L-unika kilwa li għandi qed taħdem aħjar minn meta kelli tnejn. The only kidney I have is functioning better than the two I had. The only kidney I have been working better than when I had two. Hu ma għandux xkubetta. He doesn't have a gun. He does not have a rifle. L-Għid it-Tajjeb! Happy Easter! Good Easter! Titkellem bit-Taljan? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak in Italian? Minn fejn int? Where are you from? Where are you? It-toqba hija wiesgħa. The hole is wide. The hole is wide. It-tifel huwa rqiq. The boy is thin. The child is thin. Merħba fil-Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa li kulħadd jista' jimmodifika. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that everyone can modify. Huwa antikostituzzjonali. It is unconstitutional. It is an anti-institutional. Għandi dsatax-il sena. I am nineteen years old. I am nineteen years old. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. The bill, please. The account, please. Jogħġbuha l-larinġiet. She likes oranges. It pleases the oranges. Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. Cold today. Boqq. Beats me. Thick. Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Millie reads her book. Jiena miżżewweġa. I'm married. I am married. Jiena miżżewweġa. I am married. I am married. Ma nixrobx alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. Do not drink alcohol. Ma nistax naqbel miegħek. I don't agree with you. I cannot agree with you. Il-belt hija kbira. The city is big. The city is great. Ordnalu jmur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. Ordered him to go home. Inti miżżewweġa? Are you married? Are you married? Kont ili nafha għaxar snin meta żżewwiġtha. I had known her for ten years when I married her. I knew it for ten years when I married her. Int miġnun? Are you crazy? Are you deceived? Jien minn Malta. I'm from Malta. I am from Malta. Għaliex il-lista ta' l-ilsna ma tinkludix il-Malti? Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese? Why does the list of languages not include Maltese? Immur l-iskola fit-tmienja ta' filgħodu. I go to school at eight in the morning. I go to school at eight o'clock in the morning. Jien naqra l-ktieb tiegħi. I'm reading my book. I read my book. Dan ix-xogħol vera faċli. This job is dead easy. This work is easy. Nirringrazzjawk ħafna! We thank you very much! We thank you very much! Tajjeb, grazzi! I'm fine, thank you. Good, thanks! Il-fniek jħobbu jieklu l-karrotti. Rabbits like to eat carrots. The rabbits like to eat the carrots. Ħallini! Leave me alone! Let me! Il-Milied it-tajjeb! Merry Christmas! Christmas is good! Bonswa. Good evening. Bonswa. Deher onest. He appeared honest. It seemed honest. Bonġu. Good morning. Bonuse. X'inhi din? What's that? What is this? Jien immur fuq vjaġġ. I'm going on a trip. I go on a trip. Ħriġtu mill-forn kmieni wisq. You took it out of the oven too soon. I went out of the oven too early. Sami i Lejla se nikad nisu poljubili Sami and Layla never kissed. Sami i Night I am going to take niu poliumi ni Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Ċaw! Goodbye! Chea! Fejn hu l-bank? Where is the bank? Where is the bank? Kważi għandi kull m'għandi bżonn. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. Ordna li jinġiebu d-dokumenti kollha. He ordered all the documents to be presented. Order that all documents be produced. L-eżami huwa diffiċli. The exam is difficult. The examination is difficult. X’jismek? What's your name? What is your name? Ma nitkellimx bl-Ispanjol? I don't speak Spanish. Do I not speak in Spanish? Is-sena t-tajba! Happy New Year! The right year! Huwa qalli li kien sejjer l-Amerika. He told me he was going to America. He told me that he was going to America. Fil-ktieb hemm għaxart eżerċizzji. There are ten exercises in the book. In the book there are ten exercises. Int miżżewweġ? Are you married? Are you married? It-tazza hija nadifa. The glass is clean. The glass is clean. Naħseb xtrajna kull m'għandna bżonn. I think we've bought almost everything we need. I think we bought everything we need. Merħba fil-Wikipedija. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda, hu? The watch is on the table, isn't it? Is the clock on the table? Ma nifhimx. I do not understand. I don't understand. Ikkmandah imur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. He commanded him to go home. Kważi għandi kull ma neħtieġ. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. Intlift. I'm lost. You’ve lost. Il-lejl it-tajjeb! Goodnight! The right night! Ħriġt? Did you go out? Have you been issued? Min baqa' ħaj? Who survived? Who survived? Trid tissegwa r-regoli ta' l-iskola. You must follow school rules. The school rules must be followed. Naqbel miegħek. I agree with you. I agree with you. M'iniex bħal tfajliet oħrajn. I'm not like the other girls. I am not like other girls. Jien veġetarjan. I am a vegetarian. I am a vegetarian. Naf. I know. I know. Għal min ivvutajt fl-elezzjoni? Whom did you vote for in the election? For whom have you voted in the election? Mdawwrin! We're surrounded. Turned! Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. It-tazza hija maħmuġa. The glass is dirty. The glass is dirty. Il-kelma biex tidħol hija qasira. The password is short. The word to enter is short. Ma naqbel ma' kważi xejn milli għadu kif qal Tom. I disagree with almost everything Tom just said. I do not agree with almost nothing than Tom just said. Il-kamra hija mudlama. The room is dark. The room is darkened. Is-surmast qal: "Il-gimgħa d-dieħla se tkun vaganza" The headmaster said: "Next week is a holiday'" The Surmast said: "The next week will be a holiday" It-traduzzjoni hija preċiża. The translation is accurate. Translation is accurate. Fetaħ il-kexxun, u ħareġ ittra. He opened the drawer, and took out a letter. Open the drawer, and issue a letter. Naħseb għandi biżżejjed flus biex nixtri l-kompjuter li rrid. I think I have almost enough money to buy the computer I want. I think I have enough money to buy the computer that I want. Jien kuntenti. I am happy. I am happy. Il-kont ġie iktar minn $25. The bill came to over $25. The account was over $25. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. I am from England. Hija il-ħabiba tiegħi. She is my girlfriend. It's my friend. Il-flixkun huwa vojt. The bottle is empty. The bottle is empty. Fejn toqgħod? Where do you live? Where do you live? Naf li huwa mużiċist famuż. I know that he is a famous musician. I know he is a famous musician. Inħobbok ħafna. I love you very much. I love you very much. Ommu titkellem bit-Taljan. His mother speaks Italian. His mother speaks Italianly. Il-ktieb huwa fuq il-mejda. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Kważi għandi kull ma rrid. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I want. X'inhi din? What is it? What is this? X'nistgħu nixorbu? What can we drink? What can we drink? Is-surmast saqsieni: "Il-gimgħa d-diehla se tkun vaganza?" The headmaster asked me: "Is next week a holiday?" The surmast asked me: "Did the week be a holiday?" Ir-riħa hija diżgustanti. The smell is disgusting. The smell is disgusting. Xi trid tagħmel illum? What do you want to do today? What must you do today? Titkellem bl-Ispanjol? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Bonġu! Good morning! Bonuse! Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. The check, please. The account, please. Mary rasha iebsa wisq biex tiskuza ruħha. Mary is too stubborn to apologize. Mary’s head too hard to cry. Bonġu. Good morning! Bonuse. M'għandniex tifla. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a girl. Min baqa ħaj? Who survived? Who survived? Il-qattus tiegħek huwa iswed. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Jien differenti minn ġuvintur oħra. I'm different from other guys. I'm different from other young men. Iva. Yes. Yes. Kemm jien injorant! How foolish I am! How ignorant I am! Ajjut! Help! Look! Kif int? How are you? How are you? Saħħa. Goodbye! Health. Inħobbok. I love you. I love you. Ma kienx tort tiegħi. It was not my fault. It was not my fault. It-toqba hija dejqa. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. Titkellem bl-Ingliż? Do you speak English? Do you speak in English? Huwa l-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda? Is the watch on the table? Is the clock on the table? Ommi tnaddaf il-kamra. My mother cleans the room. My mother cleans the room. Le, grazzi. No, thanks. No, thanks. Ma nafx. I don't know. I don't know. Imissek tieqaf tpejjep. You should stop smoking. You should stop smoking. Qatt ma għoġobni l-bioloġija. I never liked biology. I never liked my biology. Ejja hawn! Come here! Come here! Jien miżżewweġ. I'm married. I am married. Grazzi ħafna! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! X'inhi din? What is this? What is this? Fuq dak biss taħseb int. That's all you think about. Only on what you think. Ċaw! Bye! Chea! Għandi żewġ qtates. I have two cats. I have two cats. Dur fuq il-lemin. Turn right. Turn to right. Millie għandha ktieb. Millie has a book. Millie has a book. Itilgħu fuq tal-linja wieħed wieħed. Get on the bus one by one. Go to one line. It-tfal qed jieħdu zokkor ħafna aktar mil-limitu, jiġifieri dak ta’ 30 gramma ta’ zokkor. Children are consuming sugar in amounts well above the limit, which is fixed at 30 grams. Children are taking sugar far beyond the limit, i.e. that of 30 grams of sugar. Il-kelma biex tidħol hija twila. The password is long. The word to enter is long. Narak iktar tard! See you later! Narak later! Kieku kien għalina, konna ngħidu le. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If it were for us, we would say no. Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. I don't understand. Ejja miegħi! Come with me! Come with me! Il-waranofsinhar it-tajjeb. Good afternoon. The right afternoon. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. Check, please. The account, please. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I'm from England. I am from England. L-eżami huwa faċli. The exam is easy. The exam is easy. Ejja 'l hawn Come here. Let's go X'ħin hu? What's the time? What time is it? It-tifla għandha żiemel abjad. The girl has a white horse. The child has a white horse. Jien Ingliż. I am English. I'm English. Madrid hija l-belt kapitali ta' Spanja. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Titkellem bil-Franċiż? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? Il-ġurnata t-tajba. Have a nice day. The right day. Il-logħba hija divertenti. The game is fun. The game is fun. Ejja miegħi. Come with me. Come with me. Titlaqx idi. Don't let go of my hand. Do not leave my hand. Fejn hu t-tojlit? Where's the toilet? Where is the toilet? Tom ġieli kien jiżbalja attapposta waqt il-lezzjonijiet sabiex l-għalliema tagħti kasu. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom at times made mistakes during the lessons so that the teacher would pay attention to him. Ix-xarabank huwa bil-mod. The bus is slow. The bus is slow. Hemm gżejjer fil-baħar. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandek. I learned everything from you. You have learned everything from you. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandu. I learned everything from him. I learned everything from him. M'iniex minn hawn. I'm not from here. I'm not here. Berlin hija l-belt kapitali Ġermaniża. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the German capital. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandha. I learned everything from her. I learned everything from her. Tista' almenu tgħid "grazzi". You could at least say "thank you". You can at least say "thanks". Il-ktieb huwa ġdid. The book is new. The book is new. Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Kif inti? How are you? How are you? Fejn hu t-tojlit? Where is the toilet? Where is the toilet? Mhux problema. No problem! Not a problem. Dur fuq ix-xellug. Turn left. Turn to left. Il-belt hija żgħira. The city is small. The city is small. Skużani, se jkolli nħallik. Sorry, I've got to go. Excuse me, I will have to leave you. Bħalissa Burj Khalifa huwa wieħed mill-itwal skajskrejper fid-dinja. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Currently Burj Khalifa is one of the longest skyscraper in the world. M'iniex tabib. I'm not a doctor. I am not a doctor. Hemm studenti fil-bibljoteka. There are students in the library. There are students in the library. M'iniex tabiba. I'm not a doctor. I am not a doctor. Għandu fortuna taż-żobb! He is shit out of luck. It has a lofty fortune! Is-Sena t-Tajba! Happy New Year! The Good Year! Is-surmast saqsieni jekk il-gimgħa d-diehla hux se tkun vaganza. The headmaster asked me whether next week was a holiday. The surmast asked me if the week was going to be a holiday. Ir-raġel huwa qawwi. The man is strong. The man is strong. Jien veġetarjana. I am a vegetarian. I am vegetarian. Aw. Hi. Aw. L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda. The watch is on the table. The clock is on the table. Liema żiemel lgħabt? Which horse did you bet on? What horse did you play? Nirringrazzjawkom ħafna! We thank you very much! We thank you very much! Merħba! Welcome. Welcome! X'inhi din? What's this? What is this? Ħriġtux mill-forn kmieni wisq? Did you take it out of the oven too soon? Do not get out of the oven too early? Ma nifhimx. I don't get it. I don't understand. Is-sħana llum. It's hot today. Heat today. Il-fkieren m'għandhomx snien. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles have no teeth. Il-lejla t-tajba. Good evening. The right evening. Ejja hawn! Come here. Come here! L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda? Is the watch on the table? Is the clock on the table? Skużani, se jkolli mmur. Sorry, I've got to go. Excuse me, I will have to go. Man-nofs zokkor li jieħdu t-tfal ġej mix-xorb, il-ħelu, iċ-ċereali u l-yoghurts. Half of the children’s sugar intake comes from drink, sweets, cereals and yoghurts. Of the half-sugars taken by children comes from beverages, sweets, cereals and yoghurts. Mort tixtri? Did you go shopping? Do you buy? X'ħin hu? What time is it? What time is it? X'inhi din? What is that? What is this? Int miġnuna? Are you crazy? Are you magnified? Jien differenti minn subien oħra. I'm different from other guys. I'm different from other boys. X’jismek? What is your name? What is your name? Narak għada. See you tomorrow. Narika tomorrow. Il-qtates jaqbdu l-ġrieden. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Xi trid tagħmel? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Is-surmast saqsieni : "Meta se jiġi?" The headmaster asked me: "When is he coming?" The surmast asked me : "When will he come?" Le, grazzi. No, thank you. No, thanks.