sempre. Nothing is forever. Nothing's forever. E un ambuteiaj pe autostradă. There is a traffic jam on the highway. There's a traffic jam on the highway. Mangiamo assieme questa notte. Let's eat together tonight. Let's eat together tonight. Êtes-vous en train de me regarder ? Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me? El perro ladró al forastero. The dog barked at the stranger. The dog thiefed into the stranger. Unde te-ai nascut? Where were you born? Where were you born? L'orchestra cominciò a suonare. The orchestra began to play. The orchestra started playing. Em va retreure que jo sigui mandrós. She reproached me for being lazy. He drew me out to be lazy. Sce tu ne menges nia, tu mueres. If you don't eat, you die. You don't eat, you die. Não me dá muito jeito ir ter contigo hoje. I cannot make it today. I'm not very good at coming to you today. A vida dele está em perigo. His life is in danger. His life is in danger. Il mio vizio peggiore è il fumo. My worst vice is smoking. My worst vice is smoking. Tom si rilassò. Tom relaxed. Tom relaxed. Tom se suicidó ahorcándose. Tom committed suicide by hanging himself. Tom committed suicide by hanging himself. Tom ama a Mary con todo su corazón. Tom loves Mary with all his heart. Tom loves Mary with all her heart. Sună de-a dreptul înfricoșător. It sounds downright frightening. That sounds really scary. Je n'ai qu'une bouche, mais j'ai deux oreilles. I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. I only have one mouth, but I have two ears. Queremos que você nos ajude. We want you to help us. We want you to help us. J'aurais dû savoir que c'était vous. I should've known it was you. I should have known it was you. J'ai l'intention de le faire. I intend to do so. I intend to. On la trouva mystérieusement assassinée. She was found mysteriously murdered. We found her mysteriously murdered. Ascoltate, dobbiamo parlare. Listen, we've got to talk. Look, we need to talk. Venite da Boston? Are you from Boston? Are you coming from Boston? Elle essaya de diminuer ses dépenses. She tried to lessen her expenses. She was trying to lower her spending. Donde hay humo, hay fuego. There is no fire without smoke. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Los filmes que m'agradan. I like movies. The movies I like. C'est l'idéal. It's the gold standard. It's ideal. Eu acho que Tom não vai ficar entediado. I think that Tom won't get bored. I don't think Tom's gonna be bored. Por favor cuelga tu abrigo en la antesala. Please hang your coat in the anteroom. Please hang your coat on the porch. Mostrami un altro orologio. Show me another watch. Show me another watch. Todo pai gosta de ter seus filhos elogiados. All parents like to have their children praised. Every father likes to have his children praised. Fammi sapere se avrai bisogno di qualcosa. Let me know if you'll need anything. Let me know if you need anything. Me gustaría ir a los Estados Unidos un día. I would like to go to the United States one day. I'd like to go to the United States one day. Layla sognava in arabo, pensava in arabo, parlava in arabo e piangeva in arabo. Layla dreamed in Arabic, thought in Arabic, spoke in Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Layla was dreaming in Arabic, thinking in Arabic, talking in Arabic and crying in Arabic. Congratulazioni a tutti! Congratulations to all! Congratulations, everyone! Ha ascoltato la mia opinione. He listened to my opinion. He listened to my opinion. Que caminava de cap a la mar. He was walking toward the sea. He was walking from the sea. Tu dois apprendre à faire des compromis. You have to learn how to compromise. You need to learn how to compromise. Os garotos não respeitam as garotas. Boys have no respect for girls. Boys don't respect girls. Enlevez son nom de la liste des candidats. Delete his name from the list of the applicants. Remove his name from the list of candidates. Je gagne cent euros par jour. I make 100 euros a day. I earn a hundred euros a day. Mary parecía desorientada. Mary looked like she was baffled. Mary seemed disoriented. Tom n'a pas aidé Marie autant qu'il aurait dû. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Tom didn't help Mary as much as he should have. Fareste meglio a non contare su un aumento. You'd better not count on a raise. You better not count on an increase. A căzut cortina. The curtain fell. The curtain's down. Dépêchez-vous. Le train part dans quelques minutes. Nous ne voulons pas le rater. Hurry up. The train leaves in ten minutes. We don't want to miss it. The train leaves in a few minutes, we don't want to miss it. Ma mère fait un somme tous les après-midi. My mother takes a nap every afternoon. My mother makes a sum every afternoon. M-am lovit la cot. I hurt my elbow. I hit my elbow. Tom non era in grado di decidere per chi avrebbe dovuto votare. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who he was supposed to vote for. Quería que Tom fuera más amable conmigo. I wanted Tom to be nicer to me. I wanted Tom to be nicer to me. Notícias do incidente espalharam-se rapidamente. Word of the incident spread quickly. News of the incident spread rapidly. Va-t-il pleuvoir aujourd'hui ? Is it going to rain today? Is it going to rain today? Tocmai i-am spus lui Mary că doream să o ajut să-și curețe garajul. I just told Mary that I wanted to help her clean the garage. I just told Mary I wanted to help her clean up her garage. State entrando? Are you coming in? Are you coming in? Le bonheur est plus important que la richesse. Happiness is more important than wealth. Happiness is more important than wealth. Você gosta de teatro? Do you like the theater? Do you like theater? Es-tu en train de me dire que vous n'êtes pas impliqués ? Are you telling me you're not involved? Are you telling me you're not involved? ¿Dónde deberiamos encontrarnos? Where should we meet? Where should we meet? S'agit-il d'une menace ? Is that a threat? Is this a threat? Non riesco a correre veloce come te. I can't run as fast as you. I can't run fast like you. Tom e soa granda a l'han andà an librerìa. Tom and his grandmother went to the bookstore. Tom and her grandmother went to the bookstore. Așteaptă! Wait! Wait! Eu sei que você gosta de viajar, Tom. I know you like to travel, Tom. I know you like to travel, Tom. Tom parece estar bem. Tom seems to be fine. Tom seems to be all right. Tom è paziente, vero? Tom is patient, isn't he? Tom's patient, isn't he? State lontani da loro. Keep away from them. Stay away from them. Tom joga beisebol como um profissional. Tom plays baseball like a pro. Tom plays baseball like a pro. Non sono stato in grado di capire Tom. I wasn't able to understand Tom. I wasn't able to understand Tom. Nous avons beaucoup ri. We laugh a lot. We've had a lot of laughs. O terreno virou uma favela. The land became a village. The ground has turned into a favela. Aici este locul în care se petrece totul. This is where it's all happening. This is where everything happens. Io non ho preso nulla per Tom. I didn't get anything for Tom. I didn't take anything for Tom. Tom non quere ir para casa agora. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tu estudarás. You will study. You'll study. Mi potreste dare qualche aiuto qui? Could you give me some help here? Could you give me some help here? Sé tocar el piano. I can play the piano. I can play the piano. Ora dimmi, sei una brava persona? Now tell me, are you a good person? Now tell me, are you a good person? Fui a Kobe, donde la conocí por primera vez. I went to Kobe, where I first met her. I went to Kobe, where I first met her. Traduire, c'est trahir. Translator, traitor. Translation is treason. Autobuzul a oprit, dar nimeni nu a coborât. The bus stopped, but nobody got off. The bus stopped, but no one came down. Lei ha abbandonato il suo bambino. She abandoned her child. She left her baby. Tom ha un segreto. Tom has a secret. Tom has a secret. Aimerais-tu que j'y fasse quelque chose ? Would you like me to do something about it? Would you like me to do something about it? Hai visto l'episodio di ieri? Did you see yesterday's episode? Did you see yesterday's episode? As crianças sempre encontram um motivo para travar uma amizade. Children always find a reason to become friends. Children always find a reason to stop a friendship. Mentir para o Tom foi um grande erro. Lying to Tom was a big mistake. Lying to Tom was a big mistake. Cette entreprise espionnait ses employés. This company has been spying on its employees. This company was spying on its employees. La porte s'ouvrit soudain. The door opened suddenly. The door opened suddenly. Ponte cómodo. At ease. Make yourself comfortable. Onde você comprou essa camisa? Where did you buy that skirt? Where did you buy that shirt? ¿Cuándo le viste por última vez? When was the last time you saw him? When did you last see him? Ne pensez-vous pas que ce soit un peu étrange ? Don't you think that's a bit weird? Don't you think that's a little strange? La jeune fille fronça les sourcils. The girl frowns. The girl rubbed the eyebrows. Alguien debe salvarlo o se ahogará. Someone needs to save him, or he'll drown. Someone must save him or drown him. Dove li hai impacchettati? Where did you wrap them? Where did you pack them? Immagino che loro parlino il francese. I guess they speak French. I guess they speak French. A cosa si sta riferendo esattamente Tom? What exactly is Tom referring to? What exactly is Tom talking about? ¡Se te olvidó entrar al perro! You forgot to let the dog in! You forgot to get in the dog! Quanto spesso vai al cinema? How often do you go to movies? How often do you go to the movies? Non voglio essere cremato. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want to be cremated. És realment molest. It's really annoying. It's really annoying. Le acque calme scorrono profonde. Still waters run deep. The calm waters flow deep. Lui ha detto solo cose stupide. He said only stupid things. He just said stupid things. Aquera sopa qu'a besonh de mei de sau. This soup needs more salt. That soup that has need of my own. De onde sos? Where are you from? Where are you from? Viaxar ao estranxeiro é unha das miñas cousas favoritas. Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things. Travelling abroad is one of my favorite things. Je te laisse t'en occuper. I'll leave you to it. I'll let you handle it. Acho que ele é o irmão mais velho de Mary. I think he's Mary's older brother. I think he's Mary's older brother. Tom tem sobrancelhas grossas. Tom has bushy eyebrows. Tom has thick eyebrows. Os professores cumprimentaram os meninos. The teachers greeted the little boys. The teachers greeted the boys. Eles vão voltar. They'll be back. They'll be back. Tom est constamment grippé. Tom is constantly seized. Tom's constantly on the flu. Estou certo de que você virá à reunião. I take for granted that you will be coming to the meeting. I'm sure you'll come to the meeting. Nous ne pouvions le prendre par surprise. We could not overtake him. We couldn't take it by surprise. Sami a passé la bouteille à Layla. Sami passed Layla the bottle. Sami passed the bottle to Layla. Je suis fatigué et je veux rentrer chez moi. I'm tired and I want to go home. I'm tired and I want to go home. N'as-tu jamais embrassé une fille ? Haven't you ever kissed a girl? Haven't you ever kissed a girl? È ovvio che hai detto una bugia. It's evident that you told a lie. Of course you lied. Você entende o que eu quero dizer? Do you know what I mean? Do you understand what I mean? Oxalá tivéssemos um filho! If only we had a son! I wish we had a son! Je pense que tu vas aimer le dessert. I think you'll like the dessert. I think you're gonna love dessert. La empresa trasladó su domicilio empresarial a Hong Kong con fines tributarios. The company moved its corporate domicile to Hong Kong for tax purposes. The company moved its business home to Hong Kong for tax purposes. Elles ne peuvent pas me donner ce que je veux. They can't give me what I want. They can't give me what I want. De veritat? Really? Really? La mia porta è sempre aperta. My door is always open. My door's always open. Ella pagará el máximo de cincuenta dólares. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay the maximum of $50. Elle le laissa partir. She let him go. She let him go. Não deveríamos fazer isso com ele. We shouldn't do this to him. We shouldn't do that to him. Eu tentei muito convencer o Tom a parar de fazer aquilo. I tried really hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. I've tried so hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. Tom encontrou uma solução. Tom has found a solution. Tom found a solution. El sòl sembla mullat. The ground seems wet. The soil looks wet. Il n'y a pas de papier toilette. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Nous avons accompli beaucoup de choses. We've accomplished a lot of things. We have done many things. Tom ha rifiutato il loro invito. Tom declined their invitation. Tom refused their invitation. Tom trabalha muito. Tom works a lot. Tom works hard. — Pourquoi as-tu menti ? dit-il à voix basse. C’est ton amoureux. — Mais non, je te jure ! cria-t-elle. "Why did you lie?" he asked quietly. "He's your boyfriend." "He's not, I promise you!" she cried. 'Why did you lie?' he said in a low voice. It is your lover. 'But no, I swear!' she cried. Sto diventando debole! I am getting weak! I'm becoming weak! Lo papèr brutla lèu. Paper burns quickly. The paper quickly burns. Se não tiveres nada para fazer, olhe para o teto de seu quarto. If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room. If you don't have anything to do, look at the roof of your room. En cas d'incendie, utilisez les escaliers. In case of a fire, use the stairs. In case of fire, use the stairs. Pensé que Tom sencillamente firmaría el contrato sin leerlo con cuidado. I thought Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully. I thought Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully. Questi sono i libri di Tom. These are Tom's books. These are Tom's books. Tom sofre de dor nas costas. Tom suffers from back pain. Tom suffers from back pain. Es conocido como cantante de rock. He is known as a rock singer. He's known as a rock singer. Elle est dépourvue de silhouette. She has no figure. She has no silhouette. Espero que o Tom tenha feito o que a Mary falou para ele fazer. I hope Tom did what Mary told him to do. I hope Tom did what Mary said to him to do. Guardatemi adesso. Watch me now. Look at me now. Je dois me rendre chez moi. I have to go home. I have to go home. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where she lived. Tom e Maria estavam cansados, mas felizes. Tom and Mary were tired, but happy. Tom and Mary were tired, but happy. Sami a vécu une vie privilégiée grâce à ses parents. Sami lived a privileged life thanks to his parents. Sami lived a privileged life thanks to her parents. O termômetro indica três graus abaixo de zero. The thermometer reads three degrees below zero. The thermometer indicates three degrees below zero. Un tal Sr. Ito desea verle. There is a Mr Ito who wants to see you. A Mr. Ito wishes to see you. Gosto da China. I like China. I like China. Pot să-i cer ajutor lui Tom. I can ask Tom to help. I can ask Tom for help. La professoressa fece fare agli studenti molti compiti. The teacher made the students do a lot of homework. The teacher did a lot of homework to the students. Tom non ci urla mai contro. Tom never yells at us. Tom never yells at us. Lors de mon adolescence, je détestais la vie et j'étais continuellement au bord du suicide, mais j'en étais écarté par le désir de connaître plus de mathématiques. In adolescence, I hated life and was continually on the verge of suicide, from which, however, I was restrained by the desire to know more mathematics. During my adolescence, I hated life and was constantly on the brink of suicide, but I was separated by the desire to know more mathematics. Vòli quauquarren de beure. I want something to drink. They wanted to drink. Je suis désolé de ne pas vous avoir écrit pendant aussi longtemps. I am sorry that I haven't written to you in such a long time. I'm sorry I didn't write to you for so long. J'ai froid. Pourrais-tu allumer le chauffage ? I'm cold. Would you mind turning the heating on? I'm cold, can you turn on the heat? Tom vertió su café. Tom spilled his coffee. Tom poured out his coffee. De qué as dit ? What did you say? What did you say? Sunt copii care mor de foame în Africa. There are starving children in Africa. There are children who starve to death in Africa. Roubaram-lhe todo o seu dinheiro. He was robbed of all his money. They stole all his money. Os xaponeses sacan os zapatos cando entran nunha casa. The Japanese take off their shoes when entering a house. The Japanese take off their shoes when they enter a house. Isso é realmente permitido? Is that really allowed? Is that really allowed? O teu plan parece mellor que o meu. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan looks better than mine. Tu me rappelles quelqu'un que je connaissais. You remind me of someone I used to know. You remind me of someone I knew. Je suis allé à la boulangerie. I went to the baker's. I went to the bakery. Io vorrei che Tom fosse qui con noi oggi. I wish Tom was here with us today. I wish Tom were here with us today. Eu esqueci de trancar a porta da frente. I forgot to lock the front door. I forgot to lock the front door. ¿Querés conocer mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... Do you want to know my secret? Non potrei mai ferire Tom. I could never hurt Tom. I could never hurt Tom. Deslize para desbloquear. Slide to unlock. Slide to unlock. Ça fait drôle. This feels weird. That's funny. C'est difficile de prouver l'existence des fantômes. It is difficult to prove that ghosts exist. It's hard to prove the existence of ghosts. Lei non sopravviverà. You won't survive. She won't survive. Tom pediu uma xícara de café. Tom ordered a cup of coffee. Tom asked for a cup of coffee. Signor Gorbatchev, abbatta questo muro! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Mr. Gorbachev, knock down this wall! Japonia este formată din insule vulcanice. Japan is made up of volcanic islands. Japan is made up of volcanic islands. Assim que ele ouviu a batida, ele correu para fora da casa. As soon as he heard the crash, he rushed out of the house. As soon as he heard the knock, he ran out of the house. Tom riesce a dare un passaggio a casa a Mary? Can Tom give Mary a ride home? Can Tom get Mary a ride home? Spert e bain d'inrer cha vain. Fast and good rarely go well together. Hope and bath of going back in vain. Aqueth líber qu'ei petit. This book is small. That book is small. Ho seguito le vostre istruzioni. I followed your instructions. I followed your instructions. O Tom precisa chamar um médico. Tom needs to call a doctor. Tom needs to call a doctor. Merci de m'ajouter en tant qu'ami. Thanks for adding me as a friend. Thank you for adding me as a friend. Tom a corìa. Tom ran. Corya Tom. O orador golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The speaker hit the table with his fist. Es muy corto. It's very short. It's very short. Eles não podem detê-la. They cannot stop her. They can't stop her. Mary é a garota mais linda de sua sala de aula. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Mary is the most beautiful girl in your classroom. Non è come prima, sa. It ain't like before, you know. It's not like it used to be, you know. Tom e eu mentimos para você. Both Tom and I lied to you. Tom and I lied to you. Vam trucar a la porta durant cinc minuts, però va ser en va. We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain. We called the door for five minutes, but it was in vain. Io incontrai Tom a Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I met Tom in Boston. Esto es una norma. This is a rule. This is a rule. Mi-e rușine de tine. I'm ashamed of you. I'm ashamed of you. Ce que je veux dire, c'est qu'il y a des limites qui doivent être instaurées et respectées. What I mean is that there are limits that need to be established and respected. What I mean is that there are limits that must be established and respected. " Votre nom m'est très familier, M. Holmes, " dit-il en souriant. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," said he, smiling. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," he said, smiling. Prefiro qualidade a quantidade. I prefer quality to quantity. I prefer quantity. Lumea pe care am văzut-o în visul meu era o lume pașnică, lipsită de război. The world which I saw in my dream was a peaceful world devoid of war. The world I saw in my dream was a peaceful, warless world. Quem plantou estas árvores? Who planted these trees? Who planted these trees? Ascultându-l pe Mahler, Lyusya se gândea mereu la moarte şi la viaţa eternă. Listening to Mahler, Lyusya would always think of death and life eternal. Listening to Mahler, Lyusya always thought of death and eternal life. É onde ninguém consegue alcançar. It's where nobody can get it. That's where no one can reach. El a mințit cu ușurință. He lied readily. He easily lied. Deberías echar un vistazo a tu guardarropa y añadir una pizca de color a tu ropa. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a bit of colour to your clothes. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a pinch of color to your clothes. Sembra che sia impossibile distinguere una nevrosi ossessiva da un amore intenso dal punto di vista biochimico. It seems that it's impossible to distinguish an obsessional neurosis from an intense love from a biochemical perspective. It seems that it is impossible to distinguish an obsessive neurosis from an intense love from the biochemical point of view. A estação é muito longe para ir a pé; vamos de ônibus. It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus. The station is too far to go on foot; we're going by bus. Ya he hablado con Tom. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already spoken to Tom. Es mediodía. It is midday. It's noon. Eles renovaron a casa da súa avoa e trouxeron mobles modernos. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought in modern furniture. They renovated his grandmother's house and brought modern furniture. Aprendo japonés. I'm learning Japanese. I learn Japanese. Tom non era molto attivo. Tom wasn't very active. Tom wasn't very active. ¿Podría usted conducir más despacio? Could you drive more slowly? Could you drive more slowly? Aquestes preguntes són fàcils de respondre. These questions are easy to answer. These questions are easy to answer. ¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito de Disney? Who's your favorite Disney character? What's your favorite character from Disney? O Tom ainda não sabe da verdade. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. Mercés ! Thank you! Thank you! Pourquoi sont-elles ici ? Why are they here? Why are they here? Je me sens un peu responsable. I feel a little responsible. I feel a little responsible. Cineva a spart geamul. Someone broke the window. Someone broke the window. Tom e Mary cantano? Do Tom and Mary sing? Tom and Mary sing? Você pode me emprestar um dinheiro? Can you lend me a little money? Can you lend me some money? O trabalho de um presidente é muito interessante. The work of a president is very interesting. The work of a president is very interesting. Lasă-i să aibă grijă de ei înșiși. Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. Tom non è mai stato ingiusto. Tom was never unfair. Tom was never unfair. Estou seguro de que se encontrarán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure there will be exploits. Je veux t'entendre le dire. I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say it. J'adore tourner autour d'elle. I love being around her. I love to spin around her. Grasie tante. Thank you very much. Grasie tante. Certament aquest problema requereix una solució, però és com tirar amb canó a les orenetes. This problem certainly requires a solution, but that's like shooting a cannon at sparrows. This problem certainly requires a solution, but it's like throwing cannon in the ears. Fue el peor día de mi vida. It was the worst day of my life. It was the worst day of my life. Tom no anda con mucho efectivo. Tom doesn't carry much cash. Tom's not very effective. Heu! Hello! Hey! A la gente le suele costar saber cuándo escribir un punto y coma. People tend to have troubles figuring out when to write a semicolon. People often find it hard to know when to write a dot and a coma. Demande à Trang s'il sort ce soir. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if he gets out tonight. Mi è permesso mangiare qualunque cosa? Am I allowed to eat anything? Am I allowed to eat anything? Mendier dans la rue est interdit par la loi. By law, begging in the street is forbidden. Lying on the street is forbidden by law. J'ai besoin de votre réponse avant la fin de la journée. I need your answer by the end of the day. I need your answer before the end of the day. Estupa lo lum. Turn off the light. Spit the light. Tom non sarà mai d'accordo. Tom is never going to agree. Tom will never agree. Nòsta lenga mare a l'é 'l giaponèis. Our native language is Japanese. Our mother tongue is Japanese. Unul dintre cuțite lipsește. One of the knives is missing. One of the missing knives. N-am putut ieşi afară din cauza furtunii de zăpadă. We couldn't go out because of the snowstorm. I couldn't get out because of the snowstorm. Eram pe punctul de a plecat când ai sunat. I was about to leave when you telephoned. I was about to leave when you called. Elles l'ont détruit. They ruined it. They destroyed it. ¿Tienes tiempo mañana? Do you have time tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? La torre della cattedrale di Siviglia prima era un minareto. The steeple of the cathedral of Seville used to be a minaret. The tower of Seville's cathedral was once a minaret. El hombre es agua. Man is water. The man is water. Después de escuchar una canción en árabe durante veinte segundos esta vez (ya que si la hubiera escuchado durante diez segundos ésta sería una oración duplicada), finalmente Dima oyó una voz familiar decir "¡as-salamu alaykum!". After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After hearing a song in Arabic for twenty seconds this time (since if I had listened to it for ten seconds this would be a duplicate prayer), finally Dima heard a familiar voice say "as-salamu alaykum!". Fumar afecta a tu salud. Smoking affects your health. Smoking affects your health. Eso me gustaría. I'd like that. I'd like that. Bienvenue dans le cyberespace ! Welcome to Cyberspace! Welcome to cyberspace! Io la rispetto. I respect you. I respect her. Lui ha cercato nella sua borsa le chiavi della macchina. He searched his bag for his car key. He looked in his bag for the keys to the car. O dia tem vinte e quatro horas. There are twenty-four hours in a day. The day is twenty-four hours long. Ho sentito dire che Tom non sarà qui oggi. I heard that Tom won't be here today. I heard Tom won't be here today. Este casaco é bonito, mas caro demais. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This jacket is beautiful, but too expensive. Tom a parcat cât de aproape a putut de apartamentul lui Mary. Tom parked as close to Mary's apartment building as he could. Tom parked how close he could to Mary's apartment. He viscut a Tokyo des de 1985. I have lived in Tokyo since 1985. I've lived in Tokyo since 1985. Tom a perdu 32 kilos. Tom lost 70 lbs. Tom lost 32 kilos. En effet, c'est une belle surprise de vous voir ici. In fact, it's a great surprise to see you here. In fact, it's a nice surprise to see you here. Je savais que Tom était très en colère. I knew Tom was very angry. I knew Tom was very angry. Tom avait l'air très excité. Tom seemed very excited. Tom seemed very excited. Il tempio è stato costruito duecento anni fa. The shrine was built two hundred years ago. The temple was built two hundred years ago. Credo di essere obiettivo. I believe I'm objective. I think I'm objective. Tom fue lo suficientemente afortunado para encontrar un buen empleo. Tom was lucky enough to find a good job. Tom was fortunate enough to find a good job. A torre vai desabar. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will fade. Comprei um suéter para a garota. I bought the girl a sweater. I bought a sweater for the girl. En tiempos difíciles, las personas pueden no hacer un viaje, pero pueden estar dispuestas a pagar extra por un buen café. During hard times, people might not go on a trip, but they might be willing to pay extra for good coffee. In difficult times, people may not make a trip, but they may be willing to pay extra for a good coffee. És més barat del que em vaig pensar. It was cheaper than I thought. It's cheaper than I thought. ¡Échale un vistazo! Check it out! Take a look at him! Tiens-toi prêt au pire ! Be prepared for the worst. Stand by for the worst! T'es-tu fait virer de ton dernier emploi ? Did you get fired from your last job? Did you get fired from your last job? Nu căuta o vină, găsește un remediu. Don't find fault, find a remedy. Don't look for guilt, find a remedy. Por isso não gosto de gatos. This is why I dislike cats. That's why I don't like cats. Tom alinhou as cadeiras. Tom lined up the chairs. Tom lined up the chairs. Nu se poate! This can't be! No way! O Universo está cheio de segredos. The universe is full of secrets. The Universe is full of secrets. ¡Mira! ¡El tren está allí! Look! The train is there! Look, the train's there! N'est-ce pas votre dictionnaire ? Isn't that your dictionary? Isn't that your dictionary? Aquí hace mucho calor en verano. It is very hot here in the summer. It's very hot here in summer. La tasse est pleine. The cup is full. The cup's full. Este destul de greu să stăpânești limba franceză în 2 sau 3 ani. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's pretty hard to master the French language in 2 or 3 years. Anem al cementeri. We are going to the cemetery. Let's go to the cemetery. Los gustos musicales de Tom son parecidos a los míos. Tom's taste in music is similar to mine. Tom's musical tastes are similar to mine. Elles l'ont livré à la police. They turned him over to the police. They delivered it to the police. Mi serve una piantina più dettagliata. I need a more detailed map. I need a more detailed plan. Vorrebbe altro caffè? Would you like more coffee? Would you like some more coffee? Œch per œch, dent per dent. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Och per och, tooth per tooth. Has sentit el meu fill tocar el violí? Have you heard my son play the violin? Did you hear my son play the violin? És el millor llibre que he llegit mai. This is the best book I have ever read. It's the best book I've ever read. Ella me agrada. I like her. I like her. El antisemitizmo es el sosializmo de bovos. Antisemitism is the socialism of fools. Anti-Semitism is the sesame of fools. Io devo vederlo. I need to see that. I have to see him. Il nous faut sortir d'ici. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. Você deve ministrar-lhe uma lição! You need to teach her a lesson! You must teach him a lesson! ¿Por qué compraste ese paraguas? Why did you buy that umbrella? Why did you buy that umbrella? Voglio un medico. I want a doctor. I want a doctor. Je ne connais pas son nom. I don't know what her name is. I don't know his name. Sommes-nous prêtes à partir ? Are we ready to go? Are we ready to go? Esta casa es muy grande, ¿no? This house is very big, isn't it? This house is so big, isn't it? Está realmente nervoso. He's really angry. He's really nervous. Je parie que tu parles de Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. I bet you're talking about Tom. Creo que alguien, y sé muy bien quién, tomó mi dinero. I think someone, and I know very well who, took my money. I think someone, and I know who, took my money. Tom è uno studente laureato. Tom is a graduate student. Tom's a graduate student. Não seja tão mal-humorado. Don't be so grumpy. Don't be so moody. Parlando con franchezza, non mi piaci. Frankly speaking, I don't like you. Frankly speaking, I don't like you. Na Rússia soviética, a comida come o troll! In Soviet Russia, food eats troll! In Soviet Russia, food eats troll! Ela não mora aqui. She doesn't live here. She doesn't live here. Al ping pong también se le llama tenis de mesa. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Façam uma lista. Make a list. Make a list. No me he divertido tanto en años. I haven't had this much fun in years. I haven't had so much fun in years. Por favor, venid aquí. Please come here. Please, come here. Stația este mijlocul orașului. The station is the middle of the city. The station is the middle of town. Să vedem ce se va întâmpla. Let's see what will happen. Let's see what happens. Tom s-a rănit la mâna stângă. Tom hurt his left hand. Tom hurt his left hand. Fructele se strică la soare. Fruits decay in the sun. The fruits are breaking in the sun. Tom é cantor. Tom is a singer. Tom is a singer. Non so se andrò o no. I don't know whether I'll go or not. I don't know if I'm going or not. Marie est jeune et attrayante. Mary is young and attractive. Mary is young and attractive. Certaines familles passent leurs vacances près de la plage. Some families spend their vacation near the beach. Some families spend their holidays near the beach. Eu prefiro ser um pássaro do que um peixe. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. ¿No vendrás al concierto conmigo? Won't you go to the concert with me? Aren't you coming to the concert with me? Vine a hablar con Tom. I came to talk to Tom. I came to talk to Tom. Tom fait quelque chose de stupide. Tom is doing something stupid. Tom's doing something stupid. L'é megio dî «pövio mi» che «pövi noî». It is better to say "woe is me" than "woe is us". It is better to say 'pövio mi' than 'pövi noî'. Vuoi un altro po' di tè? Do you want some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Io ero pronta a farla. I was ready to do it. I was ready to do it. Quem estava tocando? Who was playing? Who was playing? Je suis habitué à conduire un camion. I am used to driving a truck. I'm used to driving a truck. Je pense qu'elle réussira. I think she'll succeed. I think she'll make it. Tom probabilmente non sarà scoraggiato. Tom won't likely be discouraged. Tom will probably not be discouraged. Sou sua mulher, não sou? I'm your wife, aren't I? I'm your wife, aren't I? Preciso de gente em quem possa confiar. I need people I can rely on. I need people I can trust. ¿Puedes hacerlo más rápido? Can you do it faster? Can you do it faster? J'ai eu des choix difficiles à faire. I've had to make some tough choices. I've had difficult choices to make. Je vous ai prévenu auparavant. I've warned you before about this. I warned you before. A casa de Tom foi quase completamente destruída. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. O carro é branco. The car is white. Car's white. Amanhã ele irá aterrissar na lua. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. Ela pode muito bem se orgulhar de seu filho inteligente. She may well be proud of her smart son. She may well be proud of her intelligent son. Ne vedem luni la școală. See you Monday at school. I'll see you Monday at school. Pe cös'o serve st'angæzo? What's this thingamajig for? What's the use of st'angæzo? La idea nun ye nueva. The idea isn't new. The idea is not new. Si te levantas temprano te sentirás mucho mejor. If you get up early, you will feel so much the better. If you get up early, you'll feel much better. Non state prendendo questo seriamente. You're not taking this seriously. You're not taking this seriously. Qué aprofeite. Bon appetit. Oh, that's silly. Il n'a pas de notion de l'espace. He has no spatial awareness. He has no notion of space. Perché non va bene? Why isn't that good? Why isn't it okay? Quando você se desculpa, prepara o terreno para uma futura ofensa. When you apologize, you lay the foundation for a future offense. When you apologize, prepare the ground for a future offense. Non muoverti. Don't move. Don't move. "¿Por qué lo hizo?" "Porque puedo." "Why did you do it?" "Because I can." "Why did he do it?" "Because I can." ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? Do you want milk and sugar? Mary es homófoba. Mary's homophobic. Mary is homophobic. Tom es mucho mayor que Mary. Tom is a lot older than Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Bienvenidos. Welcome. Welcome. Nous nous excusons pour l'erreur. We apologize for the mistake. We apologize for the error. Ò sentio o dovei de falo. I felt it my duty to do so. I heard it or I had to talk. Você está me machucando. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Il lui a conseillé de travailler plus dur. She was advised by him to work harder. He advised him to work harder. Algo ocurrió en Boston. Something happened in Boston. Something happened in Boston. C'est la maison où il est né. This is the house he was born in. It's the house he was born in. Tom dice algunas cosas estúpidas a veces. Tom says some stupid things sometimes. Tom says some stupid things sometimes. Yo lo hice ir. I made him go. I made him go. Tom n'a pas beaucoup aimé le concert. Tom didn't like the concert very much. Tom didn't like the concert very much. Tom est un écrivain mondialement connu. Tom is a world-famous writer. Tom is a world-famous writer. La voix de Tony est agréable. Tony's voice is nice. Tony's voice is nice. Le journal est sur la table à côté de la fenêtre. The newspaper is on the table next to the window. The newspaper is on the table next to the window. A namorada o traía, mas ela negou até que ele a pegou. His girlfriend cheated on him, but she denied it until he caught her. The girlfriend betrayed him, but she denied it until he took her. Tom e eu estávamos ocupadíssimos na semana passada. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom n'a pardonné à personne. Tom hasn't forgiven anybody. Tom didn't forgive anyone. La mia patria è il mondo. My country is the world. My country is the world. Tom discutiu com Maria. Tom argued with Mary. Tom discussed it with Mary. J'ignore ce que je sais. I don't know what I know. I don't know what I know. De ce nu te-ai căsătorit? Why didn't you get married? Why didn't you get married? Espera aqui até que eu volte. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Como você tem tanta sorte assim? How are you so lucky? How are you so lucky? Temos imensos trabalhos de casa para fazer. We have a lot of homework to do. We have a lot of homework to do. A pierdut trenul de 8:30. He failed to catch the 8:30 train. He lost the 8:30 train. Giuro che era lui. I swear it was him. I swear it was him. Vendem sapatos. They sell shoes. They sell shoes. Je me sens tout à fait bien. I feel all right. I feel pretty good. El Burj Khalifa ye actualmente el rascacielos más altu del mundu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Io ho imparato così tanto da lei. I've learned so much from you. I learned so much from her. Son frère est plus patient qu'il ne l'est. His brother is more patient than he is. His brother is more patient than he is. Sono stato accusato di essere invadente. I've been accused of being pushy. I was accused of being intrusive. Le garçon embrassa la fille. The boy kissed the girl. The boy kissed the girl. Não se ouvem muitas notícias sobre a Armênia. We don't hear much news about Armenia. There's not much news about Armenia. La avete sconfitta. You beat her. You defeated her. Hola a tots! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! Țare lor este amenințată de anarhie. Their country is threatened by anarchy. Their countries are threatened by anarchy. Tom pouvait tout faire lui-même. Tom could do everything by himself. Tom could do everything himself. Je sais que je ne suis pas quelqu'un d'agréable. I know I'm not a likable guy. I know I'm not a nice guy. La gente indossa mascherine per evitare d'ammalarsi. People wear masks to prevent getting a disease. People wear masks to avoid getting sick. Na verdade, o Tom não fez aquilo. Tom didn't actually do that. Actually, Tom didn't do that. J'ai oublié où se trouvait la voiture. I forgot where the car was. I forgot where the car was. Lo Tòm que's perdó lo tribalh. Tom lost his job. Tom lost the tribalh. Elle fut obligée d'épouser le vieil homme. She was obliged to marry the old man. She was forced to marry the old man. Je crois qu'il est possible pour l'Homme de vivre sur la lune. I think it possible for man to live on the moon. I think it's possible for the Man to live on the moon. Tom nici măcar nu încearcă să o ajute pe Mary. Tom doesn't even try to help Mary. Tom's not even trying to help Mary. Devi soltanto spazzare il pavimento. You have only to sweep the floor. You just have to sweep the floor. Tom si scusò per tutto quello che aveva fatto. Tom apologized for everything he'd done. Tom apologized for all he had done. Ha acabar too llueu abondo. It'll all be over soon. It's all over for long enough. Coloque-o no gelo. Put it on ice. Put it on the ice. Ela virouse e comezou a chorar. She turned away and began to cry. She turned and began crying. El río que atraviesa Londres es el Támesis. The river that flows through London is the Thames. The river across London is the Thames. Pouca gente se deu conta da ausência dela na festa. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Few people noticed her absence at the party. Mă voi duce în Franța să studiez pictura. I'll go to France to study painting. I'm going to go to France to study the painting. È molto appiccicaticcio. It's very sticky. It's very sticky. Elle donna une pomme à Tom. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom a apple. Esta mesa estava tão pesada para ser erguida. This desk was too heavy to lift. This table was so heavy to be raised. Eu quero ir lá de novo. I want to go there again. I want to go there again. Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mother with the kitchen. Metti la foto. Add the picture. Take the picture. Kate estava deitada com os olhos abertos. Kate was lying with her eyes open. Kate was lying with her eyes open. Rob, andá a mirar la tele. Rob, go watch TV. Rob, go watch TV. Ora sto scrivendo una lettera al mio professore di cinese. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. Now I'm writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. Keresh ke Katalunya se aga un estado independente en forma de republika? Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic? Does Keresh ke Katalunya hold an independent state in the form of a republican? Je sais que Tom ne peut pas gagner. I know Tom can't win. I know Tom can't win. Ils étudient l'industrie. They study industry. They're studying industry. Você parece preocupado. You seem worried. You seem worried. Tom s'est agenouillé. Tom knelt down. Tom knelt down. Onde você esteve durante a tarde toda? Where have you been all afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? La voiture est en panne. Nous ne pouvons pas continuer. The car is broken down. We can't go on. The car's out of order, we can't go on. Tom no es tan joven como parece. Tom isn't as young as he looks. Tom's not as young as he looks. Qu'avez-vous l'intention d'en faire ? What do you intend to do with her? What do you intend to do with it? Li potete portare? Can you bring them? Can you bring them? New York est la plus grande ville du monde. New York is the world's biggest city. New York is the largest city in the world. Aqui está a sua chave. Here is your key. Here's your key. Gostaria de aprender Inglês por vários motivos. I would like to learn English for several reasons. I would like to learn English for several reasons. La campana está sonando. The bell is ringing. The bell's ringing. Siamo cavie umane. We are test subjects. We're human cables. Lo men hilh que sap léger l'ora. My son can read a clock. The men hilh who knows the hour light. Vozotras komprash pan. You buy bread. You komprash pan. Prenem orgull en la nostra força. We took pride in our strength. We take pride in our strength. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que diste de mamar a tu bebé? When was the last time you breast-fed your baby? When was the last time you gave up sucking your baby? Laisse-moi juste terminer cette phrase. Let me just finish this sentence. Let me just finish this sentence. Tom parla japonès. Tom speaks Japanese. Tom speaks Japanese. Todos nós sentimos saudade de você. We all have missed you. We all miss you. Ela está ficando cada vez mais bonita. She gets prettier day by day. She's getting prettier. Todos eles riram das suas piadas. They all laughed at his jokes. They all laughed at their jokes. Nu te teme de a face greşeli. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't worry about making mistakes. Nu poți părăsi casa nici pentru o clipă. I cannot leave home even for a moment. You can't leave the house for a moment. Tom était en fuite. Tom was on the run. Tom was on the run. ¿Quieres almorzar con nosotras? Won't you eat lunch with us? Do you want to have lunch with us? Je vous ai vues avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. Era troppo debole. He was too weak. He was too weak. Il a un crédit de trois-mille dollars à sa banque. He has a credit of $3000 at his bank. He has a $3-mile credit to his bank. Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Você mostra o caminho. You lead the way. You show the way. Tom è alto quasi quanto te. Tom is almost as tall as you. Tom's as tall as you. Qual è il vostro castello giapponese preferito? What's your favorite castle in Japan? What is your favorite Japanese castle? Porgi a Tom i miei ringraziamenti. Give Tom my thanks. Give Tom my thanks. Io sarò fuori in un secondo. I'll be out in a second. I'll be out in a second. Tot passa per una raó Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason Tom a dësmentia mai un nòm o na cera. Tom never forgets a name or a face. Tom never forgot a name or wax. Tomás se come las uñas. Tom chews on his fingernails. Thomas eats his nails. Esta é a cidade em que nasci. This is the town where I was born. This is the city I was born in. Hoy hace viento helado. The wind is cold today. It's freezing wind today. Eu não me lembro da última vez que fizemos isso. I can't remember the last time we did that. I don't remember the last time we did that. Bones nueches. Good night! Good night. Era molto buia. It was very dark. It was very dark. Aquera montra qu'ei cara. This watch is expensive. That one's got a face. ¿Hay alguien que hable inglés? Is there someone who speaks English? Is there anyone who speaks English? J'adore le soleil. I love the sun. I love the sun. Bevete troppo. You drink too much. Drink too much. Cu cine vorbesc? Who am I talking to? Who am I talking to? O Tom estava assumindo um risco. Tom was taking a risk. Tom was taking a risk. Tom costuma comer comida tailandesa. Tom often eats Thai food. Tom usually eats Thai food. Ce preferi, vin alb sau vin roșu? Which do you prefer, white wine or red wine? What do you prefer, white wine or red wine? J'envie sa chance. I envy him his luck. I want his chance. Este kavayo no es blanko. This horse isn't white. This kavayo is not white. Tom ha un'automobile? Does Tom have a car? Does Tom have a car? El a coborât la următoarea stație. He got off at the next station. He went down to the next station. Que feraient-ils sans nous ? What would they do without us? What would they do without us? Vou ligar para Tom amanhã e pedir ajuda a ele. I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. I'll call Tom tomorrow and ask him for help. Você é muito mais inteligente do que eu. You're way smarter than me. You're much smarter than me. El gato de Tom esta malato. Tom's tomcat is sick. Tom's cat is sick. Vaig notar que ella va seure a la fila del davant. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed that she sat in the front row. Je ne suis pas habitué à la chaleur. I'm not used to the heat. I'm not used to heat. Je lui ai demandé de me ramener chez moi. I asked him to drive me home. I asked her to come home. Tom nu știe dacă Maria este vie sau moartă. Tom doesn't know whether Mary is dead or alive. Tom doesn't know if Mary is alive or dead. Él tiene un problema de actitud. He has an attitude problem. He has an attitude problem. Soy más rápido que ustedes. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Ils ont transpiré. They sweated. They sweated. Sunt geloşi pe succesul nostru. They are jealous of our success. They're jealous of our success. Sto cercando di impressionarlo. I'm trying to impress him. I'm trying to impress him. Nous sommes déçus. We're disappointed. We're disappointed. È uno scienziato, vero? He's a scientist, isn't he? He's a scientist, isn't he? Qui êtes-vous pour juger ? Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? Pourquoi ne te portes-tu pas candidate au conseil des élèves ? Why don't you run for student council? Why don't you run for the student board? Un sage dit un jour que la vie est une succession de déceptions. A wise man once said, life is a series of disappointments. One wise man once said that life was a succession of disappointments. Potser el Tom li va demanar a la Mary que mentís. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Non riesce a distinguere il giusto dallo sbagliato. He can't tell right from wrong. He can't tell right from the wrong. Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumée à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you got used to eating Japanese food yet? Are you at last accustomed to consuming Japanese food? Los trabajadores no tienen ningún incentivo para trabajar más duro. The workers have no incentive to work harder. Workers have no incentive to work harder. Alguno de vosotros tendrá problemas para hacer esto. Some of you will have problems doing this. Some of you will have trouble doing this. Non mi credi, vero? You don't believe me, do you? You don't believe me, do you? Chi viene? Who's coming? Who's coming? J'ai donné naissance à mon premier enfant l'année dernière. I gave birth to my first child last year. I gave birth to my first child last year. Eu comecei a tocar clarineta aos treze anos. I began to play clarinet when I was thirteen. I started playing clarinet at the age of thirteen. Termenul acestei facturi este azi. The payment of this bill is due today. The term of this bill is today. Trebuie doar să exersezi în fiecare zi. You have only to practice every day. You just have to practice every day. Ciao! Goodbye! Bye! Isso seria legal. That'd be cool. That would be cool. Dégote-moi quelque chose à manger. Get me something to eat. Give me something to eat. Je veux juste que tu saches que je suis désolée. I just want you to know I'm sorry. I just want you to know I'm sorry. Noroc! Cheers! Cheers! ¡Tienes que estar bromeando! You've got to be kidding. You got to be kidding me! Meu computador não está funcionando corretamente. My computer is not working properly. My computer is not working properly. Ela adora animais. She adores animals. She loves animals. Él viene de Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. Ne'ns trufam de çò qui hè. We don't care what he does. We're scoffing at what's happening. O vei invita la petrecere? Are you going to invite her to the party? You're gonna invite her to the party? ¡Es basura! It's rubbish! It's garbage! Nel 1900 lasciò l'Inghilterra e non tornò più. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900 he left England and didn't return. Es bastante coqueta. She is quite coquettish. It's quite a cocktail. En el cuadro aparecen representados doce símbolos: seis seres humanos y tres animales (toro, caballo y paloma). Twelve symbols are depicted in the table: six human beings and three animals (bull, horse and pigeon). Twelve symbols are shown in the table: six human beings and three animals (torus, horse and pigeon). Las funciones seno y coseno toman valores entre -1 y 1 (incluyendo -1 y 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sine and cosine functions take values between -1 and 1 (including -1 and 1). Combien de pièces le premier étage de votre maison comporte-t-il ? How many rooms are there on the second floor of your house? How many pieces does the first floor of your house include? Vino una persona ke su lingua no entendi. A person came whose language I didn't understand. A ke person came and his tongue didn't understand. Domani inizia. Tomorrow it starts. Tomorrow begins. Fui incapaz de ficar mais. I was unable to stand any longer. I was unable to stay any longer. Adelante, den a Estados Unidos todo el dinero que se han ganado. Go ahead, give America all your hard earned money. Go ahead, give the United States all the money they've earned. Il Portugais Vasco da Gama ha scuvert la via maritima che maina dal Portugal enturn il continent da l’Africa en l’India. The Portuguese man Vasco da Gama discovered the maritime route which leades from Portugal around the continent of Africa to India. The Portugais Vasco da Gama has overshadowed the maritime route that tomorrow from Portugal surrounds the continent from Africa to India. Bucură-te cât mai poți. Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy it while you can. Síntoo, traballo a media xornada dende mañá pola mañá. Sorry, I've got part-time work from the morning tomorrow. I'm sorry, I'm working half a day from tomorrow morning. Vei traduce asta în franceză? Will you translate this into French? Are you going to translate this into French? Encham-na, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it up, please. Vos prègui, muishatz-me un aute. Please show me another one. Please, show me a few others. Las frases que se escuchan en los juegos de los niños pueden pasar de una generación a otra después de haber olvidado su significado. Phrases heard in children's games can be handed down for generations after their meaning has been forgotten. The phrases that are heard in children's games can move from generation to generation after they have forgotten their meaning. Eu me lembro de ter chaveado a porta. I remember locking the door. I remember locking the door. Eu não vou permitir que você ainda faça isso. I won't allow you to do that yet. I'm not gonna let you do that yet. Cwè vloz? What do you want? What do you want? Aqueth veire que conteng aiga. This glass contains water. That's to see what the water contains. Eu lhe disse que ela era a minha namorada. I told him she was my girlfriend. I told her she was my girlfriend. É verdade que isto não é verdade? Is it true that this is not true? Is it true that this isn't true? Esse é o seu livro? Is that your book? Is that your book? Esse é teu nome verdadeiro? Is that your real name? Is that your real name? -Há um tubarão na água-, ela sussurrou. "There's a shark in the water," she whispered. There's a shark in the water, she whispered. Eu tive de parar. I had to stop. I had to stop. Lo so che non le conoscete. I know you don't know them. I know you don't know them. Nu mă deranjează căldura. I don't mind the heat. I don't mind the heat. ¿Quies dir de compres? Do you want to go shopping? You mean shopping? Când ajungem? When will we arrive? When do we get there? Deschide pachetul. Open up the package. Open the package. Treci la subiect! Get to the point! Get to the point! Ella azotó la puerta. She slammed the door. She knocked on the door. Napoli è una città pittoresca. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a picturesque city. A gente precisa vencer. We need to win. We need to win. O Tom está esperando para pegar a Mary. Tom is waiting to pick up Mary. Tom's waiting to get Mary. Sempre dic que sí! I always say yes! I always say yes! Então o que é que eu faço agora? So what do I do now? So what do I do now? Questa è la rivista del mese scorso. This is last month's magazine. This is last month's magazine. Até Tom esperou. Even Tom waited. Until Tom waited. Stai cu ochii pe el. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. ¡No seas boludo! Are you crazy? Don't be flattered! Étais-je supposé simplement l'ignorer ? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Tom nadou por duas horas hoje à tarde. Tom swam for two hours this afternoon. Tom swam for two hours this afternoon. La passe a été interceptée. The pass was intercepted. The pass was intercepted. Seu nome verdadeiro é Lisa. Her real name is Lisa. His real name is Lisa. Éternels débutants, restez sur la touche. Forever tiroes, stay on the side aisle. Beginners, stay on the touch. Lamento que funcionara de esa manera. I'm sorry it worked out this way. I'm sorry it worked that way. O Tom escapou para a Austrália. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. Dove si usa il francese? Where do you use French? Where is French used? O calor foi de tal modo intenso que desmaiei. The heat was so intense that I fainted. The heat was so intense that I fainted. Coma isto. Eat this up. Like this. Gracias nuevamente por todo. Thanks again for everything. Thanks again for everything. Iré a Irlanda este verano. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Voi purta ochelari de soare. I will wear sunglasses. I'll wear sunglasses. Elle lui a conseillé d'utiliser un vélo. She advised him to use a bicycle. She advised him to use a bike. Eu disse pra colocar o lixo na lixeira agora. I said put the trash in the trash now. I said put the trash in the trash can now. Lui fa il bagno ogni mattina. He takes a bath every morning. He takes a bath every morning. Ai fost mereu în mintea mea. You were always on my mind. You've always been in my mind. Toma una rosquilla. Have a donut. Take a towel. Os sindicatos tinham ameaçado o governo com uma greve geral. The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike. The unions had threatened the government with a general strike. Está rompendo com Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Tom este plecat acum. Tom is away now. Tom's gone now. C'è un luccio nello stagno. There is a pike in the pond. There's a pike in the pond. Minha bicicleta está com um pneu furado. My bicycle has a flat tire. My bike is with a holed tire. A verdade, tal qual o ouro, deve ser obtida não incrementando-a, mas depurando-a de tudo aquilo que não for ouro. Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. The truth, such as gold, must be obtained not by increasing it, but by depurating it from all that is not gold. ¿Vendrá John a vernos mañana? Will John come to see us tomorrow? Is John coming to see us tomorrow? De qué digoc ? What did she say? What am I talking about? Inizieremo appena possiamo. We'll begin as soon as we can. We'll start as soon as we can. Lumea urmează o regulă de aur: oricine are aurul face regulile. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. The world follows a golden rule: whoever has gold makes the rules. Nu vrei să te gândeşti la Tom, nu-i aşa? You don't want to think about Tom, do you? You don't want to think about Tom, do you? Un homme de paille vaut une femme en or. A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. A man of straw is worth a woman of gold. Sos fransez o inglez? Are you French or English? So I'm breaking the English? La realita es ermoza. Reality is beautiful. Reality is hermosa. Nous ne sommes pas prêts à faire cela. We're not ready to do that. We are not ready to do this. Sarà solo. He'll be alone. He'll be alone. Elle a acheté une chemise pour lui. She bought a shirt for him. She bought a shirt for him. Mentí contra mi voluntad. I told a lie against my will. I lied against my will. Peu de personnes ont connaissance du plan. Few people know about the plan. Few people are aware of the plan. Soţia mea a născut un copil săptămâna trecută. My wife had a baby last week. My wife was born a kid last week. È stato molto divertente. It was very fun. It was really fun. Les trois furent arrêtés. The three were arrested. All three were arrested. Há uma teoria segundo a qual frequentemente os proprietários de cães ficam parecidos com os próprios cães. There's a theory that dog owners often resemble their dogs. There is a theory that dog owners often look like dogs themselves. Notre professeur est une personne sincère, aussi je me fie à lui. Our teacher is a sincere person, so I look up to him. Our teacher is a sincere person, so I trust him. A maioria das serpentes desta ilha é inofensiva. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Questa è una radio? Is this a radio? Is this a radio? Siempre seréis bienvenidas. You will always be welcome. You'll always be welcome. Il semblait assez fatigué. He looked pretty tired. He seemed tired enough. ¿Estoy escribiendo en japonés? Am I writing in Japanese? Am I writing in Japanese? Mă doare capul. My head aches. My head hurts. Avrebbe dovuto dire di sì. You should have said yes. He should have said yes. Qu'il réussisse ou qu'il échoue, il doit faire de son mieux. Whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best. Whether he succeeds or fails, he must do his best. Su historia es extraña, pero es creíble. His story is strange, but it's believable. Your story is strange, but it's credible. Tom nu știe unde s-a dus Mary. Tom doesn't know where Mary went. Tom doesn't know where Mary went. Los ecosistemas se están degradando en todo el mundo. Ecosystems are degrading rapidly all around the Earth. Ecosystems are deteriorating all over the world. Tom va lua copiii de la școală. Tom will pick the kids up after school. Tom's gonna take the kids from school. Necesito parlantes nuevos para mi PC. I need new speakers for my PC. I need new speakers for my PC. Io non ho niente da perdere. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Tom sabia que iria machucar Mary. Tom knew that he'd hurt Mary. Tom knew he'd hurt Mary. Chi vedrà Vera l'amerà. Who will see Vera will love her. Whoever sees Vera will love him. Ea l-a privit cu un zâmbet. She looked at him with a smile on her face. She looked at him with a smile. Entonces era una niña pequeña. She was a little girl then. Then I was a little girl. O meu pai chamoume Kazunari. Father named me Kazunari. My father called me Kazunari. N'allez pas avec des souliers dans cette mosquée. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Don't go with any shoes in this mosque. Se estiver chovendo, não me espere. Don't expect me if it's raining. If it's raining, don't wait for me. On doit te sortir de là. We need to get you out of here. We got to get you out of here. ¡Si solo tuviera alas! If only I had wings! If only I had wings! Estudié inglés con un hablante nativo durante cuatro años. I studied English for four years with a native speaker. I studied English with a native speaker for four years. Je suis très occupée depuis ce matin. I've been very busy since this morning. I've been very busy this morning. No, no e no! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no and no! Aceasta masă gigantică ocupă toată camera. This giant table occupies the entire room. This giant table occupies the whole room. Il fait un temps horrible aujourd'hui. It is terrible weather today. It's been a terrible time today. Estamos derribando la vieja casa. We are bringing down the old house. We're tearing down the old house. Una alubia puede responder todas las preguntas. A bean can answer all the questions. An alubia can answer all the questions. On m'a demandé de devenir le directeur. I've been asked to become the manager. I was asked to become the director. Ceci n'est pas pour vous. This is not for you. This isn't for you. Los soldados deben acatar órdenes. Soldiers must follow orders. Soldiers must take orders. Ella odia correr. She hates running. She hates running. Tom a dû le faire même s'il ne le voulait pas. Tom had to do it even though he didn't want to. Tom had to do it even if he didn't want to. Cela fait-il mal ? Does it hurt? Does it hurt? È più che sufficiente. It's more than enough. That's more than enough. Sarebbe bello trascorrere l'estate in montagna. It would be nice to spend the summer in the mountains. It would be nice to spend summer in the mountains. Îl voi contacta eu pe Tom. I'll call Tom myself. I'll contact Tom. Io non sono per niente impegnata. I'm not at all busy. I'm not busy at all. "Qui est dans la voiture ?" "Tom." "Who is in the car?" "Tom is." "Who's in the car?" "Tom." Vivo aqui desde 1990. I have lived here since 1990. I've lived here since 1990. J'ai reçu ton message hier. I received your message yesterday. I got your message yesterday. A Manin a l'é ciù grande che a Cattæn. Marina is older than Catherine In Manin, it's bigger than in Cattæn. Che cosa direbbe vostra madre? What would your mother say? What would your mother say? Baruh Ashem. Baruch Hashem. Baruh Ashem. Non riesco a vederla. I can't see it. I can't see her. Escuchamos música. We listen to music. We listen to music. Non dovreste mangiare troppi dolci. You shouldn't eat too much candy. You shouldn't eat too many sweet ones. C'è qualcosa di cui devo parlarti. There's something I need to talk to you about. There's something I need to talk to you about. Tom vi renderà felici. Tom will make you happy. Tom will make you happy. Chiar îmi place jobul meu. I really like my job. I really like my job. Che ha causato l'incidente? Who caused the accident? What caused the incident? Veo un leon blanko. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Tom nunca mandou mensagem para Mary. Tom has never texted Mary. Tom never texted Mary. Ell és un somia truites. He is daydreaming. He's a dream trout. Siéntate junto a mí. Sit beside me. Sit next to me. Domnul Kinoshita şi-a lăsat ochelarii la birou ieri seară. Mr Kinoshita left his glasses behind in the office yesterday evening. Mr. Kinoshita left his glasses at the office last night. También es una hermosura. She's also a beauty. It's also a beauty. Tom a faim. Tom is hungry. Tom starved. Guardate dove sparate. Look where you shoot. Look where you guys are shooting. L-am sunat. I called him up. I called him. Dă-mi timp să-ți dau tot ce am! Give me time to give you everything I have! Give me time to give you everything I have! Quina ora ei ? What time is it? What time is it? Mulțimea a umplut sala. The crowd filled the hall. The crowd has filled the hall. Vi lo que hiciste. I saw what you did. I saw what you did. Je suis professeur, j'habite à Uberlândia pour le moment, et j'adore la musique. I'm a professor, I'm living in Uberlândia at present, and I love music. I'm a teacher, I live in Uberlandia for the time being, and I love music. Hay principios gramáticos involucrados. There are grammatical principles involved. There are grammar principles involved. Je joue aux jeux vidéo. I play video games. I'm playing video games. Mi spinge nei cespugli. She pushes me into the bushes. He pushes me into the bushes. O que você acha que está acontecendo? What do you think is going on? What do you think is going on? Vocês tentaram. You've tried. You tried. O último hóspede fez isso. The last guest did that. The last guest did that. Je pensais que ça deviendrait plus facile. I thought it'd get easier. I thought it would get easier. Il nostro lavoro non finisce mai. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Deu un paseo antes do almorzo. He took a walk before breakfast. He took a walk before breakfast. Hazlo ahorita. Do it right now. Do it now. De alguna forma, hoy luces distinto. Somehow, you look different today. Somehow, today you look different. ¿Sabías que había unos cuantos zorros viviendo en esta montaña? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? Did you know there were a few foxes living in this mountain? Lo sanno tutti che voi siete ricche. Everyone knows you're rich. Everyone knows you're rich. Perdona. Excuse me. Sorry. Votre bureau est plus beau que le mien. Your office is nicer than mine. Your office is more beautiful than mine. J'ai dû supplier mes amis de venir à ma fête. I had to beg my friends to come to my party. I must have begged my friends to come to my party. Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he leave for Mongolia? Hay un agujero en tu calcetín. There is a hole in your sock. There's a hole in your sock. Eu acho que eu gostaria de ser uma professora. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Enseñe usted el camino al señor. Show this gentleman the way. You teach the way to the Lord. Tom si sposò. Tom got married. Tom got married. Il est déjà neuf heures. It's already nine o'clock. It's already nine hours. C'était un beau jour, alors je suis allé pique-niquer. It was a fine day so I went on a picnic. It was a good day, so I went picnic. Perdón! Sorry! I'm sorry! Esto es el doble de largo que eso. This is twice as large as that. This is twice as long as that. Je suppose que j'ai posé trop de questions. I suppose I asked too many questions. I guess I asked too many questions. Mon père est très strict. My dad is very strict. My father is very strict. Que demorèi a casa lo jorn sancèr. I stayed home all day. May I stay at home in the holy day. Deixe que eu mostre ao senhor um modo melhor de fazer isso. Let me show you a better way do that. Let me show you a better way to do that. Ciò che ti ha detto Tom è vero. What Tom has told you is true. What Tom told you is true. Ambezamos muzika. We're studying music. We've got muzika. Tom a jogou fora. Tom threw it away. Tom threw her out. Io penso che lei sia l'unico a cui importa. I think you're the only one who cares. I think she's the only one that matters. Qu'èi descobèrt uei un endret hèra agradiu. I discovered a very nice place today. What is a nice place to open up your mind. Gardez Tom en sécurité. Keep Tom safe. Keep Tom safe. Lavatz-vos las mans de plan. Wash your hands well. Wash your hands in plan. Aconselhei Tom a reservar algum tempo para pensar sobre suas opções. I advised Tom to take some time to think over his options. I advised Tom to book some time to think about his options. A noi mancherà la vostra risata. We'll miss your laughter. We'll miss your laugh. Tu sei soltanto una mignotta. You are just a whore. You're just a little girl. Que l'am cercada. We looked for her. I've been looking for her. O meu pai não disse nada. My father didn't say anything. My father didn't say anything. O seu sotaque é muito interessante. Your accent is very interesting. Your accent is very interesting. Ella pretende jugar tenis con su padre esta tarde. She intends to play tennis this afternoon with her father. She's trying to play tennis with her father this afternoon. Uso meu computador para fazer vários trabalhos no Excel. I use my computer to do various jobs in Excel. I use my computer to do several jobs in Excel. Tom quiere estar en contacto con Mary. Tom wants to get in touch with Mary. Tom wants to be in touch with Mary. Mami, ¿cuál es la dirección de Papá Noel? Me gustaría enviarle una carta. Mum, what is the address of Father Christmas? I would like to send him a letter. Mommy, what's Santa's address? I'd like to send you a letter. Les arabes algériens voilent leurs sœurs et leurs femmes mais passent leur temps à regarder des films pornographiques. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters and their wives but spend their time watching pornographic films. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters and women but spend their time watching pornographic films. Vous êtes la plus belle femme que j'ai jamais tenue dans mes bras. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever held in my arms. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever held in my arms. Tenemos algo. We've got something. We got something. Non sono mai in ritardo per la scuola. I'm never late for school. I'm never late for school. As mulheres adoraram. Women loved it. The women loved it. ¿Ah, sí? Is that right? Oh, yeah? No seas ridícula. Don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous. Tom è un mio ottimo amico. Tom is a very good friend of mine. Tom's a great friend of mine. ¿Alguien sabe como pronunciar este ideograma? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how to pronounce this icon? Tom provò una nuova tecnica. Tom tried a new technique. Tom tried a new technique. Los niños y los tontos siempre dicen la verdad. Kids and fools always tell the truth. Children and fools always tell the truth. Tom demanda à Mary de se taire. Tom asked Mary to stop talking. Tom asked Mary to shut up. Que eu saiba, o livro nunca foi traduzido para japonês. As far as I know, the book has never been translated into Japanese. As far as I know, the book was never translated into Japanese. Mi padre ocupa bien su tiempo. My father makes good use of his time. My father takes his time well. El trebuie să fie foarte obosit după o plimbare lungă. He must be very tired after a long walk. He must be very tired after a long walk. Mejor no te burles de ella. Se acaba de tomar tres botellas de cerveza. Don't make fun of her. She just chugged three bottles of beer. You better not mock her, she just took three bottles of beer. Adoro comer pão. I love eating bread. I love eating bread. Si ens punxen, no sagnem? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If they punch us, do we bleed? C'est un lac privé. Il est interdit de pêcher ici. This lake is private. Fishing here is forbidden. It's a private lake, it's not allowed to fish here. Perché date del denaro a Tom? Why do you give Tom money? Why are you giving money to Tom? Sean más modestos. Be more modest. Be more modest. Io ho la mappa. I have the map. I have the map. Qu'ei lo lor ostau. This is their house. You're their hostage. איסטה מאנסאנה איס אמארײאה. This apple is yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ton nom ne figure pas sur la liste. Tu n'es pas invité à la fête. Your name doesn't appear on the list. You're not invited to the party. Your name's not on the list, you're not invited to the party. Su pobre perro está todavía vivo. His poor dog is still alive. His poor dog is still alive. O melhor que temos a fazer é ficar calados. The best that we can do is remain quiet. The best thing we have to do is keep quiet. Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al sol. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Él va a regresar a las cuatro. He will come back at four. He's coming back at four. Am pias ëscalé le montagne. I like climbing mountains. I peed the mountains. A me piace correre quando piove. I like running when it rains. I like to run when it rains. Tom le ha sparato. Tom shot her. Tom shot her. Está economizando para comprar uma casa. He is saving in order to buy a house. You're saving up to buy a house. Tom nu știe când Mary va pleca din Boston. Tom doesn't know when Mary will leave Boston. Tom doesn't know when Mary's leaving Boston. Elle le persuada de l'épouser. She persuaded him to marry her. She persuaded him to marry him. Tienes que hacerlo de inmediato. You must do it at once. You have to do it right now. Ce train vous y emmènera en moitié moins de temps. This train will get you there in half the time. This train will take you in half less time. Avanti. Usciamo da qui. Come on. Let's get out of here. Come on, let's get out of here. Comment le fais-tu ? How do you do this? How do you do it? Tom este talentat la matematică. Tom has a knack for math. Tom's talented at math. ¿Cuándo se fueron? When did they go? When did they leave? Guardi quello! Look at that! Look at that! Toți au râs la gluma oratorului. Everyone laughed at the speaker's joke. Everyone laughed at the speaker's joke. Poliția a convins criminalul să-și predea arma. The police persuaded the criminal to surrender his weapon. The police convinced the killer to hand over his gun. Vamos para o meu escritório. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. A Tom no le quedaba nada de beber. Tom had nothing left to drink. Tom had nothing left to drink. Quantos meses há em um ano? How many months are there in a year? How many months in a year? Faré els deures després de veure la televisió. I'll do my homework after I watch television. I'll do my homework after watching TV. Aunque suene extraño, anoche tuve el mismo sueño dos veces. Strange to say, I dreamed the same dream twice last night. Even though it sounds strange, last night I had the same dream twice. J'ai fait ceux-ci. I made these. I made these. Kero bivir en la sivdad. I want to live in the city. Kero bivvir in servitude. Vocês gostaram? Did you like it? Did you like it? Molti paesi dell'UE stanno ripristinando i controlli alle frontiere interne. Many EU countries are reinstating internal border checks. Many EU countries are restoring internal border controls. J'étais pétrifié. I was petrified. I was petrified. Lo devís deu Tòm qu'èra excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. The deuce Tom was excellent. Ne te rappelles-tu pas mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Amo il mio paese. I love my country. I love my country. Locuiesc aproape de aici. I live near here. I live near here. È solo un bebè. It's just a baby. He's just a baby. Kimint ça vs va? How are you doing? How are you doing? Levantei muito tarde esta manhã. I got up very late this morning. I got up very late this morning. O Tom ficou frustrado. Tom got frustrated. Tom got frustrated. Dovremmo lasciarla riposare. We should let you rest. We should let her rest. Posso prendere in prestito il suo tosaerba? May I borrow your lawnmower? Can I borrow your lawn mower? Je n'apprécie pas le chocolat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Valutate i vostri progressi. Evaluate your progress. Assess your progress. Eu gosto de francês. I like French. I like French. Todos começaram a lutar. Everyone started fighting. They all started fighting. ¿Conocés al hombre que te está mirando? Do you know the man that's staring at you? Do you know the man who's looking at you? Nós éramos amigos íntimos. We used to be close friends. We were close friends. Pliez les genoux, et regardez en avant. Bend your knees and look in front of you. Fold your knees, and look forward to it. Am făcut primul pas. I've taken the first step. I took the first step. Trebuie să merg acasă și să-mi fac temele. I have to go home and do my homework. I have to go home and do my homework. ¿Cuál es tu modelo favorito? Who's your favorite fashion model? What's your favorite model? Às vezes neva aqui mesmo em abril. At times, it snows even in April around here. Sometimes it snows right here in April. Nessuno vuole aiutarvi. Nobody wants to help you. Nobody wants to help you. Prendi un po' di torta di compleanno. Have some birthday cake. Take some birthday cake. Contestaré a esa pregunta. I'll answer that question. I'll answer that question. Tom ha preparato la cena. Tom cooked dinner. Tom made dinner. No sabia que vas tenir una setmana lliure el mes passat. I didn't know you had a week off last month. I didn't know you had a week off last month. Am fost muşcat de o mulţime de insecte în pădure. I was bitten by a lot of insects in the forest. I've been bitten by a lot of insects in the woods. ¿Ves alguna similitud? Do you see a resemblance? Do you see any similarities? No sé si él está vivo o muerto. I don't know whether he is dead or alive. I don't know if he's alive or dead. Pour quelqu'un qui est censé être expert, vous ne semblez pas en savoir long. For someone who's supposed to be an expert, you don't seem to know much. For someone who's supposed to be an expert, you don't seem to know long. Non me lo direte? Won't you tell me? You won't tell me? Parece que peguei um resfriado. I seem to have caught a cold. Looks like I caught a cold. O Tom tem certeza de que a Mary fará isso. Tom is sure Mary will do that. Tom's sure Mary will do that. Il a changé de sujet de conversation. He changed the topic of conversation. He changed the subject of conversation. A senhora não estudou História na escola? Didn't you study history at school? You didn't study history at school? Será que eles vão jogar amanhã? Will they play tomorrow? Are they going to play tomorrow? L'entreprise connaît des difficultés financières. The company is in financial trouble. The company is experiencing financial difficulties. Les édifices en bois prennent facilement feu. Wooden buildings catch fire easily. Wooden buildings are easily burned. Contribuirà a questo progetto. He will assist this project. It will contribute to this project. Ellos llegaron tarde por causa de la tormenta. They arrived late because of the storm. They were late because of the storm. Tem certeza de que não quer vir? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Io vorrei essere andata con gli altri alla partita di ieri. I wish I had gone with the others to the game yesterday. I'd like to go with the others to yesterday's game. Stavo per sorprenderti. I was going to surprise you. I was gonna surprise you. Arrête de me fixer. Stop staring at me. Stop staring at me. Sal de mi vista. Get out of my sight. Get out of my sight. Normalmente desayuno aquí. I eat breakfast here normally. Usually breakfast here. Ela foi gentil comigo. She was kind to me. She was nice to me. Caçoaram de Maria. They made fun of Mary. They hunted for Maria. Voglio essere parte di questo. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of this. Eu tenho de soletrar? Do I have to spell this out for you? Do I have to spell it out? Ele estuda a Bíblia. He studies the Bible. He studies the Bible. Si tu veux venir, tu peux. If you want to come, you can. If you want to come, you can. Je ne connais pas mes voisins. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. María fue hasta la ventana y abrió las cortinas. Maria went to the window and opened the curtains. Mary went to the window and opened the curtains. Putain de salope. Fucking whore. Fucking bitch. Tom mi ha lasciata guidare. Tom let me drive. Tom let me drive. No es del todo raro vivir más de 90 años. It's not at all rare to live to be over ninety years old. It's not entirely unusual to live for over 90 years. Pouvez-vous m'enseigner comment faire cela ? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do that? N'ac sabèva pas. He didn't know that. I didn't know that. Tom dice che ci proverà. Tom says he'll give it a try. Tom says he'll try. Non tradirei mai la tua fiducia. I'd never betray your trust. I would never betray your trust. É impossível traduzir esta frase sem acudir ao dicionário. It's impossible to translate this sentence without a dictionary. It is impossible to translate this phrase without going to the dictionary. Tom esperou por Mary em seu carro. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Io unisco sempre quei due. I always unite those two. I always join those two. Fill de puta! Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Lei ha punto il palloncino. She pricked the balloon. You've got the balloon. Unhas vacacións demasiado longas fan que un sexa remiso a voltar ao traballo. Too long a holiday makes one reluctant to start work again. Too long vacations cause one to be surrendered to return to work. Me gusta la escuela. I like school. I like school. Tu sai dove ha messo Tom le sue chiavi? Do you know where Tom put his keys? Do you know where Tom put his keys? Munca lor îmi pare bună. Their work seems good to me. Their work is good for me. Esta es una historia real. This is a true story. This is a real story. Tenho de perder alguns quilos. I have to lose some weight. I have to lose a few pounds. Sei disposta ad aiutarlo? Are you willing to help him? Are you willing to help him? Tu tanben i vas ? Are you going, too? Are you going too? Voi lo sapevate che lui è bravo a preparare il caffè? Did you know he is good at making coffee? Did you know he's good at making coffee? Lei mi ha frainteso. You misunderstood me. You misunderstood me. Fadil mostrou sua verdadeira índole. Ele era um covarde. Fadil showed his true colors. He was a coward. Fadil showed his true nature. He was a coward. Perdez-vous la tête ? Are you losing your mind? Are you out of your mind? È ubriaco fradicio. He is dead drunk. He's sore drunk. Il y a un chien ! There is a dog! There's a dog! ¿Por qué no me dijiste acerca de esto? Why didn't you tell me about this? Why didn't you tell me about this? O altă problemă a apărut. Another problem has arisen. Another problem has arisen. Ho schiacciato la mano di Tom. I squeezed Tom's hand. I crushed Tom's hand. Il ne s'attendait pas à vivre si longtemps. He did not expect to live so long. He didn't expect to live that long. L'ha ascoltata in silenzio. He listened to her in silence. He listened to her quietly. Los médicos recibiendo comisiones clandestinas de las compañías farmaceúticas para prescribir sus productos es un problema creciente. Doctors receiving kickbacks from drug companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. Doctors receiving clandestine commissions from pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their products is a growing problem. Traté de conseguirlo, pero fue en vano. I tried to get it, but in vain. I tried to get it, but it was in vain. Hoje é sexta-feira. Today is Friday. It's Friday. Qu'ei la toa fauta. This is your fault. It's all my fault. Se vuoi davvero sapere, tutto quello che devi fare è chiedere. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. If you really want to know, all you have to do is ask. Je vois ce que vous avez fait, là. I see what you did there. I see what you've done here. Pe Tom nu-l deranjează frigul, dar Mary nu-l poate suporta. Tom doesn't mind the cold, but Mary can't stand it. Tom doesn't mind the cold, but Mary can't stand it. Accettò con riluttanza. He accepted reluctantly. He accepted it reluctantly. Ea zace bolnavă în pat. She lies ill in bed. She lies sick in bed. Il semble qu'il puisse emporter le premier prix. It looks like he might win first prize. Looks like he can take the first prize. Emily em va abraçar. Emily hugged me. Emily hugged me. Era estremamente spaventosa. It was extremely scary. She was extremely scary. Lucrurile se înrăutățesc. Things are getting worse. Things get worse. Ela aborda tudo com atitude de negócios. She approaches everything with a businesslike attitude. She approaches everything with a business attitude. No puedo explicarlo mejor. Ojalá pudiera. I can't explain it any better than that. I wish I could. I can't explain it better. Păcat că nu ne poate vizita Dl. Mori. It's a pity that Mr. Mori can't come to see us. Too bad Mr. Mori can't visit us. Ai obținut un răspuns de la el? Did you get an answer from him? Did you get an answer from him? Nada. Nothing. Nothing. L'œil est naturellement doté de vision. The eye has the natural ability to see. The eye is naturally endowed with vision. Su pieza es muy chica. Her room is very small. His piece is very girly. El procesador de texto del escritorio es el de mi padre. The word processor on the desk is my father's. The word processor on the desk is my father's. Por favor, pare com isso agora. Please stop that right now. Please stop that now. La comida está fría. The food is cold. The food's cold. Sou enfermeira. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Ils l'ont laissé sous la table. They left it under the table. They left him under the table. Siamo sopravvissute. We survived. We survived. E creses çò qu'a dit ? Do you believe what he said? And you believe what he said? Războiul este continuarea politicii prin alte mijloace. War is the continuation of politics by other means. War is the continuation of politics by other means. Voglio riposarmi. I want to take a rest. I want some rest. Eu mănânc tăiței. I am eating noodles. I eat noodles. J'ignore qui va nous aider. I don't know who's going to help us. I don't know who's gonna help us. É a primeira vez que amolo as minhas facas. This is the first time I've ever sharpened my knives. It's the first time I've ever loved my knives. Tenho me divertido. I have had fun. I've got fun. Je me souviens lui avoir écrit. I remember writing to her. I remember writing to him. Je serai de retour dans 10 minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in 10 minutes. Je pense avoir une idée. I think I have an idea. I think I have an idea. Tom è una persona molto gentile. Tom is a very gentle person. Tom is a very kind person. Tom raramente ri. Tom seldom laughs. Tom rarely laughs. Por que não tomaste o ônibus? Why didn't you take the bus? Why didn't you take the bus? Quella parola la descrive perfettamente. That word describes it perfectly. That word describes her perfectly. Ayer fue domingo. It was Sunday yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday. Vocês não estão ajudando. You guys aren't helping. You're not helping. No início o homem era quase igual aos demais animais. In the beginning, man was almost the same as the other animals. At first the man was almost the same as the other animals. Tens un mòbil? Do you have a cell phone? Do you have a cell phone? Jogar tênis é muito divertido. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. La société dans laquelle il travaillait auparavant a fait faillite le mois dernier. The company he used to work for went into bankruptcy last month. The company in which he previously worked was bankrupt last month. Estou de garda agora. I am on duty now. I'm on duty now. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do in your spare time? Él está leyendo un libro. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Combien est-ce que ça coûte ? What does it cost? How much does it cost? De unde îl știi? Where do you know him from? How do you know him? È una preoccupazione legittima. It's a legitimate worry. It is a legitimate concern. È stato assolto dai suoi peccati. He was absolved of his sin. He was overcome by his sins. Mazal bueno! Congratulations! Good apple! Tom está sendo chantageado por Maria. Tom is being blackmailed by Mary. Tom is being blackmailed by Mary. Tom est tout à fait capable de prendre soin de lui-même. Tom is quite capable of looking after himself. Tom is quite capable of taking care of himself. Je comprends tes raisons. I understand your reasons. I understand your reasons. Un pelo de mujer atrae más que una yunta de bueyes. One hair of a woman draws more than a team of oxen. A woman's hair attracts more than a bunch of oxen. A gente fala disso mais tarde. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Mi fecero un grande torto. They did me a great wrong. They made a big mistake for me. C'est un grand farceur. He is a big prankster. It's a big farce. Le prisonnier le plus dangereux s'est échappé. The most dangerous inmate escaped. The most dangerous prisoner escaped. Lui cita spesso Milton. He often quotes Milton. He often quotes Milton. Ha amici su Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Els peixos viuen al mar. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the sea. Anoche bebí cerveza. I drank beer last night. I drank beer last night. Stà bòuna. Stay calm. He was good. Io ho avuto fortuna. I got lucky. I got lucky. Que emocionante! How thrilling! How exciting! Siamo venuti qui per costruire una nuova città. We came here to build a new town. We came here to build a new city. Mil iens abondarán. A thousand yen will do. A thousand yen will suffice. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Can you help me? Can you help me? Me interesaría leer un libro sobre la historia de la risa. I'd be interested in reading a book about the history of laughter. I'd like to read a book about the story of laughter. Perry obteve informação preciosa dele. Perry obtained precious information from him. Perry got valuable information from him. Cum s-au întâmplat toate acestea? How did that all happen? How did all this happen? De ce nu încerci să pui puțină scorțișoară în cafea? Why don't you try putting a little cinnamon in your coffee? Why don't you try putting a little casserole in the coffee? Si tu as tort, admets-le. Si tu as raison, sois calme. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you're wrong, admit it. Fue tan aburrido, que me quedé dormido. It was so boring that I fell asleep. It was so boring, I fell asleep. La enfermedad me impidió de ir al extranjero. Illness prevented me from going abroad. The disease prevented me from going abroad. Elle eut la permission d'utiliser la voiture. Permission to use the car was accorded to her. She was allowed to use the car. Sei un perdente, Tom. You're a loser, Tom. You're a loser, Tom. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by flames. Ce argument ridicol! What a ludicrous argument! What a ridiculous argument! Hai dus giats. I have two cats. You've gone to jail. La porte est en train de se fermer. The door is closing. The door's closing. T'ai-je allouée suffisamment de temps ? Did I give you enough time? Did I give you enough time? A Tom non lle gusta falar francés. Tom doesn't like speaking French. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Tu sei religiosa? Are you religious? Are you religious? J'ai été contente. I was pleased. I was happy. No puedo saltar al mar. No sé nadar. I cannot jump to the sea. I don't know how to swim. I can't jump into the sea, I can't swim. Oí un ruido extraño. I heard an unusual sound. I heard a strange noise. ¿Me da una factura? May I have a receipt? Can I get a bill? Je ne me rappelle pas avoir fait ça. I don't remember doing that. I don't remember doing this. Eu pretendo fazer isso. I intend to do that. I intend to do that. Lui mi consigliò di non fumare. He advised me not to smoke. He advised me not to smoke. Tom est extrêmement reconnaissant envers Mary pour son aide. Tom is extremely thankful to Mary for her help. Tom is extremely grateful to Mary for her help. Dovete fermarla. You have to stop her. You have to stop her. Fără efort, nimic nu este posibil. Without effort, nothing is possible. Without effort, nothing is possible. No es de extrañar que tú preguntes. It's no wonder you ask. No wonder you ask. ¡Nada que agregar! Nothing to add! Nothing to add! Vi ho detto che ho dei piani. I told you I have plans. I told you, I have plans. ¿De verdad estoy enferma? Am I really sick? Am I really sick? Muita gente acredita que a acupuntura pode curar as doenças. Many people believe that acupuncture can cure diseases. Many people believe acupuncture can cure diseases. Tom est devenu plus gros depuis la dernière que je l'ai vu. Tom's gotten fatter since the last time I saw him. Tom has grown bigger since the last one I saw. Ne tombez pas ! Don't fall off! Don't fall! Il avait le cœur brisé. He was heartbroken. He had a broken heart. Escucha y puede que aprendas algo. Listen and you might learn something. Listen and you may learn something. At ses dastrà simpàtich. You are very nice. That's a nice wanker. Mi-a luat mai mult de două ore pentru a traduce câteva pagini de limba engleză. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. Avez-vous déjà escaladé le Mont Aso? Have you ever climbed Mt. Aso? Have you ever climbed Mount Aso? Por favor, no me mires con recelo. Please don't look at me suspiciously. Please don't look at me with fear. Tom nu crede în zvonurile despre Mary. Tom doesn't believe the rumors about Mary. Tom doesn't believe in the rumors about Mary. Soyez prudents en manipulant des allumettes ! Be careful handling matches! Be careful handling matches! Não consigo entender por que isso é importante. I don't understand why that's important. I can't understand why this is important. Tradu din japoneză în engleză. Put this Japanese into English. Translated from Japanese to English. Il nous faut épurer le code. We need to DRY out the code. We need to clear the code. Mes parents m'ont envoyé une carte postale. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. Layla contou à polícia que tinha sido espancada por Fadil. Layla told the police that she was beaten by Fadil. Layla told the police she had been beaten by Fadil. Estou convencido de que estoy no certo. I am convinced that I am right. I'm convinced I'm not sure. Avez-vous entendu dire qu'un cambrioleur a forcé la maison du voisin ? Did you hear that a burglar broke into the neighbor's house? Did you hear that a burglar forced the neighbor's house? Disposez-vous de petite monnaie ? Do you have any small change? Do you have a small coin? Tornaré en deu minuts. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. Pisica a început să se comporte ciudat. The cat has started acting strangely. Cat started acting weird. Mă voi muta în curând. I'll move soon. I'll move in soon. Posso ir também? Can I come too? Can I go too? Eu acho que você vai se sair muito bem. I think you're going to do great. I think you'll be fine. Ce que tu as dit n'a pour moi ni queue ni tête. I can't make heads or tails of what you said. What you said doesn't have a head or a tail for me. C'est faux ! La fonction est bijective ! That's wrong! The function is bijective! It's not true! Ils haïssaient Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Ontem ele viu um grande homem. Yesterday he saw a big man. Yesterday he saw a great man. Bueno, atended. OK, listen up. Well, take care. ¿Tienes alguna hemorragia? Do you have any bleeding? Do you have any bleeding? Sono tese. They're jittery. They're thesis. El nombre de mi hermana es Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. My sister's name is Patricia. Io voglio un rimborso. I want a refund. I want a refund. Il est vraiment fondu de foot. He's really into soccer. He's really foot-deep. Isso é, estritamente falando, um erro. This is, strictly speaking, a mistake. That is, strictly speaking, a mistake. Não acho que nos ouviram. I don't think they heard us. I don't think you heard us. Fue imperdonable. It was unpardonable. It was unforgivable. Muévanse. Move. Move it. De qué vòu díser ? What does this mean? What did you mean? Lo avvertirai? Are you going to warn him? Are you gonna warn him? El hidróxido de sodio es usado para hacer jabón. Sodium hydroxide is used in making soaps. Sodium hydroxide is used to make soap. Ho sentito dire che Tom sta imparando a guidare. I heard that Tom is learning how to drive. I hear Tom's learning how to drive. Il est assez âgé pour conduire une voiture. He is old enough to drive a car. He's old enough to drive a car. Je passe une mauvaise journée. I'm having a bad day. I'm having a bad day. A Tom le está yendo muy bien hoy. Tom is doing very well today. Tom's doing very well today. Que t'amillores! Get well soon! You're getting better! Hé ! Nicki, comment apprécies-tu cette classe ? Hey Nicki, how do you like that class? Hey, Nicki, how do you like this class? Tom no sabe si le gusta a Mary. Tom doesn't know if Mary likes him. Tom doesn't know if he likes Mary. Ce vreţi să beţi? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Je ne sais pas sur quel bouton appuyer. I don't know which button to push. I don't know which button to press. Estamos demasiado borrachos. We're too drunk. We're too drunk. Están esposados. They're handcuffed. They're handcuffed. Je ne peux pas vous aider à faire ça. I can't help you do that. I can't help you do that. ¿Cuál es tu libro? Which is your book? What's your book? Cosa fanno le sorelle di Tom? What do Tom's sisters do? What do Tom's sisters do? Fadil atirou em Layla e tentou fazê-lo parecer um suicídio. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadil shot at Layla and tried to make him look like a suicide. I dev tajeme ij cavij. I must get my hair cut. And dev tajeme ij cavj. Mary todavía no ha llamado. Mary hasn't called yet. Mary hasn't called yet. Penso che Tom sia creativo. I think Tom is artistic. I think Tom's creative. Ela adórao. She worships him. She loves him. Mi sono fatto rasare e tagliare i capelli. I got a shave and a haircut. I shaved and cut my hair. Has de mantenir la teva promesa. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. As neurit lo can ? Have you fed the dog? Did I neurit him? Quanto Tom te deve? How much money does Tom owe you? How much does Tom owe you? Es mavi? Is it blue? Is it mavi? Pegue o livro que foi deixado sobre a mesa. Take the book that has been left on the table. Take the book that was left on the table. Noi siamo le compagne di classe di Tom. We're Tom's classmates. We're Tom's classmates. Aggiungi la foto. Add the picture. Add the photo. Quando você notou que sua bolsa estava desaparecida? When did you notice your purse was missing? When did you notice your bag was missing? Le cancer est un grand ennemi de l'humanité. Cancer is a great enemy of humanity. Cancer is a great enemy of humanity. Ti aiuteremo a salvare Tom. We'll help you rescue Tom. We'll help you save Tom. Bush piensa que fue enviado por Dios para establecer la justicia en la Tierra. Bush thinks that he has been sent by God to establish justice on Earth. Bush thinks he was sent by God to establish justice on earth. Je veux avoir en mains un rapport écrit à la première heure, demain matin. I want a written report in my hands first thing tomorrow morning. I want to have a written report in the first hour tomorrow morning. Sap tot. You know everything. He knows everything. Paula a-t-elle étudié pour l'examen d'aujourd'hui ? Did Paula study for today's test? Has Paula studied for today's exam? Poţi invita orice persoană doreşti. You may invite any person you like. You can invite any person you want. Quan poderèm minjar ? When can we eat? When can we eat? Ella dice que le gustan las flores. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Ela ama correr. She loves to run. She loves to run. Il est parfois difficile de résister à une furieuse envie d'éclater de rire. Sometimes it's hard to resist the impulse to burst out laughing. Sometimes it is difficult to resist an angry desire to burst out of laughter. Un plus un égale deux. One plus one equals two. One plus one equals two. Emily pode nadar. Emily can swim. Emily can swim. Avlash Ladino? Do you speak Judeo-Spanish? Avlash Ladino? Il m'a enseigné à nager. He taught me how to swim. He taught me how to swim. Che cos'è successo qui ieri? What happened here yesterday? What happened here yesterday? Eu bloqueei o caminho de Tom. I blocked Tom's way. I blocked Tom's way. Esperaré afuera. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. Es un fashisto. He's a fascist. It's a spook. Nu am fost forțați în nici un fel. We haven't been coerced in any way. We weren't forced in any way. Io sto aspettando Tom dalle 2:30. I've been waiting for Tom since 2:30. I'm waiting for Tom from 2:30. Aquest hotel té allotjament per a 1000 clients. This hotel has accommodations for 1000 guests. This hotel has accommodation for 1,000 guests. Non è come suo fratello. He's unlike his brother. He's not like his brother. Enséñame cómo funciona. Show me how it works. Show me how it works. Somos los amigos de Tom. We're Tom's friends. We're Tom's friends. Sanno chi è. They know who he is. They know who it is. Tom aproape că a murit în noapte asta. Tom almost died tonight. Tom almost died tonight. Eu contei para a Mary. I told Mary. I told Mary. Si no quieres hablar de ello, no pasa nada. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay. Ea are trei fii care s-au făcut marinari. She has three sons, who became sailors. She has three sons who became sailors. Ella no tiene responsabilidad. She has no sense of duty. She has no responsibility. È importante per te mantenere questo segreto. It is important for you to keep this secret. It's important for you to keep this secret. La polizia vi sta cercando. The police are looking for you. The police are looking for you. Perché le piacciono le gonne corte? Why do you like short skirts? Why do you like short skirts? Aceasta este o carte valoroasă. This is a worthwhile book. This is a valuable book. Ken joacă tenis? Does Ken play tennis? Ken playing tennis? Avez-vous perdu l'esprit ? Are you out of your minds? Have you lost your mind? Ești foarte frumoasă. You are very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Vocês têm feito um trabalho perfeito. You've done a perfect job. You've done a perfect job. Il souffre d'un rhume. He is suffering from a cold. He suffers from a cold. O Tom foi para a Austrália muitas vezes. Tom has been to Australia many times. Tom went to Australia many times. Fue una gran decepción que Hingis fuera eliminado en el primer asalto. It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round. It was a great disappointment that Hingis was eliminated in the first assault. Tom e Mary dizem que eles podem ver fantasmas. Tom and Mary say that they can see ghosts. Tom and Mary say they can see ghosts. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en comprar ese cacharro? Are you seriously thinking about buying that old car? Are you seriously thinking about buying that tub? Donne-moi une raison. Give me a reason. Give me a reason. Não faça perguntas tão difíceis. Don't ask such hard questions. Don't ask such difficult questions. Mă îndeamnă ceva să fac cumpărături. I have an urge to buy something. Something urges me to shop. Como moito, Henry ten seis dólares. At most, Henry has six dollars. At most, Henry has six dollars. Fai finire a Tom quello che ha cominciato. Let Tom finish what he started. Make Tom finish what he started. Tu podes contar com a ajuda do Tom. You can depend on Tom's help. You can count on Tom's help. Un environnement riche et stimulant est important dans le développement cognitif de l'enfant. A rich and stimulating environment is important for a child's cognitive development. A rich and stimulating environment is important in the cognitive development of the child. Si vous voyez Tom, dites-lui s'il vous plaît qu'il doit m'appeler. If you see Tom, please tell him that he has to call me. If you see Tom, please tell him he has to call me. On a dû faire sauter un fusible. We must have blown a fuse. We had to blow up a fuse. ¡Ten cuidado con los dedos! Watch your fingers! Watch your fingers! Ela perdeu seu dinheiro, sua família, seus amigos. She lost her money, her family, her friends. She lost her money, her family, her friends. Você pode ter confundido Jane com a irmã dela. You may have mistaken Jane for her sister. You may have confused Jane with her sister. Ella estava donant un discurs al parc. She was giving a speech at the park. She was giving a speech in the park. Arrêtez de faire cela, s'il te plaît. Stop doing that, please. Stop doing that, please. Eu sei que Tom é detestável. I know that Tom is obnoxious. I know Tom is detestable. Mi ha presentato ai suoi genitori. He introduced me to his parents. She introduced me to her parents. Tom ha detto di chiederlo a voi. Tom said to ask you. Tom said to ask you. N'i a pas arren mei important que la santat. Nothing is more important than health. It's not important to me that the saint. El motor no funciona bien. The motor does not function properly. The engine doesn't work well. ¡La vida es así! Nada es fácil y nada es imposible. Life is like that! Nothing is easy and nothing is impossible. Life is like that! Nothing is easy and nothing is impossible. Je n'ai pas pu obtenir un autre exemplaire du livre. I couldn't get another copy of the book. I couldn't get another copy of the book. ¿De casualidad sabes dónde dejé mis llaves? Any chance you know where I put my keys? Do you know where I left my keys? Eu nunca estive tão assustado. I've never been so scared. I've never been so scared. Me pareció un niño brillante. I found him to be a bright boy. I thought it was a bright kid. Ne rentre pas dans la chambre avant que je ne te dise « c'est bon ». Don't enter the room until I say "All right." Don't go in the room before I tell you, it's okay. Io riesco a mangiare di tutto. I can eat anything. I can eat everything. ¿Vosotros vais? You're going? Are you going? Sem você, a vida é horrível. Without you, life is awful. Without you, life is horrible. Ajuste o despertador para sete horas. Set the alarm clock for seven o'clock. Adjust the alarm clock for seven hours. En esta tienda se vende carne. They sell meat at this store. This shop sells meat. Nu pot spune o minciună. I can't tell a lie. I can't tell a lie. Los lobos deambulan por el bosque. Wolves wander in the woods. The wolves wander through the woods. Você vai vir conosco? Will you go with us? Will you come with us? Isso não é mais necessário. That's no longer necessary. That's no longer necessary. Tom sta mangiando del pane. Tom is eating bread. Tom's eating bread. Tom nem sequer fechou a porta. Tom didn't even shut the door. Tom didn't even close the door. De qué digotz ? What did you say? What do I say? Aquí és la teva bossa. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. O Tom é um homem interessante. Tom is an interesting man. Tom's an interesting man. E în bani. He is in the money. It's in the money. Non notei nada fora do común. I didn't notice anything unusual. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. Este filme é simplesmente fantástico. This movie is just great. This film is simply fantastic. Meu Deus! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Me plaze ambezar linguas. I like learning languages. I like both languages. Non è più forte di me. She's not stronger than me. He's not stronger than me. Tom apostou no cavalo errado. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Les enfants faisaient encore du bruit. The kids got noisy again. The children were still making noise. Meg était la seule fille à porter un jeans. Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans. Meg was the only girl to wear a jeans. Ella miró tímidamente al joven. She glanced shyly at the young man. She looked timidly at the young man. No son idiotas. They're not stupid. They're not idiots. Perdona a tu enemigo, pero recuerda el nombre de ese bastardo. Forgive your enemy, but remember the name of that bastard. Forgive your enemy, but remember the name of that bastard. Você devia ter me contado a verdade. You should've told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Me gusta hablar con usted. I like talking to you. I like talking to you. Com'è patetico! How pathetic! How pathetic! Este doar un mic regres. It's only a minor setback. It's just a small setback. Trebuie să-ți justifici comportamentul. You must account for your conduct. You have to justify your behavior. Ești lipsit de imaginație. You're unimaginative. You're missing the imagination. Estupa lo gas ! Turn off the gas. Spit the gas! Comment passez-vous la fin de semaine, d'habitude ? How do you usually spend your weekends? How do you usually spend the weekend? Como poderia confortá-la? How could I comfort you? How could I comfort her? Non era una pianista molto brava. She was not a very good pianist. She wasn't a very good pianist. Debo cambiar la foto del perfil. I have to change my profile picture. I have to change the profile photo. Ramène-moi mon chapeau. Fetch me my hat. Bring me my hat. El Djudaismo es ermozo. Judaism is beautiful. Judaism is a weed. Non avevamo niente di cui parlare. We had nothing to talk about. We had nothing to talk about. Es difícil dejar de fumar. It is difficult to give up smoking. It's hard to stop smoking. ¿Qué sentido tiene? What's the point? What's the point? Hoy no has ido a la escuela y quiero saber por qué. You skipped school today and I want to know why. You didn't go to school today and I want to know why. La bambina sta leggendo felice. The girl is happily reading. The girl is reading happy. Tom tentou dormir. Tom tried to sleep. Tom tried to sleep. Ce qu'on ignore peut nous faire du mal. What you don't know can hurt you. What we don't know can hurt us. Pot să folosesc dicționarul tău? Can I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Je sais comment faire. I know how to do it. I know how to do it. Eu acho que o Tom vai ficar interessado. I think that Tom will be interested. I think Tom's gonna be interested. La farò domani. I will do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. Poate fi folosit drept cuţit. It can be used as a knife. It can be used as a knife. Sunt plictisit. I am bored. I'm bored. Io mi chiedevo come fosse Tom. I wondered how Tom was. I was wondering what Tom was like. Elles ne pouvaient pas nous aider. They couldn't help us. They couldn't help us. Tonalitatea vocii poate indica anumite trăiri. Tone of voice can indicate feelings. The tone of the voice may indicate certain experiences. Ha confuso gli studenti. You have confused the students. He confused the students. ¿Mis zapatos te gustan? Do you like my shoes? Do you like my shoes? Você leu tudo? Did you read all of it? Have you read everything? A bicicleta dele está desaparecida. His bicycle is missing. His bike's missing. Un gato saíu de embaixo do escritorio. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of the bottom of the desk. Toda el armazón era de hierro. The whole framework was made of iron. The whole frame was made of iron. Ha appena mangiato. He just ate. He just ate. Quem te comprou isso? Who bought you this? Who bought you that? Il salario verrà aumentato ad aprile. The salary will be raised from April. The salary will be increased in April. Vives demasiado lejos. You live too far away. You live too far. Anota cada palabra. Write down each word. Write down every word. Je vous prêterai quelques livres de mon frère. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll lend you some of my brother's books. La campana de la glèisa abança de tres minutas de mei cada setmana. The church clock gains three minutes a week. The church bell is three minutes away from me every week. Bon dia! Good morning! Good morning! È un angelo. She's an angel. He's an angel. Il a l'habitude de réaliser des discours. He is used to making speeches. He's used to making speeches. Lei è eccentrico. You're unusual. You're eccentric. Aguanta. Stick it out. Hold on. En China la historia comenzó hace treinta años, no podemos saber lo que ocurrió hace más de treinta años. In China, the history began thirty years ago; we can't know what happened any farther back than thirty years. In China, history began thirty years ago, we cannot know what happened more than thirty years ago. Examenul se apropie. The examination is approaching. The exam's coming up. Tom ficou no carro. Tom stayed in the car. Tom stayed in the car. No kero ke vozotros lavoresh ayi. I don't want you to work there. No kero ke votos lavoresh ayi. Todo el mundo sabe que no fue tu culpa. Everyone knows that it wasn't your fault. Everyone knows it wasn't your fault. Visitei o Canadá há muito tempo. I visited Canada a long time ago. I visited Canada a long time ago. Loro vinsero la lotteria. They won the lottery. They won the lottery. Layla sentì un suono familiare. Layla heard a familiar sound. Layla heard a familiar sound. Vous êtes toutes heureuses. You're all happy. You're all happy. Sia Tom che Mary sembrano delusi. Both Tom and Mary look disappointed. Both Tom and Mary seem disappointed. ¡Vota por nosotros! Vote for us! Vote for us! Tu devi ascoltare Tom. You have to listen to Tom. You must listen to Tom. Pasar tiempo con tu familia debería ser tu prioridad. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Spending time with your family should be your priority. Soyez ambitieux, les enfants. Be ambitious, children. Be ambitious, children. Io non voglio mentirle. I don't want to lie to her. I don't want to lie to you. Si tienes alguna pregunta, ahora es el momento de hacerla. If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask. Quando a loja vai abrir? When will the store open? When's the store opening? Voi non potete andare a Boston questo weekend. You can't go to Boston this weekend. You can't go to Boston this weekend. Vencedores não usam drogas. Winners don't use drugs. Winners don't use drugs. Ninguém é perfeito. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. Decidiron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They decided to elect him as president. Eu não vou fazer isso outra vez. I will not do it again. I'm not doing that again. Munceşte când munceşti, joacă-te când te joci. Work while you work, play while you play. Work when you work, play when you play. Hay demasiados anuncios publicitarios en YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. There are too many ads on YouTube. Até onde sei, ele é culpado. As far as I know, he's guilty. As far as I know, he's guilty. Je lui ai conseillé de ne pas broyer du noir sur son passé. I advised him not to grieve over the past. I advised him not to grind black on his past. Você achou que eu deixaria você aqui? Did you think I would leave you here? Did you think I'd leave you here? Tom é um mau perdedor. Tom is a bad loser. Tom's a bad loser. Parla lentamente. Speak slowly! Speak slowly. El are un fiu și două fiice. He has a son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Yo me senté al lado de ella. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. He acabado de escribir una carta en inglés. I finished writing a letter in English. I just wrote an English letter. Unde? Where? Where? Nós merecemos esta oportunidade, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. Io sarò proprio dietro di lei. I'll be right behind you. I'll be right behind you. Tu n'as plus besoin de moi. You don't need me anymore. You don't need me anymore. Sortons nous asseoir dans le jardin. Let's go outside and sit in the garden. Let's go out and sit in the garden. Io ero molto emozionata. I was very excited. I was very excited. Devo sciusciame o nazo de longo. I have to blow my nose all the time. I must sneeze my nose for a long time. Io apprezzo le vostre intuizioni. I appreciate your insights. I appreciate your intuitions. Sa chambre est très petite. Her room is very small. His room is very small. Io ho comprato mezza bottiglia di vino. I bought half a bottle of wine. I bought half a bottle of wine. Minha mãe estava em lágrimas. My mother was in tears. My mother was in tears. Tom nici măcar nu este un concurent. Tom isn't even a contender. Tom's not even a competitor. El foc sempre és perillós. Fire is always dangerous. Fire is always dangerous. El gato de Tom esta hazino. Tom's tom is sick. Tom's cat is hazino. O problema é você. The problem is you. The problem is you. Tom lembrava que Mary e John haviam tentado matar ele. Tom remembered that Mary and John had tried to kill him. Tom remembered that Mary and John had tried to kill him. Les deux candidats sont au coude à coude. The two candidates are neck and neck. Both candidates are elbow-to-tailed. Il était assis entre Tom et Marie. He was sitting between Mary and Tom. He was sitting between Tom and Mary. Tom a izbucnit în râs. Tom burst into laughter. Tom broke out laughing. Me voy de vacaciones por dos meses. I'm going out on vacations for two months. I'm going on vacation for two months. Tom é bem criativo. Tom is pretty creative. Tom's very creative. Nessuna risposta è necessaria. No answer is necessary. No response is necessary. Preciso me desculpar com a Ann. I have to excuse myself to Ann. I need to apologize to Ann. Può chiedergli di entrare? Can you ask him to come in? Can you ask him to come in? Nous nous sommes levés à l'aube pour éviter un embouteillage. We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam. We got up early to avoid bottlenecks. È stato uno spreco di denaro. That was a waste of money. It was a waste of money. ¿Cuántas estaciones de autobuses hay en esta ciudad? How many bus stations are there in this city? How many bus stations are in this city? Sos un ladron. You are a thief. You're a thief. Tom nous a dit de ne pas nager ici. Tom told us not to swim here. Tom told us not to swim here. Quel est ton restaurant de restauration rapide préféré? What is your favourite fast-food restaurant? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? És de Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Je dois être au travail à 7h30. I need to be at work by 7:30. I have to be at work at 7:30. Pisica ta este neagră. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Se Tom comesse mais legumes, ele provavelmente seria mais saudável. If Tom ate more vegetables, he'd probably be healthier. If Tom ate more vegetables, he'd probably be healthier. La poma es madura. The apple is ripe. The apple is ripe. Non sembra troppo sorpresa. You don't seem too surprised. Doesn't seem too surprised. Ne me donne pas ça ! Don't give me that! Don't give me that! Io sto provando a imparare l'inglese. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Quanti ragazzi ci sono qui nella stanza? How many boys are there in the room? How many guys are here in the room? Mă dor picioarele. My feet hurt. My legs hurt. Laissez-moi vous donner une petite astuce. Let me give you a little tip. Let me give you a little tip. Sois alemanes, ¿verdad? You're Germans, aren't you? You're German, aren't you? Aș vrea să merg la grădina zoologică. I'd like to go to the zoo. I'd like to go to the zoo. La fiesta de Trang fue tan divertida como un funeral. Trang's party was as much fun as a funeral wake. Trang's party was as fun as a funeral. Si tuviera suficiente tiempo, hablaría contigo. If I had enough time, I would talk with you. If I had enough time, I'd talk to you. Case todos na clase votaron a favor de termos una festa de agradecemento aos profesores. Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers. Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers. Trebuie să fim responsabili. We need to be responsible. We have to be responsible. ¡Scott! Haz completos para el almuerzo, por favor. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott, make them full for lunch, please. Il m'a dit de l'y rencontrer. He told me to meet him there. He told me to meet him. Tom tenía la sospecha de que Mary estaba mintiendo. Tom had a hunch that Mary was lying. Tom suspected Mary was lying. Lui è etiope. He is Ethiopian. He's Ethiopian. La Mary ha escrit tres llibres. Mary has written three books. Mary has written three books. Ele não fala inglês. He doesn't speak English. He doesn't speak English. Le seul moment où les imprimantes ne fonctionnent pas c'est lorsque vous en avez besoin. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time printers don't work is when you need them. Tom a fost acuzat că a făcut o treabă de mântuială. Tom was accused of doing sloppy work. Tom was accused of doing a saving job. Puoi fumare solamente sul terrazzo. You can only smoke in the roof garden. You can only smoke on the terrace. Nuestro profesor probó un nuevo método para enseñar inglés. Our teacher tried to use a new method of teaching English. Our teacher tested a new method of teaching English. Voy al cine todas las semanas. I go to the movies every week. I go to the movies every week. Vass tchire e Mouze! Go fuck yourself! Vass chire and Mouze! Lui è gentile con me. He's kind to me. He's kind to me. Se Deus não pretendeu que comêssemos animais, então por que Ele os fez de carne? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not intend us to eat animals, then why did He make them flesh? Correlación no implica causalidad. Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causality. Tom es el único que puede salvar al mundo. Tom is the only one who can save the world. Tom is the only one who can save the world. O răţuşcă urâtă a devenit o lebădă graţioasă. An ugly duckling became a graceful swan. An ugly duck has become a graceful swan. Ellos son pilotos. They are pilots. They're pilots. Tuvimos mucha audiencia. We had a large audience. We had a lot of audiences. Lo Jack m'a colhonat. Jack played a dirty trick on me. Jack slammed me. Um idioma nunca é abondo. One language is never enough. A language is never enough. Lo sapevi che ero qui. You knew I was here. You knew I was here. Sta iniziando a piovere. It's starting to rain. It's starting to rain. J'ai besoin que tu le voies. I need you to see this. I need you to see him. Me gustaría cambiar un cheque de viajero. I'd like to cash a travelers' check. I'd like to change a traveller's cheque. Chiamò il suo avvocato. She called her lawyer. He called his lawyer. Dovresti andare a trovare Tom. You should visit Tom. You should go find Tom. Ninguno no vino. Nobody came. No one saw. Tota persona té dret a la protecció dels interessos morals i materials derivats de les produccions científiques, literàries o artístiques de què sigui autor. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to the protection of moral and material interests derived from scientific, literary or artistic productions of whatever authorship. ¿Suele hacer viajes de negocios? Do you often take business trips? Do you usually do business trips? ¿Necesitamos hacer algo más? Do we need to do anything else? Do we need to do anything else? Tom pensó que iba a tener un salario más alto. Tom thought he was going to get a higher salary. Tom thought he was going to have a higher salary. Tom lleva una cicatriz en su brazo. Tom has a scar on his arm. Tom's wearing a scar on his arm. Elle parle espéranto et portugais. She speaks Esperanto and Portuguese. She speaks Spanish and Portuguese. Te gândești serios la divorț? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? Tom ainda vai pescar todos os dias. Tom still goes fishing every day. Tom's still fishing every day. Salii sull'automobile di Tom. I got into Tom's car. Get on Tom's car. Éprouves-tu toujours des sentiments pour lui ? Do you still have feelings for him? Do you still have feelings for him? Gura mea este amorțită. My mouth is numb. My mouth is numb. Este no es lugar para un niño de tres años. This is no place for a three-year-old kid. This is no place for a three-year-old. Ei au condus spre casă. They drove home. They drove home. Quero ir a Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. ¿También puedes contar en italiano? Can you also count in Italian? Can you also count on Italian? Sont-elles nouvelles ? Are they new? Are they new? Io parto per Boston domani. I leave for Boston tomorrow. I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow. Eu raramente tomo café. I seldom drink coffee. I rarely take coffee. Meu pai parou de fumar. My father quit smoking. My father stopped smoking. No me gusta jugar con él. Siempre hacemos las mismas cosas. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like to play with him. No cuentes con su ayuda. Don't count on his help. Don't count on your help. Quem gere o hotel? Who runs this hotel? Who runs the hotel? Hauries de dir-li al Tom que la Mary no està planejant anar-hi. You should tell Tom that Mary isn't planning to go. You should tell Tom Mary's not planning on going there. ¿Cuándo llegó usted a Londres? When did you get to London? When did you get to London? Felul în care o persoană privește lucrurile depinde de situația sa. A person's way of looking at something depends on his situation. The way a person looks at things depends on his situation. Il lui conseilla de faire davantage d'exercice. She was advised by him to get more exercise. He advised her to exercise more. Tom non andò, e neppure io. Tom didn't go, and neither did I. Tom didn't go, and neither did I. Il se mit à pleuvoir. It began to rain. It started raining. Il l'a injuriée. He called her bad names. He insulted her. Su francés mejora poco a poco. His French is improving little by little. His French is slowly improving. Tratar de corregir a ese niño es machacar en hierro frío. Trying to correct that boy is useless. Trying to correct that child is beating in cold iron. Puedes entender a Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Pensavo li conoscessi. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. En aquella casa viven dos familias. Two families live in that house. Two families live in that house. Ella és una mare molt sàvia. She is a most wise mother. She's a wise mother. Non mi voglio sedere di fianco a lei. I don't want to sit next to her. I don't want to sit next to her. Nous devons coloniser d'autres planètes. We must colonize other planets. We must colonize other planets. É a primeira vez que eu cometo um erro assim. This is the first time I've ever made a mistake like this. It's the first time I've made such a mistake. No bi'n ha prou con una luenga. One language is never enough. It's not enough with a long time. Lui ha promesso che ci avrebbe aiutati. He promised he would help us. He promised he'd help us. Loro non sono vivi. They are not alive. They're not alive. Desejava entender o que ela está dizendo. I wanted to know what she was saying. I'd like to understand what she's saying. Ella tiene ocho años. She is eight. She's eight. Ar fi bine să nu înoți dacă tocmai ai mâncat. You'd better not swim if you've just eaten. You better not swim if you just ate. Mary tentou se matar. Mary attempted to kill herself. Mary tried to kill herself. Los exámenes empiezan la semana que viene. Tests start next week. The exams start next week. Você já esteve no Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to the Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to Tokyo Dome? Alguien los está mirando. Someone is watching them. Someone's watching them. En realidad, nunca lo he visto. I've actually never seen it. Actually, I've never seen it. Trebuie să vorbim. We have to speak. We need to talk. Semplicemente non lo riesco a fare. I just can't do it. I just can't do it. C'est le sien, n'est-ce pas ? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Presumes más qu'un ratón encima un quesu. You brag more than a mouse on cheese. You assume more than a mouse over a cheese. Por ahora debemos otorgarle el beneficio de la duda. For the time being, we must give him the benefit of the doubt. We must give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Il va pleuvoir bientôt. It's going to rain soon. It'll rain soon. É perigoso nadar neste rio. It's dangerous to swim in this river. It's dangerous to swim in this river. Loro sono venuti la settimana scorsa. They came last week. They came last week. Quebrei o braço. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. Amanhã será realizada uma reunião. Tomorrow, a meeting will be held. A meeting will be held tomorrow. Ne-am mâniat de cuvintele lui. We got angry at his words. We're angry with his words. N'assène pas des évidences ! Don't state the obvious. Don't give evidence! L'usine utilise de nombreuses machines compliquées. The factory uses many complicated machines. The factory uses many complicated machines. Les jours s'allongent. The days are growing longer. Days go up. A Tom en realidad no le gustaba estudiar francés. Tom didn't really enjoy studying French. Tom didn't really like studying French. Sarò là tra un paio d'ore. I'll be there in a couple of hours. I'll be there in a couple of hours. Eu realmente quero ser feliz. I really want to be happy. I really want to be happy. Necessito un segell. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. Supongo que querrás preguntarme qué estuve haciendo ayer. I suppose you want to ask me what I was doing yesterday. I guess you'll want to ask me what I was doing yesterday. ¿Por qué no solo te callas? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you just shut up? Tuve el paraíso en mi corazón. I had the paradise in my heart. I had paradise in my heart. Você é boa. You're good. You're good. Combien de personnes se trouvaient-elles à bord de ce bateau ? How many people were aboard that ship? How many people were on board this boat? De no haber sido por su ayuda hubiéramos fracasado en los negocios. If it had not been for his help, we would have failed in business. Had it not been for his help, we would have failed in business. Ele concordou em fazer o trabalho. He's agreed to do the job. He agreed to do the job. Tom sa esattamente come si sente Mary. Tom knows exactly how Mary feels. Tom knows exactly how Mary feels. Con todo el debido respeto, yo pienso que ambos tenían algunos puntos válidos. With all due respect, I think they both had valid points. With all due respect, I think both had some valid points. Ne te souviens-tu pas de mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Qui ets tu? Who are you? Who are you? Ils ne sont courageux qu'en paroles. They are only bold in what they say. They are courageous only in words. Le garçon a plus que confirmé l'opinion favorable qu'ils s'étaient fait de lui. The boy more than justified the favourable opinion they had formed of him. The boy has more than confirmed the favourable opinion that they had made of him. Puis-je dire quelque chose ? May I say something? Can I say something? Quanto formaggio ha mangiato? How much cheese did you eat? How much cheese did he eat? Es tan caro. It is too expensive. It's so expensive. Le drogué est mort d'une surdose. The addict died from a drug overdose. The drug addict died of an overdose. Următorii doi ani au fost încărcați pentru Jackson. The next two years were busy ones for Jackson. The next two years have been loaded for Jackson. Si le doliera tanto, él no estaría jugando allá afuera. If it hurt that much, he wouldn't be playing outside. If it hurt him so much, he wouldn't be playing out there. Tengo que ir primero a la tienda. I have to go to the store first. I have to go to the store first. Ella le mostró varios libros que estaban en el estante. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. Hay nueve millones de bicicletas en Pekín. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. Tú has hecho notables progresos en inglés en el último año. You've made remarkable progress in English in the past year. You've made remarkable progress in English in the past year. Grazas por vir. You are kind to come. Thank you for coming. ¿Qué sabe Tom de mí? What does Tom know about me? What does Tom know of me? Tengo otra pregunta. I have another question. I have another question. Perdeou os estribos e comezou a chamarme cousas. He lost his temper and began calling me names. He lost his temper and started calling me things. También está Paolo. There is also Paolo. There's Paolo, too. Este animal es muy inteligente. This animal is very intelligent. This animal is very intelligent. Tienes que ir al hospital. You have to go to the hospital. You have to go to the hospital. Lo riesci portare? Can you bring him? Can you bring him in? A Tom lo encontraron muerto en un callejón. Tom was found dead in an alley. Tom was found dead in a alley. Est-ce que Tom est là ? Is Tom there? Is Tom here? Nu, sunt logodit cu Mary de doi ani. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. No, I've been engaged to Mary for two years. Tom ha detto che non sarebbe mai venuta. Tom said you'd never come. Tom said she'd never come. Estoy leyendo el periódico. I'm reading the newspaper. I'm reading the paper. Non la fate, vero? You don't do it, do you? Don't do it, do you? Como você sabia onde eu estaria? How did you know where I'd be? How did you know where I'd be? Lo sapevo che eri sufficientemente intelligente per capire. I knew you were smart enough to understand. I knew you were smart enough to understand. Plus dure sera la chute. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The harder it will be the fall. Mi fa piacere che tu stia bene. I'm glad you're OK. I'm glad you're okay. Lui mi ha mentito molte volte. He has lied to me again and again. He lied to me many times. Eu respeito a opinião de todos. I respect everybody's opinion. I respect everyone's opinion. Tom non è durato molto. Tom didn't last long. Tom didn't last long. Non la può fermare? Can't you stop her? Can't you stop her? Aia e ideea mea. That's my idea. That's my idea. Bien cuit ! Well done! Nice cooking! Deberías haber visitado Boston. You should have visited Boston. You should have visited Boston. Kobe est la ville où je suis né. Kobe is the city which I was born in. Kobe is the city where I was born. Él se casó con Ana el mes pasado. He got married to Ann last month. He married Ana last month. No tengas tanta prisa. Don't be in such a hurry. Don't be so hasty. À en juger par ce qu'il dit, il paraît un homme capable. Judging from what he says, he seems to be a man of ability. Judging by what he says, he looks like a capable man. Poți să te faci înțeles în engleză? Can you make yourselves understood in English? Can you make yourself understood in English? Le roseau courbe sous le vent. The reed bends in the wind. The rosewood bends under the wind. Esta es la casa donde nació el novelista famoso. This is the house where the famous novelist was born. This is the home where the famous novelist was born. Je suis à la plage en train de jouer au volley-ball. I'm on the beach playing volleyball. I'm at the beach playing volleyball. El este capabil să predea franceza. He is capable of teaching French. He's capable of teaching French. Todos devem saber disso. Everyone should know that. Everyone should know that. N-aș fi ghicit asta niciodată. I would never have guessed that. I would never have guessed that. Como está o seu resfriado? How's your cold? How's your cold? Estiveches algunha vez en París? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? O prédio branco foi destruído pelo terremoto. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. Tom é pontual. Tom is punctual. Tom's punctual. Conduita lui era admirabilă. His conduct was admirable. His conduct was admirable. Autre pays, autres mœurs. When in Rome... Other country, other moods. À quoi bon faire cela ? What's good in doing that? What good is that? Tom nu știe când se va întoarce Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary's coming back. Não dá para saber aonde ele foi. It's impossible to know where he has gone. You don't know where he went. Maria não escreve desde que partiu. Mary has not written since she left. Mary hasn't written since she left. Boston é uma cidade muito bonita. Boston is a very beautiful city. Boston is a very beautiful city. Il chanta en travaillant. He sang while working. He sings when he's working. Os Estado Unidos convertéronse nunha nación en 1776. The United States became a nation in 1776. The United States became a nation in 1776. O que é que Tom tem que fazer com isso? What does Tom have to do with this? What does Tom have to do with it? Ce am făcut să merit asta? What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve that? Se ha formado un comité para investigar el problema. A committee has been set up to investigate the problem. A committee has been formed to investigate the problem. Diga-me onde ele está. Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is. Los Morales están en la sala. The Morales are in the living room. The Morales are in the room. Apenas os amigos roubam os seus livros. Just your friends steal your books. Only friends steal their books. Escutei o Tom espirrar. I heard Tom sniffle. I heard Tom sneeze. Nous avons beaucoup vécu. We have lived a full life. We've been through a lot. Volevo ritornare al suo villaggio. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to his village. Você está vendo a rosa? Do you see the rose? Are you seeing the rose? Au format o echipă de natație. They formed a swim team. They formed a nation team. Esse quarto tem dois roupeiros. This room has two closets for clothing. That room has two wardrobes. Au moment où ils auront collecté les fonds nécessaires, ils pourront relancer leur projet. As soon as they have collected the necessary funds, they can restart their project. As soon as they have collected the necessary funds, they will be able to relaunch their project. Il a été enlevé par des extra-terrestres. He was abducted by aliens. He was abducted by extraterrestrials. C'est une nuit importante. This is an important night. It's an important night. Yo esto de akodro. I agree. I got this akodro thing. Nu sunt de acord în totalitate cu tine. I don't wholly agree with you. I don't entirely agree with you. De quelque manière que tu le fasses, le résultat n'est pas différent. Any way you do, the outcome is no different. In any way you do, the result is no different. Suposo que podríem caminar. I suppose we could walk. I guess we could walk. Estou com vontade de tomar um sorvete. I feel like having an ice-cream. I'm willing to have a ice cream. Tom não está usando luvas. Tom isn't wearing gloves. Tom's not wearing gloves. Você tem que contar tudo para o Tom. You have to tell Tom everything. You have to tell Tom everything. Je pensais qu'il était mon frère. I thought he was my brother. I thought he was my brother. Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas pagadas. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to rest, to free time, to a reasonable limitation of the length of work and to periodic leave paid. Se vuole ulteriori dettagli a riguardo, dovrà chiedere al mio capo. If you want more details about that, you'll have to ask my boss. If you want more details on this, you'll have to ask my boss. Personne n'est venu. Nobody showed up. No one came. Petya este prietenul meu cel mai bun. Peter is my best friend. Petya is my best friend. Ti ho visto piangere. I saw you crying. I saw you cry. Tu sei favorevole o contrario alla guerra? Are you for or against the war? Are you in favor or against the war? Mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu, ei au scăpat nevătămați din accident. Thank God they came out unscathed from the accident. Thank God, they escaped unharmed from the accident. Lei non ha ancora pagato Tom. She hasn't paid Tom yet. She hasn't paid for Tom yet. Dobbiamo trovare Tom prima che si faccia buio. We have to find Tom before it gets dark. We need to find Tom before he gets dark. Tom est déjà en train de dormir. Tom is already sleeping. Tom's already sleeping. Perché non lo voleva fare? Why didn't you want to do that? Why didn't you want to? Tom es un filozofo. Tom is a philosopher. Tom's a philosopher. No sabía que Tom y Mary se estaban muriendo. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. I didn't know Tom and Mary were dying. Merka! Buy! Merka! Tom volta na segunda-feira. Tom returns Monday. Tom's coming back on Monday. Mi amigo rompió con su novia y ahora quiere salir conmigo. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to date me. A festa será amanhã. The party will be tomorrow. The party will be tomorrow. Pude oír todo. I could hear everything. I could hear everything. J'ai sauté une ligne en lisant. I have left out one line in reading. I skipped a line reading. Il comportamento non ha fatto bene alla sua reputazione. The behavior did his reputation no good. The behavior didn't do well for your reputation. Il ne sert à rien de parler avec Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. Tom mora nesta rua. Tom lives on this street. Tom lives on this street. Monte, je te conduirai quelque part. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. Monte, I'll drive you somewhere. Quería hablar más, pero ella me colgó. I wanted to talk more, but she just hung up on me. I wanted to talk more, but she hung me. Tom tem olhos grandes. Tom has big eyes. Tom's got big eyes. Sono andato in spiaggia con Tom e i suoi amici. I went to the beach with Tom and his friends. I went to the beach with Tom and his friends. Acompanya'm. Come along with me. Come with me. Tu ne peux pas payer quelqu'un pour dormir à ta place. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. You can't afford someone to sleep in your place. Remataches o libro? Have you done with the book? Did you finish the book? O primeiro-ministro renunciou ontem. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The prime minister quit yesterday. ¿Te gustaría que dijese la verdad? Would you like me to tell the truth? Would you like me to tell the truth? Por que você está chorando? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Perché è così bravo a scacchi? Why are you so good at chess? Why is he so good at chess? Ça ne fait aucune différence, qu'il vienne ou pas. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It doesn't make any difference whether he's coming or not. Ann ne viendra pas à notre fête. Ann will not come to our party. Ann's not coming to our party. Non so come abbia fatto questo. Questo era un miracolo. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. I don't know how he did this. Certamente! Sure! Of course! J'aimerais retirer de l'argent. I'd like to withdraw money. I'd like to withdraw some money. Ne servís pas d'arren de'm demandar dinèrs. It's no use asking me for money. Don't bother asking me for money. Foi a primeira vez que ouvi Tom cantar. That was the first time I'd ever heard Tom sing. It was the first time I heard Tom sing. Vòus pas un pauc de hruta ? Won't you have some fruit? Aren't you in a hurry? Eu tenho que estar lá. I must be there. I have to be there. Ela vende flores. She sells flowers. She sells flowers. M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Meus filhos tinham comido todas as bolachas quando voltei para casa. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My children had eaten all the crackers when I came home. Feci la scelta giusta. I made the right choice. You made the right choice. Siempre está preparado. He is always prepared. He's always ready. Deixa'm anar el braç. Let go of my arm. Let go of my arm. La mort de Tom fut un accident. Tom's death was an accident. Tom's death was an accident. Lei sa andare in bici? Can you ride a bicycle? Can you ride a bike? Habrá escrito una carta. He will have written a letter. There will be a letter. Avete qualche medicina per l'asma? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medicine? Nós fazemos o que queremos fazer. We do what we want to do. We do what we want to do. Meg tem um gato como animal de estimação. Meg has a cat as a pet. Meg has a cat as a pet. Eu lhe trouxe algo. I've brought you something. I brought you something. A polícia não acreditou na história que ela contou. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe the story she told. Nous sommes en train de travailler. We're working. We're working. Não reparei como ela estava vestida. I did not notice how she was dressed. I didn't notice how she was dressed. Te rog, așază-te aici și așteaptă. Please sit here and wait. Please, sit here and wait. El líder dio formidables declaraciones. The leader made formidable declarations. The leader made formidable statements. Cinquecento soldati britannici sono stati presi in ostaggio. Five hundred British soldiers had been captured. Five hundred British soldiers were taken hostage. Mira estas palabras en el diccionario. Look up these words in the dictionary. Look at these words in the dictionary. ¡Qué hermoso lugar! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! A me piacciono davvero le mie compagne di squadra. I really like my teammates. I really like my teammates. Io devo ancora finire i miei compiti. I still have to finish my homework. I still have to finish my homework. Minha irmã tem pernas longas. My sister has long legs. My sister has long legs. Tenho a impressão de que tu não queres mesmo que eu ganhe. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I get the impression you really don't want me to win. Você poderia escrever o seu nome aqui? Would you please write your name here? Could you write your name here? Ouvi dizer que Tom Jackson é um dos melhores advogados de Boston. I hear that Tom Jackson is one of the best lawyers in Boston. I heard Tom Jackson is one of the best lawyers in Boston. Quina posta de sol més bonica! What a beautiful sunset! What a beautiful sunset! Quest'automobile non appartiene a me. This car doesn't belong to me. This car doesn't belong to me. Poderíamos conversar por um momento? Could we talk for a moment? Could we talk for a moment? Nu i-am spus lui Tom nimic despre asta. I didn't tell Tom anything about this. I didn't tell Tom about it. Nu pot să trăiesc fără tine. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Abita qui completamente da solo. He lives here all alone. He lives here completely on his own. Detectivul a promis că va investiga problema imediat. The detective promised to look into the matter right away. The detective promised to investigate the matter immediately. ¿Por qué me lo agradeces? Why thank me? Why do you thank me? Nós vamos lutar. We will fight. We'll fight. Passamos o dia todo jogando pôquer. We played poker the entire day. We've been playing poker all day. Sobrevivió. You survived. He survived. A quale club volete unirvi? Which club do you want to join? Which club do you want to join? El meu cunyat és policia. My brother-in-law is a policeman. My brother-in-law is a cop. Cette chaise est à toi. This chair is yours. This chair is yours. L'acqua verde non è potabile. The green water is not suitable for drinking. Green water is not drinking. Cette traduction ne vaut pas un sou. This translation is not worth a red cent. This translation is not worth a living. Perché siete così incaute? Why are you so reckless? Why are you so ingrained? Bén seur. Naturally. Have a seat. Aquò qu'ei la cadièra de Kenji. This is Kenji's chair. This is the Kenji chair. Eu vou fazer esteira. I am going to exercise on the treadmill. I'll put on a mat. Bill trabaja como vendedor de autos. Bill's work is selling cars. Bill works as a car salesman. Tom dovette andare a Boston con Mary. Tom had to go to Boston with Mary. Tom had to go to Boston with Mary. Mary baciò suo padre sulla guancia. Mary kissed her father on his cheek. Mary kissed her father on the cheek. Todos estavam chocados. Everybody was startled. They were all shocked. Urăsc iarna. I hate the winter. I hate winter. Estoy lleno de alegría. I'm beside myself with joy. I'm filled with joy. As senhoras não têm a obrigação de responder essas perguntas. You don't have to answer these questions. You have no obligation to answer these questions. ¿Tienes una opinión? Do you have an opinion? Do you have an opinion? Vous êtes une opportuniste. You're opportunistic. You're an opportunist. Ai făcut progrese notabile la limba engleză în ultimul an. You've made remarkable progress in English in the past year. You've made remarkable progress in English for the past year. Andai bene nel mio test di francese. I did well on my French test. I did well in my French test. En contournant cet obstacle, vous retrouverez votre chemin. Bypassing this obstacle, you find your way again. By bypassing this obstacle, you will find your way. Me hace falta hilo para coser este botón. I need thread to sew on this button. I need thread to stitch this button. No recorde on la vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Os móveis estavam empoeirados. The furniture was dusty. The furniture was dusty. Está chovendo forte esta noite. It's raining hard tonight. It's raining hard tonight. Ninguém jamais me telefona. Nobody ever calls me. Nobody ever calls me. O que eu quero neste momento é uma xícara de café quente. What I want right now is a hot cup of coffee. What I want right now is a cup of hot coffee. La energía atómica puede utilizarse para fines pacíficos. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful ends. Atomic energy can be used for peaceful purposes. No sabía que tu padre había fallecido. I didn't know your father had passed away. I didn't know your father had died. La esposa de mi tío es mi tía. My uncle's wife is my aunt. My uncle's wife is my aunt. Il a continué à chanter. He kept singing. He kept singing. A frase tem de ser completada assim: The sentence has to be completed like this: The sentence must be completed as follows: Si tu agis comme un idiot, tu dois être traité comme tel. If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such. If you act like an idiot, you have to be treated like one. Je n'ai pas d'objection. I have no objection. I have no objection. L'hockey inizia questo fine settimana. Hockey starts this weekend. Hockey starts this weekend. Necesito contratar a un contador. I need to hire an accountant. I need to hire a counter. Il a fait du bon boulot. He did a good job. He did a good job. ¿Me puedes enviar una captura de pantalla? Can you send me a screenshot? Can you send me a screenshot? O ano escolar acabou. The school year ended. School year's over. Cum pot să te fac mai fericit? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? Nos Estados Unidos há 50 estados. There are fifty states in the United States. There are 50 states in the United States. No puedo explicar todo ahora. I can't explain everything now. I can't explain everything now. Si eixe text estiguera en llatí, és prou probable que ja haurien aconsegiut traduir-lo. If this text had been in Latin, it is probable that they would have already translated it. If that text was in Latin, it's likely they could have translated it. Voulez-vous rester ? Do you want to stay? Do you want to stay? La verdad es algo que se dice, no algo que se conoce. Si no existiera el habla o la escritura, no existiría verdad acerca de nada. Sólo existirían las cosas. The truth is always something that is told, not something that is known. If there were no speaking or writing, there would be no truth about anything. There would only be what is. The truth is something that is said, not something that is known. If there were no speech or writing, there would be no truth about anything. Only things would exist. El e o persoană nepoliticoasă. He is a rude person. He's a rude person. Pourriez-vous expliquer cela ? Could you explain that? Could you explain that? Comment vont vos achats de Noël? How's your Christmas shopping coming along? How are your Christmas shopping going? Dico ancora che era una buona idea. I still say it was a good idea. I'm still saying it was a good idea. A me non importa molto di Tom. I don't care much for Tom. I don't care much about Tom. Je pensais que tu m'appréciais. I thought you liked me. I thought you liked me. Tom scomparve tra la folla. Tom disappeared through the crowd. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Estudar como se comunicar de forma eficaz é um tempo bem gasto. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Studying how to communicate effectively is a well spent time. ¿Cuándo te vas? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Ar fi bine să te gândești din nou. You better think again. You better think about it again. Ele voltou para casa e comprou um cavalo. He returned home and bought a horse. He came home and bought a horse. Il n'y a donc plus de différence entre les Juifs et les non-Juifs, entre les esclaves et les hommes libres, entre les hommes et les femmes. Unis à Jésus-Christ, vous êtes tous un. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. So there is no more difference between Jews and non-Jews, between slaves and free men, between men and women. United to Jesus Christ, you are all one. Fammi parlare. Let me talk. Let me talk to you. N'aboyez pas ! Don't bark! Don't talk about it! Ve ne posso prendere di più. I can get you more. I can get you more. Me hizo daño a propósito. He hurt me deliberately. He hurt me on purpose. Aguarda hasta las seis. Wait till six. Wait till six o'clock. Ha il senso dell'umorismo. He has a sense of humor. It has a sense of humor. Ellos no mantuvieron su promesa. They didn't keep their promise. They didn't keep their promise. Io non ho un lavoro, quindi non posso mai risparmiare denaro. I have no job, so I can never save money. I don't have a job, so I can never save money. Vimos un castillo en la distancia. We saw a castle in the distance. We saw a castle in the distance. Tom estuvo durmiendo en el sofá casi toda la tarde. Tom was sleeping on the couch most of the afternoon. Tom was sleeping on the couch almost all afternoon. Împinge. Push. Push. Tom se ve feliz. Tom seems happy. Tom looks happy. En den tic, sipita lastic, sipita laboumlala, en den tic. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. In dent, cipita lastic, cipita laboumlala, in dent. Són les dues. It's two o'clock. It's 2:00. Este é meu irmão. This is my brother. This is my brother. A la oficina de la línea aérea. To the airline office. To the airline office. O estudante conhece o nome comum do ácido acetilsalicílico. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. No todos los que deambulan están perdidos. All who wander are not lost. Not everyone walking around is lost. Apreciez gestul. I appreciate the gesture. I appreciate the gesture. Empújenla. Push it. Push her. Eu gosto da minha vida do jeito que ela é. I like my life the way it is. I like my life the way it is. Piora. It gets worse. Worse. Cosa dice questo? What does this say? What does that say? Tome a sopa antes que fique fria. Eat your soup before it gets cold. Take the soup before it gets cold. Bon Dieu de merde ! Holy shit! God damn it! Provò a nuotare. She tried to swim. He tried to swim. Au fost o grămadă de oameni. There were lots of people. There's been a lot of people. Su historia no puede ser cierta. Her story can't be true. Your story can't be true. É meio-dia. It's midday. It's noon. So una gata. I'm a cat. I'm ready for one. Tom et François se sont mis dans le rang par deux. Tom and François lined up in pairs Tom and Francis got into rank by two. Vocês falam esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Do you guys speak Esperanto? Nu am curajul să-i cer şefului meu să-mi împrumute maşina lui. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to borrow his car. Non mi serve l'aiuto di Tom. I don't need Tom's help. I don't need Tom's help. Vântul este o sursă de energie ieftină și curată. Wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. The wind is a cheap and clean source of energy. È molto egoista, vero? He's very selfish, isn't he? He's very selfish, isn't he? Que son los lors líbers. Those are their books. They're their books. Ella le da todo lo que pide. She gives him everything he asks for. She gives him everything he asks. ¿Alguien más tiene algún consejo? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have any advice? Tom n'oublie jamais rien. Tom never forgets anything. Tom never forgets anything. C'est tout ce que je peux dire. That's all I can say. That's all I can say. La voiture a remplacé la bicyclette. Cars took the place of bicycles. The car replaced the bicycle. Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde rigole ? Why is everyone laughing? Why is everybody laughing? Deja am ales cd-ul pe care îl voi cumpăra data viitoare. I've already picked out the CD I'm going to buy next. I've already chosen the CD that I'm going to buy next time. Yeu, so Tom. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name? What's your name? Todos los pasajeros se marearon durante la tormenta. All the passengers got seasick during the storm. All the passengers got dizzy during the storm. J'aimerais acquérir une machine à laver. I'd like to buy a washing machine. I'd like to get a washing machine. Come possiamo farlo? How can we do that? How can we do that? Ciò che voleva Tom era essere lasciato solo. What Tom wanted was to be left alone. What Tom wanted was to be left alone. Quiero ir a un país donde no haya lunes. I want to go to a country without Mondays. I want to go to a country where there's no Monday. Andrà negli Stati Uniti quest'anno? Is she going to go to the United States this year? He's going to the United States this year? Nunca he logrado memorizar mi DNI. I never managed to memorize my ID. I've never been able to memorize my ID. Não deveis esquecer isso jamais. You must never forget that. You should never forget that. Țara dumneavoastră are boxeri renumiți? Does your country have renowned boxers? Does your country have renowned boxers? Elle se plaint de maux de tête, et cela très souvent. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains about headaches, and that very often. Esercitiamoci. Let's practice. Let's get out of here. "Soy demasiado grande para jugar con bichos," dijo el muchacho. "I'm too old to be playing with bugs," said the boy. "I'm too big to play with bugs," the boy said. Munchas grasias. Many thanks. Fat bands. He hecho todo lo que se suponía que hiciera. I have done everything I was supposed to do. I've done everything I'm supposed to do. Sora mea e drăguță. My sister is pretty. My sister's cute. Tom s'est aussi amusé. Tom was also having fun. Tom had fun, too. La chica está feliz leyendo. The girl is happily reading. The girl is happy reading. Io non sono infelice. I'm not unhappy. I'm not unhappy. Elle avait un mal de tête dû au manque de sommeil. She had a headache from lack of sleep. She had a headache due to lack of sleep. Non ho mai fatto nulla di impulsivo. I've never done anything impulsive. I've never done anything impulsive. A Sendai tenim molta pluja al juliol. In Sendai we have much rain in July. There's plenty of rain in Sendai in July. Ne restez pas plantée là ! Don't just stand there. Don't stand there! Não aposte todas as suas fichas em um único número. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't bet all your chips on a single number. Yo le debo mi éxito a su ayuda. I owe my success to his help. I owe my success to your help. Nous étions toutes deux saoules. We were both drunk. We were both drunkards. He oído suficiente. I've heard enough. I've heard enough. ¿Qué se supone que quiere decir eso? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? Tomémonoslo con calma hoy en la playa. Let's take it easy at the beach today. Let's take it easy on the beach today. À la prochaine intersection, piquez à droite. At the next intersection, take a right. At the next intersection, tap right. Mary ora sta studiando nella sua camera. Mary is now studying in her room. Mary is now studying in her room. Tengo buenas noticias para ustedes. I have good news for you. I have good news for you. Quem nasce na França é francês. A person who is born in France is a French. Who is born in France is French. Il sushi è delizioso. Sushi is delicious. Sushi is delicious. È stato subitaneo. That was abrupt. It was sudden. Gostaria de uma garrafa de refrigerante. I'd like a bottle of soda. I'd like a bottle of soda. Am avut ceva perioade grele. We've had some tough times. I've had a rough time. ¿Siempre corréis? Do you always run? You always run? Ella me dejó esperando media hora. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She left me waiting half an hour. Que chato... Eu não posso usar o computador nem mesmo uma vez sem ter dor de cabeça. So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer! I can't even use the computer once without a headache. È un pesce. That is a fish. It's a fish. Che ne pensate della nuova professoressa? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? Folosesc Twitter. I am using Twitter. I use Twitter. ¿Puedo quedarme con una de tus fotos? Can I keep one of your pictures? Can I have one of your pictures? Pur și simplu m-am panicat. I just panicked. I just panicked. Nu-mi pasă dacă e puțin rece. I don't care if it's a bit cold. I don't care if it's a little cold. No quiero hacerme falsas ilusiones. I don't want to give myself false hopes. I don't want to make false illusions. Você acabou de responder a sua própria perguntar. You've just answered your own question. You just answered your own question. Anche io ho il diritto alla privacy. I have a right to privacy, too. I have the right to privacy, too. A lâmpada estourou. The light bulb burst. The lamp went off. Tom está ficando no Hotel Hilton? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? No puedo esperar a que Tom y Mary vuelvan a casa para poder mostrarles esto. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show them this. I can't wait for Tom and Mary to come home so I can show you this. Sus ojos son mavis. His eyes are blue. His eyes are mavis. Quiero comprar pan. I want to buy some bread. I want to buy bread. Tom è molto ingegnoso. Tom is very ingenious. Tom is very ingenious. Sunt aici să ajut. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Debo haber estado soñando. I must've been dreaming. I must have been dreaming. C'è una radio sul tavolo. There's a radio on the table. There's a radio on the table. Como comida japonesa. I eat Japanese food. Like Japanese food. A còsa ch'al giba col òmo àut? What's that tall man playing? The how much the giba with the man aut? Je t'ai dit ça cent fois. I've told you that a hundred times. I told you that a hundred times. Ele não gosta de cenouras, então não comeu. He does not like carrots, so he did not eat it. He doesn't like carrots, so he didn't eat. ¡Qué mujer egoísta! What a selfish woman! What a selfish woman! Non sono sicura che Tom vorrebbe che io gliela dessi. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give you that. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give it to him. ¿Dónde está la letrina? Where is the toilet? Where's the latrine? Tom é um treinador de cães. Tom is a dog trainer. Tom's a dog coach. Hay poca esperanza de que estén vivos. There is little hope that they are alive. There is little hope that they will be alive. Ese es el tren más rápido del mundo. It's the fastest train in the world. That's the fastest train in the world. Esta era uma boa escola para o meu neto. This was a good school for my grandson. This was a good school for my grandson. Eu queria comprar um mapa de Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. As-tu un frère jumeau ? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? Tom é centenário. Tom is a centenarian. Tom's a centenary. Il a acheté une voiture. He bought a car. He bought a car. Non ho alcuna musica classica. I don't have any classical music. I don't have any classical music. Tom è impassibile. Tom is impassive. Tom is impassable. Eu pensei que isso fosse meio estranho. I thought that this was kind of weird. I thought that was kind of weird. Eu sou ainda apenas uma criança. I'm still just a child. I'm still just a child. Suonano molto assieme. They play together a lot. They sound so much together. Él me dio todos los detalles. He told me all the details. He gave me all the details. Tom é mais talentoso do que eu. Tom is more talented than I am. Tom's more talented than I am. Ellos intentaron escapar. They tried to escape. They tried to escape. Fate quello che potete per loro. Do what you can for them. Do what you can for them. Voi veni și eu mai târziu. I'll join you later. I'll come later. Il limone è acido. Lemon is sour. Lemon's acid. Los ejercicios son sencillos y efectivos. The exercises are simple and effective. Exercises are simple and effective. Mi devi credere. Io sono innocente! You have to believe me. I'm innocent! You have to believe me, I'm innocent! Trouvez-moi un verre. Find me a glass. Find me a drink. Sus esfuerzos dieron frutos. His efforts bore fruit. Their efforts have borne fruit. Un alto grado de especialización es requerido en esta compañía. A high degree of specialization is required in that company. A high degree of specialization is required in this company. Siamo buone amiche. We are good friends. We're good friends. Mi papá está en el baño afeitándose. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My dad's shaving in the bathroom. Tom avait certainement un but quand il a dit que nous devrions permettre plus de temps pour compléter le projet. Tom certainly had a point when he said we should allow more time to complete the project. Tom certainly had a goal when he said that we should allow more time to complete the project. Je cherche mes clés. Les as-tu vues ? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Quina ei la vòsta adreça ? What is your address? What's your address? A fost incredibil. It was unbelievable. It was incredible. L'école algérienne enseigne la haine contre les juifs et les chrétiens. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. Combien de poupées avais-tu quand tu étais une petite fille ? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? How many dolls did you have when you were a little girl? Connais-tu le nom de la copine de Tom ? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? El este în facultate. He's in college. He's in college. Ne fais pas de plaisanteries stupides ! Don't make stupid jokes. Don't make stupid jokes! Dovrei dire a Tom cos'è capitato? Should I tell Tom what happened? Should I tell Tom what happened? Els dos nens van tirar de la corda fins que es va trencar. The two children pulled at the rope until it broke. The two kids pulled the rope until it broke. Ella se jacta de su belleza. She boasts of her beauty. She brags about her beauty. Tom solitamente fa acquisti al centro commerciale. Tom usually shops at the mall. Tom usually makes purchases at the mall. Părul tău e prea lung. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Tout sournois que vous soyez, vous ne pouvez jamais vous surprendre vous-mêmes. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. Every sneer you are, you can never surprise yourself. Aqueth peish que pudís. This fish smells bad. That fish I could. A maioria dos americanos aprovaram o que Coolidge fez. Most Americans approved of what Coolidge did. Most Americans approved what Coolidge did. O peixe é normalmente acompanhado de vinho branco. Fish is normally accompanied by white wine. The fish is usually accompanied by white wine. Ele veio pessoalmente. He came in person. He came in personally. Obrigada pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. In caso di pioggia, la partita non si svolgerà. In the event of rain, the game will not be held. In case of rain, the game will not take place. Tom não sabe exatamente o que deveria estar fazendo. Tom doesn't know exactly what he should be doing. Tom doesn't know exactly what he should be doing. Je veux te parler seule. I want to talk to you alone. I want to talk to you alone. No seas codo con la propina. Don't be mean with the tip. Don't be cuddling with the tip. Venha quando quiser. Come at any time you like. Come anytime. No es fácil. It isn't easy. It's not easy. Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. Ho aspettato per un'ora e mezzo. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. Chiese come cucinare il pesce. She asked how to cook the fish. Churches like cooking fish. Serre-moi dans tes bras ! Give me a hug. Tighten me in your arms! Eu li muitos livros em inglês. I read a lot of books in English. I read a lot of books in English. Ce volcan entre en éruption à intervalles réguliers. The volcano erupts at regular intervals. This volcano erupts at regular intervals. Tom suonò una canzone con la sua chitarra. Tom played a song on his guitar. Tom played a song with his guitar. Puedes irte si quieres. You can go if you want to. You can go if you want. Ester es la mujer de Rahel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Esther is Rahel's wife. Ce voi face acolo? What will I do there? What am I gonna do there? Les voitures sont des produits usinés, tandis que les aliments sont des produits fermiers. Cars are factory products, while foods are farm products. Cars are manufactured products, while food is farmed. Deve essere uscita. She must have gone out. She must have come out. Me quedé quieto. I froze. I stood still. No hagas caso a lo que diga la gente. Don't pay any attention to what people say. Don't listen to what people say. Non fategli domande sul suo matrimonio. Don't ask him any questions about his marriage. Don't ask him about his marriage. Mé ä vòjj lavērom i cavî. I want to wash my hair. I have a lavērom and a basement. Trebuie să studiezi mai mult. You must study more. You need to study more. Ele carrega uma bolsa nas costas. He carries a bag on his back. He carries a bag behind his back. O Tom estava rindo de Maria? Was Tom laughing at Mary? Was Tom laughing at Mary? Comment l'avez-vous appris? How did you find out about it? How did you learn that? Tom sarà in TV stasera. Tom is going to be on TV tonight. Tom's on TV tonight. Peux-tu venir dimanche soir ? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come Sunday night? Tom pensa che Mary abbia mentito. Tom thinks Mary lied. Tom thinks Mary lied. En sus marcas, listos, ¡fuera! On your marks, get set, go! In their marks, ready, out! Qu'ei lo hilh mei gran. He's the oldest son. That's my big hilh. A la debuta Diu que hascoc lo cèu e la tèrra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At the beginning, he says I've got the sky and the ground. J'écoute cette chanson quand je suis triste. I listen to this song when I'm sad. I listen to that song when I'm sad. Ignorez-les. Ignore them. Ignore them. Eu irei atirar. I will shoot. I'll shoot. Ea a chiulit deseori. She often skipped class. She's often shut down. Ella está cenando ahora. She is having dinner now. She's having dinner now. J'étais à Boston lundi dernier. I was in Boston last Monday. I was in Boston last Monday. Calmează-te. Calm down. Calm down. Ela pensou em um bom plano. She thought of a good plan. She thought of a good plan. Eu estou bem. I'm doing okay. I'm fine. Stai bene. You're fine. You're okay. Noi non chiediamo molto spazio. We don't require much space. We don't ask for much space. Cando non estás, síntome perdido. When you are away, I feel lost. When you're gone, I feel lost. Não são apenas os esportes que eu gosto, também gosto de música. It's not only sports I like, I like music, too. It's not just the sports I like, I also like music. La Suisse est le pays à l'est de la France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. El paràgraf no admet cap altra lectura. The passage admits of no other interpretation. The paragraph does not accept any other reading. La muerte de Tom vino de sorpresa. Tom's death came as a surprise. Tom's death came by surprise. Eu estava lendo um livro realmente interessante. I've been reading a really interesting book lately. I was reading a really interesting book. Penso di aver preso un po' troppo sole oggi. I think I got a little too much sun today. I think I got a little too sun today. Voi odiate l'idea, vero? You hate the idea, don't you? You hate the idea, don't you? És un home que no parla amb ningú. He's a man who doesn't speak with anybody. He's a man who doesn't talk to anyone. Non ho più tempo per parlare con lei. I don't have time to talk with you anymore. I don't have time to talk to her anymore. Mi vocabulario es limitado. My vocabulary is limited. My vocabulary is limited. Hoy fue peor. It was worse today. Today was worse. Nu îi permiteți lui Tom să citească asta. Don't let Tom read this. Don't let Tom read that. O que há de errado, Tom? What's wrong, Tom? What's wrong, Tom? Mi-e teamă că am luat o răceală. I worry that I have caught a cold. I'm afraid I've got a cold. Tentaremos consertar a bicicleta mais tarde. Agora entre no carro. We'll try to fix that bike later. Get in the car now. We'll try to fix the bike later. O Tom adora trens. Tom loves trains. Tom loves trains. Isto é um pronome demonstrativo. This is a demonstrative pronoun. This is a demonstration pronoun. אסתר איס לה מוזﬞיר די רחל. Esther is Rachel's wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ella pasó de largo sin verme. She passed by without seeing me. She went all the way without seeing me. Io non posso crescere nostro figlio da sola. I can't raise our child by myself. I can't raise our son alone. Noi abbiamo solo delle informazioni di seconda mano sul golpe. We only have secondhand information of the coup. We only have second-hand information on the coup. Você fez isto de propósito! You did this on purpose! You did this on purpose! Se non les o xornal, estás desinformado. Se les o xornal, estás mal informado If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed. If they don't read the paper, you're misinformed. E un monarh absolut. He is an absolute monarch. He's an absolute monarch. Io sono troppo stanco per fare qualsiasi cosa in questo momento. I'm too tired to do anything right now. I'm too tired to do anything right now. M'encuantarèi de tu quan seràs vielh. I will take care of you when you are old. I'll take care of you when you're old. Você consegue consertá-lo? Can you get it repaired? Can you fix it? Descanse. Take a rest. Get some rest. Tom vive nella stessa strada di Mary. Tom lives on the same street as Mary does. Tom lives on the same path as Mary. Eu experimentei uma sensação de bem-estar e não tinha nem fome nem sede. I experienced a sense of well-being and was neither hungry nor thirsty. I experienced a feeling of well-being and had neither hunger nor thirst. Havia muitas pessoas no parque. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Bondì! Good morning! Bondi! Mia madre non sa guidare un'automobile. My mother cannot drive a car. My mother can't drive a car. Tom quiere que nos lleves a la escuela. Tom wants you to take us to school. Tom wants you to take us to school. Comment ça pourrait ne pas vous déranger ? How could it not bother you? How could it not bother you? Más vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never. Better late than never. Bondjoû! Good morning! Hello! Son père l'appelle "Tom". His dad calls him Tom. His father calls him "Tom." Tom era un po' scioccato. Tom was a little shocked. Tom was a little shocked. Onde você está, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Ella le ordenó que lo hiciera. She ordered him to do it. She told him to do it. Perché la devo aiutare? Why do I have to help her? Why should I help you? Não fale com o Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Este restaurante solo acepta efectivo. This restaurant only accepts cash. This restaurant only accepts cash. Estamos de volta em casa. We're back home. We're home. Io non penso che Tom e Mary abbiano paura. I don't think Tom and Mary are afraid. I don't think Tom and Mary are afraid. Tom ha detto che Mary era qua stamattina. Tom said that Mary was here this morning. Tom said Mary was here this morning. Mi sono scusato con lui per quello. I apologized to him for that. I apologized to him for that. Une nouvelle théorie du complot a émergé concernant les extraterrestres qui seraient porteurs du récent coronavirus. A new conspiracy theory has emerged about aliens believed to be carriers of the recent coronavirus. A new theory of conspiracy emerged concerning extraterrestrials who would bear the recent coronavirus. Ele sempre vem aqui em casa. He always comes here at home. He always comes here at home. Il était tard dans la nuit quand Tom est enfin arrivé chez lui. It was late at night when Tom finally got home. He was late at night when Tom finally arrived at his place. No me gusta este juego. I don't like this game. I don't like this game. Je ne m'inquiète pas pour Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. I'm not worried about Tom. Ele está rindo de mim porque meus lábios estão manchados com tinta de lula. He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with squid ink. He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with lula ink. Noi ci siamo alzate all'alba per evitare gli ingorghi. We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam. We got up at dawn to avoid jams. A bolsa está vazia. The bag is empty. The bag is empty. Brian se fue al colegio con Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Vous feriez mieux de commencer tout de suite. You'd better start at once. You'd better get started right away. Lui Tom nu-i place să fie singur. Tom doesn't like to be alone. Tom doesn't like being alone. Quanto spesso usa il suo telefono? How often do you use your phone? How often do you use your phone? Sos un perdedor. You're a loser. You're a loser. Attends dans la voiture. Wait in the car. Wait in the car. Eu não gosto de pessoas ricas. I don't like rich people. I don't like rich people. Ils ont même prénommé leur garçon en ton honneur. They even named their boy after you. They even named their boy in your honor. Legea a fost aplicată imediat. The law was enforced immediately. The law was applied immediately. Je n'ai pas pu le rencontrer à la gare parce que je suis tombé en panne d'essence. I couldn't meet him at the station because my car ran out of gas. I couldn't meet him at the station because I fell out of gas. Tom probabilmente non perderà. Tom probably won't lose. Tom probably won't lose. Le sue poesie sono difficili da capire. His poems are difficult to understand. His poems are hard to understand. ¿Es esa la llave que buscas? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Al treisprezecelea Amendament a eliberat toți sclavii negri. The Thirteenth Amendment freed all Negro slaves. The Thirteenth Amendment released all black slaves. Ella apagó las luces. She turned off the lights. She turned off the lights. Non vogliamo più aspettare. We don't want to wait any longer. We don't want to wait anymore. Je me brosse toujours les dents avant d'aller au lit. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. Capitala României este București. Romania's capital is Bucharest. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Non possiamo permettere che questo succeda. We can't let this happen. We can't let this happen. J'ai vu quelque chose de très brillant voler dans le ciel nocturne. I saw something very bright fly across the night sky. I saw something very brilliant flying in the night sky. Je vous demande tous les deux de réessayer. I'm asking you both to try again. I'm asking you both to try again. Ela não fala a minha língua. She doesn't speak my language. She doesn't speak my language. Nós cozinharemos. We'll cook. We'll cook. ¿Ella fue a ese concierto? Did she go to that concert? She went to that concert? Bonjour ma biche ! Hello honey. Hello, my dick! Tom era in grande fretta. Tom was in a great hurry. Tom was in a hurry. Je souhaite vendre ceci. I want to sell this. I want to sell this. Che ne pensa del suo suggerimento? What do you think of his suggestion? What do you think of your suggestion? Sami ne reviendra plus ici. Sami won't show up here again. Sami won't come back here again. Levou os manteis á lavandaría. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. He took his coats to the laundry. Esta es una buena sugerencia. This is a good suggestion. That's a good suggestion. Tom disse que ele achou que não gostaria de viajar com a Mary. Tom said he thought he wouldn't enjoy traveling with Mary. Tom said he didn't think he'd want to travel with Mary. No tienes por qué hacer eso. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do that. Lorsque quelque chose a été dit et bien dit, n'aie pas de scrupules. Prends-le et copie-le. When a thing has been said and well said, have no scruple: take it and copy it. When something has been said and well said, there are no scruples. Take it and copy it. Spesso la paella include delle lumache. Paella often includes snails. Often the paella includes snails. Pero seguimos sin él. But we carried on without him. But we're still without him. Tengo ganas de hacer algo diferente hoy. I feel like doing something different today. I want to do something different today. Il serait ravi d'entendre ça. He would be glad to hear that. It would be nice to hear that. Atrápalos antes que te atrapen. Get 'em before they get you! Get them before they catch you. Il ne savait pas nager. He could not swim. He couldn't swim. Ha studiato francese ieri? Did you study French yesterday? Did you study French yesterday? Pedro no tuvo la intención de romper el jarrón. Peter didn't intend to break the vase. Peter did not intend to break the jar. Tom è una persona eccezionale. Tom is an exceptional person. Tom is an exceptional person. Tokyo est la plus grande ville du Japon. Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. Tokyo is Japan's largest city. Tom tornou-se um cantor famoso. Tom became a famous singer. Tom became a famous singer. Essa é uma tarefa difícil. That's a strenuous task. That is a difficult task. Je suis tombée amoureuse. I fell in love. I fell in love. Tu sei arrabbiato con lui? Are you angry at him? Are you mad at him? Merci de prendre soin de tout ceci. Thanks for taking care of all of this. Thank you for taking care of all this. Je vous ai eus. I've got you. I got you. Ela está na igreja agora. She is at church right now. She's in church now. Nu te îngrijora așa mult în privința banilor. Don't worry about money so much. Don't worry so much about the money. Sa scrivere in braille? Can you write Braille? Can you write in Braille? Não há necessidade de tentar traduzir uma frase palavra por palavra. There's no need to try to translate a phrase word-for-word. There is no need to try to translate a phrase word by word. Pot folosi telefonul tău? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? OK. Giusto. Capisco quello che intendete. OK. Right. I see what you mean. All right, I understand what you mean. Pra falar a verdade, eu não percebi. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. To tell the truth, I didn't get it. Está mojado. That's wet. It's wet. Mary și eu avem în plan să creștem doi copii. Mary and I plan to have two children. Mary and I are planning to raise two children. Modeste et court d'imagination, Justin ne connaissait le mal que par ouï-dire. Humble and not imaginative, Justin only knew evil through hearsay. Modest and short of imagination, Justin knew evil only by hearing. Deixou uma grande herança ao filho. He left his son a large fortune. He left a great inheritance to his son. Yo conozco una manera muy buena de hacerlo. I know a very good way to get it done. I know a very good way to do it. ¿Con quién estabas hablando en el teléfono? Who were you speaking to on the phone? Who were you talking to on the phone? Leii trăiesc în Africa. Lions dwell in Africa. They live in Africa. Nous sommes ennemies. We're enemies. We're enemies. conec aquests estudiants. I know these students. I know these students. La situation au Kirghizistan est un vrai désordre. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. Sii gentile con me. Be nice to me. Be nice to me. Compartí una pieza con él. I shared a room with him. I shared a piece with him. Tom realmente queria ir para Boston com Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. Il faut que je perde cinq livres. I need to lose five pounds. I have to lose five pounds. O orgulho antecede a queda. Pride comes before a fall. The pride precedes the fall. A pesar de la adversidad, el ingenioso hombre consiguió fama mundial. Despite adversity, the ingenious man achieved worldwide fame. Despite adversity, the ingenious man gained world fame. A Europa não é um país. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Tenho um problema. I have a problem. I have a problem. Je vais me changer. I'll go change my clothes. I'm gonna change. Sărăcia este o povară, dar nu o ruşine. Poverty is a pain, but no disgrace. Poverty is a burden, but not a shame. Te confundí con Roy la primera vez que te vi. I took you for Roy when I first saw you. I mistook you with Roy the first time I saw you. Sto pagando con questa carta di debito. I'm paying with this debit card. I'm paying with this debit card. No creo que haya hecho suficiente espagueti para todos. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. Mă scuzaţi? Poftim? Sorry? Pardon? Excuse me? Il arrivera dans la soirée du cinq. He'll arrive in the evening of the fifth. He'll be here in 5:00. Tom estava com medo de que Mary não acreditaria nele. Tom was afraid Mary wouldn't believe him. Tom was afraid Mary wouldn't believe him. C'est merveilleux ! It is marvelous. That's wonderful! Que t'amillores. Get well soon. You're getting better. Un cinturón ayuda a que no se te bajen los pantalones. A belt keeps your pants from falling down. A belt helps keep your pants off. Toți au atât puncte forte cât și puncte slabe. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. All have both strengths and weaknesses. Eu perdi a chave do meu carro. I've lost my car key. I lost my car key. Começamos em meia hora! We start in half an hour! We'll start in half an hour! Tom tiene una boca grande. Tom's got a big mouth. Tom's got a big mouth. Je ne suis pas né ici mais j'y ai passé toute ma prime enfance. I wasn't born here, but I spent all of my early childhood here. I wasn't born here, but I spent my entire childhood there. Le moteur s'est arrêté. The motor stopped. The engine stopped. Quando siete tornate da Londra? When did you get back from London? When did you get back from London? ¿Me puedes prestar el diccionario? May I borrow your dictionary? Can you lend me the dictionary? Cómete los vegetales, para que crezcas y llegues a ser grande y fuerte. Eat your vegetables so that you will grow up to be big and strong. Eat the vegetables, so you grow up and become big and strong. Ella es buena en lo que hace. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. Le envié una tarjeta virtual a un amigo que cumple años hoy. I sent an e-card for a friend whose birthday is today. I sent a virtual card to a friend who's years old today. O vigarista cruel não passará mais tempo atrás das grades. The cruel conman will not serve any longer behind bars. The cruel vigarist won't spend any more time behind bars. Egli non è sempre in ufficio al mattino. He is not always in the office in the morning. He's not always in the office in the morning. Sam, qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? Prova a pensarci. Try to think about it. Try to think about it. Sur quelle étagère ? On which shelf? What shelf? Il rapporto fu presto noto in tutto il paese. The report soon became known all over the country. The report was soon known throughout the country. Tu devrais aller tôt au lit. You should go to bed early. You should go to bed early. Pensi davvero che Tom sia ricco? Do you really think Tom is rich? You really think Tom's rich? Lo men pair que fuma. My father smokes. I think he's smoking. Por favor cuéntame sobre ello. Please tell me about it. Please tell me about it. Acostumo a anar a casa a les quatre. I usually go home at four. I usually go home at four. Ela começou a chorar de novo. She began to cry again. She started crying again. Républicains et Démocrates, Chrétiens, Athées, Musulmans et tous les autres cultes, Étasuniens et immigrants, chacun était uni dans la douleur de la dévastation du onze septembre. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other faiths, Americans and Immigrants, everyone was united in grief for the devastation of 9/11. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other cults, Americans and immigrants, each was united in the pain of the devastation of September 11. Sea como sea, mañana toma ese tren. In any case, catch the train tomorrow. Anyway, take that train tomorrow. O Tom é um cidadão britânico. Tom is a British citizen. Tom is a British citizen. Ya ha comido. He has already eaten. He's already eaten. Eu sempre respeitei meu pai. I've always respected my father. I've always respected my father. Eu apaguei o fogo. I put out the fire. I put out the fire. Este în geanta ta. It's in your bag. It's in your bag. Por que ele não está dormindo? Why isn't he sleeping? Why isn't he sleeping? Ella te ha tomado el pelo. You were taken in by her. She's taken your hair. Tom n'a pas crié. Tom didn't scream. Tom didn't scream. Non sono sicura se a George piacerà questa idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. I'm not sure George will like this idea. Nu a putut să meargă la petrecere pentru că era bolnav. Because he was ill, he could not go to the party. He couldn't go to the party because he was sick. Tinc un abric, però cap barret. I have a coat, but no hat. I have a coat, but no hat. Tom fue raptado en público. Tom was abducted in public. Tom was kidnapped in public. Eu sei por que o Tom está com medo. I know why Tom is afraid. I know why Tom's scared. Maria é a mais nova das três irmãs. Mary is the youngest of the three sisters. Mary is the youngest of the three sisters. Tom quiere comprar un reproductor de ocho pistas para poner en el coche que le dio su abuela. Tom wants to buy an eight-track player to put in the car his grandmother gave him. Tom wants to buy an eight-track player to put in the car his grandmother gave him. Siete americani. You are American. You're Americans. Poate te întorci la mine? Maybe you'll come back to me? Maybe you'll come back to me? O barco está a afundirse. The ship is sinking. The boat's sinking. Mi-e tare frică de a fi disprețuit de către cei pe care îi iubesc și de care îmi pasă. I have a great fear of being disdained by those I love and care about. I'm so afraid of being despised by those I love and care about. Éste es el libro de que te hablé. This is the book I told you about. This is the book I told you about. El Dio ke no vos mate a ambos! Fuck both of you! The ke God does not kill you both! Tata şi-a ajustat întotdeauna costumele la croitor. Father always has the tailor make his suits. Dad always adjusted his costumes to the tailor. On dirait qu'il est en train de gagner. It looks like he's winning. Looks like he's winning. Tom no ha limpiado su arma en mucho tiempo. Tom hasn't cleaned his gun in a long time. Tom hasn't cleaned his weapon in a long time. Algunos creen que la familia real inglesa desciende directamente del linaje del Rey David. Some believe that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David. Some believe that the English royal family descends directly from King David’s lineage. Riuscite a catturare il pollo? Can you catch the chicken? Can you catch the chicken? Les minorités ethniques luttent contre les préjugés, la pauvreté et l'oppression. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression. Ethnic minorities are fighting against prejudice, poverty and oppression. Yo los maté a ambos. I killed them both. I killed them both. Algunas mujeres se ven más masculinas que femeninas. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Some women look more masculine than females. Lleva't els calcetins, per favor. Take off your socks, please. Take your socks off, please. Lo necesito antes de mañana. I need it by tomorrow. I need it before tomorrow. Io sto provando qualcosa di nuovo. I'm trying something new. I'm feeling something new. Me siento claustrofóbica. I'm feeling claustrophobic. I feel claustrophobic. Tom não teve sorte. Tom was unlucky. Tom wasn't lucky. Volete prendere questa? Do you want to take this one? You want to get this? Smettetela di tormentarmi. Stop harassing me. Stop tormenting me. Vous devriez vous vêtir. You should put on some clothes. You should get dressed. Cliquez ici pour davantage d'information. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. No me atreví a mirar. I didn't dare to look. I didn't dare look. J'aimerais ta permission pour l'utiliser. I'd like your permission to use it. I'd like your permission to use it. Él es un chico astuto. He is a clever boy. He's a smart kid. Mersi! Thank you! Thank you! Él es más alto que todos los otros chicos. He is taller than any other boy. He's taller than all the other boys. No voy a volver. I'm not going back. I'm not coming back. Non mi importa se vai o no. I don't care if you go or not. I don't care whether it's going or not. Eu não espero nada. I don't expect anything. I don't expect anything. Esperem por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. Tom no ama a Mary como antes. Tom doesn't love Mary like he used to. Tom doesn't love Mary like he used to. Je prie presque chaque jour pour Tom. I pray for Tom almost every day. I pray almost every day for Tom. Possèdes-tu des animaux domestiques ? Do you have any pets? Do you own pets? Il tuo metodo è diverso dal mio. Your method is different from mine. Your method is different from mine. Eu sei que o Tom está furioso. I know that Tom is furious. I know Tom's angry. Perché dovremmo aiutarvi? Why should we help you? Why should we help you? Siete fieri di vostro padre? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Ne parlez pas tous en même temps. Don't all speak at the same time. Don't all talk at the same time. La fortuna le sonrió. Fortune beamed on him. Fortune smiled at him. Me sorprendió la noticia esta mañana. I was surprised at the news this morning. I was surprised by the news this morning. Gostaria de denunciar um roubo. I would like to report a theft. I'd like to report a robbery. Qué aprofeite! Bon appetit! What a shave! Ești fiica mea. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Nu, mulțumesc. Sunt obosit. No, thanks. I am tired. No, thank you. I'm tired. Vomitaron. They threw up. They threw up. Te doy este dinero. I'll give you this money. I give you this money. No puedo creer que comas lo que el doctor dijo que no comieras. I can't believe you're eating what the doctor told you not to eat. I can't believe you're eating what the doctor said you weren't eating. Tom tem vasto conhecimento sobre a Austrália. Tom is an authority on Australia. Tom has a great deal of knowledge about Australia. Nasci em 20 de outubro de 2013. I was born October 20, 2013. I was born on October 20, 2013. Estarà enllestida la feina per a demà? Will the work be finished by tomorrow? Is the job ready for tomorrow? Exact! Correct! Exactly! Riuscirà a prendere il treno? Will he be able to catch the train? Will he be able to catch the train? O Tom diz que a encontrará. Tom says he'll find her. Tom says he'll find her. Mai degrabă aş sta acasă dacă ţie ţi-e egal. I'd rather stay home if it's all the same to you. I'd rather stay home if you were equal. Mio fratello non ha niente. My brother has nothing. My brother has nothing. Un coca s'il vous plaît. A coke, please. A coke please. Sună-mă dacă ai probleme. Call me if you have difficulties. Call me if you're in trouble. Quatre-vingt pour cent des mots anglais proviennent d'autres langues. 80% of all English words come from other languages. Eighty percent of the English words come from other languages. Capisco il turco. I understand Turkish. I understand the Turkish. Siempre deberías pedir disculpas en persona. You should always apologize in person. You should always apologize in person. Eu não consigo encontrar meu dicionário de Francês. I can't find my French dictionary. I can't find my French dictionary. Am un card de credit. I have a credit card. I have a credit card. J'ai chanté une chanson. I sang a song. I sang a song. Estic ocupat, no puc ajudar-vos. I'm busy, so I can't help. I'm busy, I can't help you. Jim conducía su coche, silbando alegremente. Jim drove his car, whistling merrily. Jim was driving his car, screaming cheerfully. Eu não o teria feito. I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have. Doamne păzește! Heaven forbid! Oh, my God, watch out! ¿Podrías tú por favor profundizar en esa idea después de la reunión? Could you please follow up on that idea after the meeting? Could you please dig into that idea after the meeting? Je vais seulement courir jusque la banque. I'm just going to run down to the bank. I'm just gonna run to the bank. Dove abita Iain? Where does Iain live? Where does Iain live? Mi è venuta in mente una buona idea. I just got a good idea. I thought it was a good idea. Tom iubește să fie în aer liber. Tom loves being outdoors. Tom loves to be outdoors. Si je lui dis la vérité, elle ne me pardonnera jamais. If I tell him the truth, she will never forgive me. If I tell her the truth, she'll never forgive me. Gatos odeiam serem molhados. Cats dislike being wet. Cats hate to be wet. Todo el mundo está cansado de oír esa historia. Everyone's tired of hearing that story. Everyone's tired of hearing that story. La casa está en venta. The house is on sale. The house is for sale. Tom está regando as flores. Tom is watering the flowers. Tom's watering the flowers. Majoritatea a votat cu el. The majority was for him. Most of them voted with him. Tom gosta de jogar basquete. Tom likes playing basketball. Tom likes to play basketball. Èro fòrça cansat aneit. I was very tired last night. I was very tired. O que há de errado com esses? What's wrong with these? What's wrong with those? Mary es alta y delgada. Mary is lean and tall. Mary is tall and thin. Es-tu prêt ? Are you ready? Are you ready? ¡Quiero salir de aquí! I wanna get out of here! I want to get out of here! Il fait froid : nous avons allumé un feu. It being cold, we made a fire. It's cold: we lit a fire. De qué vòus ? What do you want? What are you talking about? Il n'a pas pu remplir la promesse qu’il a faite à son père. He couldn't fulfill the promise he made to his father. He could not fulfill the promise he made to his father. Maria está à beira da morte. Mary is near death. Mary is on the verge of death. Ceux-ci sont frais. These are fresh. These are fresh. ¿Has ido al corazón de la Europa? Have you been to the heart of Europe? Have you gone to the heart of Europe? Benvingut a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Mă lovește! He's kicking me. It hits me! Chiamali. Call them. Call them. Eravate confusi. You were confused. You were confused. Je lui dirai de vous rappeler. I'll tell him to call you back. I'll tell him to call you back. Me senté y abrí mi ordenador portátil. I sat down and opened my notebook. I sat down and opened my laptop. E ora de somn. It's time to sleep. It's sleep time. Sei finito nei guai? Did you get in trouble? Are you in trouble? L'hai picchiata. You beat her. You hit her. Lei compra sempre dei vestiti costosi. She always buys expensive clothes. She always buys expensive clothes. El merka pan. He buys bread. The merka bread. Laissez-moi vous donner un indice. Let me give you a hint. Let me give you a clue. Ça a été un succès retentissant. It was a resounding success. It was a resounding success. Canto diñeiro tes aforrado? How much money do you have saved up? How much money have you saved? Il semble qu'il pleuve. It looks like rain. Looks like it's raining. Ora Tom è occupato e non ti può aiutare. Tom is busy right now and he can't help you. Now Tom's busy and can't help you. Soy precavido cuando doy mi direccion de correo a un desconocido. I don´t carelessly give my address to a stranger. I'm cautious when I give my email address to an unknown. Tom stava indossando una benda per occhi l'ultima volta che l'ho visto. Tom was wearing an eyepatch the last time I saw him. Tom was wearing a blindfold the last time I saw him. Gli comprerò da bere. I'll buy him a drink. I'll buy him a drink. No quiero que vuelvas a poner un pie en ese bar. I never want you to step foot in that bar again. I don't want you to put a foot in that bar again. La fuerte nevada les hizo posponer su partida. The heavy snow made them put off their departure. The heavy snow made them postpone their departure. Você deveria cuidar das crianças de vez em quando. You should look after the children from time to time. You should take care of the children from time to time. Non teño ningún bolígrafo. I don't have any pens. I don't have any pens. ¿Puedes parar de llamarme así? Can you stop calling me that? Can you stop calling me that? Os preços dependem da oferta e da demanda. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prices depend on supply and demand. Vendono buoni alimenti in quel negozio. They sell good foods at that shop. They sell good food in that store. ¿Por qué Tom está enojado conmigo? Why is Tom mad at me? Why is Tom mad at me? Acum simt la fel. Now I feel the same. Now I feel the same way. Sembra che Tom abbia un alibi per la sera in cui è stata uccisa Mary. It looks like Tom has an alibi for the night Mary was murdered. Looks like Tom had an alibi for the night Mary was killed. Ça avait l'air réel. It looked real. It looked real. ¿Qué te parece salir a comer conmigo? How about eating out with me? What do you think you're going out to eat with me? ¿Por qué me odian todos? Why does everybody hate me? Why does everyone hate me? María se pone nerviosa cuando Tom conduce demasiado rápido. Mary gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Mary gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Tom è presente. Tom is present. Tom's here. Auldey és una marca xinesa. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Tu sei un uomo coraggioso. You're a brave man. You're a brave man. Tom sèche les cours trop souvent. Tom skips classes too often. Tom drys classes too often. Ele adora ficção científica. He loves science fiction. He loves science fiction. Uno no instala cámaras en los baños por un asunto de privacidad. You can't install cameras in bathrooms as a matter of privacy. One does not install cameras in the bathrooms for a privacy matter. Voglio che vengano per noi. I want them to come with us. I want them to come for us. Tom ne savait pas quel était le nom de famille de Mary. Tom didn't know what Mary's last name was. Tom didn't know Mary's last name. Parece bom no papel. It looks good on paper. Looks good on paper. Tom nage mieux que Marie. Tom swims better than Mary. Tom swims better than Marie. Aucun d'entre eux n'était là. None of them was there. None of them were there. Travaille lentement ! Work slowly. Work slowly! Ce programme est encore loin d'être parfait. That program is still far from perfect. This program is still far from perfect. T'es un gamin bizarre. You're a weird kid. You're a weird kid. C'est un homme simple. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. Ambos rieron. The two chuckled. They both laughed. Meu irmão mais velho é um ano mais velho que o marido dela. My older brother is a year older than her husband. My older brother is a year older than her husband. M'ha enxampat un xàfec pel camí. I was caught in a shower on the way. He caught me some water on the way. Podem passar la nit en aquell hostel. We can spend the night in that hostel. We can spend the night at that hostel. Je ne peux pas tout te dire. I can't tell you everything. I can't tell you everything. Ho chiesto a Tom a riguardo. I asked Tom about that. I asked Tom about it. Parece que el sabe a verdade. It seems that he knows the truth. He seems to know the truth. Tom abita accanto a Mary. Tom lives next door to Mary. Tom lives next to Mary. Ce qui est haïssable pour toi, ne le fais pas à ton prochain ; c'est là toute la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Maintenant, va et étudie. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. What is hateable to you, do not do it to your neighbor; it is there all the Torah, the rest is only comment. Now, go and study. Esto que hueles ahora es el aroma de las pesadillas. What you smell now is the scent of nightmares. What you smell now is the smell of nightmares. Anne estava a ponto de sair de casa quando o telefone começou a tocar. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave home when the phone started ringing. ¿No hablarás con Tom al respecto? Won't you speak to Tom about it? Won't you talk to Tom about it? Ela conhece Maria. She knows Mary. She knows Maria. Quanto spesso lavori qui? How often do you work here? How often do you work here? Tom está tentando emagrecer. Tom is trying to lose weight. Tom's trying to get fat. Sono andato a dormire. I went to sleep. I went to sleep. Il n'est pas aussi intelligent que son frère ainé. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. Lo hemos consegido. We've got it. We've made it. Cette guerre prit fin en 1954. That war ended in 1954. This war ended in 1954. Yo tampoco consigo verle. I can't see him either. I can't see him either. Mè frel adess a l'é an Austràlia My brother is now in Australia. E's E's E' frel in Australia Cuide de sua irmãzinha. Look after your little sister. Take care of your little sister. Când a sosit autobuzul, s-a urcat în el. When the bus came, she got on. When the bus arrived, it got into him. Tom ha dimenticato di nuovo il suo ombrello. Tom has forgotten his umbrella again. Tom forgot his umbrella again. L'Iran ha intenzione di mandare una scimmia nello spazio. Iran plans to launch a monkey into space. Iran is going to send a monkey into space. Devido a um forte resfriado, ele não pôde participar da partida. Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game. Due to a strong cold, he could not participate in the match. Loro si sono baciate. They kissed. They kissed. Estoy contento de cómo salieron las cosas. I'm happy with the way things went. I'm glad things came out. Non posso credere che lo abbia fatto! I can't believe he did that! I can't believe he did it! Aquela faca não é sua. That knife isn't yours. That's not your knife. Quelqu'un nous a apporté des raisins. Someone has brought us some grapes. Someone brought us some grapes. Chiel a l'é fortunà a 'vej na fomna tant brava. He is fortunate having such a good wife. Chiel to the Fortunate E' old in the fire so good. Quindi hai dei peli sul petto dopo tutto. So you've got hair on your chest after all. So you have hair on your chest after all. Sono stata impegnata a scrivere un racconto breve. I've been busy writing a short story. I've been committed to writing a short story. Quem gosta do Tony? Who likes Tony? Who likes Tony? Non si è lavato i capelli. He didn't wash his hair. He didn't wash his hair. Él es muy quisquilloso para comer. He is a very fussy eater. He's very queasy to eat. Peu de gens comprirent son commentaire. Few people understood his comment. Few people understood his comment. Mon père a la même voiture que Monsieur Kimura. My father has the same car as Mr Kimura's. My father has the same car as Mr. Kimura. A vòj crèder. I want to believe. A creeder's voice. Când un înțelept se va ridica din nou, el cu siguranță îmi va urma spusele. When a Sage shall again arise, he will certainly follow my words. When a wise man rises again, he will surely follow my sayings. Elle m'a dit où aller. She told me where to go. She told me where to go. María se fue a un colegio católico. Mary went to a Catholic high school. Mary went to a Catholic school. Est-ce que vous voulez aussi venir, les gars ? Do you guys want to come, too? You guys want to come, too? Il eut tout fait pour satisfaire les désirs de sa bien aimée. Mais rien n'y faisait. He had done everything to satisfy his beloved's desires, but nothing worked. He had done everything to satisfy the desires of his beloved, but nothing did. Vogliamo diventare famose. We want to become famous. We want to become famous. Tomás no vino, ¿verdad? Tom didn't come, did he? Tom didn't come, did he? Je ne souhaite pas la mort à quelqu'un. I don't wish anyone dead. I don't want someone to die. Tom ha perso il suo passaporto. Tom has lost his passport. Tom lost his passport. Mi-ai deschis ochii în privința a cum e când totul este bine. You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right. You opened my eyes on how it was when it was all right. En Venus no hay vida. There is no life on Venus. There's no life on Venus. Mary preparò la colazione. Mary made breakfast. Mary prepared breakfast. Combien coûte la voiture que tu prévois d'acheter ? How much is the car that you're planning to buy? How much does the car you plan to buy cost? A Ellen le gusta también jugar al tenis. Ellen likes to play tennis, too. Ellen likes to play tennis, too. Ditegli che non l'ho letto. Tell him I didn't read it. Tell him I didn't read it. O trânsito é pesado por aqui. Traffic is heavy around here. Traffic's heavy around here. Confíen. Have faith. Trust me. Per favore, li prenda. Please get them. Please take them. Spune-i lui Tom că nu este prea târziu să se înscrie. Tell Tom it's not too late to sign up. Tell Tom it's not too late to sign up. ¿Qué tal este sombrero rojo? How about this red hat? How about this red hat? Tom siguió sus instintos. Tom followed his instincts. Tom followed his instincts. Precisamos de um lugar seguro para nos escondermos. We need a safe place to hide. We need a safe place to hide. ¡No eres el único! You're not the only one! You're not the only one! C'è un pacco per Tom sulla mia scrivania. There's a package for Tom on my desk. There's a package for Tom on my desk. Pon bien el reloj. Put the clock right. Put the clock on. Porque estão limpas. Because they are clean. Because they're clean. Él está considerado como un empleado altamente cualificado. He is considered to be a highly qualified employee. He's considered a highly qualified employee. Tom nu a gustat din prânz. Tom didn't touch his lunch. Tom didn't eat lunch. Non sembrava felice. She did not look happy. He didn't seem happy. Lui portò la sua famiglia allo zoo. He took his family to the zoo. He took his family to the zoo. Tom no comprendía que Mary era tan rica. Tom didn't realize Mary was so rich. Tom did not understand Mary was so rich. Todo mundo acha que eu sou estranho. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Tudo isso pra quê? Why all this? All this for what? Tom es un estudiante de escuela secundaria. Tom is a high school student. Tom's a high school student. A que horas você sai? What time do you get off? What time do you leave? Școala arată ca o închisoare. The school looks like a prison. School looks like a prison. Fale conosco. Talk to us. Talk to us. Dille che sono malata. Tell her I'm sick. Tell her I'm sick. J'allais partir quand tu as appelé. I was about to leave when you telephoned. I was gonna leave when you called. Todo ocurrió a la velocidad de la luz. Everything happened at the speed of light. Everything happened at the speed of light. Tom vide la pistola. Tom saw the gun. Tom saw the gun. Siete venuti troppo presto. You've come too early. You came too soon. El a avut partea lui de noroc. He had his share of luck. He had his share of luck. Tom ha uno yacht privato. Tom has a private yacht. Tom has a private yacht. No es ninguna sorpresa que el inglés sea el idioma más hablado del mundo. It isn't a surprise that English is the world's most spoken language. It is no surprise that English is the most spoken language in the world. La criada limpiará la habitación de invitados. The maid will clean the guest room. The maid will clean the guest room. Tiene comezón en la espalda. His back itches. He's got a start on his back. Il devint toujours plus célèbre comme critique. He became ever more famous as a critic. He became increasingly famous as a critic. 'T has na famija, Tom? Do you have a family, Tom? Have you a family, Tom? Ella se ve adinerada. She seems rich. She looks wealthy. Sabe tocar el piano. He knows how to play the piano. He can play the piano. Elle refuse d'abandonner sa carrière pour le mariage. She refuses to abandon her career for marriage. She refuses to give up her career for marriage. Questa casa è piena di ragnatele. This house is full of spider webs. This house is full of spiders. C'est apparemment une bonne phrase. This is apparently a good sentence. It's apparently a good sentence. Compré algunos sellos. I bought a few stamps. I bought some stamps. Tom e Maria jogaram pingue-pongue. Tom and Mary played ping pong. Tom and Maria played Pong Pong. Je prends plaisir à travailler. I enjoy working. I'm happy to work. Eu tenho certeza de que Tom será simpático. I'm sure Tom will be sympathetic. I'm sure Tom will be nice. É um prazer conhecê-lo. It's nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you. Eu gostaria de um tempo sozinho, por favor. I'd like some time alone, please. I'd like some time alone, please. A'n bèv mia dimòndi. I don't drink a lot. To my devil's drink. ¡Déjame marchar! Let me go! Let me go! Ele é um espião! He's a snitch! He's a spy! Tom ci ha mostrato la foto di sua madre. Tom showed us his mother's picture. Tom showed us his mother's picture. Tien la zuna de escargatiar nes ñarres. He's got the bad habit of picking his nose. It's got the zuna to unload on the sledge. Era uma emergência. It was an emergency. It was an emergency. Les pêchers ont besoin de beaucoup d'ensoleillement. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Fishermen need a lot of sunshine. Tom te va suna luni. Tom will call you on Monday. Tom will call you Monday. Quanto sono pericolose? How dangerous are they? How dangerous are they? Tom e Mary si stavano baciando quando sono entrata. Tom and Mary were kissing each other when I walked in. Tom and Mary were kissing when I came in. Él no puede estar sin cerveza ni por un día. He can't go without beer even for a day. He can't be without beer for a day. As-tu vraiment cru que j'avais oublié ? Did you really think I forgot? Did you really think I forgot? Ea este un cetățean care respectă legea. She's a law-abiding citizen. She's a citizen who respects the law. Estoy deseando que llegue el frío. I'm yearning for the cold to arrive. I'm looking forward to the cold. Lui ti ha detto cosa fare? Did he tell you what to do? Did he tell you what to do? Non mi può fare questo! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! Estou bem, e você? I'm fine, what about you? I'm fine, what about you? Parece que o trem está atrasado. The train seems to be late. Looks like the train's late. ¿Quieres decir que ocultas intencionalmente tu belleza? Do you mean you hide your beauty intentionally? You mean you intentionally hide your beauty? Il m'a étrillée. He beat the shit out of me. He yelled at me. Sono andato a piedi sulla collina. I walked up the hill. I walked down the hill. Lei è mai stata a Teheran? Have you ever been in Tehran? Have you ever been to Tehran? Puis-je te dire quelque chose de très personnel ? Can I tell you something very personal? Can I tell you something very personal? No sé nada de ciencia. I don't know anything about science. I don't know anything about science. Il a grandi en Australie. He was brought up in Australia. He grew up in Australia. Gheața de sub picioarele voastre se va sparge. The ice under your feet will break. The ice below your feet will break. Seu pedido está pronto. Your order is ready. Your order is ready. Vem mais gente? Are more people coming? Are there more people coming? Tom a murit subit. Tom died suddenly. Tom died suddenly. Nu știu nimic! I don't know anything! I don't know anything! Aceasta este o femeie. This is a woman. This is a woman. Au secours ! au secours ! cria Pierrette, on me tue ! "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" Help! È passata un'auto. A car went by. A car passed by. Piango troppo. I cry too much. I'm crying too much. Attention à la voiture ! Watch out for the car! Watch the car! Je comprends le problème. I understand the problem. I understand the problem. El trabajo de mi hermana consiste en enseñar inglés. My sister's work is teaching English. My sister's job is to teach English. Sunt căsătorit acum. I'm now married. I'm married now. Vândut! Sold! Sold! Je vais à Mayence puis à Cologne l'an prochain. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mayence and Cologne next year. Mi daresti l'indirizzo di Tom? Would you give me Tom's address? Would you give me Tom's address? Per favore, non dirlo a nessuno. Please don't tell anyone. Please don't tell anyone. Você pode falar com Tom, certo? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, right? Ho deciso di scrivere 20 frasi al giorno su Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. I decided to write 20 sentences a day on Tatoeba. Tom s-a întors din călătoria lui. Tom has returned from his trip. Tom's back from his trip. Lui ha indossato una maschera così che nessuno l'avrebbe riconosciuto. He wore a mask so no one would recognize him. He wore a mask so no one would recognize him. Que vous arrive-t-il ? What is the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Eles não me devem nada. They don't owe me anything. They don't owe me anything. Por favor, dígame su nombre. Please tell me your name. Please, tell me your name. Tom sempre parece que está feliz. Tom always looks like he's happy. Tom always looks happy. È passata col rosso. You ran a red light. She's been through with red. Cominciò a lavorare. He began to work. He started working. O pisică a fost pe masă. On the table there was a cat. A cat was on the table. O parolă bună ar trebui să fie greu de ghicit, dar ușor de reținut. A good password should be difficult to guess, but easy to remember. A good password should be hard to guess, but easy to hold. Te rog abține-te în a mă mai deranja. Please refrain from disturbing me. Please refrain from bothering me any more. È una moglie per suo marito. You are a wife to your husband. She's a wife to your husband. Tom rimase ucciso in un incidente. Tom was killed in an accident. Tom was killed in an accident. Nous mangeons rarement dehors. We rarely eat out. We rarely eat outside. Planta se întinde din nordul Europei până în sud. The plant ranges from the north of Europe to the south. The plant extends from the north of Europe to the south. ¿Hay una estación de metro aquí? Is there a metro station here? Is there a subway station here? Ești nebun? Are you nuts? Are you crazy? É tão bom ver e ouvir as vozes e sotaques das crianças, enquanto elas falam Inglês. It's so good to see and hear the children's voices and accents while they speak English. It is so good to see and hear the voices and accents of the children while they speak English. As-tu peur de l'obscurité ? Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the darkness? Ela o ajuda. She helps him. She's helping him. Viens mon garçon, assieds-toi. Assieds-toi et repose-toi. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. Come, my boy, sit down, sit down and rest. Vou pegar a escada. I'll get the ladder. I'll take the ladder. Tom tiene tendencia a hablar demasiado alto. Tom has a tendency to talk too loudly. Tom tends to talk too loud. De nombreux livres furent volés. A number of books were stolen. Many books were stolen. No confio en els polítics. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. È veramente fuori forma, vero? He's really out of shape, isn't he? It's really out of shape, isn't it? Un model nou nu trebuie neapărat să fie mai bun decât cel dinainte. A new model isn't necessarily any better than the older one. A new model must not necessarily be better than the previous one. Va a comenzar el año nuevo. The new year will begin. It's gonna start the new year. Él no sabe quién construyó esas casas. He doesn't know who built those houses. He doesn't know who built those houses. Mostra'm com es fa, per favor. Show me how to do it, please. Show me how it is done, please. Ho una lista da parte sua. I have a list from him. I have a list for you. Le nuvole stanno volando nel cielo. Clouds are flying across the sky. The clouds are flying in the sky. Qu'est-ce qu'un porc-épic ? What's a porcupine? What is a epic pig? Él va allí cada día. He goes there every day. He goes there every day. Não me deixe! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Tu sei stata invitata alla festa di Tom? Were you invited to Tom's party? You were invited to Tom's party? Quel genre de pièce est-ce donc ? What kind of play is it? What kind of room is this, then? Non possiamo vederla. We can't see it. We can't see her. Ha chiuso la finestra? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Eu vou confiar em você. I'll trust you. I'll trust you. Tous les animaux ne sont pas sauvages. Not all animals are wild. Not all animals are wild. Olha, ali está um coelho! Look, there's a rabbit! Look, there's a rabbit! Le café me garde éveillée. Coffee keeps me awake. Coffee keeps me awake. Provai tutti i mezzi possibili. I tried all possible means. I tried every way I could. Allons quelque part où c'est calme. Let's go somewhere where it's quiet. Let's go somewhere where it's quiet. ¿Aceptaste su invitación? Did you accept his invitation? Did you accept his invitation? Je vous verrai en Corée mes amis ! I'll meet you guys in Korea! I'll see you in Korea my friends! È nel garage, vero? He's in the garage, isn't he? He's in the garage, right? Dacă nu mă știai în acel fel, atunci pur și simplu nu mă știai. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you didn't know me that way, then you just didn't know me. Dacă credeți că este o idee bună, ar trebui să participați. În schimb, dacă credeți că este o idee proastă, ar trebui să-i spuneți. If you think it's a good idea, you should participate. Conversely, if you think it's a bad idea, you should let him know. If you think it's a good idea, you should participate instead, if you think it's a bad idea, you should tell him. Todos nuestros esfuerzos fueron en vano. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts were in vain. Nous prendrons le déjeuner à midi. We'll take lunch at noon. We'll have lunch at noon. J'ai encore du travail à faire. I still have some work to do. I still have work to do. Este vestido me costó más de 40.000 yenes. This dress cost me over 40,000 yen. This dress cost me over 40,000 yen. As crianças deveriam tomar leite todos os dias. Children should drink milk every day. Children should have milk every day. Mary es un ratón de biblioteca. Mary is a bookworm. Mary is a library mouse. Tom a murit pe pat. Tom died in bed. Tom died on the bed. Vas' ti fé arèdjî ! Go fuck yourself! You're gonna be all right! A Tom a pias soa màchina neuva. Tom likes his new car. Tom was standing alone in the snow machine. Je déteste ce tapis. I hate this carpet. I hate that carpet. Apruebo de tu plan. I approve of your plan. I approve of your plan. Hoy en la tarde, nosotros cantamos juntos en nuestra casa. This afternoon, we sang together at our house. Today afternoon, we sang together in our house. On s'est bien entendu dès le départ. We hit it off right off the bat. Of course we did from the start. Pranziamo! Let's have lunch! Let's eat! "Io darò 50mila per questa statua. "Chi offrirà di più?" "I'll give 50 thousand for this statue." "Who will give more?" "I'll give 50 grand for this statue." "Who'll offer more?" J'ai vraiment faim. Je n'ai pas mangé de toute la semaine. I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten all week. I'm really hungry, I haven't eaten all week. Io vengo alla vostra festa. I'm coming to your party. I'm coming to your party. Cosa state indicando? What are you pointing at? What are you pointing at? Fai unha semana tiven unha extracción do dente. I had a tooth extraction a week ago. I had a tooth extraction a week ago. "Air" et "Heir" sont homophones entre eux. "Air" and "heir" are homophones. "Air" and "Heir" are homophones between them. Tom não estava com muita saúde naquela época. Tom wasn't very healthy at that time. Tom wasn't very healthy back then. Tom está consertando o seu carro. Tom is repairing his car. Tom's fixing his car. Piața Sfântul Petru era aglomerată. Saint Peter's Square was crowded. Saint Peter's market was crowded. Elle ne soupe point. She isn't having dinner. She doesn't eat. Esta ópera tem três atos. This opera has three acts. This opera has three acts. El Sol también brilla de noche. The sun shines also at night. The sun also shines at night. Não nos podeis pedir que não façamos nada. You can't ask us to do nothing. You can't ask us not to do anything. Je suis Edgar Degas. I am Edgar Degas. I'm Edgar Degas. Questo non deve succedere ancora. This doesn't have to happen again. This must not happen again. Moitas lúas orbitan arredor de Saturno. Many moons orbit around Saturn. Many moons orbit around Saturn. Eu gostaria de assistir ao sexto filme de Harry Potter. I'd like to see the sixth film of Harry Potter. I'd like to watch Harry Potter's sixth film. Nous ne devons jamais plus le faire. We must never do this again. We must never do that again. Sunt beat. I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Ella bebió una taza de leche. She drank a cup of milk. She drank a cup of milk. Piensa en cuánto peor podría haber sido si Tom no hubiese estado allí. Think of how much worse it could have been if Tom had not been there. Think about how much worse it could have been if Tom hadn't been there. Dovresti analizzare il fatto da un punto di vista medico. You should investigate the fact from a medical viewpoint. You should analyze this from a medical point of view. Si è deciso? Did you make up your mind? Have you made up your mind? S'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous m'envoyer votre dernier catalogue ? Please send me your latest catalogue. Please, can you send me your last catalogue? No quiero morir aquí. I don't want to die here. I don't want to die here. Tom sarebbe così fiero di te. Tom would be so proud of you. Tom would be so proud of you. Lo prometisteis. You promised. You promised. Torneu a trucar. Call back. Call me back. Es tu canción favorita. It's your favorite song. It's your favorite song. Munchos kantes relijiozos en Ladino son traduksiones del Ivrit. Lots of religious songs in Ladino are translations from Hebrew. Many religious chants in Ladino are translations of the Ivrit. Tu sei stata sfortunata, vero? You've been unlucky, haven't you? You were unlucky, weren't you? Dus sètis èran vueits. Two seats were vacant. Two seats were seen. Escolle aqueles amigos que te beneficien. Choose such friends as will benefit you. Choose those friends who benefit you. Je viens de faire le plus bizarre des rêves. I just had the weirdest dream. I just made the weirdest dream. Tom no vive muy lejos de donde ocurrió. Tom doesn't live very far from where that happened. Tom doesn't live far from where it happened. Atirei uma pedra ao pássaro. I threw a stone at the bird. I threw a stone at the bird. Aquí están los documentos que pedías. Here are the documents you asked for. Here are the documents you asked for. Tu ferais mieux de ne pas le faire. You'd better not do it. You better not. Viuen a l'altra banda del riu. They live on the other side of the river. They live across the river. O no va un citto. It isn't worth a dime. Or a city doesn't work. Il nous raconta une histoire tellement bizarre que nous avons tous ri. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. He tells us a story so weird that we all laughed. Sois demasiado jóvenes para morir. You're too young to die. You're too young to die. Se ke las paras no son todo. I know money isn't everything. It ke the paras are not all. Me agarré con fuerza a la cuerda para no caer. I held on to the rope tightly so I wouldn't fall. I strongly grabbed the rope so I wouldn't fall. Am luat micul dejun. We had breakfast. I've had breakfast. Estarei em Nova Orleans em abril, para o casamento de meu primo. I will be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. I'll be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. Vă rog să răspundeți cât mai curând posibil. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Please answer as soon as possible. Él vendrá más tarde. He will come later. He'll come later. Hanno detto che sono imbarazzate. They said that they're embarrassed. They said they're embarrassed. Ande! Look alive. Go! Go! Era minha vez de limpar o quarto. It was my turn to clean the room. It was my turn to clean the room. Elle habite à Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. Mon père m'a emmené au cinéma hier soir. My father took me to the movies last night. My dad took me to the movies last night. Tom prese quello che non era suo. Tom took what wasn't his. Tom took what wasn't his. Perché state indossando le mie scarpe? Why are you wearing my shoes? Why are you wearing my shoes? No necesitabas llevar un paraguas contigo. You needn't have taken an umbrella with you. You didn't need to wear a umbrella with you. Tom no me dio una oportunidad de hablar con él. Tom didn't give me a chance to talk to him. Tom didn't give me a chance to talk to him. È in ordine? Are you tidy? Is that okay? Hem de controlar les nostres passions. We must control our passions. We need to control our passions. Son entreprise a crû tellement vite qu'elle s'est mise à franchiser. Her company grew so quickly that she began franchising. Her business grew so fast that she started to cross over. Él, raras veces o nunca va al barbero. He seldom, if ever, goes to the barber's. He rarely or never goes to the barber. Ils n'y parviendront jamais. They'll never make it. They'll never make it. La paura di fallire è una delle paure più diffuse del mondo. The fear of failure is one of the most common fears in the world. Fear of failure is one of the most widespread fears in the world. Je sais que tu ne parles pas très bien français. I know that you don't speak French very well. I know you don't speak French very well. É um floco coberto de chocolate! It's a flake covered in chocolate! It's a chocolate-covered flake! O peleiro tem peles de mais raposas do que de asnos. The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses. The fur has more foxy skins than donkeys. J'apprends le catalan. I'm learning Catalan. I'm learning Catalan. Ia două aspirine. Take two aspirin tablets. Take two aspirins. Tu hai vinto la lotteria. You've won the lottery. You won the lottery. Je t’emmène dans un endroit sympathique. I'm taking you somewhere nice. I’m taking you to a nice place. En absoluto me importó hacerlo. I didn't mind doing that at all. I didn't mind doing it at all. Eu quero saber como o Tom faz isso. I want to know how Tom does that. I want to know how Tom does that. Cosa c'è in quel piatto? What's in that dish? What's on that plate? Quoiqu'il arrive, je tiendrai ma promesse. No matter what happens, I'll keep my promise. Whatever happens, I'll keep my promise. Non abbiamo visto niente. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. Tom queria beber um pouco de leite. Tom wanted to drink some milk. Tom wanted to drink some milk. Este es el cura que los casó. This is the priest who married them. This is the priest who married them. Je me demande s'il est vraiment malade. I wonder if he's really sick. I wonder if he's really sick. Não traduzo mais novelas. I don't translate novels anymore. I don't translate any more novels. Nunca te deixarei. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Nimic nou sub soare. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Sembri sollevata. You sound relieved. You look relieved. O Tom concordou que não devíamos fazer isso. Tom agreed that we shouldn't do that. Tom agreed we shouldn't do that. Ți-e foame? Hungry? Are you hungry? He d'anar a dormir. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. Le è piaciuto questo gioco. She liked this game. You liked this game. Ecco cosa fare. Here's what to do. Here's what to do. Quero o melhor. I want the best. I want the best. J'ai entendu qu'il y a eu un séisme à Shizuoka. I hear there was an earthquake in Shizuoka. I heard there was a earthquake in Shizuoka. Tinc prou diners per comprar-me un cotxe. I have enough money to buy a car. I have enough money to buy a car. Non avevo idea che voi foste così stupide. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you guys were so stupid. Ma la volpe col suo balzo ha raggiunto il quieto Fido. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. But the fox with her swing reached Fido's quiet. On est ce qu'on mange. You are what you eat. We're what we eat. Sóc prim però estic gras I am a thin person, but at the moment I am fat. I'm thin, but I'm fat. Merci, mais je ne suis pas intéressé. Thank you, but I'm not interested. Thank you, but I'm not interested. No hay ninguna solución. There is no solution. There is no solution. Demande-lui s'il vient ou pas. Ask him if he comes or not. Ask him if he's coming or not. Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors. A lot of jobs are done by computers. A lot of jobs are done by computers. Él se siente muy feliz. He feels very happy. He feels very happy. Le train est déjà parti. The train has already left. The train's already gone. Tom está disponible. Tom is available. Tom's available. T'as vu Paul aujourd'hui ? Have you seen Paul today? Have you seen Paul today? Situația se îmbunătățește. The situation is getting better. The situation is improving. Pensé que era una broma. I thought it was a joke. I thought it was a joke. Multe comentarii ale consumatorilor de pe Amazon sunt false. Many consumer reviews on Amazon are fake. Many comments from consumers on Amazon are false. ¡A buen entendedor pocas palabras bastan! A word to the wise is sufficient. To a good understander, few words are enough! Sono sicura che starò bene. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll be fine. Lasciæ ògni speransa! Leave all hope! Leave all hope! I sai ch'i l'eve por. I know you're scared. And you know I'm scared of her. Os muros da cidade foram destruídos. The walls of the town were destroyed. The city walls have been destroyed. No puedo creer que hayas rechazado aquel empleo. I can't believe you turned down that job. I can't believe you rejected that job. Estamos confusos. We're confused. We're confused. Il parlait trop vite pour les élèves. He spoke too fast for the student. He spoke too quickly for the students. Questo è quello che volevi, giusto? This is what you wanted, right? That's what you wanted, right? Autobuzul s-a oprit brusc. The bus stopped sharply. The bus stopped suddenly. Ellos contrataron a una maestra. They hired a teacher. They hired a teacher. Ella te entiende ahora. She understands you now. She understands you now. Beu un got d'aigua tots els matins. He drinks a glass of water every morning. Drink a glass of water every morning. Yeu, so Mary. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Mary. What's your name? What's your name? Voi sunteți actrițe. You are actresses. You're actresses. O pau está viscoso. The stick is sticky. The stick's viscous. Où trouver un miroir ? Where's a mirror? Where to find a mirror? Ora è il mio turno. Now it's my turn. Now it's my turn. N'avez-vous jamais pensé à devenir enseignant ? Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? Tom a fost mușcat de o cobra. Tom was bitten by a cobra. Tom was bitten by a snake. Vous devriez faire de l'exercice. You should exercise. You should do some exercise. Era ne volèva pas que sortissi dab autas hemnas. She didn't want him to go out with other women. I didn't want dab autas hemnas to come out. El este bolnav. He is ill. He's sick. Eu não gosto do chapéu dela. I don't like her hat. I don't like her hat. Ele usou uma fantasia de pirata para o Halloween. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He used a pirate fantasy for Halloween. ¿Por qué no vas a echar un vistazo? Why don't you go and have a look? Why don't you take a look? Los caracoles se han estado comiendo nuestras lechugas. Snails have been eating our lettuces. Snails have been eating our lettuce. Animais foram magoados na criação deste filme. Animals were harmed in the making of this film. Animals were hurt in the creation of this film. È un problema per il quale non abbiamo risposta. It's a problem we do not have any answer for. That is a problem for which we do not have an answer. Non ho mai avuto questo tipo di problema al lavoro. I've never had this kind of problem at work. I've never had this kind of problem at work. Le bouquin était tellement captivant que j'ai à peine pu le poser. The book was so gripping, I could hardly put it down. The book was so captivating that I could barely lay it down. A súa conducta decepcionou a moitos dos seus amigos. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. O Tom não folga muito nos fins de semana. Tom doesn't have many weekends off. Tom doesn't spend much time on weekends. La momentul accidentului aproape toți călătorii din autobuz dormeau. At the time of the accident, almost all of the passengers on the bus were sleeping. At the time of the accident almost all the passengers on the bus were asleep. Tom est météorologue. Tom is a meteorologist. Tom's a meteorologist. Nous devons vraiment accélérer. We've really got to step on it. We really need to speed up. Eu quero que haja algo para cantar. I want there to be something to sing. I want there to be something to sing. Ti ne veu aggiuttâ? Do you want to help us? Do you see us adjusted? Nos quedaremos aquí hasta el domingo. We will stay here until Sunday. We'll stay here until Sunday. Tu n'as pas besoin d'y aller avec Tom. You don't have to go with Tom. You don't need to go with Tom. À la radio, ils ont dit qu'il allait faire froid. On the radio, they said that it was going to be cold. On the radio, they said it was going to be cold. Nós sabíamos que hoje é o aniversário dele. We knew today's his birthday. We knew today was his birthday. Por favor, no tocar. Please do not touch. Please don't touch. Tom era un po' disperato. Tom was a bit desperate. Tom was a little desperate. Habrá una recompensa para quien encuentre a mi perro. There will be a reward for the person who finds my dog. There will be a reward for whoever finds my dog. Je n'ai pas de machine à laver. I don't have a washing machine. I don't have a washing machine. Báixome do tren na próxima estación. I'm getting off the train at the next station. I'm getting off the train at the next station. Escrevi uma carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Nomearam-no capitão. He was made captain. They named him Captain. Sóc jo. It's me. It's me. Não deveria estar dirigindo. I shouldn't have been driving. I shouldn't be driving. La question ne permet qu'une seule interprétation. The question only allows one interpretation. The question allows only one interpretation. Lei non mi interessa. You don't interest me. I don't care about you. Nu-mi place niciuna dintre aceste înregistrări. I don't like any of these records. I don't like any of these records. Elle déteste courir. She hates running. She hates running. Io le credo. I believe you. I believe them. Tom è pazzo. Tom is crazy. Tom's crazy. È meraviglioso. You're wonderful. That's wonderful. Essa velha casa é feita de madeira. This old house is made of wood. This old house is made of wood. Quiero terminar lo que estoy haciendo antes de marcharme a casa. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. Avarua es la capital de las Islas Cook. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands. En décembre 2013, le département de l'Agriculture a annoncé qu'il consacrerait jusqu'à 250 millions de dollars pour aider les entreprises et les clients particuliers des régions rurales à réduire leurs factures d'énergie au moyen de mesures d'optimalisation énergétique et d'utilisation d'énergies renouvelables. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced it will provide up to $250 million to help businesses and residential customers in rural areas cut their energy bills through energy efficiency and renewable energy use. In December 2013, the Department of Agriculture announced that it would spend up to $250 million to help rural businesses and customers reduce their energy bills through energy optimization and renewable energy use measures. A bicicleta dela é azul. Her bike is blue. Her bike's blue. Ești nebun să cumperi o bicicletă atât de scumpă. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such a expensive bike. Elle cria. She shrieked. She screams. Le Japon est en tête de l'industrie mondiale des hautes technologies. Japan is a leader in the world's high-tech industry. Japan is leading the world's high-tech industry. Tom e timid. Tom's shy. Tom's shy. Le bonheur d'un homme dépend plus de ce qu'il est que de ce qu'il a. A man's happiness depends on what he is rather than on what he has. The happiness of a man depends more on what he is than what he has. Por favor, perdóname la vida. Please spare my life. Please forgive my life. ¿Cuánto vas a cobrar? How much are you going to get paid? How much are you going to charge? Aquí es donde Tom quiere vivir. This is where Tom wants to live. This is where Tom wants to live. Je suis un an plus jeune que Tom. I'm a year younger than Tom. I'm a year younger than Tom. Ela foi envenenada. She's been poisoned. She was poisoned. Tom pensó que Mary era verdaderamente amistosa. Tom thought Mary was really friendly. Tom thought Mary was truly friendly. Je n'ai personne d'autre à blâmer que moi-même. I have no one to blame but myself. I have no one else to blame but myself. Los dos estamos bien. We're both fine. We're both fine. Eu quero saber se tudo ficará bem. I wonder if it'll be nice. I want to know if everything's gonna be okay. Tom desenha bem. Tom draws well. Tom draws well. Como Mary no quiso acompañarme, tuve que ir yo solo. Since Mary didn't want to go with me, I had to go by myself. Since Mary didn't want to accompany me, I had to go alone. Arrêtons de parler de ça. Let's quit talking about this. Let's stop talking about it. O Tom diz que não sabia que a Mary teria que fazer isso na próxima semana. Tom says he didn't know Mary would have to do that next week. Tom says he didn't know Mary would have to do that next week. Não sejas louco! Don't be crazy. Don't be crazy! Le fruit est acide. The fruit is sour. The fruit is acidic. Vous n'êtes pas censées nager ici. You aren't supposed to swim here. You're not supposed to swim here. Tom no vive muy lejos de acá. Tom doesn't live too far from here. Tom doesn't live far from here. Tom mangiò degli avanzi per cena. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Nous devons travailler dur à abattre les barrières sociales. We must work hard to break down social barriers. We must work hard to tackle social barriers. Él estaba totalmente borracho. He was totally drunk. He was totally drunk. Receba tanto um telefone como acesso à internet em um único pacote! Get both a phone and internet access in a single package! Receive both a phone and internet access in a single package! Devenir pâtissier était un rêve d'enfant. From childhood I dreamt of being a pastry cook. Becoming a pastisier was a child's dream. Tom vuole che parliamo. Tom wants us to talk. Tom wants us to talk. Cántanos una canción, por favor. Sing us a song, please. Sing us a song, please. Che il concerto abbia inizio! Let the concert begin! Let the concert begin! Glieud ed ora as stu piglier scu cha sun. You've got to take people and the weather as they come. Glieud and now as stu pick up escu cha sun. Il faut que j'aie terminé mon travail à quatre heures. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. I have to finish my job at four o'clock. Él alzó los ojos al cielo. He looked up at the sky. He lifted up his eyes to heaven. Perché vorremmo punirti? Why would we want to punish you? Why would we want to punish you? Aqueth tribalh n'ei pas plan pagat. This work doesn't pay. That tribalh is not well paid. Tom é um ótimo ator. Tom is a very good actor. Tom's a great actor. Penso che Tom stia mangiando in questo momento. I think Tom is eating right now. I think Tom's eating right now. Como foi o voo? How was the flight? How was the flight? Il est déjà par monts et par vaux. He is already a long way from here. It's already in the mountains and in the valley. Non mi va di mangiare ora. I don't feel like eating now. I don't want to eat now. Hola a tots. Hi, everybody. Hello, everyone. Nous sommes prêtes à tout. We're ready for anything. We're ready for everything. Quisiera agradecerte desde el fondo de mi corazón por toda tu ayuda. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. Eu gostaria de poder voltar no tempo. I wish that I could turn back time. I wish I could get back in time. Adoito pensar no lugar onde te coñecín. I often think about the place where I met you. I usually think of the place where I met you. Al g'a gnînt da fêr. He has nothing to do. Al gént da fêr. Claramente estás mal. It's clear that you're wrong. You're clearly wrong. Je me suis mordu la langue. I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. Qu'as-tu fait de mon sac ? What have you done with my bag? What did you do with my bag? Se ha tomado tantas molestias para nada. He has taken all this trouble for nothing. You've taken so much trouble at nothing. La cuisine française me plaît énormément. I like French food very much. I really like French cuisine. Sa grossièreté me rendit sans voix. I was rendered speechless by his rudeness. His rudeness made me voiceless. No sé por qué, pero estoy seguro de que Tom tiene sus razones para no contratar a Mary. I don't know why, but I'm sure that Tom has his reasons for not hiring Mary. I don't know why, but I'm sure Tom has his reasons not to hire Mary. Danos un poco de privacidad, ¿puede ser? Give us some privacy, will you? Give us some privacy, can it be? Je ne m'attends pas à recevoir d'aide. I don't expect help. I don't expect any help. Montrez-moi comment faire, s'il vous plaît. Show me how to do it, please. Show me how to do it, please. Ele estava prestes a falar. He was about to speak. He was about to talk. Eu venho tendo esperanças de ter notícias suas. I've been hoping to hear from you. I've been having hopes to hear from you. Ficisti too lo que pudisti. You've done all you can. You did all you could. El a ajutat-o să-și repare mașina. He helped her fix her car. He helped her fix her car. Començaré aquest vespre. I'll start this evening. I'll start tonight. È probabile che Tom abbia sete. Tom is likely to be thirsty. Tom's probably thirsty. Un certain M. Brown est passé vous voir en votre absence. A Mr. Brown came to see you when you were out. A certain Mr. Brown has come to see you in your absence. Ne me dis pas quoi faire ! Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do! Aquera pòrta ne dobrís pas. This door won't open. That door doesn't open. Ken sait bien nager. Ken is good at swimming. Ken can swim well. Est-ce moi que tu désignes ? Are you pointing at me? Do you mean me? Ela estava pronta em ajudá-lo a limpar a casa. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. She was ready to help him clean the house. Qu'ei lo darrèr jòc. This is the last game. What is the last game. ¿La chica nueva? No la conozco. The new girl? I don't know her. The new girl? Tenemos que aceptar la vida, para bien o para mal. We must accept life, for good or for evil. We have to accept life, for good or for bad. Nu am nevoie decât de tine. I only need you. All I need is you. Ha cogido unos cuantos quilos. He has gained a few pounds. He's taken a few pounds. O, e un fluture! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, it's a butterfly! Você vai assistir aos Jogos Olímpicos? Will you watch the Olympics? Are you going to watch the Olympics? Você vai realmente beber isso? Are you really going to drink that? Are you really gonna drink that? C'était intéressant. That was interesting. That was interesting. Gli piace il calcio. He likes football. He likes football. Este abrigo te serve. This coat fits you. This coat's good for you. Ne sois pas encore en retard à l'école. Don't be late for school again. Don't be late for school yet. Tu pari pe jumătate adormit. You look half asleep. You look half asleep. Acel lucru e mai degrabă neașteptat. That is rather unexpected. That's rather unexpected. Pourquoi portez-vous ceux-là ? Why are you wearing those? Why are you wearing these? Sono indifesi. They're defenseless. They're defenseless. È il mio amico. You're my friend. He's my friend. Ela divertiuse moito na festa de onte. She enjoyed herself very much at the party yesterday. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. Angela Merkel va nàixer a l'Alemanya Oriental. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Come lo sapevi che Tom e Mary non fossero davvero sposati? How did you know Tom and Mary weren't really married? How did you know Tom and Mary weren't really married? Los osos son animales solitarios. Bears are solitary animals. Bears are lonely animals. Tom ten outra media hora de traballo que facer antes de poder marchar para casa. Tom has another half an hour of work to do before he can go home. Tom has another half an hour's work to do before he can go home. Ella tiene una casa pequeña. She has a small house. She has a small house. ¡Traé pizza y cerveza! Bring pizza and beer! I brought pizza and beer! A Tom le da igual lo que yo haga. Tom doesn't care what I'm doing. Tom doesn't care what I do. Vaya donde vaya, no perderé mi pasión. Wherever I go, I won't lose my passion. Go wherever I go, I won't lose my passion. Todos eles cantaron xuntos o retrouso. They all joined in the chorus. They all sang together the setback. Sunt bine, mersi că întrebi. I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm fine, thanks for asking. La scuola è a soli cinque minuti a piedi di distanza. The school is only a five-minute walk away. The school is only five minutes walk away. Ella jugó al baloncesto. She played basketball. She played basketball. O Tom e eu temos prioridades diferentes. Tom and I have different priorities. Tom and I have different priorities. Não tenho que estar aqui. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Nu e nicio problemă. There's no problem at all. It's no problem. Mi me ciamo Piero. My name is Peter. I love Piero. No sé qué haremos. I don't know what we'll do. I don't know what we'll do. Helen, el este vărul meu. Helen, this is my cousin. Helen, he's my cousin. Am crezut că acesta era un spital. I thought this was a hospital. I thought this was a hospital. ¿Todavía estoy casado? Am I still married? Am I still married? I prezzi dei terreni sono molto alti in Giappone. Land prices are very high in Japan. Land prices are very high in Japan. Io non ero serio. I wasn't being serious. I wasn't serious. É o carro de Tom. It's Tom's car. It's Tom's car. Ella nunca había besado a un chico antes. She had never kissed a boy before. She had never kissed a boy before. Os seus alumnos o adoraban. His students adored him. His students loved him. Nadie me quiere. Nobody loves me. Nobody loves me. No tengo suficiente dinero para comprar el medicamento que mi padre necesita. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. Cet édifice est très grand. This building is very large. This building is very large. A nosa escalada será difícil. Our climb will be steep. Our escalation will be difficult. Puxo a foto de volta na súa man. She put the picture back in his hand. He put the photo back in his hand. Estash en Berlin? Are you guys in Berlin? Stash in Berlin? Nous sommes entrés par la porte de derrière, de peur que quelqu'un nous voie. We came in through the back door lest someone should see us. We walked in through the back door, afraid someone would see us. Però la persona encarregada està precisament per fer-se responsable. But the person in charge is there precisely to take responsibility. But the person in charge is precisely to be held responsible. La piscina es usada en común por todos los niños del vecindario. The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood. The pool is used in common by all children in the neighborhood. Eu entendo mais do que posso dizer. I understand more than I can say. I understand more than I can say. Nous sommes conscientes de cela. We're aware of that. We are aware of this. Combien de temps penses-tu rester ici ? How long are you planning to stay here? How long do you think you're staying here? Isso realmente não é uma ilha. This really isn't an island. That's not really an island. ¡Perdí la billetera, que bronca! I've lost my wallet. I'm pissed! I lost my wallet, it's funny! Beaucoup de jeunes de ton âge travaillent déjà et ont fondé une famille. A lot of young people your age are already working and have a family. Many young people of your age already work and have established a family. Ne fais pas encore sauter le champagne. Don't break out the champagne yet. Don't make the champagne jump yet. Io penso che forse riesco ad aiutare Tom. I think perhaps I can help Tom. I think maybe I can help Tom. Me llamu Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Vamos ver como Tom está. Let's go see how Tom is doing. Let's see how Tom is. Tu és meu primo. You and I are cousins. You're my cousin. Carne, por favor. Meat, please. Meat, please. Mi faceva piacere vederla. I was glad to see her. I was glad to see you. Dès que j'ai les moyens d'acquérir une maison, je le ferai. As soon as I can afford to buy a house, I will. As soon as I have the means to acquire a house, I will. Tom quiere saber por qué no le regresaste la llamada. Tom wants to know why you didn't call him back. Tom wants to know why you didn't call him back. Eya es muy yakishikliya. She is very pretty. Eya is very yakishikliya. Non lo sa che io sono giapponese. She doesn't know that I'm Japanese. He doesn't know I'm Japanese. Loro sono diversi. They're different. They're different. Sper că John vine. I hope that John comes. I hope John's coming. Estou tomando leite. I am drinking milk. I'm having milk. Mi chiedo quale sia il vantaggio di questa tecnica. I wonder what the advantage of this technique is. I wonder what the advantage of this technique is. Este museo ha estado cerrado por cinco años. This museum has been closed for five years. This museum has been closed for five years. Chi ha organizzato quella riunione? Who organized that meeting? Who organized that meeting? Cie dìjel pa? What does he say? Cie djel pa? Mike canta bien. Mike sings well. Mike sings well. Boston este un oraș mare. Boston is a big city. Boston is a big city. Demandez Tom. C'est un de mes bons amis. Ask Tom. He's one of my good friends. Ask Tom, he's one of my good friends. J'aimerais t'accompagner, si tu n'y vois pas d'inconvénient. I'd like to come along if you don't mind. I'd like to come with you if you don't mind. La mia opinione è completamente diversa dalla tua. My opinion is entirely different from yours. My opinion is completely different from yours. Il caprone sta belando. The billy goat is bleating. The goat is bellowing. Je suis profondément attristé de savoir que votre père est décédé. It saddens me greatly to know that your father died. I'm deeply saddened to know your father died. No me los puedo sacar de la cabeza. I can't get them out of my mind. I can't get them out of my head. Él tenía que encontrar otra manera. He had to find another way. He had to find another way. Você que deve decidir se nós vamos ou não vamos lá. It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not. You who should decide if we're going or not going there. Je pense qu'on va passer une bonne journée. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think we're gonna have a good day. Noi saremo vittoriosi. We'll be victorious. We will be victorious. Estás mojado. You're soaking. You're wet. Nous attendons que tu sois parti. We're waiting for you to leave. We're waiting for you to leave. Tom è felice riguardo a questo? Is Tom happy about this? Is Tom happy about this? Corrió tan rápidamente que se encontró sin aliento. He ran so fast that he was out of breath. He ran so fast that he found himself breathless. M'agrada la llet freda, però no la calenta. El tel i la olor que fa em molesta. I like cold milk, but not hot milk. The white membrane and the smell that develops bothers me. I like cold milk, but I don't like it. Qui a Boston, le cose sono diverse. Here in Boston, things are different. Here in Boston, things are different. Quem reclamou? Who complained? Who claimed? J'ai besoin que vous partiez, maintenant. I need you to leave now. I need you to leave now. Não gostaríamos de te perder. We wouldn't like to lose you. We wouldn't like to lose you. Elle fit du mieux qu'elle pouvait. She did the best she could. She did the best she could. Voglio chiedere loro quand'è il loro grande giorno. I want to ask them when their big day is. I want to ask them when it's their big day. Fadil já está comprometido. Fadil is already engaged. Fadil's already engaged. Il mio nome è James, però chiamami Jim, per favore. My name is James, but please call me Jim. My name is James, but call me Jim, please. Je pense que j'ai laissé quelque chose dans la salle de classe. I think I left something in the classroom. I think I left something in the classroom. Tom este o persoană foarte grijulie. Tom is a very thoughtful person. Tom is a very careful person. L'ho chiamato due volte. I called him twice. I called him twice. Vou pagar com meu cartão. I'll pay with my card. I'll pay with my card. Tom sabe falar francês quase tão bem quanto espanhol. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Tom can speak French almost as well as Spanish. Êtes-vous fatigués ? Are you tired? Are you tired? Tom não via a Mary em lugar nenhum. Tom didn't see Mary anywhere. Tom didn't see Mary anywhere. Ella se maquilla en público. She makes up in public. She makes up in public. Je n'ai pas aimé la façon dont vous avez fait cela. I didn't like the way you did that. I didn't like the way you did that. Pourquoi prenez-vous ce médicament ? Why do you take that medicine? Why are you taking this medicine? Mii de stele străluceau pe cer. Thousands of stars shone in the heavens. Thousands of stars were shining in the sky. Él dedicó un poema entero al azul de los ojos de su víctima, el cual los dos policías leyeron en voz alta el uno al otro en medio de histéricas y tristes lágrimas. He devoted a whole poem to the blueness of his victim's eyes, which the two policemen read out loud to one another through hysterical, tearful laughter. He dedicated a whole poem to the blue of his victim's eyes, which the two policemen read aloud to each other in the midst of hysterical and sad tears. ¿Cuándo se fue? ¿Fue a las cuatro o a las cinco PM? When did she leave? Was it at four or five PM? When did he leave, was it at four or five PM? Alguma vez houve alguma dúvida? Was there ever any doubt? Have there ever been any questions? Je suis vraiment désolé d'avoir menti. I'm very sorry I lied. I'm so sorry I lied. Tom hablará. Tom'll speak. Tom will talk. Eu preciso falar com você. I need to speak to you. I need to talk to you. Não vou te dizer onde o Tom está. I'm not going to tell you where Tom is. I'm not gonna tell you where Tom is. Tom a sorti son pistolet et a tiré. Tom drew his gun and shot. Tom pulled out his gun and shot. Ahora un computador es una absoluta necesidad. A computer is an absolute necessity now. Now a computer is an absolute necessity. O concerto foi exitoso. The concert was successful. The concert was successful. Je me demande si je l'aime. I'm wondering if I love him. I wonder if I love her. Ei vor să te vadă. They want to see you. They want to see you. ¿Oíste acerca del gran terremoto en Japón? Did you hear about the big earthquake in Japan? Did you hear about the big earthquake in Japan? Va alçar la mà. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. Je suis déjà prête. I'm already ready. I'm ready. El jardín estaba lleno de flores amarillas. The garden was full of yellow flowers. The garden was full of yellow flowers. Tem alguém aqui? Is anybody here? Do you have anyone here? El perro está crujiendo un hueso. The dog is crunching a bone. The dog's crunching a bone. Je pèle le céleri et les pommes de terre. I'm peeling the celery and the potatoes. I fight celery and potatoes. Tom nu știe unde a învățat Mary să conducă. Tom doesn't know where Mary learned how to drive. Tom doesn't know where Mary learned to drive. Eu espero que ninguém roube minhas coisas. I hope that nobody steals my stuff. I hope no one steals my stuff. Volte para o teu escritório. Go back to your office. Go back to your office. Quem cuida desse cachorro? Who looks after this dog? Who takes care of that dog? La amaba. I loved her. I loved her. ¿Podemos vernos el veintiocho de febrero, hacia las tres? Can we meet on February the 28th, around 3:00 p.m.? Can we meet on the twenty-eighth of February, about three o'clock? La décision est pendante. The jury is still out. The decision is pending. Stai tranquilla. Stay quiet. Don't worry. Non mi andava di chiamarle. I didn't feel like calling them. I wasn't going to call them. J'aime rire. I like to laugh. I like to laugh. Era o dia antes de Acção de Graças. It was the day before Thanksgiving. It was the day before Thanksgiving. Garde mon sac à l'œil un moment. Keep an eye on my bag for a while. Keep my bag in the eye for a moment. Ar dura o veșnicie să explic tot. It would take forever for me to explain everything. It would take forever to explain everything. Ho visto il film prima. I have seen the film before. I've seen the movie before. Ambos Tom e Mary conhecem o John. Tom and Mary both know John. Both Tom and Mary know John. Tom tentou chamar a atenção de Mary. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Tom tried to draw Mary's attention. "Você gosta de viajar?" "Sim." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." Io penso che Tom sia nei guai. I think Tom is in trouble. I think Tom's in trouble. Nu vreau să aştept atât de mult timp. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Può parcheggiare qui. You may park here. You can park here. J'ai piqué du nez. I dozed off. I've got a nose sting. ¡Esperen, no se disparen! Wait, don't shoot at each other! Wait, don't shoot! Quina foto més bonica! Pareix una pintura. What a beautiful photo! It seems like a painting. What a beautiful picture! Prefereixo fer-lo pel meu compte. I'd rather do it by myself. I'd rather do it on my own. Esperé en vano toda la tarde. I waited all afternoon in vain. I waited in vain all afternoon. Dwight Eisenhower a fost ales președinte în 1952. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952. Criou a ese neno a un prezo moi alto. She raised that child at a great cost. He raised that boy at a very high price. Dura solo 15 minuti, vero? It just lasts for 15 minutes, doesn't it? It only takes 15 minutes, doesn't it? Acho que nós deveríamos tentar. I think we should give it a try. I think we should try. Eu não vou fazer isso. I'm going to go do that. I'm not doing that. Sarei dovuta rimanere con lei. I should've stayed with her. I should have stayed with her. Você não está esquecendo de algo? Aren't you forgetting something? Aren't you forgetting something? El este un erou. He is a hero. He's a hero. ¿Eres de aquí? Are you from here? Are you from here? Io so molto sugli animali. I know a lot about animals. I know a lot about animals. Il faisait un froid de canard, dehors. It was bitterly cold outside. It was a duck cold outside. Non abita più qui. He doesn't live here anymore. He doesn't live here anymore. Les scientifiques débattent de sa théorie sur la disparition des dinosaures. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists discuss his theory of the disappearance of dinosaurs. Doar imită ceea ce face el. Just imitate what he does. Just mimic what he's doing. Sa conscience s'est soudainement réveillée en lui. His conscience suddenly awoke in him. His consciousness suddenly woke up in him. Lo chiamai sul telefono. I called him to the telephone. I called him on the phone. Eu estava tentando esquecer tudo. I was trying to forget everything. I was trying to forget everything. Tom a pornit ştergătoarele de parbriz. Tom turned on the windshield wipers. Tom started the windshield wipers. Je pense pouvoir faire mieux. I think I can do better. I think I can do better. Tom è burbero. Tom is grumpy. Tom's a burber. Tom parte domani. Tom is leaving tomorrow. Tom's leaving tomorrow. Tom e Maria chegaram às 2:30. Tom and Mary arrived at 2:30. Tom and Mary arrived at 2:30. Segundo a predición meteorolóxica, a tempada de choiva comeza a vindeira semana. According to the weather report, the rainy season will start next week. According to weather forecast, the rainy season starts next week. Giri a destra al prossimo incrocio. Turn right at the next intersection. Turn right at the next intersection. Se você não dormir, vai morrer. If you don't sleep, you'll die. If you don't sleep, you're gonna die. Se eu não me engano, acho que já os vi por aqui. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen them around here. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen them around here. Cárguelo a mi cuenta, por favor. Please bill me. Charge it to my account, please. Rester à la maison est barbant. Staying at home is boring. Staying home is barbarous. A operadora telefónica pediu ao que chamaba que esperase a que se establecera unha conexión. The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made. The telephone operator asked what she was calling to expect a connection to be established. Siento que ha pasado algo terrible. I feel like something terrible has happened. I feel like something terrible has happened. Tienes que estar preparado. You have to be prepared. You have to be ready. No cal que cridis. Et puc sentir. You don't have to shout. I can hear you. I can hear you. Todo mundo está seguro. Everybody's safe. Everyone's safe. Sono così felice che il Natale sia qui. I'm so happy that Christmas is here. I'm so happy Christmas is here. Les hippopotames vivent dans l'eau. Hippopotamuses live in water. Hypopotames live in water. Aia nu se va întâmpla. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. Non dite nulla a meno che non sia importante. Don't say anything unless it's important. Don't say anything unless it's important. Tom ne sait pas combien tu es fort. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. Tom doesn't know how strong you are. "O que você quer dizer?" "Bobagem." "What do you want?" "Forget about it." "What do you mean?" "Bobage." Me cuesta tocar el piano. It is difficult for me to play the piano. It's hard for me to play the piano. Qual è il nome della signora che deve rimanere senza nome? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What is the name of the lady who must remain without a name? C'è un cane sulla porta. There's a dog by the door. There's a dog on the door. Hai să-ți spun care e chestia. Let me tell you what the point is. Let me tell you what the thing is. Fui criado num orfanato em Boston. I was raised in an orphanage in Boston. I was raised in an orphanage in Boston. Necesito cargar mi celular. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to load my cell phone. Non fumo e non bevo. I don't smoke or drink. I don't smoke and I don't drink. Lo so che era una cosa stupida da fare. I know it was a stupid thing to do. I know it was a stupid thing to do. Nu i-ai spus nimic? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell her anything? Por desgracia, no creo que yo fuera de mucha ayuda. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be of much help. Unfortunately, I don't think I was very helpful. Cette maison est assez grande pour que votre famille puisse y vivre. This house is large enough for your family to live in. This house is big enough for your family to live in. Après cela nous n'avons plus rien entendu de lui. Thereafter we heard no more from him. After that we have heard nothing from him. Até mais. See you. See you later. La legna secca brucia velocemente. Dry wood burns quickly. The dry wood burns fast. Eravamo obbligati ad ubbidire alla regola. We were obliged to obey the rule. We were forced to obey the rule. Eu não sabia que ela era casada. I didn't know she was married. I didn't know she was married. Je t'avais prévenu. I warned you. I warned you. Seu texto está excelente! Meus parabéns! Your submission is great! Congratulations! Your text is excellent! Congratulations! J'ai toujours voulu apprendre le français. I've always wanted to learn French. I've always wanted to learn French. Espero no ponerme nerviosa. I hope I don't get nervous. I hope I don't get nervous. Nu te aștepta ca ceilalți să gândească pentru tine! Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect the others to think for you! Bilal é mais alto do que Karam. Bilal is taller than Karam. Bilal is higher than Karam. Tom é o vencedor. Tom is the winner. Tom's the winner. Io sono quasi pronto. I'm nearly ready. I'm almost ready. Él conduce a menudo el coche de su padre. He often drives his father's car. He often drives his father's car. Tiene acciones en esta compañía. He holds stocks in this company. He has shares in this company. Sería mejor que ella desayunara. She had better eat breakfast. It would be better if she had breakfast. Eles não negligenciaram o próprio dever. They didn't neglect their own duty. They did not neglect their own duty. A fost incredibil de ireal. It was incredibly surreal. It was incredibly unreal. È stato travolto e ucciso. He was run over and killed. He was overwhelmed and killed. Credo di aver ferito i suoi sentimenti. I think I hurt his feelings. I think I hurt her feelings. L'ampolla està plena. The bottle is full. The bottle is full. Espremeu a pasta de dentes do tubo dentífrico. He squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube. He squeezed the toothpaste out of the toothpaste. A me piacerebbe vedere Tom. I'd like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Am iubit cartea aceea! I loved that book. I loved that book! Andrebbe bene se vi chiedessi qualcosa? Would it be OK if I asked you something? Would it be okay if I asked you a question? Non voglio che siano arrabbiati. I don't want them to be angry. I don't want them angry. Semnătura mea este semnificativă, maiestuoasă și inimitabilă. My signature is meaningful, majestic and inimitable. My signature is significant, majestic and inimitable. J'atteste qu'il est le Fils de Dieu. And I testify that this is the Son of God. I testify that he is the Son of God. Primăvara vine după iarnă. Spring follows winter. Spring comes after winter. Tom s'est fait attaquer par un essaim d'abeilles. Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees. Tom was attacked by a bee test. Întoarce-te acasă. Come back home. Go back home. Fais attention où tu mets les pieds, Tom. Watch your step, Tom. Watch your step, Tom. Est-ce que tu es allé au restaurant hier ? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Did you go to the restaurant yesterday? Sei la persona più importante della mia vita. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Quand pouvez-vous démarrer au plus tôt ? How soon can you start? When can you start at the earliest? ¿A qué hora llegas a casa? What time do you arrive home? What time do you get home? No hace falta decir que Tom está enamorado de Kathy. It goes without saying that Tom is in love with Kathy. There's no need to say that Tom is in love with Kathy. Foi uma competição. It was a competition. It was a competition. Non ne parlerò. I'm not going to talk about that. I won't talk about it. El hombre que vi ayer era un completo caballero. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. The man I saw yesterday was a complete gentleman. Tous tes problèmes ont été résolus. All your problems have been solved. All your problems have been solved. Já expliquei tudo isso para eles. I've explained all this to them. I've explained all that to them. Elle étala une belle nappe sur une table. She spread a beautiful cloth on a table. She spreads a nice napkin on a table. Recomiendo la isla Maui. I recommend Maui. I recommend Maui Island. Pensado para los niños, este libro a menudo lo leen adultos. Intended for children, this is a book often read by adults. Designed for children, this book is often read by adults. Eu quero lhe apresentar o João. I'd like you to meet João. I want you to meet João. Tom abriu a boca. Tom opened his mouth. Tom opened his mouth. A ella dejadla fuera de esto. Leave her out of this. Let her out of this. Ele ficou muito feliz de vê-lo. He was very pleased when he saw him. He was very happy to see you. Llevaba puesto un vestido blanco. She wore a white dress. He was wearing a white dress. Les gens la croyaient morte. People thought that she was dead. People thought she was dead. È una musicologa. She's a musicologist. She's a musician. Circa quante ore al giorno studi? About how many hours a day do you study? How many hours a day are you studying? Io non sono affatto geloso della sua vita. I'm not jealous of your life at all. I'm not jealous of his life at all. Eu sei ler em inglês. I am able to read English. I can read in English. La guerra despierta al animal que tiene el hombre. War arouses the animal in man. War wakes up the animal that man has. Elle lui confectionna un nouveau manteau. She made him a new coat. She made him a new coat. Recibí tu carta ayer. I got your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Ken asemella ser unha persoa amigable. Ken seems to be a friendly person. Ken seems to be a friendly person. Sí, un poco. Yes, a little. Yeah, a little bit. Me gusta aquella corbata. I like that tie. I like that tie. Où sommes-nous supposés nous asseoir ? Where are we supposed to sit? Where are we supposed to sit? Quiero hacer lo que solía hacer antes de ir a la cárcel. I want to do what I used to do before I went to prison. I want to do what I used to do before I go to jail. Tom tiene una voz grave. Tom has a deep voice. Tom's got a bad voice. Io voglio parlare con un avvocato. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. Ela o quer. She wants him. She wants it. El e fluent în franceză. He is fluent in French. He's fluent in French. Vine sfârșitul. The end is coming. The end is coming. Abandono el Islam. He abandoned Islam. I abandon Islam. Lui mise molto denaro nei risparmi. He put a lot of money in savings. He put a lot of money in savings. Você não é estudante, é? You're not a student, are you? You're not a student, are you? Sper să pot face asta. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do that. Choisis des livres avec soin. Choose books carefully. Choose books with care. He dejado lo mejor para el final. I've saved the best for last. I've left the best for the end. Caoimhe a un grand chien. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe to a great dog. Fiduciosa come sono che tu non scherzi con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Trustful as I am that you do not joke with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the naked and raw thought of such a possibility. Eu sinto vergonha de continuar vivendo agora. I feel ashamed for living on now. I feel ashamed to continue living now. Necessito alguna cosa per vomitar. I need something for vomiting. I need something to puke. Elle essaya de cacher ses larmes. She tried to hide her tears. She was trying to hide her tears. Stiamo diventando più intimi. We're getting closer. We're getting closer. È quasi mezzogiorno e lui è ancora a letto. It's nearly noon and he's still in bed. It's almost noon and he's still in bed. Le véhicule roulant à vive allure glissa et s'enfonça tête la première dans l'arrière d'un camion avant que son conducteur n'ait pu dire Jack Robinson. The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The fast-moving vehicle slipped and sank first into the back of a truck before his driver could say Jack Robinson. O Tom estava tímido, mas a Mary não. Tom was shy, but Mary wasn't. Tom was shy, but not Mary. Tom è di buonumore, vero? Tom is in a good mood, isn't he? Tom's in a good mood, isn't he? Las elecciones de este fin de semana van a repercutir de alguna forma en lo que serán las elecciones del 2000. The elections this weekend will in some way have an impact on what will be the 2000 elections. This weekend's elections will have some impact on what the 2000 elections will be. Trop d'alcool vous rendra malade. Too much drinking will make you sick. Too much alcohol will make you sick. Trabajaron como esclavos. They labored like slaves. They worked as slaves. ¿Por qué estás tan triste? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Nous avons deux enfants. We have two children. We have two children. Tom pidió prestados algunos libros de la biblioteca para leer por el fin de semana. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read over the weekend. Tom borrowed some books from the library to read over the weekend. Tom è indeciso. Tom is uncertain. Tom's indecisive. Você não precisa aspirar a atingir nenhum outro estado. Livre-se de seus atuais pensamentos, isso será o bastante. You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all. You don't need to aspire to any other state. Get rid of your current thoughts, that will be enough. Por que você tem me ignorado? Why have you been ignoring me? Why have you ignored me? Ce guide pourrait t'être utile pour ton voyage. This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guide might be helpful for your trip. Ha mai consolato un'amica? Have you ever consoled a friend? Have you ever consoled a friend? J'ai beaucoup réfléchi à ça. I've given this quite a lot of thought. I've been thinking about it a lot. Cine arată mai bine, Tom sau Mary? Who's better looking, Tom or Mary? Who looks better, Tom or Mary? Eu não gosto do que você está fazendo. I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing. Tom no sabe de qué parte de Australia es Mary. Tom doesn't know what part of Australia Mary is from. Tom doesn't know which part of Australia Mary is. Alguém pode ter seguido eles. Somebody might've followed them. Someone may have followed them. M'ho hauries d'haver dit ahir. You should've told me yesterday. You should have told me yesterday. Me llamu Luis. My name is Luis. My name is Luis. No puc tolerar els covards. I have no tolerance of cowards. I can't tolerate cowards. El insecto es chiquito, pero muy peligroso. This insect is tiny, but very dangerous. The insect is chic, but very dangerous. Esta bateria é recarregável. This battery is rechargeable. This battery is rechargeable. A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At the beginning, Meg had the bad house. Ci abboniamo a un giornale. We subscribe to a newspaper. We subscribe to a newspaper. Ele se parece com o meu pai. He looks like my father. He looks like my dad. Tenía el pelo largo el año pasado. His hair was long last year. She had long hair last year. Am auzit că tocmai s-a deschis un magazin de vată de zahăr. Hai să mergem, băieţi. I heard a cotton candy shop has just opened. Let's go, dudes. Let's go, guys. ¿Bailas conmigo? Would you like to dance with me? Do you dance with me? Nu pot face mai bine de atât. I can’t do any better. I can't do better than that. Elle l'a accusé de lui avoir menti. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying to him. La amo. I love you. I love her. Talvez o Tom não irá comprar aquilo. Perhaps Tom won't buy that. Maybe Tom won't buy that. Am reuşit să trec examenul. I was able to pass the exam. I was able to pass the exam. Buenas! Cómu andamus? Hello! How are you? Good, how are you? Lessi il diario di Tom. I read Tom's diary. I read Tom's diary. Non mi lascia vivere! She doesn't let me live! Don't let me live! Todo mundo percebeu. Everyone noticed. Everyone understood. Me encantan las mariposas. I love butterflies. I love butterflies. Eu gosto muito de ajudar as pessoas. I really like helping people. I really like helping people. Ha empleado diez trabajadores. He has employed ten workers. He's employed ten workers. Ne sois pas contrariée ! Don't be upset. Don't be upset! Tom diz que quer aprender Francês. Tom says he wants to learn French. Tom says he wants to learn French. Le cose si sono calmate. Things have calmed down. Things calmed down. A Tom le ha dejado su novia. Tom just got dumped. Tom left his girlfriend. Tom non è qui ora. Tom isn't here now. Tom's not here right now. ¿Ha rezado Tom? Did Tom pray? Has Tom prayed? Lei ha iniziato a comportarsi in modo strano. She has started acting strangely. You started acting weird. Cadê o amor? Where's the love? Does love fall? Fatela per lui. Do it for him. Do it for him. ¿Para qué necesitas monedas de veinticinco centavos? Why do you need quarters? What do you need twenty-five cents for? Étiez-vous nerveux au cours de l'entretien d'embauche? Were you nervous during the job interview? Were you nervous during the hiring interview? Vocês podem falar com o Tom. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Abans de morir va passar més d'un mes hospitalitzat. Before dying, he spent more than a month in hospital. Before he died, he spent more than a month in hospital. Tem alguém em casa? Anybody home? Do you have anyone at home? Ciò che dici è vero in un certo senso. What you say is true in a sense. What you say is true in a certain sense. Puneți-vă deoparte cărțile și caietele. Put away your books and notebooks. Put your books and notebooks away. Em sembla que he agafat un constipat. I'm afraid I caught a cold. I think I've got a cold. Quand ma mère était jeune, elle était très belle. When my mother was young, she was very beautiful. When my mother was young, she was very beautiful. Tom foi o primeiro. Tom was the first. Tom was the first. Io devo negare la vostra richiesta. I have to deny your request. I must deny your request. Se os triângulos fizessem um deus, lhe dariam três lados. If triangles made a god, they would give him three sides. If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides. ¡Increíble! Incredible! Unbelievable! Chiel al pitura sovens dij paesagi. He often paints landscapes. Chiel al pitura sovens dij paesagi. Cât de des ia Tom lecții la franceză? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom take lessons in French? Sos komo tu ermana. You're like your sister. Sos komo you hermana. O Tom escutou a Mary pacientemente. Tom listened to Mary patiently. Tom listened to Mary patiently. Supongo que no es tan fácil. I guess it's not that easy. I guess it's not that easy. ¿Qué faes aende? What are you doing there? What are you doing down there? În care țară te-ai născut? What country were you born in? Which country were you born in? Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you actually think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Il est venu en bus. He came by bus. He came by bus. Una lingua es un dialekto kon una armada i una flota. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. A language is a dialekto kon an army and a fleet. El país respeta al Primer Ministro. The country respects the Prime Minister. The country respects the Prime Minister. Tu es la seule qui puisse m'aider. You're the only one who can help. You're the only one who can help me. És millor de consultar un diccionari quan no saps el significat d'una paraula. You had better consult a dictionary when you don't know the meaning of a word. It's better to consult a dictionary when you don't know the meaning of a word. Veniu ací tots els dies? Do you come here every day? You come here every day? Vaig obrir la caixa. Estava buida. I opened the box. It was empty. I opened the box, it was empty. Portale a casa. Bring them home. Take her home. La paix est revenue après trois années de guerre. Peace has returned after three years of war. Peace came back after three years of war. Eu irei para Boston amanhã. I'll go to Boston tomorrow. I'll go to Boston tomorrow. Je glisserai un mot en ta faveur. I'll put in a word for you. I'll slip a word for you. Chi ha scritto "Il Principe"? Who wrote "The Prince"? Who wrote "The Prince"? Tom ainda está trabalhando? Is Tom still working? Is Tom still working? Tom está orgulhoso demais para nos pedir ajuda. Tom is too proud to ask us for help. Tom's too proud to ask us for help. Preguntaré por ahí. I'll ask around. I'll ask around. Io sono sempre stato orgoglioso di te. I have always been proud of you. I've always been proud of you. Tom ha promesso di non essere mai più in ritardo. Tom has promised never to be late again. Tom promised never to be late again. Tallin es la capital de Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. La TV non dovrebbe essere così vicina. Mettila un po' più indietro. The TV shouldn't be so close. Put it a little further back. The TV shouldn't be that close. Le pudo pasar a cualquiera. It could've happened to anyone. It could happen to anyone. Nu este nimic sigur în lume. There is nothing certain in the world. There's nothing safe in the world. Eu tenho 18 anos. I am 18 years old. I'm 18. Cogí un libro de la estantería. I grabbed a book off the shelf. I took a book from the shelf. La moitié des pommes que Tom m'a données était pourrie. Half the apples Tom gave me were rotten. Half the apples Tom gave me were rotten. Donnez-moi un café, je vous prie. Give me a coffee, please. Give me some coffee, please. Tom não confiou em Maria. Tom didn't trust Mary. Tom didn't trust Mary. Pourquoi voulez-vous apprendre cette langue ? Why do you want to learn this language? Why do you want to learn that language? Ils parlent très vite. They talk very fast. They're talking fast. A quin hostel vau passar la nit? At which hostel did you spend the night? Which hostel did you spend the night at? No ve la tele nunca. He doesn't watch TV at all. He never sees TV. Ha un'altra donna nella sua vita. He has another woman in his life. He has another woman in his life. Non vi dimenticate di lei. Don't forget her. Don't forget about her. No quiero que entre en pánico. I don't want you to panic. I don't want him panicking. El burro hablando de orejas. The pot calling the kettle black. The ass talking about ears. Nu știu cu cine să mă consult. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult with. Alguns diuen que ho saben tot. Some claim to know everything. Some say they know everything. Il est dans le coma ! He is in a coma! He's in the coma! A mis padres no les gusta mi novio por su color de piel. My parents don't like my boyfriend because of his race. My parents don't like my boyfriend because of his skin color. Comment ? Non, bien sûr que non. Whaat? No, of course not. No, of course not. Tom era un po' timido. Tom was a bit shy. Tom was a little shy. N'attendons plus ! Let's not wait any longer. Let's not wait any longer! Não lhe posso dar a resposta hoje. I can't give you the answer today. I can't give you the answer today. Qui pourrait attendrir ce cœur de pierre que tu as ? Who could melt that stone heart of yours? Who could wait for that stone heart of yours? Mi-a prezentat-o pe fiica sa. He introduced his daughter to me. He introduced me to his daughter. Elle est tombée dans les pommes. She fainted. She fell into the apples. Controllatevi le tasche. Check your pockets. Check your pockets. Tens bona cara. You look good. You have a good face. Tom le sait. Tom knows that. Tom knows. Che cosa vi è successo? What has become of you? What happened to you? Mi sono tagliata il dito con un coltello. I cut my finger with a knife. I cut my finger off with a knife. Ella no me pagó el dinero. She didn't pay me the money. She didn't pay me the money. Dovete essere molto fiere di vostro figlio. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Declarația nu este pe deplin adevărată. The statement is not wholly true. The statement is not fully true. Existem quase trinta peixes dourados em nossa lagoa. There are about thirty goldfish in our pond. There are nearly thirty gold fish in our lagoon. Todos os meus filhos gostam de Boston. All of my children like Boston. All my kids like Boston. Tutti i miei amici sono fuori città. All of my friends are out of town. All my friends are out of town. Ellos dijeron que sí. They said yes. They said yes. Yo lo vi destrozando la carta. I saw him tear up the letter. I saw him tearing up the letter. Voi sapete andare a cavallo? Do you know how to ride a horse? You guys know how to ride a horse? Estamos merkando. We're buying. We're squirming. Bebes café? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? J'ai bien deviné. I guessed right. I guessed. Io sto imparando l'esperanto adesso. I am now learning Esperanto. I'm learning Esperanto now. Você já foi para o México? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you gone to Mexico? Où Tom est-il enterré ? Where is Tom buried? Where is Tom buried? Tom o l'é de d'ato. Tom is upstairs. Tom or he's an actor. Mia moglie è ossessionata dalla pulizia. My wife is obsessed with cleanliness. My wife is obsessed with cleanliness. Pronto podremos mandarte a la cárcel. We'll soon be able to send you to jail. Soon we can send you to jail. Non ha gli occhiali. He hasn't got glasses. She doesn't have glasses. Che cosa siamo? What are we? What are we? È incredibilmente stupida. You're unbelievably stupid. She's incredibly stupid. Mañana, Judy hablará sobre Japón. Judy will talk about Japan tomorrow. Tomorrow, Judy will talk about Japan. Ei au deplină încredere în liderul lor. They have full confidence in their leader. They have full confidence in their leader. Je ne pouvais pas résister à l'attrait des grands profits. I could not resist the lure of great profits. I couldn't resist the attractive profits. Qu'èi drin de hrèbe. I have a slight fever. That's a barbeque. Prefiro uma blusa de algodão. I prefer a cotton blouse. I prefer a cotton blouse. Todos precisam estar aqui amanhã. Everyone needs to be here tomorrow. Everyone needs to be here tomorrow. O magron o l'e 'n öxello d'ægoa. Cormorants are waterbirds. The magron or the e'n ögello d'ægoa. Pensé que habías dicho que tu auto había sido robado. I thought you said your car was stolen. I thought you said your car was stolen. O Tom provavelmente concordará. Tom will likely agree. Tom will probably agree. Esto es mavi? Is this blue? This is Mavi? Por que o relâmpago lampeja e o trovão estrondeia? Why does lightning flash and thunder rumble? Why does lightning flash and thunder sneeze? Aquera aulor que'm hastia. This smell disgusts me. That's what I want. El a demontat un ceas. He took apart a watch. He dismantled a watch. Për piasì pulì 'l paviment ëspòrch. Please clean the dirty floor. Për placed clean the floor ësporch. Au revoir et bonne chance. Goodbye and good luck. Goodbye and good luck. O que tem de tão bom nisso? What's so good about it? What's so good about it? Tom ha la stessa età di Marie. Tom is as old as Mary. Tom is the same age as Marie. Y a-t-il une boîte aux lettres près d'ici ? Is there a mailbox near here? Is there a mailbox around here? Sous certains systèmes d'exploitation, avec les caractères pleine chasse, on obtient du charabia en guise de noms de fichiers. Alors lorsque vous téléchargez, changez-les pour des noms de fichiers adéquats. On some OS's you get gibberish for filenames with full-width characters so when downloading please change to a suitable filename. Under some operating systems, with full hunting characters, you get gibberish in the form of filenames. So when you download them, change them to suitable filenames. Ela está aqui. She is here. She's here. Tom provavelmente não vai ter de fazer isso sozinho. Tom won't likely have to do that by himself. Tom's probably not gonna have to do this on his own. As minhas piadas não são engraçadas. My jokes aren't funny. My jokes aren't funny. Él tuvo mucho que ver con ese proyecto. He had much to do with the project. He had a lot to do with that project. Sapete che a Tom piace Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. You know Tom likes Mary. As aparências enganam. Things aren't always as they appear. Looks are wrong. Tots els vols s'han cancel·lat pel temporal. All flights have been cancelled due to the storm. All the flights have been canceled by the weather. Avez-vous déjà construit une maison ? Have you ever built a house? Have you ever built a house? Tom não gostará dessa resposta. Tom won't like that answer. Tom won't like that answer. Vocês estão certos. You guys are right. You're right. Onde diabos você estava? Where the hell were you? Where the hell were you? El şi-a terminat treaba, nu-i aşa? He has finished his work, hasn't he? He's done his job, isn't he? La intensidad eléctrica se mide en amperios. Electric current is measured in amps. The electrical intensity is measured in amps. Je crois que c'est le problème. I think that's the problem. I think that's the problem. De acum înainte voi spune ce gândesc. From now on, I'm going to say what's on my mind. From now on I'll say what I'm thinking. La professoressa scrisse qualcosa sulla lavagna. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something about the board. Hai detto che sarei migliorata. You said I'd get better. You said I'd get better. Acho que ela está doente. I am afraid she is ill. I think she's sick. Tom se înțelege bine cu John. Tom is on good terms with John. Tom understands himself well with John. Te voy a hacer un favor. I'm going to do you a favor. I'm gonna do you a favor. Vass tchire e Mouze! Screw you! Vass chire and Mouze! Il est devenu toxico-dépendant à un jeune âge. He got hooked on drugs at a young age. He became toxic-dependent at a young age. Dormi! Sleep! Sleep! Você é muito mais rápido do que eu. You're much faster than I am. You're way faster than me. Ce livre est meilleur que celui-là. This book is better than that one. This book is better than this one. Niente è più facile che parlare. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. Fame savej s'it peule felo doman. Let me know if you can make it tomorrow. Savage family is felo doman's foot. Chicos, me tengo que ir. Guys, I gotta go. Guys, I gotta go. Encara no ens hem començat a barallar. We have not yet begun to fight. We haven't started a fight yet. Él era grande, lento y silencioso. He was big and slow and silent. He was big, slow, and silent. Eu te telefonarei amanhã à tarde. I will call you tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon. Perché Tom è venuto con Mary? Why did Tom come with Mary? Why did Tom come with Mary? Chacun croit à une chose différente, mais il n'y a qu'une vérité. Everyone believes something different, but there is only one truth. Everyone believes in something different, but there is only one truth. Eso fue hace años. That was years ago. That was years ago. Ella prometió encontrarse con él ayer por la noche. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. Não se meta na vida alheia! Don't meddle in other people's lives. Don't get involved in other life! Ele não permite interrupções. He doesn't allow interruptions. He doesn't allow interruptions. J'ai Internet sur mon téléphone. I have the internet on my phone. I have the Internet on my phone. Monte le son. Turn the volume up. Get in the sound. Tom si è morso il labbro. Tom bit his lip. Tom bit his lip. Îmi plac lucrurile așa cum sunt. I like things the way they are. I like things the way they are. Layla se sintió abandonada. Layla felt abandoned. Layla felt abandoned. Je sais que vous l'avez fait. I know you did that. I know you did. Tom dijo que él estaba desorientado. Tom said that he was baffled. Tom said he was disoriented. Ces jouets conviennent aux filles. These toys are suitable for girls. These toys are suitable for girls. Quantes vegades hi has anat? How many times have you gone? How many times have you been there? Vamos, apura. Come on, hurry up. Come on, hurry up. Elle a demandé ma démission. She asked for my resignation. She asked for my resignation. Solicitou a admisión no club de equitación. He applied for admission to the riding club. He requested admission to the riding club. Il perdit son travail. He lost his job. He lost his job. Él me pisó el pie a propósito en el tren. He trod on my foot on purpose in the train. He stepped on my foot purposely on the train. Lo llamaré. I'll call him. I'll call him. Era tutto buono. Everything was good. It was all good. M. Sato parle bien anglais. Mr Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks English well. Nous avons beaucoup de bons restaurants ici à Boston. We have a lot of good restaurants here in Boston. We have a lot of good restaurants here in Boston. Este acolo un birou lângă fereastră? Is there a desk by the window? Is there an office by the window? Não estamos a fim de dançar. We just don't feel like dancing. We're not in order to dance. Je vous dois un dîner. I owe you a dinner. I owe you a dinner. Vremea s-a răcit. The weather got cold. The weather's cool. ¡Entiendo! I understand! Got it! Quiero un gatito. I want a kitten. I want a kitten. Dësmentieve nèn Tom. Don't forget Tom. Dësmentieve nin Tom. Tu me connais bien. You know me well. You know me well. Tom nu știe unde a absolvit Mary. Tom doesn't know where Mary graduated from. Tom doesn't know where Mary graduated. Dinez m' on pô d' aiwe, s' i vs plait. Give me some water, please. Please give me a hand. Puedes confiar en mi. You can trust me. You can trust me. Au deable ceste barbe ! To hell with this beard! To hell with this beard! Chiar nu trebuie să fac asta. I don't actually have to do that. I really don't have to do this. Je pense qu'il est temps pour moi d'acheter une voiture digne de ce nom. I think it's time for me to buy a decent car. I think it's time for me to buy a car worthy of that name. Mi sono scambiato di posto con Tom. I exchanged seats with Tom. I traded places with Tom. La entrada cuesta seis euros, pero los domingos es gratis. The admission costs six euros but on Sundays it's free. The ticket costs six euros, but Sundays is free. Je crois qu'il faut réfléchir avant de prendre cette décision. I think we must think it over before making this decision. I think we need to think before we make that decision. Eu não tenho palavras para te agradecer. I have no words to thank you. I don't have words to thank you. Saranno fornite le candele. Candles will be provided. The candles will be supplied. Acești oameni vorbesc esperanto fără efort, nu-i așa? These people speak Esperanto effortlessly, don't they? These people speak Esperanto effortlessly, don't they? Tu es en grave danger. You're in serious danger. You're in serious danger. Voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que nous nous asseyions ? Do you mind if we sit down? Do you see a drawback to what we were sitting down? Lavatevi i piedi. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Comment savez-vous de quelle épaisseur c'est ? How do you know how thick it is? How do you know how thick it is? ¿Crees en la existencia de Dios? Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you believe in the existence of God? Coge solo una. Take one only. Just take one. Eu ouvi dizer que Tom está no hospital. I heard that Tom is in the hospital. I heard Tom's in the hospital. As crianças gostam de você? Do kids like you? Do children like you? Tom este în vacanță cu părintii săi. Tom is on holiday with his parents. Tom is on vacation with his parents. Golondrinas vuelan por el cielo. Swallows are flying in the sky. Golondrines fly through the sky. Se pare că va ploua după-amiaza. It feels like it will rain in the afternoon. Looks like it's gonna rain in the afternoon. Tout ce que je veux est ce qui me revient de droit. All I want is what's rightfully mine. All I want is the right thing to do. Tom tem suas peculiaridades. Tom has his quirks. Tom has his peculiarities. Kaoru se fué a América. Kaoru has gone to America. Kaoru left for America. L'avete data a lui? Did you give it to him? Did you give it to him? Lui mi spinge nei cespugli. He pushes me into the bushes. He pushes me into the bushes. ¿Lo conocen? Do they know? Do you know him? Sta bene. You're fine. He's fine. Se spune că nimic nu e mai important decât sănătatea. It is said that nothing is more important than health. They say nothing is more important than health. Trebuie să investim în energie verde și regenerabilă. We need to invest in clean, renewable energy. We need to invest in green and renewable energy. Mi i l'hai doi fieuj e doe fije. I have two sons and two daughters. You've got two haystacks on me. Estamos cortados por el mismo patrón. We are cut from the same cloth. We're cut by the same pattern. O Tom ajudou a Mary a se levantar. Tom helped Mary to her feet. Tom helped Mary get up. Eu estava no Irã. I was in Iran. I was in Iran. Non sono stato in grado di finire i compiti. I was unable to finish my homework. I wasn't able to finish my homework. Otórgale el beneficio de la duda. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Give him the benefit of the doubt. ¿Cuánto dinero quieres ganar? How much money do you want to earn? How much money do you want to make? Je ne suis pas là pour vous. I'm not here for you. I'm not here for you. Marilyn Monroe a murit acum treizeci și trei de ani. Marilyn Monroe died 33 years ago. Marilyn Monroe died thirty-three years ago. Me dê um diferente mesmo. Give me a different one. Give me a different one. Mă tem că ai rămas fără opțiuni. I'm afraid you've run out of options. I'm afraid you're out of options. Voi avete firmato qualcosa? Did you sign anything? Did you sign something? Ninguém votou em você. No one voted for you. No one voted for you. Io so il suo nome. I know his name. I know his name. Él tiene barba. He has a beard. He's got a beard. Lei ha stirato tutte le camicie? Did you iron all the shirts? Did you pull all the shirts? Il faisait chaud. Je n'ai pas pu le supporter plus longtemps. It was hot. I couldn't stand it any longer. I couldn't stand it any longer. Tu non dovresti essere sorpresa. You shouldn't be surprised. You shouldn't be surprised. Kompras pan. You buy bread. Kompras bread. Não deve haver discórdia entre irmãos. Brothers should not quarrel. There must be no discord between brothers. Esquecín pagar o alugueiro este mes. I forgot to pay my rent this month. I forgot to pay the rent this month. Por que coisas ruins acontecem? Why do bad things happen? Why bad things happen? J'ai haché les oignons et les ai mis dans une casserole avec du beurre et de l'huile. I chopped the onions and put them in a casserole with butter and oil. I chopped the onions and put them in a saucepan with butter and oil. Încă cred că e puțin probabil ca el să vină azi. I still think it's unlikely that he'll come today. I still think he's unlikely to come in today. ¡Estoy tan agotado! I'm so worn out! I'm so exhausted! Sinto muito, não posso ficar muito tempo. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. Então ela correu pra casa. Then she hurried home. So she went home. Zăpada acoperea autobuzul. Snow covered the bus. Snow covering the bus. Il a raconté son secret à ses amis. He told his friends his secret. He told his friends his secret. Le médecin a dit à Tom de boire plus l'eau. The doctor told Tom that he should drink more water. The doctor told Tom to drink more water. Vocês dois são muito educados. You're both very polite. You two are very polite. Dove li hai incollati? Where did you glue them? Where did you get them? Me quedé en casa por la lluvia. I stayed home because of the rain. I stayed home for the rain. È interessante com'è capitato. It's interesting how it happened. It's interesting how it happened. Tom asaltó a un banco. Tom robbed a bank. Tom assaulted a bank. Comment se fait-il que vous sachiez tout ça ? How come you know all this? How did you get to know all this? Eu não disse nada. I didn't say a thing. I didn't say anything. Tom me disse que queria ensinar francês. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Quelqu'un doit-il nous rencontrer ? Is someone meeting us? Does anyone have to meet us? Isto vale um milhão de ienes. This is worth one million yen. This is worth a million yen. Il faut que tu rentres chez toi. You've got to go home. You have to go home. Tom viu as fotos. Tom saw the pictures. Tom saw the photos. Vull quedar-me aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Ninguém trilha voluntariamente a estrada do mal. No one goes willingly toward the bad. No one voluntarily tracks the road of evil. È piuttosto sovrappeso, vero? He's quite overweight, isn't he? It's pretty overweight, isn't it? Tom est censé arriver aujourd'hui. Tom is supposed to arrive today. Tom is supposed to arrive today. Deja que te abrace. Let me give you a hug. Let him hug you. Non l'ho visto. I haven't seen him. I didn't see it. Je t'aime et t'aimerai toujours ! I love you and I will always love you. I love you and I'll always love you! Pra que tudo isso? Why all this? For all of this? Ella observaba como vuelan las mariposas. She observed how butterflies fly. She watched butterflies fly. Les absents ont toujours tort. The absent are always in the wrong. Absent people are always wrong. Nadie estaba contento. None were satisfied. Nobody was happy. Parler l'anglais est difficile. Speaking English is difficult. Speaking English is difficult. Eu gostaria de não ter dito isso ao Tom. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. Nessuno può risolvere questo problema. Nobody can solve this problem. No one can solve this problem. Tom dormiu muito mais do que planejava. Tom slept much longer than he had planned to. Tom slept much longer than he planned. Te diré cómo nadar. I'll tell you how to swim. I'll tell you how to swim. Voi ce l'avete WhatsApp? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have WhatsApp? Si usted es forzado a firmarlo, el contrato es inválido. The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid. If you are forced to sign it, the contract is invalid. Este bebé tiene tres semanas. This baby is 3 weeks old. This baby's three weeks old. Il regarda par-dessus son épaule. He looked back over his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder. Ce qu'on ressent est incroyable ! That feels amazing. What we're feeling is incredible! No podría ser mejor. It couldn't be better. It couldn't be better. Layla si chiedeva dove fosse Sami. Layla wondered where Sami was. Layla wondered where Sami was. Au début, je croyais que Tom plaisantait, mais il le pensait sérieusement. At first, I believed that Tom was joking, but he was serious. At first, I thought Tom was joking, but he thought it seriously. Aí está o problema. That's where the problem lies. There's the problem. «¿Su marido va a pié al trabajo?» «Sí, a él le gusta caminar.» "Does your husband walk to work?" - "Yes, he likes walking." "Does your husband go to work?" "Yes, he likes to walk." Certains serpents sont venimeux. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are poisonous. Sinto-me como se pudesse sair voando. I feel as if I could fly. I feel like I can fly out. Todos se alzaron. They all rose. They all got up. Tom está convencido de que Mary deveria fazer isso. Tom is convinced that Mary should do that. Tom is convinced Mary should do that. Ambos perros duermen. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs sleep. Mi sento ancora stordita. My head still feels woozy. I still feel stunned. ¿Qué significa eso? What does that mean? What does that mean? Siete entrambe molto fortunate. You're both very lucky. You're both very lucky. Bush dice la verità. Bush tells the truth. Bush tells the truth. Las leyes han cambiado. The laws have changed. The laws have changed. El terra era cobert de neu. The ground was covered in snow. The ground was covered in snow. Escuchen. Listen. Listen. Lei conosce tutto adesso. She knows everything now. She knows everything now. Os aldeões acharam que ele era muito generoso. The villagers thought that he was very generous. The villagers thought he was very generous. Noi andiamo a scuola a piedi insieme. We walk to school together. We go to school on foot together. Lo vi correr. I saw him running. I saw him run. Se alguém não consegue explicar algo de forma simples, é que não entende bem do assunto. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. If someone can't explain something simply, he doesn't understand it well. ¿Recuerdas el misterioso asesinato? Do you remember the mysterious murder? Do you remember the mysterious murder? Tomás y María estaban parados uno al lado del otro. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Thomas and Mary were standing next to each other. Si no tuviera que trabajar, podría leer estos libros. Were I free from work, I could read these books. If I didn't have to work, I could read these books. Lo avete già visto? Have you seen him yet? Have you seen him yet? Am rămas în picioare. I remained standing. I'm standing up. În fiecare duminică după-amiaza merg la târg. Every Sunday afternoon, I go to the bazaar. Every Sunday afternoon I go to the fair. Je suis désolé, je dois prendre congé des invités, maintenant. I'm sorry, I have to see off the guests now. I'm sorry, I have to take the guests off now. Passeggi quando possibile. Walk when possible. Walk as soon as possible. La vita è dolce per te. Life is sweet for you. Life is sweet to you. Je ferais mieux de faire quelque chose avant que le problème n'empire. I'd better do something before the problem gets any worse. I'd better do something before the problem gets worse. Você pode abrir a porta para mim? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Mi-a spus că vrea să plece din companie. He told me that he wanted to leave the company. He told me he wanted to leave the company. Ele estava doente, mas hoje está bem. He was ill, but today he's all right. He was sick, but he's fine today. Unha úlcera formase no estómago. An ulcer forms in the stomach. An ulcer forms in the stomach. Resta concentrato. Keep focused. Stay focused. Eu uso esse computador. I use that computer. I use that computer. Non trattarmi come se fossi una bambina. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like I'm a child. Las niñas no son bienvenidas. Girls aren't welcome. Girls are not welcome. Je dois escalader cette montagne. I have to climb this mountain. I have to climb this mountain. Je suis arrivé à Toronto au début du mois de juin. I came to Toronto at the beginning of June. I arrived in Toronto early in June. Voi siete subdole. You're sneaky. You are subdolences. Es lo mejor que podemos hacer por el momento. It's the best we can do for now. It's the best we can do for the time being. Je veux que vous soyez revenue aujourd'hui. I want you back today. I want you to come back today. Este reloj es mío. This clock is mine. This watch is mine. Posso usar este dicionário? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Eu preferiria morrer a ver você chorar. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die watch you cry. On ei lo gojat ? Where is the boy? Where'd they go? Tom è molto generoso. Tom is very generous. Tom is very generous. Io lo persi di vista. I lost sight of him. I lost sight of him. Eles precisam do dinheiro. They need the money. They need the money. Sois toi-même. Be yourself. Be yourself. Tom non vive ancora a Boston. Tom doesn't live in Boston yet. Tom doesn't live in Boston yet. Il ladro entrò attraverso una finestra rotta. The thief entered through a broken window. The thief entered through a broken window. Nunca se pode ter certeza. You can never be sure. You can never be sure. Não estou orgulhosa disto. I am not proud of this. I'm not proud of this. Tom ha scritto un paio di libri. Tom has written a couple of books. Tom wrote a couple books. Ea a încercat să simuleze indiferența. She tried to feign indifference. She tried to simulate indifference. Tom quase teve um infarto quando viu Mary parada na beirada do telhado. Tom nearly had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. Tom almost had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. Voi sunteți imparțiali. You're unbiased. You're impartial. Eu lembro de postar a sua carta ontem. I remember posting your letter yesterday. I remember posting your letter yesterday. Se non fose pola súa axuda, o teu éxito non sería posible. But for his help, your success would be impossible. If it weren't for your help, your success wouldn't be possible. Je suis désolé pour ce malentendu. I'm sorry about my mistake. I'm sorry about that misunderstanding. Tom acha que sabe quem é o músico favorito de Mary. Tom thinks he knows who Mary's favorite musician is. Tom thinks he knows who Mary's favorite musician is. Procédons avec les points de l'ordre du jour. Let's proceed with the items on the agenda. Let us proceed with the agenda items. Je vais attendre ma sœur ici. I will wait for my sister here. I'll wait for my sister here. Tom sabia que Maria não estava em casa. Tom knew Mary wasn't at home. Tom knew Maria wasn't home. ¿A qué hora se va a dormir? What time do you go to bed? What time are you going to sleep? La nueva tablet cuesta un ojo de la cara. The new tablet costs an arm and a leg. The new tablet costs one eye out of the face. Tom duvida que o que aconteceu hoje possa acontecer novamente no futuro. Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. Tom doubted that what happened today could happen again in the future. È andata a fare la spesa. She is gone shopping. She went shopping. O Tom não parece estar infeliz. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy. En tom és un ximplet. Tom is a silly man. Tom's a fool. Le fleuve Shinano est plus long que n'importe quelle rivière du Japon. The Shinano River is longer than any river in Japan. The Shinano River is longer than any of Japan's rivers. Aquela é sua mãe? Is that your mother? Is that your mother? Tom está ficando cego. Tom is going blind. Tom's blind. A mi madre le encanta el té. My mother likes tea very much. My mother loves tea. Vamos precisar disso. We'll need that. We're gonna need that. Te quiero en mi oficina en una hora. I want you in my office in one hour. I want you in my office in an hour. Notre catalogue peut vous être envoyé sur demande. Our catalog will be sent on demand. Our catalogue can be sent to you on request. Tot ce trebuie să faci este să-ți scrii numele și adresa aici. All you have to do is to write your name and address here. All you have to do is write your name and address here. Ce parapluie est celui de Tom. That umbrella is Tom's. This umbrella is Tom's. A Tom no li agrada el formatge. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Sia allegra. Be cheerful. Be merry. Volevo dire che mi dispiace. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I meant I'm sorry. Ela mudou de assunto. She changed the subject. She's changed her mind. Toccò un rospo. She touched a toad. He touched a toad. Aceasta este simplă. This is simple. That's simple. Tom est dangereux. Tom is dangerous. Tom's dangerous. La notizia l'ha resa felice. The news made her happy. The news made her happy. ¿Qué querés hacer esta noche? What do you want to do tonight? What do you want to do tonight? Ella no quiere verte. She doesn't want to see you. She doesn't want to see you. Quan vas tornar d'Alemanya? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? Oubliez ça tout de suite. Forget about that right now. Forget it right now. Damas est la capitale de la Syrie. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Damascus is the capital of Syria. Non vi piace pescare? Don't you like fishing? Don't you like fishing? Nici măcar nu asculți. You're not even listening. You don't even listen. Estaba en la montaña. I was on the mountain. I was on the mountain. Chiamatemi lunedì. Call me on Monday. Call me Monday. Această clădire modernă este urâtă. This modern building is ugly. This modern building is ugly. Il a ouvert la porte. He opened the door. He opened the door. Gostaria de pedir bebidas agora. I'd like to order drinks now. I'd like to order drinks now. Ligue para o Tom imediatamente. Call up Tom right away. Call Tom right away. Si vous êtes fatiguée, allez vous cacher. If you're tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go hide. Je ne savais pas que vous étiez riche. I didn't know you were rich. I didn't know you were rich. Conosce Tom Jackson? Do you know Tom Jackson? Do you know Tom Jackson? A-i é 'n pach për Tom an sla mia tàula. There's a package for Tom on my desk. A-i is a pach për Tom an sla mia tabula. He venido a hacerte una oferta. I came here to make you an offer. I've come to make you an offer. Eu não posso salvar ninguém. I can't save anyone. I can't save anyone. Di' loro cos'hai in mente. Tell them what's on your mind. Tell them what you're thinking. Dites-nous ce qu'il se passe. Tell us what's going on. Tell us what's going on. Tom est fier de sa collection de timbres. Tom is proud of his stamp collection. Tom is proud of his collection of stamps. O que vocês fizeram hoje? What did you do today? What did you guys do today? Eles mataram o Tom. They killed Tom. They killed Tom. Plusieurs dizaines de jeunes gens participèrent à la manifestation. Several dozen young people participated in the demonstration. Several dozen young people participated in the demonstration. Tom non ha comprato niente a Mary. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. Tom didn't buy anything from Mary. Ele teve uma boa ideia. A good idea occurred to him. He had a good idea. Qu'ei hèra bon. This is very good. That's a good one. Continuò a gridare. He kept screaming. He kept yelling. Lucie fut témoin d'un meurtre sur la principale place de Florence. Lucy witnessed a murder in the main square of Florence. Lucie witnessed a murder on Florence's main square. O garoto usa óculos. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy wears glasses. Ces chaussures vont à mon pied. These shoes fit my feet. These shoes are at my feet. Mon père souffre d'un rhume. My father is suffering from a cold. My father suffers from a cold. Por sobre a água boiam centenas de folhas. Hundreds of leaves float on the water. Above the water, there are hundreds of leaves. Majoritatea oamenilor scriu despre viața lor zilnică. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their daily lives. Ea i-a șoptit ceva. She whispered something to him. She whispered something to him. Les routes sont bloquées en raison du mauvais temps. The roads are blocked due to the bad weather. Roads are blocked due to bad weather. Lo que sigue es una explicación detallada de como cada concepto es implementado en este ejemplo. What follows is a detailed examination of how each concept is implemented in this example. The following is a detailed explanation of how each concept is implemented in this example. Por muito tempo, eu te amei. I've loved you for a long time. For a long time, I loved you. Les personnes ont-elles réellement besoin de se haïr mutuellement? Do people really have to hate one another? Do people really need to hate each other? Je viens d'arriver de Paris. I've just arrived from Paris. I just arrived from Paris. Eu prefiro café. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Nous aurons des bonnes notes. We'll get good grades. We'll have good grades. Yo kreyo en el sol, afilu si el no briye. Yo kreyo en el amor, afilu si no lo senta. Yo kreyo en el Dio, afilu si El se kaye. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I kreyo in the sun, afilu if he does not shine. I kreyo in love, afilu if he does not sit. I kreyo in the God, afilu si El kaye. No reconozco a ninguno de los que aparecen en la foto. I don't recognize any of the people in the picture. I don't recognize any of those in the picture. Has sido una gran ayuda para nuestra familia. You've been a great help to our family. You've been a great help to our family. Non mi apprezza nessuno. Nobody appreciates me. No one likes me. Des mouches pour des enfants espiègles, voilà ce que nous sommes pour les dieux ; ils nous tuent pour leur divertissement. As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods ; they kill us for their sport. Flying for child spies, this is what we are for the gods; they kill us for their entertainment. Te veré dentro de tres horas. I'll see you in three hours. I'll see you in three hours. Reza por París. Pray for Paris. Pray for Paris. Mostra spesso la sua rabbia. He often shows his anger. He often shows his anger. Creo que el libro es interesante. I think the book is interesting. I think the book is interesting. Tom estava encharcado. Tom was soaking wet. Tom was stuck. Véalo usted mismo. See for yourself. See for yourself. Vozotros komprash pan. You buy bread. Vozotros komprash pan. Ela já conhecia a história. She knew the story already. She knew the story. Eu sei onde podemos conseguir um. I know where we can get one. I know where we can get one. Me encanta el sol mucho. I really love the sun. I love the sun a lot. Ella lo conoció en una conferencia en Boston. She first met him at a conference in Boston. She met him at a conference in Boston. Cât costă rochia aceasta? How much is this dress? How much is this dress? Chaque dimanche, Takashi adore régler le moteur de sa voiture. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust his car's engine. Every Sunday, Takashi loves to adjust the engine of his car. Elle était toute troublée quand le garçon qu'elle aime vint lui parler. She got all flustered when the boy she likes came over to talk to her. She was all upset when the boy she loves came to talk to her. Tom non è per niente impegnato. Tom isn't busy at all. Tom's not busy at all. Este dicionário também pode ajudá-las. This dictionary can also help you. This dictionary can also help you. Eles atingiram seus objetivos. They reached their goal. They have achieved their goals. Je te reçois bien. I can hear you well. I welcome you. Você já ouviu a "Nona" de Beethoven? Have you ever listened to Beethoven's "Ninth"? Have you heard "Nona" from Beethoven? Essa garota mudou seu visual. This girl changed her look. That girl changed her view. La conferință au participat reprezentanți din mai multe țări. Delegates from many countries participated in the conference. Representatives from several countries attended the conference. Ela é minha meia-irmã. She's my half-sister. She's my half-brother. Feci così tanto che mi sentii stanco. I did so much that I felt tired. I felt so tired. Ella tiene demasiados novios. She has too many boyfriends. She has too many boyfriends. Je ne pense pas que cela soit autorisé ici. I don't think that's allowed here. I don't think that's allowed here. Corta a energia! Cut the power! Cut the power! Perché mi parlate sempre in inglese? È perché sono straniero? Why do you always speak to me in English? Is it because I'm a foreigner? Why do you always speak English to me? Is that why I am a foreigner? Quan ètz encuentats ? When are you busy? When are you meeting? Tom precisa de algo. Tom needed something. Tom needs something. Oamenii din Brazilia erau mândri de el. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Todos olharam para Tom. Everybody looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. Cela prendra cinq à dix ans avant que la technologie ne soit prête. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. This will take five to ten years before the technology is ready. Où vous rendez-vous ? Where are you heading? Where are you meeting? A sopa estava muito quente. The soup was too hot. The soup was very hot. Vas a morir. You're going to die. You're going to die. Tom jamais pediu a Mary para lhe mostrar como fazer isso. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Comprengui pas pr'amor as hèit aquò. Estoc un miracle. I don't understand how she did that. That was a miracle. Don't understand for love if I do. I take a miracle. Tom a commandé de la pizza. Tom ordered pizza. Tom ordered pizza. Si no vols estar sol, puc fer-te companyia. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. Eu vou ver o Tom amanhã. I'll be seeing Tom tomorrow. I'll see Tom tomorrow. Îl voi susține. I will endorse it. I'll back him up. Tom está mandando un fax. Tom is sending a fax. Tom's sending a fax. Eu tenho uma dúzia de relatórios para ler. I have a dozen reports to read. I have a dozen reports to read. Tu non stai bene. You're not well. You're not well. Pourquoi ne vous étendez-vous pas un moment ? Why don't you lie down for a while? Why don't you lie down for a moment? Ne fume pas quand tu es en service. Don't smoke while you are on duty. Don't smoke when you're on duty. Ha cresciuto il ragazzo rendendolo una brava persona. She raised the boy to be a fine person. He raised the boy by making him a good person. Je peux voir un bateau au loin. I can see a ship in the distance. I can see a boat away. Eu sou extrovertido. I'm extroverted. I'm extroverted. Maria quer ser freira. Mary wants to be a nun. Mary wants to be a nun. Has ganado peso. You have gained weight. You've gained weight. Ho fatto quello che mi hanno detto di fare. I did what they told me to do. I did what they told me to do. Nouă ne place zăpada. We like snow. We like snow. ¡Adivina a quién he conocido hoy! Guess who I met today! Guess who I met today! Quando vocês viajarão a Paris? When will you travel to Paris? When will you travel to Paris? De ce nu vrei să te duci cu ei? Why don't you want to go with them? Why don't you go with them? Son pull est gris. His sweater is gray. His sweater is gray. Nu-mi dezvălui secretul. Don't give away my secret. You don't reveal my secret. Sosh moendiz? Are you an engineer? Sosh moendiz? És mais forte do que ele. You're stronger than him. You're stronger than him. Non quero volver a verte xamáis. I never want to see you again. I don't want to see you again. Lei è affascinante. You're fascinating. She's charming. Eu o acho engraçado. I think you're funny. I think you're funny. Eles foram embora depois de terminar de almoçar. They left after they finished lunch. They left after lunch. Debía impedir la guerra. He had to prevent the war. The war should be stopped. Tatălui meu îi place tenisul. My father likes tennis. My dad likes tennis. Quiers bailar con yo? Would you like to dance with me? You want to dance with me? He terminado. I'm done. I'm done. Vous ne pouvez pas tous les deux dire la vérité. You can't both be telling the truth. You can't both tell the truth. J'ai peint le portail en bleu. I painted the gate blue. I painted the portal in blue. Dove li avete tolti? Where did you take them off? Where did you take them? Noi siamo a Calgary! We're in Calgary! We're in Calgary! Vocês gostam de estudar? Do you like studying? Do you like to study? Parece que la puerta fue derribada. It seems that the door was knocked down. Looks like the door was knocked down. Você estudou sozinho? Did you study by yourself? Have you studied alone? Lorsque vous tournerez à gauche, vous verrez un bâtiment blanc. When you turn to the left, you'll see a white building. When you turn left, you will see a white building. Tom parecia estar se divertindo. Tom looked like he was having fun. Tom seemed to be having fun. Éste es el hospital en el que nací. This is the hospital I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Elle jouait au tennis tous les dimanches. She used to play tennis every Sunday. She played tennis every Sunday. Non lle deu resposta a súa pregunta. He didn't give an answer to the question. He didn't answer his question. La juventud está enamorada de la tecnología. The youth is in love with technology. Young people are in love with technology. J'ai simplement besoin d'être seule. I just need to be alone. I just need to be alone. Mă asigur că judec un om după personalitatea sa. I make a point of judging a man by his personality. I make sure I judge a man by his personality. Tu sei una prude. You're a prude. You're a prude. John Locke, o conhecido filósofo da liberdade, era acionista da Royal African Company, que comprava e vendia escravos. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, who bought and sold slaves. Avremo qualcosa per voi. We'll have something for you. We'll have something for you. Il n'y a aucun problème du tout. There's no problem whatsoever. There's no problem at all. Ha promesso di non essere di nuovo in ritardo. He promised not to be late again. He promised he wouldn't be late again. È tornato a casa ora? Are you back home now? He's home now? Et si je vous disais que je souhaite vraiment devenir enseignante ? What if I told you I really want to be a teacher? What if I told you I really wanted to be a teacher? Quer casar comigo? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Não sou saudável. I'm not healthy. I'm not healthy. À quelle heure est le lever du soleil ? What time is sunrise? What time is the sun rising? Il est jeune et en bonne santé. He's young and healthy. He's young and healthy. O home come para vivir, non vive para comer. Man eats to live, he does not live to eat. Man eats to live, he doesn't live to eat. Você teve uma semana muito atarefada. You've had a very busy week. You've had a very busy week. La mort soudaine de son frère les a surpris. The sudden death of his brother surprised them. His brother's sudden death surprised them. Nulle part on ne put trouver l'anneau. The ring couldn't be found anywhere. Nowhere can we find the ring. Vamos tentar mais uma vez. Let's try one more time. Let's try it again. Am avut un vis urât noaptea trecută. I had a nightmare last night. I had a bad dream last night. ¿Por qué sigue pasándome esto? Why does this keep happening to me? Why does this keep happening to me? Ella se comprometió con él. She got engaged to him. She committed to him. Ils veulent sexe, richesse et gloire. They want sex, wealth and fame. They want sex, wealth and glory. Andai a letto all'una. I went to bed at one o'clock. I went to bed one by one. Todos menos él vienen de Kyushu. Everyone but him comes from Kyushu. All but he comes from Kyushu. Hoy cuando me desperté, bostecé, me estiré, me quité las legañas de los ojos y me puse las zapatillas de estar en casa. When I woke up today, I yawned, stretched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and put on a pair of slippers. When I woke up today, I wrestled, stretched out, took my eyes off and put my shoes at home. Sábias palavras! Wise words! Wise words! Il y a un coffre-fort dans le bureau de Tom. There's a safe in Tom's office. There's a safe in Tom's office. El nostre estiu és curt, però calorós. Our summer is short, but warm. Our summer is short, but warm. Tom è molto più anziano ora. Tom is a lot older now. Tom's a lot older now. Se teme de întuneric. She is terrified of the dark. He's afraid of the dark. Je ne me sens pas si spécial. I don't feel so special. I don't feel so special. Tom non comincerà a farlo. Tom won't start doing that. Tom's not gonna start doing this. Le Mexique est un pays d’Amérique du Nord. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a country in North America. Eu alcancei e toquei a mão da Mary. I reached out and touched Mary's hand. I reached out and touched Mary's hand. Merci de m'aider à porter mes valises. Thank you for helping me carry my suitcases. Thank you for helping me carry my suitcases. Je veux simplement que vous sachiez toutes que vous pouvez compter sur moi. I just want you all to know you can depend on me. I just want you all to know that you can count on me. El și-a neglijat îndatoririle. He was negligent of his duties. He neglected his duties. Conta'm els teus plans de futur. Tell me your plans for the future. Tell me your plans for the future. Él es sumamente cortés. He is polite to a fault. He's extremely courteous. Apparemment, ce n'est pas exact. Apparently, that's not correct. Apparently, that's not true. L'automobile è vecchia ma buona. The car is old but good. The car is old but good. Potrivit surselor, nu au existat victime. Reportedly, there were no casualties. According to sources, there were no victims. Dile que le quieres antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Tell him you love him before it's too late! Tell him you love him before it's too late. Tom este în spatele gratiilor din nou. Tom is behind bars again. Tom's behind bars again. Aqueth líber qu'ei lo ton. This book is yours. That's a book that's tone. Quiero un libro que leer. I want a book to read. I want a book to read. Le spie hanno avvelenato il conte. The spies poisoned the count. The spies poisoned the Count. A escola fica na colina. The school is on the hill. The school stays on the hill. Tom volvió al trabajo. Tom went back to work. Tom went back to work. Ele há de ser demitido. He shall be fired. He's got to be fired. Si tu ne manques pas le train, tu y seras à temps. If you don't miss the train, you'll get there in time. If you don't miss the train, you'll be there in time. Tom non gliel'ha detto? Didn't Tom tell you? Tom didn't tell him? Il est condamné à perpétuité. He has a life sentence. He is sentenced to life. Tu auzi lucruri. You are hearing things. You hear things. Tom estaba reacio a marcharse. Tom was reluctant to go. Tom was reluctant to leave. Tom non sabe nadar e Mary tampouco. Tom can't swim and neither can Mary. Tom can't swim and neither can Mary. Es muy improbable que alguna vez encontremos una solución a este problema. It's very unlikely that we will ever find a solution to this problem. It is highly unlikely that we will ever find a solution to this problem. Quase todas portas estavam fechadas. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Combien la chemise coûte-t-elle ? How much does the shirt cost? How much does the shirt cost? Posso dire che siete arrabbiati. I can tell you're angry. I can say you're angry. Es una frase hecha, no hay que entenderla literalmente. It's an idiom. You don't have to understand its literal meaning. It's a phrase made, you don't have to understand it literally. El fútbol es bueno. Soccer is good. Football's good. Sami ha fatto una cosa molto stupida. Sami did a very stupid thing. Sami did something very stupid. Non credo a una storia del genere. I don't believe such a story. I don't believe in such a story. Ero impaurito quando lo vidi. I was frightened when I saw that. I was scared when I saw him. Babbo Natale porta dei regali ai bambini per Natale. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa brings gifts to children for Christmas. Aqueste hèit muisha qu'ei aunèste. This fact shows that he is honest. This hôte muisha is an austrian. Nossos corpos são compostos de células. Our bodies are made of cells. Our bodies are composed of cells. Noi avem un supermarket mare. We have a big supermarket. We have a big supermarket. Non c'era così freddo ieri. It wasn't so cold yesterday. It wasn't that cold yesterday. O meu pai contraxo unha pneumonía o mes pasado. My father contracted pneumonia last month. My father got pneumonia last month. La mer était aussi lisse que le verre. The sea was as smooth as glass. The sea was as smooth as the glass. Iată echipa mea. There's my team. Here's my team. Êtes-vous une criminelle ? Are you a criminal? Are you a criminal? Tom è sempre di buonumore. Tom is always in a good mood. Tom's always in a good mood. Eu digo que "eu sou Tom". I say "I'm Tom". I say, "I'm Tom." Ella cogió a su bebe en sus brazos. She clutched her baby in her arms. She took her baby in her arms. Ella va arribar a l'hotel a altes hores de la nit. She got to the hotel late at night. She arrived at the hotel at night. De qué volètz díser ? What do you mean? What do you want to say? No sabemos lo que él hizo en la fiesta. We don't know what he did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. Fais attention quand tu transportes de l'huile de tournesol. Be careful when carrying sunflower oil. Be careful when you transport sunflower oil. Il mondo è piccolo. It's a small world. The world is small. ¿Es cierto que tú te vas a París? Is it true that you are going to Paris? Is it true you're going to Paris? Tom nunca dice hola. Tom never says hello. Tom never says hello. Que't cau hèr çò de melhor. You must do your best. Here's the best thing. Tom non mangia carne o uova. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Tom doesn't eat meat or eggs. Le chiamerò. I'll call them. I'll call her. Lui era in ritardo per via della neve. He was late because of the snow. He was late for the snow. Nous avons pris un peu de soupe de poulet. We had some chicken soup. We had some chicken soup. Monsù Suzuki a l'ha studià fransèis prima d'andé an Fransa. Mr. Suzuki studied French before he went to France. Monsù Suzuki studied French before the year Fransa. Ça sera très très chaud. It will be very, very hot. It'll be very hot. Vous avez le droit de garder le silence. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to remain silent. Io ho scritto loro una lettera. I wrote a letter to them. I wrote them a letter. Parecía como si el agua hubiese penetrado en los cables de algún modo y estuvieran estropeados. It sounded like water had got onto the cables somehow, and they were breaking. It seemed as if the water had penetrated the wires in some way and were spoiled. T'a-t-on dit quand tu es attendue ici ? Have you been told when you are expected to be here? Did we tell you when you were waiting here? Știe cineva franceză? Does anyone know French? Anyone know French? Plus tard, j'aimerais être professeur d'histoire. I want to teach history when I grow up. Later, I'd like to be a history teacher. Mon père me tuera. My dad will kill me. My father will kill me. Tom se quedó conmocionado cuando vio a Mary besar a John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom was shocked when he saw Mary kissing John. J'ai un frère aîné et deux sœurs cadettes. I have one big brother and two little sisters. I have an elder brother and two cadet sisters. Un soldo risparmiato è un soldo guadagnato. A penny saved is a penny earned. A saved salary is a salary earned. Il suo unico pensiero è vedere lei. His one thought is to see her. Her only thought is to see her. ¿Qué haría yo sin ti? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Ei nu mă sperie. They don't scare me. They don't scare me. Esta es una casa espléndida. This is a splendid house. This is a splendid house. Où étions-nous ? Where were we? Where were we? L'attuale crisi algerina potrebbe portare a conseguenze terribili. The current Algerian crisis could lead to terrible consequences. The current Algerian crisis could lead to terrible consequences. Asta a mâniat mulţi oameni. This got many people angry. That angered a lot of people. No todo en este mundo se mide en dinero. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Io devo lottare. I have to fight. I have to fight. A Marika se vestia como uma japonesa? Did Marika dress like a Japanese woman? Was Marika dressed like a Japanese girl? Como você está? How's it going? How are you? Llame a un doctor. Call a doctor. Call a doctor. Merci Thank you! Thank you. Qué bochornoso para todos nosotros. How embarrassing for us all. How silly for all of us. Il demanda un peu d'argent. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Tentemos entender um ao outro. Let's try to understand one another. Let's try to understand each other. I bambini stanno già dormendo? Are the children already asleep? Are the children already sleeping? Não sei quem sabe. I don't know who knows. I don't know who knows. Puede ser un gorrión, pero todavía es carne. It may be a sparrow, but it's still meat. It may be a sparrow, but it's still meat. Quanto ye? How much is this? How much is it? El canto de la curruca capirotada se puede oír desde las dos hasta las dos y media. The Eurasian blackcap's songs can be heard from two to two-thirty p.m. The singing of the capirotated curruca can be heard from both to two and a half. ¿Te gusta el apartamento? Do you like the apartment? Do you like the apartment? El paràgraf no admet cap altra lectura. There is no other way to understand the sentence. The paragraph does not accept any other reading. É possível aprender mesmo em uma idade avançada. One can even learn at an old age. It is possible to learn even at an advanced age. Dovrai praticarla. You'll have to practice it. You'll have to practice it. Tom a pus un poster pe perete. Tom stuck a poster on the wall. Tom put a poster on the wall. Le connaissez-vous par hasard ? Do you know him, by any chance? Do you happen to know him? Acuma bea! Now drink up. Now drink! Elle doit trouver du travail. She must find work. She's got to find work. Lavura lur bab tar il chantun? Does their father work for the canton? Does her baby wash the canton? ¡El internet no puede cometer crímenes! The internet can't commit crimes! The internet can't commit crimes! Să mergem să vedem un film. Let's go see a movie. Let's go see a movie. Non me ne frega niente. I don't give a damn about it. I don't care. Il avait soif. He was thirsty. He was thirsty. Je m'en souvins. I remembered it. I remember. Je voulais te le dire. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you. Me alegra oír que sabes cómo la llaman. I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. I'm glad to hear you know what she's called. Tycho Brahe perdeu parte do seu nariz em um duelo de espadas. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a sword duel. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a duel of swords. Ne vous donnez pas des airs ! Don't give yourself airs. Don't give yourself air! Saca el vendaje. Remove the bandage. Take the bandage off. Eu sei quando é seu aniversário. I know when your birthday is. I know when it's your birthday. Malgré la pluie, le match n'a pas été annulé. In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled. Despite the rain, the game was not cancelled. Digli di prendere un posto. Tell him to take a seat. Tell him to take a seat. Você fez isso sozinha? Did you make this yourself? Did you do that on your own? Meu colega falsificou o relatório. My colleague doctored the report. My colleague faked the report. Suco de laranja ou champanhe? Orange juice or champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Aqueles son os nosos libros. Those are our books. Those are our books. Il a visité la France trois fois. He has been to France three times. He visited France three times. Pensavo che fossi arrabbiata con lui. I thought you were mad at him. I thought you were mad at him. Donnez-moi le journal, je vous prie, une fois que vous en aurez fini. Please give me the paper when you have done with it. Give me the paper, please, once you're done with it. Bill prendió la televisión. Bill turned on the television. Bill turned on the TV. La frase di esempio n° 354618 ha creato molta confusione nel sito web di Tatoeba. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The phrase n° 354618 created a lot of confusion on the website of Tatoeba. Tom meurt d'impatience. Impatience is killing Tom. Tom died of impatience. É bonita, não é? It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful, isn't it? Yo so un gato. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Comment puis-je me rendre à la gare ? How can I get to the train station? How can I get to the train station? Di male in peggio! From bad to worse! Worse than that! Mi ermano morava en Mueva York. My brother used to live in New York. My brother lived in Mueva York. Os meus beizos están selados. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Dì mach a gnun anté ch'it l'has 'vù sossì. Just don't tell anybody where you got this. Say mach to gnun as long as you've got her back. O que é melhor do que a amizade? What is better than friendship? What's better than friendship? A încercat să rezolve problema, dar nu a avut noroc. He tried to solve the problem, but had no luck. He tried to solve the problem, but he wasn't lucky. Non riesco ancora a farla. I can't do it yet. I still can't do it. Saca una carta. Take a card. Take a card. Ele parece muito mais jovem que ela. He looks much younger than her. He looks much younger than her. Pues en este mundo solo hay sinvergüenzas e hipócritas. You see in this world there are only scoundrels and hypocrites. For in this world there are only shames and hypocrites. É um dos melhores restaurantes em Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. Tenho um montão de coisas a fazer. I have many things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Perché non lavorate più duramente? Why don't you work harder? Why don't you guys work harder? Tom não gosta da casa em que está morando. Tom dislikes the house he's living in. Tom doesn't like the house he's living in. ¿Ustedes caminan de la mano? Do you walk hand in hand? You guys walk by the hand? Apuesto a que eres un excelente profesor. I bet you're a great teacher. I bet you're a great teacher. Preţul era de doar trei mii de yeni sau aproximativ treizeci de dolari. The price was only three thousand yen, or about thirty dollars. The price was just three thousand yen or about thirty dollars. Aceasta este o poveste absurdă. That is a preposterous story. This is an absurd story. Voglio qualcosa di buono da mangiare. I want something nice to eat. I want something good to eat. Dica a Tom che io sono innocente. Tell Tom I'm innocent. Tell Tom I'm innocent. Para mi mayor sorpresa, sus ojos se fijaron en mí y sonrió. To my great surprise, her eyes fixed on me and she smiled. To my greatest surprise, his eyes looked at me and smiled. Il a réussi le test comme prévu. He passed the test as was expected. He passed the test as planned. Eres la única persona que puede convencerlo. You're the only person that can persuade him. You're the only person who can convince him. A medida que él hablaba, se ponía cada vez más entusiasmado. As he talked, he got more and more excited. As he spoke, he became more and more enthusiastic. Que fa calor a fora? Is it hot outside? What's hot outside? Y a-t-il qui que ce soit, ici ? Is anyone here? Is there anyone here? No tenim por. We are not afraid. We're not afraid. Grace todavía no ha venido. Grace has not come yet. Grace hasn't come yet. Eu realmente me diverti. I really enjoyed myself. I really had fun. Tom si addormentò immediatamente. Tom fell asleep immediately. Tom fell asleep immediately. Tenho saudade da minha família e do meu país. I miss my family and my country. I miss my family and my country. Nous partirons demain. We're leaving tomorrow. We'll leave tomorrow. Tom cercò di frenare la sua rabbia. Tom tried to restrain his anger. Tom tried to slow down his anger. M-am săturat de toate plângerile. I'm sick of all the complaints. I've had enough of all the complaints. Está demasiado caluroso como para quedarse aquí. It is too hot to stay here. It's too hot to stay here. Ele estava com pressa de ver sua mãe. He was in a hurry to see his mother. He was in a hurry to see his mother. Il proposa d'aller avec lui au théâtre, mais il n'y avait aucune représentation ce soir-là. He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night. He proposed to go with him to the theatre, but there was no performance that night. Demana un desig Make a wish. Ask for a wish A Tom le plazen los tomates? Does Tom like tomatoes? Tom's got tomatoes on him? Nous devons être attentifs et écouter. We have to pay attention and listen. We must be careful and listen. Mary tenía que ir a la escuela. Mary had to go to school. Mary had to go to school. Florile se usucă repede după ce au fost tăiate. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers dry quickly after they were cut. Elle semble être partie pour Tokyo hier. She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday. She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday. El hombre es el único animal sujeto a volverse un imbécil. Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile. Man is the only animal that's supposed to become an asshole. Studio all'università di Hyogo. I'm studying at the University of Hyogo. Study at Hyogo University. Tom y María todavía no están acostumbrados a hacerlo. Tom and Mary aren't yet used to doing that. Tom and Mary are not used to it yet. Eu não me lembro do nome do irmão mais novo do Tom. I don't remember Tom's younger brother's name. I don't remember Tom's younger brother's name. Provavelmente, vocês estarão todos mortos nos próximos cinquenta anos. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. You'll probably all be dead in the next 50 years. Je suis comme toi. I am like you. I'm just like you. Aceasta este incontestabil cea mai bună metodă. It's incontestably the best method. This is indisputably the best method. Onte traballei máis de oito horas. I worked more than eight hours yesterday. I worked more than eight hours yesterday. Concentrábase na aprendizaxe de preposicións. He concentrated on his study of prepositions. It focused on preposition learning. ¡Baila! Dance! Baila! Tu est libre de partir maintenant. You're free to leave now. You're free to go now. Aquelas são as crianças a quem você deu o livro. Those are the children you gave the book to. Those are the children you gave the book to. ¿Por qué no le diste a Tom el dinero que te pidió? Why didn't you give Tom the money he asked for? Why didn't you give Tom the money he asked you for? Le Ministère de la Justice des États-Unis et le Bureau fédéral d’investigation (FBI) ont pris pour cible des musulmans américains lors d’opérations d’infiltration abusives menées dans le cadre de la lutte antiterroriste et basées sur des critères d’identité religieuse et ethnique, ont affirmé Human Rights Watch et l'Institut des droits de l'homme. The US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have targeted American Muslims in abusive counterterrorism “sting operations” based on religious and ethnic identity, Human Rights Watch and Human Rights Institute said. The Ministry of Justice of the United States and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) targeted American Muslims during abusive infiltration operations in the fight against terrorism and based on religious and ethnic identity criteria, Human Rights Watch and the Institute of Human Rights stated. En el prinsipyo krio el Dyo los syelos i la tyerra. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the krio prince the Dyo the eyelets and the tyerra. Je ne vous décevrai jamais. I'll never deceive you. I'll never let you down. Ella no hi ha anat mai. She has never been there. She's never gone. Vocês dois estão demitidos. You're both fired. You two are fired. E vatz demorar a casa ? Will you stay at home? And you're gonna be home late? Só há três meninas na classe. There are only three girls in the class. There's only three girls in class. Prefer să mor decât să te văd plângând. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die than see you crying. Per quante persone hai comprato dei regali di Natale quest'anno? How many people did you buy Christmas presents for this year? How many people did you buy Christmas gifts this year? Prețurile la mâncare sunt la cel mai ridicat nivel din 1990 de când Organizația Națiunilor Unite pentru Alimentație și Agricultură a început să țină evidența prețurilor. Food prices are at their highest level since the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization began keeping records in 1990. Food prices have been at the highest level since the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization began to record prices. Un individu est la plus petite unité de la société. An individual is the smallest unit of the society. An individual is the smallest unit in society. Gli ci son voluti tre mesi per imparare ad andare in bicicletta. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn how to ride a bike. Io e te non dovremmo parlare. You and I shouldn't be talking. You and I shouldn't talk. Eu sempre vou à escola andando. I always walk to school. I always go to school on my way. Llevo un BMW. I drive a BMW. I'm wearing a BMW. Tom suferă de dureri de cap. Tom suffers from headaches. Tom suffers from headaches. Onde ficam os históricos dos nossos bate-papos no MSN? Where are the history records of our MSN chats? Where are the stories of our chatters in MSN? Biroul lui este foarte aproape de al meu. His office is very close to mine. His office is very close to mine. Jouer à la roulette russe n'est pas vraiment une bonne idée. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Quan ei lo ton aniversari ? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Mi creda. Sarò un uomo nuovo. Believe me. I'll be a new man. Believe me, I'll be a new man. Creo que Tom puede que sea un genio. I think Tom may be a genius. I think Tom might be a genius. Tom leva o seu cachorro para passear no parque quase todos os dias. Tom walks his dog in the park almost every day. Tom takes his dog to walk in the park almost every day. A ninguén lle gusta a guerra. No one likes war. No one likes war. Tom verrà punito per quello che ha fatto. Tom is going to be punished for what he did. Tom will be punished for what he did. Estavam os senhores a delirar. You were delirious. The gentlemen were delirious. Pouco depois de voltar à França, ele decidiu abandonar sua carreira de economista para dedicar-se à sua verdadeira paixão: escrever, na Espanha. Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain. Shortly after returning to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist to dedicate himself to his true passion: to write in Spain. O trator está nivelando a rua. The road roller is levelling the street. The tractor's leveling the street. Soldaţii trebuie să urmeze ordinele. Soldiers must follow orders. Soldiers must follow orders. Espero que no estés sola. I hope you aren't alone. I hope you're not alone. Tu sei consapevole di qualche problema? Are you aware of any problems? Are you aware of any problems? Le ciel est rempli d'étoiles. The sky is full of stars. The sky is filled with stars. ¿Cuándo compraste el reloj? When did you buy the watch? When did you buy the watch? Ei erau tineri și nesăbuiți. They were young and foolish. They were young and reckless. Ha un senso dell'umorismo molto buono. He has a very good sense of humor. It has a very good sense of humor. El niño tenía un corazón puro. The child had a pure heart. The boy had a pure heart. ¿Por qué compras esto sabiendo que no lo vas a usar? Why do you buy this all the while knowing you'll never use it? Why do you buy this knowing you're not gonna use it? Que horas são em Londres agora? What time is it in London now? What time is it in London now? Il m'a promis qu'il serait ici à dix-huit heures. He promised me he would be here at six. He promised me he'd be here by 18 hours. Halloween était à l'origine une fête celtique. Halloween was originally a Celtic festival. Halloween was originally a Celtic party. Je sais que tu ne prévois pas de rester ici longtemps. I know you're not planning on staying here for a long time. I know you don't plan on staying here for a long time. Deveria encontrá-la aqui. I should find her here. I should find her here. Ela fala ruso. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Los piratas no tuvieron más alternativa que entregarse. The pirates had no choice but to surrender. The pirates had no choice but to surrender. Tu sei pieno di sorprese. You're full of surprises. You're full of surprises. Como você sabe que o Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça isso? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? Eu conheci bem o Tom. I got to know Tom well. I knew Tom well. Cuando vayamos a morir, estaremos solos. De todas nuestras posesiones terrenales estaremos a punto de partir. Los amigos terrenales - los amigos que nos señalan nuestra posición, nuestra riqueza o nuestras cualidades sociales, - nos dejarán cuando entremos en el valle oscuro. De aquellos atados a nosotros por lazos más fuertes - nuestros parientes, nuestros amados, hijos, hermanos, hermanas, y de otros no menos queridos por nosotros que han sido hechos nuestros amigos porque ellos y nosotros somos amigos del mismo Salvador, - de ellos también debemos partir. Aunque no todo nos dejará. Hay Uno que "permanece más cerca que un hermano" - Uno que habiendo amado a los Suyos que están en el mundo, les ama hasta el final. When we come to die, we shall be alone. From all our worldly possessions we shall be about to part. Worldly friends — the friends drawn to us by our position, our wealth, or our social qualities, — will leave us as we enter the dark valley. From those bound to us by stronger ties — our kindred, our loved ones, children, brothers, sisters, and from those not less dear to us who have been made our friends because they and we are the friends of the same Saviour, — from them also we must part. Yet not all will leave us. There is One who "sticketh closer than a brother" — One who having loved His own which are in the world loves them to the end. When we go to die, we will be alone. Of all our earthly possessions we will be about to leave. The earthly friends - the friends who point to our position, our wealth or our social qualities, - will leave us when we enter the dark valley. Of those bound to us by stronger bonds - our relatives, our loved ones, our children, brothers, sisters, and others who are no less loved by us who have been made our friends because they and we are friends of the same Savior, - of them we must also go. Though not everything will leave us. There is One who "stays closer than a brother" - One who has loved the Suyos who are in the world, loves them to the end. Esto lleva su tiempo. It takes time. This takes its time. Ei sunt frumușei. They are pretty. They're the beautiful ones. En Tom és un bon veí. Tom is a good neighbour. Tom's a good neighbor. Preocuparea mea principală este siguranța voastră. My primary concern is your safety. My main concern is your safety. Todos tienen el derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad personal. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of person. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and personal security. Non puoi fermarli. You can't stop them. You can't stop them. Nunca foi feito antes. It has never been done before. It's never been done before. Bob, ayúdame llevar esta maleta a la sala de estar. Bob, help me carry his suitcase to the living room. Bob, help me get this suitcase into the living room. Detroit é famosa pela sua indústria automobilística. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its automotive industry. Il était sept heures trente. It was seven thirty. It was seven thirty hours. Lui non ha ascoltato. He did not listen. He didn't listen. Tom si fiderà di lei. Tom will trust you. Tom will trust you. Tom vai para Boston nesta primavera. Tom is going to Boston this spring. Tom's going to Boston this spring. Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer para mañana. There are a lot of things I have to do before tomorrow. I have a lot of things to do by tomorrow. Tom pediu a Mary que tomasse conta das crianças. Tom asked Mary to watch the children. Tom asked Mary to take care of the children. Por favor, llama a Tom. Please call Tom. Please call Tom. Cette robe va bien avec ses cheveux roux. That dress matches her red hair. This dress is fine with her red hair. Tom vive accanto a Mary. Tom lives next door to Mary. Tom lives next to Mary. Lui Tom nu-i place felul în care râde Mary. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Tom doesn't like the way Mary laughs. Cosa preferiresti fare, andare al cinema o restare a casa? Which would you rather do, go to a movie or stay at home? What would you rather do, go to the movies or stay home? Roma a devenit o mare putere sub Iulius Cezar. Rome became a great power under Julius Caesar. Rome became a great power under Julius Caesar. ¿Qué le pasa a toda la madera? What happens to all the wood? What happens to all the wood? Je n'aime pas votre goût pour les couleurs. I don't like your taste in color. I don't like your taste for colors. Montre-moi le contenu de tes rayonnages de livres et je te dirai qui tu es. Show me the content of your book shelves and I will tell you who you are. Show me the contents of your book rays and I'll tell you who you are. Ci vuole pazienza. It takes patience. It takes patience. È incredibilmente ingenua. She's unbelievably naive. She's incredibly naive. Tom pense que ce prix est raisonnable. Tom thinks this price is reasonable. Tom thinks this price is reasonable. Non aveva soldi per comprare la fattoria. He had no money to buy the farm. He didn't have the money to buy the farm. Și Tom și Mary au tușit. Both Tom and Mary coughed. And Tom and Mary coughed. Puxo moito énfase neste punto. He put great emphasis on this point. He put a lot of emphasis on this point. Ele se molhou da cintura aos joelhos. He got wet from the waist to the knees. He got wet from the waist to his knees. Nu le mai fac cum le făceau. They don't make 'em like they used to. I don't do them the way they did. Părinții mei continuă să se certe pentru lucruri stupide. E atât de enervant! My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying! My parents keep fighting for stupid things. ¿Dónde nos vemos? Where should we meet? Where do we meet? Preciso de uma semana. I need a week. I need a week. Tom colocou os enfeites na árvore de Natal. Tom hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Tom put the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Él se convirtió en un exitoso abogado. He became a successful lawyer. He became a successful lawyer. Eu acho que quero ficar. I think I want to stay. I think I want to stay. Avem nevoie de ajutorul tău! We need your help! We need your help! Fas bon aspecte. You look good. You look good. Escriu lo ton nom aquiu. Write down your name here. Write your name here. Penso che potrei essere senza lavoro. I think I might be out of a job. I think I might be out of work. Negând că era anarhistă, Katja a susținut că ea doar a dorit să facă schimbări în guvernul nostru, nu să-l distrugă. Denying she was an anarchist, Katja maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it. By denying that she was an anarchist, Katja claimed that she just wanted to make changes in our government, not destroy it. Je prie pour Tom. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. Li vam fer veure l'error en el seu raonament. We pointed out to him the error in his reasoning. We made him see the error in his reasoning. Eu ensinava francês há muitos anos. I taught French many years ago. I taught French many years ago. Spune-mi cum te cheamă, te rog. What's your name, please? Tell me your name, please. No m'agrada escoltar els plors dels xiquets. I don't like listening to children crying. I don't like hearing the crying of children. Exploraremos cada planeta que gira alrededor del sol. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We will explore every planet that revolves around the sun. ¿Quiere usted tocarlo? Do you want to play it? Do you want to touch it? Chi indossa i pantaloni nella vostra famiglia? Who wears the pants in your family? Who wears pants in your family? La production de gaz de schiste par les États-Unis et l'une des pires catastrophes écologiques en cours. United States shale gas production is one of the worst ongoing ecological disasters. U.S. shale gas production and one of the worst environmental disasters in progress. Por que você comprou um carro japonês? Why did you buy a Japanese car? Why did you buy a Japanese car? Alguém havia aberto a janela. Somebody had opened the window. Someone had opened the window. Io sto pitturando uova di Pasqua. I'm painting Easter eggs. I'm painting Easter eggs. Tu hai mai scritto una lettera a Mary? Have you ever written a letter to Mary? Did you ever write a letter to Mary? Êtes-vous fatiguées de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? Sortez du lit ! Get out of bed! Get out of bed! Feliz Día Internacional da Muller! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Nos miramos el uno al otro. We looked at each other. We looked at each other. Cum ai aflat? How did you find out? How did you find out? Ele tem de vir. He has to come. He has to come. Debemos mantener la calma. We must keep calm. We need to stay calm. Tom tiene muchos gatos. Tom has many cats. Tom has a lot of cats. Sei molto stilosa oggi. You're very stylish today. You're very stylish today. Tom veut que son père soit enterré à côté de sa mère. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Terei que dicirlle a verdade mañá. I will have to tell him the truth tomorrow. I'll have to tell you the truth tomorrow. Je suis très en faveur de cela. I'm very much in favor of this. I am very much in favour of this. La derrota hirió su orgullo. Losing injured their pride. Defeat hurt their pride. Il doit être le frère de Tom. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Când eram la școală, îmi plăcea să citesc literatură japoneză tradusă în engleză, în special „Sunt o pisică” și „Kokoro” de Soseki și „Nasul” și „Kappa” de Akutagawa. At school I had enjoyed reading Japanese literature in English translation, in particular Soseki's I am a Cat and Kokoro, and Akutagawa's The Nose and Kappa. When I was in school, I liked to read Japanese literature translated into English, especially “I’m a cat” and “Kokoro” by Soseki and “Nasul” and “Kappa” by Akutagawa. Tenemos que confiar en ellos. We have to trust them. We have to trust them. A viagem custou-me muito. The trip cost me a lot. The trip cost me a lot. No eres divertido. You're not funny. You're not funny. Tom abuzează de autoritatea sa, așa că nimeni nu-l place. Tom abuses his authority, so no one likes him. Tom abuses his authority, so no one likes him. Não se nasce com o mal; este é aprendido. You're not born evil; you learn how to be evil. It is not born with evil; it is learned. Elle est dans la douche. She's in the shower. She's in the shower. Ne bazăm pe tine. We're counting on you. We're counting on you. Ele possui uma iguana. He owns an iguana. He owns a iguana. Est-ce que ça se recycle ? Does it recycle? Is it recycled? Avete invitato Tom alla festa? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Elle pense que tout est une question d'argent. She thinks that everything is a question of money. She thinks it's all about money. Tócame Chopin. Play me some Chopin. Chopin is on me. Am nevoie să ies. I need to get outside. I need to get out. Sur quel bateau te trouvais-tu ? What ship were you on? Which boat were you on? No importa cuanto lo intente, no puedo nadar hasta esa roca. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. El poate să vorbească franceza bine. He can speak French well. He can speak French well. Feliz Pesah! Happy Passover! Happy Pesah! Je me sens un peu frustrée. I feel kind of frustrated. I feel a little frustrated. Tom fuma três maços de cigarro por dia. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Minha mãe é dois anos mais nova que meu pai. My mother is two years younger than my father. My mom's two years younger than my dad. Tom no esperaba encontrarse con un ser humano en un lugar al que una ardilla se lo habría pensado dos veces antes de entrar. Tom didn't expect to encounter a human being in a place where a squirrel would have thought twice about entering. Tom did not expect to meet a human being in a place where a squirrel would have thought twice before entering. La natation devrait t'aider à perdre du poids. Swimming should help you lose weight. Swimming should help you lose weight. Pásame el bolígrafo rojo. Pass me the red pen. Give me the red pen. Tu provavelmente já viste isso. You've probably seen that already. You probably saw that. Ela não é humana. She's not human. She's not human. Que é isto? What's this? What's this? Lui è un DJ. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Il ne s'y trouvait pas la semaine passée. He wasn't there last week. He wasn't there last week. Il n'est point besoin de se soucier de précision, cette fois ; estime-la juste !» There's no need to worry about accuracy this time; just eyeball it. There is no need to worry about precision this time; estimate it just!» El și-a terminat treaba. He got through his work. He's done his job. Dove le hai spruzzate? Where did you spatter them? Where did you spray them? Quels sont les aliments que tu manges habituellement avec une cuillère ? What are some foods you usually eat with a spoon? What are the foods you usually eat with a spoon? Je t'aime, ma déesse ! I love you, my goddess! I love you, my goddess! Nadie tiene hambre. No one's hungry. Nobody's hungry. Noi siamo oneste. We're honest. We're honest. Procurorii în instanță trebuie să-și justifice afirmațiile pentru a demonstra că un suspect este vinovat. Prosecutors in court have to substantiate their claims in order to prove a suspect is guilty. Prosecutors in court must justify their claims in order to demonstrate that a suspect is guilty. Estaba moi emocionada. She was very excited. She was very excited. De quem é esse número de telefone? Whose phone number is this? Whose phone number is that? Même ce câble me coûte 6000 yens. Even this cable cost me 6000 yen. Even this cable costs me 6,000 yen. O Ted está satisfeito com a vida na faculdade. Ted is satisfied with life in college. Ted's satisfied with his college life. Ele mudou o endereço dele. He changed his address. He changed his address. Vou te dar isso. I'll give it to you. I'll give you that. Noi abbiamo cercato di contattarla per tutta la settimana. We've been trying to contact you all week. We've been trying to contact her all week. Ela é como minha própria filha. She is like my own child. She's like my own daughter. J'ai apporté des renforts. I brought reinforcements. I brought reinforcements. Lui ha infilato la matita dietro l'orecchio. He stuck his pencil behind his ear. He put the pencil behind his ear. Es muy importante descansar lo suficiente. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to rest long enough. Si scusi con lui e basta. Just apologize to him. Just apologize to him. C'est votre réponse à tout, n'est-ce pas ? That's your answer for everything, isn't it? That's your answer to everything, isn't it? Oy es djueves. Today is Thursday. Hey, it's Thursday. Él es muy generoso, así que vayamos con él. He's very generous, so let's go with him. He's very generous, so let's go with him. No creo que esas malditas baterías estén en este maldito cajón. I don't think that those damn batteries are in this damn drawer. I don't think those damn batteries are in this drawer. Savez-vous ce qu'est le bonheur ? Do you know what happiness is? Do you know what happiness is? Mi profesora de latín acostumbraba bajar la mirada con rigurosidad sobre mí por encima del borde de sus gafas, pero ahora sé que sólo se debía al hecho de que ella llevaba gafas de lectura y que resultaba molesto quitárselas siempre, así que lo que parecía desprecio hacia nosotros los estudiantes podría bien y realmente haber sido amabilidad. My Latin teacher used to look down sternly on me over the rim of her glasses, but now I know it only had to do with the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that she will have found it a nuisance taking them off all the time, so what looked like contempt towards us students might well and truly have been kindness. My Latin teacher used to look down hard on me above the edge of her glasses, but now I know that it was only due to the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that it was annoying to take them off all the time, so what seemed contempt for us students might well and really have been kind. El Universo es un misterio. The Universe is a mystery. The Universe is a mystery. Si è ricordata di ringraziarla? Did you remember to thank her? Did you remember to thank her? ¿A cuánto está el kilo de puerros? How much is the kilo of leek? How much is the kilo of puppies? Ele me ensinou história. He taught me history. He taught me history. A Alemanha é um país frio. Germany is a cold country. Germany is a cold country. Has de parlar amb ell sobre l'afer. You must talk with him about the matter. You need to talk to him about the thing. Somos más o menos de la misma edad. We are just about the same age. We're about the same age. Tom e Mary si contraddicono costantemente. Tom and Mary constantly contradict themselves. Tom and Mary are constantly contradicting each other. Quando ha lasciato l'Esercito, Roger Miller si è trasferito nella casa della musica country a Nashville, Tennessee. When he left the Army, Roger Miller moved to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee. When he left the Army, Roger Miller moved to the country music house in Nashville, Tennessee. Tom fue asesinado por los miembros de su propia pandilla. Tom was killed by his own gang members. Tom was murdered by the members of his own gang. Penses-tu vraiment pouvoir faire ça ? Do you really think you can do that? Do you really think you can do that? Le stress est aujourd'hui le premier risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans le monde. Today, stress is the number one risk for the health of workers in the world. Stress is now the first risk to the health of workers in the world. Mary ha ascoltato della musica triste. Mary listened to sad music. Mary listened to sad music. Será que um falante não nativo de Inglês poderá jamais ganhar um debate contra um falante nativo, nos níveis mais altos de uma discussão? Can a non-native English speaker ever win a debate against a native speaker at the highest levels of debate? Could a non-native English speaker ever win a debate against a native speaker at the highest levels of a discussion? Si tu racontes trop de mensonges, les gens ne te croiront jamais. If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe you. If you tell too many lies, people will never believe you. Le jour du festival coïncide avec celui de l'examen. The date of the festival coincides with that of the exam. The day of the festival coincides with that of the exam. La médiocre acoustique de la salle a sérieusement affecté le plaisir que le public a retiré du concert. The poor acoustics in the hall severely affected the audience's enjoyment of the concert. The poor acoustics of the hall has seriously affected the pleasure that the public has withdrawn from the concert. Cette règle ne s'applique pas à l'affaire. This rule does not apply to the case. This rule does not apply to the case. Solo unas pocas personas no fueron. Only a few people didn't go there. Only a few people were not. Parece que mañana va a nevar. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Looks like it's snowing tomorrow. Lei è più intelligente di lui. She is smarter than he is. She's smarter than him. Lui îi place să cânte în cada de baie. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathtub. Máis sorte a próxima vez. Better luck next time. Better luck next time. Minha mãe fez nada mais que chorar. My mother did nothing but weep. My mother did nothing more than cry. Insultaram a ele e a sua esposa. They insulted him and his wife. They insulted him and his wife. J'aimerais vous poser une question. I'd like to ask you one question. I'd like to ask you a question. Será que eles não estão certos? Are you sure they are not right? Are they not right? ¿Queres vir pescar comigo? Do you want to go fishing with me? You wanna come fishing with me? Dígalo en inglés. Say it in English. Say it in English. Bonjour mon trésor. Hello, my treasure. Hello, my treasure. Am un bun simț al mirosului. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Vois-tu un inconvénient à ce que je fume ? Do you mind if I smoke? Do you see a drawback to what I smoke? Poți păstra cartea. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. È dolce. It's sweet. It's sweet. Planeo ir a Europa la semana que viene. I'm planning to leave for Europe next week. I plan to go to Europe next week. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seien verärgert. Tom and Mary told John that they were upset. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, sie seen verärgert. Estou exausto. I'm bushed. I'm exhausted. Nous prévoyons de passer notre lune de miel à l'étranger. We're planning to spend our honeymoon abroad. We plan to spend our honeymoon abroad. Te vei căsători cu ea? Are you going to marry her? Will you marry her? Se eu ler este livro outra vez, tê-lo-ei lido três vezes. If I read this book once more, I shall have read it three times. If I read this book again, I'll have read it three times. Creo que Tom no está siendo honesto. I don't think Tom is being honest. I don't think Tom's being honest. Nu putem să o pierdem din vedere. We can't lose sight of that. We can't lose sight of her. Elle était déjà amoureuse de lui. She was already in love with him. She was already in love with him. Loro ci hanno chiamati. They called us. They called us. Él tenía envidia de mi éxito. He envied my success. He was jealous of my success. Este es un libro muy nuevo. This is a very new book. This is a very new book. Tu n'aurais pas dû emprunter la voiture de Tom. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Eu dirigi até o posto de gasolina e parei para abastecer. I pulled into the gas station for gas. I drove to the gas station and stopped to supply. Il y a une possibilité que nous n'ayons pas à fermer l'usine. There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory. There is one possibility that we will not have to close the factory. Quanti altri ne hai di questi? How many more of these do you have? How many others do you have? Je requiers tes conseils. I require your advice. I need your advice. Quão pequeno é? How small is it? How small is it? Leur maison a été brûlée par l'incendie. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was burned by fire. ¿Tom Jackson es tu verdadero nombre? Is Tom Jackson your real name? Tom Jackson is your real name? Les choses ont mal tourné pour lui. Everything went wrong for him. Things turned out wrong for him. Une douleur aiguë transperça son estomac. A sharp pain pierced her stomach. Acute pain pierced his stomach. Olá, meu amigo. Como vai? Hey, my friend. How are you? Hello, my friend. Me enseñaron algo diferente. I was taught something different. They taught me something different. Avem nevoie de un voluntar. We need a volunteer. We need a volunteer. Volem oracions completas. We want complete sentences. We want full prayers. Ella es tan joven como yo. She is as young as I am. She's as young as I am. A propósito, eu preciso lhe dizer uma coisa. Incidentally, I have to tell you something. By the way, I need to tell you something. Tom a fait mauvaise impression. Tom made a poor impression. Tom made a bad impression. Tom no viene porque no quiero que venga. Tom's not coming, because I don't want him to. Tom's not coming because I don't want him to come. Tom não gosta de cerveja. Tom doesn't like beer. Tom doesn't like beer. Este é o livro de Ali. This is Ali's book. This is Ali's book. Murieron cuatro soldados y doce civiles. Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. Four soldiers and twelve civilians died. Por favor, piénsalo de nuevo. Please think it over. Please think about it again. Síguelo. Follow him. Follow him. Tom ora è in attesa del processo. Tom is now awaiting trial. Tom is now awaiting trial. Ton école dispose-t-elle d'une bibliothèque ? Does your school have a library? Does your school have a library? Os adolescentes adoram jogar vídeo-games. Teenagers love playing video games. Teenagers love to play video games. Quan te'n vas ? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Cara, você deveria ver isto. Dude, you should see this. Dude, you should see this. Explíquenme ustedes con detalle como ha ocurrido eso. Explain to me in detail how it happened. Tell me in detail how that happened. Tom ha negato l'accusa. Tom denied the accusation. Tom denied the charge. Unde crezi că am cunoscut-o? Where do you think I met her? Where do you think I met her? Io voglio soltanto essere lasciata da sola. I just want to be left alone. I just want to be left alone. Nous avons apprécié nager. We enjoyed swimming. We enjoyed swimming. Sus piernas son largas. His legs are long. His legs are long. ¿Qué son esos ruidos? What are those noises? What are those noises? C'est la vie ! This is life! It's life! È così ovvia. It's so obvious. It's so obvious. Non si scordi di votare. Don't forget to vote. Don't forget to vote. Você tem cerveja? Do you have beer? Do you have beer? Sou eu quem fez isso. I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who did it. Mary spune că nu a mai predat franceză. Mary says she never taught French. Mary says she never taught French. Tom a plecat de la hotel. Tom checked out. Tom left the hotel. Hay muchos huevos en la cesta. There are a lot of eggs in the basket. There's a lot of eggs in the basket. Começou. It has begun. It's started. Je ne me souviens pas que ce soit survenu. I don't remember that happening. I don't remember what happened. Los padres de Tom estaban confusos. Tom's parents were baffled. Tom's parents were confused. Vous pouvez parler tant que vous voulez. You may talk as much as you like. You can talk as long as you want. Mi sono slogata il collo mentre dormivo. I sprained my neck while sleeping. I broke my neck while I was asleep. Son passeport néerlandais lui permettait de voyager facilement. His Dutch passport allowed him to travel easily. His Dutch passport allowed him to travel easily. Je ne suis pas intéressé par votre opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. I'm not interested in your opinion. Cuidar perros parece tarea difícil. ¿No pueden haber veces donde quieres abandonarlos? Taking care of a dog seems difficult. Aren't there times you want to just abandon them? Caring for dogs seems a difficult task. Can't there be times where you want to leave them? Tom spaventa tutti. Tom scares everybody. Tom scares everyone. Tom realmente se la pasó bien. Tom really had a good time. Tom really had a good time. A Tom no le importa ayudar ocasionalmente a Mary. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Elle restitua le livre à la bibliothèque. She returned the book to the library. She returned the book to the library. A minha irmã caçula tem aulas de piano duas vezes por semana. My youngest sister has piano lessons twice weekly. My baby sister has piano lessons twice a week. Tu ești cu adevărat talentat. You're really talented. You're really talented. Eu não quero reprovar nas minhas provas. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to disapprove in my evidence. Il n'y eut pas de dérapage dans l'horaire. There was no slippage in the schedule. There was no break-in in the schedule. Você acha que Tom gostará de mim? Do you think that Tom will like me? Do you think Tom will like me? Todas as maçãs estão aqui. All the apples are here. All the apples are here. Esto ambezando el djudeo-espanyol. I'm learning Judeo-Spanish. This is tying up the Spanish-Jewish. Ce idee bună! What a good idea! What a good idea! T’as déjà entendu comment il parle vite ? Have you heard how fast he talks? Have you heard how he speaks quickly before? Una oración no es nunca inocente. A sentence is never innocent. A prayer is never innocent. "Onde está meu telefone?" "Está em cima da minha escrivaninha." "Where is my phone?" "It's on my desk." "Where's my phone?" "It's on top of my desk." Je m'en suis douté. I thought so. I doubt it. Sunt ofensat de nepăsarea ta evidentă cu privire la sentimentele mele. I am offended by your blatant disregard for my feelings. I'm offended by your obvious disregard for my feelings. Attendez un instant. Hang on just one moment. Wait a minute. Să decidem ce avem de decis, apoi să ne împărțim in două echipe, OK? Let's decide what needs to be decided, then let's split into two teams, OK? Let's decide what we have to decide, then split into two teams, OK? Tom ha riempito il palloncino d'elio. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Tom filled the helium balloon. Il faut que vous voyiez un docteur. You need to see a doctor. You need to see a doctor. O experto en aviación analizou as estatísticas polo miúdo. The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail. The aviation expert analyzed the statistics by the kid. El equipo campeón mundial japonés regresó a casa con la victoria. The Japanese World Cup champion team came back home flushed with victory. The Japanese world champion team returned home with victory. Io sono ancora impegnata. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Ar trebui să te lași de fumat. You should quit smoking. You should quit smoking. J'aimais aller à la plage. I loved going to the beach. I liked going to the beach. J'appellerai ce soir à sept heures. I'll call this evening at seven. I'll call tonight at seven o'clock. Podría ser importante. It could be important. It could be important. L'uccello vola. The bird flies. The bird flies. Il a dit quoi ?! He said what?! What did he say?! Per què les persones van al cinema? Why do people go to the cinema? Why do people go to the movies? La música es el idioma internacional. Music is the international language. Music is the international language. Tom no le dijo su secreto a Mary. Tom didn't tell Mary his secret. Tom didn't tell Mary his secret. Avevo detto a Tom che non potevo farlo senza il suo aiuto. I told Tom I couldn't do it without his help. I told Tom I couldn't do it without his help. Tom è scaltro. Tom is sharp. Tom's stunned. Il est conducteur de bus. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Je ne l'ai pas pris au sérieux. I didn't take it seriously. I didn't take it seriously. El bebe está buscando a su madre. The baby is looking for its mother. The baby's looking for his mother. La matematica è il suo punto debole. Mathematics is her weak point. Math is his weak point. Nous devons agir maintenant. We have to act now. We must act now. Lo san mach lor lòn ch'a diso. Just themselves know what they're saying. They don't know what they're talking about. Celui qui se bat avec des monstres doit veiller à ne pas devenir lui-même un monstre. Et quand vous regardez longtemps dans un abîme, l'abîme regarde aussi en vous. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. He who fights with monsters must ensure that he does not become a monster himself. And when you look for a long time in a abyss, the abyss also looks at you. Sa come ti senti? Does he know how you feel? Do you know how you feel? Eu gosto de estar a só. I like being on my own. I like being alone. Afinal, que é a vida senão uma peça em que cada um de nós representa um papel até que desce a cortina? For what is life but a play in which everyone acts a part until the curtain comes down? After all, what is life but a piece in which each of us represents a role until the curtain goes down? Parlando di passatempi, colleziona francobolli? Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps? Speaking of pastimes, do you collect stamps? Ils sont très gros. They are very big. They're very big. Tom empezó a creer que él nunca sería capaz de caminar otra vez. Tom began to believe that he'd never be able to walk again. Tom began to believe that he would never be able to walk again. Cet ordinateur nous épargne beaucoup de travail. This computer saves us a lot of work. This computer saves us a lot of work. Ne lui parlez pas comme ça. Don't talk to him like that. Don't talk to her like that. ¿Qué te hace pensar que nos interesaríamos? What makes you think that we would be interested? What makes you think we'd be interested? J'ai apprécié ce livre. I liked that book. I liked that book. Cred că ai dreptate. I guess you're right. I think you're right. Curtea Supremă a hotărât că legea era ilegală. The Supreme Court ruled that the law was illegal. The Supreme Court ruled the law was illegal. Roosevelt ha mantenuto la sua promessa. Roosevelt kept his promise. Roosevelt kept his promise. Avete provato a parlare con lui? Did you try to talk to him? Have you tried talking to him? Tom sacó un pequeño sobre del bolsillo de su camisa y se lo dio a María. Tom took a small envelope from his shirt pocket and gave it to Mary. Tom pulled a little one out of his shirt pocket and gave it to Mary. L'albero è malato. The tree is sick. The tree is sick. C'est mon métier. It's my job. It's my job. Non me chames despois das dez. Don't call me up after ten o'clock. Don't call me after ten. Io mi sento spesso depresso. I often feel depressed. I'm often depressed. Tom finalmente se dio cuenta de que había algo mal. Tom finally realized there was something wrong. Tom finally realized there was something wrong. Joyeux anniversaire ! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Il m'a attendu jusqu'à mon arrivée. He waited for me until I arrived. He waited for me until I arrived. Am de gând să mă duc să trag un pui de somn. I am going to go take a nap. I'm going to go take a nap. Tenemos que usar cualquier medio para persuadirle. We have to use every means to persuade him. We have to use any means to persuade him. Muitas pessoas acham que Buenos Aires fica no Brasil. A lot of people think Buenos Aires is located in Brazil. Many people think Buenos Aires is in Brazil. La ciudad fue destruida por el fuego. The city was destroyed by fire. The city was destroyed by fire. Tirei um curso de tradução. I got a degree in translation. I took a translation course. Pensé que Tom había dejado de fumar. I thought Tom had quit smoking. I thought Tom had stopped smoking. În vagon erau câteva unelte și niște pistoale în plus. In the wagon were a few tools and some extra guns. In the wagon there were some tools and some extra pistols. È successo che mi sono seduto accanto a lei a una riunione. It happened that I sat next to her at a meeting. It happened that I sat next to her at a meeting. Busco certa muller anciá. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for an old woman. Me invitaron a almorzar. I was invited to lunch. I was invited to lunch. Tom me animou a aprender o francês. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. C'est une catholique dévote. She's a devout Catholic. She's a devout Catholic. Maintenant je suis vraiment fatiguée. Now I'm really tired. Now I'm really tired. Hmm... Como as coisas estão indo? Uh... How's that working? Hmm... how are things going? Ci sono molti parchi nella nostra città. There are many parks in our town. There are many parks in our city. Je le considère comme mon meilleur ami. I look on him as my best friend. I regard him as my best friend. ¿Cuándo perdiste las llaves? When did you lose your keys? When did you lose the keys? Mary nu e așa tânără precum pare. Mary isn't as young as she looks. Mary's not as young as she seems. Încă nu sunt gata. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Acho que você não fracassou muito. I guess that you didn't miss much. I don't think you failed much. Eu estou comendo tudo. I'm eating everything. I'm eating everything. O colégio começa às 8h40. School starts at 8:40. College starts at 8:40 a.m. Loro discussero il piano per ore. They talked over the plan for hours. They discussed the plan for hours. Penso che questo sia importante. I think this is important. I think this is important. Tom non voleva fissarlo. Tom didn't want to fix that. Tom didn't want to look at it. Venez vite. C'est urgent. Come quickly. It's urgent. Come quickly, it's urgent. Eu soluço de vez em quando. I often hiccup. I solve it from time to time. O jovem casal inspecionou o quarto. The young couple surveyed the room. The young couple inspected the room. É praticamente impossível não usar fala de bebê quando se fala com uma criança pequena. It's practically impossible not to use baby talk when talking to a young child. It is practically impossible not to use baby talk when talking to a small child. Il a disparu en un instant. He disappeared in an instant. He disappeared in an instant. Cos'è l'amore? What is love? What is love? Tom llegó a casa muy tarde. Tom came home very late. Tom came home very late. Sabemos perfeitamente que ele se especializou naquela língua, entretanto não podemos permitir-lhe adotar nenhuma frase nela escrita, porque aquele não é o seu idioma natal. We know perfectly well that he specialized in that language, however we can not allow him to take any sentence written in it, because that is not his native language. We know perfectly well that he specializes in that language, however we cannot allow him to adopt any sentence written in it, because that is not his native language. El yen está todavía bajo respecto al dólar. The yen is still low against the dollar. The yen is still under the dollar. Vorreste che andassi? Would you like me to go? Would you like me to go? Marie a acheté une jupe et une chemise. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Marie bought a skirt and shirt. Io ti fermerò. I'll stop you. I'll stop you. Tom me disse que você ia se encontrar com ele para o almoço. Tom said you were meeting him for lunch. Tom told me you were going to meet him for lunch. Vous ne semblez pas aussi organisés que Tom. You don't seem to be as organized as Tom seems to be. You don't seem as organized as Tom. Tom ha sposato una ragazza ricca di Boston. Tom married a rich girl from Boston. Tom married a rich girl from Boston. Tom no cree haber hecho nada malo. Tom doesn't think he did anything wrong. Tom doesn't think he did anything wrong. Non é tan intelixente coma o seu irmán. He is not as intelligent as his brother. He's not as smart as his brother. Sunt fericit. I feel happy. I'm happy. Perché vuole me? Why do you want me? Why do you want me? Nous avons parlé du plan avec lui. We talked over the plan with him. We talked about the plan with him. Él está un poco pálido. He looks kind of pale. He's a little pale. Le devo andare a trovare. I have to go find them. I have to go find her. Tom ha perso i suoi soldi, la sua famiglia e i suoi amici. Tom lost his money, his family and his friends. Tom lost his money, his family and his friends. Paul prefiere el inglés a las matemáticas. Paul prefers English to math. Paul prefers English to mathematics. Oamenii ignoranți sunt deobicei foarte aroganți. Ignorant people are usually very arrogant. Ignorant people are often very arrogant. Elle le pria de ne pas quitter son emploi. She asked him to not quit his job. She begged him not to leave her job. Tuve que echar una buena carrera para coger el tren. I really had to run for it to catch the train. I had to run a good race to catch the train. Él a menudo va conduciendo a la biblioteca. He often drives to the library. He's often driving to the library. Je veux le faire maintenant. I want to do that now. I want to do it now. Evitó responder a mis preguntas. She avoided answering my questions. He avoided answering my questions. Miré en el armario. I looked in the cupboard. I looked in the closet. Mary nu este la fel de înaltă ca el. Mary is not as tall as he is. Mary's not as tall as him. Vous n'avez pas l'air très à l'aise. You don't look very comfortable. You don't look very comfortable. Gråces ! Thanks! Thank you! Je pense que ce n'est pas vrai. I think that's not true. I don't think that's true. O Tom ficaria relutante em fazer isso. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Mai era altcineva înafară de Tom? Was there anybody else besides Tom? Was there anyone else besides Tom? Não consigo falar rápido assim. I can't speak that fast. I can't talk fast like that. É uma e quarenta e cinco. It's a quarter to two. It's one and forty-five. Venne dieci minuti dopo. He came ten minutes later. It came ten minutes later. Mi hermana fue a Italia a estudiar música. My sister went to Italy to study music. My sister went to Italy to study music. Est-ce que tu es allé au stade ? Did you go to the stadium? Did you go to the stadium? ¿Prefiere vino blanco o vino tinto? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? C'est tout ce que j'ai pour toi. That's all I have for you. That's all I have for you. Quanto dista da Osaka a Kyoto? How far is it from Osaka to Kyoto? How far from Osaka to Kyoto? Asta e Rusia! This is Russia! That's Russia! Me da que no quieres ir. I assume you don't want to go. You don't want to go. J'écris une lettre à ma mère une fois par mois. I write to my mother once a month. I write a letter to my mother once a month. El are prejudecăți împotriva străinilor. He has a prejudice against foreigners. He has prejudices against strangers. C'est difficile à décrire. It's difficult to describe. It's hard to describe. ¿Qué harías tú en mi lugar? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Ne le niez pas ! Don't deny it. Don't deny it! Já que ela não foi, também não fui. Since she didn't go, I didn't go either. Since she didn't go, I didn't go either. É tudo de verdade? Is this all for real? Is that all for real? Seus atos me perturbam. Her actions disturb me. Your acts disturb me. Je pense être prêt. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready. Eu acho que você deveria voltar com o Tom. I think you should go back with Tom. I think you should go back with Tom. C'è qualcuno con lei. There's someone with her. There's someone with her. El pollo estaba muerto. The chicken was dead. The chicken was dead. Quant costaria arreglar aquesta cadira? What would it cost to have this chair repaired? How much would it cost to fix this chair? Eu gostaria de ajudar, mas não posso. I'd like to help, but I can't. I'd like to help, but I can't. Tom a tout réparé. Tom fixed everything. Tom fixed everything. La noticia de su embarazo la tomó por sorpresa. News of her pregnancy took her by surprise. The news of her pregnancy took her by surprise. Ama la pasta. He loves pasta. He loves the dough. Judy è l'unica donna nel consiglio. Judy is the only woman on the board. Judy's the only woman on the board. Si quieren correr, corran. If you want to run, then run. If you want to run, run. Est-ce ce que Tom voulait dire ? Is that what Tom meant? Is that what Tom meant? Ahora hubo una vez una doncella cuyo nombre era Jorinda. Era más bonita que todas las chicas guapas jamás vistas antes, y un muchacho pastor, cuyo nombre era Jorindel, estaba muy encariñado con ella, y estaban próximos a casarse. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty girls that ever were seen before, and a shepherd lad, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and they were soon to be married. Now there was once a maiden whose name was Jorinda. She was prettier than all the pretty girls ever seen before, and a shepherd boy, whose name was Jorindel, was very fond of her, and were close to marrying. Você já viu uma borboleta roxa? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Have you seen a red butterfly? Il le savait depuis le départ. He knew it all along. He knew it from the start. Nenhum deles sabe francês. None of them know French. None of them know French. Vá embora, Tom! Go away, Tom. Go away, Tom! Am fost la masă cu doi americani și două nemțoaice. We went out to dinner with two American men and two German ladies. I was at the table with two Americans and two Germans. M'agradaré de saber nadar. I wish I could swim. I'll like to be able to swim. Esto atrasa mucho mi viaje. This'll delay my trip a long time. This is a long way from my journey. O céu inteiro se iluminou e houve uma explosão. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. A empresa contratou um assistente de escritório temporário. The company hired a temporary office assistant. The company hired a temporary office assistant. Il sait très bien jouer au tennis. He can play tennis very well. He knows how to play tennis. Siga a la izquierda. Keep to the left. Go left. Você não falava que ela não iria participar da competição? You didn't say whether she wouldn't participate in the competition? Didn't you say she wasn't going to take part in the competition? Io non lo riesco a vedere. I can't see him. I can't see it. Fue una escena horrible. It was a horrible scene. It was a horrible scene. Tu hai preso qualcosa da mangiare? Did you get something to eat? Did you get something to eat? ¿Cuánto duró la Guerra de los Cien Años? How long did the Hundred-Year War last? How long did the War of the Hundred Years last? Tu aurais dû voir l'exposition. You ought to have seen the exhibition. You should have seen the show. Què fas demà? What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Nu e o urgență. It's not an emergency. It's not an emergency. Conduza este senhor ao meu escritório. Take this gentleman to my office. Take this gentleman to my office. C'è qualcosa che non va con te? Is there anything wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you? Contunhas de hèr las medishas errors tot lo temps. You continue making the same mistakes time after time. There's always the medicated mistakes all the time. É a primeira vez que eu caio das escadas. This is the first time I've ever fallen down the stairs. It's the first time I've fallen from the stairs. Cò' 't vrisse bèive? 'N cafè? What would you like to drink? Coffee? What's 't vrisse bève? 'N cèfè? Diligência é essencial para o sucesso na vida. Diligence is essential to success in life. Diligence is essential for success in life. Mi papá me animó a aprender el piano. My father encouraged me to study the piano. My dad encouraged me to learn the piano. Siempre pensé que Shirley y Alan acabarían juntos. I always thought that Shirley and Alan would get together. I always thought Shirley and Alan would end up together. Pots escriure en tots els idiomes que vulguis. A Tatoeba, totes les llengües tenen el mateix valor. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. In Tatoeba, all languages have the same value. Dove la metterete? Where will you put it? Where are you going to put it? Fai attenzione a loro. Look out for them. Be careful with them. Tío Vasya me regaló una pintura. Uncle Vasya gave me a painting as a gift. Uncle Vasya gave me a painting. ¿Qué fue eso? What was that? What was that? Eu quero ir com você, Tom. I want to go with you, Tom. I want to go with you, Tom. Nous avons presque achevé ce travail. We're just about finished with this job. We have almost finished this work. Eu construí sozinho essa casa de cachorro. I built this doghouse by myself. I built this dog house myself. Nu mănânci nimic. You don't eat anything. You don't eat anything. Se mi vuole baciare, allora mi baci. If you want to kiss me, then kiss me. If you want to kiss me, then kiss me. Elle a un livre. She has got a book. She has a book. As-tu apporté ce que j'ai demandé ? Did you bring what I asked? Did you bring what I asked for? Disculpa, cómu te llamas? Excuse me. What's your name? Excuse me, what's your name? ¿Se te ha ido la olla? Have you gone off your rocker? Your pot's gone? Est-ce là ce que tu veux ? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? Peux-tu croire que ce soit déjà en train d'arriver ? Can you believe this is already happening? Can you believe it's already happening? Ditemi cosa avrei dovuto fare. Tell me what I should've done. Tell me what I should have done. Tom no era de fiar. Tom was unreliable. Tom wasn't reliable. Ar trebui să determinăm ce trebuie făcut mai întâi. We should determine what is to be done first. We should determine what needs to be done first. Qual è il film peggiore che tu abbia mai visto? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Dez dividido por cinco é igual a dois. Ten divided by five is two. Ten divided by five is equal to two. Cred că am dreptate. I believe I am in the right. I think I'm right. Pensavo che sarebbe stato troppo. I thought it'd be too much. I thought it would be too much. A previsão para amanhã é de mais chuva. The forecast for tomorrow is for more rain. The forecast for tomorrow is rainier. Eu acho que Tom estava mentindo para mim. I think Tom was lying to me. I think Tom was lying to me. Tom me contou que se sentia mal sobre aquilo. Tom told me he felt bad about that. Tom told me he felt bad about it. Tu nu ar trebui să te plimbi cu o bicicletă pe trotuar. You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. You shouldn't ride a bike on the sidewalk. Espero que você não minta mais para mim. I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you don't lie to me anymore. Ele sempre estará em nossos corações. He will forever be in our hearts. He will always be in our hearts. Voglio sentire una storia. I want to hear a story. I want to hear a story. Devo trokar la foto del perfil. I have to change my profile picture. I need to get the profile picture. Ti ne sei seguo? Are you sure about that? Are you following? Tom vai sofrer. Tom will suffer. Tom will suffer. Nimeni nu i-a întrebat. Nobody asked them. Nobody asked them. Sé que ella ha estado ocupada. I know that she has been busy. I know she's been busy. È ora di studiare sul serio. It's time to hit the books. It's time to study seriously. Je suis si mauvais aux échecs qu'une fois, je me suis fait mater après seulement deux coups ! I'm so terrible at chess, I once got checkmated after only two moves! I'm so bad at chess that I once got myself killed after only two strokes! Ea a mers cu el la cinema. She went with him to the movies. She went with him to the movies. ¿Quién está en el auto? Who's in that car? Who's in the car? Aquiles foi un heroe da antiga Grecia. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Achilles was a hero of ancient Greece. Él se vio obligado a recurrir a la violencia. He was compelled to resort to violence. He was forced to resort to violence. Tom só quer ser deixado em paz. Tom just wants to be left alone. Tom just wants to be left alone. Passa'm la sau, te prègui. Please pass me the salt. Pass me the sauté, I like you. La conoscerete domani. You'll meet her tomorrow. You'll meet her tomorrow. La tienda también abre por la noche. The store also opens at night. The shop also opens at night. Tom a decedat luni. Tom passed away on Monday. Tom passed away on Monday. O seu pai sabe? Does your father know? Does your father know? A ferida se infectou. The wound became infected. The wound got infected. Ha mai visto un apodidae? Have you ever seen a swift? Have you ever seen a nickname? Debemos mover esta estatua muy cuidadosamente. We must move this statue very carefully. We must move this statue very carefully. L'è mìa fâcil. It isn't easy. It's my trouble. Me temo que el doctor no está. I'm afraid the doctor is out. I'm afraid the doctor isn't here. Mercès per tot. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Lasciala finire. Let her finish. Let her finish. Qu'ei lo sac de la Jana. This is Jane's bag. That's Jana's bag. Volto em meia hora. I'll be back in 30 minutes. I'll be back in half an hour. ¿Te dijeron cuándo tienes que venir? Have you been told when to come? Did they tell you when you had to come? Você estava definitivamente drogado. You were definitely drugged. You were definitely high. Burj Khalifa hè actualmente u grattacelu u più altu di u mondu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa there is currently or gratacelu u higher than u world. Él está poseído por la ambición de gobernar el mundo. He is possessed with the ambition to rule over the world. He is possessed by the ambition of ruling the world. ¿Perdiste? Did you lose? You lost? Je suis l'homme le plus heureux au monde. I'm the happiest man in the world. I'm the happiest man in the world. Alguma coisa aconteceu com o meu carro. Something has happened to my car. Something happened to my car. O meu amigo George vai vir ao Xapón esta primavera. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. ¿Cuántas patas tiene un ciempiés? How many legs does a centipede have? How many legs does a centipede have? ¡Hola a todos! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Eu quero checar isso. I want to check it out. I want to check that. Espero que este sea el comienzo de una hermosa amistad. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Você está com dor de cabeça e garganta inflamada? Do you have a headache and a sore throat? Are you inflamed with headache and throat? Sono già le undici. It is already eleven. It's already 11 o'clock. Não use sapatos na mesquita. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Je voulais le réserver pour une occasion spéciale. I wanted to save this for a special occasion. I wanted to book it for a special occasion. Descansé un poco y me siento mejor. I took a break and I feel better. I got a little rest and I feel better. Je veux simplement que nous restions ensemble. I just want us to stay together. I just want us to stay together. C'est tellement propre. It's so clean. It's so clean. Pesce e vino rosso non stanno bene assieme. Fish and red wine don't go well together. Fish and red wine are not good together. Bien s'entendre avec la Russie est une bonne chose, pas une mauvaise chose. Getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Well, agreeing with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Sauté. Jump. Jump. Já terminou? Have you finished already? Is it over? Gli ho chiesto di rimanere. I've asked him to stay. I asked him to stay. Sei già di ritorno? Are you back already? Are you on your way back? Tom nun trouxo les sos llaves Tom didn't bring his keys. Tom did not bring his keys "Hai un cane?" "No." "Do you have a dog?" "No." "Is there a dog?" "No." Quello ti metterà in pericolo. That'll put you in danger. That'll put you in danger. Tengo frío. I feel cold. I'm cold. Tom est un père célibataire. Tom is a single father. Tom is a single father. Él estaba apenado de interrumpirte. He was ashamed of troubling you. He was sorry to interrupt you. Ça sera différent. This'll be different. It'll be different. Fa dos anys des que vaig venir ací. It is two years since I came here. Two years since I came here. Mi dimenticherà un giorno. You'll forget about me someday. He'll forget me one day. Cuando hizo el examen, puso empeño pero suspendió. When he took the exam, he tried hard but failed it. When he did the exam, he made a commitment but suspended. È molto improbabile. It's very improbable. It's very unlikely. La competencia lingüística es innata, no adquirida. Linguistic competence is inborn, not acquired. Linguistic competence is innate, not acquired. Je parie contre lui. I bid against him. I bet against him. Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi. She is interested in learning new ideas. She's interested in learning new things. Les scandales sexuels présidentiels font toujours bien vendre du papier. Presidential sex scandals always make good copy. Presidential sexual scandals always make it good to sell paper. Enfrentamos una crisis violenta. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a violent crisis. Provate questa pomata miracoloso. Try this miracle ointment. Try this miraculous apple. Li dobbiamo chiamare. We've got to call them. We need to call them. Tomás está ganando. Tom is winning. Thomas is winning. « C'est un tigre quand il se met en colère » est un exemple de métaphore. "He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor. "It's a tiger when it gets angry" is an example of metaphor. Sa cosa deve fare. She knows what she's got to do. You know what you have to do. Os senhores viram este homem? Have you seen this man? Did you guys see this man? Por favor, não traduzam esta frase. Please don't translate this sentence. Please do not translate this sentence. Je n'aime pas sa façon grossière. I don't care for his rudeness. I don't like his rude way. Estoy aquí para probar que estás equivocada. I'm here to prove you wrong. I'm here to prove you're wrong. Voi șterge propoziția. I'll delete the sentence. I'll delete the sentence. La patience est la mère de la science. Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the mother of science. Você sabe quem eu sou, né? You know who I am, don't you? You know who I am, don't you? Semnificația cuvintelor se poate schimba în funcție de contextul lor. The meaning of words can change according to their context. The meaning of words can be changed according to their context. Eu não queria discutir com Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. Questo è solo un gioco. This is just a game. This is just a game. C'est un dictionnaire ambulant. He is called a walking dictionary. It's a travelling dictionary. Personne ne t'a forcé à m'aider. Nobody forced you to help me. No one forced you to help me. Estoy lista, ¿y tú? I'm ready. And you? I'm ready, and you? Ce crezi că a făcut? What do you think he did? What do you think he did? Qu'am perdut lo jòc. We lost the game. That I have lost the game. Tom baixou do avión. Tom got off the plane. Tom got off the plane. A empresa produz uma grande variedade de instrumentos musicais. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company produces a wide variety of musical instruments. Tom é magro. Tom is thin. Tom's thin. Ne les laissez pas vous dire que vous êtes fou. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Je ne suis plus en rapport avec Monsieur Tanaka. I don't associate with Mr. Tanaka any more. I'm not in touch with Mr Tanaka anymore. O que eles fizeram? What did they do? What did they do? Ne lui prête pas attention. Don't pay attention to her. Don't pay him any attention. Le chien aboie contre toutes les personnes étrangères. The dog barks at all strangers. The dog barks against all foreign people. Ela ser demitida foi um verdadeiro tapa na cara após tudo que ela fez pela companhia. Her being fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company. She got fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company. Ho lavorato a sufficienza sul mio tedesco oggi. I worked enough on my German today. I've worked enough on my German today. Dame un respiro. Give me a break. Give me a break. T'ensenyarem com atrapar un peix. We'll show you how to catch a fish. We'll show you how to catch a fish. Ela alugou um apartamento de quatro cômodos. She rented a four-room apartment. She rented a four-room apartment. Tot va plan que s'acaba plan. All's well that ends well. It's all coming to an end. J'ai obtenu ce dont vous aviez besoin. I got what you needed. I got what you needed. Faço isso todos os dias às 2h30. I do that every day at 2:30. I do that every day at 2:30. Problema s-a dovedit a fi foarte controversată. The issue turned out to be very contentious. The problem turned out to be very controversial. Soy un madrugador. I'm an early riser. I'm a growler. Anotad todo. Write everything down. Annotate everything. La mangiscla n'ei pas hèra bona aquí. The food isn't very good here. Manx is not a good one here. Miré abajo hacia el mar. I looked down at the sea. I looked down at the sea. Mary preparò la colazione per suo marito. Mary made her husband breakfast. Mary prepared breakfast for her husband. Várias pessoas trabalham em cidades industriais. Many people work in industrial towns. Several people work in industrial cities. Tom a spus că se va gândi dacă să facă asta. Tom said he'd think about doing that. Tom said he'd think if he did that. Sunt imparțial. I'm impartial. I'm impartial. Lo que quiero decir es esto. What I mean is this. What I mean is this. Deve avvertirli. You've got to warn them. You must warn them. Tom e Mary sono in grado di parlare in francese? Are Tom and Mary able to speak French? Are Tom and Mary able to speak French? Si è ristretto perché l'ho lavato. It shrunk because I washed it. It narrowed down because I washed it. J'aime étudier l'espagnol. I like to study Spanish. I like to study Spanish. C'est une autre histoire. That's another story. It's another story. ¿No se puede hacer nada? Can't anything be done? Can't you do anything? Ho detto loro che non sono interessato. I told them I'm not interested. I told them I wasn't interested. Il aura des vacances un de ces jours. He shall have a holiday one of these days. He'll have a vacation one of these days. Mi pelo es más largo que el de Jane. My hair is longer than Jane's is. My hair is longer than Jane's hair. Che stai nascondendo? What are you hiding? What are you hiding? Torna qua, uomo! Come back here, man! Come back here, man! Vous commettrez la même erreur si les choses se poursuivent de cette manière. You'll make the same mistake if things continue in this way. You'll make the same mistake if things go on like this. Cine crezi că va veni primul? Who do you think will come first? Who do you think will come first? Devemos amar como se nunca tivéssemos sido feridos. We should love as if we've never been hurt. We should love as if we had never been hurt. Le médecin pense que le problème de Tom est psychologique. The doctor thinks Tom's problem is psychological. The doctor thinks Tom's problem is psychological. Con tutto il rispetto, mi sembra una stupidaggine. With all due respect, I think it's bullshit. With all due respect, that sounds stupid. Tu peux toujours changer d'avis. You can still change your mind. You can always change your mind. El aire está constituido principalmente de oxígeno y nitrógeno. Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen. The air consists mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. Loro ti piacciono? Do you like them? Do you like them? Me digo Jack. My name is Jack. I'm Jack. Eu não tenho ninguém que viaje comigo. I don't have anyone who'd travel with me. I have no one to travel with me. Eu vou deixar você pensar sobre isso. I'll let you think about it. I'll let you think about it. Les lignes bleues sur la carte désignent des fleuves. Blue lines on the map designate rivers. Blue lines on the map refer to rivers. J'ai quelque chose à vous faire faire. I have something for you to do. I have something to do with you. O Tom ainda não lavou as roupas. Tom still hasn't washed his clothes. Tom hasn't washed his clothes yet. Tom restò indietro. Tom remained behind. Tom stayed back. Non c'è nemmeno un'arancia sul tavolo. There's not even one orange on the table. There's not even an orange on the table. Não se faça de bobo. Responda à minha pergunta corretamente! Don't play dumb. Answer my question properly! Don't be silly, answer my question correctly! Il campione di Formula 1 Michael Schumacher subì un grave infortunio alla testa. The F1 champion Michael Schumacher sustained a serious head injury. Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher suffered a severe head injury. סו און גﬞינייו מויי איסטאבﬞלי. I'm a very stable genius. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sigamos en contacto. Let's stay in touch. Let's keep in touch. Tu non sai come farlo, vero? You don't know how to do it, do you? You don't know how to do that, do you? Ele perdeu toda a esperança. He has lost all hope. He's lost all hope. Elles savaient quels danger ils encouraient. They knew how much danger they'd be in. They knew what dangers they were in. Unul din degetele lui Tom s-a rupt. One of Tom's fingers was broken. One of Tom's fingers broke. Mi ha assunta. She hired me. She hired me. Eu acho que é uma possibilidade. I think it's a possibility. I think it's a possibility. Voi conoscete dei canadesi che vivono in Australia? Do you know any Canadians living in Australia? Do you know about Canadians living in Australia? Eu tenho que admitir que você tem razão. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit you're right. L'amour est en grande partie une question de chance. Love is largely a matter of luck. Love is largely a matter of luck. Tom non è caparbio. Tom isn't stubborn. Tom's not stubborn. Tenemos un buen equipo. We have a good team. We have a good team. Probabil au crezut că sunteţi zei! They must have taken you to be gods! They must have thought you were gods! Io spero che Tom perda. I hope Tom loses. I hope Tom loses. Claro que Tom sabe jugar al tenis. Tom sure can play tennis. Of course Tom knows how to play tennis. Non è male qui. It's not bad here. It's not bad here. Lui îi place ceaiul. He likes tea. He likes tea. ¿Esto ha pasado de verdad? Did it actually happen? Has this really happened? Achei a cama muito confortável. I found the bed very comfortable. I found the bed very comfortable. La luce dell'immobilizzatore è accesa. The immobiliser light is on. The light of the immobilizer is on. Todos entenderam o seu discurso. They all understood your speech. Everyone understood his speech. Non può avere più di vent'anni. She cannot be over twenty. He can't be over 20. Tom chiamò il suo cane Cookie. Tom named his dog Cookie. Tom called his dog Cookie. De qué as besonh ? What do you need? What are the two of them? Acho que sou um escritor muito bom. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. Quero ir e me divertir. I want to go and cheer. I want to go and have fun. Les scientifiques regardèrent les données dendrologiques. The scientists looked at tree-ring data. The scientists looked at the dendrological data. Tom non voleva andare, però suo padre l'ha fatto andare. Tom didn't want to go, but his father made him go. Tom wouldn't go, but his father let him go. É impossível para mim. It's impossible to me. It's impossible for me. No debemos perder la esperanza. We shouldn't lose hope. We must not lose hope. J'ai sollicité un visa. I applied for a visa. I applied for a visa. Je veux savoir qui a fait ça. I want to know who did that. I want to know who did this. Esto es un lonso? Is this a bear? Is this a lioness? Ce tapis est confectionné sans employer d'enfants. This rug was made without the use of child labor. This carpet is made without using children. Siete años después de su muerte, descubrieron quién fue el culpable. Seven years after his death, they discovered who was responsible. Seven years after his death, they discovered who was guilty. Não quero fazer com que ninguém se sinta infeliz. I don't want to make anyone unhappy. I don't want to make anyone feel unhappy. Noroc bun! Cheers! Good luck! Unde e biroul meu? Where is my office? Where's my office? El sueño continua. The dream goes on. The dream goes on. Vous avez aimé ce film, n'est-ce pas ? You liked that movie, didn't you? You loved this movie, didn't you? Tom n'est pas sûr d'être prêt à monter sur scène. Tom isn't sure he's ready to perform on stage. Tom's not sure he's ready to go on stage. Emily es la chica más brillante de la escuela. Emily is the brightest girl in school. Emily is the brightest girl in school. Não temos água. We don't have any water. We don't have any water. Tom faz o que ele diz que vai fazer. Tom does what he says he'll do. Tom does what he says he's gonna do. J'ai demandé à plusieurs personnes s'ils connaissaient ce magasin, mais personne n'en avait entendu parler. I asked many persons about the store, but no one had heard of it. I asked several people if they knew this store, but no one had heard of it. Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio de ellos. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work. Esta ha sido una semana larga. This has been a long week. This has been a long week. Je serais déçue de vous voir le faire. I'd be disappointed if I saw you doing that. I'd be disappointed to see you do it. El pasto es verde. The grass is green. The pasture is green. Mary ti catturerà. Mary will catch you. Mary will catch you. As cerejeiras estão em plena floração. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The cherry trees are in full bloom. Me gustaría quedarme aquí con Tom. I'd like to stay here with Tom. I'd like to stay here with Tom. Tendremos un examen de inglés esta tarde. We will have an English test this afternoon. We'll have an English exam this afternoon. ¿Me compras algo de pan, por favor? Will you buy me some bread, please? Can I have some bread, please? Você pode me dizer? Can you tell me? Can you tell me? Tom se mit à pleurer. Tom started crying. Tom started crying. Părinții tăi știu că ești însărcinată? Do your parents know that you're pregnant? Do your parents know you're pregnant? Io avevo in mente qualcos'altro. I had something else in mind. I had something else in mind. Muitos pais têm orgulho de seus filhos. Many parents take pride in their children. Many parents are proud of their children. Eu vendo sapatos. I sell shoes. I sell shoes. Sei andata in chiesa domenica scorsa? Did you go to church last Sunday? Did you go to church last Sunday? Tom tentou pegar o coelho. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Tom disse ao filho para não comer de boca aberta. Tom told his son not to eat with his mouth open. Tom told his son not to eat out of his mouth. No os fieis de lo que él dice. Don't rely on what he says. Don't trust what he says. Experimentul trebuie să înceapă. The experiment must begin. The experiment must begin. J'ai vécu ici un peu plus de 60 années. I have lived here a little over 60 years. I've lived here a little over 60 years. Are destulă voință. She has enough willpower. He's got plenty of will. Ça coûte plus cher de frapper un penny que ce que vaut un penny lui-même. It costs more to mint a penny than the penny itself is worth. It's more expensive to hit a penny than what's worth a penny himself. Deja que se cuiden solos. Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. Peut-être voudrais-tu prendre un peu de sommeil. You might want to grab some sleep. Maybe you'd like to get some sleep. Deem-no de alimento aos tubarões. Feed him to the sharks. They feed it to sharks. Ho già un piano. I already have a plan. I already have a plan. El meu apartament té una sala d'estar, un dormitori, una cuina i un bany. My apartment has a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. My apartment has a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. O Tom nunca vai mudar, vai? Tom is never going to change, is he? Tom's never gonna change, is he? Las apariencias engañan. Appearances are deceiving. Looks fool. Eu não gosto de queijo de cabra. I don't like goat cheese. I don't like goat cheese. Je possède cet endroit. I own this place. I own this place. No puedes vivir tu vida bajo estas condiciones. You can't live your life under these conditions. You can't live your life under these conditions. Nu a fost deloc recunoscător fostului său profesor. He was not at all thankful to his former teacher. He wasn't at all grateful to his former teacher. Mange ! Eat! Eat! Toa pression dël sangh a l'é motobin àuta. Your blood pressure is very high. Toa pressure del sangh has e motobin auta. Que seas feliz, Ricardo. May you be happy, Ricardo. Be happy, Ricardo. Tom es un hombre muy discreto. Tom is a very private man. Tom is a very discreet man. Diteci come vi sentite. Tell us how you feel. Tell us how you feel. Comment es-tu entrée dans notre chambre ? How did you get into our room? How did you get into our room? El tren llegó con diez minutos de retraso. The train arrived ten minutes late. The train arrived ten minutes late. Ya verás. You'll see. You'll see. Me llevé una gran decepción cuando me enteré de que no había aprobado el examen. I was really disappointed when I found out that I hadn't passed the exam. I was very disappointed when I found out that I had not passed the exam. La stavo giusto cercando. I was just looking out for her. I was just looking for her. Tom nos disse que não seria necessário fazer isso. Tom told us that it wouldn't necessary to do that. Tom told us we wouldn't have to do that. Não consegue sustentar a família com o seu salário mensal. He cannot support his family on his monthly income. He can't support his family with his monthly salary. Será difícil encontrar alguém que faça isso por ti. It'll be difficult to find somebody to do that for you. It'll be hard to find someone to do that for you. Nu sunt un magician. I'm not a magician. I'm not a magician. A vida não é justa. Life's not fair. Life is not fair. Podría llover antes de la noche. It might rain before evening. It could rain before night. Me gustaría reservar una mesa para dos. I'd like to reserve a table for two. I'd like to book a table for two. Tom não te viu. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Hem trobat una petjada gran i un parell de més petites de diferent mida. We found one large footprint and a couple of different size smaller footprints. We found a big footprint and a couple smaller of different sizes. Fue a verle cuando estaba en Londres. He went to see her while she stayed in London. She went to see him when I was in London. Non sto pranzando con lei. I'm not having lunch with her. I'm not having lunch with her. Non ha mai visto uno spettacolo teatrale. He's never seen a play. He's never seen a play before. Casele mari nu sunt neapărat confortabile pentru locuit. Large houses are not necessarily comfortable to live in. Big houses aren't necessarily comfortable for the habit. Nu interveni între un soț și soția sa. Do not come between a husband and his wife. Don't interfere between a husband and his wife. Il y a peut-être un moyen. There may be a way. Maybe there's a way. Allons-y en taxi. Let's go by taxi. Let's go by taxi. Você está sendo um maluco. You are being a kook. You're being crazy. L'année dernière, les revenus ont augmenté pour toutes les races, tous les groupes d'âge, pour les hommes et pour les femmes. Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women. Last year, incomes increased for all races, age groups, men and women. C'est un heureux événement. This is a happy occasion. It's a happy event. Io confesserò. I'm going to confess. I'll confess. Ia-l sau lăsă-l. Take it, or leave it. Take it or leave it. Dê-me cinco minutos para terminar os ajustes finais. Give me five minutes to finish the last adjustments. Give me five minutes to finish the final adjustments. Vi scriverò presto. I will write to you soon. I'll write to you soon. Cos'ha detto esattamente? What exactly did you say? What exactly did he say? Tom recebeu um fax da Mary hoje de manhã. Tom received a fax from Mary this morning. Tom got a fax from Mary this morning. Au eşuat amândoi în găsirea celei mai serioase probleme cu care s-a confruntat vreodată planeta noastră. They have both failed to find the most serious problem that has ever faced our planet. They both failed in finding the most serious problems our planet has ever faced. Chiamala e basta. Just call her. Just call her. Je ne les envie pas. I don't envy them. I don't want them. Fins ara! See you soon! So far! Una, dos, tres, kuatro, sinko, sesh, siete, ocho, mueve, dies. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, kautro, sinko, sesh, seven, eight, move, days. Tom è infastidito. Tom is annoyed. Tom's upset. Io ti odio! I hate you! I hate you! Que peux-tu m'enseigner ? What can you teach me? What can you teach me? Encárgate de esta llave. Please take charge of this key. Take care of this key. A pus tård! See you later! It's late! Tyenes buenas ideas. You have good ideas. Tynes good ideas. Buen diya! Good morning! Good day! Parliamo di qualcos'altro. Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about something else. Non sono costosi. They're not expensive. They're not expensive. Tom es uno de los mejores abogados de Boston. Tom is one of Boston's best attorneys. Tom's one of Boston's best lawyers. Tu seras endormi au moment où ton père arrivera à la maison. You'll be asleep by the time your father gets home. You'll be asleep when your father gets home. Siempre he sido el número uno. I've always been the number one. I've always been number one. Le chat a bu son lait. The cat drank his milk. The cat drank his milk. Je pense que Tom a besoin de points de suture. I think Tom needs stitches. I think Tom needs stitches. ¿Estás casado? Are you married? Are you married? Tom preparò dello spezzatino per cena. Tom made stew for dinner. Tom prepared some chips for dinner. Não posso andar porque estou com a perna quebrada. I can't walk because of my broken leg. I can't walk because I'm with my broken leg. No puedo imaginar mi vida sin ti. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Cominciate a correre. Start running. Start running. Mary se hace su propia ropa. Mary makes her own clothes. Mary makes her own clothes. Todos esos huesos y cosas flotando hacia el barco. All those bones and stuff are floating towards the ship. All those bones and stuff floating towards the boat. Io riesco a farla oggi. I can do it today. I can do it today. Tom no pudo encontrar a nadie que lo ayudara. Tom couldn't find anyone to help him. Tom couldn't find anyone to help him. Devemos executar esse plano de qualquer maneira. We must carry out this plan by all means. We must carry out this plan anyway. Je préfère m'y rendre seul. I prefer to go alone. I'd rather go alone. Abbiamo deciso di lasciarlo da solo per un po'. We decided to leave him alone for a while. We decided to leave him alone for a while. Me lo faccia vedere. Show it to me. Let me see. Eu não sei por que eu tenho que ir. I don't know why I have to go. I don't know why I have to go. Me estoy empezando a cansar de oír música navideña por donde quiera que voy. I'm getting tired of hearing Christmas music everywhere I go. I'm starting to get tired of hearing Christmas music wherever I go. Tom è via in vacanza. Tom is away on vacation. Tom left on vacation. Vreau o nouă rachetă de tenis. I want a new tennis racket. I want a new tennis racket. Acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. Je me suis reposé. I rested. I rested. Tom sta indossando un cappotto largo. Tom is wearing a loose-fitting coat. Tom's wearing a long coat. Tom giocava a calcio. Tom used to play soccer. Tom was playing football. Tom tirò fuori le valigie dal bagagliaio. Tom pulled the suitcases out of the trunk. Tom pulled the bags out of the trunk. Algo muy raro sucedió en la ciudad de Salvador. Something very strange happened in Salvador city. Something very rare happened in the city of Salvador. Estou acostumado a viver sozinho. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Tom nu a avut nicio șansă să-i spună lui Mary ceea ce gândea. Tom had no chance to tell Mary what he thought. Tom never had a chance to tell Mary what she was thinking. Mi è piaciuto molto. I enjoyed it a lot. I loved it. A maior parte dos jovens adultos gostam de sair à noite. Most young adults enjoy going out at night. Most young adults like to go out at night. ¿No es una hermosa mañana? Isn't it a lovely morning? Isn't it a beautiful morning? Il y a quelque chose de pourri dans l'état du Danemark. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. Ella no em va dir el seu secret. She didn't tell me her secret. She didn't tell me her secret. Il eut une amère expérience. He had a bitter experience. He had a bitter experience. Abbiamo provato tutto. We have tried everything. We tried everything. El ruido me molesta. The noise disturbs me. Noise bothers me. Tu sei Mary? Are you Mary? Are you Mary? Não carregue nada ao excesso. Don't carry anything to excess. Don't charge anything to the excess. Veuillez me montrer votre passeport. Show me your passport, please. Please show me your passport. Él vacilaba entre la esperanza y la desesperanza. He fluctuated between hope and despair. He hesitated between hope and despair. No necesitamos ningún voluntario más, pero podríamos utilizar un poco más de dinero. We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use some more money. We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use a little more money. Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. How I wish I could buy this guitar. La classe es va dividir en quatre grups. The class was divided into four groups. The class was divided into four groups. È ansiosa, vero? She's anxious, isn't she? She's anxious, isn't she? Qu'ei rapide caminaire. He's a fast walker. It's a quick walker. Ele cria gado para o mercado. He breeds cattle for market. He creates cattle for the market. C'è ancora della gente che è analfabeta. There are still people who are illiterate. There are still people who are illiterate. Les oiseaux construisent un nid au printemps pour élever leurs petits dedans. Birds make a nest in the springtime to raise their babies in. Birds build a nest in spring to raise their little ones in. Per piacere, non ditemi di smettere di bere. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. La novela fue publicada después de su muerte. The novel was published after his death. The novel was published after his death. Inspiroume confianza. He inspired me with confidence. I was hoping for confidence. El matrimonio precipitado rara vez tiene éxito. Hasty marriage seldom succeeds. Precipitated marriage is rarely successful. Io amavo l'Australia. I used to love Australia. I loved Australia. Tom e Mary fanno lo stesso impiego. Tom and Mary have the same job. Tom and Mary do the same job. La bière est bonne. Beer's good. Beer's good. Eu não gosto de neve. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. ¿Dónde fue a parar todo el pan? Where did all the bread go? Where did he go to stop all the bread? Loro non la troveranno. They won't find her. They won't find her. Mi piace di più in assoluto l'autunno. I like autumn best. I like it more fully in autumn. Es un demagogo intransigente y terco. He's a stubborn and intransigent demagogue. It's an intransigent and uncompromising demise. Lucrez la o agenţie de voiaj. I work for a travel agency. I work at a travel agency. ¿Cuál es la edad de tu hermana? How old is your sister? What's your sister's age? Holmes a ieşit din cameră fără să fie observat de nimeni. Holmes went out of the room without being noticed by anyone. Holmes came out of the room without being noticed by anyone. Ens sap greu la molèstia causada. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Sempre ha sigut així. It's always been like that. It's always been like this. Tom debería pagarlo. Tom should pay for it. Tom should pay for it. Une année-lumière est la distance que parcourt la lumière en une année. A lightyear is the distance that light travels in one year. A light-year is the distance that the light travels in one year. Aprilie este luna când florile înfloresc. April is the month when the flowers bloom. April is the month when flowers bloom. Il m'appela Ichiro. He called me Ichiro. He called me Ichiro. Nous payons le fils des voisins pour qu'il tonde notre pelouse. We pay the kid next door to mow our lawn. We pay the son of the neighbors to round our lawn. Você não é um tipo de curioso? Aren't you kind of curious? Aren't you some kind of curious guy? Quero fazer isso. I want to do it. I want to do that. Faça aquilo que você gosta de fazer. Do what you like. Do what you like to do. Nos han postpuesto hasta las dos y media. We are adjourned until 2:30. They've postponed us until two and a half. Io mi sono divertito molto ieri. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I had a lot of fun yesterday. Nous courions autour du parc. We ran around the park. We ran around the park. Esta frase es una mentira. This sentence is a lie. This sentence is a lie. Vado a letto presto stasera. I'm going to bed early tonight. I'm going to bed early tonight. Je ne peux pas m’arrêter d'écrire. I can't stop writing. I can’t stop writing. Je fus le seul à ne pas être invité à la soirée. I was the only one not invited to the party. I was the only one not to be invited to the evening. Rentrez chez vous. Go home. Go home. Guidate con prudenza. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Si yo fuera tú, postularía al trabajo. If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd postulate to work. Muncho plazer. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Vi crede. He believes you. He believes you. Penso che Tom sia pazzo. I think Tom is mad. I think Tom's crazy. C'è qualcuno qua? Is anybody here? Is anyone here? Non dovevate sbrigarvi. You didn't need to hurry. You shouldn't have hurryed. Non dirò questo due volte. I'm not going to say this twice. I won't say this twice. Ei nu înțeleg. They do not understand. They don't understand. C'est la matière que je préfère. This is my favourite subject. It's the stuff I prefer. Charra anglés? Do you speak English? English charra? Necesitamos un médico. Es una emergencia. We need a doctor. It's an emergency. We need a doctor, it's an emergency. Eu não estou a fim de dançar. I don't feel like dancing. I'm not in order to dance. Lui può partire domani. He can leave tomorrow. He can leave tomorrow. No, gràcies. No, thank you. No, thank you. Mi hai convinto. You convinced me. You convinced me. Les Japonais vivent de riz et de poisson. The Japanese live on rice and fish. The Japanese live on rice and fish. Tom e de obicei deja beat la ora asta din zi. Tom is usually drunk by this time of day. Tom's usually drunk at this time of day. L'uomo non riesce a vivere senza l'aria. Man cannot live without air. Man can't live without air. Tom se comió un trozo de la torta que María había horneado. Tom ate a piece of the cake that Mary baked. Tom ate a piece of the cake that Mary had baked. No vull llegir aquest llibre. I don't want to read this book. I don't want to read that book. Vengo de entregar mi solicitud. I just turned in my application. I just handed in my application. Noi ar trebui să studiem. We should study. We should study. Lei sta facendo progressi con il suo inglese. She is making progress with her English. You're making progress with your English. Sólo es un niño. He is only a child. It's just a child. Es importante recordar quiénes son tus amigos. It is important to remember who your friends are. It's important to remember who your friends are. Sta pelando le patate, vero? He's peeling the potatoes, isn't he? He's peeling potatoes, isn't he? Desculpe! Sorry! Excuse me! No me gusta su lengua. I don't like your language. I don't like his tongue. Beaucoup d'experts considèrent sa théorie. Most experts think a lot of his theory. Many experts consider his theory. Îmi place să citesc cărți. I love to read books. I like reading books. De ce n-ai venit să mă întrebi mai devreme? Why didn't you come to ask me earlier? Why didn't you come to ask me earlier? Nem sempre é fácil distinguir o bem do mal. It is not always easy to distinguish good from evil. It is not always easy to distinguish the good from the evil. Ciapalo. Catch this. Ciapalo. Sé serio. Be serious. I'm serious. O Canadá fica ao norte dos Estados Unidos. Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is north of the United States. Se són atrovæ inte 'na forèsta. They found themselves in a forest. They're atrovæ in the forest. Beaucoup de gens te vénèrent. Ne les déçois pas. Many people worship you. Do not disappoint them. A lot of people worshiped you, don't let them down. Esta silla está rota. This chair is broken. This chair is broken. Lo recomiendo enfáticamente. I recommend it strongly. I recommend it emphatically. Demain est-il un jour férié ? Is tomorrow a holiday? Is tomorrow a holiday? Dev'esser più che sessantenne. He must be over sixty. Must be more than sixty. Je vais retourner travailler au bureau. I'm going to head back to the office. I'm going back to work at the office. El secret de la longevitat és triar amb compte els pares. The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully. The secret of longevity is to choose parents carefully. È arrabbiata con te, vero? She's angry at you, isn't she? She's mad at you, isn't she? Dimenticalo. Forget it. Forget it. Ti piace bere birra? Do you like to drink beer? Do you like beer? Dile a él que aparezca. Tell him to show up. Tell him to show up. Tom è stato portato al pronto soccorso. Tom has been taken to the ER. Tom was taken to the emergency room. O primeiro julgamento de Sami terminou em um impasse. Sami's first trial ended in a deadlock. Sami's first trial ended in an impasse. Calculatoarele ne pot da fapte, dar nu ne pot da experienţă. Computers can give us facts, but they can't give us experience. Computers can give us facts, but they can't give us experience. Tom si è chinato per uno sguardo più da vicino. Tom leaned down for a closer look. Tom bowed down for a closer look. În vremuri grele, în vremuri triste, hai să încercăm să facem ceva pentru alți oameni. In hard times, in sorrowful times, let's try doing something for other people. In hard times, in sad times, let's try to do something for other people. Mon espee est ma vie. My sword is my life. My sword is my life. Se você estivesse preso em uma ilha deserta, do que sentiria mais falta? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would I miss the most? Ellos sí ganaron. They did win. They did win. Io sto controllando la mia casella postale. I am checking my mailbox. I'm checking my mailbox. Niște civili au fost omorâți. Some civilians were killed. Some civilians were killed. Quelqu'un veut plus de tarte ? Does anyone want some more pie? Anybody want more pie? Potrebbe dirmi come arrivare alla stazione? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Une chaussure dépareillée était abandonnée sur le seuil. An odd shoe was left on the doorstep. A paired shoe was left on the threshold. Je mentis lorsqu'elle demanda mon âge. I lied when she asked how old I was. I lied when she asked for my age. Ac farèi amb plaser. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll make it right. Es muy caro. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. Hay que trabajar, no pensar. You have to work, not think. We have to work, not think. Tom está indo bem na fazenda. Tom is doing well on the farm. Tom's doing well on the farm. Tom a smija pròpe nojà. Tom looks very bored. Tom went to his own noxious smile. El incendio se extinguió pronto. The fire was extinguished quick. The fire was extinguished soon. Peste o săptămână, voi fi în Anglia. A week from today, I'll be in England. In a week, I'll be in England. Este é um novo sistema? Is this a new system? Is this a new system? Non ti sei lavato la faccia questa mattina? Didn't you wash your face this morning? Didn't you wash your face this morning? Obrigado pelo comentário. Thanks for the comment. Thank you for your comment. Tom enviou uma mensagem a Mary. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent Mary a message. Io spero che Tom si sposi presto. I hope Tom gets married soon. I hope Tom gets married soon. ¿Es verdad? Is it true? Is it true? Dacă s-ar întâmpla ceva cu maşina mea, aş merge cu autobuzul. If anything should be wrong with my car, I would go by bus. If anything happened to my car, I'd take the bus. J'ai moins de livres que toi. I have fewer books than you. I have fewer books than you. Le garçon avait le ventre plein. The boy was full. The boy had a full belly. Estar casado es estupendo. Being married is great. Being married is great. Mary ti proteggerà. Mary will protect you. Mary will protect you. Qu'am pro de temps. We have enough time. I don't have much time. Tom ha composto il 911. Tom dialed 911. Tom composed 911. C'est du déchet. This is rubbish. It's waste. Che cosa avete mangiato voi e Tom per pranzo? What did you and Tom eat for lunch? What did you and Tom eat for lunch? Uralele au devenit un vacarm. The cheers swelled to a roar. Urals have become a cow. In questo momento abbiamo dei problemi più grandi. Right now, we've got bigger problems. We have bigger problems right now. Il boirait un vin blanc ou un vin rouge. He would drink a white or red wine. He'd drink a white wine or a red wine. J'ai ma clé du Paradis. I have the key of Paradise. I have my heaven key. J'étendis les jambes. I stretched out my legs. I spread my legs. Voglio sapere cosa farete. I want to know what you'll do. I want to know what you're gonna do. Tom és vell. Tom is old. Tom's old. Sus palabras la hicieron llorar de emoción. His words moved her to tears. Her words made her weep with emotion. J'ai anticipé sa question. I anticipated his question. I anticipated his question. ¿Deberíamos ir y tratar de encontrar a Tom? Should we go and try to find Tom? Should we go and try to find Tom? Mary travaille dans un supermarché. Mary works in a supermarket. Mary works in a supermarket. Ell es tan ruc que et juro que no l'aguanto. He's so stupid, I swear I can't stand him. He's so stupid, I swear I can't stand him. Ho scordato il suo numero. I've forgotten your number. I forgot her number. Ce se întâmplă cu Tom? What's the matter with Tom? What's going on with Tom? O mundo é muito grande. The world is very big. The world is too big. A chiel a-j pias lese artìcol sientìfich. He enjoys reading scientific articles. A chiel a-j plais lee artículo sientífich. Je déjeune. I'm eating lunch. I have lunch. Je suis né durant l'ère Showa. I was born during the Showa era. I was born during the Showa era. Je suis désolé, mon père n'est pas là. I'm sorry, my father's not here. I'm sorry, my dad's not here. Il sait parler français et encore mieux parler anglais. He can speak French, not to mention English. He can speak French and speak English even better. Tom era un testimone collaborativo. Tom was a cooperating witness. Tom was a collaborative witness. Le chiamerò tra qualche minuto. I'll call them in a few minutes. I'll call you in a few minutes. Je pense que nous nous sommes rencontrées auparavant, mais si ça ne vous évoque rien, il se peut que je me trompe. I think we've met before, but if I don't ring a bell, maybe I'm wrong. I think we've met before, but if that doesn't mean anything to you, I may be mistaken. ¡Qué incordio! How annoying! What a deal! Que plorè quan ausiscó la tarribla novèla. She wept when she heard the terrible news. He wept when the terrible news came. Vremea a fost groaznică. The weather was terrible. The weather was terrible. Il ne t'aura rien donné. He will not have given you anything. He didn't give you anything. Fomos socorrê-la. We went to her rescue. We went to help her. Il est récemment décédé. He died recently. He recently passed away. No está fácil. It's not easy. It's not easy. Feme savej s'i peule felo doman. Let me know if you can make it tomorrow. Savage women to his felo doman feet. Ricorda il codice? Do you remember the code? Do you remember the code? Gostaria de lhes agradecer do fundo do meu coração por toda a sua ajuda. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. J'ai plus de dix-huit ans. I'm over eighteen. I'm over 18. Tom și-a pierdut toți banii. Tom lost all of his money. Tom lost all his money. Tu habitación está sucia. Your room is dirty. Your room is dirty. Sto risparmiando per comprare una nuova macchina. I'm saving up to buy a new car. I'm saving to buy a new car. Isto não é duro. This isn't hard. This isn't hard. Sei una ragazza eccessivamente ottimista. You're an overly optimistic girl. You're an over-optimist girl. Non c'era anima viva. There was not a bloody soul. There was no soul alive. Esto no presagia nada bien en absoluto. This doesn't bode well at all. This doesn't presage anything right at all. Devi tornare indietro prima delle nove. You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to go back before nine. Você acha que todas as ditaduras são ruins? Do you think that all dictatorships are bad? Do you think all dictatorships are bad? Nu ești nebună. You're not crazy. You're not crazy. Posso chiamarla domani? May I call you tomorrow? Can I call you tomorrow? Voi siete anziani. You're old. You're old. Bienvenue ! Welcome. Welcome! Se paró con sus manos temblando de ira. He stood up with his hands trembling in a rage. He stopped with his hands shaking with anger. Nous sommes arabes. We are Arabs. We are Arabs. Em um certo momento. At a given moment. At a certain point. Siempre anda metido en chanchullos. He's always involved in scams. He's always in his pants. A l'é 'l mej porté 'n caplin an testa ant ij frèid invern ëd Mosca. It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters. It's the mej wearing' in caplin an head before cold ij winter ëd Moscow. Tenho um assunto complicado que quero discutir com as senhoras. I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you. I have a complicated subject that I want to discuss with the ladies. Loro ti proteggeranno. They will protect you. They'll protect you. Qu'ei la mea hilha. This is my daughter. She's at my hip. L'ho visto con i miei occhi. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. Me gusta trabajar aquí. I enjoy working here. I like working here. Penso nela quando escuto essa canção. When I hear this song, I think of her. I think of her when I hear that song. Falando da Mary, faz tempo que não a vejo. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her for a long time. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her in a while. J'apprécie vraiment toute ton aide. I really appreciate all your help. I really appreciate all your help. Esto es un portokal. This is an orange. This is a portokal. Elas estão jantando. They are having dinner. They're eating. Eu não sabia que ele tinha decidido largar o emprego. I didn't know he had decided to leave his job. I didn't know he had decided to quit his job. La tua password è appena stata cambiata. Your password has just been changed. Your password has just been changed. Sono scappata via di fretta. I ran away in a hurry. I ran away in a hurry. Bill a arrêté de fumer. Bill stopped smoking. Bill stopped smoking. La sua idea è superiore alla sua. His idea is superior to yours. His idea is superior to his. Nu te mai plac. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Não fiquei nada surpreso com o que aconteceu. I wasn't at all surprised that happened. I wasn't surprised at what happened. Não posso ligá-lo porque o interruptor está quebrado. I can't turn it on, because the switch is broken. I can't call him because the switch's broken. Niciunul dintre noi nu este nemuritor. None of us are immortal. None of us are immortal. Ti stavano guardando tutti. Everyone was looking at you. Everyone was watching you. Ha detto che avrebbe parlato con lui. You said you'd talk to him. He said he'd talk to him. Non mi ascolterà. He won't listen to me. He won't listen to me. Tu sos moendiz? Are you an engineer? Are you kidding me? Estou pronto para ir? Am I ready to go? Am I ready to go? Beton! Great! Beton! Lui accese la radio. He turned on the radio. He's on the radio. Me he estado sintiendo un poco agitado. I've been feeling a little restless. I've been feeling a little nervous. Tom pianse per tutta la notte. Tom cried all night. Tom cried all night. Tom își liber o săptămână. Tom is taking the week off. Tom's off for a week. Reste avec nous. Stay with us. Stay with us. Tom obișnuia să se ducă în Boston în fiecare vară când era copil. Tom used to go to Boston every summer when he was a child. Tom used to go to Boston every summer when he was a kid. El este o persoană bine informată. He is a well informed person. He's a well-informed person. Elige entre estos dos. Choose between these two. Choose between these two. Tom gosta mesmo de tocar violão, mas não gosta de cantar. Tom really loves playing the guitar, but he doesn't like singing. Tom really likes to play guitar, but he doesn't like to sing. Eu fiquei muito empolgado. I got very excited. I was very excited. No botes nada. Don't throw anything away. Don't boot anything. Ele subiu as escadas. He climbed the stairs. He went up the stairs. Tom usou uma das minhas camisas ontem. Tom wore one of my shirts yesterday. Tom used one of my shirts yesterday. Per piacere, vada al supermercato a comprare un po' di frutta. Please go to the supermarket to buy some fruit. Please go to the supermarket and buy some fruit. En Tom parla italià perfectament. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Tom speaks Italian perfectly. Estamos molestando a Tom porque él siempre nos molesta. We are disturbing Tom because he always disturbs us. We're bothering Tom because he always bothers us. Espera un poco hasta que esté listo. Hang on a bit until I'm ready. Wait a minute until he's ready. Sais-tu qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who her father is? On ei la veitura-restaurant ? Where's the dining car? We're going to the car-restaurant? J'ai dit que je voulais la vérité ! I said I want the truth! I said I wanted the truth! Não temos nenhuma preocupação. We don't have any concerns. We have no concern. Não há nada de errado com a fórmula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. Deve bere dell'acqua. You have to drink water. You need to drink some water. Bob es un completo lameculo. Bob is really a brown noser. Bob's a complete blaze. Noi abbiamo bisogno di denaro per fare qualsiasi cosa. We need money to do anything. We need money to do anything. Hoy hay más nubes que ayer. There are more clouds today than yesterday. Today there are more clouds than yesterday. Comment pouvez-vous être si cruelles ? How can you be so cruel? How can you be so cruel? Eres la última esperanza para la humanidad. You're the last hope for humanity. You are the last hope for humanity. Ela tirou a camisa. She removed her shirt. She took her shirt off. Síntoo. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. J'ai eu l'occasion de le rencontrer à Paris. I had a chance to meet him in Paris. I had the opportunity to meet him in Paris. Sono guidata dalla mia passione. I’m driven by my passion. I'm driven by my passion. Ele veio de ônibus. He came by bus. He came by bus. Vous êtes le professeur de mon enfant. You're my kid's teacher. You're my child's teacher. Ha del nastro adesivo? Do you have any tape? Do you have a tape sticker? J'aimerais faire un petit somme. I'd like to get a little shut eye. I'd like to make a little money. Sintiendo la casa sacudirse, yo salí corriendo al patio en la parte trasera de la casa. Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the yard at the back of the house. Feeling the house shaking, I ran out to the yard in the back of the house. Il vit à Ankara depuis six ans. He has been living in Ankara for six years. He's been living in Ankara for six years. Te quiero, ángel mío. I love you, my angel. I love you, my angel. O Tom queria deixar Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Estupa lo deishudader. Turn off the alarm. Sorrow the deishudader. La noble comtesse d’Ahlefeld rougit et pâlit. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushed and grew pale. The noble countess of Ahlefeld roared and pale. Você não esta ocupada agora, está? You're not busy now, are you? You're not busy right now, are you? Déjame cantarte una canción. Let me sing a song for you. Let me sing you a song. Grazas. Thanks! Thank you. Pensate che la situazione migliorerà? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Viens et danse avec moi. Come and dance with me. Come and dance with me. Asseyez-vous là et réchauffez-vous. Sit down here and warm yourself. Sit down there and warm up. Veo el leon blanko. I see the white lion. I see the white lion. Vino de muy lejos. He came from far away. He came from far away. Voy a encender el calefactor porque hace mucho frío. I'm going to turn on the heater because it's very cold. I'm going to turn on the heater because it's very cold. Regarde, je te prie, la photo que j'ai choisie. Please take a look at the picture that I chose. Look, please, the picture I chose. Non può avere meno di trent'anni. He can't be under thirty. He can't be less than thirty years old. Vorrei trovare qualcuno che si prenda cura dei miei figli. I'd like to find somebody to take care of my children. I'd like to find someone to take care of my children. Eu nunca disse que eu era frágil. I never said I was fragile. I never said I was fragile. Eu queria ser o patrão. I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be the boss. Voglio che li cerchi. I want you to look for them. I want you to look for them. Você chegou cedo demais. You arrived too early. You're too early. Él se había cuidado. He had taken care of himself. He was careful. Dobbiamo portare Tom da uno specialista. We have to get Tom to a specialist. We need to get Tom to a specialist. Eles gostam de Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. Mon pare va morir abans del meu naixement. My father died before I was born. My father died before my birth. Vorbiți arabă? Do you speak Arabic? Are you speaking Arabic? No te puedo seguir si caminas tan rápido. I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. I can't follow you if you walk so fast. Riesci a contattarla? Can you contact her? Can you contact her? Tenemos un elevador y un baño privado. We have an elevator and a private bathroom. We have a lift and a private bathroom. Ya estoy buscando mis anteojos nuevamente. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm already looking for my glasses again. ¿Usted sabía que la estrella más cercana de la Tierra es el Sol? Did you know that the star nearest to Earth is the Sun? Did you know that the nearest star on Earth is the Sun? Mike tem duas amigas. Mike has two girl friends. Mike has two friends. Chiar așa! Indeed! That's right! ¿Por qué son tan paranoicos? Why are you so paranoid? Why are they so paranoid? Je veux juste dormir ! I just want to sleep! I just want to sleep! Sto tenendo questo posto per lei. I'm saving this seat for her. I'm keeping this place for you. Il a engagé un nouveau secrétaire. He hired a new secretary. He hired a new secretary. Parece muito divertido. It sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like a lot of fun. Mary está enamorada del chico de pelo rubio. Mary is in love with the boy with blond hair. Mary is in love with the red-haired boy. Ne vous fiez à quiconque ! Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone! ¿Dónde está el resto? Where's the rest? Where's the rest of it? Em sorprèn que acceptés l'oferiment. I'm surprised that he accepted the offer. I'm surprised you accepted the offer. Tom di que non sabe con quén planea Mary ir o baile. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary is planning on going to the prom with. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary's planning to go to. Le magazine a divulgué le scandale trop hâtivement. The magazine jumped the gun and reported on the scandal. The magazine released the scandal too hastily. A-t-il une grande maison ? Does he have a big house? Does he have a big house? Ei nu m-au crezut. They didn't believe me. They didn't believe me. C'est notre seul espoir. This is our only hope. It's our only hope. No sé si ho sap. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. J'en prendrai une. I'll take one. I'll get one. ¡¡No quiero ser patético, quiero ser guay!! I don't wanna be pathetic, I wanna be cool!! I don't want to be pathetic, I want to be cool! Eu te julguei mal. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. Lei è generoso? Are you generous? Are you generous? Há quanto tempo você está sentada aqui? How long have you been sitting here? How long have you been sitting here? Eu raramente choro. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Nu a trebuit să pun sare la supa mea. I didn't need to add salt to my soup. I didn't have to put salt on my soup. L'homme qui a appelé il y a une heure était Frank. The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank. The man who called an hour ago was Frank. Il a perdu ce qu'il a reçu de son père. He wasted that which he had received from his father. He lost what he got from his father. A miña nai dividiu a torta en oito pezas. My mother divided the cake into eight pieces. My mother divided the cake into eight pieces. Sed buenas. Be good. Be good. Tutti i tentativi fallirono. All attempts failed. All attempts failed. Descubram o que eles estão fazendo aqui. Find out what they're doing here. Find out what they're doing here. Mañana jugará al béisbol. He plays baseball tomorrow. Tomorrow he'll play baseball. Iar alții pur și simplu călătoresc prin America în mașini de agrement, vizitând regiuni din țara pe care înainte fuseseră prea ocupați pentru a le vizita. Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before. And others simply travel through America in leisure cars, visiting regions in the country they had previously been too busy to visit. È il mio problema. That's my problem. That's my problem. Esos son mis zapatos. Those are my shoes. Those are my shoes. I cani sono territoriali. Dogs are territorial. Dogs are territorial. Cabe a você fazer uma escolha. It's up to you to make a choice. It's up to you to make a choice. Il possède une voiture étrangère. He has a foreign car. He owns a foreign car. Jane Austen foi uma escritora britânica. Jane Austen was a British writer. Jane Austen was a British writer. Que volerí estar joen. I wish I were young. That I wanted to be joen. Voy tan seguido como puedo. I go as often as I can. I'm going as often as I can. O Tom agarrou a mala dele. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom grabbed his bag. O software foi atualizado. The software has been updated. The software has been updated. Il suo tavolo è pronto. Your table is ready. His table's ready. O número de Sami está no celular da Layla. Sami's number is in Layla's phone. Sami's number is on Layla's cell phone. Je ne connais pas le maire mais je voudrais le rencontrer. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet him. Estes pratos estão limpos? Are these dishes clean? Are these dishes clean? Vam començar lèu lo tribalh. We'll begin work soon. We started the tribal soon. O Tom era realmente capaz de fazer aquilo? Was Tom really able to do that? Was Tom really able to do that? Comment vas-tu aider Tom ? How are you going to help Tom? How will you help Tom? A me piace essere meticolosa. I like to be thorough. I like to be meticulous. Io approvo il tuo piano. I approve of your plan. I approve of your plan. J'en étais sûre. I was sure of it. I was sure of it. Dublează-ți pariul. Double your bet. Double your bet. An ye o escusau? Where's the toilet? Is it an excuse? Não há nada que eu possa fazer para mudar isso. There is nothing I can do to change that. There's nothing I can do to change that. Un niño de ahora no haría eso. A child today would not do that. A kid from now on wouldn't do that. Pouvons-nous continuer à les devancer ? Can we stay ahead of them? Can we continue to move them forward? Você será punido se violar a lei. You'll be punished if you break the law. You will be punished if you violate the law. Yo no fui una buena madre. I was not a good mother. I wasn't a good mother. Lei vede il suo tavolo? Do you see your table? Do you see her table? Només els adults tenen permís per fer allò. Only adults are allowed to do that. Only adults have permission to do that. Ella no escucha a sus padres. She doesn't listen to her parents. She doesn't listen to her parents. Lei sa quando farla? Do you know when to do it? Do you know when to do it? Tom era șeful. Tom was in charge. Tom was the boss. Le jury a acquitté Sami de toutes les charges. The jury acquitted Sami of all charges. The jury acquitted Sami of all charges. Loro tornarono. They went back. They're back. Eu quero comprar um livro para ler no avião. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. Ela levantou a man. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Fece quello che le era stato detto. She did what she was told. He did what he was told. O homem é mortal. Man is mortal. The man is mortal. Lui vuole di più. He wants more. He wants more. A quin diccionari hès referéncia ? Which dictionary did you refer to? What dictionary does he refer to? Un hombre anciano se acercó y estrechó la mano de Lincoln. An old man came up and shook Lincoln's hand. An old man approached and shook Lincoln's hand. Tom dov'è salito su questo autobus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Noi aspetteremo Tom nell'atrio. We'll wait for Tom in the lobby. We'll wait for Tom in the lobby. Il a été repoussé. He got brushed aside. He was repelled. No hace falta que respondas. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Mă durea inima pentru păsările aflate pe moarte. My heart ached for the dying birds. It hurt my heart for dying birds. I peul nèn tiré ij cavej a Taninna. Chila a l'é motobin pì àuta che mi. I cannot pull Taninna's hair. She's much taller than me. And the peul nèn shot ij cavej in Taninna. Chila to the é motobin more auta che me. Eu era mesmo jovem quando o encontrei. I was really young when I met you. I was really young when I found him. Tu n'es pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to make excuses. Cet homme portait un masque de tigre. That man was wearing a tiger mask. This man was wearing a tiger mask. ¿Que tal se me promoves de só amigo a noivo? How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend? How about you just promote me as a friend to the groom? Mon grand-père fut tué pendant la 2e guerre mondiale. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed during World War II. Gosto de seu vestido. I like your dress. I like your dress. Nici o estimare a costurilor nu era disponibilă. No cost estimate was available. No cost estimate was available. Personne ne déteste mon pays. Nobody hates my country. Nobody hates my country. O Tom não quer falar agora. Tom doesn't want to talk now. Tom doesn't want to talk now. Non essere così formale, per piacere! Don't be so formal, please! Don't be so formal, please! С’est vachement compliqué ! It's complicated as hell. It’s completely complicated! Eu tenho uma dessas. I have one of those. I got one of those. J'en ai obtenu un ! I got one! I got one! No está permitido entrar perros a este edificio. You aren't permitted to bring dogs into this building. Dogs are not allowed in this building. Tom deve abitare da queste parti. Tom must live around here. Tom has to live around here. Ci incontriamo una volta al mese. We meet once a month. We meet once a month. Alguma novidade hoje? Anything new today? Any news today? Discutiremos el problema con ellos. We'll discuss the problem with them. We'll discuss the problem with them. Quando chegaremos? When do we arrive? When do we get here? C'était gentil de ta part de venir. It was nice of you to show up. It was nice of you to come. Come mi aiuteresti? How would you help me? How would you help me? Vrei să-mi dai adresa lui Tom? Would you give me Tom's address? You want to give me Tom's address? On ne devrait pas s'en remettre aux forces militaires pour régler les conflits internationaux. We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes. We should not resort to military forces to settle international conflicts. Cette ville est en France. This city is in France. This city is in France. Mira este extenso mapa de América. Look at this large map of America. Look at this extensive map of America. Ja estic acostumat a que se'n riguin de mi. I'm used to being laughed at. I'm already used to having them laugh at me. Acesta este un loc înfricoșător. This is a scary place. This is a scary place. La chambre est trop petite. The room is too small. The room's too small. Al final él se arruinó su salud. He ruined his health in the end. In the end he ruined his health. La famille de Tom n'est pas très grande. Tom's family isn't very big. Tom's family isn't very big. Não toque nas minhas coisas. Don't touch my things. Don't touch my things. Non puoi lasciarci, Tom. You can't leave us, Tom. You can't leave us, Tom. Fii atent! Be watchful. Look out! Pentru mine e OK dacă iei cartea aia. It's OK with me if you take that book. It's OK for me if you take that book. Voi siete pronti. You're attentive. You're ready. È cresciuto un dente permanente proprio accanto a un dente da latte. An adult tooth came in right next to a baby tooth. A permanent tooth grew right next to a milk tooth. Nessuno chiamò la polizia. No one called the police. No one called the police. Le chat planta ses griffes dans ma main. The cat dug its claws into my hand. The cat planted her claws in my hand. Dobbiamo essere accolti calorosamente e supportati. We need to be warmly welcomed and supported. We must be warmly welcomed and supported. Sto cercando un anziano. I'm looking for an old man. I'm looking for an old man. Él se resbaló en una cáscara de plátano. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped into a banana shell. A me piace molto il gelato. I like ice-cream very much. I really like ice cream. Essayez-vous de vous débarrasser de moi ? Are you trying to get rid of me? Are you trying to get rid of me? Ël lìber a l'é 'n sla tàula. The book is on the table. I'll be in the hall at the hall. Chiamammo il nostro cane White. We named our dog White. We called our dog White. Somos australianos. We are Australians. We're Australians. Ese movimiento fue un gran error. That move was a big mistake. That movement was a big mistake. Ton pare és alt. Your father is tall. Your father's tall. Tom era o enteado de Mary. Tom was Mary's stepchild. Tom was Mary's entanglement. Siento como si estuviera a bordo de un gran barco. I feel as if I were aboard a great ship. I feel like I'm aboard a big boat. A nins ieri. It snowed yesterday. To the kids yesterday. Não vamos confundir precisão com exatidão. Let's not mistake precision for accuracy. We're not going to confuse precision with accuracy. Trenul a intrat în gară. The train pulled into the station. The train's in the station. Tom tiene mucho sueño porque anoche no durmió bien. Tom is very sleepy, because he didn't sleep well last night. Tom has a lot of sleep because last night he didn't sleep well. Déjeuneras-tu ? Will you eat dinner? You'll have lunch? Fratele meu vrea să meargă pe lună cândva. My brother wants to go to the moon some day. My brother wants to go on the moon sometime. Digli di non essere in ritardo. Tell him not to be late. Tell him he's not late. Bob diventò un predicatore. Bob became a preacher. Bob became a preacher. O té está tan quente que non podo bebelo. The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it. The tea's so hot, I can't drink it. Tom não é muito forte. Tom isn't very strong. Tom's not too strong. Estava tão frio que ele tremia. It was so cold that he was shivering. It was so cold that he was shaking. Tu perro siempre me ladra a mí. Your dog always barks at me. Your dog will always bark at me. Cada passo foi difícil para ele. Every step was difficult for him. Every step was difficult for him. Mi hai deluso. You disappointed me. You let me down. On dit qu'il y a des fantômes dans cette vieille maison. They say there are ghosts in this old house. They say there are ghosts in this old house. Paul s'habille très chic. Paul is a natty dresser. Paul's dressed very chic. Je serai pas contre passer une bonne soirée. I'm not averse to a good night out. I won't be against having a good night. El precio que pagan los famosos por su fama, es la falta de privacidad. The price that the famous pay for their celebrity is a lack of privacy. The price the famous pay for their fame is the lack of privacy. Il s'est tenu à l'écart de la vie publique. He stayed out of public life. It was kept away from public life. Je lui ai fait balayer ma chambre. I had her sweep my room. I had him sweep my room. Eu trabalho num posto de gasolina. I work at a gas station. I work at a gas station. Você é uma pessoa muito interessante. You're a very interesting person. You're a very interesting person. Dans notre lycée, le français est une matière optionnelle. At our high school, French is an elective. In our high school, French is an optional subject. Acea noapte a fost foarte friguroasă. That night was very cold. That night was very cold. Seré el último en hacer eso. I'll be the last one to do that. I'll be the last to do that. Beijaste mesmo o Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Me acuesto con hombres. I sleep with men. I'm sleeping with men. La mia è più grande della tua. Mine is bigger than yours. Mine is bigger than yours. Ne hica pas líbers sus la taula. Don't put books on the table. Don't lay any books on the table. Il ne reste aucune nourriture. There's no food left. There's no food left. Avrebbe fatto meglio a non fumare mentre era in servizio. You had better not smoke while on duty. He'd better not smoke while on duty. Lei si è sposata giovane. She married young. She married young. Mai scrie-mi din când în când, OK? Write me sometime, OK? Write to me every now and then, OK? Qual você quer? Which do you want? Which one do you want? Sans vous, je ne suis rien. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Eu ouvi dizer que o Tom foi a Boston. I heard that Tom went to Boston. I heard Tom went to Boston. Dice que los extraterrestres lo abdujeron. He says aliens had abducted him. He says extraterrestrials abduct him. Come lo ha trovato? How did you find it? How did you find him? La glace craqua sous le poids. The ice cracked under the weight. The ice cracked under weight. Escriu-me de tant en tant, sí? Please write to me from time to time. Write to me from time to time, will you? J'ai presque fini. Donne-moi juste une minute. I'm almost done. Just give me a minute. Just give me a minute. Mon fils est entré au lycée. My son entered high school. My son went to high school. Alguém deveria tirar aquele cachorro da miséria. Someone should put that dog out of its misery. Someone should get that dog out of the misery. Aştept ajutorul tău. I'm waiting for your assistance. I'm waiting for your help. Tom parece estar sonolento. Tom looks drowsy. Tom seems to be drowsy. Circule com lápis vermelho. Circle in red pencil. Circle with red pencil. ¿En qué barco estabas? What ship were you on? What ship were you on? Vous êtes dénué de compassion. You have no sympathy. You're without compassion. Va ninge mâine. It'll snow tomorrow. It'll snow tomorrow. Ella es una mujer egoísta. She is a selfish woman. She's a selfish woman. Ell s'està millorant poc a poc He is getting better bit by bit. He's getting better slowly. Foi uma piada burra. It was a stupid joke. It was a stupid joke. Ahí está su amigo. There's his friend. There's your friend. Estas calles ven más y más estallidos de violencia de vigilantes. These streets see more and more outbreaks of vigilante violence. These streets see more and more outbreaks of vigilante violence. Eu não ponho a mão no fogo por ninguém. I trust absolutely no one. I don't put my hand on fire for anyone. ¿Puedes hacerme un favor? Can you do me a favour? Can you do me a favor? Gråces ! Thank you! Thank you! Je suis chanceuse de vous avoir comme ami. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. Je pris à droite. I turned right. I'm on the right. On évite de parler politique. We avoid talking about politics. We don't talk politics. Queste scarpe appartengono a loro. These shoes belong to them. These shoes belong to them. Il ragazzo cominciò a gridare. The boy started crying. The kid started yelling. Mă voi întoarce în curând. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. O brinquedo amarelo é pequeno. The yellow toy is little. The yellow toy is small. Estamos correndo o risco de chegar tarde. We're in danger of being late. We're running the risk of being late. Il se tient sur la colline. He is standing on the hill. He stands on the hill. Però ti piace! But you like it! But you like it! Les extra-terrestres sont souvent dépeints avec des yeux noirs en amandes. Aliens are often depicted with dark, almond-shaped eyes. Extraterrestrials are often painted with black almond eyes. Essaie de te mettre à sa place et comprends ce qu'il a dû traverser ! Try to put yourself in his shoes and understand what he's been through. Try to put yourself in his place and understand what he had to go through! N'oublie pas que Tom est aveugle. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget Tom's blind. Faço as coisas do meu jeito. I do things in my own way. I do things my way. Eu espero ver uma rena na minha viagem à Suécia. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. I hope to see a reindeer on my trip to Sweden. Tout l'argent du comptoir a été volé. All money from the counter was stolen. All the money from the counter was stolen. Ne mangez pas de cochonneries. Don't eat garbage. Don't eat shit. Elles traitent bien leurs employés. They treat their employees well. They treat their employees well. Il l'aimait vraiment beaucoup. He loved her very much. He really loved him. Les gens aiment parler. Moi pas. People love to talk. I don't. People like to talk. Il a commis une erreur. He made a mistake. He made a mistake. És molt difícil estar a l'altura de la teva reputació. It is very hard to live up to your reputation. It's very difficult to live up to your reputation. Cartea dumneavoastră de credit, vă rog. Your credit card, please. Your credit card, please. Ella le contó sus problemas. She told her troubles to him. She told him her problems. Este o clădire din piatră cenușie. It's a gray stone building. It's an ash stone building. Servez-vous à boire ! Help yourself to a drink. Help yourself to drink! Estou melhor que ele. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Vous devez mettre en œuvre votre plan de départ. You must carry out your first plan. You must implement your departure plan. Le mani di Sami sono perfette. Sami's hands are perfect. Sami's hands are perfect. Posso fare questo? Can I do this? Can I do this? Je ne suis pas vraiment occupé. I'm not really busy. I'm not really busy. Quisiera haber tenido este problema. I wish I had this problem. I wish I had this problem. Che donna meravigliosa! What a wonderful lady! What a wonderful woman! Tom vai voltar. Tom will come back. Tom's coming back. Lui è più anziano di suo padre. He's older than her father. He's older than his father. O Tom é intrometido, mas a Mary não é. Tom is nosey, but Mary isn't. Tom's intruding, but Mary's not. M'agrada aquest quadre, no només perquè és famós, sinó també perquè és una obra mestra. I like this picture, not just because it is famous, but because it really is a masterpiece. I like this painting, not just because it's famous, but because it's a masterpiece. Você tem de ir à escola. You need to go to school. You have to go to school. Apprête-toi ! Prepare yourself. Get ready! A Tom lo tomaron por sorpresa. Tom was taken by surprise. Tom was taken by surprise. No falta mucho para que empecemos. It won't be long before we can start. It won't be long before we start. Él nunca va en contra de sus padres. He never goes against his parents. He never goes against his parents. Nu am fost conștient că cineva m-ar fi privit. I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me. I wasn't aware that someone would have looked at me. Nuestro profesor de música me aconsejó visitar Viena. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. A comida de aquí non é moi boa. The food isn't very good here. The food here isn't very good. Ahí se va mi última oportunidad. There goes my last opportunity. There goes my last chance. A perseguição a pessoas solteiras é doentia numa sociedade que só pensa em gozo e lucro. I find it sick that someone should be persecuted for being single in a society where pleasure and profit are the main goals. The persecution of single people is sick in a society that thinks only of joy and profit. Quem quer matá-lo? Who wants to kill you? Who wants to kill him? As coisas finalmente mudaram. Things eventually changed. Things have finally changed. No me'n recorde d'on ho vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Quiero que salgas. I want you to go outside. I want you out. Por favor, abre la ventana. Please open the window. Please open the window. Il s'intéresse beaucoup à l'histoire du Japon. He is very much interested in Japanese history. He is very interested in Japan's history. Care este cântecul dumneavoastră preferat? What is your favourite song? What's your favorite song? Ah ! Si j'étais riche, je m'achèterais une maison en Espagne. Ah! If I were rich, I'd buy myself a house in Spain. If I was rich, I'd buy a house in Spain. Aquele cachorro é muito feio. That dog is really ugly. That dog's really ugly. Hagamos más que ayer. We must do more than yesterday. Let's do more than yesterday. Qu'am devisat dinc a duas oras. We talked until two. That I've divided in two hours. Per piacere, ditemi che state preparando ciò per il mio compleanno! Please tell me you're getting this ready for my birthday! Please tell me you're preparing this for my birthday! Tom es un policía. Tom is a police officer. Tom's a cop. Mi manca davvero mio marito. I really miss my husband. I really miss my husband. Stanno esaminando i campioni. They're analyzing the samples. They're examining the samples. São lágrimas de alegria. They are tears of joy. They're tears of joy. Tom și-a lăsat pălăria în camera mea. Tom left his hat in my room. Tom left his hat in my room. Je n'aime aucune de ces images. I don't like any of these pictures. I don't like any of those pictures. Perché non è andato in Germania? Why didn't he go to Germany? Why didn't he go to Germany? Tom quería adelgazar. Tom wanted to lose weight. Tom wanted to lose weight. Mary ha un nastro rosso nei capelli. Mary has a red ribbon in her hair. Mary has a red ribbon in her hair. C'est ma chatte. That's my cat. It's my pussy. Ha un'automobile nuova. He has a new car. He's got a new car. Vocês não têm nenhuma prova. You have no proof. You don't have any proof. Cometa erros, aprenda com eles e cresça! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow! I miei genitori non ci punirono mai. My parents never punished us. My parents never punished us. Tom não acha que isso é possível. Tom doesn't think it's possible. Tom doesn't think that's possible. Non ferisca Tom. Don't hurt Tom. Don't hurt Tom. Tom é invencível. Tom is unbeatable. Tom is invincible. Eu mudei de ideia. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. Qu'aurà mancat lo trin. He must have missed the train. That I'm going to miss the trin. ¿Necesito una razón? Do I need a reason? Do I need a reason? Iar plouă! It's raining again! It's raining again! O problema é que eles só pensam em si mesmos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is that they only think of themselves. Pourquoi portez-vous cette écharpe ? Why are you wearing that scarf? Why are you wearing this scarf? De quem é esta cerveja? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is this? J'attends mon tour devant l'épicerie. I'm waiting for my turn in front of the grocery store. I'm waiting for my turn in front of the grocery store. Non badi a Tom. Don't mind Tom. Don't worry about Tom. Eu tive que consertar a torradeira. I had to fix the toaster. I had to fix the toaster. El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero. The knife belongs to the gardener. The knife belongs to the gardener. Combien de bois une marmotte vomirait-elle si une marmotte pouvait jeter du bois ? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How much wood would a marmot vomit if a marmot could throw wood? Ela precisa de um táxi. She needs a cab. She needs a cab. Il est handicapé mental. He is mentally handicapped. He's mentally handicapped. Acela costă 1,5 euro fiecare kilogram. That costs 1.5 euros per kilogram. That costs 1.5 euros per kilogram. Eu não pensei nas consequências. I didn't think of the consequences. I didn't think about the consequences. Il y a ici un restaurant. There's a restaurant here. There's a restaurant here. Vive y aprende. Live and learn. Live and learn. Eles estavam jogando tênis. They were playing tennis. They were playing tennis. Prefiro traballar duro a sentarme sen facer nada. I prefer working hard to just sitting idle. I'd rather work hard to sit down and do nothing. Vrei o aspirină? Do you want some aspirin? You want an aspirin? M. Smith commence toujours ses cours en faisant une blague. Mr Smith always begins his lectures with a joke. Mr. Smith always starts his classes by making a joke. Câinele mi-a mușcat mâna. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Profite bien de tes vacances ! Enjoy your vacation. Enjoy your vacation! Ambezamos muzika. We study music. We've got muzika. Je ne veux pas que vous soyez blessé. I don't want you to be hurt. I don't want you to get hurt. Estamos decepcionados con los resultados. We're disappointed with the results. We are disappointed in the results. Cette arme a une portée de 300 mètres. This gun has a range of 300 meters. This weapon has a range of 300 meters. Divirtámonos un poco. Let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. As senhoras gostariam de jogar tênis no domingo? Would you like to play tennis on Sunday? Would you like to play tennis on Sunday? S'il avait été là, il vous aurait dit de vous tenir. If he'd been there, he'd have told you to mind your manners. If he'd been there, he'd have told you to hold on. O l'é 'n paize de 1000 abitanti ch'o s'atreuva inta Provinsa de Sann-a. It is a town of 1000 people that is located in the Province of Savona. Or it's a landscape of 1000 inhabitants that meets in Sann-a's Provinosa. Mi piace davvero molto. I really enjoy it a lot. I really like it. Todo el mundo comentó sobre su nuevo peinado. Everyone remarked on his new hairstyle. Everyone commented on his new hairstyle. Vous êtes splendide. You are gorgeous. You're beautiful. Lanza a túa pistola cara aquí. Toss your gun over here. Throw your gun over here. Am scos cartofii din pământ. We unearth potatoes. I pulled the potatoes out of the ground. Tom menaça Mary. Tom threatened Mary. Tom threatened Mary. Todas as maçãs estão ali. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Amo mi dialecto italiano. I love my Italian dialect. I love my Italian dialect. Il a plutôt raison. He is quite right. He's pretty right. Nu îmi pasă de economie. I don't care about economics. I don't care about the economy. Vado a New York la settimana prossima. I am going to New York next week. I'm going to New York next week. Você é estranho. Eu ainda não o ajudei em nada e você me chama de gênio. You're weird. I haven't helped you at all yet and you're calling me a "genius". You're weird. I haven't helped you yet and you call me genius. Tom è partito per l'Australia. Tom has departed for Australia. Tom left for Australia. Ne place mâncarea, în special peștele. We liked the food, especially the fish. We like food, especially fish. Tom quiere ayudar. Tom wants to help. Tom wants to help. El Sahara es el mayor desierto del mundo. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Mr. Bean és tan graciós! Mr. Bean is so funny! Mr. Bean is so funny! ¿Ha oído alguna vez a alguien hablar en esperanto? Have you ever heard someone speaking in Esperanto? Have you ever heard anyone speak in Esperanto? ¡Levántese! Get up! Get up! Nous sommes du même côté. We're on the same side. We're on the same side. Eres un fraude. You're a fraud. You're a fraud. In realtà sono più ricchi di noi. Actually they're richer than us. They're actually richer than us. Todos los delegados sabían que debían debatirlo. All the delegates knew they must discuss it. All delegates knew they had to discuss it. Je suis sincèrement désolé pour vous. I sincerely feel sorry for you. I'm truly sorry for you. Metoda ta este mai bună. Your method is better. Your method is better. J'aime jouer aux échecs. I enjoy playing chess. I like playing chess. Voglio che voi mi diate un lavoro. I want you to give me a job. I want you to give me a job. Tom dove ha preso questa macchina? Where did Tom get this car? Tom, where did you get this car? Casa păsărilor este în pădure, casa peștilor este în râu, casa albinelor este în flori, iar casa copiilor mici este în China. Ne iubim patria decând suntem mici, precum păsarile iubesc pădurea, peștii iubesc râul si albinele iubesc florile. The birds' home is in the forest, the fish's home is in the river, the bees' home is in the flowers, and the little children's is in China. We love our motherland from the time we're little, as the birds love the forest, the fish love the river, and the bees love the flowers. The house of birds is in the forest, the house of fish is in the river, the house of bees is in flowers, and the house of small children is in China. We love our country by being small, like birds love the forest, the fish love the river and the bees love the flowers. Quan arriba ? When does it arrive? When is it coming? Todo está yendo muy rápido. Everything is going too fast. Everything's going really fast. Lei è una studentessa. You are a student. You're a student. Un individuo es la unidad más pequeña de la sociedad. An individual is the smallest unit of the society. An individual is the smallest unit in society. Il a fait tout le travail d'enquête. He did all the legwork. He did all the investigative work. Puis-je vous faire un câlin ? Can I give you a hug? Can I make you a hug? Segui a lei. I followed the law. I followed her. Tom, voglio parlare con te. Tom, I want to talk to you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Eu espero que você aproveite esta temporada de férias. I hope that you enjoy this holiday season. I hope you enjoy this holiday season. Tom è ancora in galera, vero? Tom is still in prison, isn't he? Tom's still in jail, right? Podemos abrir las ventanas. We can open the windows. We can open the windows. Me tengo que ir ahora. I must leave now. I have to go now. He plantat un pomer al meu jardí. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple in my garden. Ella es, por así decirlo, un diccionario andante. She is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. She's, so to speak, a walking dictionary. Quero ir à Inglaterra. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. A lei è piaciuto? Did she like it? Did you like it? Am dat locul meu doamnei în vârstă. I gave my seat to the old lady. I gave my place to the old lady. Não vou tentar te impedir de fazer isso. I'm not going to try to stop you from doing that. I'm not gonna try to stop you from doing that. Zero este un număr special. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. Je me demande lequel je devrais choisir. I wonder which one I should choose. I wonder which one I should choose. Kate está loca por un nuevo cantante que aparece a menudo en la televisión. Kate is crazy about a new singer who often appears on TV. Kate's crazy about a new singer who often shows up on TV. Andrò a vederla. I'll go see it. I'll go see her. Esa es la casa de Tom. That's Tom's house. That's Tom's house. Vous avez tous l'air si heureux. You all look so happy. You all look so happy. ¡Fue un accidente! It was an accident! It was an accident! Ils vont démolir le vieux bâtiment en deux jours. They will tear down the old building in two days. They'll tear down the old building in two days. Il clima sta cambiando. The climate is changing. The climate is changing. Un om egoist se gândește doar la sentimentele sale. A selfish man thinks of nothing but his own feelings. A selfish man thinks only of his feelings. It l'has trovà trovà quajcòs ant la stànsia? Did you find anything in the room? And did you find her a quack and stansia? Como vai o seu irmão? How is your brother? How's your brother? Întotdeauna sunt ajutat de tine. I am always helped by you. I'm always helping you. Ontem estiveste muito ocupado? How busy were you yesterday? Were you too busy yesterday? Ho fatto andare Tom. I made Tom go. I made Tom go. As localidades impuxeron prohibicións ó desenvolvemento. Localities imposed bans on development. Places imposed prohibitions on development. Necesito estudiar. I need to study. I need to study. ¿Quién está al mando? Who's in charge? Who's in charge? Acest atlet este puternic și agil. This athlete is strong and agile. This athlete is strong and agile. Há habilidades que se desenvolvem mais rapidamente e outras que se desenvolvem mais devagar, porque será? There are abilities that improve rapidly and those that improve slowly, aren't there? There are skills that develop faster and others that develop slower, why is it? Por consideración a la industria de la cría de cerdos, el nombre de 'gripe porcina' ha sido cambiado a 'gripe A(H1N1)'. Out of consideration to the pig farming industry the name 'pig influenza' has been changed into 'influenza A(H1N1)'. Due to the pig farming industry, the name 'porcine flu' has been changed to 'A(H1N1) flu.' Es menos impaciente que su padre. He is less impatient than his father. He's less impatient than his father. Și-a numit fiul său Robert după propriul său tată. He named his son Robert after his own father. He named his son Robert after his own father. Probabilmente dovrei perdere un po' di peso. I should probably lose a little weight. I should probably lose some weight. No instante em que viu o policial, ele fugiu. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. The minute he saw the cop, he ran away. La pièce sera peinte demain. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Ella está lejos, pero todavía la quiero. She is far away, but I still love her. She's far away, but I still love her. Me arrepiento de lo que hice. I'm sorry for what I have done. I regret what I did. C'est gentil. This is sweet. That's nice. Ele era tímido no começo. He was shy at first. He was shy at the beginning. Après avoir marché un moment, nous parvînmes au lac. After we walked for a while, we got to the lake. After we walked for a while, we reached the lake. Sono invitato alla festa di Claudia stasera. I'm invited to Claudia's party tonight. I'm invited to Claudia's party tonight. J'ai été dans cette situation auparavant. I've been in this situation before. I've been in this situation before. Je suis voyant. I'm psychic. I'm seeing. Tom disse que estava voltando. Tom said he was coming back. Tom said he was coming back. O home peitea ao seu can cun cepillo. The man combs his dog with a brush. The man combs his dog with a brush. Nem sempre tenha pressa. Don't always be in a rush. Don't always be in a hurry. No me akodro lo ke komi anoche. I can't remember what I ate last night. I didn't komi last night. Não estou ocupado hoje. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. O ônibus chegou dez minutos atrasado. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus arrived ten minutes late. Ella me hizo una seña de que no dijera nada. She signed to me to say nothing. She gave me a sign that she didn't say anything. Qu'ei arribat a l'ora. He arrived in time. It's time. Îmi place matematica. I love math. I like math. L'hélium, le néon, l'argon, le krypton, le xénon et le radon sont des gaz nobles. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon are noble gases. Este árbol es casi tan alto como ese. This tree is about as tall as that one. This tree is almost as tall as that one. As más leis são a pior espécie de tirania. Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny. El Sr. Philips, junto con algunos amigos y vecinos, está planeando una celebración. Mr Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Mr. Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Vocês não tinham de aceitar. You didn't have to say yes. You guys didn't have to take it. Você realmente quer acordar o Tom? Do you really want to wake Tom up? Do you really want to wake up Tom? Nu am mers la școală. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. Ho detto la stessa cosa. I've been saying the same thing. I said the same thing. Nós consideramos isso. We considered that. We consider that. Ela acendeu a luz. She turned on the light. She lit the light. Mă bucur să vă cunosc. I'm pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Não consigo encontrar a minha chave. I can't find my key. I can't find my key. Voi privi televizorul. I'll watch TV. I'll watch the TV. Amène ta viande ! Get off your tush! Bring your meat! Ha comprato un libro in inglese in una libreria. He bought an English book at a bookstore. He bought a book in English in a bookstore. Tu iras à l'école. You will go to school. You're going to school. Moltes gràcies per la invitació. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for the invitation. Sapete chi sia? You know who she is? Do you know who that is? Laquelle de ces raquettes est la tienne ? Which of these rackets is yours? Which one of those rackets is yours? Dove avete conosciuto mio padre? Where did you meet my father? Where did you meet my father? Sinto-me nauseado. I feel queasy. I feel nauseous. Tom es ciego de un ojo. Tom is blind in one eye. Tom is blind to an eye. Lui può vedere il nostro cavallo? Can he see our horse? Can he see our horse? Encuentra las raíces de la ecuación. Find the roots of the equation. Find the roots of the equation. Può essere a casa. He may be home. He can be home. Pour conduire, il faut un permis. To drive a car, you need a license. To drive, you need a license. Cuidado con los dedos del bebé. Watch the baby's fingers. Watch your baby's fingers. Esta é uma excelente maneira de estudar. This is a great way to practice. This is an excellent way to study. Eu também não acredito nele. I don't believe that either. I don't believe him either. Tom e extrem de arogant. Tom is extremely arrogant. Tom is extremely arrogant. Je n'ai pas assez mangé. I didn't eat enough. I haven't eaten enough. Vous avez un problème. You have a problem. You have a problem. Maria costumava ser capaz de fazer isso por conta propiá. Mary used to be able to do that by herself. Mary used to be able to do this on her own. Que son los mens líbers. Those are my books. That's the least book. A fantasma de Cock Lane é un conto de fantasmas inglés do século 18. The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century. The ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost tale of the 18th century. Je l'ai mise sur ton bureau. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Tom ha un lavoro part-time dopo la scuola. Tom has a part-time job after school. Tom has a part-time job after school. În situaţii ca acestea, e mai bine să rămâi calm. In situations like these, it's best to remain calm. In situations like this, it's better to stay calm. Chila a l'ha provà. She tried. Chila tested it. Servídevos vós mesmos. Help yourself. Help yourselves. O que é isso? What's this thing? What's that? Compramos un piano de cola que ocupaba la mitad de nuestra sala de estar. We bought a grand piano which took up half of our living room. We bought a glue piano that occupied half of our living room. Eu queria que você tivesse me contado a verdade. I wish you had told me the truth. I wanted you to tell me the truth. Trovai l'esame difficile. I found the test difficult. I found the exam difficult. Quello è il vostro obiettivo? Is that your goal? Is that your goal? Las saludé a ellas. I greeted them. I greeted them. Eu detesto esse filme. I hate that movie. I hate that movie. Boune tchance. Good luck to you! It's hot. Quiero este edificio para un garaje. I want this building for a garage. I want this building for a garage. Eu estava sendo educado. I was being polite. I was being polite. Volevo parlare con lei di qualcosa. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to her about something. Io studio a volte! I study sometimes! I study sometimes! Ils viennent de partir. They just left. They just left. Nu știu cum ai făcut-o. I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you did it. Ellos me arrebataron mi libertad. They deprived me of my liberty. They took my freedom from me. Tom nunca mais foi visto depois disso. Tom was never seen again after that. Tom was never seen again after that. Se fossi in lei, la comprerei. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Este relógio é à prova d'água. This watch is waterproof. This clock is waterproof. Você tem quatro cachorros. You have four dogs. You have four puppies. Quisiera pasar algunos días con Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. La explotación forestal ilegal ha disminuido considerablemente. Illegal logging has decreased considerably. Illegal logging has declined considerably. Me temo que estamos avanzando en la dirección equivocada. I am afraid we are advancing in the wrong direction. I'm afraid we're moving in the wrong direction. Adicione um pouco de açúcar, por favor. Add a bit of sugar, please. Add some sugar, please. Pisica este cafenie. The cat is brown. Cat is caffeine. Tom și-a pierdut interesul în jobul său. Tom lost interest in his job. Tom lost interest in his job. Une robe rouge lui va bien. A red dress looks good on her. A red dress works for him. Io sto raccontando una storia. I am telling a story. I'm telling a story. Eu gosto de carne crua. I like the meat rare. I like raw meat. Andate a trovarli. Go and find them. Go find them. Vous m'avez cassé le nez. You broke my nose. You broke my nose. Il direttore ti vuole parlare. The principal wants to talk to you. The director wants to talk to you. Kate estaba sorprendida por su comportamiento. Kate was astonished by his behavior. Kate was surprised by her behavior. Tu sai parlare shanghainese? Can you speak Shanghainese? Can you speak shanghainese? Que disperdício! What a waste! What a waste! A che ora è la cena? What time is supper? What time is dinner? A quale club appartieni? Which club do you belong to? Which club did you belong to? Ci sarà bello domani. It'll be fine tomorrow. It'll be nice tomorrow. Él comió arroz dos veces al día por muchos años. He ate rice twice a day for many years. He ate rice twice a day for many years. Pon la escalera contra la pared. Place the ladder against the wall. Put the ladder against the wall. ¿Me das un vaso de leche? Will you give me a glass of milk? Can I have a glass of milk? O Tom normalmente bebe cerveja nas festas. Tom usually drinks beer at parties. Tom usually drinks beer at parties. O pai do Tom faleceu ano passado. Tom's father died last year. Tom's father passed away last year. Le amiche di Shelley sono morte molto giovani. Shelley's friends died very young. Shelley's friends died very young. Tom es un machista. Tom is a chauvinist. Tom's a machinist. Tout ce qui peut être mal compris le sera. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Anything that can be misunderstood will be understood. Am crezut că Tom s-a pierdut. I thought Tom was lost. I thought Tom was lost. Noi toți te așteptăm pe tine. We're all waiting for you. We all expect you. Aprendí de mis errores. I learned from my mistakes. I learned from my mistakes. Tom încearcă să-și vândă mașina. Tom is trying to sell his car. Tom's trying to sell his car. La madera flota en el agua. Wood floats in water. The wood floats in the water. Il s’est décidé à devenir docteur. He made up his mind to be a doctor. He decided to become a doctor. No hay de qué. You're welcome. There's nothing to it. È ancora lontano da qui? Is it still far from here? Is he still away from here? Sper că totul va merge bine. I hope everything works out fine. I hope everything's going to be all right. C'est toi qui m'a donné ça. You were the one who gave this to me. You gave me this. Dan ha licenziato Linda per avere rovinato il piano. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. ¡Oye tú! Hey, you! Hey, you! J'attends mon tour. I am waiting my turn. I'm waiting for my turn. Tom não parece convencido. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. Une scène angoissante s'accompagne forcément d'une chouette qui hulule ou de loups qui hurlent à la pleine lune. In a scary scene, it never fails that there is either an owl hooting or wolves howling under the full moon. An distressing scene must be accompanied by an owl that wails or wolves who scream at the full moon. As frutas contêm sementes. Fruits have seeds in them. Fruits contain seeds. Sono di pessimo umore oggi. I'm in a bad mood today. I'm in a bad mood today. Eu ouvi pelo rádio. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Nos rendemos. We surrendered. We surrendered. Sono sempre stata una repubblicana. I've always been a Republican. I've always been a Republican. O té está quente. The tea is hot. Tea's hot. Tens un mòbil? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a cell phone? Est-ce là tout ce que vous pouvez dire ? Is that all you can say? Is that all you can say? Tom no es Trump. Tom is not Trump. Tom's not Trump. Se quedó cojo después de la caída. He was lame after the fall. He got caught after the fall. Elle est bien venue ici. She did come here. She came here very well. Fazer sexo é como jogar bridge. Quem não tem uma boa parceira (um bom parceiro) precisa ter uma boa mão. Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. Having sex is like playing bridge. Whoever doesn’t have a good partner (a good partner) needs to have a good hand. Elle est tombée dans les pommes en voyant l'accident. She blacked out on seeing the scene of the accident. She fell into the apples when she saw the accident. Leggi il libro ad alta voce. Read the book aloud. Read the book aloud. Eu me senti mal. I felt bad. I felt bad. Le chien est sous la table. The dog is under the table. The dog's under the table. C'est vrai qu'il a vu un monstre. It's true that he saw a monster. It's true he saw a monster. Acest trandafir este foarte frumos. This rose is very beautiful. This rose is very beautiful. M'agradaria una mica de sucre, si us plau. I'd like some sugar, please. I'd like some sugar, please. Todos eles usavam vestidos Kabyle. They all wore Kabyle dresses. They all wore Kabyle dresses. ¿Cal é o teu xogo de código aberto favorito? What's your favorite open source game? What's your favorite open source game? Por favor, ¿dónde están los huevos? Where are the eggs, please? Please, where are the eggs? Eu acho que não será frio amanhã. I don't think that it'll be cold tomorrow. I don't think it'll be cold tomorrow. Non mi voglio avvicinare a loro. I don't want to go near them. I don't want to get close to them. Tu cosa fai nel pomeriggio? What do you do in the afternoon? What are you doing in the afternoon? O que você quer que eu faça lá? What do you want me to do there? What do you want me to do there? Todos fueron al restaurante. They all went to the restaurant. They all went to the restaurant. ¡Qué idiota que soy! What an idiot I am! What an idiot I am! È a un miglio da qui. It's one mile from here. It's a mile from here. Almeno sono onesti. At least they're honest. At least they're honest. Tom è fidanzato con la mia sorella maggiore. Tom is engaged to my older sister. Tom is engaged to my older sister. Hai să jucăm, frățioare! Let's play, little bro! Let's play, brother! Tom è diplomatico, vero? Tom is diplomatic, isn't he? Tom's a diplomat, isn't he? J'ai une bicyclette du dernier modèle. I have a bicycle of the latest model. I have a bicycle from the last model. Tom estudou literatura na faculdade. Tom studied literature in college. Tom studied literature in college. Un gran numero di turisti visitano Kyoto in primavera. A very large number of tourists visit Kyoto in the spring. A large number of tourists visit Kyoto in spring. Tom es demasiado bueno para María. Tom is too good for Mary. Tom is too good for Mary. Orice poate fi înțeles greșit va fi. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Whatever can be misunderstood will be. Feliç aniversari! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Devo ir a Estambol. I must go to Istanbul. I have to go to Istanbul. Tu lo capisci? Do you understand him? Do you understand? Si vous nous piquez, ne saignons-nous pas ? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you bite us, don't we? Hay tulipanes alrededor del edificio de acero. There are tulips around the steel building. There are tulips around the steel building. Sube el volumen para que los estudiantes de atrás puedan oír. Turn the volume up so that the students at the back can hear. Increase the volume so that the students in the back can hear. Descărcarea Metodei de Introducere cu Tastă Unică pentru Limba Vietnameză va începe în curând. Your Unikey Vietnamese Input Method download will start shortly. Download the Introduction Method with a Single Key for Vietnamese Language will begin soon. M'accusez-vous d'être une menteuse ? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Questo farà una grande differenza. This will make a big difference. This will make a big difference. És hora de que vagis al llit. It's time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Nadar es fasil. It is easy to swim. Swimming is fake. Nu e niciodată prea târziu pentru a învăța. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Je sais que vous bluffez. I know that you're bluffing. I know you're bluffing. ¿Quieres dejar un mensaje? Would you like to leave a message? You want to leave a message? È imprevedibile. He is unpredictable. It's unpredictable. Avem mult timp. We've got plenty of time. We have a lot of time. Eu não estou, absolutamente, interessado em física. I'm not interested in physics at all. I'm not, absolutely, interested in physics. Donde sosh? Where are you from? Where sosh? Deux d'entre eux furent coulés. Two of them were drowned. Two of them were cast. ¿Alguna vez has tomado unas vacaciones? Have you ever taken a vacation? Have you ever taken a vacation? Lascia che ti dica i miei piani. Let me tell you my plans. Let me tell you my plans. Voi avete molte amiche. You have many friends. You have many friends. Por que você fritou só duas linguiças? Why did you fry two sausages only? Why did you just fry two tongues? Bill estaba en Japón. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. Acesta este stiloul cu care a scris faimosul romancier. This is the pen which the famous novelist wrote with. This is the pen with which he wrote the famous novelist. N'èi pas nat gat. I don't have a cat. He's not a nat cat. Sbrigati e vai a letto. Hurry up and go to bed. Hurry up and go to bed. Feci riparare la porta. I had the door repaired. Get the door fixed. Cómu vá la cosa, Mike? How are you, Mike? How's it going, Mike? Où devrions-nous planter la tente ? Where should we pitch the tent? Where should we plant the tent? ¿Recuerdas esa tienda? Do you remember that store? Remember that store? Tom ci ha chiesto di aiutare Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Tom asked us to help Mary. Onde está o seu casaco? Where's your coat? Where's your coat? Je suis fourbu. I am exhausted. I'm an oven. Tom non podía identificar o problema. Tom couldn't identify what was wrong. Tom couldn't identify the problem. Vei afla adevărul într-o zi. You will know the truth some day. You'll find out the truth someday. J'ai fait ceci pour mon fils. I did this for my son. I did this for my son. Ël fjolòt a l'é an camin c'a sàuta. The boy is jumping. The fjolot in the e on the way sat there. C'est toi qui as loupé une tache. You missed a spot. You missed a spot. Ești alergic la vreun medicament? Are you allergic to any medicine? Are you allergic to any medications? De qué vos agrada ? What do you like? What do you like? Come stanno andando le tue vacanze estive? How's your summer vacation going? How are your summer vacations going? Pendant un moment, j'aimais vraiment le cola - j'en buvais tous les jours. For a while, I was really into cola- drinking it every day. For a moment, I really liked cola - I drank it every day. Tom n'a jamais eu beaucoup d'argent. Tom has never had much money. Tom never had much money. Mama me e la pat, e bolnavă. My mother is sick in bed. My mom's in bed, she's sick. Dacă dai peste un cuvânt necunoscut, caută-l în dicționar. If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary. If you run into an unknown word, look for it in the dictionary. Ele é meu tipo! He is my type! He's my type! Ce credeți că e adevărat, chiar dacă nu puteți dovedi? What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it? What do you think is true, even if you can't prove it? El amor no conoce límites. Love knows no limits. Love knows no limits. O meu avô morreu há três anos. My grandfather died three years ago. My grandfather died three years ago. La cuestión es si él puede hacerlo. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether he can do it. Que cheiro é este? What's this smell? What's that smell? Dime su nombre. Tell me his name. Tell me his name. Perché siete venuti in Giappone? Why did you come to Japan? Why did you come to Japan? Vos keresh un portokal? Would you like an orange? Do you want a portal? O Tom não esteve em Boston desde 2013. Tom hasn't been to Boston since 2013. Tom hasn't been in Boston since 2013. Io non dissi niente perché non sapevo cosa dire. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. No tengo hermanas. I don't have any sister. I don't have any sisters. Ambezavamos inglez. We studied English. We were tying in English. Cette maison est célèbre. This house is famous. This house is famous. Starò bene, spero. I'll be OK, I hope. I'll be fine, I hope. Bună dimineața. Good morning. Good morning. Ha fatto una lista. She made a list. He made a list. Desde essa época a distinção das duas raças, a conquistadora ou goda e a romana ou conquistada, quase desaparecera, e os homens do norte se haviam confundido com os do meio-dia em uma só nação, para cuja grandeza contribuíra aquela com as virtudes ásperas da selvagem Germânia, esta com as tradições da cultura e polícia romanas. Since that time the distinction between the two races, the conqueror or Gothic and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confounded with those of midday in a single nation, to whose grandiosity had contributed that with the rough virtues of savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and polity. Since that time the distinction of the two races, the conqueror or goda and the Roman or conquered, almost disappeared, and the men of the north had been confused with those of midday in one nation, for whose greatness contributed that with the rough virtues of the wild Germania, this one with the traditions of Roman culture and police. Aquesta és la raó per la qual va entrar a la universitat. This is the reason why he entered at the university. That's why he went into college. J'ai entendu cette phrase dans la rue il y a environ une heure. I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago. I heard that sentence on the street about an hour ago. Es cierto que la tierra es redonda. It's true that the earth is round. It is true that the earth is round. Tom tiene que ir de compras ahora. Tom has to go shopping now. Tom has to go shopping now. Penso che Tom conosca chi vive in quella casa. I think Tom knows who lives in that house. I think Tom knows who lives in that house. Al final, Jane no lo compró. Jane ended up not buying it. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. Já tenho este livro. I already have this book. I already have this book. Escolteu! Listen! Listen! Los hombres tienen que trabajar. Men should work. Men have to work. Nous ne sommes pas assurés. We're uninsured. We are not insured. Não dá para democratizar um povo faminto. You cannot democratize a starving people. There is no way to democratise a hungry people. Si lamenta sempre di questo e quello. He is always complaining of this and that. He always complains about that and that. Podes explicar isto? Can you explain this? Can you explain this? El comezou unha nova vida. He started a new life. He began a new life. Qual è il tuo paese preferito degli Stati Uniti? What's your favorite small town in the United States? What's your favorite country in the United States? Aquera cramba qu'ei per logar. This room is for rent. That sucks what you're getting for. Eu não queria ferir os sentimentos de Tom. I didn't want to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't want to hurt Tom's feelings. No parlo hongarès. I don't speak Hungarian. I don't speak Hungarian. NImic nu e aşa de plăcut decât să călătoreşti singur. Nothing is so pleasant as travelling alone. No one's as nice as traveling alone. Tom îşi dorea să fi fost mai atent. Tom wished he had been more careful. Tom wanted to be more careful. A nova lei garante os mesmos direitos jurídicos e sociais aos casais homossexuais. The new law guarantees the same judicial and social rights to homosexual couples. The new law guarantees the same legal and social rights to homosexual couples. Dice que no sabe jugar al billar, pero siempre gana. Debe de ser la suerte del principiante. She says she can't play billiard, but she wins every time. It must be the beginner's luck. He says he doesn't know how to play billiards, but he always wins. Lui divenne un cittadino americano. He became an American citizen. He became an American citizen. Ell va ajudar els pobres tota la seva vida. He helped poor people all his life. He helped the poor all his life. Es por tu bien. It's for your own good. It's for your own good. Esse livro está velho. That book is old. That book is old. Ho raccontato a Tom esattamente quello che ho visto. I told Tom exactly what I saw. I told Tom exactly what I saw. Qué tiengas un buen diya. Have a nice day! Have a good day. On vòus anar ? Where do you want to go? Where did you go? Il a été explicite sur ce point. He clearly stated that point. He was explicit on this point. ¿Qué voy a comer con 20 pesos? What am I going to eat with 20 pesos? What am I gonna eat with 20 pesos? É preciso examinar todas as possíveis consequências. It is necessary to examine all possible consequences. All possible consequences must be examined. Bangkok és la capital de Tailàndia. Bangkok is Thailand's capital city. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Também quero ir para Boston. I also want to go to Boston. I want to go to Boston, too. La Marginal del Tietê té dos quilòmetres de congestió. The Marginal Tietê expressway has two kilometres of traffic. The Tietê Marginal has two kilometers of congestion. Escac i mat! Checkmate! Checkmate! Èi atengut ta telefonada. I've been expecting your call. You're on your phone. Avionul a decolat la ora nouă fix. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. The plane took off at nine o'clock. Tom a peur des médecins. Tom is afraid of doctors. Tom's afraid of doctors. Une vie sans but est une mort précoce. A pointless life is a premature death. A goalless life is an early death. El é un bo atleta. He is a good athlete. He's a good athlete. Non lo riesco a capire. I can't understand it. I don't understand. Centimetrul este o unitate de lungime. A centimeter is a unit of length. The centimeter is a unit of length. Merkan pan. They buy bread. Merkan bread. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. Tom mi chiese di essere paziente. Tom asked me to be patient. Tom asked me to be patient. Uma casa sem livros é qual um corpo sem alma. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A house without books is what a soulless body. Esto no tiene nada que ver contigo. That has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. De ce este importantă energia alternativă? Why is alternative energy important? Why is alternative energy important? ¡Afronta la vida con una sonrisa! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! He abandonado la idea de comprar una casa. I have abandoned the idea of buying a house. I've abandoned the idea of buying a house. Hobby-ul lor este pescuitul. Their hobby is fishing. Their hobby is fishing. Esperamos que o Tom faça isso. We expect Tom to do that. We hope Tom will do that. Il abandonna tout espoir. He gave up hope. He gave up all hope. Non chiederò mai più aiuto a Tom. I'll never ask Tom for help again. I'll never ask Tom for help again. Enfant, il n'a jamais eu la varicelle. He never had chicken pox as a child. Kid, he's never had chicken pox. Dans une heure, il partira. He'll leave in an hour. In an hour, he'll be gone. Tinc algunes bones idees però necessito diners. I've got some great ideas but I need money. I have some good ideas, but I need money. Comparată cu a ta, maşina mea este mică. Compared with yours, my car is small. Compared to yours, my car is small. Je crois que la Chine jouera un rôle actif. I think that China will play an active role. I believe China will play an active role. Je te promets que je te protègerai. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. Ele está na cama com gripe. He's in bed with the flu. He's in bed with flu. Estupatz lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. Stun the hynestron. Per què no m'ho demanes? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Dan habite Boston dans le Massachusetts. Dan lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Dan lives in Boston in Massachusetts. La macchina non è disponibile oggi. The car is not available today. The car is not available today. ¿Te lo explico otra vez? Do you want me to explain it again? Can I explain it to you again? Elle tira la porte pour l'ouvrir. She pulled the door open. She pulls the door open. Tom era troppo lontano per sentire Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Tom was too far away to hear Mary. Sóc molt lent a l'hora de prendre decisions. I'm very slow at making up my mind. I'm very slow in making decisions. Je pensais que nous allions mourir. I thought we were going to die. I thought we were going to die. Et le thé n'est pas bon non plus. And the tea isn't good either. And tea's not good either. En 1609, Galileo supo del catalejo, un instrumento que hacía que los objetos distantes se vieran más cerca. Galileo utilizó su conocimiento matemático y pericia técnica para mejorar el catalejo y construir un telescopio. In 1609, Galileo heard about the invention of the spyglass, a device which made distant objects appear closer. Galileo used his mathematical knowledge and technical skills to improve upon the spyglass and build a telescope. In 1609, Galileo learned about the catalog, an instrument that made the distant objects look closer. Galileo used his mathematical knowledge and technical expertise to improve the catalog and build a telescope. Ea nu are permis de conducere. She doesn't have a driver's license. She doesn't have a driver's license. Ha d'anar a Anglaterra aquest estiu. He has to go to England in the summer. He has to go to England this summer. Esta é a rapariga cujo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. O Tom pode falar francês também. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can speak French too. Haz este trabajo para mañana si entra dentro de lo posible. Do this work by tomorrow if at all possible. Do this job tomorrow if you get in as soon as you can. Tinc otitis. I have an earache. I have otitis. Tom și-a abandonat familia și s-a ascuns. Tom abandoned his family and went into hiding. Tom abandoned his family and hid himself. O pai de Tom nunca voltava para casa antes das nove ou dez. Tom's father never came back home before nine or ten. Tom's father never came home before nine or ten. Te parás y cerrás la puerta. You stand up and close the door. You stop and lock the door. Tom a avut ceva probleme la configurarea parametrilor de funcţionare. Tom had a little trouble adjusting the settings. Tom had some problems setting up the operating parameters. Eu li o artigo. I read the article. I read the article. Cerea. Hi. She asked. Farò qualche chiamata. I'll make a few calls. I'll make some calls. ¿Teño que facturar esta equipaxe, ou podo levala na man? Do I have to check this luggage, or can it be carry-on? Do I have to bill this luggage, or can I carry it in my hand? Puis-je revoir ça ? Can I see that again? Can I see that again? El mes que viene voy a ir a París. I'm going to Paris next month. Next month I'm going to Paris. O aniversário de Tom é daqui a três dias. Tom's birthday is in three days. Tom's birthday is three days from now. Je suis intéressé par l'histoire du Japon. I'm interested in the history of Japan. I'm interested in the history of Japan. Tom e Mary dicono che non hanno studiato francese. Tom and Mary say they didn't study French. Tom and Mary say they haven't studied French. Il croit fermement qu'il a été enlevé par un OVNI et a fait l'objet d'expérimentations par des extra-terrestres. He firmly believes that he was abducted by a UFO and experimented on by aliens. He firmly believes that he has been abducted by a UFO and has been tested by extraterrestrials. Ben a couru un 100 mètres avec Karl. Ben ran a 100-meter race with Carl. Ben ran 100 meters with Karl. En règle générale, c'est l'été qu'il grêle. As a rule, hail falls in summer. As a rule, it's the summer he hails. ¿Para qué me llamas? Ya estoy a punto de entrar al partido. What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the match. What are you calling me for? Você sabe aonde ela foi? Do you know where she went? Do you know where she went? ¿Estás seguro de que no conoces a Tom? Are you sure you've never met Tom? Are you sure you don't know Tom? Non cadere dalla sedia. Don't fall off your chair. Don't fall off the chair. Savez-vous où se trouve la gare ? Do you know where the train station is? Do you know where the station is? A las arañas les gusta hacer telarañas. Spiders like to build spiderwebs. Spiders like to make spiders. Você não possui passaporte? Don't you have a passport? Don't you have a passport? Le téléphone est sur la table. The phone is on the table. The phone's on the table. Que son los nòstes líbers. Those are our books. That's bedtime. Stai andando a casa mia. You are going to my home. You're going to my house. A verdade é que nunca cheguei a conhecer o Tom. The truth is I've never even met Tom. The truth is, I never met Tom. Tom și Mary au divorțat. Tom and Mary got divorced. Tom and Mary divorced. Siamo partiti quattro giorni più tardi. We left four days later. We left four days later. Eu acho que o Tom é incompetente. I think Tom is incompetent. I think Tom's incompetent. Tu peux donner le livre à qui le voudra. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Nadie sabía quién era él. No one knew who he was. Nobody knew who he was. Un tel comportement peut causer un accident. Such behavior can cause an accident. Such behaviour can cause an accident. Sí. Yes. Yeah. Era ingordo. He was greedy. He was fat. ¿Por qué ella no quería juntarse con él? Why didn't she want to join him? Why didn't she want to join him? Ele é um bom cantor. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Ch'a l'abio lòn ch'a son meritasse. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. It's the abio lon who deserves it. ¡Pero que genio es! What a genius he is! What a genius it is! ¿Cuándo se publica su nueva novela? When will your new novel come out? When is your new novel published? Tom não o conhece tão bem quanto eu. Tom doesn't know you as well as I do. Tom doesn't know him as well as I do. Je fais ça aussi ! I do this too! I'm doing this, too! Tu barra de labios se ha corrido. Your lipstick's smeared. Your lip bar ran. Nós queremos traduções que soem naturais, e não traduções diretas feitas palavra por palavra. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want translations that sound natural, and not direct translations made word for word. Peux-tu le prendre ? Can you pick it up? Can you take it? Aún no sé lo que se necesita hacer. I don't yet know what needs to be done. I still don't know what to do. Tom perse il suo orologio. Tom lost his watch. Tom lost his watch. Acho difícil acreditar que o Tom faria algo assim. I find it hard to believe that Tom would do something like that. I find it hard to believe Tom would do something like that. Moita xente na nosa veciñanza posúe pistolas. A lot of people in our neighborhood own guns. A lot of people in our neighborhood own guns. La meva mare creu que sóc un mentider. My mother thinks I'm a liar. My mother thinks I'm a liar. Esta agua está inodora. This water is odourless. This water's inundating. N'est-ce pas simplement beau ? Isn't this simply beautiful? Isn't that just beautiful? El bebé no puede caminar todavía. The baby can't walk yet. The baby can't walk yet. Riesco a trovare raramente del tempo per leggere. I can seldom find time for reading. I can rarely find time to read. Você pode me ensinar francês? Can you teach me French? Can you teach me French? Dios te ama y tiene un maravilloso plan para tu vida. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Tom non stava parlando. Tom wasn't talking. Tom wasn't talking. Tom non mi fece mai nulla. Tom never did anything to me. Tom never did anything to me. Ideas verdes descoloridas durmen furiosamente. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Discolored green ideas sleep furiously. Tengo que envolver la cena de mi hermana en film transparente. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in clingfilm. I have to involve my sister's dinner in transparent film. Tom a podrìa esse ant ël parch con ij sò amis. Tom might be in the park with his friends. Tom could have been before Parch with his friends. Étais-tu occupée ? Were you busy? Were you busy? Voi siete mai state felici? Have you ever been happy? Have you guys ever been happy? Sarò di ritorno tra dieci minuti. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. Mâinile și picioarele mi le simt totdeauna reci. My hands and feet always feel cold. My hands and feet are always cold. Da chi ha imparato il francese? Who did you learn French from? Who'd you learn French from? Comment se fait-il que vous soyez toujours en retard ? Why is it that you are always late? How is it that you're still late? Podes tornar tà casa adara. You can go home now. You can go home now. Acum știm că mărturia pe care a dat-o a fost una forțată. We now know that the testimony he gave was coerced. Now we know that the testimony he gave was a forced one. Ea a făcut aceeași greșeală din nou. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Donne-moi le sac à dos. Give me the backpack. Give me the back bag. Penses-tu qu'il va neiger ? Do you think it's going to snow? Do you think he's going to snow? Si tu fais une sieste ici, tu vas attraper froid. If you take a nap here, you'll catch a cold. If you take a nap here, you'll catch cold. ¿Quién te paga? Who pays you? Who pays you? Por que vocês não me esperaram? Why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you guys wait for me? Ha fatto un errore. You made an error. He made a mistake. Y a-t-il qui que ce soit là-dedans ? Anybody in here? Is there anyone in there? È solamente un'espressione. It's just an expression. It's just an expression. C'est un abstème. He's a teetotaller. It's an absthema. Tom abrió la boca para decir algo pero Mary lo interrumpió. Tom opened his mouth to say something, but Mary interrupted him. Tom opened his mouth to say something but Mary interrupted him. Tom a rougi. Tom blushed. Tom bled her. È sotto al letto, vero? He's under the bed, isn't he? It's under the bed, isn't it? Il a obtenu ce qu'il voulait. He got what he wanted. He got what he wanted. Je pars pour le Canada demain. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. Meu sogro é engenheiro. My father-in-law is an engineer. My father-in-law is an engineer. "Sim, suco de laranja, por favor", diz Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice, please," says Mike. Elle ne disposait plus de papier. She had no more paper. She no longer had paper. Pour améliorer la situation, il faut travailler plus dur. To improve the situation, we must work harder. To improve the situation, we must work harder. Je ne vois pas de problème à ça. I don't see a problem with that. I don't see a problem with that. ¡Estás chalado! You're nuts! You're nuts! Madalena não se mostrou animada com a notícia de promoção do marido. Madalena was not cheerful about her husband's promotion. Madalena was not excited about the news about her husband's promotion. Choverá, esta noite. It will rain tonight. It'll be raining tonight. Meldan. They read. Meldan. Io ne sono piuttosto fiero. I'm pretty proud of that. I'm pretty proud of it. Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Linda estava tão desapontada que caiu em prantos. Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears. Linda was so disappointed she fell into tears. Il adore l'argent à l'exclusion de toute autre chose. He worships money to exclusion of everything else. He loves money except for everything else. Hai finito di leggere il libro che ti ho prestato la settimana scorsa? Have you finished reading the book I lent you last week? Did you finish reading the book I loaned you last week? Chi stavi chiamando? Who were you calling? Who were you calling? Le dije que no volviera. I told him not to come back. I told him not to come back. J'ai finalement réussi à la persuader de me prêter le livre. I finally talked her into lending me the book. I finally managed to persuade her to lend me the book. ¿No tienes hambre? Aren't you hungry? Aren't you hungry? Vous conduisez. You drive. You're driving. Noi siamo concorrenti, non partner. We're competitors, not partners. We are competitors, not partners. Nous avons découvert une grande nouveauté. We have discovered a great novelty. We've discovered a great novelty. Cosa vi riporta in città? What brings you back to town? What brings you back to the city? O jantar ainda não está pronto. Dinner isn't ready yet. Dinner's not ready yet. Nossa irmã comprou algumas berinjelas, batatas, abobrinhas e acelga no mercado. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, zucchinis and Chinese cabbage at the market. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, zucchini and accega in the market. Ella es una niña educada. She is an educated girl. She's a polite girl. No copies y pegues oraciones de otros sitios. Do not copy-paste sentences from elsewhere. Do not copy and paste prayers from other sites. Me gustó mucho el artículo que leí. I liked a lot the article I read. I really liked the article I read. Quiero ver a tu hermana mayor. I want to see your older sister. I want to see your big sister. Il n'était pas très loin derrière. He was not far behind. He wasn't far behind. Lei ha incontrato qualcuno. She has met someone. She met someone. Tom me llevó a un restaurante en donde puedes comer todo lo que quieras por treinta dólares. Tom took me to a restaurant where you can eat as much as you want for thirty dollars. Tom took me to a restaurant where you can eat anything you want for $30. Non dovremmo andare a cercarle? Shouldn't we go look for them? Shouldn't we go look for them? Eles beberam café. They drank coffee. They drank coffee. Nu-i nimic nou. It's nothing new. It's nothing new. Mi son perso qualcosa? Did I miss something? Did I miss something? Mary continuava a fissare Tom. Mary kept staring at Tom. Mary kept staring at Tom. As coisas mudaram. Things changed. Things have changed. Bien qu'elle fut occupée, elle vint me voir. Even though she was busy, she came to see me. Although she was busy, she came to see me. È pagato per farlo, vero? He's paid to do that, isn't he? He's paid to do it, isn't he? La situación de Tom es diferente. Tom's situation is different. Tom's situation is different. Ho convinto a Tom a farlo. I've convinced Tom to do that. I convinced Tom to do it. Penso che voi li abbiate impressionati. I think you impressed them. I think you've impressed them. Comment pouvez-vous en être tellement sûres ? How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure? Vreau să fiu un concurent. I want to be a contender. I want to be a contestant. So peshkador. I'm a fisherman. I'm a fisherman. Crois-tu vraiment ça ? Do you actually believe this? Do you really believe that? Tom è solamente arrabbiato. Tom is just angry. Tom's just angry. N'entre pas dans la cuisine ! Don't go in the kitchen! Don't go into the kitchen! Penses-tu que ça plairait à Tom de faire ça avec nous ? Do you think that Tom would enjoy doing that with us? Do you think Tom would like to do that with us? Tengo que quererlo. I have to love him. I have to want it. Pude aprender alguma coisa de holandês por meio dos áudios que você gravou. I was able to learn a bit of Dutch thanks to the audio samples you've recorded. I was able to learn something from Dutch by means of the audios you recorded. Es la foto de mi nueva casa. It is the photo of my new house. It's the picture of my new home. C'est précisément le livre que j'ai voulu lire depuis longtemps. This is the very book that I have long wanted to read. That's exactly the book I've wanted to read for a long time. S-a holbat la OZN în tăcere. She stared at a UFO in silence. He stared at UFO in silence. Nuestro tren parte a las ocho treinta. Our train leaves at eight-thirty. Our train leaves at eight thirty. Ten vostede algo de leite?. Do you have some milk? Do you have any milk? ¿Puedo ir con él? May I go with him? Can I go with him? Ho una nuova amica, e viene dalla Bulgaria. I have a new friend and she's from Bulgaria. I have a new friend, and she's from Bulgaria. Ela tem dois gatos. Um é branco e o outro é preto. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She has two cats, one is white and the other is black. Tom comprou um cachorrinho para a Mary. Tom bought Mary a puppy. Tom bought a puppy for Mary. El niño se sentó en el regazo de su madre y escuchaba la historia. The child sat on his mother's lap and listened to the story. The child sat in his mother's lap and listened to the story. Ése sí que es viejo. That one is old. That one's really old. Este pacote pesa três libras. This package weighs three pounds. This package weighs three pounds. Não quero ofender-te. I don't want to offend you. I don't want to offend you. Io non so quale sia il vostro problema. I don't know what your problem is. I don't know what your problem is. Poate o să ningă. Maybe it will snow. Maybe it'll snow. O ladrão desapareceu. The thief vanished. The thief's gone. Salut. Comment vas-tu ? Hi. How are you doing? How are you? Creo que Tom es un mentiroso. I think Tom is a liar. I think Tom's a liar. A zis că trebuie să păstrăm secretul. He said we must keep the secret. He said we need to keep the secret. No quise insultar a Tom. I didn't want to insult Tom. I didn't mean to insult Tom. La teua opinió és important per a mi. Your opinion is important to me. Your opinion is important to me. Avem nevoie de mai mulți muncitori. We need more workers. We need more workers. Il écrit une longue lettre. He's writing a long letter. He wrote a long letter. Gracias por el consejo. Lo probaré. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice, I'll try. Tom e Mary sono molto felici qua. Tom and Mary are very happy here. Tom and Mary are very happy here. Le vent souffle vers le sud. The wind blows south. Wind blows south. Aqueste burèu qu'ei men. This desk is mine. This is the desktop that is mentioned. Steven Spielberg es un director de cine. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Tom a deschis portbagajul și a scos roata de rezervă. Tom opened the trunk and took out the spare tire. Tom opened the trunk and pulled the spare wheel. Geralmente faz calor em julho. The weather is usually hot in July. It's usually hot in July. Oamenii respiră în mod normal de la douăsprezece până la douăzeci de ori pe minut. People normally breathe 12 to 20 times a minute. People breathe normally from twelve to twenty times a minute. Que é que você quer fazer? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Il mio è meglio del suo. Mine is better than yours. Mine's better than yours. Tom s-a înroșit. Tom blushed. Tom's red. Você dedurou ou não dedurou Tom? Did you, or did you not, tip Tom off? Did you deduct or did you not deduct Tom? Puedes contarme cualquier cosa. You can tell me anything. You can tell me anything. Se han acabado las fresas. We have run out of strawberries. The strawberries are over. Seremos capazes de criar vacas e ovelhas, por exemplo. We will be able to breed cows and sheep, for example. We'll be able to raise cows and sheep, for example. Ahimè, ero distratto. Alas, I was inattentive. Alas, I was distracted. O Tom perguntou à Mary se ela estava ocupada. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Él devolvió la carta sin abrirla. He sent the letter back unopened. He returned the letter without opening it. Quiero comer algo dulce. I want to eat something sweet. I want to eat something sweet. Nous devons éviter la guerre à tout prix. We must avoid war at all cost. We must avoid war at all costs. Est-ce que tu parles ma langue ? Do you speak my language? Are you speaking my language? Otro mundo es posible. Another world is possible. Another world is possible. ¿Por qué está usted tan feliz? Why are you so happy? Why are you so happy? Est-ce que ça te dérange d'allumer la télé ? Do you mind turning on the TV? Does it bother you to turn on the TV? Deixe-nos. Leave us. Leave us. Io non ho mai smesso di amare Tom. I've never stopped loving Tom. I never stopped loving Tom. Non beve abbastanza acqua. You don't drink enough water. He doesn't drink enough water. Ogni vòtta che ò provòu, ò falio. Each time I tried, I failed. Every vow I try, I fail. Pues te apañas. Well, you'll manage. Well, you got it. Por favor, não me interrompa enquanto eu estiver falando. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Não responda. Don't answer. Don't answer that. Aïe ! Aïe ! Aïe ! L'eau du bain est trop chaude. Oww! Oww! Oww! The bath water is too hot. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Rapida, me lo dia. Quick, give me that. Hurry, give it to me. Tutti i ragazzi si innamorarono di Julia. All the boys fell in love with Julia. All the boys fell in love with Julia. Foi agradable conversar con ela. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice talking to her. Tom aveva bisogno di un martello. Tom needed a hammer. Tom needed a hammer. Çò qui digoc n'ei pas vertadièr. What he said is not true. What I say is not true. Te deseo suerte. I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. Não vou descansar até descobrir a verdade. I won't rest until I find out the truth. I won't rest until I find out the truth. Los expertos políticos han empezado a opinar sobre el discurso del presidente. Political pundits have begun weighing in on the president's speech. Political experts have begun to comment on the President's speech. Pouvez-vous me frotter les épaules ? Can you rub my shoulders? Can you rub my shoulders? Non era tua sorella. She wasn't your sister. She wasn't your sister. Non me ne andrò senza di lei. I won't leave without you. I'm not leaving without her. Notre université a un beau campus. Our university has a beautiful campus. Our university has a nice campus. Il m'a prévenu que j'échouerais. He warned me that I would fail. He warned me I'd fail. Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza. Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head. Since I'm not good at swimming, I avoid diving over my head. Lui era pronto. He was ready. He was ready. Me gusta la piña azul de Tom. I like Tom's blue pineapple. I like Tom's blue pineapple. Ce păcat! What a pity! What a shame! Soy como mi padre. I am like my father. I'm like my father. Les hautes vagues submergèrent leur bateau. The high waves covered their boat. The high waves submerged their boat. C'est un plaisir que de finalement vous rencontrer. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Je suis un homme prudent. I'm a careful man. I'm a cautious man. Il a la capacité d'accomplir le travail. He has the ability to do the work. He has the ability to do the job. Eu concordo que nós não deveríamos fazer isso. I agree that we shouldn't do that. I agree that we should not do that. Todos cometemos errores. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Ele tem muitos livros de história. He has a lot of books on history. He's got a lot of history books. Questo libro fu pubblicato inizialmente nel 1877. This book was first published in 1877. This book was originally published in 1877. Il lavoro lascia delle tracce su Tatoeba... The work leaves traces on Tatoeba... The work leaves traces on Tatoeba... Mi ha mandato questo libro. She sent this book to me. He sent me this book. Hem vingut a la conferència sabent-ho, però sembla ser que tu no. We came to the conference knowing this, but it seems that you did not. We came to the conference knowing, but apparently not you. Tom tem um plano. Tom has a plan. Tom has a plan. Tom lo può fare qua. Tom may do that here. Tom can do it here. Sosi iarna. Winter came. Winter is coming. Trebuie să vorbim. We must talk. We need to talk. Ainda bem que ele voltou. Good thing he came back. I'm glad he's back. Avez-vous écrit ce livre ? Did you write this book? Did you write this book? Tom non è mai migliorato. Tom never got better. Tom never got better. Comprò questa penna in quel negozio. She bought this pen at that store. I bought this pen in that store. El a început să se scuze. He began to make excuses. He started to apologize. A princípio, não acreditei nele. I didn't believe him at first. At first, I didn't believe him. Penso sia pericoloso per i bambini giocare nello stagno. I think it's dangerous for children to play in the pond. I think it's dangerous for kids to play in the pond. Se notaba que estaba avergonzado. He was clearly embarrassed. He noticed I was ashamed. Non mi piace nulla qua. I don't like anything here. I don't like anything here. Io non volevo rivedere Tom. I didn't want to see Tom again. I didn't want to see Tom again. Você teve pesadelos? Did you have nightmares? Did you have nightmares? Amo i vostri vestiti. I love your clothes. I love your clothes. Tomás le pasó a María un billete de veinte dólares. Tom handed Mary a twenty-dollar bill. Tom passed to Mary a $20 bill. Me dan pena aquellos a los que no les gusta. I feel sorry for whoever doesn't like him. I pity those who don't like it. Je pense qu'il se pourrait que Tom se soit empoisonné. I think Tom might have poisoned himself. I think Tom might have been poisoned. Când va începe cursul de italiană? When will the Italian class start? When will the Italian course start? Il est vêtu d'un jean moulant et d'un marcel. He's wearing skinny jeans and a tank top. He's dressed in a wet jeans and a march. Existau greșeli care au fost făcute. There were mistakes made. There were mistakes that were made. Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works at a language school and loves him. El temps vola. Time flies. Time flies. Puxo a orella pegada na parede. He pressed his ear against the wall. He put his earmark on the wall. Lleva-y les llaves al to hermanu. Bring the keys to your brother. Take your keys to your sister. Îmi va fi dor de voi toți. I will miss you all. I'll miss all of you. Tu sei una buona influenza su di lui. You're a good influence on him. You're a good influence on him. Ele tem uma forte personalidade. He has a strong personality. He has a strong personality. Aqueras pomas que son gròssas. Those apples are big. Those apples are big. È successo che mi sono seduta di fianco a lei a un convegno. It happened that I sat next to her at a meeting. It happened that I sat next to her at a conference. Il était coupable de meurtre. He was guilty of murder. He was guilty of murder. Tudo bem. Você conhece um bom lugar? Sure. Do you know a good place? You know a good place? « Quand l'as-tu acheté ? » « Voyons voir... La semaine dernière. » "When did you buy it?" "Let's see. I bought it last week." "When did you buy it?" "Let's see... last week." Il se pourrait que je rentre tard chez moi. Dans ce cas, je vous téléphonerai. I might have to come home late. In that case, I'll phone you. Maybe I'll be home late, and then I'll call you. Tom are o mulțime de bagaje de mână. Tom has a lot of carry-on luggage. Tom has a lot of handbags. Conform relatărilor, nu s-au înregistrat pierderi. Reportedly, there were no casualties. According to the reports, there were no losses. Você disse que Tom estava ocupado. You said that Tom was busy. You said Tom was busy. Quero comprar essa jaqueta. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy that jacket. Nu sta în calea oamenilor. Don't stand in other people's way. Don't stand in the way of people. Tom foi demitido porque muito frequentemente ele se atrasava para o trabalho. Tom was fired because he often showed up late for work. Tom was dismissed because he was very often late for work. La porta è rimasta chiusa. The door remained closed. The door is closed. Cosa significa Tatoeba? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does Tatoeba mean? A fost foarte amabil să ne lase să facem o fotografie cu el. He was very gracious to let us take a picture of him. It was very kind of you to let us take a picture with him. La comprerei se non fossi al verde. I'd buy it if I weren't broke. I'd buy it if I wasn't green. Suas mãos precisam ser lavadas. Your hands need to be washed. Your hands need to be washed. No nos importa un carajo. We don't give a fuck. We don't give a fuck. Essa estrada é muito estreita para caminhões passarem. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. Tienes tres oportunidades para adivinar dónde estuve ayer. You get three tries to guess where I was yesterday. You have three opportunities to guess where I was yesterday. Vous n'en ressortez que ce que vous y mettez. You get out only what you put in. You only know what you're putting in it. Quite de aquí estos cachivaches. Take this junk out of here. Get those holes out of here. Você foi muito generosa. You were very generous. You were very generous. Su secretario negó haber dejado escapar la información. His secretary denied leaking out the information. His secretary refused to let the information go. Ela tem uma personalidade magnética. She has a magnetic personality. She has a magnetic personality. ¿Por qué no venís a visitarnos? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? Que cerveja você está bebendo? What beer are you drinking? What beer are you drinking? Iau în considerare să merg cu ei. I'm considering going with them. I'll consider going with them. Qu'allez-vous faire s'il pleut ? What are you going to do if it rains? What are you going to do if it rains? Non c'è futuro nel suo impiego. There is no future in his job. There is no future in its use. Se não fosse o meu conselho, você teria falhado. If not for my advice, you would have failed. If it weren't for my advice, you'd have failed. J'ai emménagé ici hier. I moved here yesterday. I moved here yesterday. Tatăl a avut probleme în a comunica cu fiul său capricios. The father had trouble communicating with his wayward son. The father had trouble communicating with his capricious son. Mi número de teléfono es 789. My telephone number is 789. My phone number is 789. Decidimos adiar a reunião para o domingo que vem. We've decided to postpone the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting next Sunday. Sa raison de ne pas y aller est encore obscure. His reason for not going is still unclear. Its reason not to go is still obscure. La prostitution est légale en Allemagne. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Presque tout le monde a participé. Almost everyone participated. Almost everyone participated. No te olvides de venir a recogerme mañana a las seis. Don't forget to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Don't forget to pick me up at six tomorrow. O Tom está ganhando peso. Tom is gaining weight. Tom's gaining weight. El zero és un número especial. Zero is a special number. Zero is a special number. Testificou contra el. She testified against him. He testified against him. Quanto mais quieto você fica, mais pode ouvir. The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear. The quieter you stay, the more you can listen. Dois anos se passaram desde que nos separamos. Two years have passed since we parted. Two years have passed since we separated. È timido con gli estranei. He is shy of strangers. He's shy with strangers. Ela deixou claro que queria ir nadar. She made it clear that she wanted to go for a swim. She made it clear that she wanted to go swimming. Él no es el tipo de persona que robaría. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person I'd steal. Tom ainda não jantou. Tom hasn't eaten supper yet. Tom hasn't eaten yet. O meu irmão mais velho toca violão muito bem. My elder brother plays the guitar very well. My older brother plays the guitar very well. Ella té un gat blanc. She has a white cat. She has a white cat. Io non sarò obbligato. I won't be coerced. I won't be forced. Não acredito em extraterrestres. I don't believe in aliens. I don't believe in aliens. Es fácil, quizás es incluso factible. It's easy, maybe even feasible. It's easy, maybe it's even feasible. Layla è tornata adesso. Layla is back now. Layla's back now. Quello è davvero buono. That one is really good. That's really good. Ainsi soit-il. Let it be. So be it. Rappelez. Call back. Remember that. Perché non ha chiamato un dottore? Why didn't you call a doctor? Why didn't you call a doctor? J'essaierai. I will try. I'll try. É apenas ao indivíduo que uma alma é dada. It is only to the individual that a soul is given. It is only to the individual that a soul is given. Sou responsável por isto. I'm responsible for this. I'm responsible for this. Noi dobbiamo morire prima o dopo. We must die sooner or later. We must die sooner or later. Me aburriría si tuviera que contar hasta quinientos veinticuatro mil trescientos setenta y dos. I would be bored if I had to count to five hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred seventy-two. I'd be bored if I had to count to five hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred seventy-two. Io ho preso una ciotola di spaghetti in una strada qua vicino. I had a bowl of noodles at a street nearby. I got a bowl of spaghetti in a street near here. Ele está mal. He's in a bad state. He's wrong. Nous sommes ici avec nos enfants. We're here with our children. We're here with our children. Estoy intrigada. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. A fonsion-a nèn bin përchè le pile a son ëscàriche. It's not working well because the batteries are weak. It's not because the battery has its own power. Mostroume a súa foto en privado. He showed me her picture in private. He showed me his photo in private. En nombre de la luna, ¡te castigaremos! In the name of the moon, we'll punish you! On behalf of the moon, we will punish you! Di solito i giornali e le riviste hanno molte opinioni. Usually newspapers and magazines have many opinions. Newspapers and magazines usually have many opinions. Empácalas en la caja. Pack them in the box. Pack them in the box. Tom si tagliò i polsi. Tom slit his wrists. Tom cut his wrists. Non, je ne chante pas. No, I'm not singing. No, I'm not singing. Por favor tome asiento. Take a seat, please. Please have a seat. Je suis sûr que Tom ne sait pas nager. I'm sure Tom can't swim. I'm sure Tom can't swim. Il sortit de sous la voiture. He got out from under the car. He got out of under the car. Ho un lavoro a tempo pieno. I have a full-time job. I have a full-time job. Tu ne me fais plus peur. You don't scare me anymore. You don't scare me anymore. Aqueth cafè qu'ei amar. This coffee tastes bitter. That coffee you're gonna love. Mi hermana me odia. My sister hates me. My sister hates me. Io sono cinese. I am Chinese. I'm Chinese. Nu voi uita niciodată cât de bun ai fost. I'll never forget how kind you have been. I'll never forget how good you were. ¿Qué harás con el dinero? Preguntó el policía. "What are you going to do with the money?", asked the policeman. What are you gonna do with the money? Io ero molto infastidito da lui. I was very much annoyed with him. I was very upset about him. Vamos ficar aqui. We'll stay here. Let's stay here. Tom é casado com uma mulher canadense chamada Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Mi mujer era una Smith. My wife was a Smith. My wife was a Smith. Je seulement une chose à vous demander. I have just one thing to ask of you. I'm just asking you one thing. Non ho neppure una bicicletta. I don't even have a bicycle. I don't even have a bike. Mia moglie soffre di osteoporosi. My wife suffers from osteoporosis. My wife suffers from osteoporosis. No parecía haber nada fuera de lo normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. Sami mi ha parlato di Layla. Sami talked to me about Layla. Sami told me about Layla. Venite dentro. Come inside. Come inside. Ela é uma excelente neurocirurgiã. She's an excellent brain surgeon. She's an excellent neurosurgeon. Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Non ho più bisogno del tuo aiuto. I no longer need your help. I don't need your help anymore. "Você é sueco?" "Não, suíço." "Are you Swedish?" "No, Swiss." "You're Swedish?" "No, Swiss." Donne-le-lui. Give it to him. Give it to him. Eu vi o Tom remando do outro lado do lago. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. Înțelepciunea nu vine în mod automat cu vârsta. Wisdom does not automatically come with age. Wisdom does not automatically come with age. Io ho fatto un grosso errore. I've made a big mistake. I made a big mistake. Tom dijo que no le importaba el pasado de Mary, aunque en realidad sí le importaba. Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past even though he really did. Tom said he didn't care about Mary's past, though he did. Sénher Gorbachev, desapitatz aquera murrallha ! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Senher Gorbachev, untie that wall! Alguém indagou sobre o Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Someone's been looking into Texas. Cum îndrăznești să-mi faci asta din nou? How dare you do this to me again? How dare you do that to me again? È malattia essere ossessionati dalla vittoria, è malattia essere ossessionati dall'utilizzo delle arti marziali, ed è malattia essere ossessionati dal presentare tutto quello che si ha imparato. È malattia essere ossessionati con l'attacco, ed è malattia anche essere ossessionati dalla difesa. È malattia anche essere ossessionati dallo sbarazzarsi della malattia. Fissare la mente ossessivamente su qualsiasi cosa è considerato malattia. It is sickness to be obsessed with winning, it is sickness to be obsessed with using the martial arts, and it is sickness to be obsessed with putting forth all one has learned. It is sickness to be obsessed with offense, and it is also sickness to be obsessed with defense. It is also sickness to be obsessed with getting rid of sickness. To fix the mind obsessively on anything is considered sickness. It is disease to be obsessed with victory, it is disease to be obsessed with the use of martial arts, and it is disease to be obsessed by presenting everything that has been learned. It is disease to be obsessed with attack, and it is disease to be also obsessed with defense. It is disease to be also obsessed by getting rid of the disease. Fixing the mind obsessively on anything is considered disease. A me non è mai piaciuta la scuola. I never liked school. I never liked school. Lei è la segretaria del signor Uda. She is Mr. Uda's secretary. You're Mr. Uda's secretary. Fes-ho com sigui. Do it by all means. Do it anyway. Spostai tre libri. I carried three books. I moved three books. Non so di cosa stai parlando. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Tendré que realizar algunos ensayos más. I'll need to make some more tests. I'll have to run some more tests. Nous allâmes tôt au théâtre, de sorte que nous puissions être assurés que chacun puisse disposer d'un fauteuil. We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat. We went to the theatre early, so that we could be assured that everyone could have a chair. Cependant, je ne suis pas doué pour parler anglais. However, I'm not good at speaking English. However, I am not gifted to speak English. Mi hermano acaba de llegar de Kobe. My brother has just come home from Kobe. My brother just came from Kobe. C'est difficile de parler trois langues. It's hard to speak three languages. It's hard to speak three languages. Grasias al Dio. Thank God. Thank God. Io sono all'ospedale. Sono stata colpita da un fulmine. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm at the hospital, I've been hit by lightning. Cette fois, je paie. This time I'm paying. This time, I pay. J'ai douze ans. I am 12 years old. I'm 12 years old. Bite essaya de résoudre le problème, en vain. Dick tried to solve the problem, in vain. Bite tries to solve the problem in vain. Le meilleur aspect du travail en équipe est que si quelque chose va de travers, on peut toujours le mettre sur le dos de quelqu'un d'autre. The best thing about working in a team is that, when something goes wrong, you can always blame someone else. The best aspect of teamwork is that if something goes through, you can always put it on someone else's back. Mon grand-père était soldat pendant la guerre. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. My grandfather was a soldier during the war. Continue a sua análise. Continue your analysis. Continue your analysis. Linda volvió a casa tarde por la noche. Linda came home late at night. Linda came home late at night. Mon chinois n'est pas très bon. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese isn't very good. ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire? Lui è mio amico. He is my friend. He's my friend. ¿Cuál es el número de fax de ese hotel? What's the fax number for this hotel? What's the fax number for that hotel? Il tempo sta passando molto rapidamente. Time is going by very quickly. Time is passing very quickly. Sarà molto divertente. It's going to be lots of fun. It'll be a lot of fun. Il est facile de prendre de mauvaises habitudes. A bad habit is easily acquired. It's easy to take bad habits. Ele foi tão imaturo, ele não pôde resistir à tentação. He was so immature, he couldn't resist the temptation. He was so immature, he couldn't resist temptation. ¿Qué marca de cigarrillos fuma usted? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? Să facem curat. Let's clean up. Let's clean up. Je suis vraiment occupée. I'm really busy. I'm really busy. Benvido ao noso lar. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. Quantos anos você tem? - Vinte e três anos. How old are you? - I'm twenty-three years old. How old are you? Mi programa no es compatible con Windows. My software isn't compatible with Windows. My program is not Windows compatible. Il est très difficile de garder propres des tapis blancs. White carpets are very hard to keep clean. It is very difficult to keep clean white carpets. ¡Mantenga la calma! You must keep calm! Stay calm! Puis-je écouter ce disque ? Can I hear a little bit of this record? Can I hear that record? Planeo ir en bicicleta por Shikoku o ano que ven. I plan to cycle around Shikoku next year. I plan on cycling over Shikoku next year. Această propoziţie este la prezentul perfect sau trecutul simplu? Is this sentence in the present perfect or simple past? Is this sentence at present perfect or simple past? Você vai aprender. You will learn. You'll learn. Arrête de changer de sujet ! Stop changing the subject. Stop changing the subject! Tout le monde tombe amoureux au moins une fois dans sa vie. Everybody falls in love at least once in their lives. Everyone falls in love at least once in his life. Sou o filho da Mary. I'm Mary's son. I'm Mary's son. Qui est assis là à l'autre bout de la table ? Who is sitting at the other end of the table? Who's sitting there at the other end of the table? Você reconhece o homem da foto? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man in the photo? Não havia ninguém lá. There was nobody there. There was no one there. Il déambule aux alentours, en transe. He is wandering around in a trance. It wanders around, in trance. Tom și Mary au fost de acord să plece de la petrecere înainte de miezul nopții. Tom and Mary agreed to leave the party before midnight. Tom and Mary agreed to leave the party before midnight. No queremos publicidad negativa. We don't want any bad publicity. We don't want any bad publicity. Savoir est savoir que vous ne savez rien. C'est la signification du vrai savoir. To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. Knowing is knowing that you know nothing. It is the meaning of true knowledge. Le capitaine ira à la station météorologique pour avoir un compte-rendu météorologique. The captain will go to the meteorological office to get a weather briefing. The captain will go to the weather station to get a weather report. Sabes çò qu'a dit ? Do you know what he said? You know what he said? Todos los alumnos de la clase están presentes. Every pupil in the class is present. All students in the class are present. Tom escuchó la alarma. Tom heard the alarm. Tom heard the alarm. El a murit la scurt timp după accident. He died soon after the accident. He died shortly after the accident. No siento pena de quien procastina. I feel no pity for people who procrastinate. I don't feel sorry for who's procastin'. Autorul e brazilian. The author is Brazilian. The author is Brazilian. Visca Maduro Viva Maduro. Visca Maduro É melhor que eu volte para a minha mesa. I'd better get back to my desk. I better get back to my table. J'ai perdu ma clé. I've lost my key. I lost my key. Lo siento mucho, pero no nos conocemos. I'm very sorry, but we don't know each other. I'm so sorry, but we don't know each other. Eso no cambiará nada. That won't make any difference. That won't change anything. Él tiene suerte de que nadie le viera hacerlo. He's lucky nobody saw him do that. He's lucky nobody saw him do it. Foi perfeito. It was perfect. It was perfect. In breve, lui era troppo onesto. In short, he was too honest. In short, he was too honest. Eu estava falando com vocês. I was talking to you. I was talking to you. Portate gli occhiali? Do you wear glasses? Are you wearing glasses? Reciteam scrisorile pe care mi le-ai trimis. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was saying the letters you sent me. A me piace cantare, però non mi piace ballare. I enjoy singing, but I don't like dancing. I like to sing, but I don't like to dance. Ele ainda me liga de vez em quando. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. O que quer que faça, não abra aquela porta. Whatever you do, don't open that door. Whatever you do, don't open that door. Yo tengo plena confianza en sus capacidades. I have every confidence in his ability. I have full confidence in your capabilities. Elle est très gentille envers moi. She is most kind to me. She's very nice to me. Cuanto antes mejor. The sooner, the better. The sooner the better. Lui è così gay. He is so gay. He's so gay. Aquera soma qu'includís las taxas. This amount includes tax. That sum includes taxes. Yo creo en el destino, pero también sé que el destino puede ser cambiado. I believe in fate, but I also know that fate can be changed. I believe in fate, but I also know that fate can be changed. El tomou veleno por erro. He took poison by mistake. He took poison by mistake. Dòp ch'a l'é mort-ie sò pare, chiel a l'ha dovù studié dës për chiel. After his father died, he had to study by himself. As soon as he's dead, he's a father, he's a dog where he studied për chiel. Volevo fare questa. I wanted to do this. I wanted to do this. Arremessa a bola. Pitch the ball. I'm in the ball. Você é jogador de tênis. You are a tennis player. You're a tennis player. Io sarò molto impegnata il prossimo mese. I'll be very busy next month. I'll be very busy next month. Puteți depăși obstacolele. You can overcome obstacles. You can overcome obstacles. Non ha richiamato nessuno la mia attenzione su di esso. No one called my attention to it. No one has drawn my attention to it. I beoni bevono in continuo. Drunkards drink non stop. The beons drink all the time. Nous devons être certains que nous faisons ça. We have to make sure we do that. We have to be sure we're doing this. Ella habló como si fuera mi madre. She talked as if she were my mother. She spoke as if she were my mother. Eles escovam os dentes duas vezes por dia. They brush their teeth twice a day. They brush their teeth twice a day. Hay dos personajes principales en esta historia. There are two main characters in this story. There are two main characters in this story. It l'has dla pitura adoss. You've got paint on you. You've got her hair on your ass. Onde esta el hakim? Where is the judge? Where's the hakim? Vamos embora amanhã à tarde. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. No la invité. I didn't invite her. I didn't invite her. Necesito saber más detalles. I need to know more details. I need to know more details. Tom sembra stanco. Portalo a casa, per piacere. Tom looks tired. Please take him home. Tom looks tired, take him home, please. Tom coqueteó con la mesera. Tom flirted with the waitress. Tom flirted with the waitress. Avez-vous la moindre idée de qui a écrit ce livre ? Do you have any idea who wrote this book? Do you have any idea who wrote this book? Nous attendons le bon moment. We're waiting for the right moment. We're waiting for the right time. Tom a pris une douche froide. Tom took a cold shower. Tom took a cold shower. Esta pedra pesa cinco toneladas. This stone weighs five tons. This stone weighs five tons. Pourquoi as-tu invité Tom à la fête ? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Why did you invite Tom to the party? Doamna Green ne predă muzica. Miss Green teaches us music. Mrs. Green's handing us the music. Le dragon est une créature imaginaire. The dragon is an imaginary creature. The dragon is an imaginary creature. Ma mère m'a fait un pull-over. My mother made a sweater for me. My mom made me a sweater. Quando você gostaria de vê-lo? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Quante sorelle e fratelli hai? How many sisters and brothers do you have? How many sisters and brothers do you have? Come puoi mangiare così tanto? How can you eat so much? How can you eat so much? Tom est très fatigué, et il a faim. Tom is very tired, and he's hungry. Tom is very tired, and he's hungry. Tom no creyó el rumor sobre Mary y John. Tom didn't believe the rumor about Mary and John. Tom didn't believe the rumor about Mary and John. Você deve ter senso de humor para usar os nossos produtos. You must have a sense of humour to use our products. You must have a sense of humor to use our products. Dan venne arrestato in chiesa. Dan was arrested at church. Dan was arrested in church. Ya es tarde. It's already late. It's late. Me acusaron injustamente. I was falsely accused. I was wrongly accused. Dernier appel ! Last call! Last call! Sam se fue a esquiar en enero. Sam went skiing in January. Sam went skiing in January. Los trenes se detuvieron debido a la lluvia torrencial. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. The trains stopped because of the torrential rain. Sta diventando tutto economico. Everything is getting cheap. It's getting cheaper. A partida de futebol será jogada ainda que chova. The soccer game will be played, even if it rains. The football match will be played even if it rains. Aparentemente ella había sido rica. She appears to have been rich. Apparently she had been rich. Va en bus a l'escòla ? Does he go to school by bus? Is he on a bus to school? Me gusta viajar. I like to travel. I like to travel. Tom puzzava d'alcool. Tom reeked of alcohol. Tom smelled of alcohol. El Tom és jove, però sap el que està fent. Tom is young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom's young, but he knows what he's doing. Elas estão tirando fotos. They're taking pictures. They're taking pictures. Tom no tiene exactamente una coartada hermética. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Tom doesn't exactly have a hermetic alibi. Serios? No kidding? Really? Você não parece estar feliz. You don't seem to be happy. You don't seem happy. Él puso una pizca de sal al huevo cocido. He put a touch of salt on a boiled egg. He put a pinch of salt in the boiled egg. Je veux voir Tom. I want to meet Tom. I want to see Tom. Lui venne in compagnia di sua madre. He came in company with his mother. He came with his mother. T'es un bon garçon ! You're a good boy. You're a good boy! Mi lasci andare con Tom. Let me go with Tom. Let me go with Tom. Sto facendo affari su larga scala. I am doing business on a large scale. I'm doing big-scale business. Déjame solo. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Due persone sono rimaste uccise in un incidente stradale. Two people were killed in a traffic accident. Two people were killed in a road crash. Io sono una donna omosessuale. I'm a homosexual woman. I'm a homosexual woman. Tom m'avait prévenu que ce serait enfumé ici. Tom warned me it would be smoky here. Tom had warned me that it would be smoking here. Amestecă în supă. Stir the soup. Mix it in the soup. Eu gostaria de aprender finlandês. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Ninguém veio. No one came. Nobody came. Les champs ont produit une bonne moisson. The fields yielded a good harvest. The fields produced a good harvest. El pene es uno de los órganos sexuales masculinos. The penis is one of the masculine sexual organs. Penis is one of the male sexual organs. Ouais, tu as raison. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Ela provavelmente virá. She is likely to come. She'll probably come. O amor é mais poderoso do que a morte. Love is more powerful than death. Love is more powerful than death. Tom va a ir a la cárcel por un crimen que no cometió si vos no confesás. Tom is going to go to prison for a crime he didn't commit if you don't confess. Tom's going to jail for a crime he didn't commit if you don't confess. Ha una chiave di riserva? Do you have a spare key? Do you have a backup key? Ele nunca quebra suas promessas. He never breaks promises. He never breaks his promises. Si tú dices "te amo", entonces te diré lo mismo a ti. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say "I love you," then I'll say the same to you. Benvinguts a la Viquipèdia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Non preoccuparti per Mennad. Don't worry about Mennad. Don't worry about Mennad. Non posso dirti tutto ciò che mi è successo ieri. I cannot tell you everything that happened to me yesterday. I can't tell you everything that happened to me yesterday. Tom no tuvo ningún heredero varón. Tom had no male heir. Tom had no male heir. Yo fui directamente a donde él. I went to his place straight away. I went directly to where he was. Tout le monde a continué à parler. Everyone kept talking. Everyone kept talking. איל פיאור בﬞירוס איס איל קאפיטאליזמו. The worst virus is capitalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Él nadaba hasta no poder nadar más. He swam until he could swim no more. He was swimming until he could not swim any more. Aquí es donde llevé a mi novia en nuestra primera cita. This is where I brought my girlfriend on our first date. This is where I took my girlfriend on our first date. Il braccio di Tom ha dovuto essere amputato. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Tom's arm had to be amputated. Las cosas van bien. Things are fine. Things are going well. Estic embarassada. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Sta chi a no l'é l'America. This here isn't America. It's not America. Que'ns cau tribalhar dur. We must work hard. We're looking for hard tribals. Partez ! Go! Go away! Nu a putut dormi din cauza căldurii. He could not sleep because of the heat. Couldn't sleep because of the heat. Lo Tòm que's melhora. Tom is getting better. You're getting better. Ho il mal di mare. I feel seasick. I have seasickness. También sé que Tom no es estúpido. I also know that Tom isn't stupid. I also know that Tom is not stupid. Chiamali questa sera. Call them this evening. Call you tonight. Me gusta mucho el sol. I like the sun a lot. I really like the sun. Tom è presuntuoso. Tom is cocksure. Tom is presumptuous. Tengo dudas sobre su popularidad. I have doubts about his popularity. I have doubts about their popularity. Io sono tornata da scuola, poi sono uscita con le mie amiche. I came back from the school, then I went out with my friends. I came back from school, then I went out with my friends. Gli hamburger qui sono molto buoni. The burgers here are very good. The hamburgers here are very good. Il n'y a pas d'autre explication. There's no other explanation. There's no other explanation. ¿Qué edad tiene vuestro tío? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Tom ha cercato di convincere Mary a non partire. Tom tried to talk Mary out of leaving. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Ver o cempés na parede abondou para me poñer a pel de galiña. The sight of the centipede on the wall was enough to make my skin crawl. See the graveyard on the wall long enough to put the hen skin on me. Il vous procurera ce dont vous avez besoin. He will provide you with what you need. He'll get you what you need. Io le darò una mano. I'll give her a hand. I'll give her a hand. Ti devi fermare. You need to stop. You have to stop. Akeya bisikleta no es vuestra. That bicycle isn't yours. Akeya bisikleta is not yours. Massa soroll per tan pocs resultats. Too much noise to get a few results Too much noise for so few results. Hemos considerado tu propuesta, y hemos decidido que no podemos reducir el precio. We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we are not able to reduce the price. We have considered your proposal, and we have decided that we cannot reduce the price. Tom está muito triste mesmo. Tom is really upset. Tom's really sad. Tuve un sueño agradable la pasada noche. I had a pleasant dream last night. I had a nice dream last night. Sora mea va trebui să îşi termine temele înainte de a pleca la Hokkaido. My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido. My sister will have to finish her homework before she goes to Hokkaido. Tom mandou uma mensagem a Mary. Tom sent a message to Mary. Tom texted Mary. Por que alguém se importaria? Why would anyone care? Why would anyone care? Ela colocava todas as suas joias numa caixinha vermelha. She put all her jewels into a little red box. She put all her jewels in a red box. Tout le monde savait déjà cela. Everybody already knew that. Everyone already knew that. J'aimerais rencontrer Tom le plus tôt possible. I'd like to meet Tom as soon as possible. I'd like to meet Tom as soon as possible. Yoko a fait les boutiques hier. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko made the shops yesterday. En este programa el concursante no puede contestar. In this show, the contestant can't answer. In this program the contestant cannot answer. Todavía quiero ir. I still want to go. I still want to go. Tom a l'ha dij problema a sté dësvij an class. Tom has trouble staying awake in class. Tom told her about the problem at sésvij an class. Tom e Mary faltaron á clase e foron ao zoo. Tom and Mary cut classes and went to the zoo. Tom and Mary missed class and went to the zoo. Costumo cantar no chuveiro. I often sing in the shower. I usually sing in the shower. Nu iese fum fără foc. There is no smoke without fire. There's no smoke coming out without fire. Tom está cantando. Tom's singing. Tom's singing. Não te querem. They don't want you. They don't want you. A loro piacerà. They'll like it. They'll like it. O rosto de Tom ficou vermelho de raiva. Tom's face turned red with anger. Tom's face turned red with rage. Grandmercé ! Thank you very much! Great! Bungee jumping este un sport extrem. Base jumping is an extreme sport. Bungee Jumping is an extreme sport. Ei au continuat să meargă. They kept walking. They kept going. Te estaba buscando. I've been looking for you. I was looking for you. Pensi davvero che Tom sia onesto? Do you really think Tom is honest? Do you really think Tom is honest? Le suédois est facile. Swedish is easy. Swedish is easy. Metti via le pistole. Put your guns away. Put the guns away. Voi lavorate con Mary. You work with Mary. You work with Mary. Nu știu! I do not know. I don't know! L'è mia colpa méa. It wasn't my fault. It's my fault. Le frère de Sami est gay. Sami's brother is gay. Sami's brother is gay. Costa-sì a l'é n'ideja mata. This is a crazy idea. It goes back to e'ideja kills. Je prends un bain chaque matin en été. I take a bath every morning in summer. I take a bath every morning in summer. Il ne voulait pas la voir. He didn't want to see her. He didn't want to see her. Guardi giù. Look down. Look down. Tom se quejó del ruido. Tom complained about the noise. Tom complained about the noise. Lei lasciò la scuola per ragioni di salute. She quit school for health reasons. She left school for health reasons. La forchetta è piccola. The fork is small. The fork is small. Eu estou ocupado na segunda. I'm busy on Monday. I'm busy on Monday. Fa molt de temps que no ens hem vist. It's a long time since we last saw each other. We haven't seen each other in a long time. Non gettare la spugna. Don't throw in the towel. Don't throw away the sponge. Je n'ai pas de chaussures qui conviennent pour cette sortie. I don't have suitable shoes for that event. I don't have shoes that are suitable for this exit. Il est allé pêcher au lieu de jouer au tennis. He went fishing instead of playing tennis. He went fishing instead of playing tennis. Tom non riesce ancora a togliersi Mary dalla testa. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Tom still can't get Mary out of his head. Oh! dois passarinhos que morreram por causa do frio! Oh! two birdlings, died of the cold. Oh, two little birds that died because of the cold! Ce părere ai de ea? What do you think about her? What do you think of her? Só posso me culpar. I've got only myself to blame. I can only blame myself. Dès que tu regarderas plus en profondeur, tu le découvriras par toi-même. As you start to look deeper, you will find it out yourself. As soon as you look deeper, you'll find out for yourself. Noi stiamo cardando la lana. We are carding the wool. We're carding wool. La noche es cuando la mayoría de la gente va a la cama. Night is when most people go to bed. The night is when most people go to bed. Lui viaggia per il mondo. He traveled around the world. He travels the world. Puedo asentarme detras de ti? May I sit behind you? Can I sit behind you? Debe hacerlo más con cuidado. It must be done more carefully. You must do it more carefully. Ho trovato le mie scarpe. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Elle est sur le point de s'en aller. She's about to go. She's about to leave. Portami in centro. Take me downtown. Take me downtown. ¿Puede existir una ilusión? Can an illusion exist? Can there be an illusion? Per quanto tempo ha vissuto a Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? How long did you live in Kobe? Tom crede in strane cose. Tom believes in strange things. Tom believes in strange things. Corregí el error. I've corrected the mistake. I corrected the mistake. Tom escreveu uma carta de amor a Maria. Tom wrote a love letter to Mary. Tom wrote a love letter to Mary. J'ai apprécié passer l'après-midi avec toi. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with you. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with you. Je dois y aller. I need to go. I have to go. O professor e também seus alunos vieram. The teacher as well as his students has come. The professor and his students also came. Attenta! Il coltello è molto affilato. Careful! The knife is very sharp. Watch out! The knife is very sharp. Ce livre m'appartient. This book belongs to me. This book belongs to me. Falei com ele sobre isso no telefone. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. ¿Cuándo podemos comer? When can we eat? When can we eat? Contextul este important. The context is important. The context is important. Il a ri. He laughed. He laughed. Non sei sorpresa? Aren't you surprised? Aren't you surprised? Por que você mentiu para a polícia? Why did you lie to the police? Why did you lie to the police? Asta e ceea ce aș fi spus. This is what I would have said. That's what I would have said. Bondjoû! Good day! Hello! Da 'ndo ti vien? Where do you come from? When did it come to you? Tom ha bisogno di due biglietti per Boston. Tom needs two tickets to Boston. Tom needs two tickets for Boston. Saben tot. You know everything. They know everything. Você adora este carro, não adora? You love this car, don't you? You love this car, don't you? Eu nunca pude voltar lá de novo. I could never go back there again. I could never go back there again. Ella fue de compras con él el lunes pasado. She went shopping with him last Monday. She was shopping with him last Monday. Nu cred că e un mare actor. I don't think he's a great actor. I don't think he's a big actor. Ești obraznic. You are naughty. You're naughty. Ells van baixar de l'autobús. They got off the bus. They got off the bus. Eu não achava que o Tom podia correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. Não feche os olhos. Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Ci stai accusando? Are you accusing us? Are you accusing us? Sono molto felice che visiterete Tokyo il mese prossimo. I'm very happy you'll be visiting Tokyo next month. I am very happy that you will visit Tokyo next month. Es un burro de madera. It's a sawhorse. It's a wooden donkey. Eu só tenho um desejo. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Eu não gostava de vinho, mas agora adoro. I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot. I didn't like wine, but now I love it. Ya los veo. I see them now. I see them. Ele era ingênuo. He was naive. He was naive. El mushteri esta de akordo. The customer agrees. The mushteri is akordo. Je ne suis pas sûre que quoi que ce soit ait eu lieu. I'm not sure anything happened. I'm not sure anything happened. Eu preciso do teu amor. I need your love. I need your love. Je veux aller voir un film. I want to go to see a movie. I want to go see a movie. O Tom mudara tanto que eu nem o reconheci. Tom had changed so much that I didn't even recognize him. Tom had changed so much that I didn't even recognize him. Dan se dio cuenta que él había estado estropeando su matrimonio con sus largos viajes de negocios. Dan realized that he had been ruining his marriage with his lengthy business trips. Dan realized that he had been ruining his marriage with his long business trips. Pensé que Tom iba a lastimarme. I thought Tom was going to hurt me. I thought Tom was gonna hurt me. Debemos volvernos a la edad media para rastrear su origen. To determine its origin, we must go back to the middle ages. We must return to the middle age to trace their origin. Faccia un passo in avanti. Step forward. Take a step forward. Tom et Mary gagnent-t-ils toujours? Do Tom and Mary still always win? Are Tom and Mary still winning? Quanto è vecchio questo posto? How old is this place? How old is this place? Estou procurando romances eróticos de ficção científica. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. Gracias por vuestra ayuda. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Todavía sueño con Australia I still dream about Australia. Still Sleeping With Australia Não nos diga o que fazer. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what to do. Te dejaré elegir. I'll let you choose. I'll let you choose. Tom non está tan san como adoitaba estar. Tom isn't as healthy as he used to be. Tom's not as healthy as he used to be. No puedes culparla. You can't blame her. You can't blame her. Que faites-vous chez vous, d’ordinaire ? What do you usually do at home? What are you doing at home, as usual? Ho due fratelli. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Tom ficou em Boston por três dias. Tom stayed in Boston for three days. Tom stayed in Boston for three days. Riram do seu erro. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed at your mistake. Il latino ha cinque declinazioni. In Latin there are five declensions. Latin has five declines. Dans leur famille, ils ont toujours été agriculteurs de père en fils. In their family, they have always been farmers from father to son. In their family, they have always been father-in-law farmers. Ela está se exibindo. She's showing off. She's showing up. Cultivez-vous des tomates dans votre jardin ? Do you grow tomatoes in your garden? Are you growing tomatoes in your garden? Non tutto il fattibile è degno di essere fatto. Not everything doable is worth doing. Not all feasible is worthy of being done. Nu am nici un fel de planuri. I have no plans whatsoever. I don't have any plans. Non lo abbiamo fatto. We didn't do that. We didn't. Eu sou responsável pelo que aconteceu aqui. I'm responsible for what happened here. I'm responsible for what happened here. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la politique gouvernementale sur l'éducation. I don't agree with the government's policy on education. I do not agree with the government policy on education. Mon nom est connu de tous dans mon école. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is known to everyone in my school. Tom al momento non sta lavorando da nessuna parte. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's not working anywhere at the moment. C'est quoi tout ce raffut ? What's all the fuss? What's all this perfume? Es un portokal. It is an orange. It's a portokal. S'ils avaient suivi les conseils de leurs médecins, ils ne seraient peut-être pas morts. If they'd taken their doctors' advice, they might not have died. If they had followed the advice of their doctors, they might not have died. Ella siempre anota cada palabra que dice el profesor. She always writes down every word her teacher says. She always notes every word the teacher says. Grazas, irmáns. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Quelque chose est-il différent ? Is something different? Is something different? Dos boletos a San Diego, por favor. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Nimeni nu mă poate opri! Nobody can stop me! No one can stop me! Il y avait des survivantes. There were survivors. There were survivors. Necesito saber quién va a venir. I need to know who'll be coming. I need to know who's coming. Le sue idee non gli hanno mai reso una lira. His ideas never earned him a dime. His ideas never made him a lira. Devo andare ad aiutarla. I have to go help her. I have to go help her. As follas son para as plantas o que os pulmóns para os animais. Leaves are to plants what lungs are to animals. The leaves are for the plants what the lungs for the animals. Me bajé del auto en la calle 40. I got out of the car at 40th Street. I got out of the car on 40th Street. Tu pensi che ci sia una connessione? Do you think there's a connection? You think there's a connection? Elle est venue pour me voir. She came here to see me. She came to see me. Hace tres días que no para de llover. It has been raining nonstop for three days. It's been three days since it stopped raining. Où se trouve l'entrée du musée ? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where is the entrance to the museum? Eu não vos devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. Les cigales ne sont pas dangereuses pour l'Homme. Cicadas aren't harmful to humans. Cigales are not dangerous to man. Toda nación, rica o pobre, tiene sus fortalezas y sus debilidades. Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses. Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses. Les gens adorent parler. People love to talk. People love to talk. Deberían quedarse en cama. You should stay in bed. They should stay in bed. Ha paura dei cani. He's scared of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Ne t'en fais pas à propos de ton discours au mariage ; tu peux simplement l'improviser quand tu seras sur place. Don't worry about giving a speech at the wedding; you can just wing it when you get there. Don't worry about your speech at the wedding; you can just improvise it when you're on the scene. Él no tiene mucho que ofrecer. He doesn't have much to offer. He doesn't have much to offer. Fadil pegou Layla com outros homens. Fadil caught Layla with another man. Fadil took Layla with other men. Unde se joacă Toni? Where is Tony playing? Where's Toni playing? No m'agraden els viatges llargs. I don't like long journeys. I don't like long trips. C'est bien trop difficile pour moi. This is way too hard for me. It's too hard for me. La femme est jeune. The woman is young. The woman is young. No debería haber venido aquí. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Gracias por compartir esto conmigo. Thanks for sharing this with me. Thank you for sharing this with me. Ar fi trebuit să fiu acolo pentru el. I should've been there for him. I should have been there for him. Mi scusi, dov'è il bagno? Excuse me, where is the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Tom nu a purtat o cămașă. Tom wasn't wearing a shirt. Tom didn't wear a shirt. J'ai beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. El nu a mâncat toate prăjiturelele de orez. He didn't eat all of the rice cakes. He didn't eat all the rice cakes. Qu'ei ua mapa deus camins. This is a road map. That's a map of two paths. Este pentru un prieten de-al meu. It's for a friend of mine. It's for a friend of mine. Je pense que tu trouveras ceci intéressant. I think you'll find this interesting. I think you'll find this interesting. Si faccia gli affari suoi! Mind your own business! Do your business! O Jorge ficou pálido! George was livid! Jorge's pale! Enfant, j'étais grassouillet. As a child, I was chubby. Kid, I was fat. Andrò da mio zio a Kyoto quest'estate. I will visit my uncle in Kyoto this summer. I'm going to go to my uncle in Kyoto this summer. La nostra conversazione sembrava scorrere facilmente. Our conversation seemed to flow easily. Our conversation seemed to flow easily. Tom disse che Mary era lì. Tom said that Mary was there. Tom said Mary was there. Sacá las naranjas de la heladera. Take the oranges out of the fridge. Get the oranges out of the fridge. Le Japon a produit plus de voitures que jamais cette année. Japan has produced more cars than ever this year. Japan has produced more cars than ever this year. Non fumate qui dentro. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. Ses mains tremblent. Her hands are shaking. His hands are shaking. Há muitas galáxias no Universo. There are many galaxies in the universe. There are many galaxies in the Universe. Tom anda comendo carne de porco demais. Tom has been eating too much pork. Tom's eating too much pork. Trabaja duro, o si no, tendrás que tomar el mismo curso otra vez el próximo año. Work hard, or you'll have to take the same course again next year. Work hard, or if not, you will have to take the same course again next year. Je suis en train de tomber amoureux de toi. I'm falling in love with you. I'm falling in love with you. Mi madre es profesora de psicología. My mother is a psychology teacher. My mother is a professor of psychology. Io ho aiutato Taninna a imparare il berbero. I helped Taninna learn Berber. I helped Taninna learn the Berber. Il travailla très dur. He worked very hard. He worked very hard. Mon ami et moi partirons au Japon en août. My friend and I will go to Japan in August. My friend and I will leave for Japan in August. Tom se recusou a apertar a mão de Mary. Tom refused to shake Mary's hand. Tom refused to shake Mary's hand. Qualcuno mi può dire che cosa sta succedendo qui? Can someone tell me what's going on here? Can anyone tell me what's going on here? I vuria mangè queicos I would like to eat something. I voria mange queicos Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec celui-là ? What's wrong with this one? What's wrong with that one? Es muy trabajador. He's a very hard worker. He's very hardworking. Merci Thanks! Thank you. Après plusieurs retardements, l'avion finit par décoller. After several delays, the plane finally left. After several delays, the plane eventually takes off. Tom sabe de dónde sopla el viento. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind blows. Yo se los daría a ellos. I would give it to them. I'd give it to them. Sunt foarte mândru de elevii mei. I'm really proud of my students. I'm very proud of my students. Sami ha trasformato il suo garage in un ufficio. Sami transformed his garage into an office. Sami turned his garage into an office. L'accompagnerò all'ospedale. I'll accompany you to the hospital. I'll take you to the hospital. Non è necessario essere un artista al fine di sperimentare la bellezza ogni giorno. You don't need to be an artist in order to experience beauty every day. You don't need to be an artist in order to experience beauty every day. Il doit t'aimer. He must love you. He must love you. Puedo resistir todo menos la tentación. I can resist everything but temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. O que será que ela quis dizer com isso. I wonder what she meant by that. What she meant by that. É a mesma coisa todos os anos. It's the same every year. It's the same every year. Estic parlant per telèfon. I'm talking on the phone. I'm on the phone. Je suis sûr que Tom avait une bonne raison. I'm sure Tom had a good reason. I'm sure Tom had a good reason. Deixa-me solenca. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Ça doit être difficile à faire. It must be hard to do that. Must be hard to do. Nós os torturamos. We tortured them. We torture them. Io riesco a leggere facilmente lo spagnolo. I can easily read Spanish. I can easily read Spanish. Rivoglio il mio martello. I want my hammer back. I want my hammer back. È colpa mia. It's my fault. It's my fault. Estamos a punto de salir de aquí. We are about to leave here. We're about to get out of here. Io dedico questa canzone a te. I dedicate this song to you. I dedicate this song to you. Por favor tenga la amabilidad de decírmelo otra vez. Please say that again! Please be kind enough to tell me again. Maria o beijou em ambas as faces. Mary kissed him on both cheeks. Mary kissed him on both sides. Tom no pudo recordar en dónde había estado aquella noche. Tom couldn't remember where he had been on that night. Tom couldn't remember where he'd been that night. Ele queria sair com ela. He wanted to hang out with her. He wanted to go out with her. Tom contratou um advogado. Tom hired an attorney. Tom hired a lawyer. Estos son mis libros, esos son los suyos. These are my books, those are his. These are my books, those are yours. Ce n'était pas si cher. It wasn't that expensive. It wasn't so expensive. Eu preciso de outra chance. I need another chance. I need another chance. En València es parla valencià i espanyol. In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish. Valencia speaks Valencian and Spanish. Nuestro equipo puede ganar. Our team can win. Our team can win. Eu não me lembro onde coloquei os meus óculos. I don't remember where I put my glasses. I don't remember where I put my glasses. Por que as pessoas estão com medo de você? Why are people scared of you? Why are people afraid of you? Este produto foi projetado com a máxima preocupação com a segurança. This product has been designed with the highest concern for safety. This product has been designed with the utmost concern for safety. L'important est de garder cela en tête. What is important is to keep this in mind. The important thing is to keep this in mind. Tom está en la cama enfermo. Tom is sick in bed. Tom's in sick bed. Gliel'ho detto che avrebbe funzionato. I told you that would work. I told him it would work. Nu uita să-ți faci temele, bine? Don't forget to do your homework, okay? Don't forget to do your homework, okay? Como fizestes vós isso exatamente? How exactly did you do that? How exactly did you do that? Qui est la fille dans ta voiture ? Who is the girl in your car? Who's the girl in your car? Estou em frente a um grande perigo. I am confronted with a great danger. I'm facing a great danger. ¿Puedes sacarme de aquí? Can you pull me out of here? Can you get me out of here? A noiva entrou na sala, com todos olhando para ela. The bride came into the room, with everyone staring at her. The bride entered the room, with everyone looking at her. Envoyons une invitation à Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Let's send an invitation to Dupont. Estou muito preocupado com você. I'm very worried about you. I'm very worried about you. Tiene los dientes blancos. He has white teeth. He's got white teeth. Dovete esservi sbagliate. You must be mistaken. You must be wrong. Él podría por lo menos disculparse. He might at least apologize. He could at least apologize. Nu plâng. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. Maria tem um cão. Mary has a dog. Maria has a dog. ¿Por qué estás tan agotado? Why are you so exhausted? Why are you so exhausted? Loro sono fortunati ad essere vivi. They're lucky to be alive. They're lucky to be alive. Acho que vou falar com eles. I think I'll talk to them. I think I'll talk to them. Il ne peut pas se permettre d'acheter une voiture. He cannot afford to buy a car. He can't afford to buy a car. Conozco a mucha gente. I meet a lot of people. I know a lot of people. Eu trecut zece ani de când el a plecat din Japonia. It has been ten years since he left Japan. I've been ten years since he left Japan. Il pénétra dans la banque. He went into the bank. He went into the bank. Estoy prestando atención. I'm paying attention. I'm paying attention. Lleveu-vos els calcetins, per favor. Take off your socks, please. Take your socks off, please. Mia mamma era una donna meravigliosa. My mom was a wonderful woman. My mom was a wonderful woman. Pode ser que este diamante não seja verdadeiro. This may not be a real diamond. Maybe this diamond isn't true. "Terá parado de chover?" "Espero que sim." "I wonder if it's stopped raining." "I hope so." "Would you have stopped raining?" "I hope so." À qui est-ce la faute ? Whose fault is it? Who's it to? J'aimerais avoir une petite conversation avec toi. I'd like to have a little talk with you. I'd like to have a little chat with you. Tom está sirviendo un vaso de leche. Tom is pouring a glass of milk. Tom's serving a glass of milk. Ne sois pas fâché ! Don't be upset. Don't be mad! Ella alçà la mà. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Yo trabajo para un banco. I work for a bank. I work for a bank. Me llamu Sasha. My name is Sascha. My name is Sasha. Quer um copo de leite? Do you want a glass of milk? Would you like a glass of milk? Se me pidió que abriera la puerta. I was asked to open the gate. I was asked to open the door. A mi perro le gusta retozar en la nieve. My dog likes to romp in the snow. My dog likes to snort in the snow. Tom tem seu próprio quarto. Tom has his own bedroom. Tom has his own room. Ei și-au format propria asociație la nivel național, Asociația Americană a Persoanelor Pensionate. They have formed their own nationwide association, the American Association of Retired Persons. They formed their own association at national level, the American Pensioners Association. Vun, duu, trii, quatter, cinqu, ses, sett, vott, noeuv, des. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Vun, duo, trii, quatter, five, hiss, seven, vote, nine, des. Amo litigare con lui. I love arguing with him. I love arguing with him. ¿Para qué hiciste eso? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Nous n'attendrons que trois heures de plus. We'll only wait three more hours. We'll only wait three more hours. Qu'est-ce que tu rumines ? What are you crunching on? What are you rumining about? Penses-tu que ça va marcher ? Do you think this'll work? Do you think it's gonna work? Un uomo di buon senso non farebbe mai una cosa del genere. A man of common sense would never do such a thing. A man of common sense would never do that. Le sage maîtrise bien ses pas. The wise man masters his steps well. The wise master his steps well. Mes amis me félicitèrent pour mon succès. My friends congratulated me on my success. My friends congratulated me on my success. Mozotros kompramos pan. We buy bread. Young kompramos bread. A mi hermana le encanta la música. My sister is fond of music. My sister loves music. Vous êtes ce que vous mangez. You are what you eat. You're what you eat. De qué se passa aicí ? What's going on here? What's going on here? Dis-moi ce qui te déprime autant. Tell me what makes you so depressed. Tell me what's so depressing of you. Prends ce remède après les repas. Take this medicine after meals. Take this medicine after lunch. La cambieranno. They will change it. They'll change it. Escoge tu raqueta preferida. Choose your favorite racket. Pick your favorite racket. Taşî! Shut up! Cut it out! Ils étaient fermés. They were closed. They were closed. Nu a fost intenția mea. That wasn't my intention. It wasn't my intention. C'est une politique discutable. It's a questionable policy. It's a questionable policy. Il y a ceux qui prétendent qu'une catastrophe se produira en 2012. There are those who claim that a catastrophe will occur in 2012. There are those who claim that a disaster will occur in 2012. Când ai observat prima dată că Tom lipsește? When did you first notice that Tom was missing? When did you first notice that Tom was missing? El extraterrestre emplea la levitación y la telekinesis. The alien uses levitation and telekinesis. The alien uses levitation and telekinesis. Io la vedrò di nuovo venerdì prossimo. I will be seeing her again next Friday. I'll see her again next Friday. A Mary está usando um lindo vestido vermelho. Mary is wearing a beautiful red dress. Mary's wearing a beautiful red dress. T'ai-je montré ceci ? Did I show you this? Did I show you what? Non dite cose del genere. Don't say things like that. Don't say such things. Cada persona madura a su propio paso. Each person matures at his own pace. Each person matures at his/her own pace. Tom sare în sus de bucurie. Tom is jumping of joy. Tom jumps up in joy. Ne me faites pas attendre ! Don't keep me waiting. Don't make me wait! A tela estava pendurada de ponta-cabeça. The picture was hung upside down. The canvas was hanging from the head-to-head. Sempre es poden dir coses dels errors, però se'n digui el que se'n digui, el més important que se'n pot dir és que són erronis. There is something to be said for every error; but, whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous. You can always say things about mistakes, but whatever you say, the most important thing you can say is that they're wrong. Ni siquiera sé dónde está Tom ahora. I don't even know where Tom is now. I don't even know where Tom is now. Non osi parlare con la mia ragazza. Don't dare to talk to my girlfriend. Don't you dare talk to my girlfriend. Nuestro vuelo sale a mediodía, y llegará a Okinawa a la 1:30. Our plane leaves at noon, arriving in Okinawa at 1:30. Our flight leaves at noon, and will arrive at Okinawa at 1:30. Mi ha detto che voleva un cane. He told me he wanted a dog. He told me he wanted a dog. Tom a făcut-o cu mare zel. Tom did it with great zeal. Tom did it with great zeal. Me ha fallado uno de mis mejores amigos. One of my best friends has failed me. I missed one of my best friends. Tom aínda non sabe nadar. Tom can't swim yet. Tom still can't swim. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que planchaste tu ropa? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? When was the last time you ironed your clothes? Você tinha razão, ela não mora no Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. Qu'ei l'ora de dromir. It's time to sleep. What's the time to drink? Não importa quão faminto você está, você deve comer devagar. However hungry you are, you must eat slowly. No matter how hungry you are, you should eat slowly. Mon amie est ici. My friend is here. My friend's here. Ja no ets un nen. You're not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Yaakov abrevó a la oveja. Yaakov fed the sheep. Yaakov opened the sheep. Este árbol tiene más de cien años. This tree is more than a century old. This tree is over a hundred years old. Por que Tom não terminou? Why didn't Tom finish? Why didn't Tom finish? Creo que él no volverá jamás. I think he'll never return. I don't think he'll ever come back. La tienda ofrece descuentos especiales durante el verano. The store offered special discounts during the summer. The store offers special discounts during the summer. Si vous considérez l'objectif de l'hibernation, je pense que c'est la réponse des animaux qui essaient de survivre d'une manière ou d'une autre à la saison hivernale avec son manque de nourriture. If you consider the objective of hibernation, I think it's the response of animals trying to somehow survive the winter season with its lack of food. If you consider the aim of hibernation, I think it is the response of animals who try to survive in one way or another during the winter season with their lack of food. Il lui confectionna un gâteau. He baked her a cake. He made him a cake. Podemos curar algunos tipos de cáncer. We can cure some types of cancer. We can cure some types of cancer. Ho parlato ancora con loro. I talked to them again. I talked to them again. Ha letto il suo diario. She read his diary. He read his diary. Isso soa como uma piada. That sounds like a joke. That sounds like a joke. Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. That is not what I meant to say. That's not what I meant. Quin era el resultat en la mitja part? What was the score at halftime? What was the result in half? Nu este în afara tuturor posibilităților. It is not outside of the realm of possibility. It's not beyond all possibilities. Tom lo vio. Tom saw it. Tom saw it. Păsărilor le era foame. The birds were hungry. Birds were hungry. Mi i 't conòsso nen. I don't know you. I know you, boy. Tráeme algo de auga fría. Bring me some cold water. Bring me some cold water. Io vorrei due copie di ognuno di questi documenti. I'd like two copies of each of these documents. I would like two copies of each of these documents. En Tom está menjant. Tom's eating. Tom's eating. Il y a un grand parc près de mon école. There is a big park near my school. There's a big park near my school. Questo sito web utilizza dei cookie. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Eux croient en Dieu. They believe in God. They believe in God. Il s'y trouve une table. There's a table. There's a table there. Ils ont abattu tous les arbres morts. They chopped down all the withered trees. They shot down all the dead trees. Tinc un maldecap. I have a problem. I have a bad head. Eu sou o mais jovem de cinco irmãos. I am the youngest of five children. I am the youngest of five brothers. Tom ha detto che Mary vince sempre. Tom said that Mary always wins. Tom said Mary always wins. Nós sempre temos uma escolha. We always have a choice. We always have a choice. Je serai ton professeur. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Je trouve ça déplaisant. I find that offensive. I find it unpleasant. Tempo scaduto. Per piacere consegnate gli esami. Time's up. Please pass in your exams. Time's up. Please hand in your exams. Dobbiamo chiamarle. We've got to call them. We need to call them. Sunt în viaţă în Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. I'm alive in Tokyo. Je me souviens l'avoir rencontré à Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember meeting him in Paris. Tu n'as pas remarqué que nous sortions de la pièce ? Didn't you notice us going out of the room? You didn't notice we were getting out of the room? Non mi va più di dormire. I don't feel like sleeping anymore. I don't want to sleep anymore. Jo estava xerraire. I was talkative. I was chattering. Cosa indossi? What are you wearing? What are you wearing? Non avrei dovuto usare la parola "password" come password. I shouldn't have used the word "password" as my password. I shouldn't have used the word "password" as a password. Kuantos musulmanos moran en la sivdad santa de Yerushalayim? How many Muslims live in the holy city of Jerusalem? Do Muslim Kuantos live in the holy servitude of Yerushalayim? Je dirais que tu es jalouse. I'd say you're jealous. I'd say you're jealous. Il n'y a plus un seul endroit sécuritaire au Japon. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There is no longer one safe place in Japan. Puedo cantarlo en inglés. I can sing it in English. I can sing it in English. No muestra sus sentimientos. He doesn't show his feelings. She doesn't show her feelings. Ficamos lá por três meses. We stayed there for three months. We stayed there for three months. Ils m'ont mis hors de moi. They made me really angry. They kicked me out. Nous sommes restées en contact. We kept in touch. We stayed in touch. Por que você está chorando? É só um filme! Why are you crying? It's just a movie! Why are you crying? It's just a movie! È venuto via il francobollo. The stamp came off. The stamp has come out. Il ne faut pas vivre comme on le veut mais comme on le peut. Don't live like you want to, live how you can. We don't have to live as we want, but as we can. Io non sono mai stata a Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Io mi chiamo Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. Plăcere scurtă, penitenţă lungă. Short pleasure, long repentance. Short pleasure, long penance. Tom a l'ha mangià. Tom ate. Tom at the eater. Él puede leer inglés fácilmente. He can read English easily. He can easily read English. Tom me deu o número de telefone dele. Tom gave me his phone number. Tom gave me his phone number. Síntome marabillosamente refrescado. I am feeling wonderfully refreshed. I feel wonderfully refreshed. Quelle journée délicieuse. What a lovely day! What a delicious day. Era liniștea de dinaintea furtunii. It was the calm before the storm. It was the peace before the storm. Eu vou tentar. I will try. I'll try. Odeio pessoas que falam assim. I hate people who talk like that. I hate people who talk like that. Eu não sou inglesa. I'm not English. I'm not English. Tom não quer ajudar. Tom doesn't want to help. Tom doesn't want to help. Sunt convinsă că el este nevinovat. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm sure he's innocent. Tom no tenía ganas de hablar. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom didn't feel like talking. Io pensavo che Tom si sarebbe fatto vivo. I thought Tom would show up. I thought Tom would be alive. Laisse-le s'en aller! Let him go. Let him go! Pensavo vivessi con lei. I thought you lived with her. I thought you were living with her. La caseta del perro está fuera. The dog house is outside. The dog's home is out. La camisa nueva de Tom encogió cuando la lavó y ahora no le vale. Tom's new shirt shrunk when he washed it and now it doesn't fit. Tom's new shirt shrugged when he washed it and now he's not worth it. El este ecologist. He is an environmentalist. He's an environmentalist. Está bebiendo agua fresca. You are drinking fresh water. He's drinking fresh water. דארייו איס און קומוניסטו. Dario is a communist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nu pot face altfel decât să simt că atunci când vin aici, toate simţurile îmi sunt mai ascuţite decât de obicei. I can't help but feel that when I come here, all my senses are sharper than usual. I can't help but feel that when I come here, all my senses are sharper than usual. Trebuie să depăşeşti dificultăţile. You must overcome the difficulties. You have to overcome the difficulties. Eu faço, já que você insiste. I'll do it, if you insist. I do, as long as you insist. Tom est tombé dans l'eau. Tom fell into the water. Tom fell into the water. Tom e Mary erano entrambi molto impegnati. Tom and Mary were both very busy. Tom and Mary were both very busy. Je n'avais aucun travail hier. I had no work yesterday. I didn't have a job yesterday. Vous devriez vous excuser pour votre grossièreté. You should apologize for your rudeness. You should apologize for your rudeness. Tom está entediado. Tom's bored. Tom's bored. Je ne suis plus un jeune homme. I'm not a young man anymore. I'm not a young man anymore. Estou preocupada com a segurança de minha família. I'm worried about my family's safety. I'm worried about the safety of my family. La guardi. Look at it. You look at her. Mademoiselle March m'a donné un dictionnaire anglais. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Mademoiselle March gave me an English dictionary. Eu gosto de estar preparada. I like to be prepared. I like to be ready. Lui è seduto di fianco a suo fratello. He was sitting beside his brother. He's sitting next to his brother. Nous avons passé des heures à la chercher. We spent hours looking for it. We spent hours looking for her. Je connais la véritable raison de son absence. I know the real reason for his absence. I know the real reason for his absence. Puedes llevar puesto este reloj cuando nadas. You can wear this watch when you're swimming. You can wear this watch when you swim. Quina posta de sol més bonica. What a beautiful sunset. What a beautiful sunset. Umauns sainza umur sun erva sainza flur. People with no humour are like meadows without flowers. Unauns sanza umur sun herva sanza flur. So che Tom è colpevole. I know that Tom is guilty. I know Tom's guilty. È produttiva, vero? She's productive, isn't she? It's productive, isn't it? Le temps file et n'attend personne. Time waits for no one. Time is running out and no one is waiting. Il a deux amis étrangers. He has two friends who are foreigners. He's got two foreign friends. Eles detiveron o seu xogo e ollaron en fite para min. They stopped their game and stared at me. They stopped their game and looked at me. Tom sta compilando un modulo di domanda di lavoro. Tom is filling out a job application form. Tom's filling out a job application form. Il vostro metodo è diverso dal mio. Your method is different from mine. Your method is different from mine. Él está despierto. He is awake. He's awake. Io sono felice di essere qui. I am glad to be here. I'm glad to be here. Cada vez que Tom y María estaban a punto de besarse entraba de pronto alguien a la habitación. Every time Tom and Mary were about to kiss, someone came suddenly into the room. Every time Tom and Mary were about to kiss, someone would suddenly come into the room. Me azes reir muncho. You make me laugh a lot. You make me laugh a lot. A preluat afacerea după decesul tatălui său. He took over the business after his father died. He took over after his father's death. El sol aparegué a l'horitzó. The sun appeared on the horizon. The sun appeared on the horizon. Nós estamos armados. We're armed. We're armed. Elle lui conseilla de voir un avocat, aussi le fit-il. She advised him to see a lawyer, so he did. She advised him to see a lawyer, too. ¡Perdón! Sorry! Sorry! Comment Tom pourrait-il faire une telle chose? How could Tom do such a thing? How could Tom do such a thing? Gostaria de lhes mostrar alguns textos traduzidos, para os senhores os corrigirem. I'd like to show you some translated texts for you to correct. I would like to show you some translated texts, for you to correct them. Tengo que ir al hospital. I have to go to hospital. I have to go to the hospital. Hay un parque frente a mi casa. There is a park in front of my house. There's a park in front of my house. Nu-mi pot aminti codul secret. I can't remember the secret code. I can't remember the secret code. Jane llevaba un lazo amarillo en el pelo. Jane had a yellow ribbon in her hair. Jane had a yellow tie in her hair. Eu já respondi às perguntas de Tom. I've already answered Tom's questions. I've answered Tom's questions. Yo pienso que esto es importante. I think that this is important. I think this is important. Este lugar não é tão ruim. This place isn't so bad. This place isn't that bad. Às vezes sonho com a minha mãe. I sometimes dream of my mother. Sometimes I dream of my mother. El sempre di a verdade. He always tells the truth. He always tells the truth. Crec que ell ho ha fet. I think he has done it. I think he did. ¡No puedo creer que él me haya dejado por esa puta! I can't believe he left me for that whore! I can't believe he left me for that bitch! Toi bien namorada. I'm so in love! You're a good girlfriend. Que tens fil i agulla? Have you got needle and thread? What's with the wire and the needle? Loro hanno molti pesci differenti da provare. They have many different fish to try. They have many different fish to try. Ès estudiant ? Are you a student? Are you a student? No es tonto, pero sí es absurdo. It's not silly, but it's ridiculous. It's not silly, but it's absurd. Pensez-y ce soir. Think about it tonight. Think about it tonight. Portons un toast à l'invité d'honneur ! Let's toast the guest of honor! Get a toast to the guest of honor! L'alunissage fut une réussite monumentale. The moon landing was a monumental achievement. The alumni was a monumental success. No puedes cambiar tu nombre de usuaria. You can't change your username. You can't change your username. Les dommages ont été faits. The damage has been done. The damage was done. Perché noi non possiamo lavorare assieme? Why can't we work together? Why can't we work together? Non la usate, vero? You don't use it, do you? You don't use it, do you? Te doy la ocasión de ser feliz. I'm offering you the chance to be happy. I give you the opportunity to be happy. Combien coûtent ces choses ? How much do those things cost? How much does that cost? Ells són abstemis. They abstain from alcohol. They are absthemes. Cineva trebuie să fie tras la răspundere pentru moartea sa. Somebody has to be held accountable for his death. Someone must be held accountable for his death. Tinc un amic que els coneix. I have a friend who knows them. I have a friend who knows them. Sim, ela está com raiva. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. Seus pais decidiron que tocaría o violonchelo. Her parents decided that she would play the cello. His parents decided he'd play the cello. Tu prêches un convaincu. You're preaching to the choir. You're preaching a convinced man. Vas-tu rester ici ou vas-tu partir ? Are you going to stay here or are you going to go? Are you gonna stay here or are you gonna leave? Planeaba hacerlo, pero no supe descifrar cómo. I had planned on doing that, but I couldn't figure out how. I was planning to, but I couldn't figure out how. Cine a făcut asta? Who did what? Who did this? Você vai ajudá-los? Will you help them? Are you going to help them? Voldria un to més clar. I want a lighter shade. I'd like a clearer tone. Li hai visti questa mattina? Have you seen them this morning? Did you see them this morning? Il dispose de sa propre chambre. He has his own room. He has his own room. Est-ce que tu connais des insultes en français? Do you know how to swear in French? Do you know any insults in French? Sim, tenho 3 filhos. Yes, I have 3 sons. Yeah, I have three kids. La începutul fiecărui sfârşit de săptămână sunt în acelaşi timp obosit şi bucuros. At the start of every weekend, I am both tired and happy. At the beginning of each weekend, I am at the same time tired and happy. Qu’as-tu mangé pour le déjeuner aujourd'hui ? What did you eat for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch today? No tenim cap prova. We don't have any proof. We don't have any proof. Mi devo lavare i denti. I need to brush my teeth. I have to brush my teeth. O meu pai é piloto de voos nacionais. My father is a pilot on the domestic line. My father's a national flight pilot. Je pense que vous avez fait le mauvais choix. I think you've made the wrong choice. I think you made the wrong choice. No puedo besar a Tom si él no quiere ser besado. I can't kiss Tom if he doesn't want to be kissed. I can't kiss Tom if he doesn't want to be kissed. Je ne pouvais m'empêcher de penser qu'il était mort. I could not but think that he had died. I couldn't help but think he was dead. Gemei. I groaned. I twinned. Tu sei davvero brava. You're really good. You're really good. Lui ha adottato l'orfano. He adopted the orphan. He adopted the orphan. Mi piace farlo. I enjoy doing that. I like to. C'è una piantina sul tavolo. There is a map on the table. There's a plan on the table. Je viens de me couper le doigt. I just cut my finger. I just cut my finger off. Não posso mudar esses planos. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Ce vrei să spui? What do you mean? What do you mean? Cans vagabundos pasaron polo meu xardín. Stray dogs tramped about my garden. How many vagrants have passed through my garden. Et si j'étais homosexuel, serait-ce un péché ? And if I was homosexual, would that be a sin? And if I was gay, would that be a sin? Me esperaba mucho más. I was expecting a lot more. I expected a lot more. Dove l'ha nascosto? Where did you hide it? Where did you hide it? Parei de fumar há seis meses. I gave up smoking six months ago. I stopped smoking six months ago. Eles não vão fazer isso funcionar. They're not going to make it work. They're not gonna make it work. Eles fazem parte de um grupo extremista cristão. They're part of a Christian extremist group. They are part of a Christian extremist group. Repósate. Take a rest. Get some rest. Qu'as-tu fait de tes vacances ? What did you do on your vacation? What did you do with your vacation? Il n'est qu'un enfant. He is only a child. He's just a child. Susțin din toată inima această decizie. I wholeheartedly endorse this decision. I wholeheartedly support this decision. Grasias. Thanks. Thank you. M-ai sunat azi-noapte? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Sono caduto dalla scala. I fell off the ladder. I fell off the ladder. Nul doute que tu dois être exténué après avoir travaillé toute la journée. You must be worn out after working all day. No doubt you need to be exhausted after working all day. Comme ses parents sont morts quand il était jeune, c'est son oncle qui l'a élevé. Because his parents had died when he was young, his uncle brought him up. Since his parents died when he was young, his uncle raised him. Preencham-no, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill him in, please. ¿Puedes ver la diferencia? Can you see the difference? Can you see the difference? Perdí mi llave por aquí. I lost my key around here. I lost my key around here. Perché a Tom piace così tanto Boston? Why does Tom like Boston so much? Why does Tom like Boston so much? Potete farle sorridere? Can you make them smile? Can you make them smile? Tom já fez o dever de casa. Tom has already done his homework. Tom's done his homework. Tom è ancora assente. Tom is still missing. Tom's still missing. ¿A qué hora acostumbras a almorzar? What time do you usually eat lunch? What time do you get used to breakfast? J'ai une confession à faire. I have a confession to make. I have a confession to make. Greseli ca acestea sunt ușor de trecut cu vederea. Mistakes like these are easily overlooked. Mistakes like these are easy to overlook. O que é para fazermos com ela? What are we supposed to do with it? What are we gonna do with her? Trebuie să nu o faci acum. You must not do it now. You have to not do it now. Noi îi punem întrebări profesorului în fiecare zi. We ask the teacher questions every day. We ask the teacher questions every day. O problema é que você é jovem demais. The trouble is that you are too young. The problem is you're too young. Utilizza questo. Use this. Use this. Laissez-moi ça ! Leave that to me. Leave that to me! Am câștigat cursa. I won the race. I won the race. Ella se burló de su marido. She made fun of her husband. She made fun of her husband. Il n'a pas pu venir à cause du mauvais temps. Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. He couldn't come because of the bad weather. Io non vengo invitata spesso alle feste. I don't often get invited to parties. I'm not often invited to parties. Je veux juste me reposer. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Elle s'est occupée de sa sœur malade pendant dix ans. She has been looking after her sick sister for ten years. She took care of her sick sister for ten years. Quelle sono sue? Are those yours? Are those yours? Je pense qu'ils seront en retard. I think they'll be late. I think they'll be late. ¿Has venido alguna vez a Italia antes? Have you ever been to Italy before? Have you ever come to Italy before? Comment le savez-vous, même ? How do you even know that? How do you even know? ¿Cuántos sombreros tienes? How many hats do you own? How many hats do you have? Io sono molto rapida. I'm very quick. I'm very quick. ¿Los encontrarás, no? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? De qui es-tu le fils ? Whose son are you? Whose son are you? Estoy muerta de cansancio. I'm dead tired. I'm dying of tiredness. La pauvreté est à la racine de tout mal. Poverty is the root of all evil. Poverty is at the root of all evil. Eu sei onde encontrar água. I know where to find water. I know where to find water. Adesso è adulto. Now you are an adult. He's an adult now. Esperaré aquí hasta que ella venga. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait here until she comes. Questa collana è così bella che vorrei comprarla per mia moglie. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so beautiful I'd like to buy it for my wife. La cafetière bout. The coffeepot is boiling. The coffee maker's over. Você ainda não sabe como fazer isso, não é? You still don't know how to do that, do you? You don't know how to do that yet, do you? ¿No estás contenta de ser rica? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you happy to be rich? E l'ân mìa catêda. They didn't find her. And my little cat. Fatemi sapere i dettagli. Let me know the details. Let me know the details. No puedo ahuyentar a los pájaros. No soy un espantapájaros. I cannot scare the birds away. I am not a scarecrow. I can't run away from the birds, I'm not a scarecrow. Você quer ir para a Austrália? Do you want to go to Australia? Do you want to go to Australia? Loro non sono così gentili, vero? They aren't so kind, are they? They're not that nice, are they? L'ha fatta prima. He has done it before. He did it before. Vine și ea? Is she coming, too? Is she coming? C'est un homme de grand talent. He is a man of great ability. He's a very talented man. Los osos polares cazan focas. Polar bears hunt seals. Polar bears hunt seals. ¿A cuántos museos fuiste? How many museums did you visit? How many museums did you go to? Eu me animei ouvindo música. I cheered myself up by listening to music. I encouraged myself to hear music. El Sol ens dóna calor i llum. The sun gives us heat and light. The sun gives us heat and light. Por que policiais amam rosquinhas? Why do cops love doughnuts? Why do cops love redheads? Vous avez dit que vous étiez occupés. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. John écrit à ses parents une fois par mois. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. El a înfruntat multe greutăți în tinerețe. He went through many hardships in his youth. He faced a lot of hardships in youth. Lui è un amico, è tutto. He's a friend, that's all. He's a friend, that's all. Él estaba calmado ante el peligro. He was calm in the presence of danger. He was calmed down in the face of danger. Lei cacciò il suo ragazzo fuori di casa. She kicked her boyfriend out of the house. She hunted her boyfriend out of the house. Ell és el que em va tocar. He's the one who touched me. He's the one who touched me. Tom a urcat scările până la mansardă. Tom climbed the stairs up to the attic. Tom went up the stairs to the attic. Avrà il diritto di scegliere. You will get the right to choose. You have the right to choose. Quand vous êtes-vous mariées ? When did you get married? When were you married? Tom chiar știe ce face. Tom really knows what he's doing. Tom really knows what he's doing. Eu os convidei para jantar. I invited them to dinner. I invited them to dinner. Hoy no hace calor especialmente. It isn't especially hot today. It's not particularly hot today. Deberías escuchar su consejo. You should listen to his advice. You should hear his advice. El sol sale. The sun rises. The sun goes up. Apesar de morar do lado, ele nem diz oi para nós. Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us. Despite living on the side, he doesn't even say hello to us. Me siento más ligero que el aire. I feel lighter than air. I feel lighter than air. Isso é o que o Tom diz. That's what Tom says. That's what Tom says. A me servono solo due di queste. I only need two of these. I only need two of these. Éste es el que prefiero. This is the one I prefer. This is what I prefer. Qu'a decidit de deishar de fumar. He decided to quit smoking. Which decided to choose to smoke. M'agrada nadar. I like swimming. I like swimming. Vous étiez terrifiées, n'est-ce pas ? You were terrified, weren't you? You were terrified, weren't you? Ești japonez? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Este foi o melhor áudio que eu já ouvi! This was the best audio I've ever heard! This was the best audio I've ever heard! Elle est allée en réhabilitation et s'en est sortie. She went to rehab and straightened herself out. She went to rehab and left. Não é bom ter amigos? Isn't it good to have friends? Isn't it good to have friends? Se pare că am făcut o greşeală. I must have made a mistake. Looks like I made a mistake. Você gosta do verão? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Aonde estão levando ele? Where are they taking him? Where are you taking him? Eres la única que sabe cómo llegar a la casa de Tom. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. You're the only one who knows how to get to Tom's house. I vesi pas ren de marrit. I see nothing wrong with it. And see nothing bad. ¿En qué piensas cuando ves esta foto? What do you think of when you look at this photo? What do you think when you see this picture? Parlatz lo chinés ? Do you speak Chinese? Speak Chinese? Tom a așteptat-o o oră bună pe Mary. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Potete usare la mia penna. You can use my pen. You can use my pen. Poliția s-a uitat peste tot și nu a putut găsi nici o urmă a lui Tom. The police looked everywhere and could find no trace of Tom. The police looked everywhere and couldn't find any trace of Tom. Perdóname por bromear. Pardon me while I gag. Forgive me for joking. Tu ne m'as même pas dit bonjour ! You didn't even say "hello" to me! You didn't even say hello to me! Ai face bine s-o predai. You'd better hand that over. You better turn her in. Corrígeme si me equivoco. Correct me if I am mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong. Credo che sia esatto. I believe that's correct. I think that's right. Cosa sono queste cose? What are these things? What are these things? Mon amor, qu'èi acabat de còser lo minjar. My love, I've finished cooking the food. My love, he's just ate it. Que n'as-tu pas ? What don't you have? What don't you have? Eu espero que Tom não tenha se entediado. I hope Tom didn't get bored. I hope Tom didn't get bored. Mi sento solo. Ecco perché ho così tanti amici su Facebook. I feel alone. That's why I have so many friends on Facebook. I feel alone. That’s why I have so many friends on Facebook. J'aimerais finir le travail. I'd like to finish the job. I'd like to finish the job. S'ê-t drē a dîr? What are you saying? Are you having dinner? En verano, disfrutamos de deportes al aire libre. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. De l'eau, s'il vous plaît. Water, please. Water, please. Smith aurait dû dire la vérité. Mr. Smith should have told the truth. Smith should have told the truth. La piscina está llena de agua limpia. The pool is full of clean water. The pool is full of clean water. O cachorro tem quatro patas. A dog has four legs. The dog's got four legs. Les yeux de Tom étaient collés à l'écran. Tom's eyes were glued to the screen. Tom's eyes were glued to the screen. Tom guindou una pedra á árbore. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone at the tree. Noi siamo ottimisti. We're optimistic. We're optimistic. Chaque mouvement du danseur était parfait. Each movement of the dancer was perfect. Every movement of the dancer was perfect. Non li conosce? Don't you know them? You don't know them? Estou cansado de discutir. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. No lo conocemos. We don't know him. We don't know him. Maria é adestradora de cães. Mary is a dog trainer. Maria is a dog trainer. "Meu pai não bebe álcool." "O meu também não." "My father doesn't drink alcohol." "Mine doesn't either." "My father doesn't drink alcohol." "My father doesn't drink alcohol either." Préstame dinero si tienes. Lend me some money, if you have any. Lend me some money if you have it. Isso o deixou bravo. That made him angry. That made him angry. Ce vrei să mănânci? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? Elle lui a demandé pourquoi il pleurait, mais il n'a pas répondu. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. L'ho trovato. I've found him. I found it. Lasciate un messaggio, per favore. Leave a message, please. Leave a message, please. Vei fi fericit. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Sto iniziando a sentirmi dispiaciuta per Tom. I'm starting to feel sorry for Tom. I'm starting to feel sorry for Tom. Nu am timp să mă implic în probleme politice. I have no time to engage in political activity. I don't have time to get involved in political issues. Avez-vous trouvé une solution ? Did you find a solution? Did you find a solution? Jo vull una espasa com aquesta! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! Conflictul escaladează. The conflict escalates. The conflict is escalating. Chacune d'elles reçut un cadeau. They each received a present. Each of them received a gift. De quel pays viens-tu ? Which country are you from? What country are you from? Él es muy sensiblero. He's very touchy feely. He's very sensitive. Le enseñé a Tomás a nadar. I taught Tom how to swim. I taught Tomás to swim. Félicitations pour ton anniversaire. Congratulations on your anniversary. Congratulations on your birthday. Viața nu înseamnă nimic fără prieteni. Life means nothing without friends. Life means nothing without friends. Il est nouveau en ville. He's new in town. He's new to town. Iniziò a piovere a catinelle. Così giocammo dentro. It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. It started to rain in chains, so we played inside. Io voglio diventare una cantante a tutti i costi. I want to become a singer, at any cost. I want to be a singer at all costs. Nous t'aimons toutes. We all like you. We all love you. Imparai delle cose sulla cultura greca. I learned about Greek culture. I learned something about Greek culture. Mi piace veramente quello che faccio. I really like what I do. I really like what I do. Está tudo em ordem? Is everything all right? Is everything all right? Hi ha dues milles d'aquí al parc. It is two miles from here to the park. There's two miles from here in the park. Hé toi, petit, comment t'appelles-tu ? Hey you, boy, what is your name? Hey, kid, what's your name? Hay mucho que discutir hoy. There's a lot to discuss today. There's a lot to discuss today. Per piacere, non mi distrarre dal mio lavoro. Please don't distract me from my work. Please don't distract me from my work. Ele apertou a minha mão. He shook my hand. He shook my hand. So Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. So Hisashi. ¡No hables así de mis padres! Don't talk about my parents like that! Don't talk about my parents like that! Che cosa? What? What? Io mi sposerò presto. I'll be married soon. I'll get married soon. Tom è piuttosto presuntuoso, vero? Tom is pretty conceited, isn't he? Tom's pretty presumptuous, isn't he? Le sénateur fut réprimandé par le comité d'éthique du congrès. The senator was censured by the congressional ethics committee. The honourable senator was reprimanded by the Congress Ethics Committee. Io torno a casa a Boston ogni tre mesi. I go back home to Boston every three months. I go home to Boston every three months. Nos prestas un gran servicio. You're doing us a great service. You're a great service to us. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que pense ce type. I have no idea what that guy is thinking. I have no idea what this guy thinks. Dê-me o microfone. Give me the mic. Give me the microphone. Asta ar mai putea dura. This could take a while longer. That could take longer. Sóc Tom. I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Preciso comprar um mouse pad. I need a mouse pad. I need to buy a pad mouse. Eu tive sorte. I was lucky. I was lucky. Tom queria encontrar-se com Maria. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Tom wanted to meet Maria. Pe mine mă cheamă Dan. My name is Dan. My name's Dan. ¿En qué vuelo estuviste? What flight were you on? What flight were you on? Tom este bun la gătit. Tom is good at cooking. Tom's good at cooking. ¿Cuál es vuestro grupo sanguíneo? What's your blood type? What's your blood group? ¡Ven por lo que más quieras! Do come by all means. Come on, whatever else you want! Mary chiese di suo padre. Mary asked after his father. Mary asked for her father. ¿Con quién quieren bailar primero? Who do you want to dance with first? Who do you want to dance with first? Nous allons bien tous les deux. We're both fine. We're gonna be fine, both of us. Nu pot să-ți arăt. I can't show you. I can't show you. Avui he menjat fideus per primer cop. I ate noodles for the first time today. I ate noodles today for the first time. Siamo atterrati su di un'isola solitaria. We were landed on a lonely island. We're landed on a lonely island. Ce sont des traîtres. They're traitors. They're traitors. Il travaille de longues heures. He works long hours. He's been working long hours. Il est interdit de fumer ici. Smoking is not permitted here. It's not allowed to smoke here. Tom está grogue. Tom's groggy. Tom's yellow. Mary a spus că credea că Tom greșise. Mary said she thought Tom was mistaken. Mary said she thought Tom was wrong. Ella no mencionó la razón de su retraso. She didn't mention the reason for being late. She did not mention the reason for her delay. Tom ar trebui să se înscrie pentru acest job. Tom should apply for this job. Tom should sign up for this job. Faut-il vraiment que l'on rentre aussi tôt à la maison ? Do we really have to go home so early? Do we really have to go home this early? Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you! I would never betray him! Eu acredito que ele seja realmente seu amigo. I do believe that he's your friend. I believe he's really your friend. Mary só fez o que você disse para ela fazer. Mary only did what you told her to do. Mary only did what you said to her. O Tom acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom thinks Mary is cute. Tom thinks Mary's cute. Conozco a varios canadienses. I know several Canadians. I know a number of Canadians. Els llibres són les abelles que porten el pol·len d'una intel·ligència a una altra. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are the bees that bring the pollen from one intelligence to another. Él cumplió su ambición de navegar por el mundo. He realized his ambition to sail around the world. He fulfilled his ambition to sail the world. L'ha predetto. You predicted it. He predicted it. Comment êtes-vous arrivés ici avant moi ? How did you get here before me? How did you get here before me? Cred că e foarte puțin probabil că-mi voi revedea vreodată motocicleta furată. I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again. I think it's very unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again. Il est toujours alité. He is still on his back. He's always there. M. et Mme. West sont en lune de miel. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. West are in a honeymoon. Eu já lhe disse isso. I've already told him that. I told you that. Adoita vir tarde. He often comes late. It's usually late. Si la hieres de alguna manera, te mataré. If you harm her in any way, I'll kill you. If you hurt her somehow, I'll kill you. Casse-toi ! Get lost! Get the fuck out of here! El rellotge no funciona. The watch doesn't work. The clock doesn't work. L'esperimento confermò la sua teoria. The experiment confirmed his theory. The experiment confirmed his theory. Como você soube dela? How did you get to know about her? How did you know about her? Você fala ucraniano? Do you speak Ukrainian? You speak Ukrainian? Prepar prânzul în fiecare zi. I make lunch every day. I prepare lunch every day. Tom ne sait pas à qui Marie a décidé de donner sa vieille guitare. Tom doesn't know who Mary has decided to give her old guitar to. Tom doesn't know to whom Mary decided to give her old guitar. Non vorrei essere al suo posto per niente al mondo. I wouldn't change places with him for the world. I wouldn't want to be in your place for anything in the world. No puedo hacer mi cama. ¡No tengo tiempo para eso! I cannot make my bed. I don't have time for that! I can't make my bed. I don't have time for that! Non succederà. That won't happen. It's not gonna happen. Aquò n'ei pas lo men sac. This isn't my bag. This is not the destination. Je ne parviens pas à me souvenir où je l'ai rencontré la première fois. I can't remember where I first met him. I can't remember where I first met him. Peux-tu traduire cette phrase en hongrois ? Can you translate this sentence into Hungarian? Can you translate this sentence into Hungarian? La parada de autobús está cerca de nuestra escuela. The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is near our school. ¡Compra! Buy! Buy it! Me ne parli, Jamal. Tell me about it, Jamal. Talk to me, Jamal. Minha mulher é médica. My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. Ce sarcină plictisitoare! What a boring task! What a boring task! Nu mai este lemn de foc. There's no more firewood. There's no more firewood. Buttateli via. Throw them out. Throw them out. Questo è semplicemente troppo strano. This is just too weird. This is just too weird. Ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. They lived happily ever after. They lived happily and had many children. Me voy a dormir aproximadamente a la medianoche. I go to sleep at about midnight. I'm going to sleep about midnight. Fai una telefonata a Emet e gli altri. Give Emet and the others a call. Make a call to Emet and the others. Acho que há ratos no sótão. I think we have some mice in the attic. I think there are rats in the attic. El pan huele muy bien. The bread really smells good. The bread smells really good. Cet insecte est toujours vivant. The bug is still alive. This insect is still alive. Dios es infalible. God doesn't make mistakes. God is infallible. Grazie per la tua onestà. Thanks for your honesty. Thank you for your honesty. O velho tentou nadar 5 quilômetros. The old man attempted to swim five kilometers. The old man tried to swim 5 kilometers. Tu peux te reposer. You can rest. You can rest. De qué t'agrada ? What do you like? What do you like? Am auzit țipete. I heard screams. I heard screams. Sună la poliție! Call the police! Call the police! A economia brasileira está crescendo rapidamente. The Brazilian economy is growing by leaps and bounds. The Brazilian economy is growing rapidly. Eu comprei um carro vermelho. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. Fa davvero caldo qui d'estate. It's really hot here in the summer. It's really hot here in summer. Tom lavora per una banca. Tom works for a bank. Tom works for a bank. O homem é alto. The man is tall. The man's tall. Que los hombres no aprenden mucho de las lecciones de la historia es la más importante de todas las lecciones que la historia tiene por enseñar. That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach. That men do not learn much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach. La maestra diede un premio a John. The teacher gave John a prize. The teacher gave John a prize. Sou grande. I'm big. I'm big. Penses-tu vraiment que je veuille faire ce que je fais ? Do you really think I want to do what I do? Do you really think I want to do what I do? È stato molto gentile da parte vostra di prestarmi un ombrello. It was very kind of you to lend me an umbrella. It was very kind of you to lend me a umbrella. Io non sapevo che cosa dire. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Le pedí que pagara la cuenta inmediatamente. I demanded that he pay the bill immediately. I asked him to pay the bill right away. C’est un portrait de mon défunt père. This is a portrait of my late father. This is a picture of my late father. O concerto terá lugar o próximo verán. The concert will take place next summer. The concert will take place next summer. Il n'y a aucune chance. There's not a chance. There's no chance. Oh, rien de particulier. Oh, nothing special. Oh, nothing special. El Dr. Patterson se comunicó con un gorila usando la lengua de signos. Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language. Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language. No quiero ir a trabajar hoy. I don't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work today. Așa se face asta. That's the way it's done. That's how it's done. Elle tenta de se donner la mort. She attempted to kill herself. She's trying to give herself the death. Peter a l'era 'n giugador ëd video-gieugh altruista; chiel a l'avrìa dait la ròba a la gent ch'a n'avìa da manca, pitòst che vëndje për profit përsonal. Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit. Peter in the era 'n player ëd video-gieugh altruist; chiel in April gave the robbery to the people who were missing, pitot that vëndje për profit përsonal. Quiero ser muy claro en eso. I want to be very clear about that. I want to be very clear about that. Combien d'entre-nous étaient-elles là ? How many of us were there? How many of us were there? Ell no només parla anglès, també francès. He not only speaks English, he speaks French as well. He doesn't just speak English, he speaks French. Es posible que haya llovido un poco anoche. It may have rained a little last night. It may have rained a little last night. Il ne sera pas d'accord avec nous. He will not agree with us. He won't agree with us. Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Eravate bendati? Were you blindfolded? Were you blessed? Ella era joven. She was young. She was young. C'è qualcosa che mi vuoi dire? Is there something you want to tell me? Is there something you want to tell me? Tom não quer que a mesma coisa aconteça novamente. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. C'est la voix de Baba. It's Baba's voice. That's Baba's voice. Assieds-toi ! Ne te lève pas. Sit down! Don't stand up. Don't get up. Ora sono libero. Now I am free. I'm free now. V-ar interesa un proiect la care ați lucra cu plăcere? Would you be interested in a project you would really like to do? Would you be interested in a project you were happy to work on? ¡Pásale! Do come in! Pass it! Atrás de portas fechadas, a verdadeira natureza de Fadil é revelada. Behind closed doors, Fadil's true nature is revealed. Behind closed doors, the true nature of Fadil is revealed. L'Algeria è chiamata "Ldzayer" in berbero. Algeria is called "Ldzayer" in Berber. Algeria is called "Ldzayer" in Berber. A assassina escondeu-se nas montanhas. The murderer hid in the mountains. The killer hid in the mountains. Io sono andata a fare escursionismo con il gruppo. I went hiking with the group. I went hiking with the group. El își spală mașina. He is washing his car. He washes his car. Dite a Tom che mi servono un po' di soldi. Tell Tom I need some money. Tell Tom I need some money. Sami è uno di noi. Sami is one of us. Sami is one of us. No n'hi ha prou amb una llengua. One language is never enough. It's not enough with a tongue. ¿Podría indicarme el camino a la estación? Could you show me the way to the station? Could you show me the way to the station? La pueden dejar allí. You can put it there. They can leave her there. Sosh franseza o ingleza? Are you French or English? Does Sosh franise the English? Voglio che parli con lei. I want you to talk to her. I want you to talk to her. Pero yo tuve otra ventaja en eso. But I had another advantage in it. But I had another advantage in that. L'affidarsi troppo alla squadra può ridurre i tuoi istinti competitivi individuali When you rely on the team too much, it may reduce your individual competitive instincts. Self-confidence to the team can reduce your individual competitive instincts Aqui está a minha bagagem. Here is my baggage. Here's my luggage. Nu sunt sigură cui să-i dau acest cadou: fetei sau băiatului? I'm not sure who I should give this present to, the girl or the boy? I'm not sure who to give this gift to: the girl or the boy? Pots venir amb mi. You can come with me. You can come with me. Meu irmão está assistindo à TV. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. E timpul să mergi înainte. It's time to move forward. It's time to go ahead. Fece spazio a una donna anziana in autobus. She made room for an old woman in the bus. She made room for an elderly woman by bus. Si no hubiese sido por el cinturón de seguridad, yo no estaría vivo hoy. If it hadn't been for the seatbelt, I wouldn't be alive today. If it wasn't for the seat belt, I wouldn't be alive today. Escrevi meu endereço? Did I write my address? Did you write my address? A trecut frontiera. He passed across the border. He crossed the border. Le norvégien est la langue officielle de la Norvège. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. Tom insegnò a Mary a fare il pane. Tom taught Mary how to bake bread. Tom taught Mary to make bread. La torcia non si accende alla base. The torch does not light its own stand. The torch doesn't turn on at the base. Tom fece sentire Mary speciale. Tom made Mary feel special. Tom made Mary feel special. Ci mostri come si fa. Show us how it's done. You show us how to do it. Tenemos un gato. We have a cat. We have a cat. O rádio é uma grande invenção. Radio is a great invention. The radio is a big invention. Abito a Malta. I live in Malta. I live in Malta. Sois prudent. C’est la place parfaite pour une embuscade. Be careful. It's the perfect place for an ambush. Be careful. This is the perfect place for an ambush. Je ne peux pas le rendre heureux. I can't make him happy. I can't make him happy. Tom a găsit ușa închisă. Tom found the door locked. Tom found the door closed. Abbiamo bisogno di un leader. We need a leader. We need a leader. - Ai încredere în mine, a spus el. "Trust me," he said. - Trust me, he said. Je lui ai demandé de me tenir au courant. I asked him to keep me posted. I asked her to keep me informed. Soy miembro del coro. I'm a member of the glee club. I'm a member of the choir. Tu as mangé. You've eaten. You ate. Se secó con la toalla. He dried himself with a towel. He dried up with the towel. Quédate conmigo cuando te necesite, por favor. Please stand by me when I need you. Stay with me when I need you, please. O Tom deu para a Mary instruções detalhadas sobre como fazer isso. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do that. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do that. Deseo ir de compras. I want to go shopping. I want to go shopping. Nós esperávamos que vocês tivessem esquecido. We hoped you'd forget. We were hoping you guys would have forgotten. Un gusto verte. It's good to see you. Good to see you. Tom voia un creion cu mină moale. Tom wanted a pencil with a softer lead. Tom wanted a pencil with a soft mine. Quen escribiu a carta? Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the letter? Devinez qui a gagné. Guess who won. Become the one who won. Hey. ¿Cómo va? Hey. How's it going? Hey. How's it going? Tom si prenderà cura di noi. Tom will take care of us. Tom will take care of us. Je suis désolée de vous avoir entraînés là-dedans. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'm sorry I trained you there. Questa fabbrica produce 500 macchine al giorno. This factory produces 500 automobiles a day. This factory produces 500 machines a day. Aceasta este Copacabana! This is Copacabana! This is Copacabana! Io lo posso provare. I can try that. I can try. Vuole un po' di tempo per pensarci? Do you want some time to think about it? You want some time to think about it? ¿Adónde? Where? Where? ¿Nunca has estado en París? You've never been to Paris? You've never been to Paris? No podría haberlo hecho solo. I couldn't have made it alone. I couldn't have done it alone. J'étais juste en colère. I was just angry. I was just angry. Il s'est excusé pour son retard. He excused himself for being late. He apologized for his delay. Ce e sub patul tău? What's under your bed? What's under your bed? Els joves estimen l'aventura. Young people love adventure. Young people love adventure. Portale alla stazione. Take them to the station. Take her to the station. Rápido! Não há tempo a perder. Hurry! There's no time to lose. There's no time to waste. Vostè és més alta que ella. You are taller than her. You're taller than her. Ho solo diciott'anni. I'm only eighteen. I'm only eighteen. Il burqa è una scelta. The burqa is a choice. The burqa is a choice. È tutto quello che dovete sapere. That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know. Dar lui îi plac lungile vacanţe şcolare. But he likes the long school holidays. But he likes long school holidays. ¿Estás preparada para mañana? Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you ready for tomorrow? Tom solía meditar todas las mañanas. Tom used to meditate every morning. Tom used to meditate every morning. Já é tarde. It's already late. It's late. Gritar com o seu computador não o ajudará. Shouting at your computer will not help. Screaming with your computer won't help you. Lui è Tony. He is Tony. This is Tony. Tom ha cantato con Mary. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Mary. Un bon docteur est bien disposé à l'égard de ses patients. A good doctor is sympathetic to his patients. A good doctor is well disposed of his patients. Tom vai vir. Tom'll come. Tom's coming. "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Esto no es un problema para mí. For me, this is not a problem. This is not a problem for me. Erano molto felici. They were very happy. They were very happy. So Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. So Ahmad. Cando Mary era unha cativa, a súa familia era moi pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. Vous avez été suspendues. You've been suspended. You've been suspended. C'était pathétique. That was pathetic. It was pathetic. Te rog ia loc aici. Please sit here. Please sit here. Les médias ne rendent pas compte de ces histoires. The media are not reporting these stories. The media is not aware of these stories. La réunion se tiendra la semaine prochaine au plus tôt. The meeting will be held next week at the earliest. The meeting will be held next week as soon as possible. Os furacões são tempestades violentas. Hurricanes are violent storms. Hurricanes are violent storms. Je refusai son invitation à dîner. I declined his invitation to dinner. I refused his invitation to dinner. Todos os esforços foram inúteis. All efforts have been unavailing. All efforts were useless. Anne était sur le point de quitter la maison lorsque le téléphone a sonné. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave the house when the phone called. Urăsc chimia. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. Dame n'ora. Give me one hour. Give me that now. Estás estancado. You're stalling. You're stuck. Estamos en buenas condiciones. We are in good condition. We're in good condition. On dit que c'est un médecin qui a des compétences. He is said to be qualified as a doctor. They say it's a doctor who has skills. L'òmi qui n'a pas minjat desempuish tres dias, a problèmas entà pensar a quauquarren d'aute. The man, who had not eaten for three days, had trouble thinking about anything except food. The man who hasn't been out of control for three days has had problems thinking about somebody else. Ven quand ch'it veule. Come whenever you'd like. Come when you want to. Hai sbagliato numero. You've dialed the wrong number. You got the wrong number. Esta flor é mais bonita que aquela. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than that. Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas dit la vérité ? ׁWhy didn't he tell the truth? Why didn't he tell the truth? Tom não teve tempo de assistir TV ontem. Tom didn't have time to watch TV yesterday. Tom didn't have time to watch TV yesterday. Din câte știu, el nu a făcut niciodată aşa o greşeală. As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake. As far as I know, he never made such a mistake. La seva casa està en flames. His house was on fire. His house is on fire. Fun capaz de triunfar grazas ao teu consello. I was able to succeed because of your advice. I was able to succeed because of your counsel. Ea îl iubește. She loves him. She loves him. Coge el teléfono. Answer the phone. Take the phone. Siete favorevoli o contrarie al piano? Are you for or against the plan? Are you in favour or contrary to the plan? Noi toți te dorim să revii. We all want you back. We all want you to come back. Gustaríame un vaso de auga. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Sono abituata al calore. I'm used to the heat. I'm used to heat. Ça n'est pas mieux que ça. It doesn't get better than this. It's not better than that. Ve recto. Go straight. You're straight. Cuidado al cruzar la calle. Be careful crossing the street. Be careful crossing the street. Je t'enverrai l'adresse par Texto. I'll text you the address. I'll send you the address by Text. Whoua ! C'est une côte raide. Mais la descente sera un vrai plaisir. Whew! This is a tough hill. But coming back sure will be a breeze. It's a steep coast, but the descent will be a real pleasure. Solía haber un pequeño puente sobre el río hace 10 años. There used to be a small bridge over the river 10 years ago. There used to be a small bridge over the river 10 years ago. Le soleil se lève pour tous. The sun rises for everyone. The sun rises for everyone. Puedo ver a Tom. I can see Tom. I can see Tom. Tom e de vârsta mea sau poate e puțin mai mic. Tom is my age, or maybe a little younger. Tom's my age or maybe he's a little younger. Dale una mano y él se toma el pie. Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. Give him a hand and he takes his foot. Eu tenho aulas de francês pelo Skype. I have French classes via Skype. I have Skype French lessons. La sivdad kapitala de Fransya es Paris. The capital city of France is Paris. Fransya's kapital servdad is Paris. Tom es feliz. Tom is happy. Tom is happy. Noi vogliamo fare di meglio. We want to do better. We want to do better. "As senhoras não têm amigos?" "É claro que temos." "Don't you have friends?" "Of course." "Doesn't the ladies have any friends?" "Of course we do." Dobbiamo rilassarci e basta. We've just got to relax. We just need to relax. Je viens là tous les lundis. I come here every Monday. I come here every Monday. La casa di Tom era in fiamme. Tom's house was on fire. Tom's house was on fire. Sami învață pentru un test. Sami is studying for a test. Sami's learning for a test. Nu cred că Tom este leneș. I don't think that Tom is lazy. I don't think Tom is lazy. Los cachorros hambrientos están ladrando en la calle. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Cosa non farei per tirarvi entrambe fuori dai guai? What would I not do to help you both out of the trouble? What wouldn't I do to get you both out of trouble? Ti ho sempre amata. I've always loved you. I've always loved you. O Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça. Tom isn't going to want Mary to do that. Tom won't want Mary to do it. Las mangas están fruncidas en el puño. The sleeves are gathered at the cuff. The sleeves are frantic in the fist. Pourquoi ne demandes-tu pas simplement de l'argent à tes parents ? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Why don't you just ask your parents for money? Tom vuole fuggire. Tom wants to escape. Tom wants to run. Eu vou te pagar. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Uscì per mangiare. He went out to eat. He went out to eat. Tehnologia progresează în mod constant. Technology progresses steadily. Technology is constantly progressing. As súas palabras fixéronse realidade. His words have come true. His words have come true. Eu acho que Tom estava relutante em fazê-lo. I think that Tom could've been reluctant to do that. I think Tom was reluctant to do it. Que acha o senhor de ir para a Austrália conosco no próximo verão? How would you like to go to Australia with us next summer? What do you think you're going to Australia with us next summer? Tom va souvent à l'école à pied. Tom often walks to school. Tom often goes to school on foot. Quella ragazza sa il tedesco e l'inglese. That girl knows German and English. That girl knows German and English. O limão é azedo. Lemon is sour. Lemon is sour. Todos eles sabem. They all know. They all know. Loro hanno lasciato le loro mogli. They left their wives. They left their wives. Dove hai comprato questa chitarra? Where did you buy this guitar? Where did you buy this guitar? Perché non stai cercando un lavoro? Why aren't you looking for a job? Why aren't you looking for a job? Un corte de cabello te vendría muy bien. You could really do with a haircut. You could use a haircut. Te derretirás. You will melt. You'll melt. Yo creo que él es honesto. I believe him honest. I think he's honest. Pouvez-vous vérifier cela ? Can you verify that? Can you check this out? Il n’appellera pas ce soir. He won't call this evening. He won’t call tonight. Volentieri, ma non sono un attore forte. Gladly, but I am not a strong actor. I do, but I'm not a strong actor. Vorbești prea mult. You talk too much. You talk too much. Sigues amable amb Ann. Be nice to Ann. Be nice to Ann. Quelle excellente idée ! What an excellent idea! What a great idea! Vous connaissez probablement déjà notre entreprise. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know our business. Esta é uma situação inusitada. This is an unusual situation. This is an unusual situation. Tom e Mary erano qui prima, però ora sono scomparsi. Tom and Mary were here earlier, but now they've disappeared. Tom and Mary were here before, but now they're gone. Ela pensa nele todo o tempo. She thinks about him all the time. She thinks of him all the time. Studentul a decis să-și restrângă lucrarea prin eliminarea detaliilor inutile. The student decided to abridge his paper by taking out unnecessary details. The student decided to restrict his work by eliminating unnecessary details. Tu n'as qu'à l'ignorer ! Just ignore it. All you have to do is ignore him! Il a été assez stupide pour y croire. He was foolish enough to believe it. He was stupid enough to believe it. Vous retireriez-vous ? Would you step aside? Would you withdraw? Tom estaba feliz de que el dueño bajara la renta. Tom was happy that his landlord lowered the rent. Tom was happy that the owner had lowered the rent. Tom coupe du bois. Tom is chopping wood. Tom cut wood. Qui remarquerait ? Who would notice? Who would notice? Mi-e dor de tine. I miss you. I miss you. Oh, nu mi-a plăcut sfârşitul. Oh, I didn't like the ending. Oh, I didn't like the end. Não havia nada que pudessem realmente fazer para evitar que Fadil batesse em Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from beating Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from knocking in Layla. Déjeme hablar con usted. Let me talk to you. Let me talk to you. Io li ho tutti. I have them all. I have them all. Él tuvo un accidente. He had a traffic accident. He had an accident. Non era colpa di Tom. It wasn't Tom's fault. It wasn't Tom's fault. Je t'ai dit que ce n'était pas fini. I told you it wasn't over. I told you it wasn't over. Obrigado pela informação. Thanks for the information. Thanks for the information. Io utilizzo il computer. I use the computer. I use the computer. ¿Tienes algo de tiempo libre? Have you got any free time? Do you have some free time? Questa scatola contiene delle mele. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Ele fez uma importante descoberta. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Lui Tom nu-i place la școală. Tom doesn't like school. Tom doesn't like school. Parece que vamos ter de ficar sem férias este ano. It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year. Looks like we're gonna have to run out of vacation this year. Tenho certeza de que sentirei muitas saudades dela. I'm sure that I'll miss her a lot. I'm sure I'll miss her a lot. Neppure io. Neither do I. Neither do I. La competición es feroz. The competition is fierce. The competition is fierce. Vous pouvez voir quelle différence quelques degrés font. You can see how much difference a few degrees can make. You can see what the difference a few degrees make. Eu sinto muita falta delas. I really miss them. I miss them a lot. Eu não gosto de ir sozinha pra casa depois de escurecer. I don't like walking home alone after dark. I don't like going home alone after dark. ¿Fuches capaz de facer todo o que querías? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Were you able to do everything you wanted? No tengo un mango. I don't have any money. I don't have a handle. ¡Si no obtengo mi billetera de vuelta para mañana, van a rodar cabezas! If I don't get my wallet back by tomorrow, heads will roll! If I don't get my wallet back by tomorrow, they're gonna roll heads! Oricine începe să lucreze în tinerețe, ajunge să trăiască luxos la bătrânețe. Whoever starts working in their youth, gets to live lavishly when they're older. Anyone who starts working in youth, gets to live luxuriously at old age. É fermosa. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. El pueblo fue destruido por la inundación que vino después de la tormenta. The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm. The people were destroyed by the flood that came after the storm. Não conheço meus vizinhos. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Tu comprends, n'est-ce pas ? You understand, right? You understand, don't you? Espero que tothom sàpiga el que això significa. I hope everyone knows what this means. I hope everyone knows what that means. Je veux savoir d'où c'est venu. I want to know where it came from. I want to know where it came from. Você está de volta a Taipei agora? Are you back in Taipei now? Are you back to Taipei now? Perché Tom si sta comportando in modo così stupido? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Why is Tom acting so stupid? Estamos salvos. We're safe. We're saved. Tom n'aime que les jolies filles. Tom likes only beautiful girls. Tom only likes pretty girls. Esto es estupendo. This is great. This is great. Sono appena stato a casa di mio zio. I've just been to my uncle's house. I've just been to my uncle's house. Eu vou ajudar. I will help. I'll help. Nos sentamos a conversar de esto y aquello. We sat speaking this and that. We sit here and talk about this and that. I vostri genitori si stanno aspettando una vostra chiamata. Your parents are expecting your call. Your parents are waiting for your call. Tom ja no va a l'escola. Tom doesn't go to school anymore. Tom's not going to school anymore. Pongamos el árbol de Navidad aquí. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Laisse-moi tranquille. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Prendi questo, per esempio. Take this one, for example. Take this, for example. Ce limbi se vorbesc în Belgia? What languages do they speak in Belgium? What languages are spoken in Belgium? Entre nos, la bruja gorda y fea está a dieta. Between ourselves, the fat ugly witch is on a diet. Between us, the fat and ugly witch is on a diet. Ken joga tênis? Does Ken play tennis? Ken plays tennis? Tom era scortese. Tom was impolite. Tom was rude. Espere por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. Esse rio transborda todo ano. That river floods every year. That river overflows every year. Ceea ce spui este corect. What you say is right. What you're saying is right. C'est un article fort populaire. This is a real popular item. This is a popular article. Eu estou sem ideias. I ran out of ideas. I'm out of ideas. Ellos estaban cerrados. They were closed. They were closed. Has traído un poco de agua. You brought some water. You brought some water. Ei, sóc en Mike. Hey, I'm Mike. Hey, it's Mike. Crezi c-ar trebui să merg singur? Do you think I should go alone? You think I should go alone? Ultima dată când l-am văzut pe Tom mergea în cârje. The last time I saw Tom he was walking on crutches. Last time I saw Tom, he was on the hook. Se o tempo estiver bom, vamos fazer uma viagem para o campo amanhã. If the weather is fine, we will go for a trip to the countryside tomorrow. If the weather is good, we'll take a trip to the country tomorrow. Por que você não me acordou esta manhã? Why didn't you wake me up this morning? Why didn't you wake me this morning? Préstame xugar al fútbol. I like playing football. Let me play football. Viajé por Europa. I traveled around Europe. I traveled for Europe. Posso dire loro il perché? Can I tell them why? Can I tell them why? Bin ëvnù! Welcome. Bin ëvnù! Vous devez étudier plus assidument. You need to study harder. You need to study more assiduously. Meldo. I read. Meldo. ¿Este pez sigue vivo? Is this fish still alive? Is this fish still alive? No quiero comprar el diario hoy. I don't want to buy a newspaper today. I don't want to buy the newspaper today. Elle le frappa au visage. She slapped him in the face. She hit him in the face. Lee a diario algo que nadie más esté leyendo. Piensa diariamente en algo en que nadie más esté pensando. Haz cada día algo que nadie más sería tan idiota de hacer. Es malo para la mente ser siempre parte de la unanimidad. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Read daily something that no one else is reading. Think daily about something that no one else is thinking about. Do every day something that no one else would be so stupid to do. It’s bad for the mind to always be part of unanimity. Mi plan telefónico no acepta llamadas a cobrar. My telephone plan does not accept reverse charge calls. My phone plan doesn't take calls to charges. Sami a început să planifice răzbunarea. Sami started planning retribution. Sami started planning revenge. Nu credeam că aveam destui bani. I didn't think that we had enough money. I didn't think we had enough money. Tom a zis că nu era nimic de care să ne temem. Tom said there was nothing to worry about. Tom said there was nothing to be afraid of. Suzanne me lleva dos años de edad. Suzanne is two years older than me. Suzanne's been me two years old. Ella es dutxa. She showers. She's in a shower. O que há de errado com o seu cachorro? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? L'exposition sera ouverte pour encore un mois. The exhibition will stay open for another month. The exhibition will be open for another month. Să călătorești este extenuant. Travel is exhausting. Traveling is exhausting. No totes les pomes vermelles tenen el mateix gust. Not all red apples taste the same. Not all red apples taste the same. Nu pot să mă retrag. I can't backtrack. I can't back off. Mă uitam în jos către fundul văii. I was looking downward to the bottom of the valley. I was looking down at the ass of the valley. No se comprendió el valor de su descubrimiento sino hasta después de su muerte. The value of his discovery was not realized until after his death. The value of his discovery was not understood until after his death. Spero che si stia divertendo. I hope you're having fun. I hope he's having fun. Enseñáronme fotos prestoses asgaya. They showed me a lot of nice pictures. They showed me pretty pictures of Asgaya. C'est tout ce qui reste du pays. This is all that is left from the country. That's all the rest of the country. Penso che Tom possa volerlo fare. I think that Tom may want to do that. I think Tom might want to. Tom ha chiamato alle due e mezza. Tom called at 2:30. Tom called at two and a half. Nós nos importamos com você, Tom. We care about you, Tom. We care about you, Tom. Eu tenho um carro. I have a car. I have a car. Eu estou falando. I'm speaking. I'm talking. Todas las puertas de la casa están cerradas. Every door in the house is locked. All the doors of the house are closed. יעקב איס און גﬞודﬞייו סיקולאר. Jacob is a secular Jew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sempre ha sigut així. It's always been that way. It's always been like this. Ella es una muy buena nadadora. She's a very good swimmer. She's a very good swimmer. Non dovevi sbrigarti. You didn't need to hurry. You shouldn't have hurryed. El tiempo parecía detenerse. Time seemed to stop. Time seemed to stop. Você parece nervoso. You look nervous. You look nervous. Sa voiture faisait trois mètres de long. His car was three metres long. His car was three meters long. Tom não é tão pobre quanto a maioria das pessoas acham. Tom isn't as poor as most people assume he is. Tom's not as poor as most people think. È pronta a divertirsi? Are you ready to have fun? Are you ready to have fun? În zilele acestea nimeni nu se mai așteaptă la omenie. No one expects friendliness these days. In these days no one is waiting for mankind. Um cavalo é um animal. A horse is an animal. A horse is an animal. La smetta di guardarmi. Stop looking at me. Stop looking at me. Sono quasi stata investita da una macchina. I was almost run over by a car. I was almost hit by a car. Je veux manger un truc bon. I want something good to eat. I want to eat something good. Por que eles demitiram o Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they quit Tom? Mi nombre es Sasha. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Tom e Mary ambos foram condenados à morte. Both Tom and Mary were sentenced to death. Tom and Mary were both sentenced to death. I frutti acidi come gli ananas e i limoni sono agri. Acid fruits like pineapples and lemons are sour. Acid fruits like pineapples and lemons are sour. È andato tutto come previsto. Everything went as expected. Everything went as planned. Quan serà el debat? When will the debate take place? When will the debate be? Devo inserire una moneta prima? Do I need to put a coin in first? Do I have to insert a coin first? Suba no gato. Get on the cat. Get in the cat. Você estava tão feliz. You were so happy. You were so happy. Să o încercăm. Let's try it. Let's try it. C'était un sourire forcé. It was a forced smile. It was a forced smile. Me siento más despierto después de tomar una taza de café. I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee. I feel more awake after having a cup of coffee. Te amaré siempre, no importa lo que pase. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I'll always love you, no matter what. Ella no sabe nada sobre su familia. She knows nothing about your family. She doesn't know anything about her family. De ce sunt supărați? Why are they angry? Why are they upset? Qu'èi vist ua vedeta uei. I have seen a star today. What a star you've seen. Siamo studentesse. We're students. We're students. Lei era lì. You were there. She was there. Nunca te permitiré volver a hacer eso. I'm never going to allow you to do that again. I'll never let you do that again. Não sou mais assim. I'm not like that anymore. I'm not like that anymore. Sé lo que le pasó a Tom. I know what happened to Tom. I know what happened to Tom. Tom não sabia quantas xícaras de açúcar adicionar. Tom didn't know how many cups of sugar to add. Tom didn't know how many cups of sugar to add. Estou doente desde domingo. I've been sick since Sunday. I've been sick since Sunday. Es-tu en train de dire que tu ne peux pas le réparer ? Are you saying you can't fix it? Are you saying you can't fix it? Você precisa de um xarope para tosse e aspirina. You need some cough syrup and aspirin. You need a syrup for cough and aspirin. Você pode rir de mim. You may laugh at me. You can laugh at me. Eu não estava errado. I wasn't wrong. I wasn't wrong. Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que sabia falar Francês. I dated a girl in high school who could speak French. I fell in love with a high school girl who knew how to speak French. Canzonai Tom. I teased Tom. You were singing tom. Tom non ha empatia. Tom has no empathy. Tom has no empathy. O imperador faleceu em janeiro de 1989. Por essa razão, o nome da era mudou de Showa para Heisei. The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. The emperor died in January 1989. For this reason, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. El siglo XXI le pertenece a Asia. The 21st century belongs to Asia. The twenty-first century belongs to Asia. Tom gosta muito de chocolate. Tom likes chocolate very much. Tom likes chocolate a lot. ¿Tom y Mary son realmente amigos? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Are Tom and Mary really friends? É uma borboleta ou uma mariposa? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is it a butterfly or a butterfly? Est-ce que tu t'es amusé ? Did you have a good time? Did you have fun? Pr'amor que lo monde sus tèrra parla pas la medisha lenga, hèra eforç qu'ei consacrat a l'arrevirada. Because people in the world don't speak the same language, much effort is now devoted to translation. For love that the world on earth does not speak the medish language, there is an effort which is consecrated to hijacking. J'ai attendu un moment. I waited a while. I've been waiting for a moment. Bisogna leggere tra le righe. You have to read it between the lines. You have to read between the lines. Ea lucrează zi și naopte. She is working night and day. She works day and night. C'est très proche. It's very close. It's very close. En nuestra clase hay cuarenta y un alumnos. Our class has 41 students. In our class there are forty-one students. L'Enric que't vòu véser. Henry wants to see you. The Henry you want to see. Guarda! Un aeroplano! Look! An airplane! Look, an airplane! Ele é um pouquinho mais alto que você. He's a little taller than you are. He's a little taller than you are. Tom mangiò un cheeseburger. Tom ate a cheeseburger. Tom ate a cheeseburger. El m-a rănit în mod deliberat. He hurt me deliberately. He deliberately hurt me. Elles me laissèrent décider d'un cadeau. They left it to me to decide on a gift. They let me decide on a gift. Mi sento così felice oggi. I feel so happy today. I feel so happy today. Era ridicol de fierbinte. It was ridiculously hot. It was ridiculously hot. Fais bon voyage ! Have a safe journey. Have a good trip! Je serais ravi de t'aider. I'd be happy to help you. I'd be happy to help you. Je ne me rappelle pas vous avoir jamais vu ici auparavant. I don't remember ever seeing you here before. I don't remember seeing you here before. On és el sol? Where is the sun? Where's the sun? Tom devrait mettre à profit cette opportunité. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Que son los mens discs sarrats. Those are my CDs. That's the least sarrat disks. Questo dev'essere il suo ombrello. This must be his umbrella. This must be her umbrella. Vá para o médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go to the doctor and get the prescription! Existența este un concept fără sens. Existence is a meaningless concept. Existence is a meaningless concept. Tom te disse algo sobre isso? Did Tom say anything about that to you? Did Tom tell you anything about that? Atterrerai sui tuoi piedi. You'll land on your feet. You'll land on your feet. Tom va a la escuela andando. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom's going to school on his way. Que souhaitez-vous commander, Messieurs ? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What would you like to order, gentlemen? Pasamos un día fabuloso en los bosques. We spent a fabulous day in the woods. We spent a fabulous day in the woods. L'anglèis a l'é nèn mia lenga mare. English is not my native language. English is my mother tongue. Écoute, je suis sérieux. Look, I'm being serious. Look, I'm serious. Anueit qu'èi plan dromit. I slept well last night. It turns out it's pretty dromitous. Parlez lentement et distinctement. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and distinctly. El mío es más grande que el vuestro. Mine is bigger than yours. Mine is bigger than yours. Isso vai servir. That'll do. That'll do. Image Viewer és un software per a la visualització d'imatges. Aquest software és un programa molt petit. Aquest software només té les funcions bàsiques. Això és traduïble per usuaris del projecte Tatoeba. Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users. Image Viewer is a software for viewing images. This software is a very small program. This software only has basic functions. This can be translated by users of the Tatoeba project. L'informatica ha fatto dei rapidi progressi nel nostro paese. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Va fer un gran badall. He gave a big yawn! He made a big yawn. Abriram uma trilha na mata fechada. They cut out a path through thick jungle. They opened a trail in the closed woods. Mi padre me pidió que abriera la ventana. My father asked me to open the window. My father asked me to open the window. Tu ne sens pas bon du tout. You don't smell good at all. You don't feel good at all. Avrebbe dovuto invitarla. He should've invited her. He should have invited her. Nous allons devoir reporter la réunion. We will have to postpone the meeting. We're going to have to postpone the meeting. Va chez toi, maintenant. Go home now. Go home now. Tom pleure souvent quand il est ivre. Tom often cries when he's drunk. Tom often weeps when he's drunk. Lei guarda dei film? Do you watch movies? You watch movies? ¡Que actuación tan extraordinaria! What a remarkable performance! What an extraordinary performance! La noia que toca el piano és ma germana. The girl that plays the piano is my sister. The girl playing the piano is my sister. Quiero otra cerveza. I'd like another beer. I want another beer. Tom vive di fianco a una chiesa. Tom lives next to a church. Tom lives next to a church. C'est la honte. It's a disgrace. It's a shame. ¿Cómo convierto de millas a kilómetros? How do I convert miles to kilometers? How do I convert miles to miles? Qual é a sua cor favorita? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite color? C'est drôle. It's funny. That's funny. Por que vocês estão fazendo isso com elas? Why are you doing this to them? Why are you doing this to them? Sempre lave as toalhas novas antes de usá-las para remover o tamanho. Always wash new towels before you use them to remove the sizing. Always wash new towels before using them to remove the size. Todos ustedes acaban de perder el juego. You all just lost the game. All of you just lost the game. Ils m'ont dit qu'ils ont trouvé quelque chose. They told me that they found something. They told me they found something. Quante contee ci sono in Florida? How many counties are there in Florida? How many counts are there in Florida? Mancherà a tutti noi. We'll all miss you. He'll miss all of us. Aprirai la porta? Will you open the door? Will you open the door? Não se pode julgar um livro pela capa. You can't judge a book by its cover. You can't judge a book by the cover. Non tornerò mai a Boston. I'll never go back to Boston. I'm never going back to Boston. Le produit de deux nombres négatifs est positif. The product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is positive. Tom teve de esperar. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Voy a visitar a mi tío la semana que viene. I'll visit my uncle next week. I'm going to visit my uncle next week. Tom starà bene, giusto? Tom is going to be OK, right? Tom's gonna be okay, right? Tu auto es veloz. Your car is fast. Your car is fast. C'est trop gros. It's too big. It's too big. Este é o CD do meu filho. This is my son's CD. This is my son's CD. Por fin, llegamos al lago. We finally got to the lake. At last, we got to the lake. Tom sembrava assonnato. Tom looked drowsy. Tom seemed sleepy. Annuii, ma non mi mossi. I nodded, but did not move. Annuii, but don't move me. Atunci când pisica ei a murit, Diana a suferit o cădere nervoasă. When her cat died, Diana went to pieces. When her cat died, Diana suffered a nervous breakdown. Bienveníu. Welcome. Welcome. Posso vedere la lista dei vini? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine list? O medicamento ainda está sendo testado. The medication is still being tested. The medicine is still being tested. Quale compositore vi piace di più? Which of the composers do you like best? Which composer do you like the most? Îmi place casa lor. I like their house. I like their house. Lui non lo utilizza. He doesn't use it. He doesn't use it. I n' a fok k' èn oxhea d' tchey dvins l' cervele di s' tiesse. He hasn't got much upstairs. There's only one zey hint inside the brain of a zebra. Te-am auzit. I heard you. I heard you. Mary não agrada a Tom. Tom doesn't like Mary. Mary doesn't like Tom. Ei își pot termina temele după cină. They can finish their homework after dinner. They can finish their homework after dinner. Comment s'appelle-t-elle ? What's her name? What's her name? Ceea ce ne definește este modul în care ne ridicăm după ce cădem. What defines us is how well we arise after falling. What defines us is how we get up after we fall. Tom quería despedir a Mary, pero John se lo impidió. Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him. Tom wanted to say goodbye to Mary, but John prevented him. A fost fascinant. It was mesmerizing. It was fascinating. Prends autant de temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as much time as you want. Esse é um carro importado da Alemanha. This is a car imported from Germany. This is an imported car from Germany. Tom provavelmente sabe que Mary gosta dele. Tom probably knows that Mary likes him. Tom probably knows Mary likes him. Tom ha guardato attraverso il foro nella parete. Tom looked through the hole in the wall. Tom looked through the hole in the wall. Tom non è solamente il mio capo. È anche mio amico. Tom isn't just my boss. He's my friend, too. Tom's not just my boss, he's my friend, too. Eu emprestei dinheiro a Mary para pagar o aluguel deste mês. I lent Mary the money to pay this month's rent. I lent money to Mary to pay this month's rent. Não sou estudante. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Tom e Mary se apaixonarаm no momento em que se encontraram. Tom and Mary fell in love the moment their eyes met. Tom and Mary fell in love the moment they met. Est-ce que je jure trop ? Do I curse too much? Do I swear too much? A l'é pront adess. He's ready now. It's ready for you. Tom e Mary stanno scherzando? Are Tom and Mary kidding? Tom and Mary are kidding? Por que tu vieste aqui hoje? Why did you come here today? Why did you come here today? Un rayo es un fenómeno eléctrico. Lightning is an electrical phenomenon. Lightning is an electric phenomenon. Spero che Tom stesse scherzando. I hope Tom was kidding. I hope Tom was joking. "N’est-ce pas que cet homme est des moins ordinaires ?" "Ah ! c’est le plus exquis des êtres sublunaires !" "Don't you agree that this man is one of the least ordinary men?" "Oh! He's the most exquisite of earthly beings!" "Isn't this man the least ordinary?" "Ah, he's the most exquisite of sublunar beings!" Non vi fidate di me? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? Există oameni atât de flămânzi în lume, încât Dumnezeu nu le poate apărea decât sub formă de pâine. There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. There are people so hungry in the world that God can appear to them only in the form of bread. Tom a dit qu'il essayerait. Tom said he would try. Tom said he'd try. Tutto è rovinato. Everything's ruined. Everything is ruined. El mes pasado este programa costaba el doble de lo que cuesta hoy. Last month this program cost double what it costs today. Last month this program cost twice as much as it costs today. Cientos de admiradores están esperando a la cantante. Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer. Hundreds of fans are waiting for the singer. Eso duele. That hurts. That hurts. Ninguém conseguiu resolver o problema. No one could solve the problem. No one was able to solve the problem. Este trabajo no es necesariamente fácil. This work is not necessarily easy. This job is not necessarily easy. Doblamos la bandera después del festival. We fold the flag after the festival. We doubled the flag after the festival. Tomás dijo que no había visto nada. Tom said he saw nothing. Thomas said he had not seen anything. El libro me pareció muy interesante. I found the book very interesting. The book seemed very interesting to me. É um detalhe. It's a detail. It's a detail. Je l'ai vu avec vous. I saw him with you. I saw him with you. No puedo permitirme aceptar tu oferta. I cannot bring myself to accept your offer. I can't afford to accept your offer. בﬞיאו איל ליאון בלאנקו. I see the white lion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom non ci ha dato nulla. Tom didn't give us anything. Tom didn't give us anything. Não quero descer ao nível dele. I don't want to stoop to his level. I don't want to go down to his level. On suggère que la réunion soit avancée. It is suggested that the meeting be preponed. It is suggested that the meeting be advanced. O povo tem medo da guerra. The people fear war. The people are afraid of war. Deja de jugar cerca del cristal. Don't play around with the glass. Stop playing around the crystal. Lei non ha ancora lavato i piatti? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? You haven't washed the dishes yet? Ho ricevuto una chiamata da lei. I got a call from her. I got a call from you. Mi padre se opuso a que fuera al concierto. My father disapproved of my going to the concert. My father opposed it to the concert. Esta sala es mi dormitorio, y la otra es mi oficina. This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office. This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office. Perché non indossa più quel cappello? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? No conozco a ninguno de ellos. I do not know any of them. I don't know any of them. Acho que sou uma escritora muito boa. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. Voglio unirmi a te. I want to join you. I want to join you. Eu quero que você vá comigo. I want you to go with me. I want you to go with me. I-a cumpărat un pulover. She bought him a sweater. He bought her a sweater. Eres mejor que yo. You're better than me. You're better than me. Tom faz isso. Tom does that. Tom does that. Je m'appelle Stéphane. My name is Stephen. My name is Stéphane. A música deve acender chamas no coração do homem, e trazer lágrimas aos olhos da mulher. Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman. Music should light up flames in the man's heart, and bring tears in the woman's eyes. Le è piaciuto? Did you enjoy that? Did you like it? Você não tem nada a dizer? You don't have anything to say about it, do you? You don't have anything to say? Ridică-te și te prezintă-te, te rog. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself, please. Nous sortons manger vendredi. We're going out for a meal on Friday. We're going out for dinner Friday. Tom știa că aveam dreptate. Tom knew I was right. Tom knew I was right. Não fique com medo. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Uită de asta. Este un lucru de nimic. Forget about it. It's such a small thing. Forget it, it's nothing. Tom non mi dirà quando è nato. Tom won't tell me when he was born. Tom won't tell me when he's born. Você nem sequer conhece Tom. You don't even know Tom. You don't even know Tom. Você é nojento! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! É uma peça histórica. It is an historical play. It's a historic piece. Eu gostaria de saber mais. I'd like to know more. I'd like to know more. Est-il vraiment possible de procéder à une transplantation de cerveau ? Is it really possible to do a brain transplant? Is it really possible to have a brain transplant? Tom luă unul pentru echipă. Tom took one for the team. Tom's taking one for the team. Il critiqua la guerre après avoir quitté les armes. He criticized the war after leaving the military. He criticized the war after leaving the weapons. Je délivrai mon discours, préparé avec attention. I gave my carefully prepared speech. I will deliver my speech, prepared with attention. Ela contou a Tony. She told Tony. She told Tony. Încântat de cunoștință, domnule Zhang. Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang. Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhang. Tom è fortunato. Tom's lucky. Tom's lucky. Abbottonati la camicia. Button up your shirt. Put your shirt down. Ele me emprestou 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. O filho do Tom está doente. Tom's son is sick. Tom's son is sick. Nu este asta minunat? Isn't this great? Isn't that wonderful? Debe haber algo mal con el motor. There must be something wrong with the engine. There must be something wrong with the engine. Tom y María no son tan listos como parecen. Tom and Mary aren't as smart as they seem. Tom and Mary are not as smart as they seem. No creo que salgan estas manchas de tinta. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink spots are coming out. Scuzați-mă, permiteți-mi să subliniez trei erori din articolul de mai sus. Excuse me; allow me to point out three errors in the above article. Excuse me, allow me to point out three errors in the article above. Sí! Yes! Yes! Existen 340 especies de colibrís. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. El niño entró corriendo a la habitación. The boy came running into the room. The boy ran into the room. Creí haberte oído. I thought I heard you. I thought I heard you. S-a înfăşurat în pătură. She wrapped herself in a blanket. He's wrapped up in the blanket. Cosa sta disegnando? What are you drawing? What are you drawing? Voi avete avuto una cotta per me? You had a crush on me? You guys had a crush on me? M'agradaré qu'estosse ací adara. I wish he were here now. I'll be glad they're here by now. Tom est aussi actif qu'une abeille. Tom is as busy as a bee. Tom is as active as a bee. Você parece europeu. You look European. You look European. A los niños no les gustó la película. The children didn't like the film. The kids didn't like the movie. Astăzi sunt on-line. Today I'm online. I'm online today. Sisplau, lleva't els mitjons. Take off your socks, please. Please, take your socks off. Isso levaria à produção de mais dióxido de carbono, o principal gás responsável pelo aquecimento global. That would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. This would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. É improvável que o Tom queira ir. Tom is unlikely to want to go. It's unlikely Tom would want to go. Tom est un ami proche. Tom is a close friend of mine. Tom's a close friend. Eu apoiei-te e tu ignoraste-me. I stood up for you and you ignored me. I supported you and you ignored me. Las nubes son grises. The clouds are gray. The clouds are gray. Mo dal cafè, p'piasée. More coffee, please. It's from the coffee, please. Lo dovremmo chiamare. We should call him. We should call him. À quelle distance de Hakata sommes-nous ? How far is it from here to Hakata? How far away are we from Hakata? L'air est un mélange de gaz que nous ne pouvons pas voir. Air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see. The air is a mixture of gas that we can't see. Ho dovuto arrestarli. I had to arrest them. I had to arrest them. Por que está tão calor? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Una poderosa corriente descendente causó que el avión cayera en picado. A powerful downdraft sent the plane plunging. A powerful downward current caused the plane to fall into sting. Qui le trouve peut le garder. Finders keepers. Whoever finds it can keep it. Copia esto, por favor. Copy this, please. Copy this, please. Dov'è vostro fratello? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Aquí los errores son el alma del diálogo. Here, mistakes are the soul of dialogue. Here mistakes are the soul of dialogue. Je ne me suis pas sentie si heureuse depuis longtemps. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Nous n'avons rien à boire. We have nothing to drink. We have nothing to drink. Aimes-tu ta mère ? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? ¿Qué habéis hecho? What've you done? What have you done? S'il te plaît, mange un peu de gâteau ! Please eat some cake. Please, eat some cake! J'ai entendu dire qu'en Angleterre l'herbe était verte même en hiver. I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England. I heard that in England the grass was green even in winter. Je pensais que vous étiez intelligentes. I thought you were smart. I thought you were smart. Vocês são ricas. You're wealthy. You're rich. ¿Alguna vez has salido en televisión? Have you ever been on TV? Have you ever been on television? Preguntó por ti anoche. He asked after you last night. He asked for you last night. Essa velha tradição desapareceu. That old tradition has disappeared. That old tradition has disappeared. Preneu aquest medicament abans de cada àpat. Take this medicine before each meal. Take this medicine before each meal. Ouvi isso. I've heard that. I heard that. Am încercat să spar uşa, dar am descoperit că e imposibil. I tried to break down the door, but I found out that it is impossible. I tried to break through the door, but I discovered it was impossible. Você acredita em magia? Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in magic? Il y a probablement eu une erreur. There has probably been a mistake. There's probably been a mistake. Elle a davantage besoin de lui que lui d'elle. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than she needs hers. A medida que uno envejece, el sueño se vuelve más liviano. As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper. As you age, the dream becomes lighter. No le llega agua al tanque. He's stupid. There's no water in the tank. Tom no quiere perderte. Tom doesn't want to lose you. Tom won't lose you. Il a été blessé pendant la bataille. He was wounded in the fight. He was wounded during the battle. Facciamola per lei. Let's do it for her. Let's do it for her. « Vous êtes enseignant ? » « Oui, c'est cela. » "Are you a teacher?" "So I am." "Are you teaching?" "Yes, that's it." Cânta bine când era copil. She could sing well when she was a child. He was a good song when he was a kid. Sempre que eu te vejo, penso no meu irmão mais novo. Whenever I see you, I always think of my younger brother. Whenever I see you, I think of my younger brother. Lo sueus ne m'agradan pas. I don't like eggs. I don't like yours. Non mi tratti come un bambino. Don't treat me like a child. Don't treat me like a child. Ela abre a janela. She opens the window. She opens the window. Eu moro e trabalho na Austrália. I live and work in Australia. I live and work in Australia. Hanno cantato tutti in coro. They all sang in chorus. They all sang in choir. Tom está golpeando la puerta principal. Tom is banging on the front door. Tom's hitting the front door. Nous croyons que c'est possible. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Todavía es demasiado pronto. It is still too early. It's still too soon. Il jette généralement un œil au journal avant le petit-déjeuner. He usually looks through the newspapers before breakfast. He usually glances at the newspaper before breakfast. Mă simt fericită când sunt cu tine. I feel happy when I'm with you. I feel happy when I'm with you. Benvenuta nella sua nuova casa. Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home. De acordo com a internet, coisas extraordinárias são consideradas interessantes. According to the internet, extraordinary things are thought to be interesting. According to the internet, extraordinary things are considered interesting. Eu não permitirei que você use a minha caneta. I will not allow you to use my pen. I won't let you use my pen. Não achei que ficaria com medo. I didn't think I'd be scared. I didn't think I'd be afraid. O ofertă ca aceea nu e de refuzat. An offer like that is not to be refused. An offer like that is not to be refused. Necesito algunas cajas de cartón para empacar mis pertenencias. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my possessions. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my belongings. C'est un bon garçon et il est très fort. He is a good boy, and he is very strong. He's a good boy and he's very strong. Ce preferi să bei atunci când se face frig? What's your favorite cold weather drink? What do you prefer to drink when it's cold? Si tienes preguntas, no dudes en levantar la voz. If you have questions, don't hesitate to jump in. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to raise your voice. Dji pou rintrer? Might I come in? Can I go home? Tom non vuole che lei lo faccia. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Tom doesn't want her to. Eso es terrible. That's terrible. That's terrible. O Tom ajudou a apagar o fogo. Tom helped to extinguish the fire. Tom helped put out the fire. Buena tardi! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Prega per noi. Pray for us. Pray for us. Comment se sent-on d'être toujours suivi par un entourage ? What does it feel like to always have people following you around? How does it feel to be always followed by an entourage? Tom i-a lăsat ceva mâncare lui Mary. Tom left some food for Mary. Tom left Mary some food. Un amigo en la necesidad es un amigo de verdad. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend in need is a true friend. Tom murió la noche del día en que él y Mary se casaron. Tom died in the evening of the day he and Mary got married. Tom died the night he and Mary got married. Quanto tempo você acha que levará? How long do you think it will take? How long do you think it'll take? As lìber-sì a l'é 'd mè pare. This book is my father's. It's right there at the same time as my dad. Vous êtes en état d'arrestation ! You're under arrest! You're under arrest! Parte da ilha ficou devastada pelas ondas gigantes. A portion of the island was destroyed by the massive waves. Part of the island was devastated by giant waves. Suona il piano senza errori. He plays the piano without mistakes. Play the plan without mistakes. Yo so moendiz. I am an engineer. I'm moendiz. Sur les arbres, les feuilles sont devenues rouges. The leaves on trees have turned red. On the trees, the leaves became red. J'irai si vous allez. I will go if you go. I'll go if you go. Os olhos de todos estavam travados nas telas. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screens. Everyone's eyes were locked on the screens. J'aimerais essayer de le faire sans votre aide. I'd like to try doing this without your help. I'd like to try to do it without your help. Tienes que dejar de decir eso. You need to stop saying that. You have to stop saying that. Voi non sembravate sicuri. You didn't seem certain. You didn't seem safe. Si Dieu avait ordonné un onzième commandement, je me demande ce que ça aurait été. If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been. If God had ordered an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been. Atualmente, os incêndios são menos temidos do que eram antigamente, pois cada vez mais casas são feitas de concreto e casas de concreto não queimam tão facilmente como as antigas casas de madeira. Fires are less frightening today than they once were, because more and more houses are built of concrete, and concrete houses do not burn as easily as the old wooden ones. Today, fires are less feared than they were once, because more and more houses are made of concrete and concrete houses do not burn as easily as old wooden houses. Cet accident est survenu à cause de ma négligence. The accident came about through my carelessness. This accident happened because of my negligence. Por que os senhores nunca me revelaram? Why didn't you ever tell me? Why have you never revealed me? Ningú està treballant. Tots estan veient la Copa del Món. Nobody's working; they're all watching the World Cup. No one's working, they're all seeing the World Cup. Je pensais que c'était bon. I thought it was good. I thought it was good. Ninguém foi comigo. Nobody went with me. Nobody went with me. Siete sbronze? Are you drunk? Are you drunk? Quem vem comigo? Who's going with me? Who's coming with me? Ea l-a forțat să-și facă curat în cameră. She made him clean his room. She forced him to clean up in the room. El Dio ke vos mate a ambos! Fuck both of you! The ke God kills you both! Ja no t'estimo. I don't love you anymore. I don't love you anymore. Merda! Shit. Shit! Sono sicura di poterle trovare. I'm sure I can find them. I'm sure I can find them. Tom riesce a fare molte cose che io non riesco a fare. Tom can do a lot of things that I can't do. Tom can do a lot of things I can't do. Com estàs, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Qual é a diferença entre "make" e "do" em inglês? What is the difference between "make" and "do" in English? What is the difference between "make" and "do" in English? Su debut fue el evento social más grande de la temporada. Her debut was the biggest social event of the season. His debut was the biggest social event of the season. Chi ha messo questo foglio qui? Who put this paper here? Who put this sheet here? Dite loro di non parlare con nessuno. Tell them not to talk to anyone. Tell them not to talk to anyone. Nu sunt american. I'm not an American. I'm not an American. Sto provando a cercare la persona che ha fatto questo. I'm trying to find the person who did this. I'm trying to find the person who did this. No, non sono arrabbiata con lei, sono solo delusa. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. No, I'm not mad at her, I'm just disappointed. Ela jogou basquete. She played basketball. She played basketball. איל איבריאו אי איל פﬞיניסיו סון לינגואס קאנאניטאס. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eu nunca mentiria para eles. I would never lie to them. I would never lie to them. Gli amanti incisero sulla corteccia della quercia le loro iniziali. The lovers engraved the oak tree with their initials. Lovers carved their initials on the bark of oak. Facciamo una passeggiata. Let's take a walk. Let's take a walk. Il a été envoyé à l'étranger en tant que correspondant. He was sent abroad as a correspondent. He was sent abroad as a correspondent. ¿Estás listo para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? Eu preciso falar com o Tom. I need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. La dehesa está llena de mala hierba. The pasture is full of weeds. The goddess is full of weeds. Io vedo un leone bianco. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Ei, aonde vai? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? Je veux le partager avec toi. I want to share it with you. I want to share it with you. Ascoltatela! Listen to her! Listen to her! ¡Ven conmigo! Come with me! Come with me! Tom lavó el carro. Tom washed the car. Tom washed the wagon. Potrebbe farmi vedere come usare questa pompa? Could you show me how to use this pump? Could you show me how to use this pump? Tom disse a Mary che era pazza. Tom told Mary that she was crazy. Tom told Mary she was crazy. Ditemi perché Tom non è qui. Tell me why Tom isn't here. Tell me why Tom isn't here. ¿Los niños van al colegio? Do the children go to school? The kids go to school? Sou professor ainda. I'm still a teacher. I'm still a teacher. Posso beber um pouco de água? Can I have some water? Can I have some water? Io sono sua sorella. I'm your sister. I'm his sister. Quantos anos tem esse violão? How old is this guitar? How old is that guitar? Je n'ai pas pu dormir à cause du bruit. I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. Je vois que vous êtes prêts. I see you are ready. I see you're ready. Pretendo comer assim que sair do trabalho. I plan to eat as soon as I get off work. I intend to eat as soon as I get out of work. Se reconoce a un árbol por sus frutos. A tree is known by its fruits. A tree is recognized for its fruits. No entenc aquella pregunta. I don't understand that question. I don't understand that question. Tom está indo bem na escola. Tom is doing well in school. Tom's doing good at school. Je suis un bleu. Descends-moi ! I'm a noob, shoot me. I'm a blue man. Voglio vederla adesso. I want to see you now. I want to see her now. Când s-a terminat? When did it end? When did it end? Marie a amené sa fille au travail. Mary brought her daughter to work. Marie brought her daughter to work. Mira, estoy muy ocupado. Look, I'm really busy. Look, I'm very busy. Curta! Enjoy yourself! Short! El ebreo i el fenisio son linguas kananitas. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. The Jew and the Phoenician are kananite languages. Être beau a aussi son revers. Being handsome also has its downside. Being beautiful also has its back. Los soldados estaban dispuestos a morir por su país. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. Soldiers were willing to die for their country. Devo contattare Tom. I must contact Tom. I need to contact Tom. A chuva cessou. The rain has let up. The rain stopped. Como se atrevem? How dare you? How dare they? Tendono tutti ad essere pigri. Everybody tends to be lazy. They all tend to be lazy. Mi esposa ama el pastel de manzana. My wife loves apple pie. My wife loves apple pie. Tom fez o trabalho atual. Tom did the actual work. Tom did the present job. לה מאנסאנה איס אמארײאה. The apple is yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nous entendîmes quelque chose bouger dans la pièce d'à côté. We heard something moving in the next room. We heard something moving in the room next door. Aos poucos, a minha avó ficava esquecida e fraca. My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. Gradually, my grandmother was forgotten and weak. Esta palabra no se usa comúnmente. This word is not in common use. This word is not commonly used. No entiendo vuestra pregunta. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Va bene se vuoi. It's okay if you want to. It's okay if you want to. Tom a plecat din Boston. Tom left Boston. Tom left Boston. Mary sta allattando al seno il suo bebè. Mary is breast-feeding her baby. Mary is breast-feeding her baby. Ninguém ficou ferido. Nobody was injured. Nobody got hurt. Quante auto hai? How many cars do you have? How many cars are there? Debo encargar un nuevo traje a medida. I must get a new suit made. I have to order a new custom suit. Tom est considéré comme le candidat ayant le plus de chances de l'emporter. Tom is considered the candidate with the best chance of winning. Tom is considered to be the most likely candidate to take over. Care este numele tău? What's your name, please? What's your name? L'inglese è una lingua difficile da imparare. English is a hard language to learn. English is a difficult language to learn. Allumes ton cerveau ! Turn on your brain! Light your brain! È aperto? Is it open? Is it open? Era obişnuită să trăiască dintr-un venit modest. She was used to living on a small income. She was used to living out of a modest income. Layla escuchó cerrarse violentamente la puerta. Layla heared the door slam. Layla heard the door shut violently. La conosci, penso. You know her, I think. You know her, I think. Tu hai paura di dormire, vero? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? Asemănarea este destul de vagă. The similarity is pretty vague. The resemblance is pretty vague. Il vous faut choisir votre propre destin. You have to choose your own destiny. You must choose your own destiny. Estaba a tratar de matar o tempo. I was trying to kill time. I was trying to kill time. És Tòquio. It's Tokyo. It's Tokyo. Solía haber un pequeño santuario por aquí. There used to be a small shrine around here. There used to be a little shrine around here. Ho solo bisogno di un abbraccio. I just need a hug. I just need a hug. Tom dice di avere baciato Mary. Tom says he kissed Mary. Tom says he kissed Mary. Cred că am înţeles. I think I understood. I think I got it. El este insuportabil. He is insufferable. He's unbearable. Lo fraire escriu. The brother is writing. The friar writes. Meu marido está de bom humor hoje. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband's in a good mood today. Sóc feliç amb la meva xicota. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Le è piaciuto il film? Did you like the movie? Did you like the movie? A conversa está ficando seca. The conversation is drying up. The conversation is getting dry. Não consigo lembrar a última vez que tive um encontro. I can't remember the last time I had a date. I can't remember the last time I had a date. Ella prepara exquisitos platos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. She makes excellent meals in the blink of an eye. She prepares exquisite dishes in an open and close eyes. J'ai beaucoup de choses à faire ce soir. I have a great deal to do tonight. I have a lot to do tonight. No, el gato no es chiko. No, the cat isn't small. No, the cat's not chiko. No bevem. We don't drink. Let's not drink. Tom está un poco preocupado por Mary. Tom is a little concerned about Mary. Tom's a little worried about Mary. Je travaille comme maîtresse d'école. I work as a teacher. I work as a school teacher. Está tudo bem; obrigada. It's OK, thanks. It's all right, thank you. O cachorro está sem vida. The dog is dead. The puppy is lifeless. Devo ricordarmi di comprare quel libro domani. I must remember to buy that book tomorrow. I have to remember to buy that book tomorrow. Tom traversa la pièce et ouvrit la fenêtre. Tom walked across the room and opened the window. Tom crossed the room and opened the window. J'aime faire de la traduction. I like translating. I like to do translation. Io non li introduco. I don't introduce them. I don't introduce them. Lo sanno tutti chi sei. Everybody knows who you are. Everyone knows who you are. O papel queima rapidamente. Paper burns quickly. The paper burns quickly. Yo no quiero que Tom se enoje. I don't want Tom to get angry. I don't want Tom to get angry. Ti-aș oferi o cafea dacă ai timp. I would offer you a coffee if you had the time. I'd give you a coffee if you had the time. Eu fiz uma aposta. I made a bet. I made a bet. C'est tel que je l'espérais. That's what I expected it to be like. That's what I was hoping for. Él posee esta tierra. He owns this land. He owns this land. Por favor, fale um pouco mais devagar, Tom. Please speak a little slower, Tom. Please talk a little slower, Tom. Quizás ella no se acuerda de mi cumpleaños. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe she doesn't remember my birthday. Mă întreb de ce femeile trăiesc mai mult decât bărbații. I wonder why women outlive men. I wonder why women live longer than men. Tom ha tutto quello di cui ha bisogno. Tom has everything he needs. Tom has everything he needs. Io ho molto altro da imparare. I've got a lot more to learn. I have much more to learn. Je n'arrive pas à croire que nous vivions vraiment ici. I can't believe we're really living here. I can't believe we really live here. Tom a fost prins furând din magazin. Tom was caught shoplifting. Tom was caught stealing from the store. Am câștigat? Did we win? Did I win? Este es mi hijo. This is my son. This is my son. Ho vissuto in Australia per qualche anno. I lived in Australia for a few years. I lived in Australia for a few years. Toutes les trois furent tuées. All three were killed. All three were killed. Je me réjouis de vous voir danser. I'm looking forward to seeing you dance. I'm glad to see you dance. Ignoralos. Ignore them. Ignore them. Eso es confuso. That's confusing. That's confusing. ¡Dispará! Shoot! Shoot! Certaines personnes disent que le Japon est une société dominée par la gent masculine. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Some people say Japan is a male-dominated society. Papà guardò la mamma timidamente. Dad looked at Mom shyly. Dad looked at Mom shyly. María mintió acerca de su edad. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. É melhor você começar o mais rápido possível. You'd better start as soon as possible. You'd better get started as soon as possible. Sujétalo mientras tu mujer llama a la policía. Keep hold of him while your wife calls the police. Hold him while your wife calls the police. Sunt curios. I am curious. I'm curious. És tot el que pots fer. It's all you can really do. That's all you can do. Continua a guidare. Drive on. Keep driving. Você fará o que eu disser. You'll do whatever I say. You'll do as I say. Desculpe. Não pretendi fazê-lo. I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Dime se encontraches mozo. Tell me if you find a new boyfriend. Tell me if you've found a boy. Je pense que Tom nous regarde. I think Tom is looking at us. I think Tom's watching us. O relator golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The rapporteur hit the table with his fist. Ellos corrieron desnudos por las calles. They ran through the streets naked. They ran naked through the streets. Tom cre que Mary ten máis de corenta. Tom thinks Mary is over forty. Tom believed Mary had more than forty. Los dos queremos a Tom. We both love Tom. We both love Tom. În general, bărbaţii sunt mai înalţi decât femeile. Generally, men are taller than women. In general, men are higher than women. Tom pierde vremea. Tom is wasting time. Tom was wasting his time. Je suis chanceux de vous avoir comme amie. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. Tom fa un bagno almeno tre volte a settimana. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. J'ai encore dû lui repasser ses chemises ! C'est la dernière fois ! I had to iron his shirts again! It's the last time! I had to get her shirts back to her again! Cuando miro esta foto me acuerdo de mi familia. When I look of this photo I remember my family. When I look at this picture, I remember my family. Ha dei forti principi. He has strong principles. He has strong principles. Tom e eu frequentemente estudamos juntos. Tom and I frequently study together. Tom and I often study together. Tom vide che Mary era profondamente addormentata sull'amaca. Tom saw that Mary was fast asleep in the hammock. Tom saw that Mary was deeply asleep on the hammock. Non le troverà a questo prezzo altrove a Boston. You won't find them at this price anywhere else in Boston. You won't find them at this price elsewhere in Boston. Nu este nici o cale să-l învingi pe Tom. There's no way to defeat Tom. There's no way you could beat Tom. I vostri vestiti sono sporchi. Your clothes are filthy. Your clothes are dirty. Se spune că șerpii hipnotizează animalele și păsările mici. Snakes are said to mesmerize small animals and birds. They say snakes hypnotize animals and small birds. Lei è la più alta. You're the tallest one. She's the tallest. Il a essayé de retenir sa colère. He tried to restrain his anger. He tried to hold on to his anger. Qu'il soit d'accord ou pas, nous ne changerons pas nos plans. Whether he agrees or not, we won't change our plans. Whether he agrees or not, we won't change our plans. De qualquer maneira, já te perdoei por completo. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. Anyway, I've forgiven you completely. Lo llamé al llegar a Tokio. On arriving in Tokyo, I called him up. I called him when I got to Tokyo. Tom comprou três pares de sapatos. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Io non sto vendendo nulla. I'm not selling anything. I'm not selling anything. En tant que première de sa classe, c'est elle qui prononça le discours de fin d'études. She was the valedictorian of her class. As the first of her class, she delivered the end-of-study speech. Ela não fala nosso idioma. She does not speak our language. She doesn't speak our language. Per favore, di' a Tom che sono qui. Please tell Tom I'm here. Please tell Tom I'm here. Diz Tom que nun se arrepiente de res. Tom says he doesn't have any regrets. Tom says don't be sorry for anything. Non sa cos'è questo? Don't you know what this is? Don't you know what this is? Tom si è svegliato sentendosi burbero. Tom woke up feeling grumpy. Tom woke up feeling wet. La Terra ha la forma di un'arancia. The earth is shaped like an orange. The Earth has the form of an orange. Je t'ai sauvé. I saved you. I saved you. Acho que há uma boa possibilidade disso acontecer. I think there's a good possibility that that will happen. I think there's a good chance of that happening. Tom ar fi fost furios. Tom would've been mad. Tom would have been angry. Tu n'as certainement pas la bonne nature de ta mère. You definitely don't have the good nature of your mother. You certainly don't have the right nature of your mother. Dacă soarele s-ar stinge, toate vieţuitoarele ar muri. If the sun were to go out, all living things would die. If the sun went out, all the lives would die. Lo podéis poner ahí. You can put it there. You can put it there. Solo quiero leer. I just want to read. I just want to read. Tom nada a cada jorn. Tom goes swimming every day. Tom did nothing every day. Eu nunca saio. I never go out. I never go out. Ella no puede estar en este hotel, porque ella regresó a Canadá. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be in this hotel, because she's back in Canada. Fumou durante todo o tempo. He kept on smoking all the time. He smoked all the time. Eu poderia te perguntar uma coisa? May I ask you something? Could I ask you something? ¿Usted ha estado alguna vez en Kobe? Have you ever been to Kobe? Have you ever been to Kobe? Algunos cuestionarían la veracidad de tales rumores. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some would question the truthfulness of such rumors. Déjame dormir. Just let me sleep. Let me sleep. Combien mesures-tu et combien pèses-tu ? How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? How much do you measure and how much do you weigh? Tolos hombris nacin libris i egualis en digniá i derechus i, comu gastan razón i concéncia, ebin comportal-se comu hermanus los unus conos otrus. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born books and equal in dignity and right, and, as they spend reason and conscience, they behave like hermanus the one with the other. Yo debo verlo. I must see it. I must see him. Le darò trenta dollari per quella. I'll give you thirty dollars for that. I'll give you $30 for that. De quel niveau sont les dommages ? How bad is the damage? What level are the damage? El teléfono dejó de funcionar. The phone stopped working. The phone stopped working. È molto vicino. It is very near. It's very close. O profesor Smith é recoñecido por ser un dos máis grandes eruditos da filoloxía inglesa. Professor Smith is recognized to be one of the greatest scholars in English philology. Professor Smith is recognized for being one of the greatest scholars in English philosophy. Sono molto preoccupata. I'm very worried. I'm very worried. Hanno tenuto per sé stessi che il re era morto. They kept it to themselves that the king was dead. They kept for themselves that the king was dead. Opinia ta este similară cu a mea. Your opinion is similar to mine. Your opinion is similar to mine. Tom a fait ses devoirs. Tom has done his homework. Tom did his homework. Tom e Maria estão na biblioteca. Tom and Mary are in the library. Tom and Maria are in the library. Je veux y retourner. I want to go there once again. I want to go back. Tom me disse que queria mudar seu nome. Tom told me he wanted to change his name. Tom told me he wanted to change his name. Le spiagge italiane sono affollate d'estate. Italy's beaches are crowded in the summer. The Italian beaches are crowded in summer. Esto va a ser complicado. This is going to be complicated. This is going to be complicated. Você vem quando? When will you come? When are you coming? Chaque printemps, la glace de l'hiver fond dans les ruisseaux, les rivières et les lacs. Every spring, the winter ice melts into the streams and rivers and lakes. Every spring, the deep winter ice in streams, rivers and lakes. Como Tom fez isto? How did Tom do this? How did Tom do this? Moins une ! Nice timing. Less than one! Lequel des livres n'as-tu pas encore lu ? Which of the books have not you read yet? Which books haven't you read yet? L'instrument de soin des cheveux le plus ancien est le peigne, inventé il y a plus de 5000 ans en Perse. The oldest haircare tool is the comb, invented more than 5000 years ago in Persia. The oldest hair care instrument is the comb, invented over 5000 years ago in Persia. Nu sunt pentru tine. They aren't for you. I'm not for you. Kate no asistió a la reunión. Kate didn't attend the meeting. Kate didn't attend the meeting. Je me sens vraiment mal à ce sujet. I feel really bad about this. I feel really bad about that. C'est personnel. This is personal. It's personal. M'estic dret a l'ombra. I'm standing in the shade. I'm standing in the shade. Él me trata como si yo fuera un extraño. He treats me as if I am a stranger. He treats me like I'm a stranger. Chegando em casa, ele deitou no chão. On arriving home, he laid himself on the floor. Coming home, he lay on the floor. Não faria isso nem por todo o chá da China. I wouldn't do it for all the tea in China. I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China. Nu am de gând să-ți fac ceea ce-mi ceri. I'm not going to do to you what you want me to do. I'm not going to do what you ask. Ella aún sigue viva. She's still alive. She's still alive. Este libro es más pequeño. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. C'est beaucoup à se rappeler. That's a lot to remember. It's a lot to remember. Il peut rester ici pour une nuit, pas davantage. He can stay here for one night, no longer. He can stay here for one night, not more. ¿Quién crees que va ahí? Who do you think goes there? Who do you think goes there? Fais-le nous savoir, je te prie ! Please let us know. Let him know, please! E o muncă foarte, foarte grea. It's very, very hard work. It's a very, very hard job. Hai comprato loro un cane? Did you buy them a dog? You bought them a dog? Lei ha paura della sua stessa ombra. She is afraid of her own shadow. She's afraid of her own shadow. È troppo sensibile alle critiche. You are too sensitive to criticism. He's too sensitive to criticism. Să jucăm o partidă de baseball. Let's play a game of baseball. Let's play a baseball game. Le figlie della mia ragazza si sono iscritte a Facebook. My girlfriend's daughters have joined Facebook. My girlfriend's daughters signed up on Facebook. Ele lamenta o fato de ter desperdiçado seu dinheiro. He regrets his having wasted his money. He regrets the fact that he wasted his money. Ella consiguió gratis el boleto. She got the ticket for free. She got the ticket for free. Tom es un joven y talentoso bailarín. Tom is a young and talented dancer. Tom is a talented young dancer. J'espère que tu vas accepter ma demande. I hope that you'll accept my request. I hope you'll accept my request. Voi volete vivere a Boston? Do you want to live in Boston? You want to live in Boston? Chegamos aqui ontem à noite. We got here last night. We got here last night. Io spero che Maria scriverà presto. I hope that Maria will write soon. I hope Maria will write soon. Eu não tenho sobrinha. I don't have a niece. I don't have a niece. Vi Tom sorrir. I saw Tom smile. I saw Tom smile. Je ne pouvais pas entendre ce qui se passait dans la pièce d'à côté. I couldn't hear what was happening in the next room. I couldn't hear what was going on in the next room. Savez-vous ce qu'elles veulent ? Do you know what they want? Do you know what they want? Disculpe, ¿este tren va a Washington Square? Excuse me, does this train go to Washington Square? Excuse me, is this train going to Washington Square? Je suis citoyen romain. I am a Roman citizen. I'm a Roman citizen. Almeno non sono un perdente come lei. At least I'm not a loser like you. At least I'm not a loser like you. He oído hablar que en Echigo había espíritus hembras de nieve, pero no sé si es verdadero o no. I heard that there were female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know whether it's true or not. I've heard that in Echigo there were female snow spirits, but I don't know whether it's true or not. Il te faut être prudent. You must be cautious. You need to be careful. Essas galinhas põem ovos quase todo dia. Those hens lay eggs almost every day. These chickens lay eggs almost every day. Ils veulent un avocat. They want a lawyer. They want a lawyer. Preţurile vor fi din ce în ce mai mari. The prices are going up higher and higher. The prices will get bigger and bigger. Fără cea mai mică îndoială! Without the slightest doubt! No doubt about it! Ero innamorata di lui una volta. I was in love with him once. I was in love with him once. Tom ha detto che Mary era impegnata. Tom said that Mary was busy. Tom said Mary was busy. Une enquête de police a été ouverte. The police have opened an investigation. A police investigation has been opened. Mi dica immediatamente la verità. Tell me the truth at once. Tell me the truth immediately. Sunt din România. I'm from Romania. I'm from Romania. Si lavi i piedi. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Vi chiamerò dopo pranzo. I'll call you after lunch. I'll call you after lunch. Los padres y adultos castigan a los niños cuando dicen mentiras. Parents and adults punish children when they tell a lie. Parents and adults punish children when they tell lies. Su tío, periodista, escribía en el Folha. Your uncle, a journalist, used to write for the Folha. His uncle, a journalist, wrote in the Folla. Ho sparato a loro. I shot them. I shot them. Para o homem, é tão impossível demonstrar a existência de Deus como seria, até para Sherlock Holmes, demonstrar a existência de Arthur Conan Doyle. It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. For man, it is as impossible to demonstrate the existence of God as it would, even to Sherlock Holmes, to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. Arrêtez de parler comme ça. Stop talking like that. Stop talking like that. M-am gândit la luna noastră de miere. I've been thinking about our honeymoon. I've been thinking about our honeymoon. É a sua única chance. It's his only chance. It's your only chance. Él es mejor que yo para las matemáticas. He is better than me at math. He's better than me for math. Fadil violó a Layla y la abandonó. Fadil raped Layla and abandoned her. Fadil raped Layla and abandoned her. Mi sono fatta un buco nei jeans quando sono caduta dalla bici. I tore a hole in my jeans when I fell off my bike. I made a hole in my jeans when I fell off the bike. Ce fut la meilleure chose qui m'est jamais arrivée. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Tenho muito trabalho a fazer amanhã. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Corije! Run! Corije! Chiar au fost plătiți banii? Was the money actually paid? Did they really pay the money? Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de médecin. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Tomémoslo con calma. Let's take it easy. Let's take it easy. ¡Sálvese quien pueda! Run for your life! Save yourself who can! En cuanto entré a clase, los estudiantes empezaron a hacerme preguntas. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I got into class, the students started asking me questions. Il laissa tomber la tasse, qui se cassa. He dropped the cup and broke it. He drops his tax, I'll close. Moro en Mueva York. I live in New York. I live in Mueva York. A floresta ficou novamente em silêncio. It became quiet again in the forest. The forest was silenced again. En Bob és l'únic de la classe que sap espanyol. Bob is the only one in the class who knows Spanish. Bob's the only one in the class who knows Spanish. Todos los mamíferos tienen siete vértebras cervicales. All mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. All mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. Por favor, dê-me algo para comer. Estou com muita fome. Please give me something to eat. I am so hungry. Please give me something to eat. Aujourd'hui je n'ai pas envie de faire quoi que ce soit. Today I don't feel like doing anything. Today I don't want to do anything. Aceasta este cea mai înaltă schelă pe care am văzut-o vreodată în viața mea. This is the tallest scaffolding I've ever seen in my life. This is the tallest skeleton I've ever seen in my life. Você é famoso? Are you famous? Are you famous? Você tem uma proposta melhor? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you have a better proposal? Fumem-nos aquesta merda! Let's smoke this shit! Let's smoke this shit! Tom non sa che Mary ha mentito. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. Eu não joguei muito bem hoje. I didn't play very well today. I didn't play very well today. Estou bêbado demais para isso agora. I'm too drunk for this now. I'm too drunk for that right now. Mia, no çe femmo descreuve, maniman ne scöxiscian! Look, don't let anyone find us, we will end up being put to shame! Mia, in this woman's description, maniman are scotching! Pourquoi voulez-vous vous suicider ? Why do you want to commit suicide? Why do you want to kill yourself? Semblava pas segura. You didn't seem certain. He didn't seem safe. Es gratis. It's free. It's free. La seconde guerre mondiale n'était pas encore terminée. The Second World War was not yet over. The Second World War was not yet over. Come va questa notte? How're you doing tonight? How's tonight? Mercamos unha mesa redonda. We bought a round table. We bought a round table. Todo o mundo está cantando. Everyone is singing. Everyone's singing. Aș vrea să nu fi spus ceea ce am zis. I wish I could take back what I said. I wish I hadn't said what I said. Tom ci sarà? Is Tom going to be there? Will Tom be there? Je rajoute une phrase d'exemple. I am adding an example sentence. I add an example sentence. Penso che tu sia perfetta. I think you're perfect. I think you're perfect. Tom non ha mai ricevuto un premio. Tom never got an award. Tom never got an award. Sami est le clown de la famille. Sami is the clown of the family. Sami is the family clown. Voy a visitar a un amigo mío que está en el hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend in the hospital. I'm going to visit a friend of mine who's in the hospital. Tom fuma. Tom smokes. Tom smokes. Tom viu algumas espadas interessantes no museu anteontem. Tom saw some interesting swords at the museum the day before yesterday. Tom saw some interesting swords in the museum before. Sus demandas son razonables. He is reasonable in his demands. His demands are reasonable. Eu não gosto de ser julgada. I don't like to be judged. I don't like being judged. Lei deve essere fiero. You must be proud. You must be proud. Ea a mers să-l vadă fără tragere de inimă. She went to see him reluctantly. She went to see him without a heart shot. Prometto che non capiterà ancora. I promise that it won't happen again. I promise you won't understand it yet. Succederà presto. It'll happen soon. It'll happen soon. Vous pouvez partir. You may go. You can go. ¿De dónde has sacado esos zapatos tan raros? Where did you get those strange-looking shoes? Where did you get those weird shoes? Devi finire questo lavoro entro mezzogiorno. You have to get this work finished by noon. You have to finish this job by noon. Nunca estuve ahí. I've never been there. I was never there. ¿Crees que me sobran kilos? Do you think I'm overweight? You think I'm free? Tom era ganancioso. Tom was greedy. Tom was greedy. Perché stai cambiando costantemente le bandiere? Why are you constantly changing flags? Why are you constantly changing flags? Je suis mon propre employeur. I'm my own boss. I'm my own employer. Tùit a savìo che chila a parlava motobin bin l'anglèis. Everybody knew that she spoke very good English. Túit a savìo que chila a parla a parla motobin bin l'anglais. Minha mãe fez algumas roupas novas. My mother made some new clothes. My mom made some new clothes. Passez-moi le marteau. Hand me the hammer. Give me the hammer. Tengo mucho que aprender con vos. I have a lot to learn from you. I have a lot to learn from you. Reste calme. Stay calm. Stay calm. Ninguém vem ao meu país. Nobody comes to my country. Nobody comes to my country. Telstar a fost primul satelit de comunicații din lume. Telstar was the world's first communication satellite. Telstar was the world's first communications satellite. Ayer fue lunes. Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday. Los fumadores son una banda de idiotas. Smokers are a bunch of idiots. Smokers are a bunch of idiots. Fiez-vous juste à moi ! Just trust me. Just trust me! Demostrouse que as pulgas que viven nos cans saltan máis que as que viven nos gatos. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. It has been shown that fleas living in dogs jump more than fleas living in cats. Io ho appena pranzato. I've just had lunch. I just had lunch. Debemos coger esas manzanas altiro, o si no se van a pudrir. We have to pick those apples right now, otherwise they'll decay. We have to pick up those tall apples, or they're not gonna rot. Attrape le ballon. Catch the ball. Grab the ball. No sé de qué Tom está hablando. I don't know what Tom is talking about. I don't know what Tom's talking about. Eso no es relevante. That's not relevant. That's not relevant. Debes hacer buen uso de tu tiempo. You should make good use of your time. You must make good use of your time. Quel âge a ton grand-père ? How old is your grandpa? How old is your grandfather? Mary este fiica lui Tom. Mary is Tom's daughter. Mary is Tom's daughter. Laisse-toi aller ! Loosen up. Let go! So Wang. My name is Wang. So Wang. Me llamu Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. Tom todavía tiene mucho que aprender. Tom still has a lot to learn. Tom still has a lot to learn. Non penso che capiterà. I don't think it'll happen. I don't think he'll understand. Os astros insistem em iluminar as mentes ávidas, e são um guia em meio à escuridão. The planets and the stars insist on illuminating eager minds, being a guide among the darkness. The stars insist on enlightening the avid minds, and they are a guide in the midst of darkness. Quero ser o seu amigo. I want to be her friend. I want to be your friend. Lui sta andando d'accordo con tutti i suoi compagni di classe. He's getting along well with all of his classmates. He's agreeing with all his classmates. Eu am decis să las școala. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. Eu queria dizer oi para o Tom. I wanted to say hello to Tom. I wanted to say hi to Tom. La moneda de Vietnam es el đồng. Su símbolo es el "₫". Vietnam's currency is the đồng. Its symbol is "₫". The currency of Vietnam is the Gong. Its symbol is the "Jong". J'ai cassé la verseuse qui va avec la cafetière. I broke the carafe that goes to the coffee maker. I broke the verse that goes with the coffee maker. O Wikipédia é um site muito útil. Wikipedia is a very useful site. Wikipedia is a very useful website. És una idea brillant. That's a bright idea. That's a brilliant idea. Era dureros de subţire. He was painfully thin. It was painfully thin. Je connais la réponse. I know the answer. I know the answer. O să stau aici pentru câteva zile. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. I sai nèn përchè ch'i dev fé sòn-sì. I don't know why I have to do this. And he knows not that he should do it only. Je veux un nouveau couteau. I want a new knife. I want a new knife. Chiedete a Tom dov'è. Ask Tom where he is. Ask Tom where he is. Cât de mare e casa lui Tom? How big is Tom's house? How big is Tom's house? Acesta este simplu. This is simple. It's simple. Je veux aller nager avec Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. I want to swim with Tom. Tom ne sait pas qu'il est adopté. Tom doesn't know that he's adopted. Tom doesn't know he's adopted. La serviette ne fut pas du tout utile. The towel wasn't at all useful. The towel was not useful at all. Siamo prive di fantasia. We're unimaginative. We're out of fantasy. Elle travaillait du matin au soir. She worked from morning till night. She worked from morning to night. Lui Tom nu-i place să studieze. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom doesn't like studying. Moro en Japon. I live in Japan. I die in Japan. Como é possível que um ser com jóias tão sensíveis quanto os olhos, instrumentos musicais tão encantados quanto os ouvidos e tão fabuloso arabesco de nervos quanto o cérebro sinta que é algo menos que um deus? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? How is it possible that a being with jewels as sensitive as the eyes, musical instruments as enchanted as the ears and as fabulous arabesque nerves as the brain feels that it is something less than a god? Ligarei para ele antes de ir. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. La ciencia ha traído muchos cambios a nuestras vidas. Science has brought about many changes in our lives. Science has brought many changes to our lives. Es genial que consiguieras el ascenso. It's great that you got the promotion. It's great that you get the promotion. A él le gusta la cultura occidental. He likes Western culture. He likes Western culture. Ça semble correct. This feels right. Looks like it's all right. Queremos que você faça isso. We want you to do that. We want you to do that. Invertir en conocimientos produce siempre los mejores beneficios. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Investing in knowledge always brings the best benefits. Ce n'est plus notre problème. That's not our problem now. It's not our problem anymore. Io ho sempre amato imparare l'arabo. I've always loved learning Arabic. I've always loved learning Arabic. Não façamos nada estúpido. Let's not do anything stupid. Let's not do anything stupid. Vocês estão despedidos. You're fired. You're fired. Ne puoi essere sicuro? Can you be sure? Can you be sure? Ne lui faites pas confiance. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Tom a falsificat evidențele contabile. Tom cooked the books. Tom faked the accounting records. Pido perdón. I apologize. I beg your pardon. Io gli darò un consiglio. I'll give him a piece of advice. I'll give him some advice. Încerc să îi salvez. I'm trying to save them. I'm trying to save them. Nous avons utilisé des mesures d'urgence pour réanimer le patient victime d'un arrêt cardiaque. We used emergency measures to revive the cardiac arrest patient. We used emergency measures to revive the patient who was the victim of a cardiac arrest. Io stavo pensando ad altro. I was thinking about something else. I was thinking about something else. Tom ha iniziato a scrivere. Tom started writing. Tom started writing. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Discutir os procedimentos básicos envolvidos na análise de interação conversacional. Discuss the basic procedures involved in the analysis of conversational interaction. Discuss the basic procedures involved in the conversational interaction analysis. Então, David, qual é o seu trabalho? So David, what is your job? So, David, what's your job? J'ai du mal à concevoir qu'il y ait de la vie sur une autre planète. I can't imagine life on another planet. I'm having trouble conceiving that there's life on another planet. Tom arriesgó su vida para salvar a Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Tom risked his life to save Mary. Elizabeth estaba encantada. Elizabeth was delighted. Elizabeth was delighted. Dovrei annullare il mio viaggio a Los Angeles. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel my trip to Los Angeles. Voudrais-tu une autre bière ? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? "¿Te gustan las serpientes?" "Claro que no." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Nous y travaillerons cette semaine. We'll be working on that this week. We'll be working on it this week. Kyoto è una città straordinariamente bella. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an extraordinarily beautiful city. Mi piacciono le lasagne. I love lasagna. I like lasagna. Tom quería darle un beso de despedida a Mary, pero sabía que no debería. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but knew he shouldn't. Tom wanted to kiss Mary goodbye, but I knew I shouldn't. Io non ho mangiato niente negli ultimi tre giorni. I haven't eaten anything in the past three days. I haven't eaten anything in the last three days. Dites-moi comment vaincre l'insomnie. Tell me how to beat sleeplessness. Tell me how to overcome insomnia. J'aimerais aller à la fac. I'd like to go to college. I'd like to go to college. Io ho bisogno di tempo. I need time. I need time. Ele não era capaz de falar inglês na vida real. He was not able to speak English in real life. He wasn't able to speak English in real life. Conosco una ragazza che sorride sempre. I know a girl who is always smiling. I know a girl who always smiles. Êtes-vous occupé demain après-midi ? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? El arma homicida no fue hallada. The murder weapon wasn't found. The murder weapon was not found. Vreau să fiu consecventă și corectă. I want to be consistent and fair. I want to be consistent and correct. Era un fel de suprarealism. It was kind of surreal. It was some kind of surrealism. La nourriture est avariée. The food is spoiled. Food's broken. Ai înţeles ce a zis? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Unde ne ducem? Where are we going? Where are we going? Ha detto di essere già stato alle Hawaii. He said he had been to Hawaii before. He said he'd already been to Hawaii. No podemos descartar la posibilidad de un accidente. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident. Mañá é o seu aniversario. Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow's his birthday. Nós vamos embora sem ele. We'll leave without him. We're leaving without him. Cette montre est d'un nouveau modèle. This watch is a new type. This watch is a new model. A vâgh a cà. I go home. He's got a hole in his head. La capital de Albania se llama Tirana. The capital city of Albania is called Tirana. Albania's capital is called Tirana. Ela tirou seus sapatos velhos e colocou os novos. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and put the new ones. Correram nus no parque. They ran naked in the park. They ran naked in the park. He perdut la meva clau. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Je ne veux pas en discuter pour le moment, un point c'est tout. I just don't want to discuss it right now. I don't want to discuss this for the moment, that's all. Non capisco quello che ha detto la professoressa. I don't understand what the teacher said. I don't understand what the teacher said. Noi non la prenderemo. We won't take it. We're not taking her. No puedo colgar un cuadro en mi oficina. Está prohibido. I cannot hang a picture in my office. It's forbidden. I can't put a picture in my office, it's forbidden. Bine ați venit la prima noastră oră de franceză. Welcome to our 1st French class. Welcome to our first hour of French. Él vivía allá por sí solo. He lived there completely alone. He lived there on his own. A fost foarte drăguț din partea ta să-mi împrumuți o umbrelă. It was very kind of you to lend me an umbrella. It was very nice of you to lend me an umbrella. Merkad! Buy! Merkad! Mangiate finché è calda. Eat while it's warm. Eat until it's hot. State indietro. Stay back. Stay back. Ne è abituata, vero? She's used to that, isn't she? She's used to it, isn't she? Sais-tu comment ceci s'appelle ? Do you know what this is called? Do you know what this is called? Această aplicaţie vă va lăsa să sincronizaţi fotografiile şi muzica dumneavoastră între toate aparatele dumneavoastră. This app will let you sync your photos and music between all your devices. This app will let you synchronize your photos and music between all your devices. Fiquei tão surpreso quanto o Tom. I was just as surprised as Tom. I was as surprised as Tom. Je fais souvent des nuits blanches. As often as not, I lay awake all night. I often do white nights. Quelle est cette urgence ? What's the emergency? What is this emergency? Sami a une petite sœur. Sami has a little sister. Sami has a little sister. Am nevoie de un pic de nucșoară. I need some nutmeg. I need a little nutmeg. Comment as-tu perdu ton bras ? How did you lose your arm? How did you lose your arm? Perché volete studiare all'estero? Why do you want to study abroad? Why do you want to study abroad? Cosa direbbe? What would you say? What would you say? Quem sentará lá atrás? Who'll sit in the back? Who's gonna sit back there? Aceasta a fost a cincea carte a Rodicăi. This was Rodica's fifth book. This was the fifth book of Rodica. No se lo digas a mi novia. Don't tell my girlfriend. Don't tell my girlfriend. Como ela faz isso? How does she do it? How does she do that? Mentiamo tutte. We all lie. We all lie. Paulo gosta de paloco. Paul likes pollock. Paulo likes a doll. Puedo dibujar el mapa de Brasil a la perfección. I can draw a map of Brazil perfectly. I can draw the map of Brazil perfectly. Perché non provi a dormire un po'? Why not try to get some sleep? Why don't you get some sleep? Vuole che sia franca? Do you want me to be frank? You want me to be frank? A mulher está trabalhando. The woman is working. The woman's working. Io soffrirei di claustrofobia. I'd suffer from claustrophobia. I'll suffer from claustrophobia. Noi lo manderemo a casa. We're going to send him home. We'll send him home. Me estás poniendo triste. You're making me sad. You're making me sad. Ho fame perché non ho mangiato. I'm hungry because I haven't eaten. I'm hungry because I didn't eat. Hi ha lloc per una persona més? Is there space for one more person? Is there room for one more person? Pensez-vous que nous avons une chance de gagner? Do you think we have any chance of winning? Do you think we have a chance to win? Un, dos, tres, quatre, cinc, sis, set, vuit, nou, deu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Me encanta el pan fresco. I love fresh bread. I love fresh bread. M-am identificat cu gangsterii din film. I identified myself with the gangsters in the film. I've identified myself with the gangsters in the movie. Tatoeba: el único lugar donde el uso de distintas apóstrofos es polémico. Tatoeba: the only place where the use of different apostrophes is controversial. Tatoeba: the only place where the use of different apostrophes is controversial. A còsa ch'a la smia? What does she look like? What's with the smile? Come si è fatta quella cicatrice? What's that scar from? How did he get that scar? Ayer entregué un trabajo. I turned in a paper yesterday. I gave a job yesterday. Chi mi ha dato tutti quei soldi? Who gave me all that money? Who gave me all that money? Mirei pola fiestra. I looked out the window. I looked out the window. El a plecat din comapnie. He left the company. He's gone out of company. Prometo ser um marido excelente, mas deem-me uma mulher que, qual a lua, não me apareça todos os dias no céu. I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky. I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a woman who, whatever the moon, does not appear to me every day in heaven. Quero deixá-los com inveja. I want to make them jealous. I want to leave them jealous. Tre persone sono morte. Three people died. Three people are dead. Avrò bisogno di un po' di aiuto. I'm going to need some help. I'm gonna need some help. Non sono molto atletica. I'm not very athletic. I'm not very athletic. Non succederà. It won't come to that. It's not gonna happen. Qu'am passat mautemps. We had a rough time. That was a bad time. Eu gosto de estar preparado. I like to be prepared. I like being prepared. Vorrei che qualcuno lo chieda a Tom. I'd like someone to ask Tom that. I'd like someone to ask Tom. ¿Entonces adónde voy? So where do I go? So where am I going? Espero que te sirva. I hope it helps. I hope it serves you. ¡Cobarde! Chicken! Coward! Eres la única persona que conozco, aparte de mí mismo, a la que no le gusta ver béisbol. You're the only person I know besides myself who doesn't like watching baseball. You're the only person I know, apart from myself, who doesn't like to see baseball. Quanto tempo levou para você terminar de ler o livro? How long did it take you to finish reading the book? How long did it take for you to finish reading the book? M-am speriat. I chickened out. I was scared. De acuerdo, y ¿qué vas a hacer tú por mí? OK, and what are you going to do for me? Okay, and what are you gonna do for me? Nu m-am speriat. I wasn't scared. I wasn't scared. Si haces el esfuerzo, puedes mejorar tu inglés. You can improve your English if you try. If you make the effort, you can improve your English. Você quer saber as boas ou as más notícias? Do you want the good news or the bad news? Do you want to know the good news or the bad news? Adesso avete la mia completa attenzione. You now have my full attention. Now you have my full attention. Disfrutamos nuestros viajes por Europa. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. We enjoy our trips to Europe. Je me suis dépêché. I hurried. I got fired. Abbiamo ancora qualche domanda. We still have some questions. We still have a few questions. Nós não confiamos mais no Tom. We don't trust Tom anymore. We don't trust Tom anymore. Eu ainda não conheci todo mundo. I haven't met everyone yet. I haven't met everyone yet. Por que estás a chorar? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Je veux l'épouser. I want to marry her. I want to marry him. O artigo sobre o budismo reviveu o meu interesse nas religiões orientais. The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions. The article on Buddhism has revived my interest in Eastern religions. Planul lui e dificil şi costisitor; iese complet din discuţie. His plan is difficult and expensive; it is completely out of the question. His plan is difficult and costly; it's completely out of the question. Todos los colores acordarán en la oscuridad. All colours will agree in the dark. All colors will remember in the dark. L'Africa sta esportando del manzo in Europa. Africa is exporting beef to Europe. Africa is exporting beef to Europe. Você está conosco? Are you with us? Are you with us? Avez-vous un chien ? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Il m'a offert un beau cadeau de Noël. He gave me a nice Christmas present. He offered me a nice Christmas present. Nu era nici măcar un copil în parc ieri. There was not one child in the park yesterday. There wasn't even a kid in the park yesterday. Sou um gato. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. Por acaso ele parecia um médico? Did he look like a doctor? Did he look like a doctor? Sono andata all'ospedale per vedere mio zio. I went to the hospital to see my uncle. I went to the hospital to see my uncle. Komi una mansana. I ate an apple. Komi a mansoon. En Tom quasi no té experiència en les dones. Tom has almost no experience of women. Tom has almost no experience in women. Primeiro, verifique se as informações são corretas. First, make sure the information's correct. First, check if the information is correct. Me aturde tanto ruido. So much noise rattles me. I'm so shocked. Tom este îngrijit la un spital din apropiere, Tom is being treated at a nearby hospital. Tom's taken care of at a nearby hospital, Je ne veux pas le voir. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Él lamentó no haber seguido mi consejo. He regretted not having taken my advice. He regretted not following my advice. Qui veut ceci ? Who wants this? Who wants this? Propongo que nos quedemos en casa y veamos la tele. I suggest that we stay home and watch TV. I propose we stay home and watch TV. A que horas termina a sua aula? What time does your class end? What time does your class end? Sobre o que estamos falando? What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Per quanto tempo è stato via? How long have you been away? How long has he been gone? A me non piace per niente il poker. I don't like poker at all. I don't like poker at all. Il s'enivra beaucoup. He got very drunk. He'll get a lot started. Il faut que tu sois poli. You must be polite. You need to be polite. ¿Qué hace Tom en su tiempo libre? What does Tom do in his free time? What does Tom do in his spare time? A água congela a 0 °C. Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. The water freezes at 0 °C. Voglio rimanere a casa e leggere un libro. I want to stay home and read a book. I want to stay home and read a book. No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida arrepintiéndome de ello. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. Je serai discrète. I'll be discreet. I'll be discreet. I peul nèn chërde che Tom a daga a Mary la màchina ch'a l'ha catà l'àutr ann. I can't believe Tom is giving Mary the car he bought last year. And the peul nèn chérde that Tom gave Mary the machine that gave her the last year. Je croyais que Tom aimait les énigmes. I thought Tom liked riddles. I thought Tom loved puzzles. Este es mi cuaderno. This is my notebook. This is my notebook. Yo tenía un billete de veinte dólares pero lo perdí. I had a twenty dollar bill but I lost it. I had a $20 bill, but I lost it. E adevărat că o să studiezi la Londra? Is it true that you are going to study in London? Is it true you're going to study in London? Les promesses sont faites pour ne pas être tenues. Promises are made to be broken. Promises are made not to be kept. Vreau să părăsesc școala. I want to leave school. I want to leave school. Posso tentar. I can give it a try. I can try. Am tensiunea mare. I have high blood pressure. I have high blood pressure. Tom, quelqu'un est ici pour te voir. Tom, someone is here to see you. Tom, someone's here to see you. Estamos salvando vidas. We're saving lives. We're saving lives. Vous n'êtes pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to make excuses. Vuoi un vassoio con quello? Do you want a tray with that? You want a tray with that? Esta é a minha escola. This is my school. This is my school. Un weekend plăcut! Have a nice weekend! Have a nice weekend! Coge cualquiera de las manzanas. Take either of the apples. Take any of the apples. Lo avrebbe dovuto fare ieri. You should've done that yesterday. He was supposed to do it yesterday. Dice che odia studiare il berbero. He says he hates studying Berber. He says he hates studying the Berber. Credo che tu le conosca. I believe you know them. I think you know them. Ei sunt actori. They are actors. They're actors. Vi siete già registrati? Have you registered yet? Have you registered yet? Ela continuou a chorar. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Todo mi esfuerzo fue en vano. All my effort went for nothing. All my effort was futile. Elle s'est mise à transpirer. She began to sweat. She started sweating. A meritat? Was it worth it? Was it worth it? Stavo pensando a voi. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Tom dijo que quería mudarse a Boston porque era donde vivía Mary. Tom said that he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lives. Tom said he wanted to move to Boston because that's where Mary lived. Revin. I'll come back. I'll be back. Jason non è un tizio cattivo, ma piuttosto un perdente pietoso. Jason is no bad guy, but rather a pitiable loser. Jason is not a bad guy, but rather a pitiful loser. Je pense que nous étions d'accord sur ça. I thought we had agreed on this. I think we agreed on that. Ce n'est pas vraiment nécessaire. That's not really necessary. It's not really necessary. ¿Cuándo partió tu amigo a América? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friend leave for America? Eram quase 2:30 quando Tom chegou aqui. It was about 2:30 when Tom got here. It was almost 2:30 when Tom arrived here. Ele caiu num sono profundo. He fell into a deep slumber. He fell into a deep sleep. "Nua abitais Vus?" "Jau abitesch a Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Have you ever lived?" "I've lived in Tokyo." Io spero in un'auto con la batteria solare. I hope for a solar battery car. I hope in a car with the solar battery. Creo que es eso lo que dijiste. I believe that's what you said. I think that's what you said. Aquera ròsa que'i suberbèla. This rose is beautiful. That's what I'm talking about. That's a superhero. Algumas pessoas poderiam pensar assim. Some people might think so. Some people might think that way. Dr Hideo Noguchi mourut en Afrique en 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Mi alzo sempre presto. I always get up early. I always get up early. "Eu sou professor." "Eu também sou." "I am a teacher." "So am I." "I'm a teacher." "I'm a teacher." Tu es chanceux d'avoir un travail. You're lucky that you have a job. You're lucky to have a job. ¿Alguna vez te ha traicionado un buen amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Estoy totalmente en contra de la pena capital. I'm totally against capital punishment. I am totally against capital punishment. Coste scarpe-sì a son motobin còmode. These shoes are very comfortable. These shoes-yes to his comfortable motobin. Di nuovo lei! You again! You again! Connais-tu l'homme qui te dévisage ? Do you know the man staring at you? Do you know the man who's staring at you? An ye o escusau? Where is the toilet? Is it an excuse? Apra la porta per piacere. Open the door, please. Open the door for pleasure. Qu'èm los sons hilhs. We are his sons. That we are the hilh sounds. Entrégale el mensaje en cuanto regrese. Give him the message when he comes back. Give him the message as soon as he gets back. Vam anar-hi sense ell, perquè no estava preparat. We went without him, as he wasn't ready. We went there without him, because he wasn't ready. Tom pasa mucho tiempo al teléfono. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. Non c'è amore sprecato. Love is never wasted. There is no wasted love. Je ne souhaite pas apporter de commentaire. I don't want to comment. I do not wish to comment. Ça tombe plutôt dru dehors ! It's pouring pretty hard out there! It's kind of drooling out there! Dovezile sunt incontestabile. The evidence is indisputable. The evidence is indisputable. Eu estava escrevendo uma carta quando ele veio. When he came, I was writing a letter. I was writing a letter when he came. Non ! Tu vas exploser en mille morceaux ! No! You'll be blown to smithereens! No, you're going to explode in a thousand pieces! Comment allez-vous payer pour ça ? How are we going to pay for that? How are you going to pay for that? Il l'a détournée de son mari. He lured her away from her husband. He turned her away from her husband. Che dirà tua mamma? What will your mom say? What's your mom gonna say? Lui non avrebbe guardato la mia proposta. He wouldn't look at my proposal. He wouldn't have looked at my proposal. Ils nous ont menotté. They put handcuffs on us. They handcuffed us. Avrei dovuto leggere le istruzioni. I should've read the instructions. I should have read the instructions. La tina está sucia. The bathtub is dirty. The tub's dirty. Le mot de passe a été changé. The password has been changed. The password has been changed. Nessuno parla più con Tom. Nobody talks about Tom anymore. Nobody talks to Tom anymore. Je ne veux pas la mettre en colère. I don't want to piss her off. I don't want to anger her. Gândește global, dar acționează la nivel local. Think globally but act locally. Think globally, but act locally. El a fost disciplinat pentru faptele sale. He was disciplined for his wrongdoing. He was disciplined for his actions. Qu'ei la mea bicicleta. This is my bicycle. You're on my bike. Esperemos y veamos. Let us wait and see. Let's wait and see. Tom merece uma recompensa. Tom deserves a reward. Tom deserves a reward. Il ne peut pas être plus vieux que moi. He can't be older than me. He can't be older than me. Je me suis brossé les dents. I brushed my teeth. I brushed my teeth. Ken était en train de lire quand je suis rentrée à la maison. Ken was reading when I came home. Ken was reading when I came home. Quanto è sorprendente questo per voi? How surprising is this for you? How amazing is this for you? Não temos ouvido falar dela desde então. We haven't heard from her since then. We haven't heard of her since. Él es, sin lugar a duda, el mejor hombre para el trabajo. He is, without question, the best man for the job. He is, no doubt, the best man for work. Suis-je la seule à être d'accord avec vous ? Am I the only one who agrees with you? Am I the only one who agrees with you? Ua hèmna trobador ei aperada de costuma ua trobairitz. A female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz. A female finder is sheltered by a habit of a finder. Fadil queria fazer de Layla uma mulher honesta. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I really didn't expect that from you. Vigila amb els cotxes en creuar el carrer. Look out for cars in crossing the street. Watch your cars across the street. Dissi loro che avrei aiutato. I told them I would help. I told them I'd help. Este asta o poză recentă? Is this a recent photo? Is this a recent photo? Es una buena idea pero, díselo a la naturaleza. It's a good idea, but tell that to nature. It's a good idea, but tell nature. Tom a stat nemișcat. Tom sat still. Tom stood still. Você gosta de francês, não gosta? You like French, don't you? You like French, don't you? Ecco un'idea ancora migliore. Here's an even better idea. Here's an even better idea. Le travail est presque terminé. The job is almost finished. The work is almost done. Te rog să-l suni. Please call him up. Please call him. Tom no puede creer lo que está pasando. Tom can't believe what's happening. Tom can't believe what's going on. I l'avrìa dovù detlo pì prèst. I should've given you this sooner. That's where I'm standing next. Toz os ombres naxen libres y iguals en dinidat y en dreitos. Adotatos de razón y de conzenzia, deben apachar-sen unos con atros d'una manera freternal. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All shadows are born free and equal in deinity and right. Adopted by reason and balance, they must shut down some with others in a freteral manner. Estic tip que em sermonegi constantment. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm glad you lecture me all the time. Nu fi atât de sensibil. Don't be so sensitive. Don't be so sensitive. De qué atz crompat ? What did you buy? What chromed atz? ¿Ellos hablan francés? Are they speaking French? They speak French? Mis padres me dijeron que tenemos que respetar a los mayores. My parents told me we should respect the elderly. My parents told me we have to respect the elders. Tom nu se trezește întotdeauna devreme, dar întotdeauna se trezește înaintea lui Mary. Tom doesn't always get up early, but he always gets up before Mary does. Tom doesn't always wake up early, but he always wakes up before Mary. Ti dispiace se mi siedo sul pavimento? Do you mind if I sit on the floor? Do you mind if I sit on the floor? Para que serve a matemática? What is the use of mathematics? What's math for? Che ore sono adesso? What time is it now? What time is it now? Ella no me dirige la palabra. She doesn't speak to me. She's not speaking to me. Ella rompió el florero a propósito para molestarme. She broke the vase on purpose to bother me. She broke the florist purposely to disturb me. Não entendo por que Tom está tão zangado. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. Keresh un portokal? Do you want an orange? Keresh a portokal? Aceste cărți sunt noi. These books are new. These books are new. Onde está a licencia? Where is the license? Where's the license? Elle détient une photo. She has a picture. She owns a picture. Não posso ouvir Wagner muito tempo. Começo a ficar com vontade de conquistar a Polônia. I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland. I can't hear Wagner for long. Non abbiamo tempo per quello. We don't have time for that. We don't have time for that. De qual você gosta mais? Which one do you like best? Which one do you like the most? Sou apenas três anos mais velho que ele. I'm only three years older than he is. I'm only three years older than him. ¿Necesito frenillos? Do I need braces? Do I need brakes? Il n'y a rien d'aussi relaxant que de s'allonger dans un bain chaud. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. There's nothing so relaxing as to lie down in a hot bath. Je ne serai pas prêt. I won't be ready. I won't be ready. Iso é xusto o que eu pensaba. It's just what I was thinking about. That's just what I thought. Tenemos nuevos vecinos. We have new neighbors. We have new neighbors. Dame algo para escribir. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. Io sto camminando con lei. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. I cugini di primo grado sono troppo vicini per il matrimonio. First cousins are too close for marriage. First-degree cousins are too close for marriage. Caí da escada e levei uma pancada muito forte nas costas. I fell down the stairs and hit my back very hard. I fell off the ladder and took a very strong blow on my back. Tom concordou em pensar sobre isso. Tom agreed to think about it. Tom agreed to think about it. Noi am trăit în Osaka timp de zece ani înainte de a ne muta in Tokyo. We had lived in Osaka for ten years before we came to Tokyo. We lived in Osaka for ten years before we moved to Tokyo. Tu sei coraggiosa. You're courageous. You're brave. Ella habló durante 30 minutos sin un descanso. She spoke for 30 minutes without a break. She spoke for 30 minutes without a break. El gatu metióse pente les tables. The cat went through the boards. The cat was mixed up with the tables. Não preciso de ajuda em escrever o meu relatório. I don't need help writing my report. I don't need help writing my report. Nu-s în toate minţile. I'm out of my mind. They're not in all the lies. Ce que vous ignorez ne peut vous faire de mal. What you don't know can't hurt you. What you don't know can't hurt you. Tom es tan fastidioso como Mary. Tom is just as annoying as Mary. Tom is as annoying as Mary. Ci lasci. Leave us. Leave us. Pourquoi quiconque voudrait-il me faire du mal ? Why would anybody want to hurt me? Why would anyone want to hurt me? Sono andato a letto all'una. I went to bed at one o'clock. I went to bed once. Proteja-se de acidentes. Guard against accidents. Protect yourself from accidents. Sorrisi. I smiled. Smile. Tout ce à quoi je pense, c'est toi. All I think about is you. All I think of is you. Ça va à l'encontre de mes valeurs morales. It's against my morals. It's against my moral values. C'est une arnaque nigériane classique. It's a classic Nigerian 419 scam. It's a classic Nigerian scam. ¿Dónde consigo caretas para deportes acuáticos? Where do I get masks for water sports? Where do I get blankets for water sports? Tenho um tio que mora em Quioto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. Porumbelul simbolizează pacea. The dove symbolizes peace. The pigeon symbolizes peace. Pensei que jamais a veria viva outra vez. I thought I'd never see you alive again. I thought I'd never see her alive again. Fazer isso seria perigoso. Doing that would be dangerous. Doing this would be dangerous. Cât va ține furtuna? How long will the storm last? How long will the storm hold? Miracle ! Le lien fonctionne ! It's a miracle! The link works! Miracle! The link works! Cela n'est pas assez bien pour Tom. That's not good enough for Tom. That's not good enough for Tom. Monte dans la voiture immédiatement. Get in the car immediately. Get in the car immediately. Non possiamo fare niente? Can't we do anything? Can't we do anything? Tivo a sorte de casar cunha rapaza linda. He had the good fortune to marry a pretty girl. He was lucky enough to marry a pretty girl. Lo siento, no tengo suelto. I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have a break. È giusto. That's fair. That's right. Tom no es amistoso. Tom is unfriendly. Tom's not friendly. Está certo de sua resposta? Are you sure of your answer? You're right about your answer? Ele não sabe ler em inglês e muito menos em alemão. He can't read English, much less German. He can't read in English and much less in German. Nu pot scrie în chineză. I can't write in Chinese. I can't write in Chinese. Eu gostaria de ser professor de francês. I'd like to be a French teacher. I'd like to be a French teacher. Tom disse a Maria que parasse de comer. Tom told Mary to stop eating. Tom told Maria to stop eating. Je resterai à la maison aujourd'hui. I'll stay at home today. I'll stay home today. Me temo que he tomado un tren equivocado. I'm afraid I have taken a wrong train. I'm afraid I took a wrong train. Você vai se meter em encrenca. You'll get into trouble. You're gonna get in trouble. On allait proposer un compromis. We were going to suggest a compromise. We were going to propose a compromise. J'aurais aimé être plus grand. I wish I were taller. I wish I was older. Cablurile de fibră optică sunt alcătuite din fibre minuscule de sticlă care sunt la fel de subțiri ca părul uman. Fiber-optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. Fiber optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibres that are as thin as human hair. Noi siamo fratello e sorella. We are brother and sister. We're brother and sister. Tom cortou a massa pela metade. Tom cut the dough in half. Tom cut the dough in half. Ni me lo digas. Tell me about it! Don't even tell me. Vou levar este aqui. I'm taking this one. I'll take this one here. ¿Tienes cambio de un dólar? Do you have change for a dollar? Do you have a change of a dollar? Tom prometeu não beber mais. Tom promised not to drink anymore. Tom promised not to drink any more. Él quiere que vaya con él. He wants me to go with him. He wants me to go with him. John se hizo policía. John became a policeman. John became a cop. Câtor studenți le-ați dat nota maximă? To how many students have you given the highest grade? How many students did you give them the maximum score? Comment saviez-vous que nous étions là ? How did you know we were here? How did you know we were here? Han pasado tres años desde que nos mudamos aquí. It's three years since we moved here. It's been three years since we moved here. Já reparaste na semelhança da pronúncia entre a língua portuguesa e a língua polaca? Have you noticed the similarity in pronunciation between the Polish and Portuguese languages? Have you noticed the similarity of the pronunciation between the Portuguese language and the Polish language? A verdade é que es alto, ¿eh? You really are tall, aren't you? You're really tall, aren't you? ¡Qué par de imbéciles! What a pair of morons! What a pair of assholes! J'aime celle-ci encore davantage. I like this one even better. I like this one even more. Axudareite despois do traballo se non estou demasiado canso. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. Quelle est votre question ? What's your question? What's your question? J'étais impatient de te rencontrer. I was looking forward to meeting you. I was looking forward to meeting you. Lui fa tutto molto rapidamente. He does everything very quickly. He does everything very quickly. Se n'avessan contou che gh'é de l'ægua, no l'aviëscimo credduo. If they'd told us there's water, we wouldn't have believed it. Hadn't they told you that gh'é de l'ægua, not the credo grandfather. Tom disse a Mary tutto sulla sua infanzia. Tom told Mary all about his childhood. Tom told Mary everything about her childhood. El canto es su punto fuerte. Singing is her strong point. Singing is his strong point. Durante el encarcelamiento de sir Thomas se produjo un intercambio frecuente de cartas entre él y esta querida hija y, cuando se le privó de pluma y tinta, se las ingenió para escribirla con un carbón. During the imprisonment of Sir Thomas a frequent intercourse of letters passed between him and this beloved daughter and when deprived of pen and ink he contrived to write to her with a coal. During the imprisonment of Sir Thomas there was a frequent exchange of letters between him and this dear daughter and, when he was deprived of pen and ink, he engineered them to write it with a coal. Copiii sunt de nestăpânit. The kids are running wild. The children are uncontrollable. Esto pasaba cada otoño. This was happening every autumn. This happened every autumn. È difficile smettere di fumare. It is difficult to give up smoking. It's hard to stop smoking. Esto de akordo. I agree. This akordo. Acel gest este ofensator. That gesture is offensive. That gesture is offensive. Anul trecut şi-a făcut un testament. He made a will last year. Last year he made a will. Qui peut t'aider à apprendre l'allemand ? Who can help you to learn German? Who can help you learn German? È impossibile per te fare così. It is impossible for you to do so. It's impossible for you to do this. Entrez dans la pièce après moi. Come into the room after me. Get in the room after me. Vous avez toujours habité ici ? Have you always lived here? Have you ever lived here? Ma mère m'a coupé les cheveux trop courts. My mother cut my hair too short. My mother cut my hair too short. Io non conosco la verità. I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. Îmi plac bomboanele. I like candy. I like candy. Debiste haber visto la película. You should have seen the film. You should have seen the movie. No puedo seguirlo, ¿puede dictar más despacio? I can't keep up with you. Could you dictate a bit slower? I can't follow him, can you dictate more slowly? Il m'a arnaqué. He tricked me. He screwed me up. Tous les gens sont bons au fond de leur cœur. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. All people are good at the bottom of their hearts. Quem ligou? Who phoned? Who called? Tom ha un appuntamento con Mary alle 2:30. Tom has an appointment with Mary at 2:30. Tom has an appointment with Mary at 2:30. Mi fa così piacere che tu stia bene. I'm so glad you're OK. I'm so glad you're okay. Je pensais que vous voudriez peut-être savoir. I thought you might want to know. I thought you might want to know. J'aime être préparé. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. Tom dice che non ha fatto niente di sbagliato. Tom says he hasn't done anything wrong. Tom says he didn't do anything wrong. « Pourquoi vas-tu en ville avec la voiture ? » « Parce que j'ai un rendez-vous. » “Why are you going to town with the car?” – “Because I have an appointment.” "Why are you going to town with the car?" "Because I have an appointment." L’exception qui confirme la règle. An exception which confirms the rule. The exception confirming the rule. Eu pensava que vocês precisavam do dinheiro. I thought you needed money. I thought you guys needed the money. Nous t'attraperons. We'll catch you. We'll catch you. Vexo a televisión. I watch television. I watch TV. Tom diz que ele já te encontrou várias vezes. Tom says that he's met you several times. Tom says he's met you several times. Sami a appelé le 911. Sami made a call to 911. Sami called 911. Passer du temps ensemble est important pour moi. Spending time together is important to me. Spending time together is important to me. Nous devions prendre une décision. We had to make a decision. We had to make a decision. Hai mai dormito per strada? Have you ever slept on the street? Have you ever slept on the street? Pourrais-je avoir un reçu ? Could I get a receipt? Could I get a receipt? Je pense que Tom est endormi. I think Tom is asleep. I think Tom's asleep. Eu sei a resposta. I know the answer. I know the answer. Tom aceptó reacio el obsequio. Tom reluctantly accepted the gift. Tom accepted the gift. Ils ont tous bu. They all drank. They all drank. Ela não precisou de vir ao encontro. She needn't have come to the meeting. She didn't have to come to the meeting. Quests artitgels sa sprovan da preschentar l'istorgia da la lingua rumantscha. These articles try to present the history of the Romansh language. These artists try to fend off the istorgy of the rumantscha language. Dacă suntem prinși împreună, va fi o mare încurcătură. If we get caught together, there will be big trouble. If we're caught together, it'll be a big mess. J'ai suivi son exemple. I followed his example. I followed his example. Maman ouvre la porte. Mum opens the door. Mom opens the door. Non sarà lo stesso senza di voi. It won't be the same without you. It won't be the same without you. Benvido ao noso fogar. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. Mais le café, ça n'est pas bon. But coffee is not good. But coffee, it's not good. Lui fuggì dall'Australia. He fled Australia. He fled Australia. Não é um sonho. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Leila ficou imediatamente zangada com Sami. Layla was instantly angry with Sami. Leila was immediately angry with Sami. Apresse-se. Hurry up. Hurry up. Io non verrò mai. I'll never come. I'll never come. Podries deixar de parlar de menjar? Will you please stop talking about food? Could you stop talking about food? Noi abbiamo fatto un sacco di cose divertenti insieme. We did a lot of fun things together. We did a lot of fun together. Non prendetevi gioco di Tom. Don't make fun of Tom. Don't play tom. Io penso che il tuo inglese sia migliorato molto. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved a lot. No podemos evitar extrañarte. We cannot help missing you badly. We can't help but miss you. Ça va beaucoup se produire dorénavant. This is going to happen a lot from now on. It's going to happen a lot from now on. Estudios ingleses sobre el uso de los móviles por los jóvenes muestran situaciones verdaderamente preocupantes, donde un chico de seis a veinte años cada día envía de media diecinueve mensajes, recibe quince y hace nueve llamadas. English studies on the use of cell phones by young people show truly worrying situations, in which a person between the ages of six and twenty sends an average of twenty nine messages, receives fifteen, and makes nine calls each day. English studies on the use of mobiles by young people show truly worrying situations, where a boy from six to twenty every day sends an average of nineteen messages, receives fifteen and makes nine calls. As flautas e os violinos estão tocando em uníssono. The flutes and violins are playing in unison. The flutes and violins are playing in unison. Han pasado 200 años desde que murió Mozart. It has been 200 years since Mozart died. It's been 200 years since Mozart died. Se enamoró de su mejor amigo. She fell in love with her best friend. He fell in love with his best friend. Se non potete visitare un paese in cui parlano la lingua che sta imparando, trovate un bar locale in cui i madrelingua di quella lingua si incontrano e iniziate a frequentarlo. If you can't visit a country where they speak the language you are learning, find a local bar where native speakers of that language hang out and start hanging out there. If you cannot visit a country where they speak the language they are learning, find a local bar where native speakers of that language meet and start to visit it. Tom è bravo in matematica, vero? Tom is good at math, isn't he? Tom's good at math, isn't he? Non possiamo ignorarli. We can't ignore them. We can't ignore them. La población de Australia es mucho menor que la de Japón. The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan. The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan. I puristi devono morire. Il linguaggio non dev'essere tenuto nella gabbia della tradizione. Purists are to be defeated. Language is not to be kept in the cage of tradition. Purists must die. Language must not be kept in the cage of tradition. Promesas son promesas. A promise is a promise. Promises are promises. Disfrutamos del picnic. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic. We enjoy the picnic. Quiero alquilar la habitación a un estudiante. I want to rent this room to a student. I want to rent the room to a student. Tom face piese de schimb într-o fabrică de automobile. Tom is making spare parts in a car factory. Tom's making spare parts in a car factory. Tom n'a plus joué de guitare depuis des années. Tom hasn't played the guitar for years. Tom hasn't played guitar in years. Non dovrebbero fidarsi di lui. They shouldn't trust him. They shouldn't trust him. Io sono un po' stanco oggi. I'm a little tired today. I'm a little tired today. Combien de temps comptes-tu rester ? How long do you plan to stay? How long are you planning to stay? Mary sta masticando qualcosa. Mary is chewing something. Mary's chewing something. Eu decidi o que fazer para o jantar. I've decided what to cook for dinner. I decided what to do for dinner. Amo la competizione. I love the competition. I love competition. Cheamă salvarea. Call an ambulance. Call the rescue. Le ascolti e basta. Just listen to them. Just listen to them. Deberían saber qué deben leer. You should know what to read. They should know what they should read. Posso vedere la sua patente, signore? May I see your driver's license, sir? May I see your license, sir? Io andrò a fare una passeggiata se il tempo migliora. I'll go for a walk if the weather improves. I'll go for a walk if time gets better. Hier il a vu un grand homme. Yesterday, he saw a large man. Yesterday he saw a great man. Qu'est-ce que j'y gagne ? What do I get? What do I get? No puedo ayudarte. I can't help you. I can't help you. De acordo com ela, ele não virá. According to her, he won't come. According to her, he won't come. Vierta el aderezo sobre la ensalada y mezcle suavemente. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently. Pour the dressing on the salad and mix gently. Vive en una casa lejos del pueblo. He lives in a house far from the village. He lives in a house far from town. Tom è ancora arrabbiato con voi. Tom is still angry with you. Tom's still mad at you. Est-ce que tu le crois ? Do you believe him? Do you believe him? Nous devrions suivre Tom. We should follow Tom. We should follow Tom. Pranziamo. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. Perché Tom è così bravo a nuotare? Why is Tom so good at swimming? Why is Tom so good at swimming? No olvides barrer la cocina. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. Don't forget to sweep the kitchen. Je me le rappelle, maintenant. I remember it now. I remember him now. Tom no está contigo, ¿verdad? Tom isn't with you, is he? Tom's not with you, is he? Probabilmente non è una buona idea farlo adesso. It's probably not a good idea to do that now. It's probably not a good idea to do it now. Ellos atacaron al maestro nuevo con preguntas. They assailed the new teacher with questions. They attacked the new master with questions. Nul n'est parfait. Nobody is perfect. No one's perfect. Togliti di dosso! Get off my back! Get off me! Les deux choses ne sont pas nécessairement mutuellement exclusives. The two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Both things are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Tom sembra molto amichevole. Tom seems very friendly. Tom seems very friendly. Je ferai semblant de coopérer. I'll play along. I'll pretend to cooperate. Vaiga-se-ne! Go away! Go away! Avez-vous essayé de jouer ce morceau sur votre guitare ? Did you try playing that song on your guitar? Have you tried playing this song on your guitar? O meu amigo adoita axudar ó meu fillo cos seus estudos. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend often helps my son with his studies. Mi auto es chico comparado con el tuyo. Compared to yours, my car is small. My car is a guy compared to yours. Ele trabalha na indústria automobilística. He works in the car industry. He works in the automotive industry. Il ragazzo stava fissando un banco di carpe nel laghetto. The boy was gazing at a school of carp in the pond. The boy was staring at a carp bench in the pond. Io ho bisogno di un martello. I need a hammer. I need a hammer. Lasci che la dimostri. Let me prove it. Let me prove it. Sami est imprévisible. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami is unpredictable. Este é o pior. This one is the worst. This is the worst. Vezi oameni în parc? Do you see people in the park? You see people in the park? Elle adore les animaux. She adores animals. She loves animals. State spendendo troppo denaro. You're spending too much money. You're spending too much money. Io farò quello che dovrò fare. I'll do what I have to. I'll do what I have to do. Por favor, assista a este filme. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. Les mouches du temps aiment une flèche ; les drosophiles aiment une banane. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. The flies of time like an arrow; the drosophiles like a banana. Tom aceitaria. Tom would accept. Tom would. Nu am fost eu cel care ți-a spus asta. I wasn't the one who told you that. I wasn't the one who told you that. La clef de la chambre, s'il vous plaît. My room key, please. The key to the room, please. Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom vai para Boston. I'm sure Tom will go to Boston. I'm sure Tom's going to Boston. Tom ainda é muito novo para beber cerveja. Tom is still too young to drink beer. Tom's still too young to drink beer. Você sabe o endereço de Tom? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Comment cela se déroule-t-il ? How's that going? How does this happen? Perché studi inglese ogni giorno? Why do you study English every day? Why English studies every day? Hoje é segunda-feira. It is Monday today. It's Monday. En réalité le noir n'est pas une couleur. C'est l'absence de couleur. In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color. In reality the black is not a color. It is the absence of color. Tomad, bebeos esto. Here, drink this. Here, drink this. Júlio César, este grande herói romano, foi assassinado. Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was assassinated. Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was murdered. Venta muito nesta manhã, não? There's a lot of wind this morning, isn't there? You sell a lot this morning, don't you? A fi frumos nu înseamnă neapărat şi a fi bun. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. Being nice doesn't necessarily mean being good. Ils félicitèrent le vétéran, pour sa promotion. They congratulated the veteran on his promotion. They congratulated the veteran for his promotion. Con este frío se me pone la carne de gallina. This cold weather gives me goosebumps. With this cold, I get chicken meat. Non ci è successo niente. Nothing happened to us. Nothing happened to us. Loro sono amiche? Are they friends? Are they friends? Îți place floarea aceasta? Do you like this flower? Do you like this flower? Quiero darle otra oportunidad a Tom. I want to give Tom another chance. I want to give Tom another chance. O Tom não estava preparado, mas Mary estava. Tom wasn't done, but Mary was. Tom wasn't ready, but Mary was. Noi am prins hoțul. We captured the thief. We caught the thief. La produzione di acciaio questo mese aumenterà del 2% rispetto al mese scorso. Steel production will increase 2% this month from last month. Steel production this month will increase by 2% compared to last month. Avisa'm quan torni. Tell me when he returns. Let me know when I get back. Você tem que usar um capacete para protejer a sua cabeça. You have to wear a helmet to protect your head. You have to wear a helmet to protect your head. Por que as senhoras ainda estão acordadas? Why are you still awake? Why are the ladies still awake? Peux-tu mettre assez d'argent de côté pour la mise de base ? Can you save enough money for the down payment? Can you put enough money aside for the basics? Você anotou? Did you write it down? Did you write it down? Che cosa dovrei fare riguardo a lei? What should I do about her? What should I do about you? Si je peux faire quelque chose pour toi, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. Él se apoyó contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos. He stood against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Tom estava descendo a colina. Tom was coming down the hill. Tom was down the hill. Elle obtint qu'il fasse tout ce qu'elle voulait. She got him to do anything she wanted him to do. She gets him to do whatever she wanted. Retourne au travail. Get back to work. Get back to work. Dacă nu ești motivat, întoarce-te acasă. Vei fi doar un obstacol. If you're not motivated, go back home. You'll just be a hindrance. If you're not motivated, go back home. Esperamos ansiosamente vê-lo de novo. We look forward to seeing you again. We look forward to seeing you again. Vale. It's okay. Okay. Ha tagliato alcune cipolle. He chopped some onions. He cut off some onions. Usted no tiene derecho legal a confiscar mi propiedad. You have no legal right to seize my property. You have no legal right to confiscate my property. Există surse de hrană abundente. There are abundant food supplies. There are abundant sources of food. È stata una buona scelta. It was a good choice. That was a good choice. Cum pot să spun asta în limba ta? How can I say that in your language? How can I say that in your language? Tom a demandé à Mary pourquoi elle était en retard. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Tom asked Mary why she was late. Te apuesto un dólar a que Tom no se presenta. I bet you a dollar Tom doesn't show up. I bet you a dollar Tom doesn't show up. Attache ton lacet de chaussure. Tie your shoe. Attach your shoelace. Por favor, retire o seu carro daqui. Please move your car out of here. Please, get your car out of here. Fadil conseguiu cedo ser posto em liberdade condicional. Fadil got early release on parole. Fadil was able to be released on parole early. Me perdí en el bosque. I lost my way in the forest. I lost myself in the woods. Qué yes fendo? What are you doing? What are you doing? Tom me disse que estava entediado. Tom told me he was bored. Tom told me he was bored. Estou tentando encontrar um emprego novo. I'm trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. Como estou gripado, não sinto o gosto de nada. Since I have a cold, I have no sense of taste. Since I'm flustered, I don't feel the taste of anything. Voi conoscete Tom da molto più tempo di me. You've known Tom a lot longer than I have. You've known Tom a lot longer than I have. Il y a une voiture de police garée devant notre maison. There is a police car parked outside our house. There's a police car parked in front of our house. E deja bărbat. He's already a man. He's already a man. Numele mamei mele este Ina. My mother's name is Ina. My mother's name is Ina. Eu o vi com uma outra mulher. I saw him with another woman. I saw him with another woman. J'en ai plus qu'assez de son impudence. I've had quite enough of his impudence. I have more than his impudence. Es difícil creer lo que dices. It is difficult to believe what you say. It's hard to believe what you say. Răbdare! Patience! Patience! El mi-a spus că tatăl lui a fost profesor. He told me that his father was a teacher. He told me his father was a teacher. Lo buscábamos por aquí y por allá. We looked for it here and there. We were looking for him here and there. Aceste lucruri nu sunt ale mele! These things aren't mine! These things are not mine! Io sono sicura che fosse lei. I'm sure that was her. I'm sure it was her. La rivière se jette dans la Mer du Japon. The river flows into the Sea of Japan. The river falls into the Japanese Sea. Est-ce votre réponse ? Is that your answer? Is that your answer? Cu toții i-am găsit comportamentul ca fiind dezgustător. We all find her behaviour abhorrent. We've all found her behavior disgusting. Leul este regele junglei. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is king of the jungle. Ești genul meu. You're my type. You're my type. Soi japonés, mès ne demòri pas au Japon. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Be Japanese, don't stay in Japan. ¿La encuentras atractiva? Do you think her attractive? You find her attractive? Eu estava com a palavra na ponta da língua. I had the word on the tip of my tongue. I was speaking on the tip of the tongue. Tom è nell'edificio. Tom is in the building. Tom's in the building. Perque ballares amb ell? Why didn't you dance with him? Why are you dancing with him? Onde fica o lugar mais bonito do mundo? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where's the most beautiful place in the world? Tom no te va a herir. Tom is not going to hurt you. Tom won't hurt you. Van passar al tema a l'instant. They fell into the conversation immediately. They're on the subject right now. Mon chat aime mon clavier. My cat likes my keyboard. My cat loves my keyboard. És una bona nedadora. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. Você passou a noite com ela? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Buena nueit. Good evening. Good night. La última carta es mía. The last card is mine. The last letter is mine. Tom está xingando Maria. Tom is calling Mary names. Tom's moaning Maria. Que dirais-tu si je te demandais de rester ? What if I asked you to stay? What would you say if I asked you to stay? Tom não se importa com o que Mary pensa. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. Por que não param de dizer essas coisas que os senhores bem sabem que não são verdade? Why do you keep saying things you know are not true? Why don't you stop saying those things that you well know aren't true? Il ressemble à sa mère. He looks like his mother. He looks like his mother. Ils ont porté l'eau dans des seaux. They carried water in buckets. They brought the water into the buckets. Non teño ningún tipo de plan. I have no plans at all. I don't have any plan. Eu gostaria que você fosse comigo. I'd like you to go with me. I wish you'd be with me. Il nous cria de venir. He shouted to us to come. He's yelling at us for coming. Le monde entier nous regarde. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching us. Alguien nos envenenó. Somebody poisoned us. Someone poisoned us. La Coca-Cola va inventar la Fanta, en plena Segona Guerra Mundial, per al mercat alemany. Coca-Cola invented Fanta, in the middle of the Second World War, for the German market. Coca-Cola invented the Fanta, in the middle of World War II, for the German market. Tom a pledat vinovat pentru acuzațiile de conducere sub influența alcoolului. Tom pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving charges in New York. Tom pleaded guilty to the accusations of driving under the influence of alcohol. Tom spune că el are experiență. Tom says he has experience. Tom says he has experience. Tom ficou extremamente agressivo. Tom got extremely aggressive. Tom was extremely aggressive. Je veux devenir un grand scientifique. I want to grow up to be a great scientist. I want to become a great scientist. Les costó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse el uno al otro. It took them some time to get used to each other. It took them a little while to get used to each other. Escolto el que estàs dient. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Ele é apenas uma criança. He is merely a child. He's just a child. Tom è molto emozionato, vero? Tom is very excited, isn't he? Tom's very excited, isn't he? Allons dans l'escalier pour parler. Let's go in the staircase so we can talk. Let's go up the stairs and talk. Usted está leyendo mis pensamientos. You are reading my thoughts. You're reading my thoughts. Para que você fez aquilo? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Tú aún no has aprendido. You still haven't learned yet. You haven't learned yet. Hanno detto che sono stanchi. They said they're tired. They said they're tired. Ma langue maternelle est le polonais. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. Mangiai solo un morso di pane. I only ate a bite of bread. I was just eating a bite of bread. Sistemul rădăcinos complicat al mangrovelor, face ca aceste păduri să fie atractive pentru pești și alte organisme, care caută alimente și adăpost, din calea prădătorilor. The intricate root system of mangroves makes these forests attractive to fish and other organisms seeking food and shelter from predators. The complicated root system of mangroves makes these forests attractive to fish and other organisms, which seek food and shelter, in the path of predators. Commençons par les bases. Let's start with the basics. Let's start with the bases. Votre attitude, non votre aptitude, détermine votre altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. Your attitude, not your ability, determines your altitude. La pluja àcida no és un fenomen natural. Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. Quand la réunion s'est-elle terminée ? When did the meeting end? When did the meeting end? Què estudia un sovietòleg? What does a Sovietologist study? What studies a sovietologist? Por favor, visite-nos. Please visit us. Please visit us. Ils n'ont pas tenu leur promesse. They didn't keep their promise. They didn't keep their promise. Est-elle en train de regarder ? Is she looking? Is she watching? Tom părea supărat. Tom looked cross. Tom seemed upset. Aquera veitura que's ven plan. This car sells well. That car that sells its plan. Pouco a pouco, você vai notar melhoras nos seus textos. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. Gradually, you will notice improvements in your texts. ¿Puedo comenzar? Can I begin? Can I start? Je pense que je vais prendre un bain ce soir. I think I'll take a bath tonight. I think I'm gonna take a bath tonight. Eu quero falar com o Tom. I want to speak to Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Il la laissa partir. He let her go. He let her go. Degas nació hace más de 150 años. Degas was born more than 150 years ago. Degas was born more than 150 years ago. Neste livro, o escritor compara o Japão com os Estados Unidos. In this book, the writer contrasts Japan with America. In this book, the writer compares Japan with the United States. Eu espero que nada tenha acontecido com ela. I hope nothing happened to her. I hope nothing happened to her. So ingleza. I'm English. I'm English. Nós precisaremos falar com o Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. És una bona resposta. That's a good response. That's a good answer. Qu'y a-t-il à en dire ? What's there to say? What is there to say about this? Cosa intendi fare questa estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you doing this summer? No quiero hacerlo sin las herramientas adecuadas. I don't want to do that without the proper tools. I don't want to do this without the right tools. Eles não têm nada tão sofisticado. They've got nothing this sophisticated. They have nothing so sophisticated. Você acabou de chegar. You have only just arrived. You just got here. Anne estaba a piques de saír de casa cando o teléfono comezou a soar. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave home when the phone started ringing. Loro hanno fatto qualcosa per lei? Did they do something to her? Did they do anything for you? Parlando di Svizzera, ci siete mai state in primavera? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been to the spring? Îmi place să dorm. I love to sleep. I like to sleep. Tom et Mary travaillent dans le même bureau. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary work in the same office. A dmwin. See you tomorrow. The dmwin. Je sais que je ne suis pas la fille la plus brillante au monde. I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world. I know I'm not the brightest girl in the world. Io devo fare i miei compiti invece di uscire. I have to do my homework instead of going out. I have to do my homework instead of going out. J'en ai fort honte. I'm very ashamed of it. I'm ashamed of that. Les 3 R sont Réduire, Réutiliser et Recycler. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The 3 Rs are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. A guerra durou dous anos. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Com més amunt anem, més fresc és l'aire. As we go up higher, the air becomes cooler. The higher we go, the cooler the air is. È rimasto a New York per tre settimane. He stayed in New York for three weeks. He stayed in New York for three weeks. Vi siete alzate presto stamattina? Did you get up early this morning? Are you up early this morning? Tom é um cara de sorte. Tom is a lucky guy. Tom's a lucky guy. Il est temps que tu sois indépendant de tes parents. It's about time you were independent of your parents. It's time you were independent of your parents. ¡Mira! Una estrella fugaz. Look! There goes a shooting star. Look, a fleeting star. Sou a única pessoa que pode fazer isso. I'm the only person that can do that. I'm the only person who can do that. Quito, Ecuador, está un pouco ao sur do ecuador. Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator. Quito, Ecuador, is a bit south of the equator. Ouvre la bouteille. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Aquera pòrta qu'ei clavada. This door is locked. That door is locked. Non la spingere. Don't push it. Don't push her. I disho el Dyo, sea luz, i fue luz. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And I said God, be light, and it was light. Êtes-vous prêt pour le voyage ? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Voi avete bisogno di studiare di più. You need to study more. You need to study more. Ela provavelmente virá. It is probable that she will come. She'll probably come. Vocês se amam? Do you love each other? Do you love each other? Elas sabem quem é ela. They know who she is. They know who she is. Vaig escriure un llibre de cuina. I wrote a cookbook. I wrote a cookbook. Sono stato a Tokyo solo una volta. I have been to Tokyo only once. I was only in Tokyo once. Avez-vous des difficultés à respirer ? Are you having any trouble breathing? Do you have any difficulty breathing? I comprind bé minou sins dire mon cat. A word to the wise is enough. I understand well minou without saying my cat. Aceasta este o sarcină grea. That's a strenuous task. This is a hard task. Ça ne me fait ni chaud ni froid. It cuts no ice with me. It doesn't make me hot or cold. Tens papel? Do you have paper? Do you have paper? Tom disse a Mary di essere a casa per le 2:30. Tom told Mary to be home by 2:30. Tom told Mary to be home by 2:30. Aussitôt qu'il m'a vu, il s'est enfui. No sooner had he seen me than he ran away. As soon as he saw me, he ran away. Qualsiasi sia la scelta, sarai soddisfatta. Whichever you choose, you will be satisfied. Whatever your choice, you'll be satisfied. Todos cometem erros. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Je suis là. I'm there. I'm here. Tom obbedirà. Tom will obey. Tom will obey. Canto casi todos los días. I sing almost every day. I sing almost every day. Tom estava gritando com Maria. Tom was yelling at Mary. Tom was yelling at Mary. Era stanco, ma continuò a lavorare. He was tired, but he kept on working. He was tired, but he kept working. Podem superar o medo. They can overcome their fear. They can overcome fear. Eu percebi que estava sendo observado. I noticed that I was being observed. I realized it was being observed. Debo estar aí ás 9 en punto. I must get there by 9 o'clock. I've got to be there at 9 o'clock. Em cada colmeia só pode haver uma única rainha. In each beehive there can only be one queen. In each hive there can only be one queen. Je ne veux pas que tu changes quoi que ce soit. I don't want you to change a thing. I don't want you to change anything. Declará-la guerra despóis dun ataque sorpresa é de supoñer, pero matar a máis de dez mil non combatentes cunha bomba e algo nunca visto. Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of. To declare war after a surprise attack is to suppose, but to kill more than ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb and something never seen. Qual è il modo migliore per viaggiare? What's the best way to travel? What is the best way to travel? Tengo el sentimiento de que serás un muy buen abogado. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. Mă duc să trag un pui de somn. I am going to take a nap. I'm going to take a nap. Vos no escuchaste. You didn't listen. You didn't listen. Sé que vi algo moverse. I know I saw something move. I know I saw something moving. Vous m'avez touché au cœur. You touched my heart. You touched my heart. Como podemos provar isso? How can we prove it? How can we prove that? Je sais que mes amies chinoises aiment bien quand je les corrige. I know that my Chinese female friends enjoy my disciplining them. I know my Chinese friends like it when I fix them. Há um avião sobre a igreja. There is a plane above the church. There's a plane about the church. Por que você não se cala? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you shut up? No podré terminarlo a menos que tenga tu ayuda. I won't be able to finish it unless I receive your help. I won't be able to finish it unless I have your help. Il n'y a plus de temps à perdre. There is no more time to waste. There's no more time to waste. Me estoy cepillando los dientes. I am brushing my teeth. I'm brushing my teeth. Es un hecho de que quiere visitar a Egipto. It is fact that he wants to visit Egypt. It is a fact that you want to visit Egypt. L'homme est un organisme complexe. Man is a complex organism. Man is a complex organism. Non sognerei di vendere la mia chitarra. I wouldn't dream of selling my guitar. I wouldn't dream of selling my guitar. Pensez-vous sérieusement à partir ? Are you seriously thinking about going? Do you seriously think about leaving? Câți ani ai acum? How old are you now? How old are you now? ¡Estoy muy enamorada! I'm so in love! I'm so in love! Nem todo mundo sabe o que significa. Not everybody knows what it means. Not everyone knows what it means. טום נו איס אינגליז. Tom isn't English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . É bem raro o Tom fazer isso. Tom very seldom does that. It's very rare for Tom to do that. Eu só queria algum conselho de alguém que já tenha estado em Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's ever been to Boston. Tom a l'avrìa nèn dovù lasse guidé Mary. Tom shouldn't have let Mary drive. Tom in April, where he led Mary. Sono sicura che è molto occupata. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure she's very busy. So di non essere pronta. I know I'm not ready. I know I'm not ready. Babaca! Idiot! Babaca! Généralement, les Japonais sont timides. Generally, Japanese people are shy. Usually, the Japanese are shy. Il m'a menti. Je ne peux plus lui faire confiance. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me, I can't trust him anymore. Quindi noi siamo infastiditi dal rumore delle automobili. Thus, we are annoyed by the noise of cars. So we're upset about the sound of cars. Avui mentider, demà lladre. Liar today, thief tomorrow. Today's liar, tomorrow's thief. Nu are rost să încerci să mă faci să cred că eu cred lucruri pe care tu nu le crezi! It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe! It's no use trying to make me think I believe things you don't believe! Qu'em gahat lo panaire. We caught the thief. Let me win this panic. Gli studenti ricevono il tifo più forte. The students receive the loudest cheers. The students receive the strongest typhoon. Je pense qu'elle va divorcer. I think she will divorce him. I think she's getting a divorce. Quante corse hanno all'incirca ogni ora questi autobus? About how many times an hour do these buses leave? How many races do these buses have about every hour? Con su nuevo trabajo ha asumido más responsabilidad. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new work he has assumed more responsibility. Io non ho ricevuto alcun avviso che lei sta arrivando. I haven't received any notice that she's coming. I have not received any notice that you are coming. Autrefois, je rêvais pouvoir respirer sous l'eau. I used to dream about being able to breathe underwater. I used to dream of breathing under the water. Io ho conosciuto Tom a Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I met Tom in Boston. Tom este foarte nefericit cu tine. Tom is very unhappy with you. Tom is very unhappy with you. Eu tenho um segredo. I've got a secret. I have a secret. Non conosci i tuoi vicini, vero? You don't know your neighbors, do you? You don't know your neighbors, do you? Voi non dovete dire nulla. You don't have to say anything. You don't have to say anything. Sé un poco de francés. I know a little French. I know a little French. À cause de la longue récession beaucoup de travailleurs sont sans travail. Because of the protracted depression, many workers are unemployed. Many workers are jobless because of the long recession. Tus ojos son más grandes que tu estómago. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Ce vrei să bei? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Lo miró de arriba abajo. He looked him up and down. He looked at it from top to bottom. Tom encontrou um emprego para Maria. Tom found a job for Mary. Tom found a job for Maria. Vuestra pronunciación es excelente. Your pronunciation is excellent. Your pronunciation is excellent. Dites-moi juste ce qui s'est passé ! Just tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened! Você foi para a praia na segunda-feira passada, não foi? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? Portate del vino. Bring wine. Bring some wine. Mersi că ați venit, băieți! Ne vedem mâine! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks for coming, guys! Us he de dir una cosa. I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something. Tu devrais prendre ton manteau au cas où il ferait froid. You must take your coat in case it should become cold. You should take your coat in case it's cold. Quanto volete scommettere? How much do you want to bet? How much do you want to bet? As-tu dit à Tom qu'il pouvait emprunter ta voiture ? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Did you tell Tom he could borrow your car? Ho sap tothom menys jo. Everybody knows it except me. Everyone knows that except me. Cuanto más viejo te vuelves, más difícil se hace aprender un idioma nuevo. The older you get, the more difficult it becomes to learn a new language. The older you become, the harder it gets to learn a new language. Tom no tuvo el valor de admitir que había cometido un error. Tom didn't have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake. Tom did not have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake. Cela ne te vient-il pas à l'esprit que c'est bizarre ? Doesn't that strike you as odd? Isn't that in your mind that it's weird? Siete vegetariani? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarians? Você gosta da minha? Do you like mine? Do you like mine? ¿A qué hora vas a la escuela? What time do you go to school? What time are you going to school? Elle est esclave de la mode. She's a fashion slave. She's a fashion slave. C'est mon jour de congé. It's my day off. It's my day off. Pretendo ficar em Boston por três meses. I'm planning to stay in Boston for three months. I intend to stay in Boston for three months. Aucun Canadien n'a été blessé. No Canadians were injured. No Canadian was injured. L'as-tu bien connue ? Did you know her well? Did you know her well? Argelia está cambiando. Algeria is changing. Algeria is changing. Lavorerò questa notte. I'll be working tonight. I'll work tonight. Je n'en suis pas certain. I am not certain about that. I'm not sure. Il faut que je me mette en route. I've got to get going. I have to get on my way. O time deles não era muito conexo. Their team is not very cohesive. Their team wasn't very related. Curierul aduce ziarele indiferent de vreme. The newspaper boy delivers newspapers no matter what the weather is like. The courier brings the papers from time to time. Un delfino è una specie di mammifero. A dolphin is a mammal species. A dolphin is some kind of mammal. Cristiano Ronaldo es un jugador de fútbol. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Ela non distingue entre o ben e o mal. She can't tell right from wrong. She doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. Loro vedranno loro zio domani. They are seeing their uncle tomorrow. They'll see their uncle tomorrow. Não se preocupe. Você pode confiar em mim. Don't worry. You can confide in me. Don't worry, you can trust me. Tom ainda não concluiu o ensino médio. Tom hasn't yet finished high school. Tom hasn't finished high school yet. Allí iba a suceder el acontecimiento más decisivo de su vida. The most decisive event of his life was going to happen there. There was going to happen the most decisive event of his life. Verdaderamente es espléndido con su dinero. He's certainly generous with his money. He is truly splendid with his money. Vas' tchîre è Moûze ! Fuck off! Go to Môze! Você come carne de vitela? Do you eat veal? Do you eat beef? Come siete diventate così ricche? How did you get so rich? How did you get so rich? Toutes ces pommes sont très douces. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very soft. Debo prepararme bien para no causar una mala impresión. I have to prepare myself well so I don't make a bad impression. I must prepare well not to make a bad impression. Cela m'a rendu très triste. That made me very sad. It made me very sad. Onde devemos nos encontrar? Where should we meet? Where should we meet? Loro vivono con lei? Do they live with you? Do they live with you? El auto estaba en la mitad del camino. The auto was in the middle of the road. The car was in the middle of the road. Volveré a contactar contigo. I'll get back to you. I'll get back to you. Tom es el mismo de nuevo. Tom is himself again. Tom's the same again. Suppongo che abbia senso andare avanti e pagare il conto ora. I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now. I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill now. El amor siempre gana al final. Love always wins in the end. Love always wins at the end. Quanto costa questa penna? What does this pen cost? How much is this pen? Tom no ha tocado la guitarra en años. Tom hasn't played the guitar for years. Tom hasn't played the guitar in years. Tom joue au tennis avec Marie. Tom is playing tennis with Mary. Tom plays tennis with Marie. Io parlerò con lei. I'll have a talk with her. I'll talk to her. Tom foi morto com esta faca. Tom was killed with this knife. Tom was killed with this knife. Elle a néanmoins un gros problème. She has a big problem, though. However, it has a major problem. Mimuna? Não, nunca ouvir falar disso. Mimouna? No, never heard of that. No, you never hear of it. Nu se aștepta la asta. He didn't expect this. He wasn't expecting that. Fadil stava viaggiando da solo. Fadil was traveling alone. Fadil was traveling alone. Noi ci siamo divertite davvero. We did have fun. We had a really good time. Peste o oră, copilul meu iese de la școală. In an hour my child gets out of school. In an hour, my baby's out of school. Eu comprei uma camiseta. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Este lugar é estranho. This place is weird. This place is weird. Mary misurò due tazze di riso per la ricetta. Mary measured out two cups of rice for the recipe. Mary measured two cups of rice for the recipe. Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé sous le canapé. Look what I found under the sofa. Look what I found under the couch. Chiedete a lei invece. Ask her instead. Ask her instead. Non incolpo lei per ciò. I don't blame her for this. I don't blame you for that. Ese chico alto salvó al niño ahogándose. That tall boy saved the drowning child. That tall boy saved the boy drowning. Elles prirent ma politesse pour de l'amitié. They mistook my politeness for friendship. They took my politeness for friendship. Il n'a pas fait cela par méchanceté mais plutôt par étourderie. He didn't do that out of meanness, but rather out of absent-mindedness. He did this not by wickedness but rather by scorn. È nascosto sotto il letto. It's hidden under the bed. It's hidden under the bed. Voulez-vous perdre du poids ? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to lose weight? Mora en Mueva York. She lives in New York. He lives in Mueva York. Commenti e ce lo faccia sapere! Comment and let us know! Comments and let us know! Eu tenho doze anos de idade. I'm twelve. I'm 12 years old. Solo se ho personalmente ucciso e macellato un animale ne mangio la carne. I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered. Only if I personally killed and slaughtered an animal do I eat the meat. Mă bucur să te cunosc. I am delighted to meet you. Nice to meet you. Ne me parle pas de lui. Don't talk to me about him. Don't tell me about him. Correggete le parole sottolineate. Correct the underlined words. Correct the highlighted words. Am râs cu hohote. We roared with laughter. I laughed with hohotes. No le añado azúcar al café. I don't add sugar to my coffee. I'm not adding sugar to the coffee. È una fotografia di Mary e il suo fidanzato coi capelli lunghi. It's a picture of Mary and her long-haired boyfriend. It's a picture of Mary and her long-haired boyfriend. Vreţi să mâncaţi ceva? Do you want anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Três vezes três é nove. Three times three is nine. Three times three is nine. De ce nu mănânci legume? Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? Sono stati fatti dei progressi. There has been progress made. Progress has been made. Voi lucra până târziu. I'll be working late. I'll work late. Ele quase nunca está certo. He is right once in a blue moon. He's almost never right. Ci sono molti squali da queste parti? Are there lots of sharks around here? Are there a lot of sharks around here? Cresme? Do you believe me? Do you believe me? Lean todos juntos después de mí. Read after me all together. Read them all together after me. Você pensa demais. You think too much. You think too much. Scopri cosa vuole Tom. Find out what Tom wants. Find out what Tom wants. Ele chegou aqui dez minutos adiantado. He arrived here ten minutes early. He got here ten minutes early. Esta mansana es amariya. This apple is yellow. This mansanna is yellow. Beh, cambia le cose, vero? Well, that changes things, doesn't it? Well, it changes things, doesn't it? J'ai découvert quelque chose d'intéressant, aujourd'hui. I found out something interesting today. I've discovered something interesting today. Le figlie della mia morosa si sono iscritte a Facebook. My girlfriend's daughters have joined Facebook. The daughters of my morosa signed up on Facebook. Tom lo sa dove sono gli altri? Does Tom know where the others are? Does Tom know where the others are? Te rog ia legătura cu mine mai târziu. Please contact me later. Please contact me later. Mora en Mueva York. He lives in New York. He lives in Mueva York. Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. S-a făcut presiune asupra mea ca să semnez cu numele meu. I was forced to sign my name. I've been pressured to sign my name. Él fue el héroe militar de la Guerra Civil. He was the military hero of the Civil War. He was the military hero of the Civil War. Te gândești serios să te măriți din nou la vârsta ta? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Are you seriously thinking about getting married again at your age? Je vous protègerai. I will protect you. I'll protect you. ¡Estoy listo! I'm ready! I'm ready! A minha esposa cozinha bem. My wife cooks well. My wife cooks well. La valse et la samba sont des danses. The waltz and the samba are dances. The waltz and samba are dances. Ne prenda solo una. Take only one. Just take one. Todos dicen que me parezco a mi padre. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like my father. Você não deveria responder aos seus pais dessa forma. You shouldn't talk back to your parents like that. You shouldn't answer your parents that way. ¿Dónde podemos estacionar el coche? Where can we park the car? Where can we park the car? Tom convenció a su madre para que le dejase el coche durante el fin de semana. Tom persuaded his mother to lend him the car for the weekend. Tom convinced his mother to leave the car for the weekend. Paris est une ville très ancienne et très belle. Paris is a very ancient and beautiful city. Paris is a very old and beautiful city. Come vi sentite a riguardo? How do you feel about it? How do you feel about it? ¿Cómo salió tu discurso? How did your speech go? How did your speech turn out? Alice pourra te dire qu'au Pays des merveilles, tout est sens dessus dessous. Alice will tell you that in Wonderland everything is topsy-turvy. Alice can tell you that in Wonderland, everything is felt on the bottom. Io non voto neanche. I don't even vote. I don't vote either. A cidade foi fundada em 573. The city was founded in 573. The city was founded in 573. Questa lingua ha solo una frase. This language has only one sentence. This language only has one sentence. Îți place sushi? Do you like sushi? Do you like sushi? Ea intră. She comes in. She's coming in. Prenez, s'il vous plait, votre temps, avant de décider ce qu'il faut faire. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Meza al bebé para dormir. Rock the baby to sleep. Mix the baby to sleep. ¿Te gustaría echar un vistazo? Would you like to have a look? Would you like to take a look? Tiene miedo de ir en avión. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid to fly. Fazer isso será difícil. Doing that will be difficult. Doing this will be difficult. Tom non ha ricevuto alcuna risposta. Tom got no reply. Tom didn't get an answer. Soy argentino. I am Argentinean. I'm an Argentine. La enfermera ciega se dedicó a cuidar a los ancianos. The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly. The blind nurse dedicated herself to caring for the elderly. J'ai vu le gâteau que tu as fait. I saw the cake you made. I saw the cake you made. No te vayas sin despedirte. Don't go off without saying good-by. Don't leave without saying goodbye. Adoro i film francesi. I love French movies. I love French movies. È in ordine. You're tidy. It's okay. Seguirà il mio consiglio. He will follow my advice. He'll follow my advice. Nos amamos el uno al otro. We love each other. We love each other. Estou com um pouco de febre. I have a slight fever. I'm having a little fever. Ne perdez pas votre temps à y penser. Don't waste your time thinking about it. Don't waste your time thinking about it. Non dire nulla! Don't say anything. Don't say anything! Puedes escribir en ese cuaderno puesto que es tuyo. You can write in that notebook since it's yours. You can write on that notebook as it's yours. Je veux danser. I want to dance. I want to dance. Tom conduce demasiado rápido. Tom drives too fast. Tom's driving too fast. Prefiero caminar solo. I prefer walking by myself. I'd rather walk alone. Tom è appena tornato a Boston. Tom has just come back to Boston. Tom just got back to Boston. J’ai joué au tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Mă doare în gât şi îmi curge nasul. I have a sore throat and runny nose. It hurts my neck and my nose is dripping. Tom parecia entediado. Tom looked bored stiff. Tom seemed bored. Non sono più il vostro angelo. I'm not your angel anymore. I'm not your angel anymore. Le dica di non parlare con nessuno. Tell her not to talk to anyone. Tell her not to talk to anyone. Io non alzai la voce. I didn't raise my voice. I didn't raise my voice. Me da lo mismo la opinión de los demás. I am indifferent to others' opinions. It gives me the same opinion of others. Não com tanta força, por favor! Please, go softer! Not so hard, please! El jardinero no deja que pisemos el césped. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The gardener won't let us step on the lawn. Nu mai suport frigul ăsta. I can't stand this cold anymore. I can't stand this cold anymore. Je n'ai pas pu entendre ce qu'ils disaient. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I couldn't hear what they were saying. As vacas são sagradas para os hindus. Cows are sacred to Hindus. The cows are sacred to the Hindus. Hicisteis trampa. You cheated. You cheated. Ils m'ont laissée m'en aller. They let me go. They let me go. Nu vreau să te induc în eroare. I don't want to mislead you. I don't want to mislead you. La capitale del Brasile è Brasília. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. Je vais être votre professeur. I'll be your teacher. I'm going to be your teacher. Soyez hardis ! Be bold! Be bold! Fără el, aş fi neajutorată. Without him, I would be helpless. Without him, I would be helpless. Poderias desenhar um mapa para mim? Could you draw a map for me? Could you draw a map for me? Loro utilizzarono il siero della verità. They used truth serum. They used the serum of truth. Tom era in un bar del posto. Tom was in a local bar. Tom was in a local bar. Elle est partie en pique-nique. She went on a picnic. She left as a picnic. Restituirò il vostro libro martedì se l'avrò finito. I will return your book on Tuesday if I have finished it. I'll return your book on Tuesday if I finish it. Que currículo usa Fadil para ensinar árabe? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? No, no vi a nadie. No, I didn't see anyone. No, I didn't see anyone. Questo tizio ha cercato di uccidermi. This guy has tried to kill me. This guy tried to kill me. Cela est-il disponible en une quelconque autre couleur ? Does this come in any other colour? Is this available in any other color? Eles estão perto. They're close. They're close. Unde este toaleta? Where's the bathroom? Where's the restroom? Não vá tão rápido! Don't go so fast! Don't go so fast! Io voglio parlare in francese. I want to speak French. I want to speak French. Este pacote é para o Tom. This package is for Tom. This package is for Tom. Les ales d'aquest pardal estan trencades. This sparrow's wings are broken. The wings of this sparrow are broken. Las flores huelen bien. The flowers smell good. Flowers smell good. Quell'uomo è un soldato. That man is a soldier. That man is a soldier. Je voulais étudier le français. I wanted to study French. I wanted to study French. Qual é o seu palavrão favorito? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite word? Un niño que es hablante nativo normalmente sabe muchas cosas acerca de su lengua que un hablante no nativo que lo haya estado estudiando durante muchos años no sabe todavía y que quizá no sabrá nunca. A child who is a native speaker usually knows many things about his or her language that a non-native speaker who has been studying for years still does not know and perhaps will never know. A child who is a native speaker usually knows a lot about his language that a non-native speaker who has been studying him for many years doesn't know yet and may never know. Anne a l'air d'être malade. Ann seems to be ill. Anne seems to be sick. Io non posso abbracciare Taninna. Non mi ama più. I cannot hug Taninna. She doesn't love me anymore. I can't hug Taninna. Há mais de 70 milhões de vídeos de Minecraft no YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are more than 70 million videos of Minecraft on YouTube. Ele escapou da prisão há trinta anos e tem estado em fuga desde então. He escaped from prison thirty years ago and has been on the lam ever since. He escaped from prison 30 years ago and has been on the run ever since. I protestanti non venerano i santi. Protestants don't venerate saints. Protestants do not worship saints. No deuries haver dessistit tan ràpid. You shouldn't have stopped so quickly. You shouldn't have given up so fast. Elas são iguais? Are they the same? Are they the same? Yo tengo una vejiga de acero. I have a steel bladder. I have a steel bladder. C'est une étudiante qui étudie sérieusement. She is a student who studies very hard. She's a serious student. Estamos sudando en esta calor. We're sweating in this heat. We're sweating in this heat. La ragazza con cui sta parlando è Nancy. The girl to whom he is speaking is Nancy. The girl she's talking to is Nancy. La police compara les empreintes digitales sur l'arme avec celles sur la porte. The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with those on the door. The police compare fingerprints on the weapon with fingerprints on the door. Il y a trois problèmes. There are three problems. There are three problems. Ils ont désamorcé la bombe avec succès. They've defused the bomb successfully. They dropped the bomb successfully. Sciusciâ e sciorbî no se peu. You can't blow and sip. Scissorbí and sciorbí no soo. Él llevó una vida de lujos. He led a life of luxury. He took a life of luxuries. Tom foi convidado a uma festa na praia. Tom was invited to a beach party. Tom was invited to a party on the beach. Ce que nous, républicains, devons défendre, c'est la croissance de l'économie. Nous devons agrandir la tarte. What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher. What we, Republicans, need to defend, is the growth of the economy, and we need to expand the pie. Spero di vederti domani. I hope to see you tomorrow. I hope to see you tomorrow. Vaig escriure una carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Opriţi avansarea inamicului! Stop the enemy's advancement. Stop advancing the enemy! No se puede dar gusto a todo el mundo. You cannot please everyone. You can't please everybody. ¿Quieres ir al zoo? Do you want to go to the zoo? You want to go to the zoo? Eu me encontrei com um antigo aluno em Londres. I met an old student in London. I met an old student in London. Cliccate qui per creare un account. Click here to create an account. Click here to create an account. Eu não achei que fosse chover hoje. I didn't think it would rain today. I didn't think it was raining today. Podemos esperar mais um pouquinho? Can we wait a little bit longer? Can we wait a little longer? O Tom não chegou tão longe. Tom didn't make it that far. Tom didn't get that far. Vous avez fait cela. You did that. You did that. Oricine poate să o facă. Anyone can do it. Anyone can do it. Tú comes más que yo. You eat more food than I do. You eat more than me. O Tom não sabe tocar violão. Tom doesn't know how to play guitar. Tom can't play guitar. Biroul domnului Popescu este la etajul zece. Mr. Popescu's office is on the tenth floor. Mr. Popescu's office is on the tenth floor. Él encontró la puerta cerrada. He found the door closed. He found the door closed. Combien de temps durera notre civilisation ? How long will our civilization last? How long will our civilization last? Ella aprobó el examen de inglés. She's passed an English exam. She passed the English exam. No puedo asar esta carne a la parrilla. ¡Se echó a perder! I cannot grill this meat. It has gone bad! I can't roast this meat in the grill. It got lost! Vendré como a las 10. I'll come by 10. I'll see you at 10. Tom mi disse che stava andando a Boston. Tom told me he was going to Boston. Tom told me he was going to Boston. Sono stato forzato a imparare lo spagnolo. I was forced to learn Spanish. I was forced to learn Spanish. Tu ne sembles pas si malin. You don't seem so smart. You don't look so smart. Provi a saltare il più in alto possibile. Try to jump as high as possible. Try to jump as high as you can. Tom não está pelado. Tom isn't naked. Tom's not peeled. Mon explication n'était pas suffisante. My explanation was not sufficient. My explanation was not enough. Tive que empurrar minha bicicleta porque tinha um pneu furado. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because I had a tire holed up. Ați crezut, că nu voi remarca? You thought I wouldn't notice? You thought, that I wouldn't notice? Hem d'actuar ràpid. We have to act quickly. We need to act fast. Tu ar trebui să fii soțul fiicei mele. You shall be my daughter's husband. You should be my daughter's husband. La tor a l'é àuta tërzentvintun méter. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tortoise is auta tërzentvintun meter. Ho appena cambiato idea. I've just changed my mind. I just changed my mind. Ela diz que gosta de flores. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Y de hecho, este proyecto nos necesita a todos. And actually, this project needs everyone. And in fact, this project needs us all. Le-am dat un cadou pentru aniversarea lor. I gave them a present for their anniversary. I gave them a present for their anniversary. Você sabe que eu normalmente não falo assim. You know that I don't usually talk this way. You know I don't usually talk like that. Il est clair que le bateau a coulé. It is clear that the ship sank. It is clear that the boat has flown. Tom ha lasciato questo messaggio. Tom left this message. Tom left this message. Primero atrapa tu liebre y luego la cocinas. First, catch your hare, then cook him. First catch your hare and then cook it. Bonito día, ¿verdad? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Nice day, isn't it? Você deveria levar uma sombrinha porque pode chover. You should take an umbrella in case it rains. You should take a little sleepover 'cause it can rain. Está realmente ventoso. It's really windy. It's really windy. Je suis le benjamin de la famille. I'm the youngest in the family. I'm the family's benjamin. Estos dos conceptos están íntimamente relacionados. These two concepts are intimately related. These two concepts are intimately related. Para relajarte, respira lentamente. To relax, breathe slowly. To relax, breathe slowly. Kyoto est une ville exceptionnellement jolie. Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. Hoy la tienda no está abierta. The store is not open today. Today the store isn't open. Adu-mi și mie una. Bring one for me, too. Bring me one. Espero que él nos ayude. I expect that he will help us. I hope he'll help us. Veux-tu entrer ? Do you want to come in? Would you like to come in? Puis-je vous poser une question personnelle ? Can I ask you a personal question? Can I ask you a personal question? Je viens de rentrer. I just got back. I just got home. Sono un dottore, Jim. Non un avvocato. I'm a doctor, Jim. Not a lawyer. I'm a doctor, Jim. De qué hascoc Jean ? What did Jean make? What do I get Jean from? Sentei-me entre Tom e João. I sat between Tom and John. I sat between Tom and John. Câinele mergea înapoi. The dog walked backward. The dog was going back. Je veux le meilleur. I want the best. I want the best. Tom disse que nunca viu a Mary de jeans. Tom said that he's never seen Mary wearing jeans. Tom said he never saw Mary in jeans. Non mangio spesso le banane. I don't often eat bananas. I don't eat bananas often. Il fut un temps où je ne pouvais faire confiance aux autres. There was once a time when I could not trust others. It was a time when I could not trust others. Ele encontrará facilmente o ponto de ônibus. He will find the bus stop easily. He will easily find the bus stop. Tal vez eso es cierto. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. Eu queria comprar algumas flores para Mary. I wanted to buy some flowers for Mary. I wanted to buy some flowers for Mary. Dovrebbe vergognarsi di se stesso per avermi trattato in questo modo! You should be ashamed of yourself for treating me this way! You should be ashamed of yourself for treating me like this! Arrête de faire de la lèche à la prof ! Stop sucking up to the teacher. Stop licking the teacher! Estoy buscando un lápiz labial que combine con este esmalte de uñas. I'm looking for a lipstick to go with this nail polish. I'm looking for a lipstick that matches this nail polish. Curăță cartofii și morcovii. Peel the potatoes and the carrots. Cleans potatoes and carrots. Lo so che non ti piacciono. I know you don't like them. I know you don't like them. Voi fi mai mult decât fericit să te ajut. I'll be more than happy to help. I'll be more than happy to help you. Ajudatz-me, vos prègui. Will you please help me? Help me, please. Il m'envoya un cadeau. He sent me a present. He sent me a present. Feliz dia de ação de graças. Happy Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving. ¿Esta es su primera visita? Is this your first visit? This is your first visit? Sono stato sposato troppo a lungo. I've been married too long. I've been married too long. Qu'est-ce que tu préfères, le printemps ou l'automne ? Which do you like better, spring or autumn? What do you prefer in spring or fall? Inocența e un lucru minunat. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Innocent is a wonderful thing. Să punem pomul de Crăciun aici. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Poți să conduci o mașină? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Tu me fais marcher. You're pulling my leg. You're making me walk. Quantos copos precisamos? How many glasses do we need? How many cups do we need? Drept cine mă iei? What do you take me for? Who are you taking me for? Te rog. Please. Please. Perché ha raccontato questa barzelletta? Why did you tell this joke? Why did you tell this joke? Estou pronto. I am ready. I'm ready. J'ai besoin de laver mes vêtements. I need to wash my clothes. I need to wash my clothes. Você já comeu? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten? Știi de ce a lipsit el de la oră astăzi? Do you know why he skipped class today? Do you know why he missed the hour today? Quella montagna è nelle nuvole. That mountain is in the clouds. That mountain is in the clouds. Tu sei mai andata a Boston? Have you ever gone to Boston? Have you ever gone to Boston? Ne me raccrochez pas au nez ! Don't you hang up on me. Don't hang up on me! Eu adoro ir ao cinema. I love to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. Não tenho nenhuma explicação sobre isso. I have no explanation about that. I have no explanation for that. Lui si trasferì a ovest a Nashville, Tennessee. He moved west to Nashville, Tennessee. He moved west to Nashville, Tennessee. Espero que você tenha gostado de fazer isso tanto quanto eu. I hope you enjoyed doing that as much as I did. I hope you enjoyed doing that as much as I did. Las ayudamos. We help them. We help them. I l'oma già 'ncontrasse prima? Have we met before? Did the man ever meet before? C'était une journée agréable, mais il y avait peu de monde dans le parc. It was a pleasant day, but there were few people in the park. It was a pleasant day, but there were few people in the park. Forcer une division par zéro est d'abdiquer la raison. Pushing a division by zero is tantamount to dropping reason. To force a division by zero is to abdicate the reason. De cât timp ai mașina asta? How long have you had this car? How long have you had this car? O que você está recebendo de Tom no Natal? What are you getting Tom for Christmas? What are you getting from Tom on Christmas? Lui è un po' geloso. He's a bit jealous. He's a little jealous. Tom tivo problemas decidindo que facer despois. Tom had trouble deciding what to do next. Tom had trouble deciding what to do later. Os cavalos são animais. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Je dois m'habiller pour l'école. I've got to get dressed for school. I have to get dressed for school. Peut-être que mon petit-enfant sera la première personne à poser le pied sur Mars. Maybe my grandchild will be the first person to set foot on Mars. Maybe my grandchild will be the first person to set foot on Mars. Ea a încremenit în picioare ca și cum ar fi văzut o fantomă. She stood transfixed as if she had seen a ghost. She cremated on her feet as if she had seen a ghost. Ta vie privée est-elle importante pour toi ? Do you care about your privacy? Is your privacy important to you? Se pare că am scăpat de pericol. We seem to have escaped from danger. Looks like we're out of danger. Je ne me sens pas à l'aise dans ces nouvelles chaussures. I am uncomfortable in these new shoes. I don't feel comfortable in these new shoes. Começou a chover e ela se encharcou. It began to rain and she got wet. It started raining and she stuffed herself. Eu quero ficar. I want to stay. I want to stay. Me'n trufi de çò qui hè. I don't care what he does. I don't care what it is. Gosto demais desse vinho. I really like this wine a lot. I like that wine too much. Eu trabalho num hotel em Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. Il a embouti sa voiture parce que quelqu'un avait trafiqué les freins. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He bumped into his car because someone broke the brakes. Eu conheço muito bem os fatos. I know the facts well enough. I know the facts very well. No puedo evitar pensar que mi padre sigue con vida. I can't help thinking my father is still alive. I can't help but think my father's still alive. Qualcuno stava parlando con loro. Somebody was talking to them. Someone was talking to them. Não entendi o que disse o professor. I didn't understand what the professor said. I didn't understand what the teacher said. Ele está com medo. He is afraid. He's scared. Non la volevo uccidere. I didn't want to kill her. I didn't want to kill her. Achegouse á estación. He approached the station. He came to the station. Tom está bastante preocupado com o que está acontecendo. Tom is quite concerned about what's happening. Tom's pretty worried about what's going on. So un djenio muy estavle. I'm a very stable genius. I'm a very stevle djenio. Regarde ! Deux garçons se battent. Look! Two boys are fighting. Look, two boys are fighting. El non é estúpido. He's not stupid. He's not stupid. Perché siete sempre così stanche? Why are you always so tired? Why are you always so tired? Un râu curge prin vale. A river runs down through the valley. A river flows through the valley. Tom nu a fost acuzat de fărădelegi. Tom hasn't been accused of wrongdoing. Tom wasn't charged with wrongdoing. A primeira muller espida que vin foi nunha revista de National Geographic. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. Não dobre! Do not fold. Don't double! Aprile è il mese più crudele. April is the cruellest month. April is the cruelest month. Commence à lire où tu t'es arrêté. Start reading where you left off. Start reading where you stopped. Io sono completamente fuso. I'm completely knackered. I'm completely melted. Nu vreau să fiu nepoliticos cu ea. I don't want to be rude to her. I don't want to be rude to her. Se vas ao cine, leva a túa irmá. If you go to the movies, take your sister with you. If you go to the movies, take your sister. Il est dans la merde. He's in big trouble. He's in trouble. Tom è un ragazzo d'oro. Tom is a golden boy. Tom's a golden boy. Nuestras virtudes son, en su mayoría, sólo vicios disfrazados. Our virtues are, most often, only disguised vices. Our virtues are, for the most part, only vices disguised. Je vous épouserai. I will marry you. I'll marry you. Você usa óculos? Do you wear glasses? Do you wear glasses? Este parque es conocido por sus cerezos. This park is famous for its cherry blossoms. This park is known for its cherries. Quiero saber más sobre tu país. I want to know more about your country. I want to know more about your country. Un bebé fue rescatado vivo de los escombros del edificio desplomado. A baby was pulled alive from the rubble of the collapsed building. A baby was rescued alive from the debris of the collapsed building. ¿Cuándo aprendiste a conducir? When did you learn to drive? When did you learn to drive? Tom recogió el cuchillo y vio que había sangre en él. Tom picked up the knife and saw blood on it. Tom picked up the knife and saw there was blood on it. Lei ha provato a nuotare. She tried to swim. You tried swimming. As macieiras floresceram cedo este ano. The apple trees blossomed early this year. The apple trees bloomed early this year. Prends tout le temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as much time as you want. Leitores existem em abundância; pensadores são raros. Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare. Readers exist in abundance; thinkers are rare. Ils ont toujours quelque chose à dire lorsqu'on commence à parler de la politique. They always have something to say when people start talking about politics. They always have something to say when we start talking about politics. Conte comigo! Count me in. Tell me about it! Ho preso in prestito il telefono di Tom stamattina. I borrowed Tom's phone this morning. I borrowed Tom's phone this morning. Est-ce que tu as oublié quelque chose ? Did you forget anything? Did you forget something? ¿Estás segura de esto? Are you certain about this? Are you sure about this? Tenho notícias sobre ela. I have news about her. I've got news about her. È stata divertente. It was fun. It was fun. Le roi abusa de son pouvoir. The king abused his power. The king abused his power. Tout le monde sait toujours ce que les politiciens font de travers et comment ils devraient s'y prendre, mais seule une partie infime de la population est prête à s'engager elle-même en politique. Everybody always knows when the politicians do something wrong and how they should do it better, but only a tiny fraction of the population is ready to commit themselves to politics. Everyone always knows what politicians are doing through and how they should do it, but only a small part of the population is ready to commit itself to politics. Fadil estava se esforçando para compartilhar as paixões de Layla. Fadil was making an effort to share Layla's passions. Fadil was trying to share Layla's passions. L'inondation était le plus grand désastre qu'ils ont jamais eu. The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had. The flood was the biggest disaster they ever had. No necesito un abogado. I don't need a lawyer. I don't need a lawyer. Mi refrigerador está descompuesto. My refrigerator is out of order. My refrigerator is decomposed. S'aider soi-même est la meilleure aide. Self-help is the best help. Helping yourself is the best help. Tom gosta de pipoca com bastante manteiga. Tom likes popcorn with lots of butter. Tom likes popcorn with a lot of butter. Tom stava indossando un vecchio paio di scarpe. Tom was wearing an old pair of shoes. Tom was wearing an old pair of shoes. Prenderanno questi. They will get these. They'll take these. Cadê todo mundo? Where's everybody? Everybody fall? Montiamo la tenda finché c'è ancora luce. Let's put up the tent while it is still light. Let's set up the tent until there's still light. J'ai besoin d'un crayon. I need a pencil. I need a pencil. La donna è quasi sorda. The woman is almost deaf. The woman is almost deaf. Mary nu vrea să facă asta singură. Mary doesn't want to do that herself. Mary doesn't want to do this alone. Zéro, dix, cent, mille, un million, un milliard. Zero, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion. Zero, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion. Ellos sostuvieron que él la había matado. They claimed that he'd killed her. They held that he had killed her. Ce ai vrea să mănânci? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Poți să te folosești de biblioteca lui. You may use his library. You can use his library. Esta tarde estou livre. I am free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Que diabos você vai fazer com isso? What the hell are you going to do with it? What the hell are you gonna do with that? Ce n'est pas toujours comme ceci. It's not always like this. It's not always like this. Tom este o persoană foarte generoasă. Tom is a very generous person. Tom is a very generous person. So che Tom non vi mentirà. I know Tom won't lie to you. I know Tom won't lie to you. Je n'ai rien flairé. I had no doubts. I didn't smell anything. Acho que gostaria de ser professor. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. El costo de vida ha aumentado. The cost of living has gone up. Cost of living has increased. Qual das histórias você quer que eu leia? Which story do you want me to read? Which of the stories do you want me to read? Los dos estan okupados. Both of them are busy. They're both okupados. Cau qu'agi acabat lo tribalh a quate oras. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. Cause I'm done with the tribalh at four o'clock. ¿Todavía tiene usted mi llave? Do you still have my key? Do you still have my key? Peki. OK. Peki. Il bestiame si nutre d'erba. Cattle feed on grass. The cattle feed on grass. Io pagherò qualsiasi cosa. I'll pay anything. I'll pay anything. Me pâ ch'o l'agge attrovou pe caxo. Seems to me he found it by accident. I don't care if the aggrieved bird's in the box. Folosim transportul public. We use public transportation. We use public transportation. Vous vous en êtes très bien sorti. You have done very well. You did very well. Você viveu em Boston ano passado? Did you live in Boston last year? You lived in Boston last year? Parlem del mateix Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Are we talking about the same Tom? Il me faut une chambre pour deux. I need a room for two people. I need a room for two. ¡No puedes hacer esto! You can't do this! You can't do this! Aș fi putut muri. I could have died. I could have died. Ha chiesto aiuto a Tom? Have you asked Tom for help? Did you ask Tom for help? No puedes ser muy cuidadoso cuando haces este experimento. You can't be too careful when doing this experiment. You can't be too careful when you do this experiment. Siento mucho lo occurido pero no os preocupéis. No volverá a suceder. I'm so sorry for what's happened but don't worry. It won't happen again. I'm so sorry for the dark but don't worry, it won't happen again. Creo que deberíamos repetirlo. I think we should do that again. I think we should repeat that. Je n'y avais pas vraiment pensé. I hadn't really thought about that. I didn't really think about it. Ea i-a făcut un tort pentru petrecerea lui. She made him a cake for his party. She made him a cake for his party. Tu sei generoso. You're generous. You're generous. Ne'n vòli pas mei. I don't want any more. I didn't want to. Îți mulțumesc că ai venit! Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming! ¿Por qué no se quedan tu y Tom con nosotros? Why don't you and Tom stay with us? Why don't you and Tom stay with us? Gracias! Thanks! Thank you! Ha fatto un buon discorso. She made a good speech. He made a good speech. Io non mi sento nervoso. I don't feel nervous. I don't feel nervous. Jo vull escriure un llibre. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Sei metodica. You're methodical. You're methodical. ¿Cuántas veces llamó ella? How many times did she call? How many times did she call? Am lucrat alături de Tom. I worked alongside Tom. I worked with Tom. Antes del siglo XV era una creencia extendida que la Tierra estaba en el centro del universo. Before the 15th century it was generally believed that the Earth was at the centre of the universe. Before the 15th century, it was a widespread belief that the earth was in the center of the universe. Hice todo lo que pude pero tuve que darme por vencido. I tried hard, but I had to give up. I did everything I could but I had to give up. Più siamo, meglio è. The more, the merrier. The more we are, the better. Me pagan por horas. I'm paid by the hour. I get paid for hours. Sami voulait empêcher Layla d'avorter. Sami wanted to stop Layla from having an abortion. Sami wanted to stop Layla from aborting. Non era così difficile. That wasn't so hard. It wasn't that hard. Io devo soltanto trovarlo. I just need to find him. I just have to find him. Pinocchio, chiedi scusa per questo o stai attento! Pinocchio, apologize for that, or look out! Pinocchio, apologize for this or be careful! Alice ha estado resfriada desde el domingo pasado. Alice has had a cold since last Sunday. Alice has been cold since last Sunday. Je suis fiancé. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. E marfă. That's cool. It's good. J'ai de la compagnie. I've got company. I have company. Il avait l'air vraiment nerveux. He seemed really nervous. He looked really nervous. A respirat adânc. He breathed deeply. He took a deep breath. No l'he vist des d'aleshores. I have not seen him since then. I haven't seen him since. ¿Fará calor mañá? Will it be hot tomorrow? Will it be hot tomorrow? Je sais à quel point Tom est important pour vous. I know how important Tom is to you. I know how important Tom is to you. Éste es mi coche. This is my car. This is my car. Mi volevo scusare per quello che è successo ieri. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. Como é que tu conseguiste esta foto? How did you get this picture? How did you get this picture? Je veux quelque chose de sucré. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. Su mentira ha complicado la situación. His lie complicated matters. His lie has complicated the situation. Gh'ho naot. I don't need anything. Gh'lo swim. Vou pagar com cheque. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay with check. Il est précisément celui que tu cherches. He is precisely the one you are looking for. That's exactly what you're looking for. Voi siete interessate? Are you interested? Are you interested? El Sr. Wang normalmente toma una siesta en la sala de reuniones. Mr. Wang usually has a nap in the meeting room. Mr. Wang usually takes a nap in the meeting room. Personne ne pense cela. No one thinks so. Nobody thinks that. ¿Sabes de algún apartamento que pueda alquilar en el que se admitan mascotas? Do you know of an apartment I can rent that allows pets? Do you know of any apartment you can rent in that pets are admitted to? Por que o Tom compra coisas naquela loja? Why does Tom buy things at that store? Why does Tom buy stuff in that store? Su hija se convirtió en una bella mujer. Her daughter became a beautiful woman. His daughter became a beautiful woman. Lui Tom nu-i place ideea lui Mary prea mult. Tom doesn't like Mary's idea very much. Tom doesn't like Mary's idea too much. Scrive in arabo. He writes Arabic. He writes in Arabic. Vous disposez de suffisamment de temps. You have enough time. You have enough time. ¿Por qué quisiste que ella se fuera? Why did you want her to leave? Why did you want her to leave? Fue un descuido de tu parte perder los documentos importantes. It was careless of you to lose the important documents. It was a neglect of you to lose the important documents. Não sei cantar em francês. I can't sing in French. I can't sing in French. No kero ke lavores ayi. I don't want you to work there. I don't kero ke work ayi. Starai a casa di Sile. You'll stay in Síle's house. You're staying at Sile's. Elles vont le tenter. They're going to try. They're gonna try. Avez-vous bu ? Have you been drinking? Did you drink? Está claro que él es rico. It is clear that he is rich. Of course he's rich. Tomás me preguntó si quería cocinar. Tom asked me if I would like to cook. Tom asked me if he wanted to cook. It l'has cost lìber neuv-sì? Do you have this new book? Did you cost it in New Year's Eve? Ele está correndo atrás do cachorro. He's running after the dog. He's running after the dog. Parmi un choix de fruits, je choisis toujours les pommes. Among a choice of fruit, I always choose apples. Among a choice of fruits, I always choose apples. Fais ce que tu as à faire. Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do. Eles podem ser pobres, mas são ricos de espírito. They may be poor, but rich in spirit. They may be poor, but they are rich in spirit. Tom roncou tão alto que podia ouvi-lo do meu quarto. Tom snored so loudly I could hear him from my room. Tom snored so loud that I could hear him from my room. J'ai parlé à la fille dont tu m'as parlé. I talked to the girl you told me about. I talked to the girl you talked to me about. Entra nella Jeep. Get in the Jeep. Get in the Jeep. Ne troverò uno più tardi. I'll find one later. I'll find one later. O Tom não gostou do que viu. Tom didn't like what he saw. Tom didn't like what he saw. Specializarea mea este agricultura. My major is agriculture. My specialization is agriculture. A foto foi adulterada. The photo was doctored. The photo was adulterated. C'erano un sacco di ottime band al festival. There were a lot of great bands at the festival. There were a lot of great bands at the festival. Je vous conduirai quelque part. I'll drive you somewhere. I'll drive you somewhere. Evită-l cu orice preț. Avoid it at all cost. Avoid it at any price. Combien de temps as-tu l'intention de rester en Allemagne? How long do you intend to stay in Germany? How long do you intend to stay in Germany? Por que você não me trouxe aqui antes? Why haven't you brought me here before? Why didn't you bring me here before? Nós sinceramente pedimos desculpas pelo nosso erro. We sincerely apologize for our error. We sincerely apologize for our mistake. Tenía un poco de dolor de cabeza. I felt a touch of pain in my head. He had a bit of a headache. Non posso essere d'accordo con te su questo argomento. I can't agree with you on this matter. I can't agree with you on this. Elles sont allées en Allemagne, en France et en Angleterre. They went to Germany, France and England. They went to Germany, France and England. Io ho la sensazione di avere già incontrato quel tizio. I have the feeling that I've met that guy before. I feel like I've met that guy before. Je sais que Tom voulait vous rencontrer. I know Tom wanted to meet you. I know Tom wanted to meet you. Veuillez corriger cette phrase. Please correct this sentence. Please correct this sentence. Perché la polizia non arresta Tom? Why don't the police arrest Tom? Why doesn't the police arrest Tom? El camí que duu a l'infern és ple de bones intencions. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is full of good intentions. Tom è a casa mia. Tom is at my place. Tom's at my house. Fique aqui com Tom. Stay here with Tom. Stay here with Tom. Jesús és el teu fill, Maria! Jesus is your son, Mary! Jesus is your son, Mary! Eu cresci na Austrália. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. Am numai trei cărți. I only have three books. I only have three books. Ce ai spus? Îmi pare rău, căzusem pe gânduri. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, I've been thinking. O processo já começou. The process has already begun. The process has already begun. Deuries prestar més atenció a allò que dic. You should pay more attention to what I say. You should pay more attention to what I'm saying. Sabeu a quina divinitat està dedicat aquest temple? Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to? Do you know what deity this temple is dedicated to? Mi novio se rehúsa a usar el microondas. My boyfriend refuses to use the microwave. My boyfriend refuses to use the microwave. Toate drumurile duc la Roma. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Mary spune că va studia franceză cu Tom în această seară. Mary says that she'll study French with Tom this evening. Mary says she's going to study French with Tom tonight. "Tom fez aquilo?" "Não, ainda não." "Has Tom done that?" "No, not yet." "Tom did that?" "No, not yet." Nous le découvrirons bientôt. We'll soon find out. We'll find out soon enough. Deixe a gente te ajudar a fazer isso. Let us help you do that. Let us help you do that. Stavano per impiccarlo. They were going to hang him. They were about to hang him. Copenhague es la capital de Dinamarca. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Io voglio mangiare del gimbap. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat some gimbap. Sono così preoccupato. I'm so worried. I'm so worried. Il padre è buono. The father is good. Dad's good. Non ha alcun significato. It doesn't have any meaning. It has no meaning. Non sposerò nessuna. I won't marry anyone. I'm not marrying any. Eu voi plăti. I'll pay. I'll pay. Toma algunas galletas para calmar el hambre hasta la cena. She had some cookies to stay her hunger until dinner. Have some cookies to calm the hunger down to dinner. Sciamo. Let's ski. Swim. Tom ha baciato Mary sulla guancia. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Voudriez-vous que je répète la question ? Would you like me to repeat the question? Would you like me to repeat the question? Tom, está ouvindo? Tom, are you listening? Tom, are you listening? Eu sei que vocês são vegetarianos. I know that you are vegetarians. I know you're vegetarians. Petit à petit, notre connaissance de l'anglais augmente. Little by little our knowledge of English increases. Gradually, our knowledge of English increases. A Samsung é uma empresa grande. Samsung is a big company. Samsung's a big company. Elle cria à l'aide mais personne ne vint. She cried out for help, but no one came. She screamed for help, but nobody came. Credevamo a loro. We believed them. We believed them. Debiches acepta-lo seu consello. You should have accepted his advice. You should have taken his advice. Había pasajeros heridos, pero el resto estaba a salvo. Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe. There were injured passengers, but the rest were safe. Mă plimbam pe bulevard. I was strolling down the avenue. I was walking on the boulevard. Non ho mai insegnato il francese. I haven't ever taught French. I never taught French. Y tú, ¿qué tal estás? And you, how's it going? And you, how are you? As-tu déjà écrit une lettre au Père Gel? Have you already written a letter to Father Gel? Have you ever written a letter to Father Gel? O Tom não se sentia bem. Tom didn't feel well. Tom wasn't feeling well. Acest concept are multe sensuri. This concept has many meanings. This concept has many meanings. Eles vieram para pedir paz. They came to ask for peace. They came to ask for peace. Questa è la norma. This is standard. That's the rule. Qu'attendez-vous de nous ? What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Quando é o aniversário do Tom? When is Tom's birthday? When's Tom's birthday? Comment la maladie se diffuse-t-elle ? How does this disease spread? How does the disease spread? Sami ha chiamato Layla sei mesi più tardi. Sami called Layla six months later. Sami called Layla six months later. Deixe de ser pessimista, tudo se ajeita. Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Stop being pessimistic. John a depus mărturie în ceea ce îl priveşte. John testified concerning him. John testified as far as he was concerned. Ils sont venus la semaine passée. They came last week. They came last week. Sia Tom che Mary stavano piangendo. Tom and Mary were both crying. Both Tom and Mary were crying. Fins a un cert punt, el rumor és cert. The rumor is true to some extent. To a certain extent, the rumor is true. A aguia é a raíña das aves. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the queen of birds. Puedes llamarle tonto, pero no puedes llamarle cobarde. You may call him a fool, but you cannot call him a coward. You can call him a fool, but you can't call him a coward. Saviez-vous que "crédule" ne figure pas dans le dictionnaire ? Did you know "credulous" is not in the dictionary? Did you know that "believer" is not in the dictionary? Esta película es una adaptación de una novela. This film is an adaptation of a novel. This film is an adaptation of a novel. Am auzit pe cineva bătând la ușă. I heard someone knock on the door. I heard someone knocking on the door. Acho que vou esperar. I think I'll wait. I think I'll wait. Não consigo mentir para eles. We can't lie to them. I can't lie to them. Fiecare dormitor are o baie privată. Each bedroom has a private bathroom. Every bedroom has a private bathroom. Él ha aprendido a ser paciente. He has learned to be patient. He's learned to be patient. La comprai in un negozio dell'usato. I bought it at a thrift shop. I bought it in a used shop. Tom era straordinariamente bello. Tom was extraordinarily handsome. Tom was extraordinarily beautiful. Nu era nimeni acasă. No one was at home. Nobody was home. Eu quero surpreendê-lo. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise you. È il meteo ideale per un picnic. It's ideal weather for a picnic. It is the ideal weather for a picnic. Esas casas son de mi tío. Those houses are my uncle's. Those houses are my uncle's. Tom era un po' sconcertato dalla richiesta di Mary. Tom was a bit baffled by Mary's request. Tom was a little confused by Mary's request. A trebuit să achităm datoria. We had to write off the debt. We had to pay off the debt. Preciso ser mais paciente. I need to be more patient. I need to be more patient. Non aspettatevi pietà. Expect no mercy. Don't expect mercy. J'imagine que je pourrais être en colère après ce qui m'est arrivé. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me. I guess I could be angry after what happened to me. Tom suona spesso da solo. Tom often plays by himself. Tom often sounds alone. "¿Tocarás el piano mañana?" "No, no lo haré." "Will you play the piano tomorrow?" "No, I won't." "Will you play the piano tomorrow?" "No, I won't." Elas estão se encarando. They're staring at each other. They're facing each other. Demorou 22 anos para construir o Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build Taj Mahal. Tommy n'a pas su répondre à la dernière question. Tommy couldn't answer the last question. Tommy couldn't answer the last question. Naquela época, eu ainda estava tendo aulas de Francês. At that time, I was still taking French lessons. At that time, I was still having French lessons. A primeira muller núa que vin foi nunha revista de National Geographic. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. Tutti hanno bisogno di aiuto. Everybody needs help. Everyone needs help. Eu voi merge în parc. I will go to the park. I'll go to the park. Tu hai Halloween e il Giorno del ringraziamento. You have Halloween and Thanksgiving Day. You have Halloween and Thanksgiving. Unde este valiza ta? Where's your suitcase? Where's your suitcase? ¿Qué haces cuando no tienes tiempo para almorzar? What do you do when you don't have time to eat lunch? What do you do when you don't have time for lunch? Você precisa vir. You need to come. You need to come. Je ne dois pas écouter ça. I do not have to listen to that. I don't have to listen to this. Non ho una migliore amica. I haven't a best friend. I don't have a better friend. J'étais terrifié. I was terrified. I was terrified. "Tom, j'ai faim." "Moi aussi." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." "Tom, I'm hungry." "Me too." Ela correu para fora seminua. She ran outside half-naked. She ran out half-naked. Tenies que haver estat tu. It had to be you. It had to be you. Dov'è la Croce Rossa? Where's the Red Cross? Where's the Red Cross? T'he de dir una cosa. I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something. Il connaît beaucoup de trucs amusants. He knows many amusing magic tricks. He knows a lot of fun stuff. Gråces vormint des côps! Thank you very much. Thank you so many times! Io sono così fiera di lui. I'm so proud of him. I'm so proud of him. Un diccionario define palabras. A dictionary defines words. A dictionary defines words. Acest program TV este destinat copiilor. This TV show is aimed at children. This TV program is for children. Io e Tom ci amiamo ancora. Tom and I still love each other. Tom and I still love each other. Trebuie să depășiți dificultățile. You must overcome the difficulties. You have to overcome your difficulties. No va a llegar a tiempo a la reunión. He won't be in time for the meeting. He's not gonna make it to the meeting in time. È spietato, vero? He's ruthless, isn't he? He's sorry, isn't he? Dobbiamo parlare con lui. We have to talk to him. We need to talk to him. Ce n'est pas prêt ! That's not ready! It's not ready! En ese caso, ¿qué leyeron? If so, what did they read? In that case, what did they read? Avete sentito la notizia? Have you heard the news? Did you hear the news? As-tu perdu ton billet ? Have you lost your ticket? Have you lost your ticket? En un diccionario como éste debería haber por lo menos dos oraciones con "refrigerador". In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with "fridge". In a dictionary like this there should be at least two prayers with "cooler". Je n'aurais pas dû envoyer ce courriel. I shouldn't have sent that email. I shouldn't have sent that e-mail. Ella nos agrada. We like her. We like her. C'était une merveilleuse surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. It was a wonderful surprise. Manda esta carta mañana en la mañana. Mail this letter tomorrow morning. Send this letter tomorrow morning. Eu sabia que você não iria gostar da maneira que o Tom fez aquilo. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that. Hi habia una vegada un rei que tenia tres filles. Once upon a time lived a king who had three daughters. There was once a king who had three daughters. Todos ellos cantaron en coro. They all sang in chorus. They all sang in choir. Sei più anziana di me. You're older than me. You're older than me. Isso não pode estar certo. Ele ainda está em férias no Havaí. It can't be right. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. That can't be right. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. Lei non c'era nemmeno. You weren't even there. She wasn't even there. Se ve que la casa quedó firme. You can see the house was built steadily. Turns out the house was firm. I'n'a foc qu'ein osjaux d'cat d'veins l'cervelle de s'tiesse. He hasn't got much upstairs. It's in the fire that there's bone in venom the brain to lie down. Ninge! It's snowing. It's snowing! Tom s-a decis că vrea să locuiască în Boston. Tom decided that he wanted to live in Boston. Tom decided he wanted to live in Boston. No soy una persona simpática. I'm not a nice person. I'm not a nice person. Șeful meu tocmai m-a concediat. My boss just fired me. My boss just fired me. Gli esperti dicono che i prezzi del caffè stanno crescendo principalmente perché la gente è disposta a pagare di più. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more. Experts say coffee prices are growing mainly because people are willing to pay more. Eu não confio nos políticos. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. He ido dos veces a Kioto. I've been to Kyoto twice. I've gone to Kyoto twice. On està el banc més proper? Where is the nearest bank? Where's the nearest bank? Adressez-vous à mon collègue. Go and speak to my colleague. Talk to my colleague. Él vive en una casa grande. He lives in a large house. He lives in a big house. ¿Dónde puedo solicitar mis maletas? Where do I claim my bags? Where can I order my bags? Pourriez-vous vous tenir tranquille, tout le monde ? Could you keep still, everyone? Could you just be quiet, everybody? Adoitabamos quedar nunha cafetería en Shinjuku despois do traballo. We used to meet at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work. We used to stay in a cafeteria in Shinjuku after work. C'era qualcosa che non andava con la macchina? Was there something wrong with the car? Was there something wrong with the car? Cela n'est pas très logique à mes yeux, mais Tom a décidé de ne pas aller à l'université. It doesn't make much sense to me, but Tom has decided not to go to college. This is not very logical in my view, but Tom decided not to go to college. Six personnes ont posé leurs candidatures pour le job, mais aucune d'entre elles n'a été employée. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared. What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. What do we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's too ugly to hang it on the wall. Désolé, j'ai dû composer le mauvais numéro. Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry, I had to dial the wrong number. O Tom está curtindo sua vida em Boston. Tom is enjoying his life in Boston. Tom's enjoying his life in Boston. Li avevamo sotto sorveglianza. We had them under surveillance. We had them under surveillance. O que eles estão fazendo lá? What are they doing there? What are they doing there? L'arbre se coucha. The tree fell down. The tree is sleeping. Bill, abra a porta. Bill, open the door. Bill, open the door. Mayuko me volvió a llamar. Mayuko called me back. Mayuko called me back. È finita. It's over. It's over. Tom está en la sede del club. Tom is in the clubhouse. Tom's at the club's headquarters. Un cos humà mitjà conté prou ossos per a compondre un esquelet humà sencer. The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton. An average human body has enough bones to make up a whole human skeleton. Eu tenho de comer. I have to eat. I have to eat. Em pregunto si vindrà demà. I wonder if he'll come tomorrow. I wonder if he's coming tomorrow. Cosa gli devo? What do I owe him? What do I owe him? Anche io sono annoiata. I'm bored, too. I'm bored, too. Esa es una muy buena idea. That's a very good idea. That's a very good idea. Qual é o nome do seu primo? What's your cousin's name? What's your cousin's name? Nadie se opuso a la elección. No one opposed the choice. No one opposed the election. Ne te sens-tu pas coupable ? Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel guilty? Peu de gens n'ont aucun souci. Few people are free from cares. A lot of people don't care. A Tom lo tiene sin cuidado lo que se piensa de él. Tom doesn't care what people think about him. Tom doesn't care what you think of him. Le parapluie est cassé. The umbrella is broken. The umbrella is broken. Ela gosta de ter a atenção dos garotos. She likes to get boys' attention. She likes to watch the boys. Fadil fez uma promessa e a cumpriu. Fadil made a promise and kept it. Fadil made a promise and fulfilled it. Los investigadores han creado gatitos que pueden brillar en la oscuridad. The researchers have created kittens that can glow in the dark. Researchers have created kittens that can shine in the dark. Je suis impartial. I'm unbiased. I'm unbiased. Tom aussi vient à la fête. Tom is coming to the party, too. Tom's coming to the party, too. El próximo día lunes y martes son feriados. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. The next day Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Compare los medios de comunicación unidireccionales como la radio o la televisión con los medios bidireccionales como la correspondencia o Internet. Compare unidirectional mass media such as radio and television with bidirectional ones such as correspondence and the Internet. Compare unidirectional media such as radio or television with bidirectional media such as correspondence or Internet. Où sont les affaires de Tom ? Where're Tom's things? Where's Tom's business? O Tom chegou de carro. Tom arrived by car. Tom's here by car. A Alemanha é uma líder iluminada na batalha global para reduzir emissões de CO2, uma pioneira em energia renovável e projetos de energia comunitária e uma campeã em eficiência energética. Germany is an enlightened leader in the global battle to reduce CO₂ emissions, a pioneer in renewable energy and community power projects and a champion of energy efficiency. Germany is an enlightened leader in the global battle to reduce CO2 emissions, a pioneer in renewable energy and community energy projects and a energy efficiency champion. Estoy aquí todas las noches. I'm here every night. I'm here every night. Les États-Unis veulent devenir l'unique superpuissance dans le monde. United States want to be the World unique superpower. The United States wants to become the only superpower in the world. Tom est celui à qui j'ai donné la clé. Tom is the one I gave the key to. Tom is the one I gave the key to. ¿Dónde está el banco más cercano? Where is the nearest bench? Where's the nearest bank? Lavorate? Do you work? Work? Ha llovido continuamente durante tres días. It has rained for three days on end. It has rained continuously for three days. Nós trocamos ideias. We shared ideas. We've changed our mind. Le minigonne sono tornate di moda. Mini-skirts are back in fashion again. The minigons are back in fashion. Se estima que este año la producción de acero alcanzará 100 millones de toneladas. Steel production is estimated to reach 100 million tons this year. It is estimated that this year steel production will reach 100 million tonnes. N-am mers niciodată în Statele Unite. I have never been to the United States. I never went to the United States. On utilise cet insecticide depuis deux ans. We have been using this insecticide for two years. We've been using this insecticide for two years. Lo climat d'aquera vile ei tan doç que lo termomètre puja rarament dinc atrenta grads, quitament au bèth miei de l'estiu. The climate of this town is so mild that the thermometer seldom rises to thirty degrees, even in midsummer. The vile aquera climate is so sweet that the thermometer rarely goes up to attract degrees, even at the best of my summer. Tomás es un racista. Tom is a racist. Tomás is a racist. Imposible. Impossible. Impossible. As pessoas vão rir de você caso digas isso. People will laugh at you if you say so. People will laugh at you if you say so. Tu ne veux pas le faire attendre ! You don't want to keep him waiting. You don't want to keep him waiting! Non lo sapevo che ero stato adottato. I didn't know I was adopted. I didn't know I was adopted. Ha dato la colpa del suo fallimento alla malattia. She attributed her failure to her illness. He blamed his failure to the disease. ¿Las habéis visto? Have you seen them? Have you seen them? Ce drăguț din partea ta să mă inviți și pe mine! How nice of you to invite me along! How nice of you to invite me too! Helena é de Ecuador. É ecuatoriana. Elena is from Ecuador. She is Ecuadorian. Helena's from Ecuador, she's Ecuadorian. Je souhaiterais que tu fasses comme on te dit. I wish you would do as you're told. I wish you could do as you're told. Tom tem uma filha muito bonita. Tom has a daughter who's very beautiful. Tom has a very beautiful daughter. Dan donna à Linda de nombreuses occasions de s'expliquer. Dan gave Linda numerous chances to explain. Dan gave Linda many opportunities to explain herself. La meva mare sempre està ocupada. My mother is always busy. My mother's always busy. Era difícil convencerle para que cambiase de opinión. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind. It was hard to convince him to change his mind. Cine a clipit? Who winked? Who blinked? Tom no sabe con exactitud cuándo va a llegar Mary a casa. Tom doesn't know exactly when Mary will get home. Tom doesn't know exactly when Mary's coming home. A quanti concerti è andato l'anno scorso? How many concerts did you go to last year? How many concerts did he go last year? Aquera cleda qu'a besonh d'estar pintrada. This gate needs painting. That cleda has to be painted. Je ne pense pas que je puisse le réparer. I don't think I can fix it. I don't think I can fix it. C'est un de ces pauvres types ! He's such a jerk. He's one of those poor guys! În sfârşit a făcut bani. He finally made money. He finally made money. No hagan ruido. Don't make noise. Don't make any noise. ¿Cuándo le convendría venir? When will it be convenient for you to come? When would you like to come? Voi sta la mătușa mea în timpul verii. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. I'll stay at my aunt's during the summer. Cette dame est indienne. This lady is Indian. This lady is Indian. ¿Cres nas pantasmas? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Dámo, Tom. Give it to me, Tom. Give it to me, Tom. Io me lo ricordo davvero. I do remember it. I really remember that. Não se iluda. Don't delude yourself. Don't be fooled. Când se va termina aceasta? When will it end? When will this end? Esperamos, pero él no llegó. We waited, but he didn't come. We waited, but he didn't make it. Tirar a vida de alguém que cometeu um assassinato é uma punição incomparavelmente pior do que o próprio crime cometido. To kill someone for committing murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself. To take away the life of someone who has committed a murder is an incomparably worse punishment than the crime itself. Asegúrate de venir a las 3. Be sure to come at 3. Make sure you come at 3:00. El mi-a acceptat ideea. He accepted my idea. He accepted my idea. Elle joua du violon. She played the violin. She played the violin. ¡No os lo vais a creer! You won't believe this! You won't believe it! No te dije estúpido. I didn't call you stupid. I didn't call you stupid. Dormimos demasiado. We overslept. We slept too much. Ya no sos mi amiga. You're not my friend anymore. You're not my friend anymore. Eles não vão te dar nada. They won't give you anything. They're not gonna give you anything. Potete ripetere, per favore? Can you repeat, please? Can you repeat, please? Eu fui lá sozinho. I went there by myself. I went there alone. Eu vou te ajudar. I'll assist you. I'll help you. Tom ha detto che Mary aveva paura. Tom said that Mary was afraid. Tom said Mary was afraid. Le differenze sono importanti. The differences are important. Differences are important. No podemos evitar admirar su coraje. We cannot help but admire his courage. We can't help but admire his courage. Non ha niente addosso. He has nothing on. He's got nothing on him. As crianças falam devagar. The children speak slowly. The children speak slowly. Pensate che sia attraente? Do you think she's attractive? Do you think it's attractive? Sunt mândru să fac parte din acest proiect. I'm proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Tom s-a uitat drept în ochii mei. Tom looked me straight in the eyes. Tom looked straight into my eyes. Regresen esto. Return this. Let's get this back. ¿Onde podo obter os boletos? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the tickets? ¿Puede repararme estos zapatos? Can you mend these shoes for me? Can you fix me these shoes? Eu estava com uma febre muito alta. I had a very high fever. I was in a very high fever. Io sono scioccato. I'm upset. I'm shocked. Ele tentou falar com ela por telefone, sem sucesso. He tried to get her on the phone without success. He tried to talk to her on the phone without success. ¿Cuántas letras tiene el alfabeto inglés? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How many letters does the English alphabet have? ¿Quién escribió esta carta? Who wrote this letter? Who wrote this letter? Aceste mănuși îi aparțin lui Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. Je suis conscient de la situation. I'm aware of the situation. I'm aware of the situation. Eu voltarei às 2h30. I'll be back at 2:30. I'll be back at 2:30. Un homme est venu te voir la nuit dernière. A man called on you last night. A man came to see you last night. Quiero ir a la tienda. I want to go to the store. I want to go to the store. Tom estava atrasado. Tom was late. Tom was late. Estou tão cansado que não posso continuar. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired I can't go on. Un trépied à pizza est un petit bout de plastique qui empêche la pizza de coller sur le dessus du carton. The pizza saver is a small piece of plastic which prevents the pizza from sticking to the top of the cardboard box. A pizza tripod is a small piece of plastic that prevents the pizza from sticking on top of the cardboard. Io vorrei attraversare gli Stati Uniti d'America con una decappottabile. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I would like to cross the United States of America with a convertible. Charras anglés? Do you speak English? English charras? Tom stava sciando. Tom was skiing. Tom was skiing. O que você escolheu para fazer? What did you choose to do? What did you choose to do? Chegamos um pouco tarde. We arrived a little late. We're a little late. Io lavoravo in una banca. I used to work in a bank. I used to work in a bank. Tom a fost foarte dezamăgit. Tom was very disappointed. Tom was very disappointed. Lei ha cento anni. She is 100 years old. She's a hundred years old. Está vivo. It's alive. He's alive. Mi racconti la storia completa. Tell me the whole story. Tell me the whole story. Stavo correndo. I was running. I was running. O Tom costumava pensar que a Mary não gostava dele. Tom used to think Mary didn't like him. Tom used to think Mary didn't like him. Vorrei avere una voce come quella di Tom. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. I'd like to have a voice like Tom's. No se puede huir de la edad. No one can escape growing old. You can't run away from age. Tom ar trebui să facă la fel. Tom should do the same. Tom should do the same. Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un comme vous. I've never seen anyone like you. I've never seen anyone like you. Eu, na verdade, não dormi com ele. I haven't actually slept with him. I actually didn't sleep with him. Io sarò felice di bere un bicchiere di champagne. I'll be glad to drink a glass of champagne. I'll be happy to have a glass of champagne. Je suis un habitué de ce restaurant dans ce quartier. Allons déjeuner ici aujourd'hui. I'm a regular at a restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch there today. I'm a regular at this restaurant in this neighborhood, let's have lunch here today. Prenez ses clés de voiture. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. Em vaig quedar un dia més al llit per si de cas. I stayed in bed one more day just to be on the safe side. I stayed one more day in bed in case. Eu estava de coração partido. I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. Aparentemente, não mudou muita coisa. Apparently, not much has changed. Apparently, not much has changed. Este es un excelente comienzo. This is an excellent start. This is an excellent start. Questo è suicidio! This is suicide! This is suicide! Te puedes fiar en eyos. You can trust them. You can trust them. Tom și Mary sunt partenerul perfect unul altuia. Tom and Mary are a perfect match for each other. Tom and Mary are the perfect partner for each other. É ele. That's him. It's him. Unde e mașina mea? Where is my car? Where's my car? Solo me parecía que estaba oyendo tu voz. I just felt like hearing the sound of your voice. I just thought I was hearing your voice. Hay dos cosas por las que deberíamos luchar. Una es la defensa de nuestros hogares y la otra la Declaración de Derechos. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. There are two things we should fight for: one is the defense of our homes and the other is the Declaration of Rights. C'était facile. That was easy. It was easy. Cola fomna a l'ha catà 'n cit. That woman has had a child. There's a starvation in the city. Pot folosi pixul tău? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? Je pense que je peux arranger ça. I think I can fix this. I think I can fix this. Sou mais rápido que você. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Dans une démocratie, il est important que la presse soit indépendante. In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. In a democracy, it is important that the press be independent. Ella t'envia els seus millors desitjos. She sent you her best wishes. She sends you her best wishes. El vrea să se răzbune. He wants to retaliate. He wants revenge. Tesoro, sei lì? Honey, are you here? Honey, are you there? Eu não estava a mentir quando disse que as amava. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved you. I wasn't lying when I said I loved them. Si tu m'avais demandé de t'épouser, j'aurais dit oui. If you had asked me to marry you, I would have said yes. If you had asked me to marry you, I would have said yes. Eu tenho medo de gatos. I'm afraid of cats. I'm scared of cats. Nós somos realmente muito otimistas. We're really very optimistic. We are really very optimistic. ¿Qué estaban haciendo Tom y Mary ayer? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? El diccionario es incompleto. Sólo llega a la letra J. The dictionary is incomplete. It only goes to the letter J. The dictionary is incomplete. It only reaches the letter J. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que leíste esta revista? When was the last time you read this magazine? When was the last time you read this magazine? Le monde ne périra pas par manque de merveilles, mais par manque d'émerveillement. The world shall perish not for lack of wonders but for lack of wonder. The world will not perish because of the lack of wonder, but because of the lack of wonder. Csa sucèd? What's happening? Csa suced? Stiamo facendo del porridge per pranzo. We are making porridge for lunch. We're making porridge for lunch. Vuole continuare a uscire con lei? Do you want to keep dating her? You want to keep dating her? Asigurările protejează împotriva problemelor neprevăzute. Insurance protects against unforeseen predicaments. Insurance protects against unforeseen problems. Quelle merveilleuse idée ! What a wonderful idea! What a wonderful idea! J’ai un stylo. I have a pen. I have a pen. De ce ai cumpărat flori? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Sei que o Tom está acordado. I know that Tom is awake. I know Tom's awake. Soy yo el que lo suele hacer. I'm the one who usually does that. I'm the one who usually does. Eres mi novia. You are my girlfriend. You're my girlfriend. M'a enviat ua carta d'anniversari. He sent me a birthday card. He sent me a birthday letter. Non dite cose stupide! Don't say stupid things! Don't say stupid things! É o meu CD. This is my CD. It's my CD. Quería que Tom se quedara en la escuela. I wanted Tom to stay in school. I wanted Tom to stay at school. Je mis des vêtements propres. I put on some clean clothes. I'm wearing clean clothes. El Dio ke no vos mate a ambos! To Hell with both of you! The ke God does not kill you both! Tom sabe cosas. Tom knows things. Tom knows things. Acela este un hotel. That's a hotel. That's a hotel. So palestiniano. I'm Palestinian. Palestinian sound. Los miembros de la banda de bronces se veían muy felices. The brass band members looked very happy. The members of the bronze band were very happy. Bebe agua. He drinks water. Drink water. Quisiera hablar con Judy. I'd like to speak to Judy. I'd like to talk to Judy. Te llevo a casa en coche. I'll drive you home. I'll drive you home. A fost un moment de tăcere. There was a moment of silence. It was a moment of silence. ישו איס פֿאסטידֿיוזו. Jesus is annoying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estaba agotadísimo. He was completely worn out. I was so exhausted. Tom a cerut un apel de deşteptare. Tom asked for a wake-up call. Tom called for a wake-up call. Tom et Mary ont rejoint le groupe. Tom and Mary joined the group. Tom and Mary joined the band. Asocierea mea cu ei nu a durat mult. My association with them didn't last long. My association with them didn't last long. Vreau să mor cu Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Combien la Floride compte-t-elle de comtés ? How many counties are there in Florida? How many counties does Florida count? O Tom está sempre em meu pensamento. Tom is always on my mind. Tom's always in my mind. Não posso usar isto. I can't use this. I can't use this. Me llamu Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. ¿Tiene una mesa con vista al mar? Do you have a table with a view of the ocean? Do you have a table overlooking the sea? Noi lucrăm în acest moment. We're working at the moment. We're working right now. Tu es fort courageuse. You're very brave. You're very brave. É tudo culpa sua. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. La justice suit son cours. Justice will take its course. Justice follows its course. Ella es va aixecar. She stood up. She got up. O senhor Smith está bebendo café. Mr Smith is drinking coffee. Mr. Smith is drinking coffee. As-tu déjà été trahi par une amie ? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend before? Tom emporte son ours en peluche partout où il va. Tom takes his teddy bear with him wherever he goes. Tom's got his bear in the teddy bear wherever he goes. Eu tenho uma irmã. I have one sister. I have a sister. ¿Tu amigo también está durmiendo? Is your friend still sleeping? Is your friend sleeping, too? Tom a stat treaz aproape toată noaptea gândindu-se la Mary. Tom lay awake almost all night thinking about Mary. Tom stayed up almost all night thinking about Mary. El compune poezii frumoase. He composes beautiful poems. He composes beautiful poems. Lei ha votato per Romney od Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Lo puoi lasciare andare. You can let him go. You can let him go. Riesce a nuotare come lei? Can you swim like her? Can you swim like you? Los niños están jugando canicas. The children are playing marbles. The kids are playing marbles. Vocês ficarão bem agora. You'll be fine now. You'll be fine now. Tom sortit de la baignoire. Tom got out of the bathtub. Tom came out of the bathtub. Asta este peste puterea mea de înțelegere. It's beyond my comprehension. That's over my power of understanding. Tu peux laisser ton sac ici. You may leave your bag here. You can leave your bag here. Rimanete in linea, per favore. Hold the line, please. Stay on the line, please. Io posso cucinare. I can cook. I can cook. Il a soif de pouvoir. He's hungry for power. He's thirsty for power. Dans son discours, il a dénigré toutes les religions sauf la sienne. In his speech, he cast aspersions on all religions except his own. In his speech, he denigrated all religions except his own. Am înotat mai bine de trei ore ieri. I swam for more than three hours yesterday. I swam more than three hours yesterday. La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a vivid grief; the second was simply an German. Allo ! Speaking. Hello! Que m'arribè shens un sol mot. He went by me without a single word. Let me have a word. Io voglio trovare Tom. I want to find Tom. I want to find Tom. Avevo deciso di non rifarlo. I'd decided not to do that again. I decided not to do it again. Tu sos moendiz? You're an engineer? Are you kidding me? Não conheço nenhum desses três. I don't know any of those three. I don't know any of those three. Tom sabía que era imposible. Tom knew it was impossible. Tom knew it was impossible. Je n'arrive pas à faire ça par moi-même. I can't do this on my own. I can't do this by myself. Deixe-me falar com o Tom. Let me speak to Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Tata e plecat acum. Father is away now. Dad's gone now. O Tom me despediu. Tom fired me. Tom fired me. "Mary é da Turquia?" "Não tenho ideia." "Is Mary from Turkey?" "I have no idea." "Mary is from Turkey?" "I have no idea." Eu não preciso mais disso. I don't need this anymore. I don't need that anymore. Odio los días fríos de invierno. I hate cold winter days. I hate cold winter days. Eu sei onde ele mora, mas é segredo. I know his address, but it's a secret. I know where he lives, but it's a secret. Eu não me sinto bem. I don't feel well. I'm not feeling well. Il ne fait pas aussi chaud aujourd'hui qu'hier. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. Fue a por el doctor. He went for the doctor. He went to get the doctor. Je suis coincé à Boston. I'm stuck in Boston. I'm stuck in Boston. Nu te mai plac. I no longer like you. I don't like you anymore. Io non voglio sembrare una turista. I don't want to look like a tourist. I don't want to look like a tourist. Hai provato a riavviare? Did you try rebooting? Did you try to restart? Elle se plaignit à lui à propos du bruit. She complained to him about the noise. She complained to him about the noise. Mary se maldijo a sí misma. Mary cursed herself. Mary cursed herself. Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. È quello che gli è successo. That's what happened to him. That's what happened to him. Va bene farlo, vero? It's OK to do that, isn't it? It's okay to do it, isn't it? Hay una tienda frente a mi casa. There is a shop in front of my house. There's a store in front of my house. Cele mai frumoase fete sunt din Lituania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. Tom quería pasar o resto da súa vida en America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. È stato improvviso. That was abrupt. It was sudden. Por favor explique o que precisa ser feito. Please explain what needs to be done. Please explain what needs to be done. Leve alguns guardanapos contigo. Take some napkins with you. Take some napkins with you. Eu espero que tenham se divertido. I hope you've enjoyed yourselves. I hope you're having fun. Logo você vai se acostumar. You'll soon get used to it. Then you'll get used to it. Ci sono stati cinque incendi la scorsa notte. There were five fires last night. There were five fires last night. Nul ne doit être inquiété pour ses opinions, mêmes religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l'ordre public établi par la loi. No one may be questioned about his opinions, and the same for religious opinions, provided that their manifestation does not trouble the public order established by the law. No one should be concerned about his views, even religious, provided that their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. Ti darò due indizi. I'm going to give you two hints. I'll give you two clues. È difficile mantenere una conversazione con qualcuno che dice solamente "sì" e "no". It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It's hard to keep a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". Tu dovresti ringraziarmi. You should thank me. You should thank me. Să nu întârzii. Don't be late. Don't be late. Obedeça sempre a seu pai. Always obey your father. Always obey your father. O detetive tem muitas aventuras. The detective has a lot of adventures. The detective has a lot of adventures. Asta arată doar că nu ești robot. It only shows you're not a robot. That just looks like you're not a robot. Ma maison est dans un village. My house is in a village. My house is in a village. ¿Por qué nun fuiste a la oficina? Why did you not go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Chi andrà a Boston con lei? Who'll go to Boston with you? Who's going to Boston with you? El cuerpo descompuesto de una joven fue encontrado en el borde de una carretera. The badly decomposed body of a young girl was found on the side of a highway. The decomposed body of a young woman was found on the edge of a road. Esa camisa me queda muy pequeña. This shirt is too small for me. That shirt's too small for me. ¿Dónde está el vodka? Where's the vodka? Where's the vodka? Tom sta cercando dei consigli. Tom is looking for advice. Tom's looking for advice. Bunicul meu are păr alb ca zăpada. My grandfather has snowy white hair. My grandfather has white hair like snow. On l’attacherait contre un arbre, et un singe, derrière lui, le frapperait sur la tête avec une pierre. He would be tied to a tree, and a monkey, placed behind him, would hit him on the head with a rock. He would be attached to a tree, and a monkey, behind it, would hit it on the head with a stone. Quelle sono le vostre figlie? Are those your daughters? Are those your daughters? Non podes aparcar aquí. Non obstante, hay un aparcadoiro xusto virando a esquina. You can't park here. However, there is a parking lot just around the corner. You can't park here, but there's a parking lot right around the corner. Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You'll call me, won't you? Tom não irá à escola na próxima semana. Tom won't be going to school next week. Tom's not going to school next week. Lo sabía desde el comienzo. I knew it from the start. I knew it from the beginning. Portugheza pare a fi o limbă dificilă. Portuguese seems to be a difficult language. Portugheza seems to be a difficult language. Deschide-ți cartea la pagina zece. Open your book to page ten. Open your book on page ten. Știu întreaga poveste. I know the whole story. I know the whole story. Tom e Mary sono inesperti. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Tom and Mary are inexperienced. Elle a eu plus de peur que de mal. Aside from fright, she was not injured. She was more afraid than hurt. Eu vim pegar o Tom. I've come to pick up Tom. I came to get Tom. Eşti ocupat mâine? Are you engaged for tomorrow? Are you busy tomorrow? Onde se encontra a loja mais próxima? Where can you find the closest store? Where is the nearest store? La scorsa notte ho dormito bene. I had a good sleep last night. I slept well last night. Aqui está o meu álbum. Here is my album. Here's my album. Somos estagiários. We're trainees. We're interns. Le potresti dare un minuto? Could you give her a minute? Could you give her a minute? Perché non mi chiamate più tardi? Why don't you call me later? Why don't you call me later? J'ai entendu une détonation. I heard an explosion. I heard a detonation. Io berrò il tè. I will drink the tea. I'll have tea. Chacun fait à sa guise. Each one does as he likes. Everyone's doing it his way. T'æ visto quello quaddro apeizo li in sciâ miagia? Have you seen that painting hanging there on the wall? Did you see that watery quadro in scia miaggia? Je vais retourner dans ma chambre, là-bas je peux étudier. I am going to my room, where I can study. I'm going back to my room, there I can study. Mâna mea este în apă caldă. My hand is in warm water. My hand is in hot water. Creo que o tempo solucionará o problema. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve the problem. Acreditava-se que o Sol girava em torno da Terra. It was believed that the sun went around the earth. It was believed that the Sun was spinning around the Earth. Nous mangeons pour vivre, nous ne vivons pas pour manger. We eat to live, not live to eat. We eat to live, we don't live to eat. Du point de vue de Kate, il travaille trop. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's point of view, he's working too hard. He sido profesor durante mucho tiempo. I've been a teacher a long time. I've been a teacher for a long time. Tim é um grande fã de comédia satírica. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. Tim is a great fan of satirical comedy. Je veux une photo de ce chien. I want a picture of that dog. I want a picture of this dog. A ella le gusta muchísimo leer. She likes reading the most. She likes to read a lot. Lo professor que'u permetó de tornar tà casa. The teacher permitted him to go home. The professor who allowed you to come home. Nunca le enseñes a un niño algo de lo que no estás seguro. Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure. Never show a child something you're not sure about. Meu irmão mais novo ainda está dormindo. My younger brother is still sleeping. My younger brother is still sleeping. Nós dois temos sido muito, muito sortudos. We've both been very, very lucky. We two have been very, very lucky. O presidente anunciou que os Estados Unidos colocariam um satélite em órbita. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite in orbit. Eu não percebi que estava ficando tão gorda. I didn't realize I was getting so fat. I didn't realize I was getting so fat. Tom a touché le fond. Tom hit rock bottom. Tom touched the bottom. O que você normalmente faz aos sábados? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you normally do on Saturdays? Benvingudes a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Dovete aiutare Tom. You have to help Tom. You need to help Tom. Ell parla anglès? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Você pode me perdoar, Tom? Can you forgive me, Tom? Can you forgive me, Tom? Le darò una mano. I'll give her a hand. I'll give you a hand. Ero nella casa. I was in the house. I was in the house. După ce a jucat atât de prost tot jocul, echipa a plecat cu coada între picioare. After playing so badly for the entire game, the team walked off with their tails between their legs. After playing so badly the whole game, the team left with the tail between their legs. ¿No es un hermoso día para un picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Mi è veramente piaciuto il film. I really enjoyed the movie. I really liked the movie. Ne jamais faire de bruit dans cette pièce. Never be noisy in this room. Never make any noise in this room. Me gustaría que conocieras a mi hermana, Mary. I'd like you to meet my sister, Mary. I'd like you to meet my sister, Mary. Quando uma mulher é assassinada, o marido ou namorado é sempre o suspeito número um. When a woman is murdered, the husband or boyfriend is always the number one suspect. When a woman is murdered, her husband or boyfriend is always suspect number one. El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Lui ci ha detto una bugia. He told us a lie. He told us a lie. Perché non fate il vostro bagno adesso? Why don't you take your bath now? Why don't you take your bath now? Vous prenez combien ? How many are you taking? How much do you take? Noi stiamo andando a visitare Boston. We're going to visit Boston. We're going to visit Boston. Com licença, quanto custa isso? Excuse me, how much does this cost? Excuse me, how much is that? Sunt destul de sigur că am făcut lucrul potrivit. I'm pretty sure I did the right thing. I'm pretty sure I did the right thing. Se você fosse ter um cachorro, qual cachorro você teria? If you were to have a dog, which dog would you have? If you were to have a dog, which dog would you have? Tom ha superato i trent'anni. Tom is past thirty. Tom was over thirty years old. Não é assim que se pronuncia a palavra. That's not how the word is pronounced. That is not how the word is spoken. C'est un type tellement sympa ! He's such a great guy. He's such a nice guy! Mi scrisse dal Giappone. He wrote me from Japan. He wrote to me from Japan. Posso aiutare a farlo. I can help do that. I can help you do that. Quero comprar poucos pares de calças. I want to buy a few pairs of trousers. I want to buy a few pairs of pants. Nu m-am distrat prea bine. I didn't have much fun. I didn't have a good time. É frio do lado de fora. It is cold outside. It's cold on the outside. Le plus lent à promettre est toujours le plus fidèle à tenir. The slowest one to make a promise is the most faithful one in keeping it. The slowest to promise is always the most faithful to keep. Nunca te vi por aqui antes. I've never seen you here before. I've never seen you around here before. O carro novo é dela. The new car is hers. The new car is hers. Iso escribiuno Taro Akagawa. That was written by Taro Akagawa. That's what Taro Akagawa wrote.