"أنا أتدوّر جوعا." "هناك بعض بقايا الأكر في الثلاجة." "I'm starving." "There are some leftovers in the fridge." "I'm detached." "There's some of the greenest in the triangle." Hjälpte Tom dig verkligen? Did Tom really help you? Did Tom really help you? Yeḥka-yi-d yiwet n teqsiṭ ur tettamneḍ maḍi. He told me a story that you can never believe. He told me one thing, and you didn't recognize me. Näytät nuorelta. You look young. You look young. Oloni on onnellinen. I feel happy. I'm happy. Milo' tokou mokiuhup mantad dika. We can use your help. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Yo ne es un bebé. I'm not a baby. I'm not a baby. Tom hade en benägenhet att titta bort när han blev tilltalad. Tom had a propensity for looking the other way when spoken to. Tom had a tendency to look away when he was betrayed. Niet schieten voor ik het zeg. Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot before I say it. Кто-то прислал нам подарок. Somebody sent us a gift. Someone sent us a gift. Há quanto tempo você é dono deste carro? How long have you owned this car? How long have you been the owner of this car? Eu já dei a metade a você. I already gave you half. I already gave half to you. Odločil sem se dodati triletni plan za zaščito mojega novo-kupljenega didgeridooja. I declined to add a three-year protection plan to my newly purchased didgeridoo. I decided to add a three-year plan to protect my newly purchased Didgeridoo. Nienawidzę walki. I hate fighting. I hate war. तुम्ही काल रात्री कुठे होता? Where were you last night? Where were you at night? ko'a tolmencre je nalstace He's stupid and dishonest. Your score has made the top ten.game speed Maka kēia hua. This egg is fresh. Do not give up. 你每天也在家聽收音機嗎? Do you listen to the radio at home every day? Are you listening to the radio at home every day? O açougue vende vários cortes de carne. The butcher shop sells assorted cuts of meat. The sugar sells several meat cuts. Li vaig dir que podia marxar. I said he might go. I told him I could leave. തീര്‍ച്ചയായും അത് അവൾ തന്നെ ആണ്. Of course it's her. Of course it's her. ആർക്കും ഗുഹ കണ്ടെത്താനായില്ല. No one could find the cave. No one could find Guha. Érzem, hogy számomra te vagy az igazi. I can sense you're the one for me. I feel like you're the real one for me. Ни Том, ни Мэри мне не написали. Neither Tom nor Mary has written to me. Neither Tom nor Mary wrote me. 丹想让你知道他不恨你。 Dan wanted you to know that he didn't hate you. Dan wants you to know he doesn't hate you. 我会尽可能帮你的。 I will help you as far as I can. I'll help you as much as possible. Stworzyli rząd. They created a government. They created a government. Jesu li oni prijatelji? Are they friends? Are they friends? Fáradt vagyok. I'm tired. I'm lost. Aṭas i yettxemmim Tom ɣef Mary. Tom thought about Mary a lot. Tom thought a lot about Mary. Aprendemos a voar como pássaros e a nadar como peixes, mas esquecemos como viver como humanos. We learned to fly like birds and swim like fishes, but we forgot how to live like humans. We learn to fly like birds and swim like fish, but we forget how to live as humans. أرسل سامي رسالة هاتفيّة أخرى لليلى. Sami texted Layla again. Sammy sent another phone message to Ellie. Jutros sam išao u crkvu. I went to church this morning. I went to church this morning. Dovremmo chiederlo a loro. We should ask them. We should ask them. Täällä me nousimme Alaskaan lähtevään laivaan. Here we took the boat for Alaska. This is where we grew up on a ship going to Alaska. 我認為明天不會下雨。 I think it won't rain tomorrow. I don't think tomorrow will rain. Možda će mi trebati pomoć. I might need some help. Maybe I'll need some help. היא נתנה בי מבט מלא משמעות. She gave me a meaningful look. She gave me a lot of meaning. Яка чудова машина! What a wonderful machine! What a wonderful car! Yaşamak için yeterinden fazlasına sahibim. I have more than enough to live on. I have more than enough to live. אם תפני שמאלה, תראי בית קפה. Turn left and you will find the cafe. If you go to the left, look at the coffee house. Mỗi sinh viên sẽ có một người hướng dẫn. Each student has an adviser. Each student will have a guide. Voi veni la tine. I'll come to your place. I'll come to you. Noget salt vil få det til at smage bedre. Some salt will make it taste better. Some salt will make it taste better. गुहार ! Help! Guhar! Eu acho que sei o que Tom estava fazendo. I think I know what Tom is doing. I think I know what Tom was doing. Isst du Fleisch, oder bist du Vegetarier? Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? Are you meat, or are you a vegetarian? 我不够钱去旅行。 I am short of money for my trip. I don't have enough money to travel. Ми питаємо себе чому. We wonder why. We're asking ourselves why. Nagyon fontos, hogy alaposan kezet moss miután kicserélted a baba pelenkáját. It is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing a baby's diaper. It's very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after you cut off the baby's play. Tom otti hatun päästään ja kumarsi. Tom took off his hat and bowed. Tom took the gun and saved your ass. Niderland balaca ölkədir. The Netherlands is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Kéž by se lidé přestali nenávidět. I wish that people stopped hating each other. I wish people had stopped hating each other. Місяць освітлював кімнату. The moon lit the room. The moon lighted the room. Tager du ofte til Boston? Do you go to Boston often? Are you going to Boston often? Բոլորը աղոթեցին: Everyone prayed. They all prayed. Se on tuskin totta. It's unlikely to be true. I'm sure it's true. Îmi place să citesc cărți. I love to read books. I like to read your books. Håll utkik efter en skallig och svettig kille. Look for a bald and sweaty guy. Keep an eye on a smart and smart guy. Ich habe es satt, darauf zu warten, dass etwas passiert. I'm tired of waiting for things to happen. I've got a set to wait for something to happen. Hij heeft veel geschiedenisboeken. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Toms nav tāds kā citi puiši. Tom isn't like other boys. It's not like other girls. Gli uccelli sono a sangue caldo. Birds are hot blooded. The birds are in hot blood. To biznes. It's business. It's business. Este hombre es mercader. This man is a merchant. This man is a merchant. Muitas pessoas me perguntaram se eu acho que Boston é uma cidade segura. Many people have asked me if I think Boston is a safe city. Many people asked me if I thought Boston was a safe city. Утре ще ставам рано. I will get up early tomorrow. I'll be up early tomorrow. Ποιανού είν' αυτός ο υπολογιστής; Whose computer is this? Who's this computer? Κοιτάξτε τι έκανα! See what I did! Look what I did! Ce n'est pas mon jour. It is not my day. It's not my day. Tom se omluvil za neurvalé chování svého syna. Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior. Tom apologized for his son's rude behavior. הקהל רחש בהתרגשות. The audience buzzed with excitement. The crowd was excited. Зайздрасць і гонар ходзяць поруч. Envy is the companion of honour. Frustration and pride go after. Cha do dh'fhàg Tàmas Astràilia. Tom hasn't left Australia. Tamas did not leave Australia. আমি তার ফোন নাম্বারটা ভুলে গেছি। I forgot his phone number. I forgot his phone number. Ni saa tisa. It's three o'clock. Not now. Nkómbó na yó náni? What is your name? Where did he come from? अफवाह पूरे देश में फैल गयी। The rumor spread throughout the country. Ophrah spread abroad throughout the land. Mi fa piacere sentire che tua sorella è fuori pericolo dopo l'operazione. I'm glad to hear that your sister is out of danger after her operation. I'm glad to hear your sister's out of danger after the operation. Месяцавую санату напісаў Бетховен. Moonlight Sonata was composed by Beethoven. The month of Bethawn's writing. Hij ging door met zingen. He went on singing. He went through with songs. De her unge mennesker er Algeriets fremtid. These young people are the future of Algeria. These young people are Algeria's future. Was mögen Sie lieber, Tee oder Kaffee? Which do you like better, tea or coffee? What do you like about tea or coffee? Vous aimez ma fille ; mais êtes-vous sûr qu’elle vous aime ? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? You love my daughter, but are you sure she loves you? Hong Kong es cognoscite como le Perla de Asia. Hong Kong is referred to as the Pearl of Asia. Hong Kong is known as the Pearl of Asia. Ποια είναι η δασκάλα σου; Who's your teacher? Who's your box? Dochvam neH Dalo'nIS. That's all you need. I'm coming to H. Dalo'nIS. Hun taler arabisk. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Mé vengé ay hewnéxud peyhesyaya. I heard her voice in my sleep. I invited her in and gave her a glass of wine. Milo' tokou monguhup dika. We can get you help. Millo's been trying to figure it out. त्या कुत्र्याला सोडू नकोस. Don't let that dog go. Do not let that happen to you. N'em eus ket ezhomm seurt ebet. I don't need anything. I don't have any kind of need. Kas sulle meeldib see korter? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this card? Θα κάνουμε το ίδιο. We'll do the same. We'll do the same. Questa è un'ossessione? Is this an obsession? Is this an ossation? Je ne dispose pas de ces réponses. I don't have those answers. I don't have these answers. See ei ole koer. That isn't a dog. It's not a dog. Cik cik daudz tu gribi? How many do you want? How much do you want? Lo ingoi. Non lo mastichi. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Don't touch him. Aladdin vond een wonderlamp. Aladdin found a magic lamp. Aladdin found a miracle lamp. e'u mi te vecnu lo nanba Let me buy bread. I'll call you back. Ka slap. It is raining. It's dark. 那家店卖报纸和杂志。 That store sells newspapers and magazines. The store sells newspapers and magazines. Prašau? Pardon me? Excuse me? Mi ne plu havas monon. I've got no money left. I don't have any money anymore. Tom nem eszik annyit, mint Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Megkérdezzük egy utazási irodában. We will ask at a travel agency. We'll ask you in a travel office. მე შენ მიყვარხარ. I love you. I love you. Той отложи пътуването си до Окинава. He put off his trip to Okinawa. He left his trip to Okinawa. Trubus te des svato le Tomesa šoresa. You need to talk to Tom personally. Trubus gave you a good shot at Tomesa's shirt. この本は5歳の子でも読めるくらいやさしい。 This book is easy enough for a five-year-old child to read. This book is easy to read when you are five years old. Wat hij zegt heeft niets met dit probleem te maken. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. qaStaHvIS wa' Hogh rop. He has been sick for a week. As a matter of fact, it's a matter of fact, it's a matter of fact. Il faut que j'aille à la banque prendre encore plus d'argent. I must go to the bank to get more money. I need to go to the bank and get more money. Я дуже втомився. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Res yw dhyn diberth a-varr. We must leave early. This is a very serious matter. تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. Have a good night of waiting. Apa yang terjadi di sini? What happened here? What's going on here? त्यानेच माझी मदत केली. It's he who helped me. He helped me. Koska oli hieno päivä, menin kävelylle. It being a fine day, I went out for a walk. Because it was a good day, I went for a walk. L'orchestra cominciò a suonare. The orchestra began to play. The orchestra began to sound. מסעות תגלית הם הראשונים בהיסטוריה של מדע האוקיינוס. Voyages of exploration were the earliest in the history of studying the ocean. Discoveries are the first in the history of ocean science. Tom bile bana söylemedi. Tom didn't even tell me. Tom didn't even tell me. Die Rate der Waffenbesitzer in den U.S.A. ist die höchste der Welt. The U.S. gun ownership rate is the highest in the world. The U.S.A.'s gun owners' council is the highest in the world. Ɛerḍemt ad d-tawimt aqjun, amcic neɣ tayaziḍt. Try getting a dog, a cat or a chicken. For you bear with a man, if he brings you into bondage, if he devours you, if he takes you captive. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I'm translating the article. Το πραγματικό του όνομα είναι Τομ. His real name is Tom. His real name is Tom. Nem akarom eltakarítani a kutyaszart. I do not want to clean up dog poop. I don't want to hide the dog. Estas la unua fojo, ke mi mencias Marikan. This is the first time I've ever mentioned Marika. It's the first time I think of Marikan. Эрнере ҫичӗ кун. There are seven days in a week. Seven days. सारे पंछी उड़ नहीं सकते। Not all birds can fly. Not all can fly. "Estne verum quod dicent?" "Quod?" "Carnem hominis similem carni porci sapere." "Is it true what they say?" "What?" "That human flesh tastes like pork." "Is it true what they say?" "What?" "Man's flesh is like flesh, but you know." Éjszaka szeretem követni a hagyományt, hogy tegyek a tó mellett egy sétát. At nightfall I like following the tradition of taking a walk along the lakeside. I like to follow the tradition of making a walk by the table tonight. המדרגות הנעות הפסיקו לפתע לפעול. The escalator suddenly stopped. The levels of the obstacles have stopped surpriseing. Mi è davvero piaciuto parlare con lei. I really liked talking to her. I really like talking to you. そのショックのために彼女は口がきけなかった。 The shock robbed her of her speech. She couldn't speak for that shock. Někdy bohatí opovrhují chudými. Sometimes the rich hold the poor in contempt. Sometimes the rich are fed up with the poor. Semi dişini ýuwdy. Sami brushed his teeth. The seed that fell on the fine soil took root, sprouted, and grew into, let us say, a wheat stalk. Tom už v dobro nevěří. Tom does not believe in good anymore. He doesn't believe it anymore. ეს წიგნი არის ჩემი. This book is mine. This book is mine. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the warld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the most skiscraper in the world. Kijk naar het grote gebouw daar. Look at the large building over there. Look at the big building there. Böyle bir hakarete tahammül edemem. I cannot bear such an insult. I can't rely on such a case. Tajemnica pozostaje nierozwiązana. The mystery remains unsolved. The secret remains unsolved. Çıré feké to akerdeo? Why is your mouth open? Are you out of your fucking mind? Anna minulle voileipäsi. Give me your sandwich. Give me your hand. Dia bukan kakaknya, tetapi ibunya. She's not his sister, but his mother. He's not his sister, but his mother. Możliwe, że Tomowi nic nie jest. Tom might be all right. It's possible Tom's got nothing. Tisztán emlékszem. Ez hét vagy nyolc éve volt. Pontosan hol? Te is ott voltál? I still clearly remember. It was seven or eight years ago. Where exactly? Were you also there? I remember exactly, it was seven or eight years ago, exactly where were you? Il est une autorité en Chine. He is an authority on China. He's an authority in China. u'esai That is, like, so cool. free Largo é o portão e extenso é o caminho que leva à destruição. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. Largo is the port and extensive is the way that leads to destruction. 我成日都醒唔起佢個名。 Her name often escapes me. I woke him up every day. म नेपाली सिक्छु। I study Nepali. I'm Nepali Sichu. Ez számomra lehetetlen. It's impossible for me. That's impossible for me. 我吃惊了。 I was surprised. I'm surprised. L'ho già detto che non so la risposta. I've already said I don't know the answer. I already said I don't know the answer. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at French. Tom's good to speak French. ทอมใส่เกลือในกาแฟของเขาแทนที่จะเป็นน้ำตาล Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom's hot in his coffee instead of cold water. Jetzt bin ich auf alles eingestellt. Now I'm ready for anything. Now I'm focused on everything. Tomovi se zdálo o tom, jak vyhrál. Tom dreamed about winning. Tom thought about how he won. Tom je mogao da objasni to. Tom could explain that. Tom could have explained that. मी स्वतःशी बोलतेय का? Am I talking to myself? Do I speak to myself? Er ist ärgerlich, weil sie immer zu spät kommt. He is cross because she always comes late. He's worried because she's always late. Ja eller nei? Yes or no? Yes or no? Ez a város jólétét fogja fenyegetni. It will threaten the prosperity of the town. This will threaten the welfare of the city. איך בין נישט ציסמיניק. I am not cisgender. I don't think so. Er widersprach sich in seiner Aussage mehrfach selbst. He contradicted himself several times in his testimony. He challenged himself several times in his statement. Tom semmi mást nem eszik, csak fehér húst. Tom eats nothing but white meat. Tom doesn't eat anything else, just white meat. Jeg har ingen penge på mig. I have no money with me. I don't have any money on me. ٹام جانتا تھا کہ مریم نے جون کو دھمکی دی ہے۔ Tom knew Mary had threatened John. Tom knew that Mary had warned John. Maan ku ndo nunu komilaan ku. I'll do everything I can. I’m waiting for you to join me. Ad twejḍeḍ ticki? Will you be ready soon? Would You Welcome a Visit? तुम्ही शहरात राहता का? Do you live in the city? Do you live in the city? Estou bastante confiante. I'm pretty confident. I'm pretty confident. តេមកធ្វើអី ខ្ញុំជិតចូលប្រគួតហើយណា ។ What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the match. What the hell am I going to do? Tom dün ne kadar geç saatlere kadar çalıştı? How late did Tom work yesterday? How late did Tom work yesterday? lo xanto cu se ke clani nazbi An elephant has a long nose. The amount of money in your bank Skinuo se. He took off his clothes. He's gone. Dizze bloume is oraanje. This flower is orange. This flower is orange. Каква е връзката ти с него? What's your relation with him? What's your relationship with him? Tom hat mich nicht gesehen. Tom didn't see me. Tom didn't see me. Umuduga urihe? Where's the car? What kind of car is this? Su idea va más allá del alcance de mi entendimiento. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. His idea goes beyond the scope of my understanding. Он ничего не сказал. He didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. אתה לא מעוניין לדעת מי אני באמת? Don't you want to know who I really am? You're not interested in knowing who I really am? נפגשתי איתה לפני שבוע בדיוק. I saw her a week ago today. I met her just a week ago. तुम छुट्टियाँ कहाँ जा कर बिताना चाहते हो? Where do you want to go and spend your vacation? Where do you want to go when you're free? 嗯。。。老师说我们必须加入一个3-5人的小组,所以我们没办法开始工作 Well... the teacher said that we have to go into a group of 3-5 people, so this isn't going to work. Well... the teacher said we had to join a group of 3-5, so we couldn't start working. Ne trjebaš mojeje dowolnosće. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Io posso cucinare. I can cook. I can cook. Mary on hyvin otettu. Mary is very impressed. Mary's got a good job. Hotelreceptionisten var vrissen og overhovedet ikke venlig. The receptionist at the hotel was surly and not at all friendly. The hotel receptionist was the breeze and was not very friendly. Mi chiedo quale sia il vantaggio di questa tecnica. I wonder what the advantage of this technique is. I wonder what the advantage of this technique is. Mary ogoliła nogi. Mary shaved her legs. Mary washed her feet. Ddem kullec. Take everything. I'm driving a car. 請不要在圖書館的書籍上寫字。 Please do not write in this library book. Please do not write to the library. To jest projekt rządowy. This is a government project. It's a government project. Ich habe kein bisschen Erfahrung. I don't have any experience. I don't have any experience. رقصتي المفضلة هي التانجو. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite party is tango. ko carna fi lo pritu dargu Take the road on the right. Which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span. Sami verkade full. Sami appeared to be drunk. It seemed like it was full. Yefka-yas Tom aseṛfiq i Mary. Tom slapped Mary. And he gave her a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb. Бажаю тобі удачі. I wish you good luck. I want you to succeed. Res yw dhywgh redya an lyver ma. You must read this book. You must read this book. אחותי נאה. My sister is pretty. Oh, my sister. יש לו זכרון טבעי טוב. He has a naturally good memory. He's got a good natural memory. la tom ca ca'o jai fanza la maris Tom is annoying Mary. the dust that the sea looks like Grāmatas ir kā bites, kas nes putekšņus no viena prāta uz otru. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. The books are like bits that carry pieces from one piece to another. 她曾经夸口说一个月之内要减掉5公斤赘肉。 She once proudly stated that she was going to lose 5 kilos of fat in a single month. She once said that in one month she would reduce five pounds of fat. Det er fremragende. That's excellent. That's great. Tom fjernede tomatskiverne fra sin sandwich og smed dem hen til fuglene. Tom removed the tomato slices from his sandwich and threw them to the birds. Tom removed the tomatoes from his sandwich and sent them to the birds. അസംബന്ധം! Nonsense! By no means! Hij is gestorven aan kanker. He died of cancer. He died of cancer. Towarzyszami wojny są nieszczęście i smutek. The accompaniments of the war are misery and sorrow. War companions are unhappy and sad. Tom anlände trettio minuter sent. Tom arrived thirty minutes late. Tom's on his way to thirty minutes ago. Sami este întotdeauna personajul negativ în film. Sami is always the villain in the movie. Sami is always the negative character in the film. Alle vil treffe deg. Du er berømt! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everyone's gonna meet you, you're famous! 腹立ちまぎれに彼は言いたい放題のことを言って、帰って行った。 In a fit of anger he said everything he wanted to say and went home. When he was hungry, he said something he wanted to say and went back. Tom hat drei große Brüder. Tom has three older brothers. Tom has three big brothers. Tom manipuliert dich. Tom is manipulating you. Tom manipulates you. Bien, grasias. Fine, thanks. All right, thanks. Не знам да ли ћу имати времена. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I'm gonna have time. Andatevene tutti. Everybody leave. Let's all go. Згазнав нешто чудно. I stepped on something weird. I found something strange. 'S e Burj Khalifa an togalach as airde san t-saoghal. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest and tallest man in the world. Тече ти кръв. You're bleeding. It's your blood. Vous ressemblez exactement à ma sœur. You look just like my sister. You look exactly like my sister. Portalo agli uomini nella camera 318. Take it to the men in Room 318. Bring the men to the room 318. Tomi lähti telttailemaan. Tom has gone camping. Tom went to the bathroom. Por favor, escoja a una persona. Please choose one person. Please choose a person. Küldd be! Send her in. Shut up! Pur skwith ov vy. I am very tired. For swiths of you. 我寧願去游泳。 I'd rather go swimming. I'd like to go swimming. Jag måste lita på Tom. I have to trust Tom. I have to trust Tom. Ar šis žodis dažnai naudojamas? Is this word in common use? Is this word often used? Ens assegurarem que ningú s'estiga aprofitant del poble americà per al seu propi interès a curt termini. We're gonna make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain. We'll make sure no one's taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term interest. 我回到家的时候,Ken正在读书。 Ken was reading when I came home. When I got home, Ken was reading books. Wie bleef er? Who stayed? Who's there? Можеш ли да дойдеш в неделя вечерта? Can you come on Sunday evening? Can you come in on Sunday night? Dat Ies smeckt good. Wullt du würklich nix hebben? This is very good ice cream. Won't you have some? It smells good, don't you want anything? كان سامي غاضبا. Sami was furious. It was Sami's anger. Қош келдіңіздер! Welcome. Welcome back! Jis serga. He is sick. He's sick. Így akarod ezt hagyni? Do you want to leave it like that? That's how you want to stop this? Я не могу тебе заплатить. I can't pay you. I can't pay you. Ni ĉiuokaze devas veturi du fojojn. We have to go twice anyway. We have to drive twice each time. Io me lo ricordo davvero. I do remember it. I really remember. Jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg skal fortolke hans ord. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to explain his words. Я не зусім упэўненая, што гэта была добрая ідэя. I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I'm not quite sure it was a good idea. Хопіць. That's enough. Stop. मेरी बुआ-जी मेरे लिए फूल लाईं। My aunt brought me flowers. My boo-ji was full for me. Hogyan tudom megállítani Tomot? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? Σ' αρέσει να τρέχεις; Do you like to run? You like running? Diolch. Thanks. I'm sorry. Milo' oku tumilombus diti. I can live with it. It's a thousand miles away. W tej posiadłości robią świetny ocet. At this property, they make excellent vinegar. They're doing a great deal with this property. תום לא ידע שמרי אוהבת אותו. Tom didn't know that Mary loved him. Tom didn't know I loved him. Medicus Iacobo placet. Jim likes the doctor. Dr. Jacobo's place. أوفى فاضل بوعده. Fadil kept his word. He failed to keep his promise. Ĉu ili ne estas angloj? Are they not Englishmen? Aren't they English? Tu esas bona puerulo. You're a good boy. You're a good guy. Il faut que j'y retourne et que je vérifie. I've got to go back and check. I have to go back and check it out. Lach met hen. Laugh with them. Leave them alone. Kafe az po? Will you have some coffee? Is that coffee? تام گفت می‌خواهد تا قبل از پایان سال بوستون را ترک کند. Tom said that he wanted to leave Boston by the end of this year. Thomas said to him, "He who is called Didymus, who is from the beginning, says to the end, 'From the age of age I have been with him.' "Jangan berbicara seperti itu, wahai anakku," jawab si wanita. "Do not talk like that, dear child," replied the lady. "Don't talk like that, my children," the woman replied. Kāore i uaua. It wasn't difficult. No reason. Я знала, что мне надо было выходить замуж за него. I knew I should've married him. I knew I had to get married for him. Jag måste förnya mitt ID-kort. I need to renew my ID card. I need to update my ID card. Aperte tui bocca! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Kan jy my met hierdie help? Can you help me with this? Can you help me with this? Raedarii Itali insani sunt. Italian drivers are crazy. The Italian radars are insinuated. Она больше никогда не видела своего брата. She never saw her brother again. She never saw her brother again. S talwit i d-yekcem ddin-agi-nwen? Has your god come in peace? What shall ye have in peace? shall your conversation be at peace? Myrsky teki pahaa vahinkoa viljalle. The storm did great harm to the crop. Myrsky made bad fruit. Mi jam legis la hodiaŭan gazeton. I've already read today's paper. I've already read the newspaper today. आपण बॉस्टनला जात आहोत. We're going to Boston. We're going to Boston. Sana la inkeddeng ti agbalin a mannurat idi tallopulona. He did not decide to be a writer until he was thirty. He did not just choose to be a writer in his 30 ’ s. Јавнете ги своите коњи. Get on your horses. Publish your horses. Tomo estis arestita en la 20a de oktobro. Tom was arrested on October 20th. Tomo was arrested on October 20th. Tom nije prava osoba za posao. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not a real person at work. Heddreɣ tagrigit taqburt. I speak Ancient Greek. I speak from heaven, and on earth. I call to mind the baptism of Jesus Christ. Какви са плановете ти за Коледа? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your Christmas plans? Savořê bešle ane k than. Everybody stayed together. I'm afraid they're going to go to him. Turnul va cădea. The tower is going to collapse. The turn will fall. Ṭṣeɣ, i kennemti? I slept, and you? Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Я посмотрел. I looked. I've seen it. Куды вы хадзілі? Where did you go? Where did you go? Еске ту но сабе ки ме ес? Do you not know who I am? Do you remember what I did? Brisez le silence. Break the silence. Break the silence. Грешно си ја проценил. You're wrong about her. You misjudged her. Jag åker till Boston nästa månad. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Han tok med seg lillesøsteren sin. He took his sister along. He took his little sister with him. Yth esa tri mab dhodho. He had three sons. That's the three of you. Hann langar að hitta þig. He wants to meet you. He wants to see you. Tom hat einen Mahagonischreibtisch. Tom has a mahogany desk. Tom's got a mahogany paper. లలిత పెళ్ళికి పిలిచింది. Lalita called us to the wedding. Lalette was invited to the wedding. Ispostavilo se da je cijena niža nego što sam mislio. The price turned out to be lower than I thought. It turned out the price was lower than I thought. J'ai échoué. I failed. I forgot. We weten wat we willen. We know what we want. We know what we want. Еске ла мусика пласе вос? Do you like music? Is the la la music afraid of you? सामीला लैलाचा यूट्यूब चॅनल सापडला. Sami found Layla's YouTube channel. Samila found a Yutub channel in Lala. Ni helpas ŝin. We help her. We'll help her. Miért kell, hogy mindig ellentmondj nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you always have to resist me? NAF ! Lol! NAF! Hvorfor falder du ikke bare død om? Why don't you just drop dead? Why don't you just die? هل تتذكر؟ Do you remember? Do you remember? A bala disparada por Fadil perfurou a sobrancelha direita de Layla. Fadil shot Layla through the right eyebrow. The bullet shot by Fadil broke the right shoulder of Layla. Tom süpermarkete geri döndü. Tom went back to the supermarket. Tom's back in the supermarket. Milyen gyors! How fast! How fast! Gwnaeth hi ei gwisg Calan Gaeaf ei hun. Mary made her own Halloween costume. She made her own version of Calan Gaeaf. ზოგიერთი ადამიანი საერთოდ ვერ მღერის. Some people can't sing at all. Some people are unable to sing at all. ჩემი სახელია ჯეკი. My name is Jack. My name is Jackie. Ich hatte vor, sie anzurufen, aber ich habe es vergessen. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I had to call her, but I forgot it. أظنّ أنّك مخطئ. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. 尼日尔仍然有50万孩子面临着营养不良。 Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Niger still has 500,000 children facing malnutrition. तुम्ही खरेदी कुठे करता? Where do you shop? Where Do You Believe in the Truth? 危険な状態にあるとき、彼らは逃げます。 When they are in danger, they run away. When they're in danger, they're running. Tidak ada yang peduli terhadap masalah kita. Nobody cares about our problems. No one cares about our problems. Gostaria de uma garrafa de refrigerante. I'd like a bottle of soda. I'd like a refrigerator. Voglio giocare con la neve. I want to play with the snow. I want to play with the snow. Победив. I've won. I won. Isselqeḍ Tom itbiren. Tom fed the pigeons. You're driving Tom out. תום יודע כנראה את האמת. Tom seems to know the truth. Tom knows it's probably the truth. Li kunlaboros en tiu projekto. He will assist this project. He'll work on this project. Pidän kovin Suomesta, mutten voi sietää suomalaisia. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. I'm very fond of Finland, but I can't stand the Finnishs. O libro é de gran valor. The book is of great value. The book is of great value. Aku tidak tidur dengan nyenyak akhir-akhir ini. I haven't been sleeping very well. I haven't slept well lately. 我从没玩过高尔夫。 I never played golf. I've never played golf. Мы не можем ей сказать. We can't tell her. We can't tell her. Esattamente quando siete arrivate qui? When exactly did you get here? Exactly when you're here? 車?ああ・・・あのリムジンでしたら、私がチャーターした物ですわ。 Car? Ah, if you mean that limousine, - I chartered it. Well, if I'm the limgin, that's what I'm talking about. तुम हमेशा ज़्यादा सवाल पूछते हो। You always ask too many questions. You always ask more questions. Masz stronę internetową? Do you have a website? Do you have a website? Sen okamalymy? Do you have to read? Do you need to read it? Anay daw. Let me think for just a second. Let's go. Hol van a legközelebbi könyvtár? Where's the nearest library? Where's the next book? Onun adının çok ilginç bir anlamı var. His name has a very interesting meaning. His name has a very interesting meaning. Obulugu ilo pomogunan. The earth is round. Be supportive. En tarkoittanut herättää sinua. I didn't mean to wake you. I didn't mean to wake you up. Hvor mange gange skal jeg sige det til dig? How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do I have to tell you? Varför kommer hon inte? How is it she does not come? Why isn't she coming? Пол тільки що подзвонив. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. أنا توم هانتر. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hatter. Båten din er ikke stor. Your boat is not big. Your boat isn't big. la .tom. cu cliva ca lo ni'u so'o moi'o be lo cacra Tom left hours ago. At .tom. with a cliché like I don't know much about it. Ĉu vi havas senalkoholajn trinkaĵojn? Do you have any soft drinks? Do you have non-alcoholic drinks? Necesitas desayunar. You need to have breakfast. You need to dissipate. Pak den venligst ind i gavepapir. Please gift-wrap this. Please insert it in the gift paper. Ilu esos libera morge. He will be free tomorrow. They're free tomorrow. Børst dine tænder. Brush your teeth. First of all, your teeth. No encuentro a Tom, ¿ya se ha ido? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I don't see Tom. He's gone? Iri terefone ni iryande? Whose phone is this? Is this on the phone? (That pricee) he no sellum. He won't sell at that price. (That price) I don't sell. Estne hoc medicamentum mihi sumendum? Do I have to take this medicine? Am I supposed to take this medicine? Ich bi ledig. I am single. I'd be free. Tom är en låssmed. Tom is a locksmith. Tom's a locker. החייט ההוא משתמש תמיד בחומרים טובים. That tailor always uses very good material. It's always used in good ways. מתי הוא הגיס של ריטה. Matt is Rita's brother-in-law. When is Rita's gay? Skal vi gå og spise ramen sammen en gang? Should we go have ramen together again? Shall we go and eat the frame once? Apenas um pequeno menino sobreviveu ao acidente de trânsito. Only one little boy survived the traffic accident. Just a little boy survived the traffic accident. 我會帶我妹妹去派對。 I'll bring my sister to the party. I'll take my sister to the party. Unu glason da akvo, mi petas. A glass of water, please. A glass of water, please. अद्य नागच्छामि। I am not coming today. Good-bye. Նորից նայեք: Look again. Look again. Tom hemen dönüyor. Tom is coming right back. Tom's coming back. بۇ كىتاب تونىگە تەئەللۇق. This book belongs to Tony. This book is full of accounts. その島の住民に新しい法律が施行された。 The new law was enforced on the people of the island. A new law was introduced to the people of the island. Подивіться в кишенях. Check your pockets. Look in the kitchen. Băng qua đường ở đây rất nguy hiểm. It is dangerous to cross the street here. The way through here is dangerous. Moet nie aan die lekkergoed raak nie. Don't touch the candy. Do not fall into the trap of materialism. مەن ئۇنىڭدىن بىر نەچچە قېتىم سورىدىم، لېكىن ئۇ جاۋاب بەرمىدى، خالاس. I asked him several times, but he simply didn't reply. I asked him a few times, but he didn't answer. Jemand hat mein Auto geklaut. Somebody stole my car. Someone asked for my car. Stal se slavný. He became famous. He became famous. 谢谢侬拿搿个故事从头到底讲拨阿拉听。 Tell us the story from beginning to end. Thank you for taking the story from the top to the bottom of Ala's ear. Tom kaj Mary diris, ke ili volas foriri. Tom and Mary said they wanted to go. Tom and Mary said they wanted to leave. Він побачив її та зачервонівся. He saw her and blushed. He saw her and kissed her. Isto es intrigante. That is intriguing. That's interesting. Jag behöver en cigarett. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. Tom alacremente mangiava le malo que io le dava. Tom eagerly ate the apple I gave him. Tom almost ate the bad I gave him. Bha an taigh-òsta seo glè fhaisg air an loch. This hotel was very near the lake. This host was unable to access the lock. നിങ്ങളുടെ കൈയ്യിൽ ഒരു ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് നിഘണ്ടുവുണ്ടോ? Do you have an English dictionary? Do you have an English dictionary in your hand? Δεν είμαι προφήτης. I am not a prophet. I'm not a prophet. Žurnalistler bolup geçýän hadysalaryň has dogry tarapyny üpjün etmek maksady bilen informasiýa toplaýarlar. Journalists collect information with the goal of providing the most accurate version of events. Journalists collect information with the aim of promoting more accurate information. De man die we vanochtend zagen was meneer Green. The man we saw this morning was Mr. Green. The man we saw in the morning was Mr. Green. Няма да предам доверието Ви. I won't betray your trust. I'm not going to betray your trust. Aș vrea să nu fi spus ceea ce am zis. I wish I could take back what I said. I wouldn't have said what I said. "Zuhatitzek ez dute arimik" esan zuen Dianak. "Trees haven't souls," said practical Diana. "The birds don't have a soul," said Diana. Pimmusay ni Tom idi Oktubre 20, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Eksperyment potwierdził jego teorię. The experiment confirmed his theory. The experiment confirmed his theory. Chyba nigdy nie zdołasz go przekonać, że nie ma racji. It's unlikely that you'll ever be able to convince him that he's wrong. I guess you've never been able to convince him that there's no reason. Ayla-w yugar ayla-nkent. Mine's bigger than yours. It's a family-yuga-yuga-kanda. To była całkowicie moja wina. It was totally my fault. It was all my fault. Я памыліўся. I was wrong. I'm wrong. Pontosan hol laksz? Where exactly do you live? Where are you going? Näçenli çalt gepländigini eşitdiňmi? Have you heard how fast he talks? Did you hear what was said? Tom a été frappé par une crise cardiaque. Tom was struck down by a heart attack. Tom was hit by a heart attack. Da li se to dešava često? Does that happen a lot? Is that happening often? Ten płaszcz jest fajny, ale zbyt drogi. This coat is nice, but too expensive. It's fine, but it's too expensive. સાંભળ Listen. Listen Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. You can't reduce timeless thoughts. 你愛上了我嗎? You've fallen in love with me? Are you in love with me? ٹوموکو نے اپنی سہیلیوں کو اپنی پارٹی کی دعوت دی۔ Tomoko asked her friends to come to her party. Tomoko invited his colleagues to his party. 梅雨時は雨降りが多くて外出の計画が立てにくい。 It rains so often in the wet season that it's hard to plan outings. When rain falls, there's a lot of plans out there. Tom bere izebarekin bizi da. Tom lives with his aunt. Tom lives with his wife. Чому ви одні? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? ეს ახალი ერის დასაწყისია. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new nation. Paris-em senada? Have you ever been to Paris? Did you sit down with me? Lui è uno dei miei migliori amici. He is one of my best friends. He's one of my best friends. Ik maak me zorgen over mijn gewicht. I'm worried about my weight. I'm worried about my weight. Kom tillbaks in i skåpbilen. Get back in the van. Come back in the truck. Mówi, jakby już wcześniej czytał tę książkę. He speaks as if he had read the book before. He says he's been reading this book before. 这些照片总是让我想起昔日时光。 These pictures always remind me of the old days. These photos always remind me of the light of the past. Ama tu le nive? Do you like snow? But what about the level? Nie możemy pozwolić Tomowi umrzeć. We can't let Tom die. We can't let Tom die. Soy extremadamente alérgico a los cacahuetes. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. I'm extremely allergic to cacahuettes. Ispričaj nam priču o duhovima. Tell us a ghost story. Tell us about the ghosts. استعار سامي أقلام ليلى. Sami borrowed Layla's pencils. I'll talk to Sami at night. 不要以貌取人。 Don't judge a person by his appearance. Do not take people for granted. 他們有時幫我們。 They sometimes help us. They sometimes help us. Asa na Se wiwe. He looks like his father. Asa and his father. Til kande me mustas sejornar en la hospitalo? How much longer will I have to stay in the hospital? Where do you have to take me to the hospital? Mange tak for den fremragende kaffe. Thank you very much for the excellent coffee. Thank you very much for the excellent coffee. Nos sia amicos. Let's be friends. He's our friends. Вона у Тома. Tom has it. She's in Tom. Какъв е смисълът да се идва навреме, ако всички останали закъсняват? What's the point of showing up on time if everyone else shows up late? What does it mean to be on time if everyone else is late? أُغلق مطعم سامي. Sami's restaurant was shut down. I'm shutting down my own department. Não empurrem. Don't push. Don't push. Tomin auto takavarikoitiin. Tom's car was impounded. Tom's car in the back of the car. Biz seni duýdurdyk. We warned you. We warned you. Vad har jag missat? What have I missed? What have I missed? Slovakiyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? How far - reaching is the right of minimum employment in Slovakia? Tom Mary'yi eve geri getirdi. Tom took Mary back home. Tom brought Mary home. Тие седеа и молчеа. They sat in silence. They sat and kept quiet. הם נמצאים פה להגן עליך. They're here to protect you. They're here to protect you. - Ai încredere în mine, a spus el. "Trust me," he said. - You trust me, he said. Ma d isem-iw Yusef llan kra n Yirumyen sawalen-iyi-d Joseph. My name is Yousef but some foreigners call me Joseph. But when the chief butler came to Joseph, he was found by the Jews' side. Vandaag wordt ze tien. Today she turns ten years old. Today she'll be ten. Еден од моите другари студира во странство. One of my friends is studying abroad. One of my friends is studying abroad. Je te verrai dans quelques jours. I'll see you in a few days. I'll see you in a few days. Це було надзвичайно сюрреальне. It was incredibly surreal. That was amazing. "Ræk mig saltet, tak." "Værsgo!" "Pass me the salt, please." "Here you are." "Get me the salt, thank you." "Versgo!" Tom se trancou no quarto e não sai. Tom locked himself in his room and won't come out. Tom broke up in the room and didn't know. Ttxil-k, siwel-as i Tom ad d-ikcem. Please tell Tom to come in. Txil-k, and Tom and I. Manginahanglanon búlig hi Tom. Tom will need help. Tom needs help. انگلیسی به یک زبان بین المللی تبدیل شده است. English has become an international language. English has been changed into one language. W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej młodych ludzi rozmawia ze starszymi jak z równymi sobie. These days more and more young people talk to their elders on even terms. Today, more and more young people talk to older ones than they do to them. Cukkeɣ gziɣ. I think I understand. I'm on my way. Il ne esas mea reala patro. He's not my real father. He's not my real father. 我能跟護士長說話嗎? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the chief? Nous avons encore un vieux téléviseur à lampe. We still have an old tube television. We still have an old lamp TV. Diri ak dapat mauraura ka-urhi. I shouldn't be too late. I can't take care of you. Esce Kumi continua jua tenis? Is Kumi playing tennis? Does Kumi still have you? Sviđa mi se instrumentalna muzika. I like instrumental music. I like instrument music. 'IH bIQtIqvam. This river is beautiful. I don't know. Pse është ende në shkollë Tomi? Why is Tom still at school? Why is Tommy still in school? Вони усвідомили. They understood. They realized. "Благодаря." "Моля." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Malya." এখানেই থামুন। Stop right here. Stop right here. Jeg gav hende en lillebitte spilledåse. I gave her a tiny musical box. I gave her a little bit of play. מצאתי את מקום המחבוא של תום. I found Tom's secret hiding place. I found Tom's apartment. Շտապեք, խնդրեմ: Please hurry. Come on, please. Göngin hrundu vegna jarðskjálftans um daginn. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The rain fell because of the earth’s heat every day. Je houdt van appels. You like apples. You like apples. Ella es una mujer egoísta. She is a selfish woman. She's a selfish woman. У Тома вишуканий і розкішний будинок. Tom's house is quite posh. Tom's looking for a quiet house. Kdysi jsem tě nenáviděl. I used to hate you. I used to hate you. Не взимай прибързани решения. Don't make any quick decisions. Don't make hasty decisions. Hiti oku monongkiboros kokomoi do bisnis, okon ko songkiboroson. I came here to talk business, not to chit-chat. And now this is going to be a lot of business, and it's going to be a lot of money. Είναι δύο χρόνια μεγαλύτερός σου. He is two years older than you. It's two years older than you. 當我們在做愛的時候,她看起來很厭煩。 She looked bored while we were making love. When we're doing love, she looks sad. 我的公寓在四樓。 My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment is in the fourth floor. Ez a könyv tetszik nekem a legkevésbé. I like this book the least. I like this book at least. 我的祖父活到九十歲。 My grandfather lived to be 90 years old. My grandfather lived until he was nine. Tom, Mary'den sabırlı olmasını istedi. Tom asked Mary to be patient. Tom wanted Mary to be patient. Том слага твърде много захар в чая си. Tom puts too much sugar in his tea. Tom has too much sugar in his tea. Aika ei ole absoluuttinen todellisuus, vaan tietoisuutemme muoto. Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness. Time is not absolute reality, but the form of our knowledge. Chciałbym zjeść obiad. I would like to have dinner. I'd like to eat dinner. Nincs elég pénzem utazni. I don't have enough money to travel. I don't have enough money to travel. Hallottad, amit mondtam? Have you heard what I said? Did you hear what I said? Ggummaɣ ad imɣuṛeɣ. I don't want to grow up. I don't receive glory from men. Bhí mé sa Róimh. I have been to Rome. I was in Rome. 我呒没拜访伊,因为我感冒了。 I didn't call on him because I had a cold. I didn't have a visit because I was upset. Diğerleri açlık, soğuk ya da hastalıklardan ölürken bazıları askerler tarafından öldürüldüler. Some of them were murdered by soldiers, while others died of hunger, cold or diseases. When others died of hunger, cold, or disease, some were killed by soldiers. Δεν έχω πολύ όρεξη. I don't have much of an appetite. I don't have a lot of energy. बाग के सारे फूल पानी की कमी की वजह से मर गए। All the flowers in the garden died for lack of water. All the fruit of the garden died because of the lack of water. Ecce. Here it is. Come on. Tom kan lide at lege med ilden. Tom likes playing with fire. Tom likes to play with the fire. Jag skrev ingenting. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. 君の厚かましいのには呆れたよ。 I am amazed at your audacity. I'm tired of what you're doing. Tao độc thân. I am single. I'm alone. 那是另一回事。 That is quite another matter. That's another thing. No pewnie! Certainly! No, no, no, no, no! يقول البعض أنه يجب مقاطعة إسرائيل بسبب ممارستها لنظام الأبارتايد. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its apartheid system. Some say that the province of Israel must because of its practice in the Baritad system. 我喊咗成晚。 I cried all night long. I called at night. Том усе ще в Бостоні. Tom is still in Boston. Tom's still in Boston. توم هو أبي Tom is my dad. Tom is my father. - Ez meg mi? - Csak egy bevásárlólista. "What's this?" "It's just a shopping list." - It's just a buyer. ついに彼はアメリカに行きました。 At last, he went to America. He finally went to America. Mua janottaa. I'm thirsty. I hope so. Ik zou graag een klacht indienen. I would lodge a complaint. I'd like to file a complaint. Ми багато випили. We drank a lot. I've had a lot of drinks. Tom mi mandò alcune riviste in francese. Tom sent me some magazines in French. Tom sent me some magazines in French. Aku tidak lagi sibuk. I'm not busy anymore. I'm not busy anymore. Hefði ég ekki sofið yfir mig hefði ég verið á réttum tíma í skólann. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. Had I not slept over me, I would have been in school at the right time. C'est la honte. It's a disgrace. It's a shame. Ji yra neįtikėtinai naivi. She is unbelievably naïve. She's an incredible bride. この手袋が彼女の手を暖かくしてくれた。 These gloves kept her hands warm. This bag warms her hands. Jeg er så dum... Jeg forsøger at forklare dig ting jeg ikke selv forstår. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you something I don't understand. Вы яе забілі. You killed her. You killed her. Nous pouvons essayer cela. We can try that. We can try that. Mi parolis pri tio kun miaj amikoj. I talked to my friends about it. I talked to my friends about it. Du, jag har en idé. Hey, I have an idea. You, I have an idea. समिती बैठक महिन्यातून दोनदा घेतली जाते. The committee meeting is held twice per month. The meeting is held twice a month. Noimbuhai no hisun. Smoke appeared. Nobhuhai didn't. Da yw genev kathes. I like cats. That's what I got. qaS 'e' vIHechbe'qu'. I really didn't mean for this to happen. It's 'e'. Stultus non sum. I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid. Ur d-iṛuḥ ara axaṭer d amuḍin i yella. He was absent because of illness. He didn't go away, for he was hungry. Powinnaś przeprosić Toma. You should apologize to Tom. You should apologize to Tom. 他穿衣服一向很随便,颜色、样式都无所谓。 He always dresses very casually, and doesn't care about color or style. He's always dressed very well, and there's no mention of color or style. كانت رخيصة الثمن جداً. It was really cheap. It was a very valuable asset. זה מזון. It's food. It's food. Ce n'est pas la fin de l'histoire. That's not the end of the story. It's not the end of history. Ik zag een menigte kinderen in de bioscoop. I saw a crowd of children at the cinema. I saw a lot of kids in the bioscopic. 我已經等咗你成個幾鐘喇。 I've been waiting for you for over an hour. I've been waiting for you for a few minutes. Том полицијата веќе го испраша. Tom has already been questioned by the police. Tom, the police already asked him. Me gindiv ke o Tom drago leske te kerel les. I think Tom likes to do that. I think that it is good therefore, because of the distress that is on us, that it is good for a man to be as he is. Magdalena e Ania es bon amicas. Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Walk in it, you people, ’ in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. ” Bu iyi bir fikir. That's a good idea. That's a good idea. Podziel ciasto na was oboje. Divide the cake between you two. He gave you both a gift. Bonum est te videre. It's good to see you. It's good to see you. Tom har brunt hår. Tom has brown hair. Tom's broken his hair. Albaniya Avropa birliyinə qoşulmaq istəyir. Albania wants to join the European Union. Albania wants to join Europe. سامحني أرجوك. Please forgive me. Please be patient. 𐍃𐍅𐌹𐌻𐍄! Die! Oh, my God! Jeg lurer på hvor han er nå. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he is now. Двері відчиняються о другій тридцять дня. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. The doors are open for the second thirty days. Tu n'avais pas besoin de venir. You need not have come. You didn't have to come. وہ ڈاکٹر نہیں ہے۔ He is not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Tom esta merkando. Tom is buying. Take this on the market. Domi mansi. I stayed at home. Home mansi. Io ha mangiate un catto. I have eaten a cat. I ate a cat. សុខសប្បាយអត់ ? How are you? Are you sure? Ի՞նչ եք դուք առաջարկում ինձ անել: What do you suggest I do? What are you offering me to do? 彼は家から出かけるところをみられました。 He was seen going out of the house. He showed me where to get out of the house. Besede moraš preurediti. The words need rearranging. You have to fix the words. Yw hemma Tom? Is this Tom? Is that Tom? Io passava tote le postmeridie conversante con mi amicos. I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends. I spent all afternoon talking to my friends. Tus ojos son más grandes que tu estómago. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Han gifte sig med en mycket ung flicka. He married a very young girl. He married a very young girl. Kiedy dowiedziałeś się o rozwodzie Mary. When did you learn of Mary's divorce? When you learned about Mary's divorce. Vous êtes pire que Tom. You're worse than Tom. You're worse than Tom. ဘယ်နှနာရီရှိပြီလဲ။ What time is it? How long has it been? Ficamos lá por três meses. We stayed there for three months. We stayed there for three months. N'entre pas dans la cuisine ! Don't go in the kitchen! Don't go into the kitchen! Таа се откажа од пушењето. She gave up smoking. She quit smoking. Verovatno je bolje da ne jedeš posle sedam uveče. It's probably better not to eat after 7:00pm. It's probably better not to eat after seven nights. Можеби ќе можеш да им помогнеш. You might be able to help them. Maybe you can help them. Askepot havde to onde stedsøstre. Cinderella had two evil stepsisters. Askepot had two bad local sisters. Sie gewannen den Japan Cup in drei aufeinander folgenden Jahren. They won the Japan Cup three years in succession. They won the Japan Cup in three consecutive years. Io non voglio rifarlo. I don't want to do it again. I don't want to do it again. Dia menjadi pucat karena kedinginan. He was blue from the cold. He's gone because of anxiety. Marape ore-ico? What are you doing? An hour-to-morrow? 要不要再來一塊蛋糕? How about another piece of cake? You want another cake? Tomo iris eksteren por vidi, kion Manjo faris. Tom went outside to see what Mary was doing. Tom went outside to see what Mom did. Вона допомогла студентці. She helped a student. She helped the students. Дзе стол? Where's the table? Where's the table? Wan! Come! Wan! 希望他明天會來吧。 I hope he comes tomorrow. I hope he'll come tomorrow. Zij houdt van koffie. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. Ini adalah tahun-tahun terbaik dalam hidupmu. These are the best years of your life. It's the best years of your life. Diễn giả tằng hắng cổ. The speaker cleared his throat. It's an old-fashioned show. Es mīlu tevi. I love you. I love you. Tom está bravo com Maria. Tom is angry with Mary. Tom's good with Maria. Tom se căsătorește primăvara viitoare. Tom is getting married next spring. Tom's getting married next spring. Jaga dirimu sendiri. Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Kakav šok! What a shock! What a shock! Он приготовился к худшему. He prepared himself for the worst. He's ready to go to hell. टॉम आपली मदत करू शकतो का बघू या. Let's see if Tom can help us. Let’s see if Tom can help us. Jag kan inte se någonting. I couldn't see a thing. I can't see anything. Ammiro la tua grinta. I admire your grit. I love your smile. No sé nada de ciencia. I don't know anything about science. I don't know anything about science. Nekk d tameddakelt-ik. I'm your girlfriend. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 我每天去上班。 I go to work every day. I went to work every day. Hai lait zien potlood valen. He dropped his pencil. There's been a lot of bad choices. Том се прашуваше што ќе се случи ако го притисне синото копче. Tom wondered what would happen if he pressed the blue button. Tom was wondering what would happen if he pressed the son button. Sikuelewi. I don't understand you. Not at all. Jim doktory halady. Jim likes the doctor. Jim was killed by a doctor. Tomi suhtes käituti tõesti väga ebaõiglaselt. Tom really got a raw deal. Tom was really wrong. Caminando por la calle, me encontré una cartera. Walking along the street, I found a wallet. On the way, I found a wallet. Sikoltottak. They screamed. They're drunk. Dit is een ei. This is an egg. This is an egg. Železo je užitečný kov. Iron is a useful metal. It's a nice cup of tea. Si meg grunnen til at de ikke er tilstede. Tell me the reason why they are absent. Tell me why they're not present. Me recomendaron que visitara el museo. I was advised to visit the museum. I was recommended to visit the museum. Kan I ikke gøre det? Can't you do that? Can't you do that? 週に四回フランスの授業があります。 We have four French classes a week. It's four times a week in France. لما لا تنساها و لا تتركها و شأنها؟ Then just forget her. Leave her in peace. Why don't you wake her up, don't leave her, or what? توم مخيل بر عالمده یاشیور . Tom lives in an imaginary world. Tom was chosen for World War I. ロボットは人間よりもたくさんの作業ができる。 A robot can do more work than a man can. The robot can do much more than humans. زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. It's getting worse in the dark. तुम्ही फ्रेंच बोलता, ना? You speak French, don't you? You speak French, don't you? Kabylien er beliggende i det nordøstlige Algeriet. Kabylie is located in northeastern Algeria. The cable is located in the northeastern Algeria. Neque bibo neque fumo. I don't drink or smoke. I don't drink or smoke. Tom má mnoho hraček. Tom has many toys. Tom's got a lot of toys. אתה זקוק לזה. You need this. You need it. O yalan söylüyor gibi görünüyor. It seems that he's lying. Looks like he's lying. Beinahe hätte ich einen Fehler gemacht. I nearly made a mistake. I almost made a mistake. Laylak zer gertatzen ari zen konturatu zen. Layla realized what was happening. Layla knew what was going on. Tom så ikke trøtt ut, spør du meg. Tom didn't look tired if you ask me. Tom didn't get out, you ask me. Perché ha fatto quella domanda a Tom? Why did you ask Tom that question? Why did you ask Tom that question? Tá a fhios agat cad é atá mé ag iarraidh thú a rá liom. You know what I want you to say. You know what I'm trying to tell you. Voulez-vous prendre un verre avec nous ? Do you want to have a drink with us? Would you like a glass with us? Elkeen verdeent en twete Changs. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone's crazy and second Changs. Είσαι μέλος σε κανένα γυμναστήριο; Do you have a gym membership? Are you a member of a gym? Бедный кот был на пороге голодной смерти. The poor cat was on the verge of starvation. The poor cat was on the brink of hunger. Él me recordó que no olvidara mi pasaporte. He reminded me not to forget my passport. He reminded me not to forget my passport. Том не хоче пити. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom doesn't want to drink. Amikor kíváncsi leszek a véleményedre, megkérdezem majd. When I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it. When I want my opinion, I'll ask. Es aizņemos grāmatas no pilsētas bibliotēkas. I borrow books from the city library. I'll borrow books from the city library. Cercala su Wikipedia. Look it up on Wikipedia. It's about Wikipedia. Како се ти зовеш? What is your name? What's your name? كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. It was a moving Dane. Μη μ' αγγίζετε! Don't touch me. Don't touch me! ما در مدرسه با هم بودیم. We were at school together. We were together in Martha's womb. למה לתום לבוא עכשיו? Why would Tom come now? Why do you want to come now? Kan jag träffa dig senare? Can I see you later? Can I see you later? Биди умен и не им кажувај на твоите за тоа! Be very good and don't tell your parents about it! Be smart and don't tell your friends about it! Mike lubi grać w koszykówkę. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play in the kitchen. कुत्र्याला बाहेर ठेवा. Keep the dog out. Keep out of the reach and sight of people. Houveul heufdsteden het Zuud-Afrika? How many capital cities does South Africa have? How did South Africa come to be? Թոմը քմծիծաղ տվեց: Tom grinned. Tom smiled. فوّتت ليلى درس مدرسة الأحد. Sami missed Sunday school. I went to high school. Vi ved begge hvad du laver. We both know what you're doing. We both know what you're doing. Tom je nazvan po ocu. Tom is named after his father. Tom's called after his father. شاهد سامي كلّ فيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami watched every video on Layla's YouTube channel. I'm a witness to every video on Thursday night at Yothob. On ani trochę nie wygląda jak jego ojciec. He doesn't look like his father at all. He doesn't look like his father. Ei duo canes sunt. He has two dogs. They're two dogs. Far alt fyri eitt, annars verða tú ov sein. Go at once, otherwise you will be late. Go for one, or you'll be too late. Ŝi purigis la domon sola. She cleaned the house all by herself. She cleaned the house alone. Tio estas interesa demando. That's an interesting question. That's an interesting question. Demitte manum tuam. Put your hand down. Put your hand down. Gedenk dat gij stof zijt. Remember that you are dust. Remember, you're stupid. Erschießen Sie mich nicht! Ich bin nur der Übersetzer. Don't shoot me. I'm only the translator. Don't shoot me! I'm just the translator. Merė nugalėjo "Mis Tatoeba" konkurse. Mary won the Miss Tatoeba contest. Death won the "We Tatoeba" competition. Летом ничто не сравнится с мороженным. There is nothing like ice cream in the summer. There's nothing like ice cream in the summer. میں بہت خوش ہوں تمھاری کامیابی پہ۔ I'm so glad that you succeeded. I'm so glad you made it. זי האט געשריגן פאר הילף, אבער קיינער איז נישט געקומען. She shouted for help, but no one came. She cried for help, but no one came. Я комуніст. I'm a communist. I'm a Communist. ¿Adónde quieres ir? Where would you like to go? Where do you want to go? Sciamo. Let's ski. Let's get out of here. Manjo belegas. Mary is stunning. Manny's beautiful. Hänen hattunsa näytti todella hassulta. His hat looked very funny. He's got a real pain in his ass. تقدر تديرها. You can do it. She appreciates her management. ¿Puyde akó dínhi dapit makakúha hin taxi? Can I catch a taxi near here? Can I ask where to get a taxi? Минем бер китабым бар. I have a book. I have a book. Bizim arabamız hızlıydı ve kısa sürede diğer arabaların önüne geçti. Our car was fast and soon got ahead of the other cars. Our car was fast and soon passed in front of other cars. Η Μαίρη δεν αγαπά τον σύζυγό της. Mary doesn't love her husband. Mary doesn't love her husband. हे प्रेम कधीच संपणार नाही. This love will never end. This love will never cease. Dit Book is för mi dat, wat för di de Biebel is. This book is to me what the Bible is to you. This book is for me what the Bible is for you. Ő egy híres művész. He's a famous artist. He's a famous artist. Тому потрібно бути вдома до 2:30. Tom needs to be home by 2:30. So you have to be home at 2:30. 咱们一起去图书馆学习,你说怎么样? How about studying together in the library? We're going to the library together. What do you say? Tom dovette andare all'ospedale. Tom had to go to the hospital. Tom had to go to the hospital. Atlantik okeanı kiçik deyil də, hə? The Atlantic Ocean isn’t small, is it? The Atlantic Ocean isn't small, is it? Ich sah einen Jungen über die Straße gehen. I saw a boy crossing the street. I saw a boy walking over the street. Voglio fare amicizia con tua sorella. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to make friends with your sister. Moda umurumda değil. I don't care about fashion. I don't care about fashion. Kiu rompis la fenestron? Diru la veron. Who broke the window? Tell the truth. Who broke the window? Tell the truth. Уште што ќе добијам? What more will I get? What else do I get? Сите композиции беа добри освен твојата. All the compositions were good except yours. All the compositions were good except yours. Por favor cálmate. Te ayudaremos. Please take it easy, we will help you. Please calm down, we'll help you. ئۇ ئۈچ قېتىم ڧرانسىيىگە زىيارەت قىلغان. He has visited France three times. He visited Russia three times. Tom ei käytä alusvaatteita tänään. Tom's going commando today. Tom doesn't use weapons today. Ĉu vi povas pardoni nin? Can you forgive us? Can you forgive us? أحبك. I like you. I love you. Добави този сайт в "Предпочитани". Bookmark this site. Please add this site to the Prepaid. ער איז נאָך קראַנק? Is he still sick? He's still cancer? Uczę się. I am studying. I'm learning. Potřebuji na záchod. I have to go to the toilet. I need a boat. Ni havas ornitorinko. We have a platypus. We've got an Ornitor. Shylock aç gözlü, ve daha kötüsü,çok pintidir. Shylock is greedy, and what is worse, very stingy. Shylock's an open eye, and worse, it's a lot of paint. Saya sedang berada di rumah. I'm at home right now. I was at home. Il te faut réparer ça. You need to fix this. You need to fix this. हर कोई संतुष्ट न था। Not everyone was satisfied. No one was satisfied. お医者さんはもっと野菜を食べるように薦めた。 My doctor recommended that I eat more vegetables. The doctor tried to eat more vegetables. Tom to udělal jen aby Mary ztrapnil. Tom did that just to embarrass Mary. Tom just did it to lose Mary. តើវាម៉ោងប៉ុន្មានហើយ ? What time is it? What time is it? Пӑх унта ҫӳле тӳпене! Look up there at the sky! How heavenly it is! آیا او را می شناسم؟ Do I know him? Do I know him? آسفين ع الإزعاج. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to wake you up. その数学の問題を解ける人は少ないようにおもえる。 There seem to be few people who can solve that math problem. It may seem that there are few people who solve the problem of mathematics. Ik huil bijna nooit. I almost never cry. I'll never cry. Ioanna pulchrior est quam Susanna. Jane is more attractive than Susan. Joanna is better than Susanna. De kie tio venis? Where did that come from? Where did you come from? Ubi vos nata? Where do you swim? Kill you guys born? Tom sınavı geçmedi. Tom didn't pass the exam. Tom didn't pass the test. 我的傘在哪? Where is my umbrella? Where's my uncle? Тоа не е мојот потпис. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Ниднин җил тедн зуслңгин бәәшң бәрсн. Last year they built a summer house. You see, Nedney’s wind blows through the sky, and you hear the sound of the thunder. Siz optimistsiniz. You're an optimist. You're optimistic. Procurem ter a certeza de escolher bem. Make sure you choose wisely. We're trying to make sure we choose well. Ce ne sont que des feuilles et des branches. It's only leaves and branches. These are just leaves and branches. Nagira ngo urabizi. I thought that you knew. I let you know. Anef-iyi. Let go of me. Anef-iyi. Ibis redibis non morieris in bello. You will go and not return but die in battle. You won't die in battle. Jag vet att du måste ha fullt upp. I know you must be busy. I know you have to get up. Θα προσπαθήσω να σας τις βρω. I'll try to find them for you. I'll try to find them. Koilo' oku nunu nasalaan dii. I bet I know what's wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to make a mistake. Bular hakykymy? Are these real? Is that true? Я не ведаю, дзе ён жыве. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. 私は良い息子であることを誇りに思っている。 I am proud of being a good son. I'm proud to be a good son. Zastanawiam się, co Tom i Mary robią jutro po południu. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what Tom and Mary are doing tomorrow afternoon. Við horfðum á myndina og borðuðum saman kvöldmat. We saw the film and had dinner together. We looked at the pictures and ate together at night. Тази книга, която съм прочел, беше подарък от Петър. This book, which I've read twice, was a gift from Peter. This book I read was a gift from Peter. Yella win i wen-d-isawlen. Someone is calling you. Whether to show the title column in the bookmarks window. mi jimpe fi do I understand you. I always do. Fedha zake ni katika benki. His money is in the bank. I did not want to lose my bank account. Он больше не является членом нашего клуба. He is no longer a member of our club. He's no longer a member of our club. La oss sette vår i kontrast til høst. Let's contrast spring with fall. Let's put ours in contrast to horses. Tom gadał całą noc. Tom kept talking all night. He talked about it all night. majottaHnIS. We must keep calm. MayotteHnIS. För min del föredrar jag öl framför whisky. As for me, I prefer beer to whisky. For my part, I prefer beer in front of whisky. Saan a nalaka para kaniam. It won't be simple for you. It is not easy for you to do so. O Tom kamlas te avel ane Boston. Tom wanted to come to Boston. Tom is ready to go to Boston. Da yw genev tus. I like men. You're welcome. Hvis er denne cykel? Whose is this bicycle? What's this cycle? chay' Dochvam DaSovchoH? How did you come to know it? I don't know what you're talking about, Chay' I'm coming to DaSovchoh? Кто там? Who's there? Who's there? Nisu me znali. They didn't know me. They didn't know me. Tom innrømte at han hadde stjålet sykkelen. Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike. Tom admitted he had stolen the bike. Elaludtam az unalomtól. I was bored, so I fell asleep. I'm out of my mind. Ka vu ula-tempe audis pri tala kozo? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Have you ever heard of this goat? Iohannes ġeaf Marian ǣnne æppel. John gave Mary an apple. Johannes gave Marianne an apple. 法语说得快,我就难以理解。 It's difficult for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. French is fast, I'm hard to understand. Готова ли е куќата? Is the house ready? Is the house ready? Vezmi si tohle. Take this. Take this. Ntavuga icongereza. He does not speak English. He does not speak English. Δεν είσαι η μοναδικός Καναδέζος εδώ. You're not the only Canadian here. You're not the only Canadian here. אני לא עוקרת את שיניהם. I'm not pulling out their teeth. I don't care about their differences. Tal linguas como rusce, polsce, txesce, e balgarsce ave radises slavica comun. Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots. Kun nag-uusahan la adto hiya, namatay na gud adto. If he'd been alone at that time, he'd have died. Or he could have done so had he been dead on his own. Procedo et Priami sedes arcemque reviso. Again to Priam's palace, and again / up to the citadel I speed my way. I'll sit down and I'll sit down and review the record. Tom mi ha detto di stare lontana da là. Tom told me to stay away from there. Tom told me to stay away from there. 私は大阪の生まれです。 I was born in Osaka. I'm born of a big bear. Ішіп алыпсың ғой! You are drunk! Get the fuck out of here! Tom je izvadio ključeve i otvorio vrata. Tom took out his key and opened the door. Tom took out the keys and opened the door. Ĝi estas vendita laŭfunte. It is sold by the pound. It's sold in cash. Není nic důležitějšího než zdraví. Nothing is more important than health. There's nothing more important than health. "क्या तुम यात्रा करना पसंद करते हो?" "मैं भी।" Do you like to travel? Me too. "Do you like traveling?" "I do." Gelecek hafta ne kadar para harcayacağımı hesaplamalıyım. I must calculate how much money I'll spend next week. I have to figure out how much I'm gonna spend next week. Les cultures ont besoin de pluie. The crops need rain. Cultures need rain. Lo he hecho yo. I made it myself. I did. Αυτό το φρέσκο ωμό ψάρι είναι πεντανόστιμο. This fresh raw fish is delicious. This fresh-fashioned fish is five hundred. Ο Τομ με είδε. Tom saw me. Tom saw me. 我有一个挺蠢的问题。 I have a completely stupid question. I have a stupid problem. Eu respeito a opinião de todos. I respect everybody's opinion. I respect the opinion of everyone. Δεκάρα δε δίνω. I don't give a damn about it. I won't give you ten. Πέστε τους πως είναι σημαντικό. Tell them it's important. Tell them how important it is. Chociaż lasy deszczowe stanowią jedynie 2 proc. powierzchni Ziemi, to zamieszkuje je ponad połowa gatunków dzikich roślin, zwierząt i owadów. Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there. Although the rain forests represent only 2 percent of the Earth's surface, they live in over half of the species of wild plants, animals, and oats. Non vi dimenticate di lei. Don't forget her. Don't forget about her. No veo una razón por la que debiera ponerlo en práctica. I see no reason why I shouldn't put it into practice. I don't see a reason why I should put it into practice. Lontoossa on suuri määrä puistoja. There are a lot of parks in London. There's a lot of garbage in the airport. Ayen iweεṛen iεedda yakan. The worst has passed already. And they did so, and made them all sit down. Tubeṛ d aggur yeččuren d axeddim. October was a busy month. Now the feast of unleavened bread, which is called the Passover, drew near. To może być nasza jedyna szansa, żeby porozmawiać z Tomem. This may be our only chance to talk to Tom. It could be our only chance to talk to Tom. הוא עבר ליד הבית. He passed by the house. He passed by the house. Tom laitettiin vankilaan. Tom was put in prison. Tom was put in jail. 馬鹿みたい! This is silly! It's like shit! להעתיק זה לא לגנוב. Copying is not theft. Packing's not stealing. আমি নদি সাঁতরে পার হতে পারি। I can swim across the river. I can't remember. Nunca mais soube dela. I never heard from her again. I've never heard of her before. 明天,明天,只是不是今天-所有的懶惰的人都這麼說。 Tomorrow, tomorrow, just not today - say all lazy people. Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's not just today-that's what everyone in the world says. Тоа е баш блиску. That's pretty close. That's very close. Onko Tatoeba hyvä? Is Tatoeba good? Is Tatoeba okay? Le judeos son lasse. The Jews are tired. The Jews are left. आम्ही इस्लामबद्दल बोलायला सुरुवात केली. We started talking about Islam. We started talking about Islam. Wie viele Fotos sind in diesem Album? How many photos are in this album? How many photos are in this album? Você ainda é mais alta do que eu. You're still taller than me. You're even taller than I am. Ni provu plenumi tion. Let's try to get this done. We're trying to do this. Bitte tausche die leere Druckerpatrone aus. Please replace the empty printer cartridge. Please remove the empty printer pattern. Татоеба: не идвайте тук в петък вечер, деца. Tatoeba: Don't cum here on Friday nights, kids. Dad, don't come here Friday night, kids. Морамо да припремимо терен за преговоре. We have to set the scene for negotiations. We need to prepare the field for the negotiations. 私はビルを好きではない。すぐに怒るからだ。 I don't like Bill, who gets angry easily. I don't like Bill, because he's angry right away. כובעי פרח ברוח. I had my hat blown off by the wind. The flowers of the wind. Moja majka je kupila dve flaše soka od pomorandže. My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. My mother bought two bottles of soda juice. Том всем рассказал, что Мэри была удочерена. Tom told everyone Mary was adopted. Tom told everyone that Mary was pregnant. تعاهدا سامي و ليلى كي يبنيا أفضل حياة ممكنة لأسرتهما النّاشئة. Sami and Layla vowed to build the best life possible for their growing family. In order to build the best possible life for their newly born family. Premier twardo obstaje przy swoim zdaniu. The Prime Minister consistently holds this opinion. The premier of the hard must exist in his sentence. Se sklenkou na víno musíš zacházet opatrně. You must be careful with the wine glass. You have to be careful with a glass of wine. Ζηλεύει παθολογικά τη γυναίκα του. He is madly jealous of his woman. He's asking his wife pathologically. Onde posso comprar um tigre vivo? Where can I buy a live tiger? Where can I buy a live tiger? Я знаю, що це зробив Том. I knew Tom did that. I know that's what Tom did. Tomo aspektas iomete perpleksa. Tom seems a little disoriented. Tom's look at iomet perplexa. 我饿了! I feel hungry. I'm hungry! Liʻiliʻi ka penikala. The pencil is small. Try to keep your eyes on the prize. Tella kra n yiwet i yenɣan Tom ass-aki. Somebody killed Tom today. There was also a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb. M'auré agradat qu'i estósses. I wish you had been there. I'll be glad you're there. Jaki mamy plan? What's our plan? What's our plan? Die kerel is knettergek! That guy is completely nuts! The guy's smarter! Πού παρκάρετε; Where do you park? Where are you going? Том кермує. Tom is driving. Tom's driving. טום'ס בזיונות איז געווארען גרעסער און גרעסער. Tom's embarrassment grew. Tom's pools were larger and larger. كتب سامي رقم هاتفه على قطهة من ورق و قدّمها لليلى. Sami wrote his phone number on a note and gave it to Layla. I wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to Eli. Iedereen applaudisseerde. Everybody applauded. Everyone applauded. כל החלב נשפך. All of the milk was spilled. All the milk's gone. A felicidade é unha flor delicada. Happiness is a feeble flower. Happiness is a delicate flower. Het is nooit in me opgekomen dat iemand zoiets zou verzinnen. It never occurred to me that someone would make up such a thing. It's never happened to me that someone would find something like this. Dar cafeaua nu este bună. But the coffee's not good. But the coffee's not good. Tom har fräknar. Tom has freckles. Tom's got fun. Kone lähtee klo 17.30. The plane departs at 5:30 PM. The car's leaving at 7:30 a.m. О чём он говорит? What's he talking about? What is he talking about? डेन्मार्क राज्यात काहीतरी सडलं आहे. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. A few months later, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Geriau jau eik. You'd better go. It's better already. Их хурлын гишүүн бол нэг ёсондоо мэргэжилтэн. A parliamentarian is a type of expert. One of the most experienced members of the congregation is a man who has lived a life of self - sacrifice. Yennum yettenkar-d zik. He used to get up early. Yennum is seven. Δε θέλω ν' αλλάξετε. I don't want you to change. I don't want you to change. Het zou je goed doen om hem te verlaten. You will do well to leave him. You'd do well to leave him. Eg er glad for at du lika det. I'm happy you liked it. I'm glad you're the same. Dit vlees snijdt gemakkelijk. This meat cuts easily. This meat is easy to cut. Lo que nos cerca nos trovara; illo de que nos fugi, illo fugi de nos. What we seek we shall find; what we flee from flees from us. He who seeks us will find us; he who flees from us will flee from us. Aonde ele ia? Where was he going? Where is he? 𐌽𐌹 𐍅𐌰𐌹𐍃𐍄 𐍈𐌰𐍃 𐌹𐌼. You don't know who I am. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 今日、私は現代社会におけるスポーツの重要性に関して話すつもりです。 Today, I'm going to talk about the importance of sport in modern society. Today, I'm talking about the importance of sports in modern society. 私たちは今晩彼女の子供たちの世話をしなくてはならない。 We must look after her children this evening. We must not neglect her children tonight. Allens, wat in disse Geschicht beschreven warrt, is utdacht. All the events described in this story are imaginary. Everything that is described in this story is thought out. 我说我爱你时是认真的。 I was serious when I said I love you. I say it's serious when I love you. Ha kawei pat ka por, wat pynhap iaka. Next time, don't drop it. Or you may be in a position to give some thought to it. Cur stolam non geris? Why don't you wear a dress? Do you want to empty the wastebasket? मैंने नदी में छलाँग लगाकर डुबकी ली। I dove into the river. I dug a hole in the river and drowned. Vi är i samma bransch. We're in the same business. We're in the same industry. Não há garantias. There are no guarantees. There's no guarantees. 由美子是網球俱樂部的成員。 Yumiko belongs to the tennis club. The U.S. is a member of the baseball club. Αυτό το άλογο είναι άσπρο. This horse is white. This horse is disgusting. De geiser spuit om de twee uur heet water. The geyser goes off with hot water every two hours. It's called water about two hours ago. Non deluderò Tom. I won't let Tom down. I won't let Tom down. टॉम कुठे गेला हे आपल्याला माहीत आहे. We know where Tom went. We know where Tom is headed. スケジュールに関しては、後でお知らせします。 In regard to the schedule, I'll let you know later. I'll let you know about the schedules later. Ikke glem å sende brevet. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send the letter. Io non voglio umiliarla. I don't want to humiliate her. I don't want to humble her. הייתי מזהה את תום בכל מקום. I'd recognize Tom anywhere. I'd recognize Tom everywhere. ¿Por qué estás levantada? Why are you awake? Why are you raised? Не сакам да користам дилда - претпочитам вистински курови. I don't like using dildos, I prefer real cocks. I don't want to use dilda - I prefer real dogs. Han er en af mine gamle venner. He is one of my old friends. He's one of my old friends. Iti no beg di Jane. This is Jane's bag. It's not Jane's taste. Var är din jacka? Where is your jacket? Where's your jacket? Minä olen poliisi. I am a policeman. I'm a cop. Tom a insistat să meargă acolo. Tom insisted on going there. Tom insisted that he go there. Ham og hans datter sms'ede ofte til hinanden inde i deres eget hus. His daughter and he often texted each other inside their own home. He and his daughter texted each other often inside their own house. Ulac d acu i ibeddlen. Nothing changed. You don't have to change anything. תום עובד מהר. Tom is working fast. The roof's working fast. Maitei. Che hera Joe Carlton. Ikatu añe'ẽ Michael ndie? Hello. This is Joe Carlton. May I speak to Michael? What's Joe Carlton's name? Imaš li papir po kom mogu da pišem? Do you have a piece of paper I can write on? Do you have any paper I can write about? אני אוהב לשבח את מרי. I like to praise Mary. I like to kiss Mary. Τί ὁρᾷ; What does he see? What's wrong? Tomo devis dikiĝi por la rolo. Tom had to put on weight for the role. Tomo had to talk about the role. יש לו דיעה קדומה נגד יהודים. He has a prejudice against Jews. He has a sacred campaign against the Jews. Трябва ли да отговоря на всички въпроси? Do I have to answer all of the questions? Do I have to answer all the questions? Követnem kellett volna a tanácsaidat. I should've followed your advice. I should have followed your advice. U houdt van pindakaas, nietwaar? You like peanut butter, don't you? You like pineapple, don't you? 彼は衣料品業界で本当にうまく成功した。 He made out really well in the clothing business. He was really successful in the clothing industry. J'eus une bonne nuit de repos. I had a good night's rest. I have a good night of rest. Am fost uimită de îndrăzneala elevului, de a îi adresa lectorului o astfel de întrebare personală. I was amazed at the audacity of the student to ask the lecturer such a personal question. I was surprised at the student's curiosity, the reader's address to such a personal question. Ddayxa tḥemmel Akli. Ddaykha loves Akli. So you love Akli. Kom, så går vi! Let's go! Come on, let's go! Du sa jo det. You did say that. You said it. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary is not useful at all. This shit doesn't work for anything. 我非常喜欢咖啡。 I like coffee very much. I really like coffee. תום עלול לדבר. Tom might talk. A breath can talk. Том та Мері ніколи не говорять про себе. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Egels zijn alleseters. Hedgehogs are omnivorous. Egels are allegors. Care este porecla ta? What's your nickname? What's your password? Csukd be az ajtót, kérlek! Close the door, please! Close the door, please. It-toqba hija wiesgħa. The hole is wide. The roof is wide. Deze doos is te zwaar voor mij om alleen op te tillen. This box is too heavy for me alone to lift. This box is too hard for me to stand alone. Tom Pazartesi gününe kadar Boston'da kalacak. Tom is going to stay in Boston until Monday. He'll stay in Boston until the day of Tom's Christmas. Olen opettaja. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. Indien is vele Johren lang von Grootbritannien regeert worrn. India was governed by Great Britain for many years. If it has been ruled for many years by Britain. Ilyenből többre van szükségünk. We need more of this. We need more than that. Vous ne devriez pas vous trouver là-dedans. You shouldn't be in here. You shouldn't have found you there. Ella es stult, ma honest. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but honest. Zoek een lege fles en vul ze met water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Find an empty bottle and fill it with water. Ο Τομ έχει ένα παιδί. Tom has one child. Tom has a child. Tom svako veče zapiše nešto u dnevnik, koliko god da je umoran. Tom writes something in his diary every evening, no matter how tired he is. Tom writes something in his diary every night, no matter how tired he is. آنها چوب لای چرخش گذاشتند. They put a spoke in his wheel. And they laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. Bir mola almamız gerektiğini düşünen kişi Tom'du. Tom was the one who thought that we should take a break. It's Tom's guy who thinks we're supposed to have a beer. Indi, diňle! Now, listen! Now listen! Gărzile nu i-au văzut. The guards didn't see them. The ears didn't see him. w ysa k Tom yr suki We knew Tom would win. w is k tom of the suction Ela provavelmente virá. She is likely to come. She'll probably come. To je njegov auto. That is his car. That's his car. Äkömom domoi suno. He came home soon. I'm afraid I'm home today. Stanu se americkým občanem. I will become an American citizen. I'm going to become an American citizen. Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić? What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with this? その学校は丘のふもとにあります。 The school is located at the foot of a hill. It's all over the corner of the school. Ek leef my droom. I'm living my dream. I live my dream. Той пие твърде много бира. He drinks too much beer. He's drinking too much beer. ते एका बँकेत नोकरीला आहेत. He works in a bank. They are part of a stable, secure, and everlasting organization. Я хочу бути лікарем. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Iste horario indica le horas de arrivata e partita. That time table gives the hours of arrival and departure. This time specifies which time of the game will be displayed. في بعض الواح الكومبيوتر ، القابليات او الاعدادات كانت تحدد باستخدام مفتاح غلق و فتح يركب على اللوح ; في يومنا هذا ،هذه الاعدادات يتم عملها في البرمجة. On some computer boards, the capabilities or configuration was set using a dip switch mounted on the board; today these settings are done in software In some areas of the computer, libraries, or devices were determined by the use of an open cell and an opening of the spirit; in our day, these devices are being used in the programming. Ban ksem ka long kaba khlemakor. Farting is rude. I don’t know how long I will be. Tuvolöd kati. Find the cat. You're a fucking bitch. Lui chiede sempre la sua opinione. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks his opinion. ta'i ma mi ka'e binxo lo selylacri pilno How can I become a trusted user? Natural log [N] of cannon-like applications Det hade varit roligt. That would've been fun. It would have been fun. Nokuo di Tom? Napatai isido dii? What happened to Tom? Is he dead? Who's Tom? Afsakið, þú ert með vitlaust númer. Sorry, you have the wrong number. Sorry, you have an unknown number. Syrtaýmak Smile. Starting %s Мы её покрасим. We'll paint it. We love her. მტკივა კუჭი. My stomach hurts. It's a pain in the ass. Μιλάει Τουρκικά ο κύριος; Does the gentleman speak Turkish? Is Mr. Turkic speaking? Ist diese Kollegmappe Ihre? Is this your briefcase? Is this your colleague folder? Jeg er gammel nok til å bo alene. I'm old enough to live by myself. I'm old enough to live alone. Hoeveel kost dit horloge? How much does this watch cost? How much does this watch cost? Tom a privit afară pe fereastră din nou. Tom glanced out the window again. Tom looked out the window again. Schneit d'Gromperen. Cut the potatoes. Switches between groups. Mi estos tie morgaŭ. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. Nie zaprosili mnie na ślub. They did not invite me to their wedding. They didn't ask me for a wedding. Dych chi'n siarad. You are talking. You're kidding me. Eu estava apavorado. I was terrified. I was upset. Guten Tag! Du bist doch Tom, oder? Wie lange haben wir uns nicht gesehen! Hi. You're Tom, right? It's been a while. Good morning, you're Tom, or how long have we haven't seen each other? دفعني المدرّس بعيدا. The teacher pushed me away. The teacher paid me away. Имам няколко стари компютъра. I have several old computers. I have a few old computers. من در خانه آرامش دارم. I have peace at home. I have kept silence in his house. مدّ سامي يده لليلى. Sami gave Layla his hand. I've been holding my hand for Christmas. No os culpo. I don't blame you. I don't blame them. In tir matelik. He's a gardener. It's a piece of material. Gold is sworer as Sülver. Gold is heavier than silver. Gold is worse than Silver. Zaczynało padać. It was starting to rain. It started falling. Ol oglan seniñ ony bilýäniñi bilýär. He knows that you know that. He knows what your son is going through. Smenyafeɣ ad xedmeɣ deg iḍ. I much prefer working at night. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.' Идваш ли? Aren't you coming? Are you coming? Ich werde es ihm morgen geben. I will give it to him tomorrow. I'll give it to him tomorrow. Demi Allah! For the love of God! For God's sake! रोमानियाला गेल्यावर तुला आणखी दिसेल. When you go to Romania, you will see more. You will see it again when you go to Romania. Minä en juo alkoholia. I don't drink. I don't drink anymore. Морам да ги однесам дома. I've got to get them home. I have to take them home. 正直に言いますよ、ねえあなた、私は全く興味がないのです。 Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I'm honest with you, but I'm not interested. Ur zmireɣ ara i usemmiḍ. I cannot stand the cold. I can't put my name on you. Het is ongelofelijk. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Jag sköt på mitt hushållsarbete några timmar. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I spent a few hours at my housework. Je mourrai peut-être demain. I may die tomorrow. Maybe I'll die tomorrow. Say'moHmeH janmey mutlh. He assembles washing machines. I don't think so. たくさんのヨーロッパの人達は環境問題に目覚めています。 Many European people are aware of environmental problems. Many people in Europe are aware of environmental issues. Was möchten Sie gerne, Kaffee oder Tee? Which would you like: coffee or tea? What do you want, coffee or tea? Pensa davvero che Tom sia bello? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Do you really think Tom's beautiful? Nenechávej svojí práci nedokončenou. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don't let your job fail. Я в захваті. I'm excited. I'm in custody. Toma el control. Take control. Take control. mi klama lo briju I go to work. It's my heart. Tom yezzi ar Mary. Tom turned back to Mary. Tom's talking to Mary. Iess méi Uebst, wann ech gelift. Eat more fruit, please. It's more uebst when I'm alive. 有好的也有坏的。 Some are good, some aren't. There's good and bad. Nie powinniśmy tak zostawiać tej sprawy. We shouldn't leave the matter unsettled. We shouldn't leave this case like that. Ulac ara yeqqimen i lebda. Lqahwa tettismid. Dexxan yettṣeffu. Akud yettɛeddi akked imdanen ttbeddilen. Nothing lasts forever. The coffee gets cold. The smoke clears. The time passes and the people change. It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. SoSlI' DaboQnIS. You must help your mother. SoSli' DaboQnIS. Ich zähle gerade, wie viele Leute hier sind. I'm counting how many people there are. I'm just counting on how many people are here. Haigh! Hi! Get up! Mama robi zakupy po drodze z pracy. My mother does her usual shopping on her way home from work. Mom's making purchases on her way to work. Visne mecum ire? Do you want to go with me? Are you coming with me? Я не могу пойти с тобой, так как я очень занят. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. I can't come with you, so I'm very busy. Бих искал да живея близо до твоята къща. I wish I could live near your house. I'd like to live near your house. Yaralanmadığına sevindim. I'm just glad you weren't hurt. I'm glad you weren't created. त्यांना आमच्याबरोबर येता येत नाही. She can't come with us. They don’t come with us. Думаю, я знаю, що ви маєте на увазі. I think I know what you mean. I think I know what you mean. Tom şaşırmış değil. Tom isn't surprised. Tom's not surprised. Hallo allerseits! Ich bin Tom. Hello, everyone, I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Heshtja nuk është marrëveshje. Silence is not agreement. Listen, it's not a deal. Đó là cảm giác tuyệt vời nhất. It's the best feeling. That's the best feeling. Те не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not so bad. Tom gosta de comida chinesa. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom dove ha imparato a fare questo? Where did Tom learn to do this? Where did Tom learn to do this? Dizimez oc’h? Are you single? What about you? Ksiądz jest ateistą. The priest is an atheist. The priest is an atheist. Am făcut primul pas. I've taken the first step. I've taken the first step. Да се прошетаме низ пазарот! Let's stroll around the bazaar! Let's go through the market! Я чув, що у цю пору року в Бостоні спекотно. I hear Boston is hot this time of year. I've heard that in Boston this year, it's a good time. Le produit de deux nombres négatifs est positif. The product of two negative numbers is positive. The product of two negative numbers is positive. Hrával jsem videohry. I used to play video games. I played video games. Είμαι αμερόληπτος. I'm impartial. I'm innocent. Viuen a l'altra banda del riu. They live on the other side of the river. They live on the other side of the river. 你讀過這本書嗎? Have you read this book yet? Have you read this book? Moltes feines les fan els ordinadors. A lot of jobs are done by computers. A lot of work is done by computers. 彼は退職後庭いじりを始めた。 He took up gardening after he retired. He started at the post office. El templo fue construido hace doscientos años. The shrine was built two hundred years ago. The temple was built two hundred years ago. Ще върна паспорта си в сейфа. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll get my passport back to the safe. आता मी इंग्रजीचा अभ्यास करतेय. I am studying English now. Now I am studying the English language. Mam coś ważniejszego do zrobienia. I have something more important to do. I have something more important to do. Ken比Seiko年長。 Ken is older than Seiko. Ken was older than Seiko. Estupa lo deishudader. Turn off the alarm. I'm gonna kill him. Ssfeqdet zdat. Check around. Sfeqde here. Ani bir plan değişikliği oldu. There's been a sudden change of plans. It's just a plan that's changed. खूनी टॉम है। Tom is the murderer. It's Sonny Tom. Eu sou amado por meus pais. I am loved by my parents. I'm in love with my parents. Tezmer ad tili d tidet. It may well be true. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Send Tom op. Send Tom up. Send Tom up. 麦克以建议的口气说了些话。 Mike said a few words by way of suggestion. Mike said a few words on his recommendation. Jsem zvyklý prohrávat. I'm used to losing. I'm used to losing. Ta sai klaverimängijaks. He became a pianist. He got a piano player. Jangan khawatirkan aku. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Ceļš ir garš. The road is long. The road is wind. מי שולח היום מכתבים בדואר? היום יש לנו דואר אלקטרוני. Who sends letters by mail? These days we have e-mail. We've got an electronic dor today. Στη Μαρία αρέσει τα ζώα. Mary loves animals. Maria likes animals. Patjetër! Of course! Of course! Topná sezóna skončila. The heating season has ended. The hot season is over. La plupart des Suisses parlent deux ou trois langues. Most Swiss citizens speak two or three languages. Most Swiss speak two or three languages. Nhóm máu của bạn là nhóm nào? What is your blood type? Which group are your blood groups? 我没有两只猫。 I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Maria se somni cupidam esse dicit. Mary says she's sleepy. Maria, if you're dreaming, you're supposed to say it. Es ist gefährlich da draußen. It's dangerous out there. It's dangerous out there. Tom blev avvisad. Tom was turned down. Tom was refused. paq chu' 'oH paqvetlh'e'. That book is a new book. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. אני קוראת את המשפט הזה. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this court. Ik heb het boek van deze bibliotheek geleend. I borrowed the book from this library. I've read the book of this library. Если бы он последовал моему совету тогда, он сейчас был бы богатым человеком. If he had taken my advice then, he would be a rich man now. If he followed my advice then he would now be a rich man. टॉमला पोहायला खूप आवडतं. Tom likes swimming a lot. Tom likes to come. Benvenite al domo. Welcome home. Welcome home. ブライアンは憂鬱そうに見える。 Brian looks blue. Brian looks sad. يېڭى ئوقۇتقۇچى كىم بولىدۇ؟ Who will the new teacher be? Who is the new reader? Мы провели отпуск на озере. We had our vacation at the lake. We've taken a break at the lake. Τι νομίζεις ότι σκέφτομαι; What do you think I'm thinking? What do you think I'm thinking? Ես չեմ կարող կանգնել դրա մասին մտածելու համար: I can't stand to think about it. I can't stand to think about it. Bellum omnium pater est. War is the father of all. It's a great father. Eldurinn var dauður. The fire was out. The old man was dead. Ŝi ne povis respondi al la demando. She couldn't answer the question. She couldn't answer the question. חג המולד מעבר לפינה. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas is over the corner. זה היה קשה? Would that have been hard? Was that hard? Minulla on nyt kaksi mikrofonia. Now I have two microphones. I have two microphones now. Mieszkam w małym mieście. I live in a small town. I live in a small town. व्हाईट-जी भारत गए हुए हैं। Mr White has gone to India. Wyatt-J is in India. Нашата тема на седмицата е: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme for the week is: . . . Bạn phải không bỏ lỡ xem bộ phim tuyệt vời này. You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film. You don't have to miss this wonderful movie. Dan ia es detetor de omisides. Dan was a homicide detective. Dan is an obsessive detective. Тоа значи „да“ или „не“? Is that a yes or no? Does that mean “yes ” or“ no ”? Tom yaşıl çay içmir. Tom isn't drinking green tea. Tom doesn't drink old tea. Машына зялёная. The car is green. The machine's green. Tom rannte. Tom ran. Tom ran. Minu tüdruksõber on väga ilus. My girlfriend is very beautiful. My girlfriend's very nice. Είναι απαράδεκτο για μας. This is unacceptable to us. It's unacceptable for us. मला शिक्षक बनायचंय. I want to be a teacher. I wanted to become a teacher. ماذا تتعلم؟ What do you learn? What do you know? Utens ad quem hunc nuntium mittere vis non exstat. Tenta, quaeso, aliud nomen utentis. The user you to want to send this message to does not exist. Please try with another username. Use this to send a message that does not exist. Please try again, another user name. Kövessük a többieket! Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. Vimos un castillo en la distancia. We saw a castle in the distance. We saw a castle in the distance. Okyanusta adalar var. There are islands in the ocean. There's justice in the kitchen. Tom'un bazen diğer insanların güdülerini ve isteklerini anlama sorunu var. Tom sometimes has trouble understanding other people's motives and desires. Tom sometimes has trouble understanding other people's thoughts and desires. Exoptatae cauponam nostram advenistis! Welcome to our restaurant! We're supposed to get our guests out of here! Ако ѝ кажеш за това, после тя ще каже на своите най-добри приятели, после нейните най-добри приятели ще разкажат на своите най-добри приятели и накрая всички ще разберат. If you tell her about it, then she'll tell her best friends and then her best friends will tell their best friends and then everyone will know. If you tell her about it, then she will tell her best friends, then her best friends will tell her best friends and finally everyone will understand. قد يكون مرضها السرطان. His illness may be cancer. It may be a rare disease. Io non bevo mai il tè con il latte. I never drink tea with milk. I never drink the tea with the milk. Ide mi sve bolje. I'm getting good at it. I'm better off. Yanına bir şemsiye alacak mısın? Are you going to take an umbrella with you? Will you take a kiss with him? Elephantes mundissimi sunt, quia se lavant. Elephants are very clean. They wash themselves. The elephants are pure, because they're doing it. Abest, quia aegrotat. She is absent because of sickness. Abest, because he's sick. 不管我怎么努力,也达不到父母的要求。 No matter how hard I try, I can't meet my parents' expectations. No matter how hard I try, I can't meet my parents' demands. Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. It's raining. She's a good girl. Oportas ke vu irez. You'd better go. It's time for you to go. Esque tu videt mi sestra? Did you see my sister? Do you see my sister? Skrifaðu það niður áður en þú gleymir því. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget it. আমার গাঁটগুলো ব্যাথা করছে। My joints ache. My balls are breaking. Nagdesisyon hi Tom nga lumakat. Tom decided to leave. Tom decided to go. Jag höll på att titta på tv när telefonen ringde. I was watching TV when the telephone rang. I was watching TV when the phone called. Понякога чувам баща ми да пее в банята. I sometimes hear my father singing in the bath. Sometimes I hear my father singing in the bathroom. ბევრი მაქვს გასაკეთებელი. I have a lot to do. I have a lot of work to do. Ny gonvedhas Tom tra vyth. Tom didn't understand a thing. It's not Tom's fault. Том зна да је дошао крај. Tom knows it's over. Tom knows it's over. Ta av deg skoene. Please take off your shoes. Take your shoes off. Deus genev. Come with me. Oh, my God. מרי לבשה גרביים בגובה הברך. Mary wore knee-high socks. Mary's wearing grebes on the blessed side. トムを見つけて。 Find Tom. Find Tom. Μπορείς να μου διδάξεις μερικά γαλικά; Could you teach me some French? Can you teach me some French? Mądry przywódca wie, kiedy słuchać. A wise leader knows when to listen. The wise leader knows when to listen. En ole menossa, koska, muiden syiden muassa, minulla ei ole rahaa. I am not going, because, among other reasons, I don't have money. I'm not going, because, for other reasons, I don't have any money. Ple'ma medhek? Where is a doctor? Do you like me? Lol at binom jönik. This rose is beautiful. It's crazy to be a comer. أين تعمل؟ Where does she work? Where are you working? يعتقدون أن كل ما هو جديد أفضل مما هو قديم. They take it for granted that what is new is better than what is old. They think everything's better than it was before. Hva synes du om den nye leiligheten din? How do you like your new apartment? What do you think of your new apartment? Je respecte toujours mes promesses. I always keep promises. I always respect my promises. Што си напишал? What've you written? What did you write? La chica estaba siempre siguiendo a su madre. The girl was always following her mother. The girl was always following her mother. Qızıl qar yawğaç. When hell freezes over. Green grass. Tom muốn đi bơi. Tom wants to swim. Tom wants to go to bed. איך בין גאר פארמישט. I am all mixed up. How's Gar Farmish? DuSaQDaq vIraS Hol HaD'a' tam? Is Tom studying French at school? DuQQDaq viraS Hol Had'a? Tom ist ein Yogi. Tom is a yogi. Tom's a Yogi. चुका असल्या तर सुधार. Correct errors, if any. If you’re wrong, it’s better. Je prends pour argent comptant que les gens sont honnêtes. I take it for granted that people are honest. I take money because people are honest. Sim, meu coronel! Sir, yes, sir! Yes, Colonel! Jag är gammeldags. I'm old-fashioned. I'm old-fashioned. Undskyld! Jeg troede du vidste det. I'm sorry. I thought you knew. I'm sorry, I thought you knew that. A ieşit mânios. He went out in anger. He's out of his hands. Deberías empezar con preguntas más fáciles. You should begin with easier questions. You should start with easier questions. Том нема да поверува. Tom won't believe it. Tom won't believe it. Tiu ĉi pentraĵo estas atribuata al Monet. This painting is attributed to Monet. This painting is attributed to Monet. Захирал өглөөгүүр зочдыг хүлээн авч уулздаг байсан. The director met guests in the mornings. The governing body was taking the lead in showing honor to those to whom it was due. Ulac ayen yugaren tideţ. Truth prevails. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Sama sekali tidak ada yang salah dengan Tom. There was nothing really wrong with Tom. There's nothing wrong with Tom at all. Γιατί με φίλησε ο Τομ; Why did Tom kiss me? Why did Tom come with me? Saoilidh mi gun robh fearg aige. I think he was angry. I'll live without him. ביקרתי את תום. I visited Tom. I visited Tom. Sad smo u nevolji. We're in trouble now. We're in trouble now. Tenemos una fiesta mañana por la noche. We have a party tomorrow evening. We have a party tomorrow night. Nenapadlo mě, že budu šťastný, když uslyším tvůj hlas. I never thought I'd be happy to hear your voice. I didn't think I'd be happy to hear your voice. Tom håber at se dig i oktober. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom hopes to see you in October. Por ta. Maybe. It's for you. Siamo umani. We are human. We're human. Ας τον κεράσουμε ένα ποτό. Let's buy him a drink. Let's get him a drink. Tu es un ingeniero? You're an engineer? You're an engineer? Þú verður að ná betri tíma. You have to beat the time. You've got to get better time. ההיסטוריה באמת חוזרת על עצמה? Does history really repeat itself? Does history really come back on itself? Szokásom a kutyát reggel megsétáltatni. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I'm used to seeing the dog in the morning. James Cameron membuat cara baru dalam membuat film. James Cameron created a new way to make movies. James Cameron made a new way of making a movie. Tom realmente amaba a Mary. Tom really loved Mary. Tom really loved Mary. Tiu arbo ne portas fruktojn. This tree does not bear fruit. This tree does not bear fruit. Taccia e continui a lavorare! Just shut up and get on with your work! Shut up and keep working! I te ngaro au mō te rima mēneti. I was away for five minutes. I forgot for five months. Je dobré mít nápady...nemyslíš? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideas... don't you think? 红颜色勿行了。 Red is out of fashion. It's red-coloured. Tio scivoligis ĉiun. That intrigued everybody. That made everyone aware of it. Tha a’ Ghàidhlig glè inntinneach, nach eil? Scottish Gaelic is very interesting, isn’t it? Irish is smart, isn't it? Мені цікаво, чи одружаться Том та Мері. I wonder whether or not Tom and Mary will get married. I'm wondering if Tom and Mary are married. Propoziţia aceasta are câteva greşeli. This sentence contains several mistakes. This proposal has some mistakes. 我学习的时候不要打扰我。 Don't distract me while I am studying. Don't bother me when I'm studying. El nu este un scriitor aşa bun şi cred ca o ştie. He's not such a great writer and I think he knows it. He's not such a good writer, and I think he knows it. Conte ao Tom pessoalmente. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom personally. तो एक वर्ष आधी मेला. He died one year ago. He died a year ago. 谢谢你邀请我吃饭。 Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Voca me, si auxilium meum requiris. Call me if you need my help. Call me if you need my help. Vreau să petrec mai mult timp cu familia mea. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to spend more time with my family. Ni havas alian opinion. We don't think so. We have another opinion. Tomuñ ýitmegi ähtimal. Tom is likely to get lost. It is possible to lose a lot of weight. מײַן נאָמען איז אָמיד. My name is Omid. My name is void. 我想你要拿到驾照根本不难。 I think you'll have very little difficulty in getting a driver's license. I don't think it's hard for you to get a ride. Той ми създава големи трудности. He is giving me a hard time. He's making me a lot of trouble. A e solle këtë në shtëpi? Did you bring this home? Did you bring this home? 你最近去哪裡旅遊了嗎? Have you traveled anywhere recently? Where have you been lately? Má oči jako safíry. His eyes are like sapphires. He's got eyes like safies. Toms forældre har masser af penge. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Tom's parents have lots of money. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne finne noe å lese om de kollektivene substantivene i norsk, eller kanskje dansk. I wish I could find something to read about collective nouns in Norwegian, or perhaps Danish. I wish I could find something to read about the collective substances in Norway, or maybe Danish. Летом я езжу на море, а зимой - в горы. In the summer, I go to the sea, and in the winter, to the mountains. In the summer I walk to the sea, and the winter is in the mountains. Няма ли да направите нещо? Aren't you going to do something? Aren't you going to do something? Ο Τομ αγόρασε ένα αμάξι στη Μαίρη. Tom bought Mary a car. Tom bought a car in Mary. سيضطرّ لنسيانك. He'll have to forget about you. I'm gonna hurt your ass. Isto dice toto. That says it all. That's what it says. Tlata n wussan-aya ma walaɣ Tom. I haven't seen Tom in three days. And it came to pass, that after three days I went to see Thomas. Tom ima infekciju oka. Tom has an eye infection. Tom has an eye infection. 誰也沒有出席派對。 Nobody came to the party. No one attended the party. mi na se glibau I can't speak English. I don't care Киитн булгин уснднь, киилгән уhаhад суулав. Having washed my skirt in the cold water of a spring, I sat a while. Let the account come to life. Non sarà là? Aren't you going to be there? Won't he be there? Mae gan y ddwy ferch llygaid gleision. Both girls have blue eyes. The two horsemans have a lien's face. Az új film főszereplője egy gyermek angyal. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The director of the new film is an angel of a child. Je fus le seul à ne pas être invité à la soirée. I was the only one not invited to the party. I was the only one who wasn't invited to dinner. Ze was te moe. She was too tired. She was too tired. Не я мав приймати це рішення. It wasn't my decision to make. I didn't have to make that decision. Se hett em schreen höört. She heard him scream. See, he heard the scream. Maikãiuba oabaiuká. The blonde Frenchman killed the indigenous man. Make it easier for me to get along with you. Langad-langadon ku diya! My longing for you is killing me! Ladder-laden-laden! Мері — твоя дівчина? Is Mary your girlfriend? Is Mary your daughter? ممنون به خاطر نامه وعکس های بسیار زیبا از زادگاهتان. Thanks for the letter and the wonderful photos of your hometown. Manon, for the writing of the book, and for the books of many excellent works, was born unto thee. Ki Tom a yll neuvya yn ta. Tom's dog can swim well. Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline. Месяц нявідны за хмарамі. The moon is invisible behind the clouds. The moon is nowhere behind the clouds. 你衬衣的纽扣快掉了。 Your shirt button is coming off. You're wearing a new suit. Изглежда, че ще вали. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Tom är fortfarande vaken. Tom is still awake. Tom's still awake. Aṭas i neṭṭeṣ. We overslept. We had a lot of work to do. 何人たりとも公共の利益を独占すべきではない。 Let no one appropriate a common benefit. Don't take public interests alone with a few people. Boki ligg på bordet. The book is on the table. Book's on the table. שאלתי את תום מדוע. I asked Tom why. I asked Tom why. अरे देवा! तू काय करतेयस!? Oh my God! What are you doing!? < < For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A Psalm by David. > > What have you done, O God? אני חייב לך בירה. I owe you a beer. I need you a beer. Ik weet dat Tom mij gered heeft. I know that Tom rescued me. I know Tom saved me. আমার প্রশ্নের জবাব দাও। Answer me. Answer my question. Oslo er Norges hovedstad. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Jesteśmy gotowi od godziny. We've been ready for an hour. We've been ready for an hour. Waar ging Tom naartoe? Where'd Tom go? Where did Tom go? A Tom lo tomaron por sorpresa. Tom was taken by surprise. Tom was taken by surprise. B' àbhaist dhi leann òl. She used to drink beer. It should be done by default. Животът е пълен с възможности. Life is full of chances. Life is full of opportunities. Jis davė jai knygą. He gave her a book. He gave her a book. Tio estas suspektinda. This is suspicious. That's suspicious. Zvala se Marija. Her name was Mary. Her name is Maria. Погледни низ прозор. Look out the window. Look through the window. 由于我生病了,我便没去上学。 Since I was sick, I didn't go to school. Because I'm sick, I didn't go to school. Pyth es’ta ow hwilas? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? "Qanuipit?" "Qaniungi." "How are you?" "Fine, thanks." "Where are you going?" "Where are you going?" Нам надо сказать людям, что им нужно делать. We have to tell people what they need to do. We need to tell people what they need to do. Didymus nartis prolabitur. Tom's skiing. The size of the nose is spreading. Coś jest nie w porządku. Something isn't right. Something's wrong. Et dono cinc dòlars. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Το κουτάλι είναι βρόμικο. The spoon is dirty. The bottle's fragrant. Мый марла кутырем. I speak Mari. I'll stay with you. Desafortunadamente, ella está ausente. Unfortunately, she is absent. Unfortunately, she's gone. Ssarameɣ tegzam. I hope you understand. I'm ashamed of you. Tom a aswon tas Maria. Tom knows Mary's father. Tom calls it Maria. 早饭准备好了。 Breakfast is ready. Breakfast ready. Rapudo'a. It'll break. I'll get it. Sve je u redu sa mojim sluhom. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. It's all right with my ear. ¿Qué te hace pensar que nos interesaríamos? What makes you think that we would be interested? What makes you think we'd be interested? Преметнах те. I tricked you. I betrayed you. 啲叻嘅人通常都好目中無人。 Intelligent people are often arrogant. People who are shy usually look good to others. 货物运到,我会通知你们的。 I will notify you of the arrival of the goods. The goods are delivered, I'll inform you. Zwitserland heet "Suisse" in het Frans. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in French. Switzerland is called "Suisse" in France. Kuv nyob tim Russia tuaj. I am from Russia. That's what's going on in Russia. Menj aludni! Go to sleep. Go to sleep! Spójrz na swoje ręce. Look at your hands. Look at your hands. ra ro roi tadni He is always studying. the king of hearts Isai nokoilo'? Who knows? Is that what I'm talking about? Ga je in de herfst China bezoeken? Are you going to pay a visit to China this fall? Are you going to visit China's capital? Maria versuchte sich zu sammeln. Mary tried to compose herself. Maria tried to gather. Tom ne ĉesos krii. Tom won't stop screaming. Tom won't stop crying. Он только что вернулся. He has just come back. He just came back. Was meinen Sie dazu? What's your opinion on that? What do you mean? Mi ekvidis Namie Amuro. I caught sight of Namie Amuro. I saw Namibia Amuro. Es regnet wieder, und es ist kalt. It's raining again, and it's cold. It's raining again, and it's cold. Θα αποφασίσω. I'll decide. I'll decide. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Setkal jsem se s jeho ženou na nádraží. Je velmi přitažlivá. I met his wife at the station. She's very attractive. I met his wife on the beach. Tom'un Mary'ye yalan söylediğini düşünüyorum. I think Tom lied to Mary. I think Tom lied to Mary. Inné is ea a cheannaigh mé carr. Yesterday is when I bought a car. It's fire I bought a car. Biz onlara yardım etmek istedik. We wanted to help them. We wanted to help them. 痛过,但是没现在这么厉害。 It's ached before, but never as badly as right now. It hurts, but it's not so bad now. Particulas material isolate es abstractiones; lor proprietates pote esser definite e observate solmente per lor interaction con altere systemas. Isolated material particles are abstractions, their properties being definable and observable only through their interaction with other systems. Insulated material particles are abstractions; their properties can be defined and observed only by their interaction with other systems. Yanğının səbəbi hələ məlum deyil. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. The reason is still unknown. Kera hari isengero ngaha. There was a church here once. The temple had been there for a long time. Minä pyydän anteeksi. I apologise. I'm sorry. Tom non me lo avrebbe dovuto dire. Tom shouldn't have told me. Tom shouldn't have told me. Hoch vIghelta'. I've asked everybody. High veghelta. Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom. Let's do what Tom says. Let's do what Tom says. 佢好失望,因為冇人請佢去。 He was disappointed at not being invited. He's very disappointed because he's being asked to go. Ванг Лао Ђи није пиво. Чај је. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao is not a beer. Ich mag es scharf, aber nicht zu scharf. I like it spicy, but I don't like it too spicy. I like it, but I don't want to. ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. Ameba's protozoa was seen. Eu só estava de passagem. I was just passing by. I was just passing. Ég ferðaðist einn. I traveled by myself. I went alone. Tom we Mary özleriniň ýetişdiren gök-önümlerinden başga hiç zat iýmeýärler. Tom and Mary don't eat anything except the vegetables that they grow themselves. Tom and Mary eat nothing but what they grow. Jeg må være forsiktig. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. Elle le frappa au visage. She slapped him in the face. She hit him in the face. Tom non ha comprato niente a Mary. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. La ribera derecha del río es empinada. The right riverside is steep. The top right of the river is wrapped. あなたの行為の責任をもってもらおう。 We ask you to account for your conduct. I'll be responsible for your actions. Tai yra paprasta ir intuityvu. It's simple and intuitive. It's simple and intuition. Πες της ότι είμαι απασχολημένος. Tell her I'm busy. Tell her I'm busy. Jeg er enig. I agree. I agree. De emmer was vol water. The bucket was full of water. They were both full of water. Você realmente contou isso pro Tom? Did you really tell Tom that? Did you really tell that about Tom? Até o rever! Goodbye! I'll see you later. Nic jsem Tomovi neúčtoval za to, co udělal. I didn't charge Tom anything for doing that. I didn't count on Tom for what he did. Qual è il problema con quello? What's the problem with that? What's the problem with that? 你話過你有合約。 You said you had a contract. You said you had a deal. 為すことができる者が為し、為すことができない者が教える。 He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. For those who can do it, and those who can't do it. Προσπαθήστε να μείνετε ακίνητα. Try to stay still. Try to stay active. Моның белән ни эшләдең? What did you do with it? What did you do? 我上中學的時候有寫日記的習慣。 I used to keep a diary when I was at high school. I had a diary when I was in high school. No tienes ningún sentido de la orientación. You have no sense of direction. You have no sense of orientation. Tomi antoi periksi houkutukselle. Tom gave in to temptation. Tom gave a pear to the touch. Ŝi bezonas helpon. She needs help. She needs help. أراد سامي أن يربّي أولاده تربية إسلاميّة. Sami wanted to raise his children as Muslims. I want Sammy to take his position as an Islamic trainer. 我今天跟他吃午饭。 I had lunch with him today. I'm having lunch with him today. तातोएबा इस वक़्त अनुपलब्ध है। असुविधा के लिए हमें खेद है। अधिक जानकारी के लिये आप हमारा ब्लॉग या ट्विटर देख सकते हैं। Tatoeba is currently unavailable. We are sorry for the inconvenience. You can check our blog or Twitter for more information. Tobe is not available at this time. We have a problem. For more information, you can watch our blogs or Twitter. Ich habe morgen viel Arbeit. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I got a lot of work tomorrow. तुम्ही दोघी एकत्र प्रवास करत आहात का? Are you two traveling together? Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovah’s Organization? Ljudski je grešiti, praštati je božanski. To err is human, to forgive divine. It's human error. It's divine. Το όνομά μου είναι Κουζέι. My name is Kuzey. My name is Kuzey. Она любит принимать ванну с лепестками роз. She likes to take a bath with rose petals. She likes to take a bath with the best hair. Eğleniyoruz, değil mi? We're having fun, right? We're having fun, aren't we? Rád bych Tomovi poděkoval za vše, co pro nás udělal. I'd like to thank Tom for everything he's done for us. I'd like to thank Tom for everything he did for us. 你知唔知呢個字點解呀? Do you know the meaning of this word? You know what you don't know? A belépés ingyenes. Admission is free. Access is free. Jag har allt jag ville. I have everything I wanted. I have everything I want. 我们看着这孩子玩耍。 We watched the children play. We're watching this kid play. Gäbb älles, was du hôschd... mee kôsch du et dô! Give everything you have; you can't do any more than that! Give me everything you're proud of. സുപ്രഭാതം! Good morning! Good morning! Eu trabalho num hotel em Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. Lo devís deu Tòm qu'èra excellent. Tom's speech was excellent. You owe him Tom that's great. Je telefoon rinkelde verschillende keren terwijl je onder de douche stond. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. Your phone ran several times while you were under the shower. Elle lui conseilla de prendre davantage soin de lui-même. She advised him to take better care of himself. She advised him to take greater care of himself. Það er rosalega auðvelt! It's super easy! It's so easy! И какво да правя сега? So what do I do now? And what do I do now? Том майже скінчив. Tom is pretty near done. It's almost over. Non te emotiona. Il es nihil. Don't get excited. It's nothing. It's nothing. ghaH QeHmoHbogh meq'e' vISovbe'. I have no idea why she got so angry. I don't know what I'm talking about. Dw i'n hoffi ieithoedd. I like languages. I love languages. Dej mi pokoj! Give me a break! Give me a room! De danser. They're dancing. To dance. 急げば、学校に間に合いますよ。 Hurry up, and you'll be in time for school. It's time to go to school. lo tadni cu simlu lo ka sipna ca lo cabdei The students seem to be sleepy today. It's like he'll sleep like a hat. टाम क जनावरन पसन्द रहीं। Tom liked animals. Tom's animal likes it. Il ne faut pas juger une personne à son apparence. Don't judge a person by his appearance. You don't have to judge a person in his presence. तुम खा रहे हो। You're eating. You're eating. Kan du skjutsa oss hem? Can you give us a ride home? Can you shoot us home? 許多人只說一種語言。 Many people only speaks one language. Many people speak only one language. Sanırım Tom'un bana ihtiyacı var. I think Tom needs me. I think Tom needs me. Varför gjorde han en sån sak? Why did he do such a thing? Why did he do something like that? ra roroi ku ca lo clira co'a cikna She always gets up early. Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil Hij studeerde een wetenschappelijk vak op een universiteit. He studied a scientific subject at university. He studied science at a university. Alla gick. Everybody left. Alla went. Domus Mariae fulmine icta est. Mary's house was struck by lightning. This is the full house of Mary. Adavane! Forward! Advane! Elefantbetar består av elfenben. Elephant tusks consist of ivory. Elefant beta consists of elfenben. Kuka tahansa Algeriassa asuva voi katsoa tätä TV-kanavaa. Anyone who lives in Algeria can watch this TV channel. Anyone who lives in Algeria can watch this TV channel. Hvad var Toms efternavn? What was Tom's last name? What was Tom's last name? Jag vet inte vad rätt svar är. I don't know what the correct answer is. I don't know what the right answer is. Cilvēcei vajaga pielikt punktu karam savādāk karš pieliks punktu cilvēcei. Mankind must put an end to war, or otherwise war will put an end to mankind. Humans need to add a point to the war as well as a point to man. Bela porodica će doći u Tokijo u pola jedanaest. The White family will arrive in Tokyo at ten thirty. The white family will come to Tokyo in half an hour. ko catlu .i lo mi zdani na toljisyzma lo do co'e Look, my house is not as dirty as yours. I think it's impossible. I think it's gonna be okay. Jo išradimas yra vertas dėmėsio. His invention deserves attention. His presentation is worth noting. Те молам, не мумлај. Please don't mumble. Please, don't move. Tutti pensano che io sia strano. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everyone thinks I'm weird. तो इथे येतो का? Does he come here? Does he come here? Аз притежавам тази собственост. I own this property. I own this property. Tom to mój były. Tom is my ex. Tom was mine. Ο Τομ ίδρωσε. Tom sweated. Tom invented it. C'était la seule chose à faire. It was the only thing to do. It was the only thing to do. Mul on punane maja. I have a red home. I have a red house. Piacere di conoscervi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Va vénguer fòrça mei caud en març. It will become much warmer in March. He won a lot of trouble in March. Munere suo non fungetur! That won't work! It doesn't work! No televidolöd. Don't watch TV. Come on, TV. كومېدىيە دېگەن سىزنى كۈلدۈرىدىغان نەرسە. Comedy is something that makes you laugh. It's something that makes you laugh like a comedy. Што зараз адбываецца ў Польшы? What's happening now in Poland? What's going on in Poland now? নিজেকে বিভ্রান্ত কোরো না। Don't delude yourself. Don't bother yourself. まもなく暖かい春が来るだろう。 It won't be long before a warm spring comes. There'll be a warm summer soon. Ḥebsemt tikerkas. Stop lying. You're right. Anh ấy đã ra biển bơi. He went to sea to swim. He's out of the water. Ar aš turiu likti ligoninėje? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Es nezinu ko tu ar to domā. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you're thinking. Maria huilt in haar kamer. Mary is crying in her room. Maria's crying in her room. Том със сигурност ще се съгласи. Tom would surely agree. Tom will certainly agree. Tom üç yıl önce liseden mezun oldu. Tom graduated from high school three years ago. Tom died three years ago in high school. Vlak musel zastavit, protože na kolejích ležel spadlý strom. The train had to stop because there was a tree lying across the railway line. The train had to stop because he was lying on a fallen tree next door. 彼は出会うどの女性ともいちゃつく。 He flirts with every woman he meets. He's dating any woman he's ever met. നീ എങ്ങനെ നിന്റെ അവധിക്കാലം ചെലവഴിച്ചു? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your time? אַ גוטע נאַכט. Goodnight. A good night. ¿Napakain gud kamó? Where exactly did you go? Why the hell did you do that? Больше я ничего не могу сделать. I can't do any more than this. I can't do anything anymore. Me lahendame selle koos ära. We'll solve this together. We'll solve it together. Vaimoni jätti minut. My wife left me. My dad left me. On ia usa la matematica per calcula la forma de la universa direta ante e pos la Buma Grande. They used math to calculate the shape of the universe immediately before and after the Big Bang. We have used mathematics to calculate the shape of the universe directly before and after the Great Buma. لا يهم ما تفعله, يجب عليك أن تفعل أفضل ما لديك. No matter what you do, you have to do your best. It doesn't matter what you do, you have to do the best you have. Tá sí ina cónaí i mBéal Feirste. She lives in Belfast. She lives in Béal Beste. Ngam donkam shuh iaka loan. I no longer need a loan. I'm in the middle of a fire. Kanyemwo! Shut the fuck up! Of course not! A él le gusta viajar solo. He likes to travel alone. He likes to travel alone. Ona uvek nosi drečavu odeću. She always wears flashy clothes. She's always wearing dirty clothes. 這些電池,雖然是新的,但是沒用。 Although these batteries are new, they don't work. These cells, though new, are useless. Não sei porque o Tom está com medo. I don't know why Tom is afraid. I don't know why Tom's scared. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a fine. Ar nesi pavargusi? Are you not tired? Are you kidding me? Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι γράφουν για την καθημερινή τους ζωή. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about their daily lives. Dette land er fattig på naturressourcer. This country is poor in natural resources. This country is poor in natural resources. Det gör ont i mitt ben nu. My leg hurts now. It hurts in my leg right now. அவர்கள் எல்லோரும் அங்கே சென்றார்கள் All of them went there. They All Goed There Ma mı eza veyşan. Mom, I'm hungry. You're selling me. Ta lite åt mig också. Get me some, too. Take some for me, too. У нас много денег. We've got plenty of money. We have a lot of money. Seguramente él llegará tarde a la escuela. He is likely to be late for school. I'm sure he'll be late for school. For la manojn! Hands off. Get out of my hands! 佢阿爸係咪醫生嚟㗎? Is her father a doctor? His dad's a doctor? Мен қатты шаршадым. I'm really tired. I was very disappointed. Знаеш ли каде да ги најдеш? Do you know where to find them? Do you know where to find them? Avisen er gratis. The newspaper is free. The plane's free. Hiszpania jest krajem demokratycznym od 1975 roku. Spain has been a democracy since 1975. Spain has been a democratic country since 1975. Tom'a karşı nazik miydin? Have you been nice to Tom? Were you kind to Tom? Eremita é uma pessoa cujos vícios e loucuras não são sociáveis. A hermit is a person whose vices and follies are not sociable. Eremita is a person whose widows and widowers are not social. शहर नष्ट कर. Destroy the city. Destroy the city. 法國人在滑鐵盧之役吃了敗仗。 The French lost the battle of Waterloo. The French took the lead in skiing. كيف تجرؤ أن تقول ذلك؟ How dare you say that? How dare you say that? Nun diba ser quien de dalo fecho ensin ti. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. You shouldn't have done it without you. Ten pies gryzie. This dog bites. It's got gray feet. 別人聽得懂你說的法語嗎? Can you make yourself understood in French? Do others hear what you're saying? Tom ha bisogno di altro? Does Tom need anything else? Does Tom need another one? Tôi đã chuyển tin nhắn cho cô ta. I relayed the message to her. I sent her a message. Jimmy prøvde å overtale foreldrene hans til å la ham kjøre på tvers av landet med vennene sine. Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends. Jimmy tried to convince his parents to let him run across the country with his friends. do se krasi ma Where are you from? until it's gone. 今晚出去吃怎么样? How about going out to eat tonight? How's it going out tonight? Jag vet vad det heter. I know what it's called. I know what it's called. मैं अंग्रेज़ी, रूसी और ग्लोबिश बोलती हूँ। I speak English, Russian and Globish. I speak English, Russian and Globe. Çok çeşitli bitkiler ve hayvanlar tropikal yağmur ormanlarında yaşıyor. A great variety of plants and animals live in the tropical rain forest. Lots of plants and animals live in tropical rain forests. Nykyään harvat kärsivät tuberkuloosista. These days few people suffer from tuberculosis. Today, some people are suffering from tuberculosis. Il a ri. He laughed. It's not. من گوشت نمی‌خورم. I don't eat meat. I will not eat flesh. Come siete diventate così ricche? How did you get so rich? How did you become so rich? Kāpēc tu joprojām runā? Why are you still talking? Why are you still talking? Olin vuorilla. I was in the mountains. I was on the mountain. Kion mi povas alporti? What can I bring? What can I bring? Hatukuona watoto wo wote. We did not see any children at all. Let us see how. Мені вас майже шкода. I almost feel sorry for you. I'm almost sorry. Gdzie do cholery go poznałeś? Where on earth did you meet him? Where the hell did you meet him? Hänellä on hyvä sydän. She has a kind heart. He's got a good heart. Jis bėga. He runs. He's running. ghot mIgh ghaH Sa'mIy'e'. Sami is an evil person. I don't think so. काटालान आन्डोर्रा में बोलल जाले। Catalan is spoken in Andorra. Let's talk to Catalan Andorra. Tom həssasdır. Tom is sensitive. Tom is sensitive. मला आधी जाऊ दे. Let me go first. Let me go first. Asemenea afirmații nu sunt considerate științifice. Such claims are not considered scientific. Such claims are not considered scientific. Защо не спите? Why aren't you sleeping? Why don't you sleep? Kan jag ta med mig Tom hem? Can I take Tom home? Can I take Tom home with me? Quase todas portas estavam fechadas. Almost all the doors were closed. Almost all the doors were closed. Endişelenecek tek bir şeyimiz yok. We don't have a single thing to worry about. We don't have one thing to worry about. Mina olen kana. I'm chicken. I'm a dog. Prendi librum. I took the book. Take the book. 我哋飛的去啦,好冇? Let's go by taxi, OK? I'm flying, okay? Teko ñaña akóinte ipu'aka. Evil always wins. I don't know what to do. ಅವರು ಜನಸಮೊಹದ ನಡುವೆ ಅವನನ್ನು ಕಂಡಿದರು. They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people. And they found him in the midst of the people. Tom er en atlet. Tom is an athlete. Tom's an athlete. Бритни Спирс кайда? Where is Britney Spears? Where's Britney Spears? Þetta er uppáhalds myndin mín. This is my favorite movie. It's my favorite picture. Nos vive proxime al grande bibliotheca. We live near the large library. We live near the big library. Ea est amor vitae meae. She is the love of my life. She's my life love. No reidorsöd ati seti. Don't read this sentence. Don't turn your heart down. Hər tələbənin lüğəti yoxdur. Not every student has a dictionary. There is no darkness at all around us. Cái nhà mà bạn có thể thấy được mái tên là gì? What is the name of the building whose roof you can see? What's the house you can see? Res yw dhymm godhvos. I must know. There is always room for improvement. Prendete delle precauzioni. Take precautions. Take precautions. la maris na'o juxre Mary is a klutz. The Sea of Galilee Ur yi-gezzmem ara awal. Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. I don't receive glory from men. Каменот се стркала надолу по брдото. The rock rolled down the hill. The stone ran down the bridge. Diri hi Tom an una nga natanggal. Tom wasn't the first one to be eliminated. Tom was not the first to lose. הוא נראה מרוצה מההסבר שלי. He looked satisfied with my explanation. He seems interested in my explanation. Hvad betyder det? What's the meaning of that? What does that mean? الزجاجة ملئى بالماء. The bottle is filled with water. The ghetto's in the water. Aku hanya ingin bilang aku cinta padamu I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just want to say I love you. Zseniális vagy. You're bright. You're amazing. У тебя ручка есть? Have you got a pen? Do you have a hand? Не разбираш. You don't understand. You don't understand. Yo vole revar. I want to dream. I want to come back. Tom onu yapmayı unutabilir. Tom may forget to do that. Tom can forget to do it. Си ја изгубив рачната светилка. I lost my flashlight. I lost my handlight. Le movimentos revolutionari attrahe e illes qui non es bastante bon pro le institutiones existente e illes qui es troppo bon pro illos. Revolutionary movements attract those who are not good enough for established institutions as well as those who are too good for them. Revolutionary movements attract and they are not good enough for existing institutions and they are too good for them. Em razî ne. We are satisfied. I don't know. Is cearpantóir maith é. He is a good carpenter. He's a good cop. Baleg ak nen sika. I'm bigger than you. I am much older than you. Tom såg sig omkring. Tom looked around. Tom looked around. Nequí venit! Nobody came. Here he comes! Tom e Maria ia amini resente. Tom and Mary have recently become friends. Tom and Maria are at the center of their lives. Ми завтра працюватимемо. We'll work tomorrow. We'll work tomorrow. Kiom da fojoj mi jam diris al vi, ke vi faldu vian tolaĵon. How many times have I told you to fold your clothes? How many times have I told you to lose your mind? Υποσχέθηκε να το ελέγξει. She promised she'll check on it. He promised to check it out. Ich gehe nach draußen. I'm going outside. I'm going out. मला आणखीन एक उदाहरण द्या. Give me another example. Give me another example. אמרתי לתום שאני מבוסטון. I told Tom I'm from Boston. I told him I was from Boston. पता नहीं क्यों मुझे रात में ज़्यादा ज़िन्दा महसूस होता है। For some reason I feel more alive at night. I don't know why I feel more alive at night. Jeg er fire måneder yngre end dig. I am four months younger than you. I'm four months younger than you. 今天幾號? What's today's date? How many today? Αυτή είναι μια φράση. This is a sentence. That's a statement. Apakah kamu tinggal di sini? Do you live here? Are you staying here? Minsko estas la ĉefurbo de Belorusio. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Minsko is the capital of Belarus. tuj'a' wa'leS? Will it be hot tomorrow? Continue from the beginning? ते शाळेला बसने जातात का? Does he go to school by bus? Do they go to school? Dr Hideo Noguchi mourut en Afrique en 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. Dr. Hideo Noguchi died in Africa in 1928. 别看他们。 Don't look at them. Don't look at them. Continuò a gridare. He kept screaming. He kept crying. Voglio soltanto salvare il pianeta. I just want to save the planet. I just want to save the planet. كشف سامي عن معلومات صادمة في غرفة الاستجواب. Sami dropped a bomb in the interrogation room. Cumulative disclosure of information arising from the interrogation room. طريقة لبس السياح تخالف اداب المجتمع المحلية . The way tourists dress offends the local standard of propriety. A way to get to know the local community. Ett kuvert och ett frimärke, tack. An envelope and a stamp, please. A cup of coffee and a brand-new, thank you. Vi forsøgte at bryde fjendens linjer. We attempted to break the lines of the enemy. We tried to break the enemy's lines. Του έδειξα το δωμάτιό μου. I showed my room to him. I showed him my room. टॉमने पैसे स्वतःबरोबर ठेवले. Tom kept the money. Tom kept his money with himself. mi zifre I'm free. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Cred că va trebui să ne regândim planul. I think we may have to rethink our plan. I think we're gonna have to take care of our plan. Обаче искам да разбереш какво ти казвам. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. But I want you to know what I'm saying. Lia kabalakang! Look back! There is no need to worry! Χόρευα. I was dancing. Horrey. Atos no binon kat. Atos binon dog. This is not a cat. This is a dog. Dogs don't drink kat, dogs dog. Tom trajo a Mary un vaso de agua. Tom brought Mary a glass of water. Tom brought Mary a glass of water. টমের অন্ধকারের মধ্যে একলা একলা বেড়ানো উচিৎ হয় নি। Tom shouldn't have gone out after dark by himself. It's not supposed to be the only one in Tom's darkness. Když jsem se vrátil domů z práce zjistil jsem, že nám někdo vykradl byt. When I returned home from my work, I found out that somebody had robbed our flat. When I came home from work, I found out that someone stole our apartment. Bukuria e njeriut është sjellja në shoqeri. A person's beauty is their conduct in society. Man's work is behavior in society. Ein ispose vil hemja smerta. An ice pack will numb the pain. An ispouse will heal pain. मला फोन कर. Call me. Call me. Mieste yra keli geri viešbučiai. There are a few good hotels in town. There are several nice hotels in the city. Tom røg før i tiden. Tom used to smoke. Tom smokes before the time. أنا قبائلي. I'm Kabyle. I'm my family. Qleɛ! Start! Of course not! ตอนเย็นนี้ผมว่าง I'm free tonight. I'm free tonight. Sillä kissalla on kaksi korvaa. The cat has two ears. It's got two replacements. Végül békét kötöttek az ellenséggel. They finally made peace with the enemy. They finally made peace with the enemy. J'ai bu un verre de lait ce matin. I drank a glass of milk this morning. I've got a glass of milk this morning. Nosoou ku nopo daa om bohizon di Tom do kulita. I thought Tom would buy that car. Our grandfather gave us Tom's skin bohizon. Mary sender mig uopfordrede kærestebreve. Mary is sending me unsolicited love letters. Mary sends me an unencumbered letter of friendship. Tenha um feliz Natal! Have a good Christmas. She has a Christmas happiness! 請問你全名同地址係咩呀? Would you please tell me your full name and address? Please ask your full name and address? Nesciebam vos similes esse. I didn't know you were related. I didn't want to be like you. Jeg beklager, men sådan er det bare. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. I'm sorry, but that's all. Ελπίζω ότι ο καιρός θα 'ναι καλός. I hope the weather will be good. I hope time's going to be good. Sami ohayhu jety. Sami loves sweet potatoes. Take care of yourself. Lente-, grave- e silentiosemente, le Phantasma se approchava. The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached. Slow, severe and silent, the Phantasma was approaching. Tom yenna-id ad qqimeɣ anda lliɣ. Tom told me to stay where I was. For he said to him, "I will sit, one on my right hand, and one on my left hand." उन्होंने उसके मरे हुए पति को दफनाया। They buried her dead husband. They buried her dead husband. Ela lhe contou. She told him. She told him. Čovek se nada dok god je živ. Man hopes as long as he lives. Man hopes for as long as he's alive. Почему ты хочешь пойти со мной? Why do you want to come with me? Why do you want to come with me? आमच्याकडे शंकरपाळ्यासुद्धा आहेत. We even have shankarpali. As a result, we were able to continue in the full - time ministry as well as in the traveling work. Je n'ai jamais été amoureuse auparavant. I've never been in love before. I've never been in love before. Я не назову тебе её имени. I'm not going to tell you her name. I'm not calling you her name. na vajni falo nu le nakni pu cusku ma kau It doesn't matter what he said. Do not let your hands drop down. Don't let your hands drop down. Ayağını yorganına göre uzat. Waste not, want not. Get your feet away from the organization. Moenie haar nou bel nie. Don't phone her now. Don't call her now. Još uvek grešim. I still make mistakes. I'm still wrong. Не можеш да ми се сърдиш за това. You can't hold that against me. You can't worry about that. Läraren skrev någonting på svarta tavlan. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard. The teacher wrote something on the black table. ชีวิตช่างสวยงาม Life is beautiful. It's a beautiful life. Au oku insan momuriman iri kokitanan dot kalansahan. Never in my life have I seen such a peaceful sight. I was born in a poor condition called dot melancholy. Ea semel in hebdomade ad theatrum cinematographicum it. She goes to the movies once a week. She spends her week at cinematographic theaters. Tom está ficando no Hotel Hilton? Is Tom staying at the Hilton Hotel? Tom's staying at Hotel Hilton? Tom es un campion olimpial. Tom is an Olympic champion. Tom is an Olympic champion. tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'. Energy comes from inside. I don't know what you're talking about. Дозволь мені поспілкуватися з Томом. Give me a minute with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Bliadhna math ùr! Happy New Year! New Year's Eve! Nos ancora non sape si ille de facto ha rumpite su gamba. Illes va radiographar lo. We don't know yet if he really broke his leg. They'll do an X-ray of it. We still don't know if he actually broke his leg. Hablamos sobre Australia. We talked about Australia. We're talking about Australia. No estoy seguro. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure. Ur ḥerreṣ ara iman-ik s učči ma ur ak-yehwi ara. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to. Therefore don't be anxious for your life, what you will eat, nor yet for your body, what you will wear. Tettḥibbi ččina. She likes oranges. You're kidding me. Ben Facebook kullanmıyorum. I don't use Facebook. I'm not using Facebook. Tom joue au tennis avec Marie. Tom is playing tennis with Mary. Tom plays tennis with Marie. Да одиме надвор и да поразговараме. Let's go outside and talk. Let's go outside and talk. Jag fick intrycket att han hade mycket pengar. I got the impression that he had a lot of money. I got the impression he had a lot of money. lo me mi verba ku je'a nelci lo danlu My children really like animals. My word that I couldn't give it to you Infanoj devus trinki lakton ĉiutage. Children should drink milk every day. Children should drink milk every day. Hij is het huis uit. He is away from home. He's out of the house. Остави го ова тука. Leave this here. Leave this here. La Terre est inclinée d'un angle de 23.4 degrés. The Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.4 degrees. The Earth is covered with a angle of 23.4 degrees. Tom me disse que queria ensinar francês. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Tom told me he wanted to teach French. Han genomforskade Amazonas regnskog. He explored the Amazon jungle. He went through the Amazon rain forest. Het is heet vandaag. It's warm today. It's called today. Ellos se alegrarán mucho. They will be very glad. They'll be very happy. Kas tev ir svarīgs? What is important for you? What's important to you? पैसा याबाबतीत महत्त्वाचा असतो. Money is important in this way. Money is vital in this regard. Gyvenimas yra gražus. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Мы спазніліся на свой цягнік. We missed our train. We looked at our train. Шесть идёт перед семью. Six comes before seven. Six goes in front of the family. Tra cuanto tempo un papilio vive? How long does a butterfly live? How long does a paper live? Io debe apprender como ordinar alimento in francese. I have to learn how to order food in French. I must learn how to order food in French. Dove metto le mie borse? Where do I put my bags? Where do I put my bags? Mi ne devis iri, se mi ja iris. I didn't have to go, but I did. I didn't have to go if I did. Wewe ni mwanafunzi. You are a student. You are the judge. De repente ele acelerou o carro. Suddenly, he accelerated the car. Suddenly he speeded up the car. Todos tenemos defectos. We all have flaws. We all have defects. 父亲让我洗汽车。 My father had me wash the car. Dad let me wash my car. Ти мій кузен? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? 真奇怪,他竟然被安排入住這種廉價酒店。 It is strange that he should be put up at such a cheap hotel. Surprisingly, he was arranged to live in such a precious hotel. Їх вже нема. They've gone. They're gone. Ka Deo esas geyo? Is God gay? What is God’s name? Da li ste očekivali da se dogodi nešto drugo? Did you expect something else to happen? Did you expect something else to happen? 私がその知らせを伝えると、ホワイト夫人はわっと泣きだした。 Mrs. White broke into tears when I told her the news. When I informed her, Mrs. White was crying. Imagino que no soy tan lista como tú. I guess I'm not as smart as you. I don't think I'm as smart as you. Це справжня людина. That's a real person. It's a real person. Εκείνο το φόρεμα είναι φτηνό. That dress is cheap. That dress is cheap. मी एका फॅक्टरीत काम करतो. I work in a factory. I work in a factory. Esta ha sido una semana larga. This has been a long week. This has been a long week. أنا أتعلم اليابانية. I am learning Japanese. I know Japanese. Первісною метою науки є пошук істини, нової істини. The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. The first goal of science is to find the truth, the new reality. Hun er varm på dig. She has a crush on you. She's hot on you. それは初耳ですね。 That's news to me. That's the first word. Aramukunda. She likes him. He loves him. Ĉesigu tion! Stop that! Stop it! Aldri tro at du kan lure meg. Den samme evnen som du har til å lyve, er også slik at jeg må late som at jeg tror på det du sier. Never think you can fool me. Your ability to lie is of such a nature that I need to pretend that I believe in what you're saying. Never think you can fool me, the same ability you have to lie is also that I have to let you believe what you're saying. Ja sam pospan. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Гэту зʼяву вельмі проста растлумачыць. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. This sound is very simple to explain. Det er meget sjovt. It's very fun. It's very funny. तिचं पुस्तक इंग्लंडमध्येच नव्हे तर जपानमध्येही प्रसिद्ध आहे. Her book is famous not only in England but also in Japan. The book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses, is available not only in England but also in Japan. Već sam znao istinu. I already knew the truth. I already knew the truth. Pravila sam se da ne znam Toma. I pretended that I didn't know Tom. I thought I didn't know Tom. Ти вчора грала в теніс? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday? 我和这件事无关。 I've got nothing to do with it. I don't care. Helen xuống ở trạm kế tiếp. Helen got off at the next stop. Helen's down to the next station. Mogla sam da odem, ali nisam htela. I could've gone, but I didn't want to. I could have gone, but I didn't want to. फादिलने यूट्यूबवर आणखीन एक व्हिडिओ अपलोड केला. Fadil uploaded another video on YouTube. Faddil downloaded another video on Utub. Այլևս չեմ դիմանում: I can't take it any more. I'm not stopping anymore. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not going to follow his plan. Tom vertrou hom. Tom trusts him. Tom trusted him. Horologium duas sagittulas habet. A clock has two hands. Horology is two hundredths missing. Duşenbe güni irden men bir güjük tarapyndan dişlendim. Monday morning I was bitten by a dog. On Saturday morning, I was fired by a powerful force. Том изпрати на Мери съобщение, написано на френски. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Tom sent Mary a message written in French. Prieš bėgimą bėgikai turi apšilti. Before the race, the runners have to warm up. You have to get out of here before you run away. 我贊成你的說法。 I think you're right. I'm sorry about what you said. Portuqaliya istisna deyil. Portugal is no exception. It's not only Portugal. A bheil Gàidhlig na h-Èireann agad? Do you speak Irish? Is your Irish Irish language? 旅券をどこかに置き忘れました。 I left my passport somewhere. I forgot to leave the train somewhere. "Er du alvorlig?" "Jeg er dødsens alvorlig." "Are you serious?" "I'm absolutely serious." "Are you serious?" "I'm serious about death." Toto je poprvé, co jsem si kdy zdřímnul ve třídě. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in the classroom. That's the first thing I've ever done in class. Ik kan nu niet stoppen. I can't stop now. I can't stop now. Ŝi alportis al mi kafon. She brought me coffee. She brought me a hat. Magdalena na Ania ni marafiki wazuri Magdalena and Ania are good friends. Walk in it, you people, ’ in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left. ” Nem szeretném, hogy Tom azt gondolja, meg kell engem védenie. I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me. I don't want Tom to think he needs to protect me. Nyitva kell tartania a szemét. You must keep your eyes open. You have to keep your eyes open. Eu não gosto de café gelado. I don't like iced coffee. I don't like ice coffee. Je sais que tu ne nous fais pas confiance. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. la .tom. sega'a pu sanli Tom stood watching. .tomt is not equal to Natuod hiya nga ginpaupay han Tai Ji an iya kinabuhi. He believes that Tai Ji has improved his life. She was convinced that Tai Ji had given her life. Digli che la farò. Tell him I'll do it. Tell him I'll do it. Et dixit ad eam Noemi socrus sua: Filia mea, quæram tibi requiem et providebo, ut bene sit tibi. After she was returned to her mother in law, Noemi said to her: My daughter, I will seek rest for thee, and will provide that it may be well with thee. Naomi her sister-in-law said to her, "My daughter, how long will I be with you? I will provide for you, that it may be well with you." Εξακολουθώ να προσπαθώ να βρω τον Τομ. I'm still trying to get in touch with Tom. I'm still trying to find Tom. Ody özüñe bas ötmese kesekä. People should mind their own business first and foremost. If you don't put the fire on yourself, you can't. Του στέλνω μήνυμα. I'm texting him. I'm sending him a message. Pogrešam te. I miss you. I miss you. Hon förklarade ett skämt. She explained a joke. She explained a joke. Mai bine mai târziu decât niciodată. Better late than never. Better later than ever. Ni ludu korbopilkon post la lernejo. Let's play basketball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Είστε ακαταμάχητη. You're irresistible. You're an impostor. יש לי כל כך הרבה דברים להגיד לך. I have so many things to tell you. I have so many things to tell you. Това е странен проблем. That's a strange problem. That's a strange problem. Meskipun ia berulang kali mengatakan kalau ia mahasiswa, aku tidak bisa mempercayainya. Though she repeated that she was a college student, I could not bring myself to believe it. Although he repeatedly said he was a student, I couldn't believe it. वह किताब छिपाओ। Hide that book. Hide that book. Het ligt op het puntje van mijn tong. It's on the tip of my tongue. It's on the tip of my tongue. Фали девојка. There's a girl missing. She's missing a girl. Qual es le numero de telephono del pizzaria? What's the phone number of the pizzeria? What's the pizza phone number? 你竟然做出那樣的事來,你還是人嗎? It is wicked of you to do such things. That's what you're doing. Are you a man? Tom on saapunut. Tom's arrived. Tom's here. Hoch pa' wIHaDchu'meH poH wIghajbe'. We don't have time to search every room carefully. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ben onunla ilk kez Londra'da karşılaştım. I met her in London for the first time. I first met him in London. उसे गोली लगी है! She's been shot! He's stuck! La monon vi kunportu! Take the money with you. Take the money! টম তোমার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে চায় না। Tom doesn't want to see you. Tom doesn't want to see you. Am bi Tòmas a' dol dhan clas Fraingis? Will Tom be going to French class? Do you want Thomas to go to the French class? У вас есть чем вывести пятна? Do you have anything to remove stains? Do you have anything to take out on Friday? Py liw yw an komolen? What colour is the cloud? What color is the background? मला जाऊ द्या! Let me go! Let me go! Noi non abbiamo abbastanza informazioni. We don't have enough information. We don't have enough information. Didymus et Maria diu amici fuerunt. Tom and Mary have been friends for a long time. Didy and Maria were God’s friends. अद्भुत ! Wonderful! Great! Przewidzenie jego reakcji jest zupełnie niemożliwe. It's completely impossible to foretell his reaction. It's impossible to predict his reaction. Que'ns cau partir de d'ora. We must leave early. Let's get down from time to time. Oni ładują teraz węgiel na statek. They are loading coal into a ship now. They're loaded on the ship now. سامي و ليلى كانا مسيحيّين قد عادى من مهمّة تبشيريّة. Sami and Layla were Christians coming back from a mission. Sami and I were two people who used to be involved in charity work. Ostitteko minkä kirjan? What book did you buy? Did you buy a book? Вратете се на своите места. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. なんて素敵な家なんでしょう。 Your house is fantastic. What a beautiful family. Нагло је престао да пуши. He quit smoking cold turkey. He stopped smoking. Ești mulțumit cum arăți? Are you happy with how you look? Are you thankful how you look? Hiç kimsenin masamı kımıldatmasına izin verme. Don't let anyone move my desk. Don't let anyone break the table. Je mi do tance. I feel like dancing. I'm going to dance. Tom bir silindir spor çanta taşıyordu. Tom was carrying a duffel bag. Tom was wearing a shirt and a sports bag. Jag ska hämta bilen. I'll get the car. I'll get the car. मी त्यांना रेडिओ बंद करायला परतपरत सांगितलं. I told them again to turn down the radio. I told them to close the radio again. Го добив овој факс од неа. I received this fax from her. I got this fax from her. 他是個好學生。 He is a good student. He's a good student. 我哋可唔可以喺二月廿八號三點到見面呀? Can we meet February 28, around 3:00 pm? Can't I see you at 3 o'clock on February 8th? Tak perlu menangis seperti anak kecil. There's no need to cry like a child. You don't have to cry like a kid. Том отказался подписать документ. Tom refused to sign the document. Tom refused to sign a document. Wa Ayako, rnu-yas cwiṭ i taɣect-ik. Hey, Ayako, make your voice louder. Behold, a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." e'a le za'u mei cu citka va'o lo nu ri djica Let them eat if they want to. And the monkeys don't know what to do with it Yella ḥedd i ɣ-d-iṭṭalayen. Somebody's watching us. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Xexé7 re snewt. The wind is strong. Xexe7 re snowt. Мы не так молоды, как Том. We're not as young as Tom. We're not as young as Tom. لا تطلب مني مالا. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me anything. मैं जेल में और वक्त नहीं बिताना चाहती थी। I didn't want to spend any more time in jail. I didn't want to spend any more time in prison. Может быть, мне стоит пойти с Томом. Maybe I should go with Tom. Maybe I should go with Tom. Jag ska betala dig. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Wie viele Finger halte ich hoch? How many fingers am I holding up? How many fingers do I hold? Jakoś tak nagle zachciało mi się płakać. All of a sudden, I feel like crying. Someone just wanted to cry right away. Уплашена ли си? Are you frightened? Are you scared? Jeg forstår ikke disse nye regler. I don't understand these new rules. I don't understand these new rules. Não há por que tentar escapar. It is no use trying to escape. There's no reason to try to escape. Cosa vuole che faccia? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? لا يبدو هذا عادلا إطلاقا. That doesn't seem right at all. That doesn't seem fair at all. Треба да зборуваме во четири очи. We need to talk face to face. We need to talk in four eyes. 别去打扰她。 Let's leave her alone. Don't bother her. いずれご連絡いたします。 I will get in touch with you. I'll call you every day. तुझी बायको बर्बर आहे का? Is your wife Berber? Is your wife pregnant? أرسل سامي رسالة بيجر لليلى. Sami paged Layla. Sami sent an e-mail to Ilye. Jambo, jina lako ni nani? Hello, what's your name? Jambo, is there any other way? Muhteşem bir yardımcısın. You've been a great help. You're a great help. Mokiuhup ko' mantad disido kio. Get her to help you. I don't know what's going on. ركض سامي إلى غرفة نومه بأقصى سرعة ممكنة. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. Take Sami to his room as soon as possible. Jessica deed en Leed singen. Jessica was singing a song. Jessica made Leed's blood. Hə, artıq başlayıb. Yes, it has already started. Well, it's already started. Tom'un işi nedir? What's Tom's job? What's Tom doing? Mój dom jest ubezpieczony. My house is covered by insurance. My house is secure. mughachtaH tam. Tom is stalking me. I don't think so. Мне падабаецца жоўты. I like yellow. I like juicy. Mäin Buch ass hei. My book is here. My book is here. Il mio nome sembra bizzarro. My name sounds bizarre. My name looks wonderful. Jest coś, czego Tom nie potrafi? Is there anything Tom can't do? Is there something Tom can't find? 我迫切需要冷饮。 I am dying for a cold drink. I need a quick drink. Lepota leži u očima posmatrača. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. The beauty lies in the eyes of the observer. Анжаліка Піклз вельмі эгаістычная. Angelica Pickles is very selfish. Angela Pickers is very selfish. Tom valószínűleg elfoglalt lesz. Tom is probably going to be busy. Tom's probably gonna be busy. ¿Por qué debería escucharte? Why should I listen to you? Why should I listen to you? Oh, sono dispiaciuta. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. U Tom u ai ia ka jakashong jong u ha I tymmen kynthei. Tom gave his seat to an elderly lady. Tom took it to his younger brother - in - law and sister - in - law. Ez egy gyönyörű öltöny. That's a beautiful suit. It's a beautiful dress. Даруйце, Вы можаце сказаць гэта яшчэ раз? I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? Come on, can you say this again? האם זה לא מוצא חן בעיניך? Don't you like that? Isn't that good in your eyes? З ким Том планував це зробити? Who did Tom plan on doing that with? Who was Tom planning to do this with? मी खरच तितकी म्हातारी आहे का? Am I really that old? Am I as old as I am? Å lære engelsk er hardt arbeid. Learning English is hard work. Learning English is hard work. Ezek mind ugyanannyiba kerülnek? Do these all cost the same? Are they all the same? Вже починається. It's starting now. It's starting. Pochopil jsem správně, že nechceš na to téma mluvit? Did I understand correctly that you don't want to talk about that subject? Did I get it right that you don't want to talk about it? Mus leat dušše guokte máná. I only have two children. It's only got to be two months. Jeg er i stand til at læse fransk. I'm able to read French. I can read French. その話はいいよ。興味ないから。 Don’t bother explaining. Because I’m not interested. That's good. I don't care. Heu de menjar per viure. No heu de viure per menjar. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. You have to eat to live, you don't have to live to eat. Mia fratino havas trioble tiom da libroj, kiom havas mi. My sister has three times as many books as I do. My sister's got as many books as I have. あいつは苦手だ。 I don't like him. He's hard. Sto mischiando la maionese con il ketchup. I mix mayonnaise with ketchup. I'm mixing Maionese with ketchup. Tai nieko nepakeis. That won't change anything. It's okay. Je crois que la Chine jouera un rôle actif. I think that China will play an active role. I think China will play an active role. ब्रायन की कहानी सुन कर केट चौक गई। Kate was surprised by Brian's story. When Kate heard the story of Brian, she was moved to tears. أخطر سامي الشّرطة. Sami alerted police. I'm threatening the police. אני לא חושבת שאני יכולה להשאר. I don't think I can stay. I don't think I can stay. Deine Tasche ist hier. Here is your bag. Your bag is here. Io ho rivisto Tom la scorsa notte. I saw Tom again last night. I saw Tom last night. בקשי את זה בבקשה ממישהו אחר. Please ask someone else. Please ask someone else. Это неприлично смеяться над кем-то, когда он совершает ошибку. It is not good manners to laugh at someone when he makes mistakes. It's not enough to laugh at someone when he makes a mistake. سامي لا يستحقّ هذا. Sami doesn't deserve this. Sammy doesn't deserve this. Є щось, що я хочу спробувати. There's something I want to try. There's something I want to try. "Nos, patria incensa, diversa per æquora vectæ, / stirpis Achilleæ fastus juvenemque superbum, / servitio enixæ, tulimus, qui deinde, secutus / Ledæam Hermionem Lacedæmoniosque hymenæos, / me famulo famulamque Heleno transmisit habendam." "I, torn from burning Troy o'er many a wave, / endured the lust of Pyrrhus and his pride, / and knew a mother's travail as his slave. / Fired with Hermione, a Spartan bride, / me, joined in bed and bondage, he allied / to Helenus." "We, our intense patriots, different by our vettæ, / svirpis Achilleć fastus youngem and superbum,/service enixè, tulimus, who, then, sequtus / Ledæam Hermionem Lacedemónos and hymenɛos, / me famulam and Heleno sent them." היא עסוקה בהכנה למבחן. She is busy preparing for an examination. She's really busy at the test. No se puede dar gusto a todo el mundo. You cannot please everyone. You can't give everyone a taste. Tom ve Mary birbirini tanıyor mu? Do Tom and Mary know about each other? Do Tom and Mary know each other? 何のために彼女はそんなに悲しいのですか。 What made her so sad? Why is she so sad? Quiero pasar toda mi vida contigo. I want to spend all my life with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. तू हरवून जाशील. You'll get lost. You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days. ” Tuatahi, kia kōrero tātou mō ngā mahi i mahia e Tom. First, let's talk about what Tom did. For one thing, keep up - to - date with Tom’s activities. Цо вецей би сом могол жадац? What more could I want? How much longer would I be a desirer? Zai gingen noar Nij-Zeelaand. They went to New Zealand. You went to New Zealand. Gde si pronašla ovaj nož? Where did you find this knife? Where did you find this knife? Je suis désolé pour ce malentendu. I'm sorry about my mistake. I'm sorry for this misunderstanding. Hade du kul på turnén? Did you enjoy the tour? Did you have fun on the tour? འདི་མོ་རང་གི་རེད། མ་རེད་པས། It is hers, is it not? This is nice. No. Nazywamy naszego psa Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. We call our dog Johnny. Не го направив тоа за него. I didn't do it for him. I didn't do that for him. 这本字典对我很实用。 The dictionary is of great use to me. This dictionary is useful to me. Hodiaŭ vespere ni iros al la preĝejo. We'll go to church this evening. We'll go to the church tonight. Vá fazer pipoca. Go make popcorn. You're going to make a pipe. Tego miesiąca mieliśmy duże opady deszczu. We've had a lot of rain this month. We had a lot of rain this month. 她温柔地唱了。 She sang softly. She sings mildly. Fluvius iuxta domum est. There is a river beside the house. The river is near the house. Ostin uuden auton. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. Еден час до настанот. One hour until the event. One hour before the event. Casa mea este în zona rurală. My home is in the country. My house is in the rural area. उसने उसको अकेले जाने दिया। She allowed him to go alone. He let her go alone. Parler l'anglais est difficile. Speaking English is difficult. It's hard to speak English. Годі ходити коло та навколо. Don't beat around the bush. Go around and around. केन उंच आहे, मी नाही. Ken is tall, not me. Ken is tall, I'm not. Yebɣa Tom ad d-yaɣ idlisen. Tom wants to buy some books. Now Thomas, who is called Didymus, desired us to come together again. I morgen er det søndag. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow is Sunday. Visste du inte det? Didn't you know that? You didn't know that? 探検隊は南極への出発を延期した。 The expedition has postponed its departure to the Antarctic. The investigation team extended its exit to the south. Moja mama zrobiła mi sweter. My mother made me a sweater. My mom made me a sweater. George住這多久了? How long has George lived here? How long has George lived here? Ulac d acu ibeddlen. Nothing's been changed. There is no change. Vielleicht hättest du das Tom nicht sagen sollen. Maybe you shouldn't have told Tom that. Maybe you shouldn't have told the Tom. Alice har en blomst i håret. Alice has a flower in her hair. Alice has a flower in her hair. 我沒有錢,但是我有夢想。 I don't have money, but I have dreams. I don't have any money, but I have a dream. Din i telliḍ? Are you there? Where have you been? Tom e Mary sono arrabbiati con John. Tom and Mary are mad at John. Tom and Mary are angry with John. Bayaa kiinnostaa rintaliivien ostaminen. Baya is interested in buying a bra. The purchase of railways will begin. Czy też i on nauczył się japońskiego? Did he learn Japanese as well? Did he learn Japanese, too? Vain noin 15 prosenttia autisteista on työelämässä, lähinnä ihmisten ennakkoluulojen takia. Only about 15 per cent of people with autism are in the workforce, mainly because people are so judgemental about them. Only about 15 percent of the aid is in work, almost because of people's pre-school education. Ni a dhybri. We eat. No, no, no, no, no. На Том му избледе интересот. Tom's interest faded. Tom examined his interest. Tomo atentigis min pri kelkaj eraroj, kiujn mi faris. Tom pointed out some mistakes I had made. Tom took note of some of the mistakes I made. Su fuerza disminuía con la edad. Age diminished his strength. His strength decreased with age. От Мери Том няма да получи никаква помощ. Tom won't be getting any help from Mary. Mary Tom won't get any help. Él é doutor. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. Aš žinau kad tu žinai kad aš žinau. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. आज टॉम काय करणार आहे? What's Tom going to do today? What will Tom do today? Thomas linguam Gallicam celerrime didicit. Tom learned French incredibly fast. Thomas used to tell me Gallica's cell phone. আপনি কি ডাক্তার? Are you a doctor? Are you a doctor? Я чую музику фургона продавця морозива. I hear the music from the ice cream truck. I'm listening to the music of the horse salesman. Attends dans la voiture. Wait in the car. Wait in the car. 國際救難隊伍隨時待命準備前往日本。 National rescue teams are on standby ready to fly to Japan. The international relief team is ready to go to Japan as soon as possible. Het spijt me zeer dat ik zo laat ben! Many apologies for being so late! I'm so sorry I'm so late! اکاؤنٹس کو آڈٹ کر دیا گیا ہے۔ The accounts have been audited. Could not close temporary folder: %s - Vă mulțumesc pentru ajutor. - Cu plăcere. "Thank you for helping me." "Don't mention it." - Thank you for your help. Sila tunjukkan saya gambar-gambar itu. Show me the photos, please. Please show me those pictures. Tom ia abri un bote de sopa. Tom opened a can of soup. Tom's gonna open a soup bottle. Det var fortroligt. It was confidential. It was confidential. Szerintem ismered a szabályokat. I think you know the rules. I think you know the rules. Co brakuje? What is missing? What's missing? Jag måste byta om nu. I need to change now. I need to change now. 喫煙は健康に悪い。 Smoking is bad for the health. Smoking is bad for health. Tella tin i ɣ-iseččen ssem. Somebody poisoned us. They also did eat, and were filled. Bonvolu senhezite starigi al ni demandojn! Please go ahead and give us questions! Please ask us questions without delay! Li devenas de Hangzhou. He comes from Hangzhou. He's from Hangzhou. Hva er det? What is it? What is it? Tom je angažovao privatnog detektiva da prati Meri. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. Tom hired a private detective to follow Mary. У тебя не так много времени. You don't have a lot of time. You don't have so much time. Tomi käy suihkussa joka aamu ennen aamupalaa. Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast. Tom goes to the bathroom every morning before breakfast. Я вам заздрю. I envy you. I'll let you know. Nechci s tebou žít. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Egy kalóz jelmezt viselt halloween-kor. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. It's a sign of a whale. It's called halloween. Pobij mnie! Beat me up! Kill me! ٹام شرمیلا ہے۔ Tom's shy. Tom's famous. 我在海边捡了个漂亮贝壳。 I picked up a pretty shell at the seaside. I've got a beautiful beaver on the beach. Хайде да се поупражняваме. Let's practice. Let's get used to it. 逃げるは恥だが, 役に立つ。 Running away is shameful, but it's useful. It's a shame to run, but it's worth it. Tom geht manchmal zu Fuß zur Arbeit. Tom sometimes walks to work. Tom's going to work sometimes. Президентът Артур наложи вето върху закона. President Arthur vetoed the bill. President Arthur put the blame on the law. "Dixerat. Ille, dolis instructus et arte Pelasga, / sustulit exutas vinclis ad sidera palmas:" "Then schooled in cunning and Pelasgian sleights, / his hands unshackled to the stars he spread:" "He said: "They, the gentle instruction and the art of Pelasga,/he pulled out a link to the side of the palm trees:" τοὺς ἰχθῦς οἱ Σύροι θεοὺς ἐνόμιζον. The Syrians regarded the fishes as gods. I don't know what you're talking about. Banewayini. They have wine. They have wine. Res yw dhedhi studhya godhonieth. She has to study science. All studies need to be completed. Tom tövt buten op Ria. Tom is outside waiting for Mary. Tom's out on Ria. Tom nem tett elég cukrot a kávémba. Tom didn't put enough sugar in my coffee. Tom didn't make enough sugar in my coffee. Waar zijn we? Where are we? Where are we? Tom zná Marii od doby, kdy byla malá. Tom has known Mary since she was a little girl. Tom has known Mary since she was a child. Os halat 'ha'h ha'h'. The mouth breathes 'ha-h ha-h'. The ha' ha' ha' ha' ha' ha'. Бизда шакар йўқ. We have no sugar. We have no doubt. 彼は3週間前に両社が合併する情報を得ていた。 He was given a tip three weeks ago that two companies would merge. He received information three weeks ago that both companies would agree. শুধু এইখানে সই করুন। Just sign here. Just sit here. Tom czekał dłuższą chwilę. Tom waited for quite a while. Tom's been waiting for a longer time. Jis galvojo kas aš esu labai pavargęs. He thought that I was very tired. He thinks I'm very tired. Mislila sam da je šokantno. I thought it was shocking. I thought it was shocking. Tom dömde en konsttävling. Tom was a judge in an art contest. Tom was sentenced to a confession. शत्रूने आमच्यावर रात्री हल्ला केला. The enemy attacked us at night. The enemy attacked us at night. Ebből azt a tanulságot vontuk le, hogy soha senkiben nem szabad megbízni. The lesson which we learned was never to trust anyone. From this we learned that no one is allowed to trust us. ليس علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We don't need to do this every day. We don't have to do that every day. Само го довршувам извештајот. I'm just finishing up the report. I'm just completing the report. 𐌷𐌰𐌱𐌰 𐍃𐍅𐌹𐍃𐍄𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃. I have sisters. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Me no ia sabe ce Tom es ge. I had no idea Tom was gay. I don't know this Tom is gay. Моля, подпишете тук. Please sign here. Please sign here. Abbiamo imparato che la terra gira attorno al sole. We learned that the earth goes around the sun. We learned that the earth revolves around the sun. Wij zullen je bezoeken. We will visit you. We'll visit you. Tom yavaş, değil mi? Tom is slow, isn't he? Tom's slow, isn't he? كىم خەت يازدى؟ Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? मुझे नहीं पता वह लंदन के लिए रवाना कब होएगी। I don't know when she will leave for London. I don't know when it's gonna be raining for London. Trottoarerna var blöta efter regnet. The sidewalks were wet after the rain. The trottors were bleeding after the rain. Lege bonos libros. Read good books. Read good books. DuSaH pagh. Nobody cares about you. Good morning. Drohst du mir? Are you threatening me? Are you kidding me? 本が出版されましたらお送りいたします。 We would be happy to send our book to you when it is published. When the book was published, I sent it to you. Numen-ikem. We trusted you. Name's him. As coisas não são sempre o que parecem. Things aren't always as they appear. Things aren't always what they look like. Що це у тебе таке? What's that you have? What's wrong with you? Eu não posso fazer isto sem você, Tom. I can't do this without you, Tom. I can't do this without you, Tom. Minulla on oikeasti aika kiire. I'm really quite busy. I really have a lot of time. Mwen pa ka konpwann zòt ka viv kon si pa ni pwoblèm. I don't understand you who live like nothing's wrong. I can’t imagine how I would have lived without my problems. Как ти е името? What's your name? What's your name? هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Chiar dacă și-a cerut scuze, sunt tot furios. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even if she asked for forgiveness, I'm still angry. Можеш да го срещнеш. You might meet him. You can meet him. Δηλώνω αθώος. I plead not guilty. I'm innocent. Tomi menő csávó. Tom is cool. Tommy's on his way. Sie kroch aus dem Fenster. She crawled out of the window. She fell out of the window. Планирам да одам во Бостон за Божиќ. I'm thinking of going to Boston for Christmas. I'm planning on going to Boston for Christmas. Tom adalah seorang temanku. Tom is a friend of mine. Tom's a friend of mine. Onlar xoşbəxt deyillər. They're not happy. They are not happy. Me attentum esse iubet. He asks me to be attentive. Make sure he loves me. 我会开车送你去机场。 I'll drive you to the airport. I'll drive you to the airport. 她把牆壁都塗成了白色。 She painted the walls white. She broke the wall into white. Квочка висиджувала яйця протягом одного тижня. The hen has been brooding its eggs for a week. The dog's been hunting eggs for one week. 小学校のときから、酸性・アルカリ性という性質をリトマス紙で調べたりしてきていますね。 Since primary school we've been checking for the qualities known as acidity and alkalinity with litmus paper. Since the beginning of primary school, we've been studying the properties of acidic alkaline in Lithmas. Đó là lý do tại sao tụi mình ở đây. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Masaru se chce dostat do Anglického klubu. Masaru wants to join the English Club. Masaru wants to get to the English club. Problemet er ikke så meget pengene, som det er tiden. The problem isn't so much the money as it is the time. The problem is not as much money as it's time. So che hai trascorso gli ultimi tre anni in prigione. I know you've spent the last three years in prison. I know you spent the last three years in prison. Tom a gagné. Tom won. Tom got it. Der er børn i Afrika, der sulter. There are starving children in Africa. There are children in Africa who are hungry. Olen pahoillani tästä. I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry about this. Han lyg aldri. He never lies. He never lied. यह वह गाँव है जहाँ मेरे पिताजी पैदा हुए थे। This is the village where my father was born. This is the village where my fathers were born. そうですか。 I see. That's right. Hy kyk partymal TV. He sometimes watches TV. He's watching some TV. ئۇ سائەت بەشتە ئۆيگە قايتامدۇ؟ Will she come home at five? Does he go back to his home at five o'clock in the morning? مۇشۇ ئۆي داڭلىقتۇر. This house is famous. (It is) the tree of Zaqqum, Projeye katılmak zorunda kalacaksın. You will have to join the project. You're gonna have to be involved in the project. நான் டாக்ஸியிலிருந்து இறங்கினேன் I got out of the taxi. I downloaded from the docks. Io ti odio! I hate you! I hate you! את יכולה לתאר מה הייתה עבורך החוויה הזאת? Can you describe what that experience was like for you? Can you see what it was for you for this experience? 許多網路公司为求生存而需要新颖的商业模式。 Many on-line companies need to have a new approach to business to survive. Many Internet companies need new business models for survival. Py par mowes os ta? What kind of girl are you? A couple of moves? 握著我的手。我們兩個將要建立一個烏托邦。 Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. With my hands, we're both going to build a union. Inkeddengmi a yalud-od ti miting iti sumaruno a Domingo. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to miss the meeting the following Sunday. Том хотел научиться читать. Tom wanted to learn to read. Tom wanted to learn to read. Ан ятласам уна. Вӑл ытла ҫамрӑк ха ӑнланма. Don't scold her. She's too young to understand. His name is understood to mean “He Causes to Become, ”“ He Causes to Become, ” and “He Causes to Become. ” Sami ur y-id-i xeẓẓer ara maḍi. Sami didn't even look at me. For he didn't say, 'You didn't know me, because you didn't know me.' 我好想快點再去英國。 I am anxious to visit Britain once again. I'd like to go back to England as soon as possible. Nie powiedziano mi. I wasn't told. I wasn't told. Sagt ihm bitte nichts! Please don't tell him. Don't tell him anything! Er mag keinen Fisch. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Vi er i samme klasse. We're in the same class. We're in the same class. yIjatlh! Say it. Today! Cô ta yêu nó điên cuồng. She's madly in love with her. She loves it crazy. Doe zongst. You sang. Don't sing. לחצי על הכפתור הזה. Push the button here. Half this key. Vem annan är där inne? Who else is in there? Who else is in there? Io retorna al synagoga. I'm going back to the synagogue. I'll go back to the church. Tom und ich werden heiraten. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. Good guys won. Ești sigur? Are you sure? Are you sure? 剛才和你說話的人是誰? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the one who just talked to you? Por várias horas, a tempestade não amainou. The storm didn't abate for several hours. For several hours, the storm didn't fall. Tom'dan bir iyilik istemeliyim. I need to ask Tom a favor. I have to ask for a favor from Tom. Донесоа заклучок дека бродот бездруго потонал. They came to the conclusion that the ship must have sunk. They made a conclusion that the ship came to a standstill. Prefiro uma blusa de algodão. I prefer a cotton blouse. I prefer a cotton blouse. Я сам написав ці книжки. I wrote these songs myself. I wrote these books myself. T'es-tu fait de quelconques nouveaux amis ? Did you make any new friends? Did you make any new friends? Кӗтмен те эпӗ сире ҫакӑнта тӗл пулма. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I am not ashamed to meet you there. Tom pewnie nawet nie pójdzie. Tom probably won't even go. Tom probably won't even go. Sanırım bu işe yarar. I guess that works. I think it's gonna work. 彼女には自分の世話をしてくれる友人も親戚もいない。 She doesn't have any friends or relatives to take care of her. She has no friends or relatives who take care of her. パーティーは彼のスピーチで始まった。 The party opened with his speech. The party started with his speech. اردو ہماری مادری زبان ہے۔ Urdu is our mother tongue. The army is our mother tongue. Ist die Bank geöffnet? Is the bank open? Is the bank open? Թոմը տատանվում էր: Tom hesitated. Tom was giving up. Мислам дека можеме да го фатиме. I think we can catch him. I think we can catch him. Tom bertanya padaku dimanakah aku mendapatkan ini. Tom asked me where I got this. Tom asked me where I got this. Simning är en form av träning. Swimming is a form of exercise. Simmning is a form of training. Яңгыр чиләкләп коя. It is raining cats and dogs. And the rain poured down and the floods came, and the winds blew and lashed against that house. Kenwi d ibeṛṛaniyen? Are you a foreigner? Are you also of the Gentiles? Θα περιμένουμε. We'll wait. We'll wait. Nous mangeons de sorte que nous pouvons vivre. We eat so we may live. We eat so we can live. Han tog av sig skjortan. He removed his shirt. He took off his shirt. Du vet verkligen inte? You really don't know? You really don't know? Que currículo usa Fadil para ensinar árabe? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? What curriculum uses Fadil to teach Arabic? Tom havas raran malsanon. Tom has a rare disease. Tom has a rare disease. Él está cenando. He is having dinner. He's eating. У мяне ёсьць кот і сабака. Кот чорны, а сабака белы. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a dog and a dog, a black dog and a white dog. Zeme ir mazāka nekā Saule. The earth is smaller than the sun. The earth is smaller than Saule. Не очајувај. Don't despair. Don't wait. Tom, Mary'nin bunu yapacağını umduğunu söylüyor. Tom says he hopes Mary will do that. Tom says Mary hopes to do this. Дали изгледот ти одговара на возраста? Do you look your age? Does your appearance match your age? Эту возможность нельзя исключить. This possibility can't be ruled out. This option cannot be deleted. Die Furcht vum Herr iss der Ohfang vun Eisicht. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of self-reliance. Livet vert stadig meir komplekst. Life is becoming ever more complex. Life's getting more complicated. तुम अपने बाल क्यों नहीं काटती? Why don't you cut your hair? Why don't you kill your baby? Ho visto il suo amico l'altro giorno. I saw your friend the other day. I saw his friend the other day. لغتي معقدة للغاية. My language is very complicated. My tongue is very complicated. 早! Good morning! Come on! Стани кога ми се обраќаш. Stand up when you talk to me. Stop when you're talking to me. Sono arrivato appena in tempo per prendere l'aereo. I arrived just in time for the plane. I just arrived in time to take the plane. Difficultates tibi superandae sunt. You have to overcome the difficulties. It's too difficult for you. Ở công ty sao rồi, ổn không? Is everything OK at the office? How's the company, okay? la tom jo'u la maris pu ca'o zutse co kansa Tom and Mary were sitting together. I could sure use a backrub right about now... Amo ini iton mas may-gamit ha duha. This is the more useful of the two. This is the most useful of both. Não tenho tempo para ler. I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. Ich ślub będzie jutro. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding will be tomorrow. そこで彼女に会おうとは夢にも思わなかった。 I never dreamed that I would meet her there. I didn't even think I'd meet her. Jeg er sikker. I'm sure. I'm sure. 我可以不慌不忙吃牛奶面包鸡蛋,或者泡饭酱菜。 I could eat some beef noodle soup, or some reheated rice with soybean paste like that, no problem. I may not be busy eating milk-packing eggs or cooking food. 我是有志向的人——清楚自己的目標。 I'm someone ambitious - someone who knows very well what he is after. I'm a willing person -- I know my goal. Tom hat der Polizei schon mitgeteilt, was gestohlen wurde. Tom has already told the police what was stolen. Tom already told the police what was stolen. Φαίνονται ευτυχισμένα. They seem happy. They seem happy. Le jorno post deman essera le die natal de Marina. The day after tomorrow is Marina's birthday. The afternoon after tomorrow will be Marina's birthday. Láttad az arcukat? Did you see their faces? Did you see your face? Это башня. That's a tower. It's a mountain. 彼らの大部分が高校生だった。 They were for the most part high school students. Most of them were high school students. Står du bag alt dette? Are you behind all of this? Are you behind all this? Тархасшӑн. Please. Would you like to do so? ¿Cuándo compraste el reloj? When did you buy the watch? When did you buy the watch? Du hast dein Wechselgeld vergessen! You have forgotten your change. You forgot your money! Ambaŭ miaj fratoj faris tion. Both of my brothers did that. My two brothers did this. Tom elégedett a sikerével. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom was satisfied with his success. श्वः विरामः अस्ति। Tomorrow's a holiday. There is an empty space on the device. Sami yebɣa ad yečč iẓan. Sami wanted to eat shit. For he longed after them, and desired to eat them. Jos jokin kuulostaa liian hyvältä ollakseen totta, niin luultavasti se on. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. अक्साई चिन पर भारत का दावा है, मगर वह चीन के नियंत्रण में है। Aksai Chin is claimed by India, but controlled by China. Axie China has India's reputation, but she's in China's control. Se on osa työtäni. That's part of my job. It's part of my job. Êtes-vous tous les deux occupés ? Are you two busy? Are you both busy? Het was beleefd van hem om zijn plek aan de oude man te geven. It was polite of him to offer his seat to the old man. It was fond of him to give his place to the old man. मी तसं कधी म्हटलं? When did I say that? When did I say that? Co říkají? What are they saying? What do they say? 一点问题都没有! No problem at all! There's no problem! 彼は奇怪な体験を詳しく話した。 He recounted his unusual experiences. He told me about some strange experience. Kérem, beszéljünk tovább angolul. Let's continue talking in English, please. Please, let's speak more English. Það er mjög áhugavert að læra esperantó. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. It's very interesting to learn how to be patient. Het was zwaar, maar het was elke druppel zweet waard. It was tough, but worth every drop of sweat. It was hard, but it was worth every drop. Aki az élvezeteket hajtja, kiég. Whoever chases after pleasure finds weariness. He's the one who's taking your fun, you know. Tom sapał. Tom gasped. Tom's got it. 她生病了。 She is sick. She's sick. Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! Speak more slowly, please! All right, let's go! Jeg får det skidt når jeg ser blod. I feel sick whenever I see blood. I get the shit when I see blood. Ik nehm allens trügg, wat ik seggt heff. I'll take back everything I said. I'll take everything back, whatever I say. An avalow na yw bras. Those apples are big. The answer is no. これは彼女の手作りケーキです。 These are cakes that she baked herself. It's her handmade cake. Tzemremt ad tuɣalemt yal ass. You can always come back. And ye can do that which is evil, and ye can't do it again. Vos ha facite planos, nonne? You made plans, didn't you? You've made plans, haven't you? Это всё, что она написала. That's all she wrote. That's all she wrote. Como va Emily? How is Emily? How's Emily doing? Ne m'oblige pas à le dire. Don't make me say it. Don't make me say that. Έχασα τον σκύλο μου. I lost my dog. I lost my dog. 我把旅费耗光了。 I have run out of my traveling expenses. I've wasted my travel. येणार असशील तर मला आधीच कळव. Let me know in advance if you are coming. If that is the case, let me tell you something about my background. Автобус ун минутка соңга калып килде. The bus arrived ten minutes behind time. The bus came back ten minutes later. Se on menneen talven lumia. That is old news. It was going to the world. Pierwszy atak minął w cel. The first attack missed the target. The first attack went down to the target. Rod Johnnal szemben lakik. Rod lives across the street from John. There's a guy on Rod Johnal's face. Non posso ancora farlo. I can't do it yet. I can't do it yet. Ўтган хафта беш студент дерсде йўқ эди. Last week five students were absent from class. There were not five students in the past. Eu não gosto de queijo de cabra. I don't like goat cheese. I don't like gambling. Ik zal een taxi nemen. I'm going to take a cab. I'll take a cab. 今度の映画は記録破りの大当たりだった。 The new picture has made a record breaking hit. Now the film was a big piece of record-breaking. 私の議論はある意味では、『孤独な群集』でデビュド・リースマンが行った議論を変形したものである。 In a sense, I am turning around the argument made by David Riesman in The Lonely Crowd. I mean, what I'm talking about is that it changed the debate that David Reeseman did in the 'union group'. Hajde da se nađemo na piće. Let's meet for a drink. Let's meet for a drink. Том не зміг знайти місця, щоб припаркуватися. Tom wasn't able to find a place to park. Tom couldn't find a place to park. بىز جۈملىلەرنى تەرجىمە قىلدۇق، يەنە ئۇلارنى تور بەتكە يېزىپ بەردۇق. We translated the sentences and wrote them on the website for others to see, as well. And We have made the clouds a scroll, and We have recorded them in a book. እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። አንተስ? I'm a student. And you? I’m a student. What about you? Wiem, że Tom za tobą tęskni. I know Tom misses you. I know Tom misses you. میں نے اس سے پوچھ لیا ہے۔ I have asked him. I asked him. Sami ifaq i Layla tbeddel din din taɣect-ines. Sami noticed a sudden change in Layla's tone. But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be. Ήμασταν όλες πολύ πεινασμένες. We were all very hungry. We were all very drunk. No he tenido resfrío últimamente. I have not had a cold lately. I haven't had a cold lately. Trahamus eum ex aqua. Let's get him out of the water. We make it out of water. Detestăm violența. We abhor violence. We hate violence. Po prostu zrób to dla mnie. Just do this for me. Just do it for me. Kenwi d atmaten? Are you brothers? Could not close temporary folder: %s Sie verwechselte mich mit meinem Bruder. She mistook me for my brother. She replaced me with my brother. Вони ніколи не п'ють пива. They never drink beer. They never drink beer. Wegen des Schnees fuhren die Züge nicht. The trains weren't running due to the snowfall. Because of the snow, the trains didn't go. Via fotilo havas nur la duonan grandon de la mia. Your camera is only half the size of mine. Your camera only has the second size of mine. Dette værelse har balkon. This room has a balcony. This room has a balcony. Você não sabia que Tom tinha muitos gatos? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? Didn't you know Tom had a lot of cats? Mongoi i Tom hilo'd kadai pomolian tagayo monikid tadau. Tom goes to the supermarket almost every day. Mongoi and Tom hilo'd when the molluscs came out. Ο Τομ είναι φίλος μας. Tom is our friend. Tom is our friend. Mie olen vanha. I am old. I'm old. Сиз хотинни қаерда кўрдингиз? Where did you see the woman? Where did you find your wife? كاكوگاۋىدا تۇرىمەن. I live in Kakogawa. I'm in the kitchen. Тя му даде парите. She handed him the money. She gave him the money. Uramuzi. You know her. You know. بومرنگ در حالی که در هوا سوت می‌کشید، به حرکت در آمد. The boomerang hurtled whistling through the air. As he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside, and the birds came and devoured them. 但你喜欢! But you like it! But you like it! Du har ikke peiling på hva jeg snakker om, har du? You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? You don't have any idea what I'm talking about, do you? मैं बेहोशी में चला गया। I lost consciousness. I went to Behoshi. मुझे अच्छा नहीं लगा। I didn't like it. I didn't think so. Tom donna tout ce qu'il possédait. Tom gave away everything he owned. Tom gave everything he owned. ko'a na'e sigva'u He does not smoke. Personal preferences and administration settings Tôi không có ngốc như bạn tưởng đâu. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think. أكيد أنّي أحبّها. Of course I love her. Of course I love her. Підозрюю, що Том вже відправився до Австралії. I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I guess Tom has already moved to Australia. Aqua illa valde pura est. That water is very pure. That water is very clean. Television katselu on hauskaa. Watching TV is fun. Television is fun. O iyi bir insan değil. He is not a good person. He's not a good man. मला जराशी कॉफी द्या. Give me some coffee. Give me a cup of coffee. Parteciperemo alla maratona. We'll take part in the marathon. We'll take part in the marathon. دېڭىز ساھىلىدا قاقلىغان گۆش يەيمىز. We'll have a barbecue at the beach. And eat of that which We have provided for you at the Red Sea. თეთრი კატა არის ხის ქვეშ. The white cat is under the tree. The tree’s root system is below the tree. Relaxe por um minuto. Relax for a minute. Relax for a minute. Quibus horum puerorum librum donabis? To which of these boys will you give the book? What kind of book would you give these kids? 彼の英語はまあまあだ。 His English is quite good. It's his English. Tom ohayhu pakovakuéra. Tom loved bananas. Tom's trying to get out of here. Die Leute im Dorf erkrankten einer nach dem anderen. The people in the village fell ill one after another. The people in the village suffered one after the other. 我觉得我这个星期要度假了。 I think I will take a vacation this week. I think I'm leaving this week. Pystyn hädintuskin uida. I can hardly swim. I can't even shut up. Hon har många goda egenskaper. She has many good qualities. She has many good qualities. Jag vet inte om han är en läkare. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Tom cukorbeteg. Tom has diabetes. Tom sugar beet. Ktoś to wie. Somebody knows that. Someone knows that. Chi andrà a Boston con lei? Who'll go to Boston with you? Who's going to Boston with you? Ol gyz bütin gününi aglap geçirdi. The girl has spent all day crying. She wept all day long. xu lo'e se gugde poi do cmima cu citka lo rismi Do the people of your country eat rice? If you're ever lost and alone in the woods, hug a tree 请拼一下您的名字。 Please spell your name. Please enter your name. Άρχισε να τραγουδάει. He started singing. He started singing. मी करू शकतो. I can do it. I can do that. Den här boken handlar om Kina. This book is about China. This book is about China. ეს გავრცელებულია ევროპაში. This is common in Europe. This is widespread in Europe. टॉम बहरा है। Tom is deaf. Tom's out. La vie est si injuste parfois. Life is so unjust sometimes. Life is so unfair sometimes. Mor har nettopp gått for å handle. Mother has just gone shopping. Mom just left to deal. Ingen är upprörd. No one's upset. No one's upset. Skynd deg, så rekker du det. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up, you get it. La traduores de la Atesta Nova ia es considerada ereses. The translators of the New Testament were considered heretics. The translations of the New Witness are already considered heretics. Ní duine maith mé. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Onu senin yaptığını biliyorum. I know you did it. I know you did it. Κανείς δε ρώτησε. Nobody asked. No one asked. Ṣenεeɣ-d tapupilt i Ann. I made a doll for Ann. I took care of Ann. Que comencèm de caminar. We started to walk. Let's start walking. Det där är plast. That's plastic. That's plastic. Jestem pod wrażeniem Twojego niedawnego ogłoszenia w New York Times. I am impressed by your recent advertisement in the New York Times. I'm under the impression of your recent announcement in New York Times. Sami i wala Layla tefeɣ-d seg Walmart. Sami saw Layla leave Walmart. For when I saw that she was taken from me, I noticed that she was taken from me. Tomo malfermis skatolon da tinuso. Tom opened a can of tuna fish. Tom opened the box for you. Kubera iki wiga igifaransa? Why do you study French? Why learn French? Gentag en løgn tit nok, og den bliver til sandheden. Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth. Take a false look enough, and it becomes the truth. Hon gifte sig mot sin fars vilja. She got married against her father's will. She married her father's will. Ik drink geen wijn. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. Den här giraffen har en hudsjukdom. This giraffe has a skin disease. This giraffe has a skin disease. やっと天候が定まった。 The weather has settled at last. It's time for the weather to stop. Ο Τομ πήγε στη Βοστώνη με τη Μαίρη. Tom went to Boston with Mary. Tom went to Boston with Mary. Kissa tuhosi sohvani. The cat ruined my sofa. Kissa destroyed my couch. Ele morreu de câncer no pulmão. He died of lung cancer. He died of cancer in the lung. तुम्ही कोणाला काही सांगितलं का नाहीत? Why didn't you tell someone? Why didn’t you tell anyone? Ea s-a întrebat ce avea în minte. She wondered what he had in mind. She asked what she had in mind. Tom moes gaan. Tom needed to go. Tom has to go. Ná féach ar Tom! Féach orm. Don't look at Tom. Look at me. Don't look at Tom! Look at me. Gör det nu. Do it now. Do it now. Hun var for træt til at fortsætte med at arbejde. She was too tired to go on working. She was too tired to continue working. Ήταν χαρούμενα τα παιδιά. The kids were happy. I was happy with the kids. Io me ne andrò se viene Tom. I'll leave if Tom comes. I won't go if Tom comes. お体を大切に。 Take care. Don't worry about your body. Hän puhuu hyvin hilpeästi. He talks very cheerfully. He's talking very quickly. Том си го намачка тостот со путер. Tom buttered his toast. Tom's got a taste of butter. Tom Mary'ye bunu nasıl yapacağını göstermeliydi. Tom should've shown Mary how to do that. Tom needed to show Mary how to do this. Tom ha prenotato tutto: sarà una festa meravigliosa. Tom booked everything: it will be a wonderful party. Tom's booked everything: it's gonna be a wonderful party. Bądź ostrożny. Be careful. Be careful. Ќе бидеш во опасност. You'll be in danger. You'll be in danger. 读书是人生一大快事。 Reading is one of life's great pleasures. Reading is a life-threatening thing. Soldaten ofrede sig selv for at redde vennens liv. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. The soldier sacrificed himself to save his friend's life. Mi servono più dettagli. I need more details. I need more details. Tom jeszcze nie wie. Tom doesn't know yet. Tom doesn't know yet. 现在,让我们休息一会儿吧。 Let's take a break now. Now, let's get some rest. Tom ließ es auf sein Glück ankommen. Tom was pushing his luck. Tom let it come to his happiness. Ur iɛawen ara baba-s. He didn't help his father. And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Él fue nombrado ministro de finanzas. He was appointed Minister of Finance. He was appointed Minister of Finance. De bus keem twee Minuten to froh. The bus was two minutes early. The bus takes two minutes to breakfast. Dette er ikke mitt. This isn't mine. This isn't mine. Geja sotir dili. Nuyuca levtiruca. Megrupesuca po. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Eu estava pensando. I was thinking. I was thinking. Este conhaque tem pelo menos 30 anos. This cognac is about thirty years old, no less. This rabbit is at least 30 years old. Scríobh chugam. Write me. Please write to me. reSaH. We care about you. I'm sorry, res. Waarom is iedereen zo bezorgd om Tom? Why is everyone so concerned about Tom? Why is everyone so worried about Tom? Ens hem divertit, oi? We had fun, didn't we? We've been having fun, haven't we? Petturilta riistettiin kansalaisuus. The traitor was deprived of his citizenship. There was a civil war in Peturil. Англискиот ми стана омилен предмет. English has become my favorite subject. My English became my favorite object. Gaan binne. Come in. Let's go. Mary ne porta un sinushalter. Mary is not wearing a bra. Mary's taking us a sinushalter. אם אתה עייף, לך לישון! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, go to sleep! У моры ёсць выспы. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. 看護婦は、患者が危篤状態なので、病室に入らないようにと私たちに言った。 The nurse told us not to enter the room because the patient was in a critical condition. The nurse told us not to enter the hospital because the patient was in danger. ويستطيع الجميعُ المساهمةَ. And everyone has the ability to contribute. All can contribute. See sviiter maksab üle viiekümne dollari. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. This sweater pays over $50. Du är så vacker. You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. Nous avons été amis. We've been friends. We were friends. Ние трябва да вземем този автобус. We need to take that bus. We need to get this bus. Του αρέσει το κυνήγι. He likes hunting. He likes driving. Ahaid naku zioho poingizon doiti kakadazan? Weren’t they a long time in the town? Do you think I'm going to kill you? Yw da genowgh choklet gwynn? Do you like white chocolate? Do you have a white stumbling block? 他从没去过法国。 He has not been to France. He never went to France. La aero estas maldensa supre de montego. The air is very thin at the top of a high mountain. The air is cursed above the mountain. Tom lavora en un eshpital. Tom works at a hospital. Tom works in a hospital. C'est ma chatte. That's my cat. It's my cat. Escaparam. They escaped. Let's get out of here. Дај ни ги клучевите. Give us the keys. Give us the keys. John比我大两岁。 John is senior to me by two years. John is two years older than I am. Res yw dhymm gweres ow mamm. I must help my mother. My mother had very poor health. Sikke en kæmpestor hund! What a huge dog! It's like a fighter dog! هل تعتقد أن الاحترار العالمي هو نتيجة لعمل البشر؟ Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions? Do you think global warming is the result of human activity? Det är snö på marken. There's snow on the ground. It's snow on the ground. Consertei a bicicleta ontem. I fixed the bike yesterday. I played the bike last night. Jammais. Never. Never. Думаеце, гэта магчыма? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think that's possible? لقد فقدت قواي كلها. My strength is all gone. She's lost all her powers. Tom trok zijn spijkerbroek en T-shirt aan. Tom put on his jeans and T-shirt. Tom took his wallet and T-shirt. Mi ha assunta. She hired me. It's my business. Imam hčerko iste starosti kot tvoj sin. I have a daughter the same age as your son. I have a daughter as old as your son. तुला हे समजतं, ना? You understand this, don't you? You understand that, don't you? ma nuzba What's new? mother-in-law Mamatai ku ndo diya. I will kill you. Keep your eyes on the prize. Jag såg många saker. I saw many things. I've seen a lot of things. Jézi fè on chay miwak. Jesus did many miracles. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Nolite timere. Don't be afraid. No timers. Varför dansar hon inte? Why isn't she dancing? Why doesn't she dance? Sen ağlamıyorsun, değil mi? You aren't crying, are you? You're not crying, are you? Yapabileceği tek şey ısrarla gülmesiydi. All he could do was resist laughing. The only thing he could do was laugh a lot. Nie mogła tego powiedzieć. She cannot have said that. She couldn't say that. Au zou asaga do mada i Padaadahin o Google monokodung do kumaa do boos Kadazandusun. I don't think that Google Translator doesn't want to support the Kadazandusun language. I'd like to see you in Paddahin Google monokodung to be a boos Kadazandusun. Nechám tě chytit mě. I let you catch me. I'll let you catch me. Voi avete votato per Romney od Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Did you vote for Romney from Obama? Spørgsmålet nu er hvor. The question now is where. The question is, where is it now? 还剩下几个三明治? How many sandwiches are there left? A few more sandwiches? Ме ва естрае моне. I am going to take out money. I'm in extra money. Amek akka ur teẓṛimt ara? How can you not know? Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right? Oli aika lähteä. It was time to leave. It was time to leave. Tom oli myöhässä kokouksesta. Tom was late for the meeting. Tom was late for the meeting. Πουλάω λουλούδια. I sell flowers. I'm buying flowers. Ο Τομ φέρεται σα να μη συνέβει τίποτε. Tom is acting as though nothing had happened. Tom's acting like nothing happens. أخي الأكبر طويل القامة حقاً، يبلغ حوالي 1.8 متر. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My oldest brother, really, is about 1.8 meters away. Kis binom löf? What is love? What do you mean? Voudriez-vous nous excuser un moment ? Will you excuse us for one moment? Would you excuse us for a moment? Holandia jest małym krajem. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Wir waren ganz Ohr. We were all ears. We were very proud. Me llamu Yamada. My name is Yamada. I'm good at Yamada. Нужно е време, за да се съвземеш след развод. It takes time to get over a divorce. It takes time to get married after divorce. An re ma yw enevales. These are animals. It's all right. "Am b' ann fon bhòrd a bha an cù?" "B' ann." "Was the dog under the table?" "Yes." "Where was the boat under the boat?" "Yes." Sağlıklı olduğu için çok yürürüm. I walk a lot because it's healthy. I'm so tired of being healthy. Varför är ni inte där? Why aren't you there? Why aren't you there? Tämä kukka on keldaine. This flower is yellow. This guy's a knucklehead. 他被啪啪的敲門聲吵醒了。 He was roused by a loud knocking at the door. And he was awakened by the piercing shout. Ona je mladší ako jeho dcéra. She's younger than his daughter. She's younger than his daughter. Ich habe das Flugzeug nur knapp verpasst. I missed the airplane by a minute. I just missed the plane. Tom okumayı öğrenmek istedi. Tom wanted to learn to read. Tom wanted to learn how to read. C'est une tocade. It's a fad. It's a joke. Трябва да си внимателен. You've got to be careful. You need to be careful. Vení. Come here. Come on. Kto zrobił ten plan? Who made this plan? Who made the plan? Ул банкта эшли. He works at a bank. He works at a bank. 有時我會跟她打網球。 I sometimes play tennis with her. Sometimes I'll play with her. Ezt jó tudni. That's good to know. That's good to know. 你放学以后干什么? What do you do after school? What did you do after school? Sie befahl ihm, keine Befehle zu geben. She ordered him not to give orders. She ordered him not to give orders. nIteb yIt 'e' parHa'. She likes to walk alone. It's 'e' for Ha. Může sedět tam. He can sit there. He can sit there. 我知道问题。 I know the problem. I know the problem. Solmente que ille es paupere non significa que ille es infelice. Just because he is poor, it does not follow that he is unhappy. Just that he's poor doesn't mean he's unhappy. 这是你的帽子吗? Does this cap belong to you? Is this your hat? Esta flor é mais bonita que aquela. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than that one. 良いメキシコのレストランを見つけた。 I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a restaurant in good Mexico. Том тръгна по пътя на баща си. Tom followed in his father's footsteps. Tom went on his father's way. Három évvel fiatalabb Marinál. She is three years younger than Mary. Three years younger than Marin. Qué dolor. What a pain! What a pain. Не съм виждал Том, откакто бях на тринайсет. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was in my 30s. Der er et rygte i min mors landsby om at vi har japanske forfædre. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal mene om det. There's a rumor in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors. I don't know what to make of it. There's a backyard in my mother's village that we have Japanese ancestors, and I don't know what to think about. Der er mange gamle templer i Kyoto. There are many old temples in Kyoto. There are many old temples in Kyoto. Tom nukkui ilmapatjalla. Tom slept on the inflatable mattress. Tom slept on the radio. El centro comercial está desierto. The mall is deserted. The commercial center is desert. D acu i la tettṛaǧuḍ? What are you waiting for? What do you expect? Никој нема да те замара. No one will bother you. No one's gonna bother you. 会社はニューヨークにあるアメリカ販売子会社を閉鎖する計画だ。 The company plans to close its U.S. sales unit in New York. The company is a plan to close American sales companies in New York. Efk-it i win i k-yehwan. Give it to whomever you like. It's your turn to win a k-yahwan. میں ریڈیو کبھی کبھی سنتا ہوں۔ I almost never listen to the radio. I've never heard of the radio. Voda je těžká. Water is heavy. Water's hard. Malleus ubi est? Where's the hammer? Where's Malleus? 仮令遊女でも純粋な恋をすれば、その恋は無垢な清いものです。 Even if she's a prostitute which falls in love, her love is a pure and noble feeling. If you're going to have a clean love with a girl, it's not as pure as it is. Pacjent stracił dużo krwi. The patient has lost a lot of blood. The patient lost a lot of blood. mIgh ghaH. He's evil. Oh, my God. カラオケ、ゲーム、ビデオに冷蔵庫・・・今のラブホってなんでもあるのねー。 Karaoke, TV games, videos and a fridge ... love hotels nowadays really have everything. Karaoke, the game, the video's cooler than it's in the lab right now. Во сколько вы планируете вечером быть дома? What time do you plan to be home tonight? How many do you plan to be at home tonight? Předpokládám, že odešel domů. I suppose he's gone home. I guess he went home. Tu vienmēr vari runāt ar mani. You can always talk to me. You can always talk to me. لم تسنح لي الفرصة لمشاهدة الفيلم. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. You didn't give me a chance to watch the movie. Laylak ez du ezer gogoratzen. Layla doesn't remember anything. The Law doesn't remember anything. Настаўнікі павіталіся з хлапчанятамі. The teachers greeted the little boys. The teachers welcomed the boys. Iqreb ɣer wuxxam-iw. It's close to my home. He came to my house, and found me. היא נישקה אותי על השפתיים. She kissed me full on the lips. She kissed me on the lips. Os traballadores pediron un incremento de soldo. The workers asked for an increase in pay. The workers asked for an increase of money. Tänään on todella kylmä. It is very cold today. It's really cold today. Jesteś zainteresowana? Are you interested? Are you interested? Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi. What is permitted to Jove is not permitted to an ox. As far as Jovi is concerned, he doesn't like cattle. certu jonai lazni Either skillful or lazy. But not both. check the spelling of the lines Seks dengan gelora malam ini Sex by the fire at night Sex with gelora tonight Vatikaanivaltio on pinta-alaltaan (0.44 km²) maailman pienin valtio. Vatican City with its 0.44 km² is the world's smallest state. The Vatican State is the smallest country in the world on the surface (0.44 km2). Du kan ikke komme med os. You can't come with us. You can't come with us. Profectus inde fodit alium puteum, pro quo non contenderunt; itaque vocavit nomen eius Rehoboth (id est Latitudinem) dicens: Nunc dilatavit nos Dominus, et crescemus in terra. Going forward from thence, he digged another well, for which they contended not; therefore he called the name thereof, Latitude, saying: Now hath the Lord given us room, and made us to increase upon the earth. And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, because there was no strength in them. And he called his name Rehoboth: and he said, Now the LORD hath magnified us, and we shall be fruitful in the earth. Tommy, hallasz engem? Tommy, can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? Je pense qu'elle réussira. I think she'll succeed. I think she'll make it. Ai vreo idee la ce oră va ajunge Tom acasă? Do you have any idea what time Tom will come home? Do you have any idea what hour Tom's coming home? Esque tu es in London? Are you in London? Are you in London? Vi bør holde vort løfte. We should keep our promise. We should keep our promise. Você o quebrou. You smashed it. You broke it. उसे फ़्रानसीसी जर्मन से ज़्यादा अच्छी लगती है। He prefers French to German. He thinks he's better than French German. Nova antikva piramido estis malkovrita en Egiptujo. A new ancient pyramid has been discovered in Egypt. A new ancient pyramid was discovered in Egypt. La France avait de nombreuses colonies en Afrique. France used to have many colonies in Africa. France had many colonies in Africa. Πείτε της πως είμαι έτοιμος. Tell her I'm ready. Tell her I'm ready. 我唔知我幾時先到。 I don't know when I will arrive. I don't know how many times I got here. Мисля, че има нещо, което не ми казваш. I think there's something you're not telling me. I think there's something you don't tell me. Unohtakaa kaikki, mitä minä sanoin teille! Forget everything I told you! Forget everything I told you! Δεν πρόκειται να τον βρεις. You're not going to find him. You're not gonna find him. وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. There was Sami himself in charge of the Muslims. Non era lui. That wasn't him. It wasn't him. Tom Mary'yi öpen ilk erkek değildi. Tom wasn't the first man Mary kissed. It wasn't the first man to open Tom Mary. Toms farfar kände min morfar Tom's grandfather knew my grandfather. Tom's father knew my mother. Το θέλουμε πίσω. We want it back. We want it back. मला तुला सत्य सांगायचं आहे. I want to tell you the truth. I want to tell you the truth. Μου αρέσει η φωτογραφία του. I like his picture. I like his picture. Том изглежда самотен. Tom looks lonely. Tom seems lonely. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что это неправда. Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me it's not true. مليار شخص يتكلمون الإنجليزية. One billion people speak English. Millions of people speak English. 彼はずっと東京に住んでいる。 He's always been living in Tokyo. He's always in Tokyo. Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema. I'm going to go to the kino. 湯姆搭公車去市區。 Tom is on the bus to the city. Tom and the car went to the city hall. ¿Kinahanglan ko ba hin postiso? Do I need dentures? Do I need a position? Hun gav ham et olmt blik. She gave him a dirty look. She gave him a look. Tom trzymał niemowlę w ramionach. Tom held the baby in his arms. Tom kept talking in his arms. 我们很抱歉,Ami,但是你不能加入我们的小组因为..你知道的...小组成员不能超过五个人。 We're sorry, Ami, but you can't be part of our group because it would... you know... exceed the 5-people-per-group limit. We're sorry, Ami, but you can't join our group because... you know... no more than five members. Ille infantes partiva, cantante un cantion. Those children went away, singing a song. They had children, singing a song. Η Σάμη καθόταν στο θρανίο μου. Sami was sitting on my desk. Sam was sitting on my throne. Moje dcera se nachladila. My daughter caught a cold. My daughter's been married. Tako sam uzbuđena. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. He'So' waqlIj. Your shoe stinks. He's now. Maşın istəyirsiniz? Do you want a car? Would You Welcome a Visit? Tasi, lua, tolu, fā, lima, ono, fitu, valu, iva, sefulu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, two, seven, eight, eleven, ten. Tom vågnede tidligt i morges. Tom woke up early this morning. Tom woke up early this morning. Powinni mi dziękować. They should thank me. You should thank me. 汽车准备好了。 The car is ready. Car's ready. Huelo algo que apesta. I smell something awful. I'm looking for something to catch up with. Cred că voi rămâne aici. I think I'm going to stay here. I think I'll stay here. Nie musisz tego robić od razu. You don't need to do that right away. You don't have to do that from time to time. 神田さんは何と速く走るのだろう。 How fast Miss Kanda runs! I'm sure you'll be running as fast as you can. Nechal jsi otevřené dveře. You left the door open. You left the door open. Jeg glæder mig til at se dig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I'm glad to see you. Saya butuh teman. I need friends. I need a friend. Promesas son promesas. A promise is a promise. Promises are promises. Su sanitate le permitte de laborar si durmente. His health enables him to work so hard. Your health allows you to work as hard as you can. D akud i umi tesriḍ? Is it time you need? How long have you been here? Ĉu vi scias, kiam la afero okazis? Do you know when the event took place? Do you know when this happened? 私はもう子供ではありません。 I'm not a child anymore. I'm not a child anymore. Ik ken een meisje van wie de vader advocaat is. I know a girl whose father is a lawyer. I know a girl whose father is a lawyer. 我俾滾水淥親。 I burned myself with boiling water. I'm running out of water. El Medio Oriente es la cuna de la civilización. The Middle East is the cradle of civilization. The Middle East is the corner of civilization. Tom đã gọi nhầm số điện thoại. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom called the phone number wrong. Tom es preste a dicer le veritate. Tom is prepared to tell the truth. Tom's ready to tell the truth. Можеби Том ќе се уплаши па ќе се откаже. Tom may chicken out. Maybe Tom's gonna be scared and he's gonna give up. Otrava kadmiom je na juhu veľmi častou príčinou smrti. Cadmium poisoning is a very common cause of death in the south. The island of Cadmium is a common cause of death in the south. Бъдете там тази вечер. Be there tonight. Stay there tonight. Sofiya Bolqarıstanın paytaxtıdır. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia is a part of Bulgaria. Eu não te contei o que ele escreveu naquela carta. I didn't tell you what he wrote in that letter. I didn't tell you what he wrote in that letter. Изглежда, че ни игнорират. It looks like we're being ignored. Looks like they're ignoring us. あなたは長島さん一家と親戚ですか。 Are you related to the Nagashima family? Are you a member of your family? Ples auxiliar me. Help me, please. More help me. Vzdávám se! I give up! I'm giving up! Избегнувајте да пушите претерано. Avoid smoking excessively. Avoid overdrinking. Ka mahue taku noho i reira, i tō taha. I should've been there with you. I left them there, and went away. Estoy buscando a alguien. I'm looking for somebody. I'm looking for someone. ഞാൻ അവളുടെ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ എഴുതിയെടുത്തു. I wrote down her phone number. I wrote her phone number. Osobiście ci to gwarantuję. You've got my personal guarantee. I guarantee it for you personally. Meghúzódott Tomi háta hólapátolás közben. Tom hurt his back while shovelling snow. Tom's been dragged behind while he was being chased. Hoe was het? How was it? How was it? נשמח לראותכם בחתונתנו. We'll be glad to see you at our wedding. It's good to see you in our marriage. 看那个房子。 Look at that house. Look at that house. Έχει ξεκινήσει η ταινία; Has the movie started yet? Has the movie started? पुस्तक कागदाचं बनलेलं असतं. A book is made of paper. The book had become a collection of books. Sinice scribit. She writes Chinese. It's written. إلى اللقاء. See you again. All right, bye-bye. Ditën e mirë! Have a nice day. Good morning! Quando scrivete? When do you write? When did you write? আমি তোমাকে ভালবাসি। I love you. I love you. 搿个月是几月? What month is this? The moon's been a few months? 火车晚点了,所以我不能准时赶到那里。 The train was delayed, so I could not arrive there on time. The train's late, so I can't get there in time. Jag köpte en bok. I bought a book. I bought a book. 國際救難隊伍隨時待命準備前往日本。 International rescue teams are at the ready to fly to Japan. The international relief team is ready to go to Japan as soon as possible. Jíš maso každý den? Do you eat meat every day? Do you eat meat every day? مەرىي ھەرگىز ھىجابسىز ھالدا ئۆيدىن چىقمايدۇ. Mary never leaves the house without her hijab. Mary never went out of her house unbelievably. Encontré que la pregunta era fácil de responder. I found that the question was easy to answer. I found that the question was easy to answer. Csodálatos! It is marvelous. That's amazing! Θα ήθελα να παρευρεθείτε αύριο στη συνάντηση. I'd like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. I would like you to attend the meeting tomorrow. Vos deberea facer un breve pausa. You had better take a little rest. You should take a short break. Mary diris, ke ŝi ne manĝis viandon. Mary said she didn't eat meat. Mary said she didn't eat meat. De kinderen hebben geen school vandaag. The children don't have school today. The kids don't have school today. J’aime les chameaux. I like camels. I love camels. Értem a problémádat. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Δουλεύει σε μια τράπεζα. He works in a bank. He works at a bank. Juntas, las edades de los dos niños equivalían a la edad de su padre. The ages of the two children put together was equivalent to that of their father. Together, the age of the two children was equal to the age of their father. Я поїхав з Африки назавжди. I left Africa forever. I left Africa forever. Wiatr pod wieczór uspokoił się. The wind calmed down in the evening. The wind calmed down under the night. El ia plora. She cried. He's crying. मी त्यांना माझा फोन क्रमांक देते. I give him my phone number. I give them my phone number. Tom justo nunc ha revenite a Boston. Tom has just returned to Boston. Tom just came back to Boston now. אינני עושה כלום. I don't do anything. I don't do anything. Waarom ben je zo verdrietig? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? De man van mijn zus is mijn zwager. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. The man of my sister is my weaker. Maukah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana cara pergi ke Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Would you tell me how to go to Shinjuku? Ezin du inork kaxa handia mugitu. No one can move the big box. No one can move a big box. تصدر المجلة كل إسبوع. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine is issued every week. Mar pleg. Please. Please. Я не прихильник центризму. I am not a fan of centrism. I'm not the source of the center. Thành phố Rome đáng để viếng thăm. Rome is worthy of a visit. The city of Rome is worth a visit. Kiu tro alte svingas, nenion atingas. Who swings too high, achieves nothing. He that is too high can do nothing. עמדתי להתקשר אליו, אבל שכחתי. I was about to call him, but then I forgot. I was gonna call him, but I forgot. תום קיבל שלוש מתנות ליום ההולדת שלו. Tom got three presents for his birthday. Tom received three gifts on his birthday. Hvornår starter rodeoen? What time does the rodeo start? When does the radio start? Qu'aimerais-tu faire demain ? What would you like to do tomorrow? What would you like to do tomorrow? Il saute souvent d'un sujet à l'autre quand il parle. He frequently jumps from one topic to another while he is talking. He often whispers of one subject to another when he speaks. Stvarno nisam imao novca. I really didn't have any money. I really didn't have the money. 我唔鍾意食沙甸魚,因為我覺得佢太鹹。 I don't like to eat sardines, because I think they taste too salty. I don't want to eat the salmon fish because I think it's too bad. Ja sam jedina koja može to. I'm the only one who can do that. I'm the only one who can do it. फ़्रांसीसी उसकी मातृ भाषा है। French is her mother tongue. France is his mother tongue. Хлопець намалював картину на стіні. The boy drew a picture on the wall. The guy drew a picture on the wall. Thomas tres dies nobiscum commoratus est. Tom stayed with us for three days. Thomas spent three days with us. 本日定休日。 Today is our regular closing day. This day's holiday. Незважаючи ні на що, він все ще клеїть з себе дурня. Despite everything he is still playing dumb. No matter what, he still claims to be a fool. عليك أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You need to get in touch with me. Βοήθησέ με να τον σηκώσω. Help me lift it. Help me get him up. Շարունակիր գրել: Keep writing. Keep writing: 他的車在掉進河裡前翻轉了好幾次。 His car flipped over several times before it fell into the river. His car turned a few times before falling into the river. Se você estiver interessado em estudar inglês com um nativo, por favor, contate-me. If you are interested in studying English with a native speaker, please contact me. If you are interested in studying English with a native, please contact me. Zastanawiam się, gdzie są lody. Myślisz, że Tom mógł zjeść wszystkie? I wonder where the ice cream is. Do you think Tom could've eaten it all? I wonder where the ice is, do you think Tom could eat it all? سوف يحتاج توم الكثير من المساعدة. Tom will need a lot of help. A lot of help will be needed. Тези чорапи не се разпускат при пране. These socks don't stretch when you wash them. These bitches don't relax when they're gone. Існує кілька проблем. There are a few problems. There's a few problems. Трудът не е само необходимост, но и удоволствие. Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not only a necessity, but also a pleasure. Jag tänkte precis på dig. I was just thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Я заснул только после двух часов ночи. I didn't fall asleep until after 2 o'clock in the morning. I only slept after two hours of night. مرحبا بكم في ويكيبيديا. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. It could be an accident that's dead. Tom nije želeo da priča sa Meri, ali nije imao izbora. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he didn't have a choice. selsa'a It is a song. Salsa Як гэта сказаць па-французску? How do you say that in French? How is it to say French? Ella no escucha a sus padres. She doesn't listen to her parents. She doesn't listen to her parents. Puneți-vă deoparte cărțile și caietele. Put away your books and notebooks. Put your cards and your shoes away. Shano phi don? Where are you? Where's Shano? Ek het vir haar 'n nuwe motor gekoop. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Mənim atam avtobus sürücüsüdür. My father is a bus driver. My dad's a bus driver. Ne me questionne pas et je ne mentirai pas. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Don't ask me questions and I won't lie. Diri aku masúko ha ira. I'm not giving up on them. I was not jealous of them. É o meu CD. This is my CD. It's my CD. 他住在東京郊區。 He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo. "Как жизнь, Майк?" - "Меня Том зовут". "How are you doing, Mike?" "My name is Tom." "How's life, Mike?" "My name's Tom." Αν δεν ήμουν ταπί, θα τ' αγόραζα. I'd buy it if I weren't broke. If I wasn't a thief, I'd buy it. मी सोमवारपर्यंत ऑस्ट्रेलियात राहेन. I'll stay in Australia until Monday. I live in Australia until early in the morning. كانت أمّ سامي أعزّ صديقة لتلك الامرأة. Sami's mom was best friends with that woman. My mother was a friend of those women. 當然。 Of course. Of course. U khynnah u kyntait ban ngeit ia i nonghikai. The student refused to obey his teacher. And he cried out with a loud voice, and with a loud voice he gave way to him. 富士山顶盖满了雪。 The top of Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. Mount Fussan is filled with snow. من لا يَهمّه المال؟ Who doesn't care about money? Who doesn't care about money? Колькі год вы ўжо гуляеце ў гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years have you been playing in golf? Mi ne ŝatas lakeojn. I don't like ass-kissers. I don't like lakes. tlhaQqu'! This is very funny! That's what I'm talking about. Tom'un hususî tayyâresi var. Tom has a private plane. Tom's got a special assignment. Tom tevkîf edilebilir. Tom might get arrested. Tom can be connected. Ты ўжо спаймала таго Аднарога? Have you caught that Unicorn yet? You've already saved that Adnar? Anwa i d gma-twen? Who is your brother? What about the gma-twen? Illes la permitteva de maritar le. They let her marry him. They let her marry him. Eu sei. I know it. I know. 首はうなだれ、静かにいびきをかいていた。 His head nodded, and he snored gently. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Ik heb veel van je geleerd. I've learned a lot from you. I've learned a lot from you. Anfänglich mochte sie kein Pferdefleisch. She didn't like horsemeat, initially. At first, she had no pet meat. Eres mejor que él. You're better than him. You're better than him. Tom nie jeździ motocyklem. Tom isn't used to riding a motorcycle. Tom's not driving a motorcycle. Laggen dien gezwister geern? Do your brothers and sisters like to laugh? Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. lo mi kanjunla cu spofu Something is wrong with my watch. I'll kiss my ass Txakurrak horrekoak dira. Dogs are like that. The dogs are those. Nedávno som začal maľovať. I've taken up painting recently. I recently started to smoke. Quando uma mulher é assassinada, o marido ou namorado é sempre o suspeito número um. When a woman is murdered, the husband or boyfriend is always the number one suspect. When a woman is murdered, the husband or boyfriend is always the suspect number one. Stiskni to tlačítko. Push that button. Press that button. Ĝisdatigu tiun korespondadon. Bring that correspondence up to date. Please update this correspondence. Այդ ժամանակներում այնտեղ նախնադարյան մարդիկ էին ապրում: At that time a primitive people lived there. In those days people lived there. Китәргә вакыт. It's time to leave. Time to leave. Vous êtes maintenant en voie de rétablissement. You are now on the way to recovery. You're now on your way back. 你來自加拿大的哪裡? Where are you from in Canada? Where did you come from Canada? लैलाचा हिजाब किती चांगला होता. Layla's hijab was so nice. What a fine example for us to imitate, and what a fine example for us to imitate! आम्ही आत नाश्ता करत आहोत. We're eating breakfast inside. We don’t know what to do, but we don’t know what to do. Egressi sunt de Bethel. Et adhuc spatium quoddam erat usque ad Ephratham, cum parturiret Rachel; ob difficultatem partus periclitari cœpit, dixitque ei obstetrix: Noli timere, quia et hac vice habes filium. And going forth from thence, he came in the spring time to the land which leadeth to Ephrata: wherein when Rachel was in travail, by reason of her hard labour, she began to be in danger, and the midwife said to her: Fear not, for thou shalt have this son also. And they went out from Bethel: and the space was yet a little while to Ephrath, when Rachel was born: and she conceived, and said unto him, Fear not; for thou hast a son this time. Nici măcar nu asculți. You're not even listening. You don't even listen. 我無法完成我的作業。 I was unable to finish my homework. I can't finish my job. Κρυβόμουν. I was hiding. I was hiding. Bɣiɣ ad lemdeɣ taspirantit. I want to learn Esperanto. I want to learn a little. Tom sapeva che ero pigro. Tom knew I was lazy. Tom knew I was bad. أين الفتيات؟ Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Det är det vi väntar på. That's what we're waiting on. That's what we're waiting for. ¿Cómo lo sabes? How do you know? How do you know? Það er hávaðasamt í íbúðinni við hliðina. It's noisy next door. It's mostly in the building on the side. Bu benim için çok pahalı. That's too expensive for me. It's too bad for me. Tomi punon aq shumë sa çdonjeri tjetër. Tom works as hard as anybody else does. Tommy works as much as everyone else does. Am auzit țipete. I heard screams. I heard screams. mi na pu nitcu lo ka lebna lo santa sei ri mi ja'e kansa I didn't need to take an umbrella with me. That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by my power. Mi neniam kredis tion. I never believed it. I never believed that. Δεν ήταν ο αδερφός σου. He wasn't your brother. It wasn't your brother. Gerçekten gerçeği bilmek istediğinden emin misin? Are you sure you really want to know the truth? Are you sure you really want to know the truth? Plumbum perīculōsum est. Lead is dangerous. Plumbum pericurousum. Иногда молния бьёт дважды в одно место. Lightning does sometimes strike the same place twice. Sometimes the blue is twice in one place. अत्र उपविशतु। Sit here. This publication is not for sale. Nagtudo iti makalawas. It rained for a week. He was hungry for a week. میں اس سے لندن ملا تھا جب میں وہاں رہ رہا تھا۔ I met him when I was staying in London. I was tired of it when I was there. Vale a pena ouvir essa música várias vezes. That music is worth listening to many times. It's worth listening to this music several times. التقى سامي بليلى عام ١٩٩٦. Sami met Layla in 1996. I arrived in 1996. Това е работата, която аз сам избрах. This is the job of my own choice. That's the job I've chosen myself. Ili lude football. They play soccer. They're playing football. Ќе ни требаат приближно три часа да се симнеме од планинава. Getting down this mountain will take about three hours. We'll need about three hours to get out of the mountain. קריר לי מאד. I feel very chilly. I'm very close. なんでトムはここで働くのが好きなの? Why does Tom like working here? Why would Tom like to work here? Ḥsiɣ tlaq tebɣest akken ad yemmag waya. I know it takes courage to do that. But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished! Bu saz meniň häzirki keýpime kybapdaş. This music suits my present mood. This music is part of my life today. Jag klättrade upp i ett träd. I climbed a tree. I dressed up in a tree. Jag har ingen aning. I haven't got the slightest idea. I have no idea. Αυτό είναι ένα μενού. This is a menu. That's a mystery. 學習不該被強迫,而是該被鼓勵。 Learning should not be forced, but rather encouraged. Learning should not be forced but should be encouraged. Titim a dhéanfaidh tú! You’ll fall! Come on, you'll do it! la tom enai la meris klama lo zarci Tom goes to the market, but Mary doesn't. Move ~a onto the black joker. Реков ли дека сум завршил? Did I say I was finished? Did I say I'm done? Вы знаете, откуда они узнали? Do you know how they knew? Do you know how they found out? Il fait froid à l'extérieur. Mets ton manteau. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside. Bədəvilər səhrada yaşayırlar. Bedouins live in the desert. The beehives live in the wilderness. 城市裏的機動車數量增加了。 The number of motor vehicles in the city has increased. The number of motor vehicles in the city has increased. Hätte ich das gewusst, ich wäre nicht gekommen. If I had known, I would not have come. If I knew, I wouldn't have come. زيارة جميع المعالم السياحية حقاً ترهقني كثيراً . Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out. Visiting all the tourist worlds really is very exciting to me. Πέστε μου για τη δουλειά σας. Tell me about your job. Tell me about your work. سامي هو المريض التّالي الذي سفحصه الدّكتور باكر. Sami is Doctor Bakir's next patient. Sami is the next patient that Dr. Baker examined. वह मेरा ममेरा भाई नहीं है। He isn't my cousin. He's not my brother. Ο Τομ νόμιζε ότι η Μαίρη είχε κατάθλιψη. Tom thought that Mary was depressed. Tom thought Mary was confused. Tom deve dormire adesso. Tom needs to sleep now. Tom has to sleep now. Мені потрібна ця інформація якомога швидше. I need that information as soon as possible. I need this information as soon as possible. 我没有做过非法的事。 I've never done anything illegal in my life. I haven't done anything illegal. Θέλω να της πω καληνύχτα. I want to tell her good night. I want to tell her tonight. Kurasa Tom akan segera kembali. I think Tom will return soon. I think Tom will be back soon. Ɛeyyeḍ ugar. Louder. You are a virgin. Tom neví, že je do něj Mary zamilovaná. Tom doesn't know that Mary is in love with him. Tom doesn't know Mary's in love with him. Er liebt es, über Politik zu sprechen. He loves talking about politics. He likes to talk about politics. murI'pu'be'mo' jIQeH. I'm angry that she didn't call me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Том подозревал, что Мэри шутит. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Това е камерата, с която Том направи снимките. This is the camera that Tom took the pictures with. This is the camera Tom made with the photos. Hic modo sedebo. I'm just going to sit here. There's no way I'm sitting. Hvað með það ef ég er samkynhneigður? Er það glæpur? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm angry, it's a crime? ¿Anó nga pagkaon it dírì mo naruruyagan? What food don't you like? What kind of food do you really enjoy? Tom viel op zijn hoofd. Tom fell on his head. Tom's got a lot on his head. Amu po naawi tokou. We're not finished yet. You are his publicity agents. Miksi Tom on tänään niin hyvällä tuulella? Why is Tom in such high spirits today? Why is Tom in such a good mood today? "Apa kamu pernah melihat Tom membawa tas tangan?" "Tom? Tidak, tidak pernah." "Have you ever seen Tom with a handbag?" "Tom? No, never." "Did you ever see Tom carry a handbag?" "Tom, never." Том иска да стане лекар, когато порасне. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. לא אוהבת חזיר. I don't like pork. You don't like reindeer. Rentrez chez vous. Go home. Come to your house. Tots els éssers humans neixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets. Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, they have reason and conscience, and they must treat each other in a brotherly manner. Min kat lider under varmen. My cat is suffering from the heat. My cat is suffering under the heat. Það er það sem fólk segir. That's what people say. That's what people say. Infanoj plaĉas al mi. I like children. Children cry to me. Престарелый человек живёт в одиночестве. The old man lives alone. An elderly person lives alone. Hänen tapansa eivät olleet herrasmiehen. His manners were not those of a gentleman. He wasn't a gentleman. Þeim þótti spennandi að spila körfubolta á leikvellinum. They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground. They were eager to play ball in the game. Nije mi se baš svidelo. I didn't enjoy it very much. I didn't like it very much. Corrió tan rápidamente que se encontró sin aliento. He ran so fast that he was out of breath. He ran so fast that he found himself unwelcome. Mieszkałem kiedyś w Bostonie. I once lived in Boston. I used to live in Boston. Petit Tomin. You let Tom down. Little Tom. Tom etrafta değildi. Tom hasn't been around. Tom wasn't around. Min Mercedes er større end din. My Mercedes is bigger than yours. My Mercedes is bigger than yours. Los siete pecados capitales son: soberbia, envidia, codicia, ira, lujuria, gula y pereza. The seven deadly sins are: pride, envy, greed, anger, lust, gluttony and sloth. The seven capital sins are: sovereignty, envy, codicia, anger, joy, hunger and perpetration. Ela foi envenenada. She's been poisoned. She was invented. Aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang rencananya. I didn't know anything about his plan. I don't know anything about his plan. माझी पत्नी कुठे आहे? Where's my wife? Where is my wife? Tom, oletko sinä täällä? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you here? Boleh saya pinjam duit awak? Could I borrow some money? Can I borrow your money? Том ја надви Мери. Tom overpowered Mary. Tom took Mary over. Nie bądź smutasem psującym zabawę, Tom. Don't be a party pooper, Tom. Don't be a sad fan of fun, Tom. Он венде овос а десдуплес. Eggs are sold by the dozen. He sells this and deduples. Cuir in iúl dom cad é atá tú ag iarraidh a dhéanamh. Let me know what you want to do. Tell me what you're trying to do. Jag vill fortfarande gå. I still want to go. I still want to go. U Tom u lap ba ka Mary kam lah ban pule. Tom has found out Mary can't read. Tom was so impressed with Mary that he asked her to study the Bible with him. Es nevēlos piedalīties ceremonijā. I don't want to participate in the ceremony. I don't want to participate in the ceremony. De pe gîndo! Remember! Get the fuck out of here! Flumen placide fluit. The river flows calmly. The river is floating. El avión despegará en diez minutos. The plane takes off in ten minutes. The plane will disappear in ten minutes. Обсъдихме дали да отменим резервацията. We deliberated whether we should cancel the reservation. We discussed whether we should cancel the reservation. Canicus trans murum saluit. Ken jumped over the wall. Cancius escaped across the wall. Яна атрымала залаты медаль. She took the gold medal. She got gold medals. Elle m'a écrit une longue lettre. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. Rất tiếc, nhưng tôi không hiểu. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Ten stół zrobiony jest z drewna. This table is made out of wood. This table is made of wood. Sami och Layla håller aldrig med om någonting. Sami and Layla never agree on anything. Sami and Layla never care about anything. Mary var på badeværelset og ordnede sit hår. Mary was in the bathroom, fixing her hair. Mary was in the bathroom and cleaned her hair. Hún var honum sammála um hvað ætti að gera við gamla bílinn. She agreed with him on what to do with the old car. She told him what to do with the old car. "Dè a ghabhas sibh?" "Gabhaidh trì cupannan cofaidh." "What would you like?" "I'd like three cups of coffee, please." "What are you doing?" "Three memory games." برجاء إرفاق شهادة جودة. Please attach a certificate of quality. That's a good witness. Ringde du? You called? Did you call? Jeg hjalp min mor i køkkenet. I helped my mother in the kitchen. I helped my mother in the kitchen. Jag talade om allt för mamma. I told my mom everything. I talked about everything for Mom. Sami yuɣ-d snat n ticebubin di Amazon. Sami bought two wigs from Amazon. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Tom hielt sich die Waffe an den Kopf und drückte ab. Tom put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger. Tom held the gun on his head and pushed it off. Điều gì khiến việc đó không xảy ra? What's preventing this from happening? What made that not happen? Hun mødte ham i caféen. She met him in the cafe. She met him in the café. Kinaman i Tom poihoon do tootopot do nunu kinaantakan. Tom tried to make sense of what just happened. Tom and I went to the airport to see what was happening. Дамь ємѹ кънигъı заѹтра. I will give him the book tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen of the priest's office. Hãy chắc là bạn tới đón tôi lúc năm giờ nha! Make sure that you pick me up at five, please. Be sure you're here to welcome me for the next year! De čanga! Kneel! Oh, my God! Het was verrassend te zien hoe snel het kind groeide. It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up. It was amazing to see how quickly the child grew up. Ioco es un nom nion. Yoko is a Japanese name. Ioco is a nino name. le za'u mei pu te vecnu pa cnino karce They bought a new car. I'm going to take you to dinner, and I'm gonna kill you. 当我们濒临死亡,我们应该独处。我们将摒离所有身外之物。世间的朋友们-跟我们的地位,财富和社会层次息息相关的朋友,都将离我们而去,只因我们即将步入黑暗的山谷。那些与陌生人紧紧相连的关系网-我们的亲属、我们的爱人、孩子、兄弟姐妹,还有那些不太亲却有共同朋友的人们,我们也必须要分开。现在,他们并没用离开我们。有一个比兄弟更亲的人-爱他自己也爱世间直到尽头。 When we come to die, we shall be alone. From all our worldly possessions we shall be about to part. Worldly friends — the friends drawn to us by our position, our wealth, or our social qualities, — will leave us as we enter the dark valley. From those bound to us by stronger ties — our kindred, our loved ones, children, brothers, sisters, and from those not less dear to us who have been made our friends because they and we are the friends of the same Saviour, — from them also we must part. Yet not all will leave us. There is One who "sticketh closer than a brother" — One who having loved His own which are in the world loves them to the end. When we die, we should be alone. We will get away from everything else. Friends of the world, with our status, wealth and social life, will leave us alone because we are going to walk into a dark valley. Those of our relatives, our loved ones, our children, our brothers and sisters, and those who are not very close to each other, must be separated from us. Now they are not used to us. A more kinder person than a brother, he loves himself to the end of the world. Имам проблем. Трябва ми помощта ти. I'm in trouble. I need your help. I need your help. Níl Tom ag iarraidh ach greim le hithe. Tom just wants something to eat. Tom's just asking for something. J’aime faire la cuisine et lire. I like cooking and reading. I love cooking and reading. לא ידעתי שהרגל שלי שבורה. I didn't know my leg was broken. I didn't know my leg was broken. Учев факултет четири години и недобив ништо освен беднава диплома. I went to college for four years and all I got was this lousy diploma. I studied at school for four years and got nothing but poor diplomas. Poliția a convins criminalul să-și predea arma. The police persuaded the criminal to surrender his weapon. The police have convinced the criminal to surrender his weapon. Multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem / inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum / Albanique patres atque altæ moenia Romæ. Yea, and more, / in war enduring, ere he built a home, / and his loved household-deities brought o'er / to Latium, whence the Latin people come, / whence rose the Alban sires, and walls of lofty Rome. There was also much war and war, when he conquered the city / and inferred the gods of Latio, a gene from Latin / Albanian parents and the Roman coin. Ŝi sekvis lin hejmen. She followed him home. She followed him home. Jos olisit ollut kokouksessa, niin olisit voinut äänestää. If you'd been at the meeting, you could've voted. If you had been at the meeting, you'd have been able to vote. 森美承認兩項控罪。 Sami confessed to both crimes. Sami admitted two charges. Ông có muốn uống thêm bia không? Would you like to have another beer? Do you want to drink more beer? Me no parla turces. I don't speak Turkish. He doesn't speak Turkish to me. Stolen er for lille. The chair is too small. The chair is too small. La evidento esas ne-dubitebla; lo ne povas esar originala Picasso. The evidence leaves no room for doubt; this can't be an original Picasso. The display is unambiguous; it cannot be the original Picasso. Ο Τομ ήπιε ένα ποτήρι κρασί. Tom drank a glass of wine. Tom had a glass of wine. תום עזר למרי לצאת מהבריכה. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Tom helped me get out of the garage. Нос ескута мусика. We listen to music. We have a taste of music. Istražite ih. Examine them. Check them out. On klamie. He is telling a lie. He's lying. Звідки ти знала, що я виросла у Бостоні? How did you know I grew up in Boston? How did you know I grew up in Boston? Chẳng có ai có thể học nhiều tới mức bieesrt hết tất cả. Nobody is so learned that he is able to know all things. No one can learn a lot at the level of biesrt all. Tom nie potrafił się zmusić, żeby udusić Mary. Tom couldn't quite bring himself to strangle Mary. Tom didn't have to push Mary. Tom sanoi enemmän kuin Mari halusi hänen sanovan. Tom said more than Mary wanted him to. Tom said more than Mari wanted to say. كانت لدى سامي دائما أقراص في متناول اليد. Sami always had pills within easy reach. Sami always had arms on his hands. Tomi ei huomannut mitään epäilyttävää. Tom didn't notice anything suspicious. Tom didn't notice anything suspicious. Kinsa na siya? Who is she? Who was he? Svi tapšu. Everybody claps. They're all shooting. เราจะโอเค We'll be OK. We'll be okay. Kupiła długopis w tym sklepie. She bought this pen at that store. She bought a long record in this store. Maria intelligentior est sorore. Mary is more intelligent than her sister. Maria is smarter than sister. Beni duyduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think you heard me. I don't think you heard me. El muchacho dijo que el taxi se desvaneció en la neblina. The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog. The boy said the cab broke into the nebula. Калі я вырасту, я хачу стаць настаўніцай. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. Телеңне аңлыйм. I can understand your language. I'm glad to hear you. Měla se vrátit včera, ale onemocněla. She was to have returned yesterday, but she fell ill. She was supposed to be back yesterday, but she was sick. Ei nu aveau surse de energie alternative. They had no alternative energy sources. They had no alternative energy sources. मैंने उसको पैसे देने की कोशिश करी पर उसने इनकार कर दिया। I tried to give her some money, but she wouldn't take any. I tried to pay him, but he refused. Apagon iti gatang ko mantad dilo. This is more expensive than that. I bought a pair of shoes. Ez kép. This is a picture. It's a picture. Ädunob etosi ya mödikna. I've already done that a lot of times. Do not give up. Дай Тому відповідь. Answer Tom. Give him the answer. 很多貧窮的学生得到会计科。 Many poor students are given bursaries. Many poor students have access to the Accounting Section. Чоно хүн рүү бараг дайрдаггүй. Wolves won't usually attack people. Many people are not at war, so they are not at war with one another. Tomam un Marijai bija jāaizņemās nauda no Džona, lai samaksātu īri. Tom and Mary had to borrow money from John to pay their rent. Tom and Maria had to borrow money from John to pay rent. Kuvittelenko minä tämän? Am I imagining this? Can I imagine this? Сосем е возможно Том воопшто да не ни помогне. It's quite possible that Tom won't help us at all. It's possible that Tom wouldn't help us at all. Elle jouait au tennis tous les dimanches. She used to play tennis every Sunday. She played tennis every Sunday. तू इथे काल रात्री झोपला होतास का? Did you sleep here last night? Have you been sleeping here all night? He descubierto que es muy típico de él llegar muy tarde. I find that it's typical for him to come too late. I've discovered that it's very typical of him to arrive very late. 小心惡犬! Beware of the dog! Watch out, you son of a bitch! Słyszałem, że trudniej zadowolić kobietę niż mężczyznę. Ciekawe, czy to prawda. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I heard it's harder to please a woman than a man, wondering if it's true. Thomas pelliculam aspicit. Thomas is watching a movie. Thomas looked at the film. 嗰座橋好靚。 That bridge is very beautiful. It's a nice bridge. Забринут сам за тебе. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about you. Tom řekl, že se musí hned vrátit domů. Tom said that he must return home at once. Tom said he had to go home right away. Kaikki on sovittu. It's all settled. It's all right. Eza Tom aşnewna. I can hear Tom. Come on, Tom. Том розумний. Tom is bright. Tom's smart. Sháním Andyho. Nevíš, kde je? I'm looking for Andy. Do you know where he is? I love Andy, you don't know where he is? Mă simt așa chiar acum. I'm feeling like that right now. I feel that way right now. Minne laitoin takkini. Where did I put my coat? I set up my tank. 对于是否要去医院探望Mary,Tom有点犹豫不决。 Tom is hesitant to visit Mary in the hospital. As to whether to go to the hospital to visit Mary, Tom is a bit nervous. このドアはよく閉まりません。 I can't get the door to shut properly. This door is not closed. Um elefante foi caçado lá. An elephant was hunted there. An elephant was shot there. Може би трябва да уча френски. Maybe I should study French. Maybe you should learn French. "Si, me es brasilera. No, me no gusta carnaval". "Yes, I am Brazilian. No, I don't like carnival." "Yes, I'm a Brazilian." No, I don't like carnival. Tom opowiada historię. Tom is telling a story. Tom's telling the story. Turazi igituma waje ngaha. We know why you came here. We know why you came here. Por que não vens nos visitar? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come visit us? To je bila teška odluka. It was a hard decision. That was a tough decision. بماذا تحدّق؟ What are you staring at? Why are you kidding me? Eja shpejtë. Come quickly. Come on. Nu a putut să meargă la petrecere pentru că era bolnav. Because he was ill, he could not go to the party. He couldn't go to the party because he was sick. A város lakossága tisztviselőnek választotta őt. He was elected an official by the inhabitants of this town. The city's population has chosen him as an officer. Örülök, hogy abba az iskolába járhatok. I'm proud of my school. I'm glad I can go to school. Sen işlemek isleýäňmi? Do you want a job? Would You Welcome a Visit? 彼女はテニスができます。そして私もできます。 She can play tennis, and so can I. She can get tennis, and I can do it. Ẓriɣ akk d acu i ixeddem Tom. I'm fully aware of Tom's activities. I testify about him, because I know all things, that he has done them." Închide-ți cărțile. Close your books. Close your books. Hyvää päivää, mitä haluaisit? Good day. What do you want? Good day, what would you like? Vulpe ignea utor. I use Firefox. Get the hell out of here. هندوانه پر از آب است. A watermelon is full of water. The wilderness is full of water. tera'Daq HuDmey ngemmey yotlhmey Ha'DIbaHmey nuvpu' je tu'lu'. Earth has mountains, forests, fields, animals and people. For example, the theory of evolution is based on the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is based on the theory of evolution. Ilu marchis klaudikante. He walked with a limp. They're marchis clumsy. Ech trauen keng Politiker. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. עטלעכע פּראָפֿעסיעס וועלן נישט זײַן נייטיק אויף להבא. Some professions won't be necessary in the future. Some processes will not work properly. Cine este femeia aceea? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? Πρέπει να σπουδάσω. I must study. I have to learn. উনি ফ্রান্সে বড়ো হয়েছেন। She was raised in France. He grew up in France. Der Mann da ist übel beleumundet. That man has a bad reputation. The man there is usually confused. אתה כמעט לא מוכר לי. I hardly know you. You're almost not selling me. Nolite appropinquare. Don't come any closer. Don't fit in. Tom ma 7% tłuszczu w ciele. Tom has 7% body fat. Tom's got 7% fat in his body. この地域は今や立て込んできた。 The area is built up now. This area could now be set up. do latcribe You are a panda. do latecribe Никој од нас нема да направи ништо за да ти помогне. None of us will do anything to help you. None of us will do anything to help you. Tinung-edannak. He nodded to me. Ting-dungs. Maňa kömek etmäge wagtyňyz barmy? Do you have time to help me? Do you have time to help me? إنه سريع الكلام. He is a fast speaker. It's fast. O strateji işe yaradı. That strategy worked. That strategy worked. Hans svar är i princip ett nej. His answer amounts to a refusal. His answer is basically no. 汤姆从他祖父那里学会了怎么做。 Tom learned how to do that from his grandfather. Tom learned how to do it from his grandfather. Це частина системи. It's part of the system. It's part of the system. Veni con nos. Come along with us. Come with us. Sov! Sleep! Sleep! Tam doğru zamanda geldin. You came at just the right time. You came at the right time. ¿Waray mo kabatii an akun ginyakan? Didn't you hear what I said? Did you not know that I must be in the house of my Father? 我唔知呢件事幾時會發生,但係我都幾肯定佢會發生。 I don't know when it'll happen, but I'm pretty sure that it'll happen. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm sure it's going to happen. Podívejte se na tabuli. Look at the blackboard. Look at the tables. 你知道站在窗邊的女孩是誰嗎? Do you know the girl standing by the window? Do you know who the girl is standing on the window? Bu balıq deyil. It's not a fish. This is not a fish. このグループに存在する儒教的価値観を強調したい。 I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group. I would like to stress the scientific value of this group. O Zot, qeni im do të binte në dashuri me ty. Oh my God, my dog would fall in love with you. My God, my heart would be in love with you. Er wird leicht wütend. He easily gets angry. He'll easily get angry. Ävilob savön oli. I wanted to save you. There was a wedding party. אל תשכח להזמין את תום. Don't forget to invite Tom. Don't forget to invite Tom. Det er et spørsmål om personlig smak. It's a question of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. Крадецът се измъкна с парите. The thief got away with the money. The thief got out of the money. 他老婆很有才。 His wife is quite a talented woman. His wife's very smart. だが、あなたは良いぶどう酒をよくも今までとっておきました。 But you have saved the best till now. But you've made a lot of good wine to this day. Három éve jöttem Tokióba és azóta itt élek. I came to Tokyo three years ago and have been living here ever since. I've been in Tokyo for three years and I've been living here since. बाजार बड़ा ह। The market is big. The store's big. Le cancer est un grand ennemi de l'humanité. Cancer is a great enemy of humanity. Cancer is a major enemy of humanity. Semi yza ädim etdi. Sami stepped back. In time, though, I realized that I had to adjust my thinking. Dramatiskt musik skulle kunna vara en bra effekt i den här scenen. Dramatic music might be a good effect in this scene. Dramatic music could be a good effect in this scene. 彼女の母親はエアロビクスを週に一回行う。 Her mother does aerobics once a week. Her mother's going to visit Aerobix once a week. من فضلك اتركني وحدي. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. את יודעת מי אני? Do you know who I am? You know who I am? Вось чаму некаторыя ветэранкі ніколі не хацелі гаварыць пра вайну. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about the war. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about war. Έχω πιο πολλά λεφτά από σας. I have more money than you. I have more money than you. Hamarosan vissza fog jönni. He will soon come back. He'll be back soon. ഞാൻ ഇന്നലെ മൂന്ന് മത്സ്യങ്ങളെ പിടിച്ചു. I caught three fish yesterday. I caught three fish yesterday. Dit is een goed lesboek. This is a good textbook. This is a good reading book. Tomo trinkis la venenmiksaĵon. Tom drank the Kool-Aid. Tomo drank the wine mixture. Треба да одиш да му помогнеш. You should go help him. You need to go and help him. Ahoj všetci! Hello, world! Hey, everybody! Soatlarim qani? Where are my watches? How much time do I spend? Може ли да Ви взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Fortes fortuna juvat. Fortune favors the bold. Forts for luck. Sātans slēpjas detaļās. The devil is in the details. Satan conceals his identity. ทอมทำได้อย่างไร How does Tom do it? How did Tom do it? Jeg pleide å tro at ingen brydde seg. I used to think no one cared. I liked to think that no one had any trouble. قال سامي أنّه لم يكن يعيش هناك أحد. Sami said that no one lived there. Sam said he didn't live there. Iya nopo nga mongingia'. You are a teacher. It's a dream come true. Do města je to daleko. It is long way to the town. It's a long way to the city. Не би сакал да зборувам за неа. I'd rather not discuss her. I don't want to talk about her. আমরা তোর জন্য অপেক্ষা করছিলাম। We were waiting for you. We were waiting for you. Wat is mien Kamernummer? What's my room number? What's my camera number? An ceann trì bliadhna, ràinig mi fileantachd. At the end of three years, I became fluent. For the first three years, I lost my balance. Illa non es fede. She's not ugly. She's not a believer. Jesteś więźniem. You are a prisoner. You're a prisoner. אני חושב שהגיע הזמן שאדסקס איתה את הבעיה. I think it's time for me to discuss the problem with her. I think it's time for Adsex to deal with the problem. Понеделник е првиот ден, вторник вториот, и така натаму. Monday is the first day, Tuesday is the second day, and so on. Monday is the first day, Tuesday, and so on. peyoH! Have courage. I'm sorry, PeyoH! Ek het perongeluk koffie op die mat gemors. I accidentally spilled coffee on the mat. I made coffee on the table. "Почему Том называет меня Мэри?" - "А тебя разве не Мэри зовут?" - "Нет, Мария". "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "Isn't your name Mary?" "No, it's Maria." "Why does Tom call me Mary?" "Why don't you call me Mary?" "No, Mary." 规则要少,并且最重要的是要简单。 The rules must be few, and more importantly, simple. The rules need to be reduced and the most important is to simplify. Me gustaría ver la carta. I'd like to see the menu. I'd like to see the letter. האוניברסיטה קיבלה החלטה לבטל את הבחינה מהסוג הזה. The university decided to do away with this kind of examination. The university has decided to pay attention to this kind of thing. Tarkoitan sitä, mitä sanoin. I mean what I said. I mean what I said. 'o'wen 'oH net Qub. It is regarded as a grey area. I don't know. आम्हाला नेहमीच भूक लागली असते. We're always hungry. We had always been tired. Sostar gindis kaj Tom naštil te kerel les? What makes you think that Tom can't do that? Why did you think Tom would do it? Само сврти му. Just give him a call. Just turn it around. مەن خەت يېزىۋاتىمەن. I am writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Meri je veoma individualistična devojka. Mary is a very individualistic girl. Mary is a very individualist girl. Hibátlan a fogsora. He has perfect teeth. There's no mistake about it. Nos es semper super le puncto de apprestar nos a viver, ma nos nunquam vive. We are always getting ready to live but never living. We're always on the point of training us to live, but we never live. Я вырашыў. Я запрашу яго на спатканне сёння вечарам. I decided. I'm going to ask him out tonight. I'll send him to bed tonight. Planet flög över Fuji. The plane flew over Mt. Fuji. The planet flew over Fuji. Ĝi ne multekostis. It wasn't expensive. It wasn't worth much. مەن سىلەرنى خەتەردىن قوغدايمەن. I will protect you from danger. I will protect you from a prison. أمي وأبي عندهما مزرعة كبيرة هناك. My father and mother have a big farm there. Mom and Dad had a big farm there. Αρνούμαι να το επιτρέψω αυτό. I refuse to allow it. I refuse to let that happen. მე იქ ლამაზი ჩანჩქერი დავინახე. I saw a beautiful waterfall there. I saw a beautiful sunset there. Ze zweette. She sweated. She's two. Non potrei mai ferire Tom. I could never hurt Tom. I could never hurt Tom. Yella kra n yiwen i yettnezzihen. Someone is watching. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Очевидно, ты передумал. Obviously, you've changed your mind. Obviously, you've been thinking about it. Laura, sei un'insegnante? Laura, are you a teacher? Laura, are you a teacher? Σταματήστε ν' αντιστέκεστε! Stop resisting! Stop resisting! jolpat QultaHbogh 'otlhtej'e' ghaH. He's a physicist working on teleportation. That's what we're talking about. Ŝi estas blinda ekde naskiĝo. She has been blind from birth. She's been blind since she was born. Tom è qui con noi. Tom is here with us. Tom's here with us. זאת דרך מהירה יותר. That's a faster way. It's a faster way. Te veo la semana que viene. See you next week. I'll see you next week. 佢哋實係蕩失咗路啦,如果唔係佢哋應該到咗好耐㗎喇。 They lost their way; otherwise, they would have arrived long ago. In fact, he's lost his way, and if he doesn't, he should be very patient. 说法语对他来说很自然。 It comes natural to him to speak French. It's natural for him to speak French. Pazartesi benim en yoğun günümdür. Monday is my busiest day. The market is my hottest day. Je ne leur reproche pas ceci. I don't blame them for this. I'm not telling them this. Io sono orgogliosa di lei. I am proud of you. I'm proud of you. Ne znam zašto me boli glava. I don't know why my head hurts. I don't know why my head hurts. Bojíš se mě? Are you afraid of me? Are you scared of me? Бу замок бик матур. This castle is very nice. That was a beautiful time. Er stellte eine Frage darüber. He asked a question about it. He asked a question about it. Олександра перейшла на російську. Alexandra switched to Russian. Oleksandra moved to Russia. La mancanza di sonno può avere un impatto negativo enorme sui voti di uno studente. Lack of sleep can have an enormous negative impact on a student's grades. The lack of sleep can have a huge negative impact on a student's votes. आपको कब पता चला? When did you find out? When did you find out? तुझ्याकडे एक विकल्प आहे. You have an alternative. You have a choice. Maso do karamaian. It's time to party. There's plenty of peace. Ni aplaŭdu Tomon. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Let's call Tom. Er zijn veel grijstinten. There are many shades of gray. There's a lot of grotesque. Saya sungguh senang berjumpa denganmu lagi. I am very pleased to see you again. I'm so glad to meet you again. Jesmo li sad bezbedni? Are we safe now? Are we safe now? Я не знал, что собаки это делают. I didn't know dogs did that. I didn't know dogs were doing this. Tout est très bon marché. Everything's very cheap. It's all very well marketed. Ставете крај на насилството; борете се за мир. End violence; pursue peace. Put an end to violence; fight for peace. wIlpuq vISop 'e' vI'omlaHbe'. I cannot resist eating pudding. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. वे आखिरकार नज़र से बाहर निकल गए। They went out of sight at last. They finally got out of sight. Ήμαστε και οι δυο πολύ κουρασμένοι. We were both very tired. We're both very tired. Asta nu este pentru Tom. That isn't for Tom. That's not for Tom. مجھے کال مت کرنا۔ Don't call me. Don't blame me. Она мне нравится, а я ей нет. I like her, but she doesn't like me. She likes me, and I don't like her. To moraš da radiš na nekom drugom mestu. You have to do that somewhere else. That's what you have to do somewhere else. İndi hər kəs buradadır. Everyone is here now. Now everyone's here. Tom hat zweifellos den Eindruck erweckt, dass er nicht vorhat, morgen zu kommen. Tom certainly gave the impression that he wasn't planning on being there tomorrow. Tom has no doubt caused the impression that he doesn't have to come tomorrow. मैरी ने खाना पकाने में अपने मां की मदत की। Mary helped her mother cook. Mary helped her mother cook. Mitä on tehtävissä? What can be done? What's going on? หนูไม่ได้เป็นสัตว์ใหญ่ A mouse is not a large animal. I'm not a big animal. Odaadtam Tominak, amit akart. I gave Tom what he wanted. I gave Tom what he wanted. 彼の気分はよく変わる。 His moods often change. He's very different. Farà loro del male? Are you going to hurt them? Will it hurt them? Bondjoû! Good day! Good morning! 因為一些小事故,兩、三班機被延遲了。 A couple of flights were delayed on account of a minor accident. Because of some small accidents, two or three aircraft have been delayed. Me'l vaig trobar davant la verduleria. I met him outside the greengrocer's. I found him in front of the verdure. Navem nisi sarcinas recuperem ingrediar. I cannot get on this boat if I don't find my luggage. We don't have any bags to recover from. 彼女の熱意にはかなわない。 I cannot match her in enthusiasm. I don't care about her enthusiasm. Едно дете не е съд за запълване, а е огън за запалване. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. A child is not a court for filling, but a fire for burning. Таа е бубалица. She's a nerd. She's a bubble. Nga kwah iaphi ban doh ianga. I want you to kiss me. From where do they come? He wilikī au. I'm an engineer. I was growing up. Ini-d ayen akk i ak-yehwan, ur k-ttamneɣ ara. Regardless what you say, I don't believe you. Tell them all these things, and don't believe them. Ille es brasilian. He is Brazilian. They're Brazilian. tlhoS 'ul 'aplo'mey lunatlhlu'chu'pu'mo' Qapchu'be'taH. It doesn't work so well because the batteries are running down. The Bible teaches that God created all things and that he created them. Ми упати заводлив поглед. She gave me a sexy look. Let's get a good look at it. در حال حاضر این چیزی نیست که من با آن کار بیایم. Now, that is something I will not put up with. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Hun er Allans kone. She is Alan's wife. She's Allan's wife. 我很忙。 I'm very busy. I'm busy. e'o do denpa ze'a lo xadba be lo cacra Please wait half an hour. And the sun was darkened, and the moon and the stars were darkened Ez mentett meg. That's what saved me. It saved her. Navnene deres er Tom og Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. Their names are Tom and Ken. بالنّسبة لفاضل، لم تكن العربيّة شيئا جديدا فحسب، بل كانت أيضا صعبة للغاية. To Fadil, Arabic was not only new, but very complicated. For the contrary, not only was Arabic something new but it was also very difficult. Směj se s nimi. Laugh with them. Smile with them. Water kun je drinken, maar je kunt het ook laten lopen. You can drink water, but you can also pass it. You can drink water, but you can let it go. Un triangulo amorose habe al minus duo angulos obtuse. A love triangle has at least two blunt angles. A love triangle has at least two angles acquired. Ależ cudowna rodzina! What a marvelous family! That's a wonderful family! Lano sngikha jongphi? When is your birthday? Where am I going? Едно кафе, моля. Coffee, please. One coffee, please. 彼はここでかなりの時間待っていた。 He's been waiting here for a long time. He was waiting for time to be here. הם לא היו מזמינים את המנה הזאת, אילו היו מודעים מה היא. They wouldn't have ordered that dish if they'd known what it was. They wouldn't have invited this lady if they knew what she was. Určitě tě to stálo hromadu peněz. It must have cost you a fortune. It must have been a lot of money for you. Waarom dans je? Why are you dancing? Why are you dancing? Grasias per la averti. Thank you for the warning. Thank you for the warning. La kato miaulas. The cat meows. The cat's dying. Les scientifiques débattent de sa théorie sur la disparition des dinosaures. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists debate its theory of the disappearance of dinosaurs. Трябва да откажа на тази молба. I have to deny that request. I have to give up on this request. Вона продовжила працювати. She kept working. She kept working. ត្រូវតែ​ញ៉ាំ​ថ្នាំតាម​វេជ្ជបញ្ជា​ពេទ្យ ។ Drugs should be used only at the direction of a doctor. Keep track of the peer control. Yerna-d Sami yiwen n umeddakel amaynut. Sami made a new friend. And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him. Είναι τυχερές. They're lucky. They're lucky. Animalia ei placent. He likes animals. Animals don't like it. Sor Hap ngop tIS law' baS ngop tIS puS, 'ach nav ngop tIS law' Hoch tIS puS. The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest. So if you don't want to talk about it, you don't want to talk about it, but you don't have to do it. Dat klinkt mooi. That sounds beautiful. That sounds nice. Eve gitmek ve iyi bir gece uykusu uyumak zorundayım. I have to go home and get a good night's sleep. I have to go home and have a good night's sleep. mi ti co'e ca lo mi zifre temci This is what I do in my spare time. I'll give you some time. V Ankare sú všetky ročné obdobia ako zima. In Ankara, all the seasons are like winter. In Ankara, however, there are all annual periods if winter. Нам байдуже. We don't care. I'll take care of you. Kelka pueri ludas sur la gazono. Some children are playing on the grass. Some kids play on the gas. Я зарабляю 100 еўра ў дзень. I earn 100 Euros a day. I earn 100 euros a day. tennuSwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my uncle. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Wysoki budynek powstał obok mojego domu. A tall building was built next to my house. The tall building stood next to my house. El gato metió el hocico en el puchero. The cat put its nose in the pot. The cat put the hockey in the powder. To nije istina, zar ne? That isn't true, is it? That's not true, is it? Bienveníu. Welcome. Welcome. Li pasigis la tutan hieraŭan nokton por revizii tiun dokumenton. He spent all of last night revising that document. He spent the whole night reviewing this document. Det var så jag gjorde det. That's how I did it. That's what I did. Perché non rilasceranno Tom? Why won't they release Tom? Why won't they let Tom go? Älskar ni Tom? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? Jeg har købt dette kamera for 35000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. I bought this camera for 35,000 yen. Gelecek haftaya kadar ihtiyacın olan bilgiyi sana getireceğim. I'll get you the info you need by next week. I'll give you the information you need until next week. 私たちは彼の考えを変えさせようとしたが、できなかった。 We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to change his mind, but we couldn't. Šie produktai yra tokios pačios kokybės. These products are of the same quality. These products are the same quality. A baleset két évvel ezelőtt történt. The accident happened two years ago. The accident occurred two years ago. Мас шо ду хьан? How old are you? What is the greatest form of recognition? म ब्राजिलबाट हुँ । I'm from Brazil. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Mi amigo rompió con su novia y ahora quiere salir conmigo. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. My friend broke up with her boyfriend and now she wants to go out with me. Φίλησέ με, Τομ. Kiss me, Tom. Come with me, Tom. Tom poszedł z Mary do kościoła. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went to church with Mary. Я хочу сам рассказать Тому. I wanted to be the one to tell Tom. I want to tell you myself. Γιατί είσαι τόσο χαρούμενος σήμερα; Why are you so happy today? Why are you so happy today? Νόμιζα πως ήσουν Καναδός. I thought you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. Es tev šodien nevaru palīdzēt. I can't help you today. I can't help you today. Me ama vos. I love you. I love you. Eu comprei uma camiseta vermelha ontem. I bought a red T-shirt yesterday. I bought a red shirt last night. Va jinafa nazbeya renal, voxen kas lanel da in va rin renar ? You love my daughter; but are you sure that she loves you? Did he commit sexual immorality? Or did he commit adultery? Or did he commit adultery? Tom se snažil pochopit vše, co se stalo. Tom tried to make sense out of everything that had happened. Tom tried to understand everything that happened. Çok şüphecisin. You're very skeptical. You're so suspicious. Toma právě klepla pepka. Tom just had a stroke. Tom's just got a puppy. Cenam mihi para. Make me dinner. I'll have dinner for you. Et dimisit eum, postquam dixerat: “Sponsus sanguinum”, ob circumcisionem. And he let him go after she had said: A bloody spouse art thou to me, because of the circumcision. And he sent him away, and said, Send the blood, that we may drink. 泳池是對公眾開放的。 The swimming pool is open to the public. The bathroom is open to the public. 對他來說,「肚子餓」是個抽象的概念,因為他從來就沒有餓過。 To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough to eat. And it is said to him, "Suckle dust," because he has never been eaten. Nem értettem meg. I couldn't get it. I didn't get it. Tá an chathair bheag. The city is small. The town is small. Aku tidak akan diam. I won't be silent. I'm not gonna be quiet. ¿Onde podo conseguir as entradas? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the entrances? Seu vestido estava rasgado. Her dress was torn. His dress was broken. অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ, ডাক্তারবাবু। Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. بۇ مېنىڭ ئۆيۈم. This house is mine. This is my house. Том няма да се откаже. Tom isn't giving up. Tom won't give up. Nyns yw da genev avalow. I don't like apples. You don't have the right permissions. wItoblaHbe'. We don't have any proof. That's what I'm talking about. Yarın onunla konuşacağım. I'll talk to her tomorrow. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Tomas negalėjo atsikratyti jausmo kad tuoj atsitiks kažkas blogo. Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen. Tom could not help but feel that something was going on right away. Tom utelee liikaa. Tom is too nosy. Tom's breathing too much. Ur kem-ttaǧeɣ ara. I won't leave you. I don't receive glory from men. Introduces eos et plantabis in monte hereditatis tuæ, firmissimo habitaculo tuo, quod operatus es, Domine, sanctuario, Domine, quod firmaverunt manus tuæ. Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thy inheritance, in thy most firm habitation, which thou hast made, O Lord; thy sanctuary, O Lord, which thy hands have established. You shall bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, the place of your strength, which you have made, Lord, the Holy One, which your hands have established. I schote. I pooped. And shit. As-tu tué Tom ? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Senin için çalışmayacağım. I won't work for you. I'm not gonna work for you. 貝蒂總是設法得到她想要的東西。 Betty always managed to get what she wanted. Betty always makes sure she gets what she wants. Ти ж цього не хочеш? You don't want that, do you? You don't want that? U Tom u buh iaka suloi hapoh u syngkhlieh. Tom put his pistol under the pillow. Tom stayed calm after a while. 我在我爸的公司一直感觉不自在。 I never felt at ease in my father's company. I've always felt like I wasn't in my dad's company. Menetkö kävellen kouluun joka päivä? Do you walk to school every day? Are you going to school every day? Ilaq ad tesɛuḍ dima asegzawal gar ifassen-im. Always have your dictionary near at hand. Thou shalt have rivers of water in thy hand. I ti, Brut? You too, Brutus? And you, Brut? Въоръжен ли си? Are you armed? Are you armed? 湯姆明天早上離開神戶。 Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom left the teacher tomorrow morning. انت تعلم اني احبك, اليس كذلك. You know that I'm in love with you, don't you? You know I love you, don't you? Ni vizitu Tomon. Let's pay Tom a visit. Let's go see Tom. mutce u'e lenku How cold it is! Too many links Eet al wat ge wilt. Eat whatever you like. Eat whatever you want. Вы ведь любите джаз? You like jazz, don't you? Do you love jazz? И какво? Мене това не ме интересува. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. Veel kinderen horen het verschil niet zo goed. A lot of children don't hear the difference very well. Many children don't hear the difference so well. Al giorno d'oggi questo non è più così. Nowadays, this is not like this anymore. Today, this is no longer the case. Je me rappelle avoir dit ça. I remember saying that. I remember saying that. O, işi berbat etti. She made a mess of the work. He's done the job. Sha ra lezh wa. We don't get along. That's all right. Han höll det hemligt. He kept it secret. He kept it secret. Ο Τομ έχει πολλούς εχθρούς. Tom has a lot of enemies. Tom has many enemies. qImHa'law' tam. Tom seems distracted. I'm Ha'law' there. Scio Thoman pulchriorem esse quam ego. I know that Tom is more handsome than I. I know that man is better than I am. ¡Ganaron ustedes! You win! You guys are crazy! Vorrei attraversare gli Stati Uniti d'America con una decappottabile. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I would like to cross the United States of America with a decapitable. Fisch leevt in de See. Fish live in the sea. Fish lives in the sea. 你應該聽佢講吖嘛。 You should've listened to him. You should listen to him. トムさんは代表的な息子です。 Tom is the perfect son. Mr. Tom is a representative son. Zwitserland heeft betere appels nodig. Switzerland needs better apples. Switzerland needs better appeals. يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. My dad's going out sometimes. Prvi polazi u 17:30 i stiže u 20:25. The first one leaves at 17.30 and arrives at 20.25. First comes at 17:30 and arrives at 20:25. يميل الأشخاص الأنانيّين إلى اتّخاذ آراء ثابة حتّى و إن لم تكن صحيحة. Self-centered people tend to have fixated views even if they're not valid. Conscientious people are encouraged to take a firm view, even if it is not true. Asta e ceea ce aș fi spus. This is what I would have said. That's what I'd say. Mag ek 'n dag verlof neem? Can I take a day off? Can I take a day's leave? یخ‌های قطب شمال آب می‌شوند زیرا اقیانوس زیر یخ‌ها در حال گرم شدن است. The Arctic ice is shrinking because the ocean under the ice is warming. The roots of the north will be dried up; for under the shadow of the wings there will be heat. Jotakuinkin niihin aikoihin Lucius Cornelius Sulla, noustuaan Rooman diktaattoriksi, piti Caesaria poliittisena uhkana vallalleen. At about this time, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, after becoming the dictator of Rome, thought that Caesar was a political threat to his rule. At some point in those days, Lucas Cornelius Sulla, who was raised as a Roman dictator, held Caesarea as a political power for war. Yardım etmek için bir şey yapamadığım için üzgünüm. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to help. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help. Tom kuşu yakaladı. Tom caught the bird. Tom caught the bird. 他沒說再見就離開了房子。 He left the house without saying goodbye. He didn't say he'd leave the house again. Duplo sam se parkirao. I'm double-parked. I've been parked twice. Έχω μόνο δυο χέρια. I have only two hands. I only have two hands. Vad fanns inuti? What was inside? What did you find? Vad är skillnaden mellan amerikansk och brittisk engelska? What's the difference between American and British English? What is the difference between American and British English? Voi avete firmato qualcosa? Did you sign anything? Did you sign anything? Jag hade mina order. I had my orders. I had my orders. Ilu iris ski-glitar en Hokkaido. He went skiing in Hokkaido. They went ski-liter to Hokkaido. אל תיגע במכונת הכתיבה שלי. Keep your hands off my typewriter. Don't touch my writing machine. Kažeš "siromašan", ali postoji puno stupnjeva siromaštva. You say "poor", but there are many degrees of poverty. You're saying "poor," but there's a lot of poverty. 葡萄酒的味道很受天氣影響。 The taste of wine is largely dependent upon the weather. The taste of wine is affected by the weather. Hələ hə deməmişəm. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yet. Mintha nem akarnád, hogy ez összejöjjön nekem. It seems that you don't want me to succeed. It's like you don't want this to happen to me. Sein neuer Besitzer führte ihn auf eine hohe Klippe, die das Meer überragte, hing ihm einen Stein um den Hals, band ihm ein Seil an einen seiner Hinterläufe und gab ihm einen Stoß, dass er ins Wasser geschleudert wurde. His new owner took him to a high cliff overlooking the sea, put a stone around his neck, tied a rope to one of his hind feet, gave him a push, and threw him into the water. His new owner led him to a high cliff that overrun the sea, held him a stone around the neck, tied him to a rope on his back, and gave him a stick that he was dragged into the water. Вона поїхала на вокзал, щоб провести його. She went to the train station to see him off. She went to the corner to get him. वायू प्रदुषण या देशात एक मोठी समस्या आहे. Air pollution is a big problem in this country. There is a major problem with HIV infection in the country. Azt Tom hagyta itt. Tom left that. Tom left it here. ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? What's this piece of shit? Ајде само да фаќаме магла. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get the mask. Cineva a spart geamul. Someone broke the window. Someone broke the game. Tie ir vieni vienīgi meli. That's a total lie. They're just honey. Jestem zupełnie zdrowy, nie łapię nawet przeziębień. I am quite healthy and have had no cold. I'm completely healthy, I don't even get a break. Du ljuger ju bara. You're just lying. You're just lying. Ella no vino por alguna razón en particular. She did not come for a certain reason. She didn't come for any particular reason. Mi lasis mesaĝon. I left a message. I left a message. La kato ŝatas ĉasi musojn. The cat loves to chase mice. The cat likes to shake the mice. Une voiture arrive. There's a car coming. A car's coming. टॉम कम्युनिस्ट है। Tom is a communist. Tom's a Communist. 把伤者送到医院。 Carry the injured to the hospital. Send the wounded to the hospital. La jaketo estas tro granda por mi. The jacket is big on me. The jacket is too big for me. Terve, mitä kuuluu? Hi. How are you? Hey, what's up? Вземи едно от тези. Take one of these. Take one of these. Jembatan itu terbuka untuk lalu lintas. The bridge is open to traffic. The door is open for transit. Mi lenne a világgal a nők nélkül? What would the world be without women? What about the world without women? Először nehéz volt. It was hard at first. For the first time, it was hard. Лепота лежи у очима посматрача. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. The beauty lies in the eyes of the viewer. حسن السؤال نصف العلم. A good question is half of knowledge. Well, the question is half science. Том всю ночь не ложился. Tom stayed up the whole night. Tom hasn't slept all night. 我们夏天的计划成型了。 Our plans for the summer are taking shape. It's our summer plan. Тя отива на връх Тате. She is going to Mount Tate. She's going upstairs, Dad. Das war ein ernsteres Problem als wir dachten. That was a more serious problem than we thought it would be. That was a serious problem when we thought. Waqıtın tögälräk bilgelise ide. I'm not sure about the date. Timeout after which browse mode is disabled. הציפורים מצייצות בקול גדול תוך מעופה מואצת. The birds chirp loudly while flying rapidly. The birds are placed in a large voice in an open field. Jeg drømte at jeg spiste en æblekage. I dreamed I was eating an apple pie. I dreamed I was eating an apple cake. 伊还呒没到。 She hasn't come yet. I'm not here yet. 我一到上海就打电话给你。 I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. I'll call you when I get upstairs. 彼はあなたや私とほとんど同じように日本語が話せる。 He can speak Japanese almost as well as you and I. He speaks Japanese as much as you and me. En ole Bostonista. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. Калі я ўпершыню праходзіў курс Сі, я не разумеў нічога з таго, што паяснялі ў класе. Дзякуй богу, я маю сяброўку-праграмістку, і яна паясніла мне, як усё гэта працуе. When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works. When I first went through the course of Si, I didn't understand anything about what they explained in class. Thank God, I have a friend of the programmer, and she explained to me how it works. Avrebbe dovuto comprare una macchina usata. He should have bought a used car. He should have bought a used machine. Я люблю музыку, особенно классическую. I like music, especially classical music. I love music, especially classical. Ένα βήμα ακόμα και θα είχα πέσει από το γκρεμό. One more step, and I would have fallen off the cliff. One more step and I'd have fallen off the grid. ペンフレンドが欲しい。 I want a pen friend. I want a penfrand. Wbrew innym, postanowiłem wziąć jego stronę. I decided to take his side against the others. In other words, I decided to take his side. Χρειάζεται λεφτά. He needs money. He needs money. Nenapadlo ti zavrieť okná? Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? You didn't think you could close the window? বুঝেছো? Got it? Do you understand? 彼は二時間勉強している。 He has been studying for two hours. He's been studying for two hours. Хочешь на это взглянуть? Do you want to take a look at it? You want to look at this? Mul on auto. I have a car. I got a car. आप चाहें तो मैं आ सकती हूँ। I can come if you want. I can come if you want. Quan vas tornar d'Alemanya? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? मेक्सिको में स्पैनिश बोलल जाले का? Do they speak Spanish in Mexico? Did you speak Spanish in Mexico? Ez tacikî fêr dibim. I am learning Tajik. That's what I'm talking about. Tɛeqlemt-iyi-d neɣ ala? You don't recognize me, do you? Do you understand me, or do you know me? Още не ми е минал световъртежът. My dizziness still hasn't gone away. I haven't had the world yet. Kiu serpento havas la plej longajn dentojn? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest teeth? Tomin vaimo menehtyi viime viikolla. Tom's wife died last week. Tom's wife died last week. Ĉu vi aĉetis tion sur la nigra merkato? Did you get that from the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? μὴ φύγητε μηδαμῇ. Do not in any case flee. Let's get out of here. Ich habe heute andere Pläne. Today, I have other plans. I have other plans today. Que é que o senhor esperava que o Tom fizesse? What did you think Tom would do? What did you expect Tom to do? Hij hield een rede. He delivered a speech. He had a reason. Quiero estar con Tom. I want to be with Tom. I want to be with Tom. Θέλω να ξέρω τι είναι στο κουτί. I want to know what's in this box. I want to know what's in the box. 呢道門點鎖都鎖唔到。 This door won't lock. The door's locked. nuq vIta'taH jay'? What the hell are you doing? What's going on? היית עושה זאת למעני? You would do that for me? Would you do that to me? Y avait-il qui que ce soit d'autre aux alentours ? Was there anyone else around? Was there anyone else around? Том свири също и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom also played guitar. Bazen beni ara. Look me up sometime. Call me sometime. فوق‌العاده آسان است. It's super easy! Above all, it is easy. Pouvez-vous me frotter les épaules ? Can you rub my shoulders? Can you break my shoes? Ilaq ad testeqsiḍ wayeḍ. You should ask somebody else. You have to ask someone else. Punitis ingeniis, gliscit auctoritas. Genius chastised grows in authority. He's an engineer, he's an authoritarian. Kao guaha lapes-miyu siha? Do you have pencils? What kind of babysitter? Proč nás někteří lidé přitahují a jiní ne? Why are we attracted to some people, but not others? Why do some people touch us and others don't? Перепрошую за те, що я вас турбую, але чи не могли би ви допомогти мені? Sorry to trouble you, but can you help me? I'm sorry I'm worried about you, but could you help me? Se on täysin laillista. It's perfectly legal. It's completely legal. Ике апам бар. I have two older sisters. I have two moms. .i mi sutydji tu'a la noi ba'o ningau ke'a .tato,ebas. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I'll tell you where I'm going, man. Palagaha iton suga. Waray ko nakikit'an. Turn on the light. I can't see anything. Open your eyes, and I'm not blind. צי רעדט איר אינדאָנעזיש? Do you speak Indonesian? Do you speak Indonesian? Зачем ты открыла ту дверь? Why did you open that door? Why did you open that door? Hari yang cukup berat. It's been a difficult day. The day's hard enough. O caso é complexo. The case is complex. The case is complex. Arrêtez de vous conduire en bébé ! Stop acting like a baby. Stop driving your baby! Те немычла але англичанла ойласеда? Do you speak German or English? Do you speak German or English? Jag ska gå med Tom. I'll go with Tom. I'll go with Tom. be'nI'wI' jup ghaH be'Homvetlh run'e'. That little girl is my sister's friend. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Не те ли заинтригува? Aren't you intrigued? Don't you mind? Je n'ai jamais été à Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Ur d-ttuɣalent ara. They are not coming back. They didn't repent. השמועה ההיא נפוצה במהירות. That rumor spread quickly. The hearing is exploding fast. Játszottak. They played games. They're playing. Tom war absolut von sich selbst überzeugt. Tom was absolutely sure of himself. Tom was absolutely convinced of himself. Мне тебя жалко. I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry. Le esser on debe sentir. Illo non pote esser pensate. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. You must be hearing it. It can't be thought of. mi se pluka lo ka ciska finti lo pemci I like to write poems. I don't care how much money I can get. Eger-de sende durmuşyňda hiç bit maksadyň bolmasa, sen diňe ölmegiňe garaşýansyň. If you don't have any goal in life, you're just waiting to die. If you don't have any real purpose in your life, you're just waiting for you to die. Tom vett Marynek egy jó kis kamerát. Tom bought Mary a nice camera. Tom took Mary a nice little camera. मी टॉमशी दोन वर्षांमध्ये बोललो नव्हतो. I hadn't spoken to Tom in two years. I didn’t speak to Tom for two years. Esto es casi tan bueno como pescar. This is almost as good as fishing. This is almost as good as fishing. אני מרגישה זקנה. I feel old. I feel old. Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Не ми се умилквай. Don't get cute with me. Don't worry about me. কাছৰ দাঁত নাই। Turtles don't have teeth. No hint available. Nu-mi pasă cât de mult te mănâncă. Nu o scărpina. I don't care how much it itches. Don't scratch it. I don't care how much you eat. Utinam dives sim. I wish I were rich. I wish you all the same. Har Tom fundet sine nøgler? Has Tom found his keys yet? Has Tom found his keys? Jeg elsker poesi. I love poetry. I love poetry. Scusatemi, dov'è il bagno? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Przybranie wagi to najprostsza droga rozwoju osobistego. Weight increase is the easiest method for personal development. Getting weight is the easiest way of personal development. Bojíš sa psov? Are you afraid of dogs? Are you fighting dogs? Rökning dödar. Smoking kills. The smoke's going to die. xu pu se zgana fa da poi tarci bu'u lo tsani Were there any stars in the sky? Drag and drop is only supported on local file systems. Tom vystoupil z auta a otevřel bránu. Tom got out of his car and unlocked the gate. Tom got out of the car and opened the gate. No labof neflenis. She has no enemies. Don't worry about it. Tom het vir homself nog 'n glas wyn van die bottel geskink. Tom poured himself another glass of wine from the bottle. Tom gave him another glass of wine from the bottle. Tomi toi kukkia. Tom brought flowers. Tommy brought the flowers. Tom dává přednost celovečerním filmům před seriály. Tom prefers feature films to series. Tom's giving priority to all-night films in front of the series. Tom debería haberle prestado atención a lo que Mary dijo. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. O Tom chegou três minutos adiantado. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom's been here three minutes in advance. เธอขวางทางฉันอยู่ You are in my way. She's on my way. Tom vole maritar Mary. Tom wants to marry Mary. Tom wants to marry Mary. 我们已经有那篇课文了吗? Do we already have that text? Have we got that lesson yet? გინდა წასვლა? Do you want to go? Would You Welcome a Visit? Ez a fa túl fiatal ahhoz, hogy gyümölcsöt teremjen. This tree is too young to bear fruit. This tree is too young to produce fruit. Je pense avoir une idée. I think I have an idea. I think I have an idea. Бях укорен строго от онзи учител. I got scolded severely by that teacher. I was shocked by that teacher. Ο Τομ είναι μεθυσμένος Tom is drunk. Tom's tired. ס'איז יאַנס עפּל. It is John's apple. S.I.E.D.'s open. No et durmis amb el llum encès. Don't go to sleep with the light on. Don't sleep with the light again. ਮੈਂ ੳੁਸ ਨੂੰ ਵਿਅਾਕਰਣ ਦੀ ਇਕ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਦਿੱਤੀ । I gave him a grammar book. I gave him a copy of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life. Jeg løste problemet på denne måde. I solved the problem in this way. I solved the problem this way. Es bien bueno. It's quite good. It's good. Jestli dnes budeš mít čas, rád bych s tebou mluvil. If you have any time available today, I'd like to talk to you. If you had time today, I'd like to talk to you. אתה יודע לבשל סרטן? Do you know how to cook a crab? You know what to do with blood? J'éprouvais de la compassion. I was sympathetic. I tried compassion. 我在家。 I am at home. I'm home. nuqDaq puH Duj Daverghpu'? Where did you park the car? What about Duj Daverghpu? Tidak diperbolehkan merokok di ruangan ini. Smoking is not allowed in this room. You're not allowed to smoke in this room. ئۇرۇشتا مىڭلىغان-ئون مىڭلىغان ئەسكەر قۇربان بولدى. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers died in the war. And there was a sacrifice of peace offerings, which was for the peace offerings, and for the peace offerings. Мин кинигэ ааҕабын. I am reading a book. I'm a movie star. Tom è sciupato. Tom's wasted. Tom's gone. Ein Herr Jones kam vorbei, als du nicht zu Hause warst. A Mr Jones came while you were out. A Mr. Jones came over when you weren't at home. Posso dire loro il perché? Can I tell them why? Can I tell them why? Tomo iam fianĉiĝis kun Manjo. Tom was once engaged to Mary. Tomo used to hang out with Mom. Dobbiamo fare del nostro meglio per cambiare le cose. We should do our best to make things different. We have to do our best to change things. Noli eam excitare. Don't wake her up. Don't exaggerate her. Han Tom er sjuk. Tom is sick. He's sick. Zemlja je manjša od Sonca. The earth is smaller than the sun. The earth is smaller than the Sun. אני שומע שאתה מנגן על פסנתר. I hear that you play the piano. I hear you're running on a psantar. No existe un camino hacia el amor. El amor es el camino. There is no path to love. Love is the path. There is no way to love. Love is the way. Үзегезне начар хис итәсезме? Do you feel seedy? Do you feel bad about yourself? Kita bahkan tidak tahu cara menghubungi Tom. We don't even know how to contact Tom. We don't even know how to call Tom. Hãy tìm các chuyến xe lửa đến London trong bảng lịch trình. Look up the trains to London in the timetable. Find the train to London in the course of the program. לעתים קרובות הוא מצטט את שייקספיר. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He's often stalking Shakespeare. Han skrev en bok om Kina. He wrote a book about China. He wrote a book about China. बस उस कोने के आगे ही एक मदिरालय है। There's a pub just around the corner. There's only one medal in front of that corner. Voi non siete ammalate. You're not sick. You're not sick. Tom i Mary, oboje są w szpitalu. Tom and Mary are both in the hospital. Tom and Mary, they're both in the hospital. Δεν είσαι γιατρός. You are not a doctor. You're not a doctor. मैं तो बस एक गरीब किसान ही हूँ। I am nothing but a poor peasant. I'm just a poor person. Bármit megteszek érte. I will do anything for him. I'll do anything for him. המשפחה הענייה הזאת חיה מהיד לפה כל חודש. That poor family lives from hand to mouth every month. This relative family lives here from hand to hand every month. अलजेरिया मोरा देस ह। Algeria is my country. Algeria Móra Dresh. Ad cauponam Iaponensem imus. We're going to a Japanese restaurant! We're going to get Japanese. Unë jam dentisti i Tomit. I'm Tom's dentist. I'm Tommy's dentist. "ह्या कोणाच्या मेंढ्या आहेत?" "माझ्या आहेत." "Whose sheep are these?" "They are mine." "Who are these sheep?" "They are mine." Можеби Том ќе умре до сабајле. Tom may be dead before morning. Maybe Tom's gonna die by Saturday. Woarom hest praai ien soep doan? Doe waist dat k doar nait van hol. Why did you put leek in the soup? You know I don't like it. Why did you do a soup? Викендичката беше целосно опремена, со базен, скара, фудбалско игралиште и маса за билијард. The country house was complete, with a swimming pool, a barbecue, a soccer field and a pool table. The weekend was fully equipped with a pool, a chair, a football game and a billiard table. Хәйерле көн! Good day! What a day that will be! Chì mi a-rithist thu. See you later! See you again. Tom sal nie beswaar maak nie. Tom won't object. Tom will not complain. Скільки коштує ця парасоля? What's the price of this umbrella? How much does it cost? 現在是十時正。 It's ten o'clock sharp. Now it's ten o'clock. مۇئەللىملەر دائىم مەكتەپ بويۇملىرىنى ئۆز پۇلىغا ئالىدۇ. Teachers often buy school supplies with their own money. And those who are assigned to do good deeds will keep watch over them. אל תהיה כל כך חצוף! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be so stupid! سامي يذهب إلى الكنيسة. Sami goes to church. Sammy's going to church. Mi sono ripreso dal mio brutto raffreddore. I have recovered from my bad cold. I've been recovered from my gross refresher. Сутра се враћам кући. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'm coming home tomorrow. Samo obavljam svoju dužnost. I'm only doing my duty. I'm just doing my duty. टॉम, यहाँ आओ और मेरे साथ बैठो। Tom, come here and sit with me. Tom, come here and sit with me. Los muchachos están jugando un juego. The older boys are playing a game. The kids are playing a game. Emmä tiiä. Beats me. Mom, yeah. Αυτή είναι κόρη μου. She's my daughter. This is my daughter. Bu ayın sonunda on yıldır burada yaşıyor olacağız. We will have lived here for ten years at the end of this month. We're gonna be here at the end of this month for ten years. Πού έμαθες Γαλλικά; Where did you learn French? Where did you learn French? Tenho três opções para você. I have three options for you. I have three options for you. Nesvarbu iš kur jis. It matters little where he is from. It doesn't matter where he is. A kemény munka még nem ölt meg senkit. De miért kockáztassunk? Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! The hard work hasn't killed anyone yet, but why are we risking it? 油が切れてきたぞ。 Oil is running short. The oil's broken. आगे आ जाइए। Come forward. Come on. ra simlu sanji lo se cinmo be mi He seems to be aware of my feelings. I don't know what it's like to change it. On je zgolj gledalec. Father is still in bed. He's just a viewer. სახლი პატარაა. The house is small. The house is small. Vai tev ir cits plāns? Do you have another plan? Do you have another plan? 他喜欢旅行. 我也是. He likes traveling and so do I. He likes traveling, and so do I. Я с ней не знаком. I don't know her. I don't know her. La bella coda del pavone lo aiuta ad attirare le femmine. The peacock's beautiful tail helps it attract females. The beautiful cotton code helps you attract women. Eu voltarei às 2h30. I'll be back at 2:30. I'll be back at 2:30. Lḥut. Walk. Let's go. तुम्हाला स्वीडिश समजते. You can understand Swedish. You understand Swedish. Ma sokkal jobban érzem magam. I'm feeling much better today. I feel much better today. 那是個堅固的欄杆。 This is a sturdy handrail. That's a solid rope. Jag äter ett äpple. I eat an apple. I'm eating a apple. Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. I'm sorry, but I need to hurry, and I don't have time to explain it. 他答應我六點鐘的時候他會在這裡。 He promised me he would be here at six. He promised me that he would be here at six o'clock. Ah ! Si j'étais riche, je m'achèterais une maison en Espagne. Ah! If I were rich, I'd buy myself a house in Spain. If I were rich, I'd buy a house in Spain. Я не місцева. I'm from out of town. I'm not local. Är du vid liv? Are you alive? Are you alive? Tämä on Tomin. This one is Tom's. This is Tom. Tom, ¿eres tú? Tom, is that you? Tom, are you? Zedɣeɣ deg temdint. I'm living in the city. I was in the city of sorceries. Vi ble ranet. We got robbed. We were wounded. तिला आपण सर्वच आवडतो. She likes all of us. The Bible tells us: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting Nos espera ce vos alia vos a nos. We hope you'll join us. We're waiting for you guys to come to us. To w ogóle nie zdarzyło się tak. That's not the way it happened at all. That didn't happen at all. Han lykkes endelig med å skaffe seg jobb. He finally succeeded in getting a job. He finally succeeds in getting a job. Er der nogen her der taler fransk? Does someone here speak French? Is there anyone here who speaks French? Kevés nagy kert található Japánban. It's rare to find big yards in Japan. A few large maps can be found in Japan. Du borde ha berättat för mig att du inte kan simma. You should have told me that you can't swim. You should have told me you can't smile. Tôm sẽ không bao giờ biết. Tom will never know. You'll never know. Täna on pühapäev. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. मोका मोरी भाखा पसन्द ह। I like my language. Muka Mori said he liked it. Olen nõus. I agree. I agree. Er wurde überfahren und getötet. He was run over and killed. He was betrayed and killed. Tom se bori kao lud. Tom is fighting mad. Tom's fighting like crazy. Біздің халқымызға ең керегі - бірлік, ұлтаралық татулық пен саяси тұрақтылық. The most important things for our nation are unity, interethnic harmony and political stability. The most important thing for our people is unity, international patriotism and political stability. אני נחוש להפסיק לעשן. I'm determined to give up smoking. I feel like I'm going to stop smoking. Tom yebɣa ad yezweǧ d Mary. Tom wanted to marry Mary. Now Thomas, who was it, wanted to be with Mary. Ο Τομ και η Μαίρη δεν ξέρουν τι να κάνουν. Tom and Mary don't know what to do. Tom and Mary don't know what to do. El rellotge no funciona. The watch doesn't work. Clock doesn't work. Viscum ramis adnascitur: qui etiam gummi, resinam, vicem et cetera sudant. Bird lime accumulates on the boughs, which also seep gum, resin, pitch etcetera. He wears a beard: he also wears a glove, a ring, a vibe, and the rest. Deje el libro donde lo encontró. Put the book back where you found it. Leave the book where you found it. 他在一周前离开去往欧洲,就是说,是在五月十号。 He left for Europe a week ago, that is, on the tenth of May. He left Europe a week ago, that is, on May 10. Tom yesfex. Tom passed out. Tom yesfex. Věděl jsem, že Mary bude muset zůstat v Bostonu déle, než plánovala. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston longer than she'd planned to. I knew Mary would have to stay in Boston long before she planned. Nusutok švaistyti laiką ir grįžk prie darbo. Stop wasting time and get back to work. Take the time to clean up and get back to work. Vull quedar-me aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Τρέχω. I run. I'm running. Esce tu crede ce dio esiste? Do you believe that God exists? Do you think God exists? Лъвът е царят на джунглата. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Ma tebɣamt ad teččemt aya, tzemremt. If you want to eat that, you may. But if ye will receive it, ye shall be free. Fascia Croatica valde pulchra est. The tie is very beautiful. Fascia Croatica is very beautiful. آنها به اینجا نیامدند. آمدند؟ They didn't come here, did they? They haven't come here. Are they here? Prisen på ris steg 3 procent. The price of rice rose by three percent. The price of rice rose by 3 percent. هر وقت کارها مطابق میل تام پیش نمی رفت مثل راننده کامیون ها از الفاظ رکیک استفاده می کرد. Tom tended to curse like a trucker whenever things didn't go his way. At any time, according to the counsel of Mile-tem, he will not go forward like a runner to the race. 她看上去很幸福,但是在她内心深处,她受着痛苦。 She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. She seemed happy, but deep inside, she suffered. Moj omiljeni predavač je bio Džekson. My favorite teacher was Mr. Jackson. My favorite teacher was Jackson. El artículo es genuino. The article is genuine. The article is genuine. Sanırım o oydu. I think that was him. I think it was a joke. Mien Mudder hett mi de Hoor to kort sneden. My mother cut my hair too short. My Mudder has cut my ear too short. Pekala, hiç önemli değil. OK, no big deal. Okay, it doesn't matter. Är det faktiskt så ohälsosamt att äta äggulor? Is eating egg yolks really that unhealthy? Is it really so sick to eat eggs? Mi volas aŭdi la tutan rakonton. I want to hear the whole story. I want to hear the whole story. Me eniras la butiko. I go into the store. I'm in the store. Es gibt nur einen angeborenen Irrtum, und es ist der, dass wir da sind, um glücklich zu sein. There is only one inborn error, and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy. There's only one born error, and it's the one that we're here to be happy. Tom är den perfekta fadern. Tom is the perfect father. Tom is the perfect baby. O, her zaman karısının görüşlerine değer verir. He always values his wife's opinions. He always appreciates his wife's visits. Audiatur et altera pars. You should always listen to the other side, too. He's hearing another part. Том увійшов до кухні. Tom entered the kitchen. Tom went into the kitchen. Jag började inse, att jag hade missförstått honom. I began to realize that I had misunderstood him. I started to realize I had misunderstood him. Nu beginob kapälön. Now I begin to understand. Let's get started. Μην αφήνεις τον Τομ να σε εκφοβίζει. Don't let Tom intimidate you. Don't let Tom scare you. Σου λείπει ο Τομ; Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? Ṛajumt daki yakan. Wait right here. That's right. Tom mógłby się nie zgodzić. Tom might not agree. He might not agree. 君は目的を達成しましたか。 Did you accomplish your purpose? Have you achieved your goal? Kuinka paljon rahaa sinä haluat? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Abotus Mariam necavit. Abbott killed Mary. Abottos Mariam didn't change. Przy innych okolicznościach bez zmian, niewątpliwie to temperatura jest kluczowym czynnikiem w tym eksperymencie. If other conditions are equal, the temperature must be the most influential element in this experiment. In other circumstances without change, this temperature is undoubtedly a key factor in this experiment. bIQongbe'nIS. You should not sleep. I don't know, bIQongbe'nIS. Bron byggdes av romarna. The bridge was built by the Romans. The source is built by the Romans. कल मुझे अंग्रेजी में एक पत्र मिला। I received a letter in English yesterday. Last night I found a letter in English. 你若是傷害別人,你也會傷害到自己。 When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself. If you hurt someone, you'll hurt yourself. Odavagyok a cukorkáért. I love candy. I'll be there for the sugar. Hän oli kulkemassa tungoksen läpi. He was making his way through the crowd. He was walking through the tunnel. Vi elsker begge poesi. We both love poetry. We love both girls. Não assisto TV. I don't watch TV. I'm not watching TV. Нейните дискове не се купуват от младите хора. Her CDs are not bought by young people. Her disks don't buy from young people. Hori jasan ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can handle that. I think I can handle that. 趴下! Get down! Get down! La bambina sta leggendo felice. The girl is happily reading. The kid's crying happy. תום חרוץ. Tom is industrious. Come on, hurry up. Vu mustas prenar vivo quale ol esas. You must take life as it is. You must take life like these. टॉमला गरम रस्सा आवडतो. Tom likes hot curry. Tom likes hot rice. Nostra aula est ampla. Our yard is large. Our hall is wide. মই আপোনাক বেয়া পাওঁ। I hate you. I'll hurt you. Mantad zou doiho England. I come from England. You'd live in England. Je prie pour Tom. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. Alea jacta est. The die is cast. That's the jacket. Želiš li da uđeš? Did you want to come in? Do you want to come in? 気分はどうですか。 How are you feeling? How do you feel? Parleremo al piano di sopra. We'll talk upstairs. We'll talk upstairs. Bütin geçen hepde Tom mekdepde bolmady Tom was absent from school all last week. Tom didn't get to school last week O garoto desaparecido foi identificado pelas suas roupas. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. The missing boy was identified by his clothes. Nolob das labol omi. I know you have it. Nolob of the men's work. Vožnja do posla od sat i po smara. Driving for one and a half hours to get to work is a bear. Drive to work from an hour and a half. Ik weet zelf ook niet wat ik in gedachten heb. I am not certain what I have in mind myself. I don't even know what I'm thinking. 我在骑自行车溜达。 I'm out riding my bike. I'm driving on my own. Dat heeft Tom hier gedaan. Tom did that here. That's what Tom did here. Kiedy Justin Bieber rozpoczął karierę muzyczną, miał zaledwie 14 lat. When Justin Bieber started his music career, he was fourteen years old. When Justin Bieber started his music career, he was only 14 years old. Bir çırpma teli ile yumurtaları çırp. Beat the eggs with a whisk. Squash the eggs with a bunch of eggs. Nion es un pais strana. Japan is a strange country. No, it's a strange country. 湯姆告訴了瑪麗她不想知道的事。 Tom told Mary something she didn't want to hear. Tom told Mary what she didn't want to know. 汤姆看起来一点也不开心。 Tom didn't look happy at all. Tom doesn't look happy. Mi vidas malgrandan knabinon. I see a little girl. I see a little girl. - Vă mulțumesc pentru ajutor. - Cu plăcere. "Thanks for the help." "Don't mention it." - Thank you for your help. ไม่นะ! Oh no! No! No! Am'a nutum cena'a? What is your name? Did we finish the dinner? ते समलिंगी आहेत. They're homosexual. They are similar to those mentioned in the preceding article. Του 'δωσα ένα βιβλίο. I gave him a book. I gave him a book. توشىيو نېمىنى ياخشى كۆرىدۇ؟ Who does Toshio like? And what is the matter with them that they love? Я обожнюю італійську їжу. I love Italian food. I worship Italian food. Il es estranie que tu dice isto. It's strange you say that. It's strange you say that. Awi-d aḥraz. Bring backup. Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: Kial okazas ĉi tiaj aferoj? Why do these kinds of things happen? Why are these things happening? Я пачынаю разумець. I am beginning to understand. I'm starting to understand. Nikad nisam stvarno bio nigde. I've never really been anywhere. I've never really been anywhere. Сделайте это осторожно. Do it gently. Do it carefully. Вы иностранцы. You're foreigners. You're strangers. Някога чел ли си някакви френски стихове? Have you ever read any French poems? Have you ever read any French texts? Zůstaň kde jsi, nebo tě zabiju. Stand where you are or I'll kill you. Stay where you are, or I'll kill you. 我没时间跟你玩游戏。 I don't have time to play games with you. I don't have time to play with you. Oslo je prosto jedinstveno. Oslo is just unique. It's just a one-way job. Ciàu. Hi. Hey. Respontit mar plij. Please reply. Please answer. Où est mon saxophone ? Where is my saxophone? Where's my saxophone? Donnez la maison à ma fille. Give the house to my daughter. Give my daughter the house. Det är faktiskt en bra poäng. That's actually a good point. It's actually a good point. 日本は世界のハイテク産業のリーダーだ。 Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Ze woont hiertegenover. She lives across the street. She lives over here. Son casi las doce. It is almost 12 o'clock. They're almost twelve. 産科医が減り続け、産科医療が危機に陥っている。 Obstetric care in crisis as the number of obstetricians continues to fall. Genetics continue to decrease, and genetics are at risk. Zgubiłem się. I'm lost. I'm lost. Jeg er trist. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Не съм виждала Том, откакто бях тринайсетгодишна. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirteen. I haven't seen Tom since I was thirty years old. त्याने खाल्लं का? Did he eat? Did he eat? lo turni zanfri na xamgu lo truci'e People who desire power make bad leaders. A multitude that is turned away from the truth, having no root, not found, but having no root in themselves. Rikkaudet eivät tyydytä minua. Riches only will not satisfy me. I don't like the riches. Ê yê to pawenê. They're expecting you. You're not at a table. O Sami passou alguns meses atrás das grades. Sami spent a few months behind bars. Sami spent a few months behind the stairs. Eu tive uma quebra. I had a break down. I had a break. Apa warna mata Tom? What color are Tom's eyes? What color is Tom's eye color? Biar saya ganti tempat dia. Let me go in place of him. Let me take his place. Yettban-d yeḥzen Tom. Tom looks sad. And he was moved with compassion toward Tom. Tu turi atsakyti šiuos klausimus. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. O hiç incitmez. It doesn't hurt at all. He's not hurt. می تونم این یکی رو ببینم؟ Can I see this one? Can I see this one face? Kiam la vetero belis, Tom ĉiam lasis sian fenestron malfermita. When the weather was nice, Tom always left his windows open. When the weather was beautiful, Tom always left his window open. Mae'r ferch yn hoffi ceffylau. The girl likes horses. The ferret likes apples. Ony başka hemme edendigi üçin men hem etdim. I did it because everybody else did. I too did so because she did everything else. Logolöd, kisi kanob. Look what I can do. The logos, the kisses. Jag grät hela morgonen. I cried all morning. I cried all morning. ھازىر ماڭا پۇل لازىم ئەمەس. I do not need money now. I don't need any more. بهت احتیاج دارم. I need you. I need you. نظر سامي إلى الأسفل. Sami looked down. Look at my shoulder. ही खुर्ची प्लास्टिकची बनलेली आहे. This chair is made of plastic. This is made up of plastic. Tom har gratis wi-fi på flyet. Tom has free WiFi on his flight. Tom has free wi-fi on the plane. Öğretmenimiz tekrar geç kalmaması için onu uyardı. Our teacher warned him not to be late again. Our teacher warned him not to be late again. Ma joon tee ära. I will drink the tea. I'm gonna get out of here. ko na xanka gi'e gleki Don't worry, be happy! Universal Access Settings Ta mergaitė apie kurią aš tau sakiau gyvena Kijote. The girl I told you about lives in Kyoto. That girl I told you about lives in Kyoto. Dank u wel, dokter. Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Doctor. 小人下了课之后分了一只比萨吃。 The children shared a pizza after school. After school, young people shared a pizza meal. Raccontò una barzelletta. He told a joke. He caught up with a Barcelette. tamtaH Hoch. All were silent. taltaH Hoch. Onun hakkında düşünmek için zamana ihtiyacım var. I need time to think about that. I need time to think about him. Alguém varreu a despensa. Someone swept the pantry. Someone stole the ransom. Eu alcancei e toquei a mão da Mary. I reached out and touched Mary's hand. I reached and touched Mary's hand. E rata ana ngā tāngata katoa o konei ki a koe. Everyone here likes you. All its branches are sent out to you. Mēs kļuvām par labiem draugiem. We became good friends. We become good friends. Vi faris Tomon malfeliĉa. You've made Tom unhappy. You made Tom unhappy. No gràcies, només miro. No, thank you. I am just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Ik weet niet hoe ik het woord moet spellen. I don't know how to spell the word. I don't know how to play the word. Menjünk moziba! Let's go see a movie. Let's go to the movie. Ме немаше три недели. I've been gone three weeks. I didn't have three weeks. Você está conosco? Are you with us? Are you with me? do jai sarcu fai lo ka klama lo ckule You need to go to school. Perform a quick set of self-check tests. 苹果是成打卖的。 The apples are sold by the dozen. The fruit is sold. Mig vantar poka til að bera það í. I need a bag to carry it in. I need a poker to put it in. Mi kredas, ke mi vidis ermenon tie. I think I saw a stoat over there. I think I saw an army there. मैं आपके लिये ज्ञान/विद्या अर्जित कर रहा हूँ। I am learning for you. I'm setting up a science/study for you. Ubi es mi diario? Where is my diary? Kill is my diary? Tufamt akk iman-nkent? Are you fully recovered? Do ye think that ye are every one of them? Nocte solet sero vigilare. He is used to sitting up late at night. I'll be awake tonight. Geçen yıl Rusya'da bir uydu fırlatıldı. A satellite was launched in Russia last year. A device was launched in Russia last year. तो ब्राझीलमध्ये पोर्तुगीज शिकतो. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. He learned Portuguese in Brazil. Aha akue Harvard-pe. I went to Harvard. Ah, it's Harvard-pe. Pro aliquibus hominibus "Deus" ex ipsis constat. For some people, "God" is themselves. For some people, "God" is noticed by them. Това вероятно е ключът, който Том търси. This is probably the key that Tom is looking for. That's probably the key Tom's looking for. Nemůže mít hlad, právě jedl. He can’t be hungry, he just ate. He can't eat, he just ate. הוא צעק בקול מכאבים. He gave a loud cry with pain. He's baffled with a painful voice. Je ne peux pas t'aider si tu ne me fais pas confiance. I can't help you if you don't trust me. I can't help you if you don't trust me. Arwaḥ ! Come on! Avah! Gledali su ga kao kolovođu slučaja ubojstva. They regarded him as the ringleader of the murder case. They viewed him as a coward of murder cases. לבן אדם אסור להפר את הבטחתו. One must not break his promise. A man can't break his promise. Io va certemente regrettar su absentia. I'll certainly miss her. I'm sure he'll come back to his absence. Tom je zamolio Meri da ga počeša na deo leđa koji nije mogao da dosegne. Tom got Mary to scratch the part of his back he couldn't reach. Tom asked Mary to start him on part of the back that he couldn't reach. Minnesotada insanlar gülərüzlüdürlər. People in Minnesota are nice. In Minnesota, people are glamorous. Yma’n ki ma dhymmo vy. This dog is mine. I miss you. Tom está convencido de que Mary roubou o clarinete dele. Tom is convinced Mary stole his clarinet. Tom is convinced that Mary stole his clarity. ایوالله ، بالمقابله . Thanks! Same to you! Oh, my God, I'm against you. Diri adto mapupudngan. It was unavoidable. That was not an obstacle. بېرىشنىغۇ باراتتىم، لېكىن خۇش ياقمىدى. Of course I could have gone, but I didn't feel like it. I'd like to give you a present, but I'm not happy. انتبه! Take care! Look out! Como você sabia onde eu estaria? How did you know where I'd be? How did you know where I would be? Fadil estudou o Islã. Fadil studied Islam. Fadil studied Islam. J'espère que vous passez tous un bon moment. I hope you're all having a good time. I hope you all have a good time. Equus est. It's a horse. That's right. Мы слухаем музыку, а ты? We're listening to music, and you? We're listening to music, aren't you? "तुझं नाव काय आहे?" "माझं नाव टॉम आहे." "What's your name?" "My name's Tom." "What's your name?" "My name is Tom." Mi akceptas la proponon. I accept the offer. I accept the proposal. היית מוכן לשער השערות? Would you care to speculate? Were you ready for the lockdown? Feles mures capiunt. Cats catch mice. Nice walls captain. Kjo është gruaja ime. That's my wife. This is my wife. Mohl bych dostat rozvrh hodin? May I have a class schedule? Could I get an hour off? มันเป็นของคุณหรือเปล่า? Is it yours? Is it yours? Șansele de reușită sunt mai mari dacă omul de afaceri cunoaște domeniul în cauză, și are, de asemenea, mai multe fonduri la dispoziția sa. The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the ropes, and also has more funds at his disposal. The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the area in question, and he also has more funds at his disposal. 直樹年紀跟香織一樣大。 Naoki is as old as Kaori. The age of trees is as big as the champagne. Den här maskinen går på elektricitet. This machine works by electricity. This machine is going to power. Odlučila sam. I've decided. I made a decision. Cenam cum marito sumo. I'm eating dinner with my husband. I like my husband. Я хочу отпроситься с работы. I want to excuse myself from the work. I want to ask you a question. Мы с Томом — закадычные друзья. Tom and I are bosom buddies. Tom and I are close friends. لدي مغص. I have a stomachache. I've got a bite. Чыя гэта сумка? Whose is this bag? What's the bag? Завтра будет снег. It will be snow tomorrow. It'll be snow tomorrow. Poscil ofik lödon in Nedän. Her grandchild lives in the Netherlands. Poscill's office is loading down. Es geht mir gut. I am well. I'm fine. Hē dranc bēor. He drank beer. There's a fucking baby. Faccia attenzione, c'è un'automobile! Be careful, there's a car! Attention, there's a car! Tom es tan fastidioso como Mary. Tom is just as annoying as Mary. Tom's as fast as Mary. Tomi on kuollut. Tom's died. Tom's dead. Yma hi ow kul glaw yn-mes. It's raining outside. She's here to talk to me. No labobs timi al slipön. We don't have time to sleep. Don't be afraid of the ladder. 彼には教職の経験が無かったが、やみくもにこの世界に飛び込んだ。 He'd had no experience of teaching, but he plunged in nonetheless. He had no experience in teaching, but he managed to fly into this world. Am adus faptul la cunostinta tuturor prietenilor mei. I made the fact known to all my friends. I brought the fact to all my friends' knowledge. Hore! Hooray! Hore! 小明的自控能力很差。 Xiaoming has really poor self-control. The lack of self-control is bad. Mukavia lukuhetkiä. Happy reading! Nice readings. A Nap lemerült a horizont alá és besötétedett. The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark. The sun fell down on the horizon and fell down. Me ne povas dicernar rano de rospo. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't say the rain of roses. Próbowałem ostrzec Toma. I tried to warn Tom. I tried to warn Tom. U šta ti veruješ? What do you believe in? What do you believe? Ik zal u helpen. I will help you. I'll help you. راكو هايلين. You look stunning! Rako Haleyn. कृपया अधिकम् काफीं योजयतु। Please add more coffee. Please add more. Zná vína. He knows wines. He knows wine. Han heldt ikkje ord. He broke his word. He didn't say a word. 曾經有一個意外。 There's been an accident. There was an accident. דער בחור איז דאָ The young man is there. The guy's here Víte, koho jsou to rodiče? Do you know whose parents they are? You know who the parents are? Le bleu vous sied superbement. You are very attractive in blue. The blue is great for you. 苹果树上挂着美丽的花朵。 The apple tree has a beautiful blossom. On the tree of Zaqqum, they will be adorned with beautiful flowers. Bob tiene demasiados libros que leer. Bob has too many books to read. Bob has too many books to read. لقد منحتني حياة جديدة. You have given me a new life. He gave me a new life. Onde você está, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Where are you, Tom? Tudod, hogy hol lakik? Do you know where he lives? Do you know where they are? Старий чоловік увійшов до старої церкви зі своїм старшим сином, його молодшою донькою та її малою дитиною. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. An elderly man entered the church with his older son, his younger daughter, and her little child. Anh ta giải thích cặn kẽ lý do. He explained the reason at length. He explained why. 請相信我的話。 Just take my word for it. Believe me. Na Tatoebě je vždycky někdo přítomný. There is always someone present on Tatoeba. There's always someone at Tatoeb. Eril ham ra with miwitheha wa. The city was completely deserted. Irritately talk to her. Ήμουν περήφανη για σένα. I was proud of you. I was proud of you. वह कामयाब होना चाहता था। He wanted to succeed. He wanted to be successful. 母親以前很喜歡打網球。 My mother used to be into tennis. Mother used to like playing baseball. Nu sunt obişnuit să mă scol atât de devreme. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early. I'm not used to school so early. Tom er allerede begyndt at date en anden. Tom has already started dating someone else. Tom's already started dating another. Mi történt azután? What happened afterwards? What happened then? Igamor ed sikami so kareenan! Grant us peace! Give us peace! Tom küçük bir üniversite şehrinde yaşıyor. Tom lives in a small college town. Tom lives in a small university town. Wann hast du das letzte Mal mit Tom geredet? When was the last time you spoke with Tom? When was the last time you talked to Tom? Том ма шестру твоїх рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom's got six of your years. Kogo tu znasz? Who do you know here? Who do you know here? Dün onu onlara verdim. I gave it to them yesterday. I gave it to them yesterday. Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at leve sådan. I can't imagine living like that. I can't imagine living like this. Li conosce di persona? Do you know them personally? Do you know him personally? La mia anima è in cielo. My soul is in the sky. My soul is in heaven. আমি এখানে কি করছি? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? jIHub'eghnIS. I had to defend myself. I'm sorry. "ही तुझी आहे का?" "हो, ती माझी आहे." "Is this yours?" "Yes, that's mine." "Is this you?" "Oh, it's me." Том тебе вибачає. Tom forgives you. Tom's sorry. 我会在一个月后回来和你们见面。 I will be back to join you in one month. I'll be back in a month and see you guys. ma jdima lo badna ki'ogra How much is the kilo of bananas? Install a minimal virtual machine Dit is communisme. This is communism. This is communism. Tom, benim ağabeyim. Tom is my older brother. Tom, it's my brother. Сез бәхетлеме? Are you happy? Are You Happy? Jsi lechtivá? Are you ticklish? Are you legit? pongDaj vIqawbe'chu'. I can't remember his name. I'm sorry, pongDawbe. Behold skoene på! Keep your shoes on. Keep the shoes on! Του αρέσει η μουσική. He likes the music. He likes music. Veertig dollar voor zeven dagen. 40 dollars for seven days. Forty dollars for seven days. Она скорчила гримасу, когда увидела собаку. She made a face when she saw a dog. She cut the shirt when she saw the dog. Der er intet at undskylde. There is nothing to apologize for. There's nothing to apologize for. कल तीन आदमी जेल से भाग गए। Three men broke out of prison yesterday. Last night three men were released from prison. tlhInja Quj. She played chess. Inja Quj. De' choja'bogh neH vISov. I only know what you tell me. That's why I'm here. Mo ena de sat. I have two cats. I've got two sets. Napisałem list po francusku. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. Biegnij. Run. Run. Idegesnek tűnsz. You look nervous. You look like you're mad. Je suis du genre à fuir le risque comme la peste. I'm the type that avoids risk like the plague. I'm kind of like running the risk like the plague. Хто вас поцілував? Who kissed you? Who greeted you? Menen kysymään Tomilta. I'll go and ask Tom. I'm going to ask Tom. バリー・テイラーの名が議長職に推挙されている。 Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman. The name Barry Taylor is promoted to the presidential office. सामी सव्वीस वर्षांचा होता. Sami was twenty six years old. Sami was nine and a half years old when she began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Të lutem largohu. Please leave. Please leave. Koje ti je godište automobil? What year was your car made? What's your car last year? Rinn i an aon mearachd a-rithist. She made the same mistake again. An error occurred while detecting silences. Toisitko minulle yleisavaimen. Please bring the master key. You're going to give me a general favor. 'IH 'ej chun. She was so sweet and innocent. I'm gonna go. Biz kitap ýazyp bilerdik. We could write a book. We could write a book. أنت تسمع هذه الأصوات في رأسك فقط. You're only hearing that voice in your head. You only hear these voices in your head. El ia tufa a en la pisina. She dived into the swimming pool. He went to the pool. Идам натаму моментално. I'm on my way there now. I'm going there right now. ภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาราชการในประเทศไทย Thai is the official language in Thailand. Italian is the language of the country. हमें बताओ टॉम कहाँ है। Tell us where Tom is. Tell us where Tom is. Il bestiame stava pascolando nel campo. Cattle were grazing in the field. The animal was riding in the field. Ennek jó illata van. This smells good. That's a good dream. Tom auttoi Marya siirtämään huonekalut. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Maria move into the room. Jeg savner min kat. I miss my cat. I miss my cat. Я сказал Тому, что ты приехал в Австралию. I told Tom you'd come to Australia. I told you you came to Australia. Él es tres años mayor que ella. He is older than she is by three years. He's three years older than she is. Если хочешь быть свободным, уничтожь свой телевизор. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you want to be free, destroy your TV. Ko je ovaj čovjek? Who is this person? Who's this man? Tom barmağını kəsdi. Tom cut his finger. Tom stopped smoking. Que serà suu trin qui veng. He may be on the next train. That'll be your throne that I'll see. Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga. She asked him some questions. She asked him a few questions. Annyira sok időt és energiát fektetett annak az esküvőnek az előkészítésébe. She spent so much time and energy preparing that wedding. She spent so much time and energy preparing her marriage. टॉम काल आमच्याबरोबर पोहत होता. Tom was swimming with us yesterday. Tom had been with us all the time. Имаме нужда от помощта на Том. We needed Tom's help. We need Tom's help. Jesu li Amerikanci zaista tako individualni? Are Americans really so individualistic? Are Americans really so individual? 最晚十點前來這裡。 Come here by ten at the latest. Come here at 10:00 a.m. Мин Таитида яшим. I live in Tahiti. I live in Taiti. Tom hat Angst, die Wahrheit zu sagen. Tom is afraid to tell the truth. Tom's afraid to tell the truth. אל תהיה בהמת כורסא. Don't be a couch potato. Don't be serious. Smiet de Tiedschrift nich weg. Don't throw away this magazine. Can not delete folder: %s: No such folder Ես միևնույն է կարծում եմ, որ դու ինձ խաբեցիր: I still believe you cheated me. I think you lied to me. L'home baix porta un jersei. The short man wears a sweater. The low man wears a jersey. Tom non ha le permission de adjutar. Tom can't help. Tom won't let you help him. Macaristan, Orta Avrupa'da yer alan bir devlettir. Hungary is a state situated in Central Europe. Macaristan is a state in Central Europe. Bolje đavo kog znaš nego đavo kog ne znaš. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. Προειδοποίησες τον Τομ; Did you warn Tom? Did you warn Tom? Permite-mi să clarific. Allow me to elucidate. Let me clarify. Hon sjunger otroligt bra. She sings in an unbelievable way. She's singing amazingly good. Ädunoms valikosi, keli äkanoms. They did all they could. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! 彼は熱さにがまんできなかった。 He couldn't bear the heat. He couldn't be so hot. Ο Τομ έδωσε ένα κόκαλο στον σκύλο του. Tom gave a bone to his dog. Tom gave a dog to his dog. Tom a vynn kavos ki. Tom wants to get a dog. Tom's got coffee. Ikan guring nya dempa aku. That fried fish was eaten by me. It's the river that hits me. To była magia. It was magic. It was magic. मी केक जाळून टाकला. I burned the cake. I was burned at the stake. Jeg har læst mange af hans romaner i oversættelse. I have read many of his novels in translation. I've read a lot of his novels in translation. मला एक तार पाठवायची आहे. I want to send a telegram. I want to send a gift. Eǧǧ-itent. Leave them. Leave them alone. Pyth yw hanow dha vyrgh? What's your daughter's name? What is your name? Domus undecim cubicula habet. This house has eleven rooms. The house has ten cubicles. Vos es mi inimico. You're my enemy. You're my enemy. Tom är bra på att spela piano. Tom plays the piano well. Tom's good at playing piano. Ништо не се сменило. Nothing was changed. Nothing has changed. Ти залишиш повідомлення? Will you leave a message? Are you leaving a message? Tvoj odgovor je točan. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. be'Hom valqu' ghaH. She is quite a clever girl. Come on, be'Hom valqua. Kako mogu zaboraviti te dane? How can I forget those days? How can I forget those days? Hej. Det är du som är Tom va? Det var längesen. Hi. You're Tom, right? It's been a while. Hey, you're Tom Va? টমকে ডাকো। Call Tom. Call Tom. Köpeğe banyo yaptırmak için kimin sırası? Whose turn is it to give the dog a bath? Who's next to make a dog bath? Είστε σίγουρη ότι ο Τομ δεν είναι απασχολημένος; Are you sure Tom isn't busy? Are you sure Tom's not busy? Tom, Mary ile kafede buluştu. Tom met Mary in the cafe. Tom, he met Mary at the coffee shop. תום סנילי. Tom is demented. Thank you, Sunny. ¡Sobreviviremos con la ayuda de Dios! We will survive with God's help! With God’s help, we will survive! Ubi es le supermercato le plus proxime? Where is the nearest supermarket? Ubi is the nearest supermarket? Ik hoff, Ria weet, dat se dat mutt. I hope Mary knows she has to do that. I hope Ria knows they have to. Peter benimle birlikte Nepal'e gitmek istemiyor. Peter doesn't want to go to Nepal with me. Peter doesn't want to go to Nepal with me. Ne kadar ödemek zorundayız? How much do we have to pay? How much do we have to pay? ra puzi mo'u cliva She just left. Move ~a onto the queen of clubs. Li Burj Xhalifa est pol djoû d' ouy li pus hôt scrape-cir del Daegn. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Xhalifa Bridge is the hottest day of the Day. Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on the forest and painted the table. അവൻ എനിക്ക് ഒരു നല്ല സമ്മാനം തന്നു. He gave a nice present to me. He gave me a good gift. 你可以帶我去嗎? Will you take me there? Can you take me? 𐌹𐌺 𐌽𐌹𐌼𐌰 𐌹𐌽𐌰. I'll take him. Whoa, whoa, whoa. إنتظرتك. I waited for you. Wait for you. Rrbeḥ-nkent icudd ɣer leɛtab-nkent. Success depends on your own exertions. Those who passed by blasphemed him, wagging their heads, Dobrze wyczułeś tego nauczyciela. You sure guessed the critical points of that teacher's exam. You've had a good feeling about that teacher. Яңгыр явамы? Is it raining? Is it worth it? اعتیاد یکی از مشکلات جوانان دوران معاصر است. Addiction is one of the problems of the youth of our day. Homosexuality is one of the problems of young men. Не сум стручњак. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Tomas sagom das vilom lödön in Talop. Tom says he wants to live in Australia. Thomas told me to load the villa in Talop. Ech schwätze Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch an Englesch. I speak Luxembourgish, German, French and English. I speak Luxembourg, German, French and English. Munkát keres. He's looking for a job. You're looking for work. Crese que as baleas teñen a súa propia linguaxe. It is believed that whales have their own language. The whales think they have their own language. Twarukiye hamwe. We grew up together. We returned together. Que etate ha vos? How old are you? What's wrong with you? Ille batteva le record mundial. He broke the world record. They beat the world record. لخ به تاریخ علاقه دارد. Lech is interested in history. This is the history of the generations from long ago. Non me place le facie de illa. I don't like her face. I don't like her face. तू इथे एकटा का आहेस? Why are you here alone? Why are you here? Nini uraia wako? What's your nationality? What about you? সেখানে বস। Sit there. Stay there. Manjo estas mia patrino. Mary is my mother. Mother is my mother. Мислев дека планираш да останеш во кревет цел ден. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. I thought you were planning on staying in bed all day. Karuyag ko pa mag-mulay. I still want to play. I'd like to take care of it. Po prostu cieszmy się tą ciszą i spokojem. Let's just enjoy this peace and quiet. Let's just enjoy that quiet and calm. Cén chathaoir ar chuir tú an leabhar uirthi? Which chair did you put the book on? Which artist did you send the book to? O que o Tom achou? What did Tom think of it? What did Tom find? Повреден ли е Том? Has Tom been injured? Is Tom hurt? Cbaḥa-s tezdeɣ-it. He was entranced by her beauty. For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you. Tom iwelleh-iyi akken ur d-ttaɣeɣ ara takeṛṛust taqdimt. Tom advised him not to buy the secondhand car. For it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a prisoner, and not withal to signify the crimes laid against him. J'étudie afin de pouvoir maîtriser le quechua. I am studying with the purpose of being able to speak Quechua. I'm studying so I can master the kitchen. Jag behövde det här. I needed this. I needed this. Tom Mary'nin Boston'a gittiğini biliyor. Tom knows that Mary went to Boston. Tom knows Mary's going to Boston. او با پدرش کلنجار می رود. She is in conflict with her father. He goes to the chariot with his father. Это именно то, что я им сказал. That's exactly what I told them. That's what I told them. Urăsc acei păianjeni. Sunt mereu acolo ca să mă sperie când fac curățenie. I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning. I hate those pianists, they're always there to scare me when I clean up. Ha tu jam finite de facer tu deberes de schola? Have you finished doing your homework yet? Are you finished doing your homework? 彼は戸惑っていた。 He was bewildered. He was nervous. 她是个非常好的老师。 She is a very good teacher. She's a very good teacher. Τ' αγαπημένο μου χρώμα είναι το κόκκινο. My favorite color is red. My favorite color is red. Estus bone, se mi havus aŭton. It would be good if I had a car. It would be nice if I had a car. "قسما!" "إني لا أصدّقك!" "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" "I don't believe you!" Me tengo que ir ahora. I must leave now. I have to go now. El agua está tibia. The water is lukewarm. The water is tibia. Io ha nulle idea ubi illa habita. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. Я только что говорил с твоим врачом. I just spoke with your doctor. I was just talking to your doctor. Și aceasta este otrăvitoare. That is poison as well. And that's disgusting. मी जपानमध्ये राहतोय. I am living in Japan. I live in Japan. Detroit is voor zijn auto-industrie beroemd. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its car industry. Sən qaydaları pozdun. You broke the rules. You have broken the rules. אתה לא קרוב משפחה שלי. You're not related to me. You're not close to my family. मी गेल्या सोमवारी शाळेत गेलो नाही. I didn't go to school last Monday. I didn’t go to school on Mondays. Amerika ist ein Einwandererland. America is a country of immigrants. America is a foreign country. Klukkan hvað ferðu yfirleitt í háttinn? What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you usually go in the way? 私は休暇の間に京都見物をしました。 I saw the sights of Kyoto during my vacation. I took a look at Kyoto during the break. Au alaid diti, korikot nodi kalansanan dau sabaagi do dukutur. At last, her dream to be a doctor came true. I'll take care of it, if you're right, you're gonna have to go. تېزراق بولۇڭ جۇمۇ. You had better hurry. Fastgame speed Се акнав од ѕид. I walked into a wall. I fell off the wall. Por rescatarme, voy a concederte un deseo. For rescuing me, I shall grant you one wish. To save me, I'll give you a wish. Ο Τομ μεγάλωσε στη Βοστώνη. Tom grew up in Boston. Tom grew up in Boston. Reci mi šta kaže ovde. Tell me what this says. Tell me what he says here. Luis Bonfa musikari bikaina da. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Luis Bonfa is a great musician. Dați-mi cartea. Give me the book. Give me the book. Buah apel tidak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Җитешегез, тәмләп ашагыз! Please help yourself, enjoy your meal! Eat, eat, drink, and be merry. Сколько всё это стоило? How much did all this cost? How much did it cost? È un madrelingua inglese. He is a native English speaker. It's an English native. Tom me animou a aprender o francês. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. ko nerkla Go on in. _Other Organiser Žaŋžáŋla kiŋ tákuni él úŋ šni. The glass is empty. She tried to show him the Bible’s standards of right and wrong. Co twój syn robi w Niemczech? What does your son do in Germany? What's your son doing in Germany? Bay Cameron kızını barda unuttu. Mr. Cameron forgot his daughter at the pub. Mr. Cameron forgot his daughter at the bar. Herrer først. Gentlemen first. Oh, my God. No tinc ganes de fer exercici. I don't feel like exercising. I don't want to exercise. Tulen myöhässä. I'll be late. I'll be right back. Koynt yw homma. This is strange. It's all right. 彼を殴ったことであなたを責めはしない。 I don't blame you for hitting him. I don't blame you for hitting him. Que l'am hèit partir. We made him go. Let's get him out of here. Nihil tibi eveniet. Nothing will happen to you. Nothing happened to you. Сенде ВатсАп барма? Do you have WhatsApp? You don't have WattsAp? هي نامت في الساعة العاشرة أمس. She slept at ten o'clock yesterday. She left at ten o'clock in the morning. Tom poszedł do sklepu kupić mleko. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the shop to buy milk. Tom kaže da je zdrav. Tom says that he's healthy. Tom says he's healthy. Tom jest zwariowany. Tom is freaky. Tom's been robbed. tlhaQ 'e' vIQubbe'qu'. I don't think it's funny at all. That's what I'm talking about. Tokyo'da yaklaşık 460.000 milyoner vardır. There are about 460,000 millionaires in Tokyo. There are about 460,000 million people in Tokyo. Чух някой да казва, че Том е болен. I heard someone say Tom was sick. I heard someone say Tom's sick. Nokuro ko' maan do miagal diti? Why did you do that? What's the matter with you? Warum denken Sie das? Why do you think that? Why do you think that? Nu tiukaze, kiu prizorgos pri via kato? Who'll take care of your cat then? Don't you know who'll take care of your cat? Den var mørkeblå. It was dark blue. It was dark blue. Зошто Том го прави тоа? Why does Tom do it? Why does Tom do that? Sas o Tom ke phendas mange te čitil kadi kňiga. Tom was the one who told me to read this book. Tom's got to tell me to read this book. ते खोटं बोलले. They lied. They lied. Vreau o barcă care să mă ducă departe de aici. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I want a boat to take me away from here. او مرا نادیده گرفت حتی زمانی که مرا در خیابان دید. She ignored me even when she met me on the street. He didn't leave me, until he saw me in the wilderness. Tamo nije dozvoljeno parkiranje. You aren't allowed to park there. There's no parking space there. ca'o lo nu mi gunka kei mi pensi While I work, I reflect. If I don't eat with my mind, I don't drink with my mind. Tḥemmel ad d-tṣeyyed iselman. She loves to fish. But love ye the LORD, and keep the commandments. Kur ir tas? Where's that? Where is it? Nullum donum pretiosius fide. No gift is more precious than trust. No gift of precious faith. Āndhiyakanañ. I am married. Rehabilitation. Ĉu vi havas ĉambron kontraŭ iomete malpli alta prezo? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have room against a slightly lower price? Tom je video dosta. Tom has seen enough. Tom saw enough. Aql-i ttraǧuɣ asiwel s tilifun. I'm waiting for a telephone call. For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for God. طولُك مثل طولي. You are as tall as I am. You're as long as I'm long. Dírì iton permanente. It won't last forever. It says it's permanent. En yritä suostutella Tomia. I won't try to persuade Tom. I'm not trying to date Tommy. В пятницу она очень занята. She's very busy on Friday. She's very busy on Friday. Все повернулись и посмотрели на нас. Everyone turned to look at us. They all come back and look at us. Nie będę z tobą walczył. I won't fight with you. I won't fight with you. Masa? Seriously? Massa? Creo que él no volverá jamás. I think he'll never return. I don't think he'll ever come back. Jestem ostatnio bardzo zajęty! I'm very busy these days! I've been very busy lately! ദയവായി ആ ജനാല തുറക്കൂ Please open the window. Please open the tunnel. Il y a un besoin urgent d'enseignants qualifiés. There is an urgent need for qualified teachers. There is an urgent need for qualified teachers. Играя една телевизионна игра. I'm playing a TV game. I'm playing a television game. Mida sa juua tahad? What'll you have to drink? What do you want? A noi servono dei capi. We need leaders. We serve our heads. Je blonďatá a štíhlá. She's blond and slim. It's blue and yellow. तुम मुझे खून दो, मैं तुम्हें आज़ादी दूंगा। You give me blood, I will give you freedom. You kill me, I'll free you. من سگی جدید می خواهم. I want a new dog. I will make a new song. Сире никама та манмастӑп. I won't forget any of you. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. ” Munuñ ol gyzyñkydygyna seniñ ynamyñ barmy? Are you sure it's hers? Do you have any confidence that he is interested in you? Πόσο εκνευριστικό! How annoying! How exciting! Леже еста. Read this. He's lying. ダンは誕生日に同僚から招き猫をもらった。 Dan got a lucky cat figurine from a co-worker for his birthday. Dan got a dog from his neighbor on the day he was born. bIDaqtaH. You were eavesdropping. BIDaqtaH. Spikols-li gudiko Fransänapüki? Do you speak French well? The Goddess of France? قاچان قايتىپ كېلىسىز؟ When will you be back? When will you be returned? Tomi blev rik och fick plötsligt många kompisar. Tomi became rich and suddenly got a lot of friends. Tommy became rich and suddenly got a lot of compasses. खाल्ल्यानंतर मी सर्वात आधी दात घासते. After eating, the first thing I do is brush my teeth. I don’t know what to do, but I don’t know what to do. ” Weißt du, was wir jetzt tun sollen? Do you know what we're supposed to be doing now? You know what we're gonna do now? Unde este telecomanda? Where is the remote? Where's the telecom? Papírra és tollra van szükségem. I need a pen and paper. I need paper and toll. La verdad es que nada es totalmente cierto o falso. The truth is that nothing is totally true or false. The truth is that nothing is entirely true or false. A me dispiace di essere in ritardo. I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry to be late. Ezzel kapcsolatban tévedtem. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about this. Toivotan tervetulleiksi juhlaan kaikki, jotka haluavat tulla. We will welcome whoever wants to come to the party. I hope to welcome everyone who wants to come. AI 代表人工智能。 AI stands for artificial intelligence. AI represents a person who works with wisdom. Du schusst di den Verdrag dörkieken, ehrdat du em ünnerschriffst. You should look over the contract before you sign it. You tried to sign the contract before you signed it. Lämna dörren på glänt när du går. Leave the door ajar when you go. Leave the door open when you go. Не им придиряй толкова. Cut them some slack. Don't touch them so much. En azından Tom'u ziyaret edebilirsin. You could at least pay Tom a visit. At least you can visit Tom. Suelo dormir ocho horas al día. I usually sleep eight hours a day. I used to sleep eight hours a day. بدى الأمر جنونيّا. It sounded crazy. It's a good thing. מה הפחד הגדול ביותר שלך? What's your greatest fear? What's your biggest fear? Missä kerroksessa sinä asut? What floor do you live on? Where the hell are you living? Sagolöd obe, kiöp kanob tuvön omi. Tell me where I can find him. You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, Є велика ймовірність, що він спізниться. There's a good chance that he'll be late. There's a great possibility he'll be late. Meglehetősen elfoglalt voltam. I was pretty busy. I was probably busy. Nung arasaman suabino, undorongon ku hiti'd walai. If it rains the day after tomorrow, I'll stay at home. It's nice to meet you, but it's hot'd the sister. Я готова? Am I ready? Am I ready? lo za'i nalceikri ku na lijda Atheism isn't a religious belief. Tools for software development Nakaakan zou diho ipol di poguhu do nokokito diho giuk. I ate half the apple before I noticed there was a worm in it. Nakakan would say Ipol from the no-no-go-go-go-go-go-go-go. Dixit ergo Abram ad Lot: Ne, quæso, sit iurgium inter me et te et inter pastores meos et pastores tuos: fratres enim sumus. Abram therefore said to Lot: Let there be no quarrel, I beseech thee, between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen: for we are brethren. And Abram said unto Lot, Nay, but let there be strife between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen: for we are brethren. D acu i txedmeḍ ass-a? What have you done today? What are you doing today? Vous êtes ce que vous mangez. You are what you eat. You're what you eat. ٹام نے اپنا منہ بند رکھا۔ Tom kept his mouth shut. Tom closed his eyes. Kuigi sadas, läksin ma välja. Although it was raining, I went out. Even though it was a hundred, I went out. Sneɣ lbaḍna n Tom. I know Tom's secret. I knew him, but I could not come to him. Ach cén fáth? But why? But why? Te extrañamos. We miss you. We're freaking you out. قارا ماشىنا ئىتنى سوقۇۋەتتى. A truck hit the dog. The black machine won't win. Tom und Maria sind nicht mehr zusammen. Tom and Mary aren't together anymore. Tom and Maria are no longer together. मंगळाला किती उपग्रह आहेत? How many moons does Mars have? What are the benefits of fornication? 彼は30年間国民の福祉のために働いてきた。 He has worked for the welfare of his people for 30 years. He's been working for 30 years for the benefit of the people. תום נהג לבוא לבקר אותי לפחות פעם בחודש. Tom used to come to see me at least once a month. Tom used to come visit me at least once a month. Io non crede que Tom prendeva un dose troppo forte. I don't believe Tom overdosed. I don't think Tom took a very strong dose. 部屋を替えていただけますか。 Could you change my room for me? Did you just change the room? والحاصل ، موفق اولامدق . Long story short, we failed. All right, let's go, let's go. तुम्हाला बरं वाटतंय का? Are you feeling OK? Do You Have “a Heart to Know ” Jehovah? Tomuň ejesi onuň öýe gelmegini aýtdy. Tom's mother told him to come home. Tom’s mother told him that she had come home. Каде е поштенското сандаче? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? Estoy en la N634, a unos cinco kilómetros de Llanes. I'm on the N634, five kilometers from Llanes. I'm in N634, about five miles from Llanes. 这个饮料的味道很明显是茶的味道。 This drink's flavor is obviously that of tea. The taste of this drink is clearly the taste of tea. Ĉu vi vidis Tomon hodiaŭ? Have you guys seen Tom today? Did you see Tom today? Milo' oku maan baino. I can do it now. It's been a month. Tom arabasıyla bizi eve götürüyor, değil mi? Tom is giving us a ride home, isn't he? Tom's taking us home with his car, isn't he? तिने एक फ्लॅट विकत घेतला. She purchased an apartment. She bought a ticket. Programul echipei este istovitor. The team's schedule is grueling. The team's program is exciting. 18歳以上の人は車を運転できる。 People over the age of 18 can drive cars. People over 18 years of age can drive their cars. Japan bruukt veel Poppeer. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan uses a lot of poppeer. ここでは最低賃金は存在しない。 There's no minimum wage here. There's no minimum wage here. Älä puhu minulle tuolla tavalla. Don't talk to me that way. Don't talk to me like that. Deuet on ma unan. I'll come alone. You're one of me. Subite, me doloris ye la stomako. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Suddenly, I fell in pain in the stomach. Никога не съм бил толкова горд с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Sumatra es isle. Sumatra is an island. I think it's island. Tom nie przeczytał umowy tak dokładnie jak powinien. Tom didn't read the contract as carefully as he should have. Tom didn't read the contract as exactly as he should. Już nie lubię pizzy. I don't like pizza anymore. I don't like pizza anymore. Taro, kolacja gotowa! Taro, dinner's ready! Taro, dinner's ready! Potestne aliquis hoc verbum pronuntiare? Can anyone pronounce this word? Can any of these words be spoken? Rojats labons vitaminis mödik. Oranges have a lot of vitamins. Rojat's good vitamin model. Jeg har netop gjort mit værelse rent. I have just cleaned my room. I just cleaned up my room. Io non sono sicuro di capirlo. I'm not sure I get it. I'm not sure I understand. Heeft Tom ontbeten? Did Tom eat breakfast? Did Tom quit? Tom yella deg Boston deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom was in Boston on October 20th. Tom was in Boston on October 20th. Taip. Yes. Yeah. Tomás es racista. Tom is a racist. Tomás is racist. Mi-am pierdut codul pin! I forgot my PIN number! I lost my pen code! Asino ti agsasao? Who's talking? Who speaks? jaj veb nuSuchmeH paw 'IrneHnalwI'. My uncle was coming to see us the next day. See also 'IrneHnalwi'. 您真是太热情了。 You're really too kind. You're so hot. J'ai été désorientée. I got confused. I've been disappointed. Jeg vil prøve at betale hans regninger i morgen. I'll try to pay this bill tomorrow. I'll try to pay his bills tomorrow. Mən heç vaxt İspaniyada olmamışam. Amma İtaliyada olmuşam. I've never been to Spain. However, I have been in Italy. I've never been in Spain, but I've been in Italy. Nivyo urondera? Are you looking for this? What are you looking for? תודה על ההערות שלך. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for your announcements. Nniɣ-d ayen i ffreɣ g ul-iw. I confessed. I have spoken these things to my heart. Biz kasıbıq. We're poor. We are poor. Tá a lán cairde agam. I have many friends. I have so many friends. Lucy henüz aradı mı? Has Lucy called yet? Did Lucy still call? Meryñ bü gün etmek isleýän zatlary köpdi. Mary has lots of things she wants to do today. She had a lot of things to do every day. Ele está brincando aqui. He is playing here. He's bluffing here. Не захваљуј мени. Do not thank me. Don't thank me. Я дуже зайнята. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. Siinä paha missä mainitaan. Speak of the devil. That's where the bad thing is said. 你什么时候放暑假? When are you going on summer vacation? When did you leave your vacation? Zeszłej nocy zadzwonił pan A. i powiedział, że nie pojawi się na dzisiejszym spotkaniu. Last night, Mr. A called me up to say he couldn't attend today's meeting. Last night Mr. A. called and said he wouldn't show up at the meeting today. .i mi ba vi zvati ba lo jai se cusku za lo cacra be li re I will be here two hours later than previously said. You have just given a name for the disc and drive. Wie hebben heur! We have her! Who's got an hour! Dal jsem Tomovi vše, o co kdy požádal. I've given Tom everything he's ever asked for. I gave Tom everything he asked for. Onlara ne yapabileceğini göster. Show them what you can do. Show them what you can do. Verlass unser Haus! Leave our house. Leave our house! 他以前都在夜晚看書。 He used to read at night. He's been reading the nightbook before. A könyveknek áldozza az idejét. He devoted himself to reading books. The books sacrifice their time. Het lijkt erop dat je hond dorst heeft. It looks like your dog is thirsty. Looks like your dog's dry. Поторопись, пожалуйста! Том ждёт. Please hurry! Tom is waiting. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Még egyszer. Once again. One more time. Vem logo! Come quickly. Let's go! Tom vykoupal to dítě. Tom gave the baby a bath. Tom bought the baby. Тя иска да се разведе. She wants a divorce. She wants to get divorced. Res yw dhyn y wul lemmyn. We must do it now. You have to enter a new password. سائەت يەتتىدە ئورنۇمدىن تۇردۇم. I got up at seven. And I stayed at home at seven o’clock in the morning. Das passiert öfter, als du denkst. It happens more often than you would think. That happens worse than you think. Ela está velha e gagá. She's old and crazy. She's old and hungry. Nie musisz odpowiadać na to pytanie. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Ѕидов е ладен на допир. This wall feels cold. I've been down to the roof. لا يبدو هذا عاديّا. This doesn't seem normal. It doesn't seem normal. Esta caja está llena de manzanas. This box is filled with apples. This box is full of manzans. Хіба ти не бачиш, що Тому потрібна твоя допомога? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Don't you see that you need your help? Што вели знакот над вратата? What does the sign over the door say? What does the sign say over the door? אונדזער ממשלה פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't care about us. Our government is on our side. 你必须为自己的行为负责。 You must account for your conduct. You must be responsible for your actions. Kie ajn mi estas. Wherever, wherever I am. I'm everywhere. jIveghlI' neH. I'm just passing through. IveghlI neH. El practică medicină. He practices medicine. He's a doctor. Kto si? Who are you? Who are you? Ondan daha genç misin? Are you younger than him? Are you younger than him? Het Tom geliek? Is Tom right? Like Tom? ဘယ်သူ နိုင် နိုင် ငါတော့ အံသြမိမှာ ပဲ။ I'm wondering who'll win. Who can be with me in Myanmar? la .elvis. cu mo'u cliva le dinju Elvis has left the building. At .elvis. with me Ni ne povas paroli ĉi tie. We can't talk here. We can't talk here. On besona mult imagination ci por provar adjunter nov frases. A lot of imagination is needed to try to add new sentences here. We need a lot of imagination to try adding new phrases. loDnalwI' ghaH tam'e'. Tom is my husband. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Tom vyřešil hádanku až po té, co mu Marie dala pár nápověd. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the puzzle until after Marie gave him some advice. Şimdiye kadar ilk defa bu kadar çok öksürdüm. This is the first time I've ever coughed this much. I've been so tired for the first time so far. टॉमने फ्रेंचचा अभ्यास केला आहे. Tom has studied French. Tom has studied French. Ситуација је била веома опасна; било је питање живота и смрти. The situation was extremely dangerous; it was a matter of life and death. The situation was very dangerous; there was a question of life and death. टॉम दररोज वृत्तपत्र वाचतो. Tom reads the newspaper every day. Tom reads the newspaper every day. टॉम झोपलेला असेल. Tom will be asleep. Tom must have been asleep. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We don't join each other. Ania nga oras a mapanka iti eskuela? What time do you leave for school? What time should you go to school? איך טאקע יא האב ליב דיין קאר, איך האב עס ליב. I do love your car, I love it. How Takae is the father of the heart of Dean Kar, how the father is angry at the heart. അവന്‍ എല്ലാദിവസവും ഇവിടെ വരാറില്ല. He does not come here every day. He doesn't come here every day. Älogob Tomasi adelo. I saw Tom today. There's Thomas adelo. Утре ќе ѝ помогнам. I'll help her tomorrow. I'll help her tomorrow. Kiu estras la aferojn ĉi tie? Who runs things here? Who's keeping things here? أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. I shot a bullet in a broken dog. Di mana mereka? Where were they? Where are they? Czy dzisiaj są jej urodziny? Is today her birthday? Are her parents today? 你母親在家嗎? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? puH Duj chIjlaHmeH ghojta' ghaH. She managed to learn to drive a car. I don't know what I'm going to say. Zitron binon züdöfik. Lemon is sour. Citron-based sulphite. کیا آپ میرے بال بنائیں؟ Can you please do my hair? Do you make me a baby? Ik snack Sweedsch. I speak Swedish. I spoke Swedish. На завтра всё готово? Is everything ready for tomorrow? It's all set tomorrow? Πρέπει να δεις αυτή την ταινία. You have to see this movie. You need to see this movie. Haar droom is om Parijs te bezoeken. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to visit Paris. Sub chuch. Ice is solid. Sub chuch. Lascia che ti dica i miei piani. Let me tell you my plans. Let me tell you my plans. Proč nechceš nosit kravatu? Why don't you want to wear a tie? Why don't you wear a tie? Màu đen tương phản với màu trắng. Black is against white. Black is the same as white. Vervelen jullie je? Are you bored? Do you agree? Figyelmesen hallgattam. I listened intently. I listened carefully. Խաղալուն վերջ տուր: Stop grumbling. End of game: Pazi! Look out! Watch out! Allerdeegs! Indeed! All right, all right! xendo prenu He's a kind person. running under %s A foto foi adulterada. The photo was doctored. The photo was adult. mi nitcu lo pevysmacyki'e I need a mouse pad. I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to do it. Vem sa att jag stal pengarna? Who said I stole the money? Who said I stole the money? अल्जीरिया मेरा देश है। Algeria is my country. Algeria is my country. Nije ni čuo što nas Tom mrzi. No wonder Tom hates us. He didn't even hear Tom hates us. Можна мне задаць пытанне? May I ask a question? Can I ask you a question? Здається, уночі знов побачу тебе. Perhaps we'll see each other again tonight. I think I'll see you again. Favvoraga bora olamanmi? May I go to the fountain? Can I have fun? На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. If I were you, I would ignore it. In your place, I'd ignore it. Чукни на вратата. Knock on the door. Shut the door. אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be rude! 你咳嗽了,最好帶一條圍巾。 You're coughing, better bring a scarf. You'd better take a round. *Hilton mebpa'mey yIghoS! To the Hilton Hotel, please. *Hilton mebpa'meyyIghoS! Δεν είμαι αγράμματος. I'm not illiterate. I'm not a tree. Ella estaba contenta con su nuevo vestido. She was pleased with her new dress. She was happy with her new dress. तुम जो भी कहो, मैं तो उससे ही शादी करूँगा। Whatever you say, she is the one I'm going to marry. Whatever you say, I'll marry her. Cha chreid mi mo chluasan. I couldn't believe my ears. I don't believe in my voice. De nombreux amis vinrent lui faire leurs adieux. Many friends saw him off. Many friends came to him to make their friends. Rotta er lítið dýr með langar, oddmjóar tennur og langan hala. A rat is a small animal with long, pointed teeth and a long tail. Rotta is a small animal with desires, tens of thousands of teeth and long neck. Quia Sinice loquor. Because I speak Chinese. That's Sinice talking. Tom tentou convencer Maria a não ir embora. Tom tried to persuade Mary not to leave. Tom tried to convince Maria not to leave. 私は子供のころからトムを知っている。 I have known Tom since I was a little boy. I know Tom from the kids. इश्वरच सर्व गोष्टींचा कारण असतो. God is the cause of everything. Jehovah is the Source of all things. Pitao sam se da li možda sanjam. I wondered if I could be dreaming. I was wondering if I might sleep. C'est important. It matters. It's important. Maria hat drei Bücher geschrieben. Mary has written three books. Maria wrote three books. Она изгледа добро за своје године. She looks good for her age. She looks good for her years. 彼は握手を求めた。 He held out his hand. He asked for his hand. Американың һәр шәһәрендә китапханә бар. Every town in America has a library. There is a library in every city in the United States. Bambonye. They saw me. They saw it. So kann ich nicht mehr leben. I can't live this way anymore. I can't live like this anymore. 会は来週の月曜日に催されます。 The meeting will take place next Monday. The meeting will be held on Monday. תום לא נראה מוטרד. Tom didn't appear concerned. Tom doesn't seem upset. मित्र असतात तरी कशासाठी? What are friends for? Why do they have friends? Tom estas membro de la komitato. Tom is a member of the committee. Tom is a member of the committee. Non voglio che si preoccupi. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. আমি ঠিক জানিনা ও আসবে কি না। I'm not sure as to when he will turn up. I don't know. I don't know if I'm coming. 他們三年前搬到了這裡。 They moved here three years ago. They moved here three years ago. Darf ich dich mal unter vier Augen sprechen? Can I have a word with you in private? Can I talk to you under four eyes? Tom on levoton. Tom's anxious. Tom's a levoton. איך עס אַ ציבעלע. I'm eating an onion. I'm a monster. Saavuit juuri sillä hetkellä kuin minä lähdin. You arrived at the moment I left. You just got there as soon as I left. Szeretek vonatozni. I enjoy travelling by train. I like to trust you. Planen vår mislykkes. Our plan was unsuccessful. Our plan failed. lo nanmu poi klama ti ca lo prulamdei cavi krefu zvati The same man that came yesterday is here again. And they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, Cos'ha disegnato Walt Disney? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney design? هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - Do you know me? Ez nê wazena şıra nezdidê ay. I don't want to go near her. That's what it's all about. Wzięłam udział w konkursie. I entered the contest. I took part in the competition. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. Me siento más despierto después de tomar una taza de café. I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee. I feel more relaxed after taking a cup of coffee. Пойдзем са мной. Come with me. Let's go with me. Joe trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo nello sport. Joe spends the majority of his time in sports. Joe spends most of his time in sports. petaQ jIv ghaH tam'e'. Tom is an ignorant wanker. That's what I'm talking about. Maria, komm mit mir zurück nach Paris! Mary, come back to Paris with me. Maria, come back with me to Paris! 判決は被告に有利だった。 The decision was in favor of the defendant. The verdict was in favour of the accused. Тому все ще подобається Бостон? Does Tom still like Boston? So he still likes Boston? আমি এটা পছন্দ করি না। I don't like this. I don't like it. Sramotite ga. You're embarrassing him. Shame on him. Mogłeś przynajmniej powiedzieć "Dziękuję" kiedy ktoś ci pomógł. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could at least say "Thank you" when someone helped you. Син якшәмбе көннәрендә кайчан йокыдан торасың? What time do you get up on Sundays? When are you sleeping during the Sabbath? Ben testi geçebildim. I was able to pass the test. I could have passed the test. Nie otwieraj tych okien. Do not open those windows. Don't open your eyes. Ништо не слушам. I can't hear a word. I don't hear anything. У него ревнивая жена. He has a jealous wife. He's a jealous woman. Tom acordou as crianças e disse-lhes para que se preparassem para a escola. Tom woke up the children and told them to get ready for school. Tom agreed with the kids and told them to get ready for school. Vir sapit, qui pauca loquitur. Wise is the man of few words. He knew he was talking a little bit. Ten čaj je vážně skvělý. The tea is really delicious. That tea is really great. Çince karakterler çok güzeldir. Chinese characters are very beautiful. The Chinese characters are very beautiful. vIl! They're ridgy! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Z powodu mgły samolot został zawrócony do Monachium. Because of the fog, the airplane has been rerouted to Munich. Because of the mild flight, he was returned to Monachium. شىر بىر ھايۋان. The lion is an animal. A single living creature. Nokoilo ko'd ngaran sumandak di Tom? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Nokoilo ko'd on Tom's orders? Tom prý nevychází moc dobře s ostatními lidmi. Tom is said not to get along too well with other people. Tom's not going too well with other people. Bu ayakkabılardan benim boyutumda olanından sizde var mı? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have any of these shoes in my size? Manda mi salutes a tu sposa. Give my regards to your wife. Say hello to your wife. La cobia a marciava a la lus ëd la lun-a an tenendse për man. The couple walked holding hands in the moonlight. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Kan du passa barnen? Can you watch the kids? Can you take care of the kids? Влюбен съм в нея. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. ¿Cómo te pasó esto? How did this happen to you? How did this happen to you? Bu raporu yeniden yapmalıyız. We need to do this report again. We have to do this report again. To es tro custosi! This is too expensive! You're too expensive! عندها نظارة شمسية. She has sunglasses. There's a magic watch. Je veux ton papier sur mon bureau d'ici mardi. Have your paper on my desk by Tuesday. I want your paper on my desk this morning. Πότε παντρεύτηκες; When did you get married? When did you get married? هؤلاء الثلاثة بناته. Those three are his daughters. These three are his daughters. Tom je jediný, kdo nemusel jít. Tom is the only one who didn't need to go. Tom's the only one who didn't go. Wysłałem jej lalkę. I sent her a doll. I sent her a needle. César no está sobre los gramáticos. Caesar is not above grammarians. Caesar's not on the grammatics. Tom kan ikke se sine egne fejl. Tom can't see his own mistakes. Tom can't see his own mistakes. Har du valgt en interessant bog til din søn? Did you choose an interesting book for your son? Have you chosen an interesting book for your son? Onu davet edersen gelebilir. If you invite him, he may come. If you invite him, he may come. טום שאל את מרי מה שם המשפחה שלה. Tom asked Mary what her last name was. Tom asked Mary what her family name was. Gaz önemli bir doğal kaynaktır. Gas is an important natural resource. Gas is an important natural resource. Janua Linguarum reserata. The door to language unlocked Janua Linguarum reserat. Přídavná jména v angličtině se často užívají jako příslovce v neměnné formě. Adjectives in English are often used as adverbs with no change in form. Additional names in English are often used as references in an unchanged form. Io remane in Italia. I'm staying in Italy. I'm still in Italy. Mi parolis kun ŝi dum unu horo. I spoke with her for one hour. I talked to her for an hour. Lituji, že jsem to udělal. I regret that I did that. I'm sorry I did it. Soyez calmes. Si vous n'êtes pas calmes, on vous jettera dehors. Be quiet. If you aren't quiet, you'll be thrown out. If you're not calm, we'll get you out of here. Поједите све. Eat everything. Eat everything. अमेरिकेचा पुढचा राष्ट्राध्यक्ष कोण बनणार? Who will be the next president of the United States? Who will be the next president of the United States? Der findes sikkert en helt fornuftig forklaring. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. There must be a very reasonable explanation. Rita en linje här. Draw a line here. Draw a line here. Şirket yakında gerçekten iflas edecek. The company's going to go bankrupt really soon. The company's really going to fail soon. Ittwaheyya yimensi. Dinner is ready to eat. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand. ” আমি এখানে বাস করি। I live here. I live here. Dia benci pesta. She hates parties. He hates the party. Ik kom út Drinte. I'm from Drenthe. I'm coming out of Drinte. Nous devons nous débarrasser de ces vieilles règles. We must do away with these old rules. We have to get rid of these old rules. 汤姆是法语母语者。 Tom is a native French speaker. Tom is French-speaking. आपण एका शालेमध्ये राहिलो. We stayed in a chalet. We stayed in a hotel. Tom byl ve stejném letadle, jako já. Tom was on the same plane I was. Tom was in the same plane as me. माझी अक्कलदाढ दुखतेय. My wisdom tooth hurts. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. La negoco lamas. Business is quite slow. The deal's off. Виждал съм тези снимки. I've seen these pictures. I've seen these pictures. Tíminn flaug. Time flew. Time's running out. Wikipedia är den bästa encyklopedin på nätet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedin on the network. Книгава сѐ уште не е преведена на француски. This book hasn't yet been translated into French. The book has not yet been translated into French. Ne volim da me osuđuju. I don't like to be judged. I don't like being judged. سامي يحبّ المأكولات البحريّة. Sami likes seafood. Sami likes sea cubs. גלי חום נהיו תכופים יותר וחזקים יותר, בעיקר במערב. Heat waves have become more frequent and intense, especially in the West. The heat waves were stronger and stronger, especially in the west. Ich trank aus der Flasche, und ehe ich mich’s versah, verwandelte ich mich in ein Kaninchen. I drank from the bottle and before I noticed, I turned into a rabbit. I drank from the bottle, and before I sold it, I turned into a rabbit. Mi ne povas melki tiun ĉi bovinon. Ĝi estas malsana. I cannot milk this cow. It's sick. I can't milk this cow. La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question persisted, why would Tom want to do that? Onun ailəsi Braziliyaya köçdü. Her family moved to Brazil. His family moved to Brazil. Том е единственият ученик в нашия клас, който може да говори френски. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Tom is the only student in our class who can speak French. Я відповіла на твоє питання? Have I answered your question? Did I answer your question? Paldies! Thanks. Thank you! အဲဒါက မင်းထင်သလောက်လည်း ကြောက်စရာမကောင်းပါဘူး It's not as scary as you think. I don't think that's a good idea. ممکن است چیزی برای گزیدگی حشره به من بدهید؟ Can I have something for insect bites? Can ye give me a little water to drink, that I may drink of it? Ninapika. I'm cooking. Nice to meet you. Eu sei quando é seu aniversário. I know when your birthday is. I know when it's your birthday. Gyáva nyúl! Chicken! Get out of here! मैं तुम्हारा कोट लाती हूँ। I'll get your coat. I'll take your coat. Не знам как Том е получил работата си. I don't know how Tom got his job. I don't know how Tom got his job. Tôi không muốn làm việc trong những điều kiện như thế này. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Aksanımla alay etti. He made fun of my accent. He took it with my ass. 我遇到了故障。 I came across an error. I'm in trouble. Apa yang kau rasakan ketika istrimu meninggalkanmu? How would you feel if your wife left you? How do you feel when your wife leaves you? ghorpu' 'Iv? Who broke this? Iv? Lass ihn nicht die Lampe anschalten! Don't let him switch on the lamp. Don't let him turn the lights off! Maria volas divenar heroino. Mary wants to become a heroine. Maria wants to become a hero. Yo trinca lacte. I drink milk. I'm three milks. Του αρέσουν όλα τα ζώα εκτός από τα άλογα. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all the animals except the horses. 你最喜欢什么样的人? What kind of people do you like best? What kind of person do you like most? Якого кольору його светр? What color is his sweater? What color is his light? Ποιος σας είδε; Who saw you? Who saw you? Υπάρχουν δύο πιθανές εξηγήσεις. There are two possible explanations. There are two possible explanations. Helpu! Min postiras mensmalsanuloj! Help! I'm being followed by paranoids! Help me! Chiny są znaczenie większe od Japonii. China is much bigger than Japan. China is more important than Japan. Δανείζεται συχνά το αυτοκίνητό σου ο Τομ; Does Tom often borrow your car? Does Tom often give up your car? Me impactó ver eso. I was shocked to see that. I was impressed to see that. De krant begon lezers te verliezen toen hij afstand deed van een van zijn meest populaire auteurs. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper began to lose readers when he left one of his most popular authors. Tengo un chirrido en mi flamante coche nuevo, y ¿crees que puedo encontrar de dónde viene? I've got a squeaking noise in my brand new car, and do you think I can find where it's coming from? I have a chirp in my flaming new car, and you think I can find where it comes from? As aparências enganam. Things aren't always as they appear. The appearances are mistaken. Eg har noko viktig å snakke med deg om. I've got something important to discuss with you. I have something important to talk to you about. Apay nga awan ni Tom idiay? Why wasn't Tom there? Why was Tom not there? Ar jūs negalite skaityti? Can't you read? Can't you read? Hendes liv ebbede ud af hende gennem hendes sår. Her life ebbed away from her through her wounds. Her life grew out of her through her wound. Preciso de ajuda. I need a hand. I need help. ألم أقل لك ذلك؟ Didn't I tell you so? Didn't I tell you that? Teb chaws Tuam Tshoj loj dua teb chaws Nyiajpoom. China is bigger than Japan. You're the lawyer Tuam Tshoj. I love you the lawyer Nyiajpoom. O araba o kadar büyük ki onu park etmek zordur. That car's so big that parking it is difficult. That car is so big that it's hard to park it. Tom har mistet interessen for at studere fransk. Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom's lost interest in studying French. Tatoeba: Gdje je pozornost za detalje sveta, a kazna brza. Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift. Father: Where is the attention to the details of the world, and the punishment is fast. Er draaien duizenden satellieten rond de aarde. Thousands of satellites orbit around the earth. It rotates thousands of satellites around the earth. Sen de Bostonlu değil misin? Aren't you from Boston as well? You're not Boston, are you? Lu es men hunde. It is my dog. I'm sorry. ನೀನು ಅವನನ್ನು ಪ್ರೀತಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀಯ. You are in love with him. You love him. Poderia trazer outra garrafa de água? Could you bring another bottle of water? Could I bring another glass of water? את יכולה לשמוע את הגלים על החוף? Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the lights on the beach? Ilu zezeas. He speaks with a lisp. You're kidding me. En esta área está prohibido cazar. Hunting is prohibited in this area. It's forbidden to marry in this area. Bagaimana undang-undang hak cipta bisa ditegakkan? How can copyright laws be enforced? How can the laws of nature be strengthened? Moj prijatelj može tečno da govori Hindi. A friend of mine can speak Hindi fluently. My friend can hardly speak Hindi. Lumatod la iton hi Tom. Tom is just a boy. Tom just said that. समँथा पोहोचली आहे. Samantha has arrived. The answer to that question can be found in the following article. Sabenko githi'jana. Everyone went to sleep. It's a little bit of a ship. Ніколи не лишайте мене одну з Томом. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Never leave me alone with Tom. Tout le monde se fiche de qui tu es. Nobody cares who you are. The whole world turns out to be who you are. Me ne volas ke irgu pleez mea gitaro. I don't want anyone to play my guitar. I don't want any of my favorite guitars. तुला यापेक्षा मोठा कुत्रा सापडणार नाही. You won't find a dog bigger than this one. You will not find more than that, and you will not find it. Tu turi parisinkti savo pačios gyvenimo kelią. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to adjust your own way of life. شكراً, أنا فقط أتفرج. I'm just looking, thank you. Thanks, I'm just giving up. Tom was de enige die lachte. Tom was the only one who laughed. Tom was the only one who was hungry. Tene hoc. Hold this. I've got it. Είστε Καναδέζοι· έτσι δεν είναι; You're Canadian, aren't you? You're Canadian, aren't you? Некако ми беше жал за неа. I felt kind of sorry for her. I was kind of sorry about her. بىر ئادەم ساڭا «يوقال!» دېسە، قانداق قىلارسەن؟ If someone says "Get lost!" to you, what will you do? And what will make you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), when the person says to you, “O dear Prophet (Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him)?” Kivaa dompuan doiho nga aiso no suduvon. There's a fireplace, but there's no firewood. In short, doppelgangers are twice as much acid as they can. Sinumva igifaransa. I don't understand French. I didn’t feel French. Illa pote venir hodie. She can come today. She can come today. Том делува многу вообразено. Tom seems very full of himself. Tom's doing a lot of painting. بۇ گىلەمنىڭ نۇسخسى چىرايلىقكەن. This rug has a nice pattern. This is the font used to display text that is marked up as sans. Мы забыли, что вы не любите пиццу. We forgot you don't like pizza. We forgot you don't like pizza. Пих кафе. I drank coffee. I drank coffee. Ni ofte iras tien. We go there often. We often go there. Ich bat um ihr Einverständnis. I asked for their approval. I asked about her understanding. Vi har inte börjat än. We haven't started yet. We haven't started yet. Ich kann keinen Rechner benutzen. Es ist kein Strom da. I cannot use a computer. There is no power. I can't use a computer. Escutemos o resto da história. Let's hear the rest of the story. We heard the rest of the story. Water is leven. Water is life. Water is alive. كېسەل كۆرسېتىشىڭ كېرەك. You should see a doctor. It's because you're sick. Hiç kimse bir şey söylemedi. Nobody said anything. No one said anything. Espero que o Tom não seja descuidado. I hope Tom isn't careless. I hope Tom won't be worried. समझ गया! Got it! Got it! Claro que nós acreditamos em você! Of course, we believe you. Of course we believe in you! Demorou muito pra entender o que ela estava dizendo. It took a long time to take in what she was saying. She needed a lot to understand what she was saying. قادر نسّنّا برك. I can only wait. It's good to see you. او نمی دانست که با یک هیولا ازدواج کرده است. She didn't know she had married a monster. He didn't know that she had married a prostitute. Dostała od niego radę, żeby więcej ćwiczyć. She was advised by him to get more exercise. She got it from him so she could ride more. Ο Τομ έφαγε ένα πορτοκάλι. Tom ate an orange. Tom ate a bottle. Sê birayên min hene. I have three brothers. It's my own business. Włochy są w Europie. Italy is in Europe. The Italians are in Europe. Я прыгажэй за вас. I am more beautiful than you. I love you. Тому не понравился этот фильм. Tom didn't like that movie. That's why he didn't like this movie. Hai komt mit autobus. He comes by bus. Come with the bus. ma jdini lebna Who took the money? I'm the only one left. Ilu esas bona homo por ca laboro. He is the right man for the job. They're good people for this job. टॉम काही दिवसांनंतर वारला. Tom died a few days later. Tom died a few days later. पहिली आली ती जेन. It was Jane who came first. She was the first one to arrive, Jean. Vi har et problem med overvektige i dette landet. We have an obesity problem in this country. We have a problem with too much in this country. Jemanden verschwinden zu lassen ist ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Forced disappearance is a crime against humanity. It is a crime against humanity to let go. Tangkap pencuri itu! Catch the thief! Get that thief! 电影快要开演了。 The movie's about to start. The movie's about to start. Sie sollten sich etwas Ruhe gönnen. You should get some rest. You should get some rest. आता आम्ही काय करणार आहोत? What are we going to do now? What will we do now? Ze lijken zich goed te amuseren. They look like they're having fun. They look like they're getting better. Dan non ha nemmeno effettuato delle telefonate. Dan didn't even make phone calls. Dan hasn't even made calls. Por rajti enbusiĝi vi devas aĉeti bileton. You must buy a ticket to get on the bus. To get in, you have to buy a ticket. الوالد ينتظر. Father is waiting. The parent is waiting. El es multe encantante. He's very charming. He's very nice. Мислам дека тоа е ужасно. I think that's awful. I think that's terrible. Jag är inte din mamma. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Hon ser ledsen ut. She looks sad. She looks sorry. București este capitala României. Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Happy is the capital of Romania. ئالدى بىلەن ئۆزۈڭلارنى قوغدىشىڭلار لازىم. First, you must protect yourself. You must guard yourselves. Minä en olisi antanut Tomille tapahtua mitään. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. I wouldn't have given Tom anything. Multe companii de software oferă versiuni gratuite ale produselor lor, dar cu funcționalitate limitată. Many software companies offer free versions of their products, albeit with limited functionality. Many software companies offer free versions of their products, but with limited functionality. Jag går inte till skolan. I won't go to school. I'm not going to school. Słodkie pomarańcze nie są bardzo kwaśne. Sweet oranges are not very sour. Sweet oranges aren't very good. Мері — блондинка. Mary is blonde. Mary is a blonde. 今天我同学看到你们在欧尚买东西。 Today, my classmate saw you guys shopping at Auchan. Today I'm learning to see what you're buying in Osan. Il fiume inondò l'intera regione. The river flooded the entire region. The river opened the entire region. Het meisje springt. The girl is jumping. The girl's running. Jeg kender din søn. I know your son. I know your son. تو قادر خواهی بود که این کتاب را در سال آینده بخوانی. You will be able to read this book next year. Thou shalt read this book in the year wherein thou shalt read it. আপনি ওখানে বসে আছেন কেন? Why are you sitting there? Why are you sitting there? Думаю, тебе следует немного отдохнуть. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should breathe a little. 你们有哪一种红酒? What kind of wine do you have? What kind of red wine do you have? Acho que eu deveria partir. I think I should leave. I think I should go. त्या माझ्या वस्तू आहेत. Those are my things. They are my belongings. Flugscham hat ihn dazu bewogen, mit dem Zug zu fahren. Flight shame made him take the train. A plane has moved him to drive with the train. Non notei nada fora do común. I didn't notice anything unusual. I didn't notice anything outside the community. Uri umuvyeyi mwiza. You're a good mother. You are a good parent. Sami verliet het gesprek glimlachend. Sami left the interview smiling. Sami misss the conversation funny. Kubera iki ufise ivyo? Why do you have this? Why do you have that? Lütfen bana onun ne zaman döneceğini söyle. Please tell me when he'll be back. Please tell me when he'll be back. Ανεξάρτητος; Δεν ενδιαφέρομαι. Independence? I'm not interested. I don't care. Обещай мне больше этого не делать! Promise me you won't do that again. Promise me not to do it again! Трябва им някаква посока. They need some direction. They need some direction. Asaru iyolo mogisaap. They're always fighting. There is no doubt about it. Ad tabernam eo. I am going to the shop. It's our camp. 它會好轉的。 It's gotten better. It'll turn around. Sinun veljesi meni naimisiin, eikö niin? Your brother got married, didn't he? Your brother got married, didn't he? דאגי בבקשה לכך שהעופות בכלוב יקבלו מים ואוכל מדי יום. Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day. Dougie, please let the dogs in the dog get water and eat too much. Perché non lo apre? Why don't you open it? Why don't you take it? Μπορείς να χαμηλώσεις λίγο την ένταση; Could you lower the volume? Can you slow down a little bit? Zamança muzıyka uynatqıçlarga USB tuplağıçların da totaştırıp bula. Modern music boxes accept even USB flash drives now. Also, collect and gather USB drives for a short period of time. Minugad i pirisidon mantad do Amorika doungosuvab. The President left for America this morning. You're still in trouble for America. Том занадто втомився, щоб займатися. Tom is too tired to study. Tom was too tired to take care of himself. Katten ligger oppå bordet. The cat is on the table. The cat's on the table. Се обиде ли да разговараш со Том? Did you try to talk to Tom? Did you try to talk to Tom? A nevem Ricardo, és a tiéd? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, is it yours? Вие приехте ли поканата му? Did you accept his invitation? Have you accepted his invitation? Том садак уке улеш. Tom is still missing. Tom doesn't have a present. 我參加戲劇社。 I belong to the drama club. I'm in the theater. 秘書は私にそっけなく答えた。 The secretary answered me shortly. The secretary answered me immediately. Onko tämä mielestäsi liian iso? Do you think this is too big? Is this too big for you? To je najbolje od svega što sam do sada čuo. This is the best thing I've heard so far. That's the best thing I've ever heard. Прощальная речь Джейн нас очень опечалила. Jane's farewell speech made us very sad. Jane's forgiveness really impressed us. Esque Paris es tre distant? Is Paris far away? Is Paris too far? Megvédjük önt. We will protect you. We'll protect you. დავიწყებთ რაც შეიძლება ჩქარა. We will begin as soon as possible. We'll start as soon as possible. Ӟечбур, дунне! Hello, world! Come on, world! La herida dejó de dolerle cuando se puso una tirita. The wound stopped hurting after he put a band-aid on it. The wound left him in pain when he was shot. Vom folosi tot ce putem. We'll use anything we can. We'll use everything we can. Nessuno può aiutare Tom. Nobody can help Tom. No one can help Tom. Ingkuro no oku mogodu Tom? How can I stop Tom? What about Tom's neck and neck? n Koelkaast holdt vlaais vris. A refrigerator keeps meat fresh. n The cooler keeps the water cooled. pIjHa' bom 'ach DaHjaj ram bom 'e' vIHar. She seldom sings, but I think she will tonight. I'm going to be 'and I'm going to be 'e'. Din hund är här. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. Tidels tidoms. The teachers teach. A little bit of time. Esses Notebooks são meus. These notebooks are mine. These Notes are mine. Biraz izne çıkman lazım senin. You definitely need some time off. I need you to excuse me for a second. Σου αρέσει το χιόνι; Do you like snow? You like snow? Eskutitz bat eman zidan bere bizitzako azken momentuan. He gave me a letter in his last moments of life. He gave me a hand at the last moment of his life. Te nem vagy jóindulatú. You are not kind. You're not a good man. 你似乎對來自國外的想法有偏見。 You seem to be prejudiced against ideas that come from foreign countries. You seem to have a preference for ideas from outside the country. Ini komputer saya. This is my computer. It's my computer. HuchlIj Hoch yIqem! Bring all your money. Oh, my God! Tlaloc anapenda kusafiri. Tláloc likes to travel. The crowd was about to die. A gyümölcs a kosárban van. The fruit is in the basket. The fruit is in the basket. Il risultato è calcolato secondo la tabella di lettura generale creata dalla World Health Organization (WHO) - la stessa per maschio e femmina a prescindere dall'età. The result is calculated according to general reading table created by World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for male and female regardless the age. The result is calculated according to the general reading table created by the World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for men and women of age. Du schaust aber auch nicht schlecht aus! You don't look so bad yourself. But you don't look bad either! Tämä on melko tavallista. That's pretty normal. This is quite normal. Kan jy so lank wag? Can you wait that long? Can you wait so long? Nagdesisyon na kita. We've made a decision. We have made a decision. मैं घर गया और रोई। I went home and cried. I went home and cried. 一個老人在樹蔭下休息。 An old man was resting in the shade of the tree. An old man resting under the tree. 帶鑰匙來。 Bring the key. Here's the key. टॉम अजूनही स्वयंपाकघरात बश्या साफ करतोय. Tom is still in the kitchen, washing dishes. Tom still cleans the kitchen. Mi havis problemon, pri kiu mi devis zorgi. I had a problem to take care of. I had a problem that I had to worry about. Не ставай твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get too fast. बर्बर हे उत्तर आफ्रिकेत बोलले जाणारे एक भाषाकुळ आहे. Berber is a family of languages ​​spoken in North Africa. Berber is a language spoken in North Africa. Aš pagalvojau kad ji neturėjo priežasties padayti tą ką ji padarė. She had, I thought, no reason to do what she did. I thought she had no reason to give up what she did. Bende korkunç mide yanması var. I have horrible heartburn. I've got a terrible fever. 她上学从不迟到。 She is never late for school. She's never late for school. Nu am dat niciodată peste un caz atât de ciudat. I've never come across such a strange case. I've never given up on such a strange case. 請用掛號寄這個。 Please send this by registered mail. Could not close temporary folder: %s Я вас подожду. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you. Yo es fidel a mi marita. I'm faithful to my wife. They are loyal to my husband. Heima er best. There is no place like home. It's the best home. So una gata. I am a cat. I'm ready. আমাকে বলো। Tell me. Tell me. 以前,玛丽想和一位有雄心壮志的男人结婚。 Mary wanted to marry a man with ambition. In the past, Mary was married to a man with a hearty ambition. Acta est fabula. The play is over. That's great. Utraque fenestra fracta erat. Both of the windows were broken. Both windows were closed. İstediğim her şeyi aldım. I got everything I asked for. I got everything I wanted. いま何時か分かりますか? Do you know what time it is? Do you know what time it is? bu'a'a mi troiaxirmalsamtci .ija'ebo mi gunta lo do skami pe la .makintoc. I am a Trojan horse, so I have infected your Mac computer. It's been three years since I was born. I think I'm going to hit the .kintoc. Το ψυγείο δεν είναι άδειο, εκτός αν ο επισκευαστής πήρε την τελευταία μπύρα. The fridge is not empty, unless the repairman took the last beer. The refrigerator is not allowed unless the priest takes the last beer. Hur kan vi bevisa det? How can we prove it? How can we prove it? Ik moet aan mijn kinderen denken. I have to think of my children. I need to think about my children. Slovenska pevka Maja Kevc je bila rojena leta 1992. Slovenian singer Maja Keuc was born in 1992. The Slovenian poet Maya Kevc was born in 1992. Alassëa omentielman nan. I am happy about our meeting. That's what I'm talking about. Mi okozta a balesetet? What caused the accident? What caused the accident? Kas yw genev an le ma. I hate this place. Send me. Hozz nekem még egy sört. Bring me another beer. Give me another beer. Είσαι φίλος μου. You are my friend. You're my friend. Es ist viel besser, von Vögeln statt von einem Wecker geweckt zu werden. Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm. It's much better to be raised by birds instead of by a week. Bona nit. Good night! Good night. 我养了一只母猫。 I keep a female cat. I had a mother's cat. መጽሃፉን ስጠኝ። Give me the book. And he opened his mouth, and said, Give me, I pray thee, the book of life. Vorbiţi chineza? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Meşo teber serdo. Don't go out because it is cold. It's still hard. La pomas cual el ia envia a me ia es deletosa. The apples which he sent to me were delicious. The apple he sent to me is delicious. 不管怎樣,你永遠不會知道。 Anyway, you'll never know. Anyway, you'll never know. Deixa-me solenca. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. 私は今勉強をしている。 I am studying now. I'm studying now. 我是有志向的人——清楚自己的目標。 I'm someone ambitious - someone who knows very well what she is after. I'm a willing person -- I know my goal. Ręce mi się kleją. My hands are sticky. My hands are shaking. Esque tu labora in un citate? Do you work in a town? Are you working in a town? Не. Искам да платя в брой. No. I want to pay in cash. No, I want to pay in number. Hur var din dag idag? How was your day today? How was your day today? Camera are două ferestre. The room has two windows. The room has two windows. 你會守承諾的,對吧? You will keep your word, won't you? You'll keep your promise, won't you? Is de postbode al geweest? Has the letter carrier been by yet? Is the post bid already? Li estas konstrulaboristo. He's a construction worker. He's a construction worker. Døren er låst. The door's locked. The door is locked. Tom hade tur som hittade sina nycklar. Tom was lucky to find his keys. Tom had a turn to find his keys. फुलं लाल होती. The flowers were red. It was red. Елементарно, мој драги Вотсоне. Elementary, my dear Watson. Essentially, my dear Watson. नाशी भाषा चीन में बोलल जाले। The Naxi language is spoken in China. The Nashi language was spoken in China. Fler korta frågor, tack. Some more brief questions, please. More short questions, thank you. Non aveva alcun diritto di farlo. You had no right to do that. He had no right to do so. מצאתם משהו? Did you find anything? Did you find anything? بچه هایی که در خانه با کف پوش های وینیلی زندگی می کنند با احتمال بیشتری اتویسم دارند. Children that live in homes with vinyl floors are more likely to have autism. The children who dwell in the house, and the little ones who sit in the marketplaces, don't even draw attention to themselves, but the children who walk in the marketplaces. لم يكن سامي شرطيّا صادقا. Sami was a crooked cop. My husband wasn't an honest man. بدترین آهنگ یورویژن اول شده است و بهترین آهنگ آن دوم از آخر شده است. چه احمقانه! The worst song in Eurovision came in first and the best came second to last. How stupid! The evil of the former virgins is past, and the latter of the latter hath done the latter. O ye fools! 努力工作才能养活自己。 Work hard so that you may earn your living. Working hard is the only thing that can sustain itself. Kızarmış peynirli sandvicin nasıl yapıldığını biliyor musun? Do you know how to make a grilled cheese sandwich? Do you know how it's done? 他去了美國讀美國文學。 He went to America for the purpose of studying American literature. He went to the United States to read American literature. Toen ik klein was, kwamen opa en oma nog om op te passen. 's Avonds op bed las oma me voor. Of opa vertelde een verhaal. When I was little, grandpa and grandma would come to baby-sit. At night in bed grandma would read to me. Or grandpa would tell a story. When I was a kid, Grandpa and Mom came to adjust. Еми си поръча нова рокля. Emi ordered herself a new dress. Emma ordered a new dress. Můj táta koupil krávu. My dad bought a cow. My dad bought a cow. मी फ्रान्समध्ये राहते व काम करते. I live and work in France. I live and work in France. Cheannaigh mé leabhair a bheidh an-suimiúil. I bought a book that will be very interesting. I bought books that would be very interesting. Nečtu. I don't read. Don't read it. টমের অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়াতে অনেকে অংশগ্রহণ করেছিল। A lot of people attended Tom's funeral. A lot of people participated in Tom's interstitial activity. Non li voglio incontrare. I don't want to meet them. I don't want to see them. Buraya geç kaldın, değil mi? You got here late, didn't you? You're late here, aren't you? Gago' gue'. She is lazy. Gago'gui'. "Виждал ли си ми мобилния телефо?" "На масата е." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." やれるだけのことはやりました。 I did all I could. It's all I've done. Memorez to! Remember this! I remember that! Hiç şişman bir vegan görmedim. I've never seen a fat vegan. I've never seen a dirty vegan. アタマ、スッキリさせなきゃ。 I need to clear my head. Atama, you have to cut it. Нас двоје смо толико различити. The two of us are so different. We're both so different. Не ме бива с имената. I'm not good with names. I don't care about my name. Tá sé an-dorcha. It's very dark. It's very dark. Prosím, nemluvte tak rychle. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. È successo che c'era un buco nella mia tasca. It happened that there was a hole in my pocket. It happened that there was a hole in my pocket. Трупот на бродот е поделен на повеќе водонепропустливи делови. The ship hull is divided into watertight compartments. The ship's crew is divided into more waterless parts. Nokorikot no tiksi. A cab is waiting. I'll see you soon. Eu sei falar em Interlíngua. I speak Interlingua. I can speak Interlingua. Viņi palīdzēja Tomam. They helped Tom. They helped Tom. Aș vrea să beau o cafea. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like to have a cup of coffee. Me brosi meа dentes par un brosa de dentes. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush. Ќе се молам за нив. I'll pray for them. I'll pray for them. Jim gick in i rummet tystlåtet så att han inte skulle väcka bebisen. Jim entered the room quietly so he wouldn't wake the baby. Jim went into the quiet room so he wouldn't wake up the baby. Аз нямам ли права? Don't I have any rights? Don't I have a right? شەنبە كۈنىمۇ دەرس ئوقۇغۇدەكسەن. It sounds like you have class on Saturdays as well. And on the Sabbath you read it. Chúng tôi vội vàng vì sợ trễ giờ đi học. We hurried for fear we should be late for school. We were in debt for fear of going to school. Kvinnan äter bröd. The woman eats bread. The woman eats bread. O orador golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The speaker struck the table with his fist. Hľadáš niečo? Are you looking for something? You want something? 我得找人商量一下。 I need someone to talk with. I need to talk to somebody. Rád bych věděl proč. I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why. Мы с Томом вскоре стали друзьями. Tom and I soon became friends. Tom and I soon became friends. Bu son birkaç aydır tek dayanağım kocam oldu. My husband's been my rock during these last few months. I've been my husband for the last few months. מי המציא את הדינמיט? Who invented dynamite? Who's got the dynamite? La chatte s'est assise sur le tapis. The cat sat on the mat. The chat sat on the tapes. Aýtmak isleýän zadyñ barmy? Is there anything you want to say? Is there something you want to do? Вы говорите по-итальянски? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? Musisz jeść więcej warzyw. You need to eat more vegetables. You have to eat more vegetables. Söin ruokalassa. I ate in the canteen. I ate at lunch. Finns jag på den listan? Am I on that list? Am I on that list? Nejsem zrádce. I'm not a traitor. I'm not a traitor. Hiç sorun var mıydı? Were there any problems? Was there a problem? Ki nem állhatom a hétfőket. I can't stand Mondays. I can't stand the weekend. Vos non son tanto rapide como io. You guys aren't as fast as I am. You're not as fast as I am. 𐌽𐌹 𐌹𐌺, 𐌰𐌺 𐌸𐌿! No I'm not; you are! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 你已经有胡子啦? Have you got a beard already? You already got your ass? Cuius culpa est? Whose fault is it? What's the blame? Yella win i izemren ad yi-d-yini acuɣeṛ i yefqeɛ Tom? Could somebody tell me why Tom is angry? Or who is there among you, who, if his son asks him for a fish, will give him a serpent? העולם מלא אידיוטים. The world is full of fools. The world is full of idiots. Est-ce que tu l'aimes ? Do you love him? Do you love her? Odvážiš sa zavolať jej? Dare you call her? Are you listening to her call? La milito en Yemen devas finar. The war in Yemen has to end. The war in Yemen must end. Aconteceu a mesma coisa em 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. The same thing happened in 2013. टॉम! अरे देवा! Tom! Oh my God! Tom, my God! Ellos tomaron mi plan. They took my idea. They took my plan. Sami jste do lesa chodit neměli. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You didn't have to go to the forest on your own. Не мога да разбера защо Джеймс винаги връзва кусури на жена си. I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife. I can't understand why James always connects his wife's cousins. Tufiḍ-ten ukin. You found them awake. And they found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him. శభాష్! బొమ్మ బాగుంది! The picture is nice, well done! Congratulations, you have won! O Monopoly oynuyor. He's playing Monopoly. Monopoly's playing. Waarom kocht ze dit? Why did she buy this? Why did she buy this? Вали, но въпреки това ще отидем. It's raining, but we'll go anyway. Well, yet we're going. Tom stod foran spejlet. Tom stood in front of the mirror. Tom stood outside the mirror. Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri cu toții. Sooner or later, we all are going to die. sooner or later, we'll all die. Ütle mulle. Tell me. Tell me. 你能給我來點茶嗎? Could you get me some tea? Can you give me some tea? Sawubona. Good afternoon. We did not see it. Žilaviji sam nego što izgledam. I'm tougher than I look. I'm more jealous than I look. O bir antikahraman. He's an antihero. He's an antiquated. Tom bana onun ne istediğini söyledi. Tom told me what he wanted. Tom told me what he wanted. ممکن نیست که او پزشک شود. It is impossible for him to become a doctor. It is not possible that he should fall. Wirst du mir je verraten, was in jener Nacht vorgefallen ist? Aren't you ever going to tell me what happened that night? Will you tell me what happened that night? टॉम यहाँ टेनिस नहीं खेल सकता। Tom can't play tennis here. Tom can't play tennis here. Jaké máš zaměření? What's your major? What's your point? Siete ancora alle prime armi! You're still wet behind the ears! You're still all prime weapons! הם צחקקו כולם. They all giggled. They're all kidding. Я встретил одну пожилую женщину. I met an elderly woman. I met an elderly woman. משהו בכל אופן לא כשר. There's definitely something wrong. Something's not as good as it is. האם אני רשאית לצלם כאן? Can I take pictures here? Am I allowed to take a picture here? La porte est en train de se fermer. The door is closing. The door is closing. तो चांगला राजकारणी नव्हता. He was not a good politician. He was not a good ruler. Avete un account di Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? 25 нас хүрсэн Төвд хүн бүр Төвдийн Ардын Төлөөлөгчдийн Ассемблейн сонгуульд оролцох эрхтэй. Every Tibetan above 25 has the right to stand for election to the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies. All 25 - year - olds have the right to attend the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Il esseva tarde quando io retornava a casa. It was late when I returned home. It was late when I came home. Vad tycker du om det japanska utbildningssystemet? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? What do you think of the Japanese education system? Tom yararlıdır. Tom is helpful. Tom's good. Van néhány táska a szobában. There are some bags in the room. There's some stuff in the room. Es war reiner Zufall. It was just a coincidence. It was Reiner Zufall. Ich bin untalentiert. I'm untalented. I'm detalented. 而家嘅貸款利率好高。 Interest on loans is high at present. On the other hand, the rate of payment in the home is high. Lei ama cantare. She loves singing. She likes to sing. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ። I will go to school. I will go to the house of mourning. Tom faragatlan volt. Tom was rude. Tom was worried. Ik heb iemand nodig die mij begrijpt. I need someone to understand me. I need someone who understands me. J'ai presque renversé du café sur mon clavier. I almost spilled coffee on my keyboard. I almost turned coffee on my keyboard. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pati. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Nunca vou esquecê-la. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget it. Men ondan geçen Iýuldan bäri hiç zat eşidemok. I haven't heard from him since last June. I haven't heard anything since July. tlhIch lupurmeH vay' luje' wej 16 ben boghpu'bogh puqpu' 'e' bot tuqjIjQa' chut. English law prohibits children under 16 from buying cigarettes. And we're going to be 16 years old, and we're going to have 16 years old, and we're going to have to do it. Řekni jí, že myju auto. Tell her that I am washing the car. Tell her I got a car. Yw da genes kathes? Do you like cats? What kind of sex do you have? 戒烟难。 It's hard to quit smoking. It's hard to smoke. Том мислеше дека Мери ќе биде на забавата на Том. Tom thought that Mary would be at John's party. Tom thought Mary would be at Tom's party. गेल्या आठवड्यात मी बॉस्टनमध्ये होतो. I was in Boston last week. The following week, I was in Boston. Maria estas infanĝardena instruistino. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Maria's a childhood teacher. Bóg z wami. God be with you! God be with you. Ο πελάτης έχει πάντα δίκιο. The customer is always right. The client's always right. Ol ýarawsyz däl. He's not sick. He is not sick. Głaz wystrzelony z katapulty przeleciał ponad murami zamku. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. A voice shot from the catapult passed over the walls of the castle. Lincoln sprzeciwiał się niewolnictwu. Lincoln opposed slavery. Lincoln objected to the lack of freedom. 現在是我必須告訴你真相的時候了。 The time has come when I must tell you the truth. Now is the time when I must tell you the truth. Bizde çözülmeli 3 sany esasy meselämiz bar. We've got three major problems that need to be solved. We have three main issues to solve. Da li me voli? Does she love me? Do you love me? Het kan ons niet schelen. We don't care. It can't hurt us. Vidličky boli používané veľa rokov v Európe a na Blízkom východe, ale len na varenie. Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking. The sights are used for many years in Europe and in the Middle East, but they are on fire. Felinoek sabanan egiten dute korrika. The felines run in the savannah. The girls make their own noises. Hän kysyi minulta, että kuinka monta kieltä puhun. She asked me how many languages I spoke. He asked me how many languages I speak. Han bakade muffins. He baked muffins. He gave up muffins. ボートはたちまち沈んだ。 The boat sank in a flash. The boat's gone. Su reloj adelanta. Your watch gains time. They're moving forward. Oubliez ça tout de suite. Forget about that right now. Forget it all right now. ते तिथे काय करतात? What do they do there? What do they do there? Tom corresse l'errore. Tom corrected the error. Tom was wrong. Me studia ance bangla. I study Bengali, too. He studied me for a while. Ngecele. Sorry. Nicelle. יש לי התיק הזה בצבע אחר. I have this briefcase in a different color. I've got this bag in a different color. Siguran sam da ću da pobedim na tom teniskom meču. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'm gonna win that tennis match. אתה לא רשאי להפר את החוקים. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You're not allowed to break the rules. من فضلك أعرني كتابك. Lend me your book, please. Please tell me your book. Tom pasó despierto toda la noche estudiando. Tom was up all night studying. Tom woke up all night studying. Mary a spus că ea nu știa asta. Mary said she didn't know this. Mary said she didn't know that. Nguồn gốc của vấn đề là thiếu trao đổi giữa các bộ phận. The root of the problem is a lack of communication between departments. The root cause of the problem is a lack of interaction between the parties. Изгледа дека Том прилично се гордее со себе. Tom looks pretty proud of himself. Looks like Tom's pretty proud of himself. Kötü bir gün geçiriyorsun gibi görünüyorsun. It looks like you're having a bad day. You look like you're having a bad day. Japan es un pais strana. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a strange country. Não acho que Tom mentiria. I don't think that Tom would lie. I don't think Tom would lie. Tom vill ha en kyss. Tom wants a kiss. Tom wants a kiss. Ar aš švaistau savo laiką? Am I wasting my time? Am I cleaning up my time? 彼は生まれつきやさしい。 He is gentle by nature. He's gonna be born. Hie wollt ëmmer an L.A. goen. He always wanted to go to L.A. You always want to go to L.A. ฉันทำสิ่งนี้เพื่อครอบครัวของฉัน I'm doing this for my family. I did this for my family. Eza ey bena ey rê. I'm taking it to him. No, I'm not. Тому немного нездоровится. Tom is a bit under the weather. So you're going to get a little sick. Unquam il habeva un catto cuje nomine era Tango. Once upon a time, there was a cat whose name was Tango. He used to have a cat named Tango. Dovrete affrontarla. You will have to face it. You'll have to face it. Гадаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think that might happen. Mary bebeğini emzirdi. Mary nursed her baby. Mary ordered your baby. Разговарали смо о томе целу ноћ. We talked about it all night. We talked about it all night. Это очень сложная работа. This is very difficult work. It's a very difficult job. My a gar an kynnyav. I love autumn. My brother's here. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. He couldn't stand it. Мы принимаем чеки. We accept checks. We're getting checks. Sua fia es un curor. His daughter is a nurse. His faith is a cure. ฉันยุ่งเป็นเวลาสามวันแล้ว I've been busy for three days. I've been busy for three days. Мы такія шчаслівыя. We are so happy. We're so happy. Holmey law' vIHaD. I study many languages. Oh, my God. पहिल्या मजल्यावर आहे. It's on the first floor. The first is on the move. Mi devas konfesi, ke mi estis maltrankvila pri tio. I have to admit I was worried about it. I have to confess that I was upset about this. Vi skaffar nya. We'll get new ones. We'll get a new one. 查你的字典。 Check your dictionary. Check your dictionary. Je ne vous retiendrai pas trop longtemps. I won't keep you too long. I won't keep you too long. Ele tem uma forte personalidade. He has a strong personality. He has a strong personality. ينبغي أن تكون مسؤولًا عن أفعالك. You should be responsible for your actions. You should be responsible for your actions. در ابتدا نتوانستم بفهمم که او چه گفت. At first, I couldn't understand what he said. At first, I couldn't understand what he said. Máme čas. We have time. We have time. Ad tecnum? Are you going to sing? A tecnum? Hvor lang tid tror du det ville tage at cykle til Boston? How much time do you think it would take to ride a bicycle to Boston? How long do you think it would take to cycle to Boston? O şüphesiz zengin ama ona güvenmiyorum. He is without a doubt rich, but I don't trust him. He's certainly rich, but I don't trust him. Hur mycket tjänar en rörmokare? How much money does a plumber make? How much does a mower do? Ni faris la plej bonan el tiu situacio. We made the best of that bad situation. We did the best of this situation. Il savas la Germana e la Franca, senmencione la Angla. He knows German and French, not to mention English. He knows German and France, he mentions England. Le nouveau médicament lui sauva la vie. The new medicine saved his life. The new medicine saved his life. Con le impudentia que le characterisa, Tom ha negate toto. With his characteristic impudence, Tom denied everything. With the impudence that characterizes him, Tom has rejected the whole thing. Layla ist mit allen zurechtgekommen. Layla got along with everybody. Layla came with everyone. Yettban-d Tom yezha mliḥ. Tom looks very happy. Tom grew up to be a good man. Je l'ai informée de mon départ. I informed her of my departure. I informed him of my departure. Awan ti siasino man a makalapped kaniak. Nobody can stop me. Nobody can stop me. I l'hai 'n amis an Spagna ch'a parla sinch lenghe. I have a friend in Spain who speaks five languages. And he's got a friend of Spain who spoke a little bit of a language. Oduvek sam mislio kako je to čudno. I always thought that was weird. I always thought it was weird. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Он ищет работу. He is seeking employment. He's looking for work. Tom saltó al agua helada. Tom jumped into the cold water. Tom jumped into the cold water. Вот мой билет. Here is my ticket. Here's my ticket. Бу Цао Цаонинг қилвирлики. This is Cao Cao's trickery. This is the cycle of the life of the world. Bebi água. I drank some water. Baby water. Cebinden kolyeyi çıkardı. He pulled the necklace from his pocket. He took the knife out of his pocket. È la tua terribile arroganza che ti rende completamente insopportabile. It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable. It's your terrible pride that makes you completely unsupportable. Spowodowałem to. I made this happen. I've done it. Понякога падам, но никога не се предавам. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but I never move. Ihanko niin? Is that so? Is that right? Јас сум сигурен. I am sure. I'm sure. Você poderia carregar minhas malas para mim? Could you carry my bags for me? Could you load my bad ones for me? Jeg må gå med Tom. I have to go with Tom. I have to go with Tom. Awi-yi-d taqerɛunt n cṛab. Give me a bottle of wine. Bring me a cup of wine. As mīri kāigi būlai turītun skreīlins! I wonder how it would be to have wings! The men will have a sleigh on the wall! Mislio sam da nije prikladno. I thought it wasn't appropriate. I didn't think it was appropriate. Mi ekstaris por saluti ilin. I got up to greet them. I was here to say hello to them. Tom er veteran fra flåden. Tom is a Navy veteran. Tom's the windshield. आपल्याला फुटबॉल खेळायला आवडतो. We like to play soccer. We like to play football. Mary lubi czytać powieści. Mary enjoys reading novels. Mary likes to read stories. תום הבטיח לעשות כל מה שביכולתו כדי להבטיח שדבר כזה לא יקרה שוב. Tom promised to do everything within his power to ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. You promised to do everything you could to make sure that such a thing wouldn't happen again. wa' boq cha'; chen wej. One plus two equals three. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Suksesi jot është rezultat i punës tënde të vështirë. Your success is the result of your hard work. Your success is the result of your hard work. Mfise mukuruwanje. I have a big brother. I have my brother. 絶対必要でない限りタクシーを使わない。 Unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't use taxis. Don't use taxis unless you're absolutely necessary. Почему бы тебе не дать её им? Why don't you give it to them? Why don't you give it to them? Mi piace di più in assoluto l'autunno. I like autumn best. I'd like to know more about the autumn. È stato subitaneo. That was abrupt. It was sudden. Sie müssen mir die Wahrheit sagen. You need to tell me the truth. They have to tell me the truth. Indien het morgen regent, dan ga ik niet. If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going. If it's raining tomorrow, I'm not going. Staré vlaky mají své kouzlo. Old trains have their charm. The old trains have their shoes. काय चाललंय नेमकं? What is going on? What is the purpose of life? 你不能來真是太糟糕了。 It's too bad that you couldn't come. You can't come too bad. Tom çok iyi hazırlanmış. Tom is very well prepared. Tom's well prepared. Eza vana, vındı. Stop, I say. Come on, old man, he's drunk. 今日は授業がありませんでした。 We didn't have classes today. I didn't have any education today. Nakakarawat hi akó hin kinodigo nga mensahe tikang kan Tom kanina han aga. I received a coded message from Tom this morning. I received an urgent message from Tom that morning. Tom se metió en el coche. Tom got into the car. Tom was in the car. 給料は君の能力次第だ。 You will be paid according to your ability. The money's yours. Millie có một con mèo. Millie has a cat. Millie has a dog. Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than he. She's three years younger than he is. 彼は人前で話をすることに慣れている。 He is used to speaking in public. He's used to talking in front of people. Bular çynmy? Are these real? Are you kidding me? Oletko miettinyt sitä? Have you thought of that? Have you thought about it? Hennes frågor visar att hon är väl insatt i ämnet. Her questions show that she understands the subject very well. Her questions show that she is well placed in the subject. Том есць больш марозіва за мяне. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more marijuana than I do. Eg var i fjella. I was up in the mountains. I was in hell. 他害怕父親。 He's afraid of his father. He was afraid of his father. Þú þekkir mig vel. You know me well. You know me well. Gwraig tŷ dw i. I am a housewife. Remove the ten of clubs. Θέλετε να μάθετε Γαλλικά; Do you want to learn French? You want to learn French? Na cestě bylo bláto, a k tomu ještě začalo pršet. The road was quite muddy, and, what is worse, it began to rain. It was white on the way, and it started to rain. La acua es clar. Water is transparent. The water is clear. У гэтым сказе ёсць некалькі сурʼёзных памылак. The sentence contains some serious mistakes. There are several serious mistakes in this regard. Κάναμε μία σοβαρή συζήτηση σχετικά με αυτό. We had a serious conversation about that. We have had a serious discussion on this. Va al supermercato una volta alla settimana. She goes to the supermarket once a week. He goes to the supermarket once a week. Sa kime razgovaraju? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Kāda mūzika tev patīk labāk, rokmūzika vai klasiskā mūzika? Which do you like better, rock music or classical music? What music do you like better, romantic or classical music? אולם ההרצאות של הסטודנטים הוא לתועלת הסטודנטים. The student hall is for benefit of the students. But the students' wishes are for the students. Ал бул шаарга кайтып келет. He is returning to this town. He is returning to this city. Možná to udělal Tom. Maybe Tom did that. Maybe he did it to Tom. Mi ne volis, ke li ĝenu min. I didn't want him to bother me. I didn't want him to hurt me. Tarkoittaako nimi Herbert McAdams sinulle mitään? Does the name Herbert McAdams mean anything to you? Does the name Herbert McAdams mean anything to you? 这研究会怎么样? How was the seminar? How does this study work? Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-terniḍ? How many pounds have you gained? How many Japanese have you said? 唔好自己一個行返屋企。 Don't walk home alone. Don't take a walk back to your house. 沖縄の最低賃金は642円です。 The minimum wage in Okinawa is 642 yen per hour. It's 642 pounds. Costaba trabajo mantener la conversación. It was difficult to keep up the conversation. It was hard to keep the conversation going. Μέτρα τα ρέστα σου. Count your change. I'm measuring your cuts. Vu save it plu bon. You know better. You know it better. La conta a l'é familjar për noi. The tale is familiar to us. He's got a family for us. Askerler Noel için evde olabileceklerini düşündüler. The soldiers thought that they might be home for Christmas. The soldiers thought they could be home for Noel. Pokazywałeś to zdjęcie Tomowi? Have you shown this picture to Tom? Did you show Tom this picture? Има ли грешки в това упражнение? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? گشدن با او مفرح است. It's fun to hang out with him. It is a pleasure to open unto him. Mark geiht op allens dal, wat sik röögt. Mark hits on everything that moves. Mark's going down all the way down. Ona söyleyecek bir şeyim var. I have something to tell her. I have something to tell her. Jsem pořád tady. I'm still right here. I'm still here. আমি জাপানি ভাষায় কথা বলি না। I do not talk in Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Mi ĵus ekstaris. I just got up. I just got out. എന്റെ വയറ് നിറഞ്ഞു. My stomach is full. My hair's full. Ur neẓra ara. We have no idea. We don't know. Tokanga. Be careful. We did. Kita hidup dalam damai. We live in peace. We live in peace. ئاقسۇدىكى ئوغلۇم ناھايىتى باتۇر! The son I have in Aksu is very brave! And blessed is my son. Ќе се грижам за Том. I'll look after Tom. I'll take care of Tom. Ödsla inte din tid. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. Том недотепа. Tom is dumb. Tom's sick. Ella está lejos, pero todavía la quiero. She is far away, but I still love her. She's far away, but I still want her. Tomo estas homo havanta multajn talentojn. Tom is a man with many talents. Tomo is a man with many talents. Suntne tibi elephantes Africani? Do you have African elephants? Are you African elephants? Sono a scuola adesso. I'm at school now. I'm at school now. टॉम गेल्या ऑक्टोबरमध्ये बॉस्टनला परतला. Tom came back to Boston last October. In October of that year, Tom returned to Boston. Isto es multo dulce. This is very sweet. This is very sweet. Ngam tharai re ba u Tom un bieij haduh katta katta ba un leh kumto. I don't think that Tom would be stupid enough to do something like that. It was hard for Tom to think that it would take a lot of time for him to do so. 他冷酷的性格使朋友們一個一個地疏遠了他。 His coolness has alienated his friends. He's a cold personality that keeps friends away from him. Strigoj estas ĉarmaj. Owls are cute. It's hot. It's hot. La nouvelle maison n'était pas à la hauteur de mes attentes. The new house didn't live up to expectations. The new house wasn't at the height of my expectations. एमेटला ती बाई आवडत नाही. Emet doesn't like that woman. She doesn't like her daughter. Chúng tôi rất tiếc về việc đã xảy ra. We're sorry about it. We're sorry about what happened. על לא דבר. Don't mention it. It's okay. त्यांचे वडील टॅक्सी चालक आहेत. Their father is a taxi driver. His parents are taxi drivers. Saya akan menghubungi kembali dalam 20 menit. I'll call back in twenty minutes. I'll call you back in 20 minutes. Devemos começar imediatamente. We must start immediately. We have to start right away. Paljon on tapahtunut sen jälkeen. A great deal has happened since that time. A lot happened after that. Ти колись її цілував? Did you ever kiss her? Did you ever target her? 告诉我们你的想法。 Tell us your thoughts. Tell us what you think. この川で泳ぐのはとても危険だ。 This river is very dangerous to swim in. It's very dangerous to swim in this river. Ранените се възстановяват. The wounded are getting better. The wounded are coming back. Żółwie nié mają zãbòw. Turtles don't have teeth. There are no shadowers. Ken a plus de livres que toi. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you. Siwlet-aɣ-d mi ara tawḍem. Give us a call when you arrive. Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Είμαι ντροπαλή. I'm shy. I'm shy. ۋاقتىدا كەلمەسلىك ناھايىتى يامان. Not coming on time is very bad. It's a bad time not to come. Pokušao si. You tried. You tried. ¿No deberías atender? Shouldn't you be listening? Shouldn't you listen? この本は普通の読者向けだ。 This book is suitable for general readers. This book is from a common reader. Prosto k'o pasulj. It's a piece of cake. It's just a move. Pub seythen yth a dhe byskessa. Every week he goes fishing. Everyone has seven languages and a box. In lyceo teniludio ludebam. I used to play tennis in high school. And I played lyceo television. 太陽がなければ何も生きられないだろう。 If it were not for the sun, nothing could live. If the sun doesn't exist, nothing will survive. Ek wonder wat het van Tom geword. I wonder what became of Tom. I wonder what happened to Tom. 他错过了7点30分的车。 He was late for the 7:30 bus. He missed the car at 7:30. 読む本がありますか。 Do you have any books to read? Do you have any books to read? Liberos in silva reliquerunt. They abandoned their children in the forest. Freers left in the forest. Tom bunun bir kaza olduğunu düşündü. Tom thought it was an accident. Tom thought it was an accident. El teléfono sonó repetidamente. The telephone rang repeatedly. The phone sounded repeatedly. Binob stenüdikün. I'm the strongest. You're a binob. Schiet op, meiden, jullie komen nog te laat. Hurry up, girls, you're going to be late. Watch out, girls, you're gonna be late. Том разбира каквото ти не разбираш. Tom understands what you don't. Tom knows what you don't understand. Lass nos far it. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ur d-keččem ara ɣer texxamt-iw mebla asṭebṭeb. Don't come in my room without knocking. You will not come into my house with tears, neither will you enter into my Father's house. Estoy pelando el apio y las patatas. I am peeling the celery and the potatoes. I'm pinging the apple and the potatoes. 彼らに結婚式の日取りを聞きたい。 I want to ask them when their big day is. I want them to hear about the wedding day. Chtěl jsem pouze hamburger. I only wanted a hamburger. I just wanted a hamburger. Pelkkä ajatuskin siitä puistattaa minua. It makes me shiver just to think of it. I'm afraid that's what it's gonna do to me. คุณอายุเท่าไหร่? How old are you? How old are you? Fadil cũng chăm sóc bà của anh ấy. Fadil also took care of his grandmother. Fadil took care of his sister, too. V těchto dvou lahvičkách jsou rozdílná množství léků. There are different amounts of medicine in these two bottles. There are a variety of medicines in these two vials. Я уже читал эту книгу. I have read this book before. I've already read this book. Nahinumdum ako sa imong gisulti kagabii. I remember what you said last night. I remember what you said last night. Tidak ada resiko-resiko kesehatan. There are no health risks. There's no health risk. हा इलेक्ट्रिक शेव्हर विकत घेण्यापूर्वी चालवून बघायला हवा होता. I should have tested this electric shaver before buying it. The electric wire had to be run before it was sold. Ställ dig inte upp. Don't stand up. Don't get up. Останься со мной, пап! Я боюсь темноты. Stay with me, dad! I'm afraid of the dark. Stay with me, Dad, I'm afraid of darkness. ماڭا دەيدىغان بىرەر گېپىڭىز بارمىدى؟ Do you have something that you want to say to me? Have you got any idea what you're saying to me? Nettu-t. You're forgetting him. Nettu. Tu non debe facer lo que tu non vole facer. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You don't have to do what you don't want to do. سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sammy does this. 没有错误。 There were no mistakes. No mistake. Kéž bych byl více oblíbený. I just wish I were more popular. I wish I'd been more in love. Sunt student. I'm a university student. I'm a student. Pojďme tady bydlet. Let's live here. Let's go live here. 'Nim þinne ancennedan sunu Isaac, þe þu lufast, and far to þam lande Visionis hraðe, and geoffra hine þær uppan anre dune.' 'Take your only begotten son Isaac, whom you love, quickly go to the land of vision, and sacrifice him there upon a mountain.' "Take your firstborn Isaac, which you promised him, and go in to them into the land of Judah quickly, and bring them up into a land flowing with milk and honey." Esque tu es polit? Are you polite? Are you beautiful? Você poderia parar com isso. You could stop this. You could stop with that. Plavo ti stoji. Blue suits you well. You're in blue. Ela não gosta de trabalhar. She doesn't like to work. She doesn't like to work. برای زندگی ات بدو! Run for your life! To him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. Stvarno sam radoznao. I'm really curious. I'm really glad to meet you. I har brug for hinanden. You guys need each other. You need each other. Je ne souhaite pas apporter de commentaire. I don't want to comment. I don't want to comment. ドアを閉めてくれませんか。 Would you mind closing the door? Can't close the door. Ez tényleg nagy szám. It's really a big deal. It's really a big number. Musisz być ponad takie podłe zagrania. You must be above such mean conduct. You've got to be more than that kind of thing. Il mio gatto ama il latte. My cat loves milk. My cat loves milk. আমি লাজুক। I'm shy. I'm Lajuk. Gerçekten güzel bir yerin var. You have a really nice place. There's a really nice place. Vil du være så venlig at lukke vinduet? Can you please close the window? Would you like to be so kind to close the window? Am un pachet pentru tine. I've got a package for you. I have a package for you. Saya pergi ke Bali saat libur musim panas. I went to Bali in the summer. I went to Bali during the summer vacation. שמע, ישראל. אדוני אלוהינו. אדוני אחד. Hear, O Israel. The Lord is our God. The Lord is One. Listen, Israel, our Lord, one Lord. Edo Tom dabil gezurretan edo Mary dabil gezurretan. Either Tom is lying or Mary is lying. Or Tom's lying or Mary's lying. वह अफ़वाह झूठी निकली। The rumor turned out false. He lied to Eve. Син бу хатаны белә торып эшләгәнсең, әйеме? You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you? Have you ever made that mistake? Nauczyciel zaczął często opuszczać zajęcia. The teacher started missing school a lot. The teacher often began to take an interest. Šta bi Tom mislio? What would Tom think? What would Tom think? Алис може би ще дойде. Alice may possibly come. Alice might be coming. Tu esas tre karezinda kato. You are a very cuddly cat. You're a very expensive cat. Ntaco ndabiziko. I know nothing about it. I don’t know. 沒有人在家。 There wasn't anybody in the house. No one at home. Ar fi bine să nu înoți dacă tocmai ai mâncat. You'd better not swim if you've just eaten. You'd better not know if you just ate. Jeg kommer for sent. I will be late. I'm late. Piedod, es tevi mīlu. I'm sorry, I love you. Besides, I love you. Како е жена ти? How is your wife doing? How's your wife? Ass igerrez, neɣ ala? Ayɣeṛ ur nţeffeɣ ara ar umerreḥ? A nice day, isn't it? Why not go out for a walk? When did we leave it, or take it, and cast it out? Why do we not go out until it is finished? Tom hat es für mich getan. Tom did it for me. Tom did it for me. Tom vond wat Mary zei niet leuk. Tom didn't like what Mary said. Tom didn't like what Mary said. Είμαι άγαμος. I'm unmarried. I'm hungry. นั่นเป็นของฉัน That is mine. That's mine. あの人たちに私の感謝の気持ちを表したかった。 I wanted to show them my appreciation. I wanted to express my gratitude to them. Yw res dhymm mos genowgh? Must I go with you? What do you want to do? Ye7éne re nts'e7sqéxe7. This is a horse. It's seven times seven. Sé serio. Be serious. I'm serious. moQ HInob! Give me the ball! and Q Hinob! Daktarai padarė viską ką galėjo tam kad jį išgydytų. Doctors did everything they could to cure him. Doctors did everything they could to get rid of him. Dovolte, abych vám vzal ten kufr. Let me carry your suitcase for you. Let me get you this bitch. Kas yw genev ow theylu. I hate my family. Send him back to your family. Je suis désolé, mon père n'est pas là. I'm sorry, my father's not here. I'm sorry, my father's not here. พวกเขาเปิดประตู They open the door. They opened the door. Teorilerinden herhangi birine ilgi duymuyorum. I'm not interested in any of your theories. I don't care about any of their theories. Ni borde komma och hälsa på oss! You should come visit us! You should come and say hello to us! Хто виграв? Who won? Who won? في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. Finally, in prison. Tôi sống ở nước ngoài được 10 năm. I've lived abroad for ten years. I've lived abroad for 10 years. Sos un buen amigo. You're a good friend. You're a good friend. הוא מנצל היטב את הפסיונים שהוא צד. לכל חלק של העוף יש לו ייעוד. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird. He's sorry he's on his side. Ponamque buccellam panis, et confortate cor vestrum, postea transibitis; idcirco enim declinastis ad servum vestrum. And I will set a morsel of bread, and strengthen ye your heart, afterwards you shall pass on: for therefore are you come aside to your servant. And I will give you a cup of bread, and ye shall strengthen your heart; and afterward ye shall pass over: for therefore have ye turned unto your servant. আমি বুঝতে পারলাম না। I did not understand. I didn't understand. Olen tosi kiinnostunut musiikista. I'm very interested in music. I'm really interested in music. Is aoibheann liom do bhlas Gearmánach. I love your German accent. I look forward to your German blouse. Ka vi volas oranjo? Do you want an orange? Do you want an orange? Го видов сунѓерот во мијалникот. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the sunflower in the mill. Narahat olma. Mən Tomla danışaram. Don't worry. I'll talk to Tom. Don't worry, I'll talk to Tom. Tom n'a pardonné à personne. Tom hasn't forgiven anybody. Tom didn't forgive anyone. Sèm demorats a casa pr'amor que plavèva. We stayed at home because it was raining. We're dead at home for the love he's running. منتظرت نگه داشتم؟ (نوعی معذرت خواهی از دوستان نزدیک) Have I kept you waiting? Haven't I waited for you? I am near to you from my friends. Sen paňkelleleri aldap bilersiň. You can deceive fools. You may be able to refute the arguments. Hun er omtrent like høy som deg. She's almost the same height as you. She's about the same height as you. 深吸一口氣然後屏住氣。 Take a breath and hold it. Take a deep breath and then hold your breath. 強盗達が木陰から出てきて彼に襲い掛かった。 The robbers came out from behind the trees and attacked him. The robbers came out of the woods and attacked him. Наистина го оценявам. I really do appreciate it. I really appreciate it. Ако ви трябва помощ, не се притеснявайте да ме потърсите. If you need help, feel free to call me. If you need help, don't worry about looking for me. टॉमने मेरीला त्याचं खरं नाव सांगितलं नाही. Tom didn't tell Mary his real name. Tom didn’t tell me his real name. Jeigu tu esi čia, reiškia tau rūpi. If you are here, it means you care. If you're here, it means you care. Мені не подобається теніс. I don't enjoy tennis. I don't like tennis. Celá země o tom mluví. The whole country is talking about it. The whole country is talking about it. 聖霊が現れた。 Spirit manifested itself. Holy spirit appeared. Grazas por vir. You are kind to come. Thank you for coming. إنه يشبه أباه كثيراً. He closely resembles his father. He looks very much like his father. Me ia jua un max de tenis contra el. I had a tennis match with him. I've got a tennis max against him. קשה לי במתמטיקה. Mathematics is difficult for me. I'm hard on mathematics. Uskon että minun on aika keskustella asiasta hänen kanssaan. I think it's time for me to discuss the matter with him. I think it's time for me to discuss the matter with him. Saya sedang sibuk dan tidak bisa pergi. I am busy now and can't go out. I'm busy and I can't go. Чии се овие? Whose are these? Who are these? Τα μάγουλα του Τομ κοκκίνισαν. Tom's cheeks turned red. Tom's boobs broke. Az eső még hevesebb lett. The rain fell even harder. The rain's getting smaller. Со задоволство би помогнал. I'd be happy to help. I'd be happy to help. Mary er nysgerrig, er hun ikke? Mary is nosy, isn't she? Mary's curious, isn't she? Cena'pe jom thana? What are you eating? What are you doing here? Ota minuun yhteyttä kirjeitse. Please contact me by letter. Please contact me in the letter. Je n'ai vraiment pas de temps pour ça. I really don't have time for this. I really don't have time for this. Yma'n dyskador nowyth yn stevel an klass. The new teacher is in the classroom. Here's the new speaker in the class. Han gik for vidt. He went too far. He went too far. Dat is miene Süster. This is my sister. That's my sister. Том сакаше да останам. Tom wants me to stay. Tom wanted me to stay. Tom tog en forfærdelig beslutning. Tom made a terrible decision. Tom made a terrible decision. तळघरात काय शोधत होता? What were you looking for in the basement? What were they looking for in the camp? Hän on takaisin kymmenessä minuutissa. He will be back in ten minutes. He's back in ten minutes. Kian ĉambron vi volas? What kind of room do you want? Which room do you want? Η νοσοκόμα θα μου κάνει ένεση. The nurse will give me an injection. The hospital will give me an injection. A rapaza ten moita fame. The girl is really hungry. The girl's got a lot of fame. Han skrev en bog i Kina. He wrote a book in China. He wrote a book in China. Jamal olmadan yaşamak düşünülemez. Living without Jamal is unthinkable. It can't be meant to live without forever. وہ کہ رہے ہے کہ اس کی پیدائش جرمنی میں ہوئی۔ They say that he was born in Germany. He says his birth was in Germany. 我很高兴你回来了。 I'm glad you came over. I'm glad you're back. Tas nav daudz priekš pārsteiguma, vai ne? It's not much of a surprise, is it? It's not much before the surprise, is it? Paul dün gece bir kısa hikaye okuyordu. Paul was reading a short story last night. Paul was reading a little story last night. И ти какво си помисли? So what did you think? What do you think? Bunun uygun olduğunu düşünüyorum. I think it's appropriate. I think that's right. Io sapevo che avevo ragione. I knew I was right. I knew I was right. Die 1960er waren Jahre des Protests und der Reform. The 1960s were years of protest and reform. The 1960s were years of protest and reform. Meṛṛa-nwen kunwi d at miḥyaf. You're all racists. You are puffed up, and didn't rather mourn, that he who had done this deed might be removed from among you. 泳ぎに行きませんか。 How about going swimming? Don't go to bed. Tio ne povas esti, kio ĝi ŝajnas. This can't be what it looks like. It can't be what it looks like. Givon obe säki et egelo. People ask me that question all the time. I'll give you both to be happy. ”Kiitti.” ”Ei mitään.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” “Nothing.” Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! Ty věci se mi hnusí. Those things disgust me. I hate those things. Há uma bela vista da nossa sacada. There is a fine view from our balcony. There's a beautiful view of our bag. इथे ये! Come here! Here you go! আপনি কি চিন্তিত? Are you worried? Do You Have “a Heart to Know ” Jehovah? Et år har tolv måneder. A year has twelve months. One year has twelve months. Kitablarınızı açın. Open your books. Open your books. Έκανα τα στραβά μάτια. I chose to look the other way. I've been staring at you. Neljännessä kerroksessakin on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There's a WC on the fourth floor. Tom versucht, das Sorgerecht für die Kinder seiner Schwester zu erlangen. Tom is trying to get custody of his sister's children. Tom is trying to get the care of his sister's children. Tom hat mir das Leben gerettet. Tom saved my life. Tom saved my life. तिने मला गोळी मारली. She shot me. She took me to the hospital, where I was put to death. Dela ut korten, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Deal the cards, Tom. Я собирался выходить, когда зазвонил телефон. I was about to leave when the phone rang. I was going out when I called. Viděla jsem, jak Tom hraje tenis. I saw Tom play tennis. I saw Tom playing tennis. Би Әрәсәһәс ирв. I am from Russia. I am a man with feelings like those of a man who is one who is one of God’s friend. Bill wohnt in der Nähe des Meeres. Bill lives near the sea. Bill lives near the sea. Tôi không thế nào giải nghĩa cho bạn được. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain to you. Ur bɣiɣ ara ad zedɣeɣ yid-m. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to be with you. Cześć, jak się nazywasz? Hello, what is your name? Hi, what's your name? Bonvolu klarigi al mi la regulon. Please explain the rule to me. Please explain the rule to me. Miriam waştê Thomasa bê zevıcyo. Miriam wanted to marry Thomas. Miriam was fond of Thomas. واصلت رسائل التّعاطف في الوصول بأعداد كبيرة. Letters of sympathy kept flooding in. A large number of communications have continued to be reached. Vilobs setis lölöfik. We want complete sentences. Willobs set up a spaceship. Ad ruḥeɣ ad ffɣeɣ ad d-awiɣ ayen ara nečč. I'm going to go out and get us something to eat. I will therefore chastise him and release him." サーバで何が起こってるのですか。 Is something going on with your server? What's going on on on the server? 汤姆应该有很多时间。 Tom should have plenty of time. Tom should have a lot of time. Сербская — яе родная мова. She is a native speaker of Serbian. Serbia is her native language. Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. Probably it will snow tomorrow. It'll probably be snow tomorrow. Wszyscy śmiali się z chłopca. Everybody laughed at the boy. Everybody laughed at the boy. כמה זמן יש לנו להשלים את המיזם הזה? How long do we have to finish this project? How long do we have to do this? A faluban. In the village. I'm sorry. Hanno detto che sono stanchi. They said they're tired. They said they were stupid. Chiami il noveunouno! Call 911! Call the New Yorker! Mam to w dupie. I don't give a fuck. I got it in my ass. Ska vi gå hem? Are we going home? Shall we go home? हे बाथरूम आहे. This is the bathroom. This is Batrum. Lo Tòm es tan gran com son pair. Tom is as tall as his father. Tom is as big as his father. Ул машинада йоклады. She slept in the car. He was in the car. Thomas optimus vicinus erat. Tom was a great neighbor. Thomas was the best neighbor. जब वह नहीं कर सकते जो करना चाह्ते हो, तो वह करो जो कर सकते हो। When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. When he can't do what you want, do what you can. Volim ga, ali je dosta često preosjetljiv. I like him but he cries into his beer way too often. I love him, but he's often too sensitive. Не думаю, що Тома не буде. I don't think that Tom will be absent. I don't think Tom will. Warum habe ich nicht so einen Freund? Why don't I have a friend like that? Why don't I have such a friend? متهم مشخص می شود قبل از آنکه دادگاه تشکیل شود. The accused is to appear before the court on Friday. A false witness shall rise up before God, before he is divided. Jeg har ventet en måned. I've waited for a month. I've been waiting for a month. Am avut dificultăți în interpretarea întrebării. I had difficulties interpreting the question. I had difficulty interpreting the question. Tom chiese a Mary dove fosse John. Tom asked Mary where John was. Tom asked Mary where John was. Tuɣeḍ-tent deg allaɣ-ik? Do you have a mental problem? Have you heard what these are saying? Prosím, nedělej to. Please don't do this. Please don't do this. Он был так беден, что ему не на что было купить хлеба. He was so poor that he could not buy the bread. He was so poor that he didn't have to buy bread. Tempora mutantur. Times change. It's a good time. Als ich nach Hause kam, hatte ich großen Hunger. When I came home, I felt very hungry. When I came home, I had a big hunger. ទៅលេងកីឡាបេស្បល! Go play baseball! To Kilebebel! Nihil pretiosius amore. Nothing is more valuable than love. Nothing precious. Kenelle tuli pizza? Who's the pizza for? Who's the pizza? Ik kon niet anders dan verliefd op je worden. I couldn't help but fall in love with you. I couldn't be in love with you otherwise. Sami byl ožralý. Sami was just pissed. He was burned himself. Mənim ağ pişiyim var. I have a white cat. I've got my network bag. Melanie ësst gär Pizza. Melanie likes eating pizza. Melanie is either Pizza. Jeg kan ikke koble meg til internett. I can't connect to the Internet. I can't connect to the Internet. मालिक मैं हूँ। I'm the owner. I'm the owner. Kuka syyttää sinua? Who's accusing you? Who's gonna blame you? Певец внезапно переходит на фальцет. The singer suddenly switches into falsetto. The singer suddenly moves into the falsifier. 無料なのですか。 Is it free? It's free. Ils sont en train de vous chercher. They're looking for you. They're looking for you. Ја погледнав. I looked at her. I looked at her. אינני מטיח את ראשיהן בקיר. I don't knock their heads against the wall. I don't shake their head in the wall. Je ne savais pas que tu étais médecin. I didn't know you were a doctor. I didn't know you were a doctor. roda poi ke'a tcidu dei cu kakne lo za'i tcidu All that read this can read. And he cried out with a loud voice, and with a loud voice he gave up that which was in his mouth. Res yw dhywgh gweres agas mamm. You must help your mother. You must provide a parent. lo pendo lo tarci cu simsa lo ka roroi viska najeku'i zasti Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Fishing wire makes bad dental floss En ole perfektionisti. I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not perfect. Není místa na Zemi, kde bych byl raději. There's nowhere on earth I'd rather be. There's no place on Earth where I'd rather be. Дæ куыст дзæвгар фæхуыздæр. Your work has greatly improved. I'm working as a fireman. Posso entrare? May I come in? Can I come in? 彼は再び母に会えない運命だった。 He was never to see his mother again. He was lucky he couldn't see his mother again. Udělám pro vás cokoliv. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. 汤姆刚改建了他的厨房。 Tom has just remodeled his kitchen. Tom just changed his kitchen. 我々は飛行機でニューヨークへ行った。 We went to New York by plane. We went to New York on a plane. Лемонадата е ладна. The lemonade is cold. The lemonade is cold. 车票多少钱? How much is the ticket? How much is a car ticket? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде соромно. Tom said he thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom said that, in his opinion, Mary would be ashamed. Естхер ес ун традуор. Esther is a translator. Esther's not a traitor. D imaynuten kunwi? Are you new? What's going on with you? Quelles sont les alternatives? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Vi suggerisco di studiare francese. I suggest you study French. I suggest you study French. Får jag fråga vem? Can I ask who? Can I ask who? Me esabos trifoye en Usa se me iras ibe itere. I will have been to the States three times if I go there again. I'll throw up three times in Usa if I go anywhere. Ndazi izina ryiwe gusa. I only know him by name. I only know his name. Ez a tiéd. It's for you. This is yours. Това не е наш проблем. That's not our problem. That's not our problem. Том беше арестуван за шофиране в нетрезво състояние. Tom was arrested for driving while drunk. Tom was arrested for being in a state of emergency. Πετάξτε τον έξω. Throw him out. Get him out. La almozulo alparolis min petante monon. The beggar accosted me for money. The mayor spoke to me asking for money. אני ממש לא מעוניינת להבין מה קורה בתוך הראש שלך. I have no desire to understand what goes on in your head. I really don't want to know what's going on inside your head. Laipni lūdzam Tatoebā, tekila, sekss un marihuāna. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. I prayed to Jehovah, asking him to help me to cope and to reach my goal of having more time for spiritual activities. Fece un cenno. He waved. He made a cent. そこの車、停まりなさい! You! In that car over there! Stop! Stop that car! ଲାୟଲାର ଶାର୍ଟଟି ରକ୍ତରେ ଭିଜି ଯାଇଥିଲା _ Layla's shirt was covered in blood. Laillar's chart was seen in song. ¡Meca! Wow! Meca! Seni gördüğümü asla unutmayacağım. I'll never forget seeing you. I'll never forget what I saw you. Hien huet e Schnauz. He has a mustache. He's got a knife. Mi taksas, ke ni bezonos du tagojn por fini la laboron. I estimate that we'll need two days to finish the work. I appreciate that we need two days to finish the job. Annak ellenére hazudtam neki, hogy nem akartam. I told a lie against my will. Still, I lied to him that I didn't want to. Mpora mesura isutiye yanje n'amaboko. I always hand wash my bras. Take my finger and my hand. Este peixe é delicioso. This fish is delicious. This fish is delicious. Lu semblar bon a sciential home, ma me preferar consultar vu in practical coses. It seems good to a scientific person, but I prefer to consult you in practical matters. It looks good to scientific man, but I prefer to consult you in practical things. Qualim on dikte tu in italum? How do you say that in Italian? What are you doing in the bathroom? Este kavayo no es blanko. This horse isn't white. This coffee is not white. Том кимна. Tom nodded. Tom Kimna. Конечно се среќаваме, Том. We meet at last, Tom. We'll finally meet you, Tom. Tom nemá hlad. Tom isn't hungry. Tom's not hungry. Selv nå, mange år etter den kalde krigen, er der fortsatt mye bitterhet mellom tyskere og russere, spesielt i områder som ble okkupert av Sovietunionen. Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much bitterness between Germans and Russians, especially in areas which were occupied by the Soviet Union. Even now, many years after the so-called war, there is still much tension between Germans and Russians, especially in areas occupied by the Soviet Union. Je rasistické povedať to. It's a racist thing to say. It's racist. 彼は都会の生活にあこがれた。 He'd love to live in the city. He's been here for the rest of his life. vIt neHbe' tam. Tom doesn't want to tell the truth. Get away from Hbe there. ვეთანხმებით. We agree. We agree. A holnapi indulásunk, az időjárástól függ. Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather. Our departure tomorrow depends on the timing. Teggummaḍ ad txellṣeḍ. You refused to pay. lest coming suddenly he might find you sleeping. Quem librum emistis? Which book did you buy? What book did you send? Ik probeer dat probleem op te lossen. I'm trying to work out this problem. I'm trying to solve that problem. Lamento llegar tarde. I'm sorry about being late. I'm sorry to be late. e'o ko dunda lo selpinxe mi Please give me a drink. From Whence That Stupid Fish Came Godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt. Starting is half the task. Well, he started half full. Psittaci rubri mihi valde placent. I love red parrots. Psychiatrics are very nice to me. 所有迹象表明她好起来了。 All the signs are that she is getting better. All the signs showed that she was well. Sen Tom bilen ýaryşyp bilmersiň. You can't compete with Tom. You cannot make peace with Tom. Li diris, ke li komprenas la francan lingvon. He said that he understood French. He said he understood French. Hoc glossarium est tam utile quam tuum. This dictionary is as useful as yours. This is as useful as yours. Emme peräänny koskaan. We'll never back down. We've never been back. Тя го наричаше как ли не. She called him bad names. She called it as if it wasn't. Thomas vertiginosus erat. Tom was dizzy. Thomas was worth it. Euthyk o an gewer. The weather was terrible. You're welcome. 你需要個假期。 You need a vacation. You need a vacation. Hun elsket ham fremdeles. She still loved him. She still loved him. चर्चचा पाद्री टॉम जॅक्सन आहे. The pastor of the church is Tom Jackson. The church’s last name is Tom Jackson. Li tempe es mal. The weather is bad. It's bad time. אין זייער רייד נאך נאכטמאל, זיי האבן גערעדט וועגן פאליטיק. In their discourse after dinner, they talked about politics. In their row again, they talked about politics. Beati pacifici, quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called God's children. Blessed are the peaceable, for they shall be called children of God. Je ne peux qu'attendre. I can but wait. I can't wait. mi senpi lo du'u la .tam. cu gleki lo ri cnino jibri I doubt that Tom is happy with his new job. I don't know what you're talking about. Nemohl bys mi přinést deku? Could you bring me a blanket? Can't you bring me a blanket? A yllowgh ow gweres? Can you help me? Do you want to continue? Das ist Toms Terminkalender. This is Tom's appointment book. That's Tom's term calendar. Hány? How much? How much? Mi estis forte impresita de la diskurso. I was greatly impressed by the speech. I was very impressed with the speech. Как новая работа? How's the new job? How's the new job? میدونم میگی نه. I know you're going to say no. I don't think so. ¡Traé pizza y cerveza! Bring pizza and beer! I brought pizza and beer! Tom en Maria hebben veel gemeen. Tom and Mary have a lot in common. Tom and Maria have a lot to do with it. ko mi na catlu tai ku Please don't look at me like that. or, ‘ What are we to drink? ’ or, ‘ What are we to put on? ’ 我漏低咗啲嘢喺間房度。 I left something in the room. I'm down in the middle of the room. Le fratre de ille es un famose jocator al football. His brother is a famous soccer player. He's his brother's a famous football player. 小明的自控能力很差。 Xiaoming has really poor self-control. The lack of self-control is bad. È nel garage, vero? He's in the garage, isn't he? It's in the garage, right? Мораме да му се јавиме на Том. We have to call Tom. We need to call Tom. Hun er en blond pige. She's a blonde girl. She's a blonde girl. Ko je Tom? Je li on tvoj novi dečko? Who's Tom? Is he your new boyfriend? Is he your new boyfriend? Де мені знайти Тома? Where can I find Tom? Where can I find Tom? Ο Τομ πήγε πολύ αργά για ύπνο. Tom went to bed very late. Tom went too late to sleep. ആ സ്വര്‍ണമോതിരം എന്റെ അമ്മയുടേതാണ്. That gold ring belonged to my mother. The gold coin is my mother's. Tahi, rua, toru, hā, rima, ono, hitu, va'u, iva, angahuru. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Well, two, three, see, hand, six, seven, go, go, go, go, go. Vi ses igen imorgon. See you again tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. Том обещал, что не будет плакать. Tom promised he wouldn't cry. Tom promised he wouldn't cry. Isso se vê todos os dias. You can see that every day. That's seen every day. Dírì pirmi masayón it paghubad. It's not always easy to translate. The first step is to start with the translation. तू दोषी नाहीयेस. You're not guilty. You are righteous, O God, because of the good condition of the heart. ” Tom nukkuu aina tunneilla. Vaikuttaa melkein siltä niin kuin hän menisi kouluun vain paikkaamaan univelkaansa. Tom is always sleeping in class. It almost seems as if he goes to school just to catch up on his sleep. Tom always sleeps with his senses, and it's almost as if he's going to school just to place his dream. Nie znam wszystkich. I don't know everybody. I don't know all of them. Ще те направя щастлив. I will make you happy. I'll make you happy. Bakı Azərbaycanın paytaxtıdır. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. The view is the part of the U.S. Navy. Tom je bio Džonov venčani kum. Tom was John's best man. Tom was John's wedding party. Aloittakaa välittömästi. Please begin immediately. Start immediately. Thomas rediturus esse dicitur. They say that Tom's going to come back. Thomas's going to be called. Waarom is kaliumpermanganaat paars? Why is potassium permanganate purple? Why are potassium permanganate pairs? Я хочу, чтобы он меня уважал. I want him to respect me. I want him to respect me. Впечатлена съм, Том. I'm impressed, Tom. I'm impressed, Tom. 僕の趣味は漫画を読む事です。 My hobby is reading comics. My fun is reading comics. Come si è fatta quella cicatrice? What's that scar from? How did that cicada do? Ut uxor tua valet? How is your wife? What about your wife? In villa sunt multa cubicula. There are many beds in the house. There's a lot of cubicle in the village. त्यो राम्रो छ । That is nice. Tao Ramiro. მწუხარე ხართ. You're sad. You're sad. Kom hit, Tom. Get over here, Tom. Come here, Tom. Ég man ekki eftir að hafa boðið þér. I don't remember inviting you. I don't remember having invited you. 湯姆不知道如何表達自己。 Tom was at a loss how to express himself. Tom doesn't know how to express himself. 我甚至沒考慮過。 I didn't even consider that. I didn't even think about it. Ці можна мне пагуляць з вамі? Can I play with you? Can I play with you? За тебе го направих. Харесва ли ти? I made it for you. Do you like it? I did it for you. Ла секретор ес ен реуни кон ла дирижор. The secretary is in a meeting with the director. The secretary just sneezed her to the manager. Искате ли кафе? Would you like some coffee? You want some coffee? Živa istina. It's so true. Life's true. Ла десиде ес фада жа. The decision's already been made. It's about once in a decade. Ik leer Iers langzaam. I'm learning Irish slowly. I teach Iers slowly. Güneye doğru uçan bir sürü kuş gördüm. I saw a lot of birds flying toward the south. I've seen a lot of birds flying to the sun. Ez egy történelmi színmű. It is an historical play. It's a historical color. O urgență poate apărea în orice moment. An emergency may occur at any time. An emergency can appear at any time. Том би се спротивстави. Tom would fight back. Tom would resist. ba'a oi ra fliba I'm afraid she will fail. Square root [s] Nevíš, proč tu Tom včera nebyl? Do you know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? You don't know why Tom wasn't here yesterday? Se hett em vergeven. She has forgiven him. You've forgiven me. Uzeću pirinač za svoj kolaž. I'm going to use rice for my collage. I'll take a drinker for my bike. Kan I lide sorte katte? Do you like black cats? Can you like black cats? Το καινούργιο φόρεμα μου είναι κόκκινο. My new dress is red. My new clothes are red. Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody went to my country. No one went to my country. Решението не беше мое. It wasn't my decision. The decision wasn't mine. Tom aún debe terminar de pintar la cerca. Tom still has to finish painting the fence. Tom still has to finish painting the search. Facere potes. You can do it. You can do it. その塔の高さは100メートル以上ある。 The height of the tower is above 100 meters. It's more than 100 meters high. Tom je ovog puta u pravu. Tom is right this time. Tom's right this time. Дојдов да му донесам подарок. I've come to bring him a gift. I came to bring him a present. Zainteresowałem się ostatnio szachami. I am interested in chess these days. I've been interested in chess lately. 彼女は献身的に病身の父親に仕えた。 She waited on her sick father hand and foot. She was dedicated to the father of the patient. 我祖父五年前去世了。 My grandfather died five years ago. My grandfather died five years ago. Lo temps que's hascó caud. The weather became warm. The time you've been lost. Ήρθε κανείς; Did anybody come? Is anyone here? Quare? Why? What? Mēs dzīvojam mierā. We live in peace. We live in peace. Tom ellerini Mary'nin ağzının üstüne koydu. Tom put his hands over Mary's mouth. Tom put his hand on Mary's mouth. Jeg har aldrig set en giraf. I've never seen a giraffe. I've never seen a giraffe. ¿Pedro todavía está durmiendo? Is Peter always sleeping? Is Pedro still asleep? Ce ticket est valable trois jours. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Ég hef gert mitt besta. I've done my best. I've done my best. Apapun yang terjadi, jangan panggil namaku. Whatever happens, don't say my name. Whatever happens, don't call me my name. Oto twój kawałek ciasta. Here is your share of the cake. Here's your piece of shit. Bedankt! Thank you! Thank you! Il y a quelque chose de pourri dans l'état du Danemark. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. There's something to do in the state of Denmark. Jeg har googlet dig og fundet ud af at du har været i fængsel. I googled you and found out you've spent time in prison. I've shot you and found out you've been in prison. Αγνοήστε τα. Ignore them. Know them. O Tom deixou cair a xícara de café. Tom dropped his coffee cup. Tom let the cup of coffee fall. Ben şüpheye düşüyorum. I'm having second thoughts. I'm in doubt. Mi ne donos pli da mono al vi. I'm not giving you any more money. I won't give you any more money. इतिहास की क्लास नौ बजे शुरू होती है। The history class starts at nine. The class of history begins nine games. Ĉu vi eble ŝatas eliri kun mi? Would you like to go out with me? Would you like to come out with me? ta misno merko ckufi'i That is a recognized American author. at the left end of the menu Woneem is de Toilett? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Estas grave, ke vi ekzercas vin ĉiutage. It's important that you practice every day. It's important that you take care of yourself every day. 孩子们洗了他们的脚。 The children washed their feet. The kids washed their feet. Denne medicin virkede. That medicine worked. This medicine worked. Neverovatno! Incredible! It's amazing! من هفته ای دو بار پیاده روی می کنم. I jog twice a week. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.' El este foarte romantic! He is very romantic! He's very romantic! Kham eh. Louder. Let's go. Tom og Mary købte en cykel til deres barnebarn til jul. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary bought a bicycle for their children for Christmas. Νομίζω ότι ο Τομ ακόμη το πιστεύει αυτό. I think Tom still believes that. I think Tom still believes that. Tom je velmi přísný učitel a děti ho nemají rádi. Tom is very strict teacher and children do not like him. Tom's a very good teacher, and the kids don't like him. Yella win i yettun ssiwan-is. Somebody left his umbrella behind. Yella win to the next sywan-is. Holub i pštros jsou oba ptáci; jeden umí létat a druhý ne. The pigeon and the ostrich are both birds; one can fly and the other cannot. Holubs and sheep are both birds; one can fly and the other not. پويىز ۋاقتىدا چىقتى. The train left on time. Then he went forth in the evening. Du kan regne med mig, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. माझी मुलं कुठे आहेत? Where are my children? Where are my children? Οὐ γεωργοί εἰσιν. They aren't farmers. We're farmers. Tom sien Vader is Schandarm. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is Chandarm. HuchwIj nIH nIHwI'. My money was stolen by a thief. I don't know. Nie miałem pojęcia dlaczego wyszedł tak nagle. I haven't got a clue as to why he quit so suddenly. I didn't know why he left so quickly. Malmultaj homoj estas liberaj de zorgoj. Few people are free from cares. A lot of people are free of worry. Udowodniłem, że to prawda. I proved it to be true. I proved it to be true. Jeg mistet en verdifull medalje. I lost a valuable medal. I lost a valuable medal. Quem sou eu para reclamar? Who am I to complain? Who am I to claim? Их так много. There are so many. They're so many. من توریستم. I'm a tourist. I'm on my way. Dovrebbe essere pronto al peggio. You should be ready for the worst. It should be ready for the worst. نباید همیشه انتظار داشته باشی که من فکر همه چیز را بکنم! You can't expect me to always think of everything! Don't wait for me always, that I may set my mind on all things. Je suis fourbu. I am exhausted. I'm hungry. А теперь меня слышно? Can you hear me now? Do you hear me now? Nemojte da blenete. Don't stare. Don't lie. Puedes ayudar. You can help. You can help. Yo have un cat e un cane. Li cat es nigri e li cane es blanc. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Ку пулӑ. That is a fish. That is what happened. Mine æbler er væk. My apples are gone. My furniture's gone. Ви не вмієте плавати, чи не так? You are not able to swim, are you? You can't swim, can you? 我覺得自己像是不請自來似的。 I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I feel like I don't want to look like that. Зашто се понашаш овако? Why are you acting this way? Why are you acting like this? jIror. I'm fat. Irror. Бъıти ли не бъıти, се же въпросъ. To be, or not to be, that is the question. If it wasn't, it was a question. 她終於到達了酒店。 She finally reached the hotel. She finally arrived at the hotel. Tom estava gritando com Maria. Tom was yelling at Mary. Tom was screaming with Maria. どうしてもこのたちの悪い風邪が抜けないのです。 I simply cannot get rid of this bad cold of mine. I don't know what they're going to do. Perché non sei venuta alla festa ieri? Why didn't you come to the party yesterday? Why didn't you come to the party yesterday? Japan er ikke like stort som Kanada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Ман бевазане ҳастам. I am a widow. I am a barren old woman. Ég hef ekkert að gefa. I've nothing to give. I have nothing to give. Това не може да се случи. That won't happen. This can't happen. هذه السكين أفادتني كثيرًا. This knife was very useful to me. This place told me a lot. Cine e de pază azi? Who's on duty today? Who's watching today? Où les avez-vous peintes ? Where did you paint them? Where'd you get them? Elua patro dedikis lua vivo a cienco. Her father dedicated his life to science. Ela's father has dedicated his life to science. 彼の妻は、彼が怒った時、彼の扱いを知っている。 His wife knows how to manage him when he gets angry. His wife knows how to treat him when he's angry. Du kan inte se. You can't see. You can't see. אשמח לעזור לך בכל זמן שהוא. I will be glad to help you anytime. I'd love to help you whenever he is. 我累死了。 I'm incredibly tired. I'm tired. Вы собираетесь работать до десяти часов? Are you going to work until 10:00? Are you going to work ten hours? ئالدى بىلەن ئۆزىڭىزنى قوغدىشىڭىز لازىم. First, you must protect yourself. You must first protect yourself. Didanto maammuan. They won't know. They did not know. Tem alguma coisa estranha? Is there anything strange? Do you have anything strange? Rumrejser ansås for at være umuligt. Space travel was thought to be impossible. Rooms are considered impossible. Disculpa, cómu te llamas? Excuse me. What's your name? Excuse me, what's your name? Tom podszedł pod dom. Tom walked up to the house. Tom went to the house. Ne deri se. Don't scream. It's not enough. Френският ми се подобри, след като се ожених за носителка на езика. My French got better after I got married to a native French speaker. My French got better after I got married as a language nurse. بىز پات_ پات شاھمات ئوينايمىز. We often play chess. We're playing five-six-six-square. Masz pełne prawo być zły. You have every right to be angry. You have the right to be bad. Fidatevi di Tom. Trust Tom. Trust Tom. Mi estas tiel aĝa kiel vi. I'm as old as you. I'm as old as you. Sono di pessimo umore oggi. I'm in a bad mood today. I'm really sick of dying today. Nezůstanu tady. I will not stay here. I'm not staying here. Em li daristanê ne. We're in the forest. I'm in the middle of nowhere. Том сказал, что ему тут нравится. Tom said he liked it here. Tom said he liked it here. Má astma. She has asthma. He's got asthma. Најскапата работа е земјата. The most expensive thing is land. The most expensive thing is the country. 还有谁用这个房间? Who else uses this room? Who else used this room? Mo hurgá? How is it going? What's going on? אחרי שכולם עזבו, הוא נשאר, בלי חברים. After everyone left, he remained, friendless. After everyone left, he stayed, without friends. Ce qui est haïssable pour toi, ne le fais pas à ton prochain ; c'est là toute la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Maintenant, va et étudie. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. What's funny for you, don't do it to your neighbor; that's all the Torah, the rest is just a comment. Now go and study. Η Αθήνα είναι στην Ελλάδα. Athens is in Greece. Athens is in Greece. Io visitara mi oncle deman. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll visit my uncle tomorrow. Среди ребят этого класса нет таких высоких, как Билл. No boy in the class is as tall as Bill. The kids in this class aren't as tall as Bill. 不動産業者には独立した仲買人がたくさんいる。 Real estate agencies have many independent brokers. Many self-employed buyers want to be independent. Có phải bạn muốn tôi để bạn một mình? Do you want me to leave you alone? Do you want me to leave you alone? Tḥemmleḍ ddabex n uḍaṛ? Do you like football? Do you love the sand of the sea? Zemdlałam. I passed out. I'm freezing. Pelo que você as está punindo? What are you punishing them for? Why are you punishing them? 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Rome wasn't built in a day. Ice cream three feet, not one day's cold. 他被強迫簽了約。 They made him sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign a contract. In mari insulae sunt. There are islands in the sea. They're in big islands. Можно поспать у тебя на диване? Can I sleep on your couch? Can I get you a drink? Tu mustas acensar la kolino. You must go up the hill. You have to step up the hill. Io vole visitar Corea del Sud. I want to visit South Korea. I want to visit South Korea. 仕方がないよ。 There is no choice. There's no way. Den smukke pige med det sorte hår var i parken. The beautiful girl with black hair was in the park. The beautiful girl with the black hair was in the park. Vous êtes très directes. You're very direct. You're very direct. Toma zajímalo, proč mu Mary nechce pomoct. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't help him. Tom was wondering why Mary didn't want to help him. אני לא במיוחד אוהבת כלבים. I don't really like dogs all that much. I don't especially like dogs. Ваша була краща. Yours was better. Yours was better. Io preferisco l'estate all'inverno. I like summer better than winter. I prefer summer in winter. תום נוהג באוטובוס ומרי מדריכת תיירים. Tom drives a bus and Mary is a tour guide. We're driving on a bus and Mary's on a parking lot. Я доглядаю за своїм дідом. I look after my grandfather. I'm looking after my grandfather. Том рече дека Мери е Канаѓанка. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Tom said Mary's a Canadian. Ez nem olyan rossz. This is not so bad. It's not that bad. پلیس تو را مجبور خواهد کرد تا گلوله ها را پیدا کنی. The police will get you to find the bullets. Your favor will compel you to find the sheep. Emily tiene sed. Emily is thirsty. Emily's got it. Ik weet niet of hij het weet. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. 你能潜水吗? Can you swim underwater? Can you get some water? 如果你想去,就去好了。如果你不想去,那也没什么大不了的。 If you want to go, then go. If you don't want to, then it's no big deal. If you want to go, it's okay. Va avea Tom voie să meargă în tabără cu ceilalți copii? Will Tom be allowed to go camping with the other children? Will Tom have to go to sleep with the other kids? Рунда продължи около пет минути. A bout lasts about five minutes. Runda's been down for about five minutes. paqwIj 'oH Dochvam'e'. This is my book. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. То конь? Is it a horse? That's the dog? Næsten alle studerende troede på rygtet. Almost all the students believed the rumor. Almost all the students believed in the back. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Thank you ever so much. Thank you very much! Сѐ уште не знам што треба да правиме. I don't yet know what we're supposed to do. I still don't know what to do. Tom kan godt lide at vise sig. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show himself. टॉम घरी फ्रेंच बोलत नाही. Tom doesn't speak French at home. Tom doesn’t speak French. הוא רובץ על הספה. He is lying on the sofa. He's on the couch. Tom'un Mary'in neden bunu yapmadığını Tom'un bildiğini sanmıyorum. I don't think Tom knows why Mary didn't do that. I don't think Tom knows why Mary didn't do this. 游泳選手們凍僵了。 The swimmers were numb with cold. Swimming players are in a hurry. He is in ’t Öller von 54 Johr doodbleven. He died at age 54. He died in his 54 - year - old age. De Schachtel is leddig. The box is empty. The switch is empty. Kie estas via favorata loko, kiam vi volas esti sola? Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Where is your favorite place when you want to be alone? Boleh pinjam ponselmu? May I use your phone? Can I borrow a phone? या खोलीत ऊन येतं. This room gets sunshine. This opens the door to many blessings now and to everlasting life in God’s new world. Том каже, ви все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Vi har bara tre alternativ. We only have three options. We only have three options. Presupun că Tom este de aproximativ aceeași vârstă cu tine. Tom is about the same age as you, I suppose. I guess Tom's about the same age with you. 支払にカードはつかえますか。 Can I use a credit card for payment? Do you have a card to pay? Partidaren bigarren zatia oso lehiagarria izan zen. The latter half of the game was very exciting. The second part of the party was very expensive. Je serai à tes côtés quoi qu'il arrive. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be next to you whatever happens. तुझं उत्तर चुकीचं आहे. Your answer is wrong. Your answer was wrong. El Tom pükom lusänapüki gudikumo ka nelijapüki. Tom speaks Russian better than English. I'm going to put El Tom on a birthday party with a four-year-old. Ты скоро приспособишься к деревенской жизни. You will soon be used to rural life. You'll soon adapt to a wooden life. Is dat mogelijk? Is that possible? Is that possible? As pervist d'anar a l'estrangèr ? Do you plan to go overseas? You're afraid to go abroad? Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev. He's not tall, but strong. He doesn't grow long, but he's strong. Kõik jäävad rahule. Everyone will be satisfied. Everyone's gonna be okay. S'ei portat guarant entà jo. He guaranteed my debt. I've taken care of myself. Veoma je strpljiva. She is extremely patient. She's very patient. Куандо нос ва арива? When do we arrive? What are the bones and the flesh? Какво е времето? How's the weather? What's the time? Du har stå karakter. You have a passing grade. You've got character. Me mustis vartar plu kam tri hori. I had to wait more than three hours. I had to wait longer than those three. Bedaŭrinde mi devas adiaŭi. I'm afraid I must say goodbye. I've got to go. Tom si koupil nové auto a v ten samý den ho zdemoloval. Tom bought a new car and he destroyed it on the same day. Tom bought a new car and dropped it the same day. הם נכנסו לגור כאן רק שלשום. They moved in just the other day. They just came in here and they didn't. Tout le monde s'amuse-t-il ? Is everybody having a good time? Did everyone show up? Том иа матури ен ун висинериа де класе медиа. Tom grew up in a middle class neighborhood. Tom's got some stuff in his Visinary at the media class. آیا این یک رؤیاست؟ Is this a dream? Is this one vision? Hän kuiskasi šahadan. He whispered the shahada. He kissed me. Xamuma. I don't know. That's right. Tella kra n yiwet i yeṭṭalayen Tom. Someone is watching Tom. Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding far away from them. Не беше сериозно. It wasn't serious. It wasn't serious. La prima es passada e l'estiu comença. Spring has passed and summer starts. The first is over and the summer begins. Mon père s'est opposé à ce que j'aille au concert. My father disapproved of my going to the concert. My father opposed what I was doing at the concert. Nepřekvapilo by mě, kdyby Tom nepřišel. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. It wouldn't surprise me if Tom didn't come. Ќе го најдат. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Том слушает радио за завтраком. Tom listens to the radio while eating breakfast. Tom's listening to the radio for tomorrow. Tre av de sårede som det er foreløpig uklart hvilken tilstand er i, er evakuert til et amerikansk felthospital. Three of the wounded, whose condition is unclear, have been evacuated to an American field hospital. Three of the injured who are temporarily unaware of the condition in which they are in are evacuated to an American field hospital. Seit der Einführung von vollautomatischen Melksystemen ist das Leben einiger milchproduzierender Landwirte um vieles leichter geworden. The life of some dairy farmers has gotten a lot easier since the introduction of robots to milk the cows. Since the introduction of complete-automatic milk systems, the life of some milk-producing farmers has become much easier. أنا نضج كفايةً لأتّخذ قراراتي الخاصّة. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm exhausted enough to make my own decisions. Dúisigh! Wake up! Shut up! युद्धाने त्यांचं संशोधन संपुष्टात आणलं. The war brought their research to an end. As a result of this ongoing struggle, I was able to support myself as a full - time minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Muszę pogadać z nią na temat nowego planu. I have to talk with her about the new plan. I need to talk to her about the new plan. ni'i ma mi'ai remna What makes us human? Applications that did not fit in other categories Bitki üstünde çiçeklerin büyüdüğü bir başak gönderir. The plant sends out a spike on which the flowers grow. He sendeth down on the grass a swarm of plants. Nevím, proč tady jsem. I do not know why I am here. I don't know why I'm here. इस सूप में मछली का स्वाद है। This soup smacks of fish. In this soup is the salt of fish. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да дойдеш с мен да си вземеш едно кафе? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get a cup of coffee? Are you sure you don't want to come with me to take a coffee? Tá Cáit ag léamh an nuachtáin. Cáit is reading the newspaper. Location is reading the newspaper. Нам потрібно скасувати збори. We need to cancel the meeting. We need to cut down on congregation meetings. En halua kastella jalkojani. I don't want to get my feet wet. I don't want to break my legs. Tom klappade ihop. Tom cracked up. Tom caught up with me. ខ្ញុំ​ឈ្មោះ ជែក ។ My name is Jack. I'm a division name. टॉम ने हमें तुम्हारे बारे में बताया। Tom told us about you. Tom told us about you. Դադարի՛ր խոսել: Stop talking. Let's talk. Erről is, meg arról is beszélnek. They are talking about this and that. That's what they're talking about, and that's what they're talking about. दोन्हीही अतिशय महत्त्वाच्या आहेत. Both are very important. Both are vital. The apostle Paul wrote: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so 'oH parHa'. She liked that. 'OH par Ha'. Sie vergab ihm seine Untreue nie und erinnerte ihn bei jeder Gelegenheit daran. She never forgave him the infidelity and held it over him every chance that she got. She never gave him his trust and reminded him of it at every opportunity. Titik-titik air sedang jatuh pada komputer riba saya. Droplets are falling on my laptop computer. A little bit of water is falling on my horse's computer. Πέστε του ότι είμαι άρρωστος. Tell him I'm sick. Tell him I'm sick. Se kann mi nich ophollen. She can't stop me. They can't stop me. Lunes, Martes, Mierkoles, Huebes, Biernes, Sabado ken Domingo dagiti pito nga al-aldaw ti lawas. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays are seven days of the week. Ce matin, la température est descendue en dessous de zéro. The temperature has fallen below zero this morning. This morning, the temperature is below zero. ਅਤੇ ਮੁੰਡਾ ਵੱਡਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਗਿਆ। And the boy grew older. And the boy grew up. Obaj moi bracia mają żony. Both of my brothers are married. Both of my brothers have wives. Hij is er nog niet. He hasn't come yet. He's not there yet. Tom a cumpărat o casă cu șase camere. Tom bought a house with six rooms. Tom bought a house with six rooms. Yyaw ad neṭṭes fell-as. Let's sleep on it. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp. Дали мислиш дека тоа ни пречеше? Do you think that bothered us? Do you think it's over us? I Japan er det ikke vanlig å gi tips for god service. In Japan it is not customary to tip for good service. In Japan, it is not common to give tips for good service. 宇宙には無数の星がある。 There are innumerable stars in the universe. There are countless stars in the universe. Mahvolduk. We're screwed. It's okay. შენ ეს ოთახი დასაძინებლად არ შეგეფერება. This room is not suitable for sleeping. You won't be able to rent this room. Říkal jsem ti, že Tom nepřijde. I told you that Tom wouldn't come. I told you Tom wasn't coming. bomvetlh vIparHa'. I like that song. I'm sorry, Ipar Ha'. Tụi bây nghĩ cô ấy ở với ai? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she's with? Zabere to hodně času. This will take a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. ចា៎​! យល់ព្រម ​។ OK. I agree. Yeah! OK. C'est à vous de décider ce qu'il faut faire. It's up to you to decide what to do. You have to decide what to do. Mary ɣares aṭṭas n tecyarin. Mary has a lot of bags. Mary opened her eyes, and saw a great white cloud. Sami istismarcı annesini hareketlerinden dolayı hâlâ suçluyor. Sami still blames his abusive mother for his actions. She still blames her self-employed mother for her actions. I āwhinatia te tama e ahau. The boy was helped by me. I invited the boy in. Bü agşam Semi aýal dogany bilen gürleşmek isledi. Sami wants to talk to his sister tonight. All night long, she wanted to talk to her brother. Er is veel water nodig. Much water is needed. There's a lot of water required. ही सुटकेस घ्या. Take this suitcase. Take the initiative. Isso é realmente permitido? Is that really allowed? Is that really allowed? Lui si comporta molto timidamente in sua presenza. He acts very shy in her presence. He behaves very scaryly in his presence. Nu e deloc rar să trăiești peste nouăzeci de ani. It is not rare at all to live over ninety years. It's not very rare to live over nine decades. Jag är stolt över er. I'm proud of all of you. I'm proud of you. Морам да бидам слободен. I've got to be free. I have to be free. Esta é uma história interessante. That's an interesting story. This is an interesting story. Eble vi ne volas fari tion. You might not want to do that. Maybe you don't want to do that. Wanaandika. They're writing. You said yes. ¿Qué tal una cerveza? How about a beer? What's a beer? A me serve il tuo aiuto, Tom. I need your help, Tom. I need your help, Tom. Крэк вызывает сильное привыкание. Crack is very addictive. Creek has a strong habit. Suoristakaa teidän selkänne! Straighten your back! Keep your eyes open! qaStaH'a'? Is that still happening? What's the matter with you? Jim okula otobüsle gider. Jim goes to school by bus. Jim's going to school on a bus. Thomas Mariam occidet. Tom is going to kill Mary. Thomas Mariam is killing. Jag undrade bara om du har lyckats hitta någonstans att bo. I was just wondering if you have been able to find a place to live. I was just wondering if you'd been able to find somewhere to live. Ich habe deinen Mut nicht. I don't have your courage. I don't have your courage. Sence Tom neden bu kadar kızgın? Why do you think Tom is so angry? Why do you think Tom is so angry? Tom isseqsa Mary ma tarzu ad tsu ca n řḥajet. Tom asked Mary whether she fancied a drink. Tom asked Mary if she wanted to make some decisions. תום דרש שנחזיר לו את התשלום הבסיסי. Tom demanded that we give him back his down payment. Thank you for bringing him back the basic payment. Tuntugai ilo tusak tintod do mangakan dongkosuabon. Water the flowers before you eat breakfast. Set your mind on the things that you want to eat. Però ti piace! But you like it! But you like it! 蘇格蘭蓋爾文我識聽唔識講。 I understand Scottish Gaelic, but I can't speak it. I know I don't know what to say. אשאיל לך מטרייה אם אתה זקוק לה. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. I'll ask you if you need her. Jeg tror det vil blive en travl uge. I think it'll be a busy week. I think it'll be a busy week. Paĉjo kaj panjo donacis al mi biciklon. Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. Dad and Mom gave me a bike. Tom não é bom em lembrar nomes. Tom isn't good at remembering names. Tom's not good to remember names. En tule ikävöimään Tomia. I won't miss Tom. I'm not going to miss Tommy. Nescio ubi habitet. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where to live. ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? What would you like to obey? Miaj gepatroj iris al la preĝejo, sed mi ne iris. My parents went to church, but I did not go. My parents went to church, but I didn't. Samo hoću kući. I just want to get home. I just want to go home. Ben pasaklıyım. I'm untidy. I'm crazy. Keiner möchte, dass Sie das machen. Nobody wants you to do this. Nobody wants you to do that. Salam! Hello! Hello! Parvissimum est. It's very small. It's different. Anteeksi myöhästyminen. Sorry for being late. I'm sorry to be late. המגע של זה משיי. This feels like silk. It's my turn. Palun. Please. Please. Haýsy guş uçup bilenok. What bird cannot fly? I don’t know what to do. 放風箏可以是危險的。 Flying a kite can be dangerous. The windshield can be dangerous. Birisi bedeli ödemek zorunda. Someone has to pay the price. Someone has to pay for it. Jag vet inte särskilt mycket om Boston. I don't know very much about Boston. I don't know much about Boston. ta'lIj vIleghpu'. I saw what you did. That's why I'm here. Той раздели ябълките между нас петимата. He divided the apples among the five of us. He split the apples between us the fifth. Vocês estão aí? Are you there? Are you there? Täällä on todella hienoa työskennellä. It's really great to work here. There's a really nice job here. Es esmu nevainigs, es zveru. I'm innocent, I swear. I'm a virgin, I'm a virgin. Не ти ща ни златото, ни среброто. I don't want your gold or your silver. You don't have the gold or the silver. Διψούσαμε και οι δύο πολύ. We were both very thirsty. We're both dreaming. Musica plase cadun. Everybody loves music. Music is falling. do fuzme lo pu se zukte be do You are responsible for what you have done. So fusme can be salted and salted Biały koń jest wyższy od czarnego. The white horse is taller than the black one. White horse is higher than black. ὁ δὲ Ἔρως ζεῦγος ἴδιον ἠθέλησε συμπλέξαι But Love wanted to make a match of his own devising. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Illa non suffre de timiditate. She's no shrinking violet. She doesn't suffer for fear. He peita kikorangi e hiahiatia ana e au. I need some blue paint. I would like to have a cup of coffee. Се распрашав за него. I asked around about him. I was wondering about him. Jeg laver rav i den. I'm going to rock the boat. I'm working on it. Oletteko te käyneet ikinä Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? Nunc pater in horto est. Father is in the garden now. Now the father is in the garden. Tom ewna zerre. Tom looked inside. Tom's gone. roD qaStaHvIS wa' jaj cha'logh Ha'DIbaHwIj vIje'pu'. I used to feed my dog twice a day. And that's what we're talking about. 'e' vIchaw'laHbe'. I can't allow that. 'E' v. Ichaw'laHebe. この本は英語で書かれています。 This book is written in English. This book is written in English. 我每天喂一次狗。 I feed my dog once a day. I feed a dog every day. እከፍላለሁ። I'll pay. I'll split it. Вечерала сам са њим. I had dinner with him. I had dinner with him. Tal vez es el destino. Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's the destiny. Någon saknas. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. 她向我求助。 She asked me for help. She asked me for help. O ve erkek arkadaşı birlikte yaşıyorlar. She and her boyfriend live together. He and his boyfriend live together. Kan du inte stanna en stund till? Can't you stay a while longer? Can't you stay a minute? Hon frågade honom varför han grät. She asked him why he was crying. She asked him why he cried. Lua pelo esas pure blanka. His skin is pure white. Take it by those white ones. May-ada mga maúpay nga mansanas ha basket. There are some good apples in the basket. There are apples in the basket. To nie jest wcale takie głupie. That's not so silly at all. It's not that stupid. Tiu fiŝo ne estas manĝebla. That fish is not edible. This fish is not edible. काचेच्या घरात राहणार्‍यांनी दगडं फेकू नये. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those who live near a busy train station may no longer notice the noise, and those who live near a busy train station may no longer notice the noise. Иска ми се да отида да видя Том, но каква ще е ползата? I'd like to go and see Tom, but what good will it do? I want to go see Tom, but what's the benefit? Я втратила надію. I lost hope. I lost hope. 我想去美國。 I would like to go to America. I want to go to America. टॉम के पास काले बाल हैं। Tom has black hair. Tom's got black balls. Doe voort aan je werk! Go ahead with your work. Keep doing your job! Махмуд не поднесува да денгуби. Mahmud abhors being idle. Mahmud doesn't deserve to die. टॉमला दाखवलंस का? Did you show it to Tom? Did you show Tom? È acuto, vero? He's sharp, isn't he? That's right, isn't it? Quid? What? What? Мені подобаються торти. I like cake. I like cake. Не мога да си позволя да поддържам кола. I can not afford to keep a car. I can't let myself keep a car. Ko boš prišel nazaj, me ne bo več. When you come back, I'll be gone. When you come back, I won't be anymore. Розвьрзи завѣсъı. Open the drapes. It's a surprise. Tom est un parasite vivant aux dépens des autres, qui gagnent de l'argent durement. Tom is a parasite who lives at the expense of others who earn money through hard work. Tom is a living parasite at the expense of others, who gain money for a long time. 十中八九ジェーンは来るだろう。 It is probable that Jane will come. Eighty-nine-nine-year-olds will be here. Jag börjar bli hungrig. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Qualmen ella aspecte? What does she look like? What does she look like? Ei! Minä vihaan parsakaalia! No! I hate broccoli! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Tom leed bitter. Tom suffered bitterly. Tom's suffering a bit. 毎週土曜日の放課後に私たちはテニスをした。 We played tennis after school every Saturday. After Sunday's graduation, we had tennis. אנו מצייתים לחוקים. We obeyed the rules. We're law enforcement. Vi er canadiere. We're Canadians. We're Canadians. le gerku pe lo pa la'izda cu ckape The dog next door is dangerous. The arrow on the left 請告訴我該怎麼做。 Please advise me what to do. Please tell me what to do. Valencia nỗi tiếng về những công trình kiến trúc khác thường của nó. Valencia is famous for its unusual architecture. Valencia complained about her other natural programs. Няма да кажа на никого. I won't tell anyone. I'm not gonna tell anyone. La ŝtelita mono estis retrovita. The stolen money has been found. The stolen money was found. Me mustis il helpas kun la dom-laboro. I had to help with the housework. He must help me with the housework. Важно е да ги намерим. It's important we find them. It's important to find them. Многу си паметен. You're very clever. You're very smart. Hai, so Mary. Cómu te llamas? Hello, I'm Mary. What's your name? Come on, it's Mary. Una lingua numquam sufficit. One language is never enough. A language is never enough. 你发神经了吗? Have you gone nuts? Are you nervous? Ini aneh. It's strange. It's weird. Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I can't express my feelings with words. Chcemy być sławni! We want to become famous. We want to be famous! Jūs esate man viskas. You are everything to me. You're everything to me. كۇتۇپخانىنى ئەتىگەن توققۇزدىن كەچ سەككىزگىچە ئاچىدۇ. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. He will open its book in the morning, from nine in the morning to eight in the evening. त्या सर्व बुडल्या. They all drowned. All of them made fun of him. Mes tuo pasirūpinsime. We'll take care of this. We'll take care of it. Da li želiš da živiš u Mumbaiju? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Do you want to live in Mumbai? Y a-t-il des tremblements de terre en Allemagne ? Are there earthquakes in Germany? And there are earthquakes in Germany? Treba da uradimo bolje. We should do better. We need to do better. Všichni v mé rodině jsou šťastni. Everyone in my family is happy. Everyone in my family is happy. عاش فاضل حياة أحلامه لمدّة سبع سنوات. For seven years, Fadil lived his dream life. It's been a long life for seven years. ថម គាត់តែងតែភ្លេចភ្លើងសីញ៉ូ។ Tom often forgets to use his turn signal. He didn't just light a fire. Câți ani ți-a luat ca să devii fluent în franceză? How many years did it take you before you were fluent in French? How many years did he take you to become a French flutter? 汤姆太老实了,连撒谎都不会。 Tom is too honest a boy to tell a lie. Tom's too old to lie. Sunt Tom. I'm Tom. I'm Tom. Id videre non possum. I can't see it. Id can't see. Nous étions tous fatigués. We were all tired. We were all tired. Тоа не е за тебе. That's not for you. That's not for you. Jien differenti minn ġuvintur oħra. I'm different from other guys. I'm different from another youth. Jössz? Are you coming? Are you kidding me? O bir daha olmayacak. That won't happen again. She won't be again. ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your point? Yella kra i teẓṛamt? Did you see something? Do you drink from it? Don't you drink from it? José não sabe jogar futebol; tropeça na bola e se confunde todo. Joseph can't play soccer. He trips on the ball and mixes everything up. Joseph doesn't know how to play football; he's stuck in the ball and he's confused. Tom sagde at du taler fransk. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you're speaking French. Kaykayatak ti pusa. I love cats. I know the dog. این بچه کاری جز گریه کردن نداشت. This child did nothing but cry. This child was not just crying. Apríl je štvrtý mesiac v roku. April is the fourth month of the year. April was a fourth month in the year. Tio estas bona respondo. That's a good response. That's a good answer. 你在说话前应该先思考。 You should think before you speak. You should think before you speak. У меня нет от вас секретов. I've got no secrets from you. I don't have any secrets from you. Она начала осваиваться в своем новом офисе. She began to get the feel of her new office. She started getting up in her new office. Írtam egy könyvet. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. 彼は体を震わせて怒っていた。 His body was shaking in anger. He was mad at the body. Şiddetli yağmur nedeniyle, oyun iptal edildi. The game was canceled because of heavy rain. The game has been abandoned for some reason. Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I put the car? Hieraŭ pluvis, post kiam estis seke dum longa tempo. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time. It rained yesterday after it was dry for a long time. Πότε επέστρεψες από τη Γερμανία; When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? जंग की वजह से बहुत सारे लोग मर गए। As a result of the war, many people died. A lot of people died because of the jungle. او به ندرت یا هیچ گاه قبل از یازده به رختخواب می رود. She seldom, if ever, goes to bed before eleven. He went to his mother-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her father-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her mother-in-law, and to her mother- Ili es infantes. They're children. They're children. Estash en Berlin? Are you all in Berlin? You're in Berlin? Acḥal n Yipawenden i d-ternamt? How many pounds have you gained? How many Japanese are there? pano da zo'u ko'a kakne lonu ce'u se bangu da He can speak ten languages. Just because a crosswalk looks like a hopscotch board doesn't mean it is one Éist go cúramach Listen carefully. Listen carefully tlhuHtaH'a'? Is he breathing? Do you have any idea what the future holds? Ich bin sofort bei dir. I'll be with you right away. I'll be right with you. Јас и брат ми ја делевме собата. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared our room. Na świecie jest ponad siedem tysięcy języków. There are over seven thousand languages in the world. There are over seven thousand languages in the world. 他堅持原來的計畫。 He adhered to the original plan. He maintains his original plan. Αναρωτιέμαι πού να 'ναι τώρα ο Τομ. I wonder where Tom is now. I wonder where Tom is now. 再びやってみるべきだという彼らの意見に賛成だ。 I agree with them that we should try again. It's their opinion that we should do it again. Ka pynsngewtynnad ianga ba pha nang kumno ban leh ia kato. It impresses me that you know how to do that. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. De bor der. They live there. They live there. latlh bIQ vIneH. I would like to have some more water. published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Hvor ofte sker det? How often does that happen? How often does that happen? Var snäll och gå till kirurgavdelningen. Please go to the Surgery Department. Please go to the surgical department. Regningen, tak. The bill, please. The bill, thank you. আপনাকে খুব তারাতারিই এই ব্যাপারে কিছু একটা করতে হবে। You've got to do something about this soon. You have to do something about it. Non leves máis diñerio do que necesites. Don't carry more money than you need. Don't take any more money than you need. Raba ico neza. Take a good look at this. Take a closer look. Няхай жыве Імператар! Long live the Emperor! Let the Emperor live! Thógfainn an carbhat donn seo. I would take this brown tie. We'll build this dam. Miért mész? Why are you going? Why are you going? אתמול אפיתי מאפה עם פטריות. Yesterday I baked pastries with mushrooms. Yesterday I went from here with petriots. كان سامي يتخبّط في مشاكل متعلّقة بإدمانه على الكحول. Sami was tortured with issues involving alcohol abuse. It was Sammy who picked up problems with alcohol addiction. Сол веќе нема. There's no salt left. Saul's gone. स्वीडन की आबादी बढ़ रही है। Sweden's population is growing. The beginning of Sweden is increasing. Dan bir migren baş ağrısı çekiyor. Dan was suffering a migraine headache. Dan has a migraine headache. Meiltä loppui ruoka. We ran out of food. We're done with food. 听着。 Listen. Listen. Том позволил Мэри воспользоваться своим телефоном. Tom let Mary use his phone. Tom let Mary use her phone. 旅行前,我剪了头发。 Before taking a journey, I got a haircut. Before the trip, I cut my hair. Ο Τομ είναι ο μοναδικός Καναδέζος που ξέρω. Tom is the only Canadian I know. Tom is the only Canadian I know. Sisilya d tagzirt. Sicily is an island. Size of tab curvature. ro da cu jgira tu'a do Everyone is proud of you. Tools for software development Edozein gizon-emakumek du, nonahi, lege-nortasundun dela aitor diezaioten eskubidea. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. He has the right to be recognized by any human being, however, as a violation of the law. اطالوی کہتے ہیں کہ ترجمان غدار ہوتے ہیں۔ According to the Italians, translators are traitors. The interpreters say the interpreters are awake. Ik heb gehoord dat jullie heel erg getalenteerd zijn. I hear that you're very talented. I've heard you've been very talented. ख़ुदा हाफ़िज़। Goodbye! God is sufficient. האם אבא שלו רופא? Is his father a doctor? Is his father a doctor? 私はこのことを少しも理解できません。 I can't understand this at all. I can't understand this. Ei ole lupa piinata tahi kohela kethään julmala, ei-humaanilla, alaspainaavalla ja rangaistaavala tavala. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. There is no permission to torture the court immediately for any god, non-human, inferior, and criminal nature. Είν' απίστευτο. It's unbelievable. It's amazing. Аз съм по-умна от вас. I'm smarter than you. I'm smarter than you are. Tu n'es pas assez grande pour conduire. You're not old enough to drive. You're not big enough to drive. Est-ce là ce que tu veux ? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? Så sagtn dog farten! Hey, slow down! So say the speed! Cuius plumbum est? Whose pencil is this? What's the plump? On često citira Shakespeara. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He's often quoted Shakespeare. Oamenii chiar îi pot înțelege. People can actually understand them. I can really understand people. בוא לא נעשה דבר שעלול להרגיז את תום. Let's not do anything that might upset Tom. Come on, let's not do anything that could trigger the tumor. Was für Gemüse baust du gewöhnlich an? What vegetables do you usually grow? What do you usually build for fun? مەن جۇڭگودىن كەلدىم. I came from China. I came from a neighboring village. Tomémoslo con calma. Let's take it easy. Let's take it easy. Wat dink jy van hierdie trui? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this song? Zwei Monate sind es nun schon, seit er nach Frankreich gezogen ist. Two months have passed since he left for France. It's been two months since he was taken to France. Ahat xaṭi. Perhaps not. That's right. Ме боли работо. My shoulder hurts. I'm sick of working. Tom je nervozno dobovao prstima po stolu. Tom drummed his fingers on the table nervously. Tom was nervous about getting his fingers on the table. Yakında emekli olacak mısın? Are you retiring soon? Are you sure you'll be nice soon? Ho has sentit també? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Je voudrais construire une nouvelle maison. I'd like to build a new house. I'd like to build a new house. افترقا سامي و ليلى حقّا. Sami and Layla really separated. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Olar hemme naharlaryny özleri bişirdiler. They cooked all their own meals. They poured all their food into the treasury chests. Иска ми се нещата да са пак както си бяха. I wish things could get back to normal. I want things to be the same again as they were. Вие слизате на следващата спирка. The next station is where you get off. You're coming down to the next stop. Dün gece uyumakta sorun yaşadım. I had trouble sleeping last night. I had trouble sleeping last night. Moramos en Mueva York. We live in New York. We live in Mueva York. la djim. certu lo fasybau .e lo dotybau Jim mastered French and German. Please correct the errors and try again. Zemreɣ ad tekkleɣ fell-awen? Can I count on you? Is it lawful for me to do what I will with you? Iban akk ad aṛǧuɣ. Of course I'll wait. I will therefore chastise him and release him." Qual è il problema, caro? What's the matter, darling? What's the problem, dear? Pater meus magister est. My father is a teacher. My father's a teacher. 我們在一家小咖啡店吃午飯。 We had lunch at a little coffee shop. We're having lunch at a little coffee shop. Bylo mu teprve čtrnáct. He was only fourteen years old. It was Thursday first. ناولني ذاك الكتاب من فضلك. Hand me that book, please. I'm having that book, please. Μ' αρέσει πολύ η Βοστώνη. I like Boston a lot. I like Boston very much. तुम्ही मोठी स्वप्ने बघितली पाहिजेत. You should dream big. You need to see a great dream. Ik bün bloot för teihn Minuten online wesen. I've only been online for ten minutes. I'm just trying to be online for about a minute. Tella kra n tɣawsa i tufam? Have you found something? Have you ever had some trouble? Sanay ti linguista iti sumagmamano a dialekto ti Intsik. The linguist is fluent in several Chinese dialects. The linguist is not a linguist of some Chinese dialects. বাস স্টপটা এখান থেকে পাঁচ মিনিটের হাঁটা পথ। The bus stop is five minutes' walk from here. The bus stop is five minutes away. Oma hett Mehl op dat Rullholt streit, dat de Deeg dor nich anbacken blifft. Grandma sprinkled flour on the rolling pin so the dough wouldn't stick to it. Oma has struggled on the ruleholt, which does not stop the rain there. Kuv tsis paub. I don't know. What the fuck is going on? केवळ ओबामांनाच त्याबाबत माहीत होतं. Only Obama knew about it. Only the two of them knew the answer. お気づきかどうかは存じませんが、トムはどうやらお宅のお嬢さんと恋に落ちてしまったようなのです。 I don't know if you've noticed, but Tom seems to have fallen in love with your daughter. I don't know how you feel, but it's like Tom fell in love with the lady of your house. 'S dòcha leam gu bheil gràdh agad air. I suppose you like him. Maybe you love him. טאָמס טאַטע־מאַמע זײַנען רײַך. Tom's parents are rich. Toms' moms are crazy. אני האדם היחיד שטום מכיר בעיר הזאת. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. I'm the only man known in this town. Плуването е едно от нещата, които Том обича да прави. One of the things Tom enjoys doing is swimming. Flooding is one of the things Tom likes to do. Te vas a lastimar. You will hurt yourself. You're gonna be late. Poderei ficar mais duas ou três semanas na Austrália se as senhoras precisarem de mim aqui. I could stay in Australia for another two or three weeks if you need me here. I could stay in Australia for more than two or three weeks if the ladies need me here. Nous sommes en retard sur l'emploi du temps. We're behind schedule. We're late for the work of time. रष्यदेशे अस्मि। I am in Russia. I'm on my way. मैं आप से टॉम के बारे में बात करना चाहता हूँ। I want to speak to you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. Amikor összeházasodtunk, a szüleim ezt a házat adták nekem. When we married my parents gave me this house. When we got married, my parents gave me this house. Moai goasii báziime busses. We both have almost missed the bus. It's very good to have a bus. Yo hastat a hem. I hurried home. I've had it. "Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem." "Sole hope to vanquished men of safety is despair." "A health victim won't hope to say hello." Comment peux-tu ne pas voir cela ? How can you not see that? How can you not see that? Tom konnte sich nicht erinnern, wie er dorthin gelangt war. Tom had no recollection of how he got there. Tom couldn't remember how he got there. At holde hest er et stort ansvar. Keeping a horse is a big responsibility. Keeping horses is a big responsibility. 我準時到達了車站。 I arrived at the station on time. I'm on my way to the train station. Chceš opravdu zůstat věčně mladý? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Estarás en problemas si tu novia descubre la verdad. You'll get into trouble if your girlfriend finds out the truth. You'll be in trouble if your boyfriend finds out the truth. Tom on tottunut ajamaan avolavalla, mutta hän ei ole ikinä ajanut sellaisella todella isolla rekka-autolla. Tom is used to driving a pickup truck, but he's never driven one of those really big trucks. Tom's been used to an early start, but he's never been in such a really big race car. Dhuku the'e landhakeda. She smiled sadly. Dokku the'e on the ground. Min far är frisk. My father is healthy. My dad's cool. Σου αρέσει να οδηγείς γρήγορα αυτοκίνητα; Do you like to drive fast cars? You like driving fast? הזהר פן תשבור את הביצים. Take care not to break the eggs. Watch out, break the balls. No lo voy a negar. I won't deny it. I'm not going to deny it. Quid medicus dixit? What did the doctor say? What did the doctor say? Ka vua nova domo plezas vu? Are you pleased with your new house? Do you like your new home? Jag föll för den. I fell for it. I fell for it. En 1939 la dua mondmilito komenciĝis. It was in 1939 that the Second World War broke out. In 1939, World War II began. ही सोप्या इंग्रजीत लिहिलेली गोष्ट आहे. This is a story written in simple English. This is an easy - to - read publication in English. Не съм злопаметен. I don't hold grudges. I'm not a criminal. सामीने लैलाचा फायदा घेतला. Sami took advantage of Layla. Sam took advantage of laila. Выпей за моё здоровье! Drink to my health! Drink for my health! Aben okorenkin? Where do you come from? Can I help you with that? Навіщо ти сюди повернувся? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Har ni förutfattade meningar? Are you biased? Do you have any preconceived opinions? Elle a cinq ans de moins que moi. She is five years younger than me. She's five years younger than me. Decem, viginti, triginta, quadraginta, quinquaginta, sexaginta, septuaginta, octoginta, nonaginta, centum. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. And the ten, and the twenty, and the thirty, and the forty, and the fifty, and the threescore, and the fourscore, and the nine, and the hundred. Buna sahip olmak zorundayım. We have to have this. I have to have this. Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί θέλετε να εργαστείτε για μας; Can you tell me why you want to work for us? Can you tell me why you want to work for us? Qui sunt parentes mei? Who are my parents? Who are my parents? Hur når jag NHK? How do I get to NHK? How do I do when I'm NHK? Opustil izbu. He left the room. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Всушност никој не знае. Nobody really knows. No one actually knows. On ens podem tornar a veure? When can we see each other again? Where can we see us again? Hva består aspirin av? What's aspirin made of? What does Aspirin consist of? مادر کیک را به سه قسمت تقسیم کرد. Mother divided the cake into three parts. He divided the mother of Kake into three parts. Você poderia ficar fora disso? Could you stay out of this? Could you stay out of it? Saya balik awal setiap hari. I go home early every day. I returned home early every day. 彼は彼女の名前をよく口にした。 Her name was often on his lips. He made a good name for her. Maria sternuit. Marie sneezed. Maria's late. 不要碰我的車。 Leave my car alone. Don't touch my car. دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. Susunkenape. You danced. Son of a bitch. Tom estas ebrie de novo. Tom is drunk again. Tom's a hero again. Ел аве дудес енфантес. He has twenty children. El Ave dudes enfants. რას შეისწავლის სოვეტოლოგი? What does a Sovietologist study? What Does Sovetology Teach? Sono diligente. I'm hardworking. I'm hot. अउर फुन? And then? Aur Fünn? Γιατί είν' ακριβό αυτό το πράγμα; Why is this thing expensive? Why is that exactly what this is about? Tom ser ung ud af sin alder. Tom looks young for his age. Tom looks young from his age. ببخشید، می توانیدرادیو را خاموش کنید؟ Sorry, could you turn the radio off? Give, and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall ye not know. ওটা আমার। That's mine. It's mine. Hur många månar har Mars? How many moons does Mars have? How many months has Mars? Eu já disse ao Tom o que ele deveria comprar. I've already told Tom what he should buy. I already told Tom what he should buy. Apa kau suka minuman anggur Prancis? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? Ĉu tio estas via, Tomo? Is this yours, Tom? Is that yours, Tom? Ja he tingut suficient, el meu estómac està ple. I've had enough, so my stomach is full. I've had enough, my stomach is full. Я знал, что ты вернёшься. I knew you'd be back. I knew you'd be back. Tom jamais pediu a Mary para lhe mostrar como fazer isso. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Tom never asked Mary to show him how to do that. Мълчете, всички. Be quiet, all of you. Shut up, everybody. Αγαπάτε τον Τομ; Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? Я хотела продать его. I wanted to sell it. I wanted to sell it. Historia Rzymu jest bardzo interesująca. The history of Rome is very interesting. The history of Rome is very interesting. Vyváznul jsi lehce. You got off easy. You took it easy. I wacu i tṛuḥemt ɣer din? What did you go there for? What went ye out for to see? אינני יודעת איפה תום שם את המטרייה שלו. I don't know where Tom put his umbrella. I don't know where his battery is. Il suo romanzo vendette bene. Her novel sold well. His novel sells well. La fia brosi la capeles. The daughter brushes her hair. The faith is broken to the hair. Tomaré cualquiera que tengas. I'll take whatever you've got. I'll take whatever you have. Wir freuen uns alle auf das Konzert. We're all looking forward to the concert. We all enjoy the concert. Tha mi an aghaidh a pheantadh a-rithist a chionn ’s gun deach e a' peantadh dìreach an-uiridh. I'm against painting it again because it was painted just last year. I'm going to paint it again because it's not the last painting. Він не боїться небезпеки. He is fearless of danger. He is not afraid of danger. זו היתה הצלחה רבה. It was a complete success. That was a lot of success. 如果我有錢,我會買一個新房子。 If I had the money, I'd buy a new house. If I have money, I'll buy a new house. Nechci jít sama. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. Vamos ficar aqui. We'll stay here. Let's stay here. Qu'am cantat entad era. We sang for her. That's what we sang at that time was. Com estàs, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Joko hänen tai minun täytyy osallistua siihen kokoukseen. Either he or I am to attend the meeting. Whether he or I have to attend that meeting. Том нарешті зробив це. Tom has finally done that. Tom finally did this. Hodně štěstí! Good luck! Good luck! 她有勇气去查询考试的结果。 She had the courage to go and inquire about the results of the exam. She had the courage to investigate the results of the investigation. Tom era piuttosto ubriaco. Tom was quite drunk. Tom was a little drunk. Mióta vagy színvak? Since when are you colorblind? How long have you been dancing? La kardelo esas tre interesanta ucelo. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. The cardel is very interesting. אחי הוא סטודנט שנה ראשונה. My brother is a freshman. Brother is a first-year student. सुबह के नाश्ते में तुम क्या लेना पसंद करोगी? What would you like for breakfast? What would you like to take in the morning? Dupla na brzdy. She slammed on the brakes. Double on your knees. A bheil thu ag iarraidh siùcar? Would you like some sugar? Do you want to try to clean up? أنا على يقين أنه هكذا جرى الأمر. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened. I'm sure that's what happened. Mám radši červenou. I prefer red. I'd rather be red. Pensei que Tom tivesse respondido todas as suas perguntas. I thought Tom had answered all your questions. I thought Tom had answered all his questions. My re welas henna. I've seen it. I'll see you later. Будь ласка, не залишайте тут цінних речей. Please don't leave valuable things here. Please don't leave valuable things here. El ebreo i el fenisio son linguas kananitas. Hebrew and Phoenician are Canaanite languages. The Hebrew and the Phoenician are Canadian languages. Nem tudtad? Didn't you know? You didn't know? Yo pensa que Tom es incolerat. I think Tom is angry. I think Tom's insulated. Jis skubiai užrašė mūsų vardus. He hastily wrote down our names. He quickly recorded our names. Раньше он был лучше. It used to be better. He used to be better. Bu şaşırtıcı. This is astonishing. That's amazing. Yapabileceğim bir şey olup olmadığını bana bildirin. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Tell me there's nothing I can do. Ne ekzistas pruvo por sugesti, ke Tomo estis la murdinto. There's no evidence to suggest that Tom was the killer. There's no evidence to suggest that Tom was the killer. Тобі потрібно бути терплячішою. You must be more patient. You need to be more patient. Том се потпре на Мери. Tom relied on Mary. Tom's on Mary's side. Sarameɣ ulac ayen i as-yeḍran. I hope nothing happened to him. For I reckon that I am not at all behind the very best. Tom mi je jutros rekao da se on i Meri sele u Boston. Tom told us this morning that he and Mary were moving to Boston. Tom told me this morning he and Mary went to Boston. Ни треба нешто што ќе ни ги оттргне мислите од проблемите. We need to do something to take our minds off our problems. We need something that will remove our thoughts from our problems. 起きなさい! Get up! Get up! Nteẓẓu ifsan. We're planting seeds. Listen carefully. Minä en tiennyt, että sinä olisit täällä. I didn't know that you were going to be here. I didn't know you were here. 她不得不放弃梦想。 She had to give up her dream. She had to give up hope. Ha qualcuno altere essite vulnerate? Was anybody else hurt? Has anyone else been hurt? Tom został przyłapany na kradzieży pieniędzy z kasy. Tom was caught stealing money from the cash register. Tom was arrested for stealing money from the money. Силен дъжд ми попречи да отида. A heavy rain prevented me from going. A strong rain prevented me from leaving. Le burgomaestro secava le banda con un grande par de cisorios. The mayor cut the ribbon with a pair of giant scissors. The bourgeoistro chased the gangs with a big pair of cysorios. Сви кажу да личим на оца. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like a father. मुंग्यांना साखर आवडते. Ants like sugar. The color of the flowers, however, is not the same as the color of the flowers. Onuñ özüne gaty göwni ýetenokdy. She wasn't so sure herself. It was not easy for him to do so. 她周遊世界各地。 She has traveled all over the globe. She's all over the world. Esce vosа amis es portuges o brasilera? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Are your friends Portuguese or Brazilian? Sinulla ei ole vaihtoehtoja. You have no alternative. You don't have any options. Тебе звонят. There's a call for you. They're calling you. Thomas fuit unicus amicus Mariae. Tom was Mary's only friend. Thomas was the only friend of Mariae. Nezlakomni. Don't get greedy. It's harmless. Tom sunucu olarak televizyonda çalışıyor. Tom works as an announcer on television. Tom works on TV as a server. Oes ci gyda fe? Has he got a dog? Is that the same thing? Rusaj infanoj pensas, ke infanfabloj havantaj ranoj, kies haŭtoj estas forigitaj, estas afablaj. Dume mi estas ĉi tie tute vomitanta. Russian children think those fairytales having frogs remove their hides are so cute. Meanwhile, I'm over here puking my lungs out. Russian children think that babies with cancer, whose skin is removed, are beautiful, and I'm here all over the place. Berlin hija l-belt kapitali Ġermaniża. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital city of Germany. Tom'un kızının güzel olup olmadığını merak ediyorum. I wonder if Tom's daughter is pretty. I'm wondering if Tom's daughter is beautiful. Der Frühling ist da. Spring arrived. The morning's here. Ndi mushasha aha. I'm new here. I’m new here. weQmey bIH'a'? Are these candles? What's the matter with you? Tom tahtis suuremat allahindlust. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Znowu? Again? Again? सूची से उसका नाम मिटाइए। Delete his name from the list. Remove her name from the list. Nem nekünk kedvez a sors. Fate is not on our side. We don't like fate. Nos cambiava de domicilio a Algiers. We moved to Algiers. He changed us from home to Algiers. Як тобі вдалося умовити Тома допомогти прибратися в гаражі? How did you get Tom to help you clean out the garage? How did you get Tom to help you get into the garage? Çalışıram ki, bunun haqqında düşünməyim. I try not to think about it. I don't think about it. Izga yessefreḥ-iyi ucmumeḥ-ik. Your smile always makes me happy. Give me a man's reward according to your loving kindness. 'IHqu' maSwov. The moonlight is really beautiful. 'IHQ' in Swov. Deo, ascolta me! God, listen to me! God, listen to me! Mary adalah gadis yang cantik. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary was a beautiful girl. May naghulat nako. Someone waits for me. I was waiting for someone to come. Te rog ia loc aici. Please sit here. Please take a seat here. Tom schreef Maria een brief. Tom wrote Mary a letter. Tom wrote a letter. मेरा देश जापान से बहुत दूर है। My country is far away from Japan. My country is far from Japan. Том не привык к такой погоде. Tom isn't used to this kind of weather. Tom's not used to that situation. תום החזיק כלב שוטה במעבדה שלו. Tom kept a rabid dog at his laboratory. Tom kept a dog in his lab. Es nevēlos mirt cietumā. I don't want to die in prison. I don't want to die in prison. Como isso se quebrou? How did that get broken? How did that break up? आवडला? Like it? Lovely? وجد سامي ملابس ليلى معلّقة في غرفته. Sami found Layla's clothes hanging up in his room. I found Sammy dressed tonight in his room. Том работал с Мэри. Tom was working with Mary. Tom worked with Mary. Bedre sent enn aldri. Better late than never. Feel the emotions of the characters. On obserwuje każdy mój ruch. He is watching my every move. He's watching my every move. 我的房間就在樓上。 My room is just above. My room's upstairs. Чалавецтва трэба ўратаваць ад самога сябе. Humanity has to be saved from itself. Mankind must return from itself. Men öz aýalymy öldürmedim. I didn't kill my wife. I did not kill my wife. Nemoj da se tučeš. Don't fight. Don't fight. Kas sulle jalgratas meeldis? Did you like the bicycle? Did he like you? 她唯一的樂趣就是聽音樂。 Her only pleasure is listening to music. Her only fun is listening to music. Tom ringer mig nästan varje dag. Tom calls me almost every day. Tom calls me almost every day. Kvar sette de rakkarar stolen min? Where did you rapscallions put my chair? Where did they put my chair? 庭の雑草を抜くのは彼の仕事だ。 It's his job to pull the weeds in the garden. It's his job to plant the garden. Hic locus sacer est. This place is sacred. Here's the place to take care of. No löfob musigi som. This sort of music is not my cup of tea. Now let's play music like that. Koilo' yau mimboros Poransis. She can speak French. Koilo, you're going to buy French. Un camion ha stoppate in cruce in medio del strata. A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road. A truck stopped in the middle of the street. Compré el coche con una rebaja del 10%. I bought the car at a 10% discount. Buy the car with a 10% discount. Կանչիր մեզ: Call us. Call us. Я маю мало книжок. I have few books. I have a little book. bangwI' wa'DIch ghaH. She is my first love. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. ما اکنون کجا هستیم؟ Where are we now? Where are we now? Był niezmiernie szczęśliwy. He was very happy. He was incredibly happy. A dmwin. See you tomorrow. A dmwin. ra poi fetsi cu ralte lo blabi mlatu She has a white cat. then made with aralte will bludgeon Tzemreḍ ad mmeslayeḍ neɣ ala? You can talk, can't you? Can you speak or speak? Ew bavê min e. He's my father. It's my fault. 我们知道我们的权利。 We know our rights. We know our rights. O Tom faz isso quando está com sono. Tom does that when he's sleepy. Tom does that when he's with me. Том сака да стане богат. Tom wants to become rich. Tom wants to be rich. do zvati lo drata gugde ca ro ma How often do you go abroad? The name of the mountain where it shall be built. D asegbar iqefzen, Tom: neɣ aha°? Tom is a talented actor, isn't he? Which is easier, to say, 'Tom;' or to say, 'What?' Anh ta làm việc rất chăm chỉ vì sợ bị thất bại. He worked hard for fear that he should fail. He works very carefully just because he's afraid of failure. Du trenger ikke studere i dag. You don't need to study today. You don't need students today. No m'agrada que digueu paraulotes. I don't like it when you swear. I don't like you saying words. Тоа не беше смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Том ја замоли Мери да му донесе шолја кафе. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Mary to bring him a cup of coffee. Tag chancen! Take a chance! Take the chance! Не холодно. It's not cold. Not cold. Kam tre herë më shumë libra se Tomi. I have three times more books than Tom has. I have three times more books than Tommy. Mutasd a bokáidat. Show me your ankles. Let's see what you're doing. तिने त्याला एक जोक सांगितला, पण तो हसला नाही. She told him a joke, but he didn't laugh. She told him a joke, but he didn’t. Мисля, че направи голяма грешка. I think you've made a big mistake. I think you made a big mistake. Él volvió a las cinco. He came back at 5 o'clock. He's back at five. ¿Ustedes caminan de la mano? Do you walk hand in hand? You're walking from hand to hand? Tom e Mary estão se vendo em segredo. Tom and Mary are seeing each other secretly. Tom and Mary are secretly sold. Zaspali jsme. We overslept. We slept. Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call a cab for you. Bizoba neza cane. It's going to be great. It will be very good. Yerde hiç kan yok. There's no blood on the floor. There's no blood on the ground. Tom tidak ikhlas dahulu. Tom was insincere. Tom wasn't honest before. Ben uzmanım. I'm the expert. I'm an expert. وقتی که او به لکنت افتاد، همکلاسی هایش نتوانستند جلوی خنده شان را بگیرند. When she began to stutter, her classmates couldn't help laughing. When he was fallen upon a lie, his fellows couldn't bear his cross. لا تركض، بل امش على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't stand up. I'll be right there. Faemol-li? Are you hungry? Do you like it? Térã oitýva hapichágui hãi, tojeity avei chugui. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. Kan jag träffa dig där? Can I meet you there? Can I see you there? Forresten, hvor mange af jer skriver dagbog? By the way, how many of you keep a diary? First of all, how many of you write a diary? Не е моја вина тоа. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. Quod cogitas? What do you think? What do you think? Zijn jullie niet zenuwachtig? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you serious? זה מה שהבוס רוצה. That's what the boss wants. That's what boss wants. Tom sagte, Marias Gemecker mache ihm nichts aus. Tom said that Mary's complaining didn't bother him. Tom said Marias Gemecker didn't do anything to him. 不要和我說話! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! लवकर प्यायला नाहीस तर चहा थंड होऊन जाईल. Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon. If you don’t drink soon, you’ll get drunk. Io vole studer le francese. I want to study French. I want to study French. Ichiro Tanaka yw ow hanow. My name is Ichiro Tanaka. Tanaka is a sacred place. Merinin qum kimi sarı saçları var. Mary has sandy blonde hair. Merin's hair's hair. Köszönöm, hogy vagy nekem! Thank you for your love. Thank you for coming to me. Ich wünsche euch beiden ein Leben voller Glück. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. I wish you both a life full of happiness. Yma ow kul glaw. It is raining. There's a bullet in it. Não o acordes. Don't wake him up. You don't agree. Tio estas stranga frazo. This is a weird sentence. That's a strange phrase. Nokte videblas steloj. Stars can be seen at night. There's stars tonight. Spousta lidí ráda cestuje. Many people like to travel. A lot of people like to travel. Sana ve ailene çok mutlu bir Paskalya diliyorum. I wish you and your family a very happy Easter. I'm asking you and your family for a very happy Christmas. Io burla. I'm just fucking with you. I'm bulla. 可能整個週末都下雨。 It's likely to rain all weekend. It's probably raining all weekend. वह हमारी उम्मीदों को पूरा नहीं कर पाया। He failed to come up to our expectations. He couldn't fulfill our hopes. سۆيگىنىم، سائەت يەتتىدىن بۇرۇن تاماق پىشمىسا مەن ئاشخانىغا بارىمەن. My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant. Tell me, if you don't eat before seven o'clock, I'll go to the kitchen. Tom trabalha para Mary. Tom works for Mary. Tom's working for Mary. 'oH lIjlaH 'Iv? Who could forget it? What's the matter with you? Είστε γιατροί. You are doctors. You're doctors. Mit mellemnavn er ikke Tom. My middle name isn't Tom. My middle name isn't Tom. あたりを見回すと、机の上に手紙があるのに気づいた。 When I looked about, I found a letter on the desk. When I looked at him, I realized that there was a letter on the machine. 月曜日には彼の状態は少しだけ良くなった。 On Monday, his condition improved slightly. On Monday, his condition got a little better. Я щойно бачив їх разом. I just saw them together. I just saw them together. Tom har mange venner. Tom has many friends. Tom has a lot of friends. Se on harppu. It's a harp. It's a harp. एक भूकंप ने वह इमारत तबाह कर दी। An earthquake destroyed the building. A storm destroyed the building. Onlarla gitmeyi düşünüyorum. I'm considering going with them. I think I'm going with them. मला माहीत आहे की तुम्ही श्रीमंत आहात. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. 我怎樣才能連絡到你? How can I reach you? How can I contact you? Tom è pronto per un'avventura. Tom is ready for an adventure. Tom's ready for an adventure. टॉम तुम्हें मॅरी के बारे में कुछ बताना चाहता है। Tom wants to tell you about Mary. Tom wants to tell you something about Mary. Ich erkundigte mich, ob das Flugzeit pünktlich ankomme. I inquired whether the plane would arrive on time. I was wondering if the flight time was right. Y luego se me ocurrió de repente una buena idea. Then all of a sudden a good idea came to me. And then I suddenly got a good idea. Abbiamo caldo. We're hot. We're hot. Lei è carina come sua sorella. She's as pretty as her sister. She's as cute as her sister. Han ljuger aldrig. He never tells lies. He never lies. Che cos'è quel rumore terribile? What's that awful noise? What's that terrible noise? Que dobriscoi la pòrta e que vesoi dus gojats apitats tòc a tòc. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. That I dodged the door, and I saw a couple of hot-tocked goads. Tom het skoon van hulle vergeet. Tom forgot all about them. Tom had forgotten about them. Rozumiem, že ku mne prechováva nevraživosť; ublížila som jej. I understand she has hard feelings towards me; I hurt her. I understand that there's no killing at my place; she's hurt her dream. Meja ini diguna Tom. This desk is used by Tom. This table was used by Tom. הוא זכה באזרחות אמריקאית. He acquired American citizenship. He's a U.S. citizen. C'est l'une des miennes. It's one of mine. It's one of mine. Ĉu vi scias, al kiu tiu aŭto apartenas? Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know who this car belongs to? ती काल रात्री वारली. She died last night. She died last night. 私はタバコを吸うのをやめた。 I stopped smoking. I stopped smoking tobacco. Не знаев за нив. I didn't know about them. I didn't know about them. Nu te îmbăta! Don't get drunk. Don't move! Ge mig vinet. Give me the wine. Give me the wine. Aeth Alice i'r gwely am ddeg o'r gloch. Alice went to bed at ten. Alice returned to the room for the right of the glass. そこまで車で行くのに5時間かかりました。 It took me five hours to drive there. It took me about five hours to get in the car. ماری به مادرش در آشپزی کمک کرد. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who was to be born to him in the womb. Tom kdysi prodával auta. Tom used to sell cars. Tom used to sell a car. আমি টমের সঙ্গে খালি ফরাসি ভাষায় কথা বলি। I only speak French with Tom. I'm talking to Tom in an empty French language. Je préfère m'y rendre seul. I prefer to go alone. I'd rather be alone. Самі веган. Sami is vegan. It's a vegan. Het spel werd spannend. The game became exciting. The game was exciting. On mahdollista, että Tom saattaa yrittää tappaa itsensä uudestaan. There's a chance that Tom might try to kill himself again. It's possible that Tom might try to kill himself again. Stoler du på hende? Do you trust her? Do you trust her? Þu eart min freond. You're my friend. You're my cousin. Du får tre forsøk på å gjette hvor jeg var i går. You get three tries to guess where I was yesterday. You get three attempts to find out where I was yesterday. 私の奇妙な夢を解釈して下さい。 Please interpret my strange dreams. Let me explain my strange dream. Jag behöver en dator. I need a computer. I need a computer. ទៅបាត់ហើយ ។ Go away. It's gone. Ayaw pagdamo hin duro nga bagahe nga darad-on kun nalakat ka. Don't carry too much baggage when you travel. Take no bag for your journey, nor go your way. Glasnije, molim te. Louder, please. More loud, please. Miaj rimarkoj ne celis vin. My remarks were not aimed at you. My notes didn't mean you. Je mangerai debout. I'll eat standing up. I'll eat first. Eu rejeitei a oferta. I rejected the offer. I rejected the offer. Jeg læser så få bøger som muligt. I read as few books as possible. I read as much books as I can. Үлмәйәсәкмен. I won't die. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him. ” הם האמינו לתום. They believed Tom. They believe in fate. Sutra se vraćam kući. Tomorrow I'm going back home. I'll be home tomorrow. Man kann sich erst sicher sein, eine Fremdsprache wirklich zu beherrschen, wenn man ein anständiges Gedicht darin verfassen kann. You know you've really mastered a foreign language when you can write a decent poem in it. You can only be sure to really control a foreign language if you can create an appropriate attitude in it. Перестань хвилюватися та трохи поспи. Stop worrying, and get some sleep. Stop worrying and sleep a little. Maria is een erg knappe meid. Mary is a very pretty girl. Maria's a very close girl. Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selanjutnya? What do you want to do next? What do you want to do next? Meni öýüme eltersiňmi? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Min framtid ligger i dina händer. My future is in your hands. My future lies in your hands. Hans översättning ligger nära originalet. His translation is close to the original. His translation is close to the original. „Bude pršet?“ — „Doufám, že ne.“ "Will it rain?" "I hope not." “Will it hurt? ” — “I hope not. ” Šta si uradio ovde? What have you done here? What have you done here? Vad betyder SSSR? What does USSR stand for? What does SSSR mean? Czy ktoś jeszcze to poczuł? Did anyone else feel that? Did anyone else feel that? Günde ortalama iki saat İngilizce çalışıyorum. I study English two hours a day on an average. I'm working two hours a day in English. Turvalisem on siia jääda. It's safer to stay here. It's safer to stay here. Datemi il sale, per piacere. Give me the salt, please. Give me the room, please. Tom konuşmadan önce bir an tereddüt etti. Tom hesitated a moment before speaking. Tom woke up just before he spoke. Tom und Maria sagten Johannes, dass sie demotiviert seien. Tom and Mary told John that they were discouraged. Tom and Maria told Johannes that they were demobilized. My a wra eva leth. I drink milk. I'm going back here. Mieleh on tuttavuo. Pleased to meet you. I think it's a year. Yuker-d weqcic idrimen g uqṛab n yemma-s. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and she wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a feeding trough. Мы наконец достигли вершины. We've finally reached the summit. We've finally reached the end. Marchons un peu plus vite. Let's walk a little faster. Let's get a little faster. Er ist völlig durchgeknallt. He's completely crazy. He's totally exhausted. Том сказал, что он не голодный. Tom said he isn't hungry. Tom said he wasn't hungry. Du kan engelsk? You know English? Can you speak English? En ældre kvinde går over vejen. An old woman is walking across the road. An elderly woman is on her way. Uzun süre gözüne uyku girmedi, geleceğini düşündü. She lay awake for a long time, thinking of her future. He didn't sleep in his eyes for a long time. He thought he was coming. Тя направи същата грешка отново. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Yritän mahjongia ensimmäistä kertaa. I'm trying mah-jong for the first time. I'm trying to make a lot of money for the first time. إذهبي إلىَ غرقتِك! Go to your room! Go to your village! Pelec’h emañ va montr? Where is my watch? Where did he go? 现在才6点半,怎么会堵车呢? How can there be a traffic jam now, as late as 6 o'clock? It's 6:00 now. Why'd you drive? Şəhərdə yaşamaq istəyirəm. I want to live in the city. I want to live in the city. Ila lat może mieć Twój ojciec? How old might your father be? How many years can your father have? k Zonk. I sank. I don't know what you're talking about. Sen yeyapsan. You eat. You're hungry. Eu sempre quis escrever um livro para crianças. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I always want to write a book for kids. Само дај му го на Том. Just give it to Tom. Just give it to Tom. Ο Τομ συγχώρησε τη Μαίρη. Tom forgave Mary. Tom forgave Mary. Tom iyi bir patenci, değil mi? Tom is a good skater, isn't he? Tom's a good patient, isn't he? Es por tu bien. It's for your own good. It's for you. Jemehr Huus is wied af von ’n Bahnhoff. Their house is far from the station. Jemeh House is away from a railway station. Þú verður að leggja hart að þér við námið. You must study hard. You have to make sure you study. 娘は、水色の着物をきていました。 The girl wore a light blue kimono. The girl brought some water. חיפשתי באינטרנט ללמוד פורטוגזית. I have searched internet to learn Portuguese. I've been looking online for a Portuguese study. Á erfiðisstundum leitaði hún til trúarinnar. In times of trouble, she would turn to faith. At times, she sought out the faith. Znásilnění je příšerný zločin. Rape is a horrible crime. Violence is an emergency crime. 你很瘦。 You are skinny. You're cold. Jeg kan heller ikke lide cookies. I don't like cookies, either. I don't like cookies either. Da yw gensi kana. She likes to sing. That's what it's like. Jada Layla ez dago maitemindurik. Layla isn't in love anymore. She's no longer in love with Layla. نجى سامي من الحادث. Sami survived the accident. Let's take a look at the incident. O geçen ekim ayında oldu. It happened last October. That's what happened last month. Како го направи тоа без нашата помош? How did you do it without our help? How did you do that without our help? Наступного місяця Том їде з Бостона. Tom is leaving Boston next month. The next month Tom leaves Boston. টম্‌ আৰু মেৰীক কওঁকগৈ। Go and tell Tom and Mary. Tom and Mary fell asleep. Какая у тебя любимая телепередача? What is your favorite TV program? What's your favorite telemedicine? Hän asuu maalla. He dwells in the country. He lives in the country. Том роздратований. Tom is irritated. Tom's down. আপনাদের জিনিসপত্র কোথায়? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? 不要以穿著來判斷一個人。 Don't judge a man by his clothes. Do not wear your clothes to judge one another. Aš labai pavargęs. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Том помоли Мери да вземе паста за зъби и тоалетна хартия от супера. Tom asked Mary to pick up some toothpaste and some toilet paper at the supermarket. Tom asked Mary to take the toothpaste and toilet paper from the super. Sărăcia este o povară, dar nu o ruşine. Poverty is a pain, but no disgrace. Poverty is a curse, but not a curse. Magistri statua ante scholam est. There is a statue of the teacher in front of the school. Master's standing in front of school. Debiches acepta-lo seu consello. You should have accepted his advice. You should have accepted your advice. Ahora estoy algo preocupado. I'm a bit worried now. Now I'm kind of worried. Dikush në shtëpi? Anybody home? Someone at home? ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared. What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. What do we do with this white elephant that your uncle gave us? It's too hot to hang him on the wall. To bi trebalo da nam uštedi nešto para. That should save us some money. That should save us some money. הוא סטודנט באוניברסיטה. He's a university student. He's a student at the university. Hvat feilar? What's wrong? What's wrong? Tom ei ole hyvä urheilussa. Tom isn't good at sports. Tom's not in a good game. Dat hett veel sneet. It snowed a lot. That's a lot of snow. Αυτή ανησυχεί για την ασφαλειά του. She is worried about his safety. She's worried about his safety. Goeiedag eem. Good day. Have a good day. Kakajo. Shit. Oh, shit. वे जर्मनी से हैं। He's from Germany. They're from Germany. هذه سيارة أبي. This car is my father's. This is Dad's car. Tom běžel po ulici za Mary. Tom ran down the street after Mary. Tom ran through the street for Mary. Se fossi in lei, comprerei quello. If I were you, I'd buy that one. If I were in there, I'd buy that. Tom uduzacaq. Tom is going to lose. Tom's going to take a walk. Tom estas nun en danĝero. Tom is now in danger. Tom's in danger now. ما نقدرش نعيش حيات كيما هادي. I can't live that kind of life. As far as we're concerned, we're alive as much as I can. سامي قصير بكثير عن ليلى. Sami is much shorter than Layla. Sammy's a little late for the night. Aš galiu padaryti geriau. I can do better. I can do better. Han er ingen superhelt. He is not some superhero. He's not a superhero. Том акчасын кире алырга теләде. Tom wanted his money back. Tom wanted money back. Лъжете ли? Are you lying? Are you lying? ئىنگلىزچە بىز ئۈچۈن ئاسان ئەمەس. English is not easy for us. English is not easy for us. Seitsemän lasta kuoli tulipalossa Brooklynissa. Seven children died in a fire in Brooklyn. A seven-year-old died in a game in Brooklyn. Tapaamme maanantaina, kaverit. I'll see you guys Monday. We'll see you tomorrow, buddy. Він чесна людина, тому його люблять усі. As he is honest, he is loved by everybody. He's a honest man, so everyone loves him. Manu oku mundorong kio. I'm going to rest, OK? This is the world’s way of life. Este perfect. It's perfect. It's perfect. Tom kan ikke lide irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Tom doesn't like Irish coffee. Conduce con xeito. Drive carefully. It's driving the way. Tom menaciat les. Tom threatened them. Tom threatened them. Illo es le burla le pejor que io ha unquam audite. That's the worst joke I've ever heard. It's the worst noise I've ever heard. Zet het volume wat zachter alsjeblieft. Please turn down the volume. Please set the volume below. Gutlaglar! Congrats! Congratulations! Solía haber un pequeño santuario por aquí. There used to be a small shrine around here. I used to have a little shrine over here. Jeg er i bilen. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. Bebeği uyutun. Put the baby to sleep. You slept with the baby. Era dureros de subţire. He was painfully thin. It was tough to support. Не, не ти се лутам. No, I'm not angry with you. No, I'm not mad at you. Passejo cada dia menys quan plou. I take a walk every day except when it rains. I spend every day less when it rains. Autobusa gelditzen den tokia hemen al da? Is it here that the bus stops? Is this where the bus stops? Eles sorriram para você. They smiled at you. They'll surprise you. Tom undrade vad Mary's efternamn kunde vara. Tom wondered what Mary's last name was. Tom wondered what Mary's last name could be. Wiens woordenboek is dit? Whose dictionary is this? Which dictionary is this? Diri-tt lqahwa i tɛebbuṭ-im. Coffee does harm to your stomach. Give your strength to your servant. 您最好穿一件雨衣。 You'd better put on a raincoat. You'd better wear a rain dress. Res yw dhodho kavos ober. He must find work. There is nothing on the clipboard to paste. Ne becsülj minket alá! Don't underestimate us! Don't underestimate us. Фатограф зрабіў здымак майго дома. A photographer took a photograph of my house. The photograph made the picture of my home. O her zaman neşelidir. He is always cheerful. She's always kind. Daar hoeven jullie nu niet over na te denken. You don't need to think about that now. You don't have to think about it now. Том закончил в тюрьме. Tom ended up in prison. Tom ended up in prison. Ho letto questo libro la settimana scorsa. I read this book last week. I read this book last week. Przeczytał przynajmniej 50 książek przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie. He has read as many as 50 books in the last two weeks. He read at least 50 books in the last two weeks. Preciso encontrá-la. I need to find her. I need to find her. Äýnegimiň nirededigini bilýäňizmi? Do you know where my glasses are? Do you know where I live? Tomi joutui myymään talonsa. Tom had to sell his house. Tom had to sell his house. Thomas mihi nondum dixit quid facere. Tom hasn't yet told me what to do. Thomas never told me what to do. Ninguit. It's snowing. I don't know. On no ave jenero gramatical en magiar. There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian. We don't have grammatical gender in magic. לתום נמשים. Tom has freckles. Let's get out of here. Ela fez isso enquanto estava bêbeda. She did it while she was drunk. She did it while I was drinking. היא האיצה בי. She made me hurry. She left me. אנחנו בצרות. We're up a creek without a paddle. We're in trouble. Я зателефоную тобі вранці. I'll call you in the morning. I'll call you tomorrow. Tom deveniva un toxicomano. Tom became a drug addict. Tom became a drug addict. 会议接近了尾声。 The meeting has almost ended. The meeting drew to a close. Aquera monaca qu'a uelhs deus grans. This doll has big eyes. It's a monster with two big eyes. Ik heff jo nich höört. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Stanno facendo una passeggiata. They are taking a walk. They're making a walk. Quindecim minuta post duodevicesimam horam est. It's a quarter past six. Fifteen minutes after twelve hours. Takrotka! You're a coward! Takrotka! Tom, quantas flexões de braços na barra fixa você consegue fazer? Tom, how many pull-ups can you do? Tom, how many arms in the fixed bar can you do? हमने पारिवारिक शापिंग साइट पर इस प्रकार की अश्लीलता देखने की कभी कल्पना नहीं की थी। We simply didn't expect to see such filth on the family shopping site. We never thought of seeing this kind of immorality on the family shopping site. narghpu' wa' Doch vIje'ta'bogh 'e' vItlhoj juH vIcheghta'DI'. When I got home, I realized that one of my suitcases had disappeared. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Tomo estas la sola filo de Manjo. Tom is Mary's only child. Tomo is Manjo's only son. 你们经常旅行吗? Do you travel a lot? Do you travel all the time? Le gente le considerava un grande erudito. People thought him to be a great scholar. People considered him a great scholar. Le templo era construite in le seculo dece-quinte. The temple was built in the fifteenth century. The temple was built in the fifteenth century. Η Μίλι έχει όμορφα μάτια. Millie has beautiful eyes. Millie has beautiful eyes. Feumaidh mi falbh. I must go. I need to get out of here. ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! What a fool when you believe it! Tom hjälper oss. Tom helps us. Tom will help us. Pojedziemy samochodem czy taksówką? Should we go by car or by taxi? Are we going to get a car or a taxi? Martyna je rodáčka z Wrocławu. Martyna is a native of Wrocław. Martina is a cousin of Wrocław. Jeg trenger et frimerke. I need a stamp. I need a brand. Tahan! Hold it! Hold it! Той излезе да се разходи. He's out taking a walk. He went out to spend. Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden. Tom and Mary said they liked pizza. Tom and Maria said they liked pizza. Folyton dzsesszt hallgatok. I often listen to jazz. I'll keep listening to you. Tom otti esiin kännykkänsä, että hän voisi ottaa selfien. Tom took out his cell phone so that he could take a selfie. Tom insisted that he could take his own. Дамь ти пѧть доларъ. I'll give you five dollars. I'll pay you a dollar. Jeg skjønner ikke sammenhengen. I don't get the connection. I don't remember the connection. 哪一個國家擁有生產玉米的絕對優勢? What country has the absolute advantage in the production of corn? Which country has the ultimate advantage of producing corn? Esque Liechtenstein es un europan land? Is Liechtenstein a European country? Is Liechtenstein a European country? Tomuñ atasy kör bolup doguldy. Tom's great-grandfather was blind from birth. Tomu’s father was born blind. Mən də yaxşıyam. I am also fine. I'm fine too. Ти цього не чуєш? Don't you hear it? Don't you hear that? È migliore, vero? She's better, isn't she? It's better, isn't it? Proč mi nepovíš, co si pamatuješ? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Why don't you tell me what you remember? Myślałem, że mówisz poważnie. I thought you were serious. I thought you were serious. Utinam nobiscum isses. I wish you had come with us. We wanted you with us. tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhchu'be'. I'm not fluent in Klingon. And that's what I'm going to do. Nếu cậu không trả đồ cho nó thì nó sẽ bực lắm đấy! If you don’t give it back to him, he’ll be angry! If you don't pay for it, it's gonna be hard! O Tom sugeriu aquilo. Tom suggested that. Tom suggested that. Această sarcină poate fi finalizată fără efort. This task can be completed effortlessly. This task can be completed without effort. ئۇ بۇ ئىشنى ياخشى قىلالماي، ئۆز-ئۆزىنى ئۇرۇپ كەتتى. Unable to do this well, he started hitting himself. And he did not do that for which he had no right, but broke his heart. Guru bahasa Prancisku usianya sama denganku. My French teacher is the same age as I am. My old French teacher is the same as me. No metas nada de ruido. You have to be very quiet. No noise targets. हमने बड़ी मौज करी। We really enjoyed ourselves. We've done a great deal. Minun ei olisi pitänyt valvoa myöhään eilen. I should not have stayed up late yesterday. I shouldn't have taken care of you last night. Tom eltűnt. Tom's missing. Tom's gone. Tom tahab sind näha nii ruttu kui võimalik. Tom wants to see you as soon as possible. Tom wants to see you as soon as possible. Mia mono foriĝis dum mia restado en Hindujo. I ran out of money during my stay in India. My money went away while I was staying in India. SIbI' pa' vIjaH net poQ'a'? Must I go there at once? Do you really want to quit? תמתין דקה. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. मैं मौत हूँ। I am Death. I'm dead. Я усвідомлював, що за мною слідкують. I was aware that I was being watched. I realized that they were following me. Ела ни на гости. Come and see us. Come and see us. Nepozvali je dokonce ani na svatbu. They didn't even invited them to their wedding. They didn't even call her at the wedding. Mada oku do tusin. I didn't want the money. I'd love to read. ロシアはもう1つの超大国として台頭していた。 Russia had emerged as a second superpower. Russia was once again one of the superpowers. هل هذه هي حقا الحقيقة؟ Is this the real truth? Is that true? Я хачу ведаць, што тут адбываецца. I want to know what's going on out here. I want to know what's going on here. En pidä yksin olemisesta. I dislike being alone. I don't like being alone. I suoi figli sono cresciuti. His children have grown up. His children are growing up. Han kom ikke tilbake til basen i går. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. On oleellista varata paikkansa etukäteen. It is essential to reserve your seat in advance. It's important to keep your place in front of you. Deberías cuidar de tu madre enferma. You should take care of your sick mother. You should take care of your sick mother. Mi provas apliki kolorojn, kiel vortojn, kiuj aranĝas poemojn, kiel notojn, kiuj aranĝas muzikon. I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. I'm trying to apply colors, like words that form poems, like notes that form music. Аз го направих един път. I did it once. I did it once. Den är inte till dig. It's not for you. It's not for you. Tom yeǧǧa Mary. Tom abandoned Mary. Tom left Mary. "أنا أفهم الإيطالية بشكل رائع," لقد تباهت بينما تختار طبق من قائمة الطعام, ولكن عندما قُدم الطعام, كان كما لم تكن تتوقع. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. "I understand Italian very well," I was shocked when you chose a copy of the food list, but when you were given food, it wasn't as expected. Nechcem pracovať v Austrálii. I don't want to work in Australia. I don't want to work in Australia. 'Αλλαξε κάτι; Has anything changed? Did you change something? Der Grund für seine Verspätung bestand darin, dass er den Bus verpasst hatte. The reason for him being late was that he had missed the bus. The reason for his memory was that he had missed the bus. Ике урынлы номерга урнашыр идем. I'd like a double room. I was assigned to a two - room log cabin. Tom yeεreḍ ad yezger iɣẓer s uεummu. Tom attempted to swim across the river. But he, passing through the midst of her, lifted up his eyes, and said, "Don't be afraid." 要精通英語將會花費你很長的時間。 English will take you a long time to master. It's going to take you a long time to speak English. Kesalul! I love you! I'm sorry! আমি সাঁতার কাটতে যেতে চাই না। I don't want to go swimming. I don't want to go to the bathroom. Me dio una respuesta cortante. He gave me a curt answer. He gave me a short answer. نعم, إنها غاضبة. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, it's hot. Ist die Prüfung gut gelaufen? Did you do well in the exam? Did the test run well? Hun kalte meg mange forferdelig ting. She called me many terrible things. She called me a lot of horrible things. Το κλειδί είναι στο γραφείο. The key is on the desk. The key is in the office. Μη μου πεις, ότι λυπάσαι για μένα. Do not tell me you feel sorry for me. Don't tell me you're sorry for me. Veľa čítam. I read a lot. I read it. Como você sabe que o Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça isso? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? El cargo no era cierto. The charge was not true. The charge was not true. Hva spiste du? Fisk eller kjøtt? What did you eat? Fish or meat? What did you eat, fish or meat? سوف اذهب للتسوق بعد الغداء. I'm going to go shopping after lunch. I'll go to the market after breakfast. Ona paxıllıqla baxma. Don't look at her enviously. Don't look at him with kindness. Halló! Hogy vagy? Hello, how are you? Hey, how are you? Mary har studeret sexologi. Mary studied sexology. Mary's studied sexology. Nidus de arbore cecidit. The nest fell from the tree. Scattered tree nidus. Ur lliɣ ara da i wakken ad awen-xedmeɣ ayen n diri. I'm not here to hurt you. I am not a stranger to you, so that I don't become as you are. Žinoma kad aš turėčiau perskaityti šią knygą. Of course I should read this book. Of course I should read this book. Avez-vous des guides de musée en japonais ? Do you have any museum guides in Japanese? Do you have museum guides in Japan? Том не цілував Мері. Tom didn't kiss Mary. Tom didn't kiss Mary. ألقى سامي بكرسيّ عبر النّافذة. Sami threw a chair through the window. I'm wearing a cross-section. Jeg regnede med at jeg måske kunne finde dig her. I figured I might find you here. I thought maybe I could find you here. אל תשכח למשוח שמן שיזוף. Don't forget to put on some sunscreen. Don't forget to talk about what's going on. Italiaans is een muzikale taal. Italian is a musical language. Italian is a musical language. Qua yunulo esas Masao? Which boy is Masao? What Greek is Masao? Stúlkan brast í grát. The girl burst into tears. The girl's crying. Том помогна на Мери да премести шкафа. Tom helped Mary move the dresser. Tom helped Mary move the hat. Mitä tehet? What are you doing? What are you doing? Tom puede hablar francés casi tan bien como puede hablar español. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Tom can speak French as much as he can speak Spanish. Verovatno me nikada više nećeš videti. You'll probably never see me again. You'll probably never see me again. Mi ne iĝos trejnisto. I'm not going to be a coach. I'm not going to be a coach. फ्रेंच इटली की कुछ हिस्सन में अउर फ्रांस में बोलल जाले। French is spoken in parts of Italy as well as in France. In some parts of France, it was spoken in France. ئۇ بۇرۇنلا بۇ يەرگە كەلگەن. He came here a long time ago. He had already come to this land. Odletěla nám střecha. We had our roof blown off. She took our shots off. Io ho conosciuto Tom a Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I met Tom in Boston. Na tohle nejsem zvyklý. I'm not used to this. I'm not used to this. من هنوز در خانه بودم. I was still at home. I was still in the house. ينبغي على سامي أن يهتمّ بشؤونه. Sami should mind his fucking business. I should take care of them. Ad iṛuḥ Tom ad yečč akka cwiya. Tom is going to eat soon. And Thomas shall come to eat and to eat. Ne juĝu la celon, kiun iu atingis, sed la vojon, kiun li prenis por ĝi. Judge not the goal that someone has attained, but the path he has taken to reach it. Don't judge the target that someone has reached, but the path he has taken for it. Tomnak azt mostanra meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should've done that by now. Tom should've done that right now. Ho! li diris, mi volonte dronus, se la akvo ne estus tiom malvarma! Oh! he said, I would gladly drown myself, if the water was not so cold! Oh, he said, I'd like to drink, if the water wasn't so bad! Vera amicitia pretiosior est quam pecunia. A true friendship is more valuable than money. True friendship is better than money. Kiom ofte vi eliras por manĝi? How often do you eat out? How often do you go out to eat? Não temos muitas opções. We don't have many options. We don't have a lot of options. Je hebt er het raden naar wanneer ze zal komen. It's anybody's guess when she'll come. You've got the advice when they're coming. रशियातील बाइकाल सरोवर हा जगातला सर्वात खोल सरोवर आहे. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. The world’s largest Lake Baikal in Russia is the largest lake in the world. 呢頂帽係咪你㗎? Is this hat yours? What's your hat? مەر ھەمەت، ماشىنىڭىزنى ماڭا ئارىيەت بېرىڭ. Please lend me your car. Thank you, give me your machine. Heb je Planet of the Apes gezien? Have you seen Planet of the Apes? Have you seen Planet or the Apes? Mono estas potenco. Money is power. Money is power. 为什么是我? Why me? Why me? Tiu libro estas mia. That book is mine. This book is mine. Tom hər yaz günəbaxan əkir. Tom plants sunflowers every spring. Tom writes every letter from the sunset. Qu'èi mau de cap. I have a headache. That's so bad. Ima li Tom iskustva? Does Tom have experience? Do you have Tom's experience? 我搵緊眼鏡呀。 I'm looking for my glasses. I'm staring at you. Tomas lödom ko fat okik. Tom lives with his father. I'll find out what's wrong with Thomas. Двьрь сѧ розвьрзла. The door opened. The door's broken. Ssexlaɛent tira-k. Your writing is horrible. Your voice was heard. Бесчалавечнасць Бога ў адносінах да чалавека застаўляе тысячы людзей тужыць. God's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn. God’s undeserved kindness in connection with the human family has allowed thousands of people to repent. अपोलोला त्याच्या डेल्फीमधल्या मंदिरात बीटचं नैवेद्य दिलं जायचं. Beetroot was offered to Apollo in his temple at Delphi. A few months later, he was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Kuna visiwa katika bahari. There are islands in the sea. It is spoken of as being present. Onpa kylmä. Haluan käydä talviunille. It's cold. I want to hibernate. It's cold, I want to go north. От магазина до вкъщи носех тежкия багаж и си подвиквах хо-о-оп-хоп. I carried the heavy bags back from the store chanting yo-hee-ho all the way home. From the store to the house, I carried a heavy bag and made myself a ho-o-op-hop. Kapan kamu berangkat? When are you leaving? When are you leaving? Uhaguruka ryari? When do you get up? When do you get up? Trier is die oudste stad van Duitsland. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Remodeliram. I'm remodeling. I'm remodeling. Tom está ahuyentando a los cuervos. Tom is scaring the crows away. Tom's hiding in the hills. C'est une question qui me tient très à cœur. I feel strongly about this. That's a very serious question. De jongen wast zich in de badkamer. The boy is washing in the bathroom. The boy was in the bathroom. Lei chiuse una porta. She closed a door. She closed a door. Úgy történnek a változtatások, ahogy mi megbeszéljük. The changes are being made as we speak. The changes are going to happen, like we're talking about. ¿Com'estas't? How are you? How are you? Ŝi malŝatas Fejsbukon. She hates Facebook. She doesn't like Fejsbuk. Budi ljubazan. Be kind. Be kind. हे विकायला नाही आहे. This isn't for sale. This publication is not for sale. U Tom u pankylliang pisa na ngi. Tom borrowed some money from us. Tom and Pankyliang wrote about it. Qual jaqueta é a sua? Which one is your jacket? What's your jacket? Це можна купити приблизно за тисячу ієн. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. It can buy about a thousand eggs. Een waterval van zweet stroomde naar beneden over mijn gezicht. A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. A waterfall of cold streamed down my face. 我打開咗個罐,但係入面咩都冇。 I opened the can, but it was empty. I've opened a bridge, but it's all in the hole. Oppikaa nöyryyttä. Learn humility. Learn humility. Tom houdt niet van de manier waarop Maria naar hem kijkt. Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him. Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him. 我在學校前面等你。 I'll wait for you in front of the school. I'm waiting for you in front of school. Después de la muerte de su marido, sacó adelante a los dos niños ella sola. After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. After her husband's death, she left the two children alone. Mes amies me manquent. I miss my friends. My friends miss me. Por favor, visite-nos. Please visit us. Please visit us. Thomas multa praemia accepit. Tom has received many awards. Thomas's got a lot of premiums. Tom começou a chorar. Tom started to cry. Tom started crying. अंग्रेज़ी भाषा के शब्द बहुत सी और भाषाओं में उधार लिए जातें हैं। English words are often borrowed by other languages. The English words are translated into many languages. Tôi mong sao mọi người ngưng nói ra ý kiến theo kiểu chà đạp những ước mơ trẻ. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I hope people stop expressing their views on the kind of goals they have. 他很老。 He was very old. He's old. Io mi sposerò presto. I'll be married soon. I'll marry you soon. Tom e Mary estão jogando futebol por aí. Tom and Mary are playing soccer somewhere. Tom and Mary are playing football over there. כפתור החולצה שלך נפרם. Your shirt button is coming off. As a key to your shirt, it's grown. 您的房间很大。 Your room is very big. Your room is big. Yth esov vy ow koska. I'm sleeping. You're the only one who's lost. ro da xamgu Everything is fine. Information La malsana ĝirafo resaniĝis. The sick giraffe recovered its health. The sick man was cured. Jsem si dobře vědom problémů, se kterými se potýkáme. I'm well aware of the problems we face. I'm well aware of the problems we're dealing with. 請給我菜單。 Please give me the menu. Give me the menu. Я хочу, щоб мені заплатили готівкою. I want to be paid in cash. I want them to pay me a meal. तू गेलास तर त्याही जातील. If you go, they'll go too. If you go, they will go. سامي يملك الكثير من المال. Sami has plenty of money. Sammy's got a lot of money. Не перажывай, будзь шчаслівы! Don't worry, be happy! Don't pass, be happy! मी भारतात आहे. I'm in India. I am in India. Saben tot. You know everything. They know everything. तिने त्याला गोळी मारली. She shot him. She took him and killed him. تاما_تاما كۆل بولۇر. Drop by drop, the water can conglomerate into a lake. _Other Organiser Me no fumi. I don't smoke. Don't smoke me. An re ma yw skeusennow koth. These are old photos. Whether to take a photo. Moja majka kuva za mene. My mother is cooking for me. My mother cooks for me. Mi ŝatus retrati monon. I'd like to withdraw money. I'd like to take the money back. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Vȯi ma täddõn äb sieg? Am I disturbing you? I don't know what you're talking about, do I? Okoy ko thanape? Who are you? Who are you? नोबेल पुरस्कार जिंकवून मिळवणं माझं स्वप्न आहे. It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize. I hope to win a Nobel Prize for winning the prize. ما الذي جعلك تأتي إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What makes you come here? הוא מרוצה ממצבו הנוכחי. He is content with his present state. He likes the present situation. Io ha voluntate de facer nihil hodie. I don't feel like doing anything today. I wanted to do nothing today. e'o ko cuxna pa lo prenu Please choose one person. Stock left: Nezdáš se v tom sám být moc dobrý. You don't seem too good at this yourself. You don't seem to be too good on your own. El conose el. She knows them. He knows him. किस के लिये है? Who's it for? For whom? Augenblickchen! Hang on a sec. Look out! Det er hvad der foregår. That's what's going on. That's what's going on. Ethvert menneske har sin pris. Every man has his price. Every man has his price. Na stole je pomeranč. There is an orange on the table. It's on the table. Co se stalo s mými dveřmi? What happened to my door? What happened to my door? Бачиш мою машину? Do you see my car? You see my car? Nous ne sommes pas vieux. We're not old. We're not old. 她明年會去美國嗎? Will she go to America next year? Will she go to the United States tomorrow? سألعب الشطرنج مع توم اليوم. I'm going to play chess with Tom today. I'll play chess with Tom today. Den savnede gutten ble identifisert etter klærne hans. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. The missing guy was identified after his clothes. ನಾವು ಸತ್ಯವನ್ನು ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಹಿಡಿಯಬಹುದು? Where can we find the truth? Where Can We Find the Truth? Ik heb van niemand toestemming nodig. I don't need anybody's permission. I don't need anyone's permission. "Co jest nie tak?" "Nie mogę odpalić samochodu." "What's wrong?" "I can't get my car started." "What's wrong?" "I can't fire the car." ئۇيغۇرمۇسەن؟ Are you an Uighur? Do you sleep? माझी मैत्रिण शहराबाहेर राहतो. My friend lives outside the city. My friend lives out of town. Kon sa elät? Where do you live? Where do you live? Ik wilde niets in het bijzijn van de kinderen zeggen. I didn't want to say anything in front of the kids. I didn't want to say anything about the kids. Podes explicar isto? Can you explain this? Can you explain this? Джордж на пять лет старше меня. George is five years older than I am. George was five years older than me. Prawie na całym świecie można uczyć się angielskiego z rodzimym użytkownikiem. It's possible to study English with a native speaker almost anywhere in the world. You can learn English with your family around the world. Говори по-високо, ако обичаш. Please speak more loudly. Talk higher if you love it. Δύο μπύρες, παρακαλώ. Two beers, please. Two beers, please. ואיש לא עזר לך? And no one helped you? And no one helped you? Phet! Leave! Fhet! Ndonjë gjë tjetër? Anything else? Anything else? मेरे ख़याल से तुम्हे सिगरेट पीना छोड़ देना चहिए। I advise you to stop smoking. I'd like you to quit smoking. أريد أن أتقرّب منك. I want to get closer to you. I want to get close to you. Kes võidab? Who's winning? Who's winning? সে কি কাছাকাছি কোথাও থাকে? Does he live near here? Is he anywhere near? Dit was makkelijker dan ik dacht. This was easier than I thought it would be. This was easier than I thought. Alansan oku daa mugad mantad id Tokyo do piipiro tadau. I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days. That's why I'm going to give you a copy of Tokyo's ID. Марија не го разбра предавањето. Оратор требал да зборува побавно. Mary did not understand the lecture. The speaker should have spoken more slowly. Maria didn't understand the transmission. Eski erkek arkadaşım aniden beni aradı. My ex-boyfriend just called me out of the blue. My ex-boyfriend just called me. אלה החברים שלי. These are my friends. These are my friends. Esce el es la tuа fia unica? Is she your only daughter? Is he your only faith? 彼女は僕と同い年だ。 She and I are of an age. She's the same age as me. Den är inte billig. It isn't cheap. It's not cheap. No totes les pomes vermelles tenen el mateix gust. Not all red apples taste the same. Not all red apples have the same taste. Y a-t-il quelque chose que tu voudrais que je dise à Tom ? Isn't there something you want to say to Tom? And there's something you want me to tell Tom? 我们小时候,所有的一切对我们来说都显得那么大。。。 When we're children, everything around us looks so big. When we were young, everything seemed so big for us.. Dat hett Taro Akagawa schreven. That was written by Taro Akagawa. That's what Taro Akawa wrote. 要是我能去音乐会就好了。 If only I can go to the concert! If I can go to music, I'll be fine. அவன் கயிற்றை விட்டான் He let go of the rope. He's out of his mind. La risposta non è corretta. The answer isn't correct. The answer is incorrect. אני מכיר את השכונה הזאת. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I know this place. Qui essera illac? Who'll be there? Who's gonna be stupid? Смее ли да прави сѐ што ќе посака? Can he do whatever he wants? Can he do anything he wants? Han betedde sig som ett barn. He behaved like a child. He treated himself like a child. Tomovy narozeniny jsou 20. října. Tom's birthday is October 20th. Tom's birth is October 20th. Tom todavía es tu mejor amigo, ¿no? Tom is still your best friend, isn't he? Tom's still your best friend, isn't he? Você não vai sentir nada. You'll feel nothing. You won't feel anything. Tom punya tangan yang besar. Tom has big hands. Tom has a big hand. 汤姆看起来一点也不开心。 Tom didn't look happy at all. Tom doesn't look happy. Lad være med at spille kostbar! Stop playing hard to get. Don't play expensive! Han drog sit sidste åndedrag. He breathed his last breath. He took his last breath. Da ist deine Tasche. There is your bag. There's your bag. पंद्रहवीं शताब्दी में स्पेनी धर्माधिकरण से पलायन कर रहे यहूदियों ने उस्मानी साम्राज्य में आश्रय लिया। Jews fled the Spanish Inquisition and took shelter in Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth century. And in the fifteenth century, the Jews took refuge in the kingdom of Man, which was at the beginning of the reign of Spain. Przygotuj się. Get ready. Get ready. Θέλω να μείνεις. I want you to stay. I want you to stay. D aya i nesɛa. This is all we have. That's what we have. हा व्हिडिओ तू शूट केलास? Did you shoot this video? Have you watched this video? Können Leute wirklich so doof sein, zu glauben, dass die gesamte Bevölkerung Georgiens, die eine kaukasische Sprache spricht, die keinen Laut oder Buchstaben mit Englisch gemein hat, plötzlich innerhalb von zwei Jahren fließend Englisch sprechen kann? Can people really be as silly as to believe that the whole population of Georgia, which speaks a Caucasian language with no common sound or common letter with English, can suddenly be fluent in English within two years? Can people really be so proud to believe that the whole population of Georgia, who speaks a Cuban language that has no voice or letters with English, can speak English suddenly within two years? შრომამ შექმნა ადამიანი. Labor created man. Humans were created with a conscience, an inner sense of right and wrong, and a sense of right and wrong. টম বাইরে ঘুমালো। Tom slept outside. Tom's asleep outside. Стави књигу на горњу полицу. Put the book on the top shelf. Put a book on top of the police. Ŝi pasigas la tempon per vekriado. She passes the time moaning. She spends her time screaming. Tom se omluvil svému šéfovi za to, že nedokončil svoji práci v termínu. Tom apologised to his boss for not finishing his work on schedule. Tom apologized to his boss for not completing his term. مەندە سەن ئويلىغاندەك ئۇنچىلىك كۆپ پۇل يوق. I don't have as much money as you think. I don't have much sleep as you thought. Аз още не съм си написал цялото домашно. I haven't finished all my homework yet. I haven't written my whole house yet. Tom har købt nye snørebånd til sine sko. Tom bought new laces for his shoes. Tom has bought new snowboards for his shoes. Todos eles sabem. They all know. They all know. Esta casa es muy grande, ¿no? This house is very big, isn't it? This house is very big, isn't it? Se sacó las medias mojadas. He removed his wet socks. It took off the mediums. Streng dich an, wie du willst, aber du kannst niemandem einen Glauben aufzwingen, geschweige denn dir selbst. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Strengthen yourself as you want, but you can't force anyone to believe because you're weak yourself. Ari mudzimai wangu. She's my wife. He was my wife. Du är fin i håret. Your hair is pretty. You're nice in your hair. Оставь его себе. Keep it to yourself. Leave him alone. Esque io vermente non vos place? Do you really not like me? Don't you really like me? mi pulji I'm a policeman. My pulse To jí pomůže. That will help her. It'll help her. Anh ta bận rộn với công việc của anh ấy. He is busy with his work. He's busy with his job. Nanje ngenda kw'ishure ngaha. I go to school here, too. I'm going to school. Er det en buss som går til kjøpesenteret? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is that a bus going to the shopping center? Кен хоча ровар. Ken wants a bicycle. Ken wants a ride. Pappi piirsi taitavasti sermiin kuvan papista. A priest skillfully drew a picture of a priest on a folding screen. Well, it's probably the priest's limit on the priest's picture. Том не знаеше каде е. Tom didn't know where it was. Tom didn't know where he was. Сигурен съм, че Том не може да говори френски. I'm pretty sure Tom can't speak French. I'm sure Tom can't speak French. Plorat. He's crying. Plorata. Не гледам да се жалат муштерии. I don't see any customers complaining. I don't see any complaints from customers. Tror du jeg bekymrer mig om hvad du synes om mig? Do you think I care what you think of me? Do you think I'm worried about what you think about me? Tomo metis la bovlon en la mikroondan fornon. Tom put the bowl into the microwave. Tomo put the ball in the microwave oven. Koliko ste očajni? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? 明日学校でね。 I'll see you tomorrow at school. I'm at tomorrow's school. puH Duj Say'moH. I washed the car. Puh Duj Say'moh. Tom yebɣa ad iẓer d acu i txeddmeḍ deg tudert-ik. Tom wants to know what you do for a living. who desires to see your good way of life. Tom es un principiante. Tom is a beginner. Tom's a starter. 高中毕业之后我就没那样做过了。 I haven't done that since high school. I didn't do that after high school. Προετοιμαστείτε. Prepare yourself. Get ready. Tu va abitua pronto a vive asi. You will soon get accustomed to living here. You're going to live as soon as you can. その発表を聞いて彼は飛び上がった。 The announcement brought him to his feet. When he heard the announcement, he flew up. Kom og se oss spille. Come to watch us play. Come and see us play. Sta aspettando qualcuno? Are you expecting somebody? Are you expecting someone? Qṛib. Almost. It's close. Бих могла да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Він не менш добрий, ніж його сестра. He is no less kind than his sister. He's not better than his sister. 他去北海道了。 He has gone to Hokkaido. He's going north. דאס איז נישט זעהר א גרויסע חידוש. That's not very original. Das is not a great novelty. قىيىنچىلىقدىكى دوست ھەقىقىي دوستدۇر. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A true friend. Ez naiz inoiz nekatzen horretaz. I never get tired of it. I'm never tired of that. Tom zdjął swój zegarek i położył go na stole. Tom took his watch off and laid it on the table. Tom took his hat off and put it on the table. Tom az asztal túlsó végén ült. Tom sat at the far end of the table. Tom was at the end of the table. Ti panagbirok ti nasayaat nga lugar nga paggianan ket haan nga nalaka. Finding a good place to live isn't easy. Finding a suitable place to live is relatively easy. Я готовий почати. I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start. Ще дойда с Том. I'll come with Tom. I'll come with Tom. Бих могъл да Ви направя щастлива. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Вам потрібно припинити робити це просто зараз. You need to stop doing that right now. You need to stop doing this right now. Todos ellos cantaron en coro. They all sang in chorus. They all sang in the heart. Patron Tom'u işten kovmayı düşündü fakat bunun aleyhinde karar verdi. The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it. Patron thought he'd quit his job, but he decided to do it. Tāns aupalluns nawwan mīlin. He's found a new love. It's an old-fashioned nawwan love. Tom önümüzdeki hafta sonu Boston'a gidecek. Tom will go to Boston next weekend. Tom's going to Boston last week. Θα 'μαι εδώ. I'll be here. I'll be here. Gelecek hafta toplantıya gelecek mi? Will he come to the meeting next week? Will he come to the next week's meeting? La band è eccellente. The band is excellent. The band is excellent. Tikelt-a mačči kifkif. This time it's different. It wasn't enough. Ne vole da rade to. They don't like to do that. They don't like to do that. К президенту трудно подойти. The president is difficult to approach. It's hard to get to the president. Gdy teraz o tym myślę, dochodzę do wniosku, że nie powinienem był tam z nią jechać. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have gone there with her. When I think about it now, I come to the point that I shouldn't have been there with her. Keşene uram arqılı çıqqanda maşina bärderde, anı xastaxanägä iltergä tieşlär ide. A man was knocked down by a car when crossing the street, and had to be taken to the hospital. Looks like he's got a car in the back of the car, and he's going to get his head back to the hospital. Jaa pizza kolmeen osaan. Please divide the pizza into three parts. Give me a pizza for three. El amoras el e me. She loves her and me. Love him and me. Rozhlédl se a pak se posadil na židli. He looked around, then he sat on the chair. He looked and then sat on the seat. Άφησε με να μιλήσω, σε παρακαλώ. Let me speak, please. Let me talk, please. 茄汁意粉是小朋友的最愛。 Kids love pasta in tomato sauce. It's a little girl's best love. Ruthenia maior est quam Italia. Russia is bigger than Italy. Ruthenia is greater than Italy. Ако не говориш английски, вероятността да заемеш добра позиция, е много по-малка. You're much less likely to get a good position if you don't speak English. If you don't speak English, the probability of taking a good position is much less. Tom arbejder nu som hundelufter. Tom now works as a dog walker. Tom's working as a dog after all. Энд гэрэл зураг авч болохгүй. Please do not take photos here. We're not going to take a picture here. Mitäs tuosta. Any time. What about that? म पहेँलो गाडी मात्र किन्छु। I only buy yellow cars. It's just something I've missed. Ngam kwah ban leit skul. I don't want to go to school. Only kahkahban is to be found. Tom er en god trener. Tom is a good coach. Tom's a good trainer. Vad ska jag göra sedan? What do I do then? What am I gonna do then? Volala tě Mary. Mary called you. Mary called you. Nie lubię zimy. I don't like winter. I don't like winter. Ur ḥmileɣ ara zrudeyya, daymi ur tt-tetteɣ ara dayem. I don't like carrots, so I don't usually eat them. I don't receive glory from men. For I don't lay it down forever. mi se nandu lo ka spusku fi lo do preti Your question is hard for me to answer. I'm sorry he can say he'll wait. मैं उसी रास्ते जा रहा हूँ। I'm headed that way. I'm going the same way. 来年30歳になります I'll be 30 next year. I'm 30 years old. 彼女は好機を利用しなかった。 She made nothing of her opportunities. She didn't take advantage of the opportunity. תהיי בטוחה יותר איתי. You'll be safer with me. You'll be safer with me. Voi pensate davvero che Tom sia preoccupato? Do you really think Tom is worried? Do you really think Tom's worried? Adda ti libro iti lamisaan. The book is on the table. There is a book on the table. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Zeg wat je wilt, maar ik doe toch mijn eigen zin! Whatever you say, I'll do it my way. Tell me what you want, but I'm doing my own thing! Es triste. It's sad. It's sad. ออกไป Get out. Get out of here. Il ha un. There's one. There's one. Ничто так не расслабляет, как горячая ванна. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. Nothing weakens like a hot van. Като стигнеш до светофара, завий надясно. After you get to the traffic lights, turn right. When you get to the lighthouse, be careful. Vi siete rifiutate di pagare. You refused to pay. You've been refused to pay. أحضر منّاد باية و أمّهة إلى منزله. Mennad brought Baya and her mom to his house. I brought my aunt and uncle to his house. Açıkçası Tom biraz üzgün. Tom is obviously a little upset. Apparently, Tom's a little sad. 信号が赤になるのに気づかなかった。 I didn't notice the light turn red. I didn't realize the signal would get red. ko jundi lo moklu be do Watch your mouth. Add a new criterion to this search De skal emigrere til USA. They are going to emigrate to America. They're going to immigrate to the United States. Pregătirea atentă asigură succesul. Careful preparations ensure success. Careful preparation ensures success. Attrape mon fusil ! Get my rifle. Get my gun! Sokat harcolunk. We fight a lot. We fought a lot. Ko jūs vēlaties no Toms? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? आम्ही बर्‍या आहोत. We're fine. We are the only ones invited to attend the Memorial of Christ’s death. Anda akka ara nṛuḥ? D acu twalaḍ? Where should we go? What do you suggest? Where are we going? What do you see? Gada kaji kunya kawai kayiman magana. Don't be shy. Talk to me. Try to use your imagination. Tom tomou sopa de legumes hoje de manhã. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom took a cup of vegetables this morning. Ik wil naar Bali gaan. I want to go to Bali. I want to go to Bali. Jij bent niet oud. You are not old. You're not old. Je ne peux plus supporter cette chaleur. I can't stand this hot summer. I can't stand this heat anymore. Usnula jsem u televize. I fell asleep while watching TV. I got on the TV. Demin neler oldu? What the hell just happened? What happened then? Hun bodde der alene. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Azul, isem-iw Tom. Amek i ak-qqaṛen? Hi, I'm Tom. What's your name? Azul, my name is Tom: what is it that they say unto thee? Este produto foi projetado com a máxima preocupação com a segurança. This product has been designed with the highest concern for safety. This product was designed with maximum safety concerns. आइतवार हप्ताको अन्तिम दिन हो। Sunday is the last day of the week. This is the last day of the week. Кветкам і дрэвам патрэбныя свежае паветра і чыстая вада. Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water. Flowers and trees need fresh air and clean water. Оваа зграда има громобран. This building has a lightning rod. This building is huge. On je znanstvenik. He is a scientist. He's a scientist. അവന് ഗോൾഫ് എങ്ങനെയാണ് കളിക്കുന്നതെന്ന് അറിയില്ല. He doesn't know how to play golf. He doesn't know how to play golf. Il ne s'y trouvait pas la semaine passée. He wasn't there last week. He didn't find it last week. Mitt hus ligger tio minuters gångväg från stationen. My house is ten minutes' walk from the station. My house is ten minutes away from the station. Том на тебе чекав. Tom was waiting for you. Tom was waiting for you. जहाँ जीवन, वहाँ आशा। Where there is Jeevan, there is Asha. Where life is, there is hope. איר זענט אויסלענדער. You're foreigners. You're an alien. תחתום מעל השורה הזאת. Sign above this line. Sign over this line. तिने दार बंद केला. She shut the door. She shut the door. Hadi bir şişe şarap daha içelim. Let's drink one more bottle of wine. Let's drink some more wine. «wa'leS qaSbe' QISmaS! DaHjaj qaS!» «ghobe'! wa'leS qaS!» "Christmas is not tomorrow, it's today!""No, it's tomorrow!" "Wa'leSbe'QISMAS, Dajaj kas!" "ghobe!" "Wa'leS" QISMAS! Gerçekten Tom'a güvenemem. I can't really trust Tom. I can't really trust Tom. Jag är van vid att dricka kaffe utan socker. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. I'm used to drinking coffee without sugar. Dw i am gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta. I'm going to get something to eat. I'm gonna get something to drink. 有很多美国人会说日语。 There are many Americans who can speak Japanese. There are many Americans who speak Japanese. È bello vederla così felice. It's nice to see you so happy. It's nice to see her so happy. Είμαι μεγαλύτερος απ' αυτή. I'm older than her. I'm bigger than that. Jag åkte till flygplatsen för att träffa honom. I went to the airport to meet him. I went to the airport to meet him. Mi sukcesas fari ĝin mem. I can get it done myself. I can do it myself. Me ia completi un formulario I filled in a questionnaire. _Other Organiser Selena Gomez acaba de lanzar su segundo disco. Selena Gomez has just released her second album. Selena Gomez just started his second disk. Sve su životinje jednake. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. اس کے ناول، زیادہ تر، بہت غیر دلچسپ ہیں۔ His novels are, for the most part, very boring. His names, more and more, are very uninterested. Jag brände papperet. I burned the paper. I burned the paper. Le civilisation del planeta Arratellia es superior a illo de Terra. The civilization of planet Arratellia is superior to Earth's. The civilization of the planet Arratellia is superior to that of Earth. तू शाकाहारी आहेस हे मला माहीत आहे. I know you're a vegetarian. For I know that thou art in the gall of bitterness. Ninge din greu. It snows hard. None of it's hard. Nie szedłbym tam. I wouldn't go in there. I wouldn't be there. Наш холодильник не працює. Our fridge is broken. Our refrigerator doesn't work. Déanann Cáit an bia is fearr liom. I like the food that Cáit makes best. City makes the food the best I can. تبدأ المدرسة الساعة الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. The school begins at 8 a.m. and half a.m. Ты не понимаешь, Том. You're missing the point, Tom. You don't understand, Tom. Naqurmiik. Thank you. Naqurmik. Mary makan salad ayam panggang. Mary ate a grilled chicken salad. Mary ate an egg salad. Você se importaria de me esclarecer alguns pontos? Would you mind clearing up a few points for me? Would you mind explaining some points to me? Mary și-a făcut temele. Mary has done her homework. Mary made her the subject. Žanav sostar o Tom si ane Boston. I know why Tom is in Boston. I don't know about Tom you're ane Boston. शहर आवडतं का? Do you like the city? Does the city like you? Пачакай секунду. Wait a moment. Wait a second. Жұмыс тәулік бойы істеледі. The work is a whole day. This is the date on which the work will be done. Dat regent al twee Daag. It has been raining for two days. It's been two days. Aeque procera est ac mater. She is as tall as her mother. That's what she's trying to do. Tev ir daudz laika. You have plenty of time. You have a lot of time. Ɛni thelkemt? Are you sick? I don't think so. Saeamat kimo. Thank you. Let's get out of here. Би сакал да разговарам со Том. I'd like to talk to Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? Tawenza-w attan gar ifassen-ik. My fate is in your hands. Tawenza's waiting for each other. ¿Sabe cómo utilizar esta cámara? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how to use this camera? Thomas semper felix videbatur. Tom always looked happy. Thomas was always happy to see you. لا أعلم I don't know. I don't know. Voglio vederla nel mio ufficio. I want to see her in my office. I want to see her in my office. मी माझ्या मित्र-मैत्रिणींना ओळखलं. I recognized my friends. I knew my friends and friends. Jeg er et ansvarlig menneske. I'm a responsible person. I'm a responsible man. Czekałam miesiąc. I've waited for a month. I waited a month. Αισθάνομαι ευτυχισμένος. I feel happy. I feel happy. Том още ли е на училище? Is Tom still at school? Is Tom still in school? Tom membaca catatan dari Mary dan menyerahkannya kepada John. Tom read the note from Mary and then handed it to John. Tom read Mary’s account and gave it to John. Harga ini sangat melampau-lampau. These prices are outrageous! It's been a long time. Si è ricordata di ringraziarla? Did you remember to thank her? Did you remember to thank her? Gengi erlendra gjaldmiðla breytist daglega. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. During the last few months, changes have been made every day. Θα του πείτε; Will you tell him? Will you tell him? त्या तीन आठवडे आजारी होत्या. She was ill for three weeks. Those three weeks were sick. Pożałujesz tego! You'll be sorry! You regret it! Accipe libellum et devora illum. Take the little book, and eat it up. Take the book and consume it. Tomo respondos viajn demandojn. Tom will answer your questions. Tomo will answer your questions. กรุณาเปิดกล่องใบนี้ด้วย Please open this box. Please open this box. Schriev dien Naam in Grootbookstaven. Write your name in capital letters. Enter your name in capital letters. Ich winsch eich all en glicklich nei Yaahr. I wish you all a Happy New Year. I'll win all of you a glycly to Yaahr. Osomok moti patayon ku. I nearly died. I don’t know why we are here. Uhlí a zemní plyn jsou přírodní paliva. Coal and natural gas are natural fuels. The clouds and the earth's rain are natural fuels. Nemůžeš postrádat něco, co jsi nikdy neměl. You can't miss what you never had. You can't buy something you never had. El are o personalitate dublă. He has a dual personality. He has a double personality. Nästa artist är fantastisk. The next artist is amazing. Next artist is great. Esta bisikleta no es vuestra. That bicycle isn't yours. This bike isn't yours. Свіння ружовая. The pig is pink. The wedding of roses. S Büsi isch alt. The cat is old. S Büsi's old-fashioned. Tôi sẽ đợi ở đây đến khi nào cô ấy tới. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait here until she comes. 両親はさておき、誰もその容疑者を弁護しないであろう。 Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. There's no one to protect his suspects. Que caminèi solet. I walked alone. Let me walk alone. Tafelseft-nwen n tudert temxallaf akked tin-iw. Your philosophy of life varies from mine. Your life is more difficult for you than for me. ¿Cuándo se fueron a casa? When did you go home? When were they at home? Meine Erziehung machte mich zu dem, was ich bin. My education has made me what I am. My education made me what I am. تو که واقعا نمی خواهی با تام مجادله کنی، می خواهی؟ You aren't really going to argue with Tom, are you? You who don't fight against blood? You who don't fight against blood? আমরা চেঁচাচ্ছি। We're screaming. We're watching. Myślałem, że Tom wini mnie o to, co się wydarzyło. I thought Tom blamed me for what happened. I thought Tom was gonna blame me for what happened. Nie mogę udawać kogoś, kim nie jestem. I can't pretend to be something I'm not. I can't marry someone I'm not. Я маю йому допомогти. Він мій друг. I have to help him. He's my friend. He's my friend. Keʻokeʻo kēia ʻīlio. This dog is white. Illustrating. הוא ישב, וסביבו התלמידים. He was sitting surrounded by the students. He's sitting around the students. Du må gå på skolen. You must go to school. You have to go to school. Аз съм тази, която спаси Том. I'm the one who saved Tom. I'm the one who saved Tom. Взел съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken care of everything. Svájc szép ország. Switzerland is a beautiful country. It's a beautiful country. Poisid on mõnikord kummalised. Boys are strange sometimes. The boys are cool sometimes. Hva mener du om saken? What is your opinion on the matter? What do you mean? 叔父は冗談のつもりでその話を私にした。 My uncle told me the story by way of a joke. My uncle told me about it when he was talking to me. Hän tuli sisään huoneeseeni. He entered my room. He came into my room. Itu aneh. That's weird. That's weird. Ωραία ημέρα, δεν είναι; It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Good day, isn't it? Que lui as-tu fait ? What have you done to him? What did you do to him? O que você quer fazer primeiro? What do you want to do first? What do you want to do first? Quid vespere facies? What are you doing this evening? What are you doing tonight? 有兩種狐狸精神:好狐狸和壞狐狸。 There are two kinds of fox spirits: good fox and bad fox. There are two kinds of surrogates, one of which is good and the other of bad. Félelnetes ellenfél volt. He was a formidable opponent. It was a mind-blower. টমও গীটার বাজায়। Tom also plays guitar. Tomo's playing guitar. Tom jest instruktorem jogi. Tom is a yoga instructor. Tom's a yogi instructor. وہ کہتے ہیں کہ وہ دنیا کی سب سے خوش اخلاق عورت ہے۔ They say she is the kindest woman on earth. They say, "He is the most beautiful woman in the world." De er helt sikkert sultne. They must be hungry. I'm sure they're hungry. تام هنگام طلوع بیدار شد. Tom awoke at daybreak. Until the morning, when it was morning, he rose up. Ik krijg wat ik wil. I get anything I want. I get what I want. 不要逃避,我要你回答我的問題。 Don't dodge the issue, I want you to answer my question. Don't run away. I want you to answer my question. 他画了谷仓。 He painted the barn. He's painting the cave. את יכולה לדבר ולדבר עד שתהיי כחוּלה בּפָּנים, אבל אף פעם לא תשכנעי אותי. You can talk until you're blue in the face, but you'll never convince me. You can talk and talk until you're in public, but you'll never lock me up. Veel vluchten werden geannuleerd als gevolg van de tyfoon. Many flights were canceled because of the typhoon. Many flights were cancelled as a result of the typhoon. 我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的命为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们,免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债,不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶。 Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our Father, in the heavens and in the earth, is the Holy One. Let your kingdom come down. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Mia aŭto estis ŝtelita. I had my car stolen. My car was stolen. بۇ چۈشتىن كېيىن مەن مېرى بىلەن كۆرۈشىمىز. I am seeing Mary this afternoon. I'll see you in the afternoon. D lewhayem. It's unbelievable. Oh, my God. Kicsit korán van az italozáshoz, nemde? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's been a while, isn't it? Kita lagi. Me, too. We're back. Що він там робить? What's he doing there? What's he doing there? Podczas kolacji łoś wypił dużo piwa, spadł ze schodów i umarł. During dinner the elk drank a lot of beer, fell down the stairs, and died. During his lunchtime, he drank a lot of beer, fell from the stairs, and died. En ole juonut kuukausiin. I haven't had a drink in months. I haven't been in months. No copies y pegues oraciones de otros sitios. Do not copy-paste sentences from elsewhere. Do not copy and hold prayers from other places. 「ここまでは表向きの話なんです。キリカさんも知っていることですね」「ってことは、裏向きもあるんですか?」 "Up to this point has been the official story, which Kirika also knows." "By which you mean there is also an unofficial?" I'm going to say, "I don't know what you're talking about. You know what you're talking about." Ви маєте тримати свою кімнату в чистоті. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. Mütevazilik olmaksızın cesaret tehlikeli bir oyundur. Without humility, courage is a dangerous game. It's a dangerous game to be without stability. חסרים לי מאוד מורי בית הספר היסודי שלי. I miss my elementary teachers very much. I'm very missin' Maurie at my high school. Ad as-inniɣ i Tom tenniḍ-d aya. I'll tell Tom you said that. These things have I spoken unto Tom, that he might have something to say. „Sei nur ein artiges Mädchen“, sagte da ihre Patentante, „und ich will dafür sorgen, dass du hingehen kannst.“ Dann brachte sie sie auf ihr Kämmerlein und sagte: „Lauf in den Garten und hole mir einen Kürbis!“ "Well," said her godmother, "be but a good girl, and I will see that you go." Then she took her into her chamber, and said to her, "Run into the garden, and bring me a pumpkin." “You are just a beautiful girl, ” said her patent, “and I want you to make sure that you can fit in.” Then she brought her into her bedroom and said, “Go to the garden and get me a beer! ” Я не знал, что это законно. I didn't know that was legal. I didn't know it was legal. El ia fura meа cor. She stole my heart. He stole my heart. Multe gente se preoccupa de pagar lor facturas. Many people worry about paying their bills. Many people worry about paying for their bills. Abita in questo edificio. He lives in this building. She lives in this building. Tom non mi guarderà neanche. Tom won't even look at me. Tom won't even look at me. Tomĉjo ne scias, kio misokazis. Tom doesn't know what went wrong. Tommie doesn't know what happened. 聽日係我生日。 Tomorrow is my birthday. It's my birthday. La rulŝtuparo subite haltis. The escalator suddenly stopped. The scroll bar was now closed. Tominál vagyok. I'm at Tom's. I'm Tominal. مەن دوختۇرخانىدا ئىشلەيمەن. I work in a hospital. I work in the bathroom. تام به کسی شلیک نکرد. Tom didn't shoot anybody. For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold 我父親曾經去過澳洲兩次。 My father has been to Australia twice. My father has been in Australia twice. Minä unohdin, mitä minä olin sanomassa. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what I was saying. আমি খুব ভয়ে পেয়েগেছিলাম। I was very scared. I was so scared. 新聞に広告を出してみよう。 I think I will advertise in the paper. Let's make a statement to the press. na ru'e mrodunja ne'i lei snime She was nearly frozen to death in the snow. Children’s Picture Search Thông thường khi Tom và Mary ra ngoài ăn tối cùng nhau, họ cùng trả tiền hoá đơn. Usually when Tom and Mary go out for dinner together, they split the bill. Often when Tom and Mary went out to eat together at night, they paid for each other’s expenses. Selepas habis makan malam, mereka dinikmati bermain kad. Dinner finished, they enjoyed playing cards. After dinner, they enjoyed playing cards. Hun er den eneste veninde jeg har. She is the only friend I have. She's the only friend I have. პარიზში წასვლა მინდოდა. I wanted to go to Paris. I wanted to go to Paris. Tom je nevěrný svojí ženě. Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom's an unfaithful wife. L'Africa sta esportando del manzo in Europa. Africa is exporting beef to Europe. Africa is exporting manna in Europe. 'Iqchugh 'Iq! Too much is too much! Iqchugh' Iqq! Aradığın şeyin hâlâ orada olduğunu biliyorum. I know what you're looking for is still in there. I know what you're looking for is still there. Zavřel jsem všech šest oken. I've shut all six windows. I've closed all six eyes. אבא שלי קם מוקדם. My father gets up early. My dad got up early. Mi vivas super miaj rimedoj. I live above my means. I live on my limits. Prefiero la primavera al otoño. I prefer spring to autumn. I prefer spring to autumn. Alla tvekade. Everyone hesitated. All doubt. Mēs neko nedarījām. We didn't do a thing. We didn't do anything. Il occurre que io es inamorate de te. I happen to be in love with you. It happens that I'm in love with you. Du kannst diese Theorie nicht auf diesen Fall anwenden. You can't apply this theory to this case. You can't apply this theory in this case. Hatalı olduğuma inanmıyorum. I don't believe I was wrong. I don't believe I'm wrong. Tom sa att du lät det hända. Tom says you let it happen. Tom said you let that happen. Vart jag gå, jag kommer med. Wherever I go, I bring myself with me. Wherever I go, I'll come with you. 她每天練習彈鋼琴。 She practiced the piano every day. She used to practice football every day. Tom și Mary au spus că nu au făcut-o ei. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Диңгездә утраулар бар. There are islands in the sea. There are rivers in the sea. Tom a stat treaz aproape toată noaptea gândindu-se la Mary. Tom lay awake almost all night thinking about Mary. Tom stayed awake almost all night thinking about Mary. Każdego dnia ty tego nie widzisz. You don't see that every day. You can't see it every day. Han friede til sin kæreste med en ring han havde stjålet i en lokal smykkebutik. He proposed to his boyfriend with a ring he had stolen from a local jewelry store. He freed his girlfriend with a ring he had stolen in a local beauty shop. Ĉu tio estas pli bona ol la originalo? Is it better than the original? Is that better than the original? Kim sagom das no kanon lemön beati dub mon? Who says money can't buy happiness? Who's going to say that now can't lie to you? Yw da genes leth choklet? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you have a piece of chocolate? Man nepatīk lidot. I don't like flying. I don't like flying. Tomi va Mary keynaya ê ya. Tom said Mary was his daughter. That is what Tommy and Mary did. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom won't say a word today. Tom si váží svého života a zdraví a proto nikdy zbytečně neriskuje. Tom values his life and health and therefore he never risks unnecessarily. Tom cares about his life and his health, so he's never too risking it. Ĉu mi rajtas preni momenton el via tempo? Could I have a moment of your time? Can I take a moment from your time? Şimdi Boston'dan yaklaşık yüz mil uzaktayız. We're now about a hundred miles away from Boston. Now we're almost hundreds of miles away from Boston. Заради проблема със замърсяването на въздуха, някой ден колелото би могло да измести автомобила. Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile. Because of the problem with freezing air, one day the car might be able to find a car. Te pudełka są tej samej wielkości. These boxes are the same size. These bottles are the same size. Ne, yaptığını, sorabilir miyim? What, may I ask, are you doing? What, can I ask you? Teţmeslay tajapunit. She can speak Japanese. Take care of yourself. ওনারা চিৎকার করলেন। They screamed. They're kidding. Tá an t-ábhar seo an-phráinneach. This matter is very urgent. This subject is very urgent. Res vydh dhywgh dalleth. You'll have to start. You don't have to leave. בגללך יש לי קשיים בלחץ הדם. Thanks to you, I have problems with my blood pressure. Because of you, I have difficulty in blood pressure. את צריכה לנסות לא לשכוח מה השעה. You have to try not to forget what time it is. You should try not to forget what time it is. आपके ऐसे दोस्त होने चाहिए के जो आपकी मदद करें। You must have such friends as will help you. You should be such a friend who will help you. Я был испуган. I was frightened. I was scared. Aseggas n wedfel, d aseggas n yirden. Snow year, corn year A year and a half, a year and a year. Ik wil Tom graag ontmoeten. I'd like to meet Tom. I want to meet Tom. ฉันจะคิดถึงทอม I'm going to miss Tom. I'll think about Tom. Går klokken din rett? Is your watch correct? It's your turn, isn't it? Oklend Yeni Zelandiyada bir şəhərdir. Auckland is a city in New Zealand. Oakland is a city in New Zealand. Kdo je tvůj oblíbený tenista? Who's your favorite tennis player? Who's your favorite tennis player? Ese é o feito que quero saber. It is the fact that I want to know. That's the fact I want to know. मैं यह तुम्हारे सिवा नहीं कर सकता। I can't do this without you. I can only do this to you. Darf ich euch etwas zeigen? May I show you something? Can I show you something? Kial vi tiel rapidas? Why are you so fast? Why are you so fast? Tom bir infilâk sesi işittiğini söyledi. Tom said he heard an explosion. Tom said he heard an infiltration. Hva er forskjellen? What is the difference? What's the difference? pongvam ghajbogh vay''e' vISovbe'. I don't know anyone by that name. That's what we're talking about. Fortasse. Maybe. Go ahead. 她不得不放弃梦想。 She had to give up her dream. She had to give up hope. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop interrupting my words. הגם שהוא היה חלש כשהיה תינוק, עכשיו הוא חזק מאוד. Whereas he was weak as a baby, he is now very strong. Also, he was weak when he was a baby, now he's very strong. Sabemos que él es un hombre valiente. We know him to be a brave man. We know he's a brave man. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary to do that. I'm wondering if Tom told Mary that she should do this. Tomas mėgsta lakrosą. Tom likes lacrosse. Tom likes the lark. Hvor mye koster en inngangsbillett? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much does an input image cost? Rajendra Prasad India ke pahila President rahaa. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of India. Rajendra Prasad India has appointed the money president. Riesce a vedere la barca di Tom? Can you see Tom's boat? Can you see Tom's boat? בכל מקום שהוא עצר, הוא התקבל בסבר פנים יפות. Everywhere he stopped, the people welcomed him warmly. Wherever he stopped, he got in a beautiful face. Powinieneś kiedyś tego spróbować. You should try it sometime. You should try it sometime. لن يحدث ذلك. That won't happen. That won't happen. Jag kan inte ändra på det. I can't change that. I can't change it. Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was judged. Iri podi kaala tu isai daa poposunud disio dot otopot? The problem is who is going to tell him the truth. Can you imagine what it's like to talk about when you're out of here? Ona yardım etmek zorundaydık. We had to help her. We had to help him. Pater tuus procerus est. Your father is tall. Your father's trying. My a dhiberth a-vorow. I leave tomorrow. My first challenge. אני מתכוון להשאר בדיוק כאן. I'm going to stay right here. I mean to stay right here. Идите прямо. Go straight. Go straight. Pesce e vino rosso non stanno bene assieme. Fish and red wine don't go well together. Fish and red wine are not good together. A húga egy jól ismert tv-sztár. His younger sister is a well-known TV star. Your sister's a well-known TV star. Le immigrante dice le cosas explicitemente. The immigrant says things explicitly. The immigrant says things explicitly. Svíce zhasla. The candle went out. She's getting better. Překvapilo mě, když mi Tom řekl, že to nemusí dělat. I was surprised when Tom told me he didn't have to do that. I was surprised when Tom told me he didn't have to. Anatoka California. She comes from California. It is located in California, U.S.A. Үөрэнээччилэр кэлбэтэр, уруок бастаабат. If students don't come, the lesson doesn't start. I began to study the Bible with one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I started to study the Bible with him. Nemo es interessate. No one is interested. No one's interested. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I expect him to come. I hope he'll come. Quando você vai para Boston, posso ir com você? When you go to Boston, could I go with you? When you go to Boston, can I go with you? 我开始记起来了。 I am beginning to remember it. I'm starting to remember. Vale a pena perder tempo tentando ajudar pessoas que não querem ser ajudadas? Is it worth spending time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Is it worth spending time trying to help people who don't want to be helped? Açık televizyonla, derslerini nasıl aklında tutabilirsin? With the T.V. on, how can you keep your mind on your studies? With open television, how can you keep your lessons in mind? للكبار فقط. Adults only. It's just for adults. Leg het spel kaarten op de eiken tafel. Place the deck of cards on the oaken table. Place cards on to the Tableau to form poker hands. muqagh tam. Tom interrupted me. Thank you very much. Wir hatten viel zu feiern. We had a lot to celebrate. We had a lot to celebrate. Wukud i ţmeslayeɣ? With whom am I speaking? What am I talking about? Ni ĉiuj iris krom Tomo. All of us went except for Tom. We all went except Tom. Ty a allas gwertha henna. You could sell that. You can value it right there. El are o memorie bună. He has a good memory. He's got a good memory. Aiso guno monongkiboros maya disido. It's no use talking to her. This is the most common form of carbon dioxide in the world. 彼女は何を心配しているのだろう。 I wonder what's on her mind. What is she worried about? Il pranzo era ottimo. Lunch was great. The lunch was great. Anh được sinh ra là để yêu em. I was born to love you. I was born to love you. Jeho nabídku jsi měla odmítnout. You should have refused his offer. You should've rejected his offer. Με χρειάζονται. They need me. They need me. Том иа ес меа ами сола а акел темпо. Tom was my only friend at that time. Tom just gave me a warm hug and a warm hug. Хайде да играем бейзбол! Let's play baseball! Come on, let's play baseball! Sorrisi. I smiled. I'm sorry. 彼女は長い髪を風になびかせてデッキに立っていた。 She stood on the deck with her long hair waving in the wind. She was standing on the roof to make a long hole in the wind. Ellas hablan sobre nosotras. They speak about us. They're talking about us. Laskut kasautuvat. The bills keep piling up. The bottles are in use. Er stand auf, um mich zu begrüßen. He rose to his feet to greet me. He stood up to welcome me. 酒を飲むと打解けて来る。 As we drink, we open up to each other. I'll get you a drink. Stopiwch leidr, stopiwch leidr! Stop thief, stop thief! Stop suffering, stop suffering! 我不想和一个陌生人分享旅馆房间。 I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. I don't want to share the hotel with a stranger. Non è stato facile per loro. It hasn't been easy for them. It wasn't easy for them. Esce tu gusta acel pais? Do you like that country? Do you like that parent? N'es-tu pas convaincue? Aren't you convinced? Aren't you convinced? Khlieng ki pliang. Wash the dishes. Listen carefully. トムはとても健康そうに見える。 Tom looks very healthy. Tom looks very healthy. Cikethepe dhukuakana? Why are you sad? Cikethepe? Преди няколко дена ти дори не искаше да разговаряш с мене. A few days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me. A few days ago, you didn't even want to talk to me. Жереб кинуто. The die is cast. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Не си толкова стара. You're not that old. You're not that old. Tom não veio para a escola na semana passada. Tom didn't come to school last week. Tom didn't come to school last week. Я навучылася пісаць левай рукой. I learned to write with my left hand. I learned to write my left hand. Jeg er ikke analfabet. I'm not illiterate. I'm not an alpha. Jamal hiçbir şey söylemedi. Jamal didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. Ben tutuklu değilim, değil mi? I'm not under arrest, am I? I'm not a hostage, am I? टॉमला सांगा तुम्ही खोटं बोललात. Tell Tom you lied. Tell Tom that you lied. Mia kato malsatas. My cat is hungry. My cat's sick. Tom ist nicht reicher als ich. Tom isn't richer than me. Tom isn't much more than I am. Zonder jou ben ik niets. I'm nothing without you. Without you, I'm nothing. Том сделал Мэри дорогой подарок. Tom gave Mary an expensive gift. Tom made Mary a great gift. الكتاب على المكتب. The book is on the table. Book on the office. Da kommt jemand die Stiegen herauf. There's somebody coming up the stairs. Then someone comes up the stairs. Ez dakit. I don't know. I don't know. Eu quero que você fique na Austrália pelo menos até o Natal. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. شاید وہ صرف توارد ہے۔ That's probably just a coincidence. Maybe she's just got it. Kod kuće pričamo samo francuski. At home, we speak only French. We only speak French at home. मेरीने निळा ड्रेस घातलेला आहे. Mary is wearing a blue dress. I’ve had a hard time getting used to it, and I’ve had enough. ” Мені күлкі қылғанды жек көремін. I hate being laughed at. I'm going to hate what's left of me. Quo it? Where is he going? What is it? Hodiaŭ ĉio iris malglate ekde la komenco. Today, everything went awry from the start. It's been a while since the beginning. Etlär belän yoqlasañ, betlär belän uyanırsıñ. If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. If you're ever lost and alone in the woods, hug a tree Wygląda na zdezorientowaną. She looks confused. Looks like a disorientated one. Jeg drikker aldrig alene. I never drink alone. I never drink alone. B' fheàrr Iùdas làmh rium. I'd rather have Judas by my side. The Jew seems to have fallen asleep. Nagsisirom na, ngan an malain, nawarâ kami. It grew dark, and what was worse, we lost our way. It was getting dark, and the worst was waiting for us. Qui non laborat, non manducat. He who does not work, does not eat. Who doesn't work, doesn't eat. Ο Τομ σταμάτησε. Tom stopped. Tom stopped. سب کچھ جل کر راکھ ہو گیا۔ Everything was burnt to ashes. It's all gone fast. 我們的學校是在一九九零年創立的。 Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 199 years. Πόσα χρωστάς; How much do you owe? How much do you owe? Aŭtuno estas mia preferata sezono. Autumn is my favorite season. Autumn is my favorite season. 我是个男人。 I am a man. I'm a man. העוגה שתום אפה הייתה טעימה. The pie that Tom made was delicious. The fruit that you got here was wrong. Li mortigos tu! They'll kill you! He'll kill you! Ой, у нас сахар закончился. Oh, we're out of sugar. Oh, we've got the dryer over. Oji es aniversario de la rituo de sposi de Tom e Maria. Today is Tom and Mary's wedding anniversary. Oji is a anniversary of Tom and Maria's wedding ritual. Dirì hiyá naka-Iningles. He can't speak English. It's called super-English. Warum glaubst du ihr nicht? Why don't you believe her? Why don't you believe her? Por fin, llegamos al lago. We finally got to the lake. Finally, we get to the lake. Bilo je malo čudno. It was kind of strange. It was a little weird. Ова е Том, мојот помошник. This is Tom, my assistant. This is Tom, my assistant. ฉันต้องการความรัก I need love. I need love. ¿Qué rayos es esto? What in the world is this? What the hell is this? 他们震惊了。 They were surprised. They're surprised. Nadam se da ćete se ti i Tom dobro provesti. I hope you and Tom have a good time. I hope you and Tom have a good time. Ŝi adiaŭis min. She bade me good-by. She helped me. qamwIj gho' tam. Tom stepped on my foot. Don't worry about it. Mary er Toms svigermor. Mary is Tom's mother-in-law. Mary's Tom's mother. Quia Portus Dives est colonia Americae Foederatae, praeses Portus Divitis est praeses Americae Foederatae, sed incolis Portus Divitis suffragium in comitiis Americanis ferre non licet. Since Puerto Rico is a US colony, Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the USA, but inhabitants of Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote in US presidential elections. This Portus Dives is the colony of the American Federation, the governor of the Portus of the United States of America, but also the Portus of the dividend of the U.S. committees does not like iron. Dych chi'n chwarae yn yr ardd. You're playing in the garden. You're not at a table. Tom včera nevečeřel. Tom didn't have dinner last night. It didn't last night. Je pense qu'il est temps de partir. I think it's time to leave. I think it's time to leave. Mary odmítla Toma živit. Mary refused to support Tom. Mary refused to live. 你没必要马上去做。 You don't have to do it right away. You don't have to do it right away. Ki te kore he mātauranga pai, me pēhea koe e eke ai ki te taumata angitu? Without a good education, how can you succeed? If not well - known, how can you make the first step? 这酒杯是用金做成的。 This goblet is made of gold. This wine is made of gold. Ek is seker ek gaan nie van veel hulp wees nie. I'm sure I won't be of much help. I'm sure I'm not going to be of much help. Tom se vydal po schodech nahoru. Tom headed upstairs. Tom's gone up the stairs. Sono molto alta. I'm very tall. I'm very tall. Nešel jsem na pohřeb. I didn't go to the funeral. I didn't go to the funeral. Я не хочу, щоб Том сердився. I don't want Tom to be angry. I don't want Tom to feel sorry. Jsme teprve začali. We've just started. We just started. بۈگۈنكى تازىلىقنى باشلىقىمىز ئورۇنلاشتۇردى. Our boss organized today's clean-up. (It will be said to them): “Our Lord! La bluzo esas neta. The blouse is clean. The blue is clean. Snackst du Bulgorsch? Do you speak Bulgarian? You speak Bulgarian? Ninguém vai acreditar na gente. No one will believe us. No one's going to believe in people. Ni siquiera sé cuál es tu dirección. I don't even know your address. I don't even know what your address is. Guvernul a înființat un comitet care să investigheze problema. The government has set up a committee to look into the problem. The government has set up a committee to investigate the problem. Tom pysähtyi yhtäkkiä hymyillen. Tom suddenly stopped smiling. Tom stopped in the middle of a hummingbird. O harika bir insan. He's a fantastic person. He's a great man. അവൻ ഒരു കത്തെഴുതി. He wrote one letter. He wrote a letter. Ich hätte mich verletzen können. I could have been hurt. I could have hurt myself. Moramo da pobegnemo. We've got to get away. We gotta get out of here. Ես չգիտեմ, Թոմն ինչու չեկավ, և չեմ էլ ուզում հարցնել նրան: I don't know why Tom didn't come and I don't want to ask him. I don't know why Tom didn't come, and I don't want to ask him. Protestans äluvokädons, „Deadami Lamerikäna!“ The protesters shouted out, "Death to America!" Protestant intellectuals, “Dadamim Lamerikana! ” Ήπια γάλα. I drank milk. You were hungry. Mora da je bilo zabavno. That must've been fun. It must have been fun. برنامه‌هایم را وِل کردم. I abandoned my plans. and has turned my back on my ways, दार बंद करा. Close the door. Close the door. Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. Nobody would help me do that. तीन बटणं आहेत. There are three buttons. There are three buttons. Él bebió una taza de café. He drank a cup of coffee. He drank a cup of coffee. रोगी ने अपनी आखरी साँस भरी। The patient breathed his last. The disease filled its last breath. Я зрозумів, що не готовий. I realized I wasn't ready. I realized it wasn't ready. Musisz iść do domu i pobyć ze swoją rodziną. You need to go home and be with your family. You have to go home and live with your family. مرحباً! شكراً للتحليق معنا. كيف حالكم اليوم؟ Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Hey, thank you for accompanying us. Non dubito quin venturus sit. I'm sure he's coming. I don't doubt what the future will be. Nie jestem zdenerwowany I'm not uptight. I'm not distracted ចុះបងវិញ? And you? ( b) What will we consider in the next article? Io va demandar adjuta. I'll get some help. I'll ask for help. Við erum saman. We were together. We're together. Je ne l'ai pas fait pour toi. I didn't do it for you. I didn't do it for you. Prends l'appareil photo. Get the camera. Take the camera. ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What's happened to them is still in Gaza. Chan ann an-dè a rugadh ise. She wasn't born yesterday. It's not yet born. Vitsailette! You're joking! You're kidding! Iako sam bila bolesna, dala sam sve od sebe. Although I was sick, I did my best. Although I was sick, I gave everything to myself. Та энд их юм сурна. You'll learn a lot here. There is much you can learn. Я ніколи не п'ю наодинці. I never drink alone. I've never had a drink. Una vez al año no hace daño. Once a year does not hurt. Once a year it doesn't hurt. La fermele mari, vitele sunt de obicei însemnate cu fierul roșu. On large farms, cattle are usually marked with brands. In large plants, life is usually meant by red hair. Le vita habe un sol signification: le acto mesme de viver. There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself. Life has only one meaning: the very act of living. Mai degrabă ar muri decât să se dezonoreze. He would rather die than disgrace himself. He'd rather die than be ashamed. Jag ser fram emot det. I am looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. आप जो चाहें चुन सकते हैं. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose what you want. Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese hieroglyphs are very beautiful. मला माझी काठी द्या. Give me my cane. Give me my rod. Кішка захищала своїх кошенят. The mother cat protected her kittens. Kischa protected her hair. Es besteht dringender Bedarf an Trinkwasser. There is an urgent need for drinking water. There is a pressing need for drinking water. तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो? Where are you going? Where are you going? Denmargh Hol, Suverya' Hol, DIvI' Hol je vIjatlh. I speak Danish, Swedish and English. Denmargh Hol, Severya'Hol, DivI'Hol is today. Eu acho que o Tom amaria isso. I think Tom would love that. I think Tom would love that. Ստորագրիր այստեղ: Sign here. Write here: Ur ḥwaǧeɣ ara aɣaḍi-ik. I don't want your pity. I don't need you to bear with me. 'elDI', paqvam yInob! When he comes in, give him this book. 'elDI', Idiot! Hon är tystlåten. She is quiet. She's the quiet one. धोकादायक होती. It was dangerous. It was dangerous. Нема шансе! Fat chance. There's no way! Měl bys vždy říkat pravdu. You should always tell the truth. You should always tell the truth. Kan ik u komende maandag zien? Will I be able to see you next Monday? Can I see you next morning? Você queria alguma coisa? Did you want something? Did you want something? On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the railway station? Where's the train station? Pourquoi voulez-vous être médecin ? Why do you want to be a doctor? Why do you want to be a doctor? Ea intro aufer. Take them inside. Come on in. Αγαπήστε τον Τζον. Love John. Love John. Tom malkede koen. Tom milked the cow. Tom came down. Цал англисаг ныхасы зоныс æввахс зæгъгæйæ? About how many English words do you know? Are you sure you want to close all English? Яшен тизлеге белән. Like lightning. And by oath of the life of the world. Žena je mladá. The woman is young. She's a young woman. टॉम आणि मी मेरीसाठी काम करायचो. Tom and I used to work for Mary. Tom and I worked for each other. कला क्या होती है? What is art? What's going on? আমাকে বল কি চাস। Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Slet-d akk! Listen, everybody! Listen to me, all of you. Bizimle konuşmak istemediğini sandım. I thought you didn't want to talk to us. I thought you didn't want to talk to us. תום נהיה קצת טרחן. Tom was getting a little fussy. We'll be a little worried. Jag har juryplikt. I have jury duty. I have a legal obligation. त्यांना भाज्या आवडतात, खास करून कोबी. He likes vegetables, especially cabbage. They like vegetables, especially cobs. Ние се редувахме да караме. We took turns driving. We were willing to drive. Eu quero que haja algo para cantar. I want there to be something to sing. I want something to sing. Времена тяжёлые. The times are hard. It's hard time. La kent-sseqdacen. They're using you. The former things have passed away. Ho sentito che Tom e Mary hanno intenzione di trasferirsi a Boston. I heard that Tom and Mary plan to move to Boston. I heard Tom and Mary intend to move to Boston. Rumi es la fia prima. Rumi is the first daughter. Rumi is the first believer. Eam veneramur. We respect her. We're welcome. Ο Τομ θέλει στ' αλήθεια να βοηθήσει. Tom really wants to help. Tom really wants to help. 今晚我們打算去聽音樂會。 Tonight we are planning to go to the concert. We're going to listen to the music tonight. Я люблю учить другие языки. I love learning other languages. I love learning other languages. אני חושבת שעדיין כדאי לנסות. I think it's still worth a try. I think we should try. Kewsewgh dhedha. Talk to them. Please wait. Szerintem jóvá fogod hagyni. I think you'll approve. I think you'll be fine. Mən İspaniyadanam. I am from Spain. I'm from Spain. Jo kostiumas buvo pilkas o jo kaklaraištis geltonas. His suit was gray and his tie was yellow. His costume was full and his calculus yellow. 我不敢做这种事。 I don't dare to do that kind of thing. I can't do this. ¿Podes describir a relación supervisor - subordinado ideal? Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? Can you describe the supervisory relationship - ideal subordinated? Tienes de facelo meyor. You've got to do better. You have to do it better. Tom så en western. Tom watched a Western. Tom, this is the west. Kubera wewe ndi mu ngorane. I'm in trouble because of you. Because you are in trouble. Ili forŝovelis la neĝon. They were shoveling the snow away. They took off the snow. ही बातमी मला इतोने सांगितली होती. The news was told to me by Ito. That was what I was told to do. Xedmet ayen ilhan i wid i ken-ikeṛhen. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to them that hate you, and to them that hate you. Δεν μπορώ να σου δανείσω αυτό το βιβλίο. I can't lend you this book. I can't lend you this book. Denne website bruger cookies. This website uses cookies. This website uses cookies. Я часто попадаю в халепу. I'm often in trouble. I often fall into hell. Este jarro aguanta dos litros de agua caliente. This jar can hold two liters of hot water. This glass of hot water litres. Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a cab. Чичо ми никога не пише писма. My uncle never writes letters. My uncle never wrote letters to me. Tiene, twinteg, datteg, vatteg, viefteg, zesteg, zeuventeg, tachteg, negenteg, honderd. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, datch, fatty, five, six, seven, seven, nine, one hundred. Pha lah ban ia leit lada pha ia kwah. You can go if you want to. The next article will discuss how we can do so. Bunun hepsini mümkün kıldın. You made this all possible. You made it all possible. Ha szeretnél innen élve kijutni, hallgass rám! If you want to get out of here alive, listen to me. If you want to get out of here, listen to me. Η Μαίρη χάιδεψε τα μαλλιά της Κέιτ. Mary stroked Kate's hair. Mary kissed Kate's hair. Lakkaa jo puhumasta töistä. Stop talking about work. Stop talking about work. Bilurin er svartur. The car is black. The car's black. مدت زیادی است که من او را می شناسم. I've known him for a long time. For yet a little while, and I know him. Ben hukuk fakültesine gitmeye karar verdim. I made up my mind to go to law school. I decided to go to law school. Мораше да се направи. It had to be done. It had to be done. Tom je rekao da ostanemo ovde. Tom said to stay here. Tom said we'd stay here. Lei ha mai trascorso del tempo a Boston? Have you ever spent time in Boston? Have you ever spent time in Boston? Ich kann ihr keinen Vorwurf machen. I can't blame her. I can't make you a subject. マーテイン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニアは暗殺者の凶弾で命を落としたのである。 Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of peace, was killed by an assassin's bullet. Martin Luther King Junia lost his life in the murder of an assassin. Том ес ен ла медиа де леже ун либро де историа. Tom is reading a history book. Tom's just a little bit of the media where he's just a librarian in history. Είναι ικανοποιημένη; Is she satisfied? Is he satisfied? Минде пір хоосха паза пір адай пар. I have a cat and a dog. I've got a couple of blanks behind a couple of them. Navštívil Japonsko, když byl prezidentem. He visited Japan while he was President. He visited Japan when he was president. मैं सुन नहीं रहा था। I wasn't listening. I wasn't listening. Úton van a segítség. Help is on the way. Help's on the way. ¿Quién todavía se da tiempo para escribirle una larga carta a un amigo? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who still gives you time to write a long letter to a friend? Kada turėtų atplaukti laivas? When is the ship due to arrive? When should the ship be released? 我開始懷疑他陳述的準確性。 I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement. I began to doubt his accuracy. Tha Beurla an cànan a tha a' fuireach 'nam chrìdhe. English is the language that dwells in my heart. The language which the key is believed to be English. Z. Brown është babai i saj. Mr Brown is her father. Mr. Brown is her father. Byłem speszony, kiedy moje pomyłki zostały wypunktowane. I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out. I was upset when my mistakes were made. Waar was jij de nacht dat Tom vermoord is? Where were you on the night Tom was murdered? Where were you the night Tom was killed? Ես Թոմից հաղորդագրություն ստացա: I got a message from Tom. I got a message from Tom. Nebuď zlý! Don't be evil! Don't be bad! Nos han postpuesto hasta las dos y media. We are adjourned until 2:30. We've been put up for two and a half years. ख्रिश्चन धर्मात येशूला देवाचा पुत्र मानतात. In Christianity, Jesus is believed to be the son of God. In Christendom, Jesus is considered to be God’s Son. विमानतळावर पोहोचल्यावर त्यांनी त्यांच्या पत्नीला फोन केला. Upon arriving at the airport, he made a phonecall to his wife. When they arrived at the airport, they called their wife. Tzemreḍ ad tuɣaleḍ yal ass. You can always come back. You can do it every day. 彼女は家事を切り盛りするだけでなく学校の先生もしている。 Not only does she keep house, but she also works as a school teacher. She's not just breaking up the house, she's even the head of the school. 有些人很難取悅。 Some people are difficult to please. Some people are hard to take. Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Mäğnäsez närsä bu. It doesn't make sense. It's about midnight. Firmaet går i rødt. The company is in the red. The company goes red. vIghro' yIvemmoHQo'. Don't wake the cat. I don't know what you're talking about. हमने उसका जन्मदिन मनाया। We celebrated his birthday. And made his life a means of livelihood. Nuk ka zot tjetër përveç Allahut dhe se Muhammedi është i Dërguari i Allahut. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and Muhammad (Muhammad SAW) is the Messenger of Allah. Eum cognovit. She knows him. He knew her. Nonne venies? Aren't you coming? Where are you coming from? Ο Τομ μου έδωσε τριάντα δολάρια. Tom gave me thirty dollars. Tom gave me thirty dollars. 彼は4時頃には戻ると思います。 He'll be here around four o'clock. He thinks he'll be back in four hours. Necessito un got d'aigua. I need a glass of water. I need a drink of water. Iku bakal tak wedharaké manèh. I'll explain it again. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. ” Warum haben sie Tom rausgeworfen? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they get Tom out? ते तुला थांबवू शकत नाहीत. They can't stop you. They can’t stop you. Μπορώ να πάρω αυτό το βιβλίο για σένα. I can get that book for you. I can get this book for you. Ο Τομ πρόσεξε ότι η Μαίρη φορούσε ένα καινούριο φόρεμα. Tom noticed that Mary was wearing a new dress. Tom noticed Mary wearing a new dress. Πες τες ότι δε θα το κάνω αυτό. Tell them I won't do that. Tell you I'm not gonna do this. Ik kann dissen Satz nich översetten. I'm not able to translate this sentence. I can't translate this sentence. جشن تولدش فردا عصر برگزار میشه Her birthday party will be tomorrow evening. And he was born a long time ago. Свикнал съм родителите ми да не ми обръщат внимание. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to my parents not to pay attention to me. همه روز به جز گریه هیچ کار دیگه ای نکرد. She's done nothing but cry all day. He didn't do any other work daily, but mourn and weep. ئۇلار بېلىق تۇتالايدۇ. They can fish. They will be given food to eat. Chciałbym poznać twoją opinię na ten temat. I'd like your opinion on this. I'd like to know your opinion on this. Imaš dobre instikte. You have good instincts. You have good instincts. Tom d anuriksik. Tom is anorexic. Tom d'Anurixic. 𐍅𐌹𐌻𐌴𐌹𐍃 𐍀𐌻𐌹𐌽𐍃𐌾𐌰𐌽 𐌼𐌹𐌸 𐌼𐌹𐍃? Would you like to dance with me? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Kui mul igav hakkab, hakkavad halvad asjad juhtuma. When I get bored, bad things happen. When I get old, bad things happen. Esta xico es mea frato. This boy is my brother. This boy is my brother. Postavili smo naše šatore prije mraka. We set up our tents before dark. We put our hats before the dark. Ilaq ad teɣṛem aya. You should read this. And ye shall eat it. Apja a tudománynak szentelte életét. Her father dedicated his life to science. Your father saved his life for science. Tom er meddeler for forbundspolitiet. Tom is an informant for the FBI. Tom's reporting to the federal police. Wem der große Wurf gelungen, eines Freundes Freund zu sein; wer ein holdes Weib errungen, mische seinen Jubel ein! Whoever has succeeded in the great attempt to be a friend's friend; whoever has won a lovely woman, add in his jubilation! He who has won the great battle to be a friend of a friend; he who has won a woman, misses his jubilee! O detetive tem muitas aventuras. The detective has a lot of adventures. The detective has many adventures. 私はトニー君に会いに東京に行った。 I went to Tokyo to see Tony. I went to Tokyo to meet you, Tony. Sie brauchen nicht zu schreien. Ich kann Sie hören. You don't have to shout. I can hear you. You don't need to cry, I can hear you. Я недавно написал Тому, но он ещё не ответил. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet. I recently wrote to Tom, but he hasn't answered yet. Prostě zůstaň tady. Just stay here. Just stay here. Chtěl jsem vidět Tomův pokoj. I wanted to see Tom's room. I wanted to see Tom's room. Tato věta je chybná. This sentence is incorrect. This thing is wrong. تمتعنا بالسباحة في النهر. We enjoyed swimming in the river. We're having breakfast in the water. Эпӗ сире курасшӑнччӗ кӑна. I just wanted to see you again. I just wanted to see you. 彼らは侵略者に抵抗した。 They resisted the invaders. They rebelled against the rebels. Hi Joan nagdidinalagan ha syudad. Joan is running in the city. Joan lives in the city. Tom kehitti puolivillaisen idean, joka ei ikinä toimisi. Tom came up with some half-baked idea that was never going to work. Tom developed a half-year-old idea that you never did. Quis regnum excipiet? Who will succeed the throne? Who will inherit the kingdom? Toți îl vorbesc întodeauna de bine pe Tom. Everyone always speaks well of Tom. Everyone speaks well of Tom all the time. আমার বাবা ব্যস্ত ছিল। My father was busy. My father was busy. شما متأهلید یا مجرد؟ Are you married or are you single? Are you tired or just nervous? Megkapjuk ingyen. We get it for free. We'll get out of here. El no es fea. He isn't ugly. He's not done. Том сказав мені, що я марную його час. Tom told me I was wasting his time. Tom told me I'm wasting his time. Deze moskee heeft een nieuwe imam nodig. This mosque needs a new imam. This mosque needs a new imagination. Diuen que el golf és molt popular al Japó. They say golf is very popular in Japan. They say the golf is very popular in Japan. كان لدى سامي جهاز تنصّت تحت ملابسه. Sami had a wire underneath his clothing. I had a piece of advice under his clothes. Me konkordis kun vu. I agree with you. I agreed with you. Yoğun bir sabah geçirdin, değil mi? You've had a busy morning, haven't you? You spent a good morning, didn't you? Tomo tion ankaŭ ne volas. Tom doesn't want this either. Tomo doesn't want it either. कोणाकडून शिकलीस? Who did you learn it from? Who Did You Learn? Nous devons trouver ce qui se passe. We have to find out what's going on. We need to find out what's going on. Понеже той не отговаряше, аз отново му писах. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Because he didn't answer, I wrote him again. Морално ли е тоа? Is this ethical? Is that necessary? I 1783 opdagede Caroline Herschel tre nye stjernetåger. In 1783 Caroline Herschel discovered three new nebulae. In 1783, Caroline Herschel discovered three new stars. Том стонал. Tom was moaning. Tom's standing. Мая родная мова — партугальская. My native language is Portuguese. My native language is Portuguese. Dzisiaj jest bardzo słonecznie, więc wszyscy noszą okulary przeciwsłoneczne. Today it's very sunny, so everyone is wearing sunglasses. It's very sunny today, so everybody wears anti-semitic glasses. Jam nga Rusia. I am from Russia. I'm from Russia. Betty povus kanti pli bone. Betty could sing better. Betty's gonna sing better. Ich erlebte einen rundherum wunderschönen Abend. Allerdings war es nicht dieser. I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. I experienced a wonderful evening, but it wasn't this one. به طور خلاصه، به این مرد نباید اعتماد کرد. The man, in short, is not to be trusted. And he believed not the man, lest he should be saved. Том је натерао Мери да то уради. Tom made Mary do that. Tom made Mary do that. Hallo. Hi. Hello. ¿Por qué tienes una boca tan grande? Why is your mouth so big? Why do you have such a big mouth? 你还认识我吗? Do you know me? Do you know me yet? Odkdy chodíš rád na pouť? Since when do you enjoy going to the fair? Since when do you like to go to school? Deberías leer los sonetos de Shakespeare. You should read Shakespeare's sonnets. You should read Shakespeare's sounds. Tom má troch starších bratov. Tom has three older brothers. Tom's got some older brothers. Bayadak ti nagastos. I'll pay the bill. I was the one who cared for me. היא חסרת כל חוש יופי. She has no sense of beauty. She's missing every good feeling. Az új kocsijával meg van elégedve. He's pleased with his new car. He's happy with his new car. Pomožte mi někdo, prosím. Someone, please help me. Somebody help me, please. Il a perdu les numéros de téléphone de ses amis. He lost his friends' phone numbers. He lost his friends' phone numbers. Yo pensa que tu es pigri. I think you're lazy. I think you're a pig. Co chcesz od Toma? What do you want from Tom? What do you want from Tom? Oh! Erakuts iezadazu faborez. Oh! Show it to me please. Oh, show me a favor. Nie dasz rady. You will fail. You don't give a shit. Я познакомился с ним, когда был студентом. I got to know him when I was a student. I met him when he was a student. Это добрый знак. This is a good sign. It's a good sign. El este doar un bărbat. He is only a man. He's just a man. Σ' εμπιστεύτηκαν. They trusted you. They trusted you. L'uscita è sulla sinistra. The exit is on the left. The exit is on the left. 这是谁的主意? Whose idea was it? Whose idea is this? Er ist nicht weniger gewandt als sein Bruder. He is no less smart than his brother. He's no less used than his brother. Iki gitabo ntigifise akamo. That book is of no use. This publication is not for sale. Хутчэй! Hurry up. Hurry up! Tom estava vestindo um uniforme de zelador. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Tom was wearing a sweater uniform. Jeg er gravid. I'm expecting. I'm pregnant. Mary gillar att festa. Mary likes to party. Mary likes to party. Pridať! Encore! Come on! Ten pár od vedle se zase hádá. The couple next door are fighting again. That's a couple of them again. Pensamos que es muy peligroso que usted escale la montaña solo. We think it is very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone. We think it's very dangerous that you scale the mountain alone. 彼女はコーヒー店で彼に会う約束をした。 She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. Non voglio che ritorniate a Boston. I don't want you to go back to Boston. I don't want you back to Boston. Tom heristeli nyrkkiään Marille. Tom shook his fist at Mary. Tom woke up his daughter, Marle. Tom lämnade kranen på. Tom left the water running. Tom left the crown on. Wählen Sie ein Kleid, das Ihnen gefällt. Choose a dress you like. Choose a dress that you like. Illa es amate de omnes. She is loved by everybody. She's in love with everyone. Том працює над цим просто зараз. Tom is working on that right now. Tom's just working on it right now. Ntitujana. I'm not coming with you. We do not know. Me matkustettiin ympäri Australiaa. We traveled around Australia. We were traveling around Australia. To bi bilo OK. That would've been OK. That would be OK. Le. Smile. Le. هل تعرف كيف تصلح التلفاز؟ Do you know how to fix this TV? Do you know how you like television? Тъı єси то. Thou art That. That's it. А те, що він розповів, - це правда? Was his story true? And what he said is true? Tom rehejmiĝis pli frue, ol Mary esperis. Tom came home earlier than Mary expected. Tom was rehabilitated earlier than Mary expected. Sag ihm dass er warten soll. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Gejala putus obat yang muncul lebih parah daripada yang saya duga. The withdrawal symptoms are more severe than I thought. It was as if my whole world were falling apart because of my drug habit that seemed to be worse than my addiction. Gamaya'eko meneya. They say it will rain. Gama's manager. Nem táplálok haragot veled szemben. I bear no grudge against you. I don't give a shit about you. Tom ne hakkında konuştuğunu bile bilmiyor. Tom doesn't even know what you are talking about. Tom doesn't even know what he's talking about. Videl som psa. I saw a dog. It's like a dog. È una fotografia di Mary e il suo fidanzato coi capelli lunghi. It's a picture of Mary and her long-haired boyfriend. It's a photograph of Mary and her trusted hair. Žanes ke kamav tut? Do you know I love you? You don't like that, do you? Jeg synes du har blitt mye bedre i engelsk. I think your English has improved a lot. I think you've been much better in English. আপনার নাম কি? What's your name? What's your name? 艾美莉晚餐吃了豆腐。 Emily ate tofu at dinner. Ameri's dinner has been cooked. Podes entender a Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? 人込みの中で彼とあった。 I met him in the crowd. There was him in the inside. Nokouhup i Bob montok doho. Bob helped me. Nokookup and Bob mount down. Ужасна съдба го очакваше. A terrible fate awaited him. A terrible trial awaited him. Tom se ve agotado. Tom looks worn out. Tom's getting angry. Με ποιον πήγε ο Τομ στη Βοστώνη; Who did Tom go to Boston with? Who did Tom go to Boston with? Rusia esos dominacor da motorbicikeri! Russia will be controlled by motorcyclists! Russia is dominated by motorbike! Արի՛: Come on! Come on. Vi får færre og færre studerende. We're getting fewer and fewer students. We get fewer and fewer students. أَنجِبَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. I'm getting myself out of an illegal relationship. Fiku vin! Fuck you! Get the fuck out of here! C'è un po' di carbone nel flusso. There is some coal in the stream. There's some coal in the river. Tom lubi fasolę. Tom likes beans. Tom likes the fascist. אתה לא אוהב אותי? Don't you like me? You don't like me? Toms og Marys forældre er venner. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mary's parents are friends. Malíři malují. The painters paint. The painters are lying. اس نے میرے ہاتھ کو تھام لیا۔ He caught me by the hand. He held my hand. Apakah ini cinta? Is it love? Is this love? Cil alseimik kanon dunön etosi. Any child can do that. The goal is to get down to the corner of the canyon. במקום לקטר עשי משהו! Don't just whine, do something! Instead of Carter, he did something! wa' vIgho'. I stepped on one. I don't know, va' vegho. それでこれ以上の義務を負わなくてよくなる。 That absolves me from further responsibility. So it's better that you don't have more than that. Wir spielten am Strand. We were playing on the beach. We played on the beach. Жаңалығыңыз бар ма? Do you have any news? Do you have any news? 彼女は遅刻して怒られた。 She was told off for being late. She was late and angry. Suav teb loj dua Nyibpoom teb. China is bigger than Japan. Please let me give you Nyibpoom. Я сел в лифт и нажал кнопку своего этажа. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I went to the elevator and hit the button on my floor. Olen nuori. I am young. I'm young. Ini terasa seperti mimpi bagiku. It seemed like a dream to me. It feels like a dream to me. Ви задоволені? Are you guys happy? Are you satisfied? टॉम शत्रु है। Tom is the enemy. Tom's an enemy. 明天天氣可能很好。 It is likely to be fine tomorrow. It's possible tomorrow's wind might be good. 你自己做回家作業的嗎? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your job at home? Mistä urheilusta pidätte eniten? What sport do you like best? What kind of fun do you like most? 真不好意思,让您久等了。 I'm really sorry to make you wait. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. 他賣掉了他的事業並且退休。 He sold his business and retired. He sold his business and retired. "Hic Juno Scæas sævissima portas / prima tenet, sociumque furens a navibus agmen / ferro accincta vocat. " "Here, girt with steel, the foremost in the fight, / fierce Juno stands, the Scaean gates before, / and, mad with fury and malignant spite, / calls up her federate forces from the shore." "Hic Juno Skáas sæviste gates / first tenet, and the company fires by ships agmen / iron accumct called." 我們等了好久,但是她還是沒有出現。 We waited a long time, but she didn't show up. We waited a long time, but she didn't show up yet. Чиний сайхан сэтгэлийг би хэзээ ч мартахгүй. I shall never forget your kindness. I will never forget your loving - kindness. Elle est malade aujourd'hui. She is sick today. She's sick today. Tráeme una toalla húmeda. Bring me a moist towel. Take me a wet towel. Том сказал Мэри, что она напрасно тратит своё время. Tom told Mary that she was wasting her time. Tom told Mary that she was wasting her time. Her iki bacak da güçsüz. Both legs are weak. Both legs are weak. ماں اور مادر وطن جنت سے بڑھ کر ہیں. Mother and motherland are greater than heaven. Mothers and mothers are more than paradise. Como a estrada está húmida esta mañá, debeu chover esta noite. Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night. As the road is cold this morning, you have to sleep tonight. D'vas li faye et goyî comm' ein' tute. I'll choke the life out of him. You have to file a bug and try again. उसकी अचानक मौत ने हम सब को चौंका दिया। His sudden death surprised us greatly. His sudden death struck all of us. 僕らはいつもフランス語を喋ってる。 We always speak in French. We always speak French. Sinä et voi tehdä tuota enää. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. ተመሣሣይ እወስዳለሁ። I'll have the same. I will take the ransom. Aimeriez-vous entendre ma nouvelle chanson ? Would you like to hear my new song? Would you like to hear my new song? Ik heb ook in Hamburg gewoond. I also lived in Hamburg. I've also lived in Hamburg. Můžeš teď odejít. You may leave now. You can leave now. Sörözzünk! Let's drink some beer. Let's go. मला ती सापडली आहे. I've found her. I found it. Na Rússia soviética, a comida come o troll! In Soviet Russia, food eats troll! In Soviet Russia, food like the troll! Bu hansı dildir? What language is this? What language is this? Je doet hem te kort. You are selling him short. You're making him too short. Яна размаўляе па-партугальску. She speaks Portuguese. She speaks Portuguese. Olen tehnyt töitä koko yön. I've worked all night. I've been working all night. Θα σας δώσω τη διεύθυνση του Τομ. I'll give you Tom's address. I'll give you Tom's address. De qué t'a deishudat ? What woke you up? Why did she leave you? 湯姆想去日本。 Tom wants to go to Japan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Mi considero un'idiota. I consider myself an idiot. I think I'm an idiot. 这辆自行车需要修理。 This bike needs to be repaired. This self-propelled car needs repair. נא לא להפריע! Do not disturb! Please don't bother! Ech wunnen nach bei mengen Elteren. I still live at my parents' house. I can do a lot of parents. Том идёт со мной. Tom is coming with me. Tom's coming with me. Fisch zu essen ist gut für die Gesundheit. Eating fish is good for your health. Fish to eat is good for health. Ти віриш у вічне життя? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in everlasting life? 我見到一架紅車同一架白車。架紅車好睇過架白車。 I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car with the same white car. Ini yang dilakukan Mary untuk hidup. This is what Mary does for a living. This is what Mary did for her life. Jesteś bardzo piękna. You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. Min onkel gav mig en gave. My uncle gave me a present. My uncle gave me a gift. Pes utekal za králikom. The dog ran after the rabbit. The dog ran after the king. Biz tənbəlik. We're lazy. Of course, we do. 我把我的成功歸功於他。 I owe my success to him. And We made his success succeed. זײַט אַזוי גוט, רעדט אַ ביסל פּאַמעלעכער. Please speak a bit more slowly. Be so good, say a bit of populace. Toegang is gratis. Admission is free. Access is free. Fogalmam sincs, mennyibe kerül. I have no idea how much it costs. I don't know how far you're going. Думаешь, Том получает от этого удовольствие? Do you think Tom enjoys doing that? Do you think Tom gets that satisfaction? "Ĉu vi distriĝis?" "Ne vere, tio estis teda." "Did you have fun?" "Not really, it was boring." "Did you break up?" "No, it was dark." ლობიოები მძულს. I hate beans. The Libyans are the enemy. Le vita es un stato de conscientia. Life is a state of consciousness. Life is a state of consciousness. Você é famoso? Are you famous? Are you famous? Кажи ни каде се. Tell us where they are. Tell us where they are. Έχει ωραία πόδια. She has nice legs. He's got nice feet. Ni vyiza, sivyo? This is good, isn't it? How's it going, sir? トムの奥さんが誰かは知りません。 I don't know who Tom's wife is. No one knows Tom's wife. Ni ekscipovis flugi birde kaj naĝi fiŝe, tamen ni iĝis nekapablaj vivi home. We learned to fly like birds and swim like fishes, but we forgot how to live like humans. We managed to fly birds and swim in the fish, but we became unable to live a man. Ik kan me geen nieuwe fiets veroorloven. I cannot afford to buy a new bicycle. I can't afford a new bike. Tuzojana. We'll go together. We'll go. 我父親非常喜歡披薩。 My father likes pizza very much. My father likes pizza. Niemand denkt dat u lafhartig bent. Nobody thinks you're a coward. No one thinks you're hungry. Tom nije mogao da podnese to. Tom couldn't handle it. Tom couldn't bear it. Perché non indossa più quel cappello? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? Why don't you wear that hat anymore? O, qolf klubunun üzvüdür. He's a member of the golf club. He's a member of the golf club. Teɛǧeb-iyi Ustṛalya. I like Australia. And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: Du är duktig på att kyssas. You're a good kisser. You're very good at kissing. Имате ли някакви френски вестници? Do you have any French newspapers? Do you have any French newspapers? Je suis en train de lire cette lettre. I am reading this letter. I'm reading this letter. En usko, että se on totta. I don't think it's true. I don't think that's true. Mes turime judėti labai atsargiai. We've got to move very carefully. We have to move very carefully. Tomun hətta sürücülük vəsiqəsi belə yoxdur. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Tom doesn't even have a driver certificate. Praeses huius terrae eloquens est. The president of this country is eloquent. You're going to want this land to talk. Solo un miracolo può salvarla adesso. Nothing but a miracle can save her now. Only a miracle can save her now. Szerintem itt az ideje egy karrierváltásnak. I think it's time for a career change. I think it's time for a career change. Nie mogą się pocieszyć nawzajem. They can't comfort each other. They can't enjoy each other. Трошиме време. We're wasting time. We're wasting our time. Том случайно посолил себе чай. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally sent himself a tea. 他不值得信任。 He cannot be trusted. He's not worthy of trust. Ny allav vy mos hwath. I can't go yet. Not yet. Islandia jest państwem wyspiarskim na Oceanie Atlantyckim, pomiędzy Grenlandią, Wyspami Owczymi i Norwegią. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. ¿Hin-o man ngay-an it mag-aataman hit imo uding? Who'll take care of your cat then? Don't you want to wait here for your brother? ta na'e melbi That is less than beautiful. Melbi's tae Uhvatili smo Toma na delu. We caught Tom red-handed. We caught Tom at work. Sami estaba fisicamente fatigado. Sami was physically drained. Sami was physically tired. Él vendrá más tarde. He will come later. He'll come later. Tomi és Mari gyakran SMS-eznek egymással még akkor is, ha ugyanabban a házban vannak. Tom and Mary often text each other, even when they're in the same house. Tommy and Mari often text each other even if they're in the same house. 謬。 That's nonsense. Uh-huh. Приключихме ли? Are we finished? Are we done? Իմ ընկերներից ոչ ոք սուրճ չի խմում: None of my friends drink coffee. None of my friends drink sugar. Noli hic imagines photographicas facere, quaeso. Please do not take photos here. There are no photographs to make here, I ask. Miaj patrinoj sanas. My parents are healthy. My parents are healthy. Dette er et billede af Toms familie. This is a picture of Tom's family. This is a picture of Tom's family. この法律は日本では通用しない。 This law does not apply in Japan. This law is not common in Japan. Родителите ми ми забраниха да се виждам отново с Том. My parents forbid me from seeing Tom again. My parents forbade me to see Tom again. Мы можем отвезти вас в Бостон. We can take you to Boston. We can take you to Boston. 前のメールがきつく響かなかったことを願っています。 I hope my last mail didn't sound too harsh. Please wait while the previous message is being decrypted. No tengo tiempo para explicarlo en detalles. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don't have time to explain it in detail. Neniu povas atingi lin pri vasteco de scio. No one can approach him in wideness of knowledge. No one can reach him about the vastness of knowledge. Това е мястото. This is the spot. This is the place. Er hob seine Hand. He raised his hand. He's holding his hand. Лесно можеш да го препознаеш Том затоа што е многу висок. You can easily identify Tom because he is very tall. It's easy to get to know Tom because he's so tall. Der Pfeil traf das Ziel. The arrow hit the target. The arrow hits the target. Pro quo tu invitat les? Why did you invite them? Why did you invite them? Имам голем интерес да научам кинески. I am very interested in learning Chinese. I'm very interested in learning Chinese. O, kurallarımızdan biri. That's one of our rules. He's one of our rules. こっちへおいで。 Come here. Come here. To miasto zostało zniszczone w czasie wojny. The town was destroyed during the war. This city was destroyed during the war. Pourquoi est-ce que je ne comprends pas l'anglais ? Why don't I understand English? Why don't I understand English? Probao si nekada? Have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried? Alla kvinnor är vackra. All women are beautiful. All women are beautiful. Giitu. Thank you. Let's go. Ania havas bruneta hararo ma Magdalena havas blonda hararo. Ania has brown hair, but Magdalena has blonde hair. What a bronchitis, and Magdalena has a blond blond. mataghjaj. Let's begin. I don't know. É a sua única chance. It's his only chance. It's your only chance. Dem dun die Koche nit mieh wieh. His bones won't hurt him anymore. Get out of the kitchen tonight. Terei que dicirlle a verdade mañá. I will have to tell him the truth tomorrow. I'll have to tell you the truth tomorrow. Men galmagal edip bilemok. Çaga ýatyr. I cannot make noise. The baby is sleeping. I can't stay. آیا خسته نیستی؟ Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? אני מקווה שלא נעשה את זה שוב. I hope we don't do this again. I hope we don't do it again. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері цього не буде робити. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't do that. Tom said he was hoping that Mary would not do this. 我々は教授のお決まりの冗談には飽き飽きしている。 We are bored with the joke of professorial custom. We are eager to discuss the Prophet's order. मी तिचं नाव विसरते. I forget her name. I miss her very much. Mir geht es einigermaßen gut. I'm doing OK. I'm going a little good. Ils ont dit que vous étiez virée. They said you were fired. They said you were wounded. 私の家はその町の郊外にあります。 My house is on the outskirts of town. My house is outside the city. Mia familio ne estas riĉa. My family is not rich. My family is not rich. これらの木は彼らの植えたものだ。 These trees were planted by them. These trees are their plants. Jeg er bange for, at jeg ikke er den store musiker. I'm afraid I'm not much of a musician. I'm afraid I'm not the big musician. Ca pizza esas malega. This pizza is really bad. It's like pizza's bad. او چیزی می نویسد. He is writing something. He wrote a letter. Voi state entrando? Are you coming in? Are you coming in? Ai cerut un loc la fereastră? Did you request a seat by the window? Did you ask for a place in the window? ئەپۇ سورىشىڭلار لازىم. You should apologize. You must ask for your forgiveness. Arkadaş arkadaşı eğitir. The friend educates the friend. He's a friend of yours. آیا خبر خوب را شنیده ای؟ Have you heard the good news? Have you heard the good news? Selalunya, saya lebih suka membayar dengan kad kredit dan bukan dengan wang tunai. I usually prefer to pay with credit card and not with cash. Usually, I was better - off financially than when I worked with computers. টম কি এখনো আমার উপর রেগে আছে? Is Tom still mad at me? Is Tom still on me? Per il momento, non ho un piano. For the time being, I don't have a plan. For now, I don't have a plan. Je n'ai pas les moyens d'en acheter un nouveau. I can't afford to buy a new one. I don't have the means to buy a new one. Не бих била толкова сигурна. I wouldn't be so sure of that. I wouldn't be so sure. आम्ही सकाळच्या नाश्त्यासाठी सँडविच खाल्ले. We ate sandwiches for breakfast. In the morning we sat down, for fear of death. "Arma, viri, ferte arma: vocat lux ultima victos! / Reddite me Danais! Sinite instaurata revisam / prœlia! Numquam omnes hodie moriemur inulti." "Arms – bring me arms! Troy's dying moments call / the vanquished. Give me to the Greeks. Once more / let me revive the battle; ne'er shall all / die unrevenged this day, nor tamely meet their fall." "A weapon, man, a wounded weapon: call the last victim luxury! / Give me Daniels! Feel infamous magazine/principle! Never all of us die today." বসো! Sit down! Come on! Zatrzymaj samochód. Stop the car. Stop the car. Oh, si, io memora. Oh, yes, I remember. Oh, yeah, I remember. لیلا یک پزشک باستان‌شناس قانونی بود. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. And Leah was a daughter of one man, having a familiar spirit. Ez törvénytelen. It's illegal. It's illegal. Tratá de mirar hacia delante. Try to look ahead. Try looking forward. Nemoj da bleneš. Don't stare. Don't yell. Detta är vad jag ska göra. Here's what I'll do. This is what I'm gonna do. Хочете знати як? Do you want to know how? Do you want to know how? Том не е като Мери. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom's not like Mary. Aktualizoval jsem své programové vybavení. I updated my software. I updated my software. Hasta olduğum için bugün okula gidemiyorum. I can't go to school today because I'm sick. I can't go to school today because I'm sick. 我以为这是真的。 I thought it was true. I thought that was true. Moj šal je plav. My scarf is blue. My bag's blue. Πες της ότι θα ήθελες να βοηθήσεις. Tell her you'd like to help. Tell her you'd like to help. Podróżowała po całym świecie. She traveled all over the world. She's been traveling all over the world. 漢字を少し教えてください。 Teach me some kanji, please. Please teach me some words. Tom er holdt op med at ryge. Tom quit smoking. Tom stopped smoking. Гэта на дадзены момант мая найлепшая праца. This is my best work to date. This is my best job at the moment. Eu mudei de ideia. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. Миний ээлж үү? Is it my turn? What about me? Том чул сѐ што рекле. Tom heard everything they said. Tom heard everything they said. Eĉ la plej eta afero iritis lin. Even the merest little thing irritated him. Even the most important thing happened to him. Mi scias, kion Tomo faru. I know what Tom needs to do. I know what Tom will do. Spreken jullie Chinees? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Вас до телефону. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. 彼がこの部屋に入ったにちがいない。 He must have entered this room. I don't think he came into this room. Τη φίλησα. I kissed her. I fell in love with her. Fransa d tagduda. France is a republic. It's French. Думаю, Том меня вспомнил. I think Tom remembered me. I think Tom remembered me. Hiç kimse sorumluluk üstlenmedi. Nobody claimed responsibility. No one was responsible. Čekám už dvě hodiny. Nemohu už dál čekat. I've already waited two hours. I can't wait any longer. I've been waiting for two hours, I can't wait anymore. Tá an bosca trom. The box is heavy. The box is heavy. Што му значи тоа? What does that mean for him? What does that mean? Faisons un concours. L'équipe qui trouve la pire insulte gagne. Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins. Let's make a competition. The team that finds the worst insult ever. Mam kilku przyjaciół, którzy żyją w Bostonie. I have a few friends living in Boston. I have a few friends who live in Boston. Моля ви, прочетете го още веднъж. Please read it once more. Please read it again. 修理我的腳踏車花了我一千日圓。 It cost me a thousand yen to get my bicycle fixed. It took me a thousand days to repair my footcar. Скажите ей, чтобы была здесь к половине третьего. Tell her to be here by 2:30. Tell her to be here by half a third. Y fynnons agan kavos. They'll find us. The certificate has expired. We weten het niet. We don't know. We don't know. Men ym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. It's been a long time ago. Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy tegnap este otthon volt. Tom told me he was home last night. Tom told me he was home last night. Ils doivent faire très attention. They have to be very careful. They have to be very careful. 她日语说的很好。 She spoke Japanese well. She spoke very well. Dano estas forigita el la lernejo. Dan got expelled from school. Data is removed from the lesson. Es un cosa felice. It's a happy thing. It's a happy thing. 英語是我的母語。 English is my native language. English is my mother tongue. सावकाश. सूप खूप गरम आहे. Be careful. The soup's very hot. Wake up. The soup is very hot. Μου αρέσουν τα κόκκινα τριαντάφυλλα. I like red roses. I like the red triangles. Incroyable ! Unbelievable! Incredible! Melmi i tenwiḍ ad tṛuḥeḍ? When are you planning to leave? When did you get there? Tiu kompatinda sinjorino estas handikapita. That poor lady is disabled. This fellow gentleman has been betrayed. Ili-k d uṛẓin! Be kind. He took you in, and ate; and he drank of you. இந்த தொப்பியின் விலை என்ன? What is the price of this cap? What is the price of this pearl? Kasla sili ti abuyo ti buto ni Tom. Tom has a small dick. Tom’s neck was like a balsam. मी ओजिब्वे शिकतोय. I'm learning Ojibwe. I’m studying with Ojibwe. אונדזער רעגירונג פֿײַפֿט אױף אונדז. Our government doesn't give a damn about us. Our next answer will be: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people. त्यांनी एक घर भाड्यावर घेतलं. They rented a house. They bought a house on the roof of their house. Kitabu si kipya. The book isn't new. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. मेरी वाली चाय कहाँ है? Where's my tea? Where's my walnut tea? Ons hoofkantoor is in Osaka. Our main office is in Osaka. Our headquarters is in Osaka. Cégigazgató lett harminc éves korában. He became the company president when he was thirty. He's been a director at the age of three. Ne slažem se. I disagree. I don't agree. Hvad han siger har intet at gøre med dette problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. Die Burj Khalifa is tans die hoogste wolkekrabber in die wêreld. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is now the world’s tallest monster. Toms telefon ringede. Tom's phone rang. Toms called. Morate da ostanete sa mnom. You must stay with me. You have to stay with me. Aku lebih pintar daripada mereka. I'm smarter than them. I'm smarter than them. Ele está a comer. He's eating. He's eating. 尼日尔仍然有50万孩子面临着营养不良。 Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Niger still has 500,000 children facing malnutrition. Tom bol unavený. Tom was tired. Tom's a pain in the ass. Afbrudt samleje beskytter ikke mod kønssygdomme. Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Adultery does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. No hablemos más sobre ello. Let's say no more about it. We're not talking about it anymore. Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. टॉम व मेरी एकाच घरात राहतात. Tom and Mary live in the same house. Tom and I live in the same house. Komik, hepimizin ishali var. Funny, we all have diarrhea. Come on, we all have a way. Tua oios es bela. Your eyes are beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. SoptaH Hoch. Everyone's eating. SoptaH Hoch. Padało całą noc. It rained all night. It fell all night. ราคา 30 ยูโรค่ะ/ครับ This will cost €30. - 30 euros. - Yes, sir. إنك مخطئ بشأن ذلك. You are mistaken about that. You're wrong about that. Ти си точно каквато си те представях. You're just the kind of person I imagined you'd be. You're exactly what I gave you. Jeg dumpede eksamen fordi jeg ikke læste. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I dropped the exam because I didn't read it. Le die del picnic ha venite. The day of the picnic has arrived. The day of the picnic has come. Ai u zgjodh kryebashkiak përsëri. He was elected mayor again. He chose the capital again. 警備員に成りすまして彼は銀行に入った。 He went into the bank in the disguise of a guard. He went into the bank until he became a security guard. Νομίζω ότι το νομοσχέδιό μας είναι ρεαλιστικό. I think that our bill is realistic. I think our bill is realistic. Vas vénguer dab jo ? Won't you come with me? You're gonna give it to me? La sciuro de Tom portis kostumon. Tom's squirrel wore a costume. Tom's scar carried a costume. Я думал, вы уснули. I thought you'd fallen asleep. I thought you slept. डॅनची बंदूक गायब होती. Dan's gun was missing. Dan’s gun was stolen. Se você concordar em se tornar um doador de órgãos, pode ajudar a salvar a vida de alguém. If you agree to become an organ donor, you may help save someone's life. If you agree to become an organ donor, it can help save someone's life. Tom deletou todas as mensagens de Mary. Tom deleted all of Mary's messages. Tom picked up all Mary's messages. Dis wat jy kry! That is what you get! That's what you get! Sami thaj Layla mekle pe. Sami and Layla were divorced. Sami took Layla to heaven. تام ماری را سرزنش کرد. زیرا تمام شب بیرون مانده بود. Tom chewed Mary out for staying out all night long. Tamar laughed at him, for she had stayed all night. na'e canja lo ka'irtrusi'o .enai lo cidja .abo lo xumrkonkreto Democracy is not exportable like food or cement. You are not allowed to change the permissions of this file. Please check the spelling and try again. Hejme ni uzas nur la francan. We only use French at home. We only use French at home. Bier besteht zu 90 % aus Wasser. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer consists of 90 % of water. Non lasci la bicicletta sotto la pioggia. Don't leave the bicycle in the rain. Don't leave the bike under the bridge. Ik moet morgen werken. I have to work tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow. Том ліг у ліжко. Tom got into bed. Tom was lying in bed. Fine de la frazo oni devas meti punkton. One should add a full stop at the end of the sentence. At the end of the sentence, you have to put a point. Vet du hvor gammel frøken Nakano er? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Jag kunde ha drunknat. I could've drowned. I could've drunk. Bɣiɣ ad zewǧeɣ yid-s, acu kan mazal ur tt-ffriɣ ara d rray-iw. I want to marry her, but I can not decide. But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness. 彼は成長しようと夢中になっている。 He is earnest for success. He's dreaming of growing up. Mislim da Tomu ne treba da kažeš to. I don't think you should tell Tom that. I don't think you should tell Tom that. 她答應不單獨外出。 She promised not to go out alone. She promised not to leave alone. Da ist jemand, der dich treffen möchte. There's somebody who wants to meet you. There's someone who wants to meet you. Vă mulțumesc foarte mult pentru ajutor. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much for your help. איין טאָג האָב איך אים געטראָפֿן One day I met him. One day Hob I hit him Tom bazı kötü kararlar aldı. Tom has made some bad decisions. Tom made some bad decisions. Vi ser sjældent Tom cykle. We seldom see Tom riding a bicycle. We're seeing a rare Tom bike. Eεṛeḍet ad tesɣeflem Tom. Try to keep Tom occupied. Stop putting Tom to sleep. Napoleone Bonaparte nacque in Corsica. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Corsica. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica. Perché ha raccontato questa barzelletta? Why did you tell this joke? Why did you tell this barcelette? 彼は肉体の苦痛と闘わねばならなかった。 He had to contend against physical suffering. He had to fight the pain of the body. Io vole incular te. I want to have anal sex with you. I want to inculcate you. Tomi on suunnilleen yhtä vanha kuin Mari. Tom is about the same age as Mary. Tom's planning on the same old as Mari. Hüvasti. Goodbye! Nice to meet you. Tomo postvivis. Tom has survived. That's what you're up to. Слагай си туристическите обувки и не губи време. Put on your hiking shoes and don't let any time be lost. Put down your tourist shoes and don't waste time. คุณต้องการให้ฉันทำอะไรกับสิ่งเหล่านี้ What do you want me to do with these? What do you want me to do with these things? Tom are multă răbdare. Tom has a lot of patience. Tom's got a lot of patience. עלינו לשים קץ להרגל הישן בהקדם האפשרי. We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible. We've got to get the old man to move ahead as soon as possible. Той се съгласява с мнението ми. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with my opinion. त्याला गिटार वाजवता येते. He is able to play the guitar. He may be able to cope with the shock of losing his temper. Извинете, знаете ли колку е часот? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? הושט להם יד, טוב? Give them a hand, will you? Give them a hand, okay? Sértegetéssel nem fogod őket magad mellé állítani. Insulting them will not bring them over to your side. You're not gonna stop them by hurting yourself. Ποιο είναι τ' αγαπημένο σας χρώμα; What's your favorite color? What's your favorite color? Anda membuat saya bosan! You are boring me! You make me free! החיים אינם הוגנים. Life is not fair. Life's not fair. Decider significa succumber al preponderantia de un insimul de influentias super un altere. To decide means to succumb to the preponderance of one set of influences over another set. To decide means to yield to the assumption of an immeasurable effect on another. La totalidad es más que la suma de sus partes. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The whole thing is more than the sum of its parts. Tom je hypochondr. Tom is a hypochondriac. Tom's a hypochondr. इस तरह की आम कहावत को कौन नहीं जानता? Who doesn't know such a simple proverb? Who does not know such ordinary stories? Dostali ten díl. They got the part. They got the part. mI'wI' qabqu' jIH. I'm a really bad dancer. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mon grand-père s'assoit toujours dans cette chaise. My grandfather always sits in this chair. My great-grandfather always sat in this chair. Lacus altus est. This lake is deep. Lacus is high. Saya ingin naik ke puncak gunung Kitadake. I want to climb to the peak of Mount Kitadake. I want to get to the top of Kitadake's mountain. Uraremt! Play! Sir! Evdeki durum her geçen gün daha dayanılmaz hale geliyor. The situation at home is getting more unbearable every day. The situation in the house is getting more and more unstoppable every day. 他的演说打动了我们。 His speech moved us. His speech moved us. Ние се качваме и слизаме от автобуса тук. We get on and off the bus here. We get down and get out of the bus here. Apparuitque ei angelus Domini in flamma ignis de medio rubi; et videbat quod rubus arderet et non combureretur. And the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he saw that the bush was on fire, and was not burnt. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire in the midst of the bush: and he looked, and, behold, the wheels were lifted up, and he was not burnt. 我妈妈的爸爸是我的外公。 My mother's father is my maternal grandfather. My mom's dad is my ex-wife. राजा-रानी आ रहे हैं। The king and queen are coming. Kings are coming. Tomi siirtyi lähemmäksi. Tom got closer. Tom moved closer. Jeg vil bare hvile. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. ma tcika What time is it please? Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Έβαψαν τον φράχτη πράσινο. They painted the fence green. They've covered the green brat. Ammok ti naganmo. I know your name. I know your name. 每个月还清信用卡负债很重要。 It makes sense to pay off your credit card balance every month. It is also important to clear credit card obligations every month. nujDajDaq Qeq 'ej SIchHa'. She aimed for his mouth and missed. NoDajDaq 'e SichHa'. mi bredi lo ka co'a morsi I'm ready to die. I hope he's dead. Sell, ur wezenn abrikez japanat! Look, a Japanese apricot tree! Look, it's a nice piece of japanese tea! 加拿大位於美國的北面。 Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is located in the north of the United States. Lad være at fejre det for tidligt. Don't celebrate too early. Let's celebrate it too early. Es brīvprātīgi pievienojāties Gaisa spēku. I enlisted in the Air Force. I'm willing to join the Air Force. “哈哈哈!我们要让它下雨,小子们!下周这时候,我们就在钱里游泳了!” "Hahaha! We're going to make it rain, boys! By this time next week, we'll be swimming in cash!" "Ah! We are about to let it rain down, O ye children! На Томе был свитер Джона. Tom was wearing John's sweater. Tom had John's sweater. Opet je sve tiho. All is quiet again. It's all quiet again. Anak anjing itu ingin tidur. The puppy wants to sleep. The dog wants to sleep. בגלל שעשית טעות בפרויקט שלך, אתה צריך להתחיל מאפס. Since you made a mistake in your project, you have to start over from scratch. Because you made a mistake on your project, you have to start off. so'i finpe ba'o nenri ro rirxe be lo ponjo There used to be a lot of fish in any river in Japan. Personal preferences and administration settings Θέλω να σε προειδοποιήσω. I want to warn you. I want to warn you. ฉันหวังว่าเขาคงจะสบายดี I hope he's all right. I hope he'll be fine. Tom töredezettségmentesítette a merevlemezét. Tom defragmented his hard disk. Tom's been out of custody for the rest of his life. Alle pumper og alarmsystemer slo feil, og store mengder vann flommet inn i Oslofjordtunnelen for tre dager siden. All pumps and alarm systems failed, and large amounts of water flooded into the Oslofjord Tunnel three days ago. All pumps and alarm systems failed, and large amounts of water flowed into the Oslofjord tunnel three days ago. 她迷路了,紧接着天开始下雨了。 She lost her way and on top of that it began to rain. She's gone, and the next day it started raining. Uno debe esser sempre inamorate. Pro isto uno non debe jammais maritar se. One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry. One must always be in love. That's why one should never marry. אינני יכול לנהוג במכונית. אין לי רשיון נהיגה. I cannot drive a car. I don't have a driver's license. I can't drive in the car. Ви для мене трохи замолоді. You're a little too young for me. You're a little late for me. Само би му пречеле на Том. We'll just be in Tom's way. They're just going to hit Tom. Tu auras beau essayer, tu ne seras pas capable de finir cela en un jour. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish that in one day. You'll have a nice try, you won't be able to finish it one day. Den pige dér er Mary. That girl is Mary. That girl is Mary. Quelqu'un doit porter le chapeau pour sa mort. Somebody has to be held accountable for his death. Someone has to wear the hat for his death. Sie haben Tom verhaftet. They arrested Tom. You've arrested Tom. Tôi thà điên còn hơn buồn. I prefer to be crazy than sad. I'm even more crazy. Dün Bay Willims diye biri sizi görmek için geldi. A Mr. Williams came to see you yesterday. Someone called Mr. Williams came to see you. 肯去年在日本。 Ken was in Japan last year. Ken last year in Japan. 好了,不要再说了。 Okay, let's say no more about it. All right, don't say it again. Том енергійний. Tom is lively. Tom's got energy. Er lieh mir dreißig Pesos. He lent me 30 pesos. He read me thirty pesos. Я знаю, что что-то не так, но не совсем уверен, что именно. I know something is wrong, but I'm not quite sure what. I know something's wrong, but I'm not quite sure what that is. Det var roligt att höra! That's wonderful! It was fun to hear! C'est difficile de convaincre John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. Պա՜հ: Wow! Why? Pater fiam. I'm going to be a father. Father son. Tomo diras, ke tio malĝustas. Tom says that's wrong. Tomo says it's wrong. D acu daɣen? What, again? What else? اصطحب سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up at the airport. Have a good night out of the airport. "失火了!" 他大叫。 "Fire!", he cried. "The fire is gone!" he cried aloud. Ni ambaŭ estas frenezaj. We're both crazy. We're both surprised. Toda regra tem uma exceção. Every law has its exception. Every rule has an exception. 私の知っていることといえば彼はその計画をあきらめたということだけだ。 All that I know is that he gave up the plan. All I know is that he made that plan. Я сапраўды люблю цягнікі. I really like trains. I really like trains. O çox şey bilir. He knows many things. He knows a lot. De qué as crompat ? What did you buy? Why did you break it? Mes esame atsakingi už nuostolius. We carry the responsibility for the losses. We are responsible for the loss. Weź tylko jedno. Take only one. Just take one. Chyběl jsem ti? Did you miss me? Did I miss you? Jag såg Tom komma in. I saw Tom come in. I saw Tom come in. 銀行強盗たちは四方八方に散らばった。 The bank robbers dispersed in all directions. Bankruptcy was divided into four quarters. John menyukai catur. John likes chess. John likes cats. Vad berättade du för Tom? What did you tell Tom? What did you tell Tom? Legyetek türelmesebbek. You must be more patient. Be more patient. Naunlod mi. We're sunk. I've got it. Ille contava un burla multo humoristic. He told a very funny joke. It was a very humorous joke to them. xu do bevri Have you got any baggage? of Jumaada al-Awal En kriza urĝo, ĉu vi agas tuje? In an emergency, do you act quickly? In a crisis, do you act immediately? Прошу закрити вікна. Please close the windows. Please close the window. Не ми треба кардиограм. I don't need a cardiogram. I don't need a chart. В этом месяце мне надо сократить расходы. I have to reduce my expenses this month. In this month, I have to cut costs. 哈利今年才四十歲。 Harry is only 40. Harry is 40 this year. ¿Te gustaría ir? Would you like to go? Would you like to go? Не ми треба кола. I don't need a car. I don't need a car. Моны автомобиль дисезме? Бу бит тимер-томыр ватыгы гына! Is this supposed to be a car? This is a pile of junk! Do you call it a car? It's just a bit of a timer and a timer! À qui parles-tu ? With whom are you talking? Who are you talking to? Har hun børn? Does she have children? Does she have children? Illa es ibi retro con qualque amicos. She's back there with some friends. She's back there with some friends. Ти вдарила Тома? Did you hit Tom? Did you hit Tom? Nilus fluvius est. The Nile is a river. Nilus is a river. Здесь есть станция метро? Is there a metro station here? Is there a subway station here? Er wurde bei einem Autounfall verletzt. He was hurt in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Чекати на поїзд нудно. Waiting for a train is boring. It's easy to wait for the trip. Mi ŝatus gajni mian nutraĵon, dum mia restado en via hejmo. I'd like to earn my keep while I'm staying with you. I'd like to get my food while I'm staying in your house. Kadto modagan. That would run. It was running. Ɣef acu i ad tettmeslayeḍ ihi? What are you actually talking about? What would you say? ʻAʻole ʻula kēia ʻāpala. This apple is not red. Avoid the snare of wearing clothing that is tight - fitting. Es ienīstu kafiju. I hate coffee. I'll get the coffee. Neměli jsme přinášet oběd. We should've brought lunch. We shouldn't have brought lunch. Liberi dormiunt. The children are asleep. Let's go to sleep. 你看起来什么都知道。 You seem to know everything. You seem to know anything. Nežijeme v Bostone. We don't live in Boston. We're not living in Boston. Tôi cần chữ ký của anh trên thư trước khi tôi có thể gởi nó đi. I need your signature on the letter before I can mail it. I need your signature on the mail before I can send it. Моя машина покрыта голубиным дерьмом. My car is covered in pigeon shit. My car is covered with a deep breath. qach tlhopDaq puH Duj tu'lu'. There is a car in front of the building. Thank you very much. Jeg møter ham etter jeg kommer tilbake. I will see him after I get back. I'll meet him after I get back. Junuloj adaptiĝas al io pli rapide ol maljunuloj. Youth adapt to things more quickly than the elderly. Young people adapt to something faster than older ones. Todos eles riram das suas piadas. They all laughed at his jokes. They all laughed at their feet. "Marxisme cultural" ia es un critica de la cultur poplal par la Scola de Frankfurt de la teoria criticante, un discipline ce usa sabe de la siensas sosial per revisa marxisme. En la usa moderna entre destristes, "marxisme cultural" ia deveni un terma sustitua per la teoria de conspira de la era Nazi "Bolxevisme cultural." "Cultural Marxism" was a critique of popular culture by the Frankfurt School of critical theory, a discipline which used knowledge from the social sciences to revise Marxist theory. In modern usage among right-wingers, "Cultural Marxism" has become a substitute term for the Nazi-era conspiracy theory "Cultural Bolshevism." "Cultural Marxism" is a criticism of popular culture by the Frankfurt School of critical theory, a discipline that uses social sciences for Marxism review. In modern use among deserters, "cultural Marxism" has become a substitute word for the Nazi conspiracy theory "Bolxevism cultural." Энем һәркөн китапханәдән яңа китап алып кайта. Every day, my brother borrows a new book from the library. Enem will return from every book. Áttu nokkur ódýrari herbergi? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have some unanimity room? Me llamu Jack. My name is Jack. I'm calling Jack. 他不需要工作。 He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need a job. Wygląda na szczęśliwą. She seems to be happy. It looks happy. Develer neden atlardan nefret ederler? Why do camels hate horses? Why do the devils hate names? Wir mögen Schnee. We like snow. We like snow. Piv eo an den-mañ? Who is this person? Who's this? Nqs do te kishe ngritur telefonin, do te kisha ftuar ne shtëpinë e Paulos. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. If you had raised your phone, I'd have invited you to Paul's house. In 1895, plus que 5 per cento del population mexican ancora parlava nahuatl. In 1895, more than 5 percent of the population of Mexico still spoke Nahuatl. In 1895, more than 5 percent of the Mexican population still spoke Nahuatl. 茶喺世界各地都好多人飲。 Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. There are a lot of people who drink tea all over the world. Senuit autem Isaac, et caligaverunt oculi eius, et videre non poterat. Vocavitque Esau filium suum maiorem et dixit ei: “Fili mi”. Qui respondit: “Adsum”. Now Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, and he could not see: and he called Esau, his elder son, and said to him: My son? And he answered: Here I am. And Isaac dreamed, and his eyes were dim, and he could not see. And Esau called his eldest son, and said unto him, My son. And he answered, Adam. Не би требало да биде претешко да го завршиме извештајот до 2:30. Finishing the report by 2:30 shouldn't be too difficult. It shouldn't be too hard to complete the report until 2:30. Ο Τομ συνέθεσε ένα σονέτο. Tom composed a sonnet. Tom made an appointment. Ai vrea ceva de băut? Do you want something to drink? You want something to drink? 替我向你的孩子們問好。 Give my love to your kids. Ask your children for me. Пооправих се. I've gotten better. I fixed it. Он втюрился в свою учительницу китайского языка. Но, со всеми этими гормональными делами, он втюривался почти в каждого встречного. He had a crush on his Chinese teacher; but what with all the hormones, he had a crush on just about everyone. He got involved in his Chinese teacher, but with all these hormonal things, he got involved almost every meeting. Yw homma frynkek? Is this French? Is that funny? Sună foarte plauzibil. It sounds very plausible. It sounds very funny. La comprai in un negozio dell'usato. I bought it at a thrift shop. You bought it in a user store. את מה המציא בל? What was invented by Bell? What the hell are you doing? "Hvor langt er der herfra til stationen?" "Omtrent 2 miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles." "How far from this station?" "About 2 miles." Data'vIp! jImuj'a'? You're afraid to do that, aren't you? What's your date? Jeg er lige stået af toget og jeg står stadig på perronen. I just got off the train and I'm still on the platform. I'm just standing by the train and I'm still on the perron. მე მოგცემ საჩუქარს. I'll give you a present. I'll give you a present. io nai ko ti klama doi bebna Get your ass over here, you idiot! Whether the icon-size property has been set Il tempo sta migliorando sempre di più. The weather is getting better and better. Time is improving more and more. Nous avons tous deux concouru. We both competed. We both have a lot of work to do. Стойте спокойно! Stand still! Stay calm! トムはプロ野球選手です。 Tom is a professional baseball player. Tom is a football player. আমার বরফ চাই। I need ice. I want a beer. Yuɣ tannumi Tom itess lbirra. Tom used to drink beer. I'm sorry Tom came along. Jeg hadde ikke råd til det - med andre ord, var jeg for fattig til å kjøpe det. I couldn't afford it. In other words, I was too poor to buy it. I had no advice on it - in other words, I was too poor to buy it. Šetali smo se sve do iduće stanice. We walked together as far as the next station. We've gone all the way to the next station. वे गणित के क्लास में है। They're in math class. They're in the math class. מעטים הם האנשים היודעים כיצד להשתמש בכלי נשקו של האויב נגדו. Few people know how to use an enemy's weapon against him. Few are the people who know how to use the tongue of the enemy against him. De er tvillinger. They're twins. They're doubts. Vémonos la selmana que vien. We see each other next week. See you next week. O Tom naj khêrê akana. Tom's not home right now. Tom will be here soon. Aš pamiršau nusipirkti vieną pagalvę. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy one penny. Miksei kukaan varoittanut minua? Why didn't anyone warn me? Why did anyone warn me? Jeg pleide ofte å spise pizza. I often used to eat pizza. I often liked pizza. Neboj. Neublížím jí. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry, I won't hurt her. Ek het twee koppies koffie gedrink. I drank two cups of coffee. I drank two cups of coffee. Слава Украіне! Glory to Ukraine! The glory of Ukraine! Я не могу верить тебе. I can't trust you. I can't believe you. Dodała mnie na Facebooku. She added me on Facebook. She added me to Facebook. 何か悪いものでも食べましたか。 Did you eat anything bad? Did you eat something bad? Ты найлепшая мама ў свеце. You're the best mom in the world. You're the best mom in the world. Auriez-vous la gentillesse de me prêter votre livre ? Would you be so kind as to lend me your book? Would you please lend me your book? Nadajmo se da si u pravu. Let's hope you're right. Let's hope you're right. ghorgh Davanta'? When did you finish it? Where's Davanta? Είστε Καναδέζα· έτσι δεν είναι; You're Canadian, aren't you? You're Canadian, aren't you? مری نسبت به غریبه ها محتاط است. Mary is wary of strangers. It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: Tom ad yeteddu ad yuɣal d wis tlata deg 20 Tubeṛ. Tom is going to be thirty in October. And it was the third hour, and they crucified him. Nesmíš dovolit druhé osobě, aby si všimla, že jsi couvl. You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched. You can't let another person know you're a man. Италианският език умира по малко всеки път, когато някой англофон поръча 'едно панини'. The Italian language dies a little every time an anglophone orders "a panini". The Italian language dies almost every time an Englishman orders 'one pannie'. আপনার দুধটা খান। Drink your milk. It's your fault. हमारे पास पाँच तरह के कबाब हैं। We have five kinds of kebab. We've got five pieces. Mae'r dref yn enwog am ei hen gastell. The town is famous for its old castle. The host is alone for his old host. Un uomo di buon senso non farebbe mai una cosa del genere. A man of common sense would never do such a thing. A man of good sense would never do anything like that. Olen tottunut heräämään aikaisin. I'm accustomed to getting up early. I've been used to going back in time. מה הדבר שלמדנו? What is it that we learned? What did we learn? תום צעק על מרי. Tom screamed at Mary. Squeeze on Mary. Hvad er der galt nu? What's wrong now? What's wrong now? 我不懂你的心。 I don't understand your mind. I don't understand your heart. আমরা দক্ষিণ আমেরিকাতে ঘুরলাম। We traveled in South America. We returned to South America. Hoelang duurt dat? How long does it take? How long does that take? غادر سامي قبل انتهاء الموسيقى. Sami left before the music stopped. I left before the music ended. Iṛuḥ deg-sent Tom. Tom fainted. He went in among them, and came to Tom. Би сакал ли бомбона со ментол? Would you like a mint? Would you like a mental bomb? Botol ini memuat satu liter. This bottle holds one liter. This button puts one letter. Nu te aștepta ca ceilalți să gândească pentru tine! Don't expect others to think for you! I don't expect others to think about you! Hy vọng bạn thích nó. I hope that you will like it. I hope you like it. Vi börjar mötet när Bob kommer. We will begin the meeting when Bob comes. We'll start the meeting when Bob comes. Ești lipsită de imaginație. You're unimaginative. You're a lack of imagination. بىر چاغلاردا مەن ئۇنىڭ بىلەن ناھايىتى ياخشى دوست ئىدىم. There was a time when he and I were really good friends. I used to be his best friend. Số phận chúng mình đan vào nhau. Our fates are interwoven. There's a lot of us getting together. Mozotros los sovrebiviremos. We will outlive them. Mozotros we'll overcome them. Sećam se nečeg u vezi s tim. I remember something about that. I remember something about that. maHvaD potlhqu' De'vam. The information is very important to us. I'm sorry about De'vam. Dicite! Speak out! Say it! विदाई! Farewell! Weddea! Este el doctor? Is he a doctor? Is he the doctor? Mi az, hogy UFÓ? What is a UFO? What's UFO? Mi gajnis la unuan premion. I won the first prize. I won the first prize. Jag tycker att du behöver tänka på framtiden. I think you need to think about the future. I think you need to think about the future. Twoje imię to Tom, prawda? Your name is Tom, correct? Your name is Tom, right? Sie wollte das Buch kaufen. She wanted to buy the book. She wanted to buy the book. Ils vont essayer. They're going to try. They're gonna try. Sul y mamau hapus! Happy Mother's Day! On my feet! Мне нужно тебе кое-что объяснить. I have something I need to explain to you. I need you to explain something. سىزنىڭ ياختۇرىدىغان تېلىۋېزىيە پروگراممىسى قايسى؟ What's your favourite TV programme? What is your software? Никто не видел, как она покинула комнату. Nobody saw her leave the room. No one saw her leave the room. Tuo tyttö joka pitää huivia on neitsyt. That girl who's wearing a scarf is a virgin. That girl who likes the jokes are girls. Slet-d i waya! Listen to this! Let's go, let's go! Tom sanoi: "Voit suudella tyttöystävääsi hyvästiksi, jos et suutele häntä hyvästiksi", mikä tarkoitti "Jos et suutele tyttöystävääsi hyvästiksi, niin et näe häntä enää koskaan". Tom said, "You can kiss your girlfriend goodbye if you don't kiss her goodbye," which meant, "If you don't kiss your girlfriend goodbye, then you'll never see her again." Tom said, "You can say good-bye to your girlfriend, if you don't say good-bye to her," which means "If you don't say good-bye to your girlfriend, you can never see her again." Том попередив тебе, що це може трапитися. Tom warned you that this might happen. Tom warned you that this could happen. Tom og John er svogre. Tom and John are brothers-in-law. Tom and John are weak. ٹام مر گیا ہے۔ Tom's died. Tom's dead. Biz mağazalardan hediyeler satın alabiliriz. We can buy the gifts in the department stores. We can buy gifts from stores. بإمكانك البقاء لتناول العشاء. You can stay for dinner. You can stay for dinner. Tomi do të përfundojë në burg. Tom is going to end up in jail. Tommy's gonna end up in jail. Яке дивне життя! How strange life is! What a wonderful life! Sinä olet viisas. You're wise. You're smart. Ungil sueleb! Good afternoon! Don't worry! Hier j’ai mis un chapeau parce qu’il faisait très froid. Yesterday I put on a hat as it was very cold. Here I put a hat because it was very cold. ¿Non che din 10.000 iens hai unha semana? Didn't I give you 10,000 yen a week ago? Isn't that 10,000 yins a week? Jest ich zbyt wielu. There are too many of them. There's too many of them. Descends du train immédiatement. Get off the train immediately. Get out of the train right away. 孩子从山上滚了下来。 The children rolled down the hill. The child has come down from the mountain. Математика мені легко дається. I'm very good at math. The math is easy for me. To ti mora biti vrlo teško. It must be hard for you. That must be very hard for you. Ich bringe Kindern nicht gern das Schwimmen bei, wenn die Eltern in der Nähe sind. I don't enjoy teaching children to swim when their parents are around. I don't want to bring children to the swimming pool when the parents are nearby. आपको कहीं जाना है? Do you want to go somewhere? Where do you want to go? मेरा दोस्त भारतीय है। My friend is Indian. My friend is Indian. 您会开车吗? Do you know how to drive a car? Will you drive? 'oHbe' 'e' vItul. I hope not. 'oHbe' is worth it. सब कुछ छोड़ दो। Leave everything. Leave everything. Dê-me o microfone. Give me the mic. Give me the microphone. Thomas amat scribere. Tom loves to write. Thomas likes to write. Ella leyó el libro toda la noche. She read the book all night. She read the book all night. ¿Limpiaste tu habitación hoy? Did you clean your room today? Did you clean your room today? De har også funnet at samme feilvurdering er gjort i noen andre tilfeller. They have also found that the same miscalculation was made in some other cases. They have also found that the same error assessment has been made in some other cases. Сакам да ја ебам. I want to have sex with her. I want to fuck her. 你减肥了,不是么? You've lost weight, haven't you? You're tired, aren't you? Kočka jí chleba. The cat eats bread. Her cat's milk. Kako biste se osećali ako bi Vas napustila supruga? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if you left your wife? Seorang siswa ingin bertemu dengan Anda. A student wants to see you. A student wants to meet you. У вас є на щось алергія? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any allergies? टॉम आणि मेरी इथे पोहोचेपर्यंत आम्ही नाही निघू शकत. We can't leave until Tom and Mary get here. Tom and I could not go to Pohoche. الأمر يعود إليك. It's up to you. It's coming back to you. Máte mapu? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Je hebt brood gekocht. You bought bread. You bought bread. Was genau willst du machen? What exactly do you want to do? What exactly do you want to do? Галамата ќе го разбуди бебето. The noise is going to wake the baby. The gala will wake the baby. Barnet kastade sten på katten. The child threw a stone at the cat. The kid threw a stone on the cat. Tamás kémiát tanul. Tom is studying chemistry. You're learning another chemistry. میں ابھی بھی مصروف ہوں۔ I'm still busy. I'm still busy. De cuando tu es asi? Since when you have been here? How long have you been like that? Pha kyllut ne? Are you deaf? What's the matter with you? Они выползли из пещеры. They crawled out of the cave. They used it from the cave. Olen vapaana tänään. I'm free today. I'm free today. او علی العاده بر طلبه دگل . She is no ordinary student. And Eli the priest shall make an atonement for him upon his behalf. Naj le či řomni, či šave haj či amala. He has no wife, no children and no friends. Let's go to bed, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. स्पेनमध्ये भरपूर भाषा बोलल्या जातात. They speak many languages in Spain. In Spain, many languages are spoken. Qui est inimicus tuus? Who is your enemy? Who's your enemy? O terreno virou uma favela. The land became a village. The land became a favela. 等他来了我就走。 I will leave when he arrives. When he comes, I'll go. Tiam mi estis en Kanado. I was in Canada then. I was then in Canada. A magatartás az ima legmagasabb rendű formája. Behaviour is the highest form of preaching. Self-sustainment is the most orderly form of smoke. Tomas skundėsi apie triukšmą. Tom complained about the noise. Tom complains about the noise. bIghal. You're jealous. Ighal. Tom gebruikt Spotify. Tom uses Spotify. Tom used Spotify. Illo probablemente non occurreva. That probably didn't happen. He probably didn't. Nakabati ak' may-ada nagtuktok ha purtahán ngan hi Tom ádto. I heard a knock on the door and it was Tom. I heard someone knock on the door and Tom adto. Ik heb een glas gebroken. I broke a glass. I broke a glass. मला आठ वाजता उठवा. Get me up at eight. I was only eight years old at the time. 市長は税収入の落ち込みについて調査すべきだと思った。 The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. तुला काही आठवतं का? Do you remember anything? Do You Recall? Li hai malmenati, vero? You beat them, didn't you? You lied to him, didn't you? Připomněl jsem mu to, aby na to nezapoměl. I reminded him of it so that he wouldn't forget. I reminded him not to forget it. मलाई त्यति लामो कुर्नु मन छैन । I don't want to wait that long. ( b) What will we consider in the following article? Njegovo je, zar ne? It's his, isn't it? It's his, isn't it? Jest bardzo łatwo brzmieć naturalnie w swoim ojczystym języku i bardzo łatwo brzmieć nienaturalnie w obcym. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. It's very easy to sing naturally in your mother tongue and very easy to sing in the city. Dacu ara txedmeḍ taggara n imalas-a? What're you going to do this weekend? What therefore will you do to me, if you don't do the will of him who sent me?' De møtes en gang i uka. They meet once a week. They meet once in a corner. במה זה יועיל? What good will that do? What's that gonna do? Tom osaa joitakin sanoja ranskaksi. Tom knows some words in French. Tom has some words in French. Ŝi jam komencis. She has already begun. She's already started. Мисля, че номерът на Том не е в указателя. I think Tom's number is unlisted. I don't think Tom's number is in the indicator. Tḥemmlem iḍan? Do you like dogs? Do you love the enemy? Mən itə iki tikə ət verdim. I gave the dog two pieces of meat. I gave her a pair of shoes. Günther ja Hans ovat ystäviä. Gunther and Hans are friends. Günther and Hans are friends. Det här är väldigt färskt. This is very fresh. This is very fresh. Ken tuan liu duké Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. And the Lord stood by him. Saya khawatir akan kesehatanmu. I have been anxious about your health. I'm worried about your health. No hay respuestas fáciles. There are no easy answers. There are no easy answers. Який? Which one? What? Meine Lehrerin hat eine sehr sanfte Stimme. My teacher has a very soft voice. My teacher has a very comfortable voice. Je savais que vous l'aimeriez. I knew you'd like it. I knew you loved him. 太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。 The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. Oli periood, kus ma olin koolast sõltuvuses ja jõin seda iga päev. For a while, I was really addicted to cola and drank it every day. It was a time when I was in high school and I got it every day. Срамно е ,че трябваше да напусна работа точно когато започвах да навлизам надълбоко в нея. It's a shame that I had to quit my job just when I was getting the hang of things. It's a shame I had to leave my job right when I started going deep into it. Le strata es troppo stricte pro camiones. The street is too narrow for lorries. The road is too narrow for trucks. Bɣiɣ ad sseḥmuɣ. I want to warm myself. I want to apologize. Kénem ey ke 7s7íllen? Have you eaten yet? So what about 7s 7s? Pokkers, jeg missede igen toget! Damn, I missed the train again! Hell, I missed the train again! Алжир покупает артиллерийское вооружение у России. Algeria purchases artillery from Russia. Algeria purchases artillery weapons in Russia. 昨天我帮了他。 I helped him yesterday. I helped him last night. Bakteriekultur är den enda kultur somliga besitter. Bacteria are the only culture some people have. Bacterial culture is the only culture that has some. Flamma fumo est proxima. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Flamma smoke is close. Yo va ear a ta e va vider quo ha evenit. I will go there and see what has happened. They would be the ones who would see what had happened. Deras varor är av högsta kvalitet. Their goods are of the highest quality. Their products are of the highest quality. Het is veel te koud om te zwemmen. It's much too cold to swim. It's too cold to swim. Ho il mal di testa ora. I have a headache now. I've got the headache right now. יענער מענטש איז אין אָרדענונג? Is that person okay? Is the other person in dispute? Ria wahnt in Kairo. Mary lives in Cairo. RIA WAY IN KAiro. Είναι Καναδοί; Are they Canadian? Are they Canadians? Mirëmëngjes, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Ця спідниця дешева. This skirt is cheap. This afternoon it's raining. Non capisco dove ho sbagliato. I don't understand where I went wrong. I don't know where I went wrong. Buď ke všem zdvořilý. Be polite to everyone. Be nice to everyone. Bururu itett aksum. The owl eats meat. That's what you're talking about. Jak mieszkasz? How have you lived? How do you live? Не изглеждаш много щастлив да ме видиш. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't look so happy to see me. کیا اپ اپنی داڑھی بڑھا رہے ہیں؟ Are you growing a beard? Do they grow up in pride? Я не знал, что то, я сделал, незаконно. I didn't know that what I'd done was illegal. I didn't know what I was doing was illegal. Mae gen i lyfr. I've got a book. He's got a gene in books. Shpija e prindve tu âsht shum larg! Your parents' house is too far! Your parents' sleep is so far away! Raba neza iyo uja. Watch where you're going. Take a good look at the water. Энэ хэрэг хараахан шийдэгдээгүй. The matter has not been settled yet. This was not an arbitrary choice. En osaa luetella tätä sanaa kirjain kirjaimelta. I don't know how to spell the word. I can't read this word in books. Kommer I ikke? Aren't you guys coming? You're not coming? Lütfen bana sorununun ne olduğunu söyle. Please tell me what your problem is? Please tell me what's your problem. Is ehr Vader Schoolmeester? Is her father a teacher? Is her father at school? 放屁闲话! That's bullshit! Shut the fuck up! Eu me pergunto se o Tom precisa fazer isso ou não. I wonder whether Tom needs to do that or not. I wonder if Tom needs to do that or not. Zmniejsz to. Make it smaller. You're losing it. Том и Мэри почти одного возраста. Tom and Mary are almost the same age. Tom and Mary are almost one year old. Не бяхме гладни. We weren't hungry. We weren't hungry. Öğrencilerden bazıları gitar çalmayı severler. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some students like to play guitar. Ik denk, dat ze dit verhaal heeft verzonnen. I think she made up that story. I think she sent this story. Idi da pogledaš. Go and have a look. Go check it out. Hyvvää ilttaa. Good evening. Good night. Пожалуйста, не говори такие ужасные вещи. Please don't say such terrible things. Please don't say such terrible things. Ненавижу ждать. I hate to wait. I hate to wait. Tom måtte ikke vente længe. Tom didn't have to wait long. Tom didn't have to wait long. Me fas falta! I miss you! I miss you! Годинник зупинився. The clock stopped. The clock's stopped. Quant costaria arreglar aquesta cadira? What would it cost to have this chair repaired? How much would I need to fix this chair? Vi havas belan hararon. You have beautiful hair. You have a beautiful garden. Es schien der beste Weg nach vorne zu sein. It appeared best to remain in front. It seemed the best way to go. do ma zvati mu'o What's your location? Over. Name has been changed. da minra There's a mirror. of MesoreCoptic month 11 - LongNamePossessive گیرڭ. Come in. Take it easy. De bor där. They live there. They live there. He is dat swarte Schaap in ’e Familie. He is the black sheep of the family. He is that black Schaap in a family. Aš negaliu dirbti kai tu ten stovi. I can't work with you standing there. I can't work when you're up there. Я люблю ходить в школу. I like to go to school. I like going to school. Թոմը ծափահարում էր: Tom clapped. Tom was sneezing. टॉमकडे त्याच्या भावापेक्षा कमी पैसे आहेत. Tom has less money than his brother does. Tom has less money than his brother. השיחה התחילה בהתלוצצות ידידותית אך הסתיימה בפצע וחבורה. The conversation started with friendly banter but ended in bruises. The conversation started with friendly movements, but it ended with injury and confusion. Dormì in macchina. She slept in the car. Sleep in the car. D taɣuṛi i bɣiɣ. I prefer to read. That's what I want. Tom sneglade neråt. Tom glanced down. Tom snowed the snow. Kamu pasti lelah. You must be tired. You must be tired. Mari tarvitsee uudet kengät. Mary needs new shoes. Mari needs new passages. 誰找到了我的包? Who found my bag? Who found my bag? Proč o tom nikdo nechce mluvit? Why won't anybody talk about this? Why wouldn't anyone want to talk about it? Nzoguha igitabo. I'll give you a book. I will give you a book. Voglio qualcosa di buono da mangiare. I want something nice to eat. I want something good to eat. 日本では新学期は4月に始まる。 In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new school period begins in April. Zwyczajnie nie byłem wstanie zrobić wszystkiego o co Tom mnie poprosił. I just couldn't do everything Tom asked me to do. I didn't usually get up to do everything Tom asked me to do. Jej správanie je konzistentné s jej slovami. Her behavior is consistent with her words. Her management is consistent with her words. Tohle jsem nepsal. I didn't write this. I didn't write this. Ta inga risker. Don't take any chances. Don't take any risks. त्यांना तिच्याबरोबर जायचं नाहीये. He doesn't want to go with her. They should not go with her. Var bor din morbror? Where does your uncle live? Where's your mother-in-law? Якщо хочете. If you want. If you want. Ik heff dissen Breev op Franzöösch schreven. I wrote this letter in French. I wrote this letter in French. O, sabırlıydı. He was patient. He had to be patient. اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Call me. ¿Cuánto tiempo se va a quedar en Japón? How long is he going to stay in Japan? How long will it take to stay in Japan? Здание было полностью разрушено. The building was completely destroyed. The building was completely destroyed. Sem saber seu endereço, ela não lhe escreveu. Not knowing his address, she didn't write to him. Without knowing her address, she didn't write to her. Tomilla on ollut vuosia tarkoituksena siivota todella sotkuinen autotallinsa. Tom has been meaning to clean out his badly cluttered garage for years. Tom's been trying to have a really nice car for years. Tom ist alt genug, um zu wählen. Tom is old enough to vote. Tom's old enough to choose. എനിക്ക് കണക്ക് പഠിക്കേണ്ടതായിയുണ്ട്. I need to study math. I have to learn to count. Anda ǧǧiɣ yemma-t yemma-t-sen? Where the hell did I put them? Where did I leave his mother? Het is mooi weer buiten. It's beautiful out. It's nice out there again. O Tom kamlas te kerel les, numa i Mary na kamlas. Tom was willing to do that, but Mary wasn't. And Thomas indeed was with her; but Mary was not with her. Não estou ocupado hoje. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. À quelle fréquence te douches-tu ? How often do you take a shower? How often have you been taught? Как думаете, на кого из родителей Вы похожи? Which of your parents do you think you look like? What do you think of your parents? هل هذا حلم؟ Is this a dream? Is that a smell? Den här filmen är sevärd. This film is worth seeing. This movie is great. לא ציפיתי מתום לעזרה. I didn't expect help from Tom. I didn't expect any help. Скільки це коштуватиме? What'll that cost? How much will that cost? त्या बेशुद्ध आहेत. She's unconscious. They are unclean. Paour-tre e oa. He was very poor. It's four and a half. मी एका देवाला ठार मारलं. I killed a god. I killed a god. Min far døde før jeg blev født. My father died before I was born. My father died before I was born. Miten voit olla pitämättä Tomista. How can you not like Tom? How can you be without Tom? Tôi nghe nói làm mát phần gáy khi trời nóng rất công hiệu. I hear that it's good to cool the back of your neck when it's hot outside. I've heard that it's part of the gas when the air's very powerful. Él dejó que lo besara. He let her kiss him. He let him see it. Ṭillet kan takeṛṛust-iw tamaynut. Look at my new car. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." אני מניח שתום כבר יודע זאת. I suspect that Tom knows this already. I guess you already know that. Мари аве ун кан. Mary has a dog. Mary's a cow and a dog. חכית? תודה! You waited? Thank you! You're waiting? Ik nehm allens trügg. I stand corrected. I'll take everything back. Le mariage est pour les femmes l'état le plus commun, et la quantité de relations sexuelles non-sollicitées subies par les femmes est probablement plus grande à l'intérieur du mariage que dans la prostitution. Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. Marriage is the most common state for women, and the number of unsoluted sexual relations among women is probably greater within marriage than in prostitution. Tom vive en Chicago desde hace un año. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom lives in Chicago a year ago. بیشتر از این نمی‌توانم انجام بدهم. I am unable to do more. I can't perform any more of these things. Ich bereue es, Tom geküsst zu haben. I regret kissing Tom. I'm glad Tom bought it. Jeg har besluttet at spise ude i aften. I've decided to eat out tonight. I've decided to eat out tonight. Biz hepimiz yetişkiniz. We're all adults. We're all grown up. Zou je graag veel geld willen hebben? Would you like to have lots of money? Would you like a lot of money? Haben Sie eine Wohnung gemietet? Did you rent an apartment? Did you rent a apartment? माझ्या आईने केक कापला. My mother cut the cake. My mother died of cancer. Ein Kind isst Fleisch. It's a child that is eating meat. A child is meat. Том не беше гладен. Tom wasn't hungry. Tom wasn't hungry. ¿Me dejas tu bolígrafo? May I use your pen? You're giving me your bolígraph? Ple'ma hy hi? Where is her dog? Do you want me to go? Er verdiente seinen Lebensunterhalt als Sänger. He earned his living as a singer. He earned his livelihood as a singer. Prawie mnie zabiłeś. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. Nadam se da će vam se svideti. I hope that you like it. I hope you like it. Li metis sian brakon ĉirkaŭ mi. He put his arm around me. He put his arm around me. Hij erfde het kasteel. He inherited the castle. He inherited the castle. Te magistrum esse scio. I know that you are a teacher. I know you're a master. Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Dien Broer is jünger as ik. Your brother is younger than me. Your brother is younger than I am. Che altro gli ha detto? What else did you tell him? What else did he tell you? Я расскажу тебе то, что знаю о Томе. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. Deshalb bin ich nicht gekommen. That's not why I came. That's why I'm not here. Өргүй бол баян Өвчингүй бол жаргал. Rich is he who has no debts, fortunate he who lives without illness. Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled. ” 我明天回來的時候會跟他們聯絡。 I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll contact them when I get back tomorrow. सर्व विद्यार्थी इंग्रजीचा अभ्यास करत आहेत. All the students are studying English. All the students are studying English. Promeškala uzávěrku. She missed the deadline. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ge det här till Tom. Give this to Tom. Give this to Tom. An welchen Strand möchtest du? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you want? Είχα διαβάσει αυτό το βιβλίο την προηγούμενη βδομάδα. I read this book last week. I had read this book last week. Szeretnél még egy csésze kávét? Would you like another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? Io odio il dramma. I hate drama. I hate the drama. Сме направиле грешки. We've made mistakes. We made mistakes. Том го бива за математика. Tom is good at math. Tom's got it for math. टॉम पूरा दिन टीवी देखते बिस्तर पर पड़े रहें। Tom stayed in bed all day watching TV. Tom must stay on the table watching TV all day. dei cizra jufra This is a weird sentence. the four of clubs Hij googelde zichzelf. He googled himself. He took care of himself. Хіба ти вип'єш своє молоко? Aren't you going to drink your milk? Do you drink your milk? Ona nije ljepotica. She is no beauty. She's not beautiful. Ja neću da to potpišem. I'm not signing it. I don't want to sign it. Saĝa gvidanto scias, kiam endas sekvi. A wise leader knows when to follow. A wise guide knows when to follow. Köp işlemelisiň. You must work more. You need to work hard. Mary ha avvertito davvero Tom. Mary did warn Tom. Mary's really warned Tom. "Tu audi me igitur dum pronuncio prælectionem, ego audiam te deinde." "Age, pronuncia." "You listen to me then while I recite the lesson, and I will listen to you afterwards." "Go on, recite it." "So you're listening to me when I make a statement, I'll listen to you later." "Age, adjuncia." Ba mhaith liom labhairt le d'uncail. I want to talk with your uncle. I'd like to talk to your uncle. הייתי רוצה להיות יותר גבוה. I wish I were taller. I'd like to be higher. Bogaci ludzie szpanują drogimi zegarkami. Rich people show off with their expensive watches. The rich people are scared by the streets. Кто платит? Who's paying? Who pays? Mi padre construye puentes. My father builds bridges. My father builds bridges. Nihil boni de hoc veniet. Nothing good will come out of this. There's nothing good about that coming. Pogoduhan do mangakan id suang do bilik pomoriksaan. Don't eat inside the laboratory. I'm afraid I'm gonna ask you for a gun to kill me. Pot să vorbesc cu doamna Brown? May I talk to Ms. Brown? Can I talk to Mrs Brown? Usò dei piccioni nel suo esperimento. He used pigeons in his experiment. He used pizzas in his experiment. Sinun kuusi on palaamassa. Your moon is returning. You're six in the back. Δε διάβασες την ιστορία; Didn't you read the story? Didn't you read the story? Tom ur yettidir-ara deg Lustṛali. Tom doesn't live in Australia. He was not in the country of the Gadarenes. Tom'la birkaç kez karşılaştım. I've met Tom several times. I met Tom a couple of times. Виждал съм го това. I've seen that. I've seen that. بىزگە بىر پەدە چېلىپ بېرىڭ. Play us a tune. You're going to give us a break. নিয়মগুলো সহজ। The rules are simple. The rules are easy. Tom možda nema izbora. Tom may have no choice. Maybe he doesn't have a choice. Kyrkja vi gjekk forbi braut saman fem minutt etterpå på grunn av eit enormt jordskjelv, og fleire enn 100 kyrkjefolk vart gravlagde levande. The church we went past crumbled five minutes afterwards due to a huge earthquake and more than a 100 churchgoers were buried alive. We went across the bridge five minutes later because of a huge earthquake, and more than 100 people were buried alive. Мислиш ли, че Мери е привлекателна? Do you think Mary is attractive? Do you think Mary's attractive? 在一連串可怕的事件中, 哥倫布曾經咬緊牙關撐過去。 In a horrifying chain of events, Christopher Columbus once bit his own lip. In a series of horrendous incidents, Colombo used to touch his teeth. আমি যে ভাবে ব্যবহার করেছি তাতে আমি গর্বিত নই। I'm not proud of how I acted. I'm not proud of the way I used it. ngo'choH. It will grow old. Enter the name of the file you would like to use for the archive. L'ho scaricata. I downloaded it. I downloaded him. Kiu elpensis karaokeon? Who invented karaoke? Who invented karaoke? qItbe'. That's not possible. qItbe. Jeg er fornøyd med det jeg har. I'm happy with what I have. I'm happy with what I have. Je tu patnáct lidí, včetně hostů. There are fifteen people here, counting the guests. There are fifty people, including guests. កីឡាបាល់ទាត់ គឺជាចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុំ ។ Soccer is one of my little brother's hobbies. The keyboard is my favorite. Σῷζέ με. Save me. Talk to me. Han mistede livet ved en ulykke. He lost his life in an accident. He lost his life in an accident. Hon sjöng en sång. She was singing a song. She sings a song. Vocês perderam. You missed. You're lost. Mea patro ne prizas muziko. My father does not like music. My dad doesn't like music. Ka lieh sniehdoh hynrei u para jongka pat u iong. She's got a fair complexion while her brother is very dark. There's a lot of snow and snow and a lot of snow and snow. Jeg er ikke din hustru længere. Din hustru er Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore. Your wife is Tatoeba! I'm not your wife anymore, your wife is Tatoeba! Tom is nu in Australië. Tom is now in Australia. Tom is now in Australia. Thomas Mariam non veneratur. Tom doesn't respect Mary. Thomas Mariam won't come. די קאַבילען רעדן קאַביליש. The Kabyle speak Kabyle. The cables refer to the cable. John habita in New York. John lives in New York. John lives in New York. Quid scribis? What are you writing? What do you write? De cât timp ai mașina asta? How long have you had this car? How long have you got this car? Anwa adlis i la teqqaṛemt? What book are you reading? Which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his height? Cosa ne dice di uscire a fare una passeggiata dopo cena? How about going out for a walk after dinner? What does it tell us to go out and make a walk after dinner? Został zabity w trzęsieniu ziemi. He was killed in the earthquake. He was killed in a third of the land. Marie aceptó los regalos. Marie accepted the gifts. Marie accepted the gifts. Они доверяли Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. 我想吃韩国菜。 I like to eat Korean food. I want Korean food. Ik ken mijn buren niet. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. seja'e ma mi ca'o jmive Why am I still alive? It's like I'm alive. Queria que Tom me dissesse o que fazer. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. I wanted Tom to tell me what to do. Мораш да ѝ помогнеш. You must help her. You have to help her. Tom nu a avut nicio șansă să-i spună lui Mary ceea ce gândea. Tom had no chance to tell Mary what he thought. Tom had no chance to tell Mary what he was thinking. Можно мне тоже прийти? May I come, too? Can I come too? ฉันคิดว่ามันถูกวิธีที่ดีที่สุด I think it's the best way. I think it's the best way. إفتح فمك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! 這是城堡的場地。 This is the site of a castle. This is the location of the castle. 昨日それを言っておけばよかったよ。 You should have told me that yesterday! I'd like to say that yesterday. Ol ýeriñ hemme ýerinde howsuzlyk üçin kameralar bar. There are security cameras all around here. There are cameras everywhere. ငါ ဆယ့်သုံးနှစ် သား မှာ ပထမဆုံး အကြိမ် ဘီယာ စသောက်ဖူး ခဲ့တယ်။ I drank beer for the first time when I was thirteen years old. I spent the first time in my third year at Bethel. Nuɣal ɣer Boston deg 20 Tuber. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on October 20th. Je zou naar me moeten luisteren. You should listen to me. You should listen to me. العشب بحاجة إلى التجديب. The grass needs cutting. The burden needs to be lifted. Έπεσε η θερμοκρασία. The temperature fell. The temperature fell. Ich komme aus Singapur. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. È finita. It's over. It's over. Я певен, що ми з Томом побачимося знову. I'm sure I'll see Tom again. I'm sure Tom and I will see you again. هل لحقت بالقطار؟ Did you catch the train? Did you hit the plane? Том заспівав для Мері. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Изведнъж пред тях изскочи някакъв мъж. Suddenly, a man stepped in front of them. Suddenly, a man jumped out before them. 我实际高头看电影去个次数比我想去看电影个次数少。 I don't go to the movies as often as I'd like. I actually looked at the movie a few times more than I wanted to see the movie. Yiwen ur yeldi tiṭ. No one opened an eye. No one has seen God at any time. Kur'an kelâm-ı ilâhîdir. The Quran is the exact word of God. The Qur'an is the revelation of the Qur'an. mi se srana lo vi cukta .i ra se srana lo va cukta These are my books, those are his. I'm gonna fuck you. I'm gonna fuck you. I'm gonna fuck you. Hvad laver din far? What does your dad do? What's your dad doing? أنا أحبّها كأخت. I love her like a sister. I love her like a sister. Tom zostawił swoją żonę. Tom left his wife. Tom left his wife. Nejspíš je mrtev. He's probably dead. He's probably dead. 她为自己孩子的行为感到羞耻。 She was ashamed of her children's behavior. She was ashamed of her children's behavior. Ифтар не е за да ждерете како стоки! Don't make iftar into gluttony! It's not for you to eat like stuff! Céard? What? Céard? Нарекувај го како сакаш. Call it what you like. Call him as you like. Desiće se loše stvari. Bad things will happen. Bad things will happen. Hanya itu kemungkinannya. That's the only possibility. It's just that it's possible. Я закрыл дверь, но не запер её. I shut the door, but I haven't locked it. I locked the door, but I didn't close it. আমি কিছু চিজ কিনতে চাই। I would like to buy some cheese. I want some cheese. התמקד בנשימתך. Focus on your breathing. Focus on your job. Nem akarod magad meggondolni? Will you change your mind? Don't you want to think about yourself? Spekti unu filmon post la alia malhelpas ĝisfunde kompreni ilin. Watching one movie after another inhibits a profound understanding of them. Watching one movie after the other doesn't make it easy to understand them. Ehr Romaan is op Japaansch översett worrn. Her novel was translated into Japanese. His Roman was translated into Japanese. 駅に着いたとき、汽車はちょうど出発しようとするところでした。 The train was just on the point of starting when I got to the station. When I arrived at the airport, the car was just trying to get out. Pizza hawajska to moja ulubiona pizza. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hawaii. Pizza Hawaii is my favorite pizza. Nu am curajul să-i cer şefului meu să-mi împrumute maşina lui. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to borrow his car. Er stand auf und ging. He got up and went away. He stood up and went. Is dat Latien? Is this Latin? Is that Latin? Vypadal vyčerpaně. He looked exhausted. He looked sloppy. L-am văzut pe Ion la bibliotecă. I saw John at the library. I saw Ion at the library. Bildiğin her şeyi bilmek istiyorum. I want to know everything you know. I want to know everything you know. Kam by si chcel ísť? Where would you like to go? Where would you like to go? Jag tycker om inte den här platsen. I don't like this place. I don't like this place. توم برمعتاد گچ گلدی . Tom arrived late as usual. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Tom ey di. Tom saw it. Tom knows. Яна кахае яго больш за ўсё за яго хібы. She loves him all the more because he has faults. She loves him more than anything for him. Senang bertemu denganmu. I'm glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Tiu ĉi libro estas via. This book is yours. This book is yours. Φαίνεστε χαρούμενη σήμερα. You seem happy today. You look happy today. Hledal jsem Andyho. Nevíš, kde je? I was looking for Andy. You don't know where he is? I've been looking for Andy, you don't know where he is? Wi wören vör nüms bang. We weren't afraid of anyone. We were afraid of nothing. Onde você mora na Turquia? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm that. Tom não é tão conservador. Tom isn't all that conservative. Tom's not that conservative. Li bone ludas gitaron. He is very good at the guitar. That's a good guitar game. Ik wit net wat it is. I don't know what that is. I'm just white what it is. Многу зборува. He has a big mouth. He's talking a lot. Tom cliccava le ligamine. Tom clicked the link. Tom was clicking the links. In hoc biduum valebis. See you in two days. You'll be fine with this. Казвал съм ти толкова пъти да не го правиш. I've told you over and over again not to do that. I told you so many times not to do it. 私たちは竹かごの作り方を教わった。 We received instructions on how to make a bamboo basket. We taught you how to build. Miért nem jössz velünk? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? Трябва да се свържа с Том. I have to get in touch with Tom. I need to get in touch with Tom. Prestame los binoculares para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better. Give me the binoculars to see him better. Tom gida secur. Tom drives safely. Tom's going safe. Проблема в том, что осталось мало воды. The trouble is that there is little water left. The problem is that there's some water left. Geliň! Come! Come on! Unglücklicherweise glaube ich nicht an ihren Erfolg. Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed. Unfortunately, I don't believe in their success. Не смятам да го питам. I'm not about to ask him. I don't think I should ask. Z čeho se vyrábí máslo? What is butter made of? What's the butter made of? 無罪の人々が死刑の判決を受ける場合もある。 It happens that innocents are sentenced to death. And if the innocent are to be judged with the punishment of death. Tom má rád rajčata? Tom likes tomatoes? Tom likes lunch? To jest kapitan. This is the captain. That's the captain. मुझे बड़े शहरों का प्रदूषित वातावरण अच्छा नहीं लगता। I don't like the polluted atmosphere of big cities. I don't like the air in big cities. 汤姆童心未泯。 Tom maintained his innocence. Tom's heart is unsatisfying. ra cliva ca lo prulamdei se ka'a la.lyndyn. She left for London yesterday. I guess the girl's got la.lyndyn. Ni kazi yake. She is responsible for it. I worked hard. La meg hjelpe deg. Let me help you. Let me help you. Aиашьа дyмоумаҵ? Do you have a brother? Is he still a brother or a sister? Тук беше добре. It was all right here. It was good here. هل صعد كل الركاب؟ Are all the passengers aboard? Is the train all over? Тому не нужно было уходить. Tom didn't need to leave. That's why I didn't have to go. Pas vooral op voor zakkenrollers. Above all, beware of pickpockets. Especially on behalf of business reporters. Io me demanda qui pote natar le plus rapidemente. I wonder who can swim fastest. I wonder who can be born as soon as possible. اتّصل بي مدرّسك. Your teacher called me. Call me your teacher. Látok egy házat. I see a house. I see a house. Men Fransuzça geplemek islemeýen. I don't want to speak French. I didn't want to speak French. Довърши ли го? Have you finished it? Did you finish it? Tom już wydał wszystkie pieniądze które zostawił my ojciec. Tom has already spent all the money that his father left him. Tom already gave us all the money that our father left. Zai kwam. She came. Come on. 金衡1ポンドは12オンスである。 One pound troy weighs 12 oz. It's 12 ounces. יש לה מאהב לכל יום בשבוע. She's got lovers for every day of the week. She's got a lover for every day of the week. 10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか? Are you going to carry on your work until ten? Do you want to work until 10 o'clock? Ya vendrá el día en que podremos viajar a la Luna. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. Avē, munde! Hello, world! Open up, mouth! Lei è all'altezza della situazione. She is equal to the occasion. She's at the height of the situation. Я знал, что это ложь. I knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie. أهلاً و سهلاً بك في تتويبا. Welcome to Tatoeba! Hey, easy on Toiba. Hän huijasi häneltä kaikki hänen rahansa. She took him for all his money. He stole all his money from him. Przyjadę do ciebie kiedyś. I will come to your country some day. I'll come to you sometime. Tom egy nyugdíjazott rendőr. Tom is a retired policeman. Tom's a retired cop. Mis sellel viga on? What's so wrong with that? What's wrong with that? A bheil fada bho thòisich thu san obair an sin? Have you been working there for long? Are you sure you want to quit the job? 彼は若く見えるが実は30歳を越えている。 He looks young, but in reality he is past thirty. He looks young, but he's over 30 years old. 關我撚事咩。 I don't give a shit. It's about me. Я могу тебе чем-то помочь? Is there something I can do to help you? Can I help you? Planvenguts en çò nòste. Welcome to our home. Planned for this night. Թոմը Մերիին թուղթը ցույց տվեց: Tom showed Mary the paper. Tom showed Mary a letter. In ’n Winter warrt dat fröh düüster. The night falls fast in winter. A winter will be sweeter. Non preciso nada. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Vi faris tro da eraroj. You've been making too many mistakes. You made too many mistakes. كان فاضل يربّي و يعتني بالخيول في جنوب آريزونا. Fadil groomed and raised horses in southern Arizona. It's been a nightmare for me and I'm interested in Christmas in South Arizona. Είναι μεγαλύτερες απ' αυτή. They're older than her. It's bigger than that. Awi-t-id yid-k. Bring him back with you. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I مجھے دودھ چاہئیے۔ I want milk. I need a shower. Diri mo kinahanglanun palitun iton nga libro. You didn't need to buy this book. You do not need to buy that book. ti zdani ra This is her house. You don't think so. Člověk je hříšný. Man is sinful. Man is a sinner. टॉम त्याच्या आईला बोलवत आहे. Tom is calling his mother. Tom is calling his mother. Tom'un arabasının pencere açma kolu vardır. Tom's car has crank windows. Tom's car has a window opener. Не сакам тој да знае каде живеам. I don't want him to know where I live. I don't want him to know where I live. Yma hi ow tos. She's coming. There she is. De Jung is klook. That boy is smart. The Jung is deaf. فوق العاده Terrific! Above the sentence. ওকে ছাড়ুন। Forget him. Let him go. فراموشش کردم. I forgot it. I forgot it. Она страдает от почечной недостаточности. She is suffering from kidney failure. She suffers from an early disability. Dohajydh da! Good afternoon! Let's go! De Bank hett em 500 Dollar lehnt. The bank lent him 500 dollars. The bank owes 500 dollars. Bunga-bunga ini sudah mati. These flowers have died. These flowers are dead. ئاڭلىسام سېنىڭ يېڭى قىز دوستۇڭ بار. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. When I hear you, you have a new girlfriend. 私は本当に困惑していた。 I was truly perplexed. I was really confused. अपने ऋण को कम करने के लिये क्या करना चाहिए? What should you do to decrease your debt? What should you do to reduce your risk? Γιατί δεν μπορώ να πάω στη Βοστώνη το καλοκαίρι που μας έρχεται; Why can't I go to Boston next summer? Why can't I go to Boston on the Friday that's coming for us? Том в порядке. Tom is doing well. Tom's fine. 昨日の嵐で建物は被害を受けた。 The buildings were damaged by the storm last night. The building was damaged by yesterday's storm. Tôi mơ đến bạn. I dreamt about you. I'm dreaming of you. Ha compiuto un atto coraggioso. He did a courageous act. He made a brave act. Mislila sam da je hrana odlična. I thought the food was excellent. I thought the food was great. 汤姆很紧张。 Tom is nervous. Tom's very nervous. Vet du vem som har skrivit den här romanen? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this novel? Oyöbom ad logön oli. He'll be glad to see you. It was a playbom ad log. Seženeme pomoc. Let's get some help. We're getting help. Sydämeni on särkynyt. My heart is broken. My heart's broken. Minulla on kova kuume. I have a high fever. I've got a lot of heat. Az élelmiszertartalékok nem fognak kitartani addig. The food supplies will not hold out till then. The food stocks will not be exhausted until then. เอมิลี่เขียนประโยค Emily wrote the sentence. Emily's writing useful. باید تام را ببینی. You've got to see Tom. Thou shalt see the star. Yo hava un tusse. I have a cough. I had a shower. הצומת הזאת מסוכנת. This intersection is dangerous. That's dangerous. Υπάρχουν κίνδυνοι που απειλούν τόσο τους άντρες όσο και τις γυναίκες. There are dangers that threaten both men and women. There are dangers that threaten both men and women. Он је мој ривал у послу. He is my rival in business. He's my rival at work. Elbrus je najviša planina Europe. Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. আমার তাকে ভালো লাগে। I like him. I love him. Skulle Tom gilla det? Would Tom like that? Would Tom like that? 湯姆是甚麼時候讓你去做的? When did Tom ask you to do that? When did Tom let you do it? Muhkoen muher, kokkemanden kyklikyer, øfgrisen øffer, rapanden rapper og missekatten mjaver. The cow moos, the rooster crows, the pig oinks, the duck quacks, and the cat meows. Muhkoen muher, cokeman cyclists, the grassy ears, the rapper and the mischap. ma'a bilga lo nu na bacru ne'i lo ckusro We must not speak in the library. ^Boot from first hard disk 为什么你假装无辜! Why are you feigning innocence! Why do you pretend to be innocent? Dieser Kuss war wunderbar. That kiss was amazing. This kiss was wonderful. Felemeltem a lányom, így fel tudta rakni a csillagot a fa tetejére. I lifted my daughter up so she could put the star on top of the Christmas tree. I woke up my daughter, so she could put the star on the tree's roof. Két kutyája van. He has two dogs. He's got two dogs. Ти повинен бути собою. You've got to be yourself. You should be yourself. টম মারা গেলো। Tom died. Tom's dead. سکه طلا از آنچه که تصور می شد، ارزش بیشتری داشت. The gold coin was much more valuable than was supposed. More to be desired are they than gold, yes, than much fine gold. Kodėl? Todėl kad jo šeimai reikėjo pinigų, štai kodėl. Why? Because his family needed the money, that's why. Because his family needed money, that's why. ថម ញុាំ​សម្ល​ក្នុង​ឆ្នាំង​! Tom ate the stew right out of the pot. In the years since then, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been using the Bible to help people to learn about him. Идването ѝ тук беше грешка. Coming here was a mistake. Her coming here was a mistake. Domum novam aedificavit. He built a new house. He built a new one. Är ni säkra på att det är säkert? Are you sure that it's safe? Are you sure it's safe? Vi ønskede at hjælpe dem. We wanted to help them. We wanted to help them. Niemand will, dass ihr das tut. Nobody wants you to do this. Nobody wants you to do that. Tom is een brief aan Mary aan het schrijven. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. Tom is writing a letter to Mary. พวกเขาเหมือนครอบครัว They're like family. They're like a family. वह नर्म दिल वाली है। She has a gentle heart. He's sick of heart. 七点叫醒我。 Wake me up at seven. Seven o'clock wake me up. Potrzebuję balsamu do ciała. I need body lotion. I need a balsam to the body. Кохання не можна купити. Love can't be bought. Love cannot buy. Narkoman deyiləm. I'm not a drug addict. I'm not a drug addict. खोलीत दोनशे लोकं होती. There were two hundred people in the room. There were two hundred men in the upper room. Не обичам математиката, а пък физиката съвсем. I don't like math, much less physics. I don't like math, I don't like physics at all. Tiene un don natural para hablar. He has a natural gift for speaking. He's got a natural gift to talk about. พวกเราต้องไปอย่างระมัดระวัง We'll have to go about it with care. We need to be careful. А, аз бях болен. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. 佢哋實係蕩失咗路啦,如果唔係佢哋應該到咗好耐㗎喇。 They lost their way; otherwise, they would have arrived long ago. In fact, he's lost his way, and if he doesn't, he should be very patient. Na mien Mann sien Dood bün ik rümlopen as so ’n Zombie. After my husband's death I walked around like a zombie. After my man's death, I walk like a zombie. Biraz buz ister misin? Do you want some ice? Would you like some ice cream? Nočem v šolo. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Fadil avasi pikaruokaravintolan. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadil opened a circuit assembly. Palīgu kāigi kērmeni prawerru pratīnsnan, tīt dīgi aumeni prawerru stimulaciōnin, kāi palāiklai kailūstan. Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy. Thanks to a number of brains correct the practice, it's slowing down the brain’s stimulation, as I'm going to regret it for a while. என்னுடையத் தவறினால் கேக்கானதுக் கருகிப் போனது.தோலைப் பேசியில் பேசிக் கொண்டிருந்ததால் நேரத்தைக் கவனிக்க வில்லை It's my fault that the cake was burned. I was talking on the phone and didn't notice the time. My mistake made me cry. I didn't care about the time I was talking to him. Han försökte få mig att skratta. He tried to make me laugh. He tried to make me laugh. Ihumon ku ndo diya id hinonggo-nonggo nopo om patayon tiya. I'm going to find you wherever you are and kill you. I wonder where you're going or where you're going if you're going to die. Jeg kan godt lide boxernes korte snude. I like the short snout of boxers. I like the short cuts of the boxes. Weet je wat het probleem heeft veroorzaakt? Do you know what caused the problem? You know what caused the problem? Semuanya sangat murah. Everything's very cheap. It's all very easy. Kako se zove taj restoran? What's that restaurant's name? What's the name of that restaurant? Ich finde dich unwiderstehlich. I find you irresistible. I find you amazing. Ĉu vi konsideras min stulta? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm stupid? Har du brug for nøglerne? You need the keys? Do you need the keys? Prova a non preoccuparti per lei. Try not to worry about her. Try not to worry about her. Donald Trump es un shorret. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a thief. Non è stato in grado di partecipare alla festa. He wasn't able to attend the party. He wasn't able to attend the party. Αυτό το κρεβάτι είναι πολύ μαλακό. This bed is too soft. This bed is very dirty. An en goden Dag kannst du von Helsinki ut de Küst von Eestland sehn. On a good day, you can see the coast of Estonia from Helsinki. On a good day you can see Helsinki from the coast of Estonia. O Tom, nedob yufi olik. Tom, I need your help. Oh, Tom, let's have a good time. Ape tha'a selpōn mena'a? Do you have a cellphone? What is your mobile phone? Kimse önemli değildir. Nobody is important. Nobody's important. naDev vIpawDI', ghaH vItu'. When I arrived there, I found him. I don't know what you're talking about. 你日日都係做埋啲一模一樣嘅嘢,乜唔會覺得悶嘅咩? I wonder if you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. You're doing the same stuff every day, don't you think? Том е белец. Tom is Caucasian. Tom's a legend. not yopwaH tuQ. She never wears pants. This publication is not for sale. كتابك على المكتب. Your book is on the desk. Your book at the office. प्रेम म्हणजे प्रेमात पडण्यापेक्षा भरपूर काही असतं. Love is much more than just falling in love. “ The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. ” Neměli byste čekat tady. You shouldn't wait here. You shouldn't wait here. মেরি দৌড়েছিল। Mary ran. Mary was running. Tom wis lunga, durung? Has Tom left? Tom's gone, isn't he? ते तिला ठार मारतील. He'll kill her. They will kill her. Tom estis inteligenta. Tom was clever. Tom was smart. 他把蒼蠅拍走了。 He flapped the flies away. He took it off. Masalah ini bermula dari kesalahpahaman. This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding. This is the beginning of a terrible tragedy. Il est souvent absent de l'école. He is often absent from school. He's often absent from school. Tinon an mwen sé Yatarou. My name is Yatarou. The year I was born I was Yatarou. Opetan kiinan kieltä. I teach Chinese. I'll learn the language. Уның аҡсаһы юҡ, ти. She had no money. She says that she does not have any money. ते कधीच थांबत नाहीत. He never stops. They never stop. He olivat raivanneet esteen tiellä. They had cleared the obstacle from the road. They were armed on the road. زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. The labour force claimed to have been killed. Het is de zijne. It's his. It's his. Můžeš tam také koupit něco k jídlu? Can you also buy something to eat there? Can you buy something to eat there, too? Tom aslında Avustralya'da hiç yaşamamış. Tom has never actually lived in Australia. Tom didn't actually live in Australia. Tu n'es pas mon frère. You're not my brother. You're not my brother. Я точно знаю, где найти Тома. I know exactly where to find Tom. I know exactly where to find Tom. 你在做甚麼? What are you about? What are you doing? Het jy enige Bitcoins? Do you have any Bitcoins? Do you have any Bitcoins? Svi pokušavamo da pobedimo. We're all trying to win. We're all trying to win. Hace una prueba del motor todos los días. He does an engine test every day. It's an engine test every day. Você é o sortudo. You're the lucky one. You're the lucky one. トムに双子のきょうだいがいるって本当? Is it true that Tom has a twin? Don't you think there are two boys in Tom? 你能告訴我湯姆在哪裡嗎? Could you tell me where Tom is? Can you tell me where Tom is? もしもその機械が壊れたら、君が悪いんだよ。 If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If that machine is destroyed, it's bad for you. He hadde grieset haor. He had gray hair. He had a gray hair. doi la .xalbo. ma te cusku fi do Xalbo, who are you talking to? two to .xalbo. Мне нравится улыбка Мэри. I like the way Mary smiles. I like Mary's kiss. 彼は良い行いを積極的にしている。 He's active performing good deeds. He's doing good deeds positive. El ofensesis pro la konduto di sua filiino. She took offense at her daughter's behavior. He was offended by his child's behavior. Nadem ik mit mien Fründin Analsex hatt heff, mööt wi uns jümmer good waschen. After having anal sex with my girlfriend, we usually need to have a good wash. After I had sex with my cousin Analysex, we must always wash well. ऑस्ट्रेलियन दूतावास कुठे आहे? Where is the Australian embassy? Where is the Australian angel? Второго такого шанса у тебя не будет. You won't get a second chance like this. You won't have a second chance. نسحقُّوك. We need you. We'll get you. Me ia pensa ce nos va gania. I thought we were going to win. Think of what he's going to do to us. Mondd érthetően! Say it clearly. Tell me what you mean. ארוז את חפציך. Pack your bags. Get your ass off. Ningú no li fa ombra. Nobody equals him in strength. No one misses him. A ţintit pasărea. He aimed at the bird. He kept the watch. De keukendeur ging open. The kitchen door opened. Could not close temporary folder: %s Egyikük hazudik. One of them is lying. One of them's lying. Не знам што бараш тука. I don't know why you're here. I don't know what you're looking for here. Hol a szerelem? Where's the love? Where's my love? Diventai nervosa sul palco. I got nervous on the stage. You're getting nervous on the floor. Tới lúc tôi nên quay lại khách sạn rồi. I should get back to the hotel now. It's time for me to get back to the hotel. Berapa umurnya? How old is he? How old is he? Kau agresif. You are aggressive. You're aggressive. كانت ليلى تموت. Layla was dying. It was the night of death. Dinez m' on pô d' aiwe, s' i vs plait. Give me some water, please. Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study. Hou je van je vrouw? Do you love your wife? Do you like your wife? ألا تتذكره؟ Don't you remember him? Don't you remember? Niko nije umro... još. No one has died... yet. No one died... yet. Potresti chiedere a Tom di fermarsi dopo il lavoro? Could you ask Tom to stop by after work? Can you ask Tom to stop after work? Aš esu didvyris. I'm a hero. I'm a big fan. 彼は特権を乱用したに違いない。 He must have abused the privilege. He must have abused his privilege. Можна мені піти додому? May I go home? Can I go home? Que cerveja você está bebendo? What beer are you drinking? What beer are you drinking? Υπέθεσα πως ήσουν Καναδός. I assumed you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. Shá háchį'. I'm angry. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey मला तू आवडतोस. I like you. I love you. Visitantes não podem alimentar os animais. Visitors may not feed the animals. Visitors can't feed the animals. شيء مذهل ! ، سائح امريكي كان يقول : كل كلمة "حصان" تلفض باللغة الهنغارية مثل لفضة كلمة "منخفض" بالانكليزية . It's amazing! – an American tourist was saying: In Hungary, every "horse" is "low"! In fact, the U.S. rules were saying that every word "damaged" is rejected in English like the word "lower" in English. قايسى سومكا ساڭا تەئەللۇق؟ Which is your bag? What is the matter with you? What is the matter with you? Olet hyvin karkea. You are very insensitive. You're very tough. Том унөч яшенә җиткәнче гитарада уйнарга өйрәнмәде. Tom didn't learn how to play the guitar until he was thirteen. Tom did not learn to play guitar until he was nine years old. Ni nur faru tion. We just have to go do that. Let's just do this. Albergínia, pastanaga, tomàquet. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. The hotel, the dining room, the toilet. Jesteśmy biedni, ale szczęśliwi. We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but happy. Stell de Ledder an ’e Müür. Stand the ladder against the wall. Set the leader to a wall. Já bydlím v Turecku. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. Bennozh, Yukina. Thanks, Yukina. Bennozh, Yukina. Не се опитвам да те притискам. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm not trying to force you. 他叫我对别人好一点。 He told me to be kind to others. He told me to be nice to others. Lo hecho, hecho está. What is done cannot be undone. It's true, it's true. Les dommages ont été faits. The damage has been done. The damage was done. Que droga. Nós vamos comer bolo após o almoço. That's too bad. We're going to have cake after lunch. We're gonna eat the ball after lunch. همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره. A jack of all trades is master of none. Every action, and no action. Tomi ja Mari sanoivat, että he suostuisivat tuon tekemiseen. Tom and Mary said that they'd be willing do that. Tom and Mari said they would agree to do that. Я слышал, что Кэрол и Уилл разошлись. I heard that Carol and Will have split up. I heard Carol and Will broke up. Ќе стигнеме. We'll make it. We'll be there. Tại sao tôi không làm được điều đó? Why couldn't you do that? Why can't I do that? "An leatsa an taigh?" "Chan e." "Do you own the house?" "No." "When did you leave the house?" "Where is it?" Я маю морську свинку. I have a guinea pig. I've got a seamstress. मौत तो सभी की होती है। Everyone dies. Death is all there is. Solo quiero ir a casa. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Pyth esos ta ow kul? What're you doing? What are you doing? Можда им затреба нешто новца. They may need some money. Maybe they need some money. N'aikuabi. I don't know. Not at all. Le agradecí por haberme ayudado. I thanked him for helping me. Thank you for helping me. Тука е топло. It's warm in here. It's hot here. आपला पहिला धडा गणित आहे. Our first lesson is math. Our first judgment is: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ” Kāore koe i te kite i te whakaparakoretanga o te poroutīni i roto i tētahi whakamātautau o te iranga. You're not seeing protein purification in a course of genetics. You can not copy messages from this rubbish bin. O onların planı üzerinde düşündü. He contemplated their plan. He thought about their plan. Ich kann auf dieses Wörterbuch nicht verzichten. I can't do without this dictionary. I can't forget this dictionary. Вы такой грубый! You're so rude. You're so cruel! Maria is aangekomen. Mary has arrived. Maria's here. ภาษาเดียวไม่เคยพอ One language is never enough. The same language is never enough. این را بخاطر می‌آورم. I remember this. I remember that. Es stört mich nicht, dass Tom mit seiner neuen Freundin kommt. It doesn't bother me that Tom is going to be there with his new girlfriend. I don't mind Tom coming with his new friend. tamvaD 'e' vIja'laHbe'. I can't tell Tom that. There's 'e' vija'laHebe. Том је погледао лево и десно пре него што је прешао улицу. Tom looked both ways before crossing the road. Tom looked left and right before he crossed the street. A válása után magányos volt. He was lonely after his divorce. After his answer, he was alone. Ik heb het woord een aantal keer voor haar herhaald. I repeated the word several times for her. I've repeated the word a few times for her. Ḥemmleɣ-kent s tidet. I do like you. I love you very much. Amen. Tom har købt sin lastbil brugt. Tom bought his truck used. Tom bought his car. Dia menyesal telah meminjam buku itu darinya. He regretted having borrowed that book from her. He was sorry that he had borrowed the book from him. Jag är kanske antisocial, men det betyder inte att jag inte pratar med folk. I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people. I may be antisocial, but that doesn't mean I'm not talking to people. У него было радио. He had a radio. He had a radio. Portale a casa. Bring them home. Portal's home. 买房要量力而行,但也要把握时机。 One needs to buy a house that's within one's means, but one also needs to grasp an opportunity. Buying the house to the extent possible, but also take time. Det finns fem fiskar i mitt akvarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. Uw Duits is goed. Your German is good. Your Germans are fine. Δεῦρο βλέπετε. Look here. Good to see you. Chascun filio hat elevat du levrieros. Each son had raised two greyhounds. Any son has been raised from the library. Я еду с тобой. I'm going with you. I'm going with you. k Heb gain sinten. I don't have money. I don't think so. Hän antoi meille lahjan. She gave us a present. He gave us a gift. Vertel me hoe je je voelt. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how you feel. その催し物にはかなり多くの人が出た。 Quite a few people turned out for the event. There's a lot of people out there. Книжка лежить на столі. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Hvor lenge vil dette tauet holde? How long will this rope hold? How long will this roof hold? На 14 февруари американците празнуват Свети Валентин. On February 14 Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day. The Americans celebrate the Holy Valentine's Day on 14 February. Priecājos ar Jums iepazīties Pleased to meet you. I'd like to meet you. Você teve a sorte de ele não te morder. You're lucky because he didn't bite you. You were lucky he didn't kill you. Kann ich mir eine Zigarette schnorren? Can I bum a smoke? Can I have a cigarette? maSagh. We're serious. No, no, no, no, no, no. Треба да ни најдам помош. I need to get us some help. I need to find our help. Terve, olen Mike. Hello, I'm Mike. Hi, I'm Mike. Loquiminine Italice? Do you speak Italian? Loquiminine Italice? أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكِ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were a genius, I'd like to give you money. Ni volas ĉambron por kvar noktoj. We want a room for four nights. We want a room for four nights. Urayikunda? Do you like it? Do you love them? Έφυγε νωρίς. She left early. He left early. Ez most lényegtelen. That doesn't matter now. It doesn't matter now. טעראָריסטן האָבן געקידנעפּט טאָם. Terrorists kidnapped Tom. Sorry, but you must specify a name for the file. Ze omhelsden hem. They hugged him. They included him. Cítil jsem povinnost to udělat. I felt compelled to do that. I felt a duty to do this. Энэ зураг Нарад авагдсан. This photo was taken in Nara. This picture was taken to Nara. تام نمی توانست از آنجایی که ایستاده بود، دریاچه را ببیند. Tom couldn't see the lake from where he was standing. so that he couldn't see the sea, until he got up. Hon är en drama queen. She's a drama queen. She's a drama queen. Fyld blomstervasen med vand. Fill the flower vase with water. Fill the bucket with water. Floden er ikke mere så ren som den engang var. The river is no longer as clean as it used to be. The river is no longer as clean as it once was. Hvilket sprog er verdens sværeste? Which is the most difficult language in the world? What language is the world’s worst? Бу уен түгел! It's not a game. This is not a game! Forsan el ne savas ke ni es hike. She might not know that we are here. Maybe he doesn't know we're here. নিজেকে সামলাও! Control yourself! Take care of yourself! Ymons i orth dha wortos a-dherag an daras. They are waiting for you in front of the door. Aim to place the suits in the order which fits the current layout most naturally. Azen tabṛat-a s usafag. Send this letter by air. All his works are known to God from eternity.' İki şehir arasında yeni bir demiryolu köprüsü inşa edilecek. A new railway bridge will be built between the two cities. It's gonna build a new demirium bridge between the two cities. La maniero de paroli de Sakura nervozigas min. Sakura's way of speaking gets on my nerves. Sakura's way of speaking makes me nervous. Mənim iki pişiyim var. I have two cats. I have two drinks. Hij boog naar mij terwijl hij voorbij kwam. He bowed to me as he passed by. He looked at me as he came through. ניסיתי להמנע ממנו כמה שיותר. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. I tried to avoid him a few more. Jag betalade mina räkningar. I paid my bills. I paid my bills. אין לנו אחריות. We have no guarantee. We don't have any responsibilities. Ми консервативні. We are a conservative people. We're conservative. Αν ο καιρός το επιτρέπει, αύριο αναχωρούμε. We'll leave tomorrow, weather permitting. If time allows, we leave tomorrow. ¿Qué instrumentos tocas? Which instruments do you play? What instruments do you touch? Jag behöver din bil. I need your car. I need your car. Многу ли знаеш за нас? Do you know much about us? Do you know so much about us? Nie widzieliśmy go nigdzie. We haven't seen him anywhere. We didn't see him anywhere. تمہیں اس کو راز رکھنا ہوگا، ٹھیک ہے؟ You've got to keep this secret, OK? You're gonna keep it secret, okay? E vorba de timpul când am terminat petrecerea, nu-i așa? It's about time we brought this party to an end, isn't it? It's about the time we finished the party, isn't it? הם באו לכאן אתמול. They came here yesterday. They came here yesterday. Потупването по гърба беше дразнещо. The pat on the back was offensive. It was a shame to put it on the back. Qqim ɣer ṭṭabla. Sit at the table. And when ye come into an house, salute it. ئانام، ئاكام ۋە جوڭ ئاتا_ئانام بىلەن تۇرىمەن. I live with my mother, brother and my grandparents. And my mother, my father, my brother, Hvis du støtter Trump, er du et dårligt menneske. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. If you support Trump, you're a bad person. Nid yw un iaith byth yn ddigon. One language is never enough. One language is never too short. 彼女が歌っているのが、聞こえますか。 Can you hear her singing? She's singing, but can you hear me? Svetloba moti moje oči. The light hurts my eyes. The light blinds my eyes. Machen Sie sich nicht lächerlich. Don't make a fool of yourself! Don't be ridiculous. Das ist eine interessante Behauptung. That is an interesting claim. That's an interesting assumption. Помислих си, че може да се отметнеш. I thought you might back out. I thought you could quit. D acu i tebɣam sɣur Tom? What do you want from Tom? What do you want to do with Tom? Difficultates superabimus. We shall overcome all our difficulties. It's too difficult. V této místnosti je žena. There is a woman in this room. There's a woman in this room. Tomek ez du bere etxea utzi nahi. Tom didn't want to leave his house. Tom doesn't want to leave his house. Tee se mikä on oikein. Do that which is right. Do what's right. Tom nije bio veoma energetičan. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't very energetic. Не сакам да изгледам будалесто. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to look stupid. پلیس امیدوار بود تام بتواند قضیه را قدری روشن کند. The police were hoping that Tom could shed some light on the incident. because of the hope which is laid up for him, that somehow he may see the things that are done. O recipiente está vazio. The container is empty. The container is empty. Tom ist in Australien. Tom is in Australia. Tom's in Australia. तो चित्रपट मी जेव्हा जेव्हा बघते, तेव्हा तेव्हा मी रडते. I cry every time I watch that film. When I look at the picture, I cry. En ĉirkaŭ 20 minutoj ŝi ŝminkis sian vizaĝon. In about 20 minutes she made up her face. In about 20 minutes, she changed her face. Võta seda rohtu söögikordade vahel. Take this medicine between meals. Take it between the hot meals. Tom vill bara ha en muffins och en kopp kaffe. Tom just wants a muffin and a cup of coffee. Tom just wants a muffin and a cup of coffee. उद्या चंद्रग्रहण असणार आहे. There will be a lunar eclipse tomorrow. There will be morning darkness, and there will be plenty of light. Heitä oli kolme ja heillä oli aseet. They were three and they were all armed. They had three, and they had weapons. 不懂。 Don't understand. I don't understand. Marã o-î-á-bo-pe asé "Tatoeba" i é-û? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Is it "Tatoeba" or "Tatoeba"? Cukkeɣ ad bɣuɣ ad xedmeɣ aya. I think I'd like to do that. But I determined this with myself, that I would do this thing. Меблів майже немає. There is almost no furniture. The furniture's almost gone. Vă rog să nu vorbiți atât de repede. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Disai do kolumpa dilo? Whose are these shoes? Do you know what I'm talking about? Res yw dhywgh godhvos. You need to know. You must do this. Wenn sie jetzt losginge, würde sie noch rechtzeitig kommen. If she'd set off now, she would make it on time. If she escaped now, she would still be on time. Ech sinn Dokter. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Вона продає старомодного капелюха. She's selling an old-fashioned hat. She sells an old-fashioned hat. Vir Mariae pecuniosus est. Mary's husband is rich. The husband of Mariae is money. أين الملابس التي تحتاج إلى غسل؟ Where is the laundry? Where's the clothes you need to wash? דער פאן איז זייר שיין. This flag is very pretty. The phone's black. Ese queso está hecho de leche de cabra. This cheese is made from goat's milk. That thing's made of goat milk. Tlemdem asewwi neɣ kra nniḍen? Have you learned cooking or anything? Did you learn sign language or use another language? Ile lat uczysz się angielskiego? How long have you been studying English? How long have you been learning English? Wat is stolen? What was stolen? What's the deal? 我在學校前面等你。 I'll wait for you in front of the school. I'm waiting for you in front of school. Televidol-li? Do you watch television? Is he on TV? Nohuyan ko' no? Are you too tired? What's your name? 那天早上我五點起床。 I got up at five that morning. I got up at 5:00 that morning. le meta junla cu julbaco lo mentu be li pa That clock is one minute fast. the julbaco’s yunla goal will be to drink it for Не ме карай да го правя. Don't make me do it. Don't make me do it. Мисля, че е по-добре да излезеш. I think you should leave now. I think it's better to get out. Con un occhio cerca nel mondo esterno, mentre con l'altro cerchi dentro di te. On the one eye, watch the outside world, on the other look deep inside yourself. With one eye close to the outside world, while with the other close inside you. Abeundum mihi est. I must go. I'm sorry. Kemm d tanaẓuṛt? Are you artistic? Why are we here? ኣታ ወዲ መን’ዩ ሽምካ? Hey you, boy, what is your name? Who are you crying for help, O son of man? तू अजून अभ्यास करायला हवा. You should study more. You need to study now. Ο Τομ καταδικάστηκε σε ένα έτος κατ' οίκον περιορισμό. Tom was sentenced to one year of house arrest. Tom was sentenced to a year's imprisonment. Tom vypadá pořád nespokojený. Tom always seems to be dissatisfied. It looks like it's still unsatisfied. Nabruš mi tu sekeru. Sharpen this ax for me. You're messing with me. Dina synpunkter är inte av någon vikt alls. Your thoughts are of no significance at all. Your views are not of any importance at all. আমি কাশছি। I am coughing. I'm sick. Մի՛ վեր կաց: Stay down! Don't move. Помниш ли какво каза тя? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Vertue deine Zeit nicht in einer Beziehung, die zum Scheitern verurteilt ist! Don't waste your time in a dead-end relationship. Do not waste your time in a relationship that has been condemned for fraud! Hoia see omale. Keep it. Take care of it. Megszokod, Tom. Get used to it, Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Mi petis lin fari tion. I asked him to do that. I asked him to do this. 開 party 啲嘢就全部等你嚟搞喇。 I will leave everything about the party up to you. Start the party as soon as you're done. 何も問題はない。 No problem at all! It's okay. いつアルメニアに行きますか。 When will you go to Armenia? When do you want to go to Armenia? Sorse un conflitto di opinioni riguardo alla questione. A conflict of opinions arose over the matter. There is a conflict of views on the issue. Bonvolu alporti tason da teo. Please bring a cup of tea to me. Please take a cup of tea. Parolu klare. Speak clearly! That's a good word. Ουάου! Το πιλάφι σε αυτό το εστιατόριο είναι πραγματικά καλό! Wow! The pilaf at this restaurant is really good! The Philippines in this restaurant is really good! 帮助你是我们的工作。 It's our job to help you. It's our job to help you. Waar is zijn huis? Where's his home? Where's his house? मुझे इतनी अधिक निराशा हुई है। I am so disappointed. I'm so disappointed. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pats. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Hager yw homma. This is ugly. It's Hager. Η Τροία καταλήφθηκε από τους Έλληνες. Troia was taken by the greeks. The Trinity was taken from the Greeks. 今彼の頭には彼女に会うことしかない。 The only thing he's thinking about is seeing her. I don't want to see her in his head right now. 下个月就要进行硕士论文答辩了。 The defense of the master thesis is just happening next month. The next month's response was about to be made. 欧洲人统一有可能吗? Is a common European identity possible? Is it possible for Europeans to be united? Невин си. You're innocent. You're innocent. Ипи ашыйм. I eat bread. I'm on my way. Meine Kamera nehme ich überallhin mit. I take my camera wherever I go. I'll take my camera everywhere. Uznal, že jsem zkušenější řidič. He recognised me to be a more experienced driver. He realized I was the most experienced driver. paqvamDaq ghItlh 'ar tu'lu'? How many texts are there in this book? Do you know what I'm talking about? Ei unohdeta todellisia syitä siihen miksi olemme täällä. Let's not forget the real reason we're here. Don't forget the real reason why we're here. Du büst miene Moder. You are my mother. You were my mother. מצטערת, משהו השתבש. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something got dressed. Adaya uçmak sana 100 dolara mal olacak. It will cost you $100 to fly to the island. It's going to be 100 bucks for you to fly. Том когось привів на вечірку? Did Tom bring anybody to the party? Did Tom bring someone to the party? مرحبا! Welcome. Hey! Ул һөнәрханәдән кайткан. He returned from the workshop. He returned from the lions ’ pit. Πρέπει να την αγοράσουμε απ' το εξωτερικό. We have to buy it from abroad. We need to buy it from the outside. Але я не ўмею гатаваць кебабы! But I don't know how to cook kebabs! But I can't feed the cows! Ndazi uyo mukobwa. I know the girl. I know that girl. तुम्हाला अजून कशाची गरज आहे? What else do you need? What do you need now? A camisa está limpa e seca. The shirt is clean and dry. The shirt's clean and dry. Większość odkryć naukowych to nic innego, jak tylko głoszenie oczywistości. Most scientific breakthroughs are nothing else than the discovery of the obvious. Most of the scientists' discovery is nothing but a declaration of reality. أذكر أني قابلت ذلك الرجل من قبل. I remember meeting that man before. I remember I met that man before. Не думаю, что мне хочется тут находиться. I don't think I want to be here. I don't think I want to be here. Aku benar-benar tidak memahamimu. I don't get you at all. I really don't understand you. Я видела, что машина взорвалась. I saw the car explode. I saw that the car was on fire. Ci troviamo nel crepuscolo della nostra civiltà. We find ourselves in the twilight of our civilization. We find ourselves in our civilization's capital. Biz qan qardaşlarıyıq. We're blood brothers. We are brothers and sisters. Amach leat anois. Leave now. Get out now. װילסט טרינקען? Do you want a drink? Willest tricks? Tom fáradt volt. Tom was tired. Tom was pregnant. मी एक घड्याळ विकत घेतलं. I bought a watch. I bought an hour’s pay. क्या मैं मरने के लिये तयार हूँ? Am I ready to die? Am I ready to die? Jeg var på kino. I was at a movie theater. I was on film. बर्फ खा. Eat snow. Buff. Przyjść. Come over. Come on. Homines porci sunt. Men are pigs. People are pigs. Naučnici veruju da pronalazak uvek dolazi kao grom iz vedra neba. Researchers believe that discovery always comes like a bolt from the blue. Scientists believe that finding is always coming as a flock from the sky. Γιατί δε με βοηθάς; Why don't you help me? Why don't you help me? My a yll klewes an gwyns. I can hear the wind. Whether or not to show the status bar Det är dags att inse att det är omöjligt. Vi kommer aldrig att klara det. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. It's time to realize it's impossible. Вегетаријанец ли си? Are you a vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Musisz trzymać się diety. You must stick to your diet. You have to keep your diet. Много родители се притесняват, че децата им не получават основни познания за числата. Many parents are worried their children are not being given a basic understanding of numbers. Many parents worry that their children do not get a basic knowledge of the number. Karuyag ni Tom mahibaro kun ano an nahitabo. Tom wanted to know what had happened. Tom wanted to know what had happened. 和我们留在一起吧! Stay with us. Stay with us! Πείτε του να κάνει το ίδιο. Tell him to do the same. Tell him to do the same. 我对这些故事很感兴趣。 I am very interested in these stories. I am interested in these stories. Han klagade över att rätten smakade illa. He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complained that the law sounded bad. Es nezinu ko tas nozīmē. I didn't know what that meant. I don't know what that means. Túto knihu som kúpila v kníhkupectve pred stanicou. I bought this book at the bookshop in front of the station. I wrapped this book in a bookshop in front of the station. Qush osmonda. The bird is in the sky. That's eight o'clock. تاماق تېخى پىشمىدى. The food's not ready yet. Can not get folder: %s: %s टॉम से कहिए मैं उससे शादी करना चाहती हूँ। Tell Tom that I want to marry him. I want to marry Tom. Er at spise økologisk pengene værd? Is eating organic food worth the money? Is eating organic money worth? Tom försökte begå självmord. Tom tried to commit suicide. Tom tried to commit suicide. Αυτό το δωμάτιο χρησιμοποιείται ως κουζίνα. This room is used as a kitchen. This room is used as a kitchen. ካብዚ ፌርማታ ናይ ከባቢ ሰዓት ርሕቀት ይቅመጥ። I live about an hour from the station. From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none. Let those who have wives be as though they had none. Jeg har noget jeg vil fortælle dig. I have something I want to tell you. I have something I want to tell you. 𐌽𐌹𐌱𐌰 𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌹𐍃, 𐌲𐌰𐍃𐍅𐌹𐌻𐍄𐌹𐍃. If you don't eat, you die. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Allen on runoilija. Allen is a poet. Allen's a runaway. Sed et Sichem ad patrem et ad fratres eius ait: Inveniam gratiam coram vobis et, quæcumque statueritis, dabo. Sichem also said to her father and to her brethren: Let me find favour in your sight, and whatsoever you shall appoint I will give: He said to his father and to his brothers, "I have found favor in your sight, and will give you wherever you set me." Jeg havde en god grund til at sige det. I had a good reason for saying that. I had a good reason to say that. Io debe pensar super isto. Io va tentar trovar un altere maniera de dicer lo. I'll need to think about it. I'll try to come up with another way to word it. I must think about this. I tried to find another way to say it. Я дал им своё старое пальто. I gave my old coat to them. I gave them my old coat. لن أذهب ما لم تخبريني أين أجد توم. I'm not leaving until you tell me where I can find Tom. I won't go unless you tell me where I found Tom. Jeg har ikke nogen børn endnu. I don't have any children yet. I don't have any children yet. La prostitution est légale en Allemagne. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Prostitution is legal in Germany. Нема да се подобри. It doesn't get better. It won't be better. Надявам се, че това ще се случи. I'm hoping that'll happen. I hope this will happen. אני אדגים. I'll demonstrate. I'm going to fish. În caz de urgenţă, luaţi legătura cu agentul meu. In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent. In case of emergency, contact my agent. Tegnap lekéste a sapporói vonatot. Yesterday he missed the train to Sapporo. Last night, he took care of the sappro's reputation. Kerro minulle miksi hän itkee. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why he's crying. Ти карай. You drive. You watch. Είσαι ένοχη. You are guilty. You're wrong. Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? אני רוצה לצאת לקניות. I want to go shopping. I want to go out for shopping. メアリーはフランス語を読むことさえできない、フランス語を話すことはなおさらできない。 Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read French, she can't speak French. Varför provade du inte klänningen innan du köpte den? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? 请把您的护照给我看一下。 Show me your passport, please. Please give me your passport. Le terreno esseva multo inequal. The ground was very uneven. The land was very impregnable. Ho ancora delle amiche a Boston. I still have friends in Boston. I still have friends in Boston. 我每日餵隻狗一次。 I feed my dog once a day. I bite a dog once a day. Далайд арлууд байдаг. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the Far East. Tagja vagyok a teniszklubnak. I am a member of the tennis club. I'm a teacher of the tennis club. Günäsiz adamy jezalandyrandan, günälini goramaga töwekgellik etmek gowudyr. It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one. It is good to be on guard against being deceived by someone who does not practice what he preaches. Είδα πολλά πράγματα. I saw many things. I've seen a lot of things. Empezó a sentir miedo. He began to feel afraid. I started feeling scared. Hunden åt ikke kjøttet. The dog didn't eat the meat. The dog didn't eat. Dà una festa questa sera. She is giving a party tonight. Give me a party tonight. Ŝi diris al mi, ke ŝi timas. She told me she was afraid. She told me she was afraid. Tom tem uma filha adulta. Tom has a grown daughter. Tom has an adult daughter. Vreau să o fac în seara asta. I want to do it tonight. I want to do it tonight. मैंने एक साल के लिए सिगरेट पीना छोड़ दिया था। I gave up smoking for a year. I left cigarettes for a year. Många européer besöker Egypten varje år. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Many Europeans visit Egypt every year. Dan rálőtt az emberre, aki megpróbálta ellopni a kocsiját. Dan shot at the man who tried to steal his car. Dan attacked the man who tried to steal his car. Ik mag hem wel. I rather like him. I like him. Натиснете бутон Shift. Press the Shift button. Press the Shift button. Somos peshkadores. We're fishers. We're fishermen. Nga kwah ban iashoh. I want to fight. Don’t worry about it. Боб и Том са братя. Bob and Tom are brothers. Bob and Tom are brothers. Sinun täytyy asettua aloillesi. You need to settle down. You've got to put it in your pockets. Val me alsjeblieft niet in de rede. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't hurt me. Znatiželja je ubila mačku. Curiosity killed the cat. The witch killed the cat. Dörrarna var låsta utifrån. The doors were locked from the outside. The doors were locked on the ground. Ik harr geern en Kaffe. I'd like to have a coffee. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry about coffee. 30分早く出発すればよかったのに。 You should've left half an hour earlier. I'd like to go out in 30 minutes. Dove sono i miei soldi? Where's my money? Where's my money? Janganlah keras kepala sangat. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too hard on your head. Ela é a minha irmã mais velha. She is my older sister. She's my older sister. Du kan bruke bilen min. You can use my car. You can use my car. Som si celkom istá. I'm pretty sure. I'm exactly the same. Цвеќињата венеат. The flowers are wilting. Flowers are coming. I Yanks nopo nga tambalut. The Yanks are our friends. I'm taking Yanks. Uning qizil gullari bor. She has red flowers. He's got his fingerprints. Denne kuffert har fire kilo overvægt. This bag is 4 kilograms overweight. This box weighs four pounds. הייתי רוצה לראות מה קורה. I'd like to see what happens. I'd like to see what's going on. Nobis eundum est. We need to get going. We're tired. Tom poszedł do sklepu z narzędziami kupić gwoździe. Tom went to the hardware store to buy some nails. Tom went to the store with the tools to buy a gun. Били сме войници. We had been soldiers. We were soldiers. توم اوچ لسان بیلیور . Tom can speak three languages. Tom Lasan Balearic. Ми змогли їх врятувати. We managed to save them. We were able to save them. Andersen hatte auch Angst vor Hunden. Andersen was afraid of dogs, too. Others were also afraid of dogs. У тебе є карта метро? Do you have an underground map? Do you have a map of metro? यह कविता सबसे पहले फ़्रानसीसी में लिखी गई थी। This poem was originally written in French. It was first written in French. مشغول صحبت با تام هستم. I am talking with Tom. I am a fellow worker with my brothers. Ur tetteɣ ara deg wexxam tameddit-a. I won't eat at home tonight. I don't receive glory from men. Japānā praktiski katrai ģimenei ir veļas mašīna. In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. In Japan, virtually every family has a washing machine. Muchas madres malcrían a sus hijos por no ser lo suficientemente estrictas. Many a mother spoils her sons by not being strict enough. Many mothers criticize their children for not being strict enough. Nem jó az íze. It has an unpleasant taste. It's not good. Искаме да наемем апартамент в града. We want to rent an apartment in the city. We want to rent an apartment in town. La scorsa notte ho scritto tre lettere. Last night I wrote three letters. Last night I wrote three letters. Sie waren ganz hin und weg voneinander. They were all over each other. They were completely in and away from each other. Yenna-yi-d Tom belli iḥemmel-ik aṭas. Tom told me he likes you a lot. He said to me, "I have loved you very much." Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouve-t-il à la maison ? Is anyone else home? Who else is there in the house? Tɣezzifeḍ fell-i. You are taller than I. Thou hast made known to me the ways of truth. Мисля, че сте наистина удивителни. I think you're really amazing. I think you're really amazing. Tendré que llamarte más tarde. I'll have to call you back. I'll have to call you later. ברור שתום שיקר. Tom was obviously lying. Of course you're lying. Вы любите водить машину? Do you like to drive? You like driving a car? Ka tu vidis nivo ante venir a ca vilajo? Had you seen snow before you came to this town? Have you seen a level before coming to the city? ถ้าคุณสนใจก็บอกฉันนะ แล้วฉันจะให้เบอร์ของเขาแก่คุณ If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you his number. If you care, tell me, I'll give you his beer. Eu não posso te contar tudo o que você quer saber. I can't tell you everything you want to know. I can't tell you everything you want to know. Me oar e ouzez. I know you know. I'm sorry. Ĉu vi dubas, ke li venkos? Do you doubt that he will win? Are you sure he'll win? Utrum esuris an sitis? Are you hungry or thirsty? Are you sure you want to quit? Esta falda es barata. This skirt is inexpensive. This fella is cheap. Tom visste inte om han borde skratta eller gråta. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Tom didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Gurbagalar näçe wagt bäri ýaşaýar? How long do frogs live? How long have the birds lived? Mamon beýleki gyzlar ýaly däl. Manon is not like the other girls. Not like other girls. את מתכוונת אליי? Are you referring to me? You mean me? Nu trebuie să iei o decizie acum. You don't need to make a decision now. You don't have to make a decision now. Tomo bezonis la permeson de siaj gepatroj. Tom needed his parents' approval. Tomo needed permission from his parents. Oiga, ¿me pasa con el Sr. Johnson, por favor? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Hey, what's going on with Mr. Johnson, please? Вона добре говорить англійською. She speaks English well. She speaks English well. Illa non le amava, ni le amarea jammais, post que ille ha inspirate in illa un secrete e inexplicabile aversion. She didn't love him, she would never love him; he has inspired in her a secret and inexplicable dislike. She did not love him, nor did she love him ever, after he inspired a secret and unexplainable aversion in the island. Пробвай каквото искаш, ще видиш, че е невъзможно да се отървеш от този си навик. Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit. Try whatever you want, you'll see it's impossible to get rid of this habit. Я лише хотіла знати. I just wanted to know. I just wanted to know. Не може да ходиш по чехли във фоайето. You're not supposed to wear your slippers down to the lobby. You can't walk for a walk in the lobby. Ama vos le oranges? Do you like oranges? Do you love oranges? Lo peor del invierno es la nieve. The worst thing about winter is the snow. The worst winter is snow. Du solltest Lehrer werden. You should be a teacher. You should be a teacher. 彼らは数時間働きつづけた。 They went on working for hours. They've been working for hours. Jestem pewny, że już wiesz, co robić. I'm sure you already know what to do. I'm sure you already know what to do. Sınavı geçmek için çok çalışıyor. He is working hard to pass the examination. He's working hard to pass the test. Uusi pelikonsoli on julkaistu. Sen nimi on Nintendo 64! There's a new console out. It's called the Nintendo 64! His name is Nintendo 64! कवी सर्वात चांगली शब्द निवडतात. Poets select the best words. The key is to choose the right words. 他叫我一郎。 He called me Ichiro. He called me a dog. Θα ήθελα να πάω να δω μια ταινία. I'd like to go see a movie. I'd like to go see a movie. Я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я всегда буду тебя любить. I want you to know that I'll always love you. I want you to know that I'll always love you. Кен Киотомæ æрбацыдис. Ken has arrived in Kyoto. Ken Kiotomy's erbacidis. Ech fuere mam Tram. I'm taking the tram. I'm gonna go get Tram. Məryəmin İsadan başqa uşaqları var idi? Did Mary have any other children besides Jesus? Did Mary have other children besides Jesus? Том по-настоящему опасен. Tom is really dangerous. Tom is now in danger. so'u pendo be ra cu xabju la kioton. Few of her friends live in Kyoto. I'm going to put you in the kitchen. टॉमकडे बंदूक आहे. Tom has a gun. Tom has a gun. Visste inte du att Tom inte gillade Maria? Didn't you know that Tom didn't like Mary? Didn't you know Tom didn't like Maria? Ek is nie so slim soos jy nie. I'm not as smart as you. I'm not as bad as you. Звідки ти знала, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know this was going to happen? Der Fluss ist voller kleiner Fische. This river abounds in small fish. The river is full of smaller fish. Onde fica o banco? Where's the bank? Where's the bank? Vass tchire e Mouze! Go fuck yourself! Vass back to Moses! La vida se me escapa en cada aliento. Life escapes from me in every breath. Life escapes me from every alien. Du ser ut som din mor. You look like your mother. You look like your mother. E rău? Is it bad? Is it bad? Geçerken uğradığımda Tom uyumuyordu. Tom wasn't asleep when I dropped by. Tom didn't sleep when I went through it. Niemand will, dass ihr das tut. Nobody wants you to do that. Nobody wants you to do that. Jag känner dig knappt. I hardly know you. I know you very well. O, raftan ağır kutuyu indirdi. He took the heavy box down from the shelf. He dropped the heavy box from the street. Vi trækker os tilbage klokken elleve. We retire at eleven o'clock. We'll be back at 11 o'clock. Üm dree kann ik kamen. I can come at three. I can get around three. Кровь течёт по кровеносным сосудам. Blood flows through blood vessels. Blood runs through the blood vessels. كلفونا بهذا العمل. They assigned the task to us. That's what we're doing. Hätten Sie Lust auf eine Tasse Tee? Would you care for a cup of tea? Did you have fun on a bag of tea? Çalt Quick! Disable Tom a Mary hrajou karty. Tom and Mary are playing cards. Tom and Mary are playing cards. בלתי אפשרי לספק אותו. He's impossible to satisfy. I can't afford it. Написание слов по отдельности в тех случаях, когда они должны писаться слитно - большая проблема в Норвежском языке. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. The writing of individual words in cases where they are to be written is a major problem in the Norwegian language. Henn yw y vargh. That's his horse. That's the bar. Du spinnst! You're mad! You're kidding! Kotirouvalla on useita kotitaloustehtäviä. A housewife has many domestic duties. There are many domestic farmers. ওনার দুটো বাচ্চা আছে। She has two children. She's got two kids. Quon vu facabas? What have you been doing? What were you doing? 我不喝咖啡。 I do not drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. È appassionato di pittura. He is fond of painting. He's passionate about painting. Nie przywykłem do takiego traktowania. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to that kind of treatment. Multaj studentoj ne havas multan monon. Many university students don't have a lot of money. Many students don't have much money. Ты дзіця. You're a child. You're a child. Hvor er klokken min? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? la .xrvatsk. pu melbi sai Croatia was so beautiful. .xrvatsk.pu melbi 他在工作上遇到了麻烦。 He encountered difficulties in his work. He's got a problem at work. Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde vært med deg da. I wish I had been with you then. I wish I had been with you then. Ze heeft de hele nacht gehuild. She cried throughout the night. She cried all night. J'aimerais essayer de le faire sans votre aide. I'd like to try doing this without your help. I'd like to try and do it without your help. Jangan ada yang bergerak! Nobody moves! Don't move! di'u na zasti The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. Natural log [N] El aguacate es una fruta. Avocado is a fruit. The aquacate is a fruit. Favori web sitem Kylie Konnect'tir ve Facebook'tan daha iyidir. My favorite website is Kylie Konnect and it's better than Facebook. My favorite website is Kylie Connect and is better than Facebook. la tom citka lo titnanba Tom will have eaten cake. _Other Organiser ¿Entendéis? Do you understand? Do you understand? Moje rodzeństwo mnie nienawidzi. My sibling hates me. My family hates me. ما تقوله صحيح. What you say is true. That's right. سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay there till 6:00. Hau ab, solange du noch kannst. Get out while you can. Come on, as long as you can. Зошто не се јави пред да дојдеш? Why didn't you phone before coming? Why don't you call before you come? Mı xû viri ke tı buncikanra hes nê kenê. I forgot you don't like carrots. I don't know what you're talking about. Tom adott Marynek csokoládét. Tom gave Mary chocolate. Tom gave Mary a kiss. Anteeksi, puhutko englantia? Excuse me, do you speak English? I'm sorry, do you speak English? Tom là một người rất bận rộn. Tom is a very busy person. Tom's a very busy man. Paṛao thanañ. I'm a student. That's right. 我諗我明㗎喇。 I think I understand. I'm sorry I'm so sorry. Можеш ли да го преведеш? Can you translate it? Can you translate it? Ils ont dit qu'ils arrêteraient de faire ça. They said they'll quit doing that. They said they'd stop doing this. Яке значення цієї фрази? What is the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this phrase? Voltak törekvései. He had ambition. They had orders. Quiero alquilar la habitación a un estudiante. I want to rent this room to a student. I want to rent the room to a student. Ο Τομ έχει αποφασίσει να φύγει από τη Βοστώνη. Tom has decided to leave Boston. Tom has decided to leave Boston. ฉันไปโรงเรียน I go to school. I went to school. Je crois cet homme perdu. I believe this man is lost. I think this man's lost. xu ti du lo do jdini Is this your money? You do not have the right permissions. Algum dia, você me verá. Some day, you will see me. One day, you'll see me. Apám otthon henyél. My father doesn't lift a finger at home. My dad's home. Sami en Layla was nog altyd daar vir mekaar. Sami and Layla have always been there for each other. Sami and Layla were still there for each other. Ĉi tiu hotelo estis konstruita lastjare. This hotel was built last year. This hotel was built last year. Ich will noch einmal jung sein. I want to be young again. I want to be young again. Mi vidis ĝin. I've seen that. I saw it. Voi kun olisin pannut päälleni lyhythihaisen. I wish I'd worn short sleeves. Well, maybe when I put a little bit on me. Ich denke, dass sie die Wahrheit kennt. I think that she knows the truth. I think she knows the truth. मुझे बुरे बच्चे पसंद नहीं हैं। I don't like bad children. I don't like bad kids. Jag är ledsen, men det finns ingenting jag kan göra. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. 事实上,价格每个星期都在攀升。 As it is, prices are going up every week. In fact, prices rise every week. Ինձ չի հետաքրքրում, թե ինչ դուք կանեք դրա հետ: I don't care what you do with it. I don't care what you're doing with it. Volevo essere lui. I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him. Cual es la capital de Jonguo? What's the capital of China? What's Jonguo's capital? Moja najlepsza przyjaciółka pochodzi z Kanady. My best friend comes from Canada. My best friend comes from Canada. laDmeH Qatlhqu' 'e' vItu'. I find this book is very difficult to read. That's what we're talking about. Ilaq ad teṭseḍ. You should sleep. You have to think about it. Mening bobom arxeolog edi. My grandfather was an archaeologist. My bomb was a archaeologist. Podvyživená zvířata byla chovateli odebrána. Malnourished animals were taken away from the breeder. A life-threatening animal was picked up. Nos debe colonisar Marte. We must colonize Mars. We must colonize Marte. אני מרגיש חולשה. I feel weak. I feel poor. 我試了,但我沒有成功。 I tried, but I did not succeed. I tried, but I didn't succeed. Ungil tutau. Good morning. I don't know. Lo sabía. I knew it. I knew it. Tom valde att inte kommentera saken. Tom declined to comment on the matter. Tom chose not to comment on the matter. लॉरी बारीक आहे. Laurie is slim. “ I don’t know what to do, but I don’t know what to do. ” 請來瓶紅酒。 Can I have a bottle of red wine? Here's the red wine. Iban akk tɣelṭeḍ. Clearly you are mistaken. You have read that which you have seen, and have seen that it is not good for you. 我之前見過佢,所以一眼就認得。 Having met him before, I recognized him at once. I've seen him before, so one eye knows. Τὰ θηρία ἔτρεχε διὰ τοῦ πεδίου. The beasts ran through the plain. It was raining through the field. Deit mi leed! Sorry! I'm sorry! تم ایک اچھے بچے ہو۔ You are a good boy. You're a good kid. Laiva pudotti ankkurin. The ship dropped anchor. The ship dropped the anchor. Ова нема да успее. This isn't going to work. This is not gonna work. נמריא בתוך דקות ספורות. We will take off in a few minutes. We're getting sick in minutes. Tom e Maria assistiram a um filme mudo. Tom and Mary watched a silent film. Tom and Maria were watching a moving film. Tomi hangüzenetet kapott Maritól. Tom got a voice mail from Mary. Tommy's got the ring from Maritolo. Σε παρακαλώ, πες μου ότι δεν είναι αλήθεια αυτό. Please tell me this isn't true. Please tell me this isn't true. Jeg cyklede på en cykel. I rode a bicycle. I cycled on a bike. Nous payons le fils des voisins pour qu'il tonde notre pelouse. We pay the kid next door to mow our lawn. We pay the neighbor's son for tossing our Polish. Aku menghabiskan waktu 3 jam untuk mencari Tom. I've got three hours to find Tom. I spent three hours looking for Tom. Yw an gewer hweg? Is the weather nice? Are you sure you want to move "%s" to the trash? Intercambiamos números de teléfono. We exchanged phone numbers. We exchanged phone numbers. Том обісрався на весіллі сестри. Tom pooped his pants at his sister's wedding. Tom thought about the sister’s happiness. Céard atá déanta agat? What have you done? What have you done? كنت مشغولاً الأسبوع الماضي. You were busy last week. I was busy last week. Dè an t-ainm a th' ort? What's your name? What is your name? Matatapuran hiya? Can she be trusted? Will he be destroyed? Никога не съм се гордял толкова с Том. I've never been so proud of Tom. I've never been so proud of Tom. Onun hakkında endişelenmene gerek olduğunu sanmıyorum. I don't think you need to be worried about that. I don't think you need to worry about him. Том вели дека не знае ништо за Бостон. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Tom says he doesn't know anything about Boston. Quelle merveilleuse idée ! What a wonderful idea! What a wonderful idea! Ha un gatto. He keeps a cat. He's got a cat. Yw res dhymm dybri gensi? Do I have to eat with her? Is there something you need to do? Non ho preso niente per te. I didn't get anything for you. I didn't take anything for you. Tom ei koskaan asunut Bostonissa. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. Это соседняя страна. It's a neighbouring country. It's a neighbor. Zostałem w domu cały dzień zamiast iść do pracy. I stayed at home all day instead of going to work. I stayed home all day instead of going to work. Mi ŝatus glason da akvo. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Я крыху вышэйшы за Вас. I'm a little taller than you. I'm a little taller than you. Mil bennozh. Many thanks. It's a thousand of them. Έχω σχεδιάσει έναν χάρτη. I've drawn a map. I've planned a map. Noi stiamo andando a visitare Boston. We're going to visit Boston. We're going to visit Boston. Хтось з вас був на Гаваях? Have any of you been to Hawaii? Any of you were on Hawaii? Róstfaidh mé feoil. I'll roast meat. I'll cook bread. Tote le mundo vole esser felice. Everybody desires happiness. Everyone wants to be happy. Io amarea poter scriber centos de phrases in Tatoeba ma io ha altere cosas a facer. I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I love to be able to write hundreds of sentences in Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. Впереди опасность. Danger ahead. Before danger. Nga la iathuh lut ia i mei i pa. I told my parents everything. Do not lose sight of the fact that you have lost a loved one in death. Men siziň fransuz dili boýunça testiňizden geçmejegiňizi bilýärdim. I knew you'd fail your French test. I knew that you could not pass your tests in French. Skriv till mig. Write me. Write to me. Tom wohnt in einem sehr großen Haus. Tom lives in a very large house. Tom lives in a very big house. רציתי לשבת ליד הדלת. I wanted to sit near the door. I wanted to sit by the door. Vi ellitiĝas je la 5-a ĉiumatene. You get up at 5 o'clock every morning. You're on the 5th day of the day. O benim kendi kendime sorduğum bir soru. That's a question I've asked myself. That's a question I asked myself. 我看见她在打扫房间。 I see her sweeping the room. I saw her cleaning the room. Neplač nad rozliatym mliekom. Don't cry over spilled milk. Don't cry over a broken milk. 誰がしたの? Who did it? Who did it? Ce preferi, vin alb sau vin roșu? Which do you prefer, white wine or red wine? What do you prefer? White wine or red wine? أرسلنا لهم نسخة. We sent them a copy. We sent them a copy. Вона заслуговує на кращє життя. She deserves a better life. She deserves a better life. بۇ ئاياغ بەك كىچىككەن. These shoes are too small. That's a little bit of a joke. Na razie nie będę z tobą pracować. I'm not now going to work with you. I'm not gonna work with you. Qob Sovchu'nIS. He must be aware of the danger. Kob Sovchu'nIS. Sowsnek yw taves an bys. English is the world's language. Fishing wire makes bad dental floss Я знаю, що Том скаже тобі правду. I know that Tom will tell you the truth. I know Tom will tell you the truth. كىرىڭلار! Come in. Come in! 医生认为病人的脉搏有点快。 The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid. The doctor considers the patient's liver to be short-lived. Vem kan jag sälja den till? Who can I sell it to? Who can I sell it to? Il es estranie que le homines flirta con le crimine quando il ha tante manieras legitime de esser dishoneste. It's strange that men should take up crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest. It's strange that people flirt with crime when they have so many legitimate ways of being disgruntled. Nos es amicos desde alora. We've been friends ever since. We've been friends since then. Tom şu wagt pul sanap otyr. Tom is counting money now. Tom is now in his late teens or early 20 ’ s. 拜託你開門讓我進來吧。 Open the door and let me in, please. Please open the door and let me in. Jeste li vi umešani u ovo? Are you involved in this? Are you involved in this? Mi ŝatus viziti Aŭstralion iam. I'd like to visit Australia someday. I'd like to visit Australia once. O Tom si ansurime, si les šavořê. Tom is married with children. We're on Tom, we're on board, we're on board. တွမ် ငှက်ပျောသီးကြိုက်တယ်။ Tom loves bananas. It's a wild bird. Мен эч кимге ишенбейм. I don't believe just anyone. I don’t trust anyone. Sa e bezdisshme. How annoying! That's amazing. Том ми ги испрати овие. Tom sent me these. Tom sent these to me. Я мусив піти особисто. I had to go myself. I had to go personally. لم يتوقّعا سامي و ليلى حملا. Sami and Layla had a surprise pregnancy. I didn't expect Sami and Nole Halah. Mary es dependente de historias de amor. Mary is addicted to love stories. Mary's dependent on love stories. Zaplatili jste víc, než jste měli. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you had. ഞാൻ എന്റെ മേലധികാരിയോട് ശമ്പളം കൂട്ടി ചോദിച്ചു. I asked my boss for a pay increase. I asked my supervisor for payment. Ping pong word ook tafeltennis genoem. Ping-Pong is also called table tennis. Ping pong is also known as table tennis. Jeg skriver ikke et brev. I am not writing a letter. I'm not writing a letter. È molto piccola. It's very small. It's very small. Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholics? Я вчера чуть не умер. I almost died yesterday. I didn't die yesterday. شوهرش یک زنا کاره. Her husband is an adulterer. Her husband is an adulteress. Anorarama nevabereki vake. He lives with his parents. He lives with his parents. Кто мне звонил? Who called me? Who called me? Bu konuda her şeyi biliyor gibi görünüyorsun. You seem to know everything about this. You seem to know everything about this. Той наистина ми скъса нервите. He really ticked me off. He really broke my nerves. Faço isso todos os dias às 2h30. I do that every day at 2:30. I do that every day at 2:30. Ви хто? Що ви тут робите? Who are you? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Onun tavsiyesini alsan daha iyi olur. You had better take her advice. You better get his advice. An pobre nga trabahador ginbabasol an iya mga gamit. A poor workman blames his tools. A poor worker repents of his possessions. Du trenger ikke å bruke ordbok når du leser denne boken. You don't have to use a dictionary when you read this book. You don't need to use a dictionary when reading this book. Dovete saperla. You need to know it. You'll find out. Je nic než lhář. He is nothing but a liar. It's nothing but a lie. بۈگۈن تىياتېرخانىدا بىر ياخشى كىنو قويۇلىدىكەن. Tonight, there's a good movie at the cinema. A good movie was played in the theater today. la'a na go'i That's probably not so. Goto Depreciation Δεν έχω τόση πείρα όση εσύ. I don't have as much experience as you. I don't have that experience as much as you do. Tom löytää heidät. Tom will find them. Tom's gonna find them. Não te querem. They don't want you. They don't want you. Mi esperas, ke vi komprenas tion. I do hope you understand. I hope you understand that. Sami era qui con Layla. Sami was here with Layla. Sami was here with Layla. Побачивши собаку, кіт утік. At the sight of the dog, the cat ran off. When he saw the dog, he ran away. Olin lukemassa uudestaan kirjeitä, jotka sinä lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was reading again the letters you sent me. Tom havas nur unu amikon en Bostono. Tom has only one friend in Boston. Tom has only one friend in Boston. Czułem, że powinienem jej pomóc. I felt that I should help her. I felt like I should help her. Zaczynamy się naprawdę martwić. We were getting really worried. We're getting really worried. Bileziğini tak. Put your bracelet on. No, no, no, no, no, no. Tom yettḥeqqiṛ Mary. Tom despised Mary. Tom corrects Mary. Разчитам на теб. I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. Hat dir Tom schon gesagt, was gemacht werden muss? Has Tom already told you what needs to be done? Did Tom tell you what to do? Lab-as ang napalit nakong isda ganina sa merkado. The fish I bought from the market is fresh. I bought a lot of fish instead of the market. কে আমার সাথে কথা বলতে চায়? Who wants to talk to me? Who wants to talk to me? Me koldeskas. Ka me darfas klozar la fenestro? I'm cold. May I close the window? Where do you want me to close the window? Kun sinä ajat, pitäisi sinun keskittyä tiehen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you're in, you should focus on the road. これが彼の住んでいた家です。 This is the house in which he lived. This is his home. 她问我是不是发生了什么事。 She asked me if anything was the matter. She asked me if anything happened to me. Har du pratat klart nu? Have you finished talking now? Have you spoken clearly now? إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. It's Tom's confused. Mersi muncho. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Tom apenas foi preso. Only Tom got arrested. Tom was just arrested. Chomhairligh an dochtúir é éirí as an ól. The doctor advised him to give up the drink. The doctor advised him to withdraw from the oil. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I hope he will come. I hope he'll come. Къде си събухте чорапите? Where did you take your socks off? Where did you blow your socks? Mary prisa Lucy. Mary likes Lucy. Mary's prize, Lucy. Auxilium tuum aestimo. I appreciate your help. I love your help. Qe sa mrrína. I just arrived. That's my wife. Meň gözümiň içinde birzada bar. I have something in my eye. There's a time in my eyes. तुम्हाला टॉमचं आडनाव माहीत आहे का? Do you know Tom's last name? Do you know Tom’s story? Toliko mi nedostaješ. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. Boas tardes. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. תפסיקי לשאול את הבגדים שלי בלי רשות. Stop borrowing my clothes without asking. Stop asking my clothes without permission. Qimmiq illup sanianiittuq. The dog is behind the house. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. Усем добрай раніцы. Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Ich weiß, wie wichtig dir Tom ist. I know how much you care about Tom. I know how important Tom is to you. Het hulle geteken? Did they sign? Did they sign? Via valde angusta est. The street is very narrow. You're very upset. उसने एक किलो मक्खन खरीदा। She bought two pounds of butter. He bought a kiln. Tom megette a maradékot. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom's got the rest. Baaide binnen mien kollegoas. Both are my colleagues. Stay inside my colleague. 你们不想吃饭吗? Wouldn't you like to eat? You don't want to eat? 彼は委員会から突然退席した。 He suddenly walked out of the committee meeting. He suddenly withdrew from the committee. 友だちとメールをしていて、文章が達者だと褒められた。 I wrote an email to my friend and he praised me for my writing skills. I was e-mailed to my friends, and I was impressed that the article was coming. k Goa. I go. K Goa. Obuli ko daa mooi pokisuduon? Why don't you go out and get some firewood? Are you wearing clothing that is tight - fitting? 您的牙要拔掉。 Your tooth must be extracted. Remove your teeth. Tom morou em Boston até os dez anos de idade. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. O casamento é em duas semanas. The wedding is in two weeks. Marriage is in two weeks. क्या तुम उस आदमी को जानती हो? Do you know that man? Do you know that man? តើ A និង B ខុសគ្នាយ៉ាងណា ? What is the difference between A and B? What's the difference between A and B? צעדתי שלושת רבעי מייל. I walked three-fourths of a mile. I've been on three and a half miles. Kabyliens infrastruktur er forholdsvis god. Kabylian infrastructure is relatively good. The cable infrastructure is relatively good. टॉम का सपना है मेरी के साथ पूरी दुनिया की सैर करना। Tom's dream is to travel around the world with Mary. Tom's dream is to travel around the world with me. Cumque cœpissent homines multiplicari super terram et filias procreassent, videntes filii Dei filias hominum quod essent pulchræ, acceperunt sibi uxores ex omnibus, quas elegerant. And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose. And it came to pass, when men were multiplied on the earth, and daughters were growing, that when the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, then they took for themselves wives of all that they had chosen. Pomógł mi się ruszyć. He helped me move. He helped me move. توم ليس بمغنٍّ جيّد. Tom isn't a good singer. Tom's not a good song. 我不相信你。你总是说谎。 I don't believe you. You're always telling lies. I don't believe you. Я думаю, нам следует сообщить Тому, что мы опоздаем. I think we should let Tom know we'll be late. I think we should report that we're late. Kemari. Get over here. Come here. 我本不应该做的。 I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have. Ne po mësojmë gjuhën kineze. We're learning Chinese. We're learning Chinese. 'amerI'qa'ngan vImoj vIneH. I'd like to be an American. I don't know what you're talking about. Me demanda a me esce tu ia comprende vera. I wonder whether you really understood. Ask me to leave you to understand the truth. كسّر سامي نظّاراته و لا يستطيع رؤية شيء. Sami broke his glasses and he can't see anything. I can't see anything. Kannst du gut kochen? Are you a good cook? Can you cook well? Quid agis, Maria? How are you doing, Mary? What are you doing, Maria? Kion mi faru kun la libroj sur la tablo? What should I do with the books on the table? What should I do with the books on the table? 𐌹𐍄𐌰 𐌰𐌺𐍂𐌰𐌽. I eat fruit. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Mijn vader gaat een wandeling maken in het park. My father is going for a walk in the park. My father's going to take a walk in the park. Не заслужавам нищо. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve anything. मानुएलाचे कपडे अतिशय स्टायलिश आहेत. Manuela's clothes are very stylish. The Manuala’s clothes are very stylusy. Tom ima svoje razloge. Tom has his reasons. Tom has his reasons. Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is similar to mine. Líbí se ti tady? Do you like it here? Do you like it here? Neřekla bych tak úplně, že tvoje teorie je naprosto špatná. I wouldn't go so far as to say your theory is completely wrong. I wouldn't say that your theory is so bad. Tom e Mary escreveram uma música juntos. Tom and Mary wrote a song together. Tom and Mary wrote a song together. Nee, sett di dal. No, sit down. No, no, no, no, no, no. Τίποτε άλλο; Anything else? Anything else? Kolacja powinna być już gotowa. Dinner is probably ready by now. The dinner should be ready. বাচ্চারা এগুলো করতে ভালোবাসে। Children love doing this. The kids like to do it. Tai yra miestas apie kurį aš tau sakiau. This is the city I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Mən irlandca danışıram. I speak Irish. I speak Irish. Meminimus. We remember. Memories. تم یہاں اتنی رات کو کیا کر رہے ہو؟ What're you doing here so late at night? What are you doing here that night? Ο Τομ πηγαίνει στη Βοστόνη μία φορά το μήνα. Tom goes to Boston once a month. Tom goes to Boston once a month. Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter ? Do you have anything to add? Do you have anything to add? Том, немој да ми се правиш на Тошо. Tom, don't play dumb with me. Tom, don't do this to me. Il face belle tempore hodie. We have nice weather today. He's having a good time today. Nous devons éviter la guerre à tout prix. We must avoid war at all cost. We must avoid war at all costs. En katt har to ører. A cat has two ears. A cat has two ears. ผมชอบกินแอปเปิ้ล I like to eat apples. I like apples. 她可能不來。 She may not come. She's probably not coming. Mano tėvas yra aukštas. My father is tall. My father is tall. El a fost achitat. He was acquitted. He's been bought. Zvuči jednostavno, znam. It sounds simple, I know. It sounds simple, I know. I morgenstunden sad den stakkels lille pige, med blege kinder og smil om munden, lænet op mod muren. Hun var frosset ihjel den sidste aften i det gamle år. Nytårsmorgen gik op over det lille lig! In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall. She had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New Year's sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! In the morning, the girl's little girl, with blue kids and smiles on her mouth, lay on the wall. She was frozen against the last night of the old year. Eu acho que você fez muito bem. I think you did very well. I think you did very well. Sie gaben sich die Hand, als sie sich auf dem Flughafen begegneten. They shook hands when they met at the airport. They gave up their hands when they met at the airport. Еретика кӑвайтра ҫунтарса ячӗҫ. The heretic was burned at the stake. Ericka, who lives in the United States, is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Hajde da idemo negde, Tome. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Let's go somewhere, Tom. Tom je rekao da mu je potrebna moja pomoć. Tom said he wanted my help. Tom said he needed my help. Nevěřím, že se to stane. I don't believe that that's going to happen. I don't believe it's going to happen. Tom berlatih piano sekurang-kurangnya tiga puluh menit setiap hari. Tom practices the piano at least thirty minutes every day. Tom trains piano at least 30 minutes a day. دیر رسیدن بهتر از هرگز نرسیدن است. Better late than never. Better is the end of a thing than its beginning. Draai je om. Turn around. You're moving around. Sami a passé la bouteille à Layla. Sami passed Layla the bottle. Sami passed the bottle in Layla. Možeš li pročitati onaj znak ispred nas? Can you read that sign ahead of us? Can you read that sign in front of us? Entschuldigung. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Ifukk Tom. Tom finished. Ifuck Tom. Lo temps que vasó caud. The weather became warm. The time it was dark. Tom je bio uhićen tri puta. Tom has been arrested three times. Tom was arrested three times. Ĉiu koncentras sian atenton. Everybody is focused. Everyone concentrates on it. قوي يوقالغاندىن كېيىن قوتاننىڭ تۆشۈكىنى ئەتمەك. Better late than never. Look both ways before you cross the street Nunu onsokon nu? What are you cooking? Now what's going on? هل لي أن أعزف البيانو؟ May I play the piano? Do I have a statement? A ferida se infectou. The wound became infected. The wound was infected. Er du sikker på at dette er en god ide? Are you sure this is a good idea? Are you sure this is a good idea? टॉमने सर्वांची चांगली काळजी घेतली. Tom took good care of everyone. Tom took good care of everyone. Yma hi ow kul ergh arta. It's snowing again. This is where she lives for a long time. Nemám rád budovy. I don't like buildings. I don't like buildings. Ma lähen Saksamaale oma peigmehele külla. I'm going to Germany to visit my boyfriend. I'm going to Germany for my baby man. מיר האָבן ניט קיין טעלעוויזאָר. We don't have a television. We don't have any televisors. Можеш да го прашаш Том. You can ask Tom. You can ask Tom. Tom majdnem minden hétvégén otthon marad. Tom stays at home almost every weekend. Tom's almost home every weekend. Opět sem nabyl sebedůvěry. I've got all my confidence back now. He's been here again for the rest of his life. Tom tidak takut mati. Tom isn't afraid of death. Tom's not afraid to die. Hij helpt ons. He helps us. He's helping us. Paris adalah ibukota dari Prancis. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is a native of France. Tom čeká na vyjížďku. Tom is waiting for a ride. Tom's waiting for a ride. Je dois émettre une objection. I must object. I have to issue an objection. muchmey qab bej puqpu'lI' 'e' Dachaw'. You authorize your children to watch bad movies. I don't know what to do with it. Probléma lehet. It could be a problem. It could be a problem. Ev a dheudh. He came. Ev gave it to me. आसमान बादल-बादल हो गया। The sky clouded over. The sky has been changed. Welke taal spreekt men in Amerika? What do they speak in America? What language do I speak in America? mi mi na du I'm not myself. I don't have two Перестаньте петь. Stop singing. Stop five. Bu neye tekabül ediyor? What's it stand for? What's this about? Non sono venute qui, vero? They didn't come here, did they? I didn't come here, did I? من نیازمندم. I'm needy. I can't. "Você não é o Sr. Ogawa?" "Sou, sim. Posso ajudá-los?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" "You're not Mr. Ogawa?" "I am, yes, can I help you?" İki hafta önce New York'tan ayrıldım. I left New York two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, I left New York. در آن فاصله، آن کشتی شبیه یک جزیره است. From that distance, the ship is similar to an island. In the same way, that ship was caught, and wasn't able to bear it, because the wind was contrary. Kā ge. No. Like a gee. Fırsatım varken Tom'u öpmeliydim. I should've kissed Tom when I had the chance. I had to kiss Tom when I had a chance. Mijn kamersleutel graag. My room key, please. I like my room key. Estou ensinando basco. I'm teaching Basque. I'm teaching low. Ich schäme mich nicht für das, was ich getan habe. I'm not ashamed of what I did. I'm not ashamed of what I've done. Наистина ли не ги харесваш? Do you really not like them? You really don't like them? Молим те, додај ме на Фејсбуку. Please add me on Facebook. Please, take me to Facebook. Południowi mężczyźni, północne kobiety. Southern men, Northern women. The men in the south, the women in the north. Ne félj! Don’t fear. Don't be afraid. Ano an imo ginhuhuna-huna kan Tom? What did you think of Tom? What do you think of Tom? Ad t tecceɣ. I'll eat it. And it shall come to pass, that, when I come again, I will break it down. هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is that new? Ο Τομ δεν έχει πολλά χρήματα. Tom doesn't have much money. Tom doesn't have much money. Tá sé ró-bheag. He is too small. It's too small. Onlar Tom'un gitmesine izin verirler umarım. I hope they let Tom go. I hope they let Tom go. Вибачте, що звертаюсь до вас по імені. Please excuse me for calling you by your first name. I'm sorry to call you by your name. Atmet ein. Inhale. Let's go. Let's go. Jumala, anna minulle kärsivällisyyttä. God, give me patience! God, give me patience. Dika agamak nga agsao iti publiko. Don't be afraid of speaking in public. Do not be afraid to speak in public. സൂര്യന്‍ ഭൂമിയില്‍ നിന്ന് വളരെ ദൂരെയാണ്. The sun is so distant from the earth. The sun is far away from the earth. Det här borde hjälpa. This ought to help. This should help. Ла уманас поте камбиа. Humanity can change. La Ummanas after the camp. Mary engravidou aos 14 anos. Mary got pregnant at age fourteen. Mary was pregnant at the age of 14. Ήταν απασχολημένοι. They were busy. He was busy. Доведете и него. Bring him along. Bring him in, too. Montako kertaa kuukaudessa kirjoitat äidillesi? How many times a month do you write your mother? How many times a month do you write to your mother? Lisätkää majoneesi. Add the mayonnaise. Add your house. Yiwen ur yečči tarekrukt-nni. No one ate the cake. Now no man at the table knew for what intent he spake this unto him. Толкова ме е срам. I'm so ashamed. I'm so ashamed. Tom verriet mir, warum er nicht gehen wollte. Tom told me why he didn't want to go. Tom tells me why he didn't want to go. Уморен съм. I'm tired. I'm tired. mi nenri lo ckule kumfa I'm in the classroom. I went to school to die He olivat vapaana sillä hetkellä. They were free at that moment. They were free at the time. Linguam Hispanicam discimus. We are learning Spanish. We learned Spanish. Minulla on asioita mielessä. I have things on my mind. I have things in mind. Kam půjdeme? Where shall we go? Where are we going? Мисля, че трябва да размислиш. I think you should reconsider. I think you should think about it. Tom ei halunnut rohkaista Maria tekemään mitään, mikä voisi saada hänet pulaan. Tom didn't want to encourage Mary to do anything that might get her in trouble. Tom didn't want to encourage Maria to do anything she could. Мне сложно работать с Томом. I have trouble working with Tom. It's hard for me to work with Tom. Боляче. It hurts. It's painful. ഇത് തണുത്തതല്ല. This is not cool. It's not cold. Mi neniam revidos lin. I'll never see him again. I'll never see him. Ego et Thomas valemus. Tom and I are well. Ego and Thomas are wrong. Kiel ni eliĝos el tiu situacio? How do we get out of this situation? How do we get out of this situation? Швидкість, з якою я можу працювати, має межі. I can only work so fast. The speed I can work with has limits. Hvor mange eskimoer bor der i Grønland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How many eskimos live in Greenland? Hvernig kom þessi hættulega staða upp? How did this dangerous state come about? How did this dangerous place come up? El Sr. Philips, junto con algunos amigos y vecinos, está planeando una celebración. Mr Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Mr. Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. तुम्हारी किताब कौनसी है? Which book is yours? What is your book? Túlsúlyos voltam. I was overweight. I was too serious. Tom se apaixonou por seu vizinho. Tom fell in love with his next door neighbor. Tom fell in love with his neighbor. Εξελέγη δήμαρχος. He was elected mayor. - Yes, sir. - Yes, sir. bu'u ma do pu tirna zo'e bi'unai Where did you hear that? Tools for software development Noski, hori ez da inoiz gertatu. That never happened, of course. Anyway, that's never happened. Men şolardygyny bilýärdim. I knew it was them. I knew it would. Gib mir ein Exemplar dieses Buchs. Give me a copy of this book. Give me a copy of this book. Başın belaya girerse ben yardım ederim, babam da eder. If you run into trouble, I'll help, and so will my father. If you're in trouble, I'll help you, and my dad will. תום התקבל להרוורד. Tom was accepted into Harvard. You're welcome to Roord. Du taler. You are talking. You're talking. Letzte Nacht blieb ich zu Hause, um deinen Anruf empfangen zu können. I stayed home last night to be able to receive your call. Last night I stayed home to receive your call. मला खूप भूक लागली आहे. I'm very hungry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Kioto is een voormalige hoofdstad van Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto is a former capital of Japan. لأنك قلت ذلك. Since you say so. Because you said that. Vorgestern habe ich meine Arbeit an den Nagel gehängt. The day before yesterday I quit my job. In the morning, I was engaged in my work at the Nagel. Komm sofort zurück! Return at once. Come back now! Ég sagði þeim að senda mér annan miða. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another message. Ku je kôn? Where were you? Where are you going? Saprebbe. He would know. He'd know. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب توم. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. I can't believe I'm Jules outside Tom. Malŝaltu la radioaparaton. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio device. Jien differenti minn subien oħra. I'm different from other guys. I'm different from other subiens. Il venis per autobuso. He came by bus. He came by bus. 庭の花を摘みましょう。 Let's pick flowers from the garden. Let's pick up the flowers of the garden. A szerelem legyőzi a gyűlöletet. Love rules over hate. Love conquers hatred. Υπάρχουν πολλά ηφαίστεια στην Ισλανδία. Iceland has many volcanoes. There are many refugees in Iceland. ھەر كۈنى قوي باقىمەن. Every day, I look after the sheep. I'll stay up all day. لدينا حادث في ورشة البناء. We've got an accident at the construction site. We have an accident on the building floor. Ka dei baroh ba phi lah ban leh shisha. It's all you can really do. From infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation. Waar heeft zij Italiaans geleerd? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Tom luovutti sopimuksen Marylle. Tom handed the contract to Mary. Tom made a deal with Mary. منين انت؟ Where are you from? Who are you? Que l'aimam totis. We all like him. Let's all love it. 我为我前途奋斗。 I am fighting for my future. I fought for my future. Ese es el elefante más grande que he visto nunca. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. That's the biggest elephant I've ever seen. Viața fără iubire este fără sens. Life without love is meaningless. Life without love is meaningless. دس سال ہو گئے ہیں اسے امریکہ گئے ہوئے۔ Ten years have passed since he went to America. He's been in the United States for ten years. إنها تتحدث البولندية. She speaks Polish. She's speaking Polish. Jeg bebrejder ham ikke. I don't blame him. I don't break him. Da yw gensi an dhyskadores. She likes the teacher. You are only allowed to save this session. Please move "%s" to the trash. Aquera cançon qu'ei trista. This song sounds sad. That song is sad. Промените никогаш не се лесни. Change is never easy. The changes are never easy. 無くなったとあきらめていた財布がみつかって彼女は大変喜んだ。 She was very glad to find the purse she had given up for lost. She was very happy that the money she had left was gone. Тази седмица съм почивка. I am on holiday this week. I'm a vacation this week. Nunquam essaya morir. Never try to die. Never try to die. Yoshingiz nechada? How old are you? What's your job? Idź ćwiczyć na dwór. Go exercise outside. Go ride to the door. Ṛuḥet azekka. Leave tomorrow. Let's go tomorrow. Του αφήσαμε λίγο κέικ. We left him some cake. We left him a little cake. 万圣节快乐! Happy Halloween! Happy Christmas! Huset är målat i vitt. The house is painted white. The house is measured in white. Calamum meum invenire non possum. I can't find my pen. I can't find my name. O Tom kerdas les bi te phenel khanči. Tom did that without saying anything. Tom's trying to talk to him about money. Ring honom i kväll. Call him tonight. Call him tonight. Das ist ein Missverständnis. This is a misunderstanding. That's a misunderstanding. तुम्हाला इथे पाहून मी खूश आहे. I am happy to see you here. I am so happy to see you here. Máte ráda francouzská vína? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? Том помер у тому ж році, що й Мері. Tom died in the same year Mary did. Tom died that same year, as did Mary. Elle est partie en pique-nique. She went on a picnic. She's part of a pike-nice. Estoy lista, ¿y tú? I'm ready. And you? I'm ready, aren't you? Dicen que el Zen cultiva nuestra mente. They say Zen cultivates our mind. They say Zen cultivates our mind. Vocês estão na Europa! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! 最好的理发师是同性恋。 The best hairdressers are gay. The best leader is sex. Aber er intelligente. Monkeys are intelligent. But you're smart. Esta es mea fia. This is my daughter. This is my faith. Gjithashtu, më vjen mirë që u takuam. Likewise, it was nice to meet you. I'm also glad to see you. Не ме оставај да чекам! Don't make me wait! Don't let me wait! 明天是星期天。 It is Sunday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday. En sia domo ĉe R'ljeh, morta Ĥtulho atendas sonĝante In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming. In his house at R'ljeh, a dead man waits for him to sing टॉम कल हमारे साथ तैर रहा था। Tom was swimming with us yesterday. Tom Cal was ready with us. Nyns yw da genev gwav. I don't like winter. You don't have the right permissions. 這頓飯讓他充饑解餓了。 The meal satisfied his hunger. It's got him filled with bread. Peking förändras så fort. Beijing is changing so rapidly. Peking's changing so fast. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. It speaks English with a strong bond. Ydy cariad yn bodoli? Does love exist? Does it exist? Älömibos. It rained. Elumibos. Phim khiêu dâm được xếp loại X, có nghĩa là chỉ người từ 18 tuổi trở lên có thể xem chúng. Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them. I mean, it's only 18-year-olds who can look at them. Изгледа си во право. I guess you're right. You look right. Avslöja det inte. Don't give it away. Don't expose it. Том занимается в библиотеке. Tom is studying in the library. Tom's in the library. Degetele mele sunt amorțite. My fingers are numb. My fingers are amused. Функционират и двете. They both work. They're both working. Я також його ненавиджу. I hate him, too. I hate him too. Kdy má přijet loď? When is the ship due to arrive? When's the ship coming? Һич аңлап булмый, әкренрәк сөйләсәгез иде. I can't hear you properly, please speak more slowly. If you had spoken before, you would not have understood. Li-labol timi? Do you have time? Li-labol team? Zatkla ho policie? Did the police arrest him? Did the police arrest him? Amam na Tomu choro igwa m okwu. I know Tom wants to talk to me. My mother - in - law, Tom, helped me with my speech. le sedyta'u cu cimce'oranbi'o The hat got wet and went limp. Adam Weinberger Не могу чекати. I can't wait. I can't wait. Un conejo corretea por el jardín. A rabbit is running in the garden. A rabbit runs right through the garden. मैंने वादा किया था कि इस राज़ के बारे में किसी को कुछ नहीं बताऊँगा। I promised not to breathe a word of the secret. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone about it. كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days does it usually take to get there? How long does it usually take to get there? La poesistes ia es misteriosa silente a tema de ceso. Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. The poets are already mysteriously silent on the subject of cessus. कहना और करना अलग-अलग बातें हैं। Saying and doing are two different things. There are different things to say and do. Юклык беткәч, дуслык та кирәкми. No longer pipe, no longer dance. When there is no peace, there is no need for friendship. Prvo što mi je majka rekla je bilo: "Je si li ti lud?" The first thing my mother said was: "Are you crazy?" The first thing my mother told me was, "Are you crazy?" 君は昨日、僕に会いに来ればよかったのだ。 You ought to have come to see me yesterday. You'd like to meet me yesterday. Bunu düşünmedim bile. I hadn't even considered that. I didn't even think about it. মই তুমি বেছি ভালকৈ কাম কৰাটো বিচাৰোঁ। I want you to work better. I want you to do a good job. O gerçekten benim keçimi aldı. She really got my goat. He really took my ass. 我覺得他不能幫你。 I don't think he can help you. I don't think he can help you. 愛愛愛。 Love loves love. Love. Бу ярканатмы? Is that a bat? Is that clear? Te miért vetted meg ezt a bicót? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you take this bike? Баш је било добро. That was very good. It was really good. Kérem, adja be a papírjait a hónap végére. Please hand in your papers by the end of the month. Please give your papers at the end of the month. Zaboravio sam uređaj za nadgledanje beba. I forgot the baby monitor. I forgot the baby control device. האם בילית איתה את הלילה? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Não fiz essas coisas. I don't do those things. I didn't do those things. nuqDaq jIHtaH? Where am I? What is it? Шәкертләрем чыннан да иң яхшылардан дип уйлыйм. I think my students are simply the best. I really believe that my disciples are the best people I have ever met. Sembrava calma. She looked calm. It seemed calm. Tom, Mary'nin zorda olmasını istemedi. Tom didn't want Mary to be in trouble. Tom didn't want Mary to be pregnant. Özündən utanmalısan. You should be ashamed of yourself. You must be ashamed of yourself. Uradili smo sve što smo mogli. We did all we could do. We did everything we could. Няма никакви. There aren't any. There's no one. 滞在の目的は何ですか。 What's the purpose of your visit? What's the purpose of this? Ти про це подумала? Did you think about it? Did you think about it? Le color de rosa es pro pueras. Pink is for girls. The pink color is for powders. Ben omlet bile yapamam. I can not even cook an omelet. I can't even do it. Następna wojna, i wszyscy będziemy zabici. Another war, and we all will be killed. Next war, and we'll all be killed. Vi devus aĉeti tiun libron. You better buy that book. You should buy that book. എനിക്ക് സംഗീതം വളരെ ഇഷ്ടമാണ്. I like music very much. I love music. ഞാന്‍ ഒരു പുതിയ വിദ്യാര്‍ഥി ആണ്. I'm a new student. I'm a new student. சர்வதேச மகளிர் தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்! Happy International Women's Day! International Women’s Day! Aanangan nogi mintong do pulitik tuhun Amorika kokomoi do timpu pomihian do pilisidon. It's interesting to observe American politics, especially during a presidential election. I wish I could talk to the American political leaders about the time of the beginning of the Pillsidon. אז מה אתה זומם היום, תום? So what are you up to today, Tom? So what are you doing today, Tom? I gatti sono creature notturne. Cats are nocturnal creatures. The cats are night creatures. Tudom, ki ő. I know who she is. I know who she is. Ia manuia le aso! Have a nice day! Have a good day! Ayɣeṛ i teṭṭalayeḍ Tom? Why are you looking at Tom? Why did you stay with Tom? mi na jimpe fi lo menli be do I don't understand your mind. I don't even think about it O, Amerika'dan geri geldi. He came back from America. He came back from America. Mi petos ŝin voki vin tuj kiam ŝi estos reveninta. I will have her call you as soon as she comes back. I'll call her as soon as she gets back. ghIvDu' tIq ghaj. She has long arms and legs. Your score has made the top ten.game speed Mačči d icenga i llan d imeddukal. They are not enemies, but friends. Cats d eczenge and lan d medicacula. Ο Τομ έχει επισκεφτεί τρεις φορές την Αυστραλία. Tom has visited Australia three times. Tom has visited Australia three times. איפה אתה גר? Where do you live? Where are you living? Wie niet waagt, niet wint. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. Who doesn't wake up, doesn't win. Vu devas fumar mine. You should smoke less. You have to smoke me. Mam już dość tego twojego krzyczenia na mnie. I'm sick and tired of the way you yell at me. I already have enough of your calling on me. Io non fuma. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. Ο Τομ είναι ο τύπος μου. Tom is my type. Tom is my guy. Nem nézed. You aren't watching. You don't look. Je suis célibataire. I am a bachelor. I'm a celibate. Kad si zadnji put razljutila svoju majku. When was the last time you angered your mother? Last time you divorced your mother. تۆۋەن قەۋەتتە بىرى سىزنى ساقلاپ قالدى. Someone is waiting for you downstairs. Then there came to them a single Saihah (shout, etc.) Marağımı itirdim. I lost interest. I lost my mark. Vir equum habet. This man has a horse. You're right. Том почти нищо не разбира от френски. Tom can hardly speak French at all. Tom doesn't understand anything from French. Ta holka se před svojí matkou chovala jako zkažený spratek. That girl behaved like a spoiled child towards her mother. This girl was acting like a monster in front of her mother. Nu-mi place să înot. I dislike swimming. I don't like to wake up. Chi o sa dond'a l'ea? Who knows where she was? Who knows where she is? Vielleicht würden Sie bereit sein, ehrenamtlich zu helfen. Perhaps you'd be willing to volunteer. Maybe you'd be willing to help honorably. Nadie puede pagar esto. Nobody can pay this. No one can pay for this. Prag yth yw res dhymm gul hemma? Why do I need to do this? Why is there so much trouble here? Яраткан җырчыгыз кем? Who is your favorite singer? Who Is Your Love? ¿Prefiere vino blanco o vino tinto? Do you prefer white wine or red wine? Do you prefer white wine or thin wine? I tonoa e ia he pūtea nui i a rātou, engari auare ake. He tried to borrow a large sum of money from them in vain. He sent a huge catch of fish to them, but they stayed there for a long time. 不動心有道乎? Is there any way to an unperturbed mind? Doesn't that make sense? Tôi đã thông báo cho anh ấy là cô ấy sẽ đến. I informed him of her arrival. I told him she was coming. Divan almaq istərdim. I would like to buy a sofa. I'd like to have a drink. La guerra civil de los Estados Unidos duró cuatro años. The United States' Civil War lasted four years. The civil war in the United States lasted four years. Aku belum makan siang. I haven't eaten lunch yet. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Hij eerlijk? Laat me niet lachen! Him, honest? What a joke! Don't let me laugh! Ell adora anar al teatre. He adores going to the theater. He likes going to the theater. Noviny se prodávájí v trafice. You can buy newspapers at the newsagent's. News is being sold in traffic. Andiamo in città questa sera e divertiamoci un po'. Let's hit the town tonight and have some fun. Let's go to town tonight and have some fun. Comme vous êtes grandes ! How tall you are! How big you are! میدونی، نمیخوام بکشمت. You know, I don't want to kill you. Midian, I beg you, don't let me sleep. Mia edzino kaj mi preparas emeritiĝi. My wife and I are preparing to retire. My wife and I are preparing to wake up. Ja no ets un nen. You're not a child anymore. You're no longer a child. لم يتّصل سامي أبدا. Sami never called. I've never been in touch. Voy con ella. I'm going with her. I'll go with her. 兩個女孩都有一雙藍眼睛。 Both girls have blue eyes. Both girls have one blue eye. トムは女性のどんなファッションが好き? What kind of women's attire does Tom like? What kind of fashion does Tom like for a woman? Ты размаўляеш, быццам начальнік. You talk as if you were the boss. You're talking if you're the boss. Miluji tě. I love you. I love you. Jeg hader ikke Tom længere. I don't hate Tom anymore. I don't hate Tom anymore. Et elle fait encore la grimace. And she still makes a funny face. And she's still making the noise. Is mise Jack. My name is Jack. Me, too, Jack. Maskinen tager meget plads. The machine takes a lot of room. The machine takes a lot of space. 抓住他。 Grab him. Catch him. Wygląda na szczęśliwą, ale w głębi duszy cierpi. She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. She looks happy, but she's in deep pain. ma fa'u ma klama ma fa'u ma Who and who goes where and where, respectively? Applications that did not fit in other categories Они нравятся Тому. Tom likes them. They like Tom. Se höör mit Smöken op. She stopped smoking. See if you can hear it. Estne Thomas procerior quam Maria? Is Tom taller than Mary? Is Thomas more probing than Maria? Morgaŭ finiĝos la konferenco. The conference will end tomorrow. The conference will be concluded tomorrow. 那是我的爱好。 That's my hobby. That's my love. Ла индустриа иа кресе рапида. Industry was growing quickly. The industry's on the edge of a raid. 打了這針,你就不會那麼痛了。 This shot will help numb the pain. If you hit it, you won't hurt that much. Jag älskar min mamma. I love my mother. I love my mom. Lo faccia adesso. Do it now. He's doing it now. Tom explicou as regras. Tom explained the rules. Tom explained the rules. Ông ấy tức giận với con gái. He's mad at his daughter. He's angry with the girl. Komt u naar de bijeenkomst? Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you coming to the meeting? Rettferdigheten må skje fyllest. Justice must be done. Justice must be completed. Pienso que usted es una persona muy agradable. I think you are a really nice person. I think you're a very nice person. “A vyn’ta hy frena?” “Mynnav.” "Do you want to buy it?" "Yes." “Did you hear his voice?” Apparuit iterum Deus Iacob, postquam reversus est de Paddanaram, benedixitque ei dicens: "Non vocaberis ultra Iacob, sed Israel erit nomen tuum”, et appellavit eum Israel. And God appeared again to Jacob, after he returned from Mesopotamia of Syria, and he blessed him, saying: Thou shalt not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And he called him Israel. God appeared to Jacob again, after he had returned from Paddan Aram, and blessed him, and said to him, "You shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name." He called him Israel. Je ne comprends pas votre question. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. laHDaj wInaD. We appreciate her talent. LaHDAY WINAD. Az majd megállítja őket. That'll stop them. It'll stop them. Том пошёл в цирк с Мэри. Tom went to the circus with Mary. Tom went to church with Mary. Combien coûte la voiture que tu prévois d'acheter ? How much is the car that you're planning to buy? How much is the car you're planning to buy? Vide tu le ave super le filo de telephono? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? Did you see them on the phone? Burnumu qaşımaq istəyirəm. I want to scratch my nose. I want to get rid of this. Uyabaleka. She is running. He will flee from them. 我去车站为我朋友送行。 I went to the station to see my friend off. I'm going to the parking lot for my friend. Félsz tőle. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. Ne tombe pas dans son piège ! Don't fall into her trap. Don't fall into his grave! 学校に行く途中、私はにわか雨にあった。 While I was going to school, I was caught in a shower. When I went to school, I was in the rain. मुझे तो चाय से ज़्यादा कॉफ़ी पसंद है। Me, I prefer coffee to tea. I like coffee more than tea. Me envadad lan chambre. I entered her room. But he's in the room. Viae huius urbis latae sunt. The streets of this city are wide. It's your town. विकासशील देशों में जनसंख्या वृद्धी बहुत तीव्र होती है। The growth in population is very rapid in developing countries. In developing countries, population growth is very difficult. Uradiću to sa zadovoljstvom. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. "Va-t-il vite s'en remettre ?" "J'ai bien peur que non." "Will he recover soon?" "I'm afraid not." "Will he hurry back?" "I'm afraid not." Deman es un nove die. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is a new day. Busszal járok munkába. I go to work by bus. I'm going to work with a bus. Tom pracuje nad twoim samochodem. Tom is working on your car. Tom's working on your car. Zvykneš si na všechno. You can get used to anything. You're used to everything. Vole vos un orange? Do you guys want an orange? Do you want an orange? Пополни го формуларот. Fill out the form. Fill in the form. पावाचा भाव दहा येनांने वाढला आहे. Bread has gone up ten yen in price. For example, in the United States, the number of people who live in the United States has increased by 10 percent, and the number of people who live in the United States has increased by 10 percent. Svēks, kuoks tava vards? Hello, what's your name? Sweet, will you lose your name? Tom ha comburite le littera. Tom burned the letter. Tom has burned the letter. Je sens comme si je pouvais vomir. I feel like I might throw up. I feel like I could breathe. Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Olen varma, että sinulla olisi hauskaa juhlassa. I'm sure you're going to enjoy yourself at the party. I'm sure you'd like to have a party. Eg kjenner jenta som speler tennis. I know the girl who is playing tennis. I know girls who play tennis. בוא ננסה לעשות את זה יחד. Let's try doing this together. Let's try to do this together. Что твои родители хотят на Рождество? What do your parents want for Christmas? What do your parents want for Christmas? Tom lå på ryggen. Tom lay on his back. Tom was lying on the back. Nem engedem meg nekik, hogy használják a Husqvarna láncfűrészemet. I don't allow them to use my Husqvarna chainsaw. I won't let them use my Husqvarna ring. Драго ми е што не ѝ се јави. I'm glad you didn't call her. I'm glad she didn't call. Ultimamente a delinquência juvenil está aumentando. Recently juvenile delinquency has been on the rise. Finally, juvenile crime is increasing. Доволна ли си? Are you happy about this? Are you all right? تذكر وعدك. Remember your promise. You remember about you. Мері — дружина Тома. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom’s wife. То се стресна от взрива. He was startled by the explosion. It's a shock. Ik wil naar Tokio gaan. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. 他有2个孩子,一个4岁,另一个1岁。 He has two children, aged 4 and 1. He has two children, one 4 years old, another 1 year old. Tom håber at se dig til oktober. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom hopes to see you in October. Tom azt mondta, úgy néztem ki, mintha unatkoztam volna. Tom said he thought I looked like I was bored. Tom said I looked like I was dreaming. מי מהמהם? Who's humming? Who from? Francouzština je těžký jazyk. French is a difficult language. French is a hard language. Tom ist nicht tot. Tom isn't dead. Tom's not up. لس کاله وړاندې ایله څلوېښت زره نجونو کونړ کې زده کړې کولې خو اوس دغه شمېر دوه اویا زرو ته رسیدلی دی. Ten years ago, around forty thousand girls used to go to school in Kunarr, but now this number has reached to seventy-two thousand. The number of stars that have been moved to the vicinity of the region has now reached two or three o'clock in the morning. Dette kommer aldri til å ta slutt. This is never going to end. This will never end. Tinglaysiz. You will listen. No, no, no, no, no. Avertitque se et ingressus est domum suam nec ad hoc apposuit cor suum. And he turned himself away, and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to it this time also. And he turned aside, and entered into his own house, and did not defile himself. 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' rIvSo' chaw'laH ghaH. He has access to the American Embassy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I'd like to buy a guitar. Зависи од твојата одлука. It hangs on your decision. Depends on your decision. J'ai l'impression que j'aurais pu mieux faire. I feel I could've done better. I have the impression that I could do better. Bera gaur adeitsua izaten ari da. He is being kind today. He's doing great today. Ar gali man atleisti? Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? Voimmeko me tulla myös? Can we come, too? Can we come too? Kauanko tämä kestää? How long will this last? How long does this take? Tervita oma isa minu poolt. Say hello to your father for me. Say hello to your father for me. On ia ave musica. There was music. We got music. Tôi cao hơn Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm higher than Tom. Tôi tra số điện thoại của anh ta trong cuốn danh bạ điện thoại. I looked up his phone number in the telephone book. I checked his phone number in his phone number. فتح فاضل المنزل بهدوء و دخل على أطراف أصابعه. Fadil quietly opened the backdoor and tiptoed into the house. The house was opened in a calm manner and entered on the sides of its wounds. Каква е минималната заплата в Кипър? What's the minimum salary in Cyprus? What's the minimum pay in Cyprus? 汤姆在长沙发上睡着了。 Tom is asleep on the couch. Tom sleeps on the long sand. 我刚才在洗澡. I was just showering. I was just washing. ذكّرني كي أجدّد جواز سفري. Don't forget to remind me to renew my passport. Remind me to restore my passport. Elles auraient pu te tuer. They could've killed you. They would have killed you. 這裡在二月時非常冷。 It's very cold here in February. It's very cold here in February. ఎక్కడ పదాలు మాట్లాడలేవో అక్కడ సంగీతం మాట్లాడుతుంది. Where words fail, music speaks. There is music where words can be spoken. तुम्हाला कोणता गुलाब दिसत आहे? Which rose do you see? What kind of slavery do you see in Jehovah’s organization? Maria ia es bela. Mary was beautiful. Maria is beautiful. שאל את עצמך מדוע. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. Thomas ostium pulsavit. Tom knocked at the door. Thomas knocked on the door. Tanpa bantuanmu, kami mungkin tidak akan mampu menjalankan rencana ini. Without your support, we probably won't be able to put this plan into practice. Without your help, we might not be able to run this. Da li si uopšte pitao Toma da se posluži? Have you ever asked if Tom wants one? Did you even ask Tom to serve? Tu riesci a vederla? Can you see her? Can you see her? אכלת ארוחת בוקר היום? Did you eat breakfast today? Have you eaten breakfast today? Ты очень помог. That was a big help. You've been very helpful. Eεṛeḍet ad tessedhum Tom. Try to keep Tom occupied. Let them alone. Let them marry. Nincs kedvem felkelni. I don't feel like getting up. I don't like to wake up. Il a travaillé pendant cinq heures d'affilée. He worked for five hours on end. He worked for five hours at the office. मुलगा कुठे आहे? Where is the boy? Where is the boy? Herra Morikawa valittaa jatkuvasti jostakin. Mr Morikawa's continually complaining about something. Mr. Morikawa will continue to vote for anything. תום היה מעוצבן. Tom was irritated. Tom was shocked. Том обычно говорит первое, что приходит ему в голову. Tom tends to say the first thing that comes to his mind. Tom usually says the first thing that comes to his head. من با او آشنا هستم. I am acquainted with him. I'm clear with him. Beni yalan söylemekle suçlamaya nasıl cüret edersin! How dare you accuse me of lying! How dare you accuse me of lying! Ma elan Kataris. I live in Qatar. I live in Qatar. Dit is mijn pop. This is my doll. This is my pop. Kuinka paljon opiskelijoita on yhteensä? How many students are there in total? How many students are there together? Anh ấy ở nước ngoài đã sáu năm nay. He's been abroad for six years now. He's been out of the country for six years. تام تمام صبح را به دنبال سگش گشت. Tom looked for his dog all morning. Until the morning was ended, he opened his mouth at noontime. टॉम सदस्य आहे. Tom is a member. Tom is a member of the Governing Body. 麥克在佛羅里達州有一些朋友。 Mike has a few friends in Florida. Mike has some friends in Florida. El a dat examenul oral. He took an oral examination. He gave the oral examination. Sto provando a tenerle in vita. I'm trying to keep them alive. I'm trying to keep them alive. 私たちは群集の中で彼を見失った。 We lost sight of him in the crowd. We lost him in the group. أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of my nursery. נהנתי מזה מאד. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much. Katedralen dominerer bybildet. The cathedral dominates the cityscape. The cathedrals dominate the town. Nonne eorum est? Isn't that theirs? Is it their mother? Минал си се. You've been had. You've gone. ខ្ញុំមានវចនានុក្រម។ I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. 下了雨。 It rained. It's raining. Me no fida neseseda traduis. I don't necessarily trust translations. I don't believe you need to translate. Ви заплатили за оренду? Have you paid the rent? Did you pay for the rent? او جاز را دوست دارد، من هم همینطور. She likes jazz, and I do, too. He loves Gaz, and I am in the same way. Дощ закінчився! It has stopped raining. The rain is over! 佢應承咗琴晚去見佢㗎。 She promised to meet him last night. He promised to meet him at night. Ben hala kahvaltı etmeyi bitirmedim. I still haven't finished eating breakfast. I haven't finished breakfast yet. Roemenië is een Balkanland. Zijn hoofdstad is Boekarest. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country, and its capital is Bucharest. Винаги ще помня добрината ти. I'll always remember your kindness. I'll always remember your good. Вели дека претходниот забар му рекол дека ќе му ги отстрани флеките од никотин ако престане да пуши. He said that his previous dentist told him that he'd remove nicotine stains if he stopped smoking. He says the previous dentist told him he'd remove his nicotine bottles if he stopped smoking. Aš pamečiau savo raktą. I lost my key. I've noticed my character. Samo probaj. Just give it a chance. Just try it. あなたの忠告がなかったならば、彼は駄目になっていたでしょう。 Had it not been for your advice he would have been ruined. If it wasn't for your advice, he would have been blind. Eu sentei a noite inteira passada lendo uma novela. I sat up all last night reading a novel. I felt last night reading a novel. Мӗншӗн эсӗ Французла ҫав терри лайӑх калаҫатӑн? Why do you speak French so well? Why are you moving to France to serve where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater? Jeg kan ikke si nøyaktig hvor lang tid det vil ta. I can't tell you exactly how long it will take. I can't say exactly how long it will take. Той съобщи за катастрофата на полицията. He reported his accident to the police. He reported the police crash. Mange tak. Thanks. Thank you very much. Он ходит в пижаме. He wears pajamas. He's going to the beach. Sviss er ekki Svíþjóð. Switzerland isn't Sweden. Of course, it's not Switzerland. Keadaan pasiennya perlahan mulai membaik. The patient is steadily recovering. The patient's condition has begun to improve. علينا التسوق. We have to do the shopping. We've got to get out of here. أنا معجب بك كثيرًا. I like you very much. I like you very much. Rất vui vì đã được làm việc với Tom. It was a pleasure to work with Tom. It's so nice to work with Tom. آبن من أنت؟ Whose son are you? Ben, who are you? תום לא הרעיל את מרי. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't exaggerate Mary. אתה עצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? Did you choose these songs yourself? У ком правцу идеш? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? Wieso ist der Himmel blau? Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? Yunulo lojas en olda domo. The young man lives in an old house. Yunulu's store in an old house. Kennt ihr Tom gut? Do you know Tom well? Do you know Tom well? بۇ ئەرەبچىمۇ؟ - ياق، بۇ ئۇيغۇر تىلى، بۇ جۇڭگونىڭ غەربىي شىمالىدا سۆزلىنىدىغان تىل. Is this Arabic ? - No, this is Uighuric, a language spoken in North-West China. Is this Arabic? - No, this is Arabic, the language of the language spoken in the last sentence of this verse. mi'a ni'i prami lo jufra .i je ku'i zmadu fa lo ni prami lo bangu So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Meg er forvitin að vita allt um Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. I'm afraid to know everything about Japan. Bashustune. With pleasure. Basustune. Ma ei teeks seda Tomile iialgi. I'd never do that for Tom. I would never do that to Tom. टॉमने मला तुझ्याबद्दल काहीच सांगितलं नाही. Tom didn't tell me anything about you. Tom didn’t tell me anything about you. 謝謝您今晚的光臨。 Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming tonight. Thomas puer improbus est. Tom is a bad boy. Thomas's a bad kid. Bisnis selalu dalam keadaan baik. Business has been good. Business always in good condition. 她怕過馬路。 She was afraid to cross the road. She's scared of the road. Їдь на схід. Head east. Go to the east. Lo porti a loro. Take it to them. He brought it to them. Səhər açılır. Day breaks. It's open in the morning. قىز دوستۇم مەست بولساڭ سېنى ئۆلتۈرىمەن دېدى. My girlfriend said that she'd kill me if I got drunk. He said, “I will kill you when you are sick.” これは私の自動車です。 This is my car. This is my car. בהחלט הייתי מזועזע. I definitely was shocked. I was definitely excited. Jdeme si dát něco k jídlu. Let's get some lunch. Let's get something to eat. Te ette saa koskaan tietää, jollette koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know what you're trying to do. Ik ben daar trots op. I'm proud of that. I'm proud of you. Hangi okula gitmek istiyorsun? What school do you want to go to? Which school do you want to go to? Ele está com medo. He is afraid. He's scared. Per què sempre penso en la Maria? Why am I still thinking about Marika? Why do I always think about Mary? Крига дуже холодна. Ice is very cold. Crigga's very cold. Esses foram vítimas da guerra, por assim dizer. These were victims of war, so to speak. They were victims of war, so to speak. در اقیانوس شنا می کنم. I'm swimming in the ocean. I will give thanks to you, my God, in the midst of you. I will sing praises to you. Τι κάνουμε εδώ έξω; What are we doing out here? What are we doing out here? Kako si ovo uspio? How did you accomplish this? How did you do this? Me ha perda libre. I have lost a book. I lost my freedom. Combien d'élèves y a-t-il dans votre université ? How many students are there in your university? How many students are there in your university? A teraz czekamy. Now we wait. And now we're waiting. Gefällt euch eure neue Arbeit? Are you pleased with your new job? Do you like your new job? Това не е проблем на Том. It's not Tom's problem. That's not Tom's problem. Tom tekrar yürüyebilecek mi? Will Tom be able to walk again? Will Tom be able to walk again? Каков их план? What's their plan? What's their plan? Îți plăcea să mergi la expoziții în România? Did you enjoy going to exhibits in Romania? You like going to the exhibitions in Romania? Svima nam je nestalo alkohola. We're all out of booze. We all lost alcohol. មិន​មែន​រូបអាសអាភាស​ទេ គឺ​សិល្បៈ ។ It's not pornography, it's art. Not language images, it's art. Estaba feliz de ver a Tom. I was happy to see Tom. I was happy to see Tom. Számítottál ilyesmire? Is that something you expected? Did you think of something like that? Tomův večírek byl nudný. Tom's party was boring. Tom's dinner was boring. Sumangga jus limunipun dipunanggé, sanes werakipun. Use lemon juice instead of vinegar. As soon as my limbs are broken, I'll be right back. Tom to kdysi dělal. Tom used to do that. Tom used to do it. हम बहुत थक चुके थे। We were very tired. We were very tired. قانداق ئەھۋالىڭىز؟ How are you? What do you think? Tỷ giá hối đoái của ngoại tệ thay đổi mỗi ngày. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. The average value of the foreign currency changes every day. רק רציתי לראות איך תגיבי. I just wanted to see how you'd react. I just wanted to see how you would react. 黙っていると罪を認めたことになる。 Silence is an admission of guilt. I'll admit I'm hiding. Masih ada orang-orang yang tidak bisa membaca. There are still people who cannot read. There are others who can't read. Люди жили в селах. People lived in villages. People lived in villages. De'vam wI'uchHa'nIS. qarbe'qu'. We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate. I don't know what you're talking about. Թոմին խնդրիր: Ask Tom. Ask Tommy. Izmer yella kra i iwala Tom. Maybe Tom saw something. I'm going to hell with Tom. Myslel jsem si, že to bude fungovat. I thought would work. I thought it would work. Ez szokatlan. That's unusual. That's unusual. In het algemeen houden jongeren niet van formaliteit. In general, young people dislike formality. Young people generally don't like formality. وطن‌پرستان همیشه از مردن برای کشورشان صحبت می‌کنند اما هرگز از کشته شدن برای آن صحبت نمی‌کنند. Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country. The rulers of the Jews therefore took counsel together for to put him to death, and to put him to death: Zəhmət nıbu. Please. Not at all. 我無法讓他停止吸煙。 I couldn't get him to stop smoking. I can't let him stop smoking. Oggi sono fortunato. I'm lucky today. I'm lucky today. Tomo, estas mi. Ĉu mi rajtas babili kun vi? Tom, it's me. Can I talk to you? Tom, it's me. Aīns, dwāi, trijan, keturjāi, pēnkjāi, uššai, septīnjai, astōnjai, newīnjai, desīmtan. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, four, five, eight, seven, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tom retira ses vêtements et les mit dans la machine à laver. Tom took his clothes off and put them into the washing machine. Tom remove his clothes and put them in the washing machine. Твоята жена блондинка ли е, или е брюнетка? Is your wife a blonde or a brunette? Is your wife a blonde, or is she a blonde? Sami iqqim deg kursi alemmas. Sami sat in the middle seat. You don't know what you're doing at the same time. Zelo hitro se učimo esperanto. We're learning Esperanto very quickly. We learn very quickly. Rahu! Be cool. Calm down! ¿Estás ocupado hoxe? Are you busy today? Are you busy today? 今天非常酷熱。 The heat is terrible today. It's very hot today. Ell no fuma. He does not smoke. He doesn't smoke. Я хочу, чтобы ты помогла мне с моим домашним заданием. I want you to help me with my homework. I want you to help me with my homework. החדר שורץ עכבישים. The room is crawling with spiders. The room's running wheels. Ајнштајн се сметал себеси за филозоф. Einstein regarded himself a philosopher. Einstein considered himself a philosopher. Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan yang lain. I'm looking for another job. I'm looking for another job. Ég er upptekinn. I'm busy. I'm busy. Maria gladium Thomae dedit. Mary gave Tom the sword. Maria said gladium thomae. Ik wist niet waar Tom me heen aan het brengen was. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. I didn't know where Tom was taking me. Vi går i biografen. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the bigraph. मी तुम्हाला पाहिलं. I saw you. I'll see you. بىلدىڭىزمۇ؟ Got it? Did You Know? Sajnálom, hogy megzavartalak. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. Aranezerewe. He's happy. He is happy. Den 15 januari är ”Interlinguadagen” med aktiviteter och publicitet för att sprida interlingua i hela världen. January 15 is Interlingua Day, with activities and publicity to spread Interlingua across the whole world. The 15 January is “Interlinguagen” with activities and publicity to spread interlingua worldwide. Thomas in Australia mortuus est. Tom died in Australia. Thomas died in Australia. A templomban rejtette el. He hid it in the church. He hid it at the temple. Tom'un arka bahçede bulduğu şeye bak. Look what Tom found in the backyard. Look at what Tom found in the backyard. Meḥḥneɣ Tom. I made Tom suffer. I like Tom. Har du nøkkelene til dette rommet? Do you have the key to this room? Do you have the keys to this room? 你應該認真考慮吓做蓋圖紋身師傅。 You should seriously consider a career as a tattoo cover-up artist. You should seriously consider making a painting artist. Qandi şamiya şani to sered çiyı esto? Do you have dinner plans? Where the hell are you going to look at the tree? Yo va dir te. I'll tell you. I told you. Не могѫ въздоити дѣтѧ · нѣсть бо ми молока. I cannot breast-feed my baby. I don't have milk. I couldn't breathe because we're milky. أريد أن أذهب إلى أمريكا في يوم من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America one day. टॉम नेहमी तसंच करतो. That's what Tom always does. Tom always does the same. 這位老人死於飢餓。 The old man died from hunger. This old man died in hunger. naDev maHtaH chay' 'e' DaSov? How did you know we were here? If you don't know what's going on, what's the matter with you? Si no ahora, ¿entonces cuándo? Not now, then when? If not now, then when? Niet betreden. Keep out. Don't act. Ти си най-добрата ми приятелка. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Må jeg komme med et forslag? Do you mind my making a suggestion? Can I come with a proposal? C'est un grand farceur. He is a big prankster. He's a big fan. Ndazi aho ari. I know where she is. I know where he is. Je pense être prêt. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready. मला जपानीचा अभ्यास करायचा आहे. I have to study Japanese. I needed to study the Bible in Japan. টমের পেছন পেছন যাও। Follow Tom. Follow Tom's back. Da li treba da kažemo nekome? Should we tell anybody? Should we tell someone? sei lakne ko'a cusku lo jitfa He tends to tell lies. six Foundations Nos non ha habite multe nive in iste hiberno. We haven't had much snow this winter. We haven't had a lot of snow in this hibernation. ٹام اٹھ چکا ہے۔ Tom's up. Tom's up. Tu ha facite planos, nonne? You made plans, didn't you? You've made plans, haven't you? Egal ob schwarz, braun, gelb oder normal, alle Leute sollten die gleichen Rechte haben. No matter if black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. Whether black, brown, yellow or normal, all people should have the same rights. 你以前去過京都嗎? Have you ever visited Kyoto before? Have you been to Kyunga before? Я подбаю про це. I'll take care of this. I'm looking forward to it. 你打算甚麼時候出發去日本? When do you plan to leave for Japan? When are you going out to Japan? האופניים הסגולים זולים מהצהובים. The purple bicycle costs less than the yellow. The roads are out of reach. Jeg reiste til Norge. I went to Norway. I went to Norway. Corvus est aeque niger ac carbo. The raven is as black as coal. Corvus is equal to niger and carbo. Illa vanta sempre su formation academic. She always prides herself on her academic background. They always win their academic training. Az indukciós tűzhelyek mágnest használnak ahhoz, hogy az edényeket és serpenyőket közvetlenül melegítse. Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans. Inductive fireplaces use magic to direct the data and serenes. Teraz czuję się dobrze. I'm feeling fine now. I feel good now. Siz onu incidirsiniz. You're hurting him. You hate him. Voi ei! Oh no! Oh, no! Han vill inte vänta på dig. He doesn't want to wait for you. He doesn't want to wait for you. Избери едно. Choose one. Choose one. Anak anjing yang lapar mengonggong di jalan. Hungry puppy barks on the street. The hungry dog walks across the street. У Тома есть собака белого цвета. Tom has a white dog. Tom's got a white dog. Земи го Том со себе. Take Tom with you. Take Tom with you. Yella kra i ixuṣṣen. Something's missing. There's something wrong with Yella. Maharatia ki te kite i a ia āpōpō. Remember to see him tomorrow. Remember to see him perform miracles. Tror du Tom lyver for os? Do you think Tom is lying to us? Do you think Tom is lying to us? Nem eszem. I am not eating. I don't eat. İçinde bir parça dürüstlüğe sahip değil. He does not have a particle of honesty in him. He doesn't have a piece of integrity inside. Thomas non saeviebat. Tom wasn't violent. Thomas didn't know. Eu gostaria de reconfirmar o meu voo. I'd like to reconfirm my flight. I would like to confirm my flight. Acredito que a educação deve ser secular, e não enraizada na religião. I believe that education should be secular, not rooted in religion. I believe that education must be secular and not based on religion. Tom ia debe aborte la viaja. Tom had to cancel his trip. Tom has to cancel the trip. Kicsit fáj a fejem. My head does hurt a little. A little pain in my head. 父と妹は大工さんです。 My father and sister are carpenters. My father and my sister are the boss. Мой отец покрасил почтовый ящик в красный. My father painted the mailbox red. My father made an e-mail box in a nice place. Санӑн ҫыру ҫыраспӑть. You should write a letter. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Ona jest smutna. She's upset. She's sad. Νομίζω ότι έχεις χαθεί. I think you're lost. I think you're lost. Ik snack mit di. I talk to you. I'll talk to you. 汤姆在这宾馆待了三周。 Tom stayed at this hotel for three weeks. Tom stayed in this hotel for three weeks. Tadi itu seperti menonton film gerak lambat. It was like watching a slow motion movie. It was like watching a short movie. Ek twyfel dat sy jou liefhet. I doubt that she loves you. I doubt she loves you. Táim i ngrá. I'm in love. I'm in love. ghaH vISovchoH vIneH. I'd like to get to know her. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Ouvre l'armoire de gauche, les bouteilles sont là. Open the cupboard to the left, the bottles are in there. Open the left arm, the bottles are there. Anak laki-lakiku masih percaya akan Santa Claus. My son still believes in Santa Claus. My boys still believe in Santa Claus. לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel good, but I went to work. ئالىي مەكتەپكە كىرگەندىن كېيىن، ماڭا كومپيۇتېر كېرەك بولىدۇ. I'll need a computer once at college. After I entered high school, I needed a computer. Είσαι σίγουρη ότι πάτησες το τελευταίο κουμπί; Are you sure you pressed the last button? Are you sure you hit the last button? Ο Τομ είπε στη Μαίρη την ηλικία του. Tom told Mary his age. Tom told Mary his age. Jam i lumtur sepse duke filluar nga sot, nuk kemi shkollë deri në shtator. I'm happy because beginning today, we have no school until September. I'm happy because starting today, we haven't been in school until September. Megértetted? Got it? Do you understand? Я стал адвокатом, чтобы помогать людям. I became a lawyer to help people. I became a lawyer to help people. मी तुमच्यासारख्या लोकांना दररोज भेटतो. I meet people like you every day. I am daily with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. 船逆流航行。 The boat is going against the current. It's a ship's reverse voyage. La chiave è stata lasciata nella stanza. The key was left in the room. The key was left in the room. Glimlachend begroette ze de heer Kato. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. She hailed Mr. Kato with a smile. גוט שבת! Shabbat Shalom! Gotta sit down! טום ומרי אוחזים יד ביד. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Se kissa syö. The cat eats. The cat's eating. Tom je bio više nego darežljiv. Tom has been most than generous. Tom was more than generous. Jeden krok a budeš mŕtvy! Move a step, and you'll be a dead man! One step and you'll be dead! Tom možda proba da ubedi Meri da uradi to. Tom might try to convince Mary to do that. Tom might try to convince Mary to do that. Centimetrul este o unitate de lungime. A centimeter is a unit of length. The centimeter is a long unit. Απαγορεύεται το κάπνισμα στον σχολικό χώρο. It is forbidden to smoke on school premises. There's a ban on smoking in school. Unë kam një llogari Facebook-u. I have a Facebook account. I have a Facebook account. Szerintem mindenki éhes. I think everybody's hungry. I think everybody's hungry. Tom está fazendo a barba em seu quarto. Tom is shaving in his room. Tom's making the bar in his room. நான் வீட்டிற்கு நடக்க வேண்டியிருந்தது I had to walk home. I had to go home. 你可唔可以話我知我錯喺邊呀? Will you tell me where I am wrong? Why don't you tell me I know I'm wrong on the side? 彼女はソナタを演奏した。 She played a sonata. She played Sonata. Pro quo vole vu devenir infirmera? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why do you want to become a nurse? Számítok önökre, hogy csatlakoznak hozzánk. I'm counting on you to join us. I'm counting on you to join us. Vou te escrever ou te ligar na semana que vem. I'll write you or call you next week. I'll write you or call you next week. 彼は有能な人だが、他方では、私たちに要求が多すぎる。 He is able man, but on the other hand he asks too much of us. He's a capable man, but on the other hand, we have too many demands. Niemand bleibt stehen, um ihm zuzuhören. No one stops to listen to him. No one remains to listen to him. Мисля, че той е невинен. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Mój ojciec zawsze wymyśla coś dowcipnego do powiedzenia. My father always comes up with something witty to say. My father always had something wonderful to say. Metai praeina greitai. The years pass by quickly. It's getting too fast. 這張照片真漂亮! What a beautiful picture! This photo is beautiful! Прочетете го отново, ако обичате. Read it again, please. Read it again if you love it. Том не хочет, чтобы я пошёл. Tom doesn't want me to go. Tom doesn't want me to go. त्यांनी तिला अजिबात लक्ष्य दिलं नाही. He paid no attention to her. They did not set goals for her at this time. Tom nem próbálta meg leplezni az igazságot. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to impress the truth. A zúzmara jégkristálylerakódás. Frost is a layer of ice crystals. The summer ice crystal code. त्या चिडल्या. She got angry. He said: “I am the least of the apostles, and I am not worthy of being called an apostle, because Ḥmiɣ. I am hot. I love you. Maak jullie zakken leeg. Empty your bags. Empty your bags. Том — рідкісний покидьок. Tom's a total bellend. Tom is a rare sight. 温度計は10度を指している。 The thermometer reads 10C. The temperature is 10 times. Tom'un ne düşündüğünü bilmek isterdim. I'd be interested to know what Tom thinks. I'd like to know what Tom was thinking. Das Feuer verwandelte das gesamte Dorf zu Asche. The fire reduced the whole village to ashes. The fire turned the entire village into Asche. Malhavante pli bonan farendaĵon, Tomo decidis fari longan promenon. For the lack of something better to do, Tom decided to take a long walk. In spite of the best thing to do, Tom decided to make a long walk. תום יצא מן המשאית. Tom got out of the truck. Tom got out of the car. Sed mi neniam havis vin. But I never had you. But I never had you. Toko ini buka sepanjang tahun. The store is open all the year round. It's open all year long. 如果它是高品質的東西我會很樂意多付一點錢。 I'd gladly pay more for something if it's of high quality. If it's a high quality thing, I'd be happy to pay a little more money. Mary es homófoba. Mary's homophobic. Mary's gay. mi na djuno lo nu ra jdice lo nu cliva I didn't know he had decided to leave. I don't like it in yesterday. I don't like it. I don't like it. Πες μου αν χρειάζεται να κάνω κάποιες αλλαγές. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Tell me if I need to make some changes. Ja bih otišao. I'd leave. I'd go. Tom ur yebɣi ara ad imudd afus i Mary. Tom won't help Mary. Tom did not want to talk to Mary about it. Näme? What? Why? Portağal şirəsi istərdim. I'd like orange juice. I'd like a bottle of Portuguese. 教育の重要性はいくら強調してもしすぎることはない。 It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of education. The importance of education is not overemphasized. כ'זע דעם ווײַסן לייב. I see the white lion. Let's see the Weisen Live. Is Tel Aviv cathair álainn é. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. Tel Aviv is a beautiful city. Kam půjdeme zítra? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? لا يمكننا فعل أي شيء حيال ذلك. We can do nothing about it. We can't do anything about that. Supongo que ahora me tengo que ir. I guess I'll have to leave now. I guess I have to go now. chay' paqvetlh DaSamta'? How did you find that book? What about DaSamta? Quels résultats attends-tu ? What results do you anticipate? What results do you expect? Dienai ir divdesmit četras stundas. A day has twenty-four hours. Day and twenty-four hours. Bio sam jedini muškarac u turističkoj grupi. Ostatak su činile arapkinje koje žive u Istanbulu. I was the only man in the tour group. The others were 7 Arab women who live in Istanbul. I was the only man in the tourist group. Lia malsano estas unu el miaj timoj. His illness is one of my anxieties. His disease is one of my fears. Ili elvolvis siajn sanviĉojn. They unwrapped their sandwiches. They invented their own sandwiches. Насколько большой ящик вам нужен? How big a box do you need? How much do you need? Níl an t-iasc san uisce. The fish is not in the water. The fish is not in the water. Tio vere ne estus necesa. That really won't be necessary. That really wouldn't be necessary. 彼女を驚かせようという考えが突然私の頭にひらめいた。 The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. The thought of surpriseing her suddenly hit my head. Wir haben nie über Religion gesprochen. We never talked about religion. We never talked about religion. Egin ahal dudala uste dut. I think I can do it. I think I can do it. Du malede væggene. You painted the walls. You made the walls. Те молам дај се од себе. Please do your best. Please give it to yourself. برای خانه با او چانه زدیم. We bargained with him for the house. We fought with him for the house. तुला तुझी कबाइल भाषा आवडते. You like your Kabyle language. You love the language of your lips. Édesapám több mint tizenöt évet élt Nagoyában. My father lived in Nagoya for over fifteen years. My father lived in Nagoya for more than ten years. Том тоже говорит по-французски. Tom speaks French, too. Tom also speaks French. Utahari sico kimwe. It isn't the same without you. There is no such thing as love with hypocrisy. Nousin ylös tuntia aikaisemmin kuin tavallisesti. I got up an hour earlier than I usually do. I got up an hour earlier than usual. Elle lui conseilla de rester chez lui. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him to stay with him. Том е љубезен. Tom is kind. Tom's kind. Tom Mary'ye tuvalette sifonu çekmeyi unutmamasını hatırlattı. Tom reminded Mary not to forget to flush the toilet. Tom reminded Mary that he didn't forget to take the symphony in the bathroom. Non volete vederlo? Don't you want to see him? Don't you want to see him? Tettwaliḍ d akken ilaq ad xedmeɣ aya? Do you think I could do that? Do you think that I will do this thing?' Tom miał znakomity pomysł. Tom had a splendid idea. Tom had a significant idea. Elment enni. He went out to eat. He's gone. Ko tu meklē? What're you looking for? What are you looking for? Tom'un gerçekten bunu yapmak zorunda. Tom really does have to do that. Tom really has to do this. Hest du de Telefoonnummer opschreven? Did you write down the telephone number? Did you write the phone number? Я повністю згодна. I completely agree. I'm totally comfortable. Çäre sagat günertan 3-de başlaýar. The event starts at 3pm. It starts at 3:00 a.m. from the sun. Wir haben heute Abend zwei geile Weiber abgeschleppt. We bagged two hot girls tonight. We've got two pairs of women off tonight. Vím, co Tom míval rád. I know what Tom used to like. I know what Tom liked. Cái này không vừa. This doesn't fit. This isn't just. 我的公寓在四樓。 My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment is in the fourth floor. 我從來沒有吃過中國菜。 I've never tried Chinese food. I've never eaten Chinese food. Esque vu vole partir un orange con me? Do you want to share an orange with me? Did you want to come out of an orange with me? 他來看我了。 He came to see me. He's here to see me. मी रेडियो बंद केला. I turned off the radio. I stopped the radio. Hij schrijft een brief. He's writing a letter. He's writing a letter. Γεννηθήκαμε το ίδιο έτος. We were born in the same year. We were born the same year. Eg vil gjera det sjølv. I want to do it myself. I'll do it myself. Es hora de reflexionar sobre tu pasado. It's time to reflect on your past. It's time to think about your past. Μερικές φορές σας καταλαβαίνω. Sometimes I understand you. Sometimes I understand you. mi pacna lo nu do za'ure'u fonta'a I hope you will call again. Just because a crosswalk looks like a hopscotch board doesn't mean it is one तू या इमारतीत राहतेस का? Do you live in this building? Do you live in this house? Ze verkoopt een vintage-hoed. She sells a vintage hat. She's selling a winter dress. چه رنگی دوست داری؟ Which color do you prefer? What color do you have? Holl den Sabbel! Shut up! All the Sabbels! Bazen onun tam tersi olur. Sometimes it's just the opposite. Sometimes he'll be completely different. Beszélget. She is talking. He's talking. Eha'ã jey. Try again. Ha, Meem. Jag njöt av det. I was enjoying it. I'm tired of it. 那是一個月前了。 That was a month ago. That was a month ago. Ben onlar için geri dönmek zorundayım. I have to go back for them. I have to go back for them. Дан ги украси ѕидовите од својата соба со расистички симболи. Dan decorated the walls of his room with racist symbols. Dan stole the walls from his room with racist symbols. Yo parla irlandesi fluentmen, ma yo ne usa it frequentmen. I speak Irish fluently, but don't use it very often. They speak Irish flown, but they don't use it frequently. Sjednimo tu na travu. Let's sit here on the grass. Let's sit here on the grass. विचार महत्त्वाचा. It's the thought that counts. Think of the value of thinking. Том и Мери не говореха на френски. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Zwyzywali Toma. They verbally abused Tom. They called Tom. การก่อสร้างเริ่มต้นเมื่อ 20 ตุลาคม 2013 Construction started October 20, 2013. Construction started on October 20, 2013 Kas yw genev ow abransow. I hate my eyebrows. You have to send a bug report. 你認真㗎? Do you really mean that? Are you serious? ki'a Excuse me? Octal Tom har stadig ikke mødt Mary. Tom still hasn't met Mary. Tom hasn't met Mary yet. Πόσες φορές πρέπει να πω όχι; How many times do I have to say no? How many times do I have to say no? Ĝi estas popkanto. It's a pop song. It's a popcorn. Sie ist wirklich eine Schönheit. She's a real beauty. She's really a beauty. O, güneşlikleri kapattı. She pulled the blinds down. He has covered the sun. Ad teddum yid-i? Will you come with me? Have we met him? तुम्हा दोघांना झालं तरी काय? What happened to you two? What about you two? Pyth esos ow hwilas? What are you looking for? Do you want to store this password for %1? Es gibt in dieser Straße einige alte Häuser. There are some old houses on this street. There are some old houses in this street. Je suis désolé de ne pas vous avoir écrit pendant aussi longtemps. I am sorry that I haven't written to you in such a long time. I'm sorry I haven't written you so long. Non ho nulla da perdere. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. मेरे मोहल्ले में बहुत सारे लोग हैं। There are a lot of horses in my neighbourhood. There's a lot of people in my past. La paix est revenue après trois années de guerre. Peace has returned after three years of war. Peace came after three years of war. 我妹妹比你矮。 My sister is shorter than you. My sister's better than you. Ji valgo obuolį. She's eating an apple. She's eating the apple. Tragam de volta. Bring it back. Bring it back. Oculōs viridēs habet. She has green eyes. It's in the middle of the ocean. Strictemente parlante, illa non es qualificate pro le empleo. Strictly speaking, she's not qualified for the job. In strictly speaking, she is not qualified for employment. 時早く過ぎる。 Time flies. It's too early. Roma İtaliyadadır. Rome is in Italy. Rome is in Italy. Ich stehe gewöhnlich um 6.30 Uhr auf. I usually get up at 6:30. I usually stand up at 6.30 a.m. Ե՞րբ ես գնումներ կատարում: When do you shop? When are you doing shopping? דאס איז א בילד פונעם ערשטן באן, וואס האט געגאנגען צווישן טאָקיאָ און יאָקאָהאַמאַ. This is a picture of the first train that ran between Tokyo and Yokohama. This is a picture of the first line that went between Tokyo and Yokohama. त्याने आशा सोडली व विष घेऊन आत्महत्या केली. He lost hope and killed himself by taking poison. He lost hope, and he lost his self - respect. Зошто Том мора да оди во Бостон? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? Why does Tom have to go to Boston? אנו לא יכולים לחשוף מידע מסווג. We can't reveal classified information. We can't dig up Savage's data. لن يستطيع أن يدرس من شدة التعب. He is too tired to study. She can't learn from the difficulty. कोणत्या कंपनीत कामाला आहेस? Which company do you work for? What kind of work are you doing? جامعه متشکل از اشخاص است. The community is made up of individuals. The harvest is great, but the workers are few. A két fiútestvér egymásra mosolyogtak. The two brothers smiled at each other. The two boys were smiling at each other. Vajíčko je tvrdé. The egg is hard. Your daughter's tough. Newwet-d lemɛun ɣef berru. We referred to divorce. There was a voice from the heavens that said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." A'e i porang. They are beautiful. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Tom ha fatto di un sassolino una montagna. Tom made a mountain out of a molehill. Tom made a son of a bitch a mountain. Jesteśmy tylko przestraszeni. We're just scared. We're just scared. Se almenaŭ mi estus farinta miajn hejmtaskojn! If only I'd done my homework! If I had done my homework at least! ¿Por qué no ha dejado de fumar? Why didn't he stop smoking? Why didn't you quit smoking? Tom ha detto che a lui piace insegnare il francese. Tom said he likes teaching French. Tom said he liked to teach French. Том попытается сбежать. Tom is going to try to escape. He's trying to escape. Het is buiten pikzwart. It's totally dark outside. It's out of pixels. แค่นั้นแหละ That's it. That's it. Þú sérð ekki skóginn fyrir trjánum. You can't see the forest for the trees. You don't see the forest before the tree. Boleh tolong buka pintunya? Will you open the door? Can you open the door, please? Şirin yuxular! Sweet dreams! Oh, my God! Tom yekreh Mary. Tom hated Mary. Tom's right Mary. Том единственный, кто что-то сказал. Tom is the only one who said anything. Tom's the only one who said something. DuH qo' pIm. Another world is possible. DuH kho. Orotian oku do togumu toi ko tokuri. I understand it more or less. At that moment, I don’t feel quite so alone in my grief. Биди машко. Be a man. Be a man. תום חבש כובע? Was Tom wearing a hat? You're wearing a haircut? Mindig másokra támaszkodik. He always relies on other people. He's always attacking others. Ji liudijo prieš jį. She testified against him. She witnessed before him. İngiliscə cümlələrimi düzəltə bilərsinizmi? Can you correct my English sentences? Can You Edit English? Contra sua fali el senti ce el es felis. He feels happy in spite of his failure. To talk about the feeling he's happy. Trebam još kave. I need more coffee. I need more coffee. Гледај го цртежон. Look at that drawing. Look at the drawing. Tom, hadien jong me! Tom, behind you! Tom, come on, young man! হ্রদটা কি খুব গভীর? Is the lake deep? Is the chest too deep? Anda tṛuḥed? Where did you go? You're gone? 健康のほうがもっと大事でしょう。 Your health is more important. It's going to be more important than health. टॉम मेरा लड़का है। Tom is my son. Tom is my son. Ele é pequeno e fraco. He is small and weak. He's small and weak. "Nec tacui demens, et me, fors si qua tulisset, / si patrios umquam remeassem victor ad Argos, / promisi ultorem, et verbis odia aspera movi. / Hinc mihi prima mali labes; hinc semper Ulixes / criminibus terrere novis, hinc spargere voces / in vulgum ambiguas, et quærere conscius arma. / Nec requievit enim, donec Calchante ministro..." "Nor in my madness kept my purpose low, / but vowed, if e'er should happier chance invite, / and bring me home a conqueror, even so / my comrade's death with vengeance to requite. / My words aroused his wrath; thence evil's earliest blight. / Thenceforth Ulysses sought with slanderous tongue / to daunt me, scattering in the people's ear / dark hints, and looked for partners of his wrong; / nor rested, till with Calchas' aid, the seer..." "I didn't shut down yesterday, and I, perhaps if I took it, / if my parents would never remain a winner in Argos, / Promises later, and words I'd hate to move. / I don't have the first bad lips; here always Ulixes / criminals in the new world, here to spread voices / in the ambiguity, and four conscious arms./ No, until Mr. Calchante..." Moja siostra wychodzi za mąż. My sister's getting married. My sister's out for a husband. Sie isst eine Birne. She's eating a pear. She's a bear. Я хочу верить, что всё в порядке. I want to believe that everything's all right. I want to believe it's all right. Jen la vilaĝo, kie mia patro naskiĝis. This is the village where my father was born. This is the village where my father was born. A confissão dela veio como uma surpresa. Her confession came as a surprise. Her confession came as a surprise. li re su'i re du li xo What is 2 + 2? Move ~a onto the king of diamonds. Nem akarom, hogy ez a titok nyilvánosságra kerüljön. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret to become public. Myhmanymyz boluň. Be our guest. Be hospitable. Nga ioh beer. I've got beer. From yoh beer. Не можеш да бъдеш сериозен. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. La xico gusta pasea en la site. The boy likes to walk in the city. The kid likes to go through the website. Me gusta la portuges brasilera. I like Brazilian Portuguese. I like Brazilian Portuguese. 你不是他的对手。 You're no match for him. You're not his opponent. Zavolej, až budeš připravený jít. Call me when you're ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Arumt-as i Tom! Write Tom. Let's go and get Tom! Eu não disse nada. I didn't say a thing. I didn't say anything. Ricardo vagyok. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Jeg kan ikke udstå hans attitude. I can't stand that attitude of his. I can't express his attitude. Ez dut dirurik. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Están idos de la cabeza. They're insane. They're old-fashioned. Omna voyi duktas a Roma. All roads lead to Rome. It's all due to Rome. Non l'abbiamo vista ultimamente. We haven't seen her of late. We haven't seen him lately. Яны жоўтыя. They are yellow. They're yellow. Γιατί το θέλουν; Why do they need that? Why do they want it? Мені потрібні ці гроші. I need this money. I need that money. Onde está a minha mãe? Where's my mom? Where's my mother? तुम तो उसे जानती हो। You know her. You know him. Sen ol dünýä ynanýañmy? Do you believe in afterlife? Do you believe in the world? Gå och fyll ispåsen. Go fill the ice pack. Go and fill in the bag. Μας λείψατε. We missed you. We missed you. Estou feliz por você estar seguro. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad you're safe. Neniam komparu vian edzinon kun alia virino. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Jimmy blev såret i en trafikulykke. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a traffic accident. Mokinongou iyolo. They're listening. That's it. Той се сприятелява с всички, които срещне. He makes friends with everybody he meets. He's friends with everyone he meets. 我呒没办法回答所有问题。 I couldn't answer all the questions. I can't answer all the questions. התמרור בצומת לא העלה את מספר התאונות בעיר. The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city. The response didn't raise the number of protests in the city. Kanof i lugön! She can even tell lies! Canof, calm down! Tom wil zijn CO2-voetafdruk verkleinen. Tom wants to reduce his carbon footprint. Tom wants to reduce his CO2 pressure. يا أحمق! You idiot! Son of a bitch! Porta il vaso da qualche parte dove c'è la luce del sole. Bring the vase somewhere where there is sunlight. Take the van from somewhere where there's the light of the sun. Pada śnieg. It is snowing. A snowfall. Бұл маған ұнап тұр. I like it. That's what I like. Τι σας έχουν κάνει; What have they done to you? What have they done to you? 彼女は目に涙を浮かべて立ちあがった。 She rose to her feet with tears in her eyes. She looked at her face with tears in her eyes. Ég rakst fljótlega á kassa merktan Terry Tate. I soon came across a box labeled Terry Tate. I'll be right back at Terry Tate's. Я ничего не сказал, потому что не знал, что говорить. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. 你用什么打开的? What did you open it with? What did you open with? हमर नाम टॉम छी। My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Meri je katolik, ali njen dečko je ateista. Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. Mary's a Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist. وہ بہت مزاحیہ ہو گا۔ That will be funny. He'll be very happy. Támogatnia kell az anyját és a nővérét. He has to support his mother and his sister. He needs to support his mother and his sister. Tio estas nura takso. It's only an estimate. It's just a fee. मार्को आठवड्यातून दोनदा टेनिस खेळतो. Marco plays tennis twice a week. Marco plays tennis twice a week. Μου αρέσει εκείνο το τραγούδι. I like that song. I like that song. Ja mislim da bi Tom mogao to napraviti. I think Tom could do that. I think Tom could do that. Я вам это сто раз говорил. I've told you so a hundred times. I told you a hundred times. Sami bisa mengubah dirinya sendiri. Sami can change himself. Sam can change himself. Il fut embarrassé, comme j'insistai pour lui lire les critiques de son nouveau livre. He was embarrassed when I insisted on reading the criticism of his new book. He was enbarrassed, as I insisted on reading the criticisms of his new book. Han var blot 36 år gammel. He was just thirty-six years old. He was only 36 years old. 你在哪里看到Nancy的? Where did you see Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? İfadeni anlamak istiyorum. I want to see your expression. I want to understand your expression. Aspice filium meum, quaeso. Please keep your eye on my child. Look at my son, I'm asking. Tom yüzmeyi severdi. Tom liked swimming. Tom likes to go. Tony es un chico educado. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a trained boy. La manĝaĵo dum tiu krozado igis min grave konstipita. The food on this cruise made me severely constipated. The food during this craziness made me serious. 結果はまだ不確かである。 The result is still in doubt. The results are still uncertain. Sommeren er omme. Summer is over. The summer is over. この大きさを超える犬はいない。 There is no dog which is bigger than this one. There's no dog that exceeds this size. Tom planas ion apartan por la naskiĝtago de Mary. Tom's planning something special for Mary's birthday. Tom's planning something special for Mary's birthday. 湯姆求他父親給他買新自行車。 Tom begged his father to buy him a new bicycle. Tom asked his father to buy him a new car. Том ухаживает за лошадьми. Tom tends to the horses. Tom's going after the bad guys. Caoimhe a un grand chien. Caoimhe has a big dog. Help a big man. Bir ya da iki dakika içinde iyi olacağım. I'll be all right in a minute or two. I'll be fine in a minute or two. Kao guaha patgon-mu? Do you have a child? Like your son's wife? ह्या मोज्यात भोक आहे. There's a hole in this sock. That's a lot of trouble. Orang-orang di penjuru dunia merayakan Tahun Baru Tiongkok. Many people around the world celebrate the Chinese New Year. People in the world celebrate the New Year of Tiongkok. 我想聽清楚演講內容,便坐在了前面。 I sat at the front in order to hear the lecture clearly. I want to hear the contents of the speech and sit in front. Я відвідую курси водіїв. I go to a driving school. I'll see the driver's course. Sreo sam tvog oca jučer. I met your dad yesterday. I met your father yesterday. Toms musikksmak er ganske like min. Tom's taste in music is similar to mine. Tom's music is just like mine. Hulle het gesê dat hulle dit nog altyd gedoen het. They said they've always done that. They said that they were still doing so. Hoe kan ik helpen? How can I help? How can I help? Я нашёл под стулом пару перчаток. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. I found a couple of pieces under the table. Masz jakiś tatuaż? Do you have any tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? Suns neapēda gaļu. The dog didn't eat the meat. Sun doesn't touch the flesh. Aru-tt-id s tefransist. Write it in French. Aru-tt-id with the French. Mungkin besok saya akan pergi. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow. Maybe I'll go tomorrow. Δε θα τρέξω. I won't run. I'm not running. Ei se îndreaptă către Londra. They set out for London. They're heading to London. 我不想接受手術。 I don't want to have an operation. I don't want to accept surgery. Итно ми требаш. I urgently need you. I need you right now. Regarde! Behold. Look! Hastez! Hurry up. Let's go! هل تهتم بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Are you interested in sports? Vamos comer juntos. Let's go eat together. Let's eat together. Kial vi ĉiam malfruas? Why is it that you are always late? Why do you always cry? Pidän kävelytyylistäsi. I like the way you walk. I like your behavior. Il fit un voyage autour du monde. He made a journey around the world. He made a trip around the world. मला बोलावंसं वाटत नाहीये. I don't feel like talking. I don’t want to be called. A papámnak egy csörgődobot adtam ajándékba. I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift. My dad gave me a piece of candy to give. Benjamin Franklin estis usona ŝtatisto kaj inventisto. Benjamin Franklin was an American statesman and inventor. Benjamin Franklin was an American statesman and inventor. O meu pai é piloto de voos nacionais. My father is a pilot on the domestic line. My father's a national flight pilot. Tom sada zna to. Tom knows that now. Tom knows that now. Σήμερα το πρωί ξύπνησα νωρίς. I woke up early this morning. I woke up early this morning. どうぞおかけになってください。 Please have a seat. Let's get out of here. Es ist gerade ein Jahr her, dass ich verheiratet bin. It is just a year since I got married. It's just a year ago that I'm married. ئىمكان يوق. That's impossible. Can not get folder: %s: %s Qandi çé maé tiyad? What are we here for? Where are you going? 等朋友等太久时,会感到烦躁. I feel restless when I have to wait too long for my friend to show up. When friends wait too long, they'll feel sad. Tom no ia ave mone sufisinte per vade a la conserta. Tom didn't have enough money to go to the concert. Tom didn't have enough money to go to the poll. ئۇنى قايىل قىلىدىغانلار بەك جىق. There are many who admire him. Woe to those who reject it! Изглежда, че ще започне да вали сняг. It looks like it's going to snow. Looks like he's gonna start breaking the snow. तसं पुन्हा कधीही करू नकोस! Don't do that ever again! Never again will he allow the righteous one to totter! איר זענט שטאַרקער ווי מיר. You're stronger than we are. You're as sharp as me. Tom viu que Mary estava chateada. Tom saw that Mary was upset. Tom saw that Mary was upset. Betty kører hurtigt. Betty drives fast. Betty's driving fast. Acḥal d asseggas i ilaq ad tessiweḍ-d akken ad tzewǧeḍ fiḥel ccweṛ-nsen? How old do you have to be to get married without your parents' permission? And when the days of thy years are fulfilled, will ye gather them together, and bind them in bundles to burn them? Můžeš použít můj. You can use mine. You can use mine. शंभरचे दहा टक्के म्हणजे दहा. Ten is ten percent of one hundred. The tenth part was ten shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; and the tenth part was ten shekels. Бих искал да намеря лекар, говорещ френски. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'd like to find a doctor who speaks French. آنها می توانند آن کالاها را خیلی ارزان تر تولید کنند. They can produce those goods/merchandise for much cheaper. They are more able to bear the wings of the eagle than to bear the wings of the eagle. Този пътеводител може да ти е от полза при пътуването. This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guide may be of benefit to you on your journey. כל האנשים שווים בפני החוק. All men are equal according to the law. All the people who deserve the law. Hän asuu vielä vanhempiensa kanssa. He still lives with his parents. He's still living with his parents. Może padać po południu. It might rain in the afternoon. It may fall in the south. तो नागासाकीमध्ये राहतो. He lives in Nagasaki. He lives in Nagasaki. Jeg har været over det hele. I've been all over. I've been over it all. An le pomo es rubie? Is the apple red? What's wrong with the pomo? إن ذلك مهم بالنسبة لي. For me, it's important. That's important to me. Ten przepis wymaga czterech dojrzałych pomidorów. The recipe calls for four ripe tomatoes. This rule requires four adult migratings. Comment avez-vous trouvé ceci ? How did you find this? How did you find this? Mówiłeś, że jak długo byłeś w Bostonie? How long did you say you were in Boston? You said how long you been in Boston? Ze heeft een jas nodig. She needs a coat. She needs a shirt. Toms ir stabils. Tom is stable. They're stable. Hiányoznak, igaz? You miss them, don't you? They're missing, aren't they? La qualité du riz diminue. The quality of rice is going down. The quality of rice is reduced. ko kargau lo moklu gi'e ga'orgau lo kanla Open your mouth and close your eyes. Install a minimal virtual machine Urazi ico ubaza? Do you know what you're asking? Do you know what you are thinking? Ta on Prantsusmaal käinud kolm korda. He has visited France three times. He's been in France three times. Kig ikke ud ad vinduet. Koncentrer jer om jeres arbejde. Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work. Don't look out the window, focus on your work. Arrête simplement de m'ennuyer, d'accord ? Just stop bugging me, okay? You just stop bothering me, okay? Tôi mệt rã rời. I am completely exhausted. I'm tired of leaving. Не треба да облекуваш ништо гиздаво. You don't need to wear anything fancy. You don't have to dress anything funny. आप अपने बाल क्यों नहीं काटते? Why don't you cut your hair? Why don't you kill your baby? אני תפוס בזה הרגע. I'm occupied at the moment. I'll catch it right away. Ele cometeu um erro de propósito. He made a mistake on purpose. He made a deliberate mistake. Li ĉiam pensas dek paŝojn antaŭe. He always thinks ten steps ahead. He always thinks of ten steps ahead. Съвсем наскоро започнах да уча френски, така че не съм много добър. I've just started to learn French, so I'm not very good at it yet. I've just started to learn French lately, so I'm not very good. أنا ذهبت إلى مدرسة ثانوية تجارية. I went to a commercial high school. I went to business secondary school. .i mi nelci lo melbi ju santa I like beautiful things even if they are umbrellas. ..and you can't milk me. I'm holy. Þú getur kallað hann lygara, en þú getur ekki kallað hann vondan mann. You may call him a liar, but you cannot call him a bad man. You can call him a liar, but you can't call him a liar. Казал съм на Том всичко, което съм казал и на тебе. I've told Tom everything I've told you. I told Tom everything I said to you. Tom jest geniuszem? Is Tom a genius? Tom's a genius? Cuius ursus est? Whose bear is it? What's the rush? Dette er det siste toget. This is the last train. This is the last train. سأساعدك إن أمكن. I'll help you if possible. I'll help you if I can. Tom mi řekl, že jsi nemocný. Tom told me you were sick. Tom told me you were sick. Er weiß, was vor sich geht. He knows what's going on. He knows what's going on. Robert suka mengobrol dengan pacarnya. Robert likes to chat with his boyfriend. Robert likes to talk to his girlfriend. An isto es blau? Is this blue? Is this blue? Byłem parę dni w Nowym Jorku. I was in New York for a few days. I was in New York a couple of days. L'Italiani drinkas kafeo nultempe. The Italians never drink coffee. Italy never drinks coffee. Nadat Tom vier keer een verkeerde pincode had ingegeven, slikte de geldautomaat zijn kaart in. After Tom had entered four wrong PIN numbers, the ATM swallowed his card. After Tom had entered a wrong pincode four times, so the cash auto is in his card. אמרתי לא. I said no. I said no. Γιατί μ' αγαπάτε τόσο πολύ; Why do you love me so much? Why do you love me so much? Sinaasappelsap of champagne? Orange juice or champagne? Cinnamon or champagne? 他不是美國人,是法國人。 He is not an American but a Frenchman. He's not American, he's French. この景色を見ると、懐かしい生まれ故郷の町を思い出すよ。 This scenery carries me back to my old native town. When you look at this scene, you remember the city of the birthplace. ghorgh juH Dachegh? When will you come home? Do you know Dachechgh? 下下一站是上野站。 Ueno is the station after next. Next station is uptown. Diri'k masusugad ha iya. I'll never be like him. I'm not like him. Poingizon zou doiho id Yokohama. I live in Yokohama. Yokohama's name was Poignizon. Budeme jesť. We'll eat. We'll be there. Avete fatto bene qui. You've done well here. You've done well here. Jag låg på sjukhus i några dagar. I was in the hospital for a few days. I've been in the hospital for a few days. أتمنى لك نومًا هادئًا يا تِمِي.‏‏ Sleep well, Timmy. I hope you have a name, honey. Tiene miedo de ir en avión. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid to fly. Me gustó mucho el artículo que leí. I liked a lot the article I read. I liked the article I read. Той пристигна два дни по-рано. He arrived two days previously. He arrived two days earlier. 我在我爸的公司一直感觉不自在。 I never felt at ease in my father's company. I've always felt like I wasn't in my dad's company. Ejja miegħi! Come with me! Come with me! Você não está atrasada? Aren't you late? You're not late? Jeg vokste opp på landsbygda. I grew up in the country. I grew up in rural areas. Níl aithne agam ar Tomás. I don't know Tom. I don't know Tomás. Mám rád jaro. I like spring. I like iron. Dê um clique duplo no ícone. Double-click on the icon. Give a double click on the icon. I l'hai mai vist doe përson-e annamorà coma Tom e Mary. I've never seen two people so much in love as Tom and Mary. You've seen him like Tom and Mary. 他站在那里,一脸茫然。 He was standing there with a vacant look. He stood there, face to face. Sami droagt n tulbaand. Sami wears a turban. Sami's in the middle of nowhere. तारीख चुन ली गई है पर जगह नहीं। The date has been appointed but the place has not. The date has been selected, but not the location. Aimeriez-vous sortir prendre un verre après le travail ? Would you like go out for a drink after work? Would you like to come out and take a glass after work? Je n'ai rien à lire. I don't have anything to read. I have nothing to read. Η χώρα είναι αντιμέτωπη με μια οικονομική κρίση. The country is confronted with a financial crisis. The country is faced with an economic crisis. Mit Tom wäre es jetzt lustiger. If Tom were here, we'd be having more fun. Tom would be more fun now. Подивіться-но на те болото. Look at that swamp. Look at that poor one. Tartsunk egy kis szünetet! Let's take a short pause. Let's hold on a little bit. 你通常幾點起床? What time do you usually get up? How often do you get up? Sarameɣ ad yi-d-tḥesseḍ. I hope you'll hear me out. I beg you to hear me. Kéž bych byl do té funkce nenastoupil. I wish that I hadn't taken the office. I wish I hadn't been able to do that. Equus est. This is a horse. That's right. Ze hebben mijn idee gestolen. They stole my idea. They stole my idea. Der Diktator unterdrückte das Volk. The dictator oppressed the people. The dictator oppressed the people. Mig skal du ikke tale til på den måde! You will not speak to me like that. I don't want you to talk to me that way! قل الحقيقة دائماً. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Dheŋga dhaiñem ci? Can you help me? How long have you been there? Han tog sin tid. He took his time. He took his time. Un catto esseva sedite sur le sedia. A cat was sitting on the chair. A cat was sitting on the seat. Deze sinaasappelen zijn bedorven. These oranges have gone bad. These synapses are buried. Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. थांबा, नाहीतर मी बंदूक चालवेन. Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop, or I'll go to jail. A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At the start, Meg wakes up at home. ئۇ ئەتە مەكتەپكە ماڭىدۇ. He is going to go to school tomorrow. He goes to the graves in the morning, ती भारतातच प्रसिद्ध नव्हे तर चीनमध्येही प्रसिद्ध आहे. She is not only well known in India, but is also well known in China. It is known not only in India but also in China. Przytulili. They hugged. They gave it to me. Hon rörde om pulverkaffet och hällde i mjölk. She stirred the instant coffee and poured in milk. She was talking about the powder coffee, and she was in milk. Tom yezzi ar Mary. Tom turned to Mary. Tom's talking to Mary. Käwagt ýerime ýetirmek kyn düşünmeseñ. It's sometimes difficult to do away with misunderstandings. At times, it may not be easy to understand why we need to adjust our schedule. Ён гуляў у баскетбол. He played basketball. He played in basketball. Bitte ruf mich morgen früh auf jeden Fall an. Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Please call me tomorrow at any time. Ун десиниа тан бела! What a beautiful drawing! He knows its full weight! Тези коне са на Том. These horses are Tom's. These horses are Tom's. Je moet geen dingen maar half doen. You shouldn't do things by halves. You don't have to do anything but half. jIjang vIneH. jIjanglaH'a'? I have a few questions. Would it be OK if I asked them? Jljang veneH. JljanglaH'a'? Li tenebrositá plesa a vampires. Vampires like darkness. It's darker than vampires. Kamata e gahua haau he hola fiha? What time do you start work? How long does your work start? کنت یک رهبر زائیده شده است. Kent is the born leader. The earth is full of your productions. The earth is full of your productions. Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να πας με τον Τομ; Are you sure you want to go with Tom? Are you sure you want to go with Tom? Je me suis spécialisé en philosophie, à mon université. I majored in philosophy at my university. I'm specialized in philosophy at my university. او مطلقاً هیچ دشمنی ندارد. He has absolutely no enemies. He had no enemies at all. یادت باشد در را قفل کنی. Remember to lock the door. Remember that thou shut up the door. Mia patro kaj mi fojfoje iras fiŝkapti. Father and I go fishing once in a while. My father and I often go fishing. Aptiet kummt mit dat Eten, de Döst geiht mit dat Drinken. Appetite comes with eating, the thirst goes away with drinking. Appetite comes with the food that goes down with the drink. Megbukott a vizsgán. He failed the exam. He ran into the exam. 天色开始暗了。麻烦侬帮我开灯。 It's getting dark. Please turn the light on for me. The sun's getting dark. Аз не взех участие в разговора. I didn't take part in the conversation. I didn't take part in the conversation. أنا أستخدم تويتر. I'm using Twitter. I'm using Tother. Es mīlu tevi vairāk kā tu mīli mani. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. Ony özbaşdak hem edip bilersiñ. You can do that yourselves. You can do it on your own. ती कोंबडी आहे. That's chicken. She's a dog. माझ्या आईला केक कशे बनवतात हे माहीत आहे. My mother knows how to make cakes. My mother knows how to make cakes. Kau punya selera humor yang bagus. You have a good sense of humor. You have a good humor. Verspil je adem niet. Don't waste your breath. Don't breathe. E manana'o iai latou I lena. They want that. That's what they want. Tom havas tri hundi. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. הוא ניסה להבין מה שהתרחש. I was trying to make sense of what had happened. He's trying to figure out what's going on. Може ли да Ви имам доверие? Are you trustworthy? Can I trust you? mi na tugni do la'e do'i I disagree with you on this. I don't care if I don't want to Tom sidder på det forreste passagersæde. Tom is sitting in the front passenger seat. Empty places on the first passenger seat. Milyen nyelven beszélsz? What language do you speak? What language are you talking about? Trebuie să vorbim. We must talk. We need to talk. זה ברור. That's obvious. It's clear. Ymmärrätköhän sinä. I wonder whether you understand. You'll understand. Lelyeat. They are going. Let's go. Пособити ли ти? May I help you? Can I help you? Je suis intéressé par l'Histoire japonaise. I am interested in Japanese history. I'm interested in Japanese history. Tom lesöpörte a homokot a lábairól. Tom wiped the sand from his legs. Tom threw the gays out of their legs. Ĉu mi permesatas manĝi tiun ĉi kukon? May I eat this cake? Am I allowed to eat this chicken? 工作了一整天的汤姆想要休息一下。 Tom, who had been working all day, wanted to have a rest. Tom's been working all day trying to rest. Sie trägt einen Pulli aus Wolle. She wears a woolen sweater. She wears a bowl of wool. Unulingvismo estas la analfabeteco de la 21a jarcento. Monolingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st century. Unualism is the analfabity of the 21st century. Tom mrzne kdesi v pustině. Tom is freezing in the middle of nowhere. That's what he hates in the desert. Tha sibh fortanach gu bheil càirdean cho math agaibh. You are fortunate for having such good friends. You are most likely to have good friends. ئۇ يولدا ئېزىپ قالغان ئوخشايدۇ. He may have lost his way. as if they were hidden pearls. Ni estas junaj. We're young. We're young. Giri a destra al prossimo incrocio. Turn right at the next intersection. Move to the right next step. Ninge! It's snowing. Not at all! Texas Yaponiyadan təqribən iki dəfə böyükdür. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Texas is about twice as large as Japan. Es il ver que Tatoeba ha essite comprate per Google pro mille milliones de dollares? Is it true that Tatoeba was bought by Google for 1 billion dollars? Is it true that Tatoeba has been bought for Google for a million dollars? Ol çagalygyndan bäri hekaýa ýazmagyň arzuwyndady. Since early childhood, he dreamed of writing stories. He was eager to write an account of his childhood. gau la .ken. le laktergu'i cu jelca Ken lit the candles. .Ken's lactergue with iron Bonvolu montri vian enirkarton. May I see your boarding pass, please? Please show your wallet. Những người nghe đã bắt đầu ngáp. The listeners had already begun to yawn. The audience has begun to complain. Digli di andarsene. Tell him to leave. Tell him to go. Ottomma dha gi. Here is your dog. Ottomma gave it to me. دعى فتى آخر ليلى للرّقصة. Another boy invited Layla to the dance. Let's have another night for the party. Au ko' milo rumikot hiti. You have no right to be here. They're about a thousand of them. תום מצחקק. Tom is giggling. That's funny. Non ferisca Tom. Don't hurt Tom. Don't hurt Tom. 彼のきざな態度は頭にくる。 His conceited attitude makes me mad. He's going to have a different attitude. ती माझ्याकडे बघत होती. She was looking at me. She looked at me. Kajiyeñben. Tell me. I'm sorry. 她的专业是法国的文学 She majors in French literature. Her profession is French literature. Daha yavaş git lütfen. Please go slower. Go faster, please. Kemm d taqjunt. You're a dog. By the way. Hoch Dochmeymaj luyoymoHlu'. All our things were turned upside down. High Dochmémám luyoym Hlu. Tom ve Mary'nin evleneceklerini düşünüyor musunuz? Do you think Tom and Mary are ever going to get married? Do you think Tom and Mary will get married? Jeg så slet intet. I saw nothing at all. I didn't see anything. Ona inanacak kadar akılsızdım. I was foolish enough to believe him. I didn't understand until I believed in him. Estas multaj ĉevaloj en mia najbaraĵo. There are a lot of horses in my neighbourhood. There are many horses in my neighborhood. Дякую за увагу. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your attention. 佢身体好弱。 His health is fragile. His body is weak. Mi devas ŝargi mian poŝtelefonon. I need to charge my mobile. I have to load my cell phone. Ekungok yu'. Listen to me. I'll be right there. Том сміється. Tom is laughing. Tom laughs. この会社は立派な組織をもっている。 This company has a fine organization. This company has a good organization. M-am uitat împrejur şi am observat că maşina mea era singura pe sosea. I looked around and noticed that mine was the only car on the road. I looked around, and I noticed that my car was the only one on the floor. Tom oli ilmselgelt pettunud. Tom was visibly disappointed. Tom was obviously lying. ここでの喫煙は許されていません。 Smoking is not allowed here. I'm not allowed to smoke here. 1964年にキング牧師はノーベル平和賞を受賞した。 In 1964, Rev. King won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1964, the King was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. Rhedodd yr arth ar fy ôl i. The bear ran after me. The gold was on my back. Що ти про це думаєш? How do you feel about it? What do you think? Henn o teg. That was beautiful. Here's the line. توم ليس مؤهلاً لتدريس المدرسة الثانوية. Tom isn't qualified to teach high school. Tom is not qualified to teach secondary school. Je to jen ode mne realistické. I'm just being realistic. It's just from me realistic. התעלמתי מזה. I ignored it. I'm sorry about that. Tom er fremdeles utenfor. Tom is still outside. Tom's still out there. この川は太平洋に注いでいる。 The river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river is on the Pacific. Mi ne scias, dum kiom da jaroj Tomaso loĝas en Bostono. I don't know how many years Tom lived in Boston. I don't know how many years Thomas lives in Boston. Emilinin lüğəti var? Does Emily have a dictionary? Do you have Emily's license? Ille portava un charpa rubie in diagonal super su pectore. He wore a red sash across his chest. They were carrying a ruby cargo in a diagonal over their pector. Sylkisitkö? Please spit. Would you like that? Esperas demasiado de ella. You are expecting too much of her. You wait too long for her. お昼はもう食べた? Have you eaten your lunch yet? Did you eat it again? Децата са цветята в нашия живот. Children are the flowers of our lives. The kids are the flowers in our life. Nous nous rendîmes à la plage. We went to the beach. We're going to the beach. Mina siin! It's me! I'm here! Том сказав, що він здоровий. Tom said he's healthy. Tom said he was healthy. Tom era impegnatissimo. Tom was real busy. Tom was very busy. Ми ходили на вокзал, щоб проводити Тома. We went to the station to see Tom off. We went to the corner to conduct Tom. 事情总比我们想的要复杂得多。 Things are always more complex than we think. Things are more complicated than we think. 彼は私の借金をどうしても免除してくれないだろう。 He will never forgive my debt. He can't afford my loan at all. To je moja kniha. This is my book. That's my book. Pediludium mihi non placet. I don't like soccer. I don't like the petition. Tom se omluvil za své opoždění. Tom apologized for being late. Tom apologized for his delay. Ne bodi neumen. Don't be foolish. Don't be stupid. Comment était le match ? How was the game? How was the match? Namaki? How are things? What is it? Tom asi nepřijde na čas. Tom won't likely be on time. Tom's probably not coming in time. Diri ko ini mahihimo kun diri ako buligan ni Tom. I can't do this without Tom's help. I can’t do this or Tom won’t help me. Tom yebges. Tom decided. Tom yebges. Ти учиш френски, нали? You study French, don't you? You're learning French, aren't you? Iva. Yes. Iva. Tom sait qu'il a un problème. Tom knows he has a problem. Tom knows he's in trouble. Când te îndoiești, abține-te. When you doubt, abstain. When you doubt, stop. Tom und ich werden nach Boston gehen. Tom and I'll go to Boston. Tom and I are going to Boston. Том беше љубезен со сите пријателки на Мери. Tom was nice to all Mary's friends. Tom was kind to all Mary's friends. Laat maar! Never mind! Let go of me! È docile. He's meek. That's enough. Jeg har et midlertidigt kørekort. I've got a provisional licence. I have a temporary driving licence. Pode-se ler nas entrelinhas. You have to read it between the lines. You can read in the interns. Dani megtudta, hogy Linda elhunyt. Dan was informed that Linda had passed away. Dani knew Linda was gone. Oodake mind! Wait for me. Wait for me! Ésta es una foto de mi abuela. This is a picture of my grandmother. This is a picture of my grandmother. Nonne dux es? Aren't you the boss? Who's Dux? Aš paklausiau Tomo. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Suojaamaton seksi on vaarallista. Having unprotected sex is dangerous. Unprecedented sex is dangerous. حتّى سامي كان مستاءا. Sami was upset, too. Even Sami was right. 您想訂什麼房間? What room would you like to reserve? What room do you want? Ecce tuae litterae. Here is your letter. Here's your letter. Dw i'n gwybod. I know. I know. Остани миран. Stay calm. Stay calm. Il est déconseillé de travailler sur un branchement électrique sans le débrancher, cela est une mauvaise idée. Je le sais de par mon expérience. Never work on electrical wiring without unplugging it; it's a bad idea. I know from experience. He's advised to work on an electric branch without breaking it, that's a bad idea. I know it through my experience. Этем турында кайгыртма. Don't worry about my dog. Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of Tom liet me de brief die hij van Mary had gekregen lezen. Tom let me read the letter he had received from Mary. Tom left me the letter he had received from Mary. Tom war wirklich schockiert. Tom was really shocked. Tom was really lucky. Prova det! Try it on. Try it! क्या तुम उनसे प्यार करती थी? Did you love her? Did you love them? Er du sikker på at hans navn var Tom? Are you sure his name was Tom? Are you sure his name was Tom? Lepiej chodźmy do innego pokoju. Tu mogliby nas łatwo usłyszeć. We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here. Let's go to another room. Τους πυροβόλησες. You shot them. You shot them. Vous utiliserez l’ordinateur pour étudier, et pas pour jouer aux jeux vidéo. You'll use the computer for studying, and not for playing games. You will use the computer to study, not to play video games. Той не успя да мине на изпита. He couldn't pass the examination. He couldn't go through the test. 迪克講起話來好像他什麼都知道。 Dick talks as if he knew everything. Dick talks like he knows everything. Was er sah, überraschte ihn. He was surprised by what he saw. What he saw surprised him. Ik heb een brief geschreven. I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter. तुम्ही चांगले ग्राहक आहात. You're a good customer. You're a good player. Tomi liittyi armeijaan. Tom enlisted in the Army. Tommy joined the army. त्याने जे म्हटलं ते खरंही असण्याची शक्यता आहे. There is the possibility of what he said being true. He said: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. ” Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir viele verschiedene Strategien versucht. Over the years we have tried many different strategies. Over the years we have tried many different strategies. Maria est puella proba. Mary is a good girl. Maria's a test girl. Том помер. Tom died. Tom died. День подошёл к концу. Благодаря Вашим своевременным усилиям, люди, которые стремились помочь Вам в Ваших трудах, не успели подвергнуть себя опасности. В Театре, Маски репетируют новую пантомиму. The day has reached its end. Thanks to your timely efforts, people who intended to help you in your labours managed not to throw themselves into danger. In the theater, the masks are rehearsing a new pantomime. The day came to an end. Thanks to your temporary efforts, people who tried to help you in your work failed to take a risk. ἄλλως ἐχέτω. Let it be otherwise. I'm sorry. Мило ми е што се видовме, Том. Good to see you, Tom. Nice to see you, Tom. Mokinys buvo nubaustas už rūkymą. The student was punished for smoking. The student was sentenced to smoking. সাড়ে আটটার আগে ক্লাস শুরু হয় না। Class doesn't begin until eight-thirty. The class doesn't start before eight o'clock. Pyth yw hanow dha gi? What's your dog's name? What is your name? Se kunn em nich övertügen, na Huus to gahn. She couldn't convince him to go home. They can't move it, go home. Hvis du ikke er fornøyd, slutt. If you're not happy, quit. If you're not satisfied, stop. Ple y’s gwelsys? Where did you see them? What do you think? እታ ቆልዓ ባዕላ ተሓጺባ። The little girl washed herself. And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: O meu nome não é Tom. My name is not Tom! My name is not Tom. jISop 'e' vImevlaHbe'law'. I can't seem to stop eating. Isoop'e' vemevlaHebe'law'. Ur teẓriḍ ara d akken Tom iger-d deg uqeṛṛu-s ad iṛuḥ ar Boston akked Mary? Didn't you know Tom was planning to go to Boston with Mary? Don't you know that as soon as Tom is with him, he will be brought to Belial, and will be brought to Belial, Aquesta història és molt més interessant que aquella. This story is far more interesting than that one. This story is much more interesting than that. بيتر شكله شباب أوي. Peter looks very young. Peter's young Oy. كان سامي يُعتبر مدرّسا رائعا. Sami was considered a great teacher. It was Sami who was considered a great teacher. Voleo bih da te poljubim. I'd like to kiss you. I'd love to kiss you. Τὸν οὐρανὸν ὁρῶ. I see the sky. I don't know what you're talking about. Eres la meua princesa. You're my princess. You're my princess. आपको उसके बारे में क्या अच्छा लगता है? What do you like about him? What do you think about him? Tom jest z nią. Tom is with her. Tom's with her. Quon tu facas? What are you doing? What are you doing? Той дойде в Токио и там се ожени за нея. He came up to Tokyo, and there married her. He came to Tokyo and got married for her. Messing is een legering van koper en zink. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Messing is a mixture of copper and zinc. Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go get him? ある日彼女は森で狼に出会った。 One day she met a wolf in the woods. One day she met a wolf in the woods. Eg sym i havet. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm in the sea. Denne tjeneste er midlertidigt ude af drift. This service is temporarily out of order. This service is temporarily out of operation. Postav se tamhle a uvidíš to lépe. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Put yourself in there and you'll see it better. Tom je pokazao na nebo. Tom pointed to the sky. Tom showed up in heaven. もし車の数が増えると、道路はひどく込むことになるだろう。 If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic. If there's an increase in the number of cars, the road's going to be hard. 僕らは何か面白いことが起こるのを願っていた。 We were hoping something interesting would happen. We wanted something interesting to happen. Cha chuimhne leam. I don't remember. Not enough memory. ما لا يُصلَح، تركُهُ أصْلَح. What can't be cured must be endured. Whatever's wrong, leave him alone. Det kan man sandelig godt sige. Yes indeed, it certainly is. You can probably say that. Cadwch y wers hon yn y cof. Keep this lesson in mind. Save this value in memory. Pardona me, me ia fa la plu bon cual me ia pote. I'm sorry, I did my best. I'm sorry, but he does the best he can. Enseñarle a los niños es más fácil que a los adultos. It's easier to teach children than adults. Teaching children is easier than teaching adults. Myslím, že tvá sukně je moc krátká. I think your skirt is too short. I think your ass is too short. Я рад это слышать. I am glad to hear it. I'm glad to hear that. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I've got a dynamite. Har du börjat ännu? Have you started yet? Have you started yet? 彼女は生まれながらの音楽家だ。 She is a natural musician. She's born, but she's a musician. 他也只是个政治家而已。 He's also just a politician. He's just a politician, too. Том, мабуть, був наляканий. Tom must have been scared. Tom must have been scared. Fornybar energi er energikilder som ikke kan bli brukt helt opp. Renewable energy refers to an energy source that cannot be exhausted. Renewable energy is sources of energy that cannot be fully used. I te haere atu te kaipuke ki uta. The ship made for the shore. The ship was on its way. Разве я не говорил вам не называть меня Томом? Haven't I told you not to call me Tom? Didn't I tell you not to call me Tom? U lum u jyrngam beit. The hill is always green. I'll be right back. Σταμάτα ν' ανησυχείς. Stop worrying. Stop worrying. 那个时候,我还在上法语课。 At that time, I was still taking French lessons. At that time, I was still in French. Я планую бути у чорній краватці. I plan to wear a black tie. I'm going to be in a black box. Učitel viděl někoho opisovat při testu. The teacher saw someone copying on the test. The teacher saw someone describe it during the test. Deze jongen eet geen snoep. That boy doesn't eat candies. This guy doesn't eat a snoop. Bene mihi est. I'm doing fine. I'm fine. Globaliseringen ødelægger den sproglige diversitet. Globalization destroys the diversity of languages. Globalisation destroys linguistic diversity. Влезте, моля. Please come in. Come in, please. ते नेहमीच इथे टेनिस खेळायचे. They always played tennis here. He was always there to play tennis. Ik vertrouw Tom nog altijd niet. I still don't trust Tom. I still don't trust Tom. I må være meget stolte af jeres søn. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Зараз ти не пожеш піти. You must not leave right now. You don't want to go now. Nakakitâ hirá han bag-o nga lángit ngan bag-o nga kalibutan. And they saw the new heaven and new earth. A new heavens and a new earth. Ποιος είναι ο τίτλος του νέου σου βιβλίου; What is the title of your new book? Who's the title of your new book? 您將在這裡待多久? How long will you be staying here? How long will you stay here? Konservez la pekunio en sekura loko. Keep the money in a safe place. Save the sine in a safe place. Mən alma yığıram. I am picking apples. I'll take it. Destensa! Take it easy! Out of the way! ഞാന്‍ ശരിക്കും തളര്‍ന്നു. I'm really tired. I'm really tired. ko ranji Go on. _Other Organiser Деегшән давшх дутман улм киитрҗана. The higher we climb, the colder it gets. When the box was full, she handed the money over to be used for the preaching work. ko'a bunda li rezeno He weighs 270 pounds. Show the version of the program On umie dobrze czytać. He can read well. He can read well. Том не будет здесь счастлив. Tom won't be happy here. Tom won't be happy here. Vem kan tvätta min bil för två euro?? Who'll wash my car for two Euros? Who can wash my car for two euros? Qu'ei entà tu. This is for you. What's wrong with you? Můžete aktualizovat moje programy? Can you update my software? Can you update my programs? 30 dakika içinde orada olabilirim. I can be there in 30 minutes. I can be there in 30 minutes. Hvussu gongur tað? How are you? What's going on? Skolan ligger en halv mils väg från mitt hus. The school is a half-mile walk from my house. The school is half a mile away from my house. 私達は多かれ少なかれ社会と結びついている。 We are more or less related to society. We're connected to a few of these societies. Pokusil jsem se přeplavat přes řeku. I attempted to swim across the river. I tried to swim across the river. Ти мене підвела. You've let me down. You led me. Една од нив може да е таа. One of those people may be her. One of them could be her. Это всё, что Том делает? Is that all Tom does? Is that all Tom's doing? Ik ben allergisch voor schaaldieren. I'm allergic to shellfish. I'm allergic to snakes. എട്ടിനും പത്തിനുമിടയ്ക്കാണ് അതു സംഭവിച്ചത്. It happened between eight and ten. It happened between eight and ten. Senin gibi değilim! I'm not like you! I'm not like you! ئۇ بۈگۈنلا ئۆيگە قايتتى. She just came home today. So he returned to his family today. Ka siat iaka helicopter. She shot down a helicopter. It's a helicopter. Tu turi padėti savo motinai. You must help your mother. You have to help your mother. Ili-kem d mm tebɣest. Have courage. And thy brother's wife is mine; and thy mother's sister is mine. Evvelki hefte Boston'da Tom'a tesâdüf ettim. I ran into Tom last week in Boston. I met Tom last week in Boston. Виж черните облаци,ще вали. Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. Look at the black clouds, it's raining. Se vi tiel trinkas plu, vi malsaniĝos. If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get sick. If you drink more like that, you'll get sick. Barnið var nakið. The baby was naked. The child was kidnapped. Vi kan skaffa hjälp åt dig. We can get you help. We can get you some help. Birdoj flugas. Birds fly. Birds fly. הוא מבין מהר. He's a quick study. He understands fast. ネズミが一匹部屋の中を走りまわっている。 One mouse is running around in the room. Nesmi is running into a room. Sådant kan hända då och då. Such things can happen from time to time. That could happen then and then. ฉันชอบชา I like tea. I like chess. Aia e ideea mea. That's my idea. That is my idea. Akkor nem voltam rá felkészülve. I wasn't prepared to do that at that time. Then I wasn't ready for it. את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You need to stop playing. You need to stop playing. Den kvinde er stærk. That woman is strong. The woman's strong. Не го прекинувај Том. Don't interrupt Tom. Don't stop Tom. 今週末までいくらかお金を貸してくれませんか。 Could you lend me some money until this weekend? Can you pay me some money by the end of the week? Prší, a my jsme zapomněli zavřít okna. It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows. First, and we forgot to close the window. O ofertă ca aceea nu e de refuzat. An offer like that is not to be refused. A offer like that's not refused. Что вы тогда будете делать? What'll you do then? What will you do then? إننا نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We're eating breakfast. مانا، مېنىڭ تېلېفون نومۇرۇم. Here's my phone number. Here's my phone number. Vi är utom fara. We're in the clear. We're out of danger. Bývala bych ráda jela do Bostonu s tebou. I would've loved going to Boston with you. I'd like to go to Boston with you. Vyfotografoval si ten krásný výhled. He took a picture of the beautiful scenery. He photographed that beautiful look. Mae cath wen 'da fi. I have a white cat. I've got a shit going on. Solus fascista bonus est mortuus. The only good fascist is a dead fascist. Only fascist good is dead. 6歳ぐらいから鍵っ子生活だったんだから。 From about age 6, I led the life of a latchkey kid. When I was six years old, it was a key life. Том енді не істеуді жоспарлауда? What does Tom plan to do now? What's Tom gonna do now? Porta il tavolo fuori, per favore. Take the table outside, please. Take the table out, please. Ist Liebe wichtiger als Freundschaft? Is love more important than friendship? Is love more important than friendship? A rendőrség egy holttestet talált egy gazdátlan autóban a park közelében. The police found a dead body in an abandoned car near the park. The police found a dead body in an unplanned car near the park. Каква е минималната заплата в Германия? What's the minimum salary in Germany? What's the minimum payment in Germany? Věřil jsem, že neměl žádné právo to udělat. I believed that he had no right to do that. I believed he had no right to do so. Het maakt mijn natuurkundeleraar niet uit als ik de lessen verzuim. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. It doesn't seem like my natural condensation when I fail to read. צי פֿאַרשטײסטו פּאָרטוגעזיש? Do you understand Portuguese? Do you want to store this password? Tom dice che non è mai troppo occupato per ascoltare. Tom says he's never too busy to listen. Tom says he's never too busy to listen. Zauważyłam. I noticed. I noticed. پتہ نہیں وہ آئِں گے کہ نہیں۔ I wonder if he will come. No, they'll come and say no. Hur stor var den? How large was it? How big was that? Voy a decirte algo. I'm going to tell you something. I'll tell you something. Kan du tala esperanto? Can you speak Esperanto? Can you tell me what to expect? Hij aarzelde om deel te nemen aan de vergadering. He hesitated to take part in the reunion. He volunteered to attend the meeting. Su pelle es blanc pur. Her skin is pure white. His skin is white. Jestem zaskoczony, że cię tu widzę. I'm surprised to see you here. I'm so excited to see you here. Du är inte en pojke. You're not a boy. You're not a boy. Rapida, me lo dia. Quick, give me that. Quick, I'll do it. Mi ŝatas ŝian foton. I like her picture. I like her photo. La teoria è troppo astratta per me. The theory is too abstract for me. The theory is too sharp for me. Tu dormais. You were asleep. You're sleeping. Tom kommer for at besøge mig næsten hver dag. Tom comes to see me almost every day. Tom's coming to visit me almost every day. "माझी गाडी कुठे आहे?" "गॅरेजमध्ये." "Where is my car?" "It's in the garage." "Where's my Gaddy?" "In the garage." Sira serbisu hela. They're still working. Sira's beer. Pradėjo smarkiai lyti. Dėl to mes žaidėme viduje. It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. That's why we played inside. إنه ليس ما تعتقد! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! הם מזוייפים. They're fake. They're fucked up. Diese durchsichtige Flüssigkeit enthält eine Art Gift. This transparent liquid contains a kind of poison. This transparent fluid contains a kind of gift. परग्रहवासी खरे असतात का? Are aliens real? Is Hell Really Real? Ninataka mkate. I want bread. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Tom no quiere que lo molesten. Tom doesn't want to be disturbed. Tom doesn't want them to bother him. Вы, похоже, всех здесь знаете. You seem to know everyone here. You seem to know everyone here. Chci abys věděla, že si můžeme přestat dělat starosti. I want you to know we can stop worrying. I want you to know that we can stop taking care of ourselves. Pro quo tu lernas la Angla omnadie? Why do you study English every day? Why do you learn English every day? Ik vraag me af waarom vrouwen langer leven dan mannen. I wonder why women live longer than men. I wonder why women live longer than men. আমার মা ভালো রান্না করতে পারে। My mother cooks well. My mother can do a good job. Le fascistas son rendite capace per le preferentia liberalista pro abstractiones super homines. Fascists are enabled by liberals' preference for abstractions over people. Fascists are enabled by the liberalist preference for human abstractions. Csalt. He was cheating. Csalt. ها هو العنوان. Here's the address. Here's the name. Kako je ovo vaša krivica? How is that your fault? How is this your fault? Tom ve Mary onun hakkında konuştu. Tom and Mary talked about that. Tom and Mary talked about it. Розпочнімо! Let's get started! Let's start! Viņa nevēlas, lai tu zinātu. She doesn't want you to know. She doesn't want you to know. Tahan jäätist. I want an ice cream. I want some rest. Ebben állapodtunk meg. It's what we agreed on. That's what we've been up to. 如果汤姆不服用处方药,他的健康状况可能会恶化。 If Tom doesn't take the prescribed medicine, his state of health might deteriorate. If Tom does not take medication, his health may deteriorate. Noi siamo già preparate per il millennium bug. We've already prepared for the millennium bug. We're already ready for the millennium bug. Beata esse posses, si velles. You could be happy if you wanted. It's nice to have those things, if you're old. Det er en tiltrekkende tanke. The idea is very attractive. It's an attractive thought. Penses-tu que je devrais m'y rendre par mes propres moyens ? Do you think I should go by myself? Do you think I should give it to myself? Ќе треба да му побараме дозвола на Том. We'll need to ask Tom for permission. We're gonna have to ask Tom for permission. Не турбуйся. Я про це подбаю. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry. ئۇ تېخىمۇ تىت-تىت بولۇپ كەتتى. She grew even more worried. And he became one of those who stayed behind. ער האקט אראפ ביימער אויף א בארג. He is cutting down trees on a mountain. Mr. Arap Bummer on a barge. 我認為我做得夠了。 I think I've done enough. I think I've done enough. Onlar benim için mi? Are those for me? Are they for me? كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. It was usually bad at home. Slunce vychází brzy ráno. The sun rises early in the morning. The sun's coming up early in the morning. Yma nodir pa mor effeithlon y mae ynni wedi cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr adeilad hwn dros y tri chyfnod cyfrifo diwethaf. This tells you how efficiently energy has been used in this building over the last three accounting periods. Here you can see how the effects of this introduction have been used in this review over the last three accounts. 新しい事務所にお出でいただけますよう、お待ちしております。 We are looking forward to your visit to our new office. I'll be waiting for you in the new office. Le arabes proclamava un pais independente con capital in Damasco, ma tosto illo esseva repartite in diverse colonias per angleses e franceses. The Arabs declared an independent country with its capital at Damascus, but this was quickly divided into various colonies by the English and French. The Arabs proclaimed an independent country with capital in Damascus, but however, it was distributed in various colonies by English and French. Το τραπέζι είναι γεμάτο σκόνη. The table is covered with dust. The table is full of bones. Бу сәгать бик кыйммәтле. This watch is of great value. This is a precious time. Vous connaissez probablement déjà notre entreprise. You probably already know about our company. You probably already know our company. Hæc ubi dicta, cavum conversa cuspide montem / impulit in latus, ac venti, velut agmine facto, / qua data porta, ruunt et terras turbine perflant. So spake the God and with her hest complied, / and turned the massive sceptre in his hand / and pushed the hollow mountain on its side. / Out rushed the winds, like soldiers in a band, / in wedged array, and, whirling, scour the land. Here it is said, the cavum turns around the mountain / pushed into the side, and the winds, like a bunch of facts, / which data door, run and turbine lands grow. Isu ti umno a pangngeddeng. It's the right decision. That is a good decision. 這個航空公司的飛機怎麼樣? How is this airline? What about this airline? מרי בחורה חכמה. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. Pelliculae horrificae ei placent. He likes horror films. She likes horror movies. তুমি কতটা লম্বা? How tall are you? How long have you been? Es pome sub li pupitre. There is an apple under the desk. It's put under it. Yezmer Tom ad iɛumm. Tom can swim. I can't hold Tom. Tom ve hemen hemen aynı boydayız. Tom and I are almost the same height. Tom, we're in the same size right now. Želim ići. I want to go. I want to go. naDev ghaHtaHbe'. She's not here. Dev and Hebe. Мені треба було піти раніше. I should've left sooner. I had to go earlier. Reculez ! Stand back! Calm down! كان سامي في مكان مُنعت فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. I was alone in a place where the morning was banned. Imádkozni fogok Tomiért. I'll pray for Tom. I'll pray for Tommy. Opus gubernatoris non tam facile est quam videtur. The job of a driver is not as easy as it looks. The governor's opus is not as easy as it looks. A'e kajii-theya'a jaana'o kañ sumjao'thana. I can't understand anything he's saying. It's too late to talk about it. Olen tutkinnonsuorittanut kääntäjä. I'm a certified translator. I've done research on a translator. Das einzige Restaurant, das Tom wirklich mag, ist das auf der anderen Straßenseite. The only restaurant that Tom really likes is the one across the street. The only restaurant that Tom really likes is that on the other side of the street. Спијам на нозе. I sleep standing up. I'm sleeping on my feet. コーヒーのお代わりはいいですか。 Would you like another cup of coffee? Do you want to replace coffee? Ngifuna ukuhlala enqabeni. I want to live in a castle. I want to stay behind. Van cukor? Do you have any sugar? Do you have sugar? Jeg vil leve mit liv, med eller uden hende. I'm going to live my life, with or without her. I want to live my life with or without her. Bu sizin nəvəniz Ninadır. This is Nina, your granddaughter. This is your name, Nina. Io vos regratia pro vostre adjuta. Thank you for your help. I'm sorry for your help. Iste es mi amica Rachel. Nos vadeva al schola secundari insimul. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. This is my friend Rachel. Der Laden verkauft allen möglichen Nippes. The shop sells all sorts of bric-à-brac. The cargo sells all possible nipples. Avez-vous payé pour le livre ? Did you pay for the book? Did you pay for the book? Tartozom neked egy ebéddel. I owe you a lunch. I'm holding you with a meal. Нещасні випадки неминучі. Accidents are inevitable. Tragic accidents of the past. Terminat. Done. It's over. Det var fönstret som Jack tog sönder igår. It was the window that Jack broke yesterday. It was the window that Jack picked up last night. Él es un sinvergüenza. He is a scoundrel. He's a superhero. Τι ακριβώς τους είπες; What exactly did you tell them? What exactly did you tell them? 你幫我真好。 It's very kind of you to help me. You're very good to help me. O bir pikap kamyon kullanıyor. He drives a pickup truck. He's using a pickup truck. Δεν μπορώ να μείνω εδώ. I can't stay here. I can't stay here. Jeg føler meg mye bedre i dag. I feel much better today. I feel much better today. Ona se ne može podmititi. She can't be bribed. She can't move. 「その通りだよ」と小さい黒いウサギは言いました。 "I really do," replied the little black rabbit. "That's the way," he said. Это самая большая машина в мире. This is the biggest car in the world. It's the biggest car in the world. נראה שהיום הוא מאוד עסוק. It seems that he is very busy today. Looks like he's very busy today. V moři jsou ostrovy. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Jeste li primili paket koji sam vam poslala? Did you get the package I sent you? Did you get the package I sent you? U gipsu sam. I'm plastered. I'm in the gypsy. Fido generas fidon. Trust generates trust. I believe you're a generation of faith. Przetłumacz ten tekst. Translate this text. Translate this text. Czy mogę ściszyć telewizor? May I turn down the TV? Can I have a TV? وہ بازو باندھ کے سوچ رہا تھا۔ He was thinking, with his arms folded. He was thinking about the armchair. Ви ще голодні? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Αγόρασες σκύλο; Did you buy a dog? Did you love a dog? Komiti ini terdiri daripada lapan ahli. The committee consists of eight members. This committee is composed of eight experts. k Hol van aaier. I like eggs. - Get out of the air. Tom binom nenkeliedik. Tom has no empathy. Tom didn't give up on us. Jobban kedvellek nála. I like you better than she. I like her better. To může být opravdu dobrá myšlenka začít právě teď. Actually it might be a good idea to start right now. It can be a really good idea to start right now. Espero con ganas a que vengas a Japón. I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan. I expect you to come to Japan. Том вважає, що Мері невинна. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary is innocent. Ел брома семпре. He is always joking. El broma sempre. Nia lernejo estas pli granda ol ilia. Our school is larger than theirs. Our education is bigger than theirs. Դուք այս պլանին որևէ առարկություն ունե՞ք: Do you have any objection to this plan? Do you have any dealings with this plan? 我收集郵票。 I collect stamps. I'm collecting the stamps. ¿Le gustaría que llamara a un taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? 丹尼尔看起来像个维吾尔族。 Daniel looks like an Uyghur. Daniel looks like a vicar. Я ему позвонила, но трубку взяла какая-то девушка. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called him, but the tube took some girl. 'oH yISop. Eat it. 'OH yISOP. Γιατί δεν καθόμαστε; Why don't we sit? Why don't we sit down? Poszedł do baru wypić kilka piw. He went to a bar to drinks some beers. He went to the bar to drink some beer. Chuir Tomás a fhéinphic ar líne. Tom put his selfie online. Tomás put his finger on the line. Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do this. Bonveni a la enferno! Welcome to hell! Welcome to hell! On ne devrait pas s'en remettre aux forces militaires pour régler les conflits internationaux. We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes. It should not be handed over to military forces to resolve international conflicts. Rursumque ait: Quis auditurum crederet Abraham quod Sara lacteret filios, quia peperit ei filium iam seni? And again she said: Who would believe that Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore to him in his old age? He said, "Who would have believed Abraham, that Sarah would give birth to a son, because she had borne him a son?" O meu amigo George vai vir ao Xapón esta primavera. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. Estas tre varmege hodiaŭ. Today is extremely hot. It's very hot today. Du klager alltid. You are always complaining. You always complain. Lḥumt! Walk! I remember! 今年の夏休みは、どこに遊びに行きたい? Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Where do you want to go this year's summer vacation? Во сколько ты завтра приезжаешь? What time do you arrive tomorrow? How long are you coming tomorrow? Estou aprendendo tcheco. I'm learning Czech. I'm learning Czech. Да дознаеме повеќе за неа. Let's find out more about her. Let's find out more about her. Jääge koju. Stay home. Stay home. Možete li da mi objasnite? Could you explain it to me? Can you explain to me? Перакладзі гэта, калі ласка, на англійскую. Translate this into English, please. Please translate it into English. Mens jeg har gått nedover gaten som en helt vanlig fotgjenger, så jeg min forgjenger i en limousin. While I was walking down the street as an ordinary pedestrian, I saw my predecessor in a limousine. While I've gone down the street as a very common footracer, I'm in a limoousin. זה הר מפורסם. That's a famous mountain. It's Mount Persam. يشتبه الريفيون عادةً بالغرباء. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rifles are generally suspected of being in the West. Έκανε κρύο τη νύχτα. The night was cold. He was cold at night. Ihmettelin mihin Tom meni. I wondered where Tom went. I was wondering what Tom was going through. Mi elĉerpis ĉion el mia vigleco pri tiu projekto. I spent all my energy on that project. I've taken everything out of my mind about this project. ギリギリセーフ! That was close. Griezef! ذهبت ليلى إلى حفل لهالووين أقيم في الشّارع. Layla went to a Halloween street party. I went to a party at Lowell's. I was staying in the woods. Jag trodde att Tom skulle minnas. I thought Tom would remember. I thought Tom would be remembered. Imbaga kadi ni Tom no apay a saan nga umay isuna? Did Tom say why he wasn't coming? Did Tom say why he did not come? t Is ien geroazie. It's in the garage. t It's one round. Chodźmy na kręgle. Let's go bowling. Let's go around. মই ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে ধেমালি কৰি থকা নাই। I'm not kidding about this. I'm not arguing about it. Sekuran vojaĝon. Have a safe trip. A safe trip. ロージーは11時まで起きている事を許された。 Rosie was allowed to stay up till eleven o'clock. Roger's allowed what's going on until 11 o'clock. Io non voglio giocare a scacchi. I don't want to play chess. I don't want to play chess. 我们必须查明汤姆在哪里。 We have to find out where Tom is. We need to find out where Tom is. Saya kecanduan alkohol. I'm an alcoholic. I'm an alcoholic. ئوغلى سەككىز ياشقا كىردى. His son is eight years old. The boy's eight years old. Tu ne devrais pas lui parler. You shouldn't talk to him. You shouldn't talk to him. Tu es le plus grand de nous tous. You are the tallest of us all. You're the biggest of all of us. Han tror att han vet allt. He thinks he knows it all. He thinks he knows everything. Ich saß einmal am gleichen Tisch mit ihm bei einer Dinnerparty. I once sat at the same table with him at a dinner party. I'm on the same table with him at a dinner party. Io prefere viagiar per bicycletta que ir a pede. I prefer riding a bike to walking. I'd rather travel by bicycle than go on foot. חזרת. You came back. You're back. 不遵守命名规则会导致解析错误。 Not complying with the naming conventions will result in parse errors. Failure to comply with the name rule would lead to a misunderstanding. Ṣaḥit i mi yi-d-teɣṛiḍ. Thanks for calling. Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Діти приблизно твого віку граються он там. Some children about your age are over there playing. The kids around your age are playing there. Ufiɣ-d win ara yi-iɛawnen i wakken ad xedmeɣ aya. I got somebody to help me do that. I find then the law, that, to me, while I was yet present, one who would confirm me. Мэри уволили с работы. Mary was fired from her job. Mary fell off her job. Él se gana la vida como escritor. He earns his bread as a writer. He earns life as a writer. Том починає нервувати. Tom is getting antsy. Tom's getting nervous. तुमचा आवाज पुन्हा ऐकून बरं वाटलं. It's nice to hear your voice again. It was good to hear your voice over and over again. Ogumu oku mangakan do tonsi. I eat a lot of meat. Some have been beaten with rods. Deli görünüyordun. You seemed crazy. You looked crazy. Ik heb mijn buik vol van dat natte weer. I am fed up with this wet weather. I've got my belly full of that night again. मज़ाक है। It's a joke. Nice to meet you. Tom semble très occupé. Tom looks extremely busy. Tom seems very busy. Tomi oli hassu. Tom was silly. Tom was angry. D tagnizit. She is English. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d Su objetivo es hacerse profesor. His objective is to become a teacher. His goal is to become a teacher. आम्ही हसलो. We laughed. We heard. Manjo diris al Tomo, ke laŭ ŝi Johano pravas. Mary told Tom that she thought John was correct. Mother told Tom that she thought John was right. Kate se vino a la casa en bus. Kate came home by bus. Kate came to the bus house. pu ba'o cnemu fe ko'a lo ka xendo no da She got nothing in reward for her kindness. Just because a crosswalk looks like a hopscotch board doesn't mean it is one Cur me verberas? Why are you beating me? Are you kidding me? Ar nori būti turtingas? Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be rich? Bin het in Singapoer gebly. Bin lived in Singapore. Bin remained in Singapore. jISaghbe'. I'm not serious. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Тя е по-възрастна от мен с три години. She's three years older than me. She's three years older than I am. Məktəbə səhər səkkizdə gedirəm. I go to school at eight in the morning. I went to school at eight o’clock in the morning. Tom est marrant. Tom is funny. Tom's kidding. Я хочу спать с твоей женой. I want to sleep with your wife. I want to sleep with your wife. 她让我等了半小时。 She made me wait for half an hour. She let me wait half an hour. آنها گوشت خام می خورند. They eat raw meat. They eat the flesh of darkness. Έφτιαξα δύο. I made two. I made two. Yella ḥedd i yegnen daki. Somebody is lying here. And they did so, and made them all sit down. puH DujvamDaq DachtaH nuq? What is missing in this car? What do you think? Tomek hori egitea nahi izan zuen aurreko astean. Tom wanted to do that last week. Tom wanted to do that the other week ago. Du kan velge hvilken bok du ønsker. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose which book you want. 你想跟誰說話? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? У меня два сына и две дочери. I have two sons and two daughters. I have two sons and two daughters. De nouvelles routes furent construites l'une après l'autre. New roads were constructed one after another. New roads were built one after another. Ich hätte gern ein Bier. I'd like a beer. I'd like a beer. Nalpasen a naimolde ti sukog. The die has been cast. The seed was cut off. Ich liebe dich, und ich will nicht, dass dir irgendetwas passiert. I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. El bebe parecía estar profundamente dormido. The baby seemed to be fast asleep. The baby seemed to be deep asleep. Illes es totes corrupte. They're all corrupt. They're all corrupt. Onun bize yardım etmesini istiyorum. I want him to help us. I want him to help us. Isso é fácil. É como tirar doce de uma criança. This is easy. It's like taking candy from a baby. That's easy, it's like taking sweets from a child. Du har tabt dig, har du ikke? Spiser du ordentligt? You've lost some weight, haven't you? Are you eating properly? You've lost yourself, haven't you? Візьміть лише одну. Take only one. Just take one. Jag var tvungen att göra någonting. I was obligated to do something. I had to do something. Том змінився. Tom has changed. Tom's changed. Weź to krzesło. Jest solidne. Take this chair. It's sturdy. He's strong. Sveiki. Hello! Hello. Wir wollten sie nicht demütigen. We didn't want to humiliate them. We didn't want them to do it. Yeggumma ad ţ-yamen. He refuses to believe her. Yeggumma to y-yemen. Li mem tiel diris laŭ mia scio. He has said so himself to my knowledge. That's what I know. Li ne estis sufiĉe forta por esti en rilato kun vi. Tio estis la kaŭzo. He was not strong enough to be in a relationship with you. That was the reason. He wasn't strong enough to be in touch with you. Vi er i den samme båd. We're in the same boat. We're in the same boat. Có phải họ trả thêm tiền cho bạn làm việc muộn? Are they paying you extra to work late? Did they pay you more money for work late? โควิด-19 เปลี่ยนเซลล์ของผู้ป่วยให้เป็นโรงงานผลิตไวรัส COVID-19 turns the patient's own cells into virus factories. Chowd-19 changed the patient's cell to the virus factory. Ninguém leva você a sério. No one takes you seriously. Nobody takes you seriously. Elle a travaillé toute la nuit. She worked through the night. She worked all night. 一個墨西哥人教了他西班牙文。 A Mexican taught him Spanish. A Mexican man taught him Spanish. 「小说啊?我就讨厌看小说。」缪斯,请原谅她的亵渎行为。 "Novels? I hate novels." Oh muse, forgive her blasphemy. I hate to say that. "Shut up, I'm sorry about her stupid act. Guardare dei film è molto interessante. Watching movies is very interesting. Watching movies is very interesting. Tá teach mór agam. I have a big house. I have a big house. A múzeum nyitva van ma? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Кога ќе ми дојде мене редот? When do I get my turn? When's my turn? Тома только футбол и интересует. Tom is only interested in soccer. Tom's just football and he's interested. Мы можем на него рассчитывать. We can count on him. We can count on him. Nakanta ako kaupod iton akon mga anak. I am singing with my children. I sang along with my children. -- قۇربان ھېيتىڭىزغا مۇبارەك بولسۇن! -- ئۆزىڭىزدىن بولسۇن، رەھمەت. "Happy Qurban!" "You as well, thank you." Blessed be your self-will and grace. Többé már nem függött szüleitől. He was no longer dependent on his parents. He's no longer dependent on his parents. Lass mich sprechen. Let me talk. Let me talk. Una llave es una herramienta habitual. A wrench is a commonly used tool. A key is a regular tool. Esta era uma boa escola para o meu neto. This was a good school for my grandson. This was a good school for my grandson. Munka után édes a pihenés. The remembrance of past labour is pleasant. After work, it's nice to cry. Све се одиграло брзином светлости. Everything happened at lightning speed. It all played with the speed of light. Ez nem sokkal azelőtt volt, hogy Jánosnak egy ötlete támadt. János tudott mindig egy kiutat a látszólag reménytelen helyzetekből. It was not long before John had an idea. John always knew a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. It wasn't long before John was attacked by an idea. Li similas al sia avo. He resembles his grandfather. He looks like his grandmother. Người ta thường nói là phụ nữ sống thọ hơn nam giới. It is said that women live longer than men. People often say that women live better than men. Naenda shule. I go to school. Nice to meet you. Τον κατέστρεψες. You ruined it. You ruined him. Non vado a scuola il sabato. I don't go to school Saturday. I'm not going to school on Saturday. Kisi äsagol? What did you say? Who's on the ice? मला तुला फोन करायचा होता. I wanted to call you. I wanted to call you. Hodie non est mihi opus. I don't work today. I don't have a job today. मला गार पाणी हवे आहे. I want cold water. I want fresh water. Szólalj meg! Talk! Tell me. Те пристигнаха отделно. They arrived separately. They arrived separately. Utilisez un engrais une fois par an après la floraison. Use a fertilizer once a year after blooming. Use an engrais once a year after flowering. Sinä haluat salaisesti. You secretly do. You want to keep it secret. Pourquoi ne sortons-nous pas nous bourrer la gueule ? Why don't we go out and get drunk? Why don't we cut the needle? Tio ne estas mojosa. Tio estas mojosega! That's not cool. That's hyper-cool! It's not mojo, it's mojoja! Řekněte Tomovi, že jste lhal. Tell Tom you lied. Tell Tom you're lying. Yo ne esset felici. I wasn't lucky. I'm not happy. De verdad lo dudo. I truly doubt it. I really doubt it. Kad viņa ieraudzīja mani, viņa bija neērti. When she saw me, she was embarrassed. When she woke me up, she didn't hurt me. Þú ert veik. Þú verður að hvílast. You're sick. You have to rest. You're weak, you've got to rest. Kas yw gansa benenes. They hate women. Send is only valid. Se till att Tom håller sig borta från min dotter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Make sure Tom stays away from my daughter. Har du läxor? Do you have homework? Have you read it? Abbiamo parlato nella lingua dei segni. We talked in sign language. We talked in sign language. Feli meae Esperantice loqui mihi placet. I like to speak Esperanto to my cat. My hope is what I like to talk about. Czemu nie możemy mówić po francusku? Why can't we speak French? Why can't we speak French? Am mâncat caviar. I ate caviar. I ate horses. Ky turist duket si Jezusi. This tourist looks like Jesus. This tourist looks like Jesus. Si je peux faire quelque chose pour toi, n'hésite pas à me le faire savoir. If there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know. If I can do something for you, don't hesitate to tell me. Мисля, че трябва да се споразумеем. I think we should make a deal. I think we need to make a deal.