É tudo nossa culpa. It's all our fault. It's all our fault. Derrubaram todas as macieiras. All the apple trees were cut down. They took down all the apple trees. Você acabou de se preparar para sua viagem? Have you finished your preparations for the trip? Did you just prepare for your trip? Sou eu. It's me. It's me. Sinto-me como se pudesse sair voando. I feel as if I could fly. I feel like I can fly away. Você é famoso? Are you famous? Are you famous? Jogue-o para Tom. Throw it to Tom. Throw it to Tom. Meu pai morreu de câncer. My father died of cancer. My father died of cancer. Sei que o Tom está acordado. I know that Tom is awake. I know Tom's awake. Você acha que o Tom vai fazer isso? Do you think Tom will do it? You think Tom's gonna do that? Ele fala demais. He talks too much. He talks too much. Acho que você está correto. I think that you're correct. I think you're right. Os homens não abandonam suas namoradas até que tenham uma substituta. Men don't abandon their girlfriends until they have a substitute. Men don't abandon their girlfriends until they have a replacement. A minha mãe é advogada. My mother is a lawyer. My mom's a lawyer. Eu espero que tenham se divertido. I hope you've enjoyed yourselves. I hope you had fun. Nós escalámos a montanha no ano passado. We climbed the mountain last year. We climbed the mountain last year. Os furacões são tempestades violentas. Hurricanes are violent storms. Hurricanes are violent storms. A maioria de nós não gosta de falar em público. Most of us don't like public speaking. Most of us don't like to talk in public. Eu prefiro café. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. Eu te agradeço muito por sua ajuda. I thank you very much for your help. I thank you so much for your help. Ele está na cama com gripe. He's in bed with the flu. He's in bed with the flu. Nós somos irmãos. We're brothers. We're brothers. Tudo está aqui. It's all in here. Everything's here. Tom gosta de Mary? Does Tom like Mary? Does Tom like Mary? Eu acho que Tom acredita em tudo que Maria fala. I think Tom believes everything Mary says. I think Tom believes everything Maria says. Era o dia antes de Acção de Graças. It was the day before Thanksgiving. It was the day before Thanksgiving. Ninguém leva você a sério. No one takes you seriously. Nobody takes you seriously. Como está indo seu trabalho? How is your work coming along? How's your work going? Ele é muito reservado. He's very secretive. He's very private. Eu não gosto da cor do meu quarto. I don't like the color of my room. I don't like the color of my room. Gosto de viajar com o meu carro. I like going on trips in my car. I like to travel with my car. O amor é mais poderoso do que a morte. Love is more powerful than death. Love is more powerful than death. Minha mãe me ensinou a não desperdiçar dinheiro. My mother taught me not to waste money. My mother taught me not to waste money. A Noventa-e-nove sempre me faz rir. Ninety-nine always makes me laugh. Ninety-nine always makes me laugh. Eu acho que nós podemos começar. I think we can begin. I think we can start. Ele venderia a sua alma ao diabo. He would sell your soul to the devil. He would sell his soul to the devil. Não há progresso sem comunicação. There is no progress without communication. There's no progress without communication. Viva e deixe viver. Live and let live. Live and let live. Há quantos meninos nessa classe? How many boys are in this class? How many boys in this class? Eu preciso praticar um pouco mais. I need to practice a little more. I need to practice a little more. Eu tenho outra ideia. I have another idea. I have another idea. Já está de noite. It's already nighttime. It's already night. Você não parece estar feliz. You don't seem to be happy. You don't seem happy. Você não pode culpar a si mesmo. You can't blame yourself. You can't blame yourself. Eu fui expulso da escola. I was expelled from school. I got kicked out of school. Onde fica a estação de metrô mais próxima? Where's the nearest subway station? Where's the nearest subway station? Por favor, conserte isto. Please fix this. Please fix this. O Tom escapou para a Austrália. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. Curta! Enjoy yourself! Short! Tom estava com dor demais para falar. Tom was in too much pain to speak. Tom was in too much pain to talk about. Ela foi gentil comigo. She was kind to me. She was kind to me. Posso pegar emprestado o teu carro? Can I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? Eu não gosto de Boston. I don't like Boston. I don't like Boston. Tom acredita que existe vida em outros planetas. Tom believes that life exists on other planets. Tom believes there's life on other planets. Eu não achava que você entenderia. Tom didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. Tom amarrou os cavalos ao poste. Tom tied the horses to the post. Tom tied the horses to the post. Você não fez isso tão bem quanto eu pensei que você faria. You didn't do that as well as I thought you would. You didn't do it as well as I thought you would. Tom vai comprar um violoncelo novo. Tom is going to buy a new cello. Tom's gonna buy a new cello. Tom sabia onde Maria estava. Tom knew where Mary was. Tom knew where Maria was. Estas coisas são muito divertidas. These things are so much fun. These things are really fun. O último hóspede fez isso. The last guest did that. The last guest did it. Meu nome não é Tom. My name isn't Tom. My name's not Tom. Queremos que você nos ajude. We want you to help us. We want you to help us. Talvez devêssemos esperar. Maybe we should wait. Maybe we should wait. Não fui eu que disse a Tom que cantasse. I wasn't the one who told Tom to sing. I'm not the one who told Tom to sing. Pense por si mesmo. Think for yourself. Think for yourself. A corte o declarou inocente da acusação de homicídio. The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder. The court found him innocent of the murder charge. Como poderia confortá-la? How could I comfort you? How could I comfort you? Tomar notas em cada reunião é uma das obrigações oficiais. Taking notes at each meeting is one of the official duties. Taking notes at each meeting is one of the official obligations. Tom gosta de presunto e ovos. Tom likes ham and eggs. Tom likes ham and eggs. Achei ser meu dever te contar a verdade. I thought it my duty to tell you the truth. I thought it was my duty to tell you the truth. Tom está rolando em dinheiro. Tom is rolling in money. Tom's rolling in cash. Tu sabes o que fazer. You know what to do. You know what to do. Eles gostam de Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. Ele está ocupado e não pode te encontrar. He's busy and can't meet with you. He's busy, and he can't find you. Tom gritou com todo mundo. Tom yelled at everybody. Tom yelled at everyone. Tom dizia isso. Tom said that. Tom used to say that. A estátua está sem a cabeça. The statue is missing its head. The statue's out of its head. Infelizmente, muitas pessoas não confiam mais em nós. Unfortunately, many people don't trust us anymore. Unfortunately, many people don't trust us anymore. Isso ajudou muito. That helped a lot. That's very helpful. Foi horrível. It was horrible. It was horrible. Deve chover pela noite. It may rain around noon. It must rain in the night. Tom estava com medo de que Mary não acreditaria nele. Tom was afraid Mary wouldn't believe him. Tom was afraid Mary wouldn't believe him. Você não está ouvindo? Don't you hear it? Can't you hear me? Ele tem ficado aqui desde que chegou do Canadá. He has stayed here since he arrived from Canada. He's been here since he arrived from Canada. Qual é o nome da pessoa que nos recomendou a você? What's the name of the person who recommended us to you? What's the name of the person who recommended us to you? Escrevi meu endereço? Did I write my address? Did I write my address? Ela pediu a ele para vir até ela. She asked him to come over to her. She asked him to come to her. Nós esperávamos que vocês tivessem esquecido. We hoped you'd forget. We hoped you'd forgotten. Essa caixa é feita de papel. This box is made of paper. This box is made of paper. Onde está o outro? Where is the other one? Where's the other one? Eu não tenho que saber o porquê. I don't have to know why. I don't have to know why. Quando a loja vai abrir? When will the store open? When will the store open? Eu errei. I was wrong. I made a mistake. Seu chapéu é bobo. Your hat is silly. Your hat's silly. Ele a presenteou com uma boneca. He presented her with a doll. He presented her with a doll. Não estou brigando com você. I'm not fighting with you. I'm not fighting with you. Você pode dizer isso de novo? Could you say that again? Can you say that again? Eu realmente respeito muito meu professor. I really respect my teacher a lot. I really respect my teacher a lot. Logo você vai se acostumar. You'll soon get used to it. You'll get used to it soon enough. Você o quebrou. You smashed it. You broke it. Eu não estou a fim de dançar. I don't feel like dancing. I don't feel like dancing. Eu achei que o Tom estivesse apaixonado pela Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. I thought Tom was in love with Mary. As pessoas amam conversar. People love to talk. People love to talk. Tom é um ótimo ator. Tom is a very good actor. Tom's a great actor. A Mary é minha namorada. Mary is my girlfriend. Mary's my girlfriend. Os japoneses são pessoas valentes. The Japanese are a brave people. The Japanese are brave people. Eu tomei chá. I drank tea. I had tea. Esta estória é real? Is this story true? Is this story real? Pare! Stop! Stop! Para perder peso, você precisa parar de comer doces. To lose weight, you must cut back on sweets. To lose weight, you need to stop eating candy. Estou preparado para o pior, mas espero o melhor. I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. I'm prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best. Eu nunca vou te esquecer. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. Não estou muito cansado. I'm not very tired. I'm not too tired. Tom tem uma filha muito bonita. Tom has a daughter who's very beautiful. Tom has a very beautiful daughter. Tom provavelmente não terá que fazer mais isso. Tom won't likely have to do that anymore. Tom probably won't have to do this anymore. Você deve fazer o que pensa que não pode fazer. You must do the things you think you cannot do. You must do what you think you can't do. Nenhuma notícia é boa. No news is good news. No news is good. Podemos dizer que a Sra. Smith é viciada em televisão. We can say that Mrs. Smith is a television addict. We can say that Mrs. Smith is a television addict. Tom me disse que queria ensinar francês. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Ele sabia que estava errado. He knew it was wrong. He knew he was wrong. Tom precisa de nossa ajuda. Tom needs our help. Tom needs our help. Eu já decidi assistir esse filme. I've decided to watch this movie. I've already decided to watch this movie. Acho que vou cedo para cama. I think I'll go to bed early. I think I'm going to bed early. Isso vai depender exclusivamente de você. That will depend exclusively on you. That'll depend exclusively on you. Tom é um vendedor de automóveis, não é? Tom is a car salesman, isn't he? Tom's an automobile salesman, isn't he? Três vezes três é nove. Three times three is nine. Three times three is nine. Por favor, pare com isso agora. Please stop that right now. Please stop it now. Eu não queria jogar isso fora. I didn't want to throw that out. I didn't want to throw it away. As crianças vão à praia hoje. The children are going to the beach today. The kids are going to the beach today. Vocês me disseram que isso era importante. You said that it was important. You told me this was important. Tom começou a vomitar. Tom started vomiting. Tom started throwing up. Você é parte de mim. You're part of me. You're part of me. Por que não pedimos o conselho dele? Why don't we ask his advice? Why don't we ask his advice? Quanto dinheiro você tem? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? Eles estão falando francês. They're speaking French. They're speaking French. Eu sei que você provavelmente está bravo com o que eu disse ontem. I know you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably mad at what I said yesterday. Tem alguém em casa? Anybody home? Is anyone home? Eles estão de bem com seus vizinhos. They are on good terms with their neighbors. They're fine with their neighbors. O telhado tem uma goteira. The roof is leaking. The roof has a leak. O Tom e a Mary disseram que fariam aquilo? Did Tom and Mary say they'd do that? Did Tom and Mary say they'd do that? Quando uma mulher é assassinada, o marido ou namorado é sempre o suspeito número um. When a woman is murdered, the husband or boyfriend is always the number one suspect. When a woman is murdered, her husband or boyfriend is always suspect number one. Tom e Mary têm até segunda-feira para terminar o relatório que estão escrevendo. Tom and Mary have until Monday to finish the report they're writing. Tom and Mary have until Monday to finish the report they're writing. Tom não gosta de filmes de terror. Tom doesn't like horror movies. Tom doesn't like horror movies. De quanto você precisa? How much do you need? How much do you need? Você está escondendo alguma coisa? Are you hiding something? Are you hiding something? Não consigo entender por que isso é importante. I don't understand why that's important. I can't understand why this is important. Isso foi antes de John ser preso. This was before John was put in prison. That was before John was arrested. Tom vai ter de fazer isso. Tom is going to have to do it. Tom's gonna have to do that. Você se levantou cedo hoje? Did you get up early today? Did you get up early today? Você ainda tem dificuldades em física? Are you still having difficulty with physics? Do you still have trouble in physics? Tom me disse que queria mudar seu nome. Tom told me he wanted to change his name. Tom told me you wanted to change your name. Tom saiu do quarto dele. Tom came out of his room. Tom left his room. Eu não quero ler nada. I don't want to read anything. I don't want to read anything. É prazeroso trabalhar com o Sr. Norton. Mr Norton is pleasant to work with. It's a pleasure working with Mr. Norton. Eu não vou deixar você sozinha. I'm not leaving you alone. I'm not leaving you alone. Ele aprendeu rapidamente. He learned quickly. He learned quickly. Ele nunca perde a esperança. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. Ele sabe falar só um pouco de inglês. He can speak only a little English. He can speak only a little English. Vocês não são daqui, são? You guys aren't from around here, are you? You're not from around here, are you? Ninguém conseguiu resolver o problema. No one could solve the problem. No one's been able to solve the problem. Você é realmente um gênio. You are really a genius. You really are a genius. A camisa está limpa e seca. The shirt is clean and dry. The shirt is clean and dry. Não está em suas mãos. It's out of your hands. It's not in your hands. Por favor, me dê o seu cartão de crédito. Please give me your credit card. Please give me your credit card. Até o Tom consegue entender francês. Even Tom can understand French. Even Tom can understand French. Eu bloqueei o caminho de Tom. I blocked Tom's way. I blocked Tom's path. Vamos comer juntos. Let's go eat together. Let's eat together. Você vai melhorar. You'll get better. You'll get better. Ficarei aqui por um breve período de tempo. I will stay here for a short period. I'll be here for a brief period of time. Espere. Volte. Wait. Come back. Wait, come back. O que você vai fazer? What are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Ele leu o artigo várias e várias vezes. He read the article over and over again. He read the article several times and several times. Tom parou de rir. Tom stopped laughing. Tom stopped laughing. As pessoas pensavam que isso fosse verdade. People used to think that was true. People thought that was true. Tom levou Maria ao melhor restaurante da cidade. Tom took Mary to the best restaurant in town. Tom took Maria to the best restaurant in town. Isso é correcto e apropriado! That's right and proper! That's right and proper! Eu não ponho a mão no fogo por ninguém. I trust absolutely no one. I don't put my hand on fire for anyone. Não tenho nenhuma explicação sobre isso. I have no explanation about that. I have no explanation for that. Ela não conseguia tirar os olhos dele. She could not take her eyes off of him. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Apenas levante-se de sua cadeira e vá caminhar. Just get up out of your chair and walk away. Just get up from your chair and go for a walk. Todos mundo, menos Tom já comeu. Everybody but Tom has already eaten. Everybody but Tom already ate. Pensei que você tinha dito que faria isso se eu quisesse. I thought you said you'd do that if I wanted you to. I thought you said you'd do it if I wanted to. Mark Twain foi um novelista americano. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Tenho um problema. I have a problem. I have a problem. Leila não imaginava que aquilo iria tão longe. Layla didn't imagine it would go this far. Leila had no idea it would go that far. O menino gravou o seu nome na árvore. The boy carved his name into the tree. The boy recorded his name on the tree. Poderias desenhar um mapa para mim? Could you draw a map for me? Could you draw me a map? Não estou encontrando minhas chaves. I can't find my keys. I'm not finding my keys. Eu estava lendo um livro realmente interessante. I've been reading a really interesting book lately. I was reading a really interesting book. Não tem nada de errado comigo. There's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me. O que acontece se o Tom perder? What happens if Tom loses? What happens if Tom loses? Para mim, esquiar é muito mais interessante que andar de skate. For me, skiing is by far more interesting than skating. For me, skiing is much more interesting than skateboarding. Como isso pôde acontecer? How could that ever happen? How could this happen? Ela sempre varre o chão de forma que fique limpo. She always sweeps the floor clean. She always sweeps the floor so it's clean. Há quanto tempo você está no Japão? How long have you been in Japan? How long have you been in Japan? Hoje é sexta-feira. Today is Friday. Today's Friday. Vi o Tom na Austrália no mês passado. I saw Tom in Australia last month. I saw Tom in Australia last month. Tom e Maria chegaram às 2:30. Tom and Mary arrived at 2:30. Tom and Maria arrived at 2:30. Acredito que isto está errado. I believe this is wrong. I believe this is wrong. Eu nunca comi carne de cavalo. I have never eaten horse meat. I've never had horse meat. Eu não tenho ninguém que viaje comigo. I don't have anyone who'd travel with me. I don't have anyone to travel with me. Não vou te pedir para fazer isso. I'm not going to ask you to do that. I'm not gonna ask you to do that. Meu irmão possui uma conta no Twitter. My brother has a Twitter account. My brother owns a Twitter account. Tom vai concordar. Tom will agree. Tom will agree. Eu queria um cavalo mas eu ganhei uma bicicleta. I wanted a horse, but I got a bicycle. I wanted a horse but I got a bike. Trabalhamos cerca de oito horas por dia. We work about eight hours a day. We work about eight hours a day. Há quatro quartos na minha casa. There are four bedrooms in my house. There are four rooms in my house. Não fique com medo. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Tenho certeza de que encontrarei um jeito. I'm sure I'll find a way. I'm sure I'll find a way. Aonde Tom e Mary planejam ir? Where do Tom and Mary plan to go? Where are Tom and Mary planning to go? O Tom ficou rico vendendo carros usados. Tom got rich selling used cars. Tom got rich selling used cars. Você a viu lá? Did you see her there? Did you see her there? Tom quer aprender a andar de moto. Tom wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Tom wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle. É verdade que isto não é verdade? Is it true that this is not true? Is it true that this isn't true? Qual é o nome do seu filme favorito? What's the name of your favourite film? What's the name of your favorite movie? Eu tenho de soletrar? Do I have to spell this out for you? Do I have to spell it out? Essa é um pessoa real. That's a real person. That's a real person. Esperanto é a garota dos meus sonhos. Esperanto is the girl of my dreams. Esperanto is the girl of my dreams. Os senhores são mais que bem-vindos. You're more than welcome. You gentlemen are more than welcome. Madalena não se mostrou animada com a notícia de promoção do marido. Madalena was not cheerful about her husband's promotion. Magdalena was not excited about the news of her husband's promotion. Tom começou a ensinar Mary Francês há três anos atrás. Tom began teaching Mary French three years ago. Tom started teaching French Mary three years ago. Eles continuaram sendo amigos. They remained friends. They continued to be friends. Tom está fazendo um trabalho fantástico. Tom is doing a wonderful job. Tom's doing a fantastic job. Parecia que você estava prestes a fazer isso. It looked like you were just about to do that. It looked like you were about to do it. Eu sabia demais. I knew too much. I knew too much. O gato está bem? Is the cat all right? Is the cat okay? Essa é a primeira vez que você vem a esta cidade? Is this the first time that you have come to this town? Is this the first time you've come to this town? Todo pai gosta de ter seus filhos elogiados. All parents like to have their children praised. Every father likes to have his children praised. Provavelmente houve um acidente de trânsito. There's probably been a traffic accident. There was probably a traffic accident. O povo chinês é excepcionalmente trabalhador. The Chinese people are exceptionally hardworking. The Chinese people are exceptionally hardworking. Sami não precisa se preocupar com nada agora. Sami doesn't have to worry about anything right now. Sami doesn't have to worry about anything right now. Ele é mais velho do que qualquer outro aluno da sua classe. He is older than any other student in his class. He's older than any other student in his class. Eu não nego isso. I don't deny it. I don't deny that. Tom passa tempo demais no trabalho. Tom spends too much time at work. Tom spends too much time at work. Uma partida de jogo da velha é geralmente rápida. A tic-tac-toe match is usually quick. An old lady's game is usually quick. Tudo ao meu redor faz que eu me lembre de você. Everything around me reminds me of you. Everything around me makes me remember you. Nós estamos procurando um voluntário. We're looking for a volunteer. We're looking for a volunteer. Um dos meus contos de fadas favoritos quando eu era um criança era a história da espírito de raposa travessa. One of my favourite fairytales when I was a child was the story of a mischievous fox spirit. One of my favorite fairy tales when I was a child was the story of the naughty fox spirit. Já é noite aqui. It's already night here. It's already night here. Eu sou astrólogo. I am an astrologer. I'm an astrologer. Pare de falar sobre o Tom. Stop talking about Tom. Stop talking about Tom. Você me deixou. You left me. You left me. Ele preencheu este formulário? Has he filled out this form? Did he fill out this form? O Tom ouviu um barulho alto lá fora. Tom heard a loud noise outside. Tom heard a loud noise outside. Essa é a porta principal. That's the main gate. That's the main door. Estamos trabalhando para consertar esse erro. We're working to fix this bug. We're working on fixing this mistake. Não consigo encontrar minha escova de dentes. I can't find my toothbrush. I can't find my toothbrush. Leia isto atentamente. Read this carefully. Read this carefully. Fadil saiu com sua bicicleta doze horas atrás e desde então nunca mais foi visto. Fadil left with his bicycle twelve hours ago and he has never been seen since. Fadil left with his bike twelve hours ago and has since been never seen again. Eu quero que os meus pais se orgulhem de mim. I want my parents to be proud of me. I want my parents to be proud of me. Ficou no hotel. He stayed in the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Eu o admiro apesar de seus defeitos. I admire him, in spite of his faults. I admire you despite your flaws. Ela decidiu deixar o trabalho. She decided to resign her job. She decided to leave work. Espero que o Tom tenha feito o que a Mary falou para ele fazer. I hope Tom did what Mary told him to do. I hope Tom did what Mary told him to do. Eu vou ajudar. I will help. I'll help. Seu zíper está aberto. Your zipper is open. Your zipper's open. Mary não é minha namorada. Ela é só uma amiga. Mary isn't my girlfriend. She's just a friend. Mary's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend. Tom está na TV. Tom is on TV. Tom's on TV. Pensei que fosse colocar o seu terno novo. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought you were gonna put on your new suit. Você está vendo a rosa? Do you see the rose? Do you see the rose? Seu pedido está pronto. Your order is ready. Your order is ready. Aqui está a sua chave. Here is your key. Here's your key. Assinaram? Did they sign? Did you sign it? Eu digo que "eu sou Tom". I say "I'm Tom". I say I'm Tom. Eu vou começar a fazer isso hoje. I'm going to start doing that today. I'm gonna start doing this today. É muito perturbador. It's very disturbing. It's very disturbing. Tens alguma ideia como ocorreu isto? Do you have any idea how this happened? Do you have any idea how this happened? Tom tomou algumas decisões ruins recentemente. Tom has made some bad decisions recently. Tom made some bad decisions recently. Você voltou, de novo. You're back again. You're back again. Ventos fortes acompanharam a chuva. Strong winds accompanied the rain. Strong winds accompanied the rain. O Tom estava rindo de Maria? Was Tom laughing at Mary? Was Tom laughing at Maria? Choveu sem parar. It rained nonstop. It rained over and over. Nós dois rimos. We both laughed. We both laughed. Você não me enganou. You didn't fool me. You didn't fool me. O Tom ainda não lavou as roupas. Tom still hasn't washed his clothes. Tom hasn't washed his clothes yet. Tem piedade desta pobre mulher! Have mercy on this poor woman! Have mercy on this poor woman! Eu não espero nada. I don't expect anything. I don't expect anything. O céu está limpo. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. Um nevoeiro se instala sobre a terra. A fog settles over the land. A fog settles on the earth. Cheguei, Tom. I'm home, Tom. I'm home, Tom. Tom gosta de brincar com seus carrinhos de brinquedo. Tom likes playing with his toy cars. Tom likes to play with his toy carts. Eu gostaria de informações a respeito de motéis. I'd like some information on motels. I'd like information about motels. Carros japoneses são muito populares. Japanese cars are very popular. Japanese cars are very popular. Eu acho que ele gosta de mim. I think he likes me. I think he likes me. "Quem está aí? Pare ou eu atiro!", gritou o vigia. "Who goes there? Stop or I'll shoot!", shouted the guard. "Who's there? Stop or I'll shoot!" cried the watchman. Onde é a delegacia mais próxima? Where is the nearest police station? Where's the nearest police station? Ela colocava todas as suas joias numa caixinha vermelha. She put all her jewels into a little red box. She put all her jewelry in a little red box. Espero que amanhã faça sol. I hope it'll be sunny tomorrow. I hope it shines tomorrow. Ele parece um cavalo. He looks like a horse. He looks like a horse. Se você botar muito peso nesta caixa, ela vai estourar. If you load too much weight in this box, it's going to blow up. If you put too much weight on this box, it'll pop. As minhas lágrimas estão frias. My tears are cold. My tears are cold. Tom era o irmão mais velho de Maria. Tom was Mary's older brother. Tom was Maria's older brother. Tom tem um plano. Tom has a plan. Tom has a plan. O Tom sabe tudo que tem para saber sobre carros italianos. Tom knows everything there is to know about Italian cars. Tom knows everything he has to know about Italian cars. Júpiter é, em sua maioria, composto dos gases hidrogênio e hélio. Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium gases. O Tom é chato. Tom is boring. Tom's boring. Vamos de carro. Let's go by car. Let's go by car. Você pode me trazer outro copo de cerveja? Could I have another glass of beer? Can you get me another glass of beer? Não o acordes. Don't wake him up. Don't wake him up. O que eles pensaram? What did they think? What did they think? Tom mentiu para você. Tom lied to you. Tom lied to you. Eu não serei capaz de ajudá-lo. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Não posso detê-la. I can't stop her. I can't stop her. Por favor, assista a este filme. Please watch this movie. Please watch this movie. Tom acenou com a cabeça em direção à porta. Tom nodded toward the door. Tom nodded his head towards the door. Ninguém entende o que eu sinto. No one understands how I feel. No one understands how I feel. Temos 24 horas para evacuar a cidade. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. Quem é aquela menina bonita? Who is that pretty girl? Who's that pretty girl? O Brasil é um país jovem e sem compromisso com o passado. Brazil is a young country without a commitment to the past. Brazil is a young country with no commitment to the past. Existem muitas crateras na Lua. There are many craters on the moon. There are many craters on the Moon. Os meus pais estão casados desde antes de eu nascer. My parents have been married since before I was born. My parents have been married since before I was born. Ele foi morto num acidente automobilístico. He got killed in an automobile accident. He was killed in a car accident. Você não está fazendo nada errado. You're doing nothing wrong. You're not doing anything wrong. O meu pai não disse nada. My father didn't say anything. My father didn't say anything. Cadê eles? Where are they? Where are they? Foste enganado. You've been had. You've been tricked. Qual é o problema de Tom? What is Tom's problem? What's the matter with Tom? De que cor você quer tingir o seu cabelo? What color do you want to dye your hair? What color do you want to dye your hair? Chegue para frente. Move over. Move forward. Eu tenho que voltar a Boston. I have to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Mary está completamente apaixonada pelo Tom. Mary has a huge crush on Tom. Mary is completely in love with Tom. Eu estou ficando maluco! I'm going crazy! I'm going crazy! Esta é a minha escola. This is my school. This is my school. Esta flor é mais bonita que aquela. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is prettier than that one. A honestidade deles é duvidosa. Their honesty is dubious. Their honesty is doubtful. Estou melhor que ele. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. O Tom fala francês? Does Tom speak French? Does Tom speak French? Lave antes de vestir pela primeira vez. Wash before first wearing. Wash before dressing for the first time. Eu suspeitava que algo assim pudesse acontecer. I suspected that something like this might happen. I suspected something like this might happen. Quem é o autor desta peça? Who is the author of this play? Who is the author of this play? O caminho subia a encosta íngreme em ziguezague. The path zigzagged up the steep slope. The way went up the steep slope in zigzag. Eu acho ele honesto. I think he is honest. I think he's honest. Ligarei para ele antes de ir. I'll call him before I go. I'll call him before I go. Por que Tom não está na equipe? Why isn't Tom on the team? Why isn't Tom on the team? Ela tirou seus sapatos velhos e colocou os novos. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. She took off her old shoes and put on the new ones. Eu sou a pessoa mais preguiçosa que eu conheço. I am the laziest person I know. I'm the laziest person I know. A floresta ficou novamente em silêncio. It became quiet again in the forest. The forest was silent again. Está para chover hoje. It is likely to rain today. It's about to rain today. Os amigos de Tom riram dele. Tom's friends laughed at him. Tom's friends laughed at him. Tire esse lixo daqui. Take this junk out of here. Get that garbage out of here. Deixe que eu mostre ao senhor um modo melhor de fazer isso. Let me show you a better way do that. Let me show you a better way to do this. Alguém deve estar comendo. Someone must be eating. Someone must be eating. Dê-me essa garrafa. Give me that bottle. Give me that bottle. O Tom precisa chamar um médico. Tom needs to call a doctor. Tom needs to call a doctor. Todos devem saber disso. Everyone should know that. Everyone should know that. De que cor é o cabelo do Tom? What's the color of Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Falta-lhe experiência. He lacks experience. He lacks experience. Parece que vocês estão sofrendo muito. You seem to be suffering a lot. You look like you're in a lot of pain. Eu preferiria morrer a ver você chorar. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die than watch you cry. Por favor, espalhe a palavra. Please spread the word. Please spread the word. Apesar de morar do lado, ele nem diz oi para nós. Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hello to us. Even though he lives next door, he doesn't even say hi to us. Eu não gosto de pessoas ricas. I don't like rich people. I don't like rich people. Queres prová-lo? Do you want to try it? You want to prove it? Eu perdi a confiança no Tom. I've lost confidence in Tom. I lost confidence in Tom. A empresa contratou um assistente de escritório temporário. The company hired a temporary office assistant. The company hired a temporary office assistant. Por que você está tão chocado? Why are you so shocked? Why are you so shocked? O que você pensa que eu andei fazendo? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? Dei-lha. I gave it to him. I gave it to him. Quero sentar-me entre ti e o Tomás. I want to sit between you and Tom. I want to sit between you and Tomás. Já terminou os deveres? Has he finished his homework yet? Have you finished your duties? Ele escreve-me cada vez menos frequentemente nestes dias. He writes to me less and less often these days. He writes to me less and less often these days. Tom estava a caminho do hospital quando seu carro saiu da estrada. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car ran off the road. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car got off the road. Eu posso lhe ensinar a cozinhar. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. Será que não existe nada além disso? Can this be all there is? Is there nothing else? Pensei que jamais a veria viva outra vez. I thought I'd never see you alive again. I thought I'd never see you alive again. Diga-me onde ele está. Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is. Por que você não pega emprestado o caminhão de Tom? Why don't you borrow Tom's truck? Why don't you borrow Tom's truck? Eu quero aquele carro. I want that car. I want that car. Ela apagou todas as luzes às dez. She turned off all the lights at ten. She turned out all the lights at 10:00. Qual era a configuração do experimento? O que estava conectado e como? What did the experimental set-up look like? What was connected to what and how? What was the configuration of the experiment? What was connected and how? O tratamento do médico só piorou as condições do meu marido. The doctor's treatment has only aggravated my husband's condition. The doctor's treatment only made my husband's condition worse. Isso deveria ser um desafio. It should be a challenge. That should be a challenge. Isso soa justo. That sounds fair. That sounds fair. Não seja tão mal-humorado. Don't be so grumpy. Don't be so grumpy. Não deixe de desligar a TV. Make sure to turn off the TV. Don't stop turning off the TV. Tom viu que Mary estava chateada. Tom saw that Mary was upset. Tom saw that Mary was upset. Sorte e trabalho duro são necessários se você quer avançar na vida. Luck and hard work are necessary if you want to advance in life. Luck and hard work are needed if you want to move forward in life. As bananas são uma boa fonte de potássio. Bananas are a good source of potassium. Bananas are a good source of potassium. Tem alguém aqui? Is anybody here? Is anyone here? Talvez você possa ajudar. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Tom e Mary estão jogando futebol por aí. Tom and Mary are playing soccer somewhere. Tom and Mary are playing football around. Isto é francês bem falado? Is this good French? Is that French well spoken? Tom é todo ouvidos. Tom is all ears. Tom's all ears. Ela telefonou para sua mãe. She called up her mother on the phone. She called her mother. Tom é muito mais velho do que aparenta ser. Tom is way older than he looks. Tom's a lot older than he looks. O verdadeiro Fadil tornou-se conhecido. The real Fadil came out. The real Fadil has become known. Tom está desanimado, não é? Tom is discouraged, isn't he? Tom's discouraged, isn't he? Parece que você não está se divertindo aqui. It seems that you are not having a good time here. Looks like you're not having fun here. Tom pensou que Mary estava apenas brincando, mas ela não estava. Tom thought that Mary was just kidding, but she wasn't. Tom thought Mary was just kidding, but she wasn't. Sempre lave as toalhas novas antes de usá-las para remover o tamanho. Always wash new towels before you use them to remove the sizing. Always wash the new towels before using them to remove the size. Não foi capaz de terminá-lo. I could not finish it. He couldn't finish it. Qual é o seu palavrão favorito? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite swear word? Você deveria tentar não esfregar suas picadas de insetos. You should try not to scratch your insect bites. You should try not rubbing your insect bites. Espere até a luz mudar para o verde. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait till the light changes to green. O Tom sabe que pode contar com a Mary. Tom knows he can count on Mary. Tom knows you can count on Mary. Minha esposa gripa fácil. My wife catches colds easily. My wife's flu is easy. Tom concordará. Tom is going to agree. Tom will agree. Se não fosse pela a ajuda dela, nunca teria passado no exame. If it weren't for her help, I would never have passed the exam. If it wasn't for her help, I never would have passed the exam. Nietzsche disse: Há sempre alguma loucura no amor. Mas também sempre há alguma razão na loucura. Nietzsche said: There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Nietzsche said, There is always some madness in love, but there is also some reason in madness. Tom tem as chaves do carro da Mary. Tom has Mary's car keys. Tom has Mary's car keys. Mary pediu para o Tom ajudá-la a decorar sua árvore de Natal. Mary asked Tom to help decorate her Christmas tree. Mary asked Tom to help her decorate her Christmas tree. Parem imediatamente! Stop immediately. Stop right there! Ninguém é perfeito. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. Olá, é o Mike. Hello, this is Mike. Hi, it's Mike. Você aproveitou a sua viagem? Did you enjoy your trip? Did you enjoy your trip? Você já teve enjoo num trem? Have you ever felt nauseous on a train? Have you ever been sick on a train? Tom quer ir dar uma volta. Tom wants to go for a walk. Tom wants to go for a walk. O Tom trabalhava lá? Did Tom work there? Did Tom work there? Você está de volta a Taipei agora? Are you back in Taipei now? Are you back in Taipei now? Você poderia me ajudar a traduzir isso para francês? Could you help me translate this into French? Could you help me translate this into French? Crio gado. I rear cattle. I raise cattle. Nós nem gostamos deles. We don't even like them. We don't even like them. O namorado dela também estava lá. Her boyfriend was there, too. Her boyfriend was there, too. Trabalhaste bem. You did good work. You did good. Tenho que fazer isso agora? Do I have to do this now? Do I have to do this now? Tom sabia o que fazer? Did Tom know what to do? Did Tom know what to do? Eu decidi estudar francês. I've decided to study French. I decided to study French. Não havia banheiro. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. Eu não deveria ter feito isso ontem. I shouldn't have done that yesterday. I shouldn't have done that yesterday. Eu acho vergonhoso que alguns professores de língua estrangeira tenham conseguido se formar na faculdade sem nunca terem estudado com um falante nativo. I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker. I find it shameful that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker. O Tom convidou a Mary para a sua casa para assistir a um filme. Tom invited Mary to his place to watch a movie. Tom invited Mary to his house to watch a movie. Você é muito mais inteligente do que eu. You're way smarter than me. You're a lot smarter than I am. O Tom não poderia fazer aquilo mesmo se ele quisesse. Tom couldn't do that even if he wanted to. Tom couldn't do that even if he wanted to. O Tom ficou parado. Tom kept still. Tom just stood there. Eu ainda estou trabalhando como advogado. I still work as a lawyer. I'm still working as a lawyer. Por que eles estão fazendo isso com ela? Why are they doing this to her? Why are they doing this to her? Apresentaremos nossa ideia ao comitê. We will present our idea to the committee. We'll present our idea to the committee. Tom espera que você esteja lá. Tom hopes you'll be there. Tom expects you to be there. Sou professor ainda. I'm still a teacher. I'm still a teacher. Esta escrivaninha é minha. This desk is mine. This desk is mine. É a primeira vez que vocês comem comida japonesa? Is this the first time for you to have Japanese food? Is this the first time you've had Japanese food? Talvez sua mãe lhe conte quem é o seu pai. Your mother might tell you who your father is. Maybe your mother will tell you who your father is. Sapos têm medo de cobras. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Eu sou iniciante. I'm a beginner. I'm a beginner. Tom não conseguia encontrar Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Tom couldn't find Mary. Isto soa a trabalho duro. That sounds like a lot of work. That sounds like hard work. Ela lhe pediu dinheiro para comprar um vestido novo. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked you for money to buy a new dress. O senhor ama seus filhos? Do you love your children? Do you love your children? Alguém deveria tirar aquele cachorro da miséria. Someone should put that dog out of its misery. Somebody should get that dog out of misery. Ele tem nada menos que doze filhos. He has no less than twelve children. He has no less than twelve children. Seja bonzinho com elas. Be kind to them. Be nice to them. Tom e Maria assistiram a um filme mudo. Tom and Mary watched a silent film. Tom and Maria watched a silent film. Eu não ia adivinhar isso nunca. I would never have guessed that. I never would've guessed that. Eu vou consertar isso eu mesmo. I'm going to fix it myself. I'll fix it myself. Tom diz que você é uma má influência para mim. Tom says you're a bad influence on me. Tom says you're a bad influence on me. Vou ter de engolir essa pílula. I must bite the sour apple. I'm gonna have to swallow that pill. Tom está acampando com alguns amigos. Tom is camping with some friends. Tom's camping with some friends. Tom trabalha para o pai de Maria. Tom works for Mary's father. Tom works for Maria's father. Ninguém pode parar o Tom. No one can stop Tom. No one can stop Tom. Dê-me cinco minutos para terminar os ajustes finais. Give me five minutes to finish the last adjustments. Give me five minutes to finish the final adjustments. Não há nada que eu possa fazer para mudar isso. There is nothing I can do to change that. There's nothing I can do to change that. Tom estava usando um uniforme de zelador. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Eu não consigo imaginar como seria a vida sem você. I can't imagine what life would be like without you. I can't imagine what life would be like without you. Se eu fosse você, não faria tal coisa. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. Você é estudante de uma escola privada? Are you a student of a private high school? Are you a private school student? Vocês já foram apresentadas a ele? Have you met him already? Have you been introduced to him? Qual é a sua fonte favorita? What's your favorite font? What's your favorite source? Não tenho certeza se concordo com Tom. I'm not sure that I agree with Tom. I'm not sure I agree with Tom. Tom vai trabalhar em Boston no próximo mês? Will Tom work in Boston next month? Tom's working in Boston next month? O Tom mandou uma carta de três páginas à Mary. Tom sent Mary a three-page letter. Tom sent Mary a three-page letter. Nós tiramos um monte de fotos. We took lots of pictures. We took a lot of pictures. Tom começou sua primeira banda em 2013. Tom started his first band in 2013. Tom started his first band in 2013. Sobre o que estamos falando? What are we talking about? What are we talking about? Adoro comer pão. I love eating bread. I love eating bread. Eu sou um grande fã de golfe. I'm a huge fan of golf. I'm a big golf fan. Não vais conseguir fazer isso por ti só. You won't be able to do that on your own. You're not gonna be able to do this for yourself. Espero que tenha razão. I hope you're correct. I hope you're right. Elas estão vindo. They're coming. They're coming. Ela já conhecia a história. She knew the story already. She already knew the story. Alan não está nem feliz e nem satisfeito com o seu casamento. Alan is neither happy, nor satisfied with his marriage. Alan is neither happy nor satisfied with his marriage. Isso podemos fazer. This we can do. That we can do. Você sabe o endereço de Tom? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Não fale com o Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Don't talk to Tom. Dinheiro não compra felicidade. Money can't buy happiness. Money doesn't buy happiness. Tom tem de calar a boca. Tom needs to shut up. Tom has to shut up. Serei direto. I'll be direct. I'll be blunt. Tom mora em Gangnam. Tom lives in Gangnam. Tom lives in Gangnam. Você fez esse desenho? Is this a picture that you yourself drew? Did you draw that picture? Eu comprei uma passagem de ida e volta. I bought a round-trip ticket. I bought a round-trip ticket. Tenho medo de altura. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Nós nos conhecemos em um concerto de música clássica. We met each other at a classical music concert. We met at a classical music concert. Vocês precisam de um rei? Do you need a king? Do you need a king? Eu não vou ficar se você não quiser. I'm not going to stay if you don't want me to. I'm not staying if you don't want to. Não dá para entender o porquê. I fail to see the reason. I can't understand why. Ele é um gênio. He is a genius. He's a genius. Tom foi para casa de ônibus. Tom came home by bus. Tom went home by bus. Aqui é bonito. It's beautiful here. It's beautiful here. Quem sou eu para reclamar? Who am I to complain? Who am I to complain? Este filme foi dirigido por John Ford. This movie was directed by John Ford. This film was directed by John Ford. Tom estudou em Harvard. Tom studied at Harvard. Tom went to Harvard. Quem é amigo de todo mundo não é amigo de ninguém. A friend to all is a friend to none. Everyone's friend is nobody's friend. Tom escolhe um chapéu. Tom chose a hat. Tom picks a hat. Por pequena que fosse, a casa de Geppetto era arrumada e confortável. Little as Geppetto's house was, it was neat and comfortable. As small as it was, Geppetto's house was tidy and comfortable. Sinto-me nauseado. I feel queasy. I feel nauseous. A simplicidade é a glória da expressão. Simplicity is the glory of expression. Simplicity is the glory of expression. O menino fugiu. The boy ran away. The boy's run away. Eu não gosto de areia. I don't like sand. I don't like sand. Esse é o tipo de música que eu gosto. This is the kind of music that I like. That's the kind of music I like. Eu vou me formar no ano que vem, espero. I will get graduated next year, I hope. I'm graduating next year, I hope. Quem vem comigo? Who's going with me? Who's coming with me? Vista-se, por favor. Please get dressed. Get dressed, please. O último lobo-da-tasmânia morreu em 1936. The last Tasmanian wolf died in 1936. The last Tammanian wolf died in 1936. Não sei quem sabe. I don't know who knows. I don't know who knows. Eu preciso de uma caneta esferográfica vermelha. I need a red ballpoint pen. I need a red ballpoint pen. Tom vai vir. Tom'll come. Tom's coming. Vamos verificar mais uma vez. Let's check one more time. Let's check it out one more time. O Tom estava vestindo uma camisa azul. Tom was wearing a blue shirt. Tom was wearing a blue shirt. Nos rendemos. We surrendered. We surrender. Você parece convicto de que Tom pode fazer isso por contra própria. You seem convinced that Tom could do that by himself. You seem convinced that Tom can do this on his own. Estou planejando pegar carona para Boston. I'm planning to hitchhike to Boston. I'm planning on hitchhiking to Boston. É essencial que você coma mais vegetais. It's essential that you eat more vegetables. It's essential that you eat more vegetables. Oxalá tivéssemos um filho! If only we had a son! I wish we had a son! Não precisamos de nova língua auxiliar, a língua inglesa já desempenha esse papel. We do not need a new auxiliary language, the English language already fulfills that role. We do not need a new auxiliary language, the English language already plays that role. E se o Tom ainda estiver vivo? What if Tom is still alive? What if Tom's still alive? Não me entenda mal. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. Amar é fácil, difícil é ser amado. It is easy to love, but difficult to be loved. Love is easy, it's hard to be loved. Essas coisas são divertidas. Those things are fun. These things are fun. Tom queria saber o telefone da Mary. Tom wanted to know Mary's phone number. Tom wanted to know Mary's phone number. Tom vai me substituir. Tom is going to replace me. Tom's gonna replace me. Por que não começarmos pelo início? Why don't we start at the beginning? Why don't we start at the beginning? Por que você quer fazer tudo assim sozinho? Por que você não confia mais em nós? Why do you always take everything on yourself like that? Why don't you rely more on us? Why do you want to do this on your own? Tom não sentiu nada. Tom felt nothing. Tom didn't feel anything. O que você quer fazer hoje? What do you want to do today? What do you want to do today? Tom começou a gritar novamente. Tom started screaming again. Tom started screaming again. É melhor você arquivar tudo isso numa caixa para que não perca nada. It's better if you put all that in a box so that you don't lose anything. You better file all this stuff in a box so you don't miss anything. O principal problema de Tom é que ele não tem senso de humor. Tom's main problem is he has no sense of humour. Tom's main problem is that he has no sense of humor. Tu consegues fazê-lo! You can do it. You can do it! O inverno está chegando. Winter is coming on. Winter is coming. Saiam do meu país. Get out of my country. Get out of my country. Em 19 de Agosto, 1960, a espaçonave soviética Korabl-Sputnik 2 levou dois cachorros de nome Belka (Esquilo) e Strelka (Pequena flecha) ao espaço e retornou eles em segurança para a Terra. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs—named Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow)—into space and returned them safely to Earth. On 19 August 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 took two dogs named Belka (Skilo) and Strelka (Small arrow) into space and returned them safely to Earth. Escorpiões são perigosos. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpions are dangerous. Eu vi o seu pai. I saw your father. I saw your father. Eu conhecia bem o Tom. I knew Tom well. I knew Tom well. Você deveria ter visto o filme. You should've seen the movie. You should have seen the movie. Com você o verão dura o ano todo. With you it's summer all year round. With you the summer lasts all year. Tom está comendo biscoitos. Tom is eating cookies. Tom's eating cookies. Gostamos disso. We like it. We like that. Vocês não têm nenhuma prova. You have no proof. You don't have any proof. Alguma vez houve alguma dúvida? Was there ever any doubt? Have there ever been any questions? Como você respondeu aquela pergunta? How did you answer that question? How did you answer that question? Parece muito divertido. It sounds like a lot of fun. Sounds like a lot of fun. O ano que vem é ano de eleições. Next year is an election year. Next year is election year. Até Tom e Mary estavam chorando. Even Tom and Mary were crying. Even Tom and Mary were crying. Estamos tomando café da manhã. We are having breakfast. We're having breakfast. Acho que Tom é cego. I think Tom is blind. I think Tom's blind. Vem logo! Come quickly. Hurry up! O que te dá tanta certeza de que o Tom vai querer voltar? What makes you so sure Tom will want to come back? What makes you so sure Tom's gonna want to come back? Faço isso todos os dias às 2h30. I do that every day at 2:30. I do it every day at 2:30. Você não está atrasada? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? O Tom estava surpreso que a Mary ainda estava acordada. Tom was surprised that Mary was still up. Tom was surprised Mary was still awake. Deixe-me te ajudar. Suas malas parecem estar muito pesadas. Let me help you. Your bags look very heavy. Let me help you, your bags seem to be very heavy. Eles continuaram a dizer as mesmas coisas. They continued to say the same things. They kept saying the same things. Já terminei a tarefa. I finished the job. I've finished the task. Isto não te diz respeito. This is none of your business. This is none of your business. A noiva riu de repente. The bride suddenly laughed. The bride laughed all of a sudden. Tom tinha que esperar por mim. Tom had to wait for me. Tom had to wait for me. Estou bem, e você? I'm fine, what about you? I'm fine, and you? "Meu pai não bebe álcool." "O meu também não." "My father doesn't drink alcohol." "Mine doesn't either." "My dad doesn't drink alcohol." "Mine doesn't drink alcohol." Se é para você terminar o trabalho antes de junho, você terá que trabalhar muito melhor. If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better. If you are to finish the job before June, you will have to work much better. Eu queria dizer oi para o Tom. I wanted to say hello to Tom. I wanted to say hi to Tom. Tom diz que eles estão fazendo exatamente isso. Tom says they're doing just that. Tom says they're doing exactly that. Destrua esse templo. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. Suas mãos precisam ser lavadas. Your hands need to be washed. Your hands need washing. Esses Notebooks são meus. These notebooks are mine. Those Notebooks are mine. Tom ouviu tiros e olhou através da janela para ver o que estava acontecendo. Tom heard gunshots and looked out the window to see what was happening. Tom heard gunshots and looked through the window to see what was going on. Você não consegue carregar o piano sozinho. You cannot lift the piano alone. You can't carry the piano alone. Tom gosta de ficção científica. Tom likes science fiction. Tom likes science fiction. Tom, Mary, John e Alice sabem falar francês. Tom, Mary, John and Alice can all speak French. Tom, Mary, John and Alice can speak French. O enxofre queima numa chama azul. Sulfur burns with a blue flame. Sulphur burns in a blue flame. Você não tem nada a dizer? You don't have anything to say about it, do you? Don't you have anything to say? Podemos dormir esta noite com os corações leves, Caroline! We may sleep tonight with light hearts, Caroline! We can sleep tonight with light hearts, Caroline! Eu moro no Rio. I live in Rio. I live in Rio. Não acho que nos ouviram. I don't think they heard us. I don't think they heard us. Eu ajudei o Tom a escapar da prisão. I helped Tom escape from jail. I helped Tom escape from prison. O cachorro tem quatro patas. A dog has four legs. The dog has four legs. Ouvi que um sacerdote gay havia sido promovido ao cargo de bispo, mas no final era invenção. I heard that a gay priest had been promoted to the rank of bishop, but it turned out to be a fabrication. I heard that a gay priest had been promoted to the office of bishop, but in the end it was invention. Esqueça! Era apenas uma ideia. Forget it! It was just an idea. Forget it, it was just an idea. Mary não bebe. Mary doesn't drink. Mary doesn't drink. Estarei olhando. I'll be watching. I'll be looking. Não dependa muito de seus pais. Don't depend on your parents too much. Don't depend too much on your parents. Nunca é divertido perder. It's never fun to lose. It's never fun to lose. Ele sempre evita falar da morte da esposa. He always avoids talking about his wife's death. He always avoids talking about his wife's death. Desculpe, você fala inglês? Excuse me. Do you speak English? I'm sorry, do you speak English? Aqui está a minha bagagem. Here is my baggage. Here's my luggage. Eu vou sentir falta do Tom. I'll miss Tom. I'm gonna miss Tom. Você pode ir. You can go. You can go. Eles moram ao lado. They live next door. They live next door. Sentenças depois desse ID são sentenças adicionadas pelos contribuidores do Projeto Tatoeba. Sentences past this ID are sentences added by contributors of Tatoeba Project. Sentences after this ID are sentences added by the Tatoeba Project contributors. Vocês pegaram os ovos? Did you get the eggs? Did you get the eggs? Essa é uma tarefa difícil. That's a strenuous task. That's a difficult task. Que é que você quer fazer? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Em caso de incêndio, disque 119. In case of fire, dial 119. In case of fire, dial 119. Todo mundo disse que não poderia ser feito. Everybody said it couldn't be done. Everyone said it couldn't be done. Muita coisa acontece na semana passada. A lot has happened this past week. A lot happens last week. Tom não sabia que você estava brincando. Tom didn't know you were joking. Tom didn't know you were kidding. Ele era o líder do movimento. He was the leader of the movement. He was the leader of the movement. A água foi cortada ontem. The water was cut off yesterday. The water was cut yesterday. O Tom sabe que foi a Mary quem fez isso. Tom knows Mary is the one who did that. Tom knows Mary did this. Eu estou muito cansada. I'm pretty tired. I'm really tired. Isso não é novidade para ele. This is nothing new to him. That's not news to him. Tom diz que vai esperar por nós. Tom says that he'll wait for us. Tom says he'll wait for us. O que vocês estão fazendo? What are you guys doing? What are you doing? Tu és professor? Are you a teacher? Are you a teacher? Tom traduziu a carta do francês para o inglês para o chefe dele. Tom translated the French letter into English for his boss. Tom translated the letter from French to English to his boss. Choverá, esta noite. It will rain tonight. It'll rain tonight. A Mary se parece com a mãe dela. Mary looks like her mother. Mary looks like her mother. É bom para a saúde das pessoas. It's good for people's health. It's good for people's health. Tenho uma ideia genial. I've come up with a brilliant idea. I have a great idea. O Tom pode falar francês também. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can speak French too. O fogo queimou nossa casa. The fire burned our house. The fire burned our house down. Não consegui achar um dicionário de português nesta livraria. I wasn't able to find a Portuguese dictionary in this bookstore. I couldn't find a Portuguese dictionary in this bookstore. A notícia da gravidez a tomou de surpresa. News of her pregnancy took her by surprise. The news of the pregnancy took her by surprise. Quando ele voltou de Osaka? When did he return from Osaka? When did he get back from Osaka? As negociações estão num limbo, e poderiam tomar qualquer rumo. The negotiations are on a knife's edge, and could go either way. Negotiations are in limbo, and they could go any way. Como vocês se machucaram? How did you get hurt? How did you get hurt? Quer um sanduíche? Do you want a sandwich? You want a sandwich? Fadil lutou para criar seus filhos sozinho. Fadil struggled to raise his children on his own. Fadil fought to raise his children alone. Ei, aonde vai? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? Olhe para a esquerda e para a direita antes de atravessar a rua. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look to the left and to the right before crossing the street. Eu me pergunto por que há tantas guerras. I wonder why there are so many wars. I wonder why there are so many wars. Assistimos ao jogo de futebol na TV. We watched the soccer game on TV. We watched the football game on TV. Não acredite nesses relatórios. Don't believe those reports. Don't believe those reports. O que é essa coisa? What's this thing? What's that thing? O que vocês acham do meu conto? What do you think about my short story? What do you think of my tale? Mary me prometeu que faria isso. Mary promised me she'd do that. Mary promised me she'd do it. Cabe a você fazer uma escolha. It's up to you to make a choice. It's up to you to make a choice. Eu não tenho certeza do que foi isso, mas soou como um tiro. I'm not sure what it was, but it sounded like a gunshot. I'm not sure what that was, but it sounded like a shot. Ela não tem autoestima. She has no self-esteem. She has no self-esteem. Esse relógio funciona? Does that clock work? Does that watch work? Ajudei Tom a pular o muro. I helped Tom climb over the wall. I helped Tom get over the wall. É muito arriscado. It's too risky. It's too risky. A Marie deveria iniciar. Marie should start. Marie should start. É importante saber isso. That's important to know. It's important to know that. Como você está, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Você devia ser um professor. You should be a teacher. You're supposed to be a teacher. Parecia que o Tom estava se divertindo. It looked like Tom was having fun. It looked like Tom was having a good time. Os senhores viram este homem? Have you seen this man? Have you seen this man? Tenho o pressentimento de que você será um bom advogado. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have a feeling you're gonna be a good lawyer. Mark passou primeiro e Tom veio depois. Mary walked first, and Tom came behind. Mark passed first and Tom came later. O tempo está chuvoso hoje. It's rainy today. The weather is rainy today. O que você acha desse plano? What do you think about this plan? What do you think of this plan? Vestimos uniformes para a escola. We wear uniforms to school. We wear uniforms for school. Nós estamos sendo injustos. We're being unfair. We're being unfair. Por enquanto eles não encontraram nada. So far, they've found nothing. So far they haven't found anything. Não quero ouvir mais nenhum pio seu. I don't want to hear another peep out of you! I don't want to hear any more of your peeps. Não quero comer mais. I don't want to eat any more. I don't want to eat anymore. Eu não gosto de fazer isso. I don't like doing that. I don't like doing this. Por sobre a água boiam centenas de folhas. Hundreds of leaves float on the water. Over the water float hundreds of leaves. Ele trabalhou duro. He worked hard. He worked hard. O que você vai fazer hoje à noite? What're you doing tonight? What are you doing tonight? Aqui, minha filha, – a mulher de luto respondeu em voz baixa, virando-se para o porteiro, que estava no portão. Here, my daughter, the grieving woman answered quietly, turning to the doorman at the gate. Here, my daughter, – the grieving woman responded in a low voice, turning to the doorman, who was at the gate. De onde são vocês? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Ele há de ser demitido. He shall be fired. He's gonna get fired. Não posso fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. I can't do two things at the same time. I can't do two things at once. Ele fala inglês melhor do que eu. He speaks English better than me. He speaks better English than I do. Eu não acho que as coisas vão mudar. I don't think things will change. I don't think things are gonna change. Eu estava de coração partido. I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. Deveríamos comer. We should eat. We should eat. Isso não vai funcionar, acredite. That won't work, trust me. That's not gonna work, believe me. Eu não pensei que seria demitido. I didn't think that I'd be fired. I didn't think you'd get fired. Dois guerreiam - um terceiro lucra. Two are fighting - a third is profiting. Two warring - a third profit. Creio que entendi. I think I understood. I think I get it. Teve de ficar no hospital por uma semana. He had to stay in hospital for a week. He had to stay in the hospital for a week. Não quero perdê-los. I don't want to miss you. I don't want to lose them. Como estou gripado, não sinto o gosto de nada. Since I have a cold, I have no sense of taste. Since I have a cold, I don't feel the taste of anything. Você pode misturar diferentes comidas num liquidificador. You can mix different foods in a blender. You can mix different foods in a blender. Eu sentarei ali. I'll sit over there. I'll sit over there. Você se divertiu ontem? Did you have a good time yesterday? Did you have fun last night? Há quanto tempo você usa óculos? How long have you been wearing glasses? How long have you been wearing glasses? Estamos abertos às segundas. We're open on Mondays. We're open on Mondays. Tom tem suas peculiaridades. Tom has his quirks. Tom has his quirks. Eu quero saber se tudo ficará bem. I wonder if it'll be nice. I want to know if everything's gonna be okay. Sou de Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. Em um certo momento. At a given moment. At a certain point. Tom estava usando uma camisa polo rosa com a gola levantada. Tom wore a pink polo shirt with a popped collar. Tom was wearing a pink polo shirt with his collar up. Você tem certeza de que os seus pais o deixarão ir? Are you sure your parents will allow you to go? Are you sure your parents will let you go? Como você tem tanta sorte assim? How are you so lucky? How are you so lucky? Ele adora nos ver. He loves to see us. He loves to see us. Eu posso pagar 100 dólares no máximo. I can only pay 100 dollars at most. I can pay 100 bucks tops. Assim que viu o que tinha de fazer, ele tirou o corpo fora. As soon as he saw what he had to do, he ducked out. As soon as he saw what he had to do, he took the body out. Agora, tenho minha composição escrita. Now I have my composition written. Now, I have my writing written. Estou triste. I'm sad. I'm sad. Eu vou fazer isso de novo se o Tom quiser. I'll do that again if Tom wants me to. I'll do it again if Tom wants me to. Eu estava na bicicleta. I was on a bike. I was on the bike. Não sou cega. I'm not blind. I'm not blind. Ela foi à Itália para aprender italiano. She went to Italy to learn Italian. She went to Italy to learn Italian. A minha mãe está louca. My mother is crazy. My mom's crazy. Você pode me perdoar, Tom? Can you forgive me, Tom? Can you forgive me, Tom? Eu estava no Irã. I was in Iran. I was in Iran. Você tem um blog? Do you have a blog? Do you have a blog? Abram o capô. Open the hood. Open the hood. Eu preciso falar com você sobre algo. I need to speak to you about something. I need to talk to you about something. Você já terminou o trabalho de casa? Are you done with your homework yet? Have you finished your homework yet? Tom morreu. Tom died. Tom's dead. Eu não sei quem ele é. I don't know who he is. I don't know who he is. Ele se deitou de costas. He laid on his back. He lay on his back. Não se desespere, nem tudo está perdido. Do not despair, all is not yet lost. Don't despair, all is not lost. Nós não temos dinheiro suficiente. We don't have enough money. We don't have enough money. As mulheres não gostam de mim. Women don't like me. Women don't like me. Ela é três anos mais velha que eu. She's three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. Faz com gentileza. Do it gently. Do it gently. Deixe-me ver isso. Let me see that. Let me see that. Eu sou da Inglaterra. I'm from England. I'm from England. Obrigado pela informação. Thanks for the information. Thank you for the information. Tom já sabe a verdade. Tom already knows the truth. Tom already knows the truth. Ele não teve dificuldade em nadar no rio. He had no difficulty swimming across the river. He had no trouble swimming in the river. O que essa coisa faz? What does that thing do? What does this thing do? Se eu não me engano, acho que já os vi por aqui. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen them around here. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen them around here. Começamos em meia hora! We start in half an hour! We start in half an hour! Eu acho que você fez muito bem. I think you did very well. I think you did very well. Por favor, enviem-me uma ambulância. Please send an ambulance. Please send me an ambulance. Nós trocamos ideias. We shared ideas. We've come up with ideas. Ele é um homem comum. He's just an ordinary man. He's an ordinary man. Você já tentou fazer isso desse jeito antes? Have you ever tried doing it this way before? Have you ever tried doing it this way before? O nome de minha banda é Red Hot. My band name's Red Hot. My band's name is Red Hot. Eu queria umas informações sobre os seus novos computadores. I'd like some information about your new computers. I wanted some information about your new computers. Acordei cedo ontem. Yesterday I got up early. I woke up early yesterday. Tom não vai fazer o teste para essa parte. Tom isn't going to audition for that part. Tom's not auditioning for that part. Você sabe se o Tom sabe falar francês ou não? Do you know whether or not Tom can speak French? Do you know if Tom can speak French or not? Eu não acho. Tom didn't think so. I don't think so. Vai ser caro. It's going to be expensive. It'll be expensive. Tom roubou a minha ideia. Tom stole my idea. Tom stole my idea. Está tudo em ordem? Is everything all right? Is everything in order? Posso usar MasterCard aqui? Can I use MasterCard here? Can I use MasterCard here? Você está vendo uma rainha? Do you see a queen? Do you see a queen? Tom é meu oponente. Tom is my rival. Tom's my opponent. Tom e Mary estão se vendo em segredo. Tom and Mary are seeing each other secretly. Tom and Mary are seeing each other in secret. Eu quero ir lá de novo. I want to go there again. I want to go there again. Isto é tudo muito aproximado. This is all very approximate. This is all very close. Não me abraces assim que me deixas num sobressalto. Don't embrace me in such a manner. I'm so frail! Don't hug me as soon as you drop me off. Teu nariz está escorrendo. Your nose is running. Your nose is running. Eu vou ficar com vocês até que o Tom chegue aqui. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. Você acha que eu deveria esperar? Do you think I should wait? Do you think I should wait? Tom estará dormindo pelo tempo que eu chegar em casa. Tom will be asleep by the time I get home. Tom will be asleep for as long as I get home. Os ingleses são um povo taciturno. The English are a taciturn people. The English are a taciturn people. As folhas secas formaram um tapete na praça central. The dry leaves formed a carpet in the central plaza. The dried leaves formed a carpet in the central square. O frango está cru. The chicken is raw. The chicken's raw. Smith vem pesquisando há anos sobre os efeitos do sono e dormir menos causa perda de memória e de rendimento nos estudos. Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning. Smith has been researching for years on the effects of sleep and sleep less causes memory loss and performance in studies. Por que você está me evitando? Why are you avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me? É rapidinho. It'll just take a second. It'll be quick. Elas assentiram silenciosamente. They nodded silently. They sat silently. Não há nada errado com a maneira que o Tom fez aquilo. There's nothing wrong with the way Tom did that. There's nothing wrong with the way Tom did it. Você ainda está tendo problemas para fazer isso? Are you still having trouble doing that? Are you still having trouble doing this? O Tom diz que ele não consegue se lembrar das coisas. Tom says he can't remember things. Tom says he can't remember things. O braço direito de Sami foi quebrado em seis lugares. Sami's right arm was busted in six places. Sami's right arm was broken in six places. Havia muitas pessoas no parque. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Corremos por dez quilômetros. We ran for 10 kilometers. We ran for ten kilometers. Quero vir ao hotel. I want to come to the hotel. I want to come to the hotel. "Vocês não deveriam se casar." "Tarde demais. Nós nos casamos em Vegas na semana passada." "You shouldn't get married." "It's too late. We got married in Vegas last week." "You shouldn't get married." "Too late. We got married in Vegas last week." Que menina má! What a bad girl! What a bad girl! Não assisto TV. I don't watch TV. I don't watch TV. Escolho dentre duas opções. I chose between two options. I choose between two options. Roubaram-lhe todo o seu dinheiro. He was robbed of all his money. They stole all your money. O que vai acontecer se aquilo acontecer? What happens if that happens? What's gonna happen if that happens? Eu esqueci completamente. I completely forgot. I completely forgot. Mary não tem ninguém com quem falar, mas ela não se sente solitária. Mary has nobody to talk with, but she doesn't feel lonely. Mary has no one to talk to, but she doesn't feel lonely. Elas não me interessam. They don't interest me. They don't interest me. Caçoaram de Maria. They made fun of Mary. They made fun of Maria. Hoje o tempo está muito bom. Today, the weather is very nice. Today the weather is very good. Esportes são meu hobby. Sports are my hobby. Sports is my hobby. Descubram o que eles estão fazendo aqui. Find out what they're doing here. Find out what they're doing here. Não seja pego de surpresa. Don't be caught unprepared. Don't get caught by surprise. Qual é o nome desta rua, por favor? What's the name of this street, please? What's the name of this street, please? De quem é esse caderno? Whose is that notebook? Whose notebook is this? Já não preciso de vocês. I don't need you anymore. I don't need you anymore. Tom achou que foi engraçado. Tom thought it was funny. Tom thought it was funny. Tom é um mau perdedor. Tom is a bad loser. Tom's a bad loser. Comi todas as suas abelhas. I ate all your bees. I ate all your bees. Tom não tem certeza do que deve fazer. Tom isn't sure what he's supposed to do. Tom's not sure what to do. O Tom perguntou para a Mary quando foi a última vez que ela fez isso. Tom asked Mary when the last time she did that was. Tom asked Mary when was the last time she did this. Acho que sei o que houve com Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. Eu prefiro não correr riscos. I'd rather not take any chances. I'd rather not take any chances. Tom deixou o chapéu dele em meu quarto. Tom left his hat in my room. Tom left his hat in my room. Você consegue ver o oceano da janela do seu quarto? Can you see the ocean from your bedroom window? Can you see the ocean from your bedroom window? Vocês adoravam Boston. You used to love Boston. You loved Boston. Já não sou tão má pessoa. I'm not such a bad person anymore. I'm not that bad anymore. Tom não fala muito, fala? Tom doesn't talk much, does he? Tom doesn't talk much, does he? Lembrar-me-ei disso. I'll remember that. I'll remember that. Muita gente acredita que a acupuntura pode curar as doenças. Many people believe that acupuncture can cure diseases. A lot of people believe that acupuncture can cure disease. Vês uma estrela? Do you see a star? You see a star? Tom tem muitos amigos em Boston. Tom has lots of friends in Boston. Tom has a lot of friends in Boston. Não sei cantar em francês. I can't sing in French. I can't sing in French. As esposas têm permissão de vê-los? Are their wives permitted to see them? Are the wives allowed to see them? O Wikipédia é um site muito útil. Wikipedia is a very useful site. Wikipedia is a very useful website. Ela adora animais. She adores animals. She loves animals. Porque Tom está cansado? Why is Tom tired? Why is Tom tired? Eu vou tomar banho. I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to take a shower. Como acha a senhora que eu possa fazer desse matuto desengonçado um atleta? How do you expect me to turn this clumsy clodhopper into an athlete? How do you think I can make this misguided matute an athlete? Não é somente a quantidade de átomos que é infinita no universo, mas também a quantidade de mundos. It is not only the quantity of atoms, but the quantity of worlds that is infinite in the universe. It is not only the amount of atoms that is infinite in the universe, but also the amount of worlds. O que você fez com seu dinheiro? What did you do with our money? What did you do with your money? A sua esposa diz algumas coisas estranhas. Your wife says some strange things. Your wife says some strange things. Apresse-se. Hurry up. Hurry up. É onde ninguém consegue alcançar. It's where nobody can get it. That's where no one can reach. Tom está um pouco pálido. Tom is a little pale. Tom's a little pale. As árvores emitem oxigênio e absorvem dióxido de carbono. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The trees emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Nós vamos ficar em casa hoje. We're going to stay at home today. We're staying home tonight. Tom disse que ele não mora mais em Boston. Tom said that he doesn't live in Boston anymore. Tom says he doesn't live in Boston anymore. Tu tens de fazer isso? Do you have to do that? Do you have to do that? Eu gostaria de ter carne para o jantar esta noite. I'd like to have meat for supper this evening. I'd like some meat for dinner tonight. Acho que é hora de chegarmos a um acordo. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. I think it's time we came to an agreement. Isso é perda de dinheiro. That's a waste of money. That's a loss of money. Largo é o portão e extenso é o caminho que leva à destruição. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. Largo is the gate and extensive is the path leading to destruction. O Tom ficaria relutante em fazer isso. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Meu nome é John. I am called John. My name is John. Ele tem um nome engraçado. He has a funny name. He's got a funny name. Elas sabem teu nome. They know your name. They know your name. Parece que Tom está mentindo. It seems that Tom is lying. Looks like Tom's lying. Tom fez tudo o que Mary disse que ele deveria fazer. Tom did everything Mary said he should do. Tom did everything Mary said he should do. Não estou falando de mim mesmo. I am not talking about myself. I'm not talking about myself. O evento ainda está fresco em nossa memória. The event is still fresh in our memory. The event is still fresh in our memory. Tom não quer viver desse jeito. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Tom doesn't want to live like this. A cidade foi fundada em 573. The city was founded in 573. The city was founded in 573. Tom tem uma namorada canadense. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. O que você sabe sobre o Brasil? What do you know about Brazil? What do you know about Brazil? A mãe do Tom teve problemas em lhe dar o remédio que o médico havia prescrito. Tom's mother had trouble getting him to take the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. Tom's mother had trouble giving him the medicine the doctor had prescribed. Tom sempre dá 100 por cento em tudo o que faz. Tom always gives 100 percent in whatever he does. Tom always gives 100 percent of everything he does. Não te querem. They don't want you. They don't want you. Você deveria tomar conta de sua mãe doente. You should take care of your sick mother. You should take care of your sick mother. Eu não sei o que faremos. I don't know what we'll do. I don't know what we're gonna do. Este lugar é estranho. This place is weird. This place is weird. Foi o destino dele não ser amado por ninguém. It was his fate to be beloved by no one. It was his destiny not to be loved by anyone. Decidimos adiar a reunião para o próximo domingo. We've decided to postpone the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting until next Sunday. Siga-me! Follow me! Follow me! Nós arrumamos os livros de acordo com o tamanho. We arranged the books according to size. We've arranged the books according to size. O diretor de animação japonesa Satoshi Kon morreu de câncer no pâncreas em 24 de agosto de 2010, pouco antes do seu 47º aniversário. Anime director Satoshi Kon died of pancreatic cancer on August 24, 2010, shortly before his 47th birthday. Japanese animation director Satoshi Kon died of pancreatic cancer on August 24, 2010, just before his 47th birthday. Tom diz que precisa de mais tempo. Tom says he needs more time. Tom says he needs more time. Estamos muito agradecidos. We're very grateful. We're very grateful. Vocês estão felizes, não estão? You're happy, aren't you? You're happy, aren't you? Pare de usar as minhas coisas. Stop using my stuff. Stop using my stuff. Jane está familiarizada com a língua japonesa. Jane is familiar with the Japanese language. Jane is familiar with the Japanese language. Tem alguém lá fora. There's someone outside. There's someone out there. Não vá tão rápido! Don't go so fast! Don't go so fast! Estudar como se comunicar de forma eficaz é um tempo bem gasto. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Studying how to communicate effectively is a time well spent. Foi o Tom quem saiu cedo. It was Tom who left early. Tom left early. Espero que o Tom me ajude com meu dever de casa hoje à noite. I hope Tom helps me with my homework tonight. I hope Tom will help me with my homework tonight. A estação fica entre essas duas cidades. The station is between those two cities. The station lies between these two cities. Ele me mostrou sua coleção de selos. He showed me his stamp collection. He showed me his stamp collection. Não podemos beber leite. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. É complicado, não é? It's complicated, isn't it? It's complicated, isn't it? Você precisa se barbear. You need to shave. You need to shave. Estamos felizes por estar aqui. We're glad to be here. We're glad you're here. Este foi o melhor áudio que eu já ouvi! This was the best audio I've ever heard! That was the best audio I've ever heard! Fiquei tão surpreso quanto o Tom. I was just as surprised as Tom. I was as surprised as Tom. Elas insistem que ele deveria ir. They insist that he should go. They insist he should go. Meu primo, que é advogado, está atualmente na França. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is in France at present. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is currently in France. Tom virá. Tom will show up. Tom's coming. Eu ficarei em Boston por três dias. I'll be in Boston for three days. I'll be in Boston for three days. Você assina alguma revista? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you sign any magazines? Eis uma foto dela. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Por isso odiavam o Tom. That's why Tom was hated. That's why they hated Tom. Essa era a última coisa que eu esperava ouvir. That was the last thing I expected to hear. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Como você resolveu o problema? How did you solve the problem? How did you solve the problem? O time deles não era muito coeso. Their team is not very cohesive. Their team wasn't very cohesive. Eu devo falar hoje à noite. I am probably due to speak tonight. I'm supposed to talk tonight. Quando você gostaria de vê-lo? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Onde eu posso comprar petiscos? Where can I buy snacks? Where can I buy snacks? Precisamos sair da nossa zona de conforto para tentar alguma coisa nova e desafiadora. We need to step out of our comfort zone and try something new and challenging. We need to get out of our comfort zone to try something new and challenging. O café da manhã é a refeição mais importante do dia. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Fadil tornou-se muito confiante e forte. Fadil became very confident and strong. Fadil became very confident and strong. Vocês deveriam ser mais cuidadosos. You guys should be more careful. You should be more careful. Alguém sabe me dizer o nome desse filme? Can anyone tell me the name of this movie? Can anyone tell me the name of this movie? Veja o que pode ser feito a respeito. See what can be done about it. See what can be done about it. Para onde nós vamos? Where are we going to go? Where are we going? Todo nome em português é masculino ou feminino. Every noun in Portuguese is either masculine or feminine. Every name in Portuguese is male or female. Ela precisa de ti. She needs you. She needs you. A zona acima de 8000m é conhecida como a zona da morte. The zone above 8000m is known as the death zone. The area above 8000m is known as the death zone. Eu sei Português, tu sabes Alemão, ele sabe Inglês, ela sabe Italiano, ele/ela sabe Francês. Nós sabemos Esperanto, vós sabeis Espanhol, eles sabem Russo, elas sabem Japonês, eles/elas sabem Francês. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, and he or she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, and they know French. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, he/she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, they/they know French. O Tom diz que não sabia que a Mary teria que fazer isso na próxima semana. Tom says he didn't know Mary would have to do that next week. Tom says he didn't know Mary was gonna have to do this next week. Todas as maçãs estão aqui. All the apples are here. All the apples are here. Dez dividido por cinco é igual a dois. Ten divided by five is two. Ten divided by five is equal to two. Apenas 529 espectadores assistiram ao jogo. A mere 529 spectators watched the game. Only 529 viewers watched the game. Por que isso te importa? Why does that interest you? Why do you care? Eu acho que pode ser feito. I think that it can be done. I think it can be done. Eu acho que vai chover esta tarde. I think it will rain this afternoon. I think it's gonna rain this afternoon. O melhor que temos a fazer é ficar calados. The best that we can do is remain quiet. The best thing we have to do is keep quiet. Nós agimos de boa fé. We acted in good faith. We act in good faith. Mary e eu pretendemos ter dois filhos. Mary and I plan to have two kids. Mary and I intend to have two children. Até onde eu sei, ele é um homem confiável. As far as I know, he is a reliable man. As far as I know, he's a reliable man. Eu não estou preocupado. I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried. A água estava muito suja. The water is really dirty. The water was too dirty. Todo mundo na sala estava roncando. Everybody in the room was snoring. Everyone in the room was snoring. "Como ocorreu o acidente?" "Ninguém sabe." "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." "How did the accident occur?" "No one knows." Eu esquio com frequência. I often ski. I ski often. Ele tem de vir. He has to come. He has to come. Mentir para o Tom foi um grande erro. Lying to Tom was a big mistake. Lying to Tom was a big mistake. Tom está preparado para aceitar as consequências. Tom is prepared to accept the consequences. Tom is prepared to accept the consequences. Eles se mudaram para cá há dois anos atrás. They moved here two years ago. They moved here two years ago. Eu sei o que você pensa, mas ela não é assim. I know what you think, but she's not like that. I know what you think, but she's not like that. Estou com vontade de tomar um sorvete. I feel like having an ice-cream. I'm in the mood for an ice cream. Eu compartilho com a sua ideia. I share your idea. I share your idea. Ela está caidinha por este rapaz. She has a crush on this boy. She's falling for this boy. Quer algo mais? Do you want anything else? Can I get you anything else? Tom disse que estava voltando. Tom said he was coming back. Tom said he was coming back. Tom e eu somos da mesma cidade. Tom and I are from the same town. Tom and I are from the same town. A árvore que você viu não era um carvalho. The tree you saw was not an oak tree. The tree you saw wasn't an oak tree. Nunca ouvi falar do ator. I've never heard of the actor. I've never heard of the actor. O garoto desaparecido foi identificado pelas suas roupas. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. The missing boy was identified by his clothes. Tom está escrevendo um novo livro. Tom is writing a new book. Tom's writing a new book. Ele é pequeno e fraco. He is small and weak. He's small and weak. Eu tenho uma irmã. I have one sister. I have a sister. Tom vai para Boston nesta primavera. Tom is going to Boston this spring. Tom's going to Boston this spring. Quão longe é daqui até Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? Não alimente os animais. Don't feed the animals. Don't feed the animals. Tudo o que sei sobre o Tom é que ele é professor. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. Você dedurou ou não dedurou Tom? Did you, or did you not, tip Tom off? Did you rat on him or not rat on Tom? Quantas câmeras você tem? How many cameras do you have? How many cameras do you have? O Tom não é meu aluno. Tom isn't my student. Tom's not my student. A empresa desenvolve novos produtos a cada mês. The company develops new products every other month. The company develops new products every month. Lembro-me de tê-los encontrado nalgum lugar. I remember meeting them somewhere. I remember meeting them somewhere. O Tom quer ter um outro filho, mas a Mary, não. Tom wants to have another baby, but Mary doesn't. Tom wants to have another baby, but Mary doesn't. Todos os crescidos foram uma vez crianças. All grown-ups were once children. All grown-ups were once children. Tom foi a Boston para descobrir o porquê. Tom went to Boston to find out why. Tom went to Boston to find out why. Não pude controlar minha raiva. I could not control my anger. I couldn't control my anger. Você sabia que eu sabia. You knew I knew. You knew I knew. Não falo castelhano. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. Ela queria ser amiga dele. She wanted to be friends with him. She wanted to be friends with him. Acho que o Tom está doente. I think Tom is sick. I think Tom's sick. Manter-se calado é considerado de fato consentimento. Being silent is regarded in effect as approval. Keeping silent is actually considered consent. Você não deveria ter pegado o carro de Tom emprestado. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Acho que eu deveria partir. I think I should leave. I think I should leave. Você não está em condições de defender-se. You are not in a position to defend yourself. You're in no condition to defend yourself. Eu queria que o Tom não voltasse mais aqui. I wish Tom wouldn't come here anymore. I wish Tom didn't come back here. Vocês estão aí? Are you there? Are you there? Volte aqui! Come back here! Come back here! Olhe o pôr-do-sol. Look at the setting sun. Look at the sunset. Quando foi a última vez que você disse para a sua esposa que a amava? When was the last time you told your wife you loved her? When was the last time you told your wife you loved her? Tom foi uma grande inspiração para mim. Tom was a big inspiration for me. Tom was a great inspiration to me. Por que o Tom não gosta deste hotel? Why doesn't Tom like this hotel? Why doesn't Tom like this hotel? Onde fica o hospital? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? Tom é mais talentoso do que eu. Tom is more talented than I am. Tom's more talented than I am. Quanto ganhaste para fazer isso? How much were you paid to do that? How much did you make to do that? Um táxi está esperando. A cab is waiting. A taxi's waiting. Você entende o que eu quero dizer? Do you know what I mean? Do you understand what I mean? Tom diz que viu um OVNI na noite passada. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. Esta camisa precisa ser passada. This shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs ironing. Tom, normalmente, dirige rápido demais. Tom usually drives too fast. Tom, you usually drive too fast. Tom negou todas as alegações. Tom denied the allegations. Tom denied all the allegations. Siga o seu próprio caminho e deixe as pessoas falarem. Follow your own path and let people talk. Follow your own path and let people talk. Há quanto tempo você está sentada aqui? How long have you been sitting here? How long have you been sitting here? Encontrei várias celebridades naquela festa. I met lots of famous people at that party. I found a lot of celebrities at that party. Não era para ser; simples assim. It just wasn't meant to be. It wasn't meant to be; it was as simple as that. Vocês viram isso? Did you see that? Did you see that? Olha o quadro na parede. Look at the picture on the wall. Look at the painting on the wall. Por que o Tom mentiria a sua idade? Why would Tom lie about his age? Why would Tom lie his age? A indemnização dos trabalhadores devido a lesões causadas por esforço estava subavaliada. Workers' compensation due to strain injuries was undervalued. The compensation of workers due to injuries caused by effort was undervalued. Eu pensei muito sobre isso. I've thought about that a lot. I've thought about it a lot. Eu estarei lá. I'm going to be there. I'll be there. Aos poucos, a minha avó ficava esquecida e fraca. My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. Gradually, my grandmother was forgotten and weak. Não sou criativo. I'm not creative. I'm not creative. Como você descobriu? How did you figure it out? How did you find out? O Tom se levanta cedo, e eu também. Tom gets up early and so do I. Tom gets up early, and so do I. Animais selvagens vivem na floresta. Wild animals live in the forest. Wild animals live in the forest. Eu sabia que você queria fazer isso. I knew that you wanted to do that. I knew you wanted to do this. Tom não foi pego. Tom didn't get caught. Tom wasn't caught. Eu tenho que fazer isso. I have to do this. I have to do this. Ele perdeu o relógio do pai. He has lost his father's watch. He lost his father's watch. Eles estavam jogando tênis. They were playing tennis. They were playing tennis. Se amanhã chover eu não virei. I would not go if it rains tomorrow. If tomorrow rains, I won't come. Comecei a chorar. I began to cry. I started crying. Marquei um gol. I scored a goal. I scored a goal. Por que não tomaste o ônibus? Why didn't you take the bus? Why didn't you take the bus? Ele tem dois lápis; um grande e um pequeno. He has two pencils; one is long and the other short. He has two pencils; one big and one small. Tom não sabe o que Mary quer que ele compre para o seu aniversário. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy her for her birthday. Tom doesn't know what Mary wants him to buy for his birthday. Quando cheguei em casa, encontrei a sua carta me esperando. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. Que emocionante! How thrilling! How exciting! Ninguém confia em você. No one trusts you. No one trusts you. Eu tive bons professores. I had good teachers. I had good teachers. Neste teatro de infinitas formas, representei minha peça e aqui tive um vislumbre daquele que é sem forma. In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play, and here have I caught sight of him that is formless. In this theater of infinite forms, I represented my play and here I had a glimpse of the one who is formless. Tom te disse algo sobre isso? Did Tom say anything about that to you? Did Tom tell you anything about this? O menu exibirá a opção de inicializar a partir da unidade de disquetes. The menu will display the option to boot from the diskette drive. The menu will display the option to boot from the floppy disk drive. Era uma vez uma pequena fada, muito amada pelas crianças. Ela gostava de brincar com os pássaros e os animais na floresta, e cantar canções ou tocar sua flauta; às vezes, ela visitava a aldeia, onde os seres humanos viviam, e corria e brincava com os meninos e meninas de sua preferência. There once was a tiny sprite, much loved by children. She would frolic with the birds and the beasts in the forest, and sing songs, or play her flute; sometimes, she would visit the village, where the humans lived, and cavort with her favorite boys and girls. Once upon a time there was a little fairy, much loved by children. She liked to play with birds and animals in the forest, and sing songs or play her flute; sometimes she visited the village, where human beings lived, and ran and played with the boys and girls of her preference. Elas se perderam na floresta. They got lost in the forest. They got lost in the woods. As pessoas são geralmente bem céticas em relação às coisas a menos que sejam dadas provas credíveis. People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof. People are usually very skeptical about things unless credible evidence is given. Tudo que poderia dar errado deu errado. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Eu acho que comi demais. I think I ate too much. I think I ate too much. Allende é nome de mulher e também um sobrenome. Allende is a woman's name and a last name. Allende is a woman's name and also a surname. Você se lembra de quando te vi pela última vez? Do you remember when I saw you last? Do you remember when I last saw you? Ele vai ao escritório de carro. He goes to the office by car. He's going to the car office. O Tom disse que ele faria isso também. Tom said that he'd do that, too. Tom said he'd do it, too. Todas as generalizações são enganosas, inclusive esta. All generalizations are false, including this one. All generalizations are misleading, including this one. Será que o professor trabalha aqui? I wonder if the teacher works here. Does the professor work here? Eu tive de parar. I had to stop. I had to stop. Mary gosta de Tom, mas ele gosta de outra pessoa. Mary likes Tom, but he likes someone else. Mary likes Tom, but he likes someone else. Sei que você sabe onde Tom está. I know you know where Tom is. I know you know where Tom is. O que há de errado com o seu cachorro? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? É verdade que estou loucamente apaixonado por ela. It is true that I was head over heels in love with her. It's true that I'm madly in love with her. O dinheiro dele derreteu no Havaí. His money melted away in Hawaii. His money melted in Hawaii. A noiva entrou na sala, com todos olhando para ela. The bride came into the room, with everyone staring at her. The bride entered the room, with everyone looking at her. O preço reflete a demanda. The price reflects the demand. The price reflects the demand. Ela é como minha própria filha. She is like my own child. She's like my own daughter. O casamento é em duas semanas. The wedding is in two weeks. The wedding's in two weeks. Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela. He will break up with her. He's gonna break up with her. Vocês já terminaram? Have you finished yet? Are you guys done? Ele descobriu a notícia enquanto estava lendo o jornal. He learned the news while reading the newspaper. He discovered the news while he was reading the newspaper. Ninguém mora naquele prédio. No one lives in that building. Nobody lives in that building. As placas de proteção em volta da chaminé estão danificadas. The flashing around the chimney is damaged. The protective plates around the chimney are damaged. Acaso há aqui alguém que fale Esperanto? Does anyone here speak Esperanto? Is there anyone here who speaks Esperanto? Você sabe muito bem o que Tom quer. You know very well what Tom wants. You know very well what Tom wants. Talvez isso seja verdade. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. Eles aceitaram a proposta. They accepted the proposition. They accepted the proposal. Quando Tom lavou o carro? When did Tom wash the car? When did Tom wash his car? Você é o culpado do acidente. You are to blame for the accident. You're to blame for the accident. Feliz dia de ação de graças. Happy Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving. Tom estaria orgulhoso de você. Tom would be proud of you. Tom would be proud of you. O que pode ser visto nesta foto? What can be seen in this picture? What can be seen in this picture? Tom não conseguiu lidar com isso. Tom couldn't handle that. Tom couldn't handle it. Fiquei em casa por causa da chuva. I stayed home because of the rain. I stayed home because of the rain. Maria não tem marido. Mary doesn't have a husband. Maria has no husband. Isso vai me custar o meu trabalho. It'll cost me my job. This is gonna cost me my job. Você viveu em Boston ano passado? Did you live in Boston last year? Did you live in Boston last year? Não são apenas os esportes que eu gosto, também gosto de música. It's not only sports I like, I like music, too. It's not just sports I like, I also like music. A sabedoria é a compreensão de questões celestiais às quais o Espírito é levado pelo Amor. Wisdom is the understanding of celestial things to which the Spirit is brought by Love. Wisdom is the understanding of heavenly questions to which the Spirit is led by Love. Você é uma pessoa muito interessante. You're a very interesting person. You're a very interesting person. Bem, pessoal, vamos continuar. Now folks, let's go on. All right, guys, let's move on. Estou bem. I'm all right. I'm fine. A língua é o veículo do pensamento. Language is the vehicle of thought. Tongue is the vehicle of thought. Eu te admiro. I admire you. I admire you. Isto não é uma rocha. É um mineral. This is not a rock. It's a mineral. This isn't a rock, it's a mineral. Você começou a aprender esperanto. You began to learn Esperanto. You started learning Esperanto. O meu telefone é 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone is 9876-5432. A reta s é tangente à circunferência descrita. The line s is tangent to the circumference described. The straight s is tangent to the circumference described. Eu vou dar minha máquina de escrever em troca daquele rádio. I'll give you my typewriter in exchange for that radio. I'll give you my typewriter in exchange for that radio. Mãe e filho estão bem. Mother and child are both doing well. Mother and son are fine. Vou enviar uma carta para minha mãe. I'll send my mother a letter. I'll send a letter to my mother. Eu apaguei o fogo. I put out the fire. I put out the fire. A que horas você vai? At what time are you leaving? What time are you going? Nós somos justos. We're fair. We're just. Tom se recusa a falar. Tom refuses to talk. Tom refuses to speak. Para o homem, é tão impossível demonstrar a existência de Deus como seria, até para Sherlock Holmes, demonstrar a existência de Arthur Conan Doyle. It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. For man, it is as impossible to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be, even for Sherlock Holmes, to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. Nós trocamos de casa ano passado. We moved house last year. We switched houses last year. Nós dançamos bem. We dance well. We danced well. O Tom gostou muito do filme. Tom liked the film a lot. Tom really liked the movie. De que o Tom queria falar com a Mary? What did Tom want to talk to Mary about? What did Tom want to talk to Mary about? Conheci um lugar muito bonito hoje. I discovered a very nice place today. I met a very beautiful place today. Eu não disse nada. I didn't say a thing. I didn't say anything. Tom fez um trabalho malfeito. Tom did a sloppy job. Tom did a bad job. Eles adotaram o meu ponto de vista. They adopted my point of view. They adopted my point of view. Tom não perdeu muito tempo. Tom didn't waste much time. Tom didn't waste much time. Ela continuou a chorar. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Quem nasce na França é francês. A person who is born in France is a French. Whoever is born in France is French. Eu recebo mais do que a maioria das pessoas aqui. I get paid more than most people here do. I get more than most people here. Tom se recusou a dizer a Mary como fazer isso. Tom refused to tell Mary how to do that. Tom refused to tell Mary how to do that. Já expliquei tudo isso para eles. I've explained all this to them. I've already explained all this to them. Tom é alto mas não tanto quanto eu. Tom is tall, but not as tall as I am. Tom's tall, but not as tall as I am. Não sabia que o Tom estava mentindo. I didn't know Tom was lying. I didn't know Tom was lying. As senhoras não tiveram um carro? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't you ladies have a car? Eu me pergunto por que Tom é tão cooperativo. I wonder why Tom is so cooperative. I wonder why Tom is so cooperative. Me ajuda com o dever de casa? Will you help me with my homework? Will you help me with my homework? Tom e Mary olhavam um para o outro. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Tom and Mary looked at each other. Eles estudam de tarde. They study in the afternoon. They study in the afternoon. Eu tenho um cachorro e dois gatos. I have a dog and two cats. I have a dog and two cats. Gostaria de te ajudar. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. Ele é japonês? Is he Japanese? Is he Japanese? Você é a única que pode protegê-los. You are the only one who can protect them. You're the only one who can protect them. Fadil tentou facilitar o trabalho da polícia. Fadil tried to make the police's work easy. Fadil tried to make it easier for the police. Não temos muitas opções. We don't have many options. We don't have a lot of options. Vá direto para casa. Go straight home. Go straight home. Eu acho que é hora de eu pedir demissão. I think it's time for me to step aside. I think it's time I quit. O que mais temos de fazer? What else do we have to do? What else do we have to do? Alguma pergunta? Are there any questions? Any questions? Tomás é um menino áureo. Tom is a golden boy. Tomás is an golden boy. A Itália está longe do Brasil. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Este quarto tem três janelas. This room has three windows. This room has three windows. Tom gosta de comida chinesa. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom likes Chinese food. Eu raramente choro. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Nunca vi uma melancia tão gigante! I've never seen such a giant watermelon! I've never seen such a giant watermelon! Estava um caderno azul sobre a mesa. There was a blue notebook on the table. There was a blue notebook on the table. Diga-me onde você estava na hora do assassinato. Tell me where you were at the time of the murder. Tell me where you were at the time of the murder. O que essas luzes significam? What do those lights signify? What do these lights mean? Tom mandou umas flores para Maria. Tom sent Mary some flowers. Tom sent Maria some flowers. Gostaria de ver a Estátua da Liberdade. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. Tom e Mary são meus amigos. Tom and Mary are my friends. Tom and Mary are my friends. O dia tem vinte e quatro horas. There are twenty-four hours in a day. The day is twenty-four hours. Tenha certeza de ter desligado a luz quando você sair da sala. Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the room. Make sure you turn off the light when you leave the room. Ele estava no telhado com sua guitarra. He was on the roof with his electric guitar. He was on the roof with his guitar. Fadil conhece um outro segredo. Fadil knows another secret. Fadil knows another secret. O que você recomendaria? What would you advise? What would you recommend? Será que eles vão jogar amanhã? Will they play tomorrow? Will they play tomorrow? Peguei um resfriado. I have a bit of a cold. I caught a cold. Não falo inglês tão bem quanto ele. I can't speak English as well as he can. I don't speak English as well as he does. Tom conhece uma mulher que não gosta de comer chocolate. Tom knows a woman who doesn't like to eat chocolate. Tom knows a woman who doesn't like to eat chocolate. Sosseguem um pouco! Estão a brigar a todo instante! Settle down for a moment! You are fighting all the time! They're fighting all the time! Você dançou sozinha? Did you dance by yourself? Did you dance alone? Ela está velha e gagá. She's old and crazy. She's old and stuttering. Você pode rir de mim. You may laugh at me. You can laugh at me. Gostaria de mudar de quarto. I'd like to change my room. I'd like to change rooms. Já que está cansado, é melhor ir para a cama cedo. Since you look tired, you had better go to bed early. Since you're tired, you'd better go to bed early. Tom deveria ser preso. Tom should be arrested. Tom should be arrested. Não sou sua amiga. I am not your friend. I'm not your friend. Está bem. It's OK. Okay. Eu não quero que ela se meta em problemas. I don't want her to get into trouble. I don't want her getting in trouble. O Tom estará aqui amanhã. Tom will be here tomorrow. Tom will be here tomorrow. Tom tem certeza de que Maria virá à escola hoje. Tom is certain that Mary will come to school today. Tom's sure Maria's coming to school today. Tom tinha de ir lá. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. Você não é a única! You're not the only one! You're not the only one! Você deve sempre lavar roupas novas antes de usá-las. You should always wash new clothes before wearing them. You should always wash new clothes before you wear them. Eu ouvi dizer que o Tom foi a Boston. I heard that Tom went to Boston. I heard Tom went to Boston. No verão passado eu viajei para a Itália. Last summer I traveled to Italy. Last summer I traveled to Italy. Gostaria de uma garrafa de refrigerante. I'd like a bottle of soda. I'd like a bottle of soda. Eu não preciso ir mais para a escola. I don't need to go to school anymore. I don't have to go to school anymore. Você vai tomar conta do meu cachorro amanhã? Will you look after my dog tomorrow? Are you gonna take care of my dog tomorrow? Tom é formado em engenharia. Tom has a degree in engineering. Tom's an engineering major. Ele parece muito mais jovem que ela. He looks much younger than her. He looks a lot younger than her. Em 1683, os turcos assediaram Viena pela segunda vez. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time. In 1683, the Turks harassed Vienna for the second time. Tom é muito bom nisso. Tom is very good at it. Tom's very good at it. Ninguém sabe onde nós estamos. No one knows where we are. No one knows where we are. Eu gostaria de viver em um castelo. I would like to live in a castle. I'd like to live in a castle. Tom colocou sal no café em vez de açúcar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in the coffee instead of sugar. Eu achei que você ia concordar comigo. I thought you'd agree with me. I thought you'd agree with me. Queria mudar de canal, mas minha esposa não deixou. I wanted to switch channel, but my wife didn't let me. I wanted to change the channel, but my wife wouldn't let me. Eu estou bem. I'm doing okay. I'm fine. Me diverti muito em Boston no último fim de semana. I had a lot of fun in Boston last weekend. I had a great time in Boston last weekend. Não se esqueça de nós. Do not forget about us. Don't forget about us. Eu esqueci o sobrenome dela. I have forgotten her last name. I forgot her last name. Isto não é duro. This isn't hard. This isn't hard. Elas sabem quem é ela. They know who she is. They know who she is. Eu sei. I know it. I know. Como é de costume entre pessoas educadas, ele gosta mais de música clássica do que de jazz. As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than jazz. As usual among educated people, he likes classical music more than jazz. Nunca vou esquecê-la. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget her. Ela estava com medo de viajar sozinha. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Tens visto algum filme ultimamente? Have you seen any movies lately? Have you seen any movies lately? A minha festa de aniversário é amanhã. My birthday party is tomorrow. My birthday party's tomorrow. Por que não vamos jantar? Why don't we have dinner? Why don't we have dinner? Eu corro. I run. I run. Tom não pretendia ferir os sentimentos de Maria. Tom didn't intend to hurt Mary's feelings. Tom didn't mean to hurt Maria's feelings. Estou com vontade de comer uma pizza. I feel like a pizza. I feel like eating a pizza. O quê eu deveria fazer em uma situação como essa? What should I do in a situation like this? What am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Como se atrevem? How dare you? How dare you? Há alguma estação de trem perto daqui? Is there a train station near here? Is there a train station near here? Vocês são mais do que bem-vindos. You're more than welcome. You're more than welcome. Eu sei onde ele mora, mas é segredo. I know his address, but it's a secret. I know where he lives, but it's a secret. Você trabalha duro. You work hard. You work hard. Ela realmente sabe como cozinhar. She really knows how to cook. She really knows how to cook. Quem não faz caso da verdade em questões de somenos não merece confiança em assuntos importantes. Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Anyone who takes no note of the truth in matters of a few does not deserve confidence in important matters. Tom é muito organizado. Tom is very organized. Tom is very organized. Ela também sabia um monte de canções. She knew a lot of songs, too. She also knew a lot of songs. Eu estava grávida. I was pregnant. I was pregnant. O Tom depende da Mary para cuidar dele. Tom depends on Mary to take care of him. Tom depends on Mary to take care of him. Eu acho que ele está escondendo alguma coisa da gente. I think he is holding something back from us. I think he's hiding something from us. Olhe para aquilo. Look at that! Look at that. Isso não é justo. That's not fair. That's not fair. Eu espero que ninguém roube minhas coisas. I hope that nobody steals my stuff. I hope no one steals my stuff. Você me permitiria fazer uma sugestão? Would you allow me to make a suggestion? Would you allow me to make a suggestion? Tom fazia a diferença. Tom made a difference. Tom made a difference. Eles desapareceram. They vanished. They're gone. Minha irmã é uma garota muito bonita. My sister is a very beautiful girl. My sister's a very pretty girl. Eu não andei de bicicleta hoje. I didn't ride my bicycle today. I didn't ride my bike today. Deveria encontrá-la aqui. I should find her here. You should find her here. Você tem que ser ativo. You have to be active. You have to be active. É a primeira vez que eu entro num barco. This is the first time I've ever got on a boat. It's the first time I've ever been on a boat. Nossa, inacreditável! Gee, unbelievable! Wow, unbelievable! "Onde fica a casa do Tom?" "Eu acho que é aquela casa com bexigas vermelhas e um enorme letreiro dizendo 'Feliz aniversário, Tom!'." "Where is Tom's house?" "I think it's the house with red balloons and the big sign that says 'Happy birthday, Tom!'" "Where is Tom's house?" "I think it's that house with red bladders and a huge sign saying 'Happy birthday, Tom!'." Vocês estão bem, crianças? Are you children all right? You all right, kids? Estou a comer. I'm eating. I'm eating. Vou colocar isto no carro. I'm going to put this in the car. I'll put this in the car. Qual é o nome do seu primo? What's your cousin's name? What's your cousin's name? Muitos rios deságuam no mar. Many rivers flow into the sea. Many rivers flow into the sea. Não seja preguiçoso, use o kanji que lhe ensinaram. Don't be lazy, use the kanji you've been taught. Don't be lazy, use the kanji they taught you. Uma modelo deve ter um corpo atraente. A model must have an attractive body. A model must have an attractive body. Que esperaram os senhores que o Tom fizesse? What did you think Tom would do? What did you gentlemen expect Tom to do? Tom passa a maior parte de seu tempo livre exercitando-se ao violão. Tom spends most of his spare time practicing the guitar. Tom spends most of his free time exercising on the guitar. O que você está fazendo aí em cima do telhado? What are you doing there on top of the roof? What are you doing up there on the roof? O que você acha que está acontecendo? What do you think is going on? What do you think is going on? Gosto de escutar música. I like to listen to music. I like listening to music. Ela quase foi atropelada por um carro. She was almost run over by a car. She almost got hit by a car. O Tom parece estar pensativo. Tom looks like he's thinking. Tom seems pensive. Eles bebem Coca-Cola. They drink coke. They drink Coca-Cola. Elas apostam uma garrafa de uísque. They bet a bottle of whiskey. They bet a bottle of whiskey. Minha tia planta tomates no seu jardim. My aunt grows tomatoes in her garden. My aunt plants tomatoes in your garden. Eu mal consigo dobrar o meu braço esquerdo. I can barely bend my left arm. I can barely bend my left arm. O que o médico te disse? What did the doctor tell you? What did the doctor tell you? Um estrangeiro é apenas um amigo que você não conheceu ainda. A stranger is just a friend that you haven't met yet. A foreigner is just a friend you haven't met yet. Tom protegeu os olhos. Tom covered his eyes. Tom protected his eyes. Tom e eu sentamos na parte de trás. Tom and I sat in the back. Tom and I sat in the back. O Universo é cheio de mistérios. The universe is full of secrets. The universe is full of mysteries. Por que o seu francês é tão bom? Why is your French so good? Why is your French so good? Não vejo nenhuma semelhança. I don't see any resemblance. I don't see any resemblance. Elas não são boas. They're not good. They're not good. O acidente se deu devido à neblina. The accident was due to the smog. The accident was due to the fog. Todos estão se divertindo. Everybody's having a good time. Everybody's having fun. Eu me senti um idiota. I felt like an idiot. I felt like an idiot. Tenho uma reserva. I have a reservation. I have a reservation. Oi, eu sou Lucifer. Eu mando nas coisas por aqui. Hello, I'm Lucifer. I run things around here. Hi, I'm Lucifer, I run things around here. Eu não joguei muito bem hoje. I didn't play very well today. I didn't play very well today. Quero o divórcio. I want a divorce. I want a divorce. Minha bolsa deve estar em casa. My bag must be at home. My purse must be at home. O Tom é mandão, mas a Mary não. Tom is bossy, but Mary isn't. Tom's bossy, but Mary's not. Eu espero não ter errado seu nome. I hope I haven't misspelled your name. I hope I didn't miss your name. Tom ainda não chegou. Tom hasn't arrived yet. Tom's not here yet. Quero que Tom me diga o que fazer. I want Tom to tell me what to do. I want Tom to tell me what to do. Alguém está aqui para vê-lo. Someone is here to see you. Someone's here to see you. Ela é uma pensadora independente. She's an independent thinker. She's an independent thinker. Você precisa aprender a cozinhar. You need to learn how to cook. You need to learn how to cook. Isso não foi ideia de Tom. This wasn't Tom's idea. This wasn't Tom's idea. É possível recuperar um arquivo excluído da lixeira? Is it possible to recover a file deleted from the bin? Is it possible to recover a deleted file from the dumpster? Tom foi o único que esperou. Tom was the only one who waited. Tom was the only one who waited. Mary é a garota mais linda de sua sala de aula. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Mary is the most beautiful girl in her classroom. Não temos ouvido falar dela desde então. We haven't heard from her since then. We haven't heard from her since. Não achava que o Tom estivesse sozinho. I didn't think Tom was lonely. I didn't think Tom was alone. Afasta-te de mim! Get away from me. Get away from me! Eles são bonitos. They are pretty. They're beautiful. Estou atrás dele. I'm behind him. I'm after him. Por que você está chorando? É só um filme! Why are you crying? It's just a movie! Why are you crying? Já são nove horas. It's already nine o'clock. It's already nine o'clock. Nosso time errou muitos passes. Our team botched a lot of passes. Our team missed a lot of passes. Não nos diga o que fazer. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what to do. Realizam eleições gerais todos os anos. They hold a general election every year. They hold general elections every year. Onde você mora na Turquia? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? As crianças deveriam tomar leite todos os dias. Children should drink milk every day. Children should drink milk every day. Você se importaria em fechar a porta? Would you mind shutting the door? Would you mind closing the door? Eu nunca disse que eu era frágil. I never said I was fragile. I never said I was fragile. Qual é a sua decisão? What is your decision? What's your decision? Preciso de um pouco de ar fresco. I need some fresh air. I need some fresh air. O plural de "person" é "people", não "persons". The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The plural of "person" is "people", not "persons". Quando foi a última vez que você teve um dia de folga? When was the last time you had a day off? When was the last time you had a day off? Talvez papai possa fazer o trabalho sujo. Maybe dad can do the dirty deed. Maybe Dad can do the dirty work. Tom e Mary se apaixonarаm no momento em que se encontraram. Tom and Mary fell in love the moment their eyes met. Tom and Mary fell in love the moment they met. Vou achar uma caneta. I'll go find a pen. I'll find a pen. Quem sentará lá atrás? Who'll sit in the back? Who's gonna sit back there? O Sr. Yoshida nasceu em Yamagata e se formou na Nihon University College of Art em pintura a óleo. Mr Yoshida was born in Yamagata prefecture, and graduated from Nihon University College of Art with a degree in oil painting. Mr. Yoshida was born in Yamagata and graduated from Nihon University College of Art in oil painting. Nós não podemos mais ajudar o Tom. We can't help Tom anymore. We can't help Tom anymore. Deixem de preguiça! Don't be lazy! Stop lazinessing! Você é louco. You are mad. You're crazy. Nasci em 20 de outubro de 2013. I was born October 20, 2013. I was born on October 20, 2013. Choveu naquele dia. It rained that day. It rained that day. Eu terminei o meu sanduíche. I finished my sandwich. I finished my sandwich. O gato está na cadeira ou embaixo dela? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat in the chair or under it? Seu vestido estava rasgado. Her dress was torn. Your dress was torn. Eu matei o pernilongo. I killed the mosquito. I killed the pernilong. Isso é suficiente. That's enough. That's enough. Você não é um tipo de curioso? Aren't you kind of curious? Aren't you kind of curious? Tom ainda está em Boston. Tom is still in Boston. Tom's still in Boston. Estou feliz por você estar seguro. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad you're safe. Tenho que mandar consertar o meu oboé. I need to get my oboe repaired. I have to have my oboe fixed. Te ligo depois. I'll give you a call later. I'll call you back. Elas acharam 12 milhões de dólares numa mala. They found 12 million dollars in a suitcase. They found $12 million in a suitcase. Jogadores de futebol ganham muito dinheiro. Soccer players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. Não entendo por que Tom está tão zangado. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. Acho que o que Tom está fazendo é fantástico. I think what Tom is doing is terrific. I think what Tom's doing is fantastic. Tirei um curso de tradução. I got a degree in translation. I took a translation course. Eu ainda tenho amigos em Boston. I still have friends in Boston. I still have friends in Boston. Nos conte o que aconteceu no parque. Tell us what happened in the park. Tell us what happened in the park. Não há calor nem frio que durem depois do equinócio. No heat or cold lasts beyond the equinox. There's no heat or cold that lasts after the equinox. Eu vejo o menino. I see the boy. I see the boy. A única língua estrangeira que eu falo é francês. The only foreign language I can speak is French. The only foreign language I speak is French. Fadil nunca vai desistir. Fadil will never give up. Fadil will never give up. A perseguição a pessoas solteiras é doentia numa sociedade que só pensa em gozo e lucro. I find it sick that someone should be persecuted for being single in a society where pleasure and profit are the main goals. Persecution of single people is sick in a society that thinks only of enjoyment and profit. Quem quer matá-lo? Who wants to kill you? Who wants to kill him? Está tudo bem; obrigada. It's OK, thanks. It's all right, thank you. Nunca mais falei com ele. I never talked to him again. I never spoke to him again. Eu quero fazer novos amigos. I want to make new friends. I want to make new friends. Estes sapatos estão me matando. These shoes are killing me. These shoes are killing me. Com licença, que horas são? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Ela contou a Tony. She told Tony. She told Tony. O Jim virou a chave na fechadura. Jim turned the key in the lock. Jim turned the key to the lock. Que fez Ferdinand Magellan? What did Ferdinand Magellan do? What did Ferdinand Magellan do? Só espere um minuto, por favor. Just wait a minute, please. Just wait a minute, please. Leia estas instruções. Read these instructions. Read these instructions. Tom tem uma personalidade forte. Tom has a strong personality. Tom has a strong personality. Não lhe posso dar a resposta hoje. I can't give you the answer today. I can't give you the answer today. Eu não consegui fazer que me entendessem em francês. I couldn't make myself understood in French. I couldn't get them to understand me in French. Ninguém vai acreditar em mim. No one will believe me. No one's gonna believe me. Qual é a maneira mais segura de desarmar uma bomba? What's the safest way to defuse a bomb? What's the safest way to disarm a bomb? Layla contou à polícia que tinha sido espancada por Fadil. Layla told the police that she was beaten by Fadil. Layla told the police she'd been beaten by Fadil. Você pediu o livro? Did you order the book? Did you order the book? Eu não sabia que você tinha um gato. I didn't know you had a cat. I didn't know you had a cat. A cor não vai sair, mesmo lavando. The color will not go away, even with washing. The color won't come out, even if it washes. Pretendo contratar alguém que saiba falar inglês. I plan to hire someone who can speak English. I intend to hire someone who can speak English. O topo da montanha é de difícil acesso. Access to the mountaintop is difficult. The top of the mountain is difficult to reach. Sentei-me entre Tom e João. I sat between Tom and John. I sat between Tom and John. Já limpou a banheira? Have you cleaned the bathtub yet? Have you cleaned the tub yet? Nós sempre temos uma escolha. We always have a choice. We always have a choice. O médico da sua mãe quer falar com você. Your mother's doctor wants to talk to you. Your mother's doctor wants to talk to you. Meu cachorro era apenas mais que um animal de estimação para mim. My dog was more than just a pet to me. My dog was just more than a pet to me. Encontramo-nos em uma situação impossível. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. Quanto isso vai me custar? How much is this going to cost me? How much is this gonna cost me? Eles tiveram uma idéia. They had an idea. They had an idea. Nós começamos a conversar. We started talking. We started talking. Tom começou a ficar um pouco bravo. Tom started to get a little angry. Tom started getting a little angry. Eu acho que não será frio amanhã. I don't think that it'll be cold tomorrow. I don't think it'll be cold tomorrow. Você faz ideia da seriedade disto? Do you have any idea how serious this is? Do you have any idea how serious this is? Esta deve ser a casa do meu avô. This must be my grandfather's house. This must be my grandfather's house. Tom e Maria provavelmente fizeram isso juntos. Tom and Mary probably did that together. Tom and Maria probably did it together. Para que você fez aquilo? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Agora, abra os olhos. Now, open your eyes. Now open your eyes. Essa é a coisa mais idiota que eu já ouvi. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Quantos óscares esse filme ganhou? How many oscars did this film win? How many Oscars did that movie win? Não ponha açúcar no meu café. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't put sugar in my coffee. O pai dela está vivo? Is her father alive? Is her father alive? Naquela época, eu ainda estava tendo aulas de Francês. At that time, I was still taking French lessons. Back then, I was still taking French lessons. Você está equivocada. You are incorrect. You're wrong. Onde é o aeroporto? Where's the airport? Where's the airport? Decidirei o que é irrelevante. I'll decide what is irrelevant. I'll decide what's irrelevant. Eu tenho medo de gatos. I'm afraid of cats. I'm afraid of cats. Não me odeies. Don't hate me! Don't hate me. Você tem uma proposta melhor? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you have a better offer? Você não pode entender como eu me sinto. You can't understand how I feel. You can't understand how I feel. Eu lhe disse que ela era a minha namorada. I told him she was my girlfriend. I told you she was my girlfriend. Tenho que falar com Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Do I have to talk to Tom? Tom e Maria saíram para caminhar. Tom and Mary are out jogging. Tom and Maria went for a walk. Meus filhos estão sentados à mesa. My children are sitting at the table. My kids are sitting at the table. Eu gostaria de não ter dito isso ao Tom. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. I wish I hadn't told Tom that. Acontece o tempo todo. Happens all the time. It happens all the time. Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. Eu estava no hospital semana passada. I was in the hospital last week. I was in the hospital last week. Pra que tudo isso? Why all this? What's all this for? As duas estavam peladas. Both were naked. They were both naked. Eu torci o tornozelo. I twisted my ankle. I sprained my ankle. Vimos um objeto estranho no céu. We saw a strange object in the sky. We saw a strange object in the sky. Vocês sabem fazer geleia? Do you know how to make jam? Do you guys know how to make jam? Meu quarto tem duas janelas. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. Eu odeio dirigir em estradas de gelo. I hate driving on icy roads. I hate driving on ice roads. Acho que perdi meu ingresso. I think I've lost my ticket. I think I lost my ticket. Se você fosse ter um cachorro, qual cachorro você teria? If you were to have a dog, which dog would you have? If you were going to have a dog, what dog would you have? De agora em diante, você vai ter que cuidar de si mesmo. From now on, you'll have to take care of yourself. From now on, you're gonna have to take care of yourself. Eu experimentei uma sensação de bem-estar e não tinha nem fome nem sede. I experienced a sense of well-being and was neither hungry nor thirsty. I experienced a sense of well-being and was neither hungry nor thirsty. Eu sou porque vocês são, portanto nós somos. I am because you are, and therefore we are. I am because you are, so we are. Você não falava que ela não iria participar da competição? You didn't say whether she wouldn't participate in the competition? Didn't you say she wouldn't be in the competition? Tom lhe mostrará o que fazer. Tom will show you what to do. Tom will show you what to do. Você fez isso sozinha? Did you make this yourself? Did you do this alone? Eu vou te mandar uma mensagem. I'll message you. I'll text you. Quem te beijou? Who kissed you? Who kissed you? Ele perdeu interesse na política. He has lost interest in politics. He lost interest in politics. "O problema não é esse." "Então o que há de errado?" "That's not the problem." "Then what's wrong?" "That's not the problem." "So what's wrong?" O Tom tem muitos amigos influentes. Tom has many influential friends. Tom has a lot of influential friends. Tom gosta de futebol e de música. Tom likes football and music. Tom likes football and music. Eu sou grato a você pela sua ajuda. I am grateful to you for your help. I'm grateful to you for your help. Está claro que há um problema. Obviously, there's a problem. It's clear there's a problem. Isso está absolutamente fora de questão. That's absolutely out of the question. That is absolutely out of the question. Eu morreria pelo Tom. I would die for Tom. I'd die for Tom. O orgulho antecede a queda. Pride comes before a fall. Pride precedes fall. Na escola aprendi a escrever em Latim. At school, I've learned to write Latin. At school I learned to write in Latin. Tom é arquiteto. Tom is an architect. Tom's an architect. Eu detesto esse filme. I hate that movie. I hate that movie. Estava apenas sendo realístico. I'm just being realistic. I was just being realistic. Eles não são casados. They're not married. They're not married. Este filme é uma comédia. This film is a comedy. This movie is a comedy. Não traga comida para o laboratório. Don't bring any food inside the laboratory. Don't bring food to the lab. Eu te mostrarei a cidade. I'll show you the town. I'll show you around town. Ela lhe contou. She told him. She told you. Tom beijou a testa de Maria. Tom kissed Mary's forehead. Tom kissed Maria's forehead. Temos toda a informação que precisamos. We have all the information we need. We have all the information we need. Tom estava vestindo um suéter azul. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Você vai se apaixonar pelo Brasil. You're going to fall in love with Brazil. You'll fall in love with Brazil. Eu pretendo fazer isso. I intend to do that. I intend to do that. Essa é a chave. That's the key. That's the key. Que idade tem esse guarda-chuva? How old is this umbrella? How old is that umbrella? Já falei sobre isso várias vezes. I've already talked about that several times. I've talked about it several times. Eu não gosto desta jaqueta. I don't like this jacket. I don't like this jacket. Por que vocês estão fazendo isso com eles? Why are you doing this to them? Why are you doing this to them? Sou um cidadão da Terra. I'm a citizen of Earth. I'm an Earth citizen. Eu gosto dos dois. I like both. I like them both. O discurso durou trinta minutos. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted thirty minutes. Tom costuma remover ervas daninhas de seu jardim pela manhã cedo. Tom usually weeds his garden early in the morning. Tom usually removes weeds from his garden early in the morning. Que horas são em Londres agora? What time is it in London now? What time is it in London right now? É rude falar de boca cheia. It is rude to talk when your mouth is full. It's rude to talk with your mouth full. Seu jeito de cantar me agrada. I like the way you sing. Your way of singing pleases me. Vivo em uma cidade. I live in a city. I live in a city. Temos dois botes. We have two boats. We have two boats. Tom parece saber o caminho. Tom seems to know the way. Tom seems to know the way. Como ela faz isso? How does she do it? How does she do that? Ninguém pensa assim. No one thinks so. Nobody thinks so. Tom me disse que ainda estava com medo. Tom told me that he was still afraid. Tom told me he was still scared. Eu percebi que estava sendo observado. I noticed that I was being observed. I realized I was being watched. Isso tem onze anos. It's eleven years old. That's eleven years old. Está lotado! It's packed! It's crowded! Tom estudou literatura na faculdade. Tom studied literature in college. Tom studied literature in college. Eu não estava errado. I wasn't wrong. I wasn't wrong. Tudo é possível com o trabalho. Work makes everything possible. Anything's possible with the job. Ela precisa de um táxi. She needs a cab. She needs a cab. Tom veio de Boston. Tom came here from Boston. Tom's from Boston. Não fiquem com medo de falar com o Tom. Don't be afraid to talk to Tom. Don't be afraid to talk to Tom. Os estadunidenses menores de dezoito anos não têm o direito de votar nas eleições presidenciais. Americans under the age of eighteen aren't allowed to vote in presidential elections. Americans under eighteen have no right to vote in the presidential elections. Não vou tentar te impedir de fazer isso. I'm not going to try to stop you from doing that. I'm not gonna try to stop you from doing that. Quero que o Tom fique onde ele está até eu voltar. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. Minha filha ama o Ultraman. My daughter likes Ultraman. My daughter loves Ultraman. Sei que Tom pode tocar clarinete? Ele também pode tocar saxofone? I know that Tom can play the clarinet? Can he play the saxophone as well? I know Tom can play the clarinet, can he play the saxophone too? Você vai realmente beber isso? Are you really going to drink that? Are you really gonna drink that? Nenhum deles sabe francês. None of them know French. None of them know French. Ao se submeter ao detetor de mentiras, será que alguém, mesmo dizendo a verdade, poderá, por estar nervoso, ser interpretado pelo aparelho como dizendo uma mentira? When taking a polygraph test can you be telling the truth and because you are nervous it shows that it's a lie? In submitting to the detector of lies, can anyone, even telling the truth, because he is nervous, be interpreted by the device as telling a lie? Podemos esperar mais um pouquinho? Can we wait a little bit longer? Can we wait a little longer? Você é nojento! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Eu realmente não quero ir. I really do not want to go. I really don't want to go. Fomos socorrê-la. We went to her rescue. We went to help her. Tom é muito engenhoso. Tom is very ingenious. Tom is very resourceful. Pensei muito em você no mês passado. I thought a lot about you this past month. I thought about you a lot last month. O nosso professor parece muito novo. Our teacher looks very young. Our teacher looks very young. Meu irmão pequeno está vendo televisão. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching television. Farei uma viagem para Kyoto no próximo mês. I'll take a trip to Kyoto next month. I'm taking a trip to Kyoto next month. Me liga quando você resolver casar comigo. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me. Call me when you decide to marry me. Os filhos de Adão são membros do mesmo corpo; pois eles são criados do mesmo barro. Adam's sons are body limbs, to say; for they're created of the same clay. The children of Adam are members of the same body; for they are created from the same clay. Kelly trabalhou até ele desistir. Kelly worked until he dropped. Kelly worked until he quit. Todos estão chorando. Everybody's crying. Everyone's crying. Isto é amor verdadeiro. This is true love. This is true love. Me pergunto por que o Tom não disse a verdade. I wonder why Tom didn't tell the truth. I wonder why Tom didn't tell the truth. Tom é casado com uma mulher canadense chamada Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Ela gostava de poesia e música. She was fond of poetry and music. She liked poetry and music. Ninguém vai acreditar na gente. No one will believe us. No one's gonna believe us. Eu espero que Tom não tenha perdido o ônibus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. Você deveria passar um tempinho todos os dias revisando vocabulário. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. You should spend a little time every day reviewing vocabulary. Ele derrubou os livros no chão. He dropped his books on the floor. He dropped the books on the floor. Tom está muito triste mesmo. Tom is really upset. Tom's really sad. Durante a Idade Média, a honra era fundamental à vida de um homem livre e de um cristão. During the Middle Ages, honor was fundamental to the life of the free man and of the Christian man. During the Middle Ages, honor was fundamental to the life of a free man and a Christian. Contanto que isso não estrague com o fim de semana. As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend! As long as this doesn't ruin the weekend. "Vocês gostam de viajar?" "Sim, gostamos." "Do you like traveling?" "Yes, I do." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes, we do." O chão esta coberto de neve. The ground is covered with snow. The ground is covered in snow. Vocês são meus heróis. You guys are my heroes. You're my heroes. Eu corei feito um tomate. I reddened like a tomato. I blushed like a tomato. O trânsito é pesado por aqui. Traffic is heavy around here. Traffic is heavy around here. "Terá parado de chover?" "Espero que sim." "I wonder if it's stopped raining." "I hope so." "Will it stop raining?" "I hope so." Ela tem uma vida de luxo. She is a high-liver. She has a life of luxury. O Tom está esperando para pegar a Mary. Tom is waiting to pick up Mary. Tom's waiting to pick up Mary. O pau está viscoso. The stick is sticky. The stick is viscous. Vá embora agora. Leave now. Go away now. Eu não sabia que você estava se sentindo tão mal. I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad. I didn't know you were feeling so bad. Não havia escassez de homens dispostos a proteger Layla. There was no shortage of men ready to protect Layla. There was no shortage of men willing to protect Layla. Era um milagre que Fadil ainda estivesse vivo. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. It was a miracle that Fadil was still alive. Tom nem fuma nem bebe. Tom neither smokes nor drinks. Tom doesn't smoke or drink. Seu texto está excelente! Meus parabéns! Your submission is great! Congratulations! Your text is excellent! Congratulations! Eu fiquei tão surpresa quanto vocês. I was as surprised as you. I was as surprised as you were. Meu sonho é ser fluente em chinês. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. O Tom está procurando uma segunda opinião. Tom is looking for a second opinion. Tom's looking for a second opinion. Por que está tão calor? Why is it so hot? Why is it so hot? Nem se preocupe. Don't even worry about it. Don't worry. O Tom não sabia que ele precisava fazer isso. Tom didn't know that he needed to do that. Tom didn't know he had to do that. Ele é filho de uma família rica. He is a son of a wealthy family. He's the son of a wealthy family. Teu olhar é sexy. You have come-to-bed eyes. Your look is sexy. Tenho certeza de que o Tom não sabia que a Mary estava indo para Boston essa semana. I'm pretty sure that Tom didn't know Mary was going to be in Boston this week. I'm sure Tom didn't know Mary was going to Boston this week. Desde essa época a distinção das duas raças, a conquistadora ou goda e a romana ou conquistada, quase desaparecera, e os homens do norte se haviam confundido com os do meio-dia em uma só nação, para cuja grandeza contribuíra aquela com as virtudes ásperas da selvagem Germânia, esta com as tradições da cultura e polícia romanas. Since that time the distinction between the two races, the conqueror or Gothic and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confounded with those of midday in a single nation, to whose grandiosity had contributed that with the rough virtues of savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and polity. Since that time the distinction of the two races, the conqueror or goda and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had been confused with those of the noon in one nation, to whose greatness had contributed that with the rough virtues of the wild Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and police. Animais inteligentes podem ajudar as pessoas. Intelligent animals can help people. Smart animals can help people. Por que o Tom é tão infeliz? Why's Tom so unhappy? Why is Tom so unhappy? Assim como o seu pai, ele tem vários livros. Like his father, he has many books. Just like your father, he's got a lot of books. Você não deveria ter emprestado dinheiro ao Tom. You shouldn't have lent money to Tom. You shouldn't have loaned Tom money. Ele está escrevendo uma longa carta. He's writing a long letter. He's writing a long letter. Tom é um ótimo ator. Tom is a great actor. Tom's a great actor. Não seja mau. Don't be evil. Don't be mean. O Tom provavelmente ficará furioso. Tom is likely going to be furious. Tom will probably be furious. Mary queria saber quem iria ajudá-la. Mary wanted to know who was going to help her. Mary wanted to know who would help her. Elas são muito velhas. They are very old. They're too old. Ficarei feliz de responder à sua pergunta. I'll be happy to answer your question. I'll be happy to answer your question. Tivemos o acampamento só para nós. We had the campsite all to ourselves. We had the camp all to ourselves. Tom não queria que Maria dirigisse o seu carro. Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car. Tom didn't want Maria to drive his car. Hoje eu fui de carro para a praia. I drove a car to the beach today. Today I drove to the beach. Há um grande mercado de café. There is a big market for coffee. There's a big coffee market. Eu faço isso todos os dias. I do this every day. I do it every day. Gatos odeiam serem molhados. Cats dislike being wet. Cats hate to be wet. Você não quer que eu faça isso. You don't want me to do that. You don't want me to do that. Acabei de falar com o Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just got off the phone with Tom. Ela está de dieta. She is dieting. She's on a diet. Eu acho que é hora de eu lavar esta camisa. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. Você já viu uma borboleta roxa? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Você fica tão bonita nesse vestido. You're so beautiful in that dress. You look so pretty in that dress. Amanhã vai ser tarde demais. Tomorrow it will be too late. Tomorrow will be too late. Este rio é perigoso de nadar em julho. This river is dangerous to swim in July. This river is dangerous to swim in July. Eu não vou demorar. I won't be long. I won't be long. Ninguém faz ideia. No one knows. No one has any idea. Começou a chover um pouco. It started to rain a little. It started to rain a little. Vocês podem falar com o Tom. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. As aparências enganam. Things aren't always as they appear. Appearances are deceiving. Deixei meu chapéu no avião. I left my hat on the plane. I left my hat on the plane. Você poderia embrulhar isto para mim? Could you wrap this for me? Could you wrap this up for me? O Tom e a Mary estão ambos trabalhando no jardim. Tom and Mary are both working in the garden. Tom and Mary are both working in the garden. Você se lembra da sua promessa? Do you remember your promise? Do you remember your promise? Ultimamente a delinquência juvenil está aumentando. Recently juvenile delinquency has been on the rise. Lately juvenile delinquency is increasing. Com quem o Tom planeja nadar? Who does Tom plan to go swimming with? Who does Tom plan to swim with? Esses foram vítimas da guerra, por assim dizer. These were victims of war, so to speak. These were victims of the war, so to speak. Devemos fazer algo. We must do something. We must do something. Eu vou ficar. I will remain. I'm staying. Orgulho-me de ser canadense. I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud to be Canadian. Nós sinceramente pedimos desculpas pelo nosso erro. We sincerely apologize for our error. We sincerely apologize for our mistake. Você quer que eu lhe diga a verdade? Would you like me to tell the truth? You want me to tell you the truth? Dormi até tarde e perdi o primeiro comboio. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept late and missed the first train. O velho tentou nadar 5 quilômetros. The old man attempted to swim five kilometers. The old man tried to swim five kilometers. Minha cabeça dói tanto. My head aches so. My head hurts so bad. Tom e Mary disseram que estavam com muita sede. Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty. Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty. Ela foi promovida antes de os colegas mais antigos. She was promoted over the heads of her seniors. She was promoted before her older colleagues. Por que você não me contou a verdade? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Eu os vi. I saw them. I saw them. Eu não vou fazer isso com o Tom. I'm not going to do that with Tom. I'm not gonna do this to Tom. Não quero conversa com você. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Não perdi uma única reunião. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a single meeting. Quando eu tinha dez anos de idade, eu pensava que, quando tivesse dezesseis, a minha vida seria legal. When I was ten years old, I thought that when I would be sixteen, my life would be cool. When I was ten years old, I thought when I was sixteen, my life would be cool. Tom finalmente disse a verdade. Tom eventually told the truth. Tom finally told the truth. Se você gosta dele, então se pronto! If you like it then get ready! If you like him, then get ready! Estou com uma cliente. I'm with a client. I'm with a client. O marido dela come tudo que ela coloca na frente dele. Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him. Her husband eats everything she puts in front of him. Nosso cachorro quase foi atropelado por um carro. Our dog was nearly run over by a car. Our dog almost got hit by a car. Pedi a Ken que me ajudasse. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help me. O chapéu é seu. The hat is yours. It's your hat. Os senhores pensavam em mim? Were you thinking about me? Did you gentlemen think of me? Ele mostrou-lhe o caminho. He showed her the way. He showed you the way. O Tom aprendeu francês perfeitamente estudando por conta própria. Tom learned French perfectly studying by himself. Tom learned French perfectly by studying on his own. Eu não sabia que você precisava de mim. I didn't know you needed me. I didn't know you needed me. Eu não gosto do chapéu dela. I don't like her hat. I don't like her hat. Eu não quero ir nadar. I don't want to go swimming. I don't want to go swimming. Tom roncou tão alto que podia ouvi-lo do meu quarto. Tom snored so loudly I could hear him from my room. Tom snored so loud he could hear it from my room. Vou te manter aquecido. I will keep you warm. I'll keep you warm. Não há mais ninguém na sala. There's nobody else in the room. There's no one else in the room. Tenho uma coisinha para você. I have a little something for you. I have a little something for you. Nos encontramos lá ontem. We met there yesterday. We met there yesterday. Tom se exprime muito bem. Tom expresses himself very well. Tom expresses himself very well. Quero ir e me divertir. I want to go and cheer. I want to go and have fun. O Tom não pôde recusar o pedido da Maria. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Tom couldn't refuse Maria's request. Se estiveres cansada, vai dormir! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, go to sleep! Não posso viver aquele tipo de vida. I can't live that kind of life. I can't live that kind of life. Você já fez a sua lição de casa? Have you already done your homework? Have you done your homework? Sou o criador do meu mundo. I am the creator of my world. I'm the creator of my world. Eu aprovo o teu plano. I approve of your plan. I approve of your plan. Todo homem que é solitário está solitário porque tem medo dos outros. All men who are lonely are lonely because they're afraid of others. Every man who's lonely is lonely because he's afraid of others. Tom tem sotaque britânico. Tom has a British accent. Tom has a British accent. Eles estão tentando. They're trying. They're trying. Me pergunto se o Tom está morto. I wonder if Tom is dead. I wonder if Tom's dead. É a mesma coisa todos os anos. It's the same every year. It's the same thing every year. Estava à venda. It was on sale. It was for sale. Tom se divertiu na festa. Tom enjoyed himself at the party. Tom had fun at the party. Este é um trabalho muito difícil. This is very difficult work. This is a very difficult job. Nós nos conhecemos. We know each other. We've met. Precisamos conversar contigo. We need to talk to you. We need to talk to you. Tom não é tão conservador. Tom isn't all that conservative. Tom's not that conservative. Eu vou comprar aquele CD. I'll buy that CD. I'm gonna buy that CD. Estou a estudar. I am studying. I'm studying. O táxi atrasado chegou. The taxi arrived late. The late taxi's here. Essa é a casa de Tom. That's Tom's house. This is Tom's house. Eu gosto desse. I like that one. I like this one. Esta ópera tem três atos. This opera has three acts. This opera has three acts. Ele estava deitado na grama. He was lying on the grass. He was lying on the grass. Tom trabalha para o IRS. Tom works for the IRS. Tom works for the IRS. Ela não fala nosso idioma. She does not speak our language. She doesn't speak our language. Este relógio é à prova d'água. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. Eu realmente adoro o Japonês. I really love Japanese. I really love Japanese. Nuvens pretas estão se juntando. Vai chover. Black clouds are gathering. It's going to rain. Black clouds are coming together, it's going to rain. Quebrei o braço. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. Eu gosto dos vermelhos que estão na prateleira. I like the red ones on the shelf. I like the red ones on the shelf. Para Tom é difícil correr. It is hard for Tom to run. It's hard for Tom to run. O senhor não poderia inventá-lo se tentasse. You couldn't make it up if you tried. You couldn't invent it if you tried. Sergey não veio, apesar dele ter prometido que viria. Sergey didn't come, although he promised he would. Sergey didn't come, even though he promised he'd come. Tom vai sofrer. Tom will suffer. Tom will suffer. Eu quero falar com o Tom. I want to speak to Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Tom disse que você era muito bonita. Tom said that you were very beautiful. Tom said you were very pretty. Por que você decidiu aprender o Árabe? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Achei que o Tom iria me machucar. I thought Tom was going to hurt me. I thought Tom was gonna hurt me. Tom quer ser paramédico. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Devemos nos encontrar amanhã às nove da manhã? Shall we meet tomorrow morning at nine? Should we meet tomorrow at nine in the morning? Dê uma olhadela. Have a look. Take a look. Você deveria cuidar das crianças de vez em quando. You should look after the children from time to time. You should take care of the kids once in a while. Tom deveria voltar para casa hoje. Tom should get back home today. Tom was supposed to come home today. O meu nome é Tom. Qual é o seu? My name is Tom. What's yours? My name is Tom. Não é bom ter amigos? Isn't it good to have friends? Isn't it nice to have friends? Foi muito difícil seduzir Layla. It was so difficult to seduce Layla. It was very difficult to seduce Layla. Vocês usam desodorante? Do you use a deodorant? Do you guys wear deodorant? Ele morreu por excesso de trabalho. He died from overwork. He died of overwork. Tom provavelmente sabe que Mary gosta dele. Tom probably knows that Mary likes him. Tom probably knows Mary likes him. Temos muito tempo. We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. Tom está ao telefone de novo. Tom is on the phone again. Tom's on the phone again. Ninguém nunca foi capaz de entrar na sala. No one has ever been able to enter the room. No one has ever been able to enter the room. Tom recordou-se de algo. Tom remembered something. Tom remembered something. Eu queria comprar algumas flores para Mary. I wanted to buy some flowers for Mary. I wanted to buy Mary some flowers. Há algo que eu quero que você faça por mim. There's something I want you to do for me. There's something I want you to do for me. Vá falar com ela, Tom. Está com medo do quê? Go and talk to her, Tom. What are you afraid of? Go talk to her, Tom. O pai de Tom nunca voltava para casa antes das nove ou dez. Tom's father never came back home before nine or ten. Tom's father never came home before nine or ten. Ele implorou a seu pai para comprar uma bicicleta para ele. He begged his father to buy him a bicycle. He begged his father to buy him a bike. Tenho um pouco mais de 5 dólares. I have little more than 5 dollars. I've got a little over $5. Eu tive sorte. I was lucky. I got lucky. Nós prometemos a você que nunca faremos isso novamente. We promise you that we'll never do it again. We promised you we'd never do it again. Sei que és inteligente. I know you are clever. I know you're smart. Não adianta explicar para mim. No use explaining to me. It's no use explaining it to me. Este dicionário também pode ajudá-las. This dictionary can also help you. This dictionary can also help them. Entre estas, pode haver novas fontes de peixes comestíveis e novas espécies de outras criaturas. Among these there may be new sources of food fish and new species of other creatures. Among these, there may be new sources of edible fish and new species of other creatures. Eu nunca estive tão assustado. I've never been so scared. I've never been so scared. Envergonho-me pelo meu erro. I feel abashed at my mistake. I'm ashamed of my mistake. A condição do paciente piorou. The patient's condition worsened. The patient's condition has worsened. Fiquem longe da colmeia! Stay away from the beehive. Stay away from the hive! A verdade é que nunca cheguei a conhecer o Tom. The truth is I've never even met Tom. Truth is, I never got to know Tom. O trabalho de um motorista não é tão fácil quanto parece. A driver's job is not as easy as it looks. A driver's job isn't as easy as it looks. Está pior do que antes? Is it worse than before? Is it worse than before? O Tom costumava pensar que a Mary não gostava dele. Tom used to think Mary didn't like him. Tom used to think Mary didn't like him. Você já escolheu as músicas que tocará hoje à noite? Have you already chosen the songs you're going to play tonight? Have you chosen the songs you're playing tonight? Eu ouvi dizer que Tom está no hospital. I heard that Tom is in the hospital. I heard Tom's in the hospital. Não consegue sustentar a família com o seu salário mensal. He cannot support his family on his monthly income. You can't support your family on your monthly salary. As brigas estragaram a nossa união. Quarrelling spoiled our unity. The fights have ruined our union. Não acho que vá fazer isso sozinho. I don't think I'll do that by myself. I don't think you're gonna do this alone. Se você estiver interessado em estudar inglês com um nativo, por favor, contate-me. If you are interested in studying English with a native speaker, please contact me. If you're interested in studying English with a native, please contact me. Você é aventureiro? Are you adventurous? Are you an adventurer? Responda-me. Answer me! Answer me. Exijo uma explicação sobre isso. I demand an explanation of this. I demand an explanation of this. Se eu ler este livro outra vez, tê-lo-ei lido três vezes. If I read this book once more, I shall have read it three times. If I read this book again, I will have read it three times. "Eu poderia comprar esse livro?" - "Sim." "Could I buy this book?" "Yes." "Could I buy this book?" - "Yes." Não tenho certeza de que é uma boa ideia. I'm not sure it's a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Tom adorava viajar. Tom loved to travel. Tom loved to travel. Quer beber? Do you want to drink? Do you want a drink? Seja realista! Be realistic. Be realistic! Minha casa está construída. My house is built. My house is built. Ele foi cuidadoso para não desorganizar a reunião. He was careful not to disrupt the meeting. He was careful not to disorganize the meeting. Não consigo entender o Tom. I can't understand Tom. I can't understand Tom. Você é o cara! You the man! You're the man! Suas ameaças não me assustam. Your threats don't frighten me. Your threats don't scare me. Tu sabes que não tens permissão de ficar aqui. Sai! You know you're not allowed to be here. Leave! You know you're not allowed to stay here. Ele sabe falar francês? Can he speak French? Can he speak French? O jovem está bem-disposto! The boy's as fit as a fiddle! The young man's in a good mood! Eu não confio nos políticos. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. Eu não o vi aqui antes. I haven't seen him here before. I haven't seen him here before. Quanto dinheiro você já aforrou? How much money do you have saved up? How much money have you made? O elevador estava muito cheio. It was very crowded in the elevator. The elevator was too crowded. Você sabe como? Do you know how? Do you know how? É só uma brincadeira. It is nothing but a joke. It's just a joke. Meu namorado não sabe. My boyfriend doesn't know. My boyfriend doesn't know. Parece que Tom desmaiou. It looks like Tom has fainted. Looks like Tom passed out. O nome de meu pai é Tom. My father's name is Tom. My father's name is Tom. Eu mesmo bebi toda a cerveja. I myself drank all the beer. I drank all the beer myself. Eu faço, já que você insiste. I'll do it, if you insist. I'll do it if you insist. No Rio já existe metrô. There is already a subway in Rio. There's already a subway in Rio. O filme é uma sátira social descontraída porém devastadoramente precisa e esperta. The movie is a lighthearted yet devastatingly accurate and witty social satire. The film is a relaxed but devastatingly accurate and smart social satire. Ela está entre as melhores artistas de hoje. She is among the best artists of today. She's among the best artists today. Qual é o tamanho daquele prédio? How tall is that building? How big is that building? Esta tarde estou livre. I am free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Quem mais lhe ajudou? Who else has helped you? Who else helped you? Não confunda o açúcar com o sal. Don't confuse sugar with salt. Don't confuse the sugar with the salt. Por que vieste aqui hoje? Why did you come here today? Why did you come here today? Não me disseram nada. I wasn't told anything. They didn't tell me anything. O tempo passou muito rápido. The time has passed very quickly. Time went by too fast. Com licença, quanto custam estes? Excuse me, how much do these cost? Excuse me, how much are these? Todos nós sabemos falar francês, então vamos falar em francês. All of us can speak French, so let's speak French. We all know how to speak French, so let's speak French. Eles vão saber. They'll know. They'll know. Seu trabalho foi apenas um gesto de boa vontade. His work was merely a gesture of good will. Your work was just a gesture of goodwill. Não dá para democratizar um povo faminto. You cannot democratize a starving people. You can't democratize a starving people. Não use sapatos na mesquita. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Don't wear shoes at the mosque. Tom terminou seus trabalhos domésticos e então fez sua lição de casa. Tom finished his chores and then he did his homework. Tom finished his homework and then did his homework. Todos os nossos esforços foram em vão. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts have been in vain. O Tom pediu à Mary para ela esperar do lado de fora. Tom asked Mary to wait outside. Tom asked Mary to wait outside. Tom era o enteado de Mary. Tom was Mary's stepchild. Tom was Mary's stepson. Não apague a lousa. Don't erase the board. Don't delete the board. Pode nevar. Maybe it'll snow. It might snow. Aonde elas foram? Where did they go? Where did they go? Finjam que estão mortos, para que não sejam assassinados! Play dead so you don't get killed! Pretend they're dead, so they won't be murdered! Como é que tu conseguiste esta foto? How did you get this picture? How did you get this picture? Eu te dei a minha palavra. I gave you my word. I gave you my word. Em 19 de agosto, 1960, a espaçonave soviética Korabl-Sputnik 2 levou duas cadelas (chamadas Belka (Esquilo) e Strelka (Pequena Flecha)) ao espaço e trouxe-as de volta à Terra em segurança. On August 19, 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 carried two dogs—named Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow)—into space and returned them safely to Earth. On 19 August 1960, the Soviet spacecraft Korabl-Sputnik 2 took two bitches (called Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Little Arrow) into space and brought them back to Earth safely. É um dos meus favoritos. It's one of my favorites. It's one of my favorites. Se quiseres ir, iremos. If you want to go, we'll go. If you want to go, we'll go. Já somos bons amigos. We're already good friends. We're good friends already. Tom perguntou a Mary se ela conhecia o John. Tom asked Mary if she knew John. Tom asked Mary if she knew John. Você não é estudante, é? You're not a student, are you? You're not a student, are you? Que tipo de pão você está comendo? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread are you eating? Não temos água potável. We had no potable water. We don't have any drinking water. É por isso que eu te amo. I love you for that. That's why I love you. Ainda estou próximo à casa do vizinho. I'm still near the neighbor's house. I'm still close to the neighbor's house. Eu quase fui atropelado por um caminhão. I almost got run over by a truck. I almost got hit by a truck. Quando você se tornou professor? When did you become a teacher? When did you become a teacher? O dinheiro é um bom servidor, mas um mau senhor. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. Money is a good server, but a bad sir. Você é míope? Are you nearsighted? Are you shortsighted? Você está ocupado no domingo à tarde? Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Are you busy Sunday afternoon? O vinho acabou. We're out of wine. The wine's over. Ele está jogando golfe. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Por favor, aceite as nossas desculpas pelo problema que este assunto lhe causou. Please accept our apologies for the trouble this matter has caused you. Please accept our apologies for the trouble this matter has caused you. Se Deus nos concedesse ter um filho! If only we had a son! If only God would grant us a child! Ela o quer. She wants him. She wants him. Ele estava doente, mas hoje está bem. He was ill, but today he's all right. He was sick, but he's fine today. Quero ir aonde quer que você vá. I want to go wherever you're going. I want to go wherever you go. Sami não contestou. Sami pled no contest. Sami didn't argue. Você está me provocando? Are you teasing me? Are you teasing me? Eu sei que você não virá a minha festa, mas eu queria que viesse. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wish you were. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wanted you to come. Há um homem à porta que quer falar com você. There's a man at the door who wants to talk to you. There's a man at the door who wants to talk to you. A estátua de bronze parece muito bonita a certa distância. The bronze statue looks quite nice from a distance. The bronze statue looks very beautiful from a distance. Tom ficou ofendido por eu não ter ido à sua festa de aniversário. Tom was offended because I didn't go to his birthday party. Tom was offended that I didn't go to his birthday party. Vou pagar com cheque. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay with a check. Diego pertence a uma das famílias hispânicas mais ricas da Califórnia. Diego belongs to one of California's wealthiest Hispanic families. Diego belongs to one of the richest Hispanic families in California. De que país você vem? Which country are you from? What country are you from? Nós fomos para a Austrália no verão passado. We went to Australia last summer. We went to Australia last summer. Minha mãe cozinha bem. My mother cooks well. My mother cooks well. Eu espero que você possa fazer isso. I sure hope that you can do that. I hope you can do that. Quem é o seu supervisor? Who's your supervisor? Who's your supervisor? Você fez isto de propósito! You did this on purpose! You did it on purpose! Acho que gostaria de ser professor. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Onde diabos você estava? Where the hell were you? Where the hell have you been? Você é muito mais rápido do que eu. You're much faster than I am. You're a lot faster than I am. Eu não estou com medo de Tom. I'm not scared of Tom. I'm not afraid of Tom. Ouvi dizer que o Tom quer nadar esta tarde. I heard that Tom wants to swim this afternoon. I hear Tom wants to swim this afternoon. Qual a diferença entre um cão e um lobo? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? What's the difference between a dog and a wolf? Estava pensando quantas línguas você fala. I was just wondering what languages you can speak. I was wondering how many languages you speak. É uma boneca. It's a doll. It's a doll. Tom entrou na casa. Tom entered the house. Tom's in the house. Deixa-me sair! Let me out. Let me out! Essa será uma boa lembrancinha da minha viagem pelos Estados Unidos. This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. This will be a nice reminder of my trip to the United States. Você quer ir pescar? Do you want to go fishing? You want to go fishing? A Marika se vestia como uma japonesa? Did Marika dress like a Japanese woman? Did Marika dress like a Japanese? Eu irei com você. I'll come with you. I'll come with you. Estava frio ontem. It was cold yesterday. It was cold yesterday. Nós fomos para o Havaí a lazer. We went to Hawaii for pleasure. We went to Hawaii for leisure. É uma TV. It's a TV. It's a TV. Tom cantou com Maria. Tom sang with Mary. Tom sang with Maria. Jim Carrey é muito famoso e um bom comediante. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Isso vai deixar ele muito feliz. That'll make him very happy. That'll make him very happy. Como é que você faz isso? How do you do that? How do you do that? Seus pés estão sujos. Your feet are dirty. Your feet are dirty. Oh, eu não sei se concordo com você. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. Podemos ficar um momento a sós, por favor? Can we have a moment alone, please? Can we have a moment alone, please? Ela ser demitida foi um verdadeiro tapa na cara após tudo que ela fez pela companhia. Her being fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company. She getting fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company. Se eu tivesse dinheiro, compraria este computador imediatamente. If I had the money, I would immediately buy this computer. If I had money, I'd buy this computer right away. Uma bola acertou a perna direita dela. A ball hit her on the right leg. A ball hit her right leg. Ninguém te entende. No one understands you. No one understands you. Eu disse que o ajudaria. I said I would help you. I told you I'd help you. Tom temia que ele pudesse ser demitido. Tom was afraid he might be laid off. Tom was afraid he might be fired. Você não deveria ter comprado isso. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought this. Para mim não há problema algum. For me, this is not a problem. There's no problem with me. Não é assim que o mundo funciona. That's not how the world works. That's not how the world works. Educadamente, corrigi-o. I politely corrected him. Educatedly, I corrected it. Não consigo levantar tanto peso quanto costumava. I can't lift as much weight as I used to. I can't lift as much weight as I used to. Eu sempre amarei a Mary. I will always love Mary. I'll always love Mary. Venha comigo! Come with me. Come with me! Tom quer voltar para Boston. Tom wants to return to Boston. Tom wants to go back to Boston. Tom disse que não quer uma promoção. Tom said that he doesn't want a promotion. Tom says he doesn't want a promotion. Não estou sendo sarcástica. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm not being sarcastic. Obrigado pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. Tom não é muito forte. Tom isn't very strong. Tom's not very strong. Entre logo na sala. Enter the room at once. Just get in the room. Eu sei que estou ficando velha. I know I'm getting old. I know I'm getting old. Você está mentindo de novo. You're lying again. You're lying again. Estou à procura de um bar. I'm looking for a bar. I'm looking for a bar. Como você está se sentindo? How do you feel? How are you feeling? Não venha. Don't come. Don't come. Você é jogador de tênis. You are a tennis player. You're a tennis player. Tom não envenenou ninguém. Tom didn't poison anybody. Tom didn't poison anyone. Quero que o Tom seja preso. I want Tom to be arrested. I want Tom arrested. Prefiro confiar no Grammarly do que confiar em mim mesmo. I'd rather trust Grammarly than trust myself. I'd rather trust Grammarly than trust myself. Todos começaram a lutar. Everyone started fighting. Everybody started fighting. Ainda bem que ela já foi embora. Good thing she's already gone. I'm glad she's gone. Pare de agir como uma criança. Quit acting like a child. Stop acting like a child. O recipiente está vazio. The container is empty. The container's empty. Lamento, não vos posso ajudar. I'm sorry, I can't help you. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Desliga isso. Shut it down. Turn it off. Eu não preciso mais disso. I don't need this anymore. I don't need this anymore. Obrigado por me ajudar com o jantar. Thanks for helping with dinner. Thanks for helping me with dinner. Gostaria de ajudar também. I would like to help too. I'd like to help, too. Não achei que podíamos ajudar vocês. I didn't think we could help you. I didn't think we could help you. Você pode explicar brevemente? Can you explain it briefly? Can you explain briefly? Elas adoram escutar música clássica. They love listening to classical music. They love listening to classical music. É só um jogo. It's only a play. It's just a game. Tom conhece a situação bem o bastante. Tom knows the situation well enough. Tom knows the situation well enough. Só por cima do meu cadáver! Over my dead body! Over my dead body! Ninguém confia em ti. No one trusts you. No one trusts you. O que você quer com o Tom? What do you want with Tom? What do you want with Tom? Tom foi um pouco diplomático. Tom was quite diplomatic. Tom was a little diplomatic. Eu fui para o lado para que ele pudesse passar. I stepped aside so he could pass. I went to the side so he could pass. É possível resolver todos os problemas da África? Is it possible to solve all the problems in Africa? Is it possible to solve all the problems in Africa? Você não sabe o que eu ia fazer. You don't know what I was going to do. You don't know what I was gonna do. Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. Eu sou repórter. I am a reporter. I'm a reporter. Sami amava Deus. Sami loved God. Sami loved God. Não sei quem você quer ver. I don't know who you want to see. I don't know who you want to see. Não gagueje! Don't stammer! Don't stutter! Não sou bom em fingir. I'm not good at pretending. I'm not good at pretending. Ele se decidiu rapidamente. He made up his mind quickly. He made up his mind quickly. Que imagina você que eu estivesse fazendo? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I was doing? Aaron foi assassinado friamente por Mary. Aaron was coldly killed by Mary. Aaron was coldly murdered by Mary. Correram nus no parque. They ran naked in the park. They ran naked in the park. Não posso conversar agora. I can't talk right now. I can't talk right now. Ela é a minha irmã mais velha. She is my older sister. She's my big sister. Eu acho que poderíamos ser ótimos amigos. I think we could be great friends. I think we could be great friends. É uma obra de arte maravilhosa. It's a wonderful work of art. It's a wonderful work of art. Todos os livros na estante foram lidos. All of the books on the bookshelf have been read. All the books on the shelf have been read. Não se preocupe. Tomarei cuidado. Don't worry. I'll be careful. Don't worry, I'll be careful. Tom ainda não jantou. Tom hasn't eaten supper yet. Tom hasn't had dinner yet. Tenho 40 anos. I'm 40 years old. I'm 40. Tom é tão velho quanto meu pai. Tom is as old as my father. Tom's as old as my father. Ele desceu do ônibus. He got off the bus. He got off the bus. Ele trabalha na indústria automobilística. He works in the car industry. He works in the automotive industry. Vamos ao hospital. Let's go to the hospital. We're going to the hospital. A que horas você sai? What time do you get off? What time do you leave? Tom aposentou-se aos 67 anos. Tom retired at the age of 67. Tom retired at 67. Estamos no meio do nada. We're in the middle of nowhere. We're in the middle of nowhere. O preço está subindo. The price is going up. The price is rising. Vou atualizá-lo logo. I'll update it soon. I'll update you right away. Vós sois velhas. You're old. You're old. Você não quer conhecer o Tom? Don't you want to meet Tom? Don't you want to meet Tom? Eu era gordo. I used to be fat. I was fat. Como podemos calcular a profundidade de um vale? How can we measure the depth of a valley? How can we calculate the depth of a valley? Também sou turista. I'm a tourist, too. I'm a tourist too. Eu tenho aulas de francês pelo Skype. I have French classes via Skype. I have French lessons on Skype. Tom e Mary estão se divorciando. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. Tom and Mary are getting divorced. Você sabe onde estão os meus óculos? Do you know where my glasses are? Do you know where my glasses are? Vocês viram meu passaporte? Have you seen my passport? Have you seen my passport? Tom copiou tudo em um disco rígido externo. Tom backed everything up on an external hard drive. Tom copied everything on an external hard drive. A gente encontrou um cachorro morto no jardim. We've found a dead dog in the garden. We found a dead dog in the garden. Os arpões de Philae não foram implantados. Philae's harpoons did not deploy. Philae's harpoons were not implanted. Vai levar bastante tempo para eu fazer todas as coisas que quero fazer. It'll take me a long time to do all the things I want to do. It's gonna take me a long time to do all the things I want to do. Antes de morrer, passou mais de um mês hospitalizado. He was hospitalized for over a month before dying. Before he died, he spent more than a month in the hospital. O vidro se quebra com facilidade. Glass breaks easily. The glass breaks easily. Em que cidade você vive? What city do you live in? What city do you live in? Comprei um chapéu na loja. I bought a hat in the shop. I bought a hat at the store. Alguém está batendo à porta. Somebody's knocking at the door. Someone's knocking on the door. Esta sopa tem um gosto terrível. This soup tastes terrible. This soup tastes terrible. Coloque o pão em cima da mesa. Put the cornbread on the table. Put the bread on the table. Poderia trazer outra garrafa de água? Could you bring another bottle of water? Could you bring another bottle of water? O Tom ficou perplexo com o comportamento estranho da Mary. Tom was perplexed by Mary's odd behavior. Tom was baffled by Mary's strange behavior. Ontem à noite, ocorreu um forte terremoto. A strong earthquake happened last night. Last night, there was a massive earthquake. Vocês precisam de uma carona? Do you guys need a ride? You guys need a ride? Para quem Gregor vai vender seu carro? Who will Gregor sell his car to? Who's Gregor gonna sell his car to? Quer casar comigo? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Ela está muito curiosa. She's very curious. She's very curious. Qual é o mal de eu pagar a conta? What is wrong with me paying the bill? What's wrong with me paying the bill? A partida de futebol será jogada ainda que chova. The soccer game will be played, even if it rains. The football match will be played even if it rains. Tom não quer que Mary vá. Tom doesn't want Mary to go. Tom doesn't want Mary to go. Ele está bebendo café? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Sami olhou mas não viu Layla. Sami looked but he didn't see Layla. Sami looked but didn't see Layla. Eu tenho certeza de que Tom será simpático. I'm sure Tom will be sympathetic. I'm sure Tom will be nice. Tom estava muito apavorado. Tom was very terrified. Tom was very terrified. Essa é a minha favorita. That one's my favorite. That's my favorite. Eu tive problemas maiores. I've got bigger problems. I've had bigger problems. Quando foi a última vez que o Tom jogou golfe com você? When was the last time Tom played golf with you? When was the last time Tom played golf with you? Que tem em mira a senhora ao dizer que não sabe? What do you mean you don't know?! What are you aiming at when you say you don't know? Eu escrevi uma carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Ela envenenou seu marido. She poisoned her husband. She poisoned your husband. Eu atravessei a rua escura. I crossed the dark street. I crossed the dark street. Tom sempre faz isso. Tom always does that. Tom always does that. O Tom não é bem-vindo nesta casa. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom's not welcome in this house. A paz voltou após três anos de guerra. Peace has returned after three years of war. Peace returned after three years of war. Nós somos concorrentes. We're competitors. We're competitors. Tom não trabalha há três meses. Tom hasn't worked in three months. Tom hasn't worked in three months. Estamos dando uma festa sexta-feira de noite lá em casa. We're throwing a party Friday evening at our place. We're having a party Friday night at the house. Kate estava deitada com os olhos abertos. Kate was lying with her eyes open. Kate was lying with her eyes open. Deem uma chance à paz! Give peace a chance! Give peace a chance! Ele conseguiu, apesar das dificuldades. He succeeded, despite the difficulties. He did, despite the difficulties. Eles sabem a verdade. They know the truth. They know the truth. Tom queria beber um pouco de leite. Tom wanted to drink some milk. Tom wanted to drink some milk. Eu nunca tinha viajado de avião. I've never traveled by plane. I've never been on a plane before. Eu comprei um suéter para o Tom. I bought Tom a sweater. I bought Tom a sweater. Eu gosto muito de ajudar as pessoas. I really like helping people. I really like helping people. A China faz fronteira com o Paquistão, a Índia, o Afeganistão, o Tajiquistão, o Quirguistão, o Cazaquistão, a Coreia do Norte, o Laos, o Vietnã, o Nepal, o Butão, a Birmânia, a Mongólia e a Rússia. China shares borders with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia. China borders Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Mongolia and Russia. Eu adoro ensinar francês para crianças. I love teaching French to children. I love teaching French to kids. Se eu tivesse ido naquele avião, estaria morto agora. If I had taken that plane, I would be dead now. If I'd gone on that plane, I'd be dead by now. Por que você não os impediu? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you stop them? A ponte ainda está em construção. The bridge is still under construction. The bridge is still under construction. Tom e eu vamos nos casar. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. O teu plano parece ótimo. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Eu sei o quão difícil é pra você acreditar em mim. I know how difficult it is for you to believe me. I know how hard it is for you to believe me. Espero que você não minta mais para mim. I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you don't lie to me anymore. Estou lendo esta frase. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this sentence. Tire a mão de mim! Get your hand off me. Get your hand off me! Eu gostaria de assistir ao sexto filme de Harry Potter. I'd like to see the sixth film of Harry Potter. I'd like to watch Harry Potter's sixth film. Elas estavam molhadas. They were wet. They were wet. Eu às vezes assisto TV. I sometimes watch TV. I watch TV sometimes. Tom pediu a Mary que tomasse conta das crianças. Tom asked Mary to watch the children. Tom asked Mary to take care of the children. Hoje é 18 de junho e é aniversário de Muiriel! It's 18th June today, and also Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and it's Muiriel's birthday! Devemos começar imediatamente. We must start immediately. We must begin immediately. Qual é o seu nome? What is your name? What's your name? Perdi meu guarda-chuva. Eu tenho de comprar um novo. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I've lost my umbrella, I have to buy a new one. Vocês estão indo bem. You're doing fine. You guys are doing great. Faço muito isso. I do that a lot. I do that a lot. Tenho que fazer isso de vez em quando também. I have to do that sometimes, too. I have to do this once in a while, too. Eu estacionei o meu carro perto do seu. I parked my car next to yours. I parked my car near yours. Eu acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. Eu não posso ir para Boston nesse fim de semana. I can't go to Boston this weekend. I can't go to Boston this weekend. É caro demais. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Isto parece bom para mim. This seems good to me. This looks good to me. Tom comprou bebidas para todo mundo do bar. Tom bought drinks for everybody in the bar. Tom bought drinks for everyone in the bar. As pessoas não estão nem aí para o que você sente ou pensa. People don’t give a shit about what you feel or what you think. People don't give a shit what you feel or think. Eu não me sinto bem. I don't feel well. I don't feel well. Há mais alguma coisa que eu possa fazer por você? Is there anything else that I can do for you? Is there anything else I can do for you? Nunca se esqueça disso. Don't ever forget it. Don't you ever forget that. Ele gostou daquilo. He liked that. He liked that. Nunca duvidei disso nem por um segundo. I never doubted it for a moment. I never doubted that for a second. Ele quer que ela vá embora e o deixe em paz. He wants her to go away and leave him in peace. He wants her to leave and leave him alone. Tem certeza de que não quer vir? Are you sure you don't want to come? Are you sure you don't want to come? Jogar tênis é fácil para mim. Playing tennis is easy for me. Playing tennis is easy for me. Tom morreu dormindo. Tom died in his sleep. Tom died in his sleep. Vocês não estão ajudando. You guys aren't helping. You're not helping. Pois sim. Of course. Yeah. O ditador oprimiu o povo. The dictator oppressed the people. The dictator oppressed the people. Tom pediu uma xícara de café. Tom ordered a cup of coffee. Tom ordered a cup of coffee. Todo mundo quer te conhecer. Você é famoso! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you. O Tom não liga para comida japonesa. Tom doesn't care for Japanese food. Tom doesn't care about Japanese food. Quero que isso seja uma surpresa. I want it to be a surprise. I want this to be a surprise. Tom foi convidado a uma festa na praia. Tom was invited to a beach party. Tom was invited to a beach party. Vós podeis usar este dicionário. You can use this dictionary. You can use this dictionary. Ele sempre estará em nossos corações. He will forever be in our hearts. He will always be in our hearts. Pode-se dizer assim, mas é muito vulgar. You can say it like that, but it's rude. You could say that, but it's very vulgar. A administração toma decisões importantes. The administration makes important decisions. The administration makes important decisions. Eu achei que você quisesse se casar com Tom. I thought you wanted to marry Tom. I thought you wanted to marry Tom. Pensei que Tom tivesse respondido todas as suas perguntas. I thought Tom had answered all your questions. I thought Tom answered all your questions. Apenas ignore o que o Tom disse. Just ignore what Tom said. Just ignore what Tom said. Onde você trabalhou? Where did you work? Where did you work? Você não acha que Tom é meio bonito? Don't you think that Tom is kind of handsome? Don't you think Tom's kind of cute? Por favor, ajuste a imagem da televisão. Please adjust the television picture. Please adjust the TV image. Muitos blogueiros escrevem em inglês. A lot of bloggers write in English. Many bloggers write in English. Ele tinha o cabelo comprido o ano passado. He had long hair last year. He had long hair last year. Ele tira a barba quatro vezes na semana. He shaves four times a week. He shaves four times a week. Ninguém pode negar o fato de que a economia mundial gira em torno da economia americana. Nobody can deny the fact the world economy revolves around the American economy. No one can deny the fact that the world economy revolves around the American economy. Trier é a cidade mais antiga da Alemanha. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Fazer sexo é como jogar bridge. Quem não tem uma boa parceira (um bom parceiro) precisa ter uma boa mão. Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. Having sex is like playing bridge. Anyone who doesn't have a good partner (a good partner) needs to have a good hand. Como estava tão quente, fomos nadar. Since it was so hot, we went swimming. Since it was so hot, we went swimming. O Tom ajudou a apagar o fogo. Tom helped to extinguish the fire. Tom helped put out the fire. Seria melhor se você repousasse aqui. It would be better if you took a rest here. It would be better if you rest here. Qual é a marca do seu celular? What is your cellphone's brand? What's the mark on your phone? Tom nasceu no dia 3 de maio de 1990 e Mary nasceu no dia 4 de maio de 1990. Tom was born on May 3rd,1990 and Mary was born on May 4th, 1990. Tom was born on May 3, 1990 and Mary was born on May 4, 1990. Tom gemeu. Tom moaned. Tom moaned. Você ainda tem trinta minutos. You've still got thirty minutes. You still have thirty minutes. Definitivamente, vamos fazer aquilo. Let's definitely do that. We're definitely gonna do that. Meu esposo e minha filha estão dormindo profundamente. My husband and daughter are fast asleep. My husband and my daughter are sleeping deeply. Espero que vocês todos estejam famintos. I hope you're all hungry. I hope you're all hungry. Obrigado a todos que ajudaram. Thanks to everybody who helped. Thank you to all who have helped. O assassinato ocorreu entre as 3 e 5 da manhã. The murder happened between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. The murder took place between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. Ligou para o encanador? Did you call the plumber? Did you call the plumber? Eram sete e meia. It was seven thirty. It was 7:30. Estou feliz com minha namorada. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. Sami deveria tentar outra coisa. Sami should try something else. Sami should try something else. Por que o senhor continua dizendo coisas que sabe que não são verdade? Why do you keep saying things you know aren't true? Why do you keep saying things you know aren't true? É um dos melhores restaurantes em Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. It's one of the best restaurants in Boston. Tom não vai se importar. Tom won't mind. Tom won't mind. Eu gostaria de viajar sozinho. I would like to travel alone. I'd like to travel alone. Nós tínhamos um professor de música incrível. We had an amazing music teacher. We had an amazing music teacher. Parece que eu vim em um péssima hora. It looks like I came at a bad time. Looks like I came at a bad time. Você pode ter este relógio de graça. You can have this watch for nothing. You can have this watch for free. Costumo cantar no chuveiro. I often sing in the shower. I usually sing in the shower. Prefiro carne a peixe. I'd prefer meat to fish. I prefer meat to fish. Eu não diria nada ao Tom se fosse você. I wouldn't tell Tom anything if I were you. I wouldn't say anything to Tom if I were you. Não é difícil falar francês. It's not difficult to speak French. It's not hard to speak French. Fique ligado em seu próximo filme que sairá mês que vem. Watch out for his latest movie which comes out next month. Stay tuned for your next movie that's coming out next month. Não quero saber os nomes deles. I don't want to know their names. I don't want to know their names. Não quero ouvir suas teorias. I don't want to hear your theories. I don't want to hear your theories. Tom começou a chorar incontrolavelmente. Tom started crying uncontrollably. Tom started crying uncontrollably. Eu não consigo achar meu guarda-chuva. I can't find my umbrella! I can't find my umbrella. Tom mandou fazer todos os seus ternos sob encomenda. Tom had all of his suits made to order. Tom had all his suits custom-made. Tom precisa de atendimento médico urgente. Tom is in need of medical attention right away. Tom needs urgent medical attention. Estou esperando que o Tom possa fazer isso comigo. I'm hoping Tom can do that with me. I'm hoping Tom can do this to me. Eu sempre quis ir à Turquia! I've always wanted to go to Turkey. I've always wanted to go to Turkey! Tom veio à nossa casa sem ser convidado. Tom came to our house uninvited. Tom came to our house uninvited. O número de europeus que visitam a Tailândia a cada ano é muito elevado. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand each year is very high. Como as apresentações são organizadas? How are presentations organized? How are presentations organized? Durante o almoço, a garota chamada Stella desmaiou na sala de jantar do hotel, e quando o Dr. Steward a examinou, disse... During lunch in the hotel dining room, the girl named Stella collapsed, and when Dr. Stewart examined the body he said... During lunch, the girl named Stella passed out in the hotel dining room, and when Dr. Steward examined her, he said... Aqui está o seu troco. Here's your change. Here's your change. Estou quase terminando o que tenho que fazer. I'm almost finished with what I have to do. I'm almost done with what I have to do. Tendes de fazer isso? Do you have to do that? Do you have to do that? Quero ir à Inglaterra. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. Esta pergunta vale 50 pontos. This question counts for 50 points. This question is worth 50 points. Você gosta de seu trabalho? Do you like your work? Do you like your job? Gostaria que você tomasse esse medicamento. I want you to take this medicine. I'd like you to take that medicine. É a casa dos meus sonhos. It's my dream home. It's my dream house. No ano que vem, eu quererei estas aqui. Next year, I'll want these ones. Next year, I'll want these here. Vocês limparam seu quarto? Did you all clean your room? Did you clean your room? Eu deveria dizer a ela que gosto dela ou que a amo? Should I tell her that I like her or that I love her? Should I tell her that I like her or that I love her? O Tom jantou sozinho. Tom ate dinner by himself. Tom had dinner alone. Esse é um livro sobre estrelas. This is a book about stars. This is a book about stars. As macieiras floresceram cedo este ano. The apple trees blossomed early this year. The apple trees bloomed early this year. Ela pensa nele todo o tempo. She thinks about him all the time. She thinks about him all the time. Minha dor de cabeça se foi. My headache is gone. My headache's gone. Tom veio da Austrália. Tom comes from Australia. Tom came from Australia. Eu deixei os meus sapatos na escola. I left my shoes at school. I left my shoes at school. Esta é a minha favorita. This is my favorite. This is my favorite. Demorou muito pra entender o que ela estava dizendo. It took a long time to take in what she was saying. It took me a long time to understand what she was saying. Tom disse que ele ia falar com Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. As mulheres adoraram. Women loved it. The women loved it. Eu gosto de carne crua. I like the meat rare. I like raw meat. Tenho um tio que mora em Quioto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. A astronomia é a ciência dos corpos celestes. Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies. O tempo é o melhor remédio. Time is the best medicine. Time is the best medicine. Passei na prova! I passed the exam. I passed the test! O amor é incrível! Love is wonderful! Love is amazing! Eu encontrei o livro que estava procurando. I found the book that I was looking for. I found the book you were looking for. Tom terminou mesmo com Mary? Did Tom really break up with Mary? Did Tom really break up with Mary? Você diz isso o tempo todo. You say that every time. You say that all the time. Tom não acha que isso é possível. Tom doesn't think it's possible. Tom doesn't think that's possible. Estás com vontade de ir esquiar? Do you feel like going skiing? Are you in the mood to go skiing? A cidade estava deserta. The town was deserted. The city was deserted. Tom comeu todo o pão que eu comprei ontem. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Você usa óculos? Do you wear glasses? Do you wear glasses? Nunca foi feito antes. It has never been done before. It's never been done before. Tom tem uma filha adulta. Tom has a grown daughter. Tom has an adult daughter. O poço secou. The well ran dry. The well's dried up. Aguardei acordado ontem à noite até duas horas assistindo aos jogos olímpicos na TV. I sat up last night until two o'clock watching the Olympic Games on TV. I waited up last night until two hours watching the Olympic games on TV. Qual é o teu trabalho? What's your job? What's your job? Olha para o céu. Look at the sky. Look at the sky. Alguém vai até a estação me encontrar? Will anybody be at the station to meet me? Is anyone going to meet me at the station? É verdade que o Tom não sabe nadar? Is it true that Tom can't swim? Is it true Tom can't swim? Veio alguém durante a minha ausência? Did anyone visit me during my absence? Did anyone come during my absence? Já estamos casados. We're already married. We're already married. Eu voltarei às 2h30. I'll be back at 2:30. I'll be back at 2:30. Abaixem as armas! Drop your guns! Put your guns down! Boa viagem! Enjoy your trip. Have a good trip! Os quartos estão no andar de cima. The bedrooms are upstairs. The rooms are upstairs. Não era o que eu queria. It wasn't what I wanted. That's not what I wanted. Eu disse não! I said no! I said no! Falem para eles virem para casa. Tell them to come home. Tell them to come home. Não gosto de me sentar lá fora. I don't like to sit outside. I don't like sitting outside. Você acha que todas as ditaduras são ruins? Do you think that all dictatorships are bad? Do you think all dictatorships are bad? Esperamos que Tom saia em algumas horas. We expect Tom to leave in a couple of hours. We're hoping Tom will be out in a few hours. Tom vai à escola a pé. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom penteou o cabelo para trás. Tom combed back his hair. Tom combed his hair back. Tom comprou três pares de sapatos. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Tom bought three pairs of shoes. Não há evidências de que Tom tenha disparado a arma. There's no evidence Tom was the one who fired the gun. There's no evidence that Tom fired the gun. Eu me pergunto se o Tom é casado ou não. I wonder whether Tom is married or not. I wonder if Tom is married or not. Kim é dois anos mais velho que ele. Kim is two years older than him. Kim's two years older than him. A Bélgica não é tão grande quanto a França. Belgium is not as big as France. Belgium is not as big as France. Para mim, chega. I have had it. I'm done. Você disse que estava ocupada. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. Eu vi uma mulher que eu achei que era a mãe de Mary. I saw a woman who I thought was Mary's mother. I saw a woman I thought was Mary's mother. Ele era ingênuo. He was naive. He was naive. Eles eram imigrantes. They were immigrants. They were immigrants. Tom usa óculos com lentes progressivas. Tom wears progressive lenses. Tom wears glasses with progressive lenses. Eu não permitirei que você use a minha caneta. I will not allow you to use my pen. I won't let you use my pen. Esse é o problema? Is that the problem? That's the problem? Tom disse que cresceu em Boston. Tom said he grew up in Boston. Tom said he grew up in Boston. O céu inteiro se clareou e houve uma explosão. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. The whole sky cleared and there was an explosion. Nós estamos entrando numa nova fase na guerra. We are entering a new phase in the war. We're entering a new phase in the war. Precisei levar sete pontos. I had to get seven stitches. I had to get seven stitches. Ouvi dizer que você é muito talentoso. I hear that you're very talented. I hear you're very talented. Quantas vezes você esteve apaixonado em sua vida? How many times have you been in love in your life? How many times have you been in love in your life? Ele sabe como fabricar um rádio. He knows how to make a radio. He knows how to make a radio. Tom dormiu por mais de três horas esta tarde. Tom slept for more than three hours this afternoon. Tom slept for over three hours this afternoon. Ele já chegou? Has he arrived already? Is he here yet? Você ainda pensa nela? Do you ever think about her? Do you still think about her? Eu me orgulho do que faço. I take pride in what I do. I'm proud of what I do. Está a chover a potes. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining in pots. Esse é o meu CD, não é? That's my CD, isn't it? That's my CD, isn't it? Você não tem de ir à festa a menos que queira. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. Tom me deu um panfleto. Tom gave me a pamphlet. Tom gave me a pamphlet. Esse livro parecia interessante. This book seemed interesting. That book looked interesting. Elas estão jogando xadrez. They're playing chess. They're playing chess. Tom ficou em Boston por três dias. Tom stayed in Boston for three days. Tom stayed in Boston for three days. Estou bastante confiante. I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty confident. Aprendi isso da pior maneira. I've learned that the hard way. I learned that the hard way. Eu acho isso meio estranho. I think that that's kind of strange. I think it's kind of weird. Gosto de vir para Boston. I enjoy coming to Boston. I like coming to Boston. Acho que ele é o irmão mais velho de Mary. I think he's Mary's older brother. I think he's Mary's older brother. Eu não posso imaginar a vida sem você. I can't imagine life without you. I can't imagine life without you. Eu queria comprar um mapa de Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. I wanted to buy a map of Boston. O Tom começou a bater na porta. Tom started banging on the door. Tom started knocking on the door. Esta era uma boa escola para o meu neto. This was a good school for my grandson. This was a good school for my grandson. Como estão o Tom e a Mary? How are Tom and Mary? How are Tom and Mary? Você ainda fala com ele? Do you still talk to him? Do you still talk to him? Eu te vi ontem. I saw you yesterday. I saw you yesterday. Quem te contou onde moro? Who told you where I live? Who told you where I live? Quem sentará na parte de trás? Who'll sit in the back? Who's gonna sit in the back? Eu pensava que vocês precisavam do dinheiro. I thought you needed money. I thought you needed the money. Esta casa está infestada de cupins. This house is infested with termites. This house is infested with termites. Tom disse ao juiz que ele queria um outro advogado. Tom told the judge he wanted a different lawyer. Tom told the judge he wanted another lawyer. Ninguém sabe. Nobody knows. No one knows. Você poderia por favor me dizer sua altura e peso? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Você precisa de ajuda para fazer isto? Do you need help doing this? Do you need help doing this? O riacho estava congelado. The creek was frozen. The creek was frozen. Eu caí em cima dela e quebrei a perna. I fell over it and broke my leg. I fell on her and broke my leg. Quando você irá voltar? When will you return? When are you coming back? Houve alguma mudança? Have there been any changes? Has there been any change? Eu espero que você aproveite esta temporada de férias. I hope that you enjoy this holiday season. I hope you enjoy this holiday season. Eu tenho que admitir que você tem razão. I have to admit that you're right. I have to admit you're right. Tom disse que ouviu os tiros. Tom said he heard the gunshots. Tom said he heard the shots. Estavam dançando muito! They were dancing a lot! They were dancing a lot! Eu emprestei o meu guarda-chuva a Tom. I lent my umbrella to Tom. I lent Tom my umbrella. Deixe-me te pagar uma bebida. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. Tom me disse que estava entediado. Tom told me he was bored. Tom told me he was bored. Tenha fé. Have faith. Have faith. Eu aprendi a cozinhar sob a tutela da minha irmã. I learned cooking under my sister's tuition. I learned to cook under my sister's tutelage. Tom é forte como um touro. Tom is as strong as an ox. Tom's as strong as a bull. Eu perdi a chave do meu carro. I've lost my car key. I lost my car key. O Tom sabia que a Mary estava cansada. Tom knew Mary was tired. Tom knew Mary was tired. Eu sei que Tom não está pronto para fazer isso ainda. I know Tom isn't ready to do that yet. I know Tom's not ready to do this yet. Você sabe onde coloquei meu chapéu? Do you know where I put my hat? Do you know where I put my hat? Tom sofreu um ferimento letal. Tom was mortally injured. Tom suffered a lethal injury. O seu sotaque é muito interessante. Your accent is very interesting. Your accent is very interesting. O Tom fez de novo. Tom has done it again. Tom did it again. O Tom disse-nos que esperaria por nós em frente do correio. Tom told us he'd be waiting in front of the post office. Tom told us he'd wait for us in front of the mail. Chamem a polícia! Call the police! Call the police! O Tom estava muito rabugento hoje. Tom was very grouchy today. Tom was very grumpy today. Eu temo que uma promoção esteja fora de questão agora. I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now. I'm afraid a promotion is out of the question now. Ela jogou basquete. She played basketball. She played basketball. Tenho de ir trabalhar. I have to go to work. I have to go to work. Tom vai aparecer. Tom will show up. Tom's gonna show up. Eu tomei café da manhã às oito. I ate breakfast at eight. I had breakfast at eight. Siga-o. Follow him. Follow him. Você quer mesmo um emprego no mesmo escritório que o Tom? Do you really want a job in the same office as Tom? Do you really want a job in the same office as Tom? Que tal uma taça de chá, caso não esteja muito ocupado? What would you say to a cup of tea? That is, if you're not too busy. How about a cup of tea, in case you're not too busy? O Tom tentou dizer à Mary o que ela tinha que fazer. Tom tried to tell Mary what she needed to do. Tom tried to tell Mary what she had to do. Tom foi dormir tarde. Tom slept late. Tom went to bed late. Eu não posso comprar uma câmera acima de 300 dólares. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't buy a camera over $300. Tom poderia estar lá. Tom could be there. Tom could have been there. O mundo está cheio de idiotas. The world is full of fools. The world is full of idiots. Tom pode voltar. Tom can come again. Tom can come back. Eu não me importo como o Tom faz isso. I don't care how Tom does that. I don't care how Tom does it. Eles são sempre cuidadosos. They're always careful. They're always careful. Eu sou do futuro. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Deixe Tom vencer. Let Tom win. Let Tom win. Comprei um automóvel usado. I bought a used car. I bought a used car. Se você olhar a letra da música, ela não significa muita coisa. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you look at the lyrics of the song, it doesn't mean much. Tom está ciente do perigo. Tom is aware of the danger. Tom is aware of the danger. Nós éramos amigos íntimos. We used to be close friends. We were close friends. Alá é grande! Allah is great! Allah is great! Onde estamos? Where are we? Where are we? Devido a um forte resfriado, ele não pôde participar da partida. Owing to a bad cold, he could not take part in the game. Due to a strong cold, he could not participate in the match. Foi você quem fez isso? Did you do that? Did you do this? É um detalhe. It's a detail. It's a detail. Eu acho que Tom é romântico. I think Tom is romantic. I think Tom is romantic. Todos estão felizes. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Vocês deviam ter me pedido. You should've asked me. You should have asked me. A comédia está muito mais próxima da vida real do que o drama. Comedy is much closer to real life than drama. Comedy is much closer to real life than drama. Eu sabia que você faria o que pedimos. I knew that you'd do what we asked. I knew you'd do what we asked. Eu farei o que eu tiver que fazer. I'll do what I have to. I'll do whatever I have to do. Eu sou da Estônia. I'm from Estonia. I'm from Estonia. Isto é contra a lei. This is against the law. This is against the law. A estação é muito longe para ir a pé; vamos de ônibus. It's too far to walk to the station, so let's take a bus. The station is too far to walk; we go by bus. Eu conseguia ouvir vários membros da platéia roncando. I could hear several audience members snoring. I could hear several members of the audience snoring. Você gosta do verão? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Tenho um filho de treze anos. I have a thirteen-year-old son. I have a thirteen-year-old son. Seus atos me perturbam. Her actions disturb me. Your actions disturb me. Eu quero te levar para almoçar. I want to take you to lunch. I want to take you to lunch. Sua cadeira é parecida com a minha. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair looks just like mine. Nós conseguimos fazer isto. We can do this. We can do this. Você sofre de insônia? Do you suffer from sleeplessness? Do you suffer from insomnia? O ar está impregnado de vapor de água. The air is damp. The air is impregnated with water vapor. Eu tenho que dar um discurso? Do I have to make a speech? Do I have to give a speech? Elas estavam fracas. They were weak. They were weak. Maria tem mente poluída. Mary has a dirty mind. Mary has a polluted mind. Ele veio de ônibus. He came by bus. He came by bus. Que tipo de curso de ensino médio você concluiu ou concluirá? What type of middle school have you or will you complete? What kind of high school course have you completed or completed? Eu não sei se funcionará. I don't know if it's going to work. I don't know if it'll work. Ele sabia que estava errada. He knew it was wrong. He knew he was wrong. Esperamos que o Tom faça isso. We expect Tom to do that. We hope Tom will do that. Peguei um táxi da estação de trem até o hotel. I took a taxi from the train station to the hotel. I took a taxi from the train station to the hotel. Espero que você caia de um precipício. I hope that you fall off a cliff. I hope you fall off a cliff. Eu não deixo o Tom brincar lá fora. I don't let Tom play outside. I don't let Tom play outside. É bem novo. It's brand new. It's pretty new. Eu disse ao Tom para se virar sozinho. I told Tom to handle it himself. I told Tom to take care of himself. Você é a única pessoa em quem eu posso confiar. You're the only person that I can trust. You're the only person I can trust. Eu comprei alguns presentes de Natal hoje. I bought some Christmas presents today. I bought some Christmas presents today. O Tom não gosta de ficar lá fora. Tom doesn't like to be outside. Tom doesn't like being out there. Por que vocês acham isso? Why do you think that? Why do you think that? Havia muita coisa em jogo. The stakes were high. There was a lot at stake. Imagino que esteja bem! You're well, I imagine! I imagine you're all right! Elas são iguais? Are they the same? Are they the same? Fica por cá após o concerto. Estaremos a dar autógrafos. Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs. Stay here after the concert, we'll be signing autographs. O Tom está a mentir para me proteger. Tom is lying to protect me. Tom's lying to protect me. Tom não está colando. Tom isn't cheating. Tom's not cheating. Ela está aguando as flores. She is watering the flowers. She's watering the flowers. Temos cinco tipos de kebab. We have five kinds of kebab. We have five kinds of kebab. Eles fizeram um pequeno avião de papel. They have made a little paper plane. They made a small paper plane. Ela estava pronta em ajudá-lo a limpar a casa. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. She was ready to help you clean the house. Gosto de seu vestido. I like your dress. I like your dress. Você pediu para me ver por quê? Why did you ask to see me? You asked to see me why? Tom tem uma família grande. Tom has got a large family. Tom has a big family. É improvável que o Tom queira ir. Tom is unlikely to want to go. It's unlikely Tom would want to go. Eu realmente me diverti. I really enjoyed myself. I really had a good time. Maria não escreve desde que partiu. Mary has not written since she left. Maria hasn't written since she left. Vou ao parque. I will go to the park. I'm going to the park. Meu pai é velho demais para trabalhar. My father is too old to work. My dad's too old to work. Eu suspeito que o Tom está com saudades de casa. I suspect that Tom is homesick. I suspect Tom is homesick. Você nem sequer conhece Tom. You don't even know Tom. You don't even know Tom. Isso foi uma revelação para mim. It was a revelation to me. That was a revelation to me. Tom não sabe muito sobre a Indonésia. Tom doesn't know much about Indonesia. Tom doesn't know much about Indonesia. O relatório está incorreto. The report is incorrect. The report is incorrect. Liu Xiaobo é chinês. Liu Xiaobo is Chinese. Liu Xiaobo is Chinese. Tem certeza de que não quer que a gente vá com você? Are you sure you don't want us to go with you? Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Ele levou a bagagem dela para o comboio. He carried her luggage to the train. He took her luggage to the train. A Muralha da China tem mais de 5500 milhas de comprimento. The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long. The Wall of China is over 5500 miles long. Eu disse a eles para estudarem mais. I told them to study more. I told them to study more. Temos recursos limitados. We have limited resources. We have limited resources. Sim, duas. Yes, two. Yeah, two. Ele costumava levantar cedo. He used to get up early. He used to get up early. Não quero fazer isso. I don't want to do that. I don't want to do this. John tem duzentos empregados. John employs 200 workers. John has two hundred employees. Quero saber se o que estou fazendo está certo. I want to know if what I'm doing is right. I want to know if what I'm doing is right. Os óculos protegem os olhos da poeira. The goggles protect your eyes from dust. The glasses protect the eyes from dust. Não vou atirar em você. I'm not going to shoot you. I'm not gonna shoot you. Estamos esperando o Tom. We are waiting for Tom. We're waiting for Tom. A princípio, não acreditei nele. I didn't believe him at first. At first, I didn't believe him. Preciso me trocar para trabalhar. I have to get changed for work. I need to change to work. O Tom não sabia que a Mary concordara em fazer isso. Tom didn't know Mary had agreed to do that. Tom didn't know Mary agreed to do that. O número de Sami está no celular da Layla. Sami's number is in Layla's phone. Sami's number is on Layla's phone. Até o rever! Goodbye! Until I see him! O Tom está comendo um bolo. Tom is eating a cake. Tom's eating a cake. Você é feio. You are ugly. You're ugly. Eu preciso falar com você agora! I need to talk to you now! I need to talk to you now! O que vocês acharam do discurso? What did you think of the speech? What did you think of the speech? Meu pai está em casa. My father is in. My dad's home. Eles adoram tocar fora. They love to play outside. They love to play away. Aonde estão levando ele? Where are they taking him? Where are they taking him? Suas ideias são um pouco antiquadas. Your ideas are a little antiquated. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Pode-se ler nas entrelinhas. You have to read it between the lines. You can read between the lines. Estudo chinês há muito tempo, mas não sou fluente. I've been studying Chinese for a long time, but I'm not fluent. I've been studying Chinese for a long time, but I'm not fluent. O Tom disse que achava que poderia fazer isso na segunda. Tom said that he thought he'd be able to do that on Monday. Tom said he thought he could do that on Monday. A causa do incêndio é desconhecida. The cause of the fire is not known. The cause of the fire is unknown. Tom pediu que ficássemos quietos. Tom asked that we be quiet. Tom asked us to stay put. Consertei a bicicleta ontem. I fixed the bike yesterday. I fixed the bike yesterday. Isso não foi um acidente. This was no accident. This wasn't an accident. Tom é muito prático. Tom is very practical. Tom is very practical. Eu estou com pouco dinheiro no momento. I have a little money at the moment. I'm short on money right now. Tom está tentando emagrecer. Tom is trying to lose weight. Tom's trying to lose weight. Eu não gosto de conhecer gente nova. I don't like meeting new people. I don't like meeting new people. Ele passou manteiga no pão. He spread butter on the bread. He buttered the bread. Como foi o voo? How was the flight? How was the flight? Eu falei alguma coisa que não deveria? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Eu sugiro que você vá de trem. I suggest you go by train. I suggest you take the train. Queimei o céu da boca. I burned the roof of my mouth. I burned the roof of my mouth. Lide com os copos com muito cuidado. Handle the glasses carefully. Deal with the glasses very carefully. Tom largou o livro que estava lendo. Tom put down the book he was reading. Tom dropped the book he was reading. Os meninos não têm medo dele. The boys are not afraid of him. The boys aren't afraid of him. Prometo ser um marido excelente, mas deem-me uma mulher que, qual a lua, não me apareça todos os dias no céu. I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a wife who, like the moon, will not appear every day in my sky. I promise to be an excellent husband, but give me a woman who, like the moon, doesn't appear to me every day in heaven. Ouvi isso. I've heard that. I heard that. Vamos ao zoológico para vê-los alimentar as focas. Let's go to the zoo to watch them feed the seals. Let's go to the zoo and watch them feed the seals. Tom e seus amigos jogam pôquer quase toda sexta à noite. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Este é o livro dela. This is her book. This is her book. Ficarei contente se você propuser um fraseado melhor. I'll be happy if you propose a better wording. I'll be happy if you propose a better sentence. Muito obrigado pela sua carta. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you so much for your letter. Gostaria de um chá quente, por favor. I'd like some hot tea, please. I'd like some hot tea, please. Eu tenho aberto muitas contas no Facebook e no Twitter desde 2008. Agora tenho seis contas no Facebook e quinze no Twitter. I've opened many Facebook and Twitter accounts since 2008. I now have six Facebook accounts and fifteen Twitter accounts. I have been opening many Facebook and Twitter accounts since 2008. Now I have six Facebook accounts and fifteen on Twitter. Um copo de água gelada é muito refrescante quando está calor. When I'm hot, a glass of cool water really refreshes me. A glass of cold water is very refreshing when it's hot. Como é que você sabe tanto sobre a história do Japão? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about the history of Japan? Tem uma coisa que eu preciso te dar. There's something I need to give to you. There's something I need to give you. Você está conosco? Are you with us? Are you with us? Eu sempre gostei de Tom. I always liked Tom. I've always liked Tom. Pegue o seu casaco. Get your coat. Get your coat. Eu não acho que ele possa te ajudar. I don't think he can help you. I don't think he can help you. Ela estava comendo um sanduíche. She was eating a sandwich. She was eating a sandwich. Ele tem algo para você. He has something for you. He's got something for you. Ninguém trilha voluntariamente a estrada do mal. No one goes willingly toward the bad. No one voluntarily treads the road of evil. O meu pai consegue falar bem inglês. My father can speak English well. My dad can speak good English. A Mary está usando um lindo vestido vermelho. Mary is wearing a beautiful red dress. Mary's wearing a beautiful red dress. O Tom morreu? Did Tom die? Tom's dead? Você recebeu a encomenda que lhe enviei? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? A maioria das serpentes desta ilha é inofensiva. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Algumas pessoas gostam. Some people like it. Some people do. Eu quero comprar um livro para ler no avião. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. I want to buy a book to read on the plane. Por que você se importa? Why do you care? Why do you care? Tenho de perder alguns quilos. I have to lose some weight. I have to lose a few pounds. Eu me dou bem com o meu irmão caçula. I get along with my younger brother. I get along with my little brother. Alguém já pensou seriamente nisso? Has anybody ever given serious thought to this? Has anyone ever thought about it seriously? A Austrália é menor que a América do Sul. Australia is smaller than South America. Australia is smaller than South America. Tom pediu a conta. Tom asked for the check. Tom asked for the bill. Eu vi que eu estava errado. I see I was wrong. I saw I was wrong. Eu acho que você tinha razão. I guess you were right. I think you were right. Não tenho de fazer aquilo se eu não quiser, não é? I don't have to do that if I don't want to, do I? I don't have to do that if I don't want to, do I? Pare de me interromper! Stop interrupting me! Stop interrupting me! Não digo nada mais que a verdade. I speak nothing but the truth. I say nothing but the truth. Tom deveria ter chamado Maria. Tom should've called Mary. Tom should have called Maria. Terei minha vingança. I'll have my revenge. I'll have my revenge. Há algo que vocês dois queiram me contar? Is there something the two of you want to tell me? Is there something you two want to tell me? Eu vou-me mudar com ele. I'm moving in with him. I'm moving in with him. Todos nós sentimos pelo Tom. We all felt sorry for Tom. We're all sorry about Tom. Tem certeza que isso vai funcionar? Are you sure this is going to work? Are you sure this is gonna work? Tom geralmente usa óculos escuros, mesmo quando não está tão claro. Tom usually wears sunglasses even when it's not so bright. Tom usually wears sunglasses, even when it's not that clear. Eu sei ler em inglês. I am able to read English. I can read in English. O que você vai fazer hoje à noite? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Você sabe onde? Do you know where? Do you know where? Hoje comecei um novo curso de Esperanto. Today I started a new Esperanto course. Today I started a new Esperanto course. Tom caiu de uma ponte com seu carro. Tom drove his car off a bridge. Tom fell off a bridge with his car. Havia cinquenta passageiros no avião. There were fifty passengers on the plane. There were fifty passengers on the plane. Eu queria ser jornalista. I wanted to be a journalist. I wanted to be a journalist. Não quero ficar sozinho. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone. Tom não compreende Maria. Tom doesn't understand Mary. Tom doesn't understand Maria. É ótimo ter uma família. It's great to have a family. It's great to have a family. Este chapéu me custou dez dólares. This hat cost ten dollars. This hat cost me $10. Tom é oncologista. Tom is an oncologist. Tom's an oncologist. Isto é fácil! This is easy! This is easy! Ainda estou trabalhando com meu pai. I'm still working with my dad. I'm still working with my dad. Você acha que eu não estou tentando fazer o melhor que eu posso? Do you think that I'm not trying my hardest? You think I'm not trying to do the best I can? Os filhos de Tom estão lá embaixo. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's kids are downstairs. Eu posso ser honesto? May I be honest? Can I be honest? Não deixe a televisão ligada. Don't keep the TV on! Don't leave the TV on. A enfermidade de Fadil não lhe moderou a atividade. Fadil's infirmity didn't slow him down. Fadil's illness did not moderate his activity. Talvez eu vá para Boston depois de amanhã. I might go to Boston the day after tomorrow. Maybe I'll go to Boston the day after tomorrow. Que diabos está fazendo aqui? What on earth are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? Ela olhou para ele furiosamente. She looked at him angrily. She looked at him furiously. Durante o tempo quente, a transpiração ajuda o homem a regular a temperatura do corpo. During warm weather, sweating helps man regulate his body temperature. During the warm weather, perspiration helps man to regulate body temperature. Tecnicamente o Tom ainda é o dono desse lugar. Tom still technically owns this place. Technically, Tom still owns this place. Eu tive uma reclamação. I've had a complaint. I had a complaint. Ele tem muitos livros de história. He has a lot of books on history. He's got a lot of history books. Quais os progressos na prevenção e no tratamento do antraz? What advances have there been in preventing and treating anthrax infection? What progress has been made in preventing and treating anthrax? A montanha estava coberta de neve. The mountain was covered with snow. The mountain was covered in snow. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by the flames. Eu disse a Tom que eu não queria dirigir. I told Tom I didn't want to drive. I told Tom I didn't want to drive. Nós não queremos que você faça isso. We don't want you to do that. We don't want you to do this. Eu tive de fazer tudo sozinha. I've had to do everything by myself. I had to do it all myself. Sua responsabilidade era cuidar das crianças. Her duty was to look after the children. Your responsibility was to take care of the children. Saiam! Get out! Get out! Tom está sob custódia. Tom is in custody. Tom's in custody. Acredito que ele é feliz. I believe that he's happy. I believe he's happy. Pássaros têm asas. Birds have wings. Birds have wings. Estou devendo trezentos dólares ao Tom. I owe Tom $300. I owe Tom three hundred dollars. O Tom continuou flertando a Mary. Tom kept on flirting with Mary. Tom kept flirting with Mary. A nova namorada de Tom é muito mais nova do que ele. Tom's new girlfriend is much younger than he is. Tom's new girlfriend is much younger than him. Tom abriu a gaveta. Tom opened the drawer. Tom opened the drawer. Esse treco não funciona. That thingamajig does not work. This thing doesn't work. Eu queria poder me importar mais com minhas notas, mas parece que, em um certo ponto da minha vida, eu decidi que isso não seria mais tão importante. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I wish I could care more about my grades, but it seems that, at a certain point in my life, I decided that it wouldn't be that important anymore. Vamos falar sobre o seu trabalho. Let's talk about your work. Let's talk about your work. Nós temos de encontrar um jeito de terminar esse trabalho até segunda. We have to figure out a way to get this job finished by Monday. We have to find a way to finish this job by Monday. Ela odeia música country. She hates country music. She hates country music. Ela não é minha amiga. Eu a odeio. She's not my friend. I hate her. She's not my friend. A bicicleta dela é azul. Her bike is blue. Her bike is blue. É o mesmo. It's the same one. It's the same. O verdadeiro amor é eterno, infinito e sempre fiel a si mesmo. É constante e puro, sem demonstrações violentas: será visto com cabelos brancos e será sempre jovem no coração. True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart. True love is eternal, infinite and always faithful to itself. It is constant and pure, without violent displays: it will be seen with white hair and will always be young in the heart. Eu não posso te dizer o que é. I can't tell you what it is. I can't tell you what it is. A vida é um circo. Life is a circus. Life is a circus. O ponto não é este. That's not the point. That's not the point. Eu não sabia que você não cantava. I didn't know you couldn't sing. I didn't know you didn't sing. Na verdade, você está certo. Actually, you're right. Actually, you're right. Este é bom. This one's OK. This one's good. É uma tradição. It's a tradition. It's a tradition. Não vale a pena sequer pensar. It's not even worth a thought. It's not worth even thinking about. Está escrito aqui. It's written here. It's written here. Você pode ver as estrelas com um telescópio. You can see the stars using a telescope. You can see the stars with a telescope. Um de meus melhores amigos é canadense. One of my best friends is a Canadian. One of my best friends is Canadian. Eu não estou mais casado. I'm not married anymore. I'm not married anymore. Seu francês melhorou. Your French has improved. Your French has improved. Ela é uma excelente neurocirurgiã. She's an excellent brain surgeon. She's an excellent neurosurgeon. Fui despejado. I've been evicted. I got evicted. O tribunal irá repartir os direitos de propriedade entre os requerentes. The court shall apportion property rights among the claimants. The court will divide the property rights among the applicants. Tom quebrou algo de novo? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break something new? Eles escovam os dentes duas vezes por dia. They brush their teeth twice a day. They brush their teeth twice a day. O que significam estas luzes? What do those lights signify? What do these lights mean? Todo mundo está cantando. Everyone is singing. Everybody's singing. Por que você mentiu para a polícia? Why did you lie to the police? Why did you lie to the police? Falei com ele sobre isso no telefone. I talked with him about it over the telephone. I talked to him about it on the phone. Eu não conheço a prefeita, mas gostaria de conhecê-la. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet her. Não deveis esquecer isso jamais. You must never forget that. You must never forget that. Dormi como uma pedra. I slept like a log. I slept like a rock. A festa está apenas começando. The party's just getting started. The party's just getting started. Tom disse para todos que ele estava sozinho. Tom told everybody he was lonely. Tom told everyone he was alone. Você não acha que está colocando a carroça na frente dos bois? Don't you think you're putting the cart before the horse? Don't you think you're putting the wagon in front of the oxen? Tom afiou a faca dele. Tom sharpened his knife. Tom sharpened his knife. Eu gostaria de saber o que há nessa sala. I wonder what's in that room. I'd like to know what's in this room. Tom queria brigar. Tom wanted to fight. Tom wanted to fight. Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que falava Francês. I dated a girl in high school who spoke French. I dated a high school girl who spoke French. Coloque o cinzeiro onde eu possa ver. Put the ashtray within eyes reach. Put the ashtray where I can see it. O cachorro deve estar com fome. The dog must be hungry. The dog must be hungry. Que vergonha, Tom. Shame on you, Tom. Shame on you, Tom. Contarei-te um segredo. I'll tell you a secret. I'll tell you a secret. Algo ficou preso no encanamento. Something is stuck in the pipe. Something got stuck in the plumbing. Cadê o meu chá? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Eles não parecem estar muito gratos. They don't seem to be very pleased. They don't seem to be very grateful. Eles estão prontos para falar? Are they ready to talk? Are they ready to talk? Ouvi falar que ele é muito rico. I heard that he was very rich. I hear he's very rich. Por favor, não grite comigo. Please don't scream at me. Please don't yell at me. Preciso de mais ajuda. I need more help. I need more help. Não quero ofender-te. I don't want to offend you. I don't mean to offend you. Mulheres de bom coração são sempre belas, mas nem sempre uma bela mulher tem bom coração. Good-hearted women are always beautiful, but beautiful women are not always good-hearted. Good-hearted women are always beautiful, but not always a beautiful woman has a good heart. Tom gostaria de ter dinheiro suficiente para se aposentar. Tom wished that he had enough money to retire. Tom would like to have enough money to retire. Ela queria se tornar professora. She wanted to become a teacher. She wanted to become a teacher. Foi a primeira vez que ouvi Tom cantar. That was the first time I'd ever heard Tom sing. It was the first time I heard Tom sing. Fadil estava se esforçando para compartilhar as paixões de Layla. Fadil was making an effort to share Layla's passions. Fadil was struggling to share Layla's passions. Pensei que estivesse sozinho. I thought I was alone. I thought you were alone. Somos da França. We are from France. We're from France. Eu venho tendo esperanças de ter notícias suas. I've been hoping to hear from you. I've been hoping to hear from you. Eu te segui. I followed you. I followed you. Por favor, tenha cuidado para não quebrar este vaso. Please be careful that you don't break this vase. Please be careful not to break this vase. Tom se recusou a prestar queixa. Tom refused to press charges. Tom refused to press charges. Não falem comigo! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! Não posso andar porque estou com a perna quebrada. I can't walk because of my broken leg. I can't walk because my leg is broken. Eu não sabia que ele tinha decidido largar o emprego. I didn't know he had decided to leave his job. I didn't know he'd decided to quit his job. Tom está procurando a chave de seu carro. Tom is looking for his car keys. Tom's looking for his car key. Tom foi demitido porque muito frequentemente ele se atrasava para o trabalho. Tom was fired because he often showed up late for work. Tom was fired because very often he was late for work. Tom sabe falar três idiomas. Tom speaks three languages. Tom can speak three languages. O que vocês estão planejando? What are you guys planning? What are you planning? Estou segura aqui? Am I safe here? Am I safe here? Escute essa linda valsa. Listen to that beautiful waltz. Listen to this beautiful waltz. Eu não sei quando é que meu pai vai voltar. I don't know when my father will come back. I don't know when my dad's coming back. Se ele estiver ausente, não teremos o teste de inglês. If he is absent, we will not have an English test. If he's absent, we won't have the English test. Não havia uma fila comprida no ponto de ônibus. There was not a long queue at the bus stop. There wasn't a long line at the bus stop. Para um homem isto é apenas um pequeno passo, mas para a humanidade é um salto gigantesco. This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. For a man this is just a small step, but for humanity it is a gigantic leap. Tom foi suspenso. Tom got suspended. Tom's been suspended. Hoje é dia de lavanderia. Today's laundry day. Today's laundry day. Tom é um leitor ávido. Tom is an avid reader. Tom's an avid reader. No outono, as folhas caem das árvores. In the autumn, leaves fall from trees. In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees. Estou tomando leite. I am drinking milk. I'm drinking milk. Essa música me lembra alguém. This song reminds me of someone. This song reminds me of someone. Está na hora de mostrar as cartas. It's time to show your cards. It's time to show the cards. Estou procurando um senhor. I'm looking for an old man. I'm looking for a gentleman. O sumô é um tradicional esporte japonês. Sumo is a traditional Japanese sport. Sumo is a traditional Japanese sport. O vigarista cruel não passará mais tempo atrás das grades. The cruel conman will not serve any longer behind bars. The cruel con man will no longer spend time behind bars. Essa história fez-me lembrar um velho amigo meu. That story brought to mind an old friend of mine. That story reminded me of an old friend of mine. Tom adora viajar. Tom loves traveling. Tom loves to travel. Às vezes ele corre, às vezes ele caminha. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Sometimes he runs, sometimes he walks. Eu não sei onde Tom mora. I don't know where Tom lives. I don't know where Tom lives. Não vás para cabeleireira. É extenuante. Don't aim to be a hairdresser. It's too exhausting. Don't go to the hairdresser, it's exhausting. Tom não confia no governo. Tom doesn't trust the government. Tom doesn't trust the government. Tom foi levado para o hospital. Tom has been taken to the hospital. Tom was taken to the hospital. Tom não veio para a escola na semana passada. Tom didn't come to school last week. Tom didn't come to school last week. Não fique em casa o dia inteiro. Don't stay home all day. Don't stay home all day. Eles abandonaram a sua terra natal. They abandoned their homeland. They abandoned their homeland. O que você está a pensar? What're you thinking? What are you thinking? Talvez eu não deva ir para Boston esse fim de semana. Perhaps I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Maybe I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Eu vou quando eles voltarem. I will go when they come back here. I'll go when they get back. Se você comer muito, vai ficar gordo. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. If you eat too much, you'll get fat. Você possui muitas canetas? Do you have a lot of pens? Do you own a lot of pens? Escreva-lhe imediatamente! Write to him right away. Write to him right away! Havia quantos guardas lá? How many guards were there? How many guards were there? Que medicamento é esse? What's this medicine? What kind of medicine is that? Você é prisioneiro. You're a prisoner. You're a prisoner. Eu tenho más notícias. I have bad news. I have bad news. Sua esposa tem muita sorte. Your wife is very lucky. Your wife is very lucky. Eu sempre ganho. I always win. I always win. Tom é um heroinómano. Tom is a heroin addict. Tom's a hero. Irei se vocês quiserem. I'll go if you will. I'll go if you want me to. Sami gostava da caligrafia árabe. Sami liked Arabic calligraphy. Sami liked the Arabic handwriting. Depois do que disseste, hei de ser cuidadoso. After what you have said, I shall be careful. After what you said, I'll be careful. Tom morreu quase imediatamente. Tom died almost immediately. Tom died almost immediately. A prisão o mudou? Has prison changed him? Did the prison change him? O olhar dela expressava a sua alegria. Her look expressed her joy. Her gaze expressed her joy. Algumas pessoas poderiam pensar assim. Some people might think so. Some people might think so. Fui incapaz de ficar mais. I was unable to stand any longer. I was unable to stay longer. Ninguém jamais me telefona. Nobody ever calls me. No one ever calls me. Você acha que eles estão acordados? Do you think they're awake? Do you think they're awake? Ei, ouviu isso? Hey, did you hear that? Hey, did you hear that? Tom acha que a resposta é sim. Tom thinks the answer is yes. Tom thinks the answer is yes. Isso levaria à produção de mais dióxido de carbono, o principal gás responsável pelo aquecimento global. That would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. This would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. Por que os meninos são tão burros? Why are boys so dumb? Why are the boys so stupid? O oposto também é verdade. The opposite is also true. The opposite is also true. Saí correndo de casa. I rushed out of my house. I ran out of the house. Isso foi maravilhoso. That was awesome. That was wonderful. Você quer ir para a Alemanha? Do you want to go to Germany? You want to go to Germany? Ele fez a gentileza de mostrar-me o caminho. He had the kindness to show me the way. He was kind enough to show me the way. Não sou um criminoso. I'm not a criminal. I'm not a criminal. Conte ao Tom pessoalmente. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom in person. Tom adora essa música. Tom loves that song. Tom loves this song. Tom ainda não sabe andar de bicicleta muito bem, então a bicicleta dele tem rodinhas. Tom can't ride a bicycle very well yet, so his bicycle has training wheels. Tom still doesn't know how to ride his bike very well, so his bike has wheels. Me pergunto se o Tom iria nos ajudar. I wonder if Tom would help us. I wonder if Tom would help us. Garotos têm sentimentos também. Guys have feelings, too. Boys have feelings, too. Quantas esposas você teve? How many wives have you had? How many wives have you had? O que o Tom fez foi irresponsável. What Tom did was irresponsible. What Tom did was irresponsible. Vocês tentaram. You've tried. You tried. O Tom me traiu. Tom cheated me. Tom betrayed me. Me pergunto se o Tom não é feliz aqui. I wonder if Tom isn't happy here. I wonder if Tom isn't happy here. Ela estava segurando um guarda-chuva. She was holding an umbrella. She was holding an umbrella. Todos os substantivos em alemão são escritos com a primeira letra em maiúscula. All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized. All nouns in German are written with the first capital letter. Depois de comer, vou para a cama. After eating, I go to bed. After I eat, I go to bed. Tom não gosta da minha família. Tom doesn't like my family. Tom doesn't like my family. Sendo vítima de crescente concorrência, a empresa faliu. Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt. As a victim of increasing competition, the company went bankrupt. Tom e eu éramos amigos. Tom and I were friends. Tom and I were friends. Fadil atirou em Layla e tentou fazê-lo parecer um suicídio. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadil shot Layla and tried to make him look like a suicide. Eu nunca vi ninguém praguejar como o Tom. I've never heard anyone swear like Tom. I've never seen anyone swear like Tom. Eu também estou preocupada com Tom. I'm worried about Tom, too. I'm worried about Tom, too. Tom esticou o pescoço. Tom craned his neck. Tom stretched his neck. É indispensável que as senhoras usem proteção para os olhos. Make sure you wear eye protection. It is indispensable that the ladies use eye protection. Até certo ponto estou de acordo contigo. I agree with you to a degree. To some extent, I agree with you. A capital da França é Paris. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. O Tom disse que a Mary está bem. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom says Mary's fine. A gente precisa vencer. We need to win. We need to win. Faço tudo por minha família. I do everything for my family. I do everything for my family. Não sabia que vocês se importavam. I didn't know you cared! I didn't know you cared. Eles não deveriam estar fazendo aquilo. They shouldn't be doing that. They shouldn't be doing that. Você é um covarde. You're a coward. You're a coward. Esta mesa estava tão pesada para ser erguida. This desk was too heavy to lift. This table was so heavy to be raised. Sua palestra começou no tempo certo. His lecture started on time. Your lecture started at the right time. Não se pode misturar óleo com água. You can't mix oil with water. You can't mix oil with water. Tom não é o único que está chateado. Tom isn't the only one who's upset. Tom's not the only one who's upset. Tom não estava nenhum pouco chateado com a notícia. Tom wasn't at all upset by the news. Tom wasn't at all upset about the news. Isso me fez lembrar de você. It reminded me of you. It reminded me of you. Eu nunca comi carne de jacaré. I've never eaten alligator meat. I've never had alligator meat. O céu se iluminou. The sky brightened. The sky lit up. Eu não estava a mentir quando disse que as amava. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved you. I wasn't lying when I said I loved them. Eu saí. I left. I'm out. Qual a sua altura e peso? What is your height and weight? What's your height and weight? Deus é o autor, os homens são meros executantes. Essas peças maravilhosas tocadas aqui na terra foram compostas no céu. God is the author, men are only the players. These grand pieces which are played upon earth have been composed in heaven. God is the author, men are mere executioners. These wonderful pieces played here on earth were composed in heaven. Tem gosto para tudo. There is no accounting for taste. It tastes like everything. Pediram-me que esperasse um instante. I was told to wait for a while. I was asked to wait a moment. Tom é mais inteligente que eu. Tom is smarter than me. Tom's smarter than me. Eu jurei que nunca mais voltaria lá. I vowed I'd never go back there. I swore I'd never go back there. Ela disse não. She said no. She said no. Não nos importamos com dinheiro. We don't care about the money. We don't care about money. Isto é um DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Acredita-se que ela é um gênio. It is believed that she is a genius. She's believed to be a genius. Ela não é humana. She's not human. She's not human. Você não precisa fazer isso imediatamente. You don't need to do it right away. You don't have to do this right away. OK, o senhor venceu. Okay, you win. OK, you win. Eu quero lhe apresentar o João. I'd like you to meet João. I want you to meet John. Por favor compre uma cerveja para mim. Please buy me a beer. Please buy me a beer. Eu alimento meu cão só antes de eu jantar. I feed my dog just before I eat dinner. I feed my dog just before I eat dinner. Tom venceu o concurso de cachorro-quente. Tom won the hot dog eating contest. Tom won the hot dog contest. Um cavalo é um animal. A horse is an animal. A horse is an animal. Quero visitar o Tom. I want to visit Tom. I want to visit Tom. Eu não posso salvar ninguém. I can't save anyone. I can't save anyone. O ano escolar acabou. The school year ended. School year's over. Vocês têm que sair de Boston. You've got to get out of Boston. You have to get out of Boston. Tom não encontrou o que estava procurando. Tom didn't find what he was looking for. Tom didn't find what he was looking for. Deem-no de alimento aos tubarões. Feed him to the sharks. Feed it to sharks. Ele me chamou de gordo. He called me fat. He called me fat. Eu vou tentar. I will try. I'll try. Eu o conheço desde que eu era criança. I've known him since I was a child. I've known him since I was a kid. Eu não estou com humor para isso agora. I'm really not in the mood for this right now. I'm not in the mood for this right now. Você chegou cedo demais. You arrived too early. You're too early. Boiar é fácil. It is easy to swim. Floating is easy. Tom perguntou se eu estava com sono. Tom asked me if I was sleepy. Tom asked if I was sleepy. Você está sempre atrasado. You're always late. You're always late. Não é assim que se pronuncia a palavra. That's not how the word is pronounced. That's not how you pronounce the word. Tom precisava ficar em Boston. Tom needed to stay in Boston. Tom needed to stay in Boston. Este capítulo é o essencial da novela. This chapter is the heart of the novel. This chapter is the essential of the novel. Ele assassina o inglês. He murders English. He murders the Englishman. Nós acabamos de chegar aqui. We just got here. We just got here. Não posso fazer isso sem você. I can't make it without you. I can't do this without you. Tom nem sequer fechou a porta. Tom didn't even shut the door. Tom didn't even close the door. Achei isso adorável. That sounds lovely. I thought that was lovely. Poderíamos ter feito uma fortuna. We could've made a fortune. We could have made a fortune. Que é que o senhor esperava que o Tom fizesse? What did you think Tom would do? What did you expect Tom to do? Ele zombou de mim. He mocked me. He made fun of me. Estou muito feliz. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Os Estados Unidos tinham um acordo com a França. The United States had a treaty with France. The United States had an agreement with France. Entre 1490 e 1635 pessoas morreram no afundamento do Titanic. Between 1,490 and 1,635 people died in the sinking of the Titanic. Between 1490 and 1635 people died in the sinking of the Titanic. Espere seis horas. Wait for six hours. Wait six hours. Tom quase me convenceu. Tom almost convinced me. Tom almost convinced me. Pelo que eu sei, ele é amável. For all I know, he's a friendly guy. As far as I'm concerned, he's kind. Eu me lembro de ter chaveado a porta. I remember locking the door. I remember switching the door. Li os dois livros. I've read both books. I read both books. Esse é o menor dos meus problemas. That's the least of my problems. That's the least of my problems. Sempre brigamos por futilidades. We always fight over silly things. We always fight over futility. Saia do meu caminho, garoto. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. Tu deves morrer. You must die. You must die. Posso te ajudar a levar suas coisas? Can I help you carry your things? Can I help you with your stuff? Quanto dinheiro vocês querem? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Eu estou feliz porque você está aqui. I'm happy because you're here. I'm glad you're here. O qipao original era largo e folgado. The original qipao was wide and loose. The original qipao was wide and loose. Diga a verdade a Tom. Tell the truth to Tom. Tell Tom the truth. Gostaria de enviar esta encomenda para o Japão. I'd like to send this package to Japan. I'd like to send this order to Japan. Papai se opôs a que eu vá sozinho à montanha. Father objected to my going to the mountain alone. Dad objected to me going to the mountain alone. Cuidado, o robô leva tudo ao pé da letra e pode ser facilmente provocado a atacar. Beware, the robot takes everything literally and can be easily provoked to attack. Careful, the robot takes everything to the letter and can be easily provoked to attack. Eu estou bastante confiante. I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty confident. Tom não percebeu como estava ficando tarde. Tom didn't realize how late it was getting. Tom didn't realize how late it was getting. Ele é sábio em certos aspectos. He is wise in certain respects. He is wise in certain respects. Vocês querem que eu fale em finlandês ou em inglês? Do you want me to speak in Finnish or in English? Do you want me to speak in Finnish or English? Preciso dormir. I have to sleep. I need to sleep. Venha cantar comigo. Come sing with me. Come sing with me. Você poderia segurar esta foto por um tempo? Could you hold this picture straight for a while? Could you hold this picture for a while? A maioria dos americanos gosta de hambúrgueres. Most Americans like hamburgers. Most Americans like hamburgers. Eles foram atacados. They were attacked. They were attacked. Sobre a mesa está um livro verde. On the table is a green book. On the table is a green book. Que tal jogarmos golfe amanhã? How about playing golf tomorrow? How about we play golf tomorrow? Eu abomino a violência. I abhor violence. I abhor violence. Masha sonha começar uma revolução, mas tem muito medo. Masha dreams of starting a revolution, but is quite afraid. Masha dreams of starting a revolution, but is very afraid. Que tal sairmos para dar uma caminhada após o jantar? How about going out for a walk after dinner? How about we go for a walk after dinner? Montem no gato. Get on the cat. Get on the cat. Ele não entende você. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Elas sabem onde estamos. They know where we are. They know where we are. Tom quis que eu me encontrasse com ele na estação. Tom wanted me to meet him at the station. Tom wanted me to meet him at the station. Ele está procurando emprego. He is after a job. He's looking for a job. Façam uma lista. Make a list. Make a list. Talvez você devesse ir para a Austrália. Maybe you should go to Australia. Maybe you should go to Australia. Mary engravidou aos 14 anos. Mary got pregnant at age fourteen. Mary got pregnant when she was 14. Precisamos conversar sobre uma coisa. We need to talk about something. There's something we need to talk about. Todo mundo ficou louco. Everyone went crazy. Everybody's gone crazy. A esposa do Tom é canadense. Tom's wife is Canadian. Tom's wife is Canadian. Tom esfregou o chão. Tom mopped the floor. Tom rubbed the floor. Eu terminarei em uma hora. I'll finish it in one hour. I'll be done in an hour. Eu mal tinha entrado na casa quando o telefone tocou. I had barely got into the house when the phone rang. I had barely entered the house when the phone rang. Você teve uma semana muito atarefada. You've had a very busy week. You've had a very busy week. Venha aqui, Tom. Come here, Tom. Come here, Tom. Que querem comer? What do you guys want to eat? What do you want to eat? Como peras. I eat pears. Like pears. Pedro mora com seu amigo. Peter lives with his friend. Pedro lives with his friend. A verdade, tal qual o ouro, deve ser obtida não incrementando-a, mas depurando-a de tudo aquilo que não for ouro. Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. Truth, like gold, must be obtained not by increasing it, but by purifying it from anything other than gold. Você é jovem. You're young. You're young. A polícia acabou por prender Tom. The police eventually arrested Tom. The police ended up arresting Tom. Nós gostamos de ler livros. We enjoy reading books. We like to read books. Pense bem antes de prometer alguma coisa. Think carefully before you promise anything. Think about it before you promise anything. Uso meu computador para fazer vários trabalhos no Excel. I use my computer to do various jobs in Excel. I use my computer to do a lot of work in Excel. Eu estou esperando o Tom para ir. I'm waiting for Tom to go. I'm waiting for Tom to go. O garoto era bem afiado em física. The boy was very sharp at physics. The kid was pretty sharp in physics. Até Tom esperou. Even Tom waited. Even Tom waited. Eu não quero correr o risco de perdê-la. I don't want to risk losing it. I don't want to risk losing her. O que te faz pensar que eu confio em ti? What makes you think I trust you? What makes you think I trust you? Tom não pode ter feito o que você disse que ele fez. Tom can't have done what you say he did. Tom couldn't have done what you said he did. Seu nome diz tudo. Your name says it all. Your name says everything. Elas nunca fizeram o que disseram que fariam. They never did what they said they would do. They never did what they said they'd do. É a minha vida! It's my life! It's my life! Eu não me importo, quer fiques ou não. I don't care whether you stay or not. I don't care whether you stay or not. Eu quero que haja algo para cantar. I want there to be something to sing. I want there to be something to sing. Você acha que eu não sei o que você fez? Do you think I don't know what you did? You think I don't know what you did? O pessegueiro é bonito quando floresce. The peach tree is beautiful when in flower. The peach tree is beautiful when it blooms. Eu quero a minha. I want mine. I want mine. Eu não quero ir até lá. I don't want to go up there. I don't want to go there. Ler é uma boa atividade. Reading is a good activity. Reading is good activity. Ele me disse: "Não faça tanto barulho." He said to me, 'Don't make such a noise.' He said to me, "Don't make so much noise." O que será que ela quis dizer com isso. I wonder what she meant by that. I wonder what she meant by that. Vou pagar com meu cartão. I'll pay with my card. I'll pay with my card. Tom não ama mais Maria. Tom doesn't love Mary anymore. Tom doesn't love Maria anymore. Vou ao parque. I'm going to the park. I'm going to the park. Agora ela está no hotel. She's at the hotel now. Now she's at the hotel. Meu irmão mais novo ainda está dormindo. My younger brother is still sleeping. My little brother's still asleep. Ela tem medo de ficar sozinha com o paciente. She is afraid of being alone with the patient. She's afraid to be alone with the patient. Você tem que usar um capacete para protejer a sua cabeça. You have to wear a helmet to protect your head. You have to wear a helmet to protect your head. Não pense naquilo! Don't think about it. Don't think about it! Esta flor tem um aroma forte, dá para sentir? This flower has a strong scent, can you smell it? This flower has a strong scent, can you feel it? Gostaria de ir ao cinema. I'd like to go to the movies. I'd like to go to the movies. Eu posso dizer quando alguem está mentindo. I can tell when someone is lying. I can tell you when someone's lying. O homem está na cozinha. The man is in the kitchen. The man's in the kitchen. Eles foram embora depois de terminar de almoçar. They left after they finished lunch. They left after they finished lunch. Posso experimentá-lo? May I try this on? Can I try it on? Todos estavam chocados. Everybody was startled. Everyone was shocked. Ninguém sabe o que acontecerá no futuro. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. No one knows what will happen in the future. Elas estão se encarando. They're staring at each other. They're staring at each other. Russo é muito difícil de aprender. Russian is very difficult to learn. Russian is very difficult to learn. Por que você está cortando a carne? Why are you cutting up the meat? Why are you cutting the meat? Como é belo o sonho de uma noite de verão! How beautiful is a summer night's dream! How beautiful is the dream of a summer night! Você não quer fazer isso? Do you want to do it? Don't you want to do this? Ele é o Edison do Japão. He is the Edison of Japan. He's the Edison of Japan. Tom está bravo com você, não está? Tom is angry at you, isn't he? Tom's mad at you, isn't he? Eu não aprovo a maneira com que ele amedronta os outros. I don't approve of the way he bullies others. I don't approve of the way he scares others. Eu não as entendi. I didn't get them. I don't understand them. Você consegue pensar em alguma ideia melhor? Can you think of any better idea? Can you think of any better ideas? Tom estava atrasado. Tom was late. Tom was late. O Sami passou alguns meses atrás das grades. Sami spent a few months behind bars. Sami spent a few months behind bars. Parar de fumar não é fácil. Giving up smoking isn't easy. Stopping smoking isn't easy. Eu finalmente desisti. I finally gave up. I finally gave up. Obedecei a vosso pai. Obey your father. Obey your father. Onde você deixou? Where did you leave it? Where did you leave it? O Tom não conhece nem a Mary nem a irmã dela. Tom doesn't know either Mary or her sister. Tom doesn't know Mary or her sister. O meu carro é movido a álcool. My car is alcohol-powered. My car is driven by alcohol. Eu disse olá para ela e ela sorriu. I said hello to her and she smiled. I said hello to her and she smiled. O dado era preciso. The data was accurate. The dice was accurate. Obrigado por virem, pessoal! Vejo vocês na próxima aula! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming, guys. Não faria isso nem por todo o chá da China. I wouldn't do it for all the tea in China. I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China. Pude aprender alguma coisa de holandês por meio dos áudios que você gravou. I was able to learn a bit of Dutch thanks to the audio samples you've recorded. I was able to learn something from Dutch through the audios you recorded. Estou com muita fome agora. I'm very hungry now. I'm really hungry right now. Podem superar o medo. They can overcome their fear. You can overcome fear. Você tem dificuldade para dormir à noite? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Tom e Maria estão na biblioteca. Tom and Mary are in the library. Tom and Maria are in the library. Há habilidades que se desenvolvem mais rapidamente e outras que se desenvolvem mais devagar, porque será? There are abilities that improve rapidly and those that improve slowly, aren't there? There are skills that develop faster and others that develop slower, why is it? Aceitei a oferta após devida consideração. I accepted the offer after due consideration. I accepted the offer after due consideration. É duro ser mulher. É preciso pensar qual um homem, proceder qual uma senhora, parecer uma garota e trabalhar qual um cavalo. It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse. It's hard to be a woman, you have to think about which one man, proceed as a lady, look like a girl, and work as a horse. Existe vida em outros mundos? Is there life on other worlds? Is there life in other worlds? Convidei meus amigos. I invited my friends. I invited my friends. A gente quer voltar para Minas. We want to return to Minas. We want to go back to Minas. O que vocês têm a perder? What do you have to lose? What have you got to lose? O Tom e a Mary estavam trabalhando juntos. Tom and Mary were working together. Tom and Mary were working together. Eu acho que o Tom amaria isso. I think Tom would love that. I think Tom would love that. O conflito armado é um método utilizado para desfazer com os dentes um nó político que não cedeu à ação da língua. A battle is a method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue. Armed conflict is a method used to undo with the teeth a political knot that did not yield to the action of the language. Estou feliz que tenha apreciado. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Queria comprar um urso de pelúcia gigante em Ken's, mas não estava à venda. I wanted to buy a huge stuffed bear at Ken's but it was not for sale. I wanted to buy a giant stuffed bear in Ken's, but it wasn't for sale. Vocês dois parecem tão felizes juntos. You two look so happy together. You two look so happy together. Você já esteve alguma vez aqui? Have you ever been here before? Have you ever been here? Tom é um cara teimoso. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom's a stubborn guy. Eu preciso de água. I need some water. I need water. O que você acha que eu vou fazer? What do you think I'm going to do? What do you think I'm gonna do? Ele não tem nenhum parente. He does not have any relatives at all. He doesn't have any relatives. Traga aqui. Bring it here. Bring it here. Eu vou contar a você o que é o amor. É muito embaraçoso. I will tell you what love is. It's very embarrassing. I'll tell you what love is. Eu gosto de brócolis, mas detesto couve-flor. I like broccoli, but I hate cauliflower. I like broccoli, but I hate cauliflowers. Eu estudei francês há muito tempo, mas agora tudo de que eu me lembro é "bonjour". I studied French a long time ago, but now all I remember is "bonjour." I studied French a long time ago, but now all I remember is bonjour. Eu acho que é uma ótima ideia. I think that's a great idea. I think that's a great idea. Uma pessoa começou a correr atrás de mim. Someone started running behind me. Someone started chasing after me. Eu nunca soube que Tom e Mary estavam tendo problemas conjugais. I never knew that Tom and Mary were having marital problems. I never knew Tom and Mary were having marital problems. Ligarei. I'll call. I will. Em que empresa você trabalha? Which company do you work for? What company do you work for? Eu não acho que Tom ficará nervoso. I don't think Tom will be nervous. I don't think Tom will be nervous. Você gosta de morangos? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Fisicamente impossível. Physically impossible. Physically impossible. A minorias são desprezadas em muitos países. Minorities are despised in many countries. Minorities are despised in many countries. Por que você está tão bravo hoje? Why are you so angry today? Why are you so mad today? Acho que você não fracassou muito. I guess that you didn't miss much. I don't think you've failed much. O leão está rugindo. The lion is roaring. The lion is roaring. Não foi isso o que eu ouvi. That's not what I've heard. That's not what I heard. As coisas finalmente mudaram. Things eventually changed. Things have finally changed. Tom está ficando cego. Tom is going blind. Tom's going blind. Meu nome é Sasha. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Eu perdi a esperança. I've lost hope. I've given up hope. Decidimos remarcar a reunião para domingo que vem. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to reschedule the meeting for next Sunday. O senhor tem dinheiro? Do you have money? Do you have any money? O show foi horrível. The concert was awful. The show was horrible. Eu liguei para o Tom da delegacia. I called Tom from the police station. I called Tom from the station. Eu me abriguei da chuva sob o beiral da loja. I took shelter from rain under the shop's eaves. I sheltered myself from the rain under the edge of the store. Parece que está ficando cada vez mais quente cada ano que passa. It seems that it is getting warmer and warmer every year. It looks like it's getting warmer every year. Os adolescentes adoram jogar vídeo-games. Teenagers love playing video games. Teenagers love to play video games. Foi muito bom. It was really good. It was really good. Eu queria poder parar de fumar. I wish I could break the habit of smoking. I wish I could quit smoking. Não te deixes levar a dizer alguma coisa, da qual possas vir a te arrepender. Don't let yourself be provoked into saying something that you may regret. Don't let it get you to say something that you might regret. Saí da África para sempre. I left Africa forever. I've been out of Africa forever. Você tem que voltar para Boston. You have to go back to Boston. You have to go back to Boston. Deixe-me nadar. Let me swim. Let me swim. Mary sabia que não tinha dinheiro suficiente. Mary knew she didn't have enough money. Mary knew she didn't have enough money. Querido Papai Noel, quero uma namorada no Natal. Dear Santa, I want a girlfriend for Christmas. Dear Santa, I want a girlfriend for Christmas. O senhorio pensou: "Um cozinheiro como esse seria útil no meu bar!" The landlord thought: "A chef like that would be useful in my pub!" The landlord thought, "A cook like that would be useful in my bar!" Ele leva tudo a sério. He takes everything seriously. He takes everything seriously. Devias estar a dormir. You're supposed to be asleep. You should be asleep. O Tom logo percebeu que não havia nada que ele pudesse fazer para ajudar. Tom soon realized there was nothing he could do to help. Tom soon realized there was nothing he could do to help. Que óculos de sol são rosa? What sunglasses are pink? What sunglasses are pink? Gostaria de ligar. I would like to call. I'd like to call. As coisas estão ficando fora de controle. Things are getting out of hand. Things are getting out of hand. Tom disse que tinha coisas para fazer. Tom said that he had been busy. Tom said he had things to do. Quem chamou? Who phoned? Who called? Não há garantias. There are no guarantees. There's no guarantee. Ele tem um filho e duas filhas. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. Passa-me a chave inglesa. Hand me the wrench. Hand me the wrench. Tom foi atingido por um raio. Tom was hit by lightning. Tom was struck by lightning. Não aja como se você não se importasse. Don't act like you don't care. Don't act like you don't care. Como se chama o seu filho? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Acho que há uma boa possibilidade disso acontecer. I think there's a good possibility that that will happen. I think there's a good chance that's gonna happen. Ele abandonou a família. He abandoned his family. He abandoned his family. Não aposte todas as suas fichas em um único número. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't bet all your chips on a single number. O Tom não precisa saber disso. Tom doesn't need to know that. Tom doesn't need to know that. Eu nunca tinha visto o Tom com tanta raiva. That was the first time I'd seen Tom so angry. I've never seen Tom so angry. Vou mostrar meu álbum para você. I'll show my album to you. I'll show you my album. O rádio transmite as notícias em detalhe. The radio broadcast the news in detail. The radio broadcasts the news in detail. Tom vai decidir. Tom will decide. Tom will decide. Ela concorda com ele. She agrees with him. She agrees with him. Ela mudou de assunto. She changed the subject. She changed the subject. Ele é meu tipo! He is my type! He's my type! A sua teoria merece consideração. His theory deserves consideration. Your theory deserves consideration. Se você se considera um osseto, você deve aprender o seu idioma materno. If you consider yourself an Ossetian, you must learn your mother language. If you consider yourself an osset, you should learn your mother tongue. Você poderia ficar fora disso? Could you stay out of this? Could you stay out of this? Ele perdeu-se na cidade. He got lost in the city. He got lost in town. Quem está no comando? Who is the person in charge? Who's in charge? Nós dois temos sido muito, muito sortudos. We've both been very, very lucky. We've both been very, very lucky. Eu acho que vocês estão erradas. I think you're all wrong. I think you're wrong. Quero fazer isso. I want to do it. I want to do this. Você quer ir para a Austrália? Do you want to go to Australia? You want to go to Australia? Todas as maçãs estão ali. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Joguei com uns amigos. I played with friends. I played with some friends. Eu me considero um sortudo. I consider myself fortunate. I consider myself lucky. Isso é um lápis e aquilo é uma caneta. This is a pencil and that is a pen. That's a pencil and that's a pen. O Tom falava com a Mary quase todos os dias. Tom talked to Mary almost every day. Tom talked to Mary almost every day. Alguém pode ter seguido eles. Somebody might've followed them. Someone may have followed them. O medicamento ainda está sendo testado. The medication is still being tested. The medicine is still being tested. Você é vegetariano? Are you a vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Vou a Londres. I'm going to London. I'm going to London. Ainda bem que estamos protegidos. Good thing we're protected. I'm glad we're protected. Tom foi o primeiro. Tom was the first. Tom was first. Escutei um barulho lá fora. I heard a noise outside. I heard a noise outside. O Tom fala bem o francês. Tom speaks good French. Tom speaks French well. Havia uma ponte aqui. There used to be a bridge here. There was a bridge here. Ela era pobre, porém honesta. She was poor, but she was honest. She was poor, but honest. Isso funciona? Does it work? Does that work? Tom não explicou muito bem. Tom didn't explain it very well. Tom didn't explain it very well. A lâmpada estourou. The light bulb burst. The lamp's blown. Dizem que as caixas d'água de amianto podem ser um risco à saúde. They say that water tanks made from asbestos can pose a health risk. They say asbestos water crates can be a health hazard. Por favor, não traduzam esta frase. Please don't translate this sentence. Please don't translate that phrase. É uma boa câmera. It's a good camera. It's a good camera. Pode ser que este diamante não seja verdadeiro. This may not be a real diamond. Maybe this diamond isn't real. Posso lembrar-me muito bem do apaixonado interesse que se apossou inteiramente de meu corpo e de minha alma quando pela primeira vez me apaixonei. I can well remember the passionate interest that took possession of my entire body and soul when I first fell in love. I can remember very well the passionate interest that took entirely over my body and my soul when for the first time I fell in love. Não posso tocar o cadáver sem luvas. I can't touch the corpse without gloves. I can't touch the corpse without gloves. Eu moro na casa que o meu pai construiu. I live in the house my father built. I live in the house my father built. O papel queima rapidamente. Paper burns quickly. The paper burns quickly. Vocês se divertiriam. You'd have fun. You'd have fun. Você nada muito rápido. You swim very quickly. You swim too fast. Tom disse que ele não mora mais em Boston. Tom said he doesn't live in Boston anymore. Tom says he doesn't live in Boston anymore. Estou cultivando feijões em meu jardim. I am planting beans in my garden. I'm growing beans in my garden. Elas levaram tudo o que eu tinha. They took everything I had. They took everything I had. Eu gosto do meu emprego. I like my job. I like my job. Em minha opinião, o Esperanto é muito importante. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. In my opinion, Esperanto is very important. Senti a tua falta hoje. I missed you today. I missed you today. Há quanto tempo você trabalha nisso? How long have you been in this game? How long have you been working on this? O pai da menina é médico. The girl's father is a doctor. The girl's father is a doctor. Tom escreveu um livro enquanto esteve na Austrália. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. O filho de Tom se chama John. Tom's son is called John. Tom's son is named John. Temos papa! We have a pope. We've got papa! Olá, meu amigo. Como vai? Hey, my friend. How are you? Hello, my friend. Estou certo de que você virá à reunião. I take for granted that you will be coming to the meeting. I'm sure you'll come to the meeting. Ele morava sozinho na zona rural. He lived alone in the countryside. He lived alone in the countryside. Não estou com vontade de me levantar. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like getting up. Isto é carne. This is meat. This is meat. Quem ligou? Who phoned? Who called? Uma abelha saiu voando pela janela. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out the window. Se todas as abelhas morressem, a humanidade só viveria por mais quatro anos. If all the bees died, mankind would only live for four more years. If all bees died, humanity would only live for four more years. Muitas palavras persas existem em turco. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. Aquele é o quarto de Tom? Is that Tom's bedroom? Is that Tom's room? Você tem família? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Qual é o seu maior medo? What is your biggest fear? What's your biggest fear? Onde está a minha bengala? Where's my cane? Where's my cane? Estou arrumado. I'm tidy. I'm done. Tom esperou até eu chegar. Tom waited until I arrived. Tom waited till I got here. Com que frequência você toma banho? How often do you shower? How often do you shower? Nós temos uma casa pequena. We have a small house. We have a small house. O Tom provavelmente ficará surpreso. Tom will probably be surprised. Tom's probably gonna be surprised. Como foi a noite passada? How did last night go? How was last night? O professor aprovou seu plano. The teacher approved his plan. The professor approved your plan. Eu posso te fazer algumas perguntas sobre o seu nome? May I ask you some questions about your name? Can I ask you a few questions about your name? Traz para mim. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. Maria se tornou, de um dia para o outro, a pessoa mais feliz do mundo. One day, Maria became the happiest person in the world. Mary became, from one day to the next, the happiest person in the world. Vocês conseguem sentir a tensão? Can you feel the tension? Can you feel the tension? A propósito, de onde você é? By the way, where are you from? By the way, where are you from? Educação é aprender aquilo que você nem sabia que não sabia. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Para ser sincero, eu não notei. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. To be honest, I didn't notice. Diz pro Tom que estou chegando. Tell Tom that I'm coming. Tell Tom I'm coming. O mais forte deveria tomar conta do mais fraco. The strong should take care of the weak. The strongest should take care of the weakest. Eu estou a estudar. I am studying. I'm studying. Preste atenção! Há um radar de velocidade. Watch out! There's a speed camera. Listen, there's a speed radar. Você sabe com quem está falando? Do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Será que o tempo se manterá assim? I wonder if the weather will hold. Will time stay that way? Tom escorregou no gelo. Tom slipped on the ice. Tom slipped on the ice. "Você pode me ajudar a pintar a minha casa?" "Claro; sem problema." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Sure. No problem." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Sure; no problem." Estou sentindo uma vontade enorme de bater em alguém. I really need to hit somebody. I'm feeling a huge urge to hit someone. Vamos todos ficar de pé. Let's all stand. Let's all stand. Qual vai ser a duração da tempestade? How much longer is this storm going to last? How long is the storm going to last? Elas estão estudando a Bíblia. They're studying the Bible. They're studying the Bible. Tom caiu do cavalo. Tom fell off his horse. Tom fell off the horse. O edifício na montanha é a nossa escola. The building on the mountain is our school. The building on the mountain is our school. Ele disse que meu computador ainda não estava pronto. He said my computer was not ready yet. He said my computer wasn't ready yet. Como você veio a conhecê-la? How did you come to know her? How did you get to know her? Você não vai sentir nada. You'll feel nothing. You won't feel a thing. Você poderia por favor me dizer o que está errado? Could you please tell me what's wrong? Could you please tell me what's wrong? Este é o livro de Ali. This is Ali's book. This is Ali's book. Por que as vacas são sagradas na Índia? Why are cows sacred in India? Why are cows sacred in India? O que você está fazendo aí em cima? What are you doing up there? What are you doing up there? Nesta sociedade em que tudo é descartável, usar algo até que se desgaste completamente é uma virtude. In this society where everything is disposable, it is a virtue to use something until it wears out. In this society where everything is expendable, wearing something until completely wear and tear is a virtue. Eu gostaria de saber mais. I'd like to know more. I'd like to know more. Tom comprou um presente para a filha. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tom bought his daughter a gift. O que você disse? I beg your pardon? What did you say? Meu tio me deu o carro dele. My uncle gave his car to me. My uncle gave me his car. O Tom, geralmente, chega em casa apenas a tempo do jantar. Tom usually arrives home just in time for dinner. Tom usually gets home just in time for dinner. Todos os esforços foram inúteis. All efforts have been unavailing. All efforts were futile. Ele fez uma importante descoberta. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Não posso responder isso, por que esta pergunta é difícil demais para responder. I can't answer that, because that question is too difficult to answer. I cannot answer that, because this question is too difficult to answer. Eu estava com uma febre muito alta. I had a very high fever. I had a very high fever. Eu gosto muito de você! I like you very much! I like you a lot! Este é o nosso último dia aqui. This is our last day here. This is our last day here. Não quero descer ao nível dele. I don't want to stoop to his level. I don't want to go down to his level. Precisamos priorizar. We need to prioritize. We need to prioritize. Tom aceitaria. Tom would accept. Tom would take it. Diria que é uma área cinzenta. I would say that it's a gray area. I'd say it's a grey area. Por favor, mostre seu tíquete. Please show your ticket. Please show me your ticket. Você está pedindo demais. You're asking for too much. You're asking too much. Do que estás a falar? What're you talking about? What are you talking about? Muito bem, obrigado. Fine, thanks. Very well, thank you. Encontrei um emprego. I found a job. I found a job. Quando um homem quer matar um tigre, ele chama isso de esporte; Quando um tigre quer matá-lo, ele chama isso de ferocidade. When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. When a man wants to kill a tiger, he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to kill him, he calls it ferocity. Por que coisas ruins acontecem? Why do bad things happen? Why do bad things happen? Não sou saudável. I'm not healthy. I'm not healthy. Nenhuma das tribos germânicas, que, dividindo entre si as províncias do império dos Césares, tinham tentado vestir sua bárbara nudez com os trajos despedaçados mas esplêndidos da civilização romana, soubera como os godos ajuntar esses fragmentos de púrpura e ouro, para se compor a exemplo de povo civilizado. None of the Germanic tribes, who, dividing among themselves the provinces of the Caesarian empire, had tried to dress their barbaric nakedness in the torn but splendid garments of Roman civilization, had known like the Goths how to gather these fragments of purple and gold, to compose themselves in the example of civilized people. None of the Germanic tribes, who, dividing among themselves the provinces of the empire of Caesars, had tried to dress their barbarous nakedness with the shattered but splendid robes of Roman civilization, knew how the Goths gathered together these fragments of purple and gold, to make up the example of civilized people. Ele vai morrer? Will he die? Is he gonna die? Eu te contarei um segredo que mudará a tua vida. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. Nós nos encontramos em uma hora. We'll meet in an hour. We'll meet in an hour. Eu dei ao mendigo todo o dinheiro que tinha. I gave the beggar all the money I had. I gave the beggar all the money he had. Você quer saber? Do you want to know? You know what? Pensei que você estava brincando. I thought you were kidding. I thought you were kidding. Espero me casar com aquela mulher um dia. I hope to marry that woman one day. I hope to marry that woman one day. Ele acha que pode pegar câncer do Vinil. He thinks he can get cancer from vinyl records. He thinks he can get Vinil cancer. Quem organizou a reunião? Who organized the meeting? Who organized the meeting? Tom está tocando no parque. Tom is playing in the park. Tom's playing in the park. Você já comeu? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten? Estamos perdidos, não estamos? We're lost, aren't we? We're lost, aren't we? Meu avô espera que eu entre na faculdade. My grandfather hopes that I will enter college. My grandfather expects me to go to college. Ainda bem que ele voltou. Good thing he came back. I'm glad he's back. Esperamos que vocês estejam tendo uma ótima noite. We hope you are having a great night. We hope you're having a great night. Eu achava que o Tom poderia ficar zangado. I thought Tom might get angry. I thought Tom might be angry. Paul foi para a festa no lugar do seu pai. Paul went to party in place of his father. Paul went to the party instead of your father. Você são corajosos. You're courageous. You're brave. Acho que o Tom poderá nos ajudar na próxima semana. I think Tom will be able to help us next week. I think Tom might be able to help us next week. Ela pinta com aquarelas. She paints with watercolours. She paints with watercolors. Estes artigos estão sujeitos a impostos. These articles are liable to duty. These articles are subject to taxes. Ele desenha linhas retas. He draws straight lines. He draws straight lines. Eu venho comendo pizza todos os dias.‎ I have been eating pizza every day. I've been eating pizza every day. Ele já completou este formulário. He has already completed this form. He's already completed this form. O Tom nunca machucaria ninguém. Tom would never hurt anybody. Tom would never hurt anyone. Tom seguiu as instruções. Tom followed the instructions. Tom followed the instructions. Nós vamos embora sem ele. We'll leave without him. We're leaving without him. Tom voltou para Boston. Tom has gone back to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. Água, por favor. Water, please. Water, please. Tom perguntou se eu estava cansado. Tom asked me if I was tired. Tom asked if I was tired. Eu construí sozinho essa casa de cachorro. I built this doghouse by myself. I built this doghouse by myself. Você tem um bom emprego. You have a good job. You have a good job. Eu deixei o vaso cair e ele quebrou. I dropped the vase and it broke. I dropped the vase and it broke. Bem-vindos à Boston, pessoal! Welcome to Boston, everybody. Welcome to Boston, everybody! Eu vi o senhor fazendo isso. I've seen you doing that. I saw you do it. Aquele carro é dela. That car is hers. That's her car. O Tom ficou. Tom stayed. Tom stayed. Sou eu quem fez isso. I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who did this. O Tom queria deixar Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Não achava que o Tom ficaria com medo. I didn't think Tom would be afraid. I didn't think Tom would be scared. A companhia de viagem nos forneceu todos os detalhes do tour. The travel company furnished us with all the details of the tour. The travel company provided us with all the details of the tour. Tom começou a chorar. Tom began to cry. Tom started crying. Tom tomou uma xícara de café. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Tom had a cup of coffee. Tá lembrado? Do you remember? Remember? Eles mataram o Tom. They killed Tom. They killed Tom. Você não tem medo de altura, tem? You're not afraid of heights, are you? You're not afraid of heights, are you? Eu gostaria de aprender finlandês. I'd like to learn Finnish. I'd like to learn Finnish. Não deixe que isso aconteça de novo. Just don't let it ever happen again. Don't let that happen again. O cantor favorito de Tom está sempre mudando. Tom's favorite singer is always changing. Tom's favorite singer is always changing. Fui eu quem convenceu o Tom a parar de fazer aquilo. I'm the one who convinced Tom to quit doing that. I'm the one who convinced Tom to stop doing that. Você pode me emprestar um dinheiro? Can you lend me a little money? Can you lend me some money? Não preciso de ajuda em escrever o meu relatório. I don't need help writing my report. I don't need any help writing my report. Ele toca piano melhor que eu. He plays the piano better than me. He plays the piano better than I do. Estamos na lua cheia ou na lua nova? Was it a full moon or a new moon? Are we on the full moon or on the new moon? Tom concordou comigo. Tom agreed with me. Tom agreed with me. Mary só fez o que você disse para ela fazer. Mary only did what you told her to do. Mary just did what you told her to do. A confissão de Tom foi declarada inadmissível. Tom's confession was ruled inadmissible. Tom's confession was declared inadmissible. Eu estudo francês desde quando eu tinha 15 anos. I have studied French since I was 15. I've been studying French since I was 15. Mary não agrada a Tom. Tom doesn't like Mary. Mary doesn't like Tom. Faço questão de visitar o Tom toda vez que estou em Boston. I make it a point to visit Tom every time I'm in Boston. I make it a point to visit Tom every time I'm in Boston. Gritar com o seu computador não o ajudará. Shouting at your computer will not help. Screaming at your computer won't help you. Você que fez isso? Did you make it by yourself? Did you do this? Porque estão limpas. Because they are clean. Because they're clean. O que é melhor do que a amizade? What is better than friendship? What's better than friendship? A filha do prefeito foi sequestrada. The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped. The mayor's daughter was kidnapped. Eu estava tentando proteger o Tom. I was trying to protect Tom. I was trying to protect Tom. O que Tom está fazendo em Boston? What's Tom up to in Boston? What's Tom doing in Boston? Minha terra amada, pérola do Mar do Oriente. My beloved land, pearl of the Orient Sea. My beloved land, pearl of the Sea of the East. O trem se perdeu de vista. The train disappeared from view. The train got lost in sight. Ande! Look alive. Move! Tu podes contar com a ajuda do Tom. You can depend on Tom's help. You can count on Tom's help. Realmente quero ir para Boston. I really want to come to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Eu não sabia que vocês dois eram amigos. I didn't know you two were friends. I didn't know you two were friends. O Tom tem medo de ficar sozinho? Is Tom afraid to be alone? Is Tom afraid to be alone? Você deve ter senso de humor para usar os nossos produtos. You must have a sense of humour to use our products. You must have a sense of humor to use our products. Ele subiu as escadas. He climbed the stairs. He went up the stairs. Eu não esperava que Tom fosse se apaixonar por Mary. I didn't expect that Tom would fall in love with Mary. I didn't expect Tom to fall in love with Mary. Agora eu trabalho aqui. I work here now. Now I work here. Amanhã é Natal. Tomorrow is Christmas. It's Christmas tomorrow. Elas são mais rápidas que a gente. They are faster than us. They're faster than us. Se não agora, quando então? If not now, then when? If not now, when then? Posso utilizar o seu dicionário? May I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Tom estava lendo um livro em seu leitor de livros digitais. Tom was reading a book on his e-reader. Tom was reading a book in his digital book reader. Eu vou deixar você pensar sobre isso. I'll let you think about it. I'll let you think about it. Eu gostaria de um lanche, por favor. I'd like a sandwich, please. I'd like a snack, please. Troque a fronha do travesseiro. Change the pillowcase. Change the pillowcase. Você está tentando me impressionar? Are you trying to impress me? Are you trying to impress me? Ouvi cada palavra. I heard every word. I heard every word. Eu sou responsável pelo que aconteceu aqui. I'm responsible for what happened here. I'm responsible for what happened here. Eu acho que sei o que Tom estava fazendo. I think I know what Tom is doing. I think I know what Tom was doing. Esse sentimento não durará muito tempo. That feeling won't last long. That feeling won't last long. Tom parece estar ganhando. Tom appears to be winning. Tom seems to be winning. Tom, eu acho que você deveria comer mais. Tom, I think you should eat more. Tom, I think you should eat more. Não tenha medo pois estarei com você. Don't be afraid because I'll be with you. Don't be afraid because I'll be with you. Estes são os meus livros; aqueles, os dele. These are my books, those are his. These are my books; those are his. Tom está em Boston com a Mary. Tom is in Boston with Mary. Tom's in Boston with Mary. Não me distraia. Don't distract me. Don't distract me. Falar com Eliana é como falar com a parede. Talking to Eliana is like talking to a wall. Talking to Eliana is like talking to the wall. A Maria vai passar na prova, se ela se preparar adequadamente. Mary will pass the exam, if she prepares well. Maria will pass the test if she prepares properly. Este livro é fácil para você ler. This book is easy for you to read. This book is easy for you to read. Foi planejado para que parecesse um acidente. It was made to look like an accident. It was planned to look like an accident. O garoto usa óculos. The boy is wearing glasses. The kid wears glasses. Você ainda não me disse o que fazer. You still haven't told me what to do. You still haven't told me what to do. Eu não gosto desta frase. I don't like this sentence. I don't like that phrase. Provavelmente, vocês estarão todos mortos nos próximos cinquenta anos. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. You'll probably all be dead for the next fifty years. Ele será um bom marido. He will be a good husband. He'll be a good husband. Você pode começar? Would you like to start? Can you start? Tom sabia como fazer isso. Tom knew how to do that. Tom knew how to do that. Você não está na lista? Aren't you on the list? You're not on the list? Eu tinha um cachorro. I used to have a dog. I had a dog. Divida isso ao meio! Halve that! Split it in half! Depois do almoço, eles geralmente tiram uma soneca. After lunch, they usually have a nap. After lunch, they usually take a nap. Angela Merkel nasceu na Alemanha Oriental. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Angela Merkel was born in East Germany. Aconteceu há muito tempo. It happened a long time ago. It happened a long time ago. Ele ouvia música no seu quarto. He listened to music in his room. He listened to music in his room. Ele botou um boné na cabeça. He put a cap on his head. He put a hat on his head. Ele está responsável por isso. He is responsible for it. He's responsible for this. Eu preciso de outra chance. I need another chance. I need another chance. Eu gostava de dirigir. I used to enjoy driving. I'd like to drive. Nos sentimos mal. We feel bad. We feel bad. Francês não é fácil. French isn't easy. French isn't easy. Tom veio me encontrar. Tom came to meet me. Tom came to meet me. Escreve aqui, por favor. Write it down here, please. Write here, please. Dê um passo atrás da situação e tente descobrir o que está acontecendo Take a step back from the situation and try to figure out what is going on. Take a step behind the situation and try to find out what's going on. Acho que sou um escritor muito bom. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. Tom foi o último a chegar esta manhã. Tom was the last one to arrive this morning. Tom was the last to arrive this morning. Tom abriu a boca. Tom opened his mouth. Tom opened his mouth. Quando em Roma, faça como os romanos. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Eu não acredito em amor verdadeiro. I don't believe in true love. I don't believe in true love. Estava lá fora. I was outside. I was outside. Quase tenho trinta anos e ainda estou solteiro. I'm almost thirty years old and I'm still single. I'm almost 30, and I'm still single. Já reparaste na semelhança da pronúncia entre a língua portuguesa e a língua polaca? Have you noticed the similarity in pronunciation between the Polish and Portuguese languages? Have you noticed the similarity of the pronunciation between the Portuguese language and the Polish language? A árvore veio abaixo. The tree fell to the ground. The tree came down. Ela me deu estas moedas antigas. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. Passamos o dia todo jogando pôquer. We played poker the entire day. We've been playing poker all day. Há pessoas que não gostam de ir para a cama cedo. There are people who don't like to go to bed early. Some people don't like to go to bed early. Progredimos? Have we made progress? Are we moving forward? Eu toco Chopin. I play Chopin. I play Chopin. Tom estava entediado. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. Tom está empolgado com as possibilidades. Tom is excited about the possibilities. Tom's excited about the possibilities. Ela confiava em você. She trusted you. She trusted you. O que é para fazermos com ela? What are we supposed to do with it? What are we supposed to do with her? Eu avisei para o Tom não comer o camarão. I advised Tom not to eat the shrimp. I warned Tom not to eat the shrimp. Tom me disse que ele nunca quis trabalhar para o pai dele. Tom told me that he never wanted to work for his father. Tom told me he never wanted to work for his father. Achei que Tom tivesse ido para a Austrália. I thought Tom had gone to Australia. I thought Tom went to Australia. Você parece bem certo. You seem pretty certain. You look pretty right. O que é que Tom tem que fazer com isso? What does Tom have to do with this? What does Tom have to do with it? Tom e Mary sempre brincavam juntos quando eram crianças. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary always played together when they were kids. O presidente propôs um novo plano. The president proposed a new plan. The president proposed a new plan. Tom vai chorar. Tom'll cry. Tom's gonna cry. Tom levou um ano para escrever o livro. Tom took a year off to write a book. Tom took a year to write the book. Estais vendo aquelas mulheres? Do you see those women? Do you see those women? Você gostaria de ver alguns vídeos que gravamos na nossa viagem à Austrália? Would you like to see some of the videos we took on our trip to Australia? Would you like to see some videos we recorded on our trip to Australia? Ela sorriu para ele. She smiled at him. She smiled at him. Roubaram meu carro ontem à noite. My car was stolen last night. They stole my car last night. O que tem lá? What's in there? What's in there? Eu não quero me aposentar ainda. I don't want to retire yet. I don't want to retire yet. "Como se chama a sua esposa?" "Não sou casado." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." Vocês não ficaram com fome? Didn't you get hungry? Didn't you get hungry? Este lugar é chato. This place is boring. This place is boring. O que você acha que o público quer? What do you think the audience wants? What do you think the public wants? O Universo está cheio de segredos. The universe is full of secrets. The universe is full of secrets. Mande-o para mim. Send it to me. Send him to me. Eles estão muito ocupados lutando uns contra os outros para cuidar de ideais comuns. They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. They're too busy fighting each other to take care of common ideals. Deus não joga dados! God doesn't play dice! God doesn't throw dice! Eu tive um hamster chamado Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. I had a hamster named Cookie. Bob sempre vai para a cama às 10h00. Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. Tem uma pomba branca no telhado. There's a white dove on the roof. There's a white dove on the roof. Algo me preocupa. Something worries me. Something worries me. Tom tem um leve resfriado. Tom has a slight cold. Tom has a slight cold. Eu não pensei que tivesse escolha. I didn't think that I had a choice. I didn't think I had a choice. Tom e Mary se combinam bem; Pelo menos, ambos parecem acreditar que não podem ter mais ninguém. Tom and Mary suit each other well; at least, they both seem to believe they cannot have anyone else. Tom and Mary combine well; at least they both seem to believe they can't have anyone else. Por que você vai de ônibus? Eu te dou uma carona. Why are you going to take a bus? I'll give you a lift. Why are you taking the bus? O que você fez no seu aniversário? What did you do on your birthday? What did you do for your birthday? Eu li muitos livros em inglês. I read a lot of books in English. I've read many books in English. A família dela mudou-se para o Brasil. Her family moved to Brazil. Her family moved to Brazil. Qual é o sentido? What's the point? What's the point? Mary está bonita nesta foto. Mary looks pretty in this picture. Mary looks pretty in this picture. Partiremos assim que o Tom chegar aqui. We'll leave as soon as Tom gets here. We'll leave as soon as Tom gets here. Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom vai para Boston. I'm sure Tom will go to Boston. I'm sure Tom's going to Boston. Meg tem um gato como animal de estimação. Meg has a cat as a pet. Meg has a cat as a pet. Eu não estou acostumado a esse tipo de tratamento. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to that kind of treatment. Tom encontrou um emprego para Maria. Tom found a job for Mary. Tom found Maria a job. Alguém está batendo à porta. Someone is knocking on the door. Someone's knocking on the door. É um costume celebrar o Natal. It's a custom to celebrate Christmas. It's a custom to celebrate Christmas. Vocês não deveriam ter escrito isso. You shouldn't have written that. You shouldn't have written that. Tom não entende como Mary se sente. Tom doesn't understand how Mary feels. Tom doesn't understand how Mary feels. Eu tento comer peixe pelo menos uma vez por semana. I try to eat fish at least once a week. I try to eat fish at least once a week. Há alguma coisa que você queira me contar? Is there something you want to tell me? Is there anything you want to tell me? Escrevo isso em nome de nossos amigos que se foram. I'm writing that on behalf of our friends who passed away. I write this on behalf of our friends who are gone. Tom se dirigiu ao seu escritório. Tom drove back to his office. Tom went to your office. Tem que rever os conceitos. It has to review the concepts. You have to review the concepts. Quantos copos precisamos? How many glasses do we need? How many glasses do we need? Mariko fala inglês muito bem. Mariko speaks English excellently. Mariko speaks English very well. Eu moro perto de uma represa. I live near a dam. I live near a dam. Que compraste? What did you buy? What did you get? Eu nunca mais voltarei aqui de novo. I'll never come back here again. I'll never come back here again. Tu és meu primo. You and I are cousins. You're my cousin. O Tom deu para a Mary instruções detalhadas sobre como fazer isso. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do that. Tom gave Mary detailed instructions on how to do that. Ele é um espião! He's a snitch! He's a spy! O povo resistiu ao seu cruel governante. The people resisted their cruel ruler. The people resisted their cruel ruler. O Tom não quer machucar ninguém. Tom doesn't want to hurt anybody. Tom doesn't want to hurt anyone. Mary não me contaria com quem ela teria falado. Mary wouldn't tell me who she'd talked to. Mary wouldn't tell me who she would have talked to. Tom disse que Mary não sabe falar francês. Tom said Mary didn't know how to speak French. Tom says Mary can't speak French. Por que ele estava rindo? Why was he laughing? Why was he laughing? O Tom poderia ser acusado de perjúrio. Tom could be charged with perjury. Tom could be charged with perjury. O que foi? What's the matter? What? O professor ensinou-lhes que a Terra é redonda. The teacher taught them that the earth is round. The teacher taught them the Earth is round. O que era para eu fazer? What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to do? Vá fazer pipoca. Go make popcorn. Go make popcorn. Você está errada ainda. You're still wrong. You're still wrong. Aconteceu a mesma coisa em 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. Quando você notou que sua bolsa estava desaparecida? When did you notice your purse was missing? When did you notice your purse was missing? O que o Tom está fazendo aqui? Eu pensei que ele estava em Boston. What's Tom doing here? I thought he was in Boston. I thought he was in Boston. Sem saber o que fazer, pedi ajuda a ele. Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. Without knowing what to do, I asked him for help. Estou em frente a um grande perigo. I am confronted with a great danger. I'm in great danger. Tom olhou. Tom looked. Tom looked. Visitei o Canadá há muito tempo. I visited Canada a long time ago. I visited Canada a long time ago. Eu ouvi pelo rádio. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. "Onde está a sua mãe, Tom?" "Ela está fazendo compras com a minha mana." "Where's your mom, Tom?" "She's out shopping with my sis." "Where's your mother, Tom?" "She's shopping with my sister." Parece não haver necessidade de ir. There seems to be no need to go. There seems to be no need to go. Eu não posso aprovar o plano, visto que ele custa muito caro. I cannot approve of the plan, seeing that it costs too much. I can't approve the plan, since it costs too much. Aquele cavalo não é branco. That horse is not white. That horse is not white. Amamos fast food. We love fast food. We love fast food. Estávamos comendo pizza. We were eating pizza. We were eating pizza. Eu fiz uma pequena apresentação esta manhã. I did a short presentation this morning. I did a little presentation this morning. Espero que você tenha gostado de fazer isso tanto quanto eu. I hope you enjoyed doing that as much as I did. I hope you enjoyed doing this as much as I did. Você não gostaria que Tom fizesse isso, gostaria? You wouldn't want Tom to do that, would you? You wouldn't want Tom to do that, would you? Decidimos adiar a reunião para o domingo que vem. We've decided to postpone the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting until next Sunday. Pedi-lhe que não me incomodasse. I asked him not to bother me. I asked him not to bother me. Parece bom no papel. It looks good on paper. Looks good on paper. Já acabaste de arrumar a mala? Have you finished packing yet? Are you done packing? Isto é um trocadilho. This is a pun. This is a pun. Aquilo não era muito romântico. That wasn't very romantic. That wasn't very romantic. Somos estagiários. We're trainees. We're interns. Por que você está tão feliz? What are you so happy about? Why are you so happy? Eles me pegaram. They caught me. They got me. Escrevi uma carta. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Você é a única pessoa que fez isso. You're the only person who did that. You're the only person who did this. Como fizestes vós isso exatamente? How exactly did you do that? How exactly did you do that? Sami ofereceu um pouco de dinheiro para Layla. Sami offered Layla some money. Sami offered Layla some money. Você não devia ter feito uma coisa dessas. You shouldn't have done such a thing. You shouldn't have done such a thing. Os astros insistem em iluminar as mentes ávidas, e são um guia em meio à escuridão. The planets and the stars insist on illuminating eager minds, being a guide among the darkness. The stars insist on illuminating the avid minds, and are a guide in the midst of darkness. Não deve haver discórdia entre irmãos. Brothers should not quarrel. There must be no discord between brothers. Este carro carro é a álcool. This car runs on alcohol. This car is alcohol. Eu sei que foi apenas um sonho. I know it was just a dream. I know it was just a dream. Eu lembro de postar a sua carta ontem. I remember posting your letter yesterday. I remember posting your letter yesterday. Fadil esperou por Layla em casa. Fadil waited for Layla at home. Fadil waited for Layla at home. Você tinha que entrar no projeto. You had to join that project. You had to get into the project. Quando começa o jogo? When does the game start? When does the game start? Tom não está usando luvas. Tom isn't wearing gloves. Tom's not wearing gloves. Hoje é segunda-feira. It is Monday today. Today's Monday. Como não tenho programa adequado, não consegui abrir o arquivo anexado. Por favor, envie-o novamente em outro formato. Since I don't have the software to open the attached file, I can't open it. Please send it again in another format. Since I don't have a proper program, I couldn't open the attached file. Please send it back in another format. Fadil começou a ler jornais árabes todos os dias. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers everyday. Fadil began reading Arab newspapers every day. Isso é ridículo. This is ridiculous! That's ridiculous. Eu recebi uma carta de minha mãe ontem. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mother yesterday. O Tom deixou cair a xícara de café. Tom dropped his coffee cup. Tom dropped his cup of coffee. Tom acordou as crianças e disse-lhes para que se preparassem para a escola. Tom woke up the children and told them to get ready for school. Tom woke the kids up and told them to get ready for school. Demonstrarei como esta máquina funciona. I'll demonstrate how this machine works. I'll show you how this machine works. O chão deve ser muito limpo. The floor must be very clean. The floor must be very clean. Você não está triste? Aren't you sad? Aren't you sad? Você está prestando atenção? Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Faça aquilo que você gosta de fazer. Do what you like. Do what you like to do. Tom gosta de ouvir Maria cantar. Tom likes to listen to Mary sing. Tom likes to hear Maria sing. Vamos tomar uma. Let's go for a beer. Let's have one. Eu tenho um novo emprego. I got a new job. I have a new job. Estarei aí daqui a pouco. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be right there. Será que eles vão vir hoje? Are you sure they will come today? Will they come today? Essa é a resposta correta. That's the right answer. That's the correct answer. Pode me explicar exatamente como isso aconteceu? Can you explain to me exactly how that happened? Can you explain to me exactly how this happened? Eu não sabia que Tom era da Austrália. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. Tom não é artista. Tom isn't an artist. Tom's not an artist. Esta aranha raramente ataca o homem. This spider rarely bites humans. This spider rarely attacks the man. Não deixe a tevê ligada. Don't leave the TV on. Don't leave the TV on. Que surpresa tão agradável vê-lo aqui! What a pleasant surprise to see you here! What a nice surprise to see you here! Se você precisar, eu lhe darei dinheiro. I'll give you money if you need some. If you need it, I'll give you money. Não temos água. We don't have any water. We don't have any water. Sangue e violência fascinam-nos. Blood and violence fascinate them. Blood and violence fascinate us. Queres me ridicularizar. You're taunting me. You want to ridicule me. Tom escreveu uma carta longa para Maria, mas não enviou-a para ela. Tom wrote Mary a long letter, but he didn't send it to her. Tom wrote a long letter to Maria, but he didn't send it to her. Tom se recusou a apertar a mão de Mary. Tom refused to shake Mary's hand. Tom refused to shake Mary's hand. Pode ser que ele goste do emprego dele. It may be that he likes his job. Maybe he likes his job. Eu vendo sapatos. I sell shoes. I sell shoes. Eu não gosto daquela parte da cidade. I don't like that part of town. I don't like that part of town. Por causa do tempo ruim, ele não pode vir. Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. Because of the bad weather, he can't come. Eu contava com ele. I relied on him. I was counting on him. Este peixe é delicioso. This fish is delicious. This fish is delicious. Está chovendo forte esta noite. It's raining hard tonight. It's raining hard tonight. Meus pés estão gelados. My feet are cold. My feet are freezing. Tom foi para Boston de avião. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom went to Boston by plane. Animais foram magoados na criação deste filme. Animals were harmed in the making of this film. Animals were hurt in the creation of this film. Tom não queria deixar o cachorro dele comigo. Tom didn't want to leave his dog with me. Tom didn't want to leave his dog with me. Tenho medo de escadas rolantes. I am afraid of escalators. I'm afraid of escalators. Você disse algumas coisas boas sobre mim. You said some nice things about me. You said some good things about me. Emily está em casa agora? Is Emily at home now? Is Emily home now? Eu sou louco por ela! I am crazy for her! I'm crazy about her! Parece-me que ela sabe de tudo. It seems to me that she knows everything. I think she knows everything. Boston é uma das cidades mais bonitas do mundo, e muita gente quer visitá-la. Boston is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and many people want to visit it. Boston is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and a lot of people want to visit her. Judy é uma estudante muito inteligente. Judy is a very intelligent student. Judy's a very smart student. Esse rio transborda todo ano. That river floods every year. This river overflows every year. Estive procurando um piano para minha filha. I have been looking for a piano for my daughter. I've been looking for a piano for my daughter. Venha, sente-se perto de mim. Come, sit by me. Come, sit next to me. Eu quero viver em Boston ou em Chicago. I want to live in Boston or in Chicago. I want to live in Boston or Chicago. Passe-me a manteiga, por favor. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter, please. Eu escuto esta música quando estou triste. I listen to this song when I'm sad. I listen to this song when I'm sad. Não, isso não é verdade. No, that's not true. No, that's not true. Foi tudo culpa de Tom. It was all Tom's fault. It was all Tom's fault. Como é o clima em Boston? How is the weather in Boston? What's the weather like in Boston? Eu tenho que fazer isso agora? Do I have to do this now? Do I have to do this now? O seu pai sabe? Does your father know? Does your father know? Como se pode esperar que uma mulher seja feliz com um homem que insiste em tratá-la como se ela fosse um ser humano absolutamente normal? How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. How can you expect a woman to be happy with a man who insists on treating her like she's an absolutely normal human being? Fique quieto. Stay quiet. Be quiet. O que vocês fizeram hoje? What did you do today? What did you do today? Eu não quero mais fazer isso. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. Até onde sei, ele é culpado. As far as I know, he's guilty. As far as I'm concerned, he's guilty. É a primeira vez que eu faço a barba. This is the first time I've ever shaven my beard. This is the first time I've shaved. Muitas árvores foram derrubadas. A lot of trees were cut down. A lot of trees have been knocked down. Eu sou o Jorge. I am Jorge. I'm Jorge. É um lixo não-reciclável It's worthless junk. It's non-recyclable garbage. O meu pai nunca se habituou a viver na cidade, sempre foi muito aldeão. My dad never managed to adapt to the city, he's always been fonder of living in the countryside. My father never got used to living in the city. He's always been a villager. Elas estavam à venda. They were on sale. They were for sale. Anne estava a ponto de sair de casa quando o telefone começou a tocar. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave home when the phone started ringing. Nossa classe consiste em 40 garotos. Our class consists of 40 boys. Our class consists of 40 boys. Espero que os seus pais permitam que nos casemos. I hope that your parents will allow us to marry. I hope your parents will allow us to get married. Posso te pedir um favor? May I ask you to do me a favor? Can I ask you a favor? Onde ficam os históricos dos nossos bate-papos no MSN? Where are the history records of our MSN chats? Where are the history of our MSN chats? Eu acho que estará quente amanhã. I think that it'll be hot tomorrow. I think it'll be hot tomorrow. O Tom está namorando alguém? Is Tom dating someone? Is Tom dating anyone? Ela conheceu uma nova amiga na escola hoje. She met a new friend at school today. She met a new friend at school today. Como eu queria ter um carro. How I wish I had a car. How I wish I had a car. Ela foi envenenada. She's been poisoned. She was poisoned. O que você está pedindo a Deus? What are you asking God? What are you asking God for? Você realmente contou isso pro Tom? Did you really tell Tom that? Did you really tell Tom that? Tokyo é uma cidade cara de se viver. Tokyo is an expensive city. Tokyo is an expensive city to live in. Numa folha de papel, fale sobre a sua rotina. On a sheet of paper, talk about your routine. On a sheet of paper, tell me about your routine. Quem te comprou isso? Who bought you this? Who bought you that? O sol está muito distante da terra. The sun is so distant from the earth. The sun is far from the earth. Eu faço o meu melhor. I do my best. I do my best. Quando Tom era criança, sua família era muito pobre. When Tom was a kid, his family was very poor. When Tom was a child, his family was very poor. Você vai estar aqui na segunda? Will you be here Monday? Will you be here on Monday? Vocês precisam de uma carona? Do you guys need a lift? You guys need a ride? Muitas pessoas cometeram o mesmo erro. Many people have made the same mistake. A lot of people made the same mistake. Tom não o conhece tão bem quanto eu. Tom doesn't know you as well as I do. Tom doesn't know him as well as I do. Eu acho que não significa nada. I don't think it means anything. I don't think it means anything. Os números estão nas portas ou ao lado delas. The numbers are on the doors or next to the doors. The numbers are either on the doors or next to them. Ele acabou de ler a carta. He finished reading the letter. He just read the letter. Quantos você matou? How many have you killed? How many did you kill? Eu pedi a eles para consertarem meu carro. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. Ele é tão forte quanto eu. He is as strong as I am. He's as strong as I am. Nós estávamos entediados. We were bored. We were bored. Nós não pedimos para o Tom. We didn't ask Tom. We didn't ask Tom. Eu não vou morrer. I won't die. I'm not gonna die. Tom mora no meu prédio. Tom lives in my building. Tom lives in my building. Ela mesma o ajudou. She herself helped him. She helped him herself. Isto é para você. This is for you. This is for you. Eu sou meio tímido. I'm rather shy. I'm kind of shy. Estou contando que vocês venham à festa de meu aniversário. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I'm counting on you to come to my birthday party. Quando vamos comer? Estou com fome! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When are we going to eat? Isso é comestível? Is that edible? Is that edible? É melhor ter amado e perdido, do que jamais ter amado. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It's better to have loved and lost than ever to have loved. Eu plantei uma macieira no meu jardim. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an apple tree in my garden. Tom me deu o número de telefone dele. Tom gave me his phone number. Tom gave me his phone number. Esta sopa está com um gosto delicioso. This soup tastes really great. This soup tastes delicious. Sugiro que veja o Sr. White. I suggest that you see Mr. White. I suggest you see Mr. White. Tom é pontual. Tom is punctual. Tom's on time. Que diabos aconteceu? What on earth happened? What the hell happened? -Há um tubarão na água-, ela sussurrou. "There's a shark in the water," she whispered. There's a shark in the water-- she whispered. Se não fosse o meu conselho, você teria falhado. If not for my advice, you would have failed. If it wasn't for my advice, you would have failed. Você não tem senso de direção. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of direction. Gostaria de fazer isso, mas, infelizmente, não tenho tempo. I'd like to do it, but unfortunately I don't have the time. I'd like to do that, but unfortunately, I don't have time. O médico me orientou a fazer uma dieta. The doctor instructed me to go on a diet. The doctor instructed me to take a diet. Ele nunca disse obrigado por tudo o que eu fiz por ele. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never said thank you for everything I've done for him. Tom está fazendo a barba em seu quarto. Tom is shaving in his room. Tom's shaving in his room. Ser nativo não significa que você não vá cometer erros. Being a native doesn't mean that you won't commit mistakes. Being native doesn't mean you won't make mistakes. Assim que ele ouviu a batida, ele correu para fora da casa. As soon as he heard the crash, he rushed out of the house. As soon as he heard the crash, he ran out of the house. Quando muitos inimigos aparecem na sua frente, olhe para trás, você tem muitos aliados também. When many enemies appear in front of you, look back, you have many allies as well. When many enemies appear in front of you, look back, you have many allies too. Nós merecemos esta oportunidade, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. We deserve this opportunity, Tom. Você parece preocupado. You seem worried. You look worried. Tom estava disponível. Tom was available. Tom was available. Sempre que há algo novo, o Tom fica sempre doido com isso, mas não demora muito até isso se tornar em algo velho. Whenever there's something new, Tom's always mad for it, but it doesn't last long before it gets old. Whenever there's something new, Tom always goes crazy about it, but it won't be long before it becomes something old. Tom instalou uma câmera de vigilância. Tom installed a surveillance camera. Tom installed a surveillance camera. Tom segue Maria no Twitter. Tom follows Mary on Twitter. Tom follows Maria on Twitter. O inglês dela é perfeito. Her English is perfect. Her English is perfect. Tom pensava que tinha todo o tempo do mundo. Tom thought he had all the time in the world. Tom thought he had all the time in the world. O Tom mora conosco. Tom lives with us. Tom lives with us. Eles têm filhos. They have kids. They have kids. Não importa quais, apenas pegue três livros. It doesn't matter which, just pick three books. No matter what, just take three books. Meu coração está batendo tão rápido! My heart is beating so fast! My heart is beating so fast! Eu também estou indo. I am going, too. I'm going too. Minha mãe fez nada mais que chorar. My mother did nothing but weep. My mother did nothing but cry. Acho difícil acreditar que o Tom faria algo assim. I find it hard to believe that Tom would do something like that. I find it hard to believe Tom would do something like this. Quantos anos seu namorado tem? How old is your boyfriend? How old is your boyfriend? Obrigado por cooperar. Thank you for cooperating. Thank you for cooperating. Ela se apaixonou por um jovem artista. She fell in love with a young artist. She fell in love with a young artist. Pode me dar o número do seu celular? Can I have your cellphone number? Can I have your cell phone number? Nós encontraremos você lá fora. We'll meet you outside. We'll meet you outside. A minha mãe está lá. My mother is out there. My mom's there. Eles me disseram que estavam felizes aqui. They told me they were happy here. They told me they were happy here. Esperamos que você visite Boston em breve. We hope you visit Boston soon. We hope you'll visit Boston soon. Tom só quer ser deixado em paz. Tom just wants to be left alone. Tom just wants to be left alone. A beleza é o sorriso da verdade quando esta vê seu próprio rosto em um espelho perfeito. Beauty is truth's smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror. Beauty is the smile of truth when it sees its own face in a perfect mirror. Da hora! Awesome! That's great. A maioria das pessoas usa a música como um divã; querem que ela lhes sirva de almofada, que as deixe relaxadas, aliviando-lhes a tensão da vida diária. Mas nunca se pretendeu que a música séria fosse soporífera. Most people use music as a couch; they want to be pillowed on it, relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living. But serious music was never meant to be soporific. Most people use music as a divan; they want it to be their pillow, make them relaxed, relieve them of the tension of daily life. But they never intended serious music to be soporiferous. Nós só temos que continuar vencendo. We just have to keep winning. We just have to keep winning. Tom vai dançar. Tom will dance. Tom's gonna dance. Em comparação a Tóquio, Londres é pequena. In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. Compared to Tokyo, London is small. Não faça barulho! Don't make noise. Don't make a sound! Parte da ilha ficou devastada pelas ondas gigantes. A portion of the island was destroyed by the massive waves. Part of the island was devastated by the giant waves. Tem alguma coisa errada com o meu carro. There is something wrong with my car. Something's wrong with my car. Posso fazer na metade do tempo. I can do it in half the time. I can do it half the time. Eu estou com vontade de te contar uma coisa. I feel like I can tell you anything. I feel like telling you something. Não sei o que vou fazer agora. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I don't know what I'm gonna do now. Eu acho que ninguém sabe. I think no one knows. I don't think anyone knows. Eu acho que isso é meu. I think this is mine. I think that's mine. O Tom me despediu. Tom fired me. Tom fired me. O Sr. Takahashi nos deu dever de casa. Mr. Takahashi gave us some homework. Mr Takahashi gave us homework. Não dê isto a ninguém. Don't give this to anybody. Don't give this to anyone. Tom entenderá. Tom will understand. Tom will understand. O Tom e a Mary estavam sozinhos no elevador. Tom and Mary were alone in the elevator. Tom and Mary were alone in the elevator. Nós esperávamos que alguns estudantes fossem vir, mas não havia ninguém na sala de aula. We had hoped some students would come, but there was no one in the classroom. We expected some students to come, but there was no one in the classroom. Tom colocou o bebê no berço de vime. Tom put the baby in the bassinet. Tom put the baby in the wicker crib. Tom perdeu alguns livros da biblioteca da escola. Tom lost some school library books. Tom lost some books from the school library. Esperei mais de duas horas. I waited more than two hours. I waited more than two hours. Eu gastei todo o dinheiro. I've spent all the money. I spent all the money. Por favor, deixa-me falar com ela. Please let me talk to her. Please, let me talk to her. Eu vou arriscar. I'll take my chance. I'll take my chances. Ele é o maior de sua classe. He is the tallest in his class. He's the greatest in his class. Deixe-me explicar como isto funciona. Let me explain how this works. Let me explain how this works. Tom vai estar de volta amanhã à tarde. Tom will be back tomorrow afternoon. Tom will be back tomorrow afternoon. Está ficando mais frio, mas ainda temos mosquitos aqui. It's getting colder, but we still have mosquitoes here. It's getting colder, but we still have mosquitoes here. Tu já cogitaste fazer isso? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever considered doing that? Sem problema! No problem! No problem! Eu vi o Tom entrar em um carro. I saw Tom get in a car. I saw Tom get into a car. Vivemos no complexo de apartamentos do outro lado da rua. We live in the block of flats just there on the other side of the street. We live in the apartment complex across the street. Aliás, eu tenho de dizer mais uma coisa ao senhor. Incidentally, I have to tell you something. In fact, I have one more thing to say to you. Ela pintou as paredes de branco. She painted the walls white. She painted the walls white. Por que eles fazem isso? Why do they do that? Why do they do that? Tom está na sala. Tom is in the living room. Tom's in the living room. Tom vestiu o uniforme dele. Tom was wearing his uniform. Tom wore his uniform. Espero que tudo seja bom. I hope it'll be nice. I hope it's all good. Eu falei para o Tom que eu estava com fome. I told Tom I was hungry. I told Tom I was hungry. Tom é um típico canadense. Tom is a typical Canadian man. Tom's a typical Canadian. Nunca estou livre aos domingos. I am never free on Sundays. I'm never free on Sundays. Isso vai contra as minhas crenças. That goes against my beliefs. That goes against my beliefs. A estrutura do prédio está comprometida. The building's structure is compromised. The structure of the building is compromised. Isso é o que você disse ontem. That's what you said yesterday. That's what you said yesterday. Nós estávamos jogando xadrez. We were playing chess. We were playing chess. O ferimento causou muita dor ao atleta. The injury caused the athlete great pain. The injury caused a lot of pain to the athlete. Ele é bom em baralho. He's good at cards. He's good at cards. Ela está se exibindo. She's showing off. She's showing off. Eu estive em Boston semana passada. I was in Boston last week. I was in Boston last week. Estou exausto. I'm worn out. I'm exhausted. Tenho de me apressar; o meu voo sai em uma hora. I have to hurry. My flight leaves in an hour. I have to hurry; my flight leaves in an hour. Tom passou o verão em Boston. Tom spent the summer in Boston. Tom spent the summer in Boston. Acho que vou falar com eles. I think I'll talk to them. I think I'll talk to them. O seu carro, a placa começa com ABC? Does the license plate of your car begin with ABC? Your car, does the license plate start with ABC? Quando é que foi a última vez que você trocou o filtro? When was the last time you replaced the filter? When was the last time you switched the filter? Eu ia dizer a mesma coisa. I was just about to say the same thing. I was gonna say the same thing. Qual dos dois é mais importante, eu ou Tatoeba? Which is more important, me or Tatoeba? Which one is more important, me or Tatoeba? Os tucanos regulam a temperatura corporal ajustando o fluxo de sangue ao seu bico. Toucans regulate their body temperature by adjusting the flow of blood to their beak. Toucans regulate body temperature by adjusting blood flow to their beak. Tom só é feio e pronto. Tom is just plain ugly. Tom's just ugly and that's it. O Tom não acha que a Mary esteja bêbada. Tom doesn't think Mary is drunk. Tom doesn't think Mary's drunk. Não quero que a senhora saiba meu verdadeiro nome. I don't want you to know my real name. I don't want you to know my real name. Tentemos entender um ao outro. Let's try to understand one another. Let's try to understand each other. Eu devo morrer. I must die. I must die. Você sabe o que eu quero que você faça. You know what I want you to do. You know what I want you to do. Eu deveria estar no comando. I should be in charge. I should be in charge. Eu não tenho nada para fazer. I don't have anything to do. I don't have anything to do. Eu prefiro ser um pássaro do que um peixe. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. Tom estava otimista. Tom was optimistic. Tom was optimistic. Não é caro. It isn't expensive. It's not expensive. No início o homem era quase igual aos demais animais. In the beginning, man was almost the same as the other animals. At first man was almost the same as other animals. Este pacote pesa três libras. This package weighs three pounds. This package weighs three pounds. Acho que é exatamente o que Tom está esperando fazer. I think that's exactly what Tom is expecting to do. I think that's exactly what Tom's hoping to do. O Tom adora trens. Tom loves trains. Tom loves trains. Ele escondeu os brinquedos debaixo da cama. He hid his toys under the bed. He hid the toys under the bed. Alguma coisa está perturbando o Tom. Something is bothering Tom. Something's bothering Tom. Vim aqui para falar com Tom. I came here to talk to Tom. I came here to talk to Tom. É melhor você mudar. You'd better change. You'd better change. Você que está tentando fazer? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to do it? Quão ingênuo o senhor presume que eu seja? How naive do you think I am? How naive do you suppose I am? Falo russo. I speak Russian. I speak Russian. Eu vou te encontrar mais tarde. I'll meet you later. I'll meet you later. Maria é a musa da namorada. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Maria is the girlfriend's muse. O que Tom disse que queria? What did Tom say he wanted? What did Tom say he wanted? Fui para Boston no outono passado. I went to Boston last fall. I went to Boston last fall. Eu estou esperando um cliente hoje. I'm expecting a customer today. I'm expecting a customer today. Eu gosto de ler livros. I enjoy reading books. I like to read books. Filho, não seja tolo! Son, don't be foolish! Son, don't be silly! Seu jardim é uma obra de arte. Her garden is a work of art. Your garden is a work of art. Sente-se no banco. Sit down on the bench. Sit on the bench. A fraqueza dela é que ela conversa demais. Her weakness is that she talks too much. Her weakness is that she talks too much. Os bancos não abrem aos sábados. The banks aren't open on Saturdays. Banks don't open on Saturdays. Vou tomar outra cerveja. I'll have another beer. I'll have another beer. Desculpe por te incomodar nesta hora de pico. Sorry for bothering you at this busy time. I'm sorry to bother you at this peak hour. Tom é um artista brilhante. Tom is a brilliant artist. Tom's a brilliant artist. Sabemos perfeitamente que ele se especializou naquela língua, entretanto não podemos permitir-lhe adotar nenhuma frase nela escrita, porque aquele não é o seu idioma natal. We know perfectly well that he specialized in that language, however we can not allow him to take any sentence written in it, because that is not his native language. We know perfectly well that he specialized in that language, however we cannot allow him to adopt any sentences in it written, because that is not his native language. Tom fala francês e inglês. Tom speaks French and English. Tom speaks French and English. Tom não irá à escola na próxima semana. Tom won't be going to school next week. Tom's not going to school next week. Estávamos todos dormindo. We were all asleep. We were all asleep. Você se importaria de me esclarecer alguns pontos? Would you mind clearing up a few points for me? Would you mind clarifying a few points? Qual é a sua opinião sobre o sistema de educação japonês? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? What is your opinion of the Japanese education system? Tom estava trapaceando. Tom was cheating. Tom was cheating. Eu fui lá sozinho. I went there by myself. I went there alone. Logo que saí da loja, dei com o meu professor. I had no sooner left the shop than I met my teacher. As soon as I left the store, I ran into my teacher. Ela está segurando uma flor vermelha. She is holding a red flower. She's holding a red flower. Pode tomar conta da minha bagagem? Will you look after my baggage? Can you take care of my luggage? Tom salvou minha filha. Graças a ele, ela está viva. Tom saved my daughter. Thanks to him, she's alive. Tom saved my daughter, and thanks to him, she's alive. Você gostaria de comer alguma coisa? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Quanto dinheiro devemos a você? How much money do we owe you? How much money do we owe you? Penso que temos de esperar um pouco mais. I think we have to wait a little more. I think we need to wait a little longer. Eu gosto mesmo dele. I really like him. I really like him. Acho que é melhor eu ficar aqui. I think I'd better stay here. I think I'd better stay here. Eu sou horrível em matemática. I'm horrible at math. I'm horrible at math. Tom sumiu. Tom has vanished. Tom's gone. Você está gravando isto? Are you recording this? Are you recording this? Quereis ir a algum lugar? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to go somewhere? O hotel é de frente para o lago. The hotel fronts the lake. The hotel is facing the lake. Está certo de sua resposta? Are you sure of your answer? Are you sure of your answer? Não vá para lá, Tom. Don't go in there, Tom. Don't go there, Tom. Somente água, por favor. Just water, please. Just water, please. O Monte Fuji, a montanha mais alta do Japão, tem 3776 metros de altura. Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is 3,776 meters high. Mount Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan, is 3776 metres high. Minha impressora a laser pode também escanear uma imagem. My laser printer can also scan an image. My laser printer can also scan an image. Vou anotar o endereço. I'm going to write down the address. I'll write down the address. Você é um cara sortudo. You're a lucky guy. You're a lucky guy. Eu tenho uma máquina de costura, mas eu raramente a uso. I have a sewing machine, but I rarely use it. I have a sewing machine, but I rarely use it. Não os apertes tanto quando os abraças! Ease your embrace. Don't squeeze them so hard when you hug them! Sem saber seu endereço, ela não lhe escreveu. Not knowing his address, she didn't write to him. Without knowing her address, she didn't write to her. Você fez isso muito rápido, não foi? You did that very fast, didn't you? You did it too fast, didn't you? Ele parece estar forte e saudável. He appears to be strong and healthy. He seems strong and healthy. Ela frequentemente leva vantagem de sua ignorância. She often takes advantage of his ignorance. She often takes advantage of her ignorance. Parece-me que você tem apendicite. It seems to me you have appendicitis. It seems to me that you have appendicitis. Ele ficou manco depois da queda. He was lame after the fall. He was limped after the fall. Todos concordam contigo. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Veja, eu sei o que vi. Look, I know what I saw. Look, I know what I saw. Uma multidão se reuniu junto ao incêndio. A big crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. A crowd gathered by the fire. Ninguém gosta de lavar roupa. No one likes doing laundry. Nobody likes to do laundry. Era um copo que ele quebrou. It was a glass that he broke. It was a glass he broke. Não toque o doce. Don't touch the candy. Don't touch the candy. O que estão vocês lendo? What are you reading? What are you reading? Tom não mentiria para mim. Tom wouldn't lie to me. Tom wouldn't lie to me. Ele quase nunca está certo. He is right once in a blue moon. He's almost never right. Hoje em dia os telefones móveis são muito populares. Nowadays mobile phones are very popular. Mobile phones are very popular these days. Não consigo aguentar o Tom. I can't put up with Tom. I can't take Tom. Tom beijou Maria e depois foi trabalhar. Tom kissed Mary and then went to work. Tom kissed Maria and then went to work. Eu simplesmente não gosto de futebol. I just don't like football. I just don't like football. É um sistema estúpido. It's a stupid system. It's a stupid system. Baixou as persianas. She pulled the blinds down. The blinds are down. Eu não gosto de ir sozinha pra casa depois de escurecer. I don't like walking home alone after dark. I don't like going home alone after dark. Tom desafiou Maria. Tom challenged Mary. Tom challenged Maria. Quando você diz isso, fica parecido com papai. When you say this, you sound just like father. When you say that, you look like Dad. Fizemos muitas melhorias. We've made many improvements. We've made a lot of improvements. O menino está brincando com seus soldadinhos de chumbo. The boy is playing with his tin soldiers. The boy's playing with his little lead soldiers. Não o critique em público. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don't criticize him in public. Falando em viagem, você já esteve na Austrália? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Speaking of travel, have you ever been to Australia? Tom me contou que se sentia mal sobre aquilo. Tom told me he felt bad about that. Tom told me that he felt bad about it. Não se deve cantar e dançar na Sexta-Feira da Paixão. You can't sing and dance on Good Friday. You shouldn't sing and dance on Passion Friday. Eu espero que você venha de novo. I do hope you'll come again. I hope you come again. Não tenho certeza se Tom gostou da festa tanto quanto nós. I'm not sure Tom enjoyed the party as much as we did. I'm not sure Tom liked the party as much as we did. Mary sabe nadar. Mary knows how to swim. Mary can swim. Onde estão seus olhos? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? Quase sempre nos falamos um com o outro em Francês. We almost always speak to each other in French. We almost always talk to each other in French. Estou muito feliz na Geórgia. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Eu encontrei o Tom na biblioteca. I met Tom at the library. I found Tom in the library. Ficamos lá por três meses. We stayed there for three months. We were there for three months. Você é um homem valente. You're a brave man. You're a brave man. Há uma loja de brinquedos no bairro. There is a toy shop in the neighborhood. There's a toy shop in the neighborhood. Você queria alguma coisa? Did you want something? Did you want something? Tom dirigiu. Tom drove. Tom drove. Lavei-me. I washed myself. I washed. Tom mandou uma mensagem a Mary. Tom sent a message to Mary. Tom texted Mary. Não se preocupe com o custo. Don't worry about the cost. Don't worry about the cost. Tom achou a experiência agradável. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Estou tentando ser justo. I'm trying to be fair. I'm trying to be fair. Onde será que Tom estacionou o carro? I wonder where Tom parked the car. I wonder where Tom parked the car. Basho foi o melhor poeta. Basho was the greatest poet. Basho was the best poet. Toda história tem dois lados. There are two sides to every story. Every story has two sides. Comprei uma nova bolsa. I bought a new bag. I bought a new bag. Deixe de ser pessimista, tudo se ajeita. Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Stop being a pessimist, everything will be fine. Você já terminou o trabalho? Have you finished the work yet? Have you finished the job yet? Ele é agressivo. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Ele está comprometido em ensinar. He is engaged in teaching. He's committed to teaching. Eu estou com uma boa intuição. I'm with a good intuition. I have a good intuition. Eu fui pescar três vezes no mês passado. I went fishing three times last month. I went fishing three times last month. Vou fazer exercícios todo dia. I'm going to exercise every day. I'm going to do exercises every day. Eu não acho que Tom gostou de verdade de fazer aquilo. I don't think Tom really enjoyed doing that. I don't think Tom really liked doing that. As crianças estavam inquietas. The children were restless. The children were restless. Tom prontamente concordou em fazer o que pedimos. Tom readily agreed to do what we asked. Tom promptly agreed to do what we asked. Estou preocupada com a segurança de minha família. I'm worried about my family's safety. I'm worried about the safety of my family. Preciso de uma semana. I need a week. I need a week. Eremita é uma pessoa cujos vícios e loucuras não são sociáveis. A hermit is a person whose vices and follies are not sociable. Hermit is a person whose addictions and folly are not sociable. O Tom não sabe nada disto, não é? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Carregava uma faca ou algo similar. He carried a knife or something similar. He was carrying a knife or something. Tom também desapareceu. Tom vanished, too. Tom's missing, too. Volte para a cama. Go back to bed. Go back to bed. Você sabe o quanto eu admiro a sua habilidade. You know how much I appreciate your expertise. You know how much I admire your ability. Lidas bem com mulheres. You're good with women. You deal well with women. Achei que você gostasse de ler. I thought you loved reading. I thought you liked to read. Gostaria de vê-lo antes de partir. I would like to see you before I leave. I'd like to see you before you leave. Telefone para Mary essa noite. Call Mary this evening. Call Mary tonight. Eu espero que nada tenha acontecido com ela. I hope nothing happened to her. I hope nothing happened to her. Você escreveu para Tom, não é? You've written to Tom, haven't you? You wrote to Tom, didn't you? Você ainda mora nos Estados Unidos? Do you still live in the United States? Do you still live in the United States? Eu comi uma fatia de Baumkuchen. I ate a slice of Baumkuchen. I ate a slice of Baumkuchen. Não volte. Don't come back. Don't come back. Ele cometeu um erro de propósito. He made a mistake on purpose. He made a mistake on purpose. Mary disse que eu devia seguir minha intuição. Mary said I should go with my gut. Mary said I should follow my intuition. Sami saiu do estacionamento subterrâneo. Sami exited the underground parking lot. Sami left the underground parking lot. A reunião começa às 14:30. The meeting starts at 2:30. The meeting starts at 2:30. Quando vocês vão vir para Boston? When will you be coming to Boston? When are you guys coming to Boston? Solte-o! Let it go! Let him go! Tudo bem levante sua mão e faça uma pergunta. It's OK to raise your hand and ask a question. All right, raise your hand and ask a question. Eu nunca perco uma oportunidade de comer comida italiana. I never miss the opportunity to eat Italian food. I never miss an opportunity to eat Italian food. Como você entrou? Você tem uma chave? How did you get inside? Do you have a key? How did you get in? Eu sei que você gosta de viajar, Tom. I know you like to travel, Tom. I know you like to travel, Tom. Tom não tinha uma boa desculpa para não vir. Tom didn't have a good excuse for not coming. Tom didn't have a good excuse not to come. A peça termina com a morte do herói. The play concludes with the hero's death. The play ends with the hero's death. Como está o seu progresso? How is your progress? How's your progress? O time ganhou as semifinais e avançou para as finais. The team won the semifinals and advanced to the finals. The team won the semifinals and advanced to the finals. Eu farei qualquer tipo de trabalho. I'll do any kind of work. I'll do any kind of work. Tem um livro aqui. There's a book here. There's a book here. O Tom chegou de carro. Tom arrived by car. Tom came by car. Oslo é a maior cidade da Noruega, com uma população de 629.313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway with a population of 629,313. Oslo is the largest city in Norway, with a population of 629.313. Não ponha à prova minha tolerância. Don't test my tolerance. Don't test my tolerance. Eu só fiz como me disseram. I only did as I was told. I just did as I was told. Tom nadou por duas horas hoje à tarde. Tom swam for two hours this afternoon. Tom swam for two hours this afternoon. Ele está cavando sua própria cova. He is digging his own grave. He's digging his own grave. Tom veio para os Estados Unidos com apenas sete anos. Tom came to the United States when he was just seven years old. Tom came to the United States at the age of only seven. Quem é mais alto: você ou Tom? Who is taller, you or Tom? Who's taller, you or Tom? Ele lamenta o fato de ter desperdiçado seu dinheiro. He regrets his having wasted his money. He regrets the fact that he wasted his money. A Lady Gaga doou um milhão para a Cruz Vermelha para ajudar as vítimas do furacão Sandy. Lady Gaga gave $1 million to the Red Cross to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Lady Gaga donated a million to the Red Cross to help Hurricane Sandy victims. Eles cortaram a maioria das árvores para lenha. They've cut down most of the trees for firewood. They cut down most of the wood trees. Há muitas galáxias no Universo. There are many galaxies in the universe. There are many galaxies in the universe. Cadê o amor? Where's the love? Where's the love? Poderia ser armadilha. It might be a trap. It could be a trap. Podes traduzir? Can you translate? Can you translate? Não temos tempo a perder. We don't have any time to waste. We don't have time to waste. Tom estava sempre disposto a ajudar os outros. Tom was always willing to help others. Tom was always willing to help others. Vale a pena perder tempo tentando ajudar pessoas que não querem ser ajudadas? Is it worth spending time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Is it worth wasting time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Sou mais rápido que você. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Vocês são os melhores. You are the best. You're the best. Tom trabalha muito. Tom works a lot. Tom works a lot. Tom nunca descobrirá. Tom is never going to find out. Tom will never find out. A taxa de encarceramento dos EUA é a mais alta do mundo. The U.S. incarceration rate is the highest in the world. The U.S. incarceration rate is the highest in the world. Não quero estar em seu caminho. I don't want to be in your way. I don't want to be in your way. Eu gosto mais de Sachiko do que de Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I like Sachiko more than Akiko. Ela está aqui. She is here. She's here. Não se atreva a dizer uma palavra sobre o que você viu aqui! Don't you dare utter a word about what you saw here! Don't you dare say a word about what you saw here! Eu gostaria de ir, mas é que eu não tenho tempo. I'd like to go but I just don't have the time. I'd like to go, but I just don't have time. A gente demora um pouco a se acostumar com as idiossincrasias de Tom. Tom's idiosyncrasies take a bit of getting used to. It takes us a while to get used to Tom's idiosyncrasies. Linda estava tão desapontada que caiu em prantos. Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears. Linda was so disappointed she fell in tears. Que currículo usa Fadil para ensinar árabe? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? Ninguém vem ao meu país. Nobody comes to my country. No one comes to my country. Está escurecendo cedo por aqui. O sol parece cair como uma pedra quando chega o outono. It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around. It's getting dark early around here, the sun seems to fall like a rock when autumn comes. Isto parece francês. This sounds like French. This looks French. Você achou que eu deixaria você aqui? Did you think I would leave you here? Did you think I'd leave you here? Isto é uma casa e aquilo é uma mesquita. This is a house and that is a mosque. This is a house and that's a mosque. O Tom precisa obter mais conhecimento. Tom needs to gain more knowledge. Tom needs more knowledge. Tóquio deve ser uma cidade muito segura. Tokyo is supposed to be a very safe city. Tokyo must be a very safe city. A sanguessuga sugou o sangue dele. The leech sucked his blood. The leech sucked his blood. O Tom não parece estar infeliz. Tom doesn't seem to be unhappy. Tom doesn't seem unhappy. Tive um sonho estranho. I had a strange dream. I had a weird dream. Ele tremia de frio. He was shivering from the cold. He was shivering with cold. O que eu tenho que fazer? What do I have to do? What do I have to do? Eu acho que skates são geralmente mais baratos do que patins. I think skateboards are usually cheaper than rollerblades. I think skateboards are usually cheaper than skates. Que divertido! What fun! That's fun. Ken nunca esteve em Nova Iorque. Ken has never been to New York. Ken was never in New York. Acho que você é a mulher que eu estive esperando por toda minha vida. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life. Você está cada dia mais bonito. You get more and more beautiful every day. You're getting prettier every day. A minha família é abastada. My family is wealthy. My family is wealthy. O sistema educacional precisa ser mais flexível. The education system needs to be more flexible. The educational system needs to be more flexible. Você consegue terminar isto em três dias? Can you finish this in three days? Can you finish this in three days? A maioria das cidades desse país se encontram nas planícies do litoral. Most cities in that country are found on the coastal plain. Most of the cities in that country are on the coastal plains. A reunião durou uma hora. The meeting lasted one hour. The meeting lasted an hour. Na verdade, o mundo foi feito por um Mestre! In truth, the world was made by a Master! In fact, the world was made by a Master! Não é minha culpa. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. O novo aeroporto está sendo chamado de elefante branco. The new airport has been called a white elephant. The new airport is being called the white elephant. Tom geralmente vai ao cinema sexta-feira à noite. Tom usually goes to the movies on Friday night. Tom usually goes to the movies Friday night. Tom me pediu para te perguntar uma coisa. Tom asked me to ask you something. Tom asked me to ask you something. Nós estamos doentes. We're sick. We're sick. Não sou nada romântico. I am not romantic at all. I'm not romantic at all. Sei que Tom é estranho. I know that Tom is odd. I know Tom's weird. Está embaixo da mesa. It's under the table. It's under the table. O Tom não fez isso da maneira certa. Tom didn't do that the right way. Tom didn't do it the right way. Sê criativo. Be creative. Be creative. Eu acho que realmente funcionou para você. I guess it really worked for you. I think it really worked for you. Eu posso sugerir para você alguns websites muito bons para seus estudos. I can suggest to you some very good websites for your study. I may suggest to you some very good websites for your studies. Agora eu posso tomar conta de mim mesmo. Now I can look after myself. Now I can take care of myself. Há quanto tempo você é dono deste carro? How long have you owned this car? How long have you owned this car? Por que o Tom compra coisas naquela loja? Why does Tom buy things at that store? Why does Tom buy stuff in that store? Estás com fome? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Você está sem emoção. You're unemotional. You're out of emotion. Eu gosto de estar a só. I like being on my own. I like being alone. Tom tomou sopa de legumes hoje de manhã. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom had some vegetable soup this morning. Você estava definitivamente drogado. You were definitely drugged. You were definitely drugged. Tom morou em Boston quando era criança. Tom lived in Boston when he was a child. Tom lived in Boston when he was a kid. Eu vou deixar o Tom te contar. I'll let Tom tell you. I'll let Tom tell you. Minha carteira foi roubada ontem. My wallet was stolen yesterday. My wallet was stolen yesterday. Você não vê isso todos os dias. You don't see that every day. You don't see that every day. Ser burro é ser ignorante e ingênuo de uma só vez. To be stupid is to be ignorant and naïve all at once. Being stupid is being ignorant and naive at once. A morte é o destino de todos. Death is everyone's fate. Death is everyone's destiny. "Você é sueco?" "Não, suíço." "Are you Swedish?" "No, Swiss." "Are you Swedish?" "No, Swiss." Ele estava envolvido num confronto com uma gangue violenta. He was involved in a skirmish with a violent gang. He was involved in a confrontation with a violent gang. Não toque o plugue do cabo de alimentação AC com as mãos molhadas. Do not touch the plug of the AC power cord with wet hands. Do not touch the AC power cable plug with wet hands. Estamos salvos. We're safe. We're safe. Eu quero checar isso. I want to check it out. I want to check this out. Tom tomou um banho frio esta manhã. Tom took a cold shower this morning. Tom took a cold shower this morning. Posso beber um pouco de água? Can I have some water? Can I have some water? Você pode cancelar? Can you cancel? Can you cancel? Tatoeba nem mesmo é uma pessoa. Tatoeba is not even a person. Tatoeba isn't even a person. O Tom passou um tempo na Austrália. Tom has spent time in Australia. Tom spent some time in Australia. Os senhores amam seus filhos? Do you love your children? Do you gentlemen love your children? Esse ônibus comporta cinquenta pessoas. This bus can hold fifty people. This bus has 50 people. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where he lived. "Havia alguém na sala?" "Não, não havia ninguém lá." "Was there anybody in the room?" "No, there was nobody there." "Was there anyone in the room?" "No, there was no one there." Este tipo de cão existe apenas no Japão. This kind of dog exists only in Japan. This type of dog exists only in Japan. Sou enfermeira. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Eu não me lembro da última vez que fizemos isso. I can't remember the last time we did that. I don't remember the last time we did this. Os olhos de todos estavam travados nas telas. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screens. Everyone's eyes were locked on the screens. Tom saiu da casa. Tom left the house. Tom left the house. Não fique bravo comigo. Don't get mad at me. Don't be mad at me. Tom o conhece. Tom knows you. Tom knows him. Não podemos trabalhar sem energia elétrica. We can't work without electricity. We can't work without power. Recebi notícias sobre o Tom. I've received news about Tom. I just got word about Tom. O Tom e a Mary chamaram seu filho de John. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary called their son John. Terão chegado a Morioka ao meio dia. They will have arrived at Morioka by noon. They'll have arrived in Morioka by noon. Tom desligou o motor. Tom turned off the engine. Tom turned off the engine. Eu sou o mais jovem de cinco irmãos. I am the youngest of five children. I'm the youngest of five brothers. Sou da opinião de que ele deveria pedir desculpas ao seu professor. I'm of the opinion that he should apologize to his teacher. I'm of the opinion that he should apologize to his teacher. Vem aqui doggie. Come here doggie. Come here, doggie. Não posso cozinhar o que você quer. I can't cook what you want. I can't cook what you want. Então, não estás contente de me ver? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? Tom disse que ele estaria lá. Tom said he'll be there. Tom said he'd be there. Eu acredito que ele seja realmente seu amigo. I do believe that he's your friend. I believe he's really your friend. O filho do Tom está doente. Tom's son is sick. Tom's son is sick. Não importa qual a sua profissão, ou o quão feliz você seja nela, existem momentos que você desejaria ter escolhido outra carreira. No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are moments when you wish you had chosen some other career. No matter what your profession, or how happy you are in it, there are moments you wish you had chosen another career. Todos entenderam o seu discurso. They all understood your speech. Everyone understood your speech. Isto é uma pera. This is a pear. This is a pear. Hoje cedo, minha orelha estava sangrando. My ear was bleeding this morning. Earlier today, my ear was bleeding. É muito pequena. It's very small. It's too small. Não deveria estar dirigindo. I shouldn't have been driving. You shouldn't be driving. Finalmente venci minha timidez e perguntei-lhe se queria sair comigo. I finally overcame my shyness and asked him out on a date. I finally beat my shyness and asked him if he wanted to go out with me. Não adianta discutir por isso. There's no use arguing about it. There's no point arguing about it. Tom dormiu muito mais do que planejava. Tom slept much longer than he had planned to. Tom slept a lot more than he planned. Diga ao Tom que estou com fome. Tell Tom that I'm hungry. Tell Tom I'm hungry. Só estou curioso. I'm just curious. I'm just curious. O que quer que faça, não abra aquela porta. Whatever you do, don't open that door. Whatever you do, don't open that door. O que eu quero neste momento é uma xícara de café quente. What I want right now is a hot cup of coffee. What I want right now is a cup of hot coffee. Não flerte comigo, Tom. Don't flirt with me, Tom. Don't flirt with me, Tom. Você quer fazer um churrasco esta noite? Do you want to have a barbecue this evening? Do you want to have a barbecue tonight? Você está se sentindo muito cansado? Do you feel too tired? Are you feeling too tired? Chegamos um pouco tarde. We arrived a little late. We're a little late. Basta ir descansar um pouco. Just go and get some rest. Just go get some rest. Frequentemente vamos para lá às segundas. We often go there on Mondays. We often go there on Mondays. A energia solar não ameaça o meio. Solar energy does not threaten the environment. Solar energy doesn't threaten the environment. Escove os dentes. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Vocês gostaram? Did you like it? Did you like it? Sua hora chegou. Your time has come. Your time has come. Eu estou com dificuldades com a gramática francesa. I'm having a hard time with French grammar. I'm having trouble with French grammar. Eu tenho braços curtos. I have short arms. I have short arms. Eu trabalho num posto de gasolina. I work at a gas station. I work at a gas station. Não quero o Tom ali. I don't want Tom there. I don't want Tom in there. Ele é o único filho que eles têm. He is the only child they have. He's the only son they have. Observe as estruturas do inglês nativo e tire suas conclusões. Observe the structures of native English and draw your conclusions. Observe the structures of native English and draw your conclusions. O ácido salicílico é um composto orgânico. Salicylic acid is an organic compound. Salicylic acid is an organic compound. Eu quero falar com o meu advogado. I want to talk to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. Por que ela está aqui? Why is she here? Why is she here? Ele o fez, e na presença dela. He did it, and in her presence. He did, and in her presence. Era uma deliciosa noite de outono. It was a lovely autumn evening. It was a delicious autumn night. Minha filha se casa em junho. My daughter is getting married in June. My daughter gets married in June. Eu nunca te darei permissão para fazer isso. I'll never give you permission to do that. I'll never give you permission to do that. Tom ouviu o som. Tom heard the sound. Tom heard the sound. Eu me deixava levar pela música. I was carried away by the music. I used to get carried away by music. Você não quer ajudá-los? Don't you want to help them? Don't you want to help them? Por que você está se desculpando de algo que não fez? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you apologizing for something you didn't do? O camelo pode estocar uma grande quantidade de água nas suas corcovas. A camel can store a large amount of water in the hump on its back. The camel can store a large amount of water in its humps. Tom faz o que ele diz que vai fazer. Tom does what he says he'll do. Tom does what he says he's gonna do. É melhor irmos encontrar o Tom. We'd better go find Tom. We'd better go find Tom. Tom morou em Boston até os dez anos de idade. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Eu acho que é uma possibilidade. I think it's a possibility. I think it's a possibility. Eu posso consertar qualquer coisa. I can fix anything. I can fix anything. Obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thanks for your help. Thank you for your help. A informação é relevante. The information is relevant. The information is relevant. Ele não pode contar. He can't count. He can't tell. Falávamos de você aquele dia. We were talking about you that day. We were talking about you that day. Tom e Mary são bastante competitivos. Tom and Mary are quite competitive. Tom and Mary are very competitive. Você acha que ele sairia comigo? Do you think he'd go out with me? Do you think he'd go out with me? Ela sua bastante mas eu meio que gosto. She sweats a lot, but I kind of like it. She sweats a lot but I kind of like it. Eles deveriam pedir desculpas. They should apologize. They should apologize. Estou no hospital com Tom. I'm at the hospital with Tom. I'm at the hospital with Tom. Tom mal conseguia entender o que dizia Mary. Tom could hardly understand what Mary said. Tom could barely understand what Mary was saying. Algumas pessoas parecem concordar contigo. Some people seem to agree with you. Some people seem to agree with you. O Tom entrou levando as compras. Tom came in carrying groceries. Tom went in and took the groceries. Isso está bastante claro, não está? That's plain enough, isn't it? That's pretty clear, isn't it? Eu não posso responder esta pergunta. I can't answer this question. I can't answer that question. Ele disse que a única solução era uma rebelião de escravos. He said the only answer was a slave rebellion. He said the only solution was a slave rebellion. A pipoca é muito barata quando comparada a outros petiscos. Também é geralmente mais saudável. Popcorn is very inexpensive when compared to many other snack foods. It's also usually healthier. The popcorn is very cheap when compared to other snacks. It is also generally healthier. Você não está esquecendo de algo? Aren't you forgetting something? Aren't you forgetting something? Eu não consigo ir ao hospital sem ajuda. I can't make it to the hospital without some help. I can't go to the hospital without help. Então ela correu pra casa. Then she hurried home. So she ran home. Por que policiais amam rosquinhas? Why do cops love doughnuts? Why do cops love doughnuts? Desculpe! Sorry! I'm sorry! Nunca pensei que algo assim aconteceria. I never thought that would happen. I never thought anything like this would happen. Tom não vai escapar. Tom won't go away. Tom won't get away. Gostaria de provar isto. I'd like to try this on. I'd like to prove it. Esperarei por vós até as duas e meia. I'll wait for you until 2:30. I'll wait for you until 2:30. Ele já sabia da história. He knew the story already. He already knew the story. Você está uma hora atrasada. You're an hour late. You're an hour late. Senhor Presidente, o anseio de democracia levou à queda do Muro de Berlim. Mr President, it was yearning for democracy that brought down the Berlin Wall. Mr President, the desire for democracy has led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Os sindicatos tinham ameaçado o governo com uma greve geral. The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike. The unions had threatened the government with a general strike. Você não está sendo justo. You're not being fair. You're not being fair. Newton viu uma maçã cair de uma árvore. Newton saw an apple fall off a tree. Newton saw an apple fall out of a tree. O Tom diz que ainda está planejando ir. Tom says he's still planning to go. Tom says he's still planning on going. Tom e eu mentimos para você. Both Tom and I lied to you. Tom and I lied to you. Tom torra seu próprios grãos de café. Tom roasts his own coffee beans. Tom toasts his own coffee beans. O caminho do sucesso está sempre em construção. The road to success is always under construction. The path of success is always under construction. As únicas alternativas são o sucesso e a morte. The only alternatives are success and death. The only alternatives are success and death. O que vamos fazer com isso? What're we going to do with it? What are we gonna do with that? Tom não vai perceber. Tom won't notice. Tom won't understand. Estive tenso durante toda a manhã. I've been tense all morning. I've been tense all morning. Se você está pensando nas vantagens e desvantagens de uma relação, eu não acho que você possa chamá-la de amor. As long as you are thinking about the pros and cons of a relationship, I don't think you can call it love. If you're thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of a relationship, I don't think you can call it love. Tom parece muito aborrecido com isso. Tom seemed pretty upset about it. Tom seems pretty upset about it. Ela poderia morrer. She could die. She could die. É a sua única chance. It's his only chance. It's your only chance. O que você acha que Tom queria? What do you think Tom wanted? What do you think Tom wanted? Disse-lhe que saísse da sala. I told him to leave the room. I told him to leave the room. Estou muito preocupado com você. I'm very worried about you. I'm very worried about you. Não acho que eles acreditem na gente. I don't think they believe us. I don't think they believe us. Um guia, ao encontrar um homem que se extraviou, leva-o de volta ao caminho certo – não fica rindo e zombando dele e depois vai embora. A guide, on finding a man who has lost his way, brings him back to the right path — he does not mock and jeer at him and then take himself off. A guide, when finding a man who got lost, takes him back to the right path – does not keep laughing and mocking him and then leaves. O que você achou do filme que assistimos ontem? What did you think of the movies we saw yesterday? What did you think of the movie we watched last night? Já ouvi o suficiente. I've heard enough. I've heard enough. Tom, cadê você? Estamos com saudades! Tom, where are you? We miss you! Tom, where are you? Você parou de fumar, certo? You've quit smoking, right? You quit smoking, right? Minha mãe se casou quando tinha 20 anos. My mother got married at the age of twenty. My mom got married when she was 20. O namorado a traía, mas ele negou até que ela o pegou. Her boyfriend cheated on her, but he denied it until she caught him. Her boyfriend cheated on her, but he denied it until she caught him. Você pode identificá-los? Can you identify them? Can you identify them? Isso funciona toda vez. It works every time. It works every time. Você tem medo do silêncio? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Vem mais gente? Are more people coming? Is there anyone else coming? Eu acho que não poderia ficar no mesmo quarto com Tom a tarde toda. I don't think that I could stand being in the same room with Tom all afternoon. I don't think I could be in the same room with Tom all afternoon. "Que horas são?" ele pensou. "What time is it?" he wondered. "What time is it?" he thought. Jogar tênis é muito divertido. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Então, David, qual é o seu trabalho? So David, what is your job? So, David, what's your job? Nós estamos satisfeitos. We're satisfied. We're satisfied. Todos se simpatizaram com o Tom. Everyone sympathized with Tom. Everyone sympathized with Tom. Você deveria ir pessoalmente. You'd better go in person. You should go in person. O conhecimento pode ser comunicado, mas não a sabedoria. Pode-se encontrá-la, vivê-la, fazer maravilhas por meio dela, mas não se pode transmiti-la ou ensiná-la. Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it. Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot transmit it or teach it. Minha bagagem não chegou. O que houve? My luggage didn't arrive. What happened? My luggage hasn't arrived. O bebê parece dormir. The baby seems to be asleep. The baby seems to sleep. Tua insegurança vem de tua religião. Your insecurity comes from your religion. Your insecurity comes from your religion. Vocês deveriam ter aceito o dinheiro que o Tom ofereceu para vocês. You should have accepted the money Tom offered you. You should have taken the money Tom offered you. Esta é uma história interessante. That's an interesting story. This is an interesting story. Eu não quero reprovar nas minhas provas. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to fail my exams. Eu quero ficar. I want to stay. I want to stay. Te enganaram. They've fooled you. They tricked you. Eu acho que o Tom quer ficar. I think Tom wants to stay. I think Tom wants to stay. Estou surpreso que Tom escolheu Mary. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. I'm surprised Tom picked Mary. Esta provavelmente é a sua escova de dentes. This is probably your toothbrush. This is probably your toothbrush. Você tem muita coragem! You have a lot of nerve! You've got a lot of guts! Aonde você ia? Where did you go? Where were you going? Como isso se quebrou? How did that get broken? How did it get broken? Ele foi à escola de carro. He went to school by car. He went to car school. Eu assisti ao filme do Arquivo X. I watched X-files the movie. I watched the X-File movie. Tom é bonito. Tom is handsome. Tom's beautiful. Escutei o Tom espirrar. I heard Tom sniffle. I heard Tom sneeze. Tom fuma três maços de cigarro por dia. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Como posso ajudar? How can I help? How can I help? Chegamos aqui ontem à noite. We got here last night. We got here last night. Ela vai pagar cinquenta dólares no máximo. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay 50 bucks tops. Eles estavam preocupados em pegar um resfriado. They were worried about getting caught. They were worried about catching a cold. Tom ainda está doente. Tom is still sick. Tom's still sick. Isto ainda é pior! This is even worse! This is even worse! Sawako quer que eu vá para a França. Sawako wants to go to France. Sawako wants me to go to France. Nós somos quem somos. We are who we are. We are who we are. Pensa que eu sou cega? Do you think I'm blind? You think I'm blind? Pensei que você fosse canadense. I thought you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. Era de Tom. It was Tom's. It was Tom's. A minha esposa cozinha bem. My wife cooks well. My wife cooks well. Antes de eu responder sua pergunta, por favor responda a minha Before I answer your question, please answer mine. Before I answer your question, please answer my question. Quando você trabalha? When do you work? When do you work? Estamos sendo perseguidos. We're being hunted. We're being chased. Eu juro que vou te compensar. I swear that I'll make it up to you. I swear I'll make it up to you. Eu sabia que o Tom não estava indo para Boston. I knew Tom wasn't going to Boston. I knew Tom wasn't going to Boston. Onde está sua camisa? Where's your shirt? Where's your shirt? O que o Tom está dizendo? What's Tom saying? What's Tom saying? Quem escreveu esse livro? Who wrote that book? Who wrote that book? Você precisa aceitar o seu papel. You need to accept your role. You need to accept your role. Isto é um pronome demonstrativo. This is a demonstrative pronoun. This is a demonstrative pronoun. Ele é amigo dela. He's her friend. He's her friend. Quem é mais jovem, ele ou eu? Who is younger, him or me? Who's younger, him or me? Ele se esqueceu de dizer que estaria atrasado e, pra piorar a situação, o tráfego estava ruim. He forgot to say he would be late, and to make matters worse, the traffic was bad. He forgot to say he'd be late, and to make things worse, traffic was bad. Na sua idade você deveria se bancar sozinho. At your age you ought to support yourself. At your age, you should be on your own. Assim é mais fácil. It's easier this way. That's easier. As bananas são amarelas. Bananas are yellow. The bananas are yellow. Qual é a sua palavra favorita? What's your favourite word? What's your favorite word? Você pode fazer o que quiser. You are welcome to do anything you like. You can do whatever you want. O Tom dormiu demais. Tom overslept. Tom overslept. Quero levar Mary a algum lugar romântico esta noite. I want to take Mary somewhere romantic tonight. I want to take Mary somewhere romantic tonight. Há muitas coisas que preciso te contar. There are a lot of things I need to tell you. There's a lot of things I need to tell you. Tom bateu a porta. Tom slammed the door. Tom slammed the door. Talvez Tom queira ficar sozinho. Maybe Tom wants to be alone. Maybe Tom wants to be alone. Ele conhece muito bem a literatura inglesa. He is well read in English literature. He knows English literature very well. Babaca! Idiot! Asshole! Tom lê devagar. Tom reads slowly. Tom reads it slowly. O Tom gravou as iniciais dele no grande carvalho na frente da escola. Tom carved his initials on the large oak tree in front of the school. Tom recorded his initials on the big oak tree in front of the school. A música deve acender chamas no coração do homem, e trazer lágrimas aos olhos da mulher. Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman. Music must light flames in the man's heart, and bring tears to the woman's eyes. Qual é a sua cor favorita? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Tom me animou a aprender o francês. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Eu pulei. I jumped. I jumped. Tu estás dizendo que não queres ir à festa do Tom? Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party? Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party? Que mentiroso que você é! You are such a liar! What a liar you are! Você vai vir para casa para o jantar hoje à noite? Will you come home for dinner tonight? Are you coming home for dinner tonight? Tom só queria atenção. Tom just wanted attention. Tom just wanted attention. Por que você tem me ignorado? Why have you been ignoring me? Why have you been ignoring me? Tom perdeu o guarda-chuva dele de novo. Tom has lost his umbrella again. Tom lost his umbrella again. Nosso anfitrião nos ofereceu uma bebida. Our host offered us a drink. Our host offered us a drink. Estou ocupado, então não posso ir. I'm busy, so I can't go. I'm busy, so I can't go. Você disse que Tom estava ocupado. You said that Tom was busy. You said Tom was busy. Quando eu crescer eu quero ser rei. When I grow up, I want to be king. When I grow up I want to be king. Posso dizer a eles sobre isso? Can I tell them about this? Can I tell them about this? Você vai ajudá-los? Will you help them? Will you help them? Você tem um minuto para ir e voltar. You've got a minute to go and return. You have one minute to go and come back. A não ser que você tome uma decisão rápida, a oportunidade será perdida. Unless you make a decision quickly, the opportunity will be lost. Unless you make a quick decision, the opportunity will be missed. Fadil estudou o Islã. Fadil studied Islam. Fadil studied Islam. Eu lhe trouxe algo. I've brought you something. I brought you something. Eu fiquei surpreso com a resposta. I was surprised at the answer. I was surprised by the answer. Quanto mais pressa, menos rapidez. The more hurry, the less speed. The faster you hurry, the faster you get. Eu podei a árvore. I pruned the tree. I can get the tree. Eu venho pensando sobre isso. I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. Eu queria fazer isso por Tom. I wanted to do that for Tom. I wanted to do this for Tom. No Havaí, podemos ter o prazer de tomar banho de mar durante o ano todo. In Hawaii, we can enjoy swimming in the ocean all year round. In Hawaii, we can have the pleasure of taking a sea bath all year long. Eu vou te mostrar exatamente onde encontrei isso. I'll show you exactly where I found this. I'll show you exactly where I found this. Fala mais alto, por favor. Speak louder, please. Speak louder, please. Você será punido se violar a lei. You'll be punished if you break the law. You'll be punished if you break the law. Eu não estou nem um pouco preocupado I'm not worried at all. I'm not at all worried. Tua mulher deve ser muito feliz. Your wife must be very happy. Your wife must be very happy. Traga vinho. Bring wine. Bring some wine. Como estimular o desejo de uma mulher? How to arouse a woman's desire? How do you stimulate a woman's desire? Não se iluda. Don't delude yourself. Don't kid yourself. Tom irá reconsiderar. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will reconsider. Você foi ao cassino. You went to the casino. You went to the casino. Robert é um oceanógrafo do Instituto Woods Hole. Robert is an oceanographer from Woods Hole Institute. Robert is an oceanographer at Woods Hole Institute. O aspartame é um açúcar artificial. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. A primavera começou com vontade. Spring started indeed. Spring began with desire. A tela estava maravilhosa. Vocês deveriam ter visto. The picture was wonderful. You ought to have seen it. The screen was wonderful, you should have seen it. Eu não preciso de sua ajuda. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Faz um ano que eu escrevo este texto. I have been writing this manuscript for a year. I've been writing this text for a year. Você está feliz aqui, não está? You're happy here, aren't you? You're happy here, aren't you? Em geral se sabe pouco acerca de equações diferenciais não-lineares de segunda ordem. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations. In general little is known about second-order nonlinear differential equations. Essa boneca tem olhos grandes. This doll has big eyes. That doll has big eyes. Quem realmente se preocupa? Who really cares? Who really cares? Tom não tinha carro. Tom didn't have a car. Tom didn't have a car. Quando vamos chegar no aeroporto? When will we reach the airport? When are we gonna get to the airport? Você ainda come fora todas as segundas? Do you still eat out every Monday? Do you still eat out every Monday? Eu não vou sair esta noite. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going out tonight. Desculpe, mas tenho de me apressar. Não tenho tempo para explicar isso em detalhes. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. I'm sorry, but I have to hurry, I don't have time to explain this in detail. Queremos que você faça isso. We want you to do that. We want you to do this. Acho que temos que ir agora. I think that we have to go now. I think we have to go now. Você não precisa se desculpar. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Eu me sinto mal por elas. I feel bad for them. I feel bad for them. Haveria um traidor entre nós? Would there be traitor among us? Would there be a traitor among us? Ela me chama de Kenji. She calls me Kenji. She calls me Kenji. "Eu sou professor." "Eu também sou." "I am a teacher." "So am I." "I'm a teacher." "So am I." Isso deve ter ocorrido enquanto eu estava fora. That must have taken place while I was away. That must have happened while I was away. Eu estou muito feliz por estar aqui. I'm tickled pink to be here. I'm really glad you're here. Eu não consigo ver. I can't see. I can't see. Tom encontrou Mary pela primeira vez em Boston. Tom first met Mary in Boston. Tom first met Mary in Boston. Você come carne de vitela? Do you eat veal? Do you eat veal? Você não tem escolha. You've got no choice. You don't have a choice. Tom, há algo que você deveria saber sobre mim. Tom, there's something you should know about me. Tom, there's something you should know about me. O Tom concordou que não devíamos fazer isso. Tom agreed that we shouldn't do that. Tom agreed we shouldn't do that. Meu irmão vai me matar. My brother's going to kill me. My brother's gonna kill me. Tom não ficará feliz com isso. Tom's not going to be happy about this. Tom won't be happy about it. Odeio pessoas que falam assim. I hate people who talk like that. I hate people who talk like that. Vamos tentar mais uma vez. Let's try one more time. Let's try it one more time. Faça do jeito que eu te mandei. Do it the way I told you to. Do it the way I told you to do it. Todos sabem que ela casou com ela por seu dinheiro. Everybody knows she married him for his money. Everyone knows she married her for her money. O Tom vai comprar uma casa nova. Tom is buying a new house. Tom's buying a new house. Aquele barulho me acordou. That noise woke me up. That noise woke me up. Quando eles se mudaram para a cidade, acharam fácil fazer amigos. When they moved to the town, they found it easy to make friends. When they moved to the city, they found it easy to make friends. O Tom não fala francês de forma tão fluente quanto você. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you. Tom doesn't speak French as fluent as you do. Eu comprei uma camiseta vermelha ontem. I bought a red T-shirt yesterday. I bought a red shirt yesterday. Eu procurei em todos os lugares, mas não consigo achar o meu livro. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my book. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my book. Ele casou com a Ann. He married Ann. He married Ann. A garganta do Tom tinha sido cortada. Tom's throat had been slit. Tom's throat had been cut. Você não deveria responder aos seus pais dessa forma. You shouldn't talk back to your parents like that. You shouldn't answer your parents like that. Tom não sabe ler nem escrever. Tom can neither read nor write. Tom can't read or write. Ele está olhando mas não vê nada. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. He's looking, but he doesn't see anything. Se eu visse um rapaz roubando alguma coisa no supermercado, eu o denunciaria ao gerente. If I saw a boy steal something in the supermarket, I would report him to the manager. If I saw a boy stealing something at the supermarket, I'd report him to the manager. Peço desculpas se feri teus sentimentos. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. Tom não quer ir embora. Tom doesn't want to go away. Tom doesn't want to leave. Eu tenho um cavalo branco. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. Por que você está fazendo isto? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Tom não admitiu o seu erro. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tim é um grande fã de comédia satírica. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. Tim's a big fan of satirical comedy. Eu não queria ferir os sentimentos de Tom. I didn't want to hurt Tom's feelings. I didn't mean to hurt Tom's feelings. Não era para acontecer. It was not supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. Você pode abrir a porta para mim? Can you open the door for me? Can you open the door for me? Nós queremos traduções que soem naturais, e não traduções diretas feitas palavra por palavra. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. We want translations that sound natural, not direct translations made word for word. Qual língua estrangeira vocês acham que seja mais fácil para os que falam inglês a aprender? Which foreign language do you think is the easiest for native English speakers to learn? Which foreign language do you think is easier for those who speak English to learn? Tom sabe muito bem que não deve discordar de Mary. Tom knows better than to disagree with Mary. Tom knows better than to disagree with Mary. Estava tentando distraí-la. I was trying to distract her. I was trying to distract her. Eu não posso me encontrar com você agora. I can't meet you now. I can't meet you now. Vocês têm feito um trabalho perfeito. You've done a perfect job. You've been doing a perfect job. Me diga que você não aceitou. Tell me you didn't take it. Tell me you didn't take it. Mexamo-nos! Let's get moving. Let's move! Ela tem um gato. O gato é branco. She has a cat. The cat is white. She's got a cat, the cat's white. O Tom é um cidadão britânico. Tom is a British citizen. Tom's a British citizen. Tom não me disse por que estava planejando sair de Boston. Tom didn't tell me why he was planning to leave Boston. Tom didn't tell me why he was planning on leaving Boston. Quero que tu venhas de novo. I want you to come back. I want you to come again. Ele estava determinado a viajar pro exterior. He was determined to go abroad. He was determined to travel abroad. Ele me ensinou história. He taught me history. He taught me history. Tom não disse nada sobre ir para Boston. Tom didn't say anything about going to Boston. Tom didn't say anything about going to Boston. Para mim é indiferente se ele gosta de beisebol ou de futebol. It makes no difference to me whether he likes baseball or football. It's indifferent to me if he likes baseball or football. Quero minimizar as chances de outro acidente. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. Maria pediu uma xícara de chocolate quente. Mary ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Maria ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Ele tinha um ódio intenso de seu professor. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. He had an intense hatred for his teacher. Eu uso o Google todos os dias. I use Google every day. I use Google every day. Meu irmão mais velho pretende trabalhar numa fábrica de medicamentos. My older brother is planning to work at a drug factory. My older brother intends to work in a medicine factory. Melhorou. It's gotten better. That's better. Não se esqueça de pagar o aluguel. Don't forget to pay the rent. Don't forget to pay the rent. Eu me pergunto se Tom ficou ferido. I wonder if Tom has been hurt. I wonder if Tom was hurt. Tom era velho. Tom was old. Tom was old. Os homens são tão imprestáveis. Men are so useless. Men are so useless. Deve haver algo por trás desse assunto. There must be something at the back of this matter. There must be something behind this. Quando o vi pela primeira vez, pensei que você fosse o Roy. I took you for Roy when I first saw you. When I first saw you, I thought you were Roy. Isso é incrível! That's amazing. That's amazing! O leite foi adulterado com água. The milk was adulterated with water. The milk was tampered with water. Meu filho adora ler livros sobre dinossauros. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. São lágrimas de alegria. They are tears of joy. They're tears of joy. Ela está chamando o médico. She is calling the doctor. She's calling the doctor. Tom e Maria são gêmeos. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Maria are twins. Nós vamos descer na próxima estação. We are getting off at the next station. We're going down at the next station. Eu soluço de vez em quando. I often hiccup. I hiccup every once in a while. O livro caiu ao chão. The book fell to the floor. The book fell to the ground. Eu não devo nada a ela. I owe her nothing. I don't owe her anything. Eu vou obedecer. I will obey. I will obey. Tom duvida que o que aconteceu hoje possa acontecer novamente no futuro. Tom doubts what happened today will ever happen again. Tom doubts that what happened today may happen again in the future. Tom tem a cabeça no lugar. Tom is level-headed. Tom's got his head in place. Tchau! Bye. Bye! Tudo o que há nesta sala precisa ser vendido. Everything in this room needs to be sold. Everything in this room needs to be sold. Tu és um mau pai. You're a bad father. You're a bad father. Eles não sabiam o que fazer primeiro. They didn't know what to do first. They didn't know what to do first. Você tem que nos ajudar. You have to help us. You have to help us. Eu quero o meu celular de volta. I want my phone back. I want my phone back. "Sim, suco de laranja, por favor", diz Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," says Mike. "Yes, orange juice, please," says Mike. É esse o dicionário que eu uso todo dia. This is the dictionary I use every day. That's the dictionary I use every day. Encontrei o Tom em um clube. I met Tom at a club. I found Tom at a club. Você não deveria deixar o bebê sozinho. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. You shouldn't leave the baby alone. O trabalho infantil no Brasil é um grande problema social. Child labor is a serious social problem in Brazil. Child labor in Brazil is a major social problem. Você está se comportando como um pirralho mimado. You're behaving like a spoilt brat. You're behaving like a spoiled brat. O cachorro olhou para o seu mestre com ansiedade. The dog looked at his master with anxiety. The dog looked at his master with anxiety. A vida sem amor não tem significado algum. Life without love has no meaning at all. Life without love has no meaning. Se você não dormir, vai morrer. If you don't sleep, you'll die. If you don't sleep, you'll die. O leste da China apresenta condições propícias para a cultura do trigo. East China has appropriate conditions for wheat culture. East China presents favorable conditions for wheat cultivation. O Tom está quase pronto. Tom is almost ready. Tom's almost ready. A conferência de imprensa está marcada para daqui a uma hora. The press conference is scheduled to begin one hour from now. The press conference is scheduled in an hour. Tom disse que gostaria de ficar sozinho. Tom said that he'd like to be left alone. Tom said he'd like to be alone. Eu não posso tomar café. I can't drink coffee. I can't have coffee. Você está tão pálida! You are so white! You look so pale! Eles estão a caminho. They're on their way. They're on their way. Tom caminhou até Mary e entregou-lhe algo. Tom walked up to Mary and handed her something. Tom walked to Mary and gave her something. Ele está furioso com o filho. He's angry at his child. He's furious with his son. Minha esposa é uma boa cozinheira. My wife is a good cook. My wife is a good cook. Alguém falou com ela? Has anyone spoken to her? Has anyone talked to her? Quem você acha que vai chegar primeiro? Who do you think will come first? Who do you think will get there first? Tom está tentando manter seu peso baixo. Tom is trying to keep his weight down. Tom's trying to keep his weight down. Estou esperando pela mulher certa. I'm waiting for the right woman. I'm waiting for the right woman. Tom, saia deste corpo! Tom, get out of this body! Tom, get out of this body! Tom tem olhos grandes. Tom has big eyes. Tom has big eyes. O que você quer que eu faça para você? What do you want me to do for you? What do you want me to do for you? A questão é qual escolher. The question is which to choose. The question is which one to choose. Ela não fala a minha língua. She doesn't speak my language. She doesn't speak my language. Cadê o Tom? Where's Tom? Where's Tom? Eu gostaria de poder voltar no tempo. I wish that I could turn back time. I wish I could go back in time. Escutemos o resto da história. Let's hear the rest of the story. Let's hear the rest of the story. É algo como "olha, eu vi um papel azul quadrado agorinha!". Like, 'Hey, I just saw a blue paper square!' It's something like "look, I saw a square blue paper just now!". É melhor que eu volte para a minha mesa. I'd better get back to my desk. I'd better get back to my desk. O Tom vai voltar essa semana também. Tom will return this week, too. Tom's coming back this week, too. Eu sinto que esse foi um quebra-cabeça relativamente difícil. I felt it was a relatively difficult jigsaw puzzle. I feel that this was a relatively difficult puzzle. Fale para o Tom que eu não estarei lá. Tell Tom I won't be there. Tell Tom I won't be there. Ele é um bom advogado. He is an able lawyer. He's a good lawyer. Ele mereceu. He deserved it. He deserved it. Espero que o Tom esteja bem. I hope Tom is OK. I hope Tom's okay. Ele me emprestou 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. Vocês já assistiram a alguma das conferências de Tom? Have you ever attended one of Tom's conferences? Have you guys ever attended any of Tom's conferences? Insultaram a ele e a sua esposa. They insulted him and his wife. They insulted him and his wife. Você é mais velha que o Tom. You're older than Tom. You're older than Tom. Existe uma fina linha entre o que é aceitável e o que é inaceitável. There's a fine line between what's acceptable and what's unacceptable. There is a fine line between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Quero ir para Londres. I want to go to London. I want to go to London. Conquistadores espanhóis, portugueses e outros massacraram os habitantes indígenas da América do Sul numa proporção média de um a cada 10 minutos. Spanish, Portuguese and other foreign conquerors massacred South America's Indian inhabitants at an average rate of roughly one every 10 minutes. Spanish, Portuguese and others conquered the indigenous inhabitants of South America in an average proportion of one every 10 minutes. Eles vão nos encontrar. They'll find us. They'll find us. Ela faz caminhadas de mais de uma hora todos os dias da semana. She walks for more than an hour every day of the week. She walks more than an hour every day of the week. Não quero comer nesta restaurante nunca mais. I never want to eat at this restaurant again. I don't want to eat in this restaurant anymore. De qual você gosta mais? Which one do you like best? Which one do you like best? A natureza é fascinante. Nature is fascinating. Nature is fascinating. Está economizando para comprar uma casa. He is saving in order to buy a house. You're saving up to buy a house. Estou com uma forte dor de cabeça. I have a bad headache. I have a severe headache. Isso não é uma escola. É um hospital. This isn't a school. It's a hospital. This isn't a school, it's a hospital. Tom ouviu alguma coisa lá fora. Tom heard something outside. Tom heard something out there. Estou pronto. I am ready. I'm ready. Ela caiu em prantos. She broke into tears. She fell in tears. O Tomás está a dormir no berço. Tom is fast asleep on the cot. Tomás is sleeping in the crib. Tom é inapto para o trabalho. Tom is unfit for the job. Tom's unfit for work. Todos nós sabíamos que Tom estava blefando. We all knew Tom was bluffing. We all knew Tom was bluffing. Tom mudou de opinião? Did Tom change his opinion? Did Tom change his mind? Vou pegar a escada. I'll get the ladder. I'll get the ladder. Minha irmã tem pernas longas. My sister has long legs. My sister has long legs. Vendem sapatos. They sell shoes. They sell shoes. Isto é grande demais. This is too big. This is too big. Muitas previsões falham. Many predictions fail. Many predictions fail. Isso é para o Tom. This is for Tom. That's for Tom. Fadil andava em busca de amor e de companhia. Fadil was seeking love and companionship. Fadil was looking for love and companionship. Acreditamos nela. We believe her. We believe her. Cuidado com os zumbis. Watch out for zombies. Watch out for zombies. Receio que a tua tradução seja demasiadamente literal. I am afraid your translation is overly literal. I'm afraid your translation is too literal. Neste livro, o escritor compara o Japão com os Estados Unidos. In this book, the writer contrasts Japan with America. In this book, the writer compares Japan with the United States. O carro pegou fogo. The car caught fire. The car's on fire. Tom não tinha experiência suficiente para saber o que fazer. Tom didn't have enough experience to know what to do. Tom didn't have enough experience to know what to do. Tom e eu vamos nadar amanhã de manhã. Tom and I are going swimming tomorrow morning. Tom and I are going swimming tomorrow morning. É a vontade de Deus. God wants it. It's God's will. Quero o melhor. I want the best. I want the best. Os móveis estavam empoeirados. The furniture was dusty. The furniture was dusty. Tom nunca mandou mensagem para Mary. Tom has never texted Mary. Tom never texted Mary. Estou escrevendo uma frase em alemão. I'm writing a sentence in German. I'm writing a phrase in German. Deveria seguir o exemplo. I should follow the example. You should follow the example. Maria tem um cão. Mary has a dog. Maria has a dog. O Tom nunca vai mudar, vai? Tom is never going to change, is he? Tom's never gonna change, is he? Tom se apaixonou por Maria à primeira vista. Tom fell in love with Mary at first sight. Tom fell in love with Maria at first sight. Estão prontas para falar? Are they ready to talk? Are you ready to talk? Fadil se tornou um homem perigoso. Fadil became a dangerous man. Fadil became a dangerous man. Ele estuda a Bíblia. He studies the Bible. He studies the Bible. Três ao cubo é igual a vinte e sete. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. Three cubes is equal to twenty-seven. O seu discurso foi uma droga. You bombed your speech. Your speech sucked. Onde podemos fazer uma ligação? Where can we make a phone call? Where can we make a call? O Tom não parecia estar com sono. Tom didn't seem to be asleep. Tom didn't seem sleepy. Eu gostaria de estacionar meu carro ali. I'd like to park my car over there. I'd like to park my car over there. Eu tive uma quebra. I had a break down. I had a break. Nada pode ser feito sobre isso. There is nothing to be done about that. Nothing can be done about it. Gostaria de falar com você em particular. I'd like to talk with you in private. I'd like to speak to you privately. Fertilizantes contêm fósforo? Do fertilizers contain phosphorus? Fertilizers contain phosphorus? Brincamos nesta praia. We have played at this beach. We play on this beach. Eu gosto de estar preparada. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. Tom disse a Maria que parasse de comer. Tom told Mary to stop eating. Tom told Maria to stop eating. Vou parar de tentar ser amistoso com você. I'm going to stop trying to be friendly with you. I'm gonna stop trying to be friendly with you. Preciso de um lenço. I need a tissue. I need a handkerchief. Tom tomou a decisão correta. Tom made the right decision. Tom made the right decision. Estou aborrecendo minha irmã. I am annoying my sister. I'm boring my sister. Tom está bravo com Maria. Tom is angry with Mary. Tom's mad at Maria. O Tom está ganhando peso. Tom is gaining weight. Tom's gaining weight. Eu não peço um peso mais leve, mas ombros mais largos. I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. I don't ask for a lighter weight, but wider shoulders. As pessoas gostam de falar contigo. People like to talk to you. People like to talk to you. Quando estamos com uma pessoa com a qual não queremos ser vistos, é comum que nos deparemos com um conhecido. When we are with a person we don't want to be seen with, we often meet someone we know. When you're with someone you don't want to be seen with, it's common for you to come across someone you know. Eu estou falando. I'm speaking. I'm talking. Minha irmã foi estudar na Itália. My sister went to Italy to study. My sister went to Italy to study. Nunca mais me deixe sozinho com o Tom. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom again. Eu alimento meu cachorro uma vez por dia. I feed my dog once a day. I feed my dog once a day. Muitos imigrantes na Grã-Bretanha vieram da Ásia. Many immigrants to Britain have come from Asia. Many immigrants in Britain came from Asia. Não posso usar isto. I can't use this. I can't wear this. Tom não é tão alto, não é? Tom isn't so tall, is he? Tom's not that tall, is he? Foi o Tom quem fez isso. Tom is the person who does that. Tom did this. Desejo ver os senhores. I want to see you. I wish to see you gentlemen. Isso não tem um gosto bom. This doesn't taste good. That doesn't taste good. Espero que seja útil. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Eu sabia que você finalmente apareceria. I knew you'd show up eventually. I knew you'd finally show up. O microfone é seu. The mic is yours. It's your microphone. Eu tenho doze anos de idade. I'm twelve. I'm 12 years old. Os homens creem no que querem. Men believe what they want to. Men believe what they want. Toda má poesia brota de sentimentos genuínos. All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling. All bad poetry stems from genuine feelings. Façam o que for preciso. Do whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Entendido! Roger! Copy that! Queria que Tom me dissesse o que fazer. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. Eu tenho uma coisa para você fazer. I have a job for you. I have something for you to do. O avião já tinha deixado o aeroporto. The plane had already left the airport. The plane had already left the airport. Preciso de ajuda. I need a hand. I need help. Ela dorme como se nunca tivesse feito isso antes. She sleeps as if she had never done that before. She sleeps like she's never done this before. Elas estão jantando. They are having dinner. They're having dinner. Se isso acontecer, eu vou rasgar e queimar tudo o que escrevi. If that happens, I will rip up and burn everything I have written. If that happens, I'll tear and burn everything I wrote. Estas não são as suas, não é? These aren't yours, are they? These aren't yours, are they? Sinto-me muito triste. I feel very sad. I feel very sad. Tom queria que a Mary aprendesse francês. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Tom wanted Mary to learn French. Se você estiver indo ao supermercado, você me traz umas laranjas? If you're going to the supermarket, will you please bring me back some oranges? If you're going to the supermarket, will you bring me some oranges? Poderia dizer-me como posso ir para a estação do metro? Could you tell me how to get to the subway station? Could you tell me how I can get to the subway station? Eu sou ainda apenas uma criança. I'm still just a child. I'm still just a child. O detetive tem muitas aventuras. The detective has a lot of adventures. The detective has a lot of adventures. O que você tem contra o Tom? What do you have against Tom? What do you have against Tom? Eu comecei a chorar imediatamente. I immediately started crying. I started crying right away. Venho me sentindo muito solitário nesses dias. I feel very lonely these days. I've been feeling very lonely these days. Ele não perde nunca a curiosidade; é, por assim dizer, uma eterna criança. He never loses his curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal youth. He never loses curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal child. A casa de Tom foi quase completamente destruída. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. Consegue alcançá-lo? Can you reach it? Can you reach him? Como é possível que um ser com jóias tão sensíveis quanto os olhos, instrumentos musicais tão encantados quanto os ouvidos e tão fabuloso arabesco de nervos quanto o cérebro sinta que é algo menos que um deus? How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god? How is it possible that a being with jewels as sensitive as the eyes, musical instruments as enchanted as the ears and as fabulous arabesco of nerves as the brain feels that it is something less than a god? Eu adorava esse jogo. I loved that game. I loved that game. O esforço valeu a pena porque eu passei no teste. The hard work was worthwhile because I passed the exam. The effort was worth it because I passed the test. Estou fazendo a coisa certa. I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing the right thing. Me conta! Tell me! Tell me! Belo traseiro! Nice ass! Nice ass! Eu não tenho certeza de que é isso que o Tom precisa. I'm not sure that that's what Tom needs. I'm not sure that's what Tom needs. Ela diz que gosta de flores. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Maria o beijou em ambas as faces. Mary kissed him on both cheeks. Maria kissed him on both sides. De acordo com a internet, coisas extraordinárias são consideradas interessantes. According to the internet, extraordinary things are thought to be interesting. According to the internet, extraordinary things are considered interesting. Eu cheguei em casa cedo. I got home early. I got home early. Viva a União Soviética! Hail the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! "Eu sou invencível", disse o Tom, antes de morrer. "I'm invincible!" said Tom before dying. "I'm invincible," Tom said, before I died. Memorize. Memorize it. Memorize. Ele esteve no Havaí muitas vezes. He has been to Hawaii several times. He's been to Hawaii many times. Tom perdeu o dinheiro dele todo. Tom lost all his money. Tom lost all his money. Tom fez o trabalho atual. Tom did the actual work. Tom did his current work. Você gosta de cozinhar? Do you like to cook? Do you like cooking? Eu nunca mentiria para eles. I would never lie to them. I would never lie to them. Por favor, retire o seu carro daqui. Please move your car out of here. Please get your car out of here. Tom viu Mary na televisão. Tom saw Mary on TV. Tom saw Mary on TV. Posso provar isso? May I try that on? Can I prove it? Tom decidiu ignorar o pedido de Maria. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Tom decided to ignore Maria's request. O Tom provavelmente fez isso no dia 20 de outubro. Tom probably did that on October 20th. Tom probably did it on October 20th. Eu queria que o Tom ficasse com a Mary. I wanted Tom to stay with Mary. I wanted Tom to have Mary. Tom tem feito isso por menos de três anos. Tom has been doing that for less than three years. Tom's been doing this for less than three years. Eu sempre vou à escola andando. I always walk to school. I always go to school walking. Não posso cumprimentar Tania em esloveno. Eu não sei esse idioma. I cannot greet Tania in Slovene. I don't know this language. I can't greet Tania in Slovenian. Eu não farei isso de novo. I won't do it again. I won't do it again. Eu sou o responsável pelo que meu filho fez. I'm responsible for what my son has done. I'm responsible for what my son did. Então, como foi o encontro? So how did the date go? So, how was your date? Tom se sentou no banco. Tom sat on the bench. Tom sat on the bench. Meu nome é Thomas, mas pode me chamar de Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. Por que o gelo boia? Why does ice float? Why is the ice float? Vocês já comeram o bolo. You have already eaten the cake. You already ate the cake. Resolvi liberar todas as minhas frases em inglês, inclusive esta. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. I decided to release all my English phrases, including this one. O quão pouco você me conhece... How little you know me... How little you know me... Já é setembro; no entanto, está muito quente. It's already September; however, it is very hot. It's already September; however, it's too hot. Eu gosto da personalidade dele, mas não o acho atraente. I like his personality, but I don't find him attractive. I like his personality, but I don't find him attractive. Eu espero ver uma rena na minha viagem à Suécia. I hope to see reindeer on my trip to Sweden. I hope to see a reindeer on my trip to Sweden. Ele tentou falar com ela por telefone, sem sucesso. He tried to get her on the phone without success. He tried to reach her on the phone, unsuccessfully. Tom, quantas flexões de braços na barra fixa você consegue fazer? Tom, how many pull-ups can you do? Tom, how many arm push-ups on the fixed bar can you do? Acho que ele ficou com raiva. I think he's angry. I think he got angry. Tom não vai machucar mais ninguém. Tom isn't going to hurt anybody else. Tom won't hurt anyone else. Isto não é francês. This isn't French. This isn't French. Eu te assustei? Did I scare you? Did I scare you? Ela correu para fora seminua. She ran outside half-naked. She ran out half naked. Tenho que mijar. I need to pee. I have to pee. Eu trabalho em Harvard. I work at Harvard. I work at Harvard. Tom é centenário. Tom is a centenarian. Tom's a centennial. "Você gosta de viajar?" "Sim." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." Que chato... Eu não posso usar o computador nem mesmo uma vez sem ter dor de cabeça. So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer! I can't use the computer even once without a headache. Ela é pobre, mas é feliz. She is poor, but she is happy. She's poor, but she's happy. Em que estás pensando? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Eu estarei aqui amanhã. I will be here tomorrow. I'll be here tomorrow. Eu mal posso acreditar nisso. I can hardly believe that. I can hardly believe it. Eu tenho a melhor e mais honesta das intenções. I have the best and most honourable intentions. I have the best and most honest of intentions. Os elefantes são herbívoros. Elephants are herbivores. Elephants are herbivores. Cale-se e sente-se. Shut up and sit down. Shut up and sit down. Tom sabia o que queria. Tom knew what he wanted. Tom knew what he wanted. Eu não gosto do que você está fazendo. I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing. Não acreditei em nada que o meu avô disse. I didn't believe a word my grandfather said. I didn't believe anything my grandfather said. Gostaria de denunciar um roubo. I would like to report a theft. I'd like to report a robbery. Tem certeza de que é seguro? Are you sure it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? No chão há um tapete grande. There's a large carpet on the floor. On the floor there's a big rug. Tom é baixo, não é? Tom is short, isn't he? Tom's short, isn't he? Seja gentil com os outros. Be kind to others. Be nice to the others. Não tenho medo de fantasmas. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Ao orar, é melhor ter um coração sem palavras do que palavras sem coração. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. When praying, it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart. Vamos precisar disso. We'll need that. We're gonna need that. Nós somos divorciados. We're divorced. We're divorced. Em cada colmeia só pode haver uma única rainha. In each beehive there can only be one queen. In every hive there can be only one queen. Não queria ver o Tom machucado de novo. I didn't want to see Tom get hurt again. I didn't want to see Tom hurt again. Você falou com sua mulher? Did you speak with your wife? Did you talk to your wife? Tom apenas foi preso. Only Tom got arrested. Tom just got arrested. Amanhã irei aos Estados Unidos. I'm going to America tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll go to the United States. Você pode ficar por quanto tempo? How long can you stay? How long can you stay? Tom é um cara muito interessante. Tom is a really interesting guy. Tom's a very interesting guy. Eu ainda não entendi. I haven't got it yet. I still don't get it. Tom gosta de se mostrar. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show off. O Tom tem que agir rápido. Tom has to act quickly. Tom has to act fast. Quero visitar Luxemburgo. I want to visit Luxembourg. I want to visit Luxembourg. Tom foi para o hospital porque estava doente. Tom went to the hospital because he was sick. Tom went to the hospital because he was sick. É hora de levar a prostituição infantil a sério. It is time to get serious with child prostitution. It's time to take child prostitution seriously. Dinheiro não cresce em árvore. Money doesn't grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Tom e Mary costumam falar sobre tênis. Tom and Mary often talk about tennis. Tom and Mary usually talk about tennis. Visite-nos, por favor! Visit us please! Visit us, please! Você parece europeu. You look European. You look European. Deixa a porta aberta. Keep the door open. Leave the door open. Ele está terminando de ler o livro. He is finishing reading the book. He's just finished reading the book. Eu acho que preciso de um pouco de ar. I think I need a little air. I think I need some air. Lucas, eu sou o seu pai. Luke, I am your father. Lucas, I'm your father. Você está seguro aqui. You are safe here. You're safe here. Tom trocou de roupa. Tom changed clothes. Tom changed his clothes. Como você me reconheceu? How did you recognize me? How did you recognize me? Eu amo Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. I love Tatoeba. Tom quer aprender. Tom wants to learn. Tom wants to learn. Eu preciso de uma nova serra elétrica. I need a new chainsaw. I need a new power saw. Por favor não me puna desta vez. Let me off the hook this time, please. Please don't punish me this time. Aqui está o meu álbum. Here is my album. Here's my album. Eu vou para casa logo após o trabalho. I go home right after work. I'm going home right after work. Preciso que você pare de falar. I need you to stop talking. I need you to stop talking. Dize que me perdoaste. Tell me that you've forgiven me. Say you forgave me. Vocês já respiraram ar puro? Have you ever breathed pure air? Have you ever breathed fresh air? Peça o Tom para ficar um momento. Ask Tom to stay a while. Ask Tom to stay a moment. Não sei se está sendo sarcástica. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. I don't know if you're being sarcastic. O que eles fizeram? What did they do? What did they do? Eu acho que vou voltar em cerca de trinta minutos. I think I'll be back in about 30 minutes. I think I'll be back in about thirty minutes. Acho que vou esperar. I think I'll wait. I think I'll wait. Vou ser franco. Eu não gosto nem um pouco de você. To be honest, I don't like you at all. I don't like you at all. És mais forte do que ele. You're stronger than him. You're stronger than him. Uma luta começou entre Fadil e Rami. A struggle ensued between Fadil and Rami. A fight began between Fadil and Rami. Mesmo que aquele restaurante fizesse comida gostosa, não gostaria de comer lá. Even if that restaurant did very tasty food, I wouldn't like to eat there. Even if that restaurant made hot food, I wouldn't want to eat there. Proibiram-no de exercer a medicina. He was banned from practising medicine. They banned him from practicing medicine. Peço-lhe que me perdoe. I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon. Meus pais saíram da igreja. My parents came out of the church. My parents left the church. Eu sou compreensivo. I'm sympathetic. I'm understanding. A nova lei garante os mesmos direitos jurídicos e sociais aos casais homossexuais. The new law guarantees the same judicial and social rights to homosexual couples. The new law guarantees the same legal and social rights for homosexual couples. Ele acabou de sair do escritório. He left the office just now. He just left the office. Não se preocupe se você acha um verde do que você gosta. Don't worry if you find a green one you like. Don't worry if you find a green one you like. Quando tenho que enviar o relatório? When do I have to turn in the report? When do I have to send the report? Não achei que o Tom pudesse correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. Tom não se parece nem um pouco com o pai. Tom doesn't look like his father at all. Tom doesn't look at all like his father. Quem cuida desse cachorro? Who looks after this dog? Who takes care of that dog? O Tom tinha muitos segredos. Tom had a lot of secrets. Tom had a lot of secrets. Nossa irmã comprou algumas berinjelas, batatas, abobrinhas e acelga no mercado. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, zucchinis and Chinese cabbage at the market. Our sister bought some eggplants, potatoes, zucchini and chard on the market. Eu não preciso mais deles. I don't need them anymore. I don't need them anymore. Amanhã ele irá aterrissar na lua. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. Minha camisa é laranja. My shirt is orange. My shirt is orange. Cuidado para não escorregar nos ladrilhos molhados. Mind you don't slip on the wet tiles. Be careful not to slip on the wet tiles. As senhoras não estão com sono? Aren't you sleepy? Aren't you ladies sleepy? Eu não quero nenhuma banana. I do not want any bananas at all. I don't want any bananas. Já que não há tempo como o presente, ele achou que era hora de apresentar o presente. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. Since there's no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. Eu disse a Tom que sabia o que tinha acontecido. I told Tom I knew what had happened. I told Tom I knew what had happened. Se estais planejando ir à Austrália, vamos juntas. If you're planning to go to Australia, let's go together. If you're planning to go to Australia, we'll go together. Você foi para a praia na segunda-feira passada, não foi? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? You went to the beach last Monday, didn't you? Este carro é de Tom. This car is Tom's. This is Tom's car. Este casaco é bonito, mas caro demais. This coat is nice, but too expensive. This jacket is beautiful, but too expensive. Eu quero surpreendê-lo. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise you. Para mim chega. I've had enough. I'm done. Fumar é perigoso à saúde. Smoking is dangerous to health. Smoking is dangerous to health. Você não parece convencido. You don't sound convinced. You don't seem convinced. Tom usou toalhas velhas para enxugar o cachorro. Tom used old towels to dry the dog. Tom used old towels to wipe the dog. Meus amigos me visitaram anteontem. My friends came to see me the day before yesterday. My friends visited me the day before yesterday. O que há de errado, Tom? What's wrong, Tom? What's wrong, Tom? Você teve a sorte de ele não te morder. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You're lucky he didn't bite you. A senhora quer que eu lhe mostre a cidade? Would you like me to show you around town? Do you want me to show you around town? Estou com fome. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. Apaguei o meu nome da lista. I erased my name off the list. I deleted my name from the list. De repente ele acelerou o carro. Suddenly, he accelerated the car. All of a sudden, he sped up the car. Eu nunca te vejo sem pensar no Ken. I never see you without thinking of Ken. I never see you without thinking about Ken. Ele mudou o endereço dele. He changed his address. He changed his address. Tom não esperou por você? Didn't Tom wait for you? Didn't Tom wait for you? Tivemos que ligar para a polícia noite passada. Last night, we had to call the police. We had to call the police last night. Eu não tenho certeza se o Tom gostará dessa ideia. I'm not sure if Tom will like this idea. I'm not sure Tom will like that idea. Eu fui àquela festa sozinho. I went to that party by myself. I went to that party alone. Ponha o livro sobre a carteira. Put the book on the desk. Put the book over your wallet. Estou aprendendo tcheco. I'm learning Czech. I'm learning Czech. Tony pode correr rápido. Tony can run fast. Tony can run fast. Há muitas estrelas que são maiores do que o nosso sol. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars that are bigger than our sun. Eu não tenho mais nada para dizer. I have nothing further to say. I don't have anything else to say. Estou muito cansado do trabalho duro. I am very tired from the hard work. I'm very tired of the hard work. Ela tem dois gatos. Um é branco e o outro é preto. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She's got two cats, one's white, the other's black. Preciso avisá-la. I must warn her. I need to warn her. Odeio fazer essas coisas. I hate doing this stuff. I hate doing these things. Você mostra o caminho. You lead the way. You show the way. Eles jogaram xadrez desde crianças. They have played chess since they were kids. They've played chess since they were kids. O Tom não foi justo, mas a Mary foi. Tom wasn't fair, but Mary was. Tom wasn't fair, but Mary was. Podemos facilmente ir caminhando para lá. We can easily walk there from here. We can easily walk there. Um grupo de crianças está brincando no andar de baixo. A group of children is playing downstairs. A bunch of kids are playing downstairs. Ele escapou da prisão há trinta anos e tem estado em fuga desde então. He escaped from prison thirty years ago and has been on the lam ever since. He escaped from prison thirty years ago and has been on the run ever since. Este é o fim da linha. This is the end of the line. This is the end of the line. Tom está sofrendo de uma doença séria. Tom is suffering from a serious disease. Tom is suffering from a serious illness. Tom acabou de jantar. Tom has just finished eating dinner. Tom just had dinner. Nós os torturamos. We tortured them. We tortured them. É provável que Tom não tenha que fazer isso. It's likely that Tom won't have to do that. It's likely Tom doesn't have to do that. Nós fazemos o que queremos fazer. We do what we want to do. We do what we want to do. A que horas você costuma ir dormir? When do you usually go to bed? What time do you usually go to sleep? A confissão dela veio como uma surpresa. Her confession came as a surprise. Her confession came as a surprise. Eu não acho que o Tom esteja acordado. I don't think Tom is awake. I don't think Tom's awake. Os senhores não deixem de ir a um médico. You ought to see a doctor. You gentlemen don't stop going to a doctor. É você, Tom? Is that you, Tom? Is that you, Tom? Por que você é um policial, Tom? Why are you a cop, Tom? Why are you a cop, Tom? Eu irei atirar. I will shoot. I'll shoot. Uma parte de minha Lisa ficou comigo. A part of my Lisa stays with me. A part of my Lisa stayed with me. Com licença. Este assento está livre? Excuse me, is this seat free? Excuse me, is this seat free? Tenho orgulho de ser estranho. I am proud to be weird. I'm proud to be weird. Não conheço meus vizinhos. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Aquilo não era necessário. That was not necessary. That wasn't necessary. Tom disse que nunca viu a Mary de jeans. Tom said that he's never seen Mary wearing jeans. Tom said he never saw Mary in jeans. Eu sou muito discreto. I'm very discrete. I'm very discreet. Ele tem uma boa pronúncia. He has a good accent. He's got a good accent. Papai, vamos fazer caretas um para o outro, para ver quem fica mais tempo sem rir. Daddy, let's make faces at each other and see who can keep from laughing the longest. Daddy, let's make faces for each other, to see who doesn't laugh any longer. Coelhos têm orelhas compridas e rabo curto. A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. Rabbits have long ears and short tail. Bilal é mais alto do que Karam. Bilal is taller than Karam. Bilal is taller than Karam. Não estou fazendo nada no momento. I'm not doing anything right now. I'm not doing anything right now. Esta é a casa na qual ele mora. This is the house in which he lives. This is the house he lives in. Mary é professora de piano. Mary is a piano teacher. Mary's a piano teacher. Você se lembra de mim? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Por que ele não está dormindo? Why isn't he sleeping? Why isn't he sleeping? O carro explodiu poucos instantes depois do impacto. The car exploded a few moments after the collision. The car exploded a few moments after the impact. Ela tem medo de perder dinheiro. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Tom parecia interessado. Tom seemed interested. Tom seemed interested. Você quer um pouco de açúcar? Would you like some sugar? You want some sugar? Tom já está apaixonado pela Mary. Tom is already in love with Mary. Tom's already in love with Mary. Você não deve se aferrar à sua opinião. You should not stick to your opinion. You mustn't stick to your opinion. E da costela que o Senhor Deus tomou do homem formou uma mulher. And the Lord God built the rib which He took from Adam into a woman. And the rib that the Lord God took from man formed a woman. Nos dias em que ele não tira uma soneca, fica mal-humorado. On the days he doesn't take a nap, he's bad tempered. The days he doesn't take a nap, he gets moody. Eles sonham com o dia em que estarão nadando em dinheiro. They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money. They dream of the day they'll be swimming in cash. Sou pai. I'm a father. I'm a father. O que isso provará? What will that prove? What will that prove? O Tom parece estar apavorado. Tom looks like he's terrified. Tom seems to be terrified. Vocês vão precisar de dinheiro. You'll need money. You're gonna need money. Tom é um conselheiro. Tom is a counselor. Tom's a counselor. Eu me sinto desconfortável. I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable. Mary está usando bastante maquiagem. Mary is wearing a lot of makeup. Mary's wearing a lot of makeup. Passei minhas férias em um país estrangeiro. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. Terminei. I just finished. I'm done. Tom é muito fraco. Tom is such a wimp. Tom's too weak. Tom tentou chamar a atenção de Mary. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Como o Tom sabia que isso aconteceria? How did Tom know that that would happen? How did Tom know this was gonna happen? Eu não creio que ele venha. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. Quantas tias e tios vocês têm? How many aunts and uncles do you have? How many aunts and uncles do you have? Faça uma frase usando todas essas palavras. Make a sentence with each of these words. Make a sentence using all those words. Até mais. See you. See you later. Podes confiar nela, sempre mantém as suas promessas. You can trust her, she always keeps her promises. You can trust her. You always keep your promises. Ele não gostou do cheiro do meu peido e devolveu-mo à cara. He had a whiff at my fart and fanned it back to me. He didn't like the smell of my fart and gave it back to my face. O que há na bolsa de praia que está no porta-malas do seu carro? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? What's in the beach bag that's in the trunk of your car? Eu sei que o Tom se lamenta. I know that Tom is sorry. I know Tom's sorry. Não sei o que fazer. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Tem um gato na mesa. There is a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. Tom não gostará dessa resposta. Tom won't like that answer. Tom won't like that answer. O avião está decolando. The plane is taking off. The plane's taking off. Não discrimine as pessoas baseando-se em sua nacionalidade, sexo ou profissão. Don't discriminate against people based on nationality, gender, or occupation. Do not discriminate people based on their nationality, sex or profession. Você fala espanhol? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Pergunte-lhe onde estacionou seu carro. Ask him where he parked his car. Ask him where he parked his car. Eu não sei se isso vai ter alguma utilidade para você. I don't know whether this'll be of any use to you. I don't know if that'll be of any use to you. Se eu me lembro corretamente, Tom e Mary se casaram eu outubro de 2003. If I remember correctly, Tom and Mary got married in October of 2003. If I remember correctly, Tom and Mary got married I October 2003. Entregarei isso ao Tom amanhã. I'll give it to Tom tomorrow. I'll give this to Tom tomorrow. As senhoras deveriam ter-me escutado. You should have listened to me. The ladies should have listened to me. Tom não se importa com o que Mary pensa. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. Tom doesn't care what Mary thinks. O recife de corais é a atração principal da região. The coral reef is the region's prime attraction. The coral reef is the main attraction of the region. Tom não o viu. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see him. Tom não é assustador. Tom isn't creepy. Tom's not scary. É muito complicado para mim. That's way too complicated for me. It's too complicated for me. É assim que eu faço tudo. That's how I do everything. That's how I do everything. Ele não pôde se matricular na faculdade. He was not allowed to enroll in the college. He couldn't enroll in college. Eu entendo o seu ponto de vista, mas ainda não estou de acordo. I get your point, but I still don't agree. I understand your point of view, but I still don't agree. Se eu apenas soubesse que havia uma possibilidade de que aconteceria, teria sido mais cuidadoso. If I'd only known there was a possibility that would happen, I'd have been more careful. If I only knew there was a possibility it would happen, I would have been more careful. Minha mãe fez algumas roupas novas. My mother made some new clothes. My mom made some new clothes. Por que você está bravo comigo? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? Eu odeio regras. I hate rules. I hate rules. A situação do Tom não é séria. Tom's condition isn't serious. Tom's situation isn't serious. A única maneira de parar a dor é bloquear a fonte da dor. The only way to stop the pain is to stop the source of the pain. The only way to stop the pain is to block the source of the pain. Você tem quatro cachorros. You have four dogs. You have four dogs. Tom planeja comprar outro carro. Tom plans to buy another car. Tom plans to buy another car. Ele se molhou da cintura aos joelhos. He got wet from the waist to the knees. He wet himself from waist to knees. Você não gosta de chocolate. You don't even like chocolate. You don't like chocolate. A cidade fica a 3 milhas do lugar. The town is 3 miles from the place. The city is three miles from the place. Tom escreveu uma carta. Tom wrote a letter. Tom wrote a letter. Tranca-se a porta às nove horas. The door is locked at nine o'clock. Lock the door at nine o'clock. A Noruega é o país mais feliz do mundo. Norway is the world's happiest country. Norway is the happiest country in the world. Tom sabia que Maria não estava em casa. Tom knew Mary wasn't at home. Tom knew Maria wasn't home. Vocês podem traduzir esta canção para mim? Can you translate this song for me? Can you translate this song for me? Tom tem me ajudado por um bom tempo. Tom has been helping me for quite a while. Tom's been helping me for a long time. A professora disse que não sabe a resposta para a pergunta que eu fiz. The teacher said that he didn't know the answer to my question. The teacher said she doesn't know the answer to the question I asked. Você sabe que eu normalmente não falo assim. You know that I don't usually talk this way. You know I don't usually talk like that. Eu não sei se isso significa alguma coisa. I don't know if that means anything. I don't know if that means anything. Não havia nada que pudessem realmente fazer para evitar que Fadil batesse em Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from beating Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from hitting Layla. Gosto de lugares movimentados. I like busy places. I like busy places. A Argélia é uma nação emergente? Is Algeria an emerging nation? Is Algeria an emerging nation? Tom recebeu um fax da Mary hoje de manhã. Tom received a fax from Mary this morning. Tom got a fax from Mary this morning. Você tem uma teoria? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? O Tom não é notável? Isn't Tom great? Isn't Tom remarkable? Eles disseram o que aconteceu? Did they say what happened? Did they say what happened? Quando terminar o trabalho, eu te ligo. When I get through with my work, I'll call you. When you're done with the job, I'll call you. Ajudei Tom a carregar o caminhão. I helped Tom load the truck. I helped Tom load the truck. Esta árvore produz muitos frutos. This tree bears a lot of fruit. This tree produces many fruits. Ele é poderoso. He is powerful. He's powerful. Eles nomearam o navio de Rainha Mary em homenagem à rainha. They named the ship Queen Mary after the Queen. They named Queen Mary's ship after the queen. Na gramática e no vocabulário, alguns dialetos diferem significativamente da linguagem padrão. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language. In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from standard language. Isso se vê todos os dias. You can see that every day. You see that every day. Você admitiu que estava errado. You admitted that you were wrong. You admitted you were wrong. Por favor, solte. Please let go. Please let go. Só telefonei para dizer 'Eu te amo'. I just called to say 'I love you'. I just called to say "I love you." Essa é a minha parte favorita do filme. This is my favorite part of the movie! That's my favorite part of the movie. Ele deixou o vilarejo para estudar. He left the village in order to study. He left the village to study. Deixe-me ver sua mão, para que eu possa ler o futuro. Let me see your hand, that I may read the future. Let me see your hand, so I can read the future. Você está falando por experiência própria? Are you speaking from personal experience? Are you speaking from experience? Esta é a primeira vez que eu tomo isto. This is the first time I've drunk this. This is the first time I've taken this. Todo mundo sonha. Everyone dreams. Everybody dreams. Eu não consigo achar os meus óculos. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. Mac é amado por todos. Mac is loved by everyone. Mac is loved by everyone. Vamos ficar aqui. We'll stay here. Let's stay here. Eles não me compreenderam. They didn't understand me. They didn't understand me. Por favor explique o que precisa ser feito. Please explain what needs to be done. Please explain what needs to be done. Eu quero que você olhe uma coisa para mim. I want you to look at something for me. I want you to look at something for me. Ele foi viajar em busca de aventura. He went traveling in search of adventure. He went on a trip looking for adventure. Preciso de alguém com quem possa conversar. I need someone to talk with. I need someone I can talk to. Todo mundo parece surpreso e um pouco confuso. Everybody looks surprised and a little confused. Everyone seems surprised and a little confused. Uma caminhada de cinco minutos nos trouxe para o parque. Five minutes' walk brought us to the park. A five-minute walk brought us to the park. O carro é branco. The car is white. The car is white. Estamos confusos. We're confused. We're confused. Você vai manter sua palavra, não é? You will keep your word, won't you? You'll keep your word, won't you? Ele leva um grupo de alunos à Espanha todo verão. He takes a group of students to Spain every summer. He takes a group of students to Spain every summer. É uma caminhada curta. It's a short walk. It's a short walk. Tom não reconheceu Maria. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Tom didn't recognize Maria. Ken está esperando o trem chegar. Ken is waiting for the arrival of the train. Ken's waiting for the train to arrive. É difícil falar com ele. It's difficult to speak with him. It's hard to talk to him. Todo mundo odeia o Tom. Everybody hates Tom. Everybody hates Tom. O nome da mulher do Tom é Maria. Tom's wife's name is Mary. Tom's wife's name is Maria. Eu já ouvi essa música. I've heard this song before. I've heard that song before. Vocês ainda estarão aqui esta tarde? Will you still be here this afternoon? Will you still be here this afternoon? O hotel está situado na montanha. The hotel is situated on the mountain. The hotel is situated on the mountain. Bebi água. I drank some water. I drank water. Por favor, mova a mesa para a esquerda. Please move the desk to the left. Please move the table to the left. Por que o Tom está vestido? What's Tom all dressed up for? Why is Tom dressed? Coloque-o. Put it on. Put it on. É mais caro ligar durante a manhã? Is it more expensive to call in the morning? Is it more expensive to call in the morning? Eu vou ajudar. I'm going to help. I'll help. Ele chegou da Austrália faz um ano. He arrived from Australia a year ago. He arrived from Australia a year ago. Desculpa. Eu não sabia. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry, I didn't know. Nesta questão eu concordo com você. I agree with you on this issue. On this issue I agree with you. Nós somos do mesmo tamanho. We're the same size. We're the same size. Eu menti quando disse que não fiz isso. I lied when I said I didn't do that. I lied when I said I didn't do it. Nós estávamos no mesmo ônibus. We were on the same bus. We were on the same bus. Eles precisam do dinheiro. They need the money. They need the money. Eu vou construir uma casa de cachorro para o Cookie. I'm going to build a doghouse for Cookie. I'm gonna build Cookie a doghouse. Estarei em Nova Orleans em abril, para o casamento de meu primo. I will be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. I'll be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. Por que diabos ela faria isso? Why the hell would she do that? Why the hell would she do that? Você sabe aonde ela foi? Do you know where she went? Do you know where she went? Seu nome verdadeiro é Lisa. Her real name is Lisa. Her real name is Lisa. Era uma cena caótica. It was a chaotic scene. It was a chaotic scene. Pode contar comigo. You can bank on me. You can count on me. Muito obrigada pela sua carta. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you so much for your letter. Tom pensava que Maria estivesse morta. Tom thought Mary was dead. Tom thought Maria was dead. Não acho que nós deveríamos estar aqui. I don't think we should stay here. I don't think we should be here. Eu gosto de francês. I like French. I like French. Falas português? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Algo muito estranho está acontecendo. Something very strange is going on. Something very strange is happening. Tom buzinou e se inclinou pela janela. Tom honked the horn and leaned out the window. Tom honked and leaned out the window. Você já viu um? Have you seen one? Have you ever seen one? Tirem-nos daqui. Get them away from here. Get them out of here. Tom amarelou. Tom chickened out. Tom chickened out. Tom nunca teria machado você. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have an axe on you. Não estou desempregado. I'm not unemployed. I'm not unemployed. Ele ainda não preencheu o formulário. He has not filled out the form yet. He hasn't filled out the form yet. Tenho me divertido. I have had fun. I've been having fun. Posso entrar? May I come in? Can I come in? Esfregue bem os rebordos dos testos dos tachos. Scrub the pot lid's edges. Rub well the edges of the tests of the pots. As vacas comem capim. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. O Tom disse alguma coisa? Did Tom say something? Did Tom say anything? Ela não é uma criança. She's not a child. She's not a child. O que você quer mudar? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? Tom não parecia saber por que a Mary fez isso. Tom didn't seem to know why Mary did that. Tom didn't seem to know why Mary did it. O hobby dele é colecionar borboletas estranhas. His hobby is collecting strange butterflies. His hobby is collecting strange butterflies. Acho que Boston é a cidade mais bonita do mundo. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. O que você está dizendo é verdade. What you say is true. What you're saying is true. O Tom nasceu na Austrália. Tom was born in Australia. Tom was born in Australia. Vou me encontrar com ele. I'm going to meet him. I'm meeting him. "O telefone está tocando." "Eu atendo." "The phone is ringing." "I'll get it." "The phone's ringing." "I'll get it." A sorte desempenha um importante papel na vida. Luck plays an important role in our life. Fortune plays an important role in life. Detroit é famosa pela sua indústria de carros. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Eu discordo de você, Tom. I disagree with you, Tom. I disagree with you, Tom. Queria que você não estivesse tão longe. I wish you weren't so far away. I wish you weren't so far away. Tirem uma sonequinha no sofá. Take a little nap on the couch. Take a little nap on the couch. Tom notou que Mary estava sorrindo. Tom noticed Mary was smiling. Tom noticed that Mary was smiling. Eu não posso, necessariamente, concordar contigo naquele ponto. I can't necessarily agree with you on that point. I can't necessarily agree with you at that point. A professora se apaixonou pelo estudante. The teacher fell in love with the student. The teacher fell in love with the student. Não responda. Don't answer. Don't answer that. Hoje é sábado e amanhã será domingo. Today is Saturday and tomorrow will be Sunday. Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. O Tom agarrou a vara de pescar da Mary para ajudá-la a puxar o peixe. Tom grabbed Mary's fishing pole to help her pull in the fish. Tom grabbed Mary's fishing rod to help her pull the fish. Ela estava muito ocupada. She was very busy. She was very busy. Na Rússia soviética, a comida come o troll! In Soviet Russia, food eats troll! In Soviet Russia, the food eats the troll! O limão é azedo. Lemon is sour. The lemon is sour. Ele disse que era feliz. He said that he was happy. He said he was happy. Ele me disse para não contar mentiras. He told me not to tell lies. He told me not to tell lies. Os asiáticos comem muito arroz. Asians eat a lot of rice. Asians eat a lot of rice. Ela não mora aqui. She doesn't live here. She doesn't live here. Você fez o seu melhor. You did your best. You did your best. Qual é a cor da porta daquela casa? What's the colour of the door of her house? What color is the door of that house? Tenho saudade da minha família e do meu país. I miss my family and my country. I miss my family and my country. Eu não trabalho para ninguém. I don't work for anyone. I don't work for anyone. Você fez isso sozinho? Did you cook this yourself? Did you do this alone? Um veleiro solitário está navegando contra o vento. A lone sailboat is sailing against the wind. A lonely sailboat is sailing against the wind. Tom reclama o tempo todo. Tom complains all the time. Tom complains all the time. Tom se apaixonou por seu vizinho. Tom fell in love with his next door neighbor. Tom fell in love with his neighbor. O Tom tem pontas duplas. Tom has split ends. Tom's got double ends. Eu sabia que havia uma razão. I knew there was a reason. I knew there was a reason. Quanto as suas vidas mudaram? How much have your lives changed? How much have their lives changed? Eu escuto jazz frequentemente. I often listen to jazz. I listen to jazz often. Onde mais eu poderia estar? Where else should I be? Where else could I be? Eu quero que você vá comigo. I want you to go with me. I want you to come with me. Árvores frutíferas necessitam de muito espaço para crescer. Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow. Fruit trees need a lot of space to grow. Entre 1902 e 1909, Einstein trabalhava num escritório de patentes em Bern, Suíça. Durante esse período, ele publicou muitos artigos sobre física teórica. From 1902 through 1909, Einstein worked in a patent office in Bern, Switzerland. While working in the patent office he published many papers on theoretical physics. Between 1902 and 1909 Einstein worked at a patent office in Bern, Switzerland. During that period, he published many articles on theoretical physics. Eu não vou fazer isso. I'm going to go do that. I'm not gonna do that. Nós encontramos um. We found one. We found one. Nós temos que ter alguma razão para viver. We must have something to live for. We have to have some reason to live. Tom não era jogador de beisebol. Tom wasn't a baseball player. Tom wasn't a baseball player. Tem um tamanho menor? Have you got smaller size? Is it a smaller size? Eu quero morar perto da estação. I want to live close to the station. I want to live near the station. Francês é difícil. French is difficult. French is hard. Não vou morder. I won't bite. I won't bite. A tela estava pendurada de ponta-cabeça. The picture was hung upside down. The screen was hanging upside down. Tom sabe onde estamos? Does Tom know we're here? Does Tom know where we are? Eu acho que esta mesa ocupa muito espaço. I think this table takes up too much space. I think this table takes up a lot of space. Não havia nada para queimar. There was nothing to burn. There was nothing to burn. O jardim fica atrás da casa. The garden is behind the house. The garden's behind the house. Deixe-nos. Leave us. Leave us. Eu não tomei banho. I didn't shower. I didn't shower. Tom vai ficar na Austrália por várias semanas. Tom will stay in Australia for several weeks. Tom's gonna be in Australia for several weeks. Tom nunca me disse que iria renunciar. Tom never told me that he was going to resign. Tom never told me he was going to resign. Se Deus não pretendeu que comêssemos animais, então por que Ele os fez de carne? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not intend us to eat animals, then why did He make them flesh? Eles sabem falar espanhol um pouco. They are able to speak Spanish a little. They can speak Spanish a little. Controla tuas emoções. Control your emotions. Control your emotions. A sopa estava muito quente. The soup was too hot. The soup was too hot. Todos os convidados foram embora. All the guests have left. All the guests are gone. É de volta à estaca zero. It's back to square one. It's back to square one. Como foi que o Tom fez com que você o ajudasse? How did Tom get you to help him? How did Tom get you to help him? O Tom provavelmente não vai tentar fazer isso. Tom will probably not try to do that. Tom probably won't try to do that. "Silêncio!", sussurrou Tom. "Quiet," Tom whispered. "Silence!" whispered Tom. Um grupo de moços estava lutando. A group of young men were fighting. A group of young men were fighting. Só falta uma semana para o Dia das Bruxas. Halloween's only a week away. It's only a week till Halloween. De quais esportes você gosta? What sports do you like? Which sports do you like? Você não lava as suas mãos antes de comer? Don't you wash your hands before eating? Don't you wash your hands before you eat? Eles sempre são cuidadosos. They're always careful. They're always careful. Por que Tom gosta desse hotel? Why does Tom like this hotel? Why does Tom like this hotel? O chão está limpíssimo. The floor is spotless. The floor is very clean. Nunca mais irei a Boston. I'm never going to Boston again. I'm never going to Boston again. Que faria eu sem ti? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Malabo é a capital da Guiné Equatorial. Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea. Malabo is the capital of Equatorial Guinea. A longa viagem agravou seu ferimento. The long trip aggravated her injury. The long journey worsened your wound. Ele se encontra com a namorada aos sábados. He meets his girlfriend Saturdays. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. Ninguém me dava ouvidos. Nobody would listen to me. No one would listen to me. O jogo foi adiado por causa da chuva. The game was postponed because of the rain. The game was postponed because of the rain. Eu preciso desse remédio. I need that medicine. I need that medicine. Nada é para sempre. Nothing is forever. Nothing is forever. Me conte o que você sabe sobre isso. Tell me what you know about it. Tell me what you know about this. Eu queria não ter contado nada para o Tom. I wish I hadn't told Tom anything. I wish I hadn't told Tom anything. Houve bastante tráfego. There was plenty of traffic. There's been a lot of traffic. Eu disse para a Jane se acalmar. I told Jane to calm down. I told Jane to calm down. Será que eu deveria falar com ela sobre o problema? I wonder if I should talk to her about the problem. Should I talk to her about the problem? Não recebi dela nem uma carta sequer. I didn't get even one letter from her. I didn't get a letter from her. Eu costumo sair para a escola por volta de 6:30. I usually leave for school at about 6:30. I usually go out to school around 6:30. Você é muito sortudo. You're so lucky. You're very lucky. No instante em que viu o policial, ele fugiu. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. The moment he saw the cop, he ran away. Qual é a terceira opção? What's the third choice? What's the third option? Mary tem muitas coisas para fazer. Mary has lots of things she has to do. Mary has a lot of things to do. Elas estão perdendo tempo. They are wasting time. They're wasting their time. Pelo que eu sei, ele nunca chegou na hora. As far as I know, he has never come on time. As far as I'm concerned, he never got here on time. Ela tem uma personalidade forte. She has a strong personality. She has a strong personality. Tom sempre amou a Mary. Tom has always loved Mary. Tom always loved Mary. Eu sou amado por meus pais. I am loved by my parents. I'm loved by my parents. Estou ouvindo uma voz. I am hearing a voice. I can hear a voice. Tom voltará; tenho certeza. Tom will come again, I'm sure. Tom will come back; I'm sure. Não posso encarar esta vida sozinho. I can't face this life alone. I can't face this life alone. Você vai aprender. You will learn. You'll learn. Quero ensinar Tom a fazer isso. I want to teach Tom how to do that. I want to teach Tom how to do that. Tivemos bastante neve este ano. We have had plenty of snow this year. We've had a lot of snow this year. Você é o meu melhor cliente. You're my best customer. You're my best customer. Diga para ela que estou assistindo o noticiário. Tell her that I am watching the news. Tell her I'm watching the news. Eu poderei lhe arranjar um cobertor, se você precisar de um. I could get you a blanket if you need one. I can get you a blanket if you need one. Fadil queria fazer de Layla uma mulher honesta. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. Fadil wanted to make Layla an honest woman. Tom não estava usando equipamento de mergulho. Tom wasn't wearing scuba gear. Tom wasn't using diving equipment. Vocês não me enganam. You don't fool me. You don't fool me. Pegue o livro que foi deixado sobre a mesa. Take the book that has been left on the table. Take the book that was left on the table. Eu sei que vocês não se importam. I know you don't care. I know you don't care. Por favor, dê-me algo para comer. Estou com muita fome. Please give me something to eat. I am so hungry. Please give me something to eat. Tom pisou no meu pé. Tom stepped on my foot. Tom stepped on my foot. Esta blusa é de algodão. This blouse is cotton. This is a cotton blouse. Seu jeito acalorado de tratar as pessoas o tornou enormemente popular. His warm way with people had made him hugely popular. His heated way of treating people made him enormously popular. Eles estão exaustos. They are exhausted. They're exhausted. Eu vi ele na estação. I met him at the station. I saw him at the station. Estou com fome. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Eu sei que você está se esforçando muito. I know you are struggling. I know you're working hard. Tom disse a Maria que estava quente demais para brincar lá fora. Tom told Mary that it was too hot to play outside. Tom told Maria it was too hot to play outside. O Oliver descobriu que sua nova namorada é uma imigrante ilegal. Oliver found out that his new girlfriend is an illegal immigrant. Oliver found out his new girlfriend is an illegal immigrant. Eu me virei para Tom. I turned to Tom. I turned to Tom. Revelar o final é um crime hediondo contra a humanidade. Spoiling an ending is a heinous crime against humanity. Revealing the end is a heinous crime against humanity. Não aguento esse tipo de pessoa. I can't stand those kinds of people. I can't stand that kind of person. Deus é bom todo o tempo. God is good all the time. God is good all the time. Não sou. I am not. I'm not. Este monte de cupins localiza-se na Tanzânia. This hill of termites is located in Tanzania. This pile of termites is located in Tanzania. Este conhaque tem pelo menos 30 anos. This cognac is about thirty years old, no less. This brandy is at least 30 years old. Houve um ritmo no meu sono. Quando acordei o perdi. Por que saí do abandono de mim mesmo, em que vivi? There was a rhythm in my sleep. When I woke up, I had lost it. Why did I leave the abandonment of myself, in which I lived? There was a rhythm in my sleep, when I woke up I lost him, why did I leave myself, where I lived? Tom e Mary ambos foram condenados à morte. Both Tom and Mary were sentenced to death. Tom and Mary were both sentenced to death. Eu era o aprendiz de Tom. I was Tom's apprentice. I was Tom's apprentice. Deixe o resto comigo. Leave the rest to me. Leave the rest to me. No mundo inglês do século XIX, era frequentemente dito que a masturbação levaria a perda de memória e de atenção. In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to a loss of memory and attention. In the 19th-century English world, masturbation was often said to lead to loss of memory and attention. Eu consigo me ver no espelho. I see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Sentou-se para ler um romance. He sat down to read a novel. He sat down to read a novel. Tom não sabe se Maria virá amanhã. Tom doesn't know if Mary will come tomorrow. Tom doesn't know if Maria's coming tomorrow. Eu não fiz por querer. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean to. Está na hora do intervalo. It's break time. It's break time. Riram do seu erro. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed at your mistake. Não os conheço pessoalmente. I don't know them personally. I don't know them personally. Mary tentou se matar. Mary attempted to kill herself. Mary tried to kill herself. Espero que o Tom esteja bem. I hope Tom is doing OK. I hope Tom's okay. Eu disse pra colocar o lixo na lixeira agora. I said put the trash in the trash now. I told you to put the trash in the dumpster now. Não temos ideia de onde o Tom está. We have no idea where Tom is. We have no idea where Tom is. Ele dedicou-se ao plano original. He adhered to the original plan. He dedicated himself to the original plan. Onde posso comprar um bilhete? Where can I buy a ticket? Where can I buy a ticket? Isso é meu? Is that mine? Is that mine? Podemos falar com vocês? Could we speak to you? Can we talk to you guys? A verdade é que nós humanos não podemos viver sem ar. The truth is that we can't live without air. The truth is, we humans can't live without air. Quem roubou o meu carregador de bateria? Who stole my battery charger? Who stole my battery charger? Não fiz essas coisas. I don't do those things. I didn't do those things. Devemos parar agora? Should we stop now? Should we stop now? Quanto é que te devo? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? O Tom sempre fica feliz quando vê a Maria. Tom always feels happy when he sees Mary. Tom's always happy when he sees Maria. Conte comigo! Count me in. Count me in! Tom sabe falar francês quase tão bem quanto espanhol. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Tom can speak French almost as well as Spanish. Quero abrir o meu próprio restaurante. I want to open my own restaurant. I want to open my own restaurant. Tom ainda dirige uma van? Does Tom still drive a station wagon? Tom still drives a van? Vá embora, Tom! Go away, Tom. Go away, Tom! Ela tem dois braceletes no braço direito. She has two bangles on her right arm. She's got two bracelets on her right arm. Ele tem um grande coração. He has a big heart. He's got a big heart. Nós recebemos algumas más notícias hoje. We received some bad news today. We got some bad news today. Eu sou dos Estados Unidos. I'm from the United States. I'm from the United States. Quero aprender caratê. I want to learn karate. I want to learn karate. Nunca te vi por aqui antes. I've never seen you here before. I've never seen you around here before. Você tem uma bela família. You have a beautiful family. You have a beautiful family. Você fez perguntas demais. You asked too many questions. You asked too many questions. São 9h15. It's 9:15. It's 9:15. Todos os aviões possuem asas. All planes have wings. All planes have wings. É frio do lado de fora. It is cold outside. It's cold outside. Deixem-me em paz! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! As pessoas vão rir de você caso digas isso. People will laugh at you if you say so. People will laugh at you in case you say that. Você escolheu o melhor. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Tom e eu frequentemente estudamos juntos. Tom and I frequently study together. Tom and I often study together. Ei, vocês querem pedir uma pizza? Hey, do you guys want to order a pizza? Hey, you guys want to order a pizza? Poderei ficar mais duas ou três semanas na Austrália se as senhoras precisarem de mim aqui. I could stay in Australia for another two or three weeks if you need me here. I'll be able to stay in Australia for another two or three weeks if the ladies need me here. Não acho que o Tom vá dizer sim. I don't think Tom will say yes. I don't think Tom's gonna say yes. Tom e Mary estavam acordados. Tom and Mary were up. Tom and Mary were awake. Nós consideramos isso. We considered that. We consider that. Você decidiu se vai ou não vender sua casa? Have you decided whether or not you're going to sell your house? Have you decided whether or not to sell your house? É o meu gato. It is my cat. That's my cat. Elas são. They are. They are. Eu gosto de ajudar os outros. I like helping others. I like helping others. Tom está tratando um paciente. Tom is treating a patient. Tom's treating a patient. Diz tchau para os teus amigos. Say goodbye to your friends. Say goodbye to your friends. Você está sorrindo. You're smiling. You're smiling. Eu li todos os seus romances. I've read all his novels. I've read all your novels. Ele quase morreu. He almost died. He almost died. Eu acho que você deveria voltar com o Tom. I think you should go back with Tom. I think you should go back with Tom. Eu tenho medo de que ele se atrase para pegar o trem. I fear that he may be late for the train. I'm afraid he'll be late for the train. Ele volta já. He will be back soon. He'll be right back. Atrás de portas fechadas, a verdadeira natureza de Fadil é revelada. Behind closed doors, Fadil's true nature is revealed. Behind closed doors, Fadil's true nature is revealed. Deve-se mudar a ordem das palavras. The word order has to be changed. The order of words must be changed. Esta é a rapariga cujo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. Sou o chefe da patrulha. I am the patrol leader. I'm the chief of patrol. Eu sou chofer de limusine. I drive a limo. I'm a limo driver. Também estamos sem ovos. We're also out of eggs. We're out of eggs, too. Isso é tudo o que eu consegui. It's all I've got. That's all I got. Quem gosta do Tony? Who likes Tony? Who likes Tony? Tom ligou para dizer que não pode vir para ajudar. Tom called to say he can't come to help. Tom called to say he can't come to help. É o Tom que não gosta de mim. Tom is the one that doesn't like me. It's Tom who doesn't like me. Estou disponível esta noite. Tonight I'm available. I'm available tonight. Tom se esqueceu de devolver meu dicionário. Tom forgot to give me back my dictionary. Tom forgot to return my dictionary. Você nem sequer chorou. You didn't even cry. You didn't even cry. Quanto você dá de gorjeta na Espanha? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much do you tip in Spain? Eu faço isso porque quero. I do it because I want to. I do it because I want to. Hoje eu não venho. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Ela surtou ao ouvir a notícia. She flipped out at hearing the news. She freaked out when she heard the news. Venha até mim se estiver com dificuldades. Come to me if you are in difficulties. Come to me if you're in trouble. A cidade é famosa pelos fósseis que expõe em seus museus. The city is famous for the fossils in its museums. The city is famous for the fossils it exhibits in its museums. Que diabos você vai fazer com isso? What the hell are you going to do with it? What the hell are you gonna do with that? Isso pode levar a alguma coisa. That might lead to something. That could lead to something. Eu sei que vocês são vegetarianos. I know that you are vegetarians. I know you're vegetarians. Conte-me tudo sobre a viagem que você fez. Tell me all about the trip you've made. Tell me all about the trip you made. Desculpa, eu realmente estraguei tudo. I'm sorry, I really messed up. I'm sorry, I really screwed up. Saltou da frigideira e caiu no fogo. He fell out of the frying pan into the fire. He jumped out of the frying pan and fell into the fire. Parece que isso nunca vai funcionar. It seems that it'll never work. Looks like it's never gonna work. Quem é o seu pintor favorito? Who's your favorite painter? Who's your favorite painter? A cidade estava aninhada em um floresta de árvores altas. The town was nestled in a forest of tall trees. The city was nestled in a forest of tall trees. Meu Deus! Dói pra caramba! Oh my God! It hurts like hell! Oh, my God, it hurts like hell! Elas não se importam com isso. They don't care about that. They don't care about that. Espero que o Tom esteja certo. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Você é que é o culpado. It is you who is to blame. You're the one to blame. Este medicamento não me fez nenhum bem. The medicine didn't do me any good. This medicine didn't do me any good. Eu diria que você está apaixonada. I'd say you are in love. I'd say you're in love. Pulei corajosamente no mar. I boldly jumped into the sea. I jumped bravely into the sea. Fique tranquilo, toda a minha dívida ser-lhe-á paga em breve. Calm down, all my debts will soon be paid to you. Rest assured, all my debt will be paid to you soon. Tom ganha três vezes mais do que eu. Tom earns three times as much as me. Tom makes three times as much money as I do. Tom não estava na escola hoje. Tom wasn't at school today. Tom wasn't at school today. Eu não menti para você. I didn't lie to you. I didn't lie to you. Não consigo dormir bem. I can't sleep well. I can't sleep well. Levante a mão quando eu chamar o seu nome. Put your hand up when I call your name. Raise your hand when I call your name. Onde você comprou essa camisa? Where did you buy that skirt? Where'd you get that shirt? Eu tenho que quebrar a cabeça para entender matemática. I have to beat my brains out to understand math. I have to break my head to understand math. Esta bateria é recarregável. This battery is rechargeable. This battery is rechargeable. Arremessa a bola. Pitch the ball. Throw the ball. Estou cansado, mas vou de qualquer jeito. I'm tired, but I'm going anyway. I'm tired, but I'm going anyway. Eu vou vestir essa camisa para trabalhar amanhã. I'm going to wear this shirt to work tomorrow. I'm gonna put this shirt on for work tomorrow. Eles comem tomates. They eat tomatoes. They eat tomatoes. Ela fez isso enquanto estava bêbeda. She did it while she was drunk. She did it while she was drunk. Ela pode não saber que estamos aqui. She might not know that we are here. She may not know we're here. Você terá de acordar cedo amanhã. Por que não vai dormir? You have to get up early tomorrow. Why don't you go to bed? You'll have to wake up early tomorrow. Você não está brincando, está? You're not joking, are you? You're not kidding, are you? Eu me pergunto se o Tom precisa fazer isso ou não. I wonder whether Tom needs to do that or not. I wonder if Tom has to do this or not. Leila voltou para o Cairo. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leila's back in Cairo. Não entre. Keep out! Don't come in. Tom, você está bem? Tom, are you okay? Tom, are you okay? Tom é um pouco ingênuo. Tom is a bit naive. Tom's a little naive. Eu sou conhecido por fazer isso. I've been known to do that. I've been known to do that. Tom é um bom jogador. Tom is a good player. Tom's a good player. Estou cansado de suas desculpas! I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your excuses! Tom quase teve um infarto quando viu Mary parada na beirada do telhado. Tom nearly had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. Tom almost had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. Preciso de um novo. I need a new one. I need a new one. O calor está se propagando através do meu corpo. Heat is rippling through my body. The heat is spreading through my body. Nunca mais comerei neste restaurante novamente. I'll never eat at this restaurant again. I'll never eat in this restaurant again. O senhor não tem esposa, tem? You don't have a wife, do you? You don't have a wife, do you? Senta-te. Have a seat. Sit down. Nós vamos jogar uma partida de tênis. We will play a tennis match. We're gonna play a tennis game. Aquilo é uma peruca? Is that a wig? Is that a wig? Gostaria de acreditar que Tom nos contou a verdade. I'd like to believe that Tom told us the truth. I'd like to believe Tom told us the truth. Vá para o médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go to the doctor and get the prescription! Somos australianos. We are Australians. We're Australians. Se estiver chovendo, não me espere. Don't expect me if it's raining. If it's raining, don't wait for me. Diligência é essencial para o sucesso na vida. Diligence is essential to success in life. Diligence is essential to success in life. Minha irmã terá terminado seu dever de casa antes de ir para Hokkaido. My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido. My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido. Estou doente desde domingo. I've been sick since Sunday. I've been sick since Sunday. Tom colocou os enfeites na árvore de Natal. Tom hung the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Tom put the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Tom recebeu uma carta de Maria. Tom received a letter from Mary. Tom received a letter from Maria. Ele tem 100 anos. He is 100 years old. He's 100 years old. Paulo gosta de paloco. Paul likes pollock. Paulo likes paloco. Isso é engraçado e horripilante ao mesmo tempo. That's funny and horrifying at the same time. That's funny and creepy at the same time. Ela não tem medo de cobra. She isn't afraid of snakes. She's not afraid of snakes. Tom não conseguia suportar a dor. Tom couldn't put up with the pain. Tom couldn't bear the pain. Ninguém queria falar comigo. Nobody would talk to me. No one wanted to talk to me. Quanto tempo levou para você terminar de ler o livro? How long did it take you to finish reading the book? How long did it take you to finish reading the book? O Tom sempre ora antes de comer. Tom always prays before eating. Tom always prays before he eats. Eu sou uma pessoa de nacionalidade sul-africana. I am a person of South African nationality. I am a person of South African nationality. Betty não disse uma palavra. Betty didn't say a word. Betty didn't say a word. Eu falei para o Tom não ligar. I told Tom not to call. I told Tom not to call. Eles são realmente amigos? Are they really friends? Are they really friends? Eu realmente quero ser feliz. I really want to be happy. I really want to be happy. Eu vou voltar para Boston em outubro. I'm coming back to Boston in October. I'm going back to Boston in October. Levamo-la direto à clínica, assim que ela desmaiou. We took her straight to the clinic as soon as she fainted. We took her straight to the clinic as soon as she passed out. Maria engravidou aos 14 anos de idade. Maria got pregnant at the age of 14. Maria got pregnant at the age of 14. Sou contra a guerra. I'm against the war. I'm against war. Não tem muita diferença entre os dois. There is not much difference between the two. There's not much difference between the two of you. Quando chegaremos? When do we arrive? When do we get there? Obrigada pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. Sempre tem alguém lá. There's always somebody there. There's always someone there. Eu me pergunto como Tom escapou. I wonder how Tom escaped. I wonder how Tom escaped. Meu pai envelheceu consideravelmente durante sua convalescença. My father aged remarkably during his convalescence. My father aged considerably during his convalescence. Por que você não está com ele? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? Tom está procurando alguém para ocupar o lugar de Mary. Tom is looking for someone to take Mary's place. Tom's looking for someone to take Mary's place. Eu acho que pode chover esta noite. I think that it might rain tonight. I think it might rain tonight. Você está pronto para estudar klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Tenho mil dólares em traveler checks e quinhentos em dinheiro. I have one thousand dollars in travelers' checks and five hundred in cash. I have a thousand dollars in traveler checks and five hundred in cash. Eu mudei de ideia. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. Eu queria falar com Tom sozinho. I wanted to speak to Tom alone. I wanted to talk to Tom alone. Como se diz...? How do you say...? How do you say...? Não fique com vergonha. Don't be shy. Don't be ashamed. Isso lhe parece algo que gostaria de fazer? Does that seem like something you might want to do? Does that sound like something you'd like to do? Tom não gosta de nenhum tipo de música. Tom doesn't like any kind of music. Tom doesn't like any kind of music. Os animais não podem escolher ser veganos. Animals can't choose to be vegan. Animals cannot choose to be vegan. Tom não andará novamente. Ele está paralisado. Tom won't walk again. He's paralyzed. Tom won't walk again. O Tom ainda está na Austrália. Tom is still in Australia. Tom's still in Australia. Este filme é simplesmente fantástico. This movie is just great. This movie is just fantastic. Tom percebeu que Maria estava mentindo. Tom realized that Mary was lying. Tom realized Maria was lying. É o Tom, não é? It's Tom, isn't it? It's Tom, isn't it? Gostei de adicionar frases em espanhol. I liked to add sentences in Spanish. I enjoyed adding Spanish phrases. Isso não tem nada a ver com o que nós falamos. This has nothing to do with what we were talking about. This has nothing to do with what we talked about. Eu poderia te perguntar uma coisa? May I ask you something? Could I ask you something? Vocês gostam de estudar? Do you like studying? Do you guys like to study? Aos dois anos de idade, já sabias contar até dez. When you were two years old, you could already count to ten. At the age of two, you knew how to count to ten. A garçonete serviu o chá. The waitress served the tea. The waitress served the tea. Ela perdeu seu dinheiro, sua família, seus amigos. She lost her money, her family, her friends. She lost her money, her family, her friends. Você sabe o nome completo de Tom? Do you know Tom's full name? Do you know Tom's full name? Modernizar uma cidade custa caro. It's expensive to modernize a city. Modernizing a city is expensive. Eu estou tentando apenas entender os senhores. I'm just trying to understand you. I'm just trying to understand you gentlemen. Tom é muito gentil. Tom is quite likable. Tom's very kind. O Tom comprou uma câmera há apenas alguns dias, mas já a perdeu. Tom bought a camera just a couple of days ago, but he's already lost it. Tom bought a camera just a few days ago, but he's already lost it. Escrevi três cartas. I've written three letters. I wrote three letters. Meu pai parou de fumar. My father quit smoking. My dad quit smoking. Você é boa. You're good. You're good. A chuva parou assim que elas entraram. The rain stopped as soon as they went inside. The rain stopped as soon as they came in. Não suporto isso. I can't stand that. I can't stand it. O homem que eu estava esperando não apareceu. The man I was waiting for didn't turn up. The man I was waiting for didn't show up. Vamos matar aula. Let's skip class. Let's skip class. Estou nisto há horas. I've been at this for hours. I've been at this for hours. Não traduzo mais novelas. I don't translate novels anymore. I don't translate soap operas anymore. O aniversário de Tom é daqui a três dias. Tom's birthday is in three days. Tom's birthday is in three days. Esta não é sua. This isn't yours. This isn't yours. Ele correu para fora pelado. He ran outside naked. He ran out naked. Não penso em magoá-la. I don't want to hurt you. I'm not thinking of hurting her. Ainda é grande esse hematoma. Tens a certeza que não queres ir ao médico ver isso? That bruise is still quite big. Sure you don't wanna go and have that checked? You sure you don't want to see that doctor? Tenho certeza de que seus pais estão muito orgulhosos de você. I'm sure that your parents are very proud of you. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. A chuva cessou. The rain has let up. The rain has ceased. Tal mãe, tal filha. Like mother, like daughter. Like mother, like daughter. Eles são americanos? Are they American? Are they Americans? O dinheiro traz felicidade? Does money bring happiness? Does money bring happiness? Pensava que o Tom tinha se saído bem. I thought that Tom did all right. I thought Tom did good. Este artigo ridiculariza os vegetarianos. This article makes fun of vegetarians. This article ridicules vegetarians. Esta frase é tão bela quanto verdadeira. Eu certamente nunca a esquecerei. This phrase is as beautiful as it is true. I will surely never forget it. This phrase is as beautiful as true. I will certainly never forget it. O Tom faz isso quando está com sono. Tom does that when he's sleepy. Tom does that when he's sleepy. Ele chegou aqui dez minutos adiantado. He arrived here ten minutes early. He got here ten minutes early. Eram quase 2:30 quando Tom chegou aqui. It was about 2:30 when Tom got here. It was almost 2:30 when Tom got here. Nós vamos precisar dos dois. We're going to need both of them. We're gonna need both. Para de fazer essa cara. Stop making that face. Stop making that face. Eu feri meu braço esquerdo. I hurt my left arm. I hurt my left arm. O maior problema das pessoas, é que elas muitas vezes não conseguem reconhecer seus próprios erros. People's biggest problem is that they often fail to recognize their own mistakes. The biggest problem for people is that they often fail to recognize their own mistakes. Tom e Maria jogaram pingue-pongue. Tom and Mary played ping pong. Tom and Maria played ping-pong. Estou morrendo de vontade de conhecê-la. I'm dying to meet her. I'm dying to meet her. A juventude do nosso país não se interessa por política. Our country's youth has no interest in politics. The youth of our country is not interested in politics. Posso tentar. I can give it a try. I can try. Tom não gostava da mãe. Tom didn't like his mother. Tom didn't like his mother. Meu irmão é dois anos mais velho que eu, mas mede três centímetros a menos. My brother is two years older than me, but three centimeters shorter. My brother's two years older than me, but he's three inches short. Meu colega falsificou o relatório. My colleague doctored the report. My colleague falsified the report. Eu não estou satisfeito com a sua explicação. I am not satisfied with your explanation. I'm not satisfied with your explanation. Nós somos estagiários. We're trainees. We're interns. O bezerro deve ser separado da mãe dele. The calf should be separated from its mother. The calf must be separated from his mother. Você só pode estar inventando isso. You gotta be making this up. You've got to be making this up. Sami tomou mais uma taça de vinho. Sami had another glass of wine. Sami had another glass of wine. O que você aprendeu hoje? What did you learn today? What did you learn today? Meu professor me disse que eu devia ter passado mais tempo preparando meu discurso. My teacher told me that I should have spent more time preparing my speech. My teacher told me I should have spent more time preparing my speech. Eu adoro ir ao cinema. I love to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. Tom sempre bebe chá de manhã. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Tom always drinks tea in the morning. Nos dê uma chance. Give us a chance. Give us a chance. Esse é nosso problema. That's our problem. That's our problem. O Tom foi transferido. Tom has been transferred. Tom's been transferred. Nós sabíamos que hoje é o aniversário dele. We knew today's his birthday. We knew it was his birthday today. Odeio lâmpadas fluorescentes. I hate fluorescent lights. I hate fluorescent lamps. Que é que desejam? What do you want? What can I get you? Onde você quer trabalhar? Where do you want to work? Where do you want to work? Use a cabeça! Use your head! Use your head! O Ted está satisfeito com a vida na faculdade. Ted is satisfied with life in college. Ted's happy with college life. Vamos, faça isso por mim, você não vai morrer por conhecer meus pais. Come on, do it for me, you're not going to die for meeting my parents. Come on, do it for me, you won't die knowing my parents. Você não acha que Tom gostaria de ir conosco? Don't you think Tom would want to go with us? Don't you think Tom would like to come with us? As letras "sch" em palavras alemãs e "sh" em inglesas são escritas "ŝ" em esperanto. Isso economiza espaço e tinta. The letters "sch" in German words and "sh" in English are written "ŝ" in Esperanto. That saves space and ink. The letters "sch" in German words and "sh" in English are written in Esperanto. This saves space and ink. Ninguém ficou ferido. Nobody was injured. No one was hurt. Eu conheci bem o Tom. I got to know Tom well. I knew Tom well. As flores estão se abrindo. The flowers are opening. The flowers are opening. Se você estivesse preso em uma ilha deserta, do que sentiria mais falta? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would you miss the most? Eu não percebi que estava ficando tão gorda. I didn't realize I was getting so fat. I didn't realize I was getting so fat. Não quero saber. I don't want to know. I don't care. Já faz mais de dois anos que nos vimos. It's been over two years since we saw each other. It's been over two years since we've seen each other. Isto não significa que o perigo tenha passado. This doesn't mean the danger has passed. This does not mean that the danger has passed. Eu passei as minhas férias de verão viajando pela Austrália. I spent my summer vacation traveling around Australia. I spent my summer vacation traveling through Australia. Meu pai estava para sair quando o telefone tocou. My father was about to leave when the phone rang. My dad was about to leave when the phone rang. Eu tive muita ajuda. I had a lot of help. I had a lot of help. Ela tirou a camisa. She removed her shirt. She took her shirt off. Como Tom fez isto? How did Tom do this? How did Tom do this? Ah, alguém fez um sanduíche pra mim. Muito bom. Ah, someone made me a sandwich. Very nice. Oh, somebody made me a sandwich. A Terra gira em torno do Sol. The Earth rotates round the Sun. Earth revolves around the sun. Quem veio com sua irmã? - Com minha irmã veio sua pequena filha Helena. Who came together with your sister? -With my sister is her little daughter Helena. - With my sister came your little daughter Helena. Cheguei a Narita anteontem. I arrived at Narita the day before yesterday. I arrived in Narita the day before yesterday. Eu não costumava gostar de vinho, mas agora eu adoro. I didn't use to like wine, but now I'm quite fond of it. I didn't used to like wine, but now I love it. Em todo o caso, ainda precisamos de uma explicação científica de como exatamente as dores são causadas por processos cerebrais. All the same, we still need a scientific account of how exactly pains are caused by brain processes. In any case, we still need a scientific explanation of how exactly pain is caused by brain processes. Vocês estão perdidas? Are you lost? Are you lost? O Tom comeu. Tom ate. Tom ate. A Primeira Guerra Mundial terminara apenas quinze anos antes. World War One had ended just 15 years earlier. World War I had ended only fifteen years earlier. O supermercado está aberto de segunda a sábado. The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday. The supermarket is open Monday to Saturday. Você está atrasado para a festa. You're late to the party. You're late for the party. As pessoas estão falando ao mesmo tempo. People are speaking at the same time. People are talking at the same time. Eu me sentei do lado do John. I sat next to John. I sat next to John. Eu fiquei completamente devastado. I was completely devastated. I was completely devastated. Perdi a chave de meu carro. I lost my car key. I lost my car key. Você já esteve no Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to the Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to Tokyo Dome? Ainda estou esperando que me digam o ocorrido. I am still waiting to be told what happened. I'm still waiting for you to tell me what happened. Eu te disse para não falar sobre o assunto na presença dela. I told you not to talk about the matter in her presence. I told you not to talk about it in her presence. Há mais de 70 milhões de vídeos de Minecraft no YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are over 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. A vida é uma questão de prioridades. Life is a question of priorities. Life is a matter of priorities. Tom disse que faria um mapa para ela, se fosse necessário. Tom said he would draw a map for her if necessary. Tom said he'd make a map for her if he had to. É o teu corpo; cuida dele! It's your body. Take care of it. It's your body; take care of it! O senhor Ito ensina história. Mr Ito teaches history. Mr. Ito teaches history. Você tem uma? Do you have one? Do you have one? Você acha que fazer isso seria um engano, não é verdade? You think doing that would be a mistake, don't you? You think doing this would be a mistake, don't you? O caso é complexo. The case is complex. The case is complex. Triunfei sobre aquele medroso. I've triumphed over that coward. I've triumphed over that coward. O teste foi difícil. The test was difficult. The test was hard. Os pais têm prioridade de direito na escolha do tipo de educação que será ministrada a seus filhos. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. Parents have a right to choose the type of education that will be given to their children. É uma borboleta ou uma mariposa? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Eu sei quando é seu aniversário. I know when your birthday is. I know when it's your birthday. Você pode me levar ao aeroporto, por favor? Can you take me to the airport, please? Can you take me to the airport, please? Meu sogro é engenheiro. My father-in-law is an engineer. My father-in-law is an engineer. Isso é impossível. This is impossible. That's impossible. Tenho muito trabalho a fazer amanhã. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Eu fiquei muito empolgado. I got very excited. I was really excited. Nossos vizinhos estão discutindo de novo. Our neighbors are arguing again. Our neighbors are arguing again. Achei que a Mary me amasse. I thought Mary loved me. I thought Mary loved me. "Tom, está aí embaixo?" "Não, estou aqui em cima." "Tom, are you downstairs?" "No, I'm upstairs." "Tom, are you down there?" "No, I'm up here." O duque possui muitas terras. The duke holds a lot of land. The Duke owns many lands. Por favor, não pergunte a Tom o que aconteceu. Please don't ask Tom what happened. Please don't ask Tom what happened. Quero me lavar. I want to wash myself. I want to wash up. Eu não aguento mais esse barulho. I can't stand that noise any longer. I can't take that noise anymore. Tom começou a chorar. Tom started to cry. Tom started crying. Eu deveria ter te avisado mais cedo. I should have let you know sooner. I should have warned you sooner. Não chove. It doesn't rain. It doesn't rain. Juro que não sei de nada. I swear that I don't know anything. I swear I don't know anything. Ninguém ficou feliz com isso. Nobody was happy about this. No one was happy about it. Ele me fez chorar. He made me cry. He made me cry. O que o Tom pediu para a Mary fazer? What did Tom ask Mary to do? What did Tom ask Mary to do? Fadil contou a sua família que se convertera ao Islã. Fadil told his family that he converted to Islam. Fadil told his family that he had converted to Islam. Você acha que eu sou bobo? Do you think I'm silly? You think I'm silly? Quereis ter a gentileza de vos calar? Would you please stop talking? Would you be so kind as to shut up? O senhor Smith está bebendo café. Mr Smith is drinking coffee. Mr. Smith is drinking coffee. Tom entendia isso? Did Tom understand that? Did Tom understand that? Ele se adaptou extremamente bem. He has adapted extremely well. He's adapted extremely well. Ele não gosta de cenouras, então não comeu. He does not like carrots, so he did not eat it. He doesn't like carrots, so he didn't eat. Amo seus olhos. I love your eyes. I love your eyes. Minha filha mal sequer tem quinze anos. My daughter is barely fifteen. My daughter's barely fifteen. Eu sabia que isso não ia funcionar. I knew it wouldn't work. I knew this wasn't gonna work. Suas idéias são péssimas. Your ideas are terrible. Your ideas suck. Não tem relógio no meu quarto. There is no clock in my room. There's no watch in my room. Na minha opinião, você está errado. In my opinion, you're wrong. In my opinion, you're wrong. A senhora me entende? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? A Samsung é uma empresa grande. Samsung is a big company. Samsung is a big company. Alguém que fala inglês bem deve ter escrito isso. Someone who knows English well must have written this. Someone who speaks English well must have written that. Quanto você quer por todas estas coisas? How much do you want for all this stuff? How much do you want for all this stuff? A bolsa está vazia. The bag is empty. The bag's empty. Você não precisa necessariamente ir ao aeroporto para confirmar a sua reserva. You don't necessarily have to go to the airport to reconfirm your plane reservation. You do not necessarily need to go to the airport to confirm your reservation. Ele tem o hábito de contar mentiras. He has a habit of telling lies. He has a habit of telling lies. Meu pai vai melhorar rápido. My father will get well soon. My dad's gonna get better soon. Eu não gostava de vinho, mas agora adoro. I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot. I didn't like wine, but now I love it. Talvez nós devêssemos voltar. Maybe we should go back. Maybe we should go back. Você são míopes? Are you nearsighted? Are you shortsighted? A África não é um país. Africa is not a country. Africa is not a country. Geralmente faz calor em julho. The weather is usually hot in July. It's usually hot in July. A casa do Tom é por aqui em algum lugar. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Este cálice é feito de ouro. This goblet is made of gold. This cup is made of gold. Elas estão comendo maçãs. They're eating apples. They're eating apples. Tom ainda vai pescar todos os dias. Tom still goes fishing every day. Tom still goes fishing every day. Paulina tem um chapéu cor-de-rosa. Paulina has a pink hat. Paulina has a pink hat. A lâmpada estava pendurada no teto. The lamp hung from the ceiling. The lamp was hanging from the ceiling. Eu não consegui dormir. I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't sleep. O que você escolheu para fazer? What did you choose to do? What did you choose to do? Não posso ligá-lo porque o interruptor está quebrado. I can't turn it on, because the switch is broken. I can't turn it on because the switch is broken. Eu estou convidado? Am I invited? Am I invited? Estamos de preto este mês. We're in the black this month. We're in black this month. Ele desejava saber tudo a respeito de vocês. He wanted to know everything about you. He wanted to know everything about you. Envie-me um e-mail caso você queira. Write me an email if you feel like it. Send me an e-mail if you want. Você está de bom humor? Are you in a good mood? Are you in a good mood? Eu sei que você acredita que você entendeu o que você acha que eu disse, mas eu não tenho certeza se você percebe que o que você ouviu não é o que eu quis dizer. I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure if you realize what you heard isn't what I meant. Eu quero ir com você, Tom. I want to go with you, Tom. I want to go with you, Tom. Que acha do meu novo chapéu? What do you think of my new hat? What do you think of my new hat? Conheci belas polonesas na universidade no Brasil, e também encontrei lá algumas pessoas muito amigáveis que falavam polonês. I became acquainted with beautiful Polish women at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who could speak Polish. I met beautiful Poles at the university in Brazil, and I also met there some very friendly people who spoke Polish. O Tom gosta de alimentar os pombos no parque. Tom likes feeding the pigeons in the park. Tom likes to feed the pigeons in the park. Terminar o relatório amanhã é quase impossível. Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible. Finishing the report tomorrow is almost impossible. Tom não queria ser nem advogado nem médico. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Ela não me disse seu nome. She hadn't given me her name. She didn't tell me your name. Não abram os seus livros. Don't open your books. Don't open your books. Tom é maior que você. Tom is bigger than you are. Tom's bigger than you. Você teve um bom dia? Did you have a good day? Did you have a good day? Eu juro que não fui eu. I swear it wasn't me. I swear it wasn't me. Eu preciso saber o que aconteceu na noite passada. I need to know what happened last night. I need to know what happened last night. Tanto Tom quanto Maria nasceram em Boston. Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. Both Tom and Maria were born in Boston. É um mercado engraçado. It's a funny market. It's a funny market. Não deixe o Tom te dizer o que fazer. Don't let Tom tell you what to do. Don't let Tom tell you what to do. O capitão nos deu as boas vindas. The captain welcomed us. The captain welcomed us. Tom estava muito cansado. Tom was very tired. Tom was very tired. E daí? And what? So what? Sua filha se tornou uma linda mulher. Her daughter has become a beautiful woman. Your daughter has become a beautiful woman. Centenas morrem todos os dias. Hundreds die every day. Hundreds die every day. Visitantes não podem alimentar os animais. Visitors may not feed the animals. Visitors can't feed the animals. Eu achei que você não fumava. I thought you didn't smoke. I thought you didn't smoke. Onde eu posso encontrar comida? Where can I find food? Where can I find food? Levantei muito tarde esta manhã. I got up very late this morning. I got up too late this morning. Fadil morreu na prisão, com 76 anos, de causas naturais. Fadil died in prison, aged 76, of natural causes. Fadil died in prison, aged 76, of natural causes. Tom quase morreu tentando me salvar. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom gosta de fotografia, cozinhar e video games. Tom likes photography, cooking and video games. Tom likes photography, cooking and video games. Quando é o aniversário do Tom? When is Tom's birthday? When's Tom's birthday? Tom está se preparando para partir. Tom is getting ready to leave. Tom's getting ready to leave. Tom tem sobrancelhas grossas. Tom has bushy eyebrows. Tom has thick eyebrows. Tom está acostumado a viver sozinho. Tom is used to living alone. Tom's used to living alone. Você estava tão feliz. You were so happy. You were so happy. A rua estava escura. The street was dark. The street was dark. Os olhos do Tom são enormes. Tom's eyes are huge. Tom's eyes are huge. O nome da mãe do Tom é Mary. Tom's mother's name is Mary. Tom's mother's name is Mary. Tom deletou todas as mensagens de Mary. Tom deleted all of Mary's messages. Tom deleted all Mary's messages. Desculpe, mas meu inglês é pior que o seu. Sorry, but my English is worse than yours. I'm sorry, but my English is worse than yours. Ela quer ser uma cantora. She wants to be a singer. She wants to be a singer. Eu acredito em ti. I believe in you. I believe you. Só quero salvar a Terra. I just want to save Earth. I just want to save Earth. Tom obedeceu prontamente. Tom promptly obeyed. Tom promptly obeyed. Sami também quer ir. Sami wants to go, too. Sami wants to go too. Tenho olhos vermelhos. I have red eyes. I have red eyes. Nossa escola fica no sul da cidade. Our school is in the south of the city. Our school is in the south of the city. O que você faz em Londres? What do you do in London? What are you doing in London? Ninguém foi comigo. Nobody went with me. No one came with me. Os professores de Tom não gostam dele. Tom's teachers don't like him. Tom's teachers don't like him. Tom disse que ganhou trezentos dólares. Tom said he won three hundred dollars. Tom said he made three hundred dollars. Eu deixei minha bolsa para trás. I left my purse behind. I left my purse behind. Tom tinha várias fotos da Mary que o John havia lhe dado. Tom had several photos of Mary that John had given him. Tom had several pictures of Mary that John had given him. Sami contou à Layla que seu nome não era Majid. Sami told Layla that his name wasn't Majid. Sami told Layla her name wasn't Majid. Ele foi a Paris pela primeira vez. He went to Paris for the first time. He went to Paris for the first time. Apenas esperem aqui até que a ajuda chegue. Just wait here until help arrives. Just wait here until help comes. O corpo inteiro é densamente coberto de pelos. The entire body is densely covered with hair. The whole body is densely covered with hair. Tom está regando as flores. Tom is watering the flowers. Tom's watering the flowers. Não é o que o Tom queria fazer. That's not what Tom wanted to do. It's not what Tom wanted to do. Eu sou mais jovem do que ele. I'm younger than he is. I'm younger than him. A previsão para amanhã é de mais chuva. The forecast for tomorrow is for more rain. Tomorrow's forecast is more rain. Tom seguiu a Mary até o escritório de John. Tom followed Mary into John's office. Tom followed Mary to John's office. Hoje, aqui e agora. Today, here and now. Today, here and now. Bom dia! Meu nome é John Reindle. Trabalho na embaixada americana em Praga. Hello. My name is John Reindle. I work at the American Embassy in Prague. My name is John Reindle, I work at the American embassy in Prague. Eu só tenho moedas americanas. I only have American coins. I only have American coins. Deixe-nos entrar. Let us in. Let us in. Estou certo de que você participará da reunião. I took it for granted that you would attend the meeting. I'm sure you'll attend the meeting. Os perigos são óbvios. The dangers are obvious. The dangers are obvious. Querem os senhores ir a algum lugar? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you gentlemen want to go somewhere? Nós vamos cuidar bem do Tom. We're going to take good care of Tom. We'll take good care of Tom. Só posso me culpar. I've got only myself to blame. I can only blame myself. Quem foi que te falou que o Tom estaria aqui? Who told you Tom would be here? Who told you Tom would be here? Tom poderia ser canadense. Tom could be Canadian. Tom could be Canadian. Eu fiquei surpresa, até mesma chocada. I was surprised, shocked even. I was surprised, even shocked. Tom tem várias sugestões. Tom has several suggestions. Tom has several suggestions. O arquivo foi enviado. The file has been sent. The file has been sent. Está realmente nervoso. He's really angry. You're really nervous. Isso pode te surpreender. It might surprise you. That might surprise you. Nós enganamos você. We tricked you. We tricked you. Você está prestes a partir, certo? You're about to go, right? You're about to leave, right? A vida dele está em perigo. His life is in danger. His life is in danger. Nós não fomos para a cama até a meia-noite. We didn't go to bed until midnight. We didn't go to bed until midnight. Demorou menos do que ele esperava. It was shorter than he expected. It took less than he expected. O que tu acabaste de dizer não é importante. What you just said isn't relevant. What you just said isn't important. Eles fazem parte de um grupo extremista cristão. They're part of a Christian extremist group. They are part of a Christian extremist group. O que Tom quer que você faça? What does Tom want you to do? What does Tom want you to do? Vamos nos livrar das formalidades. Let's do away with all formalities. Let's get rid of the formalities. O Tom comprou uma câmera para mim. Tom bought a camera for me. Tom bought me a camera. Estamos na era da energia nuclear. We are in the era of atomic energy. We're in the age of nuclear power. Está quase pronto. It's as good as finished. It's almost ready. Tenho a sensação de que já estive aqui antes. I have the feeling that I've been here before. I have a feeling I've been here before. Tu pertences a um sítio melhor que este. You belong in a better place than this. You belong in a better place than this. Onde se encontra a loja mais próxima? Where can you find the closest store? Where's the nearest store? Ele disse que você deveria ir. He said that you ought to go. He said you should go. Temos uma festa hoje à noite. We're having a party this evening. We have a party tonight. Fomos enganados. We've been tricked. We've been tricked. Você fez alguma promessa de ano novo? Did you make any New Year's resolutions? Did you make any New Year's promises? Dois anos se passaram desde que nos separamos. Two years have passed since we parted. Two years have passed since we split up. Ela ama correr. She loves to run. She loves to run. Estou bem, obrigado por perguntar. I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm fine, thanks for asking. Eu anotei num guardanapo. I wrote it down on a napkin. I wrote it down on a napkin. O Tatoeba tem quase 3 milhões de frases! Tatoeba has almost 3 million sentences! Tatoeba has almost 3 million sentences! Nunca imaginei que ficaria feliz em ouvir sua voz. I never thought I'd be happy to hear your voice. I never thought I'd be happy to hear your voice. Minha casa tem vista para o mar. My house looks toward the sea. My house has a view of the sea. Tom não conseguiu abrir a caixa. Tom wasn't able to open the box. Tom couldn't open the box. Se apresse! Look alive. Hurry up! Tom não sabe nadar. Tom is not able to swim. Tom can't swim. Hoje, tanto os Estados Unidos quanto a Rússia enfrentam uma série de desafios completamente nova. Today, both Russia and the United States face a whole new set of challenges. Today, both the United States and Russia face a whole new series of challenges. Você falou com o meu pai ontem? Did you speak to my father yesterday? Did you talk to my dad yesterday? Ele é seu amigo. He is his friend. He's your friend. Tenho que fazer isso. I have to do this. I have to do this. Não consigo me lembrar da última vez que fizemos amor. I can't remember the last time we made love. I can't remember the last time we made love. O Tom conhece a Mary há anos. Tom has known Mary for years. Tom's known Mary for years. Posso segurar a sua mão? Is it OK if I hold your hand? Can I hold your hand? "As senhoras não têm amigos?" "É claro que temos." "Don't you have friends?" "Of course." "Don't you ladies have friends?" "Of course we do." Você fez da maneira errada. You did that the wrong way. You did it the wrong way. Nós já não nos encontramos antes? Haven't we met before? Haven't we met before? Eu preciso estar aqui amanhã? Do I need to be here tomorrow? Do I need to be here tomorrow? Vou ser franco. Eu não sei. To be honest, I don't know. I'll be honest with you, I don't know. Deixe te ensinar as conjugações do verbo. Let me teach you the patterns of the verb. Let me teach you the verb conjugations. Não vou lavar seu carro. I'm not washing your car. I'm not washing your car. Venha quando quiser. Come at any time you like. Come whenever you want. Não é assim que funciona. That's not how it works. That's not how it works. Eu, na verdade, não dormi com ele. I haven't actually slept with him. I didn't actually sleep with him. Nós vamos trabalhar juntos. We'll work together. We'll work together. Tom e Mary adotaram uma criança da Rússia. Tom and Mary adopted a child from Russia. Tom and Mary adopted a child from Russia. As senhoras não podem jamais esquecer isso. You must never forget that. You ladies can't ever forget that. Você já pediu? Have you already ordered? Have you ordered it yet? Você teve um longo dia. You had a long day. You've had a long day. Ela tem o respeito de seus amigos. She is respected by her friends. She has the respect of her friends. Eu comprei um tíquete de volta. I bought a return ticket. I bought a ticket back. Gostaria de reservar um voo para Vancôver. I'd like to reserve a flight to Vancouver. I'd like to book a flight to Vancover. Eu quero que sejas honesto. I want you to be honest. I want you to be honest. Eu não gosto de café gelado. I don't like iced coffee. I don't like cold coffee. Maria foi a primeira mulher de Tom. Mary was Tom's first wife. Maria was Tom's first wife. Era o meu sonho. It was my dream. It was my dream. Tens uma dor de dentes? Do you have toothache? Do you have a toothache? O Tom está apenas a fingir que está bêbedo. Tom's only pretending to be drunk. Tom's just pretending to be drunk. Ele anda como um pato. He walks like a duck. He walks like a duck. Tom está ficando no Hotel Hilton? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? É falta de educação comer com uma faca. It is bad manners to eat with a knife. It's rude to eat with a knife. Eu não costumo andar em qualquer lugar. I don't usually walk anywhere. I don't usually walk anywhere. Você não sabia que o Tom tinha mais que um carro? Didn't you know Tom had more than one car? Didn't you know Tom had more than one car? Tom não sabia em quem acreditar. Tom didn't know who to believe. Tom didn't know who to believe. "A história era tão engraçada que eu literalmente morri de rir." "Então como é que você está falando comigo agora?" "É claro que eu de fato não morri, foi apenas uma figura de linguagem." "Então você está dizendo que usou 'literalmente' em sentido figurado." "Evidentemente. Há algum problema nisso?" "Não, só estou achando engraçado que se possa torcer a língua a tal ponto, que uma palavra chegue a significar o contrário de si mesma." "That story was so funny I literally died from laughter." "Then how come you're talking to me now?" "Of course, I didn't actually die, it was just a figure of speech." "So you're saying you used 'literally' in a figurative way." "Apparently. Got a problem with that?" "No, just finding it amusing that language can twist to the point that a word comes to mean its own opposite." "The story was so funny that I literally died laughing." "So how are you talking to me now?" "Of course I didn't die, it was just a figure of speech." "So you're saying you used 'literally' in a figurative sense." "Of course. Is there a problem with that?" "No, I'm just finding it funny that you can twist the language to such a point, that a word might mean the opposite of yourself." Ele está correndo atrás do que? What is he running after? He's running after what? Quer um abraço? Do you want a hug? You want a hug? Eu tenho certeza de que ela tem outras habilidades. I'm sure she has other skills. I'm sure she has other skills. O que você tem comido? What have you been eating? What have you been eating? Precisamos de um tempinho a sós. We need a little time alone. We need a little time alone. Quando ele vai para casa? When will he go home? When's he going home? Maria disse que me amava, mas eu não acreditei nela. Mary said that she loved me, but I didn't believe her. Maria said she loved me, but I didn't believe her. Tom era bastante inteligente para descobrir o que estava errado. Tom was clever enough to figure out what was wrong. Tom was smart enough to figure out what was wrong. Deixe de ser preguiçoso e traga-os você mesmo para mim. Don't be lazy, bring me them yourself. Stop being lazy and bring them to me yourself. Tom poderia ficar em Boston por bastante tempo. Tom could be in Boston for a long time. Tom could stay in Boston for a long time. Eu sou monogâmico. I am monogamous. I'm monogamous. Meu pai faleceu há dois anos. My father passed away two years ago. My father passed away two years ago. Nem todos ficaram felizes. Not everyone was happy. Not everyone was happy. Tem água em Marte? Is there water on Mars? Is there water on Mars? Sou uma pessoa de gosto extremamente simples. O melhor sempre me satisfaz. I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best. I'm an extremely simple person of taste, the best always satisfies me. Estou sozinho agora. I'm alone now. I'm alone now. Qual é a moral da história? What is the moral of the story? What's the moral of the story? Espere por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. O Tom ouviu atentamente a Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Tom listened carefully to Mary. Sei que o Tom está ferido. I know Tom is hurt. I know Tom's hurt. Ele está correndo atrás do cachorro. He's running after the dog. He's running after the dog. É preciso ter cuidado com conselhos grátis. One must be careful about free advice. You have to be careful with free advice. O vidro é quebradiço. Glass is breakable. The glass is brittle. Talvez possamos fazer isso. We may be able to do that. Maybe we can do that. Ainda não soubemos nada do Tom. We haven't heard anything from Tom yet. We haven't heard from Tom yet. Tom é um psicopata. Tom is a psychopath. Tom's a psychopath. Era atraente. It was attractive. She was attractive. Eu me encontrei com um antigo aluno em Londres. I met an old student in London. I met with an old student in London. Eu acho que você está errado. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Por que ela não me liga mais? Why doesn't she call me anymore? Why doesn't she call me anymore? Faz como ele te diz. Do as he tells you. Do as he tells you. Tom roubou alguma coisa de novo? Did Tom steal something again? Did Tom steal anything again? Meus sapatos novos são confortáveis. My new shoes are comfortable. My new shoes are comfortable. Eu teria esperado. I would've waited. I would have waited. Está muito frio aqui dentro. It's very cold in here. It's too cold in here. Vou ficar com vocês até que o Tom chegue aqui. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. Isso é uma piada? Is this a joke? Is this a joke? Ontem estiveste muito ocupado? How busy were you yesterday? Were you too busy last night? Tenho um assunto complicado que quero discutir com as senhoras. I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you. I have a complicated matter I'd like to discuss with the ladies. Discutimos assuntos diferentes. We discussed different topics. We've discussed different matters. Tenta tua sorte. Try your luck. Try your luck. Onde está você? Where are you? Where are you? Em minha opinião, as crianças estão cansadas de nadar. In my opinion, the children are tired of swimming. In my opinion, the kids are tired of swimming. Eu não te contei o que ele escreveu naquela carta. I didn't tell you what he wrote in that letter. I didn't tell you what he wrote in that letter. Sinto que ela está escondendo alguma coisa de mim. I feel like she is hiding something from me. I feel like she's hiding something from me. Ele não permite interrupções. He doesn't allow interruptions. He doesn't allow interruptions. Ele era nosso professor de Ciências. He was our science teacher. He was our science teacher. Tom é muito peculiar. Tom is very peculiar. Tom is very peculiar. Tom tem uma pequena fazenda nas redondezas de Boston. Tom has a small farm just outside of Boston. Tom has a small farm in the vicinity of Boston. O que você faz depois da escola? What do you do after school? What do you do after school? Não se zangue, tio. Por favor! Jante conosco amanhã. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't be mad, Uncle, please, have dinner with us tomorrow. Vamos nos casar o mais rápido possível. Let's get married as soon as possible. Let's get married as soon as possible. A Europa não é um país. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Cale a boca! Isto só tem a ver com nós dois. Shut up! This only has to do with the two of us. This is just about the two of us. A luta durou três segundos. The fight lasted three seconds. The fight lasted three seconds. Pode ser tarde demais. It might be too late. It might be too late. Não tem como ficar melhor que isto. It doesn't get any better than this. There's no getting better than this. Eu tinha a sua idade. I was your age. I was your age. Não faça perguntas tão difíceis. Don't ask such hard questions. Don't ask such difficult questions. Está escurecendo. The sky's getting darker. It's getting dark. Tom está convencido de que Mary deveria fazer isso. Tom is convinced that Mary should do that. Tom is convinced that Mary should do this. Ela tentou sozinha. She tried it herself. She tried it on her own. A morte é assustadora. Death is scary. Death is scary. Nós não somos, este ano, as mesmas pessoas que éramos no ano passado; assim também acontece com aqueles que amamos. É uma felicidade se nós, mudando, continuamos a amar uma pessoa mudada. We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. We are not, this year, the same people we were last year; so also happens to those we love. It is a happiness if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. O Tom não chegou tão longe. Tom didn't make it that far. Tom didn't get that far. A sala está esquentando. The room's getting hot. The room is heating up. Eu gosto de ser espontâneo. I like to be spontaneous. I like being spontaneous. Não dá para saber aonde ele foi. It's impossible to know where he has gone. You can't tell where he went. O Tom deve ter vencido. Tom might've won. Tom must have won. Tomás ainda está trabalhando? Is Tomás still working? Is Tomás still working? Você já atravessou um rio nadando? Have you ever got across a river by swimming? Have you ever crossed a river swimming? Que desenho bonito! What a beautiful drawing! What a beautiful drawing! Não somos perfeitos, mas tentamos ser. We're not perfect, but we try to be. We're not perfect, but we try to be. Tom gosta de jogar basquete. Tom likes playing basketball. Tom likes to play basketball. Não me obrigue a fazer isso. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do this. Tom é três polegadas mais alto que eu. Tom is three inches taller than I am. Tom's three inches taller than me. A campainha está tocando. The doorbell is ringing. The doorbell's ringing. Tom me perguntou quantas guitarras eu tinha. Tom asked me how many guitars I owned. Tom asked me how many guitars I had. Atualmente, os incêndios são menos temidos do que eram antigamente, pois cada vez mais casas são feitas de concreto e casas de concreto não queimam tão facilmente como as antigas casas de madeira. Fires are less frightening today than they once were, because more and more houses are built of concrete, and concrete houses do not burn as easily as the old wooden ones. Today, fires are less feared than they were before, for more and more houses are made of concrete and concrete houses do not burn as easily as the old wooden houses. Elas desistiram. They gave up. They gave up. Tente mais uma vez. Try once again. Try it one more time. Uma semana tem sete dias. A week has seven days. A week has seven days. Tom realmente gosta de Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Tom really likes Boston. Tanto Tom quanto Mary estão muito orgulhosos de você. Tom and Mary are both very proud of you. Both Tom and Mary are very proud of you. Estavam os senhores a delirar. You were delirious. You were delirious. Como eu posso chegar em casa? How can I get home? How can I get home? Um homem com bom senso não falaria comigo daquele jeito. A man of sense wouldn't speak to you like that. A man with good sense wouldn't talk to me like that. O cachorro está dormindo. The dog is asleep. The dog's asleep. Esta pedra pesa cinco toneladas. This stone weighs five tons. This stone weighs five tons. Não se aproxime de mim. Estou resfriado. Don't come near me. I have a cold. Don't come near me. Nem sempre é fácil distinguir o bem do mal. It is not always easy to distinguish good from evil. It is not always easy to distinguish good from evil. Há um camundongo na despensa. There's a mouse in the pantry. There's a mouse in the pantry. Esta é uma situação inusitada. This is an unusual situation. This is an unusual situation. Apenas para que não exista nenhuma dúvida, não estou morando mais com meus pais. Just to remove any doubt, I no longer live with my parents. Just so there's no doubt, I'm not living with my parents anymore. O que é Física Quântica? What is quantum physics? What is Quantum Physics? Tom mora em Boston? Does Tom live in Boston? Tom lives in Boston? Eu vi as senhoras a fazer isso. I've seen you doing that. I saw the ladies do it. A maior parte dos jovens adultos gostam de sair à noite. Most young adults enjoy going out at night. Most young adults like to go out at night. Ele está rindo de mim porque meus lábios estão manchados com tinta de lula. He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with squid ink. He's laughing at me because my lips are stained with squid paint. Desculpa, mas eu não gosto de ti a esse ponto. I'm sorry but I don't like you in that way. I'm sorry, but I don't like you that much. Você reconhece o homem da foto? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man in the photo? Cometi um erro de digitação. I made a typing error. I made a typo. Todo mundo discordam de mim. Everybody disagreed with me. Everyone disagrees with me. Ninguém pôde acreditar. Nobody could believe it. No one could believe it. Vale a pena ler esse livro. That book is worth reading. It's worth reading that book. Eu acho que está certo. I think that that's right. I think you're right. Ele é só uma criança. He is only a child. He's just a kid. Seja boazinha com elas. Be kind to them. Be nice to them. Ainda não é noite. It's not evening yet. It's not night yet. Tom não estava gaguejando. Tom wasn't babbling. Tom wasn't stuttering. Tom parecia estar em grande forma. Tom looked great. Tom seemed to be in great shape. Os pais de Tom não gostam de mim. Tom's parents don't like me. Tom's parents don't like me. Eu estou com vergonha de mim mesmo. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed of myself. Será que vai clarear esta tarde? Will it clear up this afternoon? Will it clear up this afternoon? Me dê um diferente mesmo. Give me a different one. Give me a different one anyway. Para qual praia você quer ir? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you want to go to? A que horas eles partiram? What time did they leave? What time did they leave? Mostrem a revista a Tom. Show Tom the magazine. Show Tom the magazine. Eu sou egoísta. Eu admito. I'm selfish. I admit it. I'm selfish, I admit it. O tão esperado relatório da comissão de inquérito foi divulgado ontem à tarde. The long-awaited commission of enquiry report was released yesterday afternoon. The long-awaited report of the committee of inquiry was released yesterday afternoon. O Tom ajudou a Mary a se levantar. Tom helped Mary to her feet. Tom helped Mary get up. Ele quis me lisonjear. He wanted to flatter me. He wanted to flatter me. O casamento assusta certas pessoas. Marriage frightens some people. Marriage scares certain people. Por favor, não grite. Please don't shout. Please don't scream. Todos olharam para Tom. Everybody looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. Você ainda não terminou o café da manhã? Have you finished breakfast yet? Haven't you finished breakfast yet? Onde está o gato? Where's the cat? Where's the cat? O trator está nivelando a rua. The road roller is levelling the street. The tractor's leveling the street. O time deles não era muito conexo. Their team is not very cohesive. Their team wasn't very connected. Queres saber meu segredo? É muito simples... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... You want to know my secret? A luz viaja a cerca de 186.000 milhas por segundo. Light travels at about 186,000 miles per second. The light travels about 186,000 miles per second. É muito pequeno. It's very small. It's too small. Tom disse que está tudo bem com ele. Tom said that's fine with him. Tom says it's okay with him. Por favor, diga-me a sua opinião. Please tell me your opinion. Please tell me your opinion. Ele vai responder a sua carta em breve. He'll answer your letter soon. He'll be answering your letter soon. Ela ficou surpresa com a notícia. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised by the news. Eu levo meu molho de chaves no bolso. I carry my set of keys in my pocket. I'll take my key sauce in my pocket. Você precisa de um xarope para tosse e aspirina. You need some cough syrup and aspirin. You need a cough syrup and aspirin. Tom tem vasto conhecimento sobre a Austrália. Tom is an authority on Australia. Tom has extensive knowledge of Australia. Vocês têm algum prato típico? Do you have any regional dishes? Do you guys have any typical dishes? Meus colegas me receberam cordialmente. My colleagues welcomed me very warmly. My colleagues welcomed me cordially. Eu era exigente. I was demanding. I was demanding. É de tirar o fôlego. It's breathtaking. It's breathtaking. Tom estava muito chateado. Tom was very upset. Tom was very upset. Estou farto de todas as mentiras deles. I'm fed up with all their lies. I'm sick of all their lies. Nós todos aqui somos canadenses. We're all Canadians here. We're all Canadians here. Ele me pediu para renovar o título. He asked me to renew the bond. He asked me to renew the title. Tom ama Mary, mas ela não gosta dele. Tom likes Mary, but she doesn't like him. Tom loves Mary, but she doesn't like him. Eu estava distraído. I was distracted. I was distracted. Sim, fi-lo intencionalmente. Yes, I did this intentionally. Yes, I did it intentionally. A que horas vocês saem? What time do you get off? What time do you leave? Nós assistimos a um filme. We watched a movie. We watched a movie. Minha cauda está doendo! My tail hurts! My tail hurts! Eu nem sequer tenho namorado. I don't even have a boyfriend. I don't even have a boyfriend. Tom teve de esperar. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Eu não achei que Tom estivesse dormindo. I didn't think Tom was asleep. I didn't think Tom was sleeping. Você consegue contar até dez em francês? Can you count to ten in French? Can you count to ten in French? Meu pai foi a Hong Kong a negócios. My father went to Hong Kong on business. My father went to Hong Kong on business. O inverno foi embora. A primavera chegou. Winter has gone. Spring has come. Winter's gone, spring's here. Eu vim para esse país com o propósito de estudar música. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. Tom não te viu. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Com quem Tom estava falando? Who was Tom talking to? Who was Tom talking to? As crianças crescem tão rápido. Kids grow up so fast. Kids grow up so fast. Vamos esquecer os estudos e nos divertirmos hoje à noite. Let's forget to study and enjoy ourselves tonight. Let's forget about school and have fun tonight. Não sabia que você sabia cozinhar tão bem. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you could cook so well. Quanto custa um quilo de maçã? How much does a kilogram of apples cost? How much is a kilo of apple? Eu sempre quis escrever um livro para crianças. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I've always wanted to write a book for kids. Todo mundo estava muito ocupado. Everybody was very busy. Everyone was very busy. De qualquer maneira, eu não queria ir. I didn't want to go anyway. Anyway, I didn't want to go. Esperem por mim, por favor. Please wait for me. Wait for me, please. Quero despedir-me. I want to say goodbye. I want to say goodbye. Ele achou a experiência divertida. He found the experience enjoyable. He found the experience fun. Espero que esteja tendo um bom feriado. I hope you're having a good holiday. I hope you're having a good holiday. Não carregue nada ao excesso. Don't carry anything to excess. Don't carry anything to excess. Tom tentou dormir. Tom tried to sleep. Tom tried to sleep. Estou intrigado pelo que você disse. I'm intrigued by what you say. I'm intrigued by what you said. Todo mundo costumava ter um desses. Everybody used to have one of these. Everybody used to have one of those. Não esqueça de postar a carta, por favor. Please don't forget to post the letter. Don't forget to post the letter, please. Podeis servir-vos de quantos quiserdes. You can have as many as you want. You can serve as many as you want. Ele bebeu uma garrafa inteira de leite. He drank a whole bottle of milk. He drank a whole bottle of milk. Você mentiu para mim, não foi? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Isso é muito gentil de sua parte. That's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. Que cheiro é este? What's that smell? What's that smell? Tom diz que precisa da minha ajuda amanhã. Tom says he needs my help tomorrow. Tom says he needs my help tomorrow. "Nãoo!" gritou o Tom. "Noo!" cried Tom. "Noo!" screamed Tom. Os médicos pensavam que ele tinha um resfriado. Doctors thought he had a cold. The doctors thought he had a cold. Tom quase desmaiou do calor. Tom almost passed out from the heat. Tom almost passed out from the heat. Você não consegue levantar o piano. You can't lift the piano. You can't lift the piano. Não corra aqui. Don't run here. Don't run here. Qual é seu podcast favorito? What's your favorite podcast? What's your favorite podcast? Tom bebia. Tom used to drink. Tom drank. Ele parecia ter sido muito feliz. He seemed to have been very happy. He seemed very happy. Já que você está com dor de garganta e febre, você deveria provavelmente ficar na cama. Since you have a sore throat and a fever, you should probably stay in bed. Since you have a sore throat and fever, you should probably stay in bed. Idiota! Idiot! Idiot! Ele virou a mesa de ponta-cabeça. He turned the table upside down. He turned the table upside down. Eu fiquei intrigado. I was intrigued. I was intrigued. Quanto custa? How much does that cost? How much is it? Ele possui uma iguana. He owns an iguana. He owns an iguana. Quem pensa o senhor que faria uma coisa dessas? Who do you think would do such a thing? Who do you think would do such a thing? Dê um clique duplo no ícone. Double-click on the icon. Double-click the icon. Tom nunca leu o livro que a Maria lhe deu. Tom never read the book that Mary gave him. Tom never read the book Maria gave him. Você estará na reunião hoje à tarde? Will you be at the meeting this afternoon? Will you be at the meeting this afternoon? A namorada de Tom é mais velha que ele. Tom's girlfriend is older than he is. Tom's girlfriend is older than him. Disseram-me que eu devia consultar um médico. I was told that I should see a doctor. I was told I should see a doctor. Lembro-me de ter devolvido o livro à biblioteca. I remember returning the book to the library. I remember returning the book to the library. Ela era mais bonita naquela época do que ela é hoje. She was then more beautiful than she is now. She was prettier back then than she is today. Eu amo o meu namorado bissexual! I love my bisexual boyfriend! I love my bisexual boyfriend! Eles atingiram seus objetivos. They reached their goal. They've achieved their goals. Não será muito difícil convencer o Tom. Tom won't be that hard to convince. It won't be too hard to convince Tom. Gostaria de visitar a França um dia. I would like to visit France someday. I'd like to visit France one day. As coisas são as mesmas, mas as pessoas mudaram. Things are the same, but people have changed. Things are the same, but people have changed. O Tom não ligou. Tom hasn't called. Tom didn't call. Eu acho que vi um óvni ontem à noite. I think I saw a UFO last night. I think I saw a UFO last night. Há algo queimando. There's something burning. There's something burning. Me ajuda! Help me. Help me! Foi o Tom que disse para a Mary que ela tinha que fazer isso. It was Tom who told Mary she had to do that. Tom was the one who told Mary she had to do it. Ele vai se arrepender mais cedo ou mais tarde. He will regret it sooner or later. He'll regret it sooner or later. Mesmo sabendo que as chances eram poucas, eu nunca desisti. Even though I knew that the chances are small, I never gave up. Even though the odds were low, I never gave up. O que você está recebendo de Tom no Natal? What are you getting Tom for Christmas? What are you getting from Tom for Christmas? Elas vieram juntas. They came together. They came together. Tom disse ao filho para não comer de boca aberta. Tom told his son not to eat with his mouth open. Tom told his son not to eat with his mouth open. Tenha cuidado com essas rochas. Be careful on those rocks. Be careful with those rocks. Ela prometeu me pagar nessa semana, mas não cumpriu a promessa. She promised that she would pay me this week, but she didn't keep her word. She promised to pay me this week, but she didn't keep her promise. Tom escreveu tudo o que a Mary disse. Tom wrote down everything Mary said. Tom wrote everything Mary said. Consideramos que Tom seja honesto. We consider Tom to be honest. We consider Tom to be honest. Tenha um bom dia. Have a good day. Have a good day. Nós tentamos tudo. We have tried everything. We tried everything. Todas as meninas riram. All the girls laughed. All the girls laughed. Eu só falo francês em casa com os meus pais. I only speak French at home with my parents. I only speak French at home with my parents. Eu quero ficar enquanto puder. I want to stay as long as I can. I want to stay as long as I can. Eu já respondi às perguntas de Tom. I've already answered Tom's questions. I already answered Tom's questions. Tenha paciência. Be patient. Be patient. Por favor, faça-o rapidamente. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Tom pediu para a Mary para que abrisse a janela. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Eu também gostaria de saber. I would also like to know. I'd like to know, too. Quantos anos você tem? - Vinte e três anos. How old are you? - I'm twenty-three years old. How old are you? Foi isso o que o Tom disse? Is that what you said? Is that what Tom said? Não posso concordar com eles neste assunto. I can't agree with them on this matter. I can't agree with them on this. Tom e Mary sabem disso. Tom and Mary know about it. Tom and Mary know that. A natureza parece pacífica, mas é na verdade um perpétuo banho de sangue de animais morrendo de maneiras horríveis. Nature seems peaceful, but it is actually a perpetual bloodbath of animals dying in horrific ways. Nature seems peaceful, but it's actually a perpetual bloodbath of animals dying in horrible ways. Olha a bagunça que Tom fez. Look what a mess Tom has made. Look at the mess Tom's made. Eles sabem disso. They know that. They know that. Você está familiarizado com as regras do futebol? Are you familiar with the rules of soccer? Are you familiar with football rules? É a sua festa. It's your party. It's your party. Tom tinha uma faca. Tom had a knife. Tom had a knife. Vou ligar para Tom amanhã e pedir ajuda a ele. I'm going to call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. I'll call Tom tomorrow and ask him for help. O professor disse-lhes que parassem de lutar. The teacher told them to stop fighting. The teacher told them to stop fighting. Eu só queria algum conselho de alguém que já tenha estado em Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's been to Boston before. Ela está em perigo. She's in danger. She's in danger. Tom colocou seu capacete. Tom put on his helmet. Tom put on his helmet. O inglês não é a minha língua materna. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. Ele conhece muitas danças folclóricas. He knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of folk dances. Falar inglês não é fácil. Speaking English isn't easy. Speaking English isn't easy. Os cavalos são animais. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Amanhã é domingo, não? Tomorrow is Sunday, isn't it? Tomorrow's Sunday, isn't it? Vi um cachorro cuja cauda tinha sido cortada. I saw a dog and its tail was cut short. I saw a dog whose tail had been cut off. Língua e cultura não podem ser separadas. Language and culture can't be separated. Language and culture cannot be separated. Ele carrega uma bolsa nas costas. He carries a bag on his back. He carries a purse on his back. O Tom parece estar se sentindo sozinho. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Tom seems to be feeling lonely. Primeiro, verifique se as informações são corretas. First, make sure the information's correct. First, make sure the information is correct. Eu tive que consertar a torradeira. I had to fix the toaster. I had to fix the toaster. É bem possível. It's quite possible. It's quite possible. O Tom não se sentia bem. Tom didn't feel well. Tom wasn't feeling well. Tom está xingando Maria. Tom is calling Mary names. Tom's cursing Maria. Onde você conheceu o seu namorado? Where did you meet your boyfriend? Where did you meet your boyfriend? Tom ainda não concluiu o ensino médio. Tom hasn't yet finished high school. Tom hasn't finished high school yet. Tom mal sabe falar francês. Tom can barely speak French. Tom can barely speak French. Isso soa como uma piada. That sounds like a joke. That sounds like a joke. Na vida real os reis são poderosos, mas no xadrez eles são muito inúteis. In real life kings are powerful, but in chess they're pretty much worthless. In real life kings are powerful, but in chess they are very useless. Por que você acha que o Tom faria aquilo? Why do you think Tom would do that? Why do you think Tom would do that? Esta é uma questão moral. It is a moral question. This is a moral question. Vamos conversar no Skype. Let's talk on Skype. Let's have a Skype chat. Tom foi buscar o médico. Tom went to get the doctor. Tom went to get the doctor. Por favor, visite-nos. Please visit us. Please visit us. Como o semáforo ficou vermelho, ele parou o carro. Because the traffic light turned red, he stopped his car. As the traffic light turned red, he stopped the car. Não encontrei nenhum dado no sistema. I did not find any data from the system. I didn't find any data in the system. Tom prometeu ir a Boston conosco. Tom has promised to go to Boston with us. Tom promised to come to Boston with us. Minha mãe foi quem me ensinou Francês. My mother was the one who taught me French. My mother taught me French. Nossa! Que idéia maravilhosa. Wow! What a wonderful idea. Wow, what a wonderful idea. Apenas conversamos. We just had a talk. We just talked. Por que você não foi à polícia? Why haven't you gone to the police? Why didn't you go to the police? Como você ajudou o Tom? How did you help Tom? How did you help Tom? Ele ainda não veio. He hasn't come yet. He hasn't come yet. Eu estou desapontado com você. I'm disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in you. Você está me dizendo que foi o Tom quem fez isso? Are you telling me Tom is the one who did that? Are you telling me that Tom did this? Por que vocês estão fazendo isso com elas? Why are you doing this to them? Why are you doing this to them? Tudo bem. Você conhece um bom lugar? Sure. Do you know a good place? Do you know a good place? Levantamos às quatro da manhã. We got up at four in the morning. We get up at four in the morning. Tom não quer olhar. Tom doesn't want to look. Tom doesn't want to look. Ele escreve aos pais uma vez por mês. He writes to his parents once a month. He writes to his parents once a month. Tom é invencível. Tom is unbeatable. Tom is invincible. Odeio ficar sozinho em casa nos finais de semana. I hate to be alone at home on the weekends. I hate being home alone on weekends. Está pronto para a festa? Are you ready to party? Are you ready for the party? Que vergonhoso! How embarrassing! How embarrassing! Eu te amo, minha deusa! I love you, my goddess! I love you, my goddess! Eu quero que você fique na Austrália pelo menos até o Natal. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. Este alimento contem carne? Does this food contain any meat? Does this food contain meat? Lucy vem da América. Lucy is from America. Lucy comes from America. Eu apoiei-te e tu ignoraste-me. I stood up for you and you ignored me. I supported you and you ignored me. Esse livro está velho. That book is old. That book is old. Você poderia escrever o seu nome aqui? Would you please write your name here? Could you write your name here? Fadil poderia estar morto. Fadil might be dead. Fadil could be dead. Tom tentou me apunhalar. Tom tried to stab me. Tom tried to stab me. Eu nem sequer pensei sobre essa possibilidade. I haven't even thought about that possibility. I didn't even think about that possibility. Por que estou aqui? Why am I here? Why am I here? Quero ser o seu amigo. I want to be her friend. I want to be your friend. A conversa está ficando seca. The conversation is drying up. The conversation's getting dry. Quero ir a Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. I want to go to Seattle. Posso dar uma mordidinha? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Não traduza esta sentença! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence! Eu sei quem foi que roubou o seu diário. I know who stole your diary. I know who stole your diary. Minha esposa e eu queremos fazer isso. My wife and I both want to do that. My wife and I want to do this. Queria que ela tivesse vindo noite passada. I wish she had come last night. I wish she'd come last night. O latim é uma língua perpétua. Latin is a perpetual language. Latin is a perpetual language. As coisas mudaram. Things changed. Things have changed. Muriel acabou de fazer vinte anos. Muriel just turned twenty. Muriel just turned 20. Charles improvisou um breve discurso. Charles improvised a short address. Charles improvised a brief speech. Eu queria que você tivesse me contado a verdade. I wish you had told me the truth. I wish you'd told me the truth. Tom admitiu que ele matou meu gato. Tom admitted that he killed my cat. Tom admitted he killed my cat. Vocês podem ou não ganhar. You may or may not win. You may or may not win. O poeta deu à menina uma rosa. The poet gave the girl a rose. The poet gave the girl a rose. Eu tenho duas entradas para o concerto. Quer ir? I've got two tickets for the concert. Would you like to come with me? I have two tickets to the concert. Ela não pode beber álcool. She can't drink alcohol. She can't drink alcohol. Esse feriado está muito sem graça - deveríamos ter voltado para casa. This holiday isn't much fun - we should have gone home. This holiday is very dull - we should have come home. Quem está de pé? Who's standing? Who's up? Maria é a mais nova das três irmãs. Mary is the youngest of the three sisters. Mary is the youngest of the three sisters. Você definitivamente não pode comparar Marselha e Lyon. You definitely can't compare Marseilles and Lyons. You definitely can't compare Marseille and Lyon. Repeti seus vídeos várias vezes, e agora falo Inglês muito bem com meus amigos, muito obrigado. I watched your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends. Thank you very much. I have repeated your videos several times, and now I speak English very well with my friends, thank you very much. Sua lata de lixo está pegando fogo. Your garbage can is on fire. Your trash can's on fire. É meu plano. This is my plan. It's my plan. Tom foi expulso da festa. Tom was kicked out of the party. Tom got kicked out of the party. A que horas nós entramos no prédio? What time was it when we entered the building? What time do we get into the building? A música de Mozart está sempre me agradando. The music of Mozart is always pleasing to me. Mozart's music always pleases me. Ela tentou se matar noite passada. She tried to kill herself last night. She tried to kill herself last night. Eu não gosto muito deles. I don't like them that much. I don't like them very much. Ela estava sentada ao balcão comendo amendoim. She used to sit on the balcony eating peanuts. She was sitting at the counter eating peanuts. Tom não parece estar muito feliz. Tom doesn't seem to be very happy. Tom doesn't seem very happy. Toda regra tem uma exceção. Every law has its exception. Every rule has an exception. Numa democracia, os cidadãos têm os mesmos direitos. In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights. In a democracy, citizens have the same rights. Isso seria muito triste. That would be very sad. That would be very sad. Nós precisamos de sair cedo. We need to leave soon. We need to leave early. O calor é sufocante para mim. The heat is stifling to me. The heat is suffocating to me. Você está brincando? Is this a joke? Are you kidding? Eu devia comprar isso? Should I buy it? Should I buy this? Eu sou prisioneiro. I'm a prisoner. I'm a prisoner. O professor suspeitou de que o estudante estava trapaceando. The teacher suspected the student was cheating. The professor suspected the student was cheating. Obrigado pelo jantar delicioso. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Thanks for the delicious dinner. Claro que sim! Of course! Of course I do! Tom está convencido de que Mary roubou o clarinete dele. Tom is convinced Mary stole his clarinet. Tom's convinced Mary stole his clarinet. Eu não entendo o que o autor está tentando dizer. I don't understand what the author is trying to say. I don't understand what the author is trying to say. Não precisa ser um gênio para saber quem disse isso. You don't have to be a genius to know who said that. You don't have to be a genius to know who said that. Isto é um frasco. This is a bottle. This is a bottle. Nós moramos numa casa de três quartos. We live in a three-bedroom house. We live in a three-bedroom house. Não há pássaros nesta floresta. There are no birds in this forest. There are no birds in this forest. Tenho que tomar cuidado. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Ela tem o cabelo avermelhado, daí seu apelido "Cenoura". She has reddish hair, whence comes her nickname "Carrot". She has reddish hair, hence her nickname "Cenoura". É só uma competição amigável. It's just a friendly competition. It's just a friendly competition. Tom não está de bom humor. Tom isn't in a good mood. Tom's not in a good mood. Quando foi a última vez que você voltou para casa? When was the last time you walked home? When was the last time you came home? Tom e Mary passaram a tarde toda conversando sobre computadores. Tom and Mary spent all afternoon talking about computers. Tom and Mary spent all afternoon talking about computers. Olha o barulho! Hush! Look at the noise! Quem foi que Batman salvou? Who did Batman save? Who did Batman save? Foi muito difícil pra nós decidir qual comprar. It was difficult for us to decide which one to buy. It was very difficult for us to decide which one to buy. Você queria falar com um advogado? Would you like to talk to a lawyer? You wanted to talk to a lawyer? Pode-me dar um quilo de peito de frango, por favor? Can I get a kilo of chicken breast please? Can I have a kilo of chicken breast, please? Isso é para o quê? What's that for? What's that for? Tom mente para você o tempo todo. Tom lies to you all the time. Tom lies to you all the time. Eu gosto de estar preparado. I like to be prepared. I like to be prepared. Quase não visitei Boston. I almost didn't visit Boston. I almost didn't visit Boston. Você é poderosa. You're powerful. You're powerful. Tom quase não fala francês. Tom speaks almost no French. Tom hardly speaks French. Eu preciso de um cochilo. I need a nap. I need a nap. Tom decidiu ir a Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Eu quero tomar uma cerveja gelada. I want to drink a cold beer. I want to have a cold beer. Eu durmo às 10 horas. I sleep at ten o'clock. I sleep at 10 o'clock. Aí vem o trem. Here comes the train. Here comes the train. Eu comprei um carro vermelho. I bought a red car. I bought a red car. Estes pratos estão limpos? Are these dishes clean? Are these dishes clean? Gosto de xadrez. I like chess. I like chess. Tom entregava jornais quando era adolescente. Tom delivered newspapers when he was a teenager. Tom delivered newspapers when he was a teenager. Tom já tomou sua decisão. Tom has already made his decision. Tom has made his decision. Você é filho único? Are you an only child? Are you an only child? Eu só falo um pouco de francês. I can only speak a little French. I just speak a little French. Me pergunto se o Tom ainda está satisfeito. It looks like Tom is scared. I wonder if Tom's still satisfied. O Tom não conhecia a Mary tão bem quanto eu. Tom didn't know Mary as well as I did. Tom didn't know Mary as well as I did. Tom é frugal. Tom is frugal. Tom is frugal. Todos deviam votar. Everybody should vote. Everyone should vote. Assim que ele retornar, eu te contarei. As soon as he returns, I will tell you. As soon as he gets back, I'll tell you. Soube que vocês precisam de ajuda. I heard you need help. I hear you guys need some help. A ficção é obrigada a manter as possibilidades. A verdade não. Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. Fiction is bound to keep the possibilities. Leitores existem em abundância; pensadores são raros. Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare. Readers exist in abundance; thinkers are rare. Você está com dor de cabeça e garganta inflamada? Do you have a headache and a sore throat? Do you have a headache and a sore throat? Você não esta ocupada agora, está? You're not busy now, are you? You're not busy right now, are you? Tom disse que está com uma gripe leve. Tom said he had a slight cold. Tom says you have a mild cold. A minha vida em casa está boa mas ainda estou com dificuldades para começar a escrever. My home life is good, but I'm still struggling to get myself to write. My home life is fine but I'm still struggling to start writing. Eu quero ir ao centro da cidade. I want to go downtown. I want to go downtown. Ninguém sabia onde ela estava. No one knew where she was. No one knew where she was. Eu não estou mais inspirado. I'm not inspired anymore. I'm not inspired anymore. O texto é considerado fluente na língua de destino. The text is deemed as fluent in the target language. The text is considered to be fluent in the target language. Nós somos os campeões. We're the champions. We're the champions. Isso tem sido um grande problema para nós. It has been a big trouble for us. This has been a big problem for us. Tom e Maria brigaram feio. Tom and Mary had a huge fight. Tom and Maria had a bad fight. Eles são pacifistas? Are they pacifists? Are they pacifists? Obrigado pelo comentário. Thanks for the comment. Thanks for the comment. Apague o nome dele da lista. Delete his name from the list. Delete his name from the list. Já falaram para o Tom fazer de novo. Tom has already been told to do that again. They already told Tom to do it again. Ela convidou Tom e eu para a festa. She invited Tom and me to the party. She invited Tom and I to the party. Coloque-o no gelo. Put it on ice. Put him on ice. Comer demais faz mal à saúde. Eating too much is bad for your health. Too much to eat is bad for your health. Preciso enviar ao médico. I must send for the doctor. I have to send it to the doctor. Eu te levarei para casa. I'm going to get you home. I'll take you home. Dois cafezinhos, por favor. Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. Tom está lendo. Tom is reading. Tom's reading. Mary procurou por toda sua família. Mary looked around at her family. Mary looked for her whole family. Eu acho que vocês estão prontos. I think you're ready. I think you're ready. Eles estão armados? Are they armed? Are they armed? Não atire no mensageiro. Don't shoot the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger. Tom pode fazer as duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Tom can do both at the same time. Tom can do both things at the same time. Tom quase causou um incidente internacional. Tom almost caused an international incident. Tom almost caused an international incident. Eu ainda não tomei meu café. I haven't had my coffee yet. I haven't had my coffee yet. Ele nunca quebra suas promessas. He never breaks promises. He never breaks his promises. O que estás a fazer? What are you doing? What are you doing? O grupo teve de poupar, conspirar e ludibriar para poder sobreviver. The group had to scrimp, connive, and hustle in order to get by. The group had to spare, plot and cheat in order to survive. Os preços são altos no Brasil. Prices are high in Brazil. Prices are high in Brazil. Qual é a sua caneta? Which is your pen? What's your pen? Tampei minhas orelhas. I covered my ears. I covered my ears. Você está sendo uma maluca. You are being a kook. You're being crazy. Não acredito em extraterrestres. I don't believe in aliens. I don't believe in aliens. Cadê todo mundo? Where's everybody? Where is everybody? "O que você quer dizer?" "Bobagem." "What do you want?" "Forget about it." "What do you mean?" "Bullshit." Nós estamos vindo. We're coming. We're coming. Quem você está descrevendo? Who are you describing? Who are you describing? Que porra é essa? What the hell is this? What the fuck? Tom pediu a Mary que o esperasse em frente à biblioteca. Tom asked Mary to wait for him in front of the library. Tom asked Mary to wait in front of the library. Ele queria sair com ela. He wanted to hang out with her. He wanted to go out with her. Tom afastou-se ligeiramente de Mary. Tom moved slightly away from Mary. Tom moved away slightly from Mary. Sente-se, Tom. Have a seat, Tom. Sit down, Tom. Ele tem duas aulas de manhã e uma à tarde. He has two classes in the morning and one in the afternoon. He has two classes in the morning and one in the afternoon. Há muitos móveis neste quarto. There's a lot of furniture in this room. There's a lot of furniture in this room. O menino estava chorando no quarto. The boy was crying in the room. The boy was crying in the bedroom. Quero ir à França. I want to go over to France. I want to go to France. As crianças falam devagar. The children speak slowly. The kids talk slow. Eu compreendo agora. I understand now. I understand now. Quase valeu a pena. It was almost worth it. It was almost worth it. Devemos amar como se nunca tivéssemos sido feridos. We should love as if we've never been hurt. We must love as if we've never been hurt. Tenho a intenção de fazer à senhora algumas perguntas. I have a few questions for you. I intend to ask you a few questions. Estou preocupado com o meu peso. I'm just worried about my weight. I'm worried about my weight. Eu trabalho num hotel em Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. Eu não me arrependo de nada. I regret nothing. I don't regret anything. Se eu soubesse o endereço dele, teria enviado uma carta. If I had known his address, I would have written to him. If I'd known his address, I would have sent a letter. As mulheres estão tendo filhos mais tarde. Women are having children later in life. The women are having children later. Devo fazê-lo agora. I must do it now. I must do it now. O Pequeno Pessegueiro é da Alemanha. Little Peach Tree is from Germany. Little Peach is from Germany. Prefiro água mineral. I prefer mineral water. I prefer mineral water. Parece que Jack está doente. It seems that Jack is sick. Looks like Jack's sick. Eles estão calmos demais. They're way too calm. They're too calm. Você dançará comigo? Will you dance with me? Will you dance with me? Tom fuma. Tom smokes. Tom smokes. Ele é um homem honesto. He is an honest man. He's an honest man. O Tom não queria morar sozinho. Tom didn't want to live alone. Tom didn't want to live alone. A polícia não acreditou na história que ela contou. The police didn't believe her story. The police didn't believe the story she told. Por que o Tom achou que era má ideia fazer isso? Why did Tom think it was a bad idea to do that? Why did Tom think it was such a bad idea to do that? Um acordo de confissão de culpa para redução de pena está fora de cogitação. A plea bargain is out of the question. A guilty plea agreement for reduced sentence is out of the question. As coisas não são sempre o que parecem. Things aren't always as they appear. Things aren't always what they seem. Nós não temos alternativa senão trabalhar. We have no alternative but to work. We have no choice but to work. Não tenho irmãos. I don't have any siblings. I don't have any brothers. Tom traduziu o contrato em francês. Tom translated the contract into French. Tom translated the contract into French. Você não tem vergonha de falar desse jeito? Aren't you ashamed to talk like that? Aren't you ashamed to talk like that? Na festa havia muitos salgadinhos gostosos. There were many delicious snacks at the party. At the party there were a lot of tasty snacks. Você é estranho. Eu ainda não o ajudei em nada e você me chama de gênio. You're weird. I haven't helped you at all yet and you're calling me a "genius". I haven't helped him yet and you call me a genius. Fadil conseguiu cedo ser posto em liberdade condicional. Fadil got early release on parole. Fadil got parole early. Aparentemente, não mudou muita coisa. Apparently, not much has changed. Apparently, not much has changed. Fique atento quando atravessar uma rua movimentada! Be alert when you cross a busy street! Keep an eye out when you cross a busy street! A meu ver, a reunião foi um sucesso. In my opinion, the meeting was a success. In my view, the meeting was a success. O terreno virou uma favela. The land became a village. The land has become a slum. Você acabou de responder a sua própria perguntar. You've just answered your own question. You just answered your own question. Eu não tenho medo de morrer. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm not afraid to die. Os lunáticos tomaram o hospício. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Vimos o avião. We saw the airplane. We saw the plane. Ela está disposta a fazer biscates. She is willing to do odd jobs. She's willing to do her jobs. A senhora Jones está ensinando ciência da computação. Mrs. Jones is teaching computer science. Mrs Jones is teaching computer science. Eu conheço um garoto da sua idade. I know a boy about your age. I know a boy your age. Isso não é grande coisa. This is no big deal. That's no big deal. O Tom não estava preparado, mas Mary estava. Tom wasn't done, but Mary was. Tom wasn't ready, but Mary was. "Este?" "Não, aquele!" "This one?" "No, that one!" "This one?" "No, that one!" Eu não tenho certeza do que ele estava pensando. I'm not sure what he was thinking. I'm not sure what he was thinking. Esse é o seu livro? Is that your book? Is that your book? Não escreva nos livros da biblioteca. Don't write in library books. Don't write in the library books. Eu trabalho até muito tarde. I work until very late. I work too late. A capital da Ucrânia é Kiev. The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Fadil abandonou Layla depois de tirar-lhe a virgindade. Fadil abandoned Layla after he had taken her virginity. Fadil left Layla after taking her virginity. Tom deveria ter ficado onde estava. Tom should've stayed where he was. Tom should have stayed where he was. Espero me encontrar com vocês essa tarde. I hope to meet up with you this afternoon. I hope to meet you this afternoon. Nas suas mãos havia manchas de nicotina. His hands had nicotine stains. You had nicotine stains on your hands. O valor do homem está no que ele é e não no que ele tem. A man's worth lies in what he is rather than what he has. The value of man is in what he is and not in what he has. Não vou ao médico há mais de dez anos. ​I haven't gone to the doctor in over ten years. I haven't seen a doctor in over ten years. Ela o ajuda. She helps him. She helps him. Devolva o meu chapéu. Give me back my hat. Give me back my hat. "Zelda, o chão está debaixo dos meus pés!" "Eu sei!" "Zelda, the floor is under my feet!" "I know!" "Zelda, the ground is under my feet!" "I know!" O meu avô não dirige mais. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. Ela conhece Maria. She knows Mary. She knows Maria. Você está despedido. You're fired. You're fired. Faça isso você mesmo! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Pedi que Tom tirasse os sapatos. I told Tom to take off his shoes. I asked Tom to take his shoes off. Estás doente, tu precisas repousar. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need to rest. Me prenderam no aeroporto. I got detained at the airport. They arrested me at the airport. Eu preciso de um tempo sozinho. I need to be alone. I need some time alone. O telefone tocou por bastante tempo. The phone rang for a long time. The phone rang for a long time. Por que os computadores são tão inteligentes? Porque eles obedecem as placas mães. Why are computers so intelligent? Because they listen to their motherboards. Why are computers so smart? Because they obey motherboards. Usa a porta da frente. Use the front door. Use the front door. Se seis serras serram seis ciprestes, seiscentas serras serram seiscentos ciprestes. If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws will saw six hundred cypresses. If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws saw six hundred cypresses. Mary está preocupada com sua aparência. Mary is concerned with her looks. Mary's worried about how you look. Eu votei nela no ano passado. I voted for her last year. I voted for her last year. Por que vocês não convidaram o Tom? Why didn't you invite Tom? Why didn't you invite Tom? Ele ilustrou sua teoria com exemplos. He illustrated his theory with examples. He illustrated his theory with examples. Nenhum homem diria isso. No man would say that. No man would say that. Mark Twain foi um novelista norte-americano. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Mark Twain was an American novelist. Tom contratou um advogado. Tom hired an attorney. Tom hired a lawyer. Usar essas vacinas viola o mandamento sagrado de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. To use these vaccines violates the sacred commandment from Our Lord Jesus Christ. Using these vaccines violates the sacred commandment of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Eles estão achando que somos tolos. They're taking us for fools. They think we're fools. Estou feliz em vê-lo de volta. I'm glad to see you back. I'm glad to see you back. Tom tirou os óculos e os colocou na mesa de cabeceira. Tom took his glasses off and put them on the bedside table. Tom took off his glasses and put them on the nightstand. Ele leu um romance muito interessante ontem. He read a most interesting novel yesterday. He read a very interesting novel yesterday. É um carvalho. It's an oak tree. It's an oak tree. Você já construiu uma casa? Have you ever built a house? Have you ever built a house? Eu acabo de almoçar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. Comparado com o modelo antigo, este é muito mais fácil de lidar. Compared with the old model, this is far easier to handle. Compared to the old model, this is much easier to handle. É um jogador cauteloso. He is a careful player. He's a cautious gambler. Ele voltou às seis. He returned at six. He came back at six. Eu espero não ter ofendido você. I hope that I didn't offend you. I hope I didn't offend you. Por acaso ele parecia um médico? Did he look like a doctor? Did he look like a doctor by any chance? Eles entraram. They came in. They're in. Ela não conseguia nunca encontrar motivação para fazer incursões significativas no trabalho que se acumulava em sua bandeja de entrada. She could never find the motivation to make significant inroads into the work piling up in her in-tray. She could never find motivation to make significant incursions into the work that accumulated on her entrance tray. Tom está lendo a Bíblia. Tom is reading the Bible. Tom's reading the Bible. Do lado de fora, os carros ribombavam e trepidavam à medida que passavam. Outside, cars rumbled and rattled as they passed by. Outside, cars laughed and quivered as they passed by. Quando poderemos nos ver novamente? When can we see each other again? When can we see each other again? Se não tivesse sido por sua ajuda, eu certamente teria fracassado. If it had not been for your help, I would certainly have failed. If it hadn't been for your help, I certainly would have failed. Por que você precisa de minha permissão? Why do you need my permission? Why do you need my permission? Não está frio hoje. It is not cold today. It's not cold today. Tom já leu esse livro. Tom has already read that book. Tom's already read that book. Tom e Maria estavam cansados, mas felizes. Tom and Mary were tired, but happy. Tom and Maria were tired, but happy. Isso vale trezentos dólares. That's worth three hundred dollars. That's worth three hundred dollars. A sentença é curta e simples, mas sem o contexto não será útil para quase ninguém. The sentence is short and simple, but without context it will be useful to almost no one. The sentence is short and simple, but without context it will be of no use to almost anyone. Elas não tinham nada. They had nothing. They had nothing. O senhor Hirayama ensina muito bem. Mr Hirayama teaches very well. Mr. Hirayama teaches very well. Você talvez queira reconsiderar isso. You might want to reconsider that. You might want to reconsider that. Você tem sapatos e meias? Do you have shoes and socks? Do you have shoes and socks? Sinto muito, não posso ficar muito tempo. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. Quantos anos tem esse violão? How old is this guitar? How old is this guitar? Eu estou sem ideias. I ran out of ideas. I'm out of ideas. Você já foi traído por um grande amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Mano, qual é mesmo seu sobrenome? Bro, what's your family name? Bro, what's your last name again? Acho que choverá hoje. I think it'll rain today. I think it's gonna rain today. Eu trarei vinho. I'll bring wine. I'll bring you some wine. Você pode embrulhá-lo para mim? É um presente. Can you wrap it up for me? It's a gift. Can you wrap it for me? Eu sei que Tom é detestável. I know that Tom is obnoxious. I know Tom is detestable. Nós vamos lutar. We will fight. We're going to fight. Você parece ocupado. You seem busy. You look busy. Tom fala muito sobre isso. Tom talks about that a lot. Tom talks a lot about it. Nasci em 1979. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. Queria ter obedecido às suas instruções. I wish I had obeyed his directions. I wish I'd obeyed your instructions. O ábaco é um instrumento de cálculo. An abacus is a tool used in counting. The abacus is an instrument of calculation. Ele caiu num sono profundo. He fell into a deep slumber. He fell into a deep sleep. O show está prestes a começar. The concert is just about to start. The show's about to start. Eu gostaria que fosses para casa comigo. I would like you to go home with me. I'd like you to come home with me. Quero ir para Tóquio. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Já terminou? Have you finished already? Are you done? Tom está fazendo isso por despeito. Tom is doing it out of spite. Tom's doing this out of spite. O barco está afundando. The boat is sinking. The boat's sinking. Eu adoro dançar. I love dancing. I love dancing. Ele voltou dois dias atrasado. He came back two days late. He came back two days late. Tom não toma cerveja em casa. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. Tom doesn't drink beer at home. O que causou a colisão? What caused the crash? What caused the collision? Nós fomos em frente apesar dos obstáculos. We pushed ahead despite the obstacles. We went ahead despite the obstacles. A senhora sabe onde o Tom está, não sabe? You know where Tom is, don't you? You know where Tom is, don't you? Não parece que o Tom terminou. Tom didn't seem to be done. Doesn't look like Tom broke up. O francês é ensinado no primário? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French taught in elementary school? Não consigo lembrar a última vez que tive um encontro. I can't remember the last time I had a date. I can't remember the last time I had a date. Deixe-me dormir. Let me sleep. Let me sleep. Proibido fumar. No smoking. No smoking. O Tom é o padrasto da Mary. Tom is Mary's stepdad. Tom's Mary's stepfather. Prove isto. Taste this. Try this. Eu vi pior. I've seen worse. I've seen worse. Quero algo novo. I want something new. I want something new. O futebol é um esporte no qual os jogadores não podem tocar a bola com os braços, exceto o goleiro, que pode usar o corpo inteiro para defender o gol. Soccer is a sport in which players can't touch the ball with their arms, except for the keeper, who can use his whole body to defend the goal. Football is a sport in which players cannot touch the ball with their arms, except the goalkeeper, who can use the entire body to defend the goal. Eu tenho que estar lá. I must be there. I have to be there. Quem você acha que quebrou a janela? Who do you think broke the window? Who do you think broke the window? Tom odeia perder. Tom hates to lose. Tom hates losing. Usando as palavras de Chaplin: "conte seu jardim pelas flores, não pelas folhas que caem." Using Chaplin's words "count your garden by the floweres, never by the leaves that fall." Using Chaplin's words, "tell your garden by the flowers, not by the falling leaves." Por que você está fazendo o seu dever de casa a esta hora? Why are you doing your homework at this time? Why are you doing your homework at this hour? Ele está abrindo a janela. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Coisas completamente absurdas acontecem neste mundo. Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. Completely absurd things happen in this world. "Vamos beber algo, que tal?" "Sim, vamos." "Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's." "Let's have a drink, shall we?" "Yes, let's go." Fique aqui com Tom. Stay here with Tom. Stay here with Tom. Tenho problemas para engolir comprimidos. I have trouble swallowing pills. I have trouble swallowing pills. Quando vocês vão à biblioteca? When are you going to the library? When do you go to the library? Você sabe qual é o endereço deles? Do you know their address? Do you know what their address is? A Alemanha é um país frio. Germany is a cold country. Germany is a cold country. Eu apenas pensei que você não quisesse ir. I just thought that you wouldn't want to go. I just thought you didn't want to go. A felicidade é uma flor frágil. Happiness is a feeble flower. Happiness is a fragile flower. Aqui está a carta dela pedindo para nós tomarmos conta do único filho dela. Here is her letter asking us to take care of her only son. Here's her letter asking us to take care of her only child. Vem aqui, amigo. Come here, friend. Come here, buddy. Gostaria de lhes mostrar alguns textos traduzidos, para os senhores os corrigirem. I'd like to show you some translated texts for you to correct. I would like to show you some translated texts, so that you can correct them. Eu queria te resgatar. I wanted to rescue you. I wanted to rescue you. Só o Obama sabia disso. Only Obama knew about it. Only Obama knew that. Foi um erro ter terminado com você. It was a mistake to break up with you. It was a mistake to break up with you. Tom vai ter de ir sozinho. Tom is going to have to go alone. Tom's gonna have to go alone. Jane Austen foi uma escritora britânica. Jane Austen was a British writer. Jane Austen was a British writer. Canadá e México fazem fronteira com os Estados Unidos. Canada and Mexico both share a border with the USA. Canada and Mexico border the United States. Tom anda comendo carne de porco demais. Tom has been eating too much pork. Tom's been eating too much pork. Antigas estrelas pop são simplesmente mulheres velhas quando completam 40 anos. Former pop stars are just plain old women by the time they're 40. Old pop stars are just old women when they turn 40. Tom não faz o meu tipo. Tom isn't my type. Tom's not my type. Como estamos? How do we look? How are we doing? Tom é o pai biológico de Maria. Tom is Mary's biological father. Tom is Maria's biological father. Ele prometeu aos escravos que eles seriam libertados. He promised the slaves that they would be freed. He promised the slaves that they would be freed. Eu os convidei para jantar. I invited them to dinner. I invited them to dinner. Eu tive de demitir Tom. I had to fire Tom. I had to fire Tom. Então o que é que eu faço agora? So what do I do now? So what do I do now? Tom não te pediria para fazer isso. Tom wouldn't ask you to do that. Tom wouldn't ask you to do that. A água congela a 0 °C. Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. The water freezes at 0 °C. Você já pagou? Have you already paid? Have you paid? O Tom partiu alguma coisa outra vez? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break something again? Por que você limpa a casa toda semana? Why do you clean the house each week? Why do you clean the house every week? As senhoras correm todos os dias? Do you run every day? Do you ladies hang out every day? Ele fez uma escultura de areia. He made a sand sculpture. He made a sand sculpture. O que estava esperando? What were you expecting? What were you waiting for? Eu acho que sofri uma lavagem cerebral. I think I've been brainwashed. I think I've been brainwashed. Meu carro foi roubado. Ele já não está onde o estacionei. My car was stolen. It's no longer where I parked it. My car was stolen, he's no longer where I parked him. Bastou um só momento de minha vida para que eu viesse a te conhecer e te amar, mas nem minha vida inteira seria suficiente para que eu conseguisse te esquecer. Only one moment of my life was enough to manage to know and love you, but my entire life would not be enough to manage to forget you. It took me one moment of my life to get to know you and love you, but not even my whole life would be enough for me to forget you. Você sabe o meu nome? Do you know my name? Do you know my name? O Tom pediu à Mary um conselho. Tom asked Mary for advice. Tom asked Mary for advice. Estas vacas parecem entediadas. These cows look bored. These cows look bored. A vitamina C é também conhecida como ácido ascórbico. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is also known as as ascorbic acid. Você vai vir conosco? Will you go with us? Will you come with us? Nós estamos aqui agora. We're here now. We're here now. Eu tenho de fazer uma prova amanhã. I have to take a test tomorrow. I have to take a test tomorrow. O poço está seco. The well is dry. The well is dry. Eu gostaria que você fosse comigo. I'd like you to go with me. I'd like you to come with me. Eu não gosto de fazer isso. I don't enjoy doing that. I don't like doing this. Por que você não nos faz uma visita? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you pay us a visit? É uma e quarenta e cinco. It's a quarter to two. It's one and forty-five. Você ainda é mais alta do que eu. You're still taller than me. You're even taller than me. Isso é fácil. É como tirar doce de uma criança. This is easy. It's like taking candy from a baby. It's like taking candy from a child. Onde está o chá com leite? Where is the milk tea? Where's the milk tea? Eu me lembro claramente desse dia. I remember that day clearly. I clearly remember that day. Você vem quando? When will you come? When are you coming? Não estava ninguém lá. There was nobody there. There was no one there. Meu computador não está funcionando corretamente. My computer is not working properly. My computer's not working properly. As rosas estão em botão. The roses are in bud. The roses are on the button. Você está uma hora adiantado. You're an hour early. You're an hour early. Eu deixei Tom sentar nos fundos. I let Tom sit in the back. I let Tom sit in the back. Ele é apenas uma criança. He is a mere child. He's just a kid. Por favor, entre. Please come on in. Please come in. O que ele quer fazer? What does he want to do? What does he want to do? Todo mundo amava Tom. Everybody loved Tom. Everybody loved Tom. Você tinha razão, ela não mora no Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. É melhor você ter certeza que ele está em casa antes de ligar para ele. You had better make sure that he is at home before you call on him. You better make sure he's home before you call him. A professora de alemão parecia uma alemã. The teacher of German looked like a German woman. The German teacher looked like a German. Será difícil encontrar alguém que faça isso por ti. It'll be difficult to find somebody to do that for you. It's gonna be hard to find someone who can do that for you. Tom baixa filmes muitas vezes. Tom often downloads movies. Tom drops movies a lot. Tom é tão legal. Tom is so cool. Tom is so cool. Ele quer se casar com a minha filha. He wants to marry my daughter. He wants to marry my daughter. Gostaria de comprar um Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. Eu acho que o Tom já fez isso. I think Tom has already done that. I think Tom's already done that. Isso é o que o Tom diz. That's what Tom says. That's what Tom says. Não quero cantar agora. I don't want to sing right now. I don't want to sing now. Parece uma proposta bem razoável. That sounds like a fairly good proposal. Sounds like a pretty reasonable proposition. Eu preciso pagar esta conta até amanhã. I need to pay this bill by tomorrow. I need to pay this bill by tomorrow. Nós avaliamos o prejuízo em mil dólares. We estimated the damage at $1,000. We've estimated the loss at a thousand dollars. Como você tira manchas de vinho tinto do seu tapete? How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet? How do you get red wine stains off your carpet? Se eu tivesse de fazer de novo, eu faria! If I had to do it again, I would! If I had to do it again, I would! Ouvi dizer que Tom está estudando francês. I heard that Tom is studying French. I hear Tom's studying French. Já é tarde. It's already late. It's late. Não consigo achar Tom. Ele já foi embora? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. É trabalho. It's work. It's work. O autor escreveu alguns belos poemas no início de seu livro. The author wrote some beautiful poems in the beginning of his book. The author wrote some beautiful poems at the beginning of his book. Eu vou fazer esteira. I am going to exercise on the treadmill. I'll do the treadmill. Eles pediram uma. They have ordered one. They asked for one. Ele concordou em fazer o trabalho. He's agreed to do the job. He agreed to do the job. És de Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Minhas luvas são de tamanho médio. My gloves are size medium. My gloves are medium-sized. Os golfinhos são animais muito inteligentes. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Você não sente saudade do seu pai? Don't you miss your father? Don't you miss your father? Tom gosta de Mary e Mary gosta de Tom. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. O que você comeu na noite passada? What did you eat last night? What did you eat last night? Eu acho que você vai se sair muito bem. I think you're going to do great. I think you're gonna do great. Esperei três horas. I waited three hours. I waited three hours. O Tom tem um segredo. Tom has a secret. Tom has a secret. As mulheres comem comidas mais leves quando estão comendo na companhia de um homem. Women eat lighter meals when they're eating with a guy. Women eat lighter food when they're eating in the company of a man. O meu idioma materno é o polonês. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. Tom renunciou. Tom resigned. Tom resigned. A guerra é algo terrível. War is a terrible thing. War is a terrible thing. Você poderia parar com isso. You could stop this. You could stop that. O preço subiu. The price rose. The price has gone up. Tom se encontrou com a Mary enquanto ele estava em Boston. Tom met Mary while he was in Boston. Tom met with Mary while he was in Boston. Eu gostaria de alugar um carro. I'd like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car. Tom era ganancioso. Tom was greedy. Tom was greedy. A história dele era ridícula demais para alguém acreditar nela. His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe. His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe her. A terceira tentativa desse homem de deixar de fumar falhou. The man's third attempt to stop smoking failed. This man's third attempt to quit smoking failed. Eu admito que cometi um erro. I admit that I made a mistake. I admit I made a mistake. Tom vai voltar. Tom will come back. Tom's coming back. No inverno passado, eu fui esquiar no Canadá. I went skiing in Canada last winter. Last winter, I went skiing in Canada. Posso te apresentar minha amiga? May I introduce my friend to you? May I introduce you to my friend? Tirar a vida de alguém que cometeu um assassinato é uma punição incomparavelmente pior do que o próprio crime cometido. To kill someone for committing murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself. Taking the life of someone who committed a murder is an incomparably worse punishment than the crime itself committed. Precisaremos de mais comida que isso. We'll need more food than that. We're gonna need more food than that. Eu não sei cantar tão bem quanto o Tom. I can't sing as well as Tom. I can't sing as well as Tom. Você acha que há alguma possibilidade de Tom saber o número de telefone de Maria? Do you think there's any chance that Tom knows Mary's phone number? Do you think there's any chance Tom might know Maria's phone number? Leila ficou imediatamente zangada com Sami. Layla was instantly angry with Sami. Leila was immediately angry with Sami. Essas são todas as perguntas que eu irei responder agora. Those are all the questions I'm going to answer right now. These are all the questions I'm going to answer right now. O Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça. Tom isn't going to want Mary to do that. Tom won't want Mary to do it. Eu não gosto muito deste bairro. I don't like this neighborhood much. I don't like this neighborhood very much. O que aconteceria? What would happen? What would happen? Ela me pediu que escrevesse uma carta para uma amiga que ela tem na Alemanha. She asked me to write a letter to a friend of hers in Germany. She asked me to write a letter to a friend she has in Germany. Você nunca fez isso antes, não é? You've never done that before, have you? You've never done this before, have you? Meu pai é um pescador especialista. My father is a skilled fisherman. My father's an expert fisherman. Não se faça de bobo. Responda à minha pergunta corretamente! Don't play dumb. Answer my question properly! Don't play dumb, answer my question correctly! Não sou forte. I'm not strong. I'm not strong. Tom e eu ficaremos bem. Tom and I are going to be fine. Tom and I will be fine. O Tom estava tímido, mas a Mary não. Tom was shy, but Mary wasn't. Tom was shy, but Mary wasn't. Por que você está lendo isso? Why are you reading this? Why are you reading this? Eu gosto de frango. I like chicken. I like chicken. Aconselhei Tom a reservar algum tempo para pensar sobre suas opções. I advised Tom to take some time to think over his options. I advised Tom to set aside some time to think about his options. Fadil queria salvar a delicada Layla de um mundo escabroso. Fadil wanted to save the delicate Layla from a harsh world. Fadil wanted to save the delicate Layla from a ghastly world. Por favor, pare de mentir. Please stop lying. Please stop lying. Não tenho tempo para ler. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. Temos que mudar nosso plano. We have to change our plan. We have to change our plan. Esta companhia necessita de um novo gerente. This company needs a new manager. This company needs a new manager. Esse é o garoto sobre o qual eu fico pensando. This is the boy I think about. That's the boy I keep thinking about. Quem te trouxe aqui? Who brought you here? Who brought you here? Você parece fantástico. You look fantastic! You look fantastic. Estas azeitonas não estão no mercado. These olives are not in the market. These olives aren't on the market. Sua irmã trabalha ali? Does your sister work there? Does your sister work there? A análise de manchas de sangue desempenha um papel importante na determinação do que aconteceu na cena de um crime. Blood spatter analysis plays an important role in determining what has happened at a crime scene. The analysis of blood stains plays an important role in determining what happened at the scene of a crime. O gato estava doente na semana passada. The cat was sick last week. The cat was sick last week. Alguém tem de ficar contigo. Somebody's got to stay with you. Someone has to stay with you. As camisas do homem estão no guarda-roupa. The man's shirts are in the closet. The man's shirts are in the wardrobe. Cuide de sua irmãzinha. Look after your little sister. Take care of your little sister. Vamos descobrir o que Tom quer que a gente faça. Let's find out what Tom wants us to do. Let's find out what Tom wants us to do. Unrum. Yep. Unrum. Ele nos contou uma história tão engraçada que todos rimos. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. O amor, acima de tudo, é entrega. Love, before everything, is about surrendering oneself. Love, above all, is delivery. Parado! Freeze! Freeze! Sinto-me muito melhor agora. I'm feeling so much better now. I feel so much better now. Você precisa de mim, Tom. You need me, Tom. You need me, Tom. Você parece estar sonolento. You look sleepy. You seem sleepy. Ele está mal. He's in a bad state. He's in bad shape. Eu gosto de comer. I like eating. I like to eat. Não se preocupa, eu estou cuidando disso. Don't worry, I'm taking care of it. Don't worry, I'm taking care of it. Que horrível! Eles apedrejaram o homem até à morte. How horrible! They stoned the man to death. They stoned the man to death. Aonde estamos indo mesmo? Where are you going anyway? Where are we going again? Ela aproveitava todas as sobras. She made use of all the left-overs. She used all the leftovers. Tom esperou um pouco. Tom waited a while. Tom waited a while. É bom você estar aqui. It's a good thing you were here. It's good you're here. Tom começou a comer. Tom started eating. Tom started eating. Na verdade, o Tom não fez aquilo. Tom didn't actually do that. Actually, Tom didn't do that. Isto é a cópia de uma fotografia de uma pintura. Eu acho que faz disso um simulacro num terceiro nível. This is a copy of a photo of a painting. I guess that makes it a third level simulacrum. This is the copy of a picture of a painting. I think it makes it a simulation on a third level. Já lhe expliquei tudo. I've already explained everything to him. I've explained everything to you. Se não é uma coisa, é outra. If it's not one thing, it's another. If it's not one thing, it's another. Ele praticamente nem tinha deitado na cama quando adormeceu. He had hardly got into bed when he fell asleep. He practically didn't even lie in bed when he fell asleep. Eu posso começar a comer agora? May I start eating now? Can I start eating now? Está ok. This is OK. It's okay. Por favor, não me interrompa desse jeito. Please don't cut me off like that. Please don't interrupt me like this. Tenha um feliz Natal! Have a good Christmas. Have a merry Christmas! Eu sei quais são as minhas fraquezas. I know what my weaknesses are. I know what my weaknesses are. Eu não tenho televisão. I don't own a television. I don't have a TV. Acho que ele se alegrará de vê-lo. I think he will be glad to see you. I think he'll be glad to see you. Você é o médico. You are the doctor. You're the doctor. Apenas um pequeno menino sobreviveu ao acidente de trânsito. Only one little boy survived the traffic accident. Only one little boy survived the traffic accident. Piora. It gets worse. Worse. Eu sou jovem demais para dirigir um carro. I'm too young to drive a car. I'm too young to drive a car. Tom parece estar sonolento. Tom looks drowsy. Tom seems sleepy. Um mosquito me picou. A mosquito just bit me. A mosquito bit me. Você verá as crianças que vendem jasmins árabes nas ruas. You'll see the children selling Arabian jasmines on the streets. You'll see the kids selling Arab jasmins on the streets. Foi um belo dia ensolarado. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was a beautiful sunny day. Ela abre a janela. She opens the window. She opens the window. É uma peça histórica. It is an historical play. It's a historical piece. Por que eles estão fazendo isso com ele? Why are they doing this to him? Why are they doing this to him? Estava muito nublado para ver o avião. It was too cloudy to see the airplane. It was too cloudy to see the plane. Ela é multilíngue. She's multilingual. She's multilingual. A senhora quer nos esperar na estação? Will you wait for us at the station? Do you want to meet us at the station? Quando você aprendeu a nadar? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Ela tem de manter os poderes dela escondidos da família. She has to keep her powers hidden from her family. She has to keep her powers hidden from her family. Elas vão reduzir suas despesas. They will cut down on their expenses. They'll cut your expenses. Por que você comprou um carro japonês? Why did you buy a Japanese car? Why did you buy a Japanese car? Eu já dei a metade a você. I already gave you half. I've already given you half. Você parecem estar muito cansadas. You seem very tired. You seem very tired. Você deve se livrar de maus hábitos. You must rid yourself of bad habits. You must get rid of bad habits. O gato come pão. The cat eats bread. Cat eats bread. Me dê uma aliança quando você decidir casar comigo. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me. Give me a ring when you decide to marry me. Tom colocou a mesa para o jantar. Tom set the table for dinner. Tom set the table for dinner. Quem estava tocando? Who was playing? Who was playing? Tom apareceu na TV. Tom was on TV. Tom was on TV. Eu segurei a mão de Tom. I held Tom's hand. I held Tom's hand. Não faça com os outros o que você não quer que seja feito com você. Don't do to others that which you would not wish done to yourself. Don't do to others what you don't want done to you. O professor chamou o pupilo à lousa. The teacher called the pupil to the blackboard. The teacher called the pupil to the board. Tom tinha que ir lá. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. O Tom não está lá, está? Tom isn't there, is he? Tom's not there, is he? Ele era tímido no começo. He was shy at first. He was shy at first. Proteja-se de acidentes. Guard against accidents. Protect yourself from accidents. Eles beberam café. They drank coffee. They drank coffee. Afora nós dois todos morreram. Everybody died except for us two. Aside from the two of us, they're all dead. Que tipo de carro era? What kind of car was it? What kind of car was it? Tom parece estar bem. Tom seems to be fine. Tom seems to be fine. Eu me pergunto se o Tom ainda está inconsciente. I wonder if Tom is still unconscious. I wonder if Tom is still unconscious. Hmm... Como as coisas estão indo? Uh... How's that working? Hmm... how's it going? Eu convenci o policial a não atirar no macaco. I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey. I convinced the cop not to shoot the monkey. Eu gostaria que estivéssemos indo juntos. I wish we were going together. I wish we were going together. Esta cadeira é feita de plástico. This chair is made of plastic. This chair is made of plastic. Nós continuaremos essa discussão depois. We'll continue this discussion later. We'll continue this discussion later. Tom é muito amigável, não é? Tom is very friendly, isn't he? Tom's very friendly, isn't he? Nós também temos um outro problema. We have another problem as well. We also have another problem. Escutem! Listen. Listen! Me pergunto se o Tom realmente chegará aqui a tempo. I wonder if Tom will really get here on time. I wonder if Tom will really get here in time. Não assoe o nariz assim. Don't blow your nose like that. Don't blow your nose like that. Não entendi o que disse o professor. I didn't understand what the professor said. I don't understand what the professor said. É o carro de Tom. It's Tom's car. It's Tom's car. A vida nunca mais vai ser a mesma novamente. Life will never be the same again. Life will never be the same again. Ele tomou o jornal do George. He took the newspaper away from George. He took George's paper. Como você sabia onde eu estaria? How did you know where I'd be? How did you know where I'd be? Tom ganhou a aposta. Tom won the bet. Tom won the bet. Você é tão estúpido. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Queres que eu seja franco? Do you want me to be frank? You want me to be frank? O meu irmão é um rapaz e a minha irmã é uma rapariga. My brother is a boy and my sister is a girl. My brother's a boy and my sister's a girl. Esperava, silenciosamente. It waited, silently. I was hoping, silently. Ela é fã da ópera italiana. She's a fan of Italian opera. She's a fan of Italian opera. Vocês perderam. You missed. You lost. Assim que ele terminou de comer, ele voltou a andar. As soon as he finished eating, he began to walk again. As soon as he finished eating, he walked again. Tom está trabalhando no turno da noite. Tom is working the night shift. Tom's working the night shift. Tom me convidou pessoalmente. Tom invited me personally. Tom invited me personally. Não repita o mesmo erro! Don't repeat the same mistake! Don't repeat the same mistake! Eu gostaria de beber um café. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like a cup of coffee. Ela teve uma vida de princesa. She led the life of a princess. She had a princess' life. Ele tem um cachorro. He has a dog. He's got a dog. Tom desceu da árvore. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom came down from the tree. Você está sendo um maluco. You are being a kook. You're being crazy. Nesta loja vendemos carne. In this shop we sell meat. In this store we sell meat. Não me deixe de novo. Don't leave me again. Don't leave me again. Do que você estava falando? What did you talk about? What were you talking about? Tom mora no mesmo andar de que eu. Tom lives on the same floor as I do. Tom lives on the same floor as me. Você tem como provar isso? Can you prove it? Can you prove that? Qual é a sua lembrança mais antiga da infância? What is your earliest memory from childhood? What's your oldest memory of childhood? O canguru salta muito alto. The kangaroo jumps very high. Kangaroo jumps too high. Se você estivesse tendo um dia ruim, Fadil faria tudo para transformar o seu dia ruim em um grande dia. If you were having a bad day, Fadil made sure to turn your bad day into a great day. If you were having a bad day, Fadil would do anything to turn your bad day into a big day. Não conheço essa música. I don't know that song. I don't know that song. Preciso de uma caixa menor. I need a smaller box. I need a smaller box. Virei a mesa de ponta-cabeça para consertá-la. I turned the table upside down to fix it. I turned the table upside down to fix it. Tom lembrava que Mary e John haviam tentado matar ele. Tom remembered that Mary and John had tried to kill him. Tom remembered that Mary and John had tried to kill him. Eu estarei esperando por ele. I'll be waiting for him. I'll be waiting for him. Muitas luas orbitam Saturno. Many moons orbit around Saturn. Many moons orbit Saturn. Tom estava preocupado com você. Tom was worried about you. Tom was worried about you. O salário mínimo é $ 2,13 por hora. The minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. The minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. O Tom viaja a negócios de vez em quando. Tom often goes abroad on business. Tom travels on business once in a while. Vou a Nova York semana que vem. I am going to New York next week. I'm going to New York next week. Não tenho nada para relatar. I've got nothing to report. I have nothing to report. Onde fica a estação? Where's the train station? Where's the station? Tom dobrou o papel. Tom neatly folded the paper. Tom folded the part. Tom sabia que iria machucar Mary. Tom knew that he'd hurt Mary. Tom knew it would hurt Mary. Eu assisti a um documentário. I watched a documentary. I watched a documentary. Ele veio pessoalmente. He came in person. He came in person. Tom sabia que Mary tinha algo em mente. Tom knew that something was on Mary's mind. Tom knew Mary had something on her mind. Eu só queria ter certeza. I just wanted to be sure. I just wanted to make sure. Tom não irá fazer isso. Tom isn't going to do that. Tom's not gonna do that. Eu estava certo também, então! I was right too, then! I was right too, then! Por que você não se cala? Why don't you just shut up? Why don't you shut up? E aí pessoal! Sejam bem vindos ao meu Canal do YouTube. Hey, guys! Welcome back to my YouTube channel. Welcome to my YouTube Channel. Você precisa de um guarda-chuva? Do you need an umbrella? Do you need an umbrella? Dá para ir mais depressa? Can you go faster? Can you go any faster? Você liga para que tipo de música nós escutamos? Do you care what kind of music we listen to? Do you care what kind of music we hear? Ele fechou a porta da frente cuidadosamente. He closed carefully the front door. He closed the front door carefully. Deslize para desbloquear. Slide to unlock. Slide to unlock. Não feche os olhos. Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Todos vivemos na mesma vizinhança. All of us live in the same neighborhood. We all live in the same neighborhood. Adivinhe quem vem para o jantar esta noite. Guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Tom tornou-se um cantor famoso. Tom became a famous singer. Tom became a famous singer. Perdoai-me, pai, pois eu pequei. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Ele é muito calmo. He has a lot of poise. He's very calm. Eu queria uma cerveja. I wanted a beer. I'd like a beer. Foi Tom quem me ensinou a xingar. Tom is the one who taught me how to swear. It was Tom who taught me to swear. Já era ruim o bastante que ele normalmente chegasse atrasado ao serviço, mas vir trabalhar bêbado foi a última gota d'água, e vou ter de demiti-lo. It was bad enough that he usually came to work late, but coming in drunk was the last straw, and I'm going to have to let him go. It was bad enough he was usually late for duty, but coming to work drunk was the last drop of water, and I'm gonna have to fire him. Eu tenho um carro velho. I have an old car. I have an old car. Eu tenho 18 anos. I am 18 years old. I'm 18. Tom gosta de ouvir rádio enquanto dirige. Tom likes listening to the radio when he's driving. Tom likes to listen to the radio while driving. Eu também não acredito nele. I don't believe that either. I don't believe him either. Tom quer se casar. Tom wants to get married. Tom wants to get married. Tom é feio. Tom is ugly. Tom's ugly. São raros os pintores como Picasso. Such painters as Picasso are rare. It's rare for painters like Picasso. O Tom chegou três minutos adiantado. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom está rindo de mim. Tom is laughing at me. Tom's laughing at me. A senhorita Green me ensinou inglês. Miss Green taught me English. Miss Green taught me English. Quanto mais quieto você fica, mais pode ouvir. The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear. The quieter you get, the more you can hear. Eu escalei o Monte Fuji até o cume. I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. I climbed Mount Fuji to the summit. Por que você não janta comigo hoje? Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? Tom arfou. Tom gasped. Tom's gone off. Quanto tempo você acha que levará? How long do you think it will take? How long do you think it'll take? Você experimentou o frango? Have you tried the chicken? Did you try the chicken? Aonde você está indo? Where're you going? Where are you going? Eu sou cientista político. I'm a political scientist. I'm a political scientist. Tua arrogância te cegou. You're blinded by your arrogance. Your arrogance has blinded you. Esta é uma excelente maneira de estudar. This is a great way to practice. This is an excellent way to study. Vocês sabem porque estou aqui. You know why I'm here. You know why I'm here. Eu lembro o seu rosto, mas não lembro o seu nome. I remember her face, but I don't remember her name. I remember your face, but I don't remember your name. As crianças precisam de amor e de atenção. Children need love and attention. Children need love and attention. Este abrigo te serve. This coat fits you. This shelter will fit you. Tom me disse que você ia se encontrar com ele para o almoço. Tom said you were meeting him for lunch. Tom told me you were meeting him for lunch. Ontem foi quarta-feira e amanhã é sexta-feira. Yesterday was Wednesday, and tomorrow will be Friday. Yesterday was Wednesday and tomorrow is Friday. Acabo de almoçar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. Preste atenção! Pay attention! Pay attention! Eu não posso fazer tudo isso sozinho. I can't do all of this by myself. I can't do all this alone. Eu só estou falando. I'm just saying! I'm just talking. Perguntei ao meu professor o que eu devia fazer depois. I asked my teacher what I should do next. I asked my teacher what I should do next. Já cuidei disso. I've already taken care of it. I've taken care of it. Tom nunca ri de nenhuma das piadas da Mary. Tom never laughs at any of Mary's jokes. Tom never laughed at any of Mary's jokes. Este artista morreu jovem. This artist died young. This artist died young. Isso faz sentido. That makes sense. That makes sense. Eu desejo a ela felicidade. I wish her happiness. I wish her happiness. Eu não sei japonês. I don't know Japanese. I don't know Japanese. Relaxe por um minuto. Relax for a minute. Relax for a minute. Eu não sei se ela está interessada em mim. I don't know if she's interested in me. I don't know if she's interested in me. Tom precisa de algo. Tom needed something. Tom needs something. Quem parou? Who stopped? Who stopped? Gostaria de ir com você. I would like to go with you. I'd like to come with you. "Você me ama?" "É claro que te amo." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." Se vocês querem a minha ajuda, vocês têm de me pedir. If you want my help, you'll have to ask for it. If you want my help, you have to ask me. Eles deviam ter casado em maio. They were to have got married in May. They were supposed to get married in May. Está pronto. It's ready. It's ready. Eu era mesmo jovem quando o encontrei. I was really young when I met you. I was really young when I found him. Quão profundo é o buraco? How deep is the hole? How deep is the hole? Eu estou muito orgulhosa de Tom. I'm real proud of Tom. I'm very proud of Tom. Você pode me ajudar a traduzir algumas palavras? Can you help me to translate some words? Can you help me translate a few words? Eu já paguei por isso. I paid for it already. I already paid for it. Essa garota mudou seu visual. This girl changed her look. This girl changed her look. O pai de Tom é rico. Tom's father is rich. Tom's father is rich. Eu emprestei a minha bicicleta ao Tom. I lent my bicycle to Tom. I lent Tom my bike. O Tom ficou muito mandão. Tom got very bossy. Tom was very bossy. Eu vou contar ao Tom o que aconteceu. I'm going to tell Tom what happened. I'll tell Tom what happened. Tom não é tão gordo quanto eu. Tom is not as fat as I am. Tom's not as fat as I am. Quem é aquele menino nadando ali? Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's that boy swimming in there? Este pacote é para o Tom. This package is for Tom. This package is for Tom. Vermelho não é sua cor. Red is not your colour. Red is not your color. A frase tem de ser completada assim: The sentence has to be completed like this: The sentence has to be completed as follows: Gostaria de navegar ao redor do mundo. I'd like to sail around the world. I'd like to sail around the world. Ele jamais jogou golfe. He has never played golf. He never played golf. A cidade dorme. The city is asleep. The city sleeps. Ele entrou na sala primeiro. He came into the room first. He entered the room first. Eu moro e trabalho na Austrália. I live and work in Australia. I live and work in Australia. A ciência não resolverá todos os nossos problemas. Science will not solve all of our problems. Science won't solve all our problems. Quero comprar essa jaqueta. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. O vestido é de seda. The gown is made of silk. The dress is silk. A mãe colocou um curativo no ferimento de Jim. Mother put a bandage on Jim's cut. Mom put a bandage on Jim's wound. Os garotos não respeitam as garotas. Boys have no respect for girls. Boys don't respect girls. Eu tenho informações para o Tom. I have information for Tom. I have information for Tom. Tom foi morto com esta faca. Tom was killed with this knife. Tom was killed with this knife. Não conheço Boston tão bem assim. I don't know Boston that well. I don't know Boston that well. Quem escolheu este vinho? Who chose this wine? Who chose this wine? Fale conosco. Talk to us. Talk to us. Ele faltou no exame porque é um preguiçoso. He failed the exam because he's a slacker. He missed his exam because he's lazy. Estamos livres! We're free! We're free! Isso faz eu me sentir velho. It makes me feel old. That makes me feel old. Eu pensei que você queria este trabalho. I thought you wanted this job. I thought you wanted this job. Talvez seja melhor você vir conosco. Maybe you'd better come with us. Maybe you better come with us. Esta festa está ótima! This party is great. This party is great! Evite usar magia negra. Avoid doing black magic. Avoid using black magic. Eu não preciso de mais informação. I don't need more information. I don't need any more information. Estava pensando em você. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Eu pareço mais velha. I look older. I look older. Aquela saia é muito curta, não é? That skirt's too short, isn't it? That skirt's too short, isn't it? A ideia de surpreendê-la subitamente passou pela minha cabeça. The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. The thought of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. É seguro aqui em Cairo. It's safe here in Cairo. It's safe here in Cairo. Tom pensava frequentemente em Mary. Tom frequently thought of Mary. Tom often thought of Mary. Algum problema? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? Você não pode ficar um pouco mais? Can't you just stay a little bit longer? Can't you stay a little longer? Eu irei para Boston amanhã. I'll go to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. Estacionei no lado esquerdo da rua justo em frente à escola. I parked on the left side of the street just in front of the school. I parked on the left side of the street right in front of the school. A vida não é tão doce assim. Life is not that sweet. Life isn't that sweet. Vocês são ricas. You're wealthy. You're rich. Quanto tempo a carta vai demorar para chegar? How long will it take for the letter to arrive? How long is the letter gonna take to get here? Tom sempre fala de você. Tom often talks about you. Tom always talks about you. Faça como ele lhe disser para fazer. Do it the way he tells you to. Do as he tells you to do. Estou completamente despido. I don't have any clothes on. I'm completely undressed. Eu também te amo. I love you too. I love you, too. Ele chegou em Tóquio com três anos de idade. He arrived at age three in Tokyo. He arrived in Tokyo at the age of three. Tem uma coisa que eu posso fazer para ajudar. There's one thing I can do to help. There's something I can do to help. Tom e Maria disseram que podiam ver fantasmas. Tom and Mary said that they could see ghosts. Tom and Maria said they could see ghosts. Eu pretendo partir cedo. I intend to leave early. I intend to leave early. Eu preciso de tempo para refletir antes de eu decidir o que fazer. I need time to mull things over before I decide what to do. I need time to reflect before I decide what to do. Você não gosta disso, não é? You don't like it, do you? You don't like that, do you? Estou aprendendo quéchua. I am learning Quechua. I'm learning Quechua. Como você está? How's it going? How are you? O bom vinho alegra o coração. Good wine gladdens the heart. Good wine makes the heart rejoice. Eu espero que o tempo continue assim. I hope that the weather stays this way. I hope the weather stays that way. Você tem uma casa na Itália? Do you have a house in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? O programador está consertando um problema técnico com o servidor do computador. The programmer is fixing a technical problem with the computer server. The programmer is fixing a technical problem with the computer server. Você é sempre muito sério. You're always too serious. You're always very serious. Seu pneumonia foi curado por meio de um milagre divino. His pneumonia was cured through a divine miracle. His pneumonia was healed by a divine miracle. É estranho que ninguém conheça a vítima. It's strange that no one knows the victim. It's strange that no one knows the victim. Vai custar muito dinheiro. It will cost a lot of money. It's gonna cost a lot of money. O Tom deixou a Austrália no dia 20 de outubro. Tom left Australia on October 20th. Tom left Australia on October 20. Posso começar? May I begin? May I begin? Eu tenho visto o Tom fazer aquilo várias vezes. I've seen Tom do that several times. I've seen Tom do it over and over again. Eu quero aprender japonês. I want to learn Japanese. I want to learn Japanese. Tom ganhou uma plástica no nariz. Tom got a nose job. Tom got a nose job. Gosto da China. I like China. I like China. Eu acabei de chegar. I just arrived. I just got here. Eu quero ir para o céu mas não quero morrer para chegar lá. I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die in order to get there. I want to go to heaven but I don't want to die to get there. Tom estava usando uma bandana vermelha. Tom was wearing a red headband. Tom was wearing a red bandana. Está ventania hoje. It is windy today. It's windy today. Nós temos um pouco de tempo sobrando. We have a little time left. We have a little time left. Minha primeira língua era Francês. My first language was French. My first language was French. Não sou de classe média. I'm not middle class. I'm not middle class. Preciso do meu casaco. I need my coat. I need my coat. Você está preocupado com o aquecimento global? Are you worried about global warming? Are you worried about global warming? O relógio não funciona. The watch doesn't work. The clock doesn't work. O que você quer que eu faça lá? What do you want me to do there? What do you want me to do there? Eu vou buscar a Rocío no aeroporto. I'm going to pick up Rocío at the airport. I'll pick up Roccio from the airport. Não perguntamos para o Tom. We didn't ask Tom. We didn't ask Tom. Quão ingênua as senhoras estão presumindo que eu seja? How naive do you think I am? How naive are you ladies assuming I am? Eu tenho certeza de que todos nós sentiremos saudades dela. I'm sure that we'll all miss her. I'm sure we'll all miss her. Baixei algumas coisas. I've downloaded some stuff. I downloaded a few things. Eles não negligenciaram o próprio dever. They didn't neglect their own duty. They didn't neglect their duty. A França é uma república. France is a republic. France is a republic. Eu estava à procura de palavras aptas. I was looking for apt words. I was looking for fit words. Saúde é melhor que riqueza — para quem só tem riqueza. Health is better than wealth—to him who has wealth only. Health is better than wealth — for those who only have wealth. Nós estamos armados. We're armed. We're armed. Normalmente há táxis na frente da estação de trem. There are usually taxis in front of the train station. Usually there are taxis in front of the train station. Se você vai ir para a América, é melhor você aprender inglês. If you are to go to America, you had better learn English conversation. If you're going to America, you better learn English. Não me arrependo. I don't regret it. I don't regret it. Tom realmente acreditava naquilo. Tom actually believed that. Tom really believed that. Estou tão cansado que não posso continuar. I'm so tired that I can't go on. I'm so tired, I can't go on. Não sou uma grande fã. I'm not a big fan. I'm not a big fan. A torrada sempre cai sobre o lado da manteiga. Toasts always fall on the buttered side. The toast always falls on the side of the butter. Gostaria de lhes agradecer do fundo do meu coração por toda a sua ajuda. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. Está claro que o Tom não quer falar sobre isso. It's clear that Tom doesn't want to talk about it. It's clear Tom doesn't want to talk about it. Nós caminhamos ao redor do lago. We walked around the pond. We walked around the lake. Quer me dizer o que é isto? Do you want to tell me what this is? You want to tell me what this is? As prisões estão superlotadas. Prisons are overcrowded. Prisons are overcrowded. Tem mais dinheiro na gaveta. There's more money in the drawer. There's more money in the drawer. Tom cantou uma música. Tom sung a song. Tom sang a song. O meu irmão mais velho toca violão muito bem. My elder brother plays the guitar very well. My older brother plays guitar very well. Tom sabe disto? Does Tom know about it? Does Tom know about this? Tom não está dentro. Tom isn't in. Tom's not in. O pai dela é um bancário. Her father is a bank clerk. Her father's a banker. Estou voltando para a cidade. I'm headed back into town. I'm going back to town. Por favor, lembre-se de apagar a luz antes de ir dormir. Please remember to turn off the light before going to bed. Please remember to turn out the light before you go to sleep. Ele não tornou público o que descobriu lá. He didn't make public what he had discovered there. He didn't make public what he found out there. Não me deixe! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Tom sempre parece que está feliz. Tom always looks like he's happy. Tom always looks like he's happy. Tom não está rindo. Tom isn't laughing. Tom's not laughing. Não confie em ninguém. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone. Quero este. I want this one. I want this one. Qual é a próxima parada? What is the next stop? What's the next stop? Nós brincamos na praia. We played on the beach. We played on the beach. Ela foi para lá no verão passado. She went there last summer. She went there last summer. As senhoras não têm a obrigação de responder essas perguntas. You don't have to answer these questions. You ladies have no obligation to answer these questions. A porta abriu. The door opened. The door opened. Se tivesse chegado mais cedo, eu poderia ter visto a Kelly. Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. If you'd come early, I could have seen Kelly. Prefiro morrer a ficar sem Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. É o Tom quem está chorando agora. Tom is the one who's crying now. It's Tom who's crying right now. Os fazendeiros se rebelaram contra o governo. Farmers rebelled against the government. Farmers rebelled against the government. Tom deixou a porta destrancada. Tom left the door unlocked. Tom left the door unlocked. Você não pode negar isso. You can't deny that. You can't deny that. Vale a pena ouvir essa música várias vezes. That music is worth listening to many times. It's worth hearing that song over and over again. Estou bêbado demais para isso agora. I'm too drunk for this now. I'm too drunk for that right now. Eles vão me matar. They'll kill me. They're gonna kill me. Vou viajar para Boston neste final de semana. I'm going to travel to Boston this weekend. I'm going to Boston this weekend. Desejava entender o que ela está dizendo. I wanted to know what she was saying. I wish I could understand what she's saying. Tom estava na cena do crime. Tom was at the scene of the crime. Tom was at the crime scene. O meu avô morreu há três anos. My grandfather died three years ago. My grandfather died three years ago. Meus pés são menores do que o seu. My feet are smaller than your feet. My feet are smaller than yours. Tom e eu somos bons amigos agora, mas não simpatizamos um com o outro quando nos conhecemos. Tom and I are good friends now, but we didn't like each other the first time we met. Tom and I are good friends now, but we don't sympathize with each other when we first met. Por que todos estão aqui? Why is everybody here? Why is everyone here? O esperanto tem somente um artigo definido e não tem nenhum artigo indefinido. In Esperanto there is no indefinite and only one definite article. Esperanto has only one definite article and has no indefinite article. Estamos preocupados com o Tom. We're concerned about Tom. We're worried about Tom. Eu acredito que ele seja inocente. I believe him to be innocent. I believe he's innocent. Sim, ela está com raiva. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. A casa de veraneio de Pedro é muito grande. Peter's cottage is very big. Peter's summer house is very large. Por que não vens nos visitar? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? Você já experimentou uma sopa tão boa? Have you ever tasted such a good soup? Have you ever tasted such good soup? Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you! I would never betray him! Alguma coisa é melhor que nada. Something is better than nothing. Something's better than nothing. Eu quero um quarto com duas camas. I want a room with two beds. I want a room with two beds. Eu gosto da minha vida do jeito que ela é. I like my life the way it is. I like my life the way it is. Tem um homem na porta. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Que a Força esteja com você! May the Force be with you! May the Force be with you! Tom poderia ganhar. Tom could win. Tom could win. Tenho que dizer não I have to say no. I have to say no Eu espero que Tom não tenha se entediado. I hope Tom didn't get bored. I hope Tom didn't get bored. Gosto de ópera. I like opera. I like opera. Eu lhe parti o coração, mas o amo. I broke his heart, but I love him. I broke his heart, but I love him. O meu pai é meu amigo porque me dá muitos brinquedos. My father is my friend because he gives me a lot of toys. My dad's my friend because he gives me a lot of toys. Eu ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I helped a lot, I guess. Eu quero que ele me respeite. I want him to respect me. I want him to respect me. Eu posso usar o seu computador para olhar o meu e-mail? Can I use your computer to check my e-mail? Can I use your computer to look at my email? Uma maneira de diminuir o número de erros no Corpus Tatoeba seria encorajar as pessoas a traduzir apenas em suas línguas nativas. One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages. One way to reduce the number of errors in Corpus Tatoeba would be to encourage people to translate only into their native languages. Tom deveria ter feito isso. Tom should've done that. Tom should have done that. As coisas mudam de vez em quando. Things change from time to time. Things change from time to time. Por favor, bata na porta antes de entrar. Please knock before you come in. Please knock on the door before you come in. Eu cresci na Austrália. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. Tom quebrou o meu nariz. Tom broke my nose. Tom broke my nose. Mary mora em Boston com sua mãe. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Você está indo? Are you going? Are you going? Essa não é a Austrália. This isn't Australia. That's not Australia. Acho que isso é verdade. I guess that that's true. I think that's true. O Tom abaixou o volume da TV. Tom turned the TV sound down. Tom lowered the volume of the TV. O sangue escorria do ferimento dele. Blood ran from his wound. The blood flowed from his wound. Você não deve confiar nele. You should not trust him. You mustn't trust him. O que Tom quer comer? What does Tom want to eat? What does Tom want to eat? Notícias do incidente espalharam-se rapidamente. Word of the incident spread quickly. News of the incident spread quickly. Sim, eis a minha casa. Yes, this is my house. Yeah, here's my house. Não é crime. It's not a crime. It's not a crime. Não fique aí parado assim. Venha aqui e me ajude. Don't just stand there like that. Come over here and help me. Don't just stand there like that. Você tem que contar tudo para o Tom. You have to tell Tom everything. You have to tell Tom everything. Olha, está nevando! Look, it's snowing! Look, it's snowing! Tom sabe que Maria está mentindo. Tom knows Mary is lying. Tom knows Maria's lying. O anjo preto espalhou as asas bem pretas e subiu voando ao céu. The black angel spread those jet-black wings wide and flew up into the sky. The black angel spread his very black wings and flew up into the sky. Meu irmão mais velho é um ano mais velho que o marido dela. My older brother is a year older than her husband. My older brother is a year older than her husband. Ele ajudou a muitos. He gave his help to many. He's helped a lot of people. Acho que há ratos no sótão. I think we have some mice in the attic. I think there's rats in the attic. Tom vai voltar às 14:30. Tom will return at 2:30. Tom will be back at 2:30. Estávamos no meio da leitura. We were in the midst of reading. We were in the middle of reading. Estou pronto para ir? Am I ready to go? Am I ready to go? Não fumes aqui. Don't smoke here. Don't smoke in here. Os aldeões acharam que ele era muito generoso. The villagers thought that he was very generous. The villagers thought he was very generous. Como é que vocês normalmente decidem o que comer? How do you usually decide what to eat? How do you usually decide what to eat? Essa foi por pouco. That was a close shave. That was close. Que tal três semanas a partir de segunda-feira? How about three weeks from Monday? How about three weeks from Monday? Você deve estar sedento. You must be thirsty. You must be thirsty. Felizes são aqueles que amam flores. Happy are those who love flowers. Happy are the ones who love flowers. Tom conhece bem a Maria. Tom knows Mary well. Tom knows Maria well. Vamos para sua casa. Let's go to your house. Let's go to your place. Ele é um homem de ação. He is a man of action. He's a man of action. Acabamos aqui? Are we done here? Are we done here? Vocês são muito egoístas. You're very selfish. You're very selfish. Tom não pode entrar. Tom can't come in. Tom can't come in. Tom está sendo entrevistado na televisão. Tom is being interviewed on TV. Tom's being interviewed on television. Seu violão é melhor do que o meu. Your guitar is better than mine. Your guitar is better than mine. Abra. Open up. Open up. Ele fala muito rápido. He speaks very fast. He talks too fast. Ele estava atordoado. He was stunned. He was stunned. Tom estava gritando com Maria. Tom was yelling at Mary. Tom was yelling at Maria. Vamos ver se nós conseguimos abrir essa porta. Let's see if we can get this door open. Let's see if we can open this door. Meus filhos tinham comido todas as bolachas quando voltei para casa. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My kids had all the cookies when I came home. Minha irmã costuma ir ao parque todo final de semana. My sister usually goes to the park every weekend. My sister usually goes to the park every weekend. Vocês riram de mim. You have laughed at me. You laughed at me. Vocês devem ajudá-las. You've got to help them. You must help them. O Tom ficou surpreso quando ele viu a Mary na festa. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary at the party. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary at the party. Eu sei que é verdade. I know that's true. I know it's true. Francês e inglês são falados no Canadá. Both French and English are spoken in Canada. French and English are spoken in Canada. Um pouco de suco, por favor. A bit of juice, please. A little juice, please. É por isso que os gatos te adoram. That's why cats love you. That's why cats love you. Exalou um profundo ar de desânimo. He exhaled a deep breath in discouragement. It exhaled a deep air of discouragement. Quem está aí? Who's there? Who's there? A matemática é a base de todas as ciências. Mathematics is basic to all sciences. Mathematics is the basis of all sciences. Ela mostrou-lhe a foto. She showed him the photo. She showed him the picture. Tom é o engenheiro chefe. Tom is the lead engineer. Tom's the chief engineer. É impossível que o pássaro escape da armadilha. It's impossible for the bird to escape from the trap. It's impossible for the bird to escape the trap. A Rússia é um país imenso. Russia is a huge country. Russia is a huge country. Ele quer uma maçã. He wants an apple. He wants an apple. Comparado a você, eu sou apenas um iniciante neste jogo. Compared to you, I'm just a beginner at this game. Compared to you, I'm just a beginner in this game. Tem só uma estrada na ilha. There's only one road on the island. There's only one road on the island. Tem misericórdia de nós, a ti rogamos. Have mercy on us, we beg you. Have mercy on us, we beg you. Eu preciso do seu amor. I need your love. I need your love. Por que alguém mataria Tom? Why would someone kill Tom? Why would someone kill Tom? Aprendi a dirigir aos quinze. I learned to drive when I was fifteen. I learned how to drive when I was 15. Vire à próxima direita. Take the next right. Take the next right. A que horas você se deita normalmente? What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you normally lie down? Odeio o futebol. I hate soccer. I hate football. Eu procuro alguém que saiba francês. I'm looking for someone who knows French. I'm looking for someone who knows French. Eu não sei por que eu tenho que ir. I don't know why I have to go. I don't know why I have to go. Isso será suficiente? Will this be enough? Will that be enough? A torre vai desabar. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will collapse. Vamos mudar algumas coisas. We're going to make changes. Let's change some things. Por muito tempo, eu te amei. I've loved you for a long time. For a long time, I loved you. Eu gostei de conversar com Tom. I enjoyed talking with Tom. I enjoyed talking to Tom. Preciso ser mais paciente. I need to be more patient. I need to be more patient. Estou esperando minha mãe. I'm waiting for my mother. I'm waiting for my mother. A matemática é a única metafísica boa. Mathematics is the only good metaphysics. Mathematics is the only good metaphysics. Deixar algo inacabado é a pior coisa que se pode fazer. Leaving something unfinished is the worst thing you can do. Leaving something unfinished is the worst thing you can do. Tom caiu rapidamente sob o feitiço de Mary. Tom quickly fell under Mary's spell. Tom quickly fell under Mary's spell. Você gosta de francês, não gosta? You like French, don't you? You like French, don't you? Eu até aos domingos trabalho. I work even on Sunday. I even work on Sundays. O ADN é um composto químico complexo que constitui um gene. DNA is a complex chemical that makes up a gene. DNA is a complex chemical compound that constitutes a gene. Inglês não é difícil de aprender. English is not hard to learn. English is not hard to learn. Olha, ali está um coelho! Look, there's a rabbit! Look, there's a rabbit! A equipe de Tom sofreu uma derrota esmagadora. Tom's team suffered a crushing defeat. Tom's team suffered an overwhelming defeat. Você precisa parar de ajudar Mary. You have to stop helping Mary. You need to stop helping Mary. Acreditamos que foi Tom quem matou Mary. We believe that it was Tom that killed Mary. We believe it was Tom who killed Mary. Eu não consegui dormir. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. Eu andei pelo Park Street. I walked along Park Street. I walked down Park Street. A ciência constrói nosso estilo de vida. Science builds our lifestyle. Science builds our lifestyle. Por que você não está rindo? Why aren't you laughing? Why aren't you laughing? Eu estou estudando francês por conta própria. I'm learning French on my own. I'm studying French on my own. Estas crianças não param nunca. These kids are always restless. These kids never stop. Eu não gosto de homens como ele. I don't like men like him. I don't like men like him. Por que o Tom gritou com você? Why did Tom yell at you? Why did Tom yell at you? Por favor, seja razoável. Please be reasonable. Please be reasonable. Leve alguns guardanapos contigo. Take some napkins with you. Take some napkins with you. Eu acho que eu fiz a coisa certa. I think I did the right thing. I think I did the right thing. O jantar ainda não está pronto. Dinner isn't ready yet. Dinner's not ready yet. Não tenho muito dinheiro. I haven't got much money. I don't have much money. Eu estou trabalhando em Boston agora. I'm working in Boston now. I'm working in Boston right now. O Tom me avisou, mas eu não dei ouvidos a ele. Tom warned me, but I didn't listen to him. Tom warned me, but I didn't listen to him. A interlíngua tem a sua própria Wikipédia. Interlingue has its own Wikipedia. The interlanguage has its own Wikipedia. Quantos erros vocês encontraram até agora? How many mistakes have you found so far? How many mistakes have you found so far? Aquela faca não é sua. That knife isn't yours. That knife's not yours. Ele apertou a minha mão. He shook my hand. He shook my hand. O Tom disse que provavelmente não vai acontecer de novo. Tom said that probably won't happen again. Tom said it probably won't happen again. O peixe nada movendo a cauda. The fish swims by moving its tail. The fish don't move the tail. Eu trabalhei com Tom. I worked with Tom. I worked with Tom. Por que você não deixou uma mensagem para Tom? Why didn't you leave Tom a message? Why didn't you leave a message for Tom? É fácil. This is easy. It's easy. Tom ajudou Mary a fugir dos paparazzi. Tom helped Mary escape the paparazzi. Tom helped Mary escape the paparazzi. Ela trouxe o almoço dele hoje. She brought his lunch today. She brought his lunch today. Tudo bem se fumarmos aqui? Is it OK if we smoke here? Is it okay if we smoke in here? Ele quase se afogou. He almost drowned. He almost drowned. Ele vem aqui de vez em quando. He comes here once in a while. He comes here every once in a while. Tom achou que era impossível persuadir a Mary. Tom found it impossible to persuade Mary. Tom thought it was impossible to persuade Mary. Você já ouviu esta palavra alguma vez? Have you ever heard this word? Have you ever heard that word? Eu não pensei nas consequências. I didn't think of the consequences. I didn't think of the consequences. Posso me sentar lá atrás? Would it be OK if I sat in the back? Can I sit in the back? Por aqui! Over here! This way! Muito obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you so much for your help. Fadil foi seriamente afetado. Fadil was severely damaged. Fadil was seriously affected. Você acredita na gente? Do you believe us? Do you believe us? Deixe-me preparar uma xícara de café quente para você. Let me make you a cup of hot coffee. Let me make you a cup of hot coffee. Você é amigo de Tom, né? You are a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, right? Eu emprestei dinheiro a Mary para pagar o aluguel deste mês. I lent Mary the money to pay this month's rent. I lent Mary money to pay this month's rent. Eles estavam fracos. They were weak. They were weak. Ele levantou a mão. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. O Tom não esteve em Boston desde 2013. Tom hasn't been to Boston since 2013. Tom hasn't been in Boston since 2013. Eu gosto de nadar. I enjoy swimming. I like to swim. O que vocês querem saber sobre nós? What do you want to know about us? What do you want to know about us? O que ele pensa sobre tudo isso? What does he think about all this? What does he think about all this? Quanto tempo geralmente leva para você ir em casa? How long does it usually take you to walk home? How long does it usually take for you to go home? A foto foi adulterada. The photo was doctored. The photo was tampered with. Acesso a Internet com mais frequência em casa. I surf the Net more frequently at home. Internet access more often at home. Vamos fazer o nosso trabalho. Let's do our job. Let's do our job. Sua mãe está preocupada com ele. His mother is worried about him. Your mother's worried about him. Depois da reunião, fomos a um bar. After the meeting, we went out to a bar. After the meeting, we went to a bar. Há uma passagem secreta na casa do Tom. There's a secret passage in Tom's house. There's a secret passage at Tom's house. Eu gostaria de um pouco de água. I'd like some water. I'd like some water. Esse é o seu livro, não é? That's your book, isn't it? That's your book, isn't it? Tom estava acolhendo um fugitivo. Tom was harboring a fugitive. Tom was taking in a fugitive. Tom não é tão pobre quanto a maioria das pessoas acham. Tom isn't as poor as most people assume he is. Tom's not as poor as most people think. O Tom não quer desanimar a Mary. Tom doesn't want to discourage Mary. Tom doesn't want to discourage Mary. Eu quero visitar a Coréia. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. Tom está com a filha. Tom has his daughter with him. Tom's with his daughter. Como descubro se ele gosta de mim? How do I know if he likes me? How do I find out if he likes me? Você é incrível. You're amazing. You're amazing. É difícil ficar calmo. It's hard to stay calm. It's hard to stay calm. Você vai ser pai de novo! You are going to be a father again! You're gonna be a father again! Me esqueci completamente. I had completely forgotten. I completely forgot. Foi uma piada burra. It was a stupid joke. It was a dumb joke. A fruta é amarela. The fruit is yellow. The fruit is yellow. Não tenho certeza se é amor. I'm not sure if it's love. I'm not sure it's love. Vocês ainda têm muito que aprender. You still have a lot to learn. You still have a lot to learn. Estamos correndo o risco de chegar tarde. We're in danger of being late. We're running the risk of being late. Ela admite saber o segredo. She admits knowing the secret. She admits to knowing the secret. O forno está quente. The oven is hot. The oven's hot. Ele tem uma forte personalidade. He has a strong personality. He has a strong personality. Tom diz que pode ler livros em francês. Tom says he can read books in French. Tom says you can read books in French. As roupas estavam espalhadas por todo o chão. Clothes were strewn all over the floor. The clothes were all over the floor. Eu me encarregarei do trabalho. I'll take charge of the work. I'll take care of the job. É praticamente impossível não usar fala de bebê quando se fala com uma criança pequena. It's practically impossible not to use baby talk when talking to a young child. It's practically impossible not to use baby talk when talking to a small child. Às vezes o Sami andava com uma arma. Sami sometimes carried a handgun. Sometimes Sami was carrying a gun. Quero que Tom vá embora e me deixe em paz. I want Tom to go away and leave me in peace. I want Tom to go away and leave me alone. Eu não consigo encontrar meu dicionário de Francês. I can't find my French dictionary. I can't find my French dictionary. Este cachorro pulou. That dog jumped. This dog jumped. Tom não quer ser médico. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor. Tom doesn't want to be a doctor. Quanto por aquelas calças? How much for those trousers? How much for those pants? Os livros estão organizados por assunto. The books are organized by subject. The books are organized by subject. Quero te mostrar algo em que andei trabalhando. I want to show you something I've been working on. I want to show you something I've been working on. Tom faz isso. Tom does that. Tom does that. Tenho algo a dizer. I've got something to say. I have something to say. Todos os meus filhos gostam de Boston. All of my children like Boston. All my kids like Boston. Ele é apenas uma criança. He is merely a child. He's just a kid. Ele normalmente se acorda às seis. He usually gets up at six. He usually wakes up at six. Você tem de ir à escola. You need to go to school. You have to go to school. Não irei. I'm not going. I won't. Eu tomei chá ontem. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea yesterday. Isso custa muito dinheiro. That costs a lot of money. That costs a lot of money. A senhora é bem esquecida, não é? You're quite forgetful, aren't you? You're quite forgotten, aren't you? Com o lançamento do Skype, estudar idioma se tornou mais fácil. With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier. With the launch of Skype, studying language has become easier. Tom foi embora de táxi. Tom left in a taxi. Tom left in a cab. Tom não sabia que Maria gostava de cozinhar. Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook. Tom didn't know Maria liked to cook. Qual o som que uma ovelha faz? What sound does a sheep make? What's the sound a sheep makes? Tom pediu licença para ir ao banheiro. Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tom asked for permission to go to the bathroom. Estou com um livro na minha mão. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my hand. Não nos podeis pedir que não façamos nada. You can't ask us to do nothing. You can't ask us to do anything. A polícia interrogou Tom por horas. The police questioned Tom for hours. The police questioned Tom for hours. Deixe-me ver sua ferida. Let me see your wound. Let me see your wound. Em minha opinião, a Austrália é um dos melhores países do mundo. From my point of view, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. O Tom é intrometido, mas a Mary não é. Tom is nosey, but Mary isn't. Tom's nosy, but Mary's not. Ainda não sou médico. I'm not a doctor yet. I'm not a doctor yet. O casamento deles vai ser amanhã. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Eu fiz com que ele parasse de fumar. I got him to stop smoking. I made him quit smoking. Tom está faminto. Tom is starved. Tom's hungry. Maria usava um vestido branco. Mary was wearing a white gown. Maria wore a white dress. Eu realmente gostei do presente que você me deu. I really liked the gift you gave me. I really liked the gift you gave me. Eu acho que quero ficar. I think I want to stay. I think I want to stay. Eu vou estar com vocês em um minuto. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. O trem deveria chegar em Osaka às dez. The train should reach Osaka by ten. The train was supposed to arrive in Osaka at ten. Se tudo o que acontece tem alguma razão, não terá isso uma razão de ser? If everything happens for a reason, does that reason have a reason to be? If everything that happens is right, isn't that a reason? Radical é uma pessoa que se apoia firmemente com ambos os pés no ar. A radical is a person who stands firmly with both feet in the air. Radical is a person who leans firmly with both feet in the air. Como você acha que o tempo vai estar? How do you think the weather's going to be? How do you think the weather will be? Eu vou estar em Nova Orleans em abril, para o casamento de minha prima. I will be in New Orleans in April for my cousin's wedding. I'll be in New Orleans in April, for my cousin's wedding. Tom levantou-se e aplaudiu. Tom stood up and clapped. Tom stood up and applauded. Ele ainda me escreve de vez em quando. He still writes to me from time to time. He still writes to me once in a while. Ele não fala inglês. He doesn't speak English. He doesn't speak English. Vocês já brigaram na escola? Have you ever fought at high school? Have you guys ever had a fight at school? Ela é qual uma tigresa. She's like a tigress. She's like a tiger. Não deixe de conferir também outros artigos do nosso blog, sobre como aumentar seu vocabulário em inglês. Also, check out other articles on our blog about how to increase your English vocabulary. Be sure to also check out other articles on our blog, on how to increase your English vocabulary. Essa metade é sua. Half of this is yours. That half is yours. Nós nem mesmo conhecemos o Tom. We don't even know Tom. We don't even know Tom. Depois do inverno vem a primavera. After winter comes spring. After winter comes spring. Há uma bela vista da nossa sacada. There is a fine view from our balcony. There's a nice view of our balcony. Eles não me devem nada. They don't owe me anything. They don't owe me anything. Nunca mais soube dela. I never heard from her again. I never heard from her again. Precisa de dinheiro? Do you need money? Do you need money? Piotr se interessa por futebol. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotr is interested in football. Levei nosso cachorro ao veterinário para fazer um check-up. I took our dog to the vet for a checkup. I took our dog to the vet for a checkup. Não quero saber onde você estava. I don't want to know where you were. I don't care where you were. Espere um segundo. Hold on one second. Wait a second. Como sempre, ele estava atrasado e fez a gente esperar durante um longo tempo. As usual, he was late and made us wait for a long time. As always, he was late and made us wait for a long time. Eu acho que é hora de dizer o que eu realmente penso. I think it's time for me to say what I really think. I think it's time to say what I really think. Poucas pessoas vivem até os cem anos de idade. Few people live to be a hundred years old. Few people live to be a hundred years old. Afinal, que é a vida senão uma peça em que cada um de nós representa um papel até que desce a cortina? For what is life but a play in which everyone acts a part until the curtain comes down? After all, what is life but a piece in which each of us plays a role until the curtain comes down? Ela deu um tapa nele. She slapped him. She slapped him. Por que você me ajudou? Why did you help me? Why did you help me? Vocês têm um bicho de estimação? Do you have a pet? Do you have a pet? Ela vende flores. She sells flowers. She sells flowers. Atualize essa correspondência. Bring that correspondence up to date. Update that correspondence. Devo esperar por você aqui? Should I wait for you here? Should I wait for you here? Todos cometem erros. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. As crianças gostam de você? Do kids like you? Do the kids like you? Que presente maravilhoso! What a wonderful gift! What a wonderful gift! Quão longe está a próxima fazenda? How far is the next farm? How far is the next farm? Eu respeito a opinião de todos. I respect everybody's opinion. I respect everyone's opinion. Tom sempre compra "Sopa de Fada Mágica" no supermercado. Para que nenhuma suspeita caia sobre ele, sempre diz na caixa registradora que é para sua (imaginária) filha. Tom always buys "Magic Fairy Soup" at the supermaket. So that no suspicion falls on him, he always says at the register that it's for his (non-existent) daughter. Tom always buys Magic Fairy Soup at the supermarket. So that no suspicion falls on him, it always says in the cash register that it is for his (imaginary) daughter. O livro de Tom foi traduzido para vários idiomas. Tom's book has been translated into many languages. Tom's book was translated into several languages. Era minha vez de limpar o quarto. It was my turn to clean the room. It was my turn to clean the room. Ele me pôs essa ideia na cabeça. He put the idea into my head. He put that idea in my head. Ela depositou a caixa sobre a mesa. She deposited the box on the table. She deposited the box on the table. Você não tinha que se vestir. You didn't have to dress. You didn't have to get dressed. Sei quem és tu. I know who you are. I know who you are. Proibido nadar. No swimming. No swimming. Apenas os amigos roubam os seus livros. Just your friends steal your books. Only friends steal your books. Tom disse que gostou do vinho. Tom said that he liked the wine. Tom said you liked the wine. Te vejo no avião. See you on the plane. I'll see you on the plane. Não sabemos o que ele fez na festa. We do not know what she did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. Este é meu irmão. This is my brother. This is my brother. Essa substância não é venenosa em si. This substance is not poisonous in itself. That substance is not poisonous in itself. Que cara mais desonesto! What a dishonest fellow! What a dishonest guy! Ele pregou um prego na tábua. He drove a nail into the board. He nailed a nail to the board. Eu tenho algo muito importante para lhe dizer. I have something very important to tell you. I have something very important to tell you. Volte para o teu escritório. Go back to your office. Go back to your office. Eu sei que Tom não bateria em Mary. I know that Tom wouldn't hit Mary. I know Tom wouldn't hit Mary. A espiral é uma das formas geométricas mais encontradas na natureza. The spiral is one of the most common geometrical forms in nature. The spiral is one of the most geometric forms found in nature. Quando você se desculpa, prepara o terreno para uma futura ofensa. When you apologize, you lay the foundation for a future offense. When you apologize, prepare the ground for a future offense. Eu comprei alguns talheres. I bought some silverware. I bought some silverware. Tom vai para a escola? Does Tom walk to school? Tom's going to school? Nosso time está cinco pontos à frente. Our team is five points ahead. Our team is five points ahead. Eu quase nunca vou a Boston. I almost never go to Boston. I hardly ever go to Boston. Acordem! Wake up! Wake up! Eu não vou à escola. I don't go to school. I don't go to school. Seus dentes, de tanto fumar, amarelaram-se. His teeth are yellow from smoking too much. His teeth, from so much smoking, yellowed down. Eu não tenho sobrinha. I don't have a niece. I don't have a niece. Aquilo realmente aconteceu. That really happened. That really happened. Parece estar quebrado. It appears to be broken. Looks like it's broken. Ele se escondeu atrás da porta. He hid himself behind the door. He hid behind the door. Nós jogamos tênis ontem. We played tennis yesterday. We played tennis yesterday. Isso tem de ser o que nós estávamos procurando. This has to be what we're looking for. This has to be what we've been looking for. Eles não escutaram. They didn't listen. They didn't listen. Você está sempre pronto para falar mal dos outros. You are too ready to speak ill of others. You're always ready to talk bad about others. Eu notei que estava sendo observado. I noticed that I was being observed. I noticed you were being watched. Sami era muito maduro. Sami was very mature. Sami was very mature. Tom me deu este livro. Tom gave me this book. Tom gave me this book. Eu não estou mais com fome. I'm no longer hungry. I'm not hungry anymore. As maçãs são as melhores frutas. Apples are the best fruit. Apples are the best fruit. Tom é biólogo. Tom is a biologist. Tom's a biologist. Nós vimos o pássaro quando visitamos Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. Graças a Deus é sexta-feira. Thank God it's Friday. Thank God it's Friday. Nada pode deter-me. Nothing can stop me. Nothing can stop me. Eles sorriram para você. They smiled at you. They smiled at you. Isso não deveria ser difícil. That shouldn't be so difficult. That shouldn't be hard. Tom não era capaz de lidar com o problema. Tom wasn't able to handle the problem. Tom couldn't handle the problem. Tom mora nesta rua. Tom lives on this street. Tom lives on this street. Em que série o Tom está? What grade is Tom in? What grade is Tom in? Maria estava vestindo uma saia vermelha. Mary was wearing a red skirt. Maria was wearing a red skirt. Não utilize nenhum adaptador AC ou cabo de alimentação AC além dos que foram fornecidos. Do not use a power cord other than the supplied AC adaptor and AC power cord. Do not use any AC adapter or AC power cable other than those provided. O que o Tom achou? What did Tom think of it? What did Tom think? Ela é insociável. She is unsociable. She's insociable. Ele apertou o botão de emergência. He pushed the emergency button. He pushed the emergency button. O Tomás perguntou-se o que era. Tom wondered what it was. Tomás wondered what it was. Meu pai gosta de café forte. My father likes strong coffee. My dad likes strong coffee. Tom é sorrateiro. Tom is sneaky. Tom's sneaky. Não posso fazer nada para ajudá-lo agora. I can't do anything to help you now. There's nothing I can do to help you now. Tom deveria ter vencido a corrida. Tom should've won the race. Tom should have won the race. "Posso ajudá-la?" "Não, obrigada. Só estou olhando." "May I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking." "Can I help you?" "No, thank you, I'm just looking." Nós cozinharemos. We'll cook. We'll cook. O Tom parece perigoso. Tom seems dangerous. Tom looks dangerous. Esse é o meu objetivo. That's my goal. That's my goal. Eu sei que você não tem tempo para nos ajudar. I know you don't have time to help us. I know you don't have time to help us. Tom é patético, não é? Tom is pathetic, isn't he? Tom's pathetic, isn't he? Este é meu cavalo. This is my horse. This is my horse. O software foi atualizado. The software has been updated. The software has been updated. Tom merece uma recompensa. Tom deserves a reward. Tom deserves a reward. Cabe a nós fazer isso. It's up to us to do that. It's up to us to do that. Nós moramos no terceiro andar. We live on the third floor. We live on the third floor. Não sei mais o que fazer com ele. I don't know what to do with him anymore. I don't know what else to do with him. Isso é realmente permitido? Is that really allowed? Is that really allowed? Não há hipótese de dar a volta a isso. There's no way around that. There's no way I can turn this around. Ela é, por assim dizer, um dicionário ambulante. She is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. She is, as it were, a walking dictionary. José não sabe jogar futebol; tropeça na bola e se confunde todo. Joseph can't play soccer. He trips on the ball and mixes everything up. José doesn't know how to play football; he stumbles on the ball and confuses himself. Ele estava acompanhado por sua namorada. He was accompanied by his girlfriend. He was accompanied by his girlfriend. Esperança não é uma estratégia. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. Eu a dei a ela. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. O tempo mudou de repente. The weather changed suddenly. Time changed suddenly. Eu não quero chamar a polícia. I don't want to call the police. I don't want to call the police. Quero morar numa cidade. I want to live in a town. I want to live in a city. Tom leva jeito para mágico. Tom is something of a magician. Tom's a magician. Ela é só uma criança. She's only a child. She's just a kid. Eu acordei às 5 da manhã. I got up at 5 in the morning. I woke up at 5 a.m. O que há de errado com esses? What's wrong with these? What's wrong with those? É realmente bonito aqui. It's really pretty here. It's really beautiful here. Eu vi isso antes. I've seen that before. I've seen it before. Não quero machucar o Tom, mas vou fazê-lo se for preciso. I don't want to hurt Tom, but I will if I have to. I don't want to hurt Tom, but I will if I have to. Eles alugaram um apartamento. They rented an apartment. They rented an apartment. Eu frequentemente consulto o dicionário. I often refer to the dictionary. I often consult the dictionary. Você sente a onipresença de Deus? Do you feel God's ubiquity? Do you feel the omnipresence of God? Venta muito nesta manhã, não? There's a lot of wind this morning, isn't there? It's very windy this morning, isn't it? Este é o saco do meu professor. This is my teacher's bag. This is my teacher's bag. Aconteceu pelo menos três vezes. It has happened at least three times. It's happened at least three times. Eu não pretendo explicar nada. I don't intend to explain anything. I don't intend to explain anything. Alugarei um carro. I'll rent a car. I'll rent a car. A porta já estava aberta. The door was already open. The door was already open. Os meus amigos me chamam de Mary. My friends call me Mary. My friends call me Mary. Chegando em casa, ele deitou no chão. On arriving home, he laid himself on the floor. Coming home, he lay down on the ground. Ela acendeu a luz. She turned on the light. She turned on the light. Sou tailandês. I'm Thai. I'm Thai. Você deveria ter comido alguma coisa hoje de manhã. You should've eaten something this morning. You should have eaten something this morning. Eu sou extrovertido. I'm extroverted. I'm extroverted. A que horas começa a prova? When does the exam start? What time does the test start? Isto parece muito razoável para mim. This thing seems very plausible to me. This seems very reasonable to me. É muito grande. It's too big. It's too big. Você pode me ajudar levar isso, por favor? Can you help me take this please? Can you help me with this, please? Não esqueça de assinar o cheque. Don't forget to sign the check. Don't forget to sign the check. O Tom nunca me pagou. Tom never paid me. Tom never paid me. Sou grande. I'm big. I'm big. Ela está na igreja agora. She is at church right now. She's in church now. Tom faleceu há três meses. Tom passed away three months ago. Tom passed away three months ago. O Tom falou sobre o problema. Tom spoke about the issue. Tom talked about the problem. Tom protegeu sua esposa. Tom protected his wife. Tom protected his wife. Se alguém não consegue explicar algo de forma simples, é que não entende bem do assunto. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. If someone can't explain something in a simple way, it's that they don't understand it well. A mulher está trabalhando. The woman is working. The woman's working. Tom não quer que a mesma coisa aconteça novamente. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. Sua blusa cai bem com aquela saia. Your blouse goes beautifully with that skirt. Your blouse looks good in that skirt. Não empurrem. Don't push. Don't push. Tom vai fazer treze anos depois de amanhã. Tom turns thirteen the day after tomorrow. Tom's going to be thirteen years after tomorrow. Dá uma olhada. Have a look. Take a look. Eu não flertei com Maria. I didn't flirt with Mary. I didn't flirt with Maria. Eu sempre adiciono uma colher de mel ao meu chá. I always add a spoonful of honey to my tea. I always add a teaspoon to my tea. Eu acho que o Tom foi para Harvard. I think Tom went to Harvard. I think Tom went to Harvard. Você tem um carro esporte amarelo, não tem? You own a yellow sports car, don't you? You have a yellow sports car, don't you? Eu ajudo o Tom quase todos os dias. I help Tom almost every day. I help Tom almost every day. Ele está só brincando com você. He is just pulling your leg. He's just messing with you. Eu ensinei francês ao Tom três anos atrás. I taught French to Tom three years ago. I taught Tom French three years ago. Lavanda é a minha planta favorita. Lavender is my favorite plant. Lavender is my favorite plant. Tom tem seu próprio quarto. Tom has his own bedroom. Tom has his own room. Tom não rezou. Tom didn't pray. Tom didn't pray. Voltarei às 6 e meia. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. Gostaria disso. I would like that. I'd like that. O cachorro de Tom dorme na cama com ele. Tom's dog sleeps in bed with him. Tom's dog sleeps in bed with him. O professor não sabe nada. Toda vez que eu lhe pergunto algo, ele não sabe responder. The teacher doesn't know anything. Every time I ask him he's not able to answer. Every time I ask him something, he can't answer. Eu queria que nós pudéssemos passar mais tempo juntos. I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Eu não tenho filhos. I have no kids. I don't have kids. Eu procurei o endereço. I looked up the address. I looked up the address. Eu não vou negar que foi difícil. I won't deny it was difficult. I won't deny it was difficult. Tom está me ensinando a nadar. Tom is teaching me how to swim. Tom's teaching me how to swim. Você teve pesadelos? Did you have nightmares? Did you have nightmares? Se quisesse assustar os senhores, eu lhes contaria o que sonhei há poucas semanas. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I wanted to scare the gentlemen, I'd tell them what I dreamed a few weeks ago. "Onde está meu telefone?" "Está em cima da minha escrivaninha." "Where is my phone?" "It's on my desk." "Where's my phone?" "It's on top of my desk." O novo método estava longe de ser o ideal. The new method was anything but ideal. The new method was far from ideal. Qualquer um consegue fazer isso. Anybody can do this. Anyone can do that. Dan tinha um interesse romântico por Linda. Dan was romantically interested in Linda. Dan had a romantic interest in Linda. Uma boa alimentação é fundamental para o crescimento de uma criança. Good nutrition is vital for an infant's growth. A good diet is fundamental to the growth of a child. Ela nasceu na Inglaterra. She was born in England. She was born in England. Tom gosta mais de mim. Tom likes me the most. Tom likes me better. Ela aborda tudo com atitude de negócios. She approaches everything with a businesslike attitude. She approaches everything with a business attitude. Que é que a senhora pensou que o Tom ia fazer? What did you think Tom would do? What did you think Tom was gonna do? Eu sei onde podemos conseguir um. I know where we can get one. I know where we can get one. O Sol não brilha para sempre. The sun doesn't always shine. The sun doesn't shine forever. O nosso cão está no canil. Our dog is in the kennel. Our dog's in the kennel. Levou meses. It took months. It took months. Vencedores não usam drogas. Winners don't use drugs. Winners don't do drugs. A grande maioria das crianças ama sorvete. The vast majority of children love ice cream. Most kids love ice cream. Eu pensei que isso fosse meio estranho. I thought that this was kind of weird. I thought this was kind of weird. Qual é o teu jogador de futebol favorito? Who's your favourite soccer player? Which one's your favorite football player? Tom achou Maria fascinante. Tom found Mary fascinating. Tom found Maria fascinating. O jantar provavelmente já está pronto. Dinner is probably ready by now. Dinner's probably ready. Eu não vos devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. Tom não usa protetor solar. Tom doesn't use sunscreen. Tom doesn't wear sunblocks. Eu brincava aqui. I used to play here. I used to play here. Gostaria de pedir bebidas agora. I'd like to order drinks now. I'd like to order drinks now. Ele não era capaz de falar inglês na vida real. He was not able to speak English in real life. He couldn't speak English in real life. Eu acho que o Tom quer mais. I think Tom wants more. I think Tom wants more. Eu não deveria ter baixado isso. I shouldn't have downloaded that. I shouldn't have turned that down. A Austrália era uma exceção. Australia was an exception. Australia was an exception. Queria que pudéssemos passar mais tempo juntos. I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Isso vai servir. That'll do. That'll do. Eu queria ser o patrão. I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be the boss. Ele deu a seus filhos uma boa formação. He gave his children a good education. He gave his children a good formation. Ele continuou lendo o livro. He kept on reading the book. He kept reading the book. Seu cabelo está bonito. Your hair looks nice. Your hair looks good. Aonde você está indo? Where are you going to? Where are you going? Não consigo falar rápido assim. I can't speak that fast. I can't talk fast like that. Eu não me lembro onde coloquei os meus óculos. I don't remember where I put my glasses. I don't remember where I put my glasses. Este é o pior hotel da cidade. This is the worst hotel in town. This is the worst hotel in town. Eu sei que o Tom está com o coração partido. I know that Tom is heartbroken. I know Tom's heart is broken. Tom ficou comigo a manhã inteira. Tom was with me all morning. Tom's been with me all morning. Eles não vão te dar nada. They won't give you anything. They won't give you anything. A nossa equipa pode ganhar. Our team can win. Our team can win. A senhora só tem três opções. You have only three options. You only have three options. Sua paciência chegou ao limite. His patience reached its tipping point. Your patience has reached its limit. Consegues contar em italiano? Can you count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? O Tom ficou louco. Tom went bananas. Tom's gone crazy. Você está adicionando novos nomes à lista, não está? You are adding new names to the list, aren't you? You're adding new names to the list, aren't you? Com licença, quanto custa isso? Excuse me, how much does this cost? Excuse me, how much is this? Na minha opinião a Austrália é um dos melhores países do mundo. In my opinion, Australia is one of the best countries in the world. In my opinion Australia is one of the best countries in the world. Azar o teu. Sucks to be you. Your loss. Não faça mais isso. Don't do that anymore. Don't do that anymore. Não acredito que você fez isso com ela. I can't believe you did that to her. I can't believe you did this to her. Tom pode partir amanhã. Tom can leave tomorrow. Tom can leave tomorrow. Fique com eles, Tom. Stay with them, Tom. Stay with them, Tom. Nós temos duas orelhas. We have two ears. We have two ears. Tom morou nesse edifício. Tom lived in this building. Tom lived in this building. Se não está à venda, não faça propaganda. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. Eu sabia. I knew it. I knew it. Por que você emprestou dinheiro a alguém como ele? Why did you lend money to someone like him? Why did you lend money to someone like him? Você não é feia. You aren't ugly. You're not ugly. Não consigo aguentar mais. I can't hold it anymore. I can't take it anymore. Uma enfermeira me trouxe pão e café, mas o pão estava velho e o café tinha gosto de sabão. A nurse brought me some bread and coffee, but the bread was stale and the coffee tasted of soap. A nurse brought me bread and coffee, but the bread was old and the coffee tasted like soap. Tom assoou o seu nariz. Tom blew his nose. Tom blew his nose. A mulher está em frente à biblioteca. The woman stands before the library. The woman's in front of the library. Ele leu uma novela chata. He read a boring novel. He read a boring soap opera. Qual é o nome da doença da qual Tom morreu? What's the name of the disease that Tom died of? What's the name of the disease Tom died of? A mãe de Tom estava chorando. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mother was crying. Marque de vermelho tudo o que não entender e peça sobre isso na aula. Mark in red anything you don't understand and ask about it in class. Mark red everything you don't understand and ask about it in class. Eu não gosto de filmes dublados. I don't like dubbed movies. I don't like voiced movies. Eu nunca pude voltar lá de novo. I could never go back there again. I could never go back there again. Tenho que ir ao batizado do meu primo. I have to go to my cousin's baptism. I have to go to my cousin's christening. Ele faltou à escola por uma semana. He was absent from school for a week. He skipped school for a week. Preciso trocar ideias com meus colegas em relação ao assunto. I must confer with my colleagues on the matter. I need to talk to my colleagues about it. Sem você, a vida é horrível. Without you, life is awful. Without you, life is horrible. Tom me disse que acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom told me that he thinks Mary is cute. Tom tells me you think Mary's cute. O que tem de tão bom nisso? What's so good about it? What's so good about that? Você acha que fala Inglês melhor do que Eu? Do you think you speak English better than I do? You think you speak English better than I do? Má condução e alta velocidade causam acidentes. Bad driving and speeding cause accidents. Bad driving and high speed cause accidents. É verdade que os europeus não tomam banho todos os dias? Is it true that Europeans don't shower every day? Is it true that Europeans do not bathe every day? Fadil tinha uma namorada muçulmana. Fadil had a Muslim girlfriend. Fadil had a Muslim girlfriend. Você é mais nova que o Tom? Are you younger than Tom? Are you younger than Tom? Eu virei com o Tom. I'll come with Tom. I'll come with Tom. Demorou 22 anos para construir o Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. It took 22 years to build the Taj Mahal. Quantas vezes o Tom fez isso? How many times has Tom done that? How many times did Tom do that? Isso o deixou bravo. That made him angry. That made him mad. Vou me encontrar com um amigo. I will meet a friend. I'm meeting a friend. Eu sei por que Tom está feliz. I know why Tom's happy. I know why Tom is happy. Eu queria que vocês não fizessem isso. I wish you wouldn't do that. I wish you guys wouldn't do that. Achei a cama muito confortável. I found the bed very comfortable. I found the bed very comfortable. O cavalo é meu. The horse is mine. It's my horse. Seus pais estão um tanto preocupados com sua segurança. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are a little concerned about your safety. Gosto de fazer bolo! I like to make cake! I like to bake cake! Tom costuma comer comida tailandesa. Tom often eats Thai food. Tom usually eats Thai food. Agora que o Tom está atrás das grades, não tenho mais medo dele. Now that Tom is behind bars, I am no longer afraid of him. Now that Tom's behind bars, I'm not afraid of him anymore. O Tom de vez em quando usa uma aliança falsa. Tom often wears a fake wedding ring. Tom wears a fake ring once in a while. O que queres saber sobre nós? What do you want to know about us? What do you want to know about us? Tom me impressionou. Tom impressed me. Tom impressed me. Eu não estou, absolutamente, com medo. I'm not scared at all. I'm not at all afraid. A viagem custou-me muito. The trip cost me a lot. The trip cost me a lot. Quero subir esta montanha. I want to hike up this mountain. I want to climb this mountain. O homem que está correndo lá é meu tio. The man running over there is my uncle. The man who's running there is my uncle. O Tom foi para a Austrália muitas vezes. Tom has been to Australia many times. Tom's gone to Australia many times. Tom sabe jogar xadrez. Tom knows how to play chess. Tom can play chess. Para mim, elas são todas parecidas. They all look the same to me. To me, they're all alike. A empresa produz uma grande variedade de instrumentos musicais. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company produces a wide variety of musical instruments. Eu tenho alergia à lagosta. I'm allergic to lobsters. I'm allergic to lobster. Você deve se comportar como um homem. You must act like a man. You must behave like a man. Estais velhas. You're old. You're old. Quero meu dinheiro de volta porque esse programa de computador não é tão eficiente como eles me prometeram. I wanna my money back because this computer program is not efficient like they promissed. I want my money back because this computer program isn't as efficient as they promised me. Senti-me sem fôlego depois de subir correndo as escadas. I felt winded after running up the stairs. I felt breathless after running up the stairs. Os senhores não tiveram um carro? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't you gentlemen have a car? Você tem cerveja? Do you have beer? Do you have any beer? Tom tirou sarro da cara de Maria por causa de seu sotaque. Tom made fun of Mary's accent. Tom made fun of Maria's face because of her accent. O meu sonho é viajar num vaivém espacial. My dream is to travel in a space shuttle. My dream is to travel on a space shuttle. Quem é aquela pessoa? Who is this person? Who's that person? Vou te escrever ou te ligar na semana que vem. I'll write you or call you next week. I'll write to you or call you next week. Quando não é agora. Whenever is not now. When it's not now. O golfe agora está ao alcance de todos. Golf is now within the reach of everyone. Golf is now within everyone's reach. Este é o meu vinho. This is my wine. This is my wine. Tom nunca havia se apaixonado antes. Tom had never been in love before. Tom had never been in love before. Sinta-se em casa! Make yourself at home! Make yourself at home! Eu não quero brincar. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Tom é magro. Tom is thin. Tom's skinny. Layla não parou de falar com o Sami. Layla didn't stop talking to Sami. Layla hasn't stopped talking to Sami. As flautas e os violinos estão tocando em uníssono. The flutes and violins are playing in unison. The flutes and violins are playing in unison. Meu pai consentiu minha ida ao exterior. My father consented to my going abroad. My father consented to my trip abroad. Eu gosto de ser solteiro. I like being single. I like being single. Feche a caixa. Close the box. Close the box. Acho que isso é o começo de uma grande amizade. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I think this is the beginning of a great friendship. Pediu que eu não tocasse no assunto. He asked me not to touch the subject. You asked me not to bring it up. Tom e Mary se ajudam? Do Tom and Mary help each other? Tom and Mary help each other? Tom e eu fomos nadar juntos. Tom and I went swimming together. Tom and I went swimming together. Mary não está usando sutiã. Mary is not wearing a bra. Mary's not wearing a bra. Você deveria levar uma sombrinha porque pode chover. You should take an umbrella in case it rains. You should take a parasol because it might rain. Acho que vou partir cedo hoje. I think I'll leave early today. I think I'm leaving early today. O Tom precisa falar com a Mary. Tom needs to talk to Mary. Tom needs to talk to Mary. Diga-me se o Tom faz isso ou não. Tell me whether Tom does that or not. Tell me if Tom does it or not. Por que você está chorando? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Tens bons genes. You have good genes. You have good genes. Nós temos que sair daqui. We have to get out of here. We have to get out of here. Tom esperou por Mary em seu carro. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Tom waited for Mary in his car. Eu não tenho palavras para te agradecer. I have no words to thank you. I have no words to thank you for. Nós escutávamos o mar. We listened to the ocean. We listened to the sea. Essa gravador precisa ser consertado. This tape recorder wants repairing. This tape recorder needs fixing. O parque estava lotado. The park was crowded. The park was crowded. Esta máquina não tem um dispositivo de segurança. This machine doesn't have a safety device. This machine doesn't have a safety device. Ainda estamos discutindo essa questão. We're still discussing that matter. We're still discussing that issue. Perdi um pouco de peso. I've lost a little weight. I lost a little weight. Amanhã será realizada uma reunião. Tomorrow, a meeting will be held. A meeting will be held tomorrow. Vocês devem ir à escola. You must go to school. You should go to school. A lontra brincava no rio. The otter was playing in the river. The otter played in the river. Eu sou um professor de francês. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Eu só quero encontrar o cara certo. I just want to find the right guy. I just want to find the right guy. Se não houver problema, eu gostaria de dormir algumas horas. If it's OK, I'd like to sleep for a few hours. If that's all right, I'd like to sleep for a few hours. É o meu CD. This is my CD. It's my CD. Tom se trancou no quarto e não sai. Tom locked himself in his room and won't come out. Tom's locked himself in his room and he's not leaving. Por que as pessoas estão com medo de você? Why are people scared of you? Why are people afraid of you? Esse é um carro importado da Alemanha. This is a car imported from Germany. This is a car imported from Germany. Você não sabe o que fazer em seguida, né? You don't know what to do next, do you? You don't know what to do next, do you? O presidente está voando para a cidade de helicóptero. The president is flying to the city in a helicopter. The president's flying into town by helicopter. É bom ler livros quando se é jovem. It's good to read books when you're young. It's good to read books when you're young. Eu sempre quis estudar francês. I always wanted to study French. I've always wanted to study French. Não coma a fruta na tigela na mesa. É de plástico. Don't eat the fruit in the bowl on the table. It's plastic. Don't eat the fruit in the bowl on the table. Tom não teve sorte. Tom was unlucky. Tom didn't get lucky. Você adora este carro, não adora? You love this car, don't you? You love this car, don't you? Todos precisam estar aqui amanhã. Everyone needs to be here tomorrow. Everyone needs to be here tomorrow. Estou comendo o meu sanduíche. I'm eating my sandwich. I'm eating my sandwich. Vocês praticam ioga? Do you do yoga? Do you guys do yoga? Não posso te explicar no momento. I can't explain to you right now. I can't explain it to you right now. Para mim, "liberdade sexual" significa ficar livre de ter de fazer sexo. To me, "sexual freedom" means freedom from having to have sex. For me, "sexual freedom" means being free to have sex. Vamos ao zoológico. Let's go to the zoo. Let's go to the zoo. Meu pai costumava me trazer aqui quando eu era jovem. My father used to take me here when I was young­. My father used to bring me here when I was young. Tem certeza de que essa é a palavra certa? Are you sure that's the right word? Are you sure that's the right word? Estou procurando romances eróticos de ficção científica. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. I'm looking for erotic science fiction novels. Deixa a gente ficar aqui. Let us stay here. Let us stay here. Tom ainda espera que Mary faça isso por ele. Tom still hopes Mary will do that for him. Tom still expects Mary to do it for him. Ela despediu a Mary. She fired Mary. She fired Mary. Você tem bebido, não tem? You've been drinking, haven't you? You've been drinking, haven't you? O Tom não grelhou o peixe ainda. Tom hasn't grilled the fish yet. Tom hasn't grilled the fish yet. Qualquer livro serve, contanto que ele seja interessante. Any book will do, so long as it is interesting. Any book will do, as long as it's interesting. Tom dormiu sem cobertor. Tom slept without a blanket. Tom slept without a blanket. Que mala é sua? Which suitcase is yours? What's your bag? Saúde e inteligência são as duas bênçãos da vida. Health and intellect are the two blessings of life. Health and intelligence are the two blessings of life. De acordo com muitas religiões, adultério é crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. O hidrogênio é o elemento mais leve. Hydrogen is the lightest element. Hydrogen is the lightest element. O meu nome não é Tom. My name is not Tom! My name's not Tom. Eu estava sendo educado. I was being polite. I was being polite. Talvez você sempre experimentou a mesma coisa. Maybe you have always experienced the same thing. Maybe you've always experienced the same thing. Elas são extrovertidas. They're extroverted. They're extroverted. Eu não consegui escapar. I wasn't able to escape. I couldn't get away. Tom mandou Mary para casa. Tom sent Mary home. Tom sent Mary home. Tom me deu o que eu precisava. Tom gave me what I needed. Tom gave me what I needed. Está bem quente, não está? It's quite hot, isn't it? It's pretty hot, isn't it? Tu sabes por que hoje estou aqui. You know why I'm here today. You know why I'm here today. Tom tentou convencer Maria a não ir embora. Tom tried to persuade Mary not to leave. Tom tried to convince Maria not to leave. Que cerveja você está bebendo? What beer are you drinking? What beer are you drinking? Tom quer falar com você. Tom would like to speak with you. Tom wants to talk to you. Tom é duas vezes mais velho de que eu. Tom is twice as old as I am. Tom's twice as old as me. Muitas pessoas não votam. A lot of people don't vote. A lot of people don't vote. Eu tenho planos para esta noite. I have plans tonight. I have plans for tonight. Como você adquiriu esses livros? How did you get these books? How did you get these books? Cale a boca, idiota! Shut up, idiot! Shut up, you idiot! Ela ficou indignada com o jeito que ela foi tratada. She was indignant at the way she had been treated. She was outraged at the way she was treated. Você não precisa aspirar a atingir nenhum outro estado. Livre-se de seus atuais pensamentos, isso será o bastante. You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all. You do not have to aspire to reach any other state. Get rid of your current thoughts, that will be enough. Não pude ir à sua festa de aniversário. I was unable to go to his birthday party. I couldn't go to your birthday party. Tom nunca havia visto Maria tão ocupada. Tom had never seen Mary so busy. Tom had never seen Maria so busy. É provável que ela venha amanhã. It is probable that she will come tomorrow. She's probably coming tomorrow. Uma de nossas janelas está quebrada. One of our windows is broken. One of our windows is broken. A mamãe disse a mesma coisa. Mas e daí? Não tem nada a ver comigo. Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me. Mom said the same thing, but so what? Não tem ninguém em casa. Nobody's home. There's no one home. Eu sou o substituto de Tom. I'm Tom's replacement. I'm Tom's replacement. Eu não sabia que Tom não entendia francês. I didn't know Tom didn't understand French. I didn't know Tom didn't understand French. Eu gostaria de pedir bebidas agora. I'd like to order drinks now. I'd like to order drinks now. Gritei por socorro. I shouted for help. I screamed for help. Onde estão as outras? Where are the others? Where are the others? Tom comprou um cachorrinho para a Mary. Tom bought Mary a puppy. Tom bought Mary a puppy. Linguagens de programação são seu passatempo. Programming languages are his hobby. Programming languages are your hobby. Chá com limão, por favor. A tea with lemon, please. Lemon tea, please. Deixe-me tentar. Let me try. Let me try. O alemão tem mais palavras para neve do que muitas outras línguas. German has more words for snow than many other languages. German has more words for snow than many other languages. Que eu não te pegue outra vez fazendo algo assim. Don't let me catch you doing anything like this again. Don't let me catch you doing something like this again. Você poderia abrir a janela, por favor? Would you please open the window? Could you open the window, please? Estou acostumado a morar sozinho. I am accustomed to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Você já não devia estar na escola? Shouldn't you be at school already? Aren't you supposed to be in school already? Estamos cavando um poço no quintal. We are digging a well in the backyard. We're digging a well in the backyard. Meu marido está de bom humor hoje. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband is in a good mood today. Todo mundo percebeu. Everyone noticed. Everybody's got it. O nome verdadeiro de Sophia Loren é Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. "Tom fez aquilo?" "Não, ainda não." "Has Tom done that?" "No, not yet." "Did Tom do that?" "No, not yet." Tom disse que era uma emergência. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom pode fazer isso melhor que eu. Tom can do it better than me. Tom can do this better than I can. O Tom já andou a cavalo? Has Tom ever ridden a horse? Has Tom ever been on a horse? Não se ouvem muitas notícias sobre a Armênia. We don't hear much news about Armenia. You don't hear much news about Armenia. Kenji é um jogador de tênis. Kenji is a tennis player. Kenji is a tennis player. A fila está a andar muito devagar. The line is moving very slowly. The line's moving too slowly. Este é o saco dela? Is this her sack? Is this her bag? Onde ele estava naquela noite? Where was he that night? Where was he that night? Estou bem aqui, Tom. I'm right here, Tom. I'm right here, Tom. Bob estava quase saindo quando eu telefonei pra ele. Bob was just about to leave when I telephoned him. Bob was about to leave when I called him. Ele tem vício em pornografia. He's addicted to porn. He has an addiction to pornography. Eu disse que estava triste. I said I was sad. I told you I was sad. Tom é o vencedor. Tom is the winner. Tom's the winner. Você poderia carregar minhas malas para mim? Could you carry my bags for me? Could you carry my bags for me? Isto vale um milhão de ienes. This is worth one million yen. This is worth a million yen. É tudo de verdade? Is this all for real? It's all real? Ele não é fumante. He isn't a smoker. He's not a smoker. Mas quem chamou por ti sem te conhecer? But who called for you without knowing you? But who called for you without knowing you? Eu quero saber o que preciso saber. I want to know what I need to do. I want to know what I need to know. Ela tentou por conta própria. She tried it herself. She tried on her own. Eu me diverti bastante ontem. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I had a great time last night. Eles devem estar esperando por você. They must be waiting for you. They must be waiting for you. Então o quê? Não me interessa. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. Tens papel? Do you have paper? Do you have paper? Eu fui à estação para me despedir de minha amiga. I went to the station to see my friend off. I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. Ajuste o despertador para sete horas. Set the alarm clock for seven o'clock. Set the alarm for seven hours. Li este livro dois anos atrás. I read this book a couple of years ago. I read this book two years ago. Tom diz que odeia casamentos. Tom says he hates weddings. Tom says he hates weddings. Nós somos como uma família. We're like family. We're like a family. Eu tenho bolhas nos meus pés. I've got blisters on my feet. I've got bubbles on my feet. Preencham-no, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it out, please. É possível tomar água salgada? Is it possible to drink salt water? Is it possible to drink salt water? A festa será amanhã. The party will be tomorrow. The party's tomorrow. Tom não parece muito feliz em nos ver. Tom doesn't seem too happy to see us. Tom doesn't seem too happy to see us. Não queremos isso. We don't want it. We don't want that. Vamos começar. Let's get started! Let's get started. Perry obteve informação preciosa dele. Perry obtained precious information from him. Perry got precious information from him. É isso o que você tem que fazer. That's what you have to do. That's what you have to do. Nós podemos falar diretamente com Tom? Can we talk to Tom directly? Can we talk directly to Tom? Não há por que tentar escapar. It is no use trying to escape. There's no reason to try to escape. Faça o que tem de fazer. Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do. Agora ele está comendo o café da manhã. He's eating breakfast now. Now he's eating breakfast. Não gosto dessa comida. I don't like this food. I don't like this food. Eu vou limpar o meu quarto amanhã. I'll clean my room tomorrow. I'll clean my room tomorrow. Tom mal reconheceu Mary. Tom scarcely recognized Mary. Tom barely recognized Mary. Vamos ver como Tom está. Let's go see how Tom is doing. Let's see how Tom's doing. Eu não gosto deste jogo. I don't like this game. I don't like this game. Eles são amigos de Tom. They're friends of Tom's. They're Tom's friends. A que distância está o museu daqui? How far is it from here to the museum? How far is the museum from here? Por que vocês não fizeram nada? Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you do anything? Tchau! Goodbye. Bye! Vocês estão certos. You guys are right. You're right. O que você faz pela tarde? What do you do in the evening? What do you do in the afternoon? Você não está doente. You aren't sick. You're not sick. Eles sempre estão brigando. They are always quarreling. They're always fighting. Eu tenho a impressão de que já as conheço. I have the impression that I already know you. I have the impression that I already know them. O trem chegou em Londres. The train got into London. The train arrived in London. Tenha um bom voo! Have a nice flight. Have a nice flight! Quando gostaria de começar? When would you like to begin? When would you like to start? Não toque nas minhas coisas. Don't touch my things. Don't touch my stuff. Tom e eu estávamos ocupadíssimos na semana passada. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom and I were very busy last week. Não há outra explicação. There's no other explanation. There's no other explanation. Você fez isso de novo. You did it again. You did it again. Transforme os problemas grandes em problemas pequenos, e reduza os pequenos a nada. Turn big problems into small ones, and make small problems into nothing. Turn the big problems into small problems, and reduce the little ones to nothing. Tom tentou impressionar seu novo chefe. Tom tried to impress his new boss. Tom tried to impress his new boss. Ele foi ferido por uma bala. He was wounded by a bullet. He was wounded by a bullet. Você não parece estar convencida. You don't sound convinced. You don't seem convinced. As pessoas dizem que a vida é curta. People say that life is short. People say life is short. Eu acho que você deveria saber que não posso fazer isso. I think you should know that I can't do that. I think you should know I can't do that. Fomos incapazes de entrar em contato com eles antes que fosse tarde demais. We were unable to make contact with them until it was too late. We were unable to contact them before it was too late. Eles querem isso. They want this. They want that. É melhor você começar o mais rápido possível. You'd better start as soon as possible. You better get started as soon as you can. Ela o encontrou pela primeira vez em Boston. She first met him in Boston. She met him for the first time in Boston. A ordem ideal não é 1-2-3, mas 3-1-2. The optimal order is not 1-2-3 but 3-1-2. The ideal order is not 1-23, but 3-1-2. Por que você voltou? Why did you come back? Why did you come back? Quero deixá-los com inveja. I want to make them jealous. I want to make them jealous. Este edifício está aberto ao público? Is this building open to the public? Is this building open to the public? É melhor você sair daqui. You'd better get out of here. You better get out of here. Você me chamou de gordo? Did you just call me fat? Did you call me fat? Eles contrataram vários professores novos. They hired several new teachers. They hired several new teachers. O artigo sobre o budismo reviveu o meu interesse nas religiões orientais. The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions. The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Eastern religions. Tom não ajudará você. Tom won't help you. Tom won't help you. No começo, eu não sabia. At first I didn't know. At first, I didn't know. O Tom se casou com a Mary mês passado. Tom married Mary last month. Tom married Mary last month. Ele sonhou ser um herói. He dreamed of being a hero. He dreamed of being a hero. Tem mais meninas do que meninos em nossa escola. There are more girls than boys in our school. There's more girls than boys in our school. Vocês hoje descobriram alguma coisa nova? Have you discovered anything new today? Did you find anything new today? Tom era impulsivo. Tom was impulsive. Tom was impulsive. O que você normalmente faz aos sábados? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you normally do on Saturdays? Pare aí mesmo! Freeze right there! Stop right there! Eu gastei todo o meu dinheiro em coisas ridículas. I spent all my money on stupid stuff. I spent all my money on ridiculous things. Tom não pode comer carne de porco. Tom can't eat pork. Tom can't eat pork. Pergunte a Tom se ele irá ficar em Boston. Ask Tom if he'll stay in Boston. Ask Tom if he's staying in Boston. Tom não sabia disso. Tom didn't know this. Tom didn't know that. Você quer saber as boas ou as más notícias? Do you want the good news or the bad news? You want to know the good news or the bad news? O meu sobrinho se casará amanhã. My nephew is getting married tomorrow. My nephew's getting married tomorrow. Eu tenho um carro. I have a car. I have a car. Tycho Brahe perdeu parte do seu nariz em um duelo de espadas. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a sword duel. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a duel of swords. Cerca de dois terços do oxigênio da Terra são produzidos pelo fitoplâncton. About two-thirds of the Earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. About two thirds of Earth's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. Nunca subestime o Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Never underestimate Tom. Que percepção! How perceptive! What a perception! Vamos pegar o próximo. We'll get the next one. Let's get the next one. Eu vou para Kyoto. I go to Kyoto. I'm going to Kyoto. Ele voltou para casa e comprou um cavalo. He returned home and bought a horse. He came home and bought a horse. Eu me lembro bem do dia em que você nasceu. Well do I remember the day you were born. I remember the day you were born. Tom e Maria se casaram no Dia dos Namorados. Tom and Mary got married on Valentine's Day. Tom and Maria got married on Valentine's Day. Não estou assustado. I'm not scared at all. I'm not scared. Por que ninguém deveria se importar? Why should anyone care? Why shouldn't anyone care? Eu não sei o telefone dela. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone. 1, 3 e 5 são números ímpares. One, three, and five are odd numbers. 1, 3 and 5 are odd numbers. Eu quero jogar pebolim. I want to play foosball. I want to play foosball. Mustafá Kemal proclamou a República Turca em 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Júlio César, este grande herói romano, foi assassinado. Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was assassinated. Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was murdered. Tom desenha bem. Tom draws well. Tom draws well. O Japão é estranho. Japan is weird. Japan's weird. O sucesso de seu romance a deixou rica. The success of her novel made her rich. The success of her novel made her rich. Eu quero muito aprender francês. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. Eu quero uma lista de todos os parentes de Tom. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. Eu acho que finalmente vou me aposentar. I think I am finally going to retire. I think I'm finally gonna retire. Estamos todos perdendo tempo. We're all wasting time. We're all wasting time. Ela nasceu quando? When was she born? She was born when? Estamos caindo fora daqui, a polícia está vindo! We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. We're getting out of here, the police are coming! As crianças querem suco de fruta. Children want fruit juice. The kids want fruit juice. Eles passaram o dia inteiro na praia. They spent the entire day on the beach. They've been on the beach all day. Você não virá com a gente por quê? Why aren't you coming with us? Why won't you come with us? Tom parecia estar se divertindo. Tom looked like he was having fun. Tom seemed to be having fun. Compre-me quatro batatas grandes. Buy four big potatoes for me. Buy me four large potatoes. Ele tem um olho clínico para joias. He has a sharp eye for jewels. He has a clinical eye for jewelry. Eu sempre como frutas e aveia no café da manhã. I always have fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. I always eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. Por que você está tão alegre hoje? Why are you so happy today? Why are you so happy today? Eles não vão fazer isso funcionar. They're not going to make it work. They're not gonna make it work. É a primeira vez que amolo as minhas facas. This is the first time I've ever sharpened my knives. This is the first time I've loved my knives. Seria melhor você se apressar, senão não vai chegar lá antes que cair a noite. You'd better hurry, otherwise you won't get there before dark. You'd better hurry, or you won't get there before the night falls. Ele se havia mantido sóbrio durante quase um ano, mas sucumbiu à tentação nas proximidades do ano novo. He had been sober for almost a year, but he gave in to temptation around New Year's Day. He had remained sober for almost a year, but succumbed to temptation in the vicinity of the new year. Egoísta significa destituído de consideração pelo egoísmo dos outros. Selfish means devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others. Selfish means devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others. Estou acostumado com chacotas por eu ser vegano. I'm used to being teased for being vegan. I'm used to laughing because I'm vegan. Você quer brincar com Tom? Do you want to play with Tom? You want to play with Tom? Está na hora de Tom acordar. It's time for Tom to wake up. It's time for Tom to wake up. Eu perdi as chaves de casa. I lost my house keys. I lost the keys to the house. Mantenha a simplicidade, estúpido. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid. Ele ficou sentado e se esforçou para passar a melhor impressão possível. He remained seated and tried to give the best impression possible. He sat down and struggled to make the best impression possible. A porta da sala de reuniões está aberta. The door of the meeting room is open. The conference room door is open. O seu pai é médico? Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? Eu vou confiar em você. I'll trust you. I'll trust you. Isso seria fisicamente impossível. That would be physically impossible. That would be physically impossible. Nós frequentemente ouvimos que as formigas são animais sociais. We often hear it said that ants are social animals. We often hear that ants are social animals. Ele está com medo. He is afraid. He's scared. O tempo aqui é frio durante o ano todo. The weather is cold all year round here. The weather here is cold all year long. Ligue para mim depois! Call me later. Call me back! O homem é mortal. Man is mortal. The man is mortal. Quem reclamou? Who complained? Who complained? Esse quarto tem dois roupeiros. This room has two closets for clothing. This room has two wardrobes. O Tom tentava falar mas não conseguia. Tom tried to talk, but he couldn't. Tom was trying to talk, but he couldn't. A virtude de Layla era inexpugnável. Layla's virtue was impregnable. Layla's virtue was impregnable. Acho que é melhor começarmos. I suppose we better get started. I think we'd better get started. Tens até a meia-noite. You have until midnight. You have until midnight. Ele disse: "Me deixe em paz!" He said: "Leave me alone!" He said, "Leave me alone!" Não fique com medo de investir tempo e energia. Don't be afraid to invest time and energy. Don't be afraid to invest time and energy. Você ficou sozinho a semana toda? Were you alone all week? Have you been alone all week? Tom não admitiu o erro dele. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Não seja tão mesquinho. Don't be so petty. Don't be so mean. Já chegaram? Have you already arrived. Are they here yet? Eu não gosto de francês. I don't like French. I don't like French. Ele saiu num piscar de olhos. He left in the blink of an eye. He left in the blink of an eye. Não consigo lembrar de seu nome neste momento. I can't think of his name just now. I can't remember your name right now. Os soldados estavam prontos para morrer por seu país. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. The soldiers were ready to die for their country. O que é certo em uma sociedade pode não ser em outra. What is right in one society can be wrong in another. What is right in one society may not be in another. Não sou tão cínico assim. I'm not that cynical. I'm not that cynical. Uma casa sem livros é qual um corpo sem alma. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A house without books is what a soulless body is. Qual é a sua história, Tom? What's your story, Tom? What's your story, Tom? Este problema não se resolve com dinheiro. This problem can't be solved with money. This problem can't be solved with money. O Tom não sabe porque eu estou aqui. Tom doesn't know why I'm here. Tom doesn't know why I'm here. A ferida se infectou. The wound became infected. The wound's infected. Pouca importa quanto isto custa. No matter how much it costs. It doesn't matter how much this costs. Todo o mundo ignorou o Tom. Everyone ignored Tom. Everyone ignored Tom. O senhor não pode estacionar aqui porque há uma placa. You can't park here, because there is a sign. You can't park here because there's a sign. Espero que Tom esteja surpreso. I hope Tom is surprised. I hope Tom's surprised. Eu vi o grande profeta com meus próprios olhos. Seus olhos eram qual estrelas cintilantes, e sua barba parecia água cheia de espuma. I saw the great prophet with my own eyes. He had eyes like sparkling stars, and a beard like foaming water. I saw the great prophet with my own eyes. His eyes were like shining stars, and his beard looked like water filled with foam. Ela o beijou na face. She kissed him on the cheek. She kissed him on the face. Isso é dela. It's hers. That's hers. Uma pequena ajuda seria bem-vinda. I could use a little help. A little help would be welcome. Há quanto tempo o Tom estuda francês? How long has Tom studied French? How long has Tom been studying French? Você sabe quem eu sou. You know who I am. You know who I am. Você sabe fazer comida? Can you cook a meal? Do you know how to make food? Vai ser bom. It's going to be good. It'll be good. Tom não queria fazer nada. Tom didn't want to do anything. Tom didn't want to do anything. Eu vim para te matar. I have come to kill you. I came to kill you. Você não deve rir do erro dele. You should not laugh at his mistake. You mustn't laugh at his mistake. Nomearam-no capitão. He was made captain. You've been appointed captain. Você sabe quem era ele? Do you know who he was? Do you know who he was? O Tom provavelmente não te ouviu. Tom probably didn't hear you. Tom probably didn't hear you. Nós vamos morrer de fome. We'll starve. We're going to starve. O Tom diz que, para ele, votar é uma perda de tempo. Tom says he thinks it's a waste of time to vote. Tom says voting for him is a waste of time. Construir um túnel do Japão à China está fora de questão. Building a tunnel from Japan to China is out of the question. Building a tunnel from Japan to China is out of the question. Preciso encontrá-la. I need to find her. I need to find her. Tom se fantasiou de Papai Noel. Tom dressed up as Santa Claus. Tom fantasized about Santa Claus. Tom explicou as regras. Tom explained the rules. Tom explained the rules. Quer que eu te busque no aeroporto? Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? You want me to pick you up at the airport? Tem certeza que ela está certa? Are you sure she's right? Are you sure she's right? Já que ela não foi, também não fui. Since she didn't go, I didn't go either. Since she didn't go, neither did I. "Que quer saber?" "Tudo." "What do you want to know?" "Everything." "What do you want to know?" "Everything." Nós nos importamos com você, Tom. We care about you, Tom. We care about you, Tom. Roubaram a minha bicicleta. My bicycle's been stolen. They stole my bike. Toda história tem três lados. There are three sides to every story. Every story has three sides. Estava calor ontem. Yesterday was hot. It was hot yesterday. Escuta, por favor. Please listen. Listen, please. A gente vai esperar por eles. We're going to wait for them. We'll wait for them. Eu não a amo. I don't love her. I don't love her. Todo o mundo está cantando. Everyone is singing. Everybody's singing. Você seria idiota de confiar nela. You'd be stupid to trust her. You'd be stupid to trust her. Há quatro latas de lixo na escola: uma para papel, outra para plástico e duas outras para vidro e metal. There are four trash cans in the school: one for paper, one for plastic, and two more for glass and metal. There are four garbage cans in school: one for paper, one for plastic and two for glass and metal. Sinto-me cansado. I'm feeling tired. I feel tired. Você a conhece? Do you know her? Do you know her? O meu chefe recusou o meu pedido de aumento. My boss refused my request for a raise. My boss turned down my request for a raise. Eu tenho uma dúzia de relatórios para ler. I have a dozen reports to read. I have a dozen reports to read. Você que deve decidir se nós vamos ou não vamos lá. It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not. It's up to you to decide whether or not we're going there. É bonita, não é? It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful, isn't it? A China é maior que o Japão. China is larger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Estava incompleto. It was incomplete. It was incomplete. Vocês estão despedidos. You're fired. You're fired. Ele recebeu um telegrama dizendo que sua mãe havia morrido. He received a telegram saying that his mother had died. He received a telegram saying his mother had died. Quando vocês viajarão a Paris? When will you travel to Paris? When will you travel to Paris? Você é o sortudo. You're the lucky one. You're the lucky one. Tom não sabia o que era. Tom didn't know what it was. Tom didn't know what it was. Meu pior hábito é o de fumar. My worst vice is smoking. My worst habit is smoking. Eu orei. I prayed. I prayed. Eu quero sorvete. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. Você vai me buscar às 7 amanhã de manhã? Are you picking me up at 7 tomorrow morning? Will you pick me up at 7 tomorrow morning? Tom não teve tempo para terminar de comer. Tom didn't have time to finish eating. Tom didn't have time to finish eating. Eu vou buscar o Tom daqui a uma hora. I'll pick up Tom in an hour. I'll pick Tom up in an hour. Tom estava descendo a colina. Tom was coming down the hill. Tom was coming down the hill. Tom doou muito dinheiro para a caridade. Tom contributed a lot of money to charity. Tom donated a lot of money to charity. Eu não tinha nada para comer. I didn't have anything to eat. I didn't have anything to eat. Tom sabia que estava sendo observado. Tom knew he was being watched. Tom knew he was being watched. Alguém roubou o carro de Tom. Someone stole Tom's car. Someone stole Tom's car. Há uma tempestade a caminho. There's a storm coming. There's a storm on the way. O primeiro julgamento de Sami terminou em um impasse. Sami's first trial ended in a deadlock. Sami's first trial ended in a stalemate. Isso é justo. That's fair enough. That's fair. O Tequila Sunrise é feito com suco de laranja, tequila e xarope de groselha. The Tequila Sunrise is made with orange juice, tequila, and grenadine. Tequila Sunrise is made with orange juice, tequila and currant syrup. Eu estou acostumado a ser ignorado pelos meus pais. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. Faz sentido. It makes sense. Makes sense. Tom é parte do time também! Tom is part of the team too! Tom's part of the team too! Tom sabe que foi adotado? Does Tom know he was adopted? Does Tom know you were adopted? Estamos de volta em casa. We're back home. We're back home. Nós estacionamos nosso carro em um estacionamento gratuito. We parked our car in a free parking lot. We parked our car in a free parking lot. Quando você quer ir? When do you want to go? When do you want to go? Cadê o garoto? Where's the boy? Where's the kid? O que nós estamos fazendo aqui, Tom? What're we doing here, Tom? What are we doing here, Tom? Por que você não tomou o ônibus? Why didn't you take the bus? Why didn't you take the bus? Eu gosto de dar aula. I like teaching. I like teaching. Coloque essa arma no chão. Put that gun down. Put that gun down. Eu tenho um segredo. I've got a secret. I have a secret. Os trabalhadores se uniram para resolver o problema. The workers united to solve the problem. The workers have come together to solve the problem. Deixe-me entrar. Let me in. Let me in. Receio que Tom esteja morto. I'm afraid Tom is dead. I'm afraid Tom is dead. Essa é a palavra que eu estava tentando lembrar. That's the word I was trying to find. That's the word I was trying to remember. Detroit é famosa pela sua indústria automobilística. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its automobile industry. Vão embora daqui. Get away from here. Get out of here. Tom é nome de um homem e Mary é um nome de uma mulher. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Tom is a man's name and Mary is a woman's name. Tom me contou que ele era canadense. Tom told me he was Canadian. Tom told me he was Canadian. Eu não poderei te dar aula amanhã. I will not be able to give you a lesson tomorrow. I can't teach you tomorrow. Quanto tempo dura a viagem? How long is the ride? How long does the trip last? Ninguém sabe a resposta. No one knows the answer. No one knows the answer. Você poderia passar um pouco de filtro solar nas minhas costas? Could you put a little sunscreen on my back? Could you run some solar filter on my back? Diga-me em que você está pensando. Tell me what's on your mind. Tell me what you're thinking. Devolveste os livros? Did you take back the books? Did you return the books? Ele não teve jamais o talento de compor melodias. He never had the talent of composing melodies. He never had the talent of composing melodies. Vi Tom sorrir. I saw Tom smile. I saw Tom smile. Eu voltarei para o Canadá amanhã. I will come back to Canada tomorrow. I'm going back to Canada tomorrow. O Tom conheceu sua esposa enquanto estava estudando na Austrália. Tom met his wife while he was studying in Australia. Tom met his wife while studying in Australia. Emily pode nadar. Emily can swim. Emily can swim. Isso não foi culpa minha. It wasn't my fault. That wasn't my fault. Você não pode nadar aqui. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. Fadil percebeu que não era a bicicleta de Layla. Fadil realized it wasn't Layla's bike. Fadil realized it wasn't Layla's bike. Respondam-me. Answer me. Answer me. Eu tenho me preocupado com você. I've been worried about you. I've been worried about you. Você não perde tempo, não é? You don't waste any time, do you? You don't waste any time, do you? Qual é a boa, Tom? What's up, Tom? What's up, Tom? Eu sentei a noite inteira passada lendo uma novela. I sat up all last night reading a novel. I sat all night last night reading a soap opera. E um outro dia se foi. Another day gone by. And the other day he's gone. Todos eles riram das suas piadas. They all laughed at his jokes. They all laughed at your jokes. Não concordo que uma jovem vá naquele lugar sozinha. I don't agree to a young lady going there alone. I don't agree with a young woman going to that place alone. Tenho uma reunião de negócios. I have a business meeting. I have a business meeting. Eu preciso de 30 minutos. I need 30 minutes. I need 30 minutes. "'E' não é uma palavra em espanhol." "Sim, é. Você enganou-se." "'E' is not a Spanish word." "Yes, it is. You're mistaken." "'E' is not a Spanish word." "Yes, it is. You were wrong." Aquela é sua mãe? Is that your mother? Is that your mother? Eu o envergonhei. I embarrassed him. I embarrassed him. O que você está fazendo no meu quarto? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Você não precisa me agradecer, porque você merece tudo de bom e do melhor. You do not need to thank me because you deserve all the best. You don't have to thank me, because you deserve everything good and the best. Tom disse que ele nem queria pensar sobre isso. Tom said that he didn't even want to think about that. Tom said he didn't even want to think about it. Tom não pode vir comigo para Boston. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Sei que podemos confiar no Tom. I know we can trust Tom. I know we can trust Tom. Muitos temas foram abordados durante a entrevista, mas alguns deles foram censurados. Many topics were discussed during the interview, but some of them were censured. Many topics were discussed during the interview, but some of them were censored. É uma história triste. It's a sad story. It's a sad story. Essa velha casa é feita de madeira. This old house is made of wood. This old house is made of wood. Ele é um pouco como seu pai. He's a little like his father. He's a little like your father. Nós iremos jogar beisebol agora. We'll play baseball now. We're going to play baseball now. Ela tem uma personalidade magnética. She has a magnetic personality. She has a magnetic personality. O ônibus chegou dez minutos atrasado. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus was ten minutes late. Ela é o que se denomina um gênio. She is what is called a genius. She's what's called a genius. Não coma antes de dormir! Don't eat before going to bed! Don't eat before you sleep! Por que você está estudando alemão? Why are you studying German? Why are you studying German? Eu posso te perguntar quem é você? May I ask who you are? Can I ask you who you are? Ficamos presos num congestionamento, o que nos fez chegar 20 minutos atrasados. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in a jam, which caused us to be 20 minutes late. Era uma vez um rei que tinha uma filha única. Once on a time there was a king who had an only daughter. Once upon a time there was a king who had an only child. Eu fracassei. I've failed. I failed. A Eliza não é oriental. Eliza's not Oriental. Eliza's not oriental. Não há nada de errado com a fórmula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. Catalina é da Argentina. Ela é argentina. Catalina is from Argentina. She is Argentinian. Catalina's from Argentina. E assim o Lobo Mau soprou e bufou, e derrubou a etiqueta que requeria a verificação de um nativo. And so the Big Bad Wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew down the tag that demanded a native check. And so Lobo Mau blew and blew, and dropped the label that required the verification of a native. Vou perguntar ao Tom. I'll go ask Tom. I'll ask Tom. Ela está sempre a se queixar de seu baixo salário. She is always complaining of her small salary. She's always complaining about her low salary. Tom não é gordo. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Vou esperar com você. I'll wait with you. I'll wait with you. Perguntava o que ele iria fazer. I asked what he was going to do. I was wondering what he was going to do. Não me dês isso. Don't give me that. Don't give me that. Um dia, ele há de pagar por isso. He shall pay for this one day. One day, he'll pay for it. Pelo que você escreveu, sua reação não está justificada de maneira alguma, e imagino que isso possa tornar sua vida impossível. For what you have written, your reaction is not justified in any manner, and I imagine it can make your life impossible. From what you wrote, your reaction is in no way justified, and I imagine that can make your life impossible. O vestido tem saia rodada. The dress has a full skirt. The dress has a round skirt. Eu acho que eu gostaria de ser uma professora. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Estou feia. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. Eu comprei um gato nessa loja. I bought a cat at that shop. I bought a cat in this store. Eu gostaria de poder tocar piano melhor. I wish I could play the piano better. I wish I could play the piano better. Eu só quero o melhor para o Tom. I only want what's best for Tom. I just want what's best for Tom. O vendedor demonstrou como usá-lo. The salesman demonstrated how to use it. The salesman showed us how to use it. É celibatário. He's not married. It's celibate. Vamos para o meu escritório. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. Não importa o que você diga, farei do meu próprio jeito. No matter what you say, I'll do it my own way. No matter what you say, I'll do it my own way. Sábias palavras! Wise words! Wise words! Vinho não é uma de minhas preferências. Wine is not to my taste. Wine is not one of my preferences. O Tom tem certeza de que a Mary fará isso. Tom is sure Mary will do that. Tom's sure Mary will do that. Você não pode vender a vaca e beber o leite. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. Memórias se vão, mas palavras escritas permanecem. Memory fades but the written word remains. Memories are gone, but written words remain. Um passarinho me contou. A little bird told me. A little birdie told me. Diga "aah". Say "aah." Say "ah." Você realmente não se importa que eu esteja indo sozinha? Do you really not care that I'm going alone? You really don't care that I'm going alone? A verdade é muito clara. The truth is really clear. The truth is very clear. Queria voltar para o nosso povoado. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to our village. Ele não falou nada comigo. He didn't speak to me at all. He didn't say anything to me. Todos estão fartos da atitude desdenhosa de Dan. Everybody is fed up with Dan's scornful attitude. Everyone's tired of Dan's disdainful attitude. Aquela garota bonita é minha irmã. That pretty girl is my sister. That pretty girl is my sister. Mudei-me com a minha família para outra cidade. I moved to another city with my family. I moved with my family to another town. Os estudantes se curvaram ao seu professor. The students bowed to their teacher. The students bowed to their teacher. Gastei o meu dinheiro todo em coisas fúteis. I spent all my money on futile things. I spent all my money on futile things. Não vamos confundir precisão com exatidão. Let's not mistake precision for accuracy. Let's not confuse precision with accuracy. Tom está sempre me perturbando. Tom is always bothering me. Tom's always bothering me. Você pode cortar o meu sanduíche ao meio? Can you cut my sandwich in half? Can you cut my sandwich in half? Tom não ficou nem um pouco chateado com a notícia. Tom wasn't at all upset by the news. Tom wasn't at all upset about the news. Tom e seus funcionários estão se preparando para a reunião. Tom and his staff are preparing for the meeting. Tom and his employees are getting ready for the meeting. Tom está fora. Tom is out. Tom's out. Vou tomar o café. I will drink the coffee. I'll get some coffee. Eu não gosto de estudar línguas. I don't like to study languages. I don't like studying languages. Tom não é meu filho. Tom is not my son. Tom's not my son. Tenho filho. I have a son. I have a son. Ela está caminhando. She is walking. She's walking. Eu não queria discutir com Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. Você realmente quer ir para Boston sozinho? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? Do you really want to go to Boston alone? Você deve ministrar-lhe uma lição! You need to teach her a lesson! You must teach him a lesson! Você quer um copo de água? Do you want a glass of water? Do you want a glass of water? Você é muito esperta! You're so smart. You're very smart! Você tem que passar mais tempo com seu filho. You have to spend more time with your son. You have to spend more time with your son. Gostaria de esperar aqui. I'd like to wait here. I'd like to wait here. Eu tenho um martelo, e não tenho medo de usá-lo! I have a hammer, and I'm not afraid to use it! I have a hammer, and I'm not afraid to use it! Eu ainda não confio neles. I still don't trust them. I still don't trust them. Voar é muito caro. Flying is too expensive. Flying is very expensive. Eu queria que você estivesse comigo. I wish you were with me. I wish you were with me. Ele fala 10 línguas. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. Eu tenho as minhas dúvidas quanto a isso. I have my doubts about that. I have my doubts about that. Tom não sabe o que está fazendo. Tom doesn't know what he's doing. Tom doesn't know what he's doing. Quando você ama alguém, faz de tudo para fazer essa pessoa feliz. When you love someone, you'll do anything to make that person happy. When you love someone, you do everything you can to make them happy. Ele não conseguiu transmitir suas ideias aos alunos. He couldn't get his ideas across to the students. He couldn't communicate his ideas to the students. Eu não vou tentar matar essa coisa. I won't try to kill that thing. I'm not gonna try to kill this thing. Nada disto foi uma surpresa. None of this was a surprise. None of this was a surprise. Me diga, como posso lhe ajudar? Tell me, how can I help him? Tell me, how can I help you? Acho que o senhor deveria se sentar. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. A união faz a força. Unity makes strength. The union makes the strength. Você consegue entender o que o escritor está tentando dizer? Can you understand what the writer's trying to say? Can you understand what the writer is trying to say? É a primeira vez que eu esfrego todas as mesas. This is the first time I've ever wiped all the tables. It's the first time I've rubbed all the tables. Tom não fazia brownies o suficiente para todos. Tom didn't make enough brownies for everybody. Tom didn't make enough brownies for everyone. Tom não me disse que não sabia nadar. Tom didn't tell me he didn't know how to swim. Tom didn't tell me he couldn't swim. Ela é muito popular entre os garotos. She is very popular among the boys. She's very popular with the boys. George H. W. Bush levou tempo demais para morrer. George H. W. Bush took way too long to die. George H. W. Bush took too long to die. Eu não gosto de queijo de cabra. I don't like goat cheese. I don't like goat cheese. Dinheiro é a ultima coisa que ele quer. Money is the last thing he wants. Money is the last thing he wants. Você voltou para casa cedo só para comer e depois sair de novo? Did you come home early just to eat then go out again? Did you come home early just to eat and then go out again? Tom vai te achar. Tom will find you. Tom will find you. O Tom se recusava a se preocupar sobre o futuro. Tom refused to worry about the future. Tom refused to worry about the future. Eu o acho engraçado. I think you're funny. I think he's funny. Minha cor preferida é o vermelho. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. Quem gosta de feijão? Who likes beans? Who likes beans? Você se lembra do que o Tom disse? Do you remember what Tom said? Do you remember what Tom said? Me apavorei. I panicked. I freaked out. Tem uma coisa em particular em que eu estou interessado. There's one thing in particular that I'm interested in. There's one particular thing I'm interested in. Tom tem um metro e setenta. Tom is five foot six. Tom's six feet tall. Tom nos disse que não seria necessário fazer isso. Tom told us that it wouldn't necessary to do that. Tom told us it wouldn't be necessary to do that. Sem correr riscos, jamais conseguiremos fazer alguma coisa. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done. Without taking any chances, we'll never be able to do anything. Encham-na, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it up, please. Eu derrubei o meu sanduíche. I dropped my sandwich. I dropped my sandwich. Tom ajudou Mary a mover os móveis. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Ele morreu de câncer no pulmão. He died of lung cancer. He died of lung cancer. Eu não sou um idiota. I'm not a fool. I'm not an idiot. Tom nunca pensou no futuro. Tom never thought about the future. Tom never thought of the future. Tom está grogue. Tom's groggy. Tom's groggy. Ele questiona toda ordem que recebe. He argues about everything he's told to do. He questions every order he gets. Fazer isso será difícil. Doing that will be difficult. Doing this will be difficult. Tom ofereceu um gole de água a Maria, mas ela recusou. Tom offered Mary a drink of water, but she refused. Tom offered Maria a drink of water, but she refused. As águias, os falcões e os gaviões são aves de rapina. Eagles, falcons and hawks are birds of prey. Eagles, hawks and hawks are birds of prey. Tua ajuda seria certamente bem-vinda. I could sure use your help. Your help would certainly be welcome. Tenho três opções para você. I have three options for you. I have three options for you. Fadil o fez instintivamente. Fadil instinctively did it. Fadil did it instinctively. Não o desperte. Don't wake him up. Don't wake him up. Ela deixou claro que queria ir nadar. She made it clear that she wanted to go for a swim. She made it clear she wanted to go swimming. Isso realmente não é uma ilha. This really isn't an island. This really isn't an island. Ele encontrará facilmente o ponto de ônibus. He will find the bus stop easily. He'll easily find the bus stop. Faça boa viagem. Have a nice trip! Have a good trip. É dura a vida de um banqueiro. A banker's life is hard. It's hard on a banker's life. Eu tenho que admitir que eu ronco. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit I snore. Você vai fazer isso? Are you going to do that? You're gonna do that? Estamos tentando ajudar o Tom. We're trying to help Tom. We're trying to help Tom. Ninguém prestou atenção. Nobody paid any attention. No one paid attention. Mike tem duas amigas. Mike has two girl friends. Mike has two friends. Estas peras estão ótimas. These pears are great. These pears look great. Não há o que fazer sobre isso. There is nothing to be done about that. There's nothing to do about it. O que é isso? What's this thing? What's that? Ele está se acostumando com essa situação. He's getting used to this situation. He's getting used to this situation. O açougue vende vários cortes de carne. The butcher shop sells assorted cuts of meat. The butcher shop sells several cuts of meat. Não se iluda. Ele não te ama. Don't fool yourself. He doesn't love you. Don't kid yourself, he doesn't love you. "Olá, Tom!" "Olá, Mary!" "Hi, Tom!" "Hi, Mary!" "Hello, Tom!" "Hello, Mary!" Por que o Tom não veio? Why didn't Tom come? Why didn't Tom come? Onde você o encontrou, na escola ou em casa? Where did you find it, at school or at home? Where did you find him, at school or at home? Não sei o que o Tom está planejando a fazer. I don't know what Tom is planning to do. I don't know what Tom's planning to do. Eu não queria chorar na frente de Tom. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. Você já foi para o México? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Acho que você ajudou o suficiente. I think that you've helped enough. I think you've helped enough. Esta é a bicicleta de Tom. This is Tom's bicycle. This is Tom's bike. Eu lhe direi o que quero que faça. I'll tell you what I want you to do. I'll tell you what I want you to do. Vocês não tinham de aceitar. You didn't have to say yes. You didn't have to take it. Decidam logo! Decide already! Make up your mind! Nós deveríamos ser devotos aos nossos amados sempre. We should be devoted to our loved ones always. We should always be devoted to our loved ones. Este filme é politicamente incorreto. This movie is politically incorrect. This film is politically incorrect. O Tom não gostava muito daquilo. Tom didn't like that very much. Tom didn't like that much. O campo mede mais de 300 acres. The field measures more than 300 acres. The field measures more than 300 acres. Vocês sentem falta do Tom? Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? Encontro-o de vez em quando. I meet him from time to time. I meet him once in a while. Foi menor do que eu pensei. It was smaller than I thought. It was smaller than I thought. Você acredita em magia? Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in magic? Ótima pergunta. That's a great question. That's a great question. Para onde você quer ir nesse verão? Where do you want to go this summer? Where do you want to go this summer? Concentre-se na nossa missão! Concentrate on our mission! Focus on our mission! Tom tem sido muito paciente. Tom has been very patient. Tom's been very patient. Bill chorou por horas. Bill kept on crying for hours. Bill cried for hours. Estávamos procurando um tesouro enterrado. We were looking for buried treasure. We were looking for a treasure buried. Não dobre! Do not fold. Don't double it! Nunca se pode ter certeza. You can never be sure. You can never be sure. O Tom passou três anos na prisão. Tom spent three years in prison. Tom spent three years in prison. Cometa erros, aprenda com eles e cresça! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow up! Ele agiu como louco. He acted like a madman. He acted crazy. Tom não queria se tornar advogado ou médico. Tom didn't want to become a lawyer or doctor. Tom didn't want to become a lawyer or a doctor. Tom apaixonou-se loucamente pela sua amiga de infância, Mary. Tom fell madly in love with his childhood friend, Mary. Tom fell madly in love with his childhood friend, Mary. Como está o seu resfriado? How's your cold? How's your cold? Rosas são um tipo de flor e pombos são um tipo de pássaro. Roses are a type of flower and doves are a type of bird. Roses are a kind of flower and pigeons are a kind of bird. É ele. That's him. That's him. O Tom não permite que seu filho tome sorvete. Tom doesn't allow his son to eat ice cream. Tom won't allow his son to have ice cream. Tom e Mary se casaram em 20 de outubro de 2013. Tom and Mary got married on October 20, 2013. Tom and Mary were married on October 20, 2013. Eu não posso te contar tudo o que você quer saber. I can't tell you everything you want to know. I can't tell you everything you want to know. Você consegue consertá-lo? Can you get it repaired? Can you fix it? Ele resolveu o problema por conta própria. He solved the problem on his own. He solved the problem on his own. Há problemas nesta conta telefônica. There are errors in this phone bill. There's trouble in this phone bill. Por que tenho de ir? Why am I going? Why do I have to go? Eu acho que o Tom é competente. I think Tom is competent. I think Tom's competent. Eu tenho uma ideia diferente. I have a different idea. I have a different idea. O Tom não quer falar agora. Tom doesn't want to talk now. Tom doesn't want to talk right now. Comprei um suéter para a garota. I bought the girl a sweater. I bought the girl a sweater. Eu não notei o Tom saindo. I didn't notice Tom leaving. I didn't notice Tom leaving. Tirando uma faca, ele tentou abrir a lata. Taking out a knife, he tried to open the can. Except for a knife, he tried to open the can. O meu irmão mais novo disse que teve um pesadelo nessa noite. My younger brother said that he'd had a nightmare that night. My little brother said he had a nightmare that night. Desculpe. Não pretendi fazê-lo. I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. Sorry, I didn't mean to. O policial suspeitou que o homem fosse culpado. The policeman suspected the man was guilty. The cop suspected the man was guilty. Tom não fez isso. Tom didn't do it. Tom didn't do it. O Tom perguntou à Mary se ela estava ocupada. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Elas vão esperar por nós. They will wait for us. They'll wait for us. Eu te disse a verdade. I told you the truth. I told you the truth. Eu trouxe flores. I brought flowers. I brought flowers. Eles trabalhavam duro. They worked hard. They worked hard. Por que não param de dizer essas coisas que os senhores bem sabem que não são verdade? Why do you keep saying things you know are not true? Why don't you stop saying those things that you well know aren't true? Ele virá mais tarde. He will come later. He'll come later. Tom prometeu não beber mais. Tom promised not to drink anymore. Tom promised not to drink anymore. A tempestade causou muitos estragos. The storm did a lot of damage. The storm caused a lot of damage. Fadil fez uma promessa e a cumpriu. Fadil made a promise and kept it. Fadil made a promise and kept it. Estou no primeiro ano do ensino médio. I am in the first year of high school. I'm in the first year of high school. Nós as respeitamos muito. We respect them a lot. We respect them a lot. Como vou fazer isso? How am I going to do that? How am I supposed to do that? Traduza a parte sublinhada. Translate the underlined part. Translate the underlined part. Ele se parece com o meu pai. He looks like my father. He looks like my father. Essas galinhas põem ovos quase todo dia. Those hens lay eggs almost every day. These chickens lay eggs almost every day. Ela não queria ir ao médico. She didn't want to go to the doctor. She didn't want to see a doctor. Tom entrou no prédio por uma janela destrancada. Tom entered the building through an unlocked window. Tom entered the building through an unlocked window. O Tom tem que ficar em casa hoje? Does Tom have to stay home today? Does Tom have to stay home tonight? Hoje é 11 de outubro. Today is October 11th. Today is October 11th. Vi cinco homens. I saw five men. I saw five men. Eu tomo leite quase todos os dias. I drink milk almost every day. I drink milk almost every day. Não acho que haja alguém na sala de aula. I don't think that there's anybody in the classroom. I don't think there's anyone in the classroom. Deixe o Tom esperar. Let Tom wait. Let Tom wait. Eu fui tomar um cerveja com uns amigos. I went to drink a beer with friends. I went for a beer with some friends. Eu queria que fosse mais magra. I wish that I were thinner. I wanted you to be thinner. Você é feia. You're ugly. You're ugly. Ela começou a chorar de novo. She began to cry again. She started crying again. Guarde um pouco dessa carne de carneiro.. Save me some of that mutton. Save some of that lamb meat. O queijo é amarelo. The cheese is yellow. The cheese is yellow. Sempre que eu te vejo, penso no meu irmão mais novo. Whenever I see you, I always think of my younger brother. Every time I see you, I think about my little brother. Você tem seu próprio quarto? Do you have a room of your own? Do you have your own room? Quem comprou isso para você? Who bought you this? Who bought this for you? Fadil pegou Layla com outros homens. Fadil caught Layla with another man. Fadil took Layla with other men. A família dele não tinha muito dinheiro. His family did not have much money. His family didn't have much money. O prédio está em chamas. The building's on fire. The building's on fire. Onde devemos nos encontrar? Where should we meet? Where should we meet? Eu queria ver todo mundo. I wanted to see everybody. I wanted to see everyone. Eu sou amigo dele há mais de vinte anos. I have been on friendly terms with him for more than twenty years. I've been friends with him for over twenty years. Querem sair para beber alguma coisa? You want to go out for a drink? Would you like to go out for a drink? Tom está parado perto de sua mesa. Tom is standing near his desk. Tom's standing next to his desk. O motor religou. The engine started again. The engine's reactivated. O Tom está com o nariz congestionado. Tom has a stuffed-up nose. Tom's got a congested nose. Planejo ir ao cinema. I plan to go to the movies. I plan on going to the movies. Eu fui expulso da equipe. I was kicked off the team. I got kicked off the team. Tom está escrevendo algo no quadro. Tom is writing something on the blackboard. Tom's writing something on the board. Por que você está procrastinando? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you procrastinating? Partiremos para a Austrália na segunda. We leave for Australia on Monday. We're leaving for Australia on Monday. Eu preciso falar com o Tom. I need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Você realmente quer acordar o Tom? Do you really want to wake Tom up? Do you really want to wake Tom? Você fica aí. You stay there. You stay there. É muito importante beber muita água. It's very important to drink much water. It's very important to drink too much water. Tenho certeza de que sentirei muitas saudades dela. I'm sure that I'll miss her a lot. I'm sure I'll miss her a lot. O peleiro tem peles de mais raposas do que de asnos. The furrier gets the skins of more foxes than asses. The furrier has furs of more foxes than donkeys. Tom espera não ter que morar em Boston durante mais de um ano. Tom hopes he doesn't have to live in Boston for more than a year. Tom hopes he doesn't have to live in Boston for over a year. O problema é você. The problem is you. The problem is you. Os ingleses são um povo prático. The English are a practical people. The English are a practical people. Tom está indo bem na escola. Tom is doing well in school. Tom's doing great at school. Eles estão perto. They're close. They're close. Aprendemos a ler Francês. We learned how to read French. We learned to read French. Alguém varreu a despensa. Someone swept the pantry. Someone swept the pantry. Envie-nos o que quer traduzir. Send us what you want to translate. Send us what you want to translate. Tom está lendo um manual de jardinagem. Tom is reading a gardening manual. Tom's reading a gardening manual. Não posso te dizer o que penso. I can't tell you what I think. I can't tell you what I think. Eu tenho um par de luvas. I have a pair of mittens. I have a pair of gloves. Fadil mostrou sua verdadeira índole. Ele era um covarde. Fadil showed his true colors. He was a coward. Fadil showed his true character, he was a coward. Você precisa me contar o que aconteceu. You need to tell me what happened. You need to tell me what happened. Estou bem, obrigado por perguntar. I'm fine, thanks for asking! I'm fine, thanks for asking. Todos vieram de bicicleta. They all came by bike. They all rode their bikes. Alguém disse o meu nome? Did someone say my name? Did someone say my name? Eu já disse que vou fazer isso. I've already said I'll do that. I told you I'll do it. É tão bom ver e ouvir as vozes e sotaques das crianças, enquanto elas falam Inglês. It's so good to see and hear the children's voices and accents while they speak English. It's so good to see and hear the children's voices and accents, while they speak English. O nosso voo parte às 2h30. Our flight leaves at 2:30. Our flight leaves at 2:30. Perdoe-me, mas eu não tenho troco. Forgive me, but I have no change. Forgive me, but I have no change. Eu não posso aceitar este presente. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Eu deveria ficar feliz pelo Tom. I should be happy for Tom. I should be happy for Tom. Onde você quer morar? Where do you wanna live? Where do you want to live? Seu inglês é melhor que o meu. His English is better than mine. Your English is better than mine. Mary morava sozinha em um pequeno apartamento. Mary lived in a small apartment by herself. Mary lived alone in a small apartment. Acredito que a educação deve ser secular, e não enraizada na religião. I believe that education should be secular, not rooted in religion. I believe education should be secular, not rooted in religion. Por isso não gosto de gatos. This is why I dislike cats. That's why I don't like cats. Coelhos selvagens podem ser vistos na floresta. Wild rabbits can be seen in the forest. Wild rabbits can be seen in the woods. Eu gosto das montanhas mais do que do mar. I like the mountains more than I like the sea. I like the mountains more than the sea. Meg tem um rosto adorável. Meg has a lovely face. Meg has a lovely face. Eu os conhecia melhor do que você. I knew them better than you did. I knew them better than you. Tom entrou no táxi. Tom got in the cab. Tom got in the cab. Uma mulher roubou minha carteira na multidão. A woman picked my pocket in the crowd. A woman stole my wallet in the crowd. Eu acho que o Tom é incompetente. I think Tom is incompetent. I think Tom is incompetent. Ouro é mais pesado do que ferro. Gold weighs more than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Ela alugou um apartamento de quatro cômodos. She rented a four-room apartment. She rented a four-room apartment. O que eles estão fazendo lá? What are they doing there? What are they doing there? Estou realmente interessado em futebol. I am really into soccer. I'm really interested in football. Tom parece horrorizado. Tom looks appalled. Tom looks horrified. Tom discutiu com Maria. Tom argued with Mary. Tom had an argument with Maria. Onde estão suas coisas? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Eu rejeitei a oferta. I rejected the offer. I rejected the offer. Levanta! Get up! Get up! Eu só como carne de animais que eu mesmo tenha matado e tratado. I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered. I only eat meat from animals that I've killed and treated myself. Há solução para tudo. There's a solution to everything. There's a solution to everything. Tom não está adaptado à vida na cidade. Tom isn't accustomed to city life. Tom is not adapted to life in the city. A teoria é abstrata demais para mim. The theory is too abstract for me. The theory is too abstract for me. Eu preciso do teu amor. I need your love. I need your love. Tom e eu almoçamos juntos. Tom and I ate lunch together. Tom and I had lunch together. Isto me dá forças para continuar. This gives me the strength to go on. This gives me the strength to go on. Ele será certamente deportado se for encontrado. He will certainly be deported if found. He'll certainly be deported if he's found. Quantos você queria? How many did you want? How many did you want? O Tom tem de ser canadense. Tom might be Canadian. Tom has to be Canadian. Isso seria assassinato. It'd be murder. That would be murder. Ele mora na cidade. He lives in the city. He lives in town. Que tipo de pesquisa faz a organização? What kind of research does the organization do? What kind of research does the organization do? O que são essas coisas? What are these things? What are these things? Esta companhia precisa de um novo gerente. This company needs a new manager. This company needs a new manager. Qual é a palavra mágica? What's the magic word? What's the magic word? A bomba atômica é uma séria ameaça para a humanidade. The atomic bomb is a grave threat to mankind. The atomic bomb is a serious threat to humanity. É um prazer conhecê-lo. It's nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you. Acho que você deveria fazer isso. I think that you ought to do that. I think you should do that. Pra falar a verdade, eu não percebi. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. As a matter of fact, I didn't get it. Você devia pagar suas dívidas. You should pay back your debts. You should pay your debts. "Você ainda está zangado comigo?" "Não, de jeito nenhum." "Are you still mad at me?" "No, not at all." "Are you still mad at me?" "No, not at all." Eu já me esqueci por que você disse que nós deveríamos fazer isso. I've already forgotten why you said we were supposed to do this. I already forgot why you said we should do this. O Tom não precisava ir lá sozinho. Tom didn't need to go there himself. Tom didn't have to go there alone. Os ladrões levaram uma escultura estimada em meio milhão de euros. The thieves made off with a sculpture with an estimated worth of half a million euros. Thieves took an estimated sculpture in half a million euros. Tragam de volta. Bring it back. Bring it back. Eles montaram acampamentos temporários ao longo da costa. They made temporary camps along the coast. They set up temporary camps along the coast. Quando os exames começam? When do examinations start? When do the tests start? Onde fica o lugar mais bonito do mundo? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? O colégio começa às 8h40. School starts at 8:40. School starts at 8:40. Você está escrevendo os provérbios? Are you writing the proverbs? Are you writing the proverbs? Eu tenho de ajudar o Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Parece óbvio que ele está doente. It seems obvious that he is sick. It seems obvious he's sick. Dilma Rousseff é a presidente atual do Brasil. Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil. Dilma Rousseff is the current president of Brazil. Qual o salário mínimo? What's the minimum wage? What's the minimum wage? Eles vieram para pedir paz. They came to ask for peace. They came to ask for peace. Vamos discutir sobre este assunto depois. Let's discuss that problem later. We'll discuss this later. Procurem ter a certeza de escolher bem. Make sure you choose wisely. Try to make sure you choose well. Ela é uma garota feia e sem brilho. Não entendo o porquê de tanta admiração. She is a dull and ugly girl. I don't understand why she's so admired. She's an ugly, glowless girl, and I don't understand why she's so surprised. Você bebe café, não bebe? You drink coffee, don't you? You drink coffee, don't you? Tom não sabe exatamente o que deveria estar fazendo. Tom doesn't know exactly what he should be doing. Tom doesn't know exactly what he should be doing. Tom ficou surpreso quando viu a Mary em Boston. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary in Boston. Tom was surprised when he saw Mary in Boston. Ainda não terminei o meu dever de casa. I still haven't finished my homework. I haven't finished my homework yet. Tom espirra muito. Tom sneezes a lot. Tom sneezes a lot. Você sabe que, uma vez dentro, jamais poderá sair. You know that once you are inside, you will never be able to get out. You know, once you're inside, you can never leave. Meu pai disse que guardaria um dia para levar-me ao zoológico. My father said he would reserve a day to take me to the zoo. My dad said he'd save a day to take me to the zoo. Tom está esperando por Mary no bar. Tom is waiting for Mary at the bar. Tom's waiting for Mary at the bar. O Tom está fumando um cigarro. Tom is smoking a cigarette. Tom's smoking a cigarette. Você deve olhar para carros ao atravessar a rua. You should look out for cars when you cross the street. You should look at cars as you cross the street. Você não quer fazer isso. You don't want to do that. You don't want to do this. A filosofia nos ensina a desconfiar das coisas que nos parecem ser óbvias. A propaganda, por outro lado, ensina-nos a aceitar como óbvias questões sobre as quais seria sensato evitar julgamentos ou duvidar. Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. Philosophy teaches us to distrust the things that seem obvious to us. Advertising, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as obvious questions on which it would be wise to avoid judgments or doubt. Tom nunca mais foi visto depois disso. Tom was never seen again after that. Tom was never seen again after that. Ele renunciou. He resigned. He resigned. Não há mal nenhum em tentar. There's no harm in trying. There's no harm in trying. Cada criatura é uma palavra de Deus. Every creature is a word of God. Every creature is a word of God. Aprendemos a voar como pássaros e a nadar como peixes, mas esquecemos como viver como humanos. We learned to fly like birds and swim like fishes, but we forgot how to live like humans. We learn to fly like birds and swim like fish, but we forget how to live like humans. Tom quer passar tempo comigo. Tom wants to spend time with me. Tom wants to spend time with me. Como eu saberei onde ele está? How should I know where he is? How do I know where he is? Ela não gosta de trabalhar. She doesn't like to work. She doesn't like to work. Mais vale ouvir a repreensão do sábio do que o canto dos insensatos. It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools. It is better to hear the reproof of the wise than the singing of the foolish. Eu parei de fumar de vez há 3 meses. I stopped smoking completely 3 months ago. I quit smoking for good three months ago. Se não tiveres nada para fazer, olhe para o teto de seu quarto. If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room. If you don't have anything to do, look at the roof of your room. Eu sei que ele a conhece, mas eu não sei de onde. I know that he knows her, but I don't know from where. I know he knows her, but I don't know where. Você viu o meu tio? Did you see my uncle? Have you seen my uncle? Tom é o próximo da lista. Tom is next on the list. Tom's next on the list. Não dá pra confiar nela. She can't be trusted. You can't trust her. O que nós vamos fazer com eles? What are we going to do with them? What are we gonna do with them? É melhor você não sair hoje. You'd better not go out today. You better not go out tonight. Eu vou ficar lá. I will stay there. I'll stay there. Tom raramente ri. Tom seldom laughs. Tom rarely laughs. É verdade! It's true! It's true! Ninguém vai se machucar. No one will get hurt. No one's gonna get hurt. Meu irmão trabalhou como advogado. My brother worked as a lawyer. My brother worked as a lawyer. Tom retornou. Tom has returned. Tom's back. O casal tinha um filho. The couple had a son. The couple had a son. O tempo vai passar e ela vai se arrepender. The time will come when she'll regret it. Time will pass and she'll regret it. Luz, câmera, ação! Lights, camera, action! Light, camera, action! Tom tentou convencer Mary a pintar o cabelo dela de vermelho. Tom tried to convince Mary to dye her hair red. Tom tried to convince Mary to paint her hair red. Tom nunca vira Maria tão ocupada. Tom had never seen Mary so busy. Tom never saw Maria so busy. É meio-dia. It's midday. It's noon. Tom prometeu não contar. Tom promised not to tell. Tom promised not to tell. Eu tenho uma casa grande. I have a big house. I have a big house. Eu deixei algumas mensagens para o Tom. I left Tom a couple of messages. I left some messages for Tom. Esse acidente não tem nada a ver comigo. This accident has nothing to do with me. This accident has nothing to do with me. O Tom está realmente apaixonado pela Mary. Tom really is in love with Mary. Tom's really in love with Mary. Não seja sempre tão curioso. Stop being so curious. Don't always be so curious. Pelo que sei, essa é a única tradução disponível. As far as I know, this is the only translation available. As far as I'm concerned, that's the only translation available. Talvez você devesse se deitar. Perhaps you should lie down. Maybe you should lie down. É você, que sempre vou amar. It's you I'll always love. It's you I'll always love. Tom não consegue enxergar o que está escrito na lousa. Tom can't see what's written on the blackboard. Tom can't see what's written on the board. É impossível para mim. It's impossible to me. It's impossible for me. Queremos ajudar, mas não podemos. We want to help, but we can't. We want to help, but we can't. Tom colou no teste de história. Tom cheated on the history exam. Tom cheated on the history test. Qual você quer? Which do you want? Which one do you want? Fadil já está comprometido. Fadil is already engaged. Fadil's already compromised. Fique conosco, Tom. Stay with us, Tom. Stay with us, Tom. Alguma coisa aconteceu com o meu carro. Something has happened to my car. Something happened to my car. Eu quero que Tom compre um presente de aniversário para Mary. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. I want Tom to buy Mary a birthday present. Eu não sei onde Mary mora. I do not know where Mary lives. I don't know where Mary lives. Podemos falar sobre isso. We can talk about it. We can talk about it. Tem chovido muito. It's been raining a lot. It's been raining a lot. Falei de música. I talked about music. I meant music. Essa foi a última vez que eu visitei Tom. That was the last time I visited Tom. That was the last time I visited Tom. Talvez mais tarde. Maybe later. Maybe later. Eu nunca serei capaz de olhá-lo no rosto de novo. I'll never be able to look him in the face again. I'll never be able to look him in the face again. Boston é uma cidade muito bonita. Boston is a very beautiful city. Boston is a very beautiful city. Vão para casa. Go home. Go home. Eu vou explicar tudo. I'll explain everything. I'll explain everything. Acho que ninguém notou o que você fez. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. A América foi descoberta em 1492 por Colombo. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered in 1492 by Columbus. Tom joga beisebol como um profissional. Tom plays baseball like a pro. Tom plays baseball like a pro. Vocês não são de Boston? Aren't you from Boston? Aren't you from Boston? Infelizmente, não conheço essa expressão. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that expression. Unfortunately, I don't know that expression. Desliga. Shut it down. Turn it off. Estou esperando alguém vir me buscar. I'm waiting for someone to come pick me up. I'm waiting for someone to pick me up. Ele ainda me liga de vez em quando. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. Tom é bem criativo. Tom is pretty creative. Tom's very creative. Ele não se importa com nada. He doesn't care about anything. He doesn't care about anything. Eu esqueci de mencionar algo importante. I forgot to mention something important. I forgot to mention something important. O Tom ainda está acordado? Is Tom still awake? Is Tom still awake? Preciso de espaço. I need space. I need some space. Depois do inverno, vem a primavera. After winter, spring comes. After winter, spring comes. Em qualquer tempo que você quiser meu carro emprestado, tudo que você tem que fazer é pedir. Any time you want to borrow my car, all you have to do is ask. Any time you want to borrow my car, all you have to do is ask. Eu gosto de basquete, mas eu não sei jogar. I like basketball, but I can't play. I like basketball, but I don't know how to play. Não consigo mentir para eles. We can't lie to them. I can't lie to them. Gosto demais desse vinho. I really like this wine a lot. I like that wine too much. Eu devo ao Tom $ 300. I owe Tom $300. I owe Tom $300. Quantos anos tem esse castelo? How old is this castle? How old is this castle? Tom vai ao supermercado quase todos os dias. Tom goes to the supermarket almost every day. Tom goes to the supermarket almost every day. Isso me parece fascinante. That sounds fascinating. That sounds fascinating. Você não sentirá nada. You won't feel a thing. You won't feel a thing. Tom não sabe cantar. Tom can't sing. Tom can't sing. Ele ficou endividado. He ran into debt. He was in debt. Não acredito nesses relatórios. Don't believe those reports. I don't believe these reports. Vocês são fotogênicos. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Preste atenção a eles. Pay attention to them. Pay attention to them. O meu pai, eu aprendo muito com ele. I learn a lot from my father. My father, I learn a lot from him. Acho que você pode me ajudar com isso. I think you can help me with this. I think you can help me with that. Tom foi para Boston. Tom went to Boston. Tom's gone to Boston. Tom não bebe leite. Tom does not drink milk. Tom doesn't drink milk. Sim, meu coronel! Sir, yes, sir! Yes, sir! Eu te telefonarei amanhã à tarde. I will call you tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you tomorrow afternoon. Você assiste TV? Do you watch TV? Do you watch TV? Todo o mundo está diferente. Everybody is different. Everyone's different. Tom estava no mesmo ônibus que eu. Tom was on the same bus as I was. Tom was on the same bus as me. O Projeto Tatoeba, que se pode encontrar on-line em tatoeba.org, trabalha na criação de um grande banco de dados com frases-exemplo traduzidas em muitas línguas. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at tatoeba.org, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at tatoeba.org, works on creating a large database with example phrases translated into many languages. Sentirei muito a sua falta quando você for embora em junho. I'll miss you so much when you leave in June. I'll miss you so much when you leave in June. Não consigo falar nem português, muito menos inglês. I can't even speak Portuguese, let alone English. I can't even speak Portuguese, let alone English. Foi o Tom quem pintou esta foto. Tom was the one that painted this picture. It was Tom who painted this picture. O Tom não veio porque ficou doente. Tom didn't come because he got sick. Tom didn't come because he got sick. Por que você não vai para casa? Why don't you go home? Why don't you go home? Coloque algumas roupas. Put on some clothes. Put some clothes on. Tenho o costume de comer pouco. I'm used to eating little. I have a habit of eating little. Tom queria que Maria estudasse mais. Tom wanted Mary to study harder. Tom wanted Maria to study more. Eu passei três anos em Boston. I spent three years in Boston. I spent three years in Boston. Tom sabe onde tu estás. Tom knows where you are. Tom knows where you are. Poderia me dar um guardanapo, por favor? May I have a napkin, please? Could I have a napkin, please? Por que vocês não me esperaram? Why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you wait for me? Eu estava com tanta saudade de casa. I was so homesick. I was so homesick. Ele me enganou. He deceived me. He tricked me. Há quanto tempo você tem isso? How long have you had this? How long have you had this? Que cheiro é este? What's this smell? What's that smell? Você pode me dizer? Can you tell me? Can you tell me? Tom não está pelado. Tom isn't naked. Tom's not naked. Deixe Tom sentar atrás. Let Tom sit in the back. Let Tom sit in the back. Eu jamais o trairia! I would never betray you. I would never betray him! A que propósito? For what purpose? What's the point? A guerra nos manteve separados por muito tempo, mas já não. The war kept us apart for so long, but not anymore. The war kept us apart for a long time, but not anymore. Não existe passado, nem futuro; tudo flui num eterno presente. There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present. There is no past, no future; everything flows into an eternal present. Eu vi o Tom fazer isso na semana passada. I saw Tom do that last week. I saw Tom do it last week. Eu sei onde encontrar água. I know where to find water. I know where to find water. Eu sei que ele conhece alguns arquitetos. I know he knows some architects. I know he knows some architects. Ela me deu muita comida. She gave me plenty to eat. She gave me a lot of food. Ontem, Maria ficou em casa o dia todo. Yesterday Mary stayed home all day. Yesterday, Maria stayed home all day. Tom tornou-se bailarino. Tom became a dancer. Tom became a dancer. Espero que o Tom não tenha visto o que você fez. I hope Tom didn't see what you did. I hope Tom didn't see what you did. Tom já fez o dever de casa. Tom has already done his homework. Tom's already done his homework. Posso falar com vocês? May I talk to you? Can I talk to you guys? Por favor, me chame de Bob. You can call me Bob please. Please, call me Bob. Tom estava correndo um grande risco. Tom was taking a big risk. Tom was taking a big risk. Tom mencionou o nome de Maria duas vezes. Tom mentioned Mary's name twice. Tom mentioned Maria's name twice. Este livro está escrito em Inglês simples, de maneira que você deverá poder lê-lo facilmente. This book is written in simple English, so it should be easy for you to read. This book is written in simple English, so you should be able to read it easily. Estamos sem tempo. We're out of time. We're out of time. Estou muito ocupado aqui. I'm very busy here. I'm very busy here. Eu vim pegar o Tom. I've come to pick up Tom. I came to get Tom. OK, venceste. Okay, you win. OK, you win. Tom não irá passar na prova. Tom won't pass the test. Tom won't pass the test. Estou a atirar a toalha. I'm throwing in the towel. I'm throwing in the towel. As marés são causadas pela gravidade da Lua. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity. The tides are caused by the moon's gravity. Podes perguntar-me o que quiseres. You can ask me anything you like. You can ask me anything you want. Isso também é parte do seu trabalho, como eu te disse antes. This is also part of your work, as I told you before. That's also part of your job, as I told you before. Tom não está a fim de cozinhar. Tom doesn't feel like cooking. Tom's not in the mood to cook. Não me interrompas novamente. Don't interrupt me again. Don't interrupt me again. Tom tentou se matar. Tom tried to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. Deixe-me lhe dar alguns exemplos. Let me give you some examples. Let me give you some examples. Quem foi que escolheu essas cores? Who chose those colours? Who chose these colors? Enquanto eu viajava pela Europa, roubaram minha carteira num trem. While traveling in Europe, I was pickpocketed on a train. While I was traveling through Europe, they stole my wallet on a train. Deixe Tom ficar aqui. Let Tom stay here. Let Tom stay here. Eu não irei me rebaixar a seu nível. I won't stoop down to his level. I won't stoop to your level. Receba tanto um telefone como acesso à internet em um único pacote! Get both a phone and internet access in a single package! Receive both a phone and internet access in a single package! Por várias horas, a tempestade não amainou. The storm didn't abate for several hours. For several hours, the storm didn't slow down. Eu estava me sentindo do mesmo jeito. I was feeling the same. I was feeling the same way. Hoje não estou fazendo nada bem feito. Today I am messing up everything. I'm not doing anything right today. Aquela velha senhora mora sozinha. That old woman lives by herself. That old lady lives alone. Onde fica o banco? Where's the bank? Where's the bank? É você mesmo? Is it really you? Is it really you? Recebi uma oferta de emprego. I got a job offer. I got a job offer. Nazistas estão marchando nas ruas. Nazis are marching in the streets. Nazis are marching on the streets. Tom queria guardar dinheiro o suficiente para comprar um carro. Tom wanted save up enough money to buy a car. Tom wanted to save enough money to buy a car. Os Americanos são um povo democrático. The Americans are a democratic people. The Americans are a democratic people. É só uma questão de adaptação. It's only a matter of adaptation. It's just a matter of adaptation. O ancião era amado por todos. The old man was loved by everyone. The elder was loved by all. Como vai o seu irmão? How is your brother? How's your brother? Ele tem divisas de cabo. He has corporal's stripes. He's got cable stripes. Os computadores são de grande utilidade. Computers are of great use. Computers are of great use. Ainda somos jovens. We're still young. We're still young. O copo de Tom estava vazio. Tom's glass was empty. Tom's glass was empty. Ela não precisou de vir ao encontro. She needn't have come to the meeting. She didn't have to come to the meeting. Tom ainda está trabalhando? Is Tom still working? Is Tom still working? Tu queres algo para fazer? Do you want something to do? You want something to do? Quando observo o oceano eu me sinto em paz. When I contemplate the sea, I feel calm. When I watch the ocean, I feel at peace. Cara, você deveria ver isto. Dude, you should see this. Dude, you should see this. Eu sempre estou em casa nos domingos. I am always at home on Sundays. I'm always home on Sundays. Muitas pessoas me perguntaram se eu acho que Boston é uma cidade segura. Many people have asked me if I think Boston is a safe city. A lot of people asked me if I think Boston is a safe city. Uva argentina por cinco reais a caixa! Argentinian grapes for five reals a box! Argentinian grape for five reals a box! Não há dúvidas. There's no doubt. There's no doubt about it. Eu acho que Tom não vai ficar entediado. I think that Tom won't get bored. I don't think Tom's gonna be bored. Você conhece o Tom bem o suficiente para pedir que ela faça isso? Do you know Tom well enough to ask him to do this? Do you know Tom well enough to ask her to do that? Eu gosto de comida indiana. I like Indian food. I like Indian food. Esta é uma questão de consciência. This is a question of conscience. This is a matter of conscience. Eu tranquei a porta da frente. I've locked the front door. I locked the front door. Eu tenho muitos amigos em Boston. I've got a lot of friends in Boston. I have a lot of friends in Boston. Não vamos tomar atitudes precipitadas. We go don't to make hasty decisions. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Rosas rosa são bonitas. Pink roses are beautiful. Pink roses are beautiful. Quem estava certo? Who was right? Who was right? Ele acumulou uma grande fortuna. He accumulated a large fortune. He's accumulated a great fortune. Aquela garota é linda! That girl is pretty! That girl is beautiful! John tentou, em vão, resolver o problema. John tried in vain to solve the problem. John tried, in vain, to solve the problem. Sami tomou outra taça de vinho. Sami had another glass of wine. Sami had another glass of wine. Basta de discussão! Enough arguing! Enough arguing! O que você está escrevendo? What're you writing? What are you writing? Eu adoro o seu jeito de cuidar de mim. I love the way you take care of me. I love the way you take care of me. Tom não estava totalmente ciente da situação. Tom wasn't fully aware of the situation. Tom wasn't fully aware of the situation. Não havia ninguém lá. There was nobody there. There was no one there. Não podemos deixá-lo lá fora. We can't just leave him out there. We can't leave him out there. O Tom fica irritado quando a Mary não faz o que ele lhe manda. Tom gets upset when Mary doesn't do what he tells her to do. Tom gets angry when Mary doesn't do what he tells her. Entendemos a sua raiva. We understand your anger. We understand your anger. A propósito, eu preciso lhe dizer uma coisa. Incidentally, I have to tell you something. By the way, I need to tell you something. Maria, por favor, dá-me o vinho. Mary, please give me the wine. Maria, please give me the wine. Eu não estou errado. I'm not mistaken. I'm not wrong. Parem de gritar. Stop screaming. Stop shouting. Esse é teu nome verdadeiro? Is that your real name? Is that your real name? Nunca escalei o Monte Fuji. I have never climbed Mt. Fuji. I never climbed Mount Fuji. Sintam-se em casa. Make yourselves at home. Make yourselves at home. Qual chave? Which key is it? What key? Isso foi filmado na Austrália. It was filmed in Australia. This was filmed in Australia. Você anotou? Did you write it down? Did you write it down? A loja estava lotada de jovens. The shop was crowded with young people. The store was full of young people. Ela riu para esconder o seu medo. She laughed to cover her fear. She laughed to hide her fear. Para mim, é desagradável. It looks yucky to me. For me, it's unpleasant. Eu disse para você ir para casa. I said go home. I told you to go home. Não estamos com pressa. We're in no hurry. We're not in a hurry. Por que o ônibus está atrasado? Why is the bus late? Why is the bus late? Este é um livro bonito. This is a beautiful book. This is a beautiful book. Eu devo recusar. I must decline. I must refuse. Eu estava escrevendo uma carta quando ele veio. When he came, I was writing a letter. I was writing a letter when he came. Faça como quiser. Suit yourself. Do as you please. Isso realmente parte meu coração. It really breaks my heart. It really breaks my heart. Eles estão entre os barulhos da cidade. They are amid the city noises. They're among the noises of the city. Meus dedos estão cruzados. My fingers are crossed. My fingers are crossed. Tempestades no mar impediram nosso progresso. Storms at sea impeded our progress. Storms in the sea have prevented our progress. Não suporto o cheiro. I can't stand the smell. I can't stand the smell. Eu sou norte-americano. I am American. I'm American. Ela estava olhando para você. She was looking at you. She was looking at you. Todo mundo acha que eu sou estranho. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everybody thinks I'm weird. Tom não é bom em lembrar nomes. Tom isn't good at remembering names. Tom's not good at remembering names. Deveríamos contar isso a ele. We should let him know. We should tell him that. Qual é o seu trabalho? What do you do? What's your job? Não esqueça sua promessa. Don't forget your promise. Don't forget your promise. Nem todo mundo sabe o que significa. Not everybody knows what it means. Not everyone knows what it means. Uma luz verde está acesa. A green light is on. A green light is on. Quantos audiolivros você tem no seu iPod? How many audiobooks do you have on your iPod? How many audiobooks do you have on your iPod? Quantos pares de sapatos você possui? How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many pairs of shoes do you own? Todos os países civilizados estão contra a guerra. All civilized countries are against war. All civilized countries are against war. Você caiu em uma armadilha. You've walked into a trap. You fell into a trap. O sonho de Mayuko se tornou realidade. Mayuko's dream came true. Mayuko's dream has come true. Ela se manteve perto dele. She stood close to him. She stayed close to him. Estou diferente. I'm different. I'm different. Descubra o que Tom sabe. Find out what Tom knows. Find out what Tom knows. É melhor que você não fale. It's best if you don't talk. You better not talk. Você é rico. You're rich. You're rich. Tom disse que ele faria qualquer coisa pela Mary. Tom said he'd do anything for Mary. Tom said he'd do anything for Mary. Eu não tenho tanto dinheiro quanto ele. I don't have as much money as he does. I don't have as much money as he does. Seja cuidadoso para atravessar a rua. Be careful crossing the street. Be careful to cross the street. Penso nela quando escuto essa canção. When I hear this song, I think of her. I think of her when I hear that song. Tom não ligou para Maria, ligou? Tom didn't call Mary, did he? Tom didn't call Maria, did he? Ficaria feliz se eu fosse mais saudável. I'd be happy if I were healthier. I'd be happy if I was healthier. Você não sabia que Tom tinha muitos gatos? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? Eu sou muito bom jogador de xadrez. I am a very good chess player. I'm a very good chess player. Precisamos fazer isso antes de irmos para casa. We need to get this done before we can go home. We need to do this before we go home. Tom está tentando não enlouquecer. Tom is trying not to freak out. Tom's trying not to go crazy. Posso ter o seu autógrafo? Can I get your autograph? Can I have your autograph? Ele me passou uma gripe terrível. He gave me a bad cold. He gave me a terrible flu. Vivo aqui desde 1990. I have lived here since 1990. I've lived here since 1990. Ele pede que eu esteja atento. He asks me to be attentive. He asks me to keep an eye out. Nenhum corpo é perfeito. No body is perfect. No body is perfect. Deixe a gente te ajudar a fazer isso. Let us help you do that. Let us help you do this. Se você está cansado, deveria ir para a cama. If you're tired, you should go to bed. If you're tired, you should go to bed. "Da próxima vez vamos ao cinema." "Que te faz pensar que haverá uma próxima vez?" "Let's go to the movies next time." "What makes you think there will be a next time?" "Next time we'll go to the movies." "What makes you think there'll be a next time?" Eu ensino francês numa escola secundária. I teach French at a high school. I teach French in high school. Eu me pergunto como Tom está se segurando. I wonder how Tom is holding up. I wonder how Tom's holding on. Veja a sétima linha de baixo para cima da página 34. Look at the seventh line from the bottom on page 34. See the seventh line from the bottom to the top of page 34. Falaremos com ela antes que deixe o escritório. We will talk to her before she leaves the office. We'll talk to her before she leaves the office. O primeiro homem a comparar as faces de uma jovem a uma rosa era obviamente um poeta; o primeiro a repeti-lo era possivelmente um idiota. The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot. The first man to compare the faces of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot. Tom está bastante preocupado com o que está acontecendo. Tom is quite concerned about what's happening. Tom's pretty worried about what's going on. Nós precisaremos falar com o Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. We're gonna need to talk to Tom. Tom é um treinador de cães. Tom is a dog trainer. Tom's a dog coach. Conduza este senhor ao meu escritório. Take this gentleman to my office. Lead this gentleman to my office. Foi assim que ele matou o grande urso. This is how he killed the big bear. That's how he killed the big bear. Eu acho que Tom estava relutante em fazê-lo. I think that Tom could've been reluctant to do that. I think Tom was reluctant to do it. Estávamos esperando por você. We've been expecting you. We've been waiting for you. A Irlanda é o melhor país do mundo! Ireland is the greatest country in the world! Ireland is the best country in the world! Ele não passou no exame, mas não se importa muito. He failed the exam, but he doesn't care too much. He didn't pass the exam, but he doesn't care much. Eu sei por que Tom me deixou só. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Assim que ele chegar, diga-lhe que compareça à minha sala. As soon as he arrives, tell him to meet me in the living room. As soon as he gets here, tell him to come to my office. Tom permaneceu solteiro toda sua vida. Tom remained single his whole life. Tom remained single all his life. Não é legal impor nossos ideais aos outros. It's not good to force our ideas on others. It's not legal to impose our ideals on others. Bons sonhos! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Você ainda me deve vinte dólares. You still owe me twenty bucks. You still owe me 20 bucks. Bem começado é meio caminho andado. Well begun is half done. Well started is halfway. Os professores cumprimentaram os meninos. The teachers greeted the little boys. The teachers greeted the boys. A aldeia tinha mais de mil habitantes. The village had more than a thousand residents. The village had over a thousand inhabitants. Ninguém me alertou. Nobody warned me. No one warned me. Eu vi o Tom sentado na varanda. I saw Tom sitting on the porch. I saw Tom sitting on the balcony. Tom não sabia que Mary era uma estudante de ensino médio. Tom didn't know that Mary was a high school student. Tom didn't know Mary was a high school student. Eu realmente me importo. I really do care. I really do. Eu esqueci. I have forgotten. I forgot. Explique o seguinte. Explain the following. Explain this. Eu fiz o café da manhã para você. I made you breakfast. I made you breakfast. Que imaginas que eu tenha estado a fazer? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? Fizemos numerosas reformas em casa desde que a compramos. We've made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it. We've done a lot of home renovations since we bought it. Ninguém votou em você. No one voted for you. No one voted for you. Eu sei o quanto o Tom é perigoso. I know how dangerous Tom is. I know how dangerous Tom is. Todo mundo viu isso. Everyone saw it. Everybody saw that. Existem outros hotéis que você pode recomendar? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there other hotels you can recommend? São da família. They're family. They're family. Nem tudo que reluz é ouro. All that glitters is not gold. Not everything that shines is gold. Você pode me ensinar francês? Can you teach me French? Can you teach me French? Este é um dos piores filmes que eu já vi. This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. É fácil jogar tênis. It is easy to play tennis. It's easy to play tennis. Tom não é muito bom nisso. Tom isn't very good at it. Tom's not very good at it. Aparentemente meus pés descalços o incomodaram mais que qualquer outra coisa. Apparently my bare feet bothered him more than anything else. Apparently my bare feet bothered him more than anything else. Tom está indo para uma escola em Boston. Tom is going to school in Boston. Tom's going to a school in Boston. O professor queria saber por que não tínhamos feito os exercícios. The teacher wanted to know why we hadn't done the exercises. The teacher wanted to know why we hadn't done the exercises. Eu não vou tentar fazer isso. I won't try to do it. I'm not gonna try to do that. "Você aceita mais uma xícara de café?" "Não, obrigado." "Will you have another cup of coffee?" "No, thank you." "Would you like another cup of coffee?" "No, thank you." Será que Tom nunca me perdoará? Will Tom ever forgive me? Will Tom never forgive me? Uma abelha me picou. I got a bee sting. A bee bit me. Eu concordo que nós não deveríamos fazer isso. I agree that we shouldn't do that. I agree we shouldn't do this. A sala está cheia de flores. The room is full of flowers. The room is full of flowers. De acordo com ela, ele não virá. According to her, he won't come. According to her, he won't come. Ela saiu de casa há dez minutos. She left home ten minutes ago. She left home ten minutes ago. Eu posso ficar em Boston com o Tom. I can stay in Boston with Tom. I can stay in Boston with Tom. Tom planejou destruir o projeto. Tom plotted to destroy the project. Tom planned to destroy the project. Paguei três dólares por esse livro. I paid three dollars for that book. I paid three bucks for that book. Eles me perdoaram. They've forgiven me. They forgave me. Este é para uso interno. This is for internal use. This is for internal use. Vênus e Marte são os vizinhos da Terra. Venus and Mars are the neighbors of the Earth. Venus and Mars are the neighbors of the Earth. Tenho de explicar isto a Tom. I have to explain this to Tom. I have to explain this to Tom. Eles têm a mesma idade. They're the same age. They're the same age. Qual olho lhe dói? Which eye is hurting you? Which eye hurts you? Tom alinhou as cadeiras. Tom lined up the chairs. Tom's lined up the chairs. Tom tem um segundo emprego. Tom has a second job. Tom has a second job. Gostaria de ficar uma noite mais, se puder. I'd like to stay another night if I can. I'd like to stay one more night, if I may. Ela tem medo de gatos. She is afraid of cats. She's afraid of cats. Eu estou com muito medo. I'm very afraid. I'm really scared. Sei por que Tom me deixou em paz. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Eu sou a escolhida. I am the chosen one. I'm the one. Tom só queria um pouco de privacidade. Tom just wanted some privacy. Tom just wanted some privacy. Tom colocou dinheiro na jukebox. Tom put some money in the jukebox. Tom put money in the jukebox. Corra atrás dos seus sonhos. Follow your dreams. Run after your dreams. Sou a única pessoa que pode fazer isso. I'm the only person that can do that. I'm the only person who can do that. Vocês têm certeza de que o Tom não se lembrará de nada? Are you sure Tom won't remember anything? Are you sure Tom won't remember anything? Não fale com o motorista. Don't talk to the driver. Don't talk to the driver. Suspeito que o Tom e a Mary estejam intrigados. I suspect Tom and Mary are intrigued. I suspect Tom and Mary are intrigued. Sou burro pra caramba. I'm such an idiot. I'm stupid as hell. Eu sou teu filho. I am your son. I'm your son. Tom está indo bem na fazenda. Tom is doing well on the farm. Tom's doing great at the farm. Dez anos se passaram desde a sua morte. Ten years have gone by since his death. Ten years have passed since his death. Jane não era feliz. Jane was not happy. Jane wasn't happy. Este é o último pedaço de bolo. This is the last piece of cake. This is the last piece of cake. Você pode ter confundido Jane com a irmã dela. You may have mistaken Jane for her sister. You may have mistaken Jane for her sister. Esse prédio está quase pronto. This building is near completion. This building is almost ready. Tenho um montão de coisas a fazer. I have many things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Eu gostaria de reconfirmar o meu voo. I'd like to reconfirm my flight. I'd like to reconfirm my flight. Acho que nós deveríamos tentar. I think we should give it a try. I think we should try. Precisamos ir embora agora mesmo. We must leave right away. We need to leave right now. Tom provavelmente não lembra qual é a aparência de Maria. Tom probably doesn't remember what Mary looks like. Tom probably doesn't remember what Maria looks like. O café quente pode derreter o copo plástico. The hot coffee can melt a plastic cup. Hot coffee can melt the plastic cup. Você não precisa disto. You don't need this. You don't need this. Eu acho que você está imaginando coisas. I think you're imagining things. I think you're imagining things. Obrigado por me convidar. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks for inviting me. Quero que você me explique tudo que está acontecendo. I want you to explain everything that is happening to me. I want you to explain to me everything that's going on. Vamos ver o que o Tom está fazendo. Let's see what Tom is doing. Let's see what Tom's doing. Tom está consertando o seu carro. Tom is repairing his car. Tom's fixing your car. Aquele que abanou a fruta da árvore também deveria juntá-la. He who shook the fruit from the tree should also gather it up. The one who shook the fruit from the tree should also put it together. Parece que o trem está atrasado. The train seems to be late. Looks like the train's late. Tom pode sentar lá atrás se quiser. Tom may sit in the back if he wants to. Tom can sit in the back if he wants. Nossos corpos são compostos de células. Our bodies are made of cells. Our bodies are made up of cells. Tentaremos consertar a bicicleta mais tarde. Agora entre no carro. We'll try to fix that bike later. Get in the car now. We'll try to fix the bike later. O Tom parecia feliz. Tom seemed happy. Tom seemed happy. Eu li o artigo. I read the article. I read the article. Tom é muito artístico. Tom is very artistic. Tom's very artistic. Ele está sempre a te olhar. Deve te amar. He's always looking at you. He must love you. He's always looking at you, he must love you. Nós vamos divulgar a agenda final na manhã da segunda, dia 20 de janeiro. Então respondam rápido, por favor. We'll release the final agenda on the morning of Monday, January 20, so please reply quickly. We'll release the final schedule on Monday morning, January 20th, so respond quickly, please. Quero morar numa cidade grande. I want to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Qual é o melhor? Which one is better? Which one's the best? Este cão salvou a vida da garota. This dog saved the girl's life. This dog saved the girl's life. O Tom provavelmente não vai esperar pela gente. Tom likely won't wait for us. Tom probably won't wait for us. Eu tive que demitir Tom. I had to fire Tom. I had to fire Tom. Seu trabalho era tudo, menos descartável. His work was anything but disposable. Your job was anything but disposable. Tom tem sido um líder muito bom. Tom has been a very good leader. Tom's been a very good leader. Eu não achava que o Tom podia correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. Ela mora a alguns quarteirões daqui. She lives a few blocks away from here. She lives a few blocks from here. A maioria das pessoas acham que eu sou louco. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. Fale sem rodeios e me conte a verdade. Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth. Speak plainly and tell me the truth. Eu sinto vergonha de continuar vivendo agora. I feel ashamed for living on now. I feel ashamed to keep living now. Você tem certeza de que não quer que eu chame o Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? A escola fica na colina. The school is on the hill. School's on the hill. Eu não achei que fosse chover hoje. I didn't think it would rain today. I didn't think it was gonna rain today. O país inteiro estava soterrado na neve. The whole country was buried under snow. The whole country was buried in the snow. Estou bastante certo que é um erro. I'm fairly certain it's a bug. I'm pretty sure it's a mistake. Nós tínhamos acabado de jantar. We've just had dinner. We'd just had dinner. Muitas pessoas ainda estão esperando. Several people are already waiting. A lot of people are still waiting. Esse é o que quero. It's what I want. That's what I want. Tom é o campeão agora. Tom is the champ right now. Tom's the champion now. Também gosto dessa cor. I like this color, too. I like that color too. Eu comprei isto para a minha namorada. I bought this for my girlfriend. I bought this for my girlfriend. Vá ajudar a sua irmã. Go and help your sister. Go help your sister. O que você pediu para o Tom fazer? What did you ask Tom to do? What did you ask Tom to do? Aquele senhor morreu de câncer. That old man died of cancer. That gentleman died of cancer. Também estou desempregada. I am also unemployed. I'm unemployed too. É Paris que eu quero visitar. It is Paris that I want to visit. It's Paris I want to visit. Você tem dormido o suficiente? Have you been getting enough sleep? Have you been sleeping enough? É bem raro o Tom fazer isso. Tom very seldom does that. It's very rare for Tom to do that. A solidão é agradável, mas precisamos de alguém para nos dizer que a solidão é agradável. Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine. Loneliness is pleasant, but we need someone to tell us that loneliness is pleasant. Já estou na lista. I'm already on the list. I'm already on the list. É contra meus princípios contar uma mentira. It is against my principles to tell a lie. It's against my principles to tell a lie. Estão armados? Are they armed? Are they armed? Quero comprar poucos pares de calças. I want to buy a few pairs of trousers. I want to buy a few pairs of pants. Depois de dar um tapa na bochecha direita de Tom, Mary pisou no seu pé esquerdo. After slapping Tom's right cheek, Mary stomped on his left foot. After slapping Tom's right cheek, Mary stepped on his left foot. Hoje, eu viajarei para o Chile a negócios. Tonight I will travel for business to Chile. Today, I'm traveling to Chile on business. Tom nunca fez isso comigo antes. Tom has never done this to me before. Tom's never done this to me before. Onde está o seu outro brinco? Where's your other earring? Where's your other earring? Tom gosta de pipoca com bastante manteiga. Tom likes popcorn with lots of butter. Tom likes popcorn with plenty of butter. As folhas caíram. The leaves fell. The leaves have fallen. Não quero dizer ao Tomás que estive em Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tomás I was in Boston. Comentai. Comment. I'll tell you what. Espero ir a Boston no próximo mês. I'm hoping to go to Boston next month. I hope to go to Boston next month. Ela está ocupada. She's busy. She's busy. O Tom realmente não quer comer agora. Tom doesn't really want to eat now. Tom really doesn't want to eat right now. Você deve ser capaz de falar em inglês ou espanhol nessa empresa. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You must be able to speak in English or Spanish at this company. O contrato do Tom termina dia vinte de outubro. Tom's contract expires October 20th. Tom's contract ends on October 20th. Você sabe disso, não sabe? You know about that, don't you? You know that, don't you? Saí antes de minha irmã. I left earlier than my sister. I left before my sister. Não foi erro meu. It was not my mistake. It wasn't my mistake. É preciso fazer alguma economia para um caso de necessidade. You should lay by something against a rainy day. We need to make some savings for a case of need. Tom é melhor em francês do que em inglês. Tom is better at French than English. Tom is better in French than in English. Me perguntei por que Tom não venceu. I wondered why Tom didn't win. I wondered why Tom didn't win. Maria engravidou aos 14 anos de idade. Mary got pregnant at age fourteen. Maria got pregnant at the age of 14. Ela precisa de ajuda. She needs assistance. She needs help. Eu gosto de ler livros. I like to read books. I like to read books. Quantos bolos comeu a criança? - A criança comeu um bolo. "How many cakes did the child eat?" - "The child ate one cake." How many cakes did the child eat? Seu país te agradece. Your country thanks you. Your country thanks you. Quais são as condições? What conditions are attached? What are the conditions? Tom está orgulhoso demais para nos pedir ajuda. Tom is too proud to ask us for help. Tom's too proud to ask us for help. Os britânicos tinham mais tropas do que o outro lado. The British had more troops than the other side. The British had more troops than the other side. Não acho que Tom mentiria. I don't think that Tom would lie. I don't think Tom would lie. De quem é esta cerveja? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is this? Sua casa está à venda. His house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Você não sabe do que eu realmente gosto. You don't know what I really like. You don't know what I really like. Tom e Mary vão bem, não é? Tom and Mary are going to be OK, aren't they? Tom and Mary are doing well, aren't they? Eu gostaria de um tempo sozinho, por favor. I'd like some time alone, please. I'd like some time alone, please. Onde está o garoto? Where's the boy? Where's the boy? Ele ficou muito feliz de vê-lo. He was very pleased when he saw him. He was very happy to see you. Tom não consegue se lembrar qual raquete de pingue-pongue é a sua. Tom can't remember which ping-pong paddle is his. Tom can't remember which ping-pong racket is yours. Você está com problemas se comeu aquele bolo! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! You're in trouble if you ate that cake! Vocês já foram apresentados um ao outro? Have you already met each other? Have you been introduced to each other? Como você pode permitir isso? How could you allow it? How can you allow that? Esqueci que o Tom fala francês. I forgot Tom spoke French. I forgot Tom speaks French. Você pode usar o meu carro. You may use my car. You can use my car. Estou acostumado a viver sozinho. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Não estou sendo intransigente. I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not being uncompromising. Estudamos Inglês todos os dias. We learn English every day. We study English every day. Obrigado por sua ajuda! Thanks for helping me! Thank you for your help! Vocês planejam ir a Tóquio de ônibus? Do you plan to go to Tokyo by bus? Are you planning to go to Tokyo by bus? O filme durou 2 horas. The film lasted 2 hours. The film lasted two hours. Fadil foi estudar Árabe no Cairo durante um ano. Fadil went to Cairo to study Arabic there for a year. Fadil went to study Arabic in Cairo for a year. Eles me deram um outro aumento. They gave me another raise. They gave me another raise. Ela provavelmente virá. It is probable that she will come. She'll probably come. Apesar da pouca idade, ele fez um bom trabalho. Despite his young age, he did a very good job. Despite his young age, he did a good job. O que você faz de ruim aqui na terra, mais tarde você colherá. What you do badly here on earth, you will reap later. What you do bad here on earth, later you will reap. Os meus pais estão mortos. My parents are both dead. My parents are dead. Por que vocês precisam ler um livro assim? Why do you need to read such a book? Why do you need to read a book like that? A cada passo deparamos com barreiras. At every step, we face obstacles. Every step of the way we face barriers. Qual é o seu videoclipe favorito do Michael Jackson? What's your favorite Michael Jackson music video? What's your favorite Michael Jackson music video? Por que vocês estão chorando? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Mostre-me sua verdadeira identidade. Show me your true face. Show me your true identity. Parei de fumar há seis meses. I gave up smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. Isso poderia ser meio inconveniente para você, não acha? That might be a little inconvenient for you, don't you think? This could be a little inconvenient for you, don't you think? Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken with her? Has anyone talked to her? Ele é um ladrão. He is a thief. He's a thief. Você tem que fazer algo a respeito. You have to do something about it. You have to do something about it. Por que os senhores nunca me revelaram? Why didn't you ever tell me? Why didn't you gentlemen ever reveal it to me? Vamos colocar a árvore de Natal aqui. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the Christmas tree here. O Tom diz que ele não tem seguro. Tom says he doesn't have insurance. Tom says he doesn't have insurance. Por que tu vieste aqui hoje? Why did you come here today? Why did you come here today? Ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I helped a lot, I guess. Minha jaqueta tem um bolso secreto onde eu posso esconder dinheiro ou outras coisas de valor. My jacket has a secret pocket where I can hide money or other valuables. My jacket has a secret pocket where I can hide money or other valuables. Tom ficou extremamente agressivo. Tom got extremely aggressive. Tom got extremely aggressive. Harry é um ator estadunidense. Harry is an American actor. Harry is an American actor. Nós falamos sobre fuso horários. We talked about time zones. We talked about time zones. Eu vou te ajudar. I'll assist you. I'll help you. Leila não quis voltar para o acampamento. Layla didn't want to go back to the camp. Leila didn't want to go back to camp. Sei por que o Tom está surpreso. I know why Tom is surprised. I know why Tom's surprised. Maria me odeia? Does Mary hate me? Does Maria hate me? A criatividade é um importante aspecto do desenvolvimento humano. Creativity is an important aspect for the development of human. Creativity is an important aspect of human development. Ela gosta de ter a atenção dos garotos. She likes to get boys' attention. She likes to get the boys' attention. O Tom se preocupa com a segurança. Tom worries about security. Tom cares about security. Você leu isso? Did you read that? Did you read that? Talvez ela saiba a resposta. Maybe she knows the answer. Maybe she knows the answer. Você é arrogante. You're arrogant. You're arrogant. Lamento desapontá-lo. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Eu estou no nosso time de futebol do ensino médio. I am on our high school soccer team. I'm on our high school football team. Nós podemos nos encontrar no meio da tarde. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon. Eu não gosto de cerveja. I don't like beer. I don't like beer. O que você quer que eu faça com o Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? Eu levei quase duas horas para escrever a redação. It took me nearly two hours to write the essay. It took me almost two hours to write the essay. A toalha é vermelha. The towel is red. The towel is red. Quanto foi que o Tom nos pagou? How much did Tom pay us? How much did Tom pay us? Ela não veio à festa, mas ninguém sabe o porquê. She didn't arrive at the party, but nobody knows why. She didn't come to the party, but no one knows why. Eu deveria ter notado isso antes. I should've noticed it before. I should have noticed that before. Tom está olhando para o céu. Tom is looking up into the sky. Tom's looking at the sky. Eu sei que Tom gosta de jazz. I know that Tom likes jazz. I know Tom likes jazz. Eles não estão nadando no rio. They aren't swimming in the river. They're not swimming in the river. Eles insistem que ele deveria ir. They insist that he should go. They insist he should go. O homem vive não só sua vida pessoal, mas também, consciente ou inconscientemente, a vida de sua época e de seus contemporâneos. A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries. Man lives not only his personal life, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his time and his contemporaries. Eu não entendi praticamente nada. I hardly understood anything at all. I didn't understand anything. Ken joga tênis? Does Ken play tennis? Ken plays tennis? Há muitos gatos abandonados no mundo. There are many abandoned cats in the world. There's a lot of abandoned cats in the world. Eu não posso ir sozinho. I can't go alone. I can't go alone. Eu estava tentando esquecer tudo. I was trying to forget everything. I was trying to forget everything. Quem gere o hotel? Who runs this hotel? Who runs the hotel? Tom estava com dor. Tom was in pain. Tom was in pain. Por que o Tom não confia na Mary? Why doesn't Tom trust Mary? Why doesn't Tom trust Mary? Eu vou dar uma chance ao Tom. I'll give Tom a chance. I'm gonna give Tom a chance. Cicatrizes não são o problema doutor. Eu não sou bonito faz muito tempo. Scars are no big deal, Doctor. I haven't been pretty for a very long time. Scars aren't the problem, doctor. Tom quase foi demitido. Tom almost got fired. Tom was almost fired. Algum dia, você me verá. Some day, you will see me. Someday, you'll see me. Bom, ninguém é perfeito! Well, nobody is perfect! Well, nobody's perfect! O que você quer fazer primeiro? What do you want to do first? What do you want to do first? Quer um copo? Tem um na mesa. Do you want a glass? There is one on the table. There's one on the table. Eu não acho que Tom gostaria de Boston. I don't think Tom would like Boston. I don't think Tom would like Boston. Quem deixou ela entrar? Who allowed her in? Who let her in? Por que eu tenho que decidir? Why do I have to decide? Why do I have to decide? Vai ser a primeira vez às 2:40 da manhã de amanhã? Ou vai ser a segunda vez? Is it the first time at 2:40AM tomorrow? Or is it the second time? Will it be the first time at 2:40 tomorrow morning, or will it be the second time? Acho que você sabe que não é verdade. I think you know that's not true. I think you know that's not true. Você não está vendo um grampeador por aí? Can't you see a stapler somewhere around there? Don't you see a stapler out there? O pai do Tom faleceu ano passado. Tom's father died last year. Tom's father passed away last year. Por que não pedimos o conselho do Tom? Why don't we ask for Tom's advice? Why don't we ask Tom's advice? Qual das histórias você quer que eu leia? Which story do you want me to read? Which one of the stories do you want me to read? De início isso levou a fofocas entre pessoas fúteis, e gradualmente provocou críticas de membros de nossa família. Initially this gave rise to gossip among petty people, and it gradually provoked criticism from members of our family. At first this led to gossip among futile people, and gradually provoked criticism from members of our family. É só um gato. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. Isso não é segredo. This isn't a secret. That's no secret. Ele é bom no golfe. He is good at golf. He's good at golf. Você ficará sozinho. You'll be alone. You'll be alone. Eu sou de Londres. I am from London. I'm from London. Tom está lhe usando. Tom is using you. Tom's using you. Eu odeio répteis. I hate reptiles. I hate reptiles. Claro que nós acreditamos em você! Of course, we believe you. Of course we believe you! Por razões compreensíveis, eles foram rejeitados. For understandable reasons, they have been rejected. For understandable reasons, they were rejected. Como você soube que eu não sou canadense? How did you know that I'm not Canadian? How did you know I wasn't Canadian? Um agrafador é muito útil para anexar folhas. A stapler is very useful for attaching papers together. A stapler is very useful for attaching sheets. Ela passou algum tempo em Boston. She spent some time in Boston. She spent some time in Boston. Ele parou de fumar. He stopped to smoke. He quit smoking. Você se importaria de sair da sala? Would you mind leaving the room? Would you mind leaving the room? Isso não pode estar certo. Ele ainda está em férias no Havaí. It can't be right. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. Deixe-me ir contar ao Tom a boa notícia. Let me go and tell Tom the good news. Let me go tell Tom the good news. Maria e Alice não são irmãs. Mary and Alice aren't sisters. Mary and Alice aren't sisters. O Tom é menos ativo do que o irmão dele. Tom isn't as active as his brother. Tom's less active than his brother. Será que um falante não nativo de Inglês poderá jamais ganhar um debate contra um falante nativo, nos níveis mais altos de uma discussão? Can a non-native English speaker ever win a debate against a native speaker at the highest levels of debate? Can a non-native English speaker never win a debate against a native speaker at the highest levels of a discussion? Fui criado num orfanato em Boston. I was raised in an orphanage in Boston. I was raised in an orphanage in Boston. Eu sei que o Tom está furioso. I know that Tom is furious. I know Tom's furious. Tom nunca admite que está errado, mesmo quando sabe que está. Tom never admits he's wrong even when he knows he is. Tom never admits he's wrong, even when he knows he is. Vigie as malas. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on the bags. Tom tocava violoncelo. Tom used to play the cello. Tom played the cello. Eu estou cansado de todas as reclamações. I'm sick of all the complaints. I'm tired of all the complaints. Eu não era pontual. I wasn't punctual. I wasn't on time. Tenho certeza de que o Tom não fará nada maluco. I'm pretty sure Tom won't do anything crazy. I'm sure Tom won't do anything crazy. Eu acho que nós estamos melhorando. I think we're getting better. I think we're getting better. Tom está tentando não chorar. Tom is trying not to cry. Tom's trying not to cry. Quero que você vá para Boston. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Eu contei para a Mary. I told Mary. I told Mary. Tom ainda está nervoso, não é? Tom is still nervous, isn't he? Tom's still nervous, isn't he? O Tom é careca. Tom is bald. Tom's bald. Por que aquelas crianças estão chorando? Why are those kids crying? Why are those kids crying? Não conheço nenhuma leitura mais fácil, mais fascinante e mais prazerosa do que um catálogo. I do not know any reading more easy, more fascinating, more delightful than a catalogue. I don't know any easier, more fascinating and more pleasurable readings than a catalog. Que é que achais que eu estive a fazer? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? Eu me sinto incrível! I feel amazing! I feel amazing! Ela não pode ingerir álcool. She can't drink alcohol. She can't drink alcohol. Vocês fizeram a parte de vocês. You did your part. You did your part. Estamos à procura de ajuda. We are looking for help. We're looking for help. Eu não sabia que ela era casada. I didn't know she was married. I didn't know she was married. Vocês já foram apresentados a ele? Have you met him already? Have you been introduced to him? As bebidas são grátis? Are drinks free? Are the drinks free? Qual é a diferença entre "make" e "do" em inglês? What is the difference between "make" and "do" in English? What's the difference between "make" and "do" in English? Onde posso comprar um tigre vivo? Where can I buy a live tiger? Where can I buy a living tiger? O acidente aconteceu dois anos atrás. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. Todos estão aqui menos o Tom. Everyone is here except for Tom. Everyone's here but Tom. Tom está preocupado com algo. Tom is preoccupied with something. Tom's worried about something. Gostaria de aprender Inglês por vários motivos. I would like to learn English for several reasons. I would like to learn English for various reasons. Não consigo me lembrar da última vez que comi com a minha família. I can't remember the last time I ate with my family. I can't remember the last time I ate with my family. É verdade que você se recupera de resfriados quando você os passa para outra pessoa? Is it true that you recover from colds when you give them to someone else? Is it true that you recover from colds when you pass them on to someone else? O Tom disse achar necessário que fizéssemos isso? Did Tom say he thought it was necessary for us to do that? Did Tom say he thought it was necessary for us to do this? Eu te encontro lá. I'll meet you up there. I'll meet you there. Tom sentirá saudades da Mary. Tom will miss Mary. Tom's gonna miss Mary. Tom vai se divertir com isso. Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom's gonna have fun with this. Tom é um mentiroso compulsivo. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom's a compulsive liar. Eu não tive muita escolha. I didn't have much choice. I didn't have much choice. Esta planta precisa de muita água. This plant needs a lot of water. This plant needs a lot of water. Não tenho que estar aqui. I don't have to be here. I don't have to be here. Onde você joga tênis? Where do you play tennis? Where do you play tennis? Eu ensinava francês há muitos anos. I taught French many years ago. I've been teaching French for many years. O cachorro está sem vida. The dog is dead. The dog's lifeless. Por que eles demitiram o Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? O que vocês acham que vão fazer? What do you think you're going to do? What do you think you're gonna do? Que tal um abraço? How about a hug? How about a hug? Tom acha que o Sol gira em torno da Terra. Tom thinks that the sun revolves around the earth. Tom thinks the sun revolves around the Earth. Eu preciso ir dormir, de verdade. I really have to go to bed. I really need to go to sleep. Eu estudo inglês às segundas e sextas. I study English on Monday and Friday. I study English on Mondays and Fridays. Vocês sabem quem é aquele cara? Do you know who that guy is? Do you know who that guy is? Obedeça sempre a seu pai. Always obey your father. Always obey your father. Que disperdício! What a waste! What a waste! Tom acha difícil comer com suas novas dentaduras. Tom finds it difficult to eat with his new dentures. Tom finds it hard to eat with his new dentures. Quero que espere aqui até eu voltar. I want you to wait here till I get back. I want you to wait here until I get back. O Tom também é um artista. Tom is also an artist. Tom's an artist, too. Tom apresentou-se a todos. Tom introduced himself to everyone. Tom introduced himself to everyone. Meu computador estava funcionando normalmente. My computer was working normal. My computer was working normally. O rosto de Tom ficou vermelho de raiva. Tom's face turned red with anger. Tom's face turned red with rage. Tome cuidado para não virar a caixa de ponta-cabeça. Take care not to turn the box upside down. Be careful not to turn the box upside down. Queremos isso. We want it. We want that. Eu traduzi a carta do Tom em francês. I translated Tom's letter into French. I translated Tom's letter into French. O Japão não é rico em recursos naturais. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Japan is not rich in natural resources. Qual é a sua média de notas? What's your grade point average? What's your grade average? Que acreditastes que o Tom fosse fazer? What did you think Tom would do? What did you think Tom was gonna do? Todos os segredos deles foram revelados. All their secrets have been revealed. All their secrets have been revealed. Inglês é falado em todos os lugares. English is spoken everywhere. English is spoken everywhere. Eu esperei uma hora. I waited an hour. I waited an hour. O Tom está sempre em meu pensamento. Tom is always on my mind. Tom is always in my mind. Este é um mapa da cidade de Sendai. This is a map of the city of Sendai. This is a map of the town of Sendai. Minha bicicleta está com um pneu furado. My bicycle has a flat tire. My bike's got a flat tire. Sou o filho da Mary. I'm Mary's son. I'm Mary's son. Eu gosto de fruta. I like fruit. I like fruit. Você nunca falou muito sobre Tom. You've never talked much about Tom. You never talked much about Tom. Tom diz que quer aprender Francês. Tom says he wants to learn French. Tom says he wants to learn French. Este sumo de maçã é puro. This apple juice is pure. This apple juice is pure. Mimuna? Não, nunca ouvir falar disso. Mimouna? No, never heard of that. No, never hear of it. Aoi dança bem. Aoi dances well. Aoi dances well. No total tenho 4 filhos. In total, I have 4 children. In total, I have four children. Você gostaria disso. You'd like it. You'd like that. Ele ficou sozinho. He stayed alone. He was alone. Nós nos sentamos ali. We sat there. We sat over there. O brinquedo amarelo é pequeno. The yellow toy is little. The yellow toy is small. Tom voltou ao seu escritório. Tom drove back to his office. Tom's back in his office. Está tudo acabado para você. It's all over for you. It's all over for you. Esse é o que eu quero. It's what I want. That's what I want. Ele mesmo fez. He himself did it. He made it himself. O Tom é terrível na cozinha. Tom is terrible at cooking. Tom's terrible in the kitchen. Aqui em Portugal diz-se assim. In Portugal we say it like so. Here in Portugal it is said so. Você já ouviu a "Nona" de Beethoven? Have you ever listened to Beethoven's "Ninth"? Have you ever heard Beethoven's Ninth? Tom é imaturo. Tom is immature. Tom's immature. Estamos melhorando. We're getting better. We're getting better. É assim que nós queremos que você faça. That's how we want you to do it. That's how we want you to do it. Você tem troco? Do you have any change? Do you have any change? As crianças caçavam borboletas. The children caught butterflies. The children hunted butterflies. Tom está convencido de que todo mundo o odeia. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. Tom's convinced everyone hates him. Os pobres não estão sempre infelizes. The poor are not always unhappy. The poor aren't always unhappy. O peixe é normalmente acompanhado de vinho branco. Fish is normally accompanied by white wine. The fish is usually accompanied by white wine. Eu conheço um homem que fala bem o francês. I know a man who can speak French well. I know a man who speaks French well. Nem todos nós nascemos com talento musical. Not all of us are born with musical talent. Not all of us were born with musical talent. Onde o Tom está hoje? Where's Tom today? Where's Tom today? Os irmãos se odeiam. The siblings hate each other. Brothers hate each other. Uma natureza morta de um pintor holandês está pendurada no quarto dele. A still life by a Dutch painter hangs in his room. A dead nature of a Dutch painter is hanging in his room. Você sabe nadar? Are you able to swim? Can you swim? Este país se tornou uma plutocracia. This country has become a plutocracy. This country has become a plutocracy. Eu tenho que me despedir. I have to say goodbye. I have to say goodbye. Ele adora cozinhar para sua família. He likes cooking for his family. He loves cooking for his family. Eu vou tomar um banho. I'm going to have a shower. I'm going to take a shower. Este calo dói muito. This corn hurts a lot. This callus really hurts. Eu queria que Tom esperasse por nós. I wanted Tom to wait for us. I wanted Tom to wait for us. Esta palavra é de uso comum? Is this word in common use? Is this word of common use? Minha mulher é médica. My wife is a doctor. My wife's a doctor. Ajudem-me! Help me. Help me! Eu comprei legumes, carne e manteiga. I bought vegetables, beef and butter. I bought vegetables, meat and butter. Essa é a sua única esperança. It's your only hope. That's your only hope. Há uma chave sobre a escrivaninha. There is a key on the desk. There's a key to the desk. Todos eles entraram. They all entered. They're all in. Ele escutou histórias magníficas sobre cidades de ouro com árvores de prata. He had heard wonderful stories about cities of gold with silver trees. He heard magnificent stories about golden cities with silver trees. Foi perfeito. It was perfect. It was perfect. A paisagem por aqui é muito bonita. The scenery about here is very beautiful. The landscape around here is very beautiful. Não temos absolutamente nada em comum. We have absolutely nothing in common. We have absolutely nothing in common. Vocês já se conhecem? Do you know each other? Have you two met? Podemos falar com o Tom. We can talk to Tom. We can talk to Tom. Vai ficar pronto. It'll be ready. It'll be ready. Sou uma pessoa ocupada. I'm a busy person. I'm a busy person. Estacione o carro na sombra. Park the car in the shade. Park the car in the shade. Não estamos bravos. We're not angry. We're not mad. A Rússia é grande. Russia is big. Russia is big. Vou chegar muito tarde. I'm gonna be so late. I'm gonna be too late. Ele falou sobre sua doença. He talked about her illness. He talked about his illness. Eu não sou muito bom na natação. I'm not very good at swimming. I'm not very good at swimming. Tom respondeu todas as perguntas corretamente. Tom answered all the questions correctly. Tom answered all the questions correctly. Eu lavo sempre a minha roupa ao fim-de-semana. I always wash my clothes at the weekend. I always do my laundry on the weekend. Tentativas de lutar contra o incêndio usando baldes logo se provaram infrutíferas. Attempts to fight the fire with buckets soon proved fruitless. Attempts to fight the fire using buckets soon proved fruitless. Espera, pessoal. Wait, you guys. Wait, guys. Eu achei que o Tom ficaria tímido. I thought Tom would be shy. I thought Tom would be shy. Não estou te ignorando. I'm not ignoring you. I'm not ignoring you. Eu quero saber o que você encontrou. I want to know what you've found out. I want to know what you found. Obrigado pela espera. Thanks for waiting. Thanks for waiting. Há muitos clubes em sua cidade? Are there many clubs in your city? Are there many clubs in your city? Se fizer sol, vamos ao clube. If it's sunny, let's go to the club. If it's sunny, we'll go to the club. Estou feliz com ele. I'm happy with it. I'm happy with him. Eles são lutadores de sumô japoneses. They are Japanese sumo wrestlers. They're Japanese sumo fighters. Tom não estava com muita saúde naquela época. Tom wasn't very healthy at that time. Tom wasn't in much health at the time. Tom fez o que você pediu a ele? Did Tom do what you asked him to do? Did Tom do what you asked him to? Todos os convidados foram para casa. All the guests have gone home. All the guests have gone home. Tom gosta mesmo de tocar violão, mas não gosta de cantar. Tom really loves playing the guitar, but he doesn't like singing. Tom really likes to play guitar, but he doesn't like to sing. Chegamos. We've arrived. We're here. Eu me interesso por muitas coisas, além da música. I'm interested in many things, not just music. I'm interested in a lot of things besides music. Ontem ele viu um grande homem. Yesterday he saw a big man. Yesterday he saw a great man. Eu encomendei novos móveis. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. Vim pra casa de ônibus. I came home by bus. I came home on the bus. Espero te ver logo. I hope to see you soon. I hope to see you soon. Tom comeu três maçãs. Tom ate three apples. Tom ate three apples. O que você passa fazendo durante sua infância afeta o resto de sua vida. What you spend time doing in your childhood affects the rest of your life. What you spend doing during your childhood affects the rest of your life. Simplesmente estou planejando com antecedência. I'm simply planning ahead. I'm simply planning ahead of schedule. Tom excluiu todas as mensagens de Mary. Tom deleted all of Mary's messages. Tom deleted all of Mary's messages. Ele está a comer. He's eating. He's eating. Tom não fará mal algum a você. Tom won't do you any harm. Tom won't do you any harm. Tom e Maria têm três netos. Tom and Mary have three grandchildren. Tom and Maria have three grandchildren. Eu não vou deixá-lo dirigir. I won't let you drive. I won't let you drive. Maria está à beira da morte. Mary is near death. Mary is on the brink of death. Tom a jogou fora. Tom threw it away. Tom threw it away. Mas as mudanças propostas se contradiziam. But the proposed changes contradicted one another. But the proposed changes contradicted each other. O mundo é um grande baile no qual todos vestem uma máscara. The world is a grand ball in which everyone wears a mask. The world is a great ball in which everyone wears a mask. Tom me disse que o livro era interessante. Tom told me the book was interesting. Tom told me the book was interesting. O sucesso faz um homem egoísta. Success makes a man egotistic. Success makes a selfish man. Você vai à festa? Are you going to the party? Are you going to the party? Coma isto. Eat this up. Eat this. Todos os soldados estavam em pé lado a lado. All the soldiers stood side by side. All the soldiers were standing side by side. Não posso mudar esses planos. I can't change these plans. I can't change those plans. Não apostei. I didn't bet. I didn't. Meu cabelo é muito comprido. My hair's too long. My hair is too long. Você já esteve aqui alguma vez? Have you ever been here before? Have you ever been here before? Tom tentou ficar calmo. Tom tried to keep calm. Tom tried to stay calm. Eu preciso falar com você. I need to speak to you. I need to talk to you. Por que vocês estão rindo? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Tom cortou a massa pela metade. Tom cut the dough in half. Tom cut the dough in half. Eu acho que vou ter que fazer isso. I guess that I'll have to do that. I think I'm gonna have to do this. Aquelas meninas usam saias brancas? Do those girls wear white skirts? Do those girls wear white skirts? Remington passou vários meses em Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. Todos os seus segredos foram revelados. All their secrets have been revealed. All your secrets have been revealed. Visitei Boston algumas vezes. I've visited Boston a few times. I visited Boston a few times. Os gatos são animais muito limpos. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are very clean animals. A tua filha é cega? Is your daughter blind? Is your daughter blind? O menino é gentil. The boy is kind. The boy is kind. Só preciso de tempo para pensar. I just need time to think. I just need time to think. Eu gosto da língua occitana. I like the Occitan language. I like the Occitan language. Tem havido muitas queixas sobre as crianças andarem de skate na frente da escola. There have been a lot of complaints about kids skateboarding in front of the school. There's been a lot of complaints about the kids skateboarding in front of the school. Os edifícios são antigos e estão prestes a desmoronar. The buildings are old and about to collapse. The buildings are old and are about to fall apart. Me desculpe se eu acordei você. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'm sorry if I woke you up. Ela gosta de escutar música. She likes to listen to music. She likes to listen to music. Tom ainda é muito novo para beber cerveja. Tom is still too young to drink beer. Tom's still too young to drink beer. Não quero que a mesma coisa aconteça conosco. I don't want the same thing to happen to us. I don't want the same thing to happen to us. Tom realmente queria ir para Boston com Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. Eu estava com a palavra na ponta da língua. I had the word on the tip of my tongue. I had the word on the tip of my tongue. Eu amo hot dog. I love hot dogs. I love hot dog. Por que Tom não terminou? Why didn't Tom finish? Why didn't Tom break up? Que tal é a Austrália? What's it like in Australia? How's Australia? Eu estou ocupado na segunda. I'm busy on Monday. I'm busy on Monday. Sua amizade significa muito para mim. Your friendship has great value to me. Your friendship means a lot to me. Obrigado pelo presente. Thank you for the present. Thanks for the gift. Tom é cantor. Tom is a singer. Tom's a singer. Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio. Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school. Flavio is in the third grade of high school. Que horas são? What's the time? What time is it? Não gostaríamos de te perder. We wouldn't like to lose you. We wouldn't want to lose you. Tenho notícias sobre ela. I have news about her. I have news about her. Não acho que Tom deixaria a sua esposa. I don't think that Tom would leave his wife. I don't think Tom would leave his wife. Com quem você vai? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? Quem o Tom está procurando? Who's Tom looking for? Who's Tom looking for? Tom quase se esqueceu de fazer o dever de casa. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Estou sóbrio. I'm sober. I'm sober. Espero que você se divirta! I hope you have a good time! I hope you have fun! Existem quase trinta peixes dourados em nossa lagoa. There are about thirty goldfish in our pond. There are almost thirty goldfish in our pond. Ela está aqui me fazendo companhia enquanto ainda me recupero. She is here to keep me company while I’m still recovering. She's here keeping me company while I still recover. Eu tomo banho todo dia. I have a bath every day. I bathe every day. Sou viúva. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Vai ao médico pegar a receita! Go to the doctor to get your prescription! Go to the doctor and get the prescription! Tom e Maria construíram um castelo de areia na praia. Tom and Mary built a sand castle on the beach. Tom and Maria built a sand castle on the beach. Acho que ela está doente. I am afraid she is ill. I think she's sick. Os meus amigos me chamam de Tom. My friends call me Tom. My friends call me Tom. O Tom não folga muito nos fins de semana. Tom doesn't have many weekends off. Tom doesn't get much time off on the weekends. Ele estava arquejando. He was panting. He was arching. Tu deverias fazê-lo. You should do it. You should do it. O noticiário deixou ela triste. The news made her sad. The news made her sad. Eles não têm nada tão sofisticado. They've got nothing this sophisticated. They don't have anything so sophisticated. A minha mãe experimentou o leite. My mother tasted the milk. My mom tried the milk. Apressem-se, por favor! Please hurry. Hurry up, please! Eu não sei tocar piano. I can't play piano. I don't know how to play the piano. Como foi a prova? How did the exam go? How was the test? Tem um dicionário em cima da mesa. There's a dictionary on the desk. There's a dictionary on the table. Eu sou o filho mais novo da família. I'm the youngest child in the family. I'm the youngest son in the family. É melhor sermos otimistas e estarmos errados do que ser pessimistas e estarmos certos. It's better to be an optimist and be wrong than to be a pessimist and be right. It's better to be optimistic and to be wrong than to be pessimistic and to be right. Ele jazia morto na banheira. He sat there dead in the bathtub. He was lying dead in the bathtub. Atirei uma pedra ao pássaro. I threw a stone at the bird. I threw a rock at the bird. O que está feito está feito. What is done cannot be undone. What's done is done. Na verdade, eu tenho sim, um favor para pedir. In fact, I do have a request. Actually, I do have a favor to ask. Algumas pessoas não comem carne. Some people don't eat meat. Some people don't eat meat. Fomos testemunhas da acidente. We were witnesses of the accident. We were witnesses to the accident. O irmão de meu pai é meu tio. The brother of my father is my uncle. My father's brother is my uncle. Tom pode vencer desta vez. Tom may win this time. Tom can win this time. Qual é a esperança da humanidade se as pessoas inteligentes são a minoria? What is the hope for humankind if the smart people are a very small minority? What is mankind’s hope if intelligent people are the minority? Eu não vou permitir que você ainda faça isso. I won't allow you to do that yet. I won't allow you to still do that. Minha carteira foi roubada. My wallet has been stolen. My wallet was stolen. Tom cometeu suicídio no ano passado. Tom committed suicide last year. Tom committed suicide last year. O Tom escutou a Mary pacientemente. Tom listened to Mary patiently. Tom listened to Mary patiently. Não devemos ficar surpresos; era possível ver que isso estava para acontecer. We can't be surprised, you could see it coming. We should not be surprised; it was possible to see that this was about to happen. Mary tem dois namorados. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two boyfriends. Não foi tão ruim assim. It wasn't all that bad. It wasn't that bad. O processo já começou. The process has already begun. The process has already begun. Fazer amizade com gente de outros países é interessante. Making friends with people from other countries is interesting. Friendship with people from other countries is interesting. Ambas as irmãs dele são bonitas. His sisters are both beautiful. Both his sisters are beautiful. Os hereges foram queimados vivos. The heretics were burned alive. The heretics were burned alive. Se isso fosse verdade, o que vocês fariam? If that were true, what would you do? If that were true, what would you do? Não vou te dizer onde o Tom está. I'm not going to tell you where Tom is. I'm not gonna tell you where Tom is. Por favor, deixe-me carregar a sua mala. Please allow me to carry your bag. Please, let me carry your bag. A minha mãe provou o leite. My mother tasted the milk. My mom tried the milk. O que você acha do aquecimento global? What do you think about global warming? What do you think of global warming? O prato tinha muitas batatas cortadas em cubos nele. The dish had many diced potatoes in it. The dish had lots of chips cut into cubes on it. Eu vou ver o Tom amanhã. I'll be seeing Tom tomorrow. I'm going to see Tom tomorrow. Qual o problema, querida? What's the matter, dear? What's the matter, honey? Circule com lápis vermelho. Circle in red pencil. Circle with red pencil. O teste foi fácil. The exam was easy. The test was easy. Convidei-a para ir ao cinema. I invited her to go to the movies. I invited her to the movies. Tom parece que não sabe o que fazer. Tom looks like he doesn't know what to do. Tom doesn't seem to know what to do. Eu preciso de um plano. I need a plan. I need a plan. Há um pacote de correspondência para o senhor. There's a package in the mail for you. There's a mail package for you. Estou bebendo água porque estou com sede. I'm drinking water because I'm thirsty. I'm drinking water because I'm thirsty. Se você tirar os seus sapatos antes de entrar na casa, não trará nenhuma poeira dos seus sapatos. If you take your shoes off before coming into the house you won't bring in any dirt from your shoes. If you take off your shoes before you enter the house, it won't bring any dust from your shoes. Tom quer falar com Mary sobre o quê? What does Tom want to talk to Mary about? Tom wants to talk to Mary about what? Nunca aperte esse botão. Never press this button. Don't ever push that button. O Tom é um homem interessante. Tom is an interesting man. Tom's an interesting man. Todos esses livros são seus. All these books are yours. All these books are yours. Estarei pronto na segunda. I'll be ready on Monday. I'll be ready on Monday. Eu não tenho irmãs. I don't have any sister. I don't have any sisters. Isso não está acabado mesmo. This isn't finished at all. This isn't over at all. Estamos dentro. We're inside. We're in. Você me chamou? Have you called me? Did you call me? Nosso segredo foi descoberto pelo governo. Our secret was discovered by the government. Our secret was discovered by the government. Mas que diabos você está fazendo no meu quarto? What in the hell are you doing in my room? What the hell are you doing in my room? Caí da escada e levei uma pancada muito forte nas costas. I fell down the stairs and hit my back very hard. I fell down the stairs and got hit pretty hard in the back. Você gosta de seus colegas de classe? Do you like your classmates? Do you like your classmates? Ele veio apesar da forte nevasca. He came in spite of the heavy snowfall. He came in despite the strong blizzard. Que alegria deve ter sido isso para você! What a joy that must have been for you. What a joy that must have been for you! Agora sei o que preciso fazer. I know now what I have to do. Now I know what I need to do. Você nunca tem tempo para as coisas importantes. You never have time for important things! You never have time for important things. Tom gosta de vinho. Tom likes wine. Tom likes wine. Ele perguntou de você. He asked after you. He asked about you. Eu nunca cantei e nunca cantarei em um karaoke em bar nenhum. I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar. I've never sung and I'll never sing in a karaoke in any bar. Tom só falou francês. Tom spoke only French. Tom only spoke French. Vocês dois estão demitidos. You're both fired. You're both fired. Estou pensando em você. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Ele estava prestes a falar. He was about to speak. He was about to talk. Quer um copo de leite? Do you want a glass of milk? Would you like a glass of milk? Uma língua é um dialeto com um exército e uma marinha. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. Nós todos nos convencemos de que ele é culpado. We are all convinced that he's guilty. We've all convinced ourselves he's guilty. Tom quer brincar. Tom wants to play. Tom wants to play. O que fez você pensar que Tom gostava de heavy metal? What made you think Tom liked heavy metal? What made you think Tom liked heavy metal? Tom não gosta de comer verduras. Tom doesn't like eating vegetables. Tom doesn't like eating vegetables. Eles não têm senso algum de pecaminosidade. They have no sense of sin. They have no sense of sinfulness. Apontei minha câmera para ela. I pointed my camera at her. I pointed my camera at her. Volto mais tarde. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. Eu quase fui demitido. I almost got fired. I almost got fired. O imperador faleceu em janeiro de 1989. Por essa razão, o nome da era mudou de Showa para Heisei. The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. The Emperor died in January 1989. For this reason, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. Eu consegui escapar. I managed to escape. I managed to escape. De que maneira você vai fazer isso? How are you going to do that? In what way are you going to do that? Aquilo teria sido chato. That would've been awful. That would have been boring. Eu me apaixonei por ela no momento que eu a conheci. I fell in love with her the moment I met her. I fell in love with her the moment I met her. A reunião aconteceu ontem. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting took place yesterday. Desista. Come off it. Give it up. Era para nos encontrarmos no restaurante, mas Tom nunca apareceu. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant, but Tom never showed up. Eu comprei uma camiseta. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Eu não trabalho para o Tom. I don't work for Tom. I don't work for Tom. Eu queria que alguém fizesse isso. I wish that someone would do that. I wanted someone to do that. Você não sabe ler? Can't you read? Can't you read? Ele morreu em um acidente de carro. He was killed in a car accident. He died in a car accident. Está tudo bem se eu trocar de canal? Is it OK if I change the channel? Is it okay if I switch channels? Tom e Mary fizeram exatamente o que eu lhes pedi para fazer. Tom and Mary did exactly what I told them to do. Tom and Mary did exactly what I asked them to do. Para falar a verdade, eu não fui até lá. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. As a matter of fact, I didn't go there. Nós nos damos muito bem. We get along great. We get along very well. A moça de casaco azul é minha filha. The girl in a blue coat is my daughter. The girl in the blue coat is my daughter. Tom parecia estar ocupado. Tom looked like he was occupied. Tom seemed busy. Sinto muito tê-lo deixado esperando. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Meu computador tem que me ser útil para algo. My computer has got to be useful for something. My computer has to be useful to me for something. Eu só queria saber por que Tom pediu a Mary que fizesse isso. I wonder why Tom asked Mary to do that. I just wanted to know why Tom asked Mary to do that. Ela já está aí? She's there already? Is she there yet? Chove no molhado. It never rains, it pours. It rains in the wet. Eu não conheço os meus vizinhos. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Por que o Tom mentiria a idade dele? Why would Tom lie about his age? Why would Tom lie his age? Ainda tem açúcar? Is there any sugar left? Do you still have sugar? Escolho ver a perfeição divina, em todas as células do meu corpo. I choose to see the divine perfection in every cell of my body. I choose to see divine perfection in every cell in my body. Dedico esta canção à minha gente. I dedicate this song to my people. I dedicate this song to my people. Tom encontrou uma nota de cem dólares na rua. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred-dollar bill on the street. Ele obrigatoriamente perceberá seu erro. He's bound to notice your mistake. He's bound to realize his mistake. Ela estava lavando as louças. She was washing the dishes. She was doing the dishes. Eu só estava de passagem. I was just passing by. I was just passing by. Eu amo a França! I love France. I love France! Ela é terrível em matemática, não é? She's terrible at math, isn't she? She's terrible at math, isn't she? Minha vida está em perigo. My life is in danger. My life is in danger. Você não deve tocá-lo. You mustn't touch it. You mustn't touch him. Nunca arrumo a cama. I never make my bed. I never make the bed. Tire as suas meias. Take off your socks. Take off your socks. Somos pessoas, também. We're people, too. We're people, too. Ele usou uma fantasia de pirata para o Halloween. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. Tom está ocupado agora. Tom is busy now. Tom's busy right now. Você comeu alguma coisa? Did you eat anything? Did you eat anything? Faça você mesmo ou contrate alguém para fazer isso por você. Do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Tom perdeu outro guarda-chuva. Tom has lost another umbrella. Tom lost another umbrella. Ela tem olhos azuis. She has blue eyes. She has blue eyes. O Tom agarrou a mala dele. Tom grabbed his bag. Tom grabbed his bag. Beijaste mesmo o Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Did you really kiss Tom? Não tenho o mínimo interesse por física. I'm not interested in physics at all. I have absolutely no interest in physics. Eu sei que você está ouvindo. I know you're listening. I know you're listening. Eles frequentemente associam o Japão ao Monte Fuji. They often associate Japan with Mt. Fuji. They often associate Japan with Mount Fuji. Eu não me lembro do nome do irmão mais novo do Tom. I don't remember Tom's younger brother's name. I don't remember Tom's younger brother's name. De quem o cachorro que está brincando com Tom? Whose dog is playing with Tom? Who's the dog that's playing with Tom? Os ursos hibernam durante o inverno. Bears hibernate during the winter. Bears hibernate during the winter. É tudo ou nada. It's either everything or nothing. It's all or nothing. Eu sou dona de casa. I'm a housewife. I'm a housewife. Tenho que me preparar para não causar uma má impressão. I have to prepare myself well so I don't make a bad impression. I have to prepare myself not to make a bad impression. Vamos lá, hora do café da manhã. Come on, let's get breakfast. Come on, breakfast time. Eu posso levar isso para casa? Can I take it home? Can I take this home? Ei! O que está acontecendo? Hey. What's going on? Hey, what's going on? O Tom diz que a encontrará. Tom says he'll find her. Tom says you'll find her. Eu não sou inglesa. I'm not English. I'm not English. Eu não irei embora. I won't go away. I'm not leaving. Eu não consigo entender. I can't understand. I can't understand it. O Tom me disse que a Mary estaria determinada a fazer isso. Tom told me that Mary would be determined to do that. Tom told me Mary would be determined to do that. Não posso cavalgar. Minha perna está quebrada. I cannot ride a horse. My leg is broken. I can't ride, my leg's broken. Maria quer ser freira. Mary wants to be a nun. Maria wants to be a nun. Continue a sua análise. Continue your analysis. Continue your analysis. Acho que sou uma escritora muito boa. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. Vocês estão atrasados. You guys are late. You're late. Eis o meu passaporte. Here's my passport. Here's my passport. Eu não vou me rebaixar ao nível dele. I won't lower myself to his level. I won't stoop to his level. Você pensa demais. You think too much. You think too much. Leia sua declaração antes de assinar. Read your statement before you sign it. Read your statement before signing. Eu acho que o Tom é talentoso. I think that Tom is talented. I think Tom's talented. Por que o relâmpago lampeja e o trovão estrondeia? Why does lightning flash and thunder rumble? Why does lightning flash and thunder roar? Vocês ficarão bem agora. You'll be fine now. You'll be all right now. Eu conheço o Tom desde que éramos crianças. I've known Tom since we were kids. I've known Tom since we were kids. A Mary encaracolou o seu cabelo com ferros de ondulação. Mary curled her hair with a curling iron. Mary curlyed her hair with curling irons. De muitas maneiras, os animais podem fazer coisas melhores do que as pessoas. In many ways, animals can do things better than people can. In many ways, animals can do better things than people. Você devia se exercitar. You should get some exercise. You should exercise. Todos nós ficamos imensamente entretidos com suas piadas. We were all greatly amused by his jokes. We've all been immensely entertained by your jokes. Eu quero saber como o Tom faz isso. I want to know how Tom does that. I want to know how Tom does it. Prefiro qualidade a quantidade. I prefer quality to quantity. I prefer quality to quantity. Esse relógio foi dado pelo meu tio. My uncle gave me this watch. That watch was given by my uncle. Estou cansado de discutir. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Por favor, abra a janela. Open the window, please. Please open the window. Quem ganhará a Copa do Mundo? Who will win the World Cup? Who will win the World Cup? As crianças sempre encontram um motivo para travar uma amizade. Children always find a reason to become friends. Children always find a reason to make friends. Perdão. Devo ter ligado o número errado. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number. I'm sorry, I must have called the wrong number. É a primeira vez que eu cometo um erro assim. This is the first time I've ever made a mistake like this. It's the first time I've made a mistake like this. Eu tenho vários amigos canadenses. I have several Canadian friends. I have a lot of Canadian friends. Eu estou viciado em internet. I'm addicted to the internet. I'm addicted to the internet. Tom detesta TV. Tom hates TV. Tom hates TV. Esta é uma escolha interessante. That's an interesting choice. This is an interesting choice. Estou exausto. I'm bushed. I'm exhausted. Eu coloquei leite no meu café. I put some milk in my coffee. I put milk in my coffee. Acho isso muito chato. I find this very annoying. I find that very boring. Eles não gostam de fazer isso. They don't like to do that. They don't like doing that. Está ficando frio. It's getting cold. It's getting cold. Onde está o seu casaco? Where's your coat? Where's your coat? Nós tivemos que dirigir em estradas estreitas através de terreno montanhoso. We had to drive on narrow roads through hilly terrain. We had to drive on narrow roads through hilly terrain. Tom achou que Mary poderia se matar. Tom thought that Mary might kill herself. Tom thought Mary could kill herself. Eu moro muito longe. I live too far away. I live very far away. Não me esperem. Don't wait for me. Don't wait for me. Tom é muito pobre. Tom is very poor. Tom's very poor. Eu não trabalho normalmente na segunda-feira. I don't normally work on Monday. I don't usually work on Monday. Tom não tem advogado. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. Eu sou estrangeiro. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Tom foi obrigado a esperar mais de uma hora. Tom was made to wait for over an hour. Tom was forced to wait more than an hour. Tom morou em Boston há três anos. Tom lived in Boston three years ago. Tom lived in Boston three years ago. Descanse. Take a rest. Get some rest. Eu sou gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. É possível aprender mesmo em uma idade avançada. One can even learn at an old age. It is possible to learn even at an advanced age. Há pontes demais nesta cidade. There are too many bridges in this city. There are too many bridges in this town. Isso não vai mudar nada. That won't change anything. That's not gonna change anything. Ela calcula mais rapidamente que qualquer outro estudante. She calculates faster than any other student. She calculates faster than any other student. As minhas piadas não são engraçadas. My jokes aren't funny. My jokes aren't funny. Não acho que Tom tenha muitos amigos. I don't think Tom has too many friends. I don't think Tom has many friends. Onde você encontrou essa faca? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find that knife? A sua escola fica longe daqui? Is your school far from here? Is your school far from here? De quem é esse número de telefone? Whose phone number is this? Whose phone number is that? Ele esteve em Londres três vezes. He has been to London three times. He's been to London three times. Você ainda deixa o Tom fazer isso? Do you still let Tom do that? You still let Tom do that? Tom escondeu seu dinheiro debaixo do colchão. Tom hid his money under his mattress. Tom hid his money under the mattress. Prefiro uma blusa de algodão. I prefer a cotton blouse. I prefer a cotton blouse. Tome a sopa antes que fique fria. Eat your soup before it gets cold. Have your soup before it gets cold. Com quem está a falar? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Nós vamos descer na próxima estação. We're getting off at the next station. We're going down at the next station. Este advogado nunca perdeu um caso. This lawyer has never lost a case. This lawyer never lost a case. Pode ser que eu desista em breve e, em vez disso, tire uma soneca. I may give up soon and just nap instead. Maybe I'll give up soon and take a nap instead. Não me importa o quanto você diga que me ama. Eu sei que os seus sentimentos por ela não mudaram. I don't care how much you say you love me. I know your feelings for her haven't changed. I don't care how much you say you love me, I know your feelings for her haven't changed. Essa estrada é muito estreita para caminhões passarem. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. Tem um gato debaixo da mesa? Is there a cat under the table? Is there a cat under the table? A partir do mês que vem, o Brasil vai implementar a política de reciprocidade com a Espanha. Starting next month, Brazil will implement the law of reciprocity with Spain. As of next month, Brazil will implement the reciprocity policy with Spain. Isso seria legal. That'd be cool. That would be nice. Um elefante foi caçado lá. An elephant was hunted there. An elephant was hunted there. Um bom casamento é aquele onde cada um nomeia o outro como guardião da sua solidão. A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. A good marriage is the one where each one names the other as the guardian of his loneliness. Este produto foi projetado com a máxima preocupação com a segurança. This product has been designed with the highest concern for safety. This product has been designed with the utmost concern for safety. Nada foi provado ainda. Nothing has been proven yet. Nothing's been proven yet. Minha mãe é dois anos mais nova que meu pai. My mother is two years younger than my father. My mother is two years younger than my father. Só por uma vez na minha vida, eu queria fazer algo direito. For once in my life, I'd like to do something right. Just for once in my life, I wanted to do something right. Nós pegamos um táxi. We took a cab. We took a cab. Eu não posso falar por todos os meus colegas. I can't speak for all my colleagues. I can't speak for all my colleagues. Você acabou de chegar. You have only just arrived. You just got here. O mundo é muito grande. The world is very big. The world is too big. Você vai se meter em encrenca. You'll get into trouble. You're gonna get in trouble. Rápido! Não há tempo a perder. Hurry! There's no time to lose. There's no time to waste. Meu pai tem esse mesmo tipo de carro. This is the same type of car as my father has. My dad has the same kind of car. Tom me trata como uma princesa. Tom treats me like a princess. Tom treats me like a princess. Esta é a casa que Tom construiu. This is the house that Tom built. This is the house Tom built. Tom não é o único que tem de estudar. Eu também tenho de estudar. Tom isn't the only one who has to study. I have to study as well. Tom's not the only one who has to study. Eu me lembro perfeitamente da noite passada. I remember last night perfectly. I remember perfectly last night. Por favor, dê banho no cachorro. Please give the dog a bath. Please give the dog a bath. Eu quero uma lista completa de tudo o que Tom comprou. I want a complete list of everything Tom purchased. I want a full list of everything Tom bought. Este livro, que eu li duas vezes, foi presente do Peter. This book, which I've read twice, was a gift from Peter. This book, which I read twice, was a gift from Peter. Eu tenho olhos na parte de trás da minha cabeça! I’ve got eyes on the back of my head! I have eyes on the back of my head! O povo tem medo da guerra. The people fear war. The people are afraid of war. A festa foi um fracasso. The party was a failure. The party was a failure. Bem feito! Nada mal. Well done! That's not bad. Well done, not bad. Não desarrume as coisas. Don't mess things up. Don't mess things up. Talvez o Tom não irá comprar aquilo. Perhaps Tom won't buy that. Maybe Tom won't buy that. Tom não quer ir lá sozinho. Tom doesn't want to go there alone. Tom doesn't want to go there alone. Passamos a noite em um hotel barato. We spent the night in a cheap hotel. We spent the night in a cheap hotel. Quando você se der conta de que eu fui embora, estarei a milhas de distância. Não tente me encontrar. By the time you realize I'm gone, I'll be miles away. Don't try to find me. When you realize I'm gone, I'll be miles away. Precisamos de um lugar seguro para nos escondermos. We need a safe place to hide. We need a safe place to hide. O Tom espera que a Mary saiba que ela precisa fazer tudo que o John falou para ela fazer. Tom hopes Mary knows that she needs to do everything John told her to do. Tom expects Mary to know that she needs to do everything John told her to do. Você se lembra da noite em que Tom morreu? Do you remember the night Tom died? Do you remember the night Tom died? Por último, mas não menos importante... Last but not least .... Last but not least... O Tom acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom thinks Mary is cute. Tom thinks Mary's cute. Eu fiquei decepcionado com seu artigo. I was disappointed by your article. I was disappointed by your article. O bebê no berço é muito bonitinho. The baby in the cradle is very cute. The baby in the crib is very cute. Como eu sinto sua falta. How I miss you. How I miss you. Você estava lá? Were you there? Were you there? Não somos tão jovens como éramos. We're not as young as we used to be. We're not as young as we used to be. Que diabos você vai fazer? What on earth are we going to do? What the hell are you gonna do? Por que não damos uma olhada? Why don't we take a look? Why don't we take a look? Tom está chorando. Tom is crying. Tom's crying. Volto em meia hora. I'll be back in 30 minutes. I'll be back in half an hour. O Francês é a única língua estrangeira que sei falar. French is the only foreign language I know how to speak. French is the only foreign language I know how to speak. O que a moça quer saber? What does the girl want to know? What does the lady want to know? O Tom ficou frustrado. Tom got frustrated. Tom got frustrated. Eu não sabia que você jogava xadrez. I didn't know you played chess. I didn't know you played chess. Vá em frente, eu a desafio! Go ahead, I dare you! Go ahead, I dare you! Eu levei três dias para ler este livro. It took me three days to read this book. It took me three days to read this book. Eu vejo as coisas de maneira diferente. I see things differently. I see things differently. Você só precisa de prática. You just need practice. You just need practice. Acreditava-se que o Sol girava em torno da Terra. It was believed that the sun went around the earth. The sun was believed to revolve around the Earth. Eu uso esse computador. I use that computer. I use this computer. Quanto a mim, eu não aprovarei o plano. As for me, I will not approve of the plan. As for me, I won't approve the plan. Não tenho certeza se concordo com o Tom. I'm not sure that I agree with Tom. I'm not sure I agree with Tom. Podes dizer-me quando chega o próximo autocarro? Can you tell me when the next bus will arrive? Can you tell me when the next bus arrives? Por favor, ponha esses livros na minha mesa. Please put those books on my desk. Please put those books on my desk. Não há nada faltando. Nothing is missing. There's nothing missing. O Tom não precisa se preocupar. Tom doesn't really need to worry. Tom doesn't have to worry. Como eu escrevo rápido? How do I write quickly? How do I write fast? Sou novato nesse tipo de trabalho. I'm a novice at this kind of work. I'm a rookie at this kind of job. Eu vou passar a tarde inteira ouvindo música. I'll spend all afternoon listening to music. I'll spend the whole afternoon listening to music. Acabo de ver uma estrela cadente. I just saw a shooting star. I just saw a shooting star. Vocês estão subestimando ele. You are selling him short. You're underestimating him. Quem não sabe disso? Who doesn't know it? Who doesn't know that? Tenho que abrir a janela. I must open the window. I have to open the window. Eu estava apavorado. I was terrified. I was terrified. O peso de um pacote menos seu conteúdo é o peso do pacote ou a tara. The weight of a package minus its contents is the packaging weight or the tare weight. The weight of a package minus its contents is the weight of the package or tara. Ele está dormindo como um bebê. He's sleeping like a baby. He's sleeping like a baby. Tenho que ir buscar as crianças. I have to go pick up the kids. I have to go get the kids. O calor foi de tal modo intenso que desmaiei. The heat was so intense that I fainted. The heat was so intense that I fainted. Tom jamais enviou uma mensagem para Mary. Tom has never texted Mary. Tom never sent a message to Mary. Tom não sabia quantas xícaras de açúcar adicionar. Tom didn't know how many cups of sugar to add. Tom didn't know how many cups of sugar to add. Havia quatro pessoas no carro na hora do acidente. Four people were in the car when the accident happened. There were four people in the car at the time of the accident. Também quero ir para Boston. I also want to go to Boston. I want to go to Boston too. O professor e também seus alunos vieram. The teacher as well as his students has come. The teacher and also his students came. O Tomás parecia absorto. Tom seemed oblivious. Tomás seemed absorbed. Ele não fuma. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Tom não estava em casa. Tom wasn't home. Tom wasn't home. Ela é bonita? Is she beautiful? Is she pretty? Tom foi o único que voltou para casa. Tom was the only one who walked home. Tom was the only one who came home. O último capítulo deste livro. The last chapter of this book. The last chapter of this book. Você faz o que pode. You do what you can. You do what you can. Tom escreve com a mão esquerda. Tom writes with his left hand. Tom writes with his left hand. Leila não queria estar sozinha quando morresse. Layla didn't want to die alone. Leila didn't want to be alone when she died. Eu comprei uma guitarra nova hoje. I bought a new guitar today. I bought a new guitar today. É melhor você se levantar. You'd better get up. You better get up. Tom não está gordo. Tom's not fat. Tom's not fat. Deixei a porta aberta. I left the door open. I left the door open. A escola começa em 10 de abril. School begins on April the tenth. The school starts on April 10. Todos concordaram com a proposta. All of them agreed to the proposal. They all agreed to the proposal. Vocês devem respeitar os mais velhos. You must respect senior citizens. You must respect your elders. Acho que já tenha decisão. I guess it's decided. I think you've made up your mind. Esta gola está muito apertada. This collar's too tight. This collar's too tight. Tom provavelmente não vai ter de fazer isso sozinho. Tom won't likely have to do that by himself. Tom probably won't have to do this alone. Ele gosta de salada de batatas. He likes potato salad. He likes potato salad. Tom faz o quê? What does Tom do? Tom does what? A ideia de ver minha mãe me emociona muito. The idea of seeing my mother thrills me very much. The thought of seeing my mother thrills me a lot. Eu estava falando com vocês. I was talking to you. I was talking to you. Sobrou um pouco de leite na garrafa. There is little milk left in the bottle. There's some milk left in the bottle. Você estudou sozinho? Did you study by yourself? Did you study alone? Você já esteve nesse povoado? Have you ever been to that village? Have you ever been to this village? Sei que você provavelmente está bravo com o que eu disse ontem. I know that you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably mad at what I said yesterday. O problema é que eles só pensam em si mesmos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is, they only think of themselves. Tom e eu roncarmos. Tom and I both snore. Tom and I snore. Tom está entediado. Tom's bored. Tom's bored. Eu vou te pagar. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Procure a palavra no dicionário. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look for the word in the dictionary. Pra mim chega, com vocês dois. I'm done with you two. I'm done with you two. Fique sabendo que você não me assusta. Just know that you don't scare me. Just so you know, you don't scare me. Eu não tenho mais assuntos. I do not have any more subjects. I don't have any more business. Eu escreverei uma crítica para esse livro. I will write a review of that book. I'll write a review for that book. Esta é a opinião dele. This is his opinion. That's his opinion. A filha dele se tornou uma linda mulher. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter has become a beautiful woman. Duvido que o Tom possa fazer isso. I doubt that Tom could do that. I doubt Tom can do that. Um quadrado é um quadrilátero com os quatro lados iguais e onde os quatro ângulos são retos. A square is a quadrilateral with four sides the same and where all four corners are right angles. A square is a quadrilateral with the four equal sides and where the four angles are straight. Escondi-me debaixo da mesa. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. John veio para o Japão ontem. John came to Japan yesterday. John came to Japan yesterday. Me tornei um novo homem. I've become a new man. I've become a new man. Você vem conosco agora. You're coming with us now. You're coming with us now. Eu sabia que você não recuaria. I knew that you wouldn't back down. I knew you wouldn't back down. O Tom está no hospital, não é? Tom is in the hospital, isn't he? Tom's in the hospital, isn't he? O país todo estava coberto de neve. The whole country was covered with snow. The whole country was covered in snow. Atenha-se ao assunto. Stick to the subject. Stick to the point. Sou legal. I'm cool. I'm cool. Eu te comprei um presente. I bought you a present. I got you a present. Você não acha? Don't you think so? Don't you think? Vocês dois são muito educados. You're both very polite. You two are very polite. Todos na classe subiram a colina. Everyone in the class climbed the hill. Everyone in the class went up the hill. O Sr. Jackson é o nosso professor de francês. Mr. Jackson is our French teacher. Mr. Jackson is our French teacher. Eu vou enviar uma carta para a minha mãe. I'll send a letter to my mother. I'll send a letter to my mother. Eu fiquei surpreso, até mesmo chocado. I was surprised, shocked even. I was surprised, even shocked. Como vai a sua filha? How is your daughter? How's your daughter? Tom está trabalhando em sua mesa. Tom is working at his desk. Tom's working on his desk. Era uma emergência. It was an emergency. It was an emergency. As senhoras gostariam de jogar tênis no domingo? Would you like to play tennis on Sunday? Would you ladies like to play tennis on Sunday? Você pode me ajudar, por favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Eu comecei a tocar clarineta aos treze anos. I began to play clarinet when I was thirteen. I started playing clarinet at thirteen. Ele veio, ele viu, e ele perdeu. He came, he saw, and he lost. He came, he saw, and he lost. Eu tentei muito convencer o Tom a parar de fazer aquilo. I tried really hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. I tried really hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. Nós precisamos de uma pausa. We need a break. We need a break. Quase sempre vou para a cama antes da meia-noite. I almost always go to bed before midnight. I almost always go to bed before midnight. O carro novo é dela. The new car is hers. It's her new car. Há duas semanas que eu não falo com o Luís. I haven't spoken with Luis for two weeks. I haven't spoken to Louis in two weeks. Não se pode julgar um livro pela capa. You can't judge a book by its cover. You can't judge a book by its cover. "Mary é da Turquia?" "Não tenho ideia." "Is Mary from Turkey?" "I have no idea." "Mary's from Turkey?" "I have no idea." Não estou pessimista. I'm not pessimistic. I'm not a pessimist. Eu conheci o Tom na biblioteca. I met Tom in the library. I met Tom at the library. O céu ficou cada vez mais escuro e o vento soprou cada vez mais forte. The sky grew darker and darker, and the wind blew harder and harder. The sky got darker and darker and the wind blew stronger and stronger. Como você sabe que o Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça isso? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? Todos sorriem no mesmo idioma. Everyone smiles in the same language. They all smile in the same language. Maria está sentada à escrivaninha traduzindo um romance, rodeada de pilhas de volumosos dicionários. Maria precisa de todos eles, porque ela traduz com precisão quase fanática. Maria is sitting at her desk and translating a novel. She's surrounded by heaps of big dictionaries. Maria needs all of them as she is translating with an almost fanatic precision. Maria is sitting at the desk translating a novel, surrounded by piles of bulky dictionaries. Maria needs them all, because she translates with almost fanatical precision. Conheço o Tom. I know Tom. I know Tom. Você não está mais sozinho. You're not alone anymore. You're not alone anymore. Por que você não me acordou esta manhã? Why didn't you wake me up this morning? Why didn't you wake me up this morning? Não entendo as palavras inscritas na face da moeda. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin. I do not understand the words inscribed on the face of the coin. Deixou uma grande herança ao filho. He left his son a large fortune. He left his son a great inheritance. Que som tem o silêncio? What does silence sound like? What's the sound of silence? O que é isso aqui? What's this stuff here? What's this here? Tom não tem certeza de quanto vai precisar. Tom isn't sure how much money he'll need. Tom's not sure how much you're gonna need. Agora estou aprendendo Inglês. Now I am learning English. Now I'm learning English. Você quer fazer isso? Do you want to do this? You want to do this? Eu sabia que não deveria ter tentado fazer isso sem a tua ajuda. I knew I shouldn't have tried doing that without your help. I knew I shouldn't have tried to do that without your help. Tom, você está filmando? Tom, are you filming? Tom, are you filming? Ele me telefona de vez em quando. He gives me a phone call every now and then. He calls me from time to time. Eu aprendi uma lição valiosa. I learned a valuable lesson. I learned a valuable lesson. A que devo a inesperada honra de te encontrar aqui na minha casa? To what do I owe the unexpected honour of finding you here in my house? To what do I owe the unexpected honor of meeting you here at my house? Eu gostaria de estar em Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. Você está muito atrasado. You're too late. You're too late. Certo. Quanto? Okay. How much? Okay, how much? Tom é um cavalheiro. Tom is a gentleman. Tom's a gentleman. Tom viu as fotos. Tom saw the pictures. Tom saw the pictures. Foi isso que ela disse. That's what she said. That's what she said. Não sei porque o Tom está com medo. I don't know why Tom is afraid. I don't know why Tom's scared. Eu acho mesmo que estamos seguros aqui. I really think we're safe here. I really think we're safe here. Harvard é uma universidade maravilhosa. Harvard is a wonderful university. Harvard is a wonderful university. Colocou seu dinheiro na bolsa. He put his money in the bag. You put your money in your purse. Não deixem o Tom se sentar aqui. Don't let Tom sit here. Don't let Tom sit here. Sim, sei falar um pouco. Yes, I can speak a bit of it. Yeah, I can talk a little. Tenho que melhorar o quanto antes. I have to improve as soon as possible. I have to get better as soon as possible. Na verdade, eu não sou assim tão velho. I'm not really all that old. Actually, I'm not that old. Sei que o Tom não deveria estar aqui. I know Tom shouldn't be here. I know Tom shouldn't be here. Estas fotos são bonitas. These photos are beautiful. These photos are beautiful. O desenvolvimento económico procedeu-se lentamente. Economic development proceeded slowly. Economic development has proceeded slowly. As opiniões variam de uma pessoa a outra. Opinions vary from person to person. Opinions vary from one person to another. Eu estava pensando. I was thinking. I was thinking. Eu já morei em Coimbra. I've already lived in Coimbra. I once lived in Coimbra. Tom mora com a mãe. Tom lives with his mother. Tom lives with his mother. Eu não conheço o prefeito, mas gostaria de conhecê-lo. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet him. Tom me ensinou a surfar. Tom taught me how to surf. Tom taught me how to surf. O Tom provavelmente concordará. Tom will likely agree. Tom will probably agree. A atração era mútua. The attraction was mutual. The attraction was mutual. Eu vou te ligar quando chegar em casa. I'll give you a call when I get home. I'll call you when I get home. Preciso de gente em quem possa confiar. I need people I can rely on. I need people I can trust. Você está com dor de cabeça? Do you have a headache? Do you have a headache? Há 10 tipos de pessoas no mundo: aquelas que entendem binário e aquelas que não entendem. There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't understand. Muito obrigado. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Não estou ocupado hoje. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Meu pai me ensinou a andar de bicicleta. My father taught me how to ride a bicycle. My dad taught me to ride a bike. Esta é tão boa quanto aquela. This one is as good as that one. This one's as good as that one. Porque estive muito ocupado. It was because I was so busy. Because I've been very busy. Tom cria cavalos árabes. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom raises Arab horses. Ele é um pouquinho mais alto que você. He's a little taller than you are. He's a little taller than you. Não muda de assunto. Don't change the subject. Don't change the subject. Eu não posso te contar o que eu não sei. I can't tell you what I don't know. I can't tell you what I don't know. A lua está bela esta noite. The moon is nice tonight. The moon is beautiful tonight. Mary se parece com o pai. Mary takes after her father. Mary looks like her father. A maioria dos americanos aprovaram o que Coolidge fez. Most Americans approved of what Coolidge did. Most Americans have approved what Coolidge did. Os sinais estavam todos vermelhos. The traffic lights were all red. The signals were all red. Tom me pediu para encontrá-lo aqui. Tom asked me to meet him here. Tom asked me to meet you here. O Tom quer ficar aqui. Tom wants to stay here. Tom wants to stay here. Você ainda não está com sono? Aren't you sleepy yet? Aren't you still sleepy? Ele foi chamado de volta, em meio à sua viagem. He was called back from his trip. He was called back in the middle of his journey. É um floco coberto de chocolate! It's a flake covered in chocolate! It's a chocolate-covered flake! Os teus sapatos estão aqui. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Nunca deveríamos usar uma bomba atômica de novo. We should never use an atomic bomb again. We should never use an atomic bomb again. Esse menino tem cabelo preto. That boy has black hair. This boy has black hair. Eu te contarei depois. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. Tom se exercita. Tom exercises. Tom exercises. Tu estudarás. You will study. You'll study. Gostaria de ir ao concerto com você. I would like to go to the concert with you. I'd like to go to the concert with you. Tom negou todas as acusações. Tom denied all the charges. Tom denied all charges. Que carro ele pegou? What car did he take? What car did he take? Elas estão tirando fotos. They're taking pictures. They're taking pictures. Eu fui à reunião no lugar do Sam, que estava doente. I went to the meeting in place of Sam, who was sick. I went to the meeting instead of Sam, who was sick. A escola bilíngue ensina inglês e português. The bilingual school teaches English and Portuguese. The bilingual school teaches English and Portuguese. Trabalhar no Kremlin é o sonho da minha vida. Working in the Kremlin has been my lifelong dream. Working at the Kremlin is the dream of my life. Que Deus vos proteja daqueles que vos odeiam! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Ela é uma famosa cantora. She is a well-known singer. She's a famous singer. Eu tenho que ficar aqui a noite toda. I have to be here all night. I have to stay here all night. Tom está no andar de cima. Tom's upstairs. Tom's upstairs. Se ela tomar antibióticos e dormir, ela melhorará. If she gets some antibiotics and sleeps, she'll get better. If she takes antibiotics and sleeps, she'll get better. O Tom estava assumindo um risco. Tom was taking a risk. Tom was taking a risk. "Você não é o Sr. Ogawa?" "Sou, sim. Como posso ajudá-lo?" "You're Mr. Ogawa, aren't you?" "Yes, I am. How can I help you?" "Are you not Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. How can I help you?" Ela é uma mão-aberta. She is very free with her money. She's an open hand. Se alguma vez você fez isso, nunca mais faça isso de novo. Once you did it, never do it again. If you've ever done that, don't ever do that again. Antes que eu me esqueça, eu vou te contar. Before I forget, I will tell you. Before I forget, I'll tell you. Já tenho este livro. I already have this book. I already have this book. Estava chovendo e o jogo foi cancelado. It was raining and the game was called off. It was raining and the game was canceled. A coisa mais incrível que o ser humano criou é a linguagem. The most incredible thing that humans have created is language. The most incredible thing that human beings have created is language. O macaco está na jaula. The monkey is in the cage. The monkey's in the cage. Eu escrevi a palavra errado. I misspelled the word. I wrote the wrong word. Sou muito forte. I'm really strong. I'm very strong. Ele está brincando aqui. He is playing here. He's playing here. Mira no alvo com esta arma. Aim at the target with this gun. Aim at the target with this gun. Tom não pensou sobre a Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. Tom didn't think about Mary. Estamos fechando cedo. We're closing early. We're closing early. Precisamos de ideias novas. We need some new ideas. We need new ideas. Eu te aconselho a parar de fumar. I advise you to stop smoking. I'd advise you to quit smoking. Você contou isso para ele? Did you tell him about it? Did you tell him that? Gostaria de voltar te ver. I'd like to come and see you. I'd like to see you again. Isso é para o quê? What's this for? What's that for? Eu escutei as crianças rindo. I heard the children laughing. I heard the kids laughing. Não tem ninguém melhor que o Tom. There's nobody better than Tom. There's no one better than Tom. Você assiste muita televisão? Do you watch TV a lot? Do you watch a lot of TV? O que isso tem a ver comigo? What's that have to do with me? What does that have to do with me? Estes são os meus amigos. These are my friends. These are my friends. Você foi muito generosa. You were very generous. You've been very generous. Eu não estava escutando. I wasn't listening. I wasn't listening. Tom parece satisfeito. Tom appears satisfied. Tom seems pleased. Como você sabe, nós nos atrasamos por causa da chuva forte. As you know, we were late due to the heavy rain. As you know, we're late because of the heavy rain. Eu o vi com uma outra mulher. I saw him with another woman. I saw him with another woman. Sabes quem é o Tom? Do you know who Tom is? Do you know who Tom is? Eles gostavam de carros grandes. They liked large cars. They liked big cars. Yumi tem muitos livros. Yumi has many books. Yumi has many books. Tom queria comprá-lo. Tom wanted to buy it. Tom wanted to buy it. Tom poderia ter dito não. Tom could've said no. Tom could have said no. Vou te mostrar. I'll show you. I'll show you. Este método é confiável. This method is sure to work. This method is reliable. Ele foi mordido na perna por uma cobra. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. He was bitten in the leg by a snake. Você ouviu alguma coisa? Did you hear anything? Did you hear something? Se você quer uma bicicleta nova, é melhor começar a economizar. If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up. If you want a new bike, you better start saving. Vocês não vão acreditar no que aconteceu depois. You won’t believe what happened next. You're not gonna believe what happened next. Ele está se matando de trabalhar. He's wearing himself out working so much. He's working his ass off. Maria é adestradora de cães. Mary is a dog trainer. Maria is a dog trainer. Todo mundo conhece Tom. Everyone knows Tom. Everybody knows Tom. Ele não trabalha tão duro quanto costumava trabalhar. He does not work so hard as he used to. He doesn't work as hard as he used to work. Eu ainda moro em Boston. I still live in Boston. I still live in Boston. Ela tem dezessete anos. She's seventeen years old. She's seventeen. Estou me apaixonando por você. I'm falling in love with you. I'm falling in love with you. Não quero dirigir. I don't want to drive. I don't want to drive. A tempestade causou muito dano à colheita. The storm caused much damage to the crop. The storm caused a lot of damage to the harvest. Solta meu cabelo! Let go of my hair. Let go of my hair! Eu não estava aqui ontem. I wasn't here yesterday. I wasn't here yesterday. Eu acho que o Tom vai ficar interessado. I think that Tom will be interested. I think Tom will be interested. Um júri totalmente masculino compadeceu-se de Layla. An all-male jury took pity of Layla. A totally male jury sympathized with Layla. Nunca gostei do Tom. I've never liked Tom. I never liked Tom. Já está quase na hora do encontro começar. It's almost time for the meeting to start. It's almost time for the meeting to begin. Eles vão morrer. They're going to die. They're gonna die. Ele tinha um futuro brilhante pela frente. He had such a bright future ahead of him. He had a bright future ahead of him. Que espécie de jogo você está jogando? What kind of game are you playing? What kind of game are you playing? Eu gosto de viajar. I love to travel. I like to travel. Não havia mais cobertores. There were no more blankets. There were no more blankets. Olhe o quão grande eles são. Look at how long they are! Look how big they are. "Você não é o Sr. Ogawa?" "Sou, sim. Posso ajudá-los?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" "Are you not Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" Ei, o que você vai fazer amanhã? Hey, what are we going to do tomorrow? Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? Manifesto-lhe, senhora, meu profundo reconhecimento por toda a sua ajuda. I really appreciate all your help. I express to you, ma'am, my deep gratitude for all your help. Caia fora daqui. Preciso de paz e tranquilidade. Get out of here. I need some peace and quiet. Get out of here, I need peace and quiet. Os primeiros serão os últimos. The first will be the last. The first will be the last. Tom acha que sabe quem é o músico favorito de Mary. Tom thinks he knows who Mary's favorite musician is. Tom thinks he knows who Mary's favorite musician is. Muitas pessoas acham que Buenos Aires fica no Brasil. A lot of people think Buenos Aires is located in Brazil. Many people think Buenos Aires is in Brazil. Eu tenho que comprar comida, mas não tenho dinheiro suficiente. I need to buy food, but I don't have enough money. I have to buy food, but I don't have enough money. Tom esteve com a gente por apenas três meses. Tom has only been with us three months. Tom was with us for only three months. Dirigimos do lado esquerdo da estrada. We drive on the left side of the road. We drove on the left side of the road. Nós não estamos perdidos. We're not lost. We're not lost. E como é verdade! How true it is! And how true it is! Que a paz, a misericórdia e as bênçãos de Deus estejam com você. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be with you. O Tom ainda não sabe da verdade. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. John Locke, o conhecido filósofo da liberdade, era acionista da Royal African Company, que comprava e vendia escravos. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder of the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves. John Locke, the well-known philosopher of freedom, was a shareholder in the Royal African Company, which bought and sold slaves. Eu não posso fazer isto sem você, Tom. I can't do this without you, Tom. I can't do this without you, Tom. Precisamos fazer um plano. We need to make a plan. We need to make a plan. Nós nem estávamos na Austrália naquela época. We weren't even in Australia at that time. We weren't even in Australia back then. O termômetro indica três graus abaixo de zero. The thermometer reads three degrees below zero. The thermometer indicates three degrees below zero. A grama é verde. The grass is green. The grass is green. Sou o deus do novo mundo. I am the god of the new world. I'm the god of the new world. Vou dormir aqui. I'll sleep here. I'll sleep here. Tom disse para todos que ele estava sozinho. Tom told everyone he was lonely. Tom told everyone he was alone. Tom diz que ele já te encontrou várias vezes. Tom says that he's met you several times. Tom says he's met you several times. Não temos mais nenhuma cerveja. We don't have any more beer. We don't have any more beer. OK, você venceu. OK, you win. OK, you win. Deixe-o aí. Leave it there. Leave it there. Cães são mais leais que os gatos. Dogs are more loyal than cats. Dogs are more loyal than cats. Tom gosta de chocolate. Tom likes chocolate. Tom likes chocolate. Quase todas as portas estavam fechadas. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Ele deve pagar por seus crimes. He must pay for his crimes. He must pay for his crimes. É melhor nós começarmos. We'd better get started. We'd better get started. Eu não conheço essa pessoa. I don't know that person. I don't know that person. Você já ouviu esta música antes? Have you ever listened to this song? Have you ever heard this song before? Você precisa vir. You need to come. You need to come. Uma maçã caiu da macieira. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell off the apple tree. Ela é gentil com animais. She is gentle to animals. She's kind to animals. Como é o Tom? What's Tom like? What's Tom like? Ele sempre vem aqui em casa. He always comes here at home. He always comes home. Ele é confiável. He is trustworthy. He's reliable. Ele cria gado para o mercado. He breeds cattle for market. He raises cattle for the market. É Dia das Mães hoje. It's Mother's Day today. It's Mother's Day today. Tom tem trinta anos. Tom is thirtyish. Tom's 30. Você tem um narigão. You have a big nose. You have a big nose. Desculpa, esqueci de te contar uma coisa importante. Sorry, I forgot to tell you something important. Sorry, I forgot to tell you something important. O Tom pediu informação sobre um endereço. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for information on an address. Não há sinal de nada acontecendo lá. There's no sign of anything happening in there. There's no sign of anything happening there. Almoçaremos ao meio-dia. We'll have lunch at noon. We'll have lunch at noon. A mamãe está jogando tênis agora. Mom is playing tennis now. Mom's playing tennis now. Não reparei como ela estava vestida. I did not notice how she was dressed. I didn't notice how she was dressed. Tom está escondendo um terrível segredo. Tom is hiding a terrible secret. Tom is hiding a terrible secret. Quando você vai para Boston, posso ir com você? When you go to Boston, could I go with you? When you go to Boston, can I come with you? Eu tenho certeza de que o Tom concorda comigo. I'm sure Tom agrees with me. I'm sure Tom agrees with me. Às vezes sonho com a minha mãe. I sometimes dream of my mother. Sometimes I dream about my mother. Sim, tenho 3 filhos. Yes, I have 3 sons. Yes, I have three children. Juro que é verdade ou que me caia um raio em cima. I swear that it is true, or may lightning strike me down. I swear it's true or I'll have a lightning bolt on me. "Você poderia me dar o seu telefone?" "Sim! É 1234-5678." "May I have your phone number?" "Yes! It's 1234-5678." "Could you give me your phone?" "Yes, it's 1234-5678." Ela enviou uma mensagem de texto ao namorado. She texted her boyfriend. She texted her boyfriend. Eu posso te ensinar a ler. I can teach you how to read. I can teach you how to read. Isto é uma ótima forma para melhorar seu inglês. This is a great way to improve your English. This is a great way to improve your English. Vocês estão mesmo me ouvindo? Are you even listening to me? Are you really listening to me? Como nós dizemos "obrigado" em francês? How do you say "thank you" in French? How do we say "thank you" in French? O rádio é uma grande invenção. Radio is a great invention. Radio is a great invention. Preciso comprar um mouse pad. I need a mouse pad. I need to buy a mouse pad. Vejo a minha coroa. I see my crown. I see my crown. Não gosto de ficar só. I don't like to be alone. I don't like being alone. Venha aqui imediatamente. Come at once. Get over here right away. Afinal estou livre. I am free at last. I'm free after all. Vale a pena visitar os antigos castelos. It's worthwhile visiting the old castles. It's worth visiting the old castles. Eu não vou fazer isso outra vez. I will not do it again. I won't do it again. Ela está ficando cada vez mais bonita. She gets prettier day by day. She's getting more and more beautiful. A menina quer um biscoito. The girl would like a cookie. The girl wants a cookie. Não há nada neste mundo que não se possa fazer com dinheiro. There's nothing that cannot be done with money in this world. There's nothing in this world you can't do with money. Os mergulhadores estão ficando sem ar. The divers are running out of air. The divers are running out of air. Segui a lei. I followed the law. I followed the law. A bicicleta dele está desaparecida. His bicycle is missing. His bike's missing. Diga nada! Don't say anything! Say nothing! Tom não parece convencido. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. Ele é velho o bastante para ser seu avô. He's old enough to be her grandfather. He's old enough to be your grandfather. Nem todos os que andam ao léu estão perdidos. Not all those who wander are lost. Not everyone who goes to hell is lost. Eu gostaria de ajudar, mas não posso. I'd like to help, but I can't. I'd like to help, but I can't. Me sinto mal a respeito disso. I feel bad about this. I feel bad about that. Embora estejamos noivos, ela deveria me deixar beijá-la. Even though we're engaged, she wouldn't let me kiss her. Although we're engaged, she should let me kiss her. Tom e eu precisamos conversar. Tom and I need to talk. Tom and I need to talk. Tom decidiu desistir. Tom decided to give up. Tom decided to quit. O general norte-americano Custer foi derrotado na batalha de Little Bighorn pelos indígenas americanos em 25 de junho de 1876. The U.S. General Custer was defeated at the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Native Americans on June 25, 1876. American general Custer was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn by the American Indians on June 25, 1876. Você faz do mundo um lugar tão maravilhoso. You make the world such a wonderful place. You make the world such a wonderful place. Eu gosto de viajar sozinho. I like to travel by myself. I like to travel alone. Eles já viram dias melhores. They have seen better days. They've seen better days. Você passou a noite com ela? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Conte-me sobre Tom e sua família. Tell me about Tom and his family. Tell me about Tom and his family. Quase todas portas estavam fechadas. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Em alguns lugares, a profundidade do oceano supera a altura das mais altas montanhas! In some places, the ocean is deeper than the tallest mountains are high! In some places, the depth of the ocean surpasses the height of the highest mountains! Ele fala ambos inglês e francês. He speaks both English and French. He speaks both English and French. Existe algo que você ainda não me disse? Is there something you haven't told me yet? Is there something you haven't told me yet? Em que navio vocês chegarão? What ship will you arrive on? Which ship will you arrive on? Layla estava aliviada e feliz. Layla was relieved and happy. Layla was relieved and happy. Eu não suporto este lugar. I can't stand this place. I can't stand this place. Tom comprou uma casa para Maria. Tom bought a house for Mary. Tom bought Maria a house. Tente pelo menos chegar a tempo. At least try to come on time. At least try to get there on time. Pensei que Tom viria pra casa com você. I thought Tom was coming home with you. I thought Tom was coming home with you. Tentarei não incomodar ninguém. I try not to bother anyone. I'll try not to bother anyone. Você tem uma imaginação hiperativa. You have an overactive imagination. You have an overactive imagination. Tecnicamente, ele ainda é um estudante. Technically he is still a student. Technically, he's still a student. Não façamos nada estúpido. Let's not do anything stupid. Don't do anything stupid. A asa do pássaro estava quebrada. The bird's wing was broken. The bird's wing was broken. Assim que ele chegar, me avise. Let me know as soon as he comes. As soon as he gets here, let me know. Eu acho que é melhor fazermos o que o Tom pede. I think we'd better do what Tom asks. I think we'd better do what Tom asks. Quem vai coordenar nossa atividade, se nós mesmos não o fizermos? Who is going to coordinate our activity if we don't do it for ourselves? Who's going to coordinate our activity if we don't do it ourselves? Respeita a polícia, vagabunda! Respect the police, bum! Respect the police, bitch! Tom não teve tempo de assistir TV ontem. Tom didn't have time to watch TV yesterday. Tom didn't have time to watch TV last night. Tom e Maria encontraram alguma coisa. Tom and Mary have found something. Tom and Maria found something. Finalmente tenho tempo para responder às correspondências que eu recebi durante estas três semanas. Finally I have time to reply to the mail I received these three weeks. I finally have time to respond to the correspondence I received during these three weeks. Eu não quero tentar mais nada. I don't want to try anything else. I don't want to try anything else. Eles utilizam este livro na aula de espanhol. They use this book in Spanish class. They use this book in Spanish class. Bebes café? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? Como Mary é uma garota muito gentil, é amada de todos. Since Mary is a very nice girl, she's loved by everyone. As Mary is a very kind girl, she is loved by everyone. Eu sei exatamente o que vocês estão tentando fazer. I know exactly what you're trying to do. I know exactly what you're trying to do. É tudo culpa sua. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Tom não confiou em Maria. Tom didn't trust Mary. Tom didn't trust Maria. O estudante conhece o nome comum do ácido acetilsalicílico. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. The student knows the common name of acetylsalicylic acid. Sou responsável por isto. I'm responsible for this. I'm responsible for this. Eu quero o trabalho feito com rapidez. I want the work done quickly. I want the job done quickly. Os lençóis estão limpos. The sheets are clean. The sheets are clean. Eu queria ter tido tempo suficiente para dormir. I wish I had enough time to sleep. I wish I had enough time to sleep. Sois muito esquecidos, não é mesmo? You're quite forgetful, aren't you? You're very forgetful, aren't you? A que horas termina a sua aula? What time does your class end? What time does your class end? Parem de falar sobre o Tom. Stop talking about Tom. Stop talking about Tom. Ela precisa perder alguns quilos. She needs to lose a few pounds. She needs to lose a few pounds. Ela quer mas não precisa. She wants but doesn't need it. She wants to, but she doesn't have to. Eu ficaria muito interessado em fazer isso. I'd be very interested in doing that. I'd be very interested in doing that. Tom e Mary dizem que eles podem ver fantasmas. Tom and Mary say that they can see ghosts. Tom and Mary say they can see ghosts. Não é um sonho. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. Eu quero que estejamos preparados. I want us to be ready. I want us to be prepared. Eu estou comendo tudo. I'm eating everything. I'm eating everything. Os preços dependem da oferta e da demanda. Prices depend on supply and demand. Prices depend on supply and demand. Nós estávamos todos no mesmo ônibus. We were all on the same bus. We were all on the same bus. Não fiquei nada surpreso com o que aconteceu. I wasn't at all surprised that happened. I wasn't surprised what happened. O Tom não ouviu nada. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. Felicidade e tristeza só duram um tempo. Happiness and sadness only last for a time. Happiness and sadness only last a while. Tom não é tão doido quanto as pessoas acham. Tom is not as crazy as most people think he is. Tom's not as crazy as people think. O Tom normalmente bebe cerveja nas festas. Tom usually drinks beer at parties. Tom usually drinks beer at parties. Não nade no rio. Don't swim in the river. Don't swim in the river. Eu estudarei inglês nessa tarde. I am going to study English this afternoon. I'll study English this afternoon. Eu não vi nenhuma criança. I didn't see any children. I didn't see any kids. Eu vou ficar esperando aqui por Tom. I'll sit wait here for Tom. I'll be waiting here for Tom. Tom merece uma segunda chance. Tom deserves a second chance. Tom deserves a second chance. Faço as coisas do meu jeito. I do things in my own way. I do things my way. Não conte com aquele acontecimento. Don't count on that happening. Don't count on that event. Mantenha as crianças longe do lago. Keep children away from the pond. Keep the kids away from the lake. Qual é a sua metáfora favorita. What's your favorite metaphor? What's your favorite metaphor? O Tom tem filhos? Does Tom have kids? Does Tom have kids? Espero que o Tom não seja descuidado. I hope Tom isn't careless. I hope Tom's not sloppy. Por que eu deveria ouvi-lo? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? O Tom gosta de camisas azuis. Tom likes blue shirts. Tom likes blue shirts. Eu fiz uma aposta. I made a bet. I made a bet. Tom, está ouvindo? Tom, are you listening? Tom, do you copy? Tom costumava errar de propósito só para receber a atenção do professor. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom used to miss on purpose just to get the teacher's attention. Ele veio a Roma para estudar italiano. He came to Rome to study Italian. He came to Rome to study Italian. Você sabe quem eu sou, né? You know who I am, don't you? You know who I am, don't you? Você é fraco. You're weak. You're weak. O teu inglês é fantástico! Your English is great! Your English is fantastic! Tom vai estar esperando a Mary em frente à biblioteca às 2:30. Tom is going to be waiting for Mary in front of the library at 2:30. Tom will be waiting for Mary in front of the library at 2:30. Eu disse para você levantar! I said get up! I told you to get up! Vim aqui para ver vocês. I came here to see you. I came here to see you. Ela quer dançar. She wants to dance. She wants to dance. Você pode falar com Tom, certo? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, right? Tom tinha um cachorro. Tom had a dog. Tom had a dog. Não posso ouvir Wagner muito tempo. Começo a ficar com vontade de conquistar a Polônia. I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland. I can't hear Wagner for long, I'm starting to feel like winning Poland. Eu vou me demitir no final do mês. I'll quit my job at the end of the month. I'm quitting at the end of the month. Qual era a situação em Boston? What was the situation in Boston? What was the situation in Boston? Cortar em rodelas finas? Para isso, frito-as. Should I cut the potatoes into thin slices? In that case, I'll fry them. To do that, fry them. O Tom é o presidente do conselho. Tom is the chairman of the board. Tom's the chairman of the board. Será que eles não estão certos? Are you sure they are not right? Aren't they right? Não assista televisão. Do not watch TV. Don't watch TV. As vacas são sagradas para os hindus. Cows are sacred to Hindus. Cows are sacred to Hindus. Meu Deus! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Por que as senhoras ainda estão acordadas? Why are you still awake? Why are you ladies still up? Tom ajudou seus amigos a fazerem o dever de casa. Tom helped his friends with their homework. Tom helped his friends do their homework. Cuidado, o homem tem uma arma. Watch out, the man has a gun. Careful, the man's got a gun. Será que teremos dinheiro suficiente para comprar para o Tom o quadro que ele queria? I wonder if we'll have enough money to buy Tom the painting he wanted. Will we have enough money to buy Tom the painting he wanted? O problema é que você é jovem demais. The trouble is that you are too young. The problem is you're too young. Não me agradeça! Don't thank me! Don't thank me! Ele tem sete filhos homens. He has seven sons. He has seven male children. Quantos anos tem seu filho mais velho? How old is your elder son? How old is your eldest son? O que você quer de Natal, Jenny? What do you want for Christmas, Jenny? What do you want for Christmas, Jenny? Muitos pais têm orgulho de seus filhos. Many parents take pride in their children. Many parents are proud of their children. O Tom não é um de nós. Tom isn't one of us. Tom's not one of us. O que causou este tumulto? What has caused this tumult? What caused this turmoil? Eu nunca vou fazer isso. I'll never do that. I'll never do that. Você ainda não sabe como fazer isso, não é? You still don't know how to do that, do you? You still don't know how to do that, do you? Vocês são deste bairro, crianças? Are you from this neighborhood, kids? Are you from this neighborhood, children? Ele caiu sobre o gelo e machucou a perna. He fell down on the ice and hurt his leg. He fell on the ice and hurt his leg. Eu estava muito atrasado. I was pretty late. I was too late. O ladrão desapareceu. The thief vanished. The thief's gone. Tom também não gosta de Maria. Tom doesn't like Mary either. Tom doesn't like Maria either. Eu acho que o Tom votou em mim. I think that Tom voted for me. I think Tom voted for me. A cultura americana é muito dinâmica. The American culture is so dynamic. American culture is very dynamic. O Tom tinha algo a dizer. Tom had something to say. Tom had something to say. Como podemos provar isso? How can we prove it? How can we prove that? Vou fazer isso. I'll go do that. I'll do it. Talvez o seu problema seja o que você não saber o que fazer. Maybe your problem is that you don't know what to do. Maybe your problem is what you don't know what to do. Você nunca ri? Don't you ever laugh? Don't you ever laugh? Tom trabalha para Mary. Tom works for Mary. Tom works for Mary. Nós te visitaremos. We'll visit you. We'll visit you. Os senhores não precisam de pensar nisso agora. You don't need to think about that now. You gentlemen don't need to think about it now. Tom não gosta de cerveja. Tom doesn't like beer. Tom doesn't like beer. Eu jamais te trairia! I would never betray you! I would never betray you! Que é aquilo do outro lado da rua? What is that across the street? What's that across the street? Não temos nenhuma preocupação. We don't have any concerns. We have nothing to worry about. Se os triângulos fizessem um deus, lhe dariam três lados. If triangles made a god, they would give him three sides. If the triangles made a god, they'd give him three sides. Tom deu leite para o gato. Tom gave some milk to the cat. Tom gave the cat milk. Deixe o Tom ler o que ele quiser. Let Tom read what he wants. Let Tom read whatever he wants. Nós vamos te matar. We'll kill you. We're gonna kill you. Eu detesto o francês. I hate French. I hate French. Ainda gosto de você. I still like you. I still like you. Não sei se é um bug ou não, mas este software não está funcionando direito. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software isn't working right. Meu pé adormeceu. My foot fell asleep. My foot's asleep. Você me ignorava. You ignored me. You ignored me. Tom não quer ajudar. Tom doesn't want to help. Tom doesn't want to help. Tem um problema. There is a problem. There's a problem. Eu quero ir para a tua festa. I want to go to your party. I want to go to your party. Vocês falam esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Do you speak Esperanto? Ele não sabe sequer assinar o nome. He does not even know how to sign his name. He can't even sign his name. Não deixe nenhum vestígio. Don't leave a trace. Leave no trace. Aquele cara é traiçoeiro. That guy is a weasel. That guy's tricky. Tudo o que eu quero é falar contigo. All I want is to speak with you. All I want is to talk to you. A empresa estava à beira da falência. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. O grupo partiu para Nova Iorque. The party started for New York. The group left for New York. Eu quero ser promovido. I want to be promoted. I want to get promoted. Se você concordar em se tornar um doador de órgãos, pode ajudar a salvar a vida de alguém. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to become an organ donor, you can help save someone's life. É difícil ser vegetariano? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Is it hard being a vegetarian? Eles farão uma festa para ela de 15º aniversário de casamento. They will have a party for her 15 º wedding anniversary. They're having a party for her 15th anniversary. O que vocês gostariam de fazer hoje? What would you like to do today? What would you like to do today? Eu surrupiei o lápis do Tom. I swiped Tom's pencil. I scraped Tom's pencil. Eu achei fácil falar inglês. I found it easy to speak English. I found it easy to speak English. Eu não queria contar para o Tom o que nós fizemos. I didn't want to tell Tom about what we did. I didn't want to tell Tom what we did. Eu bebi o café. I drank the coffee. I drank the coffee. Eu sugeriria uma virgula. I’d suggest a comma. I'd suggest a comma. Tom mal conseguia falar francês. Tom could barely speak French. Tom could barely speak French. Ele não tem nenhuma intenção de interferir em seus assuntos. He has no intention to interfere with your business. He has no intention of interfering in his affairs. Foi difícil para eles chegarem na ilha. It was hard for them to get to the island. It was hard for them to get to the island. Ela nunca morou na Índia. She has never lived in India. She never lived in India. Ele ficou perplexo com o resultado inesperado. He was perplexed at the unexpected result. He was baffled by the unexpected result. Isso é tudo o que eu sei. That's all I know. That's all I know. Eu nunca a vi sorrir. I've never seen her laugh. I've never seen her smile. Este pode não ser um diamante genuíno. This might not be a genuine diamond. This may not be a genuine diamond. Eu raramente tomo café. I seldom drink coffee. I rarely drink coffee. Já que ele não veio, também não vou. Since he didn't come, I will not either. Since he's not here, I'm not going either. Você trabalha com eles? Do you work with them? Do you work with them? O Tom parece chateado. Tom looks bummed. Tom seems upset. O marido de Tom é bissexual. Tom's husband is bisexual. Tom's husband is bisexual. O Tom era realmente capaz de fazer aquilo? Was Tom really able to do that? Was Tom really able to do that? O Tom está curtindo sua vida em Boston. Tom is enjoying his life in Boston. Tom's enjoying his life in Boston. Eu estou livre até hoje às seis da tarde. I am free till 6 o'clock this evening. I'm free until today at 6:00 p.m. Não posso ler isto. I can't read this. I can't read this. Parece que vamos ter de ficar sem férias este ano. It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year. Looks like we're gonna have to go on vacation this year. Você gosta de ir para shows? Do you like going to concerts? Do you like going to shows? Não sei mais o que devo fazer. I don't know what I should do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Eu pensei que era pouco demais. I thought that it was a bit much. I thought it was too little. Tom ficou famoso da noite para o dia. Tom got famous overnight. Tom became famous overnight. Tom sempre come fruta no café da manhã. Tom always eats fruit for breakfast. Tom always eats fruit for breakfast. Ele foi tão imaturo, ele não pôde resistir à tentação. He was so immature, he couldn't resist the temptation. He was so immature, he couldn't resist temptation. Pacientes geralmente morrem simplesmente porque cedem às suas doenças. Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases. Patients usually die simply because they give in to their diseases. Se você ignora o passado, põe o futuro em jogo. If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future. If you ignore the past, you put the future at stake. Tom não é motorista de ônibus, é? Tom isn't a bus driver, is he? Tom's not a bus driver, is he? Eu não converso com o Tom faz tempo. I haven't talked to Tom in a while. I haven't talked to Tom in a long time. Eu realmente gosto de ópera. I really like opera. I really like opera. No México, fala-se espanhol. Spanish is spoken in Mexico. In Mexico, you speak Spanish. Tom come demais. Tom eats too much. Tom eats too much. O que ele fez hoje? What has he done today? What did he do today? Eu paguei três dólares por aquele livro. I paid three dollars for that book. I paid three bucks for that book. Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken to her? Has anyone talked to her? Não vale um centavo. It's not worth a dime. It's not worth a penny. Você poderia tirar fotos da sua cidade para mim? Could you take some photos of your city for me? Could you take pictures of your town for me? Somos primos. We are cousins. We're cousins. Eu sei contar até cem. I know how to count to 100. I can count to a hundred. O trabalho de um presidente é muito interessante. The work of a president is very interesting. A president's work is very interesting. Ele visitou Boston. He visited Boston. He visited Boston. Eu estou ansioso pelo resultado. I am anxious about the result. I'm looking forward to the outcome. O presidente anunciou que os Estados Unidos colocariam um satélite em órbita. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. Eu queria que você não me chamasse daquilo. I wish you wouldn't call me that. I wish you wouldn't call me that. Ele não iria comigo por nada. He would not go with me for anything. He wouldn't go with me for anything. Estou simplesmente ocupado demais para comer agora. I'm just too busy to stop to eat lunch right now. I'm just too busy to eat right now. Essas coisas levam tempo. These things take time. These things take time. Por favor coloque os livros em ordem. Please put the books in order. Please put the books in order. Eu coloquei na sua mesa. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Você gosta de comer peixe? Do you like eating fish? Do you like eating fish? Eles não podem detê-la. They cannot stop her. They can't stop her. Eu não vi Tom parado lá. I didn't see Tom standing there. I didn't see Tom standing there. Pensei que vós gostásseis de aprender coisas novas. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you'd like to learn new things. Por que você fritou só duas linguiças? Why did you fry two sausages only? Why did you just fry two sausages? Tom estava encharcado. Tom was soaking wet. Tom was soaked. Tom, aparentemente, não sabe falar francês. Tom apparently can't speak French. Tom, apparently, can't speak French. Você está em grande perigo. You're in grave danger. You're in great danger. Tom não me dirá quem ele planeja contratar. Tom won't tell me who he plans to hire. Tom won't tell me who he's planning on hiring. Tom enviou uma mensagem a Mary. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent a message to Mary. Este romance é tão fácil que até uma criança consegue ler. This novel is so easy that even a child can read it. This romance is so easy that even a child can read. Todos nós sentimos saudade de você. We all have missed you. We all miss you. O pai de Tom é um artista famoso. Tom's father is a famous artist. Tom's father is a famous artist. Estou tentando entrar em contato com a minha irmã. I'm trying to get in touch with my sister. I'm trying to get in touch with my sister. Você possui experiência? Are you experienced? Do you have experience? Aonde ele ia? Where was he going? Where was he going? Tom tentou pegar o coelho. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Ele está chamando o médico. He is calling the doctor. He's calling the doctor. O primeiro-ministro renunciou ontem. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. Minha amiga tem dezessete anos. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is seventeen. Você não pode mudar quem você é. You can't change who you are. You can't change who you are. Agora estou aprendendo francês. I'm now learning French. Now I'm learning French. Ken estava correndo naquele momento. Ken was running at that time. Ken was running at the time. Foi realmente muito interessante. It was seriously very interesting. It was really very interesting. Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mother with the kitchen. Esse bolo também parece bom. Dê-me um pedacinho. That cake looks good too. Give me a small piece. That cake looks good, too. As ruas estavam decoradas com bandeiras. The streets were decorated with flags. The streets were decorated with flags. Tom colocou as suas coisas em uma caixa. Tom put his things into a box. Tom put his stuff in a box. Eu quero comprar alguma coisa para Tom. I want to buy something for Tom. I want to buy Tom something. Continue com os olhos abertos. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. Eu tenho que trabalhar até a meia-noite. I have to work until midnight. I have to work till midnight. Você sabe o que é passar realmente fome? Do you know what it is like to be really hungry? Do you know what it's like to really starve? Reconhecemos Tom. We recognized Tom. We recognize Tom. Há quanto tempo a Lourdes trabalha com o senhor? How long has Lourdes worked with you? How long has Lourdes been working with you? Eu creio que ele seja honesto. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Oh! dois passarinhos que morreram por causa do frio! Oh! two birdlings, died of the cold. Oh, two birds that died because of the cold! Não preste atenção ao que Tom disse. Don't pay any attention to what Tom said. Don't pay any attention to what Tom said. Tom não gosta da casa em que está morando. Tom dislikes the house he's living in. Tom doesn't like the house he's living in. Tom se recusa a cantar. Tom refuses to sing. Tom refuses to sing. Gostaria de ir fazer compras? Would you like to go shopping? Would you like to go shopping? John Dalton foi o criador da teoria atômica. John Dalton was the creator of the atomic theory. John Dalton was the creator of atomic theory. Eu acho que estamos nos aproximando. I think that we're getting closer. I think we're getting closer. Nós não temos nenhuma maneira de verificar isso. We have no way to verify this. We don't have any way to verify that. Seu violão está desafinado. Your guitar is out of tune. Your guitar's out of tune. Sou sua mulher, não sou? I'm your wife, aren't I? I'm your wife, aren't I? Vou me encontrar com alguns amigos. I will meet some friends. I'm meeting some friends. Eu decidi o que fazer para o jantar. I've decided what to cook for dinner. I've decided what to do for dinner. Dê-me o microfone. Give me the mic. Give me the mike. Estamos contando com vocês. We're counting on you. We're counting on you. Ele cuidou da mãe após a morte do pai. He cared for his mother after his father died. He took care of his mother after his father died. Ela me disse que queria ter um cachorro de estimação. She told me that she wanted a pet dog. She told me she wanted to have a pet. Como se soletra? How is it spelled? How do you spell it? A namorada o traía, mas ela negou até que ele a pegou. His girlfriend cheated on him, but she denied it until he caught her. His girlfriend cheated on him, but she denied it until he caught her. Ela mereceu. She deserved it. She deserved it. Ele estava com pressa de ver sua mãe. He was in a hurry to see his mother. He was in a hurry to see his mother. Minha irmã vai preparar o pequeno almoço. My sister will prepare breakfast. My sister's making breakfast. Você deveria ficar longe daquele cara. You should stay away from that guy. You should stay away from that guy. Naquela ocasião, Tom estava em Boston. At that time, Tom was in Boston. On that occasion, Tom was in Boston. Preferia não ir lá sozinho. I would rather not go there alone. I'd rather not go there alone. Seu lápis foi apontado. His pencil has been sharpened. Your pencil's been pointed out. Vou perdoá-lo apenas desta vez. I'll forgive you just this once. I'll forgive you just this once. É melhor você verificar isso. You'd better check that. You better check this out. Eu só acreditaria em um deus que sabe dançar. I would only believe in a God that knows how to dance. I would only believe a god who knows how to dance. É o voo de Recife. It is the flight from Recife. It's the flight from Recife. Não há necessidade de tentar traduzir uma frase palavra por palavra. There's no need to try to translate a phrase word-for-word. There is no need to try to translate one sentence word for word. O Tom teria feito isso se ele realmente quisesse. Tom would've done that if he'd really wanted to. Tom would have done it if he really wanted to. Você precisa de conhecimento técnico para entender como este sistema funciona. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. Quantos meses há em um ano? How many months are there in a year? How many months in a year? Eles estão começando a fazer seus deveres de casa. They are beginning their homework. They're starting to do their homework. Com muito esforço, segurei suas pálpebras abertas com meus dedos e pinguei o colírio. With great effort I held his eyelids open with my fingers and dropped in the eye medicine. With much effort, I held your eyelids open with my fingers and dripped my eye drops. O Tom não sabe tocar violão. Tom doesn't know how to play guitar. Tom can't play guitar. Eles são muito perigosos. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. Feche a porta, por favor. Will you please shut the door? Close the door, please. O Tom deixou a Mary. Tom left Mary. Tom left Mary. Estou cansado de ler. I am tired of reading. I'm tired of reading. O Jorge ficou pálido! George was livid! Jorge went pale! O senhor quer uma aspirina? Would you like some aspirin? Do you want an aspirin? Maria tirou o colar. Mary took her necklace off. Maria took off her necklace. Não gosto de samba. I don't like samba. I don't like samba. É impossível traduzir esta frase sem acudir ao dicionário. It's impossible to translate this sentence without a dictionary. It is impossible to translate this sentence without helping the dictionary. Pouco a pouco, você vai notar melhoras nos seus textos. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. Little by little, you will notice improvements in your texts. Tom deu um osso ao cachorro dele. Tom gave a bone to his dog. Tom gave his dog a bone. Não as conheço. I don't know them. I don't know them. O Tom mudara tanto que eu nem o reconheci. Tom had changed so much that I didn't even recognize him. Tom had changed so much, I didn't even recognize him. Eles se ajudam. They help each other. They help each other. Que eu saiba, o livro nunca foi traduzido para japonês. As far as I know, the book has never been translated into Japanese. As far as I'm concerned, the book was never translated into Japanese. Qual é a distância de sua casa para o parque? How far is it from your house to the park? How far is it from your house to the park? Eu não gosto de neve. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Eu só tenho um desejo. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Ela está com medo de perder dinheiro. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Em uma voz trêmula, ela pediu ajuda. In a quivering voice she cried "Help!" In a shaky voice, she asked for help. Preciso pagar uma consulta ao médico. I must pay a visit to the doctor. I need to pay a doctor's appointment. Agora é a minha chance. Now's my chance. Now's my chance. Somos a favor do seu plano. We are in favor of your plan. We're in favour of your plan. Poderíamos conversar por um momento? Could we talk for a moment? Could we talk for a moment? Vocês aceitam MasterCard? Do you take MasterCard? Do you accept MasterCard? Gostaria de discutir isso com minha esposa antes de tomar uma decisão. I'd like to discuss this with my wife before making a decision. I'd like to discuss this with my wife before making a decision. Tom não fará mal algum às senhoras. Tom won't do you any harm. Tom won't do any harm to the ladies. Ouvi dizer que Tom Jackson é um dos melhores advogados de Boston. I hear that Tom Jackson is one of the best lawyers in Boston. I hear Tom Jackson is one of the best lawyers in Boston. A mesa é feita de madeira. The desk is made of wood. The table is made of wood. Ela está comprando um bolo na padaria. She is buying a cake in the bakery. She's buying a cake at the bakery. Tom está falando francês. Tom is speaking French. Tom's speaking French. Ele não é nada, se não generoso. He is nothing, if not kind. He's nothing, if not generous. Algumas crianças estão a nadar no rio. Some children are swimming in the river. Some kids are swimming in the river. Ela fica reclamando de não ter tempo. She keeps complaining that she has no time. She keeps complaining about not having time. Aquilo foi terrível. That was terrible. That was terrible. Isso é uma mão na roda. That comes in handy. That's a hand on the wheel. Isso foi muito mais difícil que eu esperava. It was a lot harder than I had expected. That was a lot harder than I expected. Ele não trabalha mais aqui. He no longer works here. He doesn't work here anymore. Queremos comprar uma casa nova. We want to buy a new house. We want to buy a new house. Ele gosta de todos os animais a não ser os cavalos. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all animals but horses. Eles foram embora? Have they gone? They're gone? Não deveríamos fazer isso com ele. We shouldn't do this to him. We shouldn't do this to him. Tom mudou seu nome para Bruno. Ele deve ter achado que era mais exótico. Tom changed his name to Bruno. I guess he thought it was more exotic. Tom changed his name to Bruno. Não estamos a fim de dançar. We just don't feel like dancing. We don't feel like dancing. Tom e Mary estavam gritando. Tom and Mary were screaming. Tom and Mary were screaming. Tom trouxe um presente para Mary. Tom brought a gift for Mary. Tom brought Mary a present. Tom saiu, mas Maria está em casa. Tom is out, but Mary is at home. Tom's out, but Maria's home. Tom é muito independente. Tom is very independent. Tom's very independent. Pelo que eu sei, esta é a última edição. As far as I know, this is the latest edition. As far as I'm concerned, this is the last edition. Não se nasce com o mal; este é aprendido. You're not born evil; you learn how to be evil. It is not born with evil; it is learned. Cumprimenta. Say hello. Say hello. A comida deste restaurante é insípida. The food in this restaurant is bland. The food in this restaurant is tasteless. Eu mereço uma promoção. I deserve a promotion. I deserve a promotion. Abra a janela, por favor. Open the window, please. Open the window, please. Trata-me como sempre. Treat me as you've always done. You treat me like you always do. Não gostei nada da ideia. I hated the idea. I don't like the idea at all. Adivinha o que comprei hoje. Guess what I bought today. Guess what I got today. O Tom me liga quase todos os dias. Tom calls me almost every day. Tom calls me almost every day. Não podemos deixá-lo para trás. We can't leave him behind. We can't leave him behind. O peixe vermelho está nadando no oceano. The red fish is swimming in the ocean. The red fish is swimming in the ocean. Não importa quão faminto você está, você deve comer devagar. However hungry you are, you must eat slowly. No matter how hungry you are, you should eat slowly. Você não é culpado. You're not guilty. You're not guilty. Ele já me havia contado a verdade, quando vocês nos viram na sala de visitas. When you saw us in the sitting room, he had already told me the truth. He had already told me the truth when you saw us in the drawing room. Não se meta na vida alheia! Don't meddle in other people's lives. Stay out of other people's business! Eu me animei ouvindo música. I cheered myself up by listening to music. I got excited listening to music. Acredita lá o que quiseres. Believe what you will. Believe what you want. Pouco depois de voltar à França, ele decidiu abandonar sua carreira de economista para dedicar-se à sua verdadeira paixão: escrever, na Espanha. Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain. Shortly after returning to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist to devote himself to his true passion: writing in Spain. Kelly aparecerá na televisão. Kelly will appear on TV. Kelly's gonna be on TV. Eu mudei o layout da minha página. I've changed my website's layout. I changed the layout of my page. Você quer tomar café da manhã comigo? Do you want to have breakfast with me? Do you want to have breakfast with me? Foi bom falar com você. It was good talking to you. It was nice talking to you. Estes são perfeitos. These are perfect. These are perfect. Contarei ao meu pai. I'll tell my dad! I'll tell my father. Hoje as notícias são boas. The news is good today. Today's good news. Ela é dois anos mais nova que ele. She's two years younger than he. She's two years younger than him. Pouca gente se deu conta da ausência dela na festa. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Not many people noticed her absence from the party. Eu sei no que estou me metendo. I know what I'm getting myself into. I know what I'm getting myself into. A grama do vizinho é sempre mais verde. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Neighbor's grass is always greener. Você realmente está doando isso? Are you really just giving it away? Are you really donating this? Não precisamos contratar ninguém. We don't need to hire anyone. We don't have to hire anyone. Você vai sentir frio demais com esse vestido. You're going to be too cold with this dress. You'll feel too cold in that dress. Este é o meu avô. This is my grandfather. This is my grandfather. O senhor Fujiwara está em casa agora? Is Mr Fujiwara at home now? Is Mr Fujiwara home now? Não coma tanto. Você vai engordar. Don't eat so much. You'll get fat. Don't eat so much, you'll get fat. Do que você está rindo, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? Por que você não me trouxe aqui antes? Why haven't you brought me here before? Why didn't you bring me here before? Na minha escola, apenas o francês era ensinado como língua estrangeira. French was the only foreign language that they taught at my school. In my school, only French was taught as a foreign language. Por que isto continua acontecendo? Why does this keep happening? Why does this keep happening? Eles estão com fome. They feel hungry. They're hungry. Não te devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. Não consigo imaginar Tom e Maria juntos. I can't picture Tom and Mary together. I can't imagine Tom and Maria together. É preciso examinar todas as possíveis consequências. It is necessary to examine all possible consequences. It is necessary to examine all possible consequences. Eu alcancei e toquei a mão da Mary. I reached out and touched Mary's hand. I reached out and touched Mary's hand. Eles vão voltar. They'll be back. They'll be back. Encontrei-me com Maria e João em Londres. I met Mary and John when in London. I met Maria and John in London. Vou a Paris este outono. I'm going to Paris this fall. I'm going to Paris this fall. Adicione um pouco de açúcar, por favor. Add a bit of sugar, please. Add some sugar, please. Não sou mais assim. I'm not like that anymore. I'm not like that anymore. Nós não confiamos mais no Tom. We don't trust Tom anymore. We don't trust Tom anymore. Você está agindo como uma criança. You're acting like a child. You're acting like a child. Eu me senti mal. I felt bad. I felt bad. Tom gosta de escrever poemas e letras de música. Tom likes to write poems and song lyrics. Tom likes to write poems and music lyrics. Vocês estão na Europa! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! Os muros da cidade foram destruídos. The walls of the town were destroyed. The city walls have been destroyed. Não com tanta força, por favor! Please, go softer! Not so hard, please! Pegamos Tom. We caught Tom. We got Tom. Eu acho que esse tem de morrer para que o outro viva. É um mundo cruel. I think this one has to die for the other to live. It's a cruel world. I think this one has to die for the other to live. Nós deveríamos tomar café da manhã juntas. We should have breakfast together. We should have breakfast together. Eu queria ser um tigre. I wish I were a tiger. I wanted to be a tiger. Onde aprendeste esperanto? Where did you learn Esperanto? Where did you learn Esperanto? Estou melhorando. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. Eu não quero te ver nunca mais. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't want to see you ever again. Ela caminha para trabalhar. She walks to work. She walks to work. A cozinha não é um lugar apropriado para discussões. Há facas demais. The kitchen is not a suitable place for arguments. Too many knives. The kitchen is not a suitable place for discussion, there are too many knives. Vocês compraram sementes de girassol? Did you buy sunflower seeds? Did you buy sunflower seeds? Os senhores são uns inúteis. You all are useless. You gentlemen are useless. Tom sempre ora antes de comer. Tom always prays before eating. Tom always prays before he eats. Hoje esta loja não abre. We're closed today. This store doesn't open today. O homem é alto. The man is tall. The man is tall. As laranjas são boas fontes de vitamina C. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Oranges are good sources of vitamin C. Esta é a cidade em que nasci. This is the town where I was born. This is the city I was born in. Tom não via a Mary em lugar nenhum. Tom didn't see Mary anywhere. Tom couldn't see Mary anywhere. Eu queria estudar música. I wanted to study music. I wanted to study music. Eu estava prestes a sair quando Mary apareceu do nada. I was about to leave when Mary appeared out of the blue. I was about to leave when Mary came out of nowhere. Você me telefonou ontem à noite? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Alguma novidade hoje? Anything new today? Any news today? Quero que você morra. I want you to die. I want you to die. Instale o aparelho de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Install the apparatus in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions. Não sejas louco! Don't be crazy. Don't be crazy! Eu pensei que o Tom poderia ter permissão para fazer isso. I thought that Tom might be allowed to do that. I thought Tom might be allowed to do that. Posso usar este dicionário? Can I use this dictionary? Can I use this dictionary? Tom é um indivíduo resmungão. Tom's a grouch. Tom is a grumpy individual. Ele descansava sob uma árvore quando uma maçã lhe caiu sobre a cabeça. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. Eu não compreendo a sua geração. I don't understand your generation. I don't understand your generation. Nós ainda não vimos uma. We still haven't seen one yet. We haven't seen one yet. O Tom não parecia estar triste, parecia? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Tom didn't seem sad, did he? Tinha uma garotinha no volante. A young girl was at the steering wheel. There was a little girl on the wheel. Em que língua você falava com a Marika antes de aprender finlandês? In which language did you speak with Marika before you learnt Finnish? In what language did you speak with Marika before learning Finnish? Isto não é divertido. This isn't fun. This isn't fun. Se o tempo estiver bom, vamos fazer uma viagem para o campo amanhã. If the weather is fine, we will go for a trip to the countryside tomorrow. If the weather is good, we'll take a trip to the country tomorrow. Eu sei como é difícil pra você acreditar em mim. I know how difficult it is for you to believe me. I know how hard it is for you to believe me. Tom levantou-se para atender a porta. Tom got up to answer the door. Tom got up to answer the door. Eu não diria nada ao Tom se eu fosse você. I wouldn't tell Tom anything if I were you. I wouldn't say anything to Tom if I were you. Alguém havia aberto a janela. Somebody had opened the window. Someone had opened the window. Tom e Mary escreveram uma música juntos. Tom and Mary wrote a song together. Tom and Mary wrote a song together. Ninguém veio. No one came. No one came. Eu não odeio nada. I don't hate anything. I don't hate anything. Como foi exatamente que vocês fizeram isso? How exactly did you do that? How exactly did you do that? Fazendo desta maneira vai demorar bastante. Doing it that way will take a long time. Doing it this way will take a long time. Por favor, não fale tão alto. Please don't talk so loudly. Please don't talk so loud. Você ainda está sozinho? Are you still alone? Are you still alone? Parece-me teres bem compreendido as regras da gramática desta útil língua, o Esperanto. It seems to me that you have well understood the grammar rules of this useful language, Esperanto. It seems to me that you have well understood the grammar rules of this useful language, Esperanto. Eu não vou cantar essa música. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not singing that song. O professor zombou de Tom. The teacher made fun of Tom. The teacher made fun of Tom. Todos eles morreram. All of them died. They all died. Tom não é como os outros garotos. Tom isn't like all the other boys. Tom's not like the other boys. O quarto de Tom estava limpíssimo. Tom's room was very clean. Tom's room was very clean. A Layla estava a humilhar o Sami. Layla was humiliating Sami. Layla was humiliating Sami. Mas quem te chamou sem te conhecer? But who called for you without knowing you? But who called you without meeting you? Tom quase caiu. Tom almost fell down. Tom almost fell. Temos imensos trabalhos de casa para fazer. We have a lot of homework to do. We have a lot of homework to do. Vou escrever uma carta. I am going to write a letter. I'll write you a letter. Por que ainda estamos vivos? Why are we still alive? Why are we still alive? Eu ainda não sei de quanto vamos precisar. I don't yet know how much money we're going to need. I still don't know how much we're gonna need. Estive com ela a semana passada. I was with her last week. I was with her last week. Eu realmente gostava de meditar, mas agora não muito. I used to really be into meditation but not so much anymore. I'd really like to meditate, but not now. Estou aqui. I'm over here. I'm here. Eles foram para os Estados Unidos no mês passado. They went to America last month. They went to the States last month. Eu não quero viver convosco. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Este prédio é novo. This building is new. This is a new building. Eu vou descobrir qual é o problema. I'm going to find out what the problem is. I'll find out what the problem is. Quando o Tom chegou em casa? When did Tom get home? When did Tom get home? Os alunos estão entediados. The students are bored. The students are bored. Onde você está, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Fazer isso seria perigoso. Doing that would be dangerous. Doing that would be dangerous. Você tem certeza de que Tom está morto? Are you sure Tom is dead? Are you sure Tom's dead? Acho que você precisa de ajuda. I think that you need help. I think you need help. Tom ganha trezentos dólares por hora. Tom earns three hundred dollars an hour. Tom makes three hundred dollars an hour. O Tom é o amante da Mary. Tom is Mary's lover. Tom is Mary's lover. Em que navio você chegará? What ship will you arrive on? What ship will you arrive on? Encontrei as luvas que estavam embaixo da cadeira. I found the gloves that were under the chair. I found the gloves that were under the chair. Você sabe usar o computador? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you know how to use the computer? Quão pequeno é? How small is it? How small is it? O Tom disse que ele foi para Boston? Did Tom say he went to Boston? Did Tom say he went to Boston? Não coma as minhas batatas fritas. Don't eat my french fries. Don't eat my fries. O salão de beleza está cheio aos sábados. The beauty salon is full on Saturdays. The beauty salon is full on Saturdays. Você contou a alguém sobre a festa surpresa? Have you told anyone about the surprise party? Did you tell anyone about the surprise party? Duas retas paralelas são equidistantes. Two parallel lines are equidistant. Two parallel lines are equidistant. Está rompendo com Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Are you breaking up with Tom? Eu gosto das minhas amigas. I like my friends. I like my friends. O pior passou. The worst is over. The worst is over. Ninguém é indispensável. Nobody is indispensable. No one is indispensable. Você já esteve em Kobe? Have you ever been to Kobe? Have you ever been to Kobe? Eu estava muito chateado. I was very upset. I was very upset. Não esqueça a sua passagem. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Seus olhos estavam cheios de lágrimas. Her eyes were full of tears. His eyes were filled with tears. Quanto mais um homem sabe, mais ele descobre o quanto não sabe. The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. The more a man knows, the more he finds out how much he doesn't know. Tom é culpado de roubar. Tom is guilty of stealing. Tom's guilty of stealing. Eu sei que o Tom é obediente. I know that Tom is obedient. I know Tom is obedient. Teu namorado está te traindo. Your boyfriend is cheating on you. Your boyfriend's cheating on you. Somos mais inteligentes do que isso. We're smarter than that. We're smarter than that. O Tom não tem que fazer isso. Tom doesn't have to do it. Tom doesn't have to do that. Eu tenho uma maçã. I have an apple. I have an apple. Eu não estou, absolutamente, interessado em física. I'm not interested in physics at all. I'm absolutely not interested in physics. Eu não poderia me importar menos com o que o Tom pensa. I couldn't care less about what Tom thinks. I couldn't care less what Tom thinks. Este pão está caro demais. This bread is too expensive. This bread is too expensive. Eu ficarei bem. I'm going to be OK. I'll be fine. Susan é um nome inglês. Susan is an English name. Susan is an English name. Tenha uma boa viagem! Me ligue de Paris! Have a good trip! Call me from Paris! Have a nice trip, call me from Paris. Você consegue arrumar isto? Can you repair this? Can you fix this? Quero café com leite. I want coffee with milk. I want some coffee and milk. Quero que você acompanhe de perto. I want you to follow closely. I want you to keep up. Eles são rivais. They're rivals. They're rivals. Eu sei falar chinês. I can speak Chinese. I can speak Chinese. Nossa mais alta certeza da bondade da Providência parece-me estar colocada nas flores. Todas as outras coisas, nossos poderes, nossos desejos, nossa comida, todos são realmente, em primeiro lugar, necessários à nossa existência. Mas esta rosa é algo especial. Seu perfume e sua cor são um embelezamento da vida, não uma condição dela. Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first instance. But this rose is an extra. Its smell and its colour are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it. Our highest certainty of the goodness of Providence seems to me to be placed in the flowers. All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, all are really, in the first place, necessary for our existence. But this rose is something special. Its perfume and its color are a beautification of life, not a condition of it. Você está falando do Tom de novo, não está? You're talking about Tom again, aren't you? You're talking about Tom again, aren't you? Teus filhos são tão charmosos! Your children are so charming! Your children are so charming! Entendi o que ela estava dizendo. I got what she was saying. I understood what she was saying. Os estudantes não se lembravam do que leram naquele livro. The students didn't remember what they read in that book. The students did not remember what they read in that book. Queríamos desejar-lhe boa sorte. We wanted to wish you good luck. We wanted to wish you good luck. Discutir os procedimentos básicos envolvidos na análise de interação conversacional. Discuss the basic procedures involved in the analysis of conversational interaction. Discuss the basic procedures involved in conversational interaction analysis. Não está lá. It's not there. It's not there. É apenas ao indivíduo que uma alma é dada. It is only to the individual that a soul is given. It is only to the individual that a soul is given. Eu sou de Tóquio, Japão. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Nadal ganhou uma partida de tênis extenuante, que se estendeu por cinco sets. Nadal won a grueling tennis match. It lasted five sets. Nadal won a strenuous tennis match, which extended over five sets. Você tem certeza que podemos fazer isso? Are you sure we can do that? Are you sure we can do this? Não me decepcione mais. Don't disappoint me anymore. Don't let me down anymore. Quem encontra um amigo, encontra um tesouro. Who finds a friend, finds a treasure. Anyone who finds a friend finds a treasure. Comporte-se bem. Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Estava tão frio que ele tremia. It was so cold that he was shivering. It was so cold, he was shaking. Eu entendo seu posicionamento. I get your point. I understand your position. Aquelas são as crianças a quem você deu o livro. Those are the children you gave the book to. Those are the kids you gave the book to. Ela é fluente em inglês. She's fluent in English. She's fluent in English. Não achei que ficaria com medo. I didn't think I'd be scared. I didn't think you'd be scared. Como você vai ajudar o Tom? How will you help Tom? How are you going to help Tom? Gosto muito da língua japonesa. I like the Japanese language very much. I'm very fond of the Japanese language. Eu sempre respeitei meu pai. I've always respected my father. I've always respected my father. Vocês vão para a escola a pé todos os dias? Do you walk to school every day? You go to school on foot every day? Você estava tirando fotos do quê? What were you taking pictures of? What were you taking pictures of? Empreste-me algum dinheiro, se você tiver. Lend me some money, if you have any. Lend me some money, if you have any. Não é necessário. I don't need it. That's not necessary. Nem sempre tenha pressa. Don't always be in a rush. Don't always be in a hurry. Tom veio para a escola embora estivesse doente. Tom came to school even though he was sick. Tom came to school even though he was sick. O que você fez agora? What have you done now? What have you done now? Essa é a parte de que eu mais gostei. That's the part I liked best. That's the part I liked best. Me dá uma laranja. Give me an orange. Give me an orange. Mas que expressão ambígua. What an ambiguous expression! What an ambiguous expression. O Tom não gostou do que viu. Tom didn't like what he saw. Tom didn't like what he saw. O rádio chegou ao país há pouco tempo. The radio arrived to this country not long ago. Radio arrived in the country a little while ago. Eu ouvi você dizendo que gostava de abacaxis, então comprei um para você. I heard you say you liked pineapples, so I bought you one. I heard you say you liked pineapples, so I bought you one. Tom parou de comer doces. Tom has cut down on sweets. Tom stopped eating candy. Tom é uma das pessoas mais ricas do mundo. Tom is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Tom is one of the richest people in the world. O Tom gosta de ir pescar sozinho. Tom likes to go fishing by himself. Tom likes to go fishing alone. Tom pediu para a Mary para fazer isso. Tom urged Mary to do that. Tom asked Mary to do that. Os templos em Marte estão decorados com flores de Lotus. The temples on Mars are decorated with lotus flowers. The temples on Mars are decorated with Lotus flowers. Pensei que você tivesse dito que gostaria de saber por que Tom fez isso. I thought you said you'd like to know why Tom did that. I thought you said you'd want to know why Tom did it. Ele parou de rir. He stopped laughing. He stopped laughing. Eu sei por que o Tom está com medo. I know why Tom is afraid. I know why Tom's scared. Meu nome é Paola. My name is Paola. My name is Paola. Nasci em um navio. I was born on a ship. I was born on a ship. O jardim estava cheio de flores amarelas. The garden was full of yellow flowers. The garden was full of yellow flowers. Ela provavelmente virá. She is likely to come. She'll probably come. Eu não consigo te dizer o quanto eu sinto falta do Tom. I can't tell you how much I miss Tom. I can't tell you how much I miss Tom. Aquele casal gasta um bom tanto de dinheiro comendo em restaurantes. That couple spends quite a bit of money eating at nice restaurants. That couple spends a lot of money eating at restaurants. O Tom sugeriu aquilo. Tom suggested that. Tom suggested that. Nós éramos vizinhos. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. Tom vende café. Tom sells coffee. Tom sells coffee. O que eu quero é um processador de texto. What I want is a word processor. What I want is a text processor. Tom jogou fora o cigarro. Tom threw his cigarette on the floor. Tom threw away his cigarette. Qual foi o último concerto que você viu? What was the last concert you saw? What was the last concert you saw? Qual jaqueta é a sua? Which one is your jacket? What's your jacket? Ele não deu explicação do por quê que tinha estado ausente. He gave no explanation why he had been absent. He did not explain why he had been absent. O Tom me ensina francês. Tom teaches me French. Tom teaches me French. Estou fora de forma. I'm out of shape. I'm out of shape. Ele trabalha como um maníaco. He works like a maniac. He works like a maniac. Não seja bobo, não dá para dirigir sem o volante! Don't be silly! You can't drive without a wheel! Don't be silly, you can't drive without the steering wheel! Ficaremos aqui por apenas alguns dias. We'll be here for only a few days. We'll only be here a few days. O Tom ainda está acordado? Is Tom still up? Is Tom still awake? Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que sabia falar Francês. I dated a girl in high school who could speak French. I dated a high school girl who knew how to speak French. Eu acabei de escovar. I just brush it off. I just brushed. Tom precisa do seu amor. Tom needs your love. Tom needs your love. É dia três de outubro. It's October the third. It's October 3rd. Me dê uma bebida, por favor. Give me a drink, please. Give me a drink, please. Eu o encontrei deitado na cama. I found him lying on the bed. I found him lying in bed. Estão acontecendo as coisas mais estranhas. The strangest things have been happening. The strangest things are happening. Há mais alguma coisa que nós precisamos fazer antes de irmos? Is there anything else we need to do before we go? Is there anything else we need to do before we go? Eu tenho medo que tenho que sair. I'm afraid that I have to leave. I'm afraid I have to leave. Quem vê a rosa do meu filho? Who sees my son's rose? Who sees my son's rose? Queres um motivo? Do you want a reason? You want a reason? Ouvi dizer que o Sr. Collins pediu que você se case com ele. I heard that Mr. Collins asked you to marry him. I heard Mr. Collins asked you to marry him. Tu não precisas dizer nada se não quiseres. You don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. O Tom está na sua mesa comendo um sanduíche. Tom is at his desk eating a sandwich. Tom's at your table eating a sandwich. Esta roupa está suja e precisa ser lavada. This clothing is dirty and needs to be washed. This laundry is dirty and needs to be washed. Os turistas já embarcaram todos? Have the tourists all gone on board? Have all the tourists boarded? Acho que deveríamos ajudar o Tom. I think we should help Tom. I think we should help Tom. Tom voltará de Boston na próxima segunda-feira. Tom will come back from Boston next Monday. Tom's coming back from Boston next Monday. Falando da Mary, faz tempo que não a vejo. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her for a long time. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her in a while. Eu caminharia por lá se fosse você. I'd walk there if I were you. I'd walk there if I were you. Meu avô ainda está fortemente presente em meu coração. My grandfather is still strongly anchored in my heart. My grandfather is still strongly present in my heart. Tu provavelmente já viste isso. You've probably seen that already. You've probably seen that. Fadil usa e abusa das mulheres. Fadil is a user and abuser of women. Fadil uses and abuses women. No caminho para a escola eu perdi minha carteira. I lost my wallet on the way to school. On the way to school I lost my wallet. Tom não quer falar tudo a Mary. Tom doesn't want to tell Mary everything. Tom doesn't want to tell Mary everything. Não consigo encontrar meu relógio. I can't find my watch. I can't find my watch. Você não possui passaporte? Don't you have a passport? Don't you have a passport? Eu não sei o que vou fazer com ele. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. I don't know what I'm gonna do with him. Nós somos pessoas ocupadas. We're busy people. We're busy people. Me desculpe, mas você tem que ir. I'm sorry, but you've got to go. I'm sorry, but you have to go. Ninguém vai fazer isso. No one's going to do that. No one's gonna do that. Cada passo foi difícil para ele. Every step was difficult for him. Each step was difficult for him. Tom nos assustou. Tom scared us. Tom scared us. Qual é o nome de seu amigo? What is your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Larga isso. Put that down. Put that down. Quando você retorna à Itália? When are you returning to Italy? When do you return to Italy? Você teve um aniversário bom? Did you have a good birthday? Did you have a good birthday? Tom sabe desenhar um círculo perfeito. Tom can draw a perfect circle. Tom can draw a perfect circle. Diga a Tom que não estou. Tell Tom I'm not here. Tell Tom I'm not here. Eu estava com uma terrível dor de estômago. I had a terrible stomachache. I had a terrible stomach ache. A vegetação e a água murmurante acalmam minha mente ardente. Um gerador de energia eólia gira por trás das árvores. The vegetation and the murmuring water calm my ardent mind. A wind turbine rotates behind the trees. Vegetation and murmuring water soothe my burning mind. An eolian energy generator rotates behind the trees. As crianças e os bêbados não mentem. Children and drunks don't lie. Kids and drunks don't lie. O prédio branco foi destruído pelo terremoto. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. A chuva forte causou uma inundação, provocando estragos. The heavy rain brought the flood, causing damage. The heavy rain caused a flood, causing damage. Nós precisamos de música. We need music. We need music. O Tom comprou uma caminhonete nova. Tom bought a new pickup. Tom bought a new truck. Estou ainda esperando que os preços caiam. I'm still waiting for the prices to drop. I'm still waiting for prices to drop. Bill, abra a porta. Bill, open the door. Bill, open the door. Pense nisto, por favor. Please think about this. Think about it, please. Eu costumo usar roupas escuras. I usually wear dark clothes. I usually wear dark clothes. Isso está indo longe demais. This is going too far. This is going too far. Esse café está muito forte. This coffee is quite strong. This coffee is very strong. Eu estava completamente exausto após a caminhada. I was completely exhausted after the hike. I was completely exhausted after the walk. A rã que a princesa beijou tornou num príncipe. The frog the princess kissed turned into a prince. The frog the princess kissed turned into a prince. Eu disse a Tom que estava ocupado. I told Tom that I was busy. I told Tom I was busy. Como você aprendeu a falar Francês tão bem? How did you learn how to speak French so well? How did you learn to speak French so well? Você pode diferenciar os gêmeos? Can you tell one of the twins from the other? Can you tell the twins apart? Eu pedi uma pizza pelo telefone. I ordered a pizza on the phone. I ordered a pizza over the phone. Eles não vão te incomodar nunca mais. They won't bother you anymore. They won't bother you ever again. Não se preocupe. Você pode confiar em mim. Don't worry. You can confide in me. Don't worry, you can trust me. Me pergunto se Tom ainda é confiável. I wonder if Tom is still trustworthy. I wonder if Tom is still reliable. Somos todos burros. We're all stupid. We're all stupid. Desculpa! Sorry... I'm sorry! Se me deres a maçã, Helena, a mais bela dentre todas as mulheres, será tua. If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours. If you give me the apple, Helena, the most beautiful of all women, it will be yours. Alguém indagou sobre o Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Someone asked about Texas. Além do nariz congestionado, também sofro de febre. In addition to a blocked nose, I'm also suffering from a high temperature. Besides the congested nose, I also suffer from fever. O trabalho é difícil? Is the work hard? Is work hard? Há um avião sobre a igreja. There is a plane above the church. There's a plane over the church. Eu geralmente concordo com Tom. I generally agree with Tom. I usually agree with Tom. Ainda estou preocupado com o Tom. I'm still worried about Tom. I'm still worried about Tom. Tentei salvar o Tom. I tried to save Tom. I tried to save Tom. Apesar de que estava doente, o menino foi à escola mesmo assim. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Although he was ill, the boy went to school anyway. A superfície desta mesa é polida. This table's surface is smooth. The surface of this table is polished. Sua carteira foi roubada. He had his wallet stolen. Your wallet was stolen. Esperamos ansiosamente vê-lo de novo. We look forward to seeing you again. We look forward to seeing you again. Sem sombra de dúvida, este é o melhor. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is the best. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best. Não acredito que estou mesmo aqui. I can't believe that I'm really here. I can't believe I'm really here. Eu te contarei quando voltar. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll tell you when I get back. Faz calor aqui. It's hot in here. It's hot in here. Eles virão hoje? Will they come today? Are they coming today? Devemos executar esse plano de qualquer maneira. We must carry out this plan by all means. We must execute this plan anyway. O restaurante era longe da estação. The restaurant was far from the station. The restaurant was far from the station. Eu acho que vou comprar o mais barato. I think that I'll buy the cheaper one. I think I'll buy the cheapest. Não sou ciumento. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Por favor, não brinque aqui, ela está tentando dormir. Please don't play here — she is trying to get to sleep! Please don't play here, she's trying to sleep. Nós fomos sequestrados. We were kidnapped. We've been kidnapped. O gato está seguro. The cat is safe. The cat's safe. Várias pessoas trabalham em cidades industriais. Many people work in industrial towns. Several people work in industrial cities. Não há por que me contar tudo. It's no use telling me anything. There's no reason to tell me everything. É a primeira vez que eu caio das escadas. This is the first time I've ever fallen down the stairs. This is the first time I've fallen down the stairs. Achamos hilário. We thought it was hilarious. We think it's hilarious. Eu queria salvá-lo. I wanted to save you. I wanted to save him. Eu vou ficar bem. I'll be OK. I'll be fine. Tom e Maria estão te procurando. Tom and Mary are looking for you. Tom and Maria are looking for you. Estou planejando visitar Boston no ano que vem. I'm planning to visit Boston next year. I'm planning on visiting Boston next year. Você dois estão brigando de novo? Are you two fighting again? Are you two fighting again? Tom viu algumas espadas interessantes no museu anteontem. Tom saw some interesting swords at the museum the day before yesterday. Tom saw some interesting swords in the museum the day before yesterday. Você devia ter me contado a verdade. You should've told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Ele é a cara do irmão. He looks exactly like his brother. He looks just like his brother. Eu não entendo o que você está dizendo. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I don't understand what you're saying. Eu gosto de seus cachorros. I like your dogs. I like your dogs. Você escapou. You escaped. You got away. Espero não estar interrompendo. I hope I'm not interrupting. I hope I'm not interrupting. Você conhece essa menina? Do you know this girl? Do you know this girl? Pegue o que você quiser. Take whichever you want. Take whatever you want. Eu esperei duas horas. Não posso espera mais. I've waited two whole hours. I can't wait any longer. I waited two hours, I can't wait any longer. Eu tenho uma dessas. I have one of those. I have one of those. As pessoas se apaixonam todos os dias no mundo inteiro. People fall in love every day all over the world. People fall in love every day all over the world. Te amo, meu anjo. I love you, my angel. I love you, angel. Você tem de me ajudar. You've got to help me. You have to help me. O que você planeja? What is it you have in mind? What do you plan? Esse cavalo é branco. That horse is white. That horse is white. Sua voz era suave e linda. Her voice was soft and beautiful. His voice was soft and beautiful. Não conhecíamos ninguém. We knew no one. We didn't know anyone. O que há de tão especial neste lugar? What's so special about this place? What's so special about this place? Meu plano telefônico não aceita chamadas a cobrar. My telephone plan does not cover collect calls. My phone plan doesn't accept collect calls. Eu li este artigo ontem. I read this article yesterday. I read this article yesterday. Alguém tem um lápis? Does anybody have a pencil? Does anyone have a pencil? Tom gosta de gatos. Tom likes cats. Tom likes cats. Naquela noite ele teve um sonho terrível. He had a terrible dream that night. That night he had a terrible dream. Ligue para o Tom imediatamente. Call up Tom right away. Call Tom right away. Foi uma competição. It was a competition. It was a competition. Ela adora brinquedos. She loves toys. She loves toys. Pensei que você fosse o escolhido para fazer isso. I thought you were the one chosen to do that. I thought you were the one to do this. O Tom adora cães. Tom loves dogs. Tom loves dogs. Tom disse que não conseguia respirar. Tom said he couldn't breathe. Tom said he couldn't breathe. Onde eu preciso virar? Where do I need to turn? Where do I need to turn? Ela o deixou rico. She made him rich. She made him rich. Tom foi a Boston para ver Maria. Tom went to Boston to meet Mary. Tom went to Boston to see Maria. Tom construiu a própria casa. Tom built his own house. Tom built his own house. Tom foi para Boston sozinho. Tom went to Boston alone. Tom went to Boston alone. Nós tentamos nos defender. We tried to defend ourselves. We tried to defend ourselves. Eu já lhe disse isso. I've already told him that. I already told you that. O que Tom estava fazendo? What was Tom doing? What was Tom doing? Isso veio do Tom? Is that from Tom? Did this come from Tom? Eu espero que amanhã não seja tão ruim. I hope tomorrow isn't too bad. I hope tomorrow's not so bad. O Tom disse que ele tinha alguma coisa para você. Tom said he had something for you. Tom said he had something for you. Eu tenho cada vez mais cabelos grisalhos. I'm getting more and more gray hair. I've got more and more gray hair. Sua irmã estuda aí? Does your sister study there? Does your sister go to school there? Eu te vi trabalhando e eu não te atrapalhei. I saw you working and I didn't bother you. I saw you working and I didn't mess you up. Acho que o Tom ainda não está convencido. I think Tom is still unconvinced. I don't think Tom's convinced yet. As maçãs estão maduras. The apples are ripe. Apples are ripe. Eu tenho um amigo que mora na Alemanha. I have a friend who lives in Germany. I have a friend who lives in Germany. Esse assunto é de suma importância para nós. This matter is extremely important to us. This matter is of paramount importance to us. Tom não quer que os pais descubram. Tom doesn't want his parents to find out. Tom doesn't want his parents to find out. Maria costumava ser capaz de fazer isso por conta propiá. Mary used to be able to do that by herself. Maria used to be able to do that on her own. Você pode trinchar o frango? Can you carve the chicken? Can you carve the chicken? Você fala ucraniano? Do you speak Ukrainian? Do you speak Ukrainian? Tom não está tentando fazer nada. Tom isn't trying to do anything. Tom's not trying to do anything. Como será que o Tom aprendeu francês? I wonder how Tom learned French. I wonder how Tom learned French. É perigoso nadar neste rio. It's dangerous to swim in this river. It's dangerous to swim in this river. Essa foi minha abordagem. That was my approach. That was my approach. O que há de errado com você? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Você tem outra? Do you have another one? Do you have another one? Eles não encontraram o Tom. They haven't found Tom. They didn't find Tom. Tom pediu para a Mary ir ao escritório dele. Tom asked Mary to come to his office. Tom asked Mary to come to his office. Que a Força esteja convosco! May the Force be with you! May the Force be with you! Quem vai dar a festa? Who will host the party? Who's throwing the party? Tenho lutado de peito aberto. I have fought with my whole heart. I've been fighting with an open chest. Onde está a minha mãe? Where's my mom? Where's my mother? O Sr. Tanaka é um dos companheiros de pescaria do meu pai. Mr. Tanaka is one of my father's fishing companions. Mr. Tanaka is one of my father's fishing buddies. Está na hora de ir para a cama. It's time for bed. It's time to go to bed. Eu te julguei mal. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. Elas aplaudiram. They applauded. They applauded. O Tom nunca deu aula de francês antes. Tom has never taught French before. Tom's never taught French before. Deixe-me falar com o Tom. Let me speak to Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Ele é mais capacitado para ensinar do que eu. He is better able to teach than I am. He's more trained to teach than I am. Eu achei que você não conhecesse o Tom. I thought you didn't know Tom. I thought you didn't know Tom. O Tom já comeu? Has Tom eaten yet? Has Tom eaten yet? Eu tenho um amigo que trabalha para o New York Times. I've got a friend who works for the New York Times. I have a friend who works for the New York Times. Essa velha tradição desapareceu. That old tradition has disappeared. That old tradition is gone. Stephen viaja mais do que seu chefe. Stephen travels more than his boss. Stephen travels more than his boss. Quem plantou estas árvores? Who planted these trees? Who planted these trees? Tom está indo com a gente para Boston. Tom is coming with us to Boston. Tom's coming with us to Boston. Pensavas em mim? Were you thinking about me? Did you think of me? Quanto Tom te deve? How much money does Tom owe you? How much does Tom owe you? COVID-19 é a doença causada pelo corona vírus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by corona virus. Isto não é uma broca. This is not a drill. This isn't a drill. Preciso de sapatos novos. I need new shoes. I need new shoes. Ninguém pode transcender sua própria individualidade. No one can transcend their own individuality. No one can transcend his own individuality. Posso ter visto esse filme antes, mas não lembro quase nada dele. I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it. I may have seen this movie before, but I hardly remember him at all. Eu sou metade japonesa. I'm half Japanese. I'm half Japanese. Você precisa ir. You must get going. You need to go. O lápis dele foi apontado. His pencil has been sharpened. His pencil was pointed. O que Galileu viu? What did Galileo see? What did Galileo see? Nos Estados Unidos há 50 estados. There are fifty states in the United States. In the United States there are 50 states. A atitude de Tom foi indefensável. Tom's behavior was inexcusable. Tom's attitude was indefensible. Lola a vaca, Lola a vaca, ela é inteligente e ela gera problemas, e ela faz muuuuuuu. Lola the cow, Lola the cow, she's smart and she brings trouble, and she goes mooooo. Lola the cow, Lola the cow, she's smart and she causes trouble, and she makes muuuuuuu. Acho que você deveria se sentar. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. Aí está o problema. That's where the problem lies. There's the problem. Quando você contou ao Tom? When did you tell Tom? When did you tell Tom? Ninguém me ama. Nobody loves me. No one loves me. Por que está se desculpando de algo que a senhora não fez? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you apologizing for something you didn't do? Para o inferno com as convenções! To hell with conventions! To hell with the conventions! O Tom é um parente distante meu. Tom is a distant relative of mine. Tom is a distant relative of mine. Tu queres mesmo me ajudar? Do you really want to help me? Do you really want to help me? O Tom provavelmente não ficará satisfeito. Tom isn't likely to be pleased. Tom probably won't be pleased. O Canadá fica ao norte dos Estados Unidos. Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is north of the United States. Eu sabia que você não estaria lá. I knew that you wouldn't be there. I knew you wouldn't be there. Não posso aceitar este presente. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Tom volta na segunda-feira. Tom returns Monday. Tom's coming back on Monday. Eu queria ver o que aconteceria. I wanted to see what would happen. I wanted to see what would happen. Eu sinto muita falta delas. I really miss them. I really miss them. Eu te abraço. I hug you. I'll hug you. Alguns se ralaram, mas ninguém chegou a se ferir gravemente. Some got pretty scratched up, but nobody was severely injured. Some cared, but no one got seriously hurt. Você parece nervoso. You look nervous. You look nervous. Tem alguém ferido? Has anybody been hurt? Is anyone hurt? Tom adora cantar. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Eu entendo mais do que posso dizer. I understand more than I can say. I understand more than I can say. Exijo uma explicação sobre isso. I demand an explanation about this. I demand an explanation of this. Mary ria à socapa. Mary giggled. Mary sneezes. No Natal, Tom ainda está com sua perna direita engessada. On Christmas day, Tom still had his right leg in plaster. At Christmas, Tom still has his right leg cast. Por que é tão complicado? Why is it so complicated? Why is it so complicated? A escola é uma perda de tempo. School is a waste of time. School's a waste of time. Estou tentando encontrar um emprego novo. I'm trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. Os cristãos acreditam em Jesus Cristo. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Ele vive no luxo. He lives in luxury. He lives in luxury. A Primeira Guerra Mundial ocorreu de 1914 a 1918. WWI lasted from 1914 until 1918. World War I took place from 1914 to 1918. Você está em apuros? Are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? Eu sou seu novo companheiro de quarto. I'm your new roommate. I'm your new roommate. Em que você se interessa? What are you interested in? What do you care? Você gosta da minha? Do you like mine? Do you like mine? Eles são todos assim? Are they all like this? Are they all like that? Fico feliz em saber que ela é solteira. I'm glad to hear that she is unmarried. I'm glad to hear she's single. Gostaria de saber de qual ele gosta. I'd like to know which he likes. I'd like to know which one he likes. Quanto de desconto você recebeu? How much of a discount did you get? How much discount did you get? O Tom está sangrando de novo. Tom is bleeding again. Tom's bleeding again. Tom me disse que ele precisa comparecer em uma reunião hoje. Tom told me I need to attend today's meeting. Tom tells me he needs to attend a meeting today. Preciso mandar lavar esta camisa. This shirt needs washing. I need to have this shirt washed. Há tantos idiomas no mundo mas não há nenhuma palavra que possa expressar o quanto te amo. There are so many languages in the world but there is not any word that can express how much I love you. There are so many languages in the world but there is no word that can express how much I love you. Ninguém quis me ajudar. Nobody would help me. No one wanted to help me. Não se zangue, tio. Deixe disso! Venha jantar conosco amanhã. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't be mad, Uncle, don't be mad, come to dinner with us tomorrow. Suba no gato. Get on the cat. Get on the cat. Eu posso falar com o Tom? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Eu vejo Dana. I see Dana. I see Dana. O Tom está vindo para casa, não é? Tom is on his way home, isn't he? Tom's coming home, isn't he? O Francês é a única língua que posso falar. French is the only language that I can speak. French is the only language I can speak. Mary aproximou-se de Tom na festa e disse-lhe que estava apaixonada por ele. Mary came up to Tom at the party and told him she had a crush on him. Mary approached Tom at the party and told him she was in love with him. Fecha todas as portas e janelas! Close all of the doors and windows! Close all doors and windows! O Tom ficou quieto. Tom became quiet. Tom's been quiet. Ele adora ficção científica. He loves science fiction. He loves science fiction. Eles podem ser pobres, mas são ricos de espírito. They may be poor, but rich in spirit. They may be poor, but they're rich in spirit. Ninguém olha para mim. No one's watching me. Nobody looks at me. Tom deveria ter ido para Boston com a Mary. Tom should've gone to Boston with Mary. Tom should have gone to Boston with Mary. Vocês estudam inglês? Do you study English? Do you study English? Precisamos de um mapa. We need a map. We need a map. Esta arma está descarregada. This gun is out of bullets. This gun is empty. Espera aqui até que eu volte. Wait here until I come back. Wait here until I get back. Eu li as notícias sobre o deslizamento causado pela tempestade. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. I read the news about the storm slide. Que tipo de comida você gostaria de comer? What kind of food would you like to eat? What kind of food would you like to eat? Você não está preocupado? Aren't you worried? Aren't you worried? Cães nadam. Dogs can swim. Dogs swim. Ela encontrou um lugar para ele. She found him a seat. She found a place for him. Tom e Mary pareciam não entender o que John queria que eles fizessem. Tom and Mary didn't seem to understand what John wanted them to do. Tom and Mary didn't seem to understand what John wanted them to do. Você vai assistir aos Jogos Olímpicos? Will you watch the Olympics? Are you going to watch the Olympics? Meu marido é da Angola. Ele é angolano. My husband is from Angola. He is Angolan. My husband's from Angola. Tom perdeu a compostura e começou a atirar coisas em Mary. Tom lost his cool and started throwing things at Mary. Tom lost his composure and started throwing things at Mary. Suco de laranja ou champanhe? Orange juice or champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Acho pouco provável que alienígenas parecidos com os que vemos nos filmes já tenham visitado nosso planeta. I think it's unlikely that aliens similar to what we see in the movies have ever visited our planet. I don't think it's likely that aliens like the ones we see in the movies have ever visited our planet. Está frio lá fora. It is cold outside. It's cold out there. A atmosfera de Mercúrio é muito fina e é composta por hélio e sódio. Mercury's atmosphere is very thin and is composed of helium and sodium. Mercury's atmosphere is very thin and consists of helium and sodium. Você acha que todo mundo gostou da festa? Do you think everyone enjoyed the party? You think everyone liked the party? Ele não é italiano? Isn't he Italian? Isn't he Italian? A admiração é a verdadeira característica do filósofo. Wonder is the true character of the philosopher. Admiration is the true characteristic of the philosopher. Vejamos agora uma a uma. Now let's look at them one by one. Let's see now one by one. Ele compra roupas. He buys clothes. He buys clothes. A gente fala disso mais tarde. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Tom é uma pessoa interessante, não é? Tom is an interesting person, isn't he? Tom's an interesting person, isn't he? Sua saia é tão comprida, que alcança o chão. Her skirt is so long as to reach the floor. Your skirt is so long, it reaches the ground. Onde você esteve durante a tarde toda? Where have you been all afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Tom está lavando as louças. Tom is doing the dishes. Tom's doing the dishes. Não vou descansar até descobrir a verdade. I won't rest until I find out the truth. I won't rest until I find out the truth. A lógica é um método sistemático de chegar à conclusão errada com confiança. Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence. Logic is a systematic method of reaching the wrong conclusion with confidence. Pense primeiro! Think first! Think first! Você o feriu. You hurt him. You hurt him. O sal é uma substância útil. Salt is a useful substance. Salt is a useful substance. Tom está no terceiro andar. Tom is on the third floor. Tom's on the third floor. Estou ensinando basco. I'm teaching Basque. I'm teaching Basque. Tom parecia entediado. Tom looked bored stiff. Tom seemed bored. Ele tem uma cabeça lógica e é chato. He was so logical and boring. He's got a logical head and he's boring. Eu vi o Tom remando do outro lado do lago. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. Qualquer verdade é melhor do que a dúvida imprecisa. Any truth is better than indefinite doubt. Any truth is better than inaccurate doubt. As meninas venceram. The girls won. The girls won. Nem sempre é fácil distinguir um livro bom de um ruim. It isn't always easy to know a good book from a bad one. It's not always easy to distinguish a good book from a bad one. Por que você estava conversando com ele? Why were you talking to him? Why were you talking to him? Eu acho que você sabe no que estou interessado. I think you know what I'm interested in. I think you know what I'm interested in. Tom nunca comemorou o Natal. Tom has never celebrated Christmas. Tom never celebrated Christmas. Eu vou continuar cantando. I'm going to keep singing. I'll keep singing. Eu nunca saio. I never go out. I never go out. Como foi a prova de matemática? How was the math test? How was the math test? Sami instalou um spyware no computador de Layla. Sami installed spyware on Layla's computer. Sami installed a spyware on Layla's computer. Você pode trazer quem quiser. You may bring whoever you like. You can bring whoever you want. Vou levar este aqui. I'm taking this one. I'll take this one. Os amigos dela a esperaram no portão. Her friends waited for her by the gate. Her friends waited for her at the gate. Acabou a gasolina do carro do Tom. Tom's car ran out of gas. I ran out of gas from Tom's car. Pretendo ficar em Boston por três meses. I'm planning to stay in Boston for three months. I intend to stay in Boston for three months. Posso tirar fotos aqui? Can I take pictures here? Can I take pictures here? Eu deveria deixá-los ir? Should I let them go? Should I let them go? Eu vivi em Boston por três anos. I've lived in Boston three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Ele se manteve bem tranquilo. He kept quite calm. He kept it pretty quiet. Amarre seus cadarços. Tie your shoes. Tie your shoelaces. Nós temos outras coisas para pensar. We have other things to think about. We have other things to think about. Jogávamos no mesmo time. We played on the same soccer team. We played on the same team. Aquele tambor tem um som muito estranho. That drum has a very strange sound. That drum has a very strange sound. Por favor, apresse-se! Please hurry. Please hurry! Você quer fazer isso de novo algum dia? Do you want to do this again sometime? Do you want to do this again sometime? Você está me machucando. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Várias dezenas de pessoas ficaram feridas. Several dozen people were injured. Several dozen people were injured. A última parte do filme estava interessante. The latter half of the film was interesting. The last part of the film was interesting. Tom não sabe muito sobre arte. Tom doesn't know much about art. Tom doesn't know much about art. Em Tóquio, a estação de frio começa em meados de novembro. In Tokyo, the cold season starts in the middle of November. In Tokyo, the cold season begins in mid-November. Por favor, fale um pouco mais devagar, Tom. Please speak a little slower, Tom. Please speak a little slower, Tom. Nós sabemos quem ela é. We know who she is. We know who she is. Eu pensei que os senhores gostassem de aprender coisas novas. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you gentlemen would like to learn new things. Não o conheço mais. I don't know you anymore. I don't know him anymore. O jovem casal inspecionou o quarto. The young couple surveyed the room. The young couple inspected the room. Ele foi nomeado capitão. He was made captain. He's been made captain. Corta a energia! Cut the power! Cut the power! Você tem um mapa? É que estou perdido olhando para você. Do you have a map? Because I'm getting lost in your eyes. Do you have a map? A dor era esmagadora. The pain was overwhelming. The pain was overwhelming. Será que Tom ainda se lembra de mim? I wonder if Tom still remembers me. Does Tom still remember me? Só há três meninas na classe. There are only three girls in the class. There's only three girls in the class. Tom e Maria querem ajudar. Tom and Mary want to help. Tom and Maria want to help. A Escócia deveria ser um país independente? Should Scotland be an independent country? Is Scotland supposed to be an independent country? Eles moram numa casa muito bonita. They live in a very beautiful house. They live in a very beautiful house. Eu acabei de machucar minhas costas. I just hurt my back. I just hurt my back. Defenda-se. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Ele perdeu toda a esperança. He has lost all hope. He's lost all hope. Ele só sabia falar alemão. He only knew German. He only knew how to speak German. Vem com a gente. Come along. Come with us. Eu tentei ajudar o Tom a fazer isso. I tried to help Tom do that. I tried to help Tom do that. É a primeira vez que esquento a janta. This is the first time I've ever heated the dinner. It's the first time I've warmed up dinner. Deixe-me comprar este carro! Let me buy this car! Let me buy this car! Acho que você deve colocar a casa em meu nome. I think you should put the house in my name. I think you should put the house in my name. Eu sei falar em Interlíngua. I speak Interlingua. I know how to speak in Interlanguage. Fadil não aparecia em lugar nenhum, nas redondezas. Fadil was nowhere around. Fadil didn't show up anywhere around here. O que posso fazer para ajudar? What can I do to help? What can I do to help? Ele decidiu virar professor. He has decided to become a teacher. He decided to become a teacher. Ele não distingue o certo do errado. He cannot tell right from wrong. He doesn't know right from wrong. O que Tom fará se Mary não aparecer? What'll Tom do if Mary doesn't show up? What will Tom do if Mary doesn't show up? Eles já chegaram? Have they arrived yet? Are they here yet? Eu ainda não conheci todo mundo. I haven't met everyone yet. I haven't met everyone yet. Estou grávida? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Eu sou mais baixo do que você. I am shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. Boa noite! Como você está? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how are you? Eu vou levá-los comigo. I'm taking them with me. I'll take them with me. Por favor, diga-me que está bem. Please tell me you're OK. Please tell me you're okay. A ciência não é uma religião. Science is not a religion. Science is not a religion. Tanto Tom quanto Mary estão ganhando um bom dinheiro. Both Tom and Mary are making good money. Both Tom and Mary are making good money. Que pepino comprido! What a long cucumber! What a long cucumber! Se pelo menos eu cantasse melhor. If only I could sing well. If only I could sing better. Tom continua tendo que fazer isso. Tom still has to do that. Tom still has to do it. Você me irrita! You piss me off! You piss me off! Isso é muito caro. That is very expensive. That's very expensive. Tom apostou no cavalo errado. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. A senhora não estudou História na escola? Didn't you study history at school? Didn't you study history at school? Todos eles sabem. They all know. They all know. Eu espero que você seja meu amigo. I hope that you'll be my friend. I hope you're my friend. Os cachorros são fiéis. Dogs are faithful. Dogs are faithful. Estive ocupado. I have been busy. I've been busy. Nós somos realmente muito otimistas. We're really very optimistic. We're really very optimistic. Posso fechar a porta? Can I close the door? Can I close the door? Gostaria de denunciar um roubo. I'd like to report a theft. I'd like to report a robbery. Eu vim te fazer uma oferta. I came here to make you an offer. I came to make you an offer. Ele tentou colocar a culpa em mim. He tried to put the blame on me. He tried to put the blame on me. Você leu tudo? Did you read all of it? Have you read everything? O pai traduziu o documento francês em japonês. Father translated the French document into Japanese. The father translated the French document into Japanese. Eu sou um ser humano e considero toda a humanidade uma só família. I am a human being, and I regard all of humanity as one family. I am a human being and I consider all humanity one family. Você realmente não tem as prioridades corretas! You really don't have the right priorities! You really don't have the right priorities! Preciso me desculpar com a Ann. I have to excuse myself to Ann. I need to apologize to Ann. Tenho muita ambição. I have a lot of ambition. I have a lot of ambition. A Alemanha é uma líder iluminada na batalha global para reduzir emissões de CO2, uma pioneira em energia renovável e projetos de energia comunitária e uma campeã em eficiência energética. Germany is an enlightened leader in the global battle to reduce CO₂ emissions, a pioneer in renewable energy and community power projects and a champion of energy efficiency. Germany is an enlightened leader in the global battle to reduce CO2 emissions, a pioneer in renewable energy and community energy projects and a champion in energy efficiency. Tom se converteu ao catolicismo. Tom became a Catholic. Tom converted to Catholicism. Uma árvore caída bloqueou a estrada. A fallen tree blocked the road. A fallen tree blocked the road. Eu vou andar de bicicleta. I'll ride my bike. I'm gonna ride a bike. Obrigado pelas sugestões. Thanks for the suggestions. Thanks for the suggestions. Sou apenas três anos mais velho que ele. I'm only three years older than he is. I'm only three years older than him. Ambos Tom e Mary conhecem o John. Tom and Mary both know John. Both Tom and Mary know John. Tente não se preocupar muito. Try not to worry too much. Try not to worry too much. Quantos espectadores estavam no estádio? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many viewers were in the stadium? Ele era feliz sendo judeu. He was happy being a Jew. He was happy being a Jew. Qual é a favela mais perigosa do Rio de Janeiro? What's the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro? Which is the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro? Cadê o Tony? Where's Tony? Where's Tony? Este é o CD do meu filho. This is my son's CD. This is my son's CD. Ela é bonita, mas perigosa. She is beautiful, but dangerous. She's beautiful, but dangerous. Já leste o jornal de hoje? Have you read today's paper yet? Have you read today's paper? Roma é uma cidade antiga. Rome is an old city. Rome is an ancient city. Eu não posso me gabar do meu time. Ele sempre perde. I cannot brag about my team. It always loses games. I can't brag about my team. Tom é um cara de sorte. Tom is a lucky guy. Tom's a lucky guy. O verdureiro é muito gentil com seus clientes. The greengrocer is very kind to his customers. The greengrocer is very kind to his clients. O seu irmão gosta de basquete? Does your brother like basketball? Does your brother like basketball? Dirigirei. I'll drive. I'll drive. Ela pensou em um bom plano. She thought of a good plan. She thought of a good plan. O Tom disse quando ele estaria aqui? Did Tom say when he'd be here? Did Tom say when he'd be here? Por que você está me perguntando isso? Why are you asking me that? Why are you asking me that? Este é um novo sistema? Is this a new system? Is this a new system? As cerejeiras estão em plena floração. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The cherry trees are in full bloom. O céu inteiro se iluminou e houve uma explosão. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. The whole sky lit up and there was an explosion. Pergunte-lhe quando sai o próximo avião. Ask him when the next plane leaves. Ask him when the next plane leaves. Você acha que Tom gostará de mim? Do you think that Tom will like me? Do you think Tom will like me? Eu vou te esperar até às 2h30. I'll wait for you until 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Quais? What? Which ones? Eu estou sendo honesto. I'm being honest. I'm being honest. Ser deve ser sentido. Não pode ser pensado. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. It must be felt, it can't be thought of. Não há ninguém como tu. There's no one like you. There's no one like you. Tom ficou no carro. Tom stayed in the car. Tom stayed in the car. Sami puxou Layla para o tenebroso mundo da cultura de gangues. Sami pulled Layla in the dark world of gang culture. Sami pulled Layla into the dark world of gang culture. Você viu o meu filho? Did you see my son? Have you seen my son? E aí, que acha dele? So, what do you think of him? So, what do you think of him? Minha mãe estava em lágrimas. My mother was in tears. My mother was in tears. Estou tomando café da manhã. I'm having breakfast. I'm having breakfast. Diga para o Tom que preciso de dinheiro. Tell Tom I need some money. Tell Tom I need money. Se você mudasse seu cabelo, poderia parecer dez anos mais jovem. If you changed your hair, you could look 10 years younger. If you changed your hair, you could look ten years younger. Solte o Tom. Release Tom. Let Tom go. O Tomás visitará Boston em breve. Tom will visit Boston soon. Tomás will be visiting Boston soon. Eu sei que eu consigo fazer melhor. I know I can do better. I know I can do better. O Esperanto conduz à amizade. Esperanto leads to friendship. Esperanto leads to friendship. Meu amigo quer ter seu próprio carro. My friend wants a car of his own. My friend wants to have his own car. Três canadenses foram mortos. Three Canadians were killed. Three Canadians were killed. Vou te dar isso. I'll give it to you. I'll give you that. A competição é rígida. The competition is stiff. The competition is rigid. Não me dá muito jeito ir ter contigo hoje. I cannot make it today. I don't really want to come to you today. Tem mais idade do que aparenta. He is older than he appears to be. He's older than he looks. Eu acho que Tom estava mentindo para mim. I think Tom was lying to me. I think Tom was lying to me. Mary não queria que a história terminasse. Mary didn't want the story to end. Mary didn't want the story to end. Seu tio aprovou o desenvolvimento da clonagem humana. His uncle approved the development of human cloning. Your uncle approved the development of human cloning. Este pássaro não vive nem no Japão nem na China. This bird lives neither in Japan nor in China. This bird doesn't live in Japan or China. Alguém pisou no pé dele. Somebody stepped on his foot. Someone stepped on his foot. Todos nós somos únicos. We're all unique. We're all unique. Não, isso não é fácil. No, it's not easy. No, that's not easy. Corra e entre. Hurry up and get in. Run and get in. Quanto tempo você vai ficar em Boston? How much time will you be in Boston? How long are you staying in Boston? Todos sabem que a lua é feita de queijo. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. Sua mãe tinha razão. His mother was right. Your mother was right. Você tem que ir embora. You have to go. You have to leave. Quem você visitou ontem de tarde? Whom did you visit yesterday afternoon? Who did you visit yesterday afternoon? Ele quer desenvolver mais as forças armadas do país durante os próximos anos. He wants to develop the country's military more during the next few years. He wants to develop more of the country's armed forces over the next few years. Ele não sabe ler em inglês e muito menos em alemão. He can't read English, much less German. He can't read in English and much less in German. Tom tirou os óculos. Tom removed his glasses. Tom took off his glasses. Coma mais vegetais frescos. Eat more fresh vegetables. Eat more fresh vegetables. Às vezes neva aqui mesmo em abril. At times, it snows even in April around here. Sometimes it snows right here in April. Tom queria respostas. Tom wanted answers. Tom wanted answers. Tenho a impressão de que tu não queres mesmo que eu ganhe. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I get the feeling you really don't want me to win. Eu agradeço à Deus todos os dias por aquilo. I thank God every day for that. I thank God every day for that. Vocês ainda estão confusos? Are you still confused? Are you still confused? Me dê um, por favor. Please give me one. Give me one, please. Eu conheço muito bem os fatos. I know the facts well enough. I know the facts very well. O chefe os fez trabalhar dia e noite. The boss made them work day and night. The boss made them work day and night. Por que alguém se importaria? Why would anyone care? Why would anyone care? Todos eles usavam vestidos Kabyle. They all wore Kabyle dresses. They all wore Kabyle dresses. Aqueles foram os melhores anos da minha vida. Those were the best years of my life. Those were the best years of my life. As frutas contêm sementes. Fruits have seeds in them. Fruits contain seeds. Há uma teoria segundo a qual frequentemente os proprietários de cães ficam parecidos com os próprios cães. There's a theory that dog owners often resemble their dogs. There is a theory that dog owners often look like dogs themselves. Começou a chover e ela se encharcou. It began to rain and she got wet. It started raining and she got wet. Estou com um pouco de febre. I have a slight fever. I've got a bit of a fever. Eu não o culpo por isso. I don't blame him for that. I don't blame you for that. A economia brasileira está crescendo rapidamente. The Brazilian economy is growing by leaps and bounds. The Brazilian economy is growing rapidly. Eles estão discutindo o problema. They are discussing the problem. They're discussing the problem. A assassina escondeu-se nas montanhas. The murderer hid in the mountains. The killer hid in the mountains. Eu prefiro morrer. I'd rather die. I'd rather die. Por favor, não me interrompa enquanto eu estiver falando. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Tom ainda está determinado. Tom is still determined. Tom's still determined. Ele recebeu o primeiro prémio. He got the first prize. He got the first prize. Eu pensava que o Tom e a Mary eram eletricistas. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. Eu sei a resposta. I know the answer. I know the answer. Cortei a maçã em fatias. I sliced the apple. I cut the apple in slices. Eu fiz amizade com um aluno estrangeiro. I made friends with a student from abroad. I made friends with a foreign student. Tom está sendo chantageado por Maria. Tom is being blackmailed by Mary. Tom is being blackmailed by Maria. Adapto-me lentamente às novas situações. I'm slow to adapt to new situations. I adapt slowly to new situations. Tom foi o primeiro garoto a beijar Maria. Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary. Tom was the first boy to kiss Maria. Não seja pessimista. Tudo se ajeita! Stop being pessimistic! Everything will sort itself out. Don't be a pessimist. Tem alguma coisa estranha? Is there anything strange? Is there something weird? O Tom realmente quer fazer isso. Tom really does want to do that. Tom really wants to do this. O meu celular estava desligado. My cell phone was off. My phone was off. Tive que empurrar minha bicicleta porque tinha um pneu furado. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because I had a flat tire. Eu gosto de pintar naturezas-mortas. I like to paint still lifes. I like to paint dead natures. O que você quer que eu faça? What is it that you want me to do? What do you want me to do? A bala disparada por Fadil perfurou a sobrancelha direita de Layla. Fadil shot Layla through the right eyebrow. The bullet fired by Fadil pierced Layla's right eyebrow. Nós devemos seguir as regras. We must follow the rules. We must follow the rules. Isso é bom demais para ser verdade. That's too good to be true. That's too good to be true. Recomece. Start over. Start over. Você pode fazer isso pela gente? Can you do that for us? Can you do that for us? Posso ir também? Can I come too? Can I come too? Posso te contratar para minha empresa. I can hire you in my company. I can hire you for my company. Quem Tom trouxe? Who did Tom bring? Who did Tom bring? Não me importa o que você faz. I don't care what you do. I don't care what you do. Eu não gosto de sorvete. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. O fabricante deu uma garantia de 5 anos na nova máquina. The manufacturer guaranteed the new machine for 5 years. The manufacturer gave a five-year warranty on the new machine. Passem a noite conosco e levarei as senhoras de manhã. Spend the night with us, and I'll take you in the morning. Spend the night with us and I'll take the ladies in the morning. O cinema é uma das três linguagens universais, sendo as outras duas: a matemática e a música. Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music. Cinema is one of three universal languages, the other two being mathematics and music. Eu vou te ajudar a preparar o jantar hoje à noite. I'll help you cook dinner tonight. I'll help you prepare dinner tonight. Tom está com alguém. Tom is with somebody. Tom's with someone. Aquele cachorro é muito feio. That dog is really ugly. That dog is very ugly. Tom jamais pediu a Mary para lhe mostrar como fazer isso. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Tom estava vestindo um uniforme de zelador. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Eu já disse ao Tom o que ele deveria comprar. I've already told Tom what he should buy. I already told Tom what he should buy. Reciclar papel é muito importante. Recycling paper is very important. Recycling paper is very important. Eu não estou tão ocupado assim. I'm not busy at all. I'm not that busy. É assim que se faz! That's how you do it! That's how you do it! Tenho certeza de que Tom gostará disso. I'm sure Tom is going to like that. I'm sure Tom will like that. Ela pode ter saído para fazer algumas compras. She may have gone out to do some shopping. She may have gone out to do some shopping. O caminho para o sucesso não conhece atalhos. There is no shortcut to success. The path to success knows no shortcuts. O Tom odeia o seu trabalho por vários motivos. Tom hates his job for a lot of reasons. Tom hates his job for a lot of reasons. Como você soube dela? How did you get to know about her? How did you hear about her? Leila recuperou a saúde. Layla regained her health. Leila's got her health back. Tudo isso pra quê? Why all this? What's all this for? Não acredito em mais nada. I don't believe in anything else. I don't believe in anything else. A conversa entre mim e a cantora foi longa. The conversation between the singer and me was long. The conversation between me and the singer was a long one. Tom gosta muito de chocolate. Tom likes chocolate very much. Tom likes chocolate a lot. Você é a única que pode protegê-las. You are the only one who can protect them. You're the only one who can protect them. Sua amiga está aqui. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. Não sou estudante. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Eu disse que seria melhor que ela fosse sozinha. I told her it'd be better if she went alone. I told you it would be better if she went alone. Eu tenho de comer. I have to eat. I have to eat. O Tom realmente não sabe o que aconteceu. Tom doesn't really know what happened. Tom really doesn't know what happened. Primeiro de abril! April Fool's! April 1st! Tom leva o seu cachorro para passear no parque quase todos os dias. Tom walks his dog in the park almost every day. Tom takes his dog for a walk in the park almost every day. Você liga para o que as outras pessoas pensam? Does it matter to you what other people think? Do you care what other people think? Tom estava completamente desapontado. Tom was utterly disappointed. Tom was completely disappointed. Tem algo mais que você pode fazer pelo Tom? Is there something else you can do for Tom? Is there anything else you can do for Tom? Escaparam. They escaped. They got away. Sua opinião, gosto. Your opinion, I like it. Your opinion, I like it. Onde está sendo representada esta peça? Where is this (theater) play being performed? Where is this play being represented? Ele estava muito velho. He was very old. He was too old. Eu não o teria feito. I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have done it. Eu preferiria ter um gato a um cão. I would rather have a cat than a dog. I'd rather have a cat than a dog. Então? Vocês virão? Well? Will you come? So, are you guys coming? Não quero fazer com que ninguém se sinta infeliz. I don't want to make anyone unhappy. I don't want to make anyone feel unhappy. Eu finalmente lavei o carro. I finally washed the car. I finally washed the car. Eu chutei a bola. I kicked the ball. I kicked the ball. Eu estou comendo macarrão. I am eating pasta. I'm eating pasta. Vale a pena o risco. It's worth the risk. It's worth the risk. Quem enterrou as barras de ouro aqui? Who buried the gold bars here? Who buried the gold bars here? O Tom e eu temos prioridades diferentes. Tom and I have different priorities. Tom and I have different priorities. Estou com tanta fome e o almoço não está pronto. I am so hungry and lunch is not ready. I'm so hungry and lunch isn't ready. Eu não acho que nós realmente precisamos fazer isso. I don't think we really need to do this. I don't think we really need to do this. Assim como a paz é um símbolo de toda a bondade, a guerra é um emblema, um hieróglifo, de toda a infelicidade. As peace is of all goodness, so war is an emblem, a hieroglyphic, of all misery. Just as peace is a symbol of all goodness, war is an emblem, a hieroglyph, of all unhappiness. Dan queria falar com a polícia de novo. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. O Tom quer aprender mais sobre Mary. Tom wants to learn more about Mary. Tom wants to learn more about Mary. O homem é o único animal que usa o fogo. Man is the only animal that can make use of fire. Man is the only animal that uses fire. Essa é uma pergunta muito ingênua. That's a very naive question. That's a very naive question. Ela pratica conversação em inglês ouvindo rádio. She practices English conversation by listening to the radio. She practices conversation in English listening to radio. Ele não reparou que a Mary e a Eve tinham entrado. He didn't notice that Mary and Eve had come in. He didn't notice that Mary and Eve had entered. Não consigo encontrar a minha chave. I can't find my key. I can't find my key. Tom me disse que não tinha muito tempo. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Sei que Tom diz que não gosta de mim. I know that Tom says he doesn't like me. I know Tom says he doesn't like me. Tenho que comer com elas? Do I have to eat with them? Do I have to eat with them? Não estou orgulhosa disto. I am not proud of this. I'm not proud of this. Há quanto tempo você estuda japonês? How long have you been studying Japanese? How long have you been studying Japanese? Eu queria dizer que agradeço a você pela ajuda. I meant to thank you for your help. I wanted to say thank you for your help. Eu nunca via uma geladeira vermelha. I never saw a red fridge. I never saw a red refrigerator. Eu não gosto de ser julgada. I don't like to be judged. I don't like being judged. Não podemos impedir Tom. We can't stop Tom. We can't stop Tom. Seja muito bem-vinda, Srta. Lindsey. You are very welcome, Ms. Lindsey. Welcome, Miss Lindsey. Sim, isso acontece de vez em quando. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, that happens once in a while. Seremos capazes de criar vacas e ovelhas, por exemplo. We will be able to breed cows and sheep, for example. We'll be able to raise cows and sheep, for example. Se Tom comesse mais legumes, ele provavelmente seria mais saudável. If Tom ate more vegetables, he'd probably be healthier. If Tom ate more vegetables, he'd probably be healthier. No ano que vem, eu quererei estes aqui. Next year, I'll want these ones. Next year, I'll want these here. Perdoe e esqueça. Forgive and forget. Forgive me and forget it. Tom não é um jardineiro muito bom. Tom isn't a very good gardener. Tom's not a very good gardener. A América está mais dividida que nunca. America is more divided than ever. America is more divided than ever. Tom escreveu uma carta de amor a Maria. Tom wrote a love letter to Mary. Tom wrote Maria a love letter. Queira passar-me a cola e a tesoura que estão nessa caixa, por favor. Hand me the glue and the scissors in that box, please. Would you pass me the glue and scissors in that box, please? Eu gostaria de ser professor de francês. I'd like to be a French teacher. I'd like to be a French teacher. Você escreve tão bem. Eu, pessimamente. You're so good at writing. I'm terrible. You write so well. Ela piscou para ele. She winked at him. She blinked at him. Sou um gato. I'm a cat. I'm a cat. As senhoras podem utilizar quantas quiserem. You can have as many as you want. Ladies can use as many as they want. Estou tentando entrar em forma. I'm trying to get into shape. I'm trying to get in shape. Tom está no sótão. Tom is in the attic. Tom's in the attic. Nenhum amigo de Tom sabia onde ele morava. None of Tom's friends knew where he lived. No friend of Tom's knew where he lived. Você está com as suas chaves? Do you have your keys? Do you have your keys? Ela é minha meia-irmã. She's my half-sister. She's my half-sister. Ninguém se interessa pelo meu país. Nobody is interested in my country. No one cares about my country. Eu não gostei desse livro. I didn't like that book. I don't like this book. Você é um bom aluno. You are a good student. You're a good student. Coloque isso no chão. Put that on the floor. Put that down. Você pode fumar um charuto quando crescer. You can smoke a pipe when you grow up. You can smoke a cigar when you grow up. Isso é, estritamente falando, um erro. This is, strictly speaking, a mistake. That is, strictly speaking, a mistake. Tom concordou em pensar sobre isso. Tom agreed to think about it. Tom agreed to think about it. Começou. It has begun. It's started. Eu comi o queijo. I ate the cheese. I ate the cheese. Já encontrei alguém para fazer aquele trabalho. I've already found somebody to do that job. I've already found someone to do that job. Parece que peguei um resfriado. I seem to have caught a cold. Looks like I caught a cold. Esse é o seu guarda-chuva? Is that your umbrella? Is that your umbrella? Eu sou tão inteligente que às vezes não entendo uma única palavra do que estou dizendo. I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. I'm so smart that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I'm saying. Ele é um bom cantor. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. O povo daqui é bom. The people here are good. The people here are good. Não importa o que você diga, eu nunca vou acreditar em você. No matter what you say, I will never believe you. No matter what you say, I'll never believe you. As más leis são a pior espécie de tirania. Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny. A única garota que já beijou Tom foi Mary. The only girl who's ever kissed Tom is Mary. The only girl who ever kissed Tom was Mary. O Tom faz tudo o que lhe pedem. Tom does whatever he's asked to do. Tom does everything he's asked. Eu sabia que vocês iriam perguntar isso. I knew you were going to ask that. I knew you'd ask that. A morte do esposo alterou-lhe completamente a vida. The death of her husband changed her life completely. Her husband's death completely changed her life. Não tenho ideia de que o Tom precisa fazer. I have no idea what Tom has to do. I have no idea what Tom needs to do. Onde você encontrou as chaves? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? O Tomás pediu a sua sobremesa preferida. Tom ordered his favorite dessert. Tomás ordered his favorite dessert. A única maneira de escapar da poluição do ar é viver no meio do nada. The only way to escape air pollution is to live in the middle of nowhere. The only way to escape air pollution is to live in the middle of nowhere. Ficará tudo bem. It'll be all right. It's gonna be okay. Eu sofri muito com essa notícia. I suffered a lot with this news. I've suffered a lot from this news. Não tenho condições de comprar um carro. I can't afford a car. I can't afford to buy a car. Ele é campeão de tênis. He is a tennis champion. He's a tennis champion. O Tom não tem medo de se sujar. Tom isn't afraid to get dirty. Tom's not afraid to get dirty. O campeonato iniciar-se-á no próximo dia 5. The championship will start the next day 5. The championship will begin on the next day 5. Você acha que consegue? Do you think you're up to it? Do you think you can do it? Você está sozinha agora? Are you alone right now? Are you alone now? Não conheço nenhum desses três. I don't know any of those three. I don't know any of these three. Mano, qual é mesmo o seu sobrenome? Bro, what's your family name? Bro, what's your last name again? Que acha o senhor de ir para a Austrália conosco no próximo verão? How would you like to go to Australia with us next summer? How would you like to go to Australia with us next summer? Maria é pobre. Mary is poor. Maria is poor. Meu irmão está assistindo à TV. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. Quem não aceita conselhos não merece ser ajudado. He who doesn't accept advice doesn't deserve to be helped. Those who don't take advice don't deserve help. A bomba destruiu três casas. The bomb destroyed three houses. The bomb destroyed three houses. Tom não lê nada. Tom doesn't read anything. Tom doesn't read anything. Tenho más notícias para vocês. I have bad news for you. I have some bad news for you. Você não está rindo. You're not laughing. You're not laughing. Eles sempre fazem piadas sobre o chefe. They often make fun of the boss. They always make jokes about the boss. Ela pode muito bem se orgulhar de seu filho inteligente. She may well be proud of her smart son. She might as well be proud of her smart son. Quem foi pescar com Tom? Who went fishing with Tom? Who went fishing with Tom? Sami continuava atormentado pelo assassinato de seu irmão. Sami remained tormented by the killing of his brother. Sami was still plagued by the murder of his brother. Para que serve a matemática? What is the use of mathematics? What's the math for? Você fará o que eu disser. You'll do whatever I say. You'll do as I say. Meu Inglês é péssimo. My English is terrible. My English sucks. Você ainda mora no Brasil? Do you still live in Brazil? Do you still live in Brazil? Com o poder da alma, qualquer coisa é possível. With the power of soul anything is possible. With the power of the soul, anything is possible. Tom queria encontrar-se com Maria. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Tom wanted to meet Maria. O Tom chamou? Has Tom called? Did Tom call? Nós estamos exaustos. We're exhausted. We're exhausted. O que a senhora esperava encontrar? What were you hoping to find? What did you expect to find? Tentei evitar olhá-la nos olhos. I tried to avoid looking at her eyes. I tried to avoid looking her in the eye. Tom não poderia ter feito isso. Tom couldn't have done this. Tom couldn't have done that. Podes explicar isto? Can you explain this? Can you explain this? Parece perfeito. It looks perfect. Sounds perfect. Preciso me apressar. I need to hurry up. I have to hurry. Tom sofre de dor nas costas. Tom suffers from back pain. Tom suffers from back pain. Os senhores nunca têm tempo para as coisas importantes! You never have time for important things! You gentlemen never have time for important things! Fomos para Boston no mês passado. We went to Boston last month. We went to Boston last month. Acho que precisamos de mais café. I think we need more coffee. I think we need more coffee. Eu sou um homem livre. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Quem quebrou isto? Who broke this? Who broke this? Tom tem de sair daqui. Tom has got to get out of here. Tom has to get out of here. Hoje está chuvoso. It's rainy today. It's rainy today. Que abacaxi! What a pineapple! What a pineapple! Tom disse que ele achou que não gostaria de viajar com a Mary. Tom said he thought he wouldn't enjoy traveling with Mary. Tom said he didn't think he'd want to travel with Mary. Eles vão jogar hoje? Will they play today? Are they playing today? Escolhemos um hotel perto dos museus. We chose a hotel near the museums. We picked a hotel near the museums. Estarão aqui em dez minutos. They'll be here in ten minutes. They'll be here in ten minutes. Acredito que o nome dele seja Tom. I believe his name is Tom. I believe his name is Tom. Temia o pior. I feared the worst. I feared the worst. De qualquer maneira, já te perdoei por completo. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. Anyway, I've forgiven you completely. Tom gosta de brincar com os sentimentos das pessoas. Tom likes playing with people's feelings. Tom likes to play with people's feelings. Eu quero fazer uma pausa. I want to take a break. I want to take a break. Havia centenas de carrapatos no seu pelo. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. There were hundreds of ticks in your fur. A alma individual deve procurar uma união íntima com a alma do universo. The individual soul should seek for an intimate union with the soul of the universe. The individual soul must seek an intimate union with the soul of the universe. Você gostou da sua primeira aula? Did you like your first class? Did you enjoy your first class? Que droga. Nós vamos comer bolo após o almoço. That's too bad. We're going to have cake after lunch. We'll eat cake after lunch. Tom está esperando por você nos estábulos. Tom is waiting for you at the stables. Tom's waiting for you in the stables. Amanhã, nós começaremos. Tomorrow, we'll begin. Tomorrow, we'll start. A primavera é a estação que eu mais gosto. I like spring the best of the seasons. Spring is the season I like best. Abriram uma trilha na mata fechada. They cut out a path through thick jungle. They opened a trail in the closed forest. Eu queria ser o chefe. I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be the boss. Quero esquecer isso. I want to forget about it. I want to forget about it. Este livro só está disponível nas lojas. One can acquire this book only in a store. This book is only available in stores. Voltarei num instante. I'll be back in a sec. I'll be right back. Eu fui estuprada. I was raped. I was raped. Você tem remédio para tosse? Do you have cough drops? Do you have any cough pills? Vale mesmo a pena? Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it? Uma das pás do ventilador se soltou e despedaçou-se na parede. One of the fan blades broke loose and shattered against the wall. One of the fan shovels got loose and ripped to pieces on the wall. Estamos salvando vidas. We're saving lives. We're saving lives. Está bem, eu o farei. All right, I'll do it. All right, I'll do it. O suicídio de Fadil não afetou Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Fadil's suicide didn't affect Layla. Com certeza vai ser bom fazer isso. It sure is gonna be nice to do that. I'm sure it'll be good to do that. Os estudantes voltaram. The students are back. The students are back. A minha irmã caçula tem aulas de piano duas vezes por semana. My youngest sister has piano lessons twice weekly. My little sister takes piano lessons twice a week. Tom sabia que algo estava errado. Tom knew something was off. Tom knew something was wrong. Sua cara era pálida e suas vestes, humildes. His face was pale and his clothing humble. His face was pale and his robes humble. Isso só vai levar três minutos. It'll just take about three minutes. That'll only take three minutes. O anjo da guarda do Tom deveria estar a olhar por ele. Tom's guardian angel must have been watching over him. Tom's guardian angel should be looking out for him. Pelo que você as está punindo? What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? Vendo café. I sell coffee. I sell coffee. Tom usou uma das minhas camisas ontem. Tom wore one of my shirts yesterday. Tom wore one of my shirts yesterday. Pretendo comer assim que sair do trabalho. I plan to eat as soon as I get off work. I intend to eat as soon as I get off work. Esta é a Rússia! This is Russia! This is Russia! Tom encontrou uma solução. Tom has found a solution. Tom found a solution. Você está a favor ou contra meu plano? Are you for or against my plan? Are you for or against my plan? Nós ficamos sem gasolina. We've run out of gasoline. We ran out of gas. Você quer falar alguma coisa, Tom? Do you want to say something, Tom? Do you want to say something, Tom? Fazia uma semana que minha vó estava doente quando eu visitei ela. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. It's been a week since my grandmother was sick when I visited her. Consegui o que você queria. I've got what you want. I got what you wanted. A dívida nacional está a aumentar. The national debt is growing. The national debt is rising. Tom criticou a foto. Tom criticized the photo. Tom criticized the picture. Os ventos que vêm do mar são úmidos. Winds from the sea are moist. The winds that come from the sea are humid. Um diabético tem muito açúcar no seu sangue e na sua urina. A diabetic has too much sugar in his blood and in his urine. A diabetic has a lot of sugar in his blood and urine. Eu não posso ver ninguém como um herói nacional a não ser Shigeo Nagashima. I cannot look on anybody as a national hero with the exception of Shigeo Nagashima. I can't see anyone as a national hero but Shigeo Nagashima. Tom não escreveu de volta para a Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. Eu sei que você é feliz. I know you're happy. I know you're happy. Continue dirigindo. Keep driving. Keep driving. Achille nasceu em Paris em 1908. Achille was born in 1908 in Paris. Achille was born in Paris in 1908. Há outras maneiras de se fazer isto. There are other ways to do this. There are other ways to do this. Tom nem mesmo percebeu. Tom didn't even notice. Tom didn't even notice. Isso não é mais necessário. That's no longer necessary. That's no longer necessary. Isso não é propina. It's not a bribe. That's not kickback. Você gosta de teatro? Do you like the theater? Do you like theater? Você vai precisar de dinheiro. You'll need some money. You're gonna need money. O garçom botou o Tom para fora do bar. The bartender kicked Tom out of the bar. The waiter threw Tom out of the bar. Eu sabia que você não iria gostar da maneira que o Tom fez aquilo. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did it. Vamos embora amanhã à tarde. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. O comportamento de Fadil estava se tornando mais arrogante e instável. Fadil's behavior was becoming more controlling and erratic. Fadil's behavior was becoming more arrogant and unstable. As crianças estão aprontando alguma coisa. The kids are up to something. The kids are up to something. Tanto faz, cara Whatever, mate. Whatever, man. Tom convenceu Mary a mudar de ideia. Tom persuaded Mary to change her mind. Tom convinced Mary to change her mind. Ele teve uma boa ideia. A good idea occurred to him. He had a good idea. Os senhores são bonitos. You're cute. You gentlemen are beautiful. Não há respostas erradas. There are no wrong answers. There are no wrong answers. O Japão tenta fazer frente ao envelhecimento de sua população. Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population. Japan tries to cope with the aging of its population. Você está sendo caçado. You're being hunted. You're being hunted. Escolher os seus pais cuidadosamente é o segredo da longevidade. The secret of longevity is to choose your parents carefully. Choosing your parents carefully is the secret of longevity. O Tom me encontrará. Tom will find me. Tom will find me. João foi o primeiro a receber esse prêmio. John was the first to receive that prize. John was the first to receive this award. Todo mundo está seguro. Everybody's safe. Everybody's safe. Há cinco espécies reconhecidas de quivi, todas as quais estão vulneráveis ou ameaçadas em algum grau. There are five recognised species of kiwi, all of which are vulnerable or endangered to some degree. There are five recognized species of quivi, all of which are vulnerable or threatened to some degree. Fazem cinco anos desde que meu pai faleceu. It's been five years since my father passed away. It's been five years since my father passed away. Podemos fazer alguma coisa para ajudar o Tom? Can we do something to help Tom? Is there anything we can do to help Tom? Esta piada é velha. That's an old joke. This joke is old. Você está vendo um homem? Are you seeing a man? Do you see a man? Tom sempre perde. Tom always loses. Tom always loses. Quanto vocês gastaram enquanto estavam na Austrália? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? How much did you spend while you were in Australia? Eu não o tinha visto aqui antes. I haven't seen him here before. I hadn't seen you here before. Eu sou um ser humano. I'm a human. I'm a human being. Você sabe o nome do pai de Tom? Do you know Tom's father's name? Do you know Tom's father's name? Os correios abrem aos domingos? Is mail delivered on Sunday? Do the post office open on Sundays? Eu casei cinco anos atrás neste mesmo dia. I got married five years ago on this very day. I married five years ago on that very day. O Japão está aqui! Japan is here! Japan's here! Gostaríamos de ficar aqui esta noite. We would like to stay here tonight. We'd like to stay here tonight. Esse é realmente o meu nome. That's my real name. That's really my name. Lamentavelmente! Regrettably! Regrettably! Foi ruim você ter ficado com raiva da sua mulher. It was bad of you to get angry at your wife. It was bad that you got mad at your wife. Eles se casarão próximo mês. They will get married next month. They're getting married next month. Você se recuperou do resfriado? Did you get over the cold? Did you recover from the cold? Com cinco anos eu já sabia esquiar. At five I was already able to ski. When I was five, I knew how to ski. Vocês se amam? Do you love each other? Do you love each other? Este é o pior. This one is the worst. This is the worst. Vou esperar aqui até ele voltar. I'll wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he gets back. Achamos que alguém, e sabemos muito bem quem, chamou a polícia. We think someone, and we know very well who, called the police. We think someone, and we know very well who, called the police. Pertence a que agregado familiar? You belong to which household? What household does it belong to? Eu não podia falar francês quando cheguei lá. I couldn't speak French when I first got there. I couldn't speak French when I got there. Tudo parecia bem. Everything looked nice. Everything seemed fine. Vocês deveriam ter visto. You ought to have seen it. You should have seen it. É uma estrela de Hollywood. He is a Hollywood star. She's a Hollywood star. Eu encontrei um emprego de meio período. I've found myself a part-time job. I found a part-time job. Boa pergunta. That's a good question. Good question. Por Deus, eu terminarei esse trabalho. By God, I'll finish this homework. For God's sake, I'll finish this job. Está procurando um artigo específico? Are you looking for a specific product? Are you looking for a specific article? Pedi a ele que tirasse uma foto minha. I got him to take my picture. I asked him to take a picture of me. Você não precisa necessariamente ir. You don't necessarily have to go. You don't necessarily have to go. Sami cobrou a conta três vezes a um freguês bêbado. Sami charged a drunk customer three times. Sami charged the bill three times to a drunk customer. Adolfo é da Bolívia. Ele é boliviano. Adolfo is from Bolivia. He is Bolivian. Adolfo's from Bolivia. Este lugar não é tão ruim. This place isn't so bad. This place isn't so bad. Eu escrevi três cartas ontem à noite. I wrote three letters last night. I wrote three letters last night. Você me faria um favor? Will you do me a favor? Would you do me a favor? Ao ouvir a sinistra palavra "generosidade", Scrooge franziu a testa, meneou a cabeça e devolveu as credenciais. At the ominous word "liberality", Scrooge frowned, and shook his head, and handed the credentials back. Upon listening to the sinister word "generosity", Scrooge frowned his forehead, wavered his head and returned his credentials. Algumas pessoas ainda acreditam que o mundo é plano. Some people still believe that the world is flat. Some people still believe the world is flat. Eu aconselhei o tímido jovem a declarar seu amor pela bela garota. I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. Eu esqueci de trancar a porta da frente. I forgot to lock the front door. I forgot to lock the front door. O produto agrícola principal de nosso país é o arroz. The chief crop of our country is rice. The main agricultural product of our country is rice. Eu dirigi até o posto de gasolina e parei para abastecer. I pulled into the gas station for gas. I drove to the gas station and stopped to gas up. O mundo está mais doido que de costume hoje cedo? Is the world more mad than usual this morning? Is the world crazier than usual this morning? Estou fechando a porta. I'm closing the door. I'm closing the door. Ele é um garotão. He's a big boy. He's a big boy. A vida não é justa. Life's not fair. Life isn't fair. Eu estava muito cansada. I was very tired. I was very tired. Tom quer esperar a Mary chegar. Tom wants to wait until Mary gets here. Tom wants to wait for Mary to arrive. Mary é a afilhada do Tom. Mary is Tom's stepdaughter. Mary is Tom's goddaughter. Os preços subiram drasticamente como resultado dessa política. Prices rose drastically as a result of this policy. Prices rose dramatically as a result of this policy. Eu gostei desta camisa listrada. I liked this striped shirt. I like this striped shirt.