U dih sha man ka step. He has tea every morning. U dih sha man ka step. Phet! Leave! Phost! Katno baje mynta? What time is it now? Katno baje mynta? U Tom u khlem wan ïng haduh 2:30. Tom didn't come home until 2:30. U. Tom umle wanang cônguh 2:30. Ka dei baroh ba phi lah ban leh shisha. It's all you can really do. Ka de baroh bah moh shisha. Nga don kum ito. I've got one just like that. Russia's kumito. Shuh shatai. Stand aside. Shuhhatai. Ngin leh katba lah ban phah ia i khun jongngi sha ka iuniversity ba bha. We'll go to any length to send our child to a good university. Skin leh katba offers a jongi range of jongsi kha iun three bha. Jied ia iba phi best tam. Pick the one you like best. Jied ia ibaar best mem. Ka dei ka jingpynsep-ei iaka por bad iaka pisa. It's a waste of time and a waste of money. Ka dei kanipynep-eika por bada pisa. Mano thngan? Who's hungry? Manoangan? U bah Tanaka u nang bha ban tem piano. Mr. Tanaka can play the piano well. Uah Tanaka utro bha gave the piano. Khlieng ki tiar. Wash the dishes. Nilepts. Phi kynmaw haei u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Phil kynmaw haei u u uh khathartri? Ki juti jongme kine? Are these your shoes? Kjuti jongme kine? Ka ieid ban shet. She loves to cook. Ka ieid the shet. Phi dih sha. You drink tea. Phil dihhaha. Nga khlem kwah ban leh. I didn't want to do it. Russian kwah moah. Ki iathuh iangi ia kaei ba ki tip. They told us what they knew. Ki iathuh iangi ia kaei three tips. Map. Nga khlem mut ban mut eiei. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. Russian mmut mut eiei. Ka siat iaka helicopter. She shot down a helicopter. Katiaka Helicopter. Bam soh! Eat fruits! Bam so! Une udei na ka bynta jongnga. This is for me. Une udei na viata jonganga. Ngam sngewthuh. I don't understand. Russian sngewthuh. U Tom bad ka Mary kim tip ba nga kwah iaki ba kin leit noh. Tom and Mary don't know that I wish they'd leave. U Tom bad ka Mary needles kwah iaki 3 kin leit noh. Ka pynsngewtynnad ianga ba me nang kumno ban leh ia kato. It impresses me that you know how to do that. Ka pynsewtynad ianga three metro kumno gave lehia ktoto. Em kam slap. It is not raining. You kam slap. Phi don samla ba biang? Do you have a steady boyfriend? Don samla three beer? Hynrei kidei lut ki briew. But they are all people. Hinrei kadei kiriew. Shabar! Out! Shabar! Kane ka shuki ka sting. This chair is light. Kane Kina shuki kming. U duh ia ka kam jong u lyngba ka jingbymshimkhia jong u. He lost his job through his irresponsibility. U duh ia kamongba kakbymhim when a jong uu. Hooid. Yes. Hooid. Rymmuiñ! Smile! Rymuiñ! U pitbull jong u Dan u dait ia i ksew barit jong ka Linda. Dan's pitbull attacked Linda's small dog. U pitbull jong Dan ukia i ksew baritjong Linda. Haei phi sah? Where do you live? Haei sah? Ngam ju dei kaei-kaei ruh. I can't get anything right. Russianju dei kaei-kaei rub. Nga sngew kumba nga tuh iaki sentence jong phi. I feel like I'm stealing your sentences. Russian sngew kumba cah iaki sentence jong. Kan sa ai party la shem taiew. She will give a party next week. Kan sa who partys his earew. Nga iathuh lut ia i mei i pa. I told my parents everything. Russian ii ii pa. U Tom um tip eiei aiu u leh. Tom has no idea what he's doing. U. Tom um tip eiei who's u uuh. Sngewbha try iwei. Please try one. Sngewbha iwei. Jongno kine ki khulom? Whose are these pens? Jongno kine kine klom? Pynjaijai. Cool off! Pynjaijai. U Tom um shem la ioh mynsiem ban leh ia kato. Tom wasn't very motivated to do that. U. Tom um smheh mynsiem gives thia ktotototo. Shi drop ka syep ka jaw na moimoi jong u. A drop of sweat ran down his temple. Shi drop kyep kajaw nature. Jied iwei. Choose one. Jied iwei. Ka Mary ka len ba ka dei maka kaba la leh kumto. Mary denied that she was the one who had done that. Ka Mary kaka kaka kaba la leh kumto. Nga iohi ia u lum. I saw the hill. It's Russian iohi um. U pyni iangi kumno ban ñiah kulai. He showed us how to ride a horse. Ucyni iangi kumno gaveñiah . Don sa iwei. There's one more. Don sawei. Shisien ka sngi, ka iathuh ianga ba ka kwah miaw. One day, she told me that she wanted a pet cat. Shisien kangi, ka iathuh ianga three kwah miaw. Ngam tharai re ba nga lah ïohi ia u Tom hangne mynno mynno. I don't think I've ever seen Tom here before. Russian thunno mynno. Nga phong bakla da lyndet ia ki gloves. I put my gloves on inside out by mistake. Russian lakla dundet ia kloves. Ngam don bor. I have no energy. Russian don bor. Ka khriat bha mynta ka sngi. It is very cold today. Kafiat bha mynta kangi. Kane ka patlun kam ñiam ianga. These pants don't fit me. Kane kra patlun kamñia ianga. Nga iohsngew ba u lah ban pynkylla ktien na ka hebrew hyndai. I heard that he could even translate from Ancient Hebrew. Russian iohsngew three u laynkylla ktien na he was hoping forndai. Kloi! Quick! Kloi! Kane kadei ka pakha ba khylliap, bad plie iaka kumne. Kadei naka bynta ki sngi lyiur ba shit. This is a folding fan, and this is how you open it. It's for hot summer days. Kane kadei katha ba bylliap, bad plie iaka kumne. Nga lah bam lypa shuwa ba ngan poi ha jingkhawai. I had already eaten before I arrived at the party. Russian laah bampa shuwa's three-hai-ha-hawa-hawa-hawa-hawa-ha-ha-ha-ha-hawa-ha-ha-hawa-hawa-hahawa-hawa-hawa-hawa-hawawawawawawa-ha Sngapjar! Quiet! Shappjaja! Ka shit palat. It's too hot. Kaza palat. Tom, shadien me! Tom, behind you! Tom, shadien me! Sangeh. Ka smieij. Stop. That tickles. Ka smieij. U sngewtynnad ban tan duma ha ka por ba u eit. He likes to smoke while taking a shit. Ungewtynnad Corma, ha ka por three ut. Ka khyndew ka sboh bha. The land is very fertile. Kappyndew ka sboh bha. U bnai u phyrnai. The moon is shining. Ubannai uyrnai. Ka jinglong kam shem leh bha eiei ia ka nam jong u. The behavior did his reputation no good. Kwanlong kheim leh bha eiei aka male jong u. Tom, hadien jong me! Tom, behind you! Tom, uhn jong me! Ban ksem ka long khlemakor. Farting is rude. Bansem kmawkor. Naduh mynno phi lah pule Latin? Since when have you been learning Latin? Naduh mynno No lale Latin? Tom bad Mary ki don shabar. Tom and Mary are outside. Tom bad Mary kanshabar. Hangno ka painkhana? Where is the toilet? Hagno ka painkhana? Ngam thikna mano ba bat ka suitcase jong nga. I'm not sure who has my suitcases. Russian munna mano bat kitcase moong. Sngewbha, tangba kato kadei ka racket jongnga. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Sngewbha, thomato kadei kanganganga. Kane ka long kaba jynjar. This is difficult. KaneKa long kaba jynjar. Kyrteng aiu maphi? What is your name? Who's maphi? Nga khlem khar. I didn't pick it up. Russian klemmar. Nga lah pynjrong iaka shuti. I extended my holiday. Russian pynjrong iaka shutti. Balei phi shait kylli bun jingkylli bha? Why do you always ask so many questions? Balei no shait kylifkyli bha? Jied uwei. Choose one. Jied uwei. Shuh! Scram! Shuh! Kwah kawei? Want one? Kwah kawei? Ngi dei ban mih noh mynta mynta. We must leave immediately. The mihno mynta mynta. Dei manga ba pyniap ia u Kennedy. It was me who killed Kennedy. Dei carries three pynia ia u Kennedy. U Tom u ong ba dei tang ka jingphohsniew. Tom said it was all like a dream. U. Tom u bee three dei lulirphosniew. Phi tip katno ngi lah iohnong? Do you know how much profit we made? Phila katno screaming iohnoang? Phi dang lah ban kren ka ktien tynrai jongphi? Are you still able to speak your tribal language? Where's the kren Kena katen Hongphi? Jaijai. Chill. Jaijai. Ngam pat lah re ban kynmaw iaki kyntien kato ka jongrwai. I still can't remember the words to that song. The kynmaw iaki kyntien kato kongrwai. Sngewbha mih na kamrashet. Please get out of the kitchen. Sngewbha na kamrashet. Sngap. Listen. Spap. Kine ki khulom jongno? Whose are these pens? Kine fucking jongno? U Tom u dei u bakhlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U Tom u u u u bakhlaiñus. Sa iakynduh ha ïng. I'll see you at home. Saiakynduh hahh. U Tom u rymmuin mynba ka Mary ka peit ia u. Tom smiled when Mary looked at him. U. Tom u rymuin Mynba ka Mary kautia u. U Tom u tip shaphang kane, hato um tip re? Tom knows about this, doesn't he? U Tom u-shaphang kane, hato um tip re? U Sami um tieng iaka khlaw. Sami is not afraid of the jungle. U Sami um tiangka Kolaw. Ngam shem ai eiei ia u Tom. I didn't give Tom anything. Russia, who's eiei u Tom. Phi nang kumno ban pyndonkam ia ki chopsticks? Do you know how to use chopsticks? Pho kumno gave pyndonkam ia forsticks? Ka miaw bapli. Poor cat. Ka miaw bapli. Ka slap. It's raining. Ka slap. Ka peit ianga. She looked at me. Ka peit ianga. Nga lah pynjlan iaka shuti. I extended my holiday. Russian pynjlan iaka shutti. Jingshong jongnga ka pang. My butt hurts. Jingshong jonganga kang. Khar. Pick it up. Khar. Ka dukan ka khang lashai. The store will be closed tomorrow. Ka dukan kanga lashai. U ai kajuh ka jubab kum kaba hashuwa. He gave the same answer as before. UHAKjuh ka djubab kum kabahauwa. In nym her. It won't fly! Innym her. Ngi bam lang man ka janmiet. We eat together every evening. It's three miles away from a janmiet. Ka pyrthei ka shad pyllun. The earth rotates. Kapyrthei ka shad pyllun. Lah biang! Enough! Lah beer! Ei. Hi. Ei. Wat pynsmieij ianga. Don't tickle me! Wat pynsmieij ianga. Kane ka sentence ka dei jong nga. This sentence is mine. Kane Ka sentence kaci moong. Kham jam. Louder. Khamjam. Ka Mary ka len ba ka dei maka kaba la leh ia kata. Mary denied that she was the one who had done that. Ka Mary kayling three ka i kaka kaba la leia kata. U Tom bad ka Mary kim lah shuh ban trei. Tom and Mary can no longer do their jobs. U. Tom bad ka Mary shuh. Pha mut ba nga leh bakla? Do you think I'm making a mistake? Pharhbakla? U Tom un pynmong ia me. Tom is going to hurt you. U. Tom doesn't have me. Kane ka dei ka jongnga. This belongs to me. Kane Kagagaganga. Namar ka don hangto. Because it is there. Namarka don caveto. U ieng hangto shiphang. He stood there for a while. Uieng caveto shiphang. Ka jingiaishah ka lah ban long ka bymlah ban iaishah. Bearing can be unbearable. Kwaniaishah kah akah by mlah supply iaishah. Shibun! Very! Shibul! Ki kwah biang ia u Tom. They want Tom back. Ki kwah beer u Tom. U Sami unhap ban shaniah ia ka Layla. Sami needs to trust Layla. U Sami unhap System shaniah ia kya Layla. U dei hok ba un sngapjar. He was right to keep silent. Uci hok three unwappjar. Lada ki dei ki nong-Canada, kane ka jingeh kan nyn don. If they were Canadians, this problem wouldn't exist. Lada kan kann, kane krash kanyn don. Kumno phi ioh jingbit ban leh ia kata? How did you get permission to do that? Kumno kata? Ieid iaka pyrthei. Love the earth. Ieid iaka pyrthei. Ka nar ka ran ynda lah pjah. Metal contracts when cooled. Ka nar kaka ynda la pjah. Ngi kren nongjapan. We speak Japanese. Don't move. Wan! Come! Wan! U ban ia i khyllung. He is lying on the baby. Uia i kyllung. Wut wut. Hurry up. Wut wut. U Tom u kwah iaphi. Tom wants you. U Tom u kwah iaphi. Ki lieh lut ki han-blei. All swans are white. Ki lieh dunk-blei. Pha lah ban leit lada pha kwah. You can go if you want to. An leit lada made kwah. Ngan sa phah rah ha u ia kane ka synduk shalor. I'll get him to carry this box upstairs. Russian sashah ha u ane kynduk shalor. Kumno ngan shu tip? How should I know? Kumno sul tip? Sngewbha batai ianga ka jingmut ba iahap tam jong ka kyntien. Will you please explain to me the exact meaning of the word? Sngewbha three ianga kangamut three iaharp ung kyntien. Phi don por lashai? Do you have time tomorrow? Philo por lashai? U rung ha bank da kaba riam kum u nongap. He entered the bank disguised as a guard. Oh ha ha ha ha hak da kabam kum u nongap. U Sami um ju burom ianga. Sami was never respectful to me. U Sami um morom ianga. Ban ksem ka long kaba khlemakor. Farting is rude. The ksem ka long kaba kemakor. Don kaei-kaei ka ba nga kwah ban kylli iaphi. There's something that I've been wanting to ask you. Don kaei-kaei kwah grants kylli iaphi. U Tom u don bun ki paralok. Tom has lots of friends. U Tom u don't fuck paralok. La khot aiu ia kito? What are those called? Who's a kito? Ki khlur ki long kiba itynnad. Stars are beautiful. Khmurk khaba itynnad. Kaei? What? Kaei? Pha kynmaw hangno u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Phynmaw caveno u u uh khathartri? Iathuh ianga kumno phi tip ba nga keh ia kato. Tell me how you found out that I did that. Iathuh ianga kumno don't give a three-year-old tip. Nga kynmaw ia katai. I remember that. Russian kynmaw ia kaitaita. ki masi ki don reng. Cows have horns. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Ieng joit! Stand up! Ingjult! Ia u Mayor ka Toronto, la lap ba u dih crack. Toronto's mayor was caught on tape smoking crack. Ia u Mayor ka Toronto, lap 3 uvack. U Sami u long u kpa ba biang. Sami is a good dad. U Sami u long u kpa 3 beer. Balei ngim ju leh tennis ha ka sngi-u-blei? Why don't we play tennis on Sunday? Balei ju leh tennis ha kangi-u-blei? Ka tam syntiew. She picked flowers. KaTyntew. U lehkai beach volleyball. He plays beach volleyball. Ucrakai beach volleyball. U Tom u dang rit palat ban leh iakane. Tom is way too young to be doing this. U. Tom ut rit palatium leh iakane. Rieh! Take cover! Rieh! Phi mut ba nga leh bakla? Do you think I'm making a mistake? Mohih bakla? U ong ba u donkam ban leit thiedjingthied. He said he needs to go shopping. U bee three u donkam grants leitarded. Phi nang ban pyndonkam ia ki chopsticks? Do you know how to use chopsticks? The pyndonkam forsticks? Ym baroh ba ong u Tom dei ba shisha. Not everything Tom said was true. Ym baroh three bees. Tom dei ba shisha. Nga sngewthuh balei phi dom. I understand why you're angry. Russian sngewthuh balei dom. Ai katba pan u Tom. Give Tom everything he asks for. Someone katba pan u Tom. Phi lah sait ki kti? Have you washed your hands yet? What's wrong with Africa? Ka painkhana ka don hajrong. The toilet is upstairs. Ka painkhana ka don hajrong. Her! Fly! Her! Pynpait ki pylleng bad weng ki shangai. Break the eggs and remove the yolks. Pynpait kylleng bad us kangai. Nga kwah iaphi ban doh ianga. I want you to kiss me. Kwah iaphi given by ianga. Ka Jill ka peit ia u John na kner. Jill looked at John sideways. Ka Jill ka peit u John nakner. Jia aiu ia nga? What is wrong with me? Jia who's cool? Phin nym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Philym latttana. Kiei kito? What are those? Kiei kito? Nga lah leit sha Boston katto katne sien. I've been to Boston numerous times. Russian leit sha Boston katto katne sien. Ki masi ki ai dud iangi. Cows give us milk. Kirisi iangi. U khynnah u saitlah ban ngeit ia ka nonghikai. The student refused to obey his teacher. Ufynnah utlah gave me a little kakiki. Ngan leit sha Australia ha u bnai ban sa wan. I'm going to Australia the month after next. Russian leit sha Australia ha u bnai sawan. One I dei I tiket kot. This is a paper ticket. One I don't know. Sngewbha pyrshang iwei. Please try one. Sngewbha pyvang iwei. Um shem lah ban leh hi da lade. He couldn't do that by himself. Um shemah gave him cah la la lade. Phet! Scram! Phost! Wat wit. Stand aside. Wat awit. Kyllalynkot, Rymphang, Lber, Iaiong, Jymmang, Jylliew, Naitung, Nailar, Nailur, Risaw, Naiwieng bad Nohprah kidei ki khat-ar tylli ki bnai jong u snem. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December are the twelve months of the year. Kyllynkot, Rymphang, Lber, Ipong, Jyhelman, Jyilew, Naitung, Naillar, Rillur, Risaw, Naiw, Naiwiong bad Nophrai klari-kili-kuni duni-kunijop. Nga shong baroh shi miet thoh jingthoh. I've been up all night writing. Russian shong baroh shi mietthih. Phi dei iei? Who are you? Phil deiei? Ngam kwah ban leit sha skul. I don't want to go to school. Russian kwah gave leitsha skul. Pule kane ka kot. Read this book. Pule kane keat. U Tom u long u ba khlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U. Tom u long uvlaiña tam. Ka Germany ka dei ka ri ba khriat. Germany is a cold country. Ka Germany Kaa kari kariba khirt. Phi lah ban shah behkam lada phi leh kumba bthah u Tom iaphi. You might get fired if you do that the way Tom told you to. Philah Behkam la Dah kumbablah u Tomiaphi. Tom, nadien jong phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, nadien jong! Me lah ban ia leit lada me ia kwah. You can go if you want to. Me la la leit lada me ia kwah. Ka pynsngewtynnad ianga ba phi nang kumno ban leh ia kato. It impresses me that you know how to do that. Ka pynsewtynad ianga three kumno grants lehia ktoto. Tom, hadien jong phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, uhn jong! Mareh! Run! Mareh! Ei! Hello! Ei! Tap ki khmat. Cover your eyes. Tapps. Jisu khrist! Jesus Christ! Jisu krist! Ym donkam ban leh iakata. There is no necessity for you to do that. Ym dokamium leh iakata. U don dakmong ha kjat kamon. He has a bruise on his right leg. Oh, my God, I don't know. U Tom u khlem leh bakla eiei. Tom didn't do anything wrong. U. Tom umle mokla eiei. Nga kynmaw ia katei. I remember that. Russian Kynmaw ia katei. Phi iohthiah bha? Did you have a good sleep? Philothia bha? Iei? What? Iei? Kwah iwei? Want one? Kwah iwei? Nga! Me! Russia! U Tom bad ka Mary ki i kumba kim pat thiah da ki sngi. Tom and Mary looked like they hadn't slept in days. I don't know. I'u Tom la sngewtynnad da ki paralok jong u. Tom is liked by his friends. I'm Tom la sngewtynad da khalok jong u. Kine ki patlun kim biang ianga. These pants don't fit me. Kine kellun needle ianga. Nga thikna pha bunkam bha. I'm sure you're very busy. Russian shankkam bha. Phi dei maphi ba hap siew iaka bill. You're the one who should pay the bill. Phil dephi bap siew iaka do. Mo! Goodbye! Mo! Ka long ka bymlahlong ban shna. It's impossible to fix. Ka long ka by mahlong gave shna. Phi kyllut? Are you deaf? Kyllut? Mano ba lah thngan? Who's hungry? Mano 3 langan? Map ianga. I'm sorry. Map ianga. Jied. Choose. Jied. Nga hap ban ai jop ia ka. I had to let her win. It's Russian jop ia ka. Nga tip ba ka jynjar iapha ba phan sngewthuh. I know this is hard for you to understand. Russian tipa jynjarpha 3 gigewthuh. Sngewbha pyrshang uwei. Please try one. Sngewbha pyvang uwei. Shijur ki sohshkor ki long ki jingai ba itynnad iaka. A pair of earrings is a nice present for her. Shijshkor kirkor, who's three Sheynnad iaka. Nguh! Kneel! You're an idiot! Nga donkam iaphi. I need you. Russian dokam iaphi. Phi sted bha ban buh ki sentence nga hangto. You're very fast at putting my sentences there. A sedbha gave the buhk sentence down the caveto. Nga kwah iaphi ba phin rwai kawei ka jingrwai. I would like you to sing a song. Russian Kwah iaphi bang rwai kwei kawei khashi khashi kaiwai. Phi leh aiu ha ka por ba i wan? What were you doing when she came? Where's Phila ha ha ha por ba i wan? Kwah uwei? Want one? Kwah uwei? U Tom u dang shu dep pynkhreh. Tom is just finishing setting up. U. Tom uu dep pynkhreh. Ngi tip ba phin sa kwah ban wan bad ngi. We thought you might want to come with us. The third tip of the kwah band of wan bads. U khublei ianga da ki khmat jongu. He thanked me with his eyes. Ublei ianga wears jongu. Ka Mary ka ai ha nga shuwa ba kan khlad. Mary gave it to me before she died. Ka Mary Ka who has three kauwa kan molad. Iei i Disney character ba best tam maphi? Who's your favorite Disney character? IeiiWhich character baest mem maphi? Don chewing-gum ba sahkut ha dien juti nga. There's gum stuck to the back of my shoe. Don coverwing-gum bahkut ha dien dajuti. Khot aiu ia kito? What are those called? Who's a kito? Ka jingkyrni kyiad jong ki samla ka dei ka jingeh bakhraw. The abuse of alcohol among young people is a serious problem. Kwankyrni kyiad momla kari khakah. Shano me lwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shano mewah gave me leit? Sait ki pliang. Wash the dishes. Wrong pliang. U Sami u la shah kem. Sami was arrested. U Sami u la shah ice cream. Pha leh aiu ha kato ka por? What were you doing at that time? Who's that? Who's that? Don ba tip shaei u Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don ba tiphaei u Tom bad ka don? Ka long ka briew kaba bhabriew bha. She is a very beautiful woman. Ka long kariew kaba bhabilew bha. Ka Mary ka ong ba kan ym leh. Mary said that she wouldn't do it. Ka Mary ka bee three kan y leh. Ka ong ba ka la kdang. She said that she was full. Ka bee three kma la kdang. U la phla ba u la leh shiliang. He admitted that he was biased. U la la la la leh shiliang. Kumno la pyndonkam iakane ka kamera. How do you use this camera? Kumno la pyndonkam iakane kamera. Me ia dih sha. You drink tea. Meia dihha. U Tom u dang demkhohsiew. Tom was kneeling. Uh-oh-oh-oh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Nga tip ba ka jynjar iame ba men sngewthuh. I know this is hard for you to understand. Russian tip three kynjar iame three sngewthuh. Phim lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Bymlahlong Impossible. By mlahlong Lah leit mo! Goodbye! Lah leit mo! Shano pha kwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shano made kwah a leit? Da kynmaw! Remember! Daynmaw! Nga tip phi don essay ban thoh. I know you have an essay to write. Russian tip don't don essay. U Tom u dei u paralok banyngkong jongnga ha facebook. Tom was my first Facebook friend. U Tom u u u paralok Banngjongkhak. Hangne sah uwei u dngiem. Here lives one bear. Hangne sah uwei u dngiem. Nga tharai nga tip hangno ban wad i'u Tom I think I may know where to find Tom. Russia spared the tip of the caveno provides wadi'u Tom. Kyrteng aiu phi? What is your name? Who's Kyrteg? Nga dang shu buh shwa ba phin phah hi. I had just put it before you ask me to. Russian Rubuh shwa 3 philanthrop. Phi sngewtynnad ka film? Do you like the movie? Petewtynnad ka film? Uei u 'terpomo'? U apple ha madan, ne u phan? What is 'terpomo'? An apple in the ground, or a potato? Upple ha madan, ne u u'teropo'? Bapli i miaw. Poor cat. Baplii miaw. Ngan nym iathuh iaki kata. I'm not going to tell them that. Russian iathuh iaki kata. Ngam pat iohi iaka lah slem. I haven't seen her for a long time. Russian pat io iaka la slem. Kito kidei ki nombar aiu? What are those numbers? Who's Kito kadei who's taking care ofbar? Ka shit mynta. It's hot today. Kaj mynta. Ngam sngewtynnad iakane ka kot. Ka phyrnai palat. I don't like this paper. It's too shiny. Russian sngewtynnad iakane kaka, Kheyrnai palat. Baroh lah shah ktah. Everyone has been affected. Baroh la shah kahhah. U Tom u shoh shwa ianga. Tom hit me first. U Tom u shoh shwa ianga. Nga park ia ka kali hangtei. My car is parked over there. Russian park ia kalli cavetei. Phim kwah pynsangeh ia u Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? The kwah pynsangeh u Tom movie? Ngam pat don khun. I don't have any children yet. It's Russian mart don. Nga tip ba ka jynjar iaphi ba phin sngewthuh. I know this is hard for you to understand. Russian tip three kynja moiaphi bangewthuh. Kumno ngan pyniapbieij ia u Tom? How am I going to impress Tom? Kumno syniapbiijia u Tom? Tom, nadien jong me! Tom, behind you! Tom, nadien jong me! Nga bishni iaphi. I was jealous of you. Russian bishni iaphi. Pule shuwa iakane. Read this first. Pule shuwa iakane. Phi nang ktien aiu? What languages do you know? Who's a ktien? Pha kyllut? Are you deaf? Pyllut? U Tom u kdup ia ka Mary bad u doh iaka ngap jongka. Tom put his arm around Mary and kissed her cheek. U. Tom u kdup ia Mary badu u doia-kongka. U Tom u sei ia u shabi bad u plie ia ka jingkhang. Tom pulled out his key and opened the door. U Tom u u u u u umshabi bad u plice ia kankang. Haei phi don? Where are you? Hayi don? Ka bha kane. This is good. Ka bha kane. Mih! Leave! Mih! Nga shu pynthikna. I was just making sure. Russian pynthikna. Mem dei u briew uba nga mut ba me dei. You're just not the person I thought you were. Mem dei u briew ubat three of me dei. Kren jem. Speak softly. Kren jem. U Tom u buh iaka suloi hapoh u syngkhlieh. Tom put his pistol under the pillow. U. Tom uuh iaka sulo hapoh uykhlih. Leh bha! Watch out! Scoobha! U Tom u i hok. Tom seems sincere. U Tom u i hok. U Tom u kwah aiu tip. I wonder what Tom wants. U Tom u kwah whou tip. Nga kyrmen ba ka Mary kan leh ia kaeinkaba ngi phah iaka. I just hope Mary does what we asked her to do. Russian kyrmen three ka Mary kan leia kaeinka zeiaka. U Tom u pankylliang pisa na ngi. Tom borrowed some money from us. U. Tom u pankyliang pisa. Sdieh. Fry. Sieh. Phim lah ban phet nanga. You can't escape from me. It's a video from the Side. Nga tharai nga tip shano ban wad i'u Tom. I think I may know where to find Tom. Russia spared the tip shano who gave me wadi'u Tom. Ngam nang ban jngi. I don't know how to swim. It's Russian jangi. Don duna um bha ha kophi jongphi. There is very little water in your coffee. Don duna um bha ha no jongphi. Bleh. Blah. Bleh. Nga wan namar me thoh aiu re. I came because of something you wrote. Russian menar me. Ka painkhana ka don halor. The toilet is upstairs. Ka painkhana ka don halor. Nga don hangne namar nga hap ban don hangne. I'm here because I have to be here. The Russian cavennear is skunching the cavenne. Thied! Buy! Thed! Phim pat pyrshang hi. You haven't even tried. The pyshang. Phi lah ban iohsngew ianga? Can you hear me? An iohsngew ianga? U donkam pisa. He is in need of money. U dokam pisa. U don shiphew tylli ki masi. He has ten cows. U donphhew the kilsi. Lah jan dei por ban reply iaka shithi jong u. It'd be about time to reply to his letter. Lah jan dei porply iakajhi jong u. Dwai. Pray. Dwai. U lah pynhiar kyrdan iame. He demoted you. Uah pynhiar kyrdan iame. Nga dang pule Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. Russian male Japanese. Ngi dei ban pyrshang ia kane. We should give this a try. The pyvang ia kane. Balei me tar iaka jaiñ haka jaka ban khap ia ka da ka khanshi? Why did you tear the cloth instead of cutting it with scissors? Balei me tar taka jaiña jaka pjaka gave mea kayyashi? Peit shadien jong phi. Look behind you. Petit shadien jong. U Tom bad u John ki ia leh kumba dei shipara. Tom and John pretended to be brothers. U. Tom bad u John kumba de shipara. Ki ia tieng lut i'u Tom. They're all scared of Tom. Kiia th' i'u Tom. Peit ialade. Watch yourself. Peit iaade. Ka khluit. It's hot. Kappal. U Tom bad ka Mary kim pat kwah ban shongthait. Tom and Mary don't want to retire. U Tom bad ka Mary khat kwah grant. Ka pynshrai ia u. She teased him. Ka pynshrai u. U Tom u dei u briew ba ngiah tam ba nga tip. Tom is the most boring person I know. U Tom u u i u briew three ogih taste tip. Sngewbha. Please. Sngewbha. Shaei ka painkhana? Where is the toilet? Shaei ka painkhana? Ngi lah ban ong ba kito ki ball ki don katjuh ka jingkhia. We could say that both of those balls are the same weight. It's three kito katjuk when it's gone. Ka race shispah mitar kan sdang ar baje mynsngi. The one hundred metre run starts at two in the afternoon. Ka race shispah mitar kanng threeje mynsngi. Nga tharai nga lah ban tip haei ban wad i'u Tom. I think I may know where to find Tom. Russia is the one who gives me the tiphaei a wad i'u Tom. Khublei na ka bynta baroh. Thanks for everything. Chiblei na viata baroh. Kan nym her. It won't fly! Kan nym her. Tom, nadien phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, nadien! Don sa kawei. There's one more. Don sakwei. Mynshuwa haka por ba u Pluto u dang dei u planet, don u khynnah ba kyrteng Tom. A long time ago when Pluto was still a planet, there was a boy named Tom. Mynshuwa haka por u Pluto u u i planet, don uynnah three kyrteang Tom. Nga call sha office jong u mynin. I called at his office yesterday. Russian callsh office jong u mynin. Ha ba kut ka sentence dei ban buh u period. At the end of the sentence one should put a period. Ha three kut ka sentence dei buh u period. I miaw bapli. Poor cat. IMaw bapli. U Tom bad ka Mary kim iathuh ia u John ki donkam ban thied aiu. Tom and Mary didn't tell John what they needed to buy. U. Tom bad Mary ka needle iathuh u John donkam granted anyoneu. Peit! Look! Petit! Ka ksieh ia kawei ka miaw. She strangled a cat. Ka ksieh ia kawei kaw. Bam suki. Eat slowly. Bam suki. Kloi kloi. Hurry up. Kloi kloi. U Tom um sah jngai na nga, tangba ngam da iohi than ia u. Tom doesn't live far from me, but I don't see him very often. U. Tom um sangai mow, thawbaanga da iou iu ugia. Husiar! Ki jingim ha kane ka Iunivers la ker sawdong da 100% ki thyllieh. Phi kwah da kaba thymmai? Warning: the lifeforms in this universe are surrounded by 10% dandruff. Would you like to set up a new one? Kwanim ha kane kunivers laker sawdong da 100% kwallieh. U ban iaka khyllung. He is lying on the baby. Uiaka kyllung. U Burj Khalifa mynta u dei u jingtei ba jrong tam ha ka pyrthei. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Uurj Khalifa mynta de lultei three jrongta kyrthei. Ha kawei pat ka por, wat pynhap iaka. Next time, don't drop it. Ha kawei pat ka por, wat pynhap iaka. Kylli i'u Tom kiei ki plan jong u. Ask Tom what his plans are. Kylli i'u Tom kei lan jong u. Haba kumta? Therefore? Haba kumta? Bam! Eat! Bam! Kum kynrad, kum nongbud. Like master, like disciple. Kum kynrad, kumngbud. Bta ka khmat. Wash your face. Bta kat. Kane ka kot kadei ka kot thymmai. That book is a new book. Kane kra kagadei kakmmmmmmmmmmm. Ngi dei ban trei katba ngi dang im. We must work as long as we live. Katba, shut up. Bow! Fuck! Bow! Peit hadien jong me. Look behind you. Peit hadien jong me. Men ym lah ban phet nanga. You can't escape from me. Men ym lattrosa. Mem lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Mem latttana. Shibun eh! Very! Shibun eh! Sa kaei don hangto? What else is there? Sa kaei don caveto? Ki kali jong ki Nongengland bad ki Nongjapan ki don steering sha kamon. British and Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right side. Khali jong Kogengland bad Nowaka dothringha kahmon. Ki han-blei ki lieh lut. All swans are white. Kiku-blei keeh lut. Ban iaishah ka lah ban long ka bymlah ban iaishah. Bearing can be unbearable. Baniaishah kah long wah by mah iaishah. U Jisu u isih iaphi. Jesus hates you. U Jisu u is iaphi. Ngam kwah ban shah iohi ianga bad u Tom. I don't want anyone to see me with Tom. ianga bad u Tom. Khie. Go. Whene. U Tom u pyrshang ban doh iaka Mary, hynrei ka ran dien. Tom tried to kiss Mary, but she leaned back. U. Tom u pyshang grants dohka Mary, cunrei kaken. Ai chalk. Give me a piece of chalk. Who's Chalk? Phi dei ban pyndonkam deo. You should use a deodorant. Philo pyndonkam deo. Wan kloi! Come quick! Wan kloi! U Tom bad ka Mary ki kam ba ki lah dep leh lypa ia kato. Tom and Mary claim they've done that already. U Tom bad ka Mary kam three kah mah dep lepa iayato. Don ki dewlynnong haka duriaw. There are islands in the sea. Don kawnnong haka duriaw. Adi! Ouch! Adi! Khublei! Thank you! Chiblei! Me lah ban shah behkam lada me leh kumba bthah u Tom iame You might get fired if you do that the way Tom told you to. Me laah Beahm lada me leumba bahah u Tomiame Ka jingshisha ka pyni iaka jingisat. The truth bears hatred. Kwanshisha ka pyni iaka wanisat. Shano phi kwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shano kwah grant leit? U Tom u iathuh ia ka Mary ba um nang ban put saxophone. Tom told Mary that he didn't know how to play the saxophone. U. Tom uthuh ia Mary ba umtrophone. Pham lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Pisssa's future. U Brian u sah hajrong u lum. Brian lives over the hill. U Brian u u u hajrong u lm. Ka kheit syntiew. She picked flowers. Kahit syntew. Lah bieij? Are you crazy? Lah bieij? Nga iohi ia ia u Tom ba u mareh shathie. I saw Tom running down the street. Russian iohi ia u Tom u u mareh hartal. U kren ianga por ba u ïohi ianga. He spoke to me when he saw me. Ukn ianga por three uohi ianga. Ho! Bye! Ho! Nga isih beit iaka. I've always hated her. Russian isih beaka. Nga shu kwah ia u ba un leit noh. I just want him to go away. Russian Kwah u leit no leit noh. Iohsngew ianga? Can you hear me? Iohsngew ianga? Nga thikna ba u Tom u lah ban leh. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. Russian munna ba u u u la leh. Ka Mary ka pyrshang ban iada iaki khun jongka. Mary tried to protect her kids. Ka Mary ka pyshang gives iada iaki the jongka. Ka lok u Sami ka don hangto. Sami's wife was there. Ka lok u Sami don caveto. U Sami u pynbor ia ka Layla ba kan thok. Sami forced Layla to lie. U Sami u pynbor ia kyla 3 kank. Nga duh noh ia i paieid jongnga na ka daw jong ka cancer mynta u snem. I lost my grandfather to cancer this year. Russian duh noah ia i paieid jonga danga daw kongkaucer mynta u snem. Nga kwah ban iashoh. I want to fight. Kwah gave iashoh. Ka Emily ka isih ia ki painkhana. Emily hates toilets. Ka Emily Ka isih kinkhana. Ngi khlem iohpateng iakane ka pyrthei na ki mynbarim jongngi, ngi pankylliang na ki khun jongngi. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Mynbaimjong, iankyliang nakane kythei Nga bam naphang. I'm not usually picky about food. Russian bam naphang. U Tom um lah ngeit ba ka Mary ka mut shisha ban leit. Tom can't believe Mary is really planning to go. U. Tom um screams at three ka Mary ka mut shisha give leit. Map. Sorry. Map. Ka sngewieid bha. That was really sweet. Ka sngewieid bha. Phin ym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Corn ym latttana. Lano kan sdang? When does it begin? Lano kan sdang? Da kumno kumno. Anyway. Dakumno kumno. Ka Mary ka hap ban phla ba ka la bakla. Mary had to admit she was wrong. Ka Mary ka ha hapla ba la bakla. Balei? Why? Balei? Ngam tharai re ba u Tom un bieij haduh katta katta ba un leh kumto. I don't think that Tom would be stupid enough to do something like that. Russian thuneij didn't know uh katta katta three didn't leh kumto. Phi kwah aiu? What do you want? Who's kwah? Me kyllut ne? Are you deaf? Me kyllut ne? Khlieng ki pliang. Wash the dishes. Chiléng maliang. Ka kamra jongphi ka heh arshah ia ka jongnga. Your room is twice the size of mine. Kamarra jongphi kah akah ia jonganga. Ngan don hangne. I'll be right in here. Russian don't cavene. Ka phone u Tom ka pah. Tom's phone rang. Ka phone u Tom kmah. Kim shah iaphi ba phin leh kumto hangne. They won't permit you to do that here. Kim shah iaphi banothi kumto cave. Ka jingbieij. How foolish! Kwanbiij. U dei u dieng bajrong tam ba nga lah iohi. It is the tallest tree that I ever saw. U deci dieng bajrong Tathi. Ki dngiem ki lah ban kiew dieng. Bears can climb trees. K dngiem kwew dieng. Don mano mano ba tip haei U Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don mano mano three tips haei U Tom bad ka Mary don't? Ki juti nga ki brown. My shoes are brown. Kijuti skun. Balei ngam sngewthuh phareng? Why don't I understand English? Balei sngwewthuhphareng? Shri! Smile! Shri! U Tom um tip eiei ba u leh. Tom has no idea what he's doing. U. Tom um tip eiei ba u uh. "Kynmaw jingkular jongphi!" "Wat khuslai! Nga lah ban buhrieh!" "Remember your promise!" "Don't worry! I can keep a secret!" "Kanmawwikular jongphi!" said Watslai! U Tom u don ha ka surgery? Is Tom in surgery? U Tom u don't ha kargery? U Tom bad ka Mary kim poi pyrkhat ba u John un leh shisha ia kato mynta ka sngi. Tom and Mary said they didn't think John really needed to do that today. U Tom bad ka Mary pyrkhart 3 u John unhisha ia mynta kangi. Shaei pha kwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shaei made kwah a leit? Kumno ki iitkhmat jongki ki shah kylliang? Maki ruh kim sngewthuh iakata. How did their glasses get swapped? Even they themselves didn't understand it! Kumno kitkhat jongki kylliang? Ngan nym leit phai biang. I'm not going to go back. It's Russian leitken. Ka shait sngewtynnad. It used to be such fun. Ka shait sngewtynnad. Balei phi slem? Why are you late? Balei Mile? U Jisu u jubab iaki. Jesus answered them. U Jisu u jubaiaki. Shano ka painkhana? Where is the toilet? Shano kan painkhana? U Tom u khlem pynap slem ia ka Mary. Tom didn't keep Mary waiting too long. U. Tom um eynap mmia ka Mary. Long ngan call? Can I make a phone call? Long snung call? Nga hap ai jingkren? Do I have to make a speech? Who's Russian? Ngan sa phah rah ha u ia kane ka synduk shajrong. I'll get him to carry this box upstairs. Russian sacara ha u ane kynduk sjrong. Kane ka eh. This is difficult. Kane Ka eh. Ngi lah dei ban iapoi biang. We should be getting back. La la deiapoi beer. Katno baje wai skul? When is school over? Katno baje wai skul? Nga tharai ngi hap ban wad shaei u Tom bad ka Mary ki ia don. I think we need to find out where Tom and Mary are. Russian releasei haadhaei u Tom bad ka Mary kian. Nga kwah ba phin sangeh pashat tiar ha nga. I wish you'd quit throwing things at me. The Russian kwah 3th toeh pashat almber. Ngam kwah ban leit skul. I don't want to go to school. Kwah gave me leit skul. Ka pynsngewtynnad ianga ba pha nang kumno ban leh ia kato. It impresses me that you know how to do that. Ka pynsewtynad ianga batro kumno gave lehia ktoto. U Sami u khura ia ki tiar ka Layla. Sami went through Layla's stuff. U Sami u rangeria ka Layla. Bat ia u. Grab him. Bat ia u. U Tom u lah smai ba un nym leh shuh iakato. Tom has promised he won't do that anymore. U. Tom u la lam unym don't huh. iakato. Nga kynmaw ia kato. I remember that. Russian kynmaw oia ktototo. Ngin iarap iaka. We're going to help her. Hin iarap iaka. Phi dei ban sngapjar. You must keep quiet. Phil depjajajar. Sangeh pynsmieij ianga. Stop tickling me! Sangeh pynsmieij ianga. Tam. Pick it up. Tam. Aiu phi kwah? What do you want? Who's kwah? Ngin sa pynshai kaei kaba dei bad kaei kaba lait. We will clarify what is true and what is false. Hen sa pynshai kaei kaeba de bad kaei kabat. U Tom u iuh ha ki iit ba lah pait. Tom stepped on some broken glass. I don't know. Me dih sha. You drink tea. Me dihha. Ai sha nga u khulom. Pass me the pen. Who's salks ulom. Ki leh kumba ki tieng. They pretended they were afraid. Ki leh kumba mang. Bieij. Crazy! Bieij. Khatduh-khatwai! Finally! Khatduh-khatwai! Phylla. Strange. Phylla. Kaei ka ban kylla? What'll change? Kaei ka a kylla? U lum u jyrngam beit. The hill is always green. Uyrngam is met. Ka jylliew kane ka nan? Is this lake deep? Ka Jylilew kane ka? Balei ba nga hap ban nang french. Why do I need to learn French? Balei's three skunks. To. Alright. Big. Uei? What? Uei? Phi leh aiu na ka bynta ka team? What do you do for the team? Mr. leh nobody naunta ka team? Ka dang khapñiah. It's still crowded. Kampiñiah. Ka jaka ka sboh bha. The land is very fertile. Ka jaka ka sboh bha. Nga donkam ia kane. I need this. Russian donkam ia kane. U Tom u hap naka truck katba u dang aibam ia ki reindeer. Tom fell off the truck while he was feeding the reindeer. U. Tom u na nau nak puck katba's tha katbaia reindeer. Siat! Fire! Siat! Dem! Kneel! Dems! Ngi leit sha iew. We are going to the market. leit sha iew. Ka Mary ka ong ba ka kwah ban iap. Mary said that she wanted to die. Ka Mary ka bee three ka kwah grants iap. U Tom u ong iaka Mary ba kan pyrshang kham tyngeh. Tom told Mary to try harder. U. Tom u bee iaka Mary baan pyvang. Nga lah wan. I am coming. Russian wan. Ïap! Die! Pillap! Kynmaw! Remember! Kynmaw! Balei phi pyrkhat ba u Tom bad ka Mary ki kale. Why do you think Tom and Mary are stupid? Balei Pykkhart three u Tom bad ka Mary kalle. Phi i kumba phi kylli ia u Tom bun jingkylli bha. You seem to ask Tom a lot of questions. i kumba, kyllicia de Tom Lukkyli bha. Nga shu kylli. I'm just asking. Russian kylli. Sa iapeit lashai. See you tomorrow. Saiapet lashai. Lano sngikha jongphi? When is your birthday? What's that? Baroh ki don eiei ban buhrieh. Everybody's got something to hide. Baroh don't doei buhrieh. Ngam kynmaw ba dei u Tom uba aikylliang ha nga ia ka kot ne dei ba nga shimkylliang na library. I don't remember if Tom lent me the book or if I borrowed it from the library. Russian kynmaw ba u uba who iskylliang wania don't look at the three sshikyliang navan. U mih khlem khang ka jingkhang. He left without having shut the door. I don't know. Khublei, baroh. Thanks, everyone. Chiblei, baroh. Kumno ngin leh iakata? How are we going to do that? Kumno moah iakata? Ki khynnah ki donkam jingieid. Children need loving. Kirynnah don't dokkamitid. Ka phong ka coat shñiuh. She was wearing a fur coat. Kaa moat shñiuh. Kine kidei ki juti jongpha? Are these your shoes? What's kine kadei? U don phra snem. He is eight. Udonra snem. Phi ia dih sha. You drink tea. Philia dihasha. Ngan tip kumno? How should I know? Russian tip kumno? Men nym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Men nym lattro. Me leh aiu ha ka por ba i wan? What were you doing when she came? Me ] Who's ha ha ha ha por ba i wan? U Tom u kawang maw ia uwei na ki ksew jongnga. Tom threw a rock at one of my dogs. U. Tom ukwang mawia uwei ksew jonganga. Ka khot sngewbha ianga ban bam. She invited me to eat. Kangewbha ianga. U poi hangne dang mynta. He arrived here just now. Oh, mynta. Lada dei nga ngan leit kai sha Boston. I'd visit Boston if I were you. Lada dei sleit kai Boston. Ngi la wan iing. We've come home. Swan iing. Ngan shu tip kumno? How should I know? Russian chau tip kumno? Phi dei mano? Who are you? Phil de mano? Kine ki patlun kim ñiam ianga. These pants don't fit me. Kine kelluntin kianga. Khublei shibun! Thank you very much! Chiblei shibubin! Balei um ju bamjasngi shuh bad nga? Why doesn't he eat lunch with me anymore? Balei umju bamjasangi shuh bad? Dei! Correct! Dei! Ap. Wait. Ap. Sait ka khmat. Wash your face. Wrong kappat. Ka Mary ka shet kylla ia u Tom. Mary threw Tom under the bus. Ka Mary ka shet kylla ia u Tom. Kumno sa don ki jaid briew kum maphi? How do people like you get to be people like you? Kumno sa djaid briew kum maphi? Dei tang u Tom uba tip ban leh kumno. Tom is the only one who really knows what to do. Dei u uub tip leh kumno. Lano kut skul? When is school over? Lano kut skul? Kaei phi kwah? What do you want? Kaei, kwah? Shaei de ngan leit? Where else would I go? Shaei de sul leit? Nga tharai ngan sa bunkam bha, tangba hadien ka test ngan sa ioh por kham bun. I think I'll be very busy, but after the test I will have more time. Russia thunkkam bha, mourningbasainha, a long-ass test. Kito kidei kiei? What are those? Kito kadeiei? Ngi iaid shajrong u lum. I walked up the hill. Driaid shajrong u lm. U Tom u lap ba ka Mary kam nang pule. Tom has found out Mary can't read. U Tom u lap three ka Mary kam pletics. Phim shym pynpait iaka. You didn't break it. The shym pynpait iaka movie. Ka phut syntiew. She picked flowers. Kastant syntew. Ka pynshrai bha. It's really annoying. Ka pynshrai bha. Pule iakane shuwa. Read this first. Pule iakane shuwa. Jied ia iba phi sngewtynnad tam. Pick the one you like best. Jied ia iba ngewtynnad. Nga tip ngi lah ban sumar hi ialade lada ngi pyrshang. I know we can take care of ourselves if we try. Russian tipa la summar hi la la la la la lada gyshang. Wat khuslai. Don't worry. Walslai. Balei phim ju iathuh ianga shaphang kata? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Balei film Fju iathuh ianga shang kata? Ki ong ba ki tieng ban leit shatei. They said they were afraid to go there. Kie bee three leit shatei. Phi mut ban leh aiu-aiu de? What else are you planning to do? Who's leh-aiu de? Shano phi don? Where are you? Shano don't don? Phi best ka film? Do you like the movie? Petest ka film? U Tom u kwah baka Mary kan leit noh. Tom wanted Mary to go away. U Tom u kwah baka Mary kan leit noh. Lada phi tip ka jubab iakane ka jingkylli, sngewbha iathuh ianga. If you know the answer to this question, please tell me. Ladag tipa jubab iakane kankylli, sngewbha iathuh ianga. Ki ong ba ki tieng ban leit shatai. They said they were afraid to go there. Kie bee three leitatta. Sngewbha try uwei. Please try one. Sngewbha uwei. Hato phim pyrkhat re ba ka long khyllah ba um don hangne? Don't you think it strange that he is not here? Hato movie pykkhat resa kyllah three unne? Ynda nga lah kyndit, nga lah don ha kali. When I woke up, I was in the car. Yenda snah kyndit, skun do ha kalli. Nga don ka paralok. I have a friend. Russian by ka paralok. Bam baroh. Eat everything. Bam baroh. Mynba ka ïng ka ing, ka jingsngewma ka wan ha nga. When the house caught fire, an awful feeling came over me. Mynba kangang king, kangewma kwan hawan. Um lah ban ong iwei ruh i kyntien ha ka French, tangba u kren Phareng kum u trai ktien. He can't say one word of French, but then again he speaks English like a native. Um lah bee iwei i kyntien ha ka French, mourning u kreng kreng kum u ktien. Shaei phi kwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shaei didn't kwah give leit? Kumno phi kyrteng? What is your name? Kumno kyrteng? Balei ki mrad kim lah ban kren? Why can't animals talk? Balei krad kren? U Tom bad ka Mary ki lah dei ban lah pyndep ia kato, tangba kim shem la leh. Tom and Mary could've done that, but they didn't. U Tom bad ka Mary kah lai lah pyndepia ktoa, funeral ofbaim la leah. Lah dep. Done. Lah dep. Ka kmie jong ka ka sah sha nongkyndong dalade. Her mother lives in the country all by herself. Kakmie jongkah sashangkyndong dadal. Ngam donkam shuh iaka loan. I no longer need a loan. Russian dokkam shuhiaka spread. U Tom u dei u paralok jong u paralok jong nga. Tom is a friend of a friend of mine. U Tom u u u paralok jong u paralok moong. Kine kidei ki juti jongphi? Are these your shoes? Kaine kadei jighiphi? Tynnad! Pretty! Tynnad! Ka painkhana ka don shalor. The toilet is upstairs. Ka painkhana kan doshalor. Kin ym shah iaphi ba phin leh kumto hangne. They won't permit you to do that here. Kin ym shah iaphi three kumto cavene. U Tom u dei uba khlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U. Tom ui uba unlaiña. Nga lah thngan palat. I'm so hungry! Russian palat. Don tennis court hangne? Is there a tennis court around here? Don tennis court cavene? Nga khlem tam. I didn't pick it up. It's Russia. Mem dei tang mame ba thngan. You're not the only one who's hungry. Mem demu mome 3 thangan. Nga ieid iapha. I love you. Russian Sieid iapha. Nga sngewtynnad ki briew kiba pynsamrkhie. I like funny guys. Russian sngewtynund kriew kynba pynsamer when. Peit shadien jong pha. Look behind you. Petit shadien jong. Ka shit mynta ka sngi. It's hot today. Kaj mynta kangi. Nga sngew sieh iaki. I feel bad for them. Russian sngew sieh iaki. Nga thied u khulom na bynta ka sngikha jongphi. I bought a pen for your birthday present. Russian munta kangaka jongphi. Kumno! Hello! Kumno! Hangne? Here? Hagne? Kam pat ju jia ha nga ba u Tom um kwah ban leit bad ngi. It never occurred to me that Tom wouldn't want to go with us. Kam pat jujia has three ou Tom um kwah grant leit bad. Ki ong ba ki tieng ban leit shata. They said they were afraid to go there. Kie bee three leit shata. Nga don hangne ban sah. I'm here to stay. Russian cunne sah. U Tom u pynlait im ianga. Tom just saved my life. U. Tom u pynlait shut up ianga. Sngewbha jarjar. Please keep your voice down. Sngewbhajajajar. Ka pang kato. That hurts. Kang ktototo. Nga thikna ba u Tom u lah ban leh. I'm pretty sure that Tom can do it. Russian munna ba u u u la leh. Phi don eiei ban kylli ianga? Is there something you want to ask me for? Philo eiei a kyli ianga? Ha ka jingshisha... Honestly... Hakwanshisha... Iathuh ianga haei ka don ka waiñ. Tell me where the wine is. Iathuh ianga haei ka don waiñ. Nga sngewbha shibun ban don hangne. I'm very pleased to be here. Russian sngewbha shibubin don cavene. Baroh ki han-blei ki lieh. All swans are white. Baroh kunk-blei keeh. Husiar! Beware! Husiar! Ka painkhana ka don shajrong. The toilet is upstairs. Ka painkhana kan doshajrong. Ka shit. It's hot. Kaj. U Tom bad ka Mary ki ong ba kim poi pyrkhat ba kin lah ban leh ia kato mynta. Tom and Mary said they didn't think they could do that now. U Tom bad ka Mary kon bee three kyrkhart three bah la latia mynta. Nga dang bam ja. I am eating rice. Russian bamja. Kren! Speak! Kren! U Tom u long u bakhlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U. Tom u long u bakhlaiñus. Don mano mano ba wan? Did anybody come? Don mano mano bawan? Kane ka wah ka kyrteng aiu? What is the name of this river? Kane kha wah kyrteng? Nga khlem vote iaphi. I didn't vote for you. Russian smutte iaphi. Biw! Fuck! Biw! Phin ym lah ban phet nanga. You can't escape from me. Corn ym latttrosa. Wanrah sha. Bring tea. Wunrah Ashha. Lada long, ngan sngewtynnad eh ban pule shuh shuh shaphang kane ka kam. If possible, I'd like to read more about the issue. Lada long, sngewtynund eh grants shuhshang kane kam. Nga khlem don por tang ban airong ruh. I didn't even have time to paint! The Russians don't do por's funeral. Nga tip u Tom bad Ka Mary kin sa isih ia kane. I know Tom and Mary are going to hate this. Russian tip de Tom bad Ka Mary Skin is iah ia kane. Ngam tip bha shaphang jong u. I knew very little about him. Russian tip bhaphang jong u. Iashoh! Fight! Iahoh! Ka slap. It is raining. Ka slap. Sa leit ho! Goodbye! Sa leit ho! Ka jinglong ka kham sniew ban ia kaba ngi ngeit. The situation is worse than we believed. Kwanlong kniew grantsia kabathit. Ka pang. That hurts. Kagong. Phi kylli bun jingkylli bha, hato kam dei? You really do ask a lot of questions, don't you? Kylulkwankyli bha, hato kam dei? Lada ym dei mynta, lano? If not now, when? Lada ym dei mynta, lano? Phi kynmaw hangno u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Phil kynmaw caveno u u uh khathartri? Kam ju iohi shuh ia ka hymmen jongka. She never saw her sister again. Kajurohi shuh kamommen jongka. Ka don bad ki ksew jongka. She's with her dogs. Kadon bad ksew jongka. U Sami u long u kpa ba bha. Sami is a good dad. U Sami u long upa ba bha. Mano ba sumar i'u Tom mynba kane ka jia. Who was taking care of Tom when this happened? Mano ba sumar i'u Tom Mynba kane ka jia. Thiah suk. Goodnight! Thah suk. Nga kwah ba phin sangeh kawang tiar ha nga. I wish you'd quit throwing things at me. The Russian kwah three toeh kawarks. Me leh aiu katto baje? What were you doing at that time? Me leh who's kautto baje? Mano ba stet tam naki lai ngut? Who runs the fastest of the three? Mano bastat naki the stupid future? Kane ka long kaba eh. This is difficult. KaneKa long kaba eh. Iakhun! Fight! Ikhun! Nga lah poi sha Boston katto katne sien. I've been to Boston numerous times. Russian psi sha Boston katto katne sien. Ka thok ban iada iaka longïing jongka. She lied to protect her family. Kakak the iada aka longing jongka. Mem dei ban ngeit lut kat kaba u Tom u ong. You shouldn't believe everything Tom says. Mem deeit lut kat katba u Tom ue. Ka wah ka tuid. A river flows. Ka wah kak med. Shuh. Stand aside. Shuh. Kumno phi tip u Tom u don hangto? How do you know Tom is there? Kumno don't tip Tom u don't hangto? Aiu ka kyrteng kane ka wah? What is the name of this river? Whou kayteng kane kah? Sngewbha seh ban pyni ianga ka lynti sha station. Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station. Sngewbha pyniga kanti shashation. Phi dei uba heh tam. You're the biggest. Phil dei uballus tam. Ngam sngewtynnad iakane ka kot. Ka shai palat. I don't like this paper. It's too shiny. Kwewtynnad iakane kat. Ka shai palat. Shaei me kwah ban leit? Where would you like to go? Shaei me kwah grant leit? Ka khar syntiew. She picked flowers. Kafar syntew. U Tom um kwah ban leit shato marwei. Tom didn't want to go there alone. U. Tom um kwah offers leitto marwei. Ka Mary ka don ha la ka jong ka pyrthei. Mary lives in her own world. Ka Mary ka don ha la jonga kyrthei. Aw! Ow! Aw! U Sami u pynbor ia ka Layla ban thok. Sami forced Layla to lie. U Sami u pynbor ia kyla Spak. Ka Mary kam sngewtynnad ban ai dud ha coffee jongka. Mary doesn't like milk in her coffee. Ka Mary kam sngewtynund gives anyone dud hajongka. Lah thikna? Are you sure? Lahunna? Kham eh. Louder. Kham eh. Ai ngan jop. Hynrei lada ngam lah jop, ai ngan long shlur ha ka jingpyrshang. Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt. Hynrei la la mojop, who's long shulur ha kang. Ngan leit sha office u Tom. I'm going to Tom's office. Russian leit osha office u Tom. Nga hap ban ailad ba kan jop maka. I had to let her win. Russian nobodylad three kan jop maka. Nga lah shah pynthut da ka jingiam i khyllung. I was bothered by the baby's crying. Russian lah shyntht da kakia i kyllung. Ngam thikna mano ba bat ka suitcase nga. I'm not sure who has my suitcases. Russian munna mano bat kitcases. U Tom um tip eiei u leh aiu. Tom has no idea what he's doing. U. Tom um tip eiei uu. Phi poi iohi iaka mynnin? Did you happen to see her yesterday? Philo iotahika mynnin? Ryngkoh. Jump. Ryngkoh. Ngam tip balei. I didn't know why. Russian tip balei. Namar ka bit iaka ka para jong ka, ngam nang pyniapher ia ki. Because she takes after her younger sister, I cannot tell one from the other. Southar ka bit iaka kaka para jongk, pyniapheria. Song ki pla. Pack your bags. But kla. Ngam khot iaphi da ka kyrteng. I'm not calling you by name. Russian cyrteng. Shaei i director? Where's the director? Shaei i director? Balei phim sngewtynnad ianga? Why don't you like me? Balei film sngewtynnad ianga? Thet ki kti. Wash your hands. The kitti. Pha leh aiu ha ka por ba ka wan? What were you doing when she came? Who's Mr. leh ha ha ha ha por three kanwan? Ka best bha kane. This is very good. Ka bestest bha kane. Iehnoh! Leave! Iehnoh! Peit shadien jong me. Look behind you. Petit shadien jong me. Barabor ngi leh ia kaei ba ngi hap ban leh, ym dei ia kaei ba ngi kwah. We often do what we have to do, not what we want to do. Barabor was ria kaei three gah, ym deia kaei three kwah. U Tom u don ha la ka jong ka pyrthei. Tom lives in his own world. U Tom u dun ha la moong kyrthei. Phim dei ban ngeit lut kat kaba u Tom u ong. You shouldn't believe everything Tom says. It's a movie that's called kat katba u Tom ue. Nga kwah iame, Tom. I want you, Tom. Kwah iame, Tom. U Tom u long uba khlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U. Tom ulong uba klaiña. Nga kwah iaphi, Tom. I want you, Tom. Kwah iaphi, Tom. Ka Mary ka len ba ka dei maka kaba la leh kumta. Mary denied that she was the one who had done that. Ka Mary kayling three ka i kaka kaba la leh kumta. Ka buh ia ki khun sha jingthiah. She puts the children to bed. Ka buh harhathah. Baleh aiu? Why? Who's Baleh? U Tom um kwah ban leit shatei marwei. Tom didn't want to go there alone. U. Tom um kwah offers leit shatei marwei. Nga iohi u Tom u mareh shathie. I saw Tom running down the street. Russian iohishi u Tom u marehtishae. U Tom bad nga, ngi ia long paralok mynba ngi sah ha Boston. Tom and I became friends when we both lived in Boston. U Tom bads, long paralok mynbas ha Boston. Ki lah lah ban pyndep hi da lade. They could've done it by themselves. Ki la la la pyndep da la la lade. Ka eh kane. This is difficult. Ka eh kane. Jarjar! Quiet! Jarjaja! Ka jingshisha ka pynmih ia ka jingisih. The truth bears hatred. Kwanshisha ka pynmih ia kristisih. Ka jingstad! How smart! Kwanstad! Kyrteng kumno phi? What is your name? Kyrteng kumno? U Tom u deng ka iitkhmat jongu. Tom put on his sunglasses. U. Tom ung dang iikhat jongu. U Tom u kylli ianga bun ki jingkylli kiba ngam lah jubab. Tom asked me a lot of questions that I couldn't answer. U. Tom u kylli ianga kankyli kah jubab. Nga shim iaka kum ka dak jingkyrmen. I take it as a sign of hope. Russian shim iaka kum kakkyrmen. Phi khlem pynpait iaka. You didn't break it. Pimple pynpait iaka. Balei phi donkam TV ba thymmai? Why do you need a new television? Balei don't dokam TV tomorrow? U Tom u pdiang ba u lah shah pynrem. Tom acknowledges that he was defeated. U Tom u spedang bah shah pynrem. Ka long ka bymlahlong ianga. That's impossible for me. Ka long ka bylahlong ianga. Shu iathuh ianga jia aiu. Just tell me what's going on. Shu iathuh ianga jia. I bah ine-ine i lah iap. Balei ngan leit sha jingontep jong i haba nga lah thikna, in nym wan sha jingontep jongnga? Mr So-and-So is dead. Why would I bother going to his funeral since, I am certain, he won't come to mine? I mean, I mean, I don't know. Ki juti jongpha kine? Are these your shoes? Kjuti jongpha kine? Sa shisien seh. One more time, please. Sashisien seh. Shiteng khlieh. Crazy! Shiteh. Don ba tip hangno u Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don three units of caveno u Tom bad ka Mary don't? Phi dei ban thied ticket ia u Tom ruh. You should probably buy a ticket for Tom, too. Philid ticket oia Tom rub. Thngan? Hungry? Thangan? Kloi wut! Quick! Kloi wut! Map. I'm sorry. Map. Ki briew ki iakren ha kajuh ka por. People are speaking at the same time. Kristew kiakren ha kajuh ka por. Ka wah ka lah shlei. The river overflowed. Ka wah kah la shlei. Bun ngut ki briew ki la ngam jyllop por ba ngam ka jhat. A lot of people drowned when the ship sank. Bunfew sulk kyllopp por three khat. Wat sngew eiei. Nga khlem mut ban mut eiei. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. Wangew eiei. U lah pynhiar kyrdan iapha. He demoted you. Uah pynhiar kyrdan iapha. I pa i ai game computer ianga. A computer game was given to me by my father. I pa i who's a computer computer game. Bapli u miaw. Poor cat. Threepli u miaw. Nga bthah ia u Tom ba un ym pynlut por ban leh ia kato. I advised Tom not to waste his time trying to do that. Russian bthah ia u Tom didn't take pynlut por pah otto. Phi lah poi sha Minnesota? Have you ever been to Minnesota? Phil lasibasa Minnesota? Ka Mary ka len ba ka dei maka kaba la leh ia kato. Mary denied that she was the one who had done that. Ka Mary kayling three kaci kaka kaba la leia kto. Shong beit. Sit tight. Shong bet. Iakane shuwa pule. Read this first. Iakane shuwa punle. Nga sngew kum ka rit. I feel like shit. Russian sngew kum karit. Nga khlem ai eiei ia u Tom. I didn't give Tom anything. Russian anyone eiei u Tom. Kumno. Hello. Kumno. Nga ioh beer. I've got beer. Russian Iser. Nga lah pynlut bun ka jingim jongnga hangne. I've spent most of my life here. Russian pynlut kangakim jonga cavene. Kane ka shuki ka isih. This chair is ugly. Kane Kina shuki ka isih. U Tom bad ka Mary kim shem iathuh ia u John ki donkam ban thied aiu. Tom and Mary didn't tell John what they needed to buy. U Tom bad ka Mary sheim iathuh u John dokkam granted anyone. Ki khlur ki mih. The stars came out. Khmurk. Nga hap ban leit sha ka painkhana. I have to go to the toilet. Russian band leit sha ka painkhana. Me lah ban leit lada me kwah. You can go if you want to. Me laleit lada me kwah. Kumba katno sngi phan don ha Boston? About how many days will you be in Boston? Kumba katno dun ha Boston? U Tom bad ka Mary ki khlem iathuh ia u John ki donkam ban thied aiu. Tom and Mary didn't tell John what they needed to buy. U. Tom bad ka Mary kemum iathuh u John dokkam grants anyoneu. Phi ong aiu? What're you saying? Who's a bee? U Tom u leit bamkhana lem bad ka Mary bad ku bahaïing jongka. Tom went on a picnic with Mary and her family. U. Tom u leit bakhana La bad Mary baudanging jongka. Doh jingshong jongnga. Kiss my ass. Dohishong jonganga. Phi leh aiu ha kato ka por? What were you doing at that time? - Who's that? - Who's that? Nga i i'u Tom ba ai syntiew iaka Mary. I saw Tom give a flower Mary. Russian i'u Tom three syntew iaka Mary. Ka dang ring mynsiem. It's still breathing. Kirijul mynsiem. Shong khop. Sit tight. Shong the barn. Phi lah don katno snem? How old are you? Sah don katno snem? Ki ialeh aiu? What're they doing? Who's Kiialeh? Ka Mary ka ong ba kam bunkam lashai. Mary says she's not busy tomorrow. Ka Mary ka bee three kankam las two. Ka khylliap iaka nep. She folded the quilt. Kappalliap iaka nep. U D.H. Lawrence u dei u nongthoh novel bad u nongthoh poetry. D.H. Lawrence is a novelist and poet. U. D.H. Lawrence ui unothovah bdno uthtry. Rung! Enter! Rung! Me kyllut? Are you deaf? Me kyllut? Nga dei. I am. Russia dei. Iathuh ianga haei ka waiñ ka don. Tell me where the wine is. Iathuh ianga haei kaiña don. Pha dih sha. You drink tea. Pharha. Ho oah. Yes. Ho-ah. Ka pynlyngngoh ianga. It took me by surprise. Ka pynlyngoh ianga. Naduh mynno? Since when? Naduh mynno? Nga don jingieng. I have an erection. Russian dongang. Ki juti jongphi kine? Are these your shoes? Kjuti jongphi kine? Ka kren kumba ka lah poi shisha sha France. She speaks as if she had really been in France. Kren kumba ka laoi shisha sha France. Mano ba thngan? Who's hungry? Mano baangan? Sngewthuh? Understood? Sngewthuh? Kane ka patlun kam biang ianga. These pants don't fit me. Kane kra patlun kamangang iianga. Mano ba mareh stet tam na ki lai ngut? Who runs the fastest of the three? Mano three marehst methir? Dang shen. Recently. Lauda shen. Ka best kane. This is good. Ka bestkane. Kiei ki ktien ba phi nang? What languages do you know? Kiei ktien 3thar? Phi kyrteng aiu? What is your name? Who's kyrteng? Nga bam. I eat. Russian bam. Nga ai khublei iaphi naduh ka dohnud jongnga. Thank you with all my heart. Russia's anyone from the U.S. naphi naudh dohunud jonganga. Nga dang kylli jingkylli ia i pa. I am asking questions to my father. Russian Kylli kyli ia pa. Kine ki dei ki khulom jong u. These pens are his. Kine kine mulum moong. U Tom u hap naki mawstep. Tom fell down the stairs. U Tom u hap naki mawstp. Jubab! Answer! Jubab! Kumjuh. Likewise. Kumjuh. Manga! Me! Bring it! I peit ianga. She looked at me. I peit ianga. Nga tip phi don maphi kato. I know you have it with you. Russian tip don maphito. Nga leit sha Tokyo ban thied kane ka kot. I went to Tokyo to buy this book. Russian leit sha Tokyo offers kane ka not. Khreh kot! Study! Nreh no! Tem! Play! Tem! Ka ïng jongnga ka khriat bha. My house is very cold. Kangjonganga karit bha. U Kapten udei uba khatduh ban mih na ka Jhat ba ngam. The captain was the last person to leave the sinking ship. U Kappen udei utduh gives mih na dah Jhatal. Um i kumba u lah thait. He doesn't look like he's tired. Um i kumba u lah pregnant. Masi bakhuid! Holy cow! Masi bakhuid! Bud iaki khlur. Follow the stars. Bud iaki kilur. Bunsien ha Japan ngi bam im ia ka dohkha. We often eat fish raw in Japan. Bunsien ha Japan just shut up ka dokha. Phi lah ban leh katba phi mon. You may do what you wish. Phila leh katba mon. Nga tharai ka bha ba ki kot ki dang don, hynrei ki pynsamthiah ia nga. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. Russia releasesrai khabha three kankun, cinrei kynsamia. Sngewbha pyrshang kawei. Please try one. Sngewbha pyvang kawei. Phi thied eiei ianga? Did you buy me anything? Aned eiei ianga? Bieij! Fool! Bieij! Lah pei? Understood? Lah pei? Lah slem u Tom um pat jngi. Tom hasn't been swimming in a long time. Lah smole u umt jangi. Ngan da bna bha shaphang jong u. I knew very little about him. Russian skin bha-shaphang jong u. Sa shisien sngewbha. One more time, please. Sashisien sngewbha. Long phin khot ia u Tom? Would you mind calling Tom for me? Long for u Tom? Bunsien ngi bam im ia ka dohkha ha Japan. We often eat fish raw in Japan. Bunsien just shut up ka dohkha Japan. Ngi trei na bynta u Tom. We work for Tom. Brunta u Tom. Mano? Who? Mano? Phi long uba heh tam. You're the biggest. Analong uballa. Nga lah leh katba lah ban long paralok jongphi. I did everything to become your friend. The Russian kah katba gives a long paralok jongphi. Ka khynnah ka saitlah ban ngeit ia u nonghikai. The student refused to obey his teacher. Kunynnah kaya wrongtah gave me a heartless ukakai. Kane ka kitab kadei ka kitab thymmai. That book is a new book. Khaktab kadei katabmmmmmmmmmmin. Phi lah ju poi sha Minnesota? Have you ever been to Minnesota? Phila dju piosha Minnesota? Nga khlem ong kata. Kata dei tang ka jing batai jongphi. I didn't say that. That's your interpretation. Kirm bee kata. Kata dei kawawawawawaanga bajongphi. Nga ieid iaphi. I love you. Russia ieid iaphi. U Tom bad Ka Mary ki don shabar. Tom and Mary are outside. U Tom bad K Mary kanshabar. Nga kynmaw ia kata. I remember that. Russian kynmaw ia kata. Une udei u jongnga. That is mine. Une udei u jonganga. Uwei-pa-uwei naki u don kali. Each of them has his own car. Uwei-pa-uwei naki u don kalli. U Tom bad ka Mary kim shah ba ki ksew kin rung hapoh ïing jong ki. Tom and Mary won't allow dogs in their houses. U Tom bad ka Mary kah three ksew kin shakes haohing kong. Man ka por. Always. Man ka por. Ka jingkhyllah! How weird is that? Kwankyllah! Pham dei ban ngeit lut kat kaba u Tom u ong. You shouldn't believe everything Tom says. Pharm deeit lut kat katba u Tom uree. U Tom u dei u ba nyngkong ban iarap iangi. Tom was the first one to volunteer to help us. U Tom u u u nyngng Taarap iangi. Nga kwah klet noh shaphang kato. I just want to forget about it. Russian kwah klet nothhaphatto. U Tom u sdang ban khih. Tom began to move. U Tom u sdang ath. Ha ka jingshisha, u Tom u iathuh ia nga ba ngam dei ban wan shuh ha iing jong u. In fact, Tom told me never to come back to his house again. Hakwanshisha, u ithuh. Ngam tip lada u don bor phylla ne em, hynrei u kham khlain ban ia kiwei kiwei. I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human. Russian tip lada u because of borphella ne, cunrei plain Cora kwei. U Jisu u iam. Jesus wept. U Jisu u iam. Mynno kata? When was that? Mynno kata? U jrong bad khlaiñ. He is tall and strong. U jrong bad klaiña. Ngi kwah kaba bha na ka bynta jong phi. We want what's best for you. The kwah kaba bha na na viata jong. Iashah bad nga. Bear with me. Iah badal. Nga thikna me bunkam bha. I'm sure you're very busy. Russian menkam bha. Da peit ka surok. Watch the road. Da peit ka surok. Add ianga ha Facebook. He, kaei kata? Shisha seh, phim ju leh Facebook? Kamut phim don paralok eiei. Sngewsih. Friend me on Facebook. Huh, what's that? Really, so you don't do Facebook? You must not have any friends. That's terrible. Add ianga ha Facebook. He, kaei kata? Ka lah dier ban leh iakata. It's too late to try that. Kah dier leh iakata. Mei ramew. Mother Earth. Meimew. Nga don u paralok. I have a friend. Russian u paralok. Kumno phi long? How are you? Kumno long? Thik! Precisely! Thak! Kumno me tip u Tom u don hangto? How do you know Tom is there? Kumno meu Tom u don't hangto? Phan ym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Pisssa's future. Balei ia kane hap ban pyndep? Why does this have to be done? Balei ia kane haop the pyndep? Lah iap? Dead? Lah iap? Pha leh aiu katto baje? What were you doing at that time? Who's kautto baje? Don mano mano ba tip shano U Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don mano mano bano shano U Tom bad ka Mary don't? U Tom bad u John ki ia ak kumba dei shipara. Tom and John pretended to be brothers. U Tom bad u John kumba de shipara. Sa shisien. One more time. Sashisien. Kine kidei ki juti jongme? Are these your shoes? What's kine kadei moti jongme? U don ka hok ban iada ialade. He had the right to defend himself. Udok gave iada alade. Ngan leit sha Australia lashembnai. I'm going to Australia the month after next. Russian leit sha Australia lashebani. Ki masi ki ai iangi ka dud. Cows give us milk. Khasi kiangi ka dud. U Jupiter u heh haduh katta-katta ba baroh ki kiwei-kiwei ki metbneng ha solar system ki lah ban ñiam hapoh jong u. Jupiter is so large that all of the other planets in the solar system could fit inside of it. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ka lah slem ban leh iakata. It's too late to try that. Kahah smmu mah iakata. U mih por phra baje. He leaves at eight. Uh porphra baje. U bnai u lah sep. The moon has set. Ubnai u la sep. Ngan sa wad hi ka lad ban pynbeit iakane. Wat khuslai. I'll figure out a way to fix this. Don't worry. Russian saad hi lad since pynbeit iakane. Adi! Ow! Adi! Phi ia mynjur bad u Tom, dei? You agree with Tom, right? Philia mynda bad u Tom, dei? Ka khlaw la sop da u ior, bad ki janmiet ki kynjah katba ki mrad ki iohthiah ha ki miet tlang ba khriat. The forest was covered with snow and the evenings were quiet as animals slept through the cold winter nights. Kiplaw la da ior, bad kjanmiet kynjah krad krad hathah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha met la kappriat. Bun naki iingmane Japan la shna da ki dieng. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Bunna naki iingmane Japan La shna da hoeng. Pha ia dih sha. You drink tea. Pharia diha. Mm huh. No. Mm huh. U Tom u lah dei ban sngewsih bha. Tom must've been very disappointed. U Tom u la la ngewsiah bha. Lait. Wrong. Lait. Ngan kynjat jingshong jongphi. I'll kick your butt! Russian kynjatungong jongphi. Ka thoh ianga ka shithi bajrong. She wrote me a long letter. Kawah ianga ka Shithi bajrong. Ho! Goodbye! Ho! Da peit bha! Watch out! Da peit bha! U don ha ka jingdonkam pisa. He is in need of money. Udon ha kakkam pisa. Lah don shiphew snem naduh ba khlad i pa. It has been ten years since my father passed away. Lah donphphew snem naduh bahd i pa pa. Te. Duh. Te. Don ba tip shano u Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don 3 tip shano u Tom bad ka Mary don't? Nga don kum uto. I've got one just like that. Russian kum uto. Phi kwah ban wan shong bad nga? Do you want to come sit by me? A kwah band of Swan shongfs? Nga lah isih beit iaka. I've always hated her. Russian isih beaka. Kham jarjar. Quieter! Khajajajajar. Phan nym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Pym latttana. Phi kloi bha ban buh ki sentence nga hangto. You're very fast at putting my sentences there. Philoi bha gave the buh sentence down the caveto. Shane? Here? What's wrong with you? Hatshi! Achoo! Hatshi! U Tom u hap na lybong kmie jong u. Tom fell off his mother's lap. U. Tom u na na na na kmie moong. Ka shim i'u Tom katto-katne kynta ban pyndait ia ka jingthiah ba ki jingbatai ki ong ba kan shim shikynta duna ban pyndait. It took Tom several hours to assemble a bunk bed that the instructions said would take less than an hour to assemble. Kashimi'u Tom Katto-katne kynta gave pyndaitia kathia khathia khashibaatatal three kanti bee shihimam kyantna pyndai. Ngi tip ba men sa kwah ban wan bad ngi. We thought you might want to come with us. It's a three-year-old tip of kwah wan bad. Ngin rem. We'll fail. Hewin rem. U Tom u dei u ba khlaiñ tam. Tom is the strongest. U. Tom u uu dunña tam. Tom, hadien phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, Notien! U dngiem u dait ialade. The bear bites itself. Uzgiem is weak. U Tom u lah pynjah ia ka kamera jong u ha Boston. Tom lost his camera in Boston. U Tom u la pynjah ia kamera jong ha Boston. Ngam lah rai da kano ka lad ban leit sha Boston. I can't decide which route to take to Boston. Russian laci da kano kad grant leit Boston. U Ned u bad pynieng iaka lama. Ned held the flag erect. U Ned u bad pynieng ciaka. Pha lah bieij ne? Are you crazy? Pah bieij ne? Kadei! Correct! Mavesei! Nga ieid iame. I love you. Russian Sieid iame. U Tom bad ka Mary ki ia jan bha. Tom and Mary are very close. U Tom bad ka Mary kia jan bha. U ieh baroh ki jait kot ha ka mieij jong u. He left all kinds of papers on his desk. Utah barhoh, kait-ha mieijjj jong. Ka Mary ka ai hanga shuwa ba kan iap. Mary gave it to me before she died. Ka Mary ka who caveuwa 3 kan iap. Ka bha bha kane. This is very good. Ka bha bha kane. Me ioh ban peit iaka. Did you get a good look at her? Meoh band peit iaka. Men ym lah ban lait nanga. You can't escape from me. Men ym lattrosa. U nongialam u dei ban tip haei ban shna ka tent. The leader should know where to set up the tent. U nongilam ui supply tip haei gave shna ka tent. Nga thngan palat! I'm so hungry! Russian palat! Ngam pyrkhat kum maphi. I don't think like you. Russian pykhart kum maphi. Ada! Ow! Ada! Dei tang u Tom uba tip aiu ban leh. Tom is the only one who really knows what to do. Dei de Tom uba tip anyoneu leh. Nga khlem iohsngew iaphi. I did not hear you. Russian urm mahsngew iaphi. Map. Nga wan slem. I'm sorry. I came late. Russian wan slem. Iap? Dead? Iap? "Ai ki nong-Bilat bad ki nong-Frans kin shim lut iaka jaka katba ki kwah", Ong u rangbahduh ki Indian. "Hynrei ki kwah ban shim lut iaka jaka kaba don hapdeng ka duriaw Atlantik bad duriaw Pasifik, biang kata?", Ong u Tom. "Let the English and the French take all the land they want," said the Indian chief. "But they want to take all the land between the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, is it OK?" said Tom. "Who's khang-Billat bad-Fanans shika jaka jakka katba kwah," Ong rangbaudh Kojon. Ngin sa ia rem. We'll fail. Hen sasia rem. U Tom u ong ba um kwah shuh ban sah ha Boston. Tom said that he didn't want to live in Boston anymore. U. Tom u bee ba um kwah sah ha Boston. Bymlah ngeit. Unbelievable! Bylah rhit. Ngan leh ia kaei kaba dei ban leh. I'll do what must be done. Russian leh ia kaei kaba de leah. Phin nym doh ianga? Aren't you going to give me a kiss? Cunnym doh ianga? Bunsap lane jaituh. Hynrei ym baroh ar. Either skillful or lazy. But not both. Bunsapane jaituh. Nga dang duhnong. I'm losing business. Russian dunong. Me leh aiu ha kato ka por? What were you doing at that time? Me ] Who's ha hato ka por? Ha Japan bunsien ngi bam im ia ka dohkha. We often eat fish raw in Japan. Ha Japan just shut up kahkha. U Tom u don bun ki paralok ha Australia. Tom has lots of friends in Australia. U Tom u don't fuck paralok ha Australia. U sngapjar shiphang. He remained silent for a while. Ungapja shiphang. Khulom jongno kine? Whose are these pens? Chelom jongno kine? U Tom um sah jngai na nga, tangba ngam ju iohi than ia u. Tom doesn't live far from me, but I don't see him very often. U. Tom um sangai mowang, mourning juroutia. Rwai! Sing! Rwai! Mynta, nga thoh da ki dak thymmai. Now, I write with the new font. Mynta, it's skunking. Nga khlem mut ban peitseh. I didn't mean to stare. Russian Tummm mpeitseh. Phi leh aiu ha ka por ba ka wan? What were you doing when she came? Who's Mr. leh ha ha ha ha por three kanwan? Ka jingdom ka dei ka bor. Anger is an energy. Kwandom ka dei ka bor. Ki sah shapoh. They live downstairs. Kisah shapoh. U Tom u hap ban siew ka kuna namar ba u pynieng kali ha bymdei. Tom had to pay a fine because he parked in the wrong place. U Tom u ha haw kakakar three uynieng kalli ha bymdei. Kane ka account kam iamynjur bad ki jingshisha. This account does not agree with the facts. Kwank account kamimynski bad khashisha. Biang bha, khublei. Very good, thank you. Beer bha, theblei region. Don sa uwei. There's one more. Don sa uwei. Nga pang jingshong. My butt hurts. Russian shanshong. Ka Mary ka lah ialam bakla ia phi. Mary misled you. Ka Mary ka la lalam bakla ia. Nyllong me! My ass! Nyllong me! Kine ki mrad ki long paralok bha. These animals are friendly. Kine mrad krad long paralok bha. Nga leid ia ktien japan bad korea. I like Chinese and Japanese. Russia leid ia ktienjapan-d kordo. Nga la iathuh lut ia i mei i pa. I told my parents everything. Russian lathuh lia ii pa. Ka telephone ka kham myntoi ban ia u kpieng. A telephone is more useful than a necklace. Kaziphone myntoi gave me upieng. U miaw bapli. Poor cat. U miaw bapli. Pyrshang! Try! Pyvang! Thiah! Sleep! Thah! Don mano mano ba tip shaei U Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don mano mano bashaei U Tom bad ka Mary don't? Jingphohsniew jongphi ki kyllain kum ki jingruma jongnga. Your dreams are almost as twisted as my nightmares. Jingphosniew jongphilain kanga kurma monga. O te. Duh. Ote. Phim sngewbha leit re shata? Will you please go there? The sngewbha leit re shata? Ka Mary ka shim ia ka coat bad ka la mih. Mary grabbed her coat and left. Ka Mary ka shim ia kat colat bad ka la mih. Nga shu ongkai. I'm just joking. Russian shu beekai. Jied kawei. Choose one. Jied kawei. Wat ktik ianga. Don't tickle me! Wat katk ianga. Shu khie joit. Just get up. Shu when you're done. Kyrteng aiu kane ka wah? What is the name of this river? Kyrteng who's kane kah? Kumno phi sei bha iaka shynrong pylleng phon? Don buit ne kumno? How do you take off the shell of a boiled egg cleanly? Is there some sort of trick? Kumno bhaka shynrong pylleen? Don bumno nekno? Nga nang ban jngi. I know how to swim. It's Russian Ruangi. Bieij! Idiot! Bieij! Phim dei ban leh kum kato da lade. You should not do that kind of thing by yourself. Leh kum katto da lade. Sangeh ktik ianga. Stop tickling me! Sangeh ktik ianga. Ngam kwah tip eiei shaphang kata. I don't want to know anything about that. Russian kwah tip eiei shaphang kata. Nga da mut shisha ba u Tom bad ka Mary ki thngan. I really thought Tom and Mary were hungry. The Russian Mot shisha 3 u Tom bad ka mangan. Ka khlem long bha. It didn't go well. Kample long bha. Lano ngan ioh ban iohi ia ka jingktah jong kane ka sabon? When will I get to see the effect of this soap? Nikkah jongkanga khabon? Phi iohi ia ka kper? Do you see the garden? Philohi ia kanper? Wat bakla biang. Don't repeat the same mistake! Wat bakla beerg. Ngin pyrshang ban iarap? Should we try to help? What's wrong with the iarap? Eit. Shit. Eit. Lum ki pla. Pack your bags. Shit pla. Phi lah thied lypa ka ticket jong phi? Have you already bought your ticket? A lahedpa ka ticket jong? Pha lah ban shah behkam lada pha leh kumba bthah u Tom iapha. You might get fired if you do that the way Tom told you to. Pah laah Beahm lada pours lehba bahah u Tomiapha. Ka jingshisha ka long ba nga thok. The truth is I told a lie. Kwanshisha kawak. Sdang! Begin! Sdong! Khublei ba phi lah pynshet iaka um. Thank you for boiling the water. Chiblei three lah pynshet iaka um. Ka pyndom ia u. She teased him. Ka pyndom u. Don ki por u ksew nga u wiar shiteng miet. Sometimes my dog barks in the middle of the night. Don mor esew La war Shitem miet. Dep shato! Whatever! Dep shatto! Pha lah ban ia leit lada pha ia kwah. You can go if you want to. Phatia leit lada made oia kwah. Wat thok. Iathuh hok. Don't tell a lie. Be honest. Iathuh hok. Mem dei ban leh kum kato da lade. You should not do that kind of thing by yourself. Mem de leh kum dtoto da lade. Ihiw! Hooray! Ihiw! Kumno sa don ki jaid briew kum mame? How do people like you get to be people like you? Kumno sa djaid briew kum mame? U Tom u jop iaka election. Tom won the election. U Tom ujop iakapocation. Balei mem ju iathuh ianga shaphang kata? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Balei memju iathuh ianga shang kata? Kamkai! Nonsense! Kamkai! Nga don artylli ki miaw. I have two cats. Russian don artyli kaw. U Tom u kylli ianga bun ki jingkylli ba haduh ngam lah jubab. Tom asked me a lot of questions that I couldn't answer. U. Tom u kyllica kankyli ba-uhh jubab. Ngam don por. I don't have time. Russian don por. Ki i kumba ki tip lut shaphang jongngi. They seem to know all about us. Ki kumba kat tip tshangjongi. Me lah bieij ne? Are you crazy? Me lacij ne? Phi leh aiu katto baje? What were you doing at that time? Who's leh who's kautto baje? Kumno kum kane ka jait jingjia ka lah ban jia? How could this sort of thing possibly happen? Kumno kum kane kaka jaijia mo lajia? Wut. Hurry up. Wt. Ngi sah ha pyrthei. We live on Earth. Sah ha ha pyrthei. Ka eriong ka pynngam ia ka lieng. The storm sank the boat. Kaeriong ka pynangam ia kmagang. Ki masi ki bam phlang. Cows eat grass. Kisi kigshinang. Ka miaw ka paw na khrum ka mieij. A cat appeared from under the desk. Ka miaw ka paw nam kaumi mieij. U Tom un pynmynsaw ia phi. Tom is going to hurt you. U. Tom unynmynsaw ia. Ngam dei tang manga ba thngan. I'm not the only one who's hungry. It's Russian. It's baangan. Ani! Wow! Ani! Long jaijai Be cool. Long jaijai Ieng beit! Stand still! Ing bet! Ka jynjar kane. This is difficult. Kajynjaja kane. Lada nga ïohi ia ka Mary mynnin, nga lah kren ia ka. If I'd seen Mary yesterday, I would've talked to her. Lada shaohi ia Mary mynnin, skrenia kena. Tip u Tom un ai nym ai ianga ba ngan ñiah. I wonder whether Tom would let me drive. Tip u Tom no one has a three-year-old cianga. Kumba katno sngi phin don ha Boston? About how many days will you be in Boston? Kumba katno don't do ha ha Boston? Ka Mary ka ong ba kam kwah bannkeh shuh ia kato lano lano ruh. Mary said she doesn't want to ever do that again. Ka Mary ka bee three kam kwah Phankeh shuhia kanto lan lan . Ka Tokyo ka kham heh ban iaka Yokohama. Tokyo is bigger than Yokohama. Ka Tokyo kakaking the Oiaka dateshama. Ieng! Stand up! Ing! Phi sia phi ia pahuh por shibun. You guys have too much time on your hands. Ania pahuh por shibuin. Ieh shadien. Leave it behind. Ieh shadien. Shisha! Really? Shisha! Ka Mary ka song kyrkieh ia ka suitcase. Mary hastily packed her suitcase. Ka Mary ka parallel kykkkykieh ia karitcase. Nga ieid ia u Blei I love God. Russian ioid u Blei Haei phi don mynta? Where are you now? Hai don't do mynta? Phi lah ban ia leit lada phi ia kwah. You can go if you want to. An la la leit lada ia kwah. Shuh nangne. Stand aside. Shuhtrone. U Sami u dih kynja hashuwa ban leit kam shipai. Sami smoked weed before he joined the military. U Sami u dih kynja Auwa gave leit khim shipai. Shhhh! Hush! Oh, my God! Nga kwah iaphi ba phin pule kane ka kot. I want you to read this book. Kwah iaphi bape kane ka no. Sa kaei? What else? Sa kaei? Pha kyllut ne? Are you deaf? Pyllut ne? Peit ha ka dur. Look at the picture. Petit ha ka dur. Phi kyrteng aiu? What's your name? Who's kyrteng? Tom, hadien me! Tom, behind you! Tom, I'm sorry! U Tom u ai ia ka jakashong jong u ha I tymmen kynthei. Tom gave his seat to an elderly lady. U Tom u nobody oia jakashong jong ha I tymen kynthei. Kato ka khubor ka lah saphriang lut. That news got around. Ktotoro kagor kah saphriang lut. Jaituh. Lazybones. Jaituh. U lah pynhiar kyrdan iaphi. He demoted you. Uah pynhiar kyrdan iaphi. U Tom u ai ia ka albom dur ha ka Mary. Tom handed the photo album to Mary. U Tom u who was a kakar du ha ka Mary. Kine ki dei ki khulom. These are pens. Kine fucking kinem. Phim donkam ban leit skul lashai. You don't have to go to school tomorrow. The donkam band leit skul lashai. "Me thiah bad ka!" "Nga khlem thiah." "You slept with her!" "I did not." "Mah bad ka!" said "Momlemah." Ngam kwah ban tip eiei shaphang u Tom. I don't want to know anything about Tom. Russian kwah gave the tip eiei haphang u Tom. Ka jingiskuin. How cute! Kurfiskuin. Ngam lah ngeit ngi dang ia don hangne. I can't believe we're all still here. It's Russian because of cavenne. Phi lah iohsngew ba khatduh-khatwai u lah wanphai ïing? Have you already heard that he has finally returned home? Africa la mahsngew batduh-katwai la la wanphasi tinging? Kynthih. Jump. Kynthhih. U lah buaid bad u klet ban khang ka jingkhang shadien. He was drunk and forgot to shut the back door. Uquaid bad u klet gave the kangshadien. Haei ka painkhana? Where is the toilet? Hai ka painkhana? Ngam tharai kin iohsngew iangi. I don't think they're going to hear us. Russian releaserai kin mahsngew iangi. Ka khluit palat. It's too hot. Kappling palat. Sngewbha tap ialade. Please cover yourself. Sngewbha iaade. U Tim bad ka Mary kim pat tip satia u John udei uei. Tom and Mary still don't know who John is. U Tim bad ka Mary kat tipa satia u John udei uei. U Tom u lap ba ka Mary kam lah ban pule. Tom has found out Mary can't read. U Tom u lap three ka Mary kam lape. Don ba iohsngew ianga? Does anybody hear me? Don batahsngewianga? Phim dei u briew uba nga mut ba phi dei. You're just not the person I thought you were. The movie debew ubat Mot No dei. Me kynmaw hangno u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Me kynmaw caveno u uuh khathar? U kynjat iaka. He kicked it. Ukjat iaka. Jia aiu mynta ha Poland? What's happening now in Poland? Jia whou mynta ha Poland? Lum ki tiar. Pack your bags. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Ki tiarthma nuclear ki long ka jingma ia ka jaitbynriew. Nuclear weapons are a threat to the race. Kirthma malarar long kharma haria jaibynew. Ai ia u Tom katba u pan. Give Tom everything he asks for. Someone oia u Tom katba u pan. Nga iakynduh ia u ha jingkhawai. I met him at a party. Russian iakynduh i ha khakhwai. Ki masi ki im da u phlang. Cows live on grass. Kirsi kips shut down the court. Shaei ka director? Where's the director? Shaei ka director? Iarap ianga. Help me. Iarap ianga. Hm mm. Yes. Hm mm. Nga pyrshang ban install ka browser thymmai. I tried to install a new browser. Russian pyshang offers install ka browser cymmmmmmmmmmm. Kumno ka long ka jingpule jongme? How are your studies going? Kumno ka long kakuple jongme? U Tom bad ka Mary ki dei ki trai jong katei ka ïing hangtei. Tom and Mary own the house up the street. U Tom bad ka Mary kui gong kateiing cavetei. Nga dang pule Japanese. I am learning Japanese. Russian male Japanese. Phi tip dei shaphang kaei kine baroh? Do you know what this is all about? Philai delhaphang kaei kine baroh? Nga don kum kato. I've got one just like that. Russian kum ktoto. U mih phra baje. He leaves at eight. Uhhra baje. Ka pynkyndit ia nga. It took me by surprise. Ka pynkyndit. Phi kyrteng kumno? What is your name? A kyrteng kumno? U practice tem guitar baroh shi miet. He practices playing the guitar far into the night. Upsy guitar baroh shi miet. Don tang ki kot ha duli. There are only books on the shelf. Don't wake up. U bnai u shai. The moon is shining. Ubnai u shai. Phim tip iaka system. You don't know the system. tipiaka system movie. Kren suki. Speak softly. Kren suki. Khublei, Jisu. Thank you, Jesus. Chiblei, Jisu. U Tom u rkhie mynba ka Mary ka peit ia u. Tom smiled when Mary looked at him. U Tom u when mynba ka Mary kautia u. Pham dei ka briew kaba nga mut ba pha dei. You're just not the person I thought you were. Phim dea kariew kaba Mot 3 la dei. Ka ksem jong u ka sma. His fart smelled. Kasem jong ua sma. Bam barohkhoit. Eat everything. Bam barohkhrit. Ngam pyrkhat kum mame. I don't think like you. Russian pykhart kum mame. Bha bha, khublei. Very good, thank you. Bha bha, theblei. Phi lah bieij ne? Are you crazy? Phila bieij ne? Kaei ka kyrteng jong kane ka wah? What is the name of this river? Kaei ka kyrteng jong kane kah? Die! Sell! Die! Nga biang ia mynta. I'm OK for now. Russian beer mynta. Sait ki tiar. Wash the dishes. Wrong flash. Kane ka dei ka miaw. This is a cat. Kane ka dei ka miaw. U Tom u plie sted iaka duli bad u sei ka suloi. Tom quickly opened the drawer and pulled out a gun. U. Tom u u plicie siaka duli bad u kalsi. Nga lah leh katba nga leh. I gave it my best shot. Sah leh katba sah. Kiei kito ki nombar? What are those numbers? Kiei kito don't take care ofbar? Iaishah bad nga. Bear with me. Iaishah bads. Ka Mary kam sngewtynnad iaka sofa bathymmai jongka. Mary doesn't like her new sofa. Ka Mary kam sngewtynadiaka bathym jongka. Don ba wan? Did anybody come? Don bawan? Tharai. Maybe. Tharai. Phim tip ba ka Mary ka hap ban leh hi da lade ia kato, hato phi tip? You didn't know Mary was supposed to do that by herself, did you? What's the third tip Mary ka ha haop? U Tom um ju iohi ia ka Mary. Tom never saw Mary. U. Tom um jurohi ia ka Mary. Tip u Tom un ai ne kumno ianga ban ñiah. I wonder whether Tom would let me drive. Tip u Tom nobody ne kumno ianga gaveñiah. Phi kren phareng? Do you speak English? Pienphareng? Nga tharai nga tip shaei ban wad i'u Tom. I think I may know where to find Tom. Russia spared the tiphaei given wad i'u Tom. Ngam lah shah shuh iaka jingkhkemakor u Tom. I can't put up with Tom's bad manners any longer. Russian laah shuhka ikkkor u Tom. U Tom bad ka Mary Ki ong ba ki kwah ban leh bha kumba u John u leh. Tom and Mary said they wished they could do that as well as John. U. Tom bad ka Mary Kie bee three kwah grants thh bha kumba u John u uh. U Tom u khlem leh eiei ba bakla. Tom didn't do anything wrong. U. Tom umole eiei bakla. Balei pham ju iathuh ianga shaphang kata? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Balei ju iathuh ianga shang kata? Nga don thyllieh. I have dandruff. Russian cyllieh. U Sami u dang peit ia kane ka video. Sami was watching this video. U Sami u peit ia kane ka video. Kaei ka kyrteng jongphi? What is your name? Kaei ka kyrteng jongphi? Ka jingsngewtynnad! How wonderful! Kwansewtynnad! U Tom un sa iap khlem jingiarap jongphi. Tom will die without your help. U. Tom didn't run imbrarap jongphi. Yn ym don da kawei ka por. There won't be a next time. Yn ym don't da kawei ka por. U Tom u dang pynleit jingmut. Tom is still paying attention. U Tom uu pynleitflut. Ngam tip. I don't know. Russian tip. Bang! Yummy! Bang! U Tom u demkhohsiew. Tom was kneeling. U. Tom u dekhhsiew. Ngam pyrkhat kum mapha. I don't think like you. Russian pykhart kum mapha. U khapniah jingmut. He's closed-minded. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Nga khlem tip balei. I didn't know why. Russian tip balei. Pyneh! Pull yourself together! Pyneh! Ngan sa leh. I will do it. Russian sa leah. U Tom bad ka Mary kim da iarap than. Tom and Mary weren't much help. U Tom bad Dra Mary da iarap coal. Ki juti nga ki long rong brown. My shoes are brown. Kjuti skun. Bew! Fuck! Bew! Me mut ba nga leh bakla? Do you think I'm making a mistake? Me mut three bah bakla? Sait ki kti. Wash your hands. Wrong kti. Tom, shadien phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, shadien! Kine ki khulom kidei jong u. These pens are his. Kine kine malmodei jong u. Mat ia dep! Whatever! Matia dep! Ada! Ouch! Ada! Ai ha nga u khulom. Pass me the pen. Who's cooling the ulom. Da peit ka lynti. Watch the road. Da peit kanti. U dei uwei na ki scientist kiba khraw tam ha pyrthei. He is one of the greatest scientists in the world. I don't know what I'm talking about. ka bneng ka i dom. The sky looks angry. The kneng ka i dom. Imat u Tom bad ka Mary ki don ha ïing. It looks like Tom and Mary are home. Imat u Tom bad ka Mary don't do haing. Mih mynta. Leave now. Mih mynta. Biang! Perfect! Beerang! Shim da kawei ka shuki. Take the other chair! Shim da kawei ka shuki. Ngin leh kumno iakata? How are we going to do that? Hen leh kumno iakata? Sngewbha try kawei. Please try one. Sngewbha kawei. Kamkai. Nonsense. Kamkai. Khynñiat. Push. Nynñiat. Nga khublei iaphi. I thank you. Russian iaphi. Phin shet na ka bynta jongngi mynta ka miet, em? You'll cook for us tonight, won't you? Corn shet na viata junta mynta ka miet, me? Kloi. Hurry up. Kloi. Kale! Idiot! Kale! Bymlahlong! That's impossible. Bylahlong! Ka ong ba ka kwah ban iashong bad nga. She said she wanted to marry me. Ka bee three ka kwah grants iashong 3d. Ki iakylliang jingaikhublei. They exchanged hellos. Kiakyliang Khakhublei. Ngi don kaei-re-kaei. We've got something. Donne kaei-re-kaei. Balei kim don hangne? Why aren't they here? Balei needle donne? Ym baroh ba u Tom u ong dei ba shisha. Not everything Tom said was true. Yem baroh three uu bee de li ba shisha. Haoid. Yes. Haoid. Song ki tiar. Pack your bags. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Peit hadien jong pha. Look behind you. Peittaen jong. Nga shu donkam katto-katne u aspirin. I just need some aspirin. Russian lu dokam katto-katne ukne. Ngi tip ba phan sa kwah ban wan bad ngi. We thought you might want to come with us. The third tip of the sawah wan bad. Balei phi ia lyngngoh? Why are you all shocked? Balei Conghongoh? U Tom un pynmong ia pha. Tom is going to hurt you. I'm sorry, Tom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hooid, nga don por lashai. Yes, I have time tomorrow. Hooid, don por lashai. U Tom u kmen ban iohsngew iaka sur jong ka Mary. Tom was glad to hear Mary's voice. U. Tom u guhsngew iaka sur jong Mary. Wut! Quick! Wt! Sangeh! Stop! Sangeh! Ki la khot iaphi. They called you. Ki lat iaphi. Ngam nang kumno ba ngan sakhi ba ngam don ha Boston. I don't know how to prove I wasn't in Boston. It's Russian kumno three skunks when he's done with ha Boston. Ngi kwah kaba bha iaphi. We want what's best for you. Kwah kaba bha iaphi. Ngam bam re kane ka dohkha. I'm not eating this fish. Russian bam rekane ka dohkha. Bapli ka miaw. Poor cat. Bapli ka miaw. Ki ong ba ki tieng ban leit shato. They said they were afraid to go there. Kie bee three leit shtoto. Mat ia dep shato! Whatever! Matia dep shatto! Pha leh aiu ha ka por ba i wan? What were you doing when she came? Who's Mr. leu ha ha ha ha por ba i wan? U Tom u leit khlem jingbam baroh shi taiew. Tom went without food for a whole week. U. Tom u leit elebam baroh shi earew. Phi leh aiu? What are you doing? Who's that? U Jisu u ieid iaphi. Jesus loves you. U Jisu u ieid iaphi. Nga lah kyrshan iaphi shilynter. I have supported you throughout. Russian kyshmanan iaphi shilyter. Ka Mary ka khap lut ia ki dur ba don u Tom. Mary cut up all the pictures she had of Tom. Ka Mary kakled kakia three don u Tom. Nga kwah ban wai kali, pyni ki dor seh. I want to rent a car, please show me a price list. Kwah forces wai kalli, pyni dor seh. Peit. Watch. Petit. Sa shisien. Again. Sashisien. Ka khlem iaid bha. It didn't go well. Kample iaid bha. Kam dei ka snam, dei u bit. It's not blood. It's beet. Kammi kaschnam, dei u bit. Ha jingpyrkhat jongnga, ka meeting ka long kaba seisoh. In my opinion, the meeting was a success. Haphpyrkhart jonganga, kating ka long kaba seh. Me leh aiu ha ka por ba ka wan? What were you doing when she came? Me ] Who's ha ha ha ha por three kanwan? U poi shane dang mynta. He arrived here just now. Uopa shane mynta. Nga kwah ban leit biang sha la ki paralok. I want to go back to my friends. Kwah owns leit beer harsha la paralok. U Tom u kham bunkam ban ia nga. Tom was even busier than I was. Uh-oh-oh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- Kata kalong kaba sniewbok. That was unfortunate. Kata kalong kaba sniewbok. Ka Mary ka ong ba u Tom un sa sngewkmen ban iohi iaka. Mary said she thought Tom would be glad to see her. Ka Mary ka bee ba u-sangewkmen gave me ioiaka. Nga donkam kane. I need this. Russian donkam kane. Nga kyrteng Tom. My name's Tom. Russian Kyrteng Tom. Ka jingshisha ka pynmih ia ka jingiashun. The truth bears hatred. Kwanshisha ka pynmih ia khariaiashun. Ngi don aiu-re-aiu. We've got something. Nobody-re-aiu. Nga lah don ka jingsngew ba un sa iehnoh ianga. I had a suspicion that he would leave me. Russian because of kankangew three didn't sieh ianga. Namar ka Mary ka shitom, nga thikna ba kan nym leh ia kata. Since Mary is sick, I'm sure she won't do that. Southar ka Mary ka Shitom, Chikna 3 kan nym leia kata. Katba ngi dang im ngi dei ban trei. We must work as long as we live. Katba just shut down. Leit. Go. Leit. Nga thikna phi bunkam bha. I'm sure you're very busy. Russian Munkam bha. Ka Mary ka kular ianga ba kan leh ia kato hashuwa ba kan leit sha ïing. Mary promised me that she'd do that before she went home. Ka Mary kanco ianga three kan letia khaauwa three kan leit oshaing. Hangno phi don? Where are you? Hagno don't don? U Tom u kwah jubab. Tom wants answers. U. Tom u kwah djubab. Ka bha bha ban shongthait hadien ka jingiaid bajrong. It's so good to take a rest after a long voyage. Ka bha bhaha gave the shongtangaen kaniaid bajrong. Ngam tip u Tom un wan ne em. I don't know if Tom is coming or not. Russian tip u Tom's unwan ne. U Tom u sah marwei bad u ksew jong u. Tom lives alone with his dog. U Tom u u marwei bad u ksew jong u. Nga dang shu khie. I just got up. Russian shu whene. Nga kwah jam sohplom. I'd like some plum jam. Kwah jam sohlom. Khot kumno ia kito? What are those called? Kumno kito? Shuh shuh lada peit na ki dong, ki bniat khmat ki mih. Moreover, when viewed from the side, the front teeth are protruding. Shuh. lada peit na dot, kaniat khisat. Kane kam dei ka miaw. Une udei u ksew. This is not a cat. This is a dog. Kane kam dei kaw. Une udei usew. Ka pyngngad. It's refreshing. Kapyngad. Mynta ki por ym don ba ngeit rngai. Nowadays no one believes in ghosts. Mynta kor yor don't know who it is. U Tom u ong ba um da kynmaw bha. Tom said he didn't remember much. U Tom u bee ba um da kynmaw bha. Phim dei tang maphi ba thngan? You're not the only one who's hungry. A movie of maphingan's funeral? Thoh! Write! Thoh! Ka bneng ka shai. The sky brightened. Ka bneng ka shai. U Tom u kynshait ia ka Mary bad ka kynshait kylla ia u. Tom splashed Mary and she splashed him back. U. Tom u kynshaitia ka Mary bad kynshat kylla ia u u. Ngim ju kren phareng hangne. English is not spoken here. Dam dju krentreng cavene. Haduh katno ngi hap ban ap hangne? How long do we have to wait here? Haduh katno hap a cave? U Tom un pynmong ia phi. Tom is going to hurt you. U. Tom's not anonymia. U Tom u khlem iathuh iano iano ba u kwah ban leh ia kata. Tom didn't tell anybody he wanted to do that. U. Tom umium iathuhnoo three uwah moia kata. Kumno sa don ki jaid briew kum mapha? How do people like you get to be people like you? Kumno sa djaid briew kum mapha? Wei, ar, lai, saw, san, hynriew, hynniew, phra, khyndai, shiphew. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Wei, enterr, saw, synew, Ennniew, kra, kyndai, shiphew. Nga khlem dih ka um. I didn't drink the water. Russian harm di kah um. Shaei ka jhat? Where is the ship? Shaei ka jhat? Ngin sa rem. We'll fail. Hehin sam. U kynthih ia ka thliew. He jumped over a ditch. Ukythhih ia kliew. U ban ia u khyllung. He is lying on the baby. Uia uyllung. Nga dei ka kristan. I'm a Christian. Russian karistan. Ka donkam ban sait. It needs washing. Ka dokam was wrong. U Kren ianga mynba u ïohi ianga. He spoke to me when he saw me. U. Kianga mynba u ïohi ianga. Namar ka sngewshitom. Because she felt sick. Southar kangewshitom. Ki lah tip lypa kin leh aiu. They already know what they'll do. Kah tippa kin-whou. Tom, shadien jong phi! Tom, behind you! Tom, shadien jong! Dei. Correct. Dei. U Tom um kwah ban leit shatai marwei. Tom didn't want to go there alone. U. Tom um kwah offers leitta marwei. U Tom u kyrpad iaka Mary ban iarap ia u. Tom has asked Mary to help him. U. Tom u yrpad iaka Mary gave iarap ia u. U khynnah u kyntait ban ngeit ia i nonghikai. The student refused to obey his teacher. Uunynnah u kyntai gave me a heartless ikakai. Ka tennis ka jynjar. Ngam lah tip shaei ka ball kan her. Tennis is difficult. I never know which way the ball is going to fly. K tennis kanjar. Shisien ka por la don u syiem bad ka syiem, bad ki don u khun ba kyrteng u Sigurd uba khlain ba smat, bad ba bhabriew bha. There were once a King and a Queen, and they had a son called Sigurd, who was very strong and active, and good-looking. Shisien kor la din u syiem bad kyiem, bad don'tr u the three kyrteng Sgurd uoplain bamat, bad bharew bha. Nga don i paralok. I have a friend. Russian doni paralok. Te? So? Te? Ka hospital ha kaba la kha ia u Tom ka don ha Australia. The hospital where Tom was born is in Australia. Ka hopsy ha kaba, a rich u Toma don ha Australia. Lehkai! Play! Skkai! Ngan sa iakynduh ia pha ha ïng. I'll see you at home. Russian sayakynduh. U Tom u lah pyrshang ban sdang biang ia ka kali hynrei um leh. Tom tried to restart the car, but couldn't. U. Tom u la yngang offers a daang ia kalli cliqueni um leh. Kane ka kot ka suk ianga ban pule. This book is easy for me to read. Kane ka kak kak kianga gave ple. Men nym lah ban phet nanga. You can't escape from me. Men nym latttrosa. U Tom u i sngewsih. Tom looks sad. U. Tom u ingewsih. Shu kyrmen ba ka Mary kan lah ban leh hi da lade. Let's hope that Mary can handle that by herself. Shu kyrmen 3 ka Mary kan lah thah cah la la la la lacade. Ngan shim ka jacket. I'll take the jacket. Russian shim ka jacket. Phi kren aiu? What're you saying? Where's Philen? U kham khlaiñ ban ianga. He is stronger than me. I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mei mariang. Mother Earth. Mei mariag. Phi tip mano ba dei kmie u Tom? Do you know who Tom's mother is? Phila mano baimie u Tom? U shong haka seat bashakhmat. He is sitting in the front seat. U shong haka seat bashakhat. U lah don phra snem. He is eight. Uah dora snem. U khynnah u saitlah ban ngeit iau nonghikai. The student refused to obey his teacher. Uunynnah utlah gave birth to the young Akakai. Ka kmie rabbit ka pynsyaid ia ki khunkhun lyngba ka jingsyaid ka met jong ka. A mother rabbit keeps her babies warm with her own body. Kakmie rabbit ka pynsyaid ia kunngba kakyaid mekonga. Shaei phi don? Where are you? Shaei don't don? Phet na iing jongnga. Get out of my house! Phethun ing jonganga. Kumno pha tip u Tom u don hangto? How do you know Tom is there? Kumno mixs tip Tom u don't hangto? Em? Right? You? Nga kyrteng Tom. My name is Tom. Russian Kyrteng Tom. Aiu ki ialeh? What're they doing? Who the fuck is that? Ka lieh sniehdoh hynrei u para jongka pat u iong. She's got a fair complexion while her brother is very dark. Ka lieh sniehdoh hanrei u para jongka pat. Ka khlem da long kumba nga mut. It didn't work out quite like I intended it to. Kapple da kumba is hot. La khot kumno ia kito? What are those called? La kumno kito? Pha kynmaw haei u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Phymaw haei u u u uh khartri? Phi tip i kmie u Tom dei mano? Do you know who Tom's mother is? Philai i kmie u Tom dei mano? Iaid. Walk. Iid. Kane kadei na ka bynta jongnga. This is for me. Kane Kadei na viata jonganga. Hynrei balei? But why? Hynrei balei? U Tom un pynmynsaw ia me. Tom is going to hurt you. U. Tom unynmynsaw me. U Tom u lah dep lypa ban hikai ianga ban leh kato. Tom has already taught me how to do that. U. Tom u la la lappa gave hikai ianga the leah ktoto. Haoid kein. Of course. Haoid brunchin. Ka iakren bad ki paralok jongka shaphang ka baseball game. She chatted with her friends about the baseball game. Kaiakren badk paralok jonghaphang ka baseball game. Ka khriat bha. I was so cold. Kappiat bha. Ieng khop! Stand still! Iep! Pyneh ialade! Pull yourself together! Pyneh iaade! Iarap! Help! Iarap! Phin nym lah ban phet nanga. You can't escape from me. Philym latttrosa. Ka pyrthei ka rkhie da ki syntiew. Earth laughs in flowers. Kyrthei ka while kie kyntiew's skin. Ka kali jong nga ka don ha sem kali. My car's in the garage. Kaklijongkau don ha se kalli. Lano ka bammiet? When's dinner? Lano ka bammet? Nga slem, te nga duh iaka flight 501. I was late, so I missed flight 501. Russian slem, tucky duka flight 501. Peit hadien jong phi. Look behind you. Peit hadien jong. Ngam jied bam. I'm not usually picky about food. Russian jied bam. Ym donkam ban leh iakato. There is no necessity for you to do that. Ym dokamium leh iakato. Phi kyllut ne? Are you deaf? Kyllut ne? Kine ki shuki ki pher. These chairs are different. Kine uki kir. U Tom un pynmynsaw ia pha. Tom is going to hurt you. U. Tom unynmynsaw coia. U Tom u heh ia nga tang katto-katne snem. Tom is a couple of years older than me, I think. U. Tom uu maltto-katne snem. Nga shu kwah ia u ba un phet. I just want him to go away. Russian Kwah unott. U kofi u ai bor iaphi. Coffee gives you energy! Unofi u anybody bor iaphi. Ki masi ki ai dud. Cows give milk. Kirisirk who dud. Shisha! Really! Shisha! U Tom u khlem iathuh iano iano ba u kwah ban leh ia kato. Tom didn't tell anybody he wanted to do that. U. Tom umium iathuhnoo three uwah grants thia ktototoo. Kane ka jynjar. This is difficult. Kane kynjar. Nga kwah ba un leit hapoh shiteng sngi. I want him gone by noon. Russian Kwah three unleit haoh shitng. U don dak jingmong ha kjat kamon. He has a bruise on his right leg. I don't know, kjat kamon. Balei phi pyrkhat ba u Tom bad ka Mary ki bieij. Why do you think Tom and Mary are stupid? Balei Pykkhart 3 u Tom bad ka Mary keij. Nga ieid ia katai ka shuki. I love that chair. Russian ieid ia kaya shuki. Mo! Bye! Mo! Phi lah ban iathuh ia nga lashai. You can tell me tomorrow. An iathuh La lasha. Da peit! Watch out! Da peit! Nai. No. Nai. Phi lah ban leit lada phi kwah. You can go if you want to. An leit ladaless kwah. Ngi don uei-re-uei. We've got something. Don uei-re-uei. U Tom um poi-pyrkhat kumno ka ka jinglong jong u ka ktah ia kiwei. Tom doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others. U. Tom um-pykrkhart kumno kalong jong uta katia kwei. Kim pat dep bam ja sngi. They haven't finished their lunch yet. Kim pat dep bamja sngi. Em. No. You. Shaei u director? Where's the director? Shaei u director? Ha nga ka dei ka jingkylli halor ka im ne ka iap. For me it was a question of life or death. Hawwhisk dei kanwankyli halor ka nekiap. Nga tharai u Tom un nym kwah ia kato. My guess is that Tom isn't going to want that. Russian releaserai u Tom unnym kwah ia ktototo. Ki dei ki nongjapan? Are they Japanese? Kui, nojapan? Kumba katno sngi men don ha Boston? About how many days will you be in Boston? Kumba katno dun ha Boston? Phi kren english? Do you speak English? Philen english? Ngan sa iakynduh iaphi ha ïng. I'll see you at home. Russian sayakynduhphi hahhang. Phi ia mynjur bad u Tom, dei? You agree with Tom, don't you? Philia mynda bad u Tom, dei? Me kynmaw haei u Tom u buh ka shatri? Do you remember where Tom left his umbrella? Me kynmaw haei u u uh khathar? U Tom u aikam ianga ban airong iaka iing jong u. Tom hired me to paint his house. U. Tom u Whokam ianga gives anyone itaka iing jong. Ai sha. Give tea. Whosha. Don mano mano ba tip hangno u Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don mano marno u Tom bad ka Mary don't? Ngi don aiu-aiu. We've got something. No one-whou. Tan! Pull! Tan! U Tom um shym wan ïng haduh 2:30. Tom didn't come home until 2:30. U. Tom um shym wanang Sangeh! Halt! Sangeh! Ki khlur ki itynnad. Stars are beautiful. Kappurk itynnad. Don ba tip haei u Tom bad ka Mary ki don? Does anyone know where Tom and Mary are? Don ba tip haei u Tom bad ka Mary don't? Sngewbha shong. Please sit. Sngewbha shong. Ngam kwah ban pynthut iaphi. I don't want to disturb you. Russian kwah Square pyntht iaphi. Nga shu rkhie namar baroh ki ia rkhie. I just laughed because everyone else did. Russia as long as you're a male baroh kya when you're here. Tom, nadien me! Tom, behind you! Tom, nadien me! Balei ngam sngewthuh English? Why don't I understand English? Balei sngewthuh English? Sniang! Idiot! Spanong! Ei. Hey. Ei. Tan kan plie. Pull it open. Tan kan plie. Balei phi mynjur? Why did you agree? Balei, my wife? Ym lei lei. You're welcome. Ym lei lei. Pham dei ban leh kum kato da lade. You should not do that kind of thing by yourself. Pharm de leh kum dtoto da lade. Sa shiphang u Tom u lap ia ka Mary. Tom soon caught up with Mary. Sashiphang u uputia ka Mary. Bam shaw. Eat noodles. Bam shaw. Kato ka sngi nga lut umphniang ha pdeng kawei ka khap jylla. The other day I ran out of gas in the middle of a busy Interstate. Ktotoya skangum umphnia ha ha padewei kylla kylla. Bam lut. Eat everything. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Nga dang wad dukan khapsñiuh. I was looking for the barbershop. Russian wad dunpsñiuh. U Tom u ioh mih na patok hadien 30 snem. Tom got out of prison after 30 years. U. Tom u ioh mih natoktanien 30 snem. Phim lah ban thied iakane. You can't afford this. Aniakane film. Ngam shym iohsngew iaphi. I did not hear you. Russian shym mahsngew iaphi. Kyrteng kumno maphi? What is your name? Kyrteng kumno maphi? Tom, shadien jong me! Tom, behind you! Tom, shadien jong me! Phin ia sngewbha sangeh iashoh. Will you guys please stop fighting? Ania sngewbha toiashoh. Maka ruh ka tip ia kata. She knows that as well. Maka harka tip ia kata. Lada phi kwah Jinsuk, pynkhreh iaka thma. If you want peace, prepare for war. Lada, kwah Jinsuk, pynkhreh ia tma. Ngan sa iakynduh iame ha ïng. I'll see you at home. Russian sakynduh iame ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- ម៉ារី ​សិចស៊ី​ណាស់​ ។ Mary is a fox. Spanish, too. « ពិតមែនហេ៎ ? » « ​ចា៎ ពីណាគេប្រាប់ ? » "Is that true?" "Yes, who told you about it?" “ What does it mean to declare? ” “ Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so ថម​មាន​ទោស​តិច​។ Tom felt a little guilty. We can be confident that Jehovah will not forget our work and the love we show for his name. ថម ចិត្តល្អ ។ Tom is good-hearted. Good preference. ខ្ញុំរកការងារធ្វើ។ I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ បឹច ខាលីហ្វា គឺជាអគារដែលខ្ពស់ជាងគេនៅលើពិភពលោក ។ Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is currently the model set in the world. បញ្ហា​នៅ​ណា​? Where is the problem? Where's the problem? បងញុំមានពុកមាត់ ។ My older brother has a mustache. quest without interest. ទៅឱ្យឆ្ងាយ ។ Go away. Go to a separate place. សូមស្វាគមន៏! Welcome! Please take care of it! តើ​អ្នក​ចេះ​និយាយ​ភាសា​អង់គ្លេស​ទេ ? Do you speak English? [ Picture on page 23] Do you speak English? តើ​អ្នក​មាន​យក​ប៊ិច​ខ្ញុំ​ទេ​? ព្រោះអី​ម៉ិញ​វា​នៅ​ទីនេះ​តើ​។ What have you done with my pen? It was here a minute ago. Do you get my pen? Because the cursor contains it here. ខ្ញុំប្រតិកម្មជាមួយសណ្ដែកដី។ បេីខ្ញុំញ៉ាំវា ខ្ញុំនឹងស្លាប់។ I'm allergic to peanuts. If I eat them, I will die. I'm satisfied with the Ministry. I'm sure it's my mother. យើងទាំងអស់ដឹងហើយថា ឯងខឹង ។ We all know that you're angry. We all know that you are. ថម ត្រឡប់ទៅផ្ទះវិញ ។ Tom returned home. Go back to your music. ខ្ញុំហត់នឿយ ! I'm fed up with it! I'm sorry! តើនាងគេងបានល្អហេ ? Did she sleep well? Is she beautiful? គាត់​ទៅ​ណា​ក៏​មាន​អង្គរក្ស​ការពារ​ដែរ​ ។ Wherever she goes, she has bodyguards with her. He is “a strong tower ” and“ a strong tower. ” តោះ។ Let's go. Let's go. ពាក្យសំងាត់ គឺ « មុយរាល » ។ The password is "Muiriel". “ The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joint អ្នក​ខ្ពស់​ណាស់ ! How tall you are! You are very high! ចង់ទិញនំពុម្ពជាមួយទឹកស៊ីរ៉ូប។ I want to buy some waffles with syrup. Whether you want to move to a template with waterro. ចេញទៅផ្ទះ! Go home! Let's go home! តើអ្នកច្បាស់ហេ៎ ? Are you sure? Are you sure? ថម ដួលម៉ូតូ ។ Tom fell off of his motorcycle. ( b) What will we consider in the next article? ច្បាស់ជាអញ្ចឹងហើយ! Of course! Yes, it is! អត់​មាន​ទឹក​។ There's no water. No water. ប្រញាប់ឡើង ។ Hurry up. Quickly. យើងយក ហេនរី ជាប្រធានក្រុមយើង ។ We chose Henry to be the captain of our team. We got Heir as our president. ជួយខ្ញុំផង ។ Help me. Help me too. ខ្ញុំគ្មានអ្វីឱ្យអ្នកទេ ។ I don't have anything to give to you. I have nothing for you. កន្លែងចាក់សាំងនៅណា ? Where is the petrol station? Where is the folder? ឥឡូវល្ងាចហើយ ទៅទះសិនចុះ ។ It's late already. Go home. Now it is time to go down. ចូលធ្វើអំពើល្អទៅអ្នកទាំងនោះដែលស្អប់អ្នក ។ Do good to those who hate you. Access good actions to those who like you. គាត់គោរពពាក្យសន្យា ។ She kept her promise. He's got a bad word. ​អត់បញ្ហា។ No prob. No problem. អ្នក​គឺជា​ផេនដា ។ You're a panda. You are the son of a bitch. តើអ្នកអត់ដែលមានថ្នាក់ រឺអី ? You never have class or what?! You don't have a Hebrew class? នឹក​ដើម មក​ដល់​ល្មម​។ Speak of the devil. In fact, the Bible says: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. ” ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មាទេ។ I don't have a cat. I don't have a hint ខ្ញុំ​ដឹង​ថា អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​គាត់​។ I know you like him. I don’t know how much I love him. I know that you love him. ខ្ញុំមានពេល ។ I've got time. I have time. ទៅប្រាប់ ថម។ Go tell Tom. Go tell him. បរិមាណូមិនអាចមើលឃើញដោយភ្នែកទទេបានទេ ។ Atoms cannot be seen with your own eye. The smoothness cannot be seen by being spam. គាត់សម្លឹងនាងខ្លាំងណាស់ ។ He's staring at her really hard. He is interested in her. ចូលចិត្តវាអត់ ? Like it? Prefer it? ម្ហូប នៅឯណា ? Where is the food? Cooking? តើធ្វើការនៅណា​? Where do you work? Where to work? នាង​មាន​ចិត្ត​ល្អ​។ She has a good heart. The Bible says: “A joyful heart is good medicine. ” សេរីភាព​មិន​មែន​ហ៊្វ្រី​ទេ​។ Freedom is not free. The Bible says: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. ” មិន​សំខាន់​ទេ​។ It's not important. It is not important. បន្ទប់ពីចេញពីធ្វើការ ខ្ញុំទៅហាត់ប្រាណ ។ After work, I went to exercise. The room from India works for me at eight. សូមចាំបន្តិច ។ Please wait a bit. Remember a little. ពួកគេ ញ៉ាំអាហារដែលមានសុខភាព ។ They eat healthy foods. They ate the fruit with a dot. នំនេះមិនឆ្ងាញ់សោះ ។ This snack doesn't taste good at all. This can't be used for the rest of the day. ភាសាអង់គ្លេស​ត្រូវ​បាន​និយាយ​នៅ​ប្រទេស​សិង្ហបុរី​។ English is spoken in Singapore. English is spoken in Madagascar. នាងមានសក់ពណ៌លឿង ។ She has yellow hair. She's black. រស់នៅទីនេះមែន ? Do you live here? Live here? តើឯងយួរអីហ្នឹង ? What are you carrying there? Are you ready? តើមានពេលទេ ? Is there time? What time is it? ថតខ្ញុំមួយ ។ Take one of me. My folder. ជួបគាត់ពេលណា ទំពាស្ករកៅស៊ូរហូត ។ No matter when you meet him, he is always chewing gum. Meet him when the artist gets stuck. តើអ្នកហត់ឬទេ ? Are you tired? Are you sure? អរគុណ ! Thank you! Thank you! ខ្ញុំឈឺធ្មេញ ។ My teeth hurt. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរ។ I have got a question. I'm in love with you. សប្បាយ​ណាស់ ! What fun! It's fun! ខ្ញុំសារភាពថា វាពិតមែន ។ I admit it to be true. I am aware that it is true. ខ្ញុំអត់មានលុយសោះ ។ I don't have any money at all. I don't have a menu. ខ្ញុំគិត, ដូច្នោះខ្ញុំនៅ ។ I think, therefore I am. I think, so I am. អត់មានទេ ! No way! Not at all! គាត់និយាយអង់គ្លេសញាប់ ។ He speaks English fluently. He speaks English. គាត់ចូលចិត្តកីឡា ។ He likes sports. He likes to love. ខ្ញុំ ហាត់ប្រាណ ។ I'm exercising. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. ប៉ុន្តែ​សិស្ស​មិន​អាច​យក​លេស​រួច​ខ្លួន​បាន​ទេ បើ​គេ​មិន​មាន​ភាព​ឧស្សាហ៍។ But no disciple can be excused if he does not have zeal. But the students can't get their own smoking if they don't have the strength to do it. តាងពីអង្កាល ? Since when? The description from the feed? នាងស្រលាញ់ឆ្មា ។ She loves cats. The Bible says: “A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother ខ្ញុំត្រូវការនៅម្នាក់ឯង ។ I need to be left alone. I need it at least. ស្ដាប់! Listen! Listen! ខ្ញុំ​អត់​និយាយ​ភាសា​ជប៉ុន​ទេ​។ I don't speak Japanese. I did not speak Japanese. ខ្ញុំចង់រស់។ I want to live. I'd like to exist. កំុធ្វើអញ្ចឹងទៀត។ Don't do it again. It's doing the same thing. អ្នក​ត្រូវការ​រៀន​ឲ្យ​ច្រើន​បន្ថែម​ទៀត​ស្តី​អំពី​សម្ព័ន្ធភាព​។ You still have a lot to learn about relationships. You need to learn more about structure. កុំភ្លេចយកមកផងណា ! Don't forget to bring it, OK? Don't forget! ផ្ទះសំណាក់នៅណា? Where is the guesthouse? Where is the house? គាត់ស្លាប់ដោយចៃដន្យ ។ He died suddenly. Jesus ’ mother, Mary, and his adoptive father, Joseph, lived before Jesus was born on earth. អបអរសាទរ ចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី ! Happy New Year! Congratulations in New Year! ខ្ញុំ​មាន​អារម្មណ៍​ថា គាត់​អាច​បង្រៀន​ខ្ញុំ​ឱ្យ​ចេះ​អាន​។ I felt that he could teach me to read. I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I began to study the Bible with them. In time, I began to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. ក្រុមហ៊ុន​ជួល​បុគ្គលិក ៥០០ នាក់ ។ The company employs 500 workers. Thousands of staff companies. ខ្ញុំគិតថា ថម សម្លាប់ខ្លួន ។ I think Tom killed himself. On the other hand, it is a sign of the event that will occur at the end of the thousand years. ជល់មួយ ! Cheers! That's one! តើអ្នកជឿលើខ្ញុំទេ ? Do you trust me? Do you know me? តើអ្នកបានស្នាក់នៅរយៈពេលប៉ុន្មាន ? How long did you stay? How long have you been in? អូនស្រលាញ់បង ! I love you! I love you! កប់យោបល់ ! No way! Whisper! តើឯងទៅណាហ្នឹង ? Where are you going? Where are you going? បង្គន់​នៅ​ណា​? Where is the toilet? ( See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? ខ្លួន​ប្រាណ​ឆាប់​ស៊ាំ​នឹង​អាកាសធាតុ​ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ​យ៉ាង​ឆាប់​រហ័ស​។ The body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature. [ Pictures on page 18] “ Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. ” — Psalm 34: 18. [ Pictures on ទៅទីនោះ។ Go over there. Go to the next folder. លឿនឡើង ។ Hurry up. Fast up. តើអ្នកនៅកន្លែងណា ? Where are you? Where are you? ម្ហូបនេះ ផ្អែមណាស់ ។ This food is very sweet. This is a bug. មេឃជិតភ្លៀងហៃ យកខោអាវទុក ។ It's about to rain; bring in the clothes. The sky is close to the sky. ប្រហែលជាគាត់ជិះរថភ្លើងជើងក្រោយ ។ He may be on the next train. Maybe he's stuck with the next light. អញ្ចឹងមែន ? Is that so? Where's he going? ហេតុអី ? Why? How do we know that it is possible for us to be សម្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា ល្ខោន​នេះ​គឺ​គួរ​ឱ្យ​ចាប់​អារម្មណ៍​ណាស់​។ As for me, I think the play was quite interesting. I felt that it was better for me to move to a foreign country than to go to a foreign country. It was a very difficult time for me to move to a foreign country. មើលសៀវភៅនេះ ទំព័រនេះឡូយ !! Look at this book, this page is cool!! See this page again! ក្មេង​ៗ ​គឺ​អស់​កំលាំង​ហើយ ​។ The children are already tired. The Bible says: “There is no work nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going. ” — Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. ម៉ាក់ មិនចូលចិត្ត ហាត់ប្រាណទេ ។ Mom doesn't like to exercise. If you do not feel that way, you can be confident that Jehovah will help you. ថ្ងៃស្អែក គាត់នឹងមោ ។ He will come tomorrow. The day will come when he will. ខ្ញុំមានវចនានុក្រម។ I have a dictionary. I have a topic. តើកីឡាអីដែលឯងចូលចិត្ត ? What sport do you like best? Is the preferred trick? រងារ​។ It's cold. Coordinate. អ្នក​អាច​ជ្រើសរើស​សៀវភៅ​មួយ​ណា​ដែល​អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​បាន​។ You may choose any book you like. You can choose which book you like. ធំក្លិនគួរឱ្យឆ្ងាញ់ ! It smells good! It's full of cake! តើអ្នករៀបការហើយ ? Are you married? Are you ready? ត្រលប់មកវិញណា ! Come on back, OK? Back there! សៀវភៅ​នេះ​អាន​ទៅ​មាន​អារម្មណ៍​ថា​រីករាយ​! This book makes pleasant reading. The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. អ្នក​គឺជា​ផេនដា ។ You are a panda. You are the son of a bitch. បន្ទប់ទឹកនៅណា? Where's the restroom? Where's the waterroom? នៅផ្ទះ។ Stay home. At home. តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី? What's your name? What's his name? លេខសម្ងាត់ គឺ « មុយរាល » ។ The password is "Muiriel". The password is “the peace of God that excels all thought. ” — Philippians 4: 6, 7. គ្មានគំនិតទេ ! No way! No idea! ទៅជាមួយខ្ញុំ។ Go with me. Go to me. អ្នក​ត្រូវ​ទៅ​មន្ទីរពេទ្យ​។ You have to go to the hospital. You need to go to the Internet. រាត្រី​សួស្តី ! Good night! Night! អ្នកចូលចិត្ត ក្រុងកាវ៉ាហ្គឺឈី។ You like Kawaguchi. You love the city ofChristugues. អូនស្រលាញ់បង។ I love you. I'm in love with you. ឃ្លានអត់ ? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? សៀវភៅនេះ ត្រូវនឹងខ្ញុំស្រួលអាន ។ This book is easy enough for me to read. This book is going to be easier for me to read. បាទ ។ Yes. Yes. អស់កម្លាំងណាស់ ។ I'm tired. Very strong. ខ្ញុំអត់ដឹងអីទាំងអស់អំពីរឿងអតីតកាលរបស់គាត់ ។ I don't know anything about his past. I don't know all about his stories. ម៉ារី ផឹកទឹកច្រើន ។ Mary drinks a lot of water. Mariming more water. តេមកធ្វើអី ខ្ញុំជិតចូលប្រគួតហើយណា ។ What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the competition. It's my business to break in. ស្ងាត់ ! Shut up! Silence! តើអ្នកជានណា? Who are you? Do you really want to know who you are? មួយ​នេះ​គឺជា​ចំណោត​នៃ​គណិតវិទ្យា​ដ៏​ពិបាក ។ This is a difficult math problem. This one is a slope of the hard maths. បិទមាត់ ! Close your mouth! Shut up! ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរមួយ។ I have got a question. I have a place. ថម កំពុង​រំខាន ម៉ារី ។ Tom is annoying Mary. This is an indication that we are living in “the last days. ” — 2 Timothy 3: 1 - គាត់អួតខ្លួនណាស់ ។ He brags about himself so much! He is self-consequental. ខ្ញុំឃ្លាន ! I'm hungry! I'm sorry! អរគុណ ដែលបានមកលេង ។ Thanks for the visit. Thanks for playing. គឺសម្រាប់ភ្ញៀវទេសចរណ៍។ It's for tourists. It is for sale. តើប្រាកដ ? Are you sure? Are you sure? ទៅឱ្យឆ្ងាយ ! Go away! Go away! ​អត់បញ្ហា។ There is no problem. No problem. គ្មានយោបល់ទេ ! No way! No suggestions! ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​អ្នក​ត្រូវ​ជួប​គាត់​។ I think you need to see him. I thought that you would visit him. I did not know how to cope with the situation. តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី? What's his name? What's his name? ទៅផ្ទះ! Go home! Go home! មកតាមខ្ញុំ ។ Follow me. Go to me. ម្សិលមិញ​ក្តៅ​ណាស់​។ It was hot yesterday. It is very rare today. ទៅនោះ។ Go there. That's it. សូម​ស្ដាប់​។ Listen. Please listen. មរមនស្អប់កាហ្វេនិងទឹកតែ ។ Mormons hate coffee and tea. This text is designed to help us learn more about the Kingdom and what it will accomplish. កុំ​ព្រួយ​បារម្ភ​ពី​ការ​ធ្វេី​កំហុស​។ Don't worry about making mistakes. Do not worry about the problem(s). តើ​អ្នក​ឈ្មោះ​អ្វី​? What's your name? What's your name? ញ៉ាំបាយហើយនៅ? Have you eaten? Eat what is in it? ទុកខ្ញុំនៅម្នាក់ឯងបានហើយ ! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! តើអ្នកឃ្លានទេ ? Are you hungry? Are you sure? នេះ​គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​ចាត់​ទុក​អ្នក​ដទៃ​ប្រសើរ​ជា​ជាង​ខ្លួនឯង។ This is the love that esteems others better than oneself. This is the love that makes people better than themselves. ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I'll be seeing you later. The next day you meet. ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរ។ I've got a question. I have a question. «អាគី» ឆ្កែខ្ញុំ។ Aki is my dog. “ My dog's name. ខ្ញុំ​គិត​ថា​វា​នៅ​កន្លែង​ណា​មួយ​ក្បែរ​ៗ​នេះ​។ I think it's somewhere around here. I think it's anywhere near here. នំខេក​នេះ​មាន​ដាក់​ម្សៅ ទឹកដោះគោ ពងមាន់ និង ស្ករ​។ This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. This burette contains a shadowyRelent and can. ថ្ងៃនេះ ខួបទី២២នៃប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុំ ។ Today is my little brother's twenty-second birthday. Today, the birthday of my associate. តើអាចនេះអីគេ ? What is this one? Is this possible? សព្វថ្ងៃនេះមានភ្លៀងញឹកញប់ ។ These days, it rains frequently. Check this if you want to see how often you want to use it. តើអ្នកស្រលាញ់ខ្ញុំទេ ? Do you love me? Do you love me? ដណ្តប់​ខ្លួន​ឯង​ឱ្យ​កក់ក្តៅ នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​ត្រជាក់​។ Wrap yourself warm, it is cold out there. Set your own Book on the outside. តើអាយុប៉ុន្មានទៅ ? How old are you? How old are you? ទៅខាងនោះ។ Go that way. Go to the side. តើម៉ូតូអស់សាំងនៅ ? Has the motorcycle run out of gas yet? Who is the god of this system of things, and who are the gods of this world? នៅផ្ទះទៅ។ Stay home. On the way home. ទំនុកទុកចិត្ត វាពិបាកកសាង តែងាយស្រួលបំផ្លាញ។ Confidence is hard to build, but easy to destroy. It's hard to believe it's easy to build love. យប់នេះមានព្រះច័ន្ទរះពេញណា ។ There is a full moon tonight. By the end of the week, I was appointed to serve as a special pioneer. កាតឥណទាន​ខ្ញុំត្រូវបានគេលួចនៅរថភ្លើងក្រោមដី ។ My credit card was stolen on the subway. The test card is under the tip of the air. នេះមិនមែនជាការសរសេរដោយដៃរបស់គាត់ទេ។ This is not his handwriting. This is not a written statement ទេសភាពនៅតំបន់ចំការមនោរម្យណាស់ ។ The scenery at the plantation is so delightful! The landscape is on the blog blog. ខ្ញុំដឹងថាអ្នកកហុក ។ I know that you're lying. I know you are. តើនៅកន្លែងណា ? Where are you? Where? ពួកគេរៀបចំបាយទឹកសំរាប់យើង ។ They're preparing a meal for us. They set us free. អត់​មាន​ពេល ។ There's no time. Not at all. ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មាទេ។ I do not have a cat. I don't have a hint អ្នកគឺកំពុងនិយាយផ្ដេះផ្ដាស់ហើយ ។ You're talking out of your ass. You are already speaking the care value. ម៉េចដែរ ល្មមទេ ? How is it? Is it alright? What about it? គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​គ្រប​បាំង​អំពើ​បាប​ជា​អនេកអនន្ត។ It is the love that covers a multitude of sins. It is love that covers sin. ចេះអក្សរទេ ? Can you write? That's a letter? ថម ចង់ញ៉ាំបាយឆា ។ Tom wants to eat fried rice. Here you can see the original text of the Bible. រូបភាពទាំងនេះស្រស់ស្អាតណាស់ ! These photos are very pretty! These images are beautiful! តើឈ្ងុយអីគេហ្នឹង ? What smells so good? What's wrong with you? ខ្ញុំទៅផ្ទះ។ I go home. I'm going home. ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មា។ I don't have a cat. I don't have a stomach. ហេវបាយ ! I'm hungry! Ling! តើឯងនៅណា ? Where are you? Where are you? វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត​បាន​គិត​ថា​ជីពចរ​របស់​អ្នកជំងឺ​លោត​ញាប់​បន្តិច​។ The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid. Your favorites are slightly slowing down. ច្បាប់​ត្រូវ​បាន​ប្តូរ​។ The law was changed. The rule has been switched. ខ្ញុំមានពេល ។ I have time. I have time. សុំទោស​ដែល​អត់​បាន​មក​យប់​មិញ​។ I'm sorry I didn't come by last night. Sorry, I didn't apologize. I didn't mean to say that I was sorry. ម្ហូបនេះ មិនឆ្ងាញ់សោះ ។ This food doesn't taste good at all. This bell is not a fadeer. អ្នកគួរតែចេះវា សំរាប់ការពារខ្លូន ។ You should know it in order to protect yourself. You should be very careful about this for protection. ខ្ញុំចង់ទៅ។ I wanna go. I want to go. ស្បែកខ្ញុំទន់ ។ My skin is soft. My theme is too large. ឆ្កែនេះ គឺធំជាង ។ This dog is bigger. This dog is too large. ញ៉ាំឱ្យច្រើន បើមិនអញ្ចឹង អ្នកអត់មានកំលាំងទេ ។ Eat more, or you won't gain strength. Eat too much if you're not as good as it is. អត់​ចូលចិត្ត​វា​ទេ​? Don't you like it? Prefer this? ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I'll see you around. The next day you meet. ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I'll be seeing you. The next day you meet. ឡានបត់ឆ្វេង ។ The car is turning left. Left car. ថម ចិត្តល្អណាស់ ។ Tom is very good-hearted. Very good preference. តើខ្ញុំអាចជួយអីបានទេ ? Can I help you? Can I help you? តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី? What is his name? What's his name? ចុយម៉ែវា ! Fuck you! Lock it! ខ្ញុំ​បាន​គិត​ថា ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ឮ​សំឡេង​អ្វី​មួយ​នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​។ I thought I heard something outside. I thought I heard something out there that I could hear. I thought I heard something outside. មាន​គេ​ប្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​ថា អ្នក​អាច​ជួយ​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​។ I was told that you might be able to help me. When I first began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I got baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. At that time, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. អរគុណ ដែលបានមកលេង ។ Thanks for coming. Thanks for playing. ខ្ញុំអត់ដឹងអីផងអំពីអតីតកាលរបស់គាត់ ។ I don't know anything about his past. I don't know much about him. ខ្ញុំឃ្លានទឹក ។ I'm thirsty. I waterfall. ល្អ។ Good. Good. អ្នកសុខសប្បាយទេ? How are you? Is it ready for you to take care of it? ហាណាកូ លូតខ្ពស់ជាងម្តាយរបស់នាង ។ Hanako grew taller than her mother. The music folder is much higher than the music program. គាត់អួតថា គាត់សង្ហារជាងគេ ។ He bragged that he was the most handsome. He felt he was worse than he was. តាងពីពេលណា ? Since when? What's it like? យើងគឺពិសេស ។ We're special. We are special friends. ខ្ញុំនៅទីក្រុងឡុងដ៍ ។ I am in London. I'm inweight. ឆ្មាស្អប់ទឹក ។ Cats hate water. The Cat of Water. ម៉ារី ចូលចិត្តកីឡាផ្លែកៗ ។ Mary likes strange sports. Marie preferred repeats the disc. ទៅបាត់ហើយ ។ Go away. Go to the lost one. នាង​បាន​រៀបការ​ជាមួយ​ជនជាតិ​អាមេរិក​។ She is married to an American. She married the United States. ចុះអូនវិញ? What about you? ( b) What will we consider in the next article? យប់នេះម្ហូបឆ្ញាញ់ដ៏ករ ។ The food is very yummy tonight. This night, the artist is about to be played. ខ្ញុំចង់ទៅ។ I want to go. I want to go. តេមកធ្វើអី ខ្ញុំជិតចូលប្រគួតហើយណា ។ What are you calling me for? I'm just about to enter the match. It's my business to break in. សៀវភៅនៅលើតុ ។ The book is on the table. The book on the Desktop. ទៅមុនទៅ ។ You go first. Go forward. ខ្ញុំអាចនិយាយអេស្ប៉ាញបានញាប់ ។ I can speak Spanish fluently. I can speak anonymously. ខ្ញុំ​គឺ​និស្សិត​។ I am a college student. I was a students. គាត់រៀនភាសាអង់គ្លេស ប៉ុន្តែគាត់ក៏រៀនភាសាអាល្លឺម៉ង់ដែរ ។ He is studying English, but he is also studying German. He learned English, but he also learned Spanish. ខ្ញុំឈឺក្បាល ។ I have a headache. I won't be able to fly. ខ្ញុំស្គាល់ផ្លូវកាត់ ។ I know a shortcut. I know the shortcut. អញ្ចឹង​ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​ណា​? Where do I go then? Where do I go? បាយឆ្អិនអើរ ! Food's ready! The Bay of London! មករាំ ! Come dance! January! ខ្ញុំ គេងអត់លក់ ។ I can't sleep. I didn’t want to. តើអ្នកទៅកន្លែងណា ? Where are you going? Where are you going? យល់អត់? Do you follow? You understand? ខ្ញុំ អត់យល់សោះ ។ I don't understand at all. I don't understand. បងញុំមានពុកមាត់ ។ My older sister has a mustache. quest without interest. គាត់​ជា​មេធាវី​ហើយ​អ្នកនយោបាយ​ឆ្លាត​ខ្លាំង​ណាស់​។ He was a very smart lawyer and politician. He is a wise person, and he is very wise. បន្ទប់ទឹកនៅណា? Where is the bathroom? Where's the waterroom? សុខសប្បាយ ។ អរគុណដែលបានសួរ ! I'm fine, thanks for asking! Ridicing. Thank you! តើ​អ្នក​ចង់​ឱ្យ​ខ្ញុំ​ហ្នឹង​បោះចោល​អ្វី​មួយ​នេះ​ឬ​? Do you want me to get rid of this? Do you want me to throw something away? តើកីឡាអីដែលឯងចូលចិត្ត ? Which sports do you like? Is the preferred trick? សួស្តី ឆ្នាំថ្មី ! Happy New Year! New Year! ខ្ញុំ អត់ចេះក្បាច់គុនអីទេ ។ I don't know any martial arts. I ca n't want to be sharp. ត្រូវតែ​ញ៉ាំ​ថ្នាំតាម​វេជ្ជបញ្ជា​ពេទ្យ ។ Drugs should be used only at the direction of a doctor. Must eat medically medically. ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចេះ​និយាយ​ភាសា​ បឺបឺ ប៉ុន្តែ​ថ្ងៃ​ណា​មួយ​នឹង​និយាយ​វា​បាន​ល្អ​។ I can't speak the Berber language, but someday I will speak it well. I ca n't speak Spanish but any day will say it's good. ចង់ទិញអី? What do you want to buy? Would you like to get rid of it? តើអ្នកចង់បានអ្វី ? What do you want? What do you want? តើអូនស្រលាញ់បងហេ៎ ? Do you love me? Are you mad at me? ពែងនេះគឺទទេស្អាត។ The cup was empty. This cup is empty. ល្អ។ Okay. Good. នាងញញឹមលាយលំនិងទុក្ខដែរ ។ She smiled sadly. [ Footnote] See The Watchtower, August 15, 2010, pages 3 - 7. Can You Explain? រឿងនេះត្រូវបានផ្សះផ្សារួចហើយ ។ The matter is all settled. This was already lost. ខ្ញុំស្រេកទឺក ។ I'm thirsty. I would like to. ឯងរៀបការហើយ ? Are you married? Are you ready? ថម ទៅផ្ទះ ។ Tom went home. Let us see what we can learn from the example of Abraham. ចាកចេញឆ្ងាយ ។ Go away. Leave. ចង់បានអី ? What do you want? You want it? និយាយរឿងអី ? What are you talking about? What's wrong with you? នៅឆ្នាំ ១៩៧១ ចក្រភពអង់គ្លេសបានផ្លាស់ប្តូររូបិយប័ណ្ណរបស់គេទៅក្នុងប្រព័ន្ធទសភាគ ។ In 1971 the United Kingdom changed its currency to the decimal system. By the year 1914, the magazine has changed its role in the media system. អ្នកខុសហើយ ។ You're wrong. You are wrong. ទៅកន្លែងនោះយើងស្រួលនិយាយគ្នា ។ Let's go over there; it'll be easier for us to talk. Let's go where we can talk. ​អត់បញ្ហា។ No problem. No problem. សាកមើលក៏បានដែរ ។ It's worth a try. See also. ខ្ញុំប្រាកដថា អ្នករវល់ណាស់ ។ I'm sure you're very busy. I'm very busy with you. សូមអរគុណក្នុងការអានរបស់ខ្ញុំ ។ Thanks for reading my message. I am ready to read. ចា៎​! យល់ព្រម ​។ OK. I agree. All right. ម៉េចដែរ ល្មមទេ ? How is it? Is it enough? What about it? ល្អ។ OK. Good. គាត់ជាបុរសដែលគួរឲ្យគ្រោះថ្នាក់ណាស់ ។ He is very a dangerous man. He is a very young man. គ្រិស្ត​ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​ជឿ​ថា​បាន​ធ្វើ​នូវ​រឿង​អស្ចារ្យ​ជា​ច្រើន​។ Christ is believed to have worked many miracles. The United Nations organization has been convinced that making the most of the wonderful things in the world are being done on earth today. គាត់រមាស់ ។ He is itchy. He was maximum. ស៊ូសាន ចូលចិត្តឆ្មា ។ Susan likes cats. Whether your parents love you or not, you can be sure that your parents love you. ពួកគេ កំពុងរៀបចំម្ហូបសំរាប់ពីធី ។ They are preparing the food for the party. They're planning a cross for the board. ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តភាសាឃឺដ ។ I like the Kurdish language. I like the Spanish language. ខ្ញុំគិត, អញ្ជឹងខ្ញុំនៅ ។ I think, therefore I am. I think, I do n't know where I am. ខ្ញុំ​ញ៉ាំ​នំ​ប៉័ង​។ I eat bread. I ate a cup of bread. តើខ្ញុំអាចជួយអ្នកបានអត់ ? Can I help you? Can I help you? មែនអេ៎ ? Is that so? What's wrong with you? កូនស្រី ទាញសក់ម៉ាក់ ។ The girl is pulling her mom's hair. Son of a bitch. ពីរបីថ្ងៃមុនភ្នំពេញលិចទឹកខ្លាំង ។ Phnom Penh was flooded two or three days ago. A few days before the full rainfall. កុលាប ពណ៌ក្រហម។ The roses are red. The red threshold. ទៅ។ Go. Yes. បុរសនោះខ្ពស់ជាងម៉ារី ។ That man is taller than Mary. That man is much higher than Amari. តើឯងចង់បានអី ? What do you want? Are you ready? ថម និយាយសម្លេងអក្សរ «រ» ខុស ។ Tom pronounces the letter "r" incorrectly. The meaning of the word “soundness of speech. ” យើងត្រូវការអីទៀត ម៉េច ? What more could one ask for? What else do we need? ថម មាន​កូន​បី​នាក់​។ Tom has three children. God’s word always comes true. However, God’s word always comes true. កុំកុហកខ្ញុំ! Don't lie to me! Don't worry about me! តើលោករស់នៅឯណា ? Where do you live? What do you think? អ្នកខុសហើយ ។ You are wrong. You are wrong. គាត់ ប្រហែលកំពុងដេក ។ He's probably sleeping. He may be in progress. បាទ​! យល់ព្រម​ ។ OK. I agree. Yes, OK. ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ឮ​សំឡេង​អ្វី​មួយ​នៅ​ខាង​ក្រៅ​។ I heard something outside. I heard something out there that I heard outside. ខ្ញុំគិតថា ខ្ញុំបានប្រាប់អ្នកហើយ គួរតែទៅកន្លែងប្រគំតន្ត្រីឲ្យបានឆាប់ ។ I thought I told you that you should get to the concert early. I've told you where to go. ហេតុអីបានជាអូនយំ ? Why are you crying? Why is it important to be honest? ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​រីករាយ​​ដែរ ដែល​បាន​ជួប​អ្នក ។ It's nice to meet you too. I also enjoyed seeing you. ម៉ារី ជញ្ជក់ស្ករគ្រាប់ ។ Mary is sucking on a candy. Encrypt the key(s). ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចង់ទៅលេងកូនខ្ញុំតាមចិត្តខ្ញុំ ។ I just want to be able to visit my children whenever I want to. I just want to play with my friends on my own. ខ្ញុំ​គឺជាអ្នក​គេង​ល្វាស ។ I'm a light sleeper. I am a Jew. នាង​ស្វែងរក​សណ្ឋាគារ​។ She's looking for a hotel. Do you know why God allows bad things to happen? Do you believe that God does not ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរមួយ។ I've got a question. I have a question. ម៉ារី លេងបាល់បោះបានល្អ ។ Mary plays basketball well. 11, 12. (a) What can we learn from the account of Mary and Mary? ម៉ូតូអស់សាំងហើយ ។ The motorcycle ran out of gas. Out of the closeness. ចប់ហើយ ! No way! It's over! តើហាឈី នៅណា? Where's Hachi? What do you think? សៀវភៅ​ខ្ញុំ​នៅ​ទី​នេះ​។ My book is here. My book Is Here ថ្ងៃនេះយើង មានម្ហូបច្រើន។ Today we have a lot of food. Today we have a lot of tricks. សុខសប្បាយអត់ ? How are you? How's he doing? សាយ័ណ្ហសួស្ដី។ Good evening. The class itself. កំពុងមើលអីហ្នឹង? What are you looking at? Looking at HSV? បន្ទប់ទឹកនៅណា? Where is the restroom? Where's the waterroom? ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តញ៉ាំម្ហូបក្រិច ។ I like to eat Greek food. I like honey. ខ្ញុំ​គឺជា​មនុស្ស​ស្រី ។ I am a woman. I am a girl. ឈ្លើយណាស់ ! How rude of you! That's it! គាត់​ហាក់​ដូច​ជា​ខឹង​។ He sounds angry. The Bible says: “A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise. ” អត់​ឈឺ​។ It doesn't hurt. “ The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will ខ្ញុំត្រូវការនៅម្នាក់ឯង ។ I need to be alone. I need it at least. តើអ្នកមានអាយុប៉ុន្មាន ? How old are you? How old are you? ថម អាចដេកកន្លែងណាក៏បាន ។ Tom can sleep anywhere. Where can you turn? កន្លែងចាក់សាំងនៅណា ? Where is the gas station? Where is the folder? ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរមួយ។ I have got a question. I have a question. ចង់ញ៉ាំអីអត់ ? Do you want something to eat? Do you want to kill me? ធ្វើការនៅណា​? Where do you work? How to Work? ជួយខ្ញុំផង ។ Help me out. Help me too. គាត់រស់នៅក្រុងញូវយ៉ក ។ He lives in New York. He says: “I don’t know, I don’t know. តើកូនទិញអីមកខ្លះ ? What all have you bought, child? What are you doing? អ្នក​ឈ្មោះ​អី​? What's your name? Did you know that? ចុះអូនវិញ? And you? ( b) What will we consider in the next article? ខ្ញុំ ត្រូវការដេក ។ I have to sleep. I need a comment. បន្ទប់​នេះ​មាន​បង្អួច​ពីរ ។ The room has two windows. This room contains two windows. ខ្ញុំ​ចង់​ស្លាប់​ជាង​។ I'd rather die. I wanted to die more than that. ថម មក​ដល់​ពិធីជប់លៀង​ជាមួយ ម៉ារី​ ។ Tom arrived at the party with Mary. It comes to the Festival of Booths with Marie. ខ្ញុំអត់មានឆ្មា។ I do not have a cat. I don't have a stomach. ខ្ញុំសុខសប្បាយ ។ I'm fine. I'm still in love with you. គាត់សម្លឹងនាងខ្លាំងណាស់ ។ He stared at her really hard. He is interested in her. ម៉ោអា៎លឿនម៉ោ! Come quickly! This is so fast! ម៉ោង​ដប់មួយ​ហើយ​។ It is already eleven. It's ten o'clock. តើហេតុអីអូនយំ ? Why are you crying? What's the cause? តើបងស្រលាញ់អូនអត់ ? Do you love me? Are you kidding me? នាង​បាន​រៀបការ​ជាមួយ​ជន​បរទេស​។ She is married to a foreigner. She was married to a foreigner who was not a worshiper of Jehovah. ទៅជួប ថម។ Go meet Tom. Go to the meeting. ខ្ញុំ មិនដឹងអីទេ ។ I don't know. I'm not interested. ខ្ញុំមិនមែនជា គ្រូពេទ្យទេ ។ I'm not a doctor. I'm not like this. វា​ជា​អព្ភូតហេតុ​មួយ​ដែល​ខ្ញុំ​អាច​ជា​ពី​ជំងឺ​មហារីក​។ It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. When I was ten years old, my father died at the age of ten, and my father died. When I was ten years old, my father died. សេះ​ធំ​ជាង​ឆ្កែ ប៉ុន្តែ​ឆ្មា​តូច​ជាង​ឆ្កែ​។ Horses are bigger than dogs, but cats are smaller than dogs. The sword is bigger than the dog, but the cat is smaller than the dog. អត់យល់ ។ I don't understand. I don't know. តើចង់បានអីហ្នឹង ? What do you want? How nice is it? រីករាយ ឆ្នាំថ្មី ! Happy New Year! Enjoy New Year! តើអ្នករស់នៅឯណា ? Where do you live? What do you think? ថម អត់បារម្ភរឿងចំណាត់ថ្នាក់គាត់ទេ។ Tom isn't worried about his grades. It's not about his class story. ហើយ​គឺ​ជា​សេចក្តី​ស្រឡាញ់​ដែល​រង​ទុក្ខ​យូរ​អង្វែង​ហើយ​និង​សប្បុរស។ It is the love that suffers long and is kind. And it is love that lasts a long time, and loving love. ថ្ងៃនេះស្អុះណាស់ គ្មានខ្យល់សោះ ។ It's stifling hot today. There's no wind at all. Today, there is no invitation. ខ្ញុំមិនមានលុយទេ ។ I don't have any money. I don't have a search. ឃ្លាតឆ្ងាយហើយ ។ Go away. The phrase is far away. បន្ទប់ពីចេញពីធ្វើការ ខ្ញុំទៅហាត់ប្រាណ ។ After work, I'm going to exercise. The room from India works for me at eight. នាងខ្ពស់ជាងគាត់។ She's taller than him. She's taller than him. ពេលដើរគួរចេះមើលឆ្វេងស្តាំផង ។ While walking, we should know to look to the left and to the right. When the cursor is over the left. ខ្ញុំហេវ ! I'm hungry! Meh! ពួកយើង​ទើបតែ​ញ៉ាំ​ស៊ូស៊ី និង​ផឹក​ស្រាបៀរ​។ We just ate sushi and drank beer. We just ate & SuSE; and drink alcohol. ឱ្យខ្ញុំនៅម្នាក់់ឯង ! Leave me alone! Leave me at one point! ខ្ញុំចង់គិតថា ខ្ញុំដឹងអ្វីដែល ខ្ញុំនិយាយ ។ I like to think I know what I'm talking about. I wish I knew what I was saying. កុំព្រួយណា៎ ។ Don't worry. Do n't waste. តើយើងត្រូវការអីទៀតទេ ? Do we need anything else? Do we need to get rid of this? ខ្ញុំមិនប្រកាន់ទេ ។ It doesn't bother me. I am not ready. សូមស្វាគមន៍មកចូលរួម តាតូអេបា ! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Taiba! ខ្ញុំខកចិត្តអ្នកណាស់ ។ I'm very disappointed in you. I'm very interested in you. តើលោកត្រូវទៅណា ? Where are you going? Where are you going? ខ្ញុំ​កំពុង​ញ៉ាំ​បាយ ។ I am eating rice. I am eating the things. ក្រដាសនៅក្រោមតុ ។ The paper is under the table. Paper is below. យល់អត់? Do you understand? You understand? តើអ្នកកំពុងនិយាយអំពីអ្វី ? What are you talking about? What's up? ខ្ញុំ​មិន​មាន​បំណង ធ្វើ​ឱ្យ ថម​អាម៉ាស់​មុខ​ទេ​។ I didn't want to humiliate Tom. I didn’t intend to put my wrath upon him. I didn’t intend to do anything that had happened to me. អ្នក​ចូលចិត្ត​លេង​បោះប៊ូល​ទេ​? Do you like bowling? Do you like to quit on '%1 '? ខ្ញុំ ស្រលាញ់កីឡាហែលទឹក ។ I love swimming. I love Waters. ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្ត ម្ហូបកូរ៉េ ។ I like Korean food. I love Cooking. « អេនឌ្រូ ផែនទី​នៅ​ឯណា​? តើ​អ្នក​មាន​វា​ឬ​ទេ​? » « ខ្ញុំ​មិន​គិត​ដូច្នេះ​ទេ​ ។ » "Andrew, where's the map? Have you got it?" "I don't think so." “ Where do you find the map? Do you have it? ” “ I do not think so. ” អ្នកចូលចិត្តដំរី ។ You like elephants. You like it. អ្នកមិនគួរញ៉ាំនៅពេលធ្វើការទេ ។ You're not supposed to eat on the job. You should not be able to do this when working. កុំខ្លាច។ Don't be scared. Don't be afraid. ខ្ញុំ​ឈ្មោះ ជែក ។ My name is Jack. Name has been changed. ខ្ញុំកំពុងចិញ្រ្ចាំម្ទេសអោយមត់ ។ I'm finely grinding the chilies. I'm about to miss you. ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តម្ហូបរុស្សី ។ I like Russian food. I love it because I love it. នាង ចូលចិត្តញ៉ាំម្ហូបផ្លែកៗ ។ She likes to eat strange foods. She likes the discreplies. នៅណាហ្នឹង ? Where are you? Where are you? អក្សរ​សរសេរ​ដៃ​របស់​គាត់​អាក្រក់​។ His handwriting is bad. His writing was bad. ម៉ារី ហែលទឹកលឿនណាស់ ។ Mary swims quite fast. Mariming is fast water. ប្រអប់បាយនេះ ជារបស់នណា? Whose lunch box is this? This dialog is & kappname; 's? គ្តៀនគំនិត ! No way! Let go of it! ចេញទៅ ឆ្មា! Scram, you cats! Get off to the Cat! ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំក្រោកពីគេងនៅម៉ោង ៨ ។ I usually get up at eight. Usually I'm ready for eight hours. សុខសប្បាយអត់ ? How is it going? How's he doing? កុំធ្វើបែបហ្នឹងទៀត ។ Don't do that again. Do n't do anything like this. តាមពិត ត្រូវហើយ ។ Actually, yes. Of course. គាត់និយាយបារាំងញាប់ ។ He speaks French fluently. He said sometimes. ទៅផ្លាស់ខោអាវ។ Go get changed. Go to change. ក្លិនវាគួរឱ្យឆ្ងាញ់ ! It smells good! It's delicious! ខ្ញុំ នឹងត្រលប់មកឆាប់ៗនេះ ។ I will be back soon. I'll be back this way. ចេញទៅ ! Go away! Out! តើលោកកំពុងនិយាយអី ? What are you saying? Are you talking to me? ខ្ញុំអត់ចង់ឱ្យអ្នកសម្លាប់ ថម ទេ ។​ I don't want you to kill Tom. I don't want you to be. ខ្ញុំ​និយាយ​ភាសា​វៀតណាម​បាន​តែ​តិច​តួច​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ ។ I only speak a little Vietnamese. I spoke Vietnamese only a few times. ឆ្កែនោះ គឺធំខ្លាំងបំផុត ។ That dog is super enormous. The dog was the greatest. តើយើងខ្វះអីទៀតអត់ ? Are we missing anything else? What are we gonna do? ថម នៅផ្ទះ ។ Tom was home. “ The harvest is great, but the workers are few. ” — LUKE 12: 42. វា​ជា​អព្ភូតហេតុ​ដ៏​អស្ចារ្យ​មួយ​ដែល​គាត់​មិន​បាន​ស្លាប់​នៅ​ក្នុង​ឧប្បត្តិហេតុ​នោះ​។ It's a miracle that he wasn't killed in the accident. It was a wonderful miracle that he did not die in that incidence. It was a miracle that he did not die in that incidence. ស្នាក់នៅណា? Where are you staying? Where? ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរមួយ។ I have a question. I have a question. ខ្ញុំអស់កម្លាំង ។ I'm tired. I am exhausted. អរុណសួស្ដី! Good morning! Oh, my God! ខ្ញុំ នឹងមកវិញឆាប់ៗនេះ ។ I will be back soon. I'll be back after this. ក្នុង​និស្សិត​ម្ភៃ​នាក់ តែ​ម្នាក់​បាន​អាន​សៀវភៅ​នោះ​។ Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. This book was designed to help us understand why we should obey Jesus ’ command: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I will see you around. The next day you meet. ទៅ​ជា​មួយ​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ទេ​? Would you come with me, please? Go to me? ឆ្មាស៊ី ។ The cat eats. The Cat. សិស្ស​នៅ​តែ​​អាច​ទទួល​បាន​នូវ​ការ​អត់ទោស​​​បើ​ទោះ​ជា​គេ​មិន​មាន​សមត្ថភាព​ខ្លាំង​ក្លា​ខាង​ប្រាជ្ញា​ក៏​ដោយ។ A disciple can be forgiven if he does not have great mental ability. The students can still obtain punishment if they don't have the power to reach the right hand. គាត់រមាស់ខ្នង ។ His back itches. He was minimum. បើក​យឺត​ៗ​។ អ្នក​អាច​មាន​គ្រោះថ្នាក់​បាន​។ Drive slowly. You might have an accident. Turn on late. You can risk danger. ខ្ញុំ អត់ដឹងអីសោះ ។ I don't know at all. I don't know how to drop it down. ខ្ញុំចង់បានលុយ ។ I want money. I wish to sit down. ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរ។ I have got a question. I have a question. នេះជាប្រភេទការងារដែលខ្ញុំពេញចិត្តបំផុត។ This is the kind of job I like the most. This is the type of work I'm most willing to do. ទៅ! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! ខ្ញុំចង់នៅម្នាក់ឯង ! I want to be alone! I want to be there! ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរមួយ។ I have a question. I have a place. សៀវភៅ គឺនៅលើតុ ។ The book is on the table. The book is on the desktop. ប្រទេសស្វ៊ីស មិនមែនប្រទេសស៊ុយអែតទេ ។ Switzerland isn't Sweden. Country is not a part of the country. អីគេ? What? What's the point? តើនិយាយអីហ្នឹង ? What are you saying? What's wrong with speaking smooth? យល់អត់? Understand? You understand? សូមស្វាគមន៏ ។ Welcome. Please insert it. ថម អេះឱ្យ ម៉ារី ។ Tom is scratching Mary. • What does it mean to love our neighbor as ourselves? [ Picture on page 18] តើអ្នកចេះក្បាច់គុនខ្លះទេ ដោយធ្វើដំណើរទេសចណ៏បែបនេះ ? Do you know any martial arts to be traveling like this? What do you have to do with the process of doing this? ញុំចុកជើងណាស់ ឈរយូរហើយ ។ I got a cramp in my leg for having stood so long. The satisfaction is already standing. កុំខ្លាច។ Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. ខ្ញុំឈឺធ្មេញ ។ I've got a toothache. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. បឹង​នេះ​មាន​ជំរៅ​ប្រហែល 25 ម៉ែត្រ​។ The lake is about 25 meters deep. This lake contains up to 25 meters. យើង​បាន​ប្រាកដ​ថា យើង​នឹង​ឈ្នះ​ល្បែង​នេះ​។ We were certain of winning the game. We are sure that we will win this game. តោះទៅ ! Let's go! Let's go! ចេញទៅ ! Get out! Out! ខ្ញុំសូមអរគុណដល់អ្នក ។ I thank you. I'm grateful to you. តើសប្បាយទេ ? Are you happy? Is it ready? តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី? What's her name? What's his name? កាសែតបានដាក់ដោយគ្មានសណ្តាប់ធ្នាប់ពាសពេញកំរាល ។ Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor. Papers are not fully plugged in. ខ្ញុំ ចង់រៀនក្បាច់គុន ការ៉ាតេដូរ ។ I want to learn karate. I'd like to learn the swap ratios. អីគេ​ហ្នឹង ? What is it? What's this? ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ទាន់​ដឹង​ថា តើ​គាត់​បាន​ទៅ​ដល់​ទីនោះ​ឬ​ទេ​។ I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not. I didn't know if he was there. ខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់ឆ្មា ។ I love cats. I love it. អបអរសាទរ! Congratulations! Congratulations! ខ្ញុំមិនមានលុយច្រើនទេ ។ I don't have much money. I don't have a lot of menus. ខ្ញុំ​ចង់​ទៅ​ជាមួយ​អ្នក​។ I want to go with you. I want to go with you. តើ​ការ​លះ​បង់​ចោល​អ្វីៗ​ទាំង​អស់​មាន​ន័យ​យ៉ាង​ដូចម្តេច?​ What is meant by forsaking all? What does it mean to give up everything? What does it mean to give up everything? ចេញឆ្ងាយហើយ ។ Go away. Out-of-office. ឆ្មានោះអភ័ព្វណា៎ ។ Poor cat. The cat is still in progress. ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំក្រោកពីគេងនៅម៉ោង ៨ ។ I usually get up at eight o'clock. Usually I'm ready for eight hours. តើហេតុអី្វអ្នកយំ ? Why are you crying? What happens to you? តើមានអាយុប៉ុន្មាន ? How old are you? How old are you? ខ្ញុំ ស្រលាញ់ផ្នែកកីឡាណាស់ដែរ ។ I love sports, too. I love the section very much. មើល! ពួកគេឆ្លងទឹកមកហើយ ។ Look! Here they come crossing the water. Look! They're watering down. នេះគឺជា អាហារ ។ This is food. It was a meal. ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរមួយ។ I've got a question. I have a place. មនុស្សទាំងអស់សុទ្ធតែ ស្រលាញ់ កីឡា ។ Everyone loves sports. All people are playing games. សុំទោស ។ I'm sorry. Sorry. ខ្ញុំ​បាន​ជា​វិញ​ទាំងស្រុង​។ I'm fully recovered. I am completely fine. នរណា​បាន​និពន្ធ​សៀវភៅ​នេះ​? Who wrote this book? Who wrote this book? ទូរស័ព្ទខ្ញុំរោទិ៍ ! My phone is ringing! Pick up my phone! ការ​លះ​កាត់​ចិត្ត​ចេញ​ពី​ខ្លួន​ឯង​មិន​មែន​មាន​ន័យ​ដូច​ការ​បដិសេធ​ខ្លួន​ឯង​ទេ។ Denial of self is not the same as self-denial. A self - sacrificing self - sacrifice does not mean that it does not belong to itself. អ្វី? What? What? ការរចនាឡើង គួរអោយចាប់អារម្មណ៍គួរសម ។ The design is quite interesting. The design should be interesting. ថម ញុាំ​សម្ល​ក្នុង​ឆ្នាំង​! Tom ate the stew right out of the pot. In the year 2000, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses called on me to attend the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and to attend the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. ថម ចូលចិត្តហែលទឹក។ Tom likes swimming. Consistents love Waters. តើមូលហេតុអីជាអ្នកយំ ? Why are you crying? What's the cause? ខ្ញុំសន្យាថាខំធ្វើការ ។ I promise to work hard. I'm afraid the work is working. ត្រលប់មកវិញណា ! Come back, OK? Back there! ថម ពាក់​វ៉ែនតា​របស់​គាត់ ។ Tom put on his sunglasses. “ He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. ” ខ្ញុំ​ចុះចាញ់​ហើយ​។ I give up. I am about to say, “I am not going to do that. ” ហិតក្លិនគួរឱ្យឆ្ងាញ់ ! It smells good! The blood of the bull! ឆ្មាចាប់កណ្ដុរ ។ Cats catch mice. The year of the mouse. ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចង់​ធ្វើ​ឱ្យ ថម អាម៉ាស់​មុខ​ទេ​។ I didn't want to humiliate Tom. [ Picture on page 29] I do not wish to make a vow to Jehovah [ Picture on page 18] I do not wish to make a vow to Jehovah អា៎នេះពិបាក។ This is difficult. This is difficult. មាន​បញ្ហា​អី​? What's the problem? Is there a problem? តាម​ចិត្ត​អ្នក​។ It's up to you. As you like. ខ្ញុំ​ចេះ​អាន​អាល្លឺម៉ង់ ប៉ុន្តែ​ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចេះ​និយាយ​វា​ទេ ​។ I can read German, but I can't speak it. I learned to read German but I didn't talk about it. ទៅជាមួយពួកគេ! Go with them! Go to them! «អរគុណ» «អត់អីអេ៎» "Thank you." "You're welcome." “ All things... that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them. ” — MATTHEW 7: 12. ខ្ញុំទៅបាន។ I can go. I'm going towel ឆ្កែនេះ គឺធំ ។ This dog is big. This dog is big. ផ្លែនេះជូរណាស់ ។ This fruit is very sour. In this case, how would you answer the following questions? កុំភ័យអី ។ Don't worry. Do n't drop down. លេខសំងាត់ គឺ « មុយរាល » ។ The password is "Muiriel". The number is “white for harvesting. ” មាន​រឿង​អី​? What's the matter? What's the point? ទិវា​សួស្ដី ។ Good afternoon. The date of the message. ឡានបត់ស្ដាំ ។ The car turned right. The car is right. តើម៉ូតូ ចាក់សាំងហើយនៅ ? Has the motorcycle been filled up with gas yet? Is Elijah playing a Saveer? ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរ។ I've got a question. I'm in love with you. តើឯងជាអ្នកទិញម្ហូប ? Is it you who'll buy the food? How long are you? ដើម្បី​ឲ្យ​ត្រូវ​តាម​តំរូវការ​របស់​អតិថិជន គ្រប់​សម្ភារ​របស់​យើង​ត្រូវ​ដាក់​ឲ្យ​បាន ៣​ភាសា​។ All materials must be produced trilingually to meet the needs of our customers. For our publications to be available in 3 languages, see The Watchtower, May 1, 1999, pages 3 - 7. សូមចាំបន្តិច ។ Please wait a moment. Remember a little. តើគាត់ឈ្មោះអី? What is your name? What's his name? គាត់​ទៅ​ណា​ក៏​មាន​អង្គរក្ស​ការពារ​ដែរ​ ។ Wherever he goes, he has bodyguards with him. He is “a strong tower ” and“ a strong tower. ” ឃ្លានបាយ ! I'm hungry! Toxins! ចាស ។ Yes. Yes. ទៅជួប ថម។ Go see Tom. Go to the meeting. តើនាងនៅណា ? នាងនៅចង្ក្រានបាយ ។ Where is she? She is in the kitchen. Where is she? She is at the Hall. ម៉ារី ញ៉ាំបបរសាច់មាន់ ។ Mary is eating chicken porridge. 11, 12. (a) What does it mean to love your neighbor? ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តឆ្មា ។ I like cats. I love it. កីឡាបាល់ទាត់ គឺជាចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុំ ។ Soccer is one of my little brother's hobbies. Cheap salvation is my responsibility. តើអ្នករស់នៅទីនេះ ? Do you live here? What are you doing here? ម្តងហើយ ម្តងទៀត នៅតែមិនកែសោះ ។ Again and again; you still haven't changed at all. Once again, still not correction. តើ​លោក​ឈ្មោះ​អី ? What's your name? Do you know me? ម៉ារី មិនស្រលាញ់ ថមទេ ។ Mary doesn't love Tom. Marie does not love this. តើ​អ្នក​កំពុង​ស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត​ឬ​? Are you volunteering? Are You Ready? បក្សី​នៅ​លើ​មេឃ ។ The bird is in the sky. The bird on the sky. តើអ្នកអស់កម្លាំង ? Are you tired? Are you out of power? អត់ទេ ។ No. No, I don't. អ្នកបានឃើញនាង, តើមែនអត់ ? You saw her, didn't you? Did you see her, no? តើអ្នករស់កន្លែងណា ? Where do you live? Where did you come from? យើងចែក ម្ហូបទៅពួកគេ ។ We'll share our food with them. We complain about them. ឱ្យសេរីភាពប៉ា​ឡេ​ស្ទី​ន​ ! Free Palestine! Let him go! Let him go! ក្មេងៗ ចូលចិត្តការ៉េម ។ Kids like ice cream. Children enjoy free disk space. ចូរ​ស្ដាប់​។ Listen. “ Listen to me, ” said Jesus, “and I តើនៅណាហ្នឹង ? Where are you? Where are you? ទៅជាមួយ ថម។ Go with Tom. Go to the next folder. ថម ដួលម៉ូតូ ។ Tom fell off of the motorcycle. ( b) What will we consider in the next article? រកឆ្មាមើល ។ Find the cat. Find the viewer. ខ្ញុំមានសំណួរ។ I have a question. I have a question. ម៉ាក់ម៉ារី ស្រលាញ់ឆ្កែជាងនាង ។ Mary's mom loves the dog more than her. Mammari loves more than she does. ចុះបងវិញ? What about you? What's up? បិទចំពុះ! Shut your trap! Shut the fuck up! ស្បើយ! Bless you! Good! ភ្នែករបស់នាងពណ៌ខៀវ ។ Her eyes are blue. The colourensive eye. ថម បាន​ប្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​ថា គាត់​មិន​ចង់​ធ្វើការ​រួម​គ្នា​ជាមួយ​អ្នក​ទេ​! Tom told me he doesn't want to work with you. The Bible tells me that he didn’t want to work with you! The Bible tells me that he didn’t want to work with you! ម៉ែ​ក៏​មាន «បេះដូង» រាងកាយ​ម៉ែ ក៏​មិន​មែន «គ្រឿងចក្រ» ម៉ែ​ចង់​សម្រាក តែ​ខ្លាច​កូន​សំណព្វ​ស៊ី​មិន​គ្រប់គ្រាន់​។ Mom also has a "heart", her physique isn't a "machine" either, mom wants to rest, but she is afraid that her dear children won't have enough to eat. Well, there is also “the true God, ” not“ the Lord’s Day, ” but “the Lord’s Day. ” ស្លរម្ជូរគឿងដាក់ប្រហុក ។ You put fish paste in Samlar Machou Kreung. The names are passed on to the user. តើ A និង B ខុសគ្នាយ៉ាងណា ? What is the difference between A and B? What different A and B? ស្លឹកម្រុំ មានសារៈប្រយោជន៍ច្រើនយ៉ាងសំរាប់សុខភាព ។ Moringa leaves have a lot of health benefits. The leaves have too many messages for the recipients. ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរ។ I have a question. I'm in love with you. គ្មានតអី្វទេ។ I have nothing else to say. No description available អាកាសធាតុ​ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​ស្រស់ស្អាត​ជាង​កាល​ពី​ម្សិលមិញ​។ The weather today is more beautiful than yesterday's. Today, this weather is much better than it was since. កូន​គ្មេង​នោះ​បាន​បង្ករ​បញ្ហា​ច្រើន​។ That child caused a lot of trouble. The Bible tells us: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. ” — Proverbs 13: 20. អត់កំប្លែងទេ ! It is not funny! It's all over! ខ្ញុំជឿថា ថម ស្មោះមែន ។ I believe that Tom is really honest. I believe it's in the middle of nowhere. ហាន រឺ មិន ហាន? Do you dare or not? Why is it important that we pray for God’s Kingdom to come? យើងអាចទៅបាន។ We can go. We can go to the square លា​សិន​ហើយ​។ Goodbye! Sadly, though, there are also those who do not love Jehovah. ខ្ញុំឈឺ ។ I am sick. I'm back. កុំទៅ។ Don't go. Do not go. ថម ត្រូវការពេលគេងបន្តិច ។ Tom needs some sleep. It takes a little time. ទៅក្រៅទៅ ! Go away! Go Besides! ហើយនៅ? Already, or not yet? What is “the secret place of the Most High ”? ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំក្រោកពីគេងនៅម៉ោង ៨ ។ I usually get up at 8. Usually I'm ready for eight hours. លាង​ចាន ។ Wash the dishes. Cleans up. កុំបារម្ភអី ។ Don't worry. Do not worry about this. ខ្ញុំបានបញ្ចប់ការដេករបស់អ្នក ។ I ended your sleep. I have finished your training. បន្ទប់ទឹកនៅណា? Where's the bathroom? Where's the waterroom? តាតូអេបា សូមស្វាគមន៍ ! Welcome to Tatoeba! Let's go! Let's go! តើ​អ្នក​ដឹង​ថា​នរណា​បាន​និពន្ធ​សៀភៅ​នេះ​? Do you know who wrote this book? Did you know who wrote this handbook? ទៅ ទៅ ទៅ! Go, go, go! Go Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! វ៉ាលីស៍ខ្ញុំនៅណា? Where's my suitcase? Where is the comfort of my filters? លីលានជា គឺជា​តារា​ភាពយន្ត​ចិន ។ Li Lianjie is a Chinese celebrity. Rocks are Chinese movies. ឱ្យលឿន ។ Hurry up. fast placed. មួយ ពីរ បី បួន ប្រាំ ប្រាំមួយ ប្រាំពីរ ប្រាំបី ប្រាំបួន ដប់។ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. A couple of eight and nine hundred nine. តោះ! Let's go! “ Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to ថម គាត់តែងតែភ្លេចភ្លើងសីញ៉ូ។ Tom often forgets to use his turn signal. Now, he's always afraid of falling asleep. ស្តេចផ្ចាញ់នឹងសត្រូវ ។ The king crushed his enemies. This matches the beginning of a line with the enemy. មិន​មែន​រូបអាសអាភាស​ទេ គឺ​សិល្បៈ ។ It's not pornography, it's art. Not astronomical artwork is art. ពួកម៉ាក​របស់​អ្នក​នៅ​ទីនេះ​។ Your friend is here. Your work here. នេះ​ជា​កំហុស​របស់​ខ្ញុំ ។ This was my mistake. This is my bug. ទៅជួយ ថម។ Go help Tom. Go to help. តើកីឡាអីដែលឯងចូលចិត្ត ? Which is the sport that you like? Is the preferred trick? ថាម៉េច? What? What do you think? តើធ្លាប់បកខ្ទឹមបារាំងអត់? Have you ever peeled onions? Is it possible to know the truth about God? Is it possible for us to know him well? ម៉ាក់​ខ្ញុំ​ខឹង​។ My mother is angry. The Bible says: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is កុំរិះគន់គេពេក ។ Do not be so critical. Do not slow down. ខ្ញុំ គឺ ហត់ ។ I'm tired. I am using. ខ្ញុំ នឹងមកវិញលឿន ។ I will be back soon. I will quickly move forward. តើលោករៀបការហើយឬនៅ ? Are you married? Are you sure you are? តោះយើងទៅ ! Let's go! Let's go! ស្តេចលោភនឹងអំណាច​ ។ The king abused his power. All men will be given power. សប្បាយអត់ ? Are you happy? Happy? ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I'll see you later. The next day you meet. គាត់​មិន​អាច​គេច​ពី​ទីនោះ​បាន​ទេ លុះត្រាតែ​មាន​អព្ភូតហេតុ មែន​ទេ​? He won't be able to escape from there without a miracle, will he? Why can we be sure that Jehovah will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear? We can be sure that Jehovah will help us to remain loyal to him no matter how difficult we may be. អ្នកមិនមែនជាម្ដាយខ្ញុំទេ ។ You aren't my mother. You are not my friend. ​អត់បញ្ហា។ There's no problem. No problem. ថម ស្រលាញ់ កីឡាបាល់ទាត់ ។ Tom loves soccer. This triangles the ball on the fly. ខ្ញុំឈឺកន្លែងនេះ ។ It hurts here. I'm back here. ស្អែកជួបគ្នា ! See you tomorrow! Let's get together tomorrow! ខ្ញុំមានឆ្មាពីរ ។ I have two cats. I have two translations. ហត់អត់ ? Are you tired? Use? ឯងកុំខូចពេក ។ Don't be such an ass. You are not too broken. នាងមានសក់ពណ៌លឿង ។ She has blonde hair. She's black. ជឿមិនជឿស្អីចិត្ត។ Up to you whether or not you believe me. I don't believe it. ស្ងាត់ភ្លាម ! Shut up! Silence! ទៅសាលារៀន។ Go to school. Go to school. សាច់អាំងនេះមានទឹកជ្រលក់ដែរទេ ? Is there any dipping sauce for this grilled meat? How are you doing? ខ្ញុំឈឺឡាតែត ។ I have a headache. I 'm worried about you. តើម្ហូបរបស់ខ្ញុំនៅឯណា ? Where is my food? Where do I belong? ដាក់ទឹកកកនៅលើជើងឆ្វេង ។ Put some ice on your left leg. Put them on the left side. អាហារល្អ នាំមកនូវសុខភាពល្អ ។ Good food brings good health. It was a beautiful meal. It was a good meal, and it was a good meal. ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ចង់​បាន​សាច់​ទេ ។ I don't want meat. I don’t want to be like that anymore. I don’t want to be like that anymore. តោះយើង ! Let's go! Let's go! ហត់ដល់ហើយ ។ I'm tired. Use it already. តើ​អ្នក​មាន​យក​ប៊ិច​ខ្ញុំ​ទេ​? ព្រោះអី​ម៉ិញ​វា​នៅ​ទីនេះ​តើ​! What have you done with my pen? It was here a minute ago. Do you get my pen? Because the cursor is here! វ៉ាលីស៍ខ្ញុំនៅណា? Where is my suitcase? Where is the comfort of my filters? អ្នកចូលចិត្តផ្លែឈើ។ You like fruit. I'd love to make love for the entertainment industry. ញុំធ្វើសរសៃរអោយប្តីញុំ ។ I'm giving my husband a massage. few of us have enough to do this. ​អ្នកចូលចិត្ត​បាល់។ You like balls. You like balls. តើវាសាប រឺ អត់ ? Is it bland or not? This is Hebrew? តើ​អ្នក​ជនជាតិ​អ្វី​? Where are you from? What are you? វាមិនលើគ្នាទេ ។ It's not worth it. This does not match the same. តើនៅកន្លែងណា ? Where is it? Where? សូម​អត់​ទោស​ដល់​អ្នក​ទាំង​នេះ​ផង ដ្បិត​គេ​មិន​ដឹង​ជា​គេ​ធ្វើ​អ្វី​ទេ ។ Forgive them, for they know not what they do. The Bible says: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. ” — Proverbs 13: 20. ភរ​លេង ។ Just joshing. Play the game. តើអ្នកសប្បាយចិត្តទេ ? Are you happy? Are you satisfied? ខ្ញុំ​គឺជា​មនុស្ស​ស្រី ។ I'm a woman. I am a girl. តើលោកត្រូវការទៅណា ? Where are you going? Where do you need to go? ថ្ងៃក្រោយជួបគ្នា។ I'll catch you later. The next day you meet. ថម នៅ​ជាមួយ ម៉ារី​ ។ Tom is with Mary. It is with Marie. ស្តេច​បាន​គ្រប់គ្រង​ប្រទេស​។ The king governed the country. All over the country. ទុកខ្ញុំនៅស្ងាត់សិន ! Leave me alone! Keep me still! អរគុណ ដែលបានមកលេង ។ Thank you for coming. Thanks for playing. ឡានបត់ស្ដាំ ។ The car is turning right. The car is right. « ពិតមែនហេ៎ ? » « ​បាទ៎ ពីណាគេប្រាប់ ? » "Is that true?" "Yes, who told you about it?" “ What, really, is it? ” “ What do you say? ” “ What do you say? ” “ What do you say? ” “ What do you say? ” “ What do you say? ” “ What do you ធ្វើហើយនៅ ? ហើយហើយ ? អូរ! ទុកហ្នឹង ។ Have you done it? Already? Oh! Leave it there. Done? Are you ready? You sure you have left it! Keep it up. ចូរ​អ្នក​ធ្វើ​លើ​គេ ដូចដែល​អ្នក​ចង់​ឱ្យ​អ្នក​ដទៃ​ធ្វើ​មក​លើ​អ្នក​វិញ​ដូច្នេះ​ដែរ ។ Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The apostle Paul wrote: “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. ” ទៅលេងកីឡាបេស្បល! Go play baseball! Go to bedbblebble! នាងអេះដៃ ។ She's scratching her hand. ( For fully formatted text, see publication) តើ​វា​មិន​អី​ទេ​បើ​ខ្ញុំ​ទៅ​ដោយ​ស្លៀក​ខោ​កាប៊ូយ​? Is it OK if I go in jeans? Is it not safe if I go to my wedding dress? ខ្ញុំរត់ទៅផ្ទះ ។ I ran home. I run to the home. ខ្ញុំជួយអីបានអត់ ? Can I help you? Do I help with this? ខ្ញុំឈឺធ្មេញ ។ I have a toothache. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ហេតុអីបានយំ ? Why are you crying? Why? ថម គិតថា នោះគឺជាគំនិតដ៏អាក្រក់ ។ Tom thought that was a bad idea. It is a bad idea. It is a bad idea. It is a bad idea. បងញ៉ាំអី អូនញ៉ាំនឹងដែរ ។ Would you like some? I'll eat some too. Brothers and sisters will be pleased. អា៎នេះពិបាក។ This is hard. This is difficult. ទៅឥឡូវហ្នឹង។ Go now. Go to now. យប់មិញ មើលទូរទស្សន៍ជាមួយគា្ន ។ Last night, we watched television together. Take a look at the TV with the Internet. គាត់និយាយចិនញាប់ ។ He speaks Chinese fluently. He said Chinese as well. អ្នកមកពីប្រទេសណា? Where are you from? You're from where? ថម ជិះម៉ូតូបង្ហោះ ។ Tom is popping a wheelie on his motorcycle. On Sunday, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., shortly before his death, Jesus told his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of ថម ផឹកស្រាច្រើនពេក ។ Tom drinks too much. The drink is too much. នៅពេលដែលយើងបង្អាប់លេងដាក់នាង មុខនាងឡើងក្រហម ។ When we made fun of her, she blushed. When we've played her face before her, we'll never see her again. ខ្ញុំ​ស្រលាញ់​អ្នក​ខ្លាំង​ជាង​អ្នក​ស្រលាញ់​ខ្ញុំ​។ I love you more than you love me. I love you more than I love you. ផ្លែ​ប៉ោម​នៅ​លើ​តុ​។ The apple is on the table. • What are some ways in which we can cultivate the fruitage of God’s holy spirit? [ Pictures on page ថម ញ៉ាំការ ។ Tom attended the wedding. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. ” ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ គឺ « មុយរាល » ។ The password is "Muiriel". It is “the peace of God that excels all thought. ” — Philippians 4: 6, 7. ខ្ញុំដឹងថាអ្នកកហុក ។ I know you're lying. I know you are. សុខសប្បាយ ។ អរគុណដែលបានសួរ ។ I'm fine, thanks for asking. Ridicular. Thank you. នាងរកមើលសណ្ឋាគារ ។ She's looking for a hotel. Her neck is black and white. នេះមិនមែនជាការសរសេររបស់គាត់ទេ។ This is not his handwriting. This is not writing គាត់មកនៅថ្ងៃស្អែក ។ He will come tomorrow. He lived at the end of the day. មានកោះជាច្រើន នៅក្នុងសមុទ្រ ។ There are islands in the sea. There are many places to host in the sea. ម្ហូបនេះ ពិតជាឆ្ងាញ់មែន ។ This food truly is tasty. This is a real mess. នារីនោះដើរយឺតៗ ។ That girl is walking slowly. She's slowing down. ខ្ញុំរាគនោមដាក់ខោ ។ I peed my pants. I have a cave full of pressure. កុំសាកល្បងធ្វើបែបនេះនៅផ្ទះ ។ Please do not try this at home. Do not test the test at home. ខ្ញុំ មិនយល់ទេ ។ I don't understand. I don't understand. សប្បាយអត់ ? Was it fun? Happy? នណានឹងជឿយើងទៅ ? Who's going to believe us? Who'll tell us? ជំរាបលា​! Goodbye! Scorpio! តើអ្នកប្រាកដហេ៎ ? Are you sure? Are you sure? ចង់ញ៉ាំអី? What do you wanna eat? You want to do it? ញ៉ាំ ! Eat! Eat! អណ្តើកមិនមានធ្មេញ។ Turtles don't have teeth. After all, he didn't shoot a car. ធ្វើអញ្ចឹងមិនល្អទេ ។ Doing this is not good. It is not as good as done. តើលោករស់នៅនេះ ? Do you live here? What are you doing here? សុំទោសដែលខ្ញុំមកយឺត ។ I'm sorry I'm late. Sorry, I'm too slow. តើអ្នកអាចគិតថាយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ ? How could you think that? What do you think? ថម ស្រលាញ់ ម៉ារី លើសពីជីវិតគាត់ ។ Tom loves Mary more than his own life. Love is more than his life. ​រីករាយទិវាសិទ្ធិនារីអន្តរជាតិ ! Happy International Women's Day! It's a pleasure to share it in international women's rights! ឃ្លាន​អូចៗ​ ។ I've got the munchies. On the other hand, those hungering and thirsting for righteousness are not satisfied. ម្សិលមិញ នាង​បង្កើត​បាន​កូន​ស្រី​ម្នាក់ ។ She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. [ សៀវភៅទុកលើតុ ។ The book is on the table. Desktop book. ខ្ញុំសុំទោស ។ I'm sorry. I'm sorry. មានពុកចង្កាហើយនៅ ? Have you got a beard already? Are you sure you want to continue? ឡានបត់ឆ្វេង ។ The car turned left. Left car. ពួកគេ ញ៉ាំសាច់ឆៅ ។ They eat raw meat. They ate the labels in the fields. សាកមើលគ្រាន់បើជាង ។ It's worth a try. Test just if it is. នាងស្រលាញ់ឆ្មា ។ She adores cats. The Bible says: “A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother តើអូនចង់ញ៉ាំអី ? What do you want to eat? Are you sure you want to be clean? ម្សិលមិញ​ធ្លាក់​ព្រិល​។ It snowed yesterday. Yesterday, snowfall. សុំទោសណា ។ I'm sorry. Sorry. ចង់ញ៉ាំអី? What do you want to eat? You want to do it? ថម គឺជា​អ្នក​គេង​ស្កប់ស្កល់ ។ Tom is a heavy sleeper. It is the gift of God that makes it possible for us to enjoy life in Paradise. — Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. ថតកន្លែងនេះហើយនៅ ? Have you taken shots of this place already? Where is this folder? ចុះបងវិញ? And you? What's up? ទាមទាសេរីភាពប៉ា​ឡេ​ស្ទី​ន​ ! Free Palestine! Son of a bitch! លោកយាយហាត់ប្រាណ ។ Granny is exercising. That's how many times he will answer that question. តើម៉ាក់ប៉ាខំ្ញុសុខទុក្ខយ៉ាងណា? How are mom and dad? The Bible says: “The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able ទៅផ្ទះ។ Go home. Go home. តើវាម៉ោងប៉ុន្មានហើយ ? What time is it? What time is it now? នាង កំពុងគេងហើយ ។ She is already sleeping. She's already on her way. តោះ យើងលេងបៀរ ។ Let's play cards. Let us play a song. ខ្ញុំរកការងារធ្វើ។ I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work. ខ្ញុំឈឺធ្មេញ ។ My tooth hurts. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. អាហ្វ្រិក គឺជាទ្វីបមួយ។ Africa is a continent. Africa is one of them. យល់​ហើយ ។ I understand. ( b) What will we consider in this article? ថម ឱ្យ ម៉ារី លាង​ឡាន​។ Tom had Mary wash the car. It is good to remember, though, that it is good for us to wait patiently for Jehovah’s day to come. តោះយើងចាប់ផ្តើមធ្វើការ ។ Let's start working. Let's start working. ថ្នាក់យើង មានសិស្ស សែសិបប្រាំនាក់ ។ Our class has forty-five students. We have 4 eight students. ម្ហូបពណ៍ក្រហមនេះ ឈ្មោះអី ? What is this red food called? This is the name of the bug? លា​ហើយ​! Goodbye! Bye! ច្រមុះនាងធំខុសពីធម្មតា ។ Her nose is abnormally large. The queen 's name is invalid. ឈប់! Stop! Stop! នាង​បាន​កំពុង​ឈរ​សំឡឹង​ទៅ​កាន់​សមុទ្រ​។ She stood looking out toward the sea. [ Picture on page 10] She was standing in the midst of the sea. គាត់​និយាយ​ប្រាំ​ភាសា ។ He speaks five languages. He said: “The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its ធ្វើតាមនេះទៅ ។ Do it according to this. Follow this. ទៅទៅ ! Go away! Go to! ខ្ញុំអត់លុយទេ ។ I don't have any money. I'm not involved. ស្រី្តគឺជាអ្នកណា? Who is the woman? What's your name? តើ​លោក​ឈ្មោះ​អី ? What is your name? Do you know me? ខ្ញុំ អត់ដឹង ។ I don't know. I don't know. ថម អត់ខ្វល់អំពីចំណាត់ថ្នាក់គាត់ទេ។ Tom isn't worried about his grades. It's not about his class. អរគុណខ្លាំងណាស់ សំរាប់ម្ហូប ។ Thanks a whole lot for the food. Thank you very much for him. អត់​សំខាន់​ទេ​។ It's not important. Does this mean that there is nothing wrong with having a balanced view of money ចុះ ជែក វិញ? What about Jack? ( b) What will we consider in the next article? ម៉េច ? ពេញចិត្តអេ ? What? Does it please you? What's up? នរណាចង់ម៉ោ នាំម៉ោក៏បានដែរ ។ You may bring whoever wants to come. Anyone who wants to bring the key to you. មកញ៉ាំ ! Come eat! Go! Go! Go! រាត្រី​សួស្តី ។ សុបិន្ត​ល្អ​ណា៎ ។ Good night. Sweet dreams. “ The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. ” តើរស់ជាតិយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ? Does it taste okay? What is God’s purpose for the earth and for mankind? ឱម្ចាស់ថ្លៃអើយ ហ៊ូមូសនោះឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់ ! My goodness, that is some tasty hummus! Oh, my lord, that's a lot of cake! តើឯងគិតយ៉ាងណា ? What do you think? What do you think? ថាម៉េច? What did you say? What do you think? ថម តើឯងស្រលាញ់កីឡាអី ? Tom, what sports do you like? What kind of love is it? Tom pək sea cəən pek. Tom drinks too much. Tom pupk sea cylon ppek. Sɑbaay-ə nəh! What fun! Scobaay-Mobah! ɑɑ nah! That's great! ! ! ! ! ! ʔɑɑɾei. No. Oh, my God, my God, I'm sorry. Goat yiəy peam pʰiəsaa. He speaks five languages. Goat yi selectsy peamopa. Muuy, pii, bəy, buən, peam, mmuuy, mpəl, mbəy, mbuən, dɑp. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Musu, pii, bochy, bon, peam, mmu, mpbul, mby, mbul, dbul, dupp. Ceh yəy ɑŋgleih ɑt? Do you speak English? Ceh y-eh-y-mit? Dɑp, maa ndɑp, pii ndɑp, bəy ndɑp, buən ndɑp, pʰam ndɑp, pəm muuy ndɑp, mpəl ndɑp, mbəy ndɑp, mbuən ndɑp, məʔpʰəy. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Dupp, maa ndp, pindp, bundy dyp, kbndp, mbundp, mbndp, mbdp, melphyphyp. Baəy ! Bless you! Bamoy! Anih ciə kɑmhoh bɑh ɲom. This was my mistake. Anih crilla khhhoh bah-omom. Kɑmhun cuul mnuh peam hɔɔy neak. The company employs 500 workers. Knemhun chunuh pummy. Cha mẹ không có lý vì tình yêu không dựa trên lý trí. Parents aren't rational because love isn't rational. Parents are not reasonable because love is not based on reason. Tôi mở hộp và nhìn vào bên trong. I opened the box and looked inside. I opened the box and looked inside. Jack không đủ tiền để mua xe một chiếc xe đạp mới. Jack can't afford to buy a new bicycle. Jack doesn't have enough money to buy a new bike. Lần này, bài thi không chỉ khó mà câu hỏi còn mơ hồ nữa! This time, the exam was not just difficult, but also, the questions were ambiguous. This time, the test wasn't just hard, but the question was missing! Hôm qua, một tên trộm đã đột nhập vào nhà. Yesterday, a thief entered the house. Yesterday, a thief broke into the house. Làm ơn cho tôi xem cái khác. Please show me another. Please show me something else. Sau đó, mẹ của anh ta nghĩ ngợi. Then his mother thought. After that, his mother thought of praise. Không có lời giải thích nào cho việc xảy đến với Tom. There's no explanation for what happened to Tom. There's no explanation for what happened to Tom. Tôi muốn trở về Lucca. I wanna come back to Lucca. I want to go back to Lucca. Mình xin lỗi, nhưng mình không thể ăn tối với bạn. Sorry, but I can't have dinner with you tonight. I'm sorry, but I can't have dinner with you. Tom đến từ một gia đình có truyền thống âm nhạc. Tom comes from a musical family. Tom came from a traditional family of music. Em có nhớ khi chúng ta gặp nhau lần đầu? Do you remember when we first met? Do you remember when we first met? Hành lý của tôi bị thiếu. My baggage is missing. My luggage is missing. Anh ta bị lừa mất hết tài sản thừa kế hợp pháp. He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance. He was deceived to lose all legal inheritance. Bạn có mọi lý do để giận tôi. You have every right to be mad at me. You have every reason to anger me. Làm ơn báo cho tôi biết. Please keep me informed. Please tell me. Tôi muốn có phiên bản mới bằng bất cứ giá nào. I need the new version no matter what. I want a new version at any cost. Tôi vừa nói chuyện với cô ta. I just spoke with her. I just talked to her. Ngày mai là thứ Tư và ngày kia là thứ Năm. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and the day after tomorrow is Thursday. Tomorrow's Wednesday and that's Thursday. Bạn có thể nhận ra anh ta không? Would you recognize him? Can you recognize him? Tôi nghiên cứu nhiều giờ liền vào buổi tối. I study for many hours at night. I studied many hours at night. Tom hỏi Mary liệu cô có tin tưởng John. Tom asked Mary if she trusted John. Tom asked Mary if you believed John. Tụi nó là những người ăn chay. They are vegetarians. They're lunchers. Chị tôi lấy chồng đã được ba năm. My sister has been married for three years. My sister was married for three years. Khát vọng nhiều năm của anh ấy đã được đáp ứng. The desire he has had for years has been fulfilled. I hope his years have been answered. Có phần thưởng hay không? Is there a reward? Is there a reward or not? Không ai làm việc này tốt hơn. Nobody does it better. No one's doing this better. Bạn có một con mèo không? Do you have a cat? Do you have a cat? Tôi không hiểu ý của bạn là gì. I don't understand what you mean. I don't know what your point is. Tôi sẽ di Luân Đôn sáng mai. I will go to London tomorrow morning. I'll move London tomorrow morning. Hai người ở lại đây. You two stay here. You stay here. Tom không biết có ai trong phòng Tom didn't know anyone in the room. Tom doesn't know who's in the room. Lái xe từ đây đi khoảng 10 phút. It's about a ten-minute drive from here. Drive from here for about 10 minutes. Ấy có sợ chó không? Are you afraid of dogs? Is that scared of dogs? Mình muốn nghe toàn bộ câu chuyện. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the whole story. Mình nhìn thấy bọn họ trước đây I've seen them before. I've seen them before. Roger, những gì bạn nói đều có lý và tôi đồng ý với bạn. Roger, what you say makes sense and I agree with you. Roger, what you say is reasonable and I agree with you. Ô kìa, con bươm bướm! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, it's a butterfly! Bạn đã đọc hết chưa? Did you read it entirely? Have you read all this? Tom bảo bạn đang ngủ. Tom said you were sleeping. Tom says you're sleeping. Không thể có sự thỏa hiệp nào. There can be no compromise. There's no compromise. Tôi không đồng ý với bình luận này. I disagree with that comment. I don't agree with this comment. Cố giữ cho mắt cậu mở ra. Try to keep your eyes open. Try to keep your eyes open. Xe buýt sân bay khởi hành từ đâu? Where do the airport buses leave from? Where did the airport come from? Nước Bra-xin có rất nhiều thành phố lớn. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. Bra-ji, there's a lot of big cities. Bạn còn cần gì nữa? What else do you want? What else do you need? Trẻ em cần ngủ nhiều Children need a lot of sleep. Children need a lot of sleep. Mọi sinh viên của trường đó phải mặc đồng phục. The students at that school wear uniforms. Every student of that school has to wear uniforms. Bạn hãy mang đồ ăn dư về nhà Take the leftover food home with you. Let's take some food home. Thuốc này sẽ làm bạn dễ chịu. This medicine will do you good. This drug will make you comfortable. Hãy để tôi giúp bạn, nếu cần. Let me help you, if necessary. Let me help you, if you need to. Tôi e rằng đó không phải là một ý kiến hay. I'm afraid it's not a good idea. I'm afraid that's not a good idea. Nhiều từ tiếng Anh có nguồn gốc La tinh. Many English words are derived from Latin. Many English words have Latin origins. Tôi đồng tình với Tom. I agreed with Tom. I agree with Tom. Chúng ta có cùng có chung nhóm bạn. We have the same group of friends. We have the same company. Đi qua cái cửa màu cam. Go through the orange door. Go through the orange door. Chị ấy lúc nào cũng rất bận. She is always busy. She's always very busy. Đến gặp tôi bất cứ lúc nào bạn rảnh. Come and see me whenever you are free. Come to see me whenever you're free. Có ai nghe tin gì về Tom chưa? Has anyone heard from Tom? Did anyone hear about Tom? Quá dễ. It's so easy. It's easy. Xin đợi ở đây một chút. Please wait here for a while. Wait here for a moment. Tom sẽ không làm tổn thương bất cứ người khác. Tom isn't going to hurt anybody else. Tom won't hurt anyone else. Tôi đã quyết định làm việc cực lực hơn. I have made up my mind to work harder. I've decided to work harder. Cô ấy sinh ra ở Mỹ và lớn lên ở Nhật. She was born in the United States and grew up in Japan. She was born in America and grew up in Japan. Tôi đang nóng. I'm getting hot. I'm hot. Đừng quên đem theo máy ảnh. Don't forget to bring a camera. Don't forget to bring the camera. Bạn anh ấy đi cùng mình vào khu trung tâm. His friends traveled to the town with me. His friend went with him into the center. Đừng quên hỏi thăm vợ của ông Long khi bạn gặp ông ấy. Don't forget to ask after Mr Long's wife when you see him. Don't forget to ask Mr. Long's wife when you meet him. Đến sân bay xa bao nhiêu? How far is it to the airport? How far to the airport? Mày có dôi chân rất sexy. You have very sexy legs. You have a very sexy leg. Chúng tôi ngồi thành vòng quanh đống lửa kể cho nhau nghe truyện tếu và truyện ma. We stayed around the bonfire telling jokes and horror histories. We sat around the fire and told each other the real stories and stories. Tôi không thể nghỉ thêm một ngày nữa. I can't take another day off. I can't take another day off. Anh nên mời họ nếu không họ sẽ tự ái đấy. You had better invite them or they will be offended. You should invite them or they'll be proud. Tôi bảo Tom là anh ấy đã trả lời sai. I told Tom his answer was wrong. I told Tom he answered wrong. Phần nhiều người ta viết về chuyện cuộc đời hàng ngày. Most people write about their daily life. Most people write about everyday life. Tốt nhất là hãy làm theo mọi thứ anh ấy nói với bạn. Do whatever he tells you. It's best to do everything he says to you. Thử nó đi. Let's try it. Try it. Nhà hàng hết chỗ rồi. The restaurant is full. The restaurant's out of place. Người đưa thư vừa mới đến. The courier just arrived. The messenger just arrived. Một năm có bốn mùa: xuân, hạ, thu, đông. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. One year, four seasons: spring, bottom, fall, east. Nói tôi nghe tại sao anh lại không đi Boston với chúng tôi. Tell me why you aren't planning on going to Boston with us. Tell me why you didn't go to Boston with us. Tôi cũng đã được mời. I was also invited. I was invited, too. Nó không bì được với tôi. She is no match for me. It can't be written to me. Tao có thể hiểu ngôn ngữ của mày. I can understand your language. I can understand your language. Tôi không quen với điều này. I'm not used to this. I'm not used to this. Vui lòng dán nhãn vào hành lý của bạn. Please stick this label to your baggage. Please label the label on your luggage. Anh ta dừng lại để đọc diễn văn ở các thành phố dọc đường. He stopped to make speeches in cities along the way. He stopped to play a speech in cities along the street. Cô ấy thực sự là một cô gái xinh đẹp. She's a real hottie. She's really a pretty girl. Tôi không muốn đến trường. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. An toàn là trên hết. You should put safety before everything else. Safe is above all. Mary muốn gặp được người xứng đáng. Mary wants to meet the right man. Mary wants to meet someone who deserves it. Bà ấy tự sưởi ấm bằng lửa. She warmed herself by the fire. She warms herself with fire. Tom nghĩ cậu ta là thiên tài. Tom thinks he's a genius. Tom thinks he's a genius. Hãy ra khỏi thành phố này. Get away from this city. Let's get out of this city. Tôi tưởng tượng Tom sẽ bào chung kết. I imagine Tom will be a finalist. I imagine Tom's going to come together. Tôi đang ăn tối với chồng. I am eating dinner with my husband. I'm having dinner with my husband. Tôi thích bộ râu của bạn. I like your beard. I like your beard. Tôi rất yêu hoa. I have a lot of flowers. I love flowers. Tất cả đều đang hoạt động. Everything is working. It's all working. Tôi dành quá nhiều thời gian để lo lắng về những thứ không quan trọng. You spend too much time worrying about things that don't matter. I spent too much time worried about things that don't matter. Ngôi làng và thị trấn khác nhau chỗ nào? What's the difference between a village and a town? What difference is there between the village and the town? Hình như đã rất mệt mỏi rồi. It seems to have worn out. I think I'm tired. Anh đang trồng loại cam nào? What kind of oranges do you plant here? What kind of orange are you developing? Tom kiểm tra danh sách. Tom checked the list. Tom checked the list. Nó không bao giờ nói xạo. He never tells lies. He never lied. Tom đã cầm lấy cái ghế. Tom grabbed a chair. Tom took the chair. Chúng tôi cần mua cho cô ấy một món quà. We need to buy her a present. We need to buy her a present. Tôi tới Tokyo ba năm trước đây và từ đó tôi sống tại đây. I came to Tokyo three years ago and I've been living here since. I went to Tokyo three years ago and I lived here. Anh kể tôi nghe chuyện đời của mình He told me his life's story. You told me your life story. Dùng chung dù với tôi không? Won't you share my umbrella? Use the same thing with me? Chúng tôi đang học tiếng Ả rập. We are learning Arabic. We're learning Arabic. Tôi sống ở nước ngoài được 10 năm. I've lived abroad for ten years. I live in a foreign country for 10 years. Cái này chẳng có gì vui. This is not fun. This is not funny. Tôi xin lỗi nếu làm bạn cảm thấy không được chào đón. I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome. I'm sorry if you don't feel welcome. Tối qua em ngủ ở đâu? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Bạn phải học tiếng Anh tiêu chuẩn. You have to learn standard English. You have to learn the standard English. "Bạn có muốn biết anh ta làm điều đó như thế nào không?" "Cực kỳ." "Do you want to know how he did it?" "I'm all ears." "Do you want to know what he's doing?" "You want to know how he did it." Hút thuốc lá bị cấm ở phòng này. Smoking is prohibited in this room. The smoking is forbidden in this room. Jackson đã gửi một thông điệp đến tổng thống Monroe. Jackson sent a message to President Monroe. Jackson sent a message to President Frodo. Tôi trông cậy vào bạn. I'm depending on you. I'm counting on you. Bạn đang lái xe cứ như một kẻ điên vậy! You're driving like a maniac! You're driving like a crazy guy! Viết bằng tay trái của bạn. Write with your left hand. Write with your left hand. Vui lòng cho tôi một ly bia. Give me a beer, please. Please give me a beer. Tớ không nhớ nổi hôm qua tớ phải ăn những gì I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. Tôi đã tin tưởng Kylie Minogue kể từ ngày 12 tháng 6, 1998. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. I trusted Kylie Minoguue since June 12, 1998. Sharon phát hiện ra rằng cô ấy sắp có con. Sharon found out that she was going to have a baby. Sharon found out she's gonna have a baby. Chúng tôi không phải là những người duy nhất tin rằng cậu ta không có tội. We are not the only ones to believe that he is not guilty. We're not the only ones who believe he's not guilty. Tom đang âm mưu giết người. Tom is on trial for murder. Tom's trying to kill. Anh ta hết năng lượng rồi. He has run out of energy. He's out of energy. Cuộc sống của các bạn đã thay đổi bao nhiêu? How much have your lives changed? How much has your life changed? Ông ta sẽ không ưa cái này. He won't like this. He won't like this. Tôi mang giỏ dùm bạn nhé? Can I take your bags? Can I bring you a basket? Bạn định ở Oxford trong bao lâu? How long are you going to stay in Oxford? How long are you going to be in Oxford? Điều này rất rất không bình thường. This is very, very unusual. This is very unusual. Tỗi sẽ không bao giờ tha thứ cho cậu, Tom. I'll never forgive you, Tom. I'll never forgive you, Tom. Các bạn gái trẻ chỉ thích mình dây Young girls really want to be slender. Young girls just like their rope. Chiếc xe này là của ông ấy. This car is his. This car is his. Tôi sẽ đi Athens. I will go to Athens. I'm going to Athens. Một người không thể học làm bất kỳ thứ gì mà không gây ra lỗi lầm cả. One can't learn to do anything without making mistakes. A man can't learn to do anything without making a mistake. Cô ấy đã bị tổn thường khi thấy rằng không ai để ý tời bất kỳ thông báo của cô ta. She was hurt to find that nobody took any notice of her. She was often hurt when she saw that nobody noticed any of her newspapers. Mặc thử đi. Size này vừa với bạn nè. Try this on. It's your size. Let's try this Size just with you. Tôi có thể nhìn thấy một con tàu từ đằng xa. I can see a ship in the distance. I can see a ship from far away. Tom sẽ tham gia cùng mình sớm thôi. Tom will join us shortly. Tom's gonna join us soon. Mấy giờ thì bắt đầu mở tiệc? What time does the party start? What time is the party starting? Trên biển có những hòn đảo. There are islands in the sea. There are islands on the sea. Tôi cần một địa chỉ chính xác để có thể tới đó. I need the exact address so that I may go there. I need an accurate address so I can go there. Tôi có rất nhiều sách học tiếng Việt Nam. I have many Vietnamese learning books. I have a lot of books in Vietnam. John là một thanh niên người Mỹ. John is an American boy. John was an American man. Tom đã bỏ học. Tom dropped out of school. Tom quit school. Anh quyết định tiếp tục công việc. He has decided to carry on the work. I decided to continue my job. Tôi nói bạn học tiếng Tây Ban Nha, có đúng không? Am I right in saying that, like me, you study Spanish? I say you learn Spanish, right? Bạn không nên ăn miếng thịt đó. Mùi ghê lắm. You shouldn't eat this meat. It smells bad. You shouldn't eat that meat. Chúng ta sẽ chơi trò gì kế tiếp? Which game shall we play next? What next game will we play? Tất cả chúng tôi đều thích giáo viên. We all agree in liking the teacher. We all liked teachers. Tụi tao đã nhìn thấy ánh sáng ở xa xa We saw a light far away. We've seen the light far away. Chiếc xe này là của hắn. This car is his. This car is his. Người nào cũng có cái hay và cái dở của họ. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has a good one and their shit. Anh ta chịu trách nhiệm cho việc đó. He's responsible for that. He's responsible for that. Ăn tối ở đâu cũng được, tùy bạn thôi. I don't care where we eat dinner. It's entirely up to you. Whatever dinner you can eat, it's up to you. Đây là danh sách tất cả những việc Tom cần làm. Here's a list of things that Tom needs to do. This is a list of all Tom's things to do. Đường vào làng dễ đi. The village is easy of access. Go into the village easy. Gọi cho tôi khi nào bạn sẵn sàng, cảm ơn. Call me when you see fit, thank you. Call me when you're ready, thank you. Số lượng người dùng trên Facebook lớn hơn cả dân số của nước Mỹ. The number of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States. The number of users on Facebook is bigger than America's population. Hoá ra cậu đã đúng về điều đó. It turns out you were right about that. Turns out you were right about that. Bạn muốn nói chuyện với tôi về điều gì? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Nếu mày cứ càm ràm là tao nổi sùng thiệt đó. If you keep on complaining, I will get mad for real. If you keep going, I'm really impressed. Tom chối bỏ mọi lời cáo buộc. Tom denied all the charges. Tom rejected all charges. Cô ta thuê anh ta để làm người phiên dịch. She hired him as an interpreter. She hired him to be translator. Tất cả họ đều đã rời đi. They all left. They all left. Sẽ rất tuyệt nếu các chú tôi đều rất giàu. It would be nice if my uncles were very rich. It would be great if my uncles were rich. Tôi đang ăn cơm. I'm eating rice now. I'm eating. Tôi không thể quay về mà không có bạn. I can't go back without you. I can't go back without a friend. Ra ngoài ăn tối hôm nay liệu có ổn không? Is it all right to eat out tonight? Is it okay going out for dinner tonight? Hãy hưởng thụ đi. Just enjoy it. Enjoy it. Mỗi ngày bạn thêm được bao nhiêu câu ví dụ? How many examples per day can you add? How many more illustrations do you add every day? Anh ta hoàn toàn không ngạc nhiên về khà năng của cô ta. He was not at all surprised at her ability. He's absolutely not surprised about her potential. Đây là bạn của chúng tôi, Tom. This is our friend Tom. This is our friend Tom. Khi axít tiếp xúc với kim loại, một phản ứng hóa học sẽ xảy ra. When acid touches metal, a chemical reaction happens. When it comes to metal contact, a chemical reaction will happen. Đó không phải là cách nó hoạt động. That's not how it works. That's not how it works. Chị ấy có vẻ ngạc nhiên vì bức thư. She looked surprised at the letter. She seemed surprised because of the letter. Đó là của chúng tôi. It's ours. That's ours. Tôi đếm tia sáng những chòm sao như một lời tiên đoán cho tình yêu của mình. I count the sparkle of constellations to foretell the future of my love. I count the light of stars as a prophecy for my love. Tôi mong sao mọi người ngưng nói ra ý kiến theo kiểu chà đạp những ước mơ trẻ. I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. I hope you stop talking about it in a way that crushs your young dreams. Tom và tớ có vài việc cần làm. Tom and I have some catching up to do. Tom and I have something to do. Phải té thôi. Gotta go. We have to fall. Máy bay đến Narita lúc mấy giờ? What time did the plane arrive at Narita? What time was the plane to Narita? Tôi có thể về nhà không? May I go home? Can I go home? Những người thuê nhà trong tòa nhà này hầu hết là nghệ sỹ. Most of this building's tenants are artists. The renters in this building are mostly an artist. Anh ấy đã cố gang đến đúng giờ. He made an effort to arrive on time. He tried it on time. Vui lòng cho tôi một lon bia. Give me a beer, please. Please give me a beer. Tôi xin lỗi, tôi bị lạc đường. Excuse me, I'm lost. I'm sorry, I'm lost. Giữ tóc của bạn ở đó! Keep your hair on! Keep your hair there! Chúng ta nên làm gì với chúng đây? What should we do about them? What should we do with them? Tụi bây nghĩ nó ở với ai? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think it's with? Cần hai người để làm cái gì đó lạ. It takes two to do something strange. You need two to do something strange. Tôi dã để lại cây dù của bạn trên xe buýt. I left your umbrella on the bus. I'm going to leave your trees on the bus. Đó là lý do tại sao tụi mình ở đây. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Trượt băng trên hồ này an toàn. It is safe to skate on this lake. The tapes on this lake are safe. Anh ta đã giới thiệu tôi với bạn, bạn không nhớ à? He introduced you to me, don't you remember? He introduced me to you, don't you remember? Hôm qua nhiệt kế còn có 0 độ. The thermometer fell to zero last night. We had 0 degrees yesterday. "Tôi không thể chịu đựng được lũ trẻ của chị tôi." "Nhưng chúng quá dễ thương!" "I can't stand my sister's kids." "But they're so cute!" "I can't bear my sister's children." But they're so cute!" Tôi muốn mua một chiếc ghế sô-pha. I would like to buy a sofa. I'd like to buy a chair. Những người công nhân đã ngừng xây dựng tòa nhà đó vì họ không có đủ tiền để hoàn thành nó. The workers stopped short of constructing that building because they didn't have enough money to finish it. The workers stopped building that building because they didn't have enough money to finish it. Người y tá mù cống hiến đời mình cho việc chăm sóc những người già. The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly. The blind nurse dedicated his life to caring for the elderly. Tôi tình cờ gặp mẹ bạn ở thư viện. I ran across your mother in the library. I met your mother at the library. Đừng! Mày đang làm cô ấy bực bội đấy. Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Don't, you're making her upset. Tôi và Tom sẽ nói một câu chuyện nhỏ. I'm going to have a little talk with Tom. Tom and I will talk a little story. Ai đây? Who's here? Who's this? Tin tức khiến nó rất vui. The news made him happy. The news makes it very happy. Cảm ơn bạn vì đã mời tôi đến dự bữa tiệc này. Thank you for inviting me to the party. Thank you for inviting me to this party. Bạn muốn gì nào? What do you want now? What do you want? Bạn dạy tôi vài câu tiếng Việt được không? Could you teach me some Vietnamese phrases, please! Can you teach me some Vietnamese words? Trước tiên, tôi muốn bạn đi với tôi đến chỗ đang bán hàng giảm giá ở trung tâm mua sắm. First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale. First of all, I want you to come with me to the sale in the shopping center. Tôi có người yêu rồi. I've been seeing someone. I have someone I love. Đi theo tôi và tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách. Follow me and I will show you the way. Follow me and I will show you how. Người đàn bà ấy chẳng lúc nào ăn ở chung thủy với chồng mình. That woman always cheated on her husband. The woman never ate with her husband. Tom có vẻ bối rối. Tom appeared confused. Tom seems confused. Nó sẽ không thích việc này. He won't like this. He won't like it. Cái đó tại vì bạn là đàn bà. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a woman. Có đau không? Is this going to hurt? Does it hurt? Tôi sẽ không để cho bạn làm chuyện đó. I'm not going to let you do that. I won't let you do it. Tôi luôn gặp vấn đề về tiền bạc. I'm always running into trouble with money. I've always had a problem with money. Tôi ở Osaka I stay in Osaka. I'm in Osaka. Chỉ có sự thật là tốt đẹp. Nothing is beautiful but the truth. Only the truth is good. Bài hát này quen thuộc với tụi tao. This song is familiar to us. This song is familiar with us. Có nhiều thứ để làm quá! There are too many things to do! There's so much to do! Những cái rèm đã được mở. The curtains are open. The curtains are open. Tôi nghĩ Tom sẽ bay cùng chuyến bay với tôi. I think that Tom will be on the same plane as me. I think Tom's gonna fly the same flight with me. Tom cần một cái ô. Tom needs an umbrella. Tom needs a car. Tụi bây có mấy cây vợt? How many rackets do you have? What do you have? Cô ta không đúng giờ bằng em gái của mình. She is not as punctual as her little sister. She's not right on time with her sister. Bạn đã nói dối chúng tôi. You lied to us. You lied to us. Tom chưa sẵn sàng để làm cha. Tom isn't ready to be a father. Tom's not ready to be a father. Tôi luôn dùng cà phê và bánh mì nướng trong bữa sáng. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. I've always had coffee and toast for breakfast. Cậu có định tham gia cuộc họp chiều nay không? Do you plan on attending this afternoon's meeting? Are you going to attend this afternoon? Họ có vũ khí không? Do they have weapons? Do they have weapons? Đừng bao giờ nói người khác béo. Never call anyone fat. Don't ever say anyone's fat. Cơn ho có làm bạn mất ngủ? Does the cough disturb your sleep? Did you lose your sleep? Nhờ sự giàu có mà nó vào được câu lạc bộ. His wealth got him into the club. Thanks to the wealth that it gets into the club. Chúng ta sẽ chờ ở ngoài. We'll wait outside. We'll wait outside. Tối qua tôi ngủ ngon. I slept well last night. I slept well last night. Cám ơn! Thank you! Thank you! Mary cho phép Tom hôn mình. Mary allowed Tom to kiss her. Mary allowed Tom to kiss her. Cô ấy đã cho tôi 1 chiếc đồng hồ. She gave me a watch. She gave me a watch. Tôi cố gắng biện luận với anh ấy, nhưng anh ấy không nghe. I've tried reasoning with him but he just won't listen. I tried to reason with him, but he didn't listen. Tao xin lỗi vì đã hiểu lầm mày. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I'm sorry to misunderstand you. Hai mươi đội bước vào giải đấu. Twenty teams entered the tournament. Twenty teams enter the tournament. Tớ lên nhầm tàu. I got on the wrong train. I'm on the wrong train. Không một ai có thể thay thế Tom. Nobody can replace Tom. No one can replace Tom. Bạn làm gì trong thời gian rảnh? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing in free time? Bạn bắt buộc phải có hộ chiếu mới được đi nước ngoài. You absolutely need a passport to travel to a foreign country. You have to have a passport to go abroad. Đó là lý do Tom đến. That's why Tom came. That's why Tom came. Nhiều loài sẽ bị tuyệt chủng vào cuối thế kỷ này The species will be made extinct by the end of this century. Many species will be scattered at the end of this century. Anh ấy đổi tên thành Tom Jackson. He changed his name to Tom Jackson. He changed his name to Tom Jackson. Tới lúc tôi nên quay lại khách sạn rồi. I should get back to the hotel now. It's time for me to go back to the hotel. Anh ta miễn cưỡng đồng ý với đề nghị của tôi. He reluctantly agreed to my proposal. He refused to agree with my offer. Diễn giả tằng hắng cổ. The speaker cleared his throat. The ancient speaker. Tôi thấy mệt mỏi khi nhìn vào những đồ đạc mà chúng tôi không đủ khả năng dọn dẹp. I'm getting tired of looking at the furniture we can't afford I'm tired of looking at things that we're not capable of cleaning. Em trai tôi đặt tên cho con mèo của nó là Huazi. My brother named his cat Huazi. My brother named his cat Huazi. Cựu bộ trưởng bộ năng lượng được bầu làm tổng thống hôm chủ nhật. The former minister of energy was elected president on Sunday. Former energy minister was elected as president on Sunday. Chẳng có lý do gì mà nó la mày. There is no reason for her to scold you. There's no reason he screams at you. Tôi sẽ không thể xong được nếu bạn không giúp tôi. I won't be able to finish if you don't help me. I won't be able to finish if you don't help me. Đừng phanh đột ngột. Don't brake suddenly. Don't crash suddenly. Đừng nhìn tao, đừng nhìn chòng chọc vào tao, đồ quỷ sứ, đừng có nhìn, tao không thể chịu được! Don't look at me, don't stare at me, demon, don't stare, I can't bear it! Don't look at me, don't look at me, you son of a bitch, don't look, I can't stand it! Tôi hứa. I give you my word. I promise. Tôi rất vui vì có thể giúp được bạn. I'm glad I could help. I'm glad I can help you. Bạn có thể lấy quyển sách nếu bạn biết đọc nó. You may take the book if you can read it. You can take the book if you can read it. Mẹ đã làm cho tôi một ổ bánh cho sinh nhật của tôi. Mom baked a cake for my birthday. She made me a cake for my birthday. Hôm nay tôi không muốn ăn đạm động vật. I don't feel like eating animal proteins today. I don't want to eat animals today. Tôi cần giải thích một vài thứ. I need to explain a few things. I need to explain something. Mỗi khi tôi gặp chuyện mà không tự giải quyết được, tôi đều nhờ đến Tom. When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask Tom to help. Every time I get into trouble I can't handle myself, I come to Tom. Tôi không muốn đánh thức hàng xóm. I don't want to wake my neighbors. I don't want to wake up the neighborhood. Bạn phải thấy chúng. You've got to see them. You have to see them. Chúng ta không thể giúp họ được nữa. We can't help them anymore. We can't help them anymore. Có một lượng lớn khán giả tại rạp chiếu phim. There was a large audience in the theater. There's a huge amount of audience at the theater. Ở nhà cho đến trưa. Stay at home till noon. At home until noon. Con cá anh ta bắt được hôm qua vẫn còn sống. The fish he caught yesterday is still alive. The fish he caught yesterday was still alive. Sao không ăn rau vậy? Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? Da đầu tôi rất ngứa My scalp is very itchy. My skin's hot. Tom nói rằng nó chưa bao giờ nói dối Mary. Tom says he's never lied to Mary. Tom said it never lied to Mary. Tôi muốn dùng bánh ngọt để tráng miệng. I'd like to have cake for dessert. I want some cake for dessert. Tôi thích nghiên cứu lịch sử. I like to carry out historical research. I'd love to study history. Hôm nay ban có rãnh không? Are you busy today? Do you have any crumbs today? Tôi yêu thích thiên văn học. I love astronomy. I love astronomy. Đừng trở nên tham lam. Let's not get greedy here. Don't be greedy. Việc duy nhất Tom thích sau bữa tối là xem TV. The only thing Tom likes to do after dinner is watch TV. The only thing Tom likes after dinner is watching TV. Tôi thích ăn cà chua. I like eating tomatoes. I like coffee. Các sinh viên đã học thuộc lòng rất nhiều bài thơ. The students learned many poems by heart. The students have learned a lot of poems. Cô ta giả vờ như không nhìn thấy tôi. She pretended not to see me. She pretends she can't see me. Chúng tôi sống ở vùng nông thôn khi có chiến tranh. They lived in the countryside during the war. We lived in rural areas when there was war. Tôi không biết bất cứ ai ở thị trấn này. I don't know anybody here in this town. I don't know anyone in this town. Không hiểu sao, mọi người không ưa hắn. He is unpopular for some reason. I don't understand, people don't like him. Con mèo đã đuổi sau con chuột. The cat ran after the rat. The cat kicked after the mouse. Kể cho tôi nghe tất cả những gì bạn biết về cô ta. Tell me everything you know about her. Tell me everything you know about her. Không gì tốt bằng không khí trong lành. There is nothing like fresh air. Nothing good with fresh air. Không, xin bấm số chín trước. No, please dial nine first. No, please press nine. Nói cho Tom biết bạn có ý gì. Tell Tom what you mean. Tell Tom what you mean. Các sinh viên của chúng ta đang tiến bộ rõ rệt. Our students showed remarkable progress. Our students are making a lot of progress. Tôi thà nhịn đói còn hơn ăn cắp. I would rather starve than steal. I'd rather be hungry than stealing. Có việc gì ở đó để làm? What's there to do? What's there to do? Tôi nghĩ đôi mắt đã đánh lừa tôi. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I think the eyes have lied to me. Ông già kia là ai vậy? Who is that old man? Who's that old man? Tom đã ở Boston trong 1 năm. Tom spent a year in Boston. Tom was in Boston for a year. Tại cuộc hội thảo, họ đã tụ họp chúng tôi thành các nhóm và bắt chúng tôi nói chuyện với nhau. At the seminar, they threw us all together into groups and made us talk together. At the conference, they gathered us into groups and made us talk to each other. Người ta thường nói là phụ nữ sống thọ hơn nam giới. It is said that women live longer than men. People say women live longer than men. Anh ấy không cố ý làm việc đó. He did it without malice. He didn't mean to do it. Cô ấy đã không vui về chuyện này. She was not happy about it. She wasn't happy about this. Cậu có khi biết nhiều về tớ hơn là tớ biết về cậu. You probably know more about me than I know about you. You know more about me than I know about you. Tôi đã nhai kẹo gum. I chewed the gum. I chewed candy. Anh ấy đang ở khách sạn. He's at the hotel now. He's at the hotel. Chúng ta đã xong chưa? Are we finished? Are we done? Tom không phải nói về điều đó nếu anh ta không muốn. Tom doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to. Bạn phải chọn đường đi cho chính mình. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to choose your own path. Tom không cần phải ở đây cho đến 2:30. Tom doesn't need to be here until 2:30. Tom doesn't have to be here until 2:30. Cô ấy độc lập khỏi ba mẹ của cô ấy. She is independent of her parents. She's independent from her parents. Tùy theo bạn cách nghĩa sự "tin" Chúa là sao. It depends what you mean by "believe" in God. Depending on what you mean "indistinct" to God. Việc chọn mẫu phải được đảm bảo là hoàn toàn ngẫu nhiên. Sampling must be performed in a manner that guarantees random selection. The standard choice must be guaranteed is completely random. Mary qua đời do bị ung thư vú. Mary died of breast cancer. Mary died of breast cancer. Anh ta có vẻ thất vọng. He sounded disappointed. He seems disappointed. Thế giới không quay quanh bạn. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't look around you. Tom muốn uống cái gì đó. Tom wanted something to drink. Tom wants something. Hôm nay đéo có gió. There is no wind today. There's no wind today. Không có cá cược nữa. No more bets. No bets. Cha mẹ mà đánh con cái làm tôi giận sôi máu. Parents who beat their children really make my blood boil. My parents beat me with anger. Anh ta có thể bơi được 1 dặm. He can swim a mile. He can swim a mile. Cô ấy phải dừng hút thuốc lá. She has to stop smoking. She has to stop smoking. Tom yêu cầu một lời xin lỗi. Tom demanded an apology. Tom asked for an apology. Các sinh viên đã học thuộc lòng bài thơ này. The students learned this poem by heart. The students learned from this poem. Hãy uống mừng cho thành công của anh ấy. Let's drink to his success. Let's drink to his success. Fadil cũng chăm sóc bà của anh ấy. Fadil also took care of his grandmother. Fadil also took care of his grandmother. Đừng lâu hơn năm phút. Don't take more than five minutes. Don't take longer than five minutes. Billy, hãy cút đi! Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy anh ở đây nữa. Billy, get lost! I don't want to see you here again. Billy, get out of here, I don't want to see you here anymore. Bạn sẽ làm quen với nó. You'll get used to it. You'll get used to it. Thắng cuộc chơi mà không cần phải tiếp tục giải mã ô chữ [or nhân vật] bí ẩn. Beating the game without continuing unlocks the secret character. Win the game without having to continue unlocking the unknown [or character]. Đừng lo. Don't worry. Don't worry. Trong căn phòng chúng tôi bước vào có thể nghe được tiếng nhạc nhỏ. Quiet music was heard in the room we entered. In our room we walked in and heard little music. Tôi không muốn đi học. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Sáng nay ông ấy đã ngủ quá giờ. He overslept this morning. He's been sleeping this morning. Tôi nghe nói mẹ của Brush là gái mại dâm. I heard that Brush's mother is a prostitute. I heard Burle's mother was a prostitute. Tom sẽ rất vui lòng Tom will be so pleased. Tom's gonna be happy. Chúng tôi đã cố còng tay họ lại. We tried to handcuff them. We tried to put their hands back together. Tom đã đi lúc bốn giờ sáng. Tom left at four in the morning. Tom's gone at four o'clock in the morning. Tôi không có gì để mất. I've got nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Thái dương hệ chỉ có 8 hành tinh bây giờ là Pluto, hành tinh thứ 9, đã được công nhận là một hành tinh lùn. The Solar System has only eight planets now as Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. The solar system has only eight planets now Pluto, the 9th planet has been recognized as a short planet. Bưu điện có mở cửa vào Chủ nhật không? Is the post office open on Sunday? Is the post office open on Sunday? Tối nay anh về nhà chứ? Will you be home this evening? You coming home tonight? Có thứ bột trắng gì đó trên sàn. There was some kind of white powder on the floor. There's something white on the floor. Có vẻ chúng tôi đã hàn gắn được khoảng cách một năm đó và làm mới lại tình bạn trước đây của chúng tôi. It looks like we've been able to fill in that one year gap and renew our old friendship. Looks like we've been fixed for about a year and made our last friendship again. Tom không giỏi xem bản đồ. Tom isn't good at reading maps. Tom's not good at seeing the map. Một khi tiến trình được bắt đầu, chúng ta có thể có kết quả trong vòng một giờ đồng hồ. Once this process is started, we can get the result within one hour. Once the process gets started, we can get results within an hour. Chúng tôi gọi ngọn núi là Tsurugidake. We call the mountain Tsurugidake. We call the mountain Torugidake. Mình muốn mua cho lũ trẻ tất cả những gì mình không có. I want to buy my children everything I never had. I want to buy the kids all I don't have. Sáng sớm tóc tôi rối bù hết. Ít ra thì đưa tôi cái gương cầm tay đi - nó chắc là ở trong ngăn kéo đằng kia. My hair's messed up this morning. At least lend me a hand mirror - it should be shut in the drawer there. At least give me the mirror-- it's probably in the drawer over there. Họ đổ lỗi cho George. They blamed the failure on George. They blame George. Tôi sợ là Tom sẽ nói không. I'm afraid Tom will say no. I'm afraid Tom's gonna say no. Bàn tay của John rất sạch sẽ. John's hand is clean. John's hands are clean. Nhanh chóng chuyền bóng về cho người phía sau. Pass the ball quickly to a person behind you. Quickly pass the ball back to the back. Hỏi một câu chẳng mất gì. It doesn't hurt to ask. Ask a question. Chắc là sẽ đủ đó. That would be sufficient. I guess that'll be enough. Cái này không vừa. This doesn't fit. This isn't fit. Quân đội đã rút lui The army was in retreat. The Army has retreated. Cô ấy bị cáo buộc giết anh ta. She allegedly murdered him. She was accused of killing him. Ông ta bị buộc phải từ chức thủ tướng. He was forced to resign as prime minister. He was forced to give up the prime minister. Tom cố thuyết phục Mary nhuộm tóc đỏ. Tom tried to convince Mary to dye her hair red. Tom tried to convince Mary to paint red hair. Nó khá nóng đấy. It's kind of hot. It's pretty hot. Hiện tôi đang bận. I'm occupied at the moment. I'm busy right now. Tôi được điểm B môn đại số. I got a B in arithmetic. I got a score of B.S.E. Tai nạn xảy ra ở cửa của đường hầm. The accident occurred at the mouth of the tunnel. The accident happened at the door of the tunnel. Tom tới Boston năm 2003. Tom went to Boston in 2003. Tom went to Boston in 2003. Tom đã gọi một xe cứu thương. Tom has called an ambulance. Tom called an ambulance. Đây là máy tính của mẹ tôi. This is my mother's computer. This is my mom's computer. Những người chịu nạn đói ở châu Phi cần sự trợ giúp khẩn cấp. Those who are suffering from hunger in Africa need urgent help. People who are hungry in Africa need urgent help. mặt tiền các ngôi nhà đều đã được treo cờ. The fronts of the houses were hung with flags. The money in front of all the houses is hanging chess. Tôi thường gọi điện thoại, hiếm khi viết thư. I often call, but seldom write a letter. I often call the phone, rarely write letters. Tôi cần đi tiểu. I need to pee. I need to pee. Tom là một gã rất tệ. Tom's a very bad guy. Tom's a bad guy. Mơ ước của Tom là đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới với Mary. Tom's dream is to travel around the world with Mary. Tom's wish was to travel around the world with Mary. Nếu bạn muốn có được thị thực đi Mỹ, trước hết bạn phải làm đúng nhiều thủ tục. If you want to get a visa to go to America, you have to go through a lot of channels first. If you want to get the market to America, you have to do a lot of procedures first. Bạn đang nói gì vậy, Tom? What're you saying, Tom? What are you talking about, Tom? Bạn phải đổi tàu ở Shinjuku. You have to change trains at Shinjuku. You have to change the ship in Shinjuu. Đó là một con thỏ hung ác. That was an evil bunny. It's a cruel rabbit. Bạn tôi thích kem sô cô la. My friend likes chocolate ice-cream. My friend likes chocolate ice cream. Tom chưa bao giờ thành công. Tom never was successful. Tom never worked. Hãy nghỉ giải lao 10 phút. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a break for 10 minutes. Điều gì khiến bạn nghĩ tôi sẽ từ chức? What makes you think I'm going to resign? What makes you think I'm going to give up? Cuộc sống dễ dãi băng hoại tinh thần binh sĩ. Easy living corrupted the warrior spirit. Life is easy to tear down soldiers' spirit. Xem mình có gì cho Tom nhân ngày sinh nhật này. Look what I got Tom for his birthday. Let's see what we got for Tom this birthday. Trời mưa khoảng 1 tuần nay rồi. It's been raining for around a week. It's raining around a week. Mắt tôi đang bị đau. My eyes are sore. My eyes are in pain. Tiếc quá, tôi không mang theo nhiều tiền trong người. Unfortunately, I don't have so much money on me. Too bad, I didn't bring much money in me. Lớp học quá đông nên chúng tôi chia ra thành hai nhóm nhỏ hơn. The class was too big so we split up into two smaller groups. The class was too large, so we divided into two smaller groups. Tôi không thể ăn hay uống những thức ăn rất nóng. I can't eat or drink very hot things. I can't eat or drink hot food. Nếu bạn thích đồ biển, bạn đã đến đúng nơi rồi đó! If you like seafood, you've come to the right place! If you like the beach, you're in the right place! Khi viết chữ Hán nên cẩn thận mấy cái chấm và nét quét, viết nhanh và cẩn thận nhất có thể. When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible. When writing Zhongks, we should be careful about the dots and scans, writing fast and careful as we can. Chúng ta hãy ý thức tất cả tầm quan trọng của ngày hôm nay. vì hôm nay trong bốn bức tường mến khách của Boulogne-sur-Mer, không phải là người Pháp và người Anh, người Nga và người Ba Lan gặp nhau, mà là những con người gặp gớ những con người. Let us be fully aware of all the importance of this day, because today within the generous walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer have met not French with English, nor Russians with Polish, but people with people. Let's be aware of all the importance of today, because today in four of Boulogne-Murer's favorite walls, not French and English, Russian, and Polish people meet, but people who meet people. Tôi không có ký ức nào về chuyện đã xảy ra. I have no memory of what happened. I have no memory about what happened. Tôi đang cố gắng học tiếng Anh. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Tom cực kỳ ngạc nhiên khi tớ nói với anh ấy Mary mua cái gì. Tom was shocked when I told him what Mary had bought. Tom was surprised when I told him what Mary bought. Giọng của Tom hơi bị pha. Tom speaks with a slight accent. Tom's voice was a little mixed up. Còn lại bao nhiêu tiền? How much money is left? How much is left? Tớ từng bị bắt cóc. I was kidnapped. I was kidnapped. Bạn thấy người phụ nữ đó ở đâu? Where did you see that woman? Where do you see that woman? Tôi không có gì đặc biệt để nói. I have nothing special to say. I have nothing special to say. Vui lòng nói cho tôi biết khi nào anh ấy đến đây. Please tell me when he'll arrive here. Please tell me when he's here. Chúng ta là một gia đình lớn và hạnh phúc. We're one big, happy family. We're a big and happy family. Tóc của mày thật sự trông bù xù. Your hair really does look untidy. Your hair really looks good. Tôi tự hỏi không biết đây có phải là một âm mưu gì không. I wonder if this is some sort of scam. I wonder if this is a conspiracy. Tom đoán là Mary sẽ tới muộn. Tom assumed Mary would be late. Tom guess Mary's coming late. Lúa đã được thu hoạch. The rice crop was harvested. It's been collected. Ở trường bọn cháu, tiếng Pháp là môn học không bắt buộc. At our high school, French is an elective. At our school, French is not required. Anh đã đọc hết quyển đó rồi à? Did you read it all? Did you read all that book? Ai có tin gì tốt không? Does anybody have any good news? Who's got good news? Cuối cùng mưa cũng tạnh. The rain stopped at last. It's finally raining. Tôi sẽ không nói cho bạn biết phải làm gì. I'm not going to tell you what to do. I won't tell you what to do. Anh ta đã ăn hết tất cả táo. He ate all of the apple. He ate all the apples. Tôi sẽ mở cửa. I will open the door. I'll open the door. Tại sao bạn muốn gặp anh ta? Why do you want to see him? Why do you want to see him? Chúng tôi đi dạo một vòng quanh thành phố bằng xe hơi. We took a turn around the city in our car. We walked around the city by car. Anh ta bắt gặp một tên cướp đang cố gắng đột nhập vào nhà. He caught sight of a thief attempting to break into the house. He caught a thief trying to break into the house. Tôi biết ơn không sao kể hết. I can't tell you how grateful I am. I'm grateful you didn't tell me all about it. Anh ta tặng cho cô ấy rượu sâm-panh và hoa hồng. He offered her champagne and roses. He gave her champagne and roses. Kế hoạch không chín chắn. The plan is not mature. The plan isn't fair. Đây chính là cách mà vụ tai nạn đã xãy ra. This is how the accident happened. This is how the accident went out. Hãy đến thăm chúng tôi thường xuyên hơn nhé. Please come visit us more often. Come visit us more often. Dịch tức thời đã phá vỡ bức tường ngôn ngữ. Simultaneous translation broke linguistic walls. The translation immediately broke the language wall. Tôi e là Tom sẽ nói không. I'm afraid Tom will say no. I'm afraid Tom will say no. Tôi là người chơi ten-nít. I'm a tennis player. I'm a ten-foot player. Tại sao thỏ lại có đôi tai dài? Why do rabbits have long ears? Why do rabbits have long ears? Cộng sản sẽ chẳng bao giờ tồn tại đến đời của tôi. Communism will never be reached in my lifetime. The product will never survive my life. Tôi đọc được. I can read. I can read it. Tôi không rời khỏi thành phố nhiều lắm. Tom doesn't get out of the city much. I'm not leaving a lot of town. Ông ấy đã ăn hết tất cả táo. He ate all of the apple. He ate all the apples. Hãy chọn cái này hoặc cái kia. Please choose between this one and that one. Choose this or the other one. Tôi đã biết nó là nhựa nhưng nó có mùi giống gỗ. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I knew it was plastic, but it smells like wood. Kỳ nghỉ vừa rồi bạn đã làm gì? What did you do last vacation? What have you done? Bạn có nghĩ rằng ai cũng sẽ tình nguyện? Do you think anyone will volunteer? Do you think everyone will volunteer? Con mèo lông vằn đang chơi cùng cuộn chỉ đỏ. The striped cat is playing with red yarn. The hairy cat's playing with the red scroll. Ý cậu là cậu không biết hả?! What do you mean you don't know?! You mean you don't know? Ở nhà. Stay home. At home. Có phải bạn muốn tôi để bạn một mình? Do you want me to leave you alone? Do you want me to leave you alone? Anh có thể đổi cho tôi cái khác không? Can you exchange it for another one? Can you change me something else? Tôi chỉ sử dụng nó một lần. I only used it once. I'm just using it once. Cho tôi một manh mối. Give me a clue. Give me a clue. Lão già ngồi xuống. The old man sat down. Old man sit down. Đậu xe ở đâu vậy? Where can I park? Where's the parking? Chúng tôi không cần cậu nữa. We don't need you anymore. We don't need you anymore. Cuộc họp sẽ giải tán trong khi bạn tới đó. The meeting will have broken up by the time you arrive there. The meeting will break while you get there. Tôi muốn nói chuyện với cô. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to you. Tất cả chúng ta đã học thuốc bài thơ này. We all learned the poem by heart. We all learned this poem. Ồ, tôi đã nhắc tới nó chưa nhỉ? Oh, didn't I mention it? Oh, did I mention it? Anh ấy đã đến nơi an toàn. He arrived safely. He went to safety. Nói thiệt nha, nó là cháu gái của tôi đó. To tell the truth, she is my niece. Seriously, he's my niece. Tôi muốn nghe giọng nói của bạn. I want to hear your voice. I want to hear your voice. Da tôi dễ bị bỏng. My skin burns easily. My skin is easily burned. Cô ta làm ở xí nghiệp này đúng không? So he works at this factory, does he? She works in this world, doesn't she? Họ nên biết nó chứ. They should know it. They should know it. Tom nhảy ra khỏi ghế. Tom jumped out of his seat. Tom jumped out of the chair. Tôi có 2 quyển sách. I have two books. I have two books. Mọi thứ bạn phải làm là thực hiện theo lời khuyên của anh ấy. All you have to do is follow his advice. Everything you have to do is follow his advice. Hiện tại bà ấy có vẻ ổn. She seems OK now. She looks fine right now. Tôi không hề biết là anh sẽ đến. I had no notion that you were coming. I didn't know you were coming. Tôi cũng biết cưỡi ngựa. I also know how to ride a horse. I know how to ride. Chris, bạn bị ướt hết rồi kìa! Chris, you're completely wet! Chris, you're all wet! Thật khó tin! Unbelievable! That's incredible! Tao chẳng biết nó sống ở đâu nữa. I have no idea where she lives. I don't know where he lives. Tụi tao đang học tiếng Ả Rập. We are learning Arabic. We're learning Arabic. Dịch thuật rất mệt mỏi. Translating is very tiring. It's tired of magic. Lời khuyên của anh ta không giúp được gì nhiều. His advice didn't help much. His advice doesn't help much. Rất là khó để thành thạo tiếng Pháp trong hai hay ba năm. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's hard to master French for two or three years. Tôi thấy rất thư giãn. I feel very relaxed. I feel very relaxed. Con chó không biết sủa. The dog couldn't bark. The dog doesn't look good. Tôi đã quyết định không chống án. I've decided not to appeal. I decided not to fight the sentence. Anh ta chả là gì cả. He is nothing. He's nothing. Jennifer rất thất vọng về việc buổi hòa nhạc bị hủy bỏ. Cô ấy rất trông mong buổi biểu diễn đó. Jennifer is very disappointed about the concert being cancelled. She really had her heart set on going. Jennifer's very disappointed that the concert was canceled, and she looked forward to that show. Nếu tôi thất bại, ba mẹ của tôi sẽ nói gì. If I should fail, what would my parents say? If I failed, my parents would say something. Cô gái cũng đã nhìn anh. The girl was looking at him too. The girl also looked at you. Mắt tôi rất dễ bị mỏi. My eyes get tired very easily. My eyes are very tired. Các bạn gái trẻ chỉ muốn có thân hình mảnh khảnh Young girls really want to be slender. Young girls just want a body. Anh ấy đã mua cho cô ấy một món quà nhỏ. He brought her a small gift. He bought her a little present. Tôi đã viết những câu trả lời cẩn thận I wrote the answers carefully. I wrote carefully answers. Đọc sách thì rất thú vị. Reading books is interesting. It's interesting to read it. Mày nói cực kỳ nhanh. You speak tremendously fast. You're pretty quick. Tom đã có tên trên danh sách. Tom was on the list. Tom has a name on the list. Tại sao yêu nhau mà cứ làm cho nhau đau khổ? Why when we are in love, we make each other hurt? Why does love cause each other pain? Bạn nên dậy sớm. You'd better get up early. You should get up early. Anh ấy nói tiếng Anh tốt hơn tôi. He speaks English better than I do. He speaks English better than me. Mình vừa nhắc tới Fadil. I was just talking to Fadil. I just mentioned Fadil. Tôi không có ngốc như bạn tưởng đâu. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think. Bài hát này quen thuộc đối với chúng tôi. This song is familiar to us. This song is familiar with us. Chúng ta phải di chuyển rất nhanh. We have to move very quickly. We have to move fast. Loại thuốc mới phô bày hiệu ứng tức thời. The new medicine demonstrated an immediate effect. New drugs show immediate effects. Tôi có 1,000 cổ phần của NTT. I own 1,000 shares of NTT stock. I've got 1,000 shares of NTT. Bây giờ đến lượt ai? Whose turn is it? Now who's the turn? Bạn nên dán những bức hình đó vào album của bạn. You should stick those pictures in your album. You should put those pictures into your album. Tom muốn gặp cậu trong văn phòng ngay lập tức. Tom wants to see you in his office right away. Tom wants to see you in his office right away. Khá ít người có cả hai chiếc xe ô tô. Quite a few people have two cars. Few people have both cars. Nó quản lý một tiệm giày dép. She manages a shoe store. It runs a shoe shop. Trong dịp này, chúng ta nên làm một ly đi. On this occasion, we should drink a toast. On this occasion, we should make a drink. Cô ấy dành qua nhiều thời gian xem TV. She's spending too much time watching TV. She spent a lot of time watching TV. Bạn có một công việc tuyệt vời. You have a great job. You have a great job. Sẽ không có nhiều người ở đó. There won't be so many people there. There won't be a lot of people there. Tôi phải vượt qua kì thi này. I have to pass this exam. I have to get through this exam. Cô ấy cưới người nước ngoài. She is married to a foreigner. She married foreigners. Tôi ngồi dưới bóng râm và đọc sách. I sat down in the shade of a tree and read the book. I sat under the shadow and read the book. Cậu có chắc là không muốn đi Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Cuộc đời không dài nhưng rộng! Life is not long, it is wide! Life isn't long but wide! Mọi người muốn gặp bạn vì bạn nổi tiếng! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! People want to see you because you're famous! Du lịch bằng tàu có thoải mái không? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is the ship travel comfortable? Cặp vợ chồng quyết định nhận một đứa con nuôi. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. A couple decide to marry a adopted child. Giúp đỡ Tom là một sai lầm. Helping Tom was a mistake. Help Tom is a mistake. Sau khi ăn, tụi tao đi ngủ. After we ate, we went to sleep. After we ate, we went to bed. Tổng thống Roosevelt thắng cử năm 1940. President Roosevelt won the election of 1940. President McCarthy won the election in 1940. Ngày mai là thứ Năm. Tomorrow is Thursday. Tomorrow's Thursday. Chúng tôi bị kẹt lại với nhau. We're stuck with each other. We're stuck together. Mọi thứ tôi kể với bạn có thể không chính xác. Everything I've told you may not be accurate. Everything I tell you may not be accurate. Ba của nó sẽ không đến, ổng bận lắm. Her father won't come, he is very busy. His father won't come, he's busy. Sao Bill xé lá thư ra từng mảnh vậy? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter apart? Tôi sẽ đến một lần. I'll come at once. I'll be there once. Bạn không thể làm gì hơn. There's nothing more you can do. You can't do anything more. Rất tiếc, nhưng tôi không hiểu. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Sorry, but I don't understand. Tom hỏi Mary có bao nhiêu tiền. Tom asked Mary how much money she had. Tom asked Mary how much money she had. Lúc nào bạn cũng đúng. You are in the right so far. You're always right. Giữ được bình tĩnh khi có chuyện khẩn cấp là rất quan trọng. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. Keep calm when it's urgent. Cái đó không có ý nghĩa gì hết mà! It doesn't mean anything! That doesn't mean anything! Màu đen tương phản với màu trắng. Black is against white. Black corresponds to white. Đức Giêxu chủ trương khoan dung. Christ taught forgiveness. Jehovah is showing mercy. Họ sống trong một ngôi nhà màu trằng với tường gạch trên góc bên trái phía cuối con phố. They live in a white house with a brick facade on the left at the end of the street. They live in a colored house with walls on the left side of the street. Cho họ một phút. Give them a minute. Give them a minute. Đây có thực sự là vấn đề như thế? Is this really such a problem? Is this really the problem? Hàng chục nghìn con voi bị giết mỗi năm để lấy ngà Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Ten tens of thousands of elephants were killed each year to get purple Chuyến đi đến châu Phi của chúng biến thành một thảm hoạ. Our trip to Africa is turning into a catastrophe. Their trip to Africa became a disaster. Càng nghe, tôi thấy càng hay. The more I hear, the more interesting it becomes. The more I hear, the better I feel. Quạ được xem là loài chim báo điềm xấu. The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen. Clarice is considered a bad omen. Anh ấy đã khuyên tôi đi tới đó. He advised me to go there. He advised me to go there. Họ ngủ chung lẫn lộn trong hang hoặc trong lều. They sleep together in a cave or a tent. They slept together in caves or in tents. Cặp đôi đã khắc chữ cái đầu tiên của tên mình vào thân cây sồi. The couple carved their initials in an oak tree. The couple filed their first letter into the tree. Bạn có thấy ai ở đó không? Did you see anybody there? Have you seen anyone there? Bạn sẽ vui lòng khuyên hắn làm việc chăm chỉ hơn không? Will you please advise him to work harder? Will you encourage him to work more hard? Không có cách nào chữa được sự ngu dốt. There's no cure for stupidity. There's no way of treating stupidness. Thề có Chúa, tôi chưa bao giờ biết điều đó. By God, I never knew that. I swear to God, I never knew that. Tom đang chiến đấu vì sự sống. Tom is fighting for his life. Tom is fighting for life. Cậu không đói sao? Aren't you hungry? Aren't you hungry? Giữ im lặng. Con nít đang ngủ. Keep quiet. The baby is sleeping. Keep quiet, the baby's sleeping. Thứ ba tới là sinh nhật của tôi và tôi sẽ tổ chức một buổi tiệc sinh nhật. Next Tuesday is my birthday, and I'm having a birthday party. The third is my birthday and I'm going to have a birthday party. Phạm nhân được đưa đến trước thẩm phán. The prisoner was brought before a judge. He's brought before the judge. Anh ấy đang làm công việc ban đêm là một vũ công thoát y. He's moonlighting as a stripper. He's working at night is a medical dancer. Bị gay thì sao? Cái đó cũng là tội à? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What about being gay? Tao độc thân. I am single. I'm single. Hàng xóm mới của chúng luôn sẵn sàng nếu chúng tôi cần giúp đỡ trong bất cứ việc gì. Our new neighbour is always there if we need help with anything. Their new neighbors are always ready if we need help in anything. Nước là nguồn sống. Water is life. Water is life source. Không có ích cho bất kỳ ai thì đơn giản là vô dụng. Not being useful to anyone is simply being worthless. It doesn't work for anyone, it's just useless. Cô đơn quá quá, chắc mình khóc mất. I am so lonely I think I'm going to cry. It's too lonely, I'm sure I'm crying. Thứ này sẽ tốn €30. This will cost €30. This thing's going to cost $30. Sở thích của tôi là đọc sách. My hobby is reading. My favorite was to read the book. Cậu hát cho bọn tớ nghe một bài được không? Can you sing us a song? Can you sing us a song? Bạn muốn gặp lại Tom, có phải không? You want to see Tom again, don't you? You want to see Tom again, don't you? Cậu ta đặt cuốn sách lên giá. He put the book on the shelf. He put the book on the price. Cô ta mới chỉ ăn Sushi và uống bia thôi. She just ate sushi and drank beer. She just ate Sushi and drank beer. Tôi mời mười hai người tới bữa tiệc của tôi, nhưng một người không đến. I invited twelve people to my party, but one could not come. I invited ten of you to my party, but one didn't come. Một thanh niên muốn gặp bạn. A young person wants to see you. A young man wants to see you. Lạc không phải hạt mà thuộc họ đậu. Peanuts are not nuts but legumes. It's not a seed that belongs to them. Mắt Mary ngấn lệ. Tears filled Mary's eyes. Mary's eyes are quiet. Chúng tôi đã chọn Henry làm đội trưởng của đội chúng tôi. We chose Henry captain of our team. We chose Henry as our captain. Đã có tuyên bố tình trạng khẩn cấp. There is a declared state of emergency. There's already been an emergency statement. Cả hai cô gái đều có đôi mắt xanh. Both girls have blue eyes. Both girls have blue eyes. Nó hối tiếc lỗi lầm của nó. He regrets his mistake. He's sorry about his mistakes. Hãy trở lại Boston thăm bọn tôi khi nào có dịp nhé. Please come back to Boston and visit us whenever you have a chance. Let's go back to Boston to see us when we get a chance. Chúng tôi không tham gia việc mua xe mới của tụi nó. We do not anticipate their buying a new car. We don't take part in buying their new car. Nó đã hứa không nói dối nữa. He promised not to tell another lie. He promised not to lie anymore. Xin Chúa giúp chúng con. God help us. God help us. "Bạn có thể đưa tôi một ít đường không?" "Đây này bạn". "Will you pass me the sugar?" "Here you are." "Can you give me some sugar?" "Here you are." Tôi đã chuyển tin nhắn cho cô ta. I relayed the message to her. I sent her a message. Bạn hãy cho tôi biết những ngày bạn có thể đến được. Let me know the days when you can come. Tell me the days you can make it. Tôi gặp anh ta lần đầu tiên 10 năm trước. I saw him for the first time in 10 years. I met him for the first 10 years. Ngày mai là Chủ nhật. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Tại sao chúng ta không ra ngoài kiếm gì để ăn? Why don't we go out and get something to eat? Why don't we go out and get anything to eat? Cô ta sẽ có mặt ngay. She will be here in no time. She'll be right there. Tách nào của bạn? Which cup is yours? Which one of yours? Chúng tôi luôn đi bằng xe buýt. We always take a bus. We're always walking by bus. Mọi người đang chờ à? Is everyone waiting? Are you waiting? Tom suýt (mém) bị đuối nước. Tom almost drowned. Tom almost (mém) drowned. Tất cả mọi người sinh ra đều được tự do và bình đẳng về nhân phẩm và quyền lợi. Mọi con người đều được tạo hóa ban cho lý trí và lương tâm và cần phải đối xử với nhau trong tình anh em. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone was born free and equal in dignity and rights, and everyone was created to reason and conscience and to treat one another in brotherly love. Sally và tớ làm việc trong cùng một văn phòng. Sally and I work in the same office. Sally and I work in the same office. Chúng ta hãy vào trong nào. Let's go inside. Let's go inside. Tom chăm sóc đứa bé. Tom looked after the baby. Tom took care of the baby. Tôi mua cuốn sách này ngày hôm qua. I bought this book yesterday. I bought this book yesterday. Nó tốt hơn sự thay thế It's better than the alternative. It's better than replacements. Làm thế nào mà Tom khiến cậu giúp anh ấy dọn dẹp ga-ra? How did Tom get you to help him clean the garage? How did Tom get you to help him clean up the garage? Chúng tôi đã ăn thỏa thích. We ate until we were satisfied. We had fun. Tôi không thể chịu được cái thứ âm nhạc ngớ ngẩn đó. I can not stand that kind of silly music. I can't stand that stupid music. Đó là xe của anh ta. That is his car. That's his car. Tôi phải giặt đồ trong khi trời còn nắng. I have to do laundry while it's still sunny. I had to wash my clothes while it was sun. Không thể có chuyện đó. That can't happen. It can't happen. Bạn đang có loại nhện đen nào? What type of tarantula do you have? What black spider do you have? Tôi đi chơi, anh đi không? I am going out, aren't you? I'm going out, are you going? Bạn trông tái nhợt. You look pale. You look back. Trong tiếng Ý cái đó nói thế nào? How do you say that in Italian? What did it say in Italian? Cái này khá hay đấy. This one's pretty cool. This is pretty good. Tom có tỉnh không? Is Tom unconscious? Did Tom wake up? Tom chưa bao giờ đặt một tay vào tôi Tom has never laid a hand on me. Tom never put a hand in me. Tôi không thể đảm đương được việc đó. I couldn't afford to do that. I can't handle that. Ban đầu Ðức Chúa Trời dựng nên trời đất. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Một cái nhíu mày có thể biểu thị sực tức giện hoặc không hài lòng. A frown may express anger or displeasure. It's a bullshit you can express or be unhappy. Tom và ba thành viên khác của đội đã bị thương trong tai nạn. Tom and three other crew members were injured in the accident. Tom and three other members of the team were injured in an accident. Tom còn trẻ và ngây thơ. Tom is young and naive. Tom's young and innocent. Tối nay có dự định gì đặc biệt không vậy? Have you got anything special in mind for tonight? Is there anything special planned tonight? Cô ấy chơi được bài này trên đàn piano. She can play this tune on the piano. She played this song on the piano. Chúng tôi đã đi bộ rất nhiều. We walked a lot. We've been walking a lot. Tôi không biết nên đi đâu hay làm gì. I don't know where to go or what to do. I don't know where to go or what to do. Tom đã yêu cầu tôi đón Mary ở sân bay. Tom asked me to pick Mary up at the airport. Tom asked me to pick Mary up at the airport. Bạn có chắc là không muốn ngủ trên nó? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Không có ai quanh đây cả. There was nobody about. There's no one around here. Nếp nhăn trên mặt mỗi người do thời gian không trừ một ai. One's face fills with wrinkles because time does not pass in vain. Freaking on each man's face is free of time except for anyone. Nó tìm chỗ ngủ. He looked for a place in which to sleep. He's looking for sleep. Điểm khác biệt giữa tôn giáo và triết học là gì? What's the difference between religion and philosophy? What is the difference between religion and philosophy? Tôi thích câu cá ở sông. I like to fish in the river. I like fish in the river. Tôi sẽ đến đó ngay cả trời có mưa. I will go there even if it rains. I'll be there even with rain. Hôm nay là ngày mai của hôm qua, nhưng hôm nay sẽ là ngày hôm qua của ngày mai. Today was still tomorrow yesterday, but today will be yesterday tomorrow. It's yesterday's tomorrow, but today's gonna be tomorrow. Tôi không nghe được tên cuối của bạn. I didn't catch your last name. I can't hear your last name. Tom dễ bị sao lãng. Tom is easily distracted. Tom is easily distracted. Tom không ăn thịt. Tom doesn't eat meat. Tom doesn't eat meat. Một bước Salsa tôi cũng không nhảy được. I cannot dance one single step of Salsa. I can't dance either. Cá sấu là loài động vật bí ẩn. Crocodiles are mysterious animals. Fishfish is a mysterious animal. Tôi hạnh phúc khi ở đây. I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be here. Nhà tôi ở gần trường. My house is close to the school. My home is near school. Chúng ta nên tiếp tục. We'd better get going. We should go on. Tom đã cho chó ăn đồ thừa của mình Tom fed his leftovers to his dog. Tom gave the dog his inheritance. Tom đang rất mong chờ kỳ nghỉ giữa kỳ. Tom is looking forward to the midterm break. Tom's looking forward to a vacation. Đất nước của chúng tao đang trong thời kỳ khủng hoảng. Our country is in a crisis. Our country is in a crisis. Bạn khônf thể ăn nó vì nó rất bổ dưỡng. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can eat it because it's very good. Câu khẩu hiệu được thiết kế để khuấy động mọi người. The slogan was designed to rouse the people. The spell was designed to stir people up. Tom hỏi Mary xem cô ta có biết đan len không. Tom asked Mary if she knew how to knit. Tom asked Mary if she had any knowledge. Tôi đơn thân. I am single. I'm alone. Tớ nghĩ cậu nên về nhà ngay. I think you need to go home now. I think you should go home now. Bạn nên giữ nó trong đầu. You should bear that in mind. You should keep it in your head. Sân trường rất nhỏ. The schoolyard was very small. The market is very small. Taro ơi, cơm tối xong rồi đấy! Taro, dinner's ready! Taro, dinner's done! Tôi không thích anh đâu. I don't like you. I don't like you. Tôi không còn biết phải làm gì nữa. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Cái đèn pin này cần hai cục pin. This flashlight needs two batteries. This battery light needs two batterys. Đừng tủi thân. Chúng ta cùng chung cảnh ngộ mà. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Don't close up, we're in the same situation. Anh còn nhiều thứ khác phải lo nữa. You've got other things to worry about. You have other things to worry about. Tôi đang chuẩn bị hạ màn. I am going to lower the curtain. I'm getting ready to take down. Cô ta đã bất cẩn để xe tông vào cạnh cổng. Her car struck against the gatepost through her carelessness. She's been out of control to hit the car next door. Chúng ta có nhiều điểm chung hơn là bạn tưởng đấy. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. We have more in common than you think. Tôi suýt quên làm bài tập. I almost forgot to do my homework. I almost forgot to do my homework. Hoặc là bạn đồng tình, hoặc là bạn phản đối tôi. You're either with me or against me. Or your partner, or you're against me. Bọn trẻ đang ăn mừng sinh nhật của cậu bé. The children are celebrating the boy's birthday. The kids are celebrating his birthday. Để tui làm xong đã. Let me finish. I'll finish it. Hãy cho các học sinh của bạn đọc những quyển sách khiến các em phải động não nhiều hơn. Make your students read books that make them think more. Let your students read books that make their children more brain moved. Chúng ta không thể làm công việc đó trong một ngày. We cannot do the work in a day. We can't do that one day. Giặt trước khi mặc lần đầu. Wash before first wearing. Put it on before you wear it for the first time. Vì vậy nhiều người đã qua đời. Therefore many people passed away. So many people died. Tôi còn có sự chọn lựa nào khác nữa? What other options do I have? What other choice do I have? Tôi là người giám sát Tom. I'm Tom's supervisor. I'm watching Tom. Giờ mình không khát. Right now I'm not thirsty. I'm not thirsty now. Chúng tôi đã từng đến đây rồi. We've been here before. We've been here before. Cảm ơn vì đã chọn chúng tôi. Thank you for choosing us. Thank you for choosing us. Tom và Mary là các bạn cùng lớp với tôi. Tom and Mary are my classmates. Tom and Mary are my classmates. Tôi rất buồn là bạn đã bị thương nặng. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sad that you've been hurt badly. Bạn làm diễn viên hài suốt à? Have you always been a comedian? Are you a film actor all the time? Chúng ta hãy ý thức tất cả tầm quan trọng của ngày hôm nay. vì hôm nay trong bốn bức tường mến khách của Boulogne-sur-Mer, không phải là người Pháp và người Anh, người Nga và người Ba Lan gặp nhau, mà là những con người gặp gớ những con người. Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people. Let's be aware of all the importance of today, because today in four of Boulogne-Murer's favorite walls, not French and English, Russian, and Polish people meet, but people who meet people. Cha của tôi vẫn đang bị bệnh ở trên giường. My father is still ill in bed. My father's still sick in bed. Tôi muốn có một thị thực du lịch. I would like a tourist visa. I'd like to have a tour. Phim khiêu dâm được xếp loại X, có nghĩa là chỉ người từ 18 tuổi trở lên có thể xem chúng. Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them. The movies are sort of X, which means that only people from 18 years old can see them. Hưởng thụ đời quá nhiều thì sai sao? Is it so wrong to enjoy life this much? What is wrong with spending so much time in life? Tôi muốn tự lập hơn. I want to be more independent. I'd rather make myself. Tôi đã gặp cô ta tại bữa tiệc. I saw her at the party. I met her at the party. Người đàn ông bị truy nã về tội giết người. The man is wanted for murder. The man was wanted for murder. Tôi hi vọng rằng chuyện này sẽ không tái diễn. I was hoping this wouldn't happen again. I hope this won't happen again. Bạn không thể chữa khỏi vết thương lòng. You cannot heal a broken heart. You can't cure the wound. "Bố vợ anh sống ở đâu vậy?" "Kế bên nhà anh vợ tôi" "Where does your father in law live?" "In the house which stands beside my brother in law's house." "Where did your father live?" "To my brother's house." Tôi sẽ không quay lại. I won't be coming back. I'm not coming back. Có lẽ tôi chỉ cần ở một mình một lúc. Maybe I just need some time alone. Maybe I just need to be alone for a while. Nó cảm thấy mệt lử sau khi cãi nhau với bạn. She felt quite worn out after arguing with friends. It feels tired after fighting with you. Đi theo người đó. Follow that person. Follow him. Cha nào con nấy. Like father, like son. You're my father. Chúng tôi chờ khách đến thăm tối nay. We are awaiting visitors tonight. We're waiting for a visit tonight. Tôi đến từ Tokyo, Nhật Bản. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Nancy không thể nhờ ai đó đọc quyên sách này. Nancy cannot have read this book. Nancy doesn't give up on anyone in the world. Cho dù tôi đã tốt nghiệp nhiều năm rồi nhưng tôi không hề quên một giáo viên nào đã dạy tôi. Although I graduated many years ago, I will never forget a single one of my teachers who taught me. Even though I've been graduate for years, I've never forgotten a teacher who taught me. Chạy đến bưu điện đi nhé? Just run down to the post office, won't you? Let's go to the post office, okay? Đói nghèo không thể bắt kịp nền công nghiệp. No poverty can catch up with industry. The poor can't catch the industry. Có vài người khách đang đợi trong phòng vẽ. There were some guests waiting in the drawing room. There's a couple of guests waiting in the drawing room. Giáo viên của chúng tôi yêu cầu chúng tôi giữ im lặng. Our teacher demanded that we keep quiet. Our teacher asked us to remain silent. Mẹ của mày có ở nhà không? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Tụi tao ăn bơ trên bánh mì. We eat butter on bread. We eat butter on bread. Một ngày cô ấy đi được 20 dặm. She covered twenty miles a day. One day she's gone 20 miles. Tom không thể kiểm soát được cơn giận của cậu ta. Tom couldn't control his anger. Tom can't control his anger. Tôi nhai kẹo cao su. I chewed the gum. I chewed gum. Anh ấy gửi một chiếc váy cho con gái anh ấy. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent a dress for his daughter. Anh ta kiếm được gấp đôi lương của tôi He earns double my salary. He's making twice my pay. Tom bước ra khỏi toà nhà. Tom came out of the building. Tom walked out of the building. Chúng ta sẽ làm gì bây giờ? What'll we do now? What are we gonna do now? Tôi sắp nghỉ hưu. I'm retiring. I'm about to retire. Gớm kinh khủng! It's absolutely disgusting! It's terrible! Tôi không biết nói tiếng Việt. I can't speak Vietnamese. I don't speak Vietnamese. Ở Nhật Bản tiền công thường tuơng xứng với thâm niên trong nghề. In Japan wages are usually in proportion to seniority. In Japan the money is often good for the early age of work. Cái đó nghe không có vẻ nguy hiểm lắm. That doesn't sound too dangerous. That doesn't sound dangerous. Tôi phải nhìn thấy nó I have to see this. I have to see it. Nếu Tom muốn thì mua cho anh ta máy tính mới đi. Let Tom buy a new computer if he wants to. If Tom wants to, buy him a new computer. Đừng có trẻ con như vậy. Don't be childish. Don't be such a kid. Tớ có một vài người bạn. I have a few friends. I have some friends. Tôi đang học lái. I've been learning to drive. I'm learning to drive. Anh ta bị đánh bầm dập. He was beaten black and blue. He's broken. Anh ấy qua đời trước khi nhìn ra ước mơ của mình. He died before he could realize his dream. He died before he saw his dream. Tom đã cố gắng đứng lên, nhưng anh ấy không làm được. Tom tried to stand up, but he couldn't. Tom tried to stand up, but he couldn't do it. Tủ lạnh của tôi không chạy được. My refrigerator is out of order. My ice cream can't run. Cô ấy sẽ thử lại lần nữa. She'll try it once more. She'll try it again. Đẩy! Push! Push! Nếu tôi có tiền, tôi sẽ mua máy vi tính. If I had money, I'd buy a computer. If I have money, I'll buy my computer. Cái gì dễ bị hiểu lầm thì sẽ luôn như vậy thôi. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. What's easy is always going to be. Ở đây ngột ngạt quá. It's very stuffy in here. It's weird here. Cứ lấy phần trên và bạn sẽ có phần giữa. Take the top and you will have the middle. Take the upper part and you'll have the middle part. Khi tôi ra khỏi ga xe lửa, tôi gặp một gã đàn ông. When I left the train station, I saw a man. When I got out of the train station, I met a man. Bạn là nữ anh hùng của tôi. You're my heroine. You're my hero. Cô ấy nhận trách nhiệm về dự án đó. She undertook the responsibility for the project. She's responsible for that project. Nó sống một mình. He lives by himself. He lives alone. Ai cũng ít nhiều có chút quan tâm đến nghệ thuật. Everyone is more or less interested in art. Everyone has little interest in art. Tao có thể mượn điện thoại của mày không? Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your phone? Này, này, bạn còn ở đó không? Hello? Are you still here? Hey, hey, are you still there? Chúng tôi có cần lời khuyên của bạn. We do need your advice. We need your advice. Lúc đó chúng tôi không đợi khách nào cả. We weren't expecting visitors. We didn't wait for a guest then. Tôm sẽ không bao giờ biết. Tom will never know. I'll never know. Cái đó nhìn hấp dẫn. That is intriguing. That looks attractive. Nó sẽ vỡ. It will break. It'll break. Thực phẩm nhanh ôi thiu trong thời tiết nóng. Food decays quickly in hot weather. It's fast food in hot weather. Tom đến Boston vì công việc. Tom came to Boston on business. Tom went to Boston for work. Vui lòng cho tôi một chai bia. Give me a beer, please. Please give me a beer. Xe lửa sẽ di chuyển ở vận tốc 50 dặm một giờ. The train is traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour. The train is moving at 50 miles an hour. Trời đã mưa. It rained yesterday afternoon. It rained. Bạn có thể đem quyển sách về nhà bao lâu cũng được miễn sao bạn đừng làm dơ nó. You may take the book home so long as you don't get it dirty. You can bring home the book as long as you don't let it go. Chim bay về phía nam vào mùa đông. Birds fly south in the winter. Birds fly south in winter. Tất cả mọi người đều quan tâm đến nghệ thuật dù ít hay nhiều. Everyone is more or less interested in art. Everyone's interested in art, whether it's little or much. Bạn thăm Kyoto lần cuối khi nào? When did you visit Kyoto last? When's the last visit? Có thể bạn đã đọc cuốn này rồi. You may have read this book already. You may have read this book. Hoa cẩm chướng ngửi ra sao? What do carnations smell like? How do you smell? Cô ấy thích nhất là được đi du lịch. She likes traveling best of all. She's preferred to travel. Họ sẽ cho tôi biết kết quả vào thứ Hai. They're going to tell me the results on Monday. They'll tell me the results on Monday. Tôi được như thế này là nhờ mẹ tôi. I am who I am thanks to my mother. I was like this because of my mother. Hãy đi hái hoa trong vườn nào. Let's pick flowers from the garden. Let's get some flowers in the garden. Tôi không thể nạp tiền vào điện thoại. I can't top up my phone. I can't load money on my phone. Tớ nói với cậu đây là một việc nguy hiểm. I told you this was going to be dangerous. I told you this is a dangerous thing. Hôm qua là thứ mấy nhỉ? Yesterday was what day of the week? What was it yesterday? Bạn bè tôi nói tôi là người viết nhiều nhưng mấy tháng rồi tôi chưa viết cái gì hêt. My friends say I'm a prolific writer, but I haven't written anything for months. My friends say I'm a lot of writing, but I haven't written anything in months. Hôm qua bạn không đi học. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't go to school yesterday. Xin được nói lời tạm biệt với bạn. I bid you farewell. Say goodbye to you. Mary giúp mẹ cô ấy chuẩn bị bữa tối. Mary helped her mother prepare dinner. Mary helped her mother prepare dinner. Tôi thích nhạc jazz. I like jazz. I'd love some music that I'd like. Họ đã đi qua đầm lầy. They got through the marsh. They went through the swamp. Chắc là bạn đang đùa. You must be joking. You must be kidding. Chính quyền Li băng đã sãn sàng đóng tên miền "bit.ly". The Libyan government is ready to close ''Bit.ly''. The ice government is ready to close the name of "bit.ly." Cháu nó còn nhỏ quá không đi bơi một mình được. He is too young to go swimming alone. He's too young to go swimming alone. Tại vì tôi nhầm hay là điều đó sai vậy? It is me that is wrong. Because I'm wrong or that's wrong? Tom mở cửa két sắt. Tom opened the safe. Tom opened the safe door. Tôi biết bạn sẽ nói gì. I know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say. Tom và Mary bước ra khỏi phòng, để lại John một mình. Tom and Mary walked out of the room, leaving John alone. Tom and Mary walked out of the room, left John alone. Các bạn có biết nhau không? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Từ lập trường này, lịch sử có thể được chia ra thành hai niên đại chính. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. From this stand, history can be divided into two majors. Đó là tất cả những gì mà tôi có. That's all I have. That's all I have. Đừng cười nó vì đã phạm sai lầm. Don't laugh at him for making a mistake. Don't laugh at him for making mistakes. Tôi sẽ không dừng lại. I'm not going to stop. I won't stop. Chúng tôi đã hoàn thành công việc đúng lúc. We got the job done on time. We've done the right job at the right time. Tôi và vợ kể cho nhau nghe mọi thứ. My wife and I tell each other everything. My wife and I tell each other everything. Toi se goi ho ngay mai. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'm going to go tomorrow. Tôi không muốn bạn lỡ chuyến xe bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I don't want you to miss the bus. Bà của tôi vẫn còn rất hoạt bát ở tuổi 85. My grandmother is still very active at eighty-five. My grandmother was still very active at 85 years of age. Tôi không thích cuốn sách này. I don't like this book. I don't like this book. Tôi đã quên mật khẩu của mình! I forgot my password! I forgot my password! Nếu khoa học tiến bộ, chúng ta sẽ có thể giải quyết những vấn đề như vậy. If science makes progress, we'll be able to solve such problems. If science progresss, we can solve such problems. Tuy chú của tôi không còn trẻ nhưng ông vẫn rất khỏe mạnh. My uncle is not young, but healthy. Although my uncle's not young, he's still very healthy. Họ bắt tôi làm việc chăm chỉ hơn. They require me to work harder. They made me work harder. Tom đã quá mệt mỏi với công việc. Tom was sick of his job. Tom's tired of the job. Bạn đã tới Okinawa chưa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you been to Okinawa? Lũ chó sủa suốt cả đêm. The dogs barked all night. The dogs sleep all night. Chủ đề đó không nên được đem ra bàn luận. That subject is not suitable for discussion. The subject should not be discussed. Không phải nó kinh khủng lắm ư? Wasn't it awful? Isn't it terrible? Tôi có thể tìm thấy ATM ở đâu. Where can I find an ATM? I can find out where ATM is. Anh ấy không già như tớ nghĩ. He isn't any older than I thought. He's not as old as I thought. Chả ai tin những gì tôi nói cả. Nobody believes what I say. Nobody believes what I'm saying. Tôi chắc chắn đó là họ. I'm sure that was them. I'm sure it's them. Lâu đài đã được xây vào lúc nào? When was the castle built? When was the castle built? Việc này đã từng xảy ra với bạn trước đây chưa? Has this ever happened to you before? Has this happened to you before? Tom thắc mắc không biết mất bao lâu thì Mary hoàn thành công việc. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to finish the job. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to finish her job. Cậu ấy tự hào là một nhạc sĩ. He is proud of being a musician. He's proud to be a musician. Đã hơn một tuần kể từ lần cuối cùng tôi gặp Tom. It's been over a week since I last saw Tom. It's been more than a week since the last time I met Tom. Bọn mình sẽ mời Jane và Ellen. We are going to invite Jane and Ellen. We'll invite Jane and Ellen. Tôi ghét anh. I hate you. I hate you. Tom cầu xin Mary cho anh ấy một cơ hội khác. Tom pleaded with Mary to give him another chance. Tom begged Mary to give him another chance. Mình không thể làm với cái thứ vô nghĩa này. I can't be doing with this sort of nonsense. I can't do this nonsense. Tôi chuẩn bị đi mua vài chai rượu về để tối nay ăn cơm sẽ uống. I'm going to buy a few bottles of wine for dinner. I'm going to get some wine for dinner tonight. Tôi có lớp ngày mai. I have class tomorrow. I have my class tomorrow. Mỗi tháng cô ta gửi 10.000 yên vào ngân hàng. She deposits 10,000 yen in the bank every month. She's sending 10,000 to the bank every month. Tôi sống ở Sarajevo. I live in Sarajevo. I live in Sarajevo. Xa mặt cách lòng Out of sight, out of mind. In the face of the heart. Em không rảnh. I'm not free. I'm not free. Tôi đồng ý mua nó với giá 300 đôla. I agreed to buy it for three hundred dollars. I agreed to buy it for $300. Tôi nghĩ là tôi thấy cái gì đó. I think I see something. I think I saw something. Công lý rất đắt. Justice is expensive. Justice is expensive. Cái đó là của tôi. That is mine. That's mine. Em muốn bài tỏ với anh lòng biết ơn sâu sắc vì được là một người khách ở bữa tiệc của anh. I would like to express to you my deepest gratitude for having been a guest at your party. I want to give you deep appreciation for being a guest at your party. Không phải lỗi của tôi! It's not my fault! It's not my fault! Ở Saudia, phụ nữ không được lái xe. In Saudia, women do not drive cars. In Saudia, women don't drive. Tôi nợ bạn một lời xin lỗi. I really owe you an apology. I owe you an apology. Tôi có nghe một tiếng hét của phụ nữ. I heard a woman scream. I heard a woman's scream. Đang mưa. It is raining. It's raining. Mấy chiếc xe đó là xe của thầy cô chúng ta đó. Those are our teachers' cars. Those cars are our teacher's car. Tom và Mary đã cưới nhau được khoảng ba năm. Tom and Mary have been married for about three years. Tom and Mary were married for about three years. Họ đã thề sẽ tuân theo luật cuả Mexico. They had to promise to obey the laws of Mexico. They swore to obey the Mexican law. Tất cả chúng tôi đều thích họ. We're all like them. We all liked them. Tôi đã học ở Anh trong vòng sáu tháng khi tôi còn là một học sinh. I studied in England for six months when I was a student. I've been studying in England for six months when I was a student. Bạn vừa nói gì? What did you just say? What did you say? Chúng tôi hy vọng có thể thắng cuộc chơi. We hoped we'd be able to win the game. We hope we can win the game. Tôi không để cửa mở vì khu xung quanh nhà tôi có rất nhiều động vật. I don't leave the doors open, because there are animals in my neighborhood. I didn't leave the door open because the area around my house had lots of animals. Buổi sáng bạn rời khỏi nhà vào lúc mấy giờ? What time do you leave home in the morning? What time did you leave home in the morning? Tôi chắc chắn sẽ thành công. I am sure of success. I'm sure it will work. Lúc máy bay gặp gió xoáy, phi công yêu cầu hành khách thắt dây an toàn. As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts. When the plane met the wind, the pilot asked for a seat belt. Cô áy không dám trở lại đó nữa. She dared to never go back there. You can't go back there any more. Thôi hành động như là một đứa trẻ đi. Quit acting like a child. Stop acting like a child. Bạn hãy cho cuốn sách cho người nào muốn. Give the book to whomever wants it. Let's give the book to anyone who wants it. Ông ấy không phải ba tôi, ông ta là chú của tôi. He is not my father, he is my uncle. He's not my dad, he's my uncle. Tôi chưa từng đọc cuốn tiểu thuyết nào đáng sợ như vậy. I have never read such a scary novel. I've never read a novel like that. Tôm không chắc là anh ấy muốn tham gia. Tom isn't sure he wants to get involved. I'm not sure he wants to join. Đây là máy ghi âm của bạn? Is this your tape recorder? This is your recording? Tom chạy xe màu trắng. Tom drives a white car. Tom ran white cars. Anh ta vội rã rời đi. He went out in a hurry. He's quick to leave. Tôi thích chơi tennis. I like to play tennis. I like playing tennis. Cái bánh pizza này gớm quá đi! This pizza is disgusting! This pizza is disgusting! Tôi mệt rã rời. I am completely exhausted. I'm tired. Bạn ước điều gì vậy? What do you wish for? What do you wish? Cửa hàng này chỉ phục vụ học sinh sinh viên. This is a store that caters specially to students. This store only serves students. Cậu có nghĩ Tom thực sự thích việc đó không? Do you think Tom really enjoys doing that? Do you think Tom really likes that? Cha tôi sẽ đi du lịch nước ngoài vào năm sau. My father will travel abroad next year. My father would travel abroad next year. Tránh xa nơi đó. Keep away from that. Stay away from there. Tôi đã gọi Tom bạn thân của tôi. I called my good friend Tom. I called Tom my best friend. "Tin tôi đi," anh ấy nói. "Trust me," he said. " Believe me," he said. Đó là lý do tại sao bọn tao ở đây. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Tôi chẳng thể tìm nó ở đâu cả. I can't find it anywhere. I can't find him anywhere. Hút thuốc đe dọa sức khỏe của bạn. Smoking compromises your health. Drug your health threats. Bạn có thể giúp tôi. You could help me. You can help me. Đó là lý do tại sao chúng ta ở đây. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Bạn đã nghe bản tin chưa? You heard the news? Have you heard the news? Tôi sẽ uống trà. I would like to have a glass of tea. I'll have tea. Không phải ngẫu nhiên mà chiến tranh đã xảy ra. The war didn't break out by accident. It's not random that war has happened. Cuộc điều tra của chúng tôi vẫn tiếp tục. Our investigation is ongoing. Our investigation continues. Làm ơn nhìn mặt tôi khi nói chuyện! Look at me when I talk to you! Please look at my face when I talk! Tom không muốn nói cho Mary tin buồn. Tom didn't want to tell Mary the sad news. Tom doesn't want to tell Mary the sad news. Đừng phí thời gian nói chuyện với Fred. Anh ta sẽ không bao giờ đổi ý đâu. Don't waste your breath with Fred. He'll never change his mind. Don't waste time talking to Fred, he'll never change his mind. Tôi muốn lấy lại lời tuyên bố của tôi. I would like to retract my previous statement. I want my statement back. Bạn là người hùng của tôi. You're my heroine. You're my hero. Vì những tình huống đột ngột, buổi hội nghị tối nay sẽ bị hủy bỏ cho đến khi có thông báo tiếp theo. Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight's meeting has been cancelled until further notice. Because of sudden circumstances, tonight’s conference will be canceled until the next announcement is made. Điều này thật sự rất ấn tượng. This is really impressive. This is really impressive. Rất là khó để nói chuyện với một người luôn luôn trả lời "Có" hay "Không". It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". It's hard to talk to someone who's always answering yes or no. Không ai sẽ đến cứu bạn. No one is coming to save you. Nobody's coming to save you. hiện tại, anh ấy đang ở trong bệnh viện He is in the hospital at present. Now, he's in the hospital. Anh ta có thích Trung Quốc không? Does he like China? Does he like China? Chúng tôi nhận được rất nhiều tuyết ở đây vào mùa đông. We get a lot of snow here in the winter. We got a lot of snow here in winter. Cô ta từ chối mọi lời đề nghị. She turned down every proposal. She refuses every offer. Anh ấy yêu cầu tôi giữ bí mật. He asked me to keep the secret. He asked me to keep secrets. Tôi nghe nói anh ta đã rất giàu. I heard that he was very rich. I heard he was rich. Chúng tôi đã giành được thắng lợi. We reached our goal. We won the victory. Mẹ làm bánh mỳ kẹp phô mai cho bọn tôi ăn trưa. Mother made us cheese sandwiches for lunch. She made us a cheese sandwich for lunch. Chúng tao thuê một căn hộ. We rent the flat. We hired a apartment. Tôi không thấy có gì giống nhau hết. I don't see any resemblance. I don't see anything the same. Anh ấy rửa đôi tay bẩn của con bé trước khi ăn. He washed her dirty hands before the meal. He washed her dirty hands before eating. Rượu bị đánh thuế cao. Heavy taxes are laid on wine. The wine's been taxged. Bạn tốt nhất nên gói đồ lại đi vì bạn sẽ rời đi trong 10 phút nữa. You'd better get your stuff together now because we're leaving in ten minutes. You better pack up your clothes because you're leaving in 10 minutes. Một, hai, ba, bốn, năm, sáu, bảy, tám, chín, mười. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Làm sao để tìm được thức ăn khi đang ở ngoài không gian? How do you find food in outer space? How can we find food when we're outside space? Tôi cũng đến đây ba ngày trước. I came here three days ago, too. I came here three days ago. Tôi gap kho khan khi nhai I have difficulty chewing. I'm in the barn when I'm chewing. Nghe có vẻ như bạn đang mệt. It sounds like you're tired. Sounds like you're tired. Tom đoán là Mary sẽ tới muộn. Tom assumed that Mary would be late. Tom guess Mary's coming late. Âm nhạc là món quà của Chúa. Music is a gift from God. Music is God's gift. Anh chàng đó sống ở cách bưu điện ba căn nhà. He lives three doors from the post office. That guy lives three houses from the post office. Hiện giờ bạn có đau không? Are you in pain now? Do you feel now? Tom đã không may mắn. Tom was unlucky. Tom wasn't lucky. Từ "giả thuyết" rất hay bị lạm dụng. The word "theory" is often misused. It's a bad word. Không đâu bằng ở nhà mình. No place is like home. It's not like we're at home. Tôi thuận tay trái. I'm left handed. I'm left-handed. Việc đó nằm ngoài kế hoạch That wasn't part of the plan. That's beyond the plan. Tôi chạy rất nhiều như một phương pháp cho Olympics. I run a lot as a method for the Olympics. I ran a lot like a way for the Olympics. Cô ta dạy học ở trường địa phương chúng tôi. She teaches at our local school. She taught at our local school. Không có em, cuộc đời anh hoàn toàn trống rỗng. Without you, my life would have been totally empty. Without you, my life is completely empty. Tôi thích toán. I like math. I like math. Tom đã không thể nào hoàn thành nếu thiếu sự giúp đỡ của Mary. Tom couldn't have done it without Mary's help. Tom couldn't be completed without Mary's help. Không có gì cứng bằng kim cương. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. There's nothing hard with diamonds. Vui lòng đọc các con số trên đồng hồ đo điện. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the numbers on the electrical clock. Tớ ăn tối sớm hơn ấy. I had dinner earlier than you. I'm having dinner earlier. Anh ấy đã đi du lịch dưới một cái tên khác. He travelled under an assumed name. He traveled under another name. Cậu sai từ đầu rồi. You were wrong after all. You're wrong from the beginning. Bạn thật tốt khi giúp tôi làm bài tập về nhà. It is very nice of you to help me with my homework. You're so nice to help me take my homework home. Cơn đau đã dịu đi một chút. The pain has lessened a little. The pain was a little lower. Cái nhà mà bạn có thể thấy được mái tên là gì? What is the name of the building whose roof you can see? What's the name of the house that you can see? Tất cả hoặc không gì cả. All or nothing. All or nothing. Tom sẽ đi chụp MRI vào thứ hai. Tom will have an MRI on Monday. Tom's going to take an MRI on Monday. Em yêu, chúng ta cần đi đến siêu thị. Chúng ta hết sữa rồi. Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk. Honey, we need to go to the market, we're out of milk. Tôi thà điên còn hơn buồn. I prefer to be crazy than sad. I'd rather be crazy than sad. Không được học nhiều quá. You can't study too hard. Don't learn too much. Năm ngoái chúng tôi có nhiều mưa. We had much rain last year. We had rains last year. Đối với tôi, nó quan trọng. To me, it's important. For me, it's important. Chỉ vào người khác là bất lịch sự. It is rude to point at people. Only to other people is rude. Cám ơn cậu về bó hoa. Thanks for the flowers. Thank you for your flowers. Nó giỏi môn sinh vật học. He is good at biology. He's good at biology. Anh ta giải thích cặn kẽ lý do. He explained the reason at length. He explains exactly why. Tôi mơ đến bạn. I dreamt about you. I dream of you. Bạn có đôi chân rất sexy. You have very sexy legs. You have very sexy legs. Đây là áo của cha tôi. This is my father's shirt. This is my father's coat. Tiếng mẹ đẻ của tôi là món quà đẹp nhất mà tôi nhận được từ mẹ tôi. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. My mother was the most beautiful gift I received from my mother. Gặp tôi tại hành lang của khách sạn Hoàng Gia vào lúc 6:30 tối. Meet me at the lobby of the Imperial Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Meet me at the hall of the Royal Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Họ từ đâu đến? Where are they from? Where did they come from? Tom có biết Mary không? Does Tom know Mary? Did Tom know Mary? Chỉ có chị ấy mới có thể sử dụng máy vi tính. Only she can use the computer. Only she can use her computer. Anh ta đến trễ nửa tiếng, vì thế mọi người bực mình với anh ta. He arrived half an hour late, so everyone was angry with him. He's about half an hour late, so everyone's mad at him. Tom và tôi có nhiều điểm chung hơn là tôi nghĩ. Tom and I have a lot more in common than I thought. Tom and I have more in common than I thought. Tom lái xe không tốt. Tom isn't good at driving. Tom's driving wasn't good. Chúc bạn bình an và hạnh phúc nhân mùa giáng sinh. Wishing you peace and happiness at Christmas. Have peace and happiness in Christmas. Hôm bữa đi chơi chụp được bao nhiêu tấm hình vậy? How many pictures did you take on your trip? How many pictures did you go for a trip? Khóc: Nước mắt là nụ hồng của con tim. Cry: tears are the heart's petals. The tears are my heart's rose. Báo đốm là loài vật nhanh nhất. The cheetah is the fastest animal. The dots are the fastest species. Tom muốn nói chuyện với Mary. Tom wants to talk to Mary. Tom wants to talk to Mary. Đây là máy ghi âm dùng băng của bạn? Is this your tape recorder? Is this your tape camera? Catalonia không phải là Tây Ban Nha. Catalonia is not Spain. CP's not Spanish. Tom không biết liệu Mary có đi cắm trại với bọn tôi hay không. Tom doesn't know if Mary will go camping with us or not. Tom doesn't know if Mary's going to camp with us or not. Anh có thể nói với tôi. You can talk to me. You can tell me. Một chương trình như vậy sẽ giúp đỡ người giàu có hại tới người nghèo. Such a program will help the rich but harm the poor. Such a program will help the poor to harm the poor. Đây là bạn tôi tên Rachel, chúng tôi học trường trung học với nhau. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. This is my friend Rachel, we went to high school together. Tôi lo lắng cho tương lai của loài người. I fear for the future of mankind. I'm worried about the future of mankind. Hôm qua, cô ấy đã sinh ra một bé gái. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. Yesterday, she was born a little girl. Đã mười một giờ rồi. It is already eleven. It's been ten hours. Việc này sẽ tốn €30. This will cost €30. This is going to cost $30. Cô ấy đã chọn một cái mũ. She chose a hat. She chose a hat. Tom có cần giúp đỡ không? Did Tom need help? Does Tom need help? Tấm hình này có mới không? Is it a recent picture? Is this picture new? Tôi đang ở nhà. I am at home. I'm home. Ông ta ghét cà rốt. He hates carrots. He hates coffee. Chúng tôi gặp nhau năm ngoái và hy vọng sẽ gặp lại vào năm sau. We met last year and hope to meet again next year. We met last year and hoped to see you again next year. Chẳng vui chút nào. This is not fun. It's not funny. Tom là người duy nhất có thể gánh vác điều này. Tom is the only one who can handle this. Tom is the only one who can carry this. Tom ở trong nhà giam cả đêm. Tom spent the night in jail. Tom's been in jail all night. Có thể nói cách khác được không? Can it be phrased in another way? Can you say another way? Cô ấy không thể nhịn được cười. She couldn't hold back her laughter. She can't endure laughs. Cuối cùng tôi có thời gian để trả lời thư mà tôi đã nhận trong 3 tuần qua. Finally, I have time to reply to the mail that I have received these past three weeks. I finally had time to answer the letter I received for the past three weeks. Tôi thích thấy bạn cười I love to see you laugh. I like to see you laugh. Bạn có ý nào tốt hơn không? Can you think of a better idea than this one? Do you have any better idea? Trái táo này bị hư rồi. This apple is rotten. This apple is broken. Người Nhật có mắt đen. The Japanese have dark eyes. The Japanese have a black eye. Những điều anh ta đã nói về nước Anh là đúng. What he said about England is true. What he said about England was true. Ai đã đốt lửa? Who started the fire? Who burned the fire? Tom cực kỳ bối rối. Tom is very disturbed. Tom was extremely confused. Tôi không có thêm ý tưởng nào nữa. I don't have any more ideas. I don't have any more ideas. Những con rùa không có răng. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles don't have teeth. Tom sẽ tham gia câu lạc bộ của chúng ta. Tom is going to join our club. Tom will join our club. Dao này chẳng sắc gì cả. This knife is not at all sharp. This knife doesn't look good. Chúng tôi hết sức xin lỗi về chuyện đã xảy ra. We're sorry about it. We're very sorry about what happened. Tôi từng làm việc cho họ. It worked for them. I used to work for them. Tom ngồi xuống và chờ đợi. Tom sat down and waited. Tom sat down and waited. Làm ơn nghiêm túc đi. Please be serious. Please be serious. Đây là đồng hồ chống vô nước. This is a waterproof clock. This is the clock against the water. Hễ tôi kiếm được cái gì tôi thích thì nó lại đắt quá. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. As long as I get what I like, it's expensive. Mỗi người có khẩu vị riêng Each has his own taste. Everyone has a personal taste. Bức họa này bao nhiêu tuổi rồi? How old is that painting? How old is this painting? Tôi bị mất ví. I have lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Anh ước gì chúng ta có thể có nhiều thời gian bên nhau. I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we could have much time together. Chúng tôi vội vàng vì sợ trễ giờ đi học. We hurried for fear we should be late for school. We quickly became afraid of the time we went to school. Sếp à, không phải tôi đâu! It wasn't me, commissioner! Boss, it's not me! Anh sẽ nhớ em. I will miss you. I'll miss you. Mày đã hết đánh vợ mày chưa? Have you stopped beating your wife? Have you finished hitting your wife? "Xong chưa vậy?" "Tôi còn chưa bắt đầu nữa mà." "Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet." "Isn't it?" "I haven't even started yet." Tôi là người duy nhất thực sự hiểu Tom. I'm the only one who ever really understood Tom. I'm the only one who really understood Tom. Bác sĩ đã cấm tôi tham dự cuộc đua marathon. The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. The doctor ordered me to join the marathon race. Rốt cuộc, ai cũng phải tự học thôi. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. Finally, everyone has to learn. Ước gì thời gian có thể quay trở lại. I wish I could go back in time. I wish time could come back. Mùa đông là mùa tôi thích nhất. Winter is the season I like best. Winter is my favorite winter. Cái cổng bị đóng cả năm trời nay. The gate is closed all the year round. The gate's been closed for years. Quá dễ để tôi giải bài toán. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It's too easy for me to solve the math. Hãy cẩn thận khi bạn mua sắm, bởi vì một số người bán hàng sẽ cố lợi dụng bạn và đưa ra giá đắt. Be careful when you shop, because some sales people will try to take advantage of you and offer you an expensive price. Be careful when you shop, because some sellers try to use you and offer expensive prices. Em trai tôi rất là tự tin. Ít nhất chính nó nghĩ như vậy. My brother is very important. At least he thinks he is. My brother is very confident, at least he thinks so. Tôi biết điều gì đã xảy với Tom. I know what's happened to Tom. I know what happened to Tom. Tôi cũng muốn nhìn thấy đại dương. I would also like to see the ocean. I'd like to see the ocean too. Cảnh sát kêu gọi đám đông đừng hoảng hốt. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. The police called for the crowd, don't panic. Ngài tổng thống đã đề xuất một chương trình mới. The president proposed a new plan. The president offered a new program. Đừng để ý đến nó. Don't pay any attention to him. Don't worry about it. Chị có chắc là không muốn đi Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn tiết kiệm thời gian. We can save you some time. We can help you save your time. Lấy cho tôi cái kia. I'd buy that. Get me that one. Đây có thật sự là mỳ Ý không? Is this really spaghetti? Is this really Italian bread? Chúng tôi sẽ gặp cậu ta sau. We'll meet him later. We'll see him later. Đó không phải là điều tôi đang nghĩ tới. This isn't what I was thinking of. That's not what I'm thinking about. Lạnh. It's cold. Cold. Tom thức dậy sớm vào buổi sáng. Tom gets up early in the morning. Tom woke up early in the morning. Tôi phải treo cuốn lịch này ở đâu? Where should I hang the calendar? Where do I hang this calendar? Mẹ của đứa bé kia là một phát thanh viên. The mother of that child is an announcer. The mother of the baby is a radio. Tôi chải tóc 100 lần mỗi tối. I brush my hair 100 strokes every night. I brush my hair 100 times every night. Tom phải thấy rất tự hào. Tom must be so proud. Tom must be very proud. Tôi đã cảnh báo anh ta về nguy hiểm. I warned him of the danger. I warned him about danger. Bất kỳ ai cũng có thể phạm sai lầm. Anyone can make a mistake. Anyone can make a mistake. Tôi trả tiền trước. I'm paying in advance. I paid first. Tụi mày có quen nhau không? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Lực hấp dẫn giữ các hành tinh quanh mặt trời. Gravity binds the planets to the sun. The gravity of the planets around the sun. Nó yếu quá. She is too weak. It's too weak. Cái này chắc chắn sẽ làm cho bạn thèm ăn. This will surely add to you appetite. This will certainly make you hungry. Không còn gì khác để làm nữa. There was nothing else to do. There's nothing else to do. Tôi mong sao Tom đừng hát quá to lúc đêm khuya. I wish Tom wouldn't sing so loudly late at night. I hope Tom doesn't sing too loud at night. Anh ấy là một người rất may mắn. He's a very lucky man. He's a lucky man. Đọc nhiều sách như vậy sẽ có ngày rất hữu ích. Read such books as will be useful some day. Many such books will be useful. Tôi yêu cô ấy nhiều đến mức có thể chết vì cô ấy. I love her so much I could die. I loved her so much that I could die for her. Tôi là trợ lý của bạn. I'm your assistant. I'm your assistant. Đừng coi tôi như người "bình thường"! Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Don't treat me as normal! Tôi muốn Tom bị bắt. I want Tom arrested. I want Tom arrested. Đến trường đại học này bao xa? How far is it to this university? How far to this college? Ở yên đó. Just stay put. Stay there. Komiakov có thể chẳng bao giờ sử dụng tốt cánh tay của anh ấy. Komiakov may never have full use of his arm. Komiakov may never use his arm well. Hoa hồng này đẹp quá. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. Họ cũng có câu "Bạn có thể đứng đắn mà không cần com-lê" như một chìa khóa cho niềm tin của họ. They also have ‘You can be serious without a suit’ as one of their key beliefs. They have also said, "You can stand without communication" as a key to their faith. Tôi là Antonio. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Tôi không chịu được lâu. I can't stand it for long. I can't take it for long. Mày đã từng đi Okinawa chưa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Chúng tôi bị mắc kẹt vì cơn bão. We got caught in the storm. We're stuck in the storm. Tôi hy vọng là chuyến đi xe buýt không quá chán. I hope that the bus ride won't be boring. I hope the bus trip isn't too boring. Lâu rồi Tom không gặp lại Mary. Tom hasn't seen Mary in a while. Tom hasn't seen Mary for a long time. Tôi thích âm nhạc hơn là thể thao. I like music better than sports. I prefer music better than sports. Cô ấy giới thiệu tôi cho hắn ở buổi tiệc. She introduced me to him at the party. She introduced me to him at the party. Tom để ý thấy cánh cửa chỉ khép hờ. Tom noticed the door was half closed. Tom noticed that the door was closed. Tôi muốn nhận cậu trở thành thành viên của câu lạc bộ của chúng tôi. I'd like to enroll you as a member of our club. I want you to be part of our club. Bạn có muốn đi chơi với chúng tôi không? Do you want to hang with us? Do you want to hang out with us? Tôi nghĩ là chúng ta đã giải quyết vấn đề này rồi. I thought we had this settled. I think we've solved this problem. Trời mưa rất nhiều trong tháng này. We've had a lot of rain this month. It rains so much for this month. Tất cả những gì tôi biết là tôi chả biết gì cả. All I know is that I know nothing. All I know is I don't know. Không ai có thể làm bất cứ điều gì. No one can do anything. No one can do anything. Nhưng ở đây, không dễ dàng như vậy đâu. Except that here, it's not so simple. But here, it's not that easy. Bạn bắt đầu chuyện đó, phải không? You started that, didn't you? You started that, didn't you? Cậu ta bị mẹ bắt gặp đang thủ dâm. He was caught masturbating by his mother. He was arrested by my mother. Tom mua một tấm vé tới Boston. Tom bought a ticket to Boston. Tom bought a ticket to Boston. Đó là loại cá gì? What kind of fish is that? What kind of fish is that? Bạn phải biết rất rõ về chúng. You must know them pretty well. You have to know very well about them. Mỗi người đàn ông đều không thể hạnh phúc. Every man cannot be happy. Every man can't be happy. Tôi đã dùng thử Controls, nhưng hình như nó chật hơn Duex I've tried Controls, but they seem a little tighter to me than Durexes. I tried Controls, but it was more than Duex. Tớ còn phải bỏ tấm thảm đi. I still have to get rid of this carpet. I have to leave the carpet. Tom không biết làm sao để vui vẻ. Tom doesn't know how to have fun. Tom doesn't know how to have fun. Tốt hơn bạn nên mở rèm ra. You'd better open up the curtains. You better open the curtains. Tom chưa bao giờ cảm thấy tốt hơn. Tom has never been better. Tom never felt better. Cô ấy sẽ không thích việc này. She won't like this. She won't like it. Tôi mập quá. I'm so fat. I'm so fat. Mái dột mỗi khi trời mưa. The roof leaks every time it rains. It's stupid every time it rains. Làm ơn chở tôi tới khách sạn Hilton. The Hilton Hotel, please. Please take me to the Hilton Hotel. Để tôi hâm nóng chút đồ ăn cho bạn. Let me heat it up some leftovers for you. Let me heat up some food for you. Anh ta chơi được đàn piano. He can play the piano. He's playing piano. Bạn làm tôi nhớ đến mình hồi trẻ. You remind me of myself at a young age. You remind me of me when I was young. Đừng nói tiếng Nhật. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. Bạn sống ở đâu? Where do you live? Where do you live? Căn nhà có 3 tầng. The house has three floors. The house has three floors. Sau đó, tôi thức dậy. After that, I get up. Then I woke up. Tôi có chồng và hai đứa con. I am married and have two children. I have a husband and two children. Tôi nói là "Vì môi trường của Trái Đất", nhưng thực ra nó là "Vì những người đang sống trên Trái Đất". I'm saying "For the sake of Earth's environment," but actually it's "For the sake of the people living on Earth." I said, "For Earth's environment," but it's actually "because the people who live on Earth." Tôi bị bắt à? Am I under arrest? Am I under arrest? Cuộc tấn công ảnh hưởng đến kinh tế truyền thống The strike affected the nation's economy. The attack affects traditional economics Cảnh sát buộc tội anh ta ăn cướp. The police accused him of theft. The police accused him of stealing. "Không" là số đứng đằng trước "một". Zero is what comes before one. "No" is the number in front of "one." Tôi nghĩ tốt hơn là nên đi nhờ người sửa cái áo len của tôi. I think I had better have my sweater mended. I think it's better to ask someone to fix my coat. Tôi hay đi trượt tuyết vào mùa đông. I used to often go skiing in the winter. I used to ski in winter. Tom phải ở chỗ nào đó gần đây. Tom has got to be here somewhere. Tom's got to be somewhere nearby. Tôi đã có thể làm được. I could do it. I could have done it. Anh ta đẩy qua tôi. He pushed past me. He pushed me through. Những người nghe đã bắt đầu ngáp. The listeners had already begun to yawn. The audiences are beginning to turn their backs on. Mang những cuốn sách này trở lại giá sách. Carry these books back to the bookshelf. Bring these books back to the price of the book. Tôi cũng không đoán được. I would never have guessed that. I can't guess. Tom đã chỉ ra vài chỗ sai của tôi. Tom pointed out a few mistakes I had made. Tom pointed out some of my wrong places. Có lý tưởng là điều tốt... bạn nghĩ sao? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? I think there's a good idea... what do you think? Tại sao tôi nên không làm điều đó. Why should I not do that? Why shouldn't I do that? Tom hầu như không nhìn thấy gì. Tom can barely see. Tom almost didn't see anything. Câu lạc bộ của chúng tôi có số thành viên gấp ba lần của bạn. Our club has three times as many members as yours. Our club has three times as many of your members. Tôi chưa mặc áo khoác vào. I haven't put on the jacket yet. I haven't put on my jacket. Tối nay mặt trăng đẹp lạ thường. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. The beautiful moon tonight. Tôi có thể mượn điện thoại của anh không? Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your phone? Ai đã phát hiện ra ra-di-um? Who discovered radium? Who found out-di-um? Lược của tôi đâu rồi? Where is my comb? Where's my gods? Cái bàn này nặng quá. This table is heavy. This table is heavy. Hình như nó đang vui. It seems that he's happy. Looks like he's having fun. Tôi đã nghĩ là bạn muốn tôi đưa cái đó cho bạn. I thought you wanted me to handle it. I thought you wanted me to give that to you. Chính xác là cái máy này làm được việc gì? What does this machine do exactly? What exactly does this machine do? Anh ta làm việc cực khổ để gia đình của anh ta có thể sống thoải mái. He worked hard in order that his family might live in comfort. He worked hard so that his family could live comfortable. Đừng sợ! Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! Xin làm ơn chú ý. May I direct your attention to this? Pay attention, please. Tôi đợi mãi, cuối cùng, John đã tới. I waited forever, and finally, John came. I waited forever, finally, John came. Ông hãy lên xe buýt số 5. You should take the number 5 bus. Let's get on the bus five. Xin hãy giải thích lý do vì sao cô ta đã bị bắt giữ. Please explain the reason why she was arrested. Please explain why she was arrested. Tom là một giáo viên trung học. Tom is a middle school teacher. Tom's a high school teacher. Hãy cẩn thận! Careful! Be careful! Cô ấy không muốn nói về chuyện đấy. She doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to talk about it. Tìm thấy một người chủ thích hợp, cốc rượu mạnh Cuba Libre hát một bản ballad tuyệt vời tại quầy karaoke. Having found a suitable human host, an ambitious Cuba Libre sang a beautiful ballad at the karaoke bar. Found a suitable owner, the Cuba Libre sang a great ball ball at the Karaoke bar. Anh ấy ở nước ngoài đã sáu năm nay. He's been abroad for six years now. He's been outside for six years. Tao đếch quan tâm tới nó. I don't give a shit about it. I don't give a shit about it. Bạn có thể nhắc lại không? Can you repeat? Can you repeat? Bạn nên thử nó. You should try it. You should try it. Chúng ta chả có gì để mà thảo luận cả. We have nothing to discuss. We have nothing to talk about. "Nói thật là tôi rất là sợ độ cao." "Bạn nhát quá!" "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "To be honest, I'm very afraid of height." "You're too shy!" Anh ta sống một mình. He is alone. He lives alone. Bạn có thể nhắc lại không? Can you say that again? Can you repeat? Tôi sẽ chú ý. Tôi hứa I'll pay attention. I promise. I'll pay attention, I promise. Cuối cùng thì máy bay cũng cất cánh sau vài lần hoãn. After several delays, the plane finally left. Finally, the plane took off after a few delays. Quá dễ để tao giải bài toán. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It's too easy for me to solve the math. Tớ sẽ tới thư viện học bài vào ngày mai. This time tomorrow I'll be studying in the library. I'll go to the study library tomorrow. Làm sao để tìm thức ăn ngoài vũ trụ? How do you find food in outer space? How do we find the food outside the universe? Nếu có chuyện gì, xin anh gọi điện cho tôi. If you have anything to say, please give me a call. If there's something wrong, please call me. Tôi đã từng giàu sụ, đấy là cho đến khi tôi gặp cô ta. I was very rich until I met her. I used to be rich, that's until I met her. Em không thể đi nhà hàng với anh tối nay. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go with you tonight. Bạn không nên đánh giá một người bằng vẻ bề ngoài của anh ta. You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance. You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance. Một tôn giáo lấy nỗi sợ hãi làm động lực thì không phải là một tôn giáo tốt. A religion that uses fear as a motivator is not a good religion. A religion with fear is not a good religion. Bạn nên đi ngủ đi. You should sleep. You should go to bed. Tom nổi những đốm đỏ khắp người. Tom has red spots all over his body. Tom's got red spots all over him. Ai đã cố giết cô ta? Who tried to kill her? Who tried to kill her? Băng qua đường ở đây rất nguy hiểm. It is dangerous to cross the street here. It's dangerous to cross the street here. Tôi thấy những từ mà giải thích ngắn gọn thì luôn dễ nhớ nhất. I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember. I see the words that explain brief are always the easiest to remember. Anh ta học toán dở tệ. He is terrible at math. He's bad math. Nếu ngày mai trời mưa, buổi hành quyết sẽ bị hủy. If it should rain tomorrow, the excursion will be canceled. If it rains tomorrow, the execution will be destroyed. Cả hai đều rất dễ thương. Both of them are very cute. They're both cute. Tôi duyệt lại ngân sách và quyết định cắt giảm các chi phí. I reviewed the budget, and decided to cut costs. I went back to my budget and decided to cut down the costs. Nhóm máu của bạn là nhóm nào? What is your blood type? What group of blood groups is yours? Việc in ấn ra đời khi nào? When was printing invented? When did the printing come out? Tôi không đủ khả năng làm việc đó. I couldn't afford to do that. I'm not capable of doing that. Tom đã đưa cái gì đó cho Mary. Tom gave something to Mary. Tom gave Mary something. Xin lỗi, chỗ này tên là gì? Excuse me, what is the name of this place? Excuse me, what's the name of this place? Mặc dù chị ấy mệt, chị ấy vẫn tiếp tục làm việc. Though she was tired, she kept on working. Although she's tired, she keeps working. Cơn mưa không ngớt, và kéo dài suốt ngày. The rain didn't stop, and went on for the entire day. The rain doesn't rain, and it lasts all day long. Anh ấy đang đọc một quyển sách. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Còn chúng tôi làm gì? And what are we going to do? What do we do? Ai cũng muốn tin rằng mọi giấc mơ đều có thể trở thành hiện thực. Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true. Everyone wants to believe that every dream can come true. Mày chỉ là một thằng hèn. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. Đi dọc theo con sông và bạn sẽ tìm được ngôi trường. Walk along the river and you will find the school. Walk along the river and you'll find the school. Tôi có thể làm gì với phần rau thừa? What can I do with the leftover vegetables? What can I do with the vegetables? Tôi cần vào nhà vệ sinh để giải tỏa. I need to go to the washroom to take a piss. I need to go to the bathroom to release. Bạn chạy. You run. You run. Mary là một con mọt sách. Mary is a bookworm. Mary's a bookhole. Giăng đuổi theo Mari. John chased Mary. John followed Mari. Cô ấy sinh bé gái hồi hôm qua. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She was born a little girl yesterday. Bạn có biết buộc dây giày không? Do you know how to tie your shoes? Do you know how to tie shoes? Anh tôi thích lướt ván buồm hơn. My brother prefers windsurfing. My brother likes to swim the sails. Tom ổn chứ? Is Tom alright? Is Tom okay? Tôi hứa là sẽ không tái phạm nữa. I promise I'll never do that again. I promise I won't do it again. Làm sao tôi có thể thêm câu này vào? How can I add these sentences? How can I add this? Cái gì đó rất kinh khủng sẽ xảy ra. Something terrible is going to happen. Something terrible will happen. Ai bảo cậu liên lạc với tôi? Who told you to contact me? Who told you to contact me? Thôi nào! Nói chuyện với mình đi Trang. Come on! Talk to me, Trang. Come on, talk to me. Ngành khoa học máy tính đã tạo được sự tiến bô nhanh chóng ở đất nước chúng tôi. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. The computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Bây giờ anh muốn cái gì? What do you want now? What do you want now? Cậu còn điều gì muốn nói nữa không? Do you have anything else to say to me? Do you have anything else to say? Chúng ta chưa chuẩn bị cho những chuyện như thế này. We didn't plan for something like this. We're not prepared for things like this. Chỗ của tôi ở đây. My place is here. My place is here. Bạn có thực sự nghĩ là Tom sẽ tin tôi? Do you really think Tom is going to believe me? Do you really think Tom would believe me? Burj Khalifa hiện đang là tòa nhà chọc trời cao nhất thế giới. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalif is now the highest sky building in the world. Tất cả học sinh/sinh viên đã tham dự buổi tiệc. All the students attended the party. All students/ students were at the party. Tom là sinh viên mới. Tom is a new student. Tom's a new student. Chiến tranh không xảy ra do ngẫu nhiên. The war didn't break out by accident. War didn't happen on random. Tom thực sự là một người bạn tốt. Tom is a real good friend. Tom's a really good friend. Chúng ta sẽ làm điều này để giúp đỡ họ. We're doing this to help them. We will do this to help them. Nếu trời mưa, chuyến đi sẽ bị hủy. If it rains, the excursion will be called off. If it rains, the trip will be destroyed. Cả thế thới đều biết. The whole world knows that. The whole world knows. Một tuần sau, nước Đức đã tấn công nước Ba Lan. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. Ông ấy đang ngồi và đang đọc sách. He was sitting and reading a book. He's sitting and reading books. Những thông dịch viên không dịch lần lượt. Interpreters do not translate turn by turn. The translators don't translate. Brazil là quốc gia lớn nhất ở Nam Mỹ. Brazil is the biggest country in South America. Brazil is the largest country in South America. Công ty đó sản xuất đồ chơi. That factory manufactures toys. That company makes toys. Đây là quyển sách về những ngôi sao. This is a book about stars. This is the book of stars. Tôi ở đây từ đó đến giờ. I was here all the time. I've been here since then. Hãy dừng việc này lại. Let's stop doing this. Stop this. Bạn có muốn cái này hay không? Do you want this or not? Do you want this? Tôi dành hầu hết thời gian ở Boston. I spend most of my time in Boston. I spent most of my time in Boston. Tôi đã tìm kiếm chùm chìa khoá của tôi cả ngày nay. I've been looking for my keys all day. I've been looking for my keys all day. Đức vua trị vì vương quốc. The king governed the country. The king rules over the kingdom. Kìa mấy cái quần trắng của mình! Vẫn còn mới! Oh, my white pants! And they were new. Here's my white pants, it's still new! Bạn nghĩ tôi đang làm gì? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I'm doing? Tôi không hiểu sao Tom lại ở đây. I don't understand why Tom is here. I don't understand why Tom's here. Anh ta sống trong nhung lụa. He lives in comfort. He lives in silk. Tom sống ở một ngôi nhà trên cây. Tom lives in a treehouse. Tom lives in a house on a tree. Không, bạn không được dùng ô tô của tôi! No, you cannot use my car! No, you can't use my car! Theo mình nhớ thì nhà của Tom hơi xa đường cái. As I recall, Tom's house is a little farther in from the main road. I remember Tom's house was a little far from the road. Đi với tôi. Come with me. Come with me. Người Anh là dân tộc lịch sự. The English are polite. English people are polite people. Bạn giận tôi là đúng. You have every right to be mad at me. You're angry with me. Tôi muốn mược xe của bạn trong vòng một giờ. I want to borrow your car for an hour. I want your car in an hour. Nó có một máy ghi hình. He has a camera. It's got a camera. Bạn đang trồng giống cam gì ở đây? What kind of oranges do you plant here? What kind of orange are you developing here? Hôm qua là thứ Ba. Yesterday was Tuesday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Có phải cô ấy đang hẹn hò với ai đó? Is she dating someone? Is she dating someone? Có thể anh ấy đang đi dạo quanh công viên. He may be jogging around the park. Maybe he's walking around the park. Cả Tom và tôi đều đói rã rời rồi! Both Tom and I are exhausted. Both Tom and I are hungry! Tại sao chính phủ Mỹ cho phép mọi người sở hữu súng? Why does the US government let people have guns? Why does the U.S. government allow people to own guns? Ở đây bạn có hạnh phúc? Are you happy here? Are you happy here? Tom nói rằng nó chưa bao giờ nói dối Mary. Tom says that he's never lied to Mary. Tom said it never lied to Mary. Tôi nên ở nhà với vợ. I should be home with my wife. I should stay with my wife. Một người với mắt kém không thể nhìn được xa. A person with weak eyes can't see far. A man with less eyes can't see far. Tôi không có phản hồi nào từ bất kỳ ai. I got no response from anyone. I don't have any feedback from anyone. Tôi muốn chuyển đến châu Nam cực I want to move to Antarctica. I want to move to South Pole. Xin điền vào mẫu đơn này. Please fill in this application form. Please fill in this form. Nếu bạn lái xe vào ban đêm, bạn nên đề phòng những tài xế say rượu. If you drive at night, you should watch out for drunk drivers. If you drive at night, you should guard your drinking drivers. Sẽ vui đây. This will be fun. It'll be fun. Sẽ có một ngày tôi sẽ chạy nhanh như gió. Someday I'll run like the wind. One day I'll run as fast as the wind. Đây không phải cốc trà của tôi. Nó là cốc của Tôm. This is not my cup of tea. It's Tom's cup. This is not my cup of tea. Cậu nên gọi cho họ You should've called them. You should call them. Tom nghĩ nó bất tử. Tom thinks he's invincible. Tom thinks it's immortal. Quyển sách này đọc thật thú vị. This book makes pleasant reading. It's interesting to read it. Camera mà cậu mua tốt hơn cái của tôi. The camera you bought is better than mine. The camera you bought better than mine. Tôi sẽ nhờ anh ta sửa cái đồng hồ này. I will have him repair this watch. I'll ask him to fix this watch. Chúng ta đã thua 3 trận cho đến thời điểm hiện tại. So far, we've lost three games. We've lost three wars until now. Cô biết, cô chả là gì với tôi cả, Mary ạ! You know, you are nothing to me now, Mary! You know, you're nothing to me, Mary! Anh ấy có phải người tốt không? Is he a good person? Is he a good guy? Bạn làm gì khi rảnh rỗi? What do you do in your free time? What do you do when you're free? Tiếng Việt không phải là một ngôn ngữ khó học. Vietnamese is not a hard language to learn. Vietnamese is not a hard language. Tôi sẽ không làm bất cứ việc gì với bất cứ ai. I didn't do anything with anyone. I won't do anything to anyone. Bạn đã nói với tôi à? Were you talking to me? Did you tell me? Tôi thường thức dậy lúc 08:00. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I often wake up at 08:00. Tôi buộc anh ấy mở cửa. I made him open the door. I forced him to open the door. Chúng ta trông thật tuyệt khi đi cùng nhau. We look great together. We look great to go together. Tại sao những cái này không hoạt động? Why aren't these working? Why don't these things work? Tôi bị mất thăng bằng và ngã xuống thang. I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. Anh ta trả lời ngắn gọn. He answered briefly. He's a short answer. Bạn đang nói cái gì vậy? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? "Bạn đã kết hôn rồi cơ mà!?" "Ồ, chúng tôi chia tay nhau. Lời cam kết bị tan vỡ" "Didn't you get married!?" "Oh, we split up. We broke our engagement." "Are you married?" "Oh, we broke up. Tôi có thể đợi Tom ở đây được không? Can I wait for Tom here? Can I wait for Tom here? Tôi rất buồn khi nghe nói mẹ bạn bị ốm. I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother. I'm sad to hear your mother's sick. Hiệp ước giờ đã không còn hiệu lực. The treaty is now a dead letter. The covenant has no effect now. Chúng ta hết bơ rồi. We're out of butter. We're out of butter. Thử cái khác xem sao. Let's try a different one. Try something else. Tôi không đợi được tới lúc nghỉ hè. I can't wait to go on a vacation. I can't wait till summer break. Anh ta đang làm bánh quy. He is making cookies. He's making cookies. Và anh ta tự xưng mình là thủy thủ. And he calls himself a sailor. And he claimed to be a sailor. Để Tom thử đi. We'll let Tom try. Let Tom try it. Tôi thích nước Đức. I like Germany. I like Germany. Tom là người duy nhất có thể xử lí điều này. Tom is the only one who can handle this. Tom is the only one who can handle this. Tôi ủng hộ đội Pháp ở World Cup. I'm supporting France in the World Cup. I support the French team in World Cup. Quân đội của Na-pô-lê-ông đã tiến đến tận Mát-xcơ-va. Napoleon's army advanced up to Moscow. The army of Nazareth came to Moscow. Không sao, tối nay chúng ta có thể góp trả. That's OK, we can go Dutch tonight. It's okay, we can pay for tonight. Em/Anh có muốn nói hết sự thực cho anh/em không? Are you going to tell me the truth? Do you want to tell me the truth for you? Có phụ nữ đẹp ở đây không? Are there beautiful women here? Is there a beautiful woman here? Đàn ông ai cũng ngu. Men are idiots. Men are stupid. Họ chào đón chúng tôi một cách nồng nhiệt. They gave us a warm greeting. They welcome us warmly. Chúng tôi đã thực hiện hầu hết các cơ hội. We made the most of the opportunity. We've done most of the chances. Nó vừa lòng chưa? Is he satisfied? Is he pleased? Như chúng ta biết, ngôn ngữ là phát minh của nhân loại. Language as we know is a human invention. As we know, language is human invention. Tao đang đợi bạn của tao. I'm waiting for my friend. I'm waiting for my friend. Tôi sẽ đi lấy cho chúng ta một ít trà. I'm going to get us some tea. I'll go get us some tea. Con chó của cậu đâu rồi? Where's your dog? Where's your dog? Tôi có thể mua tơ lụa ở đâu? Where can I buy silk? Where can I buy silk? Tôi rất muốn tìm hiểu lý do tại sao cô ấy nói vậy I'd love to find out why she said so. I'd love to find out why she said that. Không có không khí chúng ta sẽ chết. Without air we would die. Without air we'll die. Tôi sẽ nhờ anh ấy giúp. I'll ask him to help me. I'll ask him for help. Trời ơi! Tôi để quên bóp ở phòng rồi! My God! I left the wallet in my room! Oh, my God, I forgot my wallet in my room! Có thật là anh muốn tôi đưa máy tính của anh cho Tom không vậy? Do you really want me to give your computer to Tom? Do you really want me to give Tom your computer? Mặc dù anh ta còn trẻ, anh ta vẫn có đủ khà năng để làm nhiệm vụ. Though he is young, he is equal to the task. Although he's young, he's got enough energy to do his job. Nhiều người đã nghỉ hưu chuyển đến vùng Sunbelt để có thể thưởng thức các môn thể thao như gôn hay quần vợt ở vùng khí hậu ôn hòa hơn. Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate. Many retired to the Sunbelt region so that they could enjoy sports such as golf or couples in a more peaceful climate. Bọn mình cần thợ điện để làm việc này. We need an electrical engineer for this job. We need a powersmith to do this. Mắt tớ đau. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Chắc chắn tôi muốn giúp anh ấy. I'd sure like to help him. I'm sure I want to help him. Chiếc váy cô ấy mặc khá chật. Her skirt fits closely. Her dress is quite tight. Số phận chúng mình đan vào nhau. Our fates are interwoven. Our fate is tied together. Nó đã mua cho cô ấy một món quà nhỏ. He brought her a small gift. He bought her a little present. Chuông báo cháy vang lên. The fire alarm rang. It's a fire alarm. Anh ta quyết định bỏ thuốc. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit. Nỗi lo lắng của ông ấy như thế nên ông ấy hầu như không thể nào ngủ được. His anxiety was such that he could hardly sleep. That was his concern, so he almost couldn't sleep. Chào bạn. Hello! Hey, buddy. Một trong mười người chết là nữ. Ten people died, among them, a woman. One of the ten died was a woman. Chúng ta hãy đi ra biển đi. Tôi được nghỉ làm trong 6 ngày tới. Let's go to the beach. I got time off from work for the next 6 days. Let's go to sea, I'm off for the next six days. Tôi sẽ dùng thứ mà bạn ghét để chống lại bạn. I am going to use what you hate against you. I'll use what you hate to fight you. Bạn tôi đã đến thư viện để học. My friend came to the library to study. My friend went to the library to learn. Chỉ có một cái ghế còn lại. There's just one chair left. There's only one other chair. Đây là những áo quần mà Mary đã tự làm. These are clothes that Mary made by herself. These are the clothes Mary did by herself. Con đi bơi được không mẹ? Can I go swimming, Mother? Can you go swimming, Mom? Cô ấy thích thơ và nhạc. She liked poetry and music. She likes poetry and music. Đi thuyền có thoải mái không? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is the boat comfortable? Tôi hi vọng bạn tiếp tục luyện tập Tiếng Việt. I hope you keep practicing Vietnamese. I hope you continue to practice Vietnamese. Cô ấy thực sự không dễ thương cho lắm. She's not even really pretty. She's not really cute. Bạn là đối thủ xứng tầm. You're a worthy opponent. You're a worthy opponent. Tôi xây những ngôi nhà bằng đá. I build houses out of stone. I built houses of stone. Chúng tôi nhìn thấy một cây phong lan tuyệt đẹp với những chiếc lá rụng hàng năm. We saw a beautiful orchid with deciduous leaves. We've seen a beautiful spread tree with leaves that fall for years. Bà ấy yếu quá. She is too weak. She's so weak. Tôi sẽ không bao giờ mua quần áo dùng rồi. I will never buy clothes secondhand. I'll never buy my clothes. Tôi nghĩ rằng đáng lẽ tôi nên nhờ giúp đỡ mới phải. I think I should've asked for help. I think I should have asked for help. Nhà của bạn có xa công ty (của bạn) không? Is your house far from your company? Is your home far from your company? Tôi ghét thời tiết này I'm hating this weather! I hate this weather. Tất cả bọn họ đều bơi rất nhanh. All of them swim very fast. They all swim fast. Tom không thể dùng điện thoại di động ở đây vì anh ấy phải trả cước phí dịch vụ chuyển vùng quốc tế rất đắt đỏ. Tom can't use his cell phone here because he has very expensive roaming charges. Tom couldn't use his cell phone here because he had to pay for international transporting very expensive. Làm ơn mang nó đi giúp tôi. Take it away, please. Please, bring it to me. Hầu hết các nhà văn đều dễ bị tổn thương bởi các lời chỉ trích. Most writers are sensitive to criticism. Most writers were vulnerable to criticism. Anh ấy hôm nay vui vẻ phấn chấn. He is in high spirits today. He's happy today. Phòng trưng bày của chúng tôi gây tiếng vang bởi các quý cô trẻ. Our showroom made a hit with young ladies. Our show room is loud by young ladies. Ai nói tiếng của bạn tốt hơn, đàn ông hay phụ nữ? Who speaks your language better, men or women? Who says your voice better, man or woman? Tôi cần đi đái. I need to pee. I need to pee. Anh ta ngồi xuống ghế bành để nghe nhạc. He settled down in his armchair to listen to the music. He sat down to listen to music. Tôi cho Tom mượn một cái đèn pin. I lent Tom a flashlight. I lend Tom a battery light. Có sương muối ở trên cỏ. There is frost on the grass. There's fog on the grass. Tôi có hai bông hoa. I have two flowers. I have two flowers. tại sao không chịu nói điều đó với tôi trước ? Why didn't you tell it to me in advance? Why don't you tell me that first? Tôi có hai người bạn làm việc cho NASA. I have a friend who works for NASA. I have two friends working for NASA. Khu vực này đã thay đổi hoàn toàn. This area has changed completely. This area has changed completely. Tom tới Paris để học tiếng Pháp. Tom went to Paris to study French. Tom went to Paris to learn French. Khi cô ta chuẩn bị đi ngủ thì có người gõ cửa. She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door. When she's ready to go to bed, someone knocks on the door. Con sông này chảy từ đâu? Where is the source of this river? Where is this river coming from? Bạn nghĩ điều gì đã gây ra mâu thuẫn trong hoạt động thương mại giữa Nhật Bản và Hoa Kỳ? What do you think has caused the present trade friction between Japan and the U.S.? What do you think caused conflict in business between Japan and the United States? Bây giờ là mấy giờ rồi? What's the time now? What time is it now? Bạn có lá thư của tôi từ khi nào? When did you get my letter? When did you get my letter? Có lẽ Tom chưa chết. Tom may not be dead. Tom's probably not dead. Ở công ty sao rồi, ổn không? Is everything OK at the office? How are we doing at the company, okay? Anh ta là vua của bóng đêm. He is the king of the night. He's the king of the dark. Hãy cẩn thận nếu không cô ta sẽ đâm sau lưng cậu. Be careful or she'll stab you in the back. Be careful or she'll stab you in the back. Vị vua đã lạm dụng quyền hành. The king abused his power. The king abused his power. Cha đi đến Detroit để làm việc hằng năm. Father went to Detroit to work every year. I went to Detroit to work every year. Ờ, xin lỗi nghe. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. Tôi không phải là tê giác, tôi không phải hổ, nhưng có gì đó thôi thúc tôi đến với thiên nhiên khô cằn này. I am not a rhinoceros, I am not a tiger, but I am led into this barren wild... I'm not a rhino, I'm not ashamed, but there's something that motivates me to come to this wild natural. Cám ơn chỉ dạy. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for teaching me. Nó đã ăn hết tất cả táo. He ate all of the apple. He ate all the apples. Tôi ở gần biển cho nên có nhiều cơ hội đi ra biển chơi. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I'm near the ocean, so there's a lot of opportunities to go out to the beach. Bạn muốn thêm bao nhiêu nữa? What more would you want? How much more would you like? Sẽ có một buổi tiệc khi hết giờ làm việc. There's a party after work. There'll be a party when you're out of work. Tôi thích xem phản ứng của mọi người không tôi nói tôi là ai. I love to watch people's reactions when I say who I am. I like to see your reaction or I'm telling you who I am. Tôi ước giá mà mình mua một cái váy trắng. I wish I'd bought a white dress! I wish I bought a white dress. Cuộc họp đã bắt đầu lúc 5 giờ chiều. The meeting began at five in the afternoon. The meeting started at 5 p.m. Tôi là người Mỹ, nhưng tôi có thể nói được một ít tiếng Nhật. I'm American, but I can speak Japanese a little. I'm American, but I can speak a little Japanese. Bạn là một chàng trai thông minh. You're a smart boy. You're a smart guy. Tôi yêu căn nhà đó. I loved that house. I love that house. Nếu tôi biết tên và địa chỉ của cô ấy, tôi sẽ viết thư cho cô ấy. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If I know her name and address, I'll write her a letter. Bạn có thể vui lòng giảm nhiệt độ xuống không? Could you please turn down the heat? Can you please reduce temperatures? Anh được sinh ra là để yêu em. I was born to love you. I was born to love you. Tôi có một vấn đề nhỏ. I've got a little problem. I have a little problem. Cô ấy đã từng sống với anh ấy. She used to live with him. She lived with him. Chúng tôi không thể giúp họ được nữa. We can't help them anymore. We can't help them anymore. Nhưng bạn chưa nói tôi về chuyện này mà! But you've never told me about this! But you haven't told me about this yet! Tấm hình đẹp theo cách riêng của nó. The picture is good in its way. It's a beautiful picture in its own way. Valencia nỗi tiếng về những công trình kiến trúc khác thường của nó. Valencia is famous for its unusual architecture. Valentcia's reputation for its unusual architecture. Bạn đã tìm được cô ấy chưa? Were you able to find her? Have you found her? Họ đang ăn bánh mì xăng-uých. They're eating sandwiches. They're eating gas bread. Helen xuống ở trạm tiếp theo. Helen got off at the next stop. Helen came down at the next station. Hãy làm những gì tốt đẹp cho những kẻ ghét các ngươi. Do good to those who hate you. Do what is good for those who hate you. Đêm nay tôi rảnh rỗi. I'll be free tonight. I'm free tonight. Cậu ta xuống ở nhà ga tiếp theo. He got off at the next station. He came down at the next station. Ra bãi biển đi lối nào? Which way is the beach? Which way to the beach? Cứ mãi giúp cô ta, rồi một ngày nào đó, anh sẽ thất vọng về cô ta. Help her till the cows come home: some day, you will be disappointed in her. Just help her, and then someday, you'll be disappointed in her. Cô ta luôn đứng về bên yếu. She always sides with the weak. She's always on her side. Đàn ông phải làm việc giặt ủi chứ không phải đàn bà. The man does the laundry, not the woman. Men have to do laundry, not women. Trong trường hợp khả quan nhất, chúng ta chỉ có thể hy vọng lợi nhuận nhỏ. At best we can only hope for a small profit. In the most important case, we can only expect small profit. Tự do không đồng nghĩa với được tự do. Freedom is not free. Freedom doesn't mean freedom. Bây giờ chị muốn cái gì? What do you want now? What do you want now? Tôi đã quá già cho thế giới này. I am too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. Thuế cao được áp cho mặt hàng rượu. Heavy taxes are laid on wine. High blood pressure for alcohol. David cho rằng anh ta rất quan trọng. Anh ta đã luôn coi thường những người khác trong văn phòng của anh ta. David thinks he's so important. He always looks down on the other people in his office. David thinks he's very important, he's always treated others in his office. Không có gì ngoài nước khi nhìn hết tầm mắt. There was nothing but water as far as the eye could reach. There's nothing outside the country when you look at all your eyes. Các bạn có quen nhau không? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Tao sẽ mua một chiếc đồng hồ cho con của tao. I'll buy a watch for my son. I'll buy a watch for my baby. Ông tên là gì? What is your name? What's your name? Xin chúc mừng! Congratulations! Congratulations! Muốn chiên với cái gì? Want fries with that? Want sheep with what? Con mèo đen chạy nhanh thế. The black cat is running fast. The black cat ran so fast. Sau bữa trưa, tôi cảm thấy buồn ngủ. After having a lunch I feel like to sleep. After lunch, I felt sad. Hãy đến gần hơn và xem kỹ bức tranh này. Come closer and have a good look at this picture. Come closer and take a closer look at this picture. Thư viện có một kho lưu trữ giá trị những tài liệu cũ. The library has a valuable bank of old documents. The library has a storage store worth the old documents. Tôi yêu cô ấy mặc dù cô ấy có nhiều lỗi lầm. I cannot help loving her in spite of her many faults. I love her even though she has a lot of mistakes. Vẽ một đường từ A đến B. Draw a line from A to B. Draw a path from A to B. Bác sĩ nói rằng bà ngoại vẫn còn bệnh nặng, nhưng bà đã thoát cơn nguy kịch rồi. The doctor said that grandmother is still very sick, but she's out of the woods. The doctor said that she was still sick, but she escaped the tragedy. Trận lụt là thảm họa tồi tệ nhất mà họ từng trải qua. The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had. The flood is the worst disaster they've ever experienced. Những ngôi sao có thể nhìn thấy vào buổi tối. Stars can be seen at night. The stars can see at night. Bạn làm những cái này cho ai vậy? Who did you make these for? Who are you doing these for? Tôi đang làm việc với trường hợp khác. I'm working on another case. I'm working with another case. Chúng tôi muốn học những bài hát tiếng Nhật. We want to learn Japanese songs. We want to learn Japanese songs. Bé nhà tôi muốn nói chuyện. My baby wants to talk. My little girl wants to talk. Đây là ngôn ngữ khó học. This is a hard language to learn. This is a hard language. Bạn chỉ toàn than phiền. All you do is complain. You're just complaining. Mỗi buổi tối, tôi chải tóc của tôi 100 lần. I brush my hair 100 strokes every night. Every night, I brushed my hair 100 times. Tôi phải viết một lá thư. Bạn có tờ giấy nào không? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a letter. Do you have any papers? Đèn giao thông hoạt động cả ngày. Traffic lights work all the time. traffic lights work all day. Tôi đã xây một căn nhà với tầm nhìn hườn ra núi. I built a new house in view of the mountain. I built a house with a view to the mountains. Tôi từng tận mắt thấy nó. I've seen it myself. I've seen it all the time. Tôi tra số điện thoại của anh ta trong cuốn danh bạ điện thoại. I looked up his phone number in the telephone book. I checked his phone number on his phone book. Cô ấy qua đời vào chiều ngày hôm qua. She died yesterday afternoon. She died yesterday afternoon. Trời đã mưa. It rained. It rained. Lá thư được viết bởi Tom. The letter was written by Tom. The letter was written by Tom. Từ khi Janet chết, chồng của cô ấy thực sự trở nên chán nản. Since Janet died, her husband has really gone off the deep end. Since Janet died, her husband really became depressed. Đây là lần thứ hai tôi bay. This is the second time I've flown. This is my second flight. Hãy bắt đầu ở dòng kế cuối. Let's start at the second-to-last line. Let's start at the end of the line. Theo ý tôi, đá banh là môn thể thao tuyệt vời. In my opinion, soccer is a great sport. In my opinion, football is a great sport. Hy vọng bạn không quên bất cứ thứ gì. I hope you don't miss anything. I hope you don't forget anything. Mary không thực sự bị ốm; cô ấy chỉ đang giả vờ. Mary isn't really sick; she's just pretending. Mary's not really sick; she's just pretending. Cô ấy sống cùng với bố. She lives with her dad. She's living with me. Tại sao Tom hôn tôi? Why did Tom kiss me? Why did Tom kiss me? Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe chuyện này. I'm sorry to hear it. I'm sorry to hear this. Người Mỹ rất thân thiện và dễ gần. Americans are friendly and approachable. The Americans are very friendly and approachable. Những gì bạn phải làm là làm việc chăm chỉ hơn. All you have to do is to work harder. What you have to do is work harder. Chúng tôi thoát nạn trong gang tấc. We narrowly missed the accident. We escaped in the gang. Bạn muốn biết để làm gì? Why do you need to know? What do you want to know for? Thông thường khi Tom và Mary ra ngoài ăn tối cùng nhau, họ cùng trả tiền hoá đơn. Usually when Tom and Mary go out for dinner together, they split the bill. Often when Tom and Mary went out to dinner together, they paid for the bill. Anh ấy gặp được một người trẻ tuổi tốt bụng. He met a nice young man. He met a good young man. Ngay quanh góc phố. It's just around the corner. Right around the corner. Mẹ của con có ở nhà không? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Ichiro là một tuyển thủ bóng chày nổi bật. Ichiro is an outstanding baseball player. Ichiro is an outstanding baseball recruit. Coi kìa, người ta bảo nghe nhạc Mozart làm cho cà chua lớn lên. Look, they say listening to Mozart makes tomatoes grow. Look, they're told that you're going to make champagne grow. Sinh viên phải được quyền vào đọc sách ở một thư viện tốt. Students must have access to a good library. The student must be authorized to read the book in a good library. Rất vui vì đã được làm việc với Tom. It was a pleasure to work with Tom. It's nice to have been working with Tom. Tôi đã làm vỡ đồ gạt tàn của bạn rồi. I broke your ashtray. I've broken your ass. Tom không muốn vào tù. Tom didn't want to be sent to jail. Tom doesn't want to go to jail. Bạn sẽ tốt thôi. You're going to do just fine. You'll be fine. Tôi biết rất nhiều về thuyền. I know a lot about ships. I know a lot about the boat. Cậu nên đến trường trước 8 giờ. You should arrive at school before eight. You should go to school before 8:00. Đám đông tràn qua cửa. The crowd poured out through the gate. The crowd came through the door. Cả Tom và tôi đều rất tự hào về bạn. Tom and I are both very proud of you. Both Tom and I are very proud of you. Năm ngoái, tôi đã chứng kiến một cuộc thay đổi chính trị lớn ở Nhật Bản. Last year saw a big political change in Japan. Last year, I saw a big political change in Japan. Beth đã chăm sóc con chó của chúng tôi khi chúng tôi đi xa. Beth looked after our dog while we were away. Beth took care of our dog when we went away. Tớ nghe tất cả những điều cậu nói. I heard everything you said. I heard everything you said. Tớ mang ô nhỡ trời mưa. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. I brought rainy rain. Anh ấy mất được 10 năm rồi. It has been ten years since he died. He's been 10 years old. Mẹ bạn làm ở đây à? Is this where your mother works? Your mother works here? Bạn có về nhà bây giờ không? Are you back home now? Are you going home now? Tách trà của tôi hơi ngọt một chút. My tea is a little too sweet. My tea is a little sweet. Tôi không có ý làm cho cậu ta khóc. I didn't mean to make him cry. I didn't mean to make him cry. Tôi nghe nói làm mát phần gáy khi trời nóng rất công hiệu. I hear that it's good to cool the back of your neck when it's hot outside. I hear it's cool when it's hot. Nhóm máu của ông là nhóm nào? What's your blood group? What group of blood groups is yours? Cô ấy đang bóc yếm cua. She is peeling crab shells. She's taking a turn. Anh ấy nói với tôi chuyện đời của anh. He told me the story of his life. He told me about your life. Nếu mày thấy Tom, làm ơn nói nó giùm tao. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. If you see Tom, please tell me. Tao xin lỗi vì đã gây ra nhiều rắc rối cho mày. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry I made a lot of trouble for you. Đó là một lĩnh vực xa lạ đối với tôi. This is unknown country to me. It's a strange field for me. Anh ấy đang rất cố gắng cai thuốc lá. He is trying hard to quit smoking He's trying to quit smoking. Tôi không muốn làm việc trong những điều kiện như thế này. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work in conditions like this. Hiện tại nó có vẻ ổn. She seems OK now. It's all right now. Tôi đã mất dấu Tom. I lost sight of Tom. I lost Tom. Bạn có thể kể cho tôi Tom đã làm gì không? Can you tell us what Tom did? Can you tell me what Tom did? Hai người có ngưng ngay tiếng ồn ầm ĩ đó không? Tôi đang cố ngủ. Would you two knock it off with the loud noise? I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to sleep. Anh ấy không bao giờ nói dối. He's never told a lie. He never lied. Tớ mang quà từ đảo Redang. I brought presents from Redang Island. I brought gifts from Redang Island. Có vài con ruồi ở trên tường. There are some flies on the wall. There's some flies on the wall. Tôi không biết chúng tôi sẽ làm gì nếu thiếu bạn. I don't know what we would do without you. I don't know what we're gonna do without you. Nguồn gốc của vấn đề là thiếu trao đổi giữa các bộ phận. The root of the problem is a lack of communication between departments. The source of the problem is that there's no exchange between parts. Tất cả dân làng đều biết ông ấy. All the villagers know him. All the villagers know him. Cậu không biết mình bỏ lỡ thứ gì đâu. You have no idea what you've missed. You don't know what you missed. Bạn nói nanh không tưởng. You speak tremendously fast. You said Kwan didn't think it was. Tôi đang cố gắng tìm một bức ảnh của Tom. I'm trying to find a picture of Tom. I'm trying to find a picture of Tom. Chó cậy gần nhà gà cậy gần chuồng. Every dog is valiant at his own door. It's close to the chicken house near the cage. Cô ấy đã khóc She cried. She cried. Chúng ta nên trông đợi điều gì? What should we expect? What should we expect? Hãy từ bỏ hy vọng, hỡi những người vào đây. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. Give up hope, you people. Tôi chơi được Flappy Bird. I can't play Flappy Bird. I play Flapy Bird. Tôi xin lỗi vì đã trả lời trễ. I'm sorry for the late response. I'm sorry for answering too late. Tôi chuẩn bị nhóm lửa. I'm going to build a fire. I'm prepared for fire. Tôi rất tiếc, cô ấy không có ở đây. I'm sorry she's not here. I'm sorry, she's not here. Thiếu một cái nĩa. There is a fork missing. It's missing. Khí hậu ở Nhật ấm như ở Trung Quốc. The climate of Japan is as warm as that of China. The climate in Japan is as warm as China. Tom quá trễ rồi. Tom is too late. Tom's too late. Tất cả những gì bạn phải làm là theo tôi. All you have to do is follow me. All you have to do is follow me. Mày chỉ sống được một lần. You only live once. You can only live once. Tôi đang ăn. I am eating. I'm eating. Khi chúng tôi ở bên nhau, tôi quên đi những khoảng thời gian không hạnh phúc. When we are together, I forget all the unhappy times we've had. When we were together, I forgot the unhappy times. Tôi bắt đầu giống như Ken từng chút một. I am beginning to like Ken little by little. I started like Ken a little bit. Phản ứng hóa học xảy từng bước hoặc nhiều bước. A chemical reaction takes place in one or more steps. The chemical reaction occurs every step or every step. Người dùng bạn muốn gởi tin này đến không tồn tại. Vui lòng thử tên khác. The user you to want to send this message to does not exist. Please try with another username. The user you want to send this message to does not exist. Please try another name. Vậy là tôi có thêm năm phút nữa để ngủ. Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep. So I've got another five minutes to sleep. Anh ấy tới chưa? Has he arrived? Is he here? Tôi không biết tên của bạn. I don't know your name. I don't know your name. Tom đã không biết rằng Mary thích nấu ăn. Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook. Tom didn't know that Mary liked cooking. Tôi hơi bị đau ở đây. I have a mild pain here. I'm a little sick here. Bạn có thể dùng xe hơi của tôi. You can use my car. You can use my car. Cậu không nên nói dối. You shouldn't lie. You shouldn't lie. Đến nhà ga thì tôi mới phát hiện chuyến tàu đã khởi hành rồi. Arriving at the station, I found my train gone. To the station, I've found the train has gone. Đừng để tôi ngủ mất. Don't let me fall asleep. Don't let me sleep. Tom vẫn không hiểu vấn đề. Tom still doesn't understand the problem. Tom still doesn't understand the problem. Họ đang sống trong nghèo khổ. They are living in misery. They're living in poverty. Lời nói của anh ấy cho cô ta hy vọng về tương lai. His words gave her hope for the future. His words give her hope for the future. Họ nhận thức được những khó khăn. They were aware of the difficulties. They realize the problems. Cô ấy cuối đầu chào. She inclined her head in greeting. She was at the end of a greeting. Cái chết là một phần không thể tách rời của cuộc sống. Death is an integral part of life. Death is part impossible to separate from life. Cậu tốt hơn hết là làm quen với nó đi. You may as well get used to it. You better get used to it. Đó là một chuyện có thể xảy ra. It's a possible story. It's something that can happen. Bọn tớ chả ăn đồ ăn này bao giờ We're not used this kind of food. We haven't eaten this food before. Mary vừa xinh hơn lại đạt điểm cao hơn Alice. Mary is prettier and makes better grades than Alice. Mary was just more beautiful than Alice. London chẳng còn là thành phố sương mù nữa. London is no longer a city of fog. London is no longer a fog city. Cái này xẽ không bao giờ chấm giứt. This is never going to end. This one's never gonna do anything. Mày bị cái khỉ gì vậy? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you? Tôi không muốn bất kỳ ai viết về tôi. I don't want anybody writing about me. I don't want anyone to write about me. May mắn thay, thời tiết rất tốt. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, weather is very good. Cha của tôi rảnh vào ngày thứ bảy. My dad's free on Saturday. My father was free on Saturday. Cám ơn. Thôi nhé. Thanks, that's all. Thank you. Ông có muốn uống thêm bia không? Would you like to have another beer? Would you like another beer? Tuổi kết hôn hợp pháp ở Úc là 18. The legal age for marriage in Australia is 18. Australia’s legal marriage was 18. Họ đặt tên cho con cô ta là Jenny. They named her baby Jenny. They named her son Jenny. Bạn bị ốm rồi, nghỉ ngơi cho nhiều đi. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, take some rest. Sự kiên nhẫn của chúng tôi cũng trong tình trạng như hôm qua. Our patience is in much the same condition as yesterday. Our patience is the same as yesterday. Tom là một hoa tiêu giỏi. Tom is a good pilot. Tom's a good target. Mỗi tháng một lần. Once a month. Every month. Nó sẽ không thích việc này. She won't like this. He won't like it. The Beatles nhấn chìm cả thế giới trong biển lửa với thứ âm nhạc tuyệt vời của họ. The Beatles set the world on fire with their incredible music. The Beatles hit the world in the fire with their wonderful music. Cỗ máy mới đã được mua rất nhiều tiền. The new machine brought in a lot of money. The new machine has been bought a lot of money. Này Betty, bạn đã quyết định về căn nhà mơ ước chưa? So, Betty, have you decided on your dream home yet? Hey, Betty, have you decided to go back to the dream house? Tao không thích mày nữa. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Tao có thể sờ râu của mày được không? Can I touch your beard? Can I touch your beard? Anh ta ngồi ở bàn. He is sitting at the table. He's sitting at the table. Mày đã ngừng đánh vợ mày rồi hả ? Have you stopped beating your wife? You stopped hitting your wife? Có phải Marika viết thư cho bạn bằng tiếng Phần Lan. Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Is Marika writing you in Finland? Đây là đường gì? What street is this? What path is this? Cô ấy là bác sĩ. She is a doctor. She's a doctor. Anh ấy đã đi du lịch dưới một cái tên khác. He traveled under another name. He traveled under another name. Mary không phải chị của Tom. Mary is Tom's sister. Mary's not Tom's sister. Cảm ơn anh bạn. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, man. Chúng tôi đã thấy vật liệu này rồi. We've already seen this material. We've seen this material. Trước khi về nhà, tôi uống một vài ly để thư giãn. Before going home, I have a few drinks to relax. Before I get home, I drink a drink to relax. Jimmy cố thuyết phục bố mẹ để anh có thể đi vòng quanh đất nước với bạn. Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends. Jimmy tries to convince his parents that you can go around the country with your friends. Nó lúc nào chẳng như vậy. It's always been that way. It's always like that. Tôi đã cực kỳ thất vọng khi nghe tin. I was greatly disappointed at hearing the news. I was extremely disappointed when I heard the news. Bọn mình cần nghĩ lớn hơn. We need to think big. We need to think bigger. Đất nước chúng tôi sẽ tốt đẹp hơn nếu chúng tôi có một thủ tướng mới. Our country would be better off if we had a new prime minister. Our country would be better if we had a new prime minister. Gọi cho tôi vào lúc sáu giờ sáng mai. Call me at six tomorrow morning. Call me at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Tom cần 2 vé để đi Boston. Tom needs two tickets to go to Boston. Tom needs two tickets to Boston. Tôi thích nói chuyện với mội người bằng ngôn ngữ của họ. I like to talk to people in their native languages. I love talking to people in their language. Dù bận thế nào thì tôi nghĩ bạn vẫn nên đọc một tờ báo. No matter how busy you are, I think you should at least read a newspaper. No matter how busy I think you should still read a newspaper. Máy tính của Tom bị cứng đơ. Tom's computer is not responding. Tom's computer is stubborn. Cái bàn này là cái tốt nhất trong tất cả bàn. This desk is the best of all the desks. This table is the best thing in all tables. Tom lấy cuốn sách ở trên giá Tom took a book from the shelf. Tom took the book on the price. Những quyển sách này là của tôi. These books are mine. These books are mine. Tôi không thế nào giải nghĩa cho bạn được. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Người giàu nhất cũng không thể mua được mọi thứ. Even the richest man cannot buy everything. The richest can't buy anything. Ngoài tiếng Pháp ra, anh ta còn có thể nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha. He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. Besides French, he can speak Spanish. Lực lượng vũ trang đã thâu tóm toàn bộ lãnh thổ. The armed forces occupied the entire territory. The armed forces have gathered the entire territory. Hình như Tom không hiểu những điều bạn nói. Tom didn't seem to understand what you said. Tom doesn't seem to understand what you're saying. Anh ấy đã rời khỏi London vào ngày hôm kia. He left for London the day before yesterday. He left London the other day. tôi không muốn ăn cơm. I don't want to eat cooked rice. I don't want dinner. Không dễ dàng dàng để dịch tất cả các bình luận của bạn sang tiếng Đức chuẩn. It isn't easy to translate all your comments into Standard German. It's not easy to translate all your comments into the proper German. Con chó có sủa không? Did the dog bark? Did the dog shine? Bạn phải biết là lâu lâu nó sẽ xảy ra một lần. You have to expect that to happen once in a while. You have to know that it's going to happen once. Những ngôi sao ở quá xa. The stars are too far away. The stars are too far away. Khi đến giờ bỏ phiếu, anh ta đã bỏ phiếu trắng. When it was time to vote, he abstained. When the vote was over, he placed a vote. Layla muốn thành y tá. Layla wanted to be a nurse. Layla wants to be a nurse. Sáng nào Tom cũng dắt chó đi dạo. Tom walks his dog every morning. Tom took a dog every morning. Vùng lân cận xung quanh nhà anh ấy chẳng có cái bệnh viện nào. There are no hospitals in the vicinity of his house. There's no hospital around his house. Tôi thường nghe thấy cậu ta nói tiếng Anh. I often listened to him speak in English. I used to hear him speak English. Mấy đứa trẻ nhà Tom đã ở đây một lúc trước để tìm anh ta. Tom's kids were here a while ago looking for him. Tom's kids were here a while ago to find him. Tôi mười hai tuổi. Cái ấy này là gì? I'm 12 years old and what is this? I'm twelve years old. Tom vẫn cố làm cho dù cậu ấy rất mệt. Tom kept working even though he was very tired. Tom's still trying to do it even though he's tired. Tôi muốn là một nhà báo. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Tôi muốn cậu bị sa thải. I want you fired. I want you fired. Nó khó để mà hiểu. It is hard to understand. It's hard to understand. Tôi rời Osaka đi Tokyo, tin rằng anh trai sẽ giúp mình. I came to Tokyo from Osaka counting on my brother's help. I left Osaka to Tokyo, believing that my brother would help me. Dự báo thời tiết đã nói rằng chiều nay trời sẽ mưa, nhưng nó không xảy ra. The weather forecast said that it would rain this afternoon, but it didn't. The weather report said it would rain this afternoon, but it didn't happen. Làm theo cách mà nó đã chỉ mày. Do it the way he tells you to. Do the way it showed you. Xin lỗi, lối thoát hiểm nằm ở đâu? Excuse me, where's the exit? Excuse me, where's the escape? Thế là quá nhiều. There's so much. That's too much. Số lượng người dùng trên Facebook lớn hơn cả dân số của nước Mỹ. The amount of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States of America. The number of users on Facebook is bigger than America's population. Bạn nghĩ bà ấy ở với ai? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she's with? Dì đã gửi cho tôi một món quà sinh nhật. My aunt sent me a birthday present. She sent me a birthday present. Chúng tôi nghe thấy như những tiếng súng nổ. We heard what sounded like gunshots. We heard like guns. Tui bây có biết nhau không? Do you know each other? Do I know each other? Bạn thăm Kyoto lần cuối cùng khi nào? When did you visit Kyoto last? When's the last visit? Con chó cứ sủa tôi ngay ở cổng và không cho tôi vào. The dog kept barking at me at the gate and kept me from coming in. The dog kept looking at me at the gate and didn't let me in. Bộ phim được dựng dựa trên một cuốn tiểu thuyết. This film is based on a novel. The film was built on a novel. Anh là của em. You're mine. I'm yours. Cậu cũng có thể đi với tôi. You may as well come with me. You can come with me, too. Đó là lý do tại sao tụi tao ở đây. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. Không cần biết bạn lái xe nhanh hay chậm, chỉ cần lái xe cẩn thận. Whether you drive fast or slow, drive carefully. No matter if you drive fast or slow, just drive carefully. Bạn không đủ nhanh. You're not fast enough. You're not fast enough. Cậu đang hẹn hò với cô ấy ư? Are you dating her? Are you dating her? Cô ấy dường như vẫn đắm chìm trong đau khổ, thay vì phải bình tĩnh lại sau điều bất hạnh. She seemed to be wallowing in her grief instead of trying to recover from the disaster. She seemed to be in pain instead of calming down after bad things. Dân chủ đại diện là một hình thức của chính phủ. Representative democracy is one form of government. The democracy represents a government form. Bạn không biết. You don't know. You don't know. Đó không phải những gì mà Tom nói. That's not what Tom said. That's not what Tom said. Tôi đã từ bỏ ý định mua nhà. I've given up on the idea of buying a house. I gave up my intention to buy the house. Tiếng Việt của tôi chưa được tốt lắm. My Vietnamese is not very good. My Vietnamese wasn't very good. Tom đã gọi nhầm số điện thoại. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom called the wrong number. Thôi đừng quanh co nữa, hãy nói thẳng cho tôi biết tại sao anh tức giận như vậy. Stop beating around the bush and tell me directly why you're so angry. Don't hang around, tell me exactly why you're so angry. Tiếng đàn vi-ô-lông nghe thật êm ái. The sound of the violin is very sweet. It sounds so sweet. Ai đã ăn hết chỗ thức ăn thừa vậy? Who ate the rest of the leftovers? Who ate all the food? Sao em ấy lại khóc? Why is she crying? Why did she cry? Cô ấy phải ngưng hút thôi. She has to stop smoking. She's got to stop smoking. Vui lòng trả quyển sách nếu bạn đã đọc xong. Please return the book when you have finished reading it. Please return the book if you've read it. Tình hình bắt đầu trở nên tồi tệ. It's gotten worse. The situation begins to get worse. Marius cao hơn Marcus. Marius is taller than Marcus. Marius is higher than Marcus. Tôi không thể nhận món quà này. I cannot accept this gift. I can't get this gift. Mẹ đến ở với chúng tôi ít nhất là một lần mỗi tháng. Mother comes to stay with us at least once a month. She stayed with us at least once a month. Mình nghĩ cậu đi cùng tụi mình. I thought you were coming with us. I think you're coming with us. Tôi muốn cho bạn một lời khuyên. I'd like to give you a piece of advice. I'd like to give you a advice. Cô ấy không thể đương đầu với căng thẳng. She can't cope with stress. She can't cope with stress. Đối với người nước ngoài thì ở Nhật trần nhà khá thấp. In Japan the ceilings are quite low for foreigners. For foreigners, it's quite low in Japan. Tom từng sống ở đây 3 năm về trước. Tom lived here three years ago. Tom lived here three years ago. Kế hoạch đấy à? Is that the plan? Is that the plan? Khu vực lân cận có gì hay không? What's good in the neighborhood? Is there anything wrong with the neighborhood? Bạn có bao nhiêu bạn thân? How many close friends do you have? How many close friends do you have? Anh ấy hối tiếc lỗi lầm của anh ta. He regrets his mistake. He's sorry for his mistakes. Bạn có nhớ lúc chúng ta gặp nhau lần đầu? Do you remember when we first met? Do you remember when we first met? Bọn mình sẽ giải quyết việc này khi tớ về. We'll settle this when I get back. We'll take care of this when I get back. Nhật Bản là đầu mối nhập khẩu lớn nhất của sản phẩm nông nghiệp của Hoa Kỳ. Japan is the largest importer of U.S. farm products. Japan is the largest import lead to the United States's farmers. Tắt đèn đi. Tôi không thể ngủ được. Turn the light off. I can't fall asleep. Turn off the lights, I can't sleep. Người Anh cuối cùng cũng rút lui. The British finally retreated. The British finally retreated. Tôi muốn bạn giữ lời hứa. I want you to keep your promise. I want you to keep your promise. Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn không làm thế? What would happen if you didn't do that? What if you don't? Anh ta giấu khuôn mặt xấu xí của mình. He hid his ugly face. He hid his ugly face. Thật đẹp làm sao! How beautiful! How beautiful! Từ nhà anh đến công ty bằng xe máy mất bao lâu? How long does it take from your house to the office by motorbike? How long from your home to the factory company? Cần gì thì cứ việc nói với tôi. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Whatever you need, just talk to me. Tom trông giống hệt bố anh ta. Tom looks just like his father. Tom looks like his father. Tom là mẫu đàn ông tôi thích. Tom is the kind of man I like. Tom's the man I like. Mày sẽ thích Tom. You'll like Tom. You'll like Tom. Tôi lo lắng. I'm nervous. I'm worried. Chúng ta thực sự chậm trễ so với kế hoạch rồi. Chúng ta cần phải khẩn trương lên. We're really behind schedule. We need to get on the ball. We're really late for the plan. Tôi biết rằng anh đã cố gắng hết sức. I know that you put your best effort into it. I know you've done your best. Chẳng còn giọt nước nào còn sót lại. There is not a drop of water left. There's no remaining drop of water. ở Mỹ, khi vào nhà hàng, bạn có thể chọn ngồi ở khu vực cho phép hút thuốc hoặc không hút thuốc. In the U.S., you have the option, when you enter a restaurant, to sit in the smoking or non-smoking section. In the United States, when you enter the restaurant, you can choose to sit in a area where smoking or smoking is permitted. Tiu bendo ne gluecas. This tape isn't sticky. Tiu bendo ne gluecas. Bạn có thể ăn bất cứ thứ gì trong tủ lạnh. You may eat anything in the refrigerator. You can eat anything in the freezer. Sắp vô tiết rồi. Classes are starting again soon. It's about to be out of detail. Có những khác biệt rõ rệt giữa hai quốc gia. There are significant differences between those two countries. There are certain differences between the two countries. Con người là động vật duy nhất biết cười. People are the only animals that can laugh. People are the only animals that laugh. Tom trông có vẻ bận rộn. Tom seems to be busy. Tom looks busy. Tom là anh trai của tôi. Tom is my brother. Tom's my brother. Tôi cần mua một món quà cho anh ấy. I need to buy a gift for him. I need to buy him a present. Mỗi lần tôi đến Paris, tôi tới Sacré-coeur ngồi tại các bậc thềm để nghe thiên hạ đàn hát. Every time I travel to Paris, I go to Sacre-Coeur and sit on the steps to listen to people sing. Every time I go to Paris, I go to Sacrée-coe sitting at the steps of oaths to hear the world sing. Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi thêm một câu tiếng Hà Lan. This is the first time I've added a sentence in Dutch. This is the first time I add a Dutch sentence. Tom vẫn còn trẻ và thiếu kinh nghiệm. Tom is still young and inexperienced. Tom's still young and inexperienced. Tom chỉ ăn thực phẩm hữu cơ. Tom only eats organic food. Tom only eats real food. Nó có phải là tấm hình mới chụp không? Is it a recent picture? Is it a new photo? Mình vẫn muốn nói tiếp. I wanted to say more. I still want to talk about it. Tom nhỏ hơn Mary 3 năm. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom's less than Mary 3 years. Nước muối có lực đẩy mạnh hơn nước ngọt. Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. salt water has a force to push harder than fresh water. Tất cả là lỗi của chúng tôi. It was all our faults. It's all our fault. Mày đã tìm thấy cái ví này ở đâu? Where did you find this wallet? Where did you find this wallet? Lá chuyển sang màu đỏ vào mùa thu. The leaves turn red in the fall. The one that turns red in the fall. Tôi muốn ăn kem hoặc đá bào. I want to eat either ice cream or shaved ice. I want ice cream or ice. Chúng ta hãy thẳng thắn trong câu hỏi này. Let's be frank in this question. Let us be honest in this question. Tôi tư duy, nên tôi tồn tại. I think, therefore I am. I think, so I exist. Bạn nói không giống Tom. You don't sound like Tom. You say it's not like Tom. Quyền lực mang đến tham nhũng. Power brings corruption. Power brings corruption. Cô ấy là một người nói tiếng Anh nhuần nhuyễn. She is a fluent speaker of English. She's an Englishman. Bạn nghĩ là trong ba năm tới con gái tôi sẽ cao đến đâu? How tall do you think my daughter will be in three years? How high do you think my daughter will be in the next three years? Anh ấy sống tại một ngôi nhà xa làng. He lives in a house far from the village. He lives in a house far from the village. Hôm nay tôi đến trường. Today I go to school. I went to school today. Tất cả chúng ta đều cố gắng để chiến thắng. We're all trying to win. We're all trying to win. Vâng, rất sẵn lòng. Yes, gladly. Yes, I'd like to. Con mèo đuổi con chuột. The cat ran after the rat. The cat drove the rat. Tom nói là có người muốn gặp tôi. Tom told me there was someone who wanted to see me. Tom said someone wanted to see me. Tom không ngây thơ. Tom isn't naive. Tom's not innocent. Tôi đang bận. I'm busy. I'm busy. Tôi là người có nhiều thói xấu nhưng những thói xấu này có thể dễ dàng sửa. I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed. I'm the one with many bad habits, but these habits can easily be corrected. Trong thành phố của tôi, chẳng có trường nào để học Quốc tế ngữ. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. In my city, there's no school for international education. Tôi không thể tin được. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Tôi phải bàn giao báo cáo hôm nay. I must hand in the report today. I have to talk to you today. Bạn không cần phải ăn nó. You don't have to eat it. You don't have to eat it. Tôi sẽ đón bạn vào ngày mai sau khi xong việc. I'll pick you up tomorrow after work. I'll pick you up tomorrow after work is done. Có thuyết cho là lý thuyết không khác gì với thực hành, nhưng trong thực hành thì lại có khác. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. The theory is that theory is different from practice, but in practice it's different. Tôm không thể ngủ tối qua. Tom couldn't sleep last night. I can't sleep last night. Đừng có vừa đi vừa đọc. Do not read while walking. Don't just go and read it. Sao bạn lại nói chuyện với bọn họ? Why are you talking to them? Why are you talking to them? Tom tập trung vào công việc. Tom concentrated on his work. Tom focused on the job. Tôi không bơi giỏi. I am poor at swimming. I don't swim well. Chúng ta/Chúng tôi có cá trong món chính. We are having fish for our main course. We have fish in the main. Anh ta đi ra ngoài bất chấp cơn mưa. He went out in spite of the rain. He went out despite the rain. Tôi chạy xe đạp I can ride a bicycle. I'm driving a bike. Tớ không muốn nói về vấn đề của mình. I don't want to discuss my problems. I don't want to talk about my problem. Chắc là hôm nay trời sẽ mưa. It looks like it'll rain today. I guess it's raining today. Giá mà tôi có thể học tiếng Pháp. I wish I could study French. I wish I could learn French. Anh ta chơi ở đâu? Where is he playing? Where is he playing? Bạn còn tiền không? Do you have any money left? Do you have any money? Bạn biết điều này. You know this. You know this. Tôi không nghĩ cô ta có thể nói tiếng Pháp I don't think she can speak French. I don't think she can speak French. Tôi tự hỏi anh ta có ý gì khi nói điều đó. I wonder what he meant by that. I wonder what he meant when he said that. Cậu ta rất nghèo lúc còn trẻ. He was terribly poor when he was young. He was poor when he was young. Tom là một người chơi violon giỏi. Tom is a good violinist. Tom's a good vilon player. Khoảng 90% hạnh phúc đến từ các yếu tố như quan điểm, kiểm soát cuộc sống và các mối quan hệ. As much as 90 percent of happiness comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships. Some 90 percent of happiness comes from factors such as view, control of life and relationships. Xôi hỏng bỏng không. The cooked rice is tainted, the fried rice is consumed. It's not burning. Những điều anh ta nói đều là sự thật. What he said is true. What he says is true. Bề mặt của khí cầu không phải là một không gian Euclide, và do đó không thể tuân theo các quy tắc của hình học Euclide. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the bridge is not an Euclade space, and therefore cannot comply with the rules of Euclade. Họ hoàn toàn xứng đôi với nhau. They are a perfect match for each other. They all deserve each other. Tôi sẽ không bao giờ đi chệch hướng. I will never go out of my way. I'll never walk away. Cho tôi xem chỗ bạn bị đau. Show me where it hurts you. Show me where you're hurt. Hôm nay anh ta có một chút không vui. He is a little bit unhappy today. He's got a little fun today. Cô ta luyện đàn dương cầm suốt ngày đêm. She's practicing the piano day and night. She's been training the piano all night. Tôi ngủ có 2 tiếng à. Hèn chi (bây giờ) buồn ngủ ghê. I slept only two hours. No wonder I'm sleepy. I'm sleeping for two hours. Điều đó xảy ra vào ba ngày trước. That happened three days ago. That happened three days ago. Cô gái xinh đẹp ngồi cạnh Jack là ai? Who is the pretty girl sitting beside Jack? Who's the beautiful girl sitting next to Jack? Anh ấy đã nhận việc phụ trách công ty của cha mình. He has taken charge of his father's company. He took care of his father's company. Tôi không phản bội bạn bè mình. I don't betray my friends. I don't betray my friends. Tom không đủ khả năng chi trả để thuê luật sư. Tom couldn't afford a lawyer. Tom can't afford to hire a lawyer. Những cánh chim đang chao lượn. The birds are flying around. The birds are walking. Bạn chẳng là ai cả. You're a nobody. You're no one. Tôi đã khiến cho Tom để vali của nó lại. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I made Tom leave his case back. Có rất nhiều lý do để giải thích vì sao một căn nhà bị bỏ trống. There are various reasons why a house may be left vacant. There's a lot of reason to explain why a house is empty. Tôi không biết Tom ở đâu và tôi cũng không muốn hỏi anh ấy. I don't know where Tom was and I don't want to ask him. I don't know where Tom is and I don't want to ask him either. Tớ biết con người cô ấy thế nào. I know her personally. I know what she's like. Tôi mua một bộ khăn trải bàn. I bought a set of table linen. I bought a table sheet. Chúng tôi đang đi vào trong. We're going inside. We're going inside. Tom không đội mũ Tom had no hat on. Tom's not wearing a hat. Ai đã ăn mấy cái bánh vậy? Who ate all the pies? Who ate the cake? Tom là một người can đảm. Tom is a brave person. Tom's a brave man. Chẳng có lý do gì mà cô ấy la anh. There is no reason for her to scold you. There's no reason she yells at you. Tom kể cho tôi những gì anh ta đã thấy. Tom told me what he saw. Tom told me what he saw. Mất bao nhiêu thời gian để đi từ đay tới ga? How long does it take to get to the station? How much time does it take to go from 10 to the train? Quần áo ướt dính chặt lấy cơ thể cô ta. Wet clothes clung to her body. Wet clothes are tight for her body. Tom còn phải làm gì khác không? What else does Tom need to do? Did Tom have anything else to do? Xin cô gọi tôi là Philip. Please call me Philip. Please call me Philip. Tôi bảo Tom dọn phỏng của anh ta nhưng anh ta đã không làm. I told Tom to clean his room, but he didn't. I told Tom to clean up his interview but he didn't do it. Tôi đặt quyển sách đó từ nước Anh. I ordered the book from England. I put that book from England. Càng đông càng vui. The more people, the better. More fun. Tụi bây nghĩ cô ấy ở với ai? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she's with? Lúc đầu tôi không thích cô ấy, nhưng bây giờ thì có. I didn't like her at first, but now I do. I didn't like her at first, but now I do. Nói với họ cậu bị ốm. Tell them you're sick. Tell them you're sick. Tôi muốn kể cho bạn nghe cái gì đó lạ. I want to tell you something strange. I want to tell you something strange. Bạn đã từng đọc thơ Trung Quốc nào chưa? Have you ever read any Chinese poems? Have you ever read any Chinese poems? Tom không bao giờ nói về người cũ. Tom never talks about his exes. Tom never talked about the old guy. Tom là người đã ở đây tuần trước. Tom is the one who was here last week. Tom was the one who was here last week. Nụ cười của cô ấy là một lời nói dối nhằm che đậy nỗi buồn của cô ta. Her laugh was a lie that concealed her sorrow. Her smile is a lie to cover her grief. Hầu hết giáo viên không có được một cuộc sống tử tế do số giờ mà họ phải làm việc. Most teachers don't make a decent living considering the hours they have to work. Most teachers don't have a good life because of the hours they have to work. Tôm đang hỏi về nó. Tom was asking for it. I'm asking about it. Bạn ở trong câu lạc bộ nào vậy? Which club do you belong to? Which club are you in? Tom chưa từng nghe Mary hát. Tom has never heard Mary sing. Tom never heard Mary sing. Tôi thường thức dậy lúc 6 giờ. I usually wake up at six. I often wake up at 6:00. Thành phố Rome đáng để viếng thăm. Rome is worthy of a visit. Rome's city is worth visiting. Tom và Mary chiêm ngưỡng phong cảnh, tay trong tay. Tom and Mary admired the scenery as they held hands. Tom and Mary looked at the scene, hands in their hands. Cô ta có cá tính mạnh. She has a strong personality. She has a strong personality. Tôi không thể kết nối vào mạng. I can't connect to the Internet. I can't connect to the network. Bạn cần phải nạp tiền vào thẻ Oyster của bạn. You need to top up your Oyster Card. You need to load money on your Oyster card. Tại sao mày nghĩ Tom đang khóc? Why do you think Tom was crying? Why do you think Tom is crying? Mày cũng thua rồi. You're a loser, too. You lost, too. Mỗi sinh viên sẽ có một người hướng dẫn. Each student has an adviser. Every student will have a guide. Tôi sẽ đi Ai-len mùa hè này. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to Ireland this summer. Khi bắt tay ai không được nắm chặt quá. You can't shake someone's hand with a clenched fist. When you shake someone's hands, you can't hold it too tight. Chúng tôi rất tiếc về việc đã xảy ra. We're sorry about it. We're sorry about what happened. Sao bạn không tới thăm tụi tôi? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you come see us? Bạn có chắc là không muốn đi Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Đứng yên, giơ hai tay lên! Stand still, put your hands up! Don't move! Put your hands up! Tom rõ ràng là không vui khi ở đây. Tom clearly isn't happy to be here. Tom's obviously not happy here. Trong thành phố của tôi, chẳng có trường nào dạy Quốc tế ngữ. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. In my city, there's no school for international education. Cô ấy đến Nhật để học Nhật ngữ. She came to Japan to study Japanese. She went to Japan to learn Japanese. Bạn có quầng thâm dưới mắt đấy. You've got dark circles under your eyes. You have deep pants in your eyes. Bạn có thể viết bằng bất kì ngôn ngữ nào bạn muốn. Ở Tatoeba, mọi ngôn ngữ đều bình đẳng. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want, in Tatoeba, all languages are equal. Cô ta yêu nó điên cuồng. She's madly in love with her. She loves it crazy. Tôi đồng ý với cậu là chúng ta nên thử lại lần nữa. I agree with you that we should try again. I agree with you that we should try again. Không bao giờ trễ quá để học hỏi. It is never too late to learn. Never too late to study. Hãy ngồi đây một chút và lắng nghe. Let's just sit here a while and listen. Let's sit here for a moment and listen. Cái xe đã đụng vô tường. The car crashed into the wall. The car hit the wall. Anh ta đã không đếm bữa tiệc cuối. He didn't come to the last meeting. He didn't count the last party. Bill có rất nhiều ý tưởng độc đáo. Bill has a lot of original ideas. Bill has a lot of unique ideas. Tôi cần bạn rời khỏi đây. I need you to leave. I need you to leave. Tôi sẽ trả lương cho cậu vào cuối tháng. I'll pay you at the end of the month. I'll pay you at the end of the month. Tôi chấp nhận, nhưng có một điều kiện. I accept, but only under one condition. I accept it, but there's one condition. Ô tô của tôi đã bị hỏng sáng nay và sẽ không được sửa xong trước thứ sáu. My car broke down this morning and won't be repaired until Friday. My car's broken this morning and it won't be fixed before Friday. Xe buýt đến rồi. Here comes the bus! The bus's here. Cố gắng hiểu tôi à? Try to understand me. Trying to understand me? Nếu bạn cần sách học tiếng Việt, hãy liên hệ tôi. If you need Vietnamese learning books, please contact me. If you need books of Vietnamese, contact me. Nhà có đẹp không? Is the house beautiful? Is the house beautiful? Anh có thể nhớ lần chúng ta đã thăm Tom lúc đó anh ấy vẫn còn là một thanh thiếu niên không? Can you remember the time we visited Tom when he was still a teenager? Can you remember when we visited Tom? He was still a teenager? Để tôi thử. Let me try. Let me try. Tôm hùm thuộc lớp động vật biển. Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals. It's a sea animal class. Chúng ta đi taxi để có thể đến đó kịp lúc We took a taxi so as to reach there on time. We're going to a cab so we can get there in time. Cậu nghĩ cậu thông minh? Do you think you're smart? You think you're smart? Cha của tôi già đi. My father grew old. My father is old. Bạn thực sự nghĩ rằng con người một ngày nào đó có thể định cư trên Mặt trăng không? Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon? Do you really think that one day people can settle on the Moon? Tôm bảo tôi rằng anh ta không muốn về nhà tay không. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tell me he doesn't want to go home. Tôi biết Tom rất rõ. I know Tom very well. I know Tom very well. Cha đi đến Detroit để làm việc mỗi năm. Father went to Detroit to work every year. I went to Detroit to work every year. Thiếu niên thường cãi lại cha mẹ. Teenagers often argue with their parents. Young people often argue with their parents. Anh ta làm như mình làm chủ nơi này vậy. He acted like he owned the place. He does as he owns this place. Nếu ấy đói thì sao không ăn đi? If you are hungry, why don't you eat? If it's hungry, why don't you eat it? Tom đáng được biết. Tom deserves to know. Tom deserves to know. Bạn phải học tiếng Anh. You had to study English. You have to learn English. Tôi không được phép uống rượu. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. I'm not allowed to drink. Nhìn hết tầm mắt, không có gì ngoài cánh đồng lúa mì. As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but a field of wheat. Look at all your eyes, nothing but wheat fields. Gây ra lỗi lầm không phải lúc nào cũng là điều sa trái. To make mistakes is not always wrong. It's not always a bad thing to make mistakes. Một chiếc xe tải vừa lao đi dọc theo con đường. A truck was rushing along the road. A truck just walked along the road. Ngón chân của nó chảy máu. Her toe bleeds. His feet are bleeding. Thông tin đó không dành cho bạn. You're not supposed to have that information. That information is not for you. Tên của cậu ta là gì vậy nhỉ? What's his first name? What's his name? Chào George! Dạo này cậu thế nào? Hi, George! How's it going? Hey, George, how are you doing? Trong khi anh ta đang đau khổ thì cô ta có người yêu mới. She takes a new lover while he is in anguish. While he's suffering, she's got a new lover. Tôi đang bơi trong đại dương. I'm swimming in the ocean. I'm swimming in the ocean. Tom là một người rất bận rộn. Tom is a very busy person. Tom is a very busy man. Bạn nên đến Tokyo, nơi nổi tiếng với những địa danh như ngôi chùa cổ, đền Shinto... You should visit Kyoto, which is famous for its old temples and shrines. You should go to Tokyo, where you're famous for places like ancient temples, Shinto temples... Rõ ràng là điều đó không đúng. Apparently, that's not correct. Obviously that's not true. Bạn tự do rời khỏi You're free to leave. You're free to leave Bạn có thể xẻ thịt gà không? Can you carve the chicken? Can you cut the chicken? "Tại sao?". Cô con gái hỏi với một chút bực dọc. "Why?" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated. "Why?" she asked a little upset. Tom đã bị thương ở đầu gối khi nó té xuống. Tom hurt his knee when he fell down. Tom was wounded at his knees when he fell. Bắp là hạt giống quan trọng trong nước mỹ. Corn is an important crop in the United States. It's an important seed in the water. Tom thích xem chương trình bóng chày trên tivi. Tom likes to watch baseball games on TV. Tom likes to watch baseball show on TV. Mọi người từng nghĩ rằng anh ta là một nhà khoa học thành công. The people thought that he was a distinguished scientist. People thought he was a successful scientist. Nhật bản không lớn bằng Gia nã đại. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan isn't as big as King. Nhiều người nói rằng tháng sau cô ta sẽ đi Pháp. There is much talk that she is going to France next month. Many people say she's going to France next month. Bạn có thể cho tôi biết đường lớn ở đâu không? Can you tell me where Main Street is? Can you tell me where the big road is? Điều này rất khó cho Tom. This is quite difficult for Tom. This is hard for Tom. Công viên rất đông người lớn và trẻ con. The park was crowded with people with children. The park is very adults and children. Có điều gì đó rất kỳ lạ đang xảy ra ở đây. There are some very strange things going on here. Something strange is happening here. Hôm qua, học sinh đã học xong Chương 1 nên bây giờ học sẽ tiếp tục học Chương 2. Yesterday the students finished Chapter 1 so now they'll move on to Chapter 2. Yesterday, students have finished studying chapter 1, so now the lesson will continue to work on Chapter 2. Tom không cho Mary cơ hội để giải thích. Tom didn't give Mary a chance to explain. Tom didn't give Mary an opportunity to explain. Chúng ta không có nhiều sự lựa chọn, phải không? We don't have much choice, do we? We don't have a lot of choices, do we? Tôi để vuột mất cơ hội gặp ông ấy. I passed up an opportunity to see him. I lost my chance to meet him. Trường chúng tôi được thành lập vào năm thứ 20 đời Minh Trị. Our school was founded in the 20th year of Meiji. Our school was founded in the 20th year of Ming's reign. Sự khác biệt giữa làng và thị trấn là gì. What's the difference between a village and a town? What's the difference between the village and the town. Tôi không muốn bị ngộ độc. I don't want to be poisoned. I don't want to get poisoned. Hơi buồn khi thấy những người không dùng tiếng mẹ đẻ của mình cho chuẩn xác. It is rather sad to see people who can't even use their mother tongue correctly. It's a little sad to see people who don't use their native tongue for their own good. Tôi nghe mùi hoa thơm trong vườn. I breathed the smell of the flowers in the garden. I smell the flowers in the garden. Ổng là một nhà soạn nhạc nổi tiếng. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Mọi thứ đều treo vì sự trả lời của hắn. Everything hangs on his answer. Everything hangs for his answers. Nếu có cơ hội, tôi nhất định sẽ đi du lịch Bắc Kinh. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. If I had a chance, I'd have to travel North Pacific. Chừng nào cậu mới chuẩn bị xong? When will you complete the preparations? When did you get ready? Nó là một tờ báo giống như mọi tờ báo khác. It's a newspaper like all the others. It's a newspaper like any other newspaper. Tôi muốn nghe toàn bộ câu chuyện. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the whole story. Chúng tôi cần giúp đỡ khẩn cấp. We need emergency assistance. We need an emergency. Tom đang theo đuổi một công việc thành đạt ở New York. Tom is pursuing a successful career in New York. Tom is pursuing a successful job in New York. Xin đừng làm ồn quá, họ đang học ở thư viện để chuẩn bị cho một môn thi rất khó Please don't make so much noise. They are studying at the library for a very difficult test. Please don't make it too loud, they're studying in the library to prepare for a very difficult exam. Mary là một trong những học viên tự tin và thành công nhất trong lớp. Mary was one of the most confident and successful girls in her class. Mary was one of the most confident and successful students in the class. Bạn nên cẩn thận hơn. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. Nhạc jazz có hấp dẫn anh chút nào không? Does jazz hold any appeal for you? Do you have any interesting music? Khi mẹ nó đi vắng, nó trông chừng em. In the absence of her mother, she looks after her sister. When his mother went away, she watched me. Trong nhà nóng quá. It's too hot indoors. It's too hot in the house. Anh ta nhìn bằng kính hiển vi. He was looking through a microscope. He's looking at it with a mirror. Ai làm vỡ cái đĩa? Who broke the plate? Who broke the disc? Nóng đến nỗi mà có thể luộc trứng trên nóc xe. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot that it can put eggs on top of the car. Mau lên! Hurry up. Come on! Những vị bác sĩ tuyên thệ sẽ không làm hại bất kỳ ai. Doctors take an oath not to harm anyone. The doctors swear that they won't hurt anyone. Tôi không có nó. I don't get it. I don't have it. Tom trông có vẻ hơi mệt. Tom looks a bit tired. Tom looks tired. "Tôi tham gia với được không?" "Được thôi." "Can I join you?" "Sure." "Can I join you?" "Okay." Tuần trước tôi mới bắt đầu học tiếng Trung quốc. I started learning Chinese last week. I started studying Chinese last week. Tôi đợi trong xe nhé? Can I stay in the car? Can I wait in the car? Gã đó là kẻ chuyên phá đám. That guy is a party spoiler. That guy's a messer. Đừng lông bông nữa mà hãy tìm một công việc đi. Stop lazing around and look for a job. Don't look for a job. Cô ấy thực thông minh, có phải không? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Không phải điều này trái luật sao? Isn't this against the rules? Isn't this illegal? Nó tự nuôi sống bản thân. He lives by himself. He raised himself. Tháng rồi tôi vừa đi nghỉ ở Los Angeles. I went to Los Angeles on vacation last month. I've been on vacation in Los Angeles last month. Mặc dù mắt của Tom vẫn còn nước, nó đã bắt đầu cười. Even though Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Though Tom's eyes are still water, it's starting to laugh. Còn rất ít giấy thừa. There's very little paper left. There's very little paper. Mấy thứ đó của Tom. Those are Tom's. That's Tom's stuff. Tớ chuẩn bị chạy. I'm going to run. I'm going to run. Tối nay bạn muốn làm gì? What do you want to do tonight? What do you want to do tonight? Những người tham gia chương trình Maury Povich thường giả vờ rằng người yêu đang lừa dối họ. The people who come on the Maury Povich show often make pretentious claims about their lovers cheating on them. People who engage in Maury Povich often pretend that the lover is lying to them. Vài năm trước, cô ta từng chơi với một đám lái mô-tô. Years ago, she used to hang around with a bunch of bikers. A few years ago, she used to play with a bunch of cars. Cái đó thuộc về cô ấy. That belonged to her. That belongs to her. Tôi hối hận vì không chú ý hơn đến những gì mà cô giáo đã nói. I regret not having paid more attention to what the teacher said. I regret not paying more attention to what the teacher said. Tôi có thể kể cho cậu mọi chi tiết nếu cậu muốn biết về chúng. I could tell you all the details if you want to know them. I can tell you every detail if you want to know about them. Phím "any" nằm ở đâu? Where's the "any" key? Where's the "any" key? Ba của cô ấy sẽ không đến, ông ấy rất bận. Her father won't come, he is very busy. Her father won't come, he's busy. Millie có một con mèo. Millie has a cat. Millie has a cat. Lại đây xem này! Come and see! Come here! Nếu chúng tôi đặt hàng với số lượng lớn hơn 20, bạn sẽ giảm giá chứ? If we place an order for more than 20 units, would you reduce the price? If we put it in bigger numbers than 20, you're going to lower the price? Anh ta xác nhận rằng đó là xác của Titanic. He confirmed that it was the wreck of the Titanic. He confirms that it's the same body. Chúng tôi biết bài hát này. We know this song. We know this song. Nó trở nên tệ hơn. It gets worse. It's getting worse. Tôi đang đợi bạn gái của tôi. I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I'm waiting for my girlfriend. Tôi biết chính xác Tom đang nói về chuyện gì. I know exactly what Tom is talking about. I know exactly what Tom's talking about. Anh đổ lỗi cho tôi ư? Are you blaming me? You blame me? Tom có thể mượn xe của tôi bất cứ buổi chiều nào vào tuần tới. Tom may borrow my car any afternoon next week. Tom can borrow my car any afternoon next week. Tom nói là anh ta không biết đáp án. Tom said he didn't know the answer. Tom says he doesn't know the answer. Trong số tất cả mọi người ở trường, cậu thích ai nhất? Out of all the people at your school, who do you like the most? Of everyone at school, who do you like most? Thật khó mà thoát khỏi số phận. There is no escape from fate. It's hard to get rid of fate. Tụi nó đã làm tình tối qua. They made love last night. They made love last night. Cô ấy chuẩn bị đi ngủ khi thì có ai đó gõ cửa. She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door. She's about to go to bed when someone knocks on her door. Rất nhiều người không nhà không cửa. Many people had no homes at all. A lot of people aren't at home. Dòng sông chảy qua cây cầu này. The river flows under the bridge. The river flows through this bridge. Nếu anh nghĩ rằng đội của anh có thể thắng đội của chúng tôi thì anh nên nghĩ lại! If you think your team can win against our team, you've got another thing coming! If you think your team can win our team, you should think again! Đó không phải là ý của tôi. These are not my ideas. That's not my idea. Ai rồi cũng phải chết. Nothing seems more certain than death. Everybody's gonna die. Không được giẫm lên cỏ. Get off the lawn! You can't get on the grass. Tôi đoán là bạn sẽ cần giúp đỡ. I guess you'll need some help. I guess you'll need help. Tom muốn hỏi Mary vài điều. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Tom wants to ask Mary something. Tôi sẽ nghỉ phép 2 hoặc 3 ngày. I'll take two or three days off. I'll take two or three days off. Cho dù mày nói điều gì, tao cũng sẽ không từ bỏ. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. Mọi thứ đều chờ đợi câu trả lời của anh ấy. Everything hangs on his answer. Everything waits for his answer. Anh ta làm việc rất chăm chỉ vì sợ bị thất bại. He worked hard for fear that he should fail. He worked hard just because he was afraid of failure. Lâu rồi tôi không nói chuyện với bạn. I haven't talked to you in a while. I haven't spoken to you for a while. Những thứ lấp lánh đó không phải vàng. All that glitters is not gold. It's not gold. Bạn sẽ kịp xe lửa nếu đi ngay. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. You'll catch the train if you leave now. Tôi muốn đi cùng với bạn. I want to go with you. I want to come with you. Tại sao tôi không làm được điều đó? Why couldn't you do that? Why can't I do that? Anh ấy là một ngôi sao nhạc pop nổi tiếng người Nhật. He's a famous Japanese popstar. He's a famous Japanese pop star. Ông chủ căn hộ nói tiêng anh giỏi. The owner of the flat speaks excellent English. Master of the apartment said you're good. Cô ấy nhận ra điều cần thiết là tập cho bọn trẻ của cô ấy thức dậy sớm. She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early. She realized what was necessary for her kids to wake up early. Vui lòng ký vào đây. Sign here, please. Please sign this. Cây gậy bị mất ngày hôm qua, cùng với những quả bóng. The bat was stolen yesterday, along with the balls. The bat was lost yesterday, along with the balls. Tôi vẫn chưa đọc báo của ngày hôm nay. I've not read today's paper yet. I haven't read the press today. Chúng tôi đã rất mệt mõi. We were very tired. We're tired. Khác với cậu em trai, tôi không biết bơi. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. Unlike my brother, I can't swim. Bạn không muốn nói với cô ấy ư? Don't you want to talk to her? Don't you want to tell her? Tôi phải đi ngủ. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Đó là cảm giác tuyệt vời nhất. It's the best feeling. It's the best feeling. Nó vừa với tôi. It suits me. It's just with me. Nếu cậu không trả đồ cho nó thì nó sẽ bực lắm đấy! If you don’t give it back to him, he’ll be angry! If you don't pay for it, it'll be mad! Tại sao bạn nghĩ Tom thích sống ở vùng đồng quê ? Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country? Why do you think Tom likes to live in the country? Lúc ngủ nó ngáy to. He snored loudly during his sleep. When he sleeps in big sleep. Không ai quan tâm đến điều đó trừ cậu ra. Nobody cares about this except you. Nobody cares about that unless you come out. Cô ta thực hành tiếng Anh để kiếm một công việc tốt hơn. She's practicing English so she can get a better job. She practiced English for a better job. Người ta bảo khi còn trẻ ông ta rất nghèo. He is said to have been very poor when he was young. They said he was poor when he was young. Tom có vẻ rất ngạc nhiên khi tôi kể cho anh ta chuyện đó. Tom seemed very surprised when I told him about it. Tom seemed surprised when I told him that. Tom đang xem ti-vi trong phòng khách. Tom is in the living room watching TV. Tom's watching television in the living room. Tom đã tìm thấy một con heo rừng. Tom found a hoard. Tom found a wild pig. Jane thông minh như những đứa bé gái khác trong lớp của nó. Jane is as clever as any girl in her class. Jane is as smart as the other girls in her class. Tớ không giống cậu. I'm not like you! I'm not like you. Mau rời khỏi đây. Cảnh sát tới bây giờ. We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. Let's get out of here. Anh ấy bảo tôi rằng cha của anh ấy là một bác sĩ. He told me his father was a doctor. He told me that his father was a doctor. Tin về cái chết của cậu ta đã không được thông báo trong vài tuần. News of his death wasn't published for several weeks. News of his death hasn't been reported in weeks. Sĩ quan cảnh sát đồng ý nhận hối lộ. The police officer accepted a bribe. The police officer agreed to accept bribes. Có một đám đông trên đường There is a crowd of people on the street. There's a crowd on the street. Đừng gọi cảnh sát, anh bạn. Don't call the cops, man. Don't call the police, man. Và tại sao tôi phải làm điều đó? And why would I do that? And why would I do that? Gió ở khu vực này giật với vận tốc hơn 100 dặm một giờ. Winds in this area gust at more than one hundred miles an hour. The wind in this area is starting at 100 miles an hour. Chúc hai bạn hạnh phúc trọn đời. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. You two are happy forever. Ý định tốt! That's a good idea! Good idea! Tôi để quên cái cặp táp trên xe buýt. I left my briefcase on the bus. I left the bag on the bus. Ai cũng có thể phạm sai lầm. Anyone can make a mistake. Everyone can make a mistake. Tại sao anh lại buồn? Why are you getting upset? Why are you sad? Anh ấy ngáy to khi đang ngủ. He snored loudly during his sleep. He's getting big while he's sleeping. Chả biết đi đâu nữa. I had no idea where to go. I don't know where to go. Cho mình mượn bút chì được không? Can I borrow your pencil? Can I borrow a pencil? Giờ làm việc cơ động giúp nhân viên năng suất hơn. Flexible work hours make employees more productive. Now working motors makes the staff more capable. Nếu bạn cần sách học tiếng Việt, hãy liên hệ tôi. If you need Vietnamese self-learning books, please contact me. If you need books of Vietnamese, contact me. Tôi muốn tát chính mình. I wanted to slap myself. I want to slap myself. Sự thất bại của anh ấy không có liên quan gì tới tôi. His failure has nothing to do with me. His failure has nothing to do with me. Tôi không trả lời các câu hỏi ngốc nghếch. I don't answer stupid questions. I don't answer stupid questions. Ở đây lâu hơn một chút có được không? Is it possible to stay here a little longer? Can you stay here a little longer? Nhưng, sự trái ngược cũng luôn luôn có lý. And yet, the contrary is always true as well. But the opposite is always reasonable. Chiếc đầm của nó trông có vẻ rẻ tiền. Her dress looked cheap. It looks cheap. Tôi không biết phải tìm họ bằng cách nào. We don't know how to find them. I don't know how to find them. Tôi sẽ đợi ở đây đến khi nào cô ấy tới. I'll wait here until she comes. I'll wait here until she comes. Có một chiếc bút trên bàn phải không? Is there a pen on the desk? Is there a pen on the table? Cảnh sát đã bắt cô ta thú tội. The police forced a confession from her. The police made her confess. Cô ấy phạt mấy đứa con của cô ta. She punished her children. She punished her children. Bạn bè Tom đều cười nhạo tôi. Tom's friends all laughed at me. Tom's friends laugh at me. Chẳng còn sót giọt nước nào. There is not a drop of water left. There's no drop of water left. Nói đến thể thao thì John rất giỏi. When it comes to sports, John is very good. It's good to talk about sports, John. Tôi sống từ năm này qua năm khác. I lived for years and years. I've been living for another year. Tại Singapre, có môt cách để trừng phạt tội phạm là đánh đòn. In Singapore, one way to punish criminals is to whip them. In Singapre, there's a way to punish criminals. Tôi có hai con mèo. I have two cats. I have two cats. Tôi có 100 đồng peso. I have a hundred pesos. I've got 100 bucks. To quá. It's very big. It's too big. Phim này đã được phát trên truyền hình. That movie was shown on television. This film has been broadcast on television. Con chó cắn mất cái xì gà của thuyền trường khi ông ấy đi ngang qua mà ông ấy không biết. The dog crushed the captain's cigar as he walked by; the captain took no notice of it. The dog bit off the boat's chicken when he passed and he didn't know. Vì không sinh con nên họ quyết định nhận nuôi một bé gái. Since they had no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl. Because they didn't have children, they decided to adopt a girl. Tôi quan trọng chất lượng hơn số lượng. I put quantity after quality. I'm more important than the amount. Đó là lý do vì sao Yoshio bị cảm. That is why Yoshio has caught a cold. That's why Yoshio was hurt. Giày của tôi bé quá, tôi cần đôi mới. My shoes are too small. I need new ones. My shoes are small, I need a new pair. Tôi sẽ nhờ ông ấy sửa cái đồng hồ này. I will have him repair this watch. I'll ask him to fix this watch. Mỗi học sinh sẽ có một người hướng dẫn. Each student has an adviser. Every student has a guide. Tao đã làm bể đồ gạt tàn thuốc của mày rồi. I broke your ashtray. I broke your pills. Vài sinh viên nhìn cô với đôi mắt mọng nước. Some students looked at her with tears in their eyes. Some students look at you with little eyes of water. Chúng tôi đã bầu Jack làm chủ tịch. We elected Jack chairman. We elected Jack as president. Tom đã đến đó để nói chuyện với Mary. Tom went there to talk to Mary. Tom went there to talk to Mary. Ở Trung Quốc, người ta mừng năm mới theo lịch âm. In China, they celebrate the New Year by the lunar calendar. In China, new years were celebrated. Tại sao bạn cứ nài nỉ? Tôi đã nói là không! Why do you insist? I already said no! I said no! Tom là một người lính dũng cảm. Tom was a brave soldier. Tom's a brave soldier. Lúc đó tôi đang chờ xe buýt. I was waiting for the bus at that time. I was waiting for the bus. Các luật sư hối thúc những ông ba bà mẹ thực hiện mạnh mẽ hơn những hành động hợp pháp. Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action. My lawyers encouraged my parents to make more powerful than legal acts. Cậu chỉ là một thằng hèn. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. Cô ấy quản lý một cửa hàng giày dép. She manages a shoe store. She runs a shoe store. London nằm trong số những thành phố lớn nhất thế giới. London is among the largest cities in the world. London is among the largest cities in the world. Tôi có bắt buộc phải lấy thị thực? Am I required to get a visa? Do I have to get the reality? Nói cho tôi nghe chuyện gì đang xảy ra. Tell me what's going on. Tell me what's going on. Cái tô có rất nhiều loại kẹo. The bowl contains many kinds of candy. There's a lot of candy. Tom đã đi Boston hồi hôm qua. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Tom went to Boston yesterday. Nếu có tiền tôi sẽ mua một mảnh đất cỡ bự. If I ever had the money, I'd buy a gigantic plot of land. If there's money I'll buy a big piece of land. Anh ta đã cướp chiếc xe chở thư. He robbed the mail coach. He stole the mail truck. Thực sự chúng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp nhau. We never actually met. We've never met before. Tom phải nhận cuộc gọi này. Tom has to take this call. Tom has to get this call. Tôi thích cốc trà của tôi. I liked my cup of tea. I like my tea. Tôi đã đánh rơi quả táo của mình. I dropped my apple. I dropped my apple. Ông ấy là một nhà soạn nhạc nổi tiếng. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Hãy để Tom gửi bức thư. Let Tom send the letter. Let Tom send a letter. Tôi đọc sách lúc ăn cơm. I read a book while eating. I read it at dinner. Anh ta thể hiện sự không hài lòng. He expressed his dissatisfaction. He's not happy. Tôi bảo Tom là câu trả lời của anh ấy sai. I told Tom his answer was wrong. I told Tom that his answer was wrong. Tôi đang xoay sở để giành tiền với đồng lương ít ỏi. I'm managing scraping along on a small salary. I'm manageing to spend the money with a small coin. Lúc bạn gặp cô ấy, đó là tình yêu sét đánh phải không? It was love at first sight when you met her? When you met her, it was lightning love, wasn't it? Tôi không thích bất kỳ ai trong số họ. I don't like any of them. I don't like any of them. Chúc mừng sinh nhật, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muriel! Cô ta thắt một dải băng quanh eo. She girded her waist with a belt. She's wearing a bandage around the back. Bạn nghĩ cô ấy ở với ai? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she's with? Mary nghĩ rằng thế giới là một nơi nguy hiểm. Mary thinks that the world is a dangerous place. Mary thinks the world is a dangerous place. Hãy tìm các chuyến xe lửa đến London trong bảng lịch trình. Look up the trains to London in the timetable. Find the trains to London on the schedule. Anh ta đang khoác lác. He's swaggering. He's wearing a jacket. Tôi đang ăn tối với chồng. I'm eating dinner with my husband. I'm having dinner with my husband. Tôi nghĩ Tom có thể đang buồn ngủ. I think Tom might be sleepy. I think Tom may be sleeping. Nó đầy lên quá nhanh! It fills it up way too fast! It's too fast! Vấn đề ở đâu? Where is the problem? Where's the problem? Tôi cần một người dịch. I need a translator. I need a translator. Chúng ta sẽ phải để dành chỗ cho mẹ bạn khi bà ấy dọn vào ở nhà chúng ta. We'll have to make room for your mother when she moves into our house with us. We're gonna have to save your mom's room when she moves in our house. Ao này không bị cạn ngay cả trong mùa hè. This pond doesn't go dry even in the summer. This Ao isn't dried up even in summer. Bằng mọi giá tôi sẽ hoàn thành nó. No matter what the cost, I will accomplish that. By any cost I'll finish it. Sao mấy cô gái này xấu tính vậy? Why are these girls so mean? Why are these girls so bad? Mẹ của cháu có ở nhà không? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Các bạn có bao nhiêu cây vợt? How many rackets do you have? How many trees do you have? Cô ta thích vẽ tranh. She likes painting pictures. She likes painting. Làm bất cứ điều gì mà bạn có thể. Do whatever you can. Do whatever you can. Tom đặt dải băng lên cánh tay của Mary. Tom put a bandage on Mary's arm. Tom put the tape on Mary's arm. Tình yêu phải có cánh để bay khỏi tình yêu, và lại bay trở lại. Love must have wings to fly away from love, and to fly back again. Love must have wings to fly away from love, and fly back. Trong hai thiết kế, tôi thích cái trước hơn cái sau. Out of the two designs, I prefer the former to the latter. In two designs, I prefer the front one better than the back. Chúng tôi buộc phải tuân theo luật. We are bound to obey laws. We have to obey the rules. Tôi hi vọng rằng có thể xảy ra bây giờ I'm hopeful that can happen now. I hope it can happen now. Đây là quyển sách hay nhất mà tôi đã từng đọc. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Nó đã lỡ chuyến xe lửa 8:30. He failed to catch the 8:30 train. He missed the train 8:30. Tôi không muốn nói chuyện về nó ngay lúc này. I don't want to talk about it now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Tôi không thích cô ta ở vài khía cạnh. I don't like her in some ways. I don't like her in some ways. Người nghèo không phải là người có quá ít mà là người muốn quá nhiều. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. The poor are not too few people who want too much. Anh ấy không quan tâm kem He does not care for ice cream. He doesn't care about ice cream. Tòa nhà được xây vào năm 1960. The building was built in 1960. The building was built in 1960. Tối hôm qua bạn ngủ ở đâu? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Ấy bị con gì cắn à? Which bug hurt you? Is there something that bites? Lưng anh ấy bị cháy nắng vì ánh nắng mặt trời gay gắt. Due to the intense sunlight, his back was sunburnt. He's burned in the sun because the sun's heavy. Tôi có muốn học. I do want to learn! I'd like to learn. Tôi sẽ cho nó vào hóa đơn của bạn. I'll put it on your bill. I'll put it in your bill. Điện thoại di động của tôi đâu? Where's my mobile? Where's my cell phone? Ngày Quốc tế lao động cũng là ngày lễ dành cho người lao động trên toàn thế giới. May Day is also a festival day for the workers in the world. International Internationality is also a festival to the people around the world. Tôi nghe thấy tiếng động gì đó, nhưng tôi không biết cái gì gây ra nó. I heard something, but I couldn't tell what it was. I heard some noise, but I don't know what caused it. Anh không thể đi nhà hàng với em tối nay. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go with you tonight. Tôi không muốn thổ lộ tình cảm. I don't want to let my emotions out. I don't want to express my feelings. Thằng giết người bị xử tù chung thân. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The killer was put to death as a prisoner. Emily là ai? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? Anh ấy nhận tội lỗi của mình. He admitted his guilt. He admitted his guilt. Tôi không biết cô ấy sống ở đâu. I have no idea where she lives. I don't know where she lives. Cô ta thực hiện đúng những yêu cầu tối thiểu. She did the bare minimum. She's doing exactly the minimum requests. Tôi không ngờ Tom có thể nói tiếng Pháp. I had not expected Tom to be able to speak French. I didn't expect Tom to speak French. Cô ấy thông minh lắm phải không? She's really smart, isn't she? She's smart, isn't she? Tôi muốn biết lý do tại sao cậu và Tom không làm việc được với nhau. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I want to know why you and Tom can't work together. Tùy bạn. It's up to you. It's up to you. Nếu chúng ta cấm sinh viên Trung Quốc suy nghĩ, chúng ta thật sự hy vọng gì ở họ? If we ban Chinese students from thinking, what exactly do we expect from them? If we forbid Chinese students to think, what really hope do we have in them? Cô ta đã sớm tái hôn. She remarried soon. She got married soon. Nếu có thêm vài ca sỹ nữ nữa tới thì không còn gì tuyệt hơn. It'd be best if a few more female singers could come. If there's a couple more women, there's nothing better. Anh thua hết tiền rồi phải không? Điều đó sẽ dạy cho anh đừng có đánh bạc. So you lost all your money? That'll teach you to gamble. That's gonna teach you not to gamble. Những gì bạn nói để lại một ấn tượng sâu sắc trong tôi. What you said left a deep impression on me. What you said left a deep impression on me. Tôi có thể lấy một trong những cái đó bất kỳ khi nào tôi muốn. I can get one of those any time I want. I can take one of these whenever I want. Đúng ra là bạn nên viết nó ra. It is right that you should write it. You should actually write it out. Chấp nhận yêu một người. Accept a person's love. Accept a man's love. Tôi xin lỗi chuyện ngày hôm qua. I'm so sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Tôi đã quyết định sa thải Tom. I've decided to fire Tom. I decided to fire Tom. Anh ấy đã du lịch với một cái tên khác. He traveled under another name. He traveled with another name. Tom đang xem ti-vi ở phòng khách. Tom is in the living room watching TV. Tom's watching television in the living room. Anh ấy không mang điện thoại trong người. He doesn't have his phone on him. He didn't bring a phone in him. Trước khi thương người, hãy thương lấy người nhà mình. Charity begins at home. Before you love someone, have mercy on your family. Trời gần như là sẽ mưa vào ngày mai. It is likely to rain tomorrow. It's almost gonna rain tomorrow. Cậu ta đang tận hưởng cuộc sống học đường. He is enjoying his school life. He's enjoying his way of life. Đôi lúc bạn thật ấu trĩ. You are so childish sometimes. Sometimes you're a kid. Quá trình này có ưu điểm và cả khuyết điểm. This procedure has advantages and disadvantages. This process has a measure and a weakness. Bạn đã vứt chúng đi đâu? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them away? Nếu thế giới không như bây giờ, thì tôi có thể tin ai cũng được. If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone. If the world isn't right now, I can trust everyone. Anh ta vừa về nhà. He has just come home. He just got home. Anh ấy lái một chiếc xe tải tàn tạ. He drives a breakdown lorry. He drove a broken truck. Cô ta gây sự rồi đánh anh ấy. She argued with him and then hit him. She hit him and hit him. Trong số năm đứa chúng tôi, anh ấy hiển nhiên là người có thể nói được nhiều thứ tiếng nhất. Among the five of us, he's surely the one who can speak the most languages. Of the five of our children, he was obviously the one who could speak the most languages. Rock là loại nhạc của giới trẻ. Rock is the music of the young. Rock is young people's music. Mình đang cố gúp Tom. I'm just trying to help Tom out. I'm trying to help Tom. Bạn là người mẹ tốt. You're a good mother. You're a good mother. Tớ không muốn xử lý việc đó bây giờ. I don't want to have to deal with it right now. I don't want to handle that now. Tôi ghét những lúc đông người. I hate it when there are a lot of people. I hate people at times. Tom sợ nhất là lấy nhầm người. Tom's biggest fear is marrying the wrong girl. Tom's afraid to get the wrong guy. Cá sấu là loài động vật bí hiểm. Crocodiles are mysterious animals. Fishfish is a mysterious animal. Mày có về nhà bây giờ không? Are you back home now? Are you going home now? Xin cảm ơn rất nhiều vì sự đóng góp hào phóng của bạn. Thank you very much for your generous donation. Thank you very much for your generous contributions. Bạn khiến tôi mơ đấy. You make me dream. You made me dream. Tôi thực sự thích cậu ta. I really like him. I really like him. Tất cả những câu này cần phải để dấu chấm hết. All of these sentences need a full stop. All these verses need to be done for the end. Bạn bị giáo viên mắng à? Were you scolded by your teacher? Are you being called by teachers? Cô ấy học tiếng Pháp và thiết kế web. She's studying French and web design. She learned French and designed the web. Điều này rất khó cho Tom. This is very difficult for Tom. This is hard for Tom. Bạn phải làm sạch răng trước khi lên giường. You are to clean your teeth before you go to bed. You have to clean your teeth before you go to bed. Chúng ta sẽ để cho họ lựa chọn. We'll let them decide. We'll let them choose. Tất cả các vận động viên đều nỗ lực tuyệt vời trong kỳ Thế vận hội. All participants made that great effort in the Olympics. All the athletes worked great during the convention period. Tao chẳng biết ai trong thành phố này. I know no one in this city. I don't know anyone in this city. Cô ta doạ lũ trẻ. She scared the children. She threatened the kids. Anh ta gửi cho con gái anh ta một chiếc váy. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent his daughter a dress. Aebat không nói lời từ biệt mà cứ thế tiến vào cổng. Aebat, without saying goodbye, stepped through the gate. Aebat didn't say goodbye to the gate. Tom nghĩ Tom bị thừa cân. I think Tom is obese. Tom thinks Tom's got weight. Tom cho Mary xem bộ sưu tập tem của anh ta. Tom showed Mary his stamp collection. Tom showed Mary his collection of stamps. Tôi sẽ đi xe buýt để đến trường. I take the bus to school. I'm going to the bus to go to school. Trong thành phố của tao, chẳng có trường nào dạy Quốc tế ngữ. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. In my city, there's no school for international education. Tôi đã thông báo cho anh ấy là cô ấy sẽ đến. I informed him of her arrival. I told him she'd come. Tôi điền tên Tom vào danh sách các ứng cử viên. I entered Tom's name on the list of candidates. I filled Tom in the list of candidates. Cô ấy thích thơ và nhạc. She likes poetry and music. She likes poetry and music. Tôi có thể giúp gì không? Can I help you with something? Can I help you? Tôi thích quay trở lại đây. I love coming back here. I like to come back here. Bạn sẽ cộng tác chứ? Are you going to cooperate? Will you cooperate? Làm ơn cho tôi một tờ giấy để viết. Please give me a piece of paper to write on. Please give me a paper to write. Anh ta bị mẹ bắt gặp đang thủ dâm. He was caught masturbating by his mother. He was arrested by my mother. Mình không thể thoát khỏi đây được. We can't get out of this. I can't get out of here. Tôi đi làm mà trong người rất mệt. Tired as I was, I went on working. I'm going to work, and I'm tired. Ngôi trường ở phía trước 2 cây số. The school is two kilometers ahead. The school is in front of two miles. Chúng tôi bắt đầu lái thuyền về hướng cảng. We began to sail in the direction of the port. We started driving the boat towards the harbor. Hiện tại chị ấy có vẻ ổn. She seems OK now. She looks fine right now. Bạn đang thiếu ngủ. You're not sleeping enough. You're short of sleep. Điều gì khiến bạn sợ nhất? What scares you most? What scares you most? Ông ấy có tham vọng đạt giải Nobel. He has an ambition to get a Nobel Prize. He has a desire to win the Nobel prize. Nó chính là con gấu đói mà dân làng sợ hãi. It was the hungry bears that the villagers were afraid of. He's the hungry bear the villagers are afraid. Hôm nay là ngày 18 tháng sáu, và cũng là ngày sinh nhật của Muiriel! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th, and it's Muriel's birthday! Tôi sẽ không tha thứ cho bạn. I'm not going to forgive you. I won't forgive you. Chẳng có ai có thể học nhiều tới mức bieesrt hết tất cả. Nobody is so learned that he is able to know all things. No one can learn so much about bieest all. Tôi chắc là bạn sẽ hiểu. I'm sure you'll understand. I'm sure you'll understand. Bác tôi có 3 người con. My uncle has 3 children. My uncle has three children. Thị trưởng tự mình trao giải thưởng. The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor gave himself a prize. Johnson là người hơi tự kỉ; anh ấy thích tách biệt mình với các học sinh khác trong lớp. Johnson is a recluse; he prefers to isolate himself from the rest of the students in our class. Johnson's a little selfish; he likes to separate himself from other students in his class. Bạn có thể cho tôi một ví dụ không? Can you give me an example? Can you give me an example? Tôi lo ngại là, bởi vì những dòng tiếng Nhật ở trang này được viết với furigana, chúng chiếm rất nhiều khoảng trống, và mọi người không quan tâm rằng chúng ở vị trí đầu sẽ thấy rất phiền phức. I worry that, because the Japanese lines in this site are written with furigana, they take up a lot of space, and the people who don't even care about them in the first place might find them annoying. I'm concerned that, because the Japanese lines on this page are written with furgana, they take a lot of space, and people don't care that they're at their head will find it difficult. Những người kỹ sư vẽ ra các kế hoạch cho bến tàu mới. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. The engineers drew plans for the new docks. Bạn có thể đánh vần họ của bạn dùm tôi? Can you spell your last name for me? Can you spell yours for me? Chúng tôi gặp nhau mỗi năm một lần. We get together once a year. We met once a year. Bạn phải uống hai lít nước mỗi ngày. You have to drink 2 litres of water daily. You have to drink two pounds of water every day. Quyển sách này quá xa vời đối với tôi. This book is far above me. This book is too far from me. cô ấy đã sinh ra một bé gái hồi hôm qua. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She was born a little girl yesterday. Anh có chắc là không muốn đi Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Bạn có bằng lái tàu không vậy? Do you have a license to operate a boat? Do you have a license to drive? Họ chưa đi. They haven't left. They're not leaving. Đó là một câu chuyện rất buồn. It's a very sad story. It's a very sad story. "Cậu có bút không?" "Có." "Do you have a pen?" "Yes." "Do you have a pen?" "Yes." Chúng tôi mới vừa gặp nhau ở hành lang. We have just met on the corridor. We just met in the lobby. Loại con trai gì thế không biết ! What a kind boy he is! What kind of son doesn't know! Bạn có một ngôi nhà thật đẹp. You have such a beautiful home. You have a beautiful house. Cậu đã làm điều gì mờ ám vậy? What the devil were you doing? What have you done? Tỷ giá hối đoái của ngoại tệ thay đổi mỗi ngày. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. The cost of foreign grief changes every day. Tôi lên xe buýt số mấy để tới Waikiki? What number bus do I take to get to Waikiki? What are I on the bus to go to Wikiki? Hãy cẩn thận nếu không anh ta sẽ đâm sau lưng cậu. Be careful or he'll stab you in the back. Be careful or he'll stab you in the back. Chúng ta có những điểm chung nhiều hơn nhiều những gì bạn có thể nghĩ. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. We have more in common than you can think of. Tôi không định cho Tom thấy thứ này. I'm not even going to let Tom see it. I'm not going to show Tom this. Bob nghĩ rất nhiều về vấn đề đó. Bob thought deeply about that matter. Bob thinks a lot about that. Tôi muốn bạn xem nhanh qua những tài liệu này. I'd like you to quickly look over these documents. I want you to take a quick look at these documents. Câu này thực sự điến từ Tây Ban Nha This sentence actually comes from Spanish. This is really coming from Spain. Trong tất cả các loại hình chính phủ, dân chủ là tệ nhất, trừ mọi chính phủ mà đã tồn tại từ xưa đến giờ. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. In all kinds of government, democracy is the worst, except all governments that have existed ever since. Đôi mắt cô ấy chất chứa một lời kêu cứu thầm lặng. Her eyes held a look of silent appeal. Her eyes contain a silent cry. Hãy làm việc một cách thoải mái. Please do the work at your own convenience. Let's work freely. Xin chào, đây là phòng nhân sự phải không? Hello, is this the personnel department? Hello, this is a staff room, isn't it? Tom phàn nàn rằng món súp không đủ nóng. Tom complained that the soup was not hot enough. Tom complains that soup isn't hot enough. Tom mong rằng sẽ không phải ăn đồ thừa tối vào tối nay nữa. Tom hopes he won't be eating leftovers again tonight. Tom's hoping he won't have dinner tonight. Mary đã để cái ví ở trên bàn. Mary placed her purse on the table. Mary left the wallet on the table. tao sẽ nhớ mày. I will miss you. I'll miss you. Tôi thanh toán cho anh ấy năm đô la. I paid him five dollars. I paid him five dollars. Mật mã là "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The code is "Muiriel." Tới năm 2030, thì 21 phần trăm dân số sẽ vượt 65 tuổi. By 2030 twenty-one percent of its population will be over sixty-five. By 2030, then 21 percent of the population will be over 65 years old. Tối qua bạn có mơ về tôi không? Did you dream about me last night? Did you dream of me last night? Khi nào thì Tom cần nó? When does Tom need it? When does Tom need it? Anh ấy sẽ không thích cái này. He won't like this. He won't like this. Chân phải của tôi đau. My right leg hurts. My right leg hurts. Vào giờ giải lao thì điểm số là bao nhiêu rồi? What was the score at halftime? What's the number now? Tao nợ nó 100 đô la. I owe him $100. I owe it 100 dollars. Tiếng Việt thật sự rất khó học. Vietnamese language is really hard to learn. Vietnamese is really hard to learn. Cô ấy sẽ không thích điều này. She won't like this. She won't like this. Tôi tính ngày mai đi nếu thời tiết tốt. I mean to go tomorrow if the weather is fine. I'll figure it out tomorrow if it's good weather. Tom trở nên lo lắng khi nó phải nói chuyện ở nơi công cộng. Tom becomes nervous whenever he has to speak in public. Tom became worried when he had to talk in public. Chúng tôi không thể hưởng thụ những điều đó. It should not be possible for us to enjoy them. We can't enjoy it. Chúng tôi đã đi lạc trong rừng. We went astray in the woods. We've been lost in the woods. Andy phài luyện tập rất chăm chỉ. Andy must have practiced very hard. Andy's training hard. Hy vọng bạn thích nó. I hope that you will like it. I hope you like it. Cô rất sợ sẽ bị mù vì cô đang đeo một cái kính rất dầy. She dreads going blind because she's wearing thick glasses. You're scared to be blind because you're wearing a very thick glass. Ngày mai tôi sẽ học ở thư viện. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'll study in the library tomorrow. Tổng thống Jefferson không muốn cấm vận thương mại kéo dài. President Jefferson did not want the trade ban to last long. President Jefferson doesn't want to ban the trade for long. Chúng nó đã làm tình tối qua. They made love last night. They made love last night. Tớ mang ô đề phòng trời mưa. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. I'm carrying the rainroom. Họ đã tăng cân. They have gained weight. They're increasing weight. Cô ấy cho em bé uống một chút sữa. She had her baby drink some milk. She gave her some milk. Hôm nay Tom trông thân thiện hơn hẳn thường ngày. Tom looks more friendly today than he usually does. Tom looks more friendly today than he used to be. Bạn có thể tự học tiếng Việt. You can teach yourself Vietnamese. You can learn English yourself. Anh ta gửi cho con gái mình một chiếc váy. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent his daughter a dress. Đừng chặt những cây đó. Don't cut down those trees. Don't cut those trees. Cậu nói rằng tôi đang gặp nguy hiểm đến tính mạng sao? Are you saying my life is in danger? You said I was in danger of life? Câu hỏi của bạn không liên quan gì đến chủ đề. Your question is not relevant to the subject. Your question has nothing to do with the subject. Tom tới từ Úc. Tom is from Australia. Tom's from Australia. Tuyết tan hết trong một ngày. The snow melted away in a day. Snow's gone all day. Tôi sẽ đi. I will go. I'll go. Anh ta quá mệt đến nỗi không đi xa hôn được nữa. He is too tired to go any farther. He's so tired that he can't get too far to kiss. Có con bọ nằm trong mắt tôi nhưng tôi không thể lấy nó ra được. I got a bug in my eye and I can't get it out. There's a bug in my eyes but I can't take it out. Vui lòng không viết vào sách của thư viện. Please do not write in this library book. Please don't write to the library's books. Tôi thích coi phim Hollywood. I love Hollywood movies. I like watching Hollywood movies. tôi có thể chịu đựng được sự đối xử của nó. I can barely stand his behavior. I can endure his treatment. Rock là dòng nhạc của giới trẻ. Rock is the music of the young. Rock is young people's music. Con mèo già. The cat is old. Old cat. Cả Tom và tôi đã ở Boston tuần trước. Tom and I were both in Boston last week. Both Tom and I were in Boston last week. Họ lỗ mất tận 1 triệu yên. Their losses reached one million yen. They lost one million peace. Tom có nhiều tiền hơn tôi. Tom has more money than I do. Tom has more money than I do. Tôi đã làm hỏng điện thoại. I broke my phone. I broke my phone. Nếu bạn gặp Tom, hãy nói với nó giúp tôi. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. If you see Tom, tell him to help me. Mắt tôi rất nhậy cảm với ánh sang. My eyes are very sensitive to the light. My eyes are so impressed with the light. Bất kỳ ai đã hứa thì phải giữ lấy lời. Anyone who has made a promise should keep it. Anyone who has promised has to keep his word. Cậu nên chuẩn bị trước đi. You need to start getting ready. You better get ready. Tom đã bị sốc khi biết tin cha cậu ấy lên cơn đau tim. Tom was shocked by the news that his father had had a heart attack. Tom was shocked to know that his father had a heart attack. Bạn không có bị sốt. You do not have a fever. You don't have fever. Bạn có anh/em trai không? Do you have a brother? Do you have brothers/ sisters? Ấn Độ theo đạo Hindu, sau đó là Phật Giáo, tiếp theo lại là đạo Hindu vì đạo Hindu đã tái hấp thụ Phật Giáo India was Hindu, then it became Buddhist, then it became Hindu again, as Hinduism reabsorbed Buddhism. Hinduism, then Buddhistism, is Hindu religion, for Hinduism has reservoired Buddhistism. Mừng là Mary không phải là vợ của tôi. I'm glad Mary isn't my wife. Glad Mary wasn't my wife. Đó là một điều mâu thuẫn. That's a contradiction. It's a conflict. Tớ không muốn chuyển chỗ nữa. I don't want to move again. I don't want to move anymore. Tôi không có nhiều sự lựa chọn. I don't have much choice. I don't have a lot of choices. Tôi vẫn đang bị sốc. I'm still in shock. I'm still shocked. Nói tóm lại là, anh ta chán mọi thứ. In a word, he tires of everything. After all, he's tired of everything. Tom là tài xế xa tải. Tom is a truck driver. Tom's a remote driver. Hãy coi như chúng ta là người xa lạ. Let's pretend we're aliens. Let's say we're strangers. Ở đó dường như không cần phải vội đâu. There seems no need to hurry. It doesn't seem to have to be in a hurry. Tôi đã khiến cho Tom bỏ vali của nó lại. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I've made Tom leave his case behind. Tôi thường đến câu cá ở dòng sông đó. I often go fishing in that river. I often went to fish in that river. Hắn tức giận về chuyện gì vậy? What is he angry about? What's he mad about? Bruce đã vô cùng giận khi bạn gái bỏ anh ta, nhưng anh ta đã sớm vượt qua. Bruce was terribly upset when his girlfriend left him, but he soon got over it. Bruce was so angry when his girlfriend left him, but he was soon gone. Cha của tôi vẫn đang bị bệnh nằm trên giường. My father is still ill in bed. My father is still sick in bed. Để cô ấy yên hoặc mày sẽ phải hối hận. Leave her alone or you'll regret it. Leave her alone or you'll regret it. Tom lục trong các túi để tìm chìa khóa. Tom fished through his pockets for his keys. Tom searched in bags to find the keys. Đó là cái CD của tôi phải không? It's my CD, isn't it? That's my CD, isn't it? Lưu ý rằng đối với cùng một câu, nếu bạn cảm thấy có thể có nhiều bản dịch, bạn có thể thêm một số bản dịch đó trong cùng một ngôn ngữ. If you feel there are several possible translations, note that for the same sentence, you can add several translations in the same language. Notice that for the same sentence, if you feel that there may be many translations, you can add some of them in the same language. Cô ấy không thể đến bởi vì anh ấy bệnh. She couldn't come because he was sick. She can't come because he's sick. Melissa hoàn toàn mất bình tĩnh khi ngôi nhà phát hỏa. Cô ấy không biết nên làm gì. Melissa completely lost her head when the house caught on fire. She didn't know what to do. She doesn't know what to do. Chính sách của chính phủ bị phê phán bởi đảng đối lập. The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party. The government's policy is condemned by opposition party. Bạn có thể nhắc lại lời bạn vừa nói được không? Could you please repeat what you just said? Can you repeat what you just said? Dú sao những lời nó nói chẳng đáng tin chút nào. His words, however, were not believed at all. It doesn't make any sense of what it says. Dan thậm chí chẳng cố giấu cảm xúc đó. Dan didn't even try to hide that feeling. Dan didn't even try to hide his feelings. Công ty của Tom đã lên sàn giao dịch chứng khoán. Tom's company went public. Tom's company's been on the stock trade floor. Cái đèn pin này ngày càng mờ. This flashlight is getting dim. This battery lights are getting worse. Có lẽ tôi sẽ gọi cho cậu lúc nào đó. Maybe I'll call you sometime. Maybe I'll call you sometime. Đánh bại đội Giants! Beat the Giants! Destroy the Gigs! Vì sĩ diện tôi không thể vay tiền của anh ta. My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. Because I can't borrow his money. Tom không biết làm thế nào để vắt sữa con bò Tom doesn't know how to milk a cow. Tom doesn't know how to milk the cow. Tên của gã mà cậu đã hẹn họ trước khi gặp Tom là gì vậy nhỉ? What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? What's the name of the guy you picked them up before I met Tom? Tôi không muốn bị trúng độc. I don't want to be poisoned. I don't want to be poisoned. Tom nói với Mary rằng mọi người đều đã đến ngoại trừ John. Tom told Mary that everybody except John had already arrived. Tom told Mary that everyone had arrived except John. Tao đã khiến cho Tom bỏ vali của nó lại. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I left Tom his case behind. Tôi đang ở bên phe dân chủ. I am on the side of democracy. I'm with democracy. Tôi đã để ví tiền ở nhà. I left my wallet at home. I left my wallet at home. Ta phải giết ngươi vì đã làm lãng phí thời gian của ta. I'm going to kill you for wasting my time. I have to kill you for wasting my time. Tôi chỉ muốn bình thường như mọi người. I just want to be normal like everyone else. I just want to be as normal as everybody else. Cô ấy chưa sẵn sàng cho hôn nhân. She wasn't ready for marriage. She's not ready for marriage. Chúng tôi phải chấp nhận bảo mật toàn bộ và ký một thỏa thuận không tiết lộ. We had to agree to total confidentiality and sign a non-disclosure agreement. We have to accept full security and sign an unexplained deal. Uống nhiều quá sẽ bệnh. Too much drinking will make you sick. It's too much to drink. Tớ muốn ở lại. I want to stay. I want to stay. Tom chả bao giờ đi ngủ trước nửa đêm. Tom never goes to sleep before midnight. Tom never went to bed in the middle of the night. Nó sẽ không thích cái này. He won't like this. He won't like this. Bạn có nghĩ là bạn làm việc với chúng tôi được không? Do you think you'd like to work for us? Do you think you work with us? Nó không kiềm chế được và bắt đầu ném đồ. He lost his cool and started throwing things. It can't stop and start throwing things. Làm theo cách mà anh ấy đã chỉ bạn. Do it the way he tells you to. Do the way he showed you. Tôi muốn bạn làm hơn. I would've preferred you do it. I want you to do more. Tôi có một vết thương ở ngón chân út. I have a pain in my little toe. I've got a wound on my youngest toes. Ngày nào đó tôi sẽ đi thăm các nước khác. I will visit foreign countries someday. I'm going to visit other countries someday. Tôi gợi ý bạn nên nói chuyện với anh ấy. I suggest you talk to him. I suggest you talk to him. Cô ấy là mẫu người của tôi. She's my type. She's my type. Anh ta không thay đổi chút nào kể từ lần trước tôi gặp. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him. He hasn't changed a bit since I met. Gì thế? What's up? What is it? Tôi sẽ không để cậu tự mình đến đó đâu. Tom won't let you go there by yourself. I won't let you go there yourself. Văn hóa là điều gì còn lại sau khi người ta đã quên tất cả những điều người ta đã học. Culture is what remains after one has forgotten all the things one has learned. The culture is what remains after people have forgotten everything they have learned. Tớ mang ô phòng trời mưa I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. I'm carrying the rainroom. Nó là em trai tôi. He's my younger brother. He's my brother. Cô ấy đã cố mời anh ấy dự sinh nhật của mình. She has tried to invite him to her birthday party. She tried to invite him to her birthday. Chẳng ai ngờ rằng Tom sẽ thắng. No one expected Tom to win. Nobody expected Tom to win. Tôi là người Azerbaijan. I'm Azerbaijani. I'm Azerbaijan. Anh ấy là một luật sư giỏi. He is a capable lawyer. He's a good lawyer. Đẩy cái cửa cẩn thận. Push the door carefully. Push the door carefully. Tôi không chịu được lâu đâu. I can't stand it for long. I can't take it for long. Cậu nghĩ Tom đi giày cỡ bao nhiêu? What do you think Tom's shoe size is? How much do you think Tom's wearing shoes? Tom bận một chút, cho nên anh ấy không thể giúp bạn hôm nay. Tom is a bit busy, so he can't help you today. Tom's busy a little, so he can't help you today. Tôi từ trên núi xuống. I was in the mountains. I'm from the mountain. Khách sạn đó nằm dưới chân núi. The hotel is at the foot of a mountain. That hotel is at the bottom of the mountain. Bạn muốn nói với tôi về sự tự do hả? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You want to tell me about freedom? Cô ấy đỗ xe vào chỗ trống. She parked her car in a vacant lot. She drove in the open room. Tôi đã cố thuyết phục cô ấy mà không thành công. I tried to convince her, but I didn't succeed. I tried to convince her without success. Nó ghét cà rốt. He hates carrots. He hates coffee. Cô ta bán hoa. She sells flowers. She sells flowers. Các trẻ em xông xáo chỗ này chỗ kia. The children were rushing about. The kids broke this place over there. Đó là lỗi chính tả. Xin lỗi. That's a typo. Sorry. I'm sorry. Tôi phát bệnh và chán nản vì sự thiếu thẩm mỹ của hắn. I'm sick and tired of his lack of taste. I'm sick and depressed because of his thinness. Bạn có muốn một cốc cà phê không? Don't you want a cup of tea? Do you want a cup of coffee? Hãy chắc là bạn tới đón tôi lúc năm giờ nha! Make sure that you pick me up at five, please. Make sure you come pick me up at five! Anh phải bảo vệ những gì anh tin tưởng nếu không sẽ không có ai tôn trọng anh. You must stand up for what you believe in or no one will respect you. You have to protect what you believe or no one will respect you. Họ phải làm việc 8 giờ một ngày. They must work 8 hours a day. They have to work eight hours a day. Bữa ăn này thích hợp cho ba người. This meal is adequate for three. This meal is suitable for three people. Nếu bạn nói chuyện với một người bằng ngôn ngữ mà anh ta có thể hiểu, điều đó sẽ đi vào tâm trí anh ta. Nếu bạn nói chuyện với anh ta bằng chính ngôn ngữ của anh ta, điều đó sẽ chạm tới trái tim anh ta. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. If you talk to someone in the language he can understand, that goes into his mind. If you talk to him in his own language, that's gonna touch his heart. Nhưng tôi không chắc rằng nó có mang lại hạnh phúc cho mọi người hay không. But I'm not sure whether it brings happiness to everybody. But I'm not sure if it brings happiness to everyone. Có phải họ trả thêm tiền cho bạn làm việc muộn? Are they paying you extra to work late? Did they pay more money for you working late? Chức năng quan trọng của cảnh sát là bắt bọn trộm. An important function of policemen is to catch thieves. The police's important task is to arrest the thieves. Làm điều đó ngay bây giờ thì sẽ tốt hơn cho bạn. It is better for you to do it now. Doing that right now will be better for you. Điều gì đưa bạn tới đây? What made you come here? What brings you here? Tiếc rằng cái đó là sự thật. It is unfortunately true. I'm sorry that's true. Tôi không lái. I didn't drive. I'm not driving. Ai đã đánh rắm vậy? Who farted? Who beat that shit? Bác sỹ không phải luôn luôn sống thọ. Doctors do not always live long. Doctors don't always live. Tôi đã gặp Ken ở công viên. I met Ken at the park. I met Ken at the park. Fadil rất hào hứng. Fadil was thrilled. Fadil was excited. Đừng làm điều đó. Let's not do that. Don't do that. Tôi biết rồi, không cần bạn chỉ đâu. You don't have to tell me what to do. I already know. I know. I don't need you to point out. Đừng nói với họ nơi cậu sống. Don't tell them where you live. Don't tell them where you live. Cổ phần Volkswagen giảm hơn 20%. Volkswagen shares fell by more than 20%. She's part of Volkswagen down more than 20%. Đừng đụng vào người tôi. Please don't touch me. Don't touch me. Tom có thể rời đi vào ngày mai. Tom might leave tomorrow. Tom can leave tomorrow. Chúng ta không cần vội. We needn't have hurried. We don't need to hurry. Thế nào mà mày đã làm ố cái áo? How did you stain your dress? How did you make your shirt? Bị can đã bị tuyên án tử hình. The defendant was sentenced to death. She was sentenced to death. Mẹ tôi sẽ không cho chúng tôi nuôi thú cưng trong nhà. My mother won't let us keep pets in the house. My mother won't let us raise our pets in the house. chúng tôi là giáo viên. We are teachers. We're teachers. Con trai ông ấy muốn trở thành luật sư. His son wants to be a lawyer. His son wants to be a lawyer. Không ai biết là Tom là người đóng góp nhiều tiền nhất. Nobody knew that Tom was the person who contributed most of the money. No one knows Tom's the best contributionr. Tôi cần có một máy vi tính mới. I need a new computer. I need a new computer. Tôi phải làm bài tập. I have homework to do. I have to do my homework. Mary nói Tiếng Nhật chậm. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary says Japanese is slow. Hãy suy nghĩ thêm rồi sau đó quyết định. Think more and make decisions after. Think more and then decide. Nhấn nút màu xanh và đèn sẽ tiếp tục sáng. Push the green button and the light will go on. Press the blue button and the lights will continue to shine. Tớ muốn nghe toàn bộ câu chuyện. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the whole story. Cuốn sách đã sẵn sàng để xuất bản rồi. The book is now ready for publication. The book is already available to publish. Chúng tôi đã ở đây được ba tuần rồi. We have been here for three weeks. We've been here for three weeks. Chúng ta theo giỏi tin tức khá thường xuyên. We follow the news quite regularly. We follow the news pretty often. Chúng tôi muốn những câu đầy đủ. We want complete sentences. We want full questions. Lớp của các bạn có học sinh Hàn Quốc nào không ? Are there any students from Korea in your class? Do your classes have any Korean students? Bạn làm gì mà thức khuya quá vậy? What keeps you up so late? What are you doing up so late? Tôi không thể thực hiện nó lúc này. I can't do it now. I can't do it right now. Đừng có tin bất kỳ ai ở đây hết. Don't trust anyone here. Don't trust anyone here. Anh ta bận rộn với công việc của anh ấy. He is busy with his work. He's busy with his job. Tôi bị đau ở chỗ này. I'm in pain here. I'm in pain here. Tom rất vui. Tom was happy. Tom's so happy. Bạn đã tạo ra cái gì rồi ? What did you make? What did you create? Anh ấy quyết định đi đến Pháp. He decided to go to France. He decided to go to France. Mọi người thường phàn nàn về thời tiết. People often complain about the weather. People often complain about weather. Cậu bé vẫn chưa được tìm thấy. The boy is yet to be found. He hasn't been found yet. Cuộc chơi chấm dứt quá sớm. The play ended all too soon. The game's over too soon. Nó là một phần của cuộc sống. It's part of life. It's part of life. Tôi đã bị dằn vặt bởi sự hối hận. I've been tormented by regret. I was overwhelmed by regret. Anh của tôi đủ lớn để đi du lịch một mình. My brother is big enough to travel alone. My brother is old enough to travel alone. Nó nói tiếng Nhật như thể nó là người Nhật vậy. He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese. He speaks Japanese as if he's Japanese. Đó là ý tưởng ban đầu. That's an original idea. That's the original idea. Quyết định của họ sẽ đem đến chuỗi vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Their decision will bring about serious consequences. Their decision will lead to a significant series of problems. Bạn cho vào nhiều tiêu quá đấy. You put far too much pepper in it. You put it in a lot of shit. Cô ấy sẽ không thích cái này. She won't like this. She won't like this. Tôi cũng không muốn vụ này xảy ra. I didn't want this to happen. I don't want this to happen either. Tom muốn đi bơi. Tom wants to swim. Tom wants to swim. Tom biết rằng Mary không biết lái xe. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tôi nên làm gì trong khi chờ đợi? What should I do in the meantime? What should I do while waiting? Mọi người luôn hỏi tôi về điều đó. Everyone always asks me that. People always ask me about that. Tớ không thể tin là anh ấy mất rồi. I cannot accept the fact that he is dead. I can't believe he's gone. Nhiều văn phòng của chính quyền thành phố nằm trong tòa thị chính. Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall. Many of the offices of the city government are in the city hall. Tôi là nhà báo. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Tôi làm việc cho chính phủ. I'm from the government. I work for the government. Tom bắt đầu làm tôi thấy khó chịu. Tom is starting to get on my nerves. Tom started making me upset. Tôi chẳng có cái gì như vậy cả. I'm not having any of that. I don't have anything like that. Ung thư là kẻ thù rất lớn của loài người. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. The letter is the great enemy of mankind. Anh ấy đi bằng xe đạp. He goes by bike. He's riding with a bike. Anh ta thật ngốc khi từ chối lời đề nghị của cô ấy. It was silly of him to refuse her offer. He was stupid to refuse her offer. Nó luôn luôn lo lắng về sức nặng của cơ thể nó. He has a complex about his weight. He's always worried about the weight of his body. Lúc nào mày cũng đúng. You are in the right so far. You're always right. Tôi sẽ coi đó là có. I'm going to take that as a yes. I'll see it as yes. Loại trái cây này có mùi khó ngửi. This fruit has an unpleasant smell. This fruit smells hard to smell. Tất cả những câu này cần để dấu chấm hết. All of these sentences need a full stop. All these verses need to be marked. Giá cả sẽ tiếp tục tăng. Prices will continue to rise. The price will continue to grow. Chị của bạn sẽ làm ở trung tâm điều hành bay nào ? Which flight centre will your sister work for? What will your sister do in the air control center? Tôi không cần giường. I don't need a bed. I don't need bed. Bạn có thể nói chậm hơn được không? Could you speak more slowly? Can you speak slowly? Tớ giới thiệu bạn tớ với ấy nhé? May I introduce my friend to you? May I introduce my friend? Chúc mừng giáng sinh! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! Cái này là cái gì? What's that? What is this? Bạn say quá rồi. You got very drunk. You're so drunk. Tôi tốn hơn hai tiếng để dịch vài trang tiếng Anh. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. I spent more than two hours translating English pages. Bố tôi không cho phép tôi đi xem phim một mình. My father doesn't allow me to go to the movies alone. My father wouldn't let me go to a movie alone. Đừng hành xử như kẻ ngốc nữa. Stop acting like such a fool. Stop acting like a fool. Tom sẽ cố để ngăn cản cậu. Tom will try to stop you. Tom's gonna try to stop you. Anh ta rất sẵn lòng cho tôi vay tiền. He lent me the money quite willingly. He's willing to lend me money. Anh ấy rất ngượng. Anh ấy nói anh ấy muốn gặp bạn. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. He said he wanted to see you. Tùy chúng tôi giúp đỡ những người đó. It is up to us to help those people. It's up to us to help those people. Tôi tỉnh dậy và thấy một tên trộm trong phòng mình. I awoke to find a burglar in my room. I woke up and saw a thief in my room. Không tồn tại vấn đề mà không có giải pháp. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. There is no problem without a solution. Tôi không có ý định ích kỷ đâu. I don't intend to be selfish. I don't mean to be selfish. Chúng tôi sẽ làm điều này để giúp đỡ họ. We're doing this to help them. We'll do this to help them. Chúng tôi đã ngồi đây gần một tiếng rồi. We've been sitting here for almost an hour. We've been sitting here for almost an hour. Tôi thực sự cảm thấy thượng hại ông lão đó, ông ấy sống một mình và không có gia đình. I really feel sorry for that old man who lives alone and has no family. I really feel superior to him, he lives alone and doesn't have a family. Tôi không thích việc cậu ta đến nhà tôi quá thường xuyên. I don't like that he comes to my house so often. I don't like him coming to my house so often. Người bê-đu-anh sống trong sa mạc. Bedouins live in the desert. The concrete lives in the desert. Vào phòng tôi rồi hẳn nói Come and tell me in my room. I'm in my room. Tôi cảm thấy mình rất tự do. I feel that I am free. I feel so free. Tôi thích cái mũ len của tôi. I love my woolly hat. I like my coat. Tom nói ấy tự làm đau lưng mình. Tom said you hurt your back. Tom says it hurts his own back. Rõ ràng là cậu có vấn đề. It's pretty clear you have a problem. You obviously have a problem. Điểm đầu tiên cần làm rõ là bản thiết kế chỉ mang tính cách thí nghiệm. The first point that requires clarification is that the design was purely experimental. The first point is to make it clear that design is just an experiment. Bạn phát âm từ "WiFi" trong tiếng Pháp như thế nào? How do you pronounce "Wi-Fi" in French? How do you sound "WiFi" in French? Tôi cần chữ ký của anh trên thư trước khi tôi có thể gởi nó đi. I need your signature on the letter before I can mail it. I need your signature on the mail before I can send it away. Hy vọng bạn không thấy phiền. I hope you don't mind. I hope you don't mind. Anh ấy ngủ say như một đứa bé. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Tôi đã mất hưng. I lost my inspiration. I lost it. Jim mở cửa. Jim opens the door. Jim opens the door. Cái này cho mọi người. This is for everybody. This is for everyone. Tôi không muốn lạm dụng. I don't want to take too much advantage. I don't want to abuse. "Chào buổi sáng" Tom mỉm cười và nói. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. "Good morning" Tom smiles and says. Xin cho biết tên phố này là gì? What's the name of this street, please? Please tell me what this street is? Tôi gợi ý bạn nên nói chuyện với cô ấy I suggest you talk to him. I suggest you talk to her. Đó là đề nghị cuối cùng của tôi. That's my final offer. That's my last offer. Tôi thấy điều đó thật hấp dẫn. I found that fascinating. I see it's fascinating. Tổng thống đã bỏ chế độ sở hữu nô lệ. The president has abolished slavery. The president has abandoned slavery. Chúng ta sẽ làm gì với phần bánh mì thừa? What will we do with the leftover bread? What are we going to do with the portion of the bread? Ông cho tôi xem ông đã mua gì. Will you show me what you bought? You showed me what you bought. Điền tên và địa chỉ của bạn vào. Fill in your name and address. Put your name and address in. Tom từng là sếp của tôi. Tom was my boss. Tom was my boss. Chủ nhật tớ gọi nhé. I'll call on you on Sunday. I'll call you Sunday. Con chó đâu rồi? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Tôi sẽ trả phòng vào 6 giờ sáng ngày mai. I want to check out at 6 tomorrow morning. I'll pay room at 6:00 tomorrow morning. Hãy kiện cậu ta. Let's sue him. Ask him. Chờ chút, Tom. Hang on, Tom. Wait a minute, Tom. Nó sẽ không thích điều này. He won't like this. He won't like this. Tôi không nghĩ là sẽ có mưa, nhưng cứ cầm theo ô cho chắc. I don't think it'll rain, but I'll take an umbrella with me, just in case. I don't think there's gonna be rain, but just hold on to it. Bạn đang ở đâu? Where are you? Where are you? Nếu bạn bị cảm, bạn có nôn không? If you feel sick, you have to vomit? If you're feeling, do you vomit? Bạn chỉ là một cô gái. You're just a girl. You're just a girl. Cậu bé thử ăn bằng đũa. The boy tried eating with chopsticks. He tried with wand. Tôi không biết nói gì. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. Ti vi hỏng rồi. The television doesn't work. It's broken. Mưa không rơi từ mặt đất. Rain does not fall from the ground. The rain doesn't fall from the ground. Helen xuống ở trạm kế tiếp. Helen got off at the next stop. Helen came down at the next station. Nó không đời nào làm được việc đó. It is impossible for him to do it. He can't do that. Có quá nhiều người tại buổi hòa nhạc. There are so many people at this concert. There are too many people at the concert. Ai sẽ trả tiền xăng? Who's paying for the gas? Who's gonna pay for gas? Bạn có hiểu được sự khác biệt không? Do you understand the difference? Do you understand the difference? Tôi đã nói là tôi sẽ làm mà. I said I'll do it. I told you I'd do it. Mày ngưng đánh vợ mày chưa? Have you stopped beating your wife? Did you stop hitting your wife? Tôi không có liên quan gì đến chuyện xảy ra tối qua. I had nothing to do with what happened last night. I had nothing to do with what happened last night. Anh ấy sáng tác những bài thơ đẹp. He composes beautiful poems. He wrote beautiful poems. Tôi không phải là bác sĩ. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Tôi có một chiếc xe đạp. I have a bicycle. I have a bike. Tôi sẽ gây ấn tượng với Tom bằng cách nào đây? How am I going to impress Tom? How am I going to impress Tom? Anh có thể dùng cây viết của tôi. You may use my pen. You can use my pen. Chúng tôi chỉ muốn nhanh chóng thoát ra khỏi đây. We wanted to get out of there as fast as we could. We just want to get out of here quickly. Có lẽ Tom đang ở trong công viên với các bạn. Tom might be in the park with his friends. Tom's probably in the park with you. Tom là đồng nghiệp của tôi. Tom is my colleague. Tom's my colleague. Tom đã đến nhờ chúng tôi giúp đỡ. Tom came to ask us for our help. Tom came to ask us for help. Bạn có thể giải thích nghĩa của bài thơ này không? Can you make sense of this poem? Can you explain the meaning of this poem? Tom biết rằng anh ấy không nên nói ra điều đó. Tom knows he shouldn't have said that. Tom knew he shouldn't say that. Tởm quá đi! It's absolutely disgusting! It's too bad! Chúng tôi vừa sơn phòng của Tom vào tuần trước. We just had Tom's room painted last week. We just painted Tom's room last week. Người trước tôi nói ý kiến với tưởng tôi điên. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person I've been talking about with thought I'm crazy. Tôi hài lòng về cương vị công tác của tôi. I am satisfied with my job. I'm pleased with my job position. Tôi lúc nào cũng ăn ngoài hàng, nhưng tôi thích đồ ăn nhà làm hơn. I'm always eating in restaurants, but I prefer homemade foods. I've always been eating out of line, but I'm more interested in business. Tao e rằng tụi tao không thể đi vào ngày thứ 2. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. Bạn có thấy người chào hàng mới Did you see the new commercial? Do you see a new welcome? Cô ấy đã cố tự sát rất nhiều lần. She tried to kill herself many times. She tried to kill herself many times. Tôi không biết nên nói gì cả... I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say... Tom thấp hơn mức trung bình. Tom is shorter than average. Tom's lower than average. Tôi hy vọng mình đã làm điều đúng đắn. I hope that I've done the right thing. I hope I did the right thing. Bạn không nói với anh ấy cái gì à? You didn't tell him anything? Didn't you tell him something? Nó lúc nào cũng di chuyển. He is always on the move. It's always moving. Tom không thích lái xe ở Bonstom Tom doesn't like driving in Boston. Tom doesn't like driving in Bonstom Tôi ngủ dậy và thấy mình nằm trên sàn nhà. I awoke to find myself lying on the floor. I woke up and found myself lying on the floor. Cậu không sợ chết ư? Aren't you afraid to die? You're not afraid of dying? Ông ấy tức giận với con gái. He's mad at his daughter. He's angry with his daughter. Tôi mới mua một cái ti vi màn hình phẳng bốn mươi in. I just bought a 40 inch flat screen television. I just bought a flat screen of forty print. Hầu như ngày nào tôi cũng đi bơi. I swim almost every day. I've been swimming almost every day. Anh thử. He tries. I tried. Tớ đã làm tất cả những gì có thể để cứu Tom. I did everything I could to save Tom. I did everything I could to save Tom. Anh ta tìm từ đó trong từ điển. He looked up the word in his dictionary. He's looking for that word in the dictionary. Hãy nhấp thử một ngụm. Take a sip of this. Try a drink. Cô ấy là một người nói tiếng Anh thông thạo. She is a fluent speaker of English. She's an expert English man. Tôi đã từng tới Mỹ rồi. I have been to the United States. I've been to America before. Nó sẽ phá vỡ. It will break. It'll break. Tôi không thể hiểu ý của nó. I cannot understand his ideas. I can't understand what it means. Bây giờ Muiriel được 20 tuổi. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now 20 years old. Chào buổi sáng! Good morning! Good morning! Tôi xin hứa tôi sẽ không làm vậy nữa. I promise I won't do that again. I promise I won't do that again. Buổi sáng hôm sau, chúng tôi rất buồn ngủ. We were very sleepy the next morning. The next morning, we fell asleep. Không ai đưa mình đi đâu cả. Nobody takes me anywhere. No one's taking us anywhere. Tôi sẽ giải thích mọi thứ cho bạn sau. I'll explain everything to you later. I'll explain everything to you later. Tại sao cậu lại hôn Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Tôi kiếm được 100 euro một ngày. I make €100 a day. I got 100 euros a day. Ngoài tiếng Anh, ông Nakajima có thể nói thông thạo tiếng Đức. In addition to English, Mr. Nakajima can speak German fluently. Out of English, Nakajima can speak German. Viết lời nhắn cho anh ấy. Write him a note. Write a message to him. Tôi chắc chắn Tom đã nói thật với bạn. I'm sure Tom told you the truth. I'm sure Tom told you the truth. Tôi đã không nhìn thấy bạn trong một thời gian dài. I have not seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you for a long time. Chắc phải tốn vài tuần để quen làm việc ca đêm. It may take a few weeks to get used to working the night shift. Must take a couple of weeks to get used to the night shift. Công việc kinh doanh đang phát đạt. The business is in the red. Business work is going on. Nó có vẻ rất phấn khích. She seems to be excited. It seems very excited. Bạn đã từng đến Mexico phải không? Have you ever been to Mexico? You've been to Mexico before, haven't you? Bạn có tiến triển gì không? Have you made any progress? Have you made any progress? ESA đã đưa một vệ tinh vào quỹ đạo. The ESA put a satellite into orbit. ESA put a satellite into orbit. Bạn phải học tiếng Anh chuẩn. You have to learn standard English. You have to learn the correct English. Tôi cao hơn Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm higher than Tom. Tôi muốn bạn biết rằng bạn không có gì phải sợ. I want you to know you've got nothing to be afraid of. I want you to know that you have nothing to fear. Họ ở ngay sau cậu. They're right behind you. They're right behind you. Anh ấy làm bồi bàn cho một nhà hàng bên bờ biển He is a waiter in a seaside restaurant. He's a waiter for a restaurant by the coast. Cô ấy là bạn của vợ tôi. She is a friend of my wife's. She's my wife's friend. "Cám ơn." "Không có chi." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "There's nothing." Tôi vừa nói chuyện với cậu ta. I just talked with him. I just talked to him. Tôi xốc lại tinh thần và bắt đầu làm việc. I pulled myself together and started my work. I put my mind back and started working. Vài người có thói quen phàn nàn về mọi việc. Some people seem to complain about everything. Some people have the habit of complaining about things. Chúng tôi không phải là người lạ. We're not strangers. We're not strangers. con sẽ nhớ mẹ lắm. I will miss you. I'll miss you so much. Bài thứ hai thì rất đơn giản. The second lesson is very simple. The second article is simple. Ai đã trả lời điện thoại vậy? Who answered the phone? Who answered the phone? Anh không được ra ngoài mà để thằng bé ở nhà một mình như vậy được. You oughtn't to go out with the little boy remaining alone. You can't go out and leave him at home alone. Điều gì khiến việc đó không xảy ra? What's preventing this from happening? What doesn't happen? Em sẽ không bao giờ quên anh. I'll never ever forget you. I'll never forget you. Có phải da của đàn ông nhờn nhiều hơn da của phụ nữ? Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? Is a man's skin more than a woman's skin? Tôi đoán cái pin phải bị hỏng. I guess the battery must be dead. I guess the battery must be broken. Tao không giống mày! I'm not like you! I'm not like you! Tôi là người Thượng Hải. I'm Shanghainese. I'm Shanghai. Bọn con trai đang leo lên khắp các tảng đá. The boys were climbing about on the rocks. The boys are climbing all the rocks. Tôi muốn hỏi bạn một đặc ân lớn. I want to ask you a big favor. I want to ask you a great privilege. Số phòng của tôi là số nào? What is my room number? What's my room number? Tom và Mary đang chơi Uno. Tom and Mary are playing Uno. Tom and Mary are playing Uno. Mary đã đến thăm Hungary. Mary has visited Hungary. Mary visited Hungary. Bạn nên xem cái này. You'd better look at this. You should see this. Tôi có thể đã chết. I could've died. I could be dead. Hôm qua nó đi đâu vậy? Where did she go yesterday? Where did he go yesterday? Cậu có vẻ chăm chú nhưng không thực sự nghe. You are always hearing but not listening. You look good, but you don't really listen. Lối duy nhất dẫn vào trang trại là băng qua các cánh đồng. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. The only way in the farm is through the fields. Tôi muốn tự làm lấy. I prefer to do it by myself. I want to do it myself. Chúng tôi sửng sốt trước khả năng ăn nói của thằng bé. We marveled at the little boy's eloquence. We were shocked by his ability to speak. Tối qua tụi bây ngủ ở đâu? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Tôi có thể mua quần áo bơi ở đâu? Where can I buy a bathing suit? Where can I buy swimming clothes? Chúng mày có muốn thêm đường vào trà không? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like to add your way to the tea? Tôi cho chó ăn chỗ thức ăn thừa. I fed the leftovers to my dog. I feed dogs where they eat food. Tôi phải tới trường sớm sáng mai. I'm supposed to get to school early tomorrow morning. I have to go to school tomorrow morning. Bạn phải không bỏ lỡ xem bộ phim tuyệt vời này. You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film. You don't have to miss this great movie. Tôi muốn biết người mà Tom đã nói chuyện cùng. I wonder who Tom was talking to. I want to know who Tom was talking to. Anh ấy đã ra biển bơi. He went to sea to swim. He went to the pool. Tụi tao đã chọn Henry làm đội trưởng của đội của tụi tao rồi. We chose Henry captain of our team. We chose Henry as our captain. John đã lấy chỉa khóa ra túi của anh ấy. John took a key from his pocket. John took the key to his bag. Gia đình tôi nghĩ rằng tôi giàu có. My family thinks I'm rich. My family thinks I'm rich. Mary có một mái tóc rất dài. Mary has very long hair. Mary has a long hair. Mày phải xin lỗi nó, và phải làm liền. You must apologize to her, and do it at once. You have to apologize for it, and you have to do it. Tom đã không có đủ thời gian để hoàn thành bản báo cáo. Tom didn't have time to finish his report. Tom didn't have enough time to complete the report. 號 I'm happy to see you two getting along. Occupine