Een slechte schrijnwerker geeft de schuld aan zijn gereedschap. A bad workman blames his tools. A bad schrijnwerker blames his tools. Ik ken de inhoud van de doos niet. I don't know the contents of the box. I don't know the contents of the box. Er was een groot publiek in het theater. There was a large audience in the theater. There was a big audience in the theater. Er is weinig kans dat zij verkozen zal worden. There is little possibility that she will be elected. There is little chance that she will be elected. Ik heb een laptop nodig. I need a laptop. I need a laptop. Dat is drie dagen geleden gebeurd. That happened three days ago. That happened three days ago. Poeier haar af. Get rid of her. Get her out of here. Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This guy doesn't eat candy. Goed, laten we beginnen met ons werk. Well, let's start our work. All right, let's start with our work. Bedankt voor de hulp. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the help. Willen jullie wat glühwein? Do you want some mulled wine? You guys want some muhwein? Rome ligt in Italië. Rome is in Italy. Rome is in Italy. Het smelten van de poolkappen kan bijdragen aan het stijgen van het zeeniveau. Melting polar icecaps could also contribute to an increase in sea levels. The melting of the polar caps can contribute to the rise in sea level. We waren omsingeld. We were surrounded. We were surrounded. Hij schreeuwde: "Help!" He cried: "Help!" He shouted, "Help!" De Amerikanen hadden niets te maken met de kwestie. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. The Americans had nothing to do with the issue. Hoe heb jij je vakantie doorgebracht? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your vacation? Dat is zijn paard. That's his horse. That's his horse. Ik zoek boeken over de Romeinse geschiedenis. I'm looking for books on Roman history. I'm looking for books on Roman history. Heb je er ooit over gedacht verpleegkundige te worden? Have you ever thought of becoming a nurse? Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse? Tom verplaatste zich ongemakkelijk. Tom shifted uncomfortably. Tom moved uncomfortable. Het spel werd wegens de regen uitgesteld. The game was postponed due to rain. The game was postponed because of the rain. Mijn paard is zwart. My horse is black. My horse is black. Wanneer ga je terug naar Japan? When will you go back to Japan? When are you going back to Japan? Maria heeft mij geholpen. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Deze hond sprong. This dog jumped. This dog jumped. Tom zou dat nooit zo gedaan hebben. Tom would never have done that that way. Tom would never have done that. De enige vingerafdrukken die de politie op de deurknop vond waren die van Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only prints the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. Tom en Maria hebben een gehandicapt kind geadopteerd. Tom and Mary adopted a handicapped child. Tom and Maria have adopted a disabled child. Uw Duits is goed. Your German is good. Your German is good. Hij heeft zichzelf gegoogeld. He googled himself. He Googled himself. Hij is gelukkig. He's happy. He's happy. Het avondeten is bijna klaar. The dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Ze hebben het hek groen geverfd. They painted the fence green. They painted the fence green. Toms onverwachte dood maakte zijn werkcollega's overstuur. Tom's unexpected death devastated his work colleagues. Tom's unexpected death upset his work colleagues. Ik weet niet waar hij woont. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. Het huis staat in brand. The house is burning. The house is on fire. Veertig dollar voor zeven dagen. 40 dollars for seven days. Forty dollars for seven days. Dat is een fout. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. Ik hou van ketchup. I like ketchup. I like ketchup. Wacht op mij. Wait for me! Wait for me. Deze fiets moet gerepareerd worden. This bike needs to be repaired. This bike needs to be repaired. Uitverkocht. Sold out. Sold out. Ik geloof je. I believe you. I believe you. Hij zegt dat hij gisteravond een ufo heeft gezien. He says he saw a UFO last night. He says he saw a UFO last night. Ik heb nog nooit sushi gehad. I've never had sushi. I've never had sushi. We hebben geen bewijs. We have no proof. We don't have any evidence. Ik weet dat je uiteindelijk gelukkig zult worden. I know you'll find happiness eventually. I know you'll be happy eventually. Welke van de twee is het duurst? Which is the more expensive of the two? Which one is the most expensive? Ik ben werkloos. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Ik scheer het schaap. I am shearing the sheep. I'll shave the sheep. Jullie zijn verbazingwekkend. You people are amazing. You guys are amazing. Hoor ik te stoppen? Am I supposed to stop? Am I supposed to stop? Laat ons nu weggaan vooraleer iemand van gedacht verandert. Let's leave now before anyone changes their mind. Now, let's get out of here before anyone changes their mind. Je onderschat je belang. You underestimate your importance. You underestimate your importance. Sami wist dat hij Layla pijn had gedaan. Sami knew he had hurt Layla. Sami knew he had hurt Layla. Ze hielpen mij. They helped me. They helped me. Ik spreek vloeiend Engels. I speak English fluently. I speak fluent English. Je bent hier niet eens een student. You're not even a student here. You're not even a student here. Hij zal Berberse les geven. He is going to teach Berber. He'll teach Berber. Geef Tom niets anders. Don't give anything else to Tom. Don't give Tom anything else. Ik hield van dat boek! I loved that book! I loved that book! Ik heb tien dollar uitgegeven aan een boek. I spent ten dollars on a book. I spent ten dollars on a book. Hij is een astronomiekenner. He is an expert in astronomy. He's an astronomy expert. Het Tsjechisch koor van scheikundigen echoot chaotisch. The Czech choir of chemists echoes chaotically. The Czech choir of chemists echoes chaotically. Tom dronk. Tom drank. Tom drank. Ik verwijt u dat niet. I don't blame you. I don't blame you for that. Tom en Mary zongen niet. Tom and Mary weren't singing. Tom and Mary didn't sing. Sluit de deur alsjeblieft. Please close the door. Please close the door. Ik wuifde terug naar hem. I waved him back. I waved back to him. Spreken jullie Toki Pona? Do you speak Toki Pona? Do you speak to Toki Pona? Ze maakte hem rijk. She made him rich. She made him rich. Ben je vrij dit weekend? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Ik kan u niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't fire you. Ik heb het erg druk, reken dus niet op mij. I'm very busy so don't count on me. I'm very busy, so don't count on me. Er is geen reden tot bezorgdheid. There's no need to worry. There is no cause for concern. Ik haat die kleur. I hate that color. I hate that color. Ik ben een schuchtere jongen. I am a shy boy. I'm a timid boy. Tom werkt in een pizzeria. Tom works at a pizzeria. Tom works in a pizzeria. Mijn oom gaf hem een geschenk. My uncle gave him a gift. My uncle gave him a gift. Spreek je Duits? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Je mag niet binnenkomen. You may not come in. You can't come in. Jullie zijn mooi. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Ze hebben grotere en betere schepen gebouwd. They built bigger and better ships. They've built bigger and better ships. Haal hulp. Bring help. Get help. Neem de telefoon op. Answer the phone. Pick up the phone. Tom weigerde erover te praten. Tom refused to talk about it. Tom refused to talk about it. We zijn allen trots op jou. We're all proud of you. We're all proud of you. Deze bloem is zwart. This flower is black. This flower is black. Oceanen verdelen de wereld niet zozeer, als dat ze deze verenigen. Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. Oceans do not divide the world so much as unite them. Quintilius Varus, geef mijn legioenen terug! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Quintilius Varus, return my legions! Mijn vader zal vlug weer gezond zijn. My father will get well soon. My father will be well soon. Ik ken geen van deze vijf dames. I don't know any of the five ladies. I don't know any of these five ladies. Je slaat de spijker op z'n kop. You're exactly right. You're hitting the nail in the head. Vonden jullie deze video leuk? Did you like this video? Did you like this video? Soms is het beter om te zwijgen. Sometimes it's better to remain silent. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet. Hij zei dat hij hier morgen terug zou komen. He said that he would come back here tomorrow. He said he'd be back here tomorrow. Ik wil een paar dagen blijven. I want to stay for several days. I want to stay a few days. Hij verafschuwt spinnen. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. Ik heb de armen geholpen. I have helped the poor. I helped the poor. Ik hou van rode papegaaien. I love red parrots. I like red parrots. Tom dronk bier. Tom drank beer. Tom drank beer. Tom vroeg zich af hoeveel minuten het hem zou duren om naar de bushalte te rennen. Tom wondered how many minutes it would take him to run to the bus stop. Tom wondered how many minutes it would take him to run to the bus stop. Hij komt naar mijn land. He's coming to my country. He's coming to my country. Dit is ondraaglijk. This is intolerable. This is unbearable. Het is een geest, en ik ben de enige die met hem kan praten. It's a ghost, and only I can speak to him. It's a ghost, and I'm the only one who can talk to him. Hoeveel zijn er gestorven? How many died? How many died? Luke heeft kort haar. Luke has short hair. Luke has short hair. Het is geen bloed. Het is biet. It's not blood. It's beet. It's not blood. U heeft gewonnen! You won! You win! Wanneer zal je terugkomen naar school? When will you come back to school? When will you come back to school? Ik moet me verbergen. I must hide. I have to hide. Waarom was ik hier niet van op de hoogte? Why was I not aware of this? Why wasn't I aware of this? "Maar drie miljoen is alles wat ik heb," zei Dima. "Niet meer en niet minder." "But three million is all I have," Dima said. "No more, no less." "But three million is all I have," said Dima. "No more and no less." Ik heb het deze week erg druk gehad. I was very busy this week. I've been very busy this week. Ze is beroemd, zowel in Japan als in Amerika. She is well known both in Japan and in America. She's famous, both in Japan and in America. Ik kan het ook niet helpen als meisjes met me willen flirten. I can't help it if girls want to flirt with me. I can't help it if girls want to flirt with me. Zie je de regenboog? Do you see the rainbow? See the rainbow? Er is geen roos zonder doornen. There is no rose without thorns. There's no rose without thorns. Hou je van Italiaans eten? Do you like Italian food? Do you like Italian food? Doe het raam dicht. Shut the window. Close the window. Wie neuriet? Who's humming? Who's humming? Vampieren leven eeuwig. Vampires live forever. Vampires live forever. Ik telefoneer je wanneer ik tijd heb. I'll call you when I have time. I'll call you when I have time. Het is hier te rokerig voor mij. It's too smoky here for me. It's too smoky for me here. Nee. Ik moet helaas weer vroeg terug. No. I'm sorry, I've got to go back early. I'm afraid I have to get back early. Hoe laat ben je gisteren gaan slapen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to sleep last night? Het sneeuwde in Jeruzalem. It snowed in Jerusalem. It snowed in Jerusalem. Het zal ongetwijfeld gaan regenen. It'll rain for sure. I'm sure it'll rain. Weet u waar het is? Do you know where it is? Do you know where it is? Ik ben onder de boom. I'm under the tree. I'm under the tree. Ik heb gisteren net zo'n pen gekocht als jij hebt. I bought a pen like yours yesterday. I bought a pen just like you bought it yesterday. Vrouwen zijn er om bemind te worden, niet om begrepen te worden. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women are there to be loved, not to be understood. Ik heb een piano. I have a piano. I have a piano. Ik ben dol op deze stoel. I adore this chair. I love this chair. De katten rusten in de zon. The cats are relaxing in the sun. The cats rest in the sun. Ik woon nu in Boston, maar ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Chicago. I live in Boston now, but I'm originally from Chicago. I live in Boston now, but I'm originally from Chicago. Tom ziet er jong uit. Tom looks young. Tom looks young. Ik kom uit Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. I'm from Kashgar. Heb je een brandverzekering? Do you have fire insurance? Do you have fire insurance? Zet het volume wat zachter alsjeblieft. Please turn down the volume. Turn the volume down, please. Is biologisch eten wel zijn geld waard? Is eating organic food worth the money? Is organic food worth his money? Geniet van de rest van het weekeind! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Ik heb schrik van wilde beesten. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild beasts. Ik maakte mijn huiswerk. I was doing my homework. I was doing my homework. De school begint in de lente. School begins in spring. The school starts in the spring. Canada is geen paradijs. Canada is not a paradise. Canada is not a paradise. Waar zijn je kleren? Where are your clothes? Where are your clothes? Ik kan het niet geloven! I can't believe it. I can't believe it! Ik ben naar een concert geweest met Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. I went to a concert with Tom. Ik kom uit Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië. I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ik speel. I am playing. I'm playing. Vind je dit meisje leuk? Do you like this girl? Do you like this girl? Ik woon nu niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia now. I don't live in Australia now. Hij zal volgende maand naar New York gaan. He will go to New York next month. He'll go to New York next month. Ge hebt veel fouten gemaakt. You have made many mistakes. You've made a lot of mistakes. Is daar water? Is there water? Is there water in there? Wat gaan jullie ermee doen? What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with it? Waar is mijn doos bonbons? Where's my box of chocolates? Where's my box of chocolates? Ik zag een zwerm vogels vliegen in de lucht. I saw a flock of birds flying aloft. I saw a swarm of birds flying in the air. Ik ben een nieuwe student. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. Kijk eens hier in. Take a look in there. Look in here. Ik hou van deze stoel. I love this chair. I love this chair. Kunnen jullie schaatsen? Can you skate? Can you skate? Hij ontwierp de auto. He designed the car. He designed the car. Hebben jullie het raam dichtgedaan? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Tom probeerde de deur open te doen, maar hij zat op slot. Tom tried opening the door, but it was locked. Tom tried to open the door, but it was locked. Een tumor van de hypofyse kan hypopituïtarisme veroorzaken. A tumor of the pituitary gland can cause hypopituitarism. A tumor of pituitary gland can cause hypopituitarism. Morgen verwachten we wisselvallig weer met een grote kans op neerslag. Tomorrow we expect variable weather with a likely chance of precipitation. Tomorrow we expect variable weather with a high probability of precipitation. De baby viel in slaap. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby fell asleep. Zij zijn mijn favoriet. They're my favorite. They're my favorite. Iemand komt. Someone is coming. Someone's coming. Wij aten de pizza. We ate the pizza. We ate the pizza. Het ongeval is het gevolg van een simpele vergissing. The accident arose from a simple mistake. The accident is the result of a simple mistake. De plotselinge toename van auto's zorgt elke dag voor een groot aantal verkeersongelukken. The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day. The sudden increase in cars every day causes a large number of road accidents. Tom speelt meestal als een schurk. Dit is de eerste keer dat hij als een magiër speelt. Tom typically plays as a rogue. This is his first time playing as a wizard. Tom usually plays like a villain, and this is the first time he's played like a magician. Mijn oom is niet jong, maar hij is wel gezond. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. My uncle's not young, but he's healthy. Welkom op de webstek van het Tatoeba-project. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the Tattoo project's web site. Geef me deze hoed. Give me this hat. Give me this hat. Vanaf dit punt gaan we met de auto. From this point, we'll go on by car. From this point on, we'll take the car. Ons team heeft alle wedstrijden verloren. Our team lost all its games. Our team lost all the games. Ik heb een goede baan nodig. I need a good job. I need a good job. Tom heeft een stijve nek. Tom has a stiff neck. Tom's got a stiff neck. Waar zijn zij geboren? Where were they born? Where were they born? Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. Ik heb ontzettende hoofdpijn! I have a terrible headache. I've got a hell of a headache! Ze riep hem aan de telefoon. She called him on the phone. She called him on the phone. Wat ben je toch een zwijn. You're such a pig. You're such a pig. Ik heb één enkel boek gekocht, dat ik aan een student gegeven heb. I bought only one book which I gave to a student. I bought a single book I gave to a student. We waren ongeduldig. We were impatient. We were impatient. Doe je hoed op. Put your hat on. Put your hat on. Zijn moeder maakt zich zorgen over hem. His mother is worried about him. His mother's worried about him. We weten dat je vegetariër bent. We know you're a vegetarian. We know you're a vegetarian. Hij is al een man. He's already a man. He's already a man. Mary heeft een telegram ontvangen van Tom. Mary received a telegraph from Tom. Mary received a telegram from Tom. Ik had moeten weten dat er iets aan de hand was. I should have known something was up. I should have known something was going on. Tom is snel. Tom's fast. Tom's fast. U bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Ik ben pas aangekomen in het station. I've just arrived at the station. I just arrived at the station. Ik hou meer van jou dan van haar. I love you more than I love her. I love you more than I love her. Laten we dat waarmaken. Let's make that happen. Let's make that happen. Tom deed zijn schaatsen aan. Tom put on his ice skates. Tom put on his skates. Macedonië wordt ''Makedonija'' genoemd in het Macedonisch. Macedonia is called "Makedonija" in Macedonian. Macedonia is called ''Makedonija'' in Macedonian. Natasja is een Russische naam. Natasha is a Russian name. Natasha is a Russian name. Tom heeft angst voor grote honden. Tom is afraid of big dogs. Tom's afraid of big dogs. Tom pauzeerde met een ongemakkelijk gevoel. Tom paused uncomfortably. Tom paused with an uncomfortable feeling. Tom gaat weg, of niet? Tom is going to leave, isn't he? Tom's leaving, isn't he? Aangezien je geen kind meer bent zou je verantwoordelijk moeten zijn voor wat je doet. Since you are no longer a child, you should be responsible for what you do. Since you're not a child anymore, you should be responsible for what you do. Wortel of banaan? Carrot or banana? Root or banana? We zijn klaar om te gaan. We're good to go. We're ready to go. Waarom ben je aan het huilen? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Alsjeblieft, luister naar mij! Please, listen to me! Please, listen to me! Dit is een auto en dat is een bus. This is a car and that is a bus. This is a car and that's a bus. Ik ben online. I am online. I'm online. Het is de laatste kans. It's the last chance. It's the last chance. Ik kon het nergens vinden. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere. Je moet naar huis gaan. You've got to go home. You should go home. Hij speelde tennis. He played tennis. He played tennis. Val me alsjeblieft niet in de rede. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me. De koeien zijn gras aan het eten. The cows are eating grass. The cows are eating grass. We hebben geen suiker. We have no sugar. We don't have any sugar. Ik kan me de eerste keer nog herinneren. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Zijn hoofd was grijs. His head was grey. His head was gray. Natalia is de lieveling van de leraar, maar dat zal ze nooit toegeven. Natalia is the teacher's favourite, but she will never admit that. Natalia is the teacher's favorite, but she'll never admit it. Kunt u dat echt? Can you really? Can you really do that? Dit boek kost 4 dollar This book costs 4 dollars. This book costs $4. Hoeveel geld heeft u tot nu toe verdiend? How much money have you earned so far? How much money have you made so far? De zomer was voorbij voordat ik het besefte. The summer had gone before I knew. Summer was over before I realized it. De buitenlandse investeerders trokken hun geld uit de VS terug. Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. The foreign investors withdrew their money from the US. Bent u van plan deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Are you planning to participate in the meeting? Ik heb hem een paar boeken gegeven. I gave him a few books. I gave him a few books. Hij zal voor altijd van haar houden. He will always love her. He'll love her forever. We doen alles wat we willen. We do anything we want. We'll do anything we want. Er zit een kat onder het bed. There is a cat under the bed. There's a cat under the bed. De leeuw is de koning van de dieren. The lion is king of beasts. The lion is the king of animals. Hebben jullie een lift? Do you have an elevator? Do you have a ride? Jammer genoeg zijn die prachtige woorden niet mijn eigen woorden. Unfortunately those beautiful words are not my own. Unfortunately, those beautiful words are not my own words. Hoewel Tom nog tranen in zijn ogen had, begon hij te glimlachen. Even though Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Although Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Ik dacht dat u in Australië woonde. I thought that you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Ik ben het lawaai gewend. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Je kan maar beter uitkijken. You better watch your back. You better watch out. Waarom hebben jullie een hamer nodig? Why do you need a hammer? Why do you need a hammer? Ik kan het niet geloven dat Tom die dungeon in zijn eentje heeft gedaan. I can't believe Tom solo'ed that dungeon. I can't believe Tom did that dungeon on his own. Nog steeds? Still? Still? Zonder zijn bril is hij zo blind als een mol. Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat. Without his glasses, he's blind as a mole. Hij bezit veel dure schilderijen. He has quite a few valuable paintings. He owns a lot of expensive paintings. We zijn alleen. We're alone. We're alone. Koreaans leren is moeilijk. It's difficult to learn Korean. It's hard to learn Korean. Wie weet welke nieuwe ontdekkingen deze observatieposten zullen onthullen? Who knows what new discoveries these observatories will uncover? Who knows what new discoveries these observation posts will reveal? Ze is dol op tennissen. She is fond of playing tennis. She loves tennis. Ik hoop dat we dat kunnen oplossen. I hope we can fix that. I hope we can fix that. De wachtzaal was leeg. The lobby was empty. The waiting room was empty. Ik heb een dollar op straat gevonden. I found a dollar in the street. I found a dollar on the street. Grote delen van de oceaan zijn vervuild. Large areas of the ocean are polluted. Large parts of the ocean are polluted. Maria viel flauw. Mary fainted. Maria fainted. Tom waste het bloed van zijn handen. Tom washed the blood off his hands. Tom washed the blood off his hands. Je bent niet dun. You are not thin. You're not thin. Ik ben niet ontslagen. Ik heb mijn ontslag gegeven. I wasn't fired. I quit. I didn't get fired. Toms favoriete actrice is Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. Tom's favorite actress is Ellen Page. Ik heb een koe. I have a cow. I have a cow. Ik kan hem beschermen. I can protect him. I can protect him. Iedereen zou dat moeten weten. Everyone should know this. Everyone should know that. Ik zal ze dat laten zien. I'll show that to them. I'll show them that. Jij drinkt thee. You drink tea. You drink tea. Omdat ze zich ziek voelde. Because she felt sick. Because she felt sick. Vond je mij te nieuwsgierig? Did you think I was being too nosy? Did you think I was too curious? Zijn dat jouw kinderen? Are those your kids? Are those your kids? Ga niet naar buiten, het regent. Don't go out, as it's raining. Don't go out there. It's raining. Hij heeft geen fiets. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Ik zou het niet doen als ik jou was. If I were you, I would not do it. I wouldn't do it if I were you. Dit is aspergesoep. This is asparagus soup. This is asparagus soup. Laten we het proberen. Let's try! Let's try. Wil je dat ik de politie bel? Do you want me to call the police? You want me to call the police? Ik heb vandaag geen ontbijt gegeten. I didn't eat breakfast today. I didn't eat breakfast today. Ze hebben geen enkele invloed op het milieu. They have no impact on the environment. They have no influence whatsoever on the environment. De sneeuw is verdwenen. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wensdenken. Dat Esperanto morgen de Europese taal wordt, is wishful thinking. The fact that Esperanto will become the European language tomorrow is wishful thinking. Veel vluchten werden geannuleerd als gevolg van de tyfoon. Many flights were canceled, owing to the typhoon. Many flights were cancelled due to the typhoon. Geen enkele student was afwezig. No students were absent. No student was absent. Ik wist dat hij op Mary wachtte. I knew he was waiting for Mary. I knew he was waiting for Mary. Het eerste ding dat hij kocht was een wekker. The first item he bought was an alarm clock. The first thing he bought was an alarm clock. Mis je je kinderen? Do you miss your kids? Do you miss your kids? Laat me praten alsjeblieft. Let me speak, please. Please let me talk. Het is gewoonlijk niet zo druk. It's not usually this busy. It's usually not that busy. Hij sloeg de deur toe. He slams the door shut. He hit the door. Ik ben hersteld. I recovered. I've recovered. Ik ga bij mijn vriend. I am going to my friend's house. I'm going with my friend. Snap je wat ik bedoel? Do you understand what I am saying? You know what I mean? Ik ben lang. I am tall. I'm tall. Zij studeert wiskunde. She studies mathematics. She's studying math. Ik heb te veel gedronken. Mijn gezicht is gezwollen. I drank too much. My face is swollen! I've had too much to drink, my face is swollen. Waar is mijn thee? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Laat niets anders ons afleiden. Don't let anything else distract us. Don't let anything else distract us. We plannen een trip naar New York. We are planning a trip to New York. We're planning a trip to New York. Ik zie het verband niet. I don't see the connection. I don't see the connection. Tom is een kunstenaar. Tom is an artist. Tom's an artist. Hoeveel besteedt ze per maand? How much does she spend per month? How much does she spend a month? De rekening, alstublieft. The bill, please. The bill, please. Ik kan niet helpen, want ik ben bezig. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help because I'm busy. Ulaanbaatar is de hoofdstad van Mongolië. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. Tom deed auditie voor American Idol. Tom auditioned for American Idol. Tom auditioned for American Idol. De hel, dat zijn de anderen. Hell is other people. Hell, that's the others. Kunt u mij zeggen wat dit woord betekent? Can you tell me what this word means? Can you tell me what this word means? Het huis was doodstil. The house was dead silent. The house was still. Het is bijna donker. It's almost dark. It's almost dark. Tom vindt het leuk om naar school te gaan. Tom likes to go to school. Tom likes to go to school. Deze fiets is weliswaar oud, maar toch beter dan niets. This bicycle is old, but it's better than nothing. This bike is old, but better than nothing. Als ik jou was, zou ik een arts bellen. If I were you I would call the doctor. If I were you, I'd call a doctor. Ik dacht niet dat je ging komen. I didn't think you'd come. I didn't think you were coming. Mary heeft gelogen over haar leeftijd. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. Ik had niet eens een kaartje ontvangen. I didn't even get a postcard. I didn't even get a ticket. Hij zal het begrijpen. He'll understand. He'll understand. Hij is blond. He has blond hair. He's blond. Jullie hadden het geheim moeten houden. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it a secret. Jullie waren echt goed. You guys were really good. You guys were really good. Dat zijn jouw zaken niet. It's none of your business. That's none of your business. Houd je een dagboek bij? Do you keep a journal? Are you keeping a journal? Vergeet jullie paspoort niet. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Er heerste doodse stilte. There was complete silence. There was death's silence. Hij rent niet. He does not run. He's not running. Maria is zeer onder de indruk. Mary is very impressed. Maria is very impressed. Moslims bidden altijd met het gezicht richting Mekka. Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca. Muslims always pray with the face towards Mecca. Het was verrassend te zien hoe snel het kind groeide. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew. We zijn net klaar met het verven van het huis. We just finished painting the house. We just finished painting the house. Tom heeft voor de spiegel geoefend. Tom practiced in front of the mirror. Tom's been practicing in front of the mirror. Mary heeft moeite met het terugbetalen van haar studielening. Mary is struggling to pay back her student loans. Mary's having trouble repaying her student loan. Waarom vraag je? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Leer Italiaans. Learn Italian. Learn Italian. Sami's favoriete eten is pasta. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Verkopen jullie deze lampen? Are you selling these lamps? Are you selling these lamps? Huilend zocht het meisje naar haar moeder. Crying out, the little girl was looking for her mother. Crying, the girl looked for her mother. Dit is een ros. This is a horse. This is a rosy. Tom is zelden laat. Tom is seldom late. Tom's rarely late. "Nou..." zuchtte Dima, keerde zich vervolgens naar de verkoopster en wierp haar een moordzuchtige blik toe, "ik geloof dat ik nu geen keus heb..." "Well..." sighed Dima, then turned to the shopkeeper and cast her a murderous glance. "I guess I have no choice now..." "Well..." Dima sighed, then turned to the saleswoman and threw her a homicidal look, "I believe I have no choice now..." Waarom reageerde je niet toen ik klopte? Why didn't you answer when I knocked? Why didn't you respond when I knocked? Ik ben een druk iemand. I'm a busy person. I'm a busy person. Ik lachte met zijn mop. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Het is niet genoeg. It isn't enough. It's not enough. De natuurlijke logaritme van e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. Tom maakte zijn huiswerk in de keuken. Tom did his homework in the kitchen. Tom was doing his homework in the kitchen. Tom vertrouwt op mij. Tom relies on me. Tom trusts me. Hebt u een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Ik denk niet dat het zal gaan regenen vanmiddag. I don't think it'll rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. Hij gaat altijd door voor een uitstekende geleerde. He always passes for a great scholar. He always goes on for an excellent scholar. Hij heeft zijn zin vertaald. He translated his sentence. He's translated his sentence. Hebt gij uw huiswerk al af? Have you finished your homework already? Have you finished your homework? Heeft Tom gisteren getennist? Did Tom play tennis yesterday? Did Tom tennis yesterday? Het spijt me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Afgelopen maand heeft hij zijn huis wit laten schilderen. Last month he had his house painted white. Last month, he had his house painted white. Goud is zwaarder dan zilver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is heavier than silver. Dit bericht maakte Al-Sayib zo woedend, dat hij nogmaals Fanta morste. This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta. This message made Al-Sayib so furious, that he spilled Fanta again. Tom schrijft romans in zijn vrije tijd. Tom writes novels in his spare time. Tom writes novels in his spare time. Als ik jou was, zou ik solliciteren naar de baan. If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for the job. U heeft een auto, toch? You've got a car, right? You have a car, right? Waarom zijn jullie ongelukkig? Why are you unhappy? Why are you unhappy? Ik ben een mens. I'm a human. I'm a human being. Zwarte stoffen absorberen het licht. Black cloth absorbs light. Black fabrics absorb the light. Tom borstelde zijn haar. Tom brushed his hair. Tom brushed his hair. Het is heet vandaag. It's warm today. It's hot today. Ik mag je vriendin niet. I don't like your girlfriend. I don't like your girlfriend. De Europese Unie is een nieuw kalifaat? The European Union is a new caliphate? The European Union is a new caliphate? Hij ging vorig jaar naar Amerika om zijn Engels bij te schaven. He went to America last year to brush up his English. He went to America last year to plan his English. Is dat zijn paraplu? Is that his umbrella? Is that his umbrella? Eet veel brood, drink een beetje wijn! Eat a lot of bread, drink a little wine! Eat a lot of bread, drink a little wine! Als je met zo weinig kleren naar buiten gaat, vat je nog kou. If you go out so lightly dressed, you'll catch a cold. If you go out with so few clothes, you'll catch a cold. Ik denk dat Tom een student is. I think Tom is a student. I think Tom's a student. Ik denk ook zo over jou. I feel the same way about you. I feel the same way about you. Iedereen in mijn gezin staat vroeg op. Everyone in my family gets up early. Everyone in my family gets up early. Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, uw dienaar t’aller stond, de tirannie verdrijven die mij mijn hart doorwondt. That I may stay a pious servant of Thine for aye and drive the plagues that try us and tyranny away. That I may remain pious, your servant taller stood, driving away the tyranny that injures my heart. Polen wordt ''Polska'' genoemd in het Pools. Poland is called "Polska" in Polish. Poland is called ''Polska'' in Polish. Ben je vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Ze vergeeft me nooit. She will never forgive me. She'll never forgive me. Hij stopte met roken en begon met hardlopen. He stopped smoking and started running. He quit smoking and started running. "Nee," herhaalde de Engelsman. "No," repeated the Englishman. "No," repeated the Englishman. Ik ben mijn potlood kwijt. I have lost my pencil. I lost my pencil. Volgens de krant was er gisteren een grote brand. According to the newspaper, there was a big fire last night. According to the paper, there was a big fire yesterday. We zullen dansen. We'll dance. We'll dance. Kan je met stokjes eten? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Can you eat with sticks? Is Tom doodgegaan? Did Tom die? Tom died? Ik houd meer van appels dan van sinaasappels. I like apples more than oranges. I like apples more than oranges. Waarom bent u ongelukkig? Why are you unhappy? Why are you unhappy? Hij is het huis uit. He is away from home. He's out of the house. Hebben jullie hen gezien? Have you guys seen them? Have you seen them? Tom eet ijs. Tom is eating ice cream. Tom eats ice cream. Dit is een goed lesboek. This is a good textbook. This is a good textbook. Hebt ge haar al horen zingen op een podium? Have you ever heard her sing on the stage? Have you heard her sing on a stage? Ik huil gemakkelijk. I cry easily. It's easy for me to cry. Het is spijtig om dat te horen. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Ze staarden met zijn allen naar de bewegingen van de magiër. They all gazed at the magician's movements. They all stared at the magician's movements. Wij zijn met zijn drieën. There are three of us. There's three of us. Hier is uw hond. Waar is de mijne? Here is your dog. Where is mine? Here's your dog. Kan dat ook anders geformuleerd worden? Can it be phrased in another way? Can that also be reworded? Hij heeft zijn leven gewaagd om haar te redden. He risked his life to save her. He risked his life to save her. Ik wil een andere uitweg vinden voor deze situatie, ook al is deze ook niet zo slecht. I want to find another way out of the situation, although this one isn't that bad either. I want to find another way out of this situation, even if it is not so bad. Jij bent Italiaans. You're Italian. You're Italian. Het is hoog tijd plaats te maken voor jongere mensen. It's high time to make room for young people. It is high time to make room for younger people. Wat denkt u van oorlog? What do you think of war? What do you think of war? Doe voort aan je werk! Go ahead with your work. Get on with your work! Dat is waarom ze het gedaan hebben. That's why they did it. That's why they did it. Tom heeft Mary de foto getoond. Tom showed Mary the photo. Tom showed Mary the picture. Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Ik lees graag Amerikaanse romans. I like reading American novels. I like to read American novels. Mijn hoop was, spijtig genoeg, een illusie. Unfortunately, my hope was an illusion. My hope was, unfortunately, an illusion. Wil je niet slapen? You’re not wanting to sleep? Don't you want to sleep? Wat denken jullie hiervan? How do you guys feel about that? How about this? Hij zei mij dat hij de volgende dag zou beginnen. He told me that he would start the next day. He told me he'd start the next day. Het was het mooiste gezicht dat hij in zijn leven gezien had. It was the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen in his life. It was the most beautiful face he'd seen in his life. Het is kapot. Ben je nu blij? It's broken. Are you happy now? It's broken. In Tokio heb ik haar vader voor het eerst ontmoet. It was in Tokyo that I first met her father. In Tokyo, I met her father for the first time. We zijn allemaal blij. We are all happy. We're all happy. Wil iemand me even helpen? Can someone help me? Will somebody give me a hand? Wilt u wat meer thee? Nee, bedankt. Would you like some more tea? No thanks. Would you like some more tea? Dat kan niet. That isn't possible. It can't be. Ik zal mijn best doen je niet lastig te vallen bij het studeren. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll do my best not to bother you in college. Algerije werd een onafhankelijk land in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. Algeria became an independent country in 1962. Welke jongen? Which boy? What boy? Kijk goed. Ik zal je laten zien hoe je dit doet. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. I'll show you how to do this. Werkt u daar ook? Do you work there, too? Do you work there? Wat zijn de verwerkingskosten? How much is the handling charge? What are the processing costs? Tom en Mary houden allebei van oude films. Tom and Mary both like old movies. Tom and Mary both love old movies. Een van de appels viel op de grond. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell to the ground. Tom kan niet helpen. Tom can't help. Tom can't help. Het ziet eruit als een sinaasappel. It looks like an orange. It looks like an orange. We doen alles wat we kunnen om uw dochter te vinden. We're doing everything we can to find your daughter. We're doing everything we can to find your daughter. Dit is een feit. This is a fact. This is a fact. We kozen een hotel dichtbij de musea. We chose a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. Ooit dacht men dat de wereld plat was. People once held that the world was flat. Once it was thought that the world was flat. Wanneer hebben jullie voor het laatst een hamer gebruikt? When was the last time you used a hammer? When was the last time you guys used a hammer? De trein had vertraging wegens hevige sneeuwval. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was delayed due to heavy snowfall. Ze liep naar de keuken om te kijken wie er was, maar er was niemand. She went into the kitchen to see who was there, but there was nobody there. She walked into the kitchen to see who was there, but there was no one there. Het is geen klaslokaal. It's not a classroom. It's not a classroom. Televisie kan een belangrijke cultuurbron zijn en haar schooluitzendingen staan in veel scholen hoog aangeschreven. Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools. Television can be an important cultural source and its school broadcasts are highly regarded in many schools. Tom houdt van chocolade-ijs. Tom likes chocolate ice cream. Tom likes chocolate ice cream. Haar schoonheid was onbeschrijfelijk. Her beauty was beyond description. Her beauty was indescribable. Je hebt mijn vraag niet beantwoord. You did not answer my question. You didn't answer my question. Het meisje dat met Tom spreekt, is Mary. The girl talking with Tom is Mary. The girl talking to Tom is Mary. Waarom hebben jullie geen vriendin? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Ik dacht dat Tom hier vandaag niet zou zijn. I thought Tom wasn't going to be here today. I didn't think Tom would be here today. De meeste Berbers zijn bergbewoners. Het ligt voor de hand: ze waren nooit bereid om in de identiteit van de indringers te verdwijnen. The majority of Berbers are mountain dwellers. It's obvious: they've never accepted to drown in the invaders' identity. Most Berbers are mountain dwellers. It is obvious: they were never willing to disappear into the identity of the invaders. Hoe laat ontbijt je gewoonlijk? What time do you usually eat breakfast? What time do you usually have breakfast? Ik weet dat Tom niet weet dat hij dat hier niet zou moeten doen. I know that Tom doesn't know he shouldn't do that here. I know Tom doesn't know he shouldn't do that here. Is er brood? Is there any bread? Is there any bread? Ik ga naar de kerk met de auto. I go to church by car. I'm going to church by car. Iedereen applaudisseerde. Everybody applauded. Everyone applauded. U bent zwanger. You are pregnant. You're pregnant. De regering zou hen voedsel geven voor de winter. The government would give them food for the winter. The government would feed them for winter. Ik ben oud. I'm old. I'm old. Ik kan hier niet werken. I can't work here. I can't work here. Deze webstek is waardeloos. This website is useless. This web site sucks. Houden zij van sinaasappels? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? Laten we met de metro gaan. Let's go by metro. Let's take the subway. Ik hoop van niet. I hope not. I hope not. Wat jammer! What a pity! What a shame! Ik ben koekjes aan het maken. I'm making cookies. I'm making cookies. Hij gaf zijn ouders antwoord. He replied to his parents. He answered his parents. Als je die vaas laat vallen, zal ik het op je loon inhouden. If you drop that vase, I'll take it out of your wage. If you drop that vase, I'll hold it to your paycheck. Ik ben in verwachting. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Met Tom valt er niet te discussiëren. There's no arguing with Tom. There's no arguing with Tom. Niet alles kan worden verklaard. Not everything can be explained. Not everything can be explained. Ze helpt ons. She helps us. She's helping us. De baby ligt in zijn wieg, zuigend op zijn speen. The baby is in his crib, sucking on his pacifier. The baby's in his crib, sucking on his teat. Waar is het toilet? Where is the washroom? Where's the bathroom? We hadden gedeeltelijk gelijk. We were partly right. We were partially right. Ik ben getrouwd met Lori. I'm married to Lori. I'm married to Lori. Mijn land ligt in Noord-Afrika, ten zuiden van de Middellandse Zee. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean. Ik zou graag in Europa willen wonen. I'd like to live in Europe. I'd like to live in Europe. Dit is de lelijkste baby die ik ooit gezien heb. That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. This is the ugliest baby I've ever seen. Ik wilde je niet van streek maken. I don't want to upset you. I didn't mean to upset you. Ik weet zeker dat hij komt. He is sure to come. I'm sure he's coming. Missie volbracht. Mission accomplished. Mission accomplished. Vandaag begin ik een raplied te schrijven. I'm starting to write a rap song today. Today I start writing a rap song. Je onderwees. You taught. You taught. Tom stak de stekker van de radio in en zette hem aan. Tom plugged in the radio and turned it on. Tom plugged in the radio and turned it on. Ik weet mijn adres nog niet, ik ga een tijdje bij mijn vriendin wonen. I don't know my address yet, I'm going to stay with my friend for a while. I don't know my address yet. I'm going to live with my girlfriend for a while. Het eten van de hond is duur. The dog's food is expensive. Eating the dog is expensive. Sami wilde in een Islamitisch land wonen. Sami wanted to live in a Muslim country. Sami wanted to live in an Islamic country. Wat herinneren jullie je? What do you remember? What do you remember? Buitenlanders maken me nieuwsgierig. Foreign people intrigue me. Foreigners make me curious. Het kind was verstijfd van angst. The child was paralyzed with fear. The child was stiffened with fear. Ik aanbid de godin Astarte. I worship the goddess Astarte. I adore the goddess Astarte. Het is nooit makkelijk te zeggen of hij ernstig is of niet. It's never easy to tell whether he's being serious or not. It's never easy to tell if he's serious or not. Kunt u ons vertellen wat er daarna gebeurde? Can you tell us what happened next? Can you tell us what happened next? Tom klapte. Tom applauded. Tom clapped. Engels spreken is moeilijk. Speaking English is difficult. It's hard to speak English. Welk nummer moet ik bellen in geval van nood? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in case of emergency? De appel valt niet ver van de boom. Like breeds like. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ik ga de trap af. I am going down the stairs. I'm going down the stairs. Ze is geen goede kokkin. She's not a good cook. She's not a good cook. Ik heb veel huiswerk. I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework. We hebben geen wasdroger. We don't have a tumble dryer. We don't have a dryer. Na alle moeite die we ervoor gedaan hebben om dat project op poten te zetten, kostte het ze maar een seconde het onderuit te halen bij de bijeenkomst. After all the trouble we went to in coming up with that project, it only took them a second to shoot it down in the meeting. After all the effort we've made to get that project started, it only took them a second to take it down at the meeting. Ik kan me niet herinneren hoe je "Bedankt" in het Duits zegt. I can't remember how to say "Thank you" in German. I don't remember how you say "thank you" in German. Ook op Mars zijn er katten. There are cats on Mars, too. There are also cats on Mars. Vroeger heeft de monteur veel meer genomen. Previously the mechanic took a lot more. The mechanic used to take a lot more. Het enige dat telt is gelukkig zijn. All that matters is to be happy. All that matters is being happy. Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm not married to Tom anymore. I'm not married to Tom anymore. Wie is dat? Who's that? Who is that? Ik had erg dorst. I was very thirsty. I was very thirsty. Ik woon nu in Australië. I now live in Australia. I live in Australia now. Tom is schattig. Tom is cute. Tom's cute. Ik ben trots op mijn nederigheid. I pride myself on my humility. I'm proud of my humility. Ik heb niets met die zaak te maken. I have nothing to do with this matter. I have nothing to do with that case. Zij houdt van tuinieren. She loves gardening. She likes gardening. Waar heb je mijn laptop neergezet? Where did you put my laptop? Where'd you put my laptop? Hij lijkt op zijn moeder. He looks like his mother. He looks like his mother. Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Australië zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like living in Australia. I don't think I'd like to live in Australia. Het is gevaarlijk. It's dangerous. It's dangerous. Mag ik de tafel klaarzetten? May I set the table? Can I set up the table? Welke T-shirt is rood? Which t-shirt is red? Which T-shirt is red? Hij deed wat hem gevraagd werd. He did what he had been told. He did what he was asked to do. Mary droeg een donkerbruine jurk. Mary wore a dark brown dress. Mary was wearing a dark brown dress. De hond volgde zijn baas met kwispelende staart. The dog, wagging its tail, followed its master. The dog followed his boss with wagging tail. Heb je een andere oplossing? Do you have another solution? Do you have another solution? Wij versnelden. We accelerated. We accelerated. Bonnetje mee? Would you like a receipt? Can I get you a receipt? Hij en zijn zus aten roomijs, terwijl de radio aanstond. He and his sisters ate ice cream while the radio was on. He and his sister ate ice cream while the radio was on. Nederlanders staan ​​bekend voor goed zijn in talen. The Dutch have a reputation for being good at languages. The Dutch are known for being good in languages. Ik wil hem koste wat kost zien. I want to see him at all costs. I want to see him at all costs. Bedankt, broeders. Thanks, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Tom begint me te irriteren. Tom is starting to annoy me. Tom's starting to irritate me. Stilte alstublieft. Quiet please. Quiet, please. De raket ging omhoog. The rocket went up. The rocket went up. Tom was enigszins verbaasd door Mary's gedrag. Tom was a little surprised by Mary's behavior. Tom was somewhat surprised by Mary's behavior. Ik heb al lang geen asperges meer gegeten. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. I haven't eaten asparagus in a long time. Ik heb het gehoord op de radio. I heard it on the radio. I heard it on the radio. Ze proefden het brood. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. De rekening, alstublieft. The check, please. The bill, please. Het boeddhisme kwam uit India. Buddhism came out of India. Buddhism came from India. Georgo heeft mij een verjaardagskaart gestuurd. George sent me a birthday card. Georgo sent me a birthday card. Zij is een aansteller. She's a drama queen. She's an idiot. Het meisje is mooi. The girl is beautiful. The girl's beautiful. Doe je iets speciaals? Are you doing anything special? Are you doing anything special? Ik slaap graag in een zacht bed. I like to sleep on a soft bed. I like to sleep in a soft bed. Tom kan niet rijden. Tom cannot drive. Tom can't drive. Ik begrijp het meer of minder. I understand it more or less. I understand more or less. Deze trein stopt op alle stations. This train stops at every station. This train stops at all stations. Waarom doen zij dat? Why do they do this? Why do they do that? Het Koerdisch is mijn moedertaal. Kurdish is my native language. The Kurdish is my mother tongue. Niemand denkt dat u lafhartig bent. Nobody thinks you're a coward. No one thinks you're cowardly. Tom is helemaal niet agressief. Tom isn't aggressive at all. Tom's not aggressive at all. Men zegt dat hij kan spreken zonder notities te gebruiken. He is said to be able to speak without using notes. They say he can speak without using notes. Tom liep naar het raam en keek naar buiten. Tom walked to the window and looked outside. Tom walked to the window and looked out. Bemoei je met je eigen zaken. Mind your own business. Mind your own business. Mama heeft de tafel gedekt. Mom set the table. Mommy set the table. Zult ge mij tonen wat ge gisteren gekocht hebt? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Tom zei dat ik kon blijven. Tom said I could stay. Tom said I could stay. Kikkervisjes worden kikkers. Tadpoles become frogs. Frogfish become frogs. Hij is onlangs teruggekomen uit Frankrijk. He has recently returned from France. He recently came back from France. Ze droeg een blauwe mantel. She was wearing a blue coat. She was wearing a blue cloak. Waarom gebeurt dit zo vaak? Why does this happen so often? Why does this happen so often? Tom belde Maria's moeder en vroeg haar of Maria ergens allergisch voor is. Tom called Mary's mother and asked her if Mary was allergic to anything. Tom called Maria's mother and asked her if Maria is allergic to anything. Juist! Correct! Right! Maria beweerde dat ze een ufo zag. Mary claimed she saw a UFO. Maria claimed she saw a UFO. De populaire zangeres pleegde zelfmoord. The popular singer committed suicide. The popular singer committed suicide. Hij heeft een vingerhoedskruid gekocht. He bought a foxglove. He bought a thimble. Eet smakelijk! Enjoy your meal. Enjoy! Je brak de regels. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Ik heb gisteren een kat in de zak gekocht. I bought a pig in a poke yesterday. I bought a cat in the bag yesterday. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will wait for you. Tom will be waiting for you. Ik heb een sneeuwman gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Kun je voortzetten? Can you continue? Can you continue? Ik heb het je toch gezegd dat je het licht niet aan moet doen. I told you not to turn on the lights. I told you not to turn the light on. Welke misdaden hebben jullie begaan? What crimes have you committed? What crimes have you committed? Hij stond daar een tijdje. He stood there for a while. He was standing there for a while. Misschien zijn ze blij. Maybe they're happy. Maybe they're happy. Hij weet veel over vlinders. He knows a lot about butterflies. He knows a lot about butterflies. Dit is afzetterij. This is a rip-off. This is impeachment. Stenen drijven niet. Stones don't float. Stones don't float. Vandaag vieren mijn vrouw en ik ons twintigste huwelijksjubileum. Today my wife and I are celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary. Today my wife and I celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Wie is jouw favoriet? Who's your favorite? Who's your favorite? We kennen meer dan 100 miljard sterrenstelsels. We know of more than 100 billion galaxies. We know more than 100 billion galaxies. Wij hebben samen gewerkt. We worked together. We worked together. Nee, het zijn de tomaten. No, it's the tomatoes. No, it's the tomatoes. We kennen haar niet. We don't know her. We don't know her. Het vliegveld ligt vrij ver van het centrum van de stad. The airport is quite far from the city centre. The airport is quite far from the city center. Laten we naar de fabriek gaan. Let's go to the factory. Let's go to the factory. Ik kan niet helemaal volgen. I don't quite follow you. I don't quite follow. Mensen leven maar ongeveer 70 jaar. Humans only live about 70 years. People only live about 70 years. Speel dat liedje opnieuw. Play that song again. Play that song again. De lucht zal snel helder worden. Soon the sky will become bright. The air will soon clear. Dat helpt altijd. That always helps. That always helps. Tom zei dat hij niet wist waarom Mary hem niet mocht. Tom said he didn't know why Mary didn't like him. Tom said he didn't know why Mary didn't like him. Heb je koorts? Do you have a temperature? Do you have a fever? Spreekt u alstublieft langzamer! Speak more slowly, please! Please speak slower! Ik at alleen. I ate alone. I ate alone. Tennis is mijn favoriete sport. I like tennis the best of all sports. Tennis is my favorite sport. Mijn zus liet me een nieuw horloge zien. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. Het is bewolkt. It's cloudy. It's cloudy. Je kent ze niet eens. You don't even know them. You don't even know them. Uitzonderingen bevestigen de regel. Exceptions prove the rule. Exceptions confirm the rule. Waarom werken jullie? Why do you work? Why are you working? Een man zei ooit tegen de Boeddha: "Ik wil gelukkig zijn!" Boeddha zei: "Verwijder eerst 'ik', dat is het ego, verwijder dan 'wil', dat is begeerte. Kijk, nu heb je alleen nog maar blijdschap!'' A man once said to the Buddha, "I want to be happy!" Buddha said, "First remove 'I', that's ego, then remove 'want', that's desire. See, now you are left with only happiness!" A man once said to the Buddha, "I want to be happy!" Buddha said, "Remove first 'I', that's the ego, then remove 'will', that's desire. Look, now you have only joy!'" Ben je al weg? You're leaving already? Have you left yet? Ga Mary wakker maken. Go and wake Mary up. Go wake Mary up. Hij is nog steeds boos. He's still mad. He's still mad. Tom miste zijn vrienden. Tom missed his friends. Tom missed his friends. Ik hou van aubergine. I like eggplant. I love eggplant. Ik heb ze gezegd dat ze me een nieuw ticket moeten opsturen. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me a new ticket. Als je nog één keer zo'n grote mond geeft, lees ik vanavond geen verhaaltje voor. If you're cheeky once more, I won't read you a story tonight. If you give me one more big mouth, I won't read a story tonight. Tom heeft Maria misleid. Tom misled Mary. Tom misled Maria. Tom is een tieneridool. Tom is a teen idol. Tom's a teenage idol. Wie is de fotograaf? Who's the photographer? Who's the photographer? Wie was de uitvinder van de telefoon? Was het Bell of Meucci? Who was the inventor of the telephone, Bell or Meucci? Who was the inventor of the phone? Jeetje! Boy! Oh, my God! Fijne vakantie. Happy holidays. Have a nice vacation. Ga je gang, ik luister. Go ahead. I'm listening. Go ahead, I'm listening. Er is iets veranderd. Something has changed. Something's changed. Mijn vader belde net. My dad just called. My dad just called. Ik denk dat je het verkeerde nummer hebt. I think you have the wrong number. I think you got the wrong number. Hij won de loterij. He won the lottery. He won the lottery. Goed dat hij de hele waarheid sprak. Good thing he spoke the whole truth. Good thing he was telling the whole truth. Ik ben ouder dan uw broer. I'm older than your brother. I'm older than your brother. Deze koffiemachine is in Italië gemaakt. This coffee machine was made in Italy. This coffee machine was made in Italy. Haar techniek is uitstekend, maar ze moet met meer expressie spelen. Her technique is superb, but she needs to play with more expression. Her technique is excellent, but she has to play with more expression. Al mijn lessen zijn in het Frans. All of my classes are in French. All my classes are in French. Ik vraag me af waarom Tom beweerde Marie niet te kennen. I wonder why Tom said that he doesn't know Mary. I wonder why Tom claimed not to know Marie. Laat Tom vrij. Set Tom free. Release Tom. Gelukkig Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Happy Moon Festival! Tom was blij om Mary's stem door de telefoon te horen. Tom was happy to hear Mary's voice over the phone. Tom was happy to hear Mary's voice on the phone. Plaatjes zijn boeken voor analfabeten. Images are the books of the illiterate. Pictures are books for illiterates. In Hongarije spreken ze Hongaars. In Hungary they speak Hungarian. In Hungary, they speak Hungarian. De aarde is de derde planeet vanaf de zon. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Hij begon te lachen. He started laughing. He started laughing. Zij hielp ons. She helped us. She helped us. Denk je dat hij het werk alleen gedaan heeft? Do you think he did the job on his own? You think he did the job alone? Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Mijn moeder staat vroeger op dan wie dan ook. My mother gets up earlier than anyone else. My mom gets up sooner than anyone. Denk je echt dat Tom gelukkig is? Do you really think Tom is happy? You really think Tom's happy? Ik kon niet in slaap komen. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't get to sleep. Jouw gulp staat open! Your fly is open! Your fly is open! Meneer Brown heeft altijd een boek bij zich. Mr Brown always carries a book with him. Mr Brown always has a book with him. Ze heeft veel grijze haren. She has a lot of gray hair. She's got a lot of gray hair. Kan ik die sinaasappel eten? Can I eat that orange? Can I eat that orange? Heeft u een aansteker? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Ik denk dat ik eindelijk een beetje begrijp hoe Tom zich voelde op dat moment. I feel like I finally have some understanding of how Tom felt in that moment. I think I finally understand how Tom felt at the time. Hij is van mening veranderd als gevolg van de bruiloft. He changed his mind in consequence of the marriage. He changed his mind as a result of the wedding. Hij overleefde een ernstige hartaanval. He survived a severe heart attack. He survived a serious heart attack. Je hoeft geen lunch mee te nemen. You don't need to carry lunch with you. You don't have to bring lunch. Waarom heb je zo'n haast? What's your rush? Why are you in such a hurry? Hij werd verzorgd door een of andere jonge dokter. He was taken care of by a certain young doctor. He was taken care of by some young doctor. Ik zie de maan en de zon. I see the moon and the sun. I see the moon and the sun. Ik kan dat niet uitsluiten. I can't exclude it. I can't rule that out. Luister goed naar mij. Listen closely. Listen to me carefully. Ze werd verliefd op één van haar leerlingen. She fell in love with one of her students. She fell in love with one of her students. Ze kondigden regen aan voor vandaag. They were forecasting rain for today. They announced rain for today. Tom vertelde me dat Maria in Boston was. Tom told me Mary was in Boston. Tom told me Maria was in Boston. Zij is acht. She's eight years old. She's eight. Ge spreekt. Thou speakest. You speak. Groen is mijn lievelingskleur. Green is my favorite color. Green is my favorite color. Waarom duurt het zo lang? What's the holdup? What's taking so long? Als we hier stoppen, moeten we helemaal opnieuw van nul beginnen! If we stop here, we'll be right back where we started! If we stop here, we have to start all over again from scratch! Israël heeft de Westelijke Jordaanoever nodig. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. Ik heb ook een vraag. I, too, have a question. I have a question, too. Ze zijn tien jaar getrouwd. They have been married for ten years. They've been married for ten years. Wees vrienden met je vrienden en vijanden met je vijanden. Be friends with your friends and enemies with your enemies. Be friends with your friends and enemies with your enemies. Heb je een pen? Do you have a pen? Do you have a pen? Ga je ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you going to introduce us? De ene is rood en de andere is wit. One is red and the other is white. One is red and the other is white. Tom zou trots zijn. Tom would be proud. Tom would be proud. Ik hou van zuurkool. I like sauerkraut. I like sauerkraut. Ik heb gewoon opgegeven. I just gave up. I just gave up. Ze droeg een witte jurk. She wore a white dress. She was wearing a white dress. Maria kuste de kikker. Mary kissed the frog. Maria kissed the frog. De soep is te zout. The soup is too salty. The soup's too salty. Er is in mijn stad geen school om Esperanto te leren. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. There's no school in my town to teach Esperanto. Ik wilde een biertje. I wanted a beer. I wanted a beer. We moeten ze boycotten. We have to boycott them. We need to boycott them. Sporten is goed voor je lichamelijke conditie. Sport is good for your health. Sporting is good for your physical condition. Tom vroeg aan Maria om hem een kop koffie te brengen. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Maria to bring him a cup of coffee. Ik protesteer! I protest! I protest! Jij bent de reden dat ik ben gekomen. You're the reason I came. You're the reason I came. Zij scheren het schaap. They are shearing the sheep. They shave the sheep. Zonder muziek is de wereld een tranendal. Without music the world is a vale of tears. Without music, the world is a valley of tears. Het is gloednieuw. It's brand new. It's brand-new. Deze hoeden zijn van jou. These hats are yours. These hats are yours. Doe je uiterste best! Do the best you can! Do your best! Hoe ver is Boston hiervandaan? How far is Boston from here? How far is Boston from here? Ik geloof er niet in alles op te kroppen. I don't believe in keeping my feelings bottled up. I don't believe in putting it all up. Ze is boos op me. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. Hij vertelde me dat zijn vader was overleden. He told me that his father had passed away. He told me his father died. Mijn studenten hebben vol ongeduld zitten wachten op de testresultaten. My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results. My students have been waiting with impatience for the test results. Nou, de spelregels zijn veranderd. Well, the rules of the game have changed. Well, the rules of the game have changed. Tom spreekt drie buitenlandse talen. Tom can speak three foreign languages. Tom speaks three foreign languages. Hoe kan ik de motor starten? How can I start the engine? How can I start the engine? Misschien was Tom erbij betrokken. Maybe Tom was involved. Maybe Tom was involved. Ze wist dat John van haar hield. She knew that John loved her. She knew John loved her. Wie heeft Hamlet geschreven? Who wrote Hamlet? Who wrote Hamlet? Ik ga jullie allemaal missen. I'll miss all of you. I'm gonna miss you all. Ik wil een grote tube tandpasta. I want a large tube of toothpaste. I want a big tube of toothpaste. We verontschuldigen ons. We apologize. We apologize. Vandaag is het koud. It's cold today. It's cold today. Tom kijkt. Tom is watching. Tom's watching. Waarom moeten we ons daarin betrekken? Why should we get involved? Why do we have to get involved in this? Hij is niet gek. He is no fool. He's not crazy. Ik heb niets vreemds gezien. I didn't see anything strange. I didn't see anything weird. Hij heeft een boerderij. He has a farm. He's got a farm. De lucht klaarde op. The sky has become clear. The air was clearing up. Ik zal hem morgen bezoeken. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. De baby zag er precies zo uit als haar moeder. The baby looked just like her mother. The baby looked exactly like her mother. Ik eet altijd gezond. I always eat healthy. I always eat healthy. Ik haat werken. I hate working. I hate working. MI6 is een Britse inlichtingsdienst. MI6 is a British secret service. MI6 is a British intelligence service. Heeft u mijn tandenborstel gebruikt? Did you use my toothbrush? Did you use my toothbrush? Wie heeft jou geholpen? Who helped you? Who helped you? Ik heb geldproblemen. I have money problems. I have money problems. Frankrijk is een West-Europees land. France is a Western European country. France is a Western European country. Wat mij betreft, ik heb op het moment niets te zeggen. As for me, I have nothing to say at present. As far as I'm concerned, I have nothing to say at the moment. Ik weet dat je dat zelf hebt gedaan. I know you did that by yourself. I know you did that yourself. Geef het aan wie je wilt. Give it to anyone you like. Give it to whoever you want. Ze is opgegroeid in de Duitse Democratische Republiek. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. She grew up in the German Democratic Republic. Wil je niet op mijn knie zitten? Won't you sit on my knee? Don't you want to sit on my knee? Wat scheelt er met jullie? What's wrong with you, guys? What's wrong with you guys? Dat is geweldig! That's great! That's great! Ik wil deelnemen aan het protest. I want to participate in the protest. I want to participate in the protest. Ik ben een Tweeling. I'm a Gemini. I'm a Gemini. Je ziet er nog steeds boos uit. You still look angry. You still look angry. Deze jurk laat weinig aan de verbeelding over. This dress leaves little to the imagination. This dress leaves little to the imagination. Het huis is wit. The house is white. The house is white. Ik ga te voet naar school. I walk to school. I'm going to school on foot. Ik heb veel vrienden in Duitsland. I have a lot of friends in Germany. I have a lot of friends in Germany. De hond ving het vlees. The dog caught the meat. The dog caught the meat. We hebben het uitgevogeld. We've figured it out. We figured it out. Tom kan mij beschermen. Tom can protect me. Tom can protect me. Doei opa! See you, grandpa! Bye, Grandpa! Deze chocolade is heerlijk. This chocolate is delicious. This chocolate is delicious. Het kan moeilijk zijn om een appartement te vinden. Finding an apartment can be difficult. It may be difficult to find an apartment. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Ik was erg trots. I was very proud. I was very proud. Mijn grootste verlangen was het ontmoeten van mijn biologische vader. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. My greatest desire was to meet my biological father. Ga nu weg. Move now. Go away now. Tom was bijna dertig jaar lang leraar. Tom was a teacher for nearly thirty years. Tom was a teacher for almost 30 years. Ik zou willen dat mijn cijfers me meer konden schelen, maar het lijkt erop dat ik op een gegeven moment in mijn leven besloten heb dat die niet zo belangrijk meer zouden zijn. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I wish I cared more about my grades, but it seems that at some point in my life I decided that they would not be so important anymore. Tom en Maria dronken vaak chocolademelk toen ze kinderen waren. Tom and Mary often drank chocolate milk when they were kids. Tom and Maria often drank chocolate milk when they were children. Weet u wie hij is? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Ik kijk elke avond ''The Walking Dead'' Every evening, I watch the "Walking Dead". I watch "The Walking Dead" every night. Mis deze geweldige kans niet. Don't miss this amazing opportunity. Don't miss this great opportunity. Tom weet waarom. Tom knows why. Tom knows why. Ze kwam niet opdagen totdat de vergadering was afgelopen. She didn't show up until the meeting was over. She didn't show up until the meeting was over. Tom trad af. Tom resigned. Tom stepped down. Het schoot me binnen dat u mijn broer was. I remembered that you were my brother. It occurred to me that you were my brother. Het oude zomerhuis had slechts één bed, daarom sliepen we er om de beurt in. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. The old summer house had only one bed, which is why we slept in it in turn. Wat wil je eten? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? Mijn vriendin houdt er ook van om te drinken. My girlfriend also loves to drink. My girlfriend likes to drink, too. Het meisje was bang voor haar eigen schaduw. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. Ik ben zo stom... Ik probeer je dingen uit te leggen die ik zelf niet begrijp. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid, I'm trying to explain to you things I don't understand myself. Tot morgen in de bibliotheek. See you tomorrow at the library. See you at the library tomorrow. Kan jij fonetische tekens lezen? Can you read phonetic signs? Can you read phonetic signs? Vergeet jouw geld niet. Don't forget your money. Don't forget your money. Ik hou niet van zand. I don't like sand. I don't like sand. Eet alles. Eat everything. Eat everything. Hij is nog in leven. He is still alive. He's still alive. Je kan geen bloeddonor zijn. You cannot be a blood donor. You can't be a blood donor. Ik kan de deur niet openen. Hebt gij de sleutel? I can't open the door. Do you have the key? I can't open the door. Ik kan me geen nieuwe fiets veroorloven. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. I can't afford a new bike. Ik doe het in de la. I put it in the drawer. I'll do it in the drawer. Deze twee bladeren lijken op elkaar. These two leaves look alike. These two leaves look alike. Uit welk station vertrekt de trein? From which station does the train leave? What station is the train leaving? Tom is een oude man met een lange grijze baard. Tom is an old man with a long gray beard. Tom is an old man with a long gray beard. Volgens de bijbel schiep God de wereld in zes dagen. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. Je zou beter moeten weten. You should have known better. You should know better. Geef je over aan de vijand. Surrender to the enemy. Surrender to the enemy. Tom is te jong om auto te rijden. Tom is too young to drive a car. Tom's too young to drive. Het water hier is levensgevaarlijk. The water is extremely dangerous around here. The water here is dangerous. Dit is erg aardig van u. That is very nice of you. This is very kind of you. Hij zei helemaal niets. He didn't say a single word. He didn't say anything. Tom bleef de hele nacht wakker. Tom stayed awake all night. Tom stayed awake all night. Tom is intelligent. Tom is intelligent. Tom's intelligent. Ik denk dat Iers geen moeilijke taal is. I think that Irish is not a difficult language. I don't think Irish is a difficult language. Engeland is trots op zijn poëten. England is proud of her poets. England is proud of its poets. Tom en Maria bezochten Scandinavië. Tom and Mary visited Scandinavia. Tom and Maria visited Scandinavia. Ik zou het anders aanbrengen. I wouldn't have said it that way. I'd make it different. Het gebeurt regelmatig. It happens frequently. It happens all the time. Tom glimlachte. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. Tom is warm. Tom is warm. Tom's warm. Geef dit boek aan Tom. Give this book to Tom. Give this book to Tom. Tom heeft een tijger gedood. Tom killed a tiger. Tom killed a tiger. Durf je hem vragen te stellen over dat ongeval? Dare you ask him about the accident? You dare to ask him about that accident? Dit is het laatste spel. This is the last game. This is the last game. Jammer genoeg woont ze in het buitenland. Unfortunately, she lives abroad. Unfortunately, she lives abroad. Ik wil bovenal gezond zijn. Above all, I want to be healthy. Above all, I want to be healthy. Gaat u ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you going to introduce us? Tom danst en zingt graag. Tom loves to dance and sing. Tom likes to dance and sing. Ik ben nog niet moe. I'm not tired yet. I'm not tired yet. Tom en ik hebben een sneeuwpop gebouwd. Tom and I built a snowman. Tom and I built a snowman. De manager onslaat nu bijna elke maand iemand en ik weet niet hoe we burgers nog sneller of beter kunnen omdraaien, of met meer teamgeest of wat hij dan ook wil. The manager dismisses someone almost once a month now, and I don't know how we can flip burgers any faster or better or with more team spirit or whatever it is that he wants. The manager now leaves someone behind almost every month and I don't know how we can turn citizens around faster or better, or with more team spirit or whatever he wants. Zalig zijn de armen van geest. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Je probeerde het. You tried. You tried. Tom trainde. Tom exercised. Tom trained. U moet de knoop strakker maken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Dat kan je niet bewijzen. You can't prove that. You can't prove that. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Ze is verslaafd aan winkelen. She's addicted to shopping. She's addicted to shopping. Je lijkt niet zenuwachtig te zijn. You don't seem to be nervous. You don't seem nervous. Tom zal nachtmerries krijgen. Tom will have nightmares. Tom will have nightmares. De Koude Oorlog begon na de Tweede Wereldoorlog. The Cold War began after World War Two. The Cold War began after World War II. Ik kan Tom vertrouwen. I can trust Tom. I can trust Tom. Hoepel op! Get lost! Get out of here! Ik spreek Spaans tegen mijn kat. I'm speaking Spanish to my cat. I speak Spanish to my cat. De herstelling van mijn fiets kostte mij duizend yen. It cost me a thousand yen to get my bicycle fixed. The repair of my bike cost me a thousand yen. Ik lust thee. I like tea. I like tea. Aarzel niet om raad te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask advice. Ik ga naar school. I go to school. I'm going to school. Ze wassen hun handen met zeep. They wash their hands with soap. They wash their hands with soap. Ik ben vergeten mijn medicijnen in te nemen. I forgot to take my medicine. I forgot to take my medicine. Hij stak de sleutel in het slot. He inserted the key in the lock. He put the key in the lock. Je bent moe, nietwaar? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Persoonlijk deel ik zijn mening. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. Personally, I share his opinion. Ik ga om acht uur naar school. I go to school at eight o'clock. I'm going to school at eight. Ik heb heel hard geleerd om het examen te kunnen halen. I studied really hard so as to pass the exam. I learned very hard to pass the exam. Niemand heeft internet in mijn land. Nobody has Internet in my country. No one has the Internet in my country. Rem niet plotseling Don't brake suddenly. Do not brake suddenly Is er hier een jeugdherberg in de buurt? Is there a youth hostel near here? Is there a youth hostel around here? Hij heeft gebrek aan ervaring. He is lacking in experience. He lacks experience. U heeft me goed advies gegeven. You've given me good advice. You've given me good advice. Dat huis staat te koop. The house is on sale. That house is for sale. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea that Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Het was donker en koud in de kamer. It was dark and cold in the room. It was dark and cold in the room. Ik wil niet dat er iets met je gebeurt. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I don't want anything to happen to you. Tom is arm, maar hij is gelukkig. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor, but he's happy. Toen was ik getrouwd. I was married at that time. Then I was married. Ze eet geen geen gebakjes om niet verder aan te komen. She does not eat cake, so as not to put on any more weight. She doesn't eat pastries so she can't get any further. Er nadert een auto. There's a car approaching. There's a car approaching. Sami kon de koran in slechts een paar dagen lezen. Sami was able to read the Quran in just a few days. Sami could read the Qur'an in just a few days. Sami heeft water nodig. Sami needs water. Sami needs water. Doe wat ze je zegt. Do what she tells you. Do as she tells you. Ik ben voortdurend aan het studeren. I'm constantly studying. I'm studying all the time. Russische roulette spelen is niet echt een goed idee. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea. Ik ben gewoon niet geschikt voor dit werk. I'm just not cut out for this kind of work. I'm just not cut out for this job. Ik kan niet tegelijk mijn nagels knippen en de strijk doen! I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time! I can't cut my nails at the same time and do the ironing! Eet langzaam. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. Hier zijn je vrienden. Here are your friends. Here are your friends. Hebt ge een gsm? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Wees jezelf. Be yourself. Be yourself. Dingen zouden zo simpel mogelijk moeten zijn, maar niet simpeler dan dat. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler than that. Ik probeer elke dag minstens een uur te trainen. I try to exercise at least an hour every day. I try to train for at least an hour every day. Dit is de koffie. This is the coffee. This is the coffee. Veel steden waren vernietigd door bommen. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Ik bel je zodra ik vrij ben. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Daar hij moe was, zat hij in de sofa met gesloten ogen. Since he was tired, he was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed. Being tired, he sat in the sofa with closed eyes. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren. Please say the alphabet backwards. Please say the alphabet backwards. Mag ik deze hamburger eten? May I eat this hamburger? Can I have this burger? Wat is het vandaag heet, hè? It's hot today, isn't it? It's hot today, isn't it? Tom vindt dat belachelijk. Tom thinks that's ridiculous. Tom thinks that's ridiculous. Dit is de ergste storm in tien jaar. This is the worst storm in ten years. This is the worst storm in ten years. Ze is aantrekkelijk. She is attractive. She's attractive. Ik lees graag over wetenschap. I like to read about science. I like to read about science. Vriendschap vereist wederzijds vertrouwen. Friendship requires mutual trust. Friendship requires mutual trust. Romulus was de eerste Romeinse koning. Romulus was the first Roman king. Romulus was the first Roman king. Welk theater is dat? Which theater is that? What theater is that? Dit is mijn hond. This is my dog. This is my dog. De kerk bevindt zich aan de andere kant van de straat. The church is on the other side of the street. The church is on the other side of the street. Het Engels alfabet telt 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Wil iemand mijn huiswerk maken voor mij? Does somebody want do my homework for me? Will somebody do my homework for me? Ik ben niet meer bang voor spinnen. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. 100 jaar wordt een eeuw genoemd. A hundred years is called a century. 100 years is called a century. Hij probeerde uit alle macht, maar tervergeefs. He did his best, in vain. He tried out of all power, but in vain. "Je zou beter binnenkomen", zei de man. "You'd better come in," the man said. "You'd better come in," said the man. Wat zijn jullie plannen voor het avondmaal? What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? What are your plans for supper? Monaco is de hoofdstad van Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Monaco is the capital of Monaco. Geloof mij. Ik word een nieuwe mens. Believe me. I'll be a new man. Believe me, I'm going to be a new person. Maria bijt op haar nagels. Mary bites her nails. Maria bites her nails. Tom liet me dat doen. Tom let me do that. Tom made me do that. Ik ben blij over je succes te horen. I am glad to hear of your success. I'm glad to hear about your success. Voeg één theelepel paprika toe. Add one teaspoon of paprika. Add one teaspoon of pepper. Hij heeft een hoed op. He is wearing a hat. He's wearing a hat. Het bierglas is bijna nog groter dan jij. The beer glass is almost bigger than you are. The beer glass is almost bigger than you. Ik ben er over tien minuten. I'll be there in ten minutes. I'll be there in ten minutes. Ik weet wat Tom probeerde te doen. I know what Tom was trying to do. I know what Tom was trying to do. Ik heb spataderen. I've got varicose veins. I have varicose veins. Slaap je, Tom? Are you sleeping, Tom? Are you asleep, Tom? Dat is goed om te weten. That's good to know. That's good to know. Het is een prachtig land. It's a lovely country. It's a beautiful country. Tom is wakker, maar Maria niet. Tom is awake, but Mary isn't. Tom's awake, but Maria's not. Kom snel terug. Hurry back. Come back soon. Na een korte pauze begon hij opnieuw te werken. He continued his work after a short break. After a short break, he started working again. Het is mooi weer buiten. It's beautiful out. It's nice weather outside. Ze voelde zich nogal moe. She was feeling kind of tired. She felt kind of tired. Verdedig de kerk. Defend the church. Defend the church. Heb ik het mis? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Het oude paar gaf hun zoon op als vermist. The old couple gave up their son for lost. The old couple reported their son missing. Hoe is het mogelijk? How is this possible? How is it possible? Maria zegt dat ze allergisch is voor jongens. Mary says that she's allergic to boys. Maria says she's allergic to boys. Kies één persoon a.u.b. Please choose one person. Please choose one person. Ik heb vertrouwen in hem. I trust him. I have faith in him. Noorwegen verraste me. Norway surprised me. Norway surprised me. Berlijn is de hoofdstad van Duitsland. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Ik neem Tom. I'll take Tom. I'll take Tom. Van wie heb je dit gekregen? Who did you get this from? Who gave you this? Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. Ik heb een vriend wiens vader een beroemd acteur is. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. I have a friend whose father is a famous actor. Door overzee te studeren kunnen studenten met andere gewoonten en zeden in contact komen. By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs. Studying overseas allows students to get in touch with other habits and morals. Mag ik alcohol drinken? Can I drink alcohol? Can I drink alcohol? Zijn belangrijkste levensdoel was rijk worden. His main object in life was to become rich. His main goal in life was to get rich. Hij heeft een goede kennis van de Russische grammatica. He has a good knowledge of Russian grammar. He has a good knowledge of Russian grammar. Sommige boeken van hem zijn Engelse novels. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of his books are English novels. Laten we beginnen. Let's start. Let's get started. Verwacht niet dat anderen voor jou denken. Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect others to think for you. Het experiment moet beginnen. The experiment has to begin. The experiment must begin. Bestaat hij? Does he exist? Is it real? Waarom slaap je? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Het wordt minder. It's abating. It's getting less. Is dit puur goud? Is this pure gold? Is this pure gold? Tom streek zijn kleren. Tom ironed his clothes. Tom flushed his clothes. Mijn beha is vies. My bra is dirty. My bra's dirty. Wat is uw sterrenbeeld? What's your zodiac sign? What is your constellation? Ik begin moe te worden. I'm starting to get tired. I'm getting tired. Tom deed zijn labjas uit en hing het over de stoel. Tom took off his lab coat and hung it over the chair. Tom took off his lab coat and hung it over the chair. IJsberen zijn wit omdat ze oude beren zijn. Polar bears are white because they're old bears. Polar bears are white because they're old bears. Niemand vroeg om mijn advies. Nobody asked for my advice. Nobody asked for my advice. Peggy is niet naar het toneelstuk geweest en ik ook niet. Peggy did not go to see the drama, and neither did I. Peggy didn't go to the play and neither did I. Ik zou wat willen drinken. I feel like having a drink. I'd like a drink. Mijn familie is klein. My family is small. My family is small. Luistert gij eigenlijk wel naar mij? Are you listening to me at all? Are you even listening to me? De gewapende kapers joegen de passagiers angst aan. The armed hijackers terrified the passengers. The armed hijackers scared the passengers. Laten we later een sneeuwpop maken. Let's make a snowman later. Let's make a snowman later. Probeer me niet te foppen. Don't try to trick me! Don't try to fool me. Tom is transgender. Tom is transgender. Tom is transgender. Ik probeer te slapen. I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to sleep. Ik woon in Tbilisi. I live in Tbilisi. I live in Tbilisi. Ik speel korfbal. I play netball. I'm playing hive ball. In zijn hand werd lood goud. In his hand, lead became gold. In his hand, lead became gold. Je zei dat bijna al je vrienden Canadees zijn. You said almost all of your friends were Canadians. You said almost all your friends are Canadians. Toms vriendin dreigde ermee hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Ik heb een geweer. I have a gun. I have a gun. Hij heeft de prinses gered. He saved the princess. He saved the princess. Tom is nog steeds aan het roken. Tom is still smoking. Tom's still smoking. Bedrieg hem niet. Don't deceive him. Don't cheat on him. Ik ben overtuigd. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Waar wonen jullie? Where do you guys live? Where do you live? Om het even. Whatever. Whatever. De jongen gooide een steen. The boy threw a stone. The boy threw a rock. Ik ben daar geboren. I was born there. I was born there. Sami's ouders zijn moslim. Sami's parents are Muslim. Sami's parents are Muslim. We zijn maar eenmaal jong. You are only young once. We're only young once. Hij ging weg zonder dag tegen me te zeggen. He went out without saying goodbye to me. He left without saying goodbye to me. Het spijt me dat ik je hierbij betrokken heb. I'm sorry that I got you involved in this. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Kunt ge met de trein naar kantoor gaan? Can you go to the office by train? Can you take the train to the office? Wie soeckt Peert of Wijf sonder gebreecken, die magh het werck wel laten steecken en bedencken dat hij bed en stal voor eeuwigh ledigh houden sal. He who seeks a flawless horse or flawless wife, may rest assured that even if his work he did forsake, nor bed nor stable would he ever fill. Whosoeckt Peert or Bitch sonder bebreecken, that magh let the werck steeck and conspire that he bed and stole keep forever empty sal. Dat is zijn stiefbroer. That's his stepbrother. That's his stepbrother. Tom denkt dat hij de wereld kan redden. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom thinks he can save the world. Ze heeft de hele nacht gehuild. She cried throughout the night. She cried all night. Ik wist wel dat Tom dorst zou hebben. I knew Tom would be thirsty. I knew Tom would be thirsty. Haar uitdrukking veranderde plots. Her expression underwent a sudden change. Her expression suddenly changed. Het is hoog tijd dat de communisten hun opvattingen, hun oogmerken, hun tendensen openlijk voor de gehele wereld ontvouwen en tegenover het sprookje van het spook van het communisme een manifest van de partij zelf plaatsen. It is high time that communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself. It is high time that the Communists openly unfold their views, their intentions, their tendencies before the whole world and put before the fairy tale of the ghost of Communism a manifesto of the party itself. Deze morgen was er een aardbeving. There was an earthquake this morning. This morning there was an earthquake. Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden. Tom and Mary said they liked pizza. Tom and Maria said they liked pizza. Ga weg. Ik heb het druk. Go away. I'm busy. I'm busy. Hallo wereld! Hello, world! Hello, world! Waarom gebeurt dit? Why is this happening? Why is this happening? We moeten iets doen, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. We have to do something, Tom. Meid, wat heb je toch prachtig haar. Girl, what beautiful hair you have. Girl, you've got beautiful hair. Tom gaf me een pop. Tom gave a doll to me. Tom gave me a doll. Waar heb je jouw sokken uitgedaan? Where did you take your socks off? Where'd you take off your socks? Op dit sneeuwlandschap ziet alles er anders uit. In this snowy landscape everything looks different. On this snow landscape everything looks different. Ik ben geen leugenaar. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Kan je er ook één voor mij kopen? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one, too? Heb je een handdoek meegenomen? Did you bring a towel? Did you bring a towel? Ik maakte ontbijt. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Tot ziens, Ian. Goodbye, Ian. Goodbye, Ian. Tom begint kaal te worden. Tom is starting to go bald. Tom's getting bald. Algerije is een zeer belangrijk partnerland voor de Europese Unie. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Algeria is a very important partner country for the European Union. Dat is een boot. That's a boat. That's a boat. Ik hou er niet van om voor mensen te spreken. I don't like to speak in front of people. I don't like to speak for people. Tom nam meer dan één foto, nietwaar? Tom took more than one picture, didn't he? Tom took more than one picture, didn't he? Ze houdt van hem. She is in love with him. She loves him. Tom gaat ons morgen niet helpen. Tom won't be helping us tomorrow. Tom's not gonna help us tomorrow. Onze echtgenoten zijn Canadezen. Our husbands are Canadians. Our husbands are Canadians. Deze regel geldt niet voor de eerstejaars. This rule doesn't apply to first-year students. This rule doesn't apply to freshmen. Bel mij af en toe. Call me once in a while. Call me once in a while. Zou je me kunnen helpen? Could you help? Could you help me? Ik ben Toms kamergenoot. I'm Tom's roommate. I'm Tom's roommate. Dat is alles wat ik nu kan zeggen. That's all I can say at the moment. That's all I can say now. Fadil hield van skiën. Fadil loved skiing. Fadil loved skiing. Mijn lievelingskleur van lippenstift is roze. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. Madonna kan zingen. Madonna is able to sing. Madonna can sing. Ik wil iets lekkers eten. I want to eat something good. I want something good to eat. Je zou in de hangmat kunnen slapen. You could sleep in the hammock. You could sleep in the hammock. Sami bestelde bloemen. Sami ordered flowers. Sami ordered flowers. Ge ziet er heel bleek uit. You look very pale. You look very pale. Ik wil met hem spreken. I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him. Afgelopen week heeft ze een schitterende dochter gekregen. She gave birth to a pretty baby girl last week. Last week, she had a beautiful daughter. Hoe lang is het van hier naar jouw huis? How long does it take from here to your house? How long is it from here to your house? Wat betekent een naam? Dat wat wij een roos noemen zou met een andere naam net zo zoet geuren. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. What does a name mean? That what we call a rose would smell just as sweet with another name. Ik heb niets gezegd dat zijn gevoelens zou kwetsen. I didn't say anything to hurt his feelings. I didn't say anything that would hurt his feelings. Sami verliet de moskee. Sami left the mosque. Sami left the mosque. Ze stonden in de rij te wachten op hun beurt. They stood in line, waiting their turn. They were waiting in line for their turn. Tom is een entertainer. Tom is an entertainer. Tom's an entertainer. Kun je bij de dingen die helemaal boven op de plank liggen? Can you reach what's on the top shelf? Can you get to the things that are all the way up on the shelf? Er zijn 187.888 meren in Finland. There are 187,888 lakes in Finland. There are 187.888 lakes in Finland. Mary heeft heel veel tassen. Mary has a lot of bags. Mary's got a lot of bags. Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I can't express my feelings with words. Ik eet hier vaak. I often eat here. I eat here a lot. Ik had niet door wat een dorst ik had. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. I didn't realize what a thirst I was. Twitter is beter en veiliger dan Facebook. Twitter is better and more secure than Facebook. Twitter is better and safer than Facebook. Wanneer kom je terug uit Boston? When are you going to return from Boston? When are you coming back from Boston? Mijn zusters zijn allebei ongehuwd. Both of my sisters are not married. My sisters are both unmarried. Tom schreef Maria een brief. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Ik heb u enkele berichten achtergelaten. I left you a couple messages. I left you some messages. Je bent lief. You're adorable. You're sweet. Bestaat zij? Does she exist? Is she real? Maria bloosde een beetje. Mary blushed a little. Maria blushed a little. Laten we het in het Frans zeggen! Let's say it in French. Let's say it in French! "Waar is moeder?" "Moeder is heengegaan; ik geloof dat je haar spoedig zult weerzien." "Where's mother?" "Mother's gone; I guess you'll see her before long." "Where is Mother?" "Mother has gone; I believe you will soon see her again." Die boeken zijn nieuw. These books are new. Those books are new. Is hij met de bus of met de trein gekomen? Did he come by bus or by train? Did he come by bus or train? Geef de bloemen alsjeblieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Tom is zeer rijk. Tom is extremely wealthy. Tom is very rich. Tom heeft daar nooit iets over gezegd. Tom has never said anything about that. Tom never said anything about that. De jongen wast zich in de badkamer. The boy is washing in the bathroom. The boy washes in the bathroom. Hij vertoonde geen schuldgevoelens voor zijn misdaad. He exhibited no remorse for his crime. He showed no guilt for his crime. Ze spelen vals. They cheat. They cheat. Ik heb geen auto. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Het debat werd gesloten. The debate was closed. The debate was closed. Sami is een heel jaar moslim geweest. Sami has been a Muslim for a whole year. Sami has been a Muslim for a whole year. Vier gezinnen kwamen om in de brand. Four families were killed in the fire. Four families were killed in the fire. Dinsdag was het immers koud. Tuesday was certainly cold. After all, Tuesday was cold. Het huis waar we vroeger in woonden werd afgebroken. The house we used to live in was torn down. The house we used to live in was demolished. Op zeeniveau kookt water bij 100 graden Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level. At sea level, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Deze bloem is geel en de andere zijn blauw. This flower is yellow and the others are blue. This flower is yellow and the others are blue. Ik moet een sigaret hebben. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. De Atlantische Oceaan is heel groot. The Atlantic Ocean is very big. The Atlantic Ocean is very large. We blaften. We barked. We barked. Wie heeft dit venster gebroken? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? Met gebalde vuist kan je iemands hand niet schudden. You can't shake someone's hand with a clenched fist. With a clenched fist, you can't shake a man's hand. Waar ging Tom naartoe? Where did Tom go? Where did Tom go? Ik geef nooit op. I never give up. I never give up. Ik ga zelden naar een restaurant. I go to a restaurant once in a blue moon. I rarely go to a restaurant. Tom is een brief aan Mary aan het schrijven. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom's writing a letter to Mary. Waarom ga je niet naar de bank? Why don't you go to a bank? Why don't you go to the bank? Hoe weet je dat licht sneller is dan geluid? How do you know that light travels faster than sound? How do you know that light is faster than sound? Toen Sami klaar was met het lezen van de Koran, huilde hij. When Sami finished reading the Quran, he cried. When Sami finished reading the Koran, he cried. Sami ging om met blanke boerenkinkels. Sami hung out with white rednecks. Sami used to hang out with white peasants. Wiens schoenen zijn dit? Whose shoes are these? Whose shoes are these? Tom vindt Maria niet leuk. Tom doesn't like Mary. Tom doesn't like Maria. Tom eet veel volkoren rijst. Tom eats a lot of brown rice. Tom eats a lot of whole wheat rice. Pak het fototoestel. Get the camera. Get the camera. Spreek je Roemeens? Do you speak Romanian? Do you speak Romanian? Tom is een typische Canadees. Tom is a typical Canadian. Tom is a typical Canadian. Mis de trein niet. Don't be late for the train. Don't miss the train. Ik leerde Frans voordat ik naar Europa ging. I learned French, before going to Europe. I learned French before I went to Europe. Is het een wolf? Is it a wolf? Is it a wolf? Ze is haar paraplu vergeten. She forgot her umbrella. She forgot her umbrella. Houdt u van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Jullie hebben dat prachtig gedaan. You guys did an awesome job! You guys did a great job. Ze lijken niet gelukkig te zijn. They don't seem happy. They don't seem to be happy. Opa doet een dutje op de canapé. Grandfather is napping on the sofa. Grandpa's taking a nap on the canapé. Hij heeft een fabriek voor elektrische apparatuur. He has an electrical equipment factory. He owns a plant for electrical equipment. Brazilië is een enorm land. Brazil is a huge country. Brazil is a huge country. Ik beloof het. I promise. I promise. Dit woord staat niet in het woordenboek. This word is not in the dictionary. This word is not in the dictionary. Ik zou graag vloeiend Engels spreken. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak fluent English. Wat hebben jullie vandaag gedaan? What were you doing today? What did you guys do today? Tom heeft het contract ondertekend zonder het te lezen. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Tom signed the contract without reading it. Tom zal op je wachten. Tom will be waiting for you. Tom will be waiting for you. De plank vroor aan de grond vast. The plank froze to the ground. The board froze to the ground. Wie is de kapitein van dit schip? Who's the captain of this ship? Who's the captain of this ship? Wij zijn vijanden. We're enemies. We're enemies. Tom wil op het strand slapen. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Heb jij nog niks gedaan? Haven't you done anything yet? Haven't you done anything yet? De wind ging liggen. The wind has dropped. The wind went down. Jullie kijken echt zenuwachtig. You look really nervous. You guys look really nervous. Wat doen die mensen? What are those people doing? What are these people doing? Het is een mobieltje. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Nederland is een fietsland. The Netherlands is a country of cycling. The Netherlands is a cycling country. Ik ben vergeten de postzegel op de brief te plakken voor ik hem verstuurde. I forgot to stick the stamp to the letter before sending it off. I forgot to put the stamp on the letter before I sent it. Ze rookte een sigaar. She smoked a cigar. She smoked a cigar. De bladeren van de berk zijn al vergeeld. The birch leaves have already turned yellow. The leaves of the birch have already been forgotten. In de bibliotheek zijn veel gekken. There's a lot of crazies in the library. There's a lot of crazy people in the library. Mijn taal is Berber. My language is Berber. My language is Berber. Ben je er zeker van? Are you sure about that? Are you sure? Tom oefent drie uur per dag op de piano. Tom practices the piano three hours a day. Tom practices on the piano three hours a day. Kate kan jaloers worden. Kate may become jealous. Kate can get jealous. Houdt u van Italiaanse muziek? Do you like Italian music? Do you like Italian music? Tom is veilig. Tom's safe. Tom's safe. Dit uurwerk is waterbestendig. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. In deze vijver zaten gewoonlijk heel wat kikkers. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. This pond used to have a lot of frogs in it. De sneeuw smelt. The snow is melting. The snow is melting. Tom maakt een goede kans de verkiezing te winnen. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Laten we gaan. Let's go. Let's go. Ze juichten en klapten. They cheered and clapped. They cheered and clapped. Deze bloem is grijs. This flower is gray. This flower is gray. Kunnen jullie onze software updaten? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? Weet hij dat je van hem houdt? Does he know that you love him? Does he know you love him? Ik voel me veel beter. I feel a lot better. I feel much better. Wat er gebeurt, is heel verontrustend. What's happening is very disturbing. What's happening is very disturbing. Ik weet precies wat je ging doen. I know exactly what you were going to do. I know exactly what you were going to do. Hij ziet er gezond uit. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. Ze eet een peer. She's eating a pear. She's eating a pear. Ik kon dit niet voorkomen. I was unable to prevent this. I couldn't prevent this. Je kan niet verwachten dat hij het verhaal kent, aangezien hij het nog niet gelezen heeft. You can not expect him to know the story seeing he has not read it. You can't expect him to know the story, since he hasn't read it yet. Ik schreef hem dat hij onmiddellijk moest te komen. I wrote to him to come immediately. I wrote to him that he had to come immediately. Is het moeilijk om Frans te leren? Is it hard to learn French? Is it hard to learn French? Waarom wilt u ons de waarheid niet vertellen? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why won't you tell us the truth? Maria staarde naar haar eten op haar bord. Mary stared at her food on her plate. Maria was staring at her food on her plate. We drinken water. We drink water. We drink water. Tom zei dat hij van pizza houdt. Tom said he likes pizza. Tom said he likes pizza. Ik leer graag oude talen. I like learning old languages. I like to learn old languages. Ik huil zelden. I rarely cry. I rarely cry. Tom maakt me altijd aan het lachen. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Wat hij wilde doen was duidelijk. It was clear what he meant to do. What he wanted to do was clear. Tom schildert! Tom paints. Tom paints! Ga slapen, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Het is een grote vreugde om je eigen zinnen vertaald te zien in een groot aantal andere talen. It's a great joy to see your own sentences translated into a multitude of other languages. It is a great joy to see your own phrases translated into many other languages. Jezus liep op water. Jesus walked on water. Jesus walked on water. Dan nam vijf slaappillen. Dan took five sleeping pills. Then took five sleeping pills. Tom is een pianist. Tom is a pianist. Tom's a pianist. Ze is als de dood voor ziekenhuizen. She is terrified of hospitals. She's like death for hospitals. Mijn haar is nat. My hair's wet. My hair is wet. Ze hebben het brood geproefd. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. Waarom is dat interessant? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? Niemand luisterde naar de toespraak. Nobody was listening to the speech. Nobody listened to the speech. Je mag niet op de stoep parkeren. You can't park on the pavement. You can't park on the sidewalk. Tom zal zich afvragen waar we zijn. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom will wonder where we are. Ik ben enthousiast over mijn werk. I'm passionate about my job. I'm excited about my work. Je kan geen omelet maken zonder eieren te breken. You have to break an egg to make an omelet. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Er is geen nieuwe zon. There is no new sun. There's no new sun. Niets zal hem tegenhouden. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Ontspan gewoon en geniet ervan. Just relax and have fun. Just relax and enjoy it. We moeten een uniform dragen op school. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We have to wear a uniform at school. De trein zal voor 12 uur aankomen op het station. The train will arrive at the station before noon. The train will arrive at the station before noon. Ik kan de computer niet repareren. I cannot fix the computer. I can't fix the computer. Ik zal het u vertellen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. De hoofdstad van het Verenigd Koninkrijk is Londen. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. Sami houdt van pindakaas. Sami likes peanut butter. Sami likes peanut butter. Zij kunnen vissen. They can fish. They can fish. Wat betekent UN? What does UN stand for? What does UN mean? Dit artikel is goedkoop. This article is cheap. This article is cheap. Dat zijn de mensen van wie ik de auto heb hersteld. Those are the people whose car I repaired. Those are the people I fixed the car from. Wat denk je dat dit is? What do you figure this is? What do you think this is? Dit is een verslavend spel. This is an addicting game. This is an addictive game. Ons nieuw hoofdkwartier is in Tokio. Our new head office is in Tokyo. Our new headquarters is in Tokyo. Ik werk weer. I'm working again. I'm back at work. Australië is een geweldig land. Australia is an amazing country. Australia is a great country. Tot weerziens! See you later! See you again! Hulp komt eraan. Help is coming. Help's coming. Ik bel je op wanneer ik bij het station aankom. I'll call you when I get to the station. I'll call you when I get to the station. Servië grenst aan Hongarije, Roemenië, Bulgarije, Kroatië, Macedonië, Bosnië en Montenegro. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Dit is waar ik van houd. This is what I love. This is what I love. Ik wil mijn tas. I want my bag. I want my bag. Je moet je hier permanent vestigen voor je mag stemmen. You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote. You need to settle here permanently before you can vote. Het is ongelofelijk. It's amazing. It's incredible. Het is een te gemakkelijke opgave voor hem. It is too easy a task for him. It's too easy for him. Wat is uw geprefereerde voornaamwoord? What is your preferred pronoun? What is your preferred pronoun? Ik denk dat dat een beetje raar klinkt. I guess it sounds a bit silly. I think that sounds a little weird. Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. There's no way I can understand his speech. I don't understand a word he's saying. Hopelijk! Hopefully! Hopefully! Ze stalen mijn fles wijn! They stole my wine bottle! They stole my bottle of wine! Dit is wat ik dacht. This is what I thought. Here's what I thought. Er zijn veel nieuwe straten in Parijs. There are a lot of new streets in Paris. There are many new streets in Paris. Dat kan niet kloppen. That can't be right. That can't be right. Je bent grappig. You are funny. You're funny. Ik hoop dat mijn wagen niet in panne valt en dat ik je op tijd bereik. I hope my car doesn't break down and I get to you on time. I hope my car doesn't crash and I'll reach you in time. Laten we even binnenspringen bij hem thuis. Let's drop by his house. Let's jump in at his place. Tom pakte een biertje uit de koelkast en gaf het aan Mary. Tom took a beer out of the fridge and handed it to Mary. Tom took a beer out of the fridge and gave it to Mary. Het is echt geen goed idee. It's really not a good idea. It's really not a good idea. Hij kwam een half uur later, zodat ze allemaal boos waren op hem. He arrived half an hour late, so everyone was angry with him. He came half an hour later, so they were all mad at him. Ik heb hetzelfde probleem als jij. I have the same trouble as you have. I have the same problem as you. De eend eet ananas. The duck eats pineapple. The duck eats pineapple. Ik wil een artikel schrijven. I want to write an article. I want to write an article. Geef die man niet nog iets! Don't give anything more to that man! Don't give that man anything! Die bloemen zijn mooi. Those flowers are beautiful. Those flowers are beautiful. De kat slaapt op de tafel. The cat is sleeping on the table. The cat sleeps on the table. Ik zag de hond van mijn buurman in de tuin lopen. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my garden. I saw my neighbor's dog walking in the garden. Sami vastte de maand ramadan. Sami fasted the month of Ramadan. Sami fasted the month Ramadan. Verlies ik mijn tijd? Am I wasting my time? Am I losing my time? Dat is een oude wet. This is an ancient law. That's an old law. Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Very few people have no fear of death. Je ziet er bezorgd uit. You look worried. You look worried. Jij ontsnapte. You escaped. You escaped. Ik hou van jazz. I like jazz. I like jazz. Maakt niet uit. Never mind. Doesn't matter. Wij hadden vier jaar geleden elkaar ontmoet. We had met four years ago. We met four years ago. Wie schreef deze zin? Who wrote this sentence? Who wrote this sentence? Moet ik een stropdas op het werk dragen? Do I have to wear a tie at work? Do I have to wear a tie to work? Ik ben niet kieskeurig. I'm not picky. I'm not picky. Tom eet elke dag aardappelen. Tom eats potatoes every day. Tom eats potatoes every day. Hebben jullie de foto's uit Boston? Do you guys have the photos from Boston? Do you have the pictures from Boston? Onverwachte resultaten werden aangekondigd. Unexpected results were announced. Unexpected results were announced. Welk geluid maakt een muis? What sound does a mouse make? What sound does a mouse make? Trek de vork uit het stopcontact. Take the fork out of the electric socket. Pull the fork out of the outlet. Tom zal een goede leraar zijn. Tom will be a good teacher. Tom will be a good teacher. Mijn naam is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. My name is Hopkins. Het is ongebruikelijk om rocksterren met een stropdas te zien! It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie! It is unusual to see rock stars with a tie! Ik ben vergeten een hoofdkussen te kopen. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy a pillow. Zij is mijn vrouw. She's my wife. She's my wife. Ik hou van haar en zij houdt van mij. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. We horen met onze oren. We hear with our ears. We hear with our ears. Na het hoofdgerecht komt het nagerecht. After the main dish comes the dessert. After the main course comes the dessert. Ik denk dat je heel wat vragen hebt. I guess you've got a lot of questions. I think you have a lot of questions. Niet springen! Don't jump! Don't jump! Hij werd beroofd van al zijn geld. He was robbed of all his money. He was robbed of all his money. Zoek een lege fles en vul ze met water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Dit gebeurde niet per ongeluk. This didn't happen by accident. This didn't happen by accident. Vertrouw me. Trust me. Trust me. Tom houdt van fruit. Tom likes fruit. Tom likes fruit. Ik wist niet dat het een groot geheim was. I didn't know it was a big secret. I didn't know it was a big secret. Schrijf alstublieft met een pen. Please write with a pen. Please write with a pen. Waarom zijn mooie dingen zo fragiel? Why are pretty things so fragile? Why are beautiful things so fragile? Ik heb drie kinderen. I have three children. I have three children. Hij is net verschenen. It just came out. He just showed up. Sami leerde over de islam. Sami was learning about Islam. Sami learned about Islam. Tom is aan het roken. Tom is smoking. Tom's smoking. Ik heb het zelf gezien. I myself saw it. I saw it myself. Het weer van gisteren was vreselijk. The weather yesterday was horrible. Yesterday's weather was terrible. Het is misleidend. It's misleading. It's misleading. Wanneer is de volgende bus naar Park Street? When is the next bus to Park Street? When's the next bus to Park Street? Het leven van Napoleon was een groot drama. Napoleon's life was a great drama. Napoleon's life was a great drama. Bent u nog altijd gehuwd? Are you still married? Are you still married? Het ziet ernaar uit dat het straks gaat opklaren. It looks like it's going to clear up soon. Looks like it's about to clear up. We hopen dat je van de voorstelling zult genieten. We hope you will enjoy the show. We hope you'll enjoy the show. Doe wat basilicum op de pizza. Put some basil on the pizza. Put some basil on the pizza. Hij verliest nooit de hoop. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. Ben jij een Choctaw? Are you Choctaw? Are you a Choctaw? Dit kind loste het gecompliceerde mathematische probleem eenvoudig op. This child solved the complicated mathematics problem easily. This child simply solved the complicated mathematical problem. U bent in gevaar. You are in danger. You're in danger. Tom is beroemd. Tom's famous. Tom's famous. Het was heet. En het was ook heel klam. It was hot, and in addition, it was humid. It was hot, and it was very clammy. Tom en Mary zijn de enige overlevenden. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Tom and Mary are the only survivors. Luisterde iedereen? Was everyone listening? Did everyone listen? Persoonlijke computers zijn heel nuttig. Personal computers are very useful. Personal computers are very useful. Laten we het niet over religie hebben, oké? Let's not talk about religion, OK? Let's not talk about religion, okay? Alice slaapt in haar kamer. Alice sleeps in her room. Alice sleeps in her room. Jij bent de slechtste leerling in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. Het is echt gebeurd. It really happened. It really happened. Ik hoop dat er niets met hem is gebeurd. I hope nothing's happened to him. I hope nothing happened to him. Vorig jaar was er veel sneeuw. It snowed a lot last year. There was a lot of snow last year. Het Engels wordt in veel delen van de wereld gesproken. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English is spoken in many parts of the world. Het is een mummie! It's a mummy! It's a mummy! De dodentol bedraagt bijna vijf honderd. The death toll is nearly 500. The death toll is almost five hundred. Alles ging fout. It all went wrong. Everything went wrong. Laten we trouwen! Let's get married! Let's get married! Tom droeg geen sokken. Tom wasn't wearing socks. Tom wasn't wearing socks. Tom bood Maria een drankje aan. Tom offered a drink to Mary. Tom offered Maria a drink. Mijnheer Hobson sloot de winkel en ging naar huis. Mr Hobson shut the shop and went home. Mr. Hobson closed the store and went home. Schiet op, meiden, jullie komen nog te laat. Hurry up, girls, you're going to be late. Hurry up, girls, you're gonna be late. Engels wordt gesproken in Australië. In Australia, English is spoken. English is spoken in Australia. Ik heb geen idee hoe je dit ding moet gebruiken. I have no idea how to use this thing. I have no idea how to use this thing. Ik bewaar oude boeken met zorg. I keep old books with care. I keep old books with care. Ik ben het met u eens. I agree with you. I agree with you. Ik heb het per post verzonden. I sent it by post. I sent it by mail. Voor twee jaar ben ik gestopt met roken. I quit smoking two years ago. For two years, I quit smoking. Waarom willen jullie mijn hulp? Why do you want my help? Why do you want my help? Ze reisde over heel de wereld. She traveled all over the world. She traveled all over the world. Ik huurde een paar ski's. I rented a pair of skis. I rented a couple of skis. Sami heeft een prostituee vermoord. Sami murdered a prostitute. Sami killed a prostitute. Hoe oud is hij? What is his age? How old is he? Hij is absoluut niet gelukkig. He is far from happy. He's not happy at all. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom have breakfast? Nee, laten we geen pizza halen. No, let's not get pizza. No, let's not get pizza. Hij stond achter mij. He stood behind me. He was behind me. Jij kijkt naar die boom. You look at that tree. You're looking at that tree. De schrijver werkt aan zijn nieuw boek. The writer is working on his new book. The writer is working on his new book. Misschien is het te laat. Maybe it's too late. Maybe it's too late. Verander niet van onderwerp. Don't switch the subject. Don't change the subject. Hij moet ongeveer veertig zijn. He must be about forty. He must be about 40. Hebben jullie problemen? Are you guys having problems? Are you guys in trouble? Ik spreek dagelijks Engels. I speak English every day. I speak English every day. Er kwam nooit iemand op mijn verjaardag. Nobody would visit me on my birthday. No one ever came to my birthday. Weet je hoe groot de bevolking van Boston is? Do you know what the population of Boston is? Do you know how big the Boston people are? Ik woon in Colombia. I live in Colombia. I live in Colombia. Vinden jullie het erg als ik erbij kom zitten?' Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you?" Ik moet naar het postkantoor lopen. I have to walk to the post office. I have to walk to the post office. Natuurlijk herinner ik me het nieuws best goed. Of course I remember the news quite well. Of course I remember the news pretty well. We hebben een romanschrijver en een poëet uitgenodigd voor het feest. We invited a novelist and poet to the party. We invited a novelist and a poet to the party. Ik ben dol op skiën. I'm fond of skiing. I love skiing. Ik praat niet tegen jou, maar tegen de aap. I'm not talking to you, I am talking to the monkey. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the monkey. Simina geeft veel geld uit aan sigaretten. Simina spends a lot of money on cigarettes. Simina spends a lot of money on cigarettes. Hij is niet volmaakt. He isn't perfect. He's not perfect. Zou je hem kunnen contacteren? Could you get in touch with him? Could you contact him? Dat had ik kunnen zien aankomen. I should've seen that coming. I could've seen that coming. Hij is een soort geleerde. He is something of a scholar. He's kind of a scholar. Ik bakte boterkoekjes. I baked butter cookies. I made buttercakes. Waarom wil hij zelfmoord plegen? Why does he want to commit suicide? Why would he want to kill himself? Hij schudde de hand van de beroemde zanger. He shook hands with the famous singer. He shook the famous singer's hand. Gerechtigheid en vriendelijkheid zijn deugden. Justice and kindness are virtues. Justice and kindness are virtues. Tom is een notoire uitsteller. Tom is a notorious procrastinator. Tom's a notory executor. Is dat te koop? Is that for sale? Is that for sale? We zullen paraffine voor hen kopen. We'll buy some paraffin for them. We'll buy them paraffin. Ik heb scheve tanden. I have crooked teeth. I've got crooked teeth. Tom en Maria hebben geen kinderen. Tom and Mary don't have any children. Tom and Maria have no children. Toen ik klein was, kwamen opa en oma nog om op te passen. 's Avonds op bed las oma me voor. Of opa vertelde een verhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was a kid, grandma and grandpa used to come to babysit, and grandma would read to me at night in bed, or Grandpa would tell me a story. Mijn nieuwe laarzen zijn van echt leer en hebben nogal hoge hakken. My new boots are made of real leather and have relatively high heels. My new boots are made of real leather and have rather high heels. Dat kan niet waar zijn! It can't be! That can't be true! De dief was aan handen en voeten gebonden. The thief was bound hand and foot. The thief was tied to his hands and feet. Laten we onze overwinning vieren. Let's celebrate our victory! Let's celebrate our victory. Ik heb postzegels uit vele landen. I have stamps from many countries. I have stamps from many countries. Ik leef niet graag alleen. I don't like living alone. I don't like living alone. Het ziet er goed uit. It looks good. It looks good. Zij heeft een leuke persoonlijkheid. I like her personality. She has a nice personality. Ik neem aan dat je nog steeds in Australië woont. I assume you still live in Australia. I assume you still live in Australia. Ik heb een duidelijk bewijs. I have an evident proof. I have a clear proof. Ik voel me beter vandaag. I feel better today. I feel better today. Wil je ernaar kijken? Do you want to look at it? You want to take a look at it? Waarom ben je godverdomme altijd zo trots op jezelf? Why are you always so damn proud of yourself? Why the hell are you always so proud of yourself? Kijk, een tomaat die opgroeide met het luisteren naar Mozart! Look, a tomato which grew up listening to Mozart! Look, a tomato growing up listening to Mozart! Hebben we de tijd dit af te maken voordat Tom komt? Do we have time to finish this before Tom gets here? Do we have time to finish this before Tom comes? Ik heb een cabrio. I have a convertible car. I have a convertible. Gebruik voorlopig gewoon het mijne. Just use mine for now. Just use mine for now. Laten we kaart spelen. Let's play cards. Let's play cards. Morgenochtend om negen uur heeft u een gastroscopie, eet of drink daarom alstublieft niets meer vanaf negen uur vanavond. You're having a gastroscopy at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, so please don't have any solid food or liquids from nine o'clock tonight. Tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m., you have a gastroscopy, so please don't eat or drink anything from 9:00 a.m. tonight. Ik heb dertien katten. I keep thirteen cats. I have 13 cats. Ik was het niet, commissaris! It wasn't me, commissioner! It wasn't me, Commissioner! Duitse soldaten marcheerden door Frankrijk. German soldiers marched through France. German soldiers marched through France. Tom en Maria zijn allebei allergisch voor pinda's. Tom and Mary are both allergic to peanuts. Tom and Maria are both allergic to peanuts. Ik heb grijs haar. I have gray hair. I have gray hair. Het spijt me, maar Tom heeft gelijk. Sorry, but Tom's right. I'm sorry, but Tom's right. Ze stopte met praten. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. Als ik het geld had, zou ik een nieuw huis kopen. If I had the money, I would buy a new house. If I had the money, I'd buy a new house. Een kleine sneeuwbal is in staat om een lawine starten. A small snowball is capable of starting an avalanche. A small snowball is able to start an avalanche. Het is nu te laat om nog uit te gaan. It is too late to go out now. It's too late to go out now. U moet voorzichtig zijn. You must be cautious. You have to be careful. Dit is het beste seizoen om te wandelen. This is the best season for hiking. This is the best season to walk. Je hoort nu te oefenen. You're supposed to be practicing. You're supposed to be practicing now. Mijn vader is voor het ogenblik in de tuin. Father is in the garden now. My father's in the garden for the moment. Wat doe je 's middags? What do you do in the afternoon? What do you do in the afternoon? Misschien was hij ziek. Maybe he was ill. Maybe he was sick. Een jongen is een mannelijk kind. A boy is a male child. A boy is a male child. Geld groeit niet aan de bomen. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Tom is niet zo betrouwbaar, of wel? Tom isn't very trustworthy, is he? Tom's not that reliable, is he? Ik heb hem eergisteren ontmoet. I met him the day before yesterday. I met him the day before yesterday. Laat me alsjeblieft uitspreken. Hear me out, please. Please let me finish. Hij werd erg dronken. He got very drunk. He got very drunk. We hebben daden nodig, geen woorden. We need actions, not words. We need actions, not words. Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven. I could not believe my own eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. Het was een moeilijk probleem om op te lossen. It was a problem difficult to solve. It was a difficult problem to solve. Ik liet hem uitslapen. I let him sleep in. I put him to sleep. Deze slakken zijn kannibalen. These snails are cannibals. These snails are cannibals. Ik reisde door heel Nederland. I traveled all through the Netherlands. I traveled all over the Netherlands. Er draaien duizenden satellieten rond de aarde. Thousands of satellites orbit around the earth. There are thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth. Bent u Amerikaans? Are you American? Are you American? Uw wens is voor mij een bevel. Your wish is my command. Your wish is an order for me. Ik ben homo. I am gay. I'm gay. Hij weet niet veel over Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. He doesn't know much about Japan. Ik wil graag weten wat je aan het doen bent. I'd like to know what you're doing. I'd like to know what you're doing. Zijn jullie broers? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Fadil kon niet trouwen met een vrouw die geen moslim was. Fadil couldn't marry a woman who wasn't Muslim. Fadil could not marry a woman who was not a Muslim. Ik moet met Susan praten. I need to talk to Susan. I need to talk to Susan. Ik vermoedde dat ze gevaarlijk was. I suspected she was dangerous. I suspected she was dangerous. Geef me je mobiele telefoon. Give me your cell phone. Give me your cell phone. Donder op. Get lost. Get the hell out of here. Hij had geen andere keuze. He didn't have another choice. He had no other choice. Welke voorwerpen zijn er in de kamer? Which objects are in the room? What items are in the room? We hebben gele appels. We have yellow apples. We have yellow apples. De meeste wortels waren ooit paars totdat de Nederlanders een oranje ras creëerden om de Prins van Oranje te eren. Most carrots were once purple until the Dutch created an orange cultivar to honor the Prince of Orange. Most of the roots were once purple until the Dutch created an orange race to honor the Prince of Orange. Ik hou van katten. I like cats. I like cats. Liefde is zoals mazelen, we moeten er allemaal door. Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it. Love is like measles, we all have to go through it. Toen ik in Amerika woonde, speelde ik golf met mijn vrienden. When I lived in America I played golf with my friends. When I lived in America, I played golf with my friends. Er stinkt hier iets. Something stinks here. Something stinks in here. Ik kan geen tequila drinken. I can't drink tequila. I can't drink tequila. Deze foto's zijn bewerkt. These photos have been shopped. These pictures have been edited. Wegwezen. Get lost. Let's get out of here. Ik weet dat je moedig zal zijn. I know you'll be brave. I know you'll be brave. Hij heeft nieuwe handschoenen gekocht. He bought new gloves. He bought some new gloves. Ik heb een scherp mes. I have a sharp knife. I have a sharp knife. Misschien was hij ziek. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he was sick. Tom verlangt naar aandacht. Tom craves attention. Tom longs for attention. Ik dacht dat je hierin wel geïnteresseerd zou zijn. I thought you might be interested in this. I thought you might be interested in this. Kan ik dit eten? May I eat this? Can I eat this? De reiziger bereikte uiteindelijk zijn bestemming. The traveler reached his destination at last. The traveler finally reached his destination. Weet je hoe je een degen moet hanteren? Do you know how to wield an épée? Do you know how to handle a sword? Het is een computer. It's a computer. It's a computer. Ze geloofden dat de wereld plat was. They believed that the earth was flat. They believed the world was flat. Ik vraag niet om jouw mening. I do not ask you for your opinion. I'm not asking for your opinion. Tom ziet er droevig uit. Tom sounds sad. Tom looks sad. Is je school ver weg van je huis? Is your school far away from your house? Is your school far away from your house? Als je er een boeltje van maakt, ruim het op. If you make a mess, clean it up. If you make a mess of it, clean it up. Ik ben zes maanden geleden gestopt met roken. I quit smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. Holland is een klein land. Holland is a small country. Holland is a small country. Hij haat wortelen. He hates carrots. He hates carrots. Ik vertrouw u. I trust you. I trust you. Ik weet van niks. I don't know anything. I don't know anything. Prettig weekend! Have a nice weekend. Have a nice weekend! Ze houdt heel erg van katten. She really likes cats a lot. She loves cats very much. Hoe bevalt deze stad u? How do you like this town? How do you like this city? Ik weet gewoonweg niet wat te zeggen... I simply don't know what to say... I just don't know what to say... Spoken kunnen mensen bezitten. Ghosts can possess people. Ghosts can own people. Kun je zilver onderscheiden van tin? Can you distinguish silver from tin? Can you distinguish silver from tin? Ik hou meer van je dan van wie ook. I love you more than I love any other person. I love you more than anyone. Hoeveel heb je hem verteld? How much did you tell him? How much did you tell him? Je bent verdikt. You've grown fat. You're thickened. Ik wil de waarheid weten. I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth. Dat is makkelijk voor jou om te zeggen. That's easy for you to say. That's easy for you to say. Ze is twee maanden oud. She is two months old. She's two months old. De oude man noemde de houten pop Pinokkio. The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio. The old man called the wooden doll Pinocchio. Waarschijnlijk heeft Tom gelijk. Tom is probably right. Probably Tom's right. Ik ga bij mijn tante op Hawaï logeren. I am going to stay with my aunt in Hawaii. I'm going to stay with my aunt in Hawaii. Tom zou beter binnen een kijkje nemen. Tom should take a look inside. Tom'd better take a look inside. Ik ben geen dokter. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Mijn tand doet pijn. My tooth hurts. My tooth hurts. Stel hem niet teleur. Don't disappoint him. Don't disappoint him. Mannen zijn varkens. Men are pigs. Men are pigs. China is rijk aan natuurlijke grondstoffen. China is rich in natural resources. China is rich in natural raw materials. Wat doe je hier? Waarom ben je niet thuis? What are you doing here? Why aren't you at home? What are you doing here? Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Australië. I'm originally from Australia. I'm originally from Australia. Ze kon zijn onbeleefd gedrag niet uitstaan. She couldn't do with his rude behavior. She couldn't stand his rude behavior. Vind je dit een mooie kleur? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Dan is er niet in geslaagd al het biologische bewijs te verwijderen. Dan failed to remove all the biological evidence. Then it has not been possible to remove all the biological evidence. Ik ben een beetje dronken. I'm a bit drunk. I'm a little drunk. Tom is op zijn hoede. Tom is wary. Tom's on his guard. Iedereen kan spelen. Everyone can play. Anyone can play. "Bedankt dat ik op je Xbox mag spelen." "Geen probleem kerel, leef je uit." "Thanks a lot for letting me play with your Xbox." "No problem dude, knock yourself out." "Thank you for letting me play on your Xbox." "No problem, dude, live it out." De wet is op deze zaak niet van toepassing. The law doesn't apply to this case. The law does not apply to this case. Alles leek fout te gaan bij mij. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Everything seemed to go wrong with me. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where is the closest metro stop? Where's the nearest subway station? Mevrouw! Ik voel me ziek. Miss! I feel sick. Ma'am, I feel sick. Hoe kan ik dit probleem oplossen? How can I solve this problem? How can I solve this problem? Het spel begint morgenmiddag om twee uur. The game starts at two tomorrow afternoon. The game starts tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. Hooi is voor paarden. Hay is for horses. Hay is for horses. Hij spaart elke maand geld. He puts aside some money every month. He saves money every month. De hond ging op de postbode af. The dog went for the postman. The dog went after the mailman. Rustig aan. Take it easy. Take it easy. Morgen zal ik druiven oogsten. Tomorrow I will harvest grapes. Tomorrow I will harvest grapes. Ik kom woorden te kort om de schoonheid van dit landschap te beschrijven. Words fail me to describe the beauty of this landscape. I am short of words to describe the beauty of this landscape. Het is heel storend. It's very disturbing. It's very disturbing. Tom spreekt even goed Frans als ik. Tom speaks French as well as I do. Tom speaks French as well as I do. In de Nederlandse stad Maastricht zouden er 53 kerken moeten zijn; enkelen daarvan worden inmiddels als winkel, café of museum gebruikt. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there must be 53 churches; at times, some of them are used as stores, bars or museums. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there should be 53 churches; some of them are now used as a shop, café or museum. Voor wie je ook stemt, zorg ervoor dat hij eerlijk is. Whoever you vote for, make sure he's honest. Whoever you vote for, make sure he's honest. Kathmandu is de hoofdstad van Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Ik heb snel geluncht. I ate a hasty lunch. I had a quick lunch. Spellingwedstrijden zijn onnozel. Spelling bees are stupid. Spelling games are silly. Hij zal deze namiddag komen. He will come this afternoon. He'll be here this afternoon. Suiker lost snel op in een glaasje water. Sugar will dissolve in a glass of water quickly. Sugar dissolves quickly in a glass of water. Weet u waar Tom op ons wacht? Do you know where Tom is waiting for us? Do you know where Tom's waiting for us? Wat kan ik eten? What can I eat? What can I eat? De wind waait. The wind blows. The wind's blowing. Mijn vader heeft als hobby het kweken van rozen. My father's hobby is growing roses. My father has as a hobby the growing of roses. Dat is een duur restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. Ik heb gekeken, maar niets gezien. I looked, but I didn't see anything. I looked, but I didn't see anything. Muggen zijn insecten. Mosquitoes are insects. Mosquitoes are insects. Tom probeert het onmogelijke te bereiken. Tom is trying to do the impossible. Tom's trying to reach the impossible. Blijf positief. Stay positive. Stay positive. Sluit de ogen. Close your eyes. Close the eyes. Hij wil dokter worden. He wishes to become a doctor. He wants to be a doctor. Hij wil graag wat Engelse liedjes leren. He wants to learn some English songs. He'd like to learn some English songs. Prettige feestdagen! Happy holidays! Happy holidays! Ik eet peren. I eat pears. I'm eating pears. Kunt u de benodigde papieren inleveren? Please hand in the necessary papers. Can you turn in the necessary papers? Het begon pijpestelen te regenen. It began to rain cats and dogs. It started raining pipe stools. Ik bel ze morgen, als ik weer terug ben. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Doe het licht uit. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Wij hielpen haar. We helped her. We helped her. Ze zijn er al. They're already here. They're already here. Jij bent een gemeen persoon. You are a mean person. You're a mean person. Tom heeft een kort lontje. Tom has a short fuse. Tom's got a short fuse. Ik zal een ambulance bellen. I'll call for an ambulance. I'll call an ambulance. Gedenk dat gij stof zijt. Remember that you are dust. Remember that you are dust. Ze gaat een beetje melk drinken. She's going to drink some milk. She's gonna have a little milk. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Esperanto is een internationale taal. Esperanto is an international language. Esperanto is an international language. Doe alles wat nodig is. Do whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Een oude vijver. Een kikker springt erin. Het geluid van water. An old pond. A frog jumps in. The sound of water. An old pond, a frog jumps in, the sound of water. Hij stond achter de deur. He was standing behind the door. He was behind the door. Waar is de bakker? Where is there a bakery? Where's the baker? Hou je een droomdagboek bij? Do you keep a dream diary? Are you keeping a dream diary? Hou je mond en luister naar me. Shut up and listen to me. Shut up and listen to me. Noord is de richting die tegenovergesteld is aan zuid. North is the opposite direction from south. North is the direction opposite to south. Het zal niet werken. It won't work. It won't work. Ik was zeer trots. I was very proud. I was very proud. Ik eet niet. I am not eating. I don't eat. Al jouw katten zijn grijs. All of your cats are grey. All your cats are gray. Hij werd beschuldigd van moord. He was accused of murder. He was charged with murder. Dit is een ongelofelijk resultaat. This is an amazing result. This is an incredible result. Tom heeft een vraag. Tom has got a question. Tom has a question. Ik heet Robin. My name is Robin. My name is Robin. Alvast bedankt voor je samenwerking. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Tom had geen idee waar ik het over had. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Een piano is duur. A piano is expensive. A piano is expensive. Wat moet dit voorstellen? What in the world is this? What the hell is this? Taro is gedurende drie dagen in Tokyo gebleven. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Taro stayed in Tokyo for three days. Ik spreek liever Luxemburgs dan Duits of Frans. I prefer speaking Luxembourgish to German or French. I'd rather speak Luxembourgish than German or French. Ik ga om zeven uur naar school. I go to school at seven o'clock. I'm going to school at 7:00. Tom houdt van pizza. Tom loves pizza. Tom likes pizza. Ik keek in de doos. I looked into the box. I looked in the box. Ah, als je het kunt dubben, mag ik dan ook een kopie? Ah, if you can dub it, can I ask for a copy as well? Ah, if you can dubb it, can I have a copy, too? John is in de Verenigde Staten geboren. John was born in the United States. John was born in the United States. Tom was niet van plan dat ooit te doen. Tom had no intention of ever doing that. Tom wasn't ever going to do that. Hij antwoordde ronduit. He gave a straight answer. He answered outright. Kan iemand helpen? Can anyone help? Somebody help! Waar zijn we? Where are we? Where are we? Weet je hoe ik daar kan komen? Do you know how I can get there? Do you know how to get there? Dit is het diepste meer van Japan. This is the deepest lake in Japan. This is Japan's deepest lake. Lima is de hoofdstad van Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Ik kom uit Engeland. I'm from England. I'm from England. Luister naar mij, oké? Listen to me, OK? Listen to me, okay? Italianen gebruiken alleen hun vork om spaghetti te eten. Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti. Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti. De kerkklokken luiden. The church bells are ringing. The church bells ring. Hij was zwaar gewond. He was badly wounded. He was badly hurt. Ik kan haar en haar zus niet uit elkaar houden. I can't tell her apart from her sister. I can't tell her and her sister apart. We gaan het proberen. We're going to try. We're gonna try. Vrouwen veranderen de wereld. Women change the world. Women change the world. Ze zijn nog steeds op zoek naar de misdadiger. They are still looking for the criminal. They're still looking for the criminal. Zij sloeg hem in het gezicht. She slapped him in the face. She hit him in the face. Jouw land is geweldig! Your country is amazing! Your country is great! Hij wil naar Amerika gaan. He wants to go to America. He wants to go to America. Drink thee. Drink tea Drink tea. Ik heb gisteren veel patat gegeten. I ate a lot of french fries yesterday. I ate a lot of fries yesterday. Wacht je ergens op? Are you waiting for something? Are you waiting for something? Ik heb mijn portefeuille verloren. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Waarom zou iemand Tom vermoorden? Why would someone kill Tom? Why would someone kill Tom? Ik heb twee vrienden die in Duitsland wonen. I have two friends who live in Germany. I have two friends who live in Germany. Tot morgen. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Ik ging door met lezen. I continued to read. I kept reading. Ik heb een vakantie nodig. I need a holiday. I need a vacation. Mary speelt voetbal. Mary plays football. Mary plays soccer. Ik ben een vreemdeling hier. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody went to my country. Nobody went to my country. Hier komt nooit een eind aan. This is never going to end. This will never end. Hij heeft een gouden medaille gewonnen. He won a gold medal. He won a gold medal. Ze bezit niet veel boeken. She doesn't own many books. She doesn't own many books. Stilte graag. Quiet, please. Quiet, please. Naast een woonkamer in het huis, waren er ook twee slaapkamers en, natuurlijk, een keuken en een badkamer. Besides a living room in the house, there were also two bedrooms and, of course, a kitchen and a bathroom. In addition to a living room in the house, there were also two bedrooms and, of course, a kitchen and a bathroom. Ik heb slechts vijftig meter touw. I only have fifty meters of rope. I only have 50 meters of rope. Ze heeft hem verleid. She tempted him. She seduced him. U bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Het leven begon in water. Life began in water. Life started in water. Ik heb hier een heleboel vrienden. I have a lot of friends here. I have a lot of friends here. Alleen gelaten begon het kleine meisje te huilen. Left alone, the little girl began to cry. Left alone, the little girl started to cry. Is de postbode al geweest? Has the letter carrier been by yet? Has the mailman been here yet? Het kan gevaarlijk zijn. It might be dangerous. It could be dangerous. Zo joods ben ik ook weer niet. I'm not that Jewish. I'm not that Jewish. Geweldig! Great! Great! Ik weet niet hoe ik het woord moet spellen. I don't know how to spell the word. I don't know how to spell the word. Heeft Tom geholpen? Did Tom help? Did Tom help? Ik schreef hem voor iets totaal anders. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote him for something completely different. Ik had niet beseft hoe belangrijk dit voor je is. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. Zet u op deze stoel a.u.b. Please sit down on this chair. Please sit on this chair. Tom en Mary hebben veel gereisd. Tom and Mary have traveled a lot. Tom and Mary have traveled a lot. Waarom zijn er sterren aan de hemel? Why are there stars in the sky? Why are there stars in the sky? Opticiens verkopen brillen. Opticians sell eyeglasses. Optics sell glasses. "Dima..." zei Al-Sayib, "dat is het belachelijkste wat ik ooit heb gehoord." "Dima..." Al-Sayib said. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." "Dima..." said Al-Sayib, "that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Ik ken een meisje van wie de vader advocaat is. I know a girl whose father is a lawyer. I know a girl whose father is a lawyer. Ik wil niet naar de tandarts gaan. I don't want to go to the dentist. I don't want to go to the dentist. Als ze uw adres kende, zou ze u schrijven. If she knew your address, she would write to you. If she knew your address, she'd write to you. De brand verspreidde zich snel. The fire spread rapidly. The fire spread quickly. John wilde volledig onafhankelijk zijn van zijn ouders. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. Ik hou niet van onregelmatige werkwoorden leren. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like to learn irregular verbs. Ik dacht dat je een Canadees was. I thought you were a Canadian. I thought you were a Canadian. Houd vol! Hang in there! Hold on! Ik kocht een fototoestel voor dertig dollar. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought a camera for $30. Mijn fiets is gisteren hersteld. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. My bike was fixed yesterday. Hij schreeuwt veel. He shouts a lot. He screams a lot. Ze is jong, misschien te jong. She's young, maybe too young. She's young, maybe too young. Cyaan is een groenblauwe kleur. Cyan is a greenish blue color. Cyan is a green blue color. Een bank leent ons geld tegen rente. A bank lends us money at interest. A bank lends us money at interest. Mijn linkerhiel is ontstoken. My left heel is inflamed. My left heel's inflamed. Hij is nogal levendig. He's a bit energetic. He's kind of alive. Ik heb broers. I have brothers. I have brothers. Niemand kan u helpen. Nobody can help you. No one can help you. Welk merk en kleur heeft de auto van de directeur? What brand and what color is the director's car? What brand and color does the director's car have? Zijn beslissing redde zijn leven. His decision saved his life. His decision saved his life. Tom staarde naar zijn bord. Tom stared at his plate. Tom was staring at his plate. Plant bomen! Plant trees! Plant trees! Het sneeuwt in Parijs. It's snowing in Paris. It's snowing in Paris. Ook ik wil komen. I want to come, too. I want to come, too. Weet je wie het reuzenrad heeft uitgevonden? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? Do you know who invented the Ferris wheel? De appels van onze eigen boom smaken veel beter dan de bespoten appels uit de supermarkt. The apples from our own tree taste much better than the sprayed apples from the supermarket. The apples of our own tree taste much better than the mocked apples from the supermarket. Kunt u ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? Met haar klein inkomen kan ze de eindjes nauwelijks aan elkaar knopen. With her small income she is having trouble making ends meet. With her small income, she can barely make ends meet. Een muis is geen groot dier. A mouse is not a large animal. A mouse is not a big animal. Ze houden niet van katten. They don't like cats. They don't like cats. Ik was helemaal niet bang. I wasn't scared at all. I wasn't scared at all. Hoe werken de hersenen? How does the brain work? How do the brain work? Ze is de straat overgestoken. She crossed the street. She crossed the street. De schrijftafel zit onder het stof. The desk is covered with dust. The desk is covered in dust. Hij kan goed Frans praten. He can speak French well. He's a good French man. Spreekt u Hindi? Do you speak Hindi? Do you speak Hindi? Iederen weet dat zij alles gedaan heeft wat ze kon voor haar kinderen. Everyone knows that she has done everything she could for her children. Everyone knows she did everything she could for her children. Wiskunde is haar lievelingsvak op school. Math is her favorite subject in school. Mathematics is her favorite subject at school. Mijn grootmoeder is ziek. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother's sick. Tom kocht een hoed. Tom bought a hat. Tom bought a hat. De situatie loopt uit de hand. The situation is out of control. The situation is getting out of hand. Ik neem aan dat je dat al hebt proefgelezen. I assume that you've proofread this already. I assume you've already read that. U hield van chocolade. You loved chocolate. You liked chocolate. De heldin van dat verhaal is een klein meisje. The heroine of this story is a little girl. The heroine of that story is a little girl. Heb je bier? Do you have beer? Do you have any beer? Dat was mijn eerste zienswijze. That was my first way of thinking. That was my first view. Als hoofdvak studeert hij moderne litteratuur. He majors in modern literature. As a major, he studies modern literature. Je mag niet met haar praten. You're not allowed to talk to her. You can't talk to her. Ik heb al lang geleden de interesse voor geld verloren. I lost interest in money a long time ago. I lost interest in money a long time ago. We vliegen maandag vanop Narita. We are leaving Narita next Monday. We're flying from Narita on Monday. Wat een prachtige stad! What a beautiful city! What a beautiful city! Voeg wat melk toe. Add a little milk. Add some milk. In ieder geval, ik moet dit werk morgen af hebben. At any rate, I must finish this work by tomorrow. Anyway, I need to finish this work by tomorrow. Ons land heeft een glorieuze geschiedenis. Our country has a glorious history. Our country has a glorious history. Ik houd van Duitsland. I like Germany. I love Germany. Tom en Mary probeerden het. Tom and Mary gave it a try. Tom and Mary tried. Ik wist niet dat appelbomen uit zaden groeien. I didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. I didn't know apple trees grew out of seeds. Waarom doe je het niet voor me? Why won't you do it for me? Why don't you do it for me? Dalende rentevoeten hebben de automarkt gestimuleerd. Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market. Falling interest rates have stimulated the car market. Hij stapte naar mijn ruimte. He stepped into my space. He went to my room. Waarom zou ik dat niet doen? Why shouldn't I do that? Why wouldn't I? We zijn van verschillende leeftijd. Hij is ouder dan ik. We are different ages. He is older than me. He's older than me. Ik was niet zenuwachtig. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't nervous. Wij scheren de schapen. We are shearing the sheep. We shave the sheep. Het ziet er vreemd uit. It looks strange. It looks weird. De zee was spiegelglad. The sea was glassy. The sea was mirrored. Je moet niet meer geld uitgeven dan je verdient. You shouldn't spend more money than you earn. You shouldn't spend more money than you deserve. Willen jullie rijk zijn? Do you want to be rich? You want to be rich? Hij kwam zelf. He came in person. He came himself. Ik heb geen broers. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any brothers. Mijn man heet Tom. My husband's name is Tom. My husband's name is Tom. Ze leest graag. She likes to read. She likes to read. Ze hebben iets gevonden. They found something. They found something. Echt? You don't say. Really? Hij is tennisspeler. He is a tennis player. He's a tennis player. Wij leren Engels op school. We learn English at school. We learn English at school. Ik ben niet helemaal zeker. I'm not really sure. I'm not quite sure. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Nice to see you. Nice to meet you. Het kan vanavond sneeuwen. It may snow tonight. It could snow tonight. We hebben minstens acht uur slaap per dag nodig. We need at least eight hours of sleep each day. We need at least eight hours of sleep a day. Veel vissen zwemmen in de rivier. Many fish swim in the river. Many fish swim in the river. Sami heeft net wat domme dingen gedaan. Sami has just done some stupid shit. Sami just did some stupid things. Een kleine stad ligt tussen de grote steden. A small town lies between the big cities. A small town lies between the big cities. Erg bedankt voor al wat ge gedaan hebt. Thank you very much for all you have done. Thank you so much for all you've done. Dit is veruit de beste. This is by far the best. This is by far the best. Waar zijn uw spullen? Where are your things? Where are your things? Doesjanbe is de hoofdstad van Tadzjikistan. Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. Dusjanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. Wanneer deed ik dat? When did I do that? When did I do that? Ik dacht dat dat was wat we nodig hadden. I thought that's what we needed. I thought that was what we needed. Om misverstanden te vermijden, heeft hij het contract nog eens nagekeken. In order to avoid misunderstandings, they went through the contract again. To avoid misunderstandings, he checked the contract again. Ik wandel graag. I like to walk. I like to walk. Je hoeft je sokken niet uit te trekken. You don't have to take off your socks. You don't have to take off your socks. Wij zullen je bezoeken. We will visit you. We'll visit you. Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom niet meer in Boston woonde. I thought that you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. I thought you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. Het gevaar is minimaal. The danger is minimal. The danger is minimal. Tom is beneden. Tom is downstairs. Tom's downstairs. Het sollicitatiegesprek verliep zo goed dat hij de baan kreeg. The interview went off so well that he got the job. The job interview went so well that he got the job. Ik geloof Naomi niet; ik denk dat ze liegt. I don't believe Naomi. I think she's lying. I don't believe Naomi; I think she's lying. Ze had een hamer nodig. She needed a hammer. She needed a hammer. Tom omhelsde Maria. Tom hugged Mary. Tom hugged Maria. Veel mensen gingen dood omdat er niet genoeg reddingsboten op het schip waren. Many people died because there weren't enough lifeboats on the ship. Many people died because there were not enough lifeboats on the ship. Beantwoord de vraag. Answer the question. Answer the question. Dat is Chinees voor mij. It's Greek to me. That's Chinese for me. Ik wil niet naar school. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Ik heb niet veel geld. I haven't got much money. I don't have much money. Ik ben allergisch voor jullie hond. I'm allergic to your dog. I'm allergic to your dog. Het is ijskoud. It is freezing cold. It's freezing. Waarmee hebt ge het geopend? What did you open it with? What did you open it with? Tom vindt reggae leuk. Tom likes reggae. Tom likes reggae. De treinen reden niet wegens de sneeuw. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. The trains didn't drive because of the snow. Ze hebben met elkaar van plaats gewisseld. They switched places with each other. They switched places with each other. Tom bleef buiten. Tom remained outside. Tom stayed outside. Zoals gewoonlijk was ze te laat. She came late as usual. As usual, she was late. Deze roman is vertaald uit het Engels. This novel was translated from English. This novel has been translated from English. Morgen zullen we van Frankfurt naar München gaan. Tomorrow we shall go from Frankfurt to Munich. Tomorrow we'll go from Frankfurt to Munich. Spanje ranselt Nederland af. Spain wallops Netherlands. Spain is beating off the Netherlands. Ge hebt uw man bedrogen. You deceived your husband. You cheated on your husband. Ze heeft tien kinderen. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Ik hou van ijshockey. I like ice hockey. I like hockey. Ik denk dat je wel genoeg geoefend hebt. I think you've practiced enough. I think you've had enough practice. Vergeleken met ons huis is het zijne een paleis. Compared to our house, his is a palace. Compared to our house, his is a palace. Tom trok zijn nieuwe schoenen aan. Tom put on his new shoes. Tom put on his new shoes. We zullen nieuwe namen toevoegen aan onze lijst. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. Het is maar een rage. It's just a fad. It's just a craze. De baai heeft meer jachten dan zeilboten. The bay has more yachts than sailboats. The bay has more yachts than sailboats. De kist bevatte gouden munten. The chest contained gold coins. The box contained gold coins. Roken jullie sigaren? Do you smoke cigars? Do you smoke cigars? Wil je dit overhemd hebben? Do you want this shirt? You want this shirt? Het is geen goud. It isn't gold. It's not gold. De kinderen vonden de film niet leuk. The children didn't like the movie. The kids didn't like the movie. Het regent. It's raining. It's raining. Als ik eenmaal begin met schoonmaken, kan ik mezelf niet meer tegenhouden. Once I start cleaning, I can't stop myself. Once I start cleaning, I can't stop myself. Waarom zijn hier zoveel vliegen? Why are there so many flies here? Why are there so many flies here? Tom zal moe zijn. Tom will be tired. Tom will be tired. Ik was te laat op de vergadering met als gevolg dat ik het belangrijkste deel gemist heb. I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part. I was late for the meeting with the result that I missed the most important part. Bent u allergisch voor bepaalde medicijnen? Are you allergic to any medications? Are you allergic to certain medicines? Ik woon op Tahiti. I live in Tahiti. I live at Tahiti. Iedereen streeft naar een beter leven. Everyone aspires to have a better life. Everyone strives for a better life. Ik kan niet in slaap vallen met een volle blaas. I can't fall asleep with my bladder full. I can't fall asleep with a full bladder. Tom en ik woonden vroeger in Australië. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Tom and I used to live in Australia. Smartphones zouden tien jaar geleden net sciencefiction zijn. Smartphones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. Smartphones would be like science fiction ten years ago. Deze boeken zijn toegankelijk voor alle studenten. These books are accessible to all students. These books are accessible to all students. Anderen bedriegen is slecht, maar jezelf bedriegen is nog veel slechter. It's wrong to deceive people, but worse to deceive yourself. Cheating on others is bad, but cheating on yourself is much worse. Ik wil Korea bezoeken. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. Mag ik je een kus geven? Can I kiss you? Can I give you a kiss? Zij landde. She landed. She landed. Houdt u van pindakaas? Do you like peanut butter? Do you like peanut butter? Kan iemand me helpen? Can anybody help me? Somebody help me! Ze kon zijn onbeleefd gedrag niet accepteren. She couldn't do with his rude behavior. She couldn't accept his rude behavior. Ze kwam de trap af met een brief in de hand. She came downstairs with a letter in her hand. She came down the stairs with a letter in her hand. Hij leest graag boeken. He likes to read books. He likes to read books. Hij wil gewoon aandacht. He just wants attention. He just wants attention. Oh, dus jij denkt dat je stoer bent, hè? Oh, so you think you're a tough guy, huh? Oh, so you think you're tough, huh? Ik praat constant met mezelf. I constantly talk to myself. I talk to myself all the time. Je weet van niets. You know nothing. You don't know anything. Hij schrijft een brief. He's writing a letter. He's writing a letter. Kan je het naar New York versturen? Can you ship it to New York City? Can you send it to New York? Ik zou graag golf spelen. I would like to play golf. I'd love to play golf. Het maakt me echt niet uit. I really don't care. I really don't care. Mary schonk haarzelf wat ontbijtgranen in. Mary poured herself some cereal. Mary gave herself some cereal. Ik zal zelf rijden. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. Tom, met wie ik een appartement deelde, is afgelopen maand verhuisd. Tom, with whom I was sharing the apartment, moved out last month. Tom, who I shared an apartment with, moved out last month. Er zit een gat in uw sok. There is a hole in your sock. There's a hole in your sock. Hoeveel kost die broek? How much do these trousers cost? How much are those pants? Het meisje is lelijk. The girl is ugly. The girl's ugly. U zwemt. You swim. You're swimming. Ik heb een tijdje gewacht. I waited a while. I waited a while. Er is niets aan de hand. There aren't any problems. It's okay. It's okay. Dit is gênant. This is awkward. This is embarrassing. Hij omhelsde haar. He took her in his arms. He hugged her. Laat mij mijn advocaat opbellen. Let me call my lawyer. Let me call my lawyer. Veranderingen in het milieu hebben geleid tot het ontstaan van nieuwe soorten. Environmental changes gave rise to new species. Changes in the environment have led to the emergence of new species. Ik denk dat uw brief onder dat boek ligt. I think your letter is under that book. I think your letter is under that book. Ik leer Hongaars. I'm learning Hungarian. I'm learning Hungarian. Ik hou echt van mijn werk. I really love my work. I really like my job. Weet je wat het probleem heeft veroorzaakt? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? Kijk naar me! Watch me. Look at me! Dat gaat mijn verstand te boven. That's too much for my little brain. That's beyond my sanity. Ik eet een appel. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. Ik heb een dunne jas nodig. I need a light coat. I need a thin coat. Hebt u de berg Fuji al eens beklommen? Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you climbed Mount Fuji? Gaat deze bus naar het museum? Does this bus go to the museum? Is this bus going to the museum? Een dialect is een specifieke vorm van een taal die in een bepaalde regio gesproken wordt. A dialect is a specific form of a language, spoken in a certain region. A dialect is a specific form of a language spoken in a particular region. Het water is verfrissend. The water is refreshing. The water is refreshing. Tom liet me de brief die hij van Mary had gekregen lezen. Tom let me read the letter he had received from Mary. Tom had me read the letter Mary gave him. Tom heeft het Eurovisie Songfestival gewonnen. Tom won the Eurovision Song Contest. Tom has won the Eurovision Song Contest. Hij vertelde me zijn levensverhaal. He told me the story of his life. He told me his life story. Adamstown is de hoofdstad van de Pitcairneilanden. Adamstown is the capital of the Pitcairn Islands. Adamstown is the capital of the Pitcairn Islands. Ga zo door! Keep it up! Keep up the good work! Ik was nog thuis. I was still at home. I was still home. De vier jaargetijden zijn lente, zomer, herst en winter. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Tom is mijn vriend. Tom is my boyfriend. Tom is my friend. Tom is hyperactief. Tom is hyperactive. Tom's hyperactive. Gezien ik hem morgen zal zien kan ik hem een boodschap doorgeven, als je dat wilt. Since I will see him tomorrow, I can give him a message if you want. Since I'll see him tomorrow, I can give him a message, if that's what you want. Ik weet dat je sterk bent, maar politieke druk is nog sterker. I know that you're strong, but political pressure is even stronger. I know you're strong, but political pressure is even stronger. Heb je je vliegtuigbiljet? Do you have your plane ticket? Do you have your plane ticket? Tot dusver gaat alles goed. So far everything has been going well. So far, so good. Ik zou graag zulke schoenen willen. I would like shoes like that. I'd like those shoes. Ik stuur je wel een brief. I'll send you a letter. I'll send you a letter. Hij is een van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaten. He is one of the American presidential candidates. He's one of the U.S. presidential candidates. Gewoonlijk hebben katten een hekel aan honden. Cats usually hate dogs. Usually cats hate dogs. Wat is uw thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Ik was verdrietig toen ik opstond. When I woke up, I was sad. I was sad when I got up. Het bloed was fel rood. The blood was bright red. The blood was bright red. Weet je wie dit schilderij heeft geschilderd? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who painted this painting? Ik had mijn twijfels. I hesitated. I had my doubts. De twee woorden die we het meest in de Vlaamse taal horen zijn "allez" en "voilà", twee Franse woorden. The two words that we hear the most in the Flemish language are "allez" and "voilà", two French words. The two words we hear most in the Flemish language are "allez" and "voilà", two French words. Waarom heeft jouw essay zoveel grammaticale fouten? Why does your essay have so many grammatical mistakes? Why does your essay have so many grammatical errors? Ik heb Tom zijn huiswerk ge-e-maild. I emailed Tom his homework. I e-mailed Tom his homework. Ik wil Tom graag ontmoeten. I'd like to meet Tom. I'd like to meet Tom. Dat ging per ongeluk! I didn't mean to! That was an accident! Laten we hier wachten totdat hij terugkomt. Let's wait here till he comes back. Let's wait here until he comes back. Hallo. Hello! Hello. Zie ik eruit alsof het me wat uitmaakt? Do I look like I care? Do I look like I care? Ik zal geen steen op de andere laten tot ik gevonden heb wie dat gedaan heeft. I'll leave no stone unturned to find out who did this. I won't leave a stone on the other until I find who did. Ik ben alle dagen vrij, behalve op maandag. I'm free every day but Monday. I'm free every day except on Monday. Mannen verschillen niet zo heel veel van vrouwen. Men aren't all that different from women. Men don't differ so much from women. Koeien hebben hoorns. Cows have horns. Cows have horns. Zult ge hem daarover spreken als hij thuiskomt? Will you tell him about it when he comes home? Will you talk to him about that when he gets home? Zou je alsjeblieft wat harder kunnen praten? Could you please speak a little louder? Could you please speak up? Ik zou graag in Boston willen wonen. I'd like to live in Boston. I'd like to live in Boston. Heb je een Engels-Vietnamees woordenboek. Have you got an English-Vietnamese dictionary? Do you have an English-Vietnamese dictionary? Wij leren Spaans. We are learning Spanish. We're learning Spanish. Hij is de oudste. He is the eldest. He's the oldest. We willen leven. We want to live. We want to live. Ik ben de beste. I am the best. I'm the best. Op mij hoef je niet te rekenen. You needn't count on me. You don't have to count on me. Jullie adem stinkt naar knoflook. Your breath stinks of garlic. Your breath smells like garlic. Is deze auto van jou? Is this your car? Is this your car? Waarom ben je boos? Why are you angry? Why are you mad? Ali is mijn broer. Ali is my brother. Ali's my brother. Tom was volkomen zat. Tom was totally wasted. Tom was completely drunk. Ik weet niet of het waar is. I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. Ik gebruik Twitter. I am using Twitter. I use Twitter. De acteur van de reeks „Tom en Maria” spreekt de waarheid. The actor of the series "Tom and Mary" speaks the truth. The actor of the series ‘Tom and Maria’ speaks the truth. Phoenix is de hoofdstad van Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. De twee vijanden stonden oog in oog. The two enemies were face to face. The two enemies were face to face. Ze hebben Tom uitgezet. They deported Tom. They turned Tom out. Ze gingen naar Nieuw-Zeeland. They went to New Zealand. They went to New Zealand. De toeristen bezoeken het museum. The tourists visit the museum. The tourists visit the museum. Is dit een vrij land? Is this a free country? Is this a free country? Heb je ooit een paarse vlinder gezien? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Duitsers zijn zeer gewiekst. The Germans are very crafty. Germans are very clever. Lucy is een Amerikaan. Lucy is American. Lucy's an American. Hoe laat begint het? What time does it start? What time does it start? Tom wist niet dat je een grapje maakte. Tom didn't know you were joking. Tom didn't know you were kidding. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I will play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm gonna play with Naoko. Op de brug zit een mug met haar muil wijd open; zeven ezels, achttien kwezels zijn er in gekropen. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. On the bridge is a mosquito with its mouth wide open; seven donkeys, eighteen jacks have crawled into it. Het water werd gezuiverd. The water has been cleaned. The water was purified. Ze kwam tijdig op school aan ondanks de sneeuwstorm. She arrived at school on time in spite of the snowstorm. She arrived at school in time despite the snowstorm. Misschien kan je me niet horen. Maybe you can't hear me. Maybe you can't hear me. Kom jij van een planeet waar alleen vrouwen wonen? Are you from a planet on which only women live? You come from a planet where only women live? Ze ging met de taxi naar het ziekenhuis. She took a taxi to the hospital. She took a taxi to the hospital. Wanneer kwam Tom terug? When did Tom get back? When did Tom come back? Drinken en roken zijn beide slecht voor je gezondheid. Both drinking and smoking are bad for your health. Drinking and smoking are both bad for your health. Het is oké voor mannen om te huilen. It's OK for men to cry. It's okay for men to cry. Waarom is iedereen zo bezorgd om Tom? Why is everyone so concerned about Tom? Why is everyone so worried about Tom? Wat vind je van sex voor het huwelijk? How do you feel about sex before marriage? What do you think of premarital sex? Mijn beige beha is nu bruin en mijn rode zwart. Zoveel heb ik ze ook gedragen. My beige bra is now brown and my red one black. That's just how much I've worn them. My beige bra is now brown and my red black. India is een ontwikkelingsland. India is a developing country. India is a developing country. Tom vraagt niet graag om hulp. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Tom doesn't like asking for help. Tom is niet gestorven. Tom didn't die. Tom didn't die. Waarom vind je me niet leuk? Why don't you like me? Why don't you like me? Zijn trui is grijs. His sweater is gray. His sweater's gray. Wilt u iets om te eten? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Wat is Tom toch een sloddervos. Tom is such a slob. Tom is such a slob. Hij woont alleen in het bos. He lives alone in the woods. He lives alone in the woods. Tom heeft een minderwaardigheidscomplex. Tom has an inferiority complex. Tom has an inferiority complex. Boter, brood en groene kaas; wie dat niet zeggen kan, is geen oprechte Fries. Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian. Butter, bread and green cheese; those who cannot say that are not sincere Fries. Hij is helemaal voor jou. He's all yours. He's all yours. Hij kwam met een grote bos bloemen. He came bearing a large bunch of flowers. He came with a big bunch of flowers. De geiser spuit om de twee uur heet water. The geyser goes off with hot water every two hours. The geyser sprays hot water every two hours. Hij is een vreselijke coach. He's a terrible coach. He's a terrible coach. Ik vind dat een heel irritant geluid. I think that's a very annoying sound. I think that's a very annoying sound. Tom is nu in afwachting van zijn proces. Tom is now awaiting trial. Tom is now awaiting trial. Ik ben niet tevreden met wat ge gedaan hebt. I am not pleased with what you have done. I'm not happy with what you've done. New York is een grote stad. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. Vergelijk uw vertaling met de zijne. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation with his. Sammy heeft daar zes maanden gewerkt. Sami worked there for six months. Sammy worked there for six months. Niemand luisterde naar me. Nobody listened to me. Nobody listened to me. Aardappelen zijn groentes. Potatoes are vegetables. Potatoes are vegetables. Ik wil dat je naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Het vlees is rauw. The meat is raw. The meat is raw. De prijzen zullen omlaag gaan. The prices will come down. Prices will go down. Er is iets aan de hand. Something's wrong. Something's going on. Sami vond de halsketting. Sami found the necklace. Sami found the necklace. Ik word stapelgek van Tom. Tom is driving me mad. Tom's driving me crazy. Het spreekt voor zich dat onze plannen afhangen van het weer. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. Obviously, our plans depend on the weather. Ze is alles behalve een zangeres. She is anything but a singer. She's anything but a singer. Als een zin in het IJslands een vertaling heeft in het Engels, en als die Engelse zin vertaald is in het Swahili, dan hebben we indirect een vertaling in het Swahili voor de IJslandse zin. If an Icelandic sentence has a translation in English, and the English sentence has a translation in Swahili, then indirectly, this will provide a Swahili translation for the Icelandic sentence. If a sentence in Icelandic has a translation into English, and if that English sentence is translated into Swahili, then we have indirectly a translation into Swahili for the Icelandic sentence. Mag ik je een indiscrete vraag stellen? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you an indiscreet question? Je zult niet blij zijn ongeacht wat ik doe. You won't be happy no matter what I do. You won't be happy no matter what I do. Meent ge dat? Do you really mean that? Are you serious? Israël is een ontwikkeld land. Israel is a developed country. Israel is a developed country. Mag ik je nummer? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your number? Hoe gaat het met je gezin? How is the family doing? How's your family? Bent u allergisch voor dit geneesmiddel? Are you allergic to this medicine? Are you allergic to this medicine? Ik huil bijna nooit. I almost never cry. I hardly ever cry. Wie bleef er? Who stayed? Who stayed? De meeste studenten lezen de syllabus niet erg nauwkeurig. Most students don't read the syllabus very carefully. Most students don't read the syllabus very accurately. Heeft u tijd? Do you have time? Do you have time? De crimineel kwam het huis uit met zijn armen in de lucht. The criminal came out of the house with arms raised. The criminal came out of the house with his arms in the air. Jij moet de knoop strakker maken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Ze schrijft over Sri Lanka. She writes about Sri Lanka. She writes about Sri Lanka. Rijden jullie? Do you drive? You guys drive? Tom beefde. Tom shivered. Tom trembled. Bel een ziekenwagen. Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. Ik hoop dat de nevel spoedig zal opklaren. I hope the fog will go away soon. I hope the nebula will clear up soon. De lucht werd al maar donkerder. The sky became darker and darker. The sky was getting darker. Tom komt binnenkort weer terug. Tom is going to be back soon. Tom will be back soon. Gelukkig raakte geen van de passagiers gewond. Fortunately none of the passengers were injured. Fortunately, none of the passengers were injured. Tegen het einde van de dag waren we uiteraard helemaal kapot. Needless to say, we were very tired by the end of the day. By the end of the day, of course, we were completely devastated. Tom heeft de boodschap zeker begrepen. Tom certainly got the message. Tom certainly understood the message. Dit is de jongen die me geholpen heeft. This is the boy that helped me. This is the boy who helped me. Cuba ligt in Zuid-Amerika. Cuba is in South America. Cuba is in South America. Ik weiger zuivel te eten. I refuse to eat dairy. I refuse to eat dairy. Ik wil het niet. I don't want it. I don't want to. Je weet genoeg. You know enough. You know enough. De aarde is een kleine maar prachtige planeet. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Wiens idee was dit? Who had this idea? Whose idea was this? Slaap je? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde museum? Where's the nearest museum at? Where's the nearest museum? Tom mopperde. Tom grumbled. Tom grumbled. Iedereen is gelukkig. Everyone is happy. Everyone's happy. Problemen die met geld opgelost kunnen worden, zijn geen echte problemen. Problems that can be solved with money are not real problems. Problems that can be solved with money are not real problems. Hij spreekt geen Engels. He does not speak English. He doesn't speak English. Ik heb er genoeg van met u te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've had enough talking to you! Houden jullie van koken? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? Hier kan je roken. You can smoke here. You can smoke in here. Ik ben Spaans. I am Spanish. I'm Spanish. Mijn moedertaal is het Frans. My native language is French. My mother tongue is French. Tom zal niet slagen. Tom won't pass. Tom won't succeed. Dat zou een geweldig cadeautje zijn. That would make a great gift. That would be a great gift. Niemand kent de toekomst. Nobody knows the future. No one knows the future. Ze heeft een slank figuur. She has a slender figure. She's got a slim figure. Waar hebt ge die schoenen gekocht? Where did you buy these shoes? Where did you get those shoes? Ik hou niet van sinaasappelsap. I don't like orange juice. I don't like orange juice. Hoi. Hello! Hey. Het is meer dan 3 kilometer naar het station. It is more than 3 kilometers to the station. It's over two miles to the station. Bel de burgemeester. Call the mayor. Call the mayor. Sami vond dat leuk. Sami liked that. Sami liked that. Het is hier warm, nietwaar? It's hot in here, isn't it? It's hot in here, isn't it? Ik word grijs. I am going grey! I'm getting gray. Ik heb net een slang aangeraakt. I just touched a snake. I just touched a snake. Heb je Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Do you have Telegram? Dat zou je wel willen, hè? You'd like that now, wouldn't you? You'd like that, wouldn't you? Hij ontmoette de ouders van zijn vriendin. He met his girlfriend 's parents. He met his girlfriend's parents. Dat is geen goed idee. That is not a good idea. That's not a good idea. Ik vertrek morgen naar Canada. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. Ik heb een oom die in Kyoto woont. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. I have an uncle who lives in Kyoto. Volstrekt onmogelijk. Absolutely impossible. Absolutely impossible. Dat had ik helemaal vergeten. I had completely forgotten. I totally forgot. Als ik mijn best had gedaan, was het me misschien gelukt. If I had done my best, I might have succeeded. If I'd done my best, I might have done it. Ik kon niet ophouden ernaar te staren. I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't stop staring at it. Ik heb toevallig uw moeder gezien in de bibliotheek. I ran across your mother in the library. I happen to have seen your mother in the library. Het regent dat het giet. It's raining cats and dogs. It rains that it pours. Mag ik de tv zachter zetten? May I turn down the TV? Can I turn the TV down? Ik heb veel te doen vandaag. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. We hebben voetbal gespeeld gisteren. We played soccer yesterday. We played soccer last night. Zij is uw koningin. She is your queen. She's your queen. Waar is mijn broer? Where's my brother? Where's my brother? Ik had de bloemen geen water hoeven geven. Ik was er maar net klaar mee, of het begon te regenen. I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining. I didn't have to water the flowers. Het vuur is uitgegaan. The fire has gone out. The fire has gone out. Kan ik jouw schaar lenen? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Dat hangt van u af. This depends on you. That depends on you. Je zal morgenochtend vroeg op moeten. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning. You'll have to get up early in the morning. Alles verandert. Everything is changing. Everything changes. Tom woont hiernaast. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Iedereen houdt van ijs. Everyone likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Wat denken jullie van oorlog? What do you think of war? What do you think of war? Wie denkt: "vandaag de dag spreekt iedereen Engels" of "de hele wereld spreekt Engels" zonder te vragen welk deel van de wereldbevolking Engels spreekt, en wat het niveau van hun taalkundige vaardigheid is, wilt de waarheid niet onder ogen zien. Whoever thinks: "These days, everyone speaks English" or "The entire world speaks English" without asking what portion of the global population it is that speaks English, and how well they can speak it, is someone who does not want to see the reality in front of their eyes. Anyone who thinks, "Today everyone speaks English" or "the whole world speaks English" without asking which part of the world's population speaks English, and what the level of their linguistic skill is, does not want to face the truth. Heb je Tom vermoord? Did you murder Tom? Did you kill Tom? Waarom vroeg Tom niet om hulp? Why didn't Tom call for help? Why didn't Tom ask for help? Ik haat je. I hate you. I hate you. Niet doen, Sam! Sam, don't! Don't, Sam! Ze wisselden groeten uit. They exchanged hellos. They exchanged greetings. Ze keek naar hem op. She looked up at him. She looked up to him. Ze droeg een wit kleed. She wore a white dress. She was wearing a white rug. Hij was te kwaad om te kunnen spreken. He was too angry to speak. He was too angry to speak. Tom en Maria zeiden me dat ze niets verkeerd hebben gedaan. Tom and Mary told me that they did nothing wrong. Tom and Maria told me they didn't do anything wrong. Mijn broer is verliefd op jou. My brother is in love with you. My brother's in love with you. Mijn huwelijk is over. My marriage is over. My marriage is over. Bedankt, maat! Thanks, buddy! Thanks, mate! Tom zei dat Mary ermee had ingestemd om dat te doen. Tom said that Mary agreed to do that. Tom said Mary agreed to do that. Fabien, kom je zaterdagnamiddag met ons mee naar het zwembad? Fabian, are you going with us to the pool on Saturday afternoon? Fabien, will you come with us to the pool Saturday afternoon? Wie belt er? Who's calling? Who's calling? Heb je alles voor morgen voorbereid? Did you get everything ready for tomorrow? Have you prepared everything for tomorrow? Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning on taking all her savings out of the bank. Tom had een geel shirt aan. Tom was wearing a yellow shirt. Tom was wearing a yellow shirt. Ze drinken nooit bier. They never drink beer. They never drink beer. Deze banaan is geel This banana is yellow. This banana is yellow Tom vond vroeger dat Maria de mooiste vrouw op aarde was. Tom used to think Mary was the most beautiful woman in the world. Tom used to think that Mary was the most beautiful woman on earth. Kan je mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? Ik vond per ongeluk de dildo's van mijn zus. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. I accidentally found my sister's dildos. We zijn niet meer in de jaren negentig. We're not in the nineties anymore. We're not in the '90s anymore. Het is erg gevaarlijk. It's very dangerous. It's very dangerous. Nederland had de wereldbeker zo verdiend. Netherlands so deserved the World Cup. The Netherlands had earned the World Cup this way. Pak maar wat je wilt. Take what you want. Take whatever you want. Mijn broer heeft autisme. My brother has autism. My brother has autism. Was u uitgenodigd? Were you invited? Were you invited? Hij werd een burger van de Verenigde Staten. He became a citizen of the United States. He became a citizen of the United States. Heb je ooit Hokkaido bezocht? Have you been to Hokkaido? Have you ever visited Hokkaido? Tom heeft heimwee. Tom is homesick. Tom's homesick. Het heeft ons het hele weekend gekost de garage te verven. It took all weekend for us to paint the garage. It took us the whole weekend to paint the garage. Hoeveel provincies heeft Canada? How many provinces does Canada have? How many provinces does Canada have? Wij waren samen. We were together. We were together. Ik moet bellen. I have to make a call. I have to make a call. Wanneer heb je hem ontmoet? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Ik hou ook van appels. I too like apples. I like apples, too. Hij vroeg of hij met me naar huis kon lopen. He asked if he could walk me home. He asked if he could walk me home. Hij kan voor blank doorgaan. He can pass for white. He could be white. Wat is de precieze betekenis van "precise"? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? What is the exact meaning of "precise"? Tom neemt niet zo veel mee als hij op reis gaat. Tom doesn't carry much with him when he travels. Tom doesn't take as much when he's going on a trip. Het coronavirus kent geen grenzen. The coronavirus knows no borders. The coronavirus knows no limits. Goed, en met u? Fine, thank you. And you? All right, how are you? Neen, ik ben Engels. No, I am English. No, I'm English. Zoek de nieuwe woorden op in uw woordenboek. Look up the new words in your dictionary. Look up the new words in your dictionary. Het vlees was te lang gebraden. The meat was overfried. The meat was roasted too long. Ik versta deze opgave echt niet. I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand this task. Ik ga helemaal akkoord. I totally agree. I totally agree. Ik glimlach niet graag. I don't like smiling. I don't like to smile. Tom deed alsof hij het niet zag. Tom pretended that he didn't see it. Tom pretended he didn't see it. Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland weergekeerd? When did you come back from Germany? When did you return from Germany? Ga je naar een feest? Are you going to a party? Are you going to a party? Hij las erg veel. He read a lot. He read a lot. Ik zag hem. I saw him. I saw him. Zij is niet onbemiddeld. She's not penniless. She's not out of the woods. Tom had waarschijnlijk gelijk. Tom was probably right. Tom was probably right. We zijn al ons geld kwijt. We lost all of our money. We lost all our money. Wat voor huis heb je? What sort of house do you have? What kind of house do you have? Kunt u mijn Engelse zinnen verbeteren? Can you correct my English sentences? Can you improve my English phrases? Tom heeft zijn haar geverfd. Tom dyed his hair. Tom dyed his hair. Hoeveel tijd besteden jullie op Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? Wat is jouw favoriete kleur? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Ten slotte heeft Jane het niet gekocht. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. Finally, Jane didn't buy it. Het is jouw boek. It's your book. It's your book. Ik heb een vriendin. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Het ijs is te dun om op te schaatsen. The ice is too thin to skate on. The ice is too thin to skate on. Wilt u dansen? Do you want to dance? Would you like to dance? Tom is een hertenjager. Tom is a deer hunter. Tom's a deer hunter. Ik kende die vrouw helemaal niet. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't know that woman at all. Tom komt later terug. Tom will come back later. Tom's coming back later. De wasmachine is kapot. The washing machine has broken down. The washing machine's broken. Ik woon in een groot huis. I live in a big house. I live in a big house. Ik ben echt blij dat je hier bent. I really am glad you're here. I'm really glad you're here. Mijn moeder spreekt traag. My mother speaks slowly. My mother speaks slowly. Tom ging naar school in Boston. Tom attended school in Boston. Tom went to school in Boston. Betty kwam als laatste. Betty arrived the latest. Betty came last. Sami was biseksueel. Sami was bisexual. Sami was bisexual. Ze zei dat hij er knap uitzag. She said that he was handsome. She said he looked pretty. Maria wil mammoeten weer tot leven brengen. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Maria wants to bring mammoths back to life. Dit is Toms flat. This is Tom's flat. This is Tom's apartment. Dit is meer ellende dan ik kan verdragen. This misery is more than I can bear. This is more misery than I can bear. Hebben jullie een zaklantaarn nodig? Do you need a torch? Do you need a flashlight? Hoe heb je die blauwe plekken op je benen opgelopen? How did you get those bruises on your legs? How did you get those bruises on your legs? Ik heb een cactus gekocht. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Is dat niet genoeg? Is that not enough? Isn't that enough? Hoeveel bloemen koop je? How many flowers are you buying? How many flowers are you buying? Ze antwoordde dat ze de man nooit eerder gezien had. She replied that she had never seen the man before. She replied that she had never seen the man before. Ik heb jouw advies nodig. I need your advice. I need your advice. De lucht was rood. The sky was red. The sky was red. Dat is mijn probleem met Tom. That's my problem with Tom. That's my problem with Tom. Tom is groter dan zijn moeder. Tom is taller than his mother. Tom's bigger than his mother. Hij lijkt gelukkig. He seems happy. He seems happy. Storm in een glas water. Much ado about nothing. Storm in a glass of water. Geef de hoop niet op. Don't lose hope. Don't give up hope. Ik heb een probleem en ik heb je raad nodig. I have a problem and I need your advice. I have a problem, and I need your advice. Het was tachtig meter lang. It was eighty meters long. It was 80 meters long. Ik dacht dat u zei dat Tom en Maria slagers waren. I thought you said Tom and Mary were butchers. I thought you said Tom and Maria were butchers. Ze lachten. They laughed. They were laughing. Ben je afgeslankt? Have you lost weight? Did you lose weight? Kijk naar het huis met het rode dak. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at the house with the red roof. Tussen haakjes, hebt ge uw huiswerk gemaakt? By the way, have you done your homework? By the way, did you do your homework? Er is een groot verschil tussen een theorie en een idee. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There's a big difference between a theory and an idea. Er is een vrouw in de kamer. There's a woman in the room. There's a woman in the room. Het vliegtuig heeft een perfecte landing gemaakt. The plane made a perfect landing. The plane made a perfect landing. Vlinders leven niet lang. Butterflies have short life spans. Butterflies don't live long. Tom en Maria gingen skiën in de Alpen. Tom and Mary went skiing in the Alps. Tom and Maria went skiing in the Alps. Wist u niet dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Wil je dat ik je help? Do you want me to help you? You want me to help you? Waarom ben je niet aangekleed? Why aren't you dressed? Why aren't you dressed? Je doet hem te kort. You are selling him short. You're short on him. Hoe zeg je kreeft in het Frans? How do you say lobster in French? How do you say lobster in French? Ik heb geen haast. I am not in a hurry. I'm in no hurry. Mijn ogen zijn een oceaan waarin mijn dromen weerspiegelen. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected. My eyes are an ocean in which my dreams reflect. Dank u wel dat u mij wilde ontmoeten. Thanks for meeting me. Thank you so much for meeting me. Tom vermoedt niets. Tom suspects nothing. Tom doesn't suspect anything. Ik heb diarree. I've got diarrhea. I have diarrhea. Maria vond een klavertjevier. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Maria found a four-leaf clover. Het lievelingseten van mijn zoon is wafels met esdoornsiroop. Elke ochtend zegt hij dat ik dat moet maken, maar soms moet ik wel nee zeggen. My son's favourite food is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I should cook them, but sometimes I must say no. My son's favorite food is waffles with maple syrup. Every morning he says I have to make that, but sometimes I have to say no. Denken is vergelijken. To think means to compare. Thinking is comparing. Weet iemand dat je hier bent? Does anyone know you're here? Does anyone know you're here? Ieder van ons ging behalve hij. All of us went except for him. Each of us went except him. Tom schreef daarover in zijn dagboek. Tom wrote about that in his journal. Tom wrote about that in his diary. 3 vermenigvuldigd met 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. 3 multiplied by 5 is 15. Geef je over of sterf! Surrender or die! Surrender or die! Je hebt gelijk. You're right. You're right. Iedereen doet dit. Everybody does this. Everybody's doing this. Heb je gewoonlijk thee voor het ontbijt? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Do you usually have tea for breakfast? Ik heb een woordenboek. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Mag ik jouw woordenboek gebruiken? May I use your dictionary? Can I use your dictionary? Hij ging skiën. He went skiing. He went skiing. Ik weet niet of hij het weet. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. We hebben jullie hulp nodig. We need your help! We need your help. Ik heb niets gedaan om me voor te schamen. I've done nothing to be ashamed of. I didn't do anything to be ashamed of. Ik heb een zeer mooie hond. I have a very beautiful dog. I have a very nice dog. Toms moeder gaf hem een knuffel. Tom's mother hugged him. Tom's mother gave him a hug. Twee gezinnen wonen in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Kan je mij een verblijfplaats in Londen aanbevelen? Can you recommend a place for me to stay in London? Can you recommend a place to stay in London? Zijn er hier nog steeds wolven? Are there still wolves around here? Are there still wolves here? Tom is weg zonder mij het te zeggen. Tom left without even telling me. Tom's gone without telling me. Ik date nu met Tom. I'm dating Tom now. I'm dating Tom now. Tom zat op de bank een sigaret te roken. Tom sat on a bench smoking a cigarette. Tom was on the couch smoking a cigarette. We hebben een kano gehuurd. We rented a canoe. We rented a canoe. Is Tom dronken? Is Tom drunk? Is Tom drunk? Tom heeft grijs haar. Tom has gray hair. Tom's got gray hair. De munt is goud. The coin is gold. The coin is gold. Tom lijkt een vriendelijke persoon te zijn. Tom appears to be a friendly person. Tom seems to be a friendly person. Aardbevingen en overstromingen zijn natuurrampen. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Earthquakes and floods are natural disasters. Ik heb gehoord dat jullie heel erg getalenteerd zijn. I hear that you're very talented. I hear you guys are very talented. Het was vier jaar sinds we elkaar hadden ontmoet. We had met four years ago. It's been four years since we met. Tom spreekt een beetje Frans. Tom speaks French a little. Tom speaks a little French. Als je het wilt, kan ik terug komen. If you want, I can come back. If you want, I can come back. Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain it. I can't explain. Dit was makkelijker dan ik dacht. This was easier than I thought it would be. This was easier than I thought. Ik zag een leeuwin. I saw a lioness. I saw a lioness. Mama is aan het werk. Mummy's working. Mommy's working. Sami was geen moslim. Sami was not Muslim. Sami wasn't a Muslim. Teken met een potlood. Draw with a pencil. Draw with a pencil. Hij heeft stuiptrekkingen. He has convulsions. He's convulsing. Laten we er één nemen. Let's get one. Let's get one. Is deze zitplaats vrij? Is this seat taken? Is this seat free? Ik wil niet tv kijken. I don't want to watch TV. I don't want to watch TV. Waarom kwam hij niet naar het feestje? Why didn't he come to the party? Why didn't he come to the party? Waarom werd je zo boos? Why did you get so angry? Why did you get so angry? In het algemeen houden jongeren niet van formaliteit. In general, young people dislike formality. In general, young people do not like formality. Wij verlaten zeker en vast dit land. We are definitely leaving this country. We're definitely leaving this country. Mijn jongere zus is beroemd. My younger sister is famous. My younger sister is famous. Dit lawaai is ondraaglijk. This noise is unbearable. This noise is unbearable. Herinner je je die keer dat we samen naar Boston gingen? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Do you remember the time we went to Boston together? Hallo ouder! Hello parent! Hello, parent! Ik ben opzoek naar het Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. Zijn bedrijf groeit snel. His business is growing rapidly. His company is growing fast. Zeg alstublieft het alfabet achterstevoren op. Please say the alphabet in reverse. Please cancel the alphabet backwards. Ik hou niet van pizza. I don't like pizza. I don't like pizza. Waarom springen jullie? Why are you jumping? Why are you jumping? Ik praat nooit meer tijdens de les. I'll never talk during class again. I'll never talk in class again. Weet je waarom Tom hier vandaag kwam? Do you know the reason Tom came here today? Do you know why Tom came here today? Tom is openlijk homo. Tom is openly gay. Tom is openly gay. Laat geen sigarettenas op het tapijt vallen. Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Don't drop a cigarette ash on the carpet. Tom is een rabbijn. Tom is a rabbi. Tom's a rabbi. Verstaat u Italiaans? Do you understand Italian? Do you understand Italian? Ik woon momenteel in Australië. I currently live in Australia. I live in Australia right now. Spreek alsjeblieft zo duidelijk mogelijk. Please speak as clearly as possible. Please speak as clearly as possible. Ik zit in de problemen. I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble. Tom heeft drie pond bananen gekocht. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Ik ben nog nooit in Hiroshima geweest. I have never been to Hiroshima. I've never been to Hiroshima. Niemand steunde mijn land. Nobody supported my country. No one supported my country. Het postkantoor is recht tegenover de winkel. The post office is just across from the store. The post office is right across the street from the store. Ik heb nieuwe zinnen toegevoegd. I added new sentences. I've added new sentences. Ik heb de deur laten repareren. I had the door repaired. I had the door fixed. Hij is een meegaand mens. He is an agreeable person. He's a compassionate man. Tom kocht van Maria een camera. Tom bought a camera from Mary. Tom bought a camera from Maria. Ze zat naast me. She sat by my side. She was sitting next to me. Ze heeft een hartkwaal. She has a heart disease. She's got a heart condition. Hier is de rekening. Here's the bill. Here's the bill. Het verkeerslicht sprong op groen. The traffic light turned green. The traffic light jumped on green. Ze heeft een tatoeage van een hagedis op haar dij. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. She has a tattoo of a lizard on her thigh. Ik kan niks bedenken. I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything. Ik heb een plan bedacht, maar ik ga je hulp nodig hebben. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. I've come up with a plan, but I'm gonna need your help. Laten we deze problemen een voor een bekijken. Let's look at these problems one at a time. Let's look at these problems one by one. Iemand schreeuwde. Someone screamed. Someone screamed. Ze luistert niet naar hem. She doesn't listen to him. She won't listen to him. Stephen King is een van mijn lievelingsschrijvers. Stephen King is one of my favourite writers. Stephen King is one of my favorite writers. Hoe zeg je ''të lutem'' in het Italiaans? How do you say "të lutem" in Italian? How do you say "të lutem" in Italian? John haalde een sleutel uit zijn zak. John took a key from his pocket. John pulled a key out of his pocket. De motor werkt niet goed. The engine doesn't function properly. The engine's not working properly. Verdomme. Damn you. Damn it. Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken over zoiets. You don't have to worry about something like that. You don't have to worry about anything like that. De zon kwam te voorschijn en het ijs smolt. The sun came out and the ice melted. The sun came out and the ice melted. Ze vergeeft me nooit. She'll never forgive me. She'll never forgive me. Is hij niet zwart? Isn't it black? Isn't he black? Mag ik binnenkomen? Am I allowed to enter? Can I come in? Hoe zeg je ''Liefde'' in het Portugees? How do you say "Love" in Portuguese? How do you say "Love" in Portuguese? Maria is een goudzoeker. Mary is a gold digger. Maria's a gold digger. Hier komt hij. Here he comes. Here he comes. Sami deed de ghoesl. Sami performed ghusl. Sami did the ghoesl. Hij bouwt de hele dag luchtkastelen. He built castles in the air all day. He builds air castles all day. Ik ga het nader onderzoeken. I'll look into it. I'm gonna go check it out. Je zou het misschien moeten vragen. Maybe you should ask. You might have to ask. Tom heeft de hik. Tom has hiccups. Tom's got the hiccups. Het klinkt heel zinvol. It makes perfect sense. It sounds very meaningful. Dat is niet waarom Tom ontslag nam. That's not why Tom resigned. That's not why Tom resigned. Tom heeft geen spijt. Tom has no regrets. Tom has no regrets. Wat moet dit voorstellen? What on Earth is this? What the hell is this? Vertel ons iets. Tell us something. Tell us something. Vergelijk nooit je vrouw met een andere vrouw. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. She cares for her sick mother. She takes care of her sick mother. Er was goud ontdekt in Californië. Gold had been discovered in California. Gold was discovered in California. Goedenacht, Tom. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. Hoe is het weer? How is the weather? How's the weather? De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek wordt ''République Centrafricaine'' genoemd in het Frans. The Central African Republic is called "République Centrafricaine" in French. The Central African Republic is called ''République Centrafricaine'' in French. Daar staat een prachtige kerk op de heuvel. There stands a beautiful church on the hill. There's a beautiful church on the hill. Dat is te veel. That's too much! That's too much. Ik geloof niet in het bestaan van God. I do not believe in the existence of God. I don't believe in the existence of God. Wil je erover praten of niet? Do you want to talk about it or not? Do you want to talk about it or not? Bij het ontbijt drinkt Tom altijd een kop warme chocolademelk. At breakfast, Tom always drinks a cup of hot chocolate. Tom always drinks a cup of hot chocolate at breakfast. Kijk in de doos. Look into the box. Look in the box. Ik was in de bergen. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Deze tafel is wit. This table is white. This table is white. Tom is echt een smeerlap. Tom is such a slob. Tom's a real son of a bitch. Dat is zo ongelooflijk. That's so incredible. That's so incredible. Tom rijdt in een Toyota. Tom is driving a Toyota. Tom drives a Toyota. Wanneer vertrek je? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? De voorstelling toonde moderne kunst uit Europa. The show presented modern art from Europe. The performance showed modern art from Europe. Laat me de foto zien. Show me the picture. Let me see the picture. Maak je geen zorgen. Don't worry about it. Don't worry. Bedankt voor het komen jongens! Ik zie jullie het volgende lesuur weer! Thanks for coming, guys! I'll see you next class! Thanks for coming, guys! Waar gaat de os naartoe? Where is the ox going? Where's the ox going? Laat me je voorstellen aan meneer Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Maria giechelde en bloosde. Mary giggled and blushed. Mary was giggled and blushed. Schenk bloed. Donate blood. Pour blood. Spreek niet tegen de bestuurder terwijl hij aan het rijden is. Don't speak to the driver while he is driving. Don't talk to the driver while he's driving. Muiriel is nu 20 jaar oud. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now 20 years old. Het vlees is gaar. The meat is cooked. The meat is cooked. Ik ben nu een bad aan het nemen. I am taking a bath now. I'm taking a bath now. Het was zwaar, maar het was elke druppel zweet waard. It was tough, but worth every drop of sweat. It was heavy, but it was worth every drop of sweat. Ik ben heel de zomervakantie van huis weg geweest. I was away from home all through the summer vacation. I've been away from home all summer vacation. Je had gelijk. You were right. You were right. Na de orkaan was hun huis een wrak. After the hurricane, their house was a wreck. After the hurricane, their house was a wreck. Ik ben aan het vertalen. I am translating. I'm translating. Stop daar onmiddellijk mee! Stop it right now! Stop that right now! Ons is verteld dat we dat niet mogen doen. We've been told not to do that. We've been told we can't do that. Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've had coffee already. I've already had coffee. Honden haten katten. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Maria heeft een jong weeseekhoorntje gevonden. Mary found an orphaned baby squirrel. Maria found a young orphan squirrel. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can also let it go. Ik eet een peer. I'm eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Het meer is heel diep. The lake is very deep. The lake is very deep. Drinkt hij koffie? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Zijn ouders houden van me. His parents love me. His parents love me. Hebt ge hem onlangs nog ontmoet? Did you meet him recently? Have you met him recently? Open je mond niet! Don't open your mouth! Don't open your mouth! Er waren veel mensen in het park. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Hij was boos dat ik hem had beledigd. He was angry that I had insulted him. He was angry that I had offended him. Alles is helder. Everything is clear. Everything's clear. Hoe groot is je appartement? How big is your apartment? How big is your apartment? Bahrein werd een koninkrijk in 2002. Bahrain became a kingdom in 2002. Bahrain became a kingdom in 2002. Hij is er trots op dat zijn vader een groot wetenschapper was. He is proud that his father was a great scientist. He's proud that his father was a great scientist. Er is te veel knoflook. There's too much garlic. There's too much garlic. Er zijn redelijk veel mensen die dat nog altijd geloven. Quite a number of people still believe it. There are quite a lot of people who still believe that. Het is apenvlees. It's monkey meat. It's monkey meat. De lucht zal blauw zijn. The sky will be blue. The sky will be blue. Kun jij omgaan met de manier waarop hij zich gedraagt? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you handle the way he behaves? Is dat een draak? Is that a dragon? Is that a dragon? Maak je zakken leeg. Empty your bags. Empty your pockets. Sorry voor het lawaai. I'm sorry about the noise. Sorry about the noise. Heeft iemand iets vreemds opgemerkt? Did anyone notice anything unusual? Has anyone noticed anything strange? Misschien had je gelijk. Maybe you were right. Maybe you were right. Algerije zal niet verdwijnen. Algeria will not vanish. Algeria will not disappear. Ik zou graag met jou naar zee gaan. I'd like to go to the seaside with you. I'd love to go to sea with you. Zij was op de plaats delict. She was at the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. Dat deed ze helemaal zelf. She did that all herself. She did it all by herself. Wilt u een kamer met een bad of een douche? Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? Ze hebben tegen je gelogen. They lied to you. They lied to you. Mag ik een foto maken? May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? Repareer het horloge. Fix the clock. Fix the watch. Wees lief en zet de radio wat zachter. Be an angel and turn the radio down. Be nice and turn the radio down. Tom is een loodgieter. Tom is a plumber. Tom's a plumber. De zoon van een tante is een neef. The son of an aunt is a cousin. An aunt's son is a cousin. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everybody knows that Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom likes Maria. Het is een schaduw. It's a shadow. It's a shadow. Maria heeft groene wenkbrauwen. Mary has green eyebrows. Maria has green eyebrows. In de zomer zwem ik vaak in de zee. I often go swimming at the beach in the summer. In summer, I often swim in the sea. Hebben jullie nagedacht over jullie tandenborstel? Did you think about your toothbrush? Have you thought about your toothbrush? Ik vond het moeilijk me in dat lawaai verstaanbaar te maken. I found it difficult to make myself heard because of the noise. I found it difficult to understand in that noise. Sla op de volgende hoek linksaf. Turn left at the next corner. Turn left on the next corner. Tom ziet rood. Tom sees red. Tom sees red. Tom is zijn haar gaan laten knippen maar hij komt zeker weldra terug. Tom has gone to get a haircut, but he should be back soon. Tom got his hair cut, but he'll be back soon. Wat er ook moge gebeuren, je moet niet vergeten te glimlachen. No matter what may happen, you mustn't forget your smile. Whatever happens, don't forget to smile. Tom is verlegen. Tom's shy. Tom's shy. Ze belde hem terug om iets terug te geven dat hij achtergelaten had. She called him back to give him something he had left behind. She called him back to return something he left behind. Bell vond de telefoon uit. Bell invented the telephone. Bell invented the phone. Tom betaalt. Tom'll pay. Tom's paying. Hij wacht niet graag tot het laatste moment om iets te doen. He doesn't like to wait until the last moment to do something. He doesn't like to wait until the last moment to do something. Heb je de deur op slot gedaan? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? Gaat het goed met Tom? Is Tom well? Is Tom okay? Misschien zou ze er echt niet zijn? Maybe she really won't be there? Maybe she really wouldn't be there? Wees gewoon gelukkig. Just be happy. Just be happy. Sami zijn vriendin is schattig. Sami's girlfriend is cute. Sami's girlfriend is cute. Is er iets dat ik kan doen? Is there anything I can do? Is there anything I can do? De kwaliteit van de rijst vermindert. The quality of rice is going down. The quality of the rice decreases. Heb geen angst. Je gaat de woorden in het Portugees gewoon worden en vloeiend spreken. Don't be scared. You will get accustomed to words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Don't be afraid. You're going to get the words in Portuguese and speak fluently. Waarom zijn ze boos? Why are they angry? Why are they mad? Het licht is groen. The light is green. The light is green. Tom lijkt helemaal op iemand die ik ken. Tom looks just like a guy I know. Tom looks just like someone I know. Ik heb je nooit gezien. I never saw you. I've never seen you. Ik wilde niemand beledigen. No offense was meant. I didn't mean to offend anyone. De panter is roze. The panther is pink. The panther is pink. Onze tijd is gelimiteerd. Our time is limited. Our time is limited. Ik mag hem wel. I rather like him. I like him. Rokers vervuilen de lucht. Smokers foul up the air. Smokers pollute the air. Twijfel eens niet zo aan mij. Stop doubting me. Don't doubt me like that. Daaraan twijfel ik niet. I don't doubt that. I don't doubt it. We moeten het werk binnen een dag doen. We have to do the work in a day. We have to do the work in a day. Kan je me naar huis voeren? Can you drive me home? Can you take me home? Ik ben een Boogschutter. I'm a Sagittarius. I'm a Sagittarius. De auto is oud, maar wel goed. The car is old, but it is good. The car's old, but it's good. Ik was er toen niet klaar voor. I wasn't prepared for it at that time. I wasn't ready then. Het homohuwelijk moet legaal zijn. Gay marriage should be legal. Gay marriage must be legal. Ze volgt de nieuwste rage. She follows the latest craze. She's following the latest craze. We hebben alles weggedaan. We got rid of everything. We got rid of everything. Tom houdt van countrymuziek. Tom loves country music. Tom likes country music. Zolang er leven is, is er hoop. As long as there's life, there is hope. As long as there's life, there's hope. Ik zal ook gaan, tenzij het regent. Unless it rains, I will go, too. I'll go, too, unless it rains. Je moet geen stilstaand water drinken. You shouldn't drink stagnant water. You shouldn't drink stagnant water. Ik wil niet teruggaan. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world with no war. Imagine a world without war. Het kasteel is aan de andere kant van de rivier. The castle is across the river. The castle is on the other side of the river. Dat kan je mij niet verwijten. You can't blame this on us. You can't blame me for that. Misschien heb ik ze beetgenomen. Maybe I fooled them. Maybe I tricked them. Ge moet zeker tegen zondag klaar zijn. It is imperative for you to finish by Sunday. You'll have to be done by Sunday. Ze heeft haar kinderen in de steek gelaten. She left her children behind. She's abandoned her children. Hij kookt nu. He's cooking now. He's cooking now. Ik schreef aan mijn leraar Frans in het Frans. I wrote to my French teacher in French. I wrote to my French teacher in French. De kinderen hebben een reusachtige sneeuwman gemaakt. The children made a giant snowman. The kids made a giant snowman. Maria breide deze sjaal. Mary knit this scarf. Maria knitted this scarf. Daag de conventie uit. Defy convention. Challenge the convention. Ik heb gehoord dat het gras in Engeland zelfs groen is in de winter. I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England. I hear the grass in England is even green in winter. Bedankt om me op de zetfout te wijzen! Thanks for spotting the typo. Thank you for pointing out the error of words! Dan deed niet eens de afwas. Dan didn't even do the dishes. Dan didn't even do the dishes. Ik hou van Californië. I love California. I love California. Gewoonlijk lees ik terwijl ik eet. I usually read while I eat. I usually read while I eat. Kunt ge het voorwerp beschrijven? Can you describe the object? Can you describe the object? Mijn naam is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. Het is een Cubaanse sigaar. It's a Cuban cigar. It's a Cuban cigar. Ik voel me de laatste dagen niet zo goed. I've been feeling poorly for the last couple of days. I don't feel so good these last few days. Hebben we genoeg melk? Do we have enough milk? Do we have enough milk? Dat vind ik leuk. I like that. I like that. Weet je veel over kunst? Do you know much about art? You know a lot about art? Het zou leuk zijn als je kon zingen. It would be great if you could sing. It'd be nice if you could sing. Waarom zijn jullie getrouwd? Why are you married? Why are you married? Tom is een idioot. Tom is an idiot. Tom's an idiot. Tom is bang dat hij dom zal overkomen. Tom is afraid that he might look stupid. Tom's afraid he'll look stupid. Is er een toegang voor rolstoelen? Is there wheelchair access? Is there a wheelchair access? Sami groeide op in een kleine moslimgemeenschap in Oost-Europa. Sami grew up in a small Muslim community in Eastern Europe. Sami grew up in a small Muslim community in Eastern Europe. Het leven is geen exacte wetenschap. Het is een kunst. Life is not an exact science, it is an art. Life is not an exact science, it's an art. Het is geen schande om te zeggen dat je het niet weet. There is no shame in saying 'I don't know'. There's no shame in saying you don't know. Toen hij jong was voetbalde hij soms. When he was young, he sometimes played soccer. When he was young, he used to play football sometimes. Ik ben gevaarlijk. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Waarom huilen jullie? Why do you cry? Why are you crying? Tom heeft dat niet gezegd. Tom didn't say that. Tom didn't say that. Ik heb me verslapen. I overslept. I overslept. Hij woont alleen in zijn flat. He lives alone in his flat. He lives alone in his apartment. Ik heb een vriend nodig. I need a friend. I need a friend. Het spijt me van gisteren. I apologize for yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Ik wist het. I knew it. I knew it. Ik stond vroeg op om de eerste trein te nemen. I got up early in order to catch the first train. I got up early to take the first train. Dit is een historische stad. This is a historic city. This is a historic city. Heb je nog graag wat sinaasappelsap? Would you like some more orange juice? Do you like some orange juice? Ze was een ervaren bruiloftsfotograaf. She was an experienced wedding photographer. She was an experienced wedding photographer. Het artikel in het tijdschrift zei dat de waarde van de yen zou stijgen. The magazine article said that the value of the yen would rise. The article in the magazine said the value of the yen would rise. Zij zijn geen reuzen maar trollen. They are not giants but trolls. They're not giants. They're trolls. Denk positief! Think positive! Think positive! Ze houdt van de jongen alsof het haar eigen kind was. She loves the boy as if he were her own child. She loves the boy like she was her own. Hij zit op de middelbare school. He goes to junior high. He's in high school. Hij liep naar huis. He walked home. He was walking home. Duitse mannen zijn seksistisch. German men are sexist. German men are sexist. Ik had geen idee waar ik heen moest gaan. I had no idea where to go. I had no idea where to go. Tom houdt erg van dieren. Tom really loves animals. Tom likes animals very much. Ik weet alles van haar. I know everything about her. I know all about her. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that it's true. I think it's true. Tom hield zijn adem in. Tom held his breath. Tom held his breath. Hij nam de taxi om er op tijd te komen. He took a taxi to get there in time. He took the cab to get there on time. Ik heb gisteren veel frieten gegeten. I ate a lot of french fries yesterday. I ate a lot of fries yesterday. Het klimaat hier is zoals in Frankrijk. The climate here is like that of France. The climate here is like in France. Het weer was prachtig. The weather was gorgeous. The weather was beautiful. U bent vrij. You're free. You're free. Tom wordt rood. Tom is turning red. Tom's turning red. Ik heb je verzocht om te luisteren. I have asked you to listen. I asked you to listen. Het is ook geen sinaasappel. That is not an orange, either. It's not orange either. Hij drinkt bier. He drinks beer. He drinks beer. De lange vrouw draagt ​​een grijs pak. The tall woman wears a gray suit. The tall woman wears a gray suit. Het is nooit te laat om te leren. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. De meeste beren zijn omnivoren. Most bears are omnivores. Most bears are omnivores. Mijn zus is jonger dan ik. My sister is younger than me. My sister's younger than me. Mary loopt een jaar achter op school. Mary is a year behind in school. Mary's a year behind in school. Draai je om. Turn around. Turn around. Ben je vergeetachtig? Are you forgetful? Are you forgetful? Is mijn kleding al droog? Are my clothes already dry? Is my clothes dry yet? Naar het Hiltonhotel alstublieft. To the Hilton Hotel please! To the Hilton Hotel, please. Ik heb biologie altijd gehaat. I've always hated biology. I've always hated biology. Op tafel was een blauw schrift. There was a blue notebook on the table. On the table was a blue script. Je hebt gedronken. You have drunk. You've been drinking. Ik groeide op in de bossen. I grew up in the woods. I grew up in the woods. Je ziet er niet zenuwachtig uit. You don't look nervous. You don't look nervous. Tom viel in slaap in de bioscoop. Tom fell asleep at the cinema. Tom fell asleep at the movies. Jack is hier niet. Jack isn't there. Jack's not here. Vandaag wordt ze tien. Today she turns ten years old. Today she's going to be 10. Is dat jouw T-shirt niet? Isn't that your shirt? Isn't that your T-shirt? Hoe zeker ben je dat hij een crimineel is? How certain are you that he's a criminal? How sure are you that he's a criminal? Moeten we de Australische vlag veranderen? Should we change the Australian flag? Should we change the Australian flag? Maria landde. Mary landed. Maria landed. Hoelang duurt dat? How long does it take? How long will that take? Dat is niet veilig. That isn't safe. That's not safe. Luister naar me alstublieft. Please listen to me. Please listen to me. Jij bent niet zo jong als Tom. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Zijn er in de muur ramen? Are there any windows in the wall? Are there any windows in the wall? Ben jij niet een van Toms vrienden? Aren't you one of Tom's friends? Aren't you one of Tom's friends? Het licht staat op groen. The traffic signal is green. The light's on green. We vertrekken nu. We're leaving now. We're leaving now. Tom viel flauw. Tom blacked out. Tom fainted. "Stil!", fluisterde hij. "Be quiet," he whispered. "Silence!", he whispered. Zet u. Sit down. Sit down. Ze werd gediskwalificeerd van de race wegens twee valse starts. She was disqualified from the race for two false starts. She was disqualified from the race due to two false starts. Wie is uw leraar? Who's your teacher? Who's your teacher? Zijn Kabylische vrouwen mooi? Are Kabyle women beautiful? Are Kabylic women beautiful? Ik ben gek op ijs met muntsmaak. I love mint ice cream. I love mint-flavored ice cream. Wist je niet dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Didn't you know I used to live in Boston? Ze worden per week betaald. They are paid by the week. They're paid a week. Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, right? You love each other, don't you? De ramen zijn open. The windows are open. The windows are open. We dronken veel alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. We drank a lot of alcohol. Tom was heel nerveus. Tom was very nervous. Tom was very nervous. Ik doop met water. I baptize with water. I baptize with water. Ik zoek een geschenk voor mijn moeder. I am looking for a present for my mother. I'm looking for a gift for my mother. Sami is biseksueel en beschouwt zichzelf niet als onderdeel van de homogemeenschap. Sami is bisexual and doesn't consider himself part of the gay community. Sami is bisexual and does not consider himself part of the gay community. Bent u verdwaald? Are you lost? Are you lost? Astronomie is een dure hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Astronomy is an expensive hobby. Oude mannen zijn vergeetachtig. Old men are apt to forget. Old men are forgetful. Ben je het daarmee eens of niet? Do you agree with that or not? Do you agree with that or not? Het is een poging waard. It's worth a try. It's worth a try. Mijn broer gebruikt het. My brother uses it. My brother's using it. Ik wist niet dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know that you used to live in Boston. I didn't know you used to live in Boston. We moeten op hem wachten. We have to wait for him. We have to wait for him. We moeten de meeting annuleren. We need to cancel the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Tom leek ontgoocheld. Tom seemed disappointed. Tom seemed disappointed. Dat is te klein om op je hoofd te passen. That's too small to fit on your head. That's too small to look after your head. Deze bus brengt je naar het museum. This bus will take you to the museum. This bus will take you to the museum. Tom is woedend. Tom is furious. Tom's furious. Ik zal je het geld morgen teruggeven. I'll give you back the money tomorrow. I'll give you the money back tomorrow. Hij was niet aanwezig op de bijeenkomst. He was absent from the meeting. He wasn't at the meeting. Ik heb niet genoeg geld om de laatste smartphone te kopen. I don't have enough money to buy the latest smartphone. I don't have enough money to buy the last smartphone. Er zijn nog geen opmerkingen. There are no comments yet. There are no comments yet. Die doos daar is groter dan deze. That box is bigger than this one. That box over there is bigger than this. Dit is een appel. This is an apple. This is an apple. Ik ben ziek. I am sick. I'm sick. Vanmiddag ga ik met Naoko spelen. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. I'm going to play with Naoko this afternoon. Geen nieuws is goed nieuws. No news is good news. No news is good news. Wees niet bang. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Overal was er rommel. Garbage was everywhere. There was shit everywhere. Snij het. Cut it. Cut it. Het meisje drinkt sinaasappelsap. The girl drinks orange juice. The girl drinks orange juice. Spreek wat luider a.u.b. Could you speak a little louder please? Please speak louder. Wat betekent het? What does it mean? What does it mean? Ik ben op vakantie geweest. I've been on vacation. I've been on vacation. Ik dacht dat hij onschuldig was. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Ik heb u nodig. I need you. I need you. Tom heeft een 3D-printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Tom has a 3D printer. Ik kan mijn linkerschoen niet vinden. I can't find my left shoe. I can't find my left shoe. Heeft hij je de waarheid gezegd? Did he tell you the truth? Did he tell you the truth? Ik zal je niet verlaten. I won't leave you. I won't leave you. Tom moest niet lang wachten. Tom didn't have long to wait. Tom didn't have to wait long. Hij ging vissen in de rivier. He went fishing in the river. He went fishing in the river. Mijn voorouders hoopten politiek asiel te vinden. My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. My ancestors hoped to find political asylum. Leg het schriftelijk vast. Put that in writing. Record it in writing. Op een dag zullen ze je rijbewijs afnemen. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One day they'll take your license. Ik hou van muziek, meer bepaald van klassieke muziek. I like music, particularly classical music. I like music, especially classical music. Een man met de naam Slim is bij dat ongeval gedood. A man named Slim was killed in that accident. A man named Slim was killed in that accident. Het probleem is opgelost. The problem is solved. The problem's solved. Tom is in de achtertuin aan het spelen. Tom is playing in the backyard. Tom's playing in the backyard. Wiens pizza is dat? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is that? Ik denk dat ik alleen maar uitgeput ben. I think that I'm just exhausted. I guess I'm just exhausted. De oorlog begon drie jaar later. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Ze hadden het over politiek. They talked politics. They were talking about politics. Ik ben de eerste musicus in mijn familie. I am the first musician in my family. I'm the first musician in my family. Wat wil je? What is it? What do you want? Ik zie de kroon. I see the crown. I see the crown. Die film is het zien waard. That movie is worth seeing. That movie's worth seeing. Tom werd bewusteloos. Tom passed out. Tom passed out. Kan ik u met iets helpen? Can I help you with something? Can I help you with something? Waarom zeg je dat je in het park wilt wandelen? Why are you saying you want to walk in the park? Why do you say you want to walk in the park? Ik herinner mij niet wanneer ik voor het laatst in een boom geklommen ben. I don't remember the last time I climbed a tree. I don't remember the last time I climbed a tree. U heeft allicht dorst. You're probably thirsty. You're probably thirsty. Hij is een goede kerel. He's a good bloke. He's a good guy. Het regent. It is raining. It's raining. Ik weet niet zeker wat ze gaat doen. I don't know for certain what she is going to do. I'm not sure what she's gonna do. Waar zijn je broers? Where are your brothers? Where are your brothers? Ik wil niet dat Tom dit ziet. I don't want Tom to see this. I don't want Tom to see this. Kom met ons mee. Join us. Come with us. Hallo John! Hoe gaat het? Hello, John! How are you? How's it going? Dan is in dat kasteel geboren. Dan was born in that castle. Dan was born in that castle. Ik woon met mijn familie in Boston. I live in Boston with my family. I live with my family in Boston. Wie is uw lievelingssaxofonist? Who's your favorite saxophonist? Who's your favorite saxophonist? Muziek is universeel. Music is universal. Music is universal. Tom is hier om ons te helpen. Tom is here to help us. Tom's here to help us. Laten we het hopen. Let's hope so. Let's hope so. Ben ik gearresteerd? Am I under arrest? Am I under arrest? Ik heb u horen roepen. I heard you scream. I've heard you call. Rood past bij jou. Red suits you. Red suits you. Ik ben aan vakantie toe. I need a vacation! I need a vacation. Zij deden hun sokken uit. They pulled off their socks. They took off their socks. Ik heb er genoeg van met jou te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've had enough talking to you! Ben jij goed in tennis? Are you good at playing tennis? Are you good at tennis? Zijn handen zijn vies. His hands are dirty. His hands are dirty. Ik heb me bedacht. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. Dit is zijn huis. This is his house. This is his house. Knipperlichtrelaties kunnen emotioneel heel vermoeiend zijn. On-again, off-again relationships can be emotionally draining. Flashlight relationships can be emotionally exhausting. Hier is het het volledige jaar koud. It is cold all year here. Here it's cold all year round. Ik ben zo terug. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. Dat is de mooiste bloem van de tuin. This is the most beautiful flower in the garden. That's the most beautiful flower in the garden. Ik denk, dat ze dit verhaal heeft verzonnen. I think she made up that story. I think she made up this story. Vogels drinken water. Birds drink water. Birds drink water. Ik hou niet van oesters. I don't like oysters. I don't like oysters. Ik ben niet erg goed in wiskunde. I'm not very good at math. I'm not very good at math. Zij is overleden. She passed away. She died. Kijk eens hier. Take a look here. Look at this. Deze bloem is geel. This flower is yellow. This flower is yellow. Tom speelde de hobo en Maria begeleidde hem op de piano. Tom played the oboe and Mary accompanied him on the piano. Tom played the oboe and Maria accompanied him on the piano. Haar buurman zal voor de kinderen zorgen wanneer ze weg is. Her neighbor will care for the children while she is away. Her neighbor will take care of the children when she's gone. Alle wegen leiden naar Rome. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Aangezien ik verkouden was, ging ik niet naar school. Since I had a cold, I didn't go to school. Since I had a cold, I didn't go to school. Doe die sigaret uit. Put that cigarette out. Put that cigarette out. We hadden plezier. We had fun. We had fun. Ik zag jullie broer eergisteren. I saw your brother the day before yesterday. I saw your brother the day before yesterday. Ik zal hem jouw bericht geven als hij aankomt. I'll give him your message when he arrives. I'll give him your message when he arrives. Ik begrijp niet waarom hij zo opeens wegging. I can't understand why he left so suddenly. I don't understand why he left so suddenly. Tom is het soort man waarmee ik zou willen trouwen. Tom is the kind of guy that I'd like to marry. Tom is the kind of man I'd like to marry. Waarom zou hij weg moeten gaan? Why should he leave? Why would he have to leave? De functie heeft geen neveneffecten. The function has no side effects. The function has no side effects. Wist je dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Did you know that Tom was a dentist? Did you know Tom was a dentist? Zij werkt als au pair in Duitsland. She works as an au pair in Germany. She works as an au pair in Germany. Je moet proberen beleefder te zijn. You should try to be more polite. You should try to be more polite. We hebben wat we nodig hebben. We've got what we need. We got what we need. Op het bordje in het park stond geschreven "Niet op het gras lopen!" The notice in the park said "Keep off the grass". On the sign in the park was written "Don't walk on the grass!" Waar denk je dat Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? Where do you think Tom is? We hadden geen benzine meer. We ran out of gas. We ran out of gas. Ik zal nooit mijn Playstation weggooien. I will never throw away my Playstation. I'll never throw away my Playstation. Ik woonde twee maanden in Vancouver. I lived in Vancouver for two months. I lived in Vancouver for two months. Wil je Perzisch leren? Do you want to learn Persian? You want to learn Persian? Bedoeïenen wonen in de woestijn. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Het lawaai stoort me. The noise bothers me. The noise bothers me. Je zou wat geld opzij moeten leggen voor jouw bruiloft. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. You should put some money aside for your wedding. Hij heeft mijn moeder gevraagd. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Tom zei dat hij dorst had. Tom said he was thirsty. Tom said he was thirsty. Tom zegt dat hij niet degene was die het raam brak. Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says he wasn't the one who broke the window. Ik stotter. I am stuttering. I stutter. Ik heb een foto van een luchthaven. I have a picture of an airport. I got a picture of an airport. Ik weet dat ik ongelijk heb. I know I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. Zijn voeten sliepen. His feet were asleep. His feet were asleep. Ik wist dat Tom de doos niet kon open doen. I knew Tom wouldn't be able to get the box open. I knew Tom couldn't open the box. We hebben behoefte aan properdere energiebronnen. We need cleaner sources of energy. We need cleaner energy sources. Tom is gestopt. Tom stopped. Tom stopped. Mag ik je om een gunst vragen? May I request a favour of you? Can I ask you a favor? Wat hebben we vandaag? What do we have today? What have we got today? Je zou je huur op voorhand moeten betalen. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Wie gebruikt Tatoeba? Who uses Tatoeba? Who's tatoba on? Mary masseerde mijn schouders. Mary massaged my shoulders. Mary massaged my shoulders. Ze bekeek een aantal jurken en koos de duurste. She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one. She looked at a number of dresses and chose the most expensive. Waarom heeft ze een mes in haar hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Why does she have a knife in her hand? Tom zei dat hij het niet gedaan heeft. Tom said that he didn't do it. Tom said he didn't do it. Ik heb het voor 600 euro verkocht. I sold it for 600 euros. I sold it for 600 euros. Ik wist dat Tom laat zou zijn. I knew Tom would be late. I knew Tom would be late. Stop met studeren! Stop studying! Stop studying! Conchita voelde zich schuldig dat ze Toms en Mary's relatie had verpest. Conchita felt guilty for ruining Tom and Mary's relationship. Conchita felt guilty about ruining Toms and Mary's relationship. Tom vertelde me zijn geheim. Tom told me his secret. Tom told me his secret. Wie heeft haar geholpen? Who helped her? Who helped her? Spreken jullie Iers? Do you speak Irish? Do you speak Irish? Er was een doodse stilte. There was a dead silence. There was a deathly silence. Ik kan Chinees wel spreken, maar niet lezen. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read Chinese. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read. Ik wil updates. I want updates. I want updates. Laten we met de bus gaan. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. Sami doneerde zijn land aan de moskee. Sami donated his lands to the mosque. Sami donated his land to the mosque. De regering van Mexico weigerde te onderhandelen. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. The government of Mexico refused to negotiate. Dat ruikt naar een val. It smells like a trap. Smells like a trap. Kan je dit alsjeblieft voor me vertalen? Can you please translate this for me? Can you translate this for me, please? De wetenschap heeft een opmerkelijke vooruitgang geboekt. Science has made remarkable progress. Science has made remarkable progress. Ik kwam je broer tegen op straat. I ran into your brother on the street. I ran into your brother on the street. Ik werk hier. I work here. I work here. De kippen zitten in het kippenhok. The chickens are in the henhouse. The chickens are in the henhouse. Ik heb de deur open gedaan. I opened the door. I opened the door. Ik kom op 23 mei. I will arrive on 23rd of May. I'll be on May 23rd. Misschien is het waar. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's true. Wacht nog een beetje. Wait a little longer. Wait a little more. Kleine kinderen zitten graag overal aan. Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to touch everything. Hij deed zijn sokken uit. He removed his socks. He took off his socks. Dit boek zal ons zeer van pas komen. This book will be of great use to us. This book will be of great use to us. Vader Tom is aan het bidden. Father Tom is praying. Father Tom is praying. Tom heeft niets besteld. Tom didn't order anything. Tom didn't order anything. Laten we samen naar een concert gaan. Let's go to a concert together. Let's go to a concert together. Kinderen houden van tv-kijken. Children like watching television. Kids love to watch TV. Ze was te moe. She was too tired. She was too tired. Geef het tomatensap aan. Pass the tomato juice. Give me the tomato juice. Een sneeuwvlok landde op het puntje van Toms neus. A snowflake landed on the tip of Tom's nose. A snowflake landed at the tip of Tom's nose. Sami en Layla zijn beide moslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslim. Sami and Layla are both Muslim. Waarom spreek je in het Frans? Why are you speaking in French? Why are you speaking in French? Ik wilde dat niet. I didn't want that. I didn't want that. En ik weet dat je het niet voor mij gedaan hebt. And I know you didn't do it for me. And I know you didn't do it for me. Kan ik daar lopen? Can I walk there? Can I walk there? Tom moet zeer trots zijn. Tom must be very proud. Tom must be very proud. Heeft er iemand een oplader voor een iPhone? Does anybody have an iPhone charger? Does anyone have a charger for an iPhone? Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the meters? Where are the parking meters? Dat klonk goed. That sounded good. That sounded good. Ik vervolg. I sue. I'll continue. Ze hadden haar nodig. They needed her. They needed her. Sami trouwde met een moslimmeisje. Sami married a Muslim girl. Sami married a Muslim girl. Niemand kan alles hebben. No one can have it all. No one can have everything. Dit jacht is erg duur. This yacht is very expensive. This yacht is very expensive. Ik kom uit Engeland. I come from England. I'm from England. Goedenacht. Goodnight! Good night. Naar het Hiltonhotel alstublieft. To the Hilton Hotel, please. To the Hilton Hotel, please. Mag ik die appelsien opeten? Can I eat this orange? Can I eat those applesiens? Niet schieten voor ik het zeg. Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot until I tell you. Tom heeft het echt vermoord. Tom really killed it. Tom really killed it. Het nationale Brukenthal-museum is het eerste museum dat officieel in Roemenië werd geopend. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. The National Brukenthal Museum is the first museum officially opened in Romania. Ik kon des te meer van mijn vrije dag genieten door met jou samen te zijn. I enjoyed the holiday all the better for being with you. I could enjoy my day off all the more by being with you. Je was moe. You were tired. You were tired. Ik kan het niet uitleggen. I can't explain. I can't explain. Wanneer zag je Tom voor het laatst? When did you last see Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Misschien kan je helpen. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Ik wil dat hij daar naartoe gaat. I want him to go there. I want him to go there. Tom moedigde me aan om Frans te leren. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. In een schip zitten is in de gevangenis zitten, met de kans op verdrinken. Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. Being in a ship is being in prison, with the chance of drowning. We wassen met zeep. We wash with soap. We wash with soap. Hoe was uw reis? How was your trip? How was your trip? Ik maak me geen zorgen over haar. I don't worry about her. I'm not worried about her. De zaken escaleerden snel. Things escalated quickly. Business escalated quickly. Is dat een kat? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Ik heb nooit in Australië gewoond. I've never lived in Australia. I never lived in Australia. Ik heb iemand nodig die mij begrijpt. I need someone to understand me. I need someone who understands me. Tom is jonger dan Maria, nietwaar? Tom is younger than Mary, isn't he? Tom's younger than Maria, isn't he? Sami heeft racisme meegemaakt alleen maar door een moslim te zijn. Sami has gone through racism just for being Muslim. Sami has experienced racism only by being a Muslim. Hoe vaak koop jij een tandenborstel? How often do you buy a toothbrush? How often do you buy a toothbrush? Je bent een slimme jongen. You're a smart boy. You're a smart boy. Ik controleerde het twee maal om zeker te zijn dat we geen enkele fout maakten. I checked twice to make certain we hadn't made any mistakes. I checked twice to make sure we didn't make any mistakes. Hij is trots op zijn zoon. He is proud of his son. He's proud of his son. Lente is in de lucht. Spring is in the air. Spring's in the air. Tom woont nu bij zijn oom. Tom is living with his uncle now. Tom lives with his uncle now. Hij bracht me naar het vliegveld Narita. He gave me a ride to the Narita airport. He took me to Narita Airport. Hoe sluw je ook bent, je kan nooit jezelf verrassen. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. No matter how cunning you are, you can never surprise yourself. Je had het me de eerste keer kunnen zeggen. You could have told me the first time. You could have told me the first time. Als hij groot is, wil Tom graag dokter worden. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. When he grows up, Tom wants to be a doctor. Het aantal muffins dat je krijgt, zal omgekeerd evenredig zijn aan het aantal keer dat je op IRC praat. The number of muffins that you'll receive will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. The number of muffins you get will be inversely proportional to the number of times you talk on IRC. Ze hielp een oude man oversteken. She helped an old man cross the road. She helped cross an old man. Waar gehakt wordt, vallen spaanders. From chipping come chips. Where chopping is done, chips fall. In mijn nieuwe huis is de woonkamer op de begane grond en de slaapkamer op de eerste verdieping. In my new house, the living room is on the ground floor and the bedroom is on the first floor. In my new house is the living room on the ground floor and the bedroom on the first floor. "Je hebt mijn hart gebroken", zei Mary. "You broke my heart", said Mary. "You broke my heart," said Mary. Tom bestelde een alcoholvrij drankje. Tom ordered a non-alcoholic drink. Tom ordered a non-alcoholic drink. Hoe oud is hij? How old is he? How old is he? Voor zover ik weet, waren er geen problemen gedurende het eerste semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester. Welke landen heb je bezocht? Which countries have you visited? Which countries have you visited? Gooi dit alsjeblieft weg. Please throw this away. Please throw this away. Wat is jouw voorstel? What is your suggestion? What's your proposition? Ze zal daar nooit over spreken. She will never talk about it. She'll never talk about that. Heb je met haar onlangs gesproken? Have you talked to her recently? Did you talk to her recently? Hebben jullie hulp nodig? Do you need help? Do you need any help? Je mag hier niet roken. You're not allowed to smoke here. You can't smoke in here. Tom drinkt bier. Tom drinks beer. Tom drinks beer. Hier is het bijna middernacht. It's almost midnight here. Here it's almost midnight. Tom wacht me elke ochtend op bij de bushalte. Tom waits for me at the bus stop every morning. Tom's waiting for me at the bus stop every morning. Hebben jullie dan helemaal geen contact met elkaar? Don't you guys communicate at all? Are you not in contact with each other at all? Heb je je haren gewassen? Did you wash your hair? Did you wash your hair? Het is 7 uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's 7:00. Londen is een van de grootste steden ter wereld. London is among the world's largest cities. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Dat maakt momenteel niet uit. That's not important right now. It doesn't matter at the moment. Bedankt voor uw e-mail! Thanks for your email! Thank you for your email! Hij zal niet langer dan vier dagen blijven. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay for more than four days. Ik kocht ijskoud water. I bought ice-cold water. I bought ice-cold water. Je bent slimmer dan je eruitziet. You're smarter than you look. You're smarter than you look. Tom was niet thuis voor middernacht. Tom didn't get home till midnight. Tom wasn't home till midnight. Niet alle mannen zijn wijs. Not all men are wise. Not all men are wise. We aten wat schildpadsoep. We ate some turtle soup. We had some turtle soup. Ik kan niet koken. I don't know how to cook. I can't cook. Voor de verovering door de Arabieren waren de meeste Perzen zoroastranen, maar er waren ook joden en christenen. Wie zou vandaag durven denken dat Iraniërs joodse of christelijke voorouders hebben? Before the conquest by the Arabians, the majority of the Persians were Zoroastrians, but there were also Jews and Christians. So, who could imagine today that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? Before the Arab conquest, most Persians were Zoroastrans, but there were also Jews and Christians. Who today would dare think that Iranians have Jewish or Christian ancestors? Waar is een spiegel? Where's a mirror? Where's a mirror? De weg splitst zich hier in tweeën. The road divides here into two. The road splits in half here. Maria huilde op de terugweg naar huis. Mary cried on the way back home. Maria cried on her way home. Tom komt hier bijna dagelijks. Tom comes here nearly every day. Tom comes here almost every day. Ze hebben een goed curriculum bij die universiteit. They have a very good curriculum at that university. They have a good curriculum at that university. Deze vogel wordt een meeuw genoemd. This bird is called a seagull. This bird is called a gull. Ben je daar vaak geweest? Were you there often? Have you been there a lot? Ik ben achttien jaar oud. I am eighteen years old. I'm 18 years old. Jullie houden van elkaar, niet? You guys love each other, don't you? You love each other, don't you? Haal dat van je hoofd af. Take that off your head. Get that off your head. Mary is een modeblogger. Mary is a fashion blogger. Mary's a fashion blogger. Tom wist toen nog niet dat een bommoeder een bewust ongehuwde moeder is. Tom didn't know at the time that a Choice Mom was a Single Mothers by Choice. Tom didn't know at the time that a bomb mother was a deliberately unmarried mother. Vergeet je dingen niet. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your things. Amuseren jullie je? Are you having fun? Are you having a good time? Ik haat zelfbewuste vrouwen. I hate strong-minded women. I hate self-conscious women. Ik ging naar de biblotheek om een boek te lezen. I went to the library to read a book. I went to the library to read a book. Ge zult morgen moeten komen. You'll have to come tomorrow. You'll have to come tomorrow. Ik heb nooit gerookt. I have never smoked. I never smoked. Jij zwom in de oceaan. You swam in the ocean. You swam in the ocean. Kent er iemand Japans? Does anyone know the Japanese language? Does anyone know Japanese? Blijf hier en blijf kalm. Stay here and stay quiet. Stay here and stay calm. We waren op huwelijksreis in Australië. We honeymooned in Australia. We were on our honeymoon in Australia. Zij is zeer mooi. She is very beautiful. She's very beautiful. We zijn een erg arm land. We're a very poor country. We're a very poor country. Spanje wordt ''España'' genoemd in het Spaans. Spain is called "España" in Spanish. Spain is called ''España'' in Spanish. Zijn jullie twee vrienden? Are you two friends? Are you two friends? Je was jaloers. You were jealous. You were jealous. "Wist je dat de dochter van de buurman al getrouwd is?" "Je zegt niet! Ze is pas achttien!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" Hij was gisteren niet op school. He was absent from school yesterday. He wasn't at school yesterday. Mannen huilen ook. Men cry too. Men cry, too. Ik heb er niets mee te maken. I have nothing to do with that. I had nothing to do with it. Welk gewricht heb je verstuikt? Which joint did you dislocate? What joint have you sprained? Veel kinderen horen het verschil niet zo goed. A lot of children don't hear the difference very well. A lot of kids don't hear the difference so well. Ga Tom halen. Go and fetch Tom. Go get Tom. Ze brandden. They burned. They burned. Ze is kleiner dan ik. She's smaller than me. She's smaller than me. Ik heet Tom. My name's Tom. My name's Tom. Zij is één van de beste ballerina's ter wereld. She is one of the best ballerinas in the world. She's one of the best ballerinas in the world. Je mag gaan zwemmen of vissen. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Er is niets dat je voor hem kan doen. There is nothing you can do for him. There's nothing you can do for him. Sami begon een sterke haat te krijgen voor moslims. Sami started getting a strong hatred for Muslims. Sami began to get a strong hatred for Muslims. Ik ben ook leraar. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. Ik heb een lekkende kraan. I've got a tap that leaks. I've got a leaky faucet. Is het veilig om deze paddenstoel te eten? Is it safe to eat this mushroom? Is it safe to eat this mushroom? Je zult het verschil zien. You'll see the difference. You'll see the difference. Speel niet met de bal in deze kamer. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play with the ball in this room. Ik kijk op je neer. I look down on you! I look down on you. Hij heeft iets te maken met de zaak. He has something to do with the case. He has something to do with the case. Sneeuw is wit. Snow is white. Snow is white. Kan iemand me helpen? Can anyone give me a hand? Somebody help me! Tom is degene die me dit boek heeft gegeven. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Het ecosysteem bestaat voornamelijk uit lage bomen en struiken die een mechanisme hebben om aan het strenge klimaat te weerstaan. The ecosystem consists primarily of low trees and bushes that are built to resist harsh climate conditions. The ecosystem consists mainly of low trees and shrubs that have a mechanism to withstand the harsh climate. Hij komt uit Wales. He comes from Wales. He's from Wales. Ik voel de pijn nauwelijks meer. I barely feel the pain anymore. I can barely feel the pain anymore. Ik ga gewoonlijk om tien uur naar bed. I usually go to bed at ten. I usually go to bed at 10:00. Zijn wens werd uiteindelijk vervuld. His wish was realized at last. His wish was finally fulfilled. Onze leraar Engels is altijd op tijd. Our English teacher is always on time. Our English teacher is always on time. Het is een voordeel een computer te kunnen gebruiken. It is an advantage to be able to use a computer. It's an advantage to be able to use a computer. Zout is een onmisbaar ingrediënt om te koken. Salt is an indispensable ingredient for cooking. Salt is an essential ingredient for cooking. Ik heb een hekel aan koffie. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. Hij heeft altijd angst. He is always scared. He's always afraid. Hij is een Nederlander. He is a Dutchman. He's a Dutchman. Het is te lang. It's too long. It's too long. Tom heeft iets verkeerd gedaan. Tom has done something wrong. Tom did something wrong. Ik weet waarom ze haar werk opgezegd heeft. I know why she quit her job. I know why she quit her job. Tranen biggelden over haar wangen. Tears trickled down her cheeks. Tears of piglets over her cheeks. Waarom zegt men "Goedendag" wanneer de dag niet goed is? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why do they say "Good day" when the day is not good? Ik eet een banaan. I eat a banana. I'm eating a banana. Hij hoorde een vreemd geluid, dus hij sprong uit bed. He heard a strange noise, so he jumped out of bed. He heard a strange noise, so he jumped out of bed. Vader geeft bloemen water. Father is watering flowers. Father waters flowers. Ik ben van plan daar een week te blijven. I plan to stay there one week. I intend to stay there for a week. Hij wast zich. He washes himself. He washes himself. Wie is de volgende? Who is next? Who's next? Ze kwam altijd te vroeg. She always showed up too soon. She always came too early. Wie denken jullie dat de gouden medaille zal winnen? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Who do you think will win the gold medal? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Layla was bang voor kamelen. Layla was afraid of camels. Layla was afraid of camels. Tom is niet zo goed in wiskunde. Tom isn't so good at math. Tom's not very good at math. Hebben Tom en Maria blauwe ogen? Do Tom and Mary have blue eyes? Do Tom and Maria have blue eyes? Tom kijkt te veel televisie. Tom watches too much TV. Tom watches too much television. Waarschijnlijk weet hij dat ik hem leuk vind. He probably knows I like him. He probably knows I like him. Jakhalzen worden ongeveer een tiental keer genoemd in de Bijbel. Jackals are mentioned about a dozen times in the Bible. Jak necks are mentioned about ten times in the Bible. De bomen waren erg schaars. The trees were very scarce. The trees were very scarce. Gaat ze volgend jaar naar de Verenigde Staten? Will she go to the United States next year? Is she going to the United States next year? Wie ben ik om hem te bekritiseren? Who am I to criticize him? Who am I to criticize him? Onze trein kwam op tijd. Our train arrived on time. Our train arrived on time. Ik heb uw vriend ontmoet. I met your friend. I met your friend. Heb je nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have any kidney stones? Laten we een watermeloen eten! Let's eat a watermelon! Let's eat a watermelon! Groen staat je goed. Green suits you. Green looks good on you. Soms overwint het kwaad. Evil sometimes wins. Sometimes evil overcomes. Niet elke lamp is een toverlamp. Not every lamp is magic. Not every lamp is a magic lamp. Tom koopt alleen eieren van scharrelkippen. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys eggs from scabbards. Wil je geen kopje thee? Don't you want a cup of tea? Don't you want a cup of tea? Tom, de pizza is er. Tom, the pizza's here. Tom, the pizza's here. Idioot! You idiot! Idiot! Ik denk dat Tom en Mary verkering hebben. I think Tom and Mary are dating. I think Tom and Mary are dating. Is dat mogelijk? Is that possible? Is that possible? Zijn jullie blind? Are you blind? Are you blind? Ik ben verslaafd. I'm addicted. I'm an addict. Verander nu niet van thema. Don't change the subject. Don't change the theme now. Ik moet gaan. I must go. I have to go. U houdt van pindakaas, nietwaar? You like peanut butter, don't you? You like peanut butter, don't you? We keken naar de hemel maar konden geen sterren zien. We looked at the sky, but couldn't see any stars. We looked up at the sky, but we couldn't see stars. Wil je meer ijs? Do you want more ice? You want more ice? Mijn verklaring was niet voldoende. My explanation was not sufficient. My statement wasn't enough. Hij werkte anderhalf jaar in Nederland. He worked for one and a half years in the Netherlands. He worked in the Netherlands for a year and a half. Ik kom uit Skopje. I am from Skopje. I'm from Skopje. Je weet dat ik haar niet kan uitstaan. You know I can't stand her. You know I can't stand her. Waar zijn mijn foto's? Where are my pictures? Where are my pictures? Hij eet veel. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. Welkom bij de groep. Welcome to the group. Welcome to the group. Tom klom op de ladder. Tom climbed up the ladder. Tom climbed the ladder. Het is niet zo moeilijk als u denkt. It is not so difficult as you think. It's not as difficult as you think. Iedereen is gelukkig. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Tom zou Mary om advies moeten vragen. Tom should ask Mary for advice. Tom should ask Mary for advice. Het was niet zo duur als ik had verwacht. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. Amerika houdt van je. America loves you. America loves you. Waar kom je vandaan, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Ik ga niet. I won't go. I'm not going. Ik kan tegen een rommelig huis, maar ik houd er niet van als het vies is. I can put up with a house being untidy, but I don't like it to be dirty. I can handle a messy house, but I don't like it when it's dirty. Ik hou niet meer van je. I no longer love you. I don't love you anymore. Ze knuffelde haar teddybeer. She hugged her teddy bear. She hugged her teddy bear. Het is zichtbaar met het blote oog. It is visible to the naked eye. It's visible with the naked eye. Tom waste zijn handen voor het eten. Tom washed his hands before eating. Tom washed his hands before dinner. Maria houdt niet van haar man. Mary doesn't love her husband. Maria doesn't love her husband. Geef mij iets te eten. Give me something to eat. Give me something to eat. Is hij al aangekomen? Has he arrived already? Has he arrived yet? Ik mis hem simpelweg. I just miss him. I simply miss him. Ze is een tweeling. She is a twin. She's twins. Waarom kunnen we onszelf niet kietelen? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Why can't we tickle ourselves? Ik heb deze brief in het Frans geschreven. I wrote this letter in French. I wrote this letter in French. Het geluid heeft me wakker gemaakt. The sound woke me up. The sound woke me up. Wonen jullie in Duitsland? Do you live in Germany? Do you live in Germany? Wie is de jongste, hij of ik? Who is younger, he or I? Who's the youngest, him or me? Mary deed de ring om haar vinger. Mary put the ring on her finger. Mary put the ring on her finger. Naar men zegt, zou zijn vader in het buitenland overleden zijn. It is said that his father died in a foreign country. It is said that his father would have died abroad. Mijn kinderen houden erg van het verhaal van Sneeuwwitje. My children love the story of Snow White. My children love the story of Snow White very much. Ik kan niet leven zonder mayonaise. I cannot live without mayonnaise. I can't live without mayonnaise. Open de deur. Open the door! Open the door. Brazilië is een groot land. Brazil is a big country. Brazil is a big country. Deze nacht was het heel warm en vochtig; daarom heb ik niet al te goed geslapen. Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. This night it was very warm and humid; therefore I did not sleep too well. Mannelijke herten hebben een gewei. Male deer have antlers. Male deer have antlers. Tom heeft van 's ochtends vroeg tot 's avonds laat gewerkt. Tom worked from dawn to dusk. Tom worked early in the morning till late at night. Omdat ze een vegetariër is, eet ze geen vlees. As a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Because she's a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat. Kom uit het water. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. Vergeet ons. Forget about us. Forget about us. Ik heb Boston bezocht. I visited Boston. I went to Boston. Er is geen rook zonder vuur. No smoke without fire. There's no smoke without fire. Tom is een veteraan van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Tom is a World War II veteran. Tom is a veteran of World War II. Eerlijkheid loont niet. Honesty doesn't pay. Honesty doesn't pay. Het is mijn baan. It's my job. It's my job. Hij verloor een boek. He lost a book. He lost a book. Ben je ooit naar Boston geweest? Have you ever gone to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Tom had de meest absurde ideeën. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Tom had the most absurd ideas. Ze was pas twintig jaar. She was only twenty years old. She was only 20 years old. Komt alles goed met je? Are you going to be OK? Are you gonna be okay? Waarom gilt u? Why are you screaming?! Why are you screaming? Kan je de software updaten? Can you update the software? Can you update the software? Dat moet gewassen worden. It needs washing. It needs to be washed. Tom had niet het lef om zelfmoord te plegen. Tom didn't have the courage to commit suicide. Tom didn't have the guts to kill himself. Ik hou van eiwit. I like the white of an egg. I like protein. Ik heb vreemde persoonlijkheden altijd interessant gevonden. I always liked strange personalities. I've always found strange personalities interesting. Niemand gelooft dat. Nobody will believe that. Nobody believes that. Wat maakte haar zo kwaad? What made her so angry? What made her so angry? Hij is Spaans. He is Spanish. He's Spanish. Het spijt me dat ik je zoveel problemen heb bezorgd. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble. Je mag het boek geven aan wie het maar wil. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Mensen lijken me anders te behandelen vandaag. People seem to be treating me differently today. People seem to treat me differently today. Deze doos is te zwaar voor mij om alleen op te tillen. This box is too heavy for me alone to lift. This box is too heavy for me to lift alone. Ik woon nog niet in Australië. I don't live in Australia yet. I don't live in Australia yet. Waarom zing je? Why are you singing? Why are you singing? Ik zou graag drie nachten willen blijven. I’d like to stay for three nights. I'd like to stay three nights. Dit is een boom. This is a tree. This is a tree. Water bevriest bij 0 graden Celcius. Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celcius. Hoeveel personages zijn er in je verhaal? How many characters are there in your story? How many characters are there in your story? Mensen in de steden zijn aangetrokken tot het plattelandsleven. People in towns are attracted by life in the country. People in cities are attracted to rural life. Wat is jouw lievelingsmuziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Jouw probleem lijkt op dat van mij. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. Ik ben bang voor tandartsen. I have a fear of dentists. I'm afraid of dentists. Ik heb in de brand mijn schoen verloren. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoe in the fire. Je bent een grappig meisje. You're a funny girl. You're a funny girl. Dit is mijn teamgenoot, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. This is my teammate, Donnavan. Open de fles. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Wenen is de hoofdstad van Oostenrijk. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Hoeveel kinderen heb je? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? En zo speelt elke burger een onmisbare rol. And so each citizen plays an indispensable role. And so every citizen plays an essential role. Hoe lang heeft Tom met jullie gewerkt? How long has Tom worked with you? How long has Tom worked with you? Hemeltjelief, dat wist ik niet! OMG! I didn't know that! Oh, my God, I didn't know that! Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud. Speech is silver, silence is golden. Speaking is silver, silence is gold. Het leven gaat niet altijd over rozen. Life isn't all roses and sunshine. Life isn't always about roses. Ik ben student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Er is niemand gekomen. No one came. No one came. Vergeet me. Forget about me. Forget me. Hij heeft een vingerhoed gekocht. He bought a thimble. He bought a thimble. Nooit iets veranderen! Never change anything! Never change anything! Dit is het dorp waar hij geboren is. This is the village where he was born. This is the village where he was born. Hoeveel mensen zag je in het park? How many people did you see in the park? How many people did you see in the park? Weet je wie de burgemeester van Boston is? Do you know who the mayor of Boston is? Do you know who the mayor of Boston is? Ik zal je niet meer weerzien. I'm not going to see you again. I won't see you again. Onze boot is aan het zinken. Our boat is sinking. Our boat's sinking. Ze is een verraadster. She's a traitor. She's a traitor. Ik heb diezelfde fout gemaakt. I've made that same mistake. I made that same mistake. Ik zou graag naar Amerika gaan. I would like to go to the USA. I'd like to go to America. Zij liepen in de tuin om aan die bloeddorstige honden te ontsnappen. They ran into the garden to save themselves from those blood-thirsty hounds. They walked into the garden to escape those bloodthirsty dogs. Hoe geleerd hij ook is, hij is niet te vertrouwen. Scholarly as he is, he can't be relied on. No matter how much he's learned, he can't be trusted. Dat is buiten mijn studiegebied. It is outside my area of study. That's outside my field of study. Tom is een van de meest gerespecteerde mannen in onze stad. Tom is one of the most respected men in our town. Tom is one of the most respected men in our city. Ik heb haar laat in de avond ontmoet. I met her late in the evening. I met her late in the evening. Hij zal over tien minuten terug zijn. He will be back in ten minutes. He'll be back in ten minutes. Tom heeft foto's van de kinderen van Maria genomen. Tom took pictures of Mary's children. Tom took pictures of Maria's children. Ik kan zonder bril lezen. I can read without glasses. I can read without glasses. Je bent fotogeniek. You're photogenic. You're photogenic. Tom is slim genoeg om uit de problemen te blijven. Tom has sense enough to stay out of trouble. Tom's smart enough to stay out of trouble. Ik oefen niet meer. I don't practice anymore. I don't practice anymore. Mijn broer lijkt zich te vermaken aan de universiteit. My brother seems to enjoy himself at college. My brother seems to be having a good time at college. Ze is druk bezig geweest met het voorbereiden op haar reis naar de VS. She has been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. She's been busy preparing for her trip to the U.S. Joe Biden is de vicepresident van de Verenigde Staten. Joe Biden is the vice-president of the United States. Joe Biden is the vice president of the United States. Ik heb het werk afgemaakt. I finished the work. I finished the job. Heb je me bedrogen? Did you cheat on me? Did you cheat on me? Welke vakken heb je op school? What subjects are you taking at school? What classes do you have at school? Ik deed de deuren open. I opened the doors. I opened the doors. Ik heb haar ontmoet tijdens mijn verblijf in Mexico. I met her during my stay in Mexico. I met her during my stay in Mexico. Bent u een priester? Are you a priest? Are you a priest? Hebt ge een aansteker? Do you have a light? Do you have a lighter? Dat grijze gebouw? That gray building? That gray building? Ik kom uit Tokio, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Ook dat nog! As if it weren't enough already! That too! Wat wil Tom van ons? What does Tom want from us? What does Tom want from us? De zon is op. The sun is up. The sun's up. Hij eet niets anders dan fruit. He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Bedankt voor het helpen. Thank you for the help. Thanks for helping. We moeten dat geheim houden. We have to keep this secret. We need to keep that a secret. Maleisië is ontstaan ​​in 1957. Malaysia came into existence in 1957. Malaysia originated in 1957. Vraag Tom me te bellen. Ask Tom to call me. Ask Tom to call me. Dit is immoreel. This is immoral. This is immoral. Tom drinkt wijn. Tom drinks wine. Tom drinks wine. Kingston is de hoofdstad van Jamaica. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica. Ze gaf hem een ​​boek. She gave him a book. She gave him a book. Probeer het alsjeblieft. Please have a try. Please try. Dat besef ik wel. I do realize that. I realize that. Ik wil graag een afspraak met Dr. King maken. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. King. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. King. Ik ben gestopt met koffie drinken. I stopped drinking coffee. I quit drinking coffee. De voorstelling heeft twee uur geduurd. The show lasted two hours. The show lasted two hours. Ik zou liever buiten gaan dan binnen te blijven. I'd rather go out than stay indoors. I'd rather go outside than stay inside. Dat zou vreselijk zijn geweest. That would have been awful. That would have been terrible. IJzer is harder dan goud. Iron is harder than gold. Iron is harder than gold. Hoe is het weer? How's the weather? How's the weather? Niemand stelde vragen over mijn land. Nobody asked questions about my country. No one asked questions about my country. Papa komt morgen thuis. Dad is coming home tomorrow. Daddy's coming home tomorrow. Het regende hard. It rained cats and dogs. It was raining hard. De vorige maand is ze met Tom gehuwd. She married Tom last month. Last month, she married Tom. Het is niet duidelijk waar en wanneer ze werd geboren. It is not clear when and where she was born. It is not clear where and when she was born. Wat bent u aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you reading? Deze moskee heeft een nieuwe imam nodig. This mosque needs a new imam. This mosque needs a new imam. Aan tafel! To the table! At the table! Ik hou van de Franse taal. I like French. I love the French language. Ik woon in Boston. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. Het oude kasteel staat op de heuvel. The old castle stands on the hill. The old castle is on the hill. Wat vind je leuk om te doen? What do you like to do? What do you like to do? De oproerpolitie vuurde traangas en waterkanonnen af ​​op demonstranten. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters. Laten we verder gaan. Let's move on. Let's move on. Tom weet hoe je spaghetti moet koken. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Een slapend kind lijkt op een engel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. Waarover hebben jullie het? What are you guys taking about? What are you talking about? Ik heb een vriend die in Kioto woont. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. Iedereen is over haar aan het praten. Everyone is talking about her. Everyone's talking about her. Ik weet niet wat ik met Tom aanmoet. I don't know what I'm going to do with Tom. I don't know what to do with Tom. Een kort middagdutje en hoplakee, ik ben weer fris als een hoentje. A little nap and, just like that, I'm as fresh as a daisy. A short afternoon nap and hoplake, I'm fresh as a rooster again. Een wiskundige waarheid is eenvoudig noch ingewikkeld, die is gewoon. A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated; it is. A mathematical truth is neither simple nor complicated, it is simply. Tom huurde een auto bij de luchthaven en reed ermee naar het huis van Maria. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Mary's house. Tom rented a car at the airport and drove it to Maria's house. Tom ziet er uitgeput uit. Tom appears exhausted. Tom looks exhausted. Ik wil in Brazilië wonen. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. God zegene Amerika. God bless America. God bless America. Wat is de hoofdstad van New Hampshire? What is the capital of New Hampshire ? What is the capital of New Hampshire? Hij deed het en zelfs in haar aanwezigheid. He did it, and in her presence. He did it and even in her presence. Er was een verschil van één minuut tussen hen. There was a minute difference between them. There was a one-minute difference between them. Ik wil u weer zien. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Heeft u tijd? Do you have some time? Do you have time? Maria hoestte. Mary coughed. Maria coughed. Tom houdt van pizza en patat. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom likes pizza and fries. Mary en John kunnen geen van beiden zwemmen. Mary and John both can't swim. Mary and John can't swim either. Je had hem de waarheid moeten zeggen. You should have told him the truth. You should have told him the truth. Lees je veel boeken? Do you read lots of books? You read a lot of books? Hij schrijft mij eenmaal per week. He writes to me once a week. He writes to me once a week. Tom vroeg Mary om het hem voor te lezen. Tom asked Mary to read it for him. Tom asked Mary to read it to him. De bloempot is stuk. The flower pot is broken. The flowerpot's broken. Waarom is die weg afgezet? Why is that road blocked? Why is that road blocked? Een persoon kan een ander persoon nooit helemaal begrijpen. A person cannot understand another person completely. A person can never fully understand another person. Sami is nu moslim. Sami is Muslim now. Sami is Muslim now. Zijn oom bezit niet minder dan tien huizen. His uncle owns no fewer than ten houses. His uncle owns no less than ten houses. Ik heb een hond en een kat. I have a dog and a cat. I have a dog and a cat. Wie heeft Griekenland zoveel geld gegeven? Who gave Greece so much money? Who gave Greece that kind of money? Voor wie is deze doos? Who's this box for? Who's this box for? Als ik alles opnieuw moest beginnen, zou ik niets veranderen. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing. If I had to start over, I wouldn't change anything. Is er iets gebeurd? Did something happen? Did something happen? Hij is niet beschikbaar. He's not available. He's not available. Tom heeft diabetes type 1. Tom has type 1 diabetes. Tom has type 1 diabetes. Dat is niet van mij. Het is van mijn vrouw. That isn't mine. It's my wife's. It's not mine, it's my wife's. De nieuwe belasting benadeelt arme mensen. The new tax marginalizes poor people. The new tax penalizes poor people. Hij houdt van reizen. Ik houd er ook van. He likes to travel. I do, too. He likes to travel. Niemand praat met me. Nobody speaks to me. Nobody talks to me. Hij was kwaad omdat ik hem niet wou helpen. He was angry because I wouldn't give him any help. He was angry because I didn't want to help him. Hij houdt van zwemmen. He likes to swim. He likes to swim. Bedankt! Cheers! Thanks! Ik wist niet dat u hooikoorts had. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Waar is het strand? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? Ze zat naast me. She sat next to me. She was sitting next to me. Een cadeau voor jou. A gift for you. A gift for you. Tom kwam net voor het avondeten. Tom came just before dinner. Tom just came for dinner. Tom heeft een heel moeizame relatie met zijn vader. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Tom has a very difficult relationship with his father. Is het moeilijk om Engels te spreken? Is it hard to speak English? Is it hard to speak English? Sami is zo gestoord. Sami is so fucked up. Sami is so crazy. Ik heb mijn ziel verkocht, maar ik gebruikte hem toch niet. I sold my soul, but I wasn't using it anyways. I sold my soul, but I didn't use it anyway. We weten het niet. We don't know. We don't know. Ik kom uit Utrecht. I'm from Utrecht. I'm from Utrecht. Blijkbaar mag Mary mij niet. Apparently, Mary doesn't like me. Apparently Mary doesn't like me. Ze vertaalde zijn zin. She translated his sentence. She translated his sentence. Ik wil meer over haar weten. I want to know more about her. I want to know more about her. Ik heb 's middags een slaatje gegeten. I ate a salad for lunch. I ate a salad in the afternoon. Hoe ziet uw planeet eruit? What does your planet look like? What does your planet look like? Dit is een foto van het gelukkige paar op hun trouwdag. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. This is a picture of the happy couple on their wedding day. Wat heb je in je hand? What are you holding in your hand? What do you have in your hand? Pas op je hoofd! Watch your head! Watch your head! Ik kan jullie niet helpen. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Kom met me dansen! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! Wat een slechte film! What a bad film! What a bad movie! Je bent laat. You're late. You're late. Sami schreef een boek over de islam. Sami wrote a book about Islam. Sami wrote a book about Islam. Ik dacht dat je om Tom gaf. I thought you cared about Tom. I thought you cared about Tom. Omdat ik niet ontbeten heb, heb ik nu heel erg honger. Since I didn't eat anything for breakfast, I'm very hungry now. Because I haven't had breakfast, I'm very hungry right now. Ik haat bonen. I hate beans. I hate beans. Ik heb hetzelfde woordenboek als je broer. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Tom kuste me ineens. Tom suddenly kissed me. Tom kissed me all of a sudden. Ik kon niet alles zien. I could not see anything. I couldn't see everything. Layla had geen sokken aan. Layla had no socks on. Layla wasn't wearing socks. Ik heb niets begrepen. I didn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything. Ga maar gewoon naar je kamer. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Hij zal een goede echtgenoot zijn. He'll become a good husband. He'll make a good husband. Hoe oud zie ik eruit? How old do I look? How old do I look? Een foto op het bureau van Tom trok mijn aandacht. A photo on Tom's desk caught my eye. A photo on Tom's desk caught my attention. Het hotel staat op een berg. The hotel stands on a hill. The hotel is on a mountain. Kom naar hier en help mee. Come over and help out. Come over here and help. Ik moet de huur betalen. I need to pay the rent. I have to pay the rent. Een kind heeft een moeder nodig. A child needs a mother. A child needs a mother. Wees stil! Keep quiet! Be quiet! Maria hielp mij. Mary helped me. Maria helped me. Ik zou graag Picasso zijn. I would like to be Picasso. I'd like to be Picasso. Ik kan rennen. I'm able to run. I can run. Praat niet met een volle mond. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk with a full mouth. Ik heb geen zin om uit eten te gaan vanavond. I don't feel like eating out this evening. I don't feel like going out to dinner tonight. Ik weet niet of hij een dokter is. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Leef in het moment, leef in de eeuwigheid! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Moslims aanbidden God. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. Het kind van een kind is een kleinkind. The child of a child is a grandchild. The child of a child is a grandchild. In Malta spreken ze Maltees. In Malta they speak Maltese. In Malta, they speak Maltese. In sommige landen is abortus illegaal. In some countries, abortion is legal. In some countries abortion is illegal. Ik wens je veel succes. I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck. Deze student is Amerikaans. This student is American. This student is American. Hij leerde Berber op Skype. He learned Berber on Skype. He learned Berber on Skype. Jij hebt kaarsen gekocht. I see that you bought candles. You bought candles. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in muziek. I'm interested in music. I'm interested in music. Zaterdag is zijn vrije dag. Saturday is his day off. Saturday's his day off. Ze meenden dat werkelijk. They did mean that. They really meant that. Wat wilt u? What do you want? What do you want? Ik heb Frans geleerd in plaats van Duits. I learned French instead of German. I learned French instead of German. Dit is niet veilig. This is not safe. This isn't safe. Tom leek nerveus. Tom looked nervous. Tom seemed nervous. Hij is een drama queen. He's a drama queen. He's a drama queen. Tom is nog een kind. Tom is still a kid. Tom's still a kid. U geeft les, wij luisteren. You teach, we listen. You teach, we listen. De voordeur van het huis was open. The front door of the house was open. The front door of the house was open. Ze is altijd trots op haar academische achtergrond. She always prides herself on her academic background. She's always proud of her academic background. Eindelijk was het tijd om de grondwet te ondertekenen. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Finally, it was time to sign the Constitution. Ik zal dat incident ophelderen. I will shed light on that incident. I'll clear up that incident. Ze weet niets van de bloempjes en de bijtjes. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. She doesn't know anything about the flowers and the bees. Heeft hij u aangeraakt? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? We houden niet van regen. We don't like the rain. We don't like rain. Waar ben jij mee bezig? What are you doing right now? What are you doing? Hij moet mijn raad opvolgen. He needs to follow my advice. He has to follow my advice. Je lijkt moe. Je moet een uurtje of twee rusten. You look tired. You ought to rest for an hour or two. You look tired, you need to rest for an hour or two. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. It appears that he is honest. He seems to be honest. Robert komt mij af en toe bezoeken. Robert occasionally visits me. Robert comes to visit me from time to time. Italiaans is een muzikale taal. Italian is a musical language. Italian is a musical language. We weten waarom. We know why. We know why. Tom en Mary zijn niet bang. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom ging naar de tandarts. Tom went to the dentist. Tom went to the dentist. Is er hier veel sneeuw in de winter? Is there much snow here in the winter? Is there a lot of snow here in winter? Waarom is iedereen zo opgewonden? Why is everyone so excited? Why is everyone so excited? Het meer is compleet bevroren. The lake is completely frozen over. The lake is completely frozen. Dat is Toms huis. That's Tom's house. That's Tom's house. Ik wil Tom ontmoeten. I want to meet with Tom. I want to meet Tom. Ze houdt van hem. She loves him. She loves him. Je hebt een grappige lach. You have a funny laugh. You have a funny laugh. Sami is mijn gymleraar. Sami is my gym teacher. Sami is my gym teacher. Vergeet het kaartje niet. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Wij zijn er klaar voor. We're prepared. We're ready. Hoe gaat het met jullie? How are you doing? How are you guys doing? Ik heb echt jouw hulp nodig. I really need your help. I really need your help. School begint om 8:10. School begins at 8:10 a.m. School starts at 8:10. Wij zijn Nederlands. We are Dutch. We're Dutch. Ik denk dat het vanmiddag niet gaat regenen. I think it won't rain this afternoon. I don't think it's gonna rain this afternoon. De jaren 1950 worden overheerst door een koude oorlog tussen Oost en West. The 1950s are characterized through a cold war between east and west. The 1950s are dominated by a cold war between East and West. Kun je goed skiën? Can you ski well? Are you a good skier? Misschien regent het vannacht. It may rain tonight. Maybe it's raining tonight. Frans wordt niet alleen in Frankrijk gesproken. French isn't only spoken in France. French is not only spoken in France. Jullie hebben ons geholpen. You helped us. You helped us. Laten we het vandaag hierbij houden. Let's call it a day. Let's just stick with it today. Ik ben er trots op deel uit te maken van dit project. I am proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Mag ik ze aanraken? May I touch them? Can I touch them? Ik wed dat zij jonger is dan ik. I bet she is younger than me. I bet she's younger than me. Mag ik misschien een kopje koffie? Would it be possible for me to get a cup of coffee? Can I have a cup of coffee? Tom heeft een piano. Tom has a piano. Tom has a piano. Ik haat je nog steeds. I still hate you. I still hate you. In deze tijd van het jaar staan de bermen in volle bloei. Je vindt er bijvoorbeeld veel fluitenkruid, koolzaad en paardenbloemen. In this time of the year the roadsides are in full bloom. You can find there, for example, a lot of cow parsley, rapeseed, and dandelions. At this time of year, the birch is in full bloom. For example, you will find a lot of whistling herbs, rapeseeds and dandelions. Het Hongaars, Fins en Ests zijn Oeraalse talen. Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian are Uralic languages. Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian are Ural languages. Ik kan geen aardbeien eten. I can't eat strawberries. I can't eat strawberries. Ik geef je één laatste kans. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you one last chance. Ik vroeg hem om een ​​gunst. I asked him a favor. I asked him for a favor. Ik wou u gewoon enkele vragen stellen. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. Ik geloof dat Tom onschuldig is. I believe Tom is innocent. I believe Tom is innocent. Hebt u geen e-mailadres? You don't have an email address? Don't you have an e-mail address? Waar werd dit boek gepubliceerd? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Het paar besloot een wees te adopteren. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Zijn er berichten voor mij? Are there any messages for me? Any messages for me? Mijn vrouw is Italiaans. My wife is italian. My wife is Italian. Samantha is aangekomen. Samantha has arrived. Samantha's arrived. Kijk me aan. Look at me. Look at me. Dit restaurant is nooit gesloten. This restaurant never closes. This restaurant is never closed. Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. We hebben een geweldig restaurant gevonden. We found a great restaurant. We found a great restaurant. Het was niet de mijne. It wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. Geef me de portemonnee, en niemand raakt gewond. Hand over the wallet, and nobody gets hurt. Give me the wallet, and no one gets hurt. Hoe oud is je broer? How old is your brother? How old is your brother? Niet alle boeken op tafel zijn van mij. Not every book on the desk belongs to me. Not all the books on the table are mine. Waar is je auto? Where's your car? Where's your car? Hij rookt niet. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't smoke. Ik hou ook van jou. I love you, too. I love you, too. Ik moet de koeien gaan melken. I need to go milk the cows. I have to go milk the cows. Beethoven ging naar de piano, zette zich, en begon te spelen. Beethoven went over to the piano, sat down and began to play. Beethoven went to the piano, sat down, and started playing. De klok op het raadhuis van Lviv is voor het eerst aangebracht in 1404. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. The clock on the town hall of Lviv was first installed in 1404. Verspil je adem niet. Don't waste your breath. Don't waste your breath. Ik weet dat ze Spaanse is. I know that she is Spanish. I know she's Spanish. Schiet op en stap in. Hurry up and get in. Hurry up and get in. Ik wil een tovenaar zijn. I want to be a magician. I want to be a wizard. Er was niemand in de lobby. Nobody was in the lobby. There was no one in the lobby. Ik hou van liefdesverhalen. I like love stories. I love love stories. Toms manier van praten werkt op mijn zenuwen. Tom's way of talking gets on my nerves. Tom's way of talking gets on my nerves. Willen jullie een glas sinaasappelsap? Do you want a glass of orange juice? Would you like a glass of orange juice? Honden kunnen in het donker zien. Dogs can see in the dark. Dogs can see in the dark. Tom heeft een espressomachine. Tom owns an espresso machine. Tom has an espresso machine. Het weer in Florida is over het algemeen gematigd. The weather in Florida is generally moderate. The weather in Florida is generally moderate. Aalscholvers zijn watervogels. Cormorants are waterbirds. Cormorants are waterbirds. Ik ben het niet met jou eens. My opinion is different from yours. I don't agree with you. De hersenen gebruiken 25% van de lichaamsenergie. Brains consume 25% of the body's energy. The brain uses 25% of the body energy. Tom gaat te voet naar school. Tom goes to school on foot. Tom goes to school on foot. Bestaan er pitloze watermeloenen? Do seedless watermelons exist? Are there pitless watermelons? Tom voelde dat er iemand achter hem stond en draaide zich om om te zien wie het was. Tom sensed that someone was behind him and turned to see who it was. Tom felt that someone was behind him and turned to see who it was. Ik ben benieuwd of ik een zin kan toevoegen. I wonder if I can add a sentence. I wonder if I can add a sentence. We hebben veel tijd verloren. We wasted a lot of time. We've lost a lot of time. Een oude vriend kwam bij mij thuis op bezoek. An old friend came to my house for a visit. An old friend came to visit me at my house. Sami is geïnteresseerd in de Koran. Sami is interested in the Quran. Sami is interested in the Koran. Ik ga me weldra inschrijven voor een cursus Duits. I'll soon register for a course in German. I'm about to enroll in a German course. Oh God! Hoe komt dit hier terecht? Ik ben niet goed met computers! Oh God! How did this get here? I'm not good with computers! How did this get here? I'm not good with computers! De melk is in de koelkast. The milk is in the fridge. The milk's in the fridge. Is dit uw boek? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Waarom dans je? Why are you dancing? Why are you dancing? We wonen in de buurt van een grote bibliotheek. We live near a big library. We live near a big library. Voetbal je? Do you play football? You're playing football? De zwaartekracht van de aarde is niet gelijkmatig. Earth's gravity isn't uniform. Earth's gravity isn't even. Hij kocht haar een hond. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Ik heb overal naar Tom gezocht, maar ik heb hem niet gevonden. I looked all over for Tom, but couldn't find him. I've been looking everywhere for Tom, but I haven't found him. Hij sproeit de tuin eenmaal per week. He waters the garden once a week. He sprays the garden once a week. Ik heb zin om naar buiten te gaan. I feel like going outside. I feel like going outside. Ik wil niet dat je verandert. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Zij was degene die het suggereerde. She was the one who suggested it. She was the one who suggested it. Maciek is in December gestorven. Maciek died in December. Maciek died in December. Je zult vanaf nu harder moeten studeren. You'll have to study harder from now on. You'll have to study harder from now on. Rookt Sami? Does Sami smoke? Sami smokes? Hoe is het mogelijk? How's this possible? How is it possible? Ze was een kind, maar ze was niet bang. She was a child, but she wasn't afraid. She was a child, but she wasn't afraid. Liefde is klote. Love sucks. Love sucks. Het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat werkt aan de herinrichting van de straten en voetpaden om ze voetgangersvriendelijker te maken. The Department of Public Works is redoing the design of the streets and sidewalks in order to make them more pedestrian-friendly. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water State is working on redesigning the streets and footpaths to make them more pedestrian friendly. Ze heeft vier dochters, en ze zijn alle vier mooi. She has four daughters, and all four are pretty. She has four daughters, and they're all beautiful. Hij bracht de kinderen aan het lachen. He made the children laugh. He made the kids laugh. Welke is de hoofdstad van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, Washington of New York? Which is the capital of the United States, Washington or New York? Which is the capital of the United States of America, Washington or New York? Zeg alsjeblieft. Say please. Say, please. Mijn arm doet vreselijk pijn. My arm is hurting badly. My arm hurts like hell. Het was een lange brief. It was a long letter. It was a long letter. Ik schreef een brief aan Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. I wrote a letter to Tom. Ik zou graag met u iets bespreken. I want to talk to you about something. I'd like to discuss something with you. Ik ben van plan nooit meer te drinken. I plan to never drink again. I intend never to drink again. Wijn is gebottelde poëzie. Wine is bottled poetry. Wine is bottled poetry. Picasso is een beroemd kunstenaar. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Er is geen zout meer. There is no salt left. There's no salt left. Wiskunde is mijn lievelingsvak. Math is my favorite subject. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Het is allemaal jouw schuld. This is all your fault. It's all your fault. Hoe is deze banaan? What is this banana like? How's this banana? Ik wil dit echt. I really want this. I really want this. Alle koekjes zijn stervormig. All of the cookies are in the shape of stars. All cookies are star-shaped. Ik ben uitgeput. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. In totaal waren er slechts vijf mensen aanwezig. There were only five people present altogether. In total, only five people were present. Zij lijken gelukkig. They seem happy. They seem happy. Het was me een genoegen met jou te kunnen praten. It's been a pleasure chatting with you. It's been a pleasure talking to you. Maak dat je wegkomt! Get out of here! Get out of here! Ik heb mijn belastingen betaald. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. Maria heeft de kleren van haar vriendje in het vuur gegooid. Mary threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Maria threw her boyfriend's clothes in the fire. Hoeveel moet ik u? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Waarom ik altijd? Why always me? Why me always? Ze verachten hem. They despise him. They despise him. Het kan, toch? It's possible, right? It's possible, right? Tom niest. Tom is sneezing. Tom sneezes. Tom zegt dat Mary honger heeft. Tom says Mary is hungry. Tom says Mary's hungry. Er is vanavond een vuurwerkshow. Tonight there’s a fireworks show. There's a fireworks show tonight. Hij wachtte zijn beurt af. He waited his turn. He waited his turn. Hij is niet Amerikaans maar Engels. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American. He's English. Wat een bizar verhaal! What a bizarre tale! What a bizarre story! Zijn alle cafés gesloten? Are all the bars shut? Are all the cafes closed? Morgen ben ik jarig. Tomorrow is my birthday. It's my birthday tomorrow. Hoelang geleden is Tom vertrokken? How long ago did Tom leave? How long ago did Tom leave? Ik stond op het punt mijn huis te verlaten. I was about to leave my house. I was about to leave my house. Ge doet mij pijn. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. Tom en Maria zijn allebei ouder dan Johan. Tom and Mary are both older than John. Tom and Maria are both older than Johan. Er staat iemand bij de poort die erg op Tom lijkt. Someone who looks a lot like Tom is standing near the gate. There's someone at the gate who looks a lot like Tom. Het kan me allemaal niet meer schelen. I don't care anymore. I don't care about any of this anymore. Tom werd tot ridder geslagen. Tom was knighted. Tom was knighted. Ik weet dat Tom in Australië heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Australia. I know Tom lived in Australia. Condooms bieden bescherming tegen seksueel overdraagbare ziekten. Condoms offer protection against STDs. Condoms provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Ik heb geen ziekenwagen gebeld. I didn't call an ambulance. I didn't call an ambulance. Wie is er gekomen? Who has come? Who came? Militaire discipline is letterlijk rigide. Military discipline is literally rigid. Military discipline is literally rigid. Hij is in het examen gezakt. He failed in the examination. He failed the exam. Dit is een grap. It's a joke. This is a joke. Er kunnen andere alternatieven zijn waar we nog niet over hebben gedacht. There may be other alternatives that we haven't thought of yet. There could be other alternatives that we haven't thought about yet. Je bent mijn dochter. You are my daughter. You're my daughter. Mijnheer Suzuki heeft drie dochters. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Het is al 7 uur. It's already 7 o'clock. It's 7:00 already. Ik heb het gedownload. I downloaded it. I downloaded it. Maria heeft lang blond haar. Mary has long blonde hair. Maria has long blond hair. U bent een prins, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. Iemand is in mijn kamer geweest. Someone has been in my room. Someone's been in my room. Morgen bezoeken we je. We'll visit you tomorrow. We'll visit you tomorrow. Hij bewaart zijn jeugdigheid door te joggen. He keeps his youth by jogging. He preserves his youthfulness by jogging. In het Portugees veranderen we eenvoudig „você” door „o senhor” of „a senhora” om een zin formeel te maken. In Portuguese, we just swap out "you" with "the gentleman" or "the lady" to make a formal sentence. In Portuguese, we simply change ‘você’ by ‘o senhor’ or ‘a senhora’ to make a sentence formal. We hebben een half dozijn eieren. We have a half-dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Het zonnetje schijnt en de vogeltjes zingen. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The sun shines and the birds sing. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. Tom, Maria en hun vrienden zaten rond de tafel. Tom, Mary and their friends sat around the table. Tom, Maria and their friends were sitting around the table. Ben je daar geboren? Were you born there? Were you born there? De lucht is grijs. The sky is gray. The sky is gray. Ik ga biologie en Spaans studeren. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. Correct! Correct! Correct! De hond blaft. The dog is barking. The dog barks. We hebben minder dan drie uur. We have less than three hours. We have less than three hours. Je doet het verkeerd. You're doing it wrong. You're doing it wrong. We waren zo bang. We were so afraid. We were so scared. Een olijftak symboliseert vrede. An olive branch symbolizes peace. An olive branch symbolizes peace. Zij is Brits. She's British. She's British. Het begon allemaal op deze plaats. It all started in this place. It all started in this place. Iedereen is ontsnapt. Everyone escaped. Everyone's escaped. Het gaat goed met Tom. Tom's well. Tom's fine. Het is warm vandaag, dus je kunt in zee zwemmen. It's warm today so you can swim in the sea. It's hot today, so you can swim in the sea. Ik moet ervandoor. I need to go now. I gotta go. Zijt ge bezet morgennamiddag? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Mijn hartslag is laag. My pulse is slow. My heart rate is low. Ik draag contactlenzen. I wear contact lenses. I'm wearing contact lenses. Alles moet weg! Everything must go! Everything has to go! Tom wachtte tot Mary wegging. Tom waited for Mary to leave. Tom waited for Mary to leave. Tom gaf Mary de aktetas. Tom handed Mary the briefcase. Tom gave Mary the briefcase. Uw auto heeft een gebroken achterlicht. Your car has a broken taillight. Your car has a broken taillight. Het bestaat uit twee gangen. It comes as two courses. It consists of two corridors. Ze gingen allebei weg. The two of them left. They both left. Bedankt, dat is alles. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's all. Ik zag hem huilen. I saw him cry. I saw him cry. Hebben jullie een potlood? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Deze dienst is tijdelijk buiten gebruik. This service is temporarily out of order. This service is temporarily out of use. Sami ging naar Saoedi-Arabië om de heilige moslimbedevaart te volbrengen. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to accomplish the holy Muslim pilgrimage. Sami went to Saudi Arabia to complete the sacred Muslim pilgrimage. Ik heb wat koffie nodig. I need some coffee. I need some coffee. Teder legde hij zijn hand op haar schouder. He put his hand gently on her shoulder. tenderly he put his hand on her shoulder. Ik las dat de president van Brazilië een vrouw is. Ze heet Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman named Dilma. Wat heb je in je hand? What do you have in your hand? What do you have in your hand? Tom stal een boot. Tom stole a boat. Tom stole a boat. Die cd is van haar. This CD belongs to her. That CD's hers. Slakken bewegen langzaam. Snails move slowly. Snails move slowly. Ik wil er niet meer over praten. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Eén taal is niet genoeg. One language is not enough. One language isn't enough. Regeringsleden inspecteerden alle fabrieken. Government officials inspected all factories. Government members inspected all the factories. We zijn niet verplicht aan de vergadering deel te nemen. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. We are not obliged to participate in the meeting. Het is geen paard. It's not a horse. It's not a horse. Sami was een bekeerling tot de islam. Sami was a convert to Islam. Sami was a convert to Islam. Spreek je geen Engels? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Hij werd vergeetachtig, wat hem heel erg stoorde. He was becoming forgetful, which bothered him a lot. He got forgetful, which really bothered him. Ik drink vanavond niet. I'm not drinking tonight. I don't drink tonight. Drinkt u bier? Do you drink beer? Do you drink beer? Ze omhelsden hem. They hugged him. They hugged him. De Bahama's werden onafhankelijk in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. The Bahamas became independent in 1973. Hij lijkt het land verlaten te hebben. He seems to have left the country. He seems to have left the country. Wie heeft een brief geschreven? Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? Zulke oppervlakkige vrienden heb ik niet nodig. I don't need such superficial friends. I don't need such superficial friends. Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is off his rocker! That guy's crazy! Het loont zich niet dat oude gebouw te renoveren. Het is beter het af te breken. This old building isn't worth fixing up. It would be better to tear it down. It doesn't pay to renovate that old building. Tom geeft het meeste van zijn geld aan eten uit. Tom spends most of his money on food. Tom spends most of his money on food. Hij slaagde erin het probleem op te lossen. He succeeded in solving the problem. He managed to solve the problem. Jouw Frans is perfect. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. Kraanwater is gevaarlijk. Tap water is dangerous. Crane water is dangerous. Wat is de prijs van een ticket? What's the price of a ticket? What's the price of a ticket? Ik zit nu te lezen. I'm reading now. I'm reading now. Hoe schrijf je ''Eyjafjallajökull''? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? Ga niet naar buiten, het regent hard. Don't go outside. It's raining hard. Don't go out there. It's raining hard. Hij is een Italiaan. He's Italian. He's an Italian. Emily schreef een brief. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. Mijn vader is arts. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. Waarom moet ik dit doen? Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to do this? Ik ben geen lesbienne. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Tom belde me. Tom phoned me. Tom called me. Het duurde lang tot ik in slaap viel. It took me a long time to fall asleep. It took me a long time to fall asleep. Ik kan je niet zien zonder aan je moeder te denken. I can't see you without thinking of your mother. I can't see you without thinking about your mother. Ik geeuw van verveling. I'm yawning from boredom. I'm yawning with boredom. Het is een weerspiegeling van onze samenleving. It's a reflection of our society. It's a reflection of our society. De toestand van Tom wordt gecompliceerder. Tom's situation is getting more complicated. Tom's condition is getting more complicated. Het probleem is dat je te jong bent. The trouble is that you are too young. The problem is you're too young. Je kan niet dansen, of wel? You can't dance, can you? You can't dance, can you? Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! Het kost ongeveer dertig euro. It costs around thirty Euros. It costs about thirty euros. Grijp hem. Grab him. Get him! Hij was in een slecht humeur omdat zijn vriendin hem net eruit had geschopt. He was in a bad mood because his girlfriend had just thrown him out. He was in a bad mood because his girlfriend just kicked him out. Maria is kantklosser. Mary is a lacemaker. Maria's a lace-cushioner. Wie heeft het brood opgegeten? Who ate the bread? Who ate the bread? Je kunt niet gewoon tegen ons liegen. You can't just lie to us. You can't just lie to us. Ik kan niet geloven dat ik daaraan zelfs niet gedacht heb. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. Mijn tandvlees bloedt wanneer ik ook mijn tanden flos. My gums bleed whenever I floss my teeth. My gums bleed when I flose my teeth too. Zijn jullie niet zenuwachtig? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Het is uiteraard niet de bedoeling dat je in je schoolboek schrijft. Of course, you are not supposed to write in your textbook. Of course, you're not supposed to write in your schoolbook. Ze heeft zichzelf gegoogeld. She googled herself. She Googled herself. Waar moeten we heen? Where do we need to go? Where are we going? Portugal heeft het persoonlijk bezit van drugs gedecriminaliseerd. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Portugal has decriminalized the personal possession of drugs. Spreken jullie Indonesisch? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Toon mij andere. Show me some others. Show me another one. Hou hem in het oog. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Tom is een geweldige man. Tom is a wonderful man. Tom's a great man. Hij heeft zelfmoord gepleegd. He commited suicide. He killed himself. De dood van één persoon is een tragedie; de dood van miljoenen is statistiek. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. The death of one person is a tragedy; the death of millions is statistics. Deze namiddag ga ik spelen met Naoko. I'll play with Naoko this afternoon. This afternoon I'm gonna play with Naoko. Ik heb deze boeken nog niet allemaal gelezen. I haven't yet read all of these books. I haven't read all these books. We lunchen zo rond de middag. We have lunch about noon. We'll have lunch around noon. Je hebt daar een beetje te laat aan gedacht. You thought about that a little too late. You thought of that a little too late. We leren niet voor het leven, maar voor school. Not for life, but for school do we learn. We're not learning for life. We're learning for school. Ze pakt haar verjaardagscadeau uit. She unwraps her birthday gift. She's unpacking her birthday present. Ik breng u naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you to a safe place. Vandaag wil ik iets lichts eten. Today I want to eat something light. Today I want to eat something light. Tom was niet gewond geraakt bij het ongeluk. Tom wasn't hurt in the accident. Tom wasn't hurt in the accident. Tom is een onbeleefd persoon. Tom is a rude person. Tom's a rude person. Verdorie, waar heb ik godsnaam mijn sleutels neergelegd? Bollocks, where in God's name did I put my house keys? Damn, where the hell did I put my keys? Sami heeft die app gratis gedownload. Sami downloaded that app for free. Sami downloaded that app for free. Soms gaat alles fout. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Sometimes everything goes wrong. Wilt u mijn e-mailadres? Do you want my email address? Do you want my e-mail address? Hoeveel kost het lidmaatschap? How much does the membership cost? How much does membership cost? Ik heb Tom drie uur geleden gezien. I saw Tom three hours ago. I saw Tom three hours ago. Ik heb juist gegeten. I have just finished eating. I just ate. Ik kom uit Engeland. I am from England. I'm from England. Je bent trotser dan een pauw. You are prouder than a peacock. You're prouder than a peacock. Ik ben net opgestaan. Geef me alsjeblieft een paar minuten om me klaar te maken. I just got up. Give me a few minutes to get ready. Please, just give me a few minutes to get ready. Touché! Touché! Touché! Is dat niet van hen? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? Ik hoop wel dat je het begrijpt. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand. Omdat hij me uitnodigde. Because he invited me. Because he invited me. Zij is de minister-president van Finland. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. Iedereen schreeuwde. Everyone screamed. Everyone was screaming. Laten we verdergaan waar we gisteren waren gebleven. Let's continue where we left off yesterday. Let's get back to where we left off yesterday. Zijn jullie in het bezit van een theorie? Do you have a theory? Are you in possession of a theory? Ik hou van de bioscoop. I love cinema. I love the movie theater. Zijn auto was drie meter lang. His car was three metres long. His car was three metres long. Vergelijk de kopie met het origineel. Compare the copy with the original. Compare the copy with the original. Ik heb een Duitse auto. I own a German car. I have a German car. De emmer was vol water. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. Als ik je een spekje kon sturen, Trang, zou ik het doen. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a bacon, Trang, I would. De premier is opgestapt. The Prime Minister has resigned. The Prime Minister has quit. Deze oude auto gaat constant kapot. This old car breaks down all the time. This old car is falling apart all the time. Ik wens je een zalig kerstfeest. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you a merry Christmas. Het gebeurt wel. It does happen. It'll happen. Telefoon! Telephone! Phone! Ik ben met mijn kinderen aan het zingen. I'm singing with my children. I'm singing with my kids. Ik gaf mijn zus een woordenboek. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. Tom heeft bijna niets in zijn portemonnee. Tom has next to nothing in his wallet. Tom's got almost nothing in his wallet. Frankenstein is een kunstwerk. Frankenstein is a work of art. Frankenstein is a work of art. Heeft u de deur open gelaten? Did you leave the door open? Did you leave the door open? Deze cake is erg zoet. This cake is very sweet. This cake is very sweet. Ik zweer bij God. I swear to God. I swear to God. Zeg gewoon dat het je spijt. Just say you're sorry. Just say you're sorry. Deze fout zou je leven kunnen kosten. This error could cost you your life. This mistake could cost you your life. Veel geluk. Good luck. Good luck. Lach met hen. Laugh with them. Laugh at them. Ze kwam elke keer als mijn zuster thuis was. She came every time my sister was home. She came every time my sister was home. Jupiter is ongeveer tien keer groter dan de aarde. Jupiter is roughly 10 times larger than Earth. Jupiter is about ten times larger than the Earth. Ik ben het ermee eens. I agree. I agree. Ik heb het een beetje verleerd. I'm a little out of practice. I kind of lost track of it. Jullie eten. You eat. You're eating. Ik wil kinderen, maar mijn man niet. I want kids, but my husband doesn't. I want kids, but my husband doesn't. Tom heeft een Pikachu-kussen. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Tom has a Pikachu pillow. Zeg niets! Don't say anything. Don't say anything! Mexico-Stad is de hoofdstad van Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. Maak de asbak leeg want hij zit vol met peuken. Empty the ashtray, because it's full of cigarette butts. Empty the ashtray because it's full of fags. Ik zoek een stopcontact. I'm looking for a socket. I'm looking for a power outlet. Alice is mijn moeder. Alice is my mother. Alice is my mother. "Met Dima!" riep Dima uit. "Werkt je nummerherkenning niet of zo?" "It's Dima!" Dima exclaimed. "Is your caller ID not working or something?" "With Dima!" said Dima. "Isn't your number recognition working or something?" Laat mij alleen! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Vuurwerk is legaal. Fireworks are legal. Fireworks are legal. Hij verstopte zich onder de tafel. He hid under the table. He was hiding under the table. Ik kan het niet geloven dat ik dat juist heb gezegd. I can't believe I just said that! I can't believe I just said that. Tom is waarschijnlijk ook dood. Tom is probably dead, too. Tom's probably dead, too. Ik was beschaamd om in oude kleren uit te gaan. I was ashamed to go out in old clothes. I was ashamed to go out in old clothes. Ik kijk ernaar uit de film met haar te kijken. I'm looking forward to watching the movie with her. I look forward to watching the movie with her. Kom met me zwemmen. Come swim with me. Come swim with me. Ik kom uit Kabylië, Algerije. I'm from Kabylie, Algeria. I'm from Kabylia, Algeria. Wat vond je van de film? What did you think of the movie? What did you think of the movie? Kijk me aan als ik tegen je praat. Look at me when I talk to you. Look at me when I'm talking to you. Sorry, hoe laat is het? Excuse me, what time is it? Sorry, what time is it? Hij heeft ruzie met hen. He has bad blood with them. He's fighting with them. Algerije is het grootste land van Afrika. Algeria is Africa's largest country. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. We kunnen niet slapen vanwege het lawaai. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Jullie weer? You again? You again? Mag ik u nog een stukje gebak aanbieden? Can I offer you another piece of cake? Can I offer you another piece of cake? Mijn vader is dol op pizza. My father likes pizza very much. My dad loves pizza. We gingen naar een Italiaanse pizzeria. We went to an Italian pizzeria. We went to an Italian pizza shop. Honden begraven vaak botten. Dogs often bury bones. Dogs often bury bones. Ik heb geen zin tegen iemand te praten. I don't feel like talking to anybody. I don't feel like talking to anyone. 's Morgens drink ik altijd een kop koffie. I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I always have a cup of coffee in the morning. Ik heb helemaal geen honger. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Het is duidelijk dat hij een grote fout heeft gemaakt. It is clear that he made a big mistake. Clearly, he made a big mistake. Wat is het telefoonnummer van de Tokyo Dome? What's the number for the Tokyo Dome? What's the phone number of the Tokyo Dome? Wat doe je in godsnaam, man? What the fuck are you doing? What the hell are you doing, man? Ik heb last van anale jeuk. I'm suffering from anal itching. I'm having an anal itch. Hou de deur open. Keep the door open. Keep the door open. Ze wil weten wie de bloemen stuurde. She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. Soms is hij van school afwezig. He is sometimes absent from school. Sometimes he's out of school. Paarden zijn nuttige dieren. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Een zeshoek heeft zes zijden. A hexagon has six sides. A hexagon has six sides. Niemand weet dat wij nichten zijn. Nobody knows that we're cousins. Nobody knows we're cousins. Wijze woorden! Wise words! Wise words! Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done is done. What's done is done. Het dreigt te gaan regenen. It threatens to rain. It's threatening to rain. De hond die op het gras ligt is van mij. The dog lying on the grass is mine. The dog lying on the grass is mine. Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel. When the cat's away the mice will play. When the cat's away, the mice dance on the table. Ik heb geen hulp nodig. I don't need help. I don't need any help. Morgen moet ik haar de waarheid vertellen. Tomorrow I must tell her the truth. Tomorrow I have to tell her the truth. Met welke bus gaat Tom naar zijn werk? Which bus does Tom take to work? What bus is Tom taking to work? Wissel. Alternate. Switch. Jouw helft is weg. Your half is gone. Your half is gone. Veel restaurants zijn vandaag gesloten. Many restaurants are closed today. Many restaurants are closed today. Mijn nagel is gebroken. My nail has broken. My nail's broken. Daarover zou je gelijk kunnen hebben. You may be right about that. You might be right about that. We kunnen je daar niet heen sturen. We can't send you out there. We can't send you there. Ik ben streng. I'm strict. I'm strict. Er zit een spin in de doos. There's a spider in the box. There's a spider in the box. Ik ga iets te drinken halen. I'm going to get something to drink. I'm gonna go get a drink. De man die we vanochtend zagen was meneer Green. The man we saw this morning was Mr. Green. The man we saw this morning was Mr. Green. Niemand studeerde in mijn land. Nobody studied in my country. Nobody studied in my country. Tom viel op zijn hoofd. Tom fell on his head. Tom fell on his head. Niemand kent zoveel verhalen als de god van de slaap. Nobody knows as many stories as the god of sleep. No one knows as many stories as the god of sleep. Ik hoor stemmen. I hear voices. I hear voices. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Hij is een goed geeïnformeerd persoon. He is a well informed person. He's a well-informed person. Ik beloof dat je blij zult zijn. I promise you'll be happy. I promise you'll be happy. De soldaten begonnen hun aanval. The soldiers started their attack. The soldiers began their attack. Ik zie haar zelden. I seldom see her. I rarely see her. Stokbrood is heerlijk. French bread is delicious. Locust bread is delicious. Het is niet gemakkelijk de jongste in het gezin te zijn. It's not easy being the youngest in the family. Being the youngest in the family is not easy. Mag hier gerookt worden? Is smoking allowed here? Can we smoke here? Hij werd rood van woede. He was red with anger. He turned red with anger. Ik ben echt blij dat je hier bent. I'm really glad you're here. I'm really glad you're here. Hoeveel kleinkinderen heb je? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Zombies eten hersens. Zombies eat brains. Zombies eat brains. Hoelang zal je moeten wachten? How long will you have to wait? How long will you have to wait? Hij koopt sigaretten. He buys cigarettes. He buys cigarettes. Wie eet graag bonen? Who likes beans? Who likes to eat beans? Waarom huilden jullie? Why did you cry? Why were you crying? Het Latijn is een Indo-Europese taal. Latin is an Indo-European language. Latin is an Indo-European language. Zij is onze docent. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Er ligt één appel op de tafel. There is one apple on the desk. There's one apple on the table. De winter is mijn lievelingsseizoen. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. Op welke verdieping woont ge? Which floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? Dit is mijn school. This is my school. This is my school. Is hij dag en nacht open? Is it open round the clock? Is it open day and night? Tom sprak als een orakel. Tom spoke in riddles. Tom spoke like an oracle. Ik zal het hem vragen. I'll ask him. I'll ask him. Ik maakte een typefout. I made a typing error. I made a typo. Wat leuk! How lovely! That's nice! U heeft mooie blauwe ogen. You have beautiful blue eyes. You have beautiful blue eyes. Je hoeft alleen maar je best doen. All you have to do is to do your best. All you have to do is do your best. Je hebt helemaal gelijk. You're completely right. You're absolutely right. Laat me sterven. Let me die. Let me die. Spreekt u Quechua? Do you speak Quechua? Do you speak Quechua? Ik wist niet dat hij me leuk vond. I didn't know he liked me. I didn't know he liked me. Je bent me een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat jullie voor ons hebben gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I will never forget what you've done for us. Ze is op haar zeventiende getrouwd. She got married at the age of 17. She was married at 17. Ze keek omhoog naar het plafond. She looked up at the ceiling. She looked up at the ceiling. Ik wil meer van dat. I want more of that. I want more of that. Tom weegt zichzelf elke dag. Tom weighs himself every day. Tom weighs himself every day. Ik ben uw familienaam vergeten. I've forgotten your last name. I forgot your last name. Waarom kocht ze dit? Why did she buy this? Why did she buy this? Tom schilde de wortels. Tom peeled the carrots. Tom shielded the roots. Wat gebeurt er? What is happening? What's going on? Ze droeg een lange, brede jas. She wore a long, loose coat. She was wearing a long, wide coat. Zijn jullie gek geworden? Have you gone nuts? Are you out of your mind? Tom is niet bevoegd. Tom is unqualified. Tom's not qualified. Dit is normaal. This is normal. This is normal. Toen ik haar in Boekarest had ontmoet, was Anca een student. When I had met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. When I met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. Ik zal nooit iemand zoals hem vinden. I'll never find someone like him. I'll never find anyone like him. Ik heb tegen mijn vriendin gelogen over mijn leeftijd. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. I lied to my girlfriend about my age. Mag ik eens rondkijken? Can I look around? Can I take a look around? Ik wil Tom mijn sleutel niet geven. I don't want to give Tom my key. I don't want to give Tom my key. Wanneer keer je terug? When will you return? When will you return? Ik zie Dana en Corina. I see Dana and Corina. I see Dana and Corina. De Mexicaanse regering gaf zich over. The government of Mexico surrendered. The Mexican government surrendered. Ik heb vandaag geprobeerd om niet te huilen. I tried not to cry today. I tried not to cry today. Het bedrijf is failliet gegaan. The company went bankrupt. The company went bankrupt. Hebben jullie mijn vrienden gezien? Have you seen my friends? Have you seen my friends? Laat ons naar beneden gaan. Let's go down. Let's go down. Tom en Frank zijn goede vrienden. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Zonder jullie zou mijn leven zinloos zijn. My life would be meaningless without you. Without you, my life would be pointless. Ze weten hoe een atoombom gemaakt wordt. They know how to make an atomic bomb. They know how an atomic bomb is made. De zoon van mijn gebuur heeft vandaag op school mijn dochter uitgelachen. My neighbor's son made fun of my daughter today at school. My neighbor's son laughed at my daughter today at school. Hier? Here? Here? Maak hem niet belachelijk. Don't make fun of him. Don't make fun of him. Als ik het wist, zou ik het u zeggen. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew, I'd tell you. We kunnen beter even wachten. We'd better wait. We'd better wait. Waarom werken we niet meer samen? Why don't we collaborate more? Why don't we work together anymore? Mijn kat houdt van garnalen. My cat loves shrimp. My cat likes shrimp. Het was verschrikkelijk weer. It was dreadful weather. It was terrible weather. De gevangene heeft een gat onder de gevangenismuur door gegraven. The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall. The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall. Morgen is mijn vrije dag. Tomorrow is my day off. Tomorrow's my day off. Je hebt iets gevonden. You've found something. You found something. Tom is een geboren leider. Tom is a natural leader. Tom is a born leader. Vinden jullie de gele kleur leuk? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow color? Bedoel je dat je met opzet je schoonheid verbergt? You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Are you saying you deliberately hide your beauty? Ze was wit gekleed She was dressed in white. She was dressed white. Wij zijn neven. We're cousins. We're cousins. Je bent niet voorbereid op wat je te wachten staat. You're not prepared for what awaits you. You're not prepared for what's ahead of you. Zou je misschien later kunnen terugbellen? Could you call again later, please? Could you maybe call back later? Mijn vriend spreekt Nederlands van nature. My friend speaks Dutch natively. My friend speaks Dutch naturally. Hoeveel hebt ge nodig? How many do you need? How much do you need? Heeft u Italiaans gesproken? Have you been speaking Italian? Have you spoken Italian? Tom moet blut zijn. Tom must be broke. Tom must be broke. Ik ben 20 jaar oud. I am 20 years old. I'm 20 years old. Het is bedtijd. It's time for bed. It's time for bed. Dat boek is klein. That book is small. That book is small. Tom kwam uit het niets. Tom came out of nowhere. Tom came out of nowhere. Kijk in de spiegel. Look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Ik ben water aan het koken. I'm boiling water. I'm cooking water. Ik zal Tom vertellen dat je klaar bent. I'll tell Tom you're ready. I'll tell Tom you're done. Japans snoep heeft minder calorieën dan westers snoep. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese candy has less calories than western candy. Vertel me waarom ze huilt. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. Ik werd wakker van de geur van koffie. I was awakened by the smell of coffee. I woke up from the smell of coffee. Welk antwoord heb jij bij vraag 3? What answer did you come up with for question three? What answer do you have to question 3? De trein is hier net aangekomen. The train has just arrived here. The train just got here. Waar houdt u van? What do you like? What do you like? Morgen is het zaterdag, 5 februari 2011. Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5th, 2011. Tomorrow is Saturday, February 5, 2011. Wanneer ben je uit Duitsland teruggekomen? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? Is dat een vleermuis? Is that a bat? Is that a bat? In China leert men ook Engels. English is studied in China, too. In China, English is also taught. "Ik kan niet zeggen dat ik dat een erg leuke keus vind," zuchtte Dima. "Om eerlijk te zijn, is het de hele tijd al wazig in mijn hoofd sinds ik vanochtend wakker werd in een vuilcontainer..." "I can't say I much like that choice," Dima sighed. "To be honest, my head's been all blurry ever since I woke up in a dumpster this morning..." "I can't say I think that's a very nice choice," Dima sighed. "To be honest, it's been blurry in my head the whole time since I woke up in a dumpster this morning..." Ik had nooit gedacht dat het zo gemakkelijk zou zijn. I never thought it would be so easy. I never thought it would be that easy. Laat je haar knippen. Get a haircut. Get your hair cut. Zijn jullie ooit in Canada geweest? Have you ever been to Canada? Have you ever been to Canada? Heel erg bedankt, dokter. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. Madrid, de hoofdstad van Spanje, is een prachtige stad. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a marvelous city. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a beautiful city. Ik weet dat Tom een ​​vriend van je is. I know Tom is a friend of yours. I know Tom's a friend of yours. Hernán Cortés vernietigde de Azteekse cultuur. Hernan Cortes destroyed aztec culture. Hernán Cortés destroyed Aztec culture. Heb je deze film al eens gezien? Have you ever seen this movie before? Have you seen this movie before? Ik ga jouw werk niet voortzetten. I'm not going to continue your work. I'm not going to continue your work. Wat kocht ze in die winkel? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy in that store? Felipe heeft twee auto's en één fiets. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Waarom moet zij naar Algiers? Why does she have to go to Algiers? Why does she have to go to Algiers? Ik heb een kurkentrekker nodig. I need a cork screw. I need a corkscrew. Hij begroette de dame. He greeted the lady. He greeted the lady. Komt u naar de bijeenkomst? Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you coming to the meeting? Hij ving het lieveheersbeestje. He caught the ladybug. He caught the ladybug. Linda eet graag chocolade. Linda likes eating chocolate. Linda likes to eat chocolate. Waarom stopte ze? Why did she stop? Why did she stop? Tom is een machtig man. Tom is a powerful man. Tom is a powerful man. Zij probeerde haar boosheid te verbergen. She tried to hide her anger. She tried to hide her anger. Mario's Pub is waar het gebeurt. Mario's Pub is where the action is. Mario's Pub is where it happens. Ben je blij? Are you happy? Are you happy? Heb je tomaten gekocht? Did you buy tomatoes? Did you buy tomatoes? Ge spreekt. You speak. You speak. Deze missie is topgeheim en uiterst gevaarlijk. This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous. This mission is top secret and extremely dangerous. De uilen jagen 's nachts. Owls hunt at night. The owls hunt at night. Ik hou van noedels. I like noodles. I like noodles. Slecht weer is geen hinderpaal. Bad weather is no obstacle. Bad weather is not an obstacle. Tom, kan ik even met je spreken? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, can I talk to you for a second? Tom gaf toe dat hij het gedaan heeft. Tom admitted that he did that. Tom admitted he did it. Ik dacht dat Tom in Boston woonde. I thought that Tom was living in Boston. I thought Tom lived in Boston. Tom is dik. Tom's fat. Tom's fat. Op zijn gezicht zag ik een blije glimlach. I saw a joyful smile on his face. On his face, I saw a happy smile. Ik weet dat u vorige zomer in Boston was. I know you were in Boston last summer. I know you were in Boston last summer. Hou ons op de hoogte. Keep us updated. Keep us posted. We moeten een ruimte voor ons feest huren. We need to rent a room for our party. We need to rent a room for our party. Welke landen grenzen aan Slovenië. What countries border on Slovenia? Which countries border Slovenia. Zijn dochter is een mooie vrouw geworden. His daughter has become a pretty woman. His daughter has become a beautiful woman. Kunnen we Mars koloniseren? Can we colonize Mars? Can we colonize Mars? Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've already had a coffee. I've already had coffee. Ik ben er al veel langer. I've been around a lot longer. I've been there a lot longer. De tijd ging erg langzaam voorbij deze week. Time passed very slowly this week. Time passed very slowly this week. Ze houdt van haar vrouw. She loves her wife. She loves her wife. Ik kan nu niet stoppen. I can't stop now. I can't stop right now. Wat vroeg hij je? What did he ask you? What did he ask you? Wat is mijn saldo? What is my balance? What's my balance? Ik kan me de melodie van dat lied niet herinneren. I can't remember the tune of that song. I don't remember the melody of that song. Mars is ''de rode planeet''. Mars is "the Red Planet". Mars is "the red planet." Mijn oom is mager, maar mijn tante is dik. My uncle is slim, but my aunt is fat. My uncle's skinny, but my aunt's fat. Waar zijn de aardbeien? Where are the strawberries? Where are the strawberries? Er sterven elke dag veel goede mensen. Many good people die every day. A lot of good people die every day. Geef me een precies antwoord. Give me a precise answer. Give me an exact answer. Ik ben mijn regenscherm verloren. I have lost my umbrella. I lost my rain screen. Ik dek de tafel wel. I'll set the table. I'll set the table. Sami heeft zijn sjahada afgenomen. Sami has taken his shahada. Sami took his shahada. Ik had niet verwacht dat je hier zou zijn. I didn't expect you to be here. I didn't expect you to be here. Gaat u alstublieft door. Please continue. Please continue. Je mag de auto niet in deze straat parkeren. You must not park the car in this street. You can't park the car in this street. Ze draagt een groen gewaad. She is wearing a green robe. She's wearing a green robe. Niet alle dieren eten hooi. Not all animals eat hay. Not all animals eat hay. Hij deed wat men hem gezegd had. He did what they told him. He did what he was told. Tom stak de straat over. Tom walked across the street. Tom crossed the street. Deze zin is ambigu. This sentence is ambiguous. This sentence is ambiguous. Liefde maakt blind. Love is blind. Love blinds. Ik weet hoe ik Tom blij moet maken. I know how to make Tom happy. I know how to make Tom happy. Je hebt geprobeerd te voorkomen dat Tom dat doet, nietwaar? You tried to stop Tom from doing that, didn't you? You tried to stop Tom from doing that, didn't you? Ik heb geen geld om dat boek te kopen. I don't have the money to buy that book. I don't have any money to buy that book. Dat was een leugen. That was a lie. That was a lie. Wil je een appel? Do you want an apple? You want an apple? We hebben de hele dag geskied. We skied all day. We've been skiing all day. Tom werd kwaad. Tom got angry. Tom got mad. Ik wil hem telefoneren, hebt ge zijn nummer? I want to contact him. Do you know his phone number? I want to call him, do you have his number? Ik heb rugpijn. I have a backache. I've got a backache. Ik heb mijn rechterbeen gebroken. I broke my right leg. I broke my right leg. Nonsens! Nonsense! Nonsense! Het is slechts een modegril. It's just a fad. It's just a fashion grill. Kan ik alsjeblieft een kopje thee krijgen? Can I have a cup of tea, please? Can I have a cup of tea, please? Tom heeft nog geen openbare foto's gedeeld. Tom hasn't shared any public photos yet. Tom hasn't shared public photos yet. Je moet me nu meteen 500 dollar geven. You must give me 500 dollars right now. You have to give me $500 right now. Wij zijn water aan het koken. We are boiling water. We're boiling water. Wie is je favoriete tv-ster? Who's your favorite TV star? Who's your favorite TV star? Waar men niet over kan spreken, moet men over zwijgen. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. What one cannot speak of is to remain silent. Ik wil niet meer terug. I don't wanna go back. I don't want to go back. Spreken jullie Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? You speak Klingon? Dit is je laatste waarschuwing. This is your final warning. This is your last warning. Kom snel! Come quick! Come quick! Waar gaat u heen? Where are you going? Where are you going? Ik ga zelden naar de kerk. I go to church once in a blue moon. I rarely go to church. Mijn kat ziet er een beetje uit als een koekje. My cat kind of looks like a biscuit. My cat looks a little like a cookie. Jullie zijn niet jong. You aren't young. You're not young. Internet Explorer is 's werelds meest populaire webbrowser. Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Internet Explorer is the world's most popular web browser. Tom grillt vlees. Tom is grilling meat. Tom grills meat. Julius Caesar was een Romeinse keizer. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. Het water is aan het vloeien. The water is flowing. The water is flowing. Ik kan skiën. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Hoe werken computers? How do computers work? How do computers work? Welke heb je liever, vlees of vis? Which do you prefer, meat or fish? Which one do you prefer, meat or fish? Zijn dood is een groot verlies. His death is a great loss. His death is a great loss. Er zijn veel sloppenwijken in Mexico. There are many slums in Mexico. There's a lot of slums in Mexico. Ik kan je maar niet vergeten. I just can't forget about you. I can't forget you. We hadden een beetje water. We had little water. We had a little water. Ik ben gek op Sino-Tibetaanse talen. I adore Sino-Tibetan languages. I love Sino-Tibetan languages. Ik heb Tom ook nog nooit ontmoet. I've never met Tom, either. I've never met Tom either. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Ríocht Aontaithe'' genoemd in het Iers. The United Kingdom is called "Ríocht Aontaithe" in Irish. The United Kingdom is called ''Ríocht Aontaithe'' in Irish. Ik wist niet dat je allergisch was voor walnoten. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. Ik wil graag leraar worden. I'd like to be a teacher. I'd like to be a teacher. Ik heb zusters. I have sisters. I have sisters. De krekels tsjilpen. The grasshoppers are chirping. The crickets chil. Hij leeft in een droomwereld. He lives in a world of fantasy. He lives in a dream world. Toen ik hem zag, zat hij in de bibliotheek. He was sitting in the library when I saw him. When I saw him, he was in the library. We waren lang op hem aan het wachten. We were waiting for him for a long time. We were waiting a long time for him. Uit hoeveel dagen bestaat een schrikkeljaar? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days is a leap year? Maria is een wiskunde-nerd. Mary is a math nerd. Maria's a math nerd. De wedstrijd is afgeblazen vanwege de hevige regenval. The match has been canceled due to heavy rain. The game has been cancelled because of the heavy rains. Een beer doodde Tom. A bear killed Tom. A bear killed Tom. Oost west, thuis best. There is no place like home. Home sweet home. Tom is zijn auto aan het wassen. Tom is washing his car. Tom's washing his car. Ik wist niet dat Tom vandaag hier zou zijn. I didn't know Tom would be here today. I didn't know Tom was gonna be here today. Als je op de tekst van het liedje let, dan gaat het eigenlijk nergens over. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you watch the lyrics to the song, it's not really about anything. Het is een Roemeense naam. It's a Romanian name. It's a Romanian name. Waar speelt gij tennis? Where do you play tennis? Where do you play tennis? Laten we de rekening splitsen. Let's go Dutch. Let's split the account. Vergeet niet de plantjes water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to water the plants. Ik ga niet. I'm not going. I'm not going. We wasten onze handen. We washed our hands. We washed our hands. Ik ga je verklaren wat iedere zin betekent, nadat we elk van hen gelezen hebben. I'll explain what each phrase means after we read them. I'm going to explain to you what every sentence means, after we've read each of them. Er zijn zeldzame dieren in Australië. There are rare animals in Australia. There are rare animals in Australia. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that's right. I think it's true. Hij was de enige die naar het feestje kwam. He was the only one who came to the party. He was the only one who came to the party. Detroit is voor zijn auto-industrie beroemd. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Dit is een boek over Engeland. This is a book about England. This is a book about England. Wij wonen in Marokko. We live in Morocco. We live in Morocco. Zij wonen in Helsinki, Finland. They live in Helsinki, Finland. They live in Helsinki, Finland. Zij koken. They're cooking. They cook. Heeft Tom gisteren zijn moeder geholpen? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Je ziet er bleek uit vandaag. You look pale today. You look pale today. Ik vertrouw mijn vijanden meer dan mijn vrienden. I trust my enemies more than my friends. I trust my enemies more than my friends. Waar is mijn moeder? Where's my mother? Where's my mom? Ik haat wiskunde. I hate maths. I hate math. Er is een bom in het vliegtuig! There is a bomb in the plane! There's a bomb on the plane! Nijlpaarden zijn gevaarlijke dieren. Hippopotamuses are dangerous animals. Hippos are dangerous animals. Dat was gênant. That was awkward. That was embarrassing. Niet alle moslims observeren ramadan. Not all Muslims observe Ramadan. Not all Muslims observe Ramadan. Waar is jouw hond? Where's your dog? Where's your dog? Ik heb het raam geopend. I've opened the window. I opened the window. Spreken jullie Spaans? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Kom je morgen bij mij thuis? Will you come to my place tomorrow? Are you coming to my house tomorrow? Hij is agressief. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Ik heb nieuwe banden nodig. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Tom bleef maar praten en liet Mary er geen woord tussen krijgen. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word in edgewise. Tom kept talking and didn't let Mary get a word in. Ik woon niet meer in Boston. I'm not living in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Ze wilde niet betrokken raken. She didn't want to get involved. She didn't want to get involved. Heeft u ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Ik heb frietjes gegeten. I ate french fries. I ate fries. Brave hond! Good dog! Good dog! Hij vergiste zich en dronk vergif. He made a mistake and drank poison. He made a mistake and drank poison. Japan is een raar land. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a strange country. De prins wil een wit paard. The prince wants a white horse. The prince wants a white horse. Laat Tom niet alleen. Don't leave Tom alone. Don't leave Tom. Ze hebben de hele dag geskied. They skied all day long. They've been skiing all day. Blijf vannacht bij ons. Stay with us tonight. Stay with us tonight. We schatten de schade op duizend dollar. We estimate the damages to be one thousand dollars. We estimate the damage at a thousand dollars. Ze woont met hem samen. She lives with him. She lives with him. De Grote Depressie was een moeilijke economische tijd in de Verenigde Staten. Families en gemeenschappen leden eronder. Veel mensen zaten zonder werk. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities suffered. Many people were without work. The Great Depression was a difficult economic time in the United States. Families and communities suffered from it. Many people were out of work. Ik ben ook bang dus ik ga niet. I'm scared too, so I'm not going to go. I'm scared too, so I'm not going. Vraag Tom om het uit te leggen. Ask Tom to explain it. Ask Tom to explain. Deze prinses is in het kasteel. This princess is in the castle. This princess is in the castle. Ge zijt te vriendelijk voor mij. You are much too kind to me. You're too kind to me. Hij raakte zo opgewonden dat hij onzin uitkraamde. He became so excited that what he said made no sense at all. He got so excited, he was talking nonsense. Uiteindelijk bereikte hij het hotel. He finally reached the hotel. Eventually, he reached the hotel. Sami houdt van countrymuziek. Sami loves country music. Sami likes country music. Zij vertelde me dat ze hem niet leuk vond. She told me that she didn't like him. She told me she didn't like him. Vandaag is Maria treurig. Maria is sad today. Today, Maria is sad. Het heeft de hele dag gesneeuwd. It kept snowing all day. It's been snowing all day. Zij gaat elke ochtend onder de douche. She showers every morning. She takes a shower every morning. Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Boston zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like living in Boston. I don't think I'd like to live in Boston. Sami was geïnteresseerd in de islam. Sami was interested in Islam. Sami was interested in Islam. Ik kan dat nu doen. I can do that now. I can do that now. Zo heeft hij de machine uitgevonden. That's how he invented the machine. That's how he invented the machine. Waar heeft ze mijn portemonnee gevonden? Where did she find my wallet? Where did she find my wallet? De menigte groeide snel. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew fast. Kan je voor mij wat inkopen doen? Can you do some shopping for me? Can you do me a favor? Ik ben aan het praten. I'm talking. I'm talking. Waarom moest je gaan? Why did you need to go? Why did you have to go? Deze foto is wazig. This picture is blurry. This picture is blurry. Is dat een bus of een auto? Is that a bus or a car? Is that a bus or a car? Wat is jullie lievelingssport? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? We zijn allebei uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Heeft het huis een tuin? Has the house got a garden? Does the house have a garden? Ik vergat om mijn medicijnen in te nemen. I forgot to take my medicine. I forgot to take my medicine. Het weer is plots omgeslagen. The weather changed suddenly. The weather has suddenly changed. Je moet met iemand praten. You need to talk to somebody. You need to talk to someone. Dit is een goede kans. This is a good opportunity. This is a good opportunity. Doorzettingsvermogen is, onder andere, noodzakelijk voor succes. Perseverance is, among other things, necessary for success. Perseverance, among other things, is necessary for success. Het meisje heeft een muis. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Niemand is in mijn land geïnteresseerd. Nobody is interested in my country. Nobody's interested in my country. Het maakt geen verschil! It makes no difference! It makes no difference! Maria huilde niet. Mary did not cry. Maria didn't cry. Waarom kwam je uit de kamer? Why did you leave the room? Why did you come out of the room? Hoe dikwijls gaan jullie uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often do you guys go out to dinner? Ik wacht op uw beslissing. I await your decision. I'm waiting for your decision. Hij keek uit het raam. He looked out of the window. He looked out the window. Haar moeder komt uit Spanje en haar vader komt uit Italië, daarom kan ze zowel Spaans als Italiaans spreken. Her mom is from Spain and her dad is from Italy, that's why she can speak both Spanish and Italian. Her mother is from Spain and her father is from Italy, which is why she can speak both Spanish and Italian. Sami verliet het gesprek glimlachend. Sami left the interview smiling. Sami left the conversation smiling. Sami ging Layla haar kantoor binnen. Sami went into Layla's office. Sami went into Layla's office. Ik ontmoette hem eergisteren. I met him the day before yesterday. I met him the day before yesterday. We zijn ook naar de tempel geweest. We also went to the temple. We went to the temple, too. Bedankt, dat was het. Thanks, that's all. Thanks, that's it. Tom is getrouwd met een tandarts. Tom is married to a dentist. Tom's married to a dentist. Tom woont aan de andere kant van het eiland. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Tom lives on the other side of the island. Wat is het doel van je reis? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your journey? Tom ging met pensioen. Tom retired. Tom retired. Ik woon in Antalya. I live in Antalya. I live in Antalya. Hou je van je vrouw? Do you love your wife? Do you love your wife? De autoband heeft te weinig lucht. The tire is low. The tire doesn't have enough air. Ik heb een vrachtwagen. I have a truck. I have a truck. Iedereen heeft een hobby nodig. Everybody needs a hobby. Everyone needs a hobby. Hij heeft een hond en zes katten. He has one dog and six cats. He's got a dog and six cats. Tom zal het nooit weten. Tom will never know. Tom will never know. Het ziet er heel moeilijk uit! It looks really hard! It looks very difficult! Zing je graag? Do you like singing? Do you like to sing? ''Kan ik jouw sokken lenen?'' ''Nee.'' "Can I borrow your socks?" "No." "Can I borrow your socks?" "No." U zult lachen. You will laugh. You'll laugh. Door onoplettendheid botste ze met haar auto tegen de paal. By lack of attention, she hit the post with her car. Due to inattentiveness, she crashed into the pole with her car. Wanneer ben je gisteravond naar bed gegaan? When did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? Alles komt goed. Everything will be OK. Everything's gonna be fine. In de zomer ga ik naar de zee, in de winter naar de bergen. In summer I go to the sea, in winter to the mountains. In summer I go to the sea, in winter to the mountains. Waarom plegen mensen zelfmoord? Why do people commit suicide? Why do people kill themselves? Brazilië was een Portugese kolonie. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Waar ging Tom naartoe? Where'd Tom go? Where did Tom go? Ik zal deze paraplu nemen. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Wie is uw favoriete countrymuzikant. Who's your favorite country musician? Who's your favorite country musician? Wat is het dagmenu? What's today's menu? What's the daily menu? Ik heb een betere woordenboek nodig. I need a better dictionary. I need a better dictionary. "O jeetje..." zuchtte Al Sayib. "Nou, hoeveel heb je nodig? Er staat iets van 10 mille op mijn offshore rekening te staan." "Oh, boy..." Al-Sayib sighed. "Well, how much do you need? I've got about 10 grand just sitting in my offshore account." "Oh dear..." sighed Al Sayib. "Well, how much do you need? There's something worth 10 grand on my offshore account." De deur ging open. The door opened. The door opened. Was de film interessant? Was the movie interesting? Was the film interesting? Er zijn geruchten dat hij ontslag zal nemen. There are rumors that he will resign. There are rumors that he will resign. Hij had drie zoons. He had three sons. He had three sons. Ik heb een kleine blog over de Nederlandse taal. I have a small blog about Dutch. I have a small blog about the Dutch language. Hij is jong en vrijgezel. He's young and single. He's young and single. Tom ontmoette een Australische tijdens een bezoek aan Boston. Tom met a woman from Australia when he was visiting Boston. Tom met an Australian during a visit to Boston. Wat is het verschil tussen deze en die? What is the difference between this and that? What's the difference between this one and that one? Verjaardagen zijn belangrijk. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. Ik wil naar Tokio gaan. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston heeft gewoond. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Ik vermoed dat Tom allergisch is voor pinda's. I suspect Tom is allergic to peanuts. I suspect Tom is allergic to peanuts. Ma, ik heb honger. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Fijne verjaardag, Tom! Happy birthday, Tom! Happy birthday, Tom! Kan ik de tafel dekken? May I set the table? Can I set the table? Wij daten. We're dating. We're dating. Tom bleef achter. Tom stayed behind. Tom stayed behind. Tom wist dat hij de enige was die Maria zou vertrouwen. Tom knew that he was the only one that Mary would trust. Tom knew he was the only one who would trust Maria. Koeien leveren melk. Cows supply milk. Cows deliver milk. Eens zult ge de waarheid te weten komen. You will know the truth some day. Once you find out the truth. Daaraan kan je je verwachten. You can expect that. That's what you can expect. Met jou praat ik niet. I'm not going to talk to you. I'm not talking to you. Tom draagt een nieuwe jas. Tom's wearing a new coat. Tom's wearing a new coat. Tom gelooft Maria. Tom believes Mary. Tom believes Maria. Ik kan niet fluiten. I can't whistle. I can't whistle. Werk niet te hard! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! Wacht even, ik moet naar de wc. Hang on, I need to go to the bathroom. Wait a minute, I have to go to the bathroom. Je kan dit maar beter weggooien. You should throw this away. You better throw this away. Je kan niet meer lezen? You can't read anymore? You can't read anymore? Ik ben verkoper. I'm a salesman. I'm a salesman. Tom vertelde me dat hij een paar dingen moest regelen. Tom told me he had a few things to take care of. Tom told me he had a few things to take care of. Zelfs als het hard regent, ga ik. I'll go even if it rains heavily. Even if it rains hard, I go. Aardappelen zijn zeer goedkoop. Potatoes are very cheap. Potatoes are very cheap. Ik haat dat! I hate that! I hate that! Tom draagt een dikke bril. Tom is wearing thick glasses. Tom wears thick glasses. Ik ben van plan om met hem te lunchen. I'm scheduled to have lunch with him. I'm planning on having lunch with him. Wees geen klein kind! Don't be a crybaby! Don't be a little kid! Wij wonen in de Verenigde Staten. We live in the United States. We live in the United States. Is het eten van meer dan acht sinaasappels per dag slecht voor je? Is eating more than eight oranges a day bad for you? Is eating more than eight oranges a day bad for you? Vertel me jouw verhaal. Ik ben een en al oor. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm all ears. De stad is volledig verwoest. The city is completely devastated. The city has been completely destroyed. Waarom heb je gelogen? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Gelukkig is ze niet gestorven. Luckily she did not die. Thank God she didn't die. Maria Sharapova is de op twee na beste meest succesvolle actieve tennisspeelster, op de gezusters Williams na. Maria Sharapova is the third most successful active women's tennis player, behind the Williams sisters. Maria Sharapova is the third most successful active tennis player, except for the Williams sisters. Ben je in Boston opgegroeid? Did you grow up in Boston? Did you grow up in Boston? Hij gaf zijn bloed om zijn broer te redden. He gave blood in order to save his brother. He gave his blood to save his brother. Sami is een plattelandsjongen. Sami is a country boy. Sami's a country boy. Wie is uw lievelingspianist? Who's your favorite pianist? Who's your favorite pianist? Alles werd donker. Everything went dark. Everything went dark. Zijn wij bang voor de dood? Are we afraid of death? Are we afraid of death? Ik liet Tom niet mijn tandenborstel gebruiken. I didn't let Tom use my toothbrush. I didn't let Tom use my toothbrush. Ik heb een afschuwelijke fout begaan. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a terrible mistake. Hij helpt ons. He helps us. He's helping us. Breng mijn hoed. Bring my hat. Bring my hat. Deze peren zijn geweldig. These pears are great. These pears are great. Heb je hem geen brief geschreven? Didn't you write a letter to him? You didn't write him a letter? Het is haar foto. It is her photo. It's her picture. Cambodja wordt ''Kampuchea'' genoemd in het Khmer. Cambodia is called "Kampuchea" in Khmer. Cambodia is called 'Kampuchea' in Khmer. Je gaat een duwtje nodig hebben. You're going to need a push. You're gonna need a push. De wind waait uit het oosten. The wind is blowing from the east. The wind blows from the east. Je ziet er boos uit. You look angry. You look angry. Jij hebt wijn. You have wine. You have wine. Mijn vader werkt voor een fabriek. My father works for a factory. My dad works for a factory. U kent mijn broer niet. You don't know my brother. You don't know my brother. Update jullie systeem. Update your system. Update your system. Dat is jammer. That's too bad. That's too bad. Alle bladeren aan de boom werden geel. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. Tom heeft bewezen dat het werkt. Tom has proved that it works. Tom has proven that it works. Deze huizen zijn vijfhonderd jaar oud. Those houses are 500 years old. These houses are 500 years old. Tom beloofde te helpen. Tom promised to help. Tom promised to help. Niemand klopt aan mijn deur. Nobody knocks on my door. Nobody knocks at my door. Ik ben hier niet nodig. I'm unnecessary here. I'm not needed here. Laten we nog een keer naar dat lied luisteren. Let's listen to that song again. Let's listen to that song again. Niemand had internet in mijn land. Nobody had Internet in my country. No one had the Internet in my country. Dit is een soepele wijn. This is a smooth wine. This is a smooth wine. Moet ik mijn dieet aanpassen? Do I need to change my diet? Do I need to adjust my diet? Ze is veel afgevallen sinds ze een dieet volgt. She's lost a lot of weight since she went on a diet. She's lost a lot of weight since she's been on a diet. Dat is niet belangrijk. This is not important. That's not important. Waar zien we elkaar? Where will we meet? Where do we meet? Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now. I'm gonna make my wife a chocolate cake right away. Ze heeft gisteren haar tante bezocht. She visited at her aunt's yesterday. She visited her aunt yesterday. Tom reed met de auto. Tom drove the car. Tom was driving the car. Laat hem alleen. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. Hier klopt iets niet. Something's wrong here. Something's not right here. Je ziet beter dan ik. You have better sight than me. You see better than I do. Ik heb een tijd in Frankrijk gewoond. I lived in France for some time. I lived in France for a while. Tien dagen gingen voorbij. Ten days passed by. Ten days passed. Ik heb de kaas opgegeten. I ate the cheese. I ate the cheese. Noersoeltan is de hoofdstad van Kazachstan. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Noersueltan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Hij deed zijn mond wijd open. He opened his mouth wide. He opened his mouth wide. Dit televisieprogramma is echt heel interessant. This TV program is really quite interesting. This television show is really very interesting. Ik moet naar Boston. I need to go to Boston. I have to go to Boston. Goedenacht! Goodnight! Good night! De zin die u nu leest, bestaat niet. The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. There's no such thing as the sentence you're reading right now. Werkt ze in de keuken? Does she work in the kitchen? Does she work in the kitchen? Onzin. Bullshit. Bullshit. Laat ons naar een winkel met lagere prijzen gaan. Let's go to a store with lower prices. Let's go to a store with lower prices. Ik moet morgen werken. I have to work tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow. Onderschat mijn kracht niet. Don't underestimate my power. Don't underestimate my strength. Tom is drie jaar oud. Tom is three years old. Tom's three years old. Ik ben teleurgesteld. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. Waarom ben je je handen aan het wassen? Why are you washing your hands? Why are you washing your hands? Er is niet veel te zeggen. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Hij heeft tweeduizend Engelse woorden uit het hoofd geleerd. He memorized two thousand English words. He has memorized two thousand English words. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are you doing? How's it going? Ik reis licht. I travel light. I'm traveling light. Is het daar veilig? Is it safe in there? Is it safe there? De apen vlooien elkaar. The monkeys are grooming each other. The monkeys flea each other. Er is een politieagent. There's a police officer. There's a police officer. Tom wist niet eens wie Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Tom didn't even know who Mary was. Hebben jullie haar vandaag gezien? Have you seen her today? Have you seen her today? Afbeeldingen verstuurd op Snapchat worden na een paar seconden vernietigd. Pictures sent on snapchat are destroyed after a few seconds. Images sent on Snapchat will be destroyed after a few seconds. Er zal voor vermaak gezorgd worden. Entertainment will be provided. There will be entertainment. Laten we terugkeren en nog wat bijnemen. Let's go back and get some more. Let's go back and take some more. Het kan extreem gevaarlijk zijn. It can be extremely dangerous. It can be extremely dangerous. We liegen allemaal. We all lie. We all lie. Ik lag een week in het ziekenhuis. I was in hospital for a week. I was in the hospital for a week. Mijn oom bezoekt mij af en toe. My uncle comes to see me from time to time. My uncle visits me from time to time. Mijn familie is erg trots op me. My family is very proud of me. My family is very proud of me. Waar heeft u de jongen gezien? Where did you see the boy? Where did you see the boy? Wat wil je dat ik doe? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Dit is geen zilver. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Ik parkeerde achter het gebouw. I parked behind the building. I parked behind the building. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Hoe oud zijn jullie kinderen? How old are your children? How old are you kids? De film begon om 2 uur. The film started at 2 o'clock. The film started at 2 o'clock. Mijn broer is rijk. My brother is rich. My brother's rich. De leerlingen zitten in een kring. The students are sitting in a circle. The students are in a circle. Hebben jullie een Engels woordenboek? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary? Ik hoorde Tom in de keuken. I heard Tom in the kitchen. I heard Tom in the kitchen. Het is een te mooie kans om ze voorbij te laten gaan. It is too good of an opportunity to miss. It's too good a chance to let them pass. Elke fout maakt me sterker. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake makes me stronger. De tafel is rood. The table is red. The table is red. Helaas, mijn vader is niet thuis. Unfortunately, my father isn't at home. Unfortunately, my father's not home. Tom verloor zijn evenwicht. Tom lost his balance. Tom lost his balance. Alles verandert. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Tom is een kinderarts. Tom is a pediatrician. Tom's a pediatrician. Dit boek is oud. This book is old. This book is old. Hoe hebben jullie elkaar leren kennen? How did you guys meet each other? How did you two get to know each other? Waar zijn de meisjes? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Ze heeft een verslaving. She's addicted. She has an addiction. Ze werkte hard. She worked hard. She worked hard. Tom sloeg de piñata. Tom struck the pinata. Tom hit the piñata. Ik ben optimistisch. I'm optimistic. I'm optimistic. Kunt u mij vertellen hoe deze wasmachine gebruikt moet worden? Could you tell me how to use this washing machine? Can you tell me how to use this washing machine? U moet de knoop strakker trekken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Linda stond op om te zingen. Linda stood up to sing. Linda got up to sing. Spaanstaligen kunnen gemakkelijk Italiaans leren. Spanish speakers can learn Italian easily. Spanish speakers can easily learn Italian. Weet je waar hij zijn fototoestel gekocht heeft? Do you know where he bought his camera? Do you know where he bought his camera? Tom is net vertrokken. Tom just left. Tom just left. Iemand duwde mij naar binnen. Someone pushed me inside. Someone pushed me in. Mochten deze mail en uw betaling elkaar gekruist hebben, dan verzoeken wij u deze herinnering als niet verzonden te beschouwen. Should you have settled the account since this mail was written, please ignore our reminder. If this mail and your payment have crossed each other, we ask you to consider this reminder not sent. Het probleem met eieren is dat ze makkelijk breken. The problem with eggs is that they break easily. The problem with eggs is they break easily. "Ik heb haar vijf dagen geleden gezien," zei hij. "I saw her five days ago," he said. "I saw her five days ago," he said. Gisteren was u niet op school. You were absent from school yesterday. You weren't in school yesterday. Dat gaat boven mijn petje. It's beyond my comprehension. That's above my pay grade. Ik denk dat ik een grote fout begaan heb. I think I've made a big mistake. I think I made a big mistake. Hij ging naar daar in plaats van zijn vader. He went there instead of his father. He went there instead of his father. Hij komt uit Georgië. He's from Georgia. He's from Georgia. De meeste grote Japanse firma's hangen af van de export. The majority of large Japanese companies depend on exports. Most of the big Japanese firms depend on exports. Tom gebruikt twee computers tegelijkertijd. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Tom uses two computers at the same time. Jim keek links en rechts voor hij de weg overstak. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before crossing the road. Ze worden nerveus. They become nervous. They're getting nervous. Niemand wilde mijn land vertrouwen. Nobody wanted to trust my country. Nobody wanted to trust my country. Ik heb een hotdog gegeten als lunch. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I ate a hot dog for lunch. Het meisje springt. The girl is jumping. The girl jumps. Wat gaat het kosten? How much will it cost? What's it gonna cost? New York is een enorme stad. New York is a huge city. New York is a huge city. Tom wil daar ook heen gaan. Tom also has plans to go there. Tom wants to go there, too. Ze ging met hem naar de bioscoop. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the movies with him. U mag gaan. You can go. You're free to go. Zijn jullie boos op Tom? Are you mad at Tom? Are you mad at Tom? Ik kan het niet herinneren. I can't remember. I can't remember. Ik vraag me af waarom Tom geen labjas draagt. I wonder why Tom isn't wearing a lab coat. I wonder why Tom isn't wearing a lab coat. Tom gebruikt Spotify. Tom uses Spotify. Tom's using Spotify. Hij lijkt eerlijk te zijn. He seems honest. He seems to be honest. Ik heb geen zoon. I have no son. I don't have a son. Wat is er gaande? What's up? What's going on? Wat is de kleur van Tom zijn haar? What color is Tom's hair? What's the color of Tom's hair? Water verandert in stoom. Water changes into steam. Water turns into steam. Bent u ooit in Rio geweest? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Deze bomen zijn door hen geplant. These trees were planted by them. These trees have been planted by them. Hoeveel vissen heb je gevangen? How many fish did you catch? How many fish did you catch? Dat klinkt mooi. That sounds beautiful. That sounds nice. Ik ben sceptisch. I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical. Interesseren bloemen u? Are you interested in flowers? Do flowers interest you? De melk was verdund met water. The milk was adulterated with water. The milk was diluted with water. Waarom leer ik IJslands? Why am I learning Icelandic? Why am I learning Icelandic? Ze pleegde zelfmoord. She committed suicide. She killed herself. Ik heb uw bescherming niet nodig. I don't need your protection. I don't need your protection. Ze hielden een protestmars voor de vrijheid. They held a protest march for freedom. They held a protest march for freedom. Ga recht tegenover elkaar staan. Stand face to face. Go face-to-face. Uw tijd is op. Your time is up. Your time is up. Het is niet mogelijk, nietwaar? It's not possible, is it? It's not possible, is it? Tom is ontsnapt naar Australië. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. De gijzelaars worden morgen vrijgelaten. The hostages will be released tomorrow. The hostages will be released tomorrow. Kool en aardgas zijn natuurlijke brandstoffen. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. Carbon and natural gas are natural fuels. Ik ben een veganist. I'm a vegan. I'm a vegan. Wolharige mammoeten wandelden ooit rond op aarde. Woolly mammoths once roamed the Earth. Wol-haired mammoths once walked around on earth. Hij kon deze vraag niet beantwoorden. He could not answer that question. He couldn't answer this question. Mijn moeder maakt het ontbijt klaar. My mother is preparing breakfast. My mom's making breakfast. Tom was mijn eerste kamergenoot. Tom was my first roommate. Tom was my first roommate. Zoek het op in je woordenboek. Look it up in your dictionary. Look it up in your dictionary. Stop met me steeds te bekritiseren! Don't keep criticizing me! Stop criticizing me! Mijn broer spreekt helemaal geen Engels. My brother doesn't speak English at all. My brother doesn't speak English at all. Het schip voer door het Suezkanaal. The ship went through the Suez Canal. The ship sailed through the Suez Canal. Stoort dat u? Does that trouble you? Does that bother you? Niet betreden. Keep out. Don't enter. Ik weet dat Tom zich niet voor mij interesseert. I know Tom is not interested in me. I know Tom doesn't care about me. We zaten in het midden van de kamer. We sat in the center of the room. We were in the middle of the room. Je moet in alle richtingen kijken als je een weg oversteekt, zelfs bij een zebrapad en groene stoplichten. You need to look in all directions before crossing the street, even at a crosswalk when the light is green. You have to look in all directions as you cross a road, even at a zebra path and green traffic lights. Vraag Tom hoe je dat moet doen. Ask Tom how to do that. Ask Tom how to do that. Er is geen keuze. There's no choice. There's no choice. Ze is gaan winkelen. She went shopping. She went shopping. Dat heeft er niets mee te maken. That has nothing to do with it. That has nothing to do with it. U beslist. You decide. You decide. Leg het spel kaarten op de eiken tafel. Place the deck of cards on the oaken table. Place the game cards on the oak table. Ga verder. Go on. Go on. Je bent echt heel dom. You're really quite stupid. You're really stupid. Het ziet ernaar uit dat ik het verknoeid heb. Looks like I messed up. Looks like I messed up. Hebben we zijn hulp nodig? Do we need his help? Do we need his help? We wonen in een vrij land. We live in a free country. We live in a free country. Wat is Ken aan het doen? What's Ken doing? What's Ken doing? Hoe kan ik helpen? How can I help? How can I help? Meneer Green, er is telefoon voor u. Mr. Green, you are wanted on the phone. Mr. Green, there's a phone call for you. Tom heeft Maria beledigd. Tom insulted Mary. Tom insulted Maria. Het is beter. It's better. It's better. Hmm. Ik heb het gevoel dat ik ga verdwalen, welke weg ik ook neem. Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take. I feel like I'm going to get lost, whatever way I'm going. Ga naar de kapper. Go to the barber. Go to the hairdresser. IK kom uit Israël. I'm from Israel. I'm from Israel. Maria keek in haar magische spiegel. Mary looked into her magic mirror. Maria looked into her magic mirror. Oh hemel, het regent, en ik heb de was al buiten gehangen om te drogen; wat moet ik doen? Oh dear, it's raining, and I've already hung the laundry out to dry; what shall I do? Oh, heaven, it's raining, and I've already hung out the laundry to dry; what should I do? Wat zijn jullie saai. You guys are so boring. You guys are so boring. Vermits je er moe uitziet, kan je beter wat rusten. Since you look tired, you had better take a rest. Since you look tired, you better get some rest. Iedereen is aan het juichen. Everyone's cheering. Everybody's cheering. Zij geeft haar bloed om haar broer te redden. She's giving blood to save her brother. She gives her blood to save her brother. Dan ontmoette Linda in de kerk. Dan met Linda at the church. Then Linda met at the church. Ik kan me niet al hun namen herinneren. I can't recall all their names. I don't remember all their names. Hij is altijd dronken! He is always drunk! He's always drunk! Er is droevig nieuws. There's sad news. There's sad news. Tom is met zijn zoon aan het spelen. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Is Tom hier? Is Tom here? Is Tom here? Ik heb erover lopen denken. I've been wondering about that. I've been thinking about it. Die film is vervelend. This movie is boring. That movie's a pain in the ass. Ze klaagt over hoofdpijn, en vaak. She complains of headaches, and that very often. She complains about headaches, and often. Jij bent mijn enige hoop. You are my only hope. You're my only hope. Mijn vader stierf toen ik zeven was. My father died when I was seven years old. My father died when I was seven. Toms bedrijf doet het heel goed. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's company is doing very well. We feestten tot in de kleine uurtjes. We partied into the small hours. We were partying till the wee hours. Hoeveel kleinkinderen hebben jullie? How many grandchildren do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Wat wil je van me? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Mijn huis is op het platteland. My home is in the country. My house is in the country. Ik noem dit schip ''de Koningin Elizabeth''. I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth. I call this ship "the Queen Elizabeth." Tom nam aan dat Maria niet bij het feestje zou zijn. Tom assumed that Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Maria wouldn't be at the party. Ik wil dat niet doen. I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. Men mag matres lectionis toevoegen in geval dat een woord dubbelzinnig begrepen zou kunnen worden, maar dat is zeker niet verplicht. One may add matres lectionis when the word could be ambiguous, but surely it is not obligatory. One may add matres lectionis in case a word might be ambiguously understood, but that is certainly not mandatory. Graag gedaan! It was my pleasure! You're welcome! Soms moet je falen voordat je kunt slagen. Sometimes, you must fail before you succeed. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. De toekomst is dichterbij dan je denkt. The future is closer than you think. The future is closer than you think. Kun je ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? Wees voorzichtig. Het is glad. Be careful. It's slippery. Be careful, it's smooth. Ze spoorde het kind aan voorzichtiger te zijn. She admonished the child to be more careful. She urged the child to be more careful. Dit is mijn neef. This is my cousin. This is my cousin. Tom lachte. Tom laughed. Tom smiled. De kat eet. The cat eats. The cat eats. Brood wordt gemaakt van meel, water en gist. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made of flour, water and yeast. Schrijf op wat ik zeg, alsjeblieft. Please write down what I say. Write down what I say, please. Jullie leken gelukkig. You seemed happy. You seemed happy. Ik leer hoe je moet typen. I'm learning how to type. I'm learning how to type. Egels zijn alleseters. Hedgehogs are omnivorous. Eggs are omnivorous. Deze opgave is te eenvoudig. This problem is too simple. This task is too simple. Laat me eens een woordje met Tom wisselen. Let me have a word with Tom. Let me have a word with Tom. Ik heb je verraden. I betrayed you. I betrayed you. Ik eet om te leven. I eat to live. I eat to live. Hij werd heel gevaarlijk. He became very dangerous. He got very dangerous. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Ik was bijna timmerman geworden. I almost became a carpenter. I almost became a carpenter. Met mij gaat het ook goed. I'm fine too. I'm fine, too. De twee mannen hebben een persoonlijk gesprek gehouden. Two men met face to face. The two men have had a personal conversation. Ik heb bij het lezen een regel overgeslagen. I skipped a line when I was reading. I skipped a line when I was reading. Eindelijk hebben ze elkaar persoonlijk ontmoet. At last, they met face to face. Finally, they've met in person. Je hebt geen bewijs. You have no proof. You have no proof. Tom kan niet tennissen. Tom can't play tennis. Tom can't play tennis. Ik heb veel van je geleerd. I've learned a lot from you. I learned a lot from you. Laat het licht aan. Leave the lights on. Leave the light on. Hij houdt een aardvarken als een huisdier. He keeps an aardvark as a pet. He keeps an aardvark like a pet. Ik heb een computer van de hoogste kwaliteit gekocht. I bought a computer of the best quality. I bought a computer of the highest quality. Hoeveel dagen kost het meestal om daar te komen? How many days does it usually take to get there? How many days does it usually take to get there? In dit geval, honderd euro alstublieft. In this case, 100 euro please. In this case, a hundred euros, please. Wanneer ben je getrouwd? When did you get married? When did you get married? Zij waren aan het daten. They were dating. They were dating. Sami's gesprek verliep heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's conversation went very fast. De naam van Darwin staat in verband met "De oorsprong der soorten". We associate the name of Darwin with The Origin of Species. The name of Darwin is associated with "The Origin of Species". Ik heb je nummer niet. I don't have your number. I don't have your number. We bereikten het station tijdig. We reached the station on time. We reached the station in time. De secretaris bleek een spion te zijn. The secretary proved to be a spy. The secretary turned out to be a spy. Ik woon in een heel klein appartement. I live in a very small apartment. I live in a very small apartment. Hij denkt na over het probleem. He is thinking about the problem. He's thinking about the problem. Hij houdt zich aan zijn woord. He keeps his word. He'll keep his word. Tot weerziens! See you soon! See you again! Het was puur toeval dat ik haar leerde kennen. It was pure accident that I came to know her. It was just a coincidence that I met her. Jullie weten toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? Brood wordt van meel gemaakt. Bread is made from flour. Bread is made of flour. Ik begrijp jouw taal. I understand your language. I understand your language. Ik heb Tom laten zien hoe hij dat moet doen. I showed Tom how he should do that. I showed Tom how to do that. Wie ben jij? Who are you? Who are you? Heeft u de verduistering van gisteren gezien? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Did you see yesterday's embezzlement? Wanneer zal dat ophouden? When will it end? When will that stop? Dat is een zonnebloem. This is a sunflower. That's a sunflower. Ze was aardig tegen iedereen. She was nice to everyone. She was nice to everyone. Ze vroeg mij of ze kon telefoneren. She asked me if she could use the phone. She asked me if she could make a phone call. "Zwijg," fluisterde hij. "Shut up," he whispered. "Shut up," he whispered. Is dit de enige oplossing? Is that the only solution? Is this the only solution? Vrijheid voor Palestina! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Palestine! Ik kan hem thuis niet bellen. I can't call him at home. I can't call him at home. De charmante Isabelle Adjani is Kabyle. The charming Isabelle Adjani is Kabyle. The charming Isabelle Adjani is Kabyle. Aan de kant. Move over. Get out of the way. Heeft u een Esperanto woordenboek? Do you have any Esperanto dictionary? Do you have an Esperanto dictionary? Je was behulpzaam. You were helpful. You were helpful. Ze waren tevreden. They were satisfied. They were happy. Hij heeft longkanker. He has lung cancer. He's got lung cancer. Geef mij het boek, alsjeblieft. Hand me that book, please. Give me the book, please. Iedereen heeft een favoriet. Everyone has a favorite. Everyone has a favorite. De vis was heerlijk. The fish was delicious. The fish was delicious. Ik was alleen maar met haar aan het praten. I was just talking with her. I was just talking to her. Wat zou er gebeuren als je morgen niet naar school zou gaan? What would happen if you didn't go to school tomorrow? What would happen if you didn't go to school tomorrow? Deze vis ruikt slecht. This fish smells bad. This fish smells bad. Ik wil nog eens proberen. I want to try again. I want to try again. Wat goed is voor u, is goed voor mij. What is good for you is good for me. What's good for you is good for me. Weet iedereen het? Does everybody know? Does everybody know? Uw antwoord is juist. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. Jim is geneigd om te ver te gaan. Jim tends to go too far. Jim is inclined to go too far. Mijn jongere zusje kan nu ook al boeken lezen. My little sister can read books well now. My younger sister can read books now. Hij heeft de laatste tijd enkele heel goede resultaten bekomen. He's had some very good results lately. He's gotten some very good results lately. De bevoorrechten hebben geregeld door hun hebzucht om hun eigen ondergang verzocht. The privileged have regularly invited their own destruction with their greed. The privileged have regularly requested their own destruction by their greed. Russen weten alles van beren. Russians know everything about bears. Russians know all about bears. Hoe laat vertrekt de trein? When does the train depart? What time does the train leave? Waar is het hotel? Where is the hotel? Where's the hotel? Pas vooral op voor zakkenrollers. Above all, beware of pickpockets. Be especially careful of pickpockets. We hebben spaghetti gemaakt. We made spaghetti. We made spaghetti. Lees voor vrijdag hoofdstuk 4. Read chapter 4 for Friday. Read chapter 4 for Friday. Ik ben verdwaald. Kunt u mij de weg wijzen naar het station? I'm lost. Could you direct me to the station? Can you show me the way to the station? Tom stopte om zijn schoenen aan te trekken. Tom stopped to put on his shoes. Tom stopped to put his shoes on. Hij is dronken. He is drunk. He's drunk. Kijk geen televisie. Don't watch TV. Don't watch television. Er was niemand thuis. No one was at home. No one was home. Eindelijk luistert de regering naar het volk. At last, the Government are listening to the people. Finally, the government listens to the people. Mijn hoofdpijn is verdwenen. My headache has gone. My headache's gone. Ik heb de video. I have the video. I got the video. Is kraanwater drinkbaar in Australië? Is tapwater drinkable in Australia? Is tap water drinkable in Australia? Welke datum is het vandaag? What date is today? What date is it today? Ik opende de pot. I opened the jar. I opened the pot. De toeristen moesten de stad voor zonsopgang verlaten. The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. The tourists had to leave the city before dawn. Het is moeilijk voor buitenlanders om Japans te leren. It's hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. It's hard for foreigners to learn Japanese. Roken is in de lift niet toegestaan. Smoking is not allowed inside the elevator. Smoking is not allowed in the elevator. Tom leunde naar voren. Tom leaned forward. Tom leaned forward. Tom, kan je Mary laten zien hoe de scanner werkt? Tom, can you show Mary how to use the scanner? Tom, can you show Mary how the scanner works? Ze werkt over de grens. She works across the border. She works across the border. De hoofdstad van Niue is Alofi. The capital of Niue is Alofi. The capital of Niue is Alofi. Tom en ik gaan akkoord. Tom and I agree. Tom and I agree. Ik weet dat Tom niet kan wachten. I know Tom can't wait. I know Tom can't wait. Heb je helemaal geen vaardigheden? Don't you have any skills? You don't have any skills at all? Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the parking metres? Where are the parking meters? Je at. You were eating. You ate. Zijn vader is gestorven. His father passed away. His father died. Waarom is de hemel blauw? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Tom is zeer bevooroordeeld. Tom is very biased. Tom is very biased. Dit is een ernstige zaak. This is a serious matter. This is a serious matter. Een "shiitake" is een soort paddenstoel. A "shiitake" is a type of mushroom. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. Heb jij al een ufo gezien? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you seen a UFO yet? Ik kan niet de piano spelen. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. Hoeveel kost het? How much is it? How much is it? Wat wil je dat ik vanavond kook? What do you want me to cook for dinner tonight? What do you want me to cook tonight? Ik kan niet zien zonder mijn bril. I can't see without my glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Hiermee ben ik het met hen niet over eens. I can't agree with them on this matter. I disagree with them on this. Ik ben gisteren naar Boston teruggekeerd. I got back to Boston yesterday. I returned to Boston yesterday. Ik ken Tom en Mary. I know both Tom and Mary. I know Tom and Mary. Dit alles is vast maar een misverstand. I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. I'm sure all this is just a misunderstanding. Het water was blauw. The water was blue. The water was blue. Tom toste het muntstuk en zei: „Kop of munt?” Tom flipped the coin and said, "Heads or Tails?" Tom tossed the coin and said, ‘Buy or coin?’ Hou daarmee op! Cut that out! Stop it! Wij zijn hier lang genoeg geweest. We've been here long enough. We've been here long enough. Wat is jouw nationaliteit? What's your nationality? What's your nationality? Wees vriendelijk. Be friendly. Be kind. Sami ging naar een pizzeria. Sami went to a pizza restaurant. Sami went to a pizza shop. Ik ben zo terug met jullie drankjes. I'll be right back with your drinks. I'll be right back with your drinks. Het meervoud van cactus is cactussen. The plural of cactus is cacti. The plural of cactus is cacti. Wat is deze paddenstoel? What is this mushroom? What is this mushroom? Hij laat geen onderbrekingen toe. He doesn't allow interruptions. He won't allow any interruptions. Hoe oud zijn jullie? How old are you guys? How old are you? "We geven geen kortingen," zei de vrouw streng, "ongeacht hoe klein. En wilt u nu alstublieft het pak uittrekken als u het zich niet kunt veroorloven?" "We don't give discounts," the woman said sternly. "Regardless how small. Now, please take off the suit if you can't afford it." "We don't give discounts," said the woman strictly, "no matter how small. And would you please take off the suit if you can't afford it?" Grijp hem! Grab him! Get him! Schiet op. Hurry up. Hurry up. Is het museum vandaag open? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Waarschijnlijk slaapt hij. He's probably sleeping. He's probably asleep. Het blijkt dat dit een zeer gunstige factor is voor ons project, dat juist als doel heeft in samenwerking een netwerk te scheppen van vertalingen in zoveel mogelijk talen. It has become evident that this is very favorable for our project, which aims precisely at creating jointly a network of translations in as many languages as possible. It appears that this is a very beneficial factor for our project, the very purpose of which is to create a network of translations in as many languages as possible in cooperation. Wat is je kamernummer? What's your room number? What's your room number? De muren waren wit geschilderd. The walls were painted white. The walls were painted white. Hij heeft twintig kinderen. He has twenty children. He's got 20 kids. Laat ons babbelen. Let's chat. Let's talk. Ik zal je alles geven behalve dit. I'll give you anything but this. I'll give you everything but this. Tom houdt van tonijn. Tom likes tuna. Tom likes tuna. Tom bidt. Tom is praying. Tom prays. Het is in Europa. It's in Europe. It's in Europe. Let op dat ge niet verkouden wordt. Be careful not to catch a cold. Make sure you don't catch a cold. Ze zijn met de auto naar Chicago gegaan. They went to Chicago by car. They took the car to Chicago. Jij was mijn verlosser in tijden van nood. You were my savior in times of need. You were my savior in times of need. Maria houdt van sneeuw. Mary likes snow. Maria likes snow. Hij is te moe om te studeren. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Hij is machtig. He is powerful. He's powerful. Sami gaf Layla gratis een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami gave Layla a copy of the Quran for free. Sami gave Layla a copy of the Koran for free. Hij is hier gekomen om mij te helpen. He came here to help me. He came here to help me. Zeehonden eten vis. Seals eat fish. Seals eat fish. Tom zingt. Tom sings. Tom sings. Hun werk is het toevoegen van voorbeelden aan het woordenboek. Their job is to add examples to the dictionary. Their work is adding examples to the dictionary. Tom heeft de vorige nacht drie uur lang Frans geleerd. Tom studied French for three hours last night. Tom learned French for three hours last night. Een driehoek heeft 3 hoeken en een zeshoek heeft 6 hoeken. A triangle has 3 corners, and a hexagon has 6 corners. A triangle has 3 corners and a hexagon has 6 corners. Waar is Toms auto? Where is Tom's car? Where's Tom's car? Ik heb ook in Hamburg gewoond. I also lived in Hamburg. I lived in Hamburg, too. U kan ontbijten tussen zeven en negen uur. You can have breakfast between 7 and 9. You can have breakfast between 7:00 and 9:00. We probeerden ze te waarschuwen. We tried to warn them. We tried to warn them. Tom was georganiseerd. Tom was organized. Tom was organized. Het ongeluk ontnam hem alle hoop op succes. The accident destroyed all his hopes for success. The accident took away all hope of success. Kan ik u helpen, heren? Can I help you gentlemen? Can I help you, gentlemen? Dus, wat gaat het worden? So, what's it gonna be? So, what's it gonna be? Het spijt me zeer dat ik zo laat ben! Many apologies for being so late! I'm so sorry I'm late! Weet je wanneer hij terugkomt? Do you know when he'll come back? Do you know when he'll be back? De schoonheid van de muziek bracht tranen in haar ogen. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. Ik ben altijd klaar om te sterven. I'm always ready for death. I'm always ready to die. Het leven van een bankier is zwaar. A banker's life is hard. A banker's life is tough. Niemand haat mijn land. Nobody hates my country. Nobody hates my country. Ken je mijn broer Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother Masao? Australië is geen Oostenrijk. Australia is not Austria. Australia is not Austria. Tom mediteert. Tom is meditating. Tom meditates. Die woestijn doorkruisen is gevaarlijk. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Crossing that desert is dangerous. Dit uurwerk is elektrisch. This clock is electric. This watch is electric. Weten jullie waar Tom op ons wacht? Do you know where Tom is waiting for us? Do you know where Tom's waiting for us? Hun hoofdstad was vele jaren Cuzco. Their capital was Cuzco for many years. Their capital was Cuzco for many years. Wie gaat het Tom vertellen? Who's going to tell Tom? Who's gonna tell Tom? Willen jullie nog iets? Do any of you guys want anything else? Is there anything else you guys want? Zult u een woordje met hem wisselen? Will you have a talk with him? Will you exchange a word with him? Ze heeft vertrouwen in Tom. She has confidence in Tom. She has faith in Tom. Het kost te veel. It is too expensive. It costs too much. We hadden oesters eerder. We had oysters earlier. We had oysters before. Ik wil Estland bezoeken. I want to visit Estonia. I want to visit Estonia. Hij is in Berlijn. He is in Berlin. He's in Berlin. Spreekt u Tataars? Do you speak Tatar? Do you speak Tatars? Ze zat op een leeg strand naar de één voor één aanspoelende golven te kijken. She sat on the empty beach watching the waves roll in one after the other. She sat on an empty beach looking at the one by one winding waves. Hij heeft geklaagd over het lawaai. He complained about the noise. He complained about the noise. Wist je niet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was? Didn't you know that Tom was a dentist? Didn't you know Tom was a dentist? Waar is de dichtstbijzijnde kunstgalerij? Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the nearest art gallery? Ongeveer 97 procent van het water op aarde bevindt zich in de oceaan. About 97 percent of Earth's water is in the ocean. About 97 percent of the water on earth is in the ocean. De leeuw wordt de koning der dieren genoemd. The lion is called the king of animals. The lion is called the king of beasts. Tom werd als eerste gearresteerd. Tom was the first one to be arrested. Tom was the first to be arrested. Ze gehoorzaamden hun ouders niet. They didn't obey their parents. They did not obey their parents. Mijn moeder gaf me een naaimachine. My mother gave me a sewing machine. My mom gave me a sewing machine. Ik ben groter dan jij. I'm taller than you. I'm bigger than you. Ik zal de vissen in leven houden. I will keep the fish alive. I'll keep the fish alive. Veel van mijn vrienden spreken Frans. Many of my friends can speak French. Many of my friends speak French. Vind je dat grappig? Do you think that's funny? You think that's funny? Mijn linkervoet slaapt. My left foot has gone to sleep. My left foot is asleep. Het kan me niet schelen of hij akkoord gaat of niet. I don't care whether he agrees or not. I don't care if he agrees or doesn't. Zijn ziekte is het gevolg van slecht weer. His illness is caused by bad weather. His illness is the result of bad weather. Ik kan niet komen. I can't come. I can't come. Iedereen heeft hulp nodig. Everybody needs help. Everyone needs help. Weet iemand hier hoe dit moet? Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone here know how to do this? De roze kussen is schoon. The pink pillow is clean. The pink pillow is clean. Wie speelt er gitaar? Who is playing the guitar? Who plays guitar? Ze willen het terug. They want it back. They want it back. Ik ben bang dat hij in gesprek is. I'm afraid the line is busy. I'm afraid he's talking. Ik neem aan dat jullie weten wie Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. Ik weet zelf ook niet wat ik in gedachten heb. I am not certain what I have in mind myself. I don't know what I have in mind either. Ben ik knap? Am I pretty? Am I handsome? Wanneer kwam je uit Tokio terug? When did you come back from Tokyo? When did you get back from Tokyo? Sami dacht dat terrorisme een onderdeel was van de islam. Sami thought that terrorism was part of Islam. Sami thought that terrorism was part of Islam. Hij toonde mij een foto van zijn eigen schilderij. He showed me a picture of his own painting. He showed me a picture of his own painting. Hun kinderen zijn vegetarisch. Their children are vegetarian. Their children are vegetarians. De hond was stervende. The dog was dying. The dog was dying. Wiens zoon ben jij? Whose son are you? Whose son are you? De zomerdagen kunnen heel, heel heet zijn. Summer days can be very, very hot. Summer days can be very, very hot. Het is Tom die verantwoordelijk is voor de veiligheidszaken. In matters of security, it is Tom who is responsible. It's Tom who's responsible for the security business. Ik volleybal veel. I play a lot of volleyball. I play volleyball a lot. De citroen heeft een eigen smaak. The lemon has a flavor all of its own. The lemon has its own taste. Antares is een rode ster. Antares is a red star. Antares is a red star. Je hoeft je niet te verontschuldigen. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Kan je skaten? Can you skate? Can you skate? Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. No one wanted to remember my country. Tom heeft nu kinderen. Tom has kids now. Tom has kids now. Haast je langzaam. Make haste slowly. Hurry slowly. Ik spreek niet goed Mandarijns. I cannot speak Mandarin well. I don't speak well Mandarin. Kunt u dat herhalen, alstublieft? Could you please repeat that? Can you repeat that, please? We hebben morgen geen school. We don't have school tomorrow. We don't have school tomorrow. Betty kon beter zingen. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. Mary noteerde het recept. Mary wrote down the recipe. Mary wrote the recipe. Volgende keer is het uw beurt. It's your turn next. Next time, it's your turn. Dit is mijn pop. This is my doll. This is my doll. Ik heb zo'n honger! I'm so hungry! I'm so hungry! Zijn vriendinnen noemden hem Ted. He was called Ted by his friends. His friends called him Ted. Dat mag niet. That isn't allowed. You can't do that. Ze heeft een dochter die pianiste is. She has a daughter who is a pianist. She has a daughter who's a pianist. Vergeet je ticket niet. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Facebook heeft een van mijn zes accounts geblokkeerd. Facebook suspended one of my six accounts. Facebook blocked one of my six accounts. Maar hij had een job nodig. But he needed a job. But he needed a job. Veel landen hebben wetten die het roken verbieden. Many countries have laws prohibiting smoking. Many countries have laws prohibiting smoking. De man van mijn zus is mijn zwager. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. We zullen u roepen wanneer uw tafel gereed is. We'll call you when your table is ready. We will call you when your table is ready. Hoe ben je te weten gekomen dat ik hier ben? How did you know I was here? How did you find out I'm here? Hij heeft veel geschiedenisboeken. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Welk boek is van u? Which is your book? Which book is yours? Ik heb liefst koffie met melk. I prefer coffee with milk. I prefer coffee with milk. Ik ga vaak naar het buitenland. I often go abroad. I go abroad a lot. Het is nieuw. It's new. It's new. Tom zei dat hij het niet wist. Tom said that he didn't know. Tom said he didn't know. Tom wil zijn CO2-voetafdruk verkleinen. Tom wants to reduce his carbon footprint. Tom wants to reduce his CO2 footprint. Ik ben knapper dan jij. I am more beautiful than you. I'm prettier than you are. Maak u geen zorgen om zoiets. Don't worry about such a thing. Don't worry about something like that. Is er een lift in dit gebouw? Does this building have an elevator? Is there a lift in this building? Tom schreef iets op de achterkant van de brief. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom zal vannacht niet hier zijn. Tom won't be here tonight. Tom won't be here tonight. Het is spotgoedkoop. It's dirt cheap. It's a cheap bargain. Tom wordt kaal. Tom is going bald. Tom's going bald. Tom heeft veel geld, maar hij is niet gelukkig. Tom has a lot of money, but he isn't happy. Tom has a lot of money, but he's not happy. Wanneer ben je uit Londen teruggekomen? When did you get back from London? When did you get back from London? Bill was door een inbreker vermoord. Bill was killed by an intruder. Bill was murdered by a burglar. Tom had geen idee dat Maria in Boston was. Tom had no idea Mary was in Boston. Tom had no idea Maria was in Boston. Mogadishu is de hoofdstad van Somalië. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Ik bel je wanneer ik klaar ben. I'll call you when I'm ready. I'll call you when I'm done. Ga je vaak op je eentje wandelen? Do you often go for walks alone? You go for a walk on your own a lot? Jouw geheim is bij mij in zekerheid. Your secret will be safe with me. Your secret is safe with me. Ze houdt ook van boeken. She likes books too. She likes books, too. Ik ken geen van beide. I know neither of them. I don't know either of them. Ik heb met mijn baas geslapen. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Je maakt het al te gortig. That is going too far. You're making it too gruesome. Deze bloem ruikt lekker. This flower smells nice. This flower smells good. We hadden thuis moeten blijven. We should've stayed at home. We should have stayed home. Morgen word ik achtentwintig. Tomorrow I'll turn 28. Tomorrow I'll be twenty-eight. Ik hou van komkommers. I like cucumbers. I like cucumbers. Ik heb zoveel werk dat ik nog een uur blijf. I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I've got so much work I'm gonna stay an hour. Hardlopen is goed voor de gezondheid. Running is good for the health. Running is good for health. Wanneer hebben jullie dat beslist? When did you guys decide that? When did you decide that? De muzikant heeft veel vrienden. The musician has many friends. The musician has a lot of friends. Om negen uur was het spel afgelopen. The game ended at nine o'clock. At nine o'clock the game was over. Het is weer aan het regenen. It's raining again. It's raining again. Hij staat op goede voet met meneer Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. He's on good terms with Mr. Brown. Ik zal jouw grootste nachtmerrie zijn. I'll be your worst nightmare. I'll be your biggest nightmare. Ik vermoed dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch zijn voor pinda's. I suspect Tom and Mary are both allergic to peanuts. I suspect Tom and Maria are both allergic to peanuts. Ik denk dat Tom in staat is het probleem op te lossen. I think that Tom will be able to solve the problem. I think Tom's capable of solving the problem. Ik zit vol! I'm stuffed! I'm full! Ik gebruik een elektrische tandenborstel. I use an electric toothbrush. I use an electric toothbrush. Ik heb maar twee kinderen. I only have two children. I only have two kids. Karakorum is de vroegere hoofdstad van Mongolië. Karakorum is the early capital city of Mongolia. Karakorum is the former capital of Mongolia. Het is een oud stereotiep. It's an old stereotype. It's an old stereotype. Waar gaan we nu heen? Naar het theater of de bioscoop? Where are we going now? To the theatre or the cinema? Where are we going now? Ik heb je bericht pas gisteren gekregen. I just received your message yesterday. I didn't get your message until yesterday. Mary's vrouw is dokter. Mary's wife is a doctor. Mary's wife is a doctor. Jullie zijn aan het kijken. You're watching. You're watching. Hij is de jongere broer van Taro. He's Taro's younger brother. He is Taro's younger brother. Tom lijkt gelukkig. Tom appears to be happy. Tom seems happy. Mijn moeders spreken geen Nederlands. My mothers don't speak Dutch. My moms don't speak Dutch. Mr Baker is niet zozeer een leraar als wel een geleerde. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Mr. Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. Ik kom uit Malta. I'm from Malta. I'm from Malta. Ze heeft een heel goede stem. She has a very good voice. She has a very good voice. Tom blijkt veel van mij te weten. Tom seems to know a lot about me. Tom seems to know a lot about me. Ik heb altijd al een andere planeet willen bezoeken. I've always wanted to visit another planet. I've always wanted to visit another planet. Weet u hoe ik daar kan komen? Do you know how I can get there? Do you know how to get there? Wil je misschien gaan wandelen? Would you like to go for a walk? Do you want to go for a walk? Laat de hond niet op ons bed slapen. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep on our bed. Waarom is het restaurant gesloten? Why's the restaurant closed? Why is the restaurant closed? Waarom vroeg ze deze vraag? Why did she ask this question? Why did she ask this question? Tom is Maria iets meer dan een duizend dollars schuldig. Tom owes Mary slightly over a thousand dollars. Tom owes Maria just over a thousand dollars. Ik werd rood. I turned red. I turned red. Waarom hebben jullie gehuild? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? Is melk gezond? Is milk healthy? Is milk healthy? Dit is een verhaal over sterren. This is a story about stars. This is a story about stars. Jij bent zwanger. You're pregnant. You're pregnant. Probeer zoveel als je kunt te onthouden. Try to memorize as much as you can. Try to remember as much as you can. Zingt Tom? Does Tom sing? Is Tom singing? Ik heb die nacht helemaal niet geslapen. I never slept that night. I didn't sleep at all that night. Dit zal makkelijk zijn. This will be easy. This will be easy. Wanneer begin ik? When do I get started? When do I start? Tom heeft geen broers. Tom has no brothers. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Burj Khalifa is momenteel de hoogste wolkenkrabber ter wereld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. Ze hebben Toms lichaam opgegraven en gaven hem een waardige begrafenis. They dug up Tom's body and gave him a proper burial. They dug up Tom's body and gave him a worthy burial. De lucht is vochtig. The air is damp. The air's damp. Deze bloemen bloeien vroeger dan andere. These flowers bloom earlier than others do. These flowers bloom earlier than others. Jullie lijken haar niet leuk te vinden. You don't seem to like her. You don't seem to like her. Ik zie haar zelfs in mijn dromen. I see her even in my dreams. I even see her in my dreams. Het is een sneeuwman. It's a snowman. He's a snowman. Hij is in Tokio. He is in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Het is goed dat je er bent. It's good that you're here. It's good you're here. Ik ben blij dat jullie nog hier zijn. I'm glad you guys are still here. I'm glad you're still here. Palestina wordt in het Arabisch "Filastin" genoemd. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Maria werd verkozen tot koningin van het bal. Mary was elected queen of the prom. Maria was elected queen of the ball. Ik weet niet meer wat ik moet doen. I don't know what to do any more. I don't know what to do anymore. Ik overweeg volgend jaar in de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren. I'm considering studying in the United States next year. I'm considering studying in the United States next year. Maria deed haar sokken uit. Mary removed her socks. Maria took off her socks. Goud is kostbaarder dan zilver. Gold is more precious than silver. Gold is more precious than silver. Hadden we maar een tuin! If only we had a garden! If only we had a garden! Tom heeft geen idee wat Maria denkt. Tom doesn't have any idea what Mary is thinking. Tom has no idea what Maria's thinking. Bent u Chinees, mijnheer? Are you Chinese, sir? Are you Chinese, sir? Waar is de sleutel? Where's the key? Where's the key? Wanneer is hij teruggekomen? When did he get back? When did he come back? Ik zie een leeuw. I see a lion. I see a lion. Ze zijn na de film in slaap gevallen. They fell asleep after the movie. They fell asleep after the movie. Ik heb helemaal geen angst. I'm not afraid at all. I have no fear at all. Sami kon met het verlies van zijn vrouw en kinderen leven. Sami was OK with losing his wife and children. Sami could live with the loss of his wife and children. Hou ons ulstublieft op de hoogte. Please keep us updated. Please keep us posted. Wat we nodig hebben is niet een intelligente geest die spreekt, maar een geduldig hart dat luistert. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. What we need is not an intelligent spirit that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Wat is liefde? Eerlijk gezegd weet ik nog altijd niet wat dat is. What is love? To tell the truth, I still don't know what it is. Honestly, I still don't know what that is. Ik wil in een grote stad leven. I wish to live in a big city. I want to live in a big city. Tom rende. Tom ran. Tom ran. Heeft iemand anders een raadgeving? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have any advice? Ik heb een beetje advies nodig. I need a little advice. I need a little advice. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said that you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Zij is eerder een kennis dan een vriendin. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's more of a friend than a friend. Hij drinkt veel te veel bier. He drinks far too much beer. He drinks too much beer. Ik kan het restaurant niet vinden. I can't find the restaurant. I can't find the restaurant. Hoeveel belegde broodjes zijn er nog over? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches you got left? Hier zijn we dan. Here we are. Here we are. Tom is gek geworden. Tom has lost his mind. Tom's gone mad. Hij is mijn stiefbroer. He's my stepbrother. He's my stepbrother. Moroni is de hoofdstad van de Comoren. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Tom brak vorig jaar zijn been en hinkt sindsdien. Tom broke his leg last year and has limped ever since. Tom broke his leg last year and has been limping ever since. Het is je gelukt! You've done it! You did it! Tom is gezakt voor zijn rijexamen. Tom failed to pass his driving test. Tom failed his driving test. Ik ben de stiefbroer van Tom. I'm Tom's stepbrother. I'm Tom's stepbrother. We zullen er later over praten. We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. Heb je ooit geprobeerd een andere taal te leren? Have you ever tried to learn another language? Have you ever tried learning another language? Ik geloof in het christendom. I believe in Christianity. I believe in Christianity. Ik huil veel. I cry a lot. I cry a lot. Is je mama thuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? Tom was zenuwachtig. Tom was nervous. Tom was nervous. Mijn zus kreeg meer cadeautjes bij Kerst dan ik. My sister got more Christmas presents than me. My sister got more presents at Christmas than I did. Ik weiger te antwoorden. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Ik begin pas. I'm just beginning. I'm just getting started. Als we thuis ruzie hebben, kiest mijn man niet mijn kant maar altijd die van zijn moeder. When we have a family argument, my husband always sides with his mother instead of me. When we fight at home, my husband doesn't take my side, he always picks his mother's. Ze werd heel ziek. She became very ill. She got very sick. Tom giechelde. Tom giggled. Tom was giggling. Thomas kan beter zwemmen dan Maria. Tom can swim better than Mary can. Thomas can swim better than Maria. Wie zijt gij? Who are you? Who are you? Ik dacht dat ik een geest zag. I thought that I saw a ghost. I thought I saw a ghost. Hij zou een huis moeten kopen. He should buy a house. He should buy a house. Ze slist een beetje. She has a slight lisp. She's squinting a little. Ik ben niet zeker of het een jongen of een meisje is. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. De vrouw spreekt Spaans. The woman speaks Spanish. The woman speaks Spanish. Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. I can't understand anything he's saying. I don't understand a word he's saying. Als ik jouw stem voor maar 5 minuten hoor, ben ik daarna 23 uur en 55 minuten gelukkig. When I hear your voice for only 5 minutes, I am happy afterwards for 23 hours and 55 minutes. If I hear your voice for only five minutes, I'll be happy for 23 hours and 55 minutes. Wat inspireert je meest? What inspires you most? What inspires you most? Ze heeft het me beloofd. She promised me. She promised me. Niet alles is voor geld te koop. Not everything can be bought with money. Not everything is for sale for money. Hoe vaak ga je naar de tandarts? How often do you go to the dentist? How often do you go to the dentist? Hij wil het niet met haar uitmaken. He doesn't want to break up with her. He doesn't want to break up with her. Hij hield een rede. He delivered a speech. He was making a speech. Hoera voor Italiaanse vrouwen! Hurray for Italian women! Hooray for Italian women! Hij heeft zijn schuld erkend. He confessed his guilt. He's acknowledged his guilt. Hij loog gemakkelijk. He lied readily. He lied easily. Heb je gewicht verloren? Have you lost weight? Have you lost weight? Doe dus mee! So participate! So join us! De hond ging weg. The dog went away. The dog left. Wablieft? Excuse me? What's the matter? Ik verkies slappe koffie. I prefer weak coffee. I prefer weak coffee. Hij moest stoppen met roken om zijn gezondheid te beschermen. He had to give up smoking to protect his health. He had to stop smoking to protect his health. Tom kocht een huis in Boston. Tom bought a house in Boston. Tom bought a house in Boston. De zomertijd begint op drie april. Daylight Savings Time starts on April third. Summer time starts on April 3. Ik was op school. I was at school. I was at school. Ik werk alle dagen van negen tot vijf. I work from nine to five every day. I work every day from nine to five. Neem ons met je mee! Bring us with you! Take us with you! Ik dacht dat jullie elk weekend samen tennis speelden. I thought you two played tennis together every weekend. I thought you two played tennis every weekend. Tom ging naar de sportschool. Tom went to the gym. Tom went to the gym. Tom deed zijn sokken uit. Tom took off his socks. Tom took off his socks. Ze hebben de plakkaten dadelijk van de muur gehaald. The posters were immediately removed from the wall. They immediately removed the placards from the wall. Tom kocht wat zoethout. Tom bought some licorice. Tom bought some liquorice. Ik moet rusten. I must rest. I need to rest. Ze hebben Tom gedeporteerd. They deported Tom. They deported Tom. Mijn sweater is paars. My sweater is purple. My sweater's purple. Linux Deepin is een andere fantastische Linuxdistributie. Linux Deepin is another wonderful Linux distribution. Linux Deepin is another fantastic Linux distribution. Zijn deze bananen rijp? Are these bananas ripe? Are these bananas ripe? Het is zeven uur. It is 7 o'clock. It's 7:00. Zijn moeder stierf toen hij jong was, en zijn grootmoeder heeft hem opgevoed. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother brought him up. His mother died when he was young, and his grandmother raised him. Ik heb veel gewerkt deze week. I worked a lot this week. I've worked a lot this week. Mijn hond is snel. My dog is fast. My dog's fast. Let niet op haar. Don't pay attention to her. Don't mind her. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Do you have time on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? Mag ik dit aanraken? Can I touch it? Can I touch this? De hoofdstad van Turkije is Ankara. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. The capital of Turkey is Ankara. Heeft u het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? You haven't told him yet? Ik weet alles. I know everything. I know everything. Iedereen heeft het recht te zeggen wat hij denkt. Everyone has a right to say what he thinks. Everyone has the right to say what they think. Dolfijnen zijn zoogdieren. Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are mammals. Ik ben ziek. I'm ill. I'm sick. Ik kan niet hoesten. De baby slaapt. I cannot cough. The baby is sleeping. I can't cough. Het kan duur zijn. It can be expensive. It can be expensive. Ik heb persoonlijk nooit een ufo gezien. I myself have never seen a UFO. I've never personally seen a UFO. De boerderij kweekt aardappelen. The farm grows potatoes. The farm grows potatoes. Elk land heeft een specifieke cultuur. Every country has a specific culture. Each country has a specific culture. Het is een zelfmoord. It's suicide. It's a suicide. Ik ben gewend aan het lawaai. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Tom en Maria maken hun spaghetti pikant. Tom and Mary make their spaghetti spicy. Tom and Maria make their spaghetti spicy. Toe, teken eens 'n schaap voor me. Draw me a sheep... Come on, sign me a sheep. Wie ben ik om anderen te beoordelen? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? In Japan begint het nieuwe schooljaar in april. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Hoe groot is het? How large is it? How big is it? Ik realiseerde me niet dat je dat op je eentje zou doen. I didn't know that you were going to do that by yourselves. I didn't realize you'd do that on your own. Kapitalisme is armoede. Capitalism is poverty. Capitalism is poverty. Zover ik weet heeft ze niets te maken met dat schandaal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. Heeft iemand je daar gezien? Did anyone see you there? Did anyone see you there? We hadden een lezing over milieuvervuiling. We had a lecture on environmental pollution. We had a lecture on environmental pollution. Het scheelde niet veel of ik was timmerman geworden. I almost became a carpenter. I was close to becoming a carpenter. Het is heel jammer dat je vrouw niet kon komen. It's an awful shame your wife couldn't come. It's a shame your wife couldn't make it. Gezondheid! Bless you. Cheers! We moeten bij het vliegveld zijn. We need to get to the airport. We need to get to the airport. Zelfs het lopen doet me pijn vanwege mijn dijspieren. It hurts to even walk with my thigh muscles aching. Even walking hurts me because of my thigh muscles. Hij keek in de doos. He looked into the box. He looked in the box. Aan wie hebt u het gegeven? To whom did you give it? Who did you give it to? Ik heb er genoeg van met jullie te praten! I am fed up with talking to you! I've had enough talking to you! Hij handelde voor zijn eigen belang. He acted in his own interest. He acted for his own good. De tv werkt niet. The TV doesn't work. The TV's not working. Ik ben thuis gebleven. I stayed at home. I stayed home. Hij is dertig jaar oud. He is thirty years old. He's 30 years old. Deze vogel dreigt nu uit te sterven. That bird is now in danger of dying out. This bird is now threatening to die out. We willen de feiten kennen. We want to know the facts. We want to know the facts. Je moet iets vroeger opstaan. You must get up a little earlier. You need to get up a little early. Twijfel er nooit aan. Don't ever doubt it. Never doubt it. Kom, Emilia! Je vader wacht op jou. Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Come on, Emilia, your father's waiting for you. Heb je een vriendin? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend? Praat met mij! Talk to me. Talk to me! Tom is al de hele dag bij Mary. Tom has been with Mary all day. Tom's been with Mary all day. Hij sliep een uur. He slept an hour. He was asleep for an hour. Waarom kom je niet een beetje na tien uur? Why don't you come by sometime after ten? Why don't you come a little after 10:00? Vertaal dit alsjeblieft. Please translate this. Please translate this. Tom baande zich een weg door de menigte. Tom made his way through the crowd. Tom made his way through the crowd. Je mag me geloven. You can believe me. You can believe me. Tom leek boos. Tom looked cross. Tom seemed angry. Ik sprak traag, opdat ze me konden verstaan. I spoke slowly so that they could understand me. I spoke slowly so they could understand me. Kan ik op de sofa slapen? Can I sleep on the couch? Can I sleep on the sofa? Kan ik jouw hamer lenen? Can I borrow your hammer? Can I borrow your hammer? De vogels vliegen hoog in de lucht. The birds are flying high in the sky. The birds fly high in the air. Jullie hebben gewonnen! You've won. You won! De vlaggen van de wereld wapperen trots bij het hoofdkwartier van de Verenigde Naties. Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. The world's flags are waving proudly at the United Nations headquarters. Ik dacht dat je in Boston woonde. I thought that you lived in Boston. I thought you lived in Boston. Zij zijn broers. They're brothers. They're brothers. Hij loopt nooit te koop met zijn leren. He never makes a show of his learning. He never goes for sale with his learning. In het begin schiep God de hemel en de aarde. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. Ik had het koud. I was cold. I was cold. Raak dit niet aan! Don't touch this! Don't touch this! Die student is lui. This student is lazy. That student's lazy. Ik denk dat ik het niet met je eens ben. I guess I don't agree with you. I don't think I agree with you. Ze is laat opgestaan. She got up late. She got up late. Tom heeft de geheugen van een goudvis. Tom has the memory of a gold fish. Tom has the memory of a goldfish. Hij ging de kamer op en neer. He walked up and down the room. He went up and down the room. "Nou," zei de verkoopster, en wenkte Dima haar te volgen naar de kassa, "dat is dan 3.000.000,99." "Well," said the shopkeeper, motioning for Dima to follow her to the cash register. "That'll be 3,000,000.99, then." "Well," said the saleswoman, and beckoned Dima to follow her to the cash register, "that's 3,000,000,99." Tom is aan het zonnebaden bij het zwembad. Tom is sunbathing by the pool. Tom's sunbathing by the pool. Ik leer twee vreemde talen. I'm learning two foreign languages. I'm learning two foreign languages. Tom rijdt wel degelijk. Tom does drive. Tom does drive. Is dit van jou? Is this yours? Is this yours? Misschien wist zij het antwoord. She may have known the answer. Maybe she knew the answer. Hoe gaat het ermee? How's it going? How's it going? Ik geloof niet dat u Hebreeuws kunt spreken. I don't believe that you can speak Hebrew. I don't think you can speak Hebrew. Niet nodig dat je opstaat. You need not stand up. I don't need you to get up. Er leefde eens een arme man en een rijke vrouw. Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman. Once upon a time, a poor man and a rich woman lived. Mijn zus is knap. My sister is pretty. My sister's pretty. iPhones hebben capacitieve aanraakschermen. iPhones have capacitive touchscreens. iPhones have capacitive touch screens. Vroeg of laat gaan we dood. We will die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we're gonna die. Voor zover ik weet is het waar wat hij zei. As far as I know, what he has said is true. As far as I know, it's true what he said. Uw moeder is gisteren overleden. Your mother died yesterday. Your mother died yesterday. Hoe diep is het Biwameer? How deep is Lake Biwa? How deep is Lake Biwa? Jim houdt van de dokter. Jim likes the doctor. Jim loves the doctor. Goedenacht, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. Er heerst een redelijk optimisme dat de economie zal verbeteren. There is considerable optimism that the economy will improve. There is a reasonable optimism that the economy will improve. Wie zingt dit liedje? Who sings that song? Who sings this song? Zowel Tom als Maria schijnen niet in staat om dat te doen. Tom and Mary both seem unable to do that. Both Tom and Mary seem unable to do that. Mijn broer bespeelt de gitaar. My brother plays guitar. My brother plays the guitar. Ik werd uitgelachen vandaag op school. I got laughed at at school today. I got laughed at at at school today. Hun auto nam deel aan een van de zwaarste races ter wereld. Their car entered one of the toughest races in the world. Their car took part in one of the toughest races in the world. Kan u Tom zien? Can you see Tom? Can you see Tom? Ik vond de wiskundeleraar leuk. I liked the math teacher. I liked the math teacher. De tijden veranderen en wij veranderen met hen. Times are changing, and we are changing with them. Times change and we change with them. Je had dat best zelf kunnen doen. You could have done that on your own. You could have done that yourself. Zeg je nu dat ik Tom heb vermoord? Are you saying that I killed Tom? Are you saying I killed Tom? Waarom laat ge uw moto niet herstellen? Why don't you have your motorcycle fixed up? Why don't you get your bike fixed? Dit is een foto van het vliegveld. This is a picture of the airport. This is a picture of the airport. In de straat waren de meeste winkels gesloten. The shops in the street were for the most part closed. In the street, most of the shops were closed. Bent u van nature blond? Are you naturally blonde? Are you naturally blonde? Zou iemand mij alsjeblieft kunnen helpen om dit te vertalen? Could someone please help me translate this? Could someone please help me translate this? Ik vroeg Tom niet hiernaartoe te komen. I didn't ask Tom to come here. I didn't ask Tom to come here. Het regent pijpenstelen. It's bucketing down. It's raining. Ik heb dit voor jou gedaan. I did this for you. I did this for you. Ik hou van lasagne. I love lasagna. I love lasagna. U bent water aan het verspillen. You're wasting water. You're wasting water. Deze pindakaas is heerlijk. This peanut butter is delicious. This peanut butter is delicious. Een geactualiseerde versie van de encyclopedie zal de volgende maand verschijnen. An up-to-date edition of the encyclopedia will come out next month. An updated version of the encyclopedia will appear the following month. Ik vervang de lamp. I'm replacing the lamp. I'm replacing the lamp. Dat zegt me iets. That rings a bell. That tells me something. De imam gaf Sami gratis een kopie van de Koran. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Quran for free. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Koran for free. Ik hou van friet met ketchup. I love french fries with ketchup. I like fries with ketchup. Is deze zitplaats gereserveerd? Is this seat reserved? Is this seat reserved? Tom zal betalen. Tom'll pay. Tom will pay. Ik ben met pensioen. I'm retired. I'm retired. Ze leek niet blij me te zien. She did not seem pleased to see me. She didn't seem happy to see me. Tom houdt niet van Irish Coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish Coffee. Doe wat je wil. Do what you want. Do whatever you want. Stil! Quiet! Quiet! Dit is mijn huis. This is my home. This is my house. Waarom wilde ze lerares worden? Why did she want to become a teacher? Why did she want to be a teacher? We hebben een nieuwe, gemakkelijke zetel gekocht. We bought a comfortable new armchair. We bought a new, easy seat. Dit was een duidelijke tegenstrijdigheid. This was a clear contradiction. This was a clear contradiction. Water is leven. Water is life. Water is life. Tom dronk wodka. Tom drank vodka. Tom drank vodka. We moeten de bedrijfskosten terugdringen. Heb je nooit gehoord van eerst te kijken wat je binnenkrijgt, voordat je begint uit te geven? We have to cut business expenses here. Haven't you ever heard of looking at how much you're getting before you start spending? Haven't you ever heard of seeing what you're getting in before you start spending? We doen alles wat we kunnen om uw zoon te vinden. We're doing everything we can to find your son. We're doing everything we can to find your son. Tom denkt er anders over. Tom believes otherwise. Tom doesn't think so. Ik heb een halfzuster. I have a half-sister. I have a half-sister. Ik ging naar beneden met de lift. I took the elevator down. I went down with the elevator. Ik word 's ochtends om half zes wakker. I wake up at half past five in the morning. I wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Je telefoon rinkelde verschillende keren terwijl je onder de douche stond. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. De narcis is de nationale bloem van Wales. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales. The narcissus is the national flower of Wales. Wie zal het van Cynthia overnemen wanneer zij met pensioen gaat? Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires? Who will take over from Cynthia when she retires? Volgend jaar gaat ze trouwen. She'll be getting married next year. She's getting married next year. Veel bomen zijn omgevallen. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees have fallen over. Het is twee uur in de namiddag. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. It's 2:00 in the afternoon. Waar zijn jouw zonen? Where are your sons? Where are your sons? Ik werk alleen. I work on my own. I work alone. Tom zei dat Mary hem heeft geslagen. Tom said Mary hit him. Tom said Mary hit him. Vorige week at ik elke dag pizza. I ate pizza every day last week. Last week, I ate pizza every day. Doe je hoed af. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Eerlijk gezegd denk ik dat hij een goede baas is. Frankly speaking, I think he's a good boss. Honestly, I think he's a good boss. Naar wie kijkt Tom? Who's Tom looking at? Who's Tom looking at? Ze zijn creatief. They're creative. They're creative. De puppy wil slapen The puppy wants to sleep. The puppy wants to sleep Hun enige zoon is reeds drie jaar overleden. Their only son has been dead for three years. Their only son has died for three years. Heeft u hier ergens in de buurt een bruine portemonnee gezien? Have you seen a brown wallet around here? Have you seen a brown wallet around here? Ik zit in mijn auto. I'm in my car. I'm in my car. Hij gaat zelden naar de kerk. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. De baby kruipt. The baby is crawling. The baby's crawling. Zag de auto er oud uit? Did the car look old? Did the car look old? Ik weet dat je een leerkracht bent. I know that you're a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Wat bedoel je precies? What exactly do you mean? What exactly do you mean? Tom is nog een kind. Tom is still a child. Tom's still a kid. Ik eet langzaam. I eat slowly. I eat slowly. Wil je eerst? Do you want to go first? You want to go first? Ik vind Esperanto leuk. I like Esperanto. I like Esperanto. Ik eet vis. I eat fish. I eat fish. Mijn moeder haat het schrijven van brieven. My mother hates writing letters. My mother hates writing letters. Ik ben vorig weekend niet met Tom wezen vissen. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. I didn't go fishing with Tom last weekend. Wie is jouw favoriete leraar? Who's your favorite teacher? Who's your favorite teacher? Goocheltrucs zijn slechts illusies. Magic tricks are merely illusions. Goochel tricks are just illusions. Het is buiten zo warm dat je een ei kunt bakken. It's so hot outside, you could fry an egg. It's so hot outside, you can cook an egg. Er is geen kans op succes voor luie mensen. There's no chance of success for lazy people. There's no chance of success for lazy people. Wij hebben niet gebeld. We haven't called. We didn't call. Die film is geweldig. That movie is ace. That movie's great. Tot gauw! See you soon. See you soon! Taro spreekt beter Engels dan ik. Taro speaks English better than I. Taro speaks English better than I do. Het werkt hetzelfde in elk land. It works the same way in every country. It works the same in every country. Ik woonde drie jaar geleden in Boston. I was living in Boston three years ago. I lived in Boston three years ago. Ik heb liever voetbal dan baseball. I prefer football to baseball. I'd rather have football than baseball. De temperatuur is net boven het vriespunt. The temperature is just above freezing. The temperature is just above freezing. Waarom hadden ze ruzie? Why did they argue? Why did they fight? Toen de grote aardbeving gebeurde, was ik pas tien jaar. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten years old. Uit het rapport bleek dat veel tieners verslaafd zijn aan alcohol. The report revealed that many teenagers are alcoholics. The report revealed that many teenagers are addicted to alcohol. Haar woede is volkomen terecht. Her outrage is completely justified. Her anger is perfectly justified. Sindsdien zijn er drie jaar voorbijgegaan. Three years have passed since then. Three years have passed since then. Tom heeft ook hier geholpen. Tom helped here as well. Tom helped out here, too. Ik heb je brief in de brievenbus gevonden. I found your letter in the letterbox. I found your letter in the mailbox. Ik had twee weken geleden een check-up. I had a checkup the week before last. I had a check-up two weeks ago. Linda houdt echt van chocolade. Linda really likes chocolate. Linda really likes chocolate. Ze viel bijna flauw toen ze het bloed zag. She nearly fainted when she saw the blood. She almost fainted when she saw the blood. Ben je vrijdagmiddag vrij? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Are you free Friday afternoon? Doe mij een plezier en zwijg. Do me a favour and shut up. Do me a favor and shut up. Vandaag worden we tien. Today, we turn ten years old. Today we're going to be ten. Wij worden geholpen. We are being helped. We're being helped. Esperanto is een nuttige taal. Esperanto is a useful language. Esperanto is a useful language. Ik kom uit Afrin. I am from Afrin. I'm from Afrin. Bill werd gedood door die man. Bill was killed by that man. Bill was killed by that man. Dit is jullie land. This is your country. This is your country. Tom moedigde Maria aan. Tom cheered Mary on. Tom encouraged Maria. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Some religious people can be very judgemental. Some religious persons can be very judgmental. Ze heeft een mysterieuze kant. She has a mysterious side. She's got a mysterious side. Zij hebben twee casette-spelers. They have two cassette decks. They have two casette players. Tom koestert een onwrikbaar vertrouwen in zijn kinderen. Tom has an unwavering confidence in his children. Tom has unwavering faith in his children. Ik ben niet kaal. I'm not bald. I'm not bald. Dit heeft niets met mij te maken. This has nothing to do with me. This has nothing to do with me. Vlees is schaars. Meat's scarce. Meat is scarce. Ik heb besloten door te studeren. I've decided to continue studying. I've decided to study through. Ik heb van niemand toestemming nodig. I don't need anybody's permission. I don't need permission from anyone. Niemand lijkt aandacht te hebben besteed aan wat hij zei. Nobody seems to have paid attention to what he said. No one seems to have paid attention to what he said. Je vergelijkt appels met peren! You're comparing apples and oranges! You compare apples to pears! Bekijk eens deze foto's! Look at these photos. Look at these pictures! Tom heeft een heel belangrijke baan. Tom has a very important job. Tom has a very important job. Tom fluistert iets tegen Mary. Tom is whispering something to Mary. Tom whispers something to Mary. Mayuko kwam de kamer binnen. Mayuko entered the room. Mayuko entered the room. Ga je het opnieuw doen? Are you going to do it over again? Are you gonna do it again? Mijn vader stierf aan longkanker. My father died of lung cancer. My father died of lung cancer. Hoe gaat het met u? Hebt u een goede reis gehad? How are you? Did you have a good trip? Have you had a good trip? Ik ben van plan om een brief te schrijven naar Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. Ik heb hier nooit om gevraagd. I never asked for it. I never asked for this. Ik ontmoette gisteravond mijn vriend in de bibliotheek. I met my friend in the library last night. I met my friend at the library last night. In nood leert men zijn vrienden kennen. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In distress, one gets to know one’s friends. Ik heb veel potloden. I have a lot of pencils. I have a lot of pencils. Hier een ietwat gezochte Fibonaccireeks, lettergrepentellenderwijs. It's a kinda ridicule unnecessary fibonacci-syllabic-heap. Here a somewhat wanted Fibonacci series, syllables counting. Laten we onze overwinning vieren! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Goedenavond! Good evening! Good evening! De weg is lang. The road is long. The road is long. Toms huis is vlak bij de zee. Tom's house is by the sea. Tom's house is near the sea. Hoe was je dag? How was your day? How was your day? Tom zegt dat ze meer tijd nodig hebben. Tom says they need more time. Tom says they need more time. Haaien staan bekend om hun bloeddorstig karakter. Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures. Sharks are known for their bloodthirsty character. Spot niet met vreemdelingen. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't mock strangers. Het langste woord in de Franse taal is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". The longest word in the French language is "anticonstitutionnellement". Ik versta er niet veel van. I don't understand much about it. I don't understand much of it. Was Tom daar? Was Tom there? Tom was there? Tom is weg. Tom is away. Tom's gone. Je hoeft niet bang te zijn voor magie. You don't have to fear magic. You don't have to be afraid of magic. Layla is vermoord. Layla has been murdered. Layla was murdered. Zijn plotselinge verschijning verraste me. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. His sudden appearance surprised me. Argentinië, Chili, Uruguay, Paraguay en Zuid-Brazilië maken deel uit van de Zuidkegel. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil are part of the Southern Cone. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and South Brazil are part of the South cone. Zelfs een kind kan het begrijpen. Even children can understand it. Even a child can understand. Ze stonden recht tegenover elkaar. They stood face to face. They were right in front of each other. Is dat Toms vader? Is that Tom's father? Is that Tom's father? Zij aten samen. They ate together. They ate together. Sammy zei dat hij me kon horen. Sami said he could hear me. Sammy said he could hear me. Ik zie je na de voorstelling. I'll see you after the show. I'll see you after the show. Ik kan het me niet herinerren waar ik het heb gekocht. I don't remember where I bought it. I can't remember where I bought it. Dat wist ik toen niet. I didn't know that at the time. I didn't know that at the time. Steek de kaarsen aan. Light the candles. Light the candles. Ik werd gevraagd naar mijn persoonlijke mening over de kwestie. I was asked for my personal opinion about the matter. I was asked about my personal opinion on the matter. Wil je nog een beetje appelsap? Would you like some more apple juice? Would you like some more apple juice? Ik wil niet dat je hem wakker maakt. I don't want you to wake him up. I don't want you to wake him. Sami bekeerde tot de islam. Sami came to Islam. Sami converted to Islam. Tom zorgt heel goed voor zijn auto. Tom takes very good care of his car. Tom takes very good care of his car. Koeien eten gras. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. Tom is sexy. Tom is hot. Tom's sexy. Ik moet toegeven dat ik geïnteresseerd ben. I have to admit I'm interested. I have to admit, I'm interested. De hele natie wil vrede. The whole nation wants peace. The whole nation wants peace. De neus van Tom was rood. Tom's nose was red. Tom's nose was red. Ik hoop dat je naar mijn verjaardagsfeestje zal komen. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. Je verwacht nu toch geen antwoord, toch? You don't expect an answer now, do you? You don't expect an answer now, do you? Lamberto is de naam van een grote hotelketen. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Lamberto is the name of a large hotel chain. Ik spreek Hongaars. I speak Hungarian. I speak Hungarian. Ik denk dat je Tom kent. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. De professor hield een college over het Midden-Oosten. The professor gave a lecture on the Middle East. The professor held a lecture on the Middle East. Het leek persoonlijk. It seemed personal. It seemed personal. Ik hou van mijn werk. I love my job. I love my job. Sinds vanmorgen heb ik drie boeken gelezen. Since this morning I've read three books. I've read three books since this morning. Hij is een agressief mens. He is an aggressive person. He's an aggressive person. Ik heb de Franse versie van dit liedje gehoord. I've heard the French version of this song. I heard the French version of this song. Hij komt zeker niet. He's definitely not coming. He's definitely not coming. Sami leerde het Arabisch om de Koran beter te begrijpen. Sami learned Arabic to understand the Quran better. Sami learned Arabic to better understand the Koran. Loop niet zo snel. Don't run so fast. Don't run so fast. Ik zal je nooit dwingen om met hem te trouwen. I will never force you to marry him. I will never force you to marry him. Bomen creëren zuurstof. Trees make oxygen. Trees create oxygen. De lucht is oranje. The sky is orange. The sky is orange. Mooi gedaan! Well done! Nice work! Zou ik eens kort met u onder vier ogen kunnen spreken? Can I talk to you in private for a minute? Could I have a word with you in private? Heeft Tom een ziekteverzekering? Does Tom have health insurance? Does Tom have health insurance? Het is ongelofelijk. It's unbelievable. It's incredible. Vanavond gaan we dansen. We're going dancing tonight. Tonight we're going dancing. Tom glimlacht vaak. Tom often smiles. Tom smiles a lot. Wat is jullie lievelingswoord? What's your favorite word? What's your favorite word? Tom bleef kalm. Tom remained calm. Tom stayed calm. Amsterdam is de hoofdstad van Nederland. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Laat mij niet alleen! Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me! Vertel me het verhaal. Tell me the story. Tell me the story. Tom is geen slechte trainer. Tom isn't a bad coach. Tom's not a bad trainer. Voor de eerste keer in zijn leven las Yuka een Engels boek uit. For the first time in his life, Yuka finished reading an entire book in English. For the first time in his life, Yuka read an English book. Neem een zakdoek, uw neus loopt. Take a tissue, your nose is running. Take a handkerchief, your nose is running. Ik heb van 2008 tot 2011 in de VS gewoond. I lived in the US from 2008 till 2011. I lived in the United States from 2008 to 2011. Bekijk de slapende baby. Look at the sleeping baby. Check out the sleeping baby. Uit welk land kom je? Which country are you from? What country are you from? Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom must be over 30 by now. Houdt u van gummiberen? Do you like gummy bears? Do you like gummy bears? Haal die doos weg! Take that box away! Get that box out of here! Super! Right on! Super! Jij schrijft. You're writing. You write. Ze vernielen de tuin. They are destroying the garden. They're destroying the garden. Je gaat toch niet dood, hé? You're not gonna die, eh? You're not gonna die, are you? Ik heb geen mes nodig. I don't need a knife. I don't need a knife. Je moet in contact blijven met meneer Smith. You should keep in touch with Mr. Smith. You need to stay in touch with Mr. Smith. We eisen rechtvaardigheid. We demand justice. We demand justice. Jullie voorstel is een beetje extreem. Your proposal is a bit extreme. Your proposal is a little extreme. Laat u me het alstublieft zo snel mogelijk weten als u een deel van de conferentiezaal zou willen opzetten om uw producten te tonen. Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to set up a part of the conference room to show your products. Ja, mijn naam is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Dat zijn de duurste schoenen die ik ooit heb gezien. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Tom heeft de keuken niet schoongemaakt. Tom didn't clean the kitchen. Tom didn't clean the kitchen. Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden. Still waters run deep. Quiet waters have deep soils. Zijn er bananen? Are there any bananas? Are there any bananas? Hij houdt van brood en boter. He likes bread and butter. He likes bread and butter. Men moet voor zich zelf zorgen. One should take care of oneself. One has to take care of one's own. Ik heb hier jaren gewoond. I've lived here for years. I lived here for years. Voor de eerste keer in mijn leven heb ik Rome bezocht. I visited Rome for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I visited Rome. Jack verzamelt postzegels. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. Ik zou graag gaan skiën. I'd like to go skiing. I'd love to go skiing. Mijn vader is maar vijftien jaar. My father is only fifteen years old. My father's only 15 years old. Ze waren vreemd. They were strange. They were weird. Studeert u Engels? Do you study English? Do you study English? Wanneer heb je de tijd gehad om dat te doen? When did you have time to do that? When did you have time to do that? Hij kocht brood. He bought bread. He bought bread. Het is ontegensprekelijk de beste methode. It's undeniably the best method. It is indisputably the best method. Ben je klaar om te vliegen? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to fly? Heb je een potlood? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Ik heb mijn oranje sjaal en witte schort zeer helder gemaakt, zodat het mensen gelijk zou opvallen. I made my orange scarf and white smock very bright, so people would notice them right away. I made my orange scarf and white apron very bright, so people would stand out at the same time. Ik heb een kamer nodig. I need a room. I need a room. Port Vila is de hoofdstad van Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu. Ik zal het niet vergeten. I won't forget it. I won't forget. Waarom ben je er nog? Why are you still here? Why are you still here? Tom gaf Maria Johns nummer. Tom gave Mary John's number. Tom gave Maria John's number. Dat is mijn sporttas. That's my gym bag. That's my gym bag. Er is een kasteel op de achtergrond van de foto. There is a castle in the background of the picture. There is a castle in the background of the photo. Ze ving een glimp van hem op terwijl hij door de menigte liep. She glimpsed him running through the crowd. She caught a glimpse of him walking through the crowd. Wat zou er gebeuren als twee grootmachten met verschillende talen - zoals de Verenigde Staten en China - zouden overeenkomen bij wijze van proef Esperanto te onderwijzen in de basisscholen? What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools? What would happen if two superpowers of different languages - such as the United States and China - agreed to teach Esperanto in primary schools as a trial? Leer. Learn. Learn. Tom ging naar buiten om te roken. Tom went outside to smoke. Tom went out to smoke. Spinnen bouwen webben. Spiders spin webs. Spiders build webs. Ik moet mezelf kalmeren. I need to take it easy. I need to calm down. Is dit jouw tas? Is this your bag? Is this your bag? Ik heb geen idee hoe ze dat voor elkaar gekregen hebben. I don't know how they did it. I have no idea how they did it. Hou je een droomdagboek bij? Do you keep a dream journal? Are you keeping a dream diary? Tom rook rook. Tom smelled smoke. Tom smelled smoke. Zij gingen samen. They went together. They went together. Sami gaat niet naar de kerk omdat hij moslim is. Sami doesn't go to church because he's Muslim. Sami's not going to church because he's Muslim. Zorg ervoor dat de deur gesloten is. Make sure the door is locked. Make sure the door's closed. Water bestaat uit waterstof en zuurstof. Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Dit is erg aardig van je. It's very kind of you. This is very kind of you. Is dat een slechte zaak? Is that a bad thing? Is that a bad thing? Tom had met ons moeten komen. Tom was supposed to come with us. Tom should have come with us. Ik heb een vrijwilliger nodig. I need a volunteer. I need a volunteer. Tom en Maria hebben gezegd dat ze geen vlees aten. Tom and Mary said they don't eat meat. Tom and Maria said they didn't eat meat. Mike heeft twee vriendinnen. Mike has two girl friends. Mike has two girlfriends. Hallo! Goedemorgen! Hello! Good morning! Good morning! Ik heb geen zin om hierover te discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't feel like discussing this. Je klinkt nerveus. You sound nervous. You sound nervous. Zij kreeg eeuwige roem door haar werk. She attained everlasting fame through her work. She gained eternal fame through her work. "Nee," antwoordde Dima, "om me te helpen deze Armani te kopen. Ik ben smerig, weet je nog?" "No," Dima replied. "To help me buy this Armani. I'm dirty, remember?" "No," said Dima, "to help me buy this Armani. I'm filthy, remember?" Waar is het onthaal? Where is the check-in counter? Where's the welcome? Ik eet graag taart. I like eating cake. I like to eat cake. Zij zijn dokters. They are doctors. They're doctors. Hoeveel kost dit horloge? How much does this watch cost? How much does this watch cost? Ik stel voor dat je dat morgen doet. I suggest you do that tomorrow. I suggest you do that tomorrow. Ik ben ingenieur. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. Ik hou van die kleur. I like this color. I like that color. Ik lees. I'm reading. I read. Hoe wilt ge uw koffie? How would you like your coffee? How would you like your coffee? Maria is blond. Mary is blonde. Maria's blond. Waar is mijn appelsap? Where's my apple juice? Where's my apple juice? Zijn toestand had erger kunnen zijn. His condition could have been worse. His condition could have been worse. Scheikunde is een oude wetenschap. Chemistry is an old science. Chemistry is an old science. We hebben ons best gedaan. We tried our best. We did our best. Waarom gaat u niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Houdt u van ansjovis? Do you like anchovies? Do you like anchovies? Herfst is mijn favoriete seizoen. Autumn is my favourite season. Autumn is my favorite season. Ik wist dat je Australië leuk zou vinden. I knew that you'd like Australia. I knew you'd like Australia. Wees alsjeblieft beleefd. Please be polite. Please be polite. Ze hebben gestemd. They voted. They voted. Het leven is niet altijd zo mooi, iedereen heeft wel eens tegenvallers. Life is no bed of roses. Life isn't always so beautiful, everyone has a bad time. Tom had niet zijn geheimen aan Maria moeten vertellen. Tom shouldn't have told Mary his secrets. Tom shouldn't have told Mary his secrets. Hij heeft een beloning verdiend. He deserves a reward. He's earned a reward. Heb je nooit les of zo? You never have class or what?! Don't you ever have class or anything? Tom ziet er dood uit. Tom looks dead. Tom looks dead. Al het begin is moeilijk. All beginnings are difficult. All the beginning is difficult. Ze had haar haar kort geknipt. She had her hair cut short. She cut her hair short. Mag ik u een vraag stellen? May I ask you something? Can I ask you a question? Je moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. Werkt u 's maandags? Do you work on Mondays? Do you work on Mondays? Ze is net twaalf jaar oud geworden. She has just turned twelve. She just got 12 years old. Ik weet niet wat ik nu moet doen. I don't know what to do from now on. I don't know what to do right now. Datums zullen aangekondigd worden. Dates will be announced. Dates will be announced. Zonder jou ben ik niets. I'm nothing without you. Without you, I'm nothing. Kook wat water. Boil some water. Cook some water. Ik had u de brief al gestuurd, toen u belde. I had already sent you the letter when you called. I already sent you the letter when you called. Het hoofdpersonage van deze serie is een pratende eekhoorn. This show's main character is a talking squirrel. The main character of this series is a talking squirrel. Waarom springt u? Why are you jumping? Why are you jumping? Ondanks dat ze allergisch is, heb ik een ei aan het kind gegeven. Even though she's allergic, I gave an egg to the child. Even though she's allergic, I gave an egg to the child. We weten wat we willen. We know what we want. We know what we want. Dat moest ík zeggen! That's MY line! That's what I had to say! Laat me dat eens zien. Let me see that. Let me see that. Deze foto herinnert me aan toen ik een student was. This picture reminds me of when I was a student. This picture reminds me of when I was a student. Ik ben trots op je. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Tom zat alleen aan de keukentafel. Tom sat alone at the kitchen table. Tom was alone at the kitchen table. Ik wilde weglopen met Tom. I wanted to run away with Tom. I wanted to run away with Tom. Sami blies de ballon op. Sami blew up the balloon. Sami blew up the balloon. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never gotten sick in his life. My dad's never been sick his whole life. Duitsland heeft twee hoofdsteden. Germany has two capital cities. Germany has two capitals. We studeren samen. We study together. We're studying together. Ik was fout. I was wrong. I was wrong. Ze beloven ons gouden bergen, maar ik heb zo het vermoeden dat we op de vervulling van die beloften kunnen wachten tot sint-juttemis. They promise us the moon, but I suspect we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises till hell freezes over. They promise us golden mountains, but I have reason to believe that we can wait for those promises to be fulfilled until St. Juttemis. Oké, hoe kan ik u helpen? OK, how can I help you? Okay, how can I help you? Hij is bang fouten te maken. He's afraid of making mistakes. He's afraid to make mistakes. Schrijf nooit woorden "borsjtsj" en "sjtsji" in het Duits! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write words "borschch" and "shchi" in German! Gisteren was heet, maar vandaag is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Gaat u zitten. Please take a seat. Have a seat. Ik drink geen alkohol. I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. Niemand heeft gebeld. Nobody called. No one called. Er is geen binnenweg naar boven, alleen naar beneden. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There's no way up, just down. Wat ben je mooi vandaag! How beautiful you are today! You're so beautiful today! Dat wordt aan het eind enigszins uitgelegd. That is somewhat explained at the end. This is explained somewhat at the end. De school begint op tien april. School begins on April the tenth. The school starts on April 10. Het gebouw werd tot puin herleid. The building was reduced to rubble. The building was reduced to debris. De klok loopt tien minuten achter. The clock is ten minutes slow. The clock is ten minutes behind. Hij vergeet nooit om elke week naar zijn moeder te schrijven. He never forgets to write to his mother every week. He never forgets to write to his mother every week. We hebben een nieuwe auto nodig. We need a new car. We need a new car. Zoek dat woord op in het woordenboek. Look up this word in the dictionary. Look up that word in the dictionary. Welke taal wordt er gesproken in de Verenigde Staten? What language is spoken in the USA? What language is spoken in the United States? Tom is nog niet terug. Tom isn't back yet. Tom's not back yet. Ze zat op de bank. She sat on the bench. She was on the couch. Bussen in het land komen gewoonlijk niet op tijd. Buses in the country do not usually come on time. Buses in the country usually don't arrive on time. Layla kon geen kameel berijden. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Layla couldn't ride a camel. Tom is ongeduldig, niet? Tom is impatient, isn't he? Tom's impatient, isn't he? Tom zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. Tom looked tired, but happy. Tom looked tired but happy. Het klopt aan de deur. It knocks on the door. It knocks on the door. Eid Moebarak. Eid Mubarak. Eid Mubarak. Zij stonden ons niet toe de dienstlift te gebruiken. They did not allow us to use the service elevator. They didn't allow us to use the service elevator. Is er een lift? Is there an elevator? Is there a ride? Op welk perron naar Boston? Which platform is the train for Boston? On what platform to Boston? Hij is gewoon een betweter. He's just a know-it-all. He's just a know-it-all. De acteurs verschenen in historische kostuums. The actors appeared in historical costumes. The actors appeared in historical costumes. Tom is stoned. Tom's stoned. Tom's stoned. Ben je vrijgezel? Are you single? Are you single? Wat is jullie kamernummer? What is your room number? What's your room number? Wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. Whoever sows wind will reap storm. Ik geloof dat Elvis nog leeft. I believe Elvis is still alive. I believe Elvis is still alive. "Aha!" zullen ze zeggen. 'Aha', they will say. "Aha!" they'll say. Er zijn veel rivieren op dat eiland. There are many rivers on that island. There's a lot of rivers on that island. Afgaand op wat je zegt, moet hij een goede schrijver zijn. Judging from what you say, he must be a great writer. Based on what you say, he must be a good writer. Het goede aan een doodlopende straat is, dat ze je verplicht terug te keren. The good thing about a dead end is that it requires you to turn back. The good thing about a dead end is she's forcing you back. Ik heb een foto van haar gemaakt. I took a picture of her. I took a picture of her. Tom was op z'n zachtst gezegd teleurgesteld. Tom is disappointed to say the least. Tom was disappointed, to say the least. Hij verdient de kost met het geven van Engelse les. He earns his living by teaching English. He makes a living teaching English. Een snor groeit op de bovenlip. A mustache grows on the upper lip. A mustache grows on the upper lip. Mijn vaders spreken geen Nederlands. My fathers don't speak Dutch. My fathers don't speak Dutch. Wat een afschuwelijk weer! What awful weather! What a horrible weather! De slapende stad is veranderd in een levendige stad. The sleepy town has been transformed into a bustling city. The sleeping city has turned into a lively city. Hou volgende weeg zaterdagmiddag vrij, alsjeblieft. Please leave next Saturday afternoon free. Have next Saturday afternoon off, please. Zij is van plan het met haar vriend uit te maken. She is going to part from her boyfriend. She's planning on breaking up with her boyfriend. Hij gaf de hond een bot. He gave the dog a bone. He gave the dog a bone. Deze vlag is heel mooi. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Ik moet een sms schrijven. I have to write an SMS. I have to write a text. Die jongen is aan het rennen. That boy is running. That boy's running. Hij was te moe om te studeren. He was too tired to study. He was too tired to study. Hij heeft geen geld. He doesn't have any money. He doesn't have any money. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thanks for coming. Heeft u nog vragen? Do you have any further questions? Do you have any questions? Lindbergh was de eerste mens die de Atlantische Oceaan overvloog. Lindbergh was the first man to fly across the Atlantic. Lindbergh was the first man to fly across the Atlantic. Gaat u naar een feest? Are you going to a party? Are you going to a party? Hij kwam een half uur te laat opdagen. He turned up half an hour late. He showed up half an hour late. Je mag hier niet zo luid spreken. You must not speak so loudly here. You can't speak so loud in here. Een gitaar heeft gewoonlijk zes snaren terwijl een basgitaar gewoonlijk vier snaren heeft. A guitar normally has six strings, while a bass guitar normally has four strings. A guitar usually has six strings while a bass guitar usually has four strings. Goeiemorgen, zei Tom glimlachend. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. "Morning," said Tom, smiling. Tom werd erg jong kaal. Tom became bald very young. Tom became very young bald. Maria was getraumatiseerd. Mary was traumatized. Maria was traumatized. Weet Tom dat je komt? Does Tom know you're coming? Does Tom know you're coming? Geloof me of niet, maar ik ben deze keer niet sarcastisch. Believe it or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Believe me or not, I'm not sarcastic this time. Veel Servische, Bosnische en Kroatische achternamen eindigen met "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian surnames end in "ić". Many Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian surnames end with "ić". Heb je condooms? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? Ik bleef. I stayed. I stayed. Ik neem het wel aan. I'll take it. I'll take it. Waar ga je heen? Where are you going to? Where are you going? Ze hoeven het niet te weten. They don't need to know. They don't need to know. Ik spreek Gronings. I speak Gronings. I speak Gronings. Je bent heel mooi. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Ik ben verbaasd dat je die prijs behaald hebt. I'm surprised that you have won that prize. I'm surprised you won that prize. Ze hebben gegeten. They ate. They ate. Zij is thee aan het drinken. She is drinking tea. She's having tea. Hij was heel oud. He was very old. He was very old. Ik wil niet scheiden. I don't want to get divorced. I don't want a divorce. Zij zijn buren. They are neighbours. They're neighbors. Tom houdt een dagboek bij. Tom keeps a diary. Tom keeps a diary. Tom heeft alle foto's van zijn ex-vriendin verbrand. Tom burned all the pictures he had of his ex-girlfriend. Tom burned all the pictures of his ex-girlfriend. Ik ben verbonden. I am online. I'm connected. Ik hou van friet. I love french fries. I like fries. Wees voor half zeven thuis. Be home by half past six. Be home for 6:30. Alice slaapt in mijn kamer. Alice is sleeping in my room. Alice sleeps in my room. Zij is mooi. She's pretty. She's beautiful. Ik heb meer koffie nodig. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. Estland heeft zijn eigen volkslied. Estonia has its own national anthem. Estonia has its own national anthem. Ik zet wat koffie. I'll put some coffee on. I'll make some coffee. We vergeten nooit. We never forget. We'll never forget. Tom was aan het onderzoeken. Tom was investigating. Tom was investigating. Ik wilde een bus huren. I wanted to rent a bus. I wanted to rent a bus. Wat willen jullie? What do you guys want? What do you want? Neem me niet kwalijk. Ik neem terug wat ik heb gezegd. I'm sorry. I take back my words. Excuse me, I take back what I said. Hij kan hun vragen niet beantwoorden. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. Waar is jouw huiswerk? Where is your homework? Where's your homework? Wij zijn ook uitgenodigd. We're invited too. We're invited, too. Ik hou van koude pizza. I like cold pizza. I like cold pizza. Ik heb twee oudere zussen. I have two older sisters. I have two older sisters. In de volgende lente wil ik naar Hawaï. Next spring I want to go to Hawaii. In the next spring, I want to go to Hawaii. Kijk naar mijn vingers. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. We werden niet toegelaten tot het gebouw. We weren't allowed into the building. We weren't admitted to the building. Er waren veel mensen die kwamen vragen naar de bekende actrice. There were a lot of people who came to ask after the famous actress. There were a lot of people who came asking about the famous actress. Ik bel je morgen. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Frans is haar moedertaal. French is her first language. French is her mother tongue. Ze vertrouwt Tom. She trusts Tom. She trusts Tom. Ik vind dat je naar een deeltijdbaan moet zoeken. I think you have to look for a part-time job. I think you should look for a part-time job. Wil je het koekje daar niet opeten? Aren't you going to eat that cookie? Don't you want to eat the cookie there? Tom droeg Mary op zijn schouders. Tom carried Mary on his shoulders. Tom carried Mary on his shoulders. In de zomer baad ik elke ochtend. I take a bath every morning in the summer. In summer, I bathe every morning. Ik was mijn handen omdat ze vies zijn. I'm washing my hands because they're dirty. I wash my hands because they're dirty. Mary woont met haar vader in Boston. Mary is living in Boston with her father. Mary lives with her father in Boston. Wacht tot je terugkomt. Wait until you get back. Wait till you get back. Kan je me alsjeblieft vertellen wat er gebeurd is? Will you please tell me what happened? Can you please tell me what happened? Ik wil weten of jij weet wie hem vermoord heeft. I want to know if you know who killed him. I want to know if you know who killed him. Ik heb aan elk kind drie snoepjes gegeven. I have given every child three candies. I've given three sweets to every child. De boom is gestopt met groeien. The tree stopped growing. The tree has stopped growing. Groen staat je erg goed. Green suits you very well. Green looks very good on you. We zijn realistisch. We're realistic. We're realistic. De winkels zijn op zondag gesloten. The stores are closed on Sunday. The shops are closed on Sunday. Hij heeft hoofdpijn. He has a headache. He's got a headache. Jullie laten me niet m'n gang gaan! You never let me do what I want! You're not gonna let me do it! Ik denk niet dat ik graag in Australië zou willen wonen. I don't think that I'd like to live in Australia. I don't think I'd like to live in Australia. Jouw broer heeft hulp nodig. Your brother needs help. Your brother needs help. Laat u niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. Ik ben op reis naar Spanje. I'm traveling to Spain. I'm traveling to Spain. Haar auto is twee jaar oud. Her car is two years old. Her car is two years old. Hij sprak Duits met me. He spoke German with me. He spoke German to me. De dochter van een oom is een nicht. The daughter of an uncle is a cousin. An uncle's daughter is a cousin. Elke Ramadan bezoekt Yitzhak zijn vriend Sami in een dorpje in de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Every Ramadan, Yitzhak goes to visit his friend Sami in a small West Bank village. Each Ramadan visits Yitzhak his friend Sami in a village in the West Bank. De Romeinse Republiek werd gesticht in 509 voor Christus. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BC. Spreekt u Turks? Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? Ik dacht niet dat het zo veel zou zijn. I didn't think it would be that much. I didn't think it would be that much. Het duurt even om zich te ontspannen. It takes a while to relax. It'll take some time to relax. Tom was volledig overrompeld. Tom was caught completely off guard. Tom was completely overrun. Dat water smaakt goed. That water tastes good. That water tastes good. Het zijn eieren. They're eggs. They're eggs. Jij bent de slechtste student in de klas. You're the worst student in the class. You're the worst student in class. Voor mij is er niets zo hartverwarmend als een oud echtpaar dat hand in hand over straat loopt. Nothing seems so tender to me as an old couple walking down the street holding hands. For me, there is nothing as heartwarming as an old couple walking hand in hand across the street. We willen alleen maar dat je blij bent. We just want you to be happy. We just want you to be happy. Tom is een voormalige paracommando. Tom is a former paratrooper. Tom is a former paracommando. Levensverwachting, seksuele discriminatie en sociaal systeem zijn de belangrijkste criteria waarmee de vertegenwoordigers hebben rekening gehouden bij het opstellen van het klassement. Life expectancy, gender discrimination and the social system are the main criteria the representatives have taken into account in drawing up the rankings. Life expectancy, sexual discrimination and social system are the main criteria that representatives have taken into account when drawing up the classification. Herinner je! Remember! Remember! Houd jij een dagboek bij? Do you keep a diary? Are you keeping a journal? We zullen binnenkort sneeuw krijgen. We will soon be having snow. We'll get snow soon. Hij heeft zichzelf omgebracht. He killed himself. He killed himself. Is er een witte aubergine? Is there a white eggplant? Is there a white eggplant? Mijn moedertaal is Japans. My mother tongue is Japanese. My mother tongue is Japanese. Tom zorgt voor de kinderen op maandagmiddag. Tom takes care of the kids on Monday afternoons. Tom will take care of the kids on Monday afternoon. Tom werd verzocht dat niet hier te doen. Tom has been told not to do that here. Tom was asked not to do that here. Kijk eens naar deze. Take a look at these. Look at this one. Weet jij of ze Engels kan spreken? Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if she can speak English? Jullie kunnen volgens mij maar beter even rusten. I think you had better take a rest. I think you should rest for a while. Hij leest veel. He reads a good deal. He reads a lot. Gebruikt u al Amikumu? Do you already use Amikumu? Are you using Amikumu? Keulen ligt aan de Rijn. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Cologne is on the Rhine. Mag ik een ander kanaal zetten? Can I change the channel? Can I change the channel? Tom droomde. Tom dreamt. Tom was dreaming. De eerste vrouw, die Esperanto als moedertaal sprak, werd in 1904 geboren; vandaag zijn er meerdere duizenden Esperanto-moedertaalsprekers. The first native speaker of Esperanto was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. The first woman, who spoke Esperanto as a native language, was born in 1904; today there are several thousands of Esperanto native speakers. Tom was er gisteren niet. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Tom wasn't there yesterday. Ik speel viool. I play the violin. I play violin. Ik heb mijn vriendin ontmoet op een Esperantocongres. I met my girlfriend on an Esperanto congress. I met my girlfriend at an Esperanto convention. Hij woont niet bij zijn ouders. He doesn't live with his parents. He doesn't live with his parents. Tom doet alles wat hij kan om geld te besparen. Tom is doing everything he can to save money. Tom's doing everything he can to save money. Ik denk dat wij goede vrienden zouden kunnen zijn. I think we could be good friends. I think we could be good friends. Het is niet ver van het hotel. It is not far away from the hotel. It's not far from the hotel. Houdt hij van sinaasappels? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Wil je echt gaan? Do you really want to go? Do you really want to go? Misschien was het niet zo evident. Maybe it wasn't so obvious. Maybe it wasn't that obvious. Dit is mijn laatste aanbod. Graag of niet. This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. This is my last offer. Ik denk dat je Tom moet opbellen. I think you need to call Tom. I think you should call Tom. Met wie heb je gesproken? Who did you talk with? Who did you talk to? Heeft u een theorie? Do you have a theory? Do you have a theory? Tom is een zeer vriendelijke en edelmoedige man. Tom is a very kind and generous man. Tom is a very kind and generous man. Ik ben niet zo gezond als voorheen. I'm not as healthy as I used to be. I'm not as healthy as I used to be. Het is je favoriete liedje. It's your favorite song. It's your favorite song. Dat is mijn dochter. That's my daughter. That's my daughter. Ik zou willen uitstappen bij de volgende halte. I'd like to get off at the next stop. I'd like to get off at the next stop. Ik wil naar de hemel gaan, maar ik wil niet sterven om er te geraken! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die to get there! Dat hangt af van de context. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. Hij geeft altijd geschenken aan zijn vrouw. He is always giving presents to his wife. He always gives gifts to his wife. Wat ben je aan het wassen? What are you washing? What are you washing? Ik heb een ezel. I have a donkey. I have a donkey. Ik wil weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I want to know what's happened to Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. Ze heeft haar reis naar Mexico uitgesteld. She put off going to Mexico. She postponed her trip to Mexico. Waar is mijn mantel? Where's my coat? Where's my cloak? Tom fluisterde Maria iets in d'r oor en ze glimlachte. Tom whispered something into Mary's ear and she smiled. Tom whispered something to Mary in her ear and she smiled. Ik heb bananen gekocht. I bought bananas. I bought bananas. Hoe is jouw Engels? How's your English? How's your English? Waarom doet ze dat Yider voortdurend aan? Why does she always do this to Yidir? Why does she do that to Yider all the time? Zes keer drie is achttien. Six times three is eighteen. Six times three is eighteen. Was je gisteren thuis? Were you at home yesterday? Were you home last night? Is het een koe? Is it a cow? Is it a cow? Kent zij uw telefoonnummer? Does she know your phone number? Does she know your phone number? Waar zijn uw ogen? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? Tom is vertaler. Tom is a translator. Tom is a translator. Was je voeten. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Wilt u nog een beetje thee? Would you like some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Heel weinig mensen weten wat hun bloedgroep is. Very few people know what their blood group is. Very few people know what their blood type is. Hoe vaak bent u als kind naar de tandarts geweest? How often did you go to the dentist when you were a kid? How many times have you been to the dentist as a child? Je moet gaan. You must go. You have to go. Experts zeggen dat de koffieprijzen voornamelijk stijgen omdat mensen bereid zijn er meer voor te betalen. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more. Experts say coffee prices are rising mainly because people are willing to pay more for it. Tom houdt van skiën. Tom loves to ski. Tom likes skiing. Er zit een kruimel in zijn baard. There is a crumb in his beard. There's a crumb in his beard. De laatste is de beste. The last one is the best. The last one's the best. Dit is het eerste deel van een serie over de moderne filosofie. This is the first volume of a series on modern philosophy. This is the first part of a series on modern philosophy. We denken dat het mogelijk is. We believe it's possible. We think it's possible. Mijn vader houdt elke dag een dagboek bij. My dad keeps a journal every day. My father keeps a diary every day. Tom is niet bang voor spinnen. Tom isn't afraid of spiders. Tom's not afraid of spiders. Je bent net zo aantrekkelijk als Maria. You're just as attractive as Mary. You're as attractive as Maria. Zeg me wat je zoekt en ik zal je helpen. Tell me what you are looking for and I will help you. Tell me what you're looking for, and I'll help you. Alstublieft, kies niet voor Tom. Please don't vote for Tom. Please, don't choose Tom. Je zal sterven. You will die. You'll die. Ze vond een zakdoek. She found a handkerchief. She found a handkerchief. Ik wil met Tom gaan skiën. I want to go skiing with Tom. I want to go skiing with Tom. Vul de emmer met water. Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water. Ik kies u. I choose you. I choose you. De tv werkt niet. The television doesn't work. The TV's not working. Tom is geen leugenaar. Tom isn't a liar. Tom's not a liar. Mijn vader gaat een wandeling maken in het park. My father is going for a walk in the park. My dad's going for a walk in the park. Zij zijn gelukkig. They're happy. They're happy. Ik beloof dat ik van nu af aan aardig tegen je zal zijn. I promise I'll be nice to you from now on. I promise I'll be nice to you from now on. Ik heb geen tijd voor jullie. I don't have time for you. I don't have time for you. Hij deed alsof hij me niet had opgemerkt. He pretended not to notice me. He acted like he hadn't noticed me. Ze is een gold digger. She's a gold digger. She's a gold digger. Hij heeft én kennis, én ervaring. He has knowledge and experience as well. He has both knowledge and experience. We hebben niets van hem gehoord sinds vorig jaar. We have not heard from him since last year. We haven't heard from him since last year. Is dit jullie paraplu? Is this your umbrella? Is this your umbrella? De politieagent schoot in de lucht. The policeman shot into the air. The police officer shot me in the air. Heeft u buikpijn? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have a stomachache? Gebruik jij Facebook? Do you use Facebook? Are you using Facebook? Je kunt het! You can do it. You can do it! Je hebt het juiste gedaan. You did the right thing. You did the right thing. Tom sliep. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. Waarom heb je bloemen gekocht? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Mercurius is de planeet die het dichtst bij de zon staat. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Ik studeerde hard om het examen te halen. I studied hard in order to pass the examination. I studied hard to pass the exam. Plak deze sticker op uw koffer. Put this sticker on your suitcase. Stick this sticker on your suitcase. Dat is waarom ik hier ben. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here. Hoe heet die dame waarvan men de naam niet mag zeggen? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What's the name of the lady whose name can't be said? Ik adviseerde Tom om naar de tandarts te gaan. I advised Tom to go to the dentist. I advised Tom to go to the dentist. Je bent kletsnat. You're wet through. You're soaked. Kun je aan Tom vragen om Maria te bellen? Could you ask Tom to call Mary? Can you ask Tom to call Maria? Zorg nou maar dat ik die lijst krijg. Just get me the list. Just get me that list. Haar ogen vulden zich met tranen. His eyes filled with tears. Her eyes filled with tears. Eén voor allen, allen voor één. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Zet alsjeblieft wat kaarsen op de verjaardagstaart. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Wie is zij? Who is she? Who is she? We weten weinig over Tom. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know much about Tom. Ben je ooit naar de opera geweest? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? Zijn broer is altijd tv aan het kijken. His brother is always watching television. His brother's always watching TV. Tom is met zijn vrienden. Tom is with his friends. Tom's with his friends. Hij haat verjaardagen. He hates birthdays. He hates birthdays. Ze zeggen dat hij erg rijk was. It is said that he was very rich. They say he was very rich. Mijn moeder zocht de geschiedenis van koffiekopjes op. My mother looked up the history of coffee cups. My mother looked up the history of coffee cups. Ik hou van de zon. I like the sun. I love the sun. De dagpauwoog (Inachis io) is een mooie en gemakkelijk te herkennen vlinder. The peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easily recognizable butterfly. The day peacock (Inachis io) is a beautiful and easy to recognize butterfly. Wilt ge dat ik u help? Do you wish me to help? Do you want me to help you? Tom heeft mij verlaten. Tom left me. Tom left me. Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Layla survived the freezing night. Dit is van mij, en dit is van jou. This is mine, and this is yours. This is mine, and this is yours. Tom en Maria kennen de waarheid. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Maria know the truth. De Golden Gate Bridge is van ijzer. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. Hallo allemaal! Hello everyone! Hello, everybody! Is dat de echte reden? Is that the real reason? Is that the real reason? Er is veel sneeuw gevallen. It snowed a lot. A lot of snow has fallen. We hebben regels nodig! We need rules! We need rules! Als je wil, zal ik je leren om te schaken. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you want, I'll teach you to play chess. Tom stottert. Tom is stuttering. Tom stutters. Dat was vernietigd. That was destroyed. That was destroyed. Hoeveel kamers zijn er in je huis? How many rooms are there in your house? How many rooms are there in your house? Het zou je goed doen om hem te verlaten. You will do well to leave him. It would do you good to leave him. Shakespeare is de auteur van Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Ik ontmoette hem juist toen hij uit school kwam. I met him just as he was coming out of school. I met him just when he got out of school. Tom heeft de spin doodgemaakt. Tom killed the spider. Tom killed the spider. Kies! Choose! Choose! Is dat jouw mama? Is that your mummy? Is that your mom? Kan ik een hapje? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Je kunt Tom vergeten. Forget about Tom. You can forget about Tom. Voeg vlees toe. Add meat. Add meat. Ik ken mezelf erg goed. I know myself very well. I know myself very well. Spreekt u Litouws? Do you speak Lithuanian? Do you speak Lithuanian? Hij is maar een amateur. He is just an amateur. He's just an amateur. Ik ben niet jouw vriend. I'm not your boyfriend. I'm not your friend. Hij walgde van het feit dat Silezië niet langer Pruisisch was. He deplored the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. He was disgusted by the fact that Silesia was no longer Prussian. Oorlogen starten niet zoals de winter start, maar het zijn de mensen die een oorlog starten. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don't start like winter starts, but it's the people who start a war. Sami was erg genderfluïde, maar niet gay. Sami was very gender-fluid but not gay. Sami was very gender-fluid, but not gay. Jullie kunnen tv kijken You can watch television. You can watch TV Het wordt donker buiten. It is getting dark outside. It's getting dark outside. Wie is jouw lievelingsleraar? Who's your favorite teacher? Who's your favorite teacher? Kun je het venster openen? Open the window, will you? Can you open the window? Kunnen jullie mij beschermen? Can you protect me? Can you protect me? Papeete is de hoofdstad van Frans-Polynesië. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. Papeete is the capital of French Polynesia. Het homohuwelijk is legaal hier. Gay marriage is legal here. Gay marriage is legal here. Moet ik met je meegaan? Should I go with you? Do you want me to come with you? Ik had pizza als lunch. I had pizza for lunch. I had pizza for lunch. We konden niets zien dan mist. We could see nothing but fog. We could see nothing but fog. We kunnen van alles wegrennen, behalve van ons geweten. We can run away from everything, except from our conscience. We can run away from anything except our conscience. Wie weet er nou eigenlijk echt waarom? Who really knows why? Who really knows why? Sami rookt ook wiet. Sami smokes weed, too. Sami also smokes weed. Er is veel water nodig. Much water is needed. It takes a lot of water. Ik zag een menigte kinderen in de bioscoop. I saw a crowd of children at the cinema. I saw a crowd of kids at the movies. Ze heeft altijd wel wat op hem aan te merken. She always picks fault with him. She always has a thing for him. Heeft u een klantenkaart? Do you have a rewards card? Do you have a customer card? Ik ben een chauffeur. I'm a chauffeur. I'm a driver. Je wilt niet meer betalen dan strikt noodzakelijk, nietwaar? You don't want to pay more than you have to, right? You don't want to pay more than strictly necessary, do you? Tom is niet te vertrouwen. Tom isn't to be trusted. Tom can't be trusted. Tom is alleenstaand. Tom is single. Tom's single. We overleven wel. We'll survive. We'll survive. Deze auto is de mijne. This car is mine. This car is mine. Daar zit iets vast. There's something stuck. There's something stuck there. Hoe lang is jouw broer? How tall is your brother? How long is your brother? Tom kwam gisteravond dronken thuis. Tom came home drunk last night. Tom came home drunk last night. De nieuwe brug werd Rainbow Bridge genoemd. The new bridge was named Rainbow Bridge. The new bridge was called Rainbow Bridge. Klop de eieren. Beat the eggs. Knock the eggs. Veel vrouwen zijn bang voor spinnen. Many women are afraid of spiders. A lot of women are afraid of spiders. Wie zal gaan? Who'll go? Who will go? De vergadering gaat niet door. The meeting has been canceled. The meeting's off. Tom werd heel boos. Tom got very upset. Tom got very angry. Ik ga alleen uit plichtsgevoel ten opzichte van mijn moeder, naar de kerk. I only go to church out of duty to my mother. I'm only going to church out of duty to my mother. Iedere persoon is uniek. Every person is unique. Each person is unique. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Dingen gebeuren nu eenmaal. Things happen. Things happen. Wat ontbreekt er? What is missing? What's missing? Gefeliciteerd! Congratulations! Congratulations! Ik weet zeker dat Tom het met me eens zal zijn. I'm sure Tom will agree with me. I'm sure Tom will agree with me. Waar woont gij eigenlijk? By the way, where do you live? Where do you live? Wiens schuld was dat? Whose fault was that? Whose fault was that? Hoe gaat het met jullie? How are you guys doing? How are you guys doing? Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Bill gaat om de dag vissen. Bill goes fishing every other day. Bill goes fishing every other day. COVID-19 is de ziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door het coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus. Het is niet duidelijk of ze zal instemmen. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It's not clear if she'll agree. Ik heb een goed Mexicaans restaurant gevonden. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. Vindt u het erg als ik erbij kom zitten? Would you mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you? Het loopt tegen zessen. It's nearly six o'clock. It's running into six. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Geen van deze paren schoenen past bij me. None of these pairs of shoes fits me. None of these pairs of shoes suit me. Geef me een lift in uw auto. Give me a lift in your car. Give me a ride in your car. Wie is uw favoriete countryartiest? Who's your favorite country artist? Who's your favorite country artist? Ik vraag me af waarom vrouwen langer leven dan mannen. I wonder why women live longer than men. I wonder why women live longer than men. Ik ben verbaasd over jouw stoutmoedigheid. I'm amazed at your audacity. I'm surprised at your boldness. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody comes to my country. Nobody went to my country. Jij bent groter dan ik. You are taller than me. You're bigger than me. Ik weet dat Tom in Boston heeft gewoond. I know that Tom has lived in Boston. I know Tom lived in Boston. We zien elkaar om 12 uur. We are to meet at noon. We'll meet at noon. Mocht iemand tijdens mijn afwezigheid komen, zeg hem dan dat ik snel weer terug zal zijn. Should anyone call on me in my absence, tell him that I will be back soon. If anyone comes in my absence, tell him I'll be back soon. Ik heb mijn horloge verloren. I have lost my watch. I lost my watch. Ik ben al weer op zoek naar mijn bril. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm already looking for my glasses. Alles stopte. Everything stopped. Everything stopped. Ze rijdt een BMW. She drives a Beemer. She's driving a BMW. Tom haat je. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. Ik denk dat Tom liegt. I think that Tom is lying. I think Tom's lying. Hoeveel bijen leven er in een bijenkorf? How many bees live in a hive? How many bees live in a hive? Hij eet een tomaat. He's eating a tomato. He's eating a tomato. Ik heb geen zwaard. I don't have a sword. I don't have a sword. Blijf in je kamer tot dat je vader terugkomt! Stay in your room until your father gets back! Stay in your room until your father comes back! Het sneeuwt hier vaak. It often snows here. It's snowing here all the time. Vroeger was ze een schoonheid. She was a beauty in her day. She used to be a beauty. Stop met me te plagen. Quit teasing me. Stop teasing me. Hoe heet die vogel? What is this bird called? What's the bird's name? Sami werd rood. Sami turned red. Sami turned red. Ik heb het in uw kamer gezet. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Ik weet dat je van Boston zal genieten. I know you'll enjoy Boston. I know you'll enjoy Boston. Ik ben vandaag in Tokyo. I am in Tokyo today. I'm in Tokyo today. Ik heb een auto gekocht. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Mijn zus houdt van snoep. My sister likes sweets. My sister likes candy. Dat woord komt uit het Latijn. This word comes from Latin. That word comes from Latin. Je bent een geweldige vriendin! You're a wonderful friend. You're a great friend! De monniken kozen een nieuwe abt. The monks elected a new abbot. The monks chose a new abbot. Steven Spielberg is een filmregiseur. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Steven Spielberg is a film director. Paddestoelen zijn een soort zwam. Mushrooms are a kind of fungus. Mushrooms are some kind of fungus. Tom had net zijn avondeten op. Tom has just finished eating dinner. Tom just had his dinner. Jullie hebben twee bloemen. You have two flowers. You have two flowers. Ik luister naar de radio. I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Wie is jouw lievelingsschilder? Who's your favorite painter? Who's your favorite painter? Ik ben een vrije mens. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Kan ik jullie tenminste knuffelen? Can I at least hug you? Can I at least hug you? Zij gaf Tom een appel. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom an apple. Ik deel je gevoelens. I share your feelings. I share your feelings. Dat is moeilijk te zeggen. It's hard to tell. It's hard to say. Misschien zouden we moeten praten. Maybe we should talk. Maybe we should talk. Zwemt de hond? Is the dog swimming? Is the dog swimming? De brug is van hout gemaakt. The bridge is built of wood. The bridge is made of wood. Ik ben op dit moment op de campus. I'm on campus at the moment. I'm on campus right now. Ik moest hem laten gaan. I had to let him go. I had to let him go. Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. Playing baseball is fun. It's nice to play baseball. Is er iets wat we voor u kunnen doen? Is there something that we could do for you? Is there anything we can do for you? Een derde van het aardoppervlak is woestijn. One third of the earth's surface is desert. A third of the earth's surface is desert. Hij is tandarts van beroep. He is a dentist by profession. He's a dentist by profession. Wat kan ik voor je doen? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Ik heb een pen als cadeau voor je verjaardag gekocht. I got you a pen as a birthday present. I bought you a pen as a gift for your birthday. Ik denk dat verjaardagen belangrijk zijn. I think birthdays are important. I think birthdays are important. Ik ben niet je vijand. I'm not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. Sami's interview ging heel snel. Sami's interview was really quick. Sami's interview went very fast. Hij geeft handvaardigheidsles op school. He teaches arts and crafts in a school. He teaches hand skills at school. Hoe zeg je dit woord? How do you say this word? How do you say this word? Ik zag de maan boven het dak. I saw the moon above the roof. I saw the moon above the roof. Tom stak de straat over. Tom crossed the road. Tom crossed the street. Ik probeer te werken. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. Zij is helemaal voor jou. She's all yours. She's all yours. Ja, ik spreek Spaans. Yes, I speak Spanish. Yes, I speak Spanish. Waarom heeft ze zo'n een hekel aan honden? Why does she hate dogs so much? Why does she hate dogs so much? Hen is een goede zanger. They're a good singer. They're a good singer. Tom kan goed horen. Tom has good hearing. Tom's a good listener. Zij en haar vrienden zijn gek op muziek. She and her friends are mad about music. She and her friends love music. Broeders! Brothers! Brothers! Heeft u geholpen? Did you help? Did you help? Mag ik even uitrusten? Can I rest a bit? Can I get some rest? Dat was een fluitje van een cent. It was child's play. That was a piece of cake. Dan pas besefte ik wat hij had willen zeggen. Only then did I realize what he meant. Then I realized what he wanted to say. Wie is jouw lievelingsdichter? Who's your favorite poet? Who's your favorite poet? We hadden een verhitte discussie. We had a heated discussion. We had a heated discussion. Mijn oor bloedde vanochtend. My ear was bleeding this morning. My ear bled this morning. Vandaag is het de tweede januari. Today is the second of January. Today is the second January. Ik nader mijn bestemming. I approach my destination. I'm approaching my destination. Kun je iets beters bedenken? Can you think of something better? Can you think of anything better? Het kwam spontaan in me op. It occurred to me spontaneously. It came to me spontaneously. Ik at met mijn kleine broer. I ate with my baby brother. I ate with my little brother. Sinaasappelsap, alsjeblieft. Orange juice, please. Orange juice, please. Hoe vaak moet ik nog herhalen dat ze mijn vriendin niet is? How many times do I have to repeat that she isn't my friend? How many times do I have to repeat that she's not my girlfriend? De meeste gitaren hebben zes snaren. Most guitars have six strings. Most guitars have six strings. Weet je waar Tom zijn koffer heeft gelaten? Do you know where Tom put his suitcase? Do you know where Tom left his suitcase? Ik heb weinig verbeeldingskracht. I have a bad imagination. I don't have much imagination. Deze druiven zijn heerlijk. These grapes are delicious. These grapes are delicious. Tom houdt van country. Tom likes country. Tom likes country. Ik woonde een paar jaar geleden in Boston, maar nu woon ik in Chicago. I lived in Boston a few years ago, but now I live in Chicago. I lived in Boston a few years ago, but now I live in Chicago. Er is niet genoeg vraag naar dit product. There is not enough demand for this product. There is not enough demand for this product. Ze speelt zowel piano als gitaar. She plays piano as well as the guitar. She plays both piano and guitar. Hij is onze leraar Engels. He's our English teacher. He's our English teacher. Je vraag is onlogisch. Your question is illogical. Your question is illogical. We gaan in de Alpen skiën. We are going skiing in the Alps. We're going skiing in the Alps. Dit is een overval! Geef al het geld dat je hebt of je gaat eraan! This is a stick-up! Hand over all ya' got or you're fuckin' dead! This is a robbery! Ze had hem nodig. She needed him. She needed him. Ik denk de laatste tijd veel aan Tom. I've been thinking a lot about Tom lately. I've been thinking a lot about Tom lately. Tom kijkt televisie. Tom is watching television. Tom's watching television. Ze is een goede studente. She is a good student. She's a good student. Mijn naam is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. My name is Ludwig. Ik speel piano. I play the piano. I play piano. De radio staat een beetje hard. The radio is a bit loud. The radio's a little loud. De reis is belangrijker dan de bestemming. The journey is more important than the destination. The journey is more important than the destination. Yoko danste met een onverwachtse sierlijkheid. Yoko danced with a grace that surprised us. Yoko danced with an unexpected grace. Hij is allergisch voor latex. He's allergic to latex. He's allergic to latex. Is dat een nieuw badpak? Is that a new bathing suit? Is that a new swimsuit? Echte mannen drinken thee. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Tom opende de fles wijn. Tom opened the bottle of wine. Tom opened the bottle of wine. Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. He behaved badly. He behaved badly. Volgende zomer wil ik naar Hawaï. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. I want to go to Hawaii next summer. Bent u goed in wiskunde? Are you good at math? Are you good at math? Heeft u een chronometer? Do you have a stopwatch? Do you have a chronometer? Ik kijk geen tv. I do not watch television. I don't watch TV. U loog tegen me. You lied to me. You lied to me. Zij is twintig jaar oud. She is twenty years old. She's 20 years old. Tom kan in mijn kamer slapen. Tom can sleep in my room. Tom can sleep in my room. Tom is trots op jou. Tom is proud of you. Tom's proud of you. Mijn huis was aan het branden. My house was on fire. My house was burning. Engels is heel moeilijk, nietwaar? English is pretty hard, isn't it? English is very difficult, isn't it? Versnel. Accelerate. Accelerate. Je bent een goede vent. You're a good guy. You're a good guy. Vroeg of laat gaan we allemaal dood. We all die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we're all gonna die. Je kunt dit bedrijf niet verlaten. You can't quit this company. You can't leave this company. Een vreemde sprak mij aan op de bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. A stranger spoke to me on the bus. Ik heb geen tijd om me druk te maken over zulke kleinigheden. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about such trifles. Dit is ontoelaatbaar. This is intolerable. This is unacceptable. Ik zal je morgen bellen. I will call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Tom bezorgt pizza's. Tom delivers pizzas. Tom's delivering pizzas. Tom zei dat hij niets te maken had met wat er gebeurd was. Tom said he'd had nothing to do with what had happened. Tom said he had nothing to do with what happened. Het leven gaat niet altijd over rozen. Life isn't easy. Life isn't always about roses. In Japan wonen is duur. It is expensive to live in Japan. Living in Japan is expensive. Ik hou van aardbeien. I like strawberries. I like strawberries. We zijn allemaal vrienden. We're all friends. We're all friends. We zullen ons voorbereiden op een boycot tegen West-Samoa. We will prepare for a boycott against Western Samoa. We will prepare for a boycott against West Samoa. Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom suffered bitterly. Ik ben eraan gewend om een vrachtwagen te besturen. I'm used to driving a truck. I'm used to driving a truck. Er viel een koude regen in de stad. A cold rain fell over the city. There was a cold rain in the city. Deze appel is slecht. This apple is bad. This apple is bad. Yidir woont in Marokko. Yidir lives in Morocco. Yidir lives in Morocco. Ik heb nog nooit een echte diamant gezien. I've never seen a real diamond. I've never seen a real diamond. Dit slaat nergens op. This is nonsense. This doesn't make any sense. Je bent waarschijnlijk allergisch voor pollen of stof. Probably you are allergic to pollen or dust. You're probably allergic to pollen or dust. Twee keer in de week kwam de tuinman om het gras te maaien, daarom kon ik nooit in het lange gras liggen. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Twice a week the gardener came to mow the grass, so I could never lie in the long grass. Laten we eens zien of het echt gebeurt. Let's see if it really does happen. Let's see if it really happens. Ik was blij met haar onverwacht bezoek. I was happy for her unexpected visit. I was happy with her unexpected visit. Excuseer, spreek je Engels? Pardon me, do you speak English? Excuse me, do you speak English? Eigenlijk zou ik Engels moeten leren, maar ik kijk liever een film. I was supposed to study English, but I prefer watching this movie. Actually, I should learn English, but I'd rather watch a movie. Wanneer gaat Tom weg uit Boston? When will Tom leave Boston? When is Tom leaving Boston? Mijn vriend leert Koreaans. My friend studies Korean. My friend's learning Korean. Mary is neurotisch. Mary is neurotic. Mary's neurotic. Ik wil naar zijn huis rijden in mijn auto. I want to drive to his house in my car. I want to drive to his house in my car. Mijn moeder was zo moe, dat ze vroeg naar bed is gegaan. My mum was so tired that she went to bed early. My mother was so tired, she went to bed early. Hoe rustig! How peaceful! How quiet! Ik zal het even controleren. I'll check. I'll check it out. Blijf luisteren. Keep listening. Keep listening. Tom heeft een persoonlijke lijfwacht. Tom has a personal bodyguard. Tom has a personal bodyguard. Wanneer ben je opgestaan? When did you get up? When did you get up? De officiële talen van de Verenigde Naties zijn het Arabisch, Chinees, Engels, Frans, Russisch en Spaans. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The official languages of the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Kun je het goed vinden met je nieuwe klasgenoten? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Are you getting along with your new classmates? Pak mijn hand. Grab my hand. Take my hand. Je vergelijkt appels met peren. You are comparing apples and oranges. You compare apples to pears. Ik zei je toch dat het niet zou lukken. I told you it wouldn't work. I told you it wouldn't work. Ik moet aan mijn kinderen denken. I have to think of my children. I have to think about my kids. Hij boft maar. He's a lucky guy. He's lucky. Ik zou graag meer van je zien. I'd like to see more of you. I'd like to see more of you. Tom heeft de Kool-Aid gedronken. Tom drank the Kool-Aid. Tom drank the Kool-Aid. Het hoost. It's pouring down. It's huffing. Ik geloof in jullie. I believe in you. I believe in you. Dat heeft Tom hier gedaan. Tom did that here. That's what Tom did here. Ze heeft geen vijanden. She doesn't have any enemies. She has no enemies. Ik denk niet dat ik met Tom zou kunnen wonen. I don't think I could live with Tom. I don't think I could live with Tom. Ik was erg verrast. I was quite surprised. I was very surprised. Kam uw haar voordat ge buiten gaat. Comb your hair before you go out. Comb your hair before you go out. Niemand vertrouwde mijn land. Nobody trusted my country. Nobody trusted my country. Is dit jouw fiets? Is this your bicycle? Is this your bike? Sami kwam nooit terug naar die moskee. Sami never came back to that mosque. Sami never came back to that mosque. Tegen wie had je het? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? De eigenaar van dit huis is de heer Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. Mijn huis staat op een heuvel. My house is on a hill. My house is on a hill. Is uw familie gestorven in de Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Did your family die in the Holocaust? Hij gleed uit over een bananenschil. He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped on a banana peel. Ik wil gewoon een vriend van je zijn, niets meer. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be a friend of yours, nothing more. Ik leer Hettitisch. I'm learning Hittite. I'm learning Hittite. Dat zegt me niets. It doesn't ring a bell. That doesn't ring a bell. Wel nu nog mooier! Well I never! Now it's even nicer! Ik geloof in vriendschap op het eerste gezicht. I believe in friendship at first sight. I believe in friendship at first sight. Wisten jullie niet dat ik vroeger in Australië woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Blijf schrijven. Keep writing. Keep writing. Bellen jullie vanuit Australië? Are you calling from Australia? Are you calling from Australia? Dat is inclusief alles. That includes everything. That includes everything. We hebben twee kinderen. We have two kids. We have two children. Ik weet niet waar we zijn. I don't know where we are. I don't know where we are. Mijn puppy is gestorven, en ik ben vreselijk onthutst. My puppy died, and I'm terribly upset. My puppy died, and I'm terribly upset. Hoe werkt deze camera? How does this camera work? How does this camera work? Tom stemde. Tom voted. Tom voted. Kan ik gaan, wat u betreft? Do you mind if I leave? Can I go as far as you're concerned? Morgen ga ik studeren in de bibliotheek. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. Tomorrow I'm going to study at the library. Het eerste reuzenrad ter wereld werd gebouwd in Chicago. Het is genoemd naar zijn bouwer George Washington Gale Ferris jr. The world's first Ferris wheel was built in Chicago. It was named after its contructor, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. The first Ferris wheel in the world was built in Chicago. It is named after its builder George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. Weet u hoe gevaarlijk dat is? Do you know how dangerous that is? Do you know how dangerous that is? Mijn oom stierf aan longkanker. My uncle died of lung cancer. My uncle died of lung cancer. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everybody knows Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom likes Maria. Vroeger waren we dikke vrienden. We used to be close friends. We used to be close friends. Ik kan dit lawaai niet meer verdragen. I can't bear the noise any longer. I can't stand this noise anymore. Australië is geen Oostenrijk. Australia isn't Austria. Australia is not Austria. Er staat melk in de koelkast. There is milk in the refrigerator. There's milk in the fridge. Wanneer ik contactlenzen draag, voelen mijn ogen droog aan en worden ze rood. When I use contacts, my eyes feel dry and become red. When I wear contact lenses, my eyes feel dry and they turn red. Ik heb net mijn kamer schoongemaakt. I have just cleaned my room. I just cleaned my room. Waarom vraagt u dat? Why do you ask? Why do you ask? Niets aanraken zonder eerst toestemming te vragen. Don't touch anything without asking first. Don't touch anything without asking permission first. Is deze zin correct, leraar? Is this sentence correct, teacher? Is this sentence correct, teacher? Raad je dit restaurant aan? Do you recommend this restaurant? You recommend this restaurant? Een goed begin is het halve werk. A good start is half the work. A good start is half the work. Toch geloof ik je. Somehow I believe you. I still believe you. Bent u een man of een spin? Are you a man or a spider? Are you a man or a spider? Het gaat prima. I feel very good. I'm fine. Hij is een meester in het krijgen van zijn zin. He is a master at getting his own way. He's a master in getting his way. Wil iemand een pizza? Does anybody want a pizza? Anybody want a pizza? Tom lijkt heel nerveus. Tom looks very nervous. Tom seems very nervous. Zet het geluid harder. Turn up the volume. Turn the sound up. Ik werk evenveel als jij. I work as much as you. I work as much as you do. Tom is verslaafd aan chocoladekoekjes. Tom is addicted to chocolate cookies. Tom is addicted to chocolate cookies. De volgende ochtend was hij weg. The next morning, he was gone. He was gone the next morning. Maar dat heb je me nooit verteld! But you've never told me about this! But you never told me! Wie niet kan vragen, kan niet leven. He that cannot ask cannot live. Those who can't ask can't live. Ik heb Tom aangeraden dat niet te doen. I advised Tom not to do that. I told Tom not to. Ja! Yes! Yes! Tom behandelde Maria als een prinses. Tom treated Mary like a princess. Tom treated Maria like a princess. Tom heeft in vijf jaar geen boek gelezen. Tom hasn't read a book in five years. Tom hasn't read a book in five years. Tom is alleen geïnteresseerd in knappe meiden. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in hot girls. Veel Amerikanen geloven dat Barack Obama een moslim is. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Fabrieksafval vervuilt soms onze rivieren. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. Waarom ben je zo onhandig? Why are you so clumsy? Why are you so clumsy? We hebben hem op heterdaad betrapt. We caught him red-handed. We caught him red-handed. Wat was Toms achternaam? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Om de cursor naar de volgende regel te laten gaan of om een opdracht of handeling uit te voeren, druk op de returntoets. To take the cursor to the next line or to execute a command or operation, press the return key. To let the cursor go to the next line or perform a command or action, press the return key. Ik moet het mijn vrouw vragen. I must ask my wife. I have to ask my wife. Ze kunnen je niet zien. They can't see you. They can't see you. Tom droomt ervan een krijgsheer te zijn. Tom dreams of being a warlord. Tom dreams of being a warlord. Ik ga terug. I'm going back. I'm going back. Ik ben hier de hele tijd. I'm here all the time. I'm here all the time. Wij waren getuigen van het ongeluk. We were witnesses of the accident. We were witnesses of the accident. Ik drink zelden bier. I seldom drink beer. I rarely drink beer. Ik weet dat 't vroeg is, maar laten we naar huis gaan. I know it's early, but let's go home. I know it's early, but let's go home. Mijn naam is Ivan. My name is Ivan. My name is Ivan. Het kind tekende een bolvormige driehoek. The child drew a spherical triangle. The child drew a spherical triangle. Ik ben haar achternaam vergeten. I have forgotten her last name. I forgot her last name. Je kan hem vertrouwen. You can trust him. You can trust him. Hoe oud ben je? What's your age? How old are you? Haar sweater is paars. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater's purple. Ballen zijn rond. Balls are round. Balls are round. Hij is geopereerd aan het linkerbeen. He had an operation on his left leg. He's had surgery on the left leg. Je houdt van appels. You like apples. You like apples. Wat is de relatie tussen politiek en oorlog? What is the relationship between politics and war? What is the relationship between politics and war? Het is precies half negen. It's exactly half-past eight. It's exactly 8:30. Wat je moet weten over Batman is dat hij een superheld is. The thing you have to know about Batman is, he's a superhero. What you need to know about Batman is that he's a superhero. Welkom, iedereen. Welcome, everybody. Welcome, everyone. Niemand werkte in mijn land. Nobody worked in my country. Nobody worked in my country. Ze verkoopt een vintage-hoed. She sells a vintage hat. She's selling a vintage hat. Ik krijg wat ik wil. I get anything I want. I get what I want. Ik vond dat heel gênant. I found that very embarrassing. I found that very embarrassing. Ik heb geen hond. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. We hebben hem uit het land verbannen. We banished him from the country. We banished him from the country. Maria houdt van paarden. Mary loves horses. Maria likes horses. Hebt ge hem zien buitengaan? Did you see him go out? Did you see him go out? Je had het ons gewoon kunnen vertellen. You could have just told us. You could have just told us. Wat eet de pelikaan? What do pelicans eat? What's the pelican eating? Tom maakte spaghetti voor het avondeten. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Ik ben van Shikoku. I am from Shikoku. I'm Shikoku's. Mary eet geen rood vlees. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Mary doesn't eat red meat. Ik ben een student. I'm a student. I'm a student. Dat komt aardig in de richting. That's more like it. That's a nice way to go. Jullie zijn schuldig aan moord. You are guilty of murder. You're guilty of murder. Wat Tom zei was waar. What Tom said was true. What Tom said was true. Zonder u ben ik niets. I'm nothing without you. Without you, I'm nothing. Wie kan dat wat schelen? Who cares about that? Who cares? Wat ben je godsnaam aan het doen? What on earth do you think you're doing? What the hell are you doing? Het ziet er goed uit. Things are looking good. It looks good. Zij kopen brood. They buy bread. They buy bread. Het is mogelijk. It is possible. It's possible. Wat, opnieuw? What, again? What, again? Er zit geen melk in het glas. There's no milk in the glass. There's no milk in the glass. Je had moeten blijven waar je was. You should've stayed where you were. You should have stayed where you were. Hij is twee keer zo zwaar als zijn vrouw. He is twice as heavy as his wife. He's twice as heavy as his wife. Niemand weet waar het is. Nobody knows where it is. Nobody knows where it is. Ik kan niet goed schilderen. I can't paint very well. I'm not very good at painting. Kip, alstublieft. Chicken, please. Chicken, please. De kinderen waren in de modder aan het spelen. The children were playing in the dirt. The kids were playing in the mud. Ik kan niet geloven dat je al je geld gaat weggeven. I can't believe you're going to give away all your money. I can't believe you're gonna give away all your money. Wanneer was je ermee klaar? When did you finish it? When were you done with it? Heb geen angst om opnieuw recht te staan, opnieuw te proberen, opnieuw lief te hebben, opnieuw te leven en te dromen. Laat een harde les je hart niet belasten. Volg je weg! Don't be afraid to get back up again, to try again, to love again, to live again and to dream again. Don't let a hard lesson burden your heart. Follow your path! Have no fear of standing up again, trying again, loving again, living again and dreaming again. Do not let a hard lesson burden your heart. Follow your way! Nu al?! Already?! Already?! Zij hadden niet genoeg goud. They did not have enough gold. They didn't have enough gold. Ik doe helemaal niets. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. Mijn kamersleutel graag. My room key, please. My room key, please. Nederland wordt "Nederland" genoemd in het Nederlands. The Netherlands is called "Nederland" in Dutch. The Netherlands is called "Netherlands" in Dutch. Zij gingen naar de kerk. They went to church. They went to church. Ik drink warme chocolademelk. I'm drinking hot chocolate. I drink hot chocolate. Thomas houdt van schrijven. Tom likes to write. Thomas likes to write. Ik zat naast hem. I sat next to him. I sat next to him. Dank u. Thanks. Thank you. Er is iets mis met de motor. Something is wrong with the engine. Something's wrong with the engine. Men mag die twee totaal verschillende instanties niet met elkaar verwarren: de „Europese Raad” bestaat uit de staats- en regeringshoofden van de Europese Unie. In de „Raad van Europa” zetelen 47 staten, waaronder Rusland en de Kaukasische republieken. There should be no confusion between these two completely different institutions: the "European Council" comprises the heads of state and government of the European Union. In the "Council of Europe" there are 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics. These two totally different bodies should not be confused: the ‘European Council’ is composed of the Heads of State or Government of the European Union. In the ‘Council of Europe’, 47 states, including Russia and the Caucasian republics, are located in the ‘Council of Europe’. Hoe wist Tom dat ik vroeger in Boston woonde? How did Tom know I used to live in Boston? How did Tom know I used to live in Boston? Ik heb een vriend, wiens vader een beroemd pianist is. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Hoe oud ben jij eigenlijk? How old are you anyway? How old are you, anyway? Ik ben bezig. I'm busy. I'm busy. Jullie zijn studenten, toch? You're students, aren't you? You're students, right? Ik hoor door de muur wat zij spreken. I hear through the wall what they're saying. I hear through the wall what they speak. Regent het in jouw stad? Is it raining in your city? Is it raining in your city? Ik hoop dat Tom gelijk heeft. I hope Tom is right. I hope Tom's right. Er zijn geen stoelen in deze kamer. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Toen ik bij het station was aangekomen, stapte ik uit de bus. As I reached the station, I got off the bus. When I got to the station, I got off the bus. Het regent dat het giet. It's raining hard. It rains that it pours. Ik duwde Tom weg. I pushed Tom away. I pushed Tom away. Tom leert ons Frans. Tom is teaching us French. Tom teaches us French. De jurk kost vijftien euro. The dress costs fifteen euros. The dress costs 15 euros. Iedereen weet het. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows. Waarom werkt Tom thuis? Why does Tom work at home? Why is Tom working at home? Alles is verkocht. All sold out! Everything's sold. Ik wil geen risico nemen. I don't want to take risks. I don't want to take any chances. Wanneer ben je klaar om te vertrekken? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to leave? Heb je gisteren de zonsverduistering gezien? Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Het is goed je te zien. It's good seeing you. It's good to see you. De lerares wees met haar vinger naar mij en vroeg me om met haar mee te komen. The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to go with her. The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to come with her. Geef me de sleutel. Give me the key. Give me the key. Maria blafte. Mary barked. Maria barked. Kan je om negen uur komen? Can you come at nine? Can you come in at 9:00? Ik zal je de stad laten zien. I will show you around the city. I'll show you the city. Ik hou van tomaten kweken. I love growing tomatoes. I love growing tomatoes. Hoe gaat het met Tom? How is Tom? How's Tom? Ik ging naar Ecuador toen ik acht jaar oud was. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Het is niet uit wanhoop. It’s not out of desperation It's not out of desperation. De herinneringen beginnen naar boven te komen. I am beginning to remember it. The memories are starting to come up. Tom gaat graag naar Italiaanse restaurants. Tom loves going to Italian restaurants. Tom likes to go to Italian restaurants. Tom kocht een cadeautje voor Mary. Tom bought a present for Mary. Tom bought Mary a present. We studeerden twee jaar lang Chinees. We studied Chinese for 2 years. We studied Chinese for two years. Deze roman verveelt me. This novel bores me. This novel bores me. Ze hebben betere dagen gezien. They've seen better days. They've seen better days. Men kan altijd wel tijd vinden. One can always find time. One can always find time. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. Hatsjie! Achoo! Hachie! Dat zou fijn zijn. That would be nice. That'd be nice. Wilt u iets drinken? Would you like to drink anything? Can I get you something to drink? Heb je Russische kranten? Do you have Russian newspapers? Do you have Russian newspapers? Sam, wat ben je aan het doen? Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? Luister alstublieft. Please listen. Please listen. Die meiden zijn aangekomen. Those girls arrived. Those girls have arrived. "Slapen vrienden met hun vrienden en vermoorden ze daarna?" vroeg Dima terug. "Do friends sleep with friends and then murder them?" Dima asked in return. "Do friends sleep with their friends and then kill them?" asked Dima back. Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Ik kreeg kramp in mijn been tijdens het zwemmen. I got a cramp in my leg while swimming. I got cramped in my leg while swimming. Het interesseert me niet. I don't care. I don't care. Algebra is een tak van de wiskunde. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. Het zal de wond verergeren. It will aggravate the wound. It'll worsen the wound. Ik ben een reus! I am a giant! I'm a giant! Echt? Really? Really? De forensisch onderzoeker vond kruitsporen op de hand van het slachtoffer. The forensic technician found gunshot residue on the victim's hand. Forensics found gunpowder marks on the victim's hand. Mary draagt een watermeloen. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary's wearing a watermelon. We moeten opschieten als we op tijd bij het station willen aankomen. We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. We have to hurry if we want to get to the station in time. De vraag is of hij de brief zal lezen of niet. The question is whether he'll read the letter or not. The question is whether he will read the letter or not. Ik wens dat hij in ons team was. I wish he were on our team. I wish he was on our team. Denk je dat ik een idioot ben? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm an idiot? De rest is geschiedenis. The rest is history. The rest is history. Ik vertrouw Tom nog altijd niet. I still don't trust Tom. I still don't trust Tom. De strijd gaat verder! The fight continues! The battle continues! Het is aan het sneeuwen. It is snowing. It's snowing. Hij kocht een hoed. He bought a hat. He bought a hat. Mag ik jouw hand vasthouden? May I hold your hand? Can I hold your hand? Hij vroeg mijn moeder. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Lisa, dit is meneer Murata. Hij is mijn baas. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata. Tom houdt niet van slakken. Tom doesn't like snails. Tom doesn't like snails. Het meisje was zwaar verwond in het verkeersongeluk. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was badly injured in the road accident. Een indruk kan misleidend zijn. Appearances deceive. An impression can be misleading. Het is niet gratis. It isn't free. It's not free. Ik was geen goede moeder. I was not a good mother. I wasn't a good mother. Je hebt het druk gehad. You have been busy. You've been busy. Heb je iets te eten? Have you anything to eat? Do you have anything to eat? Kan je Turkmeens spreken? Can you speak Turkmen? Can you speak Turkmen? Ik werd verliefd op Maria toen ik haar het eerst zag. I fell in love with Mary the very first time I saw her. I fell in love with Maria when I first saw her. Ik ben dik. I'm fat. I'm fat. Het telt. It matters. It counts. De hond is van mij. The dog is mine. The dog's mine. Waarom niet beide? Why not both? Why not both? Niamey is de hoofdstad van Niger. Niamey is the capital of Niger. Niamey is the capital of Niger. Hij zei dat hij de kamer niet binnen geweest was: dat is een leugen. He said he hadn't been inside the room. That is a lie. He said he hadn't been inside the room: that's a lie. Buenos Aires is de hoofdstad van Argentinië. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. Ik weet het niet zeker. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure. Mary's personage was een rondborstige Amazone. Mary's character was a busty amazon. Mary's character was a busty Amazon. Kunt u dat bewijzen? Can you prove it? Can you prove that? Ze was blind, doof, en stom. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. She was blind, deaf, and stupid. Hoe kunnen we het in de praktijk brengen? How can we put it into practice? How can we put it into practice? Bedankt! Thanks. Thanks! Wat is uw lievelingswijn? What's your favorite wine? What's your favorite wine? Zijn jullie ooit in Frankrijk geweest? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Ze naait met naald en draad. She sews with a needle and thread. She sews with needle and thread. Zijn dit jullie paarden? Are these your horses? Are these your horses? Het water van deze rivier is heel zuiver. The water in this river is very clean. The water of this river is very pure. Gelukkige verjaardag! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! Tom zal niet kunnen doen wat we willen dat hij doet. Tom won't be able to do what we want him to do. Tom won't be able to do what we want him to do. Zet je hoed af. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Ik ben heel moe. I am very tired. I'm very tired. Rond deze tijd is het verkeer ongelooflijk druk. At this hour, there is incredible traffic. Around this time, traffic is incredibly busy. Hij heeft enkele dagen in een hotel gelogeerd. He stayed at a hotel for a couple of days. He stayed in a hotel for a few days. Ik weet niet waar te beginnen. I don't know where to begin. I don't know where to start. Bedankt voor uw geduld. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your patience. Sami wilde moslim worden. Sami wanted to become Muslim. Sami wanted to become a Muslim. De rits zit vast. The zipper is stuck. The zipper's stuck. Hoeveel vrienden hebben jullie op Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? Ik eet levende ratten. I eat live rats. I eat live rats. Tom is heel erg allergisch voor gras. Tom is severely allergic to grass. Tom is very allergic to grass. Tom overleed vanmorgen. Tom passed away this morning. Tom died this morning. Ik denk dat je Tom beter kunt negeren. I think you should ignore Tom. I think you'd better ignore Tom. Ik heb er niets aan. It's of no use to me. It's no use to me. Mijn shirt is niet bruin. My shirt isn't brown. My shirt's not brown. Je tuin heeft wat aandacht nodig. Your garden needs some attention. Your garden needs some attention. Laat hem vrij. Set him free. Let him go. Zij kleedt zich altijd in het zwart. She always dresses in black. She always dresses in black. Ik zou graag willen weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I'd like to know what happened to Tom. I'd like to know what happened to Tom. Waar ga je heen op vakantie? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? Gisteren heeft Tom tv gekeken. Tom watched television yesterday. Yesterday Tom watched TV. Een ziekte dwarsboomde zijn reisplannen. Illness frustrated his plans for the trip. A disease thwarted his travel plans. Het is bijna drie. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three. Ik heb je gegoogeld en kwam erachter dat je in de gevangenis hebt gezeten. I googled you and found out that you've spent time in prison. I Googled you and found out you were in jail. U moet twee- à driemaal daags een tablet innemen met een glas water. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You should take a tablet with a glass of water twice or three times a day. Ik heb met mijn ouders gesproken. I spoke to my parents. I talked to my parents. Hij deed alsof hij me niet had opgemerkt. He pretended he didn't notice me. He acted like he hadn't noticed me. Hoe meer je het boek leest, hoe minder je het zal verstaan. The more you read the book, the less you will understand it. The more you read the book, the less you'll understand. Onthoud het. Memorize it. Remember it. Zij eten appels. They're eating apples. They eat apples. Vanaf hoe laat kunnen we inchecken? What time do you start check-in? From what time can we check in? Zij drinkt thee. She is drinking tea. She drinks tea. Laat mij het woord voeren. Let me do the talking. Let me do the talking. Op hem kan je rekenen. You can rely on him. You can count on him. Ze is mijn vriendin. She is my girlfriend. She's my friend. Tom ging naar Australië. Tom went to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Waar heeft zij Italiaans geleerd? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Omhels me. Embrace me. Embrace me. Is er de ondertitelde versie? Is there the subtitled version? Is there the subtitled version? Ik hou ook van skiën. I like skiing, too. I love skiing, too. Er is niemand thuis. There's no one home. No one's home. Het gaat mij slecht. I'm not well. It's bad for me. Ik heb de muur geverfd. I painted the wall. I painted the wall. Tom wil het niet uitmaken met Mary. Tom doesn't want to break up with Mary. Tom doesn't want to break up with Mary. Aladdin vond een wonderlamp. Aladdin found a magic lamp. Aladdin found a miracle lamp. Hoeveel talen spreekt u? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Malé is de hoofdstad van de Malediven. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Is Toms ziekte ernstig, dokter? Is Tom's illness serious, doctor? Is Tom's illness serious, Doctor? De kinderen zaten in de modder te spelen. The children were playing in the dirt. The kids were playing in the mud. Tom bleef stilstaan. Tom remained still. Tom stayed still. Als je een lening aangaat, lees dan zeker de kleine lettertjes. Read the fine print whenever you take out a loan. If you make a loan, read the fine print. Dit product is gemaakt in Italië. This product is made in Italy. This product is made in Italy. Hij gelooft rijk te zijn. He believes that he is rich. He believes he's rich. Laat het ons kort houden. Let's make it brief. Let's make it quick. Grieks is moeilijker dan Latijn Greek is more difficult than Latin. Greek is more difficult than Latin De mijnwerker vroeg de geest uit de lamp om een gelukkig leven. The miner asked the lamp spirit for a happy life. The miner asked the spirit out of the lamp for a happy life. Zij heeft jullie allemaal uitgenodigd. She has invited you all. She invited all of you. Tom heeft het huis een korte tijd nadat Maria vertrok verlaten. Tom left the house shortly after Mary left. Tom left the house a short time after Maria left. Ik ga Duits leren. I'm going to learn German. I'm going to learn German. De tijger lag in het midden van de kooi. The tiger laid in the middle of the cage. The tiger was in the middle of the cage. Hou je werkelijk van mij? Do you really love me? Do you really love me? Wacht op je beurt alsjeblieft. Wait for your turn, please. Wait your turn, please. Huiswerk maken is extreem saai. Doing homework is extremely boring. Making housework is extremely boring. Ze is enkele dagen geleden op reis gegaan. She went on a journey a few days ago. She went on a trip a few days ago. Ik voel me niet goed. I'm not feeling well. I don't feel well. Vraag het opnieuw aan Tom! Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again! Laten we onszelf nu niet in de maling nemen. Let's not kid ourselves. Let's not fool ourselves now. Wat u op dit moment aan het doen bent, is onbeleefd. What you're doing right now is impolite. What you're doing right now is rude. Ik lees alles. I read everything. I read everything. Sami reed van Caïro naar Alexandrië. Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria. Sami drove from Cairo to Alexandria. Je moet hem niet uitlachen. You should not make fun of him. Don't laugh at him. Tom is een gepensioneerde tandarts. Tom is a retired dentist. Tom's a retired dentist. Wat gaan we tegen hem zeggen? What are we going to say to him? What are we gonna tell him? Ik heb vandaag vier lessen. I have four lessons today. I have four classes today. Tom kon nooit de verschrikking van de oorlog vergeten. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horror of war. Ik ben zo gelukkig! How happy I am! I'm so happy! Je had de vergadering moeten bijwonen. You should have attended the meeting. You should have attended the meeting. Tom had rust nodig. Tom needed rest. Tom needed a rest. Ze zullen morgen de winnaar bekend maken. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. Kan ik wat boter hebben? Can I have some butter? Can I have some butter? Ik kan sla niet verteren. I can't digest lettuce. I can't digest lettuce. Islamofobie is heel reëel in Nederland. In the Netherlands, Islamophobia is very real. Islamophobia is very real in the Netherlands. Neen, ik heb het nog niet geschreven No, I haven't written it yet. No, I haven't written it yet. We hebben te veel lessen. We have too many classes. We have too many lessons. Ik hou niet van schelpdieren. I don't like shellfish. I don't like shellfish. Ze komen graag samen om iets te drinken. They like to get together and drink. They like to meet for a drink. Ik ging vaak in de winter skiën. I often went skiing in the winter. I used to go skiing a lot in winter. Ik vond jou. I found you. I found you. Ik kan het licht zien. I can see the light. I can see the light. Hij is naar Amerika gegaan om Engels te leren. He went to America to study English. He went to America to learn English. Ik zag een kans en ik nam ze. I saw an opportunity and I took it. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Volgens mijn horloge is het vier uur. It's four o'clock by my watch. According to my watch, it's 4:00. Vanavond ben ik vrij. Tonight I'm free. I'm free tonight. Dit geldbedrag is niet voldoende. This sum of money won't go far. This amount of money is not enough. Dat restaurant is te duur. That restaurant's too expensive. That restaurant is too expensive. Ik ben gelukkig met mijn vriendin. I'm happy with my girlfriend. I'm happy with my girlfriend. De bibliotheek is naar rechts. The library is to the right. The library's to the right. Tom maakte met niemand oogcontact. Tom didn't make eye contact with anyone. Tom didn't make eye contact with anyone. Enkel mensen van een aanzienlijke verwaandheid schrijven boeken. Only men of considerable vanity write books. Only people of considerable conceit write books. Waarom wil je verpleegster worden? Why do you want to become a nurse? Why do you want to be a nurse? Archeologische vondsten worden bijna dagelijks in Peru gemaakt. Archaeological finds are being made in Peru on an almost daily basis. Archaeological finds are made almost daily in Peru. Saturnus is de op een na grootste planeet in het zonnestelsel. Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Het Zuid-Gelders is een dialect van het Nederlands dat in de Duitse deelstaat Noordrijn-Westfalen gesproken wordt. South Guelderish is a dialect of Dutch spoken in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The South-Gelders is a dialect of Dutch spoken in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Wie zwijgt, stemt toe. Silence gives consent. If you remain silent, you agree. Hoe spel je je achternaam? How do you spell your surname? How do you spell your last name? Dit kasteel is in 1610 gebouwd. This castle was built in 1610. This castle was built in 1610. Ik kleed me aan direct nadat ik heb ontbeten. I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I'll get dressed right after I have breakfast. De vergadering gaat niet door. The meeting was cancelled. The meeting's off. Tom werkt voor de Australische ambassade. Tom works for the Australian embassy. Tom works for the Australian Embassy. Je lieflijke stem klonk me zeer aangenaam in de oren. Your lovely voice was very pleasant to my ears. Your lovely voice sounded very pleasant to me. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought that you knew Tom and Mary were both allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. Luisterde er iemand? Was anyone listening? Did anyone listen? De kinderen hebben je nodig. The children need you. The kids need you. Op de markt kost zulke kaas maar vijf euro zoveel per kilo. At the market such cheese costs only five euro something per kilo. On the market, such cheese costs only five euros per kilo. Ik ben slechts boodschapper. I'm just a messenger. I'm just a messenger. Tom is populair op Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Tom is popular on Instagram. Wat heb je gedaan? What have you done? What did you do? Je onderschat hem. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Vertel haar waarom. Tell her why. Tell her why. Waar is mijn auto? Where is my car? Where's my car? Ik heb geprobeerd met Tom te praten. I've tried to talk to Tom. I tried to talk to Tom. De wereld is gevaarlijk. The world is dangerous. The world is dangerous. Tom heeft Maria gedumpt. Tom dumped Mary. Tom dumped Maria. Ik ben nog nooit in een onderzeeër geweest. I've never been in a submarine. I've never been in a submarine before. Ik ben vrachtwagenchauffeur. I'm a lorry driver. I'm a truck driver. Je had het kunnen doen. You could've done it. You could have done it. Het is zeven uur. It is seven o'clock. It's 7:00. Ik ken iemand die in uw buurt woont. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. Ik voel me net een klein kind. I feel like a little kid. I feel like a little kid. Wacht, iemand klopt aan mijn deur. Hold on, someone is knocking at my door. Wait, somebody knocks at my door. Jij bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Zij zijn verdwenen. They disappeared. They're gone. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik hou meer van katten. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids love dogs, but I like cats more. Waarom viel u haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Spreekt u Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? Do you speak Urdu? De zichtbare kleuren van de regenboog zijn rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw, indigo en violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The visible colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Heb je mijn pluim gezien? Have you seen my feather? Have you seen my plume? Hij is gestorven op de leeftijd van 70 jaar. He died at the age of 70. He died at the age of 70. Ben je al klaar met je huiswerk? Have you already finished your homework? Have you finished your homework yet? Kun je deze sterren in Australië zien? Can these stars be seen in Australia? Can you see these stars in Australia? Ik denk dat iedereen dat weet. I think that everybody knows. I think everyone knows that. Graag morgen het huiswerk inleveren. Please turn in your homework by tomorrow. I'd like to turn in the homework tomorrow. De komkommer is bitter? Gooi het dan weg! The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it away! The cucumber is bitter? Ik voel me niet schuldig. I do not feel guilty. I don't feel guilty. Welk type sport vind je leuk? What kind of sport do you like? What type of sport do you like? Uw hond is hier. Your dog is here. Your dog's here. Ik ga naar de sportschool. I'm going to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Ik stel voor een komma in te voegen. I'd suggest inserting a comma. I suggest we insert a comma. Ik ben het er niet mee eens dat je Latijn moet leren om Engels beter te begrijpen. I don't agree with the theory that one should learn Latin in order to better understand English. I don't agree that you need to learn Latin to better understand English. Het is woensdag. It is Wednesday. It's Wednesday. Ik neem aan dat je honger hebt. I suppose you're hungry. I assume you're hungry. Dat was niet zo aardig. That wasn't very nice. That wasn't very nice. Hij is historicus. He's a historian. He's a historian. Ze huilde de hele nacht. She cried all night. She cried all night. Tom verdient het geld, maar het wordt beheerd door zijn vrouw Maria. Tom earns the money, but it's managed by his wife Mary. Tom makes the money, but it's managed by his wife Maria. De wind is gaan liggen. The wind has abated. The wind has gone down. Hij is lid van de golfclub. He's a member of the golf club. He's a member of the golf club. Blijf weg! Stay away! Stay away! Ik leer. I'm learning. I'm learning. Lieg niet! Don't lie! Don't lie! Ik ging de stad in om een goed restaurant te zoeken. I went into the town in search of a good restaurant. I went into town to find a good restaurant. Europeanen drinken graag wijn. Europeans love to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Er zijn ook leveranciers die Linux ondersteunen. There are also vendors who support Linux. There are also suppliers that support Linux. De eigenaar van de boerderij heeft een grote boerderij. The farm owner has a large farm. The owner of the farm has a large farm. Heeft u uw handen gewassen? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands? Ik denk dat het nog steeds een mysterie is waarom hij zijn vrouw heeft vermoord. I think the reason that he killed his wife is still a mystery. I think it's still a mystery why he killed his wife. Ik word stapelgek van Tom. Tom is driving me crazy. Tom's driving me crazy. Wat ze zei, klinkt raar. That, what she said, sounds strange. What she said sounds weird. Ik reken op uw hulp. I am counting on your help. I'm counting on your help. Ik ga naar de controlekamer. I'm going to the control room. I'm going to the control room. Ik zie je morgen in de bibliotheek. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you at the library tomorrow. Ze dronk koffie. She drank coffee. She was drinking coffee. Het was een drukte van je welste op straat toen de optocht voorbijkwam. There were lots of people on the street when the parade came by. It was a bustle of your best on the street when the parade passed. Het wordt gezegd dat hij heel rijk is. They say he's very rich. It's said he's very rich. ''Ben je Nederlands?'' ''Ja dat ben ik.'' "Are you Dutch?" "Yes, I am." ''Are you Dutch?'' ''Yes, I am.''' Heeft u Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Het is gewoonweg tijdsverspilling. That is a pure waste of time. It's just a waste of time. Laten we een pizza bestellen. Let's order a pizza. Let's order a pizza. Hij eet een appel. He's eating an apple. He's eating an apple. Tom was woedend. Tom was furious. Tom was furious. Hij heeft opgehangen. He hung up. He hung up. We kunnen niet meer ventilatoren krijgen. We can’t get more ventilators. We can't get any more fans. De zus van George smeerde enkele boterhammen voor me. George's sister buttered a few sandwiches for me. George's sister made me some sandwiches. Mij kamer is vol gevaren. My room is teeming with danger. My room is full of dangers. Ik heb maagpijn. I have a stomachache. I have a stomachache. Als je glimlacht, zal ik gelukkig zijn. If you smile, I'll be happy. If you smile, I'll be happy. Ik woon momenteel in Boston. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston right now. U heeft mijn vraag niet beantwoord. You did not answer my question. You didn't answer my question. Niet kijken! Don't look! Don't look! Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich moe voelden. Tom and Mary said that they felt tired. Tom and Maria said they felt tired. Ik kan het waarschijnlijk niet doen. I can't possibly do it. I probably can't do it. Je zou naar me moeten luisteren. You should listen to me. You should listen to me. Tom en ik wonen nog steeds in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Tom and I still live in Boston. Opvoeding begint thuis. Education begins at home. Education starts at home. Het is voor ons niet nodig aan de vergadering deel te nemen. It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting. We do not need to participate in the meeting. Als je iets nodig hebt, geef dan een gil. If you need anything, just give me a holler. If you need anything, give me a scream. Die idee is omstreden. This idea is controversial. That idea is controversial. Mijn paard viel in de rivier en een krokodil beet mijn been eraf. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. My horse fell into the river and a crocodile bit my leg off. Zijn jullie ooit in Mexico geweest? Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? Ik was bezig. I was busy. I was busy. Hoi, kom binnen. Hi, come on in. Hey, come on in. Komt jou dat bekend voor? Does this ring a bell? Does that look familiar to you? De barbaarse daden van Israël zijn onverdedigbaar. Israel's barbaric actions are indefensible. The barbaric acts of Israel are indefensible. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wordt ''Rìoghachd Aonaichte'' genoemd in het Schots-Gaelisch. The United Kingdom is called "Rìoghachd Aonaichte" in Scottish Gaelic. The United Kingdom is called ''Rìoghachd Aonaichte'' in Scottish Gaelic. Tom liet elke ochtend de hond uit. Tom walked his dog every morning. Tom walked the dog every morning. De man waar ik mee aan het praten was is mijn leerkracht Engels. The man I was talking to is my English teacher. The man I was talking to is my English teacher. Weet iemand wanneer Tom komt? Does anyone know when Tom is coming? Does anyone know when Tom's coming? Ik zal het u tonen. I'll show you. I'll show you. Zij doucht. She showers. She showered. Veel van de arbeiders stierven van honger. Many of the workers died of hunger. Many of the workers died of starvation. Waar zijn jullie? Where are you guys? Where are you? Tom en ik zijn al lang getrouwd. Tom and I've been married for a long time. Tom and I have been married a long time. Maar de koffie is niet goed. But the coffee's not good. But the coffee's not good. Ik verfde het hek groen. I painted the fence green. I painted the fence green. Ik ga de berg Kitadake beklimmen. I'm going to climb Mt. Kitadake. I'm going to climb Mount Kitadake. De door mensen veroorzaakte klimaatverandering zorgt ervoor dat landijs smelt en dat zeewater uitzet. Human-caused climate change has caused land ice to melt and ocean water to expand. Human-induced climate change causes land ice to melt and expand seawater. We hebben gisteravond een verschrikkelijke film gezien. We saw a terrible movie last night. We saw a terrible movie last night. Ze was nog steeds maagd. She was still a virgin. She was still a virgin. Kazan is de hoofdstad van Tatarstan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. Ik weet dat Tom mij gered heeft. I know that Tom rescued me. I know Tom saved me. Ik heb het altijd moeilijk om namen te onthouden. I always have trouble remembering names. I always have a hard time remembering names. Ze komen niet vandaag. They are not coming today. They're not coming today. We hebben een interessant boek in het Duits. We have an interesting book in German. We have an interesting book in German. Ik ben blij dat ik je vandaag ontmoet heb. I'm glad I met you today. I'm glad I met you today. Tom brak zijn beide benen. Tom broke both his legs. Tom broke both his legs. Heb je vrienden in je klas? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have any friends in your class? Komen jullie goed met elkaar overeen? Do you guys get along? Are you two getting along? De haven is ijsvrij. The port is free of ice. The port is ice-free. Ze kwam nooit meer het huis naar binnen. Never again did she enter the house. She never came in the house again. Je zult me nooit levend in handen krijgen. You'll never take me alive! You'll never get my hands on me alive. Ik ben je oudere zus. I'm your older sister. I'm your older sister. De twee broers waren partners. The two brothers were partners. The two brothers were partners. Deze potloden moeten geslepen worden. These pencils need sharpening. These pencils need to be cut. Dat is onze vader. That is our father. That's our father. Ik wil sneeuw. I want snow. I want snow. We raakten op weg daar naartoe door onze benzine heen. We ran out of gas on our way there. We got through our gas on the way there. Ik wist niet eens dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. I didn't even know you used to live in Australia. Er is iets mis met deze tekstverwerker. Something is wrong with this word-processor. There's something wrong with this word processor. Is dit jouw tas of de zijne? Is this bag yours or his? Is this your bag or his? Het Erechtheion is een tempel op de Akropolis van Athene. The Erechtheion is a temple located inside the Acropolis of Athens. The Erechtheion is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Bedek je ogen. Cover your eyes. Cover your eyes. Na regen komt zonneschijn. After rain comes fair weather. After rain comes sunshine. We zijn naar het museum gegaan. We went to the museum. We went to the museum. Dromen komen uit. Dreams come true. Dreams come true. Heb ik jullie gewekt? Did I wake you guys? Did I wake you? Emily heeft blond haar. Emily has blonde hair. Emily's got blond hair. De keukendeur ging open. The kitchen door opened. The kitchen door opened. Er waren nogal wat rotte appels in de mand. Quite a lot of rotten apples were in the basket. There were quite a few rotten apples in the basket. Wat een rotzak! What an asshole! What a son of a bitch! Haar droom is om Parijs te bezoeken. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Maria is nog altijd mijn vriendin. Mary is still my girlfriend. Maria's still my girlfriend. Sami wist het. Sami knew. Sami knew. Mensen vertellen barmannen vaak hun hele levensverhaal. People often spill their guts to bartenders. People often tell bartenders their whole life story. Het verkeerslicht werd rood. The traffic light changed to red. The traffic light turned red. Weinig studenten kunnen Latijn lezen. Few students can read Latin. Few students can read Latin. Heb je een tweelingbroer? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? Ik leer Iers langzaam. I'm learning Irish slowly. I'm learning Irish slowly. Waarom leren jullie Spaans? Why do you learn Spanish? Why are you guys learning Spanish? We zijn op weg naar huis. We're on the way home. We're on our way home. Tom is nu dertien jaar oud. Tom is now thirteen years old. Tom's 13 years old now. Heb jij in Duitsland in een Mercedes gereden? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Did you drive a Mercedes in Germany? Hoeveel woordenboeken heeft u? How many dictionaries do you have? How many dictionaries do you have? Ik zal nooit meer pasta eten. I will never eat pasta again. I'll never eat pasta again. Het is heel koud. It's very cold. It's very cold. Komaan! Je moet op z'n minst de nacht doorbrengen. We hebben je al zo lang niet meer gezien. Oh, come on! You gotta at least spend the night. We haven't seen you for so long. Come on, at least you have to spend the night, and we haven't seen you in so long. Je loog tegen me! You lied to me! You lied to me! Ik studeer in het buitenland. I study abroad. I'm studying abroad. Rookt uw vader? Does your father smoke? Does your father smoke? Je moet alleen hard werken. You only have to work hard. You just have to work hard. Waarom is Tom beneden? Why is Tom downstairs? Why is Tom downstairs? Men zegt dat golf erg populair is in Japan. They say that golf is very popular in Japan. They say golf is very popular in Japan. Hij stond aan de deur. He was standing at the door. He was at the door. Tom komt vandaag. Tom is coming today. Tom's coming today. Wat willen ze dat we doen? What do they want us to do? What do they want us to do? Ze zijn bang voor de dood. They are afraid of death. They're afraid of death. Ze is zich niet bewust van haar schoonheid. She's unaware of her beauty. She's not aware of her beauty. Tom is gevaarlijk. Tom's dangerous. Tom's dangerous. De maan verscheen van achter de wolken. The moon came out from behind the clouds. The moon appeared from behind the clouds. Venetië heeft nu minder dan 60.000 inwoners. Venice now has fewer than 60,000 residents. Venice now has less than 60,000 inhabitants. Ik ben het kwijtgeraakt. I've lost it. I lost it. Ik heb nu veel te doen. I have many things to do now. I've got a lot to do right now. Vind je iemand leuk? Do you fancy anyone? Do you like someone? Het is typisch herfstweer. It's typical autumn weather. It's typical fall weather. Dat was Chinees voor mij. That was double-dutch to me. That was Chinese for me. Zij zijn thee aan het maken. They are making tea. They're making tea. Deze sinaasappelen zijn bedorven. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are spoiled. Waar is je broer? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Ik heb een echtgenoot. I have a husband. I have a husband. Wees niet bang om een fout te maken. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. JST staat voor Japan-standaardtijd. JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST stands for Japan standard time. Dit wordt geweldig. This is going to be spectacular. This is gonna be great. Dit is erg gênant. This is extremely awkward. This is very embarrassing. Toms huis heeft geen kelder. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Tom's house doesn't have a basement. Ik vertrok. I left. I left. Tom en ik hebben geknuffeld. Tom and I hugged. Tom and I hugged. Spreekt u Kasjoebisch? Do you speak Kashubian? Do you speak Kashubian? De pizzabezorger is nog niet gekomen. The pizza delivery guy hasn't come by yet. The pizza delivery guy hasn't come yet. Tom wilde weten of Mary een vriendje had. Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. Maria is niet zo groot als hij. Mary is not as tall as he is. Maria's not as big as he is. Woont Tom nog steeds in Boston? Does Tom still live in Boston? Is Tom still living in Boston? Hoe schrijft men dat? How do you spell it? How do they write that? Wie heeft je geleerd om te skaten? Who taught you how to skate? Who taught you to skate? Ken je de hoofdstad van België? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? Ze rende naar hem toe. She ran up to him. She ran to him. Wat voor mooie ogen heb jij! What pretty eyes you have! What beautiful eyes you have! Maria heeft vier broers. Maria has four brothers. Maria has four brothers. De appel viel. The apple fell! The apple fell. Ik ben tegen zessen opgestaan. I got up at about six. I stood up to six. Zij verveelt zich. She is bored. She's bored. Niet alle moslims zijn Arabieren. Not all Muslims are Arabs. Not all Muslims are Arabs. Ik heb een boek gelezen vannacht. I read a book last night. I read a book last night. Wie is dat? Who is that? Who is that? "Kan je me een plezier doen?" "Dat hangt ervan af." "Can you do me a favor?" "It depends." "Can you do me a favor?" "That depends." Wil je dat zij dat weet? Do you want her to know about it? You want her to know that? Morgen op dit uur zouden we in Parijs moeten zijn. We should be in Paris by this time tomorrow. Tomorrow at this hour, we should be in Paris. Ik heb geen badpak. I don't have a bathing suit. I don't have a bathing suit. We hadden niet verwacht dat hij de opdracht in zo'n korte tijd zou maken. We did not expect him to finish the task in so short a time. We didn't expect him to make the assignment in such a short time. Deze thee smaakt goed. This tea tastes good. This tea tastes good. De bank bevindt zich naast het postkantoor. The bank is next to the post office. The bank is located next to the post office. De arts gebruikte een tongspatel om de keel van de patiënt te onderzoeken. The doctor used a tongue depressor to examine the patient's throat. The doctor used a tongue spatula to examine the patient's throat. Bel me alsjeblieft om half zeven. Call me at half past six please. Please call me at 6:30. De volgende zondag gaan we onze tante bezoeken. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. Next Sunday we're going to visit our aunt. De draak moet dood. The dragon must die. The dragon must die. Dat kost teveel tijd. It takes too much time. That'll take too much time. Ik haat tomaten. I hate tomatoes. I hate tomatoes. Tom is een nieuweling. Tom is a beginner. Tom's a new guy. Heeft Tom gelijk? Is Tom right? Is Tom right? Je moet beginnen met boeken die je makkelijk kan begrijpen. You should begin with books you can easily understand. You have to start with books that you can easily understand. Hij gaf zijn ouders antwoord. He answered his parents. He answered his parents. De mooiste meisjes komen uit Litouwen. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. Toms verjaardag was gisteren. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Tom's birthday was yesterday. Maria leert mij Noors. Maria teaches me Norwegian. Maria teaches me Norwegian. Wie zijn die mensen? Who are these people? Who are these people? Hij is niet zo'n goed schrijver, en ik denk dat hij het weet. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. He's not a very good writer, and I think he knows. Layla houdt van Disneyprinsessen. Layla loves Disney princesses. Layla loves Disney princesses. Maria leerde. Mary learned. Maria learned. Jij bent mooi. You're pretty. You're beautiful. Ik heb enkele boeken besteld uit Londen. I ordered some books from London. I ordered some books from London. Tom gaf Mary een blaadje papier. Tom handed Mary a sheet of paper. Tom gave Mary a leaf of paper. De raket ging soepel omhoog. The rocket went up smoothly. The rocket went up smoothly. Wanneer te beginnen is het grootste probleem. When to start is the main problem. When to start is the biggest problem. Wat ze bedoelt, is in een zekere zin redelijk. What she means is reasonable in a certain sense. What she means is, in a sense, reasonable. Tom is een gepubliceerde schrijver. Tom is a published writer. Tom is a published writer. Ik heb geen echtgenoot. I don't have a husband. I don't have a husband. Zeg dat niet nog een keer. Don't say that again. Don't say that again. Houdt u van wijn? Do you like wine? Do you like wine? Ik kon je niet bellen. De telefoon was kapot. I couldn't call you; the telephone was out of order. I couldn't call you. Een jongen steekt de straat over. A boy is walking across the street. A boy crosses the street. Bedankt dat je teruggekomen bent. Thanks for coming back. Thanks for coming back. Ik kon niet praten. I couldn't speak. I couldn't talk. Onze benzine is op. We have run out of gas. We're out of gas. Tom wilde Mary's kamer zien. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Tom wanted to see Mary's room. Dat zou ons wat geld moeten besparen. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. Hoera! Hurray! Hooray! Tom heeft nooit een potlood bij zich. Tom never has a pencil with him. Tom never carries a pencil. Ik ga met Tom en Mary. I'll go with Tom and Mary. I'm going with Tom and Mary. De kinderen speelden met magneten. The children played with magnets. The kids were playing with magnets. Het is aan het regenen. It's raining. It's raining. Waar is zijn huis? Where's his home? Where's his house? Welke heb je liever, thee of koffie? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee? Japan is vol verrassingen! Japan is full of surprises! Japan is full of surprises! Tom kan nog niet autorijden. Tom isn't able to drive yet. Tom can't drive yet. Hoezo ben je zo moe vandaag? Why are you so tired today? What do you mean you're so tired today? Tom is een bofkont. Tom is a lucky bastard. Tom's a lucky man. Hou hem in de gaten. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Het was allemaal onze schuld. It was all our fault. It was all our fault. We zijn met de bus van Aken naar Luik gegaan. We traveled by bus from Aachen to Liège. We took the bus from Aachen to Liège. Iedereen was blij. Everybody was happy. Everyone was happy. Wat is twee maal twee? What is two times two? What's two times two? "Waar is je jas, vader?" "Ik heb hem verkocht." "Waarom heb je je jas verkocht?" "Hij was te warm." "Where's your coat, Father?" "I have sold it." "Why did you sell your coat?" "It was too warm." "Where's your coat, Father?" "I sold it." "Why did you sell your coat?" "He was too hot." Leuk jullie allemaal te ontmoeten! Nice to meet all of you! Nice to meet you all! Dit probleem is ontstaan door een wederzijds misverstand. This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding. This problem has been created by a mutual misunderstanding. Hij woont hier. He lives here. He lives here. Ik heb vandaag geen huiswerk. I have no homework today. I don't have any homework today. Hij is zo sterk als een paard. He's as strong as a horse. He's strong as a horse. Mijn horloge loopt iedere dag twee minuten achter. My watch loses two minutes a day. My watch is two minutes behind every day. Heb je ooit al eens voor publiek gezongen? Have you ever sung before an audience? Have you ever sung to an audience before? Ik voelde me een beetje stijf. I felt a little stiff. I felt a little stiff. Geef me uw naam en telefoonnummer. Please tell me your name and telephone number. Give me your name and phone number. Haar geloof in God is erg sterk. Her belief in God is very firm. Her faith in God is very strong. "Spreekt u Frans?" - "Nee." "Do you speak French?" "No, I don't." "Do you speak French?" - "No." Wanneer tennist u? When do you play tennis? When do you play tennis? Hij heeft zich slecht gedragen. His behaviour was bad. He behaved badly. Sami is een moslim geworden. Sami has become Muslim. Sami has become a Muslim. De aap danst voor geld. The monkey dances for money. The monkey dances for money. Tom deed mee met de race. Tom took part in the race. Tom was in the race. Kan je het licht aandoen? Can you turn on the light? Can you turn on the light? Hij is zanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Hadden ze het? Did they have it? Did they have it? Lucht is lichter dan water. Air is lighter than water. Air is lighter than water. Houd deze koffer in de gaten. Keep an eye on this suitcase. Keep an eye on this case. We hadden de kat op een veganistisch dieet gezet. Ze werd klinisch depressief en stierf. We put the cat on a vegan diet. She became clinically depressed and died. We put the cat on a vegan diet and she got clinically depressed and died. Het spijt me maar ik ga te laat zijn. Ik zit vast in het verkeer. Sorry but I'm going to be late, I'm stuck in traffic! I'm sorry, I'm gonna be late, I'm stuck in traffic. Rood en blauw - welke verkies jij? Red and blue - which one do you like? Red and blue - which one do you prefer? Zijn jullie morgen vrij? Are you free tomorrow? Are you guys free tomorrow? Tom kwam de kamer binnen met een bos bloemen. Tom came into the room, carrying a bunch of flowers. Tom came into the room with a bunch of flowers. Tom dacht dat ik mijn broer was. Tom thought I was my brother. Tom thought I was my brother. Deze handschoenen zijn van Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. "Hoe gaat het?" "Goed, dank je." "How are you?" "I am fine, thank you." "How are you?" "All right, thank you." Zij heeft twintig kinderen. She has twenty children. She's got 20 kids. Hij gaf ons niet alleen kleding, maar ook wat geld. He gave us not only clothes but some money. He didn't just give us clothes, he gave us some money. Ze is een engel. She's an angel. She's an angel. Ik schrijf graag met een vulpen. I like writing with a fountain pen. I like to write with a fountain pen. Het was niet mijn bedoeling hem te slaan. I didn't mean to hit him. I didn't mean to hit him. Ik wou dat ik beter klarinet kon spelen. I wish that I could play the clarinet better. I wish I could play clarinet better. Ik liet mijn broer de kamer schoonmaken. I had my brother clean the room. I had my brother clean the room. Ik werd afgeleid en was de tijd vergeten. I got distracted and I lost track of time. I got distracted and lost track of time. Wat een mooie dag! What a nice day it is! What a beautiful day! Wat vond je niet leuk aan haar? What didn't you like about her? What didn't you like about her? Ik hoop dat Tom niet nog steeds werkloos is. I hope Tom isn't still unemployed. I hope Tom isn't still unemployed. Denk je dat het morgen mooi weer wordt? Do you think tomorrow will be a nice day? You think tomorrow's gonna be nice? Deze man heeft zuurstof nodig. This guy needs oxygen. This man needs oxygen. Ik weet niet waar je naartoe gaat. I don't know where you're going. I don't know where you're going. Mijn man is een leraar. My husband is a teacher. My husband's a teacher. Mijn kamer is drie keer zo groot als de uwe. My room is three times as large as yours. My room is three times yours. Ik ben geen leerlinge. I'm not a pupil. I'm not an apprentice. Tom heeft een iPhone. Tom has an iPhone. Tom has an iPhone. Het is nooit in me opgekomen dat iemand zoiets zou verzinnen. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It never occurred to me that someone would come up with something like that. Het leven is een dodelijke seksueel overdraagbare ziekte. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Ze spreken Spaans in Mexico. They speak Spanish in Mexico. They speak Spanish in Mexico. Wacht even! Hang on a while! Wait a minute! Ik heb een sneeuwpop gemaakt. I made a snowman. I made a snowman. Kom je niet mee met mij? Won't you come with me? Aren't you coming with me? Het is jullie schuld. This is your fault. It's your fault. Hij is maar een man. He is only a man. He's just a man. Ik wil ook gaan naar Beijing I also want to go to Beijing. I want to go to Beijing, too. Het is dezelfde wijn. It's the same wine. It's the same wine. We hebben genoeg geld om deze cd te kopen. We have enough money to buy this CD. We have enough money to buy this CD. Het rook echt goed. It smelled really good. It smelled really good. Deze morgen was het bitter koud. This morning it was very cold. This morning it was bitterly cold. Ik wil geen suiker. I don't want any sugar. I don't want any sugar. Kijk hier! Look here! Look at this! Het is geen noodgeval. It's not an emergency. It's not an emergency. Raad eens wie er achter je staat. Guess who's behind you. Guess who's behind you. Wat voor een oppervlakkig antwoord! What a superficial answer! What a superficial answer! Hoe goed ken jij Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Zijn jullie gisteren naar de dierentuin geweest? Did you go to the zoo yesterday? Did you go to the zoo last night? Mijn voeten doen pijn. My feet hurt. My feet hurt. Te veel jonge meisjes hongeren zichzelf uit om er als de modellen in tijdschriften uit te zien. Too many young girls are starving themselves to look like the models they see in magazines. Too many young girls starve to look like the models in magazines. Tom gooide een steen naar de boom. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Hij had een paar potloden moeten kopen. He should have bought some pencils. He should have bought a few pencils. Het gaat nu goed met Tom. Tom is fine now. Tom's fine now. U hoeft niet te antwoorden. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Wat is je grootste angst? What do you fear the most? What's your biggest fear? Zou jij Tom een verhaaltje voor het slapengaan willen voorlezen? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you read Tom a bedtime story? Ik geniet echt van skiën. I really enjoy skiing. I really enjoy skiing. Ik was in Parijs met mijn vrouw. I was in Paris with my wife. I was in Paris with my wife. Hij kan Engels en Frans spreken. He speaks English and French. He can speak English and French. Het water was koud. The water was cold. The water was cold. Tom vluchtte naar Australië. Tom fled to Australia. Tom fled to Australia. Wil je nog wat thee? Would you like some more tea? Would you like some more tea? De telefoon ging over terwijl ik onder de douche stond. The phone rang while I was taking a shower. The phone rang while I was in the shower. De top-naties zetten de vrijhandel bovenaan op de agenda. The summit nations put free trade at the top of the agenda. The top nations put free trade at the top of the agenda. Tom at alleen. Tom ate alone. Tom ate alone. De woorden zelf liggen op het puntje van mijn tong, maar ik kan het maar niet zeggen. The words themselves are on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't say it. The words themselves are on the tip of my tongue, but I can't say. Het is erg snel. It's very fast. It's very fast. Wij vroegen hoe laat het was. We asked for the time. We asked what time it was. Tot wie behoren die pennen? Whose pens are these? Who do these pens belong to? Misschien is het nooit gebeurd. Maybe it never happened. Maybe it never happened. We toonden hem enkele foto's van Londen. We showed him some pictures of London. We showed him some pictures of London. Hij controleerde de duurzaamheid van het huis voordat hij het kocht. He checked the durability of the house before buying it. He checked the durability of the house before he bought it. Fries is mijn moedertaal. Frisian is my mother tongue. Fries is my mother tongue. Mary en Maki zijn zussen. Mari and Maki are sisters. Mary and Maki are sisters. Sneeuw bedekte de bus. Snow covered the bus. Snow covered the bus. Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the exam? Did he pass the exam? Tom was nog niet klaar. Tom wasn't ready. Tom wasn't done. Ik hou van Ierse muziek. I love Irish music. I like Irish music. Jongens, ik moet ervandoor. Guys, I gotta go. Guys, I gotta go. Meneer Brown heeft vier kinderen. Mr. Brown has four children. Mr Brown has four children. Ik ben bekaf. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Ik heb een souvenirtje voor je meegebracht uit Antwerpen. I brought you a little souvenir from Antwerp. I brought you a souvenir from Antwerp. Schrijf jullie naam in hoofdletters. Write your name in capitals. Write your name in capitals. Neem me niet kwalijk, kunt u de sushi zonder wasabi maken? Excuse me, can you make the sushi without wasabi? Excuse me, can you make the sushi without wasabi? Tom heeft Maria onder de tafel gedronken. Tom drank Mary under the table. Tom drank Maria under the table. Er ruikt iets goed. Something smells good. Something smells good. Excuseer. I apologize. Excuse me. Hij werd aangevallen door een haai. He was attacked by a shark. He was attacked by a shark. Begrijpt iedereen het? Does everybody understand? Does everyone understand? De kinderen hebben geen school vandaag. The children don't have school today. The kids don't have school today. Ik ben een vrouw, ik heet Eva. I am a woman, my name is Eva. I'm a woman, my name is Eva. Ik ging tot aan de post. I went as far as the post office. I went all the way to the mail. Ze ruimde de tafel af. She removed the dishes from the table. She cleared the table. Om tien uur vertrekt hij naar Tokyo. He leaves for Tokyo at ten. At ten o'clock, he leaves for Tokyo. De jongen is aan het schrijven. The boy is writing. The boy's writing. Ik ben niet jaloers. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Hij vertrekt morgen naar Peru, nietwaar? He is leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? He's leaving for Peru tomorrow, isn't he? De mensen vochten over de bevoorradingen. People fought over supplies. People fought over supplies. Bestudeer deze zinnen. Study these sentences. Study these sentences. Als je een fout ziet, verbeter die dan alsjeblieft. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please correct it. De draak kan niet worden gedood. The dragon cannot be killed. The dragon cannot be killed. Ik heb altijd geweten dat deze dag zou komen. I always knew this day would come. I always knew this day would come. Niemand kent mijn land. Nobody knows my country. Nobody knows my country. Ze is bewusteloos. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Jullie zouden best voorzichtiger zijn. You guys should be more careful. You guys should be more careful. Layla liet Salima zien hoe ze haar islamitische hoofddoek moest dragen. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Muslim headscarf. Layla showed Salima how to wear her Islamic headscarf. Ik meen wat ik zeg. I mean what I say. I mean what I'm saying. Ik haat sneeuw. I hate snow. I hate snow. Ik heb een gloednieuw paar sokken. I have a brand new pair of socks. I got a brand-new pair of socks. Ik wilde Tom nooit kwetsen. I never wanted to hurt Tom. I never meant to hurt Tom. Wat hebt u zitten koken? What've you been cooking? What have you been cooking? Tom vroeg Mary waar haar moeder was. Tom asked Mary where her mother was. Tom asked Mary where her mother was. Ik bloosde. I blushed. I blushed. Herhaal dezelfde fout niet opnieuw. Don't make the same mistake again. Do not repeat the same error again. Jullie kopen. You're buying. You're buying. Hij biechtte zijn misdaad onomwonden op. He confessed his crime frankly. He openly confessed his crime. Hij is zijn potlood kwijt. He lost his pencil. He's lost his pencil. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where's the nearest underground station? Where's the nearest subway station? Ik zou graag een klacht indienen. I would lodge a complaint. I'd like to file a complaint. Zij is onze juf. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Ik heb ze nooit zo gespannen gezien. I've never seen them so tense. I've never seen them so tense. Ze hebben eten en water nodig. They need food and water. They need food and water. Wat heeft Tom meegebracht? What did Tom bring with him? What did Tom bring? Je kunt water drinken, maar dat kun je ook laten. You can drink water, but you can also let it be. You can drink water, but you can leave that. Zouden jullie me kunnen helpen? Could you guys help me? Could you help me? Wat doe jij met kerst? What're you doing for Christmas? What are you doing for Christmas? Sommige mensen zijn allergisch voor tarwe. Some people are allergic to wheat. Some people are allergic to wheat. Hij sliep bijna. He was almost asleep. He almost slept. Ik ben gek op Noors! I love the Norwegian language! I love Norwegian! Iedereen wenst voor geluk Everybody wishes for happiness. Everyone Wishes for Happiness Ik zat tussen hen. I sat between them. I was between them. Vertel me iets over Tom. Tell me something about Tom. Tell me something about Tom. Als we de huur betalen aan de huiseigenares, zullen we geen geld meer hebben voor eten; we zitten tussen de duivel en de diepe blauwe zee. If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea. If we pay the rent to the house owner, we will have no more money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea. Kom naar mijn huis op het einde van de maand. Come to my house at the end of this month. Come to my house at the end of the month. Ik kan je niet zeggen wanneer Tom hier zal aankomen. I can't tell you when Tom will get here. I can't tell you when Tom will get here. Ik heb u nooit gezien. I never saw you. I've never seen you. Valt in de stal de verwarming uit, dan komt de melk in blokjes eruit. When in the barn the heating fails, cubic shape the milk yield takes. If the heater goes out in the stable, the milk comes out in cubes. Deze elektriciteitscentrale voorziet op haar eentje meerdere steden van elektriciteit. This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. This power plant provides electricity to several cities on its own. Ik ben gek op gebarentalen. I love sign languages. I love sign languages. Het is ongelooflijk! It's incredible! It's incredible! De kamer was zo donker dat we helemaal niets konden zien. The room was so dark that we could see nothing at all. The room was so dark we couldn't see anything. Ik wil een filmpje pakken. I want to see a movie. I want to get a video. Hij vergeleek de kopie met het origineel. He compared the copy with the original. He compared the copy to the original. Ze zien er gelukkig uit. They look happy. They look happy. Twee gezinnen leven in hetzelfde huis. Two families live in the same house. Two families live in the same house. Dit vlees snijdt gemakkelijk. This meat cuts easily. This meat cuts easily. Wanneer heeft u voor het laatst een ventilator gebruikt? When was the last time you used a fan? When was the last time you used a fan? Ze probeerde haar angst tevergeefs te verbergen. She tried in vain to conceal her fear. She tried to hide her fear in vain. Ik kan je beschermen. I can protect you. I can protect you. Ze hebben een verhuisfirma gevraagd om hun eigendommen naar hun nieuwe woning te verhuizen. They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home. They've asked a moving firm to move their properties to their new home. Ik denk dat jouw theorie niet steekhoudend is. I think your theory does not hold water. I don't think your theory is valid. Mam, ik wil dit niet aantrekken. Mom, I don't want to wear this. Mom, I don't want to wear this. Ik ben niet naïef. Ik ben alleen optimistisch. I'm not naive. I'm just optimistic. I'm not naive, I'm just optimistic. Ik heb geen geld. I do not have any money. I don't have any money. Ze kweekt veel soorten bloemen. She grows many kinds of flowers. She breeds many kinds of flowers. Ik ben alleen maar aan het kijken. I'm just looking around. I'm just watching. Ik wil jouw taal niet spreken. I don't want to speak your language. I don't want to speak your language. We gaan veel lol trappen, ik weet weet het zeker. We're going to have a lot of fun. I'm sure of it. We're gonna have a lot of fun, I'm sure. Dat zal niet al te moeilijk zijn. It won't be that hard. That won't be too hard. Zij is pianiste, en haar zuster is zangeres. She is a pianist and her sister is a singer. She's a pianist, and her sister is a singer. „123456” is een dikwijls gebruikt wachtwoord. "123456" is a frequently-used password. ‘123456’ is a frequently used password. Jouw computer is volledig onbeschermd. Your computer is completely unprotected. Your computer is completely unprotected. Ik heb het overleefd. I survived. I survived. Tom werd in 2013 vrijgelaten. Tom was released in 2013. Tom was released in 2013. We hebben gasten. We have guests. We have guests. Heeft Tom een paardenstaart? Does Tom have ponytail? Tom has a ponytail? Maria deed haar haar los en deed een knoop van haar bloesje open. Mary undid her hair and opened one of the buttons of her blouse. Maria untied her hair and opened a button of her blouse. Ik ken jouw vader zeer goed. I know your father very well. I know your father very well. De vrouw is dik. The woman is fat. The woman's fat. Zijn er veel bomen in het park? Are there many trees in the park? Are there a lot of trees in the park? Ik vraag me af of dat waar is. I wonder if that's true. I wonder if that's true. Hij is de grootste in de klas. He's the tallest in the class. He's the biggest in the class. Die auto verkeert ongetwijfeld in een afschuwelijke toestand. That car is no doubt in an awful condition. No doubt that car is in a terrible state. Ik hou niet van druiven. I don't like grapes. I don't like grapes. Italianen drinken altijd wijn. The Italians always drink wine. Italians always drink wine. Ik heb het gevoel dat jij een heel goede advocaat zult zijn. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I feel like you'll be a very good lawyer. Moeder kocht twee flessen sinaasappelsap. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Mother bought two bottles of orange juice. Ik ben de New York Times aan het lezen. I'm reading The New York Times. I'm reading the New York Times. Leerlingen zouden gebruik moeten maken van de boeken in de bibliotheek. Students should make use of the books in the library. Students should use the books in the library. Dat hoeft helemaal niet. You don't have to do that at all. You don't have to. Je wordt dunner van dat dieet, maar word je ook gezonder? That diet makes you thinner, but does it also make you healthier? You're getting thinner from that diet, but are you getting healthier too? Tom ontvoerde Maria. Tom kidnapped Mary. Tom kidnapped Maria. De plicht roept me. Duty calls. Duty calls me. Je moet zelf voor je hond zorgen. You must take care of your dog yourself. You have to take care of your dog. Ik ben zo moe dat ik naar bed ga zodra ik thuiskom. I'm so tired that I'm going to bed as soon as I get home. I'm so tired, I'll go to bed as soon as I get home. Ik had het niet over Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. I wasn't talking about Tom. Heb je ooit met Tom gepraat? Have you ever spoken to Tom? Have you ever talked to Tom? Hoeveel geld willen jullie? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Het hele gebied van de Nederlandse provincie Flevoland lag voor 1930 nog op de bodem van de zee. The entire area of the Dutch province of Flevoland used to lie on the bottom of the sea before 1930. The entire area of the Dutch province of Flevoland was still at the bottom of the sea before 1930. Waarom doe je dit als ik vragen mag? Why are you doing this, if I may ask? Why are you doing this if you don't mind me asking? Vertaal deze zin in het Engels. Translate this sentence into English. Translate this sentence into English. Een grote geleerde is niet per se een goede leraar. A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher. A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher. Toms vriendin dreigde hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Schiet op. Hurry. Hurry up. Hij heeft kort haar. He has short hair. He's got short hair. Hij begroette me met een glimlach. He greeted me with a smile. He greeted me with a smile. Veel vluchten werden geannuleerd als gevolg van de tyfoon. Many flights were canceled because of the typhoon. Many flights were cancelled due to the typhoon. Doe het rustig! Take it easy! Take it easy! De dief zette het op een lopen wanneer de politieagent hem zag. The thief took flight when the policeman saw him. The thief put it on a run when the police officer saw him. Wie deed het? Who did it? Who did it? Ik was mij. I wash myself. I was me. Hij wou zijn fotocollectie laten digitaliseren. He wanted to digitize his photo collection. He wanted his photo collection digitized. Ik heb veel dingen te doen. I have many things to do. I have a lot of things to do. Ik zou je graag om een gunst vragen. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. Het begon te regenen. It was starting to rain. It started raining. Laten we sushi eten. Let's have sushi. Let's eat sushi. Dat is een prima eenheid. That's a great outfit. That's a great unit. Ik moet alleen met hem praten. I need to speak to him alone. I just need to talk to him. Hoeveel zijn de druiven? How much are the grapes? How many are the grapes? Ze zette me voor schut voor mijn vrienden. She embarrassed me in front of my friends. She embarrassed me in front of my friends. Doen kippen een plasje? Do chickens pee? Chickens do a pee? Ik heb zo veel geleerd. I've learned so much. I've learned so much. Ik ben mijn zakdoeken aan het strijken. I‘m ironing my handkerchiefs. I'm ironing my handkerchiefs. Iedere nacht zong een nachtegaal liedjes voor ons. Every evening, a nightingale would sing us songs. Every night, a nightingale sang songs for us. Het is een goed idee. It's a great idea. It's a good idea. Gele koorts en pokken waren niet meer een bedreiging. Yellow fever and smallpox were no longer a threat. Yellow fever and smallpox were no longer a threat. Ze is zwanger. She's up the duff. She's pregnant. Ik heb even een moment nodig. I'm going to need a minute. I need a moment. Niet schieten. Hold fire. Don't shoot! We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We are influenced by our environment. We're affected by our environment. Alle bladeren aan de boom zijn geel geworden. All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow. Het kasteel staat te koop. The castle is for sale The castle is for sale. Geen enkele student in onze klas is intelligenter dan Kate. No student in our class is smarter than Kate. No student in our class is more intelligent than Kate. Je bent voor mij bestemd. You were meant for me. You're meant for me. Houd hem stil. Keep him quiet. Hold him still. Wat maakt je gelukkig? What makes you happy? What makes you happy? Ik heb mezelf aan wat gebroken glas gesneden. I cut myself on some broken glass. I cut myself on some broken glass. Tom zei dat Maria waarschijnlijk nog steeds in Australië was. Tom said Mary was probably still in Australia. Tom said Mary was probably still in Australia. De kat miauwde. The cat meowed. The cat meowed. Ik ben nu piano aan het spelen. I am playing the piano now. I'm playing piano now. Ik weet niet wat te zeggen... I don't know what to say... I don't know what to say... Tom droomt. Tom's dreaming. Tom's dreaming. De meeste mensen houden van pizza. Most people like pizza. Most people like pizza. Tom is als gelukkig mens gestorven. Tom died happy. Tom died a happy man. Dit is een tijdelijk aanbod enkel voor nieuwe klanten. This is a limited time offer to new customers only. This is a temporary offer only for new customers. Waarom ben je steeds aan het sms'en? Why are you texting all the time? Why are you always texting? Je liegt. You're lying. You're lying. De stad was verlaten door z'n inwoners. The town was deserted by its inhabitants. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants. Alif is de eerste letter van het Arabisch alfabet. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Omdat het niet je moedertaal is, stel ik voor dat je deze zin vrijgeeft, zodat een moedertaalspreker hem kan adopteren. Zo zijn we allen zeker dat we met een goede zin te doen hebben. Since this isn't your native language, I'd suggest unowning this sentence, leaving it free for a native speaker to adopt. This way we can all be confident that it's a good sentence. Since it is not your native language, I suggest you release this sentence so that a native speaker can adopt it, so that we are all sure that we have a good sense to do with it. Het was hem niet gegeven haar ooit nog te ontmoeten. He was destined never to meet her again. It wasn't given him to ever meet her again. Als ik sterf, wil ik ergens sterven waar niemand me ooit zou vinden. If I die, I want to die where nobody ever finds me. If I die, I want to die somewhere where no one would ever find me. Ik ben zijn naam vergeten. I forgot his name. I forgot his name. Hij zit in financiële problemen. He is financially embarrassed. He's in financial trouble. Ik wilde je alleen maar zeggen hoe blij ik ben. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am. Er is geen zout meer. There's no more salt. There's no salt left. Tom is boos. Tom's mad. Tom's mad. Ik heb ook een broer. I also have a brother. I have a brother, too. Tom weet niet wanneer Marie zal komen. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come. Tom doesn't know when Marie will come. Je hoeft niet meer dan 400 woorden te schrijven. You don't need to write more than 400 words. You don't have to write more than 400 words. Mijn broertje wou dat stripverhaal dat je onlangs aan mij hebt geleend lezen, dus ik zal het teruggeven nadat hij het uitgelezen heeft. My little brother wanted to read that comic you lent me the other day, so I'll be returning it after he's done. My little brother wanted to read that comic book you recently borrowed from me, so I'll give it back after he reads it. Sami heeft een enorme kameel. Sami has a huge camel. Sami has a huge camel. Was alsjeblieft je handen voor het eten. Please wash your hands before you eat. Please wash your hands before dinner. Hij is niet langer hier. He is no longer here. He's no longer here. Heeft Tom zelfmoord gepleegd? Did Tom kill himself? Tom killed himself? Hij heeft de hele dag lang gewerkt. He's been working all day long. He's been working all day. Hij studeerde in het buitenland. He studied abroad. He studied abroad. Spreekt u Portugees? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Tom slaapt in zijn kamer. Tom is asleep in his room. Tom sleeps in his room. Bagdad is de hoofdstad van Irak. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq. Ik sta meestal om acht uur op. I usually get up at 8. I usually get up at eight. Ik doe het wel als je me even vertelt hoe het moet. I'll do it if you tell me how to do it. I'll do it if you tell me how to do it. Het is vandaag niet zo heet als gisteren. It is not so hot today as yesterday. It's not as hot today as it was yesterday. Ze las het gedicht hardop voor. She read the poem out loud. She read the poem out loud. Een stervende oude man is als een brandende bibliotheek. A dying old man is like a burning library. A dying old man is like a burning library. Mijn schuld. My fault. My fault. Pua zingt. Pua sings. Pua sings. Het portret van mijn grootvader hangt aan de muur. My grandfather's picture is on the wall. My grandfather's portrait is on the wall. Het is laat, ik moet gaan. It's getting late. I gotta go. It's late. I gotta go. Ik was er niet. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Tom woonde in Australië. Tom lived in Australia. Tom lived in Australia. Ik had hulp nodig. I needed help. I needed help. Wanneer ben je in München? When are you in Munich? When are you in Munich? John is een goede student. John is a good student. John's a good student. Mag ik uw woordenboek gebruiken? May I use your dictionary? May I use your dictionary? Ik heb vele jaren in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for many years. I lived in Boston for many years. Kunt u mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? Als het morgen mooi weer is, gaan we picknicken. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic. If the weather's good tomorrow, we'll have a picnic. Niemand antwoordde. No one responded. No one answered. Kate heeft een verkoudheid. Kate has a cold. Kate's got a cold. Ik kan mij niet veroorloven een dure auto te kopen. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. I can't afford to buy an expensive car. Het huwelijk is een soort inbreuk op de rechten van de mens. Marriage is a type of human rights violation. Marriage is a kind of violation of human rights. We zijn de nieuwe eigenaars. We're the new owners. We're the new owners. Tom heeft gebeld om te zeggen dat hij te laat zal zijn. Tom called to say that he'd be late. Tom called to say he'll be late. Ik heb veel ambitie. I have a lot of ambition. I have a lot of ambition. IJsberen leven in het noordpoolgebied. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Ik kon geen Frans spreken. I couldn't speak French. I couldn't speak French. Dat is mijn antwoord! That's my answer! That's my answer! Wat zou je doen als je, laten we zeggen, tienduizend dollar had? What would you do if you had, say, ten thousand dollars? What would you do if, say, you had ten thousand dollars? Hoeveel mensen heb je uitgenodigd voor je feestje? How many people did you invite to your party? How many people did you invite to your party? Er was geen tegenbewijs. There was no counterevidence. There was no rebuttal. Wiens potlood is dit? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is this? Wil jij spaghetti of hamburgers als avondeten? Do you want spaghetti or hamburgers for dinner? Do you want spaghetti or hamburgers for dinner? Tom stierf aan een hersenbloeding. Tom died from a brain hemorrhage. Tom died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Nadat Tom vier keer een verkeerde pincode had ingegeven, slikte de geldautomaat zijn kaart in. After Tom had entered four wrong PIN numbers, the ATM swallowed his card. After Tom entered a wrong PIN four times, the ATM swallowed his card. Een ijsbeer kan tot 500 kilometer zwemmen. A polar bear can swim up to 500 kilometers. A polar bear can swim up to 500 kilometers. Belgrado is de hoofdstad van Servië. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Gitega is de hoofdstad van Burundi. Gitega is the capital of Burundi. Gitega is the capital of Burundi. Het spijt me echt. I really am sorry. I'm really sorry. Jullie zijn mij een kus verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Hij staat erop nog een spel te spelen. He insists on playing another game. He insists on playing another game. Tom is een Kreeft. Tom is a Cancer. Tom's a Lobster. Hij weet wat hij doet. He knows what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. Hij verzorgt het vermaken van de buitenlandse gasten. He is in charge of entertaining the foreign guests. He takes care of the entertainment of the foreign guests. Bedankt voor je cadeau. Thanks for the gift. Thank you for your present. Ik geloof in de onsterfelijkheid van de ziel. I believe in the immortality of the soul. I believe in the immortality of the soul. Hij is gestorven aan kanker. He died of cancer. He died of cancer. Als ik een koptelefoon gebruik, hoor ik niks. When I'm using headphones I can't hear anything. If I use headphones, I don't hear anything. Dit is het ziekenhuis waarin ik ben geboren. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Tot ziens! See you soon! See you! Het is gevaarlijk om zo snel te rijden. It is dangerous to drive so fast. It's dangerous to drive so fast. Ik wil naar Bali gaan. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bali. Hij kreeg van de leraar een gouden polshorloge. He was given a gold watch by the teacher. The teacher gave him a gold wristwatch. Ik verloor mijn evenwicht. I was losing balance. I lost my balance. Is er iets wat we kunnen doen? Is there something we can do? Is there anything we can do? Pardon?! Excuse me?! Excuse me?! Ik kan jullie niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't fire you. Tom stopte. Tom stopped. Tom stopped. Je ziet er jong uit. You look young. You look young. Er was een rare, stinkende, bruine vloeistof in de vuilnisbak. There was a strange, foul-smelling brown liquid in the waste basket. There was a weird, stinking, brown liquid in the trash can. Hij kwam twee dagen later weer terug. He came back two days later. He came back two days later. Ik werd door een oude vriend uitgenodigd. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. Waar ben je al die tijd geweest? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Vampieren zijn allergisch voor zonlicht. Vampires are allergic to sunlight. Vampires are allergic to sunlight. Hebreeuws is mijn moedertaal. Hebrew is my native language. Hebrew is my native language. U heeft mooie lippen. You have beautiful lips. You have beautiful lips. Ik stap uit op het volgende station. I'm getting off at the next station. I'm getting off at the next station. Wil je wijn? Do you want wine? You want some wine? Het spijt me. Ik had voorzichtiger moeten zijn. I'm sorry. I should have been more careful. I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. Tom was tv aan het kijken. Tom was watching TV. Tom was watching TV. Ik huil de laatste tijd veel. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. Dit huis is gebouwd in 1870. This house was built in 1870. This house was built in 1870. Mag dat wel? Can you do that? Is that allowed? Iedereen raakte in paniek. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Dans! Dance! Dance! Ik wil pizza eten. I want to eat pizza. I want pizza. Het geluk staat de dapperen bij. Fortune favours the brave. Luck stands by the brave. Begrijpt u? Do you understand? Do you understand? We hebben een zeer beperkte voorraad. We have a very limited stock. We have a very limited supply. Ik heb een Italiaanse handtas. I've got an Italian handbag. I have an Italian handbag. Tom heeft een heleboel religieuze boeken, maar hij heeft ze nog nooit gelezen. Tom has a lot of religious books, but he has never read them. Tom has a lot of religious books, but he's never read them. Wij updaten de site. We're updating the site. We update the site. Heb je de aankondiging gelezen? Have you read the notice? Did you read the announcement? Mijn vader is thuis. My father is at home. My dad's home. Ik wil niet zo lang wachten. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Ze kookt voor hem. She is cooking for him. She's cooking for him. Kun je me later bellen? Could you call me later? Can you call me later? Is dat jouw vader? Is that your father? Is that your father? Hij kwam naar Tokyo met een grote droom. He came up to Tokyo with a big dream. He came to Tokyo with a big dream. We hebben een duivenprobleem. We're having a problem with pigeons. We have a pigeon problem. Is er een jeugdherberg hier in de omgeving? Is there a youth hostel near here? Is there a youth hostel around here? Tom is aan het koken in de keuken. Tom is cooking in the kitchen. Tom's cooking in the kitchen. Ze is trots op haar zoon. She is proud of her son. She's proud of her son. Is voor morgen alles voorbereid? Is everything arranged for tomorrow? Is everything prepared for tomorrow? Je zult snel gewend zijn aan het stadsleven. You will soon be used to living in a big city. You'll soon be used to city life. Ik beloof dat het niet lang gaat duren. I promise it won't take long. I promise it won't take long. Hij haastte zich om de bus te halen. He hurried in order to get the bus. He hurried to catch the bus. Ik probeer dat probleem op te lossen. I'm trying to work out this problem. I'm trying to solve that problem. Hij viel in slaap achter het stuur en had een ongeval. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. He fell asleep behind the wheel and had an accident. Vertel niemand over ons plan. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't tell anyone about our plan. Wat gebeurt er met je? What's happening to you? What's happening to you? Ik kom hier elke vierde juli. I come here every Fourth of July. I come here every fourth of July. Hoe denkt u nu over hen? How do you feel about them now? What do you think of them now? Ze is zo actief als ze eruit ziet. She is as active as she looks. She's as active as she looks. Sami was een manager bij Walmart. Sami was a manager at Walmart. Sami was a manager at Walmart. Schoolkinderen in Tsjechië hoeven geen schooluniform te dragen. Schoolchildren in Czechia don't have to wear a school uniform. Schoolchildren in the Czech Republic do not need to wear a school uniform. Sami heeft geen moslims ontmoet. Sami hasn't met any Muslims. Sami didn't meet any Muslims. Moet Tom thuisblijven vandaag? Does Tom have to stay home today? Does Tom have to stay home today? Welke planeet staat het dichtst bij de zon? Which planet is nearest to the Sun? Which planet is closest to the sun? Wat een groot huis heb je! What a big house you have! What a big house you have! Jullie neuriën. You're humming. You're humming. "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was zo verbijsterd, dat hij zijn Fanta op zijn computer liet vallen en daarmee zijn jacht op noobs ruïneerde. "Dima?! Ben jij dat echt?!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" "Dima?" Al-Sayib was so stunned that he dropped his Fanta on his computer and thereby ruined his hunt for noobs. "Dima?! Are you really?" Ze verdwenen. They disappeared. They disappeared. Doe het raam open, alstublieft. Open the window, please. Open the window, please. De Himalaya is hoger dan de Alpen. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. The Himalayas are higher than the Alps. Lieg niet. Zeg de waarheid. Don't lie. Tell the truth. Don't lie. We zullen je niet lastig vallen. We won't bother you. We won't bother you. Je moet naar school. You need to go to school. You have to go to school. Ik weet dat Tom spaghetti aan het maken is. I know Tom is making spaghetti. I know Tom's making spaghetti. Er is niet genoeg licht in deze kamer om te kunnen naaien. There's not enough light in this room for sewing. There's not enough light in this room to sew. Is Duitsland zo mooi als Nederland? Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands? Is Germany as beautiful as the Netherlands? Er is niets veranderd. Nothing has changed. Nothing's changed. Tom denkt dat zijn computer bezeten is door een boze geest. Tom thinks that his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Tom thinks his computer is possessed by an evil spirit. Hij stond erop. Tom insisted. He insisted. God bestaat, maar hij vergat het wachtwoord. God exists, but he forgot the password. God exists, but he forgot the password. Tom koopt alleen scharreleieren. Tom only buys free-range eggs. Tom only buys shawls. Er is nog een ander alternatief. There's another option. There is another alternative. Je bent lief. You are adorable. You're sweet. De zomerartikelen zijn nu te koop. The summer goods are now on sale. The summer items are now for sale. Ik weeg al genoeg. I already weigh enough. I weigh enough already. Perziken smaken zoet. Peaches taste sweet. Peaches taste sweet. Heb je een verwant of kennis die van Brazilië is? Do you have any relatives or friends who are from Brazil? Do you have a relative or knowledge that belongs to Brazil? Ik eet tofu. I eat tofu. I'm eating tofu. Waar is jouw paard? Where's your horse? Where's your horse? Tom was niet al te voorzichtig. Tom wasn't too careful. Tom wasn't too careful. Verder kwam niemand opdagen. Nobody else showed up. No one else showed up. Januari, februari, maart, april, mei, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, december. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Voelt ge u beter vandaag? Do you feel any better today? Do you feel better today? U ziet er ziek uit. You look sick. You look sick. Hij wist te ontsnappen. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. Tom is zwaarlijvig. Tom is obese. Tom's obese. Ik moest agressief zijn. I had to be aggressive. I had to be aggressive. Zonder lucht en water zou niets kunnen leven. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, nothing could live. Hé, jij kunt tikken zonder te kijken naar het toetsenbord. Cool zeg! Oh? You can type without looking at the keyboard. That's cool! Hey, you can tap without looking at the keyboard. Karaoke is goed voor de vermindering van stress. Karaoke is good for reducing stress. Karaoke is good for reducing stress. Ik ben gek op ijs met muntsmaak. I love ice cream with a taste of mint. I love mint-flavored ice cream. Ik zing dat liedje liever niet. I'd rather not sing that song. I'd rather not sing that song. Ik wil gewoon de planeet redden. I just want to save the planet. I just want to save the planet. Wij nemen kredietkaarten aan. We accept credit cards. We take credit cards. Mevrouw Jones doceert informatica. Mrs. Jones teaches computer science. Mrs. Jones teaches computer science. Het spijt me, ik begrijp het niet. Excuse me, I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Laat me alsjeblieft je foto zien. Please show me your picture. Please show me your picture. Tom is veel jonger dan Mary. Tom is a lot younger than Mary. Tom is much younger than Mary. Hij woont bij zijn ouders. He lives with his parents. He lives with his parents. Fidget spinners zijn populair bij leerlingen. Fidget spinners are popular with students. Fidget spinners are popular with students. Een jongen van zeventien is vaak even groot als zijn vader. A boy of seventeen is often as tall as his father. A 17 - year - old boy is often the same size as his father. Hij overtrad de wet. He broke the law. He broke the law. Fijn! Chill! Fine! Hij is bijna altijd thuis. He is almost always at home. He's almost always home. Ik hou van jouw land. I love your country. I love your country. "Hoe laat is het nu?" "Drie uur twintig." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it now?" "Three o'clock twenty." Mag ik nu gaan? Can I go now? Can I go now? Als ik alleen thuis ben, is het te stil in huis. When I'm home alone, the house is too quiet. When I'm home alone, it's too quiet in the house. Singapore wordt ''Singapura'' genoemd in het Maleis. Singapore is called "Singapura" in Malay. Singapore is called 'Singapura' in Malay. Hij is zo'n pedofiel! He is such a nonce! He's such a pedophile! Dat kind heeft maar een paar vrienden. That child has few friends. That kid only has a few friends. Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? A glass of water, please. Can I have a glass of water, please? Waar heeft ze mijn sleutels gevonden? Where did she find my keys? Where did she find my keys? De helft van de appels is rot. Half of the apples are rotten. Half the apples are rotten. Welke taal spreekt men in Egypte? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Ik heb een nieuwe vriendin. I have a new girlfriend. I have a new girlfriend. Met wie ging Tom skiën? Who did Tom go skiing with? Who was Tom skiing with? Tom begrijpt het. Tom understands. Tom understands. Tom mist nooit Taco-dinsdagen. Tom never misses Taco Tuesdays. Tom never misses Taco-dinsdays. Disneyland is gesloten. Disneyland is closed. Disneyland's closed. Wat heeft God voor ons in petto? What does God have in store for us? What does God have in store for us? Extreem harde muziek onderbrak hun gesprek. Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation. Extremely loud music interrupted their conversation. We zijn veertig kilometer van de hoofdstad verwijderd. We are forty kilometers away from the capital city. We're 40 kilometers from the capital. Hij probeerde niet haar tegen te houden. He didn't try to stop her. He wasn't trying to stop her. Zeg steeds de waarheid. Always tell the truth. Keep telling the truth. Iedereen in de kamer huilde. Everyone in the room was crying. Everyone in the room cried. Je had Toms gezicht moeten zien toen hij erachter kwam. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when he found out. You should have seen Tom's face when he found out. Ik heb een balpen, maar ik wil er nog één. I have a ball-point pen, but I want another. I have a ballpoint pen, but I want another one. Is het jouw of onze schuld? Is it your fault or ours? Is it you or our fault? Het is nogal logisch. That's quite logical. It makes sense. Dit land is rijk aan olie. This country is rich in oil. This country is rich in oil. Men kan taal en cultuur niet van elkaar scheiden. You can't separate language from culture. Language and culture cannot be separated. Tom heeft de begrafenis van Mary bijgewoond. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Tom attended Mary's funeral. Er waren toen nog maar weinig wegen in Noord-Amerika. Few roads existed in North America at that time. There were only few roads in North America at the time. Volg mij alstublieft. Please follow me. Please follow me. Hoe heeft zij dat gedaan? How did she do this? How did she do that? Mike zingt goed. Mike sings well. Mike sings well. Wat is de moraal van dit verhaal? What's the moral of this story? What is the moral of this story? Waarom huil je? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Nog één uur en de kalkoen is klaar. One more hour and the turkey will be ready. One more hour and the turkey's ready. Het kan morgen gaan regenen. It may rain tomorrow. It could rain tomorrow. Ik kom niet uit Europa. I am not from Europe. I'm not from Europe. Zijt gij Tom niet? Aren't you Tom? Are you not Tom? Ik begin Frans te leren. I'm starting to learn French. I'm starting to learn French. Hij spreekt Engels en Frans. He speaks English and French. He speaks English and French. Het is mogelijk dat Tom liegt. It's possible that Tom is lying. It's possible Tom's lying. De egel is een alleseter. The hedgehog is omnivore. The hedgehog is an all-eater. Het is tijd om te gaan voor ons. It's time for us to go. It's time to go for us. Tom deed het verkeerd. Tom did it wrong. Tom did it wrong. Ik ben bezorgd over uw veiligheid. I'm worried about your safety. I'm concerned about your safety. Wil jij alsjeblieft opletten? Will you pay attention, please? Would you mind paying attention, please? Betrek iedereen erbij. Get everybody involved. Get everyone involved. We verhuurden de flat. We rented the apartment. We rented the apartment. Dat zal duren. That'll last. It'll take. De volgende morgen was de sneeuwman helemaal gesmolten. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning, the snowman was all melted. Is Tom nerveus? Is Tom nervous? Is Tom nervous? Niet lang daarna kwamen we elkaar weer toevallig tegen. It was not long before we met again by chance. Not long after that, we met again by chance. Tom moet voorzichtiger zijn. Tom needs to be more careful. Tom needs to be more careful. Vertel niemand wat we aan het doen zijn. Don't tell anyone what we're doing. Don't tell anyone what we're doing. Iedereen weet dat Tom Maria leuk vindt. Everyone knows that Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom likes Maria. Heeft iemand hier een kurkentrekker? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone here have a corkscrew? Ik werd wakker van de koffiegeur. The smell of coffee woke me up. I woke up from the coffee smell. Deze cd is van mijn zoon. This CD is my son's. This CD belongs to my son. Insecten zitten vol met eiwitten. Insects are full of proteins. Insects are full of proteins. Ik heb geen ticket. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Wie heeft deze druiven gebracht? Who brought these grapes? Who brought these grapes? Mijn vaders zijn gezond. My fathers are healthy. My dads are healthy. De kip heeft vier eieren gelegd. The chicken laid four eggs. The chicken has laid four eggs. De industriële revolutie begon in Engeland. The Industrial Revolution began in England. The industrial revolution began in England. Ik ben bij het politiebureau. I'm at the police station. I'm at the police station. Dat is geen kat. Dat is een hond. That's not a cat. That's a dog. That's not a cat. Ik woon niet meer in Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Jij hebt vlees. You have meat. You've got meat. Wat je zegt is waar. What you say is right. What you're saying is true. Ik vind hem leuk. I like him. I like him. Ze waarschuwde hem niet tussen maaltijden te eten. She advised him not to eat between meals. She didn't warn him to eat between meals. Tom heeft een dik Schots accent. Tom has a thick Scottish accent. Tom has a thick Scottish accent. Tom bezit een nepbedrijf op de Britse Maagdeneilanden. Tom owns a shell company in the British Virgin Islands. Tom owns a fake company in the British Virgin Islands. Ze heeft iemand nodig die haar kan verstaan. She needs someone who is able to understand her. She needs someone to understand her. Ik ben de beste. I'm the best. I'm the best. Is dat een beer? Is that a bear? Is that a bear? Hij was zojuist gearriveerd. He had just arrived. He had just arrived. Tom is niet heel jong. Tom isn't very young. Tom's not very young. Is de brievendrager al gekomen? Has the postman been yet? Has the letterbearer arrived yet? Tom is een mes aan het slijpen. Tom is sharpening a knife. Tom's sharpening a knife. Kunt ge mij het recept voor uw salade geven? Will you give me the recipe for your salad? Can you give me the recipe for your salad? Ik moet ze vinden. I've got to find them. I have to find them. Tom is een jonge student. Tom is a young student. Tom's a young student. Ze hadden hem nodig. They needed him. They needed him. Ben je zelfs niet nieuwsgierig? Aren't you even a little curious? Aren't you even curious? Ik kom van Spanje. I come from Spain. I'm from Spain. Ik heb mijn zus een pop gegeven. I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you guys going? Where are you going? Ze vielen. They fell. They fell. Gooi. Throw. Throw. Mijn vader heeft de brievenbus rood geverfd. My father painted the mailbox red. My dad painted the mailbox red. Ik heb enkele eieren gekocht, en wat melk. I bought a few eggs and a little milk. I bought some eggs, and some milk. Ik ben een beetje moe. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Bent u vanavond vrij? Are you free tonight? Are you free tonight? Hoeveel zussen hebt gij? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? De leider van de separatisten is een leugenaar. The leader of the separatists is a liar. The leader of the separatists is a liar. Doe wat ge wilt. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Haastige spoed is zelden goed. Haste makes waste. Haste rush is rarely good. De terroristen zwoeren wraak op dat land. The terrorists swore vengeance on that country. The terrorists swore revenge on that country. Ik laat je niks gebeuren. I won't let anything happen to you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Je houdt ervan mensen pijn te doen. You like to hurt people. You like hurting people. Al vlogen er varkens in de lucht, nog zou ik haar geloven. Even if pigs were to fly in the air, I would believe her. Even if pigs flew in the air, I'd believe her. Tom haat uien. Tom hates onions. Tom hates onions. Waarom ben je gekomen? Why did you come? Why did you come? Hanengevechten zijn in veel landen illegaal. Cockfighting is illegal in many countries. Hannacks are illegal in many countries. Kan jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Het huwelijk is een loterij. Marriage is a lottery. Marriage is a lottery. Waar is jouw kleinzoon? Where's your grandson? Where's your grandson? Het avondeten is meestal niet voor zes uur klaar. Dinner is usually not ready until six o'clock. Dinner isn't usually ready before 6:00. Tom houdt van vissen. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom likes fishing. Dat moet je nu niet doen. You don't have to do it now. You don't have to do that right now. Tom houdt van eekhoorns. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes squirrels. Niemand heeft mijn land vermeld. Nobody mentioned my country. Nobody mentioned my country. Tom was wakker. Tom was awake. Tom was awake. Was je gisteravond moe? Were you tired last night? Were you tired last night? Indien nodig heb ik geen bezwaar tegen het betalen van een bepaald bedrag. If necessary, I have no objection to paying a special fee. If necessary, I have no objection to paying a certain amount. Zelfs kinderen kunnen dit boek lezen. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. Ik ben in de lobby. I'm in the lobby. I'm in the lobby. Tom ziet er altijd blij uit. Tom always looks happy. Tom always looks happy. Gelooft Tom in mirakels? Does Tom believe in miracles? Does Tom believe in miracles? Ik heb gedroomd. I had a dream. I had a dream. Mijn naam is Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. Bescherm jullie ogen. Protect your eyes. Protect your eyes. Vandaag wil ik naar de bioscoop. I want to go to the movies today. Today I want to go to the movies. Hoeveel keer per jaar gaat ge skiën? How often do you go skiing every year? How many times a year do you go skiing? Kom nooit meer aan dat flesje! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't ever touch that bottle again! Er was niemand in de kamer. There wasn't anyone in the room. There was no one in the room. Ik wil niet gaan. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Hij koopt kleding. He buys clothes. He buys clothes. Je bent zo'n goede jongen, Tom! What a good boy you are, Tom! You're such a good boy, Tom! Tom denkt dat Maria in Australië is. Tom thinks Mary is in Australia. Tom thinks Maria's in Australia. Hebben we hun hulp nodig? Do we need their help? Do we need their help? Nijmegen ligt dicht bij de Duitse grens. Nijmegen is close to the German border. Nijmegen is close to the German border. Wanneer komt hij terug? When is he coming back? When's he coming back? Ik vraag me af wat hij daarmee bedoelde. I wonder what he meant by that. I wonder what he meant by that. Toms favoriete eten is pasta. Tom's favorite food is pasta. Tom's favorite food is pasta. Ze lijkt gelukkig. She seems happy. She seems happy. Ik voel mij opgelucht. I feel relieved. I feel relieved. Sami is geen moslim. Sami is not a Muslim. Sami is not a Muslim. Heeft u geen zin in een beetje thee? Wouldn't you like to drink some tea? Don't you feel like a little tea? Wanneer komt zijn nieuwe roman uit? When will his new novel come out? When's his new novel coming out? Ik wist dat je Boston leuk zou vinden. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd like Boston. Mijn moeder kijkt niet graag tv. My mother does not like watching the television. My mom doesn't like to watch TV. De bossen branden gemakkelijk. Woods burn easily. The woods burn easily. Tom heeft een hekel aan afwassen. Tom doesn't like washing dishes. Tom hates washing dishes. Japans is moeilijk onder de knie te krijgen voor buitenlanders. It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. Japanese is difficult to master for foreigners. Hij is aan het eten. He is eating. He's eating. Bedankt, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Thanks, Jim. Ik denk niet dat ik echt belangrijk ben voor u. I don't think I really matter to you. I don't think I'm really important to you. Zijn vrouw zit voortdurend aan zijn kop te zeuren. His wife nags him constantly. His wife keeps whining at his head. Zijn jullie nerveus? Are you nervous? Are you nervous? Tom! Wat doe je in godsnaam, man? Tom! What the fuck are you doing? What the hell are you doing, man? Tik uw naam in, alstublieft. Please type your name. Please type in your name. Je blijft altijd in mijn geheugen. You remain always in my memory. You're always in my memory. Ze pochte met het winnen van de eerste prijs. She boasted of having won the first prize. She boasted at winning the first prize. Ze komt uit Frankrijk. She is from France. She's from France. U weet dat ik getrouwd ben. You know I'm married. You know I'm married. De kinderen spelen met Lego-blokjes. The children are playing with legos. The kids play with Lego cubes. En waarom is dat? And why is that? And why is that? Tom is een prins. Tom is a prince. Tom is a prince. Hou hem niet tegen. Don't stop him. Don't stop him. Archeologen vonden een ruïne van een oude stad met een oppervlakte van twaalf vierkante kilometer en groeven er een groot aantal voorwerpen op uit brons, jade en goud. Archaeologists discovered the ruins of an old city with a circumference of twelve square kilometers and a wide range of bronze, jade and gold objects. Archaeologists found a ruin of an ancient city with an area of 12 square kilometres [12 sq km] and dug up a large number of objects from bronze, jade, and gold. Tegenwoordig leer ik Esperanto. I am currently learning Esperanto. These days, I'm learning Esperanto. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't that obvious? Isn't it obvious? Ik ben allergisch voor synthetische rubber. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. I'm allergic to synthetic rubber. Laten we er nog eentje nemen! Let’s have another! Let's have another one! Tranen die stromen zijn bitter, maar nog meer bitter zijn die die niet stromen. The tears that flow are bitter but still more bitter are those that do not flow. Tears that flow are bitter, but even more bitter that do not flow. Ik hou niet van het verkeer. I don't like the traffic. I don't like traffic. Gratis toegang. Free Admission. Free access. We waren zo opgewonden dat we niet stil konden zitten. We were so excited that we couldn't sit still. We were so excited we couldn't sit still. Ik hoor zelden van hem. I seldom hear from him. I rarely hear from him. Ik heb het woord een aantal keer voor haar herhaald. I repeated the word several times for her. I've repeated the word for her a number of times. Ze bakte een cake voor mij. She made me a cake. She made me a cake. Volksgeneeskunde maakt vaak gebruik van kruiden. Traditional medicine often utilizes herbs. People's medicine often uses herbs. Ik wil je vertellen wat er gebeurd is. I want to tell you what happened. I want to tell you what happened. Waarom wil je Boston verlaten? Why do you want to leave Boston? Why do you want to leave Boston? Je bent leerkracht. You're a teacher. You're a teacher. Tom en Mary werken beiden in Boston. Both Tom and Mary work in Boston. Tom and Mary both work in Boston. Het geschreeuw van de vogel verbrak de stilte van het bos. The bird's cry broke the silence of the woods. The bird's screams broke the silence of the forest. Ik mag je heel graag. I like you very much. I like you very much. Ik ben niet tevreden met wat je gedaan hebt. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not happy with what you've done. Maria houdt erg veel van melk. Mary likes milk very much. Maria loves milk very much. Tom grijnsde. Tom grinned. Tom grinned. Haar vrienden beschermden haar. Her friends protected her. Her friends protected her. Hoeveel hamburgers heb je gegeten? How many hamburgers did you eat? How many burgers did you eat? De kostenramingen zijn verfijnd. Cost estimates have been refined. The cost estimates are refined. Ik word snel hysterisch. I get hysterical easily. I'm getting hysterical fast. Heb je nog andere reisgidsen over Thailand? Do you have any other guidebooks about Thailand? Do you have any other travel guides on Thailand? Donkere materie kan niet rechtstreeks gezien worden. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Dark matter cannot be seen directly. Ik hou van deze zin. I love this sentence. I love this sentence. Ik rookte. I smoked. I smoked. Wie niet waagt, niet wint. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. You don't dare, you don't win. Tom ziet er moe uit. Tom does look tired. Tom looks tired. Wilt u trouwen? Do you want to get married? Do you want to get married? Je moet deze vragen beantwoorden. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Hoe meer men heeft, hoe meer men begeert. The more one has, the more one desires. The more one has, the more one desires. Het kostte de duikers ongeveer acht uur om in de grot binnen te geraken, de jongens te bereiken en ze eruit te krijgen. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys, and bring them back out. It took the divers about eight hours to get into the cave, reach the boys and get them out. Gaat het morgen regenen? Will it rain tomorrow? Is it going to rain tomorrow? Het is te groot. It's too large. It's too big. Hij brak zijn bekken toen hij van de ladder viel. He broke his pelvis when he fell off the ladder. He broke his pelvis when he fell off the ladder. Ik kom niet uit Europa. I'm not from Europe. I'm not from Europe. Vele kleintjes maken een grote. Many a little makes a mickle. Many little ones make a big one. Welk geluid maken vleermuizen? What sound do bats make? What sound do bats make? Zij kocht een nieuwe tandenborstel voor zichzelf. She bought herself a new toothbrush. She bought herself a new toothbrush. De prijzen stijgen. Prices are rising. Prices are rising. Ik ben zeker dat je gelijk hebt. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. Ik heb een aankondiging. I have an announcement. I have an announcement. Tom is een veroordeeld misdadiger. Tom is a convicted felon. Tom's a convicted felon. Als ik je paspoort vind, zal ik je roepen. If I find your passport, I'll call you at once. If I find your passport, I'll call you. Zei u ''dertig euro''? Did you say "thirty euros"? Did you say "thirty euros"? Zij weet wellicht het antwoord. Maybe she knows the answer. She may know the answer. In India zijn koeien heilige dieren. In India, cows are sacred animals. In India, cows are sacred animals. Er zijn andere kanten. There are other aspects. There are other sides. Die muur is koud. That wall is cold. That wall is cold. Ik overwoog het probleem zorgvuldig. I gave careful consideration to the problem. I carefully considered the problem. Laat mij het uitzoeken. Let me look into it. Let me find out. Hoe voelde Tom zich? How did Tom feel? How did Tom feel? Ik heb twee thees en drie koffies besteld. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered two teas and three coffees. U bent me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. Plotseling herinnerde ik me dat ik zoveel boeken niet kon betalen. All of a sudden, I remembered that I couldn't pay for so many books. Suddenly I remembered that I couldn’t afford so many books. Er zijn miljoenen sterren in het universum. There are millions of stars in the universe. There are millions of stars in the universe. De details van deze overeenkomst zijn gespecificeerd in het contract. The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract. The details of this agreement are specified in the contract. We kwamen elkaar tegen aan de luchthaven. We ran into each other at the airport. We ran into each other at the airport. Waarom wilde ze met me praten? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Bloemen praten niet. Flowers do not talk. Flowers don't talk. Je moet je handen wassen. You need to wash your hands. You need to wash your hands. Ik kan het niet langer volhouden. I can't bear it any longer. I can't hold on any longer. Ik zal nooit vergeten wat u voor ons hebt gedaan. I'll never forget what you've done for us. I will never forget what you've done for us. Jij bent mijn prinses. You're my princess. You're my princess. We hebben geen bewijs. We don't have any proof. We don't have any evidence. Ik veranderde. I changed. I changed. In oktober beginnen de bladeren te vallen. Leaves begin to fall in October. In October the leaves begin to fall. Zij houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Ze heeft een jas nodig. She needs a coat. She needs a coat. Ik denk dat het klopt. I think it's OK. I think it's true. Blijf nog even aan de lijn alstublieft. Please hold the line a moment. Just hold on a second, please. Leven pinguïns op de Noordpool? Do penguins live at the North Pole? Do penguins live in the North Pole? Goede tradities moeten behouden worden. Good traditions should be preserved. Good traditions must be preserved. Hoeveel toeschouwers waren er daar in het stadion? How many spectators were there at the stadium? How many spectators were there at the stadium? Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She's done her homework. She's done her homework. Hoeveel kost deze klok? How much is this clock? How much does this clock cost? Wie heeft de piano uitgevonden? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Het is je plicht om te studeren. It is your duty to study. It's your duty to study. Zij zijn geen vijanden, maar vrienden. They are not enemies, but friends. They're not enemies, they're friends. Niets verraden! Don't spill the beans. Don't betray anything! Tom doet me lachen. Tom makes me laugh. Tom makes me laugh. Tom rende en rende, totdat hij uiteindelijk de telefooncel zag. Tom ran and ran, until at last he saw the telephone booth. Tom ran and ran until he finally saw the pay phone. Blijf optimistisch. Stay positive. Stay optimistic. Deze vogel kan niet vliegen. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Een zekere mijnheer Brown is vanmorgen gekomen. A Mr Brown came this morning. A certain Mr. Brown arrived this morning. Ik sta op het punt je iets belangrijks te vertellen. I'm about to tell you something important. I'm about to tell you something important. Ik ben een vriend van Robert. I am a friend of Robert's. I'm a friend of Robert's. ullie hebben elkaar nodig. You guys need each other. Ullie need each other. Er zijn zaken die je beter niet weet. There are things you better don't know. There are things you shouldn't know. Zeg haar dat ge haar graag ziet. Heb geen schrik. Ze zal u niet bijten. Tell her you like her. Don't be afraid. She won't bite you. Tell her you like her, don't be afraid, she won't bite you. Tom begreep wat Mary probeerde te zeggen. Tom could understand what Mary was trying to say. Tom understood what Mary was trying to say. Ik heb vandaag nog geen voet buiten de deur gezet. I haven't set foot outside the house today. I haven't put a foot out the door today. Wat is Tom daar aan het doen? What's Tom doing over there? What's Tom doing there? Volgt u mij maar, als het u belieft. Come with me, please. Follow me, if you please. Ik ben aan het testen of de taalherkenning weer werkt. I'm testing whether the language detection works again. I'm testing to see if the language recognition is working again. Als er een computer was die mijn ogen niet zou vermoeien zou ik hem zeker willen kopen. If there was a computer that didn't tire out my eyes, I'd definitely want to buy it. If there was a computer that wouldn't wear out my eyes, I'd definitely want to buy it. Tom behandelde me als een prinses. Tom treated me like a princess. Tom treated me like a princess. Ze doet de deur dicht. She closes the door. She's closing the door. We zijn hier een paar uur geleden aangekomen. We got here a couple of hours ago. We arrived here a few hours ago. Kan je deze knopen voor me vastnaaien? Can you sew on these buttons for me? Can you sew these buttons up for me? Hij is alweer zijn paraplu kwijt. He lost his umbrella again. He's lost his umbrella again. Het is eindelijk voorbij. It's finally over. It's finally over. Zij is Toms zus. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. Tom heeft misschien gelijk. Tom might be right. Tom might be right. Ik heb dit nooit gewild. I never wanted this. I never wanted this. Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren. They said that they were colorblind. They said they were color blind. Waarom heeft ze slechts een handschoen aan? Why does she have only one glove on? Why is she only wearing a glove? Ik ben ook nerveus. I'm nervous, too. I'm nervous too. Ik word boos. I'm getting angry. I'm getting mad. Hij was zich niet bewust van het gevaar. He was not aware of the danger. He wasn't aware of the danger. We moeten vlug zijn. We've got to hurry. We have to be quick. Spreken ze Frans? Are they speaking French? Do they speak French? Mijn vader is een zakenman. My father is a businessman. My father's a businessman. Tom heeft een litteken op zijn wang. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Tom has a scar on his cheek. Ik denk dat het te koud is om te zwemmen. I think it's too cold to swim. I think it's too cold to swim. Het sneeuwt hier. It's snowing here. It's snowing in here. Hoe zeg je XXX in het Engels? How do you say XXX in English? How do you say XXX in English? Alexander is niet jonger dan Vladimir. Alexander is not younger than Vladimir. Alexander is no younger than Vladimir. Het spookt in dat huis. The house is haunted. It's haunted in that house. Het mes is bot. The knife is dull. The knife is blunt. Heb je een vaste vriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a regular boyfriend? Ik zeg tegen jou dat de kaart naar hier verwijst. I am telling you that the map points here. I'm telling you, the map refers to here. Jij bent een hond. You're a dog. You're a dog. John zal een goede echtgenoot en vader zijn. John will make a good husband and father. John will be a good husband and father. Wie is die vrouw? Who's that woman? Who's that woman? Waar kwamen ze vandaan? Where did they come from? Where did they come from? Mijn oma vindt naaien leuk. My grandmother likes to sew. My grandma likes sewing. Ze hebben een vraag. They've got a question. They have a question. Brood en boter is mijn gewoon ontbijt. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my regular breakfast. Het klopt. It's correct. It's true. Tom en Mary zijn bereid om ons te helpen. Tom and Mary are willing to help us. Tom and Mary are willing to help us. We nodigen je uit. We're inviting you. We're inviting you. Wat gebeurt er in Italië? What's happening in Italy? What's going on in Italy? Ik zal je niet verlaten. I won't forsake you. I won't leave you. Wat een vreemd toeval! What a strange coincidence! What a strange coincidence! De trein zat zo vol, dat niemand van ons kon zitten. The train was so crowded that none of us could get a seat. The train was so full, none of us could sit. Als hij tijd heeft, zal hij komen. If he has time, he will come. If he has time, he'll come. We moeten ons aan de wet houden. We must abide by the law. We have to abide by the law. Paraplu's verkopen goed. Umbrellas sell well. Umbrellas sell well. Tom had gepland om opslag te vragen aan zijn baas, maar hij krabbelde terug. Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he chickened out. Tom had planned to ask his boss for a raise, but he backed back. Ik realizeerde me niet dat je allergisch was voor pinda's. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. I didn't realize you were allergic to peanuts. Je weet niet waarom Tom gister niet kwam, of wel? You don't know why Tom didn't come yesterday, do you? You don't know why Tom didn't show up yesterday, do you? Nee, papa. No, daddy. No, Daddy. Ik denk dat Tom kaal is. I think that Tom is bald. I think Tom's bald. Hoe durf jij je gezicht hier te laten zien? How dare you show your face around here! How dare you show your face here? Tom werd ongeduldig. Tom got impatient. Tom got impatient. Het ijs is dik genoeg om er op te stappen. The ice is thick enough to walk on. The ice is thick enough to get on. Ik voel me alsof ik dertig jaar oud ben. I feel like I'm thirty years old. I feel like I'm 30 years old. Er heerst paniek op de Titanic. Panic rules on the Titanic. There's a panic on the Titanic. "Om een goede advocaat in de arm te nemen?" vroeg Al-Sayib. "To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked. "To take in a good lawyer?" asked Al-Sayib. Ik ben niet meer met Tom getrouwd. I'm no longer married to Tom. I'm not married to Tom anymore. Ik heb geleerd mijn pijn niet te negeren. I learned not to ignore my pain. I learned not to ignore my pain. Wie heeft tijd? Who has time? Who's got time? Dat is een ongelofelijke afstand, nietwaar? That's an amazing distance, isn't it? That's an incredible distance, isn't it? Zeg wat je wilt, maar ik doe toch mijn eigen zin! Whatever you say, I'll do it my way. Say whatever you want, but I'll do my own thing anyway! Waar is het loket? Where's the ticket counter? Where's the counter? Leanne heeft blauwe ogen. Leanne has got blue eyes. Leanne has blue eyes. Tom verontschuldigde zich om naar de wc te gaan. Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tom apologized to go to the bathroom. Is het niet andersom? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't it the other way around? Spreek geen kwaad van anderen achter hun rug om. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Do not speak ill of others behind their backs. Er was eens ... Once upon a time... Once upon a time... Wie bestelde deze pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Who ordered this pizza? Ik dacht dat jullie zeiden dat Tom een ​​slager was. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. Heeft u reeds ontbeten? Have you already had breakfast? Have you had breakfast? Waarom kom je niet een beetje na tienen? Why don't you come by sometime after ten? Why don't you come a little after 10:00? Ik verkoop fruit. I sell fruit. I sell fruit. Het was een verschrikkelijke dag. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Zij maakten fouten. They made mistakes. They made mistakes. Geweldig! Awesome! Great! Jullie hebben allemaal goed werk verricht. All of you did good work. You've all done a good job. Wij houden van pizza. We like pizza. We like pizza. Sami citeerde een paar verzen uit de Koran. Sami quoted a few verses from the Quran. Sami quoted a few verses from the Koran. Geweldig! Fantastic! Great! Ik lunchte in de cafetaria. I ate lunch in the cafeteria. I had lunch at the cafeteria. Hij woont in de buurt van de school. He lives in the neighborhood of the school. He lives near the school. Ik ken mijn buren niet. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Tory gaat dood. Tory dies. Tory's dying. Kom hier. Ik zal je iets tonen. Come here. I'll show you something. Come here, I'll show you something. Het spel werd spannend. The game became exciting. The game got exciting. Niemand let op Tom. Nobody pays attention to Tom. Nobody's looking out for Tom. Zo is het genoeg. That will do. That's enough. Kan ik u helpen, mevrouw? May I help you ma'am? Can I help you, ma'am? Vertel me wie we zijn. Tell me who we are. Tell me who we are. Tom is gezond, toch? Tom is healthy, isn't he? Tom's healthy, right? Heeft u het haar nog niet verteld? Haven't you told her yet? You haven't told her yet? Hij googelde zichzelf. He googled himself. He Googled himself. Vind je Moskou leuk? Do you like Moscow? Do you like Moscow? Niemand bezoekt mijn land. Nobody visits my country. Nobody visits my country. Ben je een acteur of een zanger? Are you an actor or a singer? Are you an actor or a singer? Tom is niet dood. Tom isn't dead. Tom's not dead. Ik ga naar Boston vliegen. I'll be flying to Boston. I'm flying to Boston. Schildpadden zijn reptielen. Turtles are reptiles. Turtles are reptiles. Ik blaas mijn ballon op. I am inflating my balloon. I'm blowing up my balloon. Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew both Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. Wat is de afgeleide van e^x? What is the derivative of e^x? What is the derivative of e^x? Deze beslissing had belangrijke gevolgen. This decision had important results. This decision had important consequences. Ken is ouder dan Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. Tom zou huilen. Tom would cry. Tom would cry. Tom is geen lui kind. Tom is not a lazy child. Tom's not a lazy kid. Ik heb snel geluncht. I ate a quick lunch. I had a quick lunch. Hij lag op zijn rug. He laid on his back. He was lying on his back. Hij heeft veel vijanden in de politieke wereld. He has many enemies in the political world. He has many enemies in the political world. Als je rechts afslaat, zal je een groot gebouw zien. If you turn right, you will see a big building. If you turn right, you'll see a big building. Stop met bijten op je nagels. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting your nails. Ze draagt ​​rood. She's wearing red. She's wearing red. Hoeveel hou je van me? How much do you love me? How much do you love me? Je bent jaloers. You're jealous. You're jealous. Tweelingen zijn klonen. Twins are clones. Twins are clones. Gelukkig werd het weer beter. Luckily, the weather turned out fine. Fortunately, things got better again. We redden het nooit op tijd. We're never going to make it on time. We'll never make it in time. Ben je kwaad? Are you angry? Are you mad? Mijn moeders zijn gezond. My mothers are healthy. My moms are healthy. Ik leer veel. I'm learning a lot. I learn a lot. Wat is jouw favoriete tv-serie? What's your favorite TV series? What's your favorite TV show? Jon kan geen gitaar spelen. John can't play the guitar. Jon can't play guitar. In het Portugees zeggen we doorgaans "alô" bij het opnemen van de telefoon. In Portuguese, we usually say "alô", when we pick up the phone. In Portuguese we usually say "alô" when recording the phone. Is dat jouw man? Is that your husband? Is that your husband? Ze houdt van klassieke componisten zoals Beethoven en Bach. She likes classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. She loves classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach. Ons voedsel raakte op. We ran out of food. Our food ran out. Een wolk is gecondenseerde waterdamp. A cloud is condensed steam. A cloud is condensed water vapor. Waar is het treinstation? Where is the railway station? Where's the train station? Die jurk past mooi bij haar rode haren. That dress matches her red hair. That dress goes well with her red hair. Alles kan. Everything is possible. Anything's possible. Sami belt de politie. Sami is calling the cops. Sami's calling the police. Tom en ik zullen Mary helpen. Tom and I'll help Mary. Tom and I will help Mary. Het was een prachtige zomer, en de lucht was altijd blauw. It was a beautiful summer, and the sky was always blue. It was a beautiful summer, and the sky was always blue. Denk je dat Tom ons echt zal helpen? Do you think Tom will actually help us? Do you think Tom will really help us? Tom leende een auto van een vriend. Tom borrowed a car from a friend. Tom borrowed a car from a friend. Wat is hier leuk om te doen? What is fun to do around here? What's fun to do here? Overwinnen leek onmogelijk, maar eigenlijk was het dat niet. Victory may seem impossible, but actually it is not. Overcoming seemed impossible, but actually it wasn't. Is er hier een busroute? Is there a bus route here? Is there a bus route here? Ik heb al zijn romans gelezen. I have read all his novels. I've read all his novels. Gaat het goed met je hond? Is your dog all right? Is your dog okay? Ze kwamen in New Delhi aan op 9 juli. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9. Hoe zeg je "hallo!" in het Frans? How do you say "hello" in French? How do you say "hello!" in French? Wanneer begint de film? When does the movie start? When does the movie start? Hij deed zich voor als een stomme man. He pretended to be a stupid man. He pretended to be a stupid man. Ik ga vaak naar de bioscoop. I often go to the cinema. I go to the movies a lot. Hier is een foto van haar. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Mijn tas is heel zwaar. My bag is very heavy. My bag is very heavy. Ze is een heel braaf meisje. She is a very kind girl. She's a very good girl. Ze maakten spaghetti. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. Ik zal wachten aan de bushalte. I'll wait at the bus stop. I'll wait at the bus stop. Sami wilde bekennen. Sami wanted to confess. Sami wanted to confess. Is hij een leerkracht? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? Tom en ik waren het eens. Tom and I agreed. Tom and I agreed. Tom is een aardappelboer. Tom is a potato farmer. Tom's a potato farmer. Oké. Okay. Okay. Ik heb de handschoenen gevonden die onder de stoel lagen. I found the gloves that were under the chair. I found the gloves that were under the chair. Tom verdween. Tom disappeared. Tom disappeared. Ik liet haar uitslapen. I let her sleep in. I put her to sleep. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is in the wrong. She's wrong. Buiten is een bewaker. A guard is outside. There's a guard outside. Er wordt aangenomen dat walvissen hun eigen taal hebben. It is believed that whales have their own language. It is believed that whales have their own language. Sami bracht vele weken door in het gezelschap van moslims. Sami spent many weeks in the company of Muslims. Sami spent many weeks in the company of Muslims. Hij heeft niet eens afscheid van me genomen. He didn't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even say goodbye to me. Vertel hem dat je van hem houdt voordat het te laat is! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Tell him you love him before it's too late! Het is tijd voor jou om naar bed te gaan. It's time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Ik kom elke dag langs die kerk. I go by that church every day. I come by that church every day. Ik ben een computerspel aan het spelen. I am playing a computer game. I'm playing a computer game. Een boek lezen is interessant. Reading a book is interesting. Reading a book is interesting. Hij is goed gebouwd. He's well built. It's well built. Ik heb een hobby nodig. I need a hobby. I need a hobby. In welk jaar bent u geboren? What year were you born? What year were you born? Voetballen jullie? Do you guys play soccer? You guys play soccer? Hij kan niet erg snel rennen. He can't run very fast. He can't run very fast. Ik wist dat Tom de doos niet kon open doen. I knew that Tom wouldn't be able to get the box open. I knew Tom couldn't open the box. Je moet geen dingen maar half doen. You shouldn't do things by halves. You don't have to do things but half-do them. Je moeder is erg mooi! Your mother is very beautiful! Your mother is very beautiful! Een voetbalteam bestaat uit elf spelers. A soccer team consists of eleven players. A football team consists of eleven players. Tom draagt altijd een reddingsvest. Tom always wears a life vest. Tom always wears a life jacket. Waar is de kalender? Where is the calendar? Where's the calendar? De hoofdstad van Algerije is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. The capital of Algeria is Algiers. Dit ziekenhuis heeft veel nieuwe apparatuur. This hospital has a lot of new equipment. This hospital has a lot of new equipment. Jullie zijn aan het zwemmen. You are swimming. You're swimming. Leg je bij de feiten neer! Face facts! Stand down to the facts! Zij is echt slim, niet? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Ik ben een monnik. I am a monk. I'm a monk. Je hebt brood gekocht. You bought bread. You bought bread. Voor welk voedsel ben je allergisch? What foods are you allergic to? What kind of food are you allergic to? Zij gaan altijd skiën in de winter. They always go skiing in the winter. They always go skiing in winter. Tom spreekt net zo goed Frans als jij. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you do. We kunnen elke morgen de klok van de kerk horen. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear the church clock every morning. Ik denk dat Tom een student is. I think that Tom is a student. I think Tom's a student. Ik kan je dit boek aanbevelen. I can recommend this book to you. I can recommend this book. Jij bent moe en ik ook. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. De man en zijn vrouw hielpen elkaar. The man and his wife helped each other. The man and his wife helped each other. Waarom ben je zo verdrietig? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Ik hoop dat je een spoedig herstel hebt. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Om jou de waarheid te vertellen, ik ben jouw pen verloren. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. To tell you the truth, I lost your pen. Er zijn drie intelligente soorten op de planeet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. There are three intelligent species on the planet. Wat ben je van plan om te doen? What do you plan to do? What are you going to do? Tom werkt altijd. Tom is always working. Tom always works. Toen hij de laatste trein miste, was hij ten einde raad. When he missed the last train, he was at a loss. When he missed the last train, he was at his wits' end. Grieks is geen gemakkelijke taal. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Kirgizië wordt ''Kirgiziya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Kyrgyzstan is called "Kirgiziya" in Russian. Kyrgyzstan is called ''Kirgiziya'' in Russian. Iedere morgen leest hij de krant. He reads the newspaper every morning. Every morning he reads the paper. Het zand was warm. The sand was warm. The sand was warm. We zullen zien. We shall see. We'll see. Ik heb niets te verliezen. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Ik ben net grootvader geworden. I've just become a grandfather. I just became a grandfather. Ik heb drie katten. I have three cats. I have three cats. Ben je echt geïnteresseerd in mijn eerlijke mening? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? ... Hé, hé jullie twee, gaan alle hekken los als je weet dat ik trakteer? ... Hey-hey you two, is it no holds barred as soon as you know it's my treat? Hey, hey, you two, all the fences go loose when you know I'm buying? Het is aan het sneeuwen. It's snowing. It's snowing. Ik moet hem overtuigen. I must convince him. I have to convince him. De telefoons doen het niet. The phones aren't working. The phones aren't working. Kan Mars gekoloniseerd worden? Can Mars be colonized? Can Mars be colonized? Het is buiten pikzwart. It's totally dark outside. It's pitch black outside. Tom kan spreken. Tom can talk. Tom can speak. Ik ben de weg kwijt. I'm lost. I'm lost. Ik ben in het huis. I'm in the house. I'm in the house. Ze kan niet in dit hotel zijn, aangezien ze is teruggekeerd naar Canada. She cannot be staying at this hotel, because she has gone back to Canada. She can't be in this hotel, since she's returned to Canada. Allemans vriend is niemands vriend. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Alleman's friend is nobody's friend. Ik ben mijn sleutel kwijtgeraakt. I lost my key. I lost my key. Open alstublieft het raam. Please open the window. Please open the window. Het uurwerk loopt achter. The watch is slow. The clock's behind. We zullen eerst de oorzaak van de ramp vaststellen. We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster. We will first determine the cause of the disaster. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één motor. Felipe has two cars and one bike. Felipe has two cars and one engine. Waren jullie zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Voel je je ziek? Do you feel sick? Are you feeling sick? Je hebt je portemonnee laten vallen. You've dropped your wallet. You dropped your wallet. Ze lieten Tom in de steek. They left Tom behind. They abandoned Tom. Tom is aan het skiën. Tom is skiing. Tom's skiing. Ik weet niet wat ik zonder jou zou aanvangen. I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know what I'd do without you. Ik sta gewoonlijk op om 6 uur. I usually get up at 6:00. I usually get up at 6:00. Ze wonen elke les bij. They attend every class. They attend every class. Sami houdt van sneeuw. Sami likes snow. Sami likes snow. Tom bakte brood. Tom baked bread. Tom baked bread. De deur blijft open. The door stays open. The door stays open. Hij rijdt in een roze Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. Mammoeten waren herbivoren. Mammoths were herbivores. Mammoths were herbivores. Bolzano is de hoofdstad van Zuid-Tirol, in Italië. Bolzano is the capital of South Tyrol, in Italy. Bolzano is the capital of South Tyrol, in Italy. Ik was agressief. I was aggressive. I was aggressive. Technologie op zichzelf is zinloos tenzij het nuttig is voor de mensheid. Technology is in itself meaningless unless it serves mankind. Technology itself is meaningless unless it is useful to humanity. Hoe dikwijls gaat u uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often do you go out to dinner? Ik moet erheen. I need to go there. I have to get there. Tom is in Boston getrouwd. Tom got married in Boston. Tom married in Boston. Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. De jeugd van ons land interesseert zich niet voor politiek. The youth of our land are not interested in politics. The youth of our country are not interested in politics. Horen jullie dat? Do you hear that? Do you hear that? Ze zochten allemaal naar het vermiste kind. They all searched for the lost child. They were all looking for the missing child. Verrekte dief. Damn thief. You fucking thief! Ik loog. I lied. I lied. Deze hond bijt. This dog bites. This dog bites. Mijn neef heeft gebeld. My cousin has been calling. My cousin called. Heb je je huiswerk gedaan? Did you do your homework? Did you do your homework? Waar zijn de jongens? Where are the boys? Where are the boys? Hij wordt vaak verliefd. He often falls in love. He often falls in love. Zijn ze vrienden? Are they friends? Are they friends? Hoe vind je zijn nieuwe roman? How do you find his new novel? How do you like his new novel? Ik vind dit beschamend. I find this embarrassing. I find this embarrassing. Als jullie niet bezig zijn, kunnen jullie me dan helpen? If you're not busy, could you please help me? If you're not busy, can you help me? Ik ben Frans aan het studeren. I'm studying French. I'm studying French. Ik woon niet hier in Australië. I don't live here in Australia. I don't live here in Australia. De broer schrijft. The brother is writing. The brother writes. Niets nieuws onder de zon. Nothing new under the sun. Nothing new under the sun. Ze hebben mij groot onrecht aangedaan. They did me a great wrong. They have done me great injustice. We zullen je heel erg missen. We will miss you badly. We're gonna miss you so much. Het was niet bepaald goed. It wasn't very good. It wasn't exactly right. Het klimaat in Japan is zachter dan in Engeland. The climate in Japan is milder than in England. The climate in Japan is softer than in England. Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Wilt u me dan helpen? Will you help me then? Will you help me? Tom was niet zo verrast als de anderen. Tom wasn't as surprised as everybody else. Tom wasn't as surprised as the others. Ik wil weten of de garantie al verlopen is. I want to find out if the warranty has expired yet. I want to know if the warranty has expired. We hebben het overwogen. We considered it. We've considered it. Voor wie werk je? Who do you work for? Who do you work for? We zijn niet in de jungle. We're not in the jungle. We're not in the jungle. Ik zie u vanmiddag. I'll see you this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. Jullie waren sterk. You guys were tough. You were strong. Welke kleur is dit? What color is this? What color is this? Zij wil een zanger worden. She wants to be a singer. She wants to be a singer. Wanneer is zij geboren? When was she born? When was she born? Men kan deze boeddhistische afbeelding niet helemaal juist dateren. This Buddhist image cannot be dated exactly. One cannot date this Buddhist image quite correctly. Goed gedaan! Well done! Well done! Wanneer zal ik je morgen afhalen? When should I pick you up tomorrow? When will I pick you up tomorrow? Cockburn Town is de hoofdstad van de Turks- en Caicoseilanden. Cockburn Town is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Cockburn Town is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Wie is er gebleven? Who stayed? Who stayed? Je stelt me teleur. I'm disappointed with you. You disappoint me. Laten we van onderwerp veranderen! Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject! Tot ziens, Sayoko! Bye, Sayoko! Goodbye, Sayoko! Ik wil een kop koffie. I would like a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Wanneer eindigt het slechte nieuws? When will the bad news end? When does the bad news end? Het is moeilijk een geschikte vertaling te vinden. It's hard to find a suitable translation. It is difficult to find a suitable translation. Weinig mensen denken zo. Few people think so. Not a lot of people think that way. We hebben geen kinderen. We don't have kids. We don't have kids. De zee is groen. The sea is green. The sea is green. Vertel me hoe je je voelt. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how you feel. We hebben een nieuwe paus. We have a new pope. We have a new Pope. Tom speelt met zijn zoon. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. Taro, kun je mij helpen? Would you lend me a hand, Taro? Taro, can you help me? Wat een mooi uitzicht! What a beautiful sight! What a beautiful view! Hij hing een afbeelding aan de muur. He hung a picture on the wall. He hung an image on the wall. Ik hoop dat het helpt. I hope it helps. I hope it helps. Ik vrees dat het zal gaan regenen. I'm afraid it's going to rain. I'm afraid it's going to rain. Tom is gek. Tom's crazy. Tom's crazy. Ik kan liefhebben. I can love. I can love. Dit is Tom zijn woordenboek. This is Tom's dictionary. This is Tom's dictionary. Dit is grappig. That's funny. This is funny. Mijn hartsvriendin vertrok naar Canada. My girlfriend has gone to Canada. My heart friend left for Canada. Laten we Tom vragen. Let's ask Tom. Let's ask Tom. "Neger" is een offensief woord. The word "nigger" is an offensive term. "Neger" is an offensive word. Waar heb je die sleutel gevonden? Where was it that you found this key? Where did you find that key? Wek me morgenochtend om zes uur alsjeblieft. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Wake me up at 6:00 in the morning, please. Scheer je weg! Get lost! Get out of here! Ik ga deze zomer naar het buitenland. I am going abroad this summer. I'm going abroad this summer. Is dat waar? Is this true? Is that true? Ik heb verscheidene zilveren munten. I have several silver coins. I have several silver coins. Er zijn veel sterren die groter zijn dan onze zon. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. De allocatie van werkgeheugen gaat gebruikelijk gepaard met een systeemaanroep door of niet door een systeembibliotheek of een 'framework'. Allocation of RAM usually involves a system call trough or not trough a system library or framework. The allocation of working memory is usually accompanied by a system call by or not by a system library or framework. Moord wordt met de dood gestraft. Murder is punished by death. Murder is punished with death. U moet de badkamer schoonmaken. You need to clean the bathroom. You need to clean the bathroom. De spijker scheurde zijn jas. The nail tore his jacket. The nail tore his coat. Ik vind treinen leuk. I like trains. I like trains. Daar zijn moeders voor. That's what mothers are for. That's what moms are for. Een vreemde taal leren is niet gemakkelijk. It isn't easy to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not easy. Je bofte dat je de trein kon pakken. It was lucky that you caught the train. You were lucky to be able to catch the train. Ik ben jong. I am young. I'm young. Ze keken Tom allemaal aan. They all looked at Tom. They all looked at Tom. Beide kinderen werden gestraft. Both children were punished. Both children were punished. Jullie zijn monsters. You're monsters. You're monsters. IJsland behoorde tot Denemarken. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Iceland belonged to Denmark. Ze hebben me alles verteld. They told me everything. They told me everything. Ik houd van rood vlees. I like red meat. I like red meat. De pophit van vorig jaar werd gelanceerd door een televisiedramaserie. Last year's pop hit was set off by a serial TV drama. Last year's pop hit was launched by a television drama series. Ik zal proberen snel te zijn. I'll try to be quick. I'll try to be quick. Ik ga overmorgen naar Boston. I'm going to Boston the day after tomorrow. I'm going to Boston the day after tomorrow. Tom probeerde het ijs te breken. Tom tried to break the ice. Tom tried to break the ice. Mary is bang voor spinnen. Mary is afraid of spiders. Mary's afraid of spiders. Ik schrijf een brief. I write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Hij woont in een heel prettige buurt. He lives in a very nice neighborhood. He lives in a very pleasant neighborhood. Wiskunde is een gemakkelijk onderwerp voor mij. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Er was daar geen kat. There was not a bloody soul. There was no cat there. lk moet gaan. Gotta go. I have to go. Tom, als jij niet gaat, ga ik ook niet. Tom, if you're not going I'm not going either. Tom, if you don't go, I won't go either. Ik heb een kaartje nodig. I need a ticket. I need a ticket. Dit is uw land. This is your country. This is your country. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat ik die tenniswedstrijd win. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win that tennis game. Laten we een bus pakken. Let's take a bus. Let's get a bus. Sami eet nooit kalkoen. Sami never eats turkey. Sami never eats turkey. Het was aangenaam en warm in huis. It was nice and warm inside the house. It was pleasant and warm in the house. Tom is in gevaar. Tom is in danger. Tom's in danger. Slakken zijn sloom. Snails are slow. Snails are slow. Mijn tuin is klein. My garden is small. My garden is small. Wat gaat de tijd snel. Time goes very swiftly. Time's moving so fast. Er bestaan veel onterechte vooroordelen tegen Esperanto. There is much undeserved prejudice against Esperanto. There are many unjust prejudices against Esperanto. Ze droeg een mannenhemd dat haar niet paste. She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her. She was wearing a man's shirt that didn't fit her. Ze houden van dat lied. They love that song. They love that song. Alles is niet duurder. Not everything is more expensive. Everything's not more expensive. Twee vliegen in een klap slaan. To kill two birds with one stone. Hitting two birds with one stone. Ik ben je speeltje niet. I'm not your plaything. I'm not your toy. Spreek je Hebreeuws? Do you speak Hebrew? Do you speak Hebrew? Natuurlijk mag dat. Of course you can. Of course you can. Hij wordt zeker gestraft. He will certainly be punished. He's definitely being punished. Wees niet zo naïef. Stop being so naive. Don't be naive. Hebt gij enig idee wie hij is? Have you any idea who he is? Do you have any idea who he is? Zij zaten naast elkaar. They sat side by side. They were sitting next to each other. Kan ik zingen? Can I sing? Can I sing? Ben je kwaad? Are you mad? Are you mad? Willen jullie wijn? Do you want wine? Would you like some wine? Vandaag is het woensdag. Today is Wednesday. Today's Wednesday. Toro is niet altijd hier. Taro is not always here. Toro isn't always here. Weet jij misschien hoe ze heet? Do you know, by chance, her name? Do you know her name? Ik ben vandaag vrij. I have the day off. I'm free today. Twitter is niet goed genoeg. Twitter is not good enough. Twitter isn't good enough. Hoe oud ben je? How old are you? How old are you? "Onze baas heeft aangedrongen op die prijs," legde de verkoopster uit. "Maar weet u, u hoeft me geen 0,99 in kopeken te betalen. U mag meer betalen als u wilt." "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." "Our boss has insisted on that price," the saleswoman explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0,99 in cups. You can pay more if you want." Dit is een gele roos. This is a yellow rose. This is a yellow rose. Goedemorgen dames. Good morning, ladies. Good morning, ladies. Je ziet eruit alsof je boos bent. You seem to be angry. You look like you're mad. Waarom viel je haar aan? Why did you attack her? Why did you attack her? Ik wil Maria ontmoeten. I want to meet Mary. I want to meet Maria. Ze is al tien jaar zijn vrouw. She has been married to him for a decade now. She's been his wife for ten years. Je kunt toch echt niet van mij verwachten dat ik nu naar huis ga. You can't seriously expect me to go home now. You really can't expect me to go home now. Als ik Esperanto gebruik met hem, voel ik dat we beiden op hetzelfde peil staan, tenminste als we dat zien uit het oogpunt van taal. Using Esperanto with him, I feel that we are both at the same level, at least from a lingual point of view. If I use Esperanto with him, I feel we're both on the same level, at least when we see that from the point of view of language. Ik heb dezelfde mening over jou. I feel the same way about you. I have the same opinion about you. Ik heb een vriend die in Boston woont. I have a friend living in Boston. I have a friend who lives in Boston. Ik spreek heel goed Deens, Italiaans, Portugees. I speak Danish, Italian, Portuguese very well. I speak very well Danish, Italian, Portuguese. Jullie vergelijken appels met peren. You are comparing apples and oranges. You're comparing apples to pears. Ik spreek tegenwoordig bijna geen Frans meer. I hardly ever speak French nowadays. I don't speak French anymore. Ze woont hiertegenover. She lives across the street. She lives across the street. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world without war. Imagine a world without war. Ze wisten het al. They already knew. They already knew. Het officiële begin is op zaterdag. The official start is on Saturday. The official beginning is on Saturday. Sami reist nooit zonder een exemplaar van de Koran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Quran. Sami never travels without a copy of the Koran. Ik vertel je alleen wat ik hoorde. I'm only telling you what I heard. I'm just telling you what I heard. Het Picardisch is een langue d'oïl. Picard is an oïl language. Picardic is a langue d'oïl. Ik moest er gisteren heen gaan. I had to go there yesterday. I had to go there yesterday. Ze had hen nodig. She needed them. She needed them. Kan je dat ding eten? Is this thing edible? Can you eat that thing? Welke tand doet pijn? Which tooth hurts? What tooth hurts? De Mississippirivier mondt uit in de Golf van Mexico. The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Ik ben vies. I'm dirty. I'm dirty. Waar kan ik bellen? Where can I make a phone call? Where can I call? Ik kan niet zonder toestemming van mijn ouders trouwen. I can't get married without my parents' permission. I can't marry without my parents' permission. Hoe spreekt men dit woord uit? How do you pronounce this word? How is this word pronounced? Kun je vis bereiden? Do you know how to cook fish? Can you cook fish? Ik hou niet zo van kaas. I don't like cheese very much. I don't like cheese. Ik kan skiën. I know how to ski. I can ski. Goed dat jullie de olifant hebben opgemerkt! It's good that you've noticed the elephant! Good thing you noticed the elephant! Tom is agressief. Tom is aggressive. Tom's aggressive. Ik ben door en door nat. I got wet to the skin. I'm wet through and through. Ik ben hier omdat ik dat wil. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to. Amerikanen noemen het de Vietnamoorlog; de Vietnamezen noemen het de Amerikaanse oorlog. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American War. Americans call it the Vietnam War; the Vietnamese call it the American war. Iedereen houdt van zijn land. Everybody loves his country. Everyone loves their country. Hij vertrouwt je. He trusts you. He trusts you. Als de mensen u haten, wees dan goed voor hen. Do good to those who hate you. If people hate you, be good to them. Ben je niet bang om dood te gaan? Aren't you afraid to die? Aren't you afraid to die? Leg die hamer neer. Put down the hammer. Put the hammer down. Nancy groette mij aan de overkant met een knik. Nancy greeted me with a nod from across the street. Nancy greeted me across the street with a nod. Niemand bood zich aan. Nobody volunteered. No one volunteered. Is er leven op Mars? Is there any life on Mars? Is there life on Mars? Sammy had spacecake. Sami had weed cookies. Sammy had spacecake. Hij heeft vijfhonderd duizend yen in aandelen geïnvesteerd. He invested 500,000 yen in stocks. He's invested 500 thousand yen in shares. Ze hoorde hem zingen. She heard him sing. She heard him sing. Je bent geen pinguïn, Thomas. You're not a penguin, Thomas. You're not a penguin, Thomas. Tom viel. Tom fell. Tom fell. Hoe bent u hier terechtgekomen? How did you happen to end up here? How did you get here? Dat kan niet! No way! That can't be! Ze ging naar huis. She went home. She went home. Tom en Maria hebben veel gemeen. Tom and Mary have a lot in common. Tom and Maria have a lot in common. Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. I thought you said Tom used to live in Boston. Kun je je zijn naam herinneren? Can you remember his name? Do you remember his name? Ik heb die deur niet opengemaakt. I didn't unlock that door. I didn't open that door. Vervelen jullie je? Are you bored? Are you bored? Maria is een elektricien, nietwaar? Mary is an electrician, isn't she? Maria's an electrician, isn't she? Je moet hier blijven totdat we terugkomen. You are to stay here until we come back. You have to stay here until we get back. Ik heb Tom drie jaar geleden voor het eerst ontmoet. I first met Tom three years ago. I first met Tom three years ago. Denk eraan. Remember. Remember. Jullie zijn jullie paraplu's vergeten. You forgot your umbrellas. You forgot your umbrellas. Wie neemt nog tijd voor een lange brief aan een vriend? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who else takes time for a long letter to a friend? Daar neemt de menigte geen genoegen mee. That won't placate the mob. The crowd won't settle for that. Zijn geintjes liggen op het randje van de hoon. His jokes border on the insulting. His jokes are on the edge of the taunt. Mijn dokter heeft me aangeraden om de inname van dit geneesmiddel te staken. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine. My doctor advised me to stop taking this medicine. Ik vind dat het te groot is. I think that it's too big. I think it's too big. Tom brengt veel tijd door met het spelen van American football. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Tom spends a lot of time playing American football. De deur sluit automatisch na het buitengaan. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door automatically closes after exit. Tom probeerde gewoon het juiste te doen. Tom was just trying to do the right thing. Tom was just trying to do the right thing. Heb je al besloten waarover je je scriptie gaat schrijven? Have you already decided on your thesis topic? Have you decided what you're going to write your thesis on yet? Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. Ik kan er niet meer tegen! I can't stand it anymore. I can't take it anymore! Bescherm me! Protect me! Protect me! Open uw boek op bladzijde negen. Open your book to page nine. Open your book on page nine. Ik zei dat we ze zouden vinden. I said we'd find them. I said we'd find them. Het is hun laatste film. It's their last movie. It's their last movie. Wist u niet dat ik vroeger in Australië woonde? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Didn't you know I used to live in Australia? Hebben ze enig bericht ontvangen van het aantal slachtoffers van de aardbeving? Have they received any reports of lives lost in the earthquake? Have they received any reports of the number of victims of the earthquake? Misschien slaag je. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll pass. Je hond is een dief. Your dog is a thief. Your dog's a thief. Sami had een voetbal. Sami had a soccer ball. Sami had a football. Sami vast vandaag. Sami is fasting today. Sami must be today. Hoe gaat het ermee? How are things? How's it going? Israël is een erg klein land. Israel is a very small country. Israel is a very small country. Ik ben twee keer in Kioto geweest. I've been to Kyoto twice. I've been to Kyoto twice. Ik raad u aan met Tom naar Boston te gaan. I advise you to go to Boston with Tom. I suggest you take Tom to Boston. Hartelijk bedankt voor het komen. Thanks so much for coming! Thank you so much for coming. Spring. Jump. Jump. Wie is die vrouw? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? Wat doe je, papa? What are you doing, Dad? What are you doing, Daddy? Ik vraag me af waarom ik me zo eenzaam voel wanneer het koud wordt. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. Louisiana behoorde tot Frankrijk. Louisiana belonged to France. Louisiana belonged to France. We zijn aangekomen. We have arrived. We've arrived. Mama was bezig met haar naaiwerk. Mom was busy with her sewing. Mom was working on her sewing. Ze helpen niet. They don't help. They're not helping. Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. Er zijn niet zo veel homo's hier. There aren't so many gays here. There aren't that many gays here. Hij is niet onze vijand. He isn't our enemy. He's not our enemy. Mijn man zegt dat hij haar nodig heeft. My husband says he needs her. My husband says he needs her. Dit potlood is wit. This pencil is white. This pencil is white. Ik ben trollen op Tatoeba zat. I’m tired of trolls on Tatoeba. I'm tired of trolls on Tattooa. Ik heb daar geen enkel probleem mee. I don't have any problem with that. I don't have a problem with that. Ik heb geen moedertaal. I do not have a mother tongue. I don't have a mother tongue. Ik woonde in Mongolië. I was living in Mongolia. I lived in Mongolia. Ben je gewond? Are you hurt? Are you hurt? Maak het je gemakkelijk! Make yourself cozy! Make yourself at home! Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde metrostation? Where's the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest subway station? Maria kan zo'n drama queen zijn. Mary can be such a drama queen. Maria can be such a drama queen. De oude man sprong van de hak op de tak. The old man rambled on. The old man jumped off the heel on the branch. Ik eet toast met boter en confituur. I'm eating buttered toast with jam. I eat toast with butter and jam. Ik kan de computer niet herstellen. I cannot fix the computer. I can't fix the computer. Ga zitten! Sit down! Sit down! Ik stuurde haar een e-mail. I sent her an email. I sent her an e-mail. De politieagenten hadden een pauze. The constables were on a break. The policemen were on a break. We zijn hier om u te beschermen. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Er is hier niet genoeg ruimte voor veertig mensen. There isn't enough space here for forty people. There's not enough room here for 40 people. Sami schoot de beer dood. Sami shot the bear dead. Sami shot the bear. Het is ons gelukt! We did it! We did it! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! Het hoost. It is raining hard. It's huffing. Zij lachten over zijn fout. They laughed at his mistake. They laughed at his mistake. Hebt u condooms? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? Dat meisje dat een sjaal draagt, is maagd. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl wearing a scarf is a virgin. Laat me gewoon maar alleen! Just leave me alone. Just leave me alone! Ik zal blijven. I'll stay. I'll stay. Wat wil je voor het ontbijt? What do you want for breakfast? What do you want for breakfast? Tennis spelen is gemakkelijk. It is easy to play tennis. Playing tennis is easy. Yitzhak is joods en hij heeft veel moslimvrienden. Is dat verkeerd? Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Is that wrong? Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Ze hebben de regels veranderd. They've changed the rules. They changed the rules. Wat is mijn kamernummer? What is my room number? What's my room number? Tom houdt niet van de manier waarop Maria naar hem kijkt. Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him. Tom doesn't like the way Maria looks at him. Vanavond gaan we naar de kerk. We'll go to church this evening. We're going to church tonight. Verklaar het volgende. Explain the following. Explain the following. De deur van het kantoor is geel. The door of the office is yellow. The office door is yellow. Ze bakte een cake voor mij. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. We dronken soju in de karaokebar. We drank soju at the karaoke bar. We drank soju at the karaoke bar. Ik ben allergisch voor analgetica. I am allergic to analgesics. I'm allergic to analgesics. Het is bijna te eenvoudig. This is almost too easy. It's almost too simple. De beer at een appel. The bear ate an apple. The bear ate an apple. Bent u bang voor mij? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Niemand houdt van mijn land. Nobody likes my country. Nobody likes my country. Hou ermee op. Cut it out. Stop it. Ik overtuigde hem dat hij schuldig was. I persuaded him that he was wrong. I convinced him he was guilty. Hij is goed in wiskunde. He is good at mathematics. He's good at math. Hij gaf een bot aan de hond. He gave the dog a bone. He gave a bone to the dog. Sami's interview heeft een kwartier geduurd. Sami's interview lasted fifteen minutes. Sami's interview lasted 15 minutes. Haar puppy is schoon. Her puppy is clean. Her puppy's clean. Ik wil naar Australië reizen. I want to travel to Australia. I want to travel to Australia. Tom houdt nog steeds van je. Tom never stopped loving you. Tom still loves you. Verkopen ze schriften in die winkel? Do they sell notebooks at that store? They sell books in that store? Het lijkt erop dat de Algerijnse regering vastberaden is om economische diversificatie te bereiken. It seems that the Algerian government is determined to achieve economic diversification. It seems that the Algerian government is determined to achieve economic diversification. Hij is volledig afhankelijk van zijn ouders. He is totally dependent on his parents. He's totally dependent on his parents. Geef me vijf dagen. Give me five days. Give me five days. Haar handtas is gestolen. She had her handbag stolen. Her purse was stolen. Ik kan het mes niet vinden. I can't find the knife. I can't find the knife. Dit is communisme. This is communism. This is communism. Mijn vader laat mij 's nachts niet alleen op stap gaan. My father doesn't let me go out alone at night. My father won't let me go out alone at night. Dit is een ei. This is an egg. This is an egg. Hoeveel geld heb je gewonnen? How much money did you win? How much money did you win? De zomervakantie is voorbij. The summer vacation is over. Summer vacation's over. Gisternacht heb ik honden horen huilen. Last night, I heard dogs howling. Last night I heard dogs crying. Ik wilde niets in het bijzijn van de kinderen zeggen. I didn't want to say anything in front of the kids. I didn't want to say anything in front of the kids. Jij bent de vrouw van mijn dromen. You are the woman of my dreams. You're the wife of my dreams. Sinds wanneer is zij ziek? How long has she been sick? Since when is she sick? Begrijpen jullie me? Do you guys understand me? Do you understand me? Toegang is gratis. Admission is free. Access is free. Ik eet geen fruit. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. Ik ben geen vogel, en geen net verstrikt me; ik ben een vrij mens met een onafhankelijke wil. I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will. I am not a bird, and no net entangled me; I am a free man with an independent will. Zij verbrandt snel. Her skin burns easily. She burns fast. Heb jij een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Ze zei hem uit de buurt te blijven van slechte vrienden. She told him to keep away from bad friends. She told him to stay away from bad friends. We wonen in een mooie stad. We live in a beautiful city. We live in a beautiful city. Snij alsjeblieft de wortels. Please cut the carrots. Please cut the carrots. Ik sta voor u klaar. I'm at your service. I'm here for you. Mag ik je woordenboek even gebruiken? Can I use your dictionary for a minute? Can I use your dictionary? Ik check haar Facebookpagina voortdurend. I check her Facebook page constantly. I check her Facebook page all the time. Qua uiterlijk lijkt Dick op zijn moeder. Dick takes after his mother in appearance. In appearance, Dick looks like his mother. Vrolijk kerstfeest en een gelukkig nieuw jaar! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Niet slecht. Not bad. Not bad. Ze is uw dochter. She's your daughter. She's your daughter. Wat is jullie lievelingsvak? What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite? Verdedig de kerk. Defend the Church. Defend the church. Ongeacht waar jullie naartoe gaan, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. No matter where you go, don't forget to write to me. Aarzel niet advies te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask advice. Waarom is kaliumpermanganaat paars? Why is potassium permanganate purple? Why is potassium permanganate purple? Sami heeft een keukenmes. Sami has a kitchen knife. Sami has a kitchen knife. Alle vogels hebben veren. All birds have feathers. All birds have feathers. Er is iets gebeurd. Something has happened. Something's happened. Ik ben dankbaar voor mijn kinderen. I'm thankful for my children. I'm grateful for my children. Tom is geestig. Tom is funny. Tom's funny. Dan probeerde Linda over te halen het geld te stelen. Dan tried to persuade Linda to steal the money. Then Linda tried to convince her to steal the money. Ik was daar op tijd, maar ik zag je niet! I was there on time, but I didn't see you! I got there in time, but I didn't see you! Heb je een kam? Do you have a comb? Do you have a comb? Zing alsjeblieft. Please sing. Please sing. Mijn sokken zijn nog steeds vochtig. My socks are still damp. My socks are still damp. Wat is het verschil tussen deze twee? What's the difference between these two? What's the difference between these two? Ik hou van knoflook. I like garlic. I like garlic. Heb je knoflook gegeten? Did you eat garlic? Did you eat garlic? Geef mij dat maar. I'll take that. I'll take that. Blij u te zien. Happy to see you. Good to see you. Deze broek is uit duurzame stof vervaardigd. These trousers are made of durable cloth. These pants are made of durable fabric. Sommige mensen houden van sport, andere niet. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports, others don't. Je zult mijn schoonzoon zijn. You'll be my son-in-law. You'll be my son-in-law. Laat me met rust! Let me alone! Leave me alone! Het lijkt buiten warm te zijn. It seems warm outside. It seems to be warm outside. Ik werkelijkheid was de soep te zout. Actually, the soup was too salty. I realized the soup was too salty. Sami rookte wiet. Sami smoked weed. Sami smoked weed. Heeft u Tom vermoord? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ik zei toch dat het hier koud zou worden? I told you it was going to be cold here. I told you it'd get cold in here. Aangenaam kennis te maken. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Ik verfoei schijnheiligheid. I detest hypocrisy. I detest hypocrisy. Tom had een verschrikkelijke kater. Tom had a hideous hangover. Tom had a terrible hangover. Vier jij de Dag van de Aarde? Do you celebrate the Earth Day? You're celebrating Earth Day? Ik hou ook van appels. I also like apples. I like apples, too. De Romeinen droegen toga's. The Romans wore togas. The Romans wore togas. Tom is vorig jaar overleden. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. Niemand is gestorven. Nobody died. No one died. Ben je echt een prinses? Are you really a princess? Are you really a princess? Hij ging met de auto naar Boston. He went to Boston by car. He took the car to Boston. Tom is nu mijn vriendje. Tom is my boyfriend now. Tom's my boyfriend now. Zij houdt ook van chocolade. She loves chocolate, too. She likes chocolate, too. Die meisjes zijn allebei verliefd op je. Those girls are both in love with you. Those girls are both in love with you. Hij heeft geluk zo'n goede vrouw te hebben. He is fortunate having such a good wife. He's lucky to have such a good wife. Deze vlinders zijn zeldzaam in ons land. These butterflies are rare in our country. These butterflies are rare in our country. We luisteren naar muziek. We listen to music. We listen to music. Ik heb liever een hotel bij de luchthaven. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I'd rather have a hotel at the airport. Tom zegt dat hij van plan is om in Australië te blijven. Tom says he plans on staying in Australia. Tom says he's planning on staying in Australia. Kun jij paardrijden? Can you ride a horse? Do you know how to ride a horse? Ik kom niet uit Afrika. I'm not from Africa. I'm not from Africa. Ik woonde drie jaar geleden in Japan. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. Hij verdient zijn boterham. He earns a living. He deserves his sandwich. We hebben een website. We have a website. We have a website. Waarom logen jullie? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Had je man veel vijanden? Did your husband have many enemies? Did your husband have many enemies? Om zich voor de politie te verstoppen, bracht Dima de nacht door in een vuilcontainer. Hiding from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. To hide from the police, Dima spent the night in a dumpster. Dit is wat we zouden kunnen doen: This is what we could do: Here's what we could do: "Maria, de koffie is te straf voor mij." - "Oh, het spijt me. Neem anders wat melk." "Mary, the coffee is too strong for me." "Oh, I am sorry. Perhaps add a little milk." "Maria, the coffee is too punishment for me." - "Oh, I'm sorry. Waarom dromen we? Why do we dream? Why are we dreaming? Hij houdt van honden. He loves dogs. He likes dogs. Ik woon in Nederland. I live in the Netherlands. I live in the Netherlands. Een goede leraar moet geduldig zijn met zijn leerlingen. A good teacher must be patient with his students. A good teacher must be patient with his students. Hij deed al wat hij kon in het belang van zijn kinderen. He did everything he could do for the sake of his children. He did all he could for the sake of his children. Fadil werd smoorverliefd op een moslimvrouw uit Egypte. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadil fell in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Ik weet dat Tom niet in mij is geïnteresseerd. I know that Tom isn't interested in me. I know Tom's not interested in me. Het had een vlot verloop. It went off smoothly. It had a smooth run. Tom gebruikte een paar houten kisten als stoel. Tom utilized some wooden chests as chairs. Tom used a pair of wooden caskets as a chair. Hij werd een stemacteur. He became a voice actor. He became a voice actor. Ik zal mijn mond niet houden. I won't shut up. I won't keep my mouth shut. De pijnappelklier scheidt melatonine af. The pineal gland secretes melatonin. The pineal gland secretes melatonin. Is dat gezond? Is that healthy? Is that healthy? Ik ben Toms ex-vrouw. I'm Tom's ex-wife. I'm Tom's ex-wife. Ik wil met Martyna trouwen. I want to marry Martyna. I want to marry Martyna. Zwitserland heeft betere appels nodig. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better apples. Tranen liepen over mijn wangen. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears ran over my cheeks. Ze weegt meer dan 80 kg. She weighs more than 80 kg. It weighs over 80 kg. Ik betaalde voor deze tickets. I paid for these tickets. I paid for these tickets. Ik schilde de wortels. I peeled the carrots. I shielded the roots. Mijn excuses. Sorry... I apologize. Er waren veel islamitische kinderen op de school waar Sami naartoe ging. There were lots of Muslim kids at the school Sami attended. There were many Islamic children at the school Sami went to. Mag ik vragen hoe u heet? May I ask your name? May I ask your name? Ik weet van waar hij is. I know where he comes from. I know where he is. Als het alleen om het winnen ging, waren we nu depressief. If the only thing that mattered was winning, then we'd be depressed. If it was just about winning, we'd be depressed now. Waarom kwam ze zo vroeg? Why did she come this early? Why did she come so early? Werkt Tom? Does Tom work? Is Tom working? Er is een gele roos. There is a yellow rose. There's a yellow rose. Er zit bijna geen water in deze fles. There is almost no water in this bottle. There's almost no water in this bottle. Yidir woont in Noorwegen. Yidir lives in Norway. Yidir lives in Norway. Het is noodzakelijk een andere uitweg te vinden uit deze situatie. It is imperative that we find another way out of this situation. It is necessary to find another way out of this situation. We hebben Russisch geleerd in plaats van Frans. We learned Russian instead of French. We learned Russian instead of French. Ik wil niet dat je je zorgen maakt. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Mennad kan een vrachtwagen besturen. Mennad can drive a truck. Mennad can drive a truck. Je gok is bijna goed. Your guess is almost right. Your guess is almost right. Wil je nog een kop koffie drinken? Will you drink another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? Goedemorgen iedereen. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Het volkslied van Schotland heet ''De bloem van Schotland''. Scotland's anthem is called "The Flower of Scotland". Scotland's national anthem is called ''The Flower of Scotland'''. Spreekt u Faeröers? Do you speak Faroese? Do you speak Faroe Islands? Tom draagt ​​nooit roze. Tom never wears pink. Tom never wears pink. Esperanto is een internationale plantaal. Esperanto is an international planned language. Esperanto is an international planning language. Ik heb mijn woordenboek niet bij de hand. I haven't my dictionary at hand. I don't have my dictionary on hand. Vertel me welke van de twee camera's beter is. Tell me which of the two cameras is the better one. Tell me which one of the two cameras is better. Je mag zeggen wat je wil. You're free to say what you want. You can say whatever you want. Hallo? Ben je er nog? Hello? Are you still there? Hello? Probeer een beetje Engels te leren. Try to learn a little English. Try to learn a little English. Hij vertelde mij een heel ongeloofwaardig verhaal. He told me a completely unbelievable story. He told me a very incredible story. Ik weet dat Tom een ​​tandarts was. I know Tom used to be a dentist. I know Tom was a dentist. Ze hield van poëzie en muziek. She was fond of poetry and music. She loved poetry and music. Hij eerlijk? Laat me niet lachen! Him, honest? What a joke! Don't make me laugh! Je bent niet getrouwd, of wel? You're not married, are you? You're not married, are you? Jeminee! Holy cow! Holy shit! Ik heb niets te klagen. I have nothing to complain about. I have nothing to complain about. Kom naar voren. Come forward. Come forward. Ik ben elektricien. I am an electrician. I'm an electrician. Ik at kipnuggets. I ate chicken nuggets. I ate chicken nuggets. We hebben je advies nodig. We do need your advice. We need your advice. Hoeveel appelbomen staan er in uw boomgaard? How many apple trees are there in your orchard? How many apple trees are in your orchard? Dat is wat je nodig hebt. That's what you need. That's what you need. Ik weet niet juist waar ik geboren ben. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know exactly where I was born. Ik ga met je mee. I am going with you. I'm coming with you. Die meisjes zijn allebei verliefd op je. Both of those girls are in love with you. Those girls are both in love with you. Schil de appel. Peel the apple. Peel the apple. Je bent maar een jongen. You're just a boy. You're just a boy. Houten stoelen zijn duur. Wooden chairs are expensive. Wooden chairs are expensive. Heb je alles klaar voor morgen? Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow? Do you have everything ready for tomorrow? Tom ziet er verschrikkelijk uit. Tom looks terrible. Tom looks terrible. Ik ben ook een toerist. I'm a tourist, too. I'm a tourist, too. Waarom spreken ze in het Berbers? Why are they speaking in Berber? Why do they speak in the Berbers? Houden jullie van dit land? Do you love this country? Do you love this country? Ik hou van sinaasappelmarmelade. I love orange marmalade. I love orange marmalade. Zij deed haar sokken uit. She removed her socks. She took off her socks. Toen ik thuiskwam, merkte ik dat ik mijn portemonnee verloren had. When I got home, I found I had lost my wallet. When I got home, I found that I had lost my wallet. Iedereen had medelijden met Tom. Everyone felt sorry for Tom. Everyone felt sorry for Tom. Mag ik zien? Can I see? May I see? We hebben uw hulp niet nodig. We don't need your help. We don't need your help. De nacht is donker en vol verschrikkingen. The night is dark and full of terrors. The night is dark and full of horrors. Deze trein bestaat uit zeven rijtuigen. This train is made up of seven cars. This train consists of seven carriages. Hij heeft een boom omgehakt in de tuin. He felled a tree in his garden. He cut down a tree in the garden. Ik ontving een telegram dat mijn oom aangekomen was. I received a telegram saying that my uncle had arrived. I received a telegram that my uncle had arrived. We zouden beter een kijkje nemen. We'd better take a look. We'd better take a look. Ik heb een tafel. I have a table. I have a table. Tom draagt nieuwe schoenen. Tom is wearing new shoes. Tom's wearing new shoes. Ik ben druk bezig. I am very busy. I'm busy. Wie durft? Who dares? Who dares? Dat kan niet waar zijn. That can't be true. That can't be true. Ik ga vanmiddag Engels oefenen. I'm going to study English this afternoon. I'm going to practice English this afternoon. Ik leer Akkadisch. I'm learning Akkadian. I'm learning Akkadian. Dat is een bloedsinaasappel. That's a blood orange. That's a blood orange. Hoelang moeten we wachten, denk je? How long do you think we'll have to wait? How long do you think we should wait? Meer mensen wonen in het noordelijke gedeelte van de stad. More people live in the northern part of the city. More people live in the northern part of the city. Het ijs smelt. The ice cream is melting. The ice melts. Deze vakantie is niet zo leuk, we zouden naar huis moeten gaan. This holiday isn't much fun - we should go home. This vacation isn't so much fun, we should go home. Jullie huis is groot. Your house is big. Your house is big. Hierna kom ik aan de beurt. My turn comes next. I'll take my turn after this. Ik ging ook. I also went. I went, too. Mijn Spaanse woordenboek zegt niet het woord "desgraciado" te gebruiken in Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary says not to use the word "desgraciado" in Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary does not say to use the word "desgraciado" in Ecuador. "Heb je broers of zussen?" "Neen, ik ben enig kind." "Do you have any siblings?" "No, I'm an only child." "Do you have any siblings?" "No, I'm an only child." Hij speelt beter piano dan ik. He's better at the piano than I am. He plays a better piano than I do. Kinderen hebben een hekel aan irritante leraren. Children hate annoying teachers. Kids hate annoying teachers. Toe nou! Please! Come on! Waar zijn jouw spullen? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? Het was een vochtige, grauwe zomerdag eind juni. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp, gray summer day at the end of June. Jullie beslissen. You decide. You decide. Tom ontdekte een fout in het ontwerp van het schip. Tom discovered a flaw in the ship's design. Tom discovered a flaw in the ship's design. Deze wijn is erg lekker. This wine is extremely delicious. This wine is very good. Geen foto's nemen alsjeblieft. Please don't take pictures here. Don't take pictures, please. Ik ga een keer per week naar de bioscoop. I go to the cinema once a week. I go to the movies once a week. Helaas regent het vandaag. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Iedereen is klaar. Everyone is ready. Everybody's ready. Eet het op. Eat it. Eat it. Help me met mijn huiswerk. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. Woont u in de woestijn? Do you live in the desert? Do you live in the desert? Kikkers zijn bang voor slangen. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Frogs are afraid of snakes. Hij zond zijn bagage vooruit. He sent his luggage in advance. He sent his luggage ahead. Ik heb niets verstaan! I have not understood anything. I didn't hear anything! Tom speelde piano en Mary zong. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. Tom played piano and Mary sang. Je hebt goed geraden. You guessed right. You guessed right. Ik doodde de mug. I killed the mosquito. I killed the mosquito. Je hoeft die vraag niet te beantwoorden. You don't need to answer that question. You don't have to answer that question. Gegeven dat het leven zo kort is, zou je je tijd niet moeten verspillen. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Given that life is so short, you shouldn't waste your time. Ik heb hier tien jaar gewerkt. I've worked here for ten years. I've worked here for ten years. Ik heb besloten hem te zeggen dat ik van haar hou. I decided to tell him that I love her. I've decided to tell him I love her. Is dit zijn paraplu? Is this his umbrella? Is this his umbrella? Ik denk dat hij onschuldig is. I believe him to be innocent. I think he's innocent. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Welke auto bevalt u het meest? What car do you like more? Which car do you like the most? Een democraat is een vrije burger die de wil van de meerderheid aanvaardt. A democrat is a free citizen who yields to the will of the majority. A democrat is a free citizen who accepts the will of the majority. Zwaartekracht is een natuurkracht, waardoor dingen elkaar aantrekken. Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. Gravity is a force of nature, so things attract each other. Enkele van de boeken die hij heeft, zijn Engelse romans. Some of the books that he has are English novels. Some of the books he has are English novels. Ik hou van ze allebei. I like each of them. I love them both. Niemand bestudeert mijn land. Nobody studies my country. Nobody's studying my country. Ik lees zijn boek. I read his book. I read his book. Hij is in Algiers. He's in Algiers. He's in Algiers. Waarom gebruiken zij dit woordenboek? Why do they use this dictionary? Why do they use this dictionary? Een olifant heeft een lange neus. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Easier said than done. Easier said than done. Wil je weten wie dat gedaan heeft? Do you want to know who did this? You want to know who did that? Is het geen prachtige dag voor een picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Ik heb vandaag niets te doen. I have nothing to do today. I have nothing to do today. Ze is in Zwitserland geboren. She was born in Switzerland. She was born in Switzerland. Hij wilde een rugmassage. He wanted a back massage. He wanted a back rub. Ik zie geen enkele uitweg! I don't see a single way out! I don't see any way out! Hier is de rekening. Here is the bill. Here's the bill. We gaan ons huis verkopen. We're going to sell our house. We're gonna sell our house. Ik heb er net zo een. I've got one just like that. I've got one just like it. Je hebt een e-mail gestuurd. You sent an email. You sent an e-mail. Het is niet verder dan twee mijl tot de stad. It is no more than two miles to the town. It's no further than two miles to the city. Dit is geen spin, het is een monster! This is not a spider, it's a monster! This isn't a spider, it's a monster! Ben je gek geworden? Have you gone nuts? Are you out of your mind? Tom is nooit aangekomen. Tom never arrived. Tom never arrived. Ik steek de spoorweg iedere morgen over. I cross the railroad tracks every morning. I cross the railroad every morning. Dit appartement is binnen fietsafstand van de universiteit. This apartment is within biking distance of the university. This apartment is within cycling distance of the university. Ik houd er ook niet van. I don't like that either. I don't like it either. Begin. Start. Start. Layla besloot haar hijaab niet af te doen. Layla decided not to take her hijab off. Layla decided not to take her hijaab off. Ik heb gisteren veel frietjes gegeten. I ate a lot of french fries yesterday. I had a lot of fries yesterday. De hond die het kind had gebeten werd kort nadien gevangen. The dog that bit the child was caught soon after. The dog that bit the child was caught shortly afterwards. Ik heb mijn been tijdens het skiën gebroken. I broke my leg while skiing. I broke my leg skiing. Tom is de oudste. Tom is the oldest. Tom's the oldest. Zij heeft een zonnebril op. She's wearing sunglasses. She's wearing sunglasses. Wanneer was dat? When was that? When was that? Ik zal haar antwoord nooit vergeten. I will never forget her answer. I'll never forget her answer. We leven in een heteronormatieve samenleving. We live in a heteronormative society. We live in a heteronormative society. Tom is een goede timmerman. Tom's a good carpenter. Tom's a good carpenter. Lesgeven aan jonge kinderen is niet makkelijk. To teach young children is not easy. Teaching young children is not easy. Henry heeft niet meer dan zes dollar. Henry has no more than six dollars. Henry doesn't have more than six bucks. Ik kan het niet geloven dat ik dat Tom liet doen. I can't believe I let Tom do that. I can't believe I let Tom do that. Mensen hebben de neiging om emotioneel op gebeurtenissen te reageren. People tend to react emotionally to events. People tend to react emotionally to events. Ik ben Iers. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Is je vrouw thuis? Is your wife at home? Is your wife home? Ik heb het boek net uitgelezen. I've just finished reading that book. I just finished reading the book. Ze heeft ongelijk. She is wrong. She's wrong. Joanna waste de aardappelen. Joanna washed the potatoes. Joanna washed the potatoes. Ze reist om de wereld. She is traveling around the world. She's traveling around the world. Sami plantte bloemen. Sami planted flowers. Sami planted flowers. Laat ons gaan schuilen voor de regen. Let's get out of the rain. Let's go hide from the rain. Gewoonlijk gaat ze om negen uur slapen. She usually goes to bed at nine. She usually goes to sleep at nine. Ik heb een ijszak. I have an ice bag. I have an ice bag. Het lijkt erop dat meneer Brooke een eerlijk persoon is. It seems that Mr. Brooke is an honest person. Looks like Mr. Brooke's an honest person. Sami dacht dat hij gay was. Sami thought that he was gay. Sami thought he was gay. We komen eenmaal per jaar bijeen. We get together once a year. We meet once a year. Ik zal je morgen bezoeken. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll visit you tomorrow. De aarde draait om de zon. The Earth rotates round the Sun. Earth revolves around the sun. Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She's about the same age as I am. She's about my age. Ik heb een muis van Microsoft gekocht. I bought a Microsoft mouse. I bought a mouse from Microsoft. Je kunt me dit niet aandoen! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! Niemand bleef in mijn land. Nobody stayed in my country. Nobody stayed in my country. De kerstman is Chinees. Santa Claus is Chinese. Santa's Chinese. Tom is kinderachtig. Tom is childish. Tom is childish. Het was jouw fout. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Dat is vreemd. That's strange. That's weird. Ik hou van de zon. I love the sun. I love the sun. Kunt u langzamer spreken alstublieft? Speak more slowly, please! Could you speak slower, please? Hebben jullie kinderen? Do you have kids? Do you have any children? Dit gesprek wordt opgenomen. This conversation is being recorded. This conversation is being recorded. Hij heeft een jas nodig. He needs a jacket. He needs a coat. Waar kan ik een kaart van Europa kopen? Where can I go to get a map of Europe? Where can I buy a map of Europe? Terwijl hij rust, luistert hij naar muziek. While resting, he listens to music. While he rests, he listens to music. De dieven zijn veroordeeld tot 5 jaar gevangenisstraf. The thieves were sentenced to 5 years in prison. The thieves have been sentenced to five years in prison. We moeten Mars koloniseren. We must colonize Mars. We have to colonize Mars. Je ziet er slanker uit. You look thinner. You look slimmer. Zijn jullie zussen? Are you sisters? Are you sisters? Er is hier een restaurant. There's a restaurant here. There's a restaurant here. Deze vaas is erg breekbaar. This vase is very fragile. This vase is very fragile. Tom is jouw broer. Tom is your brother. Tom is your brother. Ik heb het leuk gehad. I have had fun. I had a good time. Hij heeft moeite om namen te onthouden. He has trouble remembering names. He's having trouble remembering names. Maaltijden zijn inbegrepen. Food will be included. Meals are included. Als onze maan in tweeën zou breken, zouden de stukken een ring om onze planeet vormen. If our Moon broke apart, the pieces would form a ring around our planet. If our moon broke in half, the pieces would form a ring around our planet. Wat niet weet, wat niet deert. Ignorance is bliss. What doesn't know, what doesn't hurt. Je vrienden zullen je missen. Your friends will miss you. Your friends will miss you. Ik heb geen vriend nodig. I don't need a boyfriend. I don't need a friend. Ik heb hem het resultaat laten weten. I informed him of the result. I let him know the result. Waarom schrijf je met een potlood? Why are you writing with a pencil? Why are you writing with a pencil? Ik wil de rode ballon. I want the red balloon. I want the red balloon. Ik ben gezakt voor het examen. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Het is aan het regenen sinds dinsdag. It has been raining since Tuesday. It's been raining since Tuesday. Waarom hebben vogels vleugels? Why do birds have wings? Why do birds have wings? Het is leuk om honkbal te spelen. It's fun to play baseball. It's nice to play baseball. Ze is jonger dan zijn dochter. She's younger than his daughter. She's younger than his daughter. Je moet het loslaten. You need to let go of it. You have to let it go. Is duizend yen genoeg? Is a thousand yen enough? Is a thousand yen enough? Tom kon de deur niet openen. Tom couldn't open the door. Tom couldn't open the door. Deze doos is leeg. Er zit niets in. This box is empty. It has nothing in it. This box is empty. Laat me de foto eens zien. Show me the picture. Let me see the picture. Layla wist alles van kamelen. Layla knew everything about camels. Layla knew all about camels. Als je zo tegen me doet, zeg ik niets meer. If you turn on me like that, I won't say another word. If you do that to me, I won't say another word. Ik ben zeer dankbaar voor jouw hulp. I am very grateful for your help. I'm very grateful for your help. Sinaasappelsap of champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Wie kan het wat schelen? Who cares? Who cares? Ik kom uit Taipei. I come from Taipei. I'm from Taipei. Engels is moeilijk hè? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located in the Pinostraat. Wij wonen in Noorwegen. We live in Norway. We live in Norway. Tom zat op een boomstam. Tom sat on a log. Tom was on a tree trunk. Hij laat zijn haar eens per maand knippen. He gets his hair cut once a month. He gets his hair cut once a month. Mijn droom is werkelijkheid geworden. My dream has come true. My dream has come true. Jullie zijn me een biertje schuldig. You owe me a beer. You guys owe me a beer. Men kan deze machine niet vertrouwen. You can't rely on this machine. One cannot trust this machine. Duitsland heet "Deutschland" in het Duits. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Wenen ligt in Oostenrijk. Vienna is in Austria. Vienna is in Austria. Het regent keihard. It is raining hard. It's raining hard. Denk je dat je mijn spullen moet vernielen? Do you think that you need to destroy my stuff? Do you think you should destroy my stuff? Wat is er met het boek gebeurd dat ik hier gisteren heb neergelegd? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? What happened to the book I put here yesterday? Toen ik mijn ogen weer open deed, stond er ineens een onbekende dame voor mijn neus. When I opened my eyes again, all of a sudden an unknown lady was standing right in front of me. When I opened my eyes again, there was an unknown lady in front of me. Tom weet niet hoe hij met kinderen om moet gaan. Tom doesn't know how to handle children. Tom doesn't know how to deal with kids. Dit is een portret van mijn overleden vader. This is a portrait of my late father. This is a portrait of my late father. Stop met klagen. Quit complaining. Stop complaining. De bushalte is aan de overkant van de straat. The bus stop is across the street. The bus stop is across the street. Ik ben klaar om te vertrekken. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to go. Ik begrijp het niet. I can't understand. I don't understand. Stop! Stop! Stop! Je bent geen kind meer. You are no longer a child. You're not a child anymore. Zit daar. Sit right there. Sit there. Aan wie heb je de bloemen gebracht? To whom did you bring the flowers? Who did you bring the flowers to? Ik denk erover om volgend jaar in de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren. I'm considering studying in the United States next year. I'm thinking about studying in the United States next year. Ik ben maar één werkdag weggeweest vanwege een verkoudheid en er liggen stapels papier op mijn bureau. I only missed one day of work because of a cold and my desk is piled high with papers. I've only been away for one day because of a cold and there's tons of paper on my desk. Ik kan het niet zo mooi uitdrukken. I cannot put it so eloquently into words. I can't put it that well. Zijn aanvraag werd afgewezen. His application was rejected. His application was rejected. Ken je dat jongetje dat aan het huilen is? Do you know that boy who's crying? You know that little boy who's crying? Dames eerst. Ladies first. Ladies first. Hij heeft alles gezien. He saw everything. He's seen everything. Dit eten is knapperig. This food is crunchy. This food is crunchy. Trouw met me. Marry me. Marry me. Misschien zie ik je nooit meer terug. Perhaps I will never see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again. Ik dacht al. I guessed. I didn't think so. Laten we hopen dat Tom niet dood is. Let's hope Tom isn't dead. Let's hope Tom isn't dead. Geef de drie bladen samen af. Hand in the three sheets of paper together. Give the three sheets together. Mijn vader vertrok naar China. My father took off for China. My father left for China. De zieke was een en al botten waarover huid gespannen was. The sick person was only skin and bones. The sick one was all bones over which skin was strained. Ik draag mijn badpak onder mijn kleren. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my clothes. I'm wearing my bathing suit under my clothes. Ze zijn prachtig. They're wonderful. They're beautiful. Dit medicijn is zeer effectief. This medicine is very effective. This drug is very effective. Je lijkt me een coole gast. Zullen we vrienden zijn? You seem like a cool guy. Can we be friends? You seem like a cool guy. Frans is moeilijk. French is difficult. French is hard. Ze zijn nooit op komen dagen. They never showed up. They never showed up. Zijn dokter raadde hem aan te stoppen met roken. His doctor advised him to quit smoking. His doctor advised him to stop smoking. In de hel is er een speciale plek voor mensen die eten in de bioscoop. There's a special place in hell for people who eat in movie theaters. In hell, there's a special place for people who eat at the movies. Tom heeft lang blond haar en blauwe ogen. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Tom has long blond hair and blue eyes. Ik ben Jorge. I am Jorge. I'm Jorge. Je hebt een mooie stem. You have a beautiful voice. You have a beautiful voice. Jullie hebben hulp nodig. You need help. You need help. Laat me je vermaken. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. We leven op een planeet genaamd Aarde die deel uitmaakt van ons zonnestelsel. Maar waar is ons zonnestelsel? Het is een klein deel van het Melkwegstelsel. We live on a planet called Earth that is part of our solar system. But where is our solar system? It’s a small part of the Milky Way Galaxy. We live on a planet called Earth that is part of our solar system, but where is our solar system? Zij woont in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. She lives in the United Kingdom. She lives in the United Kingdom. Het onderwerp is anders. The subject is different. The subject is different. Mike speelt graag basketbal. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes playing basketball. Tom was de enige die lachte. Tom was the only one who laughed. Tom was the only one who laughed. De bevolking van China is groter dan die van Japan. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. Het ontbijt is om half tien. Breakfast is at half past nine. Breakfast's at 9:30. Maria huilt in haar kamer. Mary is crying in her room. Maria's crying in her room. Pablo en Maria waren hier. Pablo and María were here. Pablo and Maria were here. Ik kan niet stoppen met denken aan wat er gebeurd is. I can't stop thinking about what happened. I can't stop thinking about what happened. Hij raakte zijn weg kwijt in de sneeuw. He lost his way in the snow. He lost his way in the snow. Je gaat morgen voetballen. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're gonna play football tomorrow. Waarom heeft hij zoiets gedaan? Why did he do such a thing? Why would he do something like that? Hij boog naar mij terwijl hij voorbij kwam. He bowed to me as he passed by. He bowed to me as he passed by. Laat je oom erover nadenken. Let your uncle think about it. Let your uncle think about it. Ze heeft mij meermaals opgebeld. She called me many times. She called me several times. De patiënt zal vlug herstellen van zijn ziekte. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will recover quickly from his illness. Ik ben nog niet klaar met mijn huiswerk. I have not finished my homework yet. I'm not done with my homework. We hebben deze film niet gezien. We didn't see this movie. We didn't see this movie. Het werd groen. The traffic light turned green. It turned green. Het is veel te koud om te zwemmen. It's much too cold to swim. It's way too cold to swim. Interesseer je je voor bloemen? Are you interested in flowers? Are you interested in flowers? Weet je waarom ik hier gekomen ben? Do you know the reason I came here? You know why I came here? Ieder van ons is uniek. Every one of us is unique. Each of us is unique. Ben ik zwanger? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Dit boek is van mij. This book is mine. This book is mine. Maak je geen zorgen, ik ga alleen. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry, I'm going alone. Die stad kan je ten westen van Londen vinden. The city is found west of London. You can find that city west of London. Een geheim bewaren heb ik nooit gekund. I never could keep a secret. I've never been able to keep a secret. Tom besprak zijn plannen met Mary. Tom discussed his plans with Mary. Tom discussed his plans with Mary. Tom en ik hebben een huis in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. Tom and I have a house in Boston. Ze zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren. They said they weren't colorblind. They said they weren't color blind. Beproef je geluk! Try your luck! Try your luck! Wanneer komen ze? When are they coming? When are they coming? Ham wordt gemaakt van het achterbeen van een varken. Ham comes from the hind leg of a pig. Ham is made from the hind leg of a pig. Komkommers, spinazie, broccoli en uien worden beschouwd als zetmeelarme groente. Cucumbers, spinach, broccoli and onions are considered non-starchy vegetables. Cucumbers, spinach, broccoli and onions are considered starch-poor vegetables. Ik heb deze vraag al beantwoord. I've already answered this question. I've already answered this question. Hij is een stamgast in de barren en kroegen hier. He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here. He's a regular in the bars and bars here. Ken je haar vader? Do you know her father? Do you know her father? Vertaal dit voor me alsjeblieft. Please translate this for me. Please translate this for me. Wie heeft haar binnengelaten? Who allowed her in? Who let her in? Ik ben gelukkig, want ik leer wat Nederlands. I'm happy, 'cause I'm learning some Dutch. I'm happy because I'm learning some Dutch. Aan wie heb je de bloemen gebracht? Who did you bring the flowers to? Who did you bring the flowers to? Waarom antwoorden jullie niet? Why aren't you answering? Why don't you answer? Waar is een vegetarisch restaurant? Where is a vegetarian restaurant? Where's a vegetarian restaurant? Hij woont in een woning. He lives in a flat. He lives in a house. Wat vind je van de onafhankelijkheid van Catalonië? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What do you think of the independence of Catalonia? Hij lag op zijn rug, kijkend naar de lucht. He was lying on his back, looking at the sky. He was lying on his back, looking at the sky. Ik ging buiten wandelen om wat frisse lucht in te ademen. I went out for a walk to get some fresh air. I went out for a walk to breathe some fresh air. Hij is verre van perfect. He is far from perfect. He's far from perfect. Ze wonen op de Krim. They live in Crimea. They live in Crimea. Wat gaan wij doen? What'll we do? What are we gonna do? Wanneer ze in gevaar zijn, vluchten ze. When they are in danger, they run away. When they're in danger, they run. Alles staat op zijn kop. Everything is upside down. Everything's upside down. Ik ging dikwijls vissen in mijn schooltijd. I used to go fishing in my school days. I used to go fishing a lot in my school days. Maria is een erg knappe meid. Mary is a very pretty girl. Maria's a very handsome girl. Wat studeer je? What are you studying? What are you studying? Ik zou graag met jou naar het strand gaan, maar vandaag heb ik geen tijd. I would like to go to the beach with you but today I don't have time. I'd love to go to the beach with you, but I don't have time today. Hij studeerde een wetenschappelijk vak op een universiteit. He studied a scientific subject at university. He studied science at a university. Tom volgt een veganistische dieet. Tom follows a vegan diet. Tom's following a vegan diet. Tom had een ernstige allergische reactie. Tom had a severe allergic reaction. Tom had a serious allergic reaction. Slaapwel. Droom zoet. Good night. Sweet dreams. Good night, dream sweet. Tom opende zijn ogen en keek in het rond. Tom opened his eyes and looked around. Tom opened his eyes and looked around. Sami had het over de islam. Sami was talking about Islam. Sami was talking about Islam. Heeft Tom blauwe ogen? Does Tom have blue eyes? Does Tom have blue eyes? We zijn er bijna. We're almost there. We're almost there. Ik heb donkere ogen. I have dark eyes. I have dark eyes. Ik hoop dat ik snel veel meer dan een paar zinnen ken in het Nederlands. I hope that very soon I will know more than just a few sentences in Dutch. I hope I soon know much more than a few sentences in Dutch. Zalig kerstfeest. Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas. We moeten hen vertrouwen. We have to trust them. We have to trust them. Ik kan jouw gedrag niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand your behaviour any more. I can't stand your behavior anymore. Mijn auto is gisteravond gestolen. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Tom heeft niet veel gedaan. Tom hasn't done much. Tom didn't do much. Een kat slaapt op een stoel. A cat sleeps on a chair. A cat sleeps in a chair. Bel me morgen. Call me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. Laten we een bandje oprichten. Let's start a band. Let's set up a tape. Hij heeft haar niet gezien. He didn't see her. He didn't see her. Ik was ziek. Ik bleef thuis al de hele dag. I was sick; I stayed at home all day long. I was sick, I stayed home all day. Dat kan ik je niet vertellen. That I can't tell you. I can't tell you that. Zet de radio zachter. Turn the radio down. Turn the radio down. Leg me je plan uit. Tell me about your plan. Explain to me your plan. Heb je Tom gezien? Have you seen Tom around? Have you seen Tom? Hij veranderde een paar woorden. He changed a few words. He changed a few words. Kijk gewoon in de spiegel. Just look in the mirror. Just look in the mirror. Ze oefende elke dag op de piano. She practiced the piano every day. She practiced on the piano every day. Hou je snavel! Shut your beak! Shut your beak! Ik studeer Chinees in Beijing. I study Chinese in Beijing. I study Chinese in Beijing. Het is altijd een genoegen geweest om met je te werken. It has always been a pleasure to work with you. It's always been a pleasure working with you. Het zou me niet gelukt zijn zonder zijn hulp. I would have failed without his help. I couldn't have done it without his help. Valletta is de hoofdstad van Malta. Valletta is the capital of Malta. Valletta is the capital of Malta. Hij huilde. He cried. He was crying. Rome is de hoofdstad van Italië. Rome is the capital of Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. We hebben haar! We have her! We got her! In de zomer bederven eieren snel. In summer, eggs soon go bad. In summer, eggs spoil quickly. We konden de zonsondergang door het raam zien. We could see the sunset from the window. We could see the sunset through the window. Hoeveel musea hebben jullie bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? Heb je alles voor morgen voorbereid? Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow? Have you prepared everything for tomorrow? Hebzucht is een van de zeven hoofdzonden. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Greed is one of seven main sins. Ze huilde alleen maar de hele tijd. She did nothing but cry all the while. She just cried all the time. Hij studeert geschiedenis aan de universiteit. He is studying history at the university. He's studying history at university. Deze dag zal de geschiedenis ingaan. That day will go down in history. This day will be history. Mijn commentaar was sarcastisch. My comment was sarcastic. My comment was sarcastic. Je zou niet alleen moeten gaan. You should not go alone. You shouldn't go alone. We moeten onze beloftes houden. We should keep our promises. We have to keep our promises. Ik kan niet op mijn passen terugkeren. I can't backtrack. I can't go back on my watch. Hij zei dat hij zijn portemonnee thuis had laten liggen. He said that he had left his wallet at home. He said he left his wallet at home. Wie heeft Tom gedood? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? Tom was aan het juichen. Tom was cheering. Tom was cheering. Ik ben erin geslaagd om me verstaanbaar te maken in het Engels. I managed to make myself understood in English. I managed to make myself intelligible in English. Hij veinsde de twee vreemdelingen niet op te merken. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. Een fotograaf nam een foto van mijn huis, A photographer took a photograph of my house. A photographer took a picture of my house, Alle drie de jongens lachten. All three boys laughed. All three boys laughed. Het begon te gieten. It started to rain in torrents. It started pouring. Dat paard is wit. That horse is white. That horse is white. Ik voel me hier alsof ik jullie eigen kamer binnendrong. Here I feel like I have entered your own room. I feel like I was pushing into your own room. Ik mis jullie allemaal. I miss you all. I miss you all. Hij zocht naar de sleutel. He looked for the key. He was looking for the key. Stel dat je een miljoen yen hebt, wat zou je daarmee gaan doen? If you had a million yen, what would you do with it? What if you have a million yen, what would you do with that? Ik wil een computer. I want a computer. I want a computer. Laat het me per telefoon weten. Let me know by telephone. Let me know by phone. Hou het wisselgeld! Keep the change! Keep the change! Gebruik je het? Will you use this? Are you using it? Wat was Tom precies aan het doen? What was Tom doing exactly? What exactly was Tom doing? Kan je een beetje van de prijs afdoen? Could you reduce the price a little? Can you take a little off the price? Gaat u alstublieft zitten en wacht. Please take a seat and wait. Please sit down and wait. Ik hoop dat u een spoedig herstel heeft. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Zwitserland heet "Suisse" in het Frans. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Maria zat alleen op de sofa. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Maria was alone on the sofa. Ben je vóór of tegen het voorstel? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you in favour or against the proposal? Hij verborg zich achter de deur. He hid behind the door. He was hiding behind the door. Hij verliest steeds zijn paraplu. He is always losing his umbrella. He keeps losing his umbrella. Hij zwemt graag. He likes to swim. He likes to swim. Tom naaide de knoop weer vast. Tom sewed the button back on. Tom sewed the knot back on. U at. You were eating. You ate. Zou je graag veel geld willen hebben? Would you like to have lots of money? Would you like a lot of money? Sami ging naar een moskee. Sami went to a mosque. Sami went to a mosque. Mijn leven is leeg zonder hem. My life is hollow without him. My life is empty without him. Mijn baas nodigde me uit voor een etentje. My boss invited me to dinner. My boss invited me to dinner. Sami reed op een kameel. Sami rode a camel. Sami rode a camel. Heb jij "suiker" op het boodschappenlijstje gezet? Did you put "sugar" on the shopping list? Did you put "sugar" on the grocery list? Sami dacht dat de imam over hem aan het praten was. Sami thought that the imam was talking about him. Sami thought the imam was talking about him. Hoe ontleed je deze zin? How do you parse this sentence? How do you dissect this sentence? Ik wil niet dat Tom ziek wordt. I don't want Tom to get sick. I don't want Tom to get sick. De politieman nam de jongen het mes af. The policeman took the knife from the boy. The policeman took the boy's knife. De zomer is hier. Summer has come. Summer's here. Dit hotel heeft gratis wifi. This hotel has free Wi-Fi. This hotel has free Wi-Fi. Telegram is erg populair in de Esperantogemeenschap. Telegram is very populair in the Esperanto community. Telegram is very popular in the Esperanto community. Wees niet onbezonnen. Don't do anything rash. Don't be rash. Ik geloof niet dat dit waar is. I don't believe this is true. I don't think this is true. Hoe ver is het van het vliegveld naar het hotel? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? Sami zou er altijd heen gaan. Sami would go there all the time. Sami would always go there. Tom had een hamer nodig. Tom needed a hammer. Tom needed a hammer. Ik ben zwaar verkouden. I'm suffering from a bad cold. I've got a heavy cold. Ik dacht even dat hij gek was geworden. For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad. For a moment, I thought he'd gone mad. Sami is niet thuisgekomen. Sami didn't come home. Sami didn't come home. Papa, ik ben zwanger. Hier is een lijst van de verdachten ... Dad, I am pregnant. Here is the list of the suspects... Daddy, I'm pregnant. Vuile klootzak! Fuckin' asshole! You son of a bitch! Tom ademde uit. Tom exhaled. Tom was breathing out. Ik voel me nu minder schuw. I feel less shy now. I feel less shy now. Dit is mijn kamer. This is my room. This is my room. Er waren veel boten op het meer. There were a lot of boats on the lake. There were a lot of boats on the lake. Tom kan niet eens lezen. Tom can't even read. Tom can't even read. Niet waar! No way! No, you're not! Hartelijk dank. Many thanks. Thank you very much. Ik wil dat u naar Boston gaat. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Het is een keukenmes. It's a kitchen knife. It's a kitchen knife. Het is bijna half drie. It's almost 2:30. It's almost 2:30. Op de vierde verdieping is er geen warm water, maar op de begane grond wel. There's no hot water on the fifth floor, but there is on the ground floor. On the fourth floor there is no hot water, but on the ground floor there is. Water is een vloeistof. Water is a liquid. Water is a liquid. Daar ben je! Ik heb overal naar je gezocht. There you are! I have been looking all over for you. There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you. Is dat de sleutel die je zoekt? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? Dit touw is stevig. This rope is sturdy. This rope is solid. Hij is scherp. It's sharp. It's sharp. We hebben fruit. We have fruit. We have fruit. Het Engels is niet mijn moedertaal. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. Veel landen kampen met vergelijkbare problemen. Many countries are experiencing similar problems. Many countries face similar problems. Hoe snel ze loopt! How fast she is running! How fast she's running! Tom is kleurenblind, toch? Tom is colorblind, isn't he? Tom's color blind, right? Onze hoogste prioriteit is om het geschil voor eens en voor altijd te beslechten. Our top priority is to settle the dispute once and for all. Our top priority is to settle the dispute once and for all. Toen hij thuis kwam, ging hij onmiddellijk van de honger naar de koelkast. When he returned home, he went ravenously straight to the fridge. When he came home, he immediately went hungry for the refrigerator. Heb je haar ooit horen zingen op het podium? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? Have you ever heard her sing on stage? De zaken gaan beter. Business has improved. Business is better. Messing is een legering van koper en zink. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Succes met je examen! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with your exam! John rende naar het station om de laatste trein te halen. John ran to the station to catch the last train. John ran to the station to catch the last train. Dat was op de eerste mei. It happened on the 1st of May. That was on the first of May. Als ik groot ben, wil ik graag banketbakker worden. When I grow up I'd like to be a confectioner. When I grow up, I'd like to be a pastry chef. Ze ging ergens anders winkelen. She went shopping elsewhere. She went shopping somewhere else. Laat me jullie temperatuur opnemen. Let me take your temperature. Let me take your temperature. Mama is ouder dan papa. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's older than Dad. Denkt u echt dat Tom gelukkig is? Do you really think Tom is happy? Do you really think Tom is happy? Ze zijn onze dierbaarste vrienden. They are our dearest friends. They're our closest friends. Hij is verblind door de liefde. He is blinded by love. He's blinded by love. Europa is geen land. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Kinderen moeten hun ouders gehoorzamen. Children are to obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. Sami had een kaal hoofd. Sami had a bald head. Sami had a bald head. De telefoon ging een paar keer over. The telephone rang several times. The phone rang a few times. Meer dan de helft van de wereldbevolking leeft in steden. More than half the world’s population lives in cities. More than half the world's population lives in cities. In de zomerperiode logeer ik bij mijn tante. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. In the summer period, I'm staying with my aunt. In die landen is honger de regel. In these countries hunger is the rule. In those countries, hunger is the rule. De proefpersonen voor het experiment waren toevallig uitgekozen. The people for the experiment were chosen at random. The subjects for the experiment were chosen by chance. Die stropdas staat je erg goed. That tie suits you very well. That tie looks really good on you. Hij zal zeker slagen. He'll succeed for sure. He'll certainly succeed. Tom heeft de hele dag tv zitten kijken. Tom has been watching TV all day. Tom's been watching TV all day. Tom kan bijna zo goed Frans spreken als Mary. Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can. Tom speaks French almost as well as Mary. Maria is niet jaloers. Mary is not envious. Maria's not jealous. Ik probeerde met je te praten. I was trying to talk to you. I tried to talk to you. Ik kan niets zien. I can't see! I can't see anything. Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. Je zou een boek moeten schrijven. You should write a book. You should write a book. Tom zei dat hij niet meer in Australië wilde wonen. Tom said that he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Tom said he didn't want to live in Australia anymore. Tom trok zijn spijkerbroek en T-shirt aan. Tom put on his jeans and T-shirt. Tom put on his jeans and T-shirt. Het jonge kind gebruikt krijt om een tekening te maken. The young child uses crayons to draw a picture. The young child uses chalk to draw a drawing. Tom ging op 20 oktober naar de tandarts. Tom went to the dentist on October 20th. Tom went to the dentist on October 20th. Ze heeft geen woord tegen me gezegd. Not a word did she say to me. She didn't say a word to me. Ik hou van mijn vrouw. I love my wife. I love my wife. Het dak lekt op drie verschillende plekken. The roof leaks in 3 different places. The roof leaks in three different places. Doe het gewoon weg. Just get rid of it. Just put it away. Ze staat naast het gele huis. She's standing next to the yellow house. She's right next to the yellow house. Waarom is ze gebleven? Why did she stay? Why did she stay? Dit is een fout. This is a mistake. This is a mistake. Hij woont niet in Sendai. He does not live in Sendai. He doesn't live in Sendai. Bananen zijn rijk aan kalium. Bananas are high in potassium. Bananas are rich in potassium. Ik leer Soemerisch. I'm learning Sumerian. I'm learning Sumerian. Tom was Mary's eerste liefde. Tom was Mary's first love. Tom was Mary's first love. Hij zou in de gevangenis gestopt moeten worden. He should be put in prison. He should be put in jail. Deze jongen is mijn zoon. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. We moeten op Tom wachten. We have to wait for Tom. We have to wait for Tom. Ik vraag me af wat hem van gedachte heeft doen veranderen. I wonder what could have made him change his mind. I wonder what made him change his mind. Ik spreek geen Fins. I don't speak Finnish. I don't speak Finnish. Hij erfde het kasteel. He inherited the castle. He inherited the castle. De bus is kapot! The bus is broken! The bus's broken! Beleefdheid is een deugd. Kindness is a virtue. Politeness is a virtue. Nancy speelt geen tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Tom zal sterven. Tom'll die. Tom will die. Tom was niet veilig. Tom wasn't safe. Tom wasn't safe. Lopen is goed voor je gezondheid. Running is good for your health. Walking is good for your health. Ik heb mijn software geüpdatet. I updated my software. I've updated my software. De berg is tweeduizend meter boven het zeeniveau. The mountain is 2000 meters above sea level. The mountain is 2,000 metres above sea level. Duitse mannen gaan vaker naar de kapper dan Duitse vrouwen. German men go to the hairdresser more often than German women. German men go to the hairdresser more often than German women. Sami wist niet wat het betekende om een moslim te zijn. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. Sami didn't know what it meant to be a Muslim. Ik kom uit Saitama. I come from Saitama. I'm from Saitama. Ik kan je nog geen antwoord geven. I can't give you an answer yet. I can't answer you yet. Ik heb er genoeg van. I've had enough. I've had enough. Ik eet een peer. I am eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Ik heb een brief geschreven. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. Werk je met Tom? Do you work with Tom? Are you working with Tom? Tom brengt veel tijd door met het spelen van voetbal. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Tom spends a lot of time playing football. Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika? What do they speak in America? What language do you speak in America? Citroenen groeien aan citroenbomen en sinaasappels aan sinaasappelbomen. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Lemons grow on lemon trees and oranges on orange trees. Yaakov voederde het schaap. Yaakov fed the sheep. Yaakov fed the sheep. Het leven is een circus. Life is a circus. Life is a circus. Kunnen jullie alsjeblief ophouden met bekvechten? Will you guys please stop fighting? Can you guys please stop fighting? Tom was te beleefd om neen te zeggen. Tom was too polite to say no. Tom was too polite to say no. Layla had een vriend. Layla had a boyfriend. Layla had a boyfriend. Veel vissen stierven. Many fish died. Many fish died. Wij kunnen Tom helpen. We can help Tom. We can help Tom. Ik vind het fijn wanneer het koud is. I like it when it's cold. I like it when it's cold. De klok is kapot. The clock is broken. The clock's broken. Ik zie hem morgennamiddag. I see him tomorrow afternoon. I'll see him tomorrow afternoon. Ik moet vandaag de lunch bereiden. I have to make lunch today. I have lunch to prepare today. Alles is prima. Everything is fine. Everything's fine. Wat is de hoogste berg van Europa? What is the tallest mountain in Europe? What is the highest mountain in Europe? Wie praatte er? Who talked? Who was talking? Ik heb pijn aan mijn ogen. My eyes hurt. I'm hurting my eyes. Weet Tom waarom? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Toms vrouw kent Mary's man niet. Tom's wife doesn't know Mary's husband. Tom's wife doesn't know Mary's husband. Hebben schildpadden tanden? Do turtles have teeth? Do turtles have teeth? Ik dacht dat je zei dat Tom niet meer in Boston woonde. I thought you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. I thought you said Tom didn't live in Boston anymore. Wat zou je in mijn plaats doen? What would you do in my place? What would you do in my place? Tom is een raketwetenschapper. Tom is a rocket scientist. Tom's a rocket scientist. Om bij het museum te komen moet je die bus nemen. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. To get to the museum, you have to take that bus. Ik heb al een plan. I already have a plan. I already have a plan. De oudste republiek in Europa heet San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is named San Marino. The oldest republic in Europe is called San Marino. Islamabad is de hoofdstad van Pakistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. Ik hou van Susan en van Betty, maar ik denk dat Susan de liefste van beide is. I like both Susan and Betty, but I think Susan is the nicer of the two. I love Susan and Betty, but I think Susan is the sweetest of both. We hebben John als aanvoerder gekozen. We chose John to be captain. We've chosen John as captain. Dit is een probleem voor ouderen. This is a problem for elderly people. This is a problem for the elderly. Wat is jouw baan? What's your job? What's your job? Sta op. Get up. Get up. Wie is jouw favoriete countryartiest. Who's your favorite country artist? Who's your favorite country artist? Deze vlag is erg mooi. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Mijn laptop draait Linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running Linux. Er zijn veel grijstinten. There are many shades of gray. There's a lot of shades of gray. Hé! wacht even! Hey! Wait! Hey, wait a minute! Oekraïne is een groot land. Ukraine is a big country. Ukraine is a big country. Zie de feiten onder ogen! Face facts! Face the facts! Weet jij waar hij naartoe is gegaan? Do you know where he went? Do you know where he went? Probeer dit. Try this. Try this. Ik houd van hem. I love him. I love him. Ik kon niet anders dan verliefd op je worden. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Moest je van gedachte veranderen, laat het me weten. Should you change your mind, let me know. If you change your mind, let me know. Ik heb het deze week erg druk gehad. I have been very busy this week. I've been very busy this week. Dat hebben wij allemaal al gezien. We've all seen that before. We've all seen that. Mijn ouders waren geen goede mensen. My parents were not good people. My parents weren't good people. Hij spreekt Engels met een Duits accent. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English with a German accent. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I don't have a clue. I don't have a clue. Zij is drie keer naar Frankrijk gegaan. She has been to France three times. She went to France three times. Maak de keuken schoon. Clean up the kitchen. Clean the kitchen. Hoe laat kom je terug? At what time will you come back? What time are you coming back? Sami dronk bier. Sami drank beer. Sami drank beer. Houdt u van lasagne? Do you like lasagna? Do you like lasagna? Mijn jongste broer is groter dan ik. My youngest brother is taller than me. My youngest brother is bigger than me. Bepaalde diersoorten zijn snel aan het verdwijnen. Certain animals are fast disappearing. Certain species of animals are rapidly disappearing. Mag ik jouw potlood gebruiken? Can I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? Het ging allemaal fout. It all went wrong. It all went wrong. De kinderen pakten hun schaatsen en gingen richting de bevroren vijver. The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond. The children took their skates and headed towards the frozen pond. Was je toen op school? Were you at school at that time? Were you at school then? Je moet naar de tandarts gaan. You must go to the dentist. You should go to the dentist. Ik moet weten wat jij daarover weet. I need to know what you know about this. I need to know what you know about that. Ik wil dit woordenboek. I want this dictionary. I want this dictionary. Je moet je schulden aflossen. You must pay off your debts. You have to pay off your debts. Ze lijken zich goed te amuseren. They look like they're having fun. They seem to be having a good time. Goedemiddag! Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Frankrijk is van Italië gescheiden door de Alpen. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. France is separated from Italy by the Alps. Hoeveel koolstofatomen heeft methaan? How many carbon atoms does methane have? How many carbon atoms has methane? Ik eet het klokhuis van de appelen niet op. I don't eat the core of an apple. I'm not eating the apple bellhouse. Mei komt na april. May comes after April. May comes after April. Hij rilt door de kou. He’s shivering because of the cold. He's shivering through the cold. Hoe zeg je dat best in het Frans? What's the best way to say this in French? How do you say that in French? Dankuwel voor uw e-mail. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your e-mail. Wat is je geboortedatum? What is your date of birth? What's your date of birth? Luna is een betrouwbaar persoon. Luna is a reliable person. Luna is a reliable person. Daaraan had je moeten denken vooraleer je haar zwanger maakte. You should have thought of that before you got her pregnant. You should have thought about that before you got her pregnant. Waarom moeten we ons daarmee bemoeien? Why should we get involved? Why do we have to get involved? Tom is niet onmisbaar. Tom isn't indispensable. Tom's not indispensable. Tom maakt het niet uit of Maria blijft of weggaat. Tom doesn't care whether Mary stays or goes. Tom doesn't care if Maria stays or leaves. Maak iedereen gelukkig. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Ze heeft niet lang meer te leven. She won't live much longer. She doesn't have long to live. Maak me niet boos. Don't make me angry. Don't make me mad. Hij is groot en slank. He's tall and slim. He's big and thin. Ze heeft in het buitenland gereisd. She has traveled in foreign countries. She's traveled abroad. Sami is wiet aan het roken. Sami is smoking weed. Sami's smoking weed. Hou je er een andere mening op na? Do you have another opinion? Do you have a different opinion? Ik zal je helpen wanneer ik met mijn werk klaar ben. I will help you when I have finished my work. I'll help you when I'm done with my work. Alle kinderen zijn tevreden met hun maaltijden. All the children are satisfied with her meals. All children are satisfied with their meals. De appel is rood. The apple is red. The apple is red. Tom is neergestoken en stierf voor ze hem naar het ziekenhuis konden brengen. Tom was stabbed and died before they could get him to a hospital. Tom was stabbed and died before they could take him to the hospital. De grootste deur is naast het raam. The biggest door is next to the window. The biggest door is next to the window. Wist je dat mannen die regelmatig de pil slikken niet zwanger raken? Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Did you know that men who regularly take the pill don't get pregnant? Ik ben naar muziek aan het luisteren. I'm listening to music. I'm listening to music. Jullie zijn Berber. You are Berber. You're Berber. Voor mij is dat een beetje bizar. It's a bit strange as far as I'm concerned. For me, that's a little bizarre. Hij deed zijn bureaulamp uit. He turned off his desk lamp. He turned off his desk lamp. Ik wist niet dat je zou komen. I had no idea that you were coming. I didn't know you were coming. Ze probeerde om aan hun verwachtingen te voldoen. She endeavored to live up to their expectations. She tried to meet their expectations. Plots kwamen zij uit het niets te voorschijn. They suddenly appeared from nowhere. Suddenly they came out of nowhere. Dank je voor het diner, het is zo lekker! Thank you for the dinner, it's so delicious. Thank you for dinner, it's so good! 's Nachts zijn de straten niet veilig. The streets aren't safe at night. The streets aren't safe at night. Nee, je kent geen Java. Je kent JavaSCRIPT. No, you don't know Java. You know JavaSCRIPT. No, you don't know Java. Wat doe jij om je verjaardag te vieren? What do you do to celebrate your birthday? What are you doing to celebrate your birthday? Engels is een zustertaal van Duits. English is a sister language of German. English is a sister language of German. De geur van rozen vulde de kamer. The smell of roses filled the room. The smell of roses filled the room. Als twee mensen altijd dezelfde mening hebben, is een van hen overbodig. If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. If two people always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. Ze is niet gesnapt. She didn't get caught. She didn't get caught. Dat lijkt me moeilijk te geloven. I find this hard to believe. That seems hard to believe. Doe de deur toe, a.u.b. Shut the door, please. Please accept the door. Toms Frans verbetert zich. Tom's French is getting better. Tom's French is improving. Ik hou van Italiaans eten. I love Italian food. I like Italian food. Ik kom uit Griekenland. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. Hoe laat is uw vliegtuig? What time's your plane? What time is your plane? Ik hoop dat er niets met haar is gebeurd. I hope nothing's happened to her. I hope nothing happened to her. Ze heeft een tweeling gebaard. She gave birth to twins. She gave birth to twins. Er is geen goud. There's no gold. There's no gold. Ik heb veel vrienden. I've got plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Maria is een veganist, toch? Mary is a vegan, isn't she? Maria's a vegan, right? Hij had koppijn. He had a headache. He had a headache. De prijs is al jaren niet veranderd. The price has not changed in years. The price hasn't changed in years. Mary ging met een jongere man uit. Mary was dating a younger man. Mary dated a younger man. "Ja, dat ben ik," zei Al-Sayib. "Maar er is er minstens één van ons in elk land. En we houden allemaal van Fanta en van noobs op hun plaats zetten." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." "Yes, I am," said Al-Sayib. "But there is at least one of us in every country. And we all love Fanta and put noobs in place." Ik kan je helpen. I can help you. I can help you. Hoe kan ik me ontspannen voelen, als jij zo naar mij kijkt. How can I feel relaxed, with you watching me like that? How can I feel relaxed when you look at me like that? Hij zag het ongeval onderweg naar school. He saw the accident on his way to school. He saw the accident on the way to school. Wat denkt je vrouw erover? How does your wife feel about it? What does your wife think? De draak kan verslagen worden. The dragon can be defeated. The dragon can be defeated. Tom woont in een klein dorpje. Tom lives in a small village. Tom lives in a small village. Je bent zeer hulpvaardig. You're very helpful. You're very helpful. Maria is allergisch voor katten, toch? Mary is allergic to cats, isn't she? Maria's allergic to cats, right? Wij zullen koken. We'll cook. We will cook. Er is iets mis met de remmen. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Tom vluchtte. Tom fled. Tom fled. Je hebt er het raden naar wanneer ze zal komen. It's anybody's guess when she'll come. You've got to guess when she'll come. Zijn vriendin is Japans. His girlfriend is Japanese. His girlfriend's Japanese. Niemand weet hoe Tom eruit ziet. No one knows what Tom looks like. Nobody knows what Tom looks like. Hij sliep in het park op een bankje. In the park he slept on a bench. He slept in the park on a bench. Ons condoom ging kapot. Our condom broke. Our condom broke. Het was heel leuk. It was very nice. It was really fun. Blijf proberen. Keep trying. Keep trying. Ze naderden. They were approaching. They were approaching. De hond springt. The dog is jumping. The dog jumps. Tom was bang dat hij Mary gekwetst had. Tom was afraid he had hurt Mary's feelings. Tom was afraid he'd hurt Mary. Ik heb slecht nieuws voor je. I have bad news for you. I have some bad news for you. Tom begon zich moe te voelen. Tom was beginning to feel tired. Tom was starting to feel tired. We keken allemaal door het raam. We all looked out the window. We all looked through the window. Tom is Mary's biologische vader. Tom is Mary's biological father. Tom is Mary's biological father. Ik zit vast in de file. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. I'm stuck in traffic. Zijn gezicht was bedekt met slijk. His face was covered with mud. His face was covered in mud. Momenteel werk ik in Tokio. I'm working in Tokyo now. Right now, I'm working in Tokyo. Hij was een luiaard, die enkel leefde om te eten, te drinken, en kaart te spelen. He was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards. He was a sloth, who lived only to eat, drink, and play cards. Kleren maken de man, lompen maken luizen. Clothes make people, rags make lice. Clothes make the man, rags make lice. Herkent iemand dit? Does anybody recognize this? Does anyone recognize this? De oude klok wordt nog altijd gebruikt. The old clock is still in use. The old clock is still used. Het werd vreemd. Things got weird. It got weird. Wat is de giftigste slang in de wereld? Which is the most venomous snake in the world? What's the most poisonous snake in the world? Waar is de president? Where's the president? Where's the president? Ik weet niet wat erger is. I don't know what is worse. I don't know what's worse. Het ligt op het puntje van mijn tong. It's on the tip of my tongue. It's on the tip of my tongue. Ik ben het daarmee eens. I feel the same. I agree with that. Je vriend is moe. Your friend is tired. Your friend's tired. De gelegenheid maakt de dief. Opportunity makes the thief. The opportunity makes the thief. Natuurlijk dacht hij dat het een grap was en wimpelde hij het voorbij met een "hm?" maar hij zat er erg mee verveeld. Ik bedoel, zulke dingen zeg je niet ook al is het bedoeld als grap! Of course he thought it was a joke and let it slide with a "hm?" but he was seriously annoyed. I mean, just don't say things like that even as a joke! Of course he thought it was a joke and he blew it over with a "hm?" but he was very bored with it. I mean, you don't say things like that even though it's meant to be a joke! Hoe hoor ik mezelf te kleden? How am I supposed to dress? How am I supposed to dress myself? Hij werd wakker door luid geklop op de deur. A loud knocking at the door woke him up. He woke up by knocking loudly on the door. Alice glimlachte. Alice smiled. Alice smiled. Ze verhuurde de kamer op de bovenverdieping aan een student. They rented the upstairs room to a student. She rented the room on the upper floor to a student. Ik ben een vrouw. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Zijn naam is bekend bij iedereen. His name is known to all. His name is known to everyone. Ik heb genoeg van lezen. I'm sick and tired of reading. I've had enough reading. Dit is mijn paraplu. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. Hoeveel geeft hij uit per maand? How much does he spend per month? How much does he spend a month? Van wie is deze camera? Whose camera is this? Whose camera is this? Niemand weet dat wij neven zijn. No one knows we're cousins. Nobody knows we're cousins. Tom nam een van de sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. De epicykel maakte het de Grieken mogelijk de beweging van de planeten uit te leggen. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the planetary movements. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the movement of the planets. Vind je het Engels moeilijk? Do you think English is difficult? Do you find English difficult? Kan je morgen komen? Can you come tomorrow? Can you come tomorrow? Ik kom uit Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. I'm from Flevoland. Kent u me? Do you know me? Do you know me? Is dit mijn wijn? Is this my wine? Is this my wine? Je zou een goede diplomaat zijn. You would make a good diplomat. You'd make a good diplomat. Wat hij zegt is complete onzin. What he says is total nonsense. What he's saying is complete nonsense. Het is heel slecht. It's very bad. It's very bad. Hij eet. He is eating. He's eating. Van welke zanger houdt u? Who is your favourite singer? Which singer do you love? Weet je het zeker? Are you sure? Are you sure? De zon aan de horizon is prachtig. The sun on the horizon is wonderful. The sun on the horizon is beautiful. Bent u echt geïnteresseerd in mijn eerlijke mening? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Are you really interested in my honest opinion? Ik ben allergisch voor schaaldieren. I'm allergic to shellfish. I'm allergic to shellfish. Ik wil naar het buitenland. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Hij wast zijn haar. He washes his hair. He washes his hair. Het is nog altijd ramadan. It's still Ramadan. It's still Ramadan. Tom lijdt aan slapeloosheid. Tom has insomnia. Tom is suffering from insomnia. Mijn schoenen zijn bruin. My shoes are brown. My shoes are brown. Beschermt Tom iemand? Is Tom protecting someone? Is Tom protecting someone? Hij haat zijn buurman. He hates his neighbour. He hates his neighbor. Ik woon al vijf jaar in Canada. I've been living in Canada for five years. I've lived in Canada for five years. Wil je een plastieken zak of een papieren zak? Would you like a plastic bag or a paper bag? You want a plastic bag or a paper bag? Haar teen bloedt. Her toe bleeds. Her toe's bleeding. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat hij onschuldig is. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm convinced he's innocent. Ik hou van koken. I love cooking. I like to cook. Honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet. Hunger is the best sauce. Hunger makes raw beans sweet. Het is makkelijker veel uit te geven dan een beetje te sparen. It's easier to spend a lot than to save a little. It's easier to spend a lot than to save a little. Hij was bang uitgelachen te worden. He was afraid of being laughed at. He was afraid of being laughed at. Ik ben geschokt. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Ik begrijp kunst niet. I don't understand art. I don't understand art. Ik moet voor morgenmiddag om 2:30 uur in Boston zijn. I've got to be in Boston by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. I have to be in Boston by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Engels wordt tegenwoordig over bijna de hele wereld onderwezen. English is taught almost all over the world today. English is taught around the world today. Hij is sterker dan u. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Maakt u zich geen zorgen over mij. Don't you worry about me. Don't worry about me. Wat is jullie thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Hij vroeg me of ik hem een plezier kon doen. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Er stroomt water door je aderen. You have water running through your veins. There's water flowing through your veins. Esther woont met haar vrouwen in New York. Esther lives in New York with her wives. Esther lives with her wives in New York. Zij las de brief, en zo kwam ze te weten dat hij dood was. She read the letter, and so she came to learn that he was dead. She read the letter, and that's how she found out he was dead. Je bent te jong om alcohol te drinken. You're too young to have alcohol. You're too young to drink alcohol. Dit is koud. This is cold. This is cold. Milaan is de modehoofdstad van Italië. Milan is Italy's fashion capital. Milan is the fashion capital of Italy. Laten we eens dichter bij gaan kijken. Let's get a closer look. Let's take a closer look. Tom heeft diabetes. Tom has diabetes. Tom's diabetic. Zoals gewoonlijk kwam hij als laatste aan in het theater. As usual, he was the last to arrive at the theater. As usual, he arrived last in the theatre. Misschien heeft hij de trein gemist. Perhaps he missed the train. Maybe he missed the train. Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is completely nuts! That guy's crazy! De tropische regenwouden produceren zuurstof en slorpen koolstofdioxide op. Tropical rainforests produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. The tropical rainforests produce oxygen and slumps of carbon dioxide. Heb je Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Welke film heb je gezien? What movie did you see? What movie did you see? Morgen blijf ik thuis. I'll stay at home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Tom vindt u leuk. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. Japanse snoep heeft minder calorieën dan westerse snoep. Japanese sweets are lower in calories than Western sweets. Japanese candy has less calories than Western candy. De burgemeester knipte het lint doormidden met een enorme schaar. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The mayor cut the ribbon in half with huge scissors. Mijn mama werkt in een fabriek. My mom works in a factory. My mom works in a factory. Tom gaf Marie een hartvormig koekje. Tom gave Mary a heart-shaped cookie. Tom gave Marie a heart-shaped cookie. De vlucht was overboekt. The flight was overbooked. The flight was overbooked. Waarom zijn ze aan het huilen? Why are they crying? Why are they crying? Nog één fles wijn, alstublieft. Another bottle of wine, please. One more bottle of wine, please. Hij is erg snel. He's very fast. He's very fast. Wiens woordenboek is dit? Whose dictionary is this? Whose dictionary is this? Rijst groeit in warme landen. Rice grows in warm countries. Rice grows in warm countries. Ongelofelijk! Incredible! Unbelievable! Hij stopte met het lezen van kranten. He stopped reading newspapers. He stopped reading newspapers. Sami is aan het vasten. Sami is fasting. Sami's fasting. De piloot is 30 jaar oud. The pilot is 30 years old. The pilot is 30 years old. Ik wil in Australië wonen. I want to live in Australia. I want to live in Australia. Jij bent een persoon. You're a person. You're a person. Mary is geïnteresseerd in politiek. Mary is interested in politics. Mary's interested in politics. Tom ziet er ziek uit. Tom looks sick. Tom looks sick. De bus kwam tien minuten te laat. The bus arrived ten minutes behind time. The bus arrived ten minutes late. Blijkbaar is Tom heel goed in skiën. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Apparently, Tom is very good at skiing. Wat is er mis met u? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Tom wil naar Japan gaan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Weinig schatten zijn zoveel waard als een vriend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend. Ze zat naast mij. She sat by my side. She was sitting next to me. Ben je de wedstrijd aan het kijken? Are you watching the game? Are you watching the game? Ik besloot in het buitenland te studeren. I decided to study abroad. I decided to study abroad. Ik heb echt een baan nodig. I really need a job. I really need a job. Tom deed de bureaulamp aan en begon te werken. Tom switched on the desk lamp and started working. Tom turned on the desk lamp and started working. Nu lees ik, lees jij en leest hij; wij lezen allen. Now I'm reading, you're reading and he's reading; we're all reading. Now I read, you read, and he reads; we all read. Het is veel te gevaarlijk. It's far too dangerous. It's too dangerous. Het boek dat je me gaf is erg interessant. The book you gave me is very interesting. The book you gave me is very interesting. Tom snoof. Tom sniffed. Tom snoof. Hij is een auteur. He is an author. He's an author. Het is een fraaie veronderstelling; dat verklaart veel dingen. It is a fine hypothesis; it explains many things. It is a nice assumption; that explains many things. Ik denk niet dat er nog meer studenten willen komen. I don't think any more students want to come. I don't think any more students want to come. Je moet je rol accepteren. You have to accept your role. You have to accept your role. Men zegt dat liefde blind is. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Waarom zou ik Frans leren? Why should I learn French? Why would I learn French? Onzes inziens zijn zonnepanelen een goede investering. Solar panels represent, in our view, a good investment. In our opinion, solar panels are a good investment. Ik woon hier sinds 1990. I have lived here since 1990. I've lived here since 1990. Is deze zitplaats vrij? Is this seat free? Is this seat free? Hij draagt een pyjama. He is wearing pyjamas. He's wearing pajamas. Hij benutte zijn positie om zijn vermogen op te bouwen. He exploited his position to build up his fortune. He used his position to build his ability. Sorry voor mijn slechte Esperanto. Pardon my poor Esperanto. Sorry about my bad Esperanto. Hij is Marokkaans. He is Moroccan. He's Moroccan. Zij zijn mijn leiders. They're my leaders. They're my leaders. Hij ziet er gelukkig uit. He looks happy. He looks happy. Hij werkt acht uur per dag. He works eight hours every day. He works eight hours a day. Chocolade wordt gemaakt van cacaobonen. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Tom zal overmorgen vertrekken. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. We zijn net terug. We just got back. We just got back. Ik meende het niet. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Ik heb twee kinderen, een jongen en een meisje. I have two children. One is a boy and the other is a girl. I have two children, a boy and a girl. Teak is een tropisch donker hout dat gebruikt wordt om meubelen te maken. Teak is a tropical dark wood used for making furniture. Teak is a tropical dark wood used to make furniture. Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag rood. I like my steak rare. I like my steak red. Europa bevindt zich in een crisis. Europe is in crisis. Europe is in crisis. Je bent een deugniet. You're a good-for-nothing. You're a son of a bitch. Sami verrichtte het middaggebed achter Fadil. Sami performed the afternoon prayer behind Fadil. Sami performed the afternoon prayer behind Fadil. Ik wil dat ge gitaar speelt voor mij. I want you to play the guitar for me. I want you to play guitar for me. Loop niet in de klas a.u.b. Please don't run in the classroom. Please don't walk in class. Tom gebruikt altijd een condoom. Tom always uses a condom. Tom always uses a condom. Ik drink alleen water. I only drink water. I only drink water. Neem een ​​bus. Take a bus. Take a bus. Noem jij dat een kus? Do you call that a kiss? You call that a kiss? Het is de goedkoopste van de twee. This is the cheaper of the two. It's the cheapest of the two. Wat voor soort hond is het? What kind of dog is it? What kind of dog is it? Wat denk je? What do you think? What do you think? Ik reken op u. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. Tom haalde een oude schoenendoos uit zijn kast en maakte hem open. Tom pulled out an old shoebox from his closet and opened it. Tom took an old shoebox out of his closet and opened it. Lekker weertje hè? Great weather, isn't it? It's a nice day, isn't it? We hadden hem nodig. We needed him. We needed him. U hebt een regelmatige pols. You have a regular pulse. You have a regular pulse. Tom zei dat hij jou niet kende. Tom said that he didn't know you. Tom said he didn't know you. Tom was bijna vergeten zijn huiswerk te maken. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Tom almost forgot to do his homework. Ik ken Toms achternaam niet. I don't know Tom's last name. I don't know Tom's last name. Tom hoopte dat Maria dat niet zou doen. Tom was hoping Mary wouldn't do that. Tom was hoping Maria wouldn't do that. We zijn omringd door zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. We're surrounded by zombies. Zou je graag beroemd willen zijn? Would you like to be famous? Would you like to be famous? Ik heb veel boeken nodig. I need a lot of books. I need a lot of books. Tom heeft te veel gedronken. Tom drank too much. Tom's had too much to drink. Ik kende jullie broer. I knew your brother. I knew your brother. Ze zijn bang voor Tom. They're afraid of Tom. They're afraid of Tom. Waarom vraag je het haar niet direct? Why don't you ask her directly? Why don't you ask her right away? De koning regeerde veertig jaar over zijn volk. The king reigned over his people for forty years. The king reigned over his people for forty years. Hoe kunt u daar zo zeker van zijn? How can you be so sure? How can you be so sure? Het was beleefd van hem om zijn plek aan de oude man te geven. It was polite of him to offer his seat to the old man. It was polite of him to give his place to the old man. Mag ik een vraag stellen? May I ask a question? Can I ask a question? Je hoeft echt niet te schreeuwen. Yelling is completely unnecessary. You really don't have to scream. Mijn zuster is drie jaar oud. My sister is three years old. My sister is three years old. Ik werd aangevallen. I was attacked. I was attacked. Vroeg of laat komt de waarheid boven water. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Sooner or later, the truth emerges. Ik wil nog niet sterven. I don't want to die yet. I don't want to die yet. Gedaan. Done. Done. Ik dronk melk. I drank milk. I drank milk. Hij is aan het roken. He's smoking. He's smoking. Tom zei dat Mary klaar is. Tom said Mary is done. Tom said Mary's done. Schrijf zijn adres op. Write down his address. Write down his address. Ik ben niet gehaast. I'm not in any hurry. I'm not in a hurry. Oeps, mijn fout. Het is 3000 yen, niet 3000 euro's. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. Oops, my bad, it's 3000 yen, not 3,000 euros. Het was in het jaar tweeduizend. It was in the year two thousand. It was 2,000 in the year. Tom heeft een glansrijke carrière als arts. Tom has a bright career as a medical doctor. Tom has a glorious career as a doctor. Het begon al snel zeer hard te regenen. It soon began to rain very hard. It soon began to rain very hard. Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ik heb acht broers en zussen. I have eight brothers and sisters. I have eight brothers and sisters. Een goede vraag. Ik zal proberen een goed antwoord te geven. It's a good question. I will try to give a good answer. I'll try to give you a good answer. Is de situatie verbeterd? Has the situation improved? Has the situation improved? Tom is jullie oom. Tom is your uncle. Tom is your uncle. Heeft iedereen een potlood? Does everybody have a pencil? Does everyone have a pencil? Op dat moment bestond Google Translator nog niet. At that time, Google Translator didn't exist yet. At that time, Google Translator did not exist. Het sneeuwt hier nooit. It never snows here. It never snows in here. Eet al wat ge wilt. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Zij maakte hem uit voor leugenaar. She called him a liar. She made him a liar. Wie e-mailen jullie? Who are you emailing? Who are you e-mailing? Een week heeft zeven dagen: maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Snijd de taart in punten. Cut the pie into slices. Cut the cake into points. Ze werden nerveus. They became nervous. They got nervous. Jullie zijn mij een zoen verschuldigd. You owe me a kiss. You owe me a kiss. Podgorica is de hoofdstad van Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. U heeft een fout gemaakt. You made an error. You made a mistake. Sally gaf hem een ​​kerstcadeau. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Yidir en Tiziri wonen in Noorwegen. Yidir and Tiziri live in Norway. Yidir and Tiziri live in Norway. In de laatste jaren is het veel gebeurd. In the last few years it happened frequently. In recent years, it's happened a lot. Ik wil in Helsinki wonen. I want to live in Helsinki. I want to live in Helsinki. De Grieken bouwden een houten paard. The Greeks built a wooden horse. The Greeks built a wooden horse. Mijn vriend wil in Azerbeidzjan wonen. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. Ze bewerken Wikipedia. They edit Wikipedia. They edit Wikipedia. Ik ben dankbaar dat er vakanties zijn. I'm thankful for vacations. I'm grateful there are vacations. Deze banaan is bijna helemaal zwart. This banana is almost completely black. This banana is almost completely black. De regering is corrupt! The government is corrupt! The government is corrupt! Verboden te roken! No smoking! No smoking! Ze maakt zich zorgen om uw veiligheid. She's worrying for your safety. She's worried about your safety. Ik weet dat Tom bang is voor spinnen. I know that Tom is afraid of spiders. I know Tom's afraid of spiders. Tom opende een blik tonijn. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened a can of tuna. Haar vrienden wachtten op haar bij de poort. Her friends waited for her by the gate. Her friends were waiting for her at the gate. Kunnen sinaasappelbomen in de tropen groeien? Can orange trees grow in the tropics? Can orange trees grow in the tropics? Hij is golf aan het spelen. He is playing golf. He's playing golf. Een andere taal leren kost veel tijd. To learn a foreign language requires a lot of time. Learning another language takes a lot of time. Tunesië wordt ''Tunes'' genoemd in het Berber. Tunisia is called "Tunes" in Berber. Tunisia is called ''Tunes'' in the Berber. Geef me de beknopte versie. Give me the short version. Give me the short version. Ik wil jullie allebei op mijn kantoor zien. I want to see you both in my office. I want to see you both in my office. U bent een wiskundeleraar. You're a math teacher. You're a math teacher. Hij heeft vijf fouten gevonden in evenzoveel regels. He found five mistakes in as many lines. He's found five mistakes in just as many rules. Dames en heren, gelieve het volk mede te delen dat ze moeten stoppen bij te dragen aan het broeikaseffect, en natuurvriendelijke apparatuur moeten gebruiken. Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment. Ladies and gentlemen, please inform the people that they must stop contributing to the greenhouse effect and use nature-friendly equipment. Wat je ook beslist, ik vind het prima. Whatever you decide is fine with me. Whatever you decide, I'm fine with it. Ik maak een grapje. I am joking. I'm kidding. Tom wil piloot worden. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Hij kan niet tennissen. He can't play tennis. He can't play tennis. Wist je niet dat Tom homo is? You didn't know Tom was gay? Didn't you know Tom was gay? Heiligt het doel de middelen? Does the end justify the means? Does the purpose sanctify the means? Ze is aan het touwtje springen. She is skipping rope. She's jumping the string. Tom is begonnen een nieuw meisje te daten, maar hij heeft het nog niet aan Maria verteld. Tom has started dating a new girl, but he hasn't told Mary about it. Tom started dating a new girl, but he hasn't told Maria yet. Toms hond viel Mary aan. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom rijdt. Tom drives. Tom's driving. Het is bijna voorbij. It's almost over. It's almost over. We wonen in dat appartement net over de straat. We live in that apartment just over the street. We live in that apartment just down the street. Hij ziet er moe uit. He seems tired. He looks tired. Het verkeerslicht werd rood. The light turned red. The traffic light turned red. Sinaasappels zijn groter dan mandarijnen. Oranges are bigger than tangerines. Oranges are bigger than mandarins. We maakten ons geen zorgen. We didn't worry. We weren't worried. Voor het eerst in tien jaar ben ik teruggekomen naar mijn thuisstad. I went back to my hometown for the first time in ten years. For the first time in ten years, I came back to my hometown. Daar ben ik blij mee. I'm happy with that. I'm glad. Jullie moeten zich verontschuldigen bij Tom. You must apologize to Tom. You have to apologize to Tom. Tom is altijd extreem voorzichtig. Tom is always extremely careful. Tom is always extremely careful. Ze woont alleen. She lives alone. She lives alone. Een voldane blik verscheen op zijn gezicht. A look of contentment appeared on his face. A satisfied look appeared on his face. Hij gaf me een potlood. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Activisten proberen ziekte in arme landen te voorkomen. Activists try to prevent disease in poor countries. Activists are trying to prevent disease in poor countries. Dat versta ik niet. I don't understand it. I don't understand. Ik beloof dat ik niet naar iemand anders zal kijken. I promise I won't look at anybody else. I promise I won't look at anyone else. Dit is mogelijk geen echte diamant. This might not be a genuine diamond. This may not be a real diamond. Ik ben niet Toms type en hij is mijn type niet. I'm not Tom's type, and he's not my type. I'm not Tom's type and he's not my type. Tom speelt piano. Tom plays piano. Tom plays piano. Ik zou willen miljonair zijn. I'd like to be a millionaire. I'd like to be a millionaire. Maak iedereen blij. Make everyone happy. Make everyone happy. Snap je hoe het werkt? Do you understand how it works? You know how it works? Hij kan niet antwoorden op hun vragen. He cannot answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. Zijn leven is in gevaar. His life is in danger. His life is in danger. Eet sneeuw. Eat snow. Eat snow. Layla was een aansteller. Layla was a drama queen. Layla was a fool. Ze zien er vandaag gelukkig uit. They look happy today. They look happy today. Dinsdags gaan we naar de markt. We go to the market on Tuesdays. Tuesdays we're going to the market. Hommels zijn groter dan bijen. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Wissel van plaats met me. Switch places with me. Switch places with me. Waarom waren jullie daar? Why were you there? Why were you there? Alle bussen zitten vol. All the buses are full. All the buses are full. Tom houdt van jou. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Vroeger dacht ik dat Tom knap was. I used to think Tom was good-looking. I used to think Tom was pretty. Niet vandaag. Not today. Not today. Wat hij zegt heeft niets met dit probleem te maken. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Het verhaal loopt goed af. The story ends well. The story ends well. Als ik je goed begrepen heb dan wil je het uitmaken met me! If I understood you right you want to break up with me! If I understand you correctly, you want to break up with me! Een van mijn dromen is ooit het noorderlicht te zien krijgen. One of my dreams is to one day see the aurora borealis. One of my dreams is once to see the northern lights. Hoeveel verdient hij per maand? How much money does he make a month? How much does he make a month? Ze heeft haar geheimen mee in het graf genomen. She took her secrets to the grave. She took her secrets to the grave. Mag ik uw instapkaart zien? May I see your boarding pass, please? May I see your boarding pass? Ze leven continu in angst. They live in constant fear. They live in fear all the time. Tom at een broodje tonijn. Tom ate a tuna sandwich. Tom ate a tuna sandwich. Ik heb Sachiko liever dan Akiko. I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I'd rather have Sachiko than Akiko. Ik belde hem. I phoned him. I called him. Mijn moeder is in de keuken. My mother is in the kitchen. My mom's in the kitchen. Hij heeft de man van diefstal beschuldigd. He accused the man of stealing. He accused the man of stealing. Ik knikte om aan te geven dat ik ermee instemde. I nodded to show that I agreed. I nodded to say I agreed. Mijn grootvader had een brailleboek over Esperanto en Ido. My grandfather had a braille book about Esperanto and Ido. My grandfather had a Braille book about Esperanto and Ido. Maak jullie zakken leeg. Empty your bags. Empty your pockets. Eet Tom eieren? Does Tom eat eggs? Tom eats eggs? Ze heeft mij gisteren een bezoek gebracht. She paid me a visit yesterday. She paid me a visit yesterday. Hou je van verrassingen? Do you like surprises? Do you like surprises? Ik zou graag iets willen drinken a.u.b. I'd really like to get something to drink. I'd like a drink, please. Wil je meekomen? Do you want to come along? Would you like to come with me? Niemand woont in dit huis. Nobody lives in this house. Nobody lives in this house. Ze ontkende mijn moeder te zijn. She denied that she's my mother. She denied being my mother. Ik weet niet wat ik hem ga vertellen. I don't know what I'm going to tell him. I don't know what I'm gonna tell him. Ik heb mijn eigen baan. I have my own job. I got my own job. Tom gniffelde. Tom chuckled. Tom giggled. Waarom ga je niet naar Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Why don't you go to Malta? Ge zijt op de verkeerde weg. You're going the wrong way. You're on the wrong road. Spreekt u Romani? Do you speak Romani? Do you speak Romani? Zou u even kunnen wachten? Could you wait a moment? Could you wait a minute? Is er hier 's winters veel sneeuw? Is there much snow here in the winter? Is there a lot of snow here in winter? Bel ons. Call us. Call us. Japanners zijn in het algemeen beleefd. Japanese people in general are polite. Japanese are generally polite. Tom heeft twee vriendinnen. Tom has two girlfriends. Tom has two friends. Hij spreekt 10 talen. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. Ze is een jurk aan het naaien. She is sewing a dress. She's sewing a dress. Ik breng jullie naar een veilige plek. Let me take you to someplace where you'll be safe. I'll take you somewhere safe. Wie is de oudste? Who is the oldest? Who's the oldest? Wat ben je nu aan het doen? What are you doing now? What are you doing now? Denk je echt dat het onmogelijk is? Do you really think it's impossible? You really think it's impossible? Deze huismuis is grijs. This house mouse is grey. This house mouse is gray. We zullen voor hen werken. We'll work for them. We'll work for them. Ik heb gehoord dat ze een beroemde actrice is. I hear she's a famous actress. I hear she's a famous actress. Vindt iemand met Japans als moedertaal dat Engels moeilijk te leren is? Do native Japanese speakers think that English is hard to learn? Does anyone with Japanese as their mother tongue think that English is difficult to learn? Ik ben eraan gewend. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. Hij zal niet gaan. He will not go. He won't go. Kerstmis komt er snel aan. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is coming fast. We wachtten. We waited. We waited. Ik mis Italië. I miss Italy. I miss Italy. Haar vader is vorige week overleden. Her father passed away last week. Her father died last week. Mag ik het proberen? Can I try it? Can I try? Ik kan niet staan. I can't stand. I can't stand. Je zou beter moeten weten nu je achttien bent. You should know better now you are eighteen. You should know better now that you're 18. Wat een verschrikking! What a nightmare! What a horror! Heb je ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Ik ben een banaan. I am a banana. I'm a banana. Geen land kan tippen aan kwaliteitswijn uit Frankrijk. No country can match France's good quality wine. No country can compare to quality wine from France. Mijn anti-virus heeft een virus doorgelaten. My anti-virus let a virus through. My anti-virus let a virus through. Dit is een geschenk voor jou. This a gift for you. This is a gift for you. Tom heeft spaghetti voor het avondeten gemaakt. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Ik heb een liedje voor je geschreven. I wrote a song for you. I wrote you a song. Natuurkunde interesseert me voor geen meter. I'm not in the least interested in physics. I don't care about physics. Je zei dat Tom me leuk vond. You said Tom liked me. You said Tom liked me. Ik ga nu weg. I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now. Ik voel me dood vanbinnen. I feel dead inside. I feel dead inside. Tom verstopte zich onder de tafel. Tom hid under the table. Tom was hiding under the table. Hoe bedoel je? What do you mean? What do you mean? Heb je dat gekocht? Did you buy that? Did you buy that? Ik zoek mijn sleutels. Heb jij ze gezien? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Tom denkt dat Mary misschien een eetstoornis heeft. Tom thinks Mary may have an eating disorder. Tom thinks Mary might have an eating disorder. Je lijkt echt zenuwachtig. You look really nervous. You seem really nervous. Dat is mogelijk een nieuw record. That's likely a new record. That might be a new record. Jupiter is een gigantische planeet. Jupiter is a giant planet. Jupiter is a gigantic planet. Tom zei dat Maria niet Canadees was. Tom said that Mary wasn't Canadian. Tom said Maria wasn't Canadian. Een andere factor waar rekening mee moet worden gehouden is, dat de huidige situatie gunstig is voor ons. Another factor to be taken into consideration is that the present situation is favourable to us. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is that the current situation is beneficial to us. Tom en Maria zijn volleybal aan het spelen. Tom and Mary are playing volleyball. Tom and Maria are playing volleyball. Ik ben gewoon om voor mezelf te koken. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm just cooking for myself. In veel oude films is de heldin altijd degene die doodgaat. In many old movies the heroine is always the one to die. In many old movies, the heroine is always the one who dies. Tom verspilde geen seconde. Tom didn't waste a second. Tom didn't waste a second. Ze heeft geen fiets. She has no bicycle. She doesn't have a bike. Bescherm uw familie. Protect your family. Protect your family. Deze foto heb ik vorige week gemaakt. I took that picture a week ago. I took this picture last week. Ik denk dat ik na Kerstmis weer op dieet moet. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I think I'll have to go back on a diet after Christmas. Ik wil dat je met me meegaat. I want you to come with me. I want you to come with me. Ik wil niet met u praten. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. 5 is minder dan 8. 5 is less than 8. 5 is less than 8. De Mona Lisa is geschilderd door Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa is painted by Leonardo da Vinci. In elk geval wil ik het feit duidelijk maken dat dit geen normale mensen zijn. In any case I just want to make clear that the fact that these are not normal people. In any case, I want to make it clear that these are not normal people. Tom zijn hond is een husky. Tom's dog is a husky. Tom's dog is a husky. Zeg hem dat hij moet vertrekken. Tell him to leave. Tell him to leave. Weet je het niet? Don't you know? You don't know? De grootte maakt uit. Size does matter. The size matters. Tom doodde Maria. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Maria. Alles bij elkaar genomen, is hij een goede leerkracht. All things considered, he is a good teacher. All in all, he's a good teacher. Mijn huis is verzekerd. My house is covered by insurance. My house is insured. Het is een beetje koud. It is a little cold. It's a little cold. Heb je al eens kalkoen gegeten? Have you ever eaten turkey? Have you eaten turkey before? Ik heb je mijn antwoord al gegeven. I've already given you my answer. I've already given you my answer. Ik hou van bloemen. I love flowers. I like flowers. Hij is in de keuken. He is in the kitchen. He's in the kitchen. Wij wonen in Belfast. We live in Belfast. We live in Belfast. Eind goed, al goed. All is well that ends well. All right, all right, all right. Tom presteert goed onder heel moeilijke omstandigheden. Tom is doing a good job under very difficult circumstances. Tom performs well under very difficult circumstances. Tom heeft al een nieuwe vriendin. Tom has a new girlfriend already. Tom already has a new girlfriend. Tom verdient niet veel. Tom doesn't make much money. Tom doesn't make much. Ik ben een slot zonder een sleutel. I'm a lock without a key. I'm a lock without a key. Tom had echt geen zin om te gaan schaatsen. Tom really didn't feel like going skating. Tom really didn't feel like skating. Wat een prachtige morgen! What a beautiful morning! What a beautiful morning! Gevuld met woede vermoordde Tom zijn eigen broer. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Filled with anger, Tom killed his own brother. Heeft Lucy al gebeld? Lucy called already? Has Lucy called yet? Tom werkt niet zo hard als voorheen. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. Tom doesn't work as hard as he used to. In dit café heb ik mijn vrouw voor het eerst ontmoet. This is the coffee shop I first met my wife in. In this café, I met my wife for the first time. Het ziet er naar uit dat het gaat regenen. It is likely to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Heeft Tom een sleutel van Mary's woning? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? Does Tom have a key to Mary's place? Ik begrijp eindelijk wat je me probeerde te zeggen. I finally understand what you were trying to tell me. I finally understand what you were trying to tell me. Ik zit krap bij kas. I'm broke. I'm short on cash. Haar moeder roept je. Her mother is calling you. Her mother's calling you. Hoe kan ik in de hemel komen? How can I get to heaven? How can I get to heaven? Hoeveel kleuren zie je in de regenboog? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? How many colors do you see in the rainbow? Ben je bang om gewond te raken? Are you afraid of getting hurt? Are you afraid to get hurt? De zon komt op. The sun is rising. The sun's coming up. Stephen stierf. Stephen died. Stephen died. Tom haalde de kurk uit de fles. Tom pulled the cork out of the bottle. Tom took the cork out of the bottle. "Wat moet ik doen, dan?" "Ik weet het niet. Doe iets." "What am I supposed to do?" "I don't know. Do something." "What am I supposed to do, then?" "I don't know. Do something." Kom hierheen, en snel een beetje! Get over here and be quick about it! Get over here, and hurry up! Waar komen we vandaan? Waar gaan we heen? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Where are we from? Venetië, Italië is een van de wonderen van de wereld. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. Venice, Italy is one of the wonders of the world. U mag op de stoel gaan zitten. You may sit down on the chair. You may sit in the chair. Hij is gestopt om zijn schoenen aan te doen. He stopped to put on his shoes. He stopped to put his shoes on. De dokter heeft haar een aantal tabletten gegeven om de pijn weg te nemen. The doctor has given her some tablets to take away the pain. The doctor gave her some tablets to take away the pain. Vul dit formulier in, alsjeblieft. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out this form. Als jij nou zegt: "Ik hou van jou," dan zeg ik dat ook tegen jou. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. When you say, "I love you," I say that to you, too. Alleen dat? Just that? Just that? Bruinkool is een fossiele brandstof. Lignite is a fossil fuel. Brown coal is a fossil fuel. Ge ziet er helemaal uit als uw moeder. You look just like your mother. You all look like your mother. Ik ben een meeuw. I am a seagull. I'm a seagull. Ik proefde er eentje. I tasted one. I tasted one. Wat het oog niet ziet, het hart niet deert. Ignorance is bliss. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't hurt. Hij verbleef de afgelopen vijf dagen in dat hotel. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He spent the last five days at that hotel. Hoe gauw kunnen ze worden geleverd? How soon can they be delivered? How soon can they be delivered? Hij had bleke lippen. He had pale lips. He had pale lips. Dat is de zijne. That's his. That's his. Hoeveel calorieën zitten er in 100 gram boter? How many calories are in 100 grams of butter? How many calories are there in 100 grams of butter? Dit zijn niet uw stoelen. Those are not your chairs. These aren't your seats. Die mannen zijn doorgewinterde soldaten. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Ik heb een paar telefoontjes gepleegd. I made some calls. I made a few calls. Ik schreef haar elke dag een brief. I wrote her a letter every day. I wrote her a letter every day. Ik weet dat ik het heb ingepakt. I know I packed it. I know I packed it. Hebt ge de laatste tijd nog iets over haar gehoord? Have you heard anything about her recently? Have you heard anything about her lately? Sarajevo is de hoofdstad van Bosnië en Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tom daagde Maria uit. Tom challenged Mary. Tom challenged Maria. Kan ik haar naar huis brengen? Can I take her home? Can I take her home? Het is een gemakkelijke keuze. It's an easy choice. It's an easy choice. Als ik jou was, zou ik zoiets niet doen. Were I you, I would not do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do something like that. Het ontbijt is gereed. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Kan je me de weg wijzen? Can you explain the way to me? Can you show me the way? Ik wacht op je excuses. I'm waiting for you to apologize. I'm waiting for your apology. Waarom zou ik boos op je zijn? Why would I be mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? Ik ben een nieuwe studente. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. We moeten de regels volgen. We must observe the rules. We have to follow the rules. Een enkele straal zonlicht scheen door een spleet in het gesloten raam. A single ray of sunlight shone through a chink in the shuttered window. A single ray of sunlight appeared through a crevice in the closed window. Zij scheert het schaap. She is shearing the sheep. She shaves the sheep. Welke is nieuw? Which is new? Which one's new? Ik ben Ricardo. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Ik zal je toestemming geven om te gaan. I'll permit you to go. I'll give you permission to go. Wie heeft dat betaald? Who paid for that? Who paid for that? Ik wil jouw vijand niet zijn. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. De vogels vliegen. The birds fly. The birds are flying. Laat je niet misleiden. Don't be deceived. Don't be fooled. De koudegolf hield Europa in zijn greep. A cold spell gripped Europe. The cold wave held Europe in its grip. Tom is een man van vele talenten. Tom is a man of many talents. Tom is a man of many talents. Tom heeft een handtas gekocht voor Maria's verjaardag. Tom bought Mary a purse for her birthday. Tom bought a handbag for Maria's birthday. Ongeacht waar u naartoe gaat, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. No matter where you go, don't forget to write to me. De prezident zal later op de dag een persconferentie geven. The president will hold a press conference later today. The president will give a press conference later in the day. Het is aan jou om te besluiten wat te doen. It's up to you to decide what to do. It's up to you to decide what to do. Ik hou niet van grote steden. I dislike big cities. I don't like big cities. Ze zette me bij mijn appartement af. She dropped me off at my apartment. She dropped me off at my apartment. Ze heeft haar huiswerk gemaakt. She has done her homework. She's done her homework. Ik snap niet wat er gebeurt. I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand what's happening. Wat is de naam van haar leraar? What's her professor's name? What's her teacher's name? In september word ik zestien. I'll be sixteen in September. I'll be 16 in September. Ik heb veel dromen. I have a lot of dreams. I have a lot of dreams. De ene is Japanner, de andere Italiaan. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese, the other Italian. Heb je Tom gedood? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Zie je de beer? Do you see the bear? See the bear? Er was niemand in de tuin. There was nobody in the garden. There was no one in the garden. Er is gisternacht een brand uitgebroken. A fire broke out last night. A fire broke out last night. Waarom huilt u? What are you crying for? Why are you crying? Reuzenpanda's komen alleen in China voor. Giant pandas live only in China. Giant pandas are only found in China. Hij dronk sinaasappelsap uit een fles. He drank orange juice out of a bottle. He drank orange juice from a bottle. Hij werkt de gehele nacht en slaapt de gehele dag. He works all night and he sleeps all day. He works all night and sleeps all day. Ngerulmud is de hoofdstad van Palau. Ngerulmud is the capital of Palau. Ngerulmud is the capital of Palau. Enkele mensen gaan de zondagmorgen naar de kerk. Some people go to church on Sunday morning. Some people go to church on Sunday morning. Voor mij was het vanzelfsprekend dat zij zou komen. I took it for granted that she would come. For me, it was self-evident that she would come. Wie neem je mee naar het toneelstuk? Who are you bringing to the play? Who are you taking to the play? Sami droeg witte sokken. Sami was wearing white socks. Sami wore white socks. Tom legde de map op de tafel. Tom put the map on the table. Tom put the folder on the table. De maan draait rond de aarde. The moon moves around the earth. The moon orbits the Earth. Ik heb veel geleerd uit zijn boeken. I learned a lot from his books. I learned a lot from his books. Ze zijn na de film in slaap gevallen. After the movie, they fell asleep. They fell asleep after the movie. Ik denk dat het straks gaat regenen. My guess is that it will rain soon. I think it's gonna rain later. Ik hou van zo'n soort momenten. I love such moments. I love moments like that. Heb je broers? Do you have any brothers? Do you have any brothers? Ik heet Ricardo, en u? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, and you? Waar wil je dit verkopen? Where do you want to sell this? Where do you want to sell this? Het is etenstijd. Time for dinner. It's dinner time. Het is van ons. It's ours. It's ours. Ik ben zeker dat hij zal slagen. I am sure that he will succeed. I'm sure he'll succeed. Hebben jullie hier familieleden? Do you have relatives here? Do you have any relatives here? Hij heeft meer geld dan ik. He has more money than I have. He's got more money than me. Hij houdt van vissen. He loves to fish. He likes to fish. Maria googelde zichzelf. Mary googled herself. Maria Googled herself. Ze hielpen Tom door de problemen heen. They saw Tom through the trouble. They helped Tom through the trouble. De regio is enorm, maar dunbevolkt. The region is enormous, but sparsely populated. The region is huge, but sparsely populated. De vlek op de labjas is te wijten aan zilvernitraat. The stain on the lab coat is due to silver nitrate. The stain on the lab coat is due to silver nitrate. Dit boek is zwaar. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. Ik ben op zoek naar Andy. Weet jij waar hij is? I'm looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? I'm looking for Andy. Je hebt bijna gelijk. You're almost right. You're almost right. Een leeuw is een dier. A lion is an animal. A lion is an animal. Heeft Tom geleden? Did Tom suffer? Did Tom suffer? Tom is verrassend gevoelig voor de kou. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to cold. Tom is surprisingly sensitive to the cold. Ken ik jou? Do I know you? Do I know you? Peak oil, een gebeurtenis gebaseerd op Hubbert's theorie, is het tijdstip waarop de maximale snelheid van aardolie-extractie wordt bereikt, waarna de snelheid van de productie naar verwachting geleidelijk zal dalen. Peak oil, an event based on Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline. Peak oil, an event based on Hubbert's theory, is the time when the maximum rate of oil extraction is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to gradually decrease. We zijn hier om jullie te beschermen. We're here to protect you. We're here to protect you. Doe wat hij je zegt. Do as he tells you. Do as he tells you. Tom had een traumatische ervaring. Tom had a traumatic experience. Tom had a traumatic experience. Is Maria jouw vriendin? Is Mary your girlfriend? Is Maria your girlfriend? Laten we oefenen. Let's practice. Let's practice. Mijn tante woont in New York. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Waar kan ik zitten? Where can I sit? Where can I sit? Ik woon in Miami. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. Zeg mij wat ik moet doen. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Tom en Maria zijn heel hechte vrienden. Tom and Mary are very close friends. Tom and Maria are very close friends. Er zijn heel wat boeken over het onderwerp. There are books and books on the subject. There are a lot of books on the subject. Tom luistert graag naar klassieke muziek. Tom likes to listen to classical music. Tom likes to listen to classical music. De noodzaak van een theoretische en praktische voorbereiding ligt voor de hand. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. The need for theoretical and practical preparation is obvious. Kunt u me deze foto's laten zien, alstublieft? Please, show me these photos. Can you show me these pictures, please? Ik ben moe en ik wil naar bed gaan. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Maria zegt dat ze je kent. Mary says she knows you. Maria says she knows you. Hebben Tom en Maria dezelfde mening? Do Tom and Mary have the same opinion? Do Tom and Maria have the same opinion? De koningin woont in Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace. Uit welk land kom je? What country are you from? What country are you from? Doe het! Do it! Do it! Je hebt zo weinig geduld met me. You're so impatient with me. You have so little patience with me. Toms hemd is gekreukeld. Tom's shirt is wrinkled. Tom's shirt is wrinkled. De kat slaapt. The cat sleeps. The cat's asleep. Tom is dik. Tom is fat. Tom's fat. Ze profiteerde van mijn onwetendheid. She took advantage of my ignorance. She took advantage of my ignorance. Wat vroeg Tom? What did Tom ask? What did Tom ask? Zwijgen en luisteren! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Ik ben voorzichtig. I'm careful. I'm being careful. Abraham Lincoln ging die nacht terug naar Washington. Abraham Lincoln went back to Washington that night. Abraham Lincoln went back to Washington that night. Tomás was naar muziek aan het luisteren. Tom was listening to music. Tomás was listening to music. Herinner je je de dag nog dat we elkaar voor het eerst ontmoet hebben? Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we first met? Wat is het minimumloon in Namibië? What's the minimum salary in Namibia? What is the minimum wage in Namibia? Tom is waarschijnlijk in Boston. Tom is probably in Boston. Tom's probably in Boston. Ik hou van je! I love you! I love you! Het is een moeilijke vraag. It's a difficult question. It's a difficult question. Je moet vertrekken. You must go. You have to leave. Tom heeft drie jaar Frans gestudeerd. Tom studied French for three years. Tom studied French for three years. Deze mannen zijn het harde werken gewend. These men are used to hard work. These men are used to hard work. Ik heb veel vrienden. I have a lot of friends. I have a lot of friends. Dank u wel, dokter. Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Doctor. Vlees, alstublieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. Ik heb er geen spijt van dat ik hier gekomen ben. I don't regret coming here. I'm not sorry I came here. Breng versterking. Bring backup. Bring backup. Ik heb een paar duiten op zak deze maand. I have a little money this month. I've got a couple of buns in my pocket this month. Ik ga akkoord met het argument. I concede the argument. I agree with the argument. Ik denk dat Tom de zoon van Mary is. I think that Tom is Mary's son. I think Tom is Mary's son. Lao Gan Ma en ik hebben een haat-liefdeverhouding. Lao Gan Ma and I have a love-hate relationship. Lao Gan Ma and I have a love-hate relationship. Tom is triest. Tom's sad. Tom's sad. Tegen wie denk je dat je het hebt? Who do you think you're talking to here? Who do you think you're talking to? Hoe is het weer in New York? How's the weather in New York? How's the weather in New York? Ik ontmoette hem op weg naar huis. I met him on my way home. I met him on the way home. Ik weet dat Tom allergisch is voor bijen. I know that Tom is allergic to bees. I know Tom's allergic to bees. Sami woont in een islamitisch land. Sami lives in a Muslim country. Sami lives in an Islamic country. We zijn thuis. We are at home. We're home. Welke slang heeft de langste giftanden? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest fangs? Ik ben gewoonlijk voor zonsopgang al op. I'm usually up before dawn. I'm usually up before dawn. Tom kan helpen. Tom can help. Tom can help. Het hotel was in zicht. The hotel was in sight. The hotel was in sight. Als ge over zijn werk oordeelt, denk dan ook aan zijn gebrek aan ervaring. In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience. When you judge his work, think of his lack of experience. De wereld is een hok met gekken. The world is a den of crazies. The world is a cage of lunatics. Je ziet er inderdaad moe uit. You do look tired. You do look tired. We worden beïnvloed door onze omgeving. We're influenced by our environment. We're affected by our environment. Je bent nooit te oud om te leren. It's never too late to learn. You're never too old to learn. Tom komt met me mee naar Boston. Tom is coming with me to Boston. Tom's coming with me to Boston. Ik ben vier weken zwanger. I'm four weeks pregnant. I'm four weeks pregnant. Je hebt graag olifanten. You like elephants. You like elephants. Waar zijn jouw honden? Where are your dogs? Where are your dogs? Boven alles hebben kinderen liefde nodig. Above all, children need love. Above all, children need love. Moeder maakte ons middageten klaar. Mother prepared us lunch. Mother made us lunch. Ik kan me niet bewegen. I can't move. I can't move. Ik ben Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. U kan helpen. You can help. You can help. Ik wil dat je beter werkt. I want you to work better. I want you to work better. We spreken later verder. We'll talk afterwards. We'll talk later. Deze koffie is niet warm genoeg. This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee isn't warm enough. Ik heb me altijd aan mijn beloften gehouden. I have always kept my promises. I've always kept my promises. U bent werkelijk egoïstisch. You're really selfish. You're really selfish. Tom stootte tegen Mary aan en duwde haar bijna in het zwembad. Tom bumped into Mary and almost knocked her into the pool. Tom bumped into Mary and almost pushed her into the pool. Ik heb een kat en een hond. De kat is zwart en de hond is wit. I have a cat and a dog. The cat's black and the dog's white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Al wandelende floot hij. He whistled as he walked. When he was walking, he whistled. Verbergt u iets voor ons? Is there something you're not telling us? Are you hiding something from us? Je bent de enige van wie ik hou. You are the only one I love. You're the only one I love. Larry Ewing is getrouwd. Larry Ewing is married. Larry Ewing is married. Toen ik jong was, konden we in de rivier zwemmen. When I was young, we could swim in the river. When I was young, we could swim in the river. Komt hij? Is he coming? Is he coming? Ik dacht dat je een grapje maakte. I thought you were kidding. I thought you were kidding. Hij zou voor de Europese Commissie moeten werken. He should work for the European Commission. He should work for the European Commission. Fadil bekeerde zich stiekem tot de islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Ik stelde voor de vergadering te beëindigen. I suggested that we end the meeting. I suggested ending the meeting. Wat vindt je van deze foto's? Ik heb ze vandaag laten ontwikkelen. How do you like these photos? I had them developed today. What do you think of these pictures? Weet iemand waar Tom woont? Does anyone here know where Tom lives? Does anyone know where Tom lives? Het loopt tegen zessen. It's almost six. It's running into six. De baby begon te huilen. The baby started to cry. The baby started crying. Het sneeuwt deze winter zelfs nog meer dan tijdens de laatste. It's snowing this winter even more so than last. It snows even more this winter than during the last. Er was een geschil over onze rekening. There was a dispute about our bill. There was a dispute over our account. De aarde is een van de planeten. The earth is one of the planets. Earth is one of the planets. Niets hiervan is goed. None of this is good. None of this is good. Hebben jullie al een appartement gevonden? Have you found a flat yet? Have you found an apartment yet? Tom zag de video. Tom saw the video. Tom saw the video. Ik heb te veel dingen aan mijn hoofd op het moment. I have too many things on my mind these days. I have too many things on my mind right now. Wat is jouw lievelingsfilm? What is your favorite movie? What's your favorite movie? Zij deden hun sokken uit. They took off their socks. They took off their socks. Ik ben van niets bang. I'm not frightened of anything. I'm not afraid of anything. Wat is uw favoriete soort sushi? What's your favourite type of sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? Ik mag dan wel ongelukkig zijn, maar ik ben niet van plan mezelf te doden. Maybe I am unhappy, but I don't intend to kill myself. I may be unhappy, but I'm not going to kill myself. Zijn dit jouw potloden? Are these pencils yours? Are these your pencils? Wat is er mis met je hond? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? Ik heb acht broers. I have eight brothers. I have eight brothers. Ik kan niet echt goed koken. I can't really cook very well. I'm not very good at cooking. Ik ben de laatste die hem heeft gezien. I'm the last one who saw him. I'm the last person to see him. Gelukkige verjaardag, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Happy birthday, Shishir! Als ik rijk was dan gaf ik je geld. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I was rich, I'd give you money. Scott was de eerste mens die de pool bereikte. Scott was the first man to reach the pole. Scott was the first human to reach the pool. Waar is de Russische ambassade? Where is the Russian embassy? Where's the Russian embassy? Mijn oom overleed twee jaar geleden aan kanker. My uncle died of cancer two years ago. My uncle died of cancer two years ago. We hebben wat eten nodig. We are in need of some food. We need some food. Katten kunnen in het donker zien. Cats can see when it is dark. Cats can see in the dark. Ik had precies hetzelfde gevoel. I had the exact same feeling. I had the exact same feeling. Ik verveel me dood. I am bored to death. I'm bored to death. Gisteren heb ik voetbal gespeeld. I played soccer yesterday. I played soccer last night. Wat leer je op school? What do you learn at school? What do you learn at school? Je zeurt te veel. You complain too much. You're whining too much. Verkoopt u mineraalwater? Do you sell mineral water? Do you sell mineral water? Waar is mijn auto? Where's my car? Where's my car? Het huis bij het meer is van mij. The house by the lake is mine. The lake house is mine. Ik wou dat hij hier was om ons te helpen. I wish that he was here to help us. I wish he was here to help us. Tijdens de oorlog doorstonden de mensen vele ontberingen. During the war, people went through many hardships. During the war, people endured many hardships. Deze feiten zijn zeker. These facts are certain. These facts are certain. Hij geeft haar alles waar zij om vraagt. He gives her everything she asks for. He gives her everything she asks for. Ze houdt van aardappelsalade. She likes potato salad. She likes potato salad. Ze keken allemaal. They all watched. They all looked. De overvloed van amateurvertalingen van Japanse strips op het internet getuigt van hun populariteit buiten het land. The abundance of amateur translations of Japanese manga on the Internet is a testament to its popularity outside the country. The abundance of amateur translations of Japanese comics on the Internet testifies to their popularity outside the country. Er is tijd genoeg om dit huiswerk af te maken. There is enough time to finish this homework. There's plenty of time to finish this homework. Tom draagt zijden stropdassen. Tom wears silk neckties. Tom wears silk ties. Lincoln was tegen de slavernij. Lincoln was opposed to slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. Tom moet ervandoor. Tom needs to get going. Tom has to go. Hoe durf je zoiets tegen me te zeggen! How dare you say such a thing to me! How dare you say that to me! Ik hou erg van koffie. I like coffee very much. I really like coffee. Sami herkende Layla niet met de hijaab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hijab. Sami didn't recognize Layla with the hijab. Haar vader is Japanner. Her father is Japanese. Her father is Japanese. Waar waren jullie gisteravond? Where were you guys last night? Where were you guys last night? Ik heet Tanaka Itsjiro. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. My name is Tanaka Itchiro. Is daar iemand? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Niet blootstellen aan een temperatuur boven de vijftig graden Celsius. Do not expose to temperatures above fifty centigrade. Do not expose to a temperature above 50 degrees Celsius. Iedere kamer heeft een bed. Every room has a bed. Every room has a bed. Ik ben de weg kwijt! I'm lost! I'm lost! U kunt dit woordenboek gebruiken. You can use this dictionary. You can use this dictionary. Spreek je Engels? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Dit is het einde. It's the end. This is the end. Ik dacht dat Tom sliep. I thought Tom was asleep. I thought Tom was asleep. Ik heb hem heel lang geleden voor het laatst gezien. It's been a very long time since I saw him last. Last time I saw him was a long time ago. Gewoontes zijn moeilijk te stoppen. Habits are difficult to break. Habits are hard to stop. Ik had graag met de dame des huizes gesproken. I'd like to speak to the lady of the household. I would have liked to talk to the lady of the house. Maria heeft een allergische reactie op iets dat ze heeft gegeten. Mary is having an allergic reaction to something she ate. Maria has an allergic reaction to something she ate. Ik heb geen flauw benul. I have no clue. I don't have a clue. Weet jij wat dat betekent? Do you know what that means? Do you know what that means? We hebben het hout in de achtertuin opgestapeld. We piled the wood in the backyard. We've piled up the wood in the backyard. Uw fiets is beter dan de mijne. Your bike is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Die plaats heeft een mysterieuse sfeer. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. That place has a mysterious atmosphere. Ik kwam juist terug uit Groot-Brittannië. I have just returned from Britain. I just came back from Britain. God maakt geen fouten. God doesn't make mistakes. God doesn't make mistakes. Bel Tom onmiddellijk. Call Tom immediately. Call Tom immediately. Heb ik je niet verteld dat ik allergisch was voor pinda's? Didn't I tell you that I was allergic to peanuts? Didn't I tell you I was allergic to peanuts? We hebben het uitgevogeld. We figured it out. We figured it out. Armin is een Iraanse burger. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Armin is an Iranian citizen. Dat bedrijf wordt gerund door mijn oudere broer. That company is managed by my older brother. That company is run by my older brother. Maria droeg een oranje jurk. Mary wore an orange dress. Maria was wearing an orange dress. Excuseer, mag ik het venster opendoen? Excuse me, may I open the window? Excuse me, can I open the window? Ben je thuis? Are you home? Are you home? Sami accepteerde de islam. Sami accepted Islam. Sami accepted Islam. Ik heb het gevecht gezien. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Hij strikte zijn veters. He tied his shoelaces. He tightens his shoelaces. Als je hulp nodig hebt, wees dan zo vrij me op te bellen. If you need help, feel free to call me. If you need any help, don't hesitate to call me. Spanje is een toeristisch land. Spain is a tourist country. Spain is a tourist country. Eet smakelijk! Bon appetit! Enjoy! Heb je overmorgen tijd? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Ik was pas thuis om twee uur dertig. I didn't get home until 2:30. I wasn't home till 2:30. Je bent wijs. You're wise. You're wise. Hij slaapt als een beer in de winter. He sleeps like a bear in the winter. He sleeps like a bear in winter. De meeste mensen zijn het ermee eens. Most people agree. Most people agree. De koelkast is leeg. The fridge is empty. The fridge's empty. Ik was vergeten dat ik een slecht kortetermijngeheugen heb. I had forgotten that my short-term memory is terrible. I forgot I have a bad short-term memory. Zwijgen is goud. Silence is golden. Silence is gold. Deze berg is het hele jaar door bedekt met sneeuw. This mountain is snow-covered the entire year. This mountain is covered in snow all year round. Bij deze hitte van vandaag heb ik geen zin om te studeren. As it is very hot today, I don't feel like studying. With this heat today, I don't feel like studying. Ik wou graag jullie postzegelverzameling zien. I'd like to have a look at your stamp collection. I'd like to see your stamp collection. Vroeg of laat zal hij me alles vertellen. He will tell me everything sooner or later. Sooner or later, he'll tell me everything. Ik ontmoet Mihaela elke morgen in de metro. I meet Mihaela every morning at the subway. I meet Mihaela every morning on the subway. Hoelang heb je deze tandenborstel gebruikt? How long have you been using this toothbrush? How long have you been using this toothbrush? Hij komt dikwijls te laat. He often comes late. He's often late. Het is erg warm in de keuken. It is very hot in the kitchen. It's very hot in the kitchen. Het kan ons niet schelen. We don't care. We don't care. Je zou Tom leuk vinden. You'd like Tom. You'd like Tom. Volgens sommige geleerden kan er op elk moment een grote aardbeving plaatsvinden. According to some scholars, a major earthquake could occur at any moment now. According to some scholars, a major earthquake can occur at any time. Accra is de hoofdstad van Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Accra is the capital of Ghana. Ze droeg een zwarte hoed. She was wearing a black hat. She was wearing a black hat. Ik weet niet hoe ik met Tom moet omgaan. I don't know how to deal with Tom. I don't know how to deal with Tom. Maak u niet ongerust. Don't worry. Don't worry. Ik had die stad nog nooit bezocht, slechter nog, ik kende zelfs geen woord van de taal die daar werd gesproken. I'd never been to that city before, and even worse, I couldn't speak a word of the language. I had never visited that city, worse still, I did not even know a word of the language spoken there. Waarom ben je zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Wil je een schone vork? Do you want a clean fork? You want a clean fork? ''Ga jij naar Toms feestje?'' ''Ik weet het nog niet.'' "You going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." "You're going to Tom's party?" "I don't know yet." Waar was jij de nacht dat Tom vermoord is? Where were you on the night Tom was murdered? Where were you the night Tom was killed? Er ligt een lijk in de achterbak van de auto. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a body in the trunk of the car. Ik weet niet waarom ze dit doen. I don't know why they're doing this. I don't know why they're doing this. Ik ben mijn pincode vergeten! I forgot my PIN number! I forgot my PIN! Is er een bank niet ver van hier? Is there a bank near here? Is there a bank not far from here? Hoe oud is jouw oom? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Dat is niet belangrijk. That's unimportant. That's not important. Ik denk, dus ik ben. I think, therefore I am. I guess, so I am. Hetzelfde geldt voor Tom. The same holds true for Tom. The same goes for Tom. Ik heb iets anders gehoord. I heard otherwise. I heard something else. Ierland wordt ''Éire'' genoemd in het Iers-Gaelisch. Ireland is called "Éire" in Irish Gaelic. Ireland is called 'Éire' in Irish Gaelic. Tom wist niet dat appelbomen uit zaden groeien. Tom didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. Tom didn't know apple trees grew out of seeds. Dank u, meneer. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Weet iemand hoe je dit teken uitspreekt? Does anyone know how to pronounce this character? Does anyone know how to pronounce this sign? Ik dacht dat jullie in Australië woonden. I thought you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Tom en ik zijn uit elkaar. I broke up with Tom. Tom and I broke up. Ik ben tegen ieder soort oorlog. I'm opposed to any type of war. I'm against any kind of war. Dat zou iets zijn wat ik zou moeten programmeren. It would be something I'd have to program. That would be something I should program. Hebben jullie een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Hij stopte om te roken. He stopped for a smoke. He stopped to smoke. Tom spreekt nauwelijks Frans. Tom can barely speak French. Tom barely speaks French. Laten we doen alsof we vreemdelingen zijn. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're strangers. Je hebt het beste gedeelte gemist. You missed the best part. You missed the best part. Dat was gevaarlijk. That was dangerous. That was dangerous. Tom komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Tom is originally from Australia. Tom is originally from Australia. Tom wilde nog een stukje watermeloen. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Tom wanted another piece of watermelon. Wij gebruiken woorden om te communiceren. We use words to communicate. We use words to communicate. Tom heeft veel geld opzij gezet. Tom put aside a lot of money. Tom put a lot of money aside. U bent een vrouw. You are a woman. You're a woman. Schurk! Scoundrel! Schurk! Dat was een herder. That was a shepherd. That was a shepherd. Blijkbaar niet. Evidently not. Apparently not. Ik ben een loodgieter. I'm a plumber. I'm a plumber. Bedankt voor uw mooie prentbriefkaart. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for your lovely postcard. De herenhemden bevinden zich op de tweede verdieping. Men's shirts are on the second floor. The men's shirts are on the second floor. Mag ik zo vrij zijn je hulp te vragen? May I be so bold as to request your assistance? Can I take the liberty of asking for your help? Vergeet het gas niet uit te doen voordat jullie naar buiten gaan. Don't forget to turn off the gas before going out. Don't forget to turn off the gas before you go outside. Hier ben ik een vreemdeling. Here, I am a stranger. Here I am a stranger. Hij is beter dan ik in wiskunde. He is better than me at math. He's better than me in math. Ik kan 's nachts niet rijden. I can't drive at night. I can't drive at night. Hebt ge al middageten gehad? Have you had dinner already? Have you had lunch yet? Tom heeft 100% gelijk. Tom is 100% correct. Tom's 100% right. Wat kook je? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Zijn concert was zeer goed. His concert was very good. His concert was very good. Ik laat deze radio morgen herstellen. I'll have this radio fixed tomorrow. I'll have this radio fixed tomorrow. In 1683 belegerden de Turken Wenen voor de tweede maal. In 1683 the Turks attacked Vienna for the second time. In 1683, the Turks besieged Vienna for the second time. Toen ik zag dat het regende, heb ik mijn paraplu gepakt. When I realized it was raining, I took my umbrella. When I saw it raining, I took my umbrella. Ik heb haar mijn kamer getoond. I showed her my room. I showed her my room. Hoeveel betalen jullie? How much are you guys paying? How much are you paying? Ik denk niet dat arm zijn iets is om je voor te schamen. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. I don't think being poor is anything to be ashamed of. Hij kwam veilig aan. He arrived safely. He arrived safely. Hij boog zich over haar en zei, "Nee, ik lieg niet." He leaned over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." He bent over her and said, "No, I'm not lying." Tom is bedroefd. Tom's sad. Tom's sad. Ik zou willen opnieuw jong zijn. I wish I were young again. I'd like to be young again. Tom is een ex-gedetineerde. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-con. Wie was Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Who was Mona Lisa? Heeft u afgelopen winter geskied? Did you ski last winter? Did you ski last winter? Er brak een revolutie uit in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. A revolution broke out in Mexico. Tom is waarschijnlijk hongerig. Tom is probably hungry. Tom's probably hungry. We hebben hem laten huilen. We made him cry. We made him cry. Ik wil Tom niet wakker maken. I don't want to wake Tom up. I don't want to wake Tom. Wie is uw lievelingsacteur? Who is your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Wat heb je geantwoord? What did you answer? What did you answer? Hebben ze een woordenboek? Do they have a dictionary? Do they have a dictionary? Ik ben Antonio. I'm Antonio. I'm Antonio. Tom was de laatst aangekomene. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom was the last one to arrive. De Eyjafjallajökull is een IJslandse vulkaan. The Eyjafjallajökull is an Icelandic volcano. The Eyjafjallajökull is an Icelandic volcano. De verpleegster is in het wit gekleed. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse is dressed in white. Controleer je hoed. Check your hat. Check your hat. Ik heb mijn lunch alreeds gegeten. I've already eaten my lunch. I've already eaten my lunch. Hij werd wegens moord opgehangen. He was hanged for murder. He was hanged for murder. Ik wil niet gestoord worden. I don't like to be disturbed. I don't want to be disturbed. Ik kom uit Hongarije. I'm from Hungary. I'm from Hungary. Ze is het meisje van mijn dromen. She is my dream girl. She's the girl of my dreams. Ren je iedere dag? Do you run every day? You run every day? Ik denk dat ik ga skiën. I think I'll go skiing. I think I'm going skiing. Ik zou willen dat ik zo kon zingen als jij. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing like you. Traditionele Japanse snoepjes gaan echt goed samen met Japanse thee. Traditional Japanese sweets really do go well with Japanese tea. Traditional Japanese sweets go really well with Japanese tea. Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? What're your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? Hij gaf mij een compliment. He paid me a compliment. He complimented me. Ik ben geen rijk man. I'm not a wealthy man. I'm not a rich man. Mijn ouders zijn 100% Algerijns. My parents are 100% Algerian. My parents are 100% Algerian. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan niet tegen natuurlijke dwaasheid op. Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness. Artificial intelligence can't stand natural folly. Op een of andere manier betwijfel ik het. Somehow I doubt it. Somehow I doubt it. Hoe meer contact tussen de mensen, hoe meer misverstanden. The more contact there is between people, the more misunderstandings there will be. The more contact between people, the more misunderstandings. Tom en Maria hebben gisteren hun verloving aangekondigd. Tom and Mary announced their engagement yesterday. Tom and Maria announced their engagement yesterday. De professor die het woord nam, is van de Universiteit Boekarest. The professor that took the floor is from the University of Bucharest. The professor who spoke is from the University of Bucharest. Mijn fiets is rood. My bicycle is red. My bike's red. Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She's about the same age as me. She's about my age. Laat mij uw bloeddruk meten. Let me take your blood pressure. Let me measure your blood pressure. Heb je wat karnemelk? Do you have some buttermilk? You got some buttermilk? Sami gaat van het eten houden. Sami is going to love the food. Sami's gonna love the food. De agent redde het kind van de verdrinkingsdood. The policeman saved the child from drowning. The officer saved the child from drowning. Ik spreek Frans. I speak French. I speak French. Tom is erg gezond. Tom is very healthy. Tom is very healthy. Het is oké. It's OK. It's okay. Dood de draken. Kill the dragons. Kill the dragons. Weet iemand hoe laat het is? Does anyone know what time it is? Does anyone know what time it is? Moslims zijn normale mensen en er zijn goede moslims en slechte moslims. Muslims are normal people and there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Muslims are normal people and there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Niemand mag vertrekken zonder toestemming. No one is to leave without permission. No one can leave without permission. Het zou gestoord zijn om dat nog een keer te doen. It would be crazy to do that again. It would be crazy to do that again. Ik wist niet waar Tom me heen aan het brengen was. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. Mijn zus heeft twee keer per week pianoles. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister has piano lessons twice a week. Was dat te veel? Was that too much? Was that too much? Het land heeft de oorlog verklaard aan zijn buurland. The country declared war against its neighbor. The country has declared war on its neighbour. Het is van mijn broer. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Denk jij ook dat basisschoolleerlingen tegenwoordig langer zijn dan vroeger? Don't you think elementary schoolers are taller these days? Do you think elementary school students are taller these days than they used to be? Hij heeft Afrika voorgoed verlaten. He left Africa forever. He left Africa for good. Maria is mooi. Mary is beautiful. Maria's beautiful. Vader stichtte zijn onderneming 40 jaar geleden. Father established his business 40 years ago. Father founded his enterprise 40 years ago. Wanneer was het de laatste keer dat je je vrouw hebt gekust? When was the last time you kissed your wife? When was the last time you kissed your wife? Schots recept voor tomatensoep: doe heet water in een rode tas. Scottish recipe for tomato soup: Pour hot water into a red cup. Scottish recipe for tomato soup: put hot water in a red bag. Tom komt uit Australië. Tom comes from Australia. Tom's from Australia. Wilt u werkelijk een week hier blijven? Do you really want to stay here for a week? Do you really want to stay here for a week? Wat moet je nog meer kopen? What else do you need to buy? What else do you need to buy? Het sneeuwt hier altijd in de winter. It always snows here in winter. It always snows here in winter. Laat genezing van de zieke de opperste wet zijn! The patient's interests must always come first! Let healing of the sick be the supreme law! Hij was dronken en vergat de achterdeur te sluiten. He was too drunk to remember to shut the back door. He was drunk and forgot to close the back door. Ze wonen daar. They live there. They live there. Zo heb ik het niet gezegd. I didn't say it like that. I didn't say it like that. Hou je van Indonesisch eten? Do you like Indonesian food? Do you like Indonesian food? Op zondag is het museum niet open. On Sundays, the museum is not open. The museum is not open on Sundays. Ik denk dat hij een eerlijk iemand is. I think he's an honest man. I think he's an honest person. Ik reken op jouw hulp. I am counting on your help. I'm counting on your help. Doe het boek toe. Close the book. Admit the book. "Zal het regenen?" "Ik hoop van niet." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." Ze is een brief aan het schrijven. She is writing a letter. She's writing a letter. De Reuzen zijn gisteren in elkaar geslagen. The Giants got clobbered yesterday. The Giants were beaten up yesterday. Mijn mobiele telefoon was gestolen. My mobile has been stolen. My cell phone was stolen. Waarom moet ze altijd zo wreed zijn? Why does she always have to be so cruel? Why does she always have to be so cruel? Ik eet tomaten. I'm eating tomatoes. I eat tomatoes. Nu dat je beslist hebt, moet je ook handelen. Now that you have made your decision, you must act. Now that you've decided, you have to act. Iedereen gaat dood. Everybody dies. Everybody dies. Waarom zijn jullie zo teleurgesteld? Why are you so disappointed? Why are you so disappointed? Welke dag zijn we vandaag? What day are we on? What day are we today? Hoe doe ik deze uit? How do I turn this off? How do I take these off? Ik ben in mijn kamer. I'm in my room. I'll be in my room. Ik zal het je vertellen. I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Is hier een geest? Is there a ghost in here? Is there a ghost here? Doe het licht aan. Ik zie niks. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. Turn on the light, I can't see. We tennissen altijd op zaterdagochtend. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis on Saturday mornings. Waarom raadpleeg je niet persoonlijk een advocaat? Why don't you consult an attorney in person? Why don't you personally consult a lawyer? Ik bloedde. I was bleeding. I bled. Mag ik jouw leeftijd vragen? Might I ask your age? Can I ask your age? Ik hou van warme chocolademelk. I like hot chocolate. I like hot chocolate. Toms ogen zijn groen. Tom's eyes are green. Tom's eyes are green. U heeft twee bloemen. You have two flowers. You have two flowers. Toms shirt was doorweekt van het zweet. Tom's shirt was soaked with sweat. Tom's shirt was soaked with sweat. We moeten beslissen. We have to make a decision. We have to decide. Heb je je vriend in Canada opgebeld? Did you call your friend in Canada? Did you call your friend in Canada? We werden door zombies aangevallen. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. Het ligt onder de stoel. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Waar is Tom allergisch voor? What's Tom allergic to? What's Tom allergic to? Ze liet hem toe alleen te gaan. She allowed him to go alone. She let him go alone. Doe wat je wil. Do what you wish. Do whatever you want. Ik dacht dat u zei dat Tom een ​​slager was. I thought you said that Tom was a butcher. I thought you said Tom was a butcher. Tom is geadopteerd. Tom was adopted. Tom's been adopted. Klaar? Done? Ready? Daarom heb ik dit boek gekocht. That's why I bought this book. That's why I bought this book. Maria heeft een dochter gebaard. Mary gave birth to a daughter. Maria gave birth to a daughter. Is dat een halsmisdaad? Is that a capital crime? Is that a capital crime? Ik beloof dat ik hier morgen zal zijn. I promise that I'll be here tomorrow. I promise I'll be here tomorrow. Ze kwam als laatste. She came last. She came last. Wie komt er met mij mee? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me? Dat verhoogt de onkosten. This adds to the expense. That increases expenses. Zussen en chocola maken het leven dragelijk. Sisters and chocolate make life bearable. Sisters and chocolate make life bearable. Tom stopte met roken. Tom has quit smoking. Tom quit smoking. Wat is een jungle? What's a jungle? What's a jungle? Amsterdam is beroemd om zijn grachten. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Amsterdam is famous for its canals. Ik verlies gewicht. I'm losing weight. I'm losing weight. Je kijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You look nervous. Ik woon in Moskou. I live in Moscow. I live in Moscow. Daar kan ik met mijn verstand niet bij. That's too much for my little brain. I don't know how to do that. Tom is een skileraar. Tom is a ski instructor. Tom's a ski teacher. Je kan me niets laten doen dat ik niet wil doen. You can't make me do anything I don't want to do. You can't make me do anything I don't want to do. Ik wil naar India gaan. I want to go to India. I want to go to India. Hij duwde me aan de kant. He pushed me aside. He pushed me out of the way. Deed ik dat? Did I do that? Did I? Zijn verhaal was interessant. His story was interesting. His story was interesting. Maak u maar geen zorgen over mij. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Ik was gewoon moe. I was just tired. I was just tired. U had het kunnen doen. You could have done it. You could have done it. Is het werk te zwaar voor u? Is the work too hard for you? Is the work too heavy for you? Ik was vergeten dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I forgot that Tom used to live in Boston. I forgot Tom used to live in Boston. Zijn mantel is versleten. His overcoat is worn out. His cloak is worn out. Water alsjeblieft. Water, please. Water, please. Tom had niks om te lezen. Tom had nothing to read. Tom had nothing to read. Tom wil zijn schulden afbetalen. Tom wants to pay off his debts. Tom wants to pay off his debts. We zijn aan het dansen. We're dancing. We're dancing. Ik leer Aramees. I'm learning Aramaic. I'm learning Aramaic. Wat heb je gedaan? What did you do? What did you do? Oorlog gaat ons allen aan. War concerns us all. War concerns us all. Ik ben veel aangekomen. I gained a lot of weight. I've put on a lot of weight. Laten we beginnen. Let's begin. Let's get started. We zijn vrij! We're free! We're free! Het is goedkoper deze per dozijn te bestellen. It's cheaper if you order these by the dozen. It's cheaper to order these every dozen. Ik wil spreken met M. Sato alstublieft. I want to speak to Mr Sato please. I'd like to speak to Mr. Sato, please. Ik ga naar het buitenland. I am going abroad. I'm going abroad. Dit is mijn auto. This is my car. This is my car. Hij is bang voor honden. He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Niemand wist dat. No one knew that. Nobody knew that. Wie heeft hem geholpen? Who helped him? Who helped him? Een 25-jarige millennial met een middelbare schooldiploma of minder verdient gemiddeld 29.000 dollar per jaar. Dat is ongeveer 2.600 dollar minder dan de vorige generatie, de Gen X'ers, die 38 tot 53 jaar oud zijn, en bijna 10.000 dollar minder dan wat de babyboomers, die 54 tot 72 jaar oud zijn, op dezelfde leeftijd verdienden. A 25-year-old millennial man with a high school degree or less makes an average of $29,000 per year. That's about $2,600 less than the generation before them, the Gen Xers, people aged 38 to 53, and almost $10,000 less than baby boomers, those aged 54 to 72, earned at the same age. A 25-year-old millennial with a high school degree or less earns an average of $29,000 a year. That's about $2,600 less than the previous generation, the Gen X'ers, who are 38 to 53 years old, and nearly $10,000 less than what the baby boomers, who are 54 to 72 years old, earned at the same age. Tom nam de afstandsbediening en zette de tv wat zachter. Tom picked up the TV remote and turned down the volume. Tom took the remote and turned the TV down. De nacht is donker. The night is dark. Night's dark. Ga naar binnen. Go inside. Get in there. Er wordt vaak verwezen naar het werk van Feuerbach. The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to. The work of Feuerbach is often referred to. De meesten van ons houden van ons land. Most of us love our country. Most of us love our country. Hij verliet de Mexicaanse hoofdstad om terug te keren naar Texas. He left the Mexican capital to return to Texas. He left the Mexican capital to return to Texas. Waarom heeft hij zoveel vijanden? Why does he have so many enemies? Why does he have so many enemies? Ik hoop dat de dingen beter zullen gaan. I hope things will get better. I hope things will go better. Mijn broer bespeelt de gitaar. My brother plays the guitar. My brother plays the guitar. Ik zag een slang. I saw a snake. I saw a snake. Tom heeft een deksel op de pan gelegd. Tom has put a cover on the pot. Tom put a lid on the pan. Tom kwam net nadat jij wegging. Tom came just after you left. Tom came just after you left. Hoe oud ben je? Ik ben zesentwintig. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. How old are you? Was u zenuwachtig? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Ik hou van watermeloen. I like watermelon. I like watermelon. Ik ben mij vrij zeker dat zowel Tom als Marie dat al gedaan hebben. I'm fairly certain that both Tom and Mary have already done that. I'm pretty sure both Tom and Marie have already done that. Tom zal ons niet vertellen wat hij weet. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Tom won't tell us what he knows. Is Mary een echte blondine? Is Mary a real blonde? Is Mary a real blonde? Ik wil in het buitenland studeren. I want to study abroad. I want to study abroad. Hebben jullie Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Do you have Netflix? Melk komt van koeien. Milk comes from cows. Milk comes from cows. Tom houdt van pizza en friet. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom likes pizza and fries. Kun je me horen? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Ik weet niet waar je het over hebt. I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're talking about. We vragen ons af waarom. We wonder why. We wonder why. Mayuko eet brood voor het ontbijt. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Eerst moeten we al die zaden planten. First of all, we have to plant all these seeds. First we have to plant all those seeds. Heb je enig idee waar Tom zich zou kunnen verschuilen? Do you have any idea where Tom might be hiding? Do you have any idea where Tom might be hiding? Veel Amerikanen eten hamburgers. Many Americans eat hamburgers. A lot of Americans eat hamburgers. Ik werd in de strijdkrachten ingelijfd. I was conscripted into the army. I was incorporated into the armed forces. Zwarte feestjurken staan haar erg goed. She is very becoming in a black party dress. Black party dresses look good on her. We weten wat je gedaan hebt. We know what you did. We know what you did. Ik zie de roos. I see the rose. I see the rose. De krant begon lezers te verliezen toen hij afstand deed van een van zijn meest populaire auteurs. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper began to lose readers when he renounced one of his most popular authors. Zijn broer kijkt altijd tv. His brother is always watching television. His brother always watches TV. Het is twee mijl van hier naar het station. It's two miles from here to the station. It's two miles from here to the station. Laat maar! Never mind! Never mind! Iedereen zag er gelukkig uit. Everyone looked happy. Everybody looked happy. Hij kon het probleem gemakkelijk oplossen. It was easy for him to solve the problem. He could easily solve the problem. Tom werkt alleen. Tom works alone. Tom works alone. Ik heb een fles whisky. I have a bottle of whiskey. I've got a bottle of whiskey. "Mag ik telefoneren?" "Ja, doe maar." "May I use the phone?" "Please feel free." "Can I make a phone call?" "Yes, go ahead." Iemand voeden tijdens de heilige maand ramadan is zeer de moeite waard. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding someone during the sacred month Ramadan is very worthwhile. Ik besloot niet zoiets doms te doen. I decided not to do such a foolish thing. I didn't decide to do anything so stupid. Ze simuleert. She's faking. She's simulating. De toekomst van de man, is de vrouw. The future of man is woman. The future of the man is the woman. Je hebt een zonnige toekomst in het verschiet. You have a bright future. You have a bright future ahead of you. Wie heeft je Frans geleerd? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Ik ben gek op mijn werk. I love my work a lot. I love my work. Ik woon in Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. Tom wou in Boston wonen. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Tom wanted to live in Boston. Tom hielp zichzelf. Tom helped himself. Tom helped himself. Tom droeg alleen zijn adamskostuum. Tom wore only his birthday suit. Tom was only wearing his Adamskostuum. Een zoen zonder snor is als een ei zonder zout. A kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt. A kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt. Tom ziet er niet zo gezond uit. Tom doesn't look very healthy. Tom doesn't look so healthy. Werk met ethisch inzicht! Work morally! Work with ethical insight! Sommige mensen zijn zo naïef als kinderen. Some men are as naïve as infants. Some people are as naive as children. Tom loog. Tom lied. Tom lied. Is jouw moeder thuis? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Ik luister naar het nieuwste liedje van Björk. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. I'm listening to Björk's latest song. We noemden de hond Tim. We named the dog Tim. We called the dog Tim. Waar kan ik een tolk vinden? Where can I find an interpreter? Where can I find an interpreter? Ik ken Tom best goed. I know Tom pretty well. I know Tom pretty well. Tom had iets nodig. Tom needed something. Tom needed something. Ik heb één vis gevangen. I caught a fish. I caught one fish. Tom haat huiswerk. Tom hates homework. Tom hates homework. Het kan me niets schelen. I could not care less. I don't care. We wisten niet welke bus we moesten nemen. We didn't know which bus we should take. We didn't know which bus to take. Ik gooide de schoenen uit het raam. I threw the shoes out the window. I threw the shoes out the window. U moet leren om u te beheersen. You should learn how to control yourself. You must learn to control yourself. Ik hijgde onmiddellijk. I immediately gasped. I panted right away. Ik ben verlegen. I'm shy. I'm shy. Doe het licht aan. Ik zie niks. Turn on the light. I can't see anything. Turn on the light, I can't see. Sami las de Koran. Sami read the Quran. Sami read the Koran. Ik heb een roze auto. I have a pink car. I have a pink car. Jullie zijn koud. You are cold. You're cold. We hebben nog voldoende tijd om het te bespreken. We still have enough time to discuss it. We still have plenty of time to discuss it. Ik heb vandaag een dozijn potloden gekocht. I bought a dozen pencils today. I bought a dozen pencils today. Tom heeft niet veel tijd. Tom doesn't have much time. Tom doesn't have much time. Wat een goed schot! What a good shot! What a good shot! Luister! Doe niet zo brutaal! Listen up! Don't be so insolent! Don't be impertinent! De financiële situatie wordt met de week slechter. The financial situation is getting worse week by week. The financial situation is getting worse every week. Ik denk dat Tom in Australië woont. I think Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Ik ook. Me too. Me too. Ivo zag de druif. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw the grape. Ze gaf een boom water. She watered a tree. She watered a tree. De lessen beginnen op maandag. Classes begin on Monday. Classes start on Monday. Medelijden staat dicht bij liefde. Pity is akin to love. Compassion is close to love. Als ik later groot ben, wil ik net als jij zijn. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Sami's gebed voor Layla was niet tevergeefs. Sami's prayer for Layla wasn't in vain. Sami's prayer for Layla wasn't in vain. Zijn moeder stierf vier jaar later. His mother died four years later. His mother died four years later. Een man die verdacht deed, was kort voor de explosie gezien. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. A man who was suspicious was seen shortly before the explosion. Ik heb een echt zware dag gehad. I've had a really tough day. I've had a really hard day. Voor Dan heb ik een stropdas gekocht, voor Elena koop ik een sjaal. I bought a tie for Dan and I'll buy a scarf for Elena. For Dan, I bought a tie, I bought Elena a scarf. Ze is gestopt met roken. She quit smoking. She quit smoking. Ze is naar een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis gestuurd. She was sent to a mental hospital. She was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Het is onmogelijk te winnen zonder dat een ander verliest. It is impossible to win without another one losing. It's impossible to win without someone else losing. Ik begin kaal te worden. I'm starting to go bald. I'm getting bald. Is Tom een ​​goede schoonzoon? Is Tom a good son-in-law? Is Tom a good son-in-law? Bijna iedereen kwam op tijd. Almost everyone arrived on time. Almost everyone arrived on time. Men moet de huid niet verkopen voordat de beer geschoten is. Don't sell the bear's fur before hunting it. One should not sell the skin before the bear is shot. Heb je dinsdag tijd? Are you free on Tuesday? Do you have time on Tuesday? Mijn tante spreekt Chinees alsmede Engels. My aunt speaks Chinese as well as English. My aunt speaks Chinese as well as English. Niemand is gewond geraakt. Nobody got injured. No one got hurt. Misschien heb ik het op tafel laten liggen. Maybe I left it on the table. Maybe I left it on the table. Ze hadden het naar hun zin op het feest. They enjoyed themselves at the party. They had a good time at the party. Na de dood van de koning werd Elsa koningin. After the king's death Elsa became queen. After the king's death, Elsa became queen. De man had zijn vrouw al drie dagen niet gesproken. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. Voetbal is de nationale sport van Nederland. Soccer is the national sport of the Netherlands. Football is the national sport of the Netherlands. Werk je niet in de cafetaria? Don't you work in the cafeteria? You don't work in the cafeteria? Jullie hadden het ons gewoon kunnen vertellen. You could have just told us. You could have just told us. Ik ruik koffie. I smell coffee. I smell coffee. Mijn favoriete kleur is oranje. My favorite color is orange. My favorite color is orange. Tom is vrij. Tom's free. Tom's free. Ik heb het gevoel dat ze vandaag zal komen. I have a feeling that she will come today. I feel like she's coming today. Mijn oor brandt. My ear is burning. My ear is burning. Dit voedsel is ongezond. This food is unhealthy. This food is unhealthy. Tom was dronken. Tom was drunk. Tom was drunk. Jij ging gisteren voetballen. You played football yesterday. You went to soccer last night. De mist komt op. The fog rises. The fog's coming up. Dat is niet het enige dat te klein is. That's not the only thing that's too small. That's not the only thing that's too small. Tom volgde Mary. Tom followed Mary. Tom followed Mary. De invoer was groter dan de uitvoer vorig jaar. Imports exceeded exports last year. Imports were larger than exports last year. Hij is niet bang voor de dood. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid of death. Ben je tien jaar? Are you ten? Are you ten years old? Mij is iets anders geleerd. I was taught something different. I've been taught something else. Weet je zeker dat je de laatste knop hebt ingedrukt? Are you sure you pressed the last button? Are you sure you pressed the last button? Tom drinkt zelden koffie. Tom seldom drinks coffee. Tom rarely drinks coffee. Hij werd ter dood veroordeeld. He was sentenced to death. He was sentenced to death. Onze kinderen zijn nog steeds in Boston. Our kids are still in Boston. Our kids are still in Boston. Na verschillende keren gefaald te hebben, probeerde hij het nog eens. Having failed several times, he tried to do it again. After failing several times, he tried again. Matthew wordt met de dag ouder, weet je - hij is zestig - en hij is niet meer zo kwiek als vroeger. Matthew is getting up in years, you know—he's sixty—and he isn't so spry as he once was. Matthew gets older every day, you know - he's 60 - and he's not as quaint as he used to be. Ze zijn allebei erg intelligent. They are both very intelligent. They're both very intelligent. Tracy is haar bril kwijt. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy's lost her glasses. Het is heel goor. It's really gross. It's really gross. Ik leerde hem drie jaar geleden kennen. I met him three years ago. I met him three years ago. Er is een gat in het plafond. There's a hole in the ceiling. There's a hole in the ceiling. Help ons. Help us. Help us. Heb jij hem vermoord? Did you murder him? Did you kill him? Ik denk dat je best gelijk zou kunnen hebben. You could be right, I suppose. I think you might be right. Er blijkt geen eind in zicht te zijn voor het conflict. There appears to be no end in sight for the conflict. There appears to be no end to the conflict. Het bijhouden van een dagboek geeft ons ook de kans om op ons dagelijks leven te reflecteren. Keeping a diary also gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life. Keeping a diary also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our daily lives. Geef me nog een spijker. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Hij is daarvoor verantwoordelijk. He is responsible for it. He's responsible for that. Deze stropdassen zijn niet van mij. These ties aren't mine. These ties aren't mine. Tom raakte in paniek. Tom panicked. Tom panicked. Belgen beweren dat frietjes niet Frans maar Belgisch zijn. Belgians claim that French fries are not French but Belgian. Belgians claim fries are not French but Belgian. Roker of niet-roker? Smoking or non smoking? Smoker or non-smoker? Skateboard niet hier. Don't skateboard here. Skateboard not here. Kan je onze software updaten? Can you update our software? Can you update our software? Ze hebben spaghetti gemaakt. They made spaghetti. They made spaghetti. De Roemenen uit Transsylvanië spreken heel langzaam. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. Papa moedigt hem altijd aan. Dad's always encouraging him. Dad always encourages him. Rustig maar! Chill out! It's all right! Je Engels klinkt niet lelijk. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Het sneeuwt vandaag. It's snowing today. It's snowing today. Ik bezoek mijn oma elke maandag. I visit my grandmother every Monday. I visit my grandmother every Monday. Hij is allergisch voor katten. He's allergic to cats. He's allergic to cats. Hij wil met mijn dochter trouwen. He wants to marry my daughter. He wants to marry my daughter. Kijk eens naar die koalabeer daar. Look at that koala over there. Look at that koala bear over there. Ik kan deze herrie niet langer verdragen. I can't stand that noise any longer. I can't stand this noise any longer. We kunnen geen verandering in ons programma aanbrengen. We can't make a change in our schedule. We can't change our program. Ik heb haar nooit begrepen. I've never understood her. I never understood her. Hoe groot is uw hond? De mijne is klein. How big is your dog? Mine is small. How big is your dog? Ze wond zich op over de veiligheid van haar zoon. She became agitated about her son's safety. She was upset about her son's safety. Ik zie ze vanavond. I'm seeing them tonight. I'll see them tonight. Ge woont in Tokio, nietwaar? You live in Tokyo, don't you? You live in Tokyo, don't you? Ik ben kapot en moe I'm broke and tired. I'm devastated and tired. Dat is een prachtig gedicht. That's a great poem. That's a beautiful poem. Ik ben opgewonden. I'm excited. I'm excited. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties is een zeer belangrijke organisatie. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. The United Nations Security Council is a very important organisation. Hij ging daar naartoe om Engels te leren. He went there to learn English. He went there to learn English. We kunnen geen melk drinken. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. De dochter van een kind is een kleindochter. The daughter of a child is a granddaughter. A child's daughter is a granddaughter. Ik heb het boek van deze bibliotheek geleend. I borrowed the book from this library. I borrowed the book from this library. Tom zegt dat hij allergisch is voor school. Tom says that he's allergic to school. Tom says he's allergic to school. Sami downloadt graag films. Sami likes to download movies. Sami likes to download movies. Hebt u iets aan te geven? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have anything to report? Ik heb in uw melk gekakt. I shat in your milk. I pooped in your milk. Formidabel, niet? Great, isn't it? Formidabel, isn't it? Tom was meedogenloos. Tom was ruthless. Tom was ruthless. Finland is een Noords land. Finland is a Nordic country. Finland is a Nordic country. Maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag zijn de zeven dagen van de week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Je zei dat al een uur geleden. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Ze heeft 5 kinderen. She has 5 children. She's got five kids. De vissers stonden op voor zonsopgang. The fishermen got up before dawn. The fishermen got up before dawn. Wat is de oorzaak van mijn aandoening? What's the cause of my condition? What is the cause of my condition? Ik heb een jonge vrouw. I have a young wife. I have a young woman. Je vloog. You flew. You flew. Ze zal zeker slagen. She'll succeed for sure. She'll certainly succeed. Hij spreekt Bengaals. He speaks Bengali. He speaks Bengali. Ik heb niet veel geld. I don't have much money. I don't have much money. De man droeg een tijgermasker. That man was wearing a tiger mask. The man was wearing a tiger mask. Tom heeft Maria verkeerd ingeschat. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom misjudged Maria. Tom begon de tafel af te ruimen. Tom started clearing the table. Tom started clearing the table. Jack vit altijd op anderen. Daarom mijdt iedereen hem. Jack always finds fault with others. That's why everybody avoids him. Jack always feeds on others, which is why everyone avoids him. Tom dronk drie flessen bier. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Tom drank three bottles of beer. Vergelijk uw antwoord met dat van Tom. Compare your answer with Tom's. Compare your answer to Tom's. Hij ging door met zingen. He went on singing. He continued to sing. De mensen in Taiwan werken hard. People in Taiwan work hard. People in Taiwan work hard. Strikt verboden. Strictly forbidden. Strictly forbidden. Wil er iemand nog wat taart? Does anyone want some more pie? Anybody want some more pie? De les begint om acht uur dertig. The class begins at 8:30. Class starts at eight thirty. Tom drinkt sap. Tom drinks juice. Tom drinks juice. Sami groeide op met de gedachte dat alle moslims terroristen waren. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. Sami grew up thinking that all Muslims were terrorists. De rooster werd herzien. The timetable has been revised. The roster was revised. Dinosaurussen zijn onder te verdelen in vogelachtige dinosaurussen en niet-vogelachtige dinosaurussen. Dinosaurs can be divided into avian dinosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs. Dinosaurs can be divided into birdlike dinosaurs and non-birdlike dinosaurs. Het weer is prachtig. The weather is beautiful. The weather is beautiful. Wat heeft Mari gisteren gekocht? What was it that Mary bought yesterday? What did Mari buy yesterday? Tom schildert! Tom paints! Tom paints! Dit boek gaat de bovenste plank op. This book goes on the top shelf. This book goes on the top shelf. Zwitserland is het land ten oosten van Frankrijk. Switzerland is the country to the east of France. Switzerland is the country east of France. Thomas houdt van schrijven. Tom loves to write. Thomas likes to write. De zon is een ster. The sun is a star. The sun is a star. Ik blijf sceptisch. I remain skeptical. I'm still skeptical. Ken jezelf. Know thyself. Know yourself. Hij vroeg me waarom ik lachte. He asked me why I was laughing. He asked me why I was laughing. Tom was degene die mij het verhaal vertelde. Tom was the one who told me the story. Tom was the one who told me the story. Wij gaven onze paard water. We watered our horse. We watered our horse. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston heeft gewoond. I didn't know that Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. De bibliotheek is in het midden van de stad. The library is in the center of the city. The library is in the middle of town. Is die prijs inclusief btw? Does that price include tax? Is that price inclusive of VAT? Ik begrijp niet wat u bedoelt. I don't get what you mean. I don't understand what you mean. Is hij geslaagd voor het examen? Did he pass the test? Did he pass the exam? Blijf gewoon op dit pad. Just stay on this path. Just stay on this path. Heb je huiswerk? Do you have homework? Do you have homework? Tom is vergeten zijn belastingaangifte te doen. Tom forgot to file his taxes. Tom forgot to make his tax return. Zaden van een granaatappel zijn relatief groot. Pomegranate seeds are relatively big. Seeds of a pomegranate are relatively large. Was deze brief geschreven door Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Was this letter written by Ken? Het is een prachtig autootje. It's a great little car. It's a beautiful car. De enige keer dat printers niet werken, is wanneer je ze nodig hebt. The only time printers don't work is when you need them to. The only time printers don't work is when you need them. Een boete van een miljoen yen? Dat is voor mij peanuts! A one million yen fine? That's nothing to me. A million yen fine? Ik heb verdorie geen idee wat je bedoelt. I haven't the faintest idea what you mean. I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Bespaar me de details. Spare me the details. Spare me the details. Hij trok wit weg toen hij het nieuws hoorde. His face turned pale to hear the news. He pulled out white when he heard the news. Zijn ouders gaan elke zondag naar de kerk. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. Ik praat voortdurend met mezelf. I constantly talk to myself. I talk to myself all the time. Ze hebben een jaar gespaard voor de reis. They had been saving money for the trip for a year. They saved a year for the trip. Hij is toegewijd. He's dedicated. He's committed. Engels praten is niet eenvoudig, maar interessant. Speaking English isn't easy, but interesting. Speaking English isn't easy, it's interesting. Het was ondoordacht van je de bus te missen. It was careless of you to miss the bus. It was misguided of you to miss the bus. Waar zijn jullie opgegroeid? Where did you guys grow up? Where did you grow up? Slaapwel iedereen! Good night, everybody! Good night, everybody! Ze zijn beiden in de kamer. The two of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Vertel het hem persoonlijk. Tell him in person. Tell him personally. Hoe laat is het bij jou? What time is it over there? What time is it with you? Je bent heel slim. You're very clever. You're very smart. Bell woonde vroeger in Londen, of niet? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? We zijn aangekomen. We've arrived. We've arrived. Uitsluitend personeel. Staff members only. Staff only. Het lijkt onmogelijk, maar het is waar. It sounds impossible, but it's true. It seems impossible, but it's true. Er is niets om spijt van te hebben. There is nothing to regret about. There's nothing to be sorry about. Goed, ik zal m’n best doen. Good, I will do my best. All right, I'll do my best. Tom wist niet eens dat Maria weg was gegaan. Tom didn't even know Mary had left. Tom didn't even know Maria had left. Het lijkt erop dat je hond dorst heeft. It looks like your dog is thirsty. Looks like your dog's thirsty. Hij loste die opgave met gemak op. He solved the problem with ease. He solved that task with ease. Er is een goede kans op succes. There is a good chance of success. There's a good chance of success. Veel mensen in Afrika spreken Frans. Many people in Africa speak French. Many people in Africa speak French. Ik ga het leven uit hem knijpen. I'll choke the life out of him. I'm gonna squeeze the life out of him. Het is de zijne. It's his. It's his. Kamer te huur. Room for rent. Room for rent. Zijn jullie ooit in Rio geweest? Have you ever been in Rio? Have you ever been to Rio? Hoeveel keer per dag geeft u uw hond te eten? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day do you feed your dog? Ruikt er iemand rook? Does anybody smell smoke? Does anyone smell smoke? Kom morgenochtend. Come tomorrow morning. Come in the morning. Een beer verscheurde Tom. A bear mauled Tom. A bear ripped Tom apart. Dat is nodig. It's necessary. It's necessary. Ze zal niet op tijd zijn voor de vergadering. She won't be in time for the meeting. She won't be in time for the meeting. Leuk, hè? Isn't it neat? It's fun, isn't it? Dat is nogal onverwacht. That is rather unexpected. That's kind of unexpected. Tom heeft drie katten. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. In het kort: dat is uw schuld. To put it briefly it's your fault. In short, that's your fault. Ik hou van die blauwe kleur. I like that blue color. I love that blue color. Je mist Tom zeker erg, niet? You probably miss Tom a lot, don't you? You miss Tom a lot, don't you? Ik ben blij dat je me uitgenodigd hebt. I'm glad you invited me. I'm glad you invited me. Ik maakte thee. I made tea. I made tea. Er waren meerdere redenen. There were several reasons. There were several reasons. Het is wreder de dood te vrezen, dan te sterven. It is more cruel to fear death than to die. It is more cruel to fear death than to die. Hij beschuldigde me. He put the blame upon me. He accused me. Dat is het juiste ding om te doen. This is the right thing to do. That's the right thing to do. Mijn vader wordt kaal. My father is going bald. My dad's getting bald. Wat ontbreekt er? What's missing? What's missing? Heb je de nieuwste versie? Do you have the latest version? Do you have the latest version? Het vliegtuig vertrok op tijd. The airplane took off on time. The plane left on time. Ik heb mijn buik vol van dat natte weer. I am fed up with this wet weather. I've got my belly full of that wet weather. Ik wilde niet in Australië wonen. I didn't want to live in Australia. I didn't want to live in Australia. Dopamine is een chemische stof in de hersenen. Het is verantwoordelijk voor het verzenden van signalen tussen zenuwcellen of neuronen. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain. It is responsible for sending signals between nerve cells, or neurons. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain, and it's responsible for sending signals between nerve cells or neurons. Een kleine kop koffie is twee euro. A small cup of coffee is two euro. A small cup of coffee is two euros. Jij hebt geen honger. You're not hungry. You're not hungry. Ik zal je helpen. I'll help you. I'll help you. Ik zie ze vanavond. I'm seeing her this evening. I'll see them tonight. Ze zijn heel gevaarlijk. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. Veel mensen zouden het met u eens zijn. Many people would agree with you. A lot of people would agree with you. Ik dronk een biertje. I drank a beer. I had a beer. Ik ben morgen niet vrij. I will not be free tomorrow. I'm not free tomorrow. Ik ben een Nederlandse burger. I am a Dutch citizen. I'm a Dutch citizen. De zee was erg glad. The sea was very smooth. The sea was very smooth. De software vertraagt sneller dan de hardware aan snelheid wint. Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster. The software slows down faster than the hardware gains speed. Veel succes op je examen! Good luck on your test. Good luck on your exam! Ik zag haar de straat oversteken. I saw her crossing the road. I saw her crossing the street. Is jullie broer skileraar? Is your brother a ski instructor? Is your brother a ski instructor? Tom weet niet wat er mis ging. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Laat me u een domme vraag stellen. Let me ask you a stupid question. Let me ask you a stupid question. Ze is een knap meisje. She is a pretty girl to look at. She's a pretty girl. Mijn naam is Roemeens, de zijne is Amerikaans. My name is Romanian; his is American. My name is Romanian, his is American. Spreken jullie Russisch? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Dit is het begin van een nieuw tijdperk. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Je bent het meisje van mijn dromen. You're the girl of my dreams. You're the girl of my dreams. Ik hoorde een vrouw schreeuwen. I heard a woman scream. I heard a woman scream. Weet je zeker dat je zo'n ding niet in Boston kunt kopen? Are you sure you can't buy one of those in Boston? Are you sure you can't buy a thing like that in Boston? Tom en Mary telen bladsla in hun tuin. Tom and Mary grow leaf lettuce in their garden. Tom and Mary grow leaf lettuce in their garden. Spreken jullie Latijn? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Je telde. You counted. You counted. Ik zal je missen wanneer je weg bent. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you when you're gone. Toen ik vanochtend wakker werd, voelde ik me ziek. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. When I woke up this morning, I felt sick. Hij vroeg om veel geld. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. De zoon van mijn zus is onze neef. My sister's son is our nephew. My sister's son is our cousin. Griekenland was de wieg van de westerse beschaving. Greece was the cradle of western civilization. Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. Tom werkt. Tom works. Tom works. Ze veranderen dikwijls hun wachtwoorden. They often change their passwords. They often change their passwords. Hoe was de wiskundetoets? How was the math test? How was the math test? Ik ben blij dat alles voorbij is. I'm glad it's all over. I'm glad it's all over. Spaans is haar moedertaal. Spanish is her mother tongue. Spanish is her native language. Tom is nog nooit in Engeland geweest. Tom has never been to England. Tom has never been to England. Een kalkoen is iets groter dan een kip. A turkey is a little bigger than a chicken. A turkey's a little bigger than a chicken. Ze is veertig jaar oud. She is forty years old. She's 40 years old. Je had Toms gezicht moeten zien toen ik het hem vertelde. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when I told him. You should have seen Tom's face when I told him. Neuronen zijn cellen. Neurons are cells. Neurons are cells. Het is niet de eerste keer dat ik die zin zie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I've seen that sentence. Rusland wordt ''Rossiya'' genoemd in het Russisch. Russia is called "Rossiya" in Russian. Russia is called 'Rossiya' in Russian. Ze slaapt met twee kussens. She sleeps with two pillows. She sleeps with two pillows. Bel naar huis! Call home! Call home! Djoeba is de hoofdstad van Zuid-Soedan. Juba is the capital of South Sudan. Dhuba is the capital of South Sudan. Ratten vermenigvuldigen zich snel. Rats breed rapidly. Rats multiply fast. Hij weet niet wie ik ben. He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't know who I am. Maak jullie keuze. Make your choice. Make your choice. Ik vroeg hem om op te houden met praten maar hij bleef doorgaan. I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on. I asked him to stop talking, but he kept going. Ze zijn niet groen. They're not green. They're not green. Na de film zijn ze in slaap gevallen. After the movie, they fell asleep. After the movie, they fell asleep. Wij hebben honger. We are hungry. We're hungry. Ik heb je avondeten voor je in de oven laten staan. I have left you your dinner in the oven. I left your dinner in the oven for you. Wie zou de vissenkom gebroken kunnen hebben? Who could've broken the fishbowl? Who could have broken the fish bowl? Wat zijn jullie aan het drinken? What are you drinking? What are you drinking? Spreken jullie Chinees? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? De politie heeft Toms auto doorzocht. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Ik heb geen geld bij. I have no money with me. I don't have any money. Liefde kun je niet verspillen. Love is never wasted. You can't waste love. Wat is jouw lievelingskleur? What is your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Waarom slaapt u? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? Susan Greene... ben je een Nederlandse vrouw? Susan Greene... are you a Dutch woman? Susan Greene... are you a Dutch woman? Met deze ogen zal ik bergen zien branden. With these eyes, I shall see mountains burn. With these eyes, I'll see mountains burn. Mijn broer zwemt niet. My brother doesn't swim. My brother doesn't swim. Wil je in Mumbai wonen? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Niemand zingt zo mooi onder de douche als Anna! Nobody sings as beautifully in the shower as Anna! No one sings as beautifully in the shower as Anna! Hoe download ik het bestand? How do I download the file? How do I download the file? Bier bevat hop. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Heb je het hem verteld? Have you told him? Did you tell him? Ik drink niet. I'm not drinking. I don't drink. Ik ben Turk. I'm Turkish. I'm Turk. We zijn nog niet klaar. We aren't ready yet. We're not done yet. Het feest eindigde om negen uur. The party ended at nine. The party ended at nine o'clock. Dit is geen appel. Het is een peer. This isn't an apple. It's a pear. This isn't an apple, it's a pear. Over het algemeen weet men maar weinig over niet-lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen van de tweede orde. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations. In general, little is known about nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Is dit echt wat zij wil? Is this really what she wants? Is this really what she wants? Je kan je eigen conclusies trekken. You can draw your own conclusions. You can draw your own conclusions. Ik kan Papiaments spreken. I can speak Papiamento. I can talk to Papiaments. Waarom wil ze Algiers verlaten? Why does she want to leave Algiers? Why would she want to leave Algiers? Tom denkt dat Maria naar Australië is gegaan. Tom thinks that Mary went to Australia. Tom thinks Maria went to Australia. Hij stierf gisteravond. He died last night. He died last night. De brief was om haar te laten weten dat hij ziek geweest was. The letter was to let her know that he had been ill. The letter was to let her know that he had been sick. Laat deze kans je niet voorbij gaan. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Tom is doodsbang voor spinnen, nietwaar? Tom is terrified of spiders, isn't he? Tom's terrified of spiders, isn't he? Ik heb twee uur in de sneeuw gewacht op de bus. I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours. I waited two hours in the snow for the bus. De imam gaf Sami gratis een exemplaar van de Koran. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Quran for free. The imam gave Sami a copy of the Koran for free. Toms haar is zwart Tom's hair is black. Tom's hair is black Zij vulden hun tas met walnoten. They filled their bags with walnuts. They filled their bags with walnuts. Wat eten we vanavond? What are we having for dinner tonight? What's for dinner tonight? Wanneer eindigt het? When does it end? When does it end? Hoe was de les? How was class? How was class? Zijn jullie gelukkig? Are you guys happy? Are you happy? Dat kan ons geen moer schelen. We don't give a fuck. We don't give a shit. Ik eet kaas. I eat cheese. I'm eating cheese. U speelde. You played. You played. Gek zijn is gezond. Being crazy is healthy. Being crazy is healthy. Ik kan dit niet meer uitstaan. I can't stand this anymore. I can't stand this anymore. Ik ben blij dat ik uw werk niet heb. I'm glad I don't have your job. I'm glad I don't have your work. Ik vind Duits niet moeilijk. I do not think German is difficult. I don't find German difficult. Ik las gisteren een artikel over zure regen. I read an article about acid rain yesterday. I read an article about acid rain yesterday. Tom heeft me aan Mary voorgesteld. Tom introduced me to Mary. Tom introduced me to Mary. Ik wil overnachten in het Hilton Hotel. I want to stay at the Hilton Hotel. I want to spend the night at the Hilton Hotel. We repareren allerlei soorten klokken hier. We fix all kinds of clocks here. We fix all kinds of clocks here. Ik at appels. I ate apples. I ate apples. De Comoren worden ''Komori'' genoemd in het Comorees. The Comoros is called "Komori" in Shikomoro. The Comoros are called 'Komori' in Comores. Hij verschijnt wel. He does appear. He'll show up. Daarna ontmoetten ze elkaar iedere middag op de kade, ontbeten samen, dineerden, wandelden en bewonderden de zee. Since then, they met up every afternoon at the pier, had breakfast together, had dinner, took walks and admired the sea. Then they met on the quay every afternoon, had breakfast together, had dinner, walked and admired the sea. Ik zal jullie helpen. I'll help you. I'll help you. Ik probeerde in het Chinees te praten en mijnheer Wang probeerde in het Frans te praten. I tried to speak Chinese and Mr. Wang tried to speak French. I tried to talk in Chinese and Mr. Wang tried to talk in French. Kijk daar! Look there. Look at that! Tom is heel anders dan ik me voorgesteld had. Tom is very different from what I expected. Tom is very different than I imagined. Er is niemand zoals jij. There's nobody like you. There's no one like you. De vergadering is afgelopen. The meeting ended. The meeting's over. Hoe was de film? How was the movie? How was the movie? Ik heb mijn biefstuk graag medium gebakken. I like my steak medium. I like to bake my steak medium. Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne. Kiev is Ukraine's capital city. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Het bleef drie dagen regenen. It kept raining for three days. It continued to rain for three days. Waarom zou wie dan ook zoiets verbergen binnenin deze grot? Why would anyone hide something like that inside this cave? Why would anyone hide something like that inside this cave? De directeur van het bedrijf, aan wie ik u deze vrijdag heb voorgesteld, wil u weer spreken. The president of the company, to whom I introduced you last Friday, wants to see you again. The director of the company, to whom I introduced you this Friday, would like to speak to you again. Tom gaat met een Chinese uitwisselingsstudent. Tom is dating a Chinese exchange student. Tom's dating a Chinese exchange student. Jullie verdienen de prijs. You deserve the prize. You deserve the price. Tom vroeg waarom. Tom asked why. Tom asked why. De kamer is nogal klein. The room is rather small. The room's pretty small. Zij hebben Tom geholpen. They helped Tom. They helped Tom. Ik moet terug naar Boston. I need to go back to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Jullie zitten op de juiste weg. You're on the right track. You're on the right path. Hij deed zo zijn best dat hij er helemaal rood van werd. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He tried so hard, it turned him all red. Shit! Fuck! Shit! Tom heeft drie auto's in zijn garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Tom has three cars in his garage. Ik ben niet bekend met dit onderwerp. I'm not familiar with this topic. I'm not familiar with this subject. Hij is ook oud geworden. He's gotten old, too. He's grown old, too. Hou je van ananasdrankjes? Do you like pineapple drinks? Do you like pineapple drinks? Dat lijkt op thee. That looks like tea. That looks like tea. Wat als ik nee zeg? What if I refuse? What if I say no? We moeten intensiever en effectiever werken. We need to work more intensively and effectively. We need to work more intensively and effectively. Ga je tegen Tom zeggen dat hij weg moet gaan of moet ik dat doen? Are you going to tell Tom to leave, or should I? Are you gonna tell Tom to leave, or should I? Normaal gesproken is ze vroeg wakker. In general, she is an early riser. She usually wakes up early. Sprak zij geen Nederlands? Didn't she speak Dutch? She didn't speak Dutch? Ik woon in New York. I live in New York. I live in New York. Disneyland is gebouwd in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. Uw haar is te lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair is too long. Tony zei: "Ik hou ervan." Tony said, "I like it." Tony said, "I love it." Dat is gestoord. That's nuts. That's crazy. Tom was kaal. Tom was bald. Tom was bald. Je kon geen ster aan de hemel zien. Not a star was to be seen in the sky. You couldn't see a star in the sky. Vroeg opstaan is goed voor de gezondheid. Early rising is good for the health. Getting up early is good for health. Moge de koningin lang leven! May the queen live long! May the Queen live long! Hoe is Tom zijn man? What's Tom's husband like? How's Tom's husband? Deze muur is groen geverfd. This wall is painted green. This wall is painted green. Geef me dat boek terug! Give me that book back! Give me back that book! Het wordt al laat. It's already getting late. It's getting late. Ik had het te druk. I've been too busy. I was too busy. Ik ben hier om hem te redden. I'm here to rescue him. I'm here to save him. In de volgende les gaan we de dagen van de week studeren, de maanden en de jaargetijden. In our next class, we will study the days of the week, the months, and the seasons. In the next lesson we will study the days of the week, the months and the seasons. Hoge koorts is een typisch symptoom van deze ziekte. High fever is a prominent symptom of this disease. High fever is a typical symptom of this disease. Dat is gevaarlijk. That's dangerous. That's dangerous. Hij is er nog niet. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. Ze is twee jaar ouder dan ik. She's two years older than me. She's two years older than me. Deze machine is geproduceerd in Frankrijk. This machine was manufactured in France. This machine was produced in France. Als tom hulp nodig heeft, kunnen we hem dat bieden. If Tom needs help, we can give it to him. If tom needs help, we can offer him that. Wij hadden het altijd moeilijk. We always had to struggle. We've always had a hard time. De lente komt eraan. It will be spring soon. Spring's coming. We moeten elke dag ten minste acht uur slapen. We need at least eight hours of sleep each day. We have to sleep for at least eight hours every day. Ik wil bruine schoenen, geen zwarte. I want brown shoes, not black ones. I want brown shoes, not black. Ik kan niet stoppen. I can't stop. I can't stop. Ik geloof dat aliens bestaan. I believe aliens exist. I believe aliens exist. Wanneer ik een order geef wil ik dat het wordt uitgevoerd! When I give an order I would like it to be executed! When I give an order I want it executed! Sami had geen hekel aan moslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Waar heb je ze uitgetrokken? Where did you take them off? Where'd you take them? Hij schreeuwt veel. He screams a lot. He screams a lot. Tom kan het niet uitstaan onderbroken te worden. Tom can't stand being interrupted. Tom can't stand to be interrupted. Ik heb een huis hier in de buurt. I have a house not too far from here. I have a house around here. Equatoriaal-Guinea wordt ''Guinea Ecuatorial'' genoemd in het Spaans. Equatorial Guinea is called "Guinea Ecuatorial" in Spanish. Equatorial Guinea is called ''Guinea Ecuatorial''' in Spanish. Als je een baan vindt die je echt leuk vindt, hoef je nooit meer te werken. If you find a job you really love, you'll never work again. If you find a job you really like, you'll never have to work again. Ik ben melk aan het drinken. I am drinking milk. I'm drinking milk. De fles bevatte wijn. The bottle contained wine. The bottle contained wine. Rijken zijn niet altijd gelukkiger dan armen. The rich are not always happier than the poor. Riches aren't always happier than poor ones. Ge zoudt beter slapen. You should go to bed. You'd sleep better. Hier klopt iets niet. Something stinks. Something's not right here. Ga toch iemand anders kussen! Go kiss someone else. Go kiss someone else! Waarom woonde je in Kyoto vorig jaar? Why did you live in Kyoto last year? Why did you live in Kyoto last year? Ik haat wiskunde. I hate math. I hate math. Tom heeft een geschenkje voor je achtergelaten. Tom left a gift for you. Tom left you a gift. Waar heeft ze dat boek gekocht? Where did she buy that book? Where did she buy that book? Tom is jonger geworden. Tom has gotten younger. Tom's getting younger. Zij heeft geen vijanden. She has no enemies. She has no enemies. Hij probeerde zelfmoord te plegen. He attempted suicide. He tried to kill himself. Kijk naar de landkaart op pagina 25. Look at the map on page 25. Look at the map on page 25. Zet het uit, en doe het daarna weer aan. Turn it off, then turn it back on. Turn it off and put it back on. Hij doet niets anders dan strips lezen. He does nothing but read comics. He does nothing but read comics. Hij is altijd ontevreden. He's always dissatisfied. He's always dissatisfied. Betty vermoordde haar moeder. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed her mother. Mijn moeder was tot voor kort in het ziekenhuis. My mother has been in the hospital until recently. My mother was in the hospital until recently. Wat hebben jullie de hele tijd gedaan? What have you been doing all this time! What have you been doing all this time? Schiet op, dan zal je op tijd zijn. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, you'll be on time. Ik had meer moeten studeren. I should've studied more. I should have studied more. Ge kunt niet voor iedereen goed doen. Don't try to be all things to all men. You can't do good for everyone. Ik moet je een domme vraag stellen. I need to ask you a silly question. I need to ask you a stupid question. Mary had Tom om hulp kunnen vragen maar ze deed het niet. Mary could have asked Tom for help, but she didn't. Mary could have asked Tom for help, but she didn't. Laten we Tom applaus geven. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Het is allemaal door jou. It is all because of you. It's all because of you. Het homohuwelijk is toegestaan ​​in minder dan 20% van de landen. Gay marriage is permitted in less than 20% of countries. Gay marriage is allowed in less than 20% of countries. Mijn haar is zo vuil! My hair is so dirty! My hair is so dirty! Ik weet dat je rijkt wilt zijn. I know you want to be rich. I know you want to be rich. Voeg veel ijs toe. Add lots of ice. Add a lot of ice. Zijn dat uw kinderen? Are those your kids? Are those your children? Hoeveel mensen heb je uitgenodigd op je bruiloft? How many people did you invite to your wedding? How many people did you invite to your wedding? Luxemburg wordt "Lëtzebuerg" in het Luxemburgs genoemd. Luxembourg is called "Lëtzebuerg" in Luxembourgish. Luxembourg is called "Lëtzebuerg" in Luxembourgish. Waarom geloof je me niet? Why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe me? Slijp je potlood. Sharpen your pencil. Grind your pencil. Tom bracht het weekend bij ons door. Tom spent the weekend at our place. Tom spent the weekend with us. Tony was gelukkig. Tony was happy. Tony was happy. Ik weet dat je bang was. I know you were afraid. I know you were scared. Hoe zou u aardappelen willen? How would you like potatoes? How would you like potatoes? Dit is een plek waar dieren worden begraven. This is a place where animals are buried. This is a place where animals are buried. Hou je van mij? Do you love me? Do you love me? Tom vond wat Mary zei niet leuk. Tom didn't like what Mary said. Tom didn't like what Mary said. Ik heb al ontbeten. I have already had my breakfast. I already had breakfast. Er woont bijna niemand op Antarctica. Almost nobody lives in Antarctica. Almost nobody lives in Antarctica. Ga nu. Move now. Now go. Vrienden zijn heel belangrijk. Friends are very important. Friends are very important. Zit Tom in de problemen? Is Tom in trouble? Is Tom in trouble? Mijn kamer is erg klein. My room is very small. My room is very small. Ik leer Frans te spreken. I'm learning to speak French. I'm learning to speak French. Zeg me niet dat Tom eindelijk ja heeft gezegd. Don't tell me Tom finally said yes. Don't tell me Tom finally said yes. Word niet boos. Don't get angry. Don't get mad. Er zijn 3 slaapkamers, een keuken, een eetkamer, een salon en een badkamer. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and a bathroom. There are 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a lounge and a bathroom. Ik zou Tom nooit laten winnen. I'd never let Tom win. I would never let Tom win. Het Nederlands is een Nederfrankische taal. Dutch is a Low Franconian language. Dutch is a Low-Frankish language. Hij gaf me het geld terug. He gave me back the money. He gave me the money back. Ik hou van bramen. I love blackberries. I like blackberries. Ik ben daar trots op. I'm proud of that. I'm proud of that. Mijn broer heeft een grote vis gevangen. My brother caught a big fish. My brother caught a big fish. Nijlpaarden houden van water. Hippopotamuses love water. Hippos love water. Voorzichtig! Kijk uit! Careful! Watch out! Watch out! Ik ben jouw kamergenoot Paul. I'm your roommate Paul. I'm your roommate Paul. Ik schreef haar een lange brief. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. Sla linksaf. Turn left! Turn left. Tegucigalpa is de hoofdstad van Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. Ik kan niet ademen. I can't breathe! I can't breathe. Tom stond op om zeven uur 's ochtends. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom got up at 7:00 in the morning. Ik stond op toen het nog donker was. I got up while it was still dark. I got up when it was dark. De ouders verwachtten te veel van hun zoon. The parents expected too much of their son. The parents expected too much from their son. Op het Marktplein staan vier fonteinen met beelden van Neptunus, zijn vrouw Amphitrite, Diana en Adonis. There are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis in the Market Square. On the Market Square there are four fountains with statues of Neptune, his wife Amphitrite, Diana and Adonis. Misschien zou Tom kunnen zingen op jullie bruiloft. Maybe Tom could sing at your wedding. Maybe Tom could sing at your wedding. Ik wilde niet in Boston wonen. I didn't want to live in Boston. I didn't want to live in Boston. Wat is jouw favoriete muziek? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Ik zie vuurwerk. I see fireworks. I see fireworks. Maria is aangekomen. Mary has arrived. Maria has arrived. Ik zou ze de schuld niet geven. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. Kunnen jullie een geheim bewaren? Can you guys keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? De tentoonstelling blijft een maand langer open. The exhibition will be open for another month. The exhibition remains open for a month longer. Sami had een kale kop. Sami had a bald head. Sami had a bald head. Wanneer ben je vrij? When are you free? When are you free? Hij praatte tegen zichzelf. He talked to himself. He was talking to himself. Ga door met je verhaal. Continue your story. Go on with your story. Werk langzaam. Work slowly. Work slowly. Er zit een grond van waarheid in wat hij zegt. There is a certain amount of truth in what he's saying. There's a ground of truth in what he's saying. Hebben jullie geen dorst? Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? Hebt u een mobieltje? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Ik glimlach elke keer als ik haar zie. I smile every time I see her. I smile every time I see her. Ik hou er niet van over bepaalde dingen te praten. I don't like to talk about certain things. I don't like to talk about certain things. Ze zag er moe maar gelukkig uit. She looked tired, but happy. She looked tired but happy. Daarom zijn wij hier. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Waarom bent u zo rijk? Why are you so rich? Why are you so rich? Wij hebben enkel rijp fruit verzameld. We have collected only ripe fruit. We've only collected ripe fruit. Vraag het aan hen. Ask them. Ask them. De beer is groot. The bear is big. The bear is big. Spreek trager, alsjeblieft. Speak more slowly, please. Speak slower, please. Het huis is warm. The house is warm. The house is warm. Ik zal u het boek geven. I'm going to give you the book. I'll give you the book. Wat er ook gebeurt, ik zal er niemand iets over vertellen. Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody about it. Whatever happens, I won't tell anyone about it. Tom kocht een cadeautje voor Mary. Tom bought Mary a gift. Tom bought Mary a present. Zijt ge niet gelukkig? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Het is een woord waarvoor ik graag een vervanging zou vinden. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find a replacement for. Voeg meer water toe. Add more water. Add more water. De recente vooruitgang in de geneeskunde is opmerkelijk. The recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. De politicus zei dat hij al zijn belasting had betaald en niets illegaals gedaan had. The politician said that he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal. The politician said he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal. Elk lid van de club was aanwezig. Every member of the club was present. Each member of the club was present. Een dichter bekijkt de wereld zoals een man kijkt naar een vrouw. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. Wat doet Tom daarbinnen? What's Tom doing in there? What's Tom doing in there? Ik zal hier een paar dagen blijven. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I'll be here for a few days. Tom vulde zijn tas met walnoten. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Zo slecht was je nu ook niet. You weren't that bad. You weren't that bad right now. Sami is veganist. Sami is vegan. Sami's a vegan. Het leven hier is veel makkelijker dan het vroeger was. Life here is much easier than it used to be. Life here is much easier than it used to be. Er was geen begroting beschikbaar. No cost estimate was available. There was no budget available. Mijn zusje is te jong om naar school te gaan. My sister is too young to go to school. My sister's too young to go to school. Hou je van blauwe kaas? Do you like blue cheese? Do you like blue cheese? Hij is mijn broer. He's my brother. He's my brother. Zoudt ge ooit naakt zwemmen? Would you ever go skinny dipping? Would you ever swim naked? We zijn gewoon aan het brainstormen. We're just brainstorming. We're just brainstorming. We zongen met luide stem. We sang in loud voices. We sang with a loud voice. Die cd-speler werkt niet. That CD player doesn't work. That CD player isn't working. Let alstublieft op mijn bagage. Please look after my luggage. Please watch my luggage. Wat doet je tante? What does your aunt do? What's your aunt doing? Hij zal komen als ge hem roept. He will come if you call him. He will come when you call him. Kioto is een voormalige hoofdstad van Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kioto is a former capital of Japan. Waarom dan? Why so? Then why? Ik ken hem al meer dan tien jaar. I have known him for more than ten years. I've known him for over ten years. Jullie hebben een fout gemaakt. You've made a mistake. You made a mistake. Bel uw broer. Call your brother. Call your brother. Sami bestelde vier pizza's. Sami ordered four pizzas. Sami ordered four pizzas. Voelt u zich schuldig? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Waarom bent u boos? Why are you afraid? Why are you angry? Dit keer heb ik mezelf overtroffen. This time I've outdone myself. This time, I've outdone myself. Liefde doet pijn. Love hurts. Love hurts. Tom ging eergisteren naar Australië. Tom went to Australia the day before yesterday. Tom went to Australia the day before yesterday. Jullie waren aan het bidden. You were praying. You were praying. Je vrienden zullen je missen. You'll be missed by your friends. Your friends will miss you. Hoe eindigt de film? How does the film end? How does the movie end? Ik hoor alles wat je zegt. I hear everything you're saying. I hear everything you say. Ik kan het voelen. I can feel it. I can feel it. Hier deugt iets niet. Something stinks. Something's not right here. Ik dacht dat je in Australië woonde. I thought that you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Wat voor een slechte film. What a bad film! What a bad movie. Ze was woedend. She was furious. She was furious. Mijn hand is te vol! My hand is too full! My hand's too full! Hij bezocht Kyoto vorig jaar. He visited Kyoto last year. He visited Kyoto last year. Mijn nek doet pijn. The back of my neck hurts. My neck hurts. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put his socks on. Tom puts on his socks. Ik zal geen schrik hebben. I will not be afraid. I won't be afraid. Tom kan geen Frans spreken. Tom can't speak French. Tom can't speak French. We zullen het nooit weten. We will never know. We'll never know. Dat is wat mijn moeder altijd zei. That's what my mother used to say. That's what my mom used to say. Ik was mijn huiswerk aan het maken. I was doing my homework. I was doing my homework. Deze machine maakt 100 kopieën in een minuut. This machine makes 100 copies a minute. This machine makes 100 copies in a minute. De schuur is vol met hooi. The barn is full of hay. The barn is full of hay. Schip ahoi! Ship ahoy! Ship ahoi! Spreek je Litouws? Do you speak Lithuanian? Do you speak Lithuanian? De zeelui zagen land. The sailors saw land. The sailors saw land. Ik heb mijn leven aan hem te danken. I owe him my life. I owe him my life. Hij is zijn website aan het updaten. He's updating his website. He's updating his website. Scheikunde is een geweldige wetenschap. Chemistry is a marvelous science. Chemistry is a great science. Deze beslissing zal niemand gelukkig maken. This decision won't make anybody happy. This decision won't make anyone happy. Ik kijk bijna elke dag naar het nieuws. I watch the news almost every day. I watch the news almost every day. Wie heeft het gebouwd? Who built it? Who built it? Tom zat op de bank te roken. Tom sat on the bench smoking. Tom was smoking on the couch. Daar hoeven jullie nu niet over na te denken. You don't need to think about that now. You don't have to think about that right now. Ik eet liever Chinees eten. I'd rather eat Chinese food. I prefer Chinese food. Wat doet gij in uw vrije tijd? What do you do in your spare time? What are you doing in your spare time? Je hebt niets gezien. You didn't see anything. You didn't see anything. We namen een modderbad. We took a mud bath. We took a mud bath. Tom zit vast in het verleden. Tom is stuck in the past. Tom's stuck in the past. Hij die alleen voor zichzelf leeft, is dood voor anderen. He who only lives for himself is dead to others. He who lives only for himself is dead to others. Ik hou niet van muziek. I do not like music. I don't like music. Ik drink mijn koffie. I'm drinking my coffee. I'm drinking my coffee. Bananen zijn geel. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Het begon te regenen. It has started to rain. It started raining. Ik weet zeker dat je je vergist. I'm sure you're mistaken. I'm sure you're mistaken. Wat wil je drinken? What do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? Wat krijgen we nou? What on Earth is this? What the hell? Ik heb een nichtje. Ze gaat naar dezelfde school als Maria. I have a niece. She goes to the same school as Mary. I have a niece, she goes to the same school as Maria. Het is vier uur rijden van New York naar Boston. It is a four-hour drive from New York to Boston. It's four hours from New York to Boston. Het is niet gezond om zoveel water te drinken als jij doet. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. Wij zijn het volk. We are the people. We're the people. Je hoeft niet te gaan, als je dat niet wil. If you don't want to go, you don't have to. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Hij is zijn haar aan het borstelen. He is brushing his hair. He's brushing his hair. "Maakt u zich geen zorgen," probeerde Dima de vrouw gerust te stellen. "Het is niet van mij." "Don't worry," Dima attempted to put the woman at ease. "It's not mine." "Don't worry," Dima tried to reassure the woman. "It's not mine." Heb je tijd gehad om het op te schrijven? Did you have time to write it down? Have you had time to write it down? Goedendag. Good day. Good day. Tom woont in een sloppenwijk. Tom lives in a slum. Tom lives in a slum. Weet je nog wat je tegen me gezegd hebt? Do you remember what you told me? Do you remember what you said to me? Tom is nog steeds boos op ons. Tom is still angry with us. Tom's still mad at us. Ze slapen. They sleep. They're asleep. Aardige jongens eindigen als laatste. Nice guys finish last. Nice guys end up last. Tien mensen stonden op elkaar gepakt in de kleine kamer. Ten people were packed into the small room. Ten people stood on each other in the small room. Georgië wordt ''Sakartvelo'' genoemd in het Georgisch. Georgia is called "Sakartvelo" in Georgian. Georgia is called ''Sakartvelo'' in Georgian. Ik moest naar huis toe gaan. I needed to go home. I had to go home. Ik heb twee kaartjes voor het concert. Wil je mee? I've got two tickets for the concert. Wanna come? I have two tickets to the concert. Ik denk dat Tom niet de juiste persoon is voor dit werk. I think Tom isn't the right man for the job. I don't think Tom is the right person for this job. Tom glimlachte en zwaaide naar Maria. Tom smiled and waved at Mary. Tom smiled and waved at Maria. Tom is niet van gisteren. Tom wasn't born yesterday. Tom isn't from yesterday. Parijs is een van de grootste steden van de wereld. Paris is one of the largest cities in the world. Paris is one of the largest cities in the world. Ik denk niet dat Maria blij zal zijn om met haar schoonmoeder te wonen. I don't think Mary will be happy living with her mother-in-law. I don't think Mary will be happy to live with her mother-in-law. Skateboarden is gevaarlijk. Skateboarding is dangerous. Skateboarding is dangerous. Ik ging met mijn broer naar de bioscoop. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the movies with my brother. Ik heb het vorige week gekocht. I bought it last week. I bought it last week. Ik wil dat spelletje niet meer spelen. I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to play that game anymore. Tom lag op de bank. Tom was lying on the couch. Tom was on the couch. Ik heb ooit in Peking gewoond, maar nu woon ik in Seoel. I have once lived in Beijing, but now live in Seoul. I lived in Beijing once, but now I live in Seoul. Kan ik met iets helpen? Can I help with something? Can I help you with something? Ik eet graag watermeloen. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat watermelon. In 1900 verliet hij Engeland, om nooit meer terug te gaan. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900, he left England, never to go back. Duits is een erg interessante taal. German is a very interesting language. German is a very interesting language. Tom gebruikt Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Tom uses Google Maps. Sami googelde Layla's naam. Sami googled Layla's name. Sami googled Layla's name. Ik ben hier om je te beschermen. I'm here to protect you. I'm here to protect you. Zou u me kunnen vertellen hoe ik bij het station kom? Could you please tell me how to get to the station? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Ik zal een taxi nemen. I'm going to take a cab. I'll take a cab. Ik ben Tom aan het troosten. I'm consoling Tom. I'm comforting Tom. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Ze zweette. She sweated. She was sweating. Hier leeft een pinguïnkolonie. A penguin colony lives there. This is where a penguin colony lives. Dat is onmogelijk! That can't be! That's impossible! Je lijkt wel gek. You must be crazy. You look crazy. Je was altijd goed in wiskunde. You always were good at math. You were always good at math. Ze is een paar keer naar Hawaï geweest. She has been to Hawaii several times. She's been to Hawaii a few times. Je bent lang, maar hij is nog langer. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's taller. Ik ben in Australië geboren. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Zijn hart is gebroken. His heart is broken. His heart's broken. Dit gesprek wordt geregistreerd. This conversation is being recorded. This call is registered. Glenn heeft twee vriendinnen. Glenn has two girlfriends. Glenn has two friends. Wat roken we? What do we smoke? What are we smoking? Wat is er met al de pindakaas gebeurd? What happened to all the peanut butter? What happened to all the peanut butter? Het boek is groen. The book is green. The book is green. Voor wie ga je stemmen? Who are you voting for? Who are you voting for? Ik woon in Duitsland en ik werk in Luxemburg. I live in Germany and I work in Luxembourg. I live in Germany and I work in Luxembourg. Vaarwel. Farewell! Farewell. Zijn woorden verbaasden mij. His words surprised me. His words surprised me. Hij heeft zijn kledingstijl veranderd. He has changed his clothing style. He changed his dress style. Dit is het beste woordenboek dat we verkopen. This is the best dictionary we sell. This is the best dictionary we sell. Hoe gaat het vandaag met je? How are you today? How are you today? Tom kreeg een telefoontje van het ziekenhuis. Tom got a phonecall from the hospital. Tom got a call from the hospital. Hoe oud is deze plek? How old is this place? How old is this place? Ik heb ze gezegd dat ze me nog een ticket moeten opsturen. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Indien het morgen regent, dan ga ik niet. If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Nogmaals bedankt. Thanks again. Thanks again. Waarom ga je? Why are you going? Why are you going? Ik heb aan ieder kind drie snoepjes gegeven. I have given every child three candies. I've given three sweets to every child. Ik vind het moeilijk om vroeg op te staan op een koude morgen. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. I find it hard to get up early on a cold morning. Een miljard volwassenen zijn analfabeten. A billion adults are illiterate. A billion adults are illiterate. Hebt ge goed gegeten in het restaurant? Did you have a good meal at that restaurant? Did you eat well at the restaurant? Wij eten niet. We're not eating. We don't eat. Ik was mijn sokken. I wash my socks. I was washing my socks. Tom is nu in Australië. Tom is now in Australia. Tom's in Australia now. Je gaat dat toch niet dragen voor het feest, toch? You're not wearing that to the party, are you? You're not gonna wear that to the party, are you? Het tafellaken ligt in de kast. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. The tablecloth is in the closet. Toen ik jong was, wilde ik geen broek dragen. When I was young I wouldn't wear pants. When I was young, I didn't want to wear pants. Ik eet vlees. I eat meat. I eat meat. Slaap je niet goed 's nachts? Don't you sleep well at night? Don't you sleep well at night? Het lijkt erop dat de strijd tussen Microsoft en Apple nooit zal ophouden. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. Tom schilderde. Tom painted. Tom painted. Zoals gewoonlijk was Mike op tijd. Hij is zeer stipt. As usual, Mike turned up on time. He's very punctual. As usual, Mike was on time. Was het slechts een droom? Was it just a dream? Was it just a dream? Tom haat groene paprika's. Tom hates green peppers. Tom hates green peppers. Wat gebeurd is, is gebeurd. What's done cannot be undone. What's done is done. Een van de vleugels van de adelaar was gebroken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. One of the eagle's wings was broken. We vierden zijn verjaardag. We celebrated his birthday. We celebrated his birthday. Weet je dan niet wat er is gebeurd? Don't you know what's happened? Don't you know what happened? We capituleerden. We surrendered. We capitulated. Ik hou niet van wetenschap. I do not like science. I don't like science. Heeft u die fles? Do you have that bottle? Do you have that bottle? Het lijkt erop dat er geen geld meer is. It seems like there's no money left. Looks like there's no more money. Tik je naam in, alsjeblief. Please type your name. Just type your name in, please. Hij vroeg om een salarisverhoging. He asked for a pay raise. He asked for a raise. Tom sterft. Tom is dying. Tom dies. De goeden sterven jong. The good die young. The good ones die young. Ik vertaalde. I translated. I translated. Zijn we gewoon vrienden? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Ik versnelde. I accelerated. I accelerated. Maak me gelukkig. Make me happy. Make me happy. Ik heb nog steeds dingen die ik moet doen. I still have things I need to do. I still have things to do. Wolven eten geen sla. Wolves don't eat salad. Wolves don't eat lettuce. Sommige mensen zijn mooi. Some people are beautiful. Some people are beautiful. Kijk naar het grote gebouw daar. Look at the large building over there. Look at the big building over there. De regen bleef de ganse nacht door aanhouden. The rain lasted the whole night. The rain continued all night long. Zweden is een Noords land. Sweden is a Nordic country. Sweden is a Nordic country. We zullen uw voorwaarden aanvaarden. We'll accept your conditions. We will accept your terms. De man werd gearresteerd als spion. The man was arrested as a spy. The man was arrested as a spy. Moet ik hier mijn schoenen uitdoen? Do I have to take off my shoes here? Do I have to take my shoes off here? Ondanks de regen ben ik naar buiten gegaan. In spite of the rain, I went out. In spite of the rain, I went outside. De onderzeeër kwam eindelijk aan het oppervlak. The submarine finally came to the surface. The submarine finally came to the surface. Tom houdt van wortels. Tom likes carrots. Tom likes carrots. Tom lijkt precies op zijn vader. Tom looks just like his dad. Tom looks just like his father. Maar ik wil niet. But I don't want to. But I don't want to. Niet één van de telefoons werkt. None of the telephones are working. Not one of the phones works. De prijs van brood is met tien yen gestegen. Bread has gone up ten yen in price. The price of bread has risen ten yen. Wij zoeken werk. We are looking for work. We're looking for work. Ik ben erg cool. I'm very cool. I'm very cool. De conducteur is vergeten mijn kaartje te stempelen. The conductor forgot to punch my ticket. The conductor forgot to stamp my ticket. Het licht is aan. The light is on. The lights are on. Tom raakt nooit in de problemen. Tom never gets in trouble. Tom never gets in trouble. Er staan zoveel sterren aan de hemel, ik kan ze niet allemaal tellen. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. Bent u niet blij? Aren't you pleased? Aren't you happy? Na de storm was de oceaan kalm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the ocean was calm. Ietsje verderop is een parkeerplaats. There's a parking space a little further ahead. A little further down is a parking lot. Waar moet ik inchecken voor Tokio? Where should I check in for Tokyo? Where do I check in for Tokyo? Hier ben ik op mijn gemak. I'm comfortable right where I am now. I'm comfortable here. Ik heb vannacht geen oog dichtgedaan. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Tom is erg beleefd. Tom is very polite. Tom's very polite. Wilt u dat ik de ramen opendoe? Do you want me to open the windows? Do you want me to open the windows? We gaan jullie niet ontslaan. We're not going to fire you. We're not gonna fire you. Dat nieuws is nieuw voor mij. This news is new to me. That news is new to me. Ja! Ik maak haar dood! Je zal zien, ik maak haar dood! Yes! I will kill her! You'll see, I will kill her! You'll see, I'll kill her! Dit boek is een nieuw boek. That book is a new book. This book is a new book. Ik kan de pijn niet meer uitstaan. I cannot bear the pain any more. I can't stand the pain anymore. Ze neuriede een liedje. She hummed a song. She was humming a song. Het is gevaarlijk. It's dangerous! It's dangerous. Tom is in bed gestorven. Tom died in bed. Tom died in bed. In het algemeen zijn Japanners conservatief. On the whole, the Japanese are conservative. In general, Japanese are conservative. Verstaan jullie Frans? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Hij is zojuist overleden en hij maakte geen grap dat hij allergisch was voor tarwe. He just died, and he wasn't kidding that he was allergic to wheat. He just died, and he wasn't joking that he was allergic to wheat. Tom is een slappeling. Tom is a weakling. Tom's a weakling. Ik heb ongeveer vijftig dollar betaald. I paid about 50 dollars. I paid about 50 bucks. Sami is een bediende in een homobar. Sami's a waiter at a gay bar. Sami is a servant in a gay bar. Wanneer is het voorbij? When does it finish? When's it over? Het is niet mijn schuld! It's not my fault. It's not my fault! Wat is de voornaam van mijnheer Johnson? What is Mr. Johnson's first name? What's Mr. Johnson's first name? Een glimlach is de mooiste ronding op het lichaam van een vrouw. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. Bij binnenkomst horen we onze schoenen uit te doen. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. When we get in, we're supposed to take our shoes off. Ik ben een Franse prins. I am a French prince. I'm a French prince. Tom verstaat Frans. Tom understands French. Tom understands French. Er zijn vandaag meer wolken dan gisteren. There are more clouds today than there were yesterday. There are more clouds today than there were yesterday. Wij hebben een antwoord nodig. We need an answer. We need an answer. Dat is geen woordenboek. That's not a dictionary. That's not a dictionary. Contador won de gele trui in de ronde van Frankrijk. Contador won the maillot jaune in the Tour de France. Contador won the yellow jersey in the round of France. Waar koop je groenten? Where do you buy vegetables? Where do you buy vegetables? De rekening alstublieft. Check, please. The bill, please. Ik ben hier absoluut op tegen. I'm firmly opposed to this. I am absolutely opposed to this. Warme melk voor het slapen gaan helpt echt om goed te slapen. Drinking warm milk before going to sleep helps you sleep well. Warm milk before going to sleep really helps to sleep well. Wat hij zei, stond veraf van de waarheid. What he said was far from true. What he said was far from the truth. Ik ontmoette een Amerikaans meisje. I met an American girl. I met an American girl. Het is nog geen voorjaar. It isn't spring yet. It's not spring yet. Dat is vreemd. That's odd. That's weird. Als kind ging ik dikwijls vissen met mijn vader. As a child I often went fishing with my father. When I was a kid, I used to go fishing with my father. Roemenië is een Balkanland. Zijn hoofdstad is Boekarest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country, its capital is Bucharest. Er is veel te leren over het shintoïsme. There's much to learn about Shintō. There is much to learn about Shintoism. Hij twijfelde er niet aan dat Ben iets te maken had met de misdaad. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He didn't doubt Ben had anything to do with the crime. Verkoopt u wijn? Do you sell wine? Are you selling wine? Hij stormde uit de winkel. He dashed out of the store. He stormed out of the store. Ik kan je niet dwingen om te getuigen. I can't force you to testify. I can't force you to testify. Wij geeuwden. We yawned. We yawned. Ik ben blij dat je hem leuk vindt. I'm glad you like him. I'm glad you like him. Ze verkoopt groentes. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Ik moet naar bed. I have to go to bed. I have to go to bed. Bezwaar als ik me bij je voeg? Mind if I join you? Mind if I join you? De koningin stond naast de koning. The queen stood beside the king. The queen stood next to the king. Ik was mijn haar niet 's morgens. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I didn't wash my hair in the morning. Moet ik je helpen? Do you wish me to help? You want me to help you? Deze problemen zullen in de nabije toekomst worden opgelost. These problems will be solved in the near future. These problems will be resolved in the near future. Ik moest naar de afdeling spoedgevallen gaan. I had to go to the emergency room. I had to go to the emergency room. Laten we dat maar niet doen. Let's not do that. Let's not do that. Het maakt mijn natuurkundeleraar niet uit als ik de lessen verzuim. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. It doesn't matter to my physics teacher if I'm out of class. Hoe weet ge dat het van hem is? How do you know that it's his? How do you know it's his? Maria en ik gaan trouwen. Mary and I are getting married. Maria and I are getting married. Weet je zeker dat je dit niet wilt doen? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Dit horloge is waterdicht. This watch is waterproof. This watch is waterproof. De keuken bevindt zich op de begane grond. The kitchen is on the ground floor. The kitchen is on the ground floor. Laten we 's morgens vroeg starten, OK? Let's start early in the morning, shall we? Let's start early in the morning, okay? Je stinkt. You smell awful. You stink. We leren Frans. We're learning French. We're learning French. Banken openen om negen uur. Banks open at nine o'clock. Banks open at nine. Je hebt geen verhoging. You don't have a temperature. You don't have a raise. Weet u dat zeker? Are you positive? Are you sure? Als Tom u dat zag doen, zou hij beginnen te wenen. If Tom saw you doing that, he'd cry. If Tom saw you do that, he'd start crying. Ik ben erg gevaarlijk. I am very dangerous. I'm very dangerous. Om dit gerecht te maken heeft ze al haar talenten gebruikt. She used all her skills making this dish. To make this dish, she's used all her talents. Dit vliegtuig is van hem. This plane is his. This plane belongs to him. Een persoon die lacht, is gelukkig. A person who laughs is happy. A person who laughs is happy. Ik haat jaloerse vrouwen. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. Doe haar de groeten als je haar ziet op het feest. Please say hello to her if you see her at the party. Tell her I said hi when you see her at the party. Dat is niet uw mes. That's not your knife. That's not your knife. Je bent maar een meisje. You're just a girl. You're just a girl. Wil je alsjeblieft niet roken in deze kamer? Would you mind not smoking in this room? Will you please not smoke in this room? Ze werkten samen om de brand te blussen. They worked together to extinguish the fire. They worked together to put out the fire. Je praat te veel. You speak too much. You talk too much. Hij doet net of hij hier niet bekend is. He pretends that he's a stranger here. He's acting like he's not known here. Je zult het moeten oefenen. You'll have to practice it. You're gonna have to practice it. Ik was dicht bij de rivier, toen ik de weg kwijt raakte. It was near the river that I lost my way. I was close to the river when I got lost. Ik ben een yoghurt voor kinderen aan het eten. I'm eating a yogurt for children. I'm eating a yogurt for kids. Mijn auto is niet sterk genoeg. My car isn't powerful enough. My car isn't strong enough. Hij is mijn vader niet. He's not my father. He's not my father. Niemand van de leerkrachten heeft het vraagstuk kunnen oplossen. None of the teachers could solve the problem. None of the teachers have been able to solve the problem. Jonathan Swift zou mij verdedigen. Jonathan Swift would defend me. Jonathan Swift would defend me. Ik ga me daar niet in mengen. I'm not getting involved. I'm not gonna get involved in that. Tom zag een slang. Tom saw a snake. Tom saw a snake. Heb je er ooit eerder zo een gezien? Have you ever seen one of these before? Have you ever seen one of these before? Stuur mij een brief alstublieft. Please send me a letter. Please send me a letter. Op zijn minst wil ik alledaagse gesprekken kunnen voeren. At the very least, I'd like to be able to have everyday conversations. At the very least, I want to be able to have everyday conversations. Onze kinderen houden van honden, maar ik verkies katten. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids love dogs, but I prefer cats. Ik weet dat je een leerkracht bent. I know that you are a teacher. I know you're a teacher. Ik had veel honger. I was very hungry. I was very hungry. De vergadering is geëindigd. The meeting ended. The meeting's over. Hij was zo boos dat zijn aderen opvielen. He was so angry that his veins stood out. He was so angry that his veins noticed. Ik heb jaren in Australië gewoond. I lived in Australia for years. I lived in Australia for years. Dat is een goed idee! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! Ze landden. They landed. They landed. Ze huilde tot ze geen tranen meer had. She cried until she ran out of tears. She cried until she ran out of tears. Het meer is berucht wegens de vervuiling. The lake is notorious for its contamination. The lake is notorious for pollution. ''Houd je van me?'' ''Ik weet het niet.'' "Do you love me?" "I don't know." "Do you love me?" "I don't know." We gaan ervandoor. We're going. Let's get out of here. Ik wil niet blijven. I don't want to stay. I don't want to stay. Geef de bloemen alstublieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Waar is het museum? Where is the museum? Where's the museum? Dat is een saai videospel. That's a boring video game. That's a boring video game. Waar werk je? Where do you work? Where do you work? De prijs is laag, maar de kwaliteit is niet heel goed. The price is low, but the quality isn't very good. The price is low, but the quality is not very good. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. Met mij gaat het goed en met jou? I'm fine, and you? I'm okay, and you're okay? Ik ben mijn inspiratie kwijt. I lost my inspiration. I've lost my inspiration. Hij houdt zoveel van u als ik. He loves you as much as I do. He loves you as much as I do. Ik neem Tom niet terug. I won't take Tom back. I'm not taking Tom back. Het leven is niet eerlijk. Life's not fair. Life isn't fair. Waarom willen jullie een paard? Why do you want a horse? Why do you want a horse? Hij zat daar met een pijp in zijn mond. He was sitting there with a pipe in his mouth. He was sitting there with a pipe in his mouth. Tom maakte een road trip met zijn vrienden. Tom went on a road trip with his friends. Tom made a road trip with his friends. De hond wil vlees. The dog wants meat. The dog wants meat. Mercurius is de planeet die het dichtst bij de zon staat. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Tom heeft waarschijnlijk gelijk. Tom is probably right. Tom's probably right. Dit is de fabriek waar Tom en Maria werken. This is the factory where Tom and Mary work. This is the factory where Tom and Maria work. Wij koken water. We are boiling water. We cook water. Het is voor iemand als ik een heel eigenaardige gewaarwording om in een dagboek te schrijven. Niet alleen dat ik nog nooit geschreven heb, maar het komt me zo voor, dat later noch ik, noch iemand anders in de ontboezemingen van een dertienjarig schoolmeisje belang zal stellen. For someone like me, it is a very strange habit to write in a diary. Not only that I have never written before, but it strikes me that later neither I, nor anyone else, will care for the musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. It is for someone like me a very peculiar sensation to write in a diary. Not only that I have never written, but it occurs to me so that later neither me nor anyone else will be interested in the creations of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Hij zei dat hij arm was. He said he was poor. He said he was poor. Een kat heeft negen levens. A cat has nine lives. A cat has nine lives. De oude man zit. The old man is sitting. The old man's sitting. Kopieer dit alstublieft. Copy this, please. Please copy this. Ik wilde gewoon niet gaan werken gisteren. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. I just didn't want to go to work yesterday. Hij werkt bij een bank. He works at a bank. He works at a bank. Ik weet niet of ik tijd heb. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I have time. Jij bent het. You are the one. It's you. Tom kan niet met zekerheid zeggen wanneer Maria zal aankomen. Tom can't say for sure when Mary will arrive. Tom can't say for sure when Maria will arrive. Hij is niet jong maar oud. He isn't young but old. He's not young, he's old. Brood en boter is mijn gewoon ontbijt. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my regular breakfast. Ik heb diezelfde fout ook gemaakt. I've made that same mistake myself. I made that same mistake, too. Breng ook wat tijd door met je kinderen. Spend some time with your kids, too. Spend some time with your kids, too. Je kan hier niet zwemmen. You can't swim here. You can't swim here. Sami probeerde zelfmoord te plegen. Sami attempted suicide. Sami tried to kill himself. Tom zegt dat hij nooit sushi heeft gegeten. Tom says he's never eaten sushi. Tom says he's never eaten sushi. Er zijn eilanden in de zee. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Het gras van je buurman is altijd groener dan het jouwe. The grass is always greener on the other side. Your neighbor's grass is always greener than yours. Ik hou van Natasha. I love Natasha. I love Natasha. Tom is trots op Mary. Tom is proud of Mary. Tom's proud of Mary. Het is nog niet voorbij. It's not over. It's not over. Ik wil je alleen maar laten weten, dat als ik vandaag sterf, dan zal ik je achtervolgen voor de rest van je leven. I just want to let you know that if I die today, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life. I just want you to know that if I die today, I will haunt you for the rest of your life. Onze buurman kwam net terug. Our neighbor has just come back. Our neighbor just came back. Hij is inspecteur. He is an inspector. He's an inspector. Hij aarzelde om deel te nemen aan de vergadering. He hesitated to take part in the reunion. He hesitated to take part in the meeting. Jouw vrouw leert me Italiaans. Your wife teaches me Italian. Your wife teaches me Italian. Jij bent een klein mens. You are a small person. You're a little person. We geloven in God. We believe in God. We believe in God. De bijeenkomst is bijna voorbij. The meeting is almost over. The meeting's almost over. Tom wilde Amerika bezoeken. Tom wanted to visit America. Tom wanted to visit America. Is het waar dat mannen een vettere huid hebben dan vrouwen? Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? Is it true that men have more oily skin than women? Dit altaar is gewijd aan Jupiter. This shrine is sacred to Jupiter. This altar is dedicated to Jupiter. Hij slaagde erin om daar op tijd te zijn. He managed to get there in time. He managed to get there on time. Vogels leggen eieren. Birds lay eggs. Birds lay eggs. Haal je spullen. Get your things. Get your stuff. Tom kan veel beter schaken dan ik. Tom is a much better chess player than me. Tom's a much better chess player than I am. Tom probeerde de deur open te doen, maar zij was op slot. Tom tried to open the door, but it was locked. Tom tried to open the door, but she was locked. Sami reciteerde de Koran. Sami was reciting the Quran. Sami recited the Koran. Houdt u zich daarbuiten! You keep out of this. Stay out there! Tom introduceerde zichzelf. Tom introduced himself. Tom introduced himself. Ze leven in voortdurende angst. They live in constant fear. They live in constant fear. Ik ken hem. I know him. I know him. Sami en Layla ontspanden zich. Sami and Layla were just chilling. Sami and Layla relaxed. Tom vindt wiskunde leuk. Tom likes math. Tom likes math. Ga je in de herfst China bezoeken? Are you going to pay a visit to China this fall? Are you going to visit China in the fall? Ik ben niet gewoon voor een publiek te spreken. I'm not accustomed to speaking in public. I'm not used to speaking for an audience. Ik wist niet dat ge zo goed kondt koken. I didn't know you could cook so well. I didn't know you could cook so well. Wat is jouw lievelingsmerk? What's your favorite brand? What's your favorite brand? Ze haatte hem. She hated him. She hated him. Deze tas is van mij. This bag is mine. This bag is mine. Sami belde zijn moeder. Sami called his mom. Sami called his mother. Zijn jullie bang voor mij? Are you scared of me? Are you afraid of me? De bloem is mooi. The flower is beautiful. The flower is beautiful. Vind je Boston leuk? Do you like Boston? Do you like Boston? Tom heeft blond haar en groene ogen. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Tom has blonde hair and green eyes. Ik kan het je onmogelijk uitleggen. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't possibly explain it to you. Hij is een lopend woordenboek. He is called a walking dictionary. He's a walking dictionary. Iedereen weet dat Tom van Maria houdt. Everyone knows Tom likes Mary. Everyone knows Tom loves Maria. Ik kom heel goed overeen met mijn schoonmoeder. I'm getting along with my mother-in-law very well. I'm very close to my mother-in-law. Ik moet voorzichtig zijn. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Sami heeft nooit over de islam gesproken. Sami never spoke about Islam. Sami never talked about Islam. Er is een groot verschil tussen een taal goed kunnen spreken, en een taal vloeiend kunnen spreken. There is a big difference in being able to speak a language well, and being able to speak a language fluently. There is a great difference between being able to speak a language properly, and being able to speak a language fluently. De muziek is in balans met de structuur van de film. The music is in balance with the structure of the movie. The music is balanced with the structure of the film. Je bent gewoon een lafaard. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. De Amerikaanse film was een groot succes. That American movie was a great success. The American film was a great success. We hebben huiswerk. We have homework. We have homework. Ik ben altijd nog alleen. I am still alone. I'm always alone. Het is absurd het studentenleven te verliezen aan nietsdoen. It is absurd to idle away the student life. It is absurd to lose student life to doing nothing. Hij kraakte de walnoot met zijn tanden. He cracked the walnut with his teeth. He cracked the walnut with his teeth. Het land moet heel mooi zijn. The country must be very beautiful. The country must be very beautiful. Ik weet gewoon niet wat te doen. I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. Ik was zeer blij toen ik dat nieuws vernam. I was very happy when I heard that news. I was very happy when I heard that news. Ik hou van wiskunde. I like maths. I like math. Wetenschappers hebben water op Mars gevonden. Scientists have found water on Mars. Scientists have found water on Mars. We hebben echt honger. We really are hungry. We're really hungry. Een man is niet oud zolang hij kan werken. A man is not old as long as he can work. A man isn't old as long as he can work. Sami en Layla zijn moslims. Sami and Layla are Muslims. Sami and Layla are Muslims. Deze beroemde actrice was eveneens een mode-icoon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. This famous actress was also a fashion icon. Ik heb er een geschilderd. I painted one. I painted one. Ik wou alleen maar dat ik iets meer tijd had om dit hier af te maken. I only wish I had a little more time to finish this. I just wish I had a little more time to finish this here. U zult hard moeten werken, als u wilt slagen voor het examen. You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam. You'll have to work hard, if you want to pass the exam. Iedereen vraagt me hoe het is om kleurenblind te zijn. Everyone asks me what it's like to be colour-blind. Everybody's asking me what it's like to be color blind. Waar zijn je manieren? Where are your manners? Where are your manners? Wiens auto is dat? Whose car is that? Whose car is that? Ik kan niet zomaar hier blijven. I can't just stay here. I can't just stay here. Toms verwachtingen waren te hoog. Tom's expectations were too high. Tom's expectations were too high. Het betekende veel voor me. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. Ik heb een partner nodig. I need a partner. I need a partner. Doe het op de manier zoals hij je vertelt. Do it the way he tells you to. Do it the way he tells you. Ik zou me graag bij jullie groep aansluiten. I'd like to join your group. I'd like to join your group. Ga alsjeblieft door. Please go on. Please continue. Heb je mijn fototoestel gezien? Did you see my camera? Have you seen my camera? Kikkers eten vliegen. Frogs eat flies. Frogs eat flies. Dat zullen jullie zelf moeten doen. You'll have to do that yourselves. You'll have to do that yourself. Wat zijn jullie aan het koken? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Mijn broers zoon is mijn neefje. My brother's son is my nephew. My brother's son is my nephew. Misschien heb ik je hulp nodig. I might need your help. Maybe I need your help. Hij zit aan tafel. He's sitting at the table. He's at the table. Ze is werkelijk een heks! She is a true witch! She's a real witch! Dat doet de deur dicht! I am baffled. That closes the door! Ik zal overmorgen vertrekken. I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. I'll leave the day after tomorrow. Het huis waar ik woon is niet zo groot. The house I'm living in isn't very large. The house I live in isn't that big. De krant publiceerde een biografie over haar nieuwe redacteur. The paper published a profile of its new editor. The newspaper published a biography about her new editor. Kleine meisjes zingen vrolijk. Little girls sing merrily. Little girls sing cheerfully. Tom lijkt bijna op een meisje. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom almost looks like a girl. Tom maakt geregeld fouten. Tom frequently makes mistakes. Tom makes mistakes on a regular basis. Wilt u een hamburger? Do you want a hamburger? Would you like a hamburger? Dit is Toms mes. This is Tom's knife. This is Tom's knife. De roman kan je in vijf talen lezen. The novel can be read in five languages. The novel can be read in five languages. Eergisteren bracht hij een officieel bezoek aan de Franse president. He made an official visit to the French president the day before yesterday. The day before yesterday, he paid an official visit to the French President. Tom doet zijn sokken aan. Tom put on his socks. Tom puts on his socks. Mijn vader is zijn hele leven nooit ziek geweest. My father has never been sick in his life. My dad's never been sick his whole life. Zij deden hun sokken uit. They took their socks off. They took off their socks. Maria heeft toegegeven dat ze een prostituee was. Marie admitted that she was a prostitute. Maria admitted she was a prostitute. Ik heb voor Kerstmis een E-Book-Reader gekregen. I received an e-book Reader for Christmas. I got an E-Book Reader for Christmas. Veel Amerikanen gaven Spanje de schuld. Many Americans blamed Spain. Many Americans blamed Spain. Ik weet dat Tom kleurenblind is. I know that Tom is colorblind. I know Tom's color blind. Leg dat boek boven op de andere. Put this book on top of the others. Put that book on top of the other one. Een student zegt dat de zuivering in China nog niet voorbij is en dat het schrikbewind overheerst. One student says the purge is still going on in China and terror is widespread. A student says that the purification in China is not over and that the reign of terror prevails. Dat was onvermijdelijk. That was inevitable. That was inevitable. Ik kom uit Frankrijk, en jij? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, and you? Ik ben er niet. I'm not in. I'm not here. Tom zijn man is biseksueel. Tom's husband is bisexual. Tom's husband is bisexual. Je bent twee keer zo sterk als ik. You are twice as strong as I. You're twice as strong as I am. Waarom raakte hij betrokken? Why did he get involved? Why did he get involved? Hij bleef in het hotel. He stayed at the hotel. He stayed at the hotel. Kan ik alsjeblieft je mobiel lenen? Can I borrow your cellphone, please? Can I borrow your phone, please? Ik was me er niet van bewust dat Tom dat nog niet had gedaan. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't yet done that. I wasn't aware that Tom hadn't done that yet. Dat gaat jou totaal niets aan. This does not concern you at all. That's none of your business. Ik wil hierover niet discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't want to discuss this. Dat ziet er helemaal niet goed uit. It doesn't look good at all. That doesn't look good at all. Tom was Mary aan het neuken terwijl hij deze zin vertaalde op zijn Android. Tom was fucking Mary while translating this sentence on his Android device. Tom was fucking Mary while translating this sentence on his Android. Tom heeft de hele nacht geen woord gezegd. Tom didn't speak a word all night long. Tom hasn't said a word all night. Alle jongens spelen graag honkbal. All boys like to play baseball. All boys like to play baseball. Als je opschiet kan je de trein nog halen. Hurry up and you can still catch your train. If you hurry, you can catch the train. Ik wil geen geslurp horen. I don't want to hear any slurping. I don't want to hear any slurping. U weet toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? Ik was de borden met de hand. I do the dishes with my hands. I wash the plates by hand. Als we hier blijven, zijn we misschien veilig. If we stay here, we might be safe. If we stay here, we might be safe. Hoe zeg je ''Ik hou van je'' in het Frans? How do you say "I love you" in French? How do you say "I love you" in French? Tom kon Mary's adres niet herinneren. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Tom couldn't remember Mary's address. Hij spreekt Esperanto met een licht Frans accent. He speaks Esperanto with a slight French accent. He speaks Esperanto with a slight French accent. Ik wist dat Tom Maria niet zou helpen. I knew that Tom wouldn't help Mary. I knew Tom wouldn't help Maria. Flikker. Faggot. Faggot. Waar is de afstandsbediening voor de tv? Where's the remote control for the TV? Where's the remote for the TV? Deze doos is niet zo groot als die. This box is not as big as that one. This box isn't as big as that. Ze heeft groene ogen en blond haar. She has green eyes and blonde hair. She's got green eyes and blond hair. Ik heb deze week al geslapen. I've already slept this week. I've already slept this week. Tom spreekt een beetje Frans. Tom can speak a little French. Tom speaks a little French. Ze heeft een kip gekocht. She bought a chicken. She bought a chicken. Het was een koude zomer dit jaar. It was cold in the summer of this year. It was a cold summer this year. Je was mijn vriend. You were my friend. You were my friend. Waarom is het op slot? Why is it locked? Why is it locked? Waar is de schaar? Where are the scissors? Where's the scissors? Zij verkoopt fruit. She sells fruits. She sells fruit. We hebben extra tandenborstels. We have extra toothbrushes. We have extra toothbrushes. 's Zomers ga ik elke dag naar het zwembad. In the summer I go to the pool every day. In summer, I go to the pool every day. Is Tom zenuwachtig? Is Tom nervous? Is Tom nervous? Esther is een Holocaust-overlever. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Esther is a Holocaust survivor. Ik onderwijs. I teach. I teach. Tom moet heel moe zijn. Tom must be very tired. Tom must be very tired. Ik heb iets dat van jou is. Waarom kom je niet hierheen om het terug te krijgen? I've got something of yours. Why don't you come here to get it back? Why don't you come over here and get it back? De gebouwen zijn klein vergeleken met de wolkenkrabbers in New York. The buildings are small in comparison with the skyscrapers in New York. The buildings are small compared to the skyscrapers in New York. Ik woon in Australië. I'm living in Australia. I live in Australia. Mag ik alstublieft een glas water? Please give me a glass of water. Can I have a glass of water, please? Mijn broer is naar tv aan het kijken. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. Je kunt zelfs president zijn. You can even be a president! You can even be president. Zelfs het geringste dingetje irriteerde hem. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the slightest thing irritated him. Hij vertelde me dat hij naar Venetië zou gaan. He told me he would go to Venice. He told me he was going to Venice. Je was in gevaar. You were in danger. You were in danger. Bestaan spoken echt? Do ghosts really exist? Do ghosts really exist? Blijf rustig. Keep calm. Stay calm. Ik zag een mooi meisje met zwart haar in het park. There was a pretty girl with black hair in the park. I saw a pretty girl with black hair in the park. Ik ben gek op hem! I'm crazy about him! I love him! Nadat hij ditmaal twintig seconden lang naar een Arabisch liedje had geluisterd - want als hij tien seconden lang had geluisterd, zou dit een dubbele zin zijn - hoorde Dima eindelijk een bekende stem zeggen: "As-salamoe aleikoem!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he had listened for ten seconds, this would be a double sentence - Dima finally heard a well-known voice say, "As-salamoe aleikoem!" Heeft zij een hond? Nee. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Ik ben nu helemaal alleen. I'm all alone now. I'm all alone now. Ze kan drie talen spreken. She can speak three languages. She can speak three languages. Wilde je me over vrijheid vertellen? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Were you going to tell me about freedom? Ik heb iets gevonden. I've found something. I found something. Hij gaat mijn huis binnen. He enters my house. He's going into my house. Buitenlanders intrigeren me. Foreign people intrigue me. Foreigners intrigue me. Pasta koken is makkelijk. Cooking pasta is easy. Cooking Pasta is easy. Een dief heeft ingebroken en is aan de haal gegaan met al mijn juwelen. A thief broke in and made off with all my jewelry. A thief broke in and went after me with all my jewels. Het pad van de deugd is erg smal, en de weg van de ondeugd breed en ruim. The path of virtue is very narrow and the path of vice is very wide and spacious. The path of virtue is very narrow, and the road of vice wide and spacious. Tom en Maria zullen zichzelf pijn doen als ze niet wat voorzichtiger zijn. Tom and Mary are going to hurt themselves if they're not a little more careful. Tom and Maria will hurt themselves if they don't be more careful. De schaakstukken zijn: pion, paard, loper, toren, koningin en koning. The chess pieces are pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king. The chess pieces are: pawn, horse, runner, tower, queen and king. Heb je hier familieleden? Do you have relatives here? Do you have any relatives here? Hou het geheim. Keep it a secret. Keep it a secret. Komt u van een andere planeet? Do you come from another planet? Are you from another planet? De syntaxis van Python scripts is erg eenvoudig. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. The syntax of Python scripts is very simple. Bezoek ons. Visit us. Visit us. Is er iemand in de kamer ernaast? Is there someone in the next room? Is there anyone in the next room? U lijkt nerveus. You look nervous. You seem nervous. Waar is de ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Where's the ketchup? Tom was snel. Tom was quick. Tom was fast. Zodra ik je zag, wist ik dat je ellende zou brengen. I knew you were trouble the minute I saw you. As soon as I saw you, I knew you'd bring trouble. Deze vulkaan is al honderden jaren inactief. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. This volcano has been inactive for hundreds of years. Ik heb drie jaar in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Ik heb jullie nodig. I need you. I need you. Koop twee eierdozen. Buy two egg boxes. Buy two egg boxes. Heeft u niet-alcoholische dranken? Do you have any soft drinks? Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks? We maken allen fouten. All of us make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Vraag maar aan Tom. Go ahead and ask Tom. Ask Tom. Tom en Maria hielden zich stil. Tom and Mary kept quiet. Tom and Maria kept quiet. Ik heb nooit gedacht dat dit kon gebeuren. I never thought that this could happen. I never thought this could happen. Etnische minderheden kampen met vooroordelen, armoede en onderdrukking. Ethnic minorities struggle against prejudice, poverty, and oppression. Ethnic minorities face prejudices, poverty and oppression. New Delhi is de hoofdstad van India. New Delhi is the capital of India. New Delhi is the capital of India. Je kunt vandaag vrij nemen. You can take today off. You can take the day off. Tom stoort het niet Maria af en toe te helpen. Tom doesn't mind helping Mary occasionally. Tom doesn't mind helping Maria every once in a while. Hij is de vader van drie kinderen. He is the father of three children. He's the father of three children. Hij houdt van eten. He has a good appetite. He likes food. Dat is te duur! It's too expensive! That's too expensive! Waarom zou u ons willen helpen? Why would you want to help us? Why would you want to help us? Waarom willen sommige mensen geen kinderen? Why do some people not want children? Why don't some people want kids? Ze kookte de eieren. She boiled the eggs. She cooked the eggs. Ik ben een beginner. I'm a beginner. I'm a beginner. Zijn stem is iel, hoewel hijzelf dik is. His voice is thin even though he is fat. His voice is iel, though he himself is fat. Ik maak me zorgen over mijn gewicht. I'm worried about my weight. I'm worried about my weight. Het vuur verwoestte drie huizen. The fire destroyed three houses. The fire destroyed three houses. Je moet geen mensen discrimineren op basis van hun gender. You should not discriminate against people based on their gender. You shouldn't discriminate against people on the basis of their gender. Zij heeft weinig vrienden. She doesn't have many friends. She doesn't have many friends. De financiële vooruitzichten zijn geweldig. The financial prospects are excellent. The financial perspectives are great. Vlees, alsjeblieft. Meat, please. Meat, please. Heb je mijn tandenborstel gebruikt? Did you use my toothbrush? Did you use my toothbrush? Ik zal u helpen. I will help you. I'll help you. Hij was gemarteld en vermoord. He was tortured and murdered. He was tortured and murdered. Wil je iets fris? Would you like a soda? Would you like a soda? Ik word niet wakker zelfs al gaat het alarm af. I won't wake up even if the alarm rings. I won't wake up even if the alarm goes off. Het ganse gezin lag ziek in bed. The whole family was sick in bed. The whole family was sick in bed. Mijn grootmoeder houdt van tv kijken. My grandmother loves watching TV. My grandmother likes to watch TV. Hij hunkert altijd naar ruzie. He is always spoiling for a fight. He always craves a fight. Begrijpen jullie Latijn? Do you understand Latin? Do you understand Latin? Is dat niet komisch? Isn't that funny? Isn't that funny? Ik zou een eeuwigheid bezig zijn om alles uit te leggen. It would take forever for me to explain everything. I'd spend the rest of my life explaining everything. Ik heb een auto nodig. I need a car. I need a car. Ik vraag me af waarom. I wonder why that is. I wonder why. Geef me je geld, of anders sla ik je in elkaar. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money, or I'll kick your ass. Tjonge! Boy! Boy! De band is lek. The tire leaks air. The tire's flat. Ik ben daar. I am there. I'm over there. Het was heel raar. It was very weird. It was really weird. Tom en ik woonden in 2013 in Boston. Tom and I were living in Boston in 2013. Tom and I lived in Boston in 2013. Vertrouw op mij. Trust me! Trust me. Romeinen droegen toga's. Romans wore togas. Romans wore togas. Ik wil dat je op me wacht totdat ik klaar ben met mijn werk om zeven uur. I want you to wait for me until I get through with work at 7. I want you to wait for me until I'm done with my work at 7:00. Hij is een zeer goede tennisser. He is a very good tennis player. He's a very good tennis player. Laten we er een proberen. Let's try one. Let's try one. Volgens mij is Japan een zeer veilig land. I think that Japan is a very safe country. I think Japan is a very safe country. Ik kom uit de toekomst. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Sami heeft veel kamelen. Sami has many camels. Sami has a lot of camels. Het gaat allemaal om geld. It's all about money. It's all about money. Hij werd beroemd dankzij zijn moeder. He became famous thanks to his mother. He became famous thanks to his mother. Je bent net als je vader. You are just like your father. You're just like your father. Ze droeg een dikke mantel tegen de kou. She was wearing a thick coat against the chill. She was wearing a thick coat against the cold. Wil je dat ik wegga? Do you want me to leave? You want me to leave? Het is zo duidelijk dat het een leugen is! It's so obvious that it's a lie! It's so obvious it's a lie! Water bevriest bij 0 graden Celcius. Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celcius. Kan ik u komende maandag zien? Will I be able to see you next Monday? Can I see you next Monday? Tom is weg, maar Maria is hier. Tom is out, but Mary is here. Tom's gone, but Maria's here. Ik ben allergisch voor stof. I'm allergic to dust. I'm allergic to dust. Lachen je broers en zussen graag? Do your brothers and sisters like to laugh? Do your siblings like to laugh? Tom pakt zijn koffers. Tom's packing. Tom's packing his bags. Is het niet vanzelfsprekend? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it obvious? Meestal zweet ik niet zo. I don't usually sweat like this. I don't usually sweat like that. Tom is nog steeds in het ziekenhuis. Tom is still hospitalized. Tom's still in the hospital. Veel mensen zijn hypocriet. A lot of people are hypocritical. A lot of people are hypocrites. Ze schrijft constant brieven. She is constantly writing letters. She writes letters all the time. Tom ziet er ongemakkelijk uit. Everyone looks uncomfortable. Tom looks uncomfortable. Hij is een boer. He is a farmer. He's a farmer. Waarom kom je niet naar mij thuis in de nabije toekomst? Why don't you come to my house in the near future? Why don't you come home to me in the near future? Waar hou je van? What do you like? What do you like? Een krokodil heeft zijn been afgebeten. A crocodile bit off his leg. A crocodile bit his leg off. Ze hebben mijn idee gestolen. They stole my idea. They stole my idea. De inheemsen zagen toen voor de eerste keer een vliegtuig. The natives saw an airplane then for the first time. The natives then saw a plane for the first time. Jij bent. It's your turn. You're up. We zijn geneigd televisie te kijken ongeacht het programma dat bezig is. We are apt to watch television, irrespective of what program is on. We tend to watch television regardless of the program that's going on. De Europese Unie heeft 23 officiële talen die in theorie gelijke rechten hebben, maar in de praktijk slechts 3 werktalen: Engels, Frans en Duits. The European Union has 23 official languages, theoretically with the same rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. The European Union has 23 official languages which in theory have equal rights, but in practice only 3 working languages: English, French and German. Het is een pop. It's a doll. It's a doll. Een waterval van zweet stroomde naar beneden over mijn gezicht. A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. A waterfall of sweat flowed down my face. Zij sloeg een bladzij om van haar boek. She turned a page of her book. She turned a page over from her book. Zo iets doen, zou onproductief zijn. It would be counter-productive to do such a thing. Doing something like that would be unproductive. Maria heeft hoop. Mary has hope. Maria has hope. Ik wou niet meer tijd besteden aan het discussiëren met Tom. I didn't want to spend any more time arguing with Tom. I didn't want to spend more time arguing with Tom. Praten jullie tegen jullie hond? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Ik leer Chinees. I am learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. Ik heb betaald. I paid. I paid for it. Uiteindelijk bereikten we de top van de berg. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. Eventually we reached the top of the mountain. Heeft hij er iets van gezegd? Did he say anything about it? Did he say anything about it? Welk land is dit? What country is this? What country is this? Wat moeten we doen? What do we need to do? What do we do? Ze respecteren hem. They respect him. They respect him. Medelijden lijkt op liefde. Pity is akin to love. Compassion is like love. Duitsland werd geëlimineerd door Zuid-Korea. Germany was eliminated by South Korea. Germany was eliminated by South Korea. Ik blijf bij je tot zondagochtend. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. I'll stay with you until Sunday morning. Ik kan je niet vertellen hoe het is gebeurd. I can't tell you how it happened. I can't tell you how it happened. Tom is jong. Tom is young. Tom's young. Nou, ik ben klaar. Okay, I'm ready. Well, I'm done. Volgens de langetijdsvoorspelling schijnt er een zachte winter aan te komen. According to the long-term forecast, a mild winter seems to be ahead. According to the long - term forecast, a mild winter seems to be coming. Koffers openmaken, alstublieft. Please open your suitcase. Open cases, please. Is jouw hond gemeen? Is your dog mean? Is your dog mean? Laten we voortaan in de ochtend studeren. From now on, let's study in the morning. Let's study in the morning from now on. Sami at wat kip en patat. Sami ate some chicken and French fries. Sami ate some chicken and fries. Glimlachend begroette ze de heer Kato. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. Smiling, she greeted Mr. Kato. Op school ontmoette Sami een moslimjongen. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. Tom is een zwakkeling. Tom is a wimp. Tom's a weakling. Help me even met de koffers. Give me a hand with the suitcases. Give me a hand with the bags. Hoe was het? How was it? How was it? Jij glimlacht niet dikwijls. You don't smile very often. You don't smile often. De bandrecorder is een handig hulpmiddel in het onderwijs. The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. The tape recorder is a useful tool in education. We denken dat hij eerlijk is. We think that he's honest. We think he's being honest. Muriel is twintig jaar oud. Muriel is twenty years old. Muriel's 20 years old. Dat verergert alleen maar het probleem. That only makes the problem worse. That only worsens the problem. Tom vroeg Mary om hem ervoor te laten zorgen. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom asked Mary to let him take care of it. Tom heeft drie honden. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Het is altijd een genoegen om mee te doen aan een Esperantocongres. It's always a pleasure to participate in an Esperanto Congress. It's always a pleasure to participate in an Esperanto convention. Wie heeft de Koran in het Hebreeuws vertaald? Who translated the Quran into Hebrew? Who translated the Koran into Hebrew? Ik let op de kinderen terwijl jij naar de winkel gaat. I'll look after the children while you go shopping. I'll watch the kids while you go to the store. Ik zal hem er morgen over vragen. I will ask him about it tomorrow. I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Het was afgelopen week. It was last week. It was last week. De oude man zag er wijs uit. The old man looked wise. The old man looked wise. Kijk naar die ridder op het paard. Look at that knight on the horse. Look at that knight on the horse. Hou de tassen in de gaten. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on the bags. Waar jullie ook naartoe gaan, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. Wherever you're going, don't forget to write to me. Ze stonden met stomheid geslagen. They were left speechless. They were beaten with stupidity. Tom had een glimlach op zijn gezicht. Tom had a smile on his face. Tom had a smile on his face. Tom heeft nooit iemand nodig gehad. Tom has never needed anybody. Tom never needed anyone. Yann at brood. Yann ate bread. Yann ate bread.