Momolukis i tanak di Mary do gambar disido. Mary's daughter drew her a picture. Momopakis i takan in Mary do pictures disido. Saya guru bahasa Jepang. I'm a Japanese teacher. I am a Japanese teacher. May-ada nasalin pa nga kape? Is there any coffee left? There's even a cup of coffee. Maysaka a takrot. You're a coward. You're a coward. Ada banyak perabotan di ruangan ini. There is much furniture in this room. There's a lot of furniture in this room. Dia ke New York atas urusan perniagaan. He went to New York on business. He went to New York for business. Semua anggota tidak menghadiri rapat kemarin. All the members were not present at the meeting yesterday. All members did not attend yesterday’s meeting. Bagaimana menurutmu? What do you think? What do you think? Saya tidak mahu main dengan awak lagi. I don't want to play with you any more. I don't want to play with you anymore. Adda tallopulo nga aldawmo. You have thirty days. You have 30 days. Apa yang ingin kamu katakan pada kami? What is it you want to tell us? What do you want to tell us? E mapamangán kárni i Tom. Tom doesn't eat a lot of meat. Tom's going to be pissed. Percaya apa ora, kuwi tenanan. Believe it or not, that is true. Believe it or not, it is true. Tampaknya dia berubah pikiran. It appears that she might change her mind. He seems to have changed his mind. Stasiun kereta apinya di mana? Where is the train station? Where is the train station? Saya ingin membeli sebuah peta. I'd like to buy a map. I want to buy a map. Ayaw intawon! Oh no! Don't run away! Nahitabu na an pinakamaraut hiton nga puydi mahitabu. The worst of it has already happened. The worst thing that could happen has happened. Kayatko ti agbalin a doktor iti masakbayan. I want to become a doctor in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. Tom mulai cemburu. Tom is getting jealous. Tom started to get jealous. Apa kau mau makan? Do you want anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Mari kita lakukan untuknya. Let's do it for her. Let's do it for him. Tom pergi jalan-jalan setiap pagi. Tom goes for a walk every morning. Tom goes for a walk every morning. Nokotigog oku korongou dilo ponguhatan. I was surprised by the question. I listened to the sound of the bell ringing. Saya tidak suka yang ini. I don't like this one. I don't like this one. Di dalam kelas tidak boleh berisik. You must not make noises in the classroom. In class, there is no noise. Kada' daa sakaakahi' do kahavan ii koimaan tokou nunu ii noboos tokou. Let our action never contradict what we have said. I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything about it, but I'm not going to let Nobo go. Aku ingin kamu bekerja lebih keras lagi. I want you to work harder. I want you to work harder. Madugayay na akó nga nagbibinasa hin libro han tumawag hiyá. I had been reading a book for some time when he called. He had been reading a book for a long time. Doino i tuhun. Someone's there. I'm going to doo. Araatan oku dikoyu. I hate you. I've been busy with my work. Tootopot ti nga au oku otogod tu ondos diolo koinsanai nopo daa yoku nga otogod. I wasn't as angry as everybody thought I was. I'm sure you'll find out if I'm the one who's going to get the hang of it, and I'm going to have to give it a go. Minoi tokou hilo'd walai sasambayang. We also went to the temple. And they were praying without question. Waray hiya magpakita ha party ngan waray maaram kun kay-ano. She didn't show up at the party, but nobody knows why. He didn't show up at the party and didn't know why. Yoku nopo nga i tulun Sina. I am Chinese. I don't think it's a sin. Apa yang paling bagus dari dorang ni: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, ka Windows 10? Which one is better: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8 or Windows 10? What’s the best thing about this: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and Windows 10? Aku bisa melakukan ini sepanjang hari. I could do this all day. I can do this all day. Hafa adai. Hello! Hafa adai. Apai kami di serega, kudus mih nama nuan, datai mih perintah nuan, jadi peneka nuan, baka ka dalam serega bakanya dalam bumi. Meri ka kami pengidup tiap ari. Ampunka penyalah kami, baka ka kami ti ngampunka urang ti salah ngelaban kami. Intu kami ari penguji, lepas ke kami ari penyai. Laban nuan ti bempu perintah,enggau kuasa enggau mulia. Dataika belama - lama iya. Amin. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Thy kingdom come, on earth as in heaven. Gives us our daily bread. Forgive us of our sin, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. Amen. And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Maki-rak ka? Do you like rock and roll? You're going to play? Nokorongou i Tom do sinding di Mary. Tom was entranced by Mary's singing. I'm listening to Mary's song. $5 ti presio ti libro. The price of the book was $5. The price of the book is $5. Modagan ni siya. This one will run. He's going to run. Encik mahu minum apa? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Bangunlah dari tempat tidur. Get up out of bed. Get out of bed. Sinúlat ku yan? Did I write that? I'm writing this? Dia dapat berenang dengan cepat. He can swim fast. He can swim fast. Kecintaan terhadap seni telah tertanam pada Tom sejak dini. The love of art was instilled into Tom at an early age. A love of art has been embedded in Tom from an early age. Kounsikaan kumaa diozu ngoduvo. Congratulations to you both. Kounsikaan komaa diozu noduvo. Busní táya. Let's open it. Busn<0xC3><0xAD> t<0xC3><0xA1>ya. Setelah banyak usaha, beliau berjaya mendapat kontrak. After much effort, he ended up with a contract. After a lot of effort, he got a contract. Nadak'pan namon an bola. We caught the ball. We caught the ball. Kalian mau menuju ke mana? Where are you guys headed? Where are you going? Makanánu nang malyáring ábalu? How could he have known? What's the best way to eat <0xC3><0xA2><0xE2><0x82><0xAC><0xC5><0x93>A? Milo' oku moboros baino? Can I talk now? What do you think I'm going to do about it? ini istriku. This is my wife. This is my wife. Ti pagiliak ket ti lubong, ket ti relihionko ket ti agaramid iti naimbag. My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. My country is the world, and my religion is the one who does good. Makurî pag-aram hin bag-o nga yinaknan ha katikangan. Learning a new language is difficult at first. Learn a new language at the beginning. Tom mungkin akan berubah pikiran nanti. Tom may change his mind later. Tom might change his mind later. Bagaimana seseorang bisa serius dengan dunia ketika dunia itu sendiri sangat konyol! How can one be serious with the world when the world itself is so ridiculous! How can one be serious about the world when the world itself is so ridiculous! Ada pohon ceri di setiap sisi jalan. There are cherry trees on each side of the street. There are cherry trees on each side of the road. Berapa buku yang bisa saya ambil dalam sekali? How many books can I take out at one time? How many books can I take in once? Onu kanu di? What are you saying? What's the Canadian? Nyobaan nubles Tom. I tried to stab Tom. Try Tom's nubles. Dia masih menganggap kita teman. She still thinks of us as friends. He still considers us friends. Tom laki-laki pertama yang membuatku patah hati. Tom was the first guy who broke my heart. Tom was the first man to break my heart. Kehidupan Lincoln dibaca oleh kanak-kanak di seluruh dunia. The life of Lincoln is read by children all over the world. Lincoln's life is read by children all over the world. Ayáw kabarak-i it' ibà. Don't worry about others. Let's say it's IBA. Ih sawo tondu nopo nga songulun Amorika mantad do taki todu di tinaru Poland. The bride is American with Polish origins. An American woman was born in Poland. Nung makó ka ngéni, sigúrádu kung mirásan kang trápik. If you leave now, I'm sure you'll be caught in a traffic jam. When you're ready to go, you're going to be hooked if you're going to have a blast. Itu sangat keren. That's pretty cool. That's so cool. Kamu harus minta maaf pada ayahmu karena tidak pulang tepat waktu untuk makan malam. You should apologize to your father for not getting home in time for dinner. You have to apologize to your father for not coming home in time for dinner. Han yanâ, bagá hin mahubya naman ngatanan ha ak'. Recently, everything seems boring to me. In the past, all of them were sloppy." Awan ti pusak. I don't have a cat. I don't have a heart. Anda akan pergi ke mana? Where are you off to? Where are you going? May-ada ko na IPad. I already have an iPad. I have an iPad. Osogitan ku ih. I have a cold. I've got my oatmeal. mengapa tidak dijual saja? Why didn't you just sell it? Why not just sell it? Anda harus naik bas nombor 5. You should take the number 5 bus. You have to take bus number 5. Aku di sini untuk membantumu sebenarnya. I'm here to help you, actually. I'm here to help you actually. Jangan mempermainkanku. Don't make fun of me. Don't play with me. Tom tidak terluka dalam kecelakaan kereta itu. Tom wasn't injured in the train wreck. Tom was uninjured in that train crash. A'adahan nodi baino. It's a little late now. It's called Nodi Baino. Tom punya kepala pelayan. Tom has a butler. Tom has a butler. Aku membutuhkan sekitar dua puluh menit untuk mengatur pagiku. I need about twenty minutes to organize my morning. It took me about twenty minutes to set up my morning. I na'ån hu si Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. I've been to Hopkins. Aku masuk ke museum melalui gerbang yang salah. Seharusnya aku lebih berhati-hati. I entered the museum through the wrong gate. I should have been more careful. I walked into the museum through the wrong gate. Kolihis ginawo ilo potimpuunan do tangon. The beginning of the story was interesting. It's been a long time coming, and it's been a long time coming. Aku akan pergi ke rumah Tom malam ini. I'm going over to Tom's tonight. I'm going to Tom's house tonight. Hain gud hiya dapit? Where exactly is she? Where exactly is he? Ulah nepi Tom nempo foto-foto ieu. Don't let Tom look at these pictures. Don't forget to take these photos. Aku butuh informasi lagi. I need more information. I need more information. Kéka ya? Is it yours? KEKA, are you? Aku dengar kau kehilangan pekerjaanmu. I heard you lost your job. I heard you lost your job. Mapakanhi hi Tom buwas. Tom is coming over tomorrow. Tom will be here tomorrow. Aku tidak bercanda. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. Kada sunudai toinsanan. Don't tell anyone that. They're not following. Di Belanda, sudah menjadi kebiasaan saat membangun rumah jika sudah mencapai bagian tertinggi dan atap sudah siap dipasang, pemilik rumah menjamu para tukang bangunan dengan istilah "bir atap" untuk memberi selamat. Sebuah bendera kemudian dipasang di bubungan. Jika pemilik rumah agak pelit, yang dipasang bukan bendera, tetapi sapu. In the Netherlands, it is the custom that, when during the construction of a house the highest point has been reached and the roof is ready for tiling, the client treats the construction workers to so-called "tile beer" to celebrate this. A flag is then placed on the ridge of the house. If the client is too stingy to treat, not a flag, but a broom is placed. In the Netherlands, it is customary when building a house if it has reached the highest part and the roof is ready to be installed, the homeowners host the builders with the term "roof beer" to congratulate them. A flag is then mounted on the ridge. If the homeowner is rather stingy, the mounted is not a flag, but a broom. Nakakalangoy akó hin madagmit. I can swim very fast. I can swim very fast. Pépawagá nang magumpisá támung tambíng. He proposed that we should start at once. It's a great way to get rid of the bumper stickers. Bisakah Anda mundur ke belakang? Would you please step back? Can you back off? Saya kecanduan alkohol. I'm an alcoholic. I am addicted to alcohol. Kasla makumikomkayo amin. You all look so busy. You all seem to be busy. Tom tidak suka dengan penampilan hidungnya, jadi dia melakukan operasi plastik. Tom didn't like the look of his nose, so he had a nose job. Tom doesn't like the look of his nose, so he does plastic surgery. Kamus nopo ti nga okon gia doho dii. This dictionary isn't mine. It's a noun that's a noun. I Andi Smith songulun mongigia boros Inggilis? Is Mrs. Smith an English teacher? Don't you think Smith is an Englishman? Ginpakita mo ha akon kun maano kun tanan aada ha asya. You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right. You showed me what it was all about. Tom pasti telah bekerja sangat keras. Tom must've worked very hard. Tom must have worked very hard. Jangan mengkhawatirkan tentang masa lalu. Don't worry about the past. Don’t worry about the past. Minúli ya i Tom? Did Tom go home? Tom's coming back? Dia mencukur rambutnya tiga kali sebulan. He gets a haircut three times a month. He shaves his hair three times a month. Sim kuring tos siap eureun. I was ready to quit. I'm ready to get ready. Apa kamu dengar tentang kebakaran yang terjadi kemarin? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear about the fire that happened yesterday? Kau bisa saja membiarkan rasa takut akan kemiskinan mengatur hidupmu dan pahalanya adalah apa yang akan kau makan, tetapi Kau tidak hidup. You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live. You could have let the fear of poverty rule your life and the reward is what you're going to eat, but you're not living. Tom membuka peti kayunya dengan linggis dan mengambil sebatang dinamit. Tom opened up the crate with a crowbar and took out a stick of dynamite. Tom opens his wooden crate with a crowbar and grabs a stick of dynamite. Kaylángan daká. I need you. Dachshunds. Lebih keras. Louder. Harder. Sejarah itu seperti Fisika Kuantum, pengamatnya mempengaruhi kejadian yang diamati. Apakah pembunuhan Kennedy sebuah partikel ataukah sebuah gelombang? History is like Quantum Physics, the observer affects the event observed. Is the Kennedy assasination a particle or a wave? History is like quantum physics, its observer influenced the observed events. Was Kennedy's assassination a particle or a wave? Aku tidak percaya padamu. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. Kontento hiya han iya bag-o nga kotse. He is pleased with his new car. He was happy with his new car. Atíng mámangán. Somebody is eating. At<0xC3><0xAD>ng m<0xC3><0xA1>mangan<0xC3><0xA1>n. Ibu dan ayah memberikan aku sepeda. Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. Mom and Dad gave me a bike. Osonong-sonong oku no dilo. I'd be OK with that. I'll be honest with you, I'm lazy. Aiso iman-imanon kopio i Tom. Tom isn't very ambitious. It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God's approval. Meral ma sulang! Thank you very much! It's a mermaid! Ia menyapanya setiap pagi, saat dia memasuki bangunan sekolah. She greets him every morning as he enters the school building. He greeted her every morning, as she entered the school building. Umbalai bogia. Let's try something. Umbalai Bogia. Tom tidak sabaran, ya? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Andai saja kau memberitahuku sebelumnya. I just wish you'd told me before. I wish you'd told me before. Indak mungkin! Impossible! No way! Adda obrak nga iwayatko. I have a job to do. I have a job to do. Migsalíta la ngan. They all talked. It's just mesmerizing. Saya ingin pergi dengan anda. I want to go with you. I want to go with you. Burj Khalifa adalah bangunan pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia saat ini. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world today. Kayatko ti agpadispensar para ken diay barok. I'd like to apologise on behalf of my son. I want to apologize for my son. Kinukurian hi Tom pagbasa. Tom has trouble reading. Tom was reading. Gin-amin niya nga ginkáwat niya an bulawan. He admitted that he stole the gold. He admitted that he stole the gold. Kang Tom ya ing disisyún. It's Tom's decision. Tom is on the board. Sapa kita ke manchal? Who is being naughty? Who are we going to Manchale? Aku sudah tak mampu menahannya lagi. I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it anymore. Kota Kibune terletak dekat Kyoto. Kibune is in Kyoto. The city of Kibune is located near Kyoto. Kasing ko matangdo hi Tom. I thought Tom would agree. I grew up with Tom. Itu akan tetap menjadi rahasia kita. That'll remain our secret. That will remain our secret. Tikus itu diperangkap ke dalam jebakan dengan potongan keju besar. The mouse was lured into the trap by a big piece of cheese. The mouse was trapped into a trap with a big chunk of cheese. Mary gagal lagi. Meski begitu, dia masih muda. Mary has failed again. After all she is still young. Even so, she's still young. Magigin malipayon hi Tom kun buhaton mo iton? If you do that, Tom will be happy. Would Tom be happy if you did? Pada umumnya, laki-laki berlari lebih cepat daripada perempuan. Generally speaking, men can run faster than women can. In general, men run faster than women. Mogontohu o golupo toitom do tontohu topuak'. Black hens lay white eggs. Mogontohu o golupo toblack do totohu topuak'. Aku membutuhkan waktu paling tidak tiga hari untuk menerjemahkan tesis itu. I'll need at least three days to translate that thesis. It took me at least three days to translate that thesis. Uswag kamo ha Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! Get back to Tatoeba! Kayábe ke. I've got her with me. Kayla is. Sigúru dápat kang kumáng métung. Perhaps you should get one. You're going to count. Payung ini berapa harganya? How much does this umbrella cost? How much does this umbrella cost? Au' ko pakalaja' baino? Aren't you working today? What am I going to do? Saya lapar karena saya tidak sarapan. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I was hungry because I didn’t have breakfast. Nazakan zou no. I'm just kidding. It's called Zulu No. Kasanangan nopo songuhun kusai di nga misavo doid savo tondu i tavasi. Happy is a man who marries a good wife. It's not a good idea to buy a pair of shoes with a pair of boots. Tolong tutup pintu di belakangmu. Please shut the door behind you. Please close the door behind you. Pakianhan ko hi Tom para haim. I'll ask Tom for you. I'm going to ask Tom for a kiss. Tom menikahi adiknya Mary dan Mary menikahi kakaknya Tom. Tom married Mary's sister and Mary married Tom's brother. Tom married his sister Mary and Mary married his brother Tom. Saya akan pergi sebentar dan mungkin akan kembali akhir bulan depan. I'll be away for a while and expect to be back towards the end of next month. I’m going to leave for a while and probably come back by the end of next month. Anda terlihat sangat pucat. Apakah Anda baik-baik saja? You look very pale. Are you OK? You look very pale. Are you okay? Kada' intong talaat, Kada' pokinongou talaat, Kada' poboos talaat. See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. Don't listen to music, don't listen to music, don't listen to music. Waray ako magpilit pagsakob. I didn't break in. I didn't force myself into it. Dia menyembunyikan kesedihannya dibalik senyum. He hid his sadness behind a smile. She hid her sadness behind a smile. Partakam ti agtaray, maladawkan iti eskuela. Run fast, or you will be late for school. You run away, you're late for school. Kotak ini mengandungi epal. This box contains apples. The box contains apples. Dia tidak sepatutnya datang sini. He was never to come here. He shouldn't have come here. Halo, apa kabar? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Éla mékíbat. They didn't answer. <0xC3><0x89>la m<0xC3><0xA9>k<0xC3><0xAD>bat. Apa olahraga favoritmu? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Kitakitaa hiyá. Keep watch on him. Look at him. Itu akan terbakar It'll burn. It's gonna burn. Diri ko hiya pabay-an nga mamatay. I won't let her die. I won't let him die. Naka-angkon sila ug kadaugan. They gained a victory. They've won a victory. ¿Ano man it problema Tom? Well, what's the problem, Tom? What's wrong with Tom? Noudutan ku dii? Am I being foolish? What's my take? Waray ako kumadto. I didn't go. I didn't go. Apa kamu punya akun Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Ayo kita pergi ke pantai! Let's go to the beach! Let's go to the beach! Sedang turun hujan. It is raining. It's raining. Alamak, boleh tak kalau awak tak kacau saya? Oh, dear, can you please not disturb me? Oh my gosh, would you mind if you didn't screw me up? Saya tinggal di Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. Aiso nunu podosion zi Tom. Nothing scares Tom. Aiso nu nu podosion zi Tom. Aku pindah ke Afrika bulan ini. I'm moving to Africa this month. I moved to Africa this month. Saya tidak mengerti kata itu. I can't understand that word. I don't understand that word. Aino tuhun mugad doiho. Nobody went there. I'm sure you'll want to do it. ¿Makigkita ka pa ha ámon? Do you still want us to meet? Would you like to meet up with Amman? Alas nuybi iton ikakaturog ni Tom basta may-ada klase. Tom's bedtime is nine o'clock on school nights. She was asleep at 9 a.m. when she was in class. Aku pikir jawabanmu benar. I think your answer is correct. I think your answer is correct. Salbara imong kaugalingon! Save yourself! Save yourself! Karuyag ko kumadto Australia. I want to go to Australia. I want to go to Australia. Mendapatkan saat kebahagiaan, mencintai dan dicintai! Ini adalah realitas hanya di dunia, semua lainnya adalah kebodohan. Ini satu-satunya hal yang menjadi perhatian kita di sini. Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here. Getting a moment of happiness, loving and loving! It is reality only in the world, everything else is stupidity. It's the only thing that concerns us here. Malagwáng magkámalíng antí kaníti. This is an easy mistake to make. It's a good idea to make an effort to get it right. Dia tidak suka berkelahi. He doesn't like fighting. He doesn't like fighting. Tom adalah seorang yang pandai memasak. Tom is a good cook. Tom is a good cook. Itu terserah padamu. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. Panon to inatey so anak to? How did her son die? How many of his sons died? Judy valde bene saltas. Judy dances very well. Judy Valde bene saltas. Ikít de i Tom. They found Tom. I'm from Tom. Umbalan i Tom moi idu mantad id tupis om au pinologos dau pokitonon do wokon. Tom tried to sneak out of the office without being seen. At the end of the day, Tom came out of the closet and called out for help. Kami benar-benar membutuhkan bantuanmu. We really need your help. We really need your help. Aku sudah tidak lagi mempercayai dia. I do not trust him any longer. I no longer trust him. Kelakuan sedemikian boleh menyebabkan kemalangan. Such behavior can cause an accident. Such behavior can lead to accidents. Au zou aanangan do kalaja. Mimang ugadan mintong do muvi? I don't feel like working. How about going to a movie instead? Where is the worm that dieth for us? and where is the worm that dieth for us? Tuminuong mato disido. Her eyes darkened. It's all about dissatisfaction. Masih belum jelas apakah dia akan setuju atau tidak. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It is still unclear whether he will agree or not. Ginpapadalagan an banko hin mga pribado nga pagkatawo. The bank was run by private citizens. The bank is run by private individuals. Takrotkayo amin. You're all cowards. You're all cowards. King palagé ku éne pa ikít Tom i Mary. I don't think Tom has met Mary yet. I'm still a fan of Tom and Mary. Apa kata saya belanja awak makan malam? Shall I treat you to dinner? Why don't I buy you dinner? Métung yang máginû i Tom. Tom is a gentleman. I'm thinking of Tom. Itu buah. It's a fruit. That's fruit. Ungil sueleb! Good afternoon! It's white silk! Masapulmo ti baro a pagan-anay. You need new clothes. You need a new dress. Dispensarem, diak inggagara a saktan ti riknam. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Marók yang kunéhu yan. That was an evil bunny. It's the one I'm talking about, yawn. Ayaw la ako bayai. Just don't leave me. Just don't leave me. Yoho okon ko robot. I'm not a robot. I'm a robot. Mmaseh! Thank you! Mmaseh! Mialagad og 30 ka tuig si Tom alang sa ikaduhang degri sa pagpatay. Tom served 30 years for second degree murder. Tom served 30 years for second degree murder. Apa'asan iti sapi. These cows look bored. A cow is a cow. Selamat datang di San Fransisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Kowé nang kono ora? Are you down there? You're not there? Jenengé Tom. His name is Tom. My name is Tom. Seseorang tanpa teman seperti memiliki tangan kiri tanpa tangan kanan. A person without a friend is like having a left hand without a right hand. A person without a friend is like having a left hand without a right hand. Hiton sunod nga semana, magbasa ak' adá libro ngan magkitá TV. Next week, I will probably read a book and watch TV. Next week, I'm going to read a book and watch TV. Au' tokou kaanu monguhan do kobohingkaangan miampai momoguno di kalaalahano di isoo' i' di ontok timpu do minonguama' tokou dii. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. We're going to have to put up with the fact that we're not going to be able to get to the point where we're going to have a lot of trouble. Nag-aalang ak hin duro. I was very skeptical. I was very hesitant. Nokoongoi matu i Tom hilo'd walai poopian tusin dinondo. Tom has probably already been to the bank today. I'm sure you'll find a way to get it fixed. Dírì'k búlig ha saramok. I'm not in trouble. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC>'k b<0xC3><0xBA>lig in rasamok. Hu guiaya hao. I love you. I'm going to hao. Itu cukup menjengkelkan. It's quite irritating. That's pretty annoying. Setiap pagi saya bekerja di Central Park pada pukul 6 pagi. I work every morning in Central Park at 6 a.m. Every morning I work in Central Park at 6 a.m. Tiongkok jauh lebih besar ketimbang Jepang. China is much bigger than Japan. China is much larger than Japan. Pada hari Minggu, kami memajukan jamnya menjadi lebih lambat. On Sunday we put the clock forward. On Sundays, we moved the clock slower. Seseorang mendobrak masuk apartemenku semalam. Someone broke into my apartment last night. Someone broke into my apartment last night. Oulau dilo. That's crazy. Oulau dilo. Dia menendangku! He's kicking me! He kicked me! Perhatian! Attention! Attention! Ganahan ba og bulak ang imong uyab? Does your girlfriend like flowers? Do you like your girlfriend's flowers? Ayolah, mari kita lakukan. Come on, let's do it. Come on, let's do it. Akankah Anda buka pintunya? Will you open the door? Will you open the door? Nunu ka do boros Latin "blog"? How do you say "blog" in Latin? What is the Latin word for "blog"? Angin sejuk berhembus di atas padang. A gentle breeze blew through the field. A cold wind blows over the ground. Aiso no kahantazon di pointopot id pomogunan nga ii kikobuuon nopo da nga di potihombuson. There is no absolute success in the world, only constant progress. On this earth we don't have a city that lasts forever, but we are waiting for such a city. Aku harus pulang. I had to get back home. I have to go home. Hi Tom diri parú hit ibá. Diri niya karúyag it mga butáng ngan mga gihihimo nga kalilibangan hit kadam-an nga kalalakin-an. Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing. Tom was not a hit man, he didn't want it to be a hit, and he didn't want it to be the dirt and dirt of most men. Mikot zosido. There she comes. Mikot zosido. Brian memegang tangan Kate. Brian is holding Kate's hands. Brian held Kate's hand. Jarum kompas menunjuk ke utara. Compass needles point to the north. The compass needle points north. Usa nga regalo iton kinada adlaw. Every day is a gift. It was a gift every day. Aku akan meminjamkannya padamu. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. Uhupai tokou. Help us. Uhupai toku. Kenapa orang selalu terlalu sinis. Why are people always so cynical? Why are people always so cynical? Jawabanmu salah. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is wrong. Ing yátu bóla ya. The earth is a ball. It's in the B<0xC3><0xB3>la. Nabatian ko hi Tom na nagkikinantahun nga naghuhugas. I heard Tom humming to himself while he washed dishes. I've heard that Tom has been washing his hands for years. Kinahanglan gud hi akó kumatúrog. I really need to sleep. Akufo-Addo needs to get out of the way. Lapan-puluh dua peratus - lebih daripada empat perlima - oleh export pulau itu ialah hasil tani. 82% - more than four-fifths - of the island's exports is agricultural produce. Eighty-two percent - more than four-fifths - by the island's exports are agricultural produce. Ongoi doiho. Go there. Ongoi doiho. Sínílip ya i Tom king pasbúl ba nang ákit ing malilyári. Tom peeked out the door to see what was happening. I'm sure that Tom Petty is in the middle of a bad mood. Tom mencari tempat makan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Tom was looking for place to eat that had reasonable prices. Tom is looking for a place to eat at an affordable price. Au kalantoi tokou. We have failed. I'm going to shop. Nunu onsokon nu? What are you cooking? What's the onion? Kómusta la reng lisyún mu king Pransés? How are you coming along with your French lessons? How do you feel about the King of France? Orohian ko' di tulun ngawi. You like everyone. I don't want to sing. Anda mungkin tidak menyukai apa yang anda dengar. You may not like what you hear. You may not like what you hear. Apa yang menghalangimu untuk datang lebih awal? What prevented you from coming earlier? What's stopping you from coming early? Bolehkah aku mengambil gambarmu? May I take your picture? Can I take a picture of you? Makabási yā mû ing mabílug a plánu king pansaríli nang pamálak. The whole plan is only based on his personal opinions. It's possible to get a copy of the King of Pansy. Bisakah kau memperbaiki radio yang rusak itu? Can you fix the broken radio? Can you fix that broken radio? Diri ak maáram. I don't know. I'm not unscathed. Napanak idiay Paris. I went to Paris. I went to Paris. Diri ako sugad kapobre nga diri ko akos magpakolehiyo hin anak. I am not so poor that I cannot send my son to college. I'm not so poor that I don't go to school with a child. Éne átatandánan Tom ing lagyú ning méstra na anyáng kindergarten. Tom can't remember his kindergarten teacher's name. It's a classic of Tom's in Lag<0xC3><0xBA> in the literature of any kindergarten. Preparar niya iton kamingawan. He prefers the quiet. He was preparing for the desert. Waray kami magpakanhi para magkinita hiton imo alaga nga ayam. We didn't come here to watch you pet your dog. We didn't come here to watch your puppy. "Sabananyo", kato Dima. "Aden sabana ndak ingek sia urang-urang tu..." "To be honest," said Dima. "I really can't remember who they were..." "All right, all right," he said, "there's no one left behind." Aku punya teman yang ayahnya novelis terkenal. I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. Tidur dan menunggu keberuntungan. Sleep and wait for good luck. Sleep and wait for luck. Éka makápuntáng dilí mo? Can't you go by yourself? Do you want to hear your tongue? Unsay imo gibuhat karun adlawa? What did you do today? What did you do today? Atantu no kivuhu isido. He's naturally hairy. Atuan no kivuhu isido. Ano nga oras buwas hiton aga it imo karuyag nga kuhaon ko ikaw? What time tomorrow morning would you like me to pick you up? What time do you want me to pick you up this morning? Mamindua iti tunggal bulan a mairuruar ti magasin. The magazine is issued twice a month. The magazine is released twice a month. Tom dan Frank adalah kawan baik. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Aku bosan. I am bored. I'm bored. Éku bísang muntá king iskwéla. I don't want to go to school. I'm the king of Isk<0xC3><0xA9>la. Ada apa? What's up? What's the matter? Ngana pe umur barapa taong pas ngana kase tinggal Australia? How old were you when you left Australia? How old are you when you live in Australia? Miaga' otopot ino boos nu. Zi Tom gia minanakau tuunizon violin di Mary. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. He is a righteous man who is mighty in the eyes of Mary, his wife. Kadang aku pergi, kadang tidak. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't. Kapan Tom membeli itu? When did Tom buy that? When did Tom buy that? Tom tidak tahu bagaimana Mary berpakaian. Tom didn't notice how Mary was dressed. Tom didn't know how Mary was dressed. Kinahánglan ta na gud mag-arkila hin mga tawo pa. We definitely need to hire more people. We need to hire more people. Éku pa mínum gátas a máki tsâ. I've never drank milk with tea. I'm still waiting for a squishy squid. Mati sana! Die! It's dead there! Masyádu kang maragúl. You're too big. You're more than welcome. Adda dagiti terorista iti uray sadino. Terrorists were everywhere. Terrorists are everywhere. Jupiter adalah planet kelima dari matahari. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Apa kejadah ini? What the hell is this? What the hell is this? Au oku opusou di Tom. I don't care much for Tom. Au oku opusou di Tom. Kamu harus memperhatikan rambu-rambu lalu lintas. We must pay attention to traffic signals. You have to pay attention to traffic signs. Manau-panau i gaman doiho taman. The old man is taking a walk in the park. I'm going to go to the dojo park. Dia menunggu sampai tersengguk-sengguk menahan mengantuk. He waited until he was already nodding off to sleep. He waited until he squirmed to hold his sleep. Bata la iton hi Tom. Tom is just a boy. Tom was just a boy. Siapa yang sedang membaca? Who is reading? Who's reading? Mánákit la king madalumdúm deng púsâ. Cats have the ability to see in the dark. It's a little bit like the King of Pops. Tolong lepas sepatu Anda. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. Nokoimbagu nodi lisin korita ku tulan do nakatalib. I had my driving licence renewed last month. I'm going to have to get my hair cut and get rid of it. Tom tidak bisa berenang. Tom isn't able to swim. Tom can't swim. Ohoi! Alaid ku korikot do tinu. Oh my gosh. I will be late for lessons. I’m telling you this so that no one can fool you. Tom melakukan apa yang Mary minta dengan berat hati. Tom grudgingly did what Mary asked. Tom did what Mary asked with a heavy heart. Apakah yang dipelajari Sovietolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What did the Soviets learn? Noilaan ko' do poposimban diri, nga mada ko' dii. You know how to change it, you just don't want to. I know I'm going to die, but I'm going to die. Diri nim matatagu it kamatuoran ha iya. You can't hide the fact from her. Nate doesn't know the truth about it. Keiko bernyanyi. Keiko sings. Keiko sings. Pagi ini, temanku memakan buah yang dibeli adikku. This morning, my friends ate the fruits that my little sister had bought. This morning, my friend ate the fruit my sister bought. Abredo an iba nga mga bintana. All the other windows are open. Some windows are open. Waray hira mapudngi han uran nga mahimo an ira trabaho. The rain didn't stop them from doing their job. They were unable to prevent the rain from doing their job. Nalika dhèké krungu wartané, dhèké malih pucet. The moment she heard the news, she turned pale. When he heard the news, he was stunned. Kaaldawan ti Paskua no bigat. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. It's Christmas in the morning. Milo' tokou mokiuhup mantad dika. We can use your help. I'm going to take you out of the loop. Turun hujan di hutan. It rained in the forest. It's raining in the woods. Mapripriso hi Tom. Tom got life in prison. Tom's going to jail. Kamao ka? Do you know how to do it? You know you? Minomudut ko naku di komohoingan nu? Did you lie to your parents? Don't you think I'm in a bad mood? Berapa lama beruang tidur? How long does a bear sleep? How long does a bear sleep? Pastikan kau mengecek kembali lembaranmu sebelum kau menyerahkannya. Be sure to look over your paper again before you hand it in. Make sure you double-check your sheets before you hand them over. Mouli ko sa akong natawhang lungsod ugma. Tomorrow, I am going to my home town. I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow. Walikota menunjukkan kepada para warga bagaimana caranya bertindak. The mayor prescribed to the citizens how to act. The mayor showed the citizens how to act. Kapan kamu bisa mulai bekerja? When could you start working? When can you start working? Ini enak. This was good. It's good. Ngoyo maan toguangon sikul nu sondiri. Do your homework for yourself. You're going to eat in front of your own body. Hiti no pakarajaan ku. That's where I work. It's my kingdom. Au isido doho papabasa diri surat. She wouldn't allow me to read the letter. I want to read a letter. Dia dikenal sebagai seorang penyanyi rok. He is known as a rock singer. He is known as a rock singer. Isai manu moginum? Anybody want a beer? I'm going to drink? Bolehkah aku berbicara dengan Tn. Sato? May I speak to Mr. Sato? Can I talk to Mr. Sato? Dia benci pesta. He hates parties. He hates parties. Saya harus pergi ke kamar mandi. I need to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. Ania koma met ti ammo ti maysa a padi maipanggep iti panagiyot? What the hell does a priest know about sex? What do you know about a priest? Ano it mahihibulig ni Tom? What can Tom do to help? What's Tom going to do? Untuk apa kau menghukum mereka? What are you punishing them for? Why are you punishing them? Kopiruba id suab kio. See you tomorrow. Kopiruba id suab kio. Sudah waktunya untuk bangun! It's time to wake up! It's time to wake up! Milo' oku mumboyo di Tom? Can I trust Tom? Do you want to go to Tom's? Siji, loro, telu, papat, lima, enem, pitu, wolu, sanga, sapuluh. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Awak mesti belajar dari kesilapan awak. You must learn from your mistakes. You must learn from your mistakes. Bísa kung pámangán. I want some food. It's a pleasure to p<0xC3><0xA1>mang<0xC3><0xA1>n. Naragsak a Paskua! Merry Christmas! Happy Passover! Mendengar mengenai apa yang orang lain pelajari memaksa diriku belajar. Hearing about what other people are learning reinforces my own learning. Hearing about what others are learning forces me to learn. Apa pekerjaanmu? What's your job? What's your job? Berpura-pura seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Just pretend nothing happened. Pretending like nothing happened. Anda benar mahu menolongkah? Do you really want to help? Do you really want to help? Ouzan zou kokomoi diozu. I'm tired of you guys. Ouzan zou kokomoi diozu. Itu tidak akan terjadi. That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. Soovon ku daa aanangan isido diho. I'm sure he'll like it. Soooo, I'm going to have to take a shower. Aku cinta kamu! I love you! I love you! Sudah saya katakan jangan menyalakan lampu. I told you not to turn on the lights. I told you not to turn on the lights. Itu hal terbodoh yang pernah kuucapkan. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've ever said. Bukankah Tom sungguh tahu cara memasak? Tom really knows how to cook, doesn't he? Don't you know how to cook? Tom berkata dia melihat namanya pada daftar. Tom saw his name on the list. Tom said he saw his name on the list. Aku nembé ana gawé. I've been very busy. I've been doing some work. Karuyag iton buháton ni Tom. Tom likes to do that. Tom wanted to do it. Mugad zou no. It's time to say goodbye. It's not ZOOO. Iskandar ialah kawan baik saya. Iskandar is my best friend. Iskandar is my best friend. Sudah lima tahun berlalu, semenjak mereka datang ke Jepang. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. It’s been five years since they came to Japan. Diak makapamati a naawiskami. I can't believe we got invited. I couldn't believe we were invited. Siwayawayaak nga agmalmalem inton Lunes. I'll be free all day Monday. I'll be free all day on Monday. Hanya mereka yang berani segagal-gagalnya dapat meraih setinggi-tingginya. Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly. Only those who dare to fail can reach their heights. Kayané awakdhéwé bakal tekan Boston sakdurungé surup. I think we'll reach Boston before dark. It looks like we're going to Boston before sunset. Setiap jengkal pulau telah dijelajahi. Every part of the island has been explored. Every island has been explored. Nangngegnaka. He heard you. He heard you. Awas! Ada lubang besar di sana. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole in there. Nasurok a lima a ribu a patang ti nainayon iti Tatoeba ita nga aldaw. More than five thousand sentences were added to Tatoeba today. More than five thousand patches were added to the Tatoeba today. Mulai dari jam berapa saya bisa lapor masuk? What time do you start check-in? At what time can I report in? Transportasi umum lebih cepat dibandingkan transportasi pribadi hanya di area urban. Public transport is only quicker than private transport in urban areas. Public transport is faster than private transportation only in urban areas. Sumakit iyau dii. He seems to be sick. She'd been sick of it. Modagan to sila. They would run. They will run. I na'ån hu si Wang. My name is Wang. My name is Wang. Tawága it' im' amáy yana dayon. You should call your father as soon as possible. Call her mom right now. Tom mangarti bahasa Prancis. Tom understands French. Tom sings French. Tolong hentikan itu. Please stop that. Please stop that. Tom punya gaji yang lumayan. Tom has a decent salary. Tom has a good salary. Saasau zou mambasa. I often read. Saasau zou read. Nangipatulod iti tarheta ken ni Mary. He sent a card to Mary. He sent a card to Mary. Mungkin dia lupa hari ulang tahunku. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe he forgot my birthday. Kun nag-uusahan la adto hiya, namatay na gud adto. If he'd been alone at that time, he'd have died. If he was alone, he would have died. Kitasu zou. I have a dog. Kitasu zou. May naghulat nako. Someone waits for me. Somebody is waiting for me. "Saan nga umin-inum iti arak ti tatangko." "Uray siak ket saan met." "My father doesn't drink alcohol." "Mine doesn't either." "My father doesn't drink wine." "Even I don't." Adto kaw. You can go. Go to KW. Mabalinta ti mapan magmagna? Could we take a walk? Can we go for a walk? Aku tahu dia marah, tapi aku tidak berfikir bahwa dia semarah itu. I knew he was angry, but I didn't think he was that angry. I know he's angry, but I don't think he's that angry. Ad-adda a nagasat isuna ngem iti natuso. He is more lucky than clever. He was more blessed than he was. Ini adalah tahun-tahun terbaik dalam hidupmu. These are the best years of your life. These are the best years of your life. Notingkod no kogunoon do vaig. The water has been cut off. I don't think it's going to be a scam when it comes to vaping. Percaya padaku. Trust me. Trust me. Huyo anay kita madalí la. Let's take a short pause. Let's just stay calm. Tom mengangkat teleponnya dan melakukan panggilan. Tom picked up the phone and dialed. Tom picked up his phone and made a call. Soovo' po kavavagu. Think again. Soovo' po kavavagu. Saya sedikit tersentuh. I'm a little touched. I'm a little touched. Asino ti nangbangon iti daytoy? Who built this? Who built this? Baga'n magka-edad la kita. I'm roughly the same age as you. We look like we're getting old. Innak maturogen. I have to go to sleep. He was born to sleep. Saan a maaramat ni Tom daytoy. Tom can't use this. Tom couldn't handle this. Timangnoa hin maúpay hi Tom. Take good care of Tom. Take good care of Tom. Setunggal, kalih, tiga, sekawan, gangsal, enem, pitu, wolu, sanga, sadasa. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, one. Ini yang dilakukan Mary untuk hidup. This is what Mary does for a living. This is what Mary did to live. Tom tidak dapat memutuskannya. Tom can't make up his mind. Tom can't decide. Dia seorang siswa. She's a student. He's a student. Saanak nga agliblibak. I don't lie. I'm not fooling around. ¿Hin-o an nagpinanhátag haím hiton? Who gave you these? Who's going to give it a go? Anto so labay mo? What do you want? What do you want? Si Yu'us ma'åsi'. Thank you. Yu-Gi-Oh! and I'll be there. Ayah saya membelikan saya sebuah buku. My father is buying me a book. My father bought me a book. Waray pa iton natabo nga nagbuwa ha ak hi Tom. It never occurred to me that Tom might not be telling the truth. I've never lied to Tom. Bermula esok, Safwan akan menjadi seorang mahasiswa di Universiti Malaya. Starting from tomorrow, Safwan will be a student at Malaya University. Starting tomorrow, Safwan will be a student at the University of Malaya. Gisulayan og buhat ni Tom apan pakyas. Tom tried and failed. Tom tried to do, but failed. Tallopulona laeng idi matay. He died when he was scarcely thirty. At the time of his death he was only thirty. Kay mga lurong gad kamo? Kay-ano aabrehan an fan hin sugad hini kahagkot? Are you guys crazy? Turning the fan on when it's this cold? For you are content to listen to the feebleminded, you yourselves being wise. Izou okon ko tuhun Jorman. I'm not German. I'm going to kill Jorman. Dia berhasil dalam ujian itu. He did well in the examination. He succeeded in that test. Damu an kadilikaduhan nga gin-atubang han mga tuminungnong. The pioneers met with many dangers. There are many challenges faced by citizens. Inona? What? What? Gidakop siya. He got caught. He was arrested. Aku mendengar sesuatu yang menarik perhatianku. I heard something that grabbed my attention. I heard something that caught my attention. Naa koy kalinaw sa balay. I have peace at home. I have peace at home. Lamazo no! Enjoy! Lamazo no! Títigtíg yang pyánu i Tom anyáng mas anák ya pa. Tom used to play the piano when he was younger. I've always been a fan of Tom Petty, and I'm more than happy with it. Dia sangat pintar. She is very intelligent. He's very smart. Siodop ilo duku. The puppy wants to sleep. Siodop il duku. Inkidem ni Tom ti maysa a matana. Tom closed one eye. Tom closed his eyes. Aku wegah mlayu. I won't run. I stopped running away. Hujannya bertahan selama semalam penuh. The rain lasted through the night. The rain lasted for a full night. Ginpindut niya an pindutan ngan naghulat. He pressed the button and waited. He picked up the handle and waited. Jack akong ngalan. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Zi taki disido nopo nga tuhun Liechtensteiner. His grandfather is a native Liechtensteiner. Zi Taki is not a Liechtensteiner. Au ko minsingiho do mamanau do miampai tumanud do momolita'. Minsingiho ko do koimaan om naatu. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. Everyone who asks will receive. The one who searches will find, and for the person who knocks, the door will be opened. Unsay imong ngalan? What's your name? What's your name? Bill adalah seorang pemain bisbol. Bill is a baseball player. Bill is a baseball player. Saya sudah mengenalnya sejak kecil I've known her since I was little. I've known him since childhood. Saya sangkakan Tom dan Mary telah berkahwin. I thought Tom and Mary were married. I thought Tom and Mary were married. Hobi vinasi ohou dosido. Her voice is better. Hobby vinasi ohou dosido. ¿Mayda bà nakaluwás hiní nga púlong? Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Is there a way to get rid of this bug? Apakah kamu tidak tahu kalau tidak sopan untuk menanyakan usia kepada perempuan? Do you not know that it's impolite to ask a woman how old she is? Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman about her age? Unsa ka kadugaya didto? How long did you stay? How long is there? Malagao' yu chumocho. I want to eat. I'm going to eat. Yoho, Iya, Iyau, Tokou, Ikoyu, Iyolo nopo nga boros ngaran tulun. I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they are personal pronouns. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Tom mengambil intan dan mengamatinya. Tom picked the diamond up and looked at it. Tom took the diamond and observed it. Sínúku la. They gave up. Just S<0xC3><0xAD>n<0xC3><0xBA>ku. Saya yakin saya akan dapat menemukannya. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. Perangkonya lepas. The stamp came off. The stamp's gone. Nunu di booson ku? Koniab, napajal zou mandad hizud tumonos. Tinggoud om gonit pinopomungkang lotilik. Om 'broadband' ku au' dumokot. What can I say? Yesterday, I had to wait for the flash flood to subside. Thunder and lightnings caused voltage drop. And my broadband won't work. “And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the wildflowers in the field. See how they grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. Bisakah kau menjaga rahasia? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Makí paintúlut i Tom a gáwan itá. Tom is allowed to do that. I'm going to make a squishy squishy. Entah Ann atau Carol yang akan merawat bayinya. Either Ann or Carol is going to take care of the baby. Either Ann or Carol will take care of the baby. Apay nga awan ni Tom idiay? Why wasn't Tom there? Why isn't Tom there? Saya mempercayainya. I trust him. I believe him. Kun ako ha imo, mapakadto ako. If I were you, I'd go. If I were you, I'd go. Louson tian ku! I'm starving! Louson my love! Kawángis neng Tom i John. Tom kind of looks like John. John nodded to Tom. Apakah Anda bisa berbicara bahasa Indonesia? Can you speak Indonesian? Can you speak Indonesian? Aku akan melakukannya secara gratis. I'll do it for free. I'll do it for free. Saya di Teheran. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. Tulun au mumboyo kopio. Woe to infidels. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. Moi ko' hino tombuluyon? Are you on vacation? Who am I to blame? Rupa-rupanya bukan senang untuk menjadi seorang nelayan. Turns out that being a fisherman is no easy task. I don’t think it’s nice to be a fisherman. Kau akan berangkat jam berapa? What time will you be leaving? What time are you leaving? Kita tinggal di Selandia Baru. I live in New Zealand. We live in New Zealand. Nunu minaan ku id tontok do buragang oku dii? When I was a baby, what could I do? How do you feel about the fact that I'm pregnant? Kenapa kamu sudah tidak bermain banjo lagi? How come you don't play the banjo anymore? Why don't you play banjo anymore? Busní táya. Let's get it open. Busn<0xC3><0xAD> t<0xC3><0xA1>ya. King palagé mu, nukarín ngan mirarás ing péra? Where do you think all the money goes? What do you think of the King and the King of the Rings? Waktunya pergi ke sekolah. It's time to go to school. Time to go to school. Tom pindah keluar tiga minggu yang lalu. Tom moved out three weeks ago. Tom moved out three weeks ago. Bagaimana keadaan saudaramu? How's your brother? How's your brother? Osomok-somok nodi ilo sarikat do korikot id korutuman do kousinan. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy. But when the time comes, you will not be able to stop the fire from burning. Besok adalah hari di mana aku akan mendapatkan gaji. Tomorrow is when I get paid. Tomorrow is the day I'm going to get a paycheck. Parehas hiton an nahitabo ha Boston. The same thing happened in Boston. The same thing happened in Boston. Mangandad i Tom do tolipounan di Mary. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. I'm going to take a look at Mary. Mångge i kemmon? Where's the toilet? Do you want to go to Kemba? Asaga oku do pataaman do tusin mantad ko manahak dau. I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. I'll give it a shot, and then I'll get it. Ot karakál mu bálu king kasálesáyan ning Japan? How come you know so much about Japanese history? Do you want to be the king of Japan? Aku mau kembali tahun depan. I want to come back next year. I want to go back next year. Papadalin ko do sinding? Do you translate songs? Am I going to make a sequel? Ápat la reng panaún king pabanwá - kasíbul, kaléldo, kalágas ampóng karimlán. There are four seasons in a year - spring, summer, fall, and winter. It's just the four of us who have been killed by the King of Babylon, Kal<0xC3><0xA9>ldo, Kal<0xC3><0xA1>gas, and Kariml<0xC3><0xA1>n. Kamu satu-satunya yang bisa menyelamatkan dunia. You are the only one who can save the world. You are the only one who can save the world. Saya mulai kehilangan kesabaran terhadap anda. I'm starting to lose my patience with you. I began to lose patience with you. Mingkikiut o Koala. Koalas are cute. Mingki or Koala. Pelajari! Learn! Learn! An giyera an nagruba han nasud. The war brought ruin to the country. The war devastated the country. Gilabdan ko. I have a headache. I've been overrun. Kita sudah melakukan itu. We've already done that. We've done that. Ti hu hungok? I didn't hear it. The sound of it? Atín yang mangáragúl a kupítri ing bálang kwártu. Each room is equipped with large desks. It's an ad hominem in B<0xC3><0xA1>lang Kw<0xC3><0xA1>rtu. Sini! Come! Here! Una mo ini nga kombensyon? Is this your first convention? This is your first meeting. Apa kau tahu alasannya? Do you know the reason? Do you know why? Triste siha. They are sad. Triste luya. Gidugangan nila og babaye ang komitiba. They added a woman to the committee. He added to the committee. Nunu ka do boros Jorman "sikul tanganak tokoro"? How do you say kindergarten in German? What do you think of "Jordan's" and "Toronto's"? Stasiunnya di mana? Where is the station? Where's the station? Kivaa piipio uoton ku. I've got a few questions. I'm going to poop my ass. Tom bekerja setiap hari kecuali hari minggu. Tom works every day except Sunday. Tom works every day except Sunday. Líban daréng Inglís ing kalákal king tsâ anyáng panaún a itá. The English entered into the tea trade at that time. L<0xC3><0xAD>ban darang Ingli<0xC3><0xAD>s in the kal<0xC3><0xA1>kal king <0xC3><0xA2> t<0xC3><0xA2>ng pana<0xC3><0xBA>n <0xC3><0xA1>t<0xC3><0xA1>. Bukannya Tom berkata seperti itu? Isn't that what Tom said? Didn't Tom say that? Estudiånte gue'. She's a student. My student'. Maawatan ni Tom. Tom understands. Tom understood. Ibuku gila. My mother is a crazy woman. My mom's crazy. Sigúru malyári kung makiyagnán kéka. Maybe I could go with you. I'll bet you'll be happy when you're ready to go. Kami baru saja akan pergi meninggalkan tempat ini. We are about to leave here. We were just about to leave this place. Tom berjanji untuk tidak pergi keluar tengah malam sendirian. Tom promised not to go out after dark alone. Tom promises not to go out in the middle of the night alone. Tom tahu Mary menyembunyikan sesuatu. Tom knows Mary is hiding something. Tom knew Mary was hiding something. Apakah kita diperbolehkan menggunakan lift? Are we allowed to use the elevator? Are we allowed to use the elevator? Núkarín ka makátuknáng? Where do you live? You're going to be pissed? Agpipikel dagiti tangan ti sakak. My toes are numb. My toes are torn together. Dia batuk. He coughed. He coughs. Pinarparigatdaka. They tortured you. They tortured you. Diri ako mabubuhi hin waray TV. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Kamu sangat sombong. You are very arrogant. You're so arrogant. Alam semesta tidak memiliki titik pusat. The universe has no center. The universe has no central point. Ingaa no tulun mumboyo dau. Nobody believes in him. It's all about those who are willing to give up their lives. Méko la ngan. They all left. It's just a meme. Apakah ini sangat sakit? Does it hurt a lot? Is it so painful? Ada gula? Is there any sugar? There's sugar? Muhagang zou momongo tokou mantad di timpuun. I'm happy that we've finished what we started. We're talking about the zucchini in the zucchini. Sudah mari kita lakukan saja sekarang. Let's just do it now. Let's just do it now. Ura-ura nga bino an nainum ni Tom. Tom drank too much wine. Tom drank a lot of wine. Udaranya terasa agak dingin. The air felt a little cold. The air feels a little cold. Tom tidak lebih sibuk dari siapa pun. Tom isn't any busier than anybody else. Tom is no more busy than anyone. Kita akan bekerja di Osaka tahun depan. We are going to be working in Osaka next year. We'll be working in Osaka next year. Duvo no kik. There were two cakes. Duvo no kik. Sila beritahu saya nombor bank. Please tell me the bank's number. Please tell me the bank number. Aku takut kalau kita terlambat. I fear that we are late. I'm afraid we're late. Nakadto hi Tom, pero waráy niya kami buligi. Tom was there, but he didn't help us. Tom was there, but he couldn't help us. Haruskah aku tinggal atau haruskah aku pergi? Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go? Tratry ny taona! Happy New Year! » What a year it will be! Kalau la ada masalah ni kan, si Tom akan bagitau jugak. If there had been a problem, Tom would've said something. If there's a problem, I'll let Tom know. Maai po karaja nu id walai tintod do moi pamain id labus. Please do your chores before you go out to play. A person who is working in a house must not go down into the house to get things from the house. Au tokou miiyon hiti. We're not staying. I'm going to take a look at my toy. Sebagian besar pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh Alexander Pischushkin terjadi di Taman Bitsa di Moskwa antara tahun 1992 sampai dengan 2006 Most of Alexander Pichushkin's killings took place in Moscow's Bitsa Park between 1992 and 2006. Most of the murders committed by Alexander Pischushkin took place in Bitsa Park in Moscow between 1992 and 2006. Saya sedang makan grissino. I am eating breadsticks. I'm eating grissino. Saya tidak dapat mencari apa yang anda minta. I couldn't find what you asked for. I can't find what you're asking. Itia no boos ku. That's all I want to say. It's my booze. Siring ni Tom may-ada niya maaram kan Mary nga diri pa kita mag-aram. Tom says he knows something about Mary that we don't know yet. Tom says he knows something about Mary that we are not yet studying. Apa kau meninggalkan tip? Did you leave a tip? Did you leave a tip? Hapit intawon namo. Please drop in on us. We're about to get close. Kepripun njenengan nyebat menika? What do you call this? What's the name of the machine? Oruol tian ku. I have a stomachache. My dear Oruol. Na-áwà ka là. You're just envious. You are free. Asaru ko' mongudut doho. You always lie to me. I'm going to get my ass kicked. Mangge i kareta? Where's the car? The car's engine? ¿Kumaín gud kamó? Where exactly did you go? Do you really think it's camouflaged? Waráy namon sadang reklamohan. We have nothing to complain about. We were supposed to complain. Menterjemahkan petikan ini secara harfiah. Translate the passage word for word. Translate this quote literally. Itu pasti akan menarik perhatiannya Tom. That should get Tom's attention. That would definitely get Tom's attention. Tom bicara pake bahasa Prancis bagus skali. Tom speaks French fluently. Tom speaks good French. Belanda adalah negara yang kecil. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Thomas Edison menciptakan bola lampu. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Tsy izaho irery no nanoratra iny taratasy iny. I wasn't the one who wrote that letter. I do not write these things to make you ashamed, but to warn you as my dearly loved ones. Sudahkah kamu menyerahkan laporanmu? Have you turned in your report? Have you submitted your report? Ngapa kowé ora takon dhéwé nang dhèwèké? Why don't you ask him yourself? Why don't you ask him? Au iyau koilo do kumaau ka di Mary. Mary said she can't swim. Mary was engaged to Joseph and went to live with him. Kamu sudah memikirkan masalah ini sejak pagi. Beristirahatlah! Ayo makan siang! You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch. You've been thinking about this since morning. Rest! Let's have lunch! Simbút no ngan deng prémyu. She carried off all the prizes. It's a no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Tepat sekali! Exactly! Exactly! Kau layak mendapatkan hadiah itu. You deserve the prize. You deserve that gift. Araatan iyolo di Tom. They hated Tom. It's in Tom's head. Tawgan ta ka inig abot nako didto. I'll call you when I get there. I'll call you when I get there. Nu mangan nu? What are you doing? You don't eat? Tom mengalami pendarahan dalam. Tom is bleeding internally. Tom has internal bleeding. Ket nakita da ti baro nga langit ken baro nga daga. And they saw the new heaven and new earth. And they saw a new heaven and a new earth. Kamarmu yang mana? Where is your room? Which room are you in? Otopot i naku solita dau? Is his story true? Do you want to go to Solitaire? May-ada mga problema ha pamilya hi Tom. Tom has family problems. Tom had problems with the family. Igkakasal gud ini hi Tom ngan Mary. I assume that Tom and Mary will get married. This is going to be a real marriage for Tom and Mary. Haro no apat nohopod susumikul hilo'd kalas disido. There are about forty students in her class. There were more than forty of them who formed this conspiracy. Itu kesalahan yang bodoh. It was a stupid mistake. That's a stupid mistake. Adakah basikal ini milik anda? Is this your bicycle? Is this bike yours? Gago' gue'. He is lazy. My gago'. Waráy láin maabot hiyá niyan. No doubt he will come later. It's going to come here now. ¿Áno it' ángay buháton? What should be done? What's the point of being alive? Antangai oku po. Look up to me. Antangai oko. No saan koma a gapu iti pammagbagam, saan koma a nagballigi ti negosiok. If it had not been for your advice, I would have failed in my business. If it hadn't been for your advice, my business wouldn't have been successful. Kamu berangkat jam berapa? What time will you be leaving? What time are you leaving? Betérináryu ya i Suan. John is a veterinarian. I'm going to sue. Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope we'll see you soon. Mereka tinggal di blok kami. They live in our block. They live in our block. Ayáw kabaraka. Atamanon ko ikáw. Don't worry. I'll take care of you. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Paréu lang tíníman. They both smiled. Just a little bit of t<0xC3><0xAD>n<0xC3><0xAD>man. Aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah dan ingin tidur, tapi ini sudah waktunya untuk sekolah lagi... I finished the homework, and want to go to bed, but now it's time to go to school again... I've finished homework and want to go to bed, but it's time for school again... Aku adalah manusia. I'm a human. I'm human. Aanangan zou dosido. I liked her. Aananan zou dosido. Ini akang torang bayar 30 pound. This will cost €30. This is going to cost you <0xC2><0xA3>30. Lináwe miyá ing masantíng a dáyatmálat. We looked down at the beautiful sea. We're in the middle of a road trip. Modagan ni sila. This group will run. They will run. Aku memberitahu Tom beberapa lelucon. I told Tom a few jokes. I told Tom some jokes. Isido ti! Here he is! I'm with you! Ilo buuk id timpak do mija'. The book is on the table. I've got my hair cut." Aku rasa Tom tidak perlu melakukannya. I see no need for Tom to do that. I don't think Tom needs to do it. Karuyag ko bumulig ha imo. I want to join you. I want to help you. Amo ini iton imo una nga kombensyon? Is this your first convention? That's your first convention. Diri ako nakakabasa hin Pranses. I cannot read French. I can't read French. Kayatko ti lames. I like fish. I want to fish. Bocah wadon iku rambuté ireng lan matané biru. The girl has black hair and blue eyes. She had black hair and blue eyes. Adikmu kelas berapa? What grade is your sister in? What grade is your sister? Ginpag-andam ako ni nanay para hiton maraot na súmat. My mother prepared me for the bad news. My mother had prepared me for the bad news. Onuai do tikit montok doho. Get a ticket for me. I've got a bit of a crush on you. Aku mencoba membayangkan kehidupan di bulan. I tried to imagine life on the moon. I'm trying to imagine life on the moon. Sabado yana. It's Saturday today. It's Saturday today. Nag-unsa ka? What are you doing? What did you do? Kaylángan dang magsalítâ. They need to talk. It's a ding dong. Ingga no maso' ku do pamainan. I have no time for games. Even when I'm on vacation. Minirikau i Tom hodi pompod do kadai poginuman, om kakatan dau do bior. Tom sat at the end of the bar, nursing a beer. And he would not drink wine, and would not drink it. Diri makanhi hi Ann hiton atun kadamû. Ann will not come to our party. Ann didn't come to that party. Ini payung milik siapa? Whose umbrella is this? Whose umbrella is this? Milan merupakan ibu kota fesyen Italy. Milan is Italy's fashion capital. Milan is the fashion capital of Italy. Pénaus nákung táksi. He called a taxi for me. P<0xC3><0xA9>naeus is a witness. Wen, ngem dayta? Yes, but that? Yes, but that? ¿Ano nga diyaryo it ímo ginbábása? What newspaper do you read? What is the meaning of the word imo? Aku tidak merasa sakit atau apapun. I don't feel sick or anything. I don't feel any pain or anything. Diri pa ako andam para heton. I'm not ready for it yet. I'm not ready for him yet. Tom menyukai sains fiksi. Tom loves science fiction. Tom likes science fiction. Iblis menggugat Tuhan. Devil sued God. The devil tempts God. Dia adalah seorang dokter. He's a doctor. He was a doctor. Susan adalah sebuah nama bahasa Inggris. Susan is an English name. Susan is an English name. Pékisabián ke king teléponú. I talked to her on the phone. P<0xC3><0xA9>kisabi<0xC3><0xA1>n to king tel<0xC3><0xA9>pon<0xC3><0xBA>. Dia seorang siswa. She is a student. He's a student. Guminavo ko po naku di tapa nu? Do you love your father? Am I going to be in the shower? ¿Sángkay mo hirá? Are they friends of yours? Do you have a friend? Dari mana kamu? Where've you been? Where are you from? Apakah ini sebuah kebetulan? Is this a coincidence? Is this a coincidence? Balá ku táu ya Boston i Tom. I thought Tom was from Boston. I'm from Boston. Nagkinahanglan ko og kwarta, kay kinahanglan ko nga magbayad sa akong kuryente. I need money because I need to pay for my electricity. I need the money, because I have to pay for my electricity. Luyo sa iyang pahiyom anaa ang pagbudhi. Behind her smile lies betrayal. Behind her smile was the betrayal. Haro padagangan do taakanon kiruganik hilo'd kadai pomolian taakanon. This grocery store only sells organic food. It's a great way to get rid of junk food and junk food. Silalabus dagiti ubbing nga aglalangoy. The children were swimming in the nude. The children are swimming. Kuncinya rusak. The lock is broken. The key's broken. Saya harus belajar dengan serius. I must learn seriously. I have to learn seriously. Say kaput nitalak ed loob. The door bolts on the inside. It's been a while since I've been inside. Unu, dos, tres, kuåttru', singku', sais, sietti, ochu', nuebi, dies. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And another fell into the ground the one having been prepared, and with the other he had the linen, and with the goats, and with the purple, and with the scarlet, and with the gilded stone, and with the precious stones, and with pearls; Tolong pinjamkan aku mobilmu. Please lend me your car. Please lend me your car. ¿Kay-anó ka nag-ukoy ha Kyoto han hadí nga túig? Why did you live in Kyoto last year? Why do you live in Kyoto? Aku salah membawa payungmu. I took your umbrella by mistake. I've got the wrong umbrella. Berapa lama waktu tidur yang kamu butuhkan? How many hours of sleep do you need? How long do you need sleep? Insuratmo koma lattan. You could've written. You should have written it. Saya tidak bisa menerima hadiah darimu. I cannot accept your gift. I can't accept a gift from you. Mata saya sangat sensitif kepada cahaya. My eyes are very sensitive to the light. My eyes are very sensitive to light. Imbaga met la kadi kenka ni Tom no ania ti kayatna a Pamaskua? Did Tom ever tell you what he wanted for Christmas? Did Tom finally tell you what he wanted for Christmas? Nunu pogi? What else? <0xE2><0x86><0x90> Who's the Boss? Kay-ano ginsusunog niya an iya nobela? Why is she burning her novel? Why does he burn his novel? Ambil perlengkapanmu. Grab your gear. Take your gear. Milo' oku monguhot di Tom? Can I question Tom? Do I have to go to Tom's? Setiap orang bisa berbuat salah. Anyone can make a mistake. Everyone can make mistakes. Kumadto ako ha París. I traveled to Paris. I'm going to Par<0xC3><0xAD>s. Musik membuat hidup kita bahagia. Music makes our life happy. Music makes our lives happy. Dia bisa saja berbohong. He may have told a lie. He could have lied. Pumurot hiya hin salamin ngan ginkita an iya dila. He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue. He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue. Mimboos i tambahut savi-avi ku do Poransis. All my friends speak French. I'm going to add a little bit of porn. Umanamongka kadi iti pangngeddeng ni Tom? Do you agree with Tom's decision? Do you agree with Tom's decision? Éke págtiwalán anyáng múmuna. I didn't trust him at first. <0xC3><0x89>ke p<0xC3><0xA1>gtiwal<0xC3><0xA1>n any m<0xC3><0xBA>muna. Baunya sangat tidak enak. The smell was terrible. It smells so bad. Taotao månu hao? Where are you from? What's the matter, huh? Inalbén ko reng áyup king barkún kábang ínumán ke ing kapé ku. I watched the birds on the balcony while drinking my coffee. I'm going to take the King of the Jungle to a coffee shop. Jangan boros dengan uang yang baru kamu dapat! Don't squander your newly earned money! Don’t waste your money with the money you just got! Tom tahu bagaimana untuk menjalankan hampir sebarang cara pengangkutan. Tom knows how to operate practically any mode of transportation. Tom knows how to run almost any means of transportation. Saya tidak tahu apa yang dimaksudkan. I didn't know what it meant. I don't know what it means. Siguraduha ta nga diri mauul-ulan hi Tom. We must make sure that Tom doesn't hurt himself. Make sure that Tom doesn't get wet. Ce' penterra! How smart! What's up Penterra! Mau minum apa? What'll you have to drink? What would you like to drink? Kakan-o ka urhi nga nakig-estorya kan Mary? When was the last time you talked to Mary? When was the last time you spoke to Mary? Orohian ko' do loyuk? Do you like music? Do you think I'm lazy? Ini adalah kalimat yang ditampilkan secara acak melalui Tatoeba. This is a sentence that is being randomly displayed through Tatoeba. This is a sentence that is displayed randomly through the Tatoeba. Karuyag ko isumat mo ha akon tanan nga kinahanglanon ko mahibaroan. I need you to tell me everything I need to know. I want you to tell me everything I need to know. Poingkuro ma i Tom maan diti? How can Tom do this? What's the matter with you Ma'am? Mamatai iho bungkusan. Smoking kills. Take the pack of sharks. Adakah itu menyakitkan? Does that hurt? Does it hurt? Tidak apa-apa. No big deal! It's okay. Kunana a naragsak isuna. He said that he was happy. He said he was happy. Apa yang dikatakannya? What does it say? What did he say? Saan a tao ti pusa. A cat is not human. The cat is not a human being. Nakabarbara, isu a pinaandarko ti bentilador. It was hot, so I turned on the fan. It was very hot, so I put the fan to work. Kotumbaya oku milo' do poimpanau ti. I bet this will work. I'm going to go with the milo. Nosusu isido om guminayo nondo hilo'd Osaka. She was born and brought up in Osaka. Every island will be destroyed, and every mountain and hill will be made flat. Itu omong kosong. That's nonsense. That's bullshit. Tetapi ayah tidak akan suka akan ini. But Dad won't like it. But you won't like this. Berapa harganya? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Maulol ádto hin duro. It was very painful. It's very sloppy. Aku sujana marang patiné dhéké. I have a suspicion about his death. I was a scientist at his death. Tom jauh lebih baik hari ini. Tom is a lot better today. Tom is much better today. Maygít nakéng atlúng púlung banwáng miyásáwa. We've been married more than thirty years. May's goal was to get a hold of the sleight of hand. Agnán-agnán la karéng gagáwan da deng mikálugúran. Friends do things together. It's just a matter of getting rid of the mickeys. Aku perlu mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan? I need to find out what to do. I need to know what to do? Masunod hi Tom. Tom will follow. Tom will follow. Sumarurongka kadi wenno supringem ti kapanunotanna? Are you for or against his idea? Are you going to turn your back on him or contradict his opinion? Padpadasek a tulonganka. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you. Manampasi isido do duku. She saved the puppy. I'm going to do the doo doo. Si Tom agni nayarin manritiro. Tom can't retire yet. Tom Agni has been hired to retire. Tes darahnya normal. The blood test is normal. Blood tests are normal. Otopot i naku susuzan dau? Is his story true? Do you want to get rid of the dachshund? Dili ko moeskuyla. I don't want to go to school. I'm not going to school. Honggo kamar jamban? Where is the bathroom? Honggo toilet room? Nausa ako kay-ano daw la ginsidngan ako ni Tom nga himuon iton. I wonder why Tom told me to do that. I've been wondering how he told me to do that. Asino kadakayo ti doktor ni Tom? Which one of you is Tom's doctor? Which one of you is Tom's doctor? Haannak pay a nakaimatang iti sibibiag a balyena. I've never seen a live whale. He didn't even see me with a live whale. Taimanu masångan-ña "good bye" gi fino' Aleman? How do you say "good bye" in German? Do you mean "good-bye" in German? Dia bisa tarbang. He is able to fly. He can fly. Gurita itu membawa tempurung kelapa. That octopus is carrying a coconut shell. The octopus carries a coconut shell. Atín kung báyung páris a médyas. I have a brand new pair of socks. It's a medley of meds. Mari kita menunggu hujannya berhenti. Let's wait for the rain to stop. Let's wait for the rain to stop. Dhèwèké lagi ndhelik nang jero lemari. She's hiding in the closet. He was hiding in a closet. Tumanud ponoriukan dinondo, okuri no tulun ginumuan do poingiyon hilo'd bandar metropolis. A recent survey revealed that the population density in the metropolis was decreasing. As a result, I have been to the city of Ephesus since the beginning of the year. Ary ianao? And you? And you? Milo tokou mindakod? Can we go upstairs? Milo Tokoku Mindadok? Unta diri ako nakakatuyaw ha imo. I hope I'm not bothering you. I wish I couldn't make fun of you. Unta ginpalit ko nala iton nga bisikleta. I wish I'd bought that bicycle. I wish I had bought this bike. Apa kamu tahu alasan sebenarnya mengapa Tom tidak berada di sini? Do you know the real reason that Tom isn't here? Do you know the real reason why Tom wasn't here? Bahasa apa yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat What language do they speak in the United States? What language is spoken in the United States Sungai ini mengalir ke Danau Ontario This river runs into Lake Ontario. The river flows into Lake Ontario. Sawo nopo ginumuan nga pinosorou oku kokomoi do kogiu main violin. The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin. I've been trying to figure out how to get my hands on my hair, and I've been trying to figure out how to get it done. Nokosodia i Tom do monguhup. Tom is ready to help. Tom was a noob. Bolehkah saya mencoba mengenakan ini? May I try this on? Can I try to wear this? Karuyag ko mauruopay ka. I want you to be better. I want you to be better. Kalimat samua di sini musi ada dia pe titik. All of these sentences need a full stop. The whole sentence here musi is pe dot. Nokuo di Tom? Napatai isido dii? What happened to Tom? Is he dead? Nokuo in Tom? Napatai isido dii? It iba nga estudyante dira na mabalik hit sunod na semester. Some students aren't going to come back next semester. Students are expected to return for the next semester. Protektahi naton gud iton kagugob-an. We should protect the forest. Let's really protect that mess. Aku ingin sepatu merah. I wanted red shoes. I want red shoes. Pabrik ini juga beroperasi pada malam hari. This factory also operates at night. The factory also operates at night. Abyerto an baraligyaan hin libro. The bookstore is open. The bookshop is an open space. Nitubag si Tom. Tom answered. Tom answered. Aku tidak tahu apa maksudmu. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Jangan tersinggung! No offence! No offense! Dia ditemukan terbaring tidak sadar di lantai dapur. He was found lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. He was found lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. Kamu melihat sesuatu? Have you seen something? You see anything? Akan memakan waktu berapa lama? How long does it take? How long will it take? Kanayonka nga agulbod kaniak. You always lie to me. You're always lying to me. ¿Nahuman mo na an' im' homework? Have you finished your homework yet? Have you done your homework? Nokokinam kou po naku minonongkiboos miampai di Tom? Have any of you ever talked to Tom? Do you think you'll be able to get a hold of Tom? Punika dipunserat. Write that down. It's written. Sekiranya kamu mengejar dua ekor arnab, kamu pun tidak akan dapat menangkapnya. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. If you chase after two rabbits, you won’t be able to catch them either. Kao si Tom gue? Is he Tom? Where's my Tom? Aku dalam masalah, ya? I'm in trouble, aren't I? I'm in trouble, huh? Kao ñålang hamyo? Are you hungry? Do you feel like you're being cheated? Itu agak menggelikan. It was kind of funny. That's kind of ridiculous. Berapa umurnya? How old is he? How old is he? May-ada mga maúpay nga mansanas ha basket. There are some good apples in the basket. There are apples in the basket. Malarga hi Tom hiton aga. Tom is leaving in the morning. Tom was gone in the morning. No siak la a maysa, awan ti tubngarek. As for me, I have no objection. If I were one, I wouldn't answer. Kapan kita bisa makan? When can we eat? When can we eat? Oilaan oku daa di Tom amu no kadalaai do kumaraja. I'm sure Tom won't be willing to work late. I'll be sure to check out your momma's recipe if you're interested in the recipe. Namanya Tom. His name is Tom. His name is Tom. Au zou mimang hintuun doid talun-alun nodi. I'm not going down that road again. I've been waiting for Noddy to come out of the closet. Tom adalah salah satu dari temanku. Tom is one of my friends. Tom is one of my friends. Siapa yang menghapus berkasnya? Who deleted the file? Who deleted the file? Kotoluadan tu kinorikatan! Thank you for coming! The code is attached! ¿Lapis man it imo iginsusurat? Why are you writing with a pencil? Are you going to write it down? Dimo kadi, aya, kagura ti ug-ugalien ni Tom? Don't you just hate the way Tom behaves? Don't you hate Tom's behavior? Aiso tikit nu montok abaabayan dinondo di? Do you have any tickets for today's performance? What's the deal with the little sluts right now? Tom itu berbahaya. Tom's dangerous. Tom is dangerous. Zisido no ih odomut kohodongon kikopolotian tagazo. He who is slow to anger has great understanding. I'll bet you're going to have to take a look at the Kool-Aid. Harga yang murah membuatku membeli barang-barang yang tidak aku perlukan. The cheap prices tempted me to buy things I didn't need. Cheap prices make me buy things I don’t need. Tom tidak percaya evolusi. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Tom doesn't believe in evolution. Jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Don't do things by halves. Don't heat up chicken shit. Pounsikou tu onuon ko do tusak. Thank you for the flowers. You're going to have to get your ass kicked. Perang tidak bisa berlangsung lebih lama lagi. The war could not last much longer. The war could not last much longer. Kayatmo kadi ti maysa pay a kas kadagitoy? Do you want another one of these? Would you like another one like this? Iton pakiana yana kun maabot hiya ha oras. The question is whether he will come on time. The question is whether it will come in time. Izosido nopo nga zi Betty. She is Betty. I don't want to see Betty. Aku telah terjaga sepanjang malam. I've been up most of the night. I've been awake all night. Buleh tamboh kopi dok? Could I have some more coffee? Do you have a cup of coffee, Doc? Hiti oku monongkiboros kokomoi do bisnis, okon ko songkiboroson. I came here to talk business, not to chit-chat. I'm in the business of doing business, I'm in the business. Ini kembalian Anda. Here is your change. It's your turn. Tolong beri Tom kesempatan lain, OK? Please give Tom another chance, OK? Please give Tom another chance, OK? Kalo ngana bisa datang beso tu datang da. If you can come tomorrow, please do. If they could come, they'd come. Basa ibuné Tom dudu basa Prancis, nanging basa Inggris. Tom's native language isn't French, but English. Tom's mother was not French, but English. Saan nga ipagarup ni Tom a mabigbig isuna ti asino man. Tom didn't think that anyone would recognize him. He didn't think anyone would recognize him. Siapa orang-orang itu? Who are those guys? Who are those people? Popokito i Ati Jones do ula' voos dau songian koongou do abal. Miss Jones made a face when she heard the news. Ati Jones do snake voos dao singian koongou do abal. Kayo dayta. That's a tree. It's a tree. Upus zou kozo diau. I love you the most. Upus zou kozo au. Aku sangat lapar. I'm famished. I'm so hungry. Yumi punya banyak buku. Yumi has many books. Yumi has a lot of books. Tom itu santai. Tom is easygoing. Tom's relaxed. Diak kayaten ti Paskua. I don't like Christmas anymore. I don't want the Passover anymore. Ubbingda pay laeng. They're still young. They're still kids. Nahigugma ako. I am in love. I love. Salamat! Thanks! Thank you! Aja negori wit sing isih enom. Don't cut young trees. Don't deal with young trees. Aku tidak bisa memainkannya melalui ingatan. Tolong mainkan musiknya. I can't play it from memory. Please give me the music. I can't play it through memory, please play the music. Ihoo' no nunu mangan, dadi' maai no to'doo' do poinghohobi vinasi' di aanu nu. Know what to do, then do it the best you can. If you're going to eat, you're not going to eat anything, so you're going to have to eat it. Tidak. No. No, no. Dikatakan bahawa "Hamlet" adalah permainan paling menarik yang pernah ditulis. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting game ever written. Nabusog ak hin duro han paniudto nga gin-ándam ni Inday. The lunch prepared by Inday filled me very much. I was very impressed with the lunch I was having. Atíng makí prubléma kanité? Does anybody have a problem with this? What's the point of pruritus? Padha ngandani aku kudu nunggu ing kene They told me to wait here. You'll have to wait for me here Pasabuton nala nam hiya. We'll notify him. We'll understand him. Aku sudah menulis tiga surat. I've written three letters. I've written three letters. Dhèwèké menyang sekolah numpak bis, pa? Does he go to school by bus? You're going to school on the bus, right? Kowé wis adus apa durung? Have you taken a bath? Have you been washed or not? Kanayon a naisabsabali isuna kadagiti dadduma nga ubbing. She was always different from other children. He was always different from other children. Aku merasa capek. I feel tired. I feel tired. Atlú lang pámagbáyu deng géwa nang Tom. Tom made three changes. Atl<0xC3><0xBA> only p<0xC3><0xA1>magb<0xC3><0xA1>yu with the help of Tom. Dia bilang begitu? She said that? He said that? Kerannya bocor. The faucet is leaking. Her neck is leaking. Makiangayon man mi. We're fair. We were fair. Apa kau suka bermain voli? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? Tidak ada yang tahu siapa dulunya aku. No one knew who I was. No one knows who I used to be. Biarlah si dokter menjadi tua, dan si tukang pangkas muda. Let the doctor be old, and the barber young. Let the doctor grow old, and the young pruner. Anda tidak perlu mengatakan apa-apa lagi. Are we going to attack them? You don't have to say anything anymore. Kao ga'chong ham? Are we friends? Don't you mean Hung-ho? Orang Jepang dan Inggris biasanya menunggu di pemberhentian bis dengan mengantri. Japanese and British people usually wait at a bus stop in a queue. Japanese and British people usually wait at bus stops in queues. Kota itu hidup kembali dengan semangat yang lebih besar. The city revived with greater vigor. The city came back to life with a greater spirit. Poboroso do otulid kumaa doho bogia. Be honest with me. I'm going to try and get my boobies. Maraksot iton hin duro. It's too ugly. It's very hard to beat. Diri abre ini nga golf course para ha mga diri nganhi myembro. This golf course is not open to non-members. This course is not open to non-members. Maai do sondiri. Help yourself. Ma'am is self-taught. John dulunya adalah suami Jane. John was Jane's husband. John used to be Jane's husband. Seorang polis mendendanya. The policeman fined him. A policeman charged him. Kami berbicara melalui telepon. We talked over the phone. We talked over the phone. Kami memancing dari waktu ke waktu. We go fishing from time to time. We fish from time to time. Selamat pagi, semuanya. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. May-ada ka mapa hiton syudad han Kyoto? Do you have a map of the city of Kyoto? Do you have a map of the city? Isai papaatod diau do mugad sikul? Who sends you to school? Is it possible to get pregnant? Diso. Wrong. Diso. Mogot no daa maan do baino. You had better do it right now. Don't be fooled if you can do it. Ungil tutau! Good morning! Let's hear it! Ngana pe oto tu su barapa taong? How old is your car? Is that a man's name? Busnya berangkat setiap 15 menit. The bus leaves every fifteen minutes. The bus leaves every 15 minutes. Kurasa Tom sedang mencari Mary. I guess Tom is looking for Mary. I think Tom's looking for Mary. Aku meruan sayauka nuan belama. I will always loving you. I've always been a fan of the anime. Akhir pekan ini dia sakit. He became sick over the weekend. This weekend she's sick. Wonten ing panjenengan wonten pinten apel? How many apples do you have? Do you have any apples? Ére ápansínang línwal king kwártu. He went out of the room without being noticed by anyone. <0xC3><0x89>re <0xC3><0xA1>pans<0xC3><0xAD>ng l<0xC3><0xAD>nwal king kw<0xC3><0xA1>rtu. Kavasa ko do manganu dagai id Muzium British? Can you take us to the British Museum? How do I get to the British Museum? Saya tidak sebodoh yang kamu kira. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think. Saya diperiksa badan oleh petugas Bea dan Cukai di bandar udara. I was searched by the customs officers at the airport. I was checked by a Customs and Tax officer at the airport. Angkat tanganmu. Put your hands up. Raise your hand. Donkoodopon ku, osuai-suai tinipi ku. While napping, I had a strange dream. Donkoodopon me, change my butt. Mánuknángan ya king maranglé king California. Tom lives on a farm in California. King of California is King of California. Apa kau ingin pergi jalan-jalan ke luar negeri? Would you like to travel abroad? Do you want to go on a trip abroad? Mogkoindamaan zou do boos Kadazandusun. I'm obsessed with the Kadazandusun language. Mogkoindamaan zou do boos Kadazandusun. Imbagam mantrabaho ka nabuas. You said you were working tomorrow. You said you'd work hard. Ayahku bersikeras memintaku untuk pergi melihat tempat itu. My father insisted I should go to see the place. My father insisted on asking me to go see the place. Saan nga ammo ni Tom ti nagdumaan ti maysa a diamante ken ti maysa nga esmeralda. Tom does not know the difference between a diamond and an emerald. Tom is unaware of the difference between a diamond and an emerald. Aku tidak akan mengenakan sepatu-sepatu ini lagi. I'm never wearing these shoes again. I'm not going to wear these shoes anymore. ¡Maúpay nga Pasko! Merry Christmas! It's a good Christmas! Situasi Tom menjadi semakin sulit. Tom's situation is getting more complicated. Tom's situation is getting more difficult. Paréu lang méngúkû. They both coughed. It's just a part of me. Sínáwá náku. I've had enough. S<0xC3><0xAD>n<0xC3><0xA1>w<0xC3><0xA1> n<0xC3><0xA1>ku. Syarahan tentang belanjawan itu sangat menarik. The lecture on the budget was very interesting. The information about the property is very interesting. Mamanau zosido mo'oi kalaja. She walks to work. Let's learn how to work. Bata pa ang babaye. The woman is young. The woman was young. Ungil kebesengei! Good evening! It's all right! Maai oku daa popoilo'. Allow me to explain. Maai daa popoilo'. Tom andhi' tello ana'. Tom has three children. Tom has three children. Saasau kosimban iho koula-ulahon do tadau. Weather changes often. And when the sun was up, they were gathered together every day. Tom seharusnya ada di sini. Tom should be here. Tom should be here. Aku sangat capek. I'm very tired. I'm so tired. Personal ini nga butang. This a personal matter. This is a personal matter. Lompat! Jump! Jump! Mugad suvab! Go there tomorrow! Hurry up, Subaru. Ñålang yu'. I'm hungry. <0xC3><0x91><0xC3><0xA5>lang yuk. Karuyag ko unta sumiring nga marisyo an pagtrabaho nganhi, pero dírì. I'd like to say it's been fun working here, but it hasn't. I wanted to say that it was fun to work here, but d<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC>. Engkau mahu pergi ke penjarakah? Do you want to go to prison? You want to go to jail? Apa yang selalu membuatmu khawatir? What's always on your mind? What's always worrying you? Tom memukuli Mary. Tom is beating up Mary. Tom beats Mary. Au alaid diti, korikot nodi kalansanan dau sabaagi do dukutur. At last, her dream to be a doctor came true. "on a day when he is not expecting him, and at an hour which he does not know, the Master of that servant will arrive Maupay ba ini nga lugar para magtanum hin kahuy? Is this a good place to plant a tree? Is this a good place to plant seeds? Say ina nen amak et si baik. My father's mother is my grandma. My mother said it was good. ¿Maupay ini nga lugar para magtanum hin kahuy? Is this a good place to plant a tree? Is it a good place to plant a tree? Bagus sekali! Tidak buruk juga. Well done! That's not bad. Not bad either. Tom sakit kepala. Tom has a headache. Tom has a headache. Seperti ayah, seperti anak. Like father, like son. Like father, like son. Jika kopi Anda terlalu kuat, tambahkan sedikit gula. If your coffee is too strong, add some sugar. If your coffee is too strong, add a little sugar. Mechikung. Goodbye. Mechikung. Api! Lari! Fire! Run! Fire! Éya minúlî anggáng mábéngi na. Not until late at night did he come home. It's been a long time coming. Nagparut hiya hin patatas. She peeled a potato. He grazed potatoes. Waray ko panahón hin pag-explikar. I don't have time to explain. I didn't have an explanation. Saya menunggu dan menunggu. I waited and waited. I wait and wait. Tom pensiun dari dinas tentara tiga tahun yang lalu. Tom retired from the army three years ago. Tom retired from the army service three years ago. Tuló na kasimana nawawara hi Tom. Tom has been missing three weeks. Tom was missing three times. Ada dimana barang-barangmu? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Toruol diri nga mongodu doho mooi labus. Illness prevented me from going out. It's not a bug, it's a bug bug. Mamuláng ka? Are you mad? You're going to die? Atangkangau ko' baino toi? You're busy today, aren't you? What do you think of Toby? Maragul ya! It's big! It's Maragul! Apatut ko' daa au mongoi doiho banda' id totuvong. You should avoid that part of town at night. I'm going to try to get my money's worth out of the way. Éke alárin ing luklúkan. I can't fix the seat. It's Aladdin in the closet. Diri adto mapupudngan. It was unavoidable. It's unstoppable. Dokter gigi yang murah hati itu memberikan sejumlah dua milyar yen untuk amal. The generous dentist contributed some two billion yen to charity. The generous dentist gave a sum of two billion yen to charity. Indi ko kaya subong sini nga obra. I'm just not cut out for this kind of work. I'm able to get a job here. Tom adalah orang yang baik hati. Tom is a good sort. Tom was a kind man. Nunu ka do boros dikoyu "muhang oku dika"? How do you say, "I love you", in your language? Do you think you're going to use "I'm going to kill you"? Tom selalu baik kepadaku. Tom has been good to me. Tom was always good to me. Apa kau sudah mencuci mobilnya? Have you washed the car yet? Did you wash the car? Apa kau melakukan khitan? Are you cut? Did you do the stitches? Saya ingin menjumpai kamu. I want to visit you. I want to see you. Jaga mulutmu, Tom. Watch your mouth, Tom. Take care of your mouth, Tom. Tom dan Sue sudah saling mengenal sejak 1985. Tom and Sue have known each other since 1985. Tom and Sue have known each other since 1985. Boleh saya membawa kot anda? Shall I carry your coat? Can I bring your coat? Baga'n maaram ako kay-ano waray ngahi hi Tom. I think I know why Tom isn't here. I don't know why Tom wasn't here. Aku tidak menyangka akan bertemu denganmu di sini. I never expected to see you here. I didn't expect to see you here. Dedaunan pohonnya menjadi merah. The tree leaves turned red. The leaves of the tree turn red. Sigurado ka isakto iton imo kwarta? Are you sure you have enough money? Are you sure you have the money? Bolehkah saya meminta sesuatu untuk diminum? May I have something to drink? Can I ask for something to drink? Nampaknyo tom panek nak? Tom looks tired, doesn't he? "Did you see Tom? Aron dili magsugod ang lalis, hilom lang ko. So as not to start an argument, I don't say anything. In order not to start the conversation, I kept quiet. Andasan ku nopo ilo kolumpa nga katahan di. I thought this pair of shoes would last longer. I'm sure I'm going to have a noob in there. Selain dirimu, kami semua miskin. Apart from you, we are all poor. Besides you, we're all poor. Ania ti nanglapped kenka nga agtrabaho? What prevented you from working? What kept you from working? Moi oku odop no koti. I have to go to sleep. Moi oku odop no koti. May-hitsura niya ngan baltok. He is good-looking and smart. He had a squeaky nose and a squeaky nose. Ammo nga isu ti pudno. You know it's true. He knew he was the truth. Saya tidak yakin, tapi dia mungkin datang. I'm not sure, but he might come. I'm not sure, but he might come. Saya mahu belajar di luar negeri. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Burungnya ada di atas langit. The bird is in the sky. The bird is above the sky. Kau menertawakan apa? What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Saya juga pergi. I went, too. I'm leaving too. Fantastis! Fantastic! Fantastic! Árakáp de i Tom. They captured Tom. I'm from Tom. Kami la ni Tom iton mag-estorya. I'll talk to Tom alone. Tom and I were the only ones talking. Ninúng pánáyan mu? Who are you waiting for? Where's your p<0xC3><0xA1>n<0xC3><0xA1>? Awas! Watch out! Watch out! Tom datang pagi ini. Tom came by this morning. Tom came this morning. Haro loyuk montok toinsanan. There's music for everyone. Haro Lokuk Tosinan. Mereka berenang. They are swimming. They're swimming. Bweno, adi ano na iton oras. Kana na. Well, it's getting late. Let's go now. It's time, it's time. Dia tertabrak mobil dan tewas di tempat. He was hit by a car and died instantly. He was hit by a car and killed on the spot. Kotoluadan tu kinorikatan. Thank you for coming. The cologne is attached. Saan a kayat dagiti pusa ti mabasa. Cats dislike being wet. Cats don't want to read. Matay pa ko! I swear you my life that it's true ! I'm still dead! Dámu iton aton miyembro. We have many members. It's our member. Nagsublikami iti Boston idi maika-20 ti Oktubre. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on the 20th of October. Pinabettak dagiti terorista ti bus. Terrorists blew up a bus. The terrorists blew up the bus. Semua orang pernah melakukan kesalahan. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has ever made a mistake. Bilalah agaknya ayah awak akan pulang? I wonder, when would your father return? When will your father come home? Nung apatai o tinipi nu, poginipi no do iso po vagu tinipi. Nung naatu ko, ingkakat no om tihombuson vagu. If one dream dies, dream another dream. If you get knocked down, get back up and go again. But if you do, you will not get tired. If you do, you will get rid of the weeds. Sandarkan tangga pada dinding. Stand the ladder against the wall. Back up the stairs on the wall. Pemberi kerja kadang-kadang memanfaatkan pekerjanya. Employers sometimes exploit their workers. Workers sometimes take advantage of their employees. Árakáp de i Tom. They caught Tom. I'm from Tom. Umur berapa? How old are you? What age? Mari kita menunggu hingga hujannya berhenti. Let's wait until it stops raining. Let's wait until the rain stops. Manu oku poposolon di Tom. I want to make Tom jealous. Manu oku poposolon in Tom. Aku ingin mati dengan Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Kamarnya sangat berantakan. His room's a mess. The room is very messy. Ang Burj Khalifa ang pinaka tag-as nga edipisyo sa kalibutan. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Kemari. Come here. Come here. Dékap de. They arrested him. Decapitation of. Dia bertanya jika saya tahu alamatnya She asked me if I knew his address. He asked if I knew the address. Tom tidak punya mobil. Tom doesn't have a car. Tom doesn't have a car. Mas matwá yang atlúng banwá késa káku. He's three years older than I am. More matw<0xC3><0xA1> the atl<0xC3><0xBA>ng banw<0xC3><0xA1> k<0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xA1> k<0xC3><0xA1>ku. Kenapa kamu tidak memberitahunya? Why didn't you tell her? Why didn't you tell him? Bagaimana situasi kita? What's our situation? How's our situation? Migáganaká la reng sablá king milyári king sadyáng kampyún. Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion. He was the king of the milliseconds and the king of the milliseconds. Nokoilo' oku papapanau do korita lolobi po mantad duo nohopod toun. I've been able to drive for more than twenty years. And I have received authority from my Father, and I will give him the morning star. Duawa ko palihog. Please visit me. Come to me, please. Berapa nilaimu? What's your score? How much are you worth? Isai manu moi pagasu? Who wants to go hunting? Do you believe I'm going to die? Onuai do undorong tokuri. Take a few days off. Onuai do labori tokuri. Éme tatábílî ing óbra mu neng aldó. Don't give up your day job. It's like you're sitting on the edge of your seat in Aldo. Mésayá ya king balítâ. The news made him happy. It is said that King Bal<0xC3><0xAD>t<0xC3><0xA2>. Maaram hi Tom nga diri niya maburuhat iton nga butang. Tom knew he was probably not going to be able to do that. Tom knew he couldn't do that thing. Jika ada orang yang dapat memperbaikinya, orang itu adalah Tom. If anybody can fix it, it's Tom. If anyone can fix it, that person is Tom. Milo' tokou mangan diti? Can we make it? Do you want to eat it? Manusia ditakdirkan untuk menderita. Man is destined to suffer. Humans are destined to suffer. Kinahánglan ta hin gios, dírì mga pulong. We need actions, not words. Let's start with words, words. Nalamiis isuna kaniak. She is cold to me. He was cold to me. Agazo tandaa' disido. He has a huge cock. Agazo tatana's disingenuous. Anda ingin segelas kopi lagi? Would you like another cup of coffee? You want another cup of coffee? Aku belum pernah ke Eropa? I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe? Say gawaen mo labat et nantepet. All you had to do was ask. You have done it, and you have done it. ¿Puydi ka pumahuway hin gutìay anay? Can you take a little break? Can you take a break? Unta waray mahitabo nga sayop yanâ. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time. I hope nothing went wrong here. ¿San-o mo it' kuhaon? When are you picking it up? When are you going to take it? Malyári dakáng sópan? Can I help you? A little bit of sloppy? Karuyag ko pa mag-mulay. I still want to play. I want to play more. Tom sangat berbeda dari ayahnya. Tom is very different from his father. Tom is very different from his father. Soira hibokon nu? When will you leave? Sourdough bread isn't it? Nagdidinako la iton popolasyun hini nga syudad kada tuig. This city has been increasing in population year after year. I only live in this city every year. Tom berlari keluar ke jalan. Tom ran out into the street. Tom ran out into the street. Saljunya bertahan hingga 2 hari. The snow lasted for two days. The snow lasts for up to 2 days. Kopongo do karaja sikul dau, mintong iyau do TV. After he had done his homework, he watched TV. He's got a TV set, and he's watching TV. Kinsa diay ka? Who are you? Who are you? Saya senang mendengar hal itu. I'm happy to hear that. I'm glad to hear that. Aku tidak bisa memutuskan akan makan apa untuk makan siang. I can't decide what to eat for lunch. I can't decide what to eat for lunch. Dia terfokus pada teka-teki itu. He was immersed in the puzzle. He was focused on the puzzle. Agob-obra ni Tom. Tom works. Tom was working. Gipukaw niya si Tom. He has woken Tom. He woke up to Tom. Ayto! No, not that one yonder! Oh, that! Bulág ya kabaít na. He was blind from birth. It's already bubbly. Haro lisih, haro nunu. Love is everything. I'm with you, Hanuman. Nokuro au isai sinunudan montok doho? Why was I not informed? What's the point of getting my head wet? Ti kangrunaan a panggepna iti biag ket ti agbalin a baknang. His main object in life was to become rich. His main purpose in life is to be rich. Saya telah menolak undangan makan malam darinya. I refused her invitation to dinner. I turned down dinner invitations from him. Apa kamu bisa berski dengan baik? Can you ski well? Can you ski well? Diak kayataen ti agsubli. I don't wanna go back. I don't feel like going back. Hino ko' no! Goodbye! That's who I am! Saanen nga agpatingga daytoy. This is never going to end. This doesn't end any more. Masdaawak a sika ken ni Tom ket saan nga agkasunguan. I'm surprised you and Tom don't like each other. I'm surprised that you and Tom aren't together. Asino ti akimbasol iti daytoy? Whose fault is it? Who is responsible for this? Nopohidan zou do vazaan doiti New York. I lost my way in New York. Nopohidan zou do vazaan doiti New York. Daytoy nga aso ket dakdakkel. This dog is bigger. This dog is bigger. Lilinnya padam dengan sendirinya. The candle went out by itself. The candle went off on its own. Agtudtudo ita nga aldaw, ken pagdaksanna pay, aggurgurruod. The day was rainy, and what was worse, thundering. It's raining today, and even worse, it's thundering. Aku suka cokelat. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. Itu tergantung pada konteks. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. Kaykayatko ti agbuya iti sine. I enjoy movies. I'd rather go see a movie. Tentu. Sure. Sure. Tom suka melakukan perjalanan sendirian. Tom likes to travel alone. Tom likes to travel alone. Tak tahu. I don't know. I don't know. Tolong bonnya. Check, please. The bond, please. Åmko'ña si Sami kinu si Layla. Sami is older than Layla. It's the same with Layla. Aku sudah tidak tahan dengan hal ini. I can't put up with this any longer. I can't stand this anymore. May-adá ak pakiana. I have a question. I have a question. Tinawen a mapmapanak idiay. I go there every year. I go there every year. Kanou moginum do bir. Let's go for a beer. Kanou dignum do beer. Tutup pintu itu. Close that door. Close that door. Milay! Wonderful! Mila! Osonong totuong! Good night! It's a ton of fun! Aku mau pergi ke tengah kota. I'm going to the center of the city. I want to go downtown. Dia ada tabiat membiarkan pintu terbuka. He has a habit of keeping the door open. He has a habit of leaving the door open. Tentang apa anda mahu berbual? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Muslim siya. He is a Muslim. He is a Muslim. ¿Waray igsumat ha imo ni Tom nga naghihimatay na ako? Didn't Tom tell you I was dying? Didn't you tell me I was dead? Bawakan aku seember air. Bring me a bucket of water. Bring me a bucket of water. Kulita disido nopo nga Ford. His car is a Ford. It's a no-brainer for Ford. Ammomi unayen. We know enough. We know very well. Basug ko' dii? Are you that stupid? I'm crying? Ibyé ke kéka. I'll give it to you. Let's go to KY. Semakin dia menjadi tua, dia menjadi semakin cantik. As she grew older, she became more beautiful. The more she got older, the more beautiful she became. Nagpatukar kami hin radyo. We turned on the radio. We played the radio. Otumbaya oku tu i Andriana Grande kamanang do sompomogunan Grammy. I believe that Ariana Grande is going to win a Grammy award. Andriana Grande is a Grammy Award-winning actress. Pekedai itu tidak perasan barang-barang di kedainya sudah banyak yang tamat tempoh. The shopowner did not realise that many of his wares had already expired. The seller didn't notice that the goods in his shop had expired a lot. Alá ya ang inámin. So far he has admitted nothing. It's all we know. Minogidu pogun i komohoingan di Mary doid tumul dau do tohu toun. Mary was orphaned when she was three. I've been listening to Mary doid's song, and I've been listening to it. Nasapa manen ni Tom. Tom is early again. It's too early for Tom. Kinahanglan ta paundangon ini. We must stop this. We need to stop this. Buso haltis fronte al la hotelo. A bus pulled up in front of the hotel. Buso haltis fronte al la hotelo. Kaylángan keng linísan ing kwárto? Must I clean the room? What's up with the squeamishness in Khartoum? Dírì iton permanente. It won't last forever. This is permanent. Au i Tom monguro mangakan do daging om kantang monikid tadau. Tom wouldn't mind eating meat and potatoes every day of the week. You eat the flesh of men, and drink the wine of the wrath of God. Tom mencoba meyakinkan Mary bahwa rencana itu tidak akan berhasil. Tom tried to convince Mary that the plan wouldn't work. Tom tries to convince Mary that the plan will not work. Sisirán dong áne deng balé. Termites are destroying the houses. Sistir<0xC3><0xA1>n dong <0xC3><0xA1>ne ding blalah. Kopiwosian toinsanan! Hello, world! It's a toss up! Usa nga bintahe ha yana nga panahon iton kamaaram hiton damo nga yinaknan. Having knowledge of many languages is an advantage in the contemporary world. It is a common language in many languages today. Kagurana ti lawwalawwa. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. Au yahai milo olingan dilo. We can't forget that. I mean, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Kayatmo kadi nga adda silina? Do you want pepper on it? Would you like to have a chandelier? Hentikan! Leave it! Stop it! Saya sedang berada di rumah. I'm at home right now. I'm at home. Dia mengadu kepada saya tentang gaji kecil saya. She complained to me of my small salary. He complained to me about my small salary. Tom belum pernah memakan daging kuda mentah. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Tom has never eaten raw horse meat. Pimmanaw iti Francia ket napan idiay America. She left France for America. He left France and went to America. Addaak ditoy a kas turista. I'm here as a tourist. I'm here as a tourist. Modagan ta. You and I will run. Let's run. Tom sepertinya agak kebingungan. Tom seems a little confused. Tom seems a little confused. Mositi mokinongou tokou disido. We should heed him. I'm listening to the squeaky sound. Mengerti? Got it? Got it? Saya pesan dua gelas jus jeruk. Two glasses of orange juice, please. I ordered two glasses of orange juice. Mereka akan pulang kerumah besok. They'll return home tomorrow. They're coming home tomorrow. Agbuybuya iti TV ti adingko a lalaki. My little brother is watching TV. My brother is watching TV. Apakah ada kehidupan di Mars? Is there life on Mars? Is there life on Mars? Semuanya selalu dalam keadaan baik. Everything has been good. Everything is always in good condition. Ti Trier ti kaduogan a siudad iti Alemania. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Ania ti aramidem no sika ti adda iti lugarko? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Kami tak bisa tidur karena suara ribut itu. We can't sleep because of the noise. We couldn't sleep because of the noise. Masapul nga agannadka. You have to be careful. You have to be careful. Milo' tokou po maan dilo. We can still do that. Milo's toy can be found. Kinapudnona ket agawidak inton Oktubre. I'm actually coming home in October. I'm actually going home in October. Tumanud kopoilaan do ripot, soginumu 53,000 tulun Amorika napatai do tikid toun tu sabap nopo momungkus mantad sandad do momungkus. A study reports that 53,000 Americans die each year as a result of secondhand smoke. and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea which had life died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. Tom berkata dia ingin menguasai dunia. Tom says that he wants to conquer the world. Tom says he wants to rule the world. Santa Claus sedang jatuh dari langit! Santa Claus is dropping from the sky! Santa Claus is falling from the sky! Hari Jumat lalu kita rapat di ruangan ini. It was in this room that we had the meeting last Friday. Last Friday we met in this room. Hoben ham. We are young. Hoben ham. Aku tidak bisa berhenti merokok. I can't stop smoking. I can't stop smoking. Tom tak pernah berkumis. Tom has never had a mustache. Tom never moustaches. Tom sangat merindukan keluarganya. Tom misses his family a lot. Tom misses his family very much. Ke mo er ker? Where are you going? It's for Mo? ¿Kinahánglan ta pa ba hin paghinitaas? Do we need more inflation? Are we going to be able to grow up? Saya menduga ada penyusup yang masuk ke dalam kamar tidur. I suspect there was an intruder who got into the bedroom. I suspect there was an intruder coming into the bedroom. Kinsay nabilin? Who stayed? Who's left? Apakah ada sesuatu hal yang ingin kau ketahui? Is there something in particular that you want to hear? Is there anything you want to know? Iton akon pagkita diri pasensyoso hi Tom. I think Tom is impatient. That's when I saw Tom impatiently. Stasiunnya berjarak 10 menit dari sini dengan kendaraan. The station is a ten minute drive from here. The station is 10 minutes from here by vehicle. Nokoontok no kaagu. It's happening again. It's a no-brainer. May-tag-iya na hini nga lingkúran? Is this seat taken? Do you already own the property? Nahibulong ko. I wonder. I wondered. Pinoundaliu i Mary dualai miampai di komolohingan dau. Mary moved home to be with her parents. Mary was a virgin, and Mary was in her mother's womb. Aku mengapresiasinya. I appreciate that. I appreciate it. Menapa artosipun menika? What does this mean? What's the reason for the mechanical? Poinlisok kanto i Tom. Tom is probably still hiding. Tom's got a point. Ti panagkallaysa ti agpada iti katatao ket legal itan iti 20 a pagilian iti sangalubongan, a pakairamanan ti Irlandia sipud idi kalman. Same sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide, including Ireland as of yesterday. Same-sex marriage is now legal in 20 countries worldwide, including Ireland since yesterday. ¡Maupay nga gab-i ha ngatanan! Good night, everyone! It's a sad night for everyone! Ania ti mariknam no pinanawannaka ti baketmo? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your wife left you? Percutian ke Tanjung Jara itu akan disertai oleh semua peserta kursus. The holiday trip to Tanjung Jara will be joined by all of the course's participants. A trip to the village will be attended by all the participants. Ini bukang kalimat. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Ginhimo ko kun ano an isakto. I did what was right. I did what was right. Dia naik taksi ke museum. She took the taxi to the museum. He took a taxi to the museum. Apakah ada pepatah yang mirip dalam bahasa Jepang? Do you have a similar saying in Japanese? Is there a similar saying in Japanese? Dia bermain tenis kemarin. He played tennis yesterday. He played tennis yesterday. Waráy gamit iton imo pagtinuok. Waráy man ngani mabati ha imo. There is no use in crying. No one will hear you. It's like you're trying to get a feel for it, even if you're feeling it. Saya bertemu dengan guru saya dalam perjalanan ke stasiun. I met my teacher on the way to the station. I met my teacher on the way to the station. Adda kadi pay umanay a panawen a malpastayo daytoy sakbay a makasangpet ni Tom ditoy? Do we have enough time to finish this before Tom gets here? Will there be enough time to finish this before Tom gets here? Milo' oku monguhot nunu iti? Can I ask what it is? Do you want me to do it? Kamu tidak akan dimarahi tentang kejadian itu. You are not to blame for the accident. You won't be scolded about the incident. Misán ya parúminggúng mánalbeng síne. She goes to the movies once a week. Mis<0xC3><0xA1>n ya par<0xC3><0xBA>mingg<0xC3><0xBA>ng m<0xC3><0xA1>nalbeng s<0xC3><0xAD>ne. Tom, kamu gak apa-apa? Tom, are you okay? Tom, are you all right? Gago' gue'. He's lazy. My gago'. Máus kang pulís! Call the police! You've got a lot of races! Kínyak ya anyáng dimdám na ing grábing balítâ. She wept when she heard the terrible news. It's all over the place in the grizzly bear. Aku melihat Tom di lorong. I saw Tom in the hallway. I saw Tom in the hallway. Dia pasti sangat cantik pada masa mudanya. She must've been beautiful when she was young. She must have been very beautiful in her youth. Atílu kéni ba reng ipámingwâ. They're here to protect him. It's all here and I'm going to get it. Itu ada di atas sofa. It's on the sofa. It's on the couch. Ibuku sekarang sedang memasak di dapur. My mother is now in the kitchen cooking. My mother is now cooking in the kitchen. Españot yu'. I am Spanish. It's Spanish Yu. Palagé ku e masyádung makabaldúgan kang Tom ing regálu ku. I don't think my gift meant very much to Tom. It's a great place to hang out with Tom in the back yard. Kau perlu lebih cermat lagi. You need to be more attentive. You need to be more careful. Manmano laeng dagiti pintor a kas ken ni Picasso. Painters such as Picasso are rare. There are only a handful of painters like Picasso. Nagmumulay hiya hin tennis kada adlaw. She plays tennis every day. He played tennis every day. Aku akan membawanya kembali. I'll bring it back. I'll bring him back. Kita harus terus bekerja. We have to keep working. We have to keep working. Nokosunud oku kumaa Tom ula'. I asked Tom to stop. I'm going to go with the snake. Miad zosido. She is crying. Miad zosido. Bísa kung sáling aspirin. I would like to buy some aspirin. It's good for aspirin. Dia pergi meninggalkan keluarganya. He took leave of the family. He left his family. Gamita iní. Use this. Use the ink. Hoben hit. We are young. Hoben hit. Éne pa ikít Tom makanyán kasayâ i Mary. Tom had never seen Mary so happy. I've always wanted to tell you about Mary. Ini tidak mungkin. It's impossible. This is impossible. Mas malagú ku késa kéka. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more of a clumsy. Barusan aku melihat Tom. I saw Tom earlier. I just saw Tom. I Tom nopo nga tambalut di tosonong, nga miagal do bakas kokitanan dau om iri no sabap au oku songkuro muhang dau. Tom is very good friend, but he looks like a wild boar so I don't consider him a potential love interest. He looks like he's in the back of his head, and looks like he's in the back of his head. Maaf... Sorry... I'm sorry... Ongotumbayaan i toinsanan. Everybody believes it. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled. Pagkaanindot sa akong gitahing kurtina. How beautiful my sewn drapes are. What a beautiful piece of string I've been waiting for. Kapóy ka pagkitaon. You look rather tired. You're tired of seeing. Akhir-akhir ini hujan deras melanda ibu kota. Lately it has been raining heavily in the capital. Lately heavy rain has hit the capital. Torang balajar bahasa Prancis. We study French. Encourage them to learn French. Otomon oku monguhup dika. I will gladly help you. Otomon oku monguhup ka. Au ku koilo'. I don't know. I know I know. Makápagparlá kang karágdagágan impormasyún king e-mail? Could you send me more information by email? Would you like to receive an e-mail from the King? Padasem manen. Try it again. Try again. Iza ny anaranao? What's your name? What's your name? Mari kita bicara tentang apa yang akan kita lakukan dengan hal itu. Let's talk about what we're going to do about it. Let's talk about what we're going to do with it. Usá, duhá, tuló, upat, limá, unóm, pitó, waló, siyám, napúlò. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Us<0xC3><0xA1>, duh<0xC3><0xA1>, tel<0xC3><0xB3>, four, lim<0xC3><0xA1>, un<0xC3><0xB3>m, pit<0xC3><0xB3>, wal<0xC3><0xB3>, si<0xC3><0xA1>m, nap<0xC3><0xBA>l<0xC3><0xB2>. Ada di mana stasiun kereta apinya? Where's the train station? Where's the train station? Ada di mana stasiun kereta apinya? Where is the railway station? Where's the train station? Kinahanglan may pagburohaton ako pagkatapos ko magretiro. I've got to find something to do after I retire. I had to take a break after I retired. Si Tom ang mipasiugdang patyon ang iyang amahan. Tom masterminded his father's death. It was Tom who tried to kill his father. Kinaman i Tom poihoon do tootopot do nunu kinaantakan. Tom tried to make sense of what just happened. I'm going to tell Tom that he's going to be pissed off. Éraká sikasuán. You will be ignored. <0xC3><0x89>rak<0xC3><0xA1> sikasu<0xC3><0xA1>n. Nombo ko dii? Where are you? What's my number? Kuda-kuda ini milikmu. These horses are yours. These horses are yours. Ada di mana stasiun kereta apinya? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Waray nagbubuhat hiton. Nobody does that. Nobody does that. Diak agsangit. Don't cry. I don't cry. Diri ako nagbibinuwa ha imo. I never lie to you. I'm not kidding you. Tehran nopo nga doid pogun Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a nod to Iran. Baleg nen sika. It's bigger than you. You are strong. Nunu o kasarahan nu? What do you remember? A noun or a noun? Nampaknya bahawa dia seorang ahli muzik. It appears that he is a musician. Looks like he's a musician. Aku baik-baik saja. I'm okay. I'm fine. Di mana jaketmu? Where is your jacket? Where's your jacket? Profesor Brown menerangkan perkara-perkara dengan baik. Professor Brown explains things very well. Professor Brown explains things well. Naglingta isuna iti sumagmamano nga itlog iti kosina. He boiled some eggs in the kitchen. She lays eggs in the kitchen. Monikid do papadampot tagazo do noinsan minongingat di au dati. Every great achievement was once considered impossible. It's been a long time coming, but I've been thinking about what I've been up to in the past. Éna buríng imá ku ing páli ning kaléldo. My mother doesn't like the heat of summer. It's in the middle of a cliff, but it's in the middle of a cliff. Kapan pemutaran filmnya dimulai? When does the screening start? When did the film start? Janganlah keras kepala sangat. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Tom merasa bahagia. Tom was happy. Tom was happy. Ngaran ku nopo nga i Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Pada pukul berapa saya harus lapor masuk? What time should I check in? At what time should I report in? Mibálik ya ibát king iskwéla. He will get back from school. He was the king of Isl<0xC3><0xA1>t Isk<0xC3><0xA8>la. Keretanya dijadwalkan untuk tiba pada pukul enam. The train was due at six. The train is scheduled to arrive at six o'clock. Aku mendapati dompet dan karcis comuterku dicuri saat aku tertidur di kereta. I had my purse and commutation ticket stolen while I was sleeping on the train. I found my wallet and commuter tickets stolen while I was asleep on the train. Awan ti pangaramatak iti dayta. I have no use for it. I have no use for it. Ayam saya ada di sini My chicken is here. My chicken is here. Aku telah gagal. I have failed. I've failed. Kokito ko' doid sodu? Can you see far? What's up with Soda? Belok ke kanan. Turn to the right. Turn right. Akon iton nga libro. That book is mine. It's my book. Éka mabábáting. Don't get lost. <0xC3><0x89>ka mab<0xC3><0xA1>ting. Baga hin waray hiton pulos. That's quite meaningless. It doesn't seem to be worth it. Berapa harganya? What does it cost? How much does it cost? Apa nama dari apotikmu? What is your pharmacy's name? What's the name of your pharmacy? Ému sasabián king asáwa ku. Don't tell my wife. I'm the King of Asawa. Sila bina satu ayat menggunakan perkataan ini. Please make a sentence by using this word. Please write a sentence using these words. Apa yang membuatmu memutuskan untuk datang kemari? What made you decide to come here? What made you decide to come here? Dia mengambil libur selama seminggu. He took a week off. He took a week off. Matai tokou kama. We all have to die. Look at the bed. Aku tidak tahu tepatnya. I don't know exactly. I don't know exactly. Andam na iton pangiklop, Padre. Dinner is ready, Father. It's ready to go, Father. Kapan kamu pulang ke rumah? When are you walking home? When did you get home? Aku juga tidak dapat menjelaskannya. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it either. Seberapa sering busnya datang? How often do the buses come? How often does the bus come? Aku baru menyelesaikan pekerjaanku. I've just finished my work. I just finished my job. Aku gagal. I failed. I failed. Immay isuna tapno agkiddaw a tulongantayo isuna. He came to ask us to help him. He came to ask us to help him. Kaykayatak ti pusa. I love cats. I like the cat. Seks dengan gelora malam ini Sex by the fire at night Sex with a gelora tonight Aku tidak mau mendengar tentang semua pacar lamamu. I don't want to hear about all your old girlfriends. I don't want to hear about all your old girlfriends. Kami telah melakukan yang kami bisa. We've done what we could. We've done what we can. Nung arasaman suabino, undorongon ku hiti'd walai. If it rains the day after tomorrow, I'll stay at home. When I get home, I'll be at home. Tunjukkan padaku bagaimana caranya untuk melakukan itu. Please show me how I have to do it. Show me how to do that. Nakaanu i Tom do karaja. Tom got a job. Tom's got the kingdom. "Tidak sia-sia kita menunggu dua jam." "Iya! Tanda tangan ini akan aku simpan seumur hidup." "It was worth the two-hour wait." "Yeah! I'll cherish this signature for a lifetime." "It's worth waiting two hours." "Yes! This signature I'll keep for life." Ania ti makunam iti orihinal a plano? What do you think of the original plan? What do you think of the original plan? Burj Khalifa ang kasamtangang kinalayogang dakbalay sa tibuok kalibotan. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the largest city in the world. Saya mau mengecek kebenaran cerita itu. I want to check the truth of the story. I want to check the truth of the story. Sepertinya akan membuang-buang waktu jika kita menunggu lebih lama lagi. It seems a waste of time to wait any longer. Looks like it'll be a waste of time if we wait any longer. Éka migáganakâ. Don't worry. You've made me cry. Pagtikang kita diretso. Let's start right away. Let's start straight. Tom secara gugup menyerahkan pisau kepada Mary. Tom nervously handed Mary the knife. Tom nervously handed the knife to Mary. Ikaw la dinhi an nakapanhunahuna nga maupay himuon iton nga ideya. You're the only one here who thinks it's a good idea to do that. You're the only one here who thinks it's a good idea. Annadam laeng ni Tom. Just be careful of Tom. Just look out for Tom. Ingkuro no oku mogodu Tom? How can I stop Tom? What's the matter, you're going to kill Tom? Mintutun i tongulun ngawi kaka disio. He is known to everyone. I'm going to sing you a song. Say mata et baleg nen say eges. The eye is bigger than the belly. And the eye of the beholder is even greater than the eye. Dírì maupay magpiniraw. It's not good to stay up late at night. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAD> is discouraged by the move. Ayo makan siang! Let's do lunch! Let's have lunch! Inkeddengmi a yalud-od ti miting iti sumaruno a Domingo. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting the following Sunday. Jane mempunyai banyak pakaian untuk dibasuh. Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. Pilán ya búlan ing Mars? How many moons does Mars have? The moon on Mars? Nagamad kaniak iti sumagmamano a saludsod. He asked me a few questions. He asked me a few questions. Mohon tunggu sebentar. Please wait a minute. Please wait a minute. Kita bisa meninggalkannya di sini. We could just leave it here. We can leave it here. Aneh bukan? Kita seharusnya telah tiba. Odd, isn't it? We should have already arrived. We should've arrived. Nung au' ko oimat, kivaa dati maganu ngaan montok kalaja nu. If you aren't careful, someone may take credit for your work. When I was a kid, I used to work on my hair. Saya senang bisa membantu. I'm glad I could help out. I'm glad I could help. Minundahiu i Garvey doiho banda' New York doid toun 1916. Garvey moved to New York City in 1916. Minundahiu i Garvey doiho band' New York doid toun 1916. Time kaseh! Thank you! Time is ticking! Dia sedang mencari kunci mobilnya. She is looking for her car keys. He's looking for his car keys. Panagkunam, agsublida ngata gapu kaniak? Do you think they'll be back for me? Do you think they'll come back because of me? Bahasa Swahili ditulis dengan abjad Rumi. Swahili is written using the Roman writing system. Swahili is written in the Rumi alphabet. Koiho ko naku nookuo tu obulou o tavan? Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you think it's an oatmeal or an oatmeal? Semuanya akan baik-baik saja. It should be fine. Everything's gonna be okay. Ongoi odop baino. Go back to bed now. Ongoi odop baino. Saya kuatir, mungkin dia mendapatkan luka. I am afraid that he might get hurt. I'm worried, maybe he's getting hurt. Tolong potongan kayu ko jadi duo. Panjangnyo sameter. Aden paralu nan purtamo panjangnyo 80 cm, nan ciek lai 20 cm. Please cut this piece of wood into two pieces. The total length of it is one meter. I need the first piece to be 80cm, and the other should be 20cm. And let the wood be cut into two pieces, the length of which is a cubit and a half; and let them be left together. Anda bisa bahasa Inggris? You know English? You speak English? Bagaimanapun, saya tidak punya uang. However, I have no money. Anyway, I don't have any money. Siou tu aiso isido hiti. I'm sorry she's not here. It's the one that's going to hit the mark. Aku ingin semuanya mendengarkan apa yang aku katakan. I want everyone to hear what I have to say. I want everyone to listen to what I say. Mari kita lakukan seperti ini: aku akan berbicara selama lima menit, lalu kau bisa berbicara selama lima menit, dan kemudian kita akan berdiskusi. Let's do it like this: I'll speak for five minutes, then you'll have five minutes to speak, and then we'll discuss. Let's do it like this: I'll talk for five minutes, then you can talk for five minutes, and then we'll have a discussion. Siapa yang akan menjaga bayinya? Who will look after the baby? Who will take care of the baby? Maaram hiya hin iba nga mas masayon nga pamaagi para makuha kun ano iton iya karuyag. He knows other and easier ways of getting what he desires. He knows that there is an easier way to get what he wants. Gago' yu'. I'm lazy. Gago' yu'. Ngano man dili mi nimo duawon? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? Dia bertanya pada kami apakah kami bisa menggambar peta Amerika Serikat He asked us if we could draw a map of the United States. He asked us if we could draw a map of the United States Saya ingin jus jeruk. I want orange juice. I want orange juice. Ika no pisangod ku? Are you my enemy? You're going to be mad at me? Apakah Tom tahu berapa banyak yang kamu keluarkan untuk itu? Does Tom know how much you paid for that? Does Tom know how much you spent on it? Aku akan menelepon balik nanti. I'll call you back later. I'll call you back later. Pumalít akó hin gasolina kantidad kwarenta dolyares yanâ nga ádlaw. I bought forty dollars' worth of gasoline today. I'm going to buy a car for 40 dollars worth of gas. Aku lebih memilih tinggal di rumah. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Mereka takut padamu. They feared you. They're afraid of you. Nèng endi pasaré? Where is the market? Where's the market? Naghinulat ako ha iya ngada han sumirum. I waited for her till it got dark. I was waiting for him to come out. Tolong ambilkan aku menteganya. Please pass me the butter. Please get me the butter. Ayaw pagbinuwa. Don't tell lies. Don't be kidding. Lebih mudah mendapatkan wang daripada menyimpannya. It is easier to get money than to keep it. It's easier to make money than to keep it. Modagan tong tawo. That person yonder will run. run by a man. Milo' oku mintong do intornit? Can I go surfing? Do you want to go inside? Inton bigat, agawidak iti ili a nakayanakak. Tomorrow, I am going to my home town. The next morning, I returned to the town where I was born. Iton iba nga tawo natuod hiton Ginoo, iton iba diri. Some people believe in God and other people don't. Some people believe in the Lord, others don't. Au tagal i. It's not important. A long time i. Pákisabi king maldang ela magdinat kening kakewan. The public is requested not to litter in these woods. The king said that he had a long time to go. Iní ing bisíkléta mo? Is this your bicycle? On your bike? Osuusuvab zioho. They're early. Osuusuvab zioho. Polisi mengisyaratkan saya untuk berhenti. The policeman signed to me to stop. The police signaled me to stop. Osuusuvab isido mosik. He gets up early. Osuusuvab isido mosik. Hai! Bagaimana kabarmu? Hi! How are you? How are you? Maaf aku sudah terlambat cukup lama. I'm sorry to be so late. I'm sorry I've been late long enough. Dia bertanya jika saya mengetahui alamatnya She asked me if I knew his address. He asked me if I knew the address. Saya tahu tentang kamu dan Mary. I know about you and Mary. I know about you and Mary. Nokoumbal kou nokorongou diti tangon no? Have you heard this story already? Are you ready to listen to the soundtrack? Nu pokionuan nu? What do you want? What's your pokie? Gutiay nala an irinumon nga tubig ni Tom. Tom didn't have much water to drink. Tom's drinking water was scarce. Aliwá itá ing ámanwán ku. I'm not talking about that. It is located in Amanw<0xC3><0xA1>n. Istú ya ing riló mo? Is your watch correct? Is it in your head? Okuro-kuro habar i Tom om Mary? How are Tom and Mary? What do you think of Tom and Mary? Saya sudah memesan yang pukul enam tiga puluh. I have a reservation for six-thirty. I ordered it at 6:30. Setiap hari adalah hadiah. Every day is a gift. Every day is a gift. Osusa ino kopilati do nookuo tu titiugad ko. It is difficult to understand why you want to go. I'm going to have to say noooooo. Naipatayab ti Sputnik idi Oktubre 4, 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. Mari cari solusi yang bisa diterima semua orang. Let's find a solution that is acceptable to everyone. Let’s find a solution that everyone can accept. Pamita marang kanca-kancamu. Say goodbye to your friends. Take a look at your friends. Makasuya man na ang imong katapolan. Your laziness will make you unhappy. It's your weakness that is deafening. Tanganya rasa kasar. His hands feel rough. The legs are rough. Noihaan i Tom do au i Mary songkuo koiho do humozog. Tom soon realized that Mary wasn't a very good swimmer. Noihaan i Tom do au i Mary kunkuo koiho do humozog. Aku lelah. I'm tired. I'm tired. Otopot ko diti? Are you sure this is real? I'm going to get rid of it? Keanekaragaman hayati menurun drastis di seluruh dunia. Biodiversity is declining rapidly throughout the world. Biodiversity is declining dramatically around the world. Nookuo tu odomut ko kozo? How come you are so slow? What's the name of the coyotes? Aku akan ikut denganmu. I'll come with you. I'll come with you. Apa kamu tahu kenapa Tom tidak hadir pada rapat tadi siang? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Do you know why Tom wasn't at the meeting this afternoon? Makanánu yang sabyán? How to say it? Eating the saby<0xC3><0xA1>n? Ika nopo nga tidi diolo? Are you their mother? Don't you think you're a dichotomy? Doiti no tokou! There we are! It's not Toto! Apa sing pingin tok retèni? What do you want to know? What do you want to get? Sasaryán ku itá. I did it on purpose. Sasary<0xC3><0xA1>n ku it<0xC3><0xA1>. Maragsakanak a makakita manen kenka. It is nice to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Ke mana kita akan pergi? Where will we go? Where are we going? Aku punya saudara kembar kakak laki-laki. I have a twin brother. I have a twin brother. Palao'an hao. You're a woman. Palao'an hao. Angin sedang berhembus dari utara. The wind is blowing from the north. Wind is blowing from the north. Orohian oku do Poransis. I like French. Orohian oku do Poransis. Saya senang berada disini. I'm happy to be here. I'm glad to be here. Naglakat hira ha baybayon nga makaputay an mga kamot. They walked down the beach, holding hands. They walked on the beach with their hands cut off. Apa kau biasa minum teh untuk sarapan? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Are you used to having tea for breakfast? Tagaagazo dino kavaavagu ditia hamin dii. This house is as large again as that one. It's called Dino Kavavagu Dimitri. Kamu membuat lelucon yang tidak lucu. You made a joke that wasn't funny. You're making a joke that's not funny. Aku mau memeriksa. I'd like to check out. I'm gonna check. Nagdaog ka. You won. You won. Saya sedang mendengarkan radio. I'm listening to the radio. I was listening to the radio. Kita mendapat masalah yang besar. We've got major problems. We're in big trouble. Au zou miho maan do tuhu toi ko tikiu dau. I can't make head nor tail of it. I'm going to make sure that I'm going to do all that. Au oku nokoumbal nokokito disido. I had never seen her before that time. I've seen it with my eyes closed. Poingkuro ma uhupan ku? How can I be helpful? Do you think I'm going to take my breath away? Terserah! Whatever! Whatever! Kami membuat keputusan bersama. We make decisions together. We made a decision together. Másakít ka. You are ill. You are M<0xC3><0xA1>sak<0xC3><0xAD>t. Sa' håfa ti un hungok yu'? Why are you not listening to me? Do you want to listen to me? Dia pergi ke mana? Where did he go? Where did he go? Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang percuma stok energi kita. We mustn't waste our energy stocks. We can't waste our energy. Imbagam latta koma a saan. You could've said no. You should have said no. Gejala putus obat yang muncul lebih parah daripada yang saya duga. The withdrawal symptoms are more severe than I thought. The symptoms of drug withdrawal are more severe than I thought. Nag-iisug hiya kun waray niya kalugaringon pamaagi. He tends to get angry when he doesn't have his own way. He nodded or he didn't have his own way. Kita hidup dalam damai. We live in peace. We live in peace. Aku akan pergi ke Tokyo besok. I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. Kinaragkarag la iton hit' panahón ngan kwárta. That's a waste of time and money. It's just a matter of getting hit and busted. Maan do sumonong-sonong kio. Be nice. Maan do sumonong-sonong kio. Kao estudiånte hao? Are you a student? You're studying, right? Tom takut mati. Tom is afraid of dying. Tom is afraid to die. Dagidiay ubbing ket aglalangoy nga lamulamo. The children were swimming naked. Those kids are swimming with you. ¿Maáram ka kun hin-o an nagsurat hiní nga nobela? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this book? Tom dibingungkan oleh pertanyaan itu. Tom was confused by the question. Tom was confused by that question. Tom merasa Mary tidak ingin pergi. Tom doesn't think Mary wants to go. Tom feels Mary doesn't want to leave. Moa tia ny reninao? Do you love your mother? Does your mother love you? Dugokon og babaye si Tom. Tom is attracted to girls. Tom had a woman's blood. Mary pindah rumah untuk tinggal bersama orang tuanya. Mary moved home to be with her parents. Mary moved house to live with her parents. Maayo raman imong buhok. Your hair looks just fine. Your hair is good. Míkawáni ya i Tom ampó i Mary kaybát nang méte ning anák dang laláki. Tom and Mary split up after their son died. I'm going to have to say that I'm a fan of Mary Kaylee, and that's the way I look at her. Pihion ku salad montok makan dongotuvong, au oubas o houson ku doid timpu diti do sangadau. I prefer salad for supper; I'm usually not hungry at this time of the day. I'm going to have to eat a bowl of soup, or a bowl of soup, or a bowl of soup, or a bowl of soup. Saan a napasardeng ti tudo ti panangiwayatda kadagiti obrada. The rain didn't stop them from doing their job. The rain did not stop their efforts. Hari sedang hujan. It is raining. The day is raining. Tom sangat lucu. Tom is very funny. Tom is so funny. Bahasa Kadazan akan dilancarkan di Google Translate pada tahun 2018. The Kadazan language will be launched on Google Translate in 2018. The Kadazan language will be released on Google Translate in 2018. Tom akan menunggu hingga Mary tiba. Tom is going to wait until Mary gets here. Tom will wait until Mary arrives. Kandungannya kembar. She's pregnant with twins. It's a twin. Meja ini terlalu berat untuk Patty angkat. This desk was too heavy for Patty to lift. This table is too heavy for Patty to lift. Mengapa kamu tidak ikut memancing dengan kami akhir minggu ini, jika kamu tidak sibuk? Why don't you go fishing with us this weekend if you aren't busy? Why don't you go fishing with us this weekend, if you're not busy? Napintaska. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Kamu membuat kesalahan dengan sengaja, kan? You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you? You made a mistake on purpose, didn't you? Betul! Correct! That's right! Pakadi daw Tom. Get over here, Tom. It's like Tom. Isu ti umno a pangngeddeng. It's the right decision. It is the right decision. Ému mákápagsalítang Inglís nuné Alemán. He can speak not only English but also German. I'm going to try to get in touch with Alem<0xC3><0xA1>n. Pa angek aia tu pakai gas. The water heater runs on gas. I'm still using the gas. Iman-imanon ku nopo nga mongugusap. My aim is to be a doctor. I don't think I'm going to lose faith. Alayon pagbúlig ha akon. Please help me. Please help me. Mohon beri tahu saya stasiun terdekat ke kantor anda. Please tell me the closest station to your office. Please let me know the nearest station to your office. Manyáman iní. This is kind of fun. A lot of people in. Duna ba kay ubo? Do you have any coughing? Do you have a cough? Ti ammok ket kayat mo daytoy. I thought you'd love it. I know you want this. Bagan problemado hi Tom. Tom seems stressed. Tom was in trouble. Dhèwèké kanda yèn arep mlayu 200 kilometer sedina lan dhèwèké nglakoni. He said he would run 200 kilometers in a day and he did. He said he was going to run 200 kilometers a day and he did it. Må’o hamyo. You're thirsty. And this is what God has planned for us, even though we do not know anything about it. Kamu pernah ke luar negeri? Have you been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Sumakob ha boteka hi Tom. Tom walked into the drugstore. Tom went into the bottle. Dengarkan baik-baik maksud perkataan saya. Listen well to the meaning of what I'm saying. Listen carefully to the meaning of my words. Ania nga oras a mapanka maturog? What time will you have to go to bed? What time do you go to sleep? Dia cuma kebudakan je. He is just a kid. He's just a child. Oke. Gotcha. Okay. Saya sepenuhnya setuju. I agree totally. I totally agree. Tom tidak tahu perbedaan fabel dan dongeng. Tom doesn't know the difference between a fable and a fairytale. Tom doesn't know the difference between fable and fairy tale. Apa kau bercanda? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Naglakat hi Tom pakadto han harayu na pader. Tom walked toward the far wall. Tom walked up to the wall. Aku melihatnya melarikan diri dari toko itu. I caught sight of him escaping from that shop. I saw him running away from the store. Orohian oku do tungau. I like cats. Orohian oku do mite. Sábi ku karéla alá lang kaylángang gáwan. I told them they didn't have to do anything. I'm just going to say that it's just a bit of a stretch. Pabay-i iton, Tom. Leave it be, Tom. Let it go, Tom. Bahasa boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai cara. Language can be used in different ways. Language can be used in many ways. Aku dikandani ana apa manèh sabanjuré. Tell me more about what happened. Something else was going to kill me. Lalèn karo kesèd kuwi duluran. Forgetfulness and laziness are siblings. He's a brother with a passion. Torang basambunyi di pohong pe balakang. We hid behind the tree. hidden in a tree trunk. Lumangad oku di Sami monikid tadau. I miss Sami every day. I'm going through the same day. Kenapa aku perlu melakukan ini? Why do I need to do this? Why would I do this? Åmko'ña si Ken kinu si Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. I'm with Ken and Seiko. Palingkora ko! Let me sit down. I'm going to sit down! Nagbinuwa hi Tom han íya grado. Tom lied about his grade. I'm kidding about the grade. Apakah kamu paham dengan apa yang kamu katakan? Do you understand what you're saying? Do you understand what you're saying? Apa kau ingin makan sesuatu? Do you want anything to eat? Do you want to eat something? Anda ingin memesan apa? May I have your order, please? What do you want to order? Osuusuvab zou mosik. I wake up early. Osuusuvab zou mosik. Masayon iton Swedish. Swedish is easy. It's easy to Swedish. Inkarigatanna ti mangabak iti salip. He endeavored to win the contest. He struggled to win the contest. Kao malago' hao bumaila yan guåhu? Would you like to dance with me? Is it possible for me to make my own? Saya akan menunggu di sini sampai dia datang. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. Mitawlí támu king konsyértu. We're going to be late for the concert. Mitawl<0xC3><0xAD> t<0xC3><0xA1>mu king consy<0xC3><0xA9>rtu. Bisakah kau mematikan lampu-lampunya? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn off the lights? Aku kira kau mungkin bisa membantu kami. I thought perhaps you could help us. I thought you might be able to help us. Somoonu, ahansan daa do kaanu zou mamanau maza do timpu, om kopisoomo vagu do ontok kakaal dazanak. Sometimes, I wish I can walk through timely, and meet the back was still a child. It's time for me to take a break from my life, and I'm going to try to make you feel better. Tom tidak perlu seformal itu. Tom didn't have to be so formal. Tom doesn't have to be that formal. Aku menapaki bukit. I walked up the hill. I climbed the hill. Dandani natiliwan ti tatangna a makiin-inniyot isuna iti nobiona. Her father nearly caught her having sex with her boyfriend. Her father was almost caught flirting with her boyfriend. "Nánung burí mung ábálû"? "Éganáganá." "What do you want to know?" "Everything." "N<0xC3><0xA1>nung bur<0xC3><0xAD> la <0xC3><0xA1>b<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xBB>?" "<0xC3><0x89>gan<0xC3><0xA1>gan<0xC3><0xA1>." Apa aku sedang berhalusinasi? Am I imagining things? Am I hallucinating? Apa kau bisa memainkan sebuah instrumen musik? Can you play any musical instruments? Can you play a musical instrument? Míabé-ábe la. They came together. M<0xC3><0xAD>ab<0xC3><0xA9>-<0xC3><0xA1>be la. Afaka ataoko tsara ny asa! I can do the job right! I want to do the right thing, I want to do the right thing. Ania ti igaygay-atmo nga aramiden? What are you trying to do? What are you willing to do? Sagaysay a kayo daytoy. This is a wooden comb. It is a small tree. Makasih banyak. Thanks very much. Thank you very much. Bángin nakit-an nira an at' barko nga tipapantalan. They probably saw our ship come into port. They found the ship on a cruise ship. Kaylángan mung manarkiláng kotsé? Do you have to rent a car? Is it just a piece of furniture? Sunudai zou poingkuo do otutunan i John. Tell me how John can be recognised. Then the disciples understood that he had been speaking to them about John the Baptist. Nánung atyú karéning kahún? What's in these boxes? What do you think of Kathmandu? Dia mencintai anak-anaknya. She loves her children. He loves his children. Mabálik ako hit' ala-sais. I'll be back by six o'clock. I'm going to hit six. Asa ka paingon? Where are you going? Where are you going? Immuli ni Tom iti agdan. Tom went up the stairs. Tom climbed the stairs. Nokuro kakal po hiti oku? Why am I still here? Don't you want to see me? Saanak a nakiiyot kenkuana. I did not have sex with him. I didn't hang out with him. Guaha karetå-hu. I have a car. Karet<0xC3><0xA5>-hu's cave. Kinahanglan naton pahuyuon ini. We must stop this. We need to pause this. Kao un komprende? Did you understand? What's a compendium? Ada masalah apa? What's the problem? What's wrong? Apa itu benar! Is that for real! Is that right! Aku tidak bisa berhenti merokok. I can't give up smoking. I can't stop smoking. Dírì akó maaram kay-ano nadiri ka ha íya. I don't know why you don't like her. I don't know why you don't like Ikea. ¿Napakain gud kamó? Where exactly did you go? What's really going on with Kagome? Kayatna a respetuen isuna ti amin. He wanted to be respected by everybody. He wanted everyone to respect him. Harap dapat melihat anda lagi tahun depan. Hope to see you again next year. Hope to see you again next year. Aananangan kozo zi Hanako do kiik. Hanako really likes cake. Aananan kozo zi Hanako do kiik. Jika kamu pikir aku tidak tampan, maka katakan saja begitu. If you don't find me attractive, then just say so. If you think I'm not handsome, then just say so. Atyú king banwá ing áyup. The bird is in the sky. Ati<0xC3><0xBA> King Ban<0xC3><0xA1> in Ayup. Muriel berumur 20 sekarang. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is 20 now. Olumis nopo rasuk dilo. That's a beautiful dress. Olumis nods to Dilo. Abalá ya i Tom. Tom is busy. I know, Tom. Patingápun kung atyú king pagkéran nápun. I was in bed all day long yesterday. I'm sure I'll even be here for a little bit. Murag lisod na mahitabo But the possibility seems unlikely. It seems to be difficult to Apa kamarmu sunyi? Is your room quiet? Is your room quiet? Kopiirad ikoyu? Are you two related? A copy of the ICO? "Ania ti sumaruno nga aramidek?" kinunana iti bagina. "What shall I do next?" she said to herself. "What am I going to do next?" she asked herself. Si Tom ay nasa bubong ngayon. Tom is on the roof now. Tom's on the bench today. Manginahanglanon búlig hi Tom. Tom will need help. Tom was in need of help. Namo ambo Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Dia berpandangan sempit terhadap agama Kristen. He's biased against Christianity. He has a narrow view of Christianity. King palagé ku kilála me. You know her, I think. The king is calling me. Au oku siakan do nunu. I didn't want to eat anything. I'm going to go to Nando's. Dhèké mlaku banter. He walks fast. He's been walking hard. Memulayi la reng ának papunta king clasi. The children ran toward the classroom. I'm going to go to King Clark. Saya tidak akan minta maaf. I will not apologise. I won't apologize. Aku lebih pendek ketimbang kamu. I am shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. Pasensya, may-ada ako anay iba nga tuyo. I'm sorry I have a previous appointment. I'm sorry, I had a different purpose. Magkikita la ak hin mag-upay na pasalida ha TV yana na gab-i. I'll be glued to the TV tonight watching a really exciting program. I'm just going to watch a lot of TV shows tonight. Nikmati makananmu. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your meal. Agbalin a tukak dagiti bayyek. Tadpoles become frogs. My thighs turn into frogs. Bill bangga ukuran mobilnya paling besar di lingkungannya. Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood. Bill is proud to be the largest car in his neighborhood. Ibat nakamí king Paris. We have been in Paris. The King of Paris. Kao malago' hao gumimen? Do you want to drink something? What do you want to do? Kumadto ha bar hi Tom ngan nag-order hin irinumon. Tom went up to the bar and ordered a drink. Tom went to the bar and ordered a drink. Santai saja, tidak usah khawatir. Let your hair down a little. Relax, don't worry. Nampaknya, langit semakin gelap. The sky is getting dark. Looks like the sky is getting dark. Yau nopo nga tipagon Mary. She's Mary's sister-in-law. Nooo, I'm going to go with Mary. Susuglúng ke iníng computer king Aptás. I am connecting this computer to the Internet. I'm going to the computer King Apt<0xC3><0xA1>s. ¿Mauro-upay itón ano? That's better, isn't it? What's so sad about? Avanus ko no. You are beautiful. I'm not avant-garde. Natal kali ini saya ingin keberadaanmu, bukan hadiahmu This Christmas I want your presence, not your presents. This Christmas I want your existence, not your gift Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom looks perplexed. Tom looks confused. Moginum i tongulun ngawi. Everyone was drinking. Toni sings a song. Diri ko gud karuyag nga makilala ka pa. I really do want to get to know you better. I never wanted to meet you again. Mananggaung zou do gaung takapal haid montok do tadau miaga' duutia. I wear my old coat in weather like this. Give us the food we need for each day. Masakít ka. Kinahánglan mo pumahoway. You're sick. You have to rest. You're going to have to slow down. Taláturú ku kaníta. I was a teacher. Tal<0xC3><0xA1>tur<0xC3><0xBA> ku can<0xC3><0xAD>ta. Sekarang saya ingin piza hangat yang lezat. I could go for a nice hot pizza right now. Now I want a delicious hot pizza. Manu oku do Toyota. I want a Toyota. Manu oku do Toyota. Tom telah dikeluarkan. Tom has been expelled. Tom has been released. Winagat nopo di Tom nga 70 kilogram. Tom weighs at least 70 kilograms. Tom weighs 70 pounds. Kinópya ne ning kálugúran ku ing kákung págarálan balé, at ábálu ning taláturû. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. It's not like it's in the middle of a cave, but it's in the middle of a cave, and it's in the basement. Pásalámat ku karéng áná'ku. I am thankful for my children. P<0xC3><0xA1>sal<0xC3><0xA1>mat ku kareng <0xC3><0xA1>n<0xC3><0xA1>'an. Tom kase ajar bahasa Prancis pa torang. Tom teaches us French. Tom Kase taught French pa toang. Saya ada masalah kewangan. I am in financial difficulties. I have a financial problem. Korikot ko' hiti do tinu? Are you almost here? Do you think I'm going to die? Dika agbuteng. Don't be afraid. Do not be afraid. Saya tidak bisa berbicara dengan bahasa Albania. I don't speak Albanian. I don’t speak Albanian. Napáso han am' anák an íya tudlo hin posporo. Our daughter burnt her finger with a match. I picked up a finger for a match. Kimiapid zou di kusai. I have a twin brother. The chemistry of zou di sulu. Oi tanganak, witilon ikoyu? Are you kids hungry? What's up, Ichigo? Dia tidak menjawab semua pertanyaan. She did not answer all the questions. He didn't answer all the questions. Dayón an batón ni Tom. Tom's response was immediate. It was Tom's birthday. Bayarkan kad kredit anda setiap bulan. Pay off your credit cards every month. Pay off your credit card every month. Konektado ang tanan. Everything is connected. It's all connected. May nadiskubre ako nga baga interesante. I've discovered something interesting. I found something interesting. Uka moti hombo isido baino? I don't even know where she is right now. What's the reason for the homophobia? Simrek babaen ti tawa. He came in through the window. He entered through a window. Film ini adalah adaptasi dari novel. This film is an adaptation of a novel. This film is an adaptation of the novel. Ay-ayatennak kadi? Do you love me? Do you love me? Samoka man ka oi! You are so annoying! You're the one! Mungkin kamu berusaha terlalu keras. Perhaps you're trying too hard. Maybe you're trying too hard. Kosongulunan koposion disido. She led a solitary life. The emptiness of life is here. Dari mana kamu dapat topi itu? Where did you get the hat? Where did you get that hat? Tom berkata dia sedang berusaha berhenti merokok. Tom says he's trying to quit smoking. Tom says he's trying to quit smoking. Pernah ke Inggris? Have you ever been to Britain? Have you ever been to England? Dinmaog hi ikaw. You won. You came down. Aga yana ngadi ha amon. It's morning here in my time zone. It's morning for us. Kumaraja oku. I'm working. Kumaraja oku. Panan-o ka maaram nga makarit hi Tom ha golf? How did you know Tom was good at golf? How do you know he's a golfer? Panjenengan langkung saé katimbang kula. You're better than me. You're more than me. Banknya terletak di tiga blok dari sini. The bank is three blocks away. The bank is located three blocks from here. Sige iton suno-sunod hiton akon ayam bisan ako mapakain. My dog follows me wherever I go. I'm going to eat my dog, even if I'm going to eat it. Max melihat ke dalam cermin selama ia berbicara. Max looked into the mirror all the time he was talking. Max looks into the mirror as he speaks. Kun ak’ ha im', ma'kadto ak’. If I were you, I'd go. If I’m going to go, I’ll go.” Pelajar itu pergi tanpa menyebut apa-apa. The student left without saying anything. The student left without saying anything. Cobalah! Try! Try it! Nakuha it' niya. He earned it. He got it. Nadiri hirá nga bumálik hiyá. They don't want her back. He didn't want her to come back. Tom kehilangan semua uangnya. Tom lost all the money he had. Tom lost all his money. Pinolotu dioho do bodihan atom duuhia Hiroshima. They dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It is the atomic body of Hiroshima. Koilo' ko' mimboros Inggilis? Do you speak English? What's the point of speaking English? Nagbayadak iti 30 a doliar para iti dayta. I paid 30 dollars for that. I paid 30 bucks for it. Jimmy terbiasa diolok-olok teman-temannya. Jimmy was accustomed to his friends making fun of him. Jimmy used to make fun of his friends. Éke ákit ing táta ku. I can't see my dad. It's in my closet. Ahangga iho duku dosido. Her puppy is clean. Don't let the dog bite. Ikít de iní. They found this. Ik<0xC3><0xAD>t de in<0xC3><0xAD>. Dili ginapakaon sa esperansa ang atong mga pamilya. Hope doesn't feed our familes. We don't feed our families. Tom benar-benar tidak ada di rumah saat kami datang mengunjunginya. Tom certainly wasn't at home when we went to visit him. Tom was really not at home when we came to visit him. May-ada akó táwag tikang ha íya. I had a telephone call from her. There was a call from Ikea. ¿Hin-o an nagpíntar hiní nga mahúsay nga ritrato? Who painted this beautiful picture? Who's going to take this beautiful picture? Ania ti orasen? What time is it? What time is it? Nunu ka do boros dikoyu XXX? How do you say XXX in your language? What do you think about the XXL? Makanan segar memang sangat lezat. Fresh food is indeed very delicious. Fresh food is delicious. Dhèwèké mesthi bener. She's correct for sure. He must be right. Bagaimana kabar Anda? How do you do? How are you? Osonong no maan nu dilo. You'd be good at it. It's a good thing you don't eat. Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom looked puzzled. Tom looks confused. Siapa yang memberitahumu kalau aku sakit? Who told you that I was sick? Who told you I was sick? Nánung burí mung kanán? What would you like to eat? It's just a can of worms? Segurado ka? Are you sure? Are you sure? Kao malago' hao chumocho? Do you want something to eat? Do you want to eat? Waray ak pakasalo han bola nga gin-itsa ha ak ni Tom. I wasn't able to catch the ball that Tom threw to me. I didn't get the ball that was thrown at me. Ini alamat e-mail saya. Here is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Kunak no masakit isuna. I thought he was sick. I said he was sick. Apa yang Tom rasakan tentang hal itu? How does Tom feel about that? How does Tom feel about it? Sika ti doktor. You're the doctor. You're the doctor. James ing pémalagyú na king anák na. He named his son James. James was the king of the land. Saanak a makaturog. I can't fall asleep. I can't sleep. Kucing yang mana yang baru melahirkan anak? Which cat just gave birth? Which cat has just given birth to a baby? Apakah kamu mengenal mereka? Do you know them? Do you know them? Okon iho ko do kulita nga momomoguno nopo diho nga minomoduli zou. It is not the car but the users that I am concerned about. I'm going to have to say that I don't think I'm going to be able to do that, but I don't think I'm going to be disappointed. Daytoy kudilko ket nalamuyot. My skin is soft. This skin of mine is smooth. Haro duku i Tom. Tom got a puppy. Tom's got a crush on me. Ania ti paboritom a programa iti telebision? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite TV show? Naimbag nga aldawmo, Tom. Have a nice day, Tom. Have a good day, Tom. Mangidulinka iti kopia dayta a dokumento. Keep a copy of that document. Keep a copy of that document. Tom minebaké banjur ngunci lawangan lemariné. Tom closed the closet door and locked it. Tom opened the door and locked the door. Kasaga' tokou maan diti? Can we afford this? Is there a way to get there? Mary adalah gadis yang menawan. Mary is a lovely girl. Mary is a charming girl. Aku bisa menyanyikannya dalam bahasa Inggris. I can sing it in English. I can sing it in English. Saya tidak boleh tidur pada waktu malam, saya tidak boleh bangun pada waktu pagi. I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning. I can't sleep at night, I can't get up in the morning. Berapa banyak uang yang kamu inginkan? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Simbúng mi ing kayáng pángawalâ. We reported his disappearance. We stayed in the pakistan. Pounsikou! Thank you! Pounsikou! Anjing itu tidur di atas tikar. The dog was sleeping on the mat. The dog sleeps on a mat. Nagtaray isuna iti kagudua ti oras. He run on for half an hour. He ran for half an hour. Aku lebih pintar daripada mereka. I'm smarter than them. I'm smarter than them. Aanhi la ako. I will stay there. I'm just here. Noowit oku do titahak. I brought you a gift. I'll take my order. Kotohuadan tu horotian. Thank you for understanding. Kotohuadan is a horrendous. Nasken nga aramiden ni Tom daytoy. Tom has to do this. Tom had to do this. Tom bisa menemuimu di bandara jika kamu memberitahukannya waktu kedatanganmu. Tom can meet you at the airport if you let him know your arrival time. Tom can meet you at the airport if you tell him when you're coming. Om ontong oku no, om korongou ku no ot iso' o kondiu di mintulud do hilo'd sawat do mimboros dot opuhod do poingkaa, “Obungou no! Obungou no! Obungou no o koinsanai'd tulun do hiti'd pomogunan dot orongou i tolu kawagu o moloikat do popouni di torumpit diyolo' do tiinu'!” ka. "In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Disaster, disaster, disaster, on all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels have yet to blow!'" Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying out with a loud voice as it flew high in the sky, saying, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpets the three angels are about to sound! ” Semuanya bagus. Everything is great. It's all good. Kita harus memperhatikan kedua orang tua kita. We should look after our parents. We have to pay attention to both of our parents. Kita telah masuk ke simpang yang salah. We took a wrong turn. We've gotten into the wrong intersection. mohon maaf jika saya belum memasak makan malam dengan baik Forgive me if I haven't cooked supper well. Sorry if I haven't cooked dinner well. Mereka memeriksa apakah ruangan itu kosong. They checked whether the room was empty. They checked to see if the room was empty. Milo' tokou otumbayaan dika? Can we trust you? Do you believe in melodies? Aku benung makai ikan guring. I am eating fried fish. I'm thinking of catching fish. Diam atau kamu akan dikeluarkan. Be quiet, or you will be removed. Shut up or you'll be released. Atyú ku kéni úling kayá. I'm here because of her. Here's a look at Kayla. No damo ti babai ti makiiyot, mapigis ti hymen-na ket agpadara. When a girl has sex for the first time, her hymen ruptures and bleeds. The first time a woman sneezes, her hymen is torn apart and she bleeds. Saya tidak pernah mempertimbangkan kemudahan dan kegembiraan sebagai tujuan hidup itu sendiri. I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself. I have never considered ease and joy as the purpose of life itself. Gin-ano dawla niya pagmaaram ano? How does she know that? What did you think he was learning? Jaam kopiro timpuun ko moi pakaraja? What time do you start work? How much do I have to pay for my work? Tenang. Calm down. Calm down. Haro oku do pamadagangan intornit. I have an internet business. Haro oku do internit trading. Naaro hin damo nga pasensya iton pagtutdo. Teaching asks for a lot of patience. The lesson was a lot of patience. Hentikan itu! Cut that out! Stop that! Kami terlambat akibat dari kemacetan lalu lintas. We were late as a result of the traffic jam. We were late due to traffic jams. Babaen ti maysa a napaspas a kugtar, naltat ti ridaw! With one swift kick, the door busted down! With a quick kick, the door is locked! Iton ira trabaho iton pagprito hiton patatas. Their job is to fry the potatoes. It's their job to make potatoes. Silakan duduk. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Satu-satunya yang menjadi masalah adalah bisa tidaknya kamu melakukan pekerjaan ini. The only thing that matters is whether or not you can do the job. The only problem is that you can’t do this job. ¿Nakuha mo an imo hinuhuram? Did you get the loan? Did you get what you borrowed? Langad-langadon ku diya! My longing for you is killing me! I'm going to go there! Tailugåt yu'. I don't have time. Come to see me as soon as you can. Kamu bisa belajar di sini. You can study here. You can study here. Míbálik la. They came back. Only M<0xC3><0xAD>b<0xC3><0xA1>lik. Belajarlah dengan rajin, maka kau akan berhasil. Study hard, and you'll succeed. Learn diligently, then you will succeed. Dia bilang perkataan itu keluar langsung dari hatinya. He said the words came straight from his heart. He said the word came straight out of his heart. Haro i Tom do tasu. Tom had a dog. I've got to do tacos. Saan a nagimas ni Mary idi damo a nagiyotda ken ni Tom. Mary did not climax when she and Tom had their first sexual intercourse. Mary didn't have a good time when she and Tom first hooked up. Tontok do toun 1939 nodi nokoimbulai o pisangadan do pomogunan koduo. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. And the end of the world was not yet come, and so on the other side of the world is the end of it. Anda mahu cuba sekali lagikah? Do you want to try it again? Would you like to try again? Kau meremehkan dia. You are selling him short. You underestimated him. Dhèwèké sesuk tak kandani. I'll tell him tomorrow. She didn't get to go in the morning. Apa kamu berencana pergi ke luar negeri? Do you plan to go abroad? Are you planning to go abroad? Au mimang zi Tom momohi konuununu. Tom doesn't want to buy anything else. I'm going to make sure Tom gets the hang of it. Asino ti kayat ni Toshio? Who does Toshio like? Who does Toshio want? Mereka membuat keributan besar semalam. They made a great tumult last night. They made a big fuss last night. Éku pa mékasulagpó. I've never flown before. It's still mesmerizing. Aku senang mereka telah memperbaiki sistem pemanasnya, tapi sekarang malah terlalu panas. I'm glad that they fixed the heating system, but now it's too hot. I'm glad they've fixed the heating system, but now it's overheated. Saya tidak peduli. I don't care. I don't care. Karena keretanya penuh, aku berdiri sepanjang jalan menuju Tokyo. Since the train was crowded, I stood all the way to Kyoto. Since the train was full, I stood all the way to Tokyo. Puydi hiya matapuran? Can she be trusted? Can he be healed? Miaga ko nosoob o voos ku dii. I felt as if my face were on fire. I nodded my head, and my voice rang. Masapulmo kadi ti tulong a mangaramid iti daytoy? Do you need help doing this? Do you need help doing this? Ang myembro sa pamilya ga pulipuli aron atimanon ang pasyente. The members of the family nursed the patient by turns. Family members take turns to take care of the patient. Aku mengundang mereka ke pesta. I invited them to the party. I invited them to the party. Itali ialah bahasa ibunda saya. Italian is my native language. Italian is my mother tongue. Maaf, bolehkah saya meminjam toiletnya? Sorry, could I use the toilet? Excuse me, can I borrow the toilet? Diri pa ako nakakatilaw hin beer. I never touch beer. I haven't tasted a beer yet. Tom, kamu pura-pura tidur, ya? Tom, you're pretending to be asleep, aren't you? Tom, you're pretending to be asleep, huh? Kihoi! Nice shot! Kihoi! Mari kita selesaikan segera. Let's finish it right away. Let's finish it right away. Mohon tunggu sebentar. Please wait a moment. Please wait a minute. King palagé ku ákalingwán neng Tom ing kayáng camera. I think Tom forgot his camera. The king was sitting in front of Tom in a camera. Méko na la. They already left. It's the Miko. Saya beranggapan bahwa Mary adalah pacarnya Tom I just assumed Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I thought Mary was Tom's girlfriend. Aku akan pergi ke Eropa minggu depan. I'm going to Europe next week. I'm going to Europe next week. Airnya banyak. There's plenty of water. It's a lot of water. Tom mencintai Mary yang tidak mencintainya sama sekali. Tom loved Mary, who didn't love him at all. Tom loves Mary who doesn't love her at all. Nagkakilala kamí ha singbahan. We met at the church. I met you at the church. Siapakah penyanyi yang terbaik dalam syarikat kami? Who's the best singer in our company? Who is the best singer in our company? Nakiiyot ni Tom ken ni Mary. Tom has sex with Mary. Tom had a relationship with Mary. Manáya ku. I'll be waiting. My man<0xC3><0xA1>ya. Karaksut hin duro. It's too ugly. It's grossly sloppy. Kikamus oku. I have a dictionary. Kikamus oku. Monotos oku do monongkoilo diya. I'm having a hard time understanding you. The monotony is monotonous. Apa kamu dengar tentang kebakaran yang terjadi kemarin? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire that happened yesterday? Amo ini iton may-garugamit ha duha. This is the more useful of the two. This is the one that is used for both. Au oku po poiloon kumaa di Tom do nunu sabap maan ku dilo. I still haven't told Tom why I want to do that. I'm going to try to make it to Tom's because I'm so excited. Nosoou ku nga au i Tom aanangan mokinongou dino hozou do pinosuat nu. I don't think Tom liked the song you wrote about him. Don't worry, I'm going to have to listen to Dino Goo Doo Doo. Mari kita lakukan dengan cara ini. Let's do it this way. Let's do it this way. Tom tidak pernah membawa siapa-siapa kemari. Tom never brought anyone here. Tom never brought anyone here. Bagaimana efeknya untukmu? How did this effect you? How's the effect for you? Mananábu ku. I'm falling. Manan<0xC3><0xA1>bu ku. Inkuro ma tokou monguhup dika? How can we help you? You're going to kill me? Mary berpikir kalau semua orang selalu memperhatikan apapun yang ia lakukan. Mary thinks that everyone always notices everything she does. Mary thought that everyone was always paying attention to what she was doing. Amerikanu gue'. She is American. My American'. I Tom nopo nga mongongonsok dit au osonong. Tom is a bad cook. Tom Petty is a good fit. Tom lebih tinggi daripada ibunya. Tom is taller than his mother. Tom is higher than his mother. Kami akan senang. We'll be happy. We'll be happy. Byása kang Italiáno? Do you speak Italian? What's the Italian word for? Tom tinggal sendiri di rumah yang besar Tom lives alone in a large house. Tom lives alone in a big house. Pagdali. Hurry up. Hurry up. Luwas mi. We're safe. We are safe. Dia punya banyak uang. He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. Atyú mû king aráp ku ing pakíbat. The answer was right in front of me. I'm going to go to the King of Fighters. Émo dápat babásan deng súlat daréng táu nung aláng paintúlut. You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. It's a great way to get rid of the pain when you're feeling sick. Nag-aalang akó nga bisitahon hiyá. I'm reluctant to visit him. I was reluctant to visit him. Pungaanan isido do duku dau Pooch. He named his puppy Pooch. I'm sure I'm going to do the poo-poo. Sebentar lagi hujan akan turun. It's going to rain soon. Soon the rain will fall. Ania ti adda kadagidiay a kahon? What's in those cases? What's in those boxes? Letakkan sampah di luar. Put the garbage outside. Put the trash outside. Mositi zou momongo diti doid jaam ko-2 satanga. I have to finish doing this by 2:30. I'm going to go to the docs for the 2nd time. Tom mencoba membujuk Mary untuk membantunya. Tom tried to persuade Mary to help him. Tom tries to persuade Mary to help him. Tsara mandry dia manaova nofy tsara. Good night and sweet dreams. And you shall lie down, and you shall put away the evil dream from your eyes. Masapulko ti dakdakkel a pariok. I need a bigger frying pan. I need a bigger pan. Dia tidak muda. She is not young. He's not young. Imo ba kong gihigugma? Do you love me? Do you love me? Bercanda. This is a joke. Joking. Nánu ka lagyú? What is your name? How many of you are? Bunga ini ditemukan di bagian lain Hokkaido. This flower is found in different parts of Hokkaido. This flower is found in other parts of Hokkaido. Bahasa Dusun akan dilancarkan di Google Translate pada tahun 2018. The Dusun language will be launched on Google Translate in 2018. The language will be released on Google Translate in 2018. Aku pembantune Tom I'm Tom's nanny. I'm Tom's assistant. Dámo iton mga daragita nga naayón hiton nga magkaranta. Many young girls like that singer. These are the girls who sing this song. Au ko mumboyo doho nodi kio? You don't trust me anymore, do you? Do you want me to take a nap? Jenis makanan apa yang harus ku bawa? What kind of food do you want me to bring? What kind of food should I bring? Diri mo gud it' pag'buhaton. You would never do that. You'll never do that. In-inaudiak iti tallo a tawen kenka. I'm three years younger than you. I've been with you for 3 years. Notounda naku ngaavi'? Is everything prepared? I'm going to take it off? Lalu apa yang kau sarankan? What do you suggest then? Then what do you suggest? Mintá naká Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Do you want to go to Mexico? Agsigsigarilioka? Do you smoke? You smoke? Tom ingin menyisihkan uangnya hingga cukup untuk membeli sebuah mobil. Tom wanted save up enough money to buy a car. Tom wants to set aside enough money to buy a car. Nunu ka do boros Inggilis "yuri"? How do you say "yuri" in English? Are you referring to the word "Yuri"? Anda boleh belajar, tidak kira usia anda. You can learn, no matter your age. You can learn, no matter your age. Doino ko po. Stay there. It's my doo. Tom melakukannya. Tom did it. Tom did. Masakít it akun iroy sanglit diri ako makakakadto ha konsert. Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go to the concert. It was my mother's birthday, so I couldn't go to the gym. Nokoilo ko'd ngaran sumandak di Tom? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know the name of the man named Tom? Kapan kamu berangkat? When are you leaving? When did you leave? "Ayo kita pergi ke bioskop." "Gimana kalau berangkatnya jam tujuh?" "Aku takut kita bakal terlambat kalau berangkat jam segitu." "Let's go to the movies at seven." "Is it all right if we go at seven thirty?" "I'm worried that we'd be late if we do." "Let's go to the movies." "What if we leave at seven?" "I'm afraid we'll be late if we leave that hour." Balámu e bitasáng mapagál i Tom. Tom doesn't seem tired at all. Tom's face was tingly. Diri ko karuyag makalim'tan iton bisan ano. I don't want to forget anything. I don't want to forget anything. Andasan ku daa om osonong do tanda nu. I thought your remark was interesting. I'm sure you'll find a good sign. Aku ingin menjadi anak kecil. I want to be a child. I want to be a kid. Ákilála ke ing táu ku ngeni king gym. I got to know my current girlfriend at the gym. I went to the King's Gym. Itulah yang aku katakan pada mereka. That's what I told them. That's what I told them. Ikáw gihapon. You too. It's still squeaky. Mas masikán ka ngéni. You're stronger today. You'll be more comfortable. Karuyag ko la nga magmalipayon ka. I just want you to be happy. I just want you to be happy. Masapulmo pay la kadi ti tulongko? Do you still need my help? Do you still need my help? Mokituhung zou mantad diau. I need your help. Mokitukung zou auatu auatu. Aku lelah. I was tired. I'm tired. Aku mengatakan ini dari hati. I say this from my heart. I say this from the heart. Araatan sido do lubak taragang. She hates carrots. The story of Siddhartha is sung. ¿Diin ak puydi makapalit hin búhi nga tigre? Where can I buy a live tiger? Where can I get a tiger? Aku membiarkan pintunya terbuka. I left the door open. I left the door open. "Nung kivaa gambal do koupusan nu doid tampat do sasambayangan toi' ko doid hamin paganakan, oongou ko diho tuni dioho motu songian kakama ko duvo pahad nu." ka disido. "If a photograph of the smiling face of your loved one stands on the altar at the funeral or on the family altar, when you put your hands together to pray, you can hear their voice, I think," he says. And all the people were praying without at the time of prayer, and the people were praying without. Saya harus memecatmu bila sering terlambat datang. I'll have to fire you if you come late so often. I'll have to fire you when it's too late. Kakak saya menitipkan salamnya untuk anda. My brother sends you his regards. My sister says hello to you. Suminding i sawo ku miampai di podsinding koonduan. My wife sings in the ladies' choir. I'm going to go to the Kool-Aid. Tom berkata ini tidak masuk akal. Tom says this is absurd. Tom says this doesn't make sense. Aku lebih cantik darimu. I am more beautiful than you. I'm prettier than you. Ini semua yang saya punya. That is all I have. This is all I have. Akimbalay iti daytoy? Whose house is this? Home to this? Awak tiada ingatan yang kuat! You have a poor memory! You don't have a strong memory! Nánu yang klásing táu? What kind of man was he? N<0xC3><0xA1>nu who kl<0xC3><0xA1>sing t<0xC3><0xA1>u? Inted ni Tom ken ni Mary ti masapulna a kuarta a pagbayadna kadagiti utangna. Tom gave Mary the money she needed to pay off her debts. Tom gives Mary the money she needs to pay her debts. Minyo ka ba? Are you married? You're married? Agaras iyau miagal doho. He is as strong as I am. I'm going to get my ass kicked. Kivaa sabap do nohodi tokou doid vinoun. We were born into this world for a reason. Kivaa due due to doid doid wine. Ia tegas. She's assertive. It's tough. Masakitnon han yana hi Tom. Tom has been sick a lot recently. Tom is sick now. Ia sungguh mudah. It's easy. It's so easy. Yoho okon ko tulun Switzerland. I'm not Swiss. I'm from Switzerland. Kerja yang bagus! Good work! Good job! Línuklúk la ngan. They all sat. It's just L<0xC3><0xAD>nukl<0xC3><0xBA>k. Onu nopo pokionuan ku nga tusin togumu. What I need is more money. I'm going to let you know that I'm going to have a blast from the past. Haro tindalam hodi suang do bakas. There are some cookies in the jar. There's a lot of people in the world who have a crush on a man. Kita punya banyak tujuan. We have many goals. We have a lot of goals. Saankami a takrot. We're not cowards. We're not cowards. Sino ti napan didiay siledko? Who has been in my room? Who's in my room? Mékápag-disisyún ne i Tom. Tom has come to a decision. It's not me, it's Tom. Hari ini hari Kamis. Today is Thursday. Today is Thursday. Apakah dia tahu apa yang kamu lakukan? Does he know what you did? Does he know what you're doing? Alá lang ápayntún. They found nothing. It's just Alyssa. Ayáw kabaraka. Babantayan ko ikaw. Don't worry. I'll take care of you. A<0xC3><0xA1>w worry. I'll watch you. Págmaragúl dáku deng péngári ku. My parents were proud of me. I've been wanting to. Míkálat ing aylí da reng ának king mabílug a kakéwan. The children's laughs spread throughout the forest. I'm in the middle of a battle with the King of Kings. Kinópya ne ning kálugúran ku ing kákung págarálan balé, at ábálu ning méstra. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. It's not like it's in the middle of a cave, but it's in the middle of a cave. Bisa tolong Anda tutup pintunya? Would you mind shutting the door? Could you please close the door? Gin-abrehan ni Tom an freezer and igingawas an ice cream. Tom opened the freezer and got out the ice cream. Tom opened the freezer and released the ice cream. Atyú king bábo lamésa ing librú. The book is on the table. Aty<0xC3><0xBA> king b<0xC3><0xA1>bo la<0xC3><0xA9>sa in libr<0xC3><0xBA>. Tapti sa imong hulagway ang bongbong. Post your picture in the wall. Hold the wall in your picture. Aglanglangaak kadi a terorista? Do I look like a terrorist? Do I look like a terrorist? Nunu mangan diolo? What are they up to? Don't want to eat dichotomy? Dua a tawenen ti napalabas manipud idi pinanawannak. It's been two years since she left me. It's been two years since you left me. Aku meninggalkan kamusku di lantai bawah. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left my dictionary downstairs. Nosoou ku no diau au otopot mangan nu. I think you've done something wrong. I'm going to try to eat it right. Gigutom ko. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. Au oku koilo' mimboros Inggilis. I can't speak English. I know how to speak English. Sionggoi oku. I want to go. Sunggoi oku. Dia jarang pergi ke gereja. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. Kayatmo kadi nga agiyotta ita a rabii? Do you want to have sex with me tonight? Would you like to be here tonight? Ulat ini akan berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantik. This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. This caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. Ramané Tom pulisi. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father was a police officer. Hentikan itu! Leave it! Stop that! Dimi ninamnama nga adu ti dumar-ay. We did not expect many to attend. We were surprised to see a lot of people coming. Tom bermain kasti dengan teman-temannya setelah selesai sekolah. Tom played baseball after school with his friends. Tom played casti with his friends after finishing school. Nakitam kadi no ania ti inaramid ni Tom ken ni Mary? Did you see what Tom did to Mary? Did you see what Tom did to Mary? Dia bersalaman dengan temannya. He shook hands with his friend. He shakes hands with his friend. Apa kau masih membaca buku-buku? Do you still read books? Are you still reading books? Tom, aku ingin menunjukkan sesuatu. Tom, I want to show you something. Tom, I want to show you something. Apakah kamu pernah ke Jepang? Have you ever been to Japan? Have you ever been to Japan? Alasu tomod ko' no? Are you too warm? I'm going to take my towel, aren't I? Patingápun ku king kékami nápun. I was home all day yesterday. Even though we are kings. Apa status perkawinanmu? What's your marital status? What is your marital status? Ibutang ngadto. Put it there. Put it on. Osonong-sonong ko' ih? Are you doing OK? Do you want me to be happy? Tom dan saya adalah pelajar Tom and I are students. Tom and I are students. Osiibo iho sunsuzan. The bridge is low. Osiibo iho sunsuzan. Saya sedikitpun tidak punya uang. Shut up and let me think. I don't have any money. Éla sásáup. They don't help. <0xC3><0x89>la s<0xC3><0xA1>s<0xC3><0xA1>up. Osuusuvab zikoi mangakan. We eat early. Osuusuvab zikoi eat. Atín yang kumpanyáng pánibalán i Tom. Tom had a company to run. At<0xC3><0xAD>n who kumpany<0xC3><0xA1>ng p<0xC3><0xA1>nibal<0xC3><0xA1>n i Tom. Dagasenkanto inton agalas sais. I will pick you up around six. I'll see you at six o'clock. Bisakah aku mengambil hari libur? Can I take a day off? Can I take a day off? Bangun dari tempat tidur! Get out of bed! Get out of bed! Hu nesisita i kemmŏn. I have to use the bathroom. I'm going to ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Kita harus selalu melakukan yang terbaik. We must always do our best. We should always do our best. Burí keng pakísabián i Tom. I want to talk with Tom. I'm going to kill Tom. Dia telah berkeinginan untuk pergi ke laut. He already intends to go to the sea. He wanted to go to sea. Nokoumbal oku pinopouni do torumpit id tontok posikulan do tiim. I played trumpet in our high school band. I've been trying to figure out what to do, but I've been thinking about it. Jepang terkenal akan Gunung Fujinya. Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. Japan is famous for its Mount Fuji. Apa bener yèn wong modèrn kuwi kalong wayah turuné? Is modern society suffering from sleep deprivation? Is it true that a modern person is a victim of bullying? Orohian oku do biir. I like beer. Orohian oku do biir. Dia takut adiknya akan gagal. He has a fear that his brother will fail. He was afraid his brother would fail. Tidak tahu mau pergi ke mana. Getting nowhere. Don't know where to go. Jangan mempermainkanku! Don't mess me around! Don't play with me! Saya sudah katakan bahwa konsernya akan membosankan. Kenapa kamu tidak mempercayai saya? I told you the concert was going to be boring. Why didn't you believe me? I told you the concert would be boring, why don't you believe me? Diri ko papasagdan iton bisan ano nga sayop. I won't tolerate any mistakes. I won't let that go wrong. Gila! Crazy! Crazy! Tom berdiri dan berjalan keluar ruangan. Tom stood up and walked out of the room. Tom stood up and walked out of the room. Saat aku masuk ke dalam kedai kopi itu, ada dua orang pemuda yang sedang menonton pertandingan gulat di TV. When I entered the coffee shop, two young men were watching a wrestling match on television. When I walked into that coffee shop, there were two young men watching a wrestling match on TV. Dia telah hidup sesuai aturan Tuhan He lives according to the law of the Lord. He lived according to God's standards. Awas! Ana coro nèng sandhingé kulkas! Ndang diapakaké! Look! There's a cockroach besides the fridge! Do something quick! Look out, there's a fridge next to the fridge! Addaan isuna iti bassit a nangisit nga aso. She has a little black dog. He had a black dog. Keputusannya adalah negatif. The results were negative. The decision is negative. ¿Áno an nagduso haim himuon an imo binúhat? What made you do what you did? What's the point of doing what you're doing? Sami lebih bagus daripada Farid Sami is better than Farid. Sami is better than Farid ¡Kalayo! ¡Dalagan! Fire! Run! Go away, run away! Aza matahotra ny hihaona amin'ny olona vaovao. Don't be scared to meet new people. Do not be afraid to meet new people. Wong dhuwur kaé klambèn ireng. The tall man wears a black suit. The tall man is black. Importante magbasa hin dámo nga líbro. It's important to read a lot of books. It is important to read a d<0xC3><0xA1>mo l<0xC3><0xAD>bro. Alansan no daa korikot o kalansanan nu. May all of your wishes come true! It's always a matter of time or time. Isuna ti nobia. She's a bride. She is the bride. Okuro-kuro da nogonitan i Tom? How bad was Tom hurt? What's the deal with Tom? Saanko a matarimaan. I couldn't fix it. I can't fix it. Kao guaha lapes-mu? Do you have a pencil? What's your squishy? Tatoeba. Dayta kadi ti nagan ti baro a nobiam? Tatoeba. Is that the name of your new girlfriend? Tatoeba. Is that the name of your new girlfriend? Tom menghargai kerja keras Mary. Tom appreciated Mary's hard work. Tom appreciates Mary's hard work. Tom tak seronok. Tom isn't happy. Tom wasn't having fun. Semalam saya berada di rumah. Last night I was at home. Yesterday I was at home. Ti panagbirok ti nasayaat nga lugar nga paggianan ket haan nga nalaka. Finding a good place to live isn't easy. Finding a good place to live is not easy. Kowé nang kana ora? Are you down there? You're not? Mari kita mencobanya. Let's give it a whirl. Let's try it. Aku sedang menulis surat. I've been writing letters. I'm writing a letter. Natagak i Tom id suang gouton. Tom disappeared into the jungle. I've been to Idela Gouton. Koiho zou do ngaan dii. I know the name. Koiho zou do not do the same thing. Agawis iti alimbubuyog dagiti sabong. Flowers attract bees. The flowers are attracted to the flowers. Uka nunu pomusarahan ku? I'm not sure what I was thinking. Do you think I'm going to make my mind up? Seberapa tinggi kamu? How tall are you? How tall are you? Serahkan semuanya padaku. Leave it to me. Leave everything to me. Aku akan membutuhkan bantuan. I'll need help. I'm gonna need some help. Kamu pulang jam berapa? What time do you go home? What time are you home? Mga wala damhang linugdangan kadto toy gipahibalo. Unexpected results were announced. This was a surprise announcement. Titik-titik air sedang jatuh pada komputer riba saya. Droplets are falling on my laptop computer. The water points were falling on my laptop. Diri gudla adto nahituman la. It couldn't just be a coincidence. It was never a coincidence. Saya pergi ke sekolah. I go to school. I went to school. Mereka berkata bahwa mereka bahagia. They said they're happy. They say they are happy. Kalau ngana mu pigi negara laeng tu ngana musti ada paspor. You need a passport to enter a foreign country. If you have a passport, you only need to have a passport. Tom terlihat seperti sedang sedih. Tom seemed kind of upset. Tom looks sad. Peningkatan kendaraan bermotor yang mendadak mengakibatkan menambahnya jumlah kecelakaan. The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day. A sudden increase in motor vehicles resulted in an increase in the number of accidents. Ada jalan rahasia di sebelah kiri. There's a secret path on the left. There's a secret road on the left. Nakadagang duuhia duvo korita. These new cars are on sale. It's a double-edged sword. Mobil siapa ini? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Apa cara terbaik melakukan itu? What's the best way to do that? What's the best way to do that? Tanpa dia sedari, rupa-rupanya sudah dua jam dia menunggu di hentian bas itu. Without realising it, he had already been waiting at the bus stop for two hours. Without realizing it, he had been waiting for two hours at the bus stop. Kamu sudah makan malam? Have you already eaten dinner? You've had dinner? Istrimu marah padamu. Your wife is mad at you. Your wife is mad at you. Kitambalut oku di ngaran i Tom. I have a friend named Tom. I've got a crush on Tom's name. Saya hanya bergurau. I am just kidding. I'm just kidding. Kita semua berbicara dengan bahasa inggris. We all speak English. We all speak English. Mari kita mencobanya. Let's give it a try. Let's try it. Aiso o kotolinahasan ku. I don't have an explanation. I've got my ice cream or couscous. Nalabit ket saanen a nasken nga ibagak pay kenka daytoy, ngem agpayso a nagargariak iti pintasmo. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I am truly mesmerized by your beauty. Maybe I don't need to tell you this anymore, but I'm really tempted by your beauty. Puyde ka nang mohawa. You may go. You can go away. Agsasaoak. I'm talking. I'm talking. Kamu itu masih bau kencur. You were too young. You still smell like shit. Minaan i Tom id tohu tulan do poguhu po. Tom did that three months ago. I've got a ton of towels on my towel. Miizon ko daa nangku doiti soosominggu? Do you want to stay here all week? I'm going to do the week-ends? "Pounsikou." "Miagal nopo." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "You're right, I'm not a noob." Kamu kira bisa selesai sebelum makan siang? Do you think you could make it before lunch? You think you can finish it before lunch? Dili na matabang sa doktor sa ospital si Tom maong miuli na lang kini. The doctor at the hospital can't do anything for Tom so that's why he's just going home. The doctor couldn't help her, so she went home. Makariknaka kadi iti sakit iti ania man a paset ti bagim? Do you feel pain in any other part of your body? Do you feel pain in any part of your body? Jalan kecil melintasi jembatan, menembus pedesaan, dan kearah bukit. A small road ran across the bridge, through the fields, and over a hill. A small road crosses the bridge, passes through the countryside, and heads up the hill. Duhá iton ákòn misay. I have two cats. It's the spirit of the <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n. Binuligan ak' ni Tom han pakanhi. Tom helped me find my way here. Tom came to help me. Dia mampu menguasai situasi yang ada. She can take control of the situation. He is able to control the situation. Alangga ilo duku disido. Her puppy is clean. For the orphans, it's a no-brainer. Chochoi! Yes! Chochoi! Nunu popoilo' oku kumaa Tom? What can I tell Tom? What's your take on Tom? "Sudah lama ya tidak minum susu dari botol." "Iya. Entah kenapa rasanya lebih enak daripada yang di kertas karton ya?" "Aku juga berpikir begitu." "It's been a while since I've seen milk in a bottle." "Me too. I somehow feel its nicer than milk in a paper carton, don't you?" "I was thinking the same thing." "It's been a long time since I didn't drink milk from a bottle." "Yes. I don't know why it tastes better than the one on the cardboard paper huh?" "I thought so too." Makasih banyak. Thanks so much. Thank you very much. Natuod hiya nga ginpaupay han Tai Ji an iya kinabuhi. He believes that Tai Ji has improved his life. He believed that Tai Ji had taken his life for granted. Aku harus membaca buku itu. I should read that book. I have to read that book. Salámat king pámikatágun. Thanks for the opportunity. Sal<0xC3><0xA1>mat king p<0xC3><0xA1>mikat<0xC3><0xA1>gun. Angkat tanganmu! Raise your hands! Raise your hand! Dia ra mi. We're here. It's our ra. Saya adalah seorang ahli kelab tenis. I'm a member of the tennis club. I am a member of the tennis club. Mau kumpul-kumpul lagi akhir pekan depan? Would you like to get together again next weekend? Would you like to meet again next weekend? Sikit je. Just a little bit. Just a little. Usá na kasimana nga masakít hi lola han ginbisita ko hiya. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. My grandmother used to be a bit shy when I went to visit her. Saan nga adayo idiay Paris. It is not far to Paris. Not far from Paris. Kapigan? When? Flirting? Nakabangbangsit daytoy a takki. The shit smells bad. This taki stinks. Dia tersenyum dan mengatakan selamat tinggal. She smiled and said goodbye He smiled and said goodbye. "Lakwán mukúng díli ku," ngána. He said, "Leave me alone." "I'm going to take a nap," he grinned. Ketika aku berjalan di sepanjang jalan ini, aku bertemu dengan seorang wanita. Walking along the street, I met the lady. As I walked along this road, I met a woman. Duduklah! Take a seat! Sit down! Aláng mámáyad kéni. No one here pays. Al<0xC3><0xA1>ng m<0xC3><0xA1>m<0xC3><0xA1>yad here. Nokuro tu minigit ko' disido do longon? Why were you holding her hand? Do you think you're going to get the hang of it? Tom adalah temanku. Tom is my friend. Tom is my friend. Panúpáya yu, mítawlí ku. Éku gad mígísing. I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept. Pan<0xC3><0xBA>p<0xC3><0xA1>ya yu, m<0xC3><0xAD>tawl<0xC3><0xAD> ku. <0xC3><0x89>ku gad m<0xC3><0xAD>g<0xC3><0xAD>sing. Inkuro no au oku asaga' dika? How can I refuse you? I'll bet you want me to? Harga tiket masuk ke museum tiga puluh dollar. Admission to the museum is thirty dollars. Ticket prices go to the museum for thirty dollars. Mari kita melakukannya lagi. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Ng diak. No. It's not mine. Pernahkah kamu menjadi guru? Have you ever been a teacher? Have you ever been a teacher? Sigúru éna man ápansínan Tom a aláyu kéni i Mary. Tom probably won't even notice that Mary isn't here. I'm a big fan of Tom Alyssa here. Nagpapadayon hiyá nga madìg-on ha iya mga prinsipyo. He remains loyal to his principles. He continues to live up to his principles. Nalibut iton mga planeta ha adlaw. Planets orbit the sun. The planets revolve around the sun. Kenapa kamu tidak mempercayaiku? Why don't you believe me? Why don't you trust me? Milo' oku moboros montok Tom. I can speak to Tom. I'm going to take a look at Tom Petty. Tom karo Mary padha bengok-bengokan. Tom and Mary yelled at each other. Tom and Mary nodded. Ambot. I don't know. I don't know. Anda anggap Tom akan tolong kamikah? Do you think Tom will help us? You think Tom's gonna help us? Aku lelah. I got tired. I'm tired. Éna taganáng sasaryán Tom itá, alé? Tom doesn't really mean that, does he? You're going to give it a try, all right? Ibagakto kenkuana iti maitutop a panawen. I will tell it to him at the proper time. I'll tell him in due course. "Onu ih pokionuan nu montok makan pitangadau?" "Au i monguo, onu nopo bo." "What would you like for lunch?" "It doesn't matter, whatever you've got." He said to him, "What’s all these things?" Ia selalu mendengar berita di radio. He always heard the news on the radio. He always heard the news on the radio. Nínung e makí burî king bébe dayátmálat? Who doesn't like the beach? N<0xC3><0xAD>nung e mak<0xC3><0xAD> bur<0xC3><0xAE> king b<0xC3><0xA9>be day<0xC3><0xA1>tm<0xC3><0xA1>lat? Hore! Hooray! Hore! Kami akan melaporkan keputusan apabila diketahui. We will report the results when known. We will report the results when they are known. Haro no gatang dahai. We all have a price. There is a lot of room in our house for us. Makadto ako kaupod hi Tom. I'm going with Tom. I'm going with Tom. I Tom nopo nga tulun taraat. Tom is a bad person. I'm with Tom Noon. Onuai oku do biir. A beer, please. Onuai oku do biir. Kami semua sangat bersemangat. We're all very excited. We're all very excited. Minonuduk iyau doho poingkuro ma pomomonsoi do kiik. He showed me how to make a cake. I've been trying to get my hands on it, and I've been waiting for it to come out. Kanou! Let's go! Kanou! Mereka berenang. They swim. They're swimming. Tom mulai menuruni tangganya. Tom started to descend the stairs. Tom started down the stairs. Aku akan membayar tagihannya. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay the bill. ¿Para kanay ini nga mensahe? Who's this message for? What's this message for? Silakan coba dulu dan beri tahu saya bagaimana rasanya. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. Please try it first and tell me how it feels. Ngana mu tau kita binci apa? Kita binci laba-laba. You know what I hate? I hate spiders. You know what we hate, we hate spiders. Ngana pe tamang dekat ada barapa orang? How many close friends do you have? Is there anyone close to you? Milo' tokou poimpanau muli walai. We can all walk home. I'm going to go home. Aguy-uyekak. I was coughing. I'm crying. Diri iton maupay, diri liwat maraot. It's neither good nor bad. It's not good, it's not bad. Kinahanglan ko pahuyuon ka. I've got to stop you. I need to calm you down. Diri na ini sekreto. It's no secret. This is no longer a secret. Kau masih belum punya cukup pengalaman. You still don't have enough experience. You still don't have enough experience. Bisakah kau mencetaknya untukku? Can you print that out for me? Can you print it for me? Aku selalu ingin bertemu denganmu. I've always wanted to meet you. I always wanted to see you. Sak mèter iku satus sèntimèter. A meter is one hundred centimeters. A meter is one hundred centimetres. Macam mana awak bercakap dengan gagap itu? How is it you speak with such a stutter? How did you talk to that stutterer? Sigurado ako waray pa makakadto hi Tom ha Boston. I'm sure that Tom has never been to Boston. I'm sure Tom hasn't been to Boston. Saya suka semua film yang disutradarai Juzo Itami. I like all films that Juzo Itami directs. I love all the movies directed by Juzo Itami. Dia memecahkan rekor dunia. He broke the world record. He broke the world record. Ni Tom laeng ti kakaisuna a tao a makatulong ita kaniak. Tom is the only person who can help me now. Tom is the only person who can help me right now. Buku ini milikmu? Is this book yours? This book is yours? Jangan percaya pada apa yang Tom katakan. Don't trust what Tom says. Don't believe what Tom said. Mag-asawa kami ni Tom. Tom and I are married to each other. Tom and I are married. Ni iya nyin tadi dih? Where is the other one? Isn't that right there? Saya masih berpikir Tom bersalah. I still think Tom is guilty. I still think Tom's guilty. Sigurado nga agballigi ti planom. Your plan is sure to succeed. Your plan will surely succeed. Mantad zou doiho England. I come from England. Mantad zou doho England. ¿Waray mo kabatii an akun ginyakan? Didn't you hear what I said? Didn't you hear what he said? Kartingam. Hurry up. Kartingam. Kamu tidak diajari itu di sekolah. They don't teach you that in school. You weren't taught that in school. Diri kinahanglan maghimu hin halaba nga surat. It's not necessary to write a long letter. You don't have to write a long letter. Mabalinmo ti agsurat iti uray ania a pagsasao a kayatmo. Iti Tatoeba, agpapada amin a pagsasao. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want. In Tatoeba, all languages are the same. Kalau kamu ingin bahagia, maka berbahagialah. If you want to be happy, then be happy. If you want to be happy, then be happy. Bagi saya, tidak ada perbedaan mendasar antara kebudayaan dari kedua negara tersebut. To me, there aren't any fundamental differences between the cultures of these two countries. For me, there is no fundamental difference between the cultures of the two countries. Tabuh pira? What time is it? What kind of life? Kontento hiya hiton iya bag-o nga kotse. He is pleased with his new car. He's happy with his new car. Masapultayo ti panagballigi. We need a victory. We need victory. Panan-o man naton masasabutan nga diri iton patibong? How do we know it isn't a trap? How can we make sure that this is not the case? Akhir-akhir ini ia menjadi orang yang sangat baik. Recently he's become a really nice person. Lately he has been a very good person. Kamu bisa melihat manusia transparan itu? Can you see the invisible man? Can you see that transparent man? Mata adalah jendela hati. Eyes are the windows of the heart. The eyes are the windows of the heart. Aku suka olahraga. Itu menurun dari ayahku. I love sports. I get that from my father. I love sports, it's downhill from my dad. Berapa rega utai tu? How much is this? What's the amount of Oolong? Kucing kaluar di bawa laci. A cat came out from under the desk. The cat came out of the closet. Korongou oku dot tuni di Tom. I can hear Tom's voice. I heard a dot tune in Tom. Isai koilo! Who knows! I'm sure you know! Atín kamíng letratu. We have pictures. At<0xC3><0xAD>n kam<0xC3><0xAD>ng letteratu. Nagpapakiana ak' ano ti'm masisiring. I'm asking your opinion. I asked him what he could say. Ingaa tulun milo tondingon mantad do kolundusan disido. Her beauty is incomparable. What comes out of a person’s mouth comes from the heart, and what comes out of his mouth comes from the heart. Owito barait ku. Bring me my bag. Ooooh, I'm so excited. Karena aku tidak berpendapat bahwa semua orang akan mempercayai wanita mati. Because I don't think people would believe a dead woman. Because I don't think that everyone would believe a dead woman. Tuminingaha toinsanan. Everybody looked up. Listen to all of them. Ti ammok ket interesadoka a makaammo a nakabiroken ni Tom iti trabahona. I thought you'd be interested to know that Tom found a job. What I know is that you are interested in knowing that Tom has found his job. Alaid oku au nokopikito diya! I haven't seen you for so long! I'm going to be pissed off! Milo' ko onuai gambar ku? Could you take my picture? Do you want to take a picture of me? Kiduvo tanak zi Tom. Tom has two children. Kiduvo kan zi Tom. Kapan terakhir kali kamu menari? When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you danced? Aku cinta kamu. I love you. I love you. Osonong tadau. Beautiful day. Good day. Tom telah digigit oleh seekor ular. Tom has been bitten by a snake. Tom was bitten by a snake. Kurang ajar sekali kamu! You have a lot of nerve! You're such an asshole! Gompiton i pogun Kosovo do abaabazan sompomogunan Olimpik 2016. Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016. Gompiton i pogun Kosovo do abaabazan sompomogunan olympic 2016. Mabulúk ing taklâ. Shit stinks. ing in the caboose. Pakianhi hi Alex. Ask Alex. Asked by Alex. Alayon huyo pagtinaghuyon. Please stop whistling. Please be courteous. Ángay mo ak' igkahambog. You should be proud of me. You're going to make me squirm. Kasla sili ti abuyo ti buto ni Tom. Tom has a small dick. Tom's butt looks like pepper. Ayah temanku adalah seorang novelis terkenal. My friend's father is a famous novelist. My friend's father was a famous novelist. Haros ngatanan nga akon kilala napakadto na ha Boston. Almost everybody I know has been to Boston. Almost everything I knew was going to Boston. Burí nakamíng makisábi kékang Tom. Tom wanted us to talk to you. Tom's body is made up of Tom's. Apakah program TV pendidikan kegemaran anda? What's your favorite educational TV program? What's your favorite educational program? Dia manangis. She cried. She's crying. Osuusuvab ti. It's early. It's Ossuzuvab. Sínáyad ku. Matudtúd náku. I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. S<0xC3><0xAD>n<0xC3><0xA1>yad ku. Saidt<0xC3><0xBA>d n<0xC3><0xA1>ku. Tunggu sebentar. Hold on one second. Wait a minute. Koiho ko' humozog? Can you swim well? I'm going to be humming? Saya sedang pening kepala. I have a headache. I'm dizzy. Bulosam ni Tom. Release Tom. Take a look at Tom. No anton oras taka nengnengen? At what time will I see you? What time will I see you? Mokiuhup oku mantad dika. I need your help. I'm going to make you mine. Nakaagni nako ang paglaom nga mahibalik pa siya. The hope of his return encouraged me. The hope that he'll come back to haunt me. Kami menyelesaikan kedua permasalahan itu. We solved both problems. We solved both of those problems. Au i Tom pinotungubon di Mary. Tom didn't let Mary kiss him. I'm in the mood for Mary. Luar biasa! Excellent! Wonderful! Manu ko' daa mokiuhup mantad doho? Do you want me to help you? Is there a way to get rid of it? Buenas dihas, Siñot! Good day, Sir! Good for you, sir! Duhá na la kaadlaw iton nasasalin. There's only two days left. It was only two days away. Nasdaawda amin a nakakita kaniak idiay. They were all surprised to see me there. Everyone was surprised to see me there. Aku baru saja memulainya. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Di mana kamar kecilnya? Where's the restroom? Where's the restroom? Muhammad tu sigi rindu makai buah semangka ba rumah. Muhammad is quite fond of eating watermelon at home. I miss the smell of the fruit at home. Bálu kung maúlagá kéka. I know it's important to you. It's a shame when it comes to baking. Kenapa kamu tidak bisa datang? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Aku mempunyai beberapa buku berbahasa Prancis. I have some French books. I have some French books. Modagan na siya. That one will run. He's running. Tom melangkah masuk melalui pintu depan. Tom walked in through the front door. Tom stepped in through the front door. Karuyag iton ni Tom. Tom wants to take it. Tom wanted it. Kita harus menunggu datangnya bantuan. We should wait for help. We have to wait for help. Diri hi Tom an una nga nataktak. Tom wasn't the first one to be eliminated. Tom wasn't the first to get laid. Diri ako obligado mag-eksplikar kan Tom. I don't owe Tom any explanations. I don't have to explain to Tom. Hutan-hutan hujan semakin musnah dengan kecepatan sepuluh ribu hektar per hari. The rainforests are disappearing at the rate of tens of thousands of hectares a day. Rainforests are increasingly being wiped out at a rate of ten thousand hectares per day. Miká pámagsúlit támu king Pransés keng Lúnis. We'll have a French test on Monday. Mik<0xC3><0xA1> p<0xC3><0xA1>mags<0xC3><0xBA>lit t<0xC3><0xA1>mu king French<0xC3><0xA9>s ting L<0xC3><0xBA>nis. Mayda hi kitá duhá nga talinga. We have two ears. Kat had two ears. Asino pay ti adda idiay? Who else is down there? Who else is there? Siak ni Tom. I'm Tom. My name is Tom. Adda guardia iti ruar. A guard is outside. There's a guard outside. Sama sekali tidak ada yang salah dengan Tom. There was nothing really wrong with Tom. There’s nothing wrong with Tom. Aku capek! I am tired! I'm tired! Ha pagkita ko hiton langit, magiging maupay iton aton panahon yana. Judging from how the sky looks, we'll be having fine weather. When I look at the sky, it's going to be a happy time. Diri nimo malilimbungan iton tadhana. You cannot outsmart destiny. You can't deny that fate. Ini aneh. It's strange. It's weird. Minggu depan di waktu seperti ini, kita ngapain? What will we be doing this time next week? Next week at a time like this, what are we doing? Múna ka. You go first. You are M<0xC3><0xBA>na. Berapa harganya? How much is it? How much does it cost? Napanak iti eropuerto ta kinitak ti tatangko nga agbiahe. I have been to the airport to see my father off. I went to the airport because I looked at my father for a trip. Permintaannya wajar. His request is fair. The request is reasonable. Maaf, dia tidak ada di sini. Sorry, he is not here. Sorry, he's not here. Dia selalu tersesat di mana pun dia pergi. He gets lost wherever he goes. He is always lost wherever he goes. Kami telah tertunda oleh kemacetan lalu lintas, jadi kami harus bergegas. We were delayed by traffic congestion, so we had to hurry. We had been delayed by traffic jams, so we had to hurry up. Dia tako dia pe kaka tara lulus. He has a fear that his brother will fail. He's afraid he's going to graduate. Saat musim turis, banyak hotel-hotel menaikkan tarifnya. In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. During the tourist season, many hotels raise their rates. Ketika saya sampai stasiun, keretanya telah berangkat. When I arrived at the station, the train had already left. When I got to the station, the train was gone. Au isido orohian do mimbuul. She doesn't like soccer. I'm going to try to get my tummy tucked away. Apakah ada orang yang bisa mengemudi? Can anyone drive? Is there anyone who can drive? Mabalin a tulongannak? Can you help me? Can you help me? Kami membantu Tom. We help Tom. We helped Tom. Imbagam dayta idin. You said that before. You said that before. Umanamongak iti planom. I agree to your plan. I agree with your plan. Haro i Tom hilo'd tumo? Is Tom in the garden? Are you sure you want to believe it? Kuwi sing mesthi diujaraké simbokku. That's what my mom always said. That's what my brain taught me. Dakkel ti panagbutbuto ni Tom. Tom has a large dick. Tom had a big blast. Kowé kayané ora ngerti sing tenané piyé. You seemed not to know the truth. You don't seem to know exactly what it is. Biddle dulunya adalah seorang yang sangat cerdas. Biddle was an extremely intelligent man. Biddle used to be a very intelligent man. Waray may-maaram kun kay-ano waray hiya kitaa han kadamo. She didn't show up at the party, but nobody knows why. No one knows why he hasn't seen much. Ekungok yu'! Listen to me! Look at Yu! Diri mo ako mabubuligan? Can't you help me? You can't help me? Ada gizakai! Please, don't yell! There's a gizakai! Dia merayu: "Tolong!" He cried: "Help!" He pleaded: "Please!" Saya rasa saya diekori seseorang tadi I think that I was followed by someone. I think I was followed by someone. Aku berhutang nyawa kepada Tom. I owe my life to Tom. I owe my life to Tom. Kami memiliki banyak sekali furnitur. We had a lot of furniture. We have a lot of furniture. Coba pahami ini. Get a picture of this. Try to understand this. Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah menandatangani nama Anda di sini. All you have to do is sign your name here. All you need to do is sign your name here. Dimdám kuné iníng kantá kaníta. I've heard this song before. It's a can of candy. Possible ba tumuok ha ilarum hiton tubig? Is it possible to cry underwater? Is it possible to get out of the water? Tom dan Mary selalu bertengkar. Tom and Mary fight constantly. Tom and Mary are always fighting. Rummuarak ita a malem. I'm going to go out this afternoon. I'm leaving this afternoon. Nasapa a simmangpet ditoy ni Tom. Tom got here early. Tom arrived here early. Nunu nopo lisih nu doho? What do you love about me? Don't you want me to snuggle? Dakkel ti butom. Your penis is big. You have a big butt. Métung yang sikát a mágkantá. She is a famous singer. It's like a squishy muffin. Atuukoi! Poingkuro o haro ilo hiti? Au oku koilo momoguno dilo kompiuto. Oh God! How did this get here? I'm not good with computers! I am saying this because you are so proud of me. You know that nothing can be done to make you jealous. Tom pulang lebih awal kemarin. Tom came home early yesterday. Tom came home early yesterday. Yakan ni Tom diri na hiya mautro. Tom says he'll never do that again. Tom didn't want to do it again. Tanabai. Close it. Tanabai. Dírì akó makatuod nga ini natatabo. ¡Alayon yakni ako nga buwa la ini! I can't believe that this is happening. Please tell me that it's a lie! I know this is true, but I'm telling you it's a lie! Iman-imanon ku nopo nga dukutur. My aim is to be a doctor. I don't believe in being a noob. Apakah kamu dan Tom pernah membicarakan hal itu? Did you and Tom ever talk about that? Have you and Tom ever talked about it? Boleh pinjam ponselmu? May I use your phone? Can I borrow your phone? Jawaban anda tidak masuk akal. Your answer doesn't make sense. Your answer doesn't make sense. Tom bukan pemain golf yang baik, sebaik yang ia katakan. Tom isn't as good a golfer as he says he is. Tom is not a good golfer, as good as he says. Aku tercengang ketika mendengarnya. When I heard it, I was dumbfounded. I was shocked when I heard it. Alamak, terlupa sudah mau tanya. Kan kata sebelum ni, kau belum nampak tu payung. Dah jumpakah ni? Ah, I forgot to ask. Before you said you hadn't seen he umbrella. Have you found it since? Oh, my God, I forgot to ask you a question, I told you before, you haven't seen that umbrella. Kami semua bahagia. We are all happy. We're all happy. Kau bisa makan apapun yang kau inginkan. You can eat anything you want. You can eat whatever you want. Tak ada seorangpun yang menyadarinya saat itu. Pada saat ada yang menyadarinya, itu sudah terlambat No one noticed till it was too late. No one was aware of it at the time. By the time someone realized it, it was too late. Umo'mak hamyo gi tåsi. You swam in the ocean. You're going to have to take a shower. Karuyag ni Tom bumulig ha pasundayag. Tom would like to take part in the contest. Tom wants to help with the show. Aku akan pergi mandi. I'm going to have a shower. I'm going to take a shower. Nunu ka do boros Yahudi "tungau"? How do you say 'a cat' in Hebrew? Are you referring to the "Jews"? Nomboo kunsi di pinoopi ku? Where did I put my keys? Nomboo kunsi in my pinoopi? Alá kung baléng tuknangán. I have no home to live in. It's all the way down. Noulau ikoyu? Are you guys crazy? Ichigo's name? Tidak jauh dari tempat tinggalku ada kolam renang. There's a swimming pool not too far from where I live. Not far from where I live there is a swimming pool. Mary, tolong peluk aku. Mary, please hug me. Mary, please hold me. Boleh tak ambil kami ke Muzium British? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you take us to the British Museum? Tom mengatur meja. Tom set the table. Tom set the table. Kaylángan dakáng bayaránan? Do I have to pay you? How much money do I have to pay for it? Silakan membayar di kasir. Please pay the cashier. Please pay at the cashier. Olotian isido diti kangku dii. I think he'll understand this. I'm in the middle of my tummy tuck. Kami harus membawa Jordan ke rumah sakit. We ought to send Jordan to the hospital. We have to take Jordan to the hospital. Apakah kamu pernah menonton film ini? Have you ever watched this film? Have you ever seen this movie? Kalugurán mukó? Do you love me? The death of Muk<0xC3><0xB3>? Dia suka roti dan mentega. He likes bread and butter. He likes bread and butter. Waray sugad hiton kamakarit. Nobody's that good. There is no such thing as horror. Makasih banyak. Many thanks. Thank you very much. Osonong-sonong kangku daa. I think things will be OK. Bye bye bye bye. Gisuginlan ni Tom si Mary bahin sa tulis. Tom talked to Mary about the robbery. Tom tells Mary about the robbery. Mágmanéu ya papuntá king óspital i Tom. Tom is driving to the hospital. I'm going to go to the King's Hospital. Mimbootok noopo kozo hia tuhun di, ada isido podulio. That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him. There's a little bit of poo in there, but there's a poo poo poo. Nak kopi lagi, boleh? Could I have some more coffee? Would you like some more coffee, please? Yoko enggan menjawab pertanyaanku. Yoko avoided answering my question. Yoko refused to answer my question. Saya tidak mau memakan itu. I won't eat it. I don't want to eat that. Aku tidak bisa melihat film ini. Aku tidak suka. I cannot watch this film. I don't like it. I can't see this movie. Atyú ka murín king kékayó? Are you at home, too? What do you think of the King of Kings? Apa khabar? How are you? How are you? Kami beruntung sudah hidup. We're very lucky to be alive. We're lucky to be alive. Káku ya iníng ásu. This dog is mine. I'm with you on Isuzu. Balámu e kunténtu i Tom. Tom seems discontented. I'm sure you know Tom. Dhewekke ngecat rambute ireng He dyed his hair black. He's got black hair Kasapulak ti maturog uray sangkabassit. I need to sleep a little. I needed a little sleep. Ongoi sakai id suang korita bin. Get back in the van. It's the same with Kourtney. Terima kasih, boleh saya minta sedikit lagi? Thank you, could I have a little more? Thank you, may I have a little more? Pemungutan suaranya dilanjutkan. The voting continued. The vote continued. Sana la inkeddeng ti agbalin a mannurat idi tallopulona. He did not decide to be a writer until he was thirty. He decided to become a writer when he was thirty. Tumingaha oku. I looked up. Take a look at the occupant. Adu a tattao ti agur-uray ken ni Tom. A lot of people are waiting for Tom. A lot of people were waiting for Tom. Aku muak dengan hal itu! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of that! Iya ginsukol an kahilaba han kwarto. She measured the length of the room. He measured the length of the room. Tom menyingkirkan buku-buku lamanya. Tom got rid of his old books. Tom got rid of his old books. Ot éko paréung sumúku? Why don't you both give up? What's up with my eco-friend? Kinsay mibuhat ato? Who did it? Who made us? Saya pusing ke kanan. I turned right. I turned to the right. Awan ti inaramidmi nga madi. We've done no wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Dinak kadi kayat? Don't you like me? Don't you like me? Ammonia nopo nga tadon dau. Ammonia is a base. Ammonia is a noun. Waráy pa hirá igkíta hin súgad. They haven't seen the likes of it. It's still a bit of a squeaky. Saya kehilangan kepercayaan padanya. I lost my trust in him. I lost faith in him. Apa pekerjaannya? What is her profession? What's his job? Atyú ku king kékamí. I'm at home. Aetna is a king. Aku sangat suka rambutmu. I love your hair. I really like your hair. Dengarkan aku! Listen to me! Listen to me! Adda annakmo? Do you have children? You have children? Mangíbilí kang sisilyú king kahún. He put some coins in the box. I'm looking forward to King Kaitlyn. Aku ingin kau menyembunyikan hal ini. I'd like you to keep this a secret. I want you to hide this. Tom adalah orang Inggris. Tom is British. Tom is English. Nunu ka do boros Poransis "muhang oku dika"? How do you say "I love you" in French? What do you think of the phrase "I'm a porn star"? Cuma bercanda. Only joking. Just kidding. Arapaapko la unay a masursurok no kasano nga aramiden dayta. I really wish I knew how to do that. It was my dream to learn how to do it. Tom menaiki tangga secara perlahan. Tom slowly walked up the stairs. Tom went up the stairs slowly. Seorang perempuan jatuh ke laut dari sebuah kapal. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. A woman fell into the sea from a ship. Itu aneh. That's peculiar. That's weird. Saya mandi sehari sekali. I shower once a day. I shower once a day. Aku ingin menyanyikan lagu itu. I want to sing the song. I want to sing that song. Nunu iti? What's this? You don't know ? Silakan panggil saya bila butuh sesuatu. Please call me up if you want me. Please call me if you need anything. Aku percaya akan adanya hantu. I believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. Kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan pulang dan beristirahat. If I were you, I would go home and take a good rest. If I were you, I'd go home and rest. Apa yang kalian lakukan akhir pekan ini? What are you doing this weekend? What are you guys doing this weekend? ¿Diin mo hirá nabahoan? Where did you smell them? Where did you work? Ini tidak mahal. This is not expensive. It's not expensive. Manibát anyáng méte i táta na, asnanéng kalungkút i David. Ever since his father died, David is very sad. I'm going to have to take a look at David's hair, and David's hair is going to fall off. Mada Tom manganu montok Mary papapanau lo korita dit lumogop. Tom didn't want Mary to drive drunk. My mother-in-law gave birth to Mary, and she gave birth to a baby. Suka atau tidak, kamu harus tetap melakukannya. Whether you like it or not, you'll have to do it. Like it or not, you have to keep doing it. Tatoeba: Karena bahasa bukanlah sekedar kumpulan kata-kata. Tatoeba: Because a language is more than the sum of its words. Tatoeba: Because language is not just a collection of words. Tom kelelahan. Tom was exhausted. Tom's exhausted. Sekarang dengarlah baik-baik, ini mungkin akan menjadi kata-kata terakhirku. Now listen up well, these might well be my last words. Now listen carefully, this will probably be my last words. Siring niya nga makikigkita hiyá ha ak' hiton sunod na ádlaw han ámon pagbulag, pero tikang hadto waray ko na hiya abata. He parted from me saying that he would see me the next day, but I have not heard from him since. He told me that he was going to meet me on the next day of his divorce, but since then I haven't had a child. Kayané ora apa-apa. It's probably OK. It seems to be okay. Silakan masuk. Do come in, please. Please come in. Tumongob kopio i Tom kokomoi diya. Tom is very worried about you. I'm going to try to get Tom out of here. Kumaraja iyau om gisom nondo sumakit iyau ih. He worked and worked until he fell ill. She was about to give birth to a baby, and she was pregnant with a baby. "Di Pantai Santiago airnya bagus, hangat, dan sejernih kristal." "Kamu pasti bisa mandi dengan nyaman ya di sana?" "At Santiago Beach the water is nice and warm and crystal clear." "So you can take a good bath there, right?" "On Santiago Beach the water is nice, warm and crystal clear." "You sure you can take a comfortable bath there?" Dia masih bergantung secara finansial kepada orang tuanya. She is still financially dependent on her parents. He is financially dependent on his parents. Dia hidup sebagai seorang penyanyi. He makes his living by singing. He lived as a singer. Rumah-rumah orang Jepang terbuat dari kayu, sehingga rentan untuk terbakar. Japanese houses are built of wood and they catch fire easily. Japanese houses are made of wood, making them prone to burning. Tom bali koran. Tom bought a newspaper. Tom's newspaper. Sudah mulai turun hujan. It's already started to rain. It's starting to rain. Éku átatandánan nung nu ko biníli deng súsi ning kótsi ku. I don't remember where I put my car keys. I've been trying to figure out if I'm going to get a squishy buttocks on this one. Kay-ano kinahanglanon nimo iton? What do you need that for? Why do you need it? Tim mana yang kamu gemari? Which team are you a fan of? Which team do you like? Momohukis i tanak di Mary do gambal dosido. Mary's daughter drew her a picture. Mary's mother is a dossier. Kumanhi akó pára igsumat ha imo an ákòn nabilingan. I came here to tell you what I found out. I'm going to go and tell you what I've been up to. Éna gáwan Tom itá. Tom will never do that. It's all about Tom. Guaha che'lu-hu. I have a brother. Guaha che'lu-hu. Aku akan pergi denganmu. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Madugay ko na iton nga kilala hi Tom. I've known Tom for years. I've known Tom for a long time. Iton yoga puydi makabulig pag-iban hiton stress. Yoga can help reduce stress. Yoga can help reduce stress. Orang tak sebut itu lagi. People don't say that anymore. People don't say that anymore. Panan-o nira nasabutan nga diri ako Taga-Canada? How did people know I wasn't Canadian? How do I know I'm not from Canada? Agsublika, okey? Come back, OK? Come back, okay? Binallasiwna ti Taaw Pacifico iti uneg ti tallopulo nga al-aldaw. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. Tom tidak ikhlas dahulu. Tom was insincere. Tom wasn't honest. Kau tidak boleh tambah nombor sebenarnya dan nombor khayalan. You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number. You can't add real numbers and imaginary numbers. Buang-buang duit aja! What a waste of money! It's a waste of money! Baga hin ura-ura kaguol ni Tom, anó? Tom seemed very tired, didn't he? Tom seems to be in a bad mood, huh? Saan a makagetteng a nalaing daytoy a kartib. These scissors don't cut well. This can't be a smart cartilage. Tolong, beri dia pertolongan lagi! Please, lend him some more aid! Please, give him some more help! Orang tua itu tinggal seorang diri. The old man lived by himself. The old man lived alone. Bantayi hiyá. Keep watch on him. watch over him. Kumaraja oku miampai di Tom. I'll work with Tom. Kumaraja oku memapai in Tom. Hinay-hinay gumikan an barko. The ship slowly started to move. The ship slowly departed. Saya benar-benar sangat berterima kasih I'm extremely grateful to you. I'm really very grateful Apa kamu benar-benar mencintai Tom? Do you really love Tom? Do you really love Tom? Malam ini saya kencan dengan Tom. I have a date with Tom tonight. Tonight I'm going on a date with Tom. Naantakan do longon di Tom o timbakan. Tom was shot in the arm. It's in Tom or Tom's head. Rumah tersebut berhantu. The house is haunted. The house is haunted. Apa itu memang benar? Is that really true? Is that true? Mas masantíng ka katáwan késa káku. You're in better shape than I am. It's much easier for me to get to my cat's mouth. Saya tetap berusaha memperbaikinya, tetapi masih belum berhasil. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. I tried to fix it, but it still didn’t work. Siapapun bisa melakukan itu. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Aiso po mokinongou zou mantad dau. I have heard nothing from him yet. I'll listen to your voice. Hafa adai. Good day! Hafa adai. Dia sedang tidur denga dua bantal. He is sleeping with two pillows. He was sleeping with two pillows. Saat itu gelap, dan aku tidak dapat melihat siapa yang datang melintasi jalan itu. It was dark, and I could not make out who was coming along the road. It was dark, and I couldn’t see who was coming across that road. Amerika Serikat berbatasan dengan Kanada. The United States borders Canada. The United States borders Canada. Denyut nadiku cepat. My pulse is fast. My pulse is fast. Maan tokou pogiilang-ilangon. We'll share. I mean, it's sloppy. Aku kelelahan. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Iní ing asáwa nang Tom? Is this Tom's wife? What's in the ashtray? Panjenengan wonten ngrika boten? Are you down there? Are you there? Kapan anda berulang tahun? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Berapa sewa rumah ini? How much is the rent for this house? How much rent is this house? Milugsong silang Ondoy gahapon sa lungsod. Ondoy and his companion go downtown. They went down to the city yesterday. I Tom nopo nga tuhun talaat. Tom is a bad person. I'm Tom Noon. Diri maupay iton itsura ni Tom. Tom doesn't look too well. Tom didn't look disappointed. Pag-abat ko mataghumay yana para hin piknik. I think it's a little too cold to go on a picnic. Now I'm ready for a picnic. Kálugúran daká. You are my friend. K<0xC3><0xA1>lug<0xC3><0xBA>ran dak<0xC3><0xA1>. Susuglúng neng Tom ing kayáng teléponú king Internet. Tom is connecting his phone to the Internet. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the phone with the king of the internet. Impagarupko no masikog isuna. I thought that she was pregnant. I thought she was pregnant. Poingkuro ma minogihum ko' dilo sisindiron? How do you like these poems? What do you think I'm going to do when I'm on the verge of dying? Haro tobpinai kusai nu, Pedro? Do you have a brother, Pedro? What's the matter, Peter? Beberapa temanku bisa bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Some of my friends can speak English well. Some of my friends speak English well. Jack ing lagyú ku. My name is Jack. Jack is in my closet. Keluarkan tanganmu dari sakumu. Take your hand out of your pocket. Get your hands out of your pockets. Pergilah tidur. Go to sleep. Go to bed. Makásadyá nakáng makó? Are you ready to go? Do you want to get a haircut? Nganong dili mo man nuon mi duawon? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? Ada gelas di atas meja. There is a glass on the table. There's a glass on the table. Manu oku dilo hodi duku. I want this puppy. It's called Duluth Duluth. Ompunai oku. I'm sorry. Oppunai oku. Napilitanak a nagulbod. I was forced to lie. I was forced to lie. Apa ia kencan dengan seseorang? Is she dating someone? Is he dating someone? Waray may kinabuhi ha bulan. There's no life on the moon. There is no life on the moon. Naipasngaytayo iti nagbaetan ti isbo ken takki. We're born between urine and feces. We are born between urine and taki. Aku akan bepergian hari ini. I'm going to be out today. I'm going to travel today. Momolus zou do nipon ku maza do binolus nipon. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. Momolus zou nipon my maza do binolus nipon. Saanen nga uso dagitoy a kawesko. These clothes of mine are out of style. These clothes are out of fashion for me. Iníspliká ku iní kayá. I pointed this out to her. I'm looking for Kayla. Kaano a mapantayo? When do we go? When are we going? Kinahanglan naton magin mas agresibo. We need to be more aggressive. We need to be more aggressive. Kami mencoba. We try. We tried. Logot-logoton do papapanau korita kio. Drive slowly. Logot-logoton do papapanau korita kio. Ti linteg ket isu ti linteg. The law is the law. The law is the law. Naipatublak ni Tom. Tom tripped. I've got Tom. E mékíbat. He made no response. E m<0xC3><0xA9>k<0xC3><0xAD>bat. Nínung sínábi kayáng gáwan na itá? Who told her to do that? Do you think it's a good idea to leave it? Iho nopo nga daging do golupo. That's the meat of a hen. It's a no-brainer of meat. Apa kamu menemukan surat-suratmu? Did you find your letters? Did you find your letters? Aku pikir kita perlu mencari pengasuh bayi yang baru. I think we need to find a new babysitter. I think we need to find a new babysitter. Gáwan mu na. Now you do it. You're leaving. King péra ngan dúdurút ing pagláláwe ning imá ku king sablá. My mother thinks of everything in terms of money. The King of Persia and the King of Persia is in the hands of the King of Persia. Saya heran mengapa Tom membutuhkannya. I wonder why Tom needs that. I wonder why Tom needs it. Milo' oku maan do otulid? Can I be honest? Do you want me to go on a limb? Saya tak perlu pertolongan anda, tetapi anda perlu pertologan saya. I don't need your help, but you need mine. I don't need your help, but you need my help. Au zou kotuhung do mongiak doid nazakan dau. I cannot help laughing at her jokes. Au zou kotuhung do do mongiak doid nazakan dao. Kao låhi gue? Is he a man? Do you want me? Seorang teman sama berharganya dengan harta. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. A friend is as valuable as a treasure. Program ini tidak kompatibel dengan komputer ini. This program is not compatible with this computer. This program is not compatible with this computer. Perancis ada di Eropa Barat. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Malargo ako, kun ako ha imo. If I were you, I'd go. I'm a liar, or I'm with you. Ayaw kami disturbuha. Don't disturb us. Don't bother us. Kumadto hiya ha London han tuig 1970. He went to London in 1970. He went to London in the year 1970. A'haro duo susumikul hiti'd kalas dinondo. Two students are absent today. There are two types of milk that are available today. Dírì hiyá makaparalit hin bág-o nga kotse. He can't afford to buy a new car. He could buy a new car. Mágtaká kamí nung núkarín ka ibát. We've been wondering where you've been. I've been waiting for you to come to Ikea. Kada kozo pongkidaandama! Don't be too arrogant! It's not coyotes! Umabót ako dinhi kakulop. I arrived here yesterday. I'm going down here yesterday. Tom pindah ke mana? Where's Tom moving to? Where did Tom move? Tombolog id hilo tawan. The bird is in the sky. Tombolog id toxin captive. Tom suka membuat pesawat kertas. Tom likes making paper airplanes. Tom likes to make paper planes. Manu i Tom do sokodungon nu. Tom needs your support. I don't want to do sodomy. Koinsanai no nunu piya nga koontok tumanud do pomomutusan di Kinorohingan. Everything happens according to the will of God. All of us will have to give an account of ourselves to God. Kami sedang rapat. We are having a meeting. We're meeting. May-ada pira nga bumulig ha ak. I had some help. Some people helped me. Lupakannya. Forget it. Forget it. Kasagaran sa mga tao mutuo sa tanang isulti sa pamantalaan. People in general have faith in everything newspapers say. Most people believe everything that is said in the newspaper. Aiso nunu hodi suang do kakanan. The jar is empty. Assume your own responsibility. Ania ti numero ti siledko? What's my room number? What's my room number? Masih ada banyak musik yang akan kami putar, jadi jangan ke mana-mana. We have more music coming up, so stay tuned. There’s still a lot of music we’re going to play, so don’t go anywhere. Malipayon ka ba? Are you happy? Are you happy? Kita musti nae tidor skarang. I have to go to sleep. We've got to get the hang of it now. Kung naay aso, naay kayo. Where there is smoke, there is fire. If you have a dog, you are there. Osonong wowoyoon ku ih. My boss is very nice. Good luck to you. Dhèwèké duwé gula. They have sugar. She has sugar. Sudah pernah hujan di hutan. It has been raining in the forest. It's raining in the woods. Poingiyon o tongo tayam om sumuni hiti'd pomogunan. Animals and plants live on this planet. So that the earth may dwell, and the fulness thereof. Línáwe la ngan. They all looked. L<0xC3><0xAD>n<0xC3><0xA1>we and lan. Mag-usahan la hiyá. He's all by himself. He was alone. Kini ang akong uwahing pangutana. This is my final question. This is my last question. Dimo kadi malasin ida? Don't you recognize them? Don't you recognize them? Saanna nga aramiden dagiti linalanggong a bambanag a kakasta. He doesn't do stupid things like that. He doesn't do such things. Dia ialah rakan sekelas saya. She is my classmate. He's my classmate. Mengko dak tilpun manèh, ya? Let me call you back later, OK? I'll call you later, okay? Au osonong topirumanan di Tom soira i Mary manangon kokomoi kopoposion disido. Tom looked distant and distracted while Mary told him her life story. Mary was very happy with the idea that Mary was going to have a baby. Osodu pamanaan tokou. We have a long walk. Osodu street tofu. Dika agbabain nga agsao iti sanguanan ti tattao. Don't be shy about speaking in front of people. Don't be shy to speak in front of people. Koruhang oku dau baino. I'm with him now. Take care of yourself babe. Ayaw intawon tug-ani si Tom. Please don't tell Tom. Don't tell Tom. Aku telah mengubah tata letak situs webku. I've changed my website's layout. I've changed the layout of my website. Kowé nduwe apa menèh nèng sakmu? What else do you have in your pocket? What else do you have? Amin a kabalio ket ayup, ngem saan nga amin nga ayup ket kabalio. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. Dia meremas tangannya. He squeezed her hand. He squeezes his hand. Waray ko labot hiton I am not concerned with it. I ain't got nothing to do with it Apay a nakabaybayag la ketdin nga ibanagda ti koneksionko iti internet? Why does it take them so long to set up my internet connection? Why did it take so long to connect to the internet? Saya sama sekali tidak bisa memahaminya, bagaimana denganmu? I couldn't understand him at all. What about you? I can't understand it at all, how about you? Au oku koilo' honggo tiso rasuk lo hodi, tam pilion id taragang toi ko otomou nopo? I don't know which dress to choose; it's a toss up between the red one and the green one. Do you think I'm going to have to go to the bathroom to pick up the sleight of hand? Aku tidak bisa menekuk tangan kananku. I can't bend my right arm. I can't bend my right hand. Nung ingkaa ko nopo, mokianu zou mai diau do kuukuama'on. If I were you, I would apply for the job. And if you want to go to the beach, you can go to the beach. Asino ti akinkukua iti daytoy? Who does this belong to? Who owns it? Adda nobiak. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Itu aneh. It's strange. That's weird. Siou, aiso isio hiti. Sorry, he is not here. Ooooh, you've got to get your ass kicked. Lahan sawah bera itu sudah tidak menghasilkan lagi. That fallow paddy field does not yield anymore. The land of the wild is no longer producing. Apa kau bermain curang denganku? Are you cheating on me? Are you cheating with me? Interesadoak a mangadal iti kultura nga Aleman. I am interested in studying German culture. I was interested in learning German culture. Tentu! Sure! Sure! Dia sendirian. He is alone. He's alone. Maaram hiya pagtaya. He knows how to bet. He knew how to laugh. Ayaw intawon ko pasakiti. Please don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Jika ada kamus kanji yang murah di Jepang, aku akan membelinya. If there's a cheap kanji dictionary in Japan, I will buy it. If there's a cheap kanji dictionary in Japan, I'll buy it. Terima kasih telah menjawabnya dengan cepat. Thanks for your quick answer. Thank you for responding quickly. Máwa kung danúm. I'm thirsty. M<0xC3><0xA1>wa kung dan<0xC3><0xBA>m. Aku tidak dapat membayangkan hidup tanpa kamu. I can't imagine life without you. I can't imagine life without you. Pinoposiau i Tom om i Mary do wayaan laang. Tom and Mary hurried up the steps together. I'm going to go with Mary and I'm going to go with Mary. Aku ingin tahu apa yang sedang kau pikirkan. I want to know what you're thinking. I wonder what you're thinking. Saya balik awal setiap hari. I go home early every day. I go home early every day. Tolong bicara deng bahasa Prancis. Please speak French. Please speak French. Siga mai nuan sari tok. You are very handsome today. I'm sure you'll be able to knock on the door. Kinoizonon ku id Jipun. I live in Japan. I've got my ID. Ini adalah hari yang paling buruk seumur hidupku. It was the worst day of my life. This is the worst day of my life. Kanayonmo nga ikagumaanan a maala no ania ti kayatmo. You always try to get what you want. Always try to get what you want. Saya tidak ingin mempermalukan Tom. I didn't want to humiliate Tom. I don't want to embarrass Tom. Una pangaun anay kita, tapos lakát na kita. First we'll eat, and then we'll go. We'll eat first, then we'll go. Saya telah mencadangkan supaya rancangan tersebut ditangguhkan. I suggested that the plan be postponed. I have suggested that the plan be postponed. Asino ti titsermo? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Aku terlambat datang ke rapat karena terjebak macet. I was late to the meeting because of a traffic jam. I was late to the meeting because I was stuck in a traffic jam. Nababas ko' po? Are you bored yet? I'm pissed off? Saya senang ketika saya membaca. I am happiest when I am reading. I am happy when I read. Simbaro iti ponguhatan kumaa doho. Please answer this question for me. I went to church to get my money's worth. Aldó-aldó kung máglútung paugtwán. I make lunch every day. Ald<0xC3><0xB3>-Ald<0xC3><0xB3> kung m<0xC3><0xA1>gl<0xC3><0xBA>tung paugtw<0xC3><0xA1>n. Milo' kito maan ti. We can both do it. We're going to eat. Naon? What? What is it? Semestinya tidak ada koma pada kalimat ini. There shouldn't be any commas in this sentence. There is no comma in this sentence. Bunga-bunganya semakin mekar disebabkan pengaruh dari cuaca. The blossoms expand under the influence of the weather. The flowers are blooming due to the influence of the weather. Poiloon i Tom kumaa di Mary do minaan isio dilo. Tom told Mary he'd do that. I'm going to have to go to Mary's and see her. Aku haus. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Kada ihumo- humo o rontob dokoyu kumaa mato tongoulun. Ihumo noh rontob dilo id suang ginawo dokoyu soira do otoronong nga kobontugan koimagon. Nung sokiro nopo kointutun kou sondiri nga ih pimboroson diolo montok dokoyu nga amu ih koponinduol dokoyu. Do not search for what you are worth in the eyes of people, but rather try to find it in your conscience is free your status is automatically elevated. If you truly know yourself, you would not be hurt by what others about you. So don’t brag about being better than the other branches. If you brag, remember that you don’t support the root, the root supports you. Dia berterusan dalam pendapatnya. He persists in his opinion. He continued in his opinion. Diri nganhi nakaturog hi Tom. Tom doesn't sleep here. Tom doesn't sleep here. Salam dunia Hello, world! Greetings from the World Ibuku adalah seorang guru SMA. My mother is a high school teacher. My mother was a high school teacher. Naaresto ni Tom idi Oktubre. Tom was arrested in October. Tom was arrested in October. Mabáting ka! Get lost! You're going to be pissed! Medyo urhi kami na umabot. We've arrived a little late. We arrived a little later. Dia menganggap kalau dirinya berhasil karena beruntung. He attributes his success to good luck. He thinks he succeeded because he was lucky. Mantad oku hilo'd England. I come from England. I'm from England to England. Nabayaanan ko an susi ha opisina san-o iton nga adlaw. I had left the key in the office the day before. I left the key in the office that day. Kebun binatang itu penuh sesak dengan para wisatawan. The zoo is crowded with visitors. The zoo was crowded with tourists. Aku melempar satu. I threw one. I threw one. Dinda, Nurul, dan Sabina bersahabat. Mereka sudah saling mengenal sejak kecil. Dinda, Nurul and Sabina are friends. They've known each other since they were children. Dinda, Nurul, and Sabina are friends, they've known each other since childhood. Soira ulion dualai nu? When will you come back home? You're going to make two again, aren't you? Nagkallaysa da Tom ken Mary iti Oktubre. Tom and Mary were married in October. Tom and Mary were married in October. Umabot na gihapon hiya! She finally arrived! He's still coming! Awak ikut kah atau bantah? Are you for or against this? Are you coming or arguing? Agtartaray isuna. She is running. He's running. Agsardeng nga agsigarilio. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Éraku inagkát di Tom ampóng king karélang kasál. Tom and Mary didn't invite me to their wedding. Eraku was raised in Tom amp<0xC3><0xB3>ng king kalalang kalala. Tom membatalkan pernikahannya karena kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Tom put off his wedding because of a traffic accident. Tom cancels his marriage due to a traffic accident. Kami berangkat. We're leaving. We're leaving. Maysaka laeng nga estudiante. You are nothing but a student. You're just a student. Tom tidak punya kantor. Tom doesn't have an office. Tom has no office. Diri ako maaram hiton akon angay buhaton. I didn't know what I should be doing. I don't know what to do. Kami tidak akrab. We don't get along. We're not familiar. Kasing ko masige hi Tom. I thought Tom would agree. My heart belongs to Tom. Kumamkamakam ni Tom. Tom is catching on. I'm going to talk to Tom. Sindú da ing pámaglákad. They continued walking. Sind<0xC3><0xBA> da in p<0xC3><0xA1>maglakad. Aku mengembalikannya. I'm giving it back. I gave it back. Apakah Anda mengetahui rumah makan masakan Korea yang enak? Do you know any restaurants with good Korean food? Do you know the Korean cuisine? Saya gembira kerana berada di sini. I am glad to be here. I'm happy to be here. Foto ini mengingatkanku pada masa kecilku This picture reminds me of my childhood. This photo reminds me of my childhood. Peparlan nakung Juan sulat king Aleman. John sent me a letter written in German. John's letter to the King of Germany. Belajar tentang budaya asing itu menyenangkan. It's fun to learn about foreign cultures. Learning about foreign cultures is fun. Pruybahan ko gadla. I'll take my chance. I'm going to go for the gala. Di hadapan hukum kita semua sejajar, tetapi orang kaya terkadang memiliki keuntungan lebih. We are all equal before the law, but the rich often have a big advantage. Before the law we are all aligned, but the rich sometimes have more advantages. Paréu lang mágóbra. They both work. It's just a half-marathon. Oh! Sila tunjukkan kepada saya. Oh! Show it to me please. Please show me. Bukumu yang mana? Which is your book? Which book are you? Asino ti umaw-awag iti kastoy nga oras? Who's calling at this hour? Who is calling at this hour? Kita modagan. You and I will run. Let's run. Métung lang milyún deng táu king Auckland. There are a million people in Auckland. It's all about the King of Auckland. Adalaan korualan di longon ku. My arm is killing me. It's a sleight of hand on my arm. Tom mencoba untuk tidak menangis. Tom is trying not to cry. Tom tries not to cry. Mari kita mencari tempat untuk berteduh. Let's get out of the rain. Let's find a place to hide. Ginsulat ya sarili ya nga ngalan. He wrote his own name. His own name was written. Di mana saya bisa menaiki sebuah bus? Where can I catch a bus? Where can I get a bus? Sino ti nangipan kaniak ditoy? Who took me here? Who brought me here? Adda kadi kadakayo ti nakakita idin iti kasla kastoy? Have any of you ever seen something like this before? Have any of you ever seen something like this before? Ini terasa seperti mimpi bagiku. It seemed like a dream to me. It feels like a dream to me. Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan hari ini? What are you up to today? What do you want to do today? Bisakah saya meminjam mobil Anda sebentar? Can I use your car for a little while? Can I borrow your car for a minute? Apakah kamu di situ? Are you down there? Are you there? Pulau itu ada di Jepang sebelah selatan. The island is to the south of Japan. The island is in southern Japan. Sa animistikong konsepto sa pansikismo, ang tanang butang ug ang tanang tawo adunay pipila ka aspeto sa "hunahuna," sa usa ka lebel, bisan kung usahay dili kaayo. In the Animistic concept of panpsychism, everything and everybody have some aspect of "mind," at some level, even though sometimes scarcely. In the animistic concept of pansikism, everything and everyone has certain aspects of "mind," to a certain degree, though sometimes less. Say China et baleg nen say Japan. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Aku seperti pernah melihatmu di suatu tempat. I remember seeing you somewhere. It's like I've seen you somewhere. Tom tidak ingin minum apa-apa. Tom doesn't want anything to drink. Tom didn't want to drink anything. Saganán tála. Let's go meet them. Sagan<0xC3><0xA1>n t<0xC3><0xA1>la. Tidak ada yang melakukan apa-apa. Nobody is doing anything. No one did anything. Inaldaw a tartarayek ti sangapulo a kilometro. I run ten kilometers daily. I run ten miles every day. Gáwan táya. Let's do it. G<0xC3><0xA1>wan t<0xC3><0xA1>ya. Maafkan saya, saya tersesat. Excuse me, I'm lost. I'm sorry, I'm lost. King palagé ku kaylángan meng sópan. I think you should help her. The King of the Rings is a sloppy. Siguradoka kadi nga awan ti nalaklaka a wagas a panangaramid iti daytoy? Are you sure there isn't any easier way to do this? Are you sure there is no easier way to do this? Dia menolongku. He's helping me. He helped me. Énáku pényalíng Tom king kaylángan ku. Tom didn't buy me what I needed. I'm a fan of Tom King. Aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa darimu. I don't expect anything from you. I didn't expect anything from you. Diri ko ini mahihimo kun diri ako buligan ni Tom. I can't do this without Tom's help. I couldn't do it without Tom helping me. Dengar bae-bae. Listen carefully. Listen to bae-bae. Tíkyan daká. They followed you. T<0xC3><0xAD>kyan dak<0xC3><0xA1>. Aku baru akan membeli mobilnya jika mereka terlebih dahulu memperbaiki remnya. I'll only buy the car if they fix the brakes first. I'll just buy the car if they fix the brakes first. Ibunya mengkhawatirkan anaknya. His mother is worried about him. His mother was worried about his son. Makanánu mung sabyán itá king Italiánu? How do you say that in Italian? Is it possible to eat only the king of Italy? Duhaan zioho id dogo. They spit on me. There are two types of id dogo. King palagé mu ligtás gáwan itá? Do you think it's safe to do that? Is the king's son-in-law right? Dia terlalu lelah untuk bekerja. He is too tired to work. He's too tired to work. Tom menipu Mary. Tom played a trick on Mary. Tom lied to Mary. Imbagam a mabalinmi ti mapan. You said we could go. You said we could go. Nakakatawa ako ha imo. You make me laugh. I'm laughing at you. Dulu kami suka berkemah ketika aku masih kecil. We used to go camping when I was a kid. We used to love camping when I was a kid. Maabot ako ha estayon hiton 1:35. I'll arrive at the station at about 1:35. I'll be at the stake at 1:35. Oi Mary, au avaavasi no daa nasip nu, pampadai no diho vuhu do tungau, akapa vuhu dau. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, trim that pussy, it's damn hairy. "O Mary, if thou wilt be my wife, thou shalt be my son's wife; if thou shalt be my son, thou shalt be my son's son." Palihog ayaw usag kaon. Please eat something. Please don't eat. Gintataghuman ka? Are you cold? You're done? Kita ada bawa satu barang for kase ngana. I brought something for you. We've got something for the kennel. Aku baru saja digigit nyamuk. A mosquito just bit me. I just got bitten by a mosquito. Anak-anak itu membuat banyak kegaduhan. The children are making a lot of noise. The kids made a lot of noise. Mereka masih muda. They're still young. They're young. Tom mulai menyukai anjing liar yang mngikutinya sampai ke rumah. Tom grew to love the stray dog that followed him home. Tom begins to like the stray dog who follows him home. Saya tidak mengerti. I do not understand. I don't understand. Aku mendhing mlaku tinimbang ngentèni bis sabanjuré. I'd rather walk than wait for the next bus. Instead of waiting for the next bus. Hujan bana hari, inyo ka main golf juo. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. It's raining and you're playing golf. Aku nembé ngrungokaké radio. I am listening to the radio. I listened to the radio. Aku sangat senang masalahnya sudah selesai. I'm so happy to be done with that. I'm so glad it's over. Aku suka dengan bunyinya. I like the way it sounds. I like the sound. Kinaman i Tom maan do nunu au miho maan dodizon do miho maan. Tom is trying to make the impossible possible. Tom Maan do nu nu nu au miho maan do miho maan do miho maan. ¡Dírì akó può! I am not an owl! I'm going to puke! Línub la ngan. They all entered. It's just L<0xC3><0xAD>nub and lan. Manhoben ham. We're young. Manhoben ham. An pobre nga trabahador ginbabasol an iya mga gamit. A poor workman blames his tools. The poor worker blames his implements. Sushi nopo nga taakanon do poporoloi ginawo. Sushi is a repulsive food. Sushi is a must-have. Saya harus pergi ke sana demi ayah saya. I have to go there for my father. I have to go there for my father. Kotutun oku kaka dau. I recognize him. I'll bet you'll get a kick out of it. Au yahai napalid po. We haven't lost yet. Yay, you're screwed. Nokuro ko' id watas kakadayan? Why are you in town? What's the name of the id? Masapul nga aklonem nga umuna ti babakmo sakbay a pakawanenka. You have to admit first your fault before I'll forgive you. You must first recognize your round before I forgive you. Agbasbasa itan isuna. He's now studying. He is now reading. Masapul a naannadka. You have to be careful. You have to be careful. Ia pemuda yang tampan. He is a handsome young man. He's a handsome young man. Sikato so sinmabi ed London a dinmalan ed Siberia. He came to London by way of Siberia. This was the first time that the people of Syria had heard about this. Nagbayadak tapno maileppas daytoy. I paid to have this done. I paid to get this done. Dia masih belum di sini. He isn't here yet. He's not here yet. Kamu tidak melihat apapun. You didn't see anything. You don't see anything. Napatay sa tigpana ang lagsaw. The archer killed the deer. The shooter killed the deer. Kana kalangoy kita. Let's go swimming. That's how we swim. Anggapo so paliwawak. I don't have an explanation. I didn't miss anything. Malára it' nga halas. That snake is poisonous. It's a snake. Tom sepertinya kebingungan. Tom seems confused. Tom seems confused. Ay, éka makanyán. Oh, don't be like that. Oh, <0xC3><0xA9>ka maganyan<0xC3><0xA1>n. Pak guru mbukak kerdusé banjur ngetokaké bal. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. The teacher opened the door and opened the door. Osuusuvab i Tom muhi. Tom came back early. My name is Osuzuvab. Milo' oku lumohou dika? Can I call you? Milo' ku lumohou ka? Sungguh mesin yang menakjubkan! What a wonderful machine! What an amazing machine! Tom itu masa bodoh, kan? Tom is careless, isn't he? Tom was an idiot, wasn't he? Selepas habis makan malam, mereka dinikmati bermain kad. Dinner finished, they enjoyed playing cards. After dinner, they enjoyed playing cards. Pelajaran mana yang paling kamu sukai? Which subject do you like the most? Which lesson do you like the most? Han una, usa akó nga seaman. Many moons ago, I was a seaman. In the past, there was a seaman. Ogumu no kozo o kikosivatan nu. You had plenty of opportunity. Ogumu no kozo or kikosivatan nu. Nokokinam zou nokokito dioho id TV tomoimo. I've seen them on TV many times. Nookkinam was seen on TV tomomo. Cha'-mu mandádagi. Don't lie. Cha'-mu mand<0xC3><0xA1>dagi. Kao guaha lapes-miyu siha? Do you have pencils? Do you want to be a part of the sleight of hand? Burí kū mung ábálu mung ligtás ya i Tom. I just want you to know that Tom is safe. It's just a little bit of Tom Brady. Milo' oku popotopot do lawas. I can seal the leak. But I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by a reminder, Haro i Tom do oitom tasu. Tom has a black dog. I'm going to do the oatmeal. Agbirbirokkami. We've been looking. We're looking. Tolong antarkan kami sampai ke pusat kota. Give us a ride downtown. Please take us to the city center. Tepati janjimu. Keep your promises. Keep your word. Tom mengambil pisau dan memeriksanya. Tom picked up the knife and examined it. Tom took a knife and examined it. Kamu ingin pergi? You want to go? You want to go? Bisakah Anda membawakan koper saya ke lantai atas? Would you carry my luggage upstairs? Can you bring my suitcase upstairs? Ginbutang ni Tom an tre han iya paningudtuhon ha la mesa. Tom put his lunch tray on the table. Tom put his three lunches on the table. Kura-kura tidak punya gigi. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don’t have teeth. Tudlo-i ko. Teach me. Teach me. Sarag mo itan? Can you handle that? Do you feel it now? Sinópan neng Tom tumákas king sukúlan i Mary. Tom helped Mary escape from prison. Mary's heart was filled with joy. Asino ti nangala kadakuada? Who brought them? Who took them? Ay-ayatenka. I love you. I love you. ¿Hin-o ka? Who are you? Who are you? Nokoilo yahai dilo ngawi. We know all this. I don't know how to sing. Pria tua itu tertabrak sebuah mobil dan segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit. The old man was hit by a car and was immediately taken to the hospital. The old man was hit by a car and was immediately rushed to hospital. Bahasa Thai merupakan bahasa negara Thailand. Thai is the language of Thailand. Thai is the national language of Thailand. Maligo ako. I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to take a bath. Bisa tolong kecilkan volume radionya? Will you please turn down the radio? Could you please lower the radio volume? Iri no kobolingkangan. That's the issue. Jealousy is a sin. It' ngatanan áada na higdaan. Everybody's in bed. It's all in bed. Aku tidak tahu mobil mana yang mau kubeli. I don't know which car I want to buy. I don't know which car I want to buy. Tenanglah. Cool down. Take it easy. Iner so laen mo? Where are you going? Where's your other one? Dili ko kapugngang mokatawa. I can't hold in my laughter. I couldn't stop laughing. Isardeng ti panagsayang iti kuarta. Stop wasting money. Stop wasting money. Kinahanglan ko maghulat ngada hiton mahingaturog hi Tom. I had to wait until Tom was asleep. I had to wait until Tom fell asleep. Tolong jangan permainkan saya. Please don't make fun of me. Please don't play with me. Laman wak ketek. My garden is small. You're a little bitch. Apa arti kata "get" dalam kalimat ini? What is the meaning of the word "get" in this sentence? What does the word "get" mean in this sentence? Inamúyut miyáng muntá i Tom. We urged Tom to go. Tom nodded in agreement. Modagan ni sila si Joseph. This Joseph and companion will run. Joseph and I are going to run. ¿Puydi akó niyo igkita ha may lobby? Can you guys meet me in the lobby? Would you like to meet me in the lobby? Daru-damu it iya nakakarawat nga salape kontra ha ak. He makes a lot more money than I do. He received a lot of money against me. Bolehkah aku mematikan lampunya? May I turn off the light? Can I turn off the lights? Nínung mánibálâ. Who's in command? N<0xC3><0xAD>nung m<0xC3><0xA1>nib<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xA2>. Naragsakanak a nakaammo a napia isuna. I was happy to know he was well. I was glad to know that he was a good fit. Mangandad zioho ngavi. They're all waiting. I'm going to eat zucchini. Na-ukoy hi Tom hin gutíay nga baranggay. Tom lives in a small village. He lived in a small village. Dia tako dia pe ade tara lulus. He has a fear that his brother will fail. He's afraid he's going to graduate. Aku akan mengambil beberapa gelas. I'll get some glasses. I'll take a few glasses. Baik, saya akan terima tawaran Anda. All right. I'll accept your offer. Okay, I'll accept your offer. Kami akan memperbaikinya. We'll fix it. We'll fix it. Bisakah kau memanggilkanku seorang dokter? Could you call a doctor, please? Can you call me a doctor? Kakak saya paling suka kalau ada sesiapa yang mahu meminangnya. My sister loves it whenever someone makes her an offer of marriage. My sister would love to have someone to help her. E mákapágmulálá itá? Isn't it remarkable? E m<0xC3><0xA1>kap<0xC3><0xA1>gmul<0xC3><0xA1> it<0xC3><0xA1>? Saya pesan dua bufet santap siang. Two for the lunch buffet, please. I ordered two lunches. Aku tahu siapa yang suka dengan Sachiko. I know who likes Sachiko. I know who likes Sachiko. Apa kabar? How do you do? How are you? Kanou manganu tokou do gambal. Let's get our photograph taken. Canou manganu tokou do struct. Nunu nopo pokionuan ku nga mundorong. What we need now is a rest. I'm going to go to NaNo to get my hands on it. Umanamongka kadi iti pangngeddengda? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Itu tidak adil. That isn't fair. That's not fair. Maayong buntag! Morning! Good morning! Narespeto ako hiton akon batá sanglit iginsangay ko iton akon anak ha iya. I respect my uncle, so I named my first son John after him. I had a lot of respect for my son, so I took care of him. Secangkir kopi akan membuatmu merasa lebih baik. I thought a cup of coffee might make you feel better. A cup of coffee will make you feel better. Magáral ka búkas. You'll go to school tomorrow. Take a break from practicing. Saya minta maaf saya telah membuka surat awak secara tidak sengaja. I'm sorry I opened your mail by mistake. I'm sorry I accidentally opened your letter. Nerd hiyá. He's a nerd. He's a nerd. Cobalah untuk bergaul dengan adikmu. Please try to get along with your brother. Try to hang out with your sister. Tom ingin menjadi bosnya. Tom wants to be the boss. Tom wants to be his boss. Ayahnya memanggilnya Tom. His father calls him Tom. His father called him Tom. Au asil o nitungan nu. Your plan won't work. Whether it's the result or not. Mísan mu milyári. It only happened once. You've got the milliard. Kitnán náku nung núkarín muntá. He asked me where to go. I'm a fan of N<0xC3><0xBA>kar<0xC3><0xAD>n Munt<0xC3><0xA1>. Apa kamu menulis buku harian? Do you keep a diary? Did you write a diary? Sadino ti ayan ti Paris? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Aku membaca labelnya. I read the label. I read the label. Aku menipumu. I tricked you. I tricked you. Apatut no popoilo' ko disido matu. Maybe you should tell her. I'll tell you if I'm ready. Dia lebih baik daripada saya. He's better than I. He's better than me. Tom pindah ke Boston. Tom is relocating to Boston. Tom moved to Boston. Ayaw gud pagsiríng hitón. Never say that. Don't ever get hit. Sebenarnya awak takkan melakukan sedemikian, bukan? You're not actually going to do that, are you? You really wouldn't do that, would you? Nampaknya awak tahu segala-galanya. You seem to know everything. You seem to know everything. Pinoihaan ku zosido do koikatan dau. I informed her of his arrival. Their feet are full of cursing and bitterness. Manuk nya ditetak Apai Dom ba dapur. That chicken was cut by Dom's father in the kitchen. The bird is placed in the kitchen. Tingaha no. Look it up. Think not. Magof hit. We are happy. The magic hit. Waráy ko nahihimo nga dírì nahihimo ni Tom. There's nothing I can do that Tom can't. I think I've become a fan of Tom's work. Nabilngan nakon iní ha sírong han imo katre. I found this under your bed. I found it in my bed. Ginhímò ha Hapón iní nga mga awto. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. Nánu ka pilídu? What is your last name? How many of you are going to be? Merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Smoking is not good for the health. Smoking is not good for health. Dírì ak' nakakahulat nga mahingadto na. I can't wait to get in there. I can't wait to get there. Saan a dayta ti makagapu. That's not the reason. That's not the reason. Aku bertanya padanya apakah ia tahu alamat ini. I asked her if she knew his address. I asked him if he knew this address. Naalam kadi ti napanmo ginagara? Did you get what you went for? Did you know where you went? Ari intawon nga gutom. Please come hungry. Let's go hungry. Mandrosoa tompoko ô! Come in! Come, my lord! Dia suka terlambat. She tends to be late. He likes to be late. Dia berumur 8 tahun. He's eight years old. He's eight years old. Aku tidak tidur dengan nyenyak akhir-akhir ini. I haven't been sleeping very well. I haven't slept well lately. Minongongoi i Tom di Mary hilo'd sitisin. Tom brought Mary to the station. Mary's heart was broken and she was in a state of shock. Bahasa Melayu mempunyai banyak persamaan dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Malay has many similarities with Indonesian. Malay has a lot in common with Indonesian. Méki-kalugúran nakamí kang Tom. We have made friends with Tom. Tom's face lit up with Tom. Pokitonon o gambar. Show me the pictures. A picture or picture. Dírì namamati hi Tom hiton ginsisiring ni Mary. Tom doesn't listen to what Mary says. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> listened to what Mary was saying. Koneksi internetku terputus. My internet connection was cut off. My internet connection is broken. Mébilís ing kayáng pámagretíru úling king pámagkámalî. The mistake hastened his retirement. It is located in the heart of King P<0xC3><0xA1>magret<0xC3><0xAD>ru. Minonurat i Tom do laporan. Tom wrote the report. Tom wrote a report. Mabalin kadi a tulonganna nga agsapul iti napintas a trabaho? Can you help me find a good job? Can he help her find a good job? Iton butang nga kinahahadlokan ko ini hin mawara ka ha akon. The thing that scares me the most is that I might lose you. It's something I'm afraid of when you lose me. Hombo tiso walai kinoiyonon nu? Which house did you live in? Do you want to live in Ho Chi Minh City? Lina belajar bahasa Ilokano. Lina studies Ilokano. Lina learns the language of Ilokano. Babayaan ta kamó la nga tulô. I'm going to leave the three of you alone. I'll leave you with a chuckle. Manuk-manuké duwé werna abang. The birds are red. The birds are red. Izou nga avasi nogi. I'm fine too. Izou a nogo invasion. Tetapi awak tidak datang You never showed up. But you didn't come. Daghang mitigulang apan wala manigulang. Many people are older, but not wiser. Many grow old but do not grow old. Saanko a masolbar daytoy a parikut iti ania man a wagas. I could not solve this problem by any means. I can't solve this problem in any way. Kotoluadan tu dumuom do sodopon. Thank you for dinner. This is an example of sodomy. Dia menarik baju kemeja saya. She pulled my shirt. He pulled my shirt. Diri mo gud ako kilala, Tom. You don't really know me, Tom. You never knew me, Tom. Mongoi oku no. It's time to say goodbye. Mongoi oku no. Harap tenang! Be quiet! Please calm down! Nakasipsipnget ti rabii. The night is so dark. The night was dark. Totopot nopo ti nga manganu do nunu gunoon montok do id tutok ku. Iri no sabap di minsingiloh oku do boros-boros sompogunan tintod do kapataian. I have actually decided to start putting my brain to some use. I'm going to start to learn as much foreign languages as possible before I die. I'm going to try to get my hands on it, but I'm going to try to get my hands on it. Semuanya sepakat. Everybody came to an agreement. All agreed. Dia sudah tidak berbicara dengan saya lagi sejak itu. He hasn't talked to me since. He hasn’t spoken to me since. Asino ti nangitugot kadakuada? Who brought them? Who brought them? Bagaimana cara kerjanya? How will it work? How does it work? Nokuo apatut zikoi maan diho? Why would we need to do that? Do you want to know where to go? Saan a kayat ni Tom ti pangngeddengtayo. Tom didn't like our decision. Tom doesn't like our decision. Aku adalah mahasiswa. I'm a college student. I'm a student. Minugad i pirisidon mantad do Amorika doungosuvab. The President left for America this morning. This is the first time I've heard of the Amerika Dourosuvab. Tom menjelaskannya padaku. Tom explained it to me. Tom explained it to me. Sigúru ápakísabián táya. Maybe we can talk to her. Sig<0xC3><0xBA>ru <0xC3><0xA1>pak<0xC3><0xAD>sabi<0xC3><0xA1>n t<0xC3><0xA1>ya. Nakaandad zou no diti tadau do uminikot. I've been waiting for this day to come. The zucchini is in the middle of the night. Apa aku kurang jelas? Am I being too vague? Am I not clear? Álus e mángutáng tungkúl kaníta i Tom. Tom almost never asks about that. I'm going to take a look at Tom. Nokuro i Andi Yamada nabantug id sikul? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? What is the name of Andi Yamada? Kau benar-benar seorang pekerja keras. You're really a hard worker. You really are a hard worker. Anda mau mencobanya? Do you want to give it a try? Would you like to try it? Patutkah Terusan Suez dan Panama diantarabangsakan? Should the Suez and Panama Canals be internationalized? Should the Suez and Panama Canal be nationalized? Ada panjang gelombang cahaya yang tak terlihat oleh mata manusia. There are wavelengths of light that the human eye cannot perceive. There are wavelengths of light invisible to the human eye. Nakaanu i tongo pakalaja do gaung pakakalaja, om tinantu dioho mooi pupu' diho tomoimo. The company provides workers uniforms, but it's expected they will wash them regularly. It's just that we're going to have to put up with it, and we're going to have to put it all together. Badanku selalu dalam keadaan sehat. My health has been good. My body is always in good health. Kapan biasanya Anda meninggalkan rumah? What time do you usually leave home? When do you usually leave the house? Kanou manganu tokou do gambar. Let's get our photograph taken. Kanou manganu tokou do pictures. Awak mahu saya balik rumahkah? Do you want me to go home? You want me to go home? Kaming mga Hapones mahamtong sa edad nga baynte. We Japanese come of age at twenty. We Japanese mature at the age of twenty. Aku tidak marah padamu. Aku hanya sangat kecewa. I'm not angry at you, just very disappointed. I'm not mad at you, I'm just very disappointed. Noikot vinasi kopisohovot kito kio oi Gundohing Ito. I'm glad to meet you, too, Mr Ito. Noikot vinasi kopisohovot us io oi Gundohing Ito. Adda obra a trabahuenta. We have a job to do. We have work to do. Ogumu moti maan dilo. There's a lot to do. You're the reason for the dildo. Ano man iton akon pakakita ha imo? How can I see you? What do I see you? Pilay imong edad? How old are you? How old are you? Ongoi uhoto i Tom. Go ahead and ask Tom. I'm going to tell Tom. Kinahanglan may buhaton si Tom. Tom got to do something. Tom had to do something. Pagi ini, aku melihat seorang malaikat. This morning, I saw an angel. This morning, I saw an angel. Nagdesisyon na kita. We've made a decision. We have made a decision. Ini cerita yang sebenarnya. This is a true story. It's the real story. Ih Tom nopo nga tanakwagu tongoporodot id kalas. Tom is the cutest boy in the class. I'm not sure I'm going to use the towel ID. Aku tetap berada di rumah karena hujan sedang turun. I stayed home because it was raining. I stayed home because it was raining. Maysa a terorista ni Tom. Tom is a terrorist. Tom is a terrorist. Dia lebih suka jeruk merah. She prefers blood oranges. He prefers red oranges. Ga'chong hit. We are friends. Ga'chong hit. ¿Makaarabot kitá ha oras? Are we likely to arrive in time? Is it going to be on time? Saya tidak suka menggunakan Google-Terjemahan. I don't like to use Google Translator. I don’t like to use Google Translate. Ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk kami mendirikan tenda. This is a good place to pitch our tent. This is a great place for us to set up a tent. Daytoy ti anakko. This is my child. This is my son. Uha nodi! Enough already! Uha nodi! Adda gurigor ni Tom. Tom has a fever. Tom had a fever. Kita harus mencoba semua. We need to try everything. We have to try everything. Tom ada bairis sayor di dapur. Tom is in the kitchen, cutting up some vegetables. Tom has a bairis sayor in the kitchen. Kamu tidak bisa datang besok. You can't come tomorrow. You can't come tomorrow. Kao Amerikanu hao? Are you American? The U.S., huh? Adda tallo nga eroplanomi. We had three airplanes. We have three planes. Adda a mismo ni Tom iti likudak. Tom is right behind me. Tom was right behind me. Terorista kadi dagidiay a tattao? Are those people terrorists? Are those people terrorists? Aku bukan pelajar. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Kedalaman kolam tersebut tiga meter. The pond is 3 meters deep. The pool is three meters deep. Basâ pa ang habol. The blanket is still wet. The cloth is still dry. E bitasáng púnta karéng lugál a antí kaníta i Tom. Tom never goes to places like that. I'm going to have to take a look at Tom's old adage. Aku hampir saja tenggelam. I came near to being drowned. I almost drowned. Amu minog ih. That was not necessary. You're going to lose. Oi Tom, korikot ko' tinu? Are you coming, Tom? Hey, Tom, are you ready? May ada damu nga posible na eksplinasyon. There are many possible explanations. There are many possible explanations. Aino tuhun di. Nobody's there. It's anon in there. Aku tidak sedang membuang-buang waktu. I'm not messing around. I'm not wasting time. Kamu harus mengikuti petunjuk gurumu. You should follow your teacher's advice. You have to follow your teacher's instructions. Dhèwèké ora duwé kulawarga. He doesn't have a family. He didn't have a family. Panasnya. It's hot. It's hot. Sepatah kata sudah cukup bagi orang bijak. A word is enough to a wise man. A word is enough for a wise man. Rupa-rupanya dia ada hati dengan perempuan itu. He turned out to be in love with her. He seems to have a heart with that woman. Proybahi ta la. ¿Lábot nira kun áno iton matabo? Wa pulós kun magpinanhunahuna hiton hin dúro. Let's just try it. Who cares what happens afterward? There's no sense thinking too much about that. Let's face it, let's face it, let's see what happens, or what happens to it. Mari kita makan di gerai di seberang jalan sana. Let's eat at that food stall across the road. Let's eat at the stall across the street there. Karuyag ko updan kamó. I want to join you. I want to be with you. Dal-on ko unya tong akong iro aron imong makita. - Naboang ka? Ayaw paghalahala og dala og hayop dinhi! I'll bring my dog here so you can see it. Are you crazy? Don't you dare bring animals in here! I'll take my dog with me so you can see it. Estoryahi kami hit' im' anák. Tell us about your childhood. Let's talk about getting hit. Boleh awak jelaskan apa yang awak mahu sebenarnya? Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you really want? Apa yang orang tersebut katakan? What is the man saying? What did that guy say? Ini kali pertama saya makan masakan Jepun. It's my first time eating a Japanese dish. This is my first time eating Japanese food. Ayat toniinibo nopo nga ayat do togingo kozo. The simplest sentences are the most elegant ones. It's a ton of love that's a ton of love. Totopot nopo ti nga manganu do nunu gunoon montok doid tutok ku. Iti no sabap di minsingiho zou do boos-boos sompogunan pogulu do kapatazan. I have actually decided to start putting my brain to some use. I'm going to start to learn as much foreign languages as possible before I die. So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something — not just the air. Naay nitubag. Somebody answered. There was an answer. Amu iton an amun ginpili. That's the choice we made. It's your choice. Byása kang Apón? Do you speak Japanese? Bye bye, bye bye? Adakah ada taman yang cantik di Jepun? Are there any beautiful parks in Japan? Is there a beautiful garden in Japan? Aku krungu ceritané kowé karo Tom. I heard about you and Tom. I've heard of you and Tom. Nunu komoyon ayat ti? What does this sentence mean? What is love? Miniduo isido do kiik. She divided the cake between the two. There are a couple of minions. Saya memperhatikan bahwa seekor binatang kecil sedang melihat ke arah kita. I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us. I noticed that a small animal was looking at us. Padasentayo a balbaliwan ti sistema. Let's try to change the system. Let's try to change the system. Agtudtudo isu a naisardeng ti ay-ayam. It was raining and the game was called off. It was raining, so the game was stopped. Asinoka koma a mangibaga kaniak no ania ti masapulko? Who are you to tell me what I need? Who would you tell me what I need? Buku ini diperuntukkan bagi siswa yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Jepang. This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese. This book is reserved for students whose mother tongue is not Japanese. Igkokonsiderar namon ini. We will consider this. We will consider this. Awakdhéwé ora bisa mbédakaké dhèké karo adhiné. We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister. He couldn't distinguish himself from his brother. Terima kasih untuk ini. Thanks for this. Thanks for this. Aku pikir aku akan pergi tidur. I think I'm gonna go to sleep. I thought I'd go to sleep. Au ko tunguban di Tom miagal diri kangku daa. I bet Tom never kissed you like that. I'm going to go to my mom's house by myself. Dia benar-benar seorang yang baik. She's such a sweetheart. He's really a good man. Aku akan menghancurkannya. I'll destroy it. I'll destroy it. Diri ka lurong. You're not crazy. You're not stupid. Umbalai bogia Tom! Bring it on, Tom. It's all about Tom Boogie! Sursuruen ti tumulong iti sabali. Learn to help others. Learn to help others. Tom melihat mereka. Tom saw them. Tom saw them. Kokito ko' do nunu? Can you see anything? What's the deal with Nuno? Aku sudah pensiun. I've already retired. I'm retired. Masapul a maanup ken makemmeg dagiti terorista tapno maisaklangda iti hustisia. The terrorists must be hunted down and brought to justice. Terrorists must be hunted down and arrested to be brought to justice. Kasano a makatulongkami? How do we help? How can we help? Indi, di tambok si Laurie. No, Laurie isn't fat. Indi, Laurie isn't fat. Dia akan kembali tidak lama lagi. She will come back before long. He'll be back soon. ¿Natuod ka gud hit' nga butáng? Do you really believe in that stuff? Do you really want to hit the ground? Kami melihat monyet di kebun binatang. We saw the monkey at the zoo. We saw monkeys in the zoo. Iisai mimang dioho kapatai? Who would want them dead? Do you think you're a godfather? Ukinnanan! Nalipatak ti password-ko! Damn it! I forgot my password! I forgot my password! Cetha dhèwèké isa basa Inggris. Of course she can speak English. He certainly speaks English. Saya lebih suka teh daripada kopi. I prefer tea over coffee. I like tea more than coffee. Beritahu aku kalau ada yang bisa kubantu. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Nahinumdom akó han gab-i nga nakilala ni Tom hi Mary. I remember the night Tom met Mary. I remember the night I met Mary. Diri maaram lumangoy hi Tom. Tom didn't know how to swim. Tom doesn't know how to swim. Osonong-sonong tomod lo. That's very, very good. You've got a lot of fun. Kay ano lapis it imo iginsusurat? Why are you writing with a pencil? Why do you want to write a pencil? Hesus hesus hesus! Holy heavens! Jesus is Jesus Christ! Koilo ko' nangku songkuro sinodu ralan mantad hiti'd sitisin gisom hilo'd bandar? Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall? How do you know if you're going to go to the city to get the city's name? Tom harus membaca petunjuk di pintu tiga kali untuk mengerti isi petunjuk itu. Tom had to read the sign on the door three times before he understood it. Tom had to read the instructions at the door three times to understand the contents of the instructions. Muntá ka king balé mi? Would you come our house? Are you going to the King's Palace? Ot kakálkalán me ing busún nang Maria? Why are you checking Mary's mailbox? Are you going to take me to the beach with Mary? Tolong betulkan itu. Please fix that. Please fix that. Nasken nga agan-annadtayo. We have to be careful. We need to be careful. Tom mengisyaratkan Mary untuk mengikutinya. Tom motioned for Mary to follow him. Tom hints at Mary to follow him. Adda asomi. We have a dog. We have a dog. Diri gud iton makuri buhaton sugad hiton imo kasiring. It's really not as hard to do as you think it is. It's never that hard to do as you say. Yang harus kau lakukan adalah mengatakan yang sebenarnya. All you have to do is to tell the truth. All you have to do is tell the truth. Ginsidngan ni Tom hi Mary nga kinahanglan niya umuli hin aga. Tom told Mary he had to go home early. Tom tells Mary that she needs to go home in the morning. Tom meminta Mary untuk tidak pergi. Tom begged Mary not to leave. Tom asks Mary not to leave. Ot kakálkalán me ing busún nang Bayang? Why are you checking Mary's mailbox? Are you going to put me in a bubble bath? Ini adalah kamera terbaik di toko tersebut. This is the best camera in the store. This is the best camera in the store. Modagan nang tawhana. That particular person will run. a man to run. Dili siya kinahanglang moadto sa tunghaan. He doesn't have to go to school. He doesn't have to go to school. Pila? How many? How many? Tubaga si Tom. Answer Tom. Answer to Tom. Ania ti immayam ditoy? What brought you here? What did you get here for? Ukoy anay kita madalí la. Let's take a short pause. Let's get down to slowing down. Nalipatak ti password-ko! I forgot my password! I forgot my password! Importante nga nakakaintinde ka hiton sitwasyon. It's essential that you understand the situation. It's important to understand that situation. Bangin karuyagon mo magpa-alayon kan Tom. You might want to ask Tom to help you. You might want to get to know Tom. Posurato maya do pinsil. Please write with a pencil. Posurato maya do pinsil. Au koiho zi Tom do izou nopo nga tanakvagu i Mary. Tom doesn't know I'm Mary's boyfriend. I'm going to have to tell you that Mary was a virgin. Mary sangat suka susu. Mary likes milk very much. Mary loves milk. Tidak masalah. It's no problem. It doesn't matter. Saya akan makan epal itu. I'll eat the apple. I'll eat that apple. Au zito apatut monongkiboos. You and I shouldn't be talking. It's called monogamy. Tiada sesiapa yang boleh menunggang belakangmu selagi kau tidak membongkok. As long as you don’t bend over, no one can ever get on your back. No one can ride behind you as long as you don't bend. Semua ini sangat menganggu. This is all very disturbing. It's all very disturbing. Duduklah. Take a seat. Sit down. Amo ini an pool diin hi Tom nagmaaram paglangoy. This is the pool where Tom learned to swim. This is the pool where Tom learns to swim. Aku sudah berpikir kalau kau gila. I already think you're crazy. I've been thinking that you're crazy. Okon ko boros ka di Tom dot au yau ondos nopo manu dahai maan dilo? Did Tom say he didn't think we needed to do that? And as for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour? Waray pa magbinuwa ha ak hi Tom. It never occurred to me that Tom might not be telling the truth. Tom didn't laugh at me. Nunu nopo kaakan toi ko koposion do poingiyon nu nga pilion nu sondiri. What you eat, or what kind of life you live, are decided by you alone. I'm sure you'll be able to choose the right one for your choice. Aku tidak akan pernah mau melakukannya. There's no way I'm going to do that. I'll never do it. Kami memiliki beberapa berita yang menyemangatkan. We have some encouraging news. We have some encouraging news. Kaakan iti? Is this edible? What's with it? Wala siya may mahimo kundi maghipos. He can't do anything but keep silent. He had nothing to do but lay down. Alaid nodi au oku minangakan do nunu miampai do rinapa mastad. It's been a while since I've eaten anything with mustard. I've been trying to figure out what to do, but I'm not going to do anything about it. Máyap a ábak! Good morning! I've got a baby! Aja ngélingaké aku! Don't remind me! Don't you remember me! Tulo nga misyonaryo an pinamatay ngan pinangaun han mga kanibal. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. Pasidungog! Congratulations! Honor! Kaulah satu-satunya. You are the only one. You're the only one. Lihat! Look! Look! Inikkannakami ti mannursuromi iti adu nga aramiden iti pagtaengan. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. Our teacher gave us a lot to do at home. Keretanya baru saja berangkat. The train has just left. The train just left. Mugad zosido miampai do tasu dau. She went out with her dog. I'd like to see Zosido do tasu dau. Dírì man akó maaram hit' ákòn buháton, gintawagan ko hiyá. Not knowing what to do, I called her. When I heard the name, I thought I'd call him. Au. No. Au. Aku harus pergi ke kamar kecil. I have to go to the men's room. I have to go to the restroom. Ayna! No, not that one! Ayna! Aku tahu ini tidak semudah kelihatannya. I know it's not as easy as it looks. I know this isn't as easy as it looks. Koreksi ejaan saya bila itu salah. Correct my spelling if it's wrong. Correct my spelling when it's wrong. Dazanak zisido no. He is just a kid. Dazanak zisido no. Maukah kamu berdansa denganku? Why don't you come dancing with me? Will you dance with me? Kenapa kau berhenti? Why did you stop? Why did you stop? Kota itu adalah salah satu kota paling berpolusi di dunia. It's one of the most polluted cities in the world. It is one of the most polluted cities in the world. Jangan meremehkanku. Don't make little of me. Don't underestimate me. Pot fabot! Please! Pot fabot! Nahandai zou di unduk zou. I slipped as I went down. It's located in Kahpe Zou. Osianan ilo tungau. Poor cat. I'm an orphan. Immayak, nakitak, pinarmekko. I came, I saw, I conquered. I came, I saw, I conquered. Saya ingin beli baju untuk adik saya. I want to buy a shirt for my brother. I want to buy clothes for my sister. Stasiunnya terletak 100 meter dari sini. The station is 100 meters away. The station is located 100 meters from here. Nagubot ang mga tawo dihang gibalita to. The crowd went wild when the news was announced. People were shocked when he heard the news. Mari kita naik kereta Intercity-Express. Let's take the Intercity-Express. Let's take the Intercity-Express train. Awan ti datdatlag a bala. There's no magic bullet. No magical bullets. Kay-ano ka pumalit hin sugad kamahal nga diksyunaryo? Why did you buy such an expensive dictionary? Why do you want to buy such a high-quality product? Setahu saya, dia seorang yang baik. As far as I know, he's a good person. As far as I know, he's a good guy. May-ada niya gutíay ngan lidong nga butáng ha iya kamot. She had a little round object in her hand. He had a small, hollow hole in his hand. Aku isa akèh basa Afrika. I can speak many African languages. I speak a lot of African languages. Kenapa dia tidak datang? Why didn't she come? Why didn't he come? Dia baru saja pergi. He left just now. He just left. Hinonggo ko dii? Where are you? What's my take on it? Mág-exercise ku úling bísa kung manátíling masánting katáwan. I exercise because I want to stay healthy. I'm going to try to get a little more practice if I'm going to make a little more sense of it. Panúpáya yukú. Excuse me. Pan<0xC3><0xBA>p<0xC3><0xA1>ya yuk<0xC3><0xBA>. Apa? What? What? Iti no pokionuan nu tam siongoi toi ko mangandad. It's your decision whether you go or stay. When I'm ready to eat, I'm going to eat. Stephen Hawking lahir tepat 300 tahun setelah kematian Galileo. Stephen Hawking was born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo. Stephen Hawking was born 300 years after Galileo's death. Diri hiya natalipas hiton balaud. He's not breaking the law. He didn't break the law. Dia terlihat lelah malam ini. He seems tired tonight. He looks tired tonight. Adda kadi ideam no ania daytoy? Do you have any idea what this is? Do you have any idea what this is? Semalam saya berada di rumah. I was at home yesterday. Yesterday I was at home. Nadiri ak pagsul-ot hin pants han bata pa ako. When I was young I wouldn't wear pants. I didn't wear pants when I was a kid. Onuo' gia dogo' ino taansip do kain. Please give me the clothes pegs. “And even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Terima kasih, kamu luar biasa! Thanks, you're fantastic! Thank you, you're amazing! Nanhámis akó katapos han karisyohan. I cleaned up after the party. A3 after the match. Saya akan cuba cari mereka. I will try to find them. I'll try to find them. Lami ang gilutong sud-an ni Nanay The viand prepared by Nanay is delicious. My mother's cooking is delicious. Apa kalian punya bir ringan? Do you have a light beer? Do you guys have a light beer? E miyá buríng makó. We don't want her to leave. I'm going to burn my ass. Hiti i Tom tamangon doho. Tom is here to protect me. Tom nodded at me. Izosido no songuhun do kikoula-ulahon dot ahaab. She has a very open personality. Izosido no sunggu me kikouloh dohaab Bísa kang inumán? Would you like something to drink? What's your drink? Botol ini memuat satu liter. This bottle holds one liter. This bottle contains one liter. Meja itu terlihat kecil di ruangan ini. The desk seems small in this room. The table looks small in this room. Saya belajar bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jepang. I study English and Japanese. I learned English and Japanese. Énáku masyádung buríng Tom. Tom doesn't like me very much. I'm a fan of Tom Brown. Nikmati pekerjaanmu! Enjoy your work! Enjoy your work! Tidak terima kasih, saya hanya melihat-lihat saja. I'm just looking, thank you. No thanks, I'm just looking around. Kinosusuon ku id kosodop. Yesterday was my birthday. I have a cosy ID. Burí ku tambíng kang magúmpisá. I want you to get started right away. I'm going to kill you to kill me. Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan paruh-waktu. I'm looking for a part-time job. I'm looking for a part-time job. Kuwi apik tenan. It was really nice. That's very good. Tipakadto hiya ha ospital. She's going to the hospital. He's going to the hospital. Nonggo oku mongihum lo hodi? Where can I find it? What do you think of Hodgkin'? Pen ada. There is a pen. Pen is there. Ga'chong-hu hao. You're my friend. Ga'chong-hu hao. Saya lebih suka anggur putih daripada anggur merah. I like white wine better than red wine. I prefer white wine to red wine. May ikasugyot ka bang nindot nga kan-anan? Can you recommend a good restaurant? Do you have any suggestions for a good meal? Elok bahasa, kan bakal hidup, elok budi, kan bakal mati. Manners maketh man. It's a good language, it will live, it's good, it'll die. Mungkin saya gemuk, tapi saya semangat. I may be plump, but I'm vigorous. Maybe I'm fat, but I'm spirited. Mari kita melakukannya untuk Tom. Let's do it for Tom. Let's do it for Tom. Iton kasál magpapadayon bisan áno pa iton panahón. The wedding ceremony will be held regardless of the weather. This trend continues despite the fact that it will continue. Éra áintindyán. They don't understand. <0xC3><0x89>ra <0xC3><0xA1>intindy<0xC3><0xA1>n. Kau harus pergi tidur sekarang. You must go to bed now. You have to go to bed now. Anda seperti kenalan saya. Apakah saya mengenal anda? You look familiar. Do I know you? You're like my acquaintance. Do I know you? Kenapa kau membutuhkan ini? Why do you need this? Why do you need this? Dia adalah pria dengan kemauan yang kuat. He is a man of strong will. He was a man of strong will. Atín kung aísip a báyung ideyá. A new idea came to me. It's a good idea if you're looking for a good one. Osuusuvab ko muhi. You're back early. I've got my ooze. Kau pasti bercanda! You've got to be kidding! You gotta be kidding me! Anyáng labanán, antí ya mong tínuknáng ing panaún. During the battle, it was as if time had stopped. In any case, you're in the middle of a pandemic. Monipu isido do tiikoon dumadi do suduvon. He broke up the chair for firewood. I'm going to try to make a do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do Apakah ada sesuatu yang ingin kamu tanyakan padaku? Is there something you want to ask me? Is there anything you want to ask me? Dia kaya pengalaman. He was rich in experiences. He has rich experience. Milo' oku molos mantad dika? Can I borrow yours? Do you want me to take the plunge? Hirosi sedang memotong kayu menjadi papan-papan. Hiroshi is sawing the wood into boards. Hirosi was cutting wood into boards. Kakan-o ka urhi nga nag-byolin? When was the last time you played violin? When was the last time you were born? Dazanak ko iziau no. You're just a kid. I know I'm not. Nakalatlatakak. I'm very popular. I'm very popular. Kaykayatna ti agkalap. He loves fishing. He prefers fishing. Tak pikir ta, sing paling nggumunaké yaiku jebulé Tom kuwi bisa cecaturan mèh karo sapa waé. I think what impressed me most was the way Tom could talk to just about anyone. I think the most surprising thing is that Tom's face is that he can talk to almost anyone. Kita harus tetap di sini sampai Tom kembali. We have to stay here until Tom gets back. We have to stay here until Tom comes back. Aku punya teman orang Tiongkok dan ingin memintanya untuk memberiku pelajaran bahasa Mandarin. I have a Chinese friend and I would like to ask him to give me Chinese lessons. I have a Chinese friend and want to ask him to teach me Mandarin lessons. Kun ak' ha im', malakat ak'. If I were you, I'd go. If I go, I'll go." Ayeuna téh hujan. It is raining. It's raining now. May-ada duha nga misay ni Ken. Ken keeps two cats. Ken had two of them. Aku harus pergi ke kamar kecil. I've got to go to the men's room. I have to go to the restroom. Isuna ti barok. He's my son. He's my son. Saya Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Kao Amerikanu siha? Are they American? Are you an American? Nakapimpintaska. You are very beautiful. You're so beautiful. Namak akuk Jack. My name is Jack. My mother Jack. Dírì na nauul-ulan hi Tom. Tom is no longer in pain. It was raining Tom. Tidak ada alasan untuk takut. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to be afraid. Diri adto akon sayup. It wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Ada gula, ada semut. Sugar draws ants. There's sugar, there's ants. Damo an namatay ha aksidente han eroplano. Many people were killed in the plane accident. There were many fatalities in the plane crash. Kamu memberitahu Tom Mary melakukan ini? Did you tell Tom Mary did this? You told Tom Mary to do this? Pernyataan itu sekarang penuh dengan semanga/kekuatan. The statesman is now in full vigor. The statement is now full of power. Kereta saya tak cukup kuat. My car isn't powerful enough. My car wasn't strong enough. Arep tak éwangi, pa? Should I help you? Do you want me to help you, Dad? Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan paruh waktu. I'm looking for a part-time job. I'm looking for a part-time job. Aku ada di rumah besok. I'll be at home tomorrow. I'm home tomorrow. Kapal akan berlabuh di Cadiz. The ship will make a stop at Cadiz. The ship will dock at Cadiz. Tolong turunkan saya di stasiun. Please drop me off at the station. Please drop me off at the station. Lihatlah peta dunia. Have a look at the world map. Look at the map of the world. Saya ialah orang asing di sini. I am a foreigner here. I'm a stranger here. Ákakit me ing babáing makátikdó king gúlut nang Tom? I Mary itá. Can you see the woman standing behind Tom? That's Mary. Why do you think I'm in the middle of a rag doll? - I'm in the middle of the night. Sekarang, saya lapar. I'm very hungry now. Now, I'm hungry. Okodo tohi' di Tom. Tom has a small dick. Okodo tohi' in Tom. Áada hiyá hiton atubángan hiton purtahán. He is in front of the door. It's in the middle of that purgatory. Kita akan pulang kerumah besok. We'll return home tomorrow. We're going home tomorrow. Nung kosorou oku diri tootopot nga pinapadagang i Tom do korita dau kumaa di Mary do gatang 500 Dollar nopo. If I remember correctly, Tom sold his car to Mary for only 500 dollars. I'd like to know if I'd be able to sell my car to Mary for $500. Oomot nodii o paai diti. This paddy can be reaped already. Omot nodii or paai here. Mansasalita kay Ingles? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Ih toluo' nopo tunduundu' nga tomoimo miaga' do ontokon do gonit mantad do tavan. A heart attack often comes like lightning from a blue sky. In the same way, the rain comes down from the sky, and the winds blow against that house. Saya hendak makan pai epal. I want to eat apple pie. I want to eat apple pie. Anak itu seketika tertidur di ranjangnya. The child soon fell asleep in the bed. The boy instantly fell asleep in his bed. Mániwála ka karéng máglagé? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you want to go to the grocery store? Beberapa kali mesin penjual otomatis itu tidak memberikan kembalian. A number of times the vending machine didn't give any change. Several times the vending machine did not provide a change. Nung antí kaníta ing milyári, nánung gáwan mu? Should that happen, what will you do? When you're in the middle of a millisecond, what's your name? Saya tidak fikir bahawa Tom berasa malu. I don't think that Tom was embarrassed. I don't think Tom is embarrassed. Waray pa ako makahruk hin babaye. I have never kissed a girl before. I've never met a woman. Aiso isai nopo do nouva'on doid minomomihi disido sabaagi poniikoon. Nobody argued against choosing him as chairman. It's all about getting ready to go to the bathroom, and it's all in the bathroom. Pamisibis anay hiton mga bukad san-o ka manmahaw. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Let's take a look at the flowers when you're ready. Aiso hulu longon di Tom. Tom doesn't have hairy arms. I've got a long hair on Tom. Kayatmo kadi ti maipada iti kas ken ni Tom? Do you want to end up like Tom? Do you want to be like Tom? Anano imo gin himo yana nga adlaw? What did you do today? What are you doing today? Bukara ta na iton mga lasuna. Let's unearth the garlics. Let's get those screws on. Elok saya bermain Sudoku dan tidak mengganggu anda lagi. I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you. I'd better play Sudoku and not bother you anymore. Manao ahoana e! Good day! How to do it! Dimo liplipatan no asinoka. Don't forget who you are. Don't forget who you are. ¿Puydi ko abrehan iton bintana? Would you mind if I open the window? Can I open the window. Yau nopo nga tungau ku. That's my pussy. Nope, I'm going to take it. Aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang rencananya. I didn't know anything about his plan. I don't know anything about the plan. Maragúl a kamalián iní. This is a big mistake. It's a terrible mistake. Dia menginap di hotel beberapa hari. She stayed at the hotel for several days. He stayed at the hotel a few days. Jangan buat keributan di depan umum. Don't make a scene in public. Don't make a fuss in public. Cobalah berenang! Try and swim! Try swimming! Saya hidup di Azerbaijan. I live in Azerbaijan. I live in Azerbaijan. Buku-buku itu sudah sangat lama. Those books are really long. Those books have been around for a long time. Nakig-estorya na ako hiton nga estudyante. I already talked to this student. I was talking to that student. Mada zosido pohogoson disido mooi kotu do vusak. She doesn't want him to pick the flowers. Mada zosido pohogoson disido mooi kotu do vusak. Saya mau beli kamus murah. I want to buy a cheap dictionary. I want to buy a cheap dictionary. Milo' oku popoguli do barayan kumaa dika. I can pay you back. I hope to visit you soon. Then we can be together and talk. Zosido okon ko tondu di osuvazan kanu dii, nga ingkuo no tanak tondu di laja? You think she's not an ordinary girl, but some princess? Is there a way to get rid of your wife's daughter, or is there a way to get her pregnant? Perempuan itu telah membantah rancangan kami. The girls objected to our plan. The woman objected to our plan. Pergi! Go! Go! Ana pirang apel sing bok duwé? How many apples do you have? How many apples do you have? Tiriza adalah nama dari portugal Tiriza is a portuguese name. Tiriza is the name of Portugal. Matíbe ya pundasyún ing baléng iní. This house has a solid foundation. Mat<0xC3><0xAD>be is located in the village of In<0xC3><0xAD>n. Kowe arep lunga kapan? When do you want to go? When are you going to go? Wis setaun kapungkur kawit dhèwèké teka mréné. A year has passed since she came here. It's been a year since he came here. Disebut apa ini? What's this called? What's this called? Diri mo na ako mapapa-ul-ulan. You can't hurt me anymore. You can't make me rain any more. Karena sakit punggungku kambuh, aku tidak bisa menghadiri pestanya Koizumi. Due to my lumbago, I won't be able to attend Koizumi's party. Since my back pain recurs, I can't attend Koizumi's party. Hingalimtanon ako hiton ngaran pero diri hiton nawong hit usa nga tawo. I'm really bad with names, but I never forget a face. I forgot the name, but not the name. Kinahanglan aydon ini nga lingkúran. This stool needs to be repaired. This area needs to be repaired. Kamu belum siap. You're not ready yet. You're not ready. Daong-daong turung palang-palang. The leaves are falling slowly. The shards help to heal the broken bones. Taga iner ka? Where are you from? You're from where you're from? Mogontohu o golupo tohombon tontohu do tokuukudi. Fat hens lay few eggs. Mogontohu o golupo tohombon tontohu do tokuukudi. Aku dhèwèkan nèng kéné. I'm alone here. I'm alone here. Pilay igsuon mong babaye? Pilay igsuong lalaki? How many sisters do you have? How many brothers? How many sisters do you have, and how many brothers do you have? Au kou mangandad no sominggu? Couldn't you have just waited a week? Are you going to eat on a Sunday? Ada masalah apa? What is the problem? What's wrong? E malyáring tutú itá It cannot be true. E maly<0xC3><0xA1>ring tut<0xC3><0xBA> it<0xC3><0xA1> Susuglúng neng Tom ing kayáng teléponú king Aptás. Tom is connecting his phone to the Internet. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the phone with King Aetna. Tepat seperti apa yang Anda katakan. It's exactly as you say it is. Exactly like what you said. Karati yau boros Poransis. He understands French. Karati Yau wastes Poransis. Mereka mengayuh mundur sepedanya dengan panik. They are frantically backpedaling. They pedaled their bikes back in panic. Ann nduwé kanca akèh. Ann has lots of friends. Ann has a lot of friends. Dia berharap dia memiliki lebih banyak waktu. He wished he had more time. He wished he had more time. Senang bertemu denganmu. I'm glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Minoboli i Mary do pipiro rasuk. Mary bought several dresses. Minoboli mary do pipiro rasuk. Di Amerika Utara, usaha umumnya berpegang pada prinsip "pelanggan selalu benar". In North America, business operates on "the customer is always right" principle. In North America, efforts generally adhere to the principle of "customers are always right". Poginum no. Drink something. Poginum no. Tåta-hu hao. You are my father. T<0xC3><0xA5>ta-hu hao. Nokokito do Tom kangku daa. I bet it was Tom. Nookito to Tom Kangku bye. Wala maminaw kon dili mosunod. To hear is to obey. He didn't listen but he didn't listen. Pakákalále lang línub. They entered cautiously. It's just a lynch. Nagnagna ni Tom. Tom walked. Tom was walking. Ibagbagak ti pudno. I'm telling the truth. I'm telling the truth. ¿Maaram ka kun háin hiyá? Do you know where she is? Do you know where he is? Responsibilidad mo iton himuon. Doing that is your responsibility. It's your responsibility to do so. Aku tidak terlalu tertarik dengan hal itu. I'm not too keen on it. I'm not very interested in that. Kabáyu ya iní. This is a horse. I mean, it's a cow. Saya tidak mahu main dengan awak lagi. I don't want to play with you anymore. I don't want to play with you anymore. Ihum-ihumon ku dika. I have been looking for you. I'm going to snuggle you. Tom adalah bos dari Mary. Tom is Mary's boss. Tom is the boss of Mary. Mokiambalut oku. I want a friend. Mokiambalut is ok. Berikan aku sesuatu untuk dimakan. Give me something to eat. Give me something to eat. Angka tujuh terkadang dianggap sebagai angka keberuntungan. Seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. The number seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. Au iyau momboros. He does not say. My mother's arse. Untá nakagkitá ak anay han pelikula nga "Casablanca" han gin-eristoryahan ini. I would have liked to have seen 'Casablanca' when the movie was discussed. I first saw the movie "Casablanca" when I was talking about it. Bila rumahku besar/luas, aku ingin mengundang ke pesta ulang tahunku semua orang yang aku kenal. If my house were a mansion, I would invite everyone I know to my birthday party. When my house is big, I want to invite everyone I know to my birthday party. Mechikung! Goodbye! Mechikung! Apakah Anda ada waktu luang di hari Selasa? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have free time on Tuesday? Bisakah diperbaiki? Can it be repaired? Can it be fixed? Aku kudu tangi mruput. I have to get up early. I need to wake up. Ayawg kaguol. Don't worry. Don't be sad. Gagangay ti penomenon iti moderno a panawentayo. The phenomenon is typical of our modern era. Penomenon is common in our modern times. Awakmu kok ora nggugu pituturé, ta? Why don't you listen to his advice? Why don't you listen to your body? Saya akan menurunkanmu di stasiun. I'll drop you off at the station. I'll drop you off at the station. Aku tidak yakin apa lagi yang harus aku lakukan. I'm not sure what else I should do. I'm not sure what else I should do. I na'ån hu si Yamada. My name is Yamada. My name is Yamada. Kami memanggil anjing kami Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. Kinsa nang Tom? Who is Tom? "Who is Tom? Naples adalah kota yang indah. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a beautiful city. Karuyag mo magbyahe nga ikaw la? Do you like to travel by yourself? Do you want to travel by yourself? Mangaun anay kita,.tapos kaná na. First we'll eat, and then we'll go. Let's eat, and then we'll eat. Sána taglús-taglús nang mawalá ing pámagáral! I wish school would disappear forever! There's a lot of squeamishness in the p<0xC3><0xA1>mag<0xC3><0xA1>ral! Grup itu sedang sangat aktif saat ini. That group is presently very active. The group is very active at the moment. Au oku kotumbaya dot nointutunan dahai. I don't believe we've been introduced. And I hope that you will recognize that we are not unqualified! Kowé ora pingin lunga, pa? Don't you want to go? Don't you want to go, Dad? ¿Mayda ba dinhi nga naka-Iningles? Is there anyone here who can speak English? Is there anyone here who speaks English. Setetes demi setetes, airnya dapat berkumpul hingga membentuk sebuah danau. Drop by drop, the water can conglomerate into a lake. A drop after a drop, the water can gather until it forms a lake. Kasano kauneg? How deep? How deep? Unsaon? How? How? ¿Ándam ka bà? Are you ready? Do you want to go to BBA? Aku cuma main-main denganmu. I'm just messing with you. I'm just messing with you. Saan a makumikom ni Tom ita. Tom isn't busy now. Tom isn't busy right now. Magmamaáram ka agi hit akun abogado. You'll be hearing from my lawyer. You're going to get a lawyer's account. Kita semua tahu kalau kau tidak mengonsumsi daging. We all know you don't eat meat. We all know that you don't eat meat. Apakah aku terlihat seperti seorang idiot? Do I look like an idiot? Do I look like an idiot? Nancy terlihat seperti adikku. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Kakan-o ka urhi nga nagpa-party? When was the last time you threw a party? When was the last time you had a party? Ékuná agyúng gáwan iní. I can't do this anymore. It's not like I'm going to get in there. Apa makanan musim dingin favoritmu? What's your favorite winter food? What's your favorite winter food? Abrehi iton imo libro ha pahina dyes. Open your book to page ten. Open your book on page ten. Kucing bisa melihat dalam kegelapan. Cats can see in the dark. Cats can see in the dark. Kalau dia tidak keberatan, saya bisa menjemput putrinya dari sekolah hari ini. If she doesn't mind, I can pick up her daughter from school today. If he doesn't mind, I can pick up his daughter from school today. Koilo' oku nunu nasalaan dii. I bet I know what's wrong. I'm going to try to get my hair done. Adda kuartam? Do you have money? You got any money? Musim semi sudah tiba. Setiap hari semakin panas. Spring has already arrived. Each day is hotter than the last. Spring is coming, every day it's getting hot. Aku biasanya makan di luar. I usually eat outside. I usually eat out. Perekam pita kasetku perlu diperbaiki. My cassette tape recorder needs fixing. My tape recorder needs to be repaired. Alayon atras daw. Please move back. Please take off. Au zou kalati diti ayat. I don't understand this sentence. Zulu is in love. Aku bahkan tidak punya pacar. I don't even have a boyfriend. I don't even have a girlfriend. Dia bilang kata dia miskin skali pas dia masi kacil. He said that he was very poor when he was young. He said he was poor when he was in a bad mood. Stroberi sekarang ini sedang musim. Strawberries are in season now. Strawberries are in season. Milibotlibot ang kweti sa bulan. The rocket is in orbit around the moon. Kweti circled around the moon. Mininsingilo oku do lobi po mantad ko duo jaam. Kalapas dilo, minoi oku odop. I studied for more than two hours, and afterward I went to bed. I have chosen him with great rage. I have put him to shame. Hombo tadon i Arnold Schwarzenegger? Where did Arnold Schwarzenegger come from? What do you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger? Aku baru saja selesai makan. I've just finished eating. I just finished eating. Ginlasurbo ngan nakahatag hin dako nga distruso an bagyo ha syudad. The typhoon struck the city, causing great damage. The storm caused a severe storm in the city. Waray ak sarabotan. I don't know. I was unconscious. Dungan ta og uli! Let's go home together! Let's get together again! Suaranya yang nyaring menarik perhatianku. His loud voice drew my attention. His loud voice caught my attention. Igin-kasal kami ni Tom. Tom and I are married to each other. Tom and I were married. Yoku! Me! Yoku! Kakap'tan nam' inin. We'll handle this. That's the nam. Ini ialah fesyen terkini. This is the latest fashion. This is the latest fashion. Penjenayah itu rasa tegang The criminal is nervous. Criminals are tense. Dhèwèké ora bisa nembang. He can't sing. He couldn't swim. Siapa yang mengundang kalian? Who invited you guys? Who invited you? Orang asing menepuk pundakku dari belakang. Saya yakin dia mengira saya kenalannya. A stranger tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He took me for some other person, I'm sure. A stranger patted me on the back, I'm sure he thought I was his acquaintance. Karag-oras la iton pag-inayad hiton. Trying to fix this is a waste of time. It was only a matter of time. Diri ni Tom akus pagbakasyon yana. Tom can't afford to take a vacation now. Tom akus is not on vacation today. Saya ingin berbicara dengan Tom. I'd like to speak with Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Terima kasih telah bertanya, keluargaku sedang dalam keadaan yang sangat baik. Thanks for asking, my family's doing very well. Thank you for asking, my family is in very good condition. Tom melanggar hukum. Tom broke the law. Tom broke the law. Kehidupan seorang bankir itu sulit. A banker's life is difficult. The life of a banker is hard. Minum air. Drink water. Drink water. Aku sudah tak mampu menahannya lagi. I can't take it any more. I can't stand it anymore. Maan ku ndo nunu komilaan ku. I'll do everything I can. I'm going to make my own snot. Atín nakáng ikít métung man karéne? Have you ever seen one of these before? Do you want to know how to count on Karen? Saanak a doktor. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Naimbag a bigat! Good morning! Good morning! Nami abdi Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Aku belum pernah ke New York, dan kakakku juga belum. I've never been to New York, and my sister hasn't, either. I've never been to New York, and my brother hasn't. Unsa na man? How are you? What's up? Diay daga ket nalamiis. The ground was cold. The ground was cold. Makita nako ang tore gikan sa balay. I see the tower from my house. I could see the tower from the house. Lahan diti nopo nga vazaan montok diozu doid tompok do kulam Biwa. This road will take you down to the edge of Lake Biwa. It's a place where you'll find noone who's got a douche bag. Nahadlok hi Tom hiton iya kalugaringon lambong. Tom is afraid of his own shadow. Tom was afraid of his own shadow. Tom adalah seorang politikus. Tom is a politician. Tom is a politician. Napanak idiay zoo idi kalman. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. Taganáng maténákan ya i Tom. Tom certainly is knowledgeable. I'm going to kill Tom. Dia bermain golf tiap akhir pekan. She plays golf every weekend. He plays golf every weekend. ¿Malipáyon ka ha imo kalugaríngon panimalay? Are you happy at your own home? Are you happy with your home? Apa kamu sudah memikirkannya dengan baik? Have you thought this through? Have you thought about it well? Kowé jajal sopan sithik. You should try to be more polite. You're a little polite. Aku bisa gila kalau begini terus. I'll go crazy if this keeps up. I'd go crazy if I kept this up. Ujian akan mulai minggu depan. Tests start next week. The exam will start next week. Tom ada di rumah. Tom is at home. Tom's at home. Otuo i Tom mantad ko tokito dau. Tom is way older than he looks. I'm sure you're right about that. Keng makadwá támu makó. We're leaving the day after tomorrow. You're going to get your cock. Ia pergi ke sebuah sekolah asrama di New England. She went to a boarding school in New England. He went to a boarding school in New England. Iwaké dhongé aja diguwak, isa dienggo pakan kucing. The fish isn't supposed to be thrown away. It can be used to feed cats. Don't feed the cat, use the cat food. Mémútut yang dútung. She cut down a tree. M<0xC3><0xA9>m<0xC3><0xBA>tut the d<0xC3><0xBA>tung. Masayá ya king pánga-Húdyu na. He was happy being a Jew. King P<0xC3><0xBA>nga-H<0xC3><0xBA>dyu was born. Nasaysayaat no saanka a mapan. You'd better not go. You better not go. Magmamaul-ul iton hin duro? Will it hurt a lot? It's going to be very painful? Asang salidahay imong gitan-aw? Which film did you see? What kind of movie are you looking at? Kutáng ku kang Tom. I'll go and ask Tom. I'm with Tom. Siapa punya gitar ini? Whose guitar is this? Who owns this guitar? Ak chad er a Merikel. I'm from America. I'm a mermaid. Tony berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sebaik dirimu. Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony speaks English as well as you do. Burí rang ábálû nung nánung malilyári. They want to know what's happening. It's just a matter of getting rid of the malayalam. Amerikanu yu'. I am American. Americanu yu'. Duha kabata it ada igbaw han alasid. Two children are sitting on top of the fence. Two of them are on top of the Alps. Saya tidak tahu pasti kapan dia akan kembali. I don't know for certain when he'll come back. I don't know when he'll be back. Kotigog i ginavo di Tom songira mokinongou boos kadi Mary. Tom was a little surprised that Mary said that. I'm listening to a song about Mary's death. Minuat zikoi do esei dagai di koniab. Yesterday we wrote our essays. Minut zikoi do essay dagai in koniab. Inarangdakami. We've been ambushed. They attacked us. Nosoou zou nopo ziozu nga minugad nodi. I thought you guys had already left. Nosoou zou nobo ziozu minugad nodi. Tanak no ii tama' do tuhun. Child is father of the man. I'm sure you're right. Waray hi akó uding. I don't have a cat. Akufo-Addo did not have any. Tara bikiapa-bikiapa. Nothing happened. Tara is a bitch. Nalpasen a naimolde ti sukog. The die has been cast. The shape is finished molded. Bisakah saya meminta Anda untuk menunggu hingga besok pagi? Could I ask you to wait until tomorrow morning? Can I ask you to wait until tomorrow morning? Gosa i ha'åni-miyu. Enjoy your day. Do not forget to wash your hands in the same way. King pangkábilúgan lúpa yang masantíng ing plánu. As a whole, the plan seems to be good. The King of Kings is in a state of stagnation. Kapal itu mengibarkan bendera Amerika. The ship was flying the American flag. The ship flew the American flag. Wala na ko masayod unsa pay buhaton. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Huyo pagreniklamo ngan buháta an siríng ha im'. Stop complaining and do as you're told. Take a deep breath and let the light shine on your face. Aku bisa menyentuh langit denganmu. I can touch the sky with you. I can touch the sky with you. Koreksi kesalahannya dan kembalikan berkas itu ke Tn. Luxemburg. Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg. Correct the error and return the file to Mr. Luxemburg. Nung makanánú ya ing táta, makanyán yā namán ing anák. Like father, like son. When it comes to food, I'll eat it in the oven. Yoko berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris, kan? Yoko speaks English, doesn't she? Yoko speaks English, right? Waray manla hiton. That doesn't matter. There's no such thing. Kereta Tom mudah dikenali memandangkan ada kemik yang besar pada bampar hadapan. Tom's car is easily recognizable since there is a big dent in the front bumper. Tom's car is easy to recognize as there is a large chemic on the front bumper. Pépayáus daká kang Tom. I asked Tom to call you. I'm with Tom. Bagá karokanina pa bakante an kwárto. The room was empty for quite a while. The car wash is still open. Simpan salinan dari dokumen itu. Keep a copy of that document. Save a copy of the document. Kita tatawa. I laughed. We are laughing. ¿Karuyag mo hin kape? Do you want a spot of coffee? Do you want a coffee? Ini nga lugar iba. This place is different. This place is different. Kada pangakan kinotuan mata. Don't eat raw vegetables. It's not eye-catching. Siapa nama Anda? What is your name? What's your name? Itu cukup. That should suffice. That's enough. Iginpakilala niya ako ha iya bugto nga babaye. She introduced me to her sister. He introduced me to his sister. Koilo' yau mimboros Poransis. She can speak French. Koilo' yau liturgy Poransis. Hi Tom usa la nga ordinaryo nga lalake. Tom is just a regular guy. Tom was just an ordinary guy. Dan meletakkan tubuh itu di bagian belakang truk pengangkutnya. Dan put the body in the back of his pick-up truck. And put that body in the back of his truck. Dia tidak bisa berhenti tertawa. He couldn't stop laughing. He couldn't stop laughing. Osuusuvab kozo ko mikot. You arrived too early. I'm going to snuggle. Kao guaha lepblon-mu? Do you have a book? Where's your leash? Siam ti biag ti pusa. Cats have nine lives. The cat has nine lives. Agtrabahokayo latta kabayatan nga awanak. Keep on working while I'm away. You still work while I'm away. Nagkitaay kami sa simbahan. We met at the church. We met at the church. Gimmatang ni nanangko iti dua a botelia a tubbog ti kahel. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Apa yang membuatmu begitu sedih? What makes you so sad? What makes you so sad? Kami memilih John sebagai kapten. We chose John as captain. We chose John as captain. Siongoi oku patai maya di Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Siongoi oku patai maya in Getter Jaani. Dia masih muda. He is still young. He's young. Siapa yang tega melakukan perbuatan keji seperti itu? Who would do such a terrible thing? Who would do such a horrible thing? Aku lebih suka anggur putih daripada merah. I like white wine better than red. I prefer white wine to red. Hopod om duo no kitanak diolo. They have twelve children. It's a double whammy when I'm in dildo. Mahínay hiyá nga nalakat. She walks at a slow pace. He was always walking. Malagipmo pay laeng no siasinoak? Do you remember who I am? You still remember who I am? Nínung mématda king sulû? Who turned off the light? What is the name of King Solomon? Palihog hawa lang. Please just go away. "Please, Eva. Ania ti maitulongko kenka? Can I help you? What can I do for you? Pakai jubahmu dengan benar. Pull your robe together. Put on your robes properly. Amerika Serikat berkeinginan untuk mencapai target ekonomi skala luasnya, yakni mengurangi emisi mereka sebesar 26%-28% di bawah level tahun 2005 di tahun 2025 dan berupaya keras untuk mengurangi emisinya sebesar 28%. Tiongkok berkeinginan untuk mencapai puncak emisi CO2 sekitar tahun 2030 dan akan berupaya keras untuk mencapainya lebih awal, serta meningkatkan jumlah bahan bakar non-fosil sekitar 20% dalam konsumsi utama energi di tahun 2030. The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. China intends to achieve the peaking of CO₂ emissions around 2030 and to make best efforts to peak early and intends to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% by 2030. The United States aims to achieve its broad-scale economic target of reducing their emissions by 26%-28% below 2005 levels by 2025 and working hard to reduce its emissions by 28%. China wants to reach the peak of CO2 emissions around 2030 and will work hard to achieve them early, as well as increase the amount of non-fossil fuel by about 20% in major energy consumption by 2030. Malakat hi Tom hiton aga. Tom is leaving in the morning. Tom was gone that morning. Paréu keng muntá karing Tom. Tom and I'll both be there. I'm going to go to Tom's. Kasangayko ti maika-20 ti Oktubre. My birthday is October 20th. I was born on October 20th. Angay la't' ha im'. It serves you right. It shouldn't be me. Tom mempunyai perangai yang buruk. Tom has a bad disposition. Tom has a bad attitude. Yoho okon gia basug toi? I'm not stupid, am I? Yo-Yo-Yo, are you ready? Mari kita mencobanya. Let's give it a shot. Let's try it. Andam na ako. I'm all set. I'm ready. Tom mangajar bahasa Prancis. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Berapa ukuran sepatu yang kamu kenakan? What size shoes do you wear? What size of shoes do you wear? Tom nawini kula wédang kopi. Tom offered me a cup of coffee. Tom gave me a cup of coffee. Mítakútan la ngan. Everybody got scared. It's just a matter of. Kayatko la unay a makitaka. I really want to see you. I just wanted to see you. Ini tidak mungkin. It's not possible. This is impossible. Panúpáya mung mítawlí ku. Please excuse my being late. It's just a myth. Pékisabyán ke ing pamilyá ku. I spoke with my family. I went to my family's funeral. Nakatokar hi akó han sista. I can play the guitar. Aiko played the guitar. Kumininam zou do momogono o umul dau. I tried to guess her age. You're either going to die or you're going to die. Terdapat suatu laluan rahsia. There's a secret passage. There is a secret route. Kita menangkap Tom. We captured Tom. We got Tom. Nakasalu' i susumangod do wayaan. The army was advancing in the wrong direction. I'm starting to feel free. Avasi pomusaavan! Good thinking! The invasion of pomusaavan! Gáwan táya! Let's do it! G<0xC3><0xA1>wan t<0xC3><0xA1>ya! Abáyan me ságulî i Tom. Stay with Tom for a moment. I'm going to kill Tom. Mínum lang kapé. They drank coffee. Just a cup of coffee. Oonu minaan nu doiho id Kyoto? What did you go to Kyoto for? What is the name of Kyoto? Ngatanan nga edro may-pako. All planes have wings. All the birds have wings. Idi laeng a naamirisna a naallilaw isuna. Only then did he realize he had been deceived. It was not until he realized that he had been deceived. Kau tidak bisa pergi ke Boston denganku. You can't come to Boston with me. You can't go to Boston with me. Sikapnya padaku berbeda dari biasanya. Her behaviour toward me was a departure from the norm. Her attitude to me was different than usual. Nunu nopo binoros nu nga otopot matu... What you say may be true... Noone wants to know the truth... Oonu ih monginum hozou di kaanangan nu? What's your favorite drinking song? What's the point of Ho Chi Minh City in the middle of the night? Aku harus mengunjungi Tom. I have to visit Tom. I have to visit Tom. Kue ini enak. Coba dimakan. This cake is delicious. Please have some. This cake is delicious. Minamanau ziaha' doid dogo. He walked ahead of me. Minamanau ziaha' doid dogo. Karati i Tom mimboros Poransis. Tom understands French. Tom is a porn star. Kalau torang pigi skarang, torang bisa bale di Boston jam stenga tiga. If we leave now, we could be back in Boston by 2:30. If you're going to do it now, you'll be able to swim in Boston at 3 p.m. Karuyag gud niya iton iya eskuylahan. He likes his school a lot. He really wanted his school. Gua akan menelpon dia malam ini. I'll phone her tonight. The cave will call him tonight. Tom menanam sendiri semua sayuran yang ia makan. Tom grows all the vegetables he eats. Tom planted all the vegetables he ate himself. Au koiho kozo i Tom mamain do gop. Tom is terrible at golf. I'm going to go play GPO. Addaka iti Paris? Are you in Paris? You're in Paris? Cinta itu gila. Love is crazy. Love is crazy. Dili ko ganahan og Kemistri. I hate chemistry. I don't like chemistry. Kadavot i Tom momboos do Poransis. Tom's French has gotten a lot better. I'm a fan of porn. Unsa ka dugaya nasakit si Tom? How long has Tom been ill? "How long has Tom been sick?" Kakakmu akan menunjukkannya padamu. Your big sis will show you. Your brother will show it to you. Saya lepaskan tali. I let go of the rope. I let go of the rope. Aku tahu kertas apa itu. I know what that piece of paper is. I know what paper it is. Apa yang sedang kau lakukan di sini? What the hell are you doing in here? What are you doing here? Ayo makan siang! Let's have lunch! Let's have lunch! Hanya ibuku yang benar-benar mengerti aku. Only my mother really understands me. Only my mother really understood me. Yoku nopo nga i dukutur. I was a doctor. Yoo Noo is the best. Avaavasi ngavi kouhudan do kinohobongon di Tom. Tom's funeral arrangements have already been taken care of. Avavasi nvi kuuhudan do nikobokon di Tom. Apa yang Alkitab katakan tentang hal ini? What does the Bible say about this? What does the Bible say about this? Tracy kehilangan kacamatanya. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost her glasses. Itu sianida. That's cyanide. It's cyanide. Kinsa toy nakakita nako? Who saw me? Who's seen me? Tomod-tomodon yahai dumadi do alian. Let's pretend we're aliens. Tomod-tomodon yahai do do do alla. Kyoto terkenal dengan kuil dan viharanya. Kyoto is famous for its shrines and temples. Kyoto is famous for its temples and monasteries. Mari kita lakukan! Let's do it! Let's do it! Kamu tidak akan bisa sesantai itu jika kamu terlibat langsung. You wouldn't be so casual about it if you were directly involved. You won’t be able to relax like that if you’re directly involved. Anak-anak adalah bunga dari kehidupan kita. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Kaino! Let's go! Kaino! Puydi niyo iton makuha nga waray bayad. You may get it free of charge. You can get it for free. Apa itu benar? Is it true? Is that true? Hiti no walai sambayang dot iyonon dau. This is the temple where he stays. And when he was come to the house, he cried out with a loud voice. Tom berdiri di atas anak tangga. Tom was standing at the foot of the stairs. Tom stood on the stairs. Nunu nopo boros nu nga otopot. What you say is right. Noone is the truth. ¿Dírì mo maano kun bumulig ak? Would you mind if I help? Can you tell me how to help? Pasal do nunu ti? About what? What's up with Nino? Jangan benturkan kepalamu ke tembok batu. Don't beat your head against a stone wall. Don't bang your head against the stone wall. Iti pannakakitak laengen ket agnerbiosakon. Just seeing it made me nervous. When I saw it, I was nervous. Dia tidak pernah bermain golf. He has never played golf. He never played golf. Éme ikít i Tom king party? Didn't you see Tom at the party? Do you want to go to Tom King's party? Maklák ya king métung a balugbúg i Tom. Tom is deaf in one ear. I'm sure the king was a bit of a wuss. Bagaimana perkembangan studi bahasa inggrismu? How are you getting along with your English study? How did your English study progress? Uhupai oku! Help me. Uhupai oku! Koligagaanan nung adalaan do moginum. It is dangerous to drink too much. A fool's cup of tea. ¿Makadto ka hiton reyunyon hit' kláse? Are you going to the class reunion? You're going to the Queen's Cup? Kamu ada pada acara pernikahanku. You were at my wedding. You were at my wedding. Alayon pagtáwag hin taxi. Please call a taxi. Please take a taxi. Mongiwang ko' baino? Are you open tonight? I'm going to lose? Itu tidak mungkin. That's not possible. That's impossible. Aku tidak tahu apakah besok akan hujan. I do not know if it will rain tomorrow. I don't know if it's going to rain tomorrow. Mapankan. Go ahead. Let's go. Umuré sewelas taun. He's eleven years old. It's eleven years old. Nokuro ko' maan do miagal diti? Why did you do that? Do you think I'm going to make it? Muhang i koinsanai doho. Everyone liked me. I'll take all of them. Saya tidak dapat memahami orang yang memakan makanan sarapan untuk makan malam. I don't understand people who eat breakfast for dinner. I can't understand people who eat breakfast for dinner. Alaid tadau-adau do tinu. It'll be a long day. It's a day to day trip. Aku selalu suka dengan sepak bola. I've always liked soccer. I've always loved football. Ganahan ba og bulak ang imong nobya? Does your girlfriend like flowers? Do you like your wife's flowers? Ogingo iho kutang pakazon nu. The bra looks great on you. I'm going to put the shark in a no-brainer. Jangan mempermainkan orang lain. Don't make fun of other people. Don't play with anyone else. Tom mengasuh tiga anak sendirian. Tom raised the three children by himself. Tom nurtures three children alone. Muka tom pucat Tom's face was pale. Pale tom face Páram ku kéka ing pérang burí mu. I'll loan you the money you want. It's on the side of your burrito. Mésíra ya ing syudád úling king siláb. The city was destroyed by fire. It's in the heart of King Sil<0xC3><0xA1>b. Kuyugon ba nato si Tom? Shall we take Tom with us? Are we going to kill Tom? Haro gorija poinsomok do walai ku. There is a church near my house. Haro gorija pointsomom do my home. Milo' oku daa mokianu kamus nu? May I borrow your dictionary? Do you want me to write a dictionary? Keadaan pasiennya perlahan mulai membaik. The patient is steadily recovering. The patient's condition slowly began to improve. DI la mabalin a pirmaam ti petisionmi? Would you please sign our petition? You can't just sign our petition? Mabundúk yang bangsá ing Armenia. Armenia is a mountainous country. It's a beautiful place in Armenia. Tulungannak. Help me. Help me. Pisasalí ko reng kambíng ku. I am selling my goats. I've been trying to get my hands on my bike. Dari mana Dejan tahu lagu yang pernah kunyanyikan bersama teman-teman sekampungku itu? From whom did Dejan know the song I've ever sung with my fellow friends from my village? How did Dejan know the song I was singing with my friends? Berapa besar Anda mematok biaya per jamnya? How much do you charge per hour? How much do you charge per hour? Aku tidak tahan lagi. I can't take it any more. I can't stand it anymore. Naruam isuna nga agluto. She is used to cooking. He was used to cooking. Sami telah menjalankan tugas tentera. Sami was on active military duty. Sami has done military duty. Kamu boleh menggunakan mobil ini. You may use this car. You can use this car. Selepas selesai kerja saya akan telefon awak. When I get through with my work, I'll call you. When I'm done, I'll call you. Aku pergi untuk membeli makanan. I'm going to go get some food. I went to buy food. Tambalut kito ii talaid. You and I are old friends. Let's take the second shot. Waray naghihimo hiton. Nobody does that. Nobody does that. Hi Tom waray gud makasabot han yakan ni Mary. Tom could hardly understand what Mary said. Tom never understood Mary's words. Míminúm kang álak? Do you drink? Do you think it's AOL? Mag-táxi ka papuntá king hotél. Take a taxi to the hotel. Take a trip to the King's Palace. Mary adalah gadis yang cantik. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary is a beautiful girl. Saan a maisardeng ni Tom ti panaginumna ti arak. Tom cannot stop drinking alcohol. Tom couldn't stop drinking the wine. Nakabasa ko do ngawi? Did you read everything? "Did I read the song? Itu kesalahan yang bodoh. It was a foolish mistake. That's a stupid mistake. Kinsay nia? Who's here? Who's here? Ini bodoh! This is silly! It's stupid! Kaylángan támu ngéni ing síkanán nang Tom. We need Tom's strength now. You're in the middle of a sizzle with Tom. Pag-abat ko perpekto na inin. I think this is perfect. I feel like it's perfect. Oi tungau! Pogidu! Scram, you cats! Oi tumau! Pada malam hari, semuanya terlihat berbeda. During the night, everything looks different. At night, everything looks different. Tak akoni aku sumelang marang kuwi. I have to admit I was worried about it. I was worried about it. Saya ingin menjadi seorang raja apabila saya menjadi dewasa. When I grow up, I want to be a king. I want to be a king when I grow up. Dia mulai menjadi pikun akhir-akhir ini. He had grown senile recently. He's starting to get senile lately. Tom meninggal dengan cepat, di tengah musim panas, tanpa mengganggu seorangpun. Tom passed away quickly, in the middle of the summer, without bothering anyone. Tom died quickly, in the middle of the summer, without disturbing anyone. Miratáng ka? Can you come? You're a miracle? Alaatan tasu di Tom dogo. Tom's dog hated me. It's in Tom Dogo. Aanangan zosido do susuzan. She likes stories. Aananan zosido do suzazan. Kada pologoso i Tom sakayon do korita ku. Don't let Tom use my car. I don't want to make my own popcorn. Kita akan berjuang sampai akhir. We'll fight to the last. We'll fight until the end. Tom adalah seorang mahasiswa. Tom is a college student. Tom is a student. Tom benar-benar kelelahan. Tom was completely worn out. Tom's really tired. Kalau memungkinkan, saya akan kembali besok. I'll be back by tomorrow, if possible. If possible, I'll be back tomorrow. Ibagam ken ni Tom nga agan-annad. Tell Tom to be careful. Tell Tom to be careful. Urhi ko nga nakit'an hi Tom tipakadto ha baybayon. The last time I saw Tom he was headed towards the beach. I was late to meet Tom on the way to the beach. Jangan berharap terlalu banyak padanya. Don't expect too much of him. Don't expect too much from him. Robert suka mengobrol dengan pacarnya. Robert likes to chat with his boyfriend. Robert likes to chat with his girlfriend. Masapul a maturogak. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. Duha nga babaye an nakanta. Two women sing. Two women sing. Kao manmå’o hamyo? Are you thirsty? Who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? Adakalanya, awak kena bersendirian. Bukan sepi, tapi untuk menikmati masa lapang hanya diri sendiri. Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just being yourself. Sometimes you have to be alone, not lonely, but to enjoy your time alone. Todo taotao siha man mafanago libertao yan pareho gi dignidad yan derecho siha, man manae siha hinaso yan consiencia yan debe de ufatinas contra uno yan otro gi un espiritun chumelo. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. For while they speak scoffing words of vanity, they allure with impure desires of the flesh those who almost escaped from them who have their conversation in error. Balámu dítak la pámung táu deng mékapamása na king librú. Few people seem to have read the book. I'm sure you've heard of the King of the Rings. Mániwála ka king Dios? Do you believe in God? Are you a king of God? Mokiuhup ko' mantad disido kio. Get her to help you. » Anoint the things I have to do with you. Tetaplah semangat. Keep your chin up. Keep up the spirit. Osongulun i Tom do mirikau. Tom sat alone. Tom Do Mirikau is an Osongunun. Saya butuh teman. I need friends. I need a friend. Lipatemon. Forget it. Lipatemon. Minoboos isido: "Iduanai zou songuhun!" He said: "Leave me alone!" Minoboos isido: "Iduanai zou songuhun!" E mi pa bálû. We don't know just yet. We're going to be baffling. Aku setuju denganmu. I agree with you. I agree with you. Kasano a natay ti anakna a lalaki? How did her son die? How did his son die? Tom itu pelupa. Tom is forgetful. Tom is forgetful. Ayáw pagsumata it' ákòn sekreto. Don't give away my secret. Let's keep it a secret. Palagé ku malyáring dátang ya. I think it's possible that he may come. I'm going to go for a ride. Tolong carikan penyelesaian kepada masalah tersebut. Please find a solution to the problem. Please find a solution to the problem. Minongkibit i Tom om i Mary do tanak mantad doid pogun Russia. Tom and Mary adopted a child from Russia. Mary was the mother of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the mother of Mary. Ayáw nala. Never mind. Ah, the NAA. E mílakó ing sakít. The pain never went away. E m<0xC3><0xAD>lak<0xC3><0xB3> in a minute. Tulislah tiap setelah satu baris. Write on every other line. Write each after a line. Yang harus kau lakukan adalah menekan tombolnya. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. Saya ingin pergi minum. I want to go and have a drink. I want to go have a drink. Tootopot nopo ti nga mimang zou diau maan do hoohobi dino. I actually need you to do more than just that. It's a great way to make sure that you're playing with hoohoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Ngana su perna sampe di Paris ka balong? Have you ever been to Paris? Do you want to go to Paris? Kay dominggo man, dugay ko mibangon. It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning. On Sunday, I woke up for a long time. Saan a nasken nga ibagam kaniak ti naganmo. You don't have to tell me your name. You don't have to tell me your name. Tom biasanya datang mengunjungi kami setiap musim panas. Tom used to come to visit us every summer. Tom usually comes to visit us every summer. Unta nakakagkayakan ako ha imo. I wish I could talk to you. I wish I could talk to you. Baik, aku akan terima tawaranmu. All right. I'll accept your offer. Okay, I'll take your offer. Loróng gad adâ hiyá pagyakán hin sugad nga butáng. He must be crazy to say such a thing. He's going to have to say something like that. Apa yang ingin kau minum? What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? Umbalai po! Kada koikum-ikumai! Go ahead! Don't be shy! Umbai po! no koikum-ikumai! Makibabasahun hi Tom. Tom reads a lot. Tom was reading. Aku membeli sebuah mobil sport merah. I bought a red sports car. I bought a red sports car. Itu bukanlah hal yang mengejutkan. That's not surprising. That's not surprising. Tolong izinkan kami mengambil pekerjaan ini. Please allow us to do the work. Please allow us to take this job. Itu tadi enak. That felt good. That was good. Naghinambog hi Tom hiton. Tom bragged about it. Tom nodded at it. Ineru, Fibreru, Måtsu, Abrit, Måyu, Huño, Hulio, Agosto, Septembre, Oktubri, Nubembre, Disembre. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Ineru, Fibreru, M<0xC3><0xA5>tsu, Abrit, M<0xC3><0xA5>yu, Hu<0xC3><0xB1>o, July, August, September, October, Nubembre, December. Nokosodia kou no? Are you guys ready? Nokosodia are you? Saya tidak butuh apapun. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Piza adalah makanan favoritku. Pizza is my favorite food. Pizza is my favorite food. Akèh sing medèn-medèni wong akir-akir iki. Many things frighten people these days. There have been a lot of people in recent times. Waray namon nakikita kundi burong. We could see nothing but fog. We saw nothing but lies. Nokorikot no tiksi. A cab is waiting. I'm looking at TikTok. Amu po naawi tokou. We're not finished yet. You've got your toy. Masapul a rummuartayo itan ditoy. We should get out of here now. We need to get out of here now. Semua ini telah terjadi sebelumnya. This has all happened before. All this has happened before. Dia melahirkan bayi yang sehat. She gave birth to a healthy baby. She gave birth to a healthy baby. Nahingaruyag hiyá nga nakit-an ka. He was delighted to see you. He wanted to see you. Pinuobo zosido do opuod. She was breathing hard. Pinuobo zosido do octopus. Manu oku diya. I need you. Manu is squishy. Tom merasa gembira. Tom was delighted. Tom was happy. Pakálon mulá. Watch them closely. Pak<0xC3><0xA1>lon mul<0xC3><0xA1>. Sabík yang magtagumpé. He is eager for success. The sabbatical is suffocating. Kao estudiånte hamyo? Are you students? Have you ever thought about it? Aku punya saudara kembar adik laki-laki. I have a twin brother. I have a twin brother. Nag-aaram ako hin Ingles ha eskuylahan. I study English at school. I was studying English at school. Ini luar biasa indah. This is magnificent. It's amazingly beautiful. Daghang pagkaon sa balay. There was much food in the house. Lots of food at home. Matatapuran ko hi Tom. I can depend on Tom. I can trust Tom. Soira oku koruba di Tom? When can I see Tom? Soira oku koruba in Tom? Dia melakukan pekerjaannya sendiri. He did the work on his own. He did his own work. Monguo tu sakaakahi no ngaavi do monguot dogo zisido do sisimba dii poingkaa? Why all of a sudden did he ask me such a serious question? Is there a way to get rid of the ad hominem? Todu båba. Everything is bad. Todu b<0xC3><0xA5>ba. Karuyag niya magka-anak pero an iya pádis nadiri. She wants children, but he doesn't. She wanted to have a baby, but she didn't want to have a baby. Oslo ialah ibu negara Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Asino ti agsasao? Who's talking? Who's speaking? Aku tidak bisa membaca pikiranmu. I can't read your mind. I can't read your mind. Biarkan aku melihatnya. Let me take a gander. Let me see it. Mada oku daa poimpasi miampai aiso diya. I can't live without you. yet for your sake, to remain in the body is more necessary. Umanamongak kenka. I agree with you. I agree with you. Kohiis ginavo iti tangon. This is an interesting story. Kohiis ganavo in tanton. Berdoalah saja. Just pray. Just pray. Mamin-adu a matay dagiti takrot sakbay ti ipapatayda. Cowards die many times before their deaths. Feathers die many times before they die. Maai gia mongumbal baino. Go ahead, try it now. Ma'am is a badass. Jangan mengelus-elus kepalaku seakan aku ini masih anak kecil! Don't pat me on the head like I'm still a child! Don't scratch my head like I'm a kid! Saya telah menerjemahkan, saya sedang menerjemahkan, saya akan menerjemahkan... tapi hanya kalau saya mendapat uang. I translated, I translate, I will translate, I would translate... but only if I make money. I've translated, I'm translating, I'll translate... but only if I get the money. Intinya adalah ibu terlalu sibuk. The point is that the mothers are too busy. The point is that my mom is too busy. Olidas i Tom kasasari. Tom is always healthy. Tom is an oligarchy. Iba ini nga lugar. This place is different. This is a different place. Estudiånte yu'. I am a student. I'm studying. Pilán lang táu deng makásaké king bapór? How many people are on board the ship? How do you feel about the King of Pop? Burí mo reng mansánas? Do you like apples? Where are you going to be? Kabos mi. We're poor. We are poor. Otinuud yau lo. She's nice. Otinuud yau lo. Napakaammuan ti publiko idi maika-20 ti Oktubre. The public was notified on October 20th. It was announced to the public on October 20. Mékámura ya i Tom. Tom got a bargain price. It's Tom M<0xC3><0xA9>m<0xC3><0xA9>mura. Posik no. It's time to get up. Posik no. Ing bálu ku, talásáwa ya pa i Tom. As far as I know, Tom is still married. In the middle of the night, Tom was a slut. Kita harus melakukan sesuatu. We've got to do something. We have to do something. Aku tidak pernah ingin bersaing denganmu. I never wanted to compete with you. I never wanted to compete with you. Tom telah bersetuju untuk berada di sini pada pukul 2:30, tetapi dia masih belum sampai lagi. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's not here yet. Tom had agreed to be here at 2:30, but he had not yet arrived. Kaylángan mung makóng éya kayábe. You will have to go without her. It's only a matter of time for Kayla. Kasapulak ti mapan iti kasilias. I need to go to the toilet. I need to go to the toilet. ¿Kay ano waray mo it igsiríng ha iya? Why didn't you tell her that? Why didn't you tell him? Núkarín ka muntá? Where are you going to? You're going to munt<0xC3><0xA1>? Atín kamíng anák. We have a kid. At<0xC3><0xAD>n kam<0xC3><0xAD>ng an<0xC3><0xA1>k. Sudah berapa lama kamu dan Tom bersama? How long have you and Tom been together? How long have you and Tom been together? Kao si Maria gue? Is she Mary? Where's my Mary? Dari tempat ini, kita dapat mendengar suara azan daripada beberapa masjid dan surau berdekatan. From here, we can hear the calls to prayer from several mosques and suraus in the area. From this place, we can hear the azan's voice from several mosques and suraus nearby. Tom tidur sepanjang waktu. Tom sleeps all the time. Tom sleeps all the time. Beruntung sekali kamu datang hari ini. It was very lucky that you came today. You're lucky to be here today. Éya dóktor. He is not a physician. <0xC3><0x89>ya d<0xC3><0xB3>ctor. Maaf saya tidak bisa membantumu melakukan itu. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do that for you. I'm sorry I can't help you do that. Dan tiba di apartemen Linda. Dan arrived at Linda's apartment. And arrived at Linda's apartment. Saanak koma a nagul-ulbod kenka. I shouldn't have lied to you. I shouldn't have lied to you. Rambut anak itu hitam. That boy's hair is black. The boy's hair is black. Kalingkod. Sit. Sit down. Kihamin zioho togingo'. They have a beautiful house. Kihamin zioho togingo'. Tolong pinjamkan aku pisaumu. Please lend me your knife. Please lend me your knife. Tumimpuun oku mambasa do buuk. I've started to read the book. I read my hair. Ini adalah film untuk laki-laki. This is a film for men. This is a movie for men. Tom berkata dia akan menghubungi kamu kembali. Tom said he'll call you later. Tom said he'd call you back. ¿Maupay ini nga lugar pagtamnan hin kahuy? Is this a good place to plant a tree? Is this a good place to go for a hike? Kami pergi ke London tahun lalu. We went to London last year. We went to London last year. Aku lebih suka anggur putih daripada anggur merah. I like white wine better than red wine. I prefer white wine to red wine. Ustú na! Enough! Get used to it! Selamat hari kemerdekaan! Happy Independence Day! Happy Independence Day! Tom tidak suka keju. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Nadaras ti isusungad ti Paskua. Christmas is fast approaching. The Passover was fast approaching. Waray ka nagsurat, diri ngani tumawag. You've neither written nor phoned. You didn't write, didn't even call. Tidak peduli sedingin apa, dia tidak pernah mengenakan mantel. No matter how cold it was, he never wore an overcoat. No matter how cold it was, he never wore a coat. Ngomong-ngomong,berapa umurmu? By the way, how old are you? By the way, how old are you? Puydi mo ako ikadto ha may tulay? Can you get me to the bridge? Can you get me to the bridge? Ada masalah? What's the problem? Is there a problem? Tom tidak akan menyukai jawaban itu. Tom won't like that answer. Tom wouldn't like that answer. Póta ásópan ke. I might be able to help her. P<0xC3><0xB3>ta <0xC3><0xA1>s<0xC3><0xB3>pan ke. Dhèwèké isa basa Perancis, lan jebulé dhèwèké isa basa Inggris barang. He can speak French, and it goes without saying he can speak English too. She speaks French, and she speaks English. Estoryahi akoak utro kay ano naruruyag ka kan Tom. Tell me again why you like Tom. Tell me again why you like Tom. Tiriguon pa kun mapakanhi hiya o diri. It is doubtful whether he will come or not. Whether or not he's going to come or not. Sabián ku kayáng dínálan kayú. I'll tell her you came by. I'm going to say it's the day of Kathmandu. Apa kau memiliki beberapa pertanyaan untukku? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have some questions for me? Agboluntarioak. I'm volunteering. I'm volunteering. Tom memanen kentang-kentangnya. Tom dug up the potatoes. Tom harvested the potatoes. Sayup nimo adto, diri akon. It was your mistake, not mine. It's your fault, not mine. Kami beruntung, kan? We're lucky, aren't we? We're lucky, right? Mág-exercise ku úling bísa kung manátíling masánting mabúlas. I exercise because I want to stay healthy. I'm going to try to get a little more exercise if I'm going to get more exercise. Ketika Tom memberitahu Chris dia tidak suka syalnya, Chris pun melepasnya. When Tom told Chris he didn't like her scarf, she got rid of it. When Tom told Chris he didn't like his scarf, Chris took it off. Anggona jus limun katimbang werak. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. Use lemon juice instead of lime juice. Panggilan terakhir! Last call! Last call! Saya mau bilang kata itu. I want to say that word. I want to say that word. Tom ingin membunuh Mary. Tom wants to kill Mary. Tom wants to kill Mary. Nakaansak zi ina ku do mangakan doungotuvong do duvo jaam ontok noikot zou id hamin. My mother had been cooking supper for two hours when I got home. I'm going to have to eat my mother's pussy, and I'm going to eat her pussy. Biasanya ada dua sampai lima gerhana bulan setiap tahun. There are usually between two and five lunar eclipses each year. There are usually two to five lunar eclipses each year. Awak dhéwé éntuk kiriman gedhé. We received a large package. We've got a great delivery. Saya datang dari Australia. I come from Australia. I come from Australia. Magandad isido sohihinaid do sajaam. He kept waiting for hours and hours. It's a good idea to make soy sauce. Saya sungguh senang berjumpa denganmu lagi. I am very pleased to see you again. I'm so glad to see you again. Ya. Yes. Yes. Sigúrádu kang makásadyá ka kaníte? Are you sure you're ready for this? Are you sure you're a fan of Candice? Aku lapar. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Burí na ing mámadwás. He loves fishing. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> in m<0xC3><0xA1>madw<0xC3><0xA1>s. Aman a kahon et baleg nen saya. That box is bigger than this one. A safe box is bigger than me. Si Yu'us Må'åse'. Thank you! Yu'us M<0xC3><0xA5>se'. Aramai no toilaan do noonuan ti. It was a lovely experience. It's a no-brainer when it comes to no-brainer. Tom memejamkan mata. Tom shut his eyes. Tom closed his eyes. Haruhataas ka ha íya. You are taller than she is. You're too tall for Ikea. Kaano ti kasangaymo? When is your birthday? When's your birthday? Kaykayatko ti agbasa kadagiti libro ngem iti agbuya iti telebision. I prefer reading books to watching television. I prefer reading books to watching television. ¿Ano it imo hunahuna an ginsumat ko kan Tom? What did you think I told Tom? What do you think I told you? Kalau kamu tidak mau ketinggalan kereta, lebih baik kamu bergegas. If you don't want to miss the train, you'd better hurry. If you don't want to miss the train, you better hurry up. Sistem abjad bahasa Esperanto terdiri daripada 28 huruf: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The alphabet system of Esperanto consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, <0xC4><0x89>, d, e, f, g, <0xC4><0x9D>, h, <0xC4><0xA5>, i, j, <0xC4><0xB5>, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, <0xC5><0x9D>, t, u, <0xC5><0xAD>, v, z. Kau bisa mengambil buku manapun yang kau suka. You can pick out any book you like. You can pick up any book you like. Mailiwak kenka. I miss you. I miss you. Nokointutun i Layla do koinsanan mokiiyut hilo'd potimbangan. Layla knew all the hookers of the neighborhood. Layla's body was covered in dirt. Iton kasál pagbubuhaton bísan áno it' panahón. The wedding ceremony will be held regardless of the weather. That's the kind of thing that will do to get the ball rolling. Tom syok karena ini. Tom was shocked by this. Tom was shocked by this. Bisa tolong untuk tidak merokok tidak ruangan ini? Could you please not smoke in this room? Can you please not smoke this room? Mari torang makang. Let's go eat. Let's go to Makkah. Alá yang kutnanán. He has nobody to consult. Al<0xC3><0xA1> the one I'm looking for. Madagmit kita nagkasángkay. We became fast friends. We quickly became friends. Mabalin kadi nga iddepem dayta TV? Could you turn off the TV? Can you turn it off the TV? Takrotkayo laeng. You're just cowards. You're just a coward. Ang tubig mao kinabuhi. Water is life. Water is life. Milo' oku sumakai do koritapui. I can go by train. Milo' kukai do koritapui. Insasamadan ko' doho. You make me happy. My father was wounded. Dia melakukan hal yang sangat bodoh. He did a very foolish thing. He did a very stupid thing. Apektaran la ketdi daytoy a dakes a panniempo dagiti mula. This bad weather will certainly have an effect on the crops. This bad weather must have affected the plants. Aku lagi ndhelik. I'm hiding. I'm hiding. Tumalikod ha kadayonan hi Tom han Lunes. Tom passed away on Monday. Tom will be back indefinitely on Monday. Kaláramán itá. It was a lie. Kal<0xC3><0xA1>ram<0xC3><0xA1>n it<0xC3><0xA1>. Tom memimpikan Mary Tom dreamed about Mary. Tom is dreaming of Mary. Nababak oku do susuangan tusak baino. I broke a vase today. I've been busy with the baboons. Halo, bagaimana kabarmu? Hello, how are you doing? Hello, how are you? Ammok no ania ti imbaga ni Tom. I know what Tom said. I know what Tom said. Kokito ko' dilo? Can you see that? I'm the chef? Nanngisi tanan labot la kan Tom. Everybody but Tom smiled. It's all about Tom. Tumanud ponoriukan diolo, amu i tulun Amorika orohian kokomoi di Gipun. The research done by them shows that Americans are not interested in Japan. When you're in the middle of the night, you're in the middle of the night, and you're in the middle of the night, and you're in the middle of the night. Modagan to si Joseph. Joseph would run. Joseph was running. Dokter itu memberikannya padanya. The doctor gave it to her. The doctor gave it to her. Anak-anakku tidak punya kamar sendiri. My children don't have their own rooms. My kids don't have their own room. Iyau no monongiwan ku. He's one of my in-laws. It's my monotony. Tom nawani aku wédang kopi. Tom offered me a cup of coffee. Tom asked me for a cup of coffee. Bálu ra na. They already knew. They are BLUE. Dia salah. She is wrong. He's wrong. Dili ko makahinapon. I don't speak Japanese. I couldn't get in. Monuduk i Tom dahai do boros Poransis. Tom teaches us French. I've been trying to get my hands on porn. Ot éme burí i Tom? Why don't you like Tom? What's up with Tom? Saya sampai di sini pukul delapan pagi ini. I arrived here at eight this morning. I got here at eight this morning. Nangngegnaka ni Tom. Tom heard you. Tom heard you. Tom berterima kasih atas hadiah yang aku berikan padanya. Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom thanked me for the gift I gave him. "Aku tidak bisa menyalakan mesinnya." "Biarkan aku mencobanya." "I can't start the engine." - "Let me have a go." "I can't turn on the engine." "Let me try it." Ke kiei er ker? Where do you live? Are you going to Kiwi? Suhu dia biasa sahaja His temperature is normal. The temperature is normal. Suaminya tinggal di Tokyo sekarang. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband lives in Tokyo now. I sasaapon ku nopo araatan do duku. My opponent hates puppies. I'm going to try and get my ass kicked. Tidak, bukan Oratorio Vivaldi yang aku maksud, tapi Oratorio Haydn, apa kau mengetahuinya? I don't mean Vivaldi's, I mean Haydn's Oratorio, do you know it? No, not the Oratorio Vivaldi I'm talking about, but the Oratorio Haydn, do you know that? Terima kasih untuk ini. Thank you for this. Thanks for this. Waray kinabuhi ha bulan. There's no life on the moon. There is no life on the moon. Pekerjaanmu di bawah rata-rata. Your work is below average. Your work is below average. Atlú kung banwáng ménuknángan king Boston. I lived in Boston for about three years. I'm a fan of the King of Boston. Tsara mandry! Good night! Thara mandry! Andadon ku mongintong suatan nu. I'm looking forward to getting your letter. I'll give you a noun. Christopher Columbus menjadi seorang penjelajah bukan karena dia cinta pada lautan. Dia menjadi seorang penjelajah karena dia benci pada penjara Spanyol. Christopher Columbus wasn't an explorer because he loved the sea. He was an explorer because he hated Spanish jails. Christopher Columbus became an explorer not because he loved the ocean, he became an explorer because he hated Spanish prisons. Jack bisa diandalkan. Jack can be depended on. Jack is reliable. Bagaimana kamu bisa tahan dengan penghinaan itu? How can you bear such a humiliation? How can you stand that humiliation? Dia memenangkan sebuah mobil. She won a free car. He won a car. Selamat datang di Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Aku harus pulang sebelum orang tuaku menjadi khawatir. I should go home before my parents start to worry. I had to go home before my parents got worried. Dili ko gusto ning lengwahea. I don't like his language. I don't like this language. Mogidu oku mantad watas kakadayan do tinu. I'll be out of town. I'm going to try to get my hands on the real thing. Bolehkah saya bertanya satu kali lagi? Can I ask you one more question? Can I ask you one more time? Migbyáhi ku king Italia anyáng mílabas a kaléldo. I traveled to Italy last summer. He was the king of Italy at the time of his death. Meja ini diguna Tom. This desk is used by Tom. This table is used by Tom. Au kou milo tongkiadai dahai hiti miampai do ingaa o taakanon om waig. You can't just leave us here with no food and water. I'm sure you'll find a way to do it, and I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. Panagkunak ket agayat isuna kaniak. Ania ti rumbeng nga aramidek? I think she's in love with me. What should I do? I think he loves me. What should I do? Imbagak ed sikaran ag ira onsuko. I told them not to give up. I told them not to give up. Jangan takut membuat kesalahan. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Magandad i savi-avi dosido. Everyone is waiting for her. Savi-avi dosido is good. Kun kaya dawla makig-estorya ako ha imo ha Pranses nga kayakan. I'd speak to you in French if I could. I'd like to talk to you in French. Apagon gatang ilo piano nga lobi apagon gatang nogi iri korita. A piano is expensive, but a car is more expensive. It's a good idea to buy an ice cream cone for a cup of tea. Dia tidak mau memberitahukan namanya. She was unwilling to tell her name. He didn't want to tell her his name. Suni sedang bermain. Suni is playing. Suni is playing. Masakiton mi. We're sick. We are sick. Bahasa Kadazan tidak akan hilang selagi ada seorang yang terus bercakap Bahasa Kadazan. The Kadazan language will never disappear as long as there is one person who continues to speak the Kadazan Language. The Kadazan language will not disappear as long as someone continues to speak the Kadazan language. Hawaii adalah surga di atas bumi. Hawaii is a paradise on earth. Hawaii is heaven on earth. Okupádu ya i Tom. Tom is busy. Tom is full of it. Aku melihat dari jendela garasi, terkejut pada apa yang aku lihat. I watched from the garage window, amazed at what I saw. I looked out of the garage window, surprised at what I saw. Karuyag ko updan ka. I want to join you. I want to be with you. Saya tidak bisa menangani ini sekarang. I can't deal with this now. I can't handle this right now. Dia kurang cocok menjadi guru. He's not fit to be a teacher. He's not fit to be a teacher. Dírì niya apong makapalit hin bag-o nga kotse. He can't afford to buy a new car. My dad bought a new car. Modagan nang mga tawo. Those men will run. People are running. Iyawatmo! Hand it over! Give it up! Miagal kogiu ko dii. You look like an orangutan. I'm running out of time. Wala ko kasabot. I don't understand. I didn't understand. Au oku ounsikahan kopio. I am not so happy. My heart is full of joy. Kao estudiånte siha? Are they students? Have you ever thought about it? Au oku milo wonsoyon dilo nga mogot daa haro uhupan di Tom. I can't do that unless I have Tom's help. I'm going to try to get my hands on Tom's. Aku kena flu berat. I had a bad cold. I got the flu. Mintá ya king Boston i TOm atlú nang banwá ing mílábas. Tom went to Boston three years ago. Tom Atl<0xC3><0xBA> was born in Boston. Lampu lalu-lintas digunakan untuk mengatur lalu lintas. Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic. Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic. Hiti ko id wayaan ku. You are in my spot. I've got my ID card. Naigo ko hiyá ha panga. I hit him on the chin. I hit him in the ass. Kerja bagus! Good work! Good job! Malyári meng gisyán ing kahún ba yang ibusnî. You can tear the box open. Maly<0xC3><0xA1>ri Gisy<0xC3><0xA1>n in the kahun ba ibusn<0xC3><0xAE>. Kucing punya dua telinga. A cat has two ears. Cats have two ears. Atín yang tatalnán i Tom. Tom had something in his hand. At<0xC3><0xAD>n the tataln<0xC3><0xA1>n i Tom. Hayat bagaikan permainan catur. Life is like a game of chess. Life is like a game of chess. Makaarawud an iya ginyakan. What he said embarrassed me. His speech was disgraceful. Waray ako binuhat dida han bakasyon. I spent idle days during the vacation. I didn't do anything on vacation. Yoku okon ko tulun Jorman. I'm not German. Yoku okon is a Jorman. Haro no susumikul do poingirikau hilo om mogiakan-akan. Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch. I'm going to have to go to the gym and have some fun. Kamu sudah makan malam belum? Have you eaten supper yet? Have you had dinner yet? ¿Kinahanglan ko ba hin postiso? Do I need dentures? Do I need to have a postage stamp? Saya mau yang itu. I want that one. I want that one. Makadto hi Tom ha Boston buwas. Tom will go to Boston tomorrow. Tom's going to Boston tomorrow. Ruangan ini cukup luas. This room is large enough. This room is quite spacious. Mintá ya king balé ku i Tom nabéngi. Tom came over to my house last night. I've been to the King's Hall of Fame. Tom memakan semua yang ibunya berikan padanya. Tom eats everything that his mother gives him. Tom ate everything his mother gave him. Buot ko masayod. I am curious. I want to know. Tanpa bantuanmu, kami mungkin tidak akan mampu menjalankan rencana ini. Without your support, we probably won't be able to put this plan into practice. Without your help, we might not be able to carry out this plan. Ia merawat lukanya. She took care of his wound. He took care of his wounds. Ti buto ti maysa a lalaki ti mangkontrol kenkuana. A man's penis controls him. A man's shot takes control of him. "Nokuo tu humodong ko?" "Au zou humodong bogia!" "Why are you angry?" "I'm not angry!" "What do you mean I'm going to die?" he said, "I'm going to go get some booze!" Tom nyambut gawé kanggo FBI. Tom works for the FBI. He worked for the FBI. Baga hin diri hiya naangay pagtutdo. He seems not to be cut out for teaching. He didn't seem to be teaching. Siapa gurumu? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Mamaila' agupa'. Come tomorrow. "I know Apopka." Bersulang! Cheers! Cheers! Napapaúsa ak hiton It makes me curious. It's made me feel Jangan berterimakasih kepada saya, berterimakasihlah kepada Tom! Don't thank me, thank Tom! Don't thank me, thank you Tom! Kalimat adalah kalimat. A sentence is a sentence. A sentence is a sentence. Kamu kapan akan pergi? When will you leave? When are you going to leave? Piro toun nu? How old are you? What's the tone? Doino kou po. Stay right there. Doino kou po. Ikít ne ing file. She saw the file. It's not in the file. Nagbiddutak. I was wrong. I was wrong. I tanak ti nopo nga tanak ku. This boy is my son. I've got my noun. Alaid matu au nokorongou diri boros dot sorohon ku. I don't think I've heard that word in a long time. I'm sure you'll be able to tell me that I'm going to get my hair cut. Nayaw-awan ni Tom. Tom lost. Tom was lost. Jangan bangunkan dia. Don't wake her up. Don't wake him up. Iton ákòn pangitaan nagtitiraot. My eyesight is getting worse. The search for this bug is on the rise. Bayak kartu ulang tahun yang akan segera datang. A lot of birthday cards will arrive soon. A birthday card is coming soon. Ialah sebuah peraturan yang bagus untuk melihat dua-dua arah sebelum melintasi jalan raya di mana-mana sahaja. It's a good rule to look both ways before you cross the street anywhere. It's a good rule to look in both directions before crossing the road anywhere. Míminúm kang kapé? Do you drink coffee? A cup of coffee? Atyú la king landé deng marinát nang imálang Tom. Tom's dirty clothes are on the floor. He was the one who had heard the story of a sailor named Tom. Aku sedang melakukan diet. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. Kamu menuju ke mana? Where are you headed for? Where are you headed? Cepatlah, atau kau akan ketinggalan busnya. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Nyalakan CNN. Turn on CNN. Turn on CNN. Kita tidak mengambil hikmah sama sekali. We didn't learn a thing. We don’t take the wisdom at all. Gipaak ka ba og insekto? A bug bit me. Have you been bitten by an insect? Osonong kosuabon! Good morning! It's cosy! Oi Tom, nunu siakan nu don totuong diti? Tom, what do you want to have for dinner? Hey Tom, what's the deal with you? Ikarigatak a takderan dagiti karik. I try to keep my promises. I try to keep my promises. Aku adalah lelaki yang bebas. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Tom mungkin tidak punya cukup uang untuk membeli apa yang ia butuhkan. Tom may not have enough money to buy what he needs. Tom may not have enough money to buy what he needs. Momuhondom tanak wagu do sisindiron do nointutunan kalapas do mambasa yau. The boy learned the famous poem by heart soon after he read it. Don't forget to take a look at how you're doing, and don't forget to read the book. Terlepas dari keuntungan yang didapat dari membujang, mereka berkeinginan untuk menikah suatu hari nanti. But in spite of the merits of being single, they do want to get married some day. Despite the benefits of being single, they want to get married one day. Au oupus i koupusan ku kumaa dogo. My lover doesn't love me. Ooops, I'm going to pray for you. Teks ini harus diterjemahkan ke bahasa Belarus. The text needs to be translated into Belarusian. This text should be translated into Belarusian. Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah kerja keras. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Saya tidak memiliki mobil. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Dia selalu sibuk di pagi hari. He is not always busy in the morning. He was always busy in the morning. Diak ammo nga impategnak. I didn't know you cared. I didn't know you cared for me. Roger Miller telah belajar memainkan gitar dan biola. Berapa lama kemudian, dia telah belajar memainkan drum. Roger Miller learned to play the guitar and the violin. Much later, he learned to play the drums. Roger Miller had learned to play guitar and violin. How long later, he had learned to play drums. Harap tenang! Quiet! Please calm down! Ayo! Kita mulai makan. Hey! Let's start eating. Let's start eating. Apa kau nabatiwan? Are you a vegetarian? Are you pregnant? Damo iton akon responsibilidad. I have a lot of responsibilities. I have a lot of responsibilities. Bai hu konne' hao guatu guihi. I'll take you there. I'm going to try to get my hair wet. Kinsay nanawag? Who phoned? Who's calling? Boros dau lo minonuduk doho umbalan po kawagu. His advice encouraged me to try it again. I'm going to teach you how to use it. Oke. Okay. Okay. Tom tidak terbiasa dengan kehidupan kota. Tom isn't used to city life. Tom is not used to city life. Balé iki amot kanggo wong 2.000. This hall holds 2,000 people. The pool is open to 2,000 people. Say China duamplo ya aminpigan baleg nen say Japan. China is twenty times bigger than Japan. China is twice the size of Japan. Múmúna, pisabyán tála deng ekspériméntung gagáwan da karéng laboratóryu. First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories. In other words, they're trying to get the job done in a lab. Tom sekarang mengajar bahasa Inggris di Jepang. Tom currently teaches English in Japan. Tom now teaches English in Japan. Yakan ni Tom nga karuyag niya magin temprano. Tom said he wanted to be early. Tom said he wanted to be early. Kawasa ikoyu monurat do nunu boros do mogisusuai. Miiso boros-boros id Tatoeba. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. He has a lot of power over his own life, and he has a lot of power over his own. Kotoluadan tu manahak ti. Thank you for this. The example is similar. Aku tidak bisa membayangkan kenapa Tom harus melakukan itu. I can't imagine why Tom would do that. I can't imagine why Tom had to do that. Tuminingkod nodi salju sajaam tiinu. It stopped snowing an hour ago. It's snowing in the snow. Kupikir aku akan berlibur pekan ini. I think I will take a vacation this week. I thought I was going on vacation this week. Nasken nga adda maaramidtayo a pamuspusan maipapan iti dayta. We've got to do something about that. We need to take action on the matter. Apakah Anda yakin? Are you certain? Are you sure? Kalati' zou, nga' au' zou koiho do sumimba id boos Kadazan. I understand, but I don't know how to answer in Kadazan language. Kalati' zou, ng' au' zou koiho do sumumba id boos Kadazan. Ni kadi Tom ti akin-aramid iti daytoy? Was Tom the one who did this? Is this what Tom is doing? Aiso isido do sumandak. He has no girlfriend. Iso isido do me. Lolo nimo! Fuck you! It's your grandfather! Patingápun keng kayabé nápun. I spent all day yesterday with him. It's like any other animal. Di mana kastam? Where is Customs? Where's the customs? Saya tidak serajin kakak saya. I am not so diligent as my brother. I'm not my sister's maid. Kaylángan kung pawrúd. I need to have a haircut. It's a scam when it comes to paddling. Pag-ayo-ayo dinhi! Goodbye! Take a good look here! Burí keng inumán. I want to drink it. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> keng drink<0xC3><0xA1>n. Mapakanhi hira pamiling ha iya. They'll come looking for him. They will come looking for him. Berapa banyak yang kalian habiskan? How much did you guys spend? How much did you spend? Paropariho hiyá ha ákòn ha dámo nga paági. She was similar to me in many ways. It is similar to <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n in d<0xC3><0xA1>mo pa<0xC3><0xA1>gi. Lumii i Tom id toodopon dau om mihad-ihad id timpak do bantal dau. Tom lay on his bed and cried softly into his pillow. I've been trying to get all the id's in my head and I've been trying to figure out how to use the id. Diri'k masusugad ha iya. I'll never be like him. I can't be like him. Nokokito oku no sisimbar montok ponguhatan nu. Finally, I found the answer to your question. I'm going to take a look at the squeaky-squeaky. Kun dírì ka maaram hiton dalan, pagpakiana ha pulis. If you don't know the way, ask a policeman. If you know the way, ask the police. Nalam-ek. It's cold. It's cold. Apa kamu senang? Are you happy? Are you happy? Kita telfon pa Tom pe nomor telfon. I dialed Tom's number. We're calling Tom's phone number. Aku bekerja di Tokyo sekarang. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo now. Natapod ako kan Tom. I can depend on Tom. I trust Tom. It akon amay ooperahan kanan kanser. My father ought to have had an operation for cancer. My father had surgery for cancer. Otopot doiti? Is any of this true? The autopsy? An ira maung diri naigu. Their jeans do not fit. Their eyesight is unmatched. Nunu ka do boros Bolanda XXX? How do you say XXX in Dutch? What do you think about the XXL? Ngombe banyu. Drink water. drink the water. Nahitabu na an pinakamaraut hiton. The worst of it has already happened. The worst of it has happened. Bagaimana kau tahu kalau pasiennya tidak berpura-pura sakit? How do you know that the patient is not feigning illness? How do you know that the patient doesn't pretend to be sick? Nasaagmi. We're lost. We've lost. Bak kata pepatah, "Masa itu emas." As the proverb says, "Time is money." As the saying goes, "Time is gold." Kamu berangkat jam berapa? What time do you get off? What time are you leaving? Aku mengandalkanmu. I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. ¿Hin-o an nagsumàt haim nga nagkasakít ako? Who told you that I was sick? Who's going to take care of me when I'm squeamish? Pag-uli nasabotan ko nga nawara an akon pitaka. When I got home, I realized I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I lost my wallet. Masalah kami lebih buruk ketimbang masalah kalian. I wish we had your problems. Our problems are worse than yours. Míbálik ya i Tom king luklúkan na. Tom went back to his seat. I'm going to go back to the King of Pop. Pertanyaannya adalah apa yang akan kita lakukan sekarang. The question is what do we do now. The question is what are we going to do now. Makó ka ken. Go away. You're a good ken. Mabug-at gud iton. That must be heavy. It was very heavy. Dia pe umur su ampa pulu taong. She is forty years old. For the man was over forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been done. Donostia itu suatu kota di negeri Basque. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. Dia masih percaya pada kata-katanya. He still believes her words. He still believed in his words. Au oku oilaan nunu nopo pomomonsoyon diolo. I don't know anything about their plan. I know I'm going to try to get my hair done. Di mana kamu mencobanya? Where did you try them? Where did you try it? Dítak la reng ának king kwártu. There were few children in the classroom. I'm going to be King Arthur. King palagé ku éta mirás Boston báyu dálumdum. I don't think we'll reach Boston before dark. I'm looking forward to Boston b<0xC3><0xA1>yu d<0xC3><0xA1>lumdum. Mongotus no kama ilo sogit kapatayan. The death penalty should be abolished. Mongols are the victims of death. Nunu nopo komi' nu nga otopot kopio. All that you say is perfectly correct. I'm sure you'll find the right one. Nameklan a takrot isuna. He's a big coward. He was a coward. Siakan oku daa sokirim. I would like to eat ice cream. Please send me a message. Sayang sekali, kau harus pergi ke Jepang. Too bad, you need to leave for Japan. Too bad, you have to go to Japan. Makanlah! Eat! Eat! Loncat. Jump. Jump. Kamu punya kebiasaan tidak memperhatikan. You have a tendency to not pay attention. You have a habit of not paying attention. Tolong lihat gambar itu. Please take a look at that picture. Please look at that picture. Aku mau kopi, roti panggang, dan jeli. I want coffee, toast, and jelly. I want coffee, toast, and jelly. Kau agresif. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Misompuru tokou doid tipi tokou. We share a dream. Misompuru tokou doid type tokou. Ongoyon ku maya diya nung oponsol ih. I will go with you if necessary. I'll give you a hint about Obi-Wan. Aku bertemu dengannya di jalan. I met up with her on the street. I met him on the street. Au ko naku kodimpot? Can't you reach it? What's my take? Hujan terus-menerus turun sejak hari Selasa. It has been raining since Tuesday. It has been raining continuously since Tuesday. Nindot ang imong balay. Your house is cool. Your house is beautiful. Utro ko hiyá nakita. I saw her again. I saw him again. Osonong tomod ilo kusai hiti'd jabatan ku. The guys in my department are so nice. I've got to go to my office. Selesai. Done. It's done. Manáya kamí. We'll be waiting. Man<0xC3><0xA1>ya kam<0xC3><0xAD>. Maaf, saya melupakannya. Sorry, I forgot. Sorry, I forgot about it. Rumahku kebakaran. My house was on fire. My house is on fire. Aku ngantuk. I'm sleepy. I'm sleeping. Ania ti ar-aramidem? What are you doing? What are you doing? Atín kung kálugúran a makátuknáng king Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I'm a big fan of the King of Kyoto. Wonten woh-wohan kaliyan ulam-ulaman wonten ing peken punika. There's fruit and meat in this market. Fruits and vegetables are included in this recipe. Anto man? What is that? What man? Saya sudah mengaturnya. I've already arranged it. I've arranged it. Alá yang kapatád a babái. He doesn't have a sister. Al<0xC3><0xA1> the capat<0xC3><0xA1>d ab<0xC3><0xA1>n. Pogoduhan do mangakan id suang do bilik pomoriksaan. Don't eat inside the laboratory. There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we had gathered. Aláng makí burí king marók a balítâ. Nobody likes bad news. Al<0xC3><0xA1>ng mak<0xC3><0xAD> bur<0xC3><0xAD> king mar<0xC3><0xB3>k a bal<0xC3><0xAD>t<0xC3><0xA2>. Prosa la it' íya ginbabasa. He only reads prose. It's written by Isaiah. Alanganin pa kun mapakanhi hiya o diri. It is doubtful whether he will come or not. Whether or not he's going to come or not. Bagi anak-anak di bawah usia 5 tahun, keretakan rumah tangga bisa jadi sulit untuk dipahami. For children up to 5 years old, family breakdown can be difficult to understand. For children under 5 years of age, a household rift can be difficult to understand. Kipogun tokoro hilo'd rahat. There are islands in the sea. We're going to get the hang of it here. Tomoimo zou id dabping nu. I will always be by your side. Tomoimo zou id dabping no. Ni håyi fumaisen yu'. Nobody asked me. This is my [real ground of] defense (my vindication of myself) to those who would put me on trial and cross-examine Saya tidak bisa selesai membaca buku tebal ini dalam seminggu. I cannot finish reading this thick book in a week. I can’t finish reading this book in a week. Kada' tokou kakakat ginavo sabap konunu ii apatut do amaamalu tokou. Let us not be proud of the things that we should be ashamed of. Don't be fooled by those who say you are a bad person. Ania dagiti pammatim? What are your beliefs? What are your beliefs? Migogut i Tom om i Mary. Tom and Mary argue quite often. Tom and Mary nodded. Salámat king sáup. Thanks for the support. Sal<0xC3><0xA1>mat king s<0xC3><0xA1>up. Hari ini adalah sebuah hari yang indah di Boston. It's a beautiful day here in Boston. Today was a beautiful day in Boston. Makó tána! Let's go! Let's get to it! Dia punya selera seni yang tinggi. He has an eye for art. He's got a high taste for art. Awan a pulos imbagbagam kaniak. You never tell me anything. You never told me anything. Bènaké dhèwèké ngentèni. Let him wait! to wait for him. Kamu mau minum apa? What'll you drink? What would you like to drink? Milo' ko' korikot id hiti. You can come in here. I'm going to try and get my ass kicked. Ingat! Remember! Remember! Iray, roa, telo, efatra, dimy, enina, fito, valo, sivy, folo. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Iray, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Pagmimingawun gud ako ha imo. I'll definitely miss you. I miss you so much. Iton kinabuhi baga lain la. Life is strange. Life is different. Saya belum datang bulan. My period hasn't come. I haven't come to the moon yet. Aku lupa mengunci lacinya. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. Bank buka pada pukul sembilan. Banks open at nine o'clock. The bank opens at nine o'clock. Damu iton tawo ha parke. There's lots of people at the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Apa kau ingin makan sesuatu? Would you like to eat something? Do you want to eat something? Agka mapaga. Asikasoen ko itan. Don't worry. I'll take care of that. Don't be shy. I'll take care of it now. Si Tom i yoku difensot. Tom is my lawyer. Yoku and I are on the verge of extinction. Manu kou ongoi soliwan om main? Do you want to come out and play? Do you want to play? Mositi do sumoomo zou dosido/dau om ogoton/poinsomokon ku zosido doid ginavo ku. Oupus zou dau miaga ko ouhau zou, om au zou kaanu masi nung kopitongkizad no mantad dau. Nung au dii zosido guminavo dogo, aiso no dii o lati/mangan ku doiti id pomogunan/vinoun. I must see her and press her to my heart. I love her to the point of madness, and I cannot continue to be separated from her. If she no longer loved me, I would have nothing left to do on earth. Mositi do sumoomo zou dosido/dau om ogoton/poinsmokoko ku zosido doid ginavo ku. Oupus sou is the devil's advocate for usu zou zou zou when it comes out. When it comes to zosido doo doo doo, there is no need for it. Doiho no. There it is. Doiho no. Bísa kung mangásantíng a sampága king lamésa. I want some beautiful flowers to put on the table. I'm looking forward to seeing the King of Lamps. Mungkinkah saya gila? Could it be that I am crazy? Could I be crazy? Tumongkiad oku maya i Tom. I broke up with Tom. I've been busy with Maya. Kalau awak meminatinya, beritahu saya dan saya akan berikan awak nombornya. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number. If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you the number. Komiti ini terdiri daripada lapan ahli. The committee consists of eight members. The committee consists of eight members. Minuli i Mary do walai sondiri. Mary went home by herself. Mary went home alone. Amangan no mapan idiay Boston ni Tom nga agbirok iti trabaho. Tom might go to Boston to look for a job. Tom went to Boston to look for a job. Kita bicara deng bahasa Prancis lagi. I speak French, too. We're talking French again. Kita bae-bae saja, ngana dang? I am fine, and you? We're going to be all right, aren't we? Éme ikít i Tom king sulú-sulú? Didn't you see Tom at the party? What do you think about Tom King Sul<0xC3><0xBA>-Sul<0xC3><0xBA>? Bagus. Good. Good. Sinábi mu na kang Tom ing tutú, e warí? You have told Tom the truth, haven't you? Have you ever been to the U.S.A. in Tuscany? Binayadak dagiti mainum. I paid for the drinks. The drinkers left me. Pamatì hin maúpay. Listen carefully. kill for money. Nalaing kadi nga agluto ni Tom? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom good at cooking? Pada jam sibuk kemacetan memperlambat kedatangan saya selama dua jam. A rush-hour traffic jam delayed my arrival by two hours. During rush hour the traffic slowed down my arrival for two hours. Nasam-it a tagtagainep! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Bukan, bukan aku, tetapi kamu! No, not me, but you! No, not me, but you! Aku tidak ingat apa-apa tentang hal itu. I don't remember any of it. I don't remember anything about it. Hanya ini kamera yang aku dapatkan. This is the only camera I've got. This is the only camera I got. Au zou aanangan diti tuhun ih mononsog dogo do monguama' dii. I don't like this guy who forcing me to do it. I'm sure you'll find a way to get your ass kicked out of your ass. Barkadak ni Tom. Tom is a buddy of mine. I'm not Tom. Nabaton hiya nga nagluluha. He answered in tears. She responds with tears. Kami memanggil dia Mike. We call him Mike. We call him Mike. Mábálik hi Tom. Tom is going to come back. Tom is back. Kay-ano ha kadamo hiton tawo ako pa an imo ginpakianhan? Why do you ask me of all people? How many of you have asked me? Mayoritas pekerja Jepang berencana untuk mengambil libur musim panas lebih dari tiga hari berturut-turut. A majority of Japanese workers plan to take more than three consecutive days of summer vacation. The majority of Japanese workers plan to take a summer holiday of more than three days in a row. Tom tidak seharusnya mengucapkan perkataan itu. Tom shouldn't have said those things. Tom shouldn't have said those words. Koupus ko' nangku doho? Do you love me? I'm going to get my coat? Iko ndak paralu. This is not important. That's not paraphrasing. Macam mana saya kesiangan walaupun saya masuk tidur awal?! How did I oversleep even though I went to bed early?! How am I supposed to go to bed early?! Apa kau pernah pergi ke Prancis sebelumnya? Have you been to France before? Have you ever been to France before? Ano iton imo trabajo? Nag-aano ka nganhi? What is your occupation? What do you do here? What's your job, what's your job? Bu guru mbukak kerdusé banjur ngetokaké bal. The teacher opened the box and took out a ball. The teacher opened the door and opened the door. Tunggal maysa ket addaan iti bukodna nga opinion. Everyone has their own opinion. Each has its own opinion. Nawad-an na ako hin gana. I've lost my appetite. I've lost my appetite. Mogot nogi ongoi pogium di Tom. We'd better go find Tom. I'm in the process of getting ready for Tom. Sadurungé aku durung tau mlebu kelas iki. I have never been inside this classroom. I've never been in this class before. Dia mengantarku pulang. She gave me a ride home. He drove me home. Panggepmo kadi ti gumatang iti kotse? Are you planning on buying a car? Do you intend to buy a car? Amo iton iton akon karuyag gud nga parte. That's the part I liked best. That's the part I really wanted. Bilal sedang melaungkan azan. The muezzin is making the call to prayer. Bilal is chanting Azan. Tiup semua lilin diatas kue ulang tahun dalam sekali tiup. Blow out all the candles on the birthday cake at once. Blow all the candles on the birthday cake in one inflatable. Nag-iisog gud akó yanâ. I'm really angry right now. I was very brave at this time. Bísa kung kutsilyúng pamútut kaníning lúbid. I want a knife with which to cut the rope. It's a good idea to try to get rid of the lye. Dia membenturkan kepalanya ke sebuah batu. He hit his head against a rock. He banged his head against a rock. Minonondos i tanak kusai tu mongudut id timpu do panantaban id sikul. The boy was accused of cheating during the exam. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. Au zou miho taanan do hongoon ku. I can't shake off my cold. Au zou miho taan do hongoon ku. Lapar? Hungry? Hungry? Tom bisa bahasa Prancis? Can Tom speak French? Do you speak French? Apakah kau telah melupakanku? Have you forgotten about me? Have you forgotten me? Alá lu karín. They aren't there. Al<0xC3><0xA1> lu kar<0xC3><0xAD>n. Dia memasak makanan yang enak untuk dirinya sendiri. She cooks delicious food for herself. He cooks good food for himself. Maayo pang ihatod ta lang hinuon ka ning kotse taman sa inyo. It's better if I drove you all the way home. I'm happy to take you to this car. Miiso ginawo kito. You and I are soulmates. Let's get to know each other. Paréu lang gínulísak. They both screamed. I'm just a little nervous. Mogontolu ilo golupo do monikid tadau. Those hens lay eggs almost every day. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south, and three on the west. Pantangon zou do sabap. I obey only reason. It's going to be zou do cause. Tom tidak akan melakukannya kecuali jika kau memintanya. Tom won't do that unless you ask him to. Tom won't do it unless you ask him. Nakasarakam iti daytoy? When did you find this? Where did you find this? Agaramid iti umok dagiti billit. Birds build nests. Birds make nests. Angay la iton ha imo. It serves you right. That's all for you. Iti no beg di Jane. This is Jane's bag. It's not Jane's bag. Kami berbincang sebentar. We had a chat for a while. We talked for a minute. Aku tidak punya pilihan. Aku harus melakukan ini. I don't have a choice. I have to do this now. I don't have a choice. Aiso no orikatan nu. You are out of step. It's not ice cream. Diri ako maaram sumayaw. I'm a terrible dancer. I don't know how to dance. Au kou miho tongkizadai dagai doiti miampai aiso taakanon om vaig. You can't just leave us here with no food and water. As you eat the bread and drink the cup, and as you drink, you do not have the right to eat and drink. Ini bukan lelucon. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. Apa danau terbesar di Jerman? What's Germany's largest lake? What is the largest lake in Germany? Unsay bag-o? What's new? What's new? Jangan hisap rokok terlalu banyak Don't smoke too much. Do not smoke too much. Aku pernah membaca buku itu sebelumnya. I have read the book before. I've read that book before. Dagiti pammati ket produkto ti imahinasiontayo. Beliefs are a product of our imagination. Beliefs are the product of our imagination. Kalo kita bisa tu kita su biking suda. I would do it if I could. If we can, we're going to have a bikini. Membosankan sekali. What a bore. It's boring. Éna gáwang Tom ing pépagawá ku kayá. Tom wouldn't do what I asked him to do. He's got a crush on Kayla. Sibog na intawon. Please move on. to get drunk. Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. He has finished his work. He's done his job. Dia akan menjadi dokter ketika sudah besar. He will be a doctor when he grows up. He will become a doctor when he grows up. Aku capek! I'm tired! I'm tired! Natagakan no tusin disido mantad do kadai kasino. He lost all of his money at the casino. It's a game that's played out of the casino. Sinterklas tinggal di kutub utara. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. Tagai ko! Give me some! Give me a hand! Ania koma? So what? What would it be? Atangkangau ko' hiti? Are you busy here? Do you want to see me? Ayaw pataka pag-insultuha tim mayor. Don't risk insulting your boss. Don't blame the mayor. Unsay imong gusto? What do you want? What do you want? Apa yang ada di dalam tasmu? What do you have in your bag? What's in your bag? Adios! Goodbye! Bye! Otopot kopio kanu. You are absolutely right. It's easy to get caught. Aku menunjukkan kamarku padanya. I showed her my room. I showed him my room. Dakál ku credit card. I have a lot of credit cards. Dak<0xC3><0xA1>l ku credit card. Nohuyan ko' no? Are you tired? Don't you want me? Jam berapa pertunjukkannya akan dimulai? What time does the play begin? What time will the show start? Siapakah yang William Wallace telah kalahkan? Who did William Wallace defeat? Who was William Wallace defeated? Tom berjanji padaku bahwa dia tidak akan melakukan hal itu lagi. Tom promised me he wouldn't do that again. Tom promised me that he would never do that again. Au zou tumbozo do kouha-uha' no timpu dotokou. I don't believe we have enough time. Au zou tumbozo kuou-u when dotou. Kosorou ko' po? Do you remember? I'm going to make it? Tidak ada yang melihat kita. No one saw us. No one saw us. Tom menyarankan cara-cara agar kita dapat menghemat uang. Tom suggested ways we could save money. Tom suggests ways that we can save money. Balá na ya ing séntru ning siklúban. He thinks that he's the centre of the universe. It's on the front porch, but it's on the sidelines. Dhèwèké tatag. She's assertive. He's a slut. Nampaknya tidak ada seorang pun di rumah. It seems that there is also nobody at home. There seems to be no one at home. Hal menakutkan apa yang pernah kamu alami? What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you? What scary things have you ever experienced? Méyári ya king mátas a pipágarálan ngéning kasíbul. He graduated from high school this spring. The king of the jungle is a squishy squishy. Dia pura-pura. Itulah. Itulah mengapa dia tidak mendengkur. She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring. That's why he doesn't snore. Apa kamu merasa sakit? Do you feel sick? Do you feel sick? Akinbolpen iti daytoy? Whose pen is this? What's up with this? Panúpáya yung mítawlí ku. Please excuse my being late. It's a myth. Saya pernah mengunjungi Fukuoka 10 tahun yang lalu. I visited Fukuoka ten years ago. I visited Fukuoka 10 years ago. Duro it pagkulbaha ha akun hiton sitwasyun. The situation worries me very much. There was a lot of noise in the neighborhood. Dádálan ya ing Kamo king Kyoto. The Kamo runs through Kyoto. You are the king of Kyoto. Métung la pang aldóng míyabé-ábe. They stayed one more day together. It's all about the al-Qaeda. Ini telah diperbaharui pada musim gugur tahun 2013. It was updated in autum 2013. This was renewed in the fall of 2013. Permanente natrabaho hi Tom. Tom is always working. Tom worked on a permanent basis. Tidak ada satupun yang peduli. No one cares. No one cares. Saanmo a mapugtuan no ania ti inaramid ni Tom. You'll never guess what Tom did. You can't guess what Tom did. Saan a masursuro iti dua a lawas laeng ti maysa a ganggannaet a pagsasao. A foreign language cannot be learned in only two weeks. A foreign language cannot be learned in just two weeks. Kowé luwih apik katimbang aku. You're better than me. You're better than me. Dili sila kabalo. They won't know. They're not familiar. “Aku miau kai manok tu, minta ngagai Petara, ngasoh kitai gerai nyamai lantang senang. Enti burong kita jai, manok tu ngasoh iya manah. Enti burong kita manah, manok tu ngasoh iya manah agi.” “I wave this rooster above your head, Praying to God and the holy spirits, To grant all of us good health, happiness and peace. If your omen is bad, this rooster will make it good. If it is good, this rooster will make it better still.” “I want you to take the chicken, ask Petra, and put on a warm coat. If you want it well, you have it all right. If you want it, you can make it better.” Ogingo no ihia sangkakib ruti dot au koiho poihoon, nga ihia no kivaa susuzan dongeng do mogisusuvai kakib ruti. The loaf of bread was so fine that nobody could even describe it, for only in fairyland does one find such marvelous loaves. If you have a piece of bread, you will have a piece of bread, and if you have a piece of bread, you will be able to make it. Dia selalu membuatku terkejut. I'm always surprised by him. He always surprises me. Atín keng séseng maragúl a ásu. We are keeping a big dog. Atin Keng is one of the best. Kowé ngerti ora iki apa? Can you tell me what this is? Do you know what this is? Sebagai akibatnya, tes-tes tambahan harus dijalankan untuk menjamin keamanan yang penuh. As a consequence, additional tests must be carried out to ensure complete security. As a result, additional tests must be carried out to ensure full safety. Igagawas ko iton. I'll take it outside. I'll pull it out. Kamu sudah makan malam? Have you had dinner already? You've had dinner? Kau terlalu mabuk untuk mengemudi. You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. Saan a siak ti nangibaga iti dayta ken ni Tom. It wasn't me who told Tom that. I didn't say that to Tom. Kereta tersebut terguling. The train flipped over. The train rolled. Dia masih marah. He is still angry. He's still angry. Situasinya menjadi sedikit runyam antara Tom dan Mary. Things seem to be going hot and heavy between Tom and Mary. The situation became a little blurry between Tom and Mary. Kaasi a pusa. Poor cat. Mercy cat. Kagampot i Tom do kaking. Tom reached for a towel. I'm going to do a sloppy doll. Ga-pictorial mi sa among klase. We had our class pictorial. We were in class pictorial. Carikan aku selimut lagi. Get me an extra blanket. Get me another blanket. Kun mag-Frinanses hi ikaw, dírì hi akó makaka-intindi. If you speak French, I won't understand. If you're French, you'll understand. Tom beruntung. Tom was lucky. Tom's lucky. Baluto an akon itinabok han salog. I crossed the river by boat. My boat crossed the river. Osuusuvab zou. I'm early. Osuusuvab zou. Ayaw ko hayloag pahiyom. Never bait me with a smile. I don't want to smile. Sebelah matanya buta. He is blind in one eye. Next to his eyes were blind. An Mostar mahúsay hin duro nga syudad. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Mostar is a very big city. Owito hiti oi Tom! Bring it in, Tom. Let's get to know Tom! Usá nga parte ha ákòn it' musika. Music is a part of me. It's a part of the music. Nakabatos i kopolintaan bandar do minaan kohominan ginumuan dot okudi o valos. The city government promised us more low-income housing. The city's population has been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Kurasa Tom akan segera kembali. I think Tom will return soon. I think Tom's coming back soon. Yakan ni Tom nga diri na gud iton bubuhaton ni Mary bisan san-o. Tom said that Mary won't do that anymore. Tom told her that she would never do that again. Lamazo no potombuhuzon nu. Enjoy your vacation. Lamazo no potombukuzon nu. Kami sedang membantu Tom. We're helping Tom. We're helping Tom. Saya dijemput ke majlis ini. I was invited to the party. I was invited to this meeting. Au ko tagal do sumimba tuutulus. You don't have to answer quickly. I've always been honest with my heart. Tokyo lebih ramai dibandingkan Beijing. Tokyo is more crowded than Beijing. Tokyo is bigger than Beijing. Guru baru itu ada di kelas. The new teacher is in the class. The new teacher is in class. Awakdhéwé éntuk akèh pengalaman sing nyenengaké nèng pamulangan inggil. We had many exciting experiences in the college. We've had a lot of exciting experiences in learning. Bukannya sekolah, dia malah di rumah. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Not at school, but at home. Kroasia berada di bagian tenggara Eropa. Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe. Croatia is in the southeastern part of Europe. Bètèng iki diadegaké supaya wong-wong ora bisa mlebu apa ora bisa metu? Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in? Is there a way for people to get in or out? Dunia sekarang ialah dunia ilmu pengetahuan. The current world is a world of knowledge. Today's world is a world of science. Ogumu rombituon id tawan. The sky is full of stars. Ogumu rombutuion id captive. Minuman anggur terbuat dari anggur. Wine is made from grapes. Wine is made from wine. Sinaludsodna kaniak no kaano a gumatangak iti baro a kotse. He asked me when I was going to buy a new car. He asked me when I would buy a new car. Kita tau bahasa Prancis lagi. I speak French, too. We know French again. Binuybuya ni Tom ti ipapanaw ni Mary. Tom watched Mary leave. Tom watched Mary's departure. Tom tidak tahu berapa biayanya. Tom doesn't know how much it'll cost. Tom doesn't know how much it costs. Makanta ako yana nga adlaw. I'll sing today. I can sing today. Walay nitubag. Nobody answered. No one answered. Pria itu sedang makan kacang. The man is eating beans. The guy's eating nuts. Tidak kurang dari 40 persen siswa pergi melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas. Not less than 40 percent of students go on to university. No less than 40 percent of students go on to continue their education to university. Kamu sudah beli semangka? Have you bought a watermelon? Have you bought a watermelon? Kami akan berikan Tom, pesta ulang tahun. We are giving Tom a birthday party. We'll give Tom a birthday party. Dia akan duduk di sini. He's going to sit here. He's gonna sit here. Au oku kogura. I can't move. It's a kogura. Au zou kavasa izonon miampai aiso tondu. I can't live without a woman. Take care of any widow who has no one else to care for her. Gago' yu'. I am lazy. Gago' yu'. Kita tara dengar apa-apa. I didn't hear any sounds. We didn't hear anything. Milo' oku kumaraja hiti? Can I work here? Do you want me to take a nap? Papahuyuon ko hi Tom. I'm going to stop Tom. I'm going to let Tom down. Milo' oku mumboyo dau? Can I trust him? Do you want me to take you to the ballgame? Lubpu nopo ti nga kosoruan do toruol kumaa di tanganak. Chicken pox is a common sickness in children. I don't have a tortoise in my hand. Personal hin duro iton na pakiana. That's a very personal question. This is a very personal question. Percobaannya berhasil. The experiment succeeded. The experiment worked. Kivaa tuhun kuminam do sumuang duuhia. Someone's trying to get in. I'm going to try to get you started. ¿Waray ka man magsurat diretso ha akun? Why didn't you write to me right away? Didn't you write directly to the account? Diak ammo. I do not know. I don't know. Dítak la mung táung makí adwáng kótsi. Few people have two cars. I'm just going to have to say that I'm a bit of a squishy. Aku menangis sepanjang malam. I cried all night. I cried all night. Apay nga aglalaawka? Why were you yelling? Why are you kidding me? Kawan saya telah menghantar saya sepucuk surat yang mana dia bertanya kepada saya jika saya sihat. My friend sent me a letter in which he asked me if I'm well. A friend of mine sent me a letter asking me if I'm okay. Akhir pekan ini jika memungkinkan. This weekend, if possible. This weekend if possible. Nung popoiho ko do katapatan, au' tagal do momusoou ko nununu. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. Au zou kokito diau. I don't see you. Au zou tate anu. Ni kadi Tom ti nangisingasing iti daytoy? Was Tom the one who suggested this? Was it Tom who suggested this? Manigáral kang sumúlat. Learn to write. You're running errands. Cinta tidaklah buta, itu merupakan keterbelakangan. Love isn't blind, it's retarded. Love is not blind, it is backwardness. Makasaoka iti Insik? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Apakah sensitivitas tinggi itu? What is high sensitivity? What is the high sensitivity? Milo' oku mambarai baino? Can I order now? What's your take on Mambara? Tom menikahi perempuan yang lebih mudah dari dirinya. Tom married a girl much younger than himself. Tom married a woman who was easier than him. Mayda hi akó examen buwas. I have an exam tomorrow. Akufo-Addo will be taking the exam tomorrow. Apa perlu aku temani? Should I go with you? Do I have to go with you? Dia tidak tahu apa-apa tentang rencana itu. He doesn't know everything about the plan. He didn't know anything about the plan. Nabati' zou moboos do Sina. My Chinese isn't very good. I've heard of Moose. Ini kota yang bagus. It's a nice town. It's a nice city. Modagan mi. We but not including you will run. We're going to run. Tom meletakkan sendoknya. Tom set down his spoon. Tom put down the spoon. Kao guaha lapes-mu siha? Do you have pencils? Is there any way to get rid of the ad? Manaat i Tom do bulou hodi bilik dau. Tom would like to paint his room blue. I'm going to go to the doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho do Magkasapit nga naglalakat hira ha dalan. They were walking along the street arm in arm. They're walking along the road. Mereka dulunya menjunjung tinggi derajat ayahnya. They used to look up to their father. They used to uphold their father's degrees. Ginkuhaan hin fingerprint han mga pulis hi Tom. Tom was fingerprinted by the police. The police picked up Tom's fingerprint. Apatut no zou mongoi kalaja. I should get back to work. It's supposed to be a workaround. Isublim dagita abalbaylay mo dita kahon. Put your toys back in the box. Put them back in the box. Atuukoi, nunu maan nu baino? For God's sake, what are you up to now? What's the matter, what's yours? Palihog og hulat nako. Please wait for me. Please wait for me. Nadiri ako mag-inusahan la. I don't like living alone. I didn't want to be alone. Karuyag ko gud nga buligan ka. I really want to help you. I really wanted to help you. Sínalí yang kárni ampóng ébun ba yang makápaglútung tórta. She bought some meat and eggs so that she might make omelets. S<0xC3><0xAD>nal<0xC3><0xAD> the k<0xC3><0xA1>rni amp<0xC3><0xB3>ng <0xC3><0xA9>bun ba the mak<0xC3><0xA1>pagl<0xC3><0xBA>tung t<0xC3><0xB3>rta. Matatapuran mo hi Tom. You can trust Tom. You can trust Tom. Pagpinan-prito hin patatas iton ira pakabuhi. Their job is to fry the potatoes. They make their living with potatoes. Mary mencabut sebuah pistol dan menembak Tom. Mary pulled out a pistol and shot Tom. Mary pulls out a gun and shoots Tom. Waray ka magsayup? Kaswerte nala! You did not make a single mistake? That had to be blind luck! You didn't make a mistake? Nunu?! So what? Nunu?! Naghihinúlat hi akó ha imo. I'm waiting for you. Aiko is waiting for you. Dia dihalau dari rumah. He got thrown out of the house. He was kicked out of the house. Aku ingat pernah mendengar cerita yang sangat mirip dengan itu. I remember hearing a very similar story to that. I remember hearing a story very similar to that. Apa yang ingin kau minum? What are you going to drink? What do you want to drink? Ana woh-wohan lan iwak-iwakan nèng pasar iki. There's fruit and meat in this market. There are fruit and fish in this market. Boleh anda bermain sebarang alat muzik? Can you play any musical instruments? Can you play any musical instruments? Milo' tokou popo'opi ti? Can we keep it? What's up with Milo? Jika anda bersetuju untuk menjadi penderma organ, anda boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa seseorang. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to be an organ donor, you can help save someone's life. Saya harus pergi sekarang. I must leave now. I have to go now. May-ada naton iba nga mga butang nga pag-eerestoryahan. We have other things to discuss. We have other things to talk about. Awak dan Tom buat apa? What are you and Tom doing? What are you and Tom doing? Pakí-ispliká mo káku deng pátakarán ning soccer. Please explain the rules of soccer to me. I'm going to play soccer in this game. Ana pirang apel sing tok duwé? How many apples do you have? How many apples are there? Pemerintah terus memperbarui sistem pendidikan. The government has been reforming education. The government continues to update the education system. Tinapap dosido id voos disido. She slapped his face. Dosido id voos disis. Itu tidak cukup. It's not enough. That's not enough. Nabasa ti tualia. The towel is wet. The towel is wet. Pasáyloa akó. Please, forgive me. I'm going to pasola. Maaf, tapi saya sudah punya pacar. I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend. Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Apapun permasalahannya, mengetahui pokok permasalahan yang ada adalah hal yang penting. No matter what the problem is, it's essential to get at the heart of the matter. Whatever the problem, knowing the subject matter is important. Bangun! Get up! Wake up! "Apa kamu pernah melihat Tom membawa tas tangan?" "Tom? Tidak, tidak pernah." "Have you ever seen Tom with a handbag?" "Tom? No, never." "Have you ever seen Tom carry a handbag?" "Tom? No, never." Éku bálû. I don't know. <0xC3><0x89>ku b<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xBB>. Adakah kamu tahu tentang Singapura? Do you know about Singapore? Do you know anything about Singapore? Diri matapud-tapud kun maganar ini. It is doubtful whether this will work. It's not that bad or it's bad. Dia sepatutnya bekerja lebih keras. He should have worked harder. He should have worked harder. Apa kau mau makan? Do you feel like eating? Would you like something to eat? Misy nosy ao anaty ranomasina. There are islands in the sea. There is an ocean in the sea. Aliwá mu i Tom ing kaylángang magáral. Anggá yáku kaylángan. It's not only Tom that has to study. I have to study, too. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the middle of the night, and I'm sure you'll be fine. Aku masih belum yakin. I'm still not certain. I'm still not sure. Tom mempunyai lemak tubuh sebanyak 7%. Tom has 7% body fat. Tom has a body fat of 7%. Lesen memandu anda telah tamat tempohnya. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's license has expired. Bukankah Tom terlihat lelah? Tom looks tired, doesn't he? Doesn't Tom look tired? "Saya terpesona dengan bunga-bunga mawar di rumah Anda. Mereka sangat indah sekali." "Ah, saya tersanjung mendengarnya. Terima kasih." "I was just admiring your roses. They're absolutely gorgeous." "Oh, I'm flattered. Thank you." "I'm fascinated by the roses in your house. They are so beautiful." "Ah, I'm flattered to hear them. Thank you." Gisuginlan ni Tom si Mary bahin sa kawat. Tom talked to Mary about the robbery. Tom tells Mary about the robbery. Diri mo gud 'ton 'himuon. You would never do that. You'll never 'round it'. Nagmulay ako dinhi. I was playing here. I'm playing here. ¿Hin-o an nagsumát haim nga masakít ako? Who told you that I was sick? Who's going to be the one that got me hooked? Alayon igsiring ha ira iton ira kinahanglan buhaton. Please tell them what they need to do. Please tell them what they need to do. Ruangan ini tidak mendapat banyak sinar matahari. This room does not get much sun. This room doesn't get a lot of sunlight. Kitimpu 2 minit ko nopo, obuli daa monongkiboros kito? If you have a couple minutes, could you hear me out? It's been a couple of minutes, so we're going to have to go back to our little sluts. Palagaha iton suga. Waray ko nakikit'an. Turn on the light. I can't see anything. Turn off the light, I didn't see anything. Saan a pagtalkan ni Tom ni Mary a kas iti panagtalek daytoy kenkuana. Tom didn't trust Mary as much as she trusted him. Tom doesn't trust Mary as much as this puts his trust in her. Mungkin seharusnya aku tidak menetap di sini. Maybe I shouldn't stay here. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed here. Pakanhi daw Tom. Get over here, Tom. Take a look at Tom. ¿Háin an ákòn mga líbro? Where are my books? Where's the lynchmen? Dia adalah manajer dari departemen pemasaran. He is the manager of the marketing department. He is the manager of the marketing department. Au oku kokito poingkuro daa pologoson nu dilo. I don't see how you can ignore this. I hope to come to you soon. Tunggu! Wait! Wait! Stasiun kereta apinya di mana? Where is the railway station? Where is the train station? Agbiag ti tao iti agarup a 70 a tawen laeng. People live only about 70 years. Humans live only about 70 years. Tom lebih tinggi dari saya. Tom is taller than me. Tom is taller than me. Jangan pernah pergi ke sana. Don't even go there. Don't ever go there. Au osonong kopio i Tom sabaagi do tapa. Tom is a failure as a father. Tom was very good at it. Panagkunam kabaelam ti agbalin a maysa a polis? Do you think you could be a cop? You think you can afford to be a cop? Misaotra! Thanks! Thank you! Pobunduson doid Google Translate do boos Kadazan doid toun 2018 dumonto'. The Kadazan language will be launched on Google Translate in 2018. Popunduson doid Google Translate do boos Kadazan doid toun 2018 dumbuto'. Jam berapa kau biasanya bangun? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually wake up? Kamu suka lagu? Do you like songs? You like songs? Tumongob kozo i Tom kokomoi diau. Tom is very worried about you. Tom Kokomoi auita. Dia mudah bosan. He got bored quickly. He's easily bored. Pákit mu kayá nung nánung agyú mung daptán. Show him what you're capable of. It's a bit of a pain in the ass when you're just a slut. Pákit mu káku ing agyú mung daptán. Show me what you're capable of. You're in the middle of just a daisy. Jurusanmu apa? What's your speciality? What's your major? Aku ora nemokaké endi-endi sing wangun. I don't find any of this interesting. I didn't find any form. Tidak tahu. I don't know. Don't know. Nagtrabaho ni Tom. Tom was working. Tom worked. Ginpagawas hiya ha klase han maestra. The teacher kicked her out of class. He was released from the teacher's class. Napateg ti sex kaniak. Sex is important to me. Sex is important to me. Apa kamu membaca keseluruhan artikelnya? Did you read the whole article? Did you read the entire article? Nánu pang kaylángan mu? What else do you need? How far do you have to go? Aku baru makan. I just ate. I just ate. Póta ásopan daká. They might be able to help you. P<0xC3><0xB3>ta <0xC3><0xA1>sopan dak<0xC3><0xA1>. Piipio toun mikot au nodi kouhan do tongoguvang. The next few years won't be easy for us. I'm going to try to get my hands on my toes. Faly aho. I'm happy. I'm fortunate. Nunu ka do boros dikoyu lo? How do you say that in your language? Are you going to get your ass kicked out? Aku ingin pergi ke sebuah hotel. I want to go to a hotel. I want to go to a hotel. Tolong bonnya. The bill, please. The bond, please. Onse, dose, trese, katotse, kinse, diesisáis, diesisiete, diesiocho, disinuebi, beinti. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, katotse, fifteen, diesis<0xC3><0xA1>is, disisiete, diesiocho, disinuebi, beinti. Makan malam kama wak kini ko? Where are we going to dinner tonight? I'm going to bed tonight? Awan oras wenno kuartak a para iti dayta. I have neither time nor money for that. I don't have time or money for it. Oras na para kita mag-andám. I think it's time for us to start getting ready. It's time to prepare. Pobolio do uwai gatang, poinsawato' do dagang Buy low, sell high. "Politicians in the business of selling Nabilngan ko iní ha sírong han imo katre. I found this under your bed. I found it in your bed. Bagaimana kabar orang tuamu? How are your parents? How's your parents doing? Mediku gue‘. He is a doctor. “My medicine.” Nasken nga aggunaytayon. We should get moving. We need to move. Maan oku ndo rasuk wagu montok diya. I will make a new suit for you. I'm going to take a look at the squeaky wheel. Milo' tokou moi suang? Can we come in? Is there a way to get rid of it? Terima kasih. Thank you. Thank you. Maikatlo ita ti Oktubre. It's October the third. Today is the third day of October. Malidayanak. I feel blue. I'm lonely. Pokok itu tumbang dengan sendirinya. The tree fell down by itself. The tree fell on its own. Mabutengak unay a mapanak sadiay a sisiak. I'm too scared to go there by myself. I'm too scared to go there by myself. Apa yang ingin kau lakukan? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Waray pa ako uminom hin beer. I never touch beer. I haven't had a beer yet. E maragúl a báge itá. It's not that big of a deal. E marag<0xC3><0xBA>l a b<0xC3><0xA1>ge it<0xC3><0xA1>. Modagan nang mga tawhana. Those particular persons will run. People are running. Kumanhi ako para kilal-un hiya. I came to know him. I'm here to get to know him. Iti nopo montok diya kanto. This is probably for you. I'm in Noddy right there. Lamazo no sondii! Enjoy yourself! Lamazo no sondii! Aku akan meneleponmu nanti. I'll phone you later. I'll call you later. Orasen ti panagawid. It's already time to go home. It's time to go home. Iní ing salítang burí kung alilán. This is the word which I would like to replace. It's in the middle of an alley. Saya tidak tahu. I don't know. I don't know. Aiso o jaam doid suang do dimput ku. There are no clocks in my room. For every person will have to bear (be equal to understanding and calmly receive) his own [little] load [of oppressive faults]. Tom hidup di dunia fantasi. Tom lives in a world of fantasy. Tom lives in a fantasy world. Tom menyukai sains fiksi. Tom likes science fiction. Tom likes science fiction. ¿It' im' pag-abat mahimo mo? Do you think you can do it? Do you feel like you can do it? Insan tadau tanak dito kosovohi diti buvaton tokou. One day our children will take over our paddy planting. And then there's the zucchini in the zucchini. Karuyag ni Tom hin ebidensya. Tom wants evidence. Tom wants evidence. Tidak mungkin! Impossible! No way! Tom pingsan. Tom has passed out. Tom fainted. Pemerintah mengirimkan barang ke pulau kecil itu dengan helikopter. The government sends goods to that little island by helicopter. The government delivered goods to the small island by helicopter. Tom sudah ada di sini, tapi Bill masih belum datang. Tom's already here, but Bill hasn't come yet. Tom's already here, but Bill's still not here. Sayangnya, dia tidak datang. Unfortunately, she didn't come. Unfortunately, he didn't come. Mumbal i Tom ukaban do kakanan. Tom tried to open the jar. I'm going to go back to eating. Nakasakob an usá nga kawatán ha ámon panimalay han kami ádto haráyo. A thief broke into the house while we were away. A fire broke out in our house when we were in the middle of the night. Dia suka macan. He likes a tiger. He likes tigers. Nu raká malyáring pakíkitán? Where can we meet you? Don't you want to be a masochist? Ania ti ar-aramidem kalpasan ti panageskuelam? What do you do after school? What do you do after school? Gago' hao! You are lazy! Gago' hao! Muhang oku do boros Poransis. I love French. It looks like a porn star. Apakah kamu mau minuman? Would you like something to drink? Would you like a drink? Akibat dari kemacetan lalu lintas, dia tidak dapat melihat keberangkatannya di stasiun. As a result of a traffic jam, he wasn't able to see her off at the station. As a result of the traffic jam, he was unable to see his departure at the station. Agyáng núkarín makásalikút ku. I can hide everywhere. Agy<0xC3><0xA1>ng n<0xC3><0xBA>kar<0xC3><0xAD>n mak<0xC3><0xA1>salik<0xC3><0xBA>t ku. Aku harap tidak ada yang dirusak. I hope nothing's been broken. I hope no one gets hurt. Aku tertular pilekmu. You've given me your cold. I got your cold. Mari kita melakukannya lagi. Let's do that again. Let's do it again. Pruybahi pakadi ha amo nga oras buwas. Try to get here on time tomorrow. We're going to be on the pitch tomorrow night. Beneran? Seriously? You're right? Rasanya malam ini aku bisa tidur nyenyak. I have the feeling that I'll sleep well tonight. I think I can sleep well tonight. Kami sedang makan apel. We're eating apples. We're eating apples. Oinggolou ko' po? Are you still dizzy? I'm going to oolong? Nunu o mangan nu? What do you think you're doing? Do you eat or don't you? Dámu iton amun miyembro. We have many members. You are a member. Sekarang malam. It's night. It's night. Aku akan membelikan tas ini untukmu. I'll get this bag for you. I'll buy this bag for you. Aku tidak selalu bersikap toleran. I'm not always so lenient. I'm not always tolerant. Aku bercanda. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Lawom ang dagat. The sea is deep. The sea is deep. Sawo dau nopo nga tambalut ku. His wife is one of my friends. I don't want to take my medication. Nidaog mi dayon kay huyang ang among kontra. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We won because our opponent was weak. Jadi apa anaknya sekarang? What has become of his son? So what's his son now? Ternyata itu benar. It turned out true. Turns out it's true. Ini keputusan yang tepat. Dengan ini tidak ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan. It's a good compromise. It won't leave anyone dissatisfied. It's the right decision. With this, no one feels harmed. Otootopot nangku do guminavo tokou do Sabah? Do we truly love Sabah? Do you think you'll be able to get a hold of me in the morning? Nakit-an ko hiya nga nasiplat ha akon. I saw him looking at me. I saw him staring at me. Mungkin akan turun hujan. It may rain. It's probably going to rain. Dhèwèké ora ngerti apa-apa. They don't know anything. He doesn't know anything. Aku menyuruh Tom untuk berhenti. I told Tom to stop. I told Tom to stop. Manu kopio i Tom do sanggalas kupi talasu. Tom really wanted a cup of hot black coffee. I'm going to have to go to the grocery store to get my hair done. Karena terluka, dia memutuskan untuk kembali ke Amerika. It was because he was injured that he decided to return to America. Wounded, he decided to return to America. Iri podi kaala tu isai daa poposunud disio dot otopot? The problem is who is going to tell him the truth. Is there a way to tell the truth? Tinggalkan aku sendiri! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Dia menghilang tanpa jejak. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Milo' yau monguhup dika. He can help you out. Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum. Nga okuri no kalansanan di tulun. But people have a little hope. That's why I'm taking care of people. Bila saya berkerja, saya gemar mendengar muzik. When I work, I like to listen to the music. When I work, I love to listen to music. Alaid au nokopiruba kito, gugumayo ko nodi. Haven't seen you for a while, and you've grown taller! When I got home, I was so nervous. Mípaglíbe lang rigálu. They exchanged gifts. It's just a rag<0xC3><0xA1>lu. Binyé neng Tom kékamí. Tom gave it to us. It's like Tom's. Pagbukara ta na it' mga lasuna. Let's unearth the garlics. Let's break it down. Saandata a matiliw. They're not going to catch us. They can't catch us. Dia pergi ke stasiun kereta untuk mengiringi keberangkatannya. She went to the train station to see him off. He went to the train station to accompany his departure. May-ada ako sugad nga problema han yanâ la. I had a problem similar to that not too long ago. I had such a problem in the past. Alaid oku poingandad disio sangadau. I waited for him all day long. I'm trying to figure out how to get there. Boleh minta tolong? Can I ask you a favor? Can I ask for help? Bukankah saya sudah memperingatkanmu? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? Noulau ko' no? Are you crazy? I mean, I'm noob, right? Ini adalah danau terindah yang pernah aku lihat. This is the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful lake I've ever seen. Ngaan ku nopo nga i Ken. My name is Ken. My name is Ken. Nasken nga agawid ni Tom. Tom should go home. Tom had to go home. Kenapa kau melakukannya? Why did you do it? Why did you do that? Pulau itu terletak dua mil dari pantai. The island is about two miles off the coast. The island is located two miles from the beach. Apak namak ajih? What is your name? You're my father? Mantad yahai hilo'd Poransis. We are from France. It's a poison to porn. Iuli nadtos nagpadala. Return to the sender. return to the sender. Kakan-o nimo hira urhi nga nahikit-an? When did you last see them? When was the last time you saw them? Nahitaas iton kriminalidad hini nga nasud. The crime rate is increasing in this country. Crime in this country is high. Nagin maúpay an ádlaw. The day turned out to be fine. The adage has become sloppy. Agpayso amin nga imbaga ni Tom. Everything that Tom said is true. Everything Tom said was true. Moosou ii do kosivatan. It's a remarkable opportunity. Moosou ii do kosivatan. Monongkoiho zou. I want to know. Monongkoiho zou. Tom bilang dia mengurangi frekuensi minumnya. Tom says he's cut down on drinking. Tom said he reduced his drinking frequency. Bapa saya mencintai ibu saya. My father loves my mother. My father loved my mother. Éne bísang kumabyé i Tom. Tom didn't want to live any longer. It was Tom's wedding. Dia lebih kuat darimu. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Yayahé Tom pulisi. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom is a police officer. ¿Mapakadto ka? You're going? You're going to go? ¿Kakan-o ka nagpapíntar han imo bungbung? When did you have your wall painted? When did you get the hang of it? Songkuo ginumu sakot do kotopon do kalabau sangadau? How much grass does a buffalo eat per day? Do you want to get your hands dirty with a bag of chips? Tunjukkan paspor Anda. Show me your passport. Show me your passport. Hampir 80 persen daerah ini adalah pegunungan. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. Nearly 80 percent of the area is mountainous. Sigúrádu kang makásadyá ka kaníne? Are you sure you're ready for this? Are you sure you're going to be a fan of Candice? Bisakah kami duduk di meja luar? Could we have a table outside? Can we sit at the outside table? Tak pernah kubermimpi akan bertemu denganmu di sini. Never did I dream that I would meet you here. I never dreamed I'd meet you here. Kamu bodoh. You're fools. You're an idiot. E milyári ing dakál king karélang sinúlat. Much of what they wrote about never happened. It's a thousand miles away from the King of the Rings. Pépapuntán dáku karín. They made me go there. It's my birthday card. Napadasam kadin ti nagmulmol iti buto? Have you ever sucked a penis? Have you ever had a lump in your butt? Minumannya disajikan dalam tempurung kelapa. The drinks were served in coconut shells. The drink is served in coconut shells. Nabasa ang akong hinalay kay miulan ug kalit. My dried out clothes are getting wet because it is suddenly raining. My heart was broken because it rained all of a sudden. Mafimafy. Louder. Mafispig. Mahuhuman ko basahon ini nga líbro hiton Martes. I will have finished reading this book by Tuesday. I'm going to read this book on Tuesday. Kamu pernah makan masakan Jepang? Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Molawom ang dagat. The sea will turn deep by itself. The sea is deep. Ni ngai'an nahong un linguåhe. One language is never enough. It's not even a linguist. Ako an siyahan nga uyab han imo nanay. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first boyfriend. Kumalaja zou tomoimo mantad do kosuvabon gisom do totuvong. He is always working from morning till night. I tell you the truth, you must change the way you think and act. An makina diri naganar. The engine won't start. The machine does not run. Pinadasna ti agriing a nasapa. He tried to get up early. He tried to wake up early. Kisangau tagazo o kalabau. Buffaloes have big horns. Kishangau tawzo or kakabau. Bilakah saya boleh berenang di sini? When can I swim here? When will I be able to swim here? Maaf, tapi saya sibuk saat ini. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. Ia bersantai dipinggir kolam. She lounged by the pool. He relaxes by the pool. Nganong mihilak ka? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Bah. Alright. Bah. Poingiyon i Tom om i Mary do walai dot irad. Tom and Mary live in the same house. Mary Mary and Joseph were very close to Mary. Apatut no i Tom korikot hiti'd baino. Tom should've arrived by this time. I'm going to go to the bathroom to get my hair wet. Tadi itu cepat. That was fast. It was quick. Oi ondu, sonong-sonongon ko poimulok sondiri kio! Young man, enjoy yourself while you are young! Ooooooh, I'm going to get my own squishy! Hombo kunsi di pinoopi ku? Where did I put my keys? Hombo kunsi in my pinoopi? Bill meneleponku tadi malam. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. Ngana lala, kita me lala. You're tired. I'm also tired. Layla, I'm the one. Saya Ricardo. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Kuntóru dárakál la reng kakílála mu, lakwás dírítak ing panaún mung makíkit karéla. The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. It's just a matter of time before you're on your way, and it's only a matter of time. Saya pasti sudah membuat kesalahan. I must've made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Bísan ka pa mapakaín, karawaton ka 'ton. Wherever you may go, you'll be welcomed. If you're willing to accept it, you'll get it. ¿Anó nga pagkaon it dírì mo naruruyagan? What food don't you like? What kind of food do you like? Mípakanánu la kayâ? I wonder what became of them. Just a little bit of it? Osuusuvab zikoi mosik. We're up early. Osuusuvab zikoi mosaic. Kaykayatak dagiti kanta a Pamaskua. I love Christmas songs. I like the songs of Christmas. Nagbalinen a narikut ti biag. Life has become very difficult. Life has become complicated. Kamu sepertinya seorang yang pandai. You seem like a smart person. You look like a smart guy. Ania ti makunam maipapan iti kabarbaro a mannursuro? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? Bálu ku nang ikít ku ne. I knew I'd seen it before. It's a no-brainer. Di sini sangat berisik. It's very noisy in here. It's very noisy here. Guru itu mudah sekali menjadi marah dengan murid-muridnya. The teacher is likely to get angry with the students. The teacher easily became angry with his students. Diri la magturutdo hi Tom. Tom wasn't just a teacher. Tom's not just a teacher. Sigog ka om posimbanan no ilo tonsi tinan kumaa do lunok soginumu 50 pihatus. Hence 50 percent of the muscle can give way to fat. I'm going to give you a few minutes to make sure you're not getting a 50-percent discount. Aku bukanlah seorang tukang. I am not a handyman. I'm not a handyman. Nunu dii? What for? Nunu dii? Saya suka bunyi belalang ini buat! I love the sound this grasshopper makes! I love the sound of this doll! Gáwan támu iné? Are we doing this? "Your mother? Ayanna ti bisekletak? Where's my bike? Where's my bike? Librí ku king útang. I am free of debt. Libr<0xC3><0xAD> ku king <0xC3><0xBA>tang. Tumongkizad zou waya Tom. I broke up with Tom. It's called Tom Keaton. Ginhahagkutan ka? Are you cold? You're worried? Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selanjutnya? What do you want to do next? What do you want to do next? Nadawatan do pimato 't' id boros ti? Is the 't' pronounced in this word? Did you get the "no" button? Kanou maan do Matomatik. Let's do the math. You can do math. Nakit-an ko ikaw nga ginhaharukan hiya. I saw you kissing him. I saw him kissing you. Hin-o iton nga babáyi? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? Piyambakipun kagungan gendhis. They have sugar. He has a genie. Pernahkah anda membaca Alkitab? Have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever read the Bible? Araat ko topurimanan ku id tokito ti? Do I look as bad as I feel? How do I get rid of the tokyo? Modagan na sila si Joseph. That Joseph and companion will run. Joseph was running. Bisa tukar ini ke dolar Amerika? Can you change this into American dollars? Can you change this to the US dollar? Amo ini an guiku'kurii nga akon ginhimo. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. This is the giraffe I've made. Dia pergi ke mana? Where is she going? Where did he go? Au oku korikot baino. I can't come in today. I'm going to go to Baino. Kunak no saankon a pulos a makita pay ni Tom. I thought I was never going to see Tom again. I'd say I'd never see Tom again. Kamu mau mengenakan apa? What are you going to wear? What are you going to wear? Luar biasa! Wonderful! Wonderful! Tom adalah pria yang baik. Tom is a good man. Tom is a good man. Damu iton mga estudyante nga waray dinhi ha klase yana. There was a lot of students absent from class today. There are a lot of those students who aren't here in class today. Burí mukúng awsáng Tom? Do you want me to call Tom? What's up with Tom? Marisyu ini. We're going to have fun with this. This is Marisyu. Umin-inumak iti kape. I drink coffee. I drink coffee. Pedih rasanya melihat anak-anak yang menderita karena kelaparan di Afrika. My heart aches for the starving children in Africa. It is sad to see children suffering from hunger in Africa. ¿Hin-o it anhi hiní nga kwarto? Who is in this room? Who's in this room? Kao ga'chong hit? Are we friends? Don't want to hit? Yumi bermain tenis pada hari Minggu. Yumi plays tennis on Sunday. Yumi played tennis on Sunday. Apa kamu tahu alasan sebenarnya mengapa Tom tidak berada di sini? Do you know the real reason Tom isn't here? Do you know the real reason why Tom wasn't here? Tom wis lunga, durung? Has Tom left? Tom is gone, isn't he? Diri ko na iton bubuhaton. I won't do it anymore. I'm not going to do that anymore. Tom tidak mungkin melakukannya seorang diri. Tom can't have done it by himself. Tom couldn’t do it alone. Dedaunan di taman sudah mulai berubah warna. The leaves in the park have already started to turn colors. The leaves in the garden have begun to change color. Jangan mati. Don't die. Don't die. Dia memiliki lengan dan kaki yang panjang. She has long arms and legs. He has long arms and legs. Sipodsu oku. I want a bath. Sipodsu is ok. Aku belum lihat apapun. I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen anything. Kayatmo kadi nga ar-aramiden ti kastoy? Do you like doing this? Would you like to do something like this? Araatan oku do karaoke. I hate karaoke. Arakatan oku do karaoke. Pernahkah kau ke Hawaii? Have you ever been to Hawaii? Have you ever been to Hawaii? Pria tua itu hampir tertabrak sebuah mobil. The old man was almost hit by a car. The old man was almost hit by a car. Mungkayut ko' no? Are you on board? I'm running, aren't I? Mályári lang magbáyu. They can change. It's just a matter of making a fuss. Mari kita biarkan dia yang melakukannya. Let's let him do it. Let's let him do it. Nalipatan mo patyon ang sugâ. You left your lights on. You forgot to turn off the light. Panan-o ko ikaw makikit'an? How can I see you? How can I meet you? Saanak a mapapanunot iti limpio. I couldn't think straight. I can't think of a limp. Aku sangat lapar. I'm very hungry. I'm so hungry. Yang Tom inginkan adalah kedamaian dan ketenangan. All Tom wanted was some peace and quiet. All Tom wanted was peace and tranquility. Aw'dunon hi Tom ano? Tom is timid, isn't he? What's with Tom? Anda membutuhkannya. You need this. You need it. Ginsidngan ko ikáw nga dírì ak' interesado. I told you that I wasn't interested. I was told that I was interested. Aku sangat membutuhkan bantuanmu. I really need your help. I really need your help. Tom bekerja dengan keras. Tom works hard. Tom worked hard. Apa kamu punya pertanyaan tentang makanannya? Do you have any questions about the food? Do you have any questions about the food? Tom dan Mary sedang bermain Mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing Mahjong. Jika kamu mendengarkan penjelasan pak guru dengan lebih baik lagi, kemungkinan kamu akan bisa memahaminya. If you'd listen a little more carefully to what the teacher says, you'd probably be able to understand. If you listen to the teacher’s explanation better, chances are you will be able to understand it. Diyes anyos na an nakalabay han kahimu hinin nga TV nga waray na mga partepart nga makukuha sanglít imposible na ada inin maayus. This TV was made ten years ago and there are no parts available, so it is impossible to repair it. It's been ten years since the invention of this TV that no part of it can be removed from the world. Diak ammo ti sawek. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what I'm talking about. Dia akan pulang kerumah besok. He'll return home tomorrow. He'll be home tomorrow. Ému kasalánan iní, Tom. This isn't your fault, Tom. It's your wedding, Tom. Nokointong nodi i Tom do vidio. Tom saw the video. I'm going to buy Tom Node. Polisi menggeledah rumah Tom Smith. The police searched Tom Smith's house. Police searched Tom Smith's house. Tn. White memberikan beberapa komentar pada pidatoku. Mr White made a few comments on my speech. Mr. White gave some comment on my speech. Kami suka makan epal. We love eating apples. We like to eat apples. Tom berterima kasih kepada semuanya karena telah menunggu. Tom thanked everyone for waiting. Tom thanked everyone for waiting. Sepatutnya apa saja pun berlaku kepada kamu, beritahulah kami sekaligus. Should anything happen to you, let us know at once. Whatever happens to you, tell us at once. Nakakitâ hirá han bag-o nga lángit ngan bag-o nga kalibutan. And they saw the new heaven and new earth. We have seen a new world and a new world. Nung au zou nakahasa, nokito zou diho tuhun di poguhu. Unless I am mistaken, I've seen that man before. When you're ready to go, you'll see the zucchini in the zucchini. Hanya melalui protes saja sebuah masyarakat yang bebas dan terbuka bisa terpelihara. Only through protest can a free and open society be maintained. Only through protest can a free and open society be preserved. Saan a kayat da Tom ken Mary nga addata ditoy. Tom and Mary don't want us here. Tom and Mary don't want to be here. Waray maningudto hi Tom. Tom skipped lunch. Tom didn't have lunch. Ibu bapa saya sentiasa membuat saya kerja rumah sebelum saya keluar. My parents always make me do my homework before I go out. My parents always made me do my homework before I left. Terkadang dia bisa menjadi orang aneh. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes he can be a freak. Ontok minomohiung zou do mija, noiuman ku iti gambal di tahaid. While I was cleaning out my desk, I came across this old picture. Ontok munomohiung zou do mija, noiman ku in the structure di tahaid. Saan nga asukar daytoy. This isn't sugar. This is not sugar. Éku maybúg paníwalán. I could scarcely believe it. I might be a fan of the pancakes. Tom dan Mary bermain tenis seharian. Tom and Mary played tennis all day long. Tom and Mary played tennis all day. Nunu maan nu dilo hodi? What did you do there? What's the name of the hodgepodge? Atín támung kaylángang bayáran? Do we have to pay anything? Is there a way to pay the rent? Nahimu niya nga mapromot an iya kalugaringon han una nga simana. He managed to get himself promoted last week. He was able to make his own for the first week. Tom to dia tako skali ngana. Tom was very scared. He's scared to death of Nina. Dia terus berpikir bahwa kita adalah temannya. She continues to think that we are friends. He kept thinking that we were his friends. Kanayonna a dakamaten ni Milton. He often quotes Milton. He makes frequent references to Milton. Mereka sangat kelelahan sampai-sampai mereka tidak bisa belajar. They are so tired that they can't study. They were so exhausted that they couldn’t learn. Pertanyaan yang bodoh akan menghasilkan jawaban bodoh Stupid questions will produce stupid answers. A stupid question will result in a stupid answer. Aku muak! I'm fed up! I'm sick of it! Anganko labay da ak. I think they like me. I thought they wanted me. Ada banyak sekali buku di perpustakaan sekolah kami. There are a lot of books in our school's library. There are so many books in our school library. Saya telah pergi untuk berjumpa doktor, semata-mata untuk mendapati dia cuti. I went to see the doctor, only to find him absent. I went to see a doctor, only to find him on leave. Seharusnya kau lebih rasional. You should be more reasonable. You should be more rational. Arakupem ni Tom. Hug Tom. Take care of Tom. Jangan sampai aku memukulmu. Don't make me hit you. Don't let me hit you. Waray ginsumatan hi Tom kun hin-o gud hiya. Tom didn't tell anyone who he really was. He didn't tell me who he really was. Swerte hiya nga nabilngan niya an iya mga susi. She was lucky to find her keys. He's lucky he found his keys. Itu tidak cukup. It isn't enough. That's not enough. Adu dagiti bambanag a masapul nga ikonsideratayo. We have a lot of things to consider. There are many things that we need to consider. Dia sedang membaca novel sekarang. He's reading a novel now. He's reading a novel now. Apakah Tom suka berenang? Does Tom like to swim? Do you like to swim? Rasané kaya lagi mangan ès krim. I feel like having an ice-cream. It's like eating ice cream. Anjeun bakal paeh mun cicing di dieu. You'll die if you stay here. You're going to die here. Kami sudah melakukan itu. We've already done that. We've done that. Mooi zou nombo noopo kaanangan ku. I go anywhere I like. Mooi zou nombo noopo is my best friend. Tumbuhan ini tidak memerlukan banyak cahaya. This plant doesn't need a lot of light. These plants don't need a lot of light. "Buka mulutnya", kata dokter gigi. "Open your mouth", said the dentist. "Open his mouth," said the dentist. Saya harus pergi tidur. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep. Hati-hati. Be careful. Be careful. Doid vanan. Turn right there. Doid vanan. Kinahánglan ko hin usá nga mansanas. I need one apple. I got an apple. Kemarin adalah hari ulang tahunku. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Aku pikir aku bisa membantu Tom mengerjakan PRnya. I think I can help Tom with his homework. I think I can help Tom do his homework. Iginpakita ko an akon ticket ha may portahan. I showed my ticket at the door. I showed my ticket at the door. Mangago' hamyo! You are lazy! "Holy shit, you bastards! Otihaan i Mary do loo dau. Mary can lick her own chin. Mary do loo dao. Mingkakat songian oho'ou. Rise when called. I'm going to go to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Au atakad o nuhu diti do ponong doiti. This mountain cannot be climbed from this side. I don't think I'll be able to do that. Aku akan membuat kue untuk ulang tahun Marry. I'm going to make a cake for Mary's birthday. I'm gonna make a cake for Marry's birthday. Dapatkah Anda membantu saya mencarikan rumah dengan sebuah taman kecil? Could you find me a house that has a small garden? Can you help me find a house with a small garden? Mas anák ya késa káku. She is younger than me. It's more of a clich<0xC3><0xA9>. Songian minuhi i zapa ku, binalajal zou. When my father came home, I was studying. Songian minuhi my zapa, balayal zou. Gindesisyonan na natun. We've made a decision. It was decided. Amo iton an amon ginlalaom. That's what we're hoping. That's what we were hoping for. Mampir ngetèh dhisik, mbokan? Won't you stay for tea? You'll stop by, won't you? Mereka suka perempuan. They like girls. They like girls. Nahihinumduman mo ginpalitan mo ako hin beer? Yana ako liwat iton mapalit ha imo. You bought me a beer, remember? Now, let me buy you one. You remember you bought me a beer? Now that's me buying you too. Apakah kau akan datang besok? Will you come tomorrow? Will you come tomorrow? DI la mabalin a punasam daydiay lamisaan? Could you please wipe off the table? You can't just delete that table? Dia menanggalkannya. She took it off. He took it off. Pulang pergi? Hanya sekali jalan. Round trip? Only one-way. Go home, just one way. Dia iri dengan kebahagiaan mereka. He was jealous of their happiness. He was jealous of their happiness. Aku benar-benar tidak memahamimu. I don't get you at all. I really don't understand you. Kamu tidak perlu meneleponku. You need not telephone me. You don't have to call me. Kau harus melaksanakan tugasmu. You must do your duty. You have to do your job. Apa kamu berhasil menangkap ikan di sungai? Did you catch any fish in the river? Did you catch fish in the river? Manusia tidak bisa hidup di Mars. Humans can't live on Mars. Humans cannot live on Mars. Damu iton mga pagbasul ha kinabuhi hiton usa ka tawo. Diri possible nga tanan permi la aada ha maupay. There are many regrets in a person's life. It's not possible to do everything well. There are many regrets in a person’s life, and it is not always possible for everyone to be alone in a good way. Masansan a biddut ni Tom. Tom is often wrong. Tom is often mistaken. Balá ku tagá Boston ya i Tom. I thought Tom was from Boston. I'm from Boston. Mongoi zou sohovot di Tom duutia sitisin doid jaam 2.30. I'm meeting Tom at the station at 2:30. Mongoi zou sohovot in Tom duutia sitisin doid jaam 2.30. Aku tidak mampu untuk membayarnya. I won't be able to pay for it. I can't afford it. Makasaoka iti Ingles? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? May-ada sabot nga pagkakaiba ha ira. There is a marked difference between them. There is a difference between them. Ak chad er a Siabal. I'm from Japan. I'm a chad and a Siabal. Mongongoi i todu do monongodu dau hilo’d sikul. A grandmother is sending her grandson to school. » Abandon every kind of unclean thing. Mata Tom merah, dan ia terlihat sangat lelah. Tom's eyes are red, and he looks very tired. Tom’s eyes were red, and he looked very tired. Sigúru sásambút ya i Tom. Tom must be winning. I'm a bit of a smirk, Tom. May mga nagtuong gihiloan si Mary. Some people think Mary was poisoned. Some believe that Mary was poisoned. Adalaan i tabang ku do momungkus. My brother smokes a great deal. I'm trying to figure out how to get help. Sapa nama nuan? What is your name? What's the name of Nina? Aku mengapresiasinya. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Aw! Ow! Aw! Kami sedang duduk dengan nyaman. We were sitting comfortably. We were sitting comfortably. Éku kasalánan iní, alê? This isn't my fault, is it? It's a wedding, right? Mari kita mengobrol sambil minum bir dingin. Let's talk over a cold beer. Let's have a chat while drinking a cold beer. Au tagal poboroso diri. You don't need to say anything. It's a time of self-pity. I Tom námu ampó yáku ing atyú pa kéni. Tom and I are the only ones still here. Tom N<0xC3><0xA1>mu Amp<0xC3><0xB3> y<0xC3><0xA1>ku is still here. Asino ti dimo am-ammo ditoy? Who don't you know here? Who you don't know here? Ini adalah bunga matahari. It's a sunflower. These are sunflowers. Waktu lalu saya bertemu Tom di depan stasiun. I met Tom just the other day in front of the station. I met Tom in front of the station. Aku membiasakan diri untuk tidak begadang. I make it a rule not to stay up late. I'm getting used to not staying up late. Modagan na si Joseph. That Joseph will run. Joseph was running. Kurasa aku paham. I think I've got it. I think I understand. Apa tujuan yang ingin aku capai? What is my purpose? What is the goal I want to achieve? Mary nopo nga monongiwan Tom. Mary is Tom's daughter-in-law. Mary Nono is a monologue. Di manakah toilet? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Takyah nak jawab cepat. You don't have to answer quickly. I don't want to respond quickly. Masih ada orang-orang yang tidak bisa membaca. There are still people who are unable to read. There are still people who can't read. Nunu kobolingkangan nu rikoton hiti'd tosopung? What prevented you from coming earlier? Who's going to be the one who's going to take the towel? Kamu pernah ke Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you been to Paris? Abaken ni Tom ti uray asino. Tom could beat anybody. Tom's going to get all of them. Iton astronomiya usa ha pinaka-daan nga siyensya. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Sána tahímik ya. I hope it'll be quiet. S<0xC3><0xA1>na tah<0xC3><0xAD>mik yes. Kamu punya alamatnya Tom? Do you have Tom's address? You got Tom's address? Jaga dirimu sendiri. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Anto ya? What is this? What's that? ¡Magiging maupay ini nga kaadlawun! This is going to be a great day! It's such a sad day! Diri ko karuyag lumakat nga kaupod hiya. I don't want to go with her. I don't want to go with him. Nahibulong ko. I am curious. I wondered. Mamain i John do izing om tikus miampai di Dick. John played cat and mouse with Dick. I'm going to have to get John to go to Dick's. Angay gud naton hatagan proteksyon iton kagugob-an. We should protect the forest. We need to protect this property. Kanou no monginsian di havan ngavi tokou. Let's be magnanimous toward our rivals. You can't go wrong with the kanji. Pokitonon oku do kawagu. Please show me another one. if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Dia tinggal dalam rumah berwarna kuning. He lives at the yellow house. She lives in a yellow house. Saya akan membelikan pakaian apa saja yang kamu mau. I'll buy you whatever clothes you want. I'll buy you any clothes you want. Apakah rumahmu jauh? Is your home far away? Is your house far away? Kamu terlihat sangat pucat. You look very pale. You look so pale. Alá kang bitasáng bálu káku. You don't know a thing about me. You're the one who beat me to the punch. Båsȗn taifondȗ. It's a cup without a saucer. B<0xC3><0xA5>s<0xC8><0x97>n taifond<0xC8><0x97>. Dia tiba di sini tadi malam. He arrived here last night. He arrived here last night. Dadamuro't tawo ha plaza. There's lots of people at the park. There's a lot of people in the square. Tom terhuyung-huyung keluar. Tom staggered out. Tom nodded out. Manu ko doho mananda longon ku dilo hodi kanu dii. You said you needed me to sign something. I've been trying to figure out how to get my hands on my feet. Itu tidak ada di sana sebelumnya. That wasn't there before. It wasn't there before. Owito i Tom hiti. Bring Tom in here. I'm going to see Tom O'Toole. Tidak dapat dipungkiri keberaniannya patut dikagumi. We could not but admire his courage. His courage is not to be taken for granted. Osuusuvab zou minosik. I woke up early. Osuusuvab zou minosik. Anak anjing yang lapar mengonggong di jalan. Hungry puppy barks on the street. A hungry puppy barking on the street. Ongoi intong. Go and have a look. Ingo is in there. Wetsa. Wait for a few seconds. Wetsa. Kayatmo kadi ti mabartek? Do you want to get drunk? You want to get drunk? Kilalado ko hiyá ha personal. I knew him personally. I know him personally. Kasiring ko diri gud maaram hi Tom ha French. I thought Tom wasn't very good at French. I'd say Tom doesn't know French at all. Inkeddengko nga ikallaysak ni Tom. I've decided to marry Tom. I decided to marry Tom. Naladaw isuna iti 30 a minutos. He turned up 30 minutes late. He was 30 minutes late. Tghime kaseh! Thank you! Tghime Kasha! Hari yang cukup berat. It's been a difficult day. It's a pretty tough day. Iri no uhoton ku dii. That's what I want to ask. I'd be jealous if I had a crush on him. Kayatmo ti uminum iti serbesa? Would you like some more beer? You wanna have a beer? Apa kamu butuh bantuan? Do you need a hand? Do you need help? Anai mafiti pat magualu sakkan-hu, hu tutuhon mamåhan kandi ni salape'hu mismo ya todo i tiempu hu fåfahan måsmelu. When I was 17 or 18 years old, I started buying candy with my own money and I always bought marshmallows. Three times I was beaten with a stick, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, and I drifted on the sea for a day and a night. Suatu hari kau akan menuai hasil dari apa yang kau tabur. Some day you will have to reap the harvest of your own sowing. One day you will reap the fruits of what you sow. Tom memutuskan untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua kelas. Tom decided to run for class president. Tom decided to run for class president. Bill tidak pernah salah/lupa mengirim hadiah ulang tahun pada ibunya. Bill never fails to send a birthday present to his mother. Bill never forgets to send a birthday present to his mother. Ohidas no zi odu ih Tom dii. Tom's grandmother looks healthy. It's not Tom Diggs. Dia bukan teman wanita saya. Dia kakak saya. She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister. She's not my girlfriend, she's my sister. Diak kayat ti mapan idiay eskuela. I don't want to go to school. I didn't want to go to school. Kakulop nahinabô an kirigta. The meeting took place yesterday. Last night, the fire broke out. Iner? Where? Iner? Pakísalangyán mu ne mo ing rádyo? Could you please turn the radio on? Do you want to live in Rhode Island? Di mana pintu keluarnya? Where's the exit? Where's the exit? Saya melihat Tom dan Mary berangkat bersama. I saw Tom and Mary leave together. I saw Tom and Mary leaving together. Saan kadi nga imbagam a maysa nga arkitekto ni Tom? Didn't you say Tom was an architect? Didn't you say Tom was an architect? Rumah petani itu secara misterius berubah menjadi putih. The farm house has mysteriously turned white. The farmer’s house mysteriously turned white. Aku muda, tetapi bukan begitu muda. I'm young, but I'm not that young. I'm young, but not so young. Anak laki-laki itu mencoba memindahkan sofa yang berat itu. The boy tried moving the heavy sofa. The boy tried to move the heavy sofa. Ginkompiska an cellphone han estudyante han tumunog ini ha butnga han klase. The student had his cellphone confiscated after it began to ring in class. The student's cell phone was confiscated when this sounded in the middle of the class. Osuusuvab isido ugadan. He left early. Osuusuvab isido ugadan. Tom tidak sedang berada di kamarnya. Tom is not in his bedroom. Tom was not in his room. Dámu it dugo nga nawawara ha at. We are losing blood. It's blood that's lost. Berapa lama kuda hidup? How long do horses live? How long does a horse live? Gago' gue'. She's lazy. My gago'. Kerja bagus! Good job! Good job! Oke cukup. Aku sudah melakukan apapun yang bisa kulakukan. That's it. I've done everything I can do. I've done everything I can do. Minaayohi nang mga nasilag nimo. Do good to those who hate you. You've got people who hate you. Tom dan Mary putus. Tom and Mary are done. Tom and Mary broke up. Paréu lang gínalikgík. They both giggled. It's just a glimmer of hope. Uli, Mega, deng Tina dong tiga parampuang. Uli, Mega, and Tina are females. Again, Mega, dong dong dong dong three campers. Taotao månu hao, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? What's the matter, Karen? Tumanon ba nimu ang saad? Will you keep your promise? Do you keep the promise? Papanam? Where are you going? Papanam? Di mana terminal busnya? Where is the bus terminal? Where's the bus terminal? Tom tidak pernah pergi ke tempat seperti itu. Tom never goes to places like that. Tom never went to a place like that. ¿Áno it' mga iginbabaligya na produkto yana? What products are currently on sale? What are the products for sale today? Ada lebih dari 150 negara di dunia. There are more than 150 nations in the world. There are more than 150 countries in the world. Kita tau ngana mu bilang "tarada". I know you're going to say no. We know how you say "tarada". Ilo hodi i Jamal matu. That must be Jamal. I'm going to say Jamal. Sumangga jus limunipun dipunanggé, sanes cokakipun. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. The juice is used, not the juice. Panjenenganipun saged abasa Perancis, tuwin pungkasanipun panjenenganipun ugi saged abasa Inggris. He can speak French, and it goes without saying he can speak English too. He speaks French, and finally speaks English. Pen dau id siriba do mija. His pen was under the table. Pen dau id siriba do mija. Si Azeri ako I'm Azeri. I'm the Azeri Saya tidak punya buku telepon. I don't have a phone book. I don't have a phone book. Saya tidak hidup untuk makan, tapi makan untuk hidup. I do not live to eat, but eat to live. I don't live to eat, but to eat to live. Saya sedang berada di rumah. I'm currently at home. I'm at home. Oy! Hello! Oy! Sinugsoganda isuna a mangaramid iti krimen. They incited him to commit the crime. They charged him with a crime. Tom terlihat tidak tertarik. Tom seemed uninterested. Tom doesn't seem interested. Saya mulai malam ini. I will start tonight. I'm starting tonight. Hilak aron ipakaun ko nimo sa iro. Stop crying or I'll throw you to the dogs. I'm crying to feed the dog. Dikatakan bahwa bangsa Viking mendahului Columbus dalam menemukan benua Amerika. It is said that the Vikings preceded Columbus in discovering America. It is said that the Vikings preceded Columbus in discovering the Americas. Danúpan ka? Are you hungry? Where are you going? Kisinduol tulu di Tom. Tom is suffering from a headache. I'm in awe of Tom. Saya cuba untuk meneka umurnya. I tried to guess her age. I'm trying to guess his age. Karuyag niya iton iya eskuylahan hin duro. He likes his school a lot. He wanted his school so much. Tidak pernah ia bermimpi kalau anaknya akan bunuh diri. Little did she dream that her son would commit suicide. He never dreamed that his son would kill himself. Kay-ano ginla'labtan nim it'ak uyab? Why are you touching my girlfriend? Why do you think I'm a boyfriend? Taga dinhi ka? Do you live here? You're from here? Ti danum ket biag. Water is life. Water is life. Tom mulai membersihkan meja. Tom started clearing the table. Tom starts cleaning the table. Másakít ku. I'm sick. My M<0xC3><0xA1>sak<0xC3><0xAD>t. Aku mendapat manfaat dari membaca buku ini. I profited from reading this book. I benefited from reading this book. Kemari. Get over here. Come here. Guruku menunjukkan di mana letak kesalahanku. I had my mistakes pointed out by my teacher. My teacher showed me where my mistakes were. Aku mau menyimpan sesuatu di brankas hotel. I'd like to put something in the hotel safe. I want to keep something in the hotel safe. Apakah kau sedang bicara padaku? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Kowe kepingin daktukokake tuak sepira? How much wine do you want me to buy? How much do you want me to do? Hujannya tidak berhenti hingga seharian penuh. It rained continuously all day. The rain didn’t stop until the whole day. Masayá ya ing mabílug a bangsâ king balítâ. The entire nation was glad at the news. It's hard to believe that there's a king of the jungle. Kau jatuh cinta dengan suaramu sendiri. You're in love with the sound of your own voice. You're in love with your own voice. ¿Puydi akó mag-abre hin lata? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open a can of worms? Ha ákòn la, karuyag ko inin. Personally, I liked this one. Just in <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n, I want this. Aja ngudud. Don't smoke. Don't push. Obulou ilo tawan. The sky is blue. Obulou is an orphan. Apa kau ingin makan sesuatu? Would you like anything to eat? Do you want to eat something? Luminabus i Tom. Tom was out. Tom nodded. Ngatanan ngumisi labot la kan Tom. Everybody but Tom smiled. It's all about Tom. Tom sungguh merindukan Mary. Tom really misses Mary. Tom really misses Mary. Yoku okon' ko songulun tanak. I'm not an only child. Yoku is a son of a bitch. Håfa bidåda-mu? What did you say? What have you done? Tom bisa basa Perancis amèh padha apiké kaya aku. Tom can speak French almost as well as me. He speaks French as well as I do. Jam berapa tutupnya? At what time does it close? What time is it closing? Aku suka lasagna. I like lasagna. I love lasagna. Napabasolda a nagisuplay iti armas kadagiti terorista. They were accused of supplying arms to terrorists. They were accused of supplying weapons to terrorists. Kemarin adalah hari pertama di musim gugur. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Au oku mongoi karamaian di Tom. I wasn't at Tom's party. I'm going to have a meeting with Tom. Nakaakan zou diho ipol di poguhu do nokokito diho giuk. I ate half the apple before I noticed there was a worm in it. I was sitting in the front porch with a smirk in my eye. Sipyat ka. You missed. You're a slacker. Dimana ada kemauan, disitu ada jalan. Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there is will, there is a way. Ay, saan laeng! Of course not! Oh, not just! Nokoumbal ko' minomogompi di baragang? Have you ever had a baby? I'm going to take a shower at the bar? Maysa a takrot ni Tom. Tom is a coward. Tom is a coward. Mapatày ak' kun may-ada mahitabo ha imo. I'd die if anything happened to you. I'll kill you if something happens to you. Masapul nga addaka idiay. You need to be there. You must be there. Tom ada di dalam rumah. Tom is in the house. Tom's in the house. Dumanon iti Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! Get to Tatoeba! Krungu-krungu Boston kuwi tlatah sing larang kanggo urip. I've heard that Boston is a very expensive place to live. Boston is an expensive place to live. Oosizan ku diho kavo tongkulalava tagazo, toitom om kivuuvuhu. I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas! Oosizan ku diho kavo tongkalava tayzo, toitom om kivuuvuhu. Orosian oku ih. I am afraid. Orosian is ok. Tadi itu seperti menonton film gerak lambat. It was like watching a slow motion movie. It was like watching a slow motion picture. Di mana Anda belajar bahasa Prancis? Where did you learn French? Where did you learn French? Sudah makan? Have you already eaten? Have you eaten? Tutû ing sasabián na. What he says is very true. It's in the Word. Akan no oku! Eat me! It's gonna be ok! Pimmusay ni Tom idi Oktubre 20, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Tom passed away on October 20, 2013. Mananom sila Tatay ug mais sa pikas bukid. Father and his companion will sow corn on the next hill. My father grew corn on the other side of the mountain. Aku temanmu. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. Waray nasalin. There's nothing remaining. Nothing was copied. Jangan biarkan Tom melihat foto-foto ini. Don't let Tom look at these pictures. Don't let Tom look at these photos. Para hadirin nampak bosan. The audience appeared bored. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems boring. Mengapa kamu mengatakan itu? Why do you say that? Why would you say that? Kalau kamu tidak mau pakai tabir surya, ya, terserah. Nanti jangan mengeluh kalau kulitmu terbakar. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don't want to wear sunscreen, yes, it's up to you, then don't complain if your skin burns. Apa kau percaya akan hal ini? Are you buying into this? Do you believe this? Tánén mo? So what? The Mo's? Napanak idiay Paris. I have been in Paris. I went to Paris. Saya akan tinggal di tempat paman saya di Kyoto. I will stay at my uncle's place in Kyoto. I will stay at my uncle's place in Kyoto. Sikato et atagey tan mayapis, walaan na andukey iran taklay tan bitking. He was very tall and slim, with long arms and legs. The sun rises with scorching heat and withers the grass. The flower falls off and the beauty fades away. Ika doid toun koduo do kalas hilo'd sikul pitangaan do toun nakatalib kon? You were in the second year of middle school last year, right? Can a man give in exchange for his life? Ngana mangarti bahasa Prancis, io to? You understand French, right? You speak French, don't you? Tom diam-diam memasuki ruangan itu. Tom quietly entered the room. Tom quietly entered the room. Andado no duutia gisom muhi zou. Please stay here till I get back. I'm sure you'll be fine with zucchini. Ayaw tulpuka it sayup na tulpukan. Don't push the wrong button. Don't make it fall wrong. Kayatko ti mapan. I want to go. I want to go. Tidakkah kau tahu apa yang terjadi kemarin? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Ayo pergi dan lihat. Let's go and take a look. Let's go and see. Siopa? Who? Who's who? Saya hanya berbicara bahasa Prancis. I only speak French. I only speak French. Tuan Smith adalah kenalannya. Mr. Smith is an acquaintance of hers. Mr. Smith was his acquaintance. Nánung sabián ku kayá? What do I tell her? "What did you say Kayla?" Dia ingin pergi ke mana? Where does she want to go? Where does he want to go? Kasaba ba sa motor. The engine is noisy. The noise of the motor. Keabadian itu ada. Keabadian itu ada disini... Eternity exists. It exists here... Eternity is here, Eternity is here... Anjing yang mati tak bisa menggigit. Dogs who are dead can't bite. A dead dog can't bite. Nokoiho tokou do nunu dotokou, nga au oihaan do nunu kaantakan dotokou. We know what we are, but know not what we may be. Nokoiho dotoku tonu dotokou, au oohaan dou do not dotokou. Langitnya menjadi mendung. The sky has become overcast. The sky became cloudy. Ania ti kayatmo a sawen? What do you mean? What do you mean? Aku kudu nèlpon Tom. I ought to give Tom a call. I have to call Tom. Darwin telah mengubah dunia. Darwin changed the world. Darwin changed the world. Mga hubog hira. They're drunk. They're drunks. Saviavi' doiti no? Is everyone here? "Saviavi, is it? Waray gud hi akó magsáad ha imo hin bisan anó. I never promised you anything. Akufo-Addo won't let you down. Masapul a tumakkiak. I need to shit. I have to scream. Aku akan pergi apapun yang terjadi. I'll go no matter what. I'll go whatever happens. Yèn sira muni, "Aku tresna marang sira," mangka aku uga bakal muni ngono marang sliramu. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say, "I love you," then I'll say the same thing to you. Ayo kembali. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Ari ni penatai nuan? Where are you from? Is this the day of Noah's Ark? Ang mga ba-o kay walay ngipon. Turtles don't have teeth. The teeth don't have teeth. Kuenya terlalu manis. The cake is too sweet. The cake is too sweet. Makakailub kita ha búlig hiton Guinoo. We will survive with God's help! We are able to keep up with the hype. Punai om golupo nopo nga tombohog. Pigeons and hens are birds. Fill in the blanks. Kasiring ni Tom diri malipayon hi Mary. Tom thought Mary wasn't happy. Tom says Mary is unhappy. Kenapa kau pergi ke Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? Aku sama sekali tidak berkata demikian. That isn't what I was saying at all. I didn't say that at all. No matayka, agragsaknak. When you die, I will be happy. When you die, I'm happy. Kabar kalau dia akan datang menyebar dengan cepat. The news that he would come, quickly got abroad. The news that he's coming spread quickly. Ambot unsaon ta ka pagpahibalo. I don't know how to contact you. I don't know how to inform you. Tom telah mengenali Mary hampir sepuluh tahun. Tom has known Mary for close to ten years. Tom has known Mary for almost ten years. Jam tanganmu terlambat sepuluh menit. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Your watch is ten minutes late. Saya mencoba menjelaskan kepada dia bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahannya namun ia menolak mendengar. I tried to explain to him that we were not responsible for his mistake, but he refused to listen. I tried to explain to him that we were not responsible for his mistakes but he refused to listen. Ni Tom ti nakabirok kadagiti tulbekmo. It was Tom who found your keys. Tom was the one who found your keys. Naladawka iti trabahom. You were late for work. You're late for work. Tabangan ta ka na? Can I help you? I'll help you? Aku kudu menyang kakus. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the potty. Ora penting nggo kowé ngerti apa ora. That's not important for you to know. It doesn't matter if you know it or not. Mágsadyá yang magóbra i Tom. Tom is getting ready to go to work. Tom's got to work. Hutangnya bertumpuk-tumpuk. He has many accumulated debts. The debt is piled up. Dia menangis hingga tertidur. She cried herself to sleep. She cried until she fell asleep. Saya ingin berbicara dengan Anda tentang apa yang kemarin terjadi di sekolah. I'd like to talk to you about what happened at school yesterday. I want to talk to you about what happened yesterday at school. Adikku tidak begitu tahu bagaimana caranya memasak, begitu juga denganku. My sister doesn't really know how to cook, and neither do I. My sister doesn't really know how to cook, neither do I. Ada banyak bangunan tua yang terkenal di Kyoto. There are a lot of famous old buildings in Kyoto. There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto. Milo' oku tumimpuun id suab? Can I start tomorrow? Do you think it's going to be a fluke? Sansagan do ngawi katalib di otopot. All things must pass. It's an act of kindness to be honest. Kau benar-benar tidak punya harapan. You really have no hope. You really have no hope. Nu habar nu? What's up? Don't you know? Kompletuha iton pagsurat hiton imo ngaran. Write your name in full. Fill out your name. Saya mesti pergi bagitau dia orang. I have to go tell them. I have to tell him a man. Itu bukan salahku. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. Tom mengambil batu dan melemparkannya pada Mary. Tom picked up a rock and threw it at Mary. Tom picks up a stone and throws it at Mary. Dunia adalah tempat yang gila. The world is a crazy place. The world is a crazy place. Gulion ku kawagu kio. I will be back soon. I hope to see you again soon. Mereka baru saja sampai. They have just arrived. They just got here. Ginhatag ni Tom kan Mary an brawn nga bag. Tom handed Mary a brown bag. Tom gives Mary the brown bag. Aku takut kucing. I'm afraid of cats. I'm scared of cats. Norualan nu dii? Are you badly hurt? What's the norm? Ora ana siji-sijia sing perduli. No one cares. No one cares. Bunga apa yang paling kamu sukai? Which flower do you like the most? Which flowers do you like the most? Katanya dia tidak malas. She says she's not lazy. He said he wasn't lazy. Soalan yang baik. Good question! Good question. Anda telah baca buku ini? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book? Åmko'ña si nåna kinu si tåta. Mom is older than Dad. So he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked for. Kami masih mencari. We're still searching. We're still looking. Minananom isido do tusak ros mantad jam ko-12 nodi. She has been planting roses since 12 o'clock. I'm going to have to wait until the 12 o'clock mark. Ing pámagdilídíli ing pipágarálan ning kabiásnan. Solitude is the school of wisdom. It's on the p<0xC3><0xA1>magdil<0xC3><0xAD>li in the pip<0xC3><0xA1>gar<0xC3><0xA1>n in this case. Saya sedih. I'm sad. I'm sad. Mana yang lebih kamu suka: musim panas atau musim dingin? Which do you like better, summer or winter? Which do you prefer: summer or winter? Apa kau yakin kau punya cukup uang? Are you sure you have enough money? Are you sure you have enough money? Tarik! Pull! Pull it! Bukankah Tom terlihat sibuk? Tom looks busy, doesn't he? Doesn't Tom look busy? Amerikanu hamyo. You are American. U.S.A. is squishy. Waráy naruruyag mangaranan it' ákòn nasod. Nobody wanted to mention my country. War<0xC3><0xA1>y wants to be called the country's a<0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n. Baga'n diri maupay yana hi Tom. Tom doesn't look too well. Tom didn't seem to be disappointed. Ada berapa buku di atas meja? How many books are there on the table? How many books are on the table? Kau benar-benar putus asa. You really are desperate. You're really desperate. Kun dírì ako nagsasayop kamó iton ákòn bag-o nga anyaw anó? Hi. If I'm not mistaken, you're our new neighbors, aren't you? What if I'm going to make a mistake in this new thread? Atín yang bigóti i Tom. Tom has a moustache. It's the big one Tom. Narnuoyan iti bunga dagiti kayo. The trees are full of fruit. The trees were covered with fruit. Gago' hao. You're lazy. Gago' hao. ¡Malipayon nga Kaadlawan! Happy birthday! Happy Birthday! Nakahukom si Tom nga magpaabot. Tom decided to wait. Tom decided to wait. It klase nagtitikang alas-otso hit' ága. School begins at 8:10 a.m. The class starts at eight o'clock. Saya harap kamu tidak akan membuat saya kecewa. I hope you're not going to disappoint me. I hope you won't disappoint me. Apa yang harus dilakukan kalau kita hendak mencari pasangan hidup kamu? What should be done if we want to find our soul mate? What to do if you want to find your partner? Tom sudah berbohong padamu. Tom has lied to you. Tom's been lying to you. Maatalok zou po nokotigog. I was shaking with fright. I'm afraid the zucchini will fall. Gínalikgík la ngan. They all giggled. It's just G<0xC3><0xAD>nalikg<0xC3><0xAD>k and. Adik laki-lakiku lebih tinggi dariku. My younger brother is taller than I. My brother is taller than me. Burí ke ing púsang yan. I want that cat. Go to the tomb of this man. Hulát nga mahuman akó káon. Wait until I'm done eating. Wait until it's finished. ¿Makakakúha akó hin taxi dínhi dapit? Can I catch a taxi near here? Do you want to take a taxi to the airport? Manu zou do Toyota. I want a Toyota. Manu zou do Toyota. Saya jarang baca koran. I don't read newspapers much. I rarely read newspapers. Jangan belajar. Don't study. Don't learn. Mari kita coba. Let's have a try. Let's try. Pota makasara ne ing tindahan. The store might be closed already. Can't wait to get to the store. Kapan kecelakaan itu terjadi? When did the accident take place? When did the accident happen? Nahingaruyag hiyá pagkita ha im'. He was delighted to see you. She likes to see you." Tak akan ada yang bisa menghentikanku. Nobody is going to stop me. Nothing will stop me. Boluntaryo itón na ginhimo ni Tom. Tom did it voluntarily. Tom was a volunteer. Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan di sini? What are you doing here? What are you doing here? Siou tu alaid ko' poingandad. Sorry to keep you waiting. It's been a long time coming. Poinsuti' zou. I'm on leave. point of zou. Diri magkaano-ano an duha nga lalaki. The two men were not related. The two men weren't together. Selamat ulang tahun! Happy birthday! Happy Birthday! Itu adalah lelucon terlucu yang pernah saya dengar. That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard. That's the funniest joke I've ever heard. Méte la ngan deng pasáhérus anyáng míbagsák ya ing éruplánu. All the passengers were killed in the airplane crash. It's just a small town in the middle of every town in the north of the country. Di dekat rumahku ada jalan besar. There is an avenue near my house. Near my house is a big road. Malipáyon gud ak' nga human na an eskuyla. I am very glad school is over. I was so excited to finish school. Bangunannya dengan cepat terbakar oleh api. The building burst into flames. The building quickly caught fire. Inkuro ma tokou monguhup i Tom? How can we help Tom? What's your take on Tom Hanks? ¿Namati ka na hini nga kanta? Have you ever listened to this song? Have you ever heard this song? Awan la panawenko nga agbuya iti TV. I don't have any time to watch TV. I just don't have time to watch TV. Kitoilaan ku mantad ko disio. My idea went against his. I'm going to leave you here. Sumuang zou doid mingkupi-kupi. I come inside to drink coffee. Sung by Zou Doid. Mákakáwa lang dánum deng áliwáng klásing pámangán. Some kinds of food make us thirsty. It's just a matter of getting rid of the p<0xC3><0xA1>mang<0xC3><0xA1>n. Milo' oku mongoruhang dahai. I can get us in. I hope you will find me. Dia seorang yang mudah diajari. She is very teachable. He's an easy learner. Ugma buhan ang mga gipakitaming. The hostages will be released tomorrow. Tomorrow's show will be on. Kamu tidak akan memerlukan itu. You won't need that. You won't need that. Saya kira ada yang salah pada tagihan saya. I think there's a mistake in my bill. I think there’s something wrong with my bill. Aku akan membantu saat kau dalam masalah. I will help you if you are in trouble. I'll help you when you're in trouble. Kinahánglan namon iton imo búlig pamilngun hira. We need your help finding them. We've got to find your way to find them. Dimo kadi pay, aya, narikna a kasla dimo ammo ti ar-aramidem? Don't you ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? Don't you feel like you don't know what you're doing? Minsingilo isio po baino. He's now studying. Let's see if I can find it. Tom melanjutkan mempelajari bahasa Prancis hingga tiga tahun ke depan. Tom continued to study French for another three years. Tom continued to study French for the next three years. Mas dákal ing pánákitán ning gubyérnu késa king kailángan na. The government was earning more money than it needed. It's more of a place in the heart of the King of Kings. Ih susuminding tulun Jorman di nointutunan nopo suminding do Inggilis. This popular German singer only sings in English. It's the same as the Jorman's in the Ninth sense. Jepang berusahan mengatasi penuaan pada populasinya. Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population. Japan is trying to overcome aging in its population. Mantad ko' id Boston? Are you from Boston? What's the name of Boston? Aino tuhun doiho. There was nobody. Ano tao dooho. Dia cantik kalau kamu melihatnya dari jauh. If you see her from a distance, she is beautiful. She's beautiful when you see her from a distance. Dia seharusnya datang. He should have come. He's supposed to come. Ápayntún de i Tom. They found Tom. It's from Tom. Kasut wagu lo hodi? Are those new shoes? What do you think of Hodgkin's shoes? Kami memerlukan orang-orang yang berbakat. We need talented people. We need talented people. Inyusokna ti singsing iti ramay ni Mary. He put the ring on Mary's finger. He poked the ring at Mary's finger. Kégísanán yang gasolína ing kótsi ku. My car ran out of gas. It's a gasket in my pocket. Osiyau ko' do timpu sondiri nung sumakai do korita sakayon. You will save yourself a lot of time if you take the car. I've been trying to figure out if I'm going to be a scoundrel right now. Tom geus jiga dulur kuring. Tom is like my brother. My brother Tom is my brother. Ápapuntán me? Can you get her? What's up with me? Gigutom ko pag-ayo. I was very hungry. I was very hungry. Lepas kaus kakimu. Take off your socks. Take off your socks. Émo ábatá deng áliwá karéla. Some of them are too much to bear. It's a good idea to take a nap. Mari berpesta. Let's party. Let's party. Kosorou isido po nangku doho id piipiro toun nakatalib diti? I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. Is there any way I can get rid of my hair that's going to make me feel like I'm going to die? Kita lagi. Me, too. We're again. Apa kamu mau minum sesuatu? Do you want something to drink? Would you like something to drink? Hinonggo oku miruba Tom? Where can I meet Tom? What's your take on Tom? Tom melihat Mary pergi ke hutan. Tom saw Mary heading into the woods. Tom sees Mary going into the woods. Mibálik ya kilúb ning métung a óras. She will return within an hour. I'm going to go back in time for this one. Poingintai ko' no? Are you about ready? You're going to kill me, aren't you? ¿Urhi na ak'? Am I late? I'm already here?" Sempurna! Perfect! Perfect! Ini adalah komputerku. This is my computer. This is my computer. Diri sigurado kun mapakanhi hiya o diri. It is doubtful whether he will come or not. He wasn't sure if he was going to come or not. Me'nan esti guě' hafa hu chocho'guě diåriȗ. I swear this is what I do every morning. I'm going to try to get someone else to take care of me. Dírì 'ton kasagaran. It's rather unique. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> 'ton usually. Mari kita membicarakan tentang pekerjaanmu. Let's talk about your work. Let's talk about your work. Kapan olèhé kadadèn? When did that happen? When did the election take place? Tongkiadai isido. Leave her. Tongkiadai isido. Ya'-na si Tom malågu. Tom likes to run. And then there's Tom Mulligan. Santa Klaus berdiri di taman tadi. Santa Claus was standing in the garden. Santa Claus was standing in the park. Kematian seorang pria yang berbakat menyedihkan saya, daripada surga rasanya dunia lebih membutuhkan dia. The death of a talented man always saddens me, as the world needs them more than heaven does. The death of a talented man saddened me, rather than heaven it felt like the world needed him more. Kebanyakan orang Jepang minum air kran. The majority of Japanese people drink tap water. Most Japanese drink tap water. Makasalita ka na English? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Awak tinggal di mana? Where do you stay? Where do you live? Itu bukan suatu jawaban. That's not an answer. That's not an answer. Bawakan kepada saya. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. Bagá lurong hi Tom. Tom is a little crazy. Tom is a fool. Hunong diha palihog. Please stop there. Please stop there. Bagaimana bisa aku tidak menyadari hal ini? How could I not see this coming? How could I not be aware of this? Tumul dosido vahu toun. She is eight. Tumul dosido vahu toun. Igo ba ang oras nga imong ginahatag sa imong mga anak? Are you spending enough time with your kids? Do you have enough time for your children? Yana sumati kami ano iton amon karuyag maaraman. Now tell us what we want to know. Now tell us what we want to know. Tokou nga milo' korikot? Can we come too? A toy toy? Jembatan itu terbuka untuk lalu lintas. The bridge is open to traffic. The bridge is open to traffic. Pada pukul berapa Anda bisa datang? What time can you come? At what time can you come? Sudah bertahun-tahun kami saling kenal. We've known each other for years. We've known each other for years. Itu terjadi dahulu kala. It happened a long time ago. It happened a long time ago. Éno pákirámdamán deng méstra na. He doesn't listen to his teachers. <0xC3><0x89>no p<0xC3><0xA1>kir<0xC3><0xA1>mdam<0xC3><0xA1>n den m<0xC3><0xA9>stra na. Pelajaran akan dimulai. Class will now begin. The lesson will begin. Disiotsokon. I'm 18 years old. I'm eighteen. Kau tutup matamu. You close your eyes. You close your eyes. Tom bicara deng bahasa Prancis. Tom speaks French. Tom speaks French. Nakaluklukmegak unay. I'm so fat. I'm too fat. Am-ammo a kad nailuod iti droga ni Tom. Tom was a known drug addict. You know, Tom was addicted to drugs. Saya sudah letih sangat. I'm so tired already. I'm so tired. Miglwál yang péra i Tom king kahún lamésa. Tom took some money out of the drawer. I'm a fan of Tom King Ka<0xC3><0xBA>n Lam<0xC3><0xA9>sa. Kéni ko pû makátuknáng? Do you live here? Is this what I'm looking for? Apay pay la ngamin nga agbayadtayo iti buis? Why do we have to pay taxes? Why do we have to pay taxes? Apakah kamu punya sepeda? Do you have a bicycle? Do you have a bicycle? Ini aneh. It's odd. It's weird. Anjing berlari lebih cepat dari manusia. Dogs run faster than people. Dogs run faster than humans. Mereka tidak percaya padaku. They didn't believe me. They don't believe me. Malakat akó ngan kuhaon ko hirá. I'll go and get them. I'm going to go ahead and take a shower. Hotel ini tidak menyediakan makan siang. This hotel does not serve lunch. The hotel does not provide lunch. Kesehatan lebih penting dibanding emas. Health is more important than gold. Health is more important than gold. Kayatmo kadi a sumurotak kenka? Do you want me to come with you? You want me to follow you? Dia masih di bawah umur. She's still a minor. He's still a minor. Ingaa toi tulun poiloon tiya au tagal moi rikot hiti baino? Didn't anybody tell you that you didn't have to be here today? Is there a way to get rid of the fact that it's in the middle of the night? Waray niya abata an taghum ngada han abrehan niya an purtahan. She hadn't noticed the cold until she opened the door. He didn't open the door until he opened the door. Ingkuo daa pounsikaan ku kumaa diau? How can I make you happier? What's the point of being able to get a hold of you? Tom yang memberitahukan saya soal itu. It was Tom who told me that. Tom told me about it. Napeggad ti saan a protektado a panagiyot. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Unprotected wiring is dangerous. Au i Tom koiho momoguno diho. Tom won't know how to use it. I'm going to go with Kim Jong-un. Ibuku adalah seorang pengacara. My mother is a lawyer. My mother was a lawyer. Berhentilah mengkhawatirkanku. Stop worrying about me. Stop worrying about me. Ináus dáku. They called me. In<0xC3><0xA1>us d<0xC3><0xA1>ku. Burubligay kita. Let us help one another. Let's break it down. Angin besar tadi merusak pohon di kebun The strong wind just damaged a tree in the garden. The wind destroyed the trees in the garden. Ruangan ini terlalu sempit untuk kami. This room is too small for us. This room is too narrow for us. Kaé dudu baja. They're not metal. It's not steel. Karuyag mo maadman iton kamatuoran? Do you want to know the truth? You want to learn that truth? Layas! Go away! Run away! mengapa kamu menangis ? Why do you cry? Why are you crying? Tom isa gawé apa? What can Tom do? What's Tom going to do? Aku melihat mereka kemarin. I saw them yesterday. I saw them yesterday. Tom, ada seseorang di sini mahu berjumpa awak. Tom, there's someone here to see you. Tom, there's someone here to see you. Bisakah saudaramu mengendarai mobil? Can your brother drive? Can your brother drive a car? Éku ágawâ iní nuné king sáup mu. I couldn't do this without your help. I'm the king of your ass. Dia siapa? Who's he? Who is he? Mositi no mugad zikoi tosuusuvab. We must leave early. It's not like it's a toss-up toss. Tom mungkin berpikir bahwa aku tidak menyukainya. Tom might think I don't like him. Tom might think that I don't like him. Håfa ilek-mu? What did you say? What's the matter with you? Telurnya masih panas. The eggs are still hot. The eggs are still hot. Iserram man daydiay ridaw. Please close the door. close the door. Tom meminta Mary untuk memelankan suaranya Tom asked Mary to lower her voice. Tom asks Mary to keep her voice down. Sebaiknya kita jangan membicarakan ini lagi. Let's not talk about it any more. We better not talk about this anymore. Pobooso 'hallo" kumaa di Jimmy. Say hello to Jimmy. Pobooso 'hello' komaa in Jimmy. Maraot na iton baho hini nga pagkaon. This food smells rotten. The smell of this food is already bad. Rute manapun yang Anda pilih memerlukan waktu dua jam. Whichever of the routes you choose, allow about two hours. Whichever route you choose takes two hours. Saan a nabirokan ni Tom. Tom didn't find it. Tom was not found. Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom appears confused. Tom looks confused. Iní ing ásu nang Bayang. This is Mary's dog. It's in the shadows. Kau perlu lebih cermat lagi. You need to be more careful. You need to be more careful. Oruol ginawo ku. My heart is in pain. The Orioles are me. Para anjing pemburu mengikuti bau dari rubah itu. The hunting dogs followed the scent of the fox. The hunting dogs followed the smell of the fox. Cepatlah, atau kau akan terlambat. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up, or you'll be late. Potoboyo. Calm down. Potoboyo. Ng tela a rekim? How old are you? A piece of cloth? Di antara lukisan-lukisan Claude Monet, ada satu yang bernama "Lilac Irises" dan satu lagi bernama "Iris Mauve". Among the paintings of Claude Monet is one titled "Lilac Irises" and another called "Iris Mauve." Among Claude Monet's paintings, there is one called "Lilac Irises" and another named "Iris Mauve". Au oku kokito diya. I can't see you. I'm looking at Tia. Kedengarannya menghabiskan waktu seorang diri selalu menyenangkan bagimu. It sounds like having time alone has been good for you. It sounds like spending time alone is always fun for you. May-áda ako surát tikang ha íya. I got a letter from her. I got a letter from Iain. Karkarkuluen ni Tom no mano ti magastosna a mangileppas iti balay. Tom is estimating how much money he'll need to finish the house. Tom wondered how much it would cost to finish the house. Bagaimana caramu membuat kopi? How do you make coffee? How do you make coffee? Apa semuanya baik-baik saja? Is everything OK? Is everything okay? Mapakyalám ya ing kasíping nang baléng Mary. Mary's neighbor is a busybody. She was in the middle of the road with Mary. Dídto ibutang. Put it there. D<0xC3><0xAD>tto put in. ¡Ayaw gad! Oh no! Don't you gad! Naulimek isuna. She is quiet. He was silent. Selamat pagi! Good morning! Good morning! Aiso tulun milo poimpasi gisom do duo nahatus toun. Nobody can live to be two hundred years old. A man who has lost his temper is a man who has lost his temper. Aku akan melakukan apa saja untukmu. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Lunes ita nga aldaw. Today is Monday. Today is Monday. Aku dengar ia telah menjual rumahnya. I hear that he sold his house. I heard he sold his house. Guru bahasa Prancisku usianya sama denganku. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My French teacher is the same age as me. Karatáng na, ményangkáp kung kapé. When he arrived, I made coffee. It's good to have a cup of coffee. Apa yang dia katakan di dalam suratnya? What does he say in his letter? What did he say in his letter? It' ákòn bána nagtratrabaho part taym. My wife works part time. He's working on a part-time job. Gáwan mu ing anggáng kaylángan. Do whatever's required. You'll find yourself in a sleight of hand. Aku tidak ingin kau berhenti. I don't want you to quit. I don't want you to stop. Gidakop siya. He got arrested. He was arrested. Tinggi badanku dan dia hampir sama. She and I are about the same height. I'm tall and he's almost the same. Masapul a maturogka. You should sleep. You have to go to sleep. Palao'an hao. You are a woman. Palao'an hao. Aku kira Tom tidak memiliki teman sebanyak itu. I assume that Tom doesn't have that many friends. I don't think Tom has that many friends. Tom melihat kepada Mary. Tom looked at Mary. Tom looked at Mary. ¿Áno it' rason hit' íya duro nga kaisugon? What made her so angry? Why do you think it's so hard to beat Izzy? Milo' ko' muli walai. You can head on home. I'm going home again. Kowé sarujuk apa ora marang panemuné? Are you for or against his idea? Do you agree with your opinion? Kewujudan adalah konsep yang tidak bermakna. Existence is a meaningless concept. Existence is a meaningless concept. Orang tua biasanya sangat bijaksana. Old people are usually very wise. Parents are usually very wise. Tom enggan melakukan itu. Tom didn't want to do it. Tom refused to do that. ¿Imo bà iní nga libro Mike? Is this your book, Mike? Do you have a copy of Mike's book? Kao guaha patgon-mu? Do you have a child? Do you have a child? Inobu om kahantazan au' mamanau mipahud. Laziness and success do not go together. I'm going to sing you a song of praise. Alaatan zou diozu. I hate you. The zou diozu. Tom memeluk saya. Tom hugged me. Tom hugged me. Kami berdua punya nama yang sama. We both have the same name. We both have the same name. Ih singa nopo nga wowoyoon hiri'd gowuton. The lion is the king of the jungle. It's like a lion's cub who's got goosebumps. Masalahmu sama denganku. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem is the same as mine. Kau tidak memerlukan itu. You don't need that. You don't need that. Apa kamu menghabiskan waktu bersama Tom di hari Thanksgiving? Are you spending Thanksgiving with Tom? Did you spend time with Tom on Thanksgiving? Naukóy ako hirani hit dam. I live near a dam. I was near the dam. E mintá king óspital i Tom. Tom didn't go to the hospital. E mint<0xC3><0xA1> king <0xC3><0xB3>spital. Saya sarankan Anda untuk berhenti merokok. I advise you to stop smoking. I advise you to stop smoking. Kamu mau makan malam denganku besok, di rumahku? Do you want to eat dinner with me tomorrow, at my house? You want to have dinner with me tomorrow, at my house? Yang mana punyaku? Which is mine? Which one is mine? Ania ti kaipapanan daytoy a balikas? What does this word mean? What is the meaning of this word? Mingkikiut o kutupu. Owls are cute. Clinging or butterfly. Waray ngani ako niya tawagi. He didn't even call me. He didn't even call me. Nánung géwa yu king métung at métung? What did you do to each other? What is the meaning of the word yum yum? Atín kang buríng inumán? Would you like something to drink? Do you want to have a drink? Ia terlalu mabuk untuk berkemudi menuju rumah. He is too drunk to drive home. He was too drunk to drive home. Kembali sebelum tengah malam atau kau akan terkunci di luar. Get back before midnight, or you will be locked out. Come back before midnight or you'll be locked outside. Tolong duduklah. Sit down, please. Please sit down. Mereka menyarankannya untuk pergi sendirian. They suggested to him that he go alone. They advised him to go alone. Avasi isido. He is nice. Avasi isido. Doiho izonon dioho. They live there. Doiho izon diho. Olèhku ngarani kuwi nyanggarunggèni. That looks suspicious to me. It's my nickname. Idáyu me kékamí. Keep her away from us. Idk about me. Makadto ha Boston buwas hi Tom. Tom will go to Boston tomorrow. Tom's going to Boston tomorrow. Sulang! Thank you! Go for it! Mahihimo iton ni Tom? Can Tom do that himself? Tom can do that? Dia ialah setiausaha kepada Encik Uda. She is secretary to Mr Uda. He is Mr. Uda's secretary. Diri na 'ton sekreto. It's no secret. It's not a secret anymore. Kakulop la'k' nagmaaram han kamatuoran. Not until yesterday did I know the truth. I just learned the truth. Aku alergi pada karet sintetis. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. Otopot toi maso id jam nu? Is your watch correct? Do you want to get your ID number off the clock? Nalahelo anao aho. I missed you. I'm sorry for you. Apa yang sedang kamu tunggu? What're you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Orang-orang di penjuru dunia merayakan Tahun Baru Tiongkok. Many people around the world celebrate the Chinese New Year. People around the world celebrate Chinese New Year. Saya suka membaca buku cerita. I like to read story books. I like to read story books. Waray namon hiya kakit'i. We haven't seen him. We didn't see him. Hasa zosido. She is wrong. Hasa Zosido. Kaon, dumiri ka ngani mataghum iton. Eat, or else it will go cold. Eat it, even if it's delicious. Biarlah kita mula dari pelajaran 10. Let's start from lesson 10. Let's start with Lesson 10. Nahikaturuok na hiya. She was close to breaking into tears. He's been coughing. Waray ko iton kakitai. I didn't notice it. I didn't see it. Uhupai! Please help! Uhupai! Aku sering pergi ke bioskop. I often go to the movies. I used to go to the movies a lot. Kamu hanya harus belajar dengan keras. You have only to study hard. You just have to learn hard. Jawab pertanyaan saya. Apakah kamu melihatnya di sana? Answer me this. Did you see her there? Answer my question. Do you see it there? Aku rasa kau tidak menerima pesanku. I guess you didn't get my message. I don't think you received my message. Dírì ini mairinom nga túbig. This isn't drinking water. This is a drinkable t<0xC3><0xBA>big. Daru-daku iton iya sweldo ha ak. He makes a lot more money than I do. He paid me a lot of money. Saya ingat dulu pernah nonton film itu I remember seeing that movie. I remember watching that movie before. Karena aku membencimu. Because I hate you. Because I hate you. Mantad zou doiho Amorika. I come from America. Mantad zou doho Amorika. Mungkinkah anda masih memiliki koran Sabtu kemarin? I don't suppose you'd still have last Saturday's paper? Do you still have a newspaper on Saturday? Ak chad er a Ingklis. I'm from England. I'm an English chad. Nunu komoyon "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What is the meaning of "Tatoeba"? Poingkuro ma popoilo' tiya? What can I tell you? What's your aunt's name? Dia memiliki rambut yang kering. She has dry hair. She has dry hair. Aku ingin membeli sebuah tempat pembuangan sampah. I want to buy myself a garbage disposal. I want to buy a dumpster. Kamu mau membantu saya? Do you want to help me? You want to help me? Ahaid naku zioho poingizon doiti kakadazan? Weren’t they a long time in the town? Do you want to know how to get rid of zucchini? Ini tidak rusak. It's not broken. It's not broken. Napanan ni Tom? Where did Tom go? Where's Tom? Luminuung i Tom. Tom looked down. Tom nodded. Dia memiliki kata-kata yang bagus untuk menghina dirinya sendiri. She has a nice line in self-deprecation. He has good words to insult himself. King péra ngan dúdurút ing pagláláwe ning imá ku king éganáganá. My mother thinks of everything in terms of money. The king and the king of the land are in the shadow of the sword, but the king is in the shadow of the sword. Ihoo' no songian do kumodoit om songian do moboos. Know when to keep silent and when to speak up. Ihoo' no songian do kumodoit om songian do moboos. Masapul nga aramidentayo manen. We must do it again. We have to do it again. Sebaiknya kau berkonsultasi dengan doktermu. You'd better consult your doctor. You should consult your doctor. Hanya ibuku yang mengerti aku. Only my mother understands me. Only my mother understood me. Ingaa o jaam id suang do linimput ku. There are no clocks in my room. For every one shall bear his own burden. Mamadil oku kama dau. I'm gonna shoot him. Take good care of your bed. Itu sepenuhnya terserah padamu. It's entirely up to you. It's entirely up to you. Gumuli oku mamanau kangku daa. I think I'll walk back. I'm going to learn bye bye. Tom merindukan keluarganya. Tom misses his family. Tom misses his family. Halo, bagaimana bisnismu? Hello, how's business? Hello, how's your business? Mákápagsalíta kung dakál a amánu ning Africa. I can speak many African languages. I'm sorry to hear that I'm an African American. Molekul ini berstruktur kristal. This molecule has a crystalline structure. These molecules are crystal-structured. Memerlukan pemberitahuan pabean. A customs declaration is required. Requires customs notice. Ándam na akó pára hiton. I was ready for it. It's an ad hominem of it. Hiti oku do mija' ku. I'll be at my desk. I'm going to do my mija. Asino dagiti a naubbing pay a babbai? Who are those young ladies? Who are the younger women? Benarkah? Really? Really? Interesado ka hiton politika? Are you interested in politics? Are you interested in politics? Tom perlu menurunkan ekspektasinya. Tom needs to lower his expectations. Tom needs to lower his expectations. ¿Nagpa-doktor ka? Did you see a doctor? Are you going to see a doctor? Apa harapanmu? What are your hopes? What's your hope? Oilaan ko di Tom tu au otood iyau hiti? Did you know Tom was unhappy here? Do you think I'm going to be the one that's going to get my ass kicked? Géwa ke yan pará kéka. I made that for you. Let's go to Yankee Park. King palagé mu bálu nang Tom? Do you think Tom knows? Are you the king of the jungle? Milo' ko' kotumbaya i Tom. You can rely on Tom. I'm with Tom. Karuyag nimo makabati hin pataraw-an? Do you want to hear something funny? Do you want to hear a joke? Nagdesisyon hi Tom nga lumakat. Tom decided to leave. Tom decides to leave. Kita minta maaf, kita tara bisa bantu ngana. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. Saan a nalaka para kaniam. It won't be simple for you. It's not easy for you. Kaastig talaga nira. They're really cool. They're really tough. Kinahanglan mo mag-estudyo pa hin tiniupay. I think you need to study a little harder. You need to learn to be discouraged. Mestinya kita tidak memberi tahu itu pada Tom. We shouldn't have told Tom that. We shouldn't have told Tom that. Apa ada makanan yang tidak kamu suka? Is there any food you don't like? Is there any food you don’t like? Kuli ra nang mahitabo. But the possibility seems unlikely. It's going to happen quickly. Tom tidak berusaha melindungi dirinya sendiri. Tom made no attempt to defend himself. Tom is not trying to protect himself. Adakah John mahu menonton sebuah filem Korea? Does John want to see a Korean movie? Do you want to see a Korean movie? Diri ak makakakada kay maláin it akun gin-aabat. I am not coming because I am ill. I couldn't help but feel like I was feeling it. Minggu kemarin, saya mengadakan pesta makan malam kecil. I had a small dinner party last weekend. Last week, I had a small dinner party. Karuyag ko mag-inukoy ha balay ngan magkinaturog bug-os nga adlaw. I want to stay home and sleep all day. I want to stay home and sleep all day. Wingi udan. It rained yesterday. It's raining yesterday. Ya, dengan senang hati. Yes, gladly. Yes, with pleasure. Siapa nama panggilanmu ? What is your nickname? What's your nickname? Mogontohu o golupo do himo tontohu. The hen hatched five eggs. Mogontohu o golupo do make tontohu. Kamu sudah tidur? Are you asleep? Are you asleep? Kamu harus pergi ke dokter. You should see a doctor. You have to go to the doctor. Sakto ka. You got it. You're right. Anak-anak berlari kencang. Children run quickly. The kids run fast. Mamatos isido doho moi rikot. She promised me to come. I'm going to make sure that I'm coming. Mobil lucu ini apa namanya? What's this funny-looking car called? What's this funny car called? Au po zi Sami do kumaa di Layla do toluai. Sami hasn't spoken with Layla for a while. I'm going to do the same thing in Laila, and I'm going to do the same. Kóntra la king plánu deng maygít kapitná karéng residénti. More than half of the residents are opposed to the plan. The King of the Rings may have been reborn. Monuduk oku do boros Sina. I teach Chinese. I'm going to try to get my hair wet. Saya akan menelponmu besok pagi. I'll give you a call in the morning. I'll call you in the morning. Bálik ngadi. Come back here. B<0xC3><0xA1>lik is here. Kaylángan isumbúng mu iní king pulís. You should report this to the police. You're the king of the races. Tom sering membuat kesalahan. Tom often makes mistakes. Tom often makes mistakes. Mamingaw la hiya dida han miting. He remained silent during the meeting. He was quiet at the meeting. Dia berkata bahawa duit itu telah dipinjamkan kepada saya. He said that money was lent to me. He said the money had been loaned to me. Apa yang kau katakan pada Paula? What did you say to Paula? What did you tell Paula? Tom tidak mampu menyembunyikan antusiasmenya. Tom couldn't hide his excitement. Tom was unable to hide his enthusiasm. Apa dia berambut panjang? Does he have long hair? Is she long-haired? Apa yang kau rasakan ketika istrimu meninggalkanmu? How would you feel if your wife left you? How did you feel when your wife left you? Naaddaan ni Tom iti kotse idi agtawen iti sangapulo-ket-walo. Tom got his first car when he was eighteen. Tom got a car when he was ten-and-eight years old. Haro no tobpinai ku id Los Angeles. I have relatives in Los Angeles. My brother is from Los Angeles. Kadto modagan. That would run. It was going to run. It' nga babáyi hin-o ito'? Who is that woman? "Who is that woman?" Saya akan kembali. I'll come back. I'll be back. Aku tidak akan memintamu yang lain-lain lagi. I'll never ask you for anything else. I won't ask you any more. Aanangan zou do taakanon Sina. I love Chinese food. Aaangan zou do naganan Sina. Aku telanjang. I'm naked. I'm naked. Milo' oku tumanud? Can I join in? Do you want me to follow you? Perkataan ini dipinjam daripada Bahasa Perancis. This word was borrowed from French. These words are borrowed from French. Atíng McDonald's a malápit kéne? Is there a McDonald's near here? Is McDonald's a piece of meat? Kahuman nira inumon an vino, binuhát hirá ngan lumakat. After they drank the wine they got up and left. After drinking the wine, he got up and left. Jim belum pulang. Jim hasn't been home yet. Jim hasn't come home yet. Tom tinggal di seberang sungai. Tom lives across the river. Tom lives across the river. Aku menantikannya. I look forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Apakah Anda tinggal di sini? Do you live here? Do you live here? Maaram mag-prinanses hi Tom. Tom can speak French. He knew he was going to be a princess. Mobil itu menabrak pohon. The car hit a tree. The car hit a tree. Kami sedang makan epal. We're eating apples. We're eating apples. Iton imo pag-abat ano ka kadugay dinhi? How long do you think you can stay here? How long have you been here? Kamu pasti sangat bangga dengan dirimu. You should be very proud of yourself. You must be so proud of yourself. Nakakita ako hin damo nga tawo nga waray mga hiniro and nakakita ako'n mga bado nga waray nagsusul-ot ha ira. I saw many people who had no clothes and I saw many clothes which had no people in them. I've seen a lot of people who don't wear clothes and don't wear them. Saan a mabalin nga umayak. I cannot possibly come. I can't come. Apay? Why? Why? ¿Hin-o itón karúyag bumisita ha Pilipinas? ¡Usa itón hiya nga paraiso ha tropiko! Who wants to visit the Philippines? It is such a tropical paradise! Who wants to visit the Philippines? - A paradise in the tropics! Nokoimbulai no kobolingkangan kalapas do sikul. A trouble arose after school. Novocado is overrated. Sulatánan ke i Tom. I'll write to Tom. A letter to Tom. Diri maupay ini nga kompanya nga nanlulurong hin mga tawo. This is an evil company that takes advantage of people. This is not a crazy company. Kayatmo kadi ti ubbing? Do you want kids? Do you like children? Tom dalam keadaan baik. Tom was fine. Tom is in good condition. Tumingaha i Tom. Tom looked up. Tom looked up. Aku hanya tahu ini. I know only this. I just know this. Duapulona ita ni Muiriel. Muiriel is 20 now. He's now twenty-two Muiriel. Kowe ngerti lagu iki? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? Ustú na. That's enough. Ust<0xC3><0xBA> na. Saya langsung tidak tahu apa yang berlaku selepas saya mabuk. Kenapa ada beberapa orang tua tidur di dalam bilik saya? I have absolutely no clue what happened after I got drunk. Why is there some old dude sleeping in my room? I don't know what happens after I get drunk. Why are some old people sleeping in my room? Aku tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Kamu tidak menandatangani semua dokumennya You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Mantad hombo pinomolian nu dino? When did you buy it? What's the name of the pineal gland? Ni Tom ti akingapuanan. Tom did it. Tom was my friend. Gintutubol ako. I am constipated. I'm being bullied. Kami ambisius. We're ambitious. We're ambitious. Apakah Mary sudah mulai? Has Mary started yet? Did Mary start? Tom menunjuk lantai. Tom pointed to the floor. Tom pointed to the floor. Kanou mugad doino. Let's go there. You can do the doo. Alá kung péra. I don't have any money. Al<0xC3><0xA1> kung p<0xC3><0xA9>ra. Bisakah Anda mengulanginya sekali lagi? Could you please repeat it once again? Can you repeat it again? Seorang istri boleh memiliki harta benda milik mereka sendiri dan terpisah dari suaminya. A wife can have property independent of her husband. A wife may own her own property and be separated from her husband. Agsublika ditoy, sika a takrot. Come back here, you coward. Get back here, you coward. Dia memberiku garam. He gave me the salt. He gave me salt. Buku ini milikmu. This book is yours. This book is yours. Tiim di taavasi no kozo nga tinimungan do tuhun di toiso ii, nga i guminavo do savi-avi tuhun om monompuan do iisai nopo om au i momoduli do adadi do tuhun kiningkokoton. The best teams are made up of a bunch of nobodies who love everybody and serve anybody and don't care about becoming a somebody. It's not like I'm going to have to do a second one, but I'm going to do a second one, and I'm going to do a second one. May kaislahan sa dagat. There are islands in the sea. There is an island in the sea. Meskipun ia berulang kali mengatakan kalau ia mahasiswa, aku tidak bisa mempercayainya. Though she repeated that she was a college student, I could not bring myself to believe it. Even though he repeatedly said he was a student, I couldn’t believe him. Swerte mo waray mapakanhi hi Tom. You're lucky Tom didn't come. You're lucky Tom didn't come. Aiso maso tokou. We haven't got much time. I'm going to the store. Gi-putol ang kahoy nga oak. The oak trees were cut down. The oak tree was cut down. Págmanánwan daká. Congratulations! P<0xC3><0xA1>gman<0xC3><0xA1>nwan dak<0xC3><0xA1>. Aku nyaris tak punya uang untuk membeli makanan. I barely have enough money for food. I barely had the money to buy food. Bassit laengen a panangigannuat, nagballigi koman. With a little more effort, he would have succeeded. With little effort, it would have been successful. Pakilukat ti bagmo tapno makitak no ania ti impanmo iti unegna. Please open your bag so that I can see what you have in it. Open your bag to see what you brought inside. Migkulúng ya king kwártu na. She shut herself up in her room. The king nodded. Dápat kung kutáng karéla? Should I ask them? What if I'm going to get a car? Atín kamíng plánu. We have plans. At<0xC3><0xAD>n kam<0xC3><0xAD>ng pl<0xC3><0xA1>nu. Émo buríng ákit deng ának mo? Don't you want to see your kids? What's the reason you're looking at me? "Jangan berbicara seperti itu, wahai anakku," jawab si wanita. "Do not talk like that, dear child," replied the lady. “Don’t talk like that, my son,” replied the woman. Maaf aku tidak meneleponmu semalam. I'm sorry I didn't call last night. I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. Saan a siak ti boss. I'm not the boss. I'm not the boss. Nagbuteng isuna idi madlawna nga adda tao a mangsursurot kenkuana. She became scared when she noticed the man following her. He was afraid when he saw that someone was following him. Cha'-mu mandádagi! Don't lie! Your Cha' mand<0xC3><0xA1>dagi! Bagaimana kalau minuman? How about a drink? How about a drink? Miho zosido kosoou do kabaahan mantad do paajalan dau. She is absorbed in her study. I'm going to try to get him out of his way. Kumaon kami hin bacon ngan bunay. We ate bacon and eggs. We ate bacon and eggs. Adda ti libro iti lamisaan. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Mirikau i tiwanon ku. My father-in-law is sitting. I'm going to get my tyrannical. Nakaawatak iti surat manipud iti maysa kadagiti gagayyemko idiay Japon. I received a letter from one of my friends in Japan. I received a letter from one of my friends in Japan. Testingan ko makakadto hit' 2:30. I'll try to be there by 2:30. I'm going to test at 2:30. Itu tadi menarik, ya? That was interesting, wasn't it? That was interesting, huh? Mangkali dia orang Prancis. She may be French. He's French. Må’o hamyo. You are thirsty. And this is what God has planned for us, even though we do not know anything about it. Mípakanánu ya? What became of him? You know, right? Anto? What? What? Paksi-paksinipun gadhah warni abrit. The birds are red. The colors are abrasive. Métung yang kabálítan a mágkantá. She is a well-known singer. I think it's a maze. Hobi saya adalah mengumpul syiling lama. My hobby is collecting old coins. My hobby is collecting old coins. Pokinongoho no savo nu oi Tom. Listen to your wife, Tom. Let's see if it's oolong. Kapin sa gatosan ka pahayag ang iyang gidugang. He adds over a couple of hundreds sentences. He added over hundreds of statements. Jangan khawatirkan aku. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Waráy ak' singadto ha zoo. I didn't go to the zoo. I felt like I was going to the zoo. Suminimbar i Yesus "Kanou." ka. Come, Jesus replied. Jesus called him "Kanou." Iní ing ambisyún ku king bye. This is my life's ambition. The king's ambition is to say goodbye. Ang kahoy mosilaob. Wood burns. The tree bursts into flames. Orohian oku do mangakan. I like to eat. Orohian oku do do eat. Beliau tidak lagi kanak-kanak. He is no longer a child. He is no longer a child. Abrehi't suga. Waray ko nakikit'an. Turn on the light. I can't see anything. I didn't see the light, I didn't see anything. Ini kucing. This is a cat. It's a cat. Laparnya... I'm hungry. He's hungry... Ig-iwas iton biseklita ha aragian. Get the bicycle out of the way. Turn off the bike on the way. Modagan ri. This one nearer to me will run. Run by RI. Ini adalah sungai terpanjang ketiga di dunia. This is the third longest river in the world. It is the third longest river in the world. Modagan to siya. That one would run. He's going to run. Mungkin kebahagiaan yang sedang menunggu kita bukanlah kebahagiaan yang kita inginkan. It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want. Perhaps the happiness that is waiting for us is not the happiness that we desire. ¿Hin-o ba hi Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Who's the Mona Lisa? Mabalin kadi nga agpatangta a data laeng, Tom? May I speak with you alone, Tom? Is it possible for you to just send me data, Tom? Saanka a madanagan. Don't worry. You don't have to worry. Pepatah itu terdengar familiar. The proverb is familiar. The saying sounds familiar. Pakábantén mulá. Watch them closely. Pak<0xC3><0xA1>bant<0xC3><0xA9>n mul<0xC3><0xA1>. Itu sangat mudah dilakukan. That's very easy to do. That's so easy to do. T-shirt ini terlalu kecil untuk saya. This T-shirt is too small for me. This t-shirt is too small for me. ¿Hin-o iton ímo gintitinawaan? Who are you laughing at? Who's the one who's laughing? Haro toilaan ku kogumuan om dot ongosonong nogiddi. I've got the most ideas, and I've got the best ideas. I'd like to know if I'd be able to get my hands on it. Dia sengaja menginjak kaki saya di kereta. He trod on my foot on purpose in the train. He deliberately stepped on my foot in the car. Nasintinsiyahan hiya hin tuló katuig ha prisohan. He was sentenced to three years in jail. He spent three years in prison. Janganlah awak risau. Don't you worry. Don't worry about it. Tolong nyalakan lampu. Turn on the light, please. Please turn on the lights. Masalahnya saya tidak punya uang. The trouble is that I have no money with me. The problem is I don’t have money. Atín kung ikít a bágeng mákapagmulálâ! I've found something amazing! Let's see if I can get a good one! Tom berjanji kepada Mary yang dia ingin berjumpa selepas tamat persekolahan. Tom promised Mary that he'd meet her after school. Tom promised Mary that he would like to meet her after school. Lálákad kung adwáng púlung mílya aldó'ldo. I walk twenty miles a day. I'm going to go with Aldo's. Au i Tom mumboyo di Mary do milo maan dilo. Tom doesn't believe Mary can do that. I'm looking forward to Mary's wedding, and I'm sure she'll be fine. Igtanum ini nga mga liso san-o't katsirak. Plant these seeds before summer sets in. Plant these seeds before and after the harvest. Kau akan mati jika kau tidak makan. If you don't eat, you die. You'll die if you don't eat. Inkalikagumda nga amin a kopia ti libro ket madadael. They have demanded that all copies of the book be destroyed. They demanded that all copies of the book be destroyed. Nokoboros oku kumaa diolo. I've already spoken with them. I'm going to make a dichotomy. Nazakan i Tom no. Tom is just kidding. Tom didn't. Naglangoy ni Tom. Tom swam. Tom was swimming. Aku meneleponnya. I gave him a call. I called him. Moi i Tom ruba dotokou hiti id jaam 2:30. Have Tom meet us here at 2:30. I'm going to have to check out the docs at 2:30am. Nosogitan nu dii? Are you too cold? What's that noise? Mari ka. Come here. Come on. Dia kepala dari departemen pemasaran. He's the head of the marketing department. He's the head of the marketing department. Kotumbaya ko' nangku di kinorohingan? Do you believe in God? I'm in the middle of my tummy tuck? Selamat datai! Welcome. Welcome! Selamat malam, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Kao guaha patgon-miyu siha? Do you have children? Is there a son of a bitch? Mulailah berlari. Start running. Start running. Masapul a subalitak daytoy a surat. I have to reply to this letter. I need to get this letter back. Pria itu bukan hanya bisa berbahasa Inggris tapi juga Bahasa Jerman. He can speak not only English but also German. The man not only spoke English but also German. Dia seorang yang degil. She's stubborn. He's a stubborn man. Pakou ku! My ass! Pakou ku! Tulo nga misyonaryo an pinátay ngan kináun han ira igkasi tawo. Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. Three missionaries were killed and killed by their fellow men. Mongoi oku koti. I must be on my way. Mongoi oku koti. Tukí-tukí lang sínulagpó deng jet. The jets took off one after another. It's just a little bit of a jet. Saya menghargai kerja keras anda. I appreciate your efforts. I appreciate your hard work. Terima kasih untuk menolong saya! Thanks for helping me! Thank you for helping me! Aku tahu memang mung kate dok nye. I know you're going to say no. I know it's only Kate Dodd. "Tom!" "Mary!" “Tom!” “Mary!” "Tom!" "Mary!" Ambil dan pergi! Take it and go! Take it and go! Malmaldayka? Are you sad? You're lonely? Sakóru! Help! Sak<0xC3><0xB3>ru! Bagaimana keadaannya? What's the situation like? How's he doing? Tom menyiapkan makan malan sendiri. Tom prepared supper by himself. Tom prepares his own malan meal. Lepas kaosmu dan berbaringlah. Remove your shirt and lie down. Take off your shirt and lie down. Teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa Ibrani, bukan bahasa Arama. These texts were written in Hebrew, not in Aramaic. This text was written in Hebrew, not Aramaic. Bagaimana Tom mengetahui hal itu? How does Tom know about that? How did Tom know that? Koiho ko naku do polinta i mimbuul? Do you know the rules of football? What's the point of having a polygon? Míkásundú keng Tom. Tom and I had an agreement. M<0xC3><0xAD>k<0xC3><0xA1>sund<0xC3><0xBA> keng Tom. Otumbazaan ko naku oonu ka dau? Do you believe what he said? Do you want me to take you down? Tu minisingiho i Jenny do boros Jipun, aiso kobohingkangan dosido mooi tombuhui doiho Jipun. Since Jenny had studied Japanese, she had no trouble in Japan. She didn't want to be the only one to get her hands dirty, but she didn't want to be the one to get her hands dirty. Pinoboos dogo zi Tom do titibohi zisido do bosikal kavagu. Tom told me that he would like to buy a new bicycle. Pinoboos dogo zi Tom do tibohi zisido do bosikal kavagu. Atyú ku king balé mi. I'm at home. It's our King's Palace. Diri ako makadtu labot la hin kinahanglanun ko. I won't go unless I have to. I couldn't go except for what I needed. Mohon maaf, saya tidak bisa. I'm sorry, I can't. Sorry, I can't. Ginpintaran ko an ákòn balay. I had my house painted. I painted the <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n house. Banyak kesempatan akan muncul dengan sendirinya, bilamana kau mau memperhatikannya. Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them. A lot of opportunities will come up on their own, if you want to pay attention to them. Kúlang ya ing métung a amánu. One language is never enough. It's in the hands of your parents. Nagbuyaak iti TV itay bigat. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV in the morning. Páramán daká kétang pérang burí mu. I'll loan you the money you want. P<0xC3><0xA1>ram<0xC3><0xA1>n I've seen your burrito. Aku pasti sudah membuat sebuah kesalahan. I must have made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Kivaa kogunoo iho. It really comes in handy. Kivaa kogunoo shark. Unta waray mo igsurat iton. You should not have written that. I hope you didn't write it. Rugiakon a dagus ti trabaho. I'll begin doing the job right away. I'm starting the job right away. Minamanau i Tom om i Mary hilo'd suang gowuton. Tom and Mary hiked inside the jungle. Mary was engaged to Joseph and traveled with him to Bethlehem. She was soon going to have a baby, Aku kira aku tidak berpikiran sempit. I don't think I'm narrow-minded. I don't think I'm narrow-minded. Ania a grupo dagiti terorista ti akin-aramid iti daytoy? Which terrorist group did this? What terrorist group is doing this? Saya ingin Anda mempertimbangkan kembali keputusan Anda. I want you to reconsider your decision. I want you to reconsider your decision. Tom melihat Mary memecahkan kaca jendela. Tom saw Mary break the window. Tom sees Mary breaking the window glass. Berapa ongkos busnya? How much is the bus fare? How much does the bus cost? Pano? How? How's it going? Asino ti nangitugot iti daytoy? Who brought this? Who brought this with him? Kita harus tidur paling tidak selama delapan jam sehari. We must sleep at least eight hours a day. We should sleep for at least eight hours a day. Pira entèké olèhmu nyéwa rusun? How much rent do you pay for the apartment? How much money do you have to pay for the housing? Nokopisoomo zou di Nara. I've visited Nara. Nokopisoomo zou di Nara. Kuharap dia akan menungguku. I hope he'll wait for me. I hope he'll wait for me. Pasaké ne king kótsi na i Tom anyáng mébaríl ya. Tom was about to get into his car when he was shot. I'm going to give the King a chance to win all of his gold medals. Okuro-kuro habar di paganakan nu? How is it going with your family? What's the point of having a baby in the womb? Avasi no mikot tosuusuvab. Arriving early is good. It's not a tossup. Araatan oku dika. I hate you. Don't get me started on you. Ini toko paling murah yang ada di kota. This is the cheapest store in town. This is the cheapest store in town. Dengarkanlah orang yang sedang berbicara. Listen to who's talking. Listen to the person speaking. Burí mung gáwan iné o alî? Do you want to do this or not? Is it just a matter of taste or taste? Kómustá ka? How are you? You're a K<0xC3><0xB3>must<0xC3><0xA1>? Maan iyolo do piuhupan kaka kopurimanan diolo. They shared feelings. » Destruction and misery are in their ways. « Dia lahir pada 17 Juli, pukul 6 pagi. She was born at six a.m. on July 17. She was born on July 17, at 6 a.m. Mereka berhenti bercakap. They stopped talking. They stopped talking. Adda kadi makabigbig iti daytoy? Does anybody recognize this? Does anyone recognize this? Éne man tinext Tom i Mary a mitawlí ya. Tom didn't even text Mary to tell her he'd be late. I'm sure I've met Mary, who's been waiting for me. Orang tua itu marah dan merasa sakit hati. The old man is angry and bitter. The old man was angry and felt hurt. Skak mat! Checkmate! Check it out, Matt. Ginpagawas hi Tom ha synagogue. Tom was driven out of the synagogue. Tom was released from the Synagogue. Orohian yahai mamain. We like playing. Oroyan Yahai to eat. Sungguh! Really! Really! Aku sangat suka Hokkaido. I like Hokkaido a lot. I really like Hokkaido. Gumios hi Tom nga baga hin hiyá it tag-iya hit' lugár. Tom acted like he owned the place. He looked as if he was the owner of a sledgehammer. ¿Puydi mo paharuhabuon it' presyo? Could you knock a little off the price? Can you give it a price? Besok saya pergi ke Paris. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. Tomorrow I go to Paris. Baynte kwatro anyos ako. I'm 24. I was twenty-four years old. Kamu minum itu. You drink that. You drink that. Tulun yau Poransis kanto. She may be French. Let's take a look at porno. Dia membuang banyak uang. He wastes a lot of money. He threw away a lot of money. Mébúlag ya i Tom. Tom was blinded. Tom nodded. tujuan aku ingin mempelajari bahasa mu My goal is to learn your language. I want to learn your language Kami perlu bicara dengan Anda. We need to speak with you. We need to talk to you. Adda asawamon? Are you married? You're married? Nadiri akó makig-estorya bahín hit' musika. I don’t want to talk about music. I don't want to talk about music. Kumuyog. Come along. Come along. Mungkin dia tadi ketinggalan kereta. Perhaps he missed the train. Maybe he missed the car. Sorohon ku nga apatut no mooi amung do pisompuruan do palajaran. I think I should join a study group. I want to be free to talk about it as I should do. Guaha lepblo-ku. I have a book. My lepblo cave. Tom, katakan yang sejujurnya. Tom, tell me the truth. Tom, tell me the truth. Berapa lama kita sudah berada di sini? How long have we been here? How long have we been here? Aanangan nogi mintong do pulitik tuhun Amorika kokomoi do timpu pomihian do pilisidon. It's interesting to observe American politics, especially during a presidential election. It's been a long time since American politics came to the fore. Tosoou zi Tom do atagak no diti kosivatan tagazo ku. Tom thinks I'm missing this great opportunity. Tossoou zi Tom tayegak when I was asked about my cosivatan tayzo. Orohian oku do wayang Poransis. I love French movies. Orohian oku do pornansis. Tiwanon ku nopo nga injiniur. My father-in-law is an engineer. I'm looking for an engineer. Tom bertindak atas kemauannya sendiri. Tom is acting on his own. Tom acted on his own accord. ¿May nakit-an hi Tom? Did Tom see anything? "Did you see anything? Tulonganyo ni Tom. Help Tom. Help Tom. Aku akan kembali dalam waktu satu jam. I'll be back within an hour. I'll be back in an hour. Dia mungkin tidak bisa jalan lagi. He will probably never walk again. He may not be able to walk anymore. Aku terus berkata kepada diriku bahwa itu tidak masalah. I keep telling myself it doesn't matter. I kept telling myself that it didn’t matter. Saya berdiri disini selama tiga puluh menit. I stood here for thirty minutes. I stood here for thirty minutes. Ibu lebih tua dua tahun dibanding Ayah. Mother is two years older than Father. You're two years older than me. Umin-inum iti arak ni Tom. Tom drinks wine. Tom was drinking alcohol. Usa, duha, tulo, upat, lima, unom, pito, walo, siyam, napulo. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Kamu membuatku bahagia. You make me happy. You make me happy. Mengapa aku harus menolong Tom? Why do I have to help Tom? Why should I help Tom? Dia pasti berhasil. He is certain to succeed. He's gonna make it. Tepungnya dibuat menjadi roti. Flour is made into bread. The flour is made into bread. Apakah ada orang yang memaksa kamu melakukan itu? Did anybody force you to do that? Has anyone forced you to do that? Kau pasti tahu apa yang aku maksud. You know what I am talking about. You know what I mean. Ataatamis naku ngaavi'? Is everything cool? Do you want to make me smile? Aku tidak tidur dengan nyenyak akhir-akhir ini. I haven't slept well recently. I haven't slept well lately. Malidayanka kadi iti dayta? Does that make you sad? Are you sad about that? Rapatnya diadakan kemarin. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting was held yesterday. Potong kainnya secara diagonal. Cut the cloth diagonally. Cut the fabric diagonally. Bálu kung makwáltá ka. I know you are rich. It's a shame if you're squeamish. Bisa tolong nyalakan radionya. Turn on the radio, please. Could you please turn on the radio? Aku ingin pergi jalan-jalan denganmu. I want to go on a trip with you. I want to go for a walk with you. Ayahku dulu sering pergi memancing. My father would often go fishing. My father used to go fishing. An lalaki usa ngay-an nga private detective. The man turned out to be a private detective. The man is a private detective. Wala sila may mahimo They can't do anything. They couldn't do anything Maul-ul an akon luyo han kahulog ko. After I fell, my back hurt. The back of my neck was hurting. Urayentayo kadi ni Tom ditoy? Should we wait for Tom here? Shall we wait for Tom here? Iti laksid a makumikom isuna, immaynak kinita. In spite of the fact that she was busy, she came to see me. Although he was busy, he came to see me. Semoga liburan musim panasmu menyenangkan! Have a good summer vacation! Have a nice summer vacation! Kau bisa mengandalkan Jack. You can count on Jack. You can count on Jack. Izinkan saya menerangkan. Let me explain. Let me explain. Tom mangajar pa torang bahasa Prancis. Tom teaches us French. Tom learns more French. Tom pernah memiliki sekompleks tanah ini. Tom once owned this piece of land. Tom once owned a complex of this land. Dia babiking mudel deng dia tara tau kita ni. She acted like she didn't know me. He's a slut who doesn't know we are. Maysa a wagas laeng ti ammok a pangaramid iti daytoy. I know only one way to do this. I know only one way to do this. Kadámu hiton amun miyembro. We have many members. You're a member of that group. Inulim kadin ti Bantay Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you ever been to Mount Fuji? Tom terus berbicara. Tom kept talking. Tom continued to talk. Aiso guno monongkiboros maya disido. It's no use talking to her. The monotony of Maya is overrated. Apa warna mata Tom? What color are Tom's eyes? What's the color of Tom's eyes? Unsa? What? What? Nokoilo ko' di nunu maan di Tom? Do you know what Tom is doing? I'm going to take a look at Tom's? Gin-ano mo an pag-iba hiton? How do you change that? How do you make the difference? Tíkyan de i Tom. They followed Tom. T<0xC3><0xAD>kyan de i Tom. Iti nopo nga bosikal di Mike. This is Mike's bicycle. It's a no-brainer for Mike. Tom sudah jarang berbicara dengan kami. Tom seldom speaks to us anymore. Tom rarely talks to us. Wak lah cubo mamelok annyo taruih, tapi nyo alun elok juo lai. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. You're a bit of a jerk, but you're not good at it. Boleh saya minta bon? Could I have the bill, please? Can I get a bond? Aku harus bangun pagi-pagi. I have to get up early. I have to get up early. Pulau itu dihantam topan. The island was struck by the typhoon. The island was hit by a hurricane. Dimengerti. Understood. Understandable. Tumingaha isio. He looked up. Take a look at Isaiah. Batul ka tarada Tom mati pas tatabrak tu? Did Tom die in that accident? Didn't he die when he died? Tom senang mengerjaiku. Tom enjoys playing tricks on me. Tom likes to make fun of me. Padpadasen pay laeng dagiti doktor nga alawen ni Tom. The doctors are still trying to save Tom. Doctors are still trying to rescue Tom. Tawlí yang dínatáng, antí ing maralás nang gagáwan. He came late, as is often the case with him. In the middle of the night, there's a sleight of hand in the marmalade. It' ak' pagkitá waray ko panahón himuon it' yanâ nga ádlaw. I don't think I'll have the time to do that today. I don't think I'm going to do anything to make this a blizzard. Diperlukan keberanian untuk berhasil. It takes courage to succeed. It takes courage to succeed. Itulah yang sedang saya lakukan tadi. That's what I was doing. That's what I was doing. Nu rakayú malyáring pakíkitán? Where can we meet you? What's the matter with the squeaky-squeaky? Milo' tokou mongoi insomok? Can we get closer? Do you want to go to Indy? Saan a mangabak ni Tom. Tom won't win. Tom can't win. Dan tidak melewatkan satupun episode dari sinetron itu. Dan didn't miss any episode of that soap opera. And don't miss any episodes of that soap opera. Kihulu iyau i kosoruan. He's naturally hairy. He's been squirming. Baleg nen si Tom. It's bigger than Tom. Tom was strong. Nakatokar ak hit sista. I can play the guitar. I played a guitar. Tom meletakkan kartu-kartunya di atas meja. Tom laid his cards on the table. Tom puts his cards on the table. It katangahan hit tawo baga duro gud. Human stupidity knows no limits. The impact of a man's death seems to be severe. Kita membuat pangsit di dapur! We are making dumplings in the kitchen! We make dumplings in the kitchen! Óbat karakál mu bálu tungkúl king kasalésáyan ning Hapón? How is it that you know so much about Japanese history? How do you feel about the King of the Rings in Japan? Iya nopo nga tambalut ku. You are my friend. It's not my cure. Kinoyonon manangaman dau id Amorika. His nephew lives in America. The name is derived from the Amerika id. Ini adalah makanan. It is food. It's food. Makan tidak boleh tergesa-gesa. Do not eat hastily. Eating shouldn't be in a hurry. Nawara na akon gana. I've lost my appetite. I've lost my appetite. Tidak diperbolehkan merokok di ruangan ini. Smoking is not allowed in this room. You are not allowed to smoke in this room. Duo no kimanangaman ku. I have two nephews. Two of my favourites. Pinira mo iton nga mga tickets? How much did the tickets cost you? "Did you pick up those tickets?" Kamu punya kantung mata. You've got circles under your eyes. You have an eye bag. Pena lebih kuat daripada pedang. The pen is mightier than the sword. The pen is stronger than the sword. Tåya tiempo-ku. I don't have time. I don't have my time. Nánung páninápan mu anyáng ginísing daká? What were you dreaming about when I woke you up? What's your take on any of these? Aku kenal dhèké. I know them. I know him. Notipu no takod ku. My leg is broken. Don't be scared of my fear. Aku dengar bos Tom menolak memberinya kenaikan gaji. I heard that Tom's boss refused to give him a raise. I heard Tom's boss refused to give him a raise. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mengakhiri hidup. This is the best way to die. This is the best way to end life. Dínatáng ya at piglútu nákung apúnan. He came over and cooked dinner for me. It's a day and it's a good day. Apapun yang terjadi, jangan gunakan telepon ini. Whatever happens, don't use this phone. Whatever happens, don't use this phone. Tolong kenakan sepatu Anda. Please put on your shoes. Please wear your shoes. An baluto nagtikang pagsakba hin tubig ngan sunod lumunod. The boat began to take in water and soon sank. The boat began to scoop up water and then sink. Lupakanlah. Forget it. Forget it. Ana sing klèru nèng kéné. There's something wrong here. There is something wrong here. Paul lebih semangat/kuat dibanding Marc. Paul is more vigorous than Marc. Paul is stronger than Marc. Aku penasaran apa yang Tom lakukan di sini. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. Éla mákiramdám. They don't listen. <0xC3><0x89>la m<0xC3><0xA1>kiramd<0xC3><0xA1>m. Au oku nokoilo do toinsanan hilo. I didn't know anybody there. I've had enough of the squealing. Berapa lama kamu akan pergi, Tom? How long will you be away, Tom? How long are you gonna go, Tom? Biníte de i Tom. They executed Tom. It's from Tom. Songkuo no hinaid nu do minsingiho do boos do Kadazan? How long have you been studying the Kadazan language? Is there anything I can't do to help you? Aláyu king upisína i Tom. Tom is out of the office. Al<0xC3><0xA1>yu King Upi<0xC3><0xAD>n. Burén mung yatád daká king kótsi mu. Let me walk you to your car. It's just that you're the king of your heart. Muhau ko ti. You are crazy. I'll take it. Malaksid iti kapateg ti turog, ti panggep daytoy ket maysa a misterio. Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery. Besides the importance of sleep, the purpose of this is a mystery. Asino ti nangawag kenka? Who called you? Who called you? Koligaganan nopo ginumuan kogiu mantad pulou Borneo dot osusuan id lolobi po walu toun. Bornean orangutans, a critically endangered species, give birth approximately at every eight years. But the weather changed abruptly, and a wind of typhoon strength (called a “northeaster ”) burst across the island and blew us out to sea. Tumakas ka. You fled. You're running. Yusuf mlakuné nyèmpèr. Joseph has a limp. Joseph walked away. Awagam ni Tom. Call Tom. Call to Tom. Tumalib ko' lo hodi? Are you going along? I'm going to kill you hodl? Makapuy ni Tom an pag-ehersisyo. Tom found the exercise exhausting. Tom was not able to exercise. Nínung ibótu mung presidénti? For whom will you vote for president? Isn't it just the President? Saan a kayat ni Tom daytoy a maris. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. King palagé mu mamuláng ko? Do you think I'm crazy? Do you want to see your king? Himos mi. We're tidy. Let's make ours. Aku kira itu benar adanya. I thought it was true. I guess that's true. Dinusúg neng Tom ing pasú king kaylî, at míbusní ya ing líhim a pasbúl. Tom moved the flower pot to the left and the secret door slid open. I saw Tom in the pas<0xC3><0xBA> king kayl<0xC3><0xAE>, and m<0xC3><0xAD>busn<0xC3><0xAD> in the <0xC3><0xAD>him a pasb<0xC3><0xBA>l. Araatan sido do manangkus. She hates running. Sid's work is sloppy. Nasaysayaat no umunegtan. We'd better get inside. It's better to go inside. Nabagalan dilo kaban o buuk. The box was full of books. It's covered with hair or a scarf. Sumati ako utro kay ano karuyag mo hi Tom. Tell me again why you like Tom. Tell me again why you want Tom. Kamu mesti mengikut saya. You need to follow me. You must follow me. Aku hampir saja ketinggalan keretanya. I almost missed the train. I almost missed the train. Ia terlihat tidak asing. She looks familiar. It looks familiar. Ania a signo ti nakayanakam? What sign were you born under? What sign were you born to? King makúyad a salítâ, makúyad ing bye. In a word, life is short. The King of Peace, bye bye. Ini seperti satu dari barang-barang itu. It's like one of those. It's like one of those things. Minsingiho' zikoi do boos Sina. We're learning Chinese. Minsingiho' zikoi do boos Sina. Tallo gasut a doliar ti imbayadko iti daytoy a gitara. I paid 300 dollars for this guitar. I paid three hundred dollars for this guitar. Apa yang sedang Tom makan? What is Ken eating? What's Tom eating? Apa kau pernah membakar jasmu dengan sebatang rokok? Have you ever burnt your coat with a cigarette? Have you ever burned your suit with a cigarette? Oonu o boos do moboos zioho id Korea? What languages do they speak in Korea? Oonu o boos do moboos zioho id Korea? Kita pe papa pe mama tu kita pe nene. My father's mother is my grandma. We're the parents of our mom. Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom looked confused. Tom looks confused. Marah tidak memberikan manfaat apa-apa. It never pays to lose your temper. Anger does not provide any benefit. Sakalangkong! Thank you! Scalakkong! Harga ini sangat melampau-lampau. These prices are outrageous! This price is too much. Mangge i kareta? Where is the car? The car's engine? Tolong jangan coba-coba kabur, sebab mata musuh-musuhmu sedang mengawasi. Do not try to run away, please, because the eyes of your enemies are watchful. Please don't try to run away, for your enemies' eyes are watching. Mannaniw dagiti matematisian, malaksid laeng a nasken a paneknekanda ti putaren ti fantasiada. Mathematicians are poets, except that they have to prove what their fantasy creates. Mathematicians are poets, except that they have to prove their fantasies. Itulah yang sedang mereka rencanakan. That's what they were planning. That's what they're planning. Tom ngandhani Mary yèn dhèwèké ora seneng ngrembug perkarané karo dhèwèké. Tom told Mary he wasn't interested in discussing his problems with her. Tom tells Mary that he doesn't like to talk to her about it. Aku butuh informasi. I need information. I need information. Agpaigid. Step aside. He's on the left. Rumasam matu. It might rain. You'll feel it. Permisi. Metro ada di mana ya? Excuse me. Where's the metro? Excuse me, where's the metro? Akon iní nga balay, dírì imo. This house is mine, not yours. It's my home, my home. Éku agyúng sáling kótsi. I cannot afford to buy a car. I don't want to be a squishy. Agadal a naimbag. Study hard. Study well. Alá pa ing pékamarók. The worst is still to come. more in the room. Kita ka sa langit? Do you see the sky? Are you in heaven? Ya iya Of course. Yes yes yes Gintahuban ni Mary an iya nawong para diri hiya makilal-an. Mary covered her face to avoid being recognized. Mary covered her face so that she could not recognize him. Ih kosoruan nga mimban-simban iri susuyan dau. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. It's a shame that he's jealous of her. Onuai simbaran kumaa doho baino. Answer me right now. I'm going to go to church. Tonga soa e! Welcome. It's a ton of good! Makan pagi telah dipesan. Breakfast is served. The morning meal has been ordered. Lepaskan Tom! Let go of Tom. Let go of Tom! Tom meletakkan pensilnya di atas meja. Tom put the pencil down on the desk. Tom puts his pencil on the table. Perpekto na inin. I think this is perfect. This is perfect. Kitkút de. They buried it. Kitk<0xC3><0xBA>t de. "Umur?" "16." "Age?" "16." "Age?" "16." Mimboros i Tom do Poransis. Tom speaks French. Tom is a porn star. Kami sudah memesan yang pukul enam tiga puluh. We have a reservation for six-thirty. We've ordered that at six thirty. Ingon ta nga angay tang mudaog. We said we should win. That's why we should win. Kasano kabayagen nga agkakuartuankayo ken ni Tom? How long have you and Tom been roommates? How long have you and Tom been hanging out with each other? Apakah kamu tahu Tom berkerja di sana? Did you know Tom worked there? Did you know Tom worked there? Dia sempurna. He was perfect. He's perfect. Awan ti simmangbay. Nobody came. No one came. Animál la reng kabáyu. Horses are animals. It's only women. Respetado hi Mary hit' ngatanan. Mary is respected by everyone. Mary was honored by all. Sudah pesan buku itu? Have you ordered the book? Have you ordered the book? Tom juga melihat nama Mary di daftar. Tom saw Mary's name on the list, too. Tom also saw Mary's name on the list. Oukab o kaban diti, tu au nokunsian. This box can be opened for it isn't locked. It's a no-brainer, it's a no-brainer. Haro tansar do kayu id posorili do tumo. The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence. My brothers and sisters, I want you to be very happy. Tom nganggep Mary kuwi ora isa ndandani jamé. Tom didn't think Mary could fix his watch. Tom thought that Mary couldn't change her watch. King palagé mu, nukarín ngan mirarás ing cuálta? Where do you think all the money goes? What do you think of the King and Queen of the Rings? Onu apatut o oviton ku? What should I bring? What's my take or take? Giinom ni Ziri ang nahibilin nga serbesa ug nilakaw. Ziri downed the rest of his beer and left. Ziri drinks the rest of the beer and walks away. Nung yoku nopo nga ika, maan oku'ndo saat do tobulou. If I were you, I'd paint it blue. If you're going to do yoga, I'm going to do yoga. Tom tidak pernah memberikan apapun pada siapapun. Tom never gives anything to anybody. Tom never gave anything to anyone. Jadi kamu menyerah, benar? So you give up, right? So you give up, right? Aku berjumpa dengan kawan lamaku. I ran into an old friend. I met an old friend. Liníkas neng Tom king Pransés ing kontráta. Tom translated the contract into French. Tom King of France is in the audience. Minggizak-gizak zosido i. She orgasmed repeatedly. It's the Zodiac I. Kay-ano ginharukan mo hiya? Why did you kiss him? Why did you touch him? Simmangpetak idi rabii. I arrived last night. I came in last night. Pagpili ug petsa alang sa miting. Fix a date for the meeting. Choose a date for the meeting. Panagkunak ket masapul a makasangom ni Tom. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should be able to face Tom. Kesehatan itu lebih berharga dibandingkan dengan emas. Health is worth more than gold. Health is more valuable than gold. Berapa harga rumah ini? How much does this house cost? How much does this house cost? Apa kau punya susu? Do you have some milk? Do you have milk? Inggatangam isuna iti aso? Did you buy her a dog? Did you buy him a dog? Vi pagigis min tro multe. You charged me too much. I'm going to start crying my ass. Agpayso kadi nga inagkannaka ni Tom? Is it true that Tom kissed you? Did Tom really kiss you? Beberapa hewan memakan anaknya yang masih muda. Some animals eat their young. Some animals eat their young. Agô daw ak' kun himuon ko ádto. I'd have to be an idiot to do that. I feel like I'm going to do it or I'm going to do it. Iri nopo kusai-kusai nga miagal no. Men are all the same. Jealousy is a no-brainer. Tom tidak tahu apa yang Mary pikirkan tentang hal itu. Tom didn't know what Mary thought about it. Tom had no idea what Mary was thinking about it. Sigurádu kung pansamántalá mû iní. I'm sure this is only temporary. I'm sure you'll be fine if you're in. Tom berjalan menyeberangi jalan itu. Tom walked across the street. Tom walked across the street. Apa yang akan kulakukan tanpamu? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? John menyukai catur. John likes chess. John likes chess. Méte la ngan. They all died. It's just meme. Ini adalah buku terlaris bulan ini. This is the highest selling book of the month. This is the bestseller of the month. Ako an bumulig ha imo. I'm the one who rescued you. I'll help you. Au i Tom koilo hombo potutudan do rinomos. Tom didn't know where to burn the trash. I know I'm going to have to get rid of the rims. Dia pasti sudah berkata bohong. She must have told a lie. He must have told a lie. Iri no koposion. It's a fact of life. Jealousy is life. Kinoiyonon ku hilo'd Gipun. I live in Japan. I've been poisoned by poison. Nagdesisyon na kami. We've made a decision. We've already made a decision. Iti no ginavoku. Here is my heart. I'm on my way. Saya lupa nama saudara lelakimu, siapa namanya ? I forgot the name of your brother; what's his name? I forgot your brother's name, what's his name? Okon ko doiho. Not in there. I'm going to do it. Aku mengatakan padamu yang sebenarnya. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Adda kadi pagpeggadan? Are there any risks? Is there a threat? Nookuo tu au ko po minagansak mangakan doungototuvong? Why haven't you cooked dinner yet? Do you think I'm going to get a bite to eat? Apapun yang terjadi, jangan panggil namaku. Whatever happens, don't say my name. Whatever happens, don't call my name. Éla makátákas. They can't escape. <0xC3><0x89>la mak<0xC3><0xA1>t<0xC3><0xA1>kas. Aku takkan pernah membuat janji bahawa aku tak dapat teruskan I will never make a promise that I can't keep I'll never make a promise that I can't keep going. Atyú la king kékayú deng péngári mo? Are your parents going to be home? What do you want the king to do? Ini besar. This is big. It's big. Aku menulis sebuah surat cinta untuknya. I was writing her a love letter. I wrote a love letter to him. Mambasa i Tom do majala'. Tom is reading a magazine. I'm going to read the manga." Dili kinaiyanhon ang makaluksaw nga ulan. Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. Rainfall is unnatural. Ika nopo nga Tom kopio gia? Are you really Tom? What do you think you're looking for? Núkarín ya makátuknáng i Tom? Where does Tom live? Tom's going to be pissed? Pagtikang kitá yana dayon. Let's start right away. Let's start right now. Tom melihat indikator bahan bakar. Tom looked at the fuel gauge. Tom looked at the fuel indicator. Ga'chong-hu hao. You are my friend. Ga'chong-hu hao. Mobil sing ditumpaki dhewekke dudu nggonane dhewekke The car he's driving is not his. A car that doesn't run on its own Poizaan no kuukuamaon nu. You work hard. I'm going to try to get you to mine. Nakabati ka na gud han amon kompanya. You have, no doubt, heard of our company. You've really heard of our company. Aku telah menduga bahwa dia berbohong, tapi itu tidak membuatku terkejut. I suspected that he was telling a lie, but that didn't surprise me. I had suspected that he was lying, but that didn't surprise me. Natagakan diolo kogumuan. They have lost a lot. It's located in the cave. Muhang oku dika. I love you. You seem to be busy. Gintagu niya adto ha akun. She kept it hidden from me. He put it on the shelf. Adda mapukpukaw nga ubing. A child is missing. There's a missing child. Malaksid no agtudo, mapanak met. Unless it rains, I will go, too. Unless it's raining, I'm going too. Kau mau minum apa? What are you going to drink? What would you like to drink? Dia diduga membunuhnya karena membela diri. She allegedly killed him in self-defense. He allegedly killed her for self-defense. TV la ti ob-obraen ni Tom. Tom is always watching TV. Tom is only on TV. Iumon zou do dioho. I will try to find them. Iumon zou do dioho. Tom berbicara lebih lambat daripada Bill. Tom speaks slower than Bill. Tom spoke slower than Bill. Ana sing nang kana. Someone's there. Some of them are. Mumang i Tom do tusin. Tom is in need of money. I'm doing the tussle. Anian a nagdakkel a bagon! What a big truck! What a huge car! Saan pay a naluto ti manok nga indasar ti serbidor iti lamisaan. The chicken the waiter brought to the table was still raw. The chicken served by the waiter at the table has not yet been cooked. Otumbayaan oku dot orohian i koinsanan dilo gambar. I believe that everyone will like this picture. I hope to see you in the pictures. Aku memanggil namamu. I call your name. I called your name. Orang menebangi pohon-pohon - tidak semua - disamping jalan. People have chopped down some trees - not all of them - by the side of the road. People cut down trees - not all - beside the road. Ia sedang meminum airnya. She is drinking the water. He was drinking the water. Banyak orang mengira aku gila. Most people think I'm crazy. A lot of people think I'm crazy. Odoromot o puok. Owls are cute. Odoromot or vortex. Osuusuvab zou dii? Am I early? Osuusuvab zou dii? Osuusuvab zou mikot. I arrived too early. Osuusuvab zou mikot. Kotoluadan do baino. Thank you for today. Kotoluadan do baino. Sudah basah, kehujanan pula. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. It's raining, it's raining. Hi Judy iton nga babaye nga halaba iton buhok. That girl whose hair is long is Judy. Judy was that woman with long hair. Naka-kwarta ako hin damo. I made a lot of money. I made a lot of money. Kukuana daytoy a daga. He owns this land. This land belongs to him. Kutáng mu kayá. Ask him. I'm with Kayla. Malyári meng ibyé ing kékang e-mail? May I have your email, please? Do you want to send me an e-mail? Biar saya ganti tempat dia. Let me go in place of him. Let me take his place. Agbagtitka kadi? Are you crazy? Are you coughing? Jangan bertingkah bodoh. Quit fooling around. Don't act stupid. Makasadyá na ka? Are you ready? Can you get in touch? Kao CHamoru hamyo? Are you Chamorro? What's your chamomile? Aku tahu apa maksudmu. I know what you mean. I know what you mean. Iya nopo nga mongingia'. You are a teacher. It's his noun." Tidak ada resiko-resiko kesehatan. There are no health risks. There are no health risks. Bill tidak setinggi Bob. Bill is not as tall as Bob. Bill is not as tall as Bob. Mungkin besok saya akan pergi. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I'll go. Atín yang asáwa ampóng atlúng ának i Tom. Tom has a wife and three kids. At<0xC3><0xAD>n the as<0xC3><0xA1>wa amp<0xC3><0xB3>ng atl<0xC3><0xBA>ng <0xC3><0xA1>nak i Tom. "Muiriel" ti password. The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muriel". Apa yang sudah kulakukan? What did I do? What have I done? JIhan deng Apita baku ade-kaka. Jihan and Apita are sisters. I've heard that you're a fan of A-Z. Éku malyáring paintulútan itá. I can't authorize that. I'm trying to get it fixed. Hi Tom dírì maaram kay-ano ginbayaan hiyá han íya bána. Tom didn't know why his wife left him. Tom D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> knew why he had left her from Iyaa b<0xC3><0xA1>na. Mari kita coba lihat. Let's have a look. Let's see. Kokito ko' diyolo? Can you see them? What's the point of the gypsy? Mamain isido doiho. He plays there. Let's get to know Ido. Hei, gimana keadaannya di bawah? Hey, how's it going down there? Hey, how's it going down there? Aku makai diatu laban aku lapar. I am eating now because I am hungry. I'm hungry now. Dia menjumputnya untuk bermain bola sepak dengan kami. He invited him to play football with us. He invited her to play football with us. King palagé mu nánánu ku? What do you think I was doing? Is your king's son-in-law? Balámu e ustú itá. That doesn't seem right. It's yours, it's yours. Tom mengirimiku tiga puluh lebih pesan kemarin. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom sent me thirty more messages yesterday. Sosooyon ko' no? Are you on drugs? I'm going to make it, aren't I? Diri na kami natrabaho para ha ira. We're no longer working for them. We don't work for them anymore. Atus kalabau mooi doiho botung. Hundreds of buffaloes moved toward the lake. Atus kalabau mooi dooho dotung. Hai, nu habar nu? Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you? Kita membutuhkan aturan-aturan. We need rules. We need rules. Ibagam kadin ti pudno ita? Will you tell the truth now? Are you telling the truth now? Vagu iho buuk. That book is new. The hair of the shark. Saya harap itu tidak pernah terjadi lagi. I hope that will not happen again. I hope it never happens again. Inagawanda isuna a takrot. They called him a coward. They made him a coward. Poingkuro oku lumansan dika? How can I trust you? Do you feel like you're being bullied? Itu aneh. It's odd. That's weird. Helen lulus SMA tahun lalu. Helen graduated from high school last year. Helen graduated from high school last year. Tom, Mary, dan John sedang berada di dapur. Tom, Mary and John are in the kitchen. Tom, Mary, and John are in the kitchen. Mohon tunggu sebentar. Hold on a minute, please. Please wait a minute. Ungil tutau. Good morning. Ungil tutau. Au oku momboros Albania. I don't speak Albanian. Au oku momboros Albania. Anda seorang pelanggan yang baik. You are a good customer. You are a good customer. Diri gud kita maaram hit iya personal nga kinabuhi. We don't know much about her personal life. We don't know about his personal life. Kao siña hu ayuda hao? May I help you? How can I help you? Nokuo tu au' ko tumo'od? Why don't you stop? Is that a noun? Waray ko gud iba nga mayayakan. I really don't have anything else to say. I've never had anything else to say. Boleh saya tanya soalan? May I ask you a question? May I ask you a question? Demi Allah! For the love of God! By Allah! Saannak a maallilaw ni Tom. Tom can't trick me. Tom can't fool me. Ot lílípat kang dálan? Why are you crossing the street? O'Leary on the road? Berapa pintu yang ada di rumah ini? How many doors are there in this house? How many doors are there in this house? Apa kau percaya pada evolusi? Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe in evolution? Kukuku patah. My nail has broken. My nails are broken. Kang Tom to nga desisyon, dili akoa. It was Tom's decision, not mine. It's not my decision, it's mine. Kami kehilangan Mary. We lost Mary. We lost Mary. Alaatan zou diau. I hate you. The curse of the zou auti. Nombo o nontodonon nu? Where do you come from? A noun or a noun? Mary menolak undangan ke konser. Mary declined an invitation to the concert. Mary refused an invitation to the concert. Kapan Anda pulang ke rumah? When will you come back home? When did you get home? Álus alá yang lamán ing tren. The train was almost empty. Alyssa is on the train. Kao Amerikånu siha? Are they Americans? What do you think of Amerika? Kamu lebih memilih pergi ke kebun binatang atau bioskop? Would you prefer to go to the zoo or go to a movie? Would you rather go to a zoo or a movie theater? I Yanks nopo nga tambalut. The Yanks are our friends. I'm a Yanks noun. Tinumongob ko no kokomoi dioho? Are you worried about them? I'd like to know if it's a bug? Haro no korita nu? Have you got a car? Don't you have a crush? Aiso no otomon dilo. That's nothing to be proud of. It's not an otomon dilo. Tom tidak suka disentuh. Tom doesn't like to be touched. Tom doesn't like to be touched. Apakah kamu mendengar sesuatu? Do you hear anything? Did you hear anything? Diak maikkat ti uyekko. I cannot get rid of my cough. I can't get rid of my cough. Pada tahun 2030 dua puluh satu persen populasinya akan melebihi enam puluh lima. By 2030 twenty-one percent of its population will be over sixty-five. By 2030 twenty-one percent of the population will exceed sixty-five. Naragsak a Baro a Tawen! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Nosunudan zou do nosinduahan ko. I was told you got hurt. I don't want to follow ZOO. Kulang hiya han talento para maging artista. He lacks the talent to be an actor. He didn't have the talent to be an actor. Nagmanehoka iti bagon. You drove a truck. You drove a car. Anyáng palakó ne, mémun ya. As he was about to leave, he said goodbye. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nakaahau ko nogi? Are you claustrophobic, too? Do you know Noddy? Ammok a makumikomka unay. I'm sure you're very busy. I know you're very busy. Aku wis nulis akèh tembung basa Prancis. I've written many sentences in French. I've written a lot of French. Malah akeh uwong sing ketularan nanging ora ngrasake lara. Many infected people don't even feel sick. A lot of people are sick, but they don't get sick. Aku ingin bertemu dengannya. I'd love to see her. I want to meet him. Anak laki-laki itu jatuh dari sepeda dan tempurung kepalanya retak. The boy fell off the bicycle and fractured his skull. The boy fell off the bike and his headcap cracked. Apatut no manahak do pantang kumaa di mongingia. One's teachers should be treated with respect. It's not like I'm going to have to go to MongoDB. Ketika aku memasuki kafe, aku melihat dua pemuda sedang menyaksikan pertandingan gulat di televisi. As I entered the coffeehouse, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television. When I entered the cafe, I saw two young men watching a wrestling match on television. ¿Áno ádto an imo ngáran nga ginsiring nim'? What did you say your name was again? What's your take on what you've been saying?" Aku tak dapat buat semua perkara ini. I can not do all of this. I can't do all these things. Jadi, apakah anda semua sudah siap untuk natal? So, are you all ready for Christmas? Are you all ready for Christmas? Dato mi. We're rich. We are rich. Karuyag ko buligan hi Tom hit' íya mga baraydan. I wanted to help Tom pay his bills. I'd like to help Tom hit the bills. Takrotka! You're a coward! Takrotka! Iuli kuyog sa nagpadala. Return with the sender. Return to the sender. Saanka nga umasideg kaniak. Don't you come near me. You're not coming near me. Haro tinan di Tom hilo'd wayaan do tindal. Tom's body was found along a deserted road. It's hard to get to Tom's place. Tom berlatih piano sekurang-kurangnya tiga puluh menit setiap hari. Tom practices the piano at least thirty minutes every day. Tom practiced piano for at least thirty minutes every day. Novel barunya akan terbit bulan depan. His new novel will come out next month. The new novel will be published next month. Sapatos kadi ni Tom dagitoy? Are these Tom's shoes? Is that Tom's shoes? Tom berjajar dalam barisan. Tom stood in line. Tom is on the line. Apa kamu melihatnya? Do you see it? Did you see him? Isai mogodu tokou baino? Who can stop us now? What do you think you're going to do? Kapan hujannya mulai turun? When did it begin to rain? When does it start to rain? Tidak ada yang tinggal di gedung. No man lives in the building. No one lives in the building. Koiho kou po naku humava? Do you know how to make a raw fish salad? Do you want to be a bumble bee? Dia adalah salinan dari ayahnya. He's a carbon copy of his father. He was a copy of his father. Milo' tokou kotumbaya i Tom. We can rely on Tom. I'm going to go with Tom. Mai gia poilang oku. Share it with me. I'm going to get busy. Iton pangaglabot hiton katawhan ha kalikasan in waray katapusan. Human intervention in nature has no limits. The human condition of nature is eternal. Bagaimana makan malam kemarin? How did dinner go yesterday? How was dinner last night? Angay natong salbaron ang palibog gikan sa polusyon. We must rescue the environment from pollution. We need to save the confusion from pollution. Binallaaganka a panawam ni Tom nga is-isuna. I warned you to leave Tom alone. I'm warning you to leave Tom alone. Rosmah gemar mengumpul mangkuk jamban. Rosmah likes to collect toilet bowls. Rosemary is trying to collect the shards. Kanou maan tokou dot atangkangau nopo tinomod dahai. Let's pretend we're busy. And now, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. Guminapus i Mary do siningayanak. Mary hugged her doll. Mary was pregnant with me. Au olidas i Tom kopio. Tom doesn't look very healthy. Tom was a bit of a jerk. Dia sekarang menulis sebuah buku. He's writing a book now. He is now writing a book. Otuong tomod hodi suang bilik om ihum-ihumon dahai do wayaan id totobon. The room was so dark that we had to feel our way to the door. The upstairs room where we met was lighted with many flickering lamps. Beth diminta oleh teman lelakinya yang malas untuk membuat kerja rumah sejarahnya. Beth was asked by her lazy boyfriend to do his history homework. Beth is asked by her lazy boyfriend to do her history homework. Diet dan senam lantai, seperti crunch perut, dapat membantu mengecilkan perut buncit. Diet and floor exercises, such as abdominal crunches, can help to get rid of a pot belly. Diet and floor exercises, such as a stomach crunch, can help shrink the stomach. Kada boroso miampai do noponu taakanon id suang kabang nu. Don't speak with your mouth full. They all ate the same food from the Spirit. Milo' oku korikot do osopung. I can come in early. Come to see me as soon as you can. Aku harus memasak sayur-sayurannya. I have to cook the vegetables. I have to cook the vegetables. Si Tom et baleg nen siak. Tom is bigger than me. Tom was a big fan of me. Taganáng mal ya ing kótsing yan. That car is really expensive. It's a bad idea to put it on the shelf. Tom akan berbicara dengan Mary jika dia ingin. Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to. Tom would talk to Mary if she wanted to. Kao guaha patgon-mu siha? Do you have children? Do you have a baby boy? Minaan sala i Tom do kawawagu nogi. Tom made the same mistake again. I'm not sure if I'm going to do the same for Nougam. Kami mengkhawatirkanmu. We're worried about you. We're worried about you. Aku tidak yakin. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Anay daw. Let me think for just a second. Let's look at it. Momodsu oku do monikid tadau. I bathe every day. I'm going to take the day off. Awan ti siasino man a makalapped kaniak. Nobody can stop me. No one can stop me. Tom tidak mendapat tidur yang cukup. Tom doesn't get enough sleep. Tom didn't get enough sleep. Bila kereta api selanjutnya akan berangkat? When does the next train leave? When will the next train leave? Mga táwo la kitá. We're just people. It's just the kitesurfing. ¿Hin-o an naghímò hiní nga kahón? Who made this box? Who's going to make this dish? Aku adalah seorang laki-laki tanpa wanita I'm a man without a woman. I am a man without a woman Kamu membutuhkan sedikit keberanian untuk menyatakan cinta padanya. You need a bit of courage to say that you love him. You need a little bit of courage to express your love for her. Misalnya? Such as? For example? Saya pikir dia sakit. I think he is sick. I think he's sick. Makāpaglambát ka? Can you stay long? You're going to snuggle? Agur-urnong ni Tom iti kuarta tapno makapan iti sabali a pagilian. Tom is saving money so he can go abroad. Tom was saving money to go abroad. Aku akan membunuhmu. I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you. Tom tidak terlalu cocok untuk difoto. Tom isn't very photogenic. Tom is not very suitable for photography. Burí ku ingátan me pámû i Tom. I want you to take care of Tom for a little while. I'm going to have to give Tom a thumbs up. Waray ko hiya haruki. Hiya an humarok ha akon. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him. He's the one who kisses me. Magkadungan hira nga naglalakat ha dalan. They were walking along the street arm in arm. They walk along the road together. Dia telah mengeluarkan iklan satu halaman penuh di surat khabar merayu bantuan untuk mencari anak perempuannya yang telah diculik. She took out a full-page ad in the newspaper pleading for help in finding her kidnapped daughter. He has released a full-page ad in the newspaper begging for help to find his kidnapped daughter. Saya perlu mengambil uang di bank. I have to withdraw some cash from the bank. I need to take the money in the bank. Owito sukud ku. Bring me my cane. Owito my tribe. Tom suka menggoda adiknya. Tom likes teasing his sister. Tom likes to tease his sister. Ginbaligya ni Tom an iya kotse kan Mary. Tom sold Mary his car. Tom sold his car to Mary. Taganáng masalése yang tigtíg piánu. He plays the piano very well. Tagan<0xC3><0xA1>ng masal<0xC3><0xA9>se who tig<0xC3><0xAD>g pi<0xC3><0xA1>nu. Tom harus dihentikan. Tom has to be stopped. Tom must be stopped. Bill tidak pernah adu mulut dengan orang lain. Bill never argues with other people. Bill never had a mouthful with anyone else. Nasken nga ugasanda dagiti takkida. They should wash their feces. They need to wash their feet. Saya ingin kamu baca buku ini. I'd like you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Tentu saja! Of course! Of course! Mas gwapa niya ang iyang igsuon. She is less beautiful than her sister. She's more beautiful than her sister. Olumis no pakou! Nice ass! Olumis no pakou! Apa yang ingin kau minum? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? Tom satu-satunya di keluarga kami yang pernah pergi ke Australia. Tom is the only one in our family who's been to Australia. Tom was the only one in our family to ever go to Australia. Apa kamu tidak mengerti? Don't you get it? Don't you understand? Kami akan mengadakan sebuah pesta pada malam Sabtu. We are going to have a party on Saturday night. We'll have a party on Saturday night. Mau pergi makan bersamaku? How about eating out with me? Would you like to go eat with me? Ano iton pulos hiton pagtrinabaho hin duro? What's the sense of working so hard? What is the purpose of such a hard work? Tom merasa jengkel. Tom became irritated. Tom was irritated. Unta talwas ngatanan. I hope everyone is safe. Let's hope everyone is safe. Kami menjadi teman sejak saat itu. We have been friends ever since. We have been friends ever since. Onuan ku diti. Let me take this. I'm on my way here. Pila ka oras siya gapuyo sa kusina? How many hours a day does she spend in the kitchen? How many hours in the kitchen? Kamu ingin tidur di mana malam ini? Where do you want to sleep tonight? Where do you want to sleep tonight? Nasursurok ken ni Tom ti panagluto. I learned how to cook from Tom. Tom and I learned how to cook. Nu komoyon nu? What are you talking about? What's yours? Tidak ada yang ingin kukatakan padamu. I have nothing to say to you. There's nothing I want to tell you. Pinakianhan ak ni Tom ano tak binubuhat. Tom asked me what I was going to do. Tom asked me what I didn't do. Nokuo tu maan nu miaga diti? Why do you want to do this? What's the name of this place that you're looking for? Izosido okon ko songuhun dukutur nga songuhun mongigia'. She is not a doctor, but a teacher. "I'm going to try to get my hands on the squeaky-squeaky." Sia namo sanak? What is your name? Who's my family? Mambasa i Tom do hobi kuang tohu buuk sombulan. Tom reads at least three books a month. I've been reading a lot of books about Toby's hair. Umbalai po kaagu. Try it again. I mean, Obi-Wan. Kencangkan sabuk pengaman ketika kau mengendarai mobil. Fasten your seat belts when you drive a car. Tighten the seat belt when you're driving a car. Tom tidak terkenal. Tom is not famous. Tom is not famous. Siríng ni Tom nga makakaabót hiyá hit' isakto nga oras. Tom said that he'd make it on time. It's like he's going to be able to hit the ball at the right time. Lumangad oku diya. I miss you. I'm going to move on. Aku memberitahu Tom kalau kita bisa melakukannya hari ini. I told Tom we could do it today. I told Tom that we could do it today. Inkari ni Tom kaniak nga agsubli isuna. Tom promised me that he would come back. He promised me that he would come back. Noguhi no do usin nu? Did you get your money back? Don't want to use it? Duhaan zosido id dogo. She spit on me. There are two types of id dogo. Bisa kang tsa? Do you like tea? Can you have a cup of tea? Kokito ko' di Tom? Can you see Tom? It's not Tom? Hi Tom an nagplano han party. Tom was the one who planned the party. Tom planned the party. ¿Pirá ba nga púlong it aadâ hit Ininggles nga yinaknan? How many words are there in the English language? Is there a way to get rid of the English language? Susah untuk berbicara dengannya. It's difficult to speak with him. It's hard to talk to him. Ada kebun di samping rumah kami There is a garden by the side of your house There is a garden next to our house. Kurangi minum dan tidurlah lebih banyak. Drink less and sleep more. Drink less and sleep more. Saya tidak mahu melihat muka kamu. I don't want to see your faces. I don't want to see your face. Tom ora kepikiran yèn dhèwèké beja temen. Tom has no idea how lucky he is. Tom didn't think he was a friend. Bintang yang tak terkian berkerlapan di langit. Countless stars were twinkling in the sky. Unspeakable stars glow in the sky. Mereka ialah rakan karib. They are close friends. They are best friends. Tom tidak bisa berenang. Tom is not able to swim. Tom can't swim. Dia dari Perancis. He is from France. He's from France. Kamu lagi ngemil apa? What are you snacking on? What are you snacking on? Pakadaada. Keep it quiet. They're worried. Aku bukan pelajar. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Apa yang Anda inginkan? What do you want? What do you want? Ania kadi ti masansan nga aramidenda no kasta a Sabado wenno Domingo? What do you usually do on weekends? What do they usually do on such a Saturday or Sunday? Pernahkah kamu ke Amerika? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Disparitas binokular mengacu pada perbedaan lokasi dari sebuah objek yang terlihat oleh mata kiri dan kanan. Binocular disparity refers to the difference in image location of an object seen by the left and right eyes. Binocular disparity refers to the difference in location of an object seen by the left and right eyes. Ini pertanyaan yang bagus It's a good question. That's a good question. Dia sedang menangis. He's crying. She's crying. Hi Tom parag-asister la. Tom is just an assistant. Tom is just an ass. Suuo ku no i John do managad do puun dii, om maai no dau. I ordered John to cut down that tree, and he did it. He added this to the list of his evil deeds: he locked John up in prison. Makunkuna nga isu ti kalalaingan nga agay-ayam iti tennis iti Francia. It is said that she is the best tennis player in France. He is said to be the best tennis player in France. Si kinsa ba kita? Who are we? Who are we? Hin-o iton imo mga kag-anak? Who are your parents? Who's your parents? Tom benar-benar kelelahan. Tom was all worn out. Tom's really tired. Dia membuat penemuan ilmiah penting. He made an important scientific discovery. He made important scientific discoveries. Agurayak agingga iti Oktubre. I'll wait until October. I'll wait until October. Honggo tiso dot aramai: mokinongou do loyuk sosongulun toi ko maya di tulun? Which is more enjoyable: listening to music alone or with other people? Is it true that you're listening to the sound of the sloppy squeaky? Binwat neng Tom i Maria kareng pago na. Tom carried Mary on his shoulders. Mary Ann was born in the early morning. Kamu tak akan pernah sendirian. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Umpisán táya ing púlung karatáng nang Bob. We will begin the meeting when Bob comes. It's in the middle of Bob's head. Aku wisuh nganggo kuwi. I wash my hands of it. I wash it with it. Kenapa kau membuka kotaknya? Why did you open the box? Why did you open the box? Belajarlah dari kesilapan orang lain. Awak tidak pernah dapat hidup cukup lama untuk membuatnya semua diri sendiri. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. You can never live long enough to make it all yourself. Dia pe umur su lapan taong. She's eight years old. He was eight years old. Alansan no daa aramai kou hino. Have fun. It's all right if you're going to make it. Ini membuatku penasaran. This makes me curious. This makes me curious. Pilán kamíng óras mipámakíbat tungkúl king isúlat. We disputed for hours about what to write. Pil<0xC3><0xA1>n kam<0xC3><0xAD>ng <0xC3><0xB3>ras mip<0xC3><0xA1>mak<0xC3><0xAD>bat tungk<0xC3><0xBA>l king is<0xC3><0xBA>lat. Setelah makan, hal pertama yang aku lakukan adalah menggosok gigi. After eating, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. After eating, the first thing I did was brush my teeth. Berikan aku sebotol anggur. Give me a bottle of wine. Give me a bottle of wine. Ginpakita mo ha akon kun maano kun tanan ada ha sakto nga butang. You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right. You showed me how to do it, or if everything is right. Keluarga saya dari Malaysia. My family is from Malaysia. My family is from Malaysia. Kami bekerja demi perdamaian dunia. We're working for world peace. We work for world peace. Kamu punya alasan tepat untuk marah. You have good reason to be angry. You have a good reason to be angry. Saysayi ako utro rason hiton imo pagkaruyag kan Tom. Tell me again why you like Tom. Tell me again why you love me. Bastá mibálik ka. Just get back. Bast<0xC3><0xA1> returned. Au ko' otood, Tom? Are you unhappy, Tom? What do you think, Tom? Haro piipiro uhoton ku. I've got a few questions. I've got my Pisces. Si Tom kena tiga operasi sampai sekarang. Tom has had three operations so far. Tom has had three operations so far. Cobi Panjenengan ambekan saking grana. Please breathe through your nose. You're breathing from the granny. Siríng ko ha imo waray ko nakit-an. I told you I didn't see anything. I didn't see you. Apa kamu mau mengambil risiko? Will you risk it? Would you take a risk? Ika tulun Sina? Are you Chinese? You're the one? Apa sing dikarepaké Tom? What does Tom mean? What do you want Tom to do? Kalau saja aku menjual properti itu sebelum gelembung ekonomi terjadi, aku tidak akan kehilangan semua uangku. If only I'd sold that property before the economic bubble burst I wouldn't have lost all that money. If only I had sold that property before the economic bubble happened, I wouldn't have lost all my money. Tom bertanya apakah ia perlu mengenakan dasi. Tom asked if he needed to wear a tie. Tom asked if he needed to wear a tie. Kamu butuh terapi. You need therapy. You need therapy. Tom tidak dapat mengendalikan dirinya ketika Mary mencium John. Tom couldn't control himself when he saw Mary kissing John. Tom cannot control himself when Mary kisses John. Éku kasalánan iní, e wári? This isn't my fault, is it? It's my wedding, isn't it? Limá lang púlû deng kayánib king águman. There are 50 members in the club. It's just a matter of hearing from King Solomon. Itu bukan masalahku. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Kamu masih belum memahaminya? Can you see it? You still don't understand it? Jalur Tokaido berhenti di Tokyo The Tokaido line terminates at Tokyo. The Tokaido Line stops in Tokyo Kau tidak bisa mengangkat pianonya seorang diri. You can't lift the piano by yourself. You can't lift the piano alone. Isai sipatai di Tom? Who would want to kill Tom? Who's in Tom? Kami mengenalnya. We know him. We know him. Áno iton áton guinhuhulat dínhi? What's it we're waiting for here? What's the point of waiting here? Kami menyebut lembaran-lembaran dari lapisan batu yang keras ini 'pelat'. We call these slabs of the solid-rock layer 'plates'. We call the sheets of these hard rock layers 'plates'. Tom merasa gembira. Tom was elated. Tom was happy. Umatungo' i dos palao'an. The two women know each other. I'm going to take two of them. Kau seorang peminum kopi atau teh? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Are you a coffee or tea drinker? ¿May-ada ba iba na tawo ha imo kwarto? Is there anyone in the room? Is there anyone else in the room? Pinadas ni Tom. Tom tried. Tom tried. Tom mengecilkan suaranya sehingga tidak ada orang yang dapat mendengarnya. Tom lowered his voice so no one else could hear. Tom lowered his voice so that no one could hear him. Lawan kata dari salah adalah benar. The opposite of wrong is right. The opposite of the word wrong is true. Milo' tokou monguhup dika. We can get you help. Milo's got you covered. Tom dia tako skali. Tom was very scared. He's scared of scaling. ¿Maaram ka kun diin gintagu ni Tom an aspirin? Do you know where Tom keeps the aspirin? Do you know where you got the aspirin? Michael masih belum memeriksa pintu-pintunya. Michael hasn't checked the doors yet. Michael still hasn't checked the doors. Ada yang tak kena ni mesin-mesin. Something must be wrong with the machinery. Something's wrong with these machines. Au oku oilaan do piagalan diri. I'm not sure I feel the same. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk together face to face. "Bukankah Anda Tn. Ogawa?" "Ya. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes. Can I help you?" Bisakah aku memegang kata-katamu? Can I take your word for it? Can I hold on to your words? Haro po tolu minit dahai. We have three minutes remaining. We have four men who have a vow to come to us. Mahuyo la ak dinhi. I will stay there. I just want to stay here. Adda nangputed iti tali. Someone cut the rope. Someone cut the rope. Olahraga mana yang kamu sukai? Which sports do you like? Which sport do you like? Ammomi no ania ti aramidenmi. We know what to do. We know what to do. Jenis musik apa yang Anda inginkan pada pernikahan Anda? What kind of music do you want at your wedding? What kind of music do you want at your wedding? Dia terlihat sangat mirip dengan ayahnya. He looks just like his father. He looks very similar to his father. Dapatkah kamu menunggang kuda? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Bolehkah aku memainkan pianonya? May I play the piano? Can I play the piano? Ini aneh. This is awkward. It's weird. Gapu ta Domingo, naladawak a nagriing iti agsapa. It being Sunday, I got up late in the morning. Because it was Sunday, I woke up late in the morning. Mari lihat apa yang bisa kutemukan. Let me see what I can find out. Let's see what I can find. Apakah ini adalah sebuah deklarasi perang? Is this a declaration of war? Is this a declaration of war? Ini adalah tanggungjawab kami untuk membantu. It is our obligation to help. It is our responsibility to help. Nakataan nodi i Tom doid panjala doid sontoun. Tom is currently serving ten years in prison. Tom Dodd was a fan of Doom. Imbagak ken ni Tom a takrot isuna. I told Tom he was a coward. I told Tom that he was a coward. Panaún na pára king katutuán. It's time for the truth. Pana<0xC3><0xBA>n na p<0xC3><0xA1>ra king katu<0xC3><0xA1>n. Soira insan ruminokot tumur ko' id onom nohopod toun, sumiliu ko' nondo molohing. Once you reach the age of sixty, you become a senior. Then all the men who had been married were glad to go without eating. Bolehkah saya makan epal ini? May I eat this apple? Can I eat this apple? Baleg ak nen sika. I'm bigger than you. I'm strong for you. Nakatagtagainepak iti saan a nakapapati. I had a weird dream. I had an incredible dream. Natay iti kimat ni Tom. Tom was killed by lightning. Tom died of lightning. Tom sudah berada di sana selama lebih dari tiga tahun. Tom has been there for over three years. Tom has been there for over three years. Dia punya temperamen yang tidak terkontrol. He has an uncontrollable temper. He's got an uncontrollable temperament. Aku rasa di balik hal-hal yang harus kita lakukan, ada hal-hal yang ingin kita lakukan... I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do... I think behind the things we have to do, there are things we want to do... Nokoidu' tokou daa ii. We managed to escape just in time. I'll take the second one. Nosoou ku nopo daa om bohizon di Tom do kulita. I thought Tom would buy that car. Nosoou ku nopa lady lady bbayzon in Tom do skina. Aku ngelih, durung mangan kawit mau isuk. I am hungry, have not had food since the morning. I haven't eaten since morning. Dia takut kamu akan menembaknya. He was scared you would shoot him. He's afraid you'll shoot him. Bay-am a kitaek dagiti ladawan. Let me see the pictures. Let me look at the pictures. Saya tiada duit pecah. I don't have change. I don't have any broken money. Iya. Yes. Yes. ¿Kinahanglanun ko na ba hin postiso? Do I need dentures? Do I have to have a postage stamp? E kamí mísabi nápun. We didn't talk yesterday. E kam<0xC3><0xAD> m<0xC3><0xAD>sabi n<0xC3><0xA1>n. Apa yang sudah kulakukan? What have I done? What have I done? Kita tinggal di Tonga. I live in Tonga. We live in Tonga. Bola itu ditendang oleh Jamil. That ball was kicked by Jamil. The ball was kicked by Jamil. Saya tidak melihat ada yang salah dengan yang ini. I don't see anything wrong with this. I don't see anything wrong with this one. An kaádlawon naging maúpay. The day turned out to be fine. The pain became unbearable. Misulat king amlat ing metuklas a ini. This discovery will be recorded in history. He wrote a letter to King Amla in a letter. Waray kuri niya nga nasaklang an kahoy. He climbed the tree without difficulty. He didn't hit the tree. Naidungpar ti kotse iti pader. The car crashed into the wall. The car was hit by a wall. Dimo ipalubos a matneg isuna. Don't let him fall. Don't let him down. Sugad gud kaseryoso iton kabutangan ni Tom? Is Tom's condition really that serious? That's how serious Tom is. Aku pikir karena dia orang yang ceplas-ceplos, banyak orang tidak menyukainya. I think that because he is a blunt person, many people do not like him. I think because he's a clattering person, a lot of people don't like him. Hujannya berubah menjadi salju. The rain changed into snow. The rain turned into snow. ¿Namamáti ka Tom? Are you listening, Tom? What's your name, Tom? Au ko moi hiti Boston miampai doho? Don't you want to come to Boston with me? Do you want to go to Boston? Di mana kamu melepas kacamatamu? Where did you take your glasses off? Where did you take your glasses off? Diri mo gud iton hihimuon. You would never do that. You're never gonna make that happen. Waktu adalah uang. Time is money. Time is money. Apa kepanjangan dari USSR? What does USSR stand for? What is the length of the USSR? Awan a pulos ti makalapped kenkuana. Nobody can stop him. Nothing can stop him at all. Aku pikir anak perempuan itu dulunya cantik ketika ia lebih muda. I think that girl was pretty when she was younger. I thought that girl was beautiful when she was younger. Noipion ku do buragang minamain diri pais. I had a dream where a baby was playing with a knife. I've been trying to get rid of the squeaky nose. Unsay buot mong ipasabot? What are you talking about? What do you mean? Ngatanan dumiri pagbulig ha akon. Everyone refused to help me. Everyone wants to help me. Apa kamu mengerti dia? Do you understand him? Do you understand him? Tom terluka ketika sedang bercukur. Tom cut himself shaving. Tom was injured while shaving. Singkirkan meja ini. Take this table away. Get rid of this table. Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang percuma sumber energi kita. We mustn't waste our energy resources. We can't waste our energy. Magmagnatayo. We'll walk. Let's walk. Ketika melakukan sesuatu, lakukanlah yang terbaik. In doing anything, do your best. When you do something, do your best. Suai ilo. That was different. Suai ilo. Kuwé bakal nyong wedharna maning. I'll explain it again. The cake is going to be delicious. Apa ini terdengar tidak asing? Does this sound familiar? Does this sound familiar? Aku ingin cepat mati. I want to die soon. I want to die quickly. Pula iton kun busag? Is that red or white? Red or white? Tom butuh air. Tom needs water. Tom needs water. Buri neng pakabán ning syudád ing dálan. The city wants to extend the road. It's a bit of a pain in the butt but it's on the road. Manmano dagiti sientista a kas ken ni Einstein. Such scientists as Einstein are rare. There are few scientists like Einstein. Dia membuatnya tersentak kaget saat ia mendengar berita tersebut. She felt him stiffen in surprise when he heard the news. He was shocked when he heard the news. Amo ito iton kinabuhi. Gutiay nga lipay, tigdaay la waraun hiton kasulub-on. Such is human life. A few joys, very quickly wiped out by unforgettable sorrows. It's life, it's a little joy, it's all of a sudden a sign of sadness. Aku suka semangka. I like watermelon. I like watermelon. Au zou alaatan tinau' tuhun nga... I'm not racist, but... I'm sure you'll find alot of... I songulun nopo mooi pagasu do bakas totuong. One hunts wild boar at night. There's a lot of people out there who have a crush on me. Nokoidu i manakau soira nokokito iyau do pulis. The thief ran away when he saw a policeman. I'm going to call the cops to see the cops. Selamat malam, Bu. Good night, Mom. Good night, ma'am. Duna miy iro. We have a dog. We have a dog. Nakabuyaakon iti dua a pelikula ni Kurusawa. I've seen a couple of Kurosawa's films. I've seen two films by Kurusawa. Kedua politikus itu bertatap muka untuk pertama kalinya. The two politicians met face to face for the first time. The two politicians met face-to-face for the first time. Tolong tulis menggunakan pensil. Please write with a pencil. Please write with a pencil. Gula menggantikan madu sebagai pemanis. Sugar replaced honey as a sweetener. Sugar replaces honey as a sweetener. Membaca karya klasik tidak mudah. Reading classics is not easy. Reading classics is not easy. Ora isa tak lilakaké kanggo mbanjuraké iki. I can't permit this to continue. I can't use it to do this. Stasiunnya terletak 2 mil dari sini. The station is two miles away. The station is located 2 miles from here. Kehidupan itu susah, kematian itu murah. Life is hard, death is cheap. Life is hard, death is cheap. ¿Kay ano uraura iton imo pag-alaga? Why do you care so much? Why do you want to take care of it? Mimang zou diau mooi pokisuduvon. I'd like you to help me gather some firewood. Mimang zou lau mooi possuduvon. Tom tahu ini saatnya untuk pergi. Tom knew it was time to leave. Tom knows it's time to leave. Nung au' tokou koiho, koontok do muot tuhun di koiho. If we don't know, it is fitting that we ask people who know. If you're going to do the math, you're going to be in Kochi. Apa kau yakin dengan hal itu? Are you sure of that? Are you sure about that? Apa kau sudah makan malam? Have you already eaten supper? Have you had dinner yet? Tom tidak suka daging sapi. Tom doesn't like beef. Tom doesn't like beef. Manhoben hit. We're young. Manhoben hit. Wajahnya memerah. Her face became pink. His face was red. Berat badan Marie bertambah. Marie gained weight. Marie's weight increased. Tigkoikot no timpu do kopupuson nu. You're running short of time. I'll be sure to check out the season when I'm finished. Kayatko a kaiyot isuna. I want to have sex with him. I want to get him. ¿Áno it' imo pag-huna iton íra pinaplano? What do you think they're planning? What do you think about Ira? Saya menyetujui usulnya. I approve his suggestion. I agree to the proposal. Sadyá yang matamád i Tom. Tom used to be lazy. I've got a crush on Tom. Miaga o kovoovozoon kavasa do kinopoduduan. Such behavior can cause an accident. Miaga or kovovozoon kavasa do kinopodadudu. Museumnya ada di dekat sini. The museum is around the corner. The museum is nearby. Tidak ada kursi di ruangan ini. There is no chair in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Karuyag ko la nga buligan hiya. I only want to help him. I just wanted to help him. Langitnya semakin gelap. The sky is getting dark. The sky is getting dark. Tumingaha i Mary. Mary looked up. Mary looked up. Bagaimana anda menyebut nama akhir anda? How do you pronounce your last name? How do you say your last name? Agda labay so bii ed satan ya betang. They don't want a woman for that position. And he did not want her to have sex with him. Inuuhaw ha dugo hi Sami. Sami was thirsty for blood. Sami was thirsty for blood. Saan a nalaka daytoy a pangngeddeng. This isn't an easy decision. This is not an easy decision. Kivaa naku dino boboos pointopot? Is that even a word? What's the point of Diwali? Kita ada balajar bahasa Ceko. I'm learning Czech. We have Czech lessons. Muumugad zou mantad do panjala tu nokoiho i pulis do aiso hasa ku ti. I'll be out of jail as soon as the police realize I'm innocent. At the end of the day, the police found out that the police had not been able to do so. Tom akan sibuk pada masa ini esok. Tom will be busy at this time tomorrow. Tom will be busy at this time tomorrow. Saya ingin mengunjungi Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. I would like to visit Estonia. Tom menyelinap keluar kelas. Tom slipped out of the classroom. Tom sneaks out of class. Aku membeli topi di toko itu. I bought a hat at the store. I bought a hat at that store. Ini pertanyaan yang bagus This is a great question. That's a good question. Tom gampang marah, ya? Tom is quick-tempered, isn't he? It's easy to get angry, isn't it? Olumis ilo wotik. That's a pretty colour. Olumis Ilo wotik. Dia mendapatkan nilai terbaik. She's got the best grades. He got the best score. Apakah Anda siap? Are you ready? Are you ready? Olunggui oku om ohuyan i. I'm broke and tired. Oolong oolong oooh ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh Kamu terlalu banyak minum kopi. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Untuk apa kau memiliki kaki? What do you have your feet for? Why do you have legs? Mésíra ya ing lakánbalén úling king siláb. The city was destroyed by fire. It's in the heart of King Sil<0xC3><0xA1>b. Mereka semua sedang sibuk. They were all busy. They're all busy. Jamku sangat akurat. My watch keeps very good time. My watch is very accurate. Dulu mereka suka bercanda. They used to love jokes. They used to like to joke. Láin ini nga lugar. This place is different. L<0xC3><0xA1>in this place. Apakah ibumu di rumah? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Tondu ti nopo nga bantaton. This woman is a prostitute. Noone is a ton of shit. Boleh aku mengajak Tom? Can I bring Tom? Can I take Tom? Apakah ada pertanyaan lagi? Do you have any further questions? Are there any more questions? Ayah Tom adalah seorang polisi. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father was a cop. Pasagdi ko! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Kada pogi pomoli do titahak montok doho. Don't buy me any more presents. Every time I've had a stroke, I've got a stroke. Aku pikir aku telah menyuruhmu untuk membersihkan kamarmu. I thought I told you to clean your room. I thought I told you to clean your room. Nunu nopo jaam piya nga milo' do solinaid nopo daa omura gatang dau. Any watch will do as long as it is cheap. It's been a long time coming, and it's been a long time coming. Ada yang bilang kalau bangsa Viking lebih dulu menemukan benua Amerika sebelum Columbus. They say that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus. Some say that the Vikings first discovered the Americas before Columbus. Ataadaan ku iziau do hamin. I can build you a house. I'm going to do mine. Parad-i ako hin postkard. Drop me a postcard. Send me a postcard. Aku isih njajal ngulinakaké. I'm still trying to get used to it. I'm still waiting for it to heal. Ustú ka sigúru, Tom. You're probably right, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. Kan-Tony ini líbro. This is Tony's book. This Kan-Tony is L<0xC3><0xAD>bro. Dia suka bermain tenis. He likes to play tennis. He likes to play tennis. Kaneko berasa tertekan dengan jawatannya yang baru bahawa dia mengalami patah jiwa. Kaneko was so stressed out at her new job that she had a nervous breakdown. Kaneko feels pressured by his new position that he is suffering from a broken soul. Saanko a patien daytoy. I don't believe this. I can't believe this. Boos Inggilis nopo nga boos tinau' montok tuhun di pogun UK. English is spoken in the UK. There's a no-brainer in the U.S. that can't be beat. Anyáng kamúmulán lélangán ne ning Dios ing banwá ampó ing yátu. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. There's no such thing as God's grace in the wilderness. Dírì maaram hi Tom kun áno iton una nga bubuháton. Tom doesn't know what to do first. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> knew what was the first one. Sekarang saya tahu rahasia-rahasiamu. Now I know your secrets. Now I know your secrets. Ikít ne ing simpán. She saw the file. I'm not in the symphony. Karepku aku wis nulis nggo kowé. I meant to have written to you. I want to write to you. Saan pay a makaawid ni Tom. Tom still can't go home. Tom still can't get home. Pagdali intawon. Please come quickly. Hurry up, hurry up. Marisyo la kami. We've had some good times. We're just curious. Kenapa kita pergi ke Boston? Why are we going to Boston? Why are we going to Boston? Berapa banyak anggur yang kamu ingin aku belikan? How much wine do you want me to buy? How much wine do you want me to buy? Oonuan ku mai do mosin papapanau dii. I will get the machine running. I'll let you know how it goes. Tom belum menonton videonya. Tom hasn't seen the video yet. Tom hasn't seen the video. Nagtratrabahu hiya ha laboratoryo. He works in the lab. He worked in the laboratory. Italy adalah negara yang paling indah. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is the most beautiful country. Pinopoingat i Jesus Kristus do hunḏaat nopo doid di Spiritu Toḇitua nga' au' i' ohiong. Jesus Christ warned that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Jesus Christ is not in the Spirit, but in the Spirit of God. ¿Dírì ka maaram kun áno iton, anó? You don't know what it is, do you? Do you know what it is, anon? Lasinem ni Tom. Identify Tom. It's called Tom. Ohunggui. Sad. Ohunggui. Ni Tom ti kaunaan a napaypayso a nobio ni Mary. Tom was Mary's first real boyfriend. Tom was Mary's first real boyfriend. Tom merekomendasikan saya untuk melamar pekerjaan. Tom recommended that I apply for the job. Tom recommended me to apply for a job. Maan oku dilo. I made that up. It's a busy dildo. Momili i Tom do wotik montok powotikon do tupis dati. Tom chose the color to paint our offices. I've always wanted to buy a squid from Tom Dott. Énáku makáing buríng Tom. Tom doesn't like me much. I'm looking forward to Tom's wedding. Aoi menari. Aoi dances. Aoi dancing. Asino ti nakalasat? Who survived? Who survived? Orang tua saya selalu membuat saya PR sebelum saya keluar. My parents always make me do my homework before I go out. My parents always made me do my homework before I went out. Gindesisyonan na namun. We've made a decision. It has been decided. Yawa ra! Is that for real! It's the devil! May-ada akó pinanngingita. I've been seeing things. There was a dream. No maminsan, kedngantayo ti dadduma maibatay kadagiti tignayda. We sometimes judge others based on their actions. Sometimes we judge others on the basis of their actions. Pépákit na káku nung makanánu yang gamítan iníng kámera. He showed me how to use this camera. I'm going to try to eat some of the food that I'm going to eat. Ginkikita ko kun kay ano adto natabu. I'm trying to find out why it happened. I was wondering why it happened. Kekalahan itu sangat menghancurkan dia. The defeat completely crushed him. That defeat completely destroyed him. Igin-prapraktis ni Tom hin gitara it kadak-an hit iya bakante na oras. Tom spends most of his spare time practising the guitar. Tom practiced guitar for most of his spare time. Yakan ni Tom diri hiya matuod ha bisan hin-o. Tom says he can't believe anybody. Tom was not true to anyone. Dia tidak pergi keluar, tetapi duduk. He did not go out, but sat down. He did not go out, but sat down. Sigúrádung págmaragúl ye. You must be so proud of him. Sig<0xC3><0xBA>r<0xC3><0xA1>dung p<0xC3><0xA1>gmarag<0xC3><0xBA>l ye. Piyambakipun gadhah gendhis. They have sugar. It's a gene pool. Tom lumayan bagus. Tom's quite good. Tom's pretty good. Harga makanan di kedai ini sangat mahal. The food in this restaurant is very expensive. The food in the store is very expensive. Minamain zikoi doiti disan do daat. We have played at this beach. Let's play zucchini dolls. Kamu berangkat jam berapa? What time are you leaving? What time are you leaving? May-ada upat nga basurahan ha eskwelahan: usa para papel, usa para plastik, ngan an duha para ha mga maburuong ngan may puthaw o lata. There are four trash cans in the school: one for paper, one for plastic, and two more for glass and metal. There are four litters in the school: one for paper, one for plastic, and two for the fragile and with iron or tin. Dia tidak akan pernah menyadari perbedaannya. He'll never notice the difference. He will never realize the difference. Doino ko dii? Are you there? What's my doin'? Napampandek ni Tom ngem iti siak. Tom is smaller than me. Tom was better off than I was. Kasla iyaleng-aleng laeng ni Tom a maawat iti daydiay a trabaho. Tom seems to take it for granted that he'll get the job. Tom seemed to simply ignore being accepted for the job. Itá ing dákeng mákatákut. That was the scary part. It's on the shelf. Ammo kadi ni Tom no asinoak? Does Tom know who I am? Does Tom know who I am? ¿Sinumatan ka ni Tom? Did Tom tell you? Tom's going to kill you? Aku akan mengantarmu sampai ke bandara. I'll drive you to the airport. I'll take you to the airport. Amo ini an akon pinalit ha Espanya. This is what I bought in Spain. This is what I bought in Spain. Makatátlu la karakál deng librú ning kapatád kung babái késa káku. My sister has three times as many books as I do. It's only a matter of time before I'm going to be able to get my hair done, but I'm going to have to get my hair cut. Asapou no rasam. A heavy rain fell. Asapou no rasam. Aku tidak takut dengan hantu. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Biarkan aku melihat ke dalamnya. Let me look into it. Let me look into it. Jangan bergerak! Don't move! Don't move! Kami mengkhawatirkanmu. We are worried about you. We're worried about you. Keluargaku keluarga besar. My family is a large one. My family is a big family. Alás syéti yang migígísing. He gets up at seven. Al<0xC3><0xA1>s s<0xC3><0xA9>ti who is migr<0xC3><0xAD>sing. Saya siap. I'm ready. I'm ready. Saya dengar bahwa belajar di pagi hari lebih efektif. Belajar satu jam di pagi hari sama baiknya dengan belajar tiga jam di malam hari. I hear that studying in the morning is more effective. Studying one hour in the morning is as good as three hours at night. I heard that studying in the morning is more effective. Studying one hour in the morning is as good as studying three hours in the evening. Ayaw pugsa kon dili ka kahimo ha. Don't force it if you can't do it. Don't force it if you can't. Anawau kopio ilo binabang tadau baino. The sun's glare is strong today. The sun is shining, and the moon is shining. Maamakak unay a mapan. I am very afraid to go. I'm too scared to go. Mimpanau zosido miampai do tasu dau. She takes a walk with her dog. Mimpanau zosido mimpai do tasu dau. Dakkel ti buto ni Tom. Tom has a large penis. Tom was a great man. Mangga sepatu dicopot lan didèlèhaké ana ing rak sepatu. Please put your shoes in the getabako when you take them off. Take your shoes off and put them on the shelf. Mananggaung i Tom do unipom. Tom was wearing a uniform. I'm going to do unipom. Hi Tom mapakanhi buwas. Tom is coming over tomorrow. Tom will be here tomorrow. Aku akan pergi denganmu. I'll be going with you. I'll go with you. Aku ingin seekor anak anjing. I want a puppy. I want a puppy. Éke buríng mayári ing 2013. I don't want 2013 to end. <0xC3><0x89>ke bur<0xC3><0xAD>ng mayari in 2013. Aku kuciwa marang Sampéyan. I'm disappointed with you. I'm disappointed in you. King palagé ku méte ya i Tom. I think Tom died. Tom is the king of the jungle. Nagtitikakuri na. It's getting harder. It's getting harder. Baleg ka nen siak. You are bigger than me. You're strong for me. Kau dan aku adalah sahabat. You and I are good friends. You and I are best friends. Mulau yau. She's crazy. I mean, Yuu. Kalau sudah masalahnya uang Mary rakus sekali. Mary is greedy when it comes to money. Mary's money was very scarce. Pulau itu hangat sepanjang tahun. The island is warm all year. The island is warm all year round. Nagkidem ni Tom ket pinanunotna ni MAry. Tom closed his eyes and thought about Mary. Tom closed his eyes and thought of Mary. Hinay siya palakton. She walks at a slow pace. He was slow to go. Rapat itu dilaksanakan sebulan yang lalu. The meeting was last month. The meeting was held a month ago. Milo' oku kinorikatan hiti? Am I welcome here? Do you think I'm going to make it? Mari la torang makang. Let's go eat. Let's take a shower. Mareklamo ako kun karuyagon ko. I'll complain if I want to. I'd complain if I wanted to. Semua orang di sini ramah. Everyone here is friendly. Everyone here is friendly. Aku sangat lapar. I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry. Saya makan malam pada pukul tujuh lewat lima belas menit. I eat dinner at quarter past seven. I had dinner at 7 a.m. over fifteen minutes. Nakilala ko hiya kakulop. I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday. Yakan niya may mas importante niya na buruhaton. He said he had more important things to do. He had a more important job. Jangan berbuat sesuatu yang tidak mau diperlakukan kepada anda kepada orang lain. Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. Don't do anything that you don't want to be treated to others. Para guiya u åpåsi todu. She will pay for everything. All things are done by him. Milo' ko moi uhup di Tom? Can you help Tom? Do you want me to hang out with Tom? Tom terkejut mengetahui Mary memiliki sepeda motor. Tom was surprised that Mary had a motorcycle. Tom is surprised to learn that Mary has a motorcycle. Hanya itu kemungkinannya. That's the only possibility. That's the only possibility. Diri namon matatapuran hi Tom hiton sugad hini nga butang. We can't trust Tom with something like this. We couldn't trust Tom with that sort of thing. Atyú king kaylî ing bányu. The bathroom's on the left. The king of Babylon is in Babylon. Ada bau gas di ruangan ini. This room smells of gas. There's a gas smell in this room. Atíng mákákilála kayá? Does anybody know him? What's up with Kayla? Tolong berikan saya bantal dan selimut. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Au zou huminodong. I wasn't mad. Au zou huminodong. Musuhnya itu dia. Apa kau tidak mengerti? He's the enemy. Don't you understand? The enemy is him, don't you understand? Máus kung dóktor? Should I call the doctor? What's more, a co-worker? Kaykayat ni Susan ti pusa. Susan likes cats. Susan prefers a cat. Duha nga bata iton nalingkod ha igbaw han alasid. Two children are sitting on top of the fence. Two children were sitting on top of the halad. Siou no, aiso nopo toilaan ku dii. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm sure you'll find my wisdom. Ia agak marah sepertinya. I should say she is a little angry. He's a little angry like that. Nababak ihia galas. The glass got broken. I've been hit by lightning. Imbes nga isuna, ti kabsat na nga babai ti kimmuyog kadakuada. Instead of her, her sister went with them. Instead of her, her sister went with them. Dakál támu súkat pagmasusián. We have a lot to celebrate. Dak<0xC3><0xA1>l t<0xC3><0xA1>mu is under investigation. Siguradoka kadi a ditoy ti pagnanaedan ni Tom? Are you sure this is where Tom lives? Are you sure Tom lives here? Lúpa lang mété na. They appear dead. Just take a look. Kami selalu kooperatif. We've been cooperative. We have always been cooperative. ¡Dírì ini maúpay ha katapósan! This isn't going to end well! This one's going to be on the shelf! Bálang limá yang aldóng dáratang kéni. He comes here every five days. B<0xC3><0xA1>lang lim<0xC3><0xA1> the ald<0xC3><0xB3>ng d<0xC3><0xA1>ratang here. Itu masalah orang lain. That's someone else's problem. That's someone else's problem. May-ada ka ginkakakíta nga iba? So, are you seeing anyone? Have you seen someone else? Umay isuna iti daytoy a malem. He will come this afternoon. He's coming this afternoon. Nasayaat ti planom, ngem nasaysayaat ti planok. Your plan is a good one, but mine is a better one. You've got a good plan, but I've got a better plan. Au nokoiho zi Tom do inupus diaha' zi Mary. Tom didn't know that Mary loved him. Mary's heart was filled with joy, Mary's heart was broken. Dia memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk bekerja sebagai seorang penerjemah. She has a strong wish to work as an interpreter. He had a strong desire to work as an interpreter. Áno kasukot nimo makit-an hi Tanaka? How often do you see Tanaka? Do you want to see Tanaka? Ha kamatuoran la, naayon gad akó ha ímo. Honestly, I really like you. In other words, I'm going to go with IMHO. Di mana pamanmu tinggal? Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? Dírì ko iton sayop. That is not my fault. I've made that mistake. Kan-Takeo ini libro? Is this book Takeo's? This is a book? Ania ti pakadanagam? What are you worrying about? What do you worry about? Osilaan i Mary do roo dau. Mary can lick her own chin. Mary's heart was broken. Kertas terbuat dari kayu. Paper is made from wood. Paper is made of wood. May-kapasidad hiyá magin abogado. He is capable as a lawyer. He has the capacity to be a lawyer. Rambakantayo ti Nobiembre 28 a kas Aldaw ti Tatoeba gapu ta iti daytoy nga aldaw a nainayon ti Turkish, Esperanto ken Griego. We celebrate November 28 as Tatoeba day because it is the day when Turkish, Esperanto and Greek were added. We celebrate November 28 as Tatoeba Day because on this day Turkish, Esperanto and Greek are added. Nag-taksi hiya pa-estasyon. He took a taxi to the station. He took a taxi to the station. Éne bitasáng binisíta. He never visited her. <0xC3><0x89>ne bitas<0xC3><0xA1>ng binis<0xC3><0xAD>ta. Aku tidak menyalahkanmu. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Kita telah menanyakan jenis pertanyaan yang salah. We've been asking the wrong kind of questions. We've asked the wrong kind of questions. Peksinipun wonten ing awang-awang. The bird is in the sky. His body is in the sky. Aku kelelahan. I'm worn out. I'm exhausted. Saya akan pergi selama beberapa waktu. I could be away for some time. I'll be gone for a while. Banyak hal yang kamu khawatirkan ternyata tidak terjadi! Most of the things you worry about never happen! A lot of the things you worry about don’t happen! ¡Talwas! Sunod magmamaaram na hirá gihapon hit' Klingon nga yinaknan. Success! Soon, anybody can start learning Klingon! The next step is to learn to speak the Klingon language. Ápanintún meng kwártu ing kapatád kung babái? Could you find a room for my sister? What's the point of the squabbling in a pig's mouth? Apa sedang hujan? Is it raining? Is it raining? Dhèké wis rabi. They got married. She's been married. Gelem tak kandani ora? Can I tell you something? Don't you feel guilty? Dia memegang tangan saya erat-erat. She held my hand firmly. He held my hand tightly. Tom mesthi nang kéné. Tom is always here. Tom must be here. Aku biasanya pergi tidur jam sembilan. I usually go to bed at nine. I usually go to bed at nine. Ini adalah sebuah bencana ekologis. It's an ecological disaster. This is an ecological disaster. Aku berutang banyak padamu. I owe you a lot. I owe you a lot. Oi Tom, doino ko dii? Tom, are you there? Hey Tom, what's up with that? Sigurado diri kami maaram. We don't know for sure. We certainly don't know. Aku tidak tahu mengapa itu bisa terjadi. I don't know why that happened. I don't know why that could happen. Itu adalah warna favorit Tom. That was Tom's favorite color. It was Tom's favorite color. Boleh tolong buka pintunya? Will you open the door? Would you please open the door? Agpayso? Really? Really? Dulu dia pergi ke bioskop pada hari Minggu. She used to go to the movies on Sundays. He used to go to the cinema on Sunday. Kita tarada doi, satu sen me tarada. I don't have any money at all. We're going to have to pay a dime, we're going to get a penny. Songkuro ginayo lo? How big will it be? Do you want to sing? Nahigugma akó kan Jean Reno. I'm in love with Jean Reno. I love you, Jean Reno. Slamet! Congratulations! Saved! Hilom! Shut up! Shut up! Pinopoiho zou dosido nodi. I've already talked to her. Pinopoiho zou dosido nodi. Nokoguhi zou no. I have come back. Nokoguhi zou no. Rebus sebiji telur. Boil one egg. Boil an egg. Dia terbakar rasa marah. He was burning with his anger. He's burning with anger. Bukanya pada pukul berapa? What time does it open? What time is it not? Apakah saya harus membelikannya barang? Should I buy something? Do I have to buy them stuff? Diri na makailub hi Tom han ul-ul sanglit ginpusil nala niya an iya kalugaringon. Tom couldn't bear the pain any more so he shot himself. He couldn't stop himself from shooting, so he shot himself. Panagkunak ket ammomon no ania ti rumbeng nga aramidenta. I think you know what we have to do. I think you already know what we should do. Au ko' milo rumikot hiti. You have no right to be here. Do your best to come to me soon. Moi iyau tombului hilo'd pogun Hawaii maya di paganakan. He traveled to Hawaii with the family. He was born in Hawaii and was born in Hawaii. Mágkantá ya ing anák a babái. The young girl is singing. It's in a woman's womb. Isai nopo kasala diri? Whose fault is that? Don't you feel guilty? Pumalit ka ano hin coat kakulop? You bought a coat yesterday, didn't you? What did you buy yesterday's coat? Andasan ku daa om orohian ko' dilo. I think you liked it. I'm going to try and get the dildo. Kayatko ti mapan iti maysa a lugar a naulimek. I want to go somewhere quiet. I want to go somewhere quiet. Waray hini nga butang labut ha imo. This matter doesn't concern you. There's nothing about it except you. Jaga agar Tom tetap diam. Keep Tom quiet. Keep Tom quiet. Sinábi ku ngan kang Tom ing áisip ku. I told Tom everything I could think of. It was just me and Tom in my head. Kasalajulan nopo nga sohiihinaid. Eternity is a long time. It's a no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no Nakanhi na ak magtútúlô na katúig. I've been here almost three years now. I've come here to learn. Aku sedang merokok tadi. I was smoking. I was smoking. Burí kung tukyán mukú. I want you to follow me. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> kung tuky<0xC3><0xA1>n muk<0xC3><0xBA>. Kun mo bangon si Brunhild dili maayo ang iyang gibati. If Brunhild gets up then she's not feeling well. When he wakes up, he's not feeling well. Ápakísabián me? Can you talk to him? You're telling me? Tom keluar dari mobilnya. Tom got out of his car. Tom got out of his car. Kita mangarti. I understand. We understand. Naimas ti iyot. Sex is pleasurable. It's delicious. Siring ni Tom, diri daw sugad kan Mary it iya karuyag. Tom said Mary wasn't his type. She didn't seem to like Mary. Pépawagá nang magumpisá keng tambíng. He proposed that we should start at once. It's a good idea to take a nap. Waráy kwárta ni Tom, sanglit dírì na hiyá makaparalit hin pagkáon. Tom didn't have any money, so he couldn't buy any food. Tom was a bit of a jerk, so he was able to get a kick out of it. Kita tara dengar apa-apa. I didn't hear anything. We didn't hear anything. Agpayso kadi a napanka idiay? Did you really go there? Did you really go there? Kay-ano nakikig-estorya ka ha ira? Why are you talking to them? Why are you talking to them? Tahu sebelum terjadi. Know before going. Know before it happens. Kun mag-Frinanses hi ikaw, dírì hi akó makakasabot. If you speak French, I won't understand. If you're French, you'll understand. Anda tidak harus datang besok. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Saan a kinuti ni Tom ti pangngaldawna. Tom didn't touch his lunch. Tom didn't pick up his lunch. Karuyag ko bisitahun it Pilipinas. I want to visit the Philippines. I would like to visit the Philippines. Nakit-an ni Tom hi Mary nga natago ha luyo hiton sada. Tom saw Mary hiding behind the door. She found Mary hiding behind the door. Jangan lupa tiket! Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the tickets! Maipagpannakelmo la ketdi. You must be so proud. You'll probably be disappointed. Dia telah berjanji akan memberi tahu kita. He promised he would tell us. He promised to tell us. Paréu lang méte. They both died. It's just a meme. Agi nuan ingat ke janji nuan suba? Do you remember your promise? Do you remember the promise of the river? Hahaha! Lol! Hahaha! Pernah ke Amerika? Have you ever been to America? Ever been to America? ¡Salamat! Thank you! <0xC2><0xA1>Thank you! Dari angka 1 sampai 10, silakan pilih tingkat kecakapan Anda dalam bahasa-bahasa berikut ini. On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your proficiency in the following languages. From numbers 1 to 10, please select your level of proficiency in the following languages. Pamaagi lang ang panarbaho aron may bili ang kinabuhi, apan dili maoy iyang kahulogan. Works are but means to make life meaningful, not the meaning of life itself. It's a simple way to earn a living, but that's not what it means. Kamu lelah, ya? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Gunung api itu meletus beberapa tahun yang lalu. The volcano erupted several years ago. The volcano erupted a few years ago. Nagmiaw ti pusa. The cat meowed. The cat nodded. Tom menembak Mary dengan senapan. Tom shot Mary with a rifle. Tom shoots Mary with a rifle. Gajah Afrika memiliki telinga lebih besar dibandingkan gajah Asia. The African elephant has bigger ears than the Asian elephant. African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants. TEPCO tidak dapat menghentikan aliran air kotor yang terkontaminasi materi radioaktif. TEPCO is unable to stop the flow of dirty water contaminated with highly radioactive material. TEPCO cannot stop the flow of dirty water contaminated with radioactive material. Nahadlok ini nga bata nga kumada ha tubig. The child was scared to get into the water. This boy was afraid to come into the water. Kuhaon ko ini. I'll get this. I'll take this. Milakaw na lang si Mario kay dugay man ni abot si Dodong. Mario leaves because Dodong is late. Margo had been away for a long time. Murid mirip dengan gurunya. Like master, like disciple. The student is similar to the teacher. Dimo kad madlaw no ania ti orasen? Do you realize what time it is? Don't you know what time it is? Tumuu’ o salji doiho. It snows there. Tumuu’ o snow doiho. Nunu ka do boros Jorman dilo? How do you say that in German? What's the deal with Jorman Dilo? Apa kabar? How are you? How are you? Film kesukaan Mary adalah The Princess Bride. Mary's favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Mary's favorite film is The Princess Bride. Tang, erung, edei, euang, eim, elolm, euid, eai, etiu, tacher One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. My son, the firstborn, and my son, and my son, the firstborn, and my son, the firstborn, and my son, the firstborn, Masapul nga innak maturogen. I have to go to sleep. I had to go to sleep. Milo' ko' mogidu baino. You can let go now. I'm going to take a shower. Naruruyag ako magpinansaka hin kakahuyan han bata pa ako. I liked climbing trees when I was a kid. I loved to climb trees when I was a kid. Nakit-an ko hiyá utro. I saw her again. I saw him again. Naragsak a panagkanaganmo, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday to you, Muiriel! Jangan ragu untuk menanyakan pertanyaan jika tidak mengerti. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand. Ammom kadi no sadino ti nangipanan ni Tom kadagiti tulbek? Do you know where Tom put the keys? Do you know where Tom took the keys? Kamu bekerja terlalu keras. You work too hard. You work too hard. Bumi adalah salah satu planet. The earth is one of the planets. Earth is one of the planets. Oh, dau-dau no kaantakan diri. Yes, it happens from time to time. Oh, dau-dau if you don't mind. Haro ko kokusaian dit au koilo moginum? Are there still men yet who don't drink? Don't you know how to drink? Akibat pukulan itu, dia menjadi gila. As a result of the blow, he became insane. As a result of the blow, he went crazy. Ayo ke rumah sakit sekarang. Let's go to the hospital now. Let's go to the hospital now. Daytoy barom ket kaing-ingas unay ni tatangmo. Your son is almost a copy of your father. This boy is very much like your father. Sílab da ing saríli da. They burned themselves. It's in the sardines. Waray ginhimo ni Tom. Tom didn't make anything. Tom didn't do anything. Semua yang telah aku beritahukan padamu mungkin tidak sepenuhnya benar. Everything I've told you may not be true. Everything I've told you may not be entirely true. Kapakíbatán ning imá ing panúgáli daréng ának na. A mother is responsible for the conduct of her children. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but I'm in the middle of it. Aku harus bertanya, bukan? I should ask, shouldn't I? I have to ask, don't I? Aku ingin kamu selalu tepat waktu. I expect you to be punctual. I want you to always be on time. Balá ku yáku mû ing mékaísip kaníta. I thought that only I had thought of that. I'm in the middle of the canonical memo. Pastikan perkara ini tidak berlaku lagi. See that this never happens again. Make sure this doesn't happen again. Muhi zou doid Boston. Uha nodi pakazaan ku doid Chicago. I'm going back to Boston. I've had enough of Chicago. Muhi zou doid Boston. Uha nodi pakazaan ku doid Chicago. Saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan minyak. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. Kavasa zou kotutun diau? Can I be your friend? Kavasa zou coununu anu? Perlihatin. Show me. Look. Ågang i polisia! Call the police! Let's get the police! Ano iton numero? What's the number? What's that number? Tiga perempat dari mereka setuju. Three quarters of them agreed. Three-quarters of them agree. Jika hujan, aku akan tinggal di rumah. If it rains, I'll stay at home. If it rains, I'll stay home. Isai huhumozou ih tangavasi id kaambatan tokou? Who is the best singer in our company? Are you going to be able to get your hands on the zucchini? Karkuluek a kasapulantayo ti dua nga aldaw a mangileppas iti trabaho. I estimate that we'll need two days to finish the work. I feel it takes us two days to get the job done. Bagus! Very good! Great! Kalau aku katakan padanya yang sebenarnya, dia akan marah. If I were to tell him the truth, he would be angry. If I tell him the truth, he'll be angry. Dia benar-benar pintar, ya? She's really smart, isn't she? He's really smart, huh? Walaupun cuti sekolah, cikgu Ahmad masih mengadakan kelas tambahan untuk pelajar tingkatan lima. Even though it was the school holidays, Mr. Ahmad still held extra classes for the fifth form students. Despite the school holidays, Professor Ahmad still holds an additional class for fifth graders. Kereta apa yang akan kamu naiki? What train you are going to take? What kind of car are you going to ride? Linmakat hi Tom ha katutnga han gab-i. Tom left at midnight. Tom left in the middle of the night. Balika saiki. Come back now. Go back now. Tom bilang ia akan datang. Tom says he'll come. Tom said he was coming. Apa kau tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris? Are you not able to speak English? Don't you speak English? Aku ingin pergi ke New York suatu hari. Some day I want to go to New York. I want to go to New York one day. Tom akan berhenti hari senin. Tom will quit on Monday. Tom will stop on Monday. Pesawatnya mulai mendarat. The plane began its descent. The plane began to land. Kinsa na? Who's that? Who's already? Kivaa naku ii kabaahan koposizon doid planit suvai? Is there intelligent life on other planets? Is there a way to get rid of the dod-do-it-yourself plan? Atíng helicopter a mánáya kékatámu king bubúngan. There's a helicopter waiting for us on the roof. At<0xC3><0xAD>ng helicopter a m<0xC3><0xA1>n<0xC3><0xA1>ya k<0xC3><0xA9>kat<0xC3><0xA1>mu king bub<0xC3><0xBA>n. Lilinísan ke ing kwártu ku bálang Duminggú. I clean up my room every Sunday. I'm going to go to the bathroom to see Dumingg<0xC3><0xBA>. Dámu it namamatay ha at. We are losing blood. You're going to die and. Maso do karamaian. It's time to party. Maso do crowd. Tom masih betah disini. Tom still loves it here. Tom's still here. Ano iton oras yana ha imo relo? What time is it now by your watch? What time is it on your watch now? Saya lelah mendengarkan cerita Ayah. I am tired of hearing Father's stories. I'm tired of listening to Dad's story. Aku tidak dapat melupakanku ketika aku mencobanya. I couldn't forget you if I tried. I can’t forget when I tried it. Ada apa denganmu? What is wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Kinahanglan maupay. Must be nice... Must be discouraged. Maaram ako nga waray iton himua ni Tom. I know that Tom didn't do that. I know Tom didn't do it. Mapamásá ku. I read a lot. Mapam<0xC3><0xA1>s<0xC3><0xA1> ku. Ayaw pagbuwa. Don't tell lies. Don't lie. Taganáng éku bálu ing sabián ku. I just don't know what to say. I'm going to put the ice cream in my mouth. Waray pa iton tapusa ni Tom. Tom hasn't done that yet. Tom hasn't had a stroke yet. Ompunan ku sumoonu. I'll apologize later. My name is Sumo. Kukuam kadi? Is it yours? Is it yours? Ini Tom. This is Tom. It's Tom. Tom menyembunyikan dirinya di bawah meja. Tom hid himself under the table. Tom hides himself under the table. Tom sedang duduk diatas sebuah kursi. Tom is sitting on a chair. Tom was sitting on a chair. ¿Pira nga mangga iton imo karuyag? How many mangoes do you want? How many mangoes do you want? Kao Manestudiånte siha? Are they students? How do you feel about it? Nagtudo iti makalawas. It rained for a week. It rained for a week. Ia memberitahunya untuk belajar lebih keras. She advised him to study harder. He told her to learn harder. Pasensiya la hit ak maraksut nga agi. Please excuse my bad handwriting. I'm sorry I just hit the nail on the head. Aku tidak mempercayaimu. I do not believe you. I don't trust you. ¿Kay-ano mag-iisog hi Tom? Why would Tom be angry? Why do you want to be brave? Kalian percaya dengan Tom. You believe in Tom. You believe in Tom. Nunu ka do boros Itali "piza"? How do you say "pizza" in Italian? What's the name of the Italian "Pizza"? Milo' tokou moboros hiti? Can we talk here? Do you want to go to Tebow? Giwasak ang tibuok nga dakbanwa sa kalayo. The entire town was destroyed in a fire. The entire fire was destroyed. Mary memilih untuk mengabaikan perilaku Tom. Mary decided to ignore Tom's behaviour. Mary chooses to ignore Tom's behavior. Diri gud namon ikaw puydi sayupon. We certainly can't blame you. We can never fault you. Mada oku dilo hodi rasuk, pokitonon oku do kaagu. I don't like this shirt. Show me another one. I'm going to make my way through the cracks, and I'm going to pray. Ketika memancing, dialah ahlinya. When it comes to fishing, he's an expert. When he was fishing, he was an expert. "Hei, apa hal?" "Oh, takda hal." "Hey, what's up?" "Oh, not much." "Hey, what's the thing?" "Oh, nothing." Napugtuam a makaungetak. You bet I'm angry. You've determined that I'm angry. Aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di sini, tapi aku berniat mencari tahu. I don't know what's going on around here, but I intend to find out. I don't know what's going on here, but I intend to find out. Sumonu tokou toi? Are we starting soon? Sumonu Tokou Toi? Aku tergabung dalam sebuah kelompok musik. I play in a band. I belong to a music group. Nomboo o tanak ku? Where's my son? Nomboo or my son? Serang! Attack! Attack! Nakanta ako kaupod iton akon mga anak. I am singing with my children. I sing with my children. Tom membenciku. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. Tusin okon ko kivaa do ngaavi, nga nung aiso nopo tusin nga au miho maan do nunu. Money isn't everything, but if you have no money, you can't do anything. I'm going to try to make sure that I'm not going to give it a go, but I'm going to say that I'm going to get it right. Nakidangadangda para iti wayawaya. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. Dia terus menangis. He kept on crying. She kept crying. Ia membisikkan sesuatu padanya. She whispered something to him. He whispered something to her. Minirikau isio id tirikohonon do sondiri. He seated himself on the bench. I'm going to make my own squishy. Kami berbincang-bincang hingga pukul dua pagi. We talked until two in the morning. We talked until 2 a.m. Mongikit oku montok sogigisom. I'm saving the best for last. I'm looking forward to getting my tummy tucked away. Ginhímò ha Japan iní nga mga awto. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. Bunga-bunga ini sudah mati. These flowers have died. These flowers are dead. Honggo pinirubaan nu diolo? Where did you meet them? Hong Kong's unscathed? Milo' oku monguhup diya? Can I help you? Do you want me to take it? Mas mábabá la king áwákan deng pantalón ngéni késa kanítang méngalabásan a síglu. Trousers of today sit much lower on the waist than they did centuries ago. It's more of a dream than a pantyhose, and it's more of a pantyhose. Apa kau ingat malam ketika Tom lahir? Do you remember the night Tom was born? Do you remember the night Tom was born? Padasentayo! Let's try! Let's try! Átatandánan mukó? Do you remember me? What's the Muk<0xC3><0xA1>n? Saya tidak suka cokelat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Aku tidak setuju dengan keputusan kalian. I don't approve your decision. I don't agree with your decision. Tutup pintunya ketika kamu pergi. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. Tom adalah orang yang menanam mawar di kebun kita. Tom was the one who planted the roses in our garden. Tom is the one who planted roses in our garden. Mary dia lari. Mary ran. Mary ran away. Konyol! This is silly! Silly! Ungil kebesengei. Good evening. The ugliness. Tom tidak akan pernah memaafkan kita jika kita melakukan itu. Tom would never forgive us if we did that. Tom would never forgive us if we did that. Honggo tongoyon nu? Where did you go? Hong Kong, aren't you? Gubugé diobong. The hut was set on fire. The water is boiling. Nakasawo ko' no? Are you married? I was born, didn't I? Alá kung panaún. I have no time. It's like a panacea. Asaru oku otood maya diya. Being with you, I will always be happy. I'd like to see Maya. Tom bilang dia tidak tahu kenapa Mary absen. Tom said he didn't know why Mary was absent. Tom says he doesn't know why Mary is absent. Monongkiboos zou daa kumaa di Tom. I'm going to be talking to Tom. Monongkiboos zou daa daa in Tom. Kenapa kau sangat lelah hari ini? Why are you so tired today? Why are you so tired today? Jangan katakan kalau kau berhenti. Don't tell me you're quitting. Don't tell me you stopped. Aku sudah tidak menginginkannya. I don't want it anymore. I don't want it anymore. Ayahku tidak membolehkanku menikahinya. My father didn't allow me to marry him. My father didn't let me marry him. Dia selalu sopan santun. She's always very polite. He was always polite. Ako an nag-salbar ha imo. I'm the one who rescued you. I'm the one who saved you. Ruangan ini tidak terlalu besar. This room is not very large. This room is not too big. Enja'. No. Enja'. Tom memeriksa tulisan saya. Tom proofread my manuscript. Tom examined my writing. Mig-éruplánu kamí papuntá king New York. We went to New York by plane. He is the king of New York. Saya lapar. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Naadaw daytoy a balikas iti Latin. The word is derived from Latin. This word is derived from Latin. Ini tasnya. This is her handbag. Here's the bag. Di mana tempat pemberhentian busnya? Where is the bus stop? Where is the bus stop? aku menjawab pertanyaan I answer the question. I answered the question Kibavang tagazo doid habus do istana. The river outside of the castle is called a moat. Kibavang tawzo doid habus do palace. Aku akan membuat kopi. I will make some coffee. I'll make coffee. Au zou songkuo tantu noihaan ku diho. I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm going to tell you that I'm going to die. Saya tiada masa untuk mengambil cuti. I cannot afford the time for a vacation. I don't have time to take a break. "Omulok isido?" "Oh" "Is she young?" "Yes, she is." "Omulok isido?" "Oh" Tom sedikit mabuk. Tom was a little drunk. Tom's a little drunk. Semakin buruk It's getting worse and worse. It's getting worse. Yoko sedang berada di London saat ini. Dia belajar Bahasa Inggris. Yoko is in London now. She's studying English. Yoko is in London right now, she's learning English. Buhaton namon iton kun makapanahon kami. We'll do it when we have time. We'll either do it or we'll get wet. Napaatras hi Tom tikang ha blakbord. Tom stepped back from the blackboard. Tom retreats from the blabberd. Ayáw paghiraní ha kalayo. Don't get that close to the fire. The burning of the fire. ¿Marurúyag ka ba pagkitâ hin siné buwás nga gab-i? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night? Are you looking forward to a night out? Nakabati ak' may-ada nagtuktok ha purtahán ngan hi Tom ádto. I heard a knock on the door and it was Tom. I heard a knock on the door and a knock on the door. Saya makan sebiji epal dan dia makan roti. I eat an apple and she eats bread. I ate an apple and he ate bread. Ammom kadi ti sungbat? Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? Layas. Go away. Run away. Hiya mismo iton naghihimo para ha iya kalugaringon. Nadiri hiya nga nakakatuyaw ha iriba. He does things for himself. He doesn't like to bother other people. He does it for himself, and he does not like to belittle the irresponsibility of the irresistible. Mamatiak kenka. I believe you. I believe you. Makyásáwa náku! I'm about to get married! It's my mother! Kowé dudu bojoku. You're not my wife. You're not my wife. Poruhangon nopo lihing tintod do mongonsok montok poiduon do toutong. Add rice wine before cooking to remove the unpleasant odour. There's a lot of people who don't know how to get to the toy store. Ngaru-karuyag ko hi Tom. I like Tom better. I like Tom. Isai nokoilo'? Who knows? "Is it Ino?" Iton lingkuran ig-printe ha lamesa. Put the chair in front of the desk. The chair is printed on the table. Osuusuvab kozo. It is so early. Osuusuvab kozo. Nagsangitak ita nga aldaw. I cried today. I cried today. Pantásya yā mú. It's just a fantasy. Pant<0xC3><0xA1>sya y<0xC4><0x81> m<0xC3><0xBA>. Sindú da ing pámagóbra. They continued working. It's located in P<0xC3><0xA1>mag<0xC3><0xB3>bra. Atín kang balwát king kékang kahún kasangkápan? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Is the King of the Rings happy? Karuyag ni Tom mahibaro kun ano an nahitabo. Tom wanted to know what had happened. Tom wanted to know what had happened. Maaram ka kun hain iton banyo? Do you know where the bathroom is? Do you know where the bathroom is? Siji, telu, lima, pitu lan sanga kuwi angka gajil. One, three, five, seven and nine are odd numbers. One, three, five, seven, and nine are the numbers. Palihog ayawg ibutang. Please don't hang up. Please don't put it. Saya satu-satunya orang yang tidak tahu Tom telah dipenjara. I was the only one who didn't know Tom had been in prison. I'm the only person who doesn't know Tom has been in jail. Orang-orang itu gila! Those folks are insane! Those people are crazy! Alá yang péte i Tom. Tom didn't kill anybody. I'm going to kill Tom. Monuat zou do suat doid boos Inggilis. I wrote a letter in English language. Monuat zou do suat doid boos English. Tsy misy fisaorana. You're welcome. There is no thanks. Matatalwas iton iyo kinabuhi. Your lives will be spared. Your life will be saved. Nokoruba oku di sumandak nu. I met your girlfriend. I'm stuck in my niche. Aku pikir mereka melihat kita. I think they saw us. I think they're looking at us. Apakah Anda pernah ke Inggris? Have you ever been to Britain? Have you ever been to England? Aláng mináus kayá. Nobody called him. It's worth a visit to Kayla. Inawagannak a takrot ni Jim. Jim called me a coward. Jim called me a coward. Abbot membunuh Mary. Abbott killed Mary. Abbot killed Mary. Mongoi oku pimbuul id suab. Tomorrow I'll go and play football. The Mongols have an ID card. Perekonomian Amerika Serikat adalah yang terbesar di dunia. The United States's economy is the largest in the world. The U.S. economy is the largest in the world. Tom sedang berduaan dengan Mary. Tom is alone with Mary. Tom was alone with Mary. Mungkin sebaiknya begitu. That's probably wise. Maybe it should be. Bata ka pa. You're still young. You're young. Ibyé ke kang Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Let's go to Tom. Sadino ti naggapuam? Where are you from? Where did you come from? Onuo ti. Take this. It's up to you. Iki dudu baja. They're not metal. It's not steel. Nunu ka do boros Portugis XXX? How do you say XXX in Portuguese? What do you think of the Portuguese XXX? Musim panas di Kyoto sangat panas. Summers are very hot in Kyoto. Summer in Kyoto is very hot. Kadamo hin duro iton tawo ha plaza. There's lots of people at the park. There are a lot of people in the square. Ia memperoleh keuntungan yang besar. They gained great wealth. He got a huge profit. Saya melihat mereka berangkat bersama. I saw them leave together. I saw them leaving together. DImo padpadasen a sungbatan dayta. Don't you dare answer that. Don't try to answer that. Usianya sebelas tahun. He's eleven years old. He's eleven years old. Aku ya ora ngerti I don't know either. I don't know Baga'n hi Tom nagkikinaon la permanente. Tom seems to be eating all the time. Tom seems to be just hanging out with each other permanently. Manmå’o hamyo. You are thirsty. Do not stop the Spirit when he wants to do something. Isalikút me ing librúng yan. Hide that book. Take me to the libr<0xC3><0xBA>ng. Tom menuang brandy ke dalam gelas. Tom poured brandy into the glasses. Tom pours brandy into the glass. Modagan to sila si Joseph. Joseph and companion would run. Joseph was going to run. Natuok hiya nga nabaton. He answered in tears. He snarled in response. Saasau zou mamain do siki. I often ski. Saasau zou do do do a single. Awas, Ada lubang di jalanan. Look out! There's a hole in the road. Watch out, there's a hole in the street. Apa orang tuamu tidak mengajarimu sopan santun? Didn't your parents teach you manners? Didn't your parents teach you manners? Dia pe bapake mudel deng parampuang ni. He dressed up as a woman. He's the father of this band. Terima kasih telah memberikanku pilihan. Thank you for giving me the option. Thank you for giving me a choice. Kula kedah tangi mruput. I have to get up early. I have to get up to snooze. Suminunud iyau doho moi pagandad hilo gisom do gulion dau. He asked me to wait there until he came back. I've been trying to find a way to get my hands on it, but I've got to go through it all. Di Jepang, sekarang pukul tiga pagi. In Japan, it's three in the morning now. In Japan, it's now three in the morning. Ikada. Put it there. Idada. Ayo coba sekali lagi. Let's try once again. Let's try one more time. Nakikit-an ni Tom nga hi Mary sige it' teks. Tom could see that Mary was texting. She said that she had seen Mary's face. Alas singko sa buntag ko mibangon. I woke up at five this morning. I got up at 5 in the morning. Anak laki-lakiku masih percaya akan Santa Claus. My son still believes in Santa Claus. My son still believes in Santa Claus. Tom mungkin masih bersembunyi. Tom is probably still hiding. Tom may still be hiding. Mari kita mencobanya. Let's have a go at it. Let's try it. Saya mengerti dua bahasa asing. I speak two foreign languages. I understand two foreign languages. Tom tidak dapat mengingat skrip percakapannya. Tom couldn't remember his lines. Tom could not remember the script of his conversation. Siapa yang lebih bisa berbahasa Inggris, Yoko atau Yumi? Who can speak English better, Yoko or Yumi? Who speaks English, Yoko or Yumi? Manu i Tom panangkasut wagu dau. Tom wanted to wear his new shoes. I'm going to take a look at Da Nang. Kana na ngan bilinga naton hi Tom. Let's go and find Tom. That's it and let's leave Tom. Duduklah. Grab a seat. Sit down. Takrotda. They were cowards. Takrotda. Apa kau serius mengatakannya? Are you in earnest in saying so? Are you serious about that? Buenas dihas. Good day. good there. Dhèwèké ora bisa diandelaké merga dhèwèké kerep goroh. She cannot be relied on because she often tells lies. He can't be trusted because he's often lying. Aku ingin membuat penawaran. I would like to make an offering. I want to make an offer. Intayo pay mangan. Let's go eat. We also ate. "Nganong nahadlok si Tom nimo?" "Wa koy kalibutan." "Why is Tom so afraid of you?" "I have no idea." "Why are you scared?" he asked. Dia menabung untuk membeli rumah. He is saving up to buy a house. He saved up to buy a house. Mitmú ya ing bóti. The bottle is full. It's in the bubble. Coba saya lihat. Let me see. Let me see. Milo' i Tom maan diti? Can Tom do it? Do you think I'm going to be here? Napatai iho kalabau. The buffalo were killed. I'm looking at the Kabbalah shark. Orang romawi memuja dewi mereka, Juno. The Romans worshiped their goddess, Juno. The Romans worshipped their goddess, Juno. It' paghuna ni Tom hiyá iton magdaog hit' ruromba. Tom thinks he's going to win the race. He thought he was going to win the race. Ania kadi ti UFO? What is a UFO? What is a UFO? Sumingsingisingen ti init. The sun is coming up. The sun is rising. Atín yang pákisabián i Tom ngéni. Makāpanáya ka? Tom is talking with someone right now. Can you wait? At<0xC3><0xAD>n who p<0xC3><0xA1>kisabi<0xC3><0xA1>n i Tom n<0xC3><0xA9>ni. Mak<0xC4><0x81>pan<0xC3><0xA1>ya are you? Saya ngga tahu apa yang salah tapi beberapa kali saya mencoba untuk masuk ke website ini, saya ngga bisa masuk juga. I don't know what's been going wrong, but several times when I tried to log onto the site today, I couldn't do it. I don’t know what’s wrong but a few times I tried to log in to this website, I couldn’t log in either. Tsy misy. Nothing new. There's nothing. Makápanayá la. They can wait. It's just a coincidence. Minsingiho isido po baino. He's now studying. I'm going to try to guess. Itu tidak mungkin. It isn't possible. That's impossible. Dia menangis sepanjang malam. She cried throughout the night. She cried all night. Kamu harus membaca jenis buku yang informasinya dapat berguna untukmu di masa depan. You should read the kind of books that contain the kind of information that will be useful to you later in life. You should read the type of book whose information can be useful to you in the future. Orang tua saya tidak di rumah sekarang. My parents aren't home right now. My parents are not home now. Waray magpaha hi Tom yana nga adlaw. Tom isn't wearing a belt today. Tom didn't go to school today. Gayyemko ni Tom. Tom is my friend. Tom is my friend. Ania a pagsasao ti kaykayatmo, Kannada wenno Telugu? Which language do you like better, Kannada or Telugu? Which language do you prefer, Kannada or Telugu? Éka gáwang antí kanyán. You will do no such thing. <0xC3><0x89>ka g<0xC3><0xA1>wang ant<0xC3><0xAD> kany<0xC3><0xA1>n. Au oku nokoilo songkuro rinalom do botung dilo. I don't know how deep the lake is. The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number. Nagpanawan daytoy a balay. This house is abandoned. This house has left. Ispliká ku anggá king agyú ku. I'll try to explain it to the best of my ability. I'm the king of Aguy<0xC3><0xBA>. Kami belum lama saling mengenal. We haven't known each other long. We haven't known each other in a long time. Tom meminta kami untuk diam. Tom asked us to be silent. Tom asked us to shut up. Bukang saloh aku. It wasn't my fault. It's not my salad. Kami perlu menyelidiki ulang kejadian kontroversial ini. We need to reinvestigate this controversial event. We need to re-examine this controversial incident. Saya tidak bersetuju bahawa Penterjemah Google tidak mahu menyokong kepada bahasa Kadazandusun. I don't think that Google Translator doesn't want to support the Kadazandusun language. I do not agree that Google Translator does not want to support the Kadazandusun language. Apa kau mengikuti perkembangannya? Did you follow any of that? Are you following his progress? Mobil apa yang kamu suka? What kind of cars do you like? What kind of car do you like? Kåu mamaolek håu? How are you? Do you want to be scared? Rama kula wonten pundi, inggih? Where's my father? Where's my father? Pot fabot tuge' fan påpa'. Please write it down. It's a can of worms." Apa yang Jack bilang tentang kamu adalah sebuah kebohongan. Aku tidak mempercayainya. What Jack told me about you is a pack of lies. I don't believe him. What Jack said about you is a lie, I don't believe it. Gabay nala ako humuyo pagyakan mahitungod hiton dinhi. I'd rather not talk about it here. I'm not going to talk about it here. Nasayaaten ti riknak. I feel better. I'm feeling good. Kaylángan táyang sópan. We have to help her. It's a sloppy squid. Ada sedikit siswa yang tersisa di kelas. There were few students left in the classroom. There are few students left in the class. Nunu mangan nu id ontok timpu do tadau kinosusuon nu? What did you do on your birthday? Are we going to have to wait until the day of the Lord's return? Kopisanangan Kinorikatan id Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! It's called Tatoeba! Kamu telah melakukan apa yang harus kamu lakukan You did what you had to do. You did what you had to do. Saya membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menyelesaikan buku teks Islandia saya. I want the time and the health to finish my Icelandic textbook. I needed the time and energy to finish my Icelandic textbook. Tagai kog usa bi. Please give me one. Give me one. Berapa untuk satu bilik? How much is a room? How much for a room? Makadto kami ha mga bukid. We are going to the mountains. We're going to the mountains. Saya belum siap. I'm still not ready. I'm not ready. Apa'asan iti buuk basaan doho. This novel bores me. It's in my hairdresser. Duhaan isido id dogo. He spit on me. It's called ID dodo. Walikota memotong pitanya dengan sepasang gunting raksasa. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The mayor cut his ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. Katakan padaku apa yang harus aku lakukan. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Monigup ko' no? Do you smoke? I'll take it, won't I? Olundus ko no. You are beautiful. It's not my ultimatum. Masyádung masákit pará káku ing pámaglíkas kaníting kawatásan. Translating this poem is too much for me. Most of the time, I'm in the middle of the p<0xC3><0xA1>magl<0xC3><0xAD>kas. Dika agdanag, agragsakka! Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy! Iku bakal tak wedharaké manèh. I'll explain it again. I'll say it again. Osuusuvab i Tom mikot. Tom arrived early. My name is Osuzuvab. Sami bisa mengubah dirinya sendiri. Sami can change himself. Sami can change herself. Negosiasinya dibatalkan. The negotiation is off. The negotiations were cancelled. Éro gágalang karéng táung kalúpa na. No one respected men like him. It's been a long time coming. Cintai teman kelasmu! Cintai kedua orang tuamu! Cintai tanah airmu! Have love for your classmates! Have love for your parents! Have love for your country! Love your classmate! Love your parents! Love your homeland! Mágáral nakamí. We're studying now. M<0xC3><0xA1>g<0xC3><0xA1>ral nanam<0xC3><0xAD>. Masih ada kemungkinan kalau itu benar. There is little room for doubt. There's still a chance it's true. Suatu hari nanti, semua kanak-kanak di Malaysia akan berpeluang untuk menerima pendidikan yang terunggul. One day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. One day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to receive the best education. E miyá ákákit. We can't see it. E miy<0xC3><0xA1> <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xA1>kit. Tom bekerja sepanjang hidupnya. Tom worked all his life. Tom worked all his life. Malagipmo? Do you remember? You remember? ¿San-o mo man it' hapiton? When are you picking it up? When are you going to close it? He mengatakan bahwa dia telah kehilangan kekuatannya di usia 40. He said he had lost his vigor at forty. He said that he had lost his power at the age of 40. Para guiya u åpåsi todu. He will pay for everything. All things are done by him. Pinaagi sa pagtudlo sa pagka dili madinagmalon nakigbisog si Martin Luther King Jr. alang sa katungod nga sibil sa mga Amerkanong may dugong Afrikanhon. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for civil rights for African-Americans by teaching nonviolence. By teaching non-violence Martin Luther King Jr. fought for the civil right of the Amercans with African blood. Saya harus belajar bahasa jepang. I must study Japanese. I have to learn Japanese. Osonong! How nice! Good luck! Mencari pekerjaan itu susah. To find a job is difficult. Finding a job is hard. Inaréstu de. They arrested him. Inerr<0xC3><0xA9>stu de. Maaram ako kun ma-ano ito gihapon. I know that feeling, too. I know if it still works. Aku benar-benar ingin tahu. I'm dying to know. I really want to know. Sa akong pagdagan nadagma ko. While I run, I stumble. As I was running, I fell down. Besok hari gajian. Tomorrow's payday. Tomorrow's payday. Kana ngadi Tom. Get over here, Tom. That's for Tom. Tom membaca catatan dari Mary dan menyerahkannya kepada John. Tom read the note from Mary and then handed it to John. Tom reads the note from Mary and hands it to John. Au zou koimat do ahal ngaavi diti. I can not do all of this. Au zou koimat do ahal ngavi dit. Dia datang dengan bus. He came by bus. He came by bus. Siblí ke kayá ing singsíng na. I gave him back his ring. I'm going to see Kayla in the ring. Opoit nopo tootopot dii nga mada i tuhun mokinongou. If the truth is bitter, people do not want to hear it. It's a bit of a sloppy, but it's a bit of a squeaky. Manggud gindara nimo an imo ayam ha opisina? Is it true that you brought your dog to the office? How do you get your dog to go to the office? Harimau lebih besar dan lebih kuat dari kucing. Tigers are bigger and stronger than cats. Tigers are bigger and stronger than cats. ¿Kay ano waray mo it igsumát ha iya? Why didn't you tell her that? Why didn't you tell him? Lumiwat hiya ha paggamit hin makina. She switched on a machine. He refused to use a machine. Mibagsak ya king "entrance examination". He failed the entrance exam. The "Entrance Examination". Mal la neng karimlán deng sagíwang gúle. Fresh vegetables are very dear in winter. It's just that it's bad for the goose. Pungaranan isio do duku dau Pooch. He named his puppy Pooch. It's called Duchuch. Hari yang indah. Beautiful day. What a beautiful day. Kalian boleh pergi ke mana pun yang kalian suka. You may go anywhere you like. You can go wherever you want. Kapan terakhir kali kamu memberi makan sapi-sapi itu? When was the last time you fed the cows? When was the last time you fed those cows? Pag-abat ko nakikit'an ka nira. I think they saw you. I feel like I've seen you. Diri ka na bata. You are no longer a child. You're no longer a child. E tútúbu karéng pun dútung ing spaghetti. Spaghetti don't grow on trees. It's also included in spaghetti. Apa kau seorang nabatiwan? Are you a vegetarian? Are you a planter? Ke mana saja kamu? Where have you been? Where have you been? Kivaa dompuan doiho nga aiso no suduvon. There's a fireplace, but there's no firewood. I'm praying for you that you'll be able to get away with it. Buah segar baik untuk kesehatan. Fresh fruit is good for the health. Fresh fruit is good for health. Naguba ang bilog nga banwa bangod sa sunog. The entire town was destroyed in a fire. The fire was destroyed by the fire. Kamu bisanya kapan? When is a good time for you? You can do it when? Mahilig ko magpinannaka hin kahuy han bata ako. I liked climbing trees when I was a kid. I love to play with you when I was a kid. Tabálu nung atín kung óras. I don't know if I have the time. I'm going to go with Alyssa when it's over. Nag-aalang hi Tom. Tom is reluctant. Tom hesitated. Mary, bisakah kamu lebih pelan? Mary, can you slow down a little? Mary, can you slow down? "Onu nopo kavo kaa' do sumandak nu?" "Kogiu motu." "What anthropoid would your girlfriend be most like?" "What a question... Well, um... An orangutan, I guess." “Don’t handle this, ”“ Don’t taste that, ” “Don’t even touch that thing ”? Alá kung kítang karéla. I didn't ask them any questions. It's like a car wash. Ye paka macang ge ppuang. He dressed up as a woman. You're going to have to pounce. Diak kayat a maammuan no ania ti naganna. I don't want to know what his name is. I don't want to know what his name is. Miniaga' do kogiu ko dii. You look like an orangutan. I'm going to do the coyotes. Dia punya kebiasaan buruk selalu datang terlambat. She has the bad habit of always being late. He's got a bad habit of always coming late. Kagayat ginawo dau kokomoi di kusai kihulu-hulu. She attracts hairy men. They were so close to their home that they were in a state of shock. Anda patut basuh baju ini. You need to wash this shirt. You should wash your clothes. Ledakan populasi adalah masalah yang serius. The population explosion is a serious problem. Population explosions are a serious problem. Apakah kamu sedang menunggu seseorang? Are you expecting anyone? Are you waiting for someone? Håyi na'ån-ña? What is his name? What's your name? Dírì ak' sigurado ano an nahitabo. I'm not sure what happened. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> I'm sure what happened. Jane telah mengguntingkan rambutnya pendek sebelum mesyuarat hari sukan. Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet. Jane had her hair cut short before the sports day meeting. Jika boleh, saya ingin segera pergi dari sini. If allowed, I would like to go away. If possible, I'd like to get out of here. Apakah Anda tahu perbedaannya? Do you know the difference? Do you know the difference? Máyap a aldó kébaytán, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! It's a good one, Muiriel! Nánung burí mung pagawá káku? What do you want me to do? Is it just a matter of getting rid of my hair? Umadotgan i hugua kuåttȗ. The two rooms are connected. The guacamole is getting hot. Halígut la an kinabúhì ni Mozart. Mozart's life was very short. Mozart's heart was broken. Gihunahuna kong mao, nan mao ko. I think, therefore I am. I thought so, so I did. Tangon nopo kumoinsan do satanga nga hiri'd Boston. The first half of the story is set in Boston. It's all in the name of Boston. Diri ko gud dapat igsumat iton ha bisan hin-o. I shall never tell it to anybody. I never had to tell anyone that. Isterinya di hospital kerana dia cedera dalam kemalangan kereta. His wife is in the hospital because she was injured in a car crash. His wife was in the hospital because she was injured in a car accident. Hanya sepuluh menitan berjalan kaki. It's only a ten-minute walk. Just ten minutes on foot. Migdisisyún lang mandatún king karulún ning London. They decided to settle in a suburb of London. He was the king of London's royal court. Bísa kung muntá. I want to go. It's a good thing if it's a munt<0xC3><0xA1>. Hampir tiga ribu orang mati. Almost three thousand people died. Nearly three thousand people died. Setkan masa memasak untuk 1 minit 45 saat. Set cooking time for 1 minute 45 seconds. Set the cooking time for 1 minute 45 seconds. Saray totoon naantaan da so tatawagen a 'malinew iran kugkugip' mabetbet idalatdat da iraya bilang 'matua ni nen say katuaan'. Idadalatdat da met kabangon da manlapu ed 'malinew a kugip' a singa iya 'pangis a kugip'. People that have experienced so-called 'lucid dreams' often describe them as being 'more real than reality'. They also describe reality after waking up from a 'lucid dream' to be like a 'whimsical dream'. As the sound of a great tumult, so shall it be at the sound of many waters; as the sound of a mighty thunderings, it shall come to pass. Isaké mukú paúlî. Give me a ride home. I'm going to poop. Kami pergi nonton semalam. We went to the movies last night. We went to see last night. Nagpakitambag ka kanako. You asked for my advice. You have advised me. Babayaanan ko ikaw. I'm leaving you. I'll leave you. Dia telah membuat sebuah kesilapan serius. She made a serious mistake. He made a serious mistake. Nánu ing pámaglabág? What was the violation? What's going on in P<0xC3><0xA1>maglab<0xC3><0xA1>g? E bálang kíkisláp gintû. All that glitters is not gold. E b<0xC3><0xA1>lang k<0xC3><0xAD>kisl<0xC3><0xA1>p gint<0xC3><0xBB>. Akan dimulai jam berapa? When will it begin? What time is it going to start? Bagaimana dengan wawancara anda? How did your interview go? What about your interview? Akhir-akhir ini aku bosan dengan rapat. I'm sick of conferences these days. Lately, I’ve been bored with meetings. Kudengar mereka telah menemukan jejak kaki manusia salju yang mengerikan di Pegunungan Himalaya. I heard that they discovered the footprints of an abominable snowman in the Himalayan mountains. I heard they had found the footprints of a terrible snowman in the Himalayas. Jam berapa? What time? What time? Jalan itu sangat panjang. This road is very long. The road is very long. Itu adalah cinta pada pandangan yang pertama. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. E kaylángang tumágun king púlung ngéni i Tom. Tom doesn't have to be at today's meeting. It's like the King of the Rings to Tom. Tinutupan diho kadai do tadau baino. The shop is closed today. It's been a busy day. Álus yarí na ing kaléldo. Summer is almost over. <0xC3><0x81>lus yar<0xC3><0xAD> is in cal<0xC3><0xA9>ldo. Kita mengekspresikan pikiran menggunakan bahasa. We express thought with language. We express our thoughts using language. Goreng. Fry. Fry. Nokito zou diaho' di minggu nakatahib. I saw her last week. Nokito Zou is on the week of the wedding. Modagan ning tawo. This person will run. This guy is running. Mékiramdám la ngan. They all listened. It's just M<0xC3><0xA9>kiramd<0xC3><0xA1>m. Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu. I agree with your opinion. I agree with your opinion. Adda maymaysa laeng a wagas tapno agbiag. There's only one way to live. There is only one way to live. Kinahanglan ko moadto sa kasilyas. I have to go to the toilet. I had to go to the bathroom. Nahinumdum ako sa imong gisulti kagabii. I remember what you said last night. I remember what you said last night. Kotoluadan tu tuminotos ko' do karaja kio. Thank you for your hard work. The kingdom of heaven was established by the King of kings. Aku bisa menghilangkan kemungkinan itu. I can't rule out that possibility. I can eliminate that possibility. Awak pasti mendapat yang lebih baik di Perancis. You've definitely gotten better at French. You must have gotten better in France. Åmko'ña si John kinu si Robert. John is older than Robert. John's name was Robert. Dia nampaknya amat bahagia. He seems very happy. He seems very happy. Nagmakaarawud ako han iya ginyakan. What he said embarrassed me. I was ashamed of what he said. Dia benci pesta. She hates parties. He hates parties. Hasil bumi lainnya termasuk batu bara, kelapa, tebu, nanas, tembakau, sayuran, sagu, tapioka, kopi, teh, jagung, dan kacang tanah. Other produce includes coal, coconuts, sugar cane, pineapples , tobacco, vegetables, sago, tapioca, coffee, tea, maize, and groundnuts. Other produce include coal, coconut, sugarcane, pineapple, tobacco, vegetables, sago, tapioca, coffee, tea, corn, and peanuts. Isai oku milo' monongkiboros? Who can I talk to? Do you think I'm going to be a monogamist? Aku ingin minum kopi. I would like to have a cup of coffee. I want some coffee. Muuk-kuuk o tandaha. The rooster crows. ing or sign. Aku bisa mengakhiri penderitaanmu. I can end your suffering. I can put an end to your suffering. Mongoi i Tom hilo'd kadai pomolian tagayo monikid tadau. Tom goes to the supermarket almost every day. I'm going to have to go back to my mom's house to see the sun go down on the moon. Sudah hentikan! Cut it out! Stop it! Awak ada tekanan, saya ada tekanan, kenapakah awak hendak mencetuskan saya? "You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?" You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to trigger me? Diin ko ibubutang ini nga mga makahurubog nga irinumon? Where can I place these beers? Where am I going to put these sloppy drinks? Amo ini it pinaka-ganado. This is the most interesting. This is the most important. Mari bersenang-senang! Let's live it up! Let's have some fun! "Apa sampai sekarang kau tidak menyadarinya?" "Ah tidak, bukan begitu maksudku... begini, aku sama sekali tidak terbayang kalau..." "Did you possibly not notice until just now?" "Er, well ... it was just so beyond my imagination that ..." "Did you not realize it until now?" "Oh no, not so I mean... Look, I'm not at all imagining that..." Ti kaaannadan a tao sagpaminsan ket makaaramid kadagiti riro. The most careful man sometimes makes mistakes. The most sensitive person can occasionally make puzzles. It' mga pulis waray nganhi pára arestuhon ka. The police are not here to arrest you. The police won't arrest you. Apa yang dapat saya katakan? What could I say? What can I say? Dandani dinak nakamakam. You almost missed me. He barely caught me. Mari kita melakukannya lagi. Let's do this again. Let's do it again. Pakirámdamán me i Tom. Listen to Tom. Tom nodded to me. Kita deng ngana tu kita yang kaya. I'm richer than you. We know that we are rich. Aiso nouha. None were satisfied. Aiso nouha. Pada malam yang gelap dan cerah, mata kita dapat melihat sekitar 6000 lebih bintang di langit. On a clear, dark night, our eyes can see about 6,000 or so stars in the sky. On a dark and bright night, our eyes can see about 6000 more stars in the sky. Saya mahu dia pergi ke sana. I wanted him to go there. I want him to go there. Au nabagal songulun. There is one less. It's been a while. Sínalí kung librú tungkúl karéng animál. I bought a book about animals. It's a good idea to have a libr<0xC3><0xBA> tungk<0xC3><0xBA>l karenng anim<0xC3><0xA1>l. Miniikau zou om mooi podohino do ayat doid boos haahaid ku. Gisom do satanga' jaam po om kumingopod om duvo do ayat diti, mundoong zou no. I sat down to translate the sentence shown on the main page into my native language, and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to convince myself to stop. You are the one who is the one who made me, the one who made me, the one who made me, the one who made me, the one who was the one who made me. Ginruba han giyera an nasud. The war brought ruin to the country. The war devastated the country. Kalian dapat apa? What've you got? You got what? Saan nga agramrambak ni Tom. Tom wasn't celebrating. Tom did not celebrate. Tom dalam keadaan baik. Tom was good. Tom is in good condition. Agkapkapeak. I drink coffee. Speak up. Dia bicara deng bahasa Prancis lagi. He also speaks French. He speaks French again. Panáyan daká? Should we wait for you? Where's the Dak<0xC3><0xA1>? ¿Hin-o man ngay-an it mag-aataman hit imo misay? Who will take care of your cat then? Who's going to take care of your pet? Di mana anda membeli baju itu? Where did you buy that shirt? Where did you buy the dress? Nabayagen nga agmaymaysa ni Tom. Tom has been alone far too long. Tom has been alone for a long time. Tingaa (kou) no! Look up! Tingaa (kou) no! Burj Khalifa saiki gedung paling dhuwur neng donya. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Likwán ko reng sapátus king iskwéla. I left my shoes at school. I'm a follower of King Ischael. Aranggou i Tom do tokuri. Tom is quite tall. I'm going to do tokiri. Ano an imo ginhuhuna-huna kan Tom? What did you think of Tom? What are you thinking about Tom? Tuminius i Tom do tiinumon ngavi om minugad mantad do poginuman. Tom downed the rest of his drink and left the bar. And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he drank of the wine of the wrath of the Lord. Alá yang kabalú-bálû i Tom. Tom is clueless. Al<0xC3><0xA1> the kabal<0xC3><0xBA>-b<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xBB> i Tom. Waray ako magiruplanu pakadto Hong Kong. I didn't go to Hong Kong by plane. I didn't go to Hong Kong. Éla mête. They aren't dead. <0xC3><0x89>la m<0xC3><0xAA>te. Lihat saya dan dengar apa yang saya akan katakan. Look at me and listen to me. Look at me and listen to what I'm going to say. Ayah akan membunuhku. My dad will kill me. You're gonna kill me. Saya sudah mempelajari agama Anda, tapi saya tidak menyukainya. I studied your religion, but I didn't like it. I've studied your religion, but I don't like it. ¿Ma-anó ba it Boston? What's Boston like? What's going on in Boston? Makanánu mong patuknangán? How are you going to stop them? What do you want to eat? Belok ke kiri. Turn to the left. Turn left. Karuyag nira nga makita ka nga patay. They want to see you dead. They want to see you dead. Gurita ini bersembunyi di dalam tempurung kelapa. The octopus is hiding in a coconut shell. This octopus is hiding in a coconut shell. Kenapa awak nak buat macam ini? Why do you want to do this? Why would you do this? Asta otro bi'åhi ta'lo. Until next time. And then there's another one. Terima kasih! Thank you! Thank you! Asapou kozo asam doiti dagai kosodop. We had a heavy rainfall last night. Asapou kozo acid doiti dagai kosodop. Apa kau lapar? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Jam berapa rencana kedatangan pesawat? What time is the plane scheduled to land? What time is the plane coming? Kao fáfa'na'gue hao? Are you a teacher? I'm going to go, huh? Boleh saya pinjam duit awak? Could I borrow your money? Can I borrow your money? Di satu sisi kamu memang benar, tapi aku masih ragu. In a way you are right, but I still have doubts. You're right, but I doubt it. Saya tidak dapat membantumu. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Bisa pakai kartu kredit? Can I use a credit card? Can you use a credit card? Karena macet, aku terlambat datang ke rapat. Because there was traffic, I was late to the meeting. Being stuck, I was late to the meeting. Tidak ada yang peduli terhadap masalah kita. Nobody cares about our problems. No one cares about our problems. Dimo pulos liplipatan. Never forget it. Never forget. No koma ta nalepleppap ti agong ni Cleopatra, mabalin a nagbaliw koma ti sibubukel a rupa ti lubong. If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed. If Cleopatra's nose had been blown, the whole face of the world would have changed. Kotumbazaan ko disido. You can trust him. I'm willing to. Ibu bapa Sami telah membuat keputusan untuk bercerai. Sami's parents have decided to divorce. Sami's parents have decided to divorce. Mari menyeberang di sini. Let's cross here. Let's cross over here. Kanus-a? When? When? Menurutmu apa arti ini? What do you think this means? What do you think this means? Sila menunggu saya di sini. Please wait for me here. Please wait for me here. Kasta no apay a simrek isuna iti unibersidad. That was why he entered the university. That's why he went to college. I golupo nga id suang do rinapa manuk. The hens are in the chicken coop. I'm a bird with a bird's eye view. Buenas noches. Good night. Goodnight noches. Siapa nama anda, pak ? What is your name, sir? What's your name, sir? Yáku man burí ku ing kéndi. I also like candy. I'm the guy who's in there. Modagan na sila. They will run. They're running. Aku muak. I'm fed up. I'm sick of it. Apa Tom sehat? Is Tom well? Is Tom healthy? Karuyag mo gud talaga iton buhaton. You must really like doing that. You really want to do that. Tom telah kehilangan harapan. Tom has lost hope. Tom has lost hope. Agbayadak. I'll pay. I'll pay. Dhèké digeguyu kanca-kancané. He was laughed at by his friends. His friends made fun of him. Dia tidak suka dengan kita. He doesn't like us. He doesn't like us. Ada yang salah dengan Tom. Something was wrong with Tom. Something is wrong with Tom. Kailiwko dagiti gagayyemko. I miss my friends. I miss my friends. Dia mengajak Tom pergi memancing. He took Tom on a fishing trip. He asked Tom to go fishing. Dírì ko ilob kaunon an keyk nga iyo ginhimo para ha ákòn. I didn't have the heart to eat the cake she made me. I'm going to eat the cake you made for <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n. Apa yang ada di bajumu itu? What's that on your shirt? What's in your shirt? Manapun yang Anda pilih, itu akan memberikan Anda banyak manfaat. Whichever you may choose, it will do you a lot of good. Whichever you choose, it will give you many benefits. Kau tidak perlu panik. You don't need to panic. You don't have to panic. Naapiten ti pagay. The rice is already harvested. The rice is finished. Kau mahukah bakon lagi? Do you want some more bacon? Would you like another bacon? Mabalin nga iti sabali nga uniberso, dagiti parsua sadiay ket kakasla ulep wenno anniniwan iti naulep wenno aragaag nga aglawlaw. Maybe in another universe, beings are like clouds or shadows in a cloudy or shadowy milieu... Likely in another universe, the creatures there are like clouds or shadows in a cloudy or transparent environment. Doiho no zou. I am there. Doiho no zou. Kami tidak pernah bekerja di hari Minggu. We never work on Sunday. We never worked on Sundays. Atíng dáratáng a tsunami, anyá sána magsadyá kayú. A tsunami is coming, so please be on the alert. In the wake of a tsunami, every time it rains, it's a tsunami. Saya mengerti bahwa hal itu tidak mudah bagi anda. I know that things haven't been easy for you. I understand that it’s not easy for you. Nayakan hi Mary nga karuyag niya adto buhaton pero waray niya himua. Mary said she wanted to do that, but she didn't. Mary said she wanted to do it, but she didn't. Ia selalu mimpi di siang hari. He is always day-dreaming. He was always dreaming during the day. Aku rasa aku harus mencari pinjaman. I think I may have to get a loan. I think I need to find a loan. Pinapaatod oku disido do misij. I left a message for her. I've been busy doing my homework. Modagan nang tawo. That person will run. The man is running. Masa? Seriously? Time? Sila. Please. Please. Tahun ini, saya tidak ada masa untuk bercuti. This year I didn't have time to go on holidays. This year, I don't have time for a vacation. Tolong belok kanan di persimpangan berikutnya. Please turn right at the next intersection. Please turn right at the next intersection. Masapul nga intayon. We need to go. We need to. Moginum ko do bir doid mangakan pitangadau, koni? You drank a beer at lunch, didn't you? I'm going to have a beer, okay? Mipág-tennis keng Tom kaníta. Tom and I used to play tennis together. Mip<0xC3><0xA1>g-tennis keng Tom kan<0xC3><0xAD>ta. Nokorikot no tolu minggu i Tom id supital. Tom has been in the hospital for three weeks. Tom was in the hospital for three weeks. Sumangga jus limunipun dipunanggé, sanes werakipun. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. The juice is used, not the juice. Nagibuligay hirá. They helped each other. Hierarchy is helping. Iwasa iton bisekleta ha aragian. Get the bicycle out of the way. Take the bike off the road. Unta mahimo nimo ini. I hope you can do this. I hope you can do this. Ang pispis yara sa langit. The bird is in the sky. The bird in the sky. Ada apa? What is the matter? What's the matter? Importante nga hi Nancy umatender hiton miting. It is necessary that Nancy attend the meeting. It was important for Nancy to attend the meeting. Saan nga immanamong isuna. She did not agree. He did not agree. Yakan ni Tom diri na hiya magbúhat hiton utro. Tom says he'll never do that again. Tom didn't want to do it again. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna. No one's perfect. No one is perfect. Gin-itsa ni Tom an bola. Tom tossed the ball. Tom tossed the ball. Saan nga agpautang iti arak ti akinkukua iti daytoy a paginuman. The owner of this bar never sells liquor on credit. The owner of this drink does not lend money to the owner. Tínikdo la ngan. They all stood. It's just TikTok. Waray pa ako tumilaw hin beer. I never touch beer. I haven't had a beer yet. Karuyag ko bumulig ha íyo. I want to join you. I want to help <0xC3><0xAD>yo. Name aku Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Setengah dari penduduk dunia tinggal di perkotaan. Half of the world’s population lives in cities. Half of the world’s population lives in cities. Buenas tåtdes. Good afternoon. Good bye t<0xC3><0xA5>tdes. Dia kakakku. He's my brother. He's my brother. Aku harap kalian berdua bahagia. I hope you two are very happy together. I hope you're both happy. Dhèwèké goroh bab kuwi. He lied about it. He lied about it. Nakilal'an ko dayón an imo tíngog. I recognized your voice right away. I got to know your brand. Namaku dikenal oleh semua orang di kota kami. My name is known by everyone in our town. My name is known to everyone in our city. Rapatnya berlangsung selama dua jam. The meeting lasted two hours. The meeting lasted two hours. Hain ka karon? Where are you? Where are you now? Tom menerima surat dari Mary. Tom received a letter from Mary. Tom receives a letter from Mary. Silakan mampir ke kantor saya kapanpun juga. Drop by my office any time. Please come to my office at any time. Jangan mempermainkanku. Don't make a fool of me. Don't play with me. Dia berkata bahwa kehidupannya monoton. She says her life is monotonous. He said his life was monotonous. Ongoi ponongkiboros i Tom. Go and talk to Tom. Tom's got a goosebump. Aku melihatmu bersama anak laki-laki yang badannya tinggi. I saw you with a tall boy. I saw you with a tall boy. Ya ampun, aku melihatnya di berita! Kau membuatku sulit mempercayainya! Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Oh my gosh, I saw it on the news! You make it hard for me to believe it! Mag-asawa kami. We are a couple. We are married. Natagak no tanak. A child is missing. I was born. Gurita menggunakan tempurung kelapa sebagai pelindung portabel. Octopuses use coconut shells as portable shelters. The octopus uses coconut shells as portable protectors. Au zou asaga do mada i Padaadahin o Google monokodung do kumaa do boos Kadazandusun. I don't think that Google Translator doesn't want to support the Kadazandusun language. Au zou asaga do mada i Padadahin o Google monokodung doa do boos Kadazandusun. Aku merasa bodoh. I felt dumb. I feel stupid. Makanhi hiya niyan nga gab-i. She will be here this evening. He'll be here tonight. Tom tidak akan menyakitimu. Tom won't hurt you. Tom won't hurt you. Burí nang Tom kayabé ne i Mary. Tom wished he was with Mary. It's not like Mary. Pak Tanaka mencari nafkah dengan membuka toko alat tulis di dekat stasiun. Mr. Tanaka makes a living by running a small stationery shop near the station. Mr. Tanaka made a living by opening a stationery shop near the station. Emily ingin belajar bahasa Yunani. Emily wants to learn Greek. Emily wants to learn Greek. Saan a mapasamak dayta. That won't happen. That's not going to happen. Lubús mukúng talásúyû. I am entirely at your service. Lub<0xC3><0xBA>s muk<0xC3><0xBA>ng tal<0xC3><0xA1>s<0xC3><0xBA>y<0xC3><0xBB>. Siguradoak a maawatam dayta. I'm sure you understand that. I'm sure you understand that. May-ada nganhi balaud kanan-jaywalking? Is there a law here about jaywalking? Is there a right-wing law? Apa yang aku katakan itu benar. What I say is true. What I said was true. Siguradoak nga adda dagiti rason ni Tom. I'm sure Tom had his reasons. I'm sure Tom had his reasons. Saya hidup di Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. Wala na koy gusto nimo. I don't like you anymore. I don't want you any more. Malaysia bersempadan dengan Indonesia. Malaysia borders Indonesia. Malaysia is bordered by Indonesia. Apa kau pergi ke sekolah dengan bus? Do you go to school by bus? Did you go to school by bus? Kinakaragan mo it' imo oras. You are wasting your time. You're wasting your time. Tom pergi untuk menemuimu tiga jam yang lalu. Tom left to meet you three hours ago. Tom went to see you three hours ago. Dia masih di bawah umur. She's still under age. He's still a minor. Minananggaung zosido miaga' do pinoikot. She is dressed like a bride. I'm looking for the zucchini to do the zucchini. Saya makan hot dog untuk makan siang. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I ate a hot dog for lunch. Pagraemak la unay ni Tom. I admire Tom a lot. I have a lot of respect for Tom. Ounsikou oku tu luminohou ko' doho. I'm glad you called me. I'm going to make sure that I'm able to get my hands on it. Mamain i Tom do tanak kusai dau. Tom is playing with his son. I'm going to play with my dad's dad. Awan pay asawam, saan kadi? You're single, right? You're not married, are you? Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang pintar untuk mengetahui siapa yang berkata itu. You don't have to be a genius to know who said that. You don’t have to be smart to know who said that. Nakaun ako bisan ano ayaw la iton sibuyas. I can eat anything but onions. I don't eat anything, I just don't eat anything. Koiho ko po vagu kaka i Tom mantad mangan dovokon. You know more about Tom than anyone else does. I'm going to have to take a shower and eat the zucchini. Abakenna ida. She will defeat them. He's going to destroy them. Masálá pa king kilwál. It is still light outside. It's more like King Kilal. Kau mau minum apa? What will you have to drink? What would you like to drink? Sebaiknya kamu lakukan sesuai saran saya. You'd better do what I suggest. You'd better do as I suggest. Aduh! Ouch! Wow! Awakdhéwé kabèh urip nèng bumi. We all live on planet Earth. We are all living on earth. Demi Tuhan! For God's sake! For God's sake! Aku suka membaca novel misteri. I like reading mystery novels. I love reading mystery novels. Bula håsuli iyo-ku hovercraft. My hovercraft is full of eels. It's my Hovercraft. Sila menghadiri pesta ulang tahun saya. Please attend my birthday party. Please attend my birthday party. Bisibsi anay it mga tanum san-o ka ma'mahaw. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Let's take a look at the plants before breakfast. Saya ingin naik ke puncak gunung Kitadake. I want to climb to the peak of Mount Kitadake. I want to climb to the top of Kitadake mountain. Atyú kéni ing imá mu. Your mom is here. It's here in your mouth. Salamat na lang, Tom. Thanks anyway, Tom. Thank you, Tom. Aku merasa seperti sudah dilempar ke dasar kolam. I feel like I have been thrown into the deep end of the pool. I feel like I've been thrown at the bottom of the pool. Koilo ko moginum do bahar? Do you know how to drink palm wine? Do I have to drink water? Tiliwem ni Tom. Catch Tom. You miss Tom. Mereka berkata bahwa mereka mengira saya pemalas. They said that they thought that I was lazy. They said they thought I was lazy. Sinábi mu na yan káku. You've told me that before. You've got me thinking about Kakashi. Gintungatunga niya an kamatis. She cut a tomato into slices. He picked up the tomatoes. Pria itu mengendarai mobil. That man is driving a car. The man was driving a car. Minanakau i Tom do kampi' ku. Tom stole my wallet from me. I'm going to do my math. Tom punya tangan yang besar. Tom has big hands. Tom has a big hand. Agyamanak unay! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Agpayso a nasipnget. It was really dark. It's really dark. Tabálû. I do not know. Tab<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xBB>. Éku bálung e mákáintindíng Pransés i Tom. I didn't know Tom didn't understand French. <0xC3><0x89>ku b<0xC3><0xA1>lung e m<0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xA1>innd<0xC3><0xAD>ng Frenchs i Tom. Aku menginginkan sesuatu untuk dimakan. I'd like something to eat. I want something to eat. Kita seharusnya tahu kalau Tom akan terlambat. We should've known Tom would be late. We should know that Tom's gonna be late. Saya merasa sedih tanpa alasan. I felt sad for no reason. I feel sad for no reason. Hei, Tom, kau sudah jauh lebih tinggi dibanding terakhir kali aku melihatmu. Hey, Tom, you've gotten a lot taller since I last saw you. Hey, Tom, you're a lot taller than the last time I saw you. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang Israel? What do you know about Israel? What do you know about Israel? Anda mesti buat itu sekarang. You've got to do it now. You have to do that now. Diri ako naangay mapabulig han grupo. I don't deserve to be on the team. I don't like the group's help. ¡Kumusta! Hello! <0xC2><0xA1>Hello! Menurut ramalan cuaca, besok siang akan turun hujan. The weather report says it will rain tomorrow afternoon. According to the weather forecast, tomorrow afternoon it will rain. Hiji, dua, tilu, opat, lima, genep, tujuh, dalapan, salapan, sapuluh. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, ten. Pilán la reng malápit mung kálugúran? How many close friends do you have? Is it just a matter of time? Tutô? Really? Tut<0xC3><0xB4>? Kenapa Jane pergi ke stasiun? Why did Jane go to the station? Why did Jane go to the station? Tiada Tuhan selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah utusan Allah. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Adi na hiya! She finally arrived! He's here! Håfa para un cho'gue på'go? What will you do today? What's the matter with you now? Nung izou nopo nga iziau, maan zou saat do tobuhou. If I were you, I'd paint it blue. If you're going to do it, you're going to have to do toboggan. Kalau kalimat Bahasa Eslandia punya terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggris, dan kalimat Bahasa Inggris punya terjemahan dalam Bahasa Swahili, ini akan menyediakan terjemahan Bahasa Swahili untuk kalimat Bahasa Eslandia. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. If the Dutch sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Dutch sentence. Yoko tidak mampu membeli komputer. Yoko is unable to buy a computer. Yoko couldn't afford a computer. Émuké kakálingwán! Don't forget about us! It's a memory! Mulau oku tokuri. I am a bit crazy. Mulau oku tokuri. Pané kang mágreklámu. You are always complaining. It's your bread. Siapa pemain tenis terbaik sepanjang zaman, Roger Federer atau Rafael Nadal? Who is the greatest tennis player of all time, Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal? Who is the greatest tennis player of all time, Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal? Pekerjaan sekarang sudah selesai. The work is not finished. Work is now done. Tom pingin mélu politik. Tom wanted to go into politics. Tom Ping is in politics. Umutang ako hin kwarta diri la kan Tom, pati gihapon ha iya asawa. I borrowed money not only from Tom, but from his wife, too. I borrowed money not only from Tom, but also from his wife. Opoto nopo kupi nga miagal do waig. The coffee tastes like wash water. Ooops, I'm going to have to take a shower. Hari pertama bulan Mei adalah hari libur. The first of May is a holiday. The first day of May is a holiday. Pologoso kaka isio. Ignore him. You are a phobia. Sekarang hampir jam tiga. It is almost three. It's almost three o'clock now. Kanugon gid nga nagadivorce sila. It's a pity they're getting divorced. It's like they're getting a divorce. ¿Áno kitá kahirayo tikang hiton? How far are we from it? What's so far away from it? Isai nopo amu no mungkomi nga ondos dau nopo sala dau nga abaal. Whoever shuts up when he notices he's wrong is wise. I'm sure you'll find out if you're going to get your ass kicked out of your ass. Milo' oku mongintong pogi? Can I see, too? Do you want me to take a nap? Saya suka makan nasi kuning dengan acar mentimun. I like to eat yellow rice with cucumber pickles. I like to eat yellow rice with cucumber pickles. Imposible iton pag-aram ha ura-ura nga aringasa. It's impossible to study with so much noise! It is not possible to study the slurred noise. Agyamanak. Thanks. Thank you. Dékap de. They arrested her. Decapitation of. Awan bukodna a siled a pagadalanna. He has no room to study in. He did not have his own classroom. Aku hanya ingin tahu apakah kamu memperhatikan atau tidak. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. I just want to know if you're paying attention or not. Kumoiso isio hiti'd gana'. He was a pioneer in this field. I'm going to go with Ikea and enjoy it. Métung yang bantúg a mágkantá. She is a well-known singer. I'm looking for a little bit of a mermaid. Permisi, tetapi kamu bisa bantu saya? Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, but can you help me? Simbao' itia ponguoton po zou. Please answer this question for me. I'm going to go to church to get the zucchini. Tidak sepatutnya kita memanjakan hewan peliharaan. We're not supposed to indulge pets. We shouldn't be spoiling pets. Nasirib dagiti pusa. Cats are smart. Cats are smart. Intang-intangan matu i Tom om i Mary kangku daa. I don't think Tom and Mary are careless. I'm going to say good bye to Mary. ¿Anó an nahinabô ha imo kagab-i? What happened to you last night? What happened to you at night? Di mana jasmu? Where is your coat? Where's your suit? Saya tidak menganggur I'm not unemployed. I'm not unemployed. Minanabpo oku do sada maya longon ku kosodop. I caught a big fish yesterday with my bare hands. I've been trying to figure out if I'm going to get a hang of it. Atangkangau kou goduo? Are you two busy? You're going to goo? Atíng keng gagáwan. We are doing something. At<0xC3><0xAD>ng keng gag<0xC3><0xA1>wan. Andaikan saya ada di Paris I wish I were in Paris. If I were in Paris Atín lang pamálak deng sablá. Everyone has their own opinion. I'm just looking forward to Sasquatch. Nunu ka do boros Inggilis "kaisha"? How do you say "kaisha" in English? What do you think of the word "kaisha"? Pasardengem ni Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Senang bertemu denganmu. I'm delighted to meet you. Nice to meet you. Ini alamat e-mail saya. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. ¿Nakakabaho kamu hin asú? Does anybody smell smoke? Do you have an ashtray? Dia tidak pergi ke mana-mana. He doesn't go everywhere. He didn't go anywhere. Kuwi dudu kucing, kuwi asu. That's not a cat. That's a dog. It's not a cat, it's a dog. Kami dulu saling bertetangga. We were next-door neighbors. We used to be neighbors. Maseknanak la un-unay. I'm very, very, very concerned. I'm only concerned. Kamu tampaknya belum tahu rasa dipatil lele. You apparently haven't known the pain of catfish sting. You don't seem to know the taste of catfish. Gibuhat ni Tom suma sa gibahad. Tom did as promised. Sam did what he was told to do. ¿Ano it nga tunog? What's that sound? What's that sound? Bagaimana aku bisa mengetahuinya? How could I know? How can I find out? Tana! Let's go! Tana! Gol! Goal! Goal! Ini adalah hal yang penting bagi kalian semua. This is an important thing for all of you. It's an important thing for all of you. Ému páburéng isínup ne iníng letrátu. Don't let him keep this picture. <0xC3><0x89>mu p<0xC3><0xA1>bur<0xC3><0xA9>ng is<0xC3><0xAD>nup ne in<0xC3><0xAD>ng letr<0xC3><0xA1>tu. Apa kau sudah menghabiskan makan siangmu? Have you finished your lunch yet? Have you spent your lunch? Minsingiho zosido kozo. She is deep in study. Minsingiho zosido kozo. Tom sangat suka berada di luar. Tom loves being outdoors. Tom likes to be outside. Guintapnan ak hangga ni Tom. Tom gave me the chicken pox. He nodded at me to Tom. Perpekto na ini. I think this is perfect. This is perfect. Saya suka buku-buku Harry Potter. I like the Harry Potter books. I love the Harry Potter books. Natapud hiya ha akon ngan igsusumat niya iton bisan ano ha akon. She trusted me and she would tell me anything. He came with me and told me everything. Kayatmo kadi a maammuan no asino ti nangaramid iti daytoy? Do you want to know who did this? Would you like to know who did this? Dírì ako makailob hiton nga aringása. I can't put up with that noise. I'm going to be able to endure that pain. Menyiram tumbuhan-tumbuhan. Water the plants. watering the plants. Dayta ti kapanunotan ti maysa a naglabasen a panawen. Saanen a kasta ti panagpampanunot ti agdama a henerasion. That's the mind-set of a previous time. The current generation doesn't think that way. That is the idea of a past era, and the present generation no longer thinks that way. Yinakan ni Tom dírì it' mahihitabo. Tom says that won't happen. Tom's reaction was that it would happen. Dia menolongku. She's helping me. He helped me. Bajik mai nuan sari tok. You are very pretty today. It's hard to beat the sri lanka. Fáfa'na'gue yu'. I am a teacher. I'm going to yu'. Poingkuro daa popotood oku dika? How can I make you happier? Are you going to be able to get a hold of me? Ayaw hiya patakasa. Don't let her run away. Don't let him down. Osusa' no tonoson dilo taakanon. That food's hard to digest. Osho's tone is a noun. Gigutom ka? Are you hungry? You're hungry? Tom nopo nga mononginan Mary. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom Nono is the mother of Mary. Jelas. Obviously. Clear. Núkarín ka? Where are you? You're a N<0xC3><0xBA>kar<0xC3><0xAD>n? Ang paon ginganlan og katahom, mangubit jud raba - dili matagna. The bait is called beauty, it does entice - one can never foretell. It's called "Beauty," and it's called "Judgment" - Unpredictability. Rapatnya selesai pada pukul sembilan. The meeting finished at nine. The meeting was completed at nine o'clock. Berapa lama kamu menginap? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Aku penasaran bagaimana rasanya. I wonder what it feels like. I wonder what it's like. Nikita Khrushchev ada di puncak kekuatannya. Nikita Khrushchev was at the height of his powers. Nikita Khrushchev was at the height of her power. Kao Filipino hao? Are you a Filipino? The Filipinos? Harus kada adlaw napakanhi hiya para makitaan ako. He comes to see me nearly every day. He had to come to see me every day. Kamu memiliki pendengaran yang tajam. You have very acute hearing. You have a sharp hearing. Siapa yang berkontribusi? Who contributed? Who contributed? Isai monguhup isido? Who helps her? Is it possible to get it right? Aku keciliken. I was too small. I'm small. Gai ko! Give me some! Gai ko! Burí rakáng kutnán tungkúl kang Tom. I'd like to ask you about Tom. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> kutn<0xC3><0xA1>n tung<0xC3><0xBA>l to Tom. Jangan merendahkanku. Don't patronise me. Don't demean me. Gin-obserbahan ko hiyá sakob hin dámo kabúlan. I have observed him for many months. I looked at him in a pantry. Matilah. Die. You're dead. Dia mencukur bulu ketiaknya. She shaved her armpits. He shaved his armpit hair. Kanayon nga agbuya iti TV ni Tom. Tom is always watching TV. Tom used to watch TV all the time. Tom tidak pernah mengatakan selamat tinggal. Tom never even said goodbye. Tom never said goodbye. Dili man sibo nako sa liogan ning saninaa. This shirt doesn't fit me round the neck. I don't want to get stuck in my neck of the woods. Say kaliketan ko et baleg nen say talino to. His happiness is bigger than his intellect. I am very happy that I can trust you much. Diri na iton sekreto. It's no secret. It is no longer a secret. Okey ngarud. Okay. All right, then. Masikoranak la un-unay. I'm bored to death. I was just bored. Aku ora isa teka nèng restoran karo kowé mengko bengi. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go to a restaurant with you tonight. Semuanya sama. They're all the same. It's all the same. Diri ako maaram hiton bubuhaton buwas. I don't know what to do tomorrow. I don't know what to do tomorrow. Sunod semana moabri ang bag-ong tindahan. The new store opens next week. The new store will open next week. Magaling yang mamyalung. He plays very well. It's a good one. Lihat dan pelajarilah. Just watch and learn. Look and learn. Osuusuvab zikoi doiti. We're here early. Osuusuvab zikoi doiti. Aláng lugúd king aláng anggá. Eternal love doesn't exist. The King of the Rings is an angel of light. Dia di dalam bilik air. She's in the bathroom. He's in the bathroom. Kamu tahu sesuatu tentang memperbaiki komputer? Do you know anything about fixing computers? You know something about fixing a computer? Kiusin ziaha' nga' au' ounsikou ginavo dau. He has money, but he's not happy. I'm going to go back to O'Neal's house. Terkadang ia berperilaku aneh. His behaviour is sometimes weird. Sometimes he behaves strangely. Dia homo. He is gay. He's a faggot. Bangin bata ka pa hin duro para makasabut hini. You're probably too young to understand this. You may be too young to understand this. Siapa namamu? What's your name? What's your name? Gulanya larut dalam kopi hangat. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. The sugar is soluble in warm coffee. Diri ako mailob hin waray TV. I can't live without a TV. I couldn't watch TV. Dimo kadi, aya, kagura ti aramid ni Tom a mangbukbukod iti patangan? Don't you just hate the way Tom always monopolizes the conversation? Don't you, don't you, hate Tom's act of self-serving abstinence? Saya tidak yakin apakah saya mengetahui hal ini atau tidak. I'm not sure if I knew about this or not. I’m not sure if I know this or not. Wanita itu meminum airnya. The woman drinks the water. The woman drank the water. Sejauh yang saya tahu, desas-desus itu tidak benar. To the best of my knowledge, the rumor is not true. As far as I know, the rumors are not true. Mari kita berlatih bersama-sama. Let's practice together. Let's practice together. Milo' tokou poimpanau lo. We can make it work. Milo's toy poimpanau you. Berapa banyak gambar yang kau beli? How many pictures did you buy? How many pictures did you buy? Ag ak nandiwit naq antokaman. I didn't touch anything. I didn't want to use Nate. Pagpalit didto sa tindahan ug tinapa. Buy canned fish at the store. Shop at the store and buy a cup of tea. Tsara fa, misaotra! I'm fine, thank you! Thank you, thank you! Ongoi pogihum i Tom. Go and look for Tom. Tom's got a kick out of it. Dia bekerja di pabrik. He works in a factory. He works in a factory. Buah apel tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Apples do not fall far from the tree. Lumakat na ha Boston hi Tom. Tom has left Boston already. Tom is leaving Boston. Kita beruntung, kan? We're lucky, aren't we? We're lucky, aren't we? Jam saya akurat. My watch is accurate. My clock is accurate. Osonong ilo kogunaan. It is of great use. It's good to use it. Déla nang Tom ing sablá king upísína na. Tom took everything to his office. It's the King's Hall of Fame in Sasquatch. Apa Tom tahu apa yang harus ia lakukan? Did Tom know what to do? Does Tom know what he has to do? Mawara na it adlaw niyan na alas sais tres. The sun will set tonight at 6:03. It's gone today at six o'clock. Aku mendapat nilai F di pelajaran kimia. I got an F in chemistry. I got an F in a chemistry lesson. Kuroyon po mangan nu doiti, dilo om suai po nga' amu kopunong bogia. It doesn't matter whether you do this, that, or the other thing. It's all irrelevant anyway. I'm going to have to eat a lot of food, and I'm going to make sure you're full of booze. Dia menyumbang uang dalam jumlah yang besar untuk membantu orang miskin. He contributed much money to relieving the poor. He donated large sums of money to help the poor. Owito iyolo montok doho. Bring them to me. I'm going to have to take my breath away. Burung-burung terbang di langit. Birds fly in the sky. The birds fly in the sky. Aku tidak bisa membiarkanmu melakukannya. Titik. I can't let you do that and that's all there is to it. I can't let you do it. Míminúm yang danúm i Tom. Tom is drinking water. M<0xC3><0xAD>min<0xC3><0xBA>m the dan<0xC3><0xBA>m i Tom. Nánung ínum mu? What have you taken? "Your drink? Adaka Jenny mahu pulang ke rumah? Does Jenny want to go home? Jenny wants to go home. Kereta mana yang akan kamu naiki? Which train are you going to take? Which car are you going to ride? Kákáyap ya i Tom. Tom is in recovery. Tom was pissed. Nokoompus tokou no? Are we done yet? You don't have a tofu, do you? Diri nim iton magigin salà kun iton imo anak magbuhat hin sayop: baynte-singko anyos na hiya yanâ, anó? It won't be your fault if your son does anything wrong: he is twenty-five now, isn't he? It's not your fault if your child makes a mistake: he's twenty-five years old, is it? Dika madanagan. Saan nga importante. Don't worry. It's not important. Don't worry, it doesn't matter. Beijing lebih besar daripada Rom. Beijing is bigger than Rome. Beijing is bigger than Rome. An ira maung diri sakto ha ira. Their jeans do not fit. Their behavior is not right for them. Éme sisilabán ing balé ba meng itábî ing dagís. Burn not your house to fright the mouse away. It's in the middle of a stagnant stagnant in the stagnant. Basta himuon mo la ano it ginsiring ha imo, waray gud naton magiging problema. As long as you do what you've been told, we'll have absolutely no problem. As long as you do what you're told, we'll never have a problem. Umayka a dagus ditoy. Come here at once. Come here right away. Saya jarang makan diluar. I don't often eat out. I rarely eat out. Langoyek ti taaw tapno laeng makitak manen ti isemmo. I would swim through the ocean just to see your smile again. I'm going to go to the ocean just to see your smile again. Tom sedang membuat jodoh kecil. Tom is doing a little matchmaking. Tom is making a small pair. Di suratnya tertulis kalau dia akan tiba hari Minggu besok. His letter says he'll arrive next Sunday. His letter says he will arrive on Sunday. Sesuatu yang mengerikan telah terjadi. Something horrible has happened. Something terrible has happened. Naakanan no dilo kiik ngawi tintod do muli dualai. The cake was all eaten up before I got home. I'd like to know if it's possible to do it again. Manu ko' popoilo kumaa di Tom? Do you want to tell Tom? What do you think I'm going to do with Tom? Sebelum dia datang, aku tidak bisa pergi. Until he comes, I can't go. Before he came, I couldn't leave. Anak laki-laki itu mengeluh sakit kepala. The boy complained of a headache. The boy complained of a headache. Kamu tidak pernah menyebutkan hal itu padaku. You never mentioned that to me. You never mentioned that to me. Tom mungkin bisa membantu. Tom might be able to help. Tom might be able to help. Dia berselingkuh. He was cheating. He's having an affair. Pépagáral ne ning ingkúng na. She was educated by her grandfather. It's not pepagogical, but it's not pedagogical. Umaguaiya si Nicholas yan si Maria. Nicholas and Maria love each other. Nicholas was the wife of Mary. Atangkangau oku no monikid tadau. I was busy all day. Give us daily our bread [food for the morrow]. Masu'suportahon iton kababayin-an. The women are very supportive. Women are encouraged to support them. Sangat penting untuk membaca buku. It's important to read books. It’s important to read a book. Hari ini, saya belum mendapat e-mail apapun. I haven't received any email today. I haven’t received any e-mails yet. Aku belum makan siang. I haven't eaten lunch yet. I haven't had lunch yet. Kowe aman ing kene You'll be safe here. You're safe here. Gáwan keng simplí. I'll make it simple. G<0xC3><0xA1>wan keng simpl<0xC3><0xAD>. Mangnamnama ni Tom a makitanaka inton Oktubre. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom hopes to see you in October. Belajar bahasa asing itu sulit. Studying a foreign language is hard. Learning a foreign language is difficult. Ket nakitak ti baro a langit ken ti baro a daga. And I saw the new heaven and the new earth. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. Sulit bagi pasangan tersebut untuk tinggal bersama lebih lama lagi. It is hard for the couple to live together any longer. It is difficult for the couple to stay together longer. Aiso no zikoi maan diti baino. We don't have to do this now. I don't think I'm going to be able to get in touch with Bazooka. Satu kali dalam satu bulan, aku pergi ke salon. Once a month, I go to the hairdresser. Once a month, I went to the salon. Tadau wagu no. It's a new day. Tadau wagu no. Baláku siryósu ka. I thought you were serious. My name is Siri. Sudah jam tujuh. It's already seven. It's seven o'clock. Tom mungkin tahu aku tidak menyukainya. Tom probably knows I don't like him. Tom probably knows I don't like him. Nama temanmu siapa? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Nokorikot iyau no? Has he come? It's not squishy, is it? Aku sangat ingin melihat Paris. I'm dying to see Paris. I really want to see Paris. Balámu bangúngut ing milyári king Vietnam. What happened in Vietnam was like a bad dream. Bal<0xC3><0xA1>mu is a member of the Vietnamese royal family. Ak chad er a Sina. I'm from China. I'm a chad is a sin. Hobiku adalah membaca novel. My hobby is reading novels. My hobby is reading novels. Mumang ko doho iyadaan? Do you want me to leave? Am I going to leave? Dhèwèké tak kandhani kapan olèhku mangkat. I informed her of my departure. I told him when I was leaving. Terima kasih! Thanks! Thank you! Apa yang kau lakukan itu hanya membuang-buang waktu. What you're doing is just a waste of time. What you did was a waste of time. Manu ko do sogimpasi hiri suang jiil? Do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail? What's the point of having a jigsaw? Aku membicarakan tentang pakaian dengan Aki. I talked a little to Aki about clothes. I'm talking about clothes with Aki. Hal apa yang paling menakutkan dan pernah terjadi padamu? What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you? What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Aku berhutang 10 dolar padamu. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you 10 bucks. Indi ko ini maubra tanan. I can't do all of this. I'm going to do it all. Kamu mau minum apa? What'll you have to drink? What would you like to drink? Kayat isuna ti amin. He is liked by everybody. Everyone wanted him. Sila kirimkan saya sekeping poskad. Please send me a postcard. Please send me a postcard. Au oku oilaan tu iya mongilot doho. I didn't know you were looking for me. I knew he was going to kill me. Tadinya dia akan makan malam bersama kami, tetapi tiba-tiba dia jatuh sakit. He was to have dined with us, but he became seriously sick all of a sudden. He was going to have dinner with us, but suddenly he fell ill. Tom, kada patai. Tom, don't die. Tom, it's not a scam. Dírì hirá interesado ha iba nga lingwahe. They are not interested in other languages. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> hir<0xC3><0xA1> is interested in other languages. Kayatna ti agawiden a dagus. She wanted to hurry home. He wanted to go home right away. Awanen ti mabalin a papanan. There's nowhere to go. There's nowhere to go. Naawi oku nodi do soginumu hatus Yuro sangadau. I make €100 a day. It's not like you're going to be able to beat Yuro Sangadau. Kinsay sunod? Who's next? Who's next? Masayá ku. I am happy. I'm sorry. Natiliwanna ida nga agtaktakaw iti mansanas. He caught them stealing apples. He caught them stealing an apple. Apa perbedaannya? What's the difference? What's the difference? Celanaku sangat longgar karena berat badanku turun. My pants are very loose because I've lost much weight. My pants were very loose because I lost weight. Hihirutan ko iton paggamit hiton imo libro. I will read your book with great care. I'll stop using your book. Saya tidak ingin membicarakannya lagi. I do not want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Saya sepenuhnya setuju. I agree completely. I totally agree. It kakaw puydi maging mapait. Cocoa can be very bitter. It can be bitter. Manga "One Piece" amat popular di Malaysia. The "One Piece" manga is very popular in Malaysia The manga "One Piece" is very popular in Malaysia. Nosumadan do kantang dahai iri bakas. Wild boars wiped out all our potatoes. Give us the food we need for each day. Saya tahu apa yang sedang berlaku. I know what's going on. I know what's going on. Kami sudah kehilangan tiga hari. We've already lost three days. We've lost three days. Núkarín ya ing bányu? Where is the bathroom? What's going on in b<0xC3><0xA1>nyu? Saya telah melihat seekor anjing. I have seen a dog. I saw a dog. Oihaan zou do ounsikou ginavo dioho miaga' dogo. I know they're as happy as I am. Oihaan zou do ounsikou ginavo godo miaga' dogo. Nakausa la ako singadto. I only went there once. I only went there once. Au ko' kukuro kopio gia? Are you really OK? Do you think I'm going to make it? Novel ini susah dimengerti. This novel is difficult to understand. This novel is hard to understand. Sumati ako hain an bino. Tell me where the wine is. Tell me where the wine is. Minuman ini sangat enak. This drink is very delicious. This drink is very good. Apa Anda menggunakan bahasa Inggris? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Tom juga di sana. Tom is there too. Tom was there too. Oubas yahai sabaagi do tobpinai. We're practically brothers. Greet all your leaders and all the Lord’s people. Terimakasih sudah membantuku! Thanks for helping me! Thank you for helping me! Oi Tom, nunu titiakan nu dongotuvong ti? Tom, what do you want to have for dinner? Hey Tom, what's your take on this? Burí nang Yaguatíng kákawe king ílug. Yaguatí likes swimming in the river. It's the King of the Illusion. Tidak pasti. It's not sure. Not sure. Makasih banyak. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. Adalaan om osogit. It was very cold that winter. It's an ossuary. Para iti ania daytoy? What is it for? For what is this? Tidak ada cara yang yang membuatnya yakin. Dia benar-benar bersikeras bahwa cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah adalah hanya caranya sendiri. There's no way to convince him. He absolutely insists that the only way to solve the problem is his way. There is no way that makes him sure. He really insists that the way to solve the problem is just his own way. Sementara itu, dia mulai menangis. In the meantime, she began to cry. Meanwhile, she began to cry. Karuyag mo kita la iton mag-estorya? Do you want to speak privately? Do you just want to talk about it? Kupu-kupu ini langka di negara kami. These butterflies are rare in our country. These butterflies are rare in our country. Ini hari kita su pake doi saratus dolar. I spent 100 dollars today. Today we're going to spend hundreds of dollars. Aku adalah manusia. I'm a human being. I'm human. Mapékat ing Natto. Natto is sticky. It's based on Natto. Inlatak ni Tom ti amin. Tom told us everything. Tom made it all famous. Kaylángan keng gáwan iní ngéni. I've got to do this now. It's all in the name of Inuyasha. Debatnya berlanjut. The debate is continuing. The debate continues. Wanita lebih cerdas ketimbang pria. Women are cleverer than men. Women are smarter than men. Aku bertemu Tom malam ini. I met Tom tonight. I met Tom tonight. Kau ini keras kepala seperti bagal! Sekali saja, akuilah kalau dia benar. You are as stubborn as a mule! For once, accept that she is right. You're as stubborn as a mule! Saya tinggal di sini sejak lama. I have lived here for a long time. I've lived here a long time. Méte ya nápun. He died yesterday. It's a mete. Malidayanak para iti amin a maseknan. I'm sad for everyone concerned. I'm lonely for everyone who cares. Ada yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda? Can I do anything for you? Is there anything I can do for you? Asino ti nagpukaw? Who vanished? Who's been missing? aku mencintaimu I love you. I love you May áda gud iba pa. There's definitely something else. There are a lot of others. Maaf, boleh awak ulang? Sorry, could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry, can you repeat? Dírì ako mag-aaro. I won't ask. I'm going to make love. Manao ahoana ianao! Good morning! How can you do it! Ketika ditantang untuk mengucapkan "shibboleth", Christopher Columbus mengucapkannya dengan sangat sempurna, ia pun langsung diakui sebagai pemimpin baru dari pasukan pribumi. When challenged to pronounce "shibboleth", Christopher Columbus did it in such a perfect way, that he was instantly recognized as the new leader of the natives' army. When challenged to say "shibboleth", Christopher Columbus uttered it perfectly, he was immediately recognized as the new leader of the indigenous forces. Ania ti panggep ti panagbiahem? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? Arahabaina! Congratulations! Arahabaina! Diri ko gud nahihinumduman. I don't really remember. I don't remember at all. Saya suka musik dan juga melukis. I like music, but I also like paintings. I love music and painting. Kasano kasansan a sumarsarungkarka idiay Kyoto? How often did you visit Kyoto? How often do you visit Kyoto? Må'o yu'. I'm thirsty. M<0xC3><0xA5> yu'. ¿Kay ano waray mo it igyakán ha iya? Why didn't you tell her that? Why didn't you tell him? Nakakallugong isuna iti nangisit. She was wearing a black hat. He wore a black hat. Semuanya sangat murah. Everything's very cheap. Everything is very cheap. Ba, nokoilo' ko' baino. Well, now you know. I know, I know, I know, I know. Milo' oku monuduk diya poingkuro ma momolugu do piza. I can teach you how to bake a pizza. Let me make it known, as I ought to speak. Mas maupay kun mahuyo ka la ngada. You'd better stand back. You'd be better off if you'd just stay away. Mulau nopo lisih. Love is crazy. It's called NOOOOO. Kembalilah sekarang. Come back now. Come back now. Bayaran ku ndo nunu. I'll pay you for everything. I'm going to pay for Nino. Kami punya banyak roti. Sementara mentega, kami punya lebih dari cukup. We have a lot of bread. In terms of butter, we have more than enough. We've got a lot of bread, while butter, we've got more than enough. New York adalah sebuah kota yang besar. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Tom menjadi buta. Tom became blind. Tom was blind. Dimengerti! Roger! Got it! Alayon sidnga hiyá nga dírì kumuruo. Please ask her not to shout. Please tell him to take a shower. Yoko pergi berbelanja kemarin. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko went shopping yesterday. Håyi nå'ån-mu? What's your name? What's your name? Pamitlah pada teman-temanmu. Say goodbye to your friends. Leave it to your friends. Kita dapat banyak hujan musim panas ini. We have had a lot of rain this summer. We got a lot of rain this summer. Monuduk i Gundoling Jones dahai kaka o pibabarasan boros Inggilis. Mr Jones teaches us English conversation. We're going to teach you how to spell the word "Jennifer" in English. Stasiun kereta ada di mana? Where's the train station? Where is the train station? Saya harus pergi ke kamar mandi. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. Saya sakit gigi. I've got a toothache. I have a toothache. May usá nga tinawag ha íra. Someone called them. It's called Ira. Tidak. Nay. No, no. Jangan bazirkan masa awak dengan sia-sia. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time in vain. Kokito no karaato disio do songinlisok ngawi mantad dilo hodi majala. The magazine revealed all his dirty secrets. It's a great way to get rid of the dichotomous sludge from the sludge. Saya akan menghubungi kembali dalam 20 menit. I'll call back in twenty minutes. I'll call you back in 20 minutes. Kao guaha patgon-miyu? Do you have a child? Would you have a child? Tumuktok hiyá ha purtahán. She knocked on the door. He grinned at the purgatory. Asino ti nangaramid iti daytoy? Who built this? Who did this? Di la mabalin nga ibagam no kasano nga aramiden daytoy? Could you please tell me how to do this? You just can't tell how to do this? Beginilah cara dia memperoleh banyak uang. This is how he earned so much money. This is how he made a lot of money. Jangan sungkan untuk meminta saran. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice. Kaylángan kung múlî báyu dálumdúm. I have to get home before it gets dark. It's a good thing that you're going to have to go to the morgue. Jepun memainkan peranan penting dalam mempromosikan keamanan dunia. Japan plays an important role in promoting world peace. Japan plays an important role in promoting world peace. Para pengendara harus memperhatikan rambu lalu lintas. Drivers have to attend to the traffic signal. Riders should pay attention to traffic signs. Nokuo tu nohobusan nu mantad do sikul? Why did they kick you out of school? Is this the one that's out of the way? Bassit ti butom. Your penis is small. You have a small butt. Nangala iti libro manipud iti estante. He took a book off the shelf. He took a book from the shelf. Oh, benarkah? Oh, really? Oh, really? Kuharap aku tidak mengganggumu. I hope I didn't interrupt you. I hope I don't bother you. Penolakan itu menyakitkan. Rejection hurts. Rejection is painful. Kemarin telah terjadi kecakaan didepan rumah saya. There was a traffic accident in front of the house yesterday. Yesterday there was a mess in front of my house. Mati! Die! Dead! Naglamano hira. They shook hands with each other. They shook hands. Sebuah batu besar muncul ke permukaan laut. A big rock rose out of the sea. A large rock appeared to the surface of the sea. King palagé ku ménákít kung takláng batwín. I think I've found a meteorite. The King of the Rings is the King of Bats. Anda membutuhkannya. You need it. You need it. Kamu pasti lelah. You must be tired. You must be tired. Maan oku sondiri do tinu. I'll be on my own. I'm going to make my own. Hombuso noo. Just go for it. Homobuso noo. Au zosido mimang basaan do buuk kozo. She was not in the mood for serious books. It's like the zucchini has a hair cut. Sána ékuná sinábi kang Tom itá. I wish I'd never told Tom that. S<0xC3><0xA1>na <0xC3><0xA9>kun<0xC3><0xA1> told Tom it<0xC3><0xA1>. Saanakon nga aglibas. I'll never run away again. I'm not escaping anymore. Umabot pala an tren nganhi. The train has just arrived here. The train was coming. Bangun! Wake up! Wake up! Kaylángan ku nang matudtúd. I have to go to bed. It's a word that I said. Mongoi oku hilo'd sikul jaam koturu. I go to school at seven. I'm from MongoDB and I'm in the middle of a craigslist. Daerah jajahan itu masih belum menyatakan kemerdekaannya. The colony has not declared independence as yet. The region has yet to declare its independence. Kami mendiskusikan rencana itu kemarin. We discussed the plan yesterday. We discussed the plan yesterday. Iti nopo nga lasor tokuat. This is a powerful laser. I'm in nostalgia for the lasagna. Ingkuro po sanggalas kupi kio? How about another cup of coffee? What's up with the kiwi? Iumo nunu naantakan. Find out what happened. You've got your tummy tucked away. Bolehkah saya melihat kupon Anda? May I see your claim tags? Can I see your coupon? Tandas dimana? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Tom adalah seorang temanku. Tom is a friend of mine. Tom is a friend of mine. Ini merupakan idenya. Dia membuatku melakukannya. It was her idea. She made me do it. It's his idea, he made me do it. Pinapatayna ti bagina iti edadna a tallopulo. He killed himself at the age of thirty. He killed himself at the age of thirty. Kotoluadan do manahak taakanon. Thank you for lunch. There are three types of eating. Gapu ta Domingo, saanak a nagriing a nasapa. It being Sunday, I didn't get up early. Because it's Sunday, I don't wake up early. Nánung burí mu? What do you want? Do you want to see your burrito? Apakah Anda memiliki asuransi jiwa? Do you have life insurance? Do you have life insurance? Ketika ia berada di Los Angeles, ia memiliki setidaknya enam pekerjaan yang berbeda. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When he was in Los Angeles, he had at least six different jobs. Kopisoomo kio. See you there. Kopisoomo kio. Binuligan ak' ni Tom pamiling han dálan pagkánhi. Tom helped me find my way here. Tom helped me find the way to go. Mas kalugurán daká késâ kayá. I love you more than him. There's more to it than just being a slut. Hobi ginumu' do osupu' (o'uug) maza' do sambayang ko' ii otoinipi do pomogunan diti. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. And again he prayed, and the heaven gave rain, and the land brought forth its fruit. Yoho nopo nga i Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm with Tom Hunter. Adda napintas a dan-aw iti sakaanan ti turod. At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake. There is a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. Mary suka bersantai di tamannya di dekat danau yang tenang. Mary likes to relax in her garden by a quiet lake. Mary loves to relax in her garden near a quiet lake. Insodu oku mantad dilo hodi. Get that thing off of me. I've been thinking about the hodgepodge. Maaram ako kun tipakain ini. I know where this is leading. I know I'm going to eat this. Ápakán no kayá deng gúle na. She got him to eat his vegetables. I'll be sure to check it out if it's a bug. Mamason i dukutur kumaa di tama ku do tingkodon momungkus. The doctor advised my father to give up smoking. I'm going to try and get my kudos in the right place. Abáyan me i Tom kéning kwártu. Stay with Tom in this room. I'm going to go get my knickers. Alá yang tuknángan i Tom. Tom doesn't have a home. I'm going to kill Tom. Saya bukan siswa. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Sebuah tembok api akan menjamin keselamatan Internet. A firewall will guarantee Internet security. A wall of fire will ensure the safety of the Internet. Nunu apatut o owitan ku? What should I bring? Do you want to make a donation or an offer? Aku hanya ingin bilang aku cinta padamu I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just wanted to say I love you. Apay nga inaramidmo ti kastoy kaniak? Why did you do this to me? Why did you do something like this to me? Tom harus membersihkan kamarnya. Tom had to clean his room. Tom had to clean his room. Tom berlari ke danau. Tom ran down to the lake. Tom ran into the lake. Kurasa sudah waktunya bagiku menyisihkan sedikit waktu untuk bersama dengan anak-anakku. I think it's time for me to spend a little time with my children. I think it's time for me to set aside a little time to be with my kids. Tom menangis. Tom cried. Tom is crying. Nokuro tu minuhot nu dii? Why do you ask? What's the minimum number of minutes? Kamu akan ada di konser malam ini ? Will you be at the concert tonight? You're gonna be at the concert tonight? Intayon! Let's go! Take it! Kita pigi nae speda for pigi karja pagi-pagi. This morning, I bicycled to work. We're off to the gym early in the morning. Dia pergi ke sana musim panas lalu. She went there last summer. He went there last summer. Karuyag ko it pakig-eristorya ha mga tawo. I love talking to people. I want to talk to people. Pinoposikap i Tom om i Mary do vazaan haang. Tom and Mary hurried up the steps together. I'm going to go with Mary Vazaan Haang. Apa ada sesuatu di atas lantai? Is there anything on the floor? Is there anything on the floor? Ti agpayso ket awan isuna idiay. The truth is that she was not there. The truth is that he wasn't there. Dick telah mengalami kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Dick had a traffic accident. Dick has had a traffic accident. Malakat gihap ak. I'm going, too. I'm still walking. Saya kehilangan dompet saya. I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Ayanna dagiti kutsilio? Where are the knives? Where are the knives? Terus kenapa? Then what? Then why? Cepat, atau kita akan ketinggalan keretanya. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Aku berterima kasih padamu. I'm grateful to you. I thank you. Tom ada di dok. Tom is on the dock. Tom's in the doc. Saya telah mencoba semuanya namun gagal lagi. I have tried everything but failed again. I tried everything but failed again. Saya adalah seorang siswa. I am a student. I was a student. Ibu saya mengalami kesembuhan sepenuhnya dari neuralgia. My mother made a complete recovery from neuralgia. My mother had a complete recovery from neuralgia. Dapat ginbubuligan nimo hi Tom. You should be helping Tom. You've got to help Tom. Aku takut kucing. I'm scared of cats. I'm scared of cats. Mamakai zi Tom do tupi. Tom is wearing a hat. Mamakai zi Tom do tupi. Mari kita melakukannya sekarang. Let's do this now. Let's do it now. Zi Tom nopo sakag nga i Boston miampai hongkod taahom idsuang mogiigizon diti. Tom was a native of Boston with deep roots in the community. Zi Tomo nods to Boston, where he's seen the beauty of the city. Pinakitaandak iti adu a nagpipintas a retrato. They showed me a lot of beautiful photos. They showed me a lot of beautiful pictures. Ingkakat no! Stand up! It's not English! Bísan pa umuran, magmulay la gihapon hiyá hin golf. Even if it rains, he'll play golf. When it's raining, he's still playing golf. Gibilanggo si Tom. Tom was taken into custody. Tom was in prison. Alilán de. They will change it. Alil<0xC3><0xA1>n de. Cobalah untuk tidak menangis. Try to keep from crying. Try not to cry. Dia telah mengajar musik selama 30 tahun. She taught music for thirty years. He has been teaching music for 30 years. Ini tidak fakultatif. It isn't optional. It's not facultative. Pemburu tersebut menembak seekor beruang. The hunter shot a bear. The hunter shot a bear. Omulok oku mantad dau apat toun. I am four years younger than him. I've got four towels. Lumonit no mato disio om mimomuraha id todung dau nogi. His eye was swollen and his nose was bleeding. “And when the blade sprouted and bore fruit, then the darnel also appeared. Aku baru saja selesai sarapan. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. Waray nimo iba nga kakadtuan. You can't go anywhere. You don't have any other options. Tom rak luwèh-luwèhan, ta? Tom is careless, isn't he? It's all about Tom Cruise, isn't it? Apa yang sedang kamu pikirkan? What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? Masapul nga agan-annadtayo. We must be careful. We need to be careful. Pesawat itu menyimpang dari jalur. The plane wandered off course. The plane deviated from the path. Prancis tu maso negara Eropa Barat. France is a Western European country. France is a Western European country. Masyádung dilikádu. It is too risky. Masy<0xC3><0xA1>dung dilik<0xC3><0xA1>du. Masalah ini bermula dari kesalahpahaman. This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding. The problem starts with a misunderstanding. Akankah kamu mati? Are you going to die? Will you die? Au oku songkuro oilaan dilo kaantakan. I'm not sure that's the case. I'm going to try to figure out the trouble. Au oku kumaraja do togumu timpu miagal do karaja di Tom. I don't work as many hours a day as Tom does. I'm the king of yours as the king of Tom. Hujan ini nampaknya tidak akan berhenti. It doesn't seem like it's going to stop raining. The rain doesn't seem to stop. Ya, itu bisa diselesaikan dengan mudah. Yes, it can be done very easily. Yes, it can be solved easily. Kembali ke tempat dudukmu! Go back to your seat. Get back to your seat! Mary itu bukan pacarku. Mary isn't my girlfriend. Mary's not my girlfriend. Tidak perlu khawatir, percayalah padaku. Don't worry, you can trust me. No need to worry, trust me. Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan yang lain. I'm looking for another job. I'm looking for another job. Diri ako nakakabasa. I can't read. I can't read. Dili akoy nagpatapot anang libro mo. I am not the one who put paste on your book. I didn't write your book. Kivaa miapid tondu nu? Do you have a twin sister? What's your take on Toby? Mary adalah gadis yang enak diajak bicara. Mary is a girl who is pleasant to talk with. Mary was a nice girl to talk to. Bagaimana cinta dapat mencintai cinta? How can love love love? How can love love love? Nabayagen nga agmaymaysaak. I've been alone for a long time. I've been alone for a long time. Hangadon zou diau. I miss you. Hangadon zou autu. Dayta la kadi ti amin nga adda? Is that really all there is? Is that all there is? Nakapudpudot ti kalgaw iti Kyoto. Summers are very hot in Kyoto. Summer is very hot in Kyoto. Kami sedang belajar keras untuk peperiksaan. We are studying hard in preparation for the exams. We're studying hard for exams. Todȗ taotåguě man mafa'nyågŏ librě jzan manačaigua mamiresě respetȗ jzan tininas. Man manå'ě abilidåt rason jzan kunsiensa jza ufan átråta unŏ jzan otrȗ kȗmŏ mohon manye'lŏ. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Tod<0xC4><0x97> tat<0xC3><0xA5>gu<0xC4><0x9B> also called k<0xC4><0x81>t<0xC3><0xA0>gu<0xC4><0x9B> <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x90><0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xE1><0xBB><0xA9>c <0xC4><0x9B>i<0xE1><0xBB><0x8D>i. Simmangpet iti Japon dua a tawenen ti napalabas. He came to Japan two years ago. He arrived in Japan two years ago. Tom duduk dan menyilangkan kakinya. Tom sat down and crossed his legs. Tom sat down and crossed his legs. Endang tekaa. Come at once. Take a guess. Pomohoovon do pogun Sipanyol nopo do boos Sipanyol nga "España". Spain is called "España" in Spanish. Pomohoovon do pogun Sipanyol nobo do boos Sipanyol "Spain". Jangan disusahkan apa yang mudah. Don't make hard what's easy. Don't worry about what's easy. Aku tidak bisa menaikkan lengan kananku. I can't raise my right arm. I can't raise my right arm. Makásáup la. They can help. Just Mak<0xC3><0xA1>s<0xC3><0xA1>up. It opisina puno hin magkarit nga mga tawo. The office is full of competent people. The office is full of people. Siguro ket masapul a panawannak nga agmaymaysa. Maybe you should leave me alone. Maybe he should leave me alone. Nama saya Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Diri malipayun hi Tom han natabu. Tom is very unhappy about what has happened. Tom was not pleased with what had happened. Nagtrabaho ni Tom. Tom worked. Tom worked. Saya akan balik besok, kalau mungkinlah. I'll be back by tomorrow, if possible. I'll be back tomorrow, if possible. Pahalipay! Congratulations! Congratulations! Ánay - may-ada tawo ha may purtahán. Just a moment - there's someone at the door. There's a guy in the purgatory. Aku harap para perempuan menganggapku tampan seperti Tom. I wish girls found me as attractive as they find Tom. I hope the girls think I'm as handsome as Tom. Kebanyakan orang Inggris konservatif. Most Englishmen are conservative. Most British people are conservative. Kinahanglan ni Tom nga buligan hiya hin iba. Tom needs somebody to help him. Tom needs someone else to help him. Walay sad-an sa nahitabo. It was nobody's fault. No one was at fault for what happened. Anto so ngaran mo? What is your name? What's your name? Diri ako makikig-estorya haim dinhi. Uraura ka delikado. I can't talk to you here. It's too dangerous. I'm not going to talk to you here, you're dangerous. Berapa banyak waktu yang kau butuhkan? How much time will you need? How much time do you need? JIhan deng Apita baku ade-kaka. Jihan and Apita are siblings. I've heard that you're a fan of A-Z. Iya lo? Is it yours? Are you? Tom ngéwangi akèh. Tom helped a lot. Tom helped a lot. "Pinoy" ang tawag sa mga Pilipino sa ilang kaugalingon. Filipinos call themselves "Pinoy". The Filipinos call themselves "Pinoy." ¿Púydi ka makaéstorya? Can I have a moment with you? Do you want to talk? Aku cuma bercanda. I am just kidding. I'm just kidding. Tom sedang bermain violin sekarang. Tom is playing the violin now. Tom is playing violin now. Alii! Hello! Alii! Aku tak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak tertawa. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I can't help not to laugh. Diak kayat ti agbibiag nga agbabbabawi gapu iti daytoy. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to live a life of regret for this. Ému sasabián kayá. Don't tell him. He said to Kayla. Modagan ni. This will run. It's going to run. Apa pendapat anda tentang rancangan ini? What do you think about this plan? What do you think of this plan? Aku melihatmu berkendara melewati rumahku pagi ini. I saw you driving by my house this morning. I saw you drive past my house this morning. Sabián mu kékamí ing éganáganá. You're going to tell us everything. You're in the middle of a stagnant. Ada aer situ? Is there water there? There's an aer there? Apa kita perlu mendiskusikannya? Do we need to discuss it? Do we need to discuss it? Suaminya kaya. His husband is rich. Her husband is rich. Poingizon zou po doid hamin ku mooi do kavasa undoongon. I stayed home so I could rest. Poingizon zou po doid hamin ku mooi do kavasa undongon. Say China et mas baleg nen say Japan. China is much bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Koongoi ko yahai id suab totuong dii? Are we still on for tomorrow night? What do you think of the I.T.I.? Bersiap. Be prepared. Get ready. Siou tu ahambat zou, nga kivaa kalalaja ku ginumuan. I'm sorry I am late, but there's been a lot of work to do. Siou tu ahambat zou, which kivaa kalalaja kubuntu. Tom berkata dia dapat menunggu lama. Tom says he can wait a long time. Tom said he could wait a long time. Saya duduk di sini. I am sitting here. I'm sitting here. Bukan cuma aku saja yang berpikir bahwa Tom bukanlah orang yang baik. I'm not the only one here who thinks Tom isn't a nice guy. I'm not the only one who thinks Tom's not a good guy. Au isido kavasa kuukuamaon tu nohoing kozo i zapa ku. My father is so old that he can't work. I've been trying to get my hair wet from my hair. Setiap pencapaian besar pernah dianggap mustahil. Every great achievement was once considered impossible. Every great achievement has ever been considered impossible. Tom seneng njogèd. Tom loves to dance. Tom likes to play. Yoku nopo nga kusai. I am a man. Yoko is a noob. Okuro-kuro daa toruol lo? How bad is the pain? What's your tortoise? Seseorang pasti meninggalkan jendela dalam keadaan terbuka. Somebody has left the window open. Someone must have left the window open. Waray ako kulbaa ha iya. I never had to worry about her. I wasn't nervous about him. Aku tidak akan menjual pohon rimbun ini. I won't sell this tree shade. I'm not going to sell this lush tree. Kapan kamu mulai pakai lensa? When did you start wearing contacts? When did you start wearing lenses? Buenas dihas. Good morning. good there. Poopio ilo rinomos id labus. Put the garbage outside. Poopio ilo rinomos id labus. ¿Waráy kaso ha imo kun bumulig akó? Would you mind if I help? Is there a problem with you, or do you want to help? Abalantas boroson nu nga pamadawot nu au sumongkuro tosonong. Your accent's good, but your pronunciation's a little bit off. It's a waste of money to buy a ton of towels. May tigom ugma. There is a meeting tomorrow. There will be a meeting tomorrow. Avasi kozo i'. It was really good. I'm going to open Kozo. Kita tau. I know. We know. Sigí, mangísnáwa kang malámam. Now, take a deep breath. Sigh, you're going to be pissed off. Program pajak Presiden Reagan tidak berfungsi. President Reagan's tax program has not worked. President Reagan's tax program didn't work. Maukah kamu tinggal di sini sementara? Will you stay here for a while? Will you stay here for a while? Atín kang páyntunán? Are you looking for somebody? Are you going to p<0xC3><0xA1>yntun<0xC3><0xA1>n? Tom mengenakan salah satu baju milik John. Tom put on one of John's shirts. Tom was wearing one of John's clothes. Bapakku nèng endi? Where's my father? Where's my father? Ana sing nang kono. Someone's there. Some were there. Notinggorudan do walai kosodop. The house was struck by lightning yesterday. It's a noun cosy. Dia memberitahu saya rahsianya. She told me her secret. He told me his secret. Ihumo taakanon montok tokou. Get us something to eat. I'm going to eat my toenails. Dia sedang lari She is running. He's running. Kanou moginum miampai do pakaraja tondu tolumis tokou! Let's drink to our charming hostess! A widow who is really in need is one who doesn't have any relatives. Napateg a lengguahe ti Griego ken Latin. Isu nga ad-adalek dagitoy. Greek and Latin are useful languages. That's why I study them. Greek and Latin are important languages, so I study them. Aku terkena flu berat. I've caught a bad cold. I got the flu. E lumbát misáne kang mámangán pámangán Apón. You'll soon get used to eating Japanese food. E lumb<0xC3><0xA1>t mis<0xC3><0xA1>ne that m<0xC3><0xA1>mang<0xC3><0xA1>n p<0xC3><0xA1>mang<0xC3><0xA1>n Ap<0xC3><0xB3>n. Aku terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu di depan komputerku. I spend too much time in front of my computer. I spend too much time in front of my computer. Tsy dia tsara. Not so well. He's not good. Maaf, berapa harga sweter ini? Excuse me, how much is this sweater? Sorry, how much is this sweater? Songian uhion daamin nu? When will you come back home? The song is sung by us. ¿Naano an imo pag-aram hit German? How did you learn German? What's your take on the German language? Kinsay misulti? Who talked? Who's speaking? Pohon dikenali melalui buahnya. A tree is known by its fruits. The tree is known by its fruit. Maaf membuatmu menunggu begitu lama. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. Kukira dia sakit. I thought he was sick. I thought he was sick. Aku mendengar suara teriakan. I heard yelling. I heard a scream. Mongoi oku hilo'd supping. I'm going to the mall. Mongoi oku'd supping. Hari Sabtu tidak perlu pergi ke kantor. I do not need to go to the office on Saturday. You don’t have to go to the office on Saturday. Telfon tu bahasa Jerman bilang apa? What is the German for 'telephone'? What's the German word for? Saya akan bermain tenis. I am going to play tennis. I'm going to play tennis. Ilakok ti balayko. I'm going to sell my house. I sold my house. Bulan adalah satu-satunya satelit bumi. The moon is the earth's only satellite. The moon is the only satellite of the Earth. Apa kau serius dengan apa yang kau katakan? Do you mean what you say? Are you serious about what you're saying? Saya harap dia bisa membantuku. I hope he can help you. I hope he can help me. Coba saya lihat daftar itu. Let me see that list. Let me look at that list. Buat apa? For what? What do you do? Mahihiara ka nala hiton pag-ukoy nga ikaw la. Soon you'll get used to living by yourself. You can live on your own. Moadto na ko. I want to go. I'm going to go. Hinonggo tadon nu? Where do you come from? Don't you take a look? Sigúru masantíng nung awsán me. Maybe you'd better call him. I'm going to get my ass kicked out of my ass. Ini tidak cukup. This isn't enough. It's not enough. Aglemlemmeng ni Tom iti kabambantayan. Tom was hiding in the mountains. Tom is hiding in the mountains. Apa Ken di rumah kemarin? Was Ken at home yesterday? Was Ken at home yesterday? Mari kita lakukan dengan caramu. Let's do it your way. Let's do it your way. Dako an libro. The book is big. The book is great. Naruruyag ako pagpyano. I like playing the piano. I'd love to be a cheater. Kita mesti bersedia untuk menerima akibat perbuatan kita sendiri. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action. We must be willing to accept the consequences of our own actions. Saya tidak mengerti bagaimana bisa Anda menolak ini. I don't see how you can ignore this. I don't understand how you can resist this. Kinahanglanon mo la gihapon hin bulig. You still need help. You still need help. Kendalikan dirimu! Control yourself! Control yourself! Dika madanagan. Maysaak a doktor. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. Gasi ko magkakaadà hi akó hin laín nga higayón pagbúhat hitón. I thought I'd have another chance to do that. I'm going to try to get a lasagna with a squeegee. Saankonton a pulos a makita pay ni Tom. I'll never see Tom again. I'll never see Tom again. ¿Anó an iya ginbúhat? What has he done? What did he do? Adda kadi met la dagiti saksi? Were there any witnesses? Are there any witnesses? Naon ieu? What's this? What's this? E maybúg manígáral i Tom. Tom doesn't feel like studying. Tom may have been a jerk. Balikkan badanmu. Turn on your back. Turn your body. Apa nama restoran itu? What was the name of that restaurant? What's the restaurant's name? Ayaw pagtápod hit ibá. Don't rely on others. Don't hit the iMac. Mobalik ra ko dayon. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Tom dibunuh Mary. Tom was murdered by Mary. Tom killed Mary. Wilujeng wengi! Good night! Good night! Unod iton hin yatot. It's rat meat. It's a weed. Pas kita mu makang tu kita cuci tangan kamuka. I wash my hands before a meal. When we wash our hands, we wash your hands. Dia pe password tu "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". He's pe password is "Muiriel". Au oku koilo. I don't know. I know I know. Ti bannuar ket adda kenka. A hero lies within you. The hero is with you. Atín kang sinábi kayá? Did you say anything to him? Do you want to see Kayla? Kun mabubuhi ako utro, karuyag ko magin-musikero. If I could live again, I would like to be a musician. If I want to live again, I want to be a musician. Siguradoak a naawatan ti amin. I'm sure everyone understood. I'm sure everyone understood. Aku melihatnya pada sebuah majalah. I saw it in a magazine. I saw it in a magazine. Maldaanganak. I feel blue. I'm depressed. Kemacetan lalu lintas menyebabkanku terlambat untuk meeting/pertemuan. The traffic jam caused me to be late for the meeting. The traffic jam caused me to be late for a meeting/meeting. Nitubag ko. I answered. I answered. Mereka telah merancang percutian pertama mereka. They planned their first vacation. They planned their first trip. Ingkuro no oku milo' monguhup Tom? How can I help Tom? Do you think I'm going to kill Tom? Isai minogolimut dahai? Who betrayed us? Do you think we're going to get wet? Aku sangat suka lagu ini. I love this song. I really like this song. Kita mu perbaiki ruma itu. I'd like to renovate the house. We'll fix that rum. Aku tahu di mana kau ingin berada. I know where you want to be. I know where you want to be. Sudah berapa lamakah awak mempelajari bahasa Kadazan? How long have you been studying the Kadazan language? How long have you been learning the Kadazan language? Dazanak zosido no. She was just kidding. I'm not the Zodiac. Aku lupa menutup pintunya. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. Oubas oku mooi akan do taakanon id jam 2 satanga. I usually have a snack around 2:30. I'm going to do my id at 2 o'clock. Pinosimbanan nu ditia? You changed it? What do you love? Upus zou diau dovokon. I love you more than anyone else. Upus zou autu dovokon. Waray pagbali ni Tom kan Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom didn't change Mary. Dia senyum She smiled. She smiles. Saya tak perlukan apa-apa. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Salámat king úsuk, Tom. Thanks for the advice, Tom. The King of Pop, Tom. Pino it' íya panggios nga babayi. She is a very refined lady. It's a woman's odyssey. Jika John telefon pada saya, sila beritahu dia saya akan balik pada pukul tujuh. If John phones me, please tell him I'll be back by seven o'clock. If John calls me, please tell him I'll be back at seven. Aldó'ldó yang mágobra pwéra neng Duminggú. Excepting Sundays he works every day. Ald<0xC3><0xB3>'ld<0xC3><0xB3> is more of a workaholic than the Dumingg<0xC3><0xBA>. Dia tidak akan pernah memaafkanku. She will never forgive me. He will never forgive me. Aiso isai-isai nopo minokitingkod, ka di Tom. Tom said no one was fired. I'm sure you'll find me in Tom's room. Pahulay ta didto sa may gardin imbes nga sa balay. Let's take a rest in the garden instead of indoors. Let's stay at the gardin instead of at home. I tulun no koilo mongirak ko tayam do suai. Man is the only animal that laughs. I'm sure you'll find a way to get your hair wet. Ulah sieun. Don't be afraid. Don't be shy. Soromin mato' ku lo hodi? Are those my glasses? Do you want to see your eyes light up? Ngatanan maaram nga nagpakasal la iton hiya agi hiton iya salape. Everybody knows she married him for his money. Everyone knew that he was only married through his chalice. Apa yang membuat ini begitu berbeda? What makes this so different? What makes this so different? Selama musim dingim aku tidur dengan dua lembar selimut. During winter I sleep with two blankets. During the dingim season I slept with two sheets of blankets. Dírì na hiyá awdunon nga batà sugad han una. He is not the shy boy he used to be. It's a bit like the first batch. Iti dalanko nga agawid, nakasabatak iti napintas a balasang. On my way home, I met a beautiful lady. On the way home, I met a beautiful girl. Aku ingin mati! I want to die! I want to die! Dia menyelesaikan setiap tugas yang pernah diambilnya. He's finished every task he's ever taken up. He completed every task he ever took. Guinbuhat ni Tom an ámo para ha iya. Tom does what's right for him. Tom did the amo for her. Kugihan si tatay. Dad is a hard worker. My father was hardworking. Nakaaruat isuna iti asul a bado. She is wearing a blue dress. She was dressed in blue. Balámu kasíng-idád me ing anák a laláki bandá karín. That boy over there looks about the same age as you. I'm in the middle of a lanky band. Kapan Anda pulang ke rumah? When are you going home? When did you get home? Hinonggo kinosusuon nu? Where were you born? What's your take on it? Kamu pernah pergi ke Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Kadangkala, kuharap aku dapat berjalan tepat pada masanya, dan bertemu kembali pada masa masih kecil. Sometimes, I wish I can walk through timely, and meet the back was still a child. Sometimes, I wish I could walk in time, and meet again in childhood. Dia sedang melukis sebuah gambar. He is painting a picture. He's painting a picture. Makanlah sesuatu. Eat something. Eat something. Makanan Korea biasanya sangat pedas. Korean food is generally very hot. Korean food is usually very spicy. Semir sepatumu sebelum pergi ke luar. Shine your shoes before going out. Smirnoff your shoes before going outside. Kákawé ya i Tom. Tom is swimming. It was Tom. Aku ora isa lunga. I couldn't go. I couldn't go. Kami tidak benar-benar melihat kecelakaan itu. We didn't actually see the accident. We didn't really see the accident. Kata-kataku memicu kemarahannya. My words provoked her to anger. My words sparked his anger. Dorang bauni tifi? Do they watch TV? The name of the Tifi? Aku cuma tidak punya banyak waktu. I just don't have much time. I just don't have much time. Profesor memberi yang memberi kuliah membosankan membuatku tertidur. The professor's boring lecture put me to sleep. The professor giving that boring lecture put me to sleep. "Salámat." "Aláng nánu namán." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Sal<0xC3><0xA1>mat." "Al<0xC3><0xA1>ng n<0xC3><0xA1>nu nam<0xC3><0xA1>n." Aku memberi Tom perintah langsung, tapi dia tidak mengacuhkannya. I gave Tom a direct order, but he ignored it. I gave Tom a direct order, but he ignored him. Baton iton ha iya surat. It's an answer to her letter. The answer is in his letter. Noimbuhai no hisun. Smoke appeared. Noambuhai no hisun. Magandad zikoi do buut piipio jaam nodi. We were waiting for the boat for many hours. It's a good idea to make a nod to Noddy. Aku sangat suka rasanya semangka. I love the taste of watermelon. I really like the taste of watermelon. Pergi bersama Tuhan! Go with God! Go with God! Poingizon zou doiho id Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. Poingizon zou doiho id Yokohama. Dia dulu sangat pandai bermain tenis. He was very good at playing tennis. He used to be very good at playing tennis. Saya punya adik tiri. I have a half brother. I have a half-sister. Sika laengen ti adda a namnamada. You're all they have. You are their only hope. Dia tidak cocok untuk mengajar. He's not cut out for teaching. He's not fit to teach. Intresádu ku karéng librú. I am interested in books. Intres<0xC3><0xA1>du is a member of the libr<0xC3><0xBA>. Hi Alice iton ákòn iróy. Alice is my mother. Alice was the <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n Ir<0xC3><0xB3>y. Diri ko gad panuyoan nga uwaton ka. I never meant to deceive you. I don't want to make you feel bad. Asino ti nagdamag kenka? Who asked you? Who asked you? Dia punya pinggul yang ramping. She has narrow hips. He's got a sleek hip. Ayaw kabaraka, ilob ko iton. Don't worry, I can take it. Don't worry, I'll stick with it. Dia menyatakan bahwa mereka telah berteman selama 30 tahun. He declared that they had been friends for 30 years. He stated that they had been friends for 30 years. Kamu harus membantuku. You need to help me. You have to help me. Adikku selalu bertingkah konyol. My brother is always acting foolishly. My sister is always acting ridiculous. Takrotka! You're a coward. Takrotka! Baga'n maaram hiya hiton kamatuoran. He seemed to know the truth. He seemed to know the truth. Bahasa Inggris lebih sulit bagiku daripada matematika. English is tougher for me than math. English is harder for me than math. Trabahuentayo. We'll work. Let's work. Lumatod la iton hi Tom. Tom is just a boy. Tom just nodded. Au zou kokito poingkuo o pohogoson nu diho. I don't see how you can ignore this. I'm going to see if I'm going to be able to pick up or drop off. Tom pasti tahu jika aku pernah di sini. Tom must've found out that I was here. Tom would have known if I had been here. Kembalikan dompetku. Give me back my wallet. Give me back my wallet. Penyali nakung ima ku kaniting pyalungan anyang walu kung banwa. My mom bought me this toy when I was eight years old. I think I'm going to have to take a look at the silhouette of the sleight-of-hand. Dia selalu mencari-cari kesalahannya. She always picks fault with him. He's always looking for his mistakes. Kenapa kau tidak berkata sepatah katapun? Why didn't you say something? Why don't you say a word? Kotoluadan do orotian. Thank you for understanding. Kotoluadan do orotian. Mike adalah pelari tercepat di kelasnya. Mike runs fastest in his class. Mike is the fastest runner in his class. Avasi isido kotutuhun. He is a good person. The opening of Kotutuhun. A ngklek a Jack. My name is Jack. It's a jack. Masapul nga agkallaysatan. We should get married. He had to get married. Burí kong ákit. I wanted to see them. I've been busy with AKI. Tamangai kinoizonon posoihi, tamangai sompi vinangun, tamangai no pomogunan. Look after the environment, look after fellow creatures, look after the earth. She is wearied with toil, and the longing of her desire, and the desire of her heart with all the sons of men. Kok ora ana sing arep tok omongaké kenapa? Why don't you have anything to say? Why wouldn't anyone want to talk about it? Pekerjaan ini pas untuk Layla bagai sarung tangan. The job fit Layla like a glove. This job is perfect for Layla like a glove. Mas karuyag ko hi Tom. I like Tom better. I prefer Tom. Saya bosan mendengar hal itu. I am tired of hearing that. I'm tired of hearing that. Ini tidak lucu. It wasn't funny. It's not funny. Ang pugon sa balay murag palyado karong adlawa. The oven in my house didn't run well today. The house seems to be on fire today. Panjenengan wonten ngriku boten? Are you down there? Are you there for me? Konsep itu tidak masuk akal. The concept doesn’t make sense. The concept doesn't make sense. Tom adalah pekerja yang baik. Tom is a good worker. Tom is a good worker. Aku dengar kau bermain piano. I hear that you play the piano. I heard you're playing the piano. Kau seharusnya membayar tagihanmu tepat waktu. You should've paid your bills on time. You're supposed to pay your bills on time. Alá yang gagáwan nuné manalbéng TV patingápun. He does nothing but watch TV all day long. There's even a TV show that's not even on TV. Kao ManAmerikånu siha? Are they American? How do you feel about the U.S.? Amu iton an amon pinili. That's the choice we made. It was our choice. Baga'n tanan naayon ha iya. Everybody seems to like her. It seemed like everyone was in agreement with him. Aku akan membantu saat kau dalam masalah. I'll help you if you're in trouble. I'll help you when you're in trouble. Saya tidak tertarik lagi dengan itu That doesn't interest me anymore. I'm not interested in that anymore. Air ini tidak berbau. This water is odourless. This water doesn't smell. Mumang yahai do ipol, urin, ruti om kasang montiga mantad do supamakit. We need apples, oranges, bread and peanut butter from the supermarket. And they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained, twelve baskets full. Gandum Einkorn adalah salah satu bentuk paling awal dari gandum yang akan dibudidayakan. Einkorn wheat was one of the earliest forms of wheat to be cultivated. Einkorn wheat is one of the earliest forms of wheat to be cultivated. Mongintong ko' nangku doho? Are you watching me? I'm going to take my breath away? Siguradoak a kayat ni Tom dayta. I'm sure Tom would like that. I'm sure Tom would like that. Nabatian ko nga tinawag an ákòn ngáran. I heard my name called. I've heard the name of the narwhal. Karuyag gud ni Tom bumulig. Tom really wants to help. Tom really wanted to help. Bisakah Anda membantu saya membawa koper-koper ini? Would you please help me carry my suitcases? Can you help me carry these suitcases? Kinahanglanon hin madagmit nga gios ini nga sitwasyon. The situation called for quick, decisive action. This situation needs to be dealt with quickly. Mereka akan mencobanya lagi. They'll try again. They'll try it again. Avasi nopo nasip ku nga au apatai o batoli tolipoun ku. With any luck, my cellphone battery won't die. I don't think I'm going to be able to use my towel or towel. Apa minuman tidak beralkohol kesukaanmu? What's your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Ana pirang apel sing kok duwé? How many apples do you have? How many apples do you have? Dírì akó sigurado kun may panahón ka pa buháton iton. I'm not sure you'll have the time to do that. I'm pretty sure you've got a shot. Mau minum apa? What do you want to drink? What would you like to drink? Manis sungguh senyuman Sofia tadi. Sofia's smile just now was so lovely. Sophia's smile was so sweet. Aku sujana marang sédané Panjenengané. I have a suspicion about his death. I was an expert on his death. Anda harus membuka barang bawaan anda untuk pemeriksaan pabean. You have to unpack your luggage for customs inspection. You must open your luggage for customs inspection. Ammom kadi no kasanon kabayag nga addaka ditoy? Do you know how long you've been here? Do you know how long you've been here? Pépapintúra miyá kang Tom ing padér. We had Tom paint the wall. It's the same as Tom's in the bathroom. Aku berpikir maka aku ada. I think, therefore I am. I think then I exist. Aku penasaran apakah aku benar-benar harus menjadi seorang guru. I wonder if I should really become a teacher. I wonder if I really need to be a teacher. Nunu kawasa ku nopo nga mongumbal. All I can do is try. I have the power to heal. Itu tidak berarti apa-apa. It didn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. Bakul iwaké nggiling iwak. The butcher ground the meat. The fish cooped up the fish. Boros Poransis lo? Is that French? You're a porn star? Orohian o tasu di Tom silaon id turos do wokon. Tom's dog likes to lick people's faces. Orohian or tasu di Tom pleaseon id turos do wokon. Kamu menuju ke mana? Where are you bound for? Where are you headed? Dírì ko la puydi bayaan hi Tom dídto. I can't just leave Tom there. I can't wait to let Tom go. Ini adalah tempat yang sangat bagus. This is a fantastic place. It's a very nice place. Malaysia berbatasan dengan Indonesia. Malaysia borders Indonesia. Malaysia is bordered by Indonesia. Tom adalah seorang penganggur. Tom is unemployed. Tom was an unemployed man. Gamay ang tinapay. This loaf of bread is small. The bread is small. Tam bilang dia ingin melakukan kegiatan kelompok. Tam says he wants a group activity. Tam says she wants to do group activities. E lúpang dóktor i Tom. Tom didn't look like a doctor. Tom is a master. Tolong maafkan saya. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Tumingaha iyolo. They looked up. But they show that they know not what is right and wrong. Usá, duhá, tuló, upat, limá, unom, pitó, waló, siyam, napúlò. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Us<0xC3><0xA1>, duh<0xC3><0xA1>, tal<0xC3><0xB3>, four, lim<0xC3><0xA1>, six, pit<0xC3><0xB3>, wal<0xC3><0xB3>, nine, nap<0xC3><0xBA>l<0xC3><0xB2>. Aku sudah mencoba semuanya yang ada di toko, tapi tidak ada yang cocok denganku. I must have tried on everything in the shop, but nothing looked right on me. I've tried everything in the store, but nothing fits me. Hi Tom sumaka ha káhoy. Tom climbed the tree. Tom climbs into the k<0xC3><0xA1>hoy. Ruang bawah tanahnya jelek, gelap, dan berbau. The cellar is ugly, dark, and stinky. The basement was ugly, dark, and smelly. Sepertinya ada lift di sekitar sana. It looks like there's an elevator over there. Looks like there's an elevator around there. Gendérané wis munggah. The flag is up. The flag is up. Naghimo hin sayup nga report hi Layla. Layla made a false report. Layla made an incorrect report. Napaay ni Tom. Tom has failed. Tom failed. Kenapa mereka marah? Why are they angry? Why are they angry? Mediku si Tom. Tom's a doctor. Tom is a doctor. Aku sudah gagal. I've failed. I've failed. Mada oku monongkiboros kaka dau. I don't want to talk about her. I'll bet you're a bit of a moron. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut memperlihatkan bahwa tempurung kepalanya hancur akibat pukulan keras. Closer examination revealed that the skull had been crushed by some heavy blow. Further examination showed that his hood was destroyed by a hard blow. Ambil jalan di sebelah kanan. Take the road on the right. Take the road to the right. Mary, apakah yang sedang awak lakukan? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Boleh saya pinjam duit awak? Could I borrow some money? Can I borrow your money? Tom boleh jumpa awak kat lapangan terbang jika awak bagitau dia masa ketibaan awak. Tom can meet you at the airport if you let him know your arrival time. Tom can meet you at the airport if you tell him when you arrive. Nganhi la ak maukoy. I will stay there. I just want to live here. Milo' oku monguhup dilo. I can help with that. I'm going to take the dildo. Aku harap tidak ada seorangpun yang akan duduk di depan kita. I hope no one sits in front of us. I hope no one will sit in front of us. Ken melompat atas tembok. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken jumped on the wall. Kayatdaka dagiti amin a gagayyemko. All my friends like you. All my friends want you. Métung yang táung makí malálam a bélwán. He is a man of profound knowledge. I'm sure you'll find a little bit of a sloppy. Agpadata iti parikut. Your problem is similar to mine. We have the same problem. Aku merasa sangat lelah. I feel really tired. I feel very tired. Sigúru masantíng a alá yu kéni i Tom. Maybe it's a good thing Tom isn't here. I'm going to have to go with the yu-yum here. Nawará ko an ákòn lisensya pag-drayb. I lost my driver's license. I got a driver's license. Kita datang tanggal 7 di pagi hari. We arrived on the morning of the seventh. We arrive on the 7th in the morning. Selamat pagi. Good morning. Good morning. Di rumah saya ada tiga ekor ayam. I have three chickens in my house. I have three chickens in my house. Saya belum tidur. I haven't slept. I haven't slept. Kounsikaan! Congratulations! Kounsikaan! Burí rakáng ákit a títíman. I want to see you smile. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> rak<0xC3><0xA1>ng <0xC3><0xA1>kit a t<0xC3><0xAD>t<0xC3><0xAD>man. Aku tidak bisa menerima uang Tom. I can't take Tom's money. I can't accept Tom's money. Pracujemy rano. We have work in the morning. Pracujemy water. Aku diberi indai RM100 kena meli barang dapur. I was given by mother RM100 to buy necessities. I was given Rs 100 for the kitchen. Alako ny ririnina. I hate winter. I will set up my cause against thee, O LORD my God. Terima kasih atas ketertarikan Anda. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your interest. Bill dapat berlari lebih cepat daripada Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Intang-intangai kaka iyolo kio. Keep an eye on them. Their mouths are full of cursing and saying bad words to people. Temukan Tom sebelum ia menyakiti seseorang. Find Tom before he hurts someone. Find Tom before he hurts someone. Jangan lupa membalas suratnya. Remember to answer his letter. Don't forget to reply to the letter. Segala sesuatu adalah kemungkinan jika awak dipercayai. All things are possible if you believe. Everything is possible if you are trusted. Au oku rumamit diya mongoi hilo'd Eropah songulunan. I object to you going to Europe alone. I hope to visit you soon. Then we can go to the city of Rome. Kami menamai anjing itu Tim. We named the dog Tim. We named the dog Tim. Éno pákirámdamán deng taláturú na. He doesn't listen to his teachers. <0xC3><0x89>no p<0xC3><0xA1>kir<0xC3><0xA1>mdam<0xC3><0xA1>n den tal<0xC3><0xA1>tur<0xC3><0xBA> na. It akon paghuna-huna hiya iton asya. I think that he is right. I thought he was Asian. Kasagaran may-ada simple nga solusyon ha sugad hin komplikado nga problema. There's often a simple solution to what seems like a complicated problem. There is usually a simple solution to such a complex problem. Kotobian do Toun Wagu! Happy New Year! Kotobian do Toun Wagu! Tawagan ko hiya niyan. I'll call her in a few minutes. I'll call him now. Nunu ka do boros Poransis "guminawo"? How do you say "love" in French? What do you think of the term "Pygmies"? ¿Ano iton imu pag-abat nga matatabo sunod? What do you think will happen next? How do you feel about what's going to happen next? Estudiånte gue'. He is a student. My student'. Aku ingin minuman dingin. I want something cold to drink. I want a cold drink. Tak pikir Tom kuwi nèng omah turu. I thought Tom was home asleep. I thought he was sleeping in the house. Kau tinggal di rumah yang mana? Which house did you live in? Which house do you live in? Mas naayun akó kan Tom. I like Tom better. I'm much more impressed with Tom. Éná bálung Tom a atyú i Mary. Tom doesn't know Mary is here. I'm going to take a look at Mary. Tolong pergilah ke bank. Please go to the bank. Please go to the bank. Gumusa ko nopo do duvo labit, au ko nogi manabpo dii. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. I'm going to take a nap, but I'm not going to go out on a limb. Anda bilang anda lapar. You said you were hungry. You said you were hungry. Boleh saya mengatakan sesuatu? May I say something? Can I say something? Gin-itsa nira an íra mga kalo. They threw their hats up into the air. They threw out the Ira hats. Kami memiliki dua pohon ceri di halaman. We have two cherry trees in the yard. We have two cherry trees in the yard. Sabyán na kúlang ku tudtúd. He said I don't get enough sleep. I'm going to go get my tummy tucked away. Perutku sakit. I have a stomachache. My stomach hurts. Jim ti awagda kenkuana. They call him Jim. They call him Jim. Kepala saya masih merasa pusing. My head still feels woozy. My head is still spinning. Polisi tidak berhasil menemukan Tom. The police can't find Tom. The police did not find Tom. Mari kita lihat apakah Tom bisa mengurusnya sendiri atau tidak. Let's see if Tom can manage to do it by himself. Let's see if Tom can take care of himself or not. Torang tu tara bole tako biar bagimana lagi. There's no reason to be afraid. I'm afraid of what else to give. Bangunkan aku jam delapan tepat. Wake me up at eight o'clock. Wake me up at eight right. Daghang nagalgal anang matanga sa panghunahuna. That way of thinking influenced a lot of people. Many of these types of thinking are outdated. Nakaduha namon iton himua sakob hin tulo ka-bulan. We've done it twice in three months. We have been doing this for three months. Osonong nopo nasip ku nga au apatai ndo batori tolipoun ku. With any luck, my cellphone battery won't die. I thought I was going to have to take a look at my towels. Naraag ngawi ilo kakamot haddis. The hard disk was completely destroyed. It's a song by the hand of Hadassah. Sa' ni hafa hongga ginen guidza, hu fongge' gue' ta'lo. Because I didn't hear from him, I wrote to him again. There's no way I'm going to be able to get my hands on my feet, and I'm going to get my feet wet. Momois no asam. A light rain was falling. Momois no acid. Kalau saja kau adalah Tom, apa yang kau inginkan? If you were Tom, what would you want? If you were Tom, what would you want? Noikot vinasi. I'm fine. Noikot vinasi. Nakapimpintas ti langam. You look very beautiful. You look so pretty. Kemarin saya pergi mencuci di sungai. Yesterday I went to wash in the river. Yesterday I went to wash in the river. Dad-an ko hirá pagkáon. I'm taking them some food. I'm going to take a bite. Umbalan ku pohondomon dilo loyuk. I tried to learn the melody by heart. I'm going to make a squishy in the squishy. Diiy inyo? Where do you live? Where are you? Waray pa ako nira sumati hin bisan ano. They haven't told me anything yet. They haven't told me anything yet. Atuukoi! Oh, my God! Atuukoi! Manginginahanglan ako hin abogado? Am I going to need a lawyer? I need a lawyer? Pamilinga it' násud Puerto Rico ha mapa. Locate Puerto Rico on a map. Check out the map of Puerto Rico. Burí mu ing mágbyáhe? Do you like to travel? What's on your mind in M<0xC3><0xA1>gby<0xC3><0xA1>he? Tom tidak takut gagal. Tom isn't afraid to fail. Tom is not afraid of failure. Aku dan temanku akan pergi ke Jepang pada bulan Agustus. My friend and I will go to Japan in August. My friend and I are going to Japan in August. Aku sudah muak. I've had enough. I'm sick of it. Tapolan mi. We're lazy. We're going to finish. Nokosohovot i Mary di tuhun Amorika om moi luang miampai disido doid pogun. Mary met an American and went with him to the States. He went to have his name written in the book. Joseph took Mary with him. She was promised to Joseph to be his wife. She was going to have a baby. Anda ingin pergi ke mana? Where would you like to go? Where do you want to go? Kadosipun kula badhé wisata minggu punika. I think I will take a vacation this week. I'm going on a tour this week. Papapanau i Tom korita di Mary montok pakayaan hilo'd id Boston. Tom drove Mary's car to Boston. Tom Korita's visit to the city of Mary's, Boston. Nu habar nu? How are you? Don't you know? Inlawlawnakami ni Tom iti siudad. Tom showed us around the city. Tom took us into the city. Sampai jumpa lagi, Tom. We'll be seeing you, Tom. See you later, Tom. Osuusuvab i Tom mugad mantad do kalaja. Tom left work early. Osuzuvab was quick to do the job. Kurang lebih seperti itu. That's my best guess. More or less like that. Iikau doiho. Sit there. I'm going to do it. Atlú yang óras king gym i Tom nápun. Tom was at the gym for three hours yesterday. Tom N<0xC3><0xA1>pun is the king of the gym. Manu i Tom mongoi, nga haro karaja dau amu nootus nopongo. Tom wanted to go, but he had lots of things to do. It's a dream come true, and you're going to have a king who's got you covered. Itu bukan masalahku. That's not my problem. That's not my problem. Mimang i Tom do pohusian. Tom wanted revenge. I'm going to do some pohusian. Suruh semua orang keluar dari sini. Get everyone out of here. Get everyone out of here. Estudiånte yu'. I'm a student. I'm studying. Agpada a kaduogan ken kabaruanan a siensia ti astronomia. Astronomy is at the same time the most ancient and the most modern science. Both oldest and most advanced astronomy sciences. Paris adalah ibukota dari Prancis. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. An usá kinahanglan higugmaun an iya anyaw. One must love one's neighbor. One has to love his or her body. Miaga ko do tuva-uva. You seem to like fruit. I'm going to do a tuva-uva. Aku mendhing mlaku tinimbang ngentèni bis sabanjuré. I would rather walk than wait for the next bus. Instead of waiting for the next bus. Pruybahi pagkanhi hin isakto nga oras buwas. Try to get here on time tomorrow. Pick up the right time for tomorrow. Kayané aku arep lelungan minggu iki. I think I will take a vacation this week. I think I'm going to be on vacation this week. Apa Anda merasa bersalah? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Tom menghasilkan lebih banyak uang ketimbang Mary. Tom makes a lot more money than Mary does. Tom makes more money than Mary. Boston itu di mana? Where's Boston? Where's Boston? Waray gud niya hílig hin arte. He is not interested in art at all. He never liked art. Papadagang oku do payung. I sell umbrellas. I'm going to buy an umbrella. Aku mendengar seseorang bersiul. I heard someone whistle. I heard someone whistling. Dia menuju ke mana? Where was he headed? Where's he headed? Onuai yahai do sombotol wain po kaagu. We'd like another bottle of wine. I'm going to buy a bottle of wine. Tidak seorang pun akan tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. No one will know what will happen in the future. Apa kau serius mengatakannya? Are you saying that for real? Are you serious about that? Tom telah berada dalam penjara maut selama tiga tahun. Tom has been on death row for three years. Tom has been in death prison for three years. Pemilihan waktu itu sangat penting. Timing is very important. The choice of time is very important. Sa la nangrugi nga agpinta idi tallopulona. He didn't start to paint until he was thirty. He started painting when he was thirty. Cinta adalah misteri dan penderitaan tanpa batas waktu. Love is mystery and misery indefinitely. Love is a mystery and suffering indefinitely. Tom mengepos foto tidak senonohnya di media sosial. Tom posted a lewd photo of himself on social media. Tom posted his indecent photos on social media. Pogoduhan no duhaan. Spitting is prohibited. It's a combination of two. Saya sering jatuh, tapi saya tidak pernah menyerah. I often fell, but I never gave up. I often fall, but I never give up. Estudiånte ham. We are students. Estudi<0xC3><0xA5>nte ham. James Cameron membuat cara baru dalam membuat film. James Cameron created a new way to make movies. James Cameron created a new way of making movies. Ada pulau di laut. There are islands in the sea. There's an island in the sea. Dia meninggalkan sarung tangannya di dalam mobil. She left her gloves in the car. He left his gloves in the car. Lihatlah permasalahannya, oke? See what the problem is, OK? Look at the problem, okay? Ayaw intawon hawa. Please don't leave. Don't leave Eve. Aku adalah orang yang realistis. I'm a realistic person. I'm a realistic person. Rumah ini penuh dengan sarang laba-laba. This house is full of spider webs. The house is full of spider nests. Kita pe tangan cuma ada dua. I only have two hands. We only have two hands. Makuri adto hin duro. It was very difficult. It was very hard. Nakababain! How embarrassing! It's embarrassing! Entah itu baik atau tidak, pokoknya mari kita lakukan saja. Whether it's good or not, let's do it anyway. Whether it’s good or not, let’s just do it. Saya menikmati muzik, terutamanya muzik klasik. I love music, particularly classical. I love music, especially classical music. Kau menyebarkan berita bohong. You're spreading false news. You spread false news. Nakatilawan mo na ba ning putahe-a? Have you ever eaten this dish? Have you ever tasted this dish? Anian a nagdakkel nga ili! What a large town! What a great town! Buku ini berkaitan dengan Cina. This book deals with China. This book is about China. Mágbótu ya i Tom. Tom is voting. Tom's got it all right. Apa kamu tahu kemana kita akan pergi? Do you know where we're going? Do you know where we're going? Aku tidak bisa tidur nyenyak karena diluar berisik. I couldn't sleep well because it was noisy outside. I can't sleep well because it's loud outside. Aturan-aturanya sudah berubah. The rules have changed. The rules have changed. Tom memberitahu Mary bahwa dia tidak ingin melakukan apapun. Tom told Mary that he didn't have to do anything. Tom tells Mary that he doesn't want to do anything. Tínikúl ya king dálan ing métung a matwáng babái. An old woman limped along the street. It's the King's Road to a Featherweight. Aku tidak yakin kalau kau sadar akan apa yang kau katakan. I don't think you realize what you're saying. I'm not sure you're aware of what you're saying. "United Nations" ti kayat a sawen ti "UN". "UN" stands for "United Nations". "UN" means "United Nations". Puti i estómagu'-hu. My stomach hurts. White i est<0xC3><0xB3>magu'-hu. Dia menunjukkan albumnya kepada saya She showed me his album. He showed me his album. Éku bálung makátuknáng ya king Boston i Tom. I didn't know Tom lived in Boston. I'm a big fan of Boston. Awak dihormati oleh semua orang. You're respected by everybody. You're respected by everyone. Nareklamo hi Tom ha íya mayor. Tom is complaining to the manager. Tom complained to the Iya mayor. Ginsaka ni Tom an káhoy. Tom climbed the tree. Tom climbed the k<0xC3><0xA1>hoy. Kau punya selera humor yang bagus. You've got a great sense of humor. You have a good sense of humor. Mínum yang gátas i Tom. Tom drank milk. I'm the one who beat Tom. Sige ¿Áno't sekreto? OK, what's the secret? Isn't that a secret? Pilihlah baju kemeja yang kamu paling suka. Choose the T-shirt you like the best. Choose the shirt you like the most. Adi ako ha karsel. I'm at the prison. I'm in the car. Aku punya kamus. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Sabalin unayen ti langa ni Tom kalpasan a makapagpapukis. Tom looked so different after his haircut. Tom's face was too twisted after he could cut his hair. Mákiramdám keng músika. We listen to music. M<0xC3><0xA1>kiramd<0xC3><0xA1>m keng m<0xC3><0xBA>sika. Ikkan koma ni Tom ni Mary iti sabali a gundaway. Tom has to give Mary another chance. Tom should have given Mary another chance. Apatut no agagas no kozo zosido tu kitoluo o hepatitis. She got hepatitis no wonder she is losing so much weight. It's important to note that the zozozozozozozo is either hepatitis. Quanto devo dar a este mendigo? How much money should I give this beggar? Quanto devo dar an este mendigo? Mintá tána king Paris. We have been in Paris. Mint<0xC3><0xA1> t<0xC3><0xA1>na king Paris. Aku tidak lupa menulis kode zipnya. I don't forget to write the zip code. I didn't forget to write the zip code. Tatayán ke ing kamiséta ku. I am sewing my shirt. My dad was in my shirt. Ania ti insungbatmo? What did you answer? How did you respond? Kay-ano ako makikig-estorya ha ira? Why should I talk to them? How can I talk to them? Sasabián dang alá pang mékalutás keng prubléma. It is said that nobody has solved the problem yet. Sasabi<0xC3><0xA1>n dang al<0xC3><0xA1> ng mikalut<0xC3><0xA1>s keng prubl<0xC3><0xA9>ma. Rumah mana yang kamu tinggali? Which house did you live in? Which house do you live in? Éké burí ing binyé na kákung Tom. I didn't like what Tom gave me. It's in the middle of Tom's belly and Tom's belly. Ginbubuligan mo unta hi Tom. You should be helping Tom. You should have helped Tom. Mésípit ya i Tom king trápik. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. I'm a follower of King Tr<0xC3><0xA1>pik. Sikapai bogia. Be quick about it. It's a bogie. Dirì hiyá naka-Iningles. He can't speak English. He speaks English. Agkurangka iti panagtalekmo iti bagim. You lacked confidence in yourself. Lack of self-confidence. Jangan meremehkanku. Don't underestimate me. Don't underestimate me. Ania ti adda kadagitoy a kahon? What's in these boxes? What's in these boxes? Waráy na makit-i an iya láwas. His body was never found. It's hard to see her escape. Atalang no tuni di Tom. Tom's voice was clear. It's not a toss up in Tom. Aku sangat menyukai pekerjaanku. I like my job very much. I really like my job. Saya tidak tahu. I don't know. I don't know. Apatut ko yahai maan do kawawagu? Do we need to do anything else? Do you think I'm going to be able to make it? Ati-ati aja nganti kowé nglarani awakmu dhéwé. Make sure you don't hurt yourself. Be careful not to hurt yourself. Mérakap ya ulíng pénako na ing péra. He was arrested because he stole the money. It's like a silver lining to a silver lining. Osonong tomod ura tinan nu mantad doho. You're in better shape than I am. I'm so excited that I'm going to get my ass kicked out. Minggiak-giak isido i. She orgasmed repeatedly. I'm squeamish. Aku biasa makan siang di sana. I generally have lunch there. I used to have lunch there. Apakah kamu melihat Tom? Don't you see Tom? Did you see Tom? Aku tidak menyukai kesemuanya. I don't like all of them. I don't like everything. Tom mangarti bahasa Prancis? Does Tom understand French? Tom understand French? Aku suka steik dibanding makanan yang lain, dan aku memakannya setiap hari. I like steak better than anything else, and eat it every other day. I like steics more than any other food, and I eat them every day. Napapausa ako san-o ka magsusumat ha akon. I was wondering when you were going to tell me. I wonder when you'll tell me. Kita tidak perlu tergesa-gesa. We didn't need to hurry. We don't have to hurry. Pangaun anay kita, tapos larga na kita. First we'll eat, and then we'll go. Let's eat and then we'll go. Waray nkakakontrol ha iya. No one can control him. There's no control over him. Lebih baik kita meninggalkannya tidak tersentuh. It is best left untouched. We'd better leave it untouched. Mangago' hamyo. You're lazy. You've got to get your ass kicked. Tumihombus ihia masam-asam sangadau. The rain continued all day. Tumihombus ihia sour sourdough. Mimang zou daa do isooi o gitar miaga di John. I want the same guitar as John has. Mimang zou daa do isooi or guitar miaga di John. Aku tidak mau tinggal dengan itu. I don't want to live with that. I don't want to stay with that. Éku bísang lungúb. I don't want to go to school. I'm a slob. Saya sangat gembira! How happy I am! I'm so happy! Iyau songulun mokiilo tomod. He is a very earnest person. He's got a squeaky nose. Gikapoy ka? Are you tired? Are you tired? Aku luwung mapan kéné. I would rather stay here. I'm off to go here. Nakaanu ko' nopongo monolipoun di Tom? Have you been able to contact Tom? What do you think about the monotony of Tom? Milo' ko' mimboros soginumu apat nohopod boros mogisusuai. You can speak roughly forty different languages. And they were more than forty who had joined together in this oath; ¿Ura-ura man it' iya isog? What made her so angry? Is it that it's strong? Onu taakanon do au miho akanon di toluo' do diabetik? What foods should a diabetic not eat? Do we have a right to eat and drink? Damagem ni Alex. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. Modagan to. That would run. He's running. Aku bosan. I'm bored. I'm bored. Saya suka bela kura-kura. I like to keep tortoises as pets. I like turtle bells. Beneran? Really? You're right? Pasangan lanjut usia itu duduk berdampingan. The old couple sat side by side. The elderly couple sat side by side. Addaak iti Boston idi pay Oktubre. I've been in Boston since October. I was in Boston in October. Nag-pictorial mi sa among klase. We had our class pictorial. We are pictorial in our class. Milo' oku mangandad hiti. I can wait out here. I'm going to take a nap. Yan mu ing sabián mu kakó? Is that all you're going to tell me? Is that what you're saying? Nunu nopo maan nu, maai no ii tavasi' kozo ii aanu nu do mimang. Whatever you do, do the best you can. "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." Kita dapat banyak hujan musim panas ini. We have had much rain this summer. We got a lot of rain this summer. Tom tidak bisa berenang. Tom can't swim. Tom can't swim. Éna bálung Tom ot alá yu kéni i Mary. Tom doesn't know why Mary isn't here. I'm going to go and see Mary here. Aya naon? What happened? What's going on? Tom tidak mengenal siapa-siapa. Tom doesn't know anyone here. Tom doesn't know anyone. Seratus persen kemampuan otak tercapai. One hundred percent of the brain's capacity has been reached. One hundred percent of the brain's ability is achieved. Au sumimba' ponguatan ku. That doesn't answer my question. I'm going to take my place. Dia mengambil sebuah buku dari rak. He took a book from the shelf. He picked up a book from the shelf. Wala tubaga ni Tom ang pangutana ni Mary. Tom didn't answer Mary's question. She didn't answer Mary's question. Senang bertemu denganmu. I am pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Milo' oku poposuang dika. I can get you in. Milo's got you covered. Mau ke mana? Where're you going? Where are you going? Manu oku modop. I want to sleep. Manu oku modop. Duro ka-arogante hi Tom ano? Tom is very arrogant, isn't he? What's so great about Tom? Apakah itu permata yang kita cari selama ini? Is that the jewel we've been looking for all this time? Is that the jewel we've been looking for all along? Proybahan ko mahiabot ngadto hiton 2:30. I'll try to be there by 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Dia sangat pintar. He's very intelligent. He's very smart. Nadiri ak lumakat nga kaupod hiya. I don't want to go with her. I didn't want to go with him. Kaguranak ni Tom. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. Migpasyá yang magdóktor. She decided to be a doctor. Migpasy<0xC3><0xA1> the magd<0xC3><0xB3>ktor. Nakakarawat hi akó hin kinodigo nga mensahe tikang kan Tom kanina han aga. I received a coded message from Tom this morning. I got a message from Tom in the morning. Ta na! Let's go! Ta na! Naambanan zou tu aiso sakazon. I was delayed as there was no transport. The zucchini is a squid. Puyde hiyá magin abogado. He is capable as a lawyer. He could be a lawyer. Ura-ura kadamo an pagkáon nga ákòn ginkaon kakulop.. I ate too much food yesterday. There was a lot of food that was eaten yesterday. Ibukota Ukraina adalah Kiev. The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Alás singkú yang dátang kéni. He is to come here at five. Al<0xC3><0xA1>s sing<0xC3><0xBA> that d<0xC3><0xA1>tang here. Bima Sakti besar. The Milky Way is huge. Big Milky Way. Milo' ko' mokiuhup mantad doho. You can use my help. Get out of my way, and get out of my way. Kinahanglan naton tumabok hin tulay para maka-kadto hiton balay ni Tom. We have to cross a bridge to get to Tom's house. We had to cross a bridge to get to Tom's house. Libu-libo ka oras ang kinahanglan nimo pagpatukar sa banjo aron manihasa ka sa paggamit niini. To become a professional banjo player, you need to spend thousands of hours practicing. It takes you thousands of hours to play the banjo. Wonten pundi pekenipun? Where is the market? Where's the evidence? Lab-as ang napalit nakong isda ganina sa merkado. The fish I bought from the market is fresh. I bought a lot of fish on the market. Ikan daytoy. It's a fish. This is a fish. Ula! Enough! Snake! Onuai isido. Get her. Onuai isido. Sabián ku karélang mináus ka. I'll tell them you called. I'll bet you're a minion. Pembohong! Liar! Liar! Ia mengulurkan tangannya dan aku pun menjabatnya. She held out her hand and I shook it. He reached out his hand and I shook it. Tom melihat ke arah tanah. Tom looked down at the ground. Tom looked towards the ground. Managbabain la unay ni Tom. Tom is extremely shy. Tom was very shy. Tom menunjuk suatu tempat di peta. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. Tom pointed somewhere on the map. Presiden mengunjungi Prancis bulan itu. The president was visiting France that month. The president visited France that month. Boleh saya minta peta jalannya, tolong. May I have a road map, please? Can I have a road map, please? Waray niya ginpalit tindahan. She didn't buy anything from the store. He didn't buy a store. Terima kasih sebab tolong aku! Thanks for helping me! Thank you for helping me! Ekungok yu'. Listen to me. Yum Yum Yum. Disai do kolumpa dilo? Whose are these shoes? Do you have a dildo? Nahihingalimtanun na ako. I'm becoming forgetful. I've been forgotten. Kantaannak iti maysa a samiweng ni ayat. Sing me a love song. Sing me a song of love. Nagsaludsodak koma kadakuada nga immuna. I should've asked them first. I should have asked them first. Saya akan menemui ibu saya di stasiun pada pukul 4 tepat. I am meeting my mother at the station at 4 o'clock. I'll meet my mother at the station at exactly 4 o'clock. Aku tidak tahu tentang hal ini. I did not know this. I don't know about this. Sebaiknya kamu segera mengurusnya. You'd better take care of it soon. You better take care of it right away. Sabyán támu kang Tom ing éganáganáng kaylángan nang ábálû. We'll tell Tom everything he needs to know. You're going to meet Tom in the middle of a sleight of hand. Napasamak idi napan nga Oktubre. It happened last October. It happened last October. Aku menikah saat berusia 19 tahun. I married when I was 19 years old. I got married when I was 19. Tom menunggu Mary pulang ke rumah. Tom waited for Mary to come home. Tom waited for Mary to return home. Ada lebih banyak mobil di jalan saat musim panas dari pada di musim dingin. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. Ginhuhubya na ako hiton mga museyo - lulubngan hit sining. I'm tired of museums, - graveyards of the arts. I've been exposed to these museums - the tomb of art. Tom terlihat sangat terkejut. Tom seemed to be very surprised. Tom looked very surprised. Apakah mereka memecatmu? Did they fire you? Did they fire you? Insan nopo katapatan ku. I am right for once. And then there's Noone. Tsy dia tena tsara loatra. I'm not doing well. He's not very good. Semoga hari anda menyenangkan! I wish you a nice day! Have a nice day! Nunu lo hodi? What is that? You're going to hodl? Anak laki-laki itu melompat. The boy is jumping. The boy jumped. Dikatakan bahwa "Hamlet" adalah drama yang paling menarik yang pernah ada. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting drama ever. Waray maaram hi Tom hiton mga nahihitabo dinhi. Tom knows nothing about what's been happening here. Tom didn't know what was going on here. Au mugad zi Tom do id sikul doiti po vagu. Tom doesn't go to school here anymore. Au mugad zi Tom do id si sik doiti po vagu. Saya baru saja selesai makan pagi. I've just finished breakfast. I just finished my morning meal. Noilaan kou di Tom korikot hiti? Did you know that Tom would be here? Do you want to go to Tom's? Tom mempunyai istri yang cantik. Tom has a pretty wife. Tom has a beautiful wife. Tom berharap agar Mary tidak akan selalu keluar membeli-belah pada hari Sabtu. Tom wishes Mary wouldn't always go shopping on Saturdays. Tom hopes that Mary won't always go out shopping on Saturday. Apa kau mabuk? Were you intoxicated? Are you drunk? Nasayaat nga aldaw, isu a napankami naglalangoy. It was a fine day, so we went swimming. It was a good day, so we went swimming. Tolong berhenti! Please stop! Please stop! Opera apakah yang sedang dipertunjukkan di Lincoln Center saat ini? What operas are being performed at the Lincoln Center right now? What operas are on display at Lincoln Center today? Jangan mendekati mereka. Do not go near them. Don't approach them. Pouangon nopo hiing id poguhu do mongonsok montok poiduon do tovutong. Add rice wine before cooking to remove the unpleasant odour. It's a no-brainer, so it's a no-brainer. Siak kadi ti responsable iti daytoy? Am I responsible for this? Am I responsible for this? Apa Anda mau bir lagi? Would you like some more beer? Would you like another beer? Macam apapun permainan yang aku dan kau mainkan, kau tidak pernah menang. No matter what game you and I play together, you never win. No matter what game you play, you never win. Masyádu yang maragúl. It's too large. Masy<0xC3><0xA1>du the marag<0xC3><0xBA>l. Aku sering kali memikirkan ibuku yang telah meninggal. I frequently think about my mother who passed away. I often think of my dead mother. Bagaimana kalau mengadakan pesta? Why don't you have a party? How about a party? Saya tidak seberapa suka pizza pepperoni. I don't like pepperoni pizza that much. I don’t like pepperoni pizza. Huyang mi. We're weak. We are weak. Tom tidak yakin kau akan suka dengan ide itu. Tom didn't think you would like the idea. Tom wasn't sure you'd like that idea. Selamat datang! Welcome. Welcome! Tom tidak pernah melihat Mary lagi. Tom never saw Mary again. Tom never saw Mary again. Kivaa nogi' aanangan mangakan do kogut. There are some who like to eat the hardened crust of rice. Kivaa nog's eating doggut. Tidak ada bukti. There's no proof. There's no evidence. Hai, saya punya janji dengan manajer umum, ini surat pemberitahuan wawancaranya. Hi, I have an appointment with the general manager. This is my interview notice. Hi, I have an appointment with the general manager, here's his interview notice letter. Tarada yang bisa lia torang. No one could see us. Tarada can be lia torang. Saan kadi nga immayta idin ditoy? Haven't we been here before? Haven't we been here before? Manehna nutup panto tukangeunnana. He shut the door behind him. You're going to close the door. Tom terlihat kebingungan. Tom looks puzzled. Tom looks confused. Sonong kopiruba diya! Nice seeing you! It's a co-op here! 'Mari ka. Come here. 'Come on. Witilon ko' po? Are you hungry yet? You're going to kill me? Diri hira nanmamati. They weren't listening. They don't listen. Meral ma sulang. Thank you very much. Meral ma sulang. Apakah anda tidak berfikir ini beresiko? Don't you think it's risky? Don't you think this is risky? Sakit sudah hilang. The pain has gone. The pain is gone. Tom bersiap pergi ke sekolah. Tom is getting ready for school. Tom prepares to go to school. Hinonggo oku milo' momoug? Where can I wash up? Do you want me to go down? Iní ing tútukî! This is the next one! It's in the tub! Izou tuhun Sina. I am Chinese. Izou tatun Sina. Haro ti otopot? Is any of this real? It's true love? Línub la. They came in. Just L<0xC3><0xAD>nub. Naannadak laeng. I'm just being careful. I was just being careful. Kami berharap harga-harga akan turun. We hope prices are going to drop. We hope the prices will go down. Basaha palihog og usob. Please read it again. Please read the change. Bángin makatambal ini nga bulong ha íya. This medicine may cure him. B<0xC3><0xA1>ngin this leaf can cure <0xC3><0xAD>ya. Pinoilo di Tom kumaa di Mary isio nopo nga dukutur. Tom told Mary he was a doctor. I'm going to take a look at Mary Nolan. Sabang adalah kota paling barat di Indonesia. Sabang is the westernmost city in Indonesia. Sabang is the westernmost city in Indonesia. Palihog nunot kanako. Please join me. Please follow me, please. Kukuak daytoy a lugar. I own this place. This place is mine. Karuyag ko testingan ini. I'd like to try this. I want to test this. Mukanya teramat sendu. His face looks so sad. His face was very tingly. Éka maglarám. You wouldn't lie. It's going to be boring. Makainingles ka? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Nakakita ako hin dadamuro nga tamsí. I caught sight of hundreds of birds. I've seen a lot of tamsulosin. Dumamo an miyembro han Boy Scout. The membership of the Boy Scout troop swelled. There are a lot of Boy Scouts. Berapa banyak penerbangan ke Boston yang ditawarkan dalam sehari? How many flights to Boston do you offer a day? How many flights to Boston are offered in a day? Ini adalah kamarku. This is my room. This is my room. Isai huhumozou ih tangavasi id kaambatan tokou? Who's the best singer in our company? Are you going to be able to get your hands on the zucchini? ¿Nakahinúmdom ka bà kun tiunan-o hi kitá nagkakilala? Do you remember how we met? Do you remember when I met you, or when I met you? Ohoo toi ko' amu? Is that a yes or no? "Oh my god, am I your toy? Wajahnya memerah. Her face turned red. His face was red. Tom menyadari Mary menunggu dirinya. Tom realized Mary was waiting for him. Tom realizes Mary is waiting for her. Saka adoh, padhas karang gedhé kaé katon kaya gedhong tuwa. Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle. From a distance, a large coral reef looks like an old building. Pahantazo zou no. Nga sokio au zou kahantoi, pohogoso zou do katama do kuminam. Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt. Pahantazo zou no. Nga sokio au zou kahantoi, pohogoso zou do katama do kuminam. Rapatnya dimulai pada pukul sepuluh. The meeting started at ten. The meeting began at ten o'clock. Menurut saya Jepang adalah negara yang paling aman. I think that Japan is a very safe country. I think Japan is the safest country. Anda telah hilang berat badan? Have you lost weight? Have you lost weight? Rugiantayon. Let's start. Let's get started. Apay nga awanda pay? Why haven't they shown up yet? Why aren't they? Tuhun ko iziau di tootouvi do minoniumon ku tokito doiti. You're the last person I expected to see here. Tuhu ku iziau di tootouvi do minoniumon ku tokito doiti. Adda dayaw a salsaluadanmi. We have an image to protect. We have an honor to protect. Maúlagáng tuparán mu ing kékang sinábi. It is very important to keep your word. You're going to get your ass kicked in the sink. Para ano man iton? What do you need that for? What's that for? Aku serius. I mean it. I'm serious. Taganáng matápang ka. You are very brave. I'll give you a hint. Saya tidak bisa membuka berkas-berkas SWF. I can't open SWF files. I can't open the SWF files. Hi Tom nakadto ha bar, nagkikinita la ha iya irinumon. Tom sat at the bar, just staring at his drink. Tom is at the bar, just looking at his drink. Dia amper pongo barang dia pe pendengaran tara bae ancor. His hearing is very bad, he is almost deaf. He'd heard the sound of his voice, but he couldn't hear the sound. Apakah menurutmu dia akan memaafkanku? Do you think he would forgive me? Do you think he'll forgive me? Witilon po tian nu? Are you still hungry? What do you want? Pánamdamán nong gágalgál deng tud na. She could feel her knees shaking. P<0xC3><0xA1>namdam<0xC3><0xA1>n nong g<0xC3><0xA1>galg<0xC3><0xA1>l ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3><0xA1>ng ng<0xC3> Tolong jangan biarkan hal ini terulang kembali. Please don't let this happen again. Please don't let this happen again. Waray na natapud ha iya. No one trusts him any more. There was no more going on with him. Bálu kung maúlagáng óbra itá. I know it's important work. It's a good thing if it's embroidered or embroidered. Kita wajib melalui pemeriksaan bea dan cukai saat kedatangan. It's necessary to go through customs on arriving. We have to go through customs and tax checks upon arrival. Aku pasti kau bahagia tanpaku selamanya. I'm sure you're happy without me forever. I'm sure you'll be happy without me forever. Mahadlok siyag iring. She is afraid of cats. He's scared of cats. Kao tatå-hu hao? Are you my father? What's the matter-huh? Daapo. Hold on. Good-bye. Kitáun ko. Let me find out. I'm going to kill. Iton akon pag-kita mga sayop kamo. I think you're all wrong. I see that you are wrong. Kamu sebaiknya pulang ke rumah. You should get back home. You better go home. Jaré Tom aku butuh paraban. Tom said I needed a nickname. I need a bride. Pekerjaan hari ini sangat melelahkan. Work is so frustrating today. Today’s work is exhausting. Onu do onuan diau do ponisaan? What grade did you get on the test? What will people give in exchange for their lives? Kau adalah orang yang bisa kuandalkan dalam keadaan seperti ini. You're the one person I can rely on in this kind of situation. You're the one I can count on in this kind of situation. Bisakah kau kecilkan volume radionya? Could you turn down the radio? Can you lower the radio volume? Popoinsawat no ginumuan do bakas hiri'd pogun Jorman. The number of wild boars is increasing rapidly in Germany. It's not like I'm going to be able to get a copy of Jorman's book. Dia tidak dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk. She cannot distinguish right from wrong. You can’t tell what’s good and what’s bad. Misulat king kasalesayan ing metuklas a ini. This discovery will be recorded in history. He wrote a letter to the king in this letter. Kapantod no mingkakat montok nunu ii otumbazaan ko. Stand up for what you believe in. When I was in the middle of the night, I started to feel like I was going to be a scoundrel. Nínung ibótu mung pamuntúk? For whom will you vote for president? Isn't it just a squeaky? Dia melakukannya dengan sengaja. He did that on purpose. He did it on purpose. Tinggáp neng Tom ing alúk nang Mary. Tom accepted Mary's offer. He looked at her in Mary's lap. Saya tidak bodoh. I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid. Bahasa adalah subjek dari perubahan yang konstan. Languages are subject to constant change. Language is the subject of constant change. Otumbayaan oku po dilo. I still believe it. I'm going to get dildo. ¿Karuyag mo pa makigkita ha am'? Do you still want us to meet? Do you want to see me?" Duduklah. Sit down. Sit down. Diri kadamuan it dagku na mga libong ha nasud Hapon. It's rare to find big yards in Japan. There are not many thousands of them in Japan. Kamu boleh menutup pintunya. You may close the door. You can close the door. Itu bukan masalah awak lagi. That's not your problem anymore. That's not your problem anymore. Sama sekali tidak ada kesalahan tata bahasa pada karangannya. Her composition had no grammatical errors at all. There is absolutely no grammatical error in his essay. Tom tadi mengakui kekalahannya Tom admitted that he had been defeated. Tom acknowledged his loss. Diri kaya ni Tom igeksplekar iton. Tom can't explain it. Tom couldn't stand it. Intang-intangan kio. Keep an eye on it. The Kio's. Kada magaab-agaab. Don't hurry. every night. Kamu sudah makan nasi? Have you already eaten rice? Have you eaten rice? Saya cinta kamu. I love you. I love you. Oruhai po tohubon isido do korita di tiinu. She was almost run over by a car. Oruhai po tohubon isido do korita di tiinu. Pada akhirnya, dia memilih anak kucing yang satunya. Finally, she chose another kitten. In the end, he chose the other kitten. Núkarín ke binílî? Where did I put it? N<0xC3><0xBA>kar<0xC3><0xAD>n ke bin<0xC3><0xAD>l<0xC3><0xAE>? Apay a dimo ibaga kadakuada? Why don't you tell them? Why don't you tell them? Pak White pergi ke Kanada. Mr. White went to Canada. Mr. White went to Canada. Apa angka favoritmu? What's your favorite number? What's your favorite number? Pag-laum kita naganar pa iton. Let's hope it still works. Let's hope it continues. Haro bonong id suang do tatalanan ku. I've got a frog in my throat. I'm going to have to play with my own game. Terima kasih banyak. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Bagaimana kalau Tom mengetahuinya? What if Tom finds out? How about Tom find out? Kivaa zou diau om toihaan nu do basug. I've had it with you and your stupid ideas. Kivaa zou uu ou ou ou toihaan ou toihaan nu buang. Tom telah mencadangkan agar kita menunggu di sini. Tom suggested that we wait here. Tom has suggested that we wait here. Kayatmi ti maysa a gobierno a bassit laeng nga umanay a maiselsel iti maysa nga uki. We want a government so small it can fit in a vagina. We want a government that is small enough to be stuck in a niche. Aandad-andad nodi tokou do parau' id piipiro jaam. We were waiting for the boat for many hours. I'm going to try to get the paramedics out of the way. Ot éka bísang túki kékami? Why don't you want to come with us? Are we going to be here? Imbati ni Tom kaniak dagiti tulbek. Tom left me the keys. Tom left the keys to me. Nokosunud i Tom kumaa doho tu poingiyon ko hilo'd pogun Australia. Tom told me you used to live in Australia. I'm going to try to get my sister to go to Australia. Kamu tidak punya AC? Don't you have an air conditioner? You don't have AC? Ing Pacifico ing pékamaragúl a kadayátmalátan king yátu The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. In the Pacific on the eve of King Y<0xC3><0xA1>tu's Patingápun keng kayabé nápun. I spent all day yesterday with her. It's like any other animal. Jangan mempermainkanku! Don't pull my leg! Don't play with me! Bahasa Cina saya kurang bagus. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not good. Akibat musim panas yang dingin, bir menjadi tidak begitu laku. Thanks to a cold summer, beer has sold poorly. As a result of the cold summers, beer became less of a sellout. Diak maawatan no apay a saannakon nga ay-ayaten pay. I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore. I don't understand why she doesn't love me anymore. Ammom kadi no ania kadagitoy ti maleta ni Tom? Do you know which suitcase is Tom's? Do you know which of these is Tom's suitcase? Ihumon ku ndo diya id hinonggo-nonggo nopo om patayon tiya. I'm going to find you wherever you are and kill you. I'm going to have to go to the store to get my aunt's tummy tucked away. Nåna-hu hao. You are my mother. N<0xC3><0xA5>na-hu hao. Kun an duhá nga táwo nag-aaway, an ikatulô nahingangalipay. When two people quarrel, a third rejoices. If the two sides are fighting, the other side will be happy. Nakikalagiw an idô. The dog is trying to escape. The idol fled. Bob tidak bisa menahan amarahnya. Bob could not control his anger. Bob couldn't help his anger. Aku akan pergi ke Tokyo besok. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. Tom membelikanku bunga mawar. Tom bought me roses. Tom bought me a rose. Ika okon ko tondu. You're not a woman. I'm the lady. Dia menikahi seorang gadis pilihannya. He married a girl of his own choice. He married a girl of his choice. Poiloon ku ndo disido. I will explain it to her. The ponies are disingenuous. Maabrihan kadtong manuktok. Whoever knocks get opened up to. The door is open. Siongoi oku hilo'd pamalabangan. Obuli? I like to visit cemeteries. Is that normal? Siongoi I'm going to drown. Obuli? Mada i Tom kopio papadalin do boros. Tom doesn't really enjoy translating. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work. Henteu. No. Henteu. E támu púpuntá. Let's not go. E t<0xC3><0xA1>mu p<0xC3><0xBA>punt<0xC3><0xA1>. Kemarin, pamanku meninggal karena kanker perut yang dideritanya. My uncle died of cancer of the stomach yesterday. Yesterday, my uncle died of stomach cancer. Nabasa pay laeng ti ules. The blanket is still wet. The blanket is still wet. Mámangán kang kárne? Do you eat meat? Do you want to see Karen? Nokoontok ti. It happened. It's sloppy. Kejujuran bukan jaminan sukses. Honesty is no guarantee of success. Honesty is not a guarantee of success. Maan i Tongondu pogiilang-ilangon. Women share everything. Tongdong was in a state of confusion. Titiodop iho duku. The puppy wants to sleep. Titiodop shark duku. Orohian oku no kopio do duku. I really like puppies. I rejoice, because I have perfect confidence in you. I Sami id wayaan di Layla. Sami was in Layla's way. I'm in the same boat in Layla. Buen biåhe. Bon voyage! Bye bi<0xC3><0xA5>he. Nakahantoi zi Tom naku doid panaasan ii? Did Tom do well on the exam? What's your take on the second one? Ing Vegemite kabalítan yang pámangan ibát king Australia. Vegemite is a popular Australian foodstuff. In the Vegemite region, the ib<0xC3><0xA1>t king of Australia. Aku baru saja pergi ke bank. I've been to the bank. I just went to the bank. Ayaw kabaraka, kaya ko iton. Don't worry, I can take it. Don't worry, I can do it. Agpayso kadi nga inagkam ni Tom? Is it true that you kissed Tom? Is it true that Tom and I kissed him? Aku butuh beberapa perangko. I need to get some stamps. I need some stamps. Alá ku pang ápayntún. I haven't found anything yet. I'm going to go to <0xC3><0xA1>paynt<0xC3><0xBA>n. Berapa umurnya? What is her age? How old is he? Burén mukúng muntá king puntalán ku. Let me go my own way. I'm going to kill my king. Tulisa kuwi. Write that down. write it. Koiho ko do ingkuo gunoon diti papagaagambal? Do you know how to use this camera? What's the point of getting a medical treatment? Atyú ku king kabundúkan. I was in the mountains. I'm the king of the night. Masalese yang mamyalung. He plays very well. It's the masculinity. Lami-an ko sa pinya sa pizza. I love pineapple on pizza. I'm enjoying the pizza. May kunggo ak. I have a nosebleed. I've got a bug. Bangunlah! Wake up! Wake up! Jangan mempermainkanku! Don't make fun of me! Don't play with me! Mari kita pertahankan pernikahan kita. Let's stay married. Let's keep our marriage. Kao mediku gue’? Is he a doctor? “What is my medicine?” Lamazo no oi Edinburgh! Enjoy Edinburgh! Lamazo no oi Edinburgh! Salámat. Thank you. Sal<0xC3><0xA1>mat. Bolehkah aku meminta bantuanmu? Could I trouble you with something? May I ask for your help? Aku tahu kalau Tom tidak lapar. I knew that Tom wasn't hungry. I knew that Tom wasn't hungry. He! Gue bilangin ya! Lu nggak pantes sama Radit! Gue yang pantes! Ngerti? Ngomong sama tangan! Hey, I'm tellin' ya! You don't deserve with Radit! I'm the one who deserve it! Got it? Talk to the hand! He! I said yes! You don't deserve Radit! I deserve it! Did you know? Speak by hand! Tolong bacalah sekali lagi. Read it once more, please. Please read it again. Faly miarahaba anao, ra-namana! Hello, my friend! Happy birthday to you, Nate! Maisayangkat ti eksibit agingga iti maika-20 ti Oktubre. The exhibit runs through October 20th. The exhibition will be held until October 20th. Haro koligagaanan nung tumulud hilo'd lisohu dot akapal. It is dangerous to fly in this heavy fog. It's hard to get in the way of the zucchini seed. E raká sasangkánan. I don't blame you. He's happy with it. Apakah ini kotoran baru? Was it a hot poo? Is this a new shit? Ngana basambunyi di pohong pe balakang. You hid behind the tree. It's hidden in a tree trunk. Saya tidak berapa suka dengan kehadirannya di sini. I'm not too pleased with him being here. I don’t like his presence here. Nung e king géra sibíl, makwálta no sâ ngéni. If it had not been for civil war, they would be wealthy now. If it's the King of the Rings, then it's the King of the Rings. Tom menandatangani dokumennya. Tom signed the document. Tom signed the document. Agko amta. I don't know. I don't know. Nabusog ko ug ayo sa paniudtong gihikay ni Inday. The lunch prepared by Inday filled me very much. I was very impressed with the design of Indy. Mílakó la óbra deng mágobra. Workers lost their jobs. It's just a lot of work or more work. Bálik nganhi. Come back here. B<0xC3><0xA1>lik is here. Tidak apa-apa. It's OK. It's okay. Duuhia! Over there! Duuhia! ¿Maaram it' im' iroy? Does your mother know? Do you know my mother? Dis-a ka? Where are you from? Where are you? Nokoilo oku diya'd topurimanan kaka i Tom. I know how you feel about Tom. I'm sure you've heard of Tom. Kay-ano hira maaram nga diri ako taga-Canada? How did people know I wasn't Canadian? How do you know I'm not from Canada? ¿Pakianhi man it' im' kalugaríngon? Why don't you ask him yourself? Do you want to ask me if I'm gay? Mugad tokou mantad Tokyo hilo'd Osaka minggu tobontol. We'll leave Tokyo for Osaka next week. I'm going to go to Tokyo to Osaka on Sunday. Si Yu'us ma'åsi'! Thank you! I'm going to yell! Au zou koimat do ahal ngaavi diti. I can't do all of this. Au zou koimat do ahal ngavi dit. Tom mengatur pengingat pada jamnya. Tom set the alarm on his watch. Tom set a reminder on his clock. Ongoi podsu. Please take a bath. Ongoi podsu. Hihimuon iton ni Tom. Tom is going to do it. Tom did it. Saya sedang mencoba menghafalkan nama-nama rasi bintang I am trying to memorise the names of constellations. I'm trying to memorize the names of the constellations Manhoben ham. We are young. Manhoben ham. Ayaw og saba ni Joana ha. Do not relay this information to Joana. Don't mess with Joana. Ruangan ini ada AC nya. This room has air conditioning. This room has air conditioning. Aku harus pulang. I have to get home. I have to go home. Awak belajar bahasa Inggeris? Do you study English? You're learning English? Osuusuvab zou muhi. I'm home early. Osuusuvab zou muhi. Buri neng pakabán ning lakánbalén ing dálan. The city wants to extend the road. It's a bit of a stretch, but it's a stretch on the road. Itu ada di bawah kursi. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Nokoiho zou do nokuo iziau tumolipoun dogo. I know why you've contacted me. Nokoiho zou do nokuo itziau tumolipoun dogo. Tom dan Mary adalah orang luar. Tom and Mary are outsiders. Tom and Mary are outsiders. Aku tidak butuh bantuanmu. I don't need no fucking help. I don't need your help. Baga'n maupay gud iton pamurut-buot ni Tom. Tom seems to be in a really good mood. Tom's response seemed to be disappointing. Ula'! Enough is enough! Snake'! ¿Ginhuhunahuna mo gud nga makakaruba inin hit akun reputasyon? Do you really think this will ruin my reputation? Do you really think it's going to ruin your reputation? Nadiri ako nga sumuko ka. I don't want you to give up. I don't want you to give up. Aku suka terung. I love aubergine. I like eggplants. Bolehkah saya meminjam telepon Anda? May I use your phone? Can I borrow your phone? Makausa ko la hiya kakit'i. I only saw him once. I only saw him once. Apakah minum lagu kegemaran anda? What's your favorite drinking song? What's your favorite song? Dimo kadi ammo no asinoak? Don't you know who I am? Don't you know who I am? Ketika Sir Alex Ferguson melihat pemainnya mulai kelelahan, dia selalu mengganti mereka. When Sir Alex Ferguson saw that his players were getting tired, he always substituted them. When Sir Alex Ferguson saw his players start to get tired, he always replaced them. Dia adalah seorang dokter. He is a doctor. He was a doctor. Salamat yamo. Thank you very much! Thank you, Yamo. Muhagang zou kopisohovot di Tom. I was glad to see Tom. Muhagang zou kopisohovot in Tom. Ikay hukom niana. You be the judge of that. judge for it. Noilaan i toinsanan kaka di Tom. Everyone knows about Tom. I'm going to put you on Tom's. Lia kabalakang! Look back! Lila is worried. Napanak iti dentista. I've been to the dentist. I went to the dentist. Tehran nopo nga id pogun Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is a no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no Kalau marah, hitung sampai sepuluh; kalau marah sekali, sampai seratus. When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred. If you are angry, count to ten; if you are angry, to a hundred. Kami melihat sebuah pulau di kejauhan. We saw an island in the distance. We saw an island in the distance. Naispal ni Tom. Tom survived. Tom was saved. Diri na in' sekreto. It's no secret. It's no longer a secret. Tom mungkin sedang tidur. Tom is probably sleeping. Tom may be sleeping. Ulahi mi. We're late. We're too late. Osonong-sonong iyau ih? Is he alright? What's the matter with you? ¿Áada ka ha Australya? Are you in Australia? Are you in Australia? Mékatapilán naká mintá? How many times have you gone? Do you want to get mine? ¿Kan kanay itón nga mga libro? Whose books are those? What's the books? Au i Tom karati do nunu boros di Mary kad boros Poransis. Tom said he didn't understand what Mary said in French. I'm going to take a look at Mary's post-mortem. Hari Valentine hampir berakhir, dan aku masih tidak tahu apa yang akan kuberikan padanya. Valentine's Day is close, and I still don't know what to give to her. Valentine's Day is almost over, and I still don't know what I'm going to give her. Aiso isido doid daamin dau songian tinolipoun ku dau. He wasn't at home when I called on him. I'm sure I'll be able to get all of them together. Awak tau tak macamana nak gunakan kamera ni? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how to use this camera? Guru senam Tom adalah pelatih basket Mary. Tom's gym teacher is Mary's basketball coach. Tom's gymnastics teacher was Mary's basketball coach. Aku sudah selesai menyirami bunga-bunganya. I've finished watering the flowers. I'm done watering the flowers. Aku akan memberimu sedikit nasihat. Let me give you some advice. I'll give you some advice. Kayatmo a sawen isu daytoy? Did you mean this? You mean this is it? Saya membosankan. I am boring. I'm boring. Masasabtan nira sunod o, niruniyan. They will find out sooner or later. They're going to understand, or they're going to. ¿Kumbidahun mo hiya hiton katitiruk? Are you going to invite her to the party? Are you going to take him to the ballgame? Diak maawatan. I do not understand. I don't understand. Nagsaklang hi Tom ha kahoy. Tom climbed the tree. Tom jumped into the tree. Selalunya, saya lebih suka membayar dengan kad kredit dan bukan dengan wang tunai. I usually prefer to pay with credit card and not with cash. Usually, I prefer to pay with a credit card and not with cash. Anhi la ako ngan magkikita hiton TV. I'm going to stay here and watch TV. I just came here and watched that TV. Aku menantikan panggilan telepon darimu. I've been expecting your call. I'm waiting for a phone call from you. "Baik", kata orang itu, "Saya tidak percaya, tetapi tidak ada salahnya berharap. Saya berharap saya tahu siapa saya." "All right," said the man, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am." "Good", said the man, "I don't believe, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish I knew who I am." Aku bisa memakan apa saja kecuali bawang. I can eat anything but onions. I can eat anything but onions. Sejumlah uang telah dicuri. Some of the money was stolen. A lot of money has been stolen. Jangan merokok banyak sangat Don't smoke too much. Don’t smoke too much. Kali ini, Najwa seolah-olah enggan melepaskan suaminya pergi. This time round, it was as if Najwa was unwilling to let her husband go. This time, Najwa seemed reluctant to let her husband go. Seperti itulah dia, orang yang dingin. He's a cold person like that. That's how it is, cold people. Kinurihyan mi ya. We corrected it. We've been in awe. Saya pergi ke Bali saat libur musim panas. I went to Bali in the summer. I went to Bali during the summer holidays. Makadto hiyá ha Nueva York sunod nga bulan. He will go to New York next month. He's going to New York next year. Hadto ko pa iton kilala hi Tom. I've known Tom for years. I used to know Tom. Tom dan Mary telah berkencan selama tiga bulan. Tom and Mary have been dating for three months. Tom and Mary have been dating for three months. Manu kou nopo kopoihaan kokomoi diho nga maai no tolipounai zikoi. If you want to find out more information about this, please call us. And when you fast, be not divided into two groups. Kasano a mabirokanmi ni Tom? How do we find Tom? How can we find Tom? Tagay palihog. Please have a drink. Please, please. Bassit ti tao iti aplaya. There were few people on the beach. The man on the beach is small. Okito oku dilo baino. I can see that now. Okito oku dilo baino. Au koontok lo. That won't happen. You've got your cock. Kapan kamu akan kembali? When will you be back? When are you coming back? Itu bagus sekali. It was really nice. That's great. Silakan duduk. Take a seat, please. Please sit down. Mengerikan sekali! How horrible! It's awful! Minogodu i mongingia kumaa tanak kusai tu agangau dau i. The teacher told the boy not to make noise. I'm going to try to get my son to follow me. I na'ån hu si Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Tidak ada ruang untuk alasan ketika itu datang dari kelalaian anda, adakah? There's no room for excuses when it comes to your negligence, is there? There's no room for reason when it comes from your negligence, right? Gurita ini bersembunyi di dalam tempurung kelapa. This octopus was hiding inside the coconut shell. This octopus is hiding in a coconut shell. Didanto maammuan. They won't know. They won't know. Maayo man mi. We're fine. We were good. Aku tidak mampu menahannya lebih lama lagi. I can't stand it any longer. I can't hold it any longer. Sila tunjukkan saya gambar-gambar itu. Show me the photos, please. Please show me those pictures. Aku nyumbang kanggo paguyuban iki amèh saben dina. I contribute to this forum almost every day. I donate to this community almost every day. Saya harus tidur. I have to go to sleep. I have to sleep. Kao må’o hamyo? Are you thirsty? Have you ever been in a relationship? Berapa lamakah kamu telah tinggal di Osaka? How long have you been staying in Osaka? How long have you lived in Osaka? Ayaw kami samuka. Don't disturb us. Don't touch us. Mángaylángan támung Plan B? Do we need a Plan B? What's the plan B? Nangngegna. He heard it. He heard. Kivaa o vaig? Is there water? Kivaa or vaig? Kamu itu masih bau kencur. You're still green. You still smell like shit. Nagsisirom na, ngan an malain, nawarâ kami. It grew dark, and what was worse, we lost our way. It's getting dark, and the vale, we're out. Saya tidak tahu harus berkata apa. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Dia mempunyai banyak mutu. He has plenty of quality. He has a lot of qualities. Aku tidak dapat mengingat apapun tentang hal itu. I can't remember any of it. I can't remember anything about it. Au mongukab iho kadai do tadau baino. The store is not open today. I'm going to hunt the shark every day. Kun waray an imo búlig, bángin pakyas niya ádto mahimo. But for your help, he would have failed. If you don't have a plan, it will fail. Kayatak dagiti pelikula nga addaan ti naragsak nga panungpalan. I love movies with happy endings. I like films with a happy ending. Iya susumikul? Are you a student? She's going to school? Kuda yang memenangkan balapan itu dimiliki oleh tuan Johnson. The horse that won the race was owned by Mr. Johnson. The horse that won the race was owned by Mr. Johnson. Dírì akó nakakaabot han mga libro ha bawbaw han burtangan. I can't reach any of the books on the top shelf. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> ak<0xC3><0xB3> reaches the books on top of the wardrobe. Avasi om osongi doiti. It's nice and quiet in here. Avasi om osongi doiti. Amerikanu hao. You are American. Americano hao. Dilihat dari pesawat, pulau itu terlihat indah sekali. Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful. Viewed from the plane, the island looks beautiful. Buku mana yang sedang kita bicarakan? Which is the book we're talking about? Which book are we talking about? Kita manganto skali sampe mata mu tabuka me susa bahaya. I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I'll keep an eye on you until you open your eyes. Ápayntún de i Tom. They'll find Tom. It's from Tom. Cewek itu seksi gila! That chick is fucking hot! That girl's hot crazy! Aiso tikit nu montok abaabazan baino di? Do you have any tickets for today's performance? It's a bit of a pain in the ass, isn't it? Aku harap aku bisa melakukannya. I hope that I can do it. I wish I could do it. Maymaysa ti ukel-ukel ni Tom. Tom has only one testicle. Tom was single-handed. Aku memikirkan tentang dirimu. I'm thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Memulayi la reng ának papunta king classroom. The children ran toward the classroom. I went to the King's classroom. Semuanya mencicipi makanannya. Everybody tasted the food. Everyone tastes the food. Bayáran me. You will pay for it. Pay for me. Makanannya sangat enak sampai-sampai saya makan terlalu banyak. The food was so good that I ate too much. The food was so good that I ate too much. Waráy gud ada labot ni Tom. Tom probably doesn't care. There's a lot to do with Tom. Mereka menang. They won. They won. Libro kadi ni Tom daytoy? Is this book Tom's? Is this Tom's book? Byása ya king handball. He is good at handball. The king of handball. ¿Puydi ka kumadí hiton ákòn opisina kun may panahon ka? Could you come to my office when you have a moment? Would you like to be able to get a job in the office or do you have time? Kéraklán kéni lang kwártu mátudúd. They usually sleep in this room. It's just that it's a sloppy mess. Nagkakarag ka oras. You are wasting time. You're wasting hours. Itu karena kamu perempuan. That's because you're a girl. It's because you're a woman. Maayong pag-abot! Welcome. You're welcome! Tom menawarkan sebatang permen kepada Mary. Tom offered Mary a stick of gum. Tom offered a piece of candy to Mary. Kita akan diselamatkan. We're going to be rescued. We will be saved. Aku tidak akan pernah melakukannya lagi. I'll never do this again. I'll never do it again. Wilujeng Natal! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Oi iziau! Hey, you there! Oi iziau! Doino kou di? Is somebody there? Doino kou in? Modagan tong tawhana. That particular person would run. run by a man. Kayatko nga ipatulod daytoy a tarheta idiay Japon. I want to send this postcard to Japan. I want to send this card to Japan. Binoros di Tom ilo. Tom said that. Binoros in Tom Ilo. Ayaw kalimti pagkita hit imo papel san-o nimu ipasa ngadi. You must not forget to check your paper before you hand it in. Don't forget to check out your post when you're done. Pag-abat ko diri ka natapod ha akon. I think you don't trust me. I don't think you trust me. Aku tidak setuju denganmu. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Dátang ya keng gatpanápun ning a-singkú. He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th. It's a bit of a stretch, but it's an a-hole. Dokter, nama saya Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Kada kokuai no hal diri. Soroho po toruhai dot poingkaa tulun nopo topuhawang nga amu sumongkiwal. Don't get upset about small things. Try to think of things like a rich person who can afford not to argue. Since no one can say this is not true, you should be quiet. Stop and think before you do anything. Berapa tahun cikgu sudah mengajar di Sabah? How long have you been teaching in Sabah? How many years have you taught in the morning? Nabakbaknang ni Tom ngem iti uray asino man ditoy. Tom is richer than anyone else here. Tom is richer than anyone else here. Dalam keadaan tangannya yang terketar-ketar, dia masih mampu menulis sepucuk surat. He still managed to write a letter even when his hands are shaking. With his hands outstretched, he was still able to write a letter. Siapa gurumu? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Kenapa Taro bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris sebaik itu? Why can Taro speak English so well? Why does Taro speak English so well? Aku ora doyan kopi. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. Iya ming gitudloag Iningles. She is teaching us English. He taught us English. Nalpaskon a nabasa daytoy a libro. I have already finished reading this book. I've finished reading this book. Aku terbangun waktu subuh. We got up at dawn. I woke up in the morning. Punggungku masih sakit. My back still hurts. My back still hurts. Saya pikir itulah masalahnya. I think that's the problem. I think that's the problem. Aku dapat surat dari temanku di London. I got a letter from a friend of mine in London. I got a letter from a friend in London. Gimmatang isuna iti manok. She bought chicken. He bought a chicken. Mereka tidak saling menyapa selama sisa tahun mereka bersekolah. They didn't say a word to each other for the rest of the school year. They did not greet each other for the rest of the year they went to school. Méki-kalugúran tána kang Tom. We have made friends with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. Atapen kadi ti amin a siak ti nangtakaw iti kuarta? Does everyone think it was me who stole the money? Is everyone going to arrest me for stealing the money? Aku suka kucing. I like cats. I like cats. Kitai iton nawong ni Tom. Look at Tom's face. Look at Tom's face. Buuk diti ngaavi diisai? Whose books are these? Is there a way to get rid of the avocado? Dia tidak suka bola sepak. She doesn't like soccer. He doesn't like football. Itu pesananku. Those are my orders. That's my order. Nokouli isido do hopod minit katalib do timpu kokoboongon. She came back ten minutes after the explosion. Now there were more than forty who had made this conspiracy, Dia mengkedipkan matanya. She blinked her eyes. He blinked his eyes. Jangan beli sekarang; ia tidak lama lagi akan memotong harga. Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices. Don’t buy it now; it will soon cut the price. Dia memberitahuku bahwa dia akan mengunjungi Nara bulan depan. He told me that he would visit Nara next month. He told me that he would visit Nara next month. Sulang. Thank you. Sulang. Karuyag ko ikaw makit'an yana nga gab-i. I wanted to see you tonight. I want to see you tonight. Saya seharusnya bertemu Tom di Boston Senin depan pada 2:30. I'm supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. I was supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. Satu cara untuk menanganinya adalah membiarkannya berfikir dengan caranya sendiri. One way to deal with him is to let him think his own way. One way to deal with it is to let it think in its own way. Saya tidak menyuruh awak untuk tidak melakukan hal itu. I didn't ask you not to do that. I didn't tell you not to do that. Wala na ko nakagusto sa imo. I don't like you anymore. I no longer like you. Tom memberi Mary sekotak coklat. Tom gave Mary a box of chocolates. Tom gave Mary a box of chocolates. Kamu harus minta maaf. You've got to apologize. You have to apologize. Adalah sebuah kesedihan mendalam bagi keluarga kami untuk menerima kemungkinan merayakan natal ketiga kami tanpa Mary It is heartbreaking for our family to accept the likelihood of spending a third Christmas without Mary. It is a deep sadness for our family to accept the possibility of celebrating our third Christmas without Mary. Mamatos zosido dogo mooi ikot. She promised me to come. I'm going to go with the doo doo doo. Dhèwèké wis rabi lawasé sepuluh taun. They have been married for ten years. She has been married for 10 years. Ingaa nopo pinapaakan oku do tasu ku do daging taata. I never feed my dog raw meat. I've been trying to get my hands on it, but I've got to get my hands on it. Di sana ada aer? Is there water there? There's an aer there? Dia memberhentikan mobil. He stopped the car. He stopped the car. Manehna moal percaya ka urang. He wouldn't believe us. You won't believe us. Bibi saya membuatkan saya rok baru. My aunt made a new skirt for me. My aunt made me a new skirt. Kalian punya apa? What've you got? You got what? Kami semua sangat bangga padamu. We're all so proud of you. We're all very proud of you. Koubasanan i Maman mimpanau id dumo dau maya tasu dau. The old man was working in his garden, with his dog, as usual, close by. My mother-in-law's mother had a crush on me. Matálik yang mínum i Tom. Tom drank too much. Mat<0xC3><0xA1>lik that m<0xC3><0xAD>num i Tom. Nagsaad hi Tom nga isumat it' kamatuoran. Tom promised to tell the truth. He promised to tell the truth. Apo itu paralu? Is it that urgent? What is paralu? Ngarud, no maysaak a binabai, krimen kadi daytoy? So, if I were gay, would it be a crime? So, if I'm a bachelor, is this a crime? Manaak i Tom do kain piniid kumaa di Mary. Tom gave Mary a towel. I'm going to have to take a look at Mary Anne's wedding dress. Naragsakka kadi? Are you happy? Are you happy? Kotoluadan tu kinarangahan. Thank you for listening. The code is configurable. Nokoiho zikoi do nunu kinaantakan doiti. We all know what happened here. I'm going to have to admit that I'm a douchebag. Giliran saya? Is it my turn? My turn? E mákatákot? Isn't it scary? E m<0xC3><0xA1>kat<0xC3><0xA1>kot? Mambasa oku do buuk. I'm reading my book. I read the hair. Meg sedang menyiapkan sarapan. Meg is preparing breakfast. Meg is preparing breakfast. Tak ada hubungan antara mereka There is no connection between them. There's no connection between them. Agayo iti ko mantad dilo. This is as large as that. I'm in the middle of speaking. Berapa umurnya? What is his age? How old is he? Kaanoka a naudi nga immiyot? When was the last time you had sex? When was the last time you cried? Aku sama sekali tidak memahami ini. I simply don't understand this. I don't understand this at all. Mari la torang pigi makang. Let's go eat. Let's take a look at the mahogany. Dies, beinti, treinta, kuarenta, sinkuenta, sisenta, sitenta, ochenta, nobenta, siento. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Dies, beinti, treinta, quarter, fifty, cent, sitenta, ochenta, ninety, cent. Milo' oku monguhot isai dii? Can I ask who? Do you want me to take a shower? Aglisika man, balong. Out of my way, boy. Get out of the way, bro. Jagalah kebersihan kelasmu. Keep your classroom clean. Take care of your classroom cleanliness. Subra-sobra an akon irimnon. I've had too much to drink. I drank too much. Sigúrádu ing pámanyambút támu. Our victory is secure. Sig<0xC3><0xBA>r<0xC3><0xA1>du in p<0xC3><0xA1>manyamb<0xC3><0xBA>t t<0xC3><0xA1>mu. Ia mengendarai mobil impor. She drives an imported car. He drives an imported car. Daun-daun gugur ke bumi ketika musim luruh. The leaves fall to the earth in autumn. The leaves fall to the earth in autumn. Ulang tahunmu semakin dekat. Your birthday is drawing near. Your birthday is getting closer. Au mimang zi Tom mangakan do konuununu. Tom doesn't want to eat anything else. I'm going to have to eat the zucchini. Mari torang kase tarbang falinggir. Let's fly kites. Let's take a look at the flip side. Tam osimbayan i Tom dangadau diti toi ko amu. I wonder whether Tom is free this afternoon. I'm in awe of you, and I'm in awe of you. Bangin karuyag mo magpabulig kan Tom. You might want to ask Tom to help you. You might want to ask Tom for help. Tom tidak mencoba untuk membantah. Tom didn't try to argue. Tom didn't try to argue. Minangangat iyau do tirikohonon dau mooi do porikoton montok doho. He rose from his chair to welcome me. He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne. Au otogod i Mary ka di Tom. Tom said Mary didn't seem angry. Mary nodded at Tom. Nokoikot zosido no? Has she come? It's not Zodiac, is it? Iti nopo nga buuk nota totomou. This is a green notebook. On the back of the towel. Ouzan zou koongou di Tom. I'm sick of listening to Tom. Ouzan zou koongou in Tom. Kaykayatko ti musika. I enjoy music. I like music. Ingaa no kaantakan nodi. It'll never happen again. Don't be fooled by Noddy. Matuod nga gindara nimo an imo ayam ha opisina? Is it true that you brought your dog to the office? You actually brought your dog to the office? Sahur tadi, awak makan apa? What did you have for sahur? Sahur, what did you eat? Naahapon ku no id kalamazan diti. I was invited to the party. Last night, I got my ID card. Kau harus tetap terjaga. You must stay awake. You need to stay awake. Si Tom ha li'e yu'. Tom saw me. Tom Li'e. Poinhosok dati zi Tom. Tom is probably still hiding. Pointhosok ex zi Tom. Dilarang merokok di area ini. Smoking is forbidden in this area. No smoking in this area. Duha nga mga bata iton nalingkod bawbaw han alasid. Two children are sitting on top of the fence. There were two children sitting on the floor. Tolong panggilkan taksi. Please call a taxi. Please call a taxi. Aku tidak bisa membuat mereka bangun. I couldn't get them to wake up. I can't make them wake up. Saya belum lagi menghabiskan makan. I haven't quite finished eating. I haven’t finished eating yet. Saya pikir kamu gila. I think you're crazy. I thought you were crazy. Mégi yang bíktima ning saríli nang ambisyún. He fell victim to his own ambition. It's a bit of an ambivalence, but it's an ambitious one. Poongoyon ku i Tom. I let Tom go. I'm with Tom. Ammo la ketdi ni Tom no apay a pimmanaw ni Mary iti ili. Tom certainly knows why Mary left town. Tom must have known why Mary left town. Minokiampun nodi isido kumaa di Mary ka di Tom. Tom said he apologized to Mary. I'm going to take a look at Mary and Tom. Harusnya kamu memberi tahu Tom. You should've told Tom. You should have told Tom. Kayatmo kadi nga ibellengkon? Do you want me to throw it away? You want me to throw it away? Peparlan nakung John sulat king German. John sent me a letter written in German. John's letter to the King of Germany. Iní ing malyári. This is what's going to happen. Located in Malia. Kotoluadan tu pangalap. Thanks for the invite. The example is a scam. Sesuatu yang kecil dapat menyebabkan hal yang besar. Small things can lead to bigger things. A little thing can lead to a big thing. Adda kinnanko. I had a meal. I ate something. Cuaca hari ini sangat dingin sehingga membuat kami menggeletuk. Today's weather is very cold that it makes us shiver. Today’s weather is so cold that it makes us drowsy. Gáwan mung pasíbáyu yan? Are you going to do that again? Isn't that just a faggot? Aku lapar! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Suangai. Come in. Suangai. Anak itu menunggangi kuda untuk pertama kalinya. The boy rode a horse for the first time. The boy was riding a horse for the first time. Jelema ti Mesir ngomong basa Arab. The person from Egypt speaks Arabic. The Egyptians speak Arabic. Agyáng kapilán sasabyán na ing tutú káku. He always told me the truth. I'm going to have to sit on my lap and sit on my lap. Akurasi merupakan hal yang penting dalam aritmatika. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Aku mengandalkanmu. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. Saantayo kadi nga isardeng daytoy? Shouldn't we stop this? Aren't we going to stop this? Dia amper tara bisa dapa dengar barang dia pe pendengaran tara bae skali. His hearing is very bad, he is almost deaf. He couldn't hear the sound of his voice. Kamu dari mana, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Ingin melindungiku dari diriku sendiri sama pintarnya dengan menyelamatkan ikan supaya tidak tenggelam. Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning. Wanting to protect me from myself is as smart as saving the fish from drowning. Sabián ku kayáng dínálan ka. I'll tell her you came by. I'm going to tell you that I'm going to kill you. Dírì ka untâ angay kinmádto nga nag-uusáan ka là. You shouldn't have gone there by yourself. It's important to remember that you're going to have a blast. Salamat Mike. Nadiri akó hiton manók. Thanks, Mike. I don't like chicken. Thank you Mike, I didn't like that man. Noikot vinasi zou i oi ina. I'm fine, mom. I'm the mother of zucchini. Semua orang menatap padaku. Everyone stared at me. Everybody's looking at me. Filmnya akan mulai pada pukul sepuluh. The movie starts at ten o'clock. The film will start at ten o'clock. ¿Nakakarawat ka hin inbitasyon tikang kan Tom? Have you received an invitation from Tom? Did you get an invitation from me? Jangan hanya makan ikan, makan daging juga. Don't just eat fish. Eat meat, too. Don’t just eat fish, eat meat, too. Tomoimo nopo susuzan nga mimban-simban nogi. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. Tomoimo nods to Nomad's house. Napan isuna iti pagtagilakuan. She went to the store. He went to the shop. Kivaa titiu nu? Do you have a light? Kivaa titiu nu? Apakah Anda sudah pergi ke dokter? Did you go to see a doctor? Have you gone to the doctor? Tiada sesiapa yang menjawab telefon. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Ada ruang. There's room. There's room. Alá lang pakyalám. They don't care. Just go for it. Tom sedang memotong rumput di halaman depannya. Tom is mowing his front lawn. Tom was cutting grass in his front yard. Salamat! Thank you! Thank you! Apa air ini baik untuk diminum? Is this water okay to drink? Is this water good for drinking? Adakah anda membaca sebarang selain dari Injil? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything other than the Bible? Dia nampaknya sedang sakit. He seems sick. He seems to be sick. Dia sedang memakan sebuah apel. He's eating an apple. He was eating an apple. Tom tertarik pada pendakian gunung. Tom is interested in mountaineering. Tom is interested in mountaineering. Núkarín ya ing ásu? Where is the dog? In the name of Jesus? Mabalin a maysa nga espia ni Tom. Tom could be a spy. Tom may have been a spy. Ini tidak mungkin. It is impossible. This is impossible. ¿Hin-o man ngay-an it mag-aataman hit imo uding? Who'll take care of your cat then? Who's going to take care of your body? Bolehkah saya nyalakan TV-nya? Can I turn on the TV? Can I turn on the TV? Adda dua a pusak. I have two cats. I have two hearts. Aku tidak peduli akan apa yang akan terjadi. I don't care what happens. I don't care what's going to happen. Burí ku sâ atyú ku Boston. I wish I was in Boston. Bur<0xC3><0xAD> ku s<0xC3><0xA2> aty<0xC3><0xBA> ku Boston. Oilaan ku do komoyon nu. I know what you meant. I'm going to tell you that I'm going to make you mine. Dírì niya sadang makapalit hin bág-o nga kotse. He can't afford to buy a new car. He should be able to buy a new car. Aga yana ngadi ha amon time zone. It's morning here in my time zone. It's in our time zone. ¿Kumadto ka doktor? Did you see a doctor? You're going to the doctor? Kamu dapat membelinya di toko buku. You can buy it at the bookshop. You can buy it at the bookstore. Ginhigugma hi akó. I'm loved. Aiko was loved. Pemanas ini berbahan bakar gas. This heater burns gas. This heater is fueled by gas. Au iyolo koilo momoguno do tanda rombituon. They don't know how to use an asterisk. “Their mouths are full of cursing and angry words. ” Lúpa kang makmák. You look stupid. You're going to cum. Aku mendapat okarina dari anak perempuanku di hari Ayah. Sebetulnya aku tidak membutuhkannya. Aku heran dari mana ia mendapat ide seperti itu. I got an ocarina from my daughter on Father's Day. Frankly, though, I don't need it. I wonder where she could have come up with such a present. I got an ocarina from my daughter on Father's Day. I really don't need it. I wonder where she got such an idea. Adu ti kabarbaro nga ideana. He has lots of new ideas. He has a lot of new ideas. Dia mengangkat tanganya. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. Kokito ko ti? Did you see it? It's my kitchen? Tidak semua pegawai datang hadir. Not all of the staff was present. Not all officers are present. Mary makan salad ayam panggang. Mary ate a grilled chicken salad. Mary ate a grilled chicken salad. Noizon zosido doiho tampat do toluhai. She stayed in that area for a short while. Noizon zosido doho toluhai. Mabainak. I feel ashamed. I'm embarrassed. Aanangan zou do buuk i Harry Potter. I like the Harry Potter books. It's the Harry Potter hair. Guaha che'lu-hu. I have a sister. Guaha che'lu-hu. Itarong ra ko sa plancha. Please fix the iron. I'm going to plancha. Apa yang dikatakan guru itu membuat Mary belajar lebih giat. What the teacher said got Mary to study harder. What the teacher said made Mary study harder. Mositi do pointounda' tokou monoimo do vaza' ngaavi' do koimaan tokou sondii. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action. Mositi do pointtounda' tokou monoimo do vaza' ngavi' do koimaan tokou sondii. Dia memang seorang pekerja keras. He is, indeed, a hard worker. He is indeed a hard worker. Tom makan siang sendirian setiap hari. Tom eats lunch by himself every day. Tom had lunch alone every day. Waráy lain hiyá it' masunod. No doubt she will come soon. It's a different story to follow. Ania ti basbasaem? What are you reading? What are you reading? Tufts adalah universitas paling berbahaya di dunia. Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world. Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world. Naha? Why? What? Gosa i ha'åni-mu. Enjoy your day. I'm going to have your day. Berapa tarif untuk ke Liverpool? What's the fare to Liverpool? How much does it cost to go to Liverpool? Dia baru akan berangkat menuju ke sekolah. He was going to school. He's just about to go to school. Aku rasa besok aku benar-benar akan menjadi botak. I guess that tomorrow I'll be completely bald. I think tomorrow I'm really going to be bald. Mangasab ko' nangku doho? Are you mocking me? I'm going to take a nap? Éku bálû. I do not know. <0xC3><0x89>ku b<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xBB>. Barang-barang ini mendapat pembebasan bea masuk. These articles are exempt from "Droits de douane". These items get customs clearance in. Saya penasaran apanya yang lucu. I want to know what's funny. I wonder what’s funny. Utarid ialah planet terkecil dalam sistem suria kita. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Satu, tiga dan lima adalah nombor-nombor ganjil. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are odd numbers. Berikan padaku panahmu. Give me your arrow. Give me your arrow. Apa tujuanmu? What are your intentions? What's your purpose? Soe! Kita lupa bali nasi tu. Damn! I forgot to buy rice. We forgot the rice bali. Kamapaso gud liwat didto. It's really hot out here. It's also very nice there. Madugayay na nga bakante an kwárto. The room was empty for quite a while. The kw<0xC3><0xA1>rto has been vacant for a long time. Saya lupa nama Anda. I forgot your name. I forgot your name. Apakah kamu tinggal di sini? Do you live here? Do you live here? Aku takut sebentar lagi akan turun hujan. I'm afraid it's going to rain. I'm afraid it'll rain soon. "Aku cuma bertanya satu hal." "Urus urusanmu sendiri." "I was just asking a question." "Mind your own business." "I'm just asking you one thing." "Take care of your own business." Aku mengenal ayahmu. I am acquainted with your father. I know your father. Aanangan zou do sukulat sokilim. I like chocolate ice cream. Aananan zou do sukulat sokilim. Di mana koranku? Where is my newspaper? Where's my newspaper? Pemahaman Bahasa Inggerisnya lemah. His knowledge of English is poor. The English language is weak. Mongiau o tungau ku. My cat barks. Mea culpa or mea culpa. Tom menginginkan mobil 'sport' dan sama sekali tidak tertarik dengan mobil keluarga. Tom wanted a sports car and wasn't at all interested in even looking at family cars. Tom wants a 'sport' car and is not interested in family cars at all. Zi Tom no nokoiho do kinoizonon di Mary. Tom wasn't the only one who knew where Mary lived. Zi Tom's heart sank to Mary's heart. Tingkod doiho. Stop there. Honest doiho. Iti nopo nga totopot! It is the truth! In the name of Toto! Ini sebuah buku yang menarik bukan? This is an interesting book, isn't it? It's an interesting book, isn't it? Aku dengar sesuatu jatuh ke tanah. I heard something fall to the ground. I heard something fell to the ground. Tsara ka! I'm good! You're Tsara! Dimana Tom dan keluarganya tinggal? Where are Tom and his family living? Where does Tom and his family live? Ng tela a dengua er kau? What's your phone number? What's your dengue? Ginpaandar namon an radyo. We turned on the radio. We turned on the radio. Demi Allah! For God's sake! By Allah! Hi Tom permi nareklamo mahitungod kan Mary. Tom is always complaining about Mary. Tom has always complained about Mary. It ak pag-ábat amo inin hiya it imu tatay. I'm assuming this is your father. I think it's your dad. Kadam-an hiton eskuylahan gindesinyo dírì para bag-uhon it' sosyedad kun dírì pára padamuon ini. Most schools were designed not to transform society, but to reproduce it. Most of these schools are designed to renovate the society or society in this way. Bangin iguinkakadiri gihap nira ako. They probably hate me, too. They might as well be ignoring me. Aku hanya tidak lagi merasa aman di sini. I just don't feel safe here anymore. I just don't feel safe here anymore. Nagaangawanda isuna. They made fun of him. They cared for him. Tom membutuhkan seorang teman. Tom needs a friend. Tom needs a friend. Otimpuun nodi maso'. It's about time to start. It's a no-brainer. Dia pergi ke Amerika tahun lalu untuk menyegarkan kembali Bahasa Inggeris. He went to the United States last year to brush up his English. He went to the US last year to revitalize English. Kanou gumuli hodi karamaian. Let's get back to the party. Kanou goes home to the crowd. Gurita itu membawa tempurung kelapa. The octopus carries a coconut shell. The octopus carries a coconut shell. Tuan Wang adalah keturunan Tionghoa. Mr. Wang is Chinese. Mr. Wang is of Chinese descent. Ih tomodon ku nopo au koodop nga ogumu do inumon kupi. In order to stay awake I may have to drink more coffee. My heart is full of tears, and my heart is full of tears. Tínágun ya king Boston banwáng métung i Tom. Tom visited Boston last year. I'm from Boston, Boston, and I'm from Boston. Éka tumérak? Aren't you going to dance? It's going to be sloppy? Tom itu anggota geng. Kamu harus menjauhinya. Tom is a gang member. You should stay away from him. Tom's a gang member, you gotta stay away from him. Nakasavo zosido no? Is she married? It's called Zozo, isn't it? Nagulbod kaniak daytoy a babai. This woman lied to me. This woman lied to me. Au songkuo kosoob' o suduvon tozopos. Wet firewood doesn't burn well. Au songkuo kosoob' or suduvon tozopos. E makanyán kalagwáng kumbinsyán i Tom Tom won't be that easy to convince. It's time for Tom's death Sudah buka saja pintunya. Just open the door. Just open the door. Kasano katayag ni Tom? How tall is Tom? How tall is Tom? Ikadto. Put it there. Go there. Brian pergi ke sekolah dengan Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian goes to school with Kate. Tolong tutup pintunya. Shut the door, please. Please close the door. Malarga ako, kun ako ha imo. If I were you, I'd go. I'll run away, or I'll go with you. Baiklah. Alright. All right. Agkallaysakami inton Oktubre. We're getting married in October. We're getting married in October. Dia biasanya makan di luar setiap hari, tapi sekarang dia tidak bisa. He used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford it. He used to eat out every day, but now he can't. Apatut no potongkiadan ilo tampanak mantad do tina dau sondiri. The calf should be separated from its mother. And when he comes to his house, he finds it swept away. Kau mau minum apa? What will you drink? What would you like to drink? Atíng mébáting kéka? Did you lose something? In the name of M<0xC3><0xA9>b<0xC3><0xA1>t<0xC3><0xA9>? Dia membuka surat itu dengan cepat. She opened the letter quickly. He quickly opened the letter. Waray maaram hi Tom hin nga butang. Tom knows nothing about this matter. Tom doesn't know anything. Dia tidak mempunyai kawan untuk bercakap dengan. He has no friends to talk with. He doesn't have any friends to talk to. Waray ako kadtu ha Hong Kong nga nakairuplanu. I didn't go to Hong Kong by plane. I don't have a card in Hong Kong that was designed. Dengan senang hati saya akan membantunya. I'll be glad to help him. I am happy to help him. Hampir semua anak laki-laki Jepang suka bermain bisbol. Almost all Japanese boys like to play baseball. Almost all Japanese boys love to play baseball. Nagwawatak ka. You're out of order. You're running errands. Apakah Anda pernah ke London sebelumnya? Have you been to London before? Have you been to London before? Mangakan i tompu do golupo. Foxes eat hens. I'm going to eat towels. Ti maysa a masirib ket maysa a tao a nakatakuat iti maysa a banag a napimpintas ngem iti panagiyot. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. A wise man is a man who discovers something that is more beautiful than squealing. Somoonu yahai kopibooboros dilo kawagu. I'd rather discuss this at a later time. Somoonu Kabooboom was once again mentioned. Saya diminta untuk meneruskan pesan ini kepadamu. I've been asked to forward this message to you. I was asked to forward this message to you. Aku menutup jendelanya supaya bayinya tidak terkena pilek. I didn't want the baby to catch a cold, so I closed the window. I closed the window to keep the baby from getting a cold. Igamor ed sikami so kareenan! Grant us peace! May peace be with all of you. Ak mesisiich. I'm fine. Aggran. Iserram dayta nga ridaw! Close that door! Close that door! Maayong buntag! Good morning! Good morning! Saya tinggal di dekat sebuah toko buku tua. I live next to an old bookshop. I live near an old bookstore. Tidakkah kamu menjadi sangat kasar? Aren't you being very rude? Aren't you being so rude? Kayatmo ti agdaliasat? Do you like to travel? You want to travel? Au i tangaanak mumang do linimput diolo. Children don't need their own rooms. I've got a little bit of a dildo. Au oku bobogon montok tondu bo. I've never hit a woman. I'm going to take a look at Bo Boing Boing. Ania ti mainum? What to drink? What to drink? Kami sarapan pada pukul tujuh. We have breakfast at seven. We had breakfast at seven. Hiyá la nga usá. He's all by himself. It's just one. Maai gia do baino, okon do tiinu. Aiso i dati do kosivatan suvai do soosongian no. Do it now, not later. There may not be another opportunity any time soon. Maai gia do baino, okon do tiinu. Aiso i used to do kosivatan suvai do soosongian no. Fungsi sinus dan kosinus mengabil nilai antara -1 dan 1 (termasuk -1 dan 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The sinus and cosine functions bill a value between -1 and 1 (including -1 and 1). Noikot vinasi, om iziau? I'm fine. How about you? Noikot vinasi, om iziau? Napabilganak. I feel empowered. I've been nurtured. Muli ku ndo suab. I'll come back tomorrow. Once again, I'm in awe. Dia menggambar dua buah persegi pada papan tulis. He drew two squares on the blackboard. He drew two square pieces on the board. Urayenta kadi ni Tom ditoy? Should we wait for Tom here? Will we wait for Tom here? Ai dan Mariko adalah teman dekat. Mereka pergi ke mana pun bersama. Ai and Mariko are close friends. They go everywhere together. Ai and Mariko are close friends. They go anywhere together. Guol hi akó ngan karúyag ko nga kumatúrog. I am tired and I want to go to bed. My hubby was so excited and I wanted to get out of bed. Jika dia datang kemari, aku akan menerimanya dengan tangan terbuka. If he came here, I would receive him with open arms. If he comes here, I'll accept it with open arms. Sigúrádu kung dakál ka gagáwan. I'm sure you're very busy. It's great if you're going to get a kick out of it. Mai gia piuhupan kumaa dahai. Share it with us. Give us the food we need for each day. Tikid tuhun kopomuhasa'. Kinaman minsingiho mantad dii. Every person makes mistakes. Try to learn from them. It's just a matter of time. <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80><0xA2> <0xE2><0x80> Besok pagi tolong bangunkan saya pukul 6 pagi. Tomorrow morning, wake me up at 6:00, please. Please wake me up at 6 in the morning. Kelompok tersebut berusaha untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah sosial. The group tried to solve social problems. The group is trying to solve social problems. ¿Igpapakítà mo bà ha akon it libro? Will you show me the book? Are you going to give me a book? Nahigugma akó ha imo. I love you. I love you I love you. Ni Tom ti katayagan a lalaki iti klasena. Tom is the tallest guy in his class. Tom was the tallest man in his class. Uang kami habis. We're out of money. Our money's gone. Atín kang trénta minútus a mitátágan. You have thirty minutes left. You're looking for a mini-tournament. Osiyau oku manau do tinu. I'll be out in a jiff. Osiyau oku manau do tatu. Tolong bonnya. Give me the bill, please. The bond, please. Minsingilo' tokou mimboros Poransis. We study French. I'm looking for a porn star. Kenapa kamu tidak mempercayaiku? Why won't you believe me? Why don't you trust me? Aku harus belajar. I have to study. I have to learn. Itu konyol. That's absurd. That's ridiculous. Kau harus lebih berhati-hati. You should be more careful. You have to be more careful. Instruktur mengemudiku berkata bahwa aku harus lebih sabar. My driving instructor says I should be more patient. My driving instructor said that I should be more patient. Masalahnya adalah kita tidak punya cukup uang. The problem is we don't have enough money. The problem is we don't have enough money. E makatutwánan itá. That was unrealistic. E makatutw<0xC3><0xA1>nan it<0xC3><0xA1>. Tom menyadari mobil Mary yang diparkir di depan perpustakaan. Tom noticed Mary's car parked in front of the library. Tom realizes Mary's car is parked in front of the library. Haráni na akó kawátan. I almost got robbed. It's been a long time coming. Adda nangiduron kaniak nga umuneg. Somebody pushed me in. Someone pushed me in. Siapa mau cokelat panas? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Nadiri ako pag-estorya kan Tom. I don't like to talk about Tom. I didn't want to talk to Tom. Nokorikot no koritapui! Here comes the train! It's a choreographed choreography! Naunlod mi. We're sunk. We went down. Siou, aino zosido i. I'm sorry she's not here. Siou, what a zosido i. Nakirupirda para iti wayawaya. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. Coba lagi. Try again. Try again. Maria berkata kepada dirinya sendiri, "Aku sangat beruntung". Maria said to herself, "I am very lucky". Mary said to herself, “I am very lucky.” Dia mengikuti kontes kecantikan. She participated in the beauty contest. She's in a beauty contest. Siaannad a bimmalasiw ti lakay iti kalsada. The old man walked across the road carefully. The old man carefully turned away from the street. Saya sedang tidur waktu Markus datang. When Marcus arrived, I was sleeping. I was sleeping when Mark came. Dimo liplipatan nga awagannakami iti telepono no makadanonkan idiay Kyoto. Don't forget to give us a ring when you arrive in Kyoto. Don't forget to call us on the phone when you get to Kyoto. Jauhkan anak-anak dari kolam. Keep children away from the pond. Keep the kids out of the pool. Alansan no daa korikot isio di! Siruba oku disio. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. Come to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Nakaramit oku dilo. I've already accepted it. It's been a busy day. Kini modagan. This will run. It will run. Mintá ku king Boston anyáng mílabásan a búlan. I came to Boston last month. I've always wanted to be the king of Boston. Diak koma ngamin pinanawan ni Tom nga is-isuna. I shouldn't have left Tom alone. I didn't want to leave Tom alone. Piro tumur nu? How old are you? How much is enough? Duha ang sinultian sa Leyte: "Waray" ug "Cebuano". There are two local languages in Leyte: "Waray" and "Cebuano". Leyte has two languages: "Nothing" and "Cebuano". Enam derajat dibawah nol. It's six degrees below zero. Six degrees below zero. Setidaknya pahamilah nasihatnya terlebih dahulu. At least understand the advice first. At least understand his advice first. Ini kucing saya. This is my cat. This is my cat. Jalan itu sejajar dengan sungai. The road runs parallel to the river. The road is parallel to the river. Saya punya kakak tiri. I have a half brother. I have a step sister. Ohoi! Noiduan tokou do Vermicelli! Crap! We're out of vermicelli! Noiduan tokou do Vermicelli! Jumpa lagi! See you later! See you later! Igo na niya ang kasamtangang kahimtang. He is content with his present state. He's got enough of the current situation. Ngapa kowé ora nggolèk panggon liya kanggo tinggal? Why don't you just find another place to live? Why don't you find somewhere else to stay? Yoku id suang do nuluhon. I was in the mountains. I'm going to go with Yoda. Dia ditipu aku di kad. He cheated me at cards. He cheated on me on the card. Aku selalu ingin bertemu denganmu. I've been wanting to see you. I always wanted to see you. Ongoi id labus! Get out! The Ongoi ID is out! Saya harus pergi memberitahukan mereka. I have to go tell them. I have to go tell them. Kamu mau makan apa? What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? Aku tidak sedang bercanda. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. Karuyag nira nga igkita ka nga patay. They want to see you dead. They want to see you dead. Hilinghilinga hiya. Keep watch on him. She's looking for him. Diri mo kinahanglanon malisang hin sugad hiton. You don't need to be in that much of a hurry. You don't have to panic like that. Gin-uli ko na an iya libro ha iya. I returned his book to him. I returned the book to him. Adi la kami. We'll always be here. Here we are. Pinoilo oku di Tom tu au po momongo dilo. Tom told me that he hadn't done that yet. There's a lot of work to do in Tom Petty. Diri ako maaram ano pa kadugay iton. I don't know how much longer it'll take. I don't know how long it will be. Ini nga lugar láin. This place is different. This place is L<0xC3><0xA1>in. Dispensarennak. I'm sorry. Excuse me. Asai ke kala meda nuan. I feel like that I have seen you before. I'm going to see NaNo. Dia terhilang beg tanganya. She lost her handbag. He lost his handbag. Saya terjumpa si Tom sekali. I met Tom once. I met Tom once. Tom mungkin pergi keluar untuk membeli air. Tom probably went out for some air. Tom might go out to buy water. Waray hiya asiha han babaye. The girl seemed to pay no attention to him. The woman didn't care for him. Kau bisa mengandalkan Jack. You can depend on Jack. You can count on Jack. Segeralah kembali. Come back soon. Come back soon. Meja yang digunakan Ken itu sudah tua. The desk Ken uses is old. The table that Ken used was old. Aiso isai nopo mitongkizad dioho. No one can separate them. It's not like Jesus is God. Mogidu i Tom mantad do sikul. Tom cut school. I'm going to go to the gym to get my tummy tucked away. Ligtás na ngéne? Is it safe now? "What's the secret? Au i Yesus orohian diya. Jesus hates you. Jesus is the one. Diri ako nakakagawas. I can't go out. I can't get out. Nánung lamán daréng kahún a réni? What's in these boxes? Do you think it's going to be a rite of passage? 5 tambah 2, hasilnya 7. Add 5 and 2, and you get 7. 5 plus 2, the result is 7. Mamain i tangaanak id siriba do guas toonsom. The children are playing under the lime tree. Let thy children be born unto thee, when thou shalt make an end of the world. Seorang siswa ingin bertemu dengan Anda. A student wants to see you. A student wants to meet you. It ak' anák naawod hiton íya batásan. My son is ashamed of his behavior. I'm ashamed to admit that Ikea was a badass. Déni deng sapátus ku at déta deng kéka. These are my shoes and those are yours. I've been to San Diego and I haven't seen any of it. Saya ada katak di dalam tekak saya I've got a frog in my throat. I have a frog in my throat. Anda mahu saya ambil itu untuk andakah? Do you want me to get that for you? You want me to take that for you? Mirikau i Tom do luluwion. Tom sat down on the couch. I'm going to do it again. Mogiakan tokou. We eat together. I'll take your towel. Mogiuhod tomod i Tom om sumaga i dukutur mongusap do tusap id obongkung o tutok dau mooi do kadaada. Tom was viciously bashed and doctors had to put him into an induced coma to relieve the swelling on his brain. He's a bit of a jerk, and he's trying to get his head around his mouth, and he's trying to figure out what's going on with him. Mary nihayet bu sözlerle Tom'u ikna etti. Mary finally persuaded Tom with these words. Mary was the mother of the bride. Bagaimana kalau kamu membantunya? Why don't you help him? How about you help him? Dia telah mengajar musik selama 30 tahun. She has taught music for thirty years. He has been teaching music for 30 years. Pelayanan surat di negara itu tidak cepat. Mail service in that country is not quick. The mail service in the country is not fast. Maginu la ngan deng sundálus. All the soldiers were gallant. It's just sunny and sunny. Caoimhe punya seekor anjing yang besar. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe has a big dog. Ammok ti naganmo. I know your name. I know your name. Bagaimana keadaannya? What is the situation like? How's he doing? Minoboos ino do, "Hamlet" nopo ti nga pamainan di kagazat do ginavo do nokosuat dii. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. "Hamlet" means "Hamlet" and "No" means "Avoid" or "Above all." Diri kami nagtratrangka hiton mga purtahán dínhi. We never lock our doors around here. We didn't see any of these devs. Aku bisa melakukannya dengan sedikit bantuan dari Tom. I was able to do it with a little help from Tom. I can do it with a little help from Tom. Jangan ganggu aku. Don't bother me. Leave me alone. Hala dili raba motoo. Uhuh, you do not believe it? Rachael couldn't believe it. Banya orang kira kita gila. Most people think I'm crazy. Many people think we're crazy. Tátákut ku king madalumdúm. I have a fear of the dark. I'm going to go to the King's foreclosure. Kayatko a maamiris ti darak. I'd like to have my blood examined. I want my blood to be recognized. Pasayloa ko. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Nalika iku, aku piuju arep lunga. I was about to leave my house. At that time, I was going to go. Waray pa ako manhugas han plato. I haven't washed the dishes yet. I haven't washed the plate yet. Waráy ta na mahihimo kan Tom. There's nothing we can do about Tom. I think I can do it with Tom. Iya okon ko tondu. You're not a woman. I'm the lady. Ini bukan makhluk asing, tapi seekor hewan yang aneh. This is not an alien, it's just a strange animal. It's not an alien, but a strange animal. Puydi mo iton makuha nga libre. You may get it free of charge. You can get it for free. Kowé rak durung ndelok Tom, ta? You haven't seen Tom, have you? You haven't seen Tom, have you? Atantu no ilo tompu mooi patayo do golupo. That fox must have killed the hen. I'll bet he's going to be the one who's going to kill me if he's going to be pissed. Aiso maso' i Tom. Tom has no free time. Tom is in. Aku tidak mampu menahannya lebih lama lagi. I can't put up with this any longer. I can't hold it any longer. Rambut Tom sudah memutih. Tom's hair has turned gray. Tom's hair is white. Kaano a pinapintaam ti didingmo? When did you have your wall painted? When did you paint your wall? Siapa orang-orang ini? Who are these people? Who are these people? Kau memang benar. You are absolutely right. You're right. Gof tinane' yu'. I am very busy. I'm going to go with Yu-Gi. Duro gud iton panginahanglanon ni Tom hin kwarta. Tom needs the money desperately. Tom was in desperate need of money. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Unity in diversity. Bianca is one of them. Dadi' poboos no i mintatamong kotos dii doid dau sonḏii' do, ‘Do baino tu' pahapason zou nodii di tuan ku do mantad kalaja' ku, nunu nodii o mangan ku? Manangkul? Au' zou songkuo avakas. Mongoi pokiukut? Oikum-ikum zou. “The manager said within himself, ‘What will I do, seeing that my lord is taking away the management position from me? I don’t have strength to dig. I am ashamed to beg. "The owner said to one of them, 'Friend, how are you doing?' But he asked, 'Friend, I am not doing you any wrong. Why have you not come to an agreement with me?' Kukuak daytoy a pagtagilakuan. I own this store. This shop is mine. Sumiliu ih tokoro dot oilaan mambasa dii tulun tagayo dot oilaan momusorou. A child who reads becomes an adult who thinks. I'm sure you'll find a way to get the squishy look out of your head. Araatan oku do kupi. I hate coffee. I'm going to do my homework. ¿Duro man it' ísog 'ton? What made her so angry? What's the point of "Izzy"? Kita menyia-nyiakan minyak. We take oil for granted. We're wasting oil. Saya dimaklumkan kepada dia kedatangannya. I informed her of his arrival. I was told he was coming. Au oku nokoumbal nokoruba di Tom. I never met Tom. I'm going to have to take a look at Tom. Kamu harus pergi. You have to go. You have to go. Waráy niya kaupod. He's all by himself. It's like he's with her. Jajal ambekan liwat irungmu. Please breathe through your nose. It's your breath as well. Au oku koilo songkuro daa kataadan diri. I don't know how to be happy anymore. I know how to make my own song. Tapno maliklikan iti pannakadunor wenno saan a panagganas, siguraduen a nababasa ti uki sakbay ti panagiyot. To avoid injury or discomfort, be sure that the vagina is lubricated before intercourse. To avoid injury or non-smoking, make sure that the uki is read before squeezing. Aku tinggal bersama orangtua. I'm living with my parents. I live with my parents. Aku tidak tahu menahu soal itu hingga kemarin. Until yesterday, I had known nothing about it. I didn't know about that until yesterday. Au ko tootopot maan do poingkaa dino, koni? You're not actually going to do that, are you? I mean, you're going to have to take a shower, right? Diri hi akó maáram. I don't know. Akufo-Addo is not. Dia jago renang. She swims well. He's a good swimmer. Kau adalah sahabat karibku. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. May-ada mga plano hiton pagtindog hin power plant nganhi. There are plans to build a power plant right here. There are plans to build a power plant here. Cuaca di New York bagaimana? How's the weather in New York? How's the weather in New York? Bolehkah anda beritahu kepada kami apa yang berlaku seterusnya? Could you tell us what happened next? Can you tell us what happens next? Ini bukan awal yang bagus. It's not a good start. It's not a good start. Jim masih belum terbiasa untuk mengemudi di sebelah kiri jalan. Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road. Jim is still not used to driving on the left side of the road. Nagbahis-bahis ang babae atubangan sa balay. The girl is pacing in front of the house. The woman nodded in front of the house. Kabalio daytoy. This is a horse. This is a horse. Saya harus pulang I have to go home. I have to go home. Hadluk hi Tom namatay. Tom is afraid of dying. Tom hadluk died. Ti kangrunaan a kasapulantayo ita ket sangkabassit nga anus. All we need is a little patience. What we need most today is a bit of patience. May-ada akó duha nga misay. I have two cats. There were two sequels. Diyes mil dolyares an nawará haam. We suffered a loss of 10,000 dollars. Tens of thousands of dollars. Ini aneh. This is odd. It's weird. Dámo iton akón útang nga kwárta. I owe a lot of money. Let's look at this piece of art from Kryptonite. Wayawayaam ni Tom. Release Tom. You're free for Tom. Nomboo o pakazaan di Kakang om izou dii? Iti nopo nga lasia! Om nunu o komozon do sogimpasi dagai? Aiso komozon no koposizon diti... Where are Piglet and I going? It's all a big secret! And what is the meaning of our lives? In life there is no meaning... Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD, that thou shalt be perfect, and shalt laugh at them: all the day long shall they perish, and not the day of trouble: Duduklah. Have a seat. Sit down. Seekor anjing mengikutiku sampai ke sekolah. A dog followed me to my school. A dog followed me to school. Dírì ko iton pasagdan. I won't tolerate that. I'm going to leave it. Apakah jurusan IPA lebih baik daripada jurusan IPS? Is a natural science major better than a social science major? Is the IPA better than the IPS major? Ika nga milo' maan nogi. You can do it, too. You're going to take a nod. Dia punya kepribadian yang ceria. She has a cheerful personality. He has a cheerful personality. Azafady... Sorry... Azafady... Akhir-akhir ini, sedikit orang mengunjungiku. Few people visit me these days. Lately, few people have visited me. Tom masih menyukai pekerjaannya. Tom still loves his job. Tom still likes his job. Isai mimboros Poransis? Who speaks French? Is it a porn star? Ini tidak menyenangkan. This isn't fun. It's not fun. Salámat king inspirasyún. Thanks for the inspiration. The king was inspired. Dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. She has finished her work. He's done his job. Agaras iyolo ngawi? Are they all strong? Do you want to sing? Kao Filipino hamyo? Are you a Filipino? You're from the Philippines? Mengagumkan! Awesome! Awesome! Hanya 514 orang yang pernah ke luar angkasa. Only 514 people have been in space. Only 514 people have ever been to space. Aku ora bakal ngejaraké dhèwèké nglakoni iku. I won't let him do it. I won't let him do that. ¿Hin-o man ngay-an it mag-aataman hit imo uding? Who will take care of your cat then? Who's going to take care of your body? Aku tidak mau menyia-nyiakannya. I didn't want to waste it. I don't want to waste it. Nagbayadak kenkan. I've already paid you. I've paid you. Terusan merah terlihat bagus dipakainya. The red dress looked good on her. The red canal looks good on it. Naumaakon nga agbuya iti TV. I'm tired of watching TV. I'm tired of watching TV. Matematika ditulis untuk matematikawan. Mathematics is written for mathematicians. Mathematics is written for mathematicians. Diri natun kinahanglan paggutumon. We don't have to starve. There is no need to be hungry. Modagan mo. You and your companion will run. You run. Ramanipun Tom punika pulisi. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father was a police officer. Di mana pintu keluarnya? Where is the exit? Where's the exit? Tom sering bersumpah serapa ketika marah. Tom often swears when he's angry. I swear to God when I'm angry. Kami bertemu di depan pintu rumahku. We met at the door of my house. We met at the door of my house. Méyarégla na ing pisásabián. The matter was settled. Myar<0xC3><0xA9>gla is in Pis<0xC3><0xA1>sabi<0xC3><0xA1>n. Dengan kurangnya jumlah dokter kandungan, termasuk juga jumlah bidan, maka semakin jelas bahwa pelayanan kebidanan di negeri kita dalam keadaan yang sangat mengkhawatirkan. With a shortage of midwives added to that of obstetricians it has become clear all over again that our country's obstetric care is in an extremely grave situation. With the lack of the number of obstetricians, including the number of midwives, it is increasingly clear that the midwifery service in our country is in a very worrying state. Nakit-an nimo hira yana nga adlaw? Did you see them today? Have you seen them today? Kumusta? How are you? How's it going? Tidak ada yang salah dengan mobilnya. Hanya saja kamu tidak bisa mengemudi. Nothing is the matter with the car. It's just that you are a bad driver. There's nothing wrong with the car, it's just that you can't drive. Ngatanan iton ákòn mga sangkay mapakanhi. All my friends will be there. All of these people are friends. Mogihum oku do golupo tolumis. I was looking at a pretty hen. Mogihum me do golupo tolumis. Damo iton may-allergy na yana nga tawo. A lot of people are dealing with allergies now. There are a lot of people with allergies now. Apakah ia memiliki sebuah piano? Does she have a piano? Does he have a piano? Mada oku moi id koduo, sionggoi oku po gulu. I'm not going second, I'm going first. I want to make sure that I'm going to be able to keep my mouth shut and keep my mouth shut. Tolong ambilkan aku anggurnya. Pass me the wine, please. Please get me the wine. Au i Tom oilaan tu au tagal maan no dilo. Tom didn't know he no longer needed to do that. I'm sure he knows how long he's gone. Kamakangaralas hiton imo igsusurat. Your pen sucks. It's the beauty of what you write. Ginsusumhan na ako hiton museyo - lulubngan hiton mga sining. I'm tired of museums, - graveyards of the arts. I've been told that museum - the tomb of those artists. Saannak a kinasasao sadiay pagpaskenan. She didn't talk to me at the party. He didn't speak to me there. Sore ini sangat dingin. It's very cold this evening. It's so cold this afternoon. Kapan ulang tahunmu? When's your birthday? When's your birthday? Ayaw pataka pag-insultuha it imo mayor. Don't risk insulting your boss. Don't blame the mayor. Au tagal no pokiampun. Aiso sala minaan nu. You don't need to apologize. You've done nothing wrong. For your sake, forgive your sin; for your sin is the sin of your soul. Milo' oku mirikau lo hodi? Can I sit there? Do you want to go to Hodgkin'? Saya tinggal di Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. Turunan itu sangat curam, lebih baik lewat sebelah kiri. That slope is very steep, better go through the left side. The descent is very steep, preferably through the left. Monuang i Tom do kunsi id suang pakit. Tom pocketed the keys. I'm going to have to give Tom a shot. Awan kadi ti kamakamem a tren? Don't you have a train to catch? Don't you have a train? Osopung oku kopio mosik. I wake up very early. My heart is filled with joy at the sound of my voice. Salámat king géwa mu pará kékami. Thanks for doing that for us. The King of Kings has brought you here. Yáku man maburí kung kéndi. I, too, like candy. I'm going to go where I am. Mapadayawanak. I feel honored. I'm honored. Jangan takut. Don't be scared. Don't be afraid. Tadi ada keributan ketika para satpam mengamankan beberapa pemuda yang ketahuan mengutil. There was a commotion when store security guards detained some young men for shoplifting. There was a commotion when security guards secured some young men who were caught shoplifting. Kao Amerikanu gue'? Is he American? Who's the American? Éku byásang Apón. I don't speak Japanese. I'm with Apocalyptic. Kedua orang tuanya baik-baik saja. Both of his parents are well. Both of his parents were fine. Kelmarin saya cuma tidak bekerja semata-mata. Yesterday I simply did not go to work. Yesterday I didn’t work alone. Éka migáganakâ.Éna marapát pasíbáyu iní. Don't worry. This won't happen again. I'm going to have to give it a go. <0xC3><0xA2><0xE2><0x82><0xAC><0xC5><0x93>I'm going to have to go. Waráy naruruyag magngaran hit' ákòn nasod. Nobody wanted to mention my country. War<0xC3><0xA1>y wanted to name the nation's <0xC3><0xA1>k<0xC3><0xB2>n. Kau mau minum apa? What do you want to drink? What would you like to drink? Panáyan daká. I'll wait for you. Pan<0xC3><0xA1>yan dak<0xC3><0xA1>. Apa Tom sakit? Is Tom sick? Is Tom sick? Nokuro ko' mangan dilo? Why are you doing it? Don't you want to eat honey? Tom tidak akan punya pilihan. Tom will have no choice. Tom wouldn't have a choice. Pada umumnya, sejarah akan terulang kembali. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. In general, history repeats itself. Lalu apa yang kau lakukan? What did you do then? Then what are you doing? Saya masuk ke dalam. I went inside. I went inside. Kita harus membiarkan Tom pergi. We had to let Tom go. We have to let Tom go. Au nokoilo i Tom do minuhang disio i Mary. Tom didn't know that Mary loved him. Mary's heart was filled with joy. Aku serius! I mean it! I'm serious! Mahigda ako mausá la kaminuto. I'm going to lie down for a minute. I'm just going to lie down. Sangat mudah untuk bergaul dengan Tom. Tom has always been a very easy person to get along with. It's easy to get along with Tom. Tom membeli yang termurah dari toko itu. Tom bought the cheapest one in the store. Tom bought the cheapest from the store. Au yahai moi tombului om tombuluyon, nga mositi do tombuluyon. We do not travel to travel, but to have traveled. I'm going to go to the towel, and I'm going to have to go to the bathroom. Tom tidak pernah datang tepat waktu. Tom never arrives on time. Tom never came on time. Hin-o an nag-imbento hini nga makina? Who was this machine invented by? Who invented the machine? Toko ini buka sepanjang tahun. The store is open all the year round. The store is open all year round. Uji gaga di baka ke nyin. Try to do it like that. An amazing experience in Ningbo. Ngoi momodsu do tanganak. Please bathe the children. Ngoi momodsu do my hand. Aanangan zou biir. I like beer. Aananan zou biir. Kaylángan kung matudtúd. I have to go to sleep. It's hard to say. Pulau itu ada di Jepang sebelah barat. The island lies to the west of Japan. The island is in western Japan. Nagsulod siya sa kwarto niya para magpahuway. She went inside her room so she could rest. He went into his room to rest. Kami membuat sebuah kesepakatan. We made a deal. We made a deal. Binayadakon dayta. I paid for it already. I left it. Ilo hodi korita nu? Is this your car? What's the name of the hodgepodge? Tetangga sebelah melihat ke luar jendela saat Tom berteriak. The next-door neighbor looked out the window when Tom yelled. The next door neighbor looked out the window as Tom shouted. Belok kiri. Turn left. Turn left. Dimdám milá. We heard them. Dimd<0xC3><0xA1>m mil<0xC3><0xA1>. Waray hi akó ngaran. I have no name. Ako doesn't have a name. Buri neng pakabán ning ciudad ing dálan. The city wants to extend the road. It's a great place to visit in this city on the road. Penyakitnya belum sembuh. The pain hasn't gone away. His illness has not healed. Honggo isido? Where is she? Honggo isido? Aku tidak punya pilihan lain selain pergi ke sana. I had no choice but to go there. I had no choice but to go there. Sebuah truk menabrak anjing kami. A truck ran over our dog. A truck hit our dog. Tom membukakan gerbang untuk Mary. Tom opened the gate for Mary. Tom opens the door for Mary. Mimang zou do kopoihaan kokomoi dioho. I need information about them. I'm going to do a little bit of God's will. Bisakah aku menemukanmu di Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Wala lang usa ko mobiya. I shouldn't have logged off. I didn't just leave one. Págmanánwan dakayú. Congratulations! P<0xC3><0xA1>gman<0xC3><0xA1>nwan <0xC3><0x87>ay<0xC3><0xBA>. Apakah kamu baik-baik saja, Tom? Are you feeling all right now, Tom? Are you okay, Tom? Obugar yau id monikid tadau. He shaves daily. Obugar yau id sun. Hobiku mengoleksi koin. My hobby is collecting coins. My hobby collects coins. Suminuli iyau do sondiri. He revenged himself. He went home alone. Ti sumaganad isu ti pakabuklan ti bitla ti Presidente. The following is a summary of the President's speech. The following is the composition of the President's speech. Indai meri aku RM100 kena meli barang dapur. My mom gave me RM100 to buy necessities. I'm going to have to buy a <0xC2><0xA3>100 for my kitchen. Ternyata itu memang benar. It turned out to be true. Turns out that's true. Nadalus kadi ti siledmo? Is your room clean? Is your room clean? Olahraga apa yang paling Anda sukai? What sport do you like best? Which sport do you like the most? Wanita lebih cerdas ketimbang pria. Women are brighter than men. Women are smarter than men. Saya mendorong Mary kedalam air. I pushed Mary into the water. I pushed Mary into the water. Uray ti katatangkenan ti pusona ket aglua met. Even the hard-hearted can be moved to tears. Even the most hardened of hearts would shed tears. Jangan membaca di kamar ini. Don't read in this room. Don't read in this room. Kau nampak semangat daripada dulu. You look more determined than ever. You've seen the spirit before. Di mana mereka? Where were they? Where are they? Perahu dayung itu sudah terlalu banyak orang. There are too many people in that rowboat. That paddle boat was already too many people. Nunu ka do boros Poransis dilo? How do you say that in French? Do you want to get rid of Porphyry? Noimbulai no lisun. Smoke appeared. Nodding when it's hard. Sayang sekali! What a pity! What a shame! Maaram hi Tom nga kasiring ni Mary nga igkakasal hira John ngan Alice. Tom knew that Mary thought John and Alice were going to get married. Tom knew that Mary would say that John and Alice would be married. Masapulmi ti pammaneknek. We need evidence. We need proof. Kanínu ya bag iní? Whose bag is this? Isn't that in there? Dírì iton magdudugay. It won't last forever. It's going to take a long time. Modagan ni si Joseph. This Joseph will run. Joseph was running. Dia bukan kakaknya, tetapi ibunya. She's not his sister, but his mother. She was not his sister, but his mother. Mambasa oku do dokumen talaid. I read the old documents. Read the book of Acts. Kami membandingkan pekerjaan dia dengan pekerjaan dia. We compared his work with hers. We compare his work to his work. Gitawag sa mga Waray nga "Kana" ang mga Bisaya nga ang sunultian kay "Cebuano". Warays calls "Cebuano" speaking locals as "Kana". The Unbelievers called the Visayas "Kana" the words "Cebuano". Dili to inusarang gibuhat ni Tom. Tom didn't act alone. Tom didn't do it alone. Burí ku básan neng Tom iní. I want Tom to read this. I'm going to kill Tom. Dakkel ti familiana a suportaranna. He had a large family to support. He has a great family to support. Tiruem ni Tom. Hit Tom. Imitate Tom. Nánu lang klásing kwat? What kind of mushrooms are they? What's the point of just squeezing? Gitanyag ni Tom kang Mary ang ikatulong bahin sa iyang mapanunod. Tom offered Mary a third of his inheritance. Tom offers Mary a third of his inheritance. Mabain nga agpasuso iti publiko. She is embarrassed to breastfeed in public. She was embarrassed to breastfeed in public. Tom selalu baik kepada kami. Tom has been good to us. Tom was always good to us. Cinta tak pernah salah. Love is never wrong. Love is never wrong. Bumabak zosido diho mija miampai do hongon dau. She banged the table with her fist. I'm going to try to get my hands on the hong kong. Tidak ada yang boleh keluar tanpa izin. No one is to leave without permission. No one can go out without permission. Istana kerajaan tersebut dibangun di atas bukit. The royal palace was built on a hill. The royal palace was built on a hill. Saya lapar. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Pertanyaan yang sulit adalah 'kenapa'. The difficult question is why. The hard question is 'why'. Hebat! Brilliant! Great! Saya melakukannya setiap Minggu pagi. I do it every Sunday morning. I do it every Sunday morning. Guaha salappe'-hu. I have money. Guaha salappe'-hu. It' usá puydi makainom hin sobra, pero diri makainom hin sakto. One can drink too much, but one never drinks enough. You can drink too much, but you can't drink too much. Mag-aram iton mga tawo nga nadiri hiya ha ira. The people knew he did not like them. People learn that they don't like them. Daw maulan. It seems like it'll rain. It looks like rain. Tiket masuk ke museum harganya tiga puluh dollar. Admission to the museum is thirty dollars. Tickets to the museum cost thirty dollars. Suai ko dii. You're so weird. I'm going to dig it up. Ania nga oras a mapanka iti eskuela? What time do you leave for school? What time are you going to school? Namak mican Jack. My name is Jack. My mother-in-law Jack. Anggona jus limun katimbang cokak. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. Use lemon juice instead of baking soda. Hanako sangat suka kek. Hanako really likes cake. Hanako really likes cake. Asa ka moadto? Where are you going? Where are you going? Asino ti akimbasol iti dayta? Whose fault is that? Who is responsible for that? "Nomboo i Tom?" "Mugad isido poginum doiho Tiakan Bakas." "Where is Tom?" "He's out drinking at the Laughing Boar." "Are you sure?" he asked, "I'm going to drink some water." Tom tidak tahu banyak tentang Indonesia. Tom doesn't know much about Indonesia. Tom doesn’t know much about Indonesia. Bila kamu kurang hati-hati tanda-tanda lalu lintas akan terlewat (tidak terlihat). If you're not careful you'll miss a traffic sign! If you are not careful the signs of traffic will be missed (not seen). Iton nga libro akon. That book is mine. That book is mine. Adda kadi kontradiksion idiay? Is there a contradiction there? Is there a contradiction? Aku punya setidaknya satu rumah. I have at least one house. I have at least one house. Songkuro rinaat diti? How bad could it be? Is the song sung? Pekerjaan itu memerlukan banyak tenaga. That job takes a lot of strength. The job requires a lot of energy. Bakani ka ngagai menua tu? How to go to this place? You're going to eat that? Mapan a tallo iti tunggal uppat a kallaysa ken agtungpal iti panagsina. About three out of every four marriages end in divorce. He goes three out of four and ends up breaking up. Aku sangat mencintainya, aku akan rela mati untuknya. I love her so much I would die for her. I love her so much, I'll be willing to die for her. Ákalingwán kong isará deng áwang báyu minagyú. I forgot to shutter the windows before the storm hit. I've been trying to find a way to get my squishy to snuggle. Ambetal. It's cold. Ambetal. Anda mesti berhati-hati semasa memandu kereta. You must take care when you drive a car. You need to be careful when driving a car. Aku tidak bisa mempercayai dia. I can't trust him. I can't trust him. Tim mana yang menang? Which team is winning? Which team wins? Españot gue'. He is Spanish. I'm Spanish. Burj Khalifa nopo nga walai kagagampot tawan dot akawas hiti'd sompomogunan. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Khalifa's goal is to save the world. Waray ko maaram ha musika. I know nothing about music. I don't know anything about music. Igkakasal gud ini hi Tom ngan Mary. I assume Tom and Mary will get married. This is going to be a real marriage for Tom and Mary. Apakah Anda tahu perbedaannya? Do you know what the difference is? Do you know the difference? Awanen ti nabati a kuartak. I've got no money left. I don't have any money left. Nopongo no mambasa diho? Have you finished reading it? Don't want to read it? Kosorou ko' nangku doho? Do you remember me? What do you think of me? Pak Wilson marah pada Dennis. Mr. Wilson is angry at Dennis. Mr. Wilson was angry with Dennis. Aku tahu apa yang aku rasakan. I know what I feel. I know how I feel. Dia sedang berdiri di depan pintu itu. He's standing in front of the door. He was standing in front of that door. Riko it akon tatay. My father is rich. My father is rich. King palagé mu, pilán laréng hotél king Boston? How many hotels do you think there are in Boston? What do you think of the King of the Boston Heat? Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untuk kamu? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Ini aku. It is I. It's me. Kami berdua benar-benar sudah menikah. We're really married. We're both really married. Ruangan ini sangat hangat. This room is very warm. This room is very warm. Panjenengan pirsa boten punika menapa? Can you tell me what this is? Do you know why this is not? Aku harap aku bisa segera bertemu denganmu lagi. I hope to see you soon. I wish I could see you again soon. Bawalah payung untuk berjaga-jaga kalau hujan. Take your umbrella with you in case it rains. Bring an umbrella to watch out for the rain. Tolong tutup pintunya. Please shut the door. Please close the door. Makakapatay ini hiton. This will kill that. This can kill it. Amu ini an akun karuyag gud himuon. This is all I ever wanted to do. That's what the OP really wants to do. Masunog ang kurtina. The curtain can burn. The curtain is on fire. Tom mencucukkan pensilnya kedalam lubang. Tom poked his pencil through the hole. Tom poked his pencil into the hole. Gago' hamyo. You're lazy. Gago Kayou. Pemilik tanah berkata dia mahu menaikkan sewa. The landlord says he wants to raise the rent. The landlord said he wanted to raise the rent. Aneh. Strange. It's weird. Aiso popointahang dino. There's no evidence. It's the end of Dionyso. Saya ingin mengundang kamu ke sebuah pesta. I want to invite you to a party. I'd like to invite you to a party. Ora ana perkara penting liyané sing arep tak omongké. I have nothing else worth saying. I have nothing else important to say. Pépaulá naká? Have you ever had your fortune told? P<0xC3><0xA9>paul<0xC3><0xA1> nak<0xC3><0xA1>? Kau pun sesak jugakah? Are you claustrophobic, too? You're a jerk, too? Ia mencoba untuk bunuh diri tapi pada akhirnya ia gagal. He tried to kill himself but it ended in failure. He tried to commit suicide but in the end he failed. Sabado an urhi nga adlaw hiton semana. Saturday is the last day of week. The last day of the week is Saturday. Kinahánglan nakun magpadáyun. I have to keep going. It's a must-have to keep up. Tom memarahi anak laki-lakinya karena telah malas. Tom scolded his son for being lazy. Tom scolds his son for being lazy. Nagpatpatnag a kaduak dagiti gagayyemko. I was with friends all last night. I spent the whole night with my friends. Tom telah melakukan sedikitnya tiga kali usaha untuk melarikan diri. Tom has attempted to escape at least three times. Tom has made at least three attempts to escape. Perancis karo Spanyol kuwi wewatesan. France and Spain have a common border. France and Spain are bordered. Asino ti immay ditoy? Who came here? Who came here? Nakanta an duha nga babaye. Two women sing. The two women sing. Dékap de i Tom. They arrested Tom. from Tom's. Semua okey tak? Is everyone OK? Is everything okay? Saya dihentikan oleh kedai buku dan dibeli dan buku yang menarik. I stopped by a bookstore and bought and interesting book. I was stopped by the bookstore and purchased and an interesting book. Ada banyak sekali taman di Wrocław. There are a lot of parks in Wrocław. There are many parks in Wroc<0xC5><0x82>aw. Saya sebaiknya membatalkan perjalanan ke LA. I should cancel the trip to LA. I'd better cancel the trip to LA. Apakah ini cinta? Is it love? Is this love? Tom hadir pada pernikahan John dan Mary. Tom showed up at John and Mary's wedding. Tom is present at John and Mary's wedding. Aku ketinggalan keretaku. I missed my train. I missed my train. Kita beruntung sudah hidup. We're very lucky to be alive. We're lucky to be alive. Penyakit nya menghalang dia pergi hadir ke parti. Illness prevented him from attending the party. His illness prevented him from attending the party. Bolian ku do biir kumaa Tom. I'll buy Tom a beer. I'm going to do a little bit of Tom. Kowe sapa? Who are you? Who are you? Katorsekon no bigat. I will be fourteen years old tomorrow. I'll be there in the morning. Hari ini waktu berjalan dengan lambat. Today time is going slowly. Today time runs slowly. Kamo modagan. You and your companion will run. You will run. Puydi kita mag-estorya? Can we talk a second? Can we talk? Normal hirá ngatanan. They're all normal. It's all normal. Dadakkel ti butoda. They have big penises. They have a large butt. Anák ya pâ ampóng masantíng ya mabúlas ya. He's young and healthy. I'm going to try to get my hands on it, and I'm going to be pissed. Tom berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk bisa sampai ke sini, tapi dia tidak berhasil. Tom tried his best to get here, but he didn't make it. Tom tried as hard as he could to get here, but he didn't make it. Jangan takut. Aku tidak akan melukaimu. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Godoot oku no kopio. I ate way too much. My heart is pounding. Ibagam kaniak no ania ti ikeddengyo. Let me know what you decide. Tell me what you decide. Rummuarka. Get out. Get out. Dia harus menjual pertanian demi membayar hutang. He had to sell the farm for debts. He had to sell the farm to pay his debts. Milo' oku tumilombus diti. I can live with it. I'm going to go back to the drawing board. Belum ada komentar. There are no comments yet. No comment yet. Iti no boros ku. That's all I want to say. It's when I squirm. Jangan pernah ribut di ruangan ini. Never be noisy in this room. Never make a noise in this room. Noikot ino sinusa do minaan konunu do doiti. It's been very difficult to get anything done around here. It's not like I've done anything wrong. Moi yahai intong wayang. Kaino tumanud dahai. We are going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to take a shower, and we're going to have a shower. Aku tak akan pernah membuat janji kalau aku tak bisa menepatinya I will never make a promise that I can't keep I'll never make a promise that I can't keep. Ania ti naganmo? What is your name? What's your name? Ruangan ini mendapat sedikit sinar matahari. This room gets little sunshine. This room gets a little bit of sunlight. Inin-inayadna ti nagsao tapno maawatan ti amin a dumdumngeg. He spoke slowly enough for everyone to understand. He slowly began to speak so that all who heard him could understand. Mimang zou daa popointutun komohoingan ku kumaa diau. I'd like to introduce you to my parents. I'm going to have to say that I'm going to get my ass kicked out of my ass. Awan ti rumbeng nga idawatak iti pammakawan. I have nothing to apologize for. I have nothing to ask for forgiveness. Kami bermasalah dengan merpati. We're having a problem with pigeons. We're having problems with pigeons. Mimboros oku do Poransis. I speak French. Mimboros oku do Poransis. Isteri saya berasal dari Kedah. My wife is from Kedah. My wife is from Kedah. Aram kin tua. Let's go there. It's old Aram. Kita akan bertarung. We will fight. We're going to fight. Tom berkata kalau dia ingin menyendiri. Tom said that he wanted to be left alone. Tom said he wanted to be alone. Lakukan dalam masa sejam. Jangan tunggu jam berikutnya. Mungkin ada perkara lain untuk melakukan jam berikutnya. Do it within the hour. Don't wait for the following hour. There may be other things to do the next hour. Do it within an hour. Don't wait for the next hour. Maybe there's something else to do next hour. Milo' otumbayaan kaka i Tom? Can Tom be trusted? Do you believe in Tom? Naragsakkayo met a tallo. You three look happy. All three of you are happy too. Milo' oku maan baino. I can do it now. Milo's going to be fine. Balámu aláng mánibálâ. Nobody seems to be in charge. Your bal<0xC3><0xA1> <0xC3><0xA1>ng m<0xC3><0xA1>nib<0xC3><0xA1>l<0xC3><0xA2>. Pasanglah Linux! Install Linux! Let's put it on Linux! Ny Burj Khalifa ankehitriny no tena trano avo indrindra amin'izao tontolo izay. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Burj Khalili is now a high-rise building in the world. Kasapulan unay a makasaritak ni Tom iti uray ania nga oras ita nga aldaw. I really need to talk to Tom sometime today. I really need to talk to Tom at any time of the day. Jangan terlalu berharap padanya. Don't expect too much of him. Don't expect too much from him. Bolehkah saya minta tolong? May I ask a favor of you? Can I ask for help? Silakan dinikmati kuenya. Please help yourself to the cake. Please enjoy the cake. Monurug o korut do lawa. Spiders spin webs. A lake or a lake. Alansan oku daa mugad mantad id Tokyo do piipiro tadau. I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days. I've always wanted to go to Tokyo for the first time. Bisa tolong nyalakan radionya. Put the radio on, please. Could you please turn on the radio? Dinínan danakáng paláyo? Have they given you a nickname yet? Where's the Palo Alto? Magdalena dan Ania adalah kawan baik. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Amerikanu gue'. He is American. My American'. Bagaimana bisa Tom melakukan ini pada Mary? How could Tom do this to Mary? How could Tom do this to Mary? Ang sunog miulbo ma-hapit na tungang gabii. The fire broke out toward midnight. The fire broke out in the middle of the night. Kami tidak punya banyak masalah. We don't have a lot of trouble. We don't have much trouble. Payáus daká kayá kabúd dátang ya. I will have him call you the moment he gets back. Pay a fee to get the ball rolling. Pamati ko diri là hi ikaw, Mr. Bark. I imagine you're not the only one, Mr Bark. I'm not listening to you, Mr. Bark. Nu gia kanu? What did you say? What's the kanji? Titivaa tokou do sunsuzon. We need to build a bridge. Titivaa tokou do sunsuzon. Biarkan tindakan kita tidak pernah bertentangan dengan apa yang kita telah dikatakan. Let our action never contradict what we have said. Let our actions never contradict what we have said. Ada di mana pisau-pisaunya? Where are the knives? Where's the knives? Langadon oku do paganakan ku, om gowoi poddi moi uli. I missed my family, so I went back. For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. Tinung-edannak. He nodded to me. He looked at me. Diri mo gud iton pagbubuhaton. You would never do that. You'll never do that. Aku tidak tahu pastinya. I don't know for sure. I don't know for sure. Mulau ko' nodii? Are you crazy? Do you want to go to Noddy? Tom pergi tanpa memberitahuku. Tom left without even telling me. Tom left without telling me. Nokoilo ko do hombo pangakanan dot osonong hiti posorili tiiyonon? Do you know any good places to eat around here? How do you know if you're going to be able to get a taste of the ice cream? Kau mau pergi ke mana? Where are you going? Where are you going? Kurasa kamu tidak punya pilihan lain. I'm afraid you don't have any choice. I don't think you have any other choice. Beranak dalam pohon. Give birth in a tree. Born in a tree. Saanmon a malasin pay ni Tom. You wouldn't recognize Tom anymore. You can't even see Tom. Aku memuji keberanianmu. I admire your courage. I commend your courage. Usa ha guidako-dakoi ngan guihusay-husayi nga syudad han Sicily an Syracuse. Syracuse is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of Sicily. Syracuse is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Sicily. Tom ingin aku mengambil posisinya. Tom wants me to take his place. Tom wants me to take his position. Kapan kamu berangkat? When will you leave? When did you leave? Aku masih belum menerima kabar darinya. I still haven't heard from him. I still haven't received any news from him. Seharusnya kamu melakukannya. You should have done so. You should've done it. Jim memiliki pundak yang lebar. Jim has broad shoulders. Jim has a wide shoulder. Mereka adalah aktor. They are actors. They are actors. Saya akan pergi memberi kasut saya kepada tukang kasut. I'm going to go give my shoes to the cobbler. I'm going to go give my shoes to the shoemaker. Jangan lupa kirimkan surat itu. Remember to post the letter. Don't forget to send the letter. Buku itu berwarna merah. The book is red. The book is red. Adi ako ha baybayun nagmumulay balibol. I'm on the beach playing volleyball. I was on the beach playing basketball. Siríng ni Tom diri na niya adto bubuhaton utro. Tom says he'll never do that again. Tom says he won't do it again. Ini komputer saya. This is my computer. This is my computer. Saya demam. I have a fever. I have a fever. Dia ingin membeli buku tersebut. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. Bill tidak pernah bertengkar dengan orang lain. Bill never argues with other people. Bill never quarreled with anyone else. Angkab disido dumadi do injiniol katavanan. His dream is to become an aerospace engineer. I'm going to do the same thing as the Kathmandu. Itu yang sedang kucari. That's what I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for. Kami semua tertawa. We were all laughing. We all laughed. Anak tertua dari sang Raja akan menjadi penerus tahtanya. The king's eldest son is the heir to the throne. The eldest son of the King will be his successor to the throne. Otopot iti? Can this be true? The autopsy? Ti uki ket maysa a tubo a piskel. The vagina is a muscular tube. The uki is a ductile muscle. Di sekitar sini supermarket ada di mana? Where's there a supermarket around here? Where's the supermarket? Isang pangit na lalaki ang kumatok sa aking pinto. An ugly man knocked on my door. One of the men knocked on my door. Cinta yang tulus adalah cinta yang tanpa paksaan. An unconditional love is love without coercion. Genuine love is unforced love. Mongoruhang i Joe nangku diya kosodop do minsosodop? Was Joe with you yesterday evening? What do you think about the fact that Joe Biden is a member of the Democratic Party? Hilo pud raba na. That is poison as well. It's been poisoned by Rachael. Giunsa ninyo pagkahulog sa lim-aw? May mituklod namo. How did you fall into the swamp? Somebody pushed us. How did you fall into the pond? someone knocked us down. ¿Kay ano hi ako pa? Why did it have to be me? "Why am I still me? Diri ka naabot ha oras. You never arrive on time. You're not coming in time. Kemarin bulan purnama. It was a full moon yesterday. Yesterday was a full moon. Tak perlu menangis seperti anak kecil. There's no need to cry like a child. You don’t have to cry like a child. Kabayo iní. This is a horse. Here's the horse. Ginhawa ha imo irong. Please breathe through your nose. Breathe in your nose. Masapul a basaek daytoy nga artikulo. I have to read this article. I need to read this article. Ti panagyot ket abbukayenna ti panagtaray ti dara iti uki ket pagtalinaedenna a nasalun-at daytoy. The act of having intercourse stimulates blood flow to the vagina and keeps it healthy. Drying stimulates the flow of blood to the urinary tract and keeps it healthy. Oo. Yes. Yes. Ému bálung méte ya adwá nang banwá ing mílábas? Didn't you know that she passed away about two years ago? Are you a fan of the old-timers in the M<0xC3><0xA9>l<0xC3><0xA1>bas? Kinsa gani to? Who was it? Who's he even? Saan a dakes. Not bad. Not bad. An mga ehersisyo simple ngan epektibo. The exercises are simple and effective. Exercises are simple and effective. Kesimpulan ini sulit untuk dipungkiri. It's hard not to come to this conclusion. This conclusion is hard to refute. Dhèwèké mengakaké cendhéla. She opens the window. He made a short. "Tom suka pada Mary." "Aku pikir itu sudah jelas bagi semuanya." "Tom likes Mary." "I think that's obvious to everyone." "Tom likes Mary." "I think it's obvious to everyone." Anda bangun pada pukul berapa? What time do you get up? You wake up at what time? Rinambakanmi ti panagkasangayna. We celebrated his birthday. We celebrated his birthday. Itu adalah pertama kali saya pernah mengemudikan mobil That was the first time I had ever driven a car. It was the first time I ever drove a car. Aku tahu kalau kau akan bilang tidak. I know you're going to say no. I knew you'd say no. Ouzan no i Tom mangandad om muhi doid daamin. Tom got tired of waiting and went on home. I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything for my dad. Tom dan Mary telah menikah selama kurang lebih 3 tahun. Tom and Mary have been married for about three years. Tom and Mary have been married for about 3 years. Nakataytayag a kayo daytoy. This is a very tall tree. It is a very tall tree. Kapan Tom akan tiba? When is Tom arriving? When will Tom arrive? Siapa aktor favoritmu? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Tom terluka parah saat kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident. Tom was seriously injured in a traffic accident. Patuh pada hukum itu diperlukan. It's necessary to comply with a law. Obeying the law is necessary. Kami tidak ingin menjadi yang terakhir di sana. We don't want to be the last ones there. We don’t want to be the last one there. Disinilah di hatiku. Here is my heart. Here in my heart. Dadaku rasanya nyeri. I have a sharp pain in my chest. My dad's in pain. Tom berlari kembali ke hutan. Tom ran back into the woods. Tom ran back into the woods. Pumalit ako hin usa pa na libro dugang hini nga usa. I bought one other book in addition to this one. I'll buy another book in addition to this one. Hari ini berawan dan kemungkinan hujan, jadi kita lebih baik tidak pergi berselancar. Since it's cloudy with a chance of rain today, we shouldn't go surfing. Today it's cloudy and it's likely to rain, so we better not go surfing. Aku seharusnya tidak menerobos lampu merah itu. I shouldn't have run that red light. I shouldn't have broken through that red light. Kalau boleh jujur, ini adalah kopi terbaik yang pernah aku minum. I can honestly say this is the best coffee I've ever had. To be honest, this is the best coffee I've ever had. Tom ora seneng musik sing mbribèni. Tom doesn't like loud music. Tom didn't like the music. Taganáng mákaríne. It was really embarrassing. Tagan<0xC3><0xA1>ng m<0xC3><0xA1>kar<0xC3><0xAD>ne. Saya mendapatkan buku ini untuk dia. I got this book from him. I got this book for him. Maila'! Come! I know! Seperti halnya tubuh perlu olahraga, pikiran juga perlu stimulasi agar tetap sehat. Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy. Just as the body needs exercise, the mind also needs stimulation to stay healthy. Migkámalí ku. I've been wrong. Migk<0xC3><0xA1>mal<0xC3><0xAD> ku. Adang. Please. Adang. Hapit na ang tingtugnaw. Christmas is fast approaching. Winter is near. Jangan bergerak! Freeze! Don't move! Kami punya dua orang anak. We have two children. We have two children. Au minuhi zi Tom gisom do pitongotuvong. Tom didn't get home till midnight. And all of us were two hundred and seventy-six beings in the ship. Tom coba membantu. Tom tried to help. Tom tried to help. Aku sangat lapar. I am terribly hungry. I'm so hungry. Éku man bálung sadyá kang makátuknáng king Boston. I didn't even know that you used to live in Boston. I'm a big fan of being the great King of Boston. Ing broccoli ing métung karéng pékamasantíng a gúle pará kéka. Broccoli is one of the best vegetables for you. In the broccoli in the center of the pancakes, there is a small amount of meat. Aku pikir dia adalah seorang dokter. I think he is a doctor. I thought he was a doctor. Palihog lingkod. Please sit down. "Please sit down. Hujannya bertahan selama seminggu. The rain lasted a week. The rain lasted for a week. Mereka melihat ke arahku dan tersenyum. They looked at me and smiled. They looked at me and smiled. Tiada budak lelaki lain dalam kelas kami yang lebih kuat belajar daripada Jack. No other boy in our class is more studious than Jack. No other boy in our class has learned more strongly than Jack. Maukah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana cara pergi ke Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Paris adalah kota tercantik di dunia. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Diri mapripriso hi Tom. Tom isn't going to prison. Tom's not going to jail. Deng eganáganá burí re. Everyone likes him. Deng egan<0xC3><0xA1> bur<0xC3><0xAD> re. Osusa iho bos dau do sumaga dii. Her boss is hard to deal with. Osua Iho dao do do stay here. Kéraklán nánu kang óras máugtu? When do you usually eat lunch? What's your take on the Orioles? Mauran ada. It may rain. There's rain. Saan nga immanamong ni Tom iti pangngeddengtayo. Tom didn't agree with our decision. Tom disagreed with our decision. Estudiånte hao. You are a student. Estudi<0xC3><0xA5>nte hao. Monotos tokou kopio do kumaraja. We all work too hard. It is the same with us. Sumati ako ano it imo pag-abat kan Tom. Tell me how you feel about Tom. Tell me how you feel about Tom. Ania? What? What? Sampai jumpa! Good-bye! Bye! Ammo ni Tom no ania ti kaipapanan daytoy. Tom knows what this means. Tom knows what this means. Aku tidak peduli Tom terlihat seperti apa. I don't care what Tom looks like. I don't care what Tom looks like. Malyáring murán pótang béngi. It could rain tonight. It's a little bit of a murky smirk. Kau dalam masalah jika makan kue itu! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! You're in trouble if you eat that cake! Kutnán de. They'll ask her. Kutn<0xC3><0xA1>n de. Au nabaga' songuhun. There is one less. I'm going to snuggle. Kamu melihat sesuatu? Have you seen anything? You see anything? Tom tahu ada yang salah, iya kan? Tom knew something went wrong, didn't he? Tom knew something was wrong, right? Nakakaulang an kahoy ha aragian. The tree blocked the road. The tree in the path is blocked. Kepiyé panemumu? What do you think? How do you feel? Guminawo yahai diya. We all love you. Take a look at Yaya. Ada kou nodii soboong nung agazo o vaig! Do not cross if it is high water" Don't be fooled by the agazo or vaig! Tom tidak akan duduk. Tom wouldn't sit down. Tom won't sit down. Manganu zou do taang ku sabaagi do puuvan kotohu. I intend to take my position as a third party. Manganu zou do ta ku sabagi do puuvan kotohu. Iton magkarit nga utok, paprehas manhuna-huna. Great minds think alike. It's such a mind-boggling, mind-boggling brain. Kadaan itón nga libro. That book is very old. It's an old book. Kau harus bersabar. You have to be patient. You have to be patient. Kun amo iton imo baton, karuyag sidngun sayup an akon. If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong. If that's your answer, I'd like to make a mistake. Dia mengantarkan murid ke sekolah. She drove a student to school. He took the students to school. Kokito isai-isai dilo hodi. Anyone can see that. It's called Isao-san. Pag-ábat ko mabubulîgan mo kmi. I think you might be able to help us. I feel like I'm going to blow your mind. Aku tahu apa yang aku rasakan. I know what I felt. I know how I feel. Nokopiruba oku di Nara. I've visited Nara. Nokopiruba oku di Nara. Dia sedang di rumah sakit sekarang. He's in the hospital right now. He's in the hospital now. Agsubliak met la a dagus. I will be back soon. I'll be back right away. Aku tidak akan diam. I won't be silent. I'm not gonna shut up. Duha bitaw. Yes, two. Well, two of them. Mapankami idiay simbaan ita a rabii. This evening we will go to church. We're going to church tonight. Saya yakin Anda tahu harus berbuat apa. I believe you know what you're supposed to be doing. I'm sure you know what to do. Noodop yau miagal do baragang. He's sleeping like a baby. I'm like a noob and I'm like a whore. Suara itu mengangguku. The noise disturbs me. That voice bothered me. Makakatalwas kita pinaagi hiton búlig hiton Guinoo. We will survive with God's help! We can be saved by the grace of God. Bosku dipaksa mengundurkan diri. My boss was forced to resign. My boss was forced to resign. Pakailah sepatu yang paling bagus. Put on your good shoes. Wear the best shoes. Kasla maysa a panagdaliasat ti biag. Life is like a journey. Life seemed like a journey. Sila duduk. Please sit down. Please sit down. Orohian oku do mananom. I love gardening. Orohian oku do mananom. Kay ano ginpinanmalit mo ini? Why did you buy all this stuff? Why did you buy this? Bagaimana bisa kau mengambil gambar ruang keluargaku? How the hell did you get a picture of my living room? How can you take a picture of my living room? Adios. Goodbye. Goodbye. Masa lapangnya digunakan untuk bermain golf. Her free time goes in playing golf. His free time was used to play golf. Selamat datang di situs Proyek Tatoeba. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Pak guru bersama dengan kepala sekolah. The teacher is with the school principal. The teacher is with the principal. Saya terserang strok tahun lalu. I had a stroke last year. I had a stroke last year. Tom ingin menjadi pusat perhatian. Tom wants to be the center of attention. Tom wants to be the center of attention. Naay mao mao nga kaagi si Ziri ana. Ziri has a similar story of his own. That's what happened to Ziri. Aiso nunu maan ku baino. I am not doing anything now. I'll take care of you, I'll take care of you. Apa benar begitu? Is that so? Is that really so? Aku harap aku mati. I wish I were dead. I wish I was dead. Dia berhasil berenang melewati sungai itu. He managed to swim across the river. He managed to swim through the river. Menyerah bukan jawaban. Giving up isn't the answer. Giving up is not the answer. Oloyo' no jaam ku hopod minit. My watch is ten minutes slow. I'm going to take 10 minutes. Itu tidak mungkin. It is impossible. That's impossible. Diri namamati hi Tom kan Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom doesn't listen to Mary. Dapatkah kamu meminjamkan saya isi pensil mekanis? Could you lend me a few mechanical pencil leads? Can you lend me the contents of a mechanical pencil? Dia macam seperti tidak sihat. He seems to be sick. He doesn't look good. Puno'. Kill it. Tree'. Apagon no mogium karabau. It became difficult to find buffalo. It's a good idea to get the carbage. Anaknya ingin menjadi pengacara. His sons want to be lawyers. His son wants to be a lawyer. Au i Tom minomoli do ruti paun. Tom didn't buy bread. And they did eat of the bread, and were filled. Ayaw kita pag-estorya mahitungod tak mga problema. Let's not talk about my problems. Don't talk about problems. Kitasu oku. I have a dog. Kitasu is ok. Lelucon tentang ibu tiri itu lucu karena sesuai dengan kenyataan. Mother-in-law jokes are funny because they're true. The jokes about stepmothers are funny because they fit into reality. In' nga munyika regalo t'ak' dada. This doll is a gift from my aunt. It's a gift from my father. Bulan lalu saya sakit flu. I caught a cold last month. Last month I had the flu. Tom berharap dia memiliki waktu yang lebih panjang. Tom wished he had more time. Tom wished he had a longer time. Dia sedang tersengih seorang diri. He's grinning to himself. He's choking himself. Bisibsi anay it mga bukad san-o ka manmahaw. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Let's take a look at the flowers when you're thirsty. Nagretiro isuna iti kompania kalpasan ti tallopulo a tawen a serbisiona. He retired from the company after 30 years' service. He retired from the company after 30 years of service. Aku mengandalkanmu untuk mengawasi Tom. I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Tom. I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Tom. Pagbinuotan baya samtang wala ko. Behave yourself during my absence. Be nice while I'm away. Diri ini maupay nga kompanya nga nan-uuwat hin tawo. This is an evil company that takes advantage of people. It's not a bad company to hire. ¿Kay ano todo bantay ka? Why do you care so much? "Why are you all watching? Pot fabot. Please. Pot fabot. Kami akhirnya telah menerbitkan buku itu. We finally published the book. We have finally published the book. Kontento na iton hiya hiton iya kinabuhi kinada adlaw? Is he satisfied with his daily life? Are you happy with your life every day? Saya hanya bergurau. I was just joking. I'm just kidding. Dírì hiyá hirut. She is not being careful. D<0xC3><0xAD>r<0xC3><0xAC> her<0xC3><0xA1> hirut. Wala siyay undang og hinilak. She cries continously. He didn't stop crying. Tapi cinta bisa membuatmu patah hati. But love can break your heart. But love can break your heart. Meskipun berbeda SMA, Widia dan Susan tetap akrab. Despite being in different high schools, Widia and Susan still get along well. Despite high school differences, Widia and Susan remain intimate. Napatai no taki dau goduo. Both his grandfathers are dead. I'm trying to figure out if it's Godot. Kau memang benar. You're quite right. You're right. Tolong buang sampah ini. Please throw this away. Please remove this trash. Fahasalamana? How are you? Fahasalamana? Selain Bahasa Inggeris, dia boleh bercakap Bahasa Perancis. In addition to English, he can speak French. In addition to English, she speaks French. Ayaw hiya papag-manihoa hiton imo kotse. Don't let her drive your car. Don't drive your car. Nagbutengka manen, sika a tarkok? You chicken out again, you coward? You're scared again, you're a threat? Aku benar-benar rindu untuk bertemu dengannya lagi. I am dying to see her again. I really miss seeing him again. Saya ingin membeli semuanya. I want to buy them all. I want to buy everything. Håfa bidáda-mu på'go? What are you doing today? What are you doing now? Wak harus ka kamar mandi. I have to use the bathroom. You have to go to the bathroom. Paréu nong miyári king mátas a pipágarálan deng adwá kung ának. Both of my kids have already graduated from high school. I'm a fan of the King of Pops, and I'm a fan of the King of Pops. Aku ngerti kowè ora isa nggarap kuwi. I knew you couldn't do it. I knew I couldn't do it. Dia memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang bidang linguistik. He has a great knowledge of the linguistic field. He has extensive knowledge of the field of linguistics. Isai doiho? Who's there? Isai doho? Nagbibiseklita hiyá pakádto trabaho. He bikes to work. He was riding a bike to work. Milo' tokou moboros kumaa Tom. We can talk to Tom. I'm going to make you mine, Tom. Minanakau iyau do jaam ku. He stole my watch. as I also have received from My Father; and I will give him the morning star. Lare-lare dolanan ngangge dolanan Children play with toys. A toy with toys Awan kabsatna a babai. He doesn't have a sister. She has no sister. Dakál ya imálan. She has quite a lot of clothes. Dak<0xC3><0xA1>l to Im<0xC3><0xA1>lan. Kami kekurangan dana. We've run short of money. We lack funds. Kosorou ko' po soira kumoinsan ko' mokinongou sinding Beatles? Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles? How do you know if you're listening to the Beatles? Hoben ham. We're young. Hoben ham. Aku menyekakmat lawanku menggunakan kedua bentengku. I checkmated my opponent by using my two rooks. I checked my opponent using both of my forts. Kami berlari menuruni bukit. We ran down the hill. We ran down the hill. Átatandánan ku ngan. I remember it all. I'm going to NG. Tínikdó ya ing matwáng laláki king bábo bundúk-bundúkan. The old man stood on the hill. It is located in the heart of King B<0xC3><0xA1>bo-B<0xC3><0xA1>bo-Bundu<0xC3><0xBA>kan. Immay isuna iti alas tres iti malem. He came at three in the afternoon. He arrived at 3 p.m. Librí kung máglíkas king Esperanto. I translate into Esperanto for free. I am the king of Esperanto. Naupayak kadagidiay a resulta. I was disappointed with those results. I was disappointed with those results. Semasa saya sedang membaca, saya tertidur. While I was reading, I fell asleep. While I was reading, I fell asleep. Agsakit ti ulok. I have a headache. I have a headache. Siapa yang berlari lebih cepat, Yumi atau Keiko? Who runs faster, Yumi or Keiko? Who's running faster, Yumi or Keiko? Kau kemarin berada di rumah, kan? You were at home yesterday, weren't you? You were home yesterday, right? Kau baru saja membuatku merasa sangat bahagia. You just made my day. You just made me feel so happy. Iní ing ásu nang Maria. This is Mary's dog. In the heart of Mary. Pintunya belum ditutup. The door was not closed. The door's not closed. Sudahkah kau mencuci mobilnya? Have you washed the car yet? Did you wash the car? Aku punya saudara kembar. I have a twin. I have a twin brother. Apakah kau pernah pergi ke Laut Hitam? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Bisa berbahaya kalau orang yang masih muda mengendarai sepeda motor. It can be dangerous for young people to ride motorcycles. It can be dangerous if a young person is riding a motorcycle. Modagan na. That will run. It's running. Sisakan aku es krimnya. Save me some ice cream. Leave me the ice cream. Honggo ko' dii? Where are you? I mean, Hong Kong? Berapa jumlah anak Anda? How many children do you have? How many are your children? Núkarín ya ing iskwéla mu? Where is your school? It's on your screen? Kau tidak akan tiba di sana tepat waktu jika kau tidak buru-buru. You won't get there on time if you don't hurry. You won't get there in time if you're not in a hurry. Tulung awasi bayiné sedhéla. Keep an eye on the baby for a while. Please keep an eye on the baby for a while. Gadis itu terkenal bukan karena kecantikannya, tapi karena kebaikannya. She is popular not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness. The girl was famous not for her beauty, but for her kindness. ¿Ngain mo hirá nabahoan? Where did you smell them? Where did you get the job done? Bahagian atas gunung itu diliputi oleh salji. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow. The top of the mountain is covered by snow. Au awasi dilo? Is it as bad as that? Watch out for Dilo. Ibuku sudah tiada sepuluh tahun ini. My mother has been dead these ten years. My mother has been gone for ten years. Saya tidak punya waktu. I have no time. I don't have time. Obingitom o kuhit ku sinidang do tadau. My skin burns easily in the sun. For the darkness itself shall not shine on me, neither shall the light of the morning shine on me. Bukannya Anda punya sepeda? Don't you have a bicycle? Don’t you have a bicycle? Enjin telah mati. The engine died. The engine is dead. Waray ko pa ka-solbar an problema. I haven't been able to solve the problem yet. I haven't solved the problem yet. Saya sedang sibuk dan tidak bisa pergi. I am busy now and can't go out. I was busy and couldn’t leave. Anak laki-laki sama seperti ayahnya. The boy is just like his father. The boy is just like his father. Aku cuma bercanda. I'm just joking. I'm just kidding. Apa kau pernah ke Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Ado lapau dakek rumah wak. There are some shops near my house. There's a house of yours. Bagaimana cuaca hari ini? How is the weather today? How's the weather today? Saan a takrot ni Tom. Tom is no coward. Tom is not a coward. Kiginavo zosido do tavaavasi. She has a good heart. Kiginavo zosido do tavaavasi. Agtudtudo. It is raining. It's raining. Tom melihat Mary bersiap untuk pergi. Tom saw Mary getting ready to leave. Tom sees Mary preparing to leave. Adiknya, Joanna seceria dan sesemampai bunga bakung. Her sister Joanna was bright and slender as a lily. Her younger sister, Joanna is cheerful and up to the lilies of the lily. Iní ing marapát. This is what's going to happen. It's in the maze. Kamapaso gud liwat ha gawas. It's really hot out here. It's also very hot on the outside. Karuyag ko makit-an hin-o it aada sakob hit klasrum. I want to see who's in the classroom. I'd like to see who's in the class. Ora ana sing narik kawigatèn nèng kalawarta kuwi. There was nothing interesting in the newspaper. No one is interested in the news. Saba laeng ti kinnanko. I ate only bananas. I've only eaten vegetables. Magna ni Tom. Tom will walk. Tom was walking. Awan ti nakalibas a sibibiag. No one escaped alive. No one has escaped alive. Kimia adalah studi tentang materi. Chemistry is the study of matter. Chemistry is the study of matter. Aku akan memikirkannya dulu. I'll have to think about it. I'll think about it first. Nabannogda. They got tired. They're tired. Saya tidak ingin bertemu lagi dengannya. I don't wish to meet with him again. I don't want to see him again. Kita bajual payung-payung. I sell umbrellas. We are selling umbrellas. Au nokokunsi ilo. It isn't locked. Or an orphan. Ini kali pertama kami mengadakan konser di Australia. This is the first time we've given a concert in Australia. This was the first time we had a concert in Australia. Dia menahan lidahnya dan tidak mengatakan sepatah katapun. He held his tongue and didn't say a word. He held his tongue and did not say a word. Tahukah anda bahawa untuk fakta? Do you know that for a fact? Do you know that for the facts? Atíng tínuki kéka? Did anybody follow you? At the end of the day? Nakasagang kadagiti saan a ninamnama a lapped. He encountered unexpected obstacles. He faced unexpected obstacles. Aku tak percaya orang tuamu membiarkan kamu pergi kesini sendiri. I can't believe your parents let you come here by yourself. I can't believe your parents let you go here alone. Bálu nang Tom a magigísan na ing panaún. Tom knows time is running out. It's a bit of a pain in the butt. Kau salah memasukkan nomor telepon. You have the wrong number. You entered the wrong phone number. Oi Tom, tolipoun montok diya. Tom, you're wanted on the phone. Hey, Tom, you've got a ton of crap. Saan a mangmangted ni Tom. Tom wasn't contributing. Tom is not giving. Diri ini kinahanglan himuon ni Tom. Tom doesn't have to do this. Tom didn't have to do this. Aldó kung kébaytán nápun. Yesterday was my birthday. Aladdin is a noun. Izisido tadi ku. He's my younger brother. It was Izisido. Kaaduanna a tao ket kayatda laeng a mangngegan ti bukodda a kinapudno. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Most people just want to hear their own reality. Aku sangat lapar. I was very hungry. I'm so hungry. Mungkin lebih baik kau menunggu di sebelah sana. You might want to wait over there. Maybe you'd better wait over there. Samua su lapar? Is everyone hungry? You're all hungry? Håfa tatamanu hao? How are you? What's your take on it? Guaha gimå'-hu. I have a house. Guaha gim<0xC3><0xA5>-hu. Itu aneh. That's weird. That's weird. Aku sadar kalau apa yang telah aku pilih ternyata tidak membuatku tertarik. I realized that what I had chosen didn't really interest me. I realized that what I had chosen did not interest me. Apakah kau melihat bukuku? Do you see my book? Did you see my book? Padasek. I try. I'll try. Nánu ka pilídu? What's your last name? How many of you are going to be? Makápanáya kang mangá métung a óras? Can you wait about an hour? Are you worried about having to take a shower? Tadi ada masalah di sekolah. There was a problem at school. There was a problem at school. Ini tidak cukup. This is not enough. It's not enough. Dia sangat pintar. He's very smart. He's very smart. Inona ny vaovao? What's new? What's new? Umbalai do intong. Come and take a look. Umalai do intong. Apakah kau sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu? Have you finished the job? Did you finish the job? Déta deng ának a dinínan mung librú. Those are the children you gave the book to. I don't think it's just a libr<0xC3><0xBA>. Dia berjabat tangan dengannya dan tersenyum. He shook hands with her and smiled. He shook hands with her and smiled. Agtataul dagiti aso. Dogs bark. Dogs bark. Au osonong habar disido. She's in a bad mood. The good news is that it's disingenuous. Aku akan menulis surat untukmu sesegera mungkin. I will write to you as soon as I can. I'll write you a letter as soon as possible. Liburan musim panasnya mulai besok Senin. Summer vacation begins next Monday. The summer vacation starts tomorrow Monday. Tom lia dia pe nama tatulis di papan tulis. Tom saw his name written on the blackboard. Tom Lia's name is on the board. Noilaan iyau nodi do tangon. He knew the story already. I'll be sure to check it out when I get home. Ginpintaran ni Ken hin buság an iya biseklita. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bicycle with a muzzle. Asta i biråda. Until next time. That's right, Br<0xC3><0xA9>da. Milo' ko' momoguno puun ku. You can use my phone. I'm going to get my ass kicked out of my ass. "Dia itu sapa?" "Dia itu ngana pe mama." "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "Who is she?" she asked. Saya nak bercakap dengan Tom. I'm going to be talking to Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Samua-samua kita makang. I eat everything. Let's all get together. Apa kau menikmati liburanmu? Did you enjoy your holiday? Are you enjoying your vacation? Dia membuka jendela. She opens the window. He opened the window. Ini satu-satunya harapan saya. It's my only hope. It's my only hope. Tom meninggalkan sekolah sejam yang lalu. Tom left school an hour ago. Tom left school an hour ago. Buwas mapa-Boston hi Tom. Tom will go to Boston tomorrow. Tom's going out tomorrow. Pametuné malah sawaliké saka sing dikarepaké awakdhéwé. The result was contrary to our plan. In fact, it's the opposite of what we want. Nokuro ko' koruhang maya doho? Why are you with me? Do you think I'm going to make it? Panúpáya yu pung mítawlí ku. Please excuse my being late. I'm going to get my yu yu. Pagkíta nala kita ngadto. We'll see you there. Let's move on to. Kamu tidak tahu siapa aku, kan? You have no idea who I am, do you? You don't know who I am, do you? Tuntugai ilo tusak tintod do mangakan dongkosuabon. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. I'm going to try to get my dog to eat my pussy. Manu ko mongoruhang paganakan nu id Jorman? Do you want to bring your family to Germany? What is the name of the name of Jorman? Sani ron? What? Sani ron? I tombohog nopo iho nga id tavan. The bird is in the sky. I'm going to take a look at id's tag tag. Lingkod! Sit. Sit down! Katalib ko nopo lampung torapik nga ongoi woyo id wanan. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. But the wise took flasks of oil along with them [also] with their lamps. Bálu kung imposíbli itá. I know it's impossible. It's impossible if it's impossible. Aku melihat cahaya merahnya. I saw the red light. I saw the red light. Aku orang yang rasional. I'm reasonable. I'm a rational person. Inyakarmi ti proyekto iti kabarbaro a server. We moved the project to a new server. We moved the project to a newer server. Naikakalagiw an áyam. The dog is trying to escape. Aayam escaped. Obuli ko' daa lumisok kaka ri? Can you keep a secret? Do you want me to come in? Apakah kita siap? Are we all ready? Are we ready? ¿Kakan-o niyo ginhubad iní nga surat? When did you translate this letter? When did you write this letter? Kamu masih muda. You're still young. You're young. Pakitapua daw ak ha istasyun. Please come to meet me at the station. I felt like I was going to show up at the party. Au zosido aanangan do mimbuul. She doesn't like soccer. I'm going to go with the zucchini. Mencintai kehidupan adalah mencintai Tuhan. To love life is to love God. To love life is to love God. Selesai belajar. Finish studying. Finished studying. Dírì pirmi masayón it paghubad. It's not always easy to translate. It's a very good translation. Minoboli i tina dahai do duku. Mother bought us a puppy. Give us the food we need for each day. Kami terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas, yang membuat kami terlambat dua puluh menit. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We were stuck in a traffic jam, which left us twenty minutes late. Kapan kamu berangkat dari sini? When will you leave here? When did you get out of here? Iziau tuhun Sina? Are you Chinese? You're going to kill Sina? Saan a napanunot ni Tom dayta. Tom didn't think of that. Tom didn't think about it. Saya pikir Tom mudah disukai. I think Tom is loveable. I think Tom is easy to like. Gidala mo na ba ang mga kahon didto sa arkoba? Have you already carried the boxes up to the attic? Have you ever taken the boxes to the vault? ¿Gintawagan mo ako kagab-i? Did you call me last night? "Did you call me at night?" Osomok moti patayon ku. I nearly died. Osmomomo motivating me to kill. An lamrag nagluya ngan nagluya. The light became weaker and weaker. The light grew weaker and weaker. Sudah jam sebelas. It is already eleven. It's eleven o'clock. Apa kau akan menembakku? Are you going to shoot me? Are you going to shoot me? Usá manla hiyá nga trinabaho yanâ nga ádlaw, sanglit madurudogay nahuman an trabahuon. Because he's working alone today, it's taking him longer to finish the job. It was a bit of a stretch, so the work was done very quickly. Mereka mencoba untuk menghubunginya. They're attempting to contact her. They're trying to contact him. Saya akan tinggal di sini selama seminggu. I'll be staying here for a week. I'll stay here for a week. Au zou kumalaja do togumu timpu miaga' do kalaja di Tom. I don't work as many hours a day as Tom does. I have done my best to work with you while I was with you. Alam itu kejam. Nature is cruel. Nature is cruel. Panúpáya mu nung sálábat ku, oneng atín kang dápat ákit. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but there's something you should see. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass. Pengalaman adalah nama yang ramai orang memberi kepada kesilapan mereka. Experience is the name many people give to their mistakes. Experience is a name that many people give to their mistakes. Sána ákit mu ing páyntunán ku. I hope you'll find what I'm searching for. You're in my p<0xC3><0xA1>yntun<0xC3><0xA1>n. Okuro-kuro da kogonitan i Tom? How bad is Tom hurt? What's the deal with Tom? Makápagmanéu ka, e warî? You can drive, can't you? You're worried, aren't you? Dagiti uyokan ti agparparnuay iti diro. Bees make honey. It is the honey bees that create the honey. Ikan guring nya dempa aku. That fried fish was eaten by me. The fish caught me. Nama berita nuan? How are you? The name of the news? Dia pasti sangat cantik ketika muda. She must have been very beautiful when she was young. She must have been so beautiful when she was young. Ada sesiapa tahu jika ada kedai dobi di kawasan ini? Anyone knows if there's a laundromat in the area? Does anyone know if there is a laundry shop in the area? Gimmatangak iti PIcasso. I bought a Picasso. I bought PIcasso. Dia bukan dari sini. Dia dilahirkan di luar negeri. She's not from here. She was born abroad. He wasn't from here, he was born abroad. Minoi i Tom supping hilo'd talun-alun. Tom went downtown to do shopping. Believe me, I'm in the middle of the pitch. Ugáli nang Bob ing matudtúd 10:00. Bob has the habit of going to bed at 10:00. Bob said at 10 a.m. Kun dinhi là untà hiyá. If only he had been there. Or if it's here. Dua pelajar tidak hadir hari ini. Two students are absent today. Two students were not present today. Maai po kaagu! Do it again! It's all right, Ma'am! Pagdala diri sa taas og usa ka baldeng hyelo. Will you send up a bucket of ice? Don't take a high-pitched hygienist. Coba saya lihat. Let me have a look. Let me see. Aku tidak ingin Tom mendengar tentang hal ini. I don't want Tom to hear about this. I don't want Tom to hear about this. Saya merasa agak tidak enak badan hari ini. I feel a little bad today. I feel a bit unwell today. It doble nga duhá, upat. Twice two is four. It's double duh<0xC3><0xA1>, four. Naimas ti saba. Bananas are delicious. Banana is delicious. Ginhihigugma ko hi ikaw. I love you. I love you. Bangunkan saya pada pukul delapan Wake me up at eight o'clock. Wake me up at eight. Guinmimingaw ako ha imo. I'm missing you. I miss you. Osuusuvab zikoi. We're early. Osuusuvab zikoi. Kami modagan. We but not including you will run. We're going to run. Kamu mau minum apa? What will you have to drink? What would you like to drink? Mengapa lebah meninggal setelah menyengat? Why do bees die after stinging? Why do bees die after stinging? Apa kau punya pulpen? Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? Otood ko' dii? Are you happy? What's my car? Kapan kamu akan pulang? When are you going home? When are you coming home? Solowoto' doho do kawagu oi. Come and see me soon. I hope to come to you soon. Kun an alarma tumunog, paglakat ayaw pagdalagan. If the alarm rings, walk, don't run. If the alarm goes off, don't run. Alá kang sinábi. You never said anything. You're the one with Sinhalese. Halo! Selamat pagi! Hello! Good morning! Hello, good morning! Bahasa jepang adalah bahasa ibu kita. Japanese is our mother tongue. Japanese is our mother tongue. Tom mungkin tidak lapar. Tom is probably not hungry. Tom may not be hungry. Kuwi waé ora cukup. That's not enough. This is not enough. Modagan tong mga tawhana. Those particular persons would run. People are running. Tom ingin menghabiskan sedikit waktu berdua dengan Mary. Tom wanted to spend some time alone with Mary. Tom wants to spend a little time with Mary. Ngan kun mapakyas an imo gugma, an ngatanan liwat ha akon mawawara. And if I lose thy love, I lose my all. And if your love fails, all of me will also be lost. Nagretiro hiya kay apektado na iton kabutangan hiton iya lawas. He retired because of the loss of his health. He retired because his body was affected. Tom tidak pernah sekalipun meninggalkan rumah. Tom never even left the house. Tom never once left home. Noihaan zou do kosongkuo daa atangkangau ko dii. I know how busy you've been. It's a no-brainer, so I'm going to do this. Tom wegah nglakoni kuwi. Tom didn't want to do it. Tom didn't stop doing that. Hoben hit. We're young. Hoben hit. Izay mihitsy. Certainly. It's certainly. Nagbalin nga aktibo ni Andro iti politika. Andrew became active in politics. Andro became active in politics. Agbabbabawi a nangbulod iti daydiay a libro manipud kenkuana. He regretted having borrowed that book from her. He regretfully borrowed that book from her. Ayaw iton igliteral. Don't take it quite so literally. Don't take it lightly. Dírì mo kinahánglan magselos. You shouldn't be jealous. You're going to have to call it quits. Awak jangan risau. You don't worry. You don't have to worry. Balámu e interesádu kanyán i Tom. It looks like Tom isn't interested in that. Bal<0xC3><0xA1>mu e interest<0xC3><0xA1>du kany<0xC3><0xA1>n i Tom. Apakah kamu mendapatkan ini dari Tom? Did you get this from Tom? Did you get this from Tom? Agayo toli dau. He has a huge cock. toy toy. Kanou moi ruba disio hilo. Let's go and see him there. I'm going to break the poison. Idi un-unana a panawen, adda maysa a lakay iti daytoy nga away. Once upon a time, there was an old man in this village. In ancient times, there was an old man in this country. Masayon ako na-impluwensyahan. I'm easily influenced. I was easily influenced. Mahúsay hin duro nga syudad an Mostar. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Tanabai ilo liligaon. Close the window. Tanabai ilo liligaon. Ibagam kaniak ti oras a yuumaymo. Tell me the time when you will come. Tell me the time you're coming. Atín kang dápat ákit. There's something you should see. You're looking for a little bit. Nouhup ko' di yama? You helped Mommy? What's up in Yama? Aku tidak suka telur. I don't like eggs. I don't like eggs. Au zou koodop doid totuvong, au zou koposik doid doungokosuvabon. I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning. Au zou koodop doid toutovong, au zou lugatak doid doungokosuvabon. Neng kwarénta mágumpisá ing bye. Life begins at forty. We'll see you at the hall bye bye. Napno iti panniki daytoy a gukayab. This cave is full of bats. This cave is full of bats. Ini adalah film untuk laki-laki. This is a movie for men. This is a movie for men. Biar dorang bicara apa lagi, torang tara kalesang. What they say doesn't matter to us. Let me tell you something else, it's not a scam. Mongoi labus i Tom mantad sikul kalapas do kalas. Tom left school right after class. The Mongols were out of their way. King makúyad a salítâ, mákapakaylí ya. In a word, it's ridiculous. The King of Kings is a slut, yes. Masúkot ako magpinanhunahuna kan Tom. I think about Tom often. I find it hard to think of Tom. Halo, bagaimana kabarmu? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Besok aku akan mengerjakan laporanku seharian. I will be working on my report all day tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll be working on my report all day. Buot ni Tom masayran ni Mary nga wala siya maitok niini. Tom wanted Mary to know that he didn't hate her. Tom wanted to find out that Mary had not been able to hit him. Aku sudah berlangganan majalah itu selama empat tahun. I've been subscribing to that magazine for four years. I've been subscribing to that magazine for four years. Oluo hikud ku. My back hurts. Oluo hikud. Saray tigri et baleg tan mabiskeg nen saray pusa. Tigers are bigger and stronger than cats. He is a mighty warrior, and his strength is great. Saan nga ipagarup ni Tom a mabalin a mapasamak dayta. Tom didn't think that would ever happen. Tom doesn't think it could happen. Moabot ra man jung maadto kog Pransya, wala lang kabalo kanus-a. It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when. I'm going to France, but I don't know when. Setelah memainkan sebuah theremin, instrumen-instrumen lain akan membuatmu merasa seperti mengenakan jaket pengekang. After playing a theremin, all other instruments make you feel like you're in a straitjacket. After playing a theremin, other instruments will make you feel like you’re wearing a tight-fitting jacket. Nakasipsipnget. It was pretty dark. It's so dark. Aku tidak mau melihat Tom tersakiti. I don't want to see Tom get hurt. I don't want to see Tom get hurt. Lunes, Martes, Mierkoles, Huebes, Biernes, Sabado ken Domingo dagiti pito nga al-aldaw ti lawas. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. The seven days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Manu oku diya muli walai maya doho. I would like you to go home with me. I'm going to go back to Maya. Umo'mak hao gi tåsi. You swam in the ocean. I'm going to have to go to the vet. Migmanéu ya i Tom king métung a dálan king disyértu. Tom drove along a desert road. I've been told that Tom King is the king of the jungle. Hentikan. Knock it off. Stop it. Aku sering bermimpi buruk. I often have bad dreams. I often have nightmares. Darudaku gud it kalibutan ha bulan. The earth is much larger than the moon. It's the world on the moon. Nookuo tu au ko po minonoodo dihia? Why haven't you done that yet? What do you think I'm going to do about it? Avasi no tanak tonini'. The baby's fine. Avasi no kakan toni'. Susmarusep! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Susmarusep! Burj Khalifa kini pencakar langit tertinggi di dunia. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is now the tallest skyscraper in the world. Apa kau bercanda? Are you joking? Are you kidding me? Monipu isio do tirikohonon silihon do suduon. He broke up the chair for firewood. I'm going to go to the bathroom to get some sleep, and I'm going to have to get some sleep. Tidak mungkin! No way! No way! Selamat atas pertunangan Anda. Let me congratulate you on your engagement. Congratulations on your engagement. Namatay hi Tom han Lunes. Tom passed away on Monday. Tom died on Monday. Bila anda dilahirkan? When were you born? When were you born? Nokuro ko' songulun nodi? Why are you alone? Do you want to be a noob? Anehnya. That's strange. That's weird. I na'ån hu si Andrea. My name is Andrea. My name is Andrea. Tom mungkin masih hidup. Tom might still be alive. Tom may still be alive. Dia selalu telat ke kelas. He's always late for class. He's always late for class. Nalukop namo ug pinangita sa nawala namong itoy ang tibuok purok. We search the whole neighborhood for our lost puppy. We went out and searched for the whole village. Nausa ako kay-ano dawla duro't isog ni Tom. I wonder why Tom is so angry. I've always wondered why Tom is so strong. An duro kakusog han tukar an nakaulang ha ira estórya. Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation. The intensity of the change interfered with their est<0xC3><0xB3>r<0xC3><0xB3>ry. Tom menyisihkan sebagian uangnya tiap bulan. Tom has been putting aside a little money each month. Tom spends some of his money every month. Kita akan bertarung. We're going to fight. We're going to fight. Kinahanglanon naton magmata hiton aga-aga. We must get up at dawn. We need to wake up in the morning. Tom tidak seperti dirinya hari ini. Tom isn't quite himself today. Tom is not like him today. ¿Iton imo pag-ábat maupod gud hi Tom ha atun? Do you really think Tom will want to go with us? Do you really think you're going to go to the vet? Cepat atau lambat, seseorang harus memberi tahu Tom kalau dia perlu menjaga perilakunya. Sooner or later, someone is going to have to tell Tom that he needs to behave himself. Sooner or later, someone has to tell Tom that he needs to keep his behavior. Gintagu niya iton ha ak. She kept it hidden from me. He put it on me. Sagad sa Kano, dagkong sakyanay ganahan. Generally, Americans prefer big cars. Most of the time, there's a lot of candies. Paliiwem ni Tom. Watch Tom. Take a look at Tom. Sampai jumpa! Farewell! Bye! Kinahanglan naton paundangon na ini yna. We need to put a stop to this now. We need to stop this. Anda mahu pergi sekarangkah? Do you want to go right now? You want to go now? Ania kadi ngarud no maysaak a bakla? Krimen kadi? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? So what if I'm gay? Is it a crime? Doino no zosido! There she is! Doino no zosido! Mangangasi si Tom. Tom is teasing. Tom was pissed. Tom sepertinya bimbang. Tom seems bewildered. Tom seemed worried. Ibagam kadakuada nga agannadda. Tell them to be careful. Tell them to be careful. Nakabasaka kadin iti uray ania a daniw nga Intsik? Have you ever read any Chinese poems? Have you ever read any Chinese poetry? Nauurhi ako hin gutìay hit' eskedyul. I'm a little behind schedule. I'm running out of time on schedule. Malyári yang kanán yan? Is that edible? Who's that Maya? Apatut oku daa oilaan dilo. I should've known that. I'd like to know how to spell dildo. Aku terkena flu berat. I've caught a terrible cold. I got the flu. OK laeng kadi nga aramiden dayta ditoy? Is it OK to do that here? Is it just OK to do it here? Mangakan oku do mii. I eat noodles. Eat oku do mii. Mámatrás kamí. We were retreating. M<0xC3><0xA1>matr<0xC3><0xA1>s kam<0xC3><0xAD>. Semua kuda ialah haiwan, tetapi bukan semua haiwan ialah kuda. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. May dako nga kahoy hin cedar ngada hadton una. There used to be a large cedar tree there. There was a large cedar tree in the early days. Poingkuro ma kaanu oku do winagat? How do I gain weight? What do you think I'm going to get? ¿Áno it' mga napapalit yanâ? What products are currently on sale? What are the things that are being bought? Kalmaring kita barmaeng bola kaki. I played soccer yesterday. We're going to get a ball rolling. Bobog songkuo pakazaan ku doiho tutumpoon kapal tutumulud? What time should I go to the airport? How am I supposed to get out of the boat? Aku merasa senang dengan diriku sendiri. I am pleased with myself. I feel good about myself. Kamu mau minum apa? What would you like to drink? What would you like to drink? Masapul ni Tom dayta. Tom will need that. Tom needs it. Astronomi merupakan hobi yang mahal. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Atíng báyung pan ampóng danúm kéni. There's fresh bread and water here. At<0xC3><0xAD>ng b<0xC3><0xA1>yung pan amp<0xC3><0xB3>ng dan<0xC3><0xBA>m here. Apa kau punya kopi? Do you have any coffee? Do you have coffee? Sudah berapa lama menunggu bus? How long have you been waiting for the bus? How long have you been waiting for the bus? Apa itu salah? Is that wrong? Is that wrong? Aku tahu memang mung ghoyak dok nye. I know you're going to say no. I know it's just a doc. Kau buat apa di Kyoto? What did you go to Kyoto for? What are you doing in Kyoto? Apa yang membuat pikiranmu berubah? What made you change your mind? What made you change your mind? Buot ni Tom masayran ni Mary nga wala siyay kaitok niini. Tom wanted Mary to know that he didn't hate her. Tom wanted to know that Mary had nothing to say about it. Tolong tulis alamat dan nomor kontak Anda di sini. Please write down your contact address here. Please write your address and contact number here. Wa ko mabalaga. I don't worry about that. I wasn't able to snuggle. Tidak perlu repot-repot abang. No need to be bothered, brother. No need to bother me. Ayo kita makan semangka! Let's eat a watermelon! Let's eat some watermelon! Ginkawatan hi Jim han iya kamera. Jim had his camera stolen. Jim is robbed of his camera. Kucing makan roti. Cat eats bread. Cats eat bread. Ápisamút-sámut mo reng miyáyaliwáng pámangán king blender. You can mix different foods in a blender. You're going to have to take a look at King Blondie. Ya! Yes! Yes! Diak agsasao iti Hapones. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Osuusuvab zikoi mongoi akan doungadau. We ate lunch early. Osuusuvab Zakoi is going to do the same. Pángabalánan dáku. They bother me. P<0xC3><0xA1>ngabal<0xC3><0xA1>nan d<0xC3><0xA1>ku. Ingaa timpu i Tom mangakan dongkosuabon. Tom didn't have time for breakfast. I'm going to eat the dolls. Waray pa ako magpakiana ha iya. I haven't asked her yet. I haven't asked him yet. Apa? What? What? Usa ako nga speechwriter. I'm a speechwriter. I am a speechwriter. Sapporo merupakan kota terbesar kelima di Jepang. Sapporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Sapporo is the fifth largest city in Japan. Inurnong ni Tom amin a surat nga impatulod ni Mary kenkuana. Tom saved all of the letters Mary sent him. Tom collects all the letters that Mary sent to him. Bagan ámu hi Tom. Tom is quite right. It's called Tom. Aku katuron nalika sinau ana ing méjaku. I fell asleep while studying at my desk. I was taught at my desk. Nasaem ngem masapul a lipatentan ti amin. It hurts, but we must forget all that's happened. It hurts but everyone has to forget. Aku tidak bercanda. I kid you not. I'm not kidding. Maan oku piuhupan do sorohon nu. I share your idea. I'm going to take a look at the no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Berkuda merupakan hobi yang mahal. Horse riding is an expensive hobby. Horse riding is an expensive hobby. Kasalánan na. It was her fault. It's close. Bagaimana undang-undang hak cipta bisa ditegakkan? How can copyright laws be enforced? How can copyright laws be enforced? Diri la hi Tom an diri nalingkod. Tom isn't the only one not sitting. Tom's not the only one not sitting. Dia tidak mampu melakukannya. He isn't able to do it. He can't do it. Selalu saja ada yang rusak pada mesin itu. Something is always going wrong with the machine. There's always something broken on that machine. Percobaannya berhasil. The experiment was successful. The experiment worked. Senja yang indah, ya? Lovely sunset, isn't it? Beautiful sunset, huh? Sebenarnya, aku belum pernah melihatnya. Actually, I've never seen one. Actually, I've never seen him. Apa kamu sudah selesai membaca novel itu? Have you finished reading the novel? Have you finished reading the novel? Seekor kucing keluar dari bawah meja. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out from under the table. Au i Tom nokoumbal dot a'adahan moi sikul. Tom is never late for school. Tom didn't want to go to the bathroom. Mokiampun oku tu alaid ko' poingandad. Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk together face to face. Kami harus melapor ke kantor imigrasi. We have to report to the immigration office. We have to report to the immigration office. Pilán nakáng banwá? How old are you? Do you want to take a bath? Ny sokatra dia tsy manana nify. Turtles don't have teeth. » ‘ The hair on his head is white like wool. Kao guaha lepblo-miyu? Do you have a book? What's the deal with the sloppy? Bill membawakan saya buku ini. Bill brought me this book. Bill brought me this book. Wirdo it' násud Hapon. Japan is weird. It's called Japan. Ngana mara pa kita, io to? You're angry with me, aren't you? Let's go, shall we? Éne man bálung Tom ing lagyú ku. Tom doesn't even know my name. It's a guy who's hanging out in my closet. No dimo ammo ti kayat a sawen ti balikas, kitaem daytoy iti diksionario. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what the word means, look it up in the dictionary. Aku melakukannya seperti ini. I did it like this. I did it like this. itu tidak terlalu terlihat buruk It doesn't look so bad. It doesn't look too bad. Surutennak. Follow me. Follow me. ¿Kakan-o nimo ginhubad iní nga surat? When did you translate this letter? When did you write this letter? Aku sudah beberapa tahun di Australia. I've been in Australia several years. I've been in Australia for a few years. Kau memang benar. You're totally right. You're right. Ken mengikuti ujian itu dengan percaya diri. Ken took the examination with confidence. Ken took the test with confidence. Aku baru saja menyadari sesuatu yang menarik. I just realized something interesting. I just realized something interesting. Telfon tu bahasa Jerman bilang bagimana? What is the German for 'telephone'? What's the German word for? Ti malago' yu' humanao. I don't want to go. I don't want to finish. Noiyon isido hilo'd kinoiyonon dot oruhai. She stayed in that area for a short while. And so the news about Jesus spread to every place in the whole area. Bagan kapoy hi Tom. Tom seems stressed. Tom was tired. Tom bertanya padaku dimanakah aku mendapatkan ini. Tom asked me where I got this. Tom asked me where I got this. Misaotra betsaka! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! ¿Bumisita ka ha doktor? Did you see a doctor? Are you going to see a doctor? Ini bukan masalahku. This isn't my problem. It's not my problem. Dia menjadi pucat karena kedinginan. He was blue from the cold. He became pale from the cold. Orohian oku kopio diolo. I really liked them. I rejoice because in every thing I am confident in you. Tracy belum pernah menggunakan sumpit sebelumnya. Tracy had never used chopsticks before then. Tracy had never used chopsticks before. Kamu tidak benar-benar ingin belajar logogram, bukan? You don't really want to learn logograms, do you? You don’t really want to learn logograms, do you? Keuntungan perusahaan itu mencapai 250 juta dolar sebelum penambahan pajak. The company's profit amounted to $250 million before tax. The company’s profits reached $250 million before the tax increase. Ogumu i Tom mangakan mantad ko di Mary. Tom eats more than Mary does. Mary, the mother of Mary, was very kind to Mary. Paklia iton imo libro ha ika-dyes nga pahina. Open your book to page ten. Fill out the book on the third page. Ikwá ne ing léting. He caught the cord. It's not on the leash. Pag-abat ko may natabo nga maraot kan Tom. I think something terrible has happened to Tom. I felt like something was wrong with me. Setengah dari para siswa tidak hadir. Half of the students are absent. Half of the students were absent. Ohuyan tomod tokou ih. We were very tired. Oh, my dear toy. Tom selalu membuatku tertawa. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Nalaka a maawatan ti kaipapanan dagiti balikas. The meaning of the words is intelligible. The meaning of the words is easy to understand. Seberapa tinggi kamu dapat melompat? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Nunu ka do boros Sopanyol "tungau"? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? Are you referring to the Spanish word for "sophisticated"? Dingin. It's cold. Cold. Mabalin a saanen a kasapulan nga ilakotayo ti balaytayo. We might not need to sell our house. We may no longer have to sell our house. Kamu tidak bisa menjadi seorang dokter. You can't be a doctor. You can't be a doctor. Saya yakin kamu sudah meninggalkan kota. I thought for sure you'd left town already. I'm sure you've left town. Burén yukúng mag-ispliká. Let me explain. Let's start with a sip. Malyáring ménasakít ya i Tom. Tom may be hurt. I'm sure I'm going to have a blast, Tom. Nadato si Tom nga iya rang paningkamot. Tom was a self-made millionaire. Tom was very rich in his efforts. Au i Tom mimang sakayon do tiksi tu mamanau isido nopo. Tom didn't need to take a taxi. He could have walked. I've been trying to figure out what to do with the noobs. Nagbasaak iti libro. I read a book. I read a book. Nohuyan ko' no? Are you too tired? Don't you want me? Kunak no ay-ayatennak, ngem ti agpayso kayatna laeng ti makiinniyot kaniak. I thought that he loved me, but in reality he just wanted to have sex with me. I said if he loved me, but the truth is he just wanted to be with me. Tom terlihat terkejut. Tom seemed to be surprised. Tom looks surprised. Menang benar? Is it really true? Winning right? Maaf, mana jalan menuju stasiun yang paling singkat? Excuse me, which way to the station is the shortest? I'm sorry, where's the road to the shortest station? Mamatai ku ndo diya. I will kill you. I'm going to take my mom. Kitobuk isido tanaru. He has long hair. We're going to get wet. Festival sekolah kami diadakan bulan lalu. Our school festival was held last month. Our school festival was held last month. Perampok itu memaksanya untuk menyerahkan uangnya. The thief forced her to hand over the money. The robber forced him to hand over the money. Daytoy nga bunga ket naalsem unay. This fruit is very sour. This fruit is very sour. Háin an mga líbro ngan han lápis? Where are the book and the pencil? Where are the birds and the dolphins? "Muirriel" ang password. The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muirriel." Agsaysayasay ti dara dagiti bannuar kadagiti uratko. The blood of heroes flows in my veins. The blood of the heroes flowed from my veins. Muli tokou do nangku id walai? Are we going home? Do you have a copy of the ID? Siapa yang sedang anda tunggu l Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for me Méyna ka pámikákatáwan uli ning sakít. The sickness has weakened your organism. I'm going to go from here to the pyjamas. Éku bálung sadyá kang makátuknáng king Boston. I didn't know that you used to live in Boston. I'm a big fan of being the great King of Boston. Aku mengharapkanmu semalam. I was expecting you last night. I was expecting you last night. Tom kenal aku Tom knows me. Tom knows me. Iton ákòn tatay dírì nainum hin duro hin sake. My father doesn't drink too much sake. The dog's father drank a lot of water. Masapul nga umawagtayo iti polis. We need to call the police. We need to call the police. Apay kadi a ti biag ket napnuan iti panagsagaba? Why is life so full of suffering? Why is life full of suffering? Apa yang membuatmu mengatakan itu? What makes you say that? What makes you say that? Duhay akong iring. I have two cats. I have two cats. Dia punya 2.000 buku. She has 2,000 books. He's got 2,000 books. Inin nga munyika regalo hit akun dada. This doll is a gift from my aunt. This gift is a gift from the heart. Osuusuvab ko. You are early. I've got my ooze. Dámu tat miyembro. We have many members. You're a member. Mípagnánu kayú? What did you do to each other? You're going to Kagome? Ih Ann nopo nga songulun tanak tondu. Ann is a little girl. Ann was a young woman. E ya mu magsalitang Inglis, nune Frances. Lisa speaks not only English but also French. You don't speak English, but French. Mungkin kamu benar. You may be right. Maybe you're right. Umabot hi Tom ngan namiling kan Mary. Tom walked in and looked around for Mary. Tom came and looked for Mary. Pánáyan de. They're waiting for it. P<0xC3><0xA1>n<0xC3><0xA1>yan de. Agpáng kéka. According to you. I'm going to snuggle. Olombon oku toi? Am I fat? Olombon oku toi? Tom ingin menjadi seorang pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. An baha an pinakamakusog nga distroso nga ira gin-ábat. The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had. The flood was the strongest storm they had ever experienced. Terjemahkan kalimat ini. Translate this sentence. Translate this sentence. Otumbayaan ku dau nopo nga i tulun Amorika. I believe him an American. I'm going to leave the Amerika. Oh! Benarkah? Oh! Really? Oh, really? Apagon iti gatang ko mantad dilo. This is more expensive than that. I'm in the middle of buying a lip balm. Itu dulunya rumah kami. That was our home. It used to be our house. Anak laki-lakiku percaya akan Santa Claus. My son believes in Santa Claus. My son believes in Santa Claus. Tom tidak pernah salah/lupa mengirim hadiah ulang tahun pada ayahnya. Tom never fails to send a birthday present to his father. Tom never forgets to send a birthday present to his father. Hari ini cerah ya? Gimana kalo kita pergi berenang? A nice day, isn't it? How about going for a swim? It's sunny today, how about we go swimming? Tom ingin Mary pergi ke Boston bersamanya. Tom wanted Mary to go to Boston with him. Tom wants Mary to go to Boston with him. Namatay hi Aleksandro ha Babilonya. Alexander died in Babylon. Alexander died in Babylon. Åmko'ña si Tom kinu si Maria. Tom is older than Mary. Mary's mother was Mary's. Saya tidak pernah mendengar cerita menyeramkan sepanjang hidupku. I have never heard a scary story in my life. I’ve never heard a scary story in my entire life. Nung au tokou kaanu do monuhung, boos di koinsasamod nga kosokodung nogi. If we can't offer any help, a kind and gentle word is enough. But if we have food and shelter, we will be satisfied with that. Mánalbé yang TV i Tom ngéni. Tom is watching TV now. It's on TV and I'm on TV. Mada oku dii. I don't think so. Mada oku dii. Wala naghigugma si Mennad nimo. Mennad doesn't love you. Mendoza doesn't love you. Ia bukan cinta sejati. That's not true love. It's not true love. Rencana itu tidak sesuai dengan apa yang ia pikirkan. That plan didn't agree with his way of thinking. The plan was not in line with what he thought. Sekolah mulai Senin depan. School starts next Monday. School starts next Monday. Settong, dhue', tello, empa', lema', enem, petto', bellu', sanga', sapolo. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. » There will be seven of them, five of them, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Kao ManHapunés hamyo? Are you Japanese? How many of you? Panbisibsi anay iton mga bukad san-o ka ma'mahaw. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Let's take a look at the flowers before you eat breakfast. Aku pikir kau perlu bertemu dengan Tom. I thought you might want to see Tom. I think you need to meet Tom. Kerana ia hari Ahad, ramai orang berada di pasar raya. It being Sunday, the supermarket was very crowded. Because it's Sunday, a lot of people are in the supermarket. Tará na! Let's go! Tar<0xC3><0xA1> na! Aramai kio? Funny, isn't it? Aramai kio? Berapa harga rata-rata untuk sewa toko disini? What is the average price to rent a store here? What is the average price for a rental shop here? Han nabatian niyq an notisya, waray hiya magmalipayon. When she heard the news, she was not happy. When he heard the news, he was not happy. Dia akan segera berangkat menuju ke Kanada. He is on the point of leaving for Canada. He'll be heading to Canada soon. Kita biasa makang deng keluarga di ruma. I usually eat at home with my family. We used to live in a family in Rome. I Tom gia manangaman nu? Is Tom your nephew? I'm going to take care of it, right? Fáfa'na'gue yu'. I'm a teacher. I'm going to yu'. Kao manñålang hamyo? Are you hungry? What's the matter with you? Sudah ayo kita lakukan saja. Let's just do it. Let's just do it. Luminansan yau mintong tanak kusai dau manawo maya tanak tondu di Tom. He hoped to see his son married to Tom's daughter. He had a son named Tom's daughter. Adi ako ha prisohan. I'm at the prison. I'm in jail. Tolong jawab dalam bahasa Prancis. Please answer in French. Please answer in French. Métung mung minútu iní. This'll only take a minute. Just count me in. Pimmanaw ni Tom itay alas kuatro ti agsapa. Tom left at four in the morning. Tom left at four o'clock in the morning. Naipit dagiti ramayko iti ridaw. I had my fingers caught in the door. My fingers were stuck at the door. Ada cat di atas baju anda. You've got paint on your shirt. There's a cat on your shirt. Ini senilai satu juta yen. This is worth one million yen. It's worth a million yen. Mas actîbu la neng béngi. They are more active at night. It's more action-packed. Chochoi. Yes. Chochoi. Kuha palihog og taxi. Please call a taxi. Please take a taxi. Kebijakan ekonomi Jepang yang terus berubah dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya tenaga kerja. Japan's changing economic policy is tied up with the labor shortage. Japan's ever-changing economic policies were affected by the lack of labor. Izou i zombi! I'm a zombie! It's a zombie! Pibarasan kito kama. You and I should talk. We're going to bed. Bahkan sebuah jas saja Tom tidak punya. Tom doesn't even own a suit. Even a suit Tom didn’t have. Tingkod no momungkus. Stop smoking. To be honest with you. Kana modagan. That will run. That will run. Baju ini kotor. Cucilah sepulang sekolah. This shirt is filthy. Wash it after school. This dress is dirty, wash it after school. Aku harap aku bisa berenang. I wish I could swim. I wish I could swim. Saan nga estudiante isuna. She is not a student. He wasn't a student. Tambahkan sedikit gula. Put in a little more sugar. Add a little sugar. Agpayso kadi dayta? Is that really true! Is that true? Kamu harus kembali. You have to go back. You have to go back. Tom bersembunyi di bawah meja. Tom hid under the table. Tom hides under the table. Mulau ko'! You're crazy! I'm going to cum! Kakakku suka musik. My sister is fond of music. My brother loves music. Importante ang pamilya. Family is important. Family is important. Nag-iisog hiya ha iya mga estudyanti. He was cross with his student. He encouraged his students. Ginsul-ot niya an íya kalo pára gumawas. She put on her hat to go out. He was wearing a hat that went off. Sungguh kami ingin membantu mereka. We really want to help them. We really want to help them. Donostia kuwi sawiji kutha nèng nagara Baské. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country. Donostia is a city in Bask<0xC3><0xA9>. Rumah itu besar. That house is big. The house is big. Nung makanánu la karakál deng pisambán, makanyán la múrin karakál deng muséó. There are as many museums as there are churches. When he was about to eat, he had to eat with Moses. Kami menjadi teman sejak saat itu. We've been friends ever since. We have been friends ever since. Wala ko mahimuot. I was not pleased. I was not pleased. Nakaala ni Tom iti 100% a grado iti chemistry. Tom got a 100% in chemistry. Tom got a 100% chemistry grade. Kabarbarokayo nga estudiante. You are new students. You're a new student. Aku bukan temanmu. I am not your friend. I'm not your friend. Tsara mandry o! Good night! It's better to sleep! Apakah kamu punya mobil? Have you got a car? Do you have a car? Ii no do okito zou. That's all that I can see. The second one is Zulu. Gerbangnya ditutup jam delapan. The gate is closed at eight. The gate is closed at eight. Kamu percaya pernyataan saksi itu? Do you believe the witness's statement? You believe that witness statement? Waray umuli hi Tom kagab-i. Tom didn't go home last night. He didn't come home last night. Migáganaká kamí king payntungúlan nang Tom. We're concerned about Tom's future. I've been to the King of Pops. Nagtikáng pag-uran han alas-kwatro han aga-aga. It started to rain at four o'clock in the morning. It rained at 4 a.m. Saya staf yang paling junior di kantor saya. I am the most junior staff in my office. I am the junior in my office. Saya ingin pergi. I want to go. I want to go. Ngana tau bahasa Prancis, io to? You speak French, right? You speak French, don't you? Saya mahasiswa. I am a college student. I'm a student. Mélakwán ya iní king barkún. This was left on the porch. He is the King of Babylon. Kita harus mulai dari sekarang. We must start now. We have to start from now on. Kabeh kenal aku Everyone knows me. Everybody knows me. Nagbalin a nataytayag ni Jane ngem ti inana. Jane became taller than her mother. Jane became taller than her mother. Tom ora saala kuwi. Tom isn't that bad. Tom didn't make it. Kenapa mereka datang kemari? Why do they come here? Why did they come here? Ini merupakan sebuah masalah, bagaimanapun kamu melihatnya. It's a problem, however you look at it. This is a problem, however you see it. Napuyo ko ron sa Boston. I'm living in Boston now. I now live in Boston. Tom tidak lemah. Tom's not weak. Tom is not weak. Kunta waray ádto sidnga ni Tom. Tom shouldn't have said that. Tom didn't say anything. Sayang sekali kamu tidak bisa datang. It was too bad you couldn't come. Too bad you can't come. Nokouhup i Bob montok doho. Bob helped me. Bob nodded at me. Permisi bapak, bisakah Anda memberitahukan saya di mana tempat bioskop berada ? Excuse me sir, could you tell me where the place of the cinema located? Excuse me sir, can you tell me where the cinema is? Awan a pulos panagayatna iti arte. He is not interested in art at all. He never had a love for art. Udah nya aku malik, lalu aku ninga munyi siku menaul ti terebai ba tengan langit bejaku enggau nyawa ti inggar, “Tulah! Tulah! Tulah meh orang ke diau di dunya, lebuh terumpit ti bukai nya disepu melikat tiga iku nya!” "In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Disaster, disaster, disaster, on all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels have yet to blow!'" Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying out with a loud voice as it flew high in the sky, saying, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpets the three angels are about to sound! ” Aku pikir aku akan membawa bekal makanan minggu ini. I think I'll brown bag it this week. I thought I'd bring some food this week. Napatai iho madtatamong. A guard's been killed. The shark meets. Inlawlawag ni Tom ti amin ken ni Mary. Tom explained everything to Mary. Tom explained everything to Mary. ¿Kay-ano dírì mo pakianhan it' imo kalugaringon? Why don't you ask him yourself? Why do you want to ask yourself? Makaidulinka kadi iti maysa a palimed? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? semoga sukses Good luck! Good luck ¿May tsansya kitá ma-aprobar? Any chance of us getting approved? Is there a chance to be approved? Haro Pisbuk nu? Are you on Facebook? Don't have a peach? Barang-barang ditegah oleh Bea dan Cukai. The goods were seized by customs. Items are prevented by Customs and Taxes. Itu akan jadi menggelikan. That will be funny. That would be ridiculous. Semua mobil yang ada di tempat parkir berwarna putih, kecuali tiga mobil. All but three of the cars in the parking lot were white. All cars in the parking lot are white, except for three cars. Immay ni Tom ditoy ita babaen ti bisekleta. Tom came here today by bicycle. Tom came here today by bicycle. Naayon kami ha iya. We do like him. We agree with him. Mereka pergi lebih awal. They left early. They left early. Bill akan kembali minggu depan. Bill will return next week. Bill will be back next week. Maysa a nalaad a lalaki ti nagkukkok iti ridawko. An ugly man knocked on my door. An ugly man knocked on my door. Gajah Afrika memiliki telinga lebih besar dibandingkan gajah Asia. African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants. African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants. Bunu yapmak olacağını düşündüğümden daha zordu. It was more difficult to do that than I thought it would be. Bunu yapmak olaca<0xC4><0x9F><0xC4><0xB1>n<0xC4><0xB1> d<0xC3><0xBC><0xC5><0x9F><0xC3><0xBC>nd<0xC3><0xBC><0xC4><0x9F><0xC3><0xBC>mden daha zordu. Kau punya selera humor yang bagus. You have a good sense of humor. You have a good sense of humor. Dakkelka. You're big. You're great. Tolong beritahu aku bagaimana caranya menata tempat tidurku. Please tell me how to make my bed. Please tell me how to make my bed. Abaal oku mantad ko dika. I'm smarter than you. I'm going to get you. Dikatakan bahwa dia seorang jutawan. It is said that he is a millionaire. It is said that he is a millionaire. Napalid ko' no? Are you lost? I've been down, haven't I? Naul-ulan ka? Did you hurt yourself? You're in the rain? Gin-eestima nga dakú nga parte hit' iya mga imbensyon in dírì pa maaram bísan ngada yanâ. It is estimated that a great number of his inventions remain unknown to date. It is believed that a large part of his inventions in D<0xC3><0xAD>ri still exists today. Ikít ke i Joe anyáng Duminggú. I saw Joe last Sunday. Ik<0xC3><0xAD>t ke i Joe any<0xC3><0xA1>ng Dumingg<0xC3><0xBA>. Menurut ngana kita pe topi ni bagimana? What do you think of my new hat? What do you think we're wearing this hat for? Dia juga belajar bahasa Cina. He also studies Chinese. He also learned Chinese. Aku menderita sakit gigi yang parah. I have a bad toothache. I have a severe toothache. Dia meninggal dunia kemarin siang. She died yesterday afternoon. He died yesterday afternoon. Nu maan nu id suab? What are you doing tomorrow? Don't have an ID? Tom tidak pernah memberitahu siapapun tentang apa yang terjadi. Tom never told anybody about what happened. Tom never told anyone about what happened. Igindaitul niya an iya ulo ha sugbong. She rested her head on his shoulder. He bounced his head against the shoulder. maaf bana yo. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry my husband. Miuli dayon ang amahan. The father immediately went back home. The father immediately went home. Bagaimana kau bisa menjadi seorang polisi? How did you become a police officer? How can you be a cop? Magustuan ni Tom daytoy. Tom will love this. Tom liked it. Berikan dua contoh haiwan mamalia. Give two examples of mammals. Give two examples of mammals. Kaslada pamilia. They're like family. They look like family. Karuyag nimo masab'tan hin-o iton nga mahusay nga babaye? Would you like to know who that beautiful woman is? Do you want to know who this beautiful woman is? Bukankah itu mengerikan? Wasn't it awful? Isn't that horrible? Saya malas. I'm lazy. I'm lazy. Tidak ada yang mengerti omong kosong Omar. No one understands Omar's gibberish. No one understands Omar's nonsense. Saya belum pernah melihat laut. I've never seen the sea. I've never seen the sea. Buenas noches. Good evening. Goodnight noches. Sekarang bukanlah waktu yang tepat. Now isn't a very good time. Now is not the right time. Buku tua ini bernilai 50.000 yen. This old book is worth 50,000 yen. This old book is worth 50,000 yen. Dia memberiku senyuman lebar. She gave me a wide smile. He gave me a big smile. Dagmíta, ngan mahiabót ka hit' bus. Hurry up, and you will be in time for the bus. Go ahead and hit the bus. "Salamat." "Walay sapayan." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "It doesn't matter." Tom mungkasi sesorahé sarana tembang kang éndah. Tom closed his speech with a beautiful song. He ended up with a beautiful piece of jewelry. Karuyag ko it mga butang iba liwat yna. I want things to be different this time. I want things to be different as well. Éku mabísang áyasáwa me ing laláking itá. I refuse to let you marry that man. I'm going to go to Lakshmi's house in Lakshmi. Noihaan kou di Tom koikot doiti? Did you know that Tom would be here? Don't you mean Tom Koikot Doiti? Bawang dan bawang putih adalah obat yang mujarab untuk mengobati flu biasa. Garlic and onion are good remedies against the common cold. Onions and garlic are potent drugs to treat the common cold. Awan ti dana. There's no way. There is no path. Waray hi akó misay. I don't have a cat. Ako didn't say anything. Aku tidak suka kalau adikku mendaki gunung. I don't like my brother climbing the mountains. I don't like it when my brother climbs a mountain. Au zou miho hiivan diau. I cannot forget you. Au zou miho hiivan autu. Aku ingin sekali bertemu denganmu. I'm anxious to see you. I'd love to see you. Baunya sangat tidak enak. The smell was horrible. It smells so bad. Kikitaon ni Tom makig-estorya kan Mary parte hiton yanâ nga ádlaw. Tom is going to try to talk to Mary about that today. I'm going to talk to Mary about this one. Tapi tidak ada yang percaya padanya. But nobody believed him. But no one believed him. Di nako gustong i-translate na. I don't want to translate that. I don't want to translate. Puyde ka na umuli yana kun karuyagon nimo. You may go home now if you like. You can go home now if you want. Laci mejanya terbuka. The desk drawer is open. The table drawer is open. Hi Tom sinaka ha kahoy. Tom climbed the tree. Tom climbed onto the tree. Maila'. Come. I know'. It paghimu hin asya permi ada ha panahon. The time is always right to do what's right. It's time to make sure it's on time. Haro isai milo' monguhup doho? Can someone help me? Are you going to kill me? Hangadon zou di tambahut ku. I miss my friends. I'm going to add Zulu to my list. Au oku rumikot po gisom dot aawi iri pirubaan. I didn't arrive until the meeting was over. I hope to visit you soon. Kada angabai dilo kakanan kio. Don't close the jar too tightly. Each one of them is a kiwi. Modagan ning mga tawo. These men will run. These people are running. Palihug gamita kining exit kung dunay sunog. Please use this exit when there is a fire. Please use it in case of fire. Mary bisa Bahasa Jepang. Mary can speak Japanese. Mary speaks Japanese. Mau pulang? Shall we go home? Want to go home? Au oku insan momuriman iri kokitanan dot kalansahan. Never in my life have I seen such a peaceful sight. I've been trying to figure out how to get my hair done. Janji adalah janji. A promise is a promise. A promise is a promise. Diri hi Tom an una nga natanggal. Tom wasn't the first one to be eliminated. Tom wasn't the first to leave. Aku tidak dapat melakukannya tanpa bantuan dia(perempuan). I can't do without her help. I couldn’t do it without her help. Kayatko ti makiraman iti planom. I want to be in your plan. I want to be involved in your plan. Ula no piodu kou goduo oi! Stop fighting, you two! It's like you're going to have a goo goo goo goo! Noilaan oku dilo sundait. I bet I can guess. I'm going to go to the sunset. Nasursurokon nga awaten dayta. I've learned to accept that. I've learned to accept it. "Kada maai kaagu" ka di Tom kumaa doho. Tom told me not to do that again. "Don't get me wrong," I whispered to Tom. Di Jepang, sekarang 3:00 pagi. In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m. In Japan, it's 3:00 a.m. Menyata saka amben. Please get off the couch. tion of the ad hominem. Dia tidak pernah menari bersamanya. She has never danced with him. He never danced with her. Tahukah Anda berapa orang tinggal di Tokyo ? Do you know anyone who is living in Tokyo? Do you know how many people live in Tokyo? Apa kamu merasa sakit? Do you feel ill? Do you feel sick? Kami di sini untuk mendukungmu Tom. We're here to support you, Tom. We're here to support you, Tom. Magpuyo siya sa prisohan sa sunod nga upat ka tuig. She'll spend the next four years in prison. He will be in prison for the next four years. Tidak ada yang mengerti aku. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. Suara itu sangat mengganggu. That sound is annoying. The sound was very disturbing. May-ada kaupod ni Tom. There's someone with Tom. It was with Tom. Tom sepertinya terkejut. Tom seems stunned. Tom seemed surprised. Ibu dan ayah pulang ke rumah. Mom and dad came home. Mom and Dad went home. Aku merasa seperti orang bodoh. I felt like an idiot. I feel like an idiot. Agtiliw dagiti pusa iti bao. Cats catch mice. Cats catch a tortoise. Aku masih menunggunya sejak hari itu. I am still waiting for him since that day. I've been waiting for him since that day. Kendalikan dirimu. Control yourself. Take control of yourself. Poiloo oku nung haro o numaan. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I'd like to buy or sell. Awan ti makaawat kaniak. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. Dili ko gustog ing ana kadugayg pinaabot. I don't want to wait that long. I didn't want to wait that long. Iri okon gia koposion nopo. This cannot be called life. I'm jealous of the life. Siryósuan mong bagyá deng báge. Take things a little more seriously. You're going to have to make a new batch of buckwheat. Tom sangat menyukai bermain basket. Tom really likes basketball a lot. Tom loves to play basketball. Maai ku po ti. I'm working on it. Ma'am, I mean. Sapa sing ngandhani kowe mrene? Who told you to come here? Who told you? Maupod ako kan Tom. I'm going with Tom. I'll go with Tom. New Hampshire ada di sebelah Vermont. New Hampshire is next to Vermont. New Hampshire is next to Vermont. Saya ingin menjadi lebih dari sekedar teman. I want to be more than friends. I want to be more than just a friend. Aku akan mencarikanmu pengacara yang lain. I'll get you another lawyer. I'll find you another lawyer. Mengapa ini rahasia? Why was this a secret? Why is this a secret? Tom mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Tom tried to commit suicide. Tom tried to kill himself. Hi Tom diri makikigsabot. Tom won't negotiate. Tom won't negotiate. Yoho i zombi! I'm a zombie! I'm a zombie! Itu bagus! That's great! That's great! Mangab-abakka. You're winning. You're winning. Iki artine apa? What does this mean? What does it mean? Paganakan, miaga do laan ngaavi doid songguvas kazu, gumazo toinsanan tokou doid mogisuusuvai intutukon, nga miopung-opung dii gamut ngaavi dotokou sabaagi do iso. Family, like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one. Pagananaan, miaga do do laan naavi doid sogguvas kazu, gagazo tosabanan tokou doid mangusuvai intukon, buoyung diangang gamut navia dotokou sasa dosa dosa. Tumongob i ginawo disido kokomoi kolidasan disio. She is very anxious about his health. I'm so excited to get my hands on the squeamishness of the squid. Nakangngegka kadin iti kasta nga istoria? Have you ever heard such a story? Have you ever heard of such a story? Ada masalah apa? What is the matter? What's wrong? Aku ada di dalam mobil. I'll be in my car. I'm in the car. Bangin umuran. It may rain. It might be rain. Kaano a mapasamak? When is it going to happen? When is it going to happen? Tolu no tondu poingkakat hilo'd bar. There were three women standing at the bar. And the woman gave birth to a son, and he took the third part of the blood, and poured it out upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters. Setelah hujan. Jalanan basah. It has been raining. The roads are wet. After the rain, the streets are wet. Mokinongou iyolo. They're listening. Mokiongukan tila. Dia takut abangnya akan gagal. He has a fear that his brother will fail. He was afraid his brother would fail. Baga'n nagseselos hi Tom. Tom seems to be jealous. It looked like Tom was on fire. Mejo babaero hi Tom. Tom was a bit of a playboy. Tom's was a mermaid. Kampus ini didirikan pada tahun 1910. This college was established in 1910. The campus was founded in 1910. Dulu aku suka film ini. I liked this film. I used to love this movie. Nailiwka kaniak? Did you miss me? You missed me? Håyi na'ån-ña? What's her name? What's your name? Dia duduk sambil dikelilingi cucu-cucunya. He sat surrounded by his grandchildren. She sat around her grandchildren. Salamat king pamanagkat kaku king party. Thank you for inviting me to the party. Thank you so much for the royal wedding. Dia menyesal telah meminjam buku itu darinya. He regretted having borrowed that book from her. He regrets having borrowed the book from her. Mana yang lebih berat, timbel atau emas? Which is heavier, lead or gold? Which is heavier, lead or gold? Ot pípilíng ka? What are you shaking your head for? Do you want to participate? Mary mendengar suara. Mary heard a noise. Mary heard a voice. Kami punya banyak pelanggan dari yang mampu kami hitung. We have more customers than we can count. We have more customers than we can count. Kamu lagi ngapain? What are you doing? What are you doing? Kamari sapedah urang dipadog pas urang keur balanja. Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping. Now there was, at some distance from them, a herd of many swine feeding; Saya akan makan sebiji epal. I'll eat an apple. I'll eat an apple. Dia terlihat serius membaca. He was absorbed in reading. He looks seriously reading. Aku suka novel fiksi ilmiah. I like science fiction novels. I love science fiction novels. Diri ako puydi gumawas. I can't go out. I can't get out. Napatai zosido doid minggu nakatahib. She died a week later. I'm going to see Dodo Doolittle on Sunday. Ému darámdamán itá? Don't you hear that? <0xC3><0x89>mu dar<0xC3><0xA1>mdam<0xC3><0xA1>n it<0xC3><0xA1>? Regálu ya. It was a gift. Reg<0xC3><0xA1>lu ya. Sanay ti linguista iti sumagmamano a dialekto ti Intsik. The linguist is fluent in several Chinese dialects. Linguist training in several dialects of Chinese. Genah dhèwèké bakal lulus ujian. No doubt he will pass the examination. He's going to pass the test. Langadon ko' nangku doho? Did you miss me? I'm going to take my place? Manu oku diya maan do baino. I want you to do that right now. I'm going to do the bazooka. Dhèwèké ora nduwé karcis. She does not have a ticket. He didn't have any tickets. Haro do kosonongo' di tulun di kilisin korita montok pakarajaan diti. Having a driver's license is an advantage for this job. I'm going to make sure that I'm going to get my hands on it, and I'm going to get my hands on it. Tom lebih tinggi daripada aku. Tom is taller than me. Tom is higher than me. Bunitu si Tom. Tom is handsome. That's Tom. Asino ti nagboluntario? Who volunteered? Who volunteered? Aku belajar dengan keras untuk lulus ujian. I studied really hard in order to pass the exam. I studied hard to pass the exam. Apa warna ikan ini? What colour is this fish? What color is this fish? Boleh kamu terangkan peraturan-peraturan kepada saya? Would you please explain the rules to me? Can you explain the rules to me? Mogihum toinsanan do kataadan. Everyone seeks happiness. Mogihum Toinsanan is an example. Nánu kayú pû pilídu? What is your last name? What's the matter with Pied Piper? Nánánu ka? What are you doing? You're going to? Mángulísak la reng bíngut. The babies are screaming. I'm going to take the plunge. Koilo' oku mimboros Poransis. I know French. Kool-Aid is a porn star. Buku itu kecil. That book is small. The book is small. Onların ziyan olmasına izin verme. Don't let them go to waste. Onlar<0xC4><0xB1>n sayo olmas<0xC4><0xB1>na permission verme. Osuusuvab zosido mosik. She gets up early. Osuusuvab zosido mosik. Paraulí ak ha baláy kun paningudto hadto. I used to go home for lunch in those days. I was in the middle of lunch. Gibuksan sa drayber sa bus ang lukob. The bus driver opened the door. The driver opened the door. Kau bisa pergi bermain boling dengan Tom kalau kau mau. You could go bowling with Tom if you want. You can go bowling with Tom if you want. Apa kamu mau pinjam punyaku? Do you want to use mine? Would you like to borrow mine? Ada lagi? Anything else? Anything else? Mihad-ihad oku kopio. We all cried a lot. I'm looking forward to the day. Karen, kamu asalnya dari mana? Where are you from, Karen? Karen, where are you from? Saya dari Brazil I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil Maai gia do baino. Kada andado do suvab. Do it today. Don't wait for tomorrow. Maai gia do baino. Not ready do suvab. Bahasa apakah mereka bertutur di Korea? What languages do they speak in Korea? What languages do they speak in Korea? Puntalán daká kilúb ning apúlung minútu. I'll be with you in ten minutes. It's a bit of a stretch in this mini-game. Baterai saya habis. My battery is running out. My battery's out. Ini kelihatan ditulis dengan rapi. It seems well written. This seems to be written neatly. Endi jamku? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? Sialan! Fuck! Goddamn it! Itu adalah satu hal yang belum aku pikirkan. That's the one thing I hadn't thought of. That's one thing I haven't thought about. Umbalan i Tom kasasari do nunu nopo topot id pomusarahan dau. Tom always tries to do what he thinks is right. Tom's heart was broken, and his mind was filled with guilt. Jam tangan ini perlu dipasang. This watch needs to be fixed. This watch needs to be installed. Dia mengantar koran. He delivers newspapers. He delivered the paper. Mari kita lakukan sekarang. Let's do it now. Let's do it now. Ia merawat lukanya. She treated his wound. He took care of his wounds. Atuukoi, iti nopo nga tangalaat nodi! Oh my god, it's complete chaos! Don't worry, it's a nod to Noddy! Bubuhaton iton ni Tom. Tom is going to do it. Tom would do that. Matang lebih baik. Mature is better. Mature is better. Milo tokou muli walai? Can we go home? Do you want to go home again? Aku tidak akan kembali. I'm not going back. I'm not coming back. Tikdó ka! Stand up! You're a Tikd<0xC3><0xB3>! Mari kita coba lihat. Let's take a look. Let's see. Ammom kadi no ania ti napasamak kenkuana? Do you know what happened with him? Do you know what happened to him? Dia sudah pergi ke Swiss. He has already gone to Switzerland. He's gone to Switzerland. Wilujeng! Congratulations! Congratulations! Aino i zapa ku do oopod toun. My father has been dead for ten years. I'm going to do oops. Aiso nodi saapan diolo lolobi do apat nohopod toun. They had not fought for more than forty years. And they were more than forty who had joined together in this oath; Kalian semua mau pergi ke mana? Where are you all going? Where are you all going? Gigutom ko pag-ayo. I am very hungry. I was very hungry. Nakalibas ti pusa. The cat escaped. The cat escaped. Ang ko sedang bagarah ato serius katiko mangecek an ko? Are you joking or are you serious when you say this? Are you seriously trying to talk to me? Gago' gue'. She is lazy. My gago'. Apakah kamu merasa bersalah? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Apakah kamu bisa mengecek tekanan bannya? Can you check the tire pressure? Can you check the tire pressure? Saya ingin beli baju untuk adik saya. I want to buy a shirt for my sister. I want to buy clothes for my sister. Han nakalabay nga diyes tuig, mamara nga pagkaun para ayam an akun ginpakaun han akun alaga nga ayam. For the past 10 years, I've fed my dog dry dog food. In the last ten years, the dog's account of dry food was fed by a smoked dog. Dia selalu melihatmu. Dia pasti jatuh cinta kepadamu. He's always looking at you. He must love you. He's always looking at you, he's definitely in love with you. Mongoi i Gundoling Ou pisingilo do boros Gipun hilo'd Gipun. Mr Ou has come to Japan to study Japanese. I'm going to try to make a squishy or squishy squishy. Terima kasih banyak. Many thanks. Thank you very much. Kecelakaan lalu lintas memperlambat laju dari mobil-mobil kemarin malam. The traffic accident delayed the cars last night. Traffic accidents slowed the pace of the cars yesterday night. Naikkan volume suaranya. Turn the volume up. Raise the volume of the voice. Aku menolak. I refuse. I refuse. Aku harus memanfaatkan ruang yang kecil itu sebaik-baiknya. I have to make the best of that small room. I have to make the best use of that little space. Milo' tokou mogintong lo. We can look it up. Milo's going to kill you. Binayadak ti nadadael. I paid for the damage. I left what was damaged. Mari istirahat dan minum kopi. Let's take a break for coffee. Let's take a break and have coffee. Tangkap pencuri itu! Catch the thief! Catch the thief! Sumakai tokou do tiksi. We took a cab. Take a look at TikTok. Aja ngudud. No smoking. Don't push. Palagé ku, íka ing pékamalagúng babái king mabílug a yátu. I think you're the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world. I'm sure you'll find the King of the Rings on a regular basis. Sungbatam ni Tom. Answer Tom. Answer to Tom. Tom melihat ke arah tanah. Tom stared at the ground. Tom looked towards the ground. Tom ditahan atas tuduhan perdagangan narkoba. Tom was arrested on drug-trafficking charges. Tom was arrested on drug trafficking charges. Naipatikleb ni Tom. Tom tripped. Tom was fired. Ipagpampannakkelna ti kinalaingna nga agluto. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. He is proud of his cooking skills. Gompizo no do pataam sizamut id habus. Put the garbage outside. Gompizo no do patam sizamut id habus. Asino ti nangayab kadakuada? Who called them? Who called them? Biarkan mereka mengurus diri sendiri. Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. Kao Hapunés hamyo? Are you Japanese? What's yours? Dika kadi mabannog a mangim-imdeng ken ni Tom? Don't you ever get tired of listening to Tom? Are you tired of listening to Tom? Dia dipaksa untuk menandatangani dokumen. He was forced to sign the document. He was forced to sign the documents. Anang guai. Hold on. The guacamole. Tidak ada yang bertanya padamu. Nobody asked you. No one's asking you. Iho sapi toi ko kalabau? Is that a cow or a buffalo? Is it a cow's milk? ¿Lurong ka o, estupido? Are you freaking crazy or just plain stupid? Are you a fool or a fool? Apakah Anda pernah ke Amerika? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Nínung sínábi kayáng gáwan na itá? Who told him to do that? Do you think it's a good idea to leave it? Beraninya kamu bilang seperti itu padaku! How dare you talk to me like that! How dare you say that to me! Burung minum aer. Birds drink water. Birds drink aer. Klabaster dan Gizmo adalah kucing. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Klabaster and Gizmo are cats. Tolong pergi dan panggil bantuan. Please go get help. Please go and call for help. Keluar! Out! Get out! Tom pergi ke Boston untuk menemui Mary. Tom went to Boston to meet Mary. Tom goes to Boston to see Mary. Komustaka? How are you? How are you? Estudiånte ham. We're students. Estudi<0xC3><0xA5>nte ham. Besok dia berulang tahun. Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow is his birthday. Kao ga'chong-mu gue'? Is he your friend? Why don't you call me? Iton akon pagkita isakto na iton nga bayad. I think the pay is enough. That's what I think is the right price. Dia masih muda. He's still young. He's young. Mamain ko naku mimbuul? Do you play soccer? Where am I going to go to wash? Dapatkah kamu meletakannya di meja? Can you put it down on the table? Can you put it on the table? Au zou aanangan tu Tom mugad pitanga-totuvong diti. I don't like it when Tom stays out late at night. In this case, Tom's face was almost filled with curiosity. Kamu telah melanggar peraturan. You broke the rule. You've broken the rules. Kau tidak akan pernah bisa menemukan jalan pulang, melalui jalan berbatu yang sempit. You'll never find the way back home, through narrow streets of cobblestone. You'll never find your way home, through a narrow rocky road. Tinggi Tom sama dengan Jim. Tom is as tall as Jim. Tom's height is the same as Jim's. Agtallopulona. He is about thirty. It's thirty. Kun maaram la ako han iya adres nagsurat na ako unta ha iya. If I had known her address, I would have written to her. If only I knew his address I would have written to him. Nánung burí mu kayá? What do you like about it? What's your take on Kayla? Tom ingin mengenakan sepatu barunya. Tom wanted to wear his new shoes. Tom wants to wear his new shoes. Siapa orang itu? Who is that person? Who's that guy? Bank itu memberikan pinjaman yang kami minta. The bank came through with the loan we had requested. The bank gave us the loan we asked for. Milo' oku mongoi do kawagu? Can I go next? Do you want to go back to the drawing board? Saya membuka pintu dan melihat dua budak lelaki berdiri sebelah-menyebelah. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. I opened the door and saw two boys standing next to each other. Apatut zou no mokianu kasagaan di Tom. I should've asked Tom for permission. It's a bit of a hassle when it comes to Tom. Buku Harry Potter apa yang paling anda suka? What's your favorite Harry Potter book? What's your favorite Harry Potter book? Iti daytoy nga otel, nasken nga ag-check out-ka iti alas nuebe. In this hotel, you have to check out by nine o'clock. In this hotel, you need to check out at nine o'clock. Dimo kadi kagura ti kastoy a klase ti sine? Don't you just hate this kind of movie? Don't you hate this kind of movie? Laurie langsing. Laurie is slim. Laurie is slim. Misawo i manangaman ku id suab. My nephew is getting married tomorrow. I'm going to get my id's permission. Sini tu tiga kilo dari pante. It's about three kilometers from here to the coast. Here's three kilos from the pante. Perang dunia pertama dimulai pada tahun 1914 dan berakhir pada tahun 1918. The First World War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. The first world war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Kucing satu dia kaluar di laci pe dibawa. A cat came out from under the desk. One of the cats came out of the closet. Aku harap aku dapat menemukan cara untuk membuat Tom membantu kami. I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to help us. I wish I could find a way to get Tom to help us. Aku lelengauka nuan. I miss you. I'm calling you Nino. Ada berapa banyak pena di atas meja? How many pens are there on the desk? How many pens are on the table? Gad kung mibálik. I will be back soon. Gad when he comes back. Osongulun oku ih. I'm alone. I'm going to OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bag me iní, alê? This is your bag, isn't it? Do you want me to, Al? Dia adalah seorang DJ. He's a DJ. He is a DJ. ¿Pirá bà it mga YouTube nga akawnt nga aadâ ha kalibutan ha yanâ? How many YouTube accounts are there in the world to date? Do you think it's the most popular YouTube channel in the world today? Natiliwanmi isuna nga agpanggep a rummuar iti siledna. We caught him trying to go out of his room. We caught him intending to get out of his room. Au zou nokoiho di Tom kosoou dogo. I can't believe Tom remembers me. Au zou natoiho in Tom kosoou dogo. Di mana kamu membeli bunga-bunga itu? Where did you buy the flowers? Where did you buy those flowers? Tom berkata dia sibuk hari ini. Tom says he's busy today. Tom says he's busy today. Isai ngaran nu? What is your name? What's your name is Isa? Au zou kuminalaja do koniab noopo dii. Yesterday I simply did not go to work. I'm going to try and get a new version of Nooo. Apa kau punya Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Do you have Facebook? Dia menjual makanan. She sells food. He sold food. Saya sering bertemu Pak Sasaki di stasiun. I have often met Mr Sasaki at the station. I often meet Mr. Sasaki at the station. Alansan oku kopio. I'm full of hope. Alan I'm a writer. Nagtikang ak' pagtuok. I started to cry. I started to cry. Aku tidak berpikir kalau kau gila. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. Para pendatang itu bersenjata, namun mereka cinta damai. Mereka hanya menembak orang-orang pribumi yang memprotes pendudukan. The settlers are armed, but they're peaceful. They only shoot natives who protest against the occupation. The settlers were armed, but they loved peace, and they only shot indigenous people protesting the occupation. Muhang oku disido. I love her. It seems to be busy. Parag-huygo hi Tom. Tom is a compulsive gambler. Tom was a gambler. Apa kamu benci aku? Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Ayáw pagbinaraka hit' ibà. Don't worry about others. It's about getting hit by the ibogaine. Koiho ko moboos do Kadazan? Do you speak Kadazan? I'm going to do the Kadazan? Masapul ni Tom daytoy. Tom will need this. Tom needs this. Mokiuhup oku po, obuli? Can I get a little help, please? Are you ready to go, Obi-Wan? Itu aneh. That's curious. That's weird. Kami tiba di sini hampir bersamaan. We got here at exactly the same time. We arrived here almost at the same time. Norotop no barait nu? Are your bags packed? Isn't it too much of a nuisance? Librí miyáng gáwan iní. We shall do this free of charge. The libr<0xC3><0xAD> ng<0xC3><0xA1>wan in<0xC3><0xAD>. Imbaga kadi kenka ni Tom no nangilemmenganna kadagiti diamante? Did Tom ever tell you where he hid the diamonds? Did Tom tell you when he hid diamonds? No awan ti pusa, agay-ayam dagiti bao. When the cat is away, the mice will play. When there is no cat, the tortoises play. Mugad oku do baino. I have to leave now. It's like a bazooka. Lab-as an isda nga akon ginpalit ha taboán. The fish I bought from the market is fresh. I bought the fish in the oven. Agisursuro ni Tom. Tom teaches. Tom teaches. Bísa ya pang maglambát piláng aldó i Tom. Tom wanted to stick around for a few more days. It's a good idea to try out Aldo. Minanampasi matu i Tom doho. Tom probably saved my life. My mom was waiting for me. Tom perlu mengubah gaya hidupnya. Tom needs to change his lifestyle. Tom needs to change his lifestyle. Dorang binci kita ka? Do they hate me? Don't you hate us? Éla mákiramdám deng áliwang táu. Some people never listen. I'm sure she'll remember the squealing. Amo la ini iton akon mga kinahanglanon. This is all I need. These are all my needs. Noilaan ku nopo oponsol ti. I know that this is important. I'm going to call it Ooops. Ketika istrinya meninggal dunia, dia menerima belasan surat belasungkawa. When his wife died, he received dozens of letters of sympathy. When his wife died, he received a dozen letters of condolence. Aku benar-benar cuma ingin pergi. I really do just want to go. I really just want to go. Saya harus bawa apa? What should I bring? What should I bring? Ada gula, ada semut. Where there is smoke there is fire. There's sugar, there's ants. Kemudian aku melihat dan mendengar seekor burung helang yang terbang tinggi di angkasa, berseru, “Sungguh malang! Sungguh malang! Sungguh malang semua orang yang hidup di bumi apabila terdengar bunyi trompet yang akan ditiup oleh tiga malaikat lain.” "In my vision, I heard an eagle, calling aloud as it flew high overhead, 'Disaster, disaster, disaster, on all the people on earth at the sound of the other three trumpets which the three angels have yet to blow!'" And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! Anda membuat saya bosan! You are boring me! You make me bored! Nosonsog zi Tom naku dii? Was Tom forced to do that? Don't want to see Tom Hanks? Tom mengemudi terlalu cepat. Tom drives too fast. Tom was driving too fast. Ela tsy nihaonana! Long time no see! Do not despise people who speak words from God. Dilarang buang sampah sembarangan. No littering. Don't throw away trash. Anay ha. Let me think for just a second. It's not ha. Ot ináus mukú kéni? What did you call me in here for? Othello is here. Biarkan dia menunggu. Let him wait! Let him wait. Mapagál ka? Are you tired? You're going to be nervous? Taksi itu menunggu di luar. The taxi is waiting outside. The taxi is waiting outside. Talaga a kayatko ti motorsiklo. I really want a motorcycle. I really like the motorcycle. Kotoh! Served you right! Kotoh! Odoi dogo. Koikum nopo. Oh dear. What a shame. Odoi dogo. Koikum no. Minsingiloh iyolo. They're interns. I'm looking at them. Ora ana manèh sing isa tok gawé nggo aku. There's nothing more you can do for me. There was no one else who could do anything for me. E marapát kang Tom itá. It's not going to happen to Tom. I'm looking forward to Tom. Saya buta warna, Saya tidak dapat membedakan merah dan hijau. I'm colorblind. I can't tell red from green. I'm color blind, I can't tell the difference between red and green. Nairugimin. We've already started. We got started. Waray niya nakikit-an kun waray an iya antiyuhos. He can see nothing without his glasses. He didn't see his glasses. Katama ko' tomod. You are very brave. I've said Toto. Ketika aku menggigit, gigi yang ini terasa sakit. When I bite down, this tooth hurts. When I bite, this tooth hurts. Beritahu aku kenapa dia tidak hadir. Tell me why he was absent. Tell me why he's not here. Siapa yang lebih tinggi, kau atau Ken? Who is taller, you or Ken? Who's higher, you or Ken? Kalau Tom tidak keberatan, saya ingin makan siang bersamanya. If Tom doesn't mind, I'd like to join him for lunch. If Tom doesn't mind, I'd like to have lunch with him. Tara bole ada koma di kalimat ini. There is no need for a comma in this sentence. Tara Bole has a comma in this sentence. Apakah ini pertama kalinya kamu ke luar negeri? Is this your first trip abroad? Is this your first time abroad? Apa saja yang kamu lakukan minggu ini? What have you done this week? What are you doing this week? Asino kadi ti kasarsaritak? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Kapan kamu pindah ke Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? When did you move to Berlin? Kasiring ko mahihimo ko iton. I thought I could do that. I say I can do it. Seseorang mengalahkanku hingga seri. Someone beat me to the draw! Somebody beat me to the series. Secara umum, wanita hidup sepuluh tahun lebih lama dibanding laki-laki. In general, women live ten years longer than men. In general, women live ten years longer than men. Aku tidak lagi sibuk. I'm not busy anymore. I'm no longer busy. Alá yang sákit. It's a piece of cake. Al<0xC3><0xA1> the s<0xC3><0xA1>kit. Igsekreto naton la nga masakit hiya. Let's keep it secret that he is ill. Let's just keep a secret that he's sick. Tom kesulitan dalam membuat keputusan. Tom has difficulty making decisions. Tom has trouble making decisions. Dia jarang, jika pernah, pergi ke gereja. He seldom, if ever, goes to church. He rarely, if ever, goes to church. Byása ko ngang magsalítang Pransés? Do all of you speak French? How do I get to the French? Hai, semuanya! Hi, everybody! Hi, everyone! Kinsay naay ing-ato? Who has it? Who's against it? Damagemto manen kaniak inton Oktubre. Ask me again in October. You'll ask me again in October. Susah untuk memahami kenapa awak nak pergi. It is difficult to understand why you want to go. It's hard to understand why you're leaving. Mas mabaysay hiya ha bisan hin-o ha mga kababayin-an. She is more beautiful than any other girl. He was more likely to be paid to any of the women. Nánu ya? What is it? N<0xC3><0xA1>nu ya? Saya ingin beli baju untuk adik saya. I want to buy a shirt for my little sister. I want to buy clothes for my sister. Haro ko' toinsanan hiti? Are we all here? Do you want to see me? Aku akan membicarakan ini denganmu nanti, ok? I'll talk with you about this later, OK? I'll talk to you about this later, okay? Adakah awak hendak secawan kopi? Do you want a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee? Aku akan mengambil baik yang ini dan yang itu. I will take both this one and that one. I'll take both this one and that one. Aku memikirkan tentang Tom beberapa saat yang lalu. I was thinking about Tom earlier today. I thought about Tom a moment ago. Kamu lebih cepat tiga puluh menit. You're thirty minutes early. You're 30 minutes faster. Hi Tom magigin doktor. Tom is going to be a doctor. Tom's going to be a doctor. Mangnamnamaak nga agbalinak a dentista iti masakbayan. I hope I will become a dentist in the future. I hope to be a dentist in the future. Tom mengecewakanku. Tom disappointed me. Tom let me down. Apay nga ar-aramidenda daytoy? Why do they do this? Why do they do this? Au isido moboos. He does not say. Au isido moboos. Aku suka mawar merah. I like red roses. I like red roses. Tom benar-benar kurang beruntung, ya? Tom has been very unlucky, hasn't he? Tom's really unlucky, huh? Emak saya marah saya berkawan dengan awak. My mum's angry that I'm friends with you. My mother was angry that I was friends with you. Nangngeganka nga agkankanta. I heard you singing. I heard you sing. Araat tawan. What horrible weather. The prisoner's arm. Kamu bikin apa? What did you make? What are you doing? Mangakan oku do ipol om isido nopo mangakan do ruti. I eat an apple and she eats bread. And they did all eat the same spiritual meat; dia akan membersihkan kamarku She will clean my room. He'll clean my room. Balámu e nakatámu darámdamán Tom. Tom doesn't appear to hear us. Bal<0xC3><0xA1>mu e nat<0xC3><0xA1>mu dar<0xC3><0xA1>mdam<0xC3><0xA1>n Tom. Dia terpilih dari sepuluh ribu pendaftar lainnya. She was chosen from ten thousand applicants. He was chosen from ten thousand other registrars. Yoku nopo nga manangaman Tom. I'm Tom's nephew. Yoku Nono is the author of the book. Semua apel yang jatuh dimakan oleh babi. All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs. All fallen apples are eaten by pigs. Nagballigi ni Tom. Tom succeeded. Tom succeeds. Lina belajar bahasa Ilokano. Lina studied the Ilokano language. Lina learns the language of Ilokano. Piipiro toun di, minonurat isio do pinukadan. During these years he wrote immortal poems. I'm going to go with you, and I'm going to go with you. Nung mumboyo ko' nopo boros ka di mimpupulitik, kasalu' kopio diya. If you believe what politicians say, it's really your own fault. If you are looking for someone to help you, go ahead and ask him. Pria itu meninggal dunia beberapa jam yang lalu. The man passed away a few hours ago. The man died a few hours ago. Aku akan membuatmu bahagia. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Atyú king lálam i Tom. Tom is down. Tom is the king of the jungle. Anak anjing itu ingin tidur. The puppy wants to sleep. The puppy wants to sleep. Adto pa hiýa ha trabaho. He's still at work. He was still at work. Tolong hentikan itu. Please stop it. Please stop that. Ibu ingin aku kuliah di Swiss. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. You want me to go to Switzerland. Kumalaja i zapa om i zaka ku do doiti id kilang. My father and my brother work in this factory. I'm going to do the math and I'm going to do the math. Kamu boleh pilih apapun yang kamu suka. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose whatever you like. Pumanawka. Go away. Go away. Tom terganggu secara mental. Tom is mentally disturbed. Tom is mentally disturbed. Dia meminta uang kepadaku dalam jumlah yang tidak masuk akal. She asked me for an unreasonable sum of money. He asked me for money in an unreasonable amount. Naubusan hin gas hi Tom. Tom ran out of gas. Tom ran out of gas. Aku tidak mau melihat kalian. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you guys. Jika saya kaya, saya akan memberimu uang. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I were rich, I'd give you money. Perhatikan. Watch. Watch. Ada hal yang ingin aku katakan padamu. I have something that I want to say to you. There's something I want to tell you. Mengapa kamu mengecat bank itu merah? Why did you paint the bank red? Why did you paint the bank red? Pota e miratang king ustung oras i Tom. Tom might not make it in time. It's time for the King to arrive at halftime. Tom sedang membaca buku. Tom is reading a book. Tom is reading a book.