Katė sedėjo ant kėdės. A cat was sitting on the chair. The cat sat on a chair. Pagal mokslininkus, atmosfera tampa vis šiltesnė metai po metų. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year. Afrikietiški drambliai yra didesni už azijietiškus dramblius. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. African elephants are larger than Asian elephants. Po kelių dienų, lėktuvas pagaliau išvyko. After several delays, the plane finally left. A few days later, the plane finally departed. Po filmo jie užmigo. After the movie they fall asleep. After the film, they fell asleep. Mergaitė groja fleita. A girl is playing the flute. The girl plays the flute. Į mano galvą atėjo šauni mintis. A great thought came to my head. A cool idea came to my mind. Virš mūsų skraido lėktuvai. Airplanes fly above us. Planes fly over us. Kalba niekada nėra užsienio. A language is never foreign. The language is never foreign. Alkoholis neišsprendžia jokių problemų. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Visi gyvuliai yra lygūs, tačiau kai kurie gyvuliai lygesni nei kiti. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Staiga, dangus patamsėjo. All of a sudden the sky became dark. Suddenly, the sky darkened. Visos jūsų katės yra pilkos. All of your cats are grey. All your cats are grey. Leisk man eiti. Allow me to go. Let me go. Tiek to, išversiu dar penkiolika sakinių ir tada išeisiu. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All that, I'll translate another fifteen sentences and then I'll leave. Visi obuoliai yra ten. All the apples are there. All the apples are there. Visos jų pastangos buvo beprasmiškos. All their efforts were in vain. All of their efforts were pointless. Visi keliai vedantys į miestą yra pilni automobilių. All the roads leading into the city are full of cars. All roads leading to the city are full of cars. Beveik visi mokiniai mėgsta anglų kalbą. Almost all the students like English. Almost all students love English. Žmogaus širdis yra maždaug jo kumščio dydžio. A man's heart is about as large as his fist. A man's heart is about the size of his fist. Ar einu teisinga kryptimi? Am I going in the right direction? Am I going in the right direction? Milijonas žmonių prarado savo gyvybę karo metu. A million people lost their live during the war. A million people lost their lives during the war. Ar aš tėvas? Am I the father? Am I a father? Ar aš švaistau savo laiką? Am I wasting my time? Am I wasting my time? Akis už akį, dantis už dantį. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Ankara yra Turkijoje. Ankara is in Turkey. Ankara is in Turkey. Ana labai mėgsta šokoladą. Ann likes chocolate very much. Anna is very fond of chocolate. Atsakykite! Answer! Answer! Atsakykite angliškai. Answer in English. Answer in English. Atsakyk man. Answer me. Answer me. Dar ko nors, pone? Anything else, sir? Anything else, sir? Bet kuri visata, kuri yra pakankamai paprasta kad galima būtų ją suprasti, yra per paprasta sukurti protą kuris galėtų ją suprasti. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. Any universe that is simple enough to be understood is too simple to create a mind that can understand it. Fotografas paėmė mano namo nuotrauką. A photographer took a photograph of my house. The photographer took a picture of my house. Policininkas įsakė man sustabdyti automobilį. A police officer told me to stop the car. The policeman ordered me to stop the car. Ar tu ne Tomas? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Thomas? Ar yra išgyvenusiųjų? Are there any survivors? Are there any survivors? Ar yra išgyvenusiųjų? Are there survivors? Are there any survivors? Ar čia netoliese yra taksi? Are there taxis around here? Is there a taxi nearby? Jie gyvi? Are they alive? They're alive? Ar esi advokatas? Are you a lawyer? Are you a lawyer? Ar šiuo metu esi užsiėmęs? Are you busy at the moment? Are you currently busy? Ar šiuo metu esi užsiėmusi? Are you busy at the moment? Are you currently busy? Ar esi tikra? Are you certain? Are you sure? Ar tu laisvas šį savaitgalį? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Ar esi alkana? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Ar esi alkanas? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Juokauji !? Are you kidding? Are you kidding !? Ar tu ieškai darbo? Are you looking for a job? Are you looking for a job? Ar nesi pavargusi? Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? Ar esi nėščia? Are you pregnant? Are you pregnant? Ar esate pasiruošę? Are you ready? Are you ready? Ar jūs pasiruošusios išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ar tu pasiruošęs išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ar tu pasiruošusi išeiti? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to leave? Ar esate pasiruošę pradėti savo kelionę? Are you ready to start your journey? Are you ready to start your journey? Ar tu vis dar Floridoje? Are you still in Florida? Are you still in Florida? Ar esi tikra? Are you sure? Are you sure? Ar tau dešimt metų? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Ar esi pavargusi? Are you tired? Are you tired? Ar tu jaunesnis už jį? Are you younger than him? Are you younger than him? Jūreivis daug laiko praleidžia jūroje. A sailor is at sea much of the time. The seaman spends a lot of time at sea. Kiek man žinoma, jis neateis. As far as I know, he won't come. As far as I know, he won't come. Kadangi jis dažnai meluoja, juo negalima pasitikėti. As he often tells lies, he is not to be relied on. Because he often lies, he cannot be trusted. Kaip aš sakiau, aš nieko nedarysiu. As l was saying, I won't do anything. As I said, I won't do anything. Kaip paklosi, taip ir išsimiegosi. As you make your bed, so you must lie in it. As you fall asleep, so do you. Prašyčiau arbatos su citrina. A tea with lemon, please. Please have some tea with lemon. Aš iškart jo nemėgau, bet dabar mėgstu. At first I did not like him, but now I do. I didn't like him right away, but I like him now. Iš pradžių buvome visiškai nepažįstami. Bet bėgant laikui mes susipažinome. At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. At first, we were completely unfamiliar, but over time, we met. Tigras yra didesnis ir stipresnis už katiną. A tiger is larger and stronger than a cat. The tiger is larger and stronger than the cat. Aš bent jau turiu kur miegoti. At least I have somewhere to sleep. At least I have somewhere to sleep. Kadaise Nigerija buvo Britų kolonija. At one time Nigeria was a British colony. Nigeria was once a British colony. Kuriuo metu išgirdote šūvį? At what time did you hear the gunshot? At what point did you hear the shot? Kuriuo metu mes turėtume nueiti į stotį? At what time should we go to the station? When should we go to the station? Kuriuo metu taksi nuvažiuos į oro uostą? At what time will the taxi go to the airport? When will the taxi go to the airport? Australija yra kengūrų šalis. Australia is the land of kangaroos. Australia is a Kangaroo country. Vilko neįmanoma prisijaukinti. A wolf cannot be tamed. The wolf cannot be tamed. Kai aš mokiausi vidurinėje mokykloje, kasdien keldavausi šeštą valandą ryto. Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I was in high school, I would get up every day at six in the morning. Būk atsargi, gerai? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Būk atsargus, gerai? Be careful, OK? Be careful, okay? Būkite kūrybingi. Be creative. Be creative. Būk kūrybingas. Be creative. Be creative. Jautienos, prašau. Beef, please. Beef, please. Prieš bėgimą bėgikai turi apšilti. Before the race, the runners have to warm up. Runners must warm up before running. Būkite draugiška. Be friendly. Be friendly. Būkite draugiškas. Be friendly. Be friendly. Tikėk tais kurie ieško tiesos, saugokis tų kurie ją randa. Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it. Believe in those who seek the truth, watch out for those who find it. Betei visada pavykdavo gauti tai, ko ji norėjo. Betty always managed to get what she wanted. Betty always managed to get what she wanted. Bilas nemėgsta kad jo tėvas taip daug rūko. Bill doesn't like the fact that his father smokes a lot. Bill doesn't like that his father smokes so much. Bilai, atidaryk duris. Bill, open the door. Bill, open the door. Bobas tuo metu plovė indus. Bob was washing the dishes at that time. Bob was washing dishes at the time. Mes abudu norime pamatyti tą filmą. Both of us want to see the movie. We both want to see that movie. Atnešk jai lėkštę salotų. Bring her a plate of salad. Bring her a plate of salad. Atnešk man sausą rankšluostį. Bring me a dry towel. Bring me a dry towel. Asivesk savo brolį su savim. Bring your brother with you. Asivek your brother with yourself. Bet jis žinojo kad jis neturėjo jokio pasirinkimo. But he knew he had no choice. But he knew he had no choice. Bet jis žinojo kad tai negalėjo tęstis. But he knew it couldn't last. But he knew it couldn't go on. Bet aš nenoriu. But I don't want to. But I don't want to. Bet aš noriu kad tu suprastum ką aš tau sakau. But I want you to understand what I'm saying. But I want you to understand what I'm telling you. Rugsėjo mėnesį bus lygiai metai, kaip aš ją pažįstu. By September I will have known her for a whole year. September will be exactly the year I know her. Beje, ar tu laisva šią popietę? By the way, are you free this afternoon? By the way, are you free this afternoon? Beje, koks tavo adresas? By the way, what is your address? By the way, what's your address? Beje, kur jis gyvena? By the way, where does he live? By the way, where does he live? Kada nors man paskambink. Call me sometime. Someday, call me. Nusiramink ir pradėk nuo pradžių. Calm down and begin at the beginning. Calm down and start from the beginning. Nusiramink. Calm down. Calm down. Kupranugariai dažnai naudojami keliaujant dykumose. Camels are often used to travel in the desert. Camels are often used when traveling in deserts. Ar galiu padaryti tai vėliau? Can I do this later? Can I do that later? Ar kas nor galėtų atidaryti duris? Can someone open the door please? Anyone want to open the door? Ar jūs negalite skaityti? Can't you read? Can you not read? Ar gali patikėti tuo, ką jis pasakė? Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? Ar gali ateiti devintą? Can you come at nine? Can you come in at nine? Ar gali tą rasti? Can you find it? Can you find that? Ar gali man atleisti? Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? Ar galite man duoti nuolaidą? Can you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? Ar gali eiti su mumis? Can you go with us? Can you go with us? Ar gali paduoti druską? Can you pass me the salt? Can you give me the salt? Ar matai tą mažą namą? Can you see that small house? Do you see that little house? Ar gali kalbėti garsiau? Aš tavęs neišgirdau. Can you talk louder? I didn't hear you. Can you speak louder? I didn't hear you. Katės yra sudėtingi individai. Cats are complex individuals. Cats are complex individuals. Katės negali išmokti kalbėti. Cats can't learn to speak. Cats cannot learn to speak. Prašau šampano. Champagne, please. Please champagne. Prašom pakeisti vėliavą. Change the flag, please. Please change the flag. Sūrį gamina iš pieno. Cheese is made from milk. Cheese is made from milk. Kinija didesnė, nei Japonija. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Uždaryk langą. Close the window. Close the window. Bespalvės žalios mintys pasiutiškai miega. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green thoughts are frantically asleep. Ateik ir aš tau parodysiu kas aš esu. Come and I'll show you who I am. Come and I'll show you who I am. Grįžk vėliau. Come back later. Come back later. Greitai grįžk. Come back soon. Come back soon. Ateik, berniuk, atsisėsk. Atsisėsk ir pailsėk. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. Come, boy, sit down, sit down and rest. Ateik padėk man. Come help me. Come help me. Eikš čia. Aš kai ką tau parodysiu. Come here. I'll show you something. Come here, I'll show you something. Grįžk namo prieš šeštą. Come home before six. Go home before six. Grįžk namo. Come home. Go home. Nagi, judinkis! Come on, get a move on! Come on, move! Užeik, Tomai. Come on in, Tom. Come in, Tom. Nagi, sūnau. Nustok kautis su blogio jėgomis bent dešimčiai minučių ir ateik pavalgyti vakarienės! Come on, son. Quit battling the forces of evil for ten minutes and come to dinner! Come on, son, stop fighting evil forces for at least ten minutes and come for dinner! Eikš su manim laukan ir pažiūrėk į žvaigždynus. Come outside with me and look at the constellations. Come outside with me and look at the constellations. Palygink faktus. Compare the facts. Compare the facts. Palyginkite savo sakinį su tuo ant lentos. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence to that on the board. Ar galėčiau gauti dar vieną taurę alaus? Could I have another glass of beer? Can I get another glass of beer? Ar galėčiau tau padėti? Could I help you? Can I help you? Ar galite jį iškeisti su kitu? Could you exchange it with another one? Can you exchange it with another? Ar galite suvynioti kaip dovaną? Could you gift wrap it? Can you wrap it up as a gift? Ar gali padėti šį krepšį kur nors kitur? Could you put this bag somewhere else? Can you put this bag somewhere else? Ar galite man parodyti kelią į teatrą? Could you show me the way to the theatre? Can you show me the way to the theater? Ar galėtum man pasakyti? Could you tell me? Could you tell me? Karvės pienas yra skanesnis nei sojos pienas. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow's milk is more palatable than soy milk. Kryželiu pažymėkite visus klaidingus atsakymus. Cross out all the wrong answers. Cross-check all the wrong answers. Tėte, ar tiki vaiduokliais? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Tėti, ar tiki vaiduokliais? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Dad, do you believe in ghosts? Ar jis iš tiesų tą padarė? Did he really do that? Did he really do that? Ar Marika rašė tau laiškus suomiškai? Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? Did Marika write letters to you in Finnish? Ar Tomas tau atleido už tai, ką tu padarei praeitą savaitę? Did Tom forgive you for what you did last week? Did Tom forgive you for what you did last week? Ar padarei kažką su savo plaukais? Did you do something new with your hair? Did you do something with your hair? Ar pasidarei kažką savo plaukams? Did you do something new with your hair? Did you do something for your hair? Ar padarei šitą pats? Did you do this on your own? Did you do this yourself? Ar radote savo laiškus? Did you find your letters? Did you find your letters? Ar jūs gavote Tomo žinutę? Did you get Tom's message? Did you get Tom's message? Ar tu gavai Tomo žinutę? Did you get Tom's message? Did you get Tom's message? Ar tu ką nors išgirdai? Did you hear something? Did you hear anything? Jūs tik dabar supratote? Did you just realize that? You only understood now? Ar tu tai žinojai? Did you know that? Did you know that? Ar tu žinai kad esi stipresnis nei manai? Did you know you are stronger than you think you are? Do you know that you are stronger than you think? Ar tu sutikai Džiazminą Vokietijoje? Did you meet Jasmin in Germany? Did you meet Jasmine in Germany? Ar tu ją visą perskaitei? Did you read it all? Did you read it all? Ar gavote laišką? Did you receive the letter? Did you get the letter? Ar tu matei mano katę? Did you see my cat? Have you seen my cat? Ar jūs matėte mano mamą? Did you see my mother? Have you seen my mom? Matei tą mažą pelę? Did you see that small mouse? Did you see that little mouse? Ar supratai ką jis pasakė? Did you understand what he said? Do you understand what he said? Norėjai pasimatyti su manim? Did you want to see me? You wanted to see me? Daryk, kaip nori. Do as you want. Do as you wish. Daktare, ar galite manęs išklausyti? Doctor, can you hear me out? Doctor, can you listen to me? Daktare, padėkite man! Doctor, help me! Doctor, help me! Daktarai padarė viską ką galėjo tam kad jį išgydytų. Doctors did everything they could to cure him. The doctors did everything they could to cure him. Ar kas nors čia kalba japoniškai? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Ar jis žino kur tie katinai pasislėpė? Does he know where those cats hid themselves? Does he know where those cats hid? Ar obiektyvi istorija egzistuoja? Does objective history exist? Does Obituary History Exist? Ar Tomas turi patirtį? Does Tom have experience? Does Tom have any experience? Ar aš per daug keikiuosi? Do I curse too much? Am I cursing too much? Ar turiu atsakyti angliškai? Do I have to answer in English? Do I have to answer in English? Ar aš tai turiu padaryti dabar? Do I have to do this now? Do I have to do this now? Ar aš turiu likti ligoninėje? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Do I have to stay in the hospital? Nepamiršk mūsų. Do not forget about us. Don't forget us. Nevenk mano klausimo. Don't avoid my question. Don't shy away from my question. Nebūk absurdiškas. Don't be absurd. Don't be ridiculous. Nebijok permainų. Don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid of change. Nebijok suklysti. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Nenusivilk. Don't be disappointed. Don't be disillusioned. Nebūk bloga. Don't be evil. Don't be bad. Neskubėk taip. Don't be in such a hurry. Don't rush like that. Nebijokite naujų pažinčių. Don't be scared to meet new people. Don't be afraid of new acquaintances. Nebūk tokia rimta. Tai tik žaidimas. Don't be so serious. It's only a game. Don't be so serious, it's just a game. Nekaltink jos. Don't blame it on her. Don't blame her. Nevadinkite Tomo idiotu. Don't call Tom an idiot. Don't call Tom an idiot. Daugiau to nedaryk! Don't do it again. Don't do it again! Nesitikėk (nelauk) per daug. Don't expect too much. Don't expect (don't wait) too much. Per daug iš manęs nesitikėk. Don't expect too much of me. Don't expect too much from me. Nepamiršk bilieto. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. Nepamiršk atidaryti lango savo kambaryje. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Nepamiršk rytoj pasikalbėti su juo. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Neišeik dabar. Mes ruošiamės valgyti pietus. Don't go out now. We're about to have lunch. We're about to eat lunch. Nepalik savo darbo nepabaigto. Don't leave your work unfinished. Don't leave your work unfinished. Neleisk šuniui miegoti mūsų lovoje. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Don't let the dog sleep in our bed. Neleiskite jiems ištrūkti! Don't let them escape! Don't let them get out! Netriukšmauk bibliotekoje. Don't make a noise in the library. Don't make noise in the library. Neversk manęs juoktis. Don't make me laugh. Don't make me laugh. Nepavėluok į autobusą. Don't miss the bus. Don't be late for the bus. Nekreipk į jį dėmėsio. Don't pay attention to him. Don't pay attention to him. Nebėgiok aplink baseiną. Don't run around the pool. Don't run around the pool. Nebėgiokite aplink baseiną. Don't run around the pool. Don't run around the pool. Nieko nesakyk. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Nesakyk, daryk. Don't say, do. Don't tell me, do it. Nebark jos. Ji per jauna tai suprasti. Don't scold her. She's too young to understand. Don't rebuke her, she's too young to understand it. Nestovėk prie lango. Don't stand next to the window. Don't stand by the window. Nekalbėkite skaitykloje. Don't talk in the reading room. Don't talk in the reading room. Nemėtyk akmenų į upę. Don't throw stones into the river. Don't throw stones into the river. Nepasitikėk žmogumi, apie kurio praeitį tu nieko nežinai. Don't trust a man whose past you know nothing about. Don't trust someone whose past you don't know anything about. Nepasitikėk juo. Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Nesijaudink. Aš tą padarysiu. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. Nesirūpink. Pažadu kad padarysiu tą ko prašai. Don't worry. I promise I'll do what you ask. Don't worry, I promise I'll do what you ask me to do. Ar nemanai? Don't you think so? Don't you think? Ar norėtum puodelio arbatos? Don't you want a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Ar nori pasilikti čia su mumis? Don't you want to stay here with us? Do you want to stay here with us? Ar vaikai eina į mokyklą? Do the children go to school? Do children go to school? At turime užtektinai kėdžių? Do we have enough chairs? Do we have enough chairs? Daryk viską, ką tik jis lieps tau daryti. Do whatever it is that he tells you to do. Do whatever he tells you to do. Ar tu pritari tam ką ji daro? Do you approve of what she is doing? Do you approve of what she does? Tau patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like that? Do you like living that way? Jums patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like this? Do you like living that way? Tau patinka taip gyventi? Do you enjoy living like this? Do you like living that way? Ar turite kokių nors prieštaravimų? Do you have any objections? Do you have any objections? Ar turite klausimų? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? Ar turite klausimų apie šią pamoką? Do you have any questions in this lesson? Do you have any questions about this lesson? Turi ką nors karšto išgerti? Do you have anything hot to drink? You got anything hot to drink? Ar turi gėrimus be alkoholio? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Do you have drinks without alcohol? Ar jūs jį pažįstate? Do you know him? Do you know him? Ar tu jį pažįsti? Do you know him? Do you know him? Ar tu žinai kiek ji turi kačių? Do you know how many cats she has? Do you know how many cats she has? Ar tu žinai ar jis turi merginą? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? Žinai jų adresą? Do you know their address? You know their address? Ar nežinai kelio? Do you know the way? Don't you know the way? Ar nežinote kelio? Do you know the way? Don't you know the way? Ar žinote kelią? Do you know the way? Do you know the way? Ar žinai Tomo adresą? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Ar jūs žinote, ką vilkėjo Tomas? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Ar tu žinai kur jis gyvena? Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? Ar jums patinka italų kalba? Do you like Italian? Do you like Italian? Ar tau patinka ši spalva? Do you like this color? Do you like this color? Ar jūs mylite savo mamą? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Ar tu myli savo motiną? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Tau reikalingas automobilis? Do you need a car? You need a car? Ar tu turi dirbti sekmadieniais? Do you need to work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sundays? Ar užsiiminėji kokiu nors sportu? Do you play any sports? Do you do any sports? Ar gerai žaidi krepšinį? Do you play basketball well? Do you play basketball well? Ar jūs žaidžiate šachmatais? Do you play chess? Do you play chess? Ar tu žaidi šachmatais? Do you play chess? Do you play chess? Ar jūs tikrai neturite namų? Do you really have no home? Don't you really have a home? Ar pameni? Do you remember? Do You Remember? Ar tu prisimeni tą pardotuvę? Do you remember that store? Do you remember that carpenter? Ar pamenate šį žaidimą? Do you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Ar pameni ką ji pasakė? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Ar tu prisimeni kur jis paliko savo skėtį? Do you remember where he left his umbrella? Do you remember where he left his umbrella? Ar matai mane? Do you see me? Do you see me? Jūs matote skirtumą? Do you see the difference? You see the difference? Galvoji, kad man tai nerūpi? Do you think I don't care? You think I don't care? Ar tu manai kad aš turėčiau eiti vienas? Do you think I should go alone? Do you think I should go alone? Ar tu manai kad tai veikia? Do you think it works? Do you think it works? Ar tu manai kad mes rasime jos namą? Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we'll find her house? Ar manai, kad Tomas pasikeitė? Do you think Tom has changed? Do you think Tom has changed? Ar jūs norite darbo? Do you want a job? Do you want a job? Ar nori būti turtingas? Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be rich? Ar tu nori išgirsti ką tas žmogus apie tave pasakė? Do you want to hear what that person said about you? Do you want to hear what that person said about you? Nori mokytis prancūzų kalbos? Do you want to learn French? Do you want to learn French? Vairuok ypač atsargiai Drive with the utmost care. Drive with extreme caution Kiekvienas berniukas turi dviratį. Each boy has a bike. Every boy has a bike. Kiekvienas asmuo užmokėjo tūkstantį dolerių. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Japonijoje dažnai vyksta žemės drebėjimai. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Earthquakes often occur in Japan. Valgyk lėčiau. Eat more slowly. Eat more slowly. Valgyk duoną! Eat the bread! Eat the bread! Valgykite duoną! Eat the bread! Eat the bread! Valgyk daržoves. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. Valgykite daržoves. Eat vegetables. Eat vegetables. Aštuoni hobitai sudaro vieną hobaitą. Eight hobbits form one hobbyte. Eight hobits form one hobbit. Elektros energijos kompanijos siekia mažinti anglies suvartojimą. Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal. Electric power companies are working to reduce coal consumption. Anglų kalba yra kalbama aplink pasaulį. English is spoken around the world. English is spoken around the world. Japonijoje studijuojama anglų kalba. English is studied in Japan. English is studied in Japan. Smagių išeiginių! Enjoy your holidays. Have fun outings! Gerų jums atostogų! Enjoy your vacation. Have a good vacation for you! Europa tai ne šalis. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Net jei ir norėčiau, negalėčiau paaiškinti kas ten nutiko. Even if I wanted to, I could never explain what happened in there. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't explain what happened there. Netgi aš buvau nugalėtas. Even I was defeated. Even I was defeated. Nors jis ir gyvena Jungtinėse Valstijose, Tomas nemoka kalbėti angliškai. Even though he lives in the United States, Tom can't speak English. Although he lives in the United States, Thomas is unable to speak English. Visi, išskyrus ją, nusišypsojo. Everybody but Tom smiled. Everyone except her smiled. Visi ją pažįsta. Everybody knows her. Everyone knows her. Visi miršta. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. Visi mano šeimoje yra laimingi. Everyone in my family is happy. Everyone in my family is happy. Visi mėgsta lėles. Everyone loves puppets. Everybody likes dolls. Visi buvo tiesiog šokiruoti tuo, jog jinai sugebėjo pastoti keturiasdešimt aštuonerių. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. Everyone was just shocked at the fact that she managed to get pregnant at forty-eight. Viskas kas yra genialu yra paprasta. Everything genius is simple. Everything that is brilliant is simple. Viskas daroma rankomis. Everything is done by hand. Everything is done by hand. Viskas ėjo pagal planą. Everything went according to plan. Everything went according to plan. Viskas ką girdėjai yra tiesa. Everything you've heard is true. Everything you've heard is true. Blogadariai visuomet apie kitus galvoja blogiausiai. Evildoers always think the worst of others. Bloggers always think the worst of others. Blogis kartais laimi. Evil sometimes wins. Evil sometimes wins. Išskyrus Tomą, visi atvyko. Except for John, they all arrived. Except for Tom, everyone came. Atsiprašau. Excuse me. Sorry. Atsiprašau, ar galėtumėte atidaryti langą? Excuse me, but would you please open the window? Excuse me, could you open the window? Atsiprašau, kiek dabar laiko? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Tėvas nupirko man naują dviratį. Father bought me a new bicycle. My father bought me a new bike. Rytoj tėvas grįžta namo. Father is coming home tomorrow. Tomorrow, Father returns home. Bijoti reiškia mirti tūkstantį kartų, tai blogiau nei mirtis. Fearing is dying a thousand times, it's worse than death. To fear means to die a thousand times, it is worse than death. Labai mažai žmonių pastebėjo, kad jos nebuvo vakarėlyje. Few people noticed her absence from the party. Very few people noticed that they were not at the party. Kovok už savo teisę. Fight for your right. Fight for your right. Prašau užpildykite šitą formą. Fill out this form, please. Please fill in this form. Pagaliau sužinojome tiesą. Finally we have learned the truth. We finally found out the truth. Susirask gerą darbą. Find a good job. Find a good job. Florencija yra pats gražiausias miestas Italijoje. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Sulenk popierių per pusę. Fold the paper in the middle. Fold the paper in half. Atleisk man. Forgive me. Forgive me. Atleskite man. Forgive me. Forgive me. Dėl Dievo meilės! For the love of God! For God's sake! Įlipk. Aš kai kur tave nuvešiu. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. Get in, I'll take you someplace. Išeik iš klasės. Get out of the classroom. Get out of class. Pasiruošk! Rytoj yra paskutinė diena. Get ready! Tomorrow is the last day. Get ready! Tomorrow is the last day. Duok tą jai. Give it to her. Give that to her. Apkabink mane. Give me a hug. Hug me. Pavežėk mane savo automobiliu. Give me a lift in your car. Take me in your car. Duok man gabalą kreidos. Give me a piece of chalk. Give me a piece of chalk. Duokite tą katę mums. Give that cat to us. Give that cat to us. Eik ir atidaryk duris. Go and open the door. Go and open the door. Nueik ir atsistok prie savo automobilio. Go and stand next to your car. Go and stand by your car. Grįžkite atgal į savo vietą. Go back to your seat. Go back to your place. Dievas laimina tuos kurie atgailauja. God blesses those who repent. God blesses those who repent. Dievas padeda tiems, kurie patys sau padeda. God helps those who help themselves. God helps those who help themselves. Auksas nerūdija. Gold doesn't rust. Gold does not rust. Auksas visko nenupirks. Gold will not buy everything. Gold won't buy everything. Atsisveikinimai visada būna liūdni. Goodbyes are always sad. Farewells are always sad. Labas vakaras, kaip sekasi? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how's it going? Sekmės! Good luck! Good luck! Sekmės. Good luck. Good luck. Labas rytas. Laikas atsibusti. Good morning. It's time to wake up. Good morning, it's time to wake up. Labas rytas. Good morning. Good morning. Labas rytas, mano mielasis šuo. Good morning, my sweet dog. Good morning, my dear dog. "Labas rytas", - pasakė Tomas šypsodamasis. "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. "Good morning," Thomas said with a smile. Geras šūvis, vaike. Pataikei. Good shot, kid. You got him. Good shot, kid. Tęskite. Go on. Keep going. Eik tiesiai kol priėisi prie bažnyčios. Go straight ahead until you reach the church. Go straight until you get to the church. Eikite šia gatve tiesiai ir prie trečio šviesoforo pasukite į dešinę. Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light. Walk down this street straight and turn right at the third traffic light. Nueik į kirpyklą. Go to the barbershop. Go to the barbershop. Tau tinka žalia spalva. Green suits you. Green is the right color for you. Ji būtų šokiruota, jei ji sužinotų rezultatus. Had she known the results, she would have been shocked. She would be shocked if she found out the results. Laimė priklauso ne tiek nuo išorinių aplinkybių, kiek nuo mūsų požiūrio į gyvenimą. Happiness depends, not so much on circumstances, as on one's way of looking at one's life. Happiness does not depend so much on external circumstances as on our view of life. Linksmų Velykų! Happy Easter! Merry Easter! Ji atėjo? Has she come? She came? Gerų vasaros atostogų Have a good summer vacation! Have a good summer vacation Gero skrydžio! Have a nice flight. Good flight! Gero savaitgalio. Have a nice weekend. Have a good weekend. Ar jau atlikai namų darbus? Have you already done your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Ar kada nors buvai užsienyje? Have you been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Ar kada nors matėte Tokijo bokštą? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you ever seen the Tokyo Tower? Ar tu kada nors prisiūvai sagą? Have you ever sewed on a button? Have you ever sewn a button? Ar matėte mano žmoną? Have you seen my wife? Have you seen my wife? Ar nematėte mano žmonos? Have you seen my wife? Haven't you seen my wife? Ar kam nors sakei kur yra mūsų slėptuvė? Have you told anyone where our hideout is? Did you tell anyone where our hideout is? Jis jam patarė neiti ten pačiam. He advised him not to go there by himself. He advised him not to go there himself. Jis su juo sutinka. He agrees with him. He agrees with him. Jis visada gerai žaidžia. He always plays well. He always plays well. Jis visada su manim pasikalba, kai susitinka mane gatvėje. He always speaks to me when he meets me on the street. He always talks to me when he meets me on the street. Jis tapo pianistu. He became a pianist. He became a pianist. Jis maldavo manęs likti. He begged me to stay. He begged me to stay. Jis tiki viskuo ką pasakau. He believes whatever I say. He believes everything I say. Jis man nupirko labai greitą automobilį. He bought me a very fast car. He bought me a very fast car. Jis vėl grįžo. He came back again. He came back again. Jis atvažiavo automobiliu. He came by car. He came by car. Jis atvyko iš mažo miestelio kalnuose. He came from a tiny mountain town. He came from a small town in the mountains. Jis čia atėjo prieš baigiantis pamokoms. He came here before school was over. He came here before the lessons ended. Jis moka skaityti mintis. He can read thoughts. He can read thoughts. Jis gali kalbėti. He can speak. He can talk. Jis sutvarkė savo kambarį sekmadienį. He cleaned his room on Sunday. He arranged his room on Sunday. Jis kartais ateina aplankyti mano sūnų. He comes to see my son now and then. He sometimes comes to visit my son. Jis paneigė, kad man rašė. He denied having written to me. He denied writing to me. Jis neigė esąs vagis. He denied that he was the thief. He denied being a thief. Dėl to jis nedalyvavo susitikime. He did not attend the meeting for that reason. As a result, he did not attend the meeting. Vakar jis nieko nevalgė. He did not eat anything yesterday. He didn't eat anything yesterday. Jis nesumokėjo skolos ir pradingo. He did not pay the debt and disappeared. He did not pay the debt and disappeared. Jis nepardavė namo. He did not sell the house. He didn't sell the house. Jis nepasakė nieko naujo. He didn't say anything new. He said nothing new. Jis žuvo kario mirtimi kovoje už demokratiją. He died a soldier's death in the battle in the cause of democracy. He died a soldier's death in the struggle for democracy. Jis mirė mūšyje. He died in battle. He died in battle. Jis mirė nuo skrandžio vėžio. He died of cancer of the stomach. He died of stomach cancer. Jis mirė nuo senatvės prieš du metus. He died of old age two years ago. He died of old age two years ago. Jis neleidžia priešininkui prie jo prisiartinti. He does not let the opponent come near him. He does not allow the opponent to approach him. Jis neturi eiti į mokyklą. He doesn't have to go to school. He doesn't have to go to school. Jis nepažįsta ne vieno iš mūsų. He doesn't know any one of us. He doesn't know any of us. Jis nemoka žaisti golfo. He doesn't know how to play golf. He can't play golf. Jis nežino gyvenimo prasmės. He doesn't know the meaning of life. He doesn't know the meaning of life. Jis neprisimena ar tas kambarys buvo tuščias ar ne. He doesn't remember whether that room was empty or not. He doesn't remember if that room was empty or not. Jis daugiau nebepasitiki daktaru. He doesn't trust the doctor any more. He no longer trusts the Doctor. Jis nenori atidaryti automobilio. He doesn't want to open the car. He doesn't want to open the car. Jis nenori šiandien mokytis. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to learn today. Jis nenori tavęs laukti. He doesn't want to wait for you. He doesn't want to wait for you. Jis nupiešė tiesią liniją ant sienos. He drew a straight line on the wall. He drew a straight line on the wall. Jis įėjo į mano kambarį be leidimo. He entered my room without permission. He entered my room without permission. Jis užgesino gaisrą. He extinguished the fire. He extinguished the fire. Jis man rado gerą vietą. He found me a good place. He found a good place for me. Jis davė jai knygą. He gave her a book. He gave her a book. Jis grąžino man mano pinigus. He gave me back the money. He gave me my money back. Jis vedė Nikaragvoje. He got married in Nicaragua. He married in Nicaragua. Jis griebė jos ranką. He grabbed her hand. He grabbed her hand. Jis užaugo mažame miestelyje. He grew up in a small town. He grew up in a small town. Jis išmoko anglų prieš išvykstant į Angliją. He had learned English before he left for England. He learned English before leaving for England. jis su manimi sutiko. He has agreed with me. he agreed with me. Jis turi didelias mėlynas akis. He has large blue eyes. It has large blue eyes. Jis skubiai užrašė mūsų vardus. He hastily wrote down our names. He promptly wrote down our names. Jis nekenčia vorų. He hates spiders. He hates spiders. Jis girdėjo jį verkiant vidurnaktį. He heard him cry at midnight. He heard him cry at midnight. Jis padėjo pataisyti mano laikrodį. He helped me fix my watch. He helped fix my watch. Jis yra dainininkas. He is a singer. He is a singer. Jis yra gražus kaip dievas! He is beautiful like a god! He is beautiful as a god! Jis mėgsta plaukioti. He is fond of swimming. He likes to swim. Jis visiems patinka. He is liked by everybody. Everyone likes him. Jis gudresnis už mane. He is more clever than I am. He's smarter than me. Jis už mane daug protingesnis. He is much smarter than I am. He's a lot smarter than me. Jis yra mano tėvas. He is my father. He is my father. Jis nėra Amerikietis. He is not an American. He's not American. Jis nebijo mirties. He isn't afraid of death. He is not afraid of death. Jis nėra turtingas, bet jis yra laimingas. He isn't rich, but he's happy. He is not rich, but he is happy. Jis atidaro langą. He is opening the window. He opens the window. Jis didžiuojasi savo šeima. He is proud of his family. He is proud of his family. Jis serga. He is sick. He's sick. Jis yra nepatenkintas rezultatu. He is unsatisfied with the result. He is unhappy with the result. Jis labai didžiuojasi savo žaislu. He is very proud of his toy. He is very proud of his toy. Jis nešioja akinius. He is wearing glasses. He wears glasses. Jis nusižudė. He killed himself. He committed suicide. Jis mane nužudė vienu žodžiu. He killed me with one word. He killed me in one word. Jis nužudė tą vyriškį. He killed that man. He killed that man. Jis pabučiavo ją į skruostą. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her on the cheek. Jis žino kaip šokti tango. He knows how to dance the tango. He knows how to dance tango. Jis moka tardyti žmones. He knows how to interrogate people. He knows how to interrogate people. Jis žino, kaip žaisti pokerį. He knows how to play poker. He knows how to play poker. Jis pažįsta Tomą. He knows Tom. He knows Tom. Jis paliko prieš valandą. He left an hour ago. He left an hour ago. Jis išėjo anksti; kitaip jis nebūtų spėjęs į traukinį. He left early; otherwise he could not have caught the train. He left early; otherwise he would not have guessed the train. Jis labai mėgsta beisbolą. He likes baseball very much. He loves baseball very much. Jis mėgsta ne tik beisbolą bet ir futbolą. He likes not only baseball but football. He likes not only baseball but also football. Jis mėgsta saldžią arbatą. He likes sweet tea. He likes sweet tea. Jis mėgsta valgyti salotas su mėsa. He likes to eat salad with meat. He likes to eat salads with meat. Jam patinka gyventi toje vietoje. He likes to live in that place. He likes to live in that place. Jis mėgsta skaityti laikraščius. He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read newspapers. Jis mėgsta dirbti sode. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to work in the garden. Jis gyvena Kardife. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. Sveiki, ar ten kas nors yra? Hello, is there anyone there? Hello, is anyone there? Labas, mano brangusis. Hello, my dear. Hi, my dear. Sveikas. Hello! Hello. Sveikas, Tomai. Labas rytas. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom: Good morning. Sveikas, pasauli! Hello, world! Hello, world! Jis pametė savo bilietą į kiną. He lost his ticket for the movie. He lost his ticket to the cinema. Padėk man išmokti vairuoti. Help me learn how to drive. Help me learn how to drive. Padėk man! Help me! Help me! Jis padarė savo tėvus laimingus. He made his parents happy. He made his parents happy. Jam tai pavyko. He made it. He succeeded in this. Jam reikia kopėčių. He needs a ladder. He needs a ladder. Jam reikia akinių. He needs glasses. He needs glasses. Jis atidarė automobilio duris. He opened the door of the car. He opened the car door. Jis žaidžia golfą kiekvieną sekmadienį. He plays golf every Sunday. He plays golf every Sunday. Jis tikriausiai neateis. He probably won't come. He probably won't come. Jis man pažadėjo kad jis bus atsargesnis ateityje. He promised me that he would be more careful in the future. He promised me that he would be more careful in the future. Jis padėjo knygą ant lentynos. He put the book on the shelf. He placed the book on the shelf. Jos patarimas paskatino mane išvažiuoti į užsienį. Her advice influenced me to go abroad. Her advice led me to go abroad. Jis perbėgo per gatvę, palikdamas ją vieną. He ran across the street, leaving her alone. He ran across the street, leaving her alone. Jis retai lieka namie sekmadieniais. He rarely stays home on Sunday. He rarely stays at home on Sundays. Jos vaikinas yra Turkas. Her boyfriend is Turkish. Her boyfriend is Turk. Jos katinas gulėjo ant mano pagalvės ir nenorėjo nulipti. Her cat was lying on my pillow and didn't want to come off it. Her cat lay on my pillow and didn't want to come off. Jos dukra iškepė mėsą. Her daughter fried the meat. Her daughter baked the meat. Jos dukra turi labai gražų vardą. Her daughter has a really pretty name. Her daughter has a very beautiful name. Jos dukra yra labai graži. Her daughter is very pretty. Her daughter is very beautiful. Jos šunys bėgiojo po namus. Her dogs were running around the house. Her dogs ran around the house. Šiandien jis perskaitė labai ilga knygą. He read a really long book today. He read a very long book today. O štai ir nuotaka! Here comes the bride! And here's the bride! Jis grįžta rytoj. He returns tomorrow. He's coming back tomorrow. Jos akys paplūdo ašaromis. Her eyes filled with tears. Her eyes were in tears. Ji perbėgo akimis sąrašą, ieškodama jame savo vardo. Her eyes ran over the list to see if her name was on it. She ran through the eye-to-eye list, looking for her name in it. Jos šeima mane mylėjo. Her family loved me. Her family loved me. Jos skrybelė atrodė juokingai. Her hat looked funny. Her chest looked funny. Jos kepurė atrodė labai juokingai. Her hat looked very funny. Her hat looked very funny. Jos skrybelė atrodė labai juokingai. Her hat looked very funny. Her chest looked very funny. Jos kambario sienos yra raudonos. Her room has red walls. The walls of her room are red. Jos mokiniai per daug mokosi. Her students study too much. Her students learn too much. Jos megztinis yra violetinis. Her sweater is purple. Her sweater is purple. Jis bėga. He runs. He's running. Jis yra sodininkas. He's a gardener. He is a gardener. Jis pasakė kad aš nepakankamai miegu. He said I don't get enough sleep. He said I wasn't getting enough sleep. Jis nuolatos skundžiasi. He's always complaining. He constantly complains. Jis dainavo dainą. He sang a song. He sang the song. Jis miega. He's asleep. He's asleep. Jis atsisėdo ant lovos. He sat on the bed. He sat on the bed. Jis keistas vaikinas. He's a weird guy. He's a strange guy. Jis dingo be pėdsako. He's disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Jis jau seniai turėjo būti tą padaręs. He should have done that long ago. He should have done it a long time ago. Jis slystelėjo ir vos nepargriuvo. He slipped and nearly fell. He slipped and nearly fell. Jis ieško odinio diržo. He's looking for a leather belt. He's looking for a leather belt. Ji - mano pirmoji meilė. He's my first love. She is my first love. Jis nėra blogas žmogus. He's not a bad person. He's not a bad man. Jis dabar jos ieško mano namuose. He's now looking for her in my house. He's looking for her in my house now. Jis žemas ir storas. He's short and fat. It is low and thick. Jis sėdi prie stalo. He's sitting at the table. He sits at the table. Ji stovi už sienos. He's standing behind the wall. She stands behind the wall. Jis buvo visiškai tylus per visą konferenciją. He stayed absolutely silent throughout the conference. He was completely silent throughout the conference. Jis yra ieškomas policijos. He's wanted by the police. He is wanted by the police. Jo ieško policija. He's wanted by the police. He is being sought by the police. Jis galvojo kas aš esu labai pavargęs. He thought that I was very tired. He thought who I was very tired of. Jis metė akmenį į ežerą. He threw a stone into the lake. He threw a stone at the lake. Jis papasakojo juokingą istoriją. He told a funny story. He told a funny story. Jis man papasakojo savo gyvenimo istoriją. He told me his life's story. He told me the story of his life. Jis man pasakė kad aš galiu naudotis jo automobiliu. He told me that I could use his car. He told me I could use his car. Jis išėmė gabalą kreidos. He took out a piece of chalk. He took out a piece of chalk. Jis išjungė šviesą. He turned off the light. He turned off the light. Jis mane suprato. He understood me. He understood me. Jis norėjo kad taksi vairuotojas pasuktų į kairę. He wanted the taxi driver to turn left. He wanted the taxi driver to turn left. Jis nori nusipirkti ponį. He wants to buy a pony. He wants to buy a pony. Jis nori dar kartą mus pamatyti. He wants to see us again. He wants to see us again. Jis buvo apkaltintas žmogžudyste. He was accused of murder. He was charged with murder. Jis buvo beveik užmigęs. He was almost asleep. He was almost asleep. Jis buvo kareiviu karo metu. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. Jis buvo puikus žmogus. He was a wonderful man. He was a great man. Jis buvo užsiėmęs. He was busy. He was busy. Mokytojas davė jam auksinį laikrodį. He was given a gold watch by the teacher. The teacher gave him a gold watch. Jis negalėjo daryti tą ką norėjo. He was not able to do what he wanted. He couldn't do what he wanted. Jis sakė kad jam labai skaudėjo galva. He was saying his head hurt a lot. He said he had a severe headache. Jis buvo toks skurdus kad nė negalėjo nusipirkti duonos. He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread. He was so poor that he could not even buy bread. Jis kentėjo nuo sunkaus galvos skausmo. He was suffering from a bad headache. He suffered from severe headaches. Jis ėjo į pardotuvę, bet sustojo prie jos namų. He was walking to the store, but stopped next to her house. He went to the backroom, but stopped at her house. Rytoj jis bus laisvas. He will be free tomorrow. He'll be free tomorrow. Jis padarys bet ką, kad uždirbtų pinigų. He will do anything to make money. He'll do anything to make money. Jis dirba kasdien išskyrus sekmadienius. He works every day save Sundays. He works every day except Sundays. Jis norėtų sužinoti, ar žaidi šaškėmis. He would like to know whether you play chess. He'd like to know if you're playing checkers. Jis parašė sakinį ant popieriaus, bet aš to sakinio nesupratau. He wrote a sentence on the paper, but I didn't understand the sentence. He wrote the sentence on paper, but I didn't understand the sentence. Ei, žiūrėk, trigalvė bezdžionė! Hey, look, a three-headed monkey! Hey, look, three-headed monkey! Ei, ramiau. Hey, relax. Hey, calm down. Sveikas, kaip laikaisi, mano brangus drauge? Hi, how are you, my dear friend? Hello, how are you, my dear friend? Jo dviratis yra geresnis nei mano. His bike is better than mine. His bike is better than mine. Jo automobilis buvo tuščias. His car was empty. His car was empty. Jo drabužiai visada negerai kvepia. His clothes always smell bad. His clothes always smell bad. Jo dukra nubėgo į pardotuvę ir nupirko saldainių. His daughter ran to the store and bought some candies. His daughter ran to the back of the store and bought candy. Jo šeima daug keliavo. His family moved around quite a lot. His family traveled a lot. Jo skrybelė atrodė juokingai. His hat looked very funny. His chest looked funny. Jo širdis sudaužyta. His heart is broken. His heart is broken. Jo išradimas yra vertas dėmėsio. His invention deserves attention. His invention is noteworthy. Jo mama neprisimena ką ji rado tame kambaryje. His mum doesn't remember what she found in that room. His mother doesn't remember what she found in that room. Jo žingsniai pagreitėjo. His pace quickened. His steps accelerated. Jo tėvai buvo patenkinti jo sėkme. His parents were pleased with his success. His parents were pleased with his success. Jo sūnui aštuoneri. His son is eight years old. His son is eight. Jo kostiumas buvo pilkas o jo kaklaraištis geltonas. His suit was gray and his tie was yellow. His suit was grey and his tie yellow. Arkliai yra gyvūnai. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Kaip laikaisi? How are you doing? How are you? Kaip jums sekasi, panele? How are you doing, miss? How are you doing, miss? Kaip laikaisi? How are you? How are you? Kaip laikaisi, mano mieloji? How are you, my dear? How are you doing, my dear? Kokia tu graži! How beautiful you are! How beautiful you are! Kuo galiu jums padėti? How can I help you? How can I help you? Kaip ji moka taip greitai kalbėti? How can she speak that fast? How does she know how to speak so fast? Kaip Tomas gali tai padaryti? How can Tom do this? How can Tom do that? Kaip mums rasti Tomą? How can we find Tom? How do we find Tom? Kaip gali būti, kad turi nešiojamąjį kompiuterį, bet neturi mobilaus? How can you have a laptop, but no mobile? How can it be that you have a laptop but you don't have a mobile one? Kaip gali kažką tokio pasakyti? How can you say that? How can you say something like that? Kaip tu drįsti taip su manimi kalbėti! How dare you talk to me like that! How dare you talk to me like that! Kaip jūs patekote į pastatą? How did you get into the building? How did you get into the building? Kaip tu su juo susipažinai? How did you get to know him? How did you get to know him? Kaip tu tai paaiškintum? How do you explain it? How would you explain that? Ar tau patinka šis miestas? How do you like this town? Do you like this city? Kaip šis žodis tariamas? How do you say this word? How is this word pronounced? Kad ir kaip tu šito norėtum, tai niekada neatsitiks. However badly you want it, it will never happen. No matter how much you want it, it will never happen. Kaip seniai pradėjai mokytis esperantų kalbos? How long ago did you start learning Esperanto? How long did you start learning Esperanto? Kiek laiko ten gyvenai? How long did you live there? How long have you lived there? Kaip ilgai tai užtruks? How long will it take? How long will it take? Kiek valandų per savaitę dirbate? How many hours a week do you work? How many hours a week do you work? Kiek kartų per mėnėsį tu rašai laiškus? How many times a month do you write letters? How many times a month do you write letters? Kokia yra kambario nuomos kaina? How much is the rent for this room? What is the cost of renting a room? Kiek pinigų tu turi paslėpęs po savo lova? How much money do you have hidden under your bed? How much money do you have hidden under your bed? Paskubėk, kitaip pavėluosi. Hurry up, otherwise you'll be late. Hurry up, or you'll be late. Aš priėmiau jo kvietimą. I accepted his invitation. I accepted his invitation. Aš sutinku. I agree. I agree. Aš buvau beveik miręs. I almost died. I was almost dead. Aš taip pat to noriu! I also want it! That's what I want too! Aš visada tą nešioju savo kišenėje. I always carry it in my pocket. I always carry that in my pocket. Aš visada norėjau šuns. I always wanted a dog. I've always wanted a dog. Man dabar trisdešimt metų. I am 30 years old now. I'm thirty years old now. Bijau, kad jam nepavyks. I am afraid he will fail. I'm afraid he won't succeed. Aš bijau šunų. I am afraid of dogs. I'm scared of dogs. Esu studentas. I am a university student. I am a student. Esu vegetarė. I am a vegetarian. I am a vegetarian. Aš esu našlė. I am a widow. I am a widow. Man atsibodo gyventi. I am bored with living. I'm tired of living. Aš esu patenkintas savo darbu. I am content with my job. I am satisfied with my work. Aš esu įsitikinęs kad jis yra nekaltas. I am convinced that he is innocent. I'm sure he's innocent. Man keruriasdešimt penkeri. I am forty-five years old. I'm cheruriasty-five. Einu į pardotuvę. I am going to the shop. I'm going to the backroom. Esu laimingas. I am happy. I'm happy. Esu alkana, nes nepusryčiavau. I am hungry because I did not eat breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast. Aš mokausi japonų kalbos. I am learning Japanese. I'm learning Japanese. Aš studijuoju japonų kalbą. I am learning Japanese. I study Japanese. Aš mokausi turkų kalbos. I am learning Turkish. I'm learning Turkish. Aš mokausi du užsienio kalbas. I am learning two foreign languages. I am learning two foreign languages. Klausausi radijo. I am listening to the radio. I listen to the radio. Esu gražesnė už tave. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Nebesu pavargusi. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Aš nesu gera, aš esu gailėstinga. I am not nice, I am merciful. I'm not good, I'm pitiful. Aš dabar nestudijuoju. I am not studying now. I'm not studying right now. Aš pasirengusi mirti. I am ready to die. I'm ready to die. Aš tokia laiminga, kad sutikau tave. I am so happy that I met you. I'm so happy to meet you. Aš esu kalbų mylėtojas. I am the language lover. I am a lover of languages. Esu pavargęs nuo ilgo vaikščiojimo. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of long walks. Aš esu kalta. I am to blame. I am guilty. Aš esu kaltas. I am to blame. I am guilty. Aš esu dėl to kaltas. I am to blame for it. I am guilty of it. Esu labai laimingas Džordžijoje. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Aš labai apgailestauju dėl to, ką pasakiau. I am very sorry for what I said. I am deeply sorry for what I said. Aš labai dėkingas jums už jūsų patarimą. I am very thankful to you for your advice. I am very grateful to you for your advice. Atvykau vėliau nei paprastai. I arrived later than usual. I arrived later than usual. Pakviečiau ją pašokti. I asked her to dance. I invited her to dance. Aš paprašiau jos palaukti minutėlę. I asked her to wait a minute. I asked her to wait a minute. Aš paklausiau jos kokią ji mėgsta muziką. I asked her what kind of music she liked. I asked her what kind of music she likes. Paprašiau jų sutaisyti mano automobilį. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. Aš paklausiau Tomo. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Aš paprašiau Tomo groti gitara. I asked Tom to play the guitar. I asked Tom to play the guitar. Aš paprašiau Tomo padainuoti mano mėgstamą dainą. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Nupirkau kamerą už trisdešimt dolerių. I bought a camera for 30 dollars. I bought a camera for thirty dollars. Nusipirkau naują siūvimo mašiną. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. Nupirkau šią kamerą vakar. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. Nusipirkau šį kostiumą kaip tik šiai progai. I bought this suit just for this occasion. I bought this suit just for this occasion. Aš įlipau per langą. I came in through the window. I got in through the window. Aš patekau į vidų per langą. I came in through the window. I got inside through the window. Aš pirmą kartą atvykau į Japoniją. I came to Japan for the first time. I first came to Japan. Aš atvykau į Japoniją iš Kinijos. I came to Japan from China. I came to Japan from China. Aš galiu perplaukti šią upę. I can cross the river by swimming. I can cross this river. Aš galiu padaryti geriau. I can do better. I can do better. Aš galiu padėti tau. I can help you. I can help you. Aš moku mylėti. I can love. I know how to love. Aš galiu tai mylėti. I can love it. I can love it. Negaliu pasakyti, kiek laiko praėjo. I cannot say how much time passed. I can't tell you how long it has been. Galiu tau pasakyti tik tai, ką žinau. I can only tell you what I know. I can only tell you what I know. Aš galiu parodyti jums nuotraukas. I can show you the pictures. I can show you pictures. Aš galiu parodyti tau nuotraukas. I can show you the pictures. I can show you pictures. Aš ir dabar atsimenu tuos laikus, kai su tavim kartu rengėme iškylas. I can still remember the time when we went on a picnic together. I still remember the times when we were having picnics with you. Aš negaliu. I can't. I can't. Aš negaliu patikėti, kad aš iš tiesų esu čia. I can't believe I'm actually here. I can't believe I'm really here. Aš negaliu patikėti kad ji yra vyresnė už mano motiną. I can't believe that she is older than my mother. I can't believe she's older than my mother. Aš negaliu patikėti kad tau patinka tas restoranas. I can't believe that you like that restaurant. I can't believe you like that restaurant. Aš negaliu patikėti kad tu mane myli. I can't believe that you love me. I can't believe you love me. Aš negaliu šituo patikėti. I can't believe this. I can't believe this. Negaliu patikėti, kad vis dar esi alkanas. I can't believe you're still hungry. I can't believe you're still hungry. Aš niekur negaliu jos rasti, ir tai varo mane iš proto! I can't find her anywhere. It's driving me mad! I can't find her anywhere, and that drives me crazy! Aš negaliu rasti Timo. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. Negaliu eiti kol jis neateis. I can't go until he comes. I can't go until he comes. Aš negaliu čia tavęs tiesiog palikti. I can't just leave you here. I can't just leave you here. Nebegaliu daugiau taip gyventi. I can't live like this anymore. I can't live that way anymore. Aš negaliu be tavęs gyventi. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. Aš negaliu prisiminti kur aš padėjau gerąją siūvimo mašiną. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. Aš iš čia nieko nematau. I can't see anything from here. I can't see anything from here. Aš negaliu pasakyti kas atvyks pirmas. I can't tell who will arrive first. I can't tell you who's coming first. Aš negaliu tau visko pasakyti. I can't tell you everything. I can't tell you everything. Aš nieko negaliu suprasti iš to, ką sako užsienietis. I can't understand anything that foreigner says. I can't understand anything from what the foreigner says. Aš negaliu suprasti kodėl jis tą padarė. I can't understand why he did that. I can't understand why he did it. Aš negaliu dirbti kai tu ten stovi. I can't work with you standing there. I can't work when you're standing there. Šiandien negaliu rašyti. I can't write today. I can't write today. Be tavęs aš nebūčiau galėjęs to padaryti. I couldn't have done this without you. Without you, I couldn't have done it. Aš negalėčiau taip gyventi. I couldn't live like that. I couldn't live like that. Aš negalėjau suprasti ką jis sakė. I couldn't understand what he was saying. I couldn't understand what he was saying. Aš skaičiuoju iki dešimties. I count to ten. I count to ten. Būčiau labai dėkingas jei tu galėtum man padėti. I'd be very grateful if you could help me. I would be very grateful if you could help me. Nusprendžiau būti laiminga, nes tai gerai mano sveikatai. I decided to be happy because it's good for my health. I decided to be happy because it's good for my health. Aš neigiu viską. I deny everything. I deny everything. Aš nežinojau ką pasakyti. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Man nereikėjo dažyti tvoros. I didn't need to paint the fence. I didn't have to paint the fence. Aš nieko blogo nepasakiau. I didn't say anything wrong. I didn't say anything wrong. Aš nenorėjau kad šitai atsitiktų. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Nieko neparašiau. I didn't write anything. I wrote nothing. Norėčiau nusipirti žemėlapį. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to buy a map. Aš norėčiau pamatyti savo tėvus. I'd like to see my parents. I would like to see my parents. Noriu susitikti su tavo tėvu. I'd like to see your father. I want to meet your father. Aš norėčiau keliauti aplink pasaulį. I'd like to travel around the world. I would like to travel around the world. Mielai praleisčiau daugiau laiko su tavimi, bet turiu grįžti prie darbo. I'd love to be able to spend more time with you, but I have to get back to work. I'd love to spend more time with you, but I have to get back to work. Aš norėčiau padėti, bet aš esu labai užsiėmęs. I'd love to help you out, but I'm terribly busy. I'd like to help, but I'm very busy. Aš norėčiau padėti, bet aš esu labai užsiėmusi. I'd love to help you out, but I'm terribly busy. I'd like to help, but I'm very busy. Aš tą darau kiekvieną sekmadienio rytą. I do it every Sunday morning. I do that every Sunday morning. Aš tą darau be jokių problemų. I do it without any problems. I'm doing it without any problem. Man nepatinka klysti. I do not like to make mistakes. I don't like to be wrong. Aš su juo nesutinku. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Aš nesutinku su tavimi. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Aš jūsų nekaltinu. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Aš tavęs nekaltinu. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Man jis nerūpi. I don't care for him. I don't care about him. Aš nebegeriu pieno su cukrumi. I don't drink milk with sugar any more. I don't drink milk with sugar anymore. Aš jau nebežinau kas su manimi darosi. I don't even know what's happening to me anymore. I don't know what's going on with me anymore. Aš neeinu š mokyklą sekmadieniais. I don't go to school on Sunday. I don't go to school on Sundays. Neturiu dviračio. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bicycle. Aš neturiu namie kompiuterio. I don't have a computer at home. I don't have a computer at home. Aš neturiu tuščio puodelio. I don't have an empty cup. I don't have an empty cup. Aš neturiu priešų. I don't have enemies. I have no enemies. Neturiu nė menkiausio supratimo. I don't have the slightest idea. I don't have the slightest idea. Aš dabar neturiu laiko. I don't have time right now. I don't have time right now. Aš neturiu atsiprašyti už tą ką pasakiau. I don't have to apologize for what I said. I don't have to apologize for what I said. Aš neturiu jūsų adreso. I don't have your address. I don't have your address. Aš nieko nežinau apie tai. I don't know anything about that. I don't know anything about it. Aš nemoku anglų kalbos. I don't know English. I don't speak English. Aš nežinau visko apie tą įvykį. I don't know everything about the event. I don't know everything about that event. Aš nežinau kelio namo. I don't know the way home. I don't know the way home. Aš nežinau kur man reikia žiūrėti. I don't know where I should look. I don't know where I need to look. Aš nežinau kur eiti. I don't know where to go. I don't know where to go. Aš nežinau ar pasukti į kairę ar į dešinę. I don't know whether to turn left or right. I don't know whether to turn left or right. Man nepatinka nė vienas iš šių paveikslų. I don't like any of these paintings. I don't like any of these paintings. Man nepatinka žmonės kurie lengvai įpyksta. I don't like people who get angry easily. I don't like people who get angry easily. Man nepatinka žmonės kurie lengvai supyksta. I don't like people who get angry easily. I don't like people who get easily angry. Nemėgstu mokyklos. I don't like school. I don't like school. Man nepatinka vasara. I don't like summer. I don't like summer. Man nepatinka miestas, kuriame jis gyvena. I don't like the city in which he lives. I don't like the city he lives in. Man nepatinka kaip jis kalba. I don't like the way he speaks. I don't like the way he talks. Man nepatinka kaip jis kalba. I don't like the way he talks. I don't like the way he talks. Man nepatinka klysti. I don't like to make a mistake. I don't like to be wrong. Nemėgstu žiemos. I don't like winter. I don't like winter. Aš nenoriu tavęs jaudinti. I don't mean to make you worry. I don't want to worry you. Aš nebūtinai sutinku su viskuo ką aš sakau. I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. I don't necessarily agree with everything I say. Man nereikia tavo leidimo. I don't need your permission. I don't need your permission. Aš neprisimenu jos vardo. I don't remember her name. I don't remember her name. Aš nepamenu tavo vardo. I don't remember your name. I don't remember your name. Aš nepakankamai gerai kalbu pracūziškai! I don't speak French well enough! I don't speak French well enough! Aš nekalbu japoniškai. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Aš nemanau kad galėčiau tą padaryti. I don't think I could do that. I don't think I could do that. Aš nemanau kad ji tą suprastų. I don't think she would understand it. I don't think she would understand that. Aš nemanau kad mes turėtume tą daryti. I don't think we should do that. I don't think we should do that. Aš nesuprantu vokiečių kalbos. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Aš nesuprantu kaip jis gali kalbėti su cigarėte burnoje. I don't understand how he can speak with a cigarette in his mouth. I don't understand how he can talk to a cigarette in his mouth. Nesuprantu. I don't understand. I don't understand. Nesuprantu, kodėl tu tai nori padaryti. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do it. Nenoriu daugiau būti blogiečiu. I don't want to be the bad guy anymore. I don't want to be a bad guy anymore. Aš nenoriu gerti šaltos arbatos. I don't want to drink cold tea. I don't want to drink cold tea. Aš nenoriu apie tai kalbėti. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. Aš nenoriu pasikalbėti su tavimi, nes tu sudaužei mano širdį. I don't want to talk to you, because you broke my heart. I don't want to talk to you because you broke my heart. Aš nenoriu laukti taip ilgai. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Aš nenoriu tiek ilgai laukti. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. Aš geriu pieną. I drink milk. I drink milk. Aš geriu vandenį. I drink water. I drink water. Aš valgau ir geriu. I eat and drink. I eat and drink. Aš išsikeičiau jenas į dolerius. I exchanged yen for dollars. I exchanged yen for dollars. Aš tikiuosi jį pamatyti pirmadienį. I expect that I will see him on Monday. I hope to see him on Monday. Aš tikiuosi tavo pagalbos. I expect your help. I look forward to your help. Šiandien jaučiuosi truputį silpnai. I feel a little weak today. I feel a little weak today. Jaučiu, jog esu laisvas. I feel that I am free. I feel like I'm free. Blogai jaučiuosi. I feel unwell. I feel bad. Aš užmigau. I fell asleep. I fell asleep. Aš užmigau žiūrėdamas televizorių. I fell asleep while watching TV. I fell asleep watching TV. Aš ją įsimylėjau. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. Aš nukritau nuo kopėčių. I fell off the ladder. I fell off the ladder. Jei Dievas neegzistuotų, mums tektų jį sukurti. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. If God did not exist, we would have to create him. Jei aš būčiau buvęs turtingas, aš tau būčiau davęs šiek tiek pinigų. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. Jei aš būčiau buvusi turtinga, aš tau būčiau daviusi šiek tiek pinigų. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. Jei aš nebūčiau gavęs jo pagalbos, aš būčiau negyvas. If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead. If I hadn't received his help, I would have been dead. Jei aš nebūčiau gavusi jo pagalbos, aš būčiau negyva. If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead. If I hadn't received his help, I would have been dead. Jei turėčiau sparnus, skrisčiau pas tave. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I'd fly to you. Pagaliau pasivijau savo draugus. I finally caught up with my friends. I finally caught up with my friends. Aš pagaliau ją įkalbinau paskolinti man tą knygą. I finally talked her into lending me the book. I finally persuaded her to lend me that book. Jei aš norėčiau tave išgąsdinti, tada aš tau papasakočiau ką aš sapnavau prieš kelias savaites. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I wanted to scare you, then I'd tell you what I dreamed a few weeks ago. Jei aš būčiau sveika, aš būčiau laiminga. If I were healthy, I would be happy. If I was healthy, I would be happy. Aš pasekiau motinos pavyzdžiu. I followed my mother's example. I followed my mother's example. Aš pamiršau jo paklausti. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Aš pamiršau nusipirkti vieną pagalvę. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy one pillow. Aš pamiršau jam šiandien paskambinti. I forgot to telephone him today. I forgot to call him today. Aš radau porą pirštinių po kėde. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. Jei mašina yra sugadinta, tu esi atsakingas. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If the car is damaged, you are responsible. Jeigu tu esi čia, reiškia tau rūpi. If you are here, it means you care. If you're here, it means you care. Jei esi pavargęs, eik miegoti. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to sleep. Jei tiki, kad visuomenė nesukūrė nieko vertingo, tai galima teigti, kad tiki ir masiniu sunaikinimu. If you believe society hasn't made anything worthwhile, then you might believe also in mass destruction. If you believe that society has not produced anything of value, you can say that you also believe in mass destruction. Jei negali turėti vaikų, tu visada galėtum įsivaikinti. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. Jei tu galėtum ateiti, aš būčiau labai laiminga. If you could come, I'd be really happy. If you could come, I would be very happy. Jei tu neeisi į mokyklą, tada tu nieko neišmoksi. If you don't go to school, then you won't learn anything. If you don't go to school, then you won't learn anything. Jeigu nežinai kelio, tada paklausk policininko. If you don't know the way, ask a policeman. If you don't know the way, then ask the policeman. Jei tu jo nemėgsti, tada kodėl tu su juo kalbėjai? If you don't like him, why were you talking to him? If you don't like him, then why did you talk to him? Jei turėsite kokių nors sunkumų, kreipkitės į mane pagalbos. If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. If you have any difficulties, call me for help. Jeigu jį pakviesi, jis greičiausiai ateis. If you invite him, he'll probably come. If you invite him, he's likely to come. Jeigu jį pakviesi, jis tikriausiai ateis. If you invite him, he'll probably come. If you invite him, he'll probably come. Jei tau manęs reikės, aš būsiu savo kambaryje. If you need me, I'll be in my room. If you need me, I'll be in my room. Jei tu tik žinotum kokioje aš situacijoje. If you only knew what kind of a situation I am in. If you only knew what situation I was in. Jei pamatysi klaidą, tada prašau pataisyk ją. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. Jei nori ateiti su mumis, ateik su mumis. If you want to come with us, come with us. If you want to come with us, come with us. Jei tu nori pasilikti, gali pasilikti. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you want to stay, you can stay. Jei būtum gyvūnas, kokiu būtum? If you were an animal, what would you be? If you were an animal, what would you be? Aš atidaviau savo ginklus. I gave my weapons away. I gave up my weapons. Aš daviau Tomui šansą. I gave Tom a chance. I gave Tom a chance. Aš susipažinau su ja Prancūzijoje. I got acquainted with her in France. I met her in France. Aš gavai penkerius metus kalėjime. I got five years in prison. I've been in jail for five years. Aš pasiklydau miške. I got lost in the forest. I'm lost in the woods. Aš einu miegoti dešimtą beveik kiekvieną dieną. I go to bed at ten almost every day. I go to bed at ten almost every day. Sekmadieniais aš einu į bažnyčią. I go to the church on Sundays. On Sundays I go to church. Aš atsikėliau šeštą ryto. I got up at six this morning. I got up at six in the morning. Spėju pamatysiu tave vėliau. I guess I'll see you later. I guess I'll see you later. Vakar gavau nuo jos laišką. I had a letter from her yesterday. I received a letter from her yesterday. Vakar man skaudėjo ranką. I had an ache in my arm yesterday. My arm hurt yesterday. Mano dviratį pavogė. I had my bicycle stolen. My bike was stolen. Mano dviratis buvo pavogtas. I had my bicycle stolen. My bike was stolen. Aš atlikau karinę tarnybą Ankaroje. I had my military service in Ankara. I did military service in Ankara. Aš nesitikėjau, kad kas nors bus namie. I hadn't expected anyone to be home. I didn't expect anyone to be home. Aš išgėriau vieną alaus ir apsimečiau labai girtu. I had one beer and pretended to be very drunk. I drank one beer and pretended to be very drunk. Aš turėjau ten eiti viena. I had to go there alone. I had to go there alone. Aš nekenčiu jos, bet nežinau kodėl. I hate her, but I don't know why. I hate her, but I don't know why. Aš savęs nekenčiu ir aš noriu mirti. I hate myself and I want to die. I hate myself and I want to die. Aš nekenčiu pasaulio, nes pasaulis nekenčia manęs. I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world hates me. Nekenčiu šito darbo. I hate this job. I hate this job. Nekenčiu žiemos. I hate winter. I hate winter. Aš turiu draugą, kuris gyvena Vokietijoje. Jo vardas Tomas. Pažįsti jį? I have a friend who lives in Germany. His name is Tom. Do you know him? I have a friend who lives in Germany, his name is Thomas, you know him? Turiu draugą kurio tėvas yra įžymus pianistas. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Man skauda galva. I have a headache. I have a headache. Aš čia turiu daug draugų. I have a lot of friends here. I have a lot of friends here. Aš jau tai padariau. I have already done it. I've already done it. Turiu vyresnįjį brolį, kuris yra tavo metų. I have an older brother who's the same age as you. I have an older brother who is your age. Aš turiu raudoną dviratį. I have a red bicycle. I have a red bike. Turiu dešimties metų sūnų. I have a ten-year-old boy. I have a ten-year-old son. Aš turiu „Twitter“ paskyrą. I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter account. Aš turiu labai svarbų susitikimą. I have a very important meeting. I have a very important meeting. Aš turiu baltą katę. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. Aš keletą kartų buvau Bostone. I have been to Boston several times. I've been to Boston a few times. Aš turiu tik vieną norą. I have but one wish. I only have one wish. Aš turiu abejonių. I have doubts. I have doubts. Aš turiu pakankamai pinigų. I have enough money. I have enough money. Šią vasarą priaugau du kilogramus. I have gained two kilograms this summer. I gained two kilograms this summer. Aš esu daug apie tave girdėjęs. I have heard quite a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Ką tik pabaigiau namų darbus. I have just finished my homework. I just finished my homework. Aš turiu gyvybės draudimą. I have life insurance. I have life insurance. Esu jį sutikęs anksčiau. I have met him before. I've met him before. Aš niekada nesu buvęs Turkijoje. I have never been to Turkey. I've never been to Turkey. Aš neturiu šeimos. I have no family. I don't have a family. Aš neturiu maisto. I have no food. I have no food. Aš neturiu su juo nieko bendro. I have nothing to do with him. I have nothing to do with him. Dar neperskaičiau paskutinio romano puslapio. I haven't read the final page of the novel yet. I haven't read the last page of the novel yet. Aš jam nieko nesakiau. I haven't told him anything. I didn't tell him anything. Aš turiu vieną brolį. I have one brother. I have one brother. Aš išspausdinau šimtą puslapių. I have printed 100 pages. I printed a hundred pages. Aš turiu keletą gerų draugų. I have several good friends. I have some good friends. Aš turiu tokį patį žodyną, kaip tavo brolis. I have the same dictionary as your brother has. I have the same vocabulary as your brother. Aš turiu laiko, taigi aš tą padarysiu. I have time, so I'll do it. I've got time, so I'll do it. Aš turiu atsakyti į šį laišką. I have to answer his letter. I have to respond to this letter. Aš turiu spėti į tą traukinį. I have to catch that train. I have to guess at that train. Aš turiu pasikeisti. I have to change. I have to change. Aš turiu iššukuoti savo plaukus. I have to comb my hair. I have to brush my hair. Aš turiu ją surasti. I have to find her. I have to find her. Aš turiu surasti savo rašiklį. I have to find my pen. I have to find my pen. Turiu nueiti apsipirkti, grįšiu po valandos. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping, I'll be back in an hour. Aš privalau eiti į mokyklą. I have to go to school. I have to go to school. Turiu eiti miegoti. I have to go to sleep. I have to go to bed. Aš turiu gyventi. I have to live. I have to live. Aš turiu nuskusti visą kibirą obuolių uogienei. I have to peel a whole bucket of apples for a jam. I have to shave the whole bucket for apple jam. Turiu rytoj pasakyti jai tiesą. I have to tell her the truth tomorrow. I have to tell her the truth tomorrow. Aš girdėjau mūsų šunį lojant visą naktį. I heard our dog barking all night. I heard our dog barking all night. Aš girdėjau kad Merė nori skyrybų. I heard that Mary wants a divorce. I've heard Mary wants a divorce. Aš girdžiu muziką. I hear music. I hear music. Padėjau motinai išvalyti virtuvę. I helped my mother clean the kitchen. I helped my mother clean the kitchen. Viliuosi kad galėsiu vairuoti tavo automobilį be jokių problemų. I hope I can drive your car without any troubles. I hope I can drive your car without any problems. Aš viliuosi kad tu rasi tą ko aš ieškau. I hope you'll find what I'm searching for. I hope you find what I'm looking for. Skubėjau į autobusų stotelę, tam kad nepavėluočiau į paskutinį autobusą. I hurried to the bus stop so that I would not miss the last bus. I rushed to the bus stop so I wouldn't be late for the last bus. Aš kątik kažką prisiminiau. I just remembered something. I just remembered something. Aš tiesiog noriu su kuo nors pasikalbėti. I just want someone to talk to. I just want to talk to someone. Aš tik noriu pasikalbėti. I just want to talk. I just want to talk. Žinojau, kad jums patiks Bostonas. I knew you'd like Boston. I knew you'd love Boston. Aš žinau apie tave viską. I know all about you. I know everything about you. Aš žinau iš patirties; žaisti futbolą basam yra bloga idėja. Tu gali lengvai likti su sulaužtais kojų pirštais. I know from experience; playing soccer barefoot is a bad idea. You could easily end up with broken toes. I know from experience; playing football basam is a bad idea. You can easily stay with your broken toes. Aš gerai ją pažįstu. I know her well. I know her well. Aš gerai pažįstu jo brolį. I know his brother well. I know his brother well. Žinau, kad tai buvo keista. I know it was strange. I know it was weird. Aš čia nežinau nieko. I know no one here. I don't know anything here. Aš žinau kad jos duona bus skani. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread will be delicious. Žinau, kad nieko nežinau. I know that I know nothing. I know I don't know anything. Aš žinau kad Maikas mėgsta krepšinį. I know that Mike likes basketball. I know Mike likes basketball. Aš žinau kad jūs žinote kad aš žinau. I know that you know that I know. I know that you know that I know. Aš žinau kad tu žinai kad aš žinau. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. Aš žinau jo vardą. I know what his name is. I know his name. Žinau, kad kažką slepi. I know you're hiding something. I know you're hiding something. Aš juokiausi. I laughed. I was laughing. Daug iš jo išmokau. I learned a lot from him. I learned a lot from him. Aš išmokau važiuoti dviračiu kai man buvo šešeri. I learned how to ride a bike when I was six years old. I learned to ride a bicycle when I was six years old. Palikau langą atvirą visą naktį. I left the window open all through the night. I left the window open all night. Man patinka šokoladas. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. Aš labiau mėgstu esperanto kalbą, o ne vokiečių. I like Esperanto better than German. I prefer Esperanto to German. Labai tą mėgstu. I like it very much. I like it a lot. Aš mėgstu džiazą. I like jazz music. I like jazz. Aš mėgstu korėjietišką maistą. I like Korean cuisine. I love Korean food. Man patinka korėjietiškas maistas. I like Korean cuisine. I like Korean food. Aš mėgstu pasakojimus apie meilę. I like love stories. I love stories about love. Man patinka vasara, bet aš negaliu pakęsti karščio. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. Man patinka ši muzika. I like this music. I like this music. Man ypač patinka ši scena. I like this scene in particular. I especially like this scene. Aš mėgstu tavo katę, bet ji nemėgsta manęs. I like your cat, but she doesn't like me. I like your cat, but she doesn't like me. Aš gyvenu Atėnuose. I live in Athens. I live in Athens. Aš gyvenu kartu su tėvais. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Aš padėsiu tau. I'll assist you. I'll help you. Aš sugrįšiu. I'll be back. I'll be back. Grįšiu po pusvalandžio. I'll be back in half an hour. I'll be back in half an hour. Grįšiu rytoj vakare. I'll be back tomorrow evening. I'll be back tomorrow night. Aš mielai tai padaryčiau. I'll be glad to do that. I'd be happy to do that. Aš išvirsiu tau bulves. I'll boil you the potatoes. I'll cook potatoes for you. Paskambinsiu jiems rytoj, kai grįšiu namo. I’ll call them tomorrow when I return home. I'll call them tomorrow when I get home. Aš dabar išsiaiškinsiu. I'll clarify now. I'll find out now. Aš išvalysiu virtuvę vėliau. I'll clean up the kitchen later. I'll clean the kitchen later. Aš tą padarysiu jei man sumokės. I'll do it if they pay me. I'll do it if you pay me. Padarysiu tą vėliau. I'll do it later on. I'll do that later. Aš jus nuvešiu į naują pardotuvę. I'll drive you to the new store. I'll take you to a new backroom. Aš pati rasiu savo automobilį. I'll find my car on my own. I'll find my car myself. Aš nueisiu nupirksiu duonos. I'll go buy some bread. I'll go buy some bread. Aš tau padėsiu kiek galiu. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll help you as much as I can. Aš nekreipsiu į tai dėmesio. I'll ignore that. I'm not going to pay attention to it. Ateisiu po dešimt minučių. I'll join in ten minutes. I'll come in ten minutes. Aš sulieknėsiu. I'll lose weight. I'm going to lose weight. Aš tave mylėsiu amžinai. I'll love you forever. I will love you forever. Niekada tavęs nepamiršiu. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. Aš tau parodysiu savo kambarį. I'll show you my room. I'll show you my room. Aš tau parodysiu, kad aš esu teisi. I'll show you that I am right. I'll show you that I'm right. Aš atsiimu viską ką pasakiau. I'll take back all I said. I'm taking back everything I said. Aš paimsiu geltoną. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take yellow. Aš paimsiu šį skėtį. I'll take this umbrella. I'll take this umbrella. Aš palauksiu čia kol jis grįš. I'll wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he comes back. Aš pažiūrėjau jam į akis. I looked him in the eyes. I looked him in the eye. Aš pamečiau savo raktą. I lost my key. I lost my key. Aš pamečiau piniginę pakeliui į mokyklą. I lost my purse on my way to school. I lost my wallet on my way to school. Aš myliu šunis. I love dogs. I love dogs. Aš ją myliu. I love her. I love her. Aš ją myliu, bet ji jį myli. I love her but she loves him. I love her, but she loves him. Aš taip ją myliu kad aš negaliu jos palikti. I love her so much that I can't leave her. I love her so much that I can't leave her. Aš myliu jūsų dukrą. I love your daughter. I love your daughter. Aš suklydau. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Aš susidraugavau su studentu iš užsienio. I made friends with a student from abroad. I became friends with a student from abroad. Aš priverčiau jį pasakyti tiesą. I made him tell the truth. I made him tell the truth. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pati. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Aš pagaminau šį maistą pats. I made this food myself. I made this food myself. Aš bijau aukštumų. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. Aš bijau pėlėdų. I'm afraid of owls. I'm scared of the pews. Aš bijau vorų. I'm afraid of spiders. I'm scared of spiders. Aš esu didvyris. I'm a hero. I am a hero. Aš esu kalbų mėgėjas. I'm a language lover. I am an amateur of languages. Aš čia truputį užsiėmęs, Tomai. I'm a little busy here, Tom. I'm a little busy here, Tom. Esu beveik tikra. I'm almost sure. I'm almost sure. Aš nevykėlė. I'm a loser. I'm a loser. Aš jau pasiruošęs. I'm already ready. I'm ready. Aš visada pavargusi. I'm always tired. I'm always tired. Aš esu vyras. I'm a man. I am a man. Aš esu nemiegalis. I'm an insomniac. I am sleepless. Aų tavęs prašau šitą padaryti nes aš tavimi pasitikiu. I'm asking you to do this because I trust you. I ask you to do this because I trust you. Aš esu plaukikė. I'm a swimmer. I am a swimmer. Aš visiškai prieš šį planą. I'm dead against the plan. I am totally against this plan. Aš valgau obuolį. I'm eating an apple. I eat an apple. Aš sutikau ją atsitiktinai. I met her by accident. I met her by accident. Aš greitesnė už jus. I'm faster than you. I'm faster than you. Aš turiu vis daugiau ir daugiau žilų plaukų. I'm getting more and more gray hair. I have more and more gray hair. Aš einu į vidų. I'm going inside. I'm going inside. Aš vykstu į Bostoną atostogoms. I'm going to Boston for the holidays. I'm going to Boston for a vacation. Aš ketinu pirkti šaldytuvą. I'm going to buy a fridge. I'm going to buy a refrigerator. Aš žadu pirkti šaldytuvą. I'm going to buy a fridge. I promise to buy a refrigerator. Aš čia pasiliksiu keliom dienom. I'm going to stay there for a couple of days. I'll stay here for a few days. Einu pas daktarą. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to see a doctor. Aš pabandysiu kažką naujo. I'm going to try something new. I'll try something new. Esu laimingas, kad nesu moteris. I'm happy because I am not a woman. I'm happy that I'm not a woman. Aš alkanas! I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Aš skubu išmokti gaminti maistą. I'm hurrying to learn how to cook. I'm in a hurry to learn how to cook. Mano nuotaika šiandien yra gera. I'm in a good mood today. My mood is good today. Aš esu airis. I'm Irish. I am Irish. Ilgiuosi senų gerų dienų. I miss the good old days. I miss the good old days. Aš tik žiūriu. I'm just looking around. I'm just watching. Aš klausausi muzikos. I'm listening to music. I listen to music. Aš klausau radijo. I'm listening to the radio. I listen to the radio. Klausausi radijo. I'm listening to the radio. I listen to the radio. Aš ieškau gero žodžio. I'm looking for a good word. I'm looking for a good word. Aš esu meksikietis. I'm Mexican. I'm Mexican. Nesu visiškai tikra. I'm not absolutely sure. I'm not quite sure. Aš visiškai nebijau. I'm not afraid at all. I'm not scared at all. Aš ne melagė. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Aš ne melagis. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. Aš ne voverė. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a squirrel. Aš visai ne alkana. I'm not at all hungry. I'm not hungry at all. Aš ne akla. I'm not blind. I'm not blind. Aš neverkiu. I'm not crying. I don't cry. Aš nė truputį nealkana. I'm not even a little hungry. I'm not a little hungry. Blogai jaučiuosi. I'm not feeling well. I feel bad. Aš dabar nesu alkana. I'm not hungry right now. I'm not hungry right now. Aš dabar nesu alkanas. I'm not hungry right now. I'm not hungry right now. Man nesvarbu ką kiti apie mane galvoja. I'm not interested in what others think about me. I don't care what others think of me. Aš nesu labai geras daininkas. I'm not much of a singer. I'm not a very good singer. Aš dar nepasiruošęs. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Nesu tikra ar tai berniukas ar mergaitė. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl. Aš ne apie tave kalbu. I'm not talking about you. I'm not talking about you. Aš ne vienintelis, mėgstantis Tomą. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. I'm not the only one who likes Tom. Aš nepratusi keltis anksti. I'm not used to getting up early. I don't get to get up early. Aš nesu pratęs anksti keltis. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Aš nesu pratusi anksti keltis. I'm not used to getting up early. I'm not used to getting up early. Aš nesu tavo motina. I'm not your mother. I'm not your mother. Aš dažnai čia būnu. I'm often here. I'm often here. Aš didžiuojuosi savo sūnumi. I'm proud of my son. I'm proud of my son. Aš skaitau šią knygą. I'm reading this book. I am reading this book. Aš pasiruošęs išeiti. I'm ready to leave. I'm ready to leave. Dabar tikrai nuobodžiauju. I'm really bored right now. I'm really bored now. Aš labai pavargęs. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Aš tiesiai už tavęs. I'm right behind you. I'm right behind you. Atsiprašau už tai, ką padariau. I'm sorry for what I've done. I apologize for what I did. Apgailėstauju kad negaliu šiąnakt su tavim susitikti. I'm sorry that I can't meet you tonight. I'm sorry I can't meet you tonight. Esu tikra kad jis ateis. I'm sure he will come. I'm sure he'll come. Aš galvoju apie tave. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Aš per jaunas mirti! I'm too young to die! I'm too young to die! Esu pripratęs eiti miegoti vėlai. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to going to bed late. Esu pripratusi eiti miegoti vėlai. I'm used to staying up late. I'm used to going to bed late. Esu niekam tikusi. I'm useless. I'm useless. Aš esu labai užimta. I'm very busy. I am very busy. Aš labai jums dėkoju. I'm very grateful to you. I thank you very much. Esu labai alkana. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Aš rašau sakinį vokiškai. I'm writing a sentence in German. I write a sentence in German. Ankaroje, visi metų laikai yra tarsi žiema. In Ankara, all the seasons are like winter. In Ankara, all seasons are like winter. Krepšinyje, aukšti žaidėjai turi pranašumą. In basketball, tall players have an advantage. In basketball, tall players have an advantage. Kanadoje mes miegame ant lovos o ne ant grindų. In Canada we sleep in a bed, not on the floor. In Canada, we sleep on the bed instead of on the floor. Jei kas nors atsitiks, skubiai man paskambink. In case anything happens, call me immediately. If anything happens, urgently call me. Gaisro atveju, išdaužkite stiklą ir nuspauskite raudoną mygtuką. In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button. In case of fire, break the glass and press the red button. Man reikia kambario. I need a room. I need a room. Man reikia pašto ženklelio. I need a stamp. I need a post badge. Aš turiu kai ką pasiimti iš automobilio. I need to get something out of the car. I've got something to take out of the car. Aš niekada nesitikėjau sutikti ją tokioje vietoje. I never expected to meet her in a place like that. I never expected to meet her in such a place. Aš niekada neturėjau drąsos tai atidaryti. I never had the courage to open it. I never had the courage to open it. Aš niekada nežinojau kad Tomo motina buvo Japonė. I never knew Tom's mother was Japanese. I never knew Tom's mother was Japanese. Man niekada nepatiko biologija. I never liked biology. I've never liked biology. Aš nenoriu niekada niekam būti skolinga. I never want to owe money to anyone. I don't want to ever be indebted to anyone. Vienoje savaitėje yra septynios dienos. In one week there are seven days. There are seven days in one week. Norint pažinti žmogų, užtenka tik savaitę su juo pakeliauti. In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him for a week. In order to know a person, it is only enough to travel with him for a week. Kitaip tariant, jis išdavė mus. In other words, he betrayed us. In other words, he betrayed us. Aš dabar žiūriu į gyvenimą kitaip nei kadaise. I now view life differently than I used to. I now look at life differently than I once did. Singapūre spjaudymas ant grindų yra laikomas nusikaltimu. In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground. In Singapore, floor spitting is considered a crime. Rudenį medžių lapai tampa raudoni ir geltoni. In the fall, the leaves turn red and gold. In autumn, the leaves of the trees become red and yellow. Šioje šalyje vidutinis vaikų skaičius šeimai nukrito nuo dviejų iki vieno su puse. In this country the average number of children per family fell from 2 to 1.5. In this country, the average number of children for the family fell from two to one and a half. Aš dažnai studijuoju klausant muziką. I often study while listening to music. I often study listening to music. Kadaise aš norėjau tapti astrofiziku. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I once wanted to become an astrophysicist. Miegojau tik dvi valandas. I only slept two hours. I only slept for two hours. Aš išleidau tik tris dolerius. I only spent three dollars. I spent only three dollars. Užsisakiau naujus baldus. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. Aš turiu vieną katę. I own one cat. I have one cat. Aš apsimečiau nesuprantanti ką jis sakė. I pretended not to understand what he was saying. I pretended not to understand what he was saying. Aš nubėgau pas savo motiną. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. Aš perskaičiau keturias naujas knygas. I read four new books. I have read four new books. Šeima man buvo labai svetinga. I received the hospitality of the family. My family was very hospitable to me. Aš stipriai tą rekomenduoju. I recommend it strongly. I strongly recommend it. Aš atsisakau atsakyti. I refuse to answer. I refuse to answer. Aš panaši į savo motiną. I resemble my mother. I look like my mother. Išėjau į pensiją praėjusiais metais. I retired last year. I retired last year. Aš pasakiau kad vėliau pasambinsiu dar katrą. I said I would ring again later. I said I'd hurl another cat later. Aš pasakiau tą sau. I said that to myself. I said that to myself. Aš sedėjau autobuso priekyje. I sat in the front of the bus. I was sitting in the front of the bus. Aš mačiau nuostabų paukštį. I saw a beautiful bird. I saw a wonderful bird. Pro langą pamačiau jo automobilį. I saw a car through the window. I saw his car through the window. Aš mačiau šunį. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. Aš pamačiau šviesą tunelio gale. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Mačiau ją įeinančią į kambarį. I saw her enter the room. I saw her entering the room. Mačiau jį. I saw him. I saw him. Aš mačiau jį bėgantį. I saw him running. I saw him running. Aš pamačiau mėnulį virš horizonto. I saw the moon above the horizon. I saw the moon above the horizon. Ar Borneo yra sala ar žemynas? Is Borneo an island or a continent? Is Borneo an island or a continent? Ar yra sveika valgti žuvis? Is eating fish good for you? Is it healthy to eat fish? Aš matau ir girdžiu. I see and hear. I can see and hear. Man reikėjo ateiti anksčiau. I should have come earlier. I should have come earlier. Ar tai panašu į tą ką jis padarė vakar? Is it similar to what he did yesterday? Does it look like what he did yesterday? Aš paslydau ir nukritau nuo laiptų. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell down the stairs. Ar panelė Smif yra anglų kalbos mokytoja? Is Miss Smith an English teacher? Is Miss Smith an English teacher? Argi ne nuostabus rytas? Isn't it a lovely morning? Isn't that a wonderful morning? Argi ne taip? Isn't it so? Isn't that right? Argi ne keista kad Tomo šiuo metu visdar nėra čia? Isn't it strange that Tom isn't here by now? Isn't it strange that Tom is still not here at the moment? Argi tai ne tiesa? Isn't it true? Isn't that right? Argi ne tiesa kad tu turi ginklą? Isn't it true that you own a gun? Isn't it true that you have a gun? Aš kalbu angliškai kiekvieną dieną. I speak English every day. I speak English every day. Aš gerai moku vokiečių. I speak German well. I know German well. Ar ji jau čia? Is she here yet? Is she already here? Ar ji mano draugė? Is she my friend? Is she my friend? Ar ji patenkinta? Is she satisfied? Is she happy? Ar ji tavo motina? Is she your mother? Is she your mother? Ar tas automobilis yra per mažas? Is that car too small? Is that car too small? Ar bankas toli nuo čia? Is the bank far from here? Is the bank far from here? Ar yra koks nors pavojus? Is there any danger? Is there any danger? Ar šis eržilas ar kumelė? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this stallion or mare? Ar tai yra tikra tiesa? Is this the real truth? Is this true? Ar šis žodis dažnai naudojamas? Is this word in common use? Is this word often used? Ar tai yra tavo automobilis? Is this your car? Is this your car? Ar tai jūsų pirmas kartas Japonijoje? Is this your first time in Japan? Is this your first time in Japan? Ar tai tavo pirmas kartas Japonijoje? Is this your first time in Japan? Is this your first time in Japan? Ar tai tavo pirmas kartas Korėjoje? Is this your first time in Korea? Is this your first time in Korea? Aš mokausi Ložbano. I study Lojban. I'm learning Lozhban. Man pavyko iš pirmo karto. I succeeded in my first attempt. I succeeded the first time. Siūlau jums paklausti Tomo. I suggest you ask Tom. I suggest you ask Thomas. Aš prisiekiu aš ketinau pasidalinti. I swear I was going to share it. I swear I was going to share. Ar tavo mokykla toli nuo čia? Is your school far from here? Is your school far from here? Aš kasryt maudausi vonioje. I take a bath every morning. I take a bath every morning. Aš kalbėjau su draugais. I talked to friends. I talked to friends. Aš šnekėjausi su draugais. I talked to friends. I talked to my friends. Italija yra labai graži šalis. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Nepanašu, kad būtum užsiėmęs. It doesn't look like you're busy. You don't seem to be busy. Nepanašu, kad būtum užsiėmusi. It doesn't look like you're busy. You don't seem to be busy. Nesvarbu ar tu ateisi ar ne. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. Nesvarbu kuri komanda laimės mačą. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter which team wins the match. Tai nieko nereiškia! It doesn't mean anything! That means nothing! Aš sakau tau tiesą. I tell you the truth. I tell you the truth. Snigo jau visą savaitę. It had been snowing for a week. It's been snowing all week. Ji turėjo moters galvą, liūto kūną, paukščio sparnus ir gyvatės uodegą. It had the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird, and the tail of a serpent. She had a woman's head, a lion's body, bird's wings, and a snake's tail. Aš manau jis niekad negrįš. I think he'll never return. I think he'll never come back. Manau kad jis turi pakesti savo gyvenimo būdą. I think he needs to alter his lifestyle. I think he has to change his way of life. Aš manau kad ji jau nebenori valgyti. I think that she doesn't want to eat any more. I think she doesn't want to eat anymore. Aš manau kad Tomas ketina nužudyti Merę. I think Tom is going to try to kill Mary. I think Tom is going to kill Mary. Aš manau kad Tomas norės atsisėsti. I think Tom is going to want to sit down. I think Tom will want to sit down. Aš manau, kad turime paskambinti Tomui. I think we should call Tom. I think we have to call Thomas. Aš manau kad tu turėtum jį aplankyti. I think you should visit him. I think you should visit him. Galvojau, kad jai daugiausiai trisdešimt metų. I thought she was 30 at most. I thought she was at most thirty years old. Aš maniau kad virtuvėje nieko nebuvo. I thought there was nobody in the kitchen. I thought there was nothing in the kitchen. Aš maniau kad mes ketinome kažkur eiti. I thought we were going to go somewhere. I thought we were going to go somewhere. Maniau, sakiai, kad ji tavo. I thought you said it was yours. I thought you said it was yours. Tai visiškai neįmanoma. It is absolutely impossible. This is absolutely impossible. Labai patogu gyventi šalia stoties. It is a great convenience to live near a station. It is very convenient to live near the station. Jau beveik septynios valandos. Turime eiti į mokyklą. It is close to seven o'clock. We have to go to school. It's almost seven hours now, we've got to go to school. Tau yra pavojinga plaukioti šioje upėje. It is dangerous for you to swim in this river. It is dangerous for you to swim in this river. Šią problemą sunku išspręsti. It is difficult to solve this problem. This problem is difficult to solve. Tau bus lengva išspręsti šią problemą. It is easy for you to solve this problem. It will be easy for you to solve this problem. Pagaliau viskas baigta. It is finally all over. It's finally over. Pats laikas tau pradėti naują verslą. It is high time you started a new business. It's time for you to start a new business. Vėl karšta. It is hot again. It's hot again. Tai tik papuošimas. It is merely an ornament. It's just decoration. Tai yra mano tėvo namai. It is my father's house. This is my father's house. Tu būtinai turi ten eiti. It is necessary for you to go there. You must necessarily go there. Niekad ne per vėlu mokytis. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Kalbėti radijuje natūraliai nėra lengva. It is not easy to speak naturally on the radio. Talking on radio is not easy naturally. Norėti būti laimingam yra visai normalu. It is only normal to want to be happy. To want to be happy is perfectly normal. Akivaizdu kad esi šitą daręs ankščiau. It is plain that you have done this before. Obviously you've done this before. Lyja. It is raining. It's raining. Sakoma, kad globalinis atšilimas yra tiesiogiai susietas su anglies dvideginio emisija. It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions. Global warming is said to be directly related to carbon emissions. Tai yra panašu. It is similar. This is similar. Šiandien oras siaubingas. It is terrible weather today. The weather is terrible today. Štai tas langas, kurį jis išdaužė. It is this window that he broke. Here's the window he broke. Šiandien labai karšta. It is very hot today. It's very hot today. Nesvarbu iš kur jis. It matters little where he is from. It doesn't matter where he's from. Aš jam pasakiau, bet jis nekreipė dėmėsio. I told him, but he didn't pay attention. I told him, but he didn't pay attention. Aš paėmiau knygą. I took the book. I picked up the book. Aš nusivedžiau Tomą į savo mėgstamiausią restoraną Bostone. I took Tom to my favorite restaurant in Boston. I took Tom to my favorite restaurant in Boston. Per klaidą paėmiau tavo skėtį. I took your umbrella by mistake. I took your umbrella by mistake. Aš verčiau, aš verčiu, aš versiu, aš versčiau... bet tik jei uždirbčiau pinigų. I translated, I translate, I will translate, I would translate... but only if I make money. I'd rather, I translate, I translate, I translate... but only if I make money. Tai man priminė tave. It reminded me of you. It reminded me of you. Tap mūsų viskas baigta. It's all over between us. Become ours it's over. Tai Tomas dėl visko kaltas. It's all Tom's fault. It's Tom's fault. Jau rugsėjis, tačiau dar labai karšta. It's already September; however, it is very hot. It's September, but it's still very hot. Tai - šešėlis. It's a shadow. It's a shadow. Tai senis besmegenis. It's a snowman. It's the old brainless. Tai kvaila tradicija. It's a stupid tradition. It's a silly tradition. Šįvakar žiauriai šalta. It's awfully cold this evening. It's brutally cold tonight. Šiandien žiauriai šalta. It's awfully cold today. It's really cold today. Šiandien žiauriai karšta. It's awfully hot today. It's violently hot today. Tai yra puikus meno kūrinys. It's a wonderful work of art. It is a great work of art. Čia gražu. It's beautiful here. It's beautiful here. Sutemo. Gal įjungtum šviesą? It's become dark. Would you turn on the light? By nightfall, would you turn on the light? Tai virš mano supratimo ribų. It's beyond my comprehension. It's beyond my understanding. Iš jo veiksmų yra aišku kad jis ją myli. It's clear from his actions that he loves her. It is clear from his actions that he loves her. Yra aišku kad jis nenori su manimi kalbėti. It's clear that he doesn't want to talk to me. It is clear that he does not want to talk to me. Yra aišku kad jis yra turtingas. It's clear that he's rich. It is clear that he is rich. Aišku kad tu esi neteisus. It's clear that you're wrong. It's clear that you're wrong. Man atrodo kad traukinys vėluoja. It seems to me that the train is late. It seems to me that the train is late. Lygiai pusė devynių. It's exactly half-past eight. Exactly half nine. Čia puiku. It's great out here. It's great here. Šaunu turėti šeimą. It's great to have a family. It's great to have a family. Yra svarbu mums galvoti apie pasaulio ateitį. It's important for us to think about the future of the world. It is important for us to think about the future of the world. Tai tiesiog nesaugu. It's just not safe. It's just not safe. Tai ne kelias o takelis. It's not a road, but a path. It's not a road, it's a track. Tai ne tai, ką jūs galvojate! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! Vakar snigo. It snowed yesterday. It snowed yesterday. Sunkiai sninga. It snows hard. It's snowing hard. Tai tik sapnas. It's only a dream. It's just a dream. Tai beprasmiška. It's pointless. It's pointless. Tai yra panašu. It's similar. This is similar. Tai yra paprasta ir intuityvu. It's simple and intuitive. It is simple and intuitive. Pradėjo smarkiai lyti. Dėl to mes žaidėme viduje. It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. It started to rain heavily, which is why we played inside. Tai siaubinga. It's terrible. It's horrible. Tai vienintelis paaiškinimas. It's the only explanation. That's the only explanation. Tai neįtikėtina. It's unbelievable. It's incredible. Šiandien karšta, ar ne? It's very hot today, isn't it? It's hot today, isn't it? Plačiai žinoma, kad vora nėra vabzdžiai. It's well-known that spiders are not insects. It is widely known that the spider is not an insect. Tai yra tai, ką aš noriu daryti. It's what I want to do. This is what I want to do. Nuostabu kad mes visi esame čia šiandien susirinkę. It's wonderful that we're all gathered here today. It's amazing that we're all here today. Nuostabu čia būti. It's wonderful to be here. It's amazing to be here. Pasirodė, kad aš buvau teisus. It turned out that I was right. It turned out that I was right. Tai buvo labai graži gėlė. It was a very beautiful flower. It was a very beautiful flower. Tai buvo tik pokštas. It was just a joke! It was just a joke. Namo viduje buvo malonu ir šilta. It was nice and warm inside the house. It was nice and warm inside the house. Tas testas buvo toks sunkus, kad mums nepakako laiko jį pabaigti. It was such a hard test that we did not have time to finish. That test was so difficult that we didn't have enough time to finish it. Tai buvo pirmas kartas, kai aš aplankiau muziejų. It was the first time that I visited the museum. It was the first time I visited a museum. Tai buvo neįtikėtina. It was unbelievable. It was incredible. Būtų nuostabu jei tu galėtum dainuoti. It would be great if you could sing. It would be amazing if you could sing. Aš suprantu turkiškai. I understand Turkish. I understand Turkish. Aš supratau. I understood. I understood. Aš jau čia dvi valandas. I've already been here two hours. I'm already here for two hours. Pasaruoju metu aš buvau užsiėmęs. I've been busy lately. I've been busy lately. Aš buvau nuėjęs į banką. I've been to the bank. I had gone to the bank. Aš pabaigiau skaityti šią knygą. I've finished reading that book. I finished reading this book. Daviau tau viską, ko tu prašei. I've given you everything you've asked for. I gave you everything you asked for. Jaučiu kad Tomas greitai pasirodys. I've got a feeling that Tom will show up soon. I feel Tom is coming soon. Man nėra ko prarasti. I've got nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. Aš esu daug apie tave girdėjęs. I've heard quite a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Aš ką tik pavalgiau, taigi nesu alkana. I've just eaten so I'm not hungry. I just ate, so I'm not hungry. Išmokau gyventi su nugaros skausmais. I've learned to live with the pain in my back. I learned to live with back pain. Aš visur ieškojau, bet negaliu rasti savo piniginės. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my wallet. I've been looking everywhere, but I can't find my wallet. Numečiau šiek tiek svorio. I've lost a little weight. I lost some weight. Aš padariau tas pačias klaidas kaip ir praeitą kartą. I've made the same mistakes as I made last time. I made the same mistakes as last time. Aš niekuomet netikėjau tuo. I've never believed that. I never believed it. Aš niekada neturėjau merginos. I've never even had a girlfriend. I never had a girlfriend. Aš niekada nemačiau namo be durų. I've never seen a house without a door. I've never seen a house without a door. Laukiau jo stotyje valandą laiko, bet jis nepasirodė. I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up. I waited an hour at his station, but he didn't show up. Aš noriu šuns. I want a dog. I want a dog. Noriu gitaros. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Noriu kardo! I want a sword! I want a sword! Noriu kavos su pienu. I want coffee with milk. I want coffee with milk. Aš norėjau kad Merė mylėtų mane vietoj Tomo. I wanted Mary to love me instead of Tom. I wanted Mary to love me instead of Tom. Aš norėjau tapti filosofe. I wanted to become a philosopher. I wanted to become a philosopher. Aš norėjau sugrįžti į jūsų kaimą. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to your village. Aš noriu pieno. I want milk. I want milk. Aš noriu būti žurnalistas. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Aš noriu būti kalbininkas. I want to be a linguist. I want to be a linguist. Aš noriu nusižudyti. I want to commit suicide. I want to kill myself. Aš noriu numirti su Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Aš noriu važiuoti į užsienį. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. Aš noriu kitais metais išvykti į užsienį. I want to go abroad next year. I want to go abroad next year. Aš noriu nuvykti į Tokiją. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. Noriu sužinoti kur tu dabar esi. I want to know where you are now. I want to know where you are now. Aš noriu gyventi Brazilijoje. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Noriu pamatyti šį filmą. I want to see the movie. I want to see this movie. Aš noriu pasikalbėti su ja. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to her. Aš noriu pasikalbėti su tavo dėde. I want to talk with your uncle. I want to talk to your uncle. Aš noriu norėti. I want to want. I want to want to. Aš noriu dirbti kompanijoje. I want to work in a company. I want to work in a company. Aš noriu parašyti knygą. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. Aš gimiau Asmaroje. I was born in Asmara. I was born in Asmara. Aš gimiau Rusijoje. I was born in Russia. I was born in Russia. Aš ten gimiau. I was born there. I was born there. Plaunu rankas. I wash my hands. I wash my hands. Vakar visą dieną gulėjau lovoje. I was in bed all day long yesterday. I was in bed all day yesterday. Aš tada buvau Kanadoje. I was in Canada then. I was in Canada then. Aš buvau vonioje. I was in the bath. I was in the bathroom. Mane pakvietė pietų. I was invited to dinner. I was invited to lunch. Man buvo pasakyta eiti namo. I was told to go home. I was told to go home. Buvau labai pavargusi. I was very tired. I was very tired. Aš buvau neteisi. I was wrong. I was wrong. Aš užmigau per pamoką. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep during the lesson. Kai ji grįš, manęs jau čia nebus. I will be gone by the time she comes back. When she comes back, I won't be here anymore. Rytoj aš kelsiuosi anksti. I will get up early tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll get up early. Aš važiuosiu į Prancūziją atostogauti. I will go to France on holiday. I'm going to France for a vacation. Važiuosiu į Prancūziją atostogauti. I will go to France on holiday. I'm going to France for a vacation. Aš visada tave mylėsiu. I will love you always. I will always love you. Būsiu su tavim kad ir kas benutiktų. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be with you no matter what. Kad ir kas beastitiktų, aš būsiu su tavimi. I will stand by you whatever happens. Whatever happens, I'll be with you. Aš pabandysiu tai vėl. I will try it again. I'll try it again. Norėčiau būti truputį aukštesnė. I wish I were a little taller. I'd like to be a little taller. Norėčiau būti turtinga. I wish I were rich. I'd like to be rich. Norėčiau būti turtingas. I wish I were rich. I'd like to be rich. Aš taip negyvensiu. I won't live like that. I'm not going to live like that. Aš čia dirbu. I work here. I work here. Aš šiandien neičiau čiuožinėti. I would not go skating today. I wouldn't go skating today. Nė už ką to neparduočiau. I wouldn't sell that at any price. I wouldn't sell it for anything. Aš parašiau jai ilgą laišką. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. Dženė yra patrauklesnė už Siuzaną. Jane is more attractive than Susan. Jenny is more attractive than Susan. Dženė tylėjo ilgą laiką. Jane kept silent for a long time. Jenny remained silent for a long time. Japonija importuoja įvairias žaliavas iš užsienio. Japan imports various raw materials from abroad. Japan imports various raw materials from abroad. Džesika dainavo dainą. Jessica was singing a song. Jessica sang the song. Džilė yra vienintėlė mergina mūsų klube. Jill is the only girl in our club. Jill is the only girl in our club. Džimas šiandien neateis. Jim will not come today. Jim won't come today. Džonas nežino ką daryti toliau. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Džonas yra prancūzų literatūros profesorius Oksfordo Universitete. John is professor of French literature at Oxford and his wife is French. John is a professor of French literature at the University of Oxford. Tiesiog atsakyk į klausymą. Just answer the question. Just answer the hearing. Tai kad tu apie tą nežinojai, nereiškia kad tai neatsitiko. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Laikykis toliau nuo ugnies. Keep away from the fire. Keep away from the fire. Laikyk pinigus saugioje vietoje. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money in a safe place. Laikyk akis užmerktas kol aš tau pasakysiu jas atmerkti. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them. Laikyk savo rankas virš stalo. Keep your hands above the table. Keep your hands above the table. Kenas ir jo brolis yra labai panašūs. Ken and his brother are very much alike. Ken and his brother are very similar. Kenas man skambina kiekvieną dieną. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Kenas paklausė apie jo tėvą. Ken inquired about his father. Ken asked about his father. Kenas sedėjo šalia manęs. Ken sat next to me. Ken sat next to me. Vaike, neliesk veidroidžio! Kid, don't touch the mirror! Kid, don't touch the mirror! Ponios ir ponai, prašome atsisėsti. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. Palik ją. Jai reikia kelių minučių vienatvėje. Leave her. She needs a few minutes alone. Leave her, she needs a few minutes alone. Palik mane ramybėje, arba iškviesiu policiją! Leave me alone or I'll call the police. Leave me alone, or I'll call the police! Palik mane ramybėje! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Palik mano automobilį ramybėje. Leave my car alone. Leave my car alone. Paliktas vienas, vaikas jaustųsi labai vienišas. Left to himself, the child would feel very lonely. Left alone, the child would feel very lonely. Mažiau yra daugiau. Less is more. Less is more. Mažiau kalbų, daugiau darbų. Less words, more action. Less talk, more work. Leisk man tą padaryti. Let me do this. Let me do it. Leiskite man su ja pasikalbėti. Let me speak to her. Let me talk to her. Leiskite žmonėms ramiai gyventi! Let people live peacefully! Let the people live in peace! Visi tesiog nusiraminkime. Let's all just calm down. Let's all just calm down. Eikime visi kartu! Let's go all together! Let's all go together! Grįžkime prieš tai kai pradės lyti. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's go back before it starts raining. Grįžkime į savo vietas. Let's go back to our places. Let's go back to our seats. Jeigu nelyja, tada eime. Let's go if it's not raining. If it doesn't rain, then let's go. Atsisėskime. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Atsisėskime ant suolo. Let's sit down on the bench. Let's sit on the bench. Pasikalbėkime apie Paulą. Let's talk about Paola. Let's talk about Paul. Palaukime čia. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. Gyvenimas yra gražus. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Gyvenimas įdomus. Life is interesting. Life is interesting. Gyvenimas yra kaip didelis greitkelis. Life is like a big highway. Life is like a big highway. Gyvenimas yra nesąžiningas. Life is unfair. Life is unfair. Gyvenimas per trumpas gerti pigų vyną. Life's too short to drink cheap wine. Life is too short to drink cheap wine. Linkolnas suteikė vergams laisvę. Lincoln granted liberty to slaves. Lincoln granted slaves freedom. Klausykite to ką sako mokytojas. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Klausyk to ką sako mokytojas. Listen to what the teacher says. Listen to what the teacher says. Klausyk kol aš kalbu. Listen while I talk. Listen while I'm talking. Lietuviškai Lietuva vadinama "Lietuva". Lithuania is called "Lietuva" in Lithuanian. Lithuania is called "Lithuania" in Lithuanian. Lietuva įstoja į Europos Sąjungą. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania joins the European Union. Uždaryk vartus. Lock the gate. Close the gate. Pažiūrėk į tą kalną padengtą sniegu. Look at that mountain which is covered with snow. Look at that mountain covered in snow. Žiūrėk į knygą ant stalo. Look at the book on the desk. Look at the book on the table. Pažiūrėk į tą namą su raudonu stogu. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at that house with a red roof. Pažiūrėkite į tą namą su raudonu stogu. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at that house with a red roof. Pažvelk į per tiltą važiuojantį traukinį. Look at the train going over the bridge. Look at the train going over the bridge. Žiūrėk ką Merė daro. Look at what Mary is doing. Watch what Mary does. Pažiūrėk atgal ir pamatysi juodą katę. Look back and you'll see a black cat. Look back and you'll see a black cat. Žiūrėk man į akis. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eye. Meilė - kaip deguonis. Love is like oxygen. Love is like oxygen. Aš mėgstu žiūrėti beisbolą ir futbolą. Love watching baseball and football. I love watching baseball and football. Liusė turėtų dabar būti virtuvėje. Lucy should be in the kitchen now. Lucy should be in the kitchen now. Sudarykite jo fotorobotą! Make his identikit! Make his photorobote! Žmogaus kūnas yra 70% vanduo. Man is 70% water. The human body is 70% water. Daug europiečių nepažįsta šiuolaikinės Japonijos. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Many Europeans do not know modern Japan. Susirinko daug žmonių. Many people have gathered. A lot of people gathered. Marika išvertė mano knygą į vokiečių kalbą. Marika translated my book into German. Marika translated my book into German. Marilė turėjo problemų su plaučiais. Marilla had problems with her lungs. Marile had problems with her lungs. Markas pasiėmė savo daiktus ir išėjo. Mark took his stuff and left. Mark took his belongings and left. Marsas yra karo dievas. Mars is the god of war. Mars is the god of war. Merė įsiveržė į virtuvę. Mary burst into the kitchen. Mary broke into the kitchen. Marija yra knygėdis. Mary is a bookworm. Mary is a bookmaker. Merė yra protinga ir turi gerą humoro jausmą. Mary is smart and funny. Mary is intelligent and has a good sense of humor. Merė ten viduje. Mary's in there. Mary's inside there. Merė nugalėjo "Mis Tatoeba" konkurse. Mary won the Miss Tatoeba contest. Mary defeated Miss Tatoeba in the competition. Marija nuėjo su savo helovyno kosiumu į mokyklą. Mary wore her Halloween costume to school. Mary went with her Halloween costume to school. Gal katinas slepiasi po lova? Maybe the cat is hiding under the bed? Maybe the cat is hiding under the bed? Galbūt tai ką tu pasakei yra tiesa. Maybe what you said is true. Maybe what you said is true. Gal tu žinai kur yra mano knygos? Maybe you know where my books are? Do you know where my books are? Ar galiu tave vadinti Tomu? May I call you Tom? Can I call you Tom? Ar galėčiau gauti puodelį arbatos? May I have a cup of tea? Can I get a cup of tea? Meksika yra valstybė Šiaurės Amerikoje. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a country in North America. Ar galiu tavęs paklausti tavo vardo? Might I ask your name? May I ask you your name? Ar galiu pasinaudoti tavo telefonu? Might I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Maikas nemoka gerai žaisti beisbolo. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't know how to play baseball well. Maikas turi kelis draugus Floridoje. Mike has a couple of friends in Florida. Mike has several friends in Florida. Milė valgo obuolį. Millie is eating an apple. Millie eats an apple. Milė nevalgo obuolio. Millie isn't eating an apple. Millie doesn't eat an apple. Panelė Red mokė manęs japonų kalbos. Miss Red taught me Japanese. Miss Red taught me Japanese. Pirmadienis ateina po sekmadienio. Monday comes after Sunday. Monday comes after Sunday. Pinigai šneka. Money talks. Money Talks. Monika daug nesimokė. Monica didn't study a lot. Monica didn't learn much. Dauguma jo draugų yra mergaitės. Most of his friends are girls. Most of his friends are girls. Dauguma šunų yra gyvi. Most of the dogs are alive. Most dogs are alive. Judėk tyliai. Move quietly. Keep moving quietly. Ponas Braunas labai gerai kalba japoniškai. Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well. Mr. Brown speaks Japanese very well. Ponas Bušas yra prezidentas. Mr. Bush is a president. Mr. Bush is the President. Ar turiu atsakyti angliškai? Must I answer in English? Do I have to answer in English? Mano albumas yra čia. My album is here. My album is here. Mano butas ketvirtame aukšte. My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment on the fourth floor. Man skauda ranka. My arm hurts. My arm hurts. Mano kūdikis nori kalbėti. My baby wants to talk. My baby wants to talk. Mano brolis dviem metais vyresnis už mane, bet jis trimis centimetrais už mane žemesnis. My brother is two years older than I, but he is three centimeters shorter. My brother is two years older than me, but he's three centimetres lower than me. Mano mašina sugedo pakeliui. My car broke down on the way. My car broke down on the way. Mano vaikus atėmė iš manęs. My children were taken away from me. My children were taken away from me. Mano kompiuteris yra mano geriausias draugas. My computer is my best friend. My computer is my best friend. Mano svajonė lieka svajone. My dream is still just a dream. My dream remains a dream. Mano svajonė - mokytis totorių kalbos Kazanėje. My dream is to study Tatar in Kazan. My dream is to learn the Tatar language in Kazan. Mano tėvas paprašė manęs atidaryti duris. My father asked me to open the door. My father asked me to open the door. Mano tėvas mirė būdamas keturiasdešimt devynerių metų. My father died at the age of forty-nine. My father died at the age of forty-nine. Mano tėvas nevalgo daug vaisių. My father does not eat much fruit. My father doesn't eat much fruit. Mano tėvas augina ryžius. My father grows rice. My father grows rice. Mano tėvas niekada nebuvo užsienyje. My father has never been abroad. My father was never abroad. Mano tėvas yra aukštas. My father is tall. My father is tall. Mano tėvas yra itin silpnas. My father is very infirm. My father is extremely weak. Mano tėvas yra labai silpnas. My father is very infirm. My father is very weak. Mano tėvas yra jaunas. My father is young. My father is young. Mano tėvas labai mėgsta picą. My father likes pizza very much. My father really likes pizza. Mano tėvo automobilis yra naujas. My father's car is new. My father's car is new. Pasivaikščiojimas pakrante - mano mėgstamiausias laisvalaikio praleidimas. My favorite pastime is strolling along the shore. A walk along the coast is my favorite pastime. Mano draugas nenaudoja cukraus. My friend doesn't use sugar. My friend doesn't use sugar. Mano draugas yra šalia manęs. My friend is beside me. My friend is right next to me. Mano draugas čia yra. My friend is here. My friend is here. Mano draugei septyniolika metų. My friend is seventeen. My friend is seventeen years old. Mano draugui septyniolika metų. My friend is seventeen. My friend is seventeen years old. Mano draugai yra nuostabūs. My friends are amazing. My friends are amazing. Mano stiklinė tuščia. My glass is empty. My glass is empty. Dieve, padėk man! My God, help me! God help me! Mano senelis augina antis. My grandfather raises ducks. My grandfather is raising a duck. Mano namas yra netoli nuo autobusų stotelės. My house is close to a bus stop. My house is not far from the bus stop. Mano kalba yra labai sudėtinga. My language is very complicated. My language is very complex. Mano kairė pėda nutirpo. My left foot is asleep. My left foot is numb. Be tavęs, mano gyvenimas būtų visiškai tuščias. My life would have been completely empty without you. Without you, my life would be completely empty. Mano motina negali ateiti. My mother can't come. My mother can't come. Mano mama davė man savo siūvimo mašiną. My mother gave me her sewing machine. My mother gave me her sewing machine. Mano mama kiekvieną rytą keliasi anksti. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother gets up early every morning. Mano motina irgi yra mirusi. My mother is dead too. My mother is also dead. Mano motina paliko man žinutę. My mother left me a message. My mother left me a message. Mano mama visai jo nepažįsta. My mum doesn't know him at all. My mother doesn't know him at all. Mano mama turi tris šunis. My mum has three dogs. My mother has three dogs. Mano vardas yra Sally. My name is Sally. My name is Sally. Mano vardas Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Mano sesuo mėgsta saldumynus. My sister likes sweets. My sister loves sweets. Mano dėdė vadovauja firmai. My uncle manages a firm. My uncle runs the firm. Mano žmona nekenčia kačių. My wife hates cats. My wife hates cats. Nensė atrodo kaip mano sesuo. Nancy looks like my sister. Nancy looks like my sister. Nara yra tylus ir gražus miestas. Nara is a quiet and beautiful city. Nara is a quiet and beautiful city. Niekada nelygink savo žmonos su kita moterimi. Never compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Niekada nebuvau toks laimingas. Never have I been so happy. I've never been so happy. Niekada neprarask vilties. Never lose hope. Never lose hope. Niekada nerašykite žodžių "barščiai" ir "kopūstienė" vokiškai! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "barshy" and "cabbage" in German! Laikraščiai nepranešė šios naujienos. Newspapers did not report that news. Newspapers did not report this news. Kitą kartą, aš padarysiu tą pati. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time, I'll do the same. Kitą kartą, aš padarysiu tą pats. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time, I'll do the same. Kitąmet mes važiuosime prie jūros. Next year I'll go to the sea. Next year we're going to the sea. Niekas netikėjo tuo ką aš pasakiau. Nobody believed what I said. No one believed what I said. Niekas neatėjo. Nobody came. No one came. Niekas niekada nerado jos katės. Nobody ever found her cat. No one has ever found her cat. Niekas nevertė tavęs man padėti. Nobody forced you to help me. Nobody forced you to help me. Niekas nenori karo. Nobody wants a war. No one wants war. Ne, jis nėra naujas mano vaikinas. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new boyfriend. Ne, tai nėra mano naujas vaikinas. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, it's not my new boyfriend. Ne, aš nemanau. No, I don't think so. No, I don't think so. Ne, aš nemanau kad aš esu kaltas. No, I don't think that I am to blame. No, I don't think I'm guilty. Niekas nepatikėjo tuo ką tu pasakei. No one believed what you said. No one believed what you said. Niekas niekada nėra matęs Dievo. No one has ever seen God. No one has ever seen God. Niekas nėra per senas mokytis. No one is too old to learn. No one is too old to learn. Niekas nemoka galvoti, bet kiekvienas turi paruošęs nuomonę. No one knows how to think, but everyone's got an opinion ready. No one knows how to think, but everyone has an opinion ready. Niekas nežino, ar jis ją myli ar ne. No one knows if he loves her or not. No one knows if he loves her or not. Niekas nenorėjo įžeisti tų vyrų. No one wanted to insult these men. No one wanted to offend those men. Niekas nežinos. No one will know. No one will know. Nespėjau aš padėti ragelio, kai telefonas vėl suskambo. No sooner had I hung up the phone than there came another call. I wasn't able to help the phone when the phone rang again. Ne visi žmonės mėgsta šunis. Not all people like dogs. Not all people like dogs. Neblogai, bet aš truputį pavargęs. Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. Not bad, but I'm a little tired. Neblogai. Not bad. Not bad. Ne kiekvienas gali būti menininku. Not everybody can be an artist. Not everyone can be an artist. Ne, ačiū. No, thank you. No, thank you. Nėra nieko vertingesnio už sveikatą. Nothing is more valuable than health. There is nothing more valuable than health. Nėra nieko brangesnio už laiką, bet niekas nėra mažiau branginama. Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued. There is nothing more precious than time, but nothing less precious. Nežinodama, ką pasakyti, ji tylėjo. Not knowing what to say, she remained silent. Not knowing what to say, she remained silent. Ne tik tu, bet jis irgi nežino tiesos. Not only you but also he is ignorant of the truth. Not just you, but he doesn't know the truth either. Dar ne. Not yet. Not yet. Dabar aš tikiu Mėnulio kolonizacija. Now, I believe in lunar colonization. Now I believe in colonization of the Moon. Dabar aš esu tikrai pavargusi. Now I'm really tired. Now I'm really tired. Dabar tave atpažįstu. Now I recognize you. Now I recognize you. Žinoma kad jis yra teisus. Of course, he is right. He is known to be right. Žinoma kad aš juokauju! Of course I'm kidding! Of course I'm joking! Žinoma kad aš turėčiau perskaityti šią knygą. Of course I should read this book. Of course I should read this book. Žinoma kad tu turi mokėti. O ką tu galvojai? Of course you have to pay. What did you think? Of course you have to pay, and what did you think? O Dieve! Ka tu darai? Oh my God! What are you doing? Oh my God, what are you doing? Vieną dieną jis nusižudė. One day he killed himself. One day he committed suicide. Vieną dieną, tu galėsi vaikščioti. One day you'll be able to walk. One day, you'll be able to walk. Vieno lašelio nuodų pakanka nužudyti šimtą šešiasdešimt žmonių. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is enough to kill one hundred and sixty people. Vienas už visus, visi už vieną. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Viena iš Serbijos sąjunginikių buvo Rusija. One of Serbia's allies was Russia. One of Serbia's allies was Russia. Vienas iš šunų yra gyvas. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is alive. Vienas iš dvinukų yra gyvas, bet kitas yra miręs. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead. Aš tik tada supratau ką jis turėjo omenyje. Only then did I realize what he meant. I only realized then what he meant. Tiktai ledkalnio viršūnė matosi virš vandens. Only the tip of an iceberg shows above the water. Only the tip of the iceberg can be seen above the water. Tiktai tu asakei į klausymą. Only you answered the question. Only you've come to the hearing. Pasiruošt, dėmesio, marš! On your marks, get set, go! Get ready, pay attention, march! Atidaryk langą ir įleisk šviežio oro. Open the window and let in some fresh air. Open the window and let in fresh air. Atsimerk. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Atidaryk burną! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Mūsų sodas apaugo piktžolėmis. Our garden was full of weeds. Our garden was overgrown with weeds. Mūsų mokykla yra miesto centre. Our school is in the center of the town. Our school is in the city centre. Mūsų sūnus mirė karo metu. Our son died during the war. Our son died during the war. Mūsų komanda grįžo namo po didelės pergalės. Our team returned home after a huge victory. Our team came home after a big win. Mūsų traukinys staiga sustojo. Our train stopped suddenly. Our train suddenly stopped. Mūsų sąjunga gali būti tobula. Our union can be perfected. Our union can be perfect. Mūsų pasaulis tėra maža visatos dalelė. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is just a small part of the universe. Tapyba buvo didžioji jo gyvenimo meilė. Painting was the great love of his life. Painting was the great love of his life. Prašau? Pardon me? Please? Paulius ką tik paskambino. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Būk atidus! Pay attention! Be careful! Būkite atsargūs! Pay attention! Be careful! Žmonės tokie kvaili. People are so stupid. People are so stupid. Žmonės šoko gatvėse. People danced in the streets. People danced in the streets. Žmonės negyvena amžinai. People don't live forever. People don't live forever. Žmonės turėtų dirbti. People ought to work. People should work. Galbūt jis ateis. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Gal jis ateis. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Galbūt rytoj snigs. Perhaps it will snow tomorrow. Maybe it'll snow tomorrow. Galbūt tu esi teisi, aš buvau savanaudiška. Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish. Maybe you're right, I was selfish. Prašyčiau atnešti man stiklinę vandens. Please bring me a glass of water. Please bring me a glass of water. Prašau ateiti. Please come. Please come. Prašau tęsti. Please continue. Please continue. Prašau vairuok atsargiai. Please drive carefully. Please drive carefully. Prašau susisiekti su manimi, kuomet atvyksite į Bostoną. Please get in touch with me as soon as you arrive in Boston. Please contact me when you arrive in Boston. Prašau susisiekti su manimi, kuomet jūs atvyksite į Bostoną. Please get in touch with me as soon as you arrive in Boston. Please contact me when you arrive in Boston. Prašau, padėk man! Aš mirštu! Please help me. I'm dying. Please help me! I'm dying! Prašau, tiesiog išeik. Please just leave. Please, just leave. Prašau paskolink man savo knygą. Please lend me your book. Please lend me your book. Prašau prižiūrėk mano kates kol manęs nėra. Please look after my cats while I'm away. Please look after my cats while I'm gone. Prašau atidarykite šią dėžę. Please open this box. Please open this box. Prašau atsipalaiduok. Please relax. Please relax. Prašau uždaryti duris. Please shut the door. Please close the door. Prašome atsisėsti. Please sit down. Please sit down. Prašau palauk penkias minutes. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Prašau palauk kol aš grįšiu. Please wait until I come back. Please wait until I get back. Tarša daro žalą ekonomikai. Pollution causes damage to the economy. Pollution is damaging the economy. Vargšė katė. Poor cat. Poor cat. Turbūt ne. Probably not. Probably not. Apsiauk batus. Eikime pietauti. Put on your shoes. Let's go out for dinner. Let's go out for lunch. Padėk tą knygą atgal ant lentynos. Put the book back on the shelf. Put that book back on the shelf. Triušiai mėgsta valgyti morkas. Rabbits like to eat carrots. Rabbits love to eat carrots. Pakelk ranką prieš atsakydama. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before answering. Pakelk ranką prieš atsakydamas. Raise your hand before you answer. Raise your hand before answering. Pakelk ranką. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Skaitymas yra mano aistra. Reading is my passion. Reading is my passion. Tikri vyrai geria arbatą. Real men drink tea. Real men drink tea. Pakeiskite senas padangas į naujas. Replace the old tires with new ones. Change the old tires to new ones. Rojus atrodo laimingas kada jo mergina jam paskambina. Roy looks happy when his girlfriend calls him. Roy seems happy when his girlfriend calls him. Nors ji ir bėgo taip greitai, kaip tik galėjo, į autobusą vis tiek nespėjo. Running as fast as she could, she still failed to catch the bus. Although she ran as fast as she could, she didn't get on the bus anyway. Salė prisiminė laikus kai jos senėlė buvo stipri ir sveika. Sally recalled the days when her grandma was strong and healthy. Hall recalled the times when her grandmother was strong and healthy. Atsisveikink su savo draugais. Say goodbye to your friends. Say goodbye to your friends. Sakyk ką nori. Say what you want. Say whatever you want. Mokslininkai paaiškina tą kitaip. Scientists interpret it differently. Scientists explain this in a different way. Pažūrėk į pavyzdį paduotą viršuje. See the example given above. Scramble to the example given above. Žiūrėk ką tas kūdikis daro! See what the baby is doing! Look what that baby is doing! Pasimatysime pragare. See you in hell. See you in hell. Ar Jums padėti panešti šią dėžę? Shall I help you with this box? Can you help carry this box? Rykliai ėda žuvis. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. Ji manęs paklausė kas atvažiavo pirmas. She asked me who had arrived first. She asked me who came first. Ji tapo policininke. She became a police officer. She became a policeman. Ji tapo paštininke. She became a postman. She became a postman. Ji tapo laiminga. She became happy. She became happy. Ji nupirko jam šunį. She bought him a dog. She bought him a dog. Ji moka kalbėti japoniškai. She can speak Japanese. She can speak Japanese. Ji gali kalbėti. She can speak. She can talk. Ji tęsė savo kalbą. She continued her talk. She continued her speech. Ji keikė jį už tai kad jis pamiršo pažadą. She cursed him for forgetting his promise. She cursed him for forgetting the promise. Ji garsiai keikėsi. She cursed loudly. She cursed loudly. Ji nemėgo gyvenimo mieste. She didn't like city life. She didn't like living in the city. Ji mirė nuo šoko. She died of shock. She died of shock. Ji pradingo. She disappeared. She disappeared. Ji pradingo be dokumetų. She disappeared with no documents. She disappeared without docs. Ji norėtų surasti gyvenimo prasmę. She'd like to find the purpose of life. She would like to find the meaning of life. Ji nelabai mėgsta beisbolą. She doesn't like baseball very much. She doesn't like baseball very much. Jai reikalinga ne užuojauta, o parama. She doesn't need sympathy, but support. It needs support, not compassion. Ji juos ten nuvežė automobiliu. She drove them there by car. She took them there by car. Ji sutiko jį džiugiai. She greeted him cheerfully. She met him cheerfully. Aš pagalvojau kad ji neturėjo priežasties padayti tą ką ji padarė. She had, I thought, no reason to do what she did. I thought she had no reason to sing what she did. Ji visiškai neturi priešų. She has absolutely no enemies. She has absolutely no enemies. Ji turėjo juokingą veidą. She has a funny face. She had a funny face. Ji čia turi daug draugų. She has a lot of friends here. She has a lot of friends here. Ji turi ypatingą duonos kepimo būdą. She has a special way of making bread. It has a special way of baking bread. Ji serga nuo praeitos savaitės. She has been sick since last week. She has been ill since last week. Ji turi ir trūkumų. She has faults, too. It also has flaws. Ji turi žalias akis ir šviesiai rudus plaukus. She has green eyes and light brown hair. She has green eyes and light brown hair. Ji ištekėjo už nieko. She has married a nobody. She married nobody. Ji neturi jokio pareigos jausmo. She has no sense of duty. She has no sense of duty. Ji neatsakė. She has not replied. She didn't answer. Ji turi vieną katę. She has one cat. She has one cat. Ji priprato keltis anksti. She is accustomed to rising early. She got used to getting up early. Ji verkia. She is crying. She's crying. Ji šiuo metu yra pavojuje. She is currently in danger. She is currently in danger. Ji valgo. She is eating. She eats. Ji pilna energijos. She is full of energy. It's full of energy. Ji yra laimigiausia kai ji yra namie. She is happiest when she is at home. She is the most winsome when she is at home. Ji nėra mano sesuo, ji mano žmona. She is not my sister, she's my wife. She's not my sister, she's my wife. Ji pakankamai suaugusi keliauti pati. She is old enough to travel by herself. She's old enough to travel by herself. Ji keliauja aplink pasaulį. She is traveling around the world. She travels around the world. Ji bando numesti svorio. She is trying to lose weight. She's trying to lose weight. Jai tik dveji, bet ji jau gali suskaičiuoti iki šimto. She is two years old, but she can already count to 100. She's only two, but she can already count to a hundred. Ji yra neįtikėtinai naivi. She is unbelievably naïve. She is incredibly naive. Ji pripratusi sedėti. She is used to sitting. She's used to sitting. Ji nusižudė vakar. She killed herself yesterday. She committed suicide yesterday. Ji pabučiavo man skruostą ir palinkėjo labos nakties. She kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. She kissed my cheek and wished me good night. Ji žino viską apie maisto gaminimą. She knows everything about cooking. She knows all about cooking. Ji tiksliai žino, ko ji nori. She knows exactly what she wants. She knows exactly what she wants. Ji gerai save pažįsta. She knows herself well. She knows herself well. Ji paguldė savo galvą ant pagalvės. She laid her head down on the pillow. She laid her head on the pillow. Ji paliko savo šunį mano kambaryje. She left her dog in my room. She left her dog in my room. Ji paliko savo skėtį traukinyje. She left her umbrella in the train. She left her umbrella on the train. Ji man duos dar vieną kilimą. She'll give one more carpet to me. She'll give me another carpet. Ji atrodė patenkinta savo nauju darbu. She looked pleased with her new job. She seemed pleased with her new job. Ji pasidarė popierinę snaigę. She made a paper snowflake. She became a paper snowflake. Ji daro pačius geriausius sumuštinius pasaulyje. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. Ji gali būti rimtai ligota. She might be seriously ill. She may be seriously ill. Tikriausiai ji myli tave. She must love you. She probably loves you. Ji pavadino jį Čarlsu. She named him Charles. She called him Charles. Jai reikia jo labiau nei jam reikia jos. She needs him more than he needs her. She needs him more than he needs her. Jai reikia daugiau miegoti. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. Ji niekada nesužinojo tiesos. She never found out the truth. She never knew the truth. Ji niekada man nesakė kad ji turi katę. She never told me she had a cat. She never told me she had a cat. Ji atidarė naują pardotuvę. She opened a new store. She opened a new backbench. Ji žaidė krepšinį. She played basketball. She played basketball. Ji grojo gitara, o jis dainavo. She played the guitar and he sang. She played guitar, and he sang. Ji žaidžia tenisą kiekvieną sekmadienį. She plays tennis every Sunday. She plays tennis every Sunday. Ji greitai atidarė laišką. She quickly opened the letter. She quickly opened the letter. Ji labai mėgsta tortą. She really likes cake. She loves cake a lot. Ji labai nori numesti svorio. She really wants to lose weight. She's very keen on losing weight. Ji yra tylus žmogus. She's a quiet person. She is a quiet man. Ji sedėjo šalia manęs. She sat next to me. She was sitting next to me. Ji pamatė kažką laukiantį jos prie mokyklos. She saw somebody waiting for her next to the school. She saw something waiting for her at the school. Ji juos veža į mokyklą. She's driving them to school. She takes them to school. Ji valgo obuolį. She's eating an apple. She eats an apple. Ji žiūri bet nieko nemato. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. She looks but sees nothing. Ji nėra jokia herojė. She's not a hero. She is no heroine. Ji už jį vyresnė. She's older than him. She's older than him. Ji dažo savo kambarį balta spalva. She's painting her room white. She paints her room in white. Ji kalba rusiškai. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Ji išpylė taurę raudono vyno ant mano naujos suknelės. She spilled a glass of red wine on my new dress. She poured a glass of red wine on my new dress. Ji keliauja aplink pasaulį. She's travelling around the world. She travels around the world. Ji bando perdažyti savo namus. She's trying to repaint her house. She tries to repaint her house. Jai pavyko atidaryti dėžę. She succeeded in opening the box. She managed to open the box. Ji staiga tapo įžymi. She suddenly became famous. She suddenly became famous. Ji mane nustebino. She surprised me. She surprised me. Ji priprato keltis anksti. She's used to getting up early. She got used to getting up early. Ji yra labai graži. She's very pretty. She is very beautiful. Ji liudijo prieš jį. She testified against him. She testified against him. Ji jam pasakė kad ji buvo laiminga. She told him that she was happy. She told him she was happy. Ji man daug apie tave pasakojo. She told me a lot about you. She told me a lot about you. Ji man pasakė kad aš turėsiu nuo jo bėgti. She told me that I'll have to run from him. She told me I'd have to run away from him. Ji paėmė savo pieštuką ir pradėjo rašyti. She took her pencil and started to write. She took her pencil and began writing. Ji išvertė eilėraštį. She translated a poem. She translated the poem. Ji tai pažodžiui išvertė. She translated it word for word. She literally translated it. Ji keliavo aplink pasaulį. She traveled around the world. She traveled around the world. Ji atmetė mano prašymą. She turned down my request. She refused my request. Ji atmetė mūsų pasiūlymą. She turned down our proposal. She rejected our offer. Ji aplankė savo vyrą kalėjime. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. Ji vaikšto. She walks. She walks. Ji išsigando šuns. She was afraid of the dog. She was scared of the dog. Ji jau buvo nėščia. She was already pregnant. She was already pregnant. Ji skubėjo. She was in a hurry. She was in a hurry. Ji gulėjo ant lovos veidu žemyn. She was lying face down on the bed. She lay on the bed face down. Ji buvo mano vienintelė draugė. She was my only friend. She was my only friend. Jai taip ir nebuvo lemta vėl išvysti savo vaikų. She was never to see her children again. She was never destined to see her children again. Vaikų ji taip daugiau ir nebematė. She was never to see her children again. She never saw the children again. Ji drebėjo klausydamasi naujiemų. She was trembling as she listened to the news. She shivered while listening to the news. Ji plovė indus. She was washing the dishes. She washed dishes. Ji sunkiai dirbo. She worked hard. She worked hard. Ji labai sunkiai dirba. She works very hard. She works very hard. Ji rašo jam kiekvieną savaitę. She writes to him every week. She writes to him every week. Ji parašė naują knygą. She wrote a new book. She wrote a new book. Trumpi sijonai jau nebemadingi. Short skirts are already out of fashion. Short skirts are no longer fashionable. Trumpi sijonai jau išėjo iš mados. Short skirts have already gone out of fashion. Short skirts have already gone out of fashion. "Užsičiaupk," jis sušnabždėjo. "Shut up," he whispered. "Shut up," he whispered. Kadangi negavau atsakymo, parašiau jai dar kartą. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Since I didn't get a response, I wrote it to her again. Šypsokis. Smile. Smile. Futbolas yra popiulariausias Brazilijoje. Soccer is the most popular in Brazil. Football is the most popular in Brazil. Kažkas jiems atnešė naują kilimą. Somebody brought them a new carpet. Someone brought them a new carpet. Kažkas privalo paskubėti ir greitai nuvežti ją į ligoninę. Somebody has to hurry and quickly drive her to the hospital. Someone must hurry up and take her to the hospital quickly. Kažkas groja fortepijonu. Somebody is playing the piano. Someone plays the piano. Kažkas atidarė duris. Somebody opened the door. Someone opened the door. Kažkas parašė savo vardą ant sienos. Somebody wrote my name on the wall. Someone wrote his name on the wall. Tu šiandien atrodai kažkaip kitaip. Somehow, you look different today. You look different today. Kažkas atėjo. Someone came. Someone has come. Kažkas atidarė duris. Someone opened the door. Someone opened the door. Kas nors padėkite man, prašau. Someone, please help me. Somebody help me, please. Man atrodo kažkas man skambina. Someone seems to be calling me. I think somebody's calling me. Kai kurie žmonės valgo sushi rankomis. Some people eat sushi with their hands. Some people eat sushi with their hands. Kai kurie žmonės mėgsta beisbolą, kai kurie futbolą. Some people like baseball, others like soccer. Some people like baseball, some football. Kai kurie sako kad jis buvo nužudytas, kiti sako kad jis nusižudė. Some people say he was murdered, others say he killed himself. Some say he was killed, others say he committed suicide. Kažkas man sako kad tu kažką slepi. Something tells me that you're hiding something. Someone tells me you're hiding something. Kartais aš pasakau "taip", nors ir noriu pasakyti "ne". Sometimes I say "yes," even though I want to say "no." Sometimes I say yes, even though I want to say no. Anksčiau ar vėliau mes visi mirsime. Sooner or later, we all are going to die. Sooner or later we will all die. Atsiprašau, nemanau kad aš galėsiu. Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to. Sorry, I don't think I can. Pradėk rašyti. Start writing. Start writing. Laikykis atokiai nuo tos vietos. Stay away from that place. Stay away from that place. Pasilik čia su mumis. Stay here with us. Stay here with us. Lik pozityvus. Stay positive. Stay positive. Lik kur esi. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. Likite su manimi, ponios ir ponai. Stay with me, ladies and gentlemen. Stay with me, ladies and gentlemen. Nustok vėpsoti. Stop gawking. Stop the walrus. Nebūčiuok keistų berniukų! Stop kissing strange boys! Don't be weird boys! Stok! Stop! Stop! Sustabdykite juos. Stop them. Stop them. Nusutok švaistyti laiką ir grįžk prie darbo. Stop wasting time and get back to work. Stop wasting time and get back to work. Mokiniai mokosi mokykloje. Students study in school. Students study at the school. Žinoma. Ar žinai gerą vietelę? Sure. Do you know a good place? Sure, you know a good place? Saldžių sapnų! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! Įjunk šviesą. Nieko nematau. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. Turn on the light, I can't see anything. Paimk knygą ir perskaityk ją! Take a book and read it. Take the book and read it! Paimk mano akinius. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Nusiimk savo kepurę kai įeini į klasę. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Take off your hat when you enter class. Nunešk kėdę į savo kambarį. Take the chair to your room. Take the chair to your room. Nuvežk Tomą į ligoninę. Take Tom to the hospital. Take Tom to the hospital. Tatoeba buvo laikinai nepasiekiama. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Televizija leidžia mums sužinoti kas šiandien vyksta. Television enables us to know what is happening today. Television lets us know what's going on today. Papasakok man apie savo žmoną. Tell me about your wife. Tell me about your wife. Pasakyk man, kaip tu išsprendei tą problemą. Tell me how you solved the problem. Tell me how you solved that problem. Pasakyk man kurią duoną tu nori valgyti. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Papasakok man savo įvykių versiją. Tell me your version of the events. Tell me your version of events. Dešimt metų yra ilgas laikas. Ten years is a long time. Ten years is a long time. Teresa yra portugališkas vardas. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Teresa is a Portuguese name. Dėkui už vakarienę. Thanks for the dinner. Thanks for the dinner. Ačiū, aš viską supratau. Thanks, I understood everything. Thank you, I understood everything. Labai tau dėkoju. Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Tai nereiškia, kad nustosiu tai daryti. That doesn't mean that I'll stop doing it. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it. Ta mergaitė yra Merė. That girl is Mary. That girl is Mary. Tas vyrukas yra mano draugas. That guy's a friend of mine. That guy is my friend. Tai viskas. That is all. That's it. Šis sakinys yra keistas. That is a strange sentence. This sentence is strange. Tai nėra geriausias atsakymas. That isn't the best answer. This is not the best answer. Tai gali būti pavojinga. That may be dangerous. It can be dangerous. Tai jau nebesvarbu. That no longer matters. It doesn't matter anymore. Ta sena tradicija išnyko. That old tradition has disappeared. That old tradition has disappeared. Tas žmogus nenori nieko daryti. That person doesn't want to do anything. That person doesn't want to do anything. Tas žmogus mano kad mano katė gyvena ant medžio. That person thinks that my cat lives on the tree. That man thinks my cat lives on a tree. Ten visada daug žmonių, bet aš užrezervavau staliuką, tad mums nėra ko jaudintis. That place is always crowded, but I reserved a table today, so we don't have to worry. There's always a lot of people out there, but I booked a table, so we have nothing to worry about. Būtent tą jis ir pasakė. That's exactly what he said. That's what he said. Būtent tą aš ir galvojau. That's exactly what I thought. That's what I was thinking. Tai neįmanoma. That's impossible. It's not possible. Tai ne mano darbas. That's not my job. It's not my job. Tai nėra geriausias atsakymas. That's not the best answer. This is not the best answer. Tai bent istorija. That's quite a story. It's at least a story. Tai bent pasakojimas. That's quite a story. That's at least a story. Štai ko aš nesuprantu. That's what I don't understand. That's what I don't understand. Taip ir maniau. That's what I thought. I thought so. Ką aš visada ir sakiau. That's what I've always said. What I've always said. Štai ką aš noriu išgirsti. That's what I want to hear. That's what I want to hear. Tas bokštas kurį štai ten matote yra Eifelio Bokštas. That tower you see over there is the Eiffel Tower. That tower you see there is the Eiffel Tower. Tas medis auga prie jos namo. That tree grows next to her house. That tree grows near her house. Tai niekada nepradings. That will never disappear. It will never go away. Tai nieko nepakeis. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Oras prie jūros yra tyras ir sveikas. The air by the sea is pure and healthy. The air by the sea is pure and healthy. Oro uostas yra ganėtinai toli nuo miesto centro. The airport is quite far from the city centre. The airport is quite far from the city centre. Obuoliai kitoje sienos pusėje yra saldžiausi. The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. Apples on the other side of the wall are sweetest. Kūdikis gali stovėti, bet negali vaikščioti. The baby can stand but can't walk. The baby can stand but cannot walk. Kūdikis tęsia miegoti. The baby continues to sleep. The baby continues to sleep. Kūdikis verkė visą naktį. The baby cried all night. The baby was crying all night. Vaikas verkė visą naktį. The baby cried all night. The child cried all night. Baterija numirė. The battery died out. The battery died. Lova yra kambaryje. The bed is in the room. The bed is in the room. Paukščiai išskrido į pietus. The birds flew to the south. The birds flew south. Paukščiai buvo alkani. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. Paukštis ieškojo kirmėlių. The bird was looking for worms. The bird was looking for worms. Knyga yra įdomi. The book is intresting. The book is interesting. Berniukas nori žinoti tiesą. The boy wants to know the truth. The boy wants to know the truth. Duona šviežia. The bread is fresh. The bread is fresh. Ta ruda kepurė yra sena. The brown hat is old. That brown hat is old. Šis tortas yra skanus. The cake is tasty. This cake is delicious. Kalkuliatorius yra puikus išradimas. The calculator is a wonderful invention. The calculator is a great invention. Žvakės apšvietė kambarį. The candles made the room bright. Candles lit the room. Meksikos sostinė yra didžiausias miestas Lotynų Amerikoje. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. The capital of Mexico is the largest city in Latin America. Švedijos sostinė yra Stokholmas. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Automobilis yra mėlynas. The car is blue. The car is blue. Katė perėjo gatvę. The cat crossed the street. The cat crossed the street. Katė žaidžia su vaikais. The cat is playing with the children. The cat plays with the kids. Laikrodis skuba. The clock is fast. The clock is in a hurry. Žarijos yra deginančiai raudonos. The coals are burning red. The jars are burning red. Kava yra karti. The coffee is bitter. Coffee is bitter. Dienos tampa vis ilgesnės ir ilgesnės. The days are getting longer and longer. Days are getting longer and longer. Daktaras jam patarė mesti rūkyti. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. The doctor advised him to stop smoking. Daktarė jam patarė mesti rūkyti. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. The doctor advised him to stop smoking. Daktarė jam patarė nustoti taip daug dirbti. The doctor advised him to stop working too much. The doctor advised him to stop working so much. Gydytojas atėjo nedelsiant. The doctor came immediately. The doctor came immediately. Daktaras apžiūrėjo vaiką ir pasakė kad ji yra sveika. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. Šuo bando išsivaduoti. The dog is trying to escape. The dog tries to break free. Šis šuo yra baltas. The dog is white. This dog is white. Durys atsidarė automatiškai. The door opened automatically. The door opened automatically. Durys lėtai atsidarė. The door opened slowly. The door slowly opened. Šio metodo veiksmingumas buvo patvirtintas daugelio žmonių patirtimi. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed by many people's experiences. The effectiveness of this method has been confirmed by the experience of many people. Amžina tyla šių begalinių erdvių mane baugina. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. Akys - sielos veidrodis. The eyes are windows to the soul. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Mano šeima niekada neturėjo pakankamai pinigų atostogoms. The family never had enough money for vacations. My family never had enough money for a vacation. Filmas truko dvi valandas. The film lasted 2 hours. The film lasted two hours. Ta mergina apie kurią aš tau sakiau gyvena čia. The girl I told you about lives here. That girl I told you about lives here. Ta mergaitė apie kurią aš tau sakiau gyvena Kijote. The girl I told you about lives in Kyoto. That girl I told you about lives in Kyoto. Mergaitė sėdinti prie pianino yra mano dukra. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. The girl sitting at the piano is my daughter. Žemė atrodo šlapia. The ground seems wet. The ground looks wet. Herojus pagaliau įveikė piktąjį mokslininką. The hero finally defeated the evil scientist. The hero finally overcame the evil scientist. Arklys yra baltas. The horse is white. The horse is white. Namas yra jos. The house is hers. The house is hers. Namas su žaliu stogu yra mano. The house whose roof is green is mine. A house with a green roof is mine. Ši idėja yra labai patraukli. The idea is very attractive. This idea is very attractive. Jų vėliava yra mėlynai-auksinė. Their flag is blue and gold. Their flag is blue-gold. Japonai yra drąsi tauta. The Japanese are a brave people. The Japanese are a brave nation. Ši lagūna yra labai gili. The lagoon is very deep. This lagoon is very deep. Ežero vanduo lygus kaip veidrodis. The lake's water is as smooth as a mirror. The lake's water is smooth like a mirror. Įstatymas buvo pakeistas. The law was changed. The law was changed. Biblioteka yra į dešinę. The library is to the right. The library is to the right. Vienišas žmogus gauna malonumą stebėdamas skruzdėles. The lonely man derives pleasure from observing ants. Lonely man gets pleasure by observing ants. Tas vyras kurį tu vakar matei yra mano dėdė. The man you saw yesterday is my uncle. The man you saw yesterday is my uncle. Mėsa dar neparuošta. The meat's not ready yet. Meat is not ready yet. Susirinkimas baigėsi anksčiau nei visada. The meeting ended earlier than usual. The meeting ended earlier than always. Susitikimas pasibaigs rytoj. The meeting will end tomorrow. The meeting ends tomorrow. Vyrai pradėjo žygiuoti pirmyn. The men began to march forward. The men began to march forward. Mėnulyje nėra atmosferos. The moon has no atmosphere. There is no atmosphere on the moon. Mėnulis sukasi aplink Žeme. The moon moves around the earth. The moon rotates around the Earth. Mėnulis buvo virš horizonto. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was over the horizon. Kuo daugiau apie tai galvoju, tuo mažiau man tai patinka. The more I think about it, the less I like it. The more I think about it, the less I like it. Kuo daugiau, tuo geriau. The more, the better. The more, the better. Kuo daugiau turi, tuo daugiau nori. The more you have, the more you want. The more you have, the more you want. Motina siuva. The mother sews. Mother sews. Muziejus vertas į jį nueiti. The museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth going to. Naujas kontraktas mums leidžia reikalauti ko tik norime. The new contract enables us to demand whatever we want. A new contract allows us to demand whatever we want. Nosis žino. The nose knows. Nose knows. Kuo esi vyresnis, tuo sunkiau išmokti kalbą. The older you are, the more difficult it is to learn a language. The older you are, the harder it is to learn the language. Senoji moteris nugriuvo ir negalėjo atsikelti. The old woman fell and could not get up. The old woman fell and couldn't get up. Tas kas turi viską gali prarasti viską. The one who has everything can lose everything. He who has everything can lose everything. Apelsinai šiame maiše yra supuvę. The oranges in this bag are rotten. Oranges in this bag are rotten. Orkaitė karšta, taigi būk atsargus, kad nenusidegintum. The oven's hot so be careful not to burn yourself. The oven is hot, so be careful not to burn it. Tėvai tikėjosi per daug iš savo sūnaus. The parents expected too much of their son. Parents expected too much from their son. Nuotrauka yra šioje knygoje. The picture is in this book. The photo is in this book. Policininkas pareikalavo jų vardų ir adresų. The policeman demanded their names and addresses. The policeman demanded their names and addresses. Juokiasi puodas, kad katilas juodas. The pot calls the kettle black. The pot laughs that the boiler is black. Prezidentas mirė netikėtai. The President died unexpectedly. The president died unexpectedly. Teisinga kaina. The price is right. Right price. Profesorius ramiai išsiplovė savo rankas. The professor calmly washed his hands. The professor calmly washed his hands. Mokinys buvo nubaustas už rūkymą. The pupil was punished for smoking. The student was fined for smoking. Karalienė stovėjo prie karaliaus. The queen stood beside the king. The queen stood by the king. Lietus truko tris dienas. The rain lasted three days. The rain lasted three days. Mieste yra keli geri viešbučiai. There are a few good hotels in town. There are several good hotels in the city. Jo kambaryje yra daug knygų. There are a lot of books in his room. There are many books in his room. Bavarijoje yra daug aludarių. There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. There are many brewers in Bavaria. Salos yra jūroje. There are islands in the sea. The islands are in the sea. Yra daug žodžių kurių nesuprantu. There are many words that I don't understand. There are many words I don't understand. Nėra įvykio liūdytojų. There are no witnesses of the accident. There are no mourners of the event. Yra tik du teisingi atsakymai. There are only two correct answers. There are only two correct answers. Ant mamos kilimo miega tris šunys. There are three dogs sleeping on mum's carpet. Three dogs sleep on their mother's ascent. Žaidymų aikštelėje yra dvi mergaitės. There are two girls in the playground. There are two girls on the playground. Sukilėliai pastatė barikadą ant kelio. The rebels made a barricade across the road. The rebels built a barricade on the road. Avilyje gali būti tik viena karalienė There can be only one queen in the hive. There can only be one queen in a hive Aplink namą yra tvora. There is a fence around the house. There is a fence around the house. Po to stalų yra mažas rudas šuniukas. There is a small brown dog under that table. After that the tables are a small brown puppy. Čia nieko nėra. There is nothing here. There's nothing here. Tame nėra nieko blogo. There is nothing wrong with this. There's nothing wrong with that. Tame nėra nieko neteisingo. There is nothing wrong with this. There is nothing wrong with that. Yra vienas kelias. There is one way. There is one way. Visada yra kitas kartas. There's always a next time. There's always another generation. Tenai yra veidrodis. There's a mirror. There's a mirror there. Vandenyje yra kraujo. There's blood in the water. There is blood in the water. Yra tik viena problema. There's just one problem. There is only one problem. Man nėra prasmės eiti į mokyklą. There's no point for me to go to school. It makes no sense for me to go to school. Už automobilio slepiasi vienas mažas katinas. There's one small cat hiding behind the car. There is one little cat hiding behind the car. Mažame puodelyje yra pieno. There's some milk in the small cup. A small cup contains milk. Kažkas yra ne taip su šiuo jogurtu. There's something wrong with this yoghurt. Something is wrong with this yogurt. Rezultatas buvo nuviliantis. The result was disappointing. The result was disappointing. Klasėje paliko brangių fotoaparatą. There was an expensive camera left in the classroom. He left an expensive camera in the classroom. Kalno viršūnėje buvo bokštas. There was a tower on the top of the mountain. There was a tower at the top of the mountain. Visame pasaulyje buvo taika. There was peace all over the world. There was peace all over the world. Turtuoliai ne visada yra laimingi. The rich are not always happy. The rich are not always happy. Žiedas yra prakeiktas. The ring is cursed. The ring is cursed. Upė teka į jūrą. The river flows into the sea. The river flows into the sea. Mano namo stogas yra raudonas. The roof of my house is red. The roof of my house is red. Skandalas sužlugdino jo karjerą. The scandal ruined his career. The scandal ruined his career. Mokykla yra už penkių kilometrų nuo mano namų. The school is five kilometers from my home. The school is five kilometers from my house. Šie saldainiai yra per saldūs. These candies are too sweet. These sweets are too sweet. Šie drabužiai tau tinka. These clothes suit you. These clothes are good for you. Šios suknelės yra per didėlės. These dresses are too large. These dresses are too grand. Šios ponios yra mano tetos. These ladies are my aunts. These ladies are my aunts. Šiuos vaistus reikia vartoti tris kartus per dieną. These medicines should be taken three times a day. These drugs should be taken three times a day. Šie produktai yra tokios pačios kokybės. These products are of the same quality. These products are of the same quality. Šie marškiniai yra tokie patys. Jie yra tos pačios spalvos. These shirts are the same. They are the same colour. These shirts are the same. They are the same color. Laivas pasirodė horizonte. The ship appeared on the horizon. The ship appeared on the horizon. Laivas dingo už horizonto. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. Tas laivas keliauja į Suomiją. The ship is bound for Finland. That ship goes to Finland. Marškiniai, kuriuos davei, man puikiai tinka. The shirt you gave me fit perfectly. The shirts you gave me are great for me. Parduotuvė prekiauja brangiais aksesuarais moterims. The shop sells expensive accessories for women. The store sells expensive accessories to women. Situacija yra kritinė. The situation is critical. The situation is critical. Dangus yra mėlynas. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Dangus temsta. The sky is getting dark. The sky is dark. Rožių kvapas pripildė kambarį. The smell of roses filled the room. The smell of roses filled the room. Sniegas greitai krenta. The snow is falling fast. The snow is falling quickly. Kuo greičiau grįši tuo laimingesnis bus tavo tėvas. The sooner you return, the happier your father will be. The sooner you come back, the happier your father will be. Šviesos greitis yra daug didesnis už garso greitį. The speed of light is much greater than that of sound. The speed of light is much higher than the speed of sound. Voras yra negyvas. The spider is dead. Spider is dead. Pilvo skausmai dingo. The stomach pains are gone. Abdominal pains are gone. Mokiniai nenorėjo nieko sakyti savo tėvams. The students didn't want to tell anything to their parents. The students didn't want to say anything to their parents. Mokiniai šiandien neturi eiti į mokyklą. The students don't have to go to school today. Students today do not have to go to school. Mokinys buvo nubaustas už rūkymą. The student was punished for smoking. The student was fined for smoking. Saulė dingo už debesies. The sun disappeared behind a cloud. The sun disappeared behind the cloud. Stalas neužima daug vietos. The table doesn't take much room. The table does not take up much space. Taksi staigiai pasuko į kairę. The taxi abruptly turned left. The taxi turned sharply to the left. Mokytoja moko. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Mokytojas moko. The teacher teaches. The teacher teaches. Mokytojas mus perspėjo, kad egzaminas tikriausiai bus sunkus. The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be complicated. The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be difficult. Arbata per stipri. Atskiesk ją vandeniu. The tea is too strong. Add some water. Tea is too strong: dilute it with water. Ši arbata yra labai skani. The tea is very tasty. This tea is very tasty. Mūsų komandai trūko mobilumo. The team lacked mobility. Our team lacked mobility. Televizorius sugedo, todėl skaitau knygą. The television broke, so I'm reading a book. The TV broke down, so I read the book. Medis yra žalias. The tree is green. The tree is green. Kelionė buvo varginanti. The trip was exhausting. The trip was exhausting. Visata yra beribė. The universe is endless. The universe is limitless. Mano kambario sienos yra žalios. The walls of my room are green. The walls of my room are green. Karas nutraukė jų tyrimą. The war brought their research to an end. The war ended their investigation. Karas truko dvejus metus. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Vanduo čia labai seklus. The water here is very shallow. The water here is very shallow. Bangos yra aukštos šiandien. The waves are high today. Waves are high today. Šiandien oras siaubingas. The weather is terrible today. The weather is terrible today. Oras yra vėjuotas. The weather is windy. The weather is windy. Vėjas nurimo. The wind calmed down. The wind has calmed down. Moteris valgo duoną. The woman is eating bread. A woman eats bread. Ta moteris skaito angliškai. The woman reads English. That woman reads English. Moteris nori žinoti tiesą. The woman wants to know the truth. A woman wants to know the truth. Pasaulis yra pilnas kvailų žmonių. The world is full of dumb people. The world is full of stupid people. Jie jau turi tris kates, jiems dar viena nėra reikalinga. They already have three cats, they don't need another one. They already have three cats, they don't need another one. Jie eina apsipirkti. They are going shopping. They go shopping. Jie už mus kur kas aukštesni. They are much taller than us. They're much taller than us. Jie ne maži vaikai. They are not little children. They're not little kids. Jie ten stovi ir valgo traškučius. They are standing there and eating potato chips. They stand there and eat crisps. Jie abu dėvi skrybėles. They both are wearing a hat. They both wear hats. Jos abi verkė kai jos išgirdo tragiškas naujienas. They both cried after hearing the tragic news. They both cried when they heard the tragic news. Jie negalėjo gauti pakankamai maisto. They could not get enough food. They couldn't get enough food. Jie negalėjo susitvarkyti su sunkumais. They couldn't cope with difficulties. They couldn't handle the difficulties. Jie galėjo tik klausytis. They could only listen. They could only listen. Jie aptarė tą problemą. They discussed the problem. They discussed the problem. Jie daugiau nieko nedaro tik skundžiasi. They do nothing but complain. They do nothing more than complain. Jie jau nebeturi cukraus. They don't have any sugar any more. They no longer have sugar. Jie nepadeda. They don't help. They don't help. Metai praeina greitai. The years pass by quickly. The year passes quickly. Jiem nesisekė rasti tos vietos. They had trouble finding the place. They didn't succeed in finding that place. Jie turi būti atsikėlę rytoj 5 ryto. They have to be awake by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. They are due to get up tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. Jie praleido puikią progą. They missed a good chance. They missed a great opportunity. Jiems reikia draugų. They need friends. They need friends. Jiems reikalinga mūsų pagalba. They need our help. They need our help. Jie tikrai miegojo ant grindų. They really slept on the floor. They really slept on the floor. Jie pavojuje. They're in danger. They're in danger. Jie nekelia grėsmės. They're not a threat. They do not pose a threat. Jie neįtikėtini. They're unbelievable. They're incredible. Jie plauna rankas. They're washing their hands. They wash their hands. Jie viešėjo Romoje iki rugsėjo. They stayed in Rome till September. They stayed in Rome until September. Jie ramiai stovėjo ir klausėsi kalbų. They stood calmly and listened to speeches. They stood still and listened to the speeches. Jie kalbėjo apie meilę. They talked about love. They talked about love. Jie tave apgavo. They've fooled you. They tricked you. Jie kalbėjo visą naktį. They went on talking all night. They talked all night. Jie dirba aštuonias valandas per dieną. They work eight hours a day. They work eight hours a day. Šis maišas nėra mažas. This bag is not small. This bag is not small. Čia mano dviratis. This bicycle is mine. This is my bike. Ši knyga priklauso bibliotekai. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. Ši knyga turi daug gražių paveikslėlių. This book has many beautiful pictures. This book has many beautiful pictures. Ši knyga turbūt nebus labai naudinga. This book probably won't be all that useful. This book probably won't be very helpful. Šis tiltas buvo pastatytas prieš dvejus metus. This bridge was built two years ago. This bridge was built two years ago. Šis kilimas yra labai ilgas. This carpet is very long. This carpet is very long. Šis automobilis buvo pagamintas Japonijoje. This car was made in Japan. This car was made in Japan. Šis šokoladas yra labai saldus ir skanus. This chocolate is very sweet and tasty. This chocolate is very sweet and delicious. Šis prakeiktas kompiuteris neveikia. This damned computer won't work. This damn computer doesn't work. Tai nereiškia, kad pavojus praejo. This doesn't mean the danger has passed. This does not mean that the danger has passed. Ši suknelė yra man per didelė. This dress is too big for me. This dress is too big for me. Ši žuvis negerai kvepia. This fish has a bad smell. This fish smells bad. Ši žuvis negerai kvepia. This fish smells bad. This fish smells bad. Ši gėlė yra gražesnė nei ana. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than ana. Ši gėlė yra gražesnė už aną. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This flower is more beautiful than the other. Šita mergaitė visai neblogai dainuoja. This girl sings pretty well. This girl doesn't sing well at all. Tai yra didelis žingsnis pirmyn. This is a big step forward. This is a big step forward. Tai yra gera proga viena kitą pažinti. This is a good opportunity to get to know one another. This is a good opportunity to get to know each other. Tai yra gera proga vienas kitą pažinti. This is a good opportunity to get to know one another. This is a good opportunity to get to know each other. Tai yra nuostabi idėja. This is a great idea. This is a wonderful idea. Tai yra pieštukas. This is a pencil. This is a pencil. Tai yra už dyką. This is free. This is for free. Tai yra Kendžio kedė. This is Kenji's chair. This is Candy's chair. Tai yra mano knyga. This is my book. This is my book. Tai mano kompiuteris. This is my computer. It's my computer. Šita yra mano karvė. This is my cow. This is my cow. Šitas yra mano stalas. This is my table. This is my desk. Tai joks metodas, tai provokacija. This is not a method, this is provocation. It's no method, it's a provocation. Tai nėra klaida. This is not an error. This is not a mistake. Tai ne sakinys. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Tai ne jų. This is not theirs. It's not theirs. Dabar tai mūsų namai. This is now our home. It's our home now. Tai nėra paskutinis traukinys, ar ne? This isn't the last train, is it? It's not the last train, is it? Tai išties labai gardu. This is really delicious. It's really very fragrant. Tai pigiausia parduotuvė mieste. This is the cheapest store in town. It is the cheapest store in the city. Tai yra miestas apie kurį aš tau sakiau. This is the city I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Aš pirmą kartą matau saulės laikrodį. This is the first time I've seen a sun clock. I see the sundial for the first time. Tai yra ligoninė kurioje aš gimiau. This is the hospital which I was born in. This is the hospital I was born in. Tai yra paskutinis kartas kai aš ginčiuos su savo seserimi. This is the last time I'll argue with my sister. This is the last time I've been fighting with my sister. Tai yra paskutinis traukinys, pone. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. Štai yra tas vyras kurio aš laukiau. This is the man I've been waiting for. Here is the man I was waiting for. Tai yra miestas apie kurį aš tau sakiau. This is the town I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Čia Tonio knyga. This is Tony's book. This is Tony's book. Ši mašina yra bevertė. This machine is worthless. This machine is worthless. Tas vyras yra negyvas. This man is dead. That man is dead. Šis kalnas yra padengtas sniegu visus metus. This mountain is snow-covered the entire year. This mountain is covered in snow throughout the year. Šitas yra mums. This one is for us. This one is for us. Ši problema nėro tokia sunki kaip atrodo. This problem is not so difficult as it seems. This problem is not as severe as it seems. Ši rožė yra nuostabi. This rose is beautiful. This rose is wonderful. Šis dydis man per per didelis. This size is too large for me. This size is too big for me. Šis stalas yra sunkus. This table is heavy. This table is heavy. Šitas stalas yra baltas. This table is white. This table is white. Šį kartą turėtum tą padaryti pats. This time you should do it by yourself. This time you should do it yourself. Šis miestas naktį būna lyg apmiręs. This town is really dead at night. This city is like dead at night. Šitas televizorius turi dvejų metų garantiją. This TV set has a two year guarantee. This TV has a two-year warranty. Šis veiksmažodis įprastai naudojamas tik trečiam asmeny. This verb is normally used only in the third person. This verb is usually used only in the third person. Šis vanduo negerai kvepia. This water has a bad smell. This water smells bad. To mums kol kas pakaks. This will do us for the present. That's enough for us for now. Tie ponios ir ponai kurie gyvena Jokohamos priemiesčiose, jei tai jums patogu, prašome atvykite. Those ladies and gentlemen who live in the suburbs of Yokohama, if it is convenient to you, please come. Those ladies and gentlemen who live in the suburbs of Yokohama, if it is convenient for you, please come. Tūkstančiai žmonių miršta nuo alkio. Thousands of people died of hunger. Thousands of people die of hunger. Neįmanoma sustabdyti laiką. Time cannot be stopped. It is impossible to stop time. Metas tuoktis! Time to get married! It's time to get married! Jam šiandien negalima valgyti nieko saldaus. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. He cannot eat anything sweet today. Aš šiandien pati pagaminsiu sau salotų. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. I'm going to make my own salad today. Šiandien mums paskutinė diena mokykloje. Today is our last day of school. Today is our last day at school. Šiandien sekmadienis. Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. Šiais laikais daug žmonių gauna aukštesnį išsilavinimą. Today, many people receive higher education. Nowadays, many people receive higher education. Šiandien jai jau nebereikia mokytis. Today, she doesn't need to study any more. She no longer has to learn today. Šiandien nėra Kalėdos! Today's not Christmas! It's not Christmas today! Tomas ir Merė abudu turi labai mažai draugų. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Tom and Mary both have very few friends. Tomas ir Merė nusipirko namą su baseinu. Tom and Mary bought a home with a pool. Tom and Mary bought a house with a swimming pool. Tomas ir Merė išėjo laukan. Tom and Mary went outside. Tom and Mary went outside. Geriau nei niekas Tom apologized on Mary's behalf. Better than no one Tomas paprašė Merės pinigų. Tom asked Mary for money. Thomas asked Mary for money. Tomas paklausė Merės kokią ji mėgsta muziką. Tom asked Mary what kind of music she liked. Thomas asked Mary what kind of music she liked. Tomas klausė, kur tu buvai. Tom asked where you were. Tom asked where you were. Tomas suvalgė visą picą vienas. Tom ate the whole pizza by himself. Tom ate all the pizza alone. Tomas paraudo. Tom blushed. Tom reddens. Tomas įėjo pro užpakalines duris. Tom came in through the back door. Thomas entered through the back door. Tomas atvyko per vėlai. Tom came too late. Thomas arrived too late. Tomas persirengė. Tom changed clothes. Tom changed his clothes. Tomas stipriai užmerkė savo akis ir ištvėrė skausmą. Tom closed his eyes tightly and endured the pain. Thomas closed his eyes strongly and endured the pain. Tomas skundėsi apie triukšmą. Tom complained about the noise. Thomas complained about the noise. Tomas taip ir nesugebėjo pamiršti karo baisybių. Tom could never forget the horror of the war. Thomas was never able to forget the horrors of war. Tomas negalėtų to daryti, ar ne? Tom couldn't do that, could he? Tom couldn't do that, could he? Tomas negalėjo atleisti Merei už tai kad ji nužudė jo tėvus. Tom couldn't forgive Mary for killing his parents. Thomas could not forgive Mary for killing his parents. Tomui nepavyko įkalbinti Merę likti. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay. Tom failed to persuade Mary to stay. Tomas negalėjo atsikratyti jausmo kad tuoj atsitiks kažkas blogo. Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen. Tom couldn't get rid of the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Tomas negalėjo nustoti čiaudėti. Tom couldn't stop sneezing. Tom couldn't stop sneezing. Tomas negalėjo liautis galvojęs apie Merę. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Tom couldn't stop thinking about Mary. Tomas negalėjo suprasti ką Merė sakė. Tom couldn't understand what Mary was saying. Tom couldn't understand what Mary was saying. Tomas negalėjo rasti priežasties kodėl jam reikėjo grįžti namo anksti. Tom could think of no reason why he needed to go home early. Tom couldn't find a reason why he needed to go home early. Tomas šiuo metu gyvena su savo dėde. Tom currently lives with his uncle. Thomas currently lives with his uncle. Šiuo metu Tomas moko anglų kalbos Japonijoje. Tom currently teaches English in Japan. Currently, Thomas teaches English in Japan. Tomas sugriovė smėlio pilį, kurį pastatė vaikai. Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Thomas destroyed a sand castle built by children. Tomas sugriovė vaikų pastatytą smėlio pilį. Tom destroyed the children's sand castle. Thomas destroyed a sand castle built by children. Tomas nepasirodė. Tom didn't appear. Tom didn't show up. Tomas nemanė kad jam buvo reikalingas asmens sargybinis. Tom didn't think he needed a bodyguard. Thomas did not think he needed a bodyguard. Tomas nenorėjo kad Merė mirtų. Tom didn't want Mary to die. Tom didn't want Mary to die. Tomas nenorėjo kad Merė sužinotų. Tom didn't want Mary to find out. Tom didn't want Mary to find out. Tomas nenorėjo pritraukti dėmėsio. Tom didn't want to attract attention. Tom didn't want to attract attention. Tomas nemėgsta sūrio. Tom does not love cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tomas negeria kavos, bet jis rūko cigaretes. Tom doesn't drink coffee, but he smokes cigarettes. Tom doesn't drink coffee, but he smokes cigarettes. Tomas nevalgo daug mėsos. Tom doesn't eat much meat. Tom doesn't eat much meat. Tomas nežino, ar Merė stovyklaus kartu su mumis ar ne. Tom doesn't know if Mary will go camping with us or not. Tom doesn't know if Mary is camping with us or not. Tomas nežino skirtumo tarp žvaigždės ir planetos. Tom doesn't know the difference between a star and a planet. Tom does not know the difference between a star and a planet. Tomas nežino Merės batų dydžio. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know Mary's shoe size. Tomas nežino ar pasukti į kairę ar į dešinę. Tom doesn't know whether to turn left or right. Tom does not know whether to turn left or right. Tomas negyvena su savo tėvais. Tom doesn't live with his parents. Tom does not live with his parents. Tomas nekreipia dėmėsio į detales. Tom doesn't pay attention to details. Tom doesn't pay attention to the details. Tomas nenori to aptarinėti. Tom doesn't want to discuss it. Tom doesn't want to discuss it. Tomas nenori niekada to daryti dar kartą. Tom doesn't want to ever do that again. Tom doesn't want to ever do it again. Tomas nenori niekada to daryti ir vėl. Tom doesn't want to ever do that again. Tom never wants to do it again. Tomas nenori taip gyventi. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Tom doesn't want to live like that. Tomas valgo tik tą ką jis nori valgyti. Tom eats only what he wants to eat. Tom only eats what he wants to eat. Tomas galiausiai rado darbą kuris jam patiko. Tom eventually found a job that he liked. Tom eventually found a job that he liked. Tomas pagaliau kažką suvalgė. Tom finally ate something. Tom finally ate something. Tomas susiraukė. Tom frowned. Thomas frowned. Tomas eina miegoti po vidurnakčio. Tom goes to bed after midnight. Tom goes to bed after midnight. Tomas atsikėlė septintą valandą. Tom got up at 7:00. Thomas got up at seven o'clock. Tomas jau išgėrė tris puodelius kavos. Tom has already drunk three cups of coffee. Thomas had already drunk three cups of coffee. Tomas jau pabaigė darbą kurį jam reikėjo padaryti. Tom has already finished the work that he needed to do. Thomas had already finished the job he needed to do. Tomas turi seserį, kuri yra advokatė. Tom has a sister who is a lawyer. Tom has a sister who is an attorney. Tomas pradingo. Tom has disappeared. Tom disappeared. Tomas tapo nekontroliuojamas. Tom has lost control. Tom became out of control. Tomas neturi jokio noro keliauti į Bostoną. Tom has no desire to go to Boston. Tom has no desire to travel to Boston. Tomas neturi supratimo kur pradėti. Tom has no idea where to start. Tom has no idea where to start. Tomas įrodė kad tai veikia. Tom has proved that it works. Tom has proven it works. Tomas dabar turi eiti namo. Tom has to go home now. Tom now has to go home. Tomas vilisi kad šiąnakt jis likučių ir vėl nevalgys. Tom hopes he won't be eating leftovers again tonight. Tom willy that tonight he will not eat any leftovers again. Tomai, aš grįžau. Tom, I'm back. Tom, I'm back. Tomas yra milijardierius. Tom is a billionaire. Tom is a billionaire. Tomas - komunistas. Tom is a communist. Thomas is a communist. Tomas yra puikus aktorius. Tom is a great actor. Tom is a great actor. Tomas yra praktikantas. Tom is an intern. Thomas is a practitioner. Tomas yra normalus vaikinas. Tom is a normal guy. Tom is a normal guy. Tomui sekasi gerai. Tom is doing fine. Tom is doing well. Tomas yra puikus. Tom is excellent. Tom is great. Tomas veda Merę iš kelio. Tom is leading Mary astray. Tom leads Mary out of the way. Tomas daug protingesnis už mane. Tom is much smarter than I am. Tom is a lot smarter than me. Tomas ne Ožiaragis. Tom isn't a Capricorn. Tom is not Capricorn. Šiuo metu Tomas nėra kalėjime. Tom isn't currently in prison. Tom is currently not in prison. Tomas ne bedarbis. Tom isn't unemployed. Tom is not unemployed. Dabar Tomui viskas gerai. Tom is OK now. Tom's fine now. Tomas vis dar yra kalinys. Tom is still a prisoner. Thomas is still a prisoner. Tomas vis dar yra kalėjime. Tom is still in prison. Tom is still in prison. Tomas yra geriausias žaidėjas komandoje. Tom is the best player on the team. Tom is the best player on the team. Tomas yra mūsų komandos kapitonas. Tom is the captain of our team. Tom is the captain of our team. Tomas galvoja parduoti namą. Tom is thinking of selling his house. Tom thinks of selling the house. Tomas labai turtingas. Tom is very rich. Thomas is very rich. Tomas yra tavo įpėdinis. Tom is your heir. Tom is your successor. Tomas žino, kad aš jo nemėgstu. Tom knows that I don't like him. Tom knows I don't like him. Tomas žino, kad patinka Merei. Tom knows that Mary likes him. Tom knows he likes Mary. Tomas per daug žino. Tom knows too much. Tom knows too much. Tomas žino, kas yra Mary. Tom knows who Mary is. Tom knows who Mary is. Toniui labai patiko jo darbas. Tom liked his job very much. Tony liked his work very much. Tomui patinka sūris. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. Tomas mėgsta lakrosą. Tom likes lacrosse. Tom likes lacrosse. Tomui patinka megzti. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to knit. Jūs patinkate Tomui. Tom likes you. You like Tom. Tu patinki Tomui. Tom likes you. You like Tom. Tomas sumokės. Tom'll pay. Tom will pay. Tomas atrodo ligotas. Tom looks ill. Tom looks sick. Tomas atrodo ligotas. Tom looks sick. Tom looks sick. Tomui reikėjo pinigų. Tom needed money. Tom needed the money. Tomas pastebėjo, kad jo rankos buvo nešvarios. Tom noticed that his hands weren't clean. Thomas noticed that his hands were dirty. Tomas dabar gyvena Bostone. Tom now lives in Boston. Tom now lives in Boston. Tomas protestavo prieš tai, kad su juo buvo elgiamasi kaip su vaiku. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Thomas protested that he was treated like a child. Tomas atidarė šaldytuvą. Tom opened the refrigerator. Thomas opened the refrigerator. Tomas atidarė seifą. Tom opened the safe. Thomas opened the safe. Tomas pakėlė ranką. Tom raised his hand. Tom raised his hand. Tomas užaugino savo sūnų be jokios pagalbos. Tom raised his son without any help. Thomas raised his son without any help. Tomas mane atpažino. Tom recognized me. Tom recognized me. Tomas atsisakė eiti į ligoninę. Tom refused to go to the hospital. Thomas refused to go to the hospital. Tomo mirtis buvo išvengiama. Tom's death was preventable. Tom's death was preventable. Atrodė, kad tai patinka Tomui. Tom seemed to like that. It seemed to please Tom. Šiandien Tomas atrodo kitaip. Tom seems different today. Today, Tom looks different. Atrodo kad Tomas žino kelią. Tom seems to know the way. Tom seems to know the way. Tomas pasirašė visus dokumentus, kuriuos jam davė Merės advokatas. Tom signed all the documents Mary's lawyer gave him. Thomas signed all the documents that Mary's lawyer had given him. Tomas ėmė šaukti pagalbos. Tom started yelling for help. Thomas began shouting for help. Tomas vis dar neatrodo susidomėjęs. Tom still doesn't look too interested. Tom still doesn't seem interested. Tomas tikrai gali žaisti tenisą. Tom sure can play tennis. Tom can really play tennis. Tomo žmona jį paliko 2013. Tom's wife left him in 2013. Tom's wife left him in 2013. Jis nusivedė šeimą į zoologijos sodą. Tom took his family to the zoo. He took the family to the zoo. Paprastai Tomas skaito tik antraštes. Tom usually only reads the headlines. Usually Tom only reads headlines. Tomas dažniausiai buvo vienas. Tom was alone most of the time. Thomas was mostly alone. Tomas buvo grubus. Tom was harsh. Tom was rude. Tomas žuvo nutrenktas žaibo. Tom was killed by lightning. Tom died after being struck by lightning. Tomas buvo mano pirmas vaikinas. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tomas diplomatu nebuvo. Tom wasn't a diplomat. Thomas was not a diplomat. Tomas su Merė nuėjo į muziejų. Tom went with Mary to the museum. Thomas and Mary went to the museum. Tomas greitai mirs. Tom will die soon. Tom is about to die. Tomas išsiaiškins tai. Tom will get it figured out. Tom will figure it out. Tomui reikės pagalbos. Tom will need help. Tom will need help. Tomas niekada neapvils tavęs. Tom will never let you down. Tom will never disappoint you. Mano nuostabai, ji negalėjo atsakyti į klausymą. To my surprise, she could not answer the question. To my surprise, she was unable to respond to the hearing. Jis pažiūrėjo žemyn į savo purvinus batus. Tony looked down at his dirty old shoes. He looked down on his dirty shoes. Tonis kartais aplankydavo savo šeimą. Tony sometimes visited his family. Tony sometimes visited his family. Tonis buvo laimingas. Tony was happy. Tony was happy. Per vėlai. Too late. Too late. Mūsų nuostabai, ji nuvyko į Braziliją viena. To our surprise, she has gone to Brazil alone. To our surprise, she went to Brazil alone. Išverskite pabrauktus sakinius. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate the underlined sentences. Išversk pabrauktus sakinius. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate the underlined sentences. Išversk šią knygą į anglų kalbą. Translate this book into English. Translate this book into English. Trikampiai neturi keturių kampų. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangles do not have four corners. Pabandyk dar kartą. Try it once more. Try again. Išbandyk tą pats. Try it out yourself. Try it yourself. Pabandyk nuvažiuoti ten vienas. Try to drive there on your own. Try going there alone. Pabandyk supjaustyti mėsą su kitu peiliu. Try to slice the meat with a different knife. Try cutting the meat with another knife. Prašau išjunk šviesą. Turn off the light, please. Please turn off the light. Pasuk į dešinę. Turn right. Turn right. Dvi šeimos gyvena tame name. Two families live in that house. Two families live in that house. Prieš dvejus metus aš visai negalėjau žaisti krepšinio. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago I couldn't play basketball at all. Prieš dvejus metus aš visiškai nemokėjau žaisti krepšinio. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago I didn't know how to play basketball at all. Dėdė Bobas pakvietė mus vakarienei. Uncle Bob invited us to have dinner. Uncle Bob invited us for dinner. Šiomis sąlygomis, mes negalime dirbti kartu. Under these conditions we can not work together. Under these conditions, we can't work together. Pamatę kas vyksta, mes nusprendėme išeiti. Upon seeing what was happening, we decided to leave. When we saw what was happening, we decided to leave. Naudok savo kitą ranką taip pat. Use your other hand, too. Use your other hand too. Vladivostokas yra miestas Rusijoje. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Palauk minutėlę. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. Palauk kol aš pavalgysiu. Wait until I'm done eating. Wait till I eat. Ar buvo taip pat kaip pernai? Was it like last year? Was it the same as last year? Ar buvo taip pat kaip praeitais metais? Was it like last year? Was it the same as last year? Argi ne jis pavogė tavo piniginę? Wasn't it him who stole your wallet? Didn't he steal your wallet? Ar ten buvo kas nors dar, išskyrus tave? Was there anybody else besides you? Was there anything else out there except you? Vanduo blizga saulėje. Water glitters in the sunlight. The water is shiny in the sun. Mes kartu suradome gerą vietą pavalygti. We all found a good place to eat. We've found a good place to hang out together. Mes kartu grįžome namo. We all returned home. We went home together. Mes visi dirbame. We all work. We all work. Mes esame kare. We are at war. We are in war. Mes esame krepšinio žaidėjai. We are basketball players. We are basketball players. Mes esame namie. We are home. We're home. Mes neesame vieninteliai kurie tiki kad jis nėra kaltas. We are not the only ones to believe that he is not guilty. We are not the only ones who believe he is not guilty. Mes esame tokie laimingi. We are so happy. We are so happy. Mes suorganizavome knygas pagal dydį. We arranged the books according to size. We arranged the books by size. Mes paklausėme Tomo apie sąrašą. We asked Tom about the list. We asked Tom about the list. Mes suvalgėme labai daug obuolių. We ate a whole load of apples. We ate a lot of apples. Mes tikime Dievu. We believe in God. We believe in God. Mes negalime pasitikėti tuo ką ji sako. We can't trust what she says. We can't trust what she says. Mes esame atsakingi už nuostolius. We carry the responsibility for the losses. We are responsible for the loss. Mes negalėjome sužinoti jos adreso. We could not find out her address. We couldn't find out her address. Mums nereikėjo skubėti. We didn't need to hurry. We didn't have to hurry. Mes nenorėjome, kad Tomas išvyktų. We didn't want Tom to leave. We didn't want Tom to leave. Mes neturime cukraus. We don't have sugar. We don't have sugar. Mes valgome žalią žuvį. We eat fish raw. We eat raw fish. Mes turime gerą nuomonę apie tavo sūnų. We had a good opinion of your son. We have a good opinion of your son. Mes puikiai praleidome laiką. We had a wonderful time. We had a great time. Mes turime pakankamai vandens. We have enough water. We have enough water. Paskutinį dešimtmetį mes patyrėme daug permainų. We have experienced many changes over the last decade. We've experienced a lot of change in the last decade. Mes turime iš čia varyti. We have to get the hell out of here. We have to drive out of here. Mes importuojame kavą iš Brazilijos. We import coffee from Brazil. We import coffee from Brazil. Mes jį pažįstame. We know him. We know him. Mes palikome duris atviras. We left the door open. We left the door open. Mes turėsime laukti penkias valandas. We'll have to wait for five hours. We'll have to wait five hours. Mes pradėsime kada tu būsi pasiruošusi. We'll start whenever you are ready. We'll start when you're ready. Mes liksime čia iki kitų varžybų. We'll stay here until the next contest. We'll stay here until the next competition. Mes tuo pasirūpinsime. We'll take care of this. We'll take care of it. Pažiūrėjome pro langą, bet nieko nepamatėme. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked out the window, but saw nothing. Mes praradome daug laiko. We lost a lot of time. We've lost a lot of time. Mes mėgstame medžius. We love trees. We love trees. Mes taip tave mylime. We love you so much. We love you so much. Mes pabandėme užlipti ant medžio. We made an attempt to climb up a tree. We tried to climb a tree. Mes pagaminom voverių formos sausainių. We made some squirrel-shaped cookies. We made squirrel-shaped cookies. Iš pieno mes gaminame sūrį ir sviestą. We make milk into cheese and butter. We make cheese and butter from milk. We may as well all go We may as well all go. We may as well all go Mums reikia dar daugiau cukraus. We need more sugar. We need even more sugar. Mes įkalbėjome jį pakeisti savo nuomonę. We persuaded him to change his mind. We persuaded him to change his mind. Mes vakar žaidėme krepšinį. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. Mes žaidėme golfą nepaisydami lietaus. We played golf in spite of the rain. We played golf despite the rain. Mes žaidžiame futbolą kiekvieną šeštadienį. We play soccer every Saturday. We play football every Saturday. Mes pasiekėme kalno viršūnę. We reached the top of the mountain. We reached the top of the mountain. Mes visi esame skirtingi. We're all different. We are all different. Mes visi tavimi didžiuojamės. We're all very proud of you. We're all proud of you. Mes iš tikrųjų nieko nežinojome. We really didn't know anything. We didn't really know anything. Mes čia pietaujame. We're having lunch here. We're having lunch here. Mes jau nebeesame pavojuje. We're in no danger now. We are no longer in danger. Mes paliekame Bostoną. We're leaving Boston. We're leaving Boston. Ar tu nebuvai pavargęs? Weren't you tired? Were you not tired? Ar tu nebuvai pavargusi? Weren't you tired? Aren't you tired? Mes pasirengusios. We're ready. We're ready. Matėme ją įeinančią į parką. We saw her enter the park. We saw her entering the park. Matėme, kaip ji įėjo į parką. We saw her enter the park. We saw her enter the park. Mes turėtume duoti jai gėlių. We should give her flowers. We should give her flowers. Mes turime nusiauti batus prieš įeinant į namą. We should take off our shoes before entering the house. We have to take off our shoes before entering the house. Mes šaukėmės pagalbos, bet niekas neatėjo. We shouted for help, but no one came. We called for help, but no one came. Mes kalbame japoniškai. We speak Japanese. We speak Japanese. Stovėjome veidu į veidą su mirtimi. We stood face to face with death. We stood face to face with death. Mes plaukiojome jūroje. We swam in the sea. We sailed at sea. Mes buvome geriausi draugai. We used to be best friends. We were best friends. Mes jau paminėjome Tomą. We've already mentioned Tom. We have already mentioned Thomas. Mes turime judėti labai atsargiai. We've got to move very carefully. We have to move very carefully. Mes visi buvome šokiruoti. We were all shocked. We were all shocked. Mes buvome viena didelė laiminga šeima. We were one big happy family. We were one big happy family. Mes buvome nustebinti jo elgsena. We were surprised by his behavior. We were surprised by his behavior. Mes visą laiką viena su kita kalbėjome. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Buvome labai pavargę. We were very tired. We were very tired. Mes eisime, bet be tavęs. We will go, but without you. We'll go, but without you. Kokia negraži katė. What an ugly cat. What an ugly cat. Kaip gaila! What a pity! What a pity! Ką jūs veikiate per Heloviną? What are you doing for Halloween? What are you doing on Halloween? Ko tu ten ieškai? What are you looking for there? What are you looking for there? Ką judu veikiate? What are you two doing? What are you two doing? Kokia puiki šeima. What a wonderful family. What a great family. Kokia puiki naktis! What a wonderful night! What a great night! Kokios spalvos jos akys? What colour are her eyes? What color are her eyes? Kokios spalvos automobilį ji sau nusipirko? What colour is the car which she bought for herself? What color car did she buy for herself? Ką jis padarė su mano mėsa? What did he do to my meat? What did he do with my meat? Ką tu padarei kad šito nusipelnytum? What did I do to deserve this? What have you done to deserve this? Ką tu nupirkai savo vaikinui? What did you buy for your boyfriend? What did you buy your boyfriend? Kodėl tu tą padarei? What did you do that for? Why did you do that? Ką jis rašo laiške? What does he say in his letter? What does he write in the letter? Ką tai reiškia? What does it mean? What does that mean? Ką jums tai primena? What does it remind you of? What does that remind you of? Kaip atrodo tavo automobilis? What does your car look like? What does your car look like? Kaip jie vadina savo kūdikį? What do they call their baby? What do they call their baby? Ką tu tuo turi omeny? What do you mean by it? What do you mean by that? Ką tu tuo turi omeny? What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? Ką jūs čia matote? What do you see here? What do you see here? Ką tu jame matai? What do you see in him? What do you see in it? Ką tu matai? What do you see? What do you see? Ką tu manai ji dabar daro? What do you think she is doing now? What do you think she's doing now? Ko nori valgyti? What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? Ką tu nori pasakyti? What do you want to say? What do you mean? Ko norėtumėte užsisakyti, ponai? What do you wish to order, gentlemen? What would you like to order, gentlemen? Kas tik gali pakrypti bloga linkme taip ir pakryps. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Anyone who can turn in the wrong direction will turn that way. Nors ir ką tu sakytum, vis tiek tavimi niekas nepatikės. Whatever you may say, you won't be believed. Whatever you say, no one will believe you anyway. Ką tiksliai tai reiškia? What exactly does that mean? What exactly does that mean? Kas nutiko? What happened? What happened? Kam čia atėjai? What have you come here for? Why did you come here? Ko jam reikia? What is he after? What does he need? Kokia yra graikijos sostinė? What is the capital of Greece? What is the capital of Greece? Koks yra keisčiausias dalykas, kurį tau kada nors yra tekę valgyti? What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? Kaip šis gyvūnas vadinasi Japoniškai? What is this animal called in Japanese? What is this animal called in Japanese? Kas? What? Who? Kokios tu nori knygos? What kind of book do you want? What book do you want? Kokį automobilį Tomas vairuoja? What kind of car does Tom drive? What car does Tom drive? Kokio jūs turite maisto? What kind of food do you have? What food do you have? Kokį maistą tu mėgsti? What kind of food do you like? What kind of food do you like? Kokios pagalbos tau reikia? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help do you need? Kokios informacijos tu ieškai? What kind of information are you looking for? What information are you looking for? Kokią muziką Tomas mėgsta? What kind of music does Tom like? What kind of music does Tom like? Kokias vietas norėtum pamatyti? What kind of places would you like to see? What places would you like to see? Koks tai per testas? What kind of test is that? What kind of test is that? Kokius pratimus tu atlieki? What kinds of exercises do you do? What exercises do you do? Kokias vietas tas turas aplanko? What places does that tour visit? What places does that tour visit? Ką aš su šituo darysiu? What shall I do with it? What am I going to do with this? Koks sportas tau patinka labiausiai? What sport do you like best? What sport do you like the most? Kokios spalvos jos plaukai? What's the colour of her hair? What color is her hair? Koks skirtumas? What's the difference? What's the difference? Koks yra minimalus atlyginimas Rusijoje? What's the minimum salary in Russia? What is the minimum wage in Russia? Kas yra svarbiausia gyvenime? What's the most important in life? What is the most important thing in life? Kokia priežastis? What's the reason? What's the reason? Kiek tau metų? What's your age? How old are you? Koks tavo namų adresas? What's your home address? What's your home address? Koks tavo batų dydis? What's your shoe size? What is the size of your shoes? Koks tavo skaipo adresas? What's your Skype username? What's your number address? Už kurią komandą sergi? What team do you cheer for? Which team are you sick for? Ką po galais tu darai? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Kokie negražūs plaukai. What ugly hair. What ugly hair. Ką jūs darytumėte, jei būtumėte jo vietoje? What would you do in his position? What would you do if you were in his place? Ko norėtum pavalgyti? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? Tai ką tu pasakei yra visiška nesąmonė. What you said is absolute nonsense. What you said is utter nonsense. Kada ir kur tu su ja susipažinai? When and where did you come to know her? When and where did you meet her? Kada tu tai radai? When did you find this? When did you find that? Kada tu gavai telegramą? When did you receive the telegram? When did you get the telegram? Kai jis neturėjo pinigų, jis negalėjo nusipirkti duonos. When he had no money, he couldn't buy any bread. When he had no money, he could not buy bread. Kai aš atėjau į mokyklą, ten jau nieko nebuvo. When I came to the school, there was nobody there anymore. When I came to school, there was no one there anymore. Kai aš žiūriu į šitą nuotrauką, aš prisimenu savo šeimą. When I look of this photo I remember my family. When I look at this picture, I remember my family. Kada turėtų atplaukti laivas? When is the ship due to arrive? When should the ship arrive? Kai ateina pavasaris, dienos tampa ilgesnės diena po dienos. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, the days become longer day after day. Kada buvo paskutinis kartas kai tu matei Tomą? When was the last time you saw Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Kai einame miegoti, sakome "labanakt". When we go to bed, we say "good night". When we go to bed, we say good night. Kada ištirps sniegas? When will the snow melt? When will the snow melt? Kada mes pedažysime jos kambarį? When will we repaint her room? When are we going to pedal her room? Kada tavo mama grįš iš ligoninės? When will your mum return from the hospital? When will your mom come back from the hospital? Kada norėtum jį pamatyti? When would you like to see him? When would you like to see him? Kur mano tėvai? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? Kur mes esame? Where are we? Where are we? Kur eini? Where are you going? Where are you going? Kur jūs einate? Where are you going? Where are you going? Kur dabar gyveni? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Kur dabar esi? Where are you now? Where are you now? Kur jūs apsistoję? Where are you staying? Where are you staying? Kur tu juos prakeikei? Where did you curse them? Where did you curse them? Kur tu radai jų katę? Where did you find their cat? Where did you find their cat? Iš kur tu turi visus tuos raktus? Where did you get all those keys? Where do you get all those keys? Kur jūs miegojote praėjusią naktį? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Kur skauda? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Kur tu gyveni, jeigu tu neturi namų? Where do you live if you have no home? Where do you live if you don't have a home? Kur tu gyveni? Where do you live? Where do you live? Kur tu matai knygas? Where do you see the books? Where do you see the books? Kur Turkijoje tu gyveni? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? Kur Marija? Where is Mary? Where's Mary? Kur yra katė? Where is the cat? Where is the cat? Kur yra Vokietijos ambasada? Where is the German embassy? Where is the German Embassy located? Kur tavo mokykla? Where is your school? Where's your school? Kur veidrodis? Where's a mirror? Where's the mirror? Kur kita mano kojinė? Where's my other sock? Where's my other sock? Kur tavo krepšys? Where's your bag? Where's your bag? Kur, po velniais, tu eini? Where the hell are you going? Where the hell are you going? Ką labiau mėgsti: obuolius ar bananus? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? What do you prefer: apples or bananas? Kuris namas yra jo? Which house is his? Which house is his? Kuris stipresnis, tigras ar liūtas? Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion? Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion? Kuriam jūs teikiate pirmenybę? Which one do you prefer? Which do you prefer? Kuris yra pigesnis? Which one is cheaper? Which is cheaper? Kuri komanda yra mūsų? Which team is ours? Which team is ours? Su kuria moterimi tu lieki? Which woman do you stay with? Which woman are you staying with? Kuri moteris su tavimi kalbėjo? Which woman was talking to you? Which woman talked to you? Į ką tu kreipiesi? Who are you talking to? Who are you addressing? Kas suvalgė visą mūsų maistą? Who ate all of our food? Who ate all our food? Kas sudaužė šį langą? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? Kas eina su manim? Who is coming with me? Who's going with me? Kas tas vyras kuris sėdi kitame stalo gale? Who is the man sitting at the other end of the table? Who is the man who sits at the other end of the table? Nuo ko šis laiškas? Who is this letter from? What is this letter from? Kam reikalingi tie seni baldai? Who needs that old furniture? Why do you need that old furniture? Kas eina su manim? Who's coming with me? Who's going with me? Tas kuris ieško, randa. Who searches, finds. He who searches finds. Kieno dviratį norėjai pasiskolinti? Whose bicycle did you want to borrow? Whose bike did you want to borrow? Kieno yra šis namas? Whose house is this? Whose house is this? Kas tas vyras kuris sėdi kitame stalo gale? Who's the man sitting at the other end of the table? Who is the man who sits at the other end of the table? Kas tas asmuo sėdintis kitame stalo gale? Who's the person sitting at the other end of the table? Who is that person sitting at the other end of the table? Kas ten? Who's there? Who's that? Kas pavogė šį obuolį? Who stole the apple? Who stole this apple? Kas tavo mėgstamiausias būgnininkas? Who's your favorite drummer? Who's your favorite drummer? Kas nori karšto šokolado? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Kas paveldės sostą? Who will succeed to the throne? Who will inherit the throne? Kodėl tu visai man nepadedi? Why aren't you helping me at all? Why don't you help me at all? Kodėl tie žmonės lipa ant stogo? Why are those people climbing up on the roof? Why do these people climb the roof? Kodėl taip lengvai pasiduodi? Why are you giving up so easily? Why do you give up so easily? Kodėl tu taip pyksti? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Kodėl tu man dabar tą pasakoji? Why are you telling this to me now? Why are you telling me that now? Kodėl? Todėl kad jo šeimai reikėjo pinigų, štai kodėl. Why? Because his family needed the money, that's why. Why? because his family needed money, that's why. Kodėl ji turėjo taip ilgai tavęs laukti? Why did he have to wait for you for so long? Why did she have to wait so long for you? Kodėl skambinai? Why did you call? Why did you call? Kodėl tu užlipai ant jos namo stogo? Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did you climb onto the roof of her house? Kam tu tai padarei? Why did you do what you did? Why did you do that? Kodėl tu pasakei tokį kvailą dalyką? Why did you say such a stupid thing? Why did you say such a stupid thing? Kodėl tu tada sustojai? Why did you stop then? Why did you stop then? Kodėl niekas nevalgo mano bulvių? Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why doesn't anyone eat my potatoes? Kodėl tavo dukra nemėgsta saldainių? Why does your daughter dislike candies? Why doesn't your daughter like candy? Kodėl tu nenori padėti policijai? Why don't you want to help the police? Why don't you want to help the police? Kam tau reikalingas naujas skėtis? Why do you need a new umbrella? Why do you need a new umbrella? Kodėl tu nori mirti? Why do you want to die? Why do you want to die? Kodėl tu nori žinoti ką aš galvoju? Why do you want to know what I'm thinking? Why do you want to know what I'm thinking? Kodėl Tomo nėra mašinoje? Why isn't Tom in the car? Why isn't Tom in the car? Kodėl tavo katinas yra toks didelis? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so big? Kodėl aš? Why me? Why me? Kodėl jis manęs neklausys? Why won't he listen to me? Why won't he listen to me? Ar egzaminas bus sunkus? Will it be a difficult exam? Will the exam be difficult? Ar nuvešite mane namo? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Ar šiąnakt liksi namie? Will you stay at home tonight? Will you stay home tonight? Be oro ir vandens, niekas negalėtų gyventi. Without air and water, nothing could live. Without air and water, no one could live. Be vandens, mes negalime išgyventi. Without water, we can not survive. Without water, we cannot survive. Su kuo aš kalbu? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Vilkai nevalgo salotų. Wolves don't eat salad. Wolves don't eat salads. Moterys keičia pasaulį. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. Moterys turėtų džiaugtis būdamos moterimis, kaip džiaugiasi vyrai būdami vyrais. Women ought to be as glad to be women as men are to be men. Women should enjoy being women, as men enjoy being men. Nuostabu! Wonderful! It's amazing! Ar norėtum su manim pašokti? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Ar tu norėtum pavalgyti keptų bulvių? Would you like to eat some fried potatoes? Would you like to eat fried potatoes? Ar norėtumetė puodelio kavos? Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee? Oho, šios spurgos yra skanios! Wow, these are tasty doughnuts! Wow, these donuts are delicious! Rašyk pieštuku. Write it in pencil. Write in pencil. Parašyta lengva anglų kalba, ši knyga yra lengvai skaitoma. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. Written in easy English, this book is easy to read. Taip, žinau. Yes, I know. Yeah, I know. Taip, suprantu. Ačiū. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Yes, I understand. Thank you. Taip, prašau. Yes, please. Yes, please. Taip. Yes. Yeah. Taip, du. Yes, two. Yeah, two. Tu toks pat aukštas kaip ir aš. You are as tall as I am. You're as tall as I am. Tu balta kaip popierius. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like paper. Tu baltas kaip popierius. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like paper. Arba tu su mumis, arba prieš mus. You are either with us, or against us. Either you're with us or against us. Jūs esate man viskas. You are everything to me. You are everything to me. Esi laisvas eiti namo. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Jūs esate jos dukterys. You are her daughters. You are her daughters. Tu esi svarbi. You are important. You are important. Ieškai savo rakto. You are looking for your key. You're looking for your key. Jūs esate idiotai. You are morons. You are idiots. Tau negalima iš čia išeiti. You are not allowed to leave here. You can't get out of here. Tu skaitai mano mintis. You are reading my thoughts. You're reading my mind. Tu esi didžioji mano gyvenimo meilė. You are the great love of my life. You are the great love of my life. Tu esi pats svarbiausias asmuo mano gyvenime. You are the most important person in my life. You are the most important person in my life. Tu esi vienintelis kuris gali man padėti. You are the only one who can help me. You're the only one who can help me. Tu esi kaltas. You are to blame. You're guilty. Tu liksi čia kol mes grįšime. You are to stay here until we come back. You'll stay here until we get back. Tu bandai mane nužudyti. You are trying to kill me. You're trying to kill me. Tu tą vadini santuoka? You call that a marriage? You call that marriage? Atėjai pačiu laiku. You came at just the right time. You came just in time. Tu sugrįžai. You came back. You're back. Toje pardotuvėje gali sau nusipirkti šunį. You can buy yourself a dog in that store. You can buy yourself a dog in that shop. Tu gali ateiti, jei nori. You can come if you want to. You can come if you want. Gali ja pasitikėti. You can count on her. You can trust her. Gali manimi pasikliauti. You can count on me. You can count on me. Galite parsisiųsti mūsų svetainės kalbančiųjų gimtąja kalba įrašytus garso failus. You can download audio files by native speakers from our website. You can download audio files recorded by speakers of our website in their native language. Tu gali viską girdėti. You can hear everything. You can hear it all. Jūs negalite nusižudyti susilaikant kvėpavimą. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. Tu gali sakyti ką nori apie mane, bet nesakyk niego blogo apie Tomą. You can say anything you want about me, but don't say anything bad about Tom. You can say whatever you want about me, but don't say anything bad about Tom. Gali atsisėsti kur nori. You can sit wherever you want. You can sit where you want. Tu gali nakčiai su mumis pasilikti. You can stay with us for the night. You can stay with us for the night. Tu negali nieko nusiprkti jei neturi pinigų. You can't buy anything if you have no money. You can't get away with anything if you don't have the money. Tu negali manęs nugalėti. You can't defeat me. You can't beat me. Tu negali tiesiog išeiti. You can't just leave. You can't just leave. Jums negalima išeiti iš šio kambario. You can't leave this room. You can't get out of this room. Tu dabar gali išjungti radiją. You can turn off the radio now. You can now turn the radio off. Tu dabar gali išjungti radiją. You can turn the radio off now. You can now turn the radio off. Gali naudotis mano žodynu. You can use my dictionary. You can use my vocabulary. Geriau jau eik. You'd better go. You'd better go. Atrodė lyg tu nenorėjai tos knygos. You didn't seem to want that book. It looked like you didn't want that book. Neatrodė lyg tu norėjai tos knygos. You didn't seem to want that book. It didn't look like you wanted that book. Tu jam nieko nepasakei? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him anything? Nesupratai. You didn't understand. You don't understand. Nieko nevalgai. You don't eat anything. You don't eat anything. Jūs neprivalote man padėti. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. Tu neprivalai man padėti. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. Tu nežinai kaip stipriai aš tave myliu. You don't know how much I love you. You don't know how much I love you. Tu nežinai ką jis man pasakė. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what he told me. Tu nežinai kas tai, ar ne? You don't know what it is, do you? You don't know what it is, do you? Tu neturi žinoti visko, tu tiesiog turi žinoti kur ieškoti. You don't need to know everything, you just need to know where to search. You don't have to know everything, you just have to know where to look. Tu nesupranti. You don't understand. You don't understand. Tu pamiršai man papasakoti apie tą knygą kurią perskaitei. You forgot to tell me about that book you read. You forgot to tell me about that book you read. Jūs vaikinai esate geriausi šauliai. You guys get the best shots. You guys are the best shooters. Tau tereikia čia sedėti. You have only to sit here. All you have to do is sit here. Tu turi parisinkti savo pačios gyvenimo kelią. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to make your own way of life. Tu turi parisinkti savo paties gyvenimo kelią. You have to choose your own path in life. You have to make your own way of life. Tu privalai eiti į ligoninę. You have to go to the hospital. You have to go to the hospital. Tu nužudei mano tėvą. You killed my father. You killed my father. Ar tu žinai atsakymą? You know the answer? Do you know the answer? Tu čia būsi saugus. You'll be safe here. You'll be safe here. Tu pasijusi geriau. You'll feel better. You'll feel better. Tu turėsi vairuoti. You'll have to drive. You'll have to drive. Tu turėsi mokėti dvigubai. You'll have to pay double. You'll have to pay double. Tu turėsi mokėti. You'll have to pay. You'll have to pay. Tu turėsi palaukti. You'll have to wait. You'll have to wait. Tu atrodai visai kaip jis. You look just like him. You look just like him. Kvailai atrodai. You look stupid. You look stupid. Tu atrodai negraži. You look ugly. You look ugly. Šįvakar tu atrodai tiesiog žavingai. You look very lovely tonight. You look just gorgeous tonight. Gali atsisėsti ant kėdės. You may sit down on the chair. You can sit on a chair. Galite atsisėsti ant kėdės. You may sit down on the chair. You can sit on a chair. Jūs galite sedėti kur tik norite. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit wherever you want. Tu gali sedėti kur tik nori. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit wherever you want. Tu turi atsakyti šiuos klausimus. You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. Tu turi padaryti tą pats. You must do it yourself. You have to do the same thing. Tu turi padėti savo motinai. You must help your mother. You have to help your mother. Tu turi laikytis savo pažado. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. Tu turi daugiau dirbti. You must work more. You have to work more. Tau reikia atsakyti į laišką. You need not answer the letter. You need to answer the letter. Tau reikia kantrybės, Tomai. You need patience, Tom. You need patience, Tom. Tu turi greitai dirbti. You need to work fast. You have to work fast. Niekada nežinai, kas atsitiks ateityje. You never can tell what'll happen in the future. You never know what's going to happen in the future. Tu niekada nesupranti mano juokų. You never get my jokes. You never understand my laughs. Tavo atsakymas nėra teisingas. Pabandyk dar kartą. Your answer isn't correct. Try again. Your answer is not correct. try again. Tavo knyga yra ant suolo. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the bench. Tavo brolio šiandien nebuvo mokykloje. Your brother wasn't at school today. Your brother wasn't in school today. Jūsų kilimas yra visiškai baltas. Your carpet is completely white. Your carpet is completely white. Tavo katė nuo manęs slepiasi. Your cat is hiding from me. Your cat is hiding from me. Tavo dukra išgirdo mus kalbant. Your daughter overheard us talking. Your daughter heard us talking. Tavo svajonės išsipildė. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have come true. Jūs puikus mokytojas! You're a great teacher! You're a great teacher! Jūs esate inžinierius. You're an engineer. You are an engineer. Tu esi inžinierius. You're an engineer. You're an engineer. Tu esi labai malonus žmogus. You're a really sweet person. You're a very kind person. Tu esi labai meilus žmogus. You're a really sweet person. You're a very affectionate person. Tu esi labai mielas žmogus. You're a really sweet person. You're a very nice person. Jūs esate gresmė mūsų misijai. You're a threat to our mission. You are a threat to our mission. Tu esi puikus vaikinas. You're a wonderful guy. You're a great guy. Tu atleista. You're fired. You're forgiven. Tu esi pavojuje. You're in danger. You're in danger. Tu esi tingus. You're lazy. You're lazy. Tu esi nepakankamai greitas. You're not fast enough. You're not fast enough. Tu vis dar žalias. You're still green. You're still green. Tu esi kaltas. You're to blame. You're guilty. Tu per daug naivi. You're too naive. You're too naive. Tu per daug naivus. You're too naive. You're too naive. Tu neįtikėtina. You're unbelievable. You're incredible. Tu esi neįtikėtinai kvaila. You're unbelievably stupid. You're incredibly stupid. Jūs esate keistas, jūs man patinkate. You're weird - I like you. You're weird, I like you. Tu esi keistas, tu man patinki. You're weird - I like you. You're weird, I like you. Tavo tėvas yra Japonas. Your father is Japanese. Your father is Japanese. Tavo akiniai nukrito ant grindų. Your glasses fell on the floor. Your glasses fell to the floor. Tavo kelionė prasideda čia. Your journey starts here. Your journey starts here. Tavo vardą paminėjo. Your name was mentioned. He mentioned your name. Tavo nuomonė yra panaši į mano. Your opinion is similar to mine. Your opinion is similar to mine. Tavo mokinys man paskambino. Your student called me. Your student called me. Tu bėgi. You run. You're running. Tavo laikrodis vėluoja dešimčia minučių. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Your watch is ten minutes late. Turėtum ramiau elgtis. You should act more calmly. You should be calmer. Tu turi manimi tikėti. You should believe me. You have to believe me. Tu turėtum būti pagarbi savo mokytojams. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should be respectful of your teachers. Tu turėtum būti pagarbus savo mokytojams. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should be respectful of your teachers. Tu turėtum gerbti savo mokytojus. You should be respectful to your teachers. You should respect your teachers. Tu neturėtum juo pasitikėti. You should not trust him. You shouldn't trust him. Tu neturėtum eiti. You shouldn't go. You shouldn't go. Tau nereikėjo valgyti tos žalios žuvies. You shouldn't have eaten the fish raw. You didn't have to eat that raw fish. Neturėtum be leidimo skaityti kitų žmonių asmeninių laiškų. You shouldn't read other people's private letters without permission. You wouldn't have to read other people's personal letters without permission. Neturėtum sakyti tokio dalyko prie vaikų. You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around. You shouldn't be saying this kind of thing to kids. Tau nereikėtų plaukioti tame tvenkinyje. You shouldn't swim in that pond. You wouldn't have to swim in that pond. Jūs dvokiate. You stink. You stink. Tu supranti, ar ne? You understand, don't you? You understand, don't you? Buvai užimta, ar ne? You've been busy, haven't you? You were busy, weren't you? Turi rūpintis savimi. You've got to take care of yourself. You have to take care of yourself. Atėjai pačiu laiku. You've turned up at the right moment. You came just in time. Tu nori pamatyti Prancūzišką filmą, ar ne? You want to see a French movie, right? You want to see a French movie, don't you? Tu buvai užsiėmęs. You were busy. You were busy. Tu eisi į mokyklą. You will go to school. You're going to school. Jukiko mėgsta bulves. Yukiko likes potatoes. Yukiko likes potatoes.