嘘! No way! No way! え? Pardon me? What? 最近僕の義弟Y砲兵少佐が、三年間の巴里駐在を終へて帰つて来た。数々の土産物を取巻いて、われわれはいろいろな土産話を聴いた。 Recently my brother in law, artillery major Y, came back from a three year trip in Paris. Surrounded by a great number of souvenirs he had brought back, we heard tales of his travels. My brother-in-law, Major Y, recently arrived at the end of his three-year stay. 近代的方法で産業は向上した。 Modern methods improved industry. In a modern way, industry improved. 彼らは僕の少年時代の写真を見て笑った。 They laughed at the photograph of my boyhood. They laughed at the pictures of my boyhood. 父は車庫を書斎に改造した。 My father converted a garage into a study. My father converted the garage into a library. 何て上手に日本語を話すんだ。 What a good speaker of Japanese! How well do you speak Japanese? ハント先生が私たちの学校の校長だ。 Mr. Hunt is the principal of our school. Dr. Hunt is the principal of our school. 彼は世界政府という考えの普及に努めた。 He promoted the idea of world government. He tried to spread the idea of a world government. 父は昨夜遅く帰宅した。 My father got home late last night. My father came home late last night. その鉄道事故で死者三名、重軽傷者10名が出た。 Three persons were killed and ten were severely or slightly injured in the railway accident. Three people were killed in the train crash and ten others were seriously injured. 言葉は人々が他人と意思伝達をする手段である。 Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Words are the means by which people communicate with others. 彼は大学に入れるように一生懸命勉強した。 He studied hard so that he might enter the university. He studied hard to get into college. 私は好奇心が強いです。 I am curious. I'm curious. 四国は台風10号に襲われた。 Shikoku was hit by Typhoon No. 10. Shikoku was attacked by typhoon 10. その警備員は一晩中勤務だった。 The guard was on duty all night. That guard worked all night. 日本へ1人の外国人がきた。 There came to Japan a foreigner. A foreigner came to Japan. 去年は不作だった。 The crops failed last year. I didn't make it last year. 彼の英語の能力は平均以上だ。 His ability in English is above average. His English is above average. 柔軟性の欠如は進歩の障害となる。 Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress. The lack of flexibility is a barrier to progress. 警察は少女を殺害した男を逮捕した。 The police arrested the man who had murdered the girl. The police arrested the man who killed the girl. 韓国人です。 I'm from South Korea. Korean. お茶碗一杯のご飯は約、180gです。 A bowl of rice weighs about 180 grams. A cup of tea is about 180 grams. 彼は私の一番の友人です。 He is my best friend. He's my best friend. トムは読書会に参加した。 Tom joined a book club. Tom joined the book club. 立ち入り禁止。 Keep out. You can't come in here. 私は学校で勉強する。 I study at school. I'll study at school. 気楽に行こうぜ。大丈夫、形勢は君に有利なのだから。 Take it easy. I can assure you that chances are in your favor. Let's just take it easy. 失業率は一月に過去5年間の最低を記録しました。 The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low in January. The unemployment rate has been recorded in January at the lowest level in the last five years. 六時間おきに体温を測った。 I took my temperature every six hours. I measured body temperature every six hours. 彼は医者として無能だ。 He is no good as a doctor. He's useless as a doctor. 一般に、アメリカの人々は大型車の方を好む。 In general, people in America tend to prefer bigger cars. By and large, American people prefer large cars. 大雪の結果、彼女は遅れた。 She was late as a result of the heavy snow. As a result of the snow, she was late. 急に彼は話題を変えた。 Suddenly, he changed the subject. Suddenly he changed the subject. 彼らは高校生です。 They are high school students. They're high school students. 判決は被告に有利だった。 The decision was in favor of the defendant. The verdict was favorable to the defendant. ソレが年上や目上の者に対する態度か! Is that anyway to speak to your elders and betters! It's the attitude of the older and the better! 12月3日は国際障害者デーです。 December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. December 3th is International Disabilities Day. 生徒の人数は何人ですか。 What is the total number of students? How many students do you have? ジョンは関東地区、そして太郎は関西地区を担当している。 John covers the Kanto area and Taro covers the Kansai area. John is in the Kanto area, and Taro is in the Kanto area. 彼女の婚約者は、彼女にとても大きな指輪を贈った。 Her fiancé gave her a very big ring. Her fiancé gave her a very big ring. 計画を実行すべき時だ。 It's time to put the plan in action. It's time to carry out the plan. 今月は国際貿易見本市が開かれている。 We are having an international trade fair this month. This month, international trade fairs are opening. 人々は彼の話に熱心に耳を傾けた。 He was listened to with enthusiasm. People listened eagerly to him. 学校の終業式が昨日あった。 Yesterday was the school closing ceremony. The school's term was last night. 適度の運動は血液の循環を活発にする。 Moderate exercise invigorates the blood circulation. A moderate amount of exercise activates the circulation of the blood. 警察は犯人の全国的な捜索を開始した。 The police have started a nationwide hunt for the criminal. The police have launched a nationwide search. 彼の無作法は仲間を怒らせた。 His gross manners offended his companions. His rudeness angered his people. 日経平均は200ポイント下げ、昨日は18、000で終えた。 The Nikkei Stock Average lost nearly 200 points to close yesterday at 18,000. The lunar average dropped 200 points and ended yesterday at 18000. 彼は大多数の意見に異議を唱えた。 He dissented from the opinion of the majority. He objected to the majority's opinions. 楽器・機材の質は完全にプロ仕様!ですが値段は何処よりも安い! The musical instruments and parts are completely professional quality! And yet the prices are lower than anywhere! The quality of the instrument and equipment is completely professional! But the price is cheaper than anywhere else! 弾丸が彼の体を貫通した。 The bullet went through his body. The bullet went through his body. 今度の新人は、チャレンジ精神旺盛でいいね。 I like the new guy. He's not afraid to take on challenging work. I like this new guy with a lot of challenge spirit. 彼は委員会から突然退席した。 He suddenly walked out of the committee meeting. He suddenly left the committee. 彼は東京で10年間商売をしていた。 He carried on business for ten years in Tokyo. He's been doing business with Tokyo for 10 years. 老人には話し相手が必要だ。 Old people need someone to talk to. The old man needs someone to talk to. 彼は水泳が出来ない。 He can't swim. He can't swim. 昨日は夕食を抜いた。 I didn't eat dinner last night. I missed dinner yesterday. 私は昨日野球の試合を見に行った。 I went to see the baseball game yesterday. I went to see a baseball game yesterday. 11時10分前です。 It is ten minutes before eleven. It's 11:10. 新鮮な野菜や果物は健康にいい。 Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your health. Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for you. 渋谷駅で偶然吉行さんに会ってね。 I ran into Mr Yoshiyuki at Shibuya station. I met Kuryu-san at Shibuya Station by accident. 私はその品物を半額で購入した。 I purchased the goods for half price. I bought it for half a price. 大丈夫、心配しないで。 Come on, it'll be all right. It's okay, don't worry. 彼は彼女を騙した。 He fooled her. He cheated on her. 彼は将来指導者になる可能性がある。 He is a potential leader. He could be a future leader. 彼女は故意に間違いの住所を私に教えた。 She told me the wrong address on purpose. She deliberately gave me the wrong address. 彼女は彼に電話した。 She called him on the phone. She called him. 六角形には辺が6本ある。 A hexagon has six sides. It has six sides. 千里の道も一歩から。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A thousand miles from the road. 運動の後は体中が痛い。 I ache all over after the exercises. After exercise, my whole body hurts. 意見は人が掌握し、信念は人を掌握する。 Our opinion is an idea which we have; our conviction an idea which has us. Opinions take hold, beliefs take hold. 彼女は僕より2歳年下だ。 She is two years younger than I. She's two years younger than me. AIは人工知能の略です。 AI stands for artificial intelligence. The AI stands for artificial intelligence. 彼は突然出発した。 He made an abrupt departure. He left suddenly. 専門の図書館が芸術に関する文献を収集している。 Specialized libraries collect writings about art. Special libraries collect literature on art. 父は禁煙を決意した。 My father has decided to quit smoking. My father decided not to smoke. 2、3時間出血が続きます。 You'll have bleeding for a few hours. He'll be bleeding for a few hours. 投機師のエドワードは石油事業で大金をえた。 The venturer Edward made his the jackpot in the oil business. The speculator Edward made a lot of money on the oil business. 足元に御用心願います。 Do watch your step. Watch your step. 船は今夜赤道を越すだろう。 The ship will cross the equator tonight. The ship will cross the equator tonight. 小林はその音楽に夢中だ。 Kobayashi is lost in the music. Kobayashi is obsessed with the music. 私の車は赤い。 My car is red. My car's red. 貧血気味です。 I'm anemic. I'm anemic. 嫌な予感が的中した。 My premonition turned out to be right. I got a bad feeling about this. 弟は銀の食器類を磨いた。 My brother polished the silver. My brother polished silver dishes. 不足を借金で補充した。 He made up the deficit with a loan. We've made up for the shortage with debt. 彼女は自殺未遂をした。 She attempted suicide. She tried to kill herself. 私は1977年3月5日に大阪で生まれた。 I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. I was born in Osaka on March 5, 1977. 明日、携帯買うんだよ。 I'm going to buy a cell phone tomorrow. I'm going to buy my phone tomorrow. 彼は日系人だ。 He is of Japanese ancestry. He's an old man. 内気な人は外向的な人より短命? Do introverts not live as long as extroverts? A shy person's life is shorter than an extrovert? 英語の先生です。 I am an English teacher. I'm an English teacher. 彼はアメリカを訪問する最初の機会を利用した。 He availed himself of the first chance to visit America. He took advantage of the first time to visit America. 部屋を出ろ。 Leave the room. Get out of the room. 誕生日って大事だと思う? Do you feel birthdays are important? Do you think it's important to have a birthday? 液体は気体より重い。 Liquids are heavier than gases. The fluid is heavier than the gas. 会社はニューヨークにあるアメリカ販売子会社を閉鎖する計画だ。 The company plans to close its U.S. sales unit in New York. The company plans to close down an American sales company in New York. 彼女は3年間、学費を叔父に頼った。 She depended on her uncle for her school expenses for three years. She asked her uncle to pay for the school for three years. その少年は運動神経が発達している。 The boy has good reflexes. The boy is developing a motor nervous system. 来年は卯年だ。 Next year is the year of the rabbit. Next year is the year. 彼は君の提案を聞いて大変面白がった。 He was greatly amused at your suggestion. He was very excited to hear your proposal. 雪のため飛行機は離陸出来なかった。 The snow prevented the airplane from taking off. We couldn't take off because of the snow. 彼女は先週旅に出た。 She set out on a trip last week. She went on a trip last week. 彼らは低賃金に不満を言った。 They complained about their low wages. They complained about low wages. 弁護士は依頼人の無罪を主張した。 The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence. The lawyer claimed the client was innocent. 貴方は、英語を勉強します。 You study English. You study English. 経営陣は収益の短期的改善に気を取られすぎて、長期的な将来計画に気が回らない傾向があった。 The management tended to be too concerned about short-term improvement of the bottom line to have any long-term design for the future. The management was so distracted with the short-term improvement in revenues that they were less aware of long-term future plans. 私たちは戦争を3回経験した。 We have seen three wars. We've experienced war three times. 私の奇妙な夢を解釈して下さい。 Please interpret my strange dreams. interpret my strange dreams. 私は彼の小説の多くを翻訳で読んだ。 I have read many of his novels in translation. I read many of his novels in a translation. 万国の労働者よ、団結せよ! Workers of all lands, unite! All nations of the world, unite! 叔父は膨大な財産を所持している。 My uncle is possessed of great wealth. My uncle owns a lot of money. 彼女は物理学の研究に一生を捧げた。 She gave her entire life to the study of physics. She devoted her life to the study of physics. 多くの外国人が日本語を上手に話します。 Many foreigners speak good Japanese. Many foreigners speak Japanese well. 先日旧友に会いました。 I met an old friend of mine the other day. I met an old friend the other day. 彼らは何時間も彼を待った。 They waited for him for hours. They waited for him for hours. 冷蔵庫は食品の腐敗を防ぐ。 The refrigerator preserves food from decay. The refrigerator prevents food corruption. 洋子は今ロンドンにいる。英語の勉強だ。 Yoko is in London now. She's studying English. Soko is in London right now, she's studying English. 次の空港行きの列車は2番ホームから出発する。 The next train to the airport departs from platform 2. The next airport train leaves platform 2. 昨夜帰宅途中に、彼女に再び会った。 Going home last night, I saw her again. I met her again last night on my way home. 委員会は2週間延期になった。 The committee was postponed for two weeks. The committee was postponed for two weeks. 貴社の製品の品質が顧客の要求に合ったら、定期的に注文したいと思います。 If the quality of your product meets with our customer's approval, we will place regular orders. If your product's quality meets customer requirements, I'd like to order it regularly. 私は安室奈美恵を見かけた。 I caught sight of Namie Amuro. I've seen Naomi in the quiet room. 彼女は約束を誠実に守った。 She was faithful to her promise. She stuck to her promise. ドイツ語は苦手だ。 I am weak in German. I'm not very good with German. 彼女は物理学の研究に一生を捧げた。 She devoted her entire life to the study of physics. She devoted her life to the study of physics. この写真を見ると必ず学生時代を思い出す。 I cannot look at this photo without being reminded of my school days. This photo always reminds me of my school days. 私は人生を教育に捧げたい。 I want to devote my life to education. I want to dedicate my life to education. 彼はその水を三杯次々に飲んだ。 He drank three cups of the water, one after the other. He drank three cups of the water. 全校生徒がその提案に同意した。 The whole school agreed to the proposal. The whole school agreed with the proposal. 運動会は来週まで延期された。 The athletic meet was put off until next week. The event was postponed until next week. お二人の間柄は? How are you related? How's it going with you two? 後者の見解を支持する人が日本には多い。 The latter view has many supporters in Japan. Many people in Japan support the latter view. 歳月人を待たず。 Time waits for no one. Don't wait for a man for years. 先生はもう一度重要な箇所を要約した。 Our teacher ran through the important points again. Again, the teacher summed up the important points: 奇数と偶数は交互に現れる。 Odd numbers alternate with even ones. The odd and even appear in one another. 私達は彼らの反対を一笑に付した。 We laughed at their opposition. We laughed at their opposition. 自然食品は体によい。 Natural food will do you good. Natural food is good for you. 日本は火山列島だ。 Japan is made up of volcanic islands. Japan is a volcanic island. 彼は彼女の息子を誉めた。 He spoke well of her son. He honored her son. 患者の症状は全く絶望的だ。 The patient is sick beyond all hope. The patient's symptoms are completely hopeless. 最終的には、彼女は何とか昔の友達に連絡を取った。 At last, she was able to contact her old friend. Eventually, she managed to contact an old friend. 都合つく? Have you got time? Do you think you can make it? 有名な庭園に行ったの? Did you go to any famous gardens? Did you go to a famous garden? 彼女は夕食後すぐ宿題を始めた。 She began doing her homework immediately after dinner. She started her homework right after dinner. 大雨のために本日の阪神・巨人戦は中止になった。 Today's Tigers-Giants baseball game was called off due to heavy rain. Because of the heavy rains, today's battle against Osaka-God Titan has been canceled. 正月の伝統的な行事が嫌いな人もある。 Some people dislike the traditional New Year's ritual. Some people don't like traditional New Year's celebrations. 今日、私は仕事を完了できません。 I cannot finish my work today. Today, I can't finish the job. 新しい校舎が建設中です。 A new school building is under construction. There's a new school building under construction. 今度の映画は記録破りの大当たりだった。 The new picture has made a record breaking hit. This film was a big hit on record. 結婚式は延期された。 The wedding was put off. The wedding was postponed. 科学は今世紀になって急速な進歩を遂げた。 Science has made rapid progress in this century. Science has made rapid progress in this century. 書類が風で吹き飛んだ。 The papers blew off. The papers were blown out by the wind. 凍結した道路での運転は危険だ。 Driving on an icy street is a dangerous business. Driving on a frozen road is dangerous. 彼女は先週旅行に出発した。 She set off on a trip last week. She left on a trip last week. 昨日、私はエレンに手紙を出した。 Yesterday I wrote to Ellen. Yesterday, I wrote to Ellen. 救急車を呼んで! Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! 東京駅を7時に出ます。 The train leaves Tokyo Station at 7. I'm leaving Tokyo Station at 7:00. 当時私は高校生でした。 I was a high school student at that time. I was in high school at the time. 子供は母親の愛情にとても敏感だ。 A child is very sensitive to its mother's love. The child is very sensitive to the mother's affection. 日本の1998年の全世界向け輸出は3140億ドルを超えた。 Japan's exports to the entire world topped $314 billion in 1998. Japan exports the whole world in 1998 over 314 billion dollars. 彼は福祉事務所で働いている。 He works at the welfare office. He works for the welfare office. 僕の趣味は漫画を読む事です。 My hobby is reading comics. My hobby is to read comic books. 彼女は辛抱強く彼を待った。 She patiently waited for him. She waited patiently for him. 彼は王様以上だった。 He was more than a king. He was more than a king. 今日は月曜ですね。 It's Monday today. It's Monday, isn't it? 損失は100万ドル以上にのぼる。 The loss adds up to more than one million dollars. The loss is over a million dollars. 少年よ、大志を抱け。 Boys, be ambitious. Boy, hold on to your big heart. 彼は当選の見込みが十分ある。 He is in a fair way to being elected. He has a good chance of winning. 彼が写真を見せると、彼の話に真実味が出た。 The photo he showed added color to his story. When he showed me the picture, I found the truth in his story. 昨日の株価下落に伴い、今日の取引は低迷だった。 Trading was slow today after yesterday's market decline. Today's deal was a slow one with yesterday's stock drop. 1964年にキング牧師はノーベル平和賞を受賞した。 In 1964, Rev. King won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1964, Pope King won the Nobel Peace Prize. 彼は長年の経験で今の地位についた。 He got his present position by virtue of his long experience. He is now in position with years of experience. 彼は緑が一番好きだ。 He likes green the best. He likes the green best. 高速道路で悲惨な事故があった。 There was a terrible accident on the freeway. There was a terrible accident on the highway. 私達は彼女のダンスを見た。 We saw her dance. We saw her dance. 彼の冷静な言葉で私の恐怖は和らいだ。 His calm words allayed my fear. In his calm words, my fear is relieved. 蝮の子は蝮。 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Zhao-sama. 言葉遣いの綺麗な人が好きです。 I like people who use language beautifully. I like people with clean language. 彼は明日中国に向けて出発する。 He will set out for China tomorrow. He leaves for China tomorrow. 彼は私の三倍も稼ぐ。 He earns three times as much as I. He makes three times as much as I do. 彼は駐車違反で罰金をとられた。 He was fined for illegal parking. He was fined for parking tickets. 朝起きは三文の徳。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Wake up in the morning, three words of virtue. 私は毎日10時に寝ます。 I go to bed at ten every day. I sleep at 10:00 a.m. every day. 明日、雨降る場合は車で行きます。 If it's raining tomorrow, we'll go by car. I'll drive if it rains tomorrow. 私は幾分困惑した気持ちだった。 I felt rather puzzled. I felt somewhat confused. 酸性雨は自然現象ではない。 Acid rain isn't a natural phenomenon. acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. 彼女は自分で行く必要はない。 It's not necessary for her to go there herself. She doesn't have to go on her own. 尋問した後警察は容疑者を自宅まで連れ戻した。 After they questioned him, the police returned the suspect to the house. After the interrogation, the police brought the suspect home. 明日で1週間雨が続く事になる。 It will have been raining a week tomorrow. It's gonna rain for a week tomorrow. 成功不成功は気質に左右されることが多い。 Success often depends on one's temperament. Success often depends on weakness. 一般に男子の方が女子より背が高い。 Boys, as a rule, are taller than girls. In general, boys are taller than girls. 真っ赤な夕焼けは明日の晴天を告げた。 The deep red of the setting sun portended fine weather. The bright red sunset reminded me of tomorrow's fair weather. 生活費はここ十年で非常に上昇した。 The cost of living has greatly risen in the past ten years. The cost of living has risen dramatically in the last decade. 昨日の重役会は大成功だった。 Yesterday's board meeting was a big success. Yesterday's board was a big success. 戦争中彼は多くの恐怖の日々を経験しました。 He went through many horrible days in the war. During the war, he experienced many days of fear. 人間は習慣の奴隷である。 Man is a creature of habit. Man is a slave to habits. 楽団は急に活気づいた。 The band sprang into life. The band suddenly realized it was alive. 私も先生です。 I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher too. 自慰は狂気に繋がる。 Masturbation leads to insanity. Masturbation leads to madness. 殺人犯は有罪判決を受けて終身刑に処せられた。 The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. 私は体重が増えた。 I've gained weight. I've gained weight. 高カロリーの食べ物は私の健康に悪い。 High calorie foods are bad for my health. High calories food is bad for my health. 沖縄の最低賃金は642円です。 The minimum wage in Okinawa is 642 yen per hour. The minimum wage in Okinawa is 642 yen. 彼らの年齢差は六歳です。 The difference in their ages is six years. They're six years old. 彼は暇な時間を最大限に利用した。 He made the most of his free time. He took the most of his leisure time. 溺死事件が数件あった。 There were several deaths from drowning. There's been several drownings. 彼の死亡告知が新聞に出た。 An announcement of his death appeared in the newspapers. His death notice appeared in the newspaper. あと2週間で期末試験だ。 Final exams are two weeks from now. I'll have my final exam in two weeks. 時限爆弾が大音響とともに爆発した。 The time-bomb exploded with a loud noise. A time bomb exploded with a loud bang. 今日では、手作りの商品の値が高い。 Handmade goods are very expensive nowadays. Today, you can see the value of hand-made goods. 誕生日は大事だと思います。 I think birthdays are important. I think it's important to have a birthday. 彼は大統領に選ばれた。 He was elected president. He was elected president. お風呂先に入るね。 I'm going to take a bath first. I'm going to take a bath. トムの兄は弁護士だ。 Tom's brother is a lawyer. Tom's brother is a lawyer. 彼は同時代の画家の中でも傑出している。 He stands out among the painters of his time. He is a painter of his time. 彼女は少なくとも週一回美容院へ行く。 She goes to the beauty salon at least once a week. She goes to the beauty hospital at least once a week. 今年は昨年より事故が減った。 There were fewer accidents this year than last. There are fewer accidents this year than last year. 好事魔多し。 Happy events tend to be accompanied by problems. A lot of good things. その会社の税引き前利益は2億5000万ドルだった。 The company's profit amounted to $250 million before tax. The company's pre-tax income was $250 million. 彼女は今夜アメリカへ出発する予定です。 She is leaving for America tonight. She's leaving for America tonight. 彼はその革命で積極的な役割をした。 He played an active part in the revolution. He played an active role in that revolution. 私は空に不思議な動く物体を見た。 I saw a strange moving object in the sky. I saw a strange moving object in the sky. この時計は一日1分進む。 This clock gains one minute a day. This clock goes one minute a day. 日本に滞在した7年の間に、彼は日本語を熱心に勉強した。 During his seven years in Japan, he studied Japanese in earnest. During his seven years in Japan, he studied Japanese eagerly. 追加の最終締め切りは6月10日朝7時です。 The new final deadline is at 7 o'clock on June 10th. The final deadline for the addition is 7: 00 a.m. June 10. 彼は先月パリへ出発した。 He set out for Paris last month. He left for Paris last month. 彼らは動物園へ行った。 They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. 黒幕的な存在は誰だ。 Who's pulling the strings behind the scenes? Who's behind all this? 温度計は温度を測る器具です。 The thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature. The temperature scale is a measure of the temperature. 彼は聴衆に静かな口調で演説した。 He addressed the audience in a soft tone. He addressed the audience in a quiet tone. 私は大変腹立たしい。 I am very angry. I'm very angry. 勤勉は成功の代価だ。 Hard work is the price of success. Diligence is the price of success. 今日の豆知識コーナー! 今日は「カルピス」の由来について。 Today's trivia corner! Today it's about the origin of Calpis. Today's field of soy knowledge! 捜査員らは暗殺計画を摘発しました。 Investigators uncovered an assassination plot. Investigators have launched an assassination plan. 私は5時頃起きた。 I got up about five. I woke up around 5:00. 彼らは資本主義にピリオドを打ち社会主義社会を建設した。 They ended capitalism and built a socialist society. They set a period of capitalism and built a socialist society. 彼女は僕と同い年だ。 She and I are of an age. She's my age. 学食に飽きた。 I am tired of eating at the school cafeteria. I'm tired of eating. 政府は少数派を弾圧した。 The government clamped down on the minority group. The government has oppressed the minority. 君の収入は僕の収入の約2倍だ。 Your income is about twice as large as mine. Your income is about twice my income. 彼女の母親はエアロビクスを週に一回行う。 Her mother does aerobics once a week. Her mother does aerobix once a week. 私の専攻は歴史です。 History is my major. My major is history. 夕食後、私は皿を洗った。 After supper, I washed the dishes. After dinner, I washed the dishes. 『極道の妻たち』は、1986年、東映配給網により公開されたヤクザ映画。 "Gang Wives" is a Yakuza movie released in 1986 by Toei Distribution Network. "The Wife of the Far Way" was a yakuza film released in 1986 by an Eastern projection grid. 毒が全身に回った。 The poison has pervaded his whole system. The poison's all over my body. その試合の最終得点は3対1だった。 The final score of the game was 3 to 1. The final score for the match was 3 to 1. 小切手で支払う。 I will pay for it by check. I'll pay you in a check. 我々の実験は先週失敗した。 Our experiment went wrong last week. Our experiment failed last week. 若者は非常に身長の伸びを見せた。 Young people have shown a lot of improvement in physical stature. The young man was very tall. 手紙書いてね。 Write me sometime, OK? Write a letter. ビジネスマンの成功は注意深い財政管理の上に築かれる。 A successful business is built on careful financial management. The success of the businessman is built on careful financial management. 警察はその事故の原因を調査中である。 The police are investigating the cause of the accident. Police are investigating the cause of the accident. 俺には無理だ。 That's impossible for me. I can't do this. 彼は営業部の部長です。 He is the manager of the marketing department. He's the head of the sales department. 政府はその計画を来年実施する予定である。 The government is scheduled to put the plan into practice next year. The government plans to implement the plan next year. 彼は試験に合格した。 He succeeded in the examination. He passed the exam. 私達は息を殺して実験の結果を待った。 We held our breath and waited for the result of the experiment. We took a breath and waited for the results of the experiment. 彼女は音楽が大好きです。 She likes music very much. She loves music. 講師は公害問題について講演した。 The lecturer spoke on pollution problems. The lecturer spoke on the issue of pollution. 石炭は化石燃料だ。 Coal is a fossil fuel. Coal is fossil fuel. 彼は私より三歳年上だ。 He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than me. デモ隊は整然と行進した。 The demonstrators marched in order. The demonstrators marched in an orderly manner. 私は現金で支払います。 I'd like to pay in cash. I'll pay in cash. 第一次世界大戦は1914年に勃発した。 World War I broke out in 1914. World War I broke out in 1414. 旧大統領の死亡が報告されました。 The former President's death was announced. The death of the former president has been reported. 私達は同社に50%出資している。 We have a 50% interest in the company. We're giving the company 50% of our money. 彼女は昨夜大変遅く私に電話を掛けてきた。 She called me up very late last night. She called me very late last night. 魔女の女王は死ぬ。 The queen of the witches is dead. The Witch Queen dies. 政府は取締の一環として不法入国外国人を追放しています。 The government is expelling illegal aliens as part of a crackdown. The government has expelled illegal aliens as part of the board. 叔父は莫大な資産を持っている。 My uncle is possessed of great wealth. My uncle has huge assets. 彼女はその場の光景を詳細に述べた。 She described the scene in detail. She elaborated on the scene. 休暇中にミルトンの全作品を読んだ。 On my days off, I read the entire works of Milton. I read all of Milton's works on vacation. 一番下の背景レイヤーを消去します。 Remove the lower-most background layer. Clears the bottom background layer. 彼は無理矢理彼女を座らせた。 He forced her to sit down. He forced her to sit down. 学生達は地域社会への奉仕を志願した。 The students volunteered for community service. The students volunteered to serve the community. 首相は報道陣と会見した。 The Prime Minister met with the press. The Prime Minister interviewed the press. 彼は経験不足の為失敗した。 He failed for want of experience. He failed because of lack of experience. 二人の間に愛情が芽生えた。 Affection sprang up between them. Love grew between the two of them. 君は仕事の鬼だ。 You're a workaholic. You're a work demon. 私は床屋で散髪した。 I had my hair cut at the barber's. I cut my hair in the barbershop. 花々が土手に咲いた。 Blossoms have come out on the embankment. Flowers on the surface of the earth. 二年後にその歌手は復帰した。 Two years later, the singer came back. Two years later, the singer returned. 先生は絵を用いて彼の理論を説明した。 The teacher illustrated his theory with pictures. The teacher explained his theory using pictures. 今日、その努力が報われ彼らが決定的な証拠を掴んだ事は賞賛に値します。 Today, their efforts have paid off and they are in possession of conclusive evidence, an achievement which is indeed commendable. Today, it is commendable that their efforts have been rewarded and that they have obtained conclusive evidence. 預金口座を開く。 I'll open a bank account. Open the bank account. 女の人は一般的に男の人より長生き。 Women generally live longer than men. Women generally live longer than men. 産科医が減り続け、産科医療が危機に陥っている。 Obstetric care in crisis as the number of obstetricians continues to fall. Maternity doctors continue to decline, and maternity medicine is in danger. 明日必ず電話してね。 Don't fail to call me tomorrow. Call me tomorrow. 大丈夫? Are you all right? Are you okay? 母は喫煙に反対だ。 My mother objects to smoking. My mother's against smoking. 彼女の英作文には間違いが少ない。 Her English composition has few mistakes. Her English is not the only one who makes mistakes. 滞在の目的は何ですか。 What's the purpose of your visit? What is the purpose of your stay? 戦後日本では民主主義の理念が普及した。 After the war, the idea of democracy spread throughout Japan. After the war, democratic ideals became popular in Japan. 真っ暗闇だ。 It is pitch dark. It's totally dark. 気分爽快だよ。 I feel fine. I feel good. 朝ご飯は日の一番大切な食事です。 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 彼は英語部に入った。 He joined the English club. He joined the English department. 笑顔は言葉の壁を越える。 Everyone smiles in the same language. Smile transcends the language barrier. 彼は会社の顧問弁護士としての生涯を始めた。 He set out on his career as a corporation lawyer. He began his life as a lawyer for the company. トムは独身主義者だ。 Tom is a confirmed bachelor. Tom's a bachelor. 彼と私は同名異人です。 He is my namesake, but no relation. He and I are strangers. 彼は彼女を見送りに空港へ行った。 He went to the airport to see her off. He went to the airport to let her go. 優勝には程遠い。 It's far from winning the first prize. It's a long way from winning. 我々日本人は二十歳で大人の年齢になる。 We Japanese come of age at twenty. We Japanese are 20 years old and grown-up. その飛行機は突然墜落した。 The plane crashed suddenly. The plane crashed suddenly. 可能性は中立か戦争かの二つに一つだ。 The alternative possibilities are neutrality or war. The possibility is one in two: neutral or at war. 彼は個人より社会全体に力点を置く傾向がある。 He tends to place more stress on society in general than on individual. He tends to focus on society as a whole rather than on individuals. 私達は富士山の頂上まで登った。 We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. We climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 隊長以下の者がこの建物に住む。 Men of the rank of captain and below live in this building. Those under the captain will live in this building. 牛乳の流れを素早く止め、牛乳が固まるまで約30分間静置する。 Quickly stop the flow of milk, leave to stand for approximately 30 minutes for the milk to solidify. Stop the flow of milk quickly and rest for about 30 minutes until the milk is solid. 生物学者は、損失は深刻だと主張している。 Biologists assert the losses are severe. The biologists argue that the loss is serious. 彼女は週に1度両親に手紙を出す。 She writes to her parents once a week. She writes to her parents once a week. 彼は商用で東京へ行った。 He went to Tokyo on business. He went to Tokyo for business. 簡単に彼の事務所が見付かった。 I found his office easily. It was easy to find his office. その会社は事実上は倒産だ。 That company is, in effect, bankrupt. That company is practically bankrupt. トムは先週高校の同窓会に行った。 Tom went to his high school reunion last week. Tom went to his high school reunion last week. 彼女は彼のダンスを見た。 She watched him dance. She saw him dance. 市役所は市の中央に有ります。 The city hall is located at the center of the city. City hall is in the center of the city. 全部売り切れです。 Everything's sold out. It's all sold out. 私は世界市民である。 I am a citizen of the world. I'm a global citizen. 明日学校でね。 I'll see you tomorrow at school. Tomorrow at school. 彼とは個人的な接触がある。 I am in touch with him. I have a personal contact with him. 彼のは悪文だ。 He has a bad style. His writing is bad. 四月一日です。 It's April first. April Day. 大統領の任期は四年である。 The president's term of office is four years. The president's term is four years. 彼らは差出人と受取人の名前を混同した。 They confused the names of the sender and the addressee. They confused the name of the sender with the recipient. 彼は紳士の中の紳士だ。 He is every inch a gentleman. He's a gentleman among the gentlemen. 当機は15分後に着陸します。 We'll be landing in 15 minutes. The plane will land in 15 minutes. 彼は商用で出かけて留守だ。 He's away on business. He's gone for business. He's not home. 私達は乗船した。 We went on board a ship. We got on board. 新しいお客様に限った期間限定奉仕です。 This is a limited time offer to new customers only. It's only temporary service for new customers. 去年の選挙で労働党の票数が増えた。 The Labor Party's vote increased at last year's election. Last year's elections increased the number of votes for the Labor Party. 私は裏庭に小さな小屋を建てた。 I put up a small hut in the backyard. I built a little cabin in the backyard. 空港まで行く I'm going until the airport. I'm going to the airport. 富士山は日本で一番有名な山です。 Mt. Fuji is Japan's most famous mountain. Mount Fuji is the most famous mountain in Japan. 彼は金持ちだが一生懸命働いている。 Although he is rich he works very hard. He's rich, but working hard. 月曜日は都合が悪いのです。 Monday's not good. Monday is not a good time. 僕は宇宙飛行士になりたい。 I want to be an astronaut. I want to be an astronaut. 社長は現実的なタイプの人だ。 The president is a down-to-earth kind of man. The boss is a real person. 彼は少し後に到着した。 He arrived shortly after. He arrived a little later. 日曜日は日曜と短縮する。 We abbreviate Sunday to Sun. I'll cut it back on Sunday. 彼女は教育の重要性を力説した。 She emphasized the importance of education. She stressed the importance of education. 彼は支出を計算した。 He calculated the expenses. He calculated the expense. 中国が好きだ。 I like China. I like China. 今年は事業が50%拡大した。 The business has expanded by 50% this year. This year the business grew by 50%. 昨日は月曜日だった。 Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday. 政府の財政政策が戦後の日本の経済的成功に功績があった。 The government's economic policy is credited for Japan's postwar economic success. The government's financial policy paid off the economic success of Japan after the war. 郵政事業は政府の独占事業です。 Postal services are a government monopoly. Postal politics is a government exclusive. 三分間目を閉じなさい。 Close your eyes for three minutes. Close your eyes for three minutes. 私の弟は高校生です。 My brother is a high school student. My brother is a high school student. その男の子の世話で彼女は非常に精力を消耗する。 Taking care of the boy is a great drain on her energies. That boy's care consumes her very much. 彼はフランス語が流暢だ。 He speaks French fluently. He is fluent in French. 彼女はフランス語を習得した。 She acquired a knowledge of French. She learned French. 長野は東京を2対3で破った。 Nagano beat Tokyo 2 to 3. Nagano broke Tokyo in two to three. 彼らは利益を公平に分配した。 They allotted the profits fairly. They distributed their profits fairly. 彼は私の三倍も稼ぐ。 He earns three times as much as I do. He makes three times as much as I do. 昨日の嵐で建物は被害を受けた。 The buildings were damaged by the storm last night. The building was damaged last night in the storm. 彼等は田舎へ行った。 They went down to the country. They went to the country. トムは胃腸が弱い。 Tom has a weak stomach. Tom's got a weak stomach. 彼は新製品開発に対して強い熱意を示した。 He showed a lot of enthusiasm for the development of new products. He showed great enthusiasm for the development of new products. 私は毎日洗濯します。 I wash clothes every day. I wash every day. 彼は立派な政治家になった。 He has blossomed into a great statesman. He became a good politician. 私は歴史に弱い。 I am not up on history. I'm weak in history. 昨日病気でした。 Yesterday I was ill. I was sick yesterday. 彼は大切な用事で大阪へ行った。 He went to Osaka on important business. He went to Osaka for important things. 彼は3週間前に両社が合併する情報を得ていた。 He was given a tip three weeks ago that two companies would merge. He received information about the combination of the two companies three weeks ago. 彼は夕食後、探偵小説を読んで楽しんだ。 He amused himself by reading a detective story after supper. He enjoyed reading detective novels after dinner. 水圧が原因で管は破裂しました。 The water pressure caused the pipe to burst. The pressure caused the tube to burst. 私はこの土地は全く不案内です。 I'm quite a stranger around here. I'm totally out of touch with this land. 彼女は現在会議中である。 She is in conference now. She's in a meeting right now. トムは毎朝六時に朝ご飯を食べる。 Tom eats breakfast every morning at six. Tom eats breakfast every six o'clock in the morning. 多芸は無芸。 Jack of all trades and master of none. Diligent. 彼は独学でフランス語を学んだ。 He taught himself French. He learned French on his own. 今年は春が遅い。 Spring is late this year. Spring is late this year. 治療は苦痛を長引かせた。 The treatment prolonged the agony. The treatment prolonged the pain. 非常の場合は警察を呼びなさい。 Call the police in an emergency. In case of emergency, call the police. 彼の理論は難解だ。 His theory is difficult to understand. His theory is a mystery. 彼女は大食い競争で一番になった。 She got first prize in the eating contest. She became the top eater. 彼の音楽は海外で大変な人気を獲得した。 His music has attained great popularity overseas. His music was very popular abroad. 私達は野球の試合を2日間延期した。 We put off our baseball game for two days. We put off the baseball game for two days. 地震が突然その島々を襲った。 The earthquake came upon the islands. An earthquake suddenly struck the islands. 一昨日成田に着きました。 I arrived at Narita the day before yesterday. I arrived in Nagata the day before. 新聞配達の少年はどんな天気でも新聞を配達する。 The newspaper boy delivers newspapers no matter what the weather is like. The boy who delivers newspapers delivers newspapers in any weather. 息子の乳歯が永久歯に変わりました。 All my son's adult teeth are in. My son's baby teeth turned into permanent teeth. 彼女はドレスに香水を振り掛けた。 She sprinkled some scent on her dress. She put perfume on the dress. 私は時々彼を訪れます。 I call on him sometimes. I visit him sometimes. 彼は仕事以外に興味がない。 He has no interests, apart from his work. He's not interested in anything other than work. その工場は綿製品を生産する。 The factory produces cotton goods. The factory produces cotton products. 時差ボケで辛い。 I've got a bad case of jet lag. It's too late. It's hard. 私は田舎生活の不便さは我慢できない。 I can't put up with the inconvenience of country life. I can't stand the inconvenience of living in the country. 最近では、海外旅行する日本人が増えてきた。 More and more Japanese are traveling abroad these days. Recently, more Japanese have traveled abroad. 彼は二時間勉強している。 He has been studying for two hours. He's been studying for two hours. 彼女は1990年7月17日の午前6時に生まれた。 She was born at six a.m. on July 17, 1990. She was born at 6 a.m. July 17, 1990. この先危険物あり。 Danger ahead. There's a danger ahead. 彼は英語の手紙を書きます。 He writes an English letter. He writes an English letter. 僕は事故を処理した。 I dealt with the accident. I handled the accident. 反対党議員はその法案に激怒した。 The members of the opposition party were enraged against the bill. Opponents were furious at the bill. 雑貨店を経営するには資金が不十分だ。 The funds are not sufficient for running a grocery. We don't have enough money to run a grocery store. 他人の仕事を批判するのは簡単だ。 It is easy to find fault with the work of others. It’s easy to criticize other people's work. 私は机の上を片付けた。 I cleared up my desk. I cleaned up the desk. 彼は100m競争で一等賞を受け取った。 He got the first prize in a 100m race. He won first prize in the 100-meter race. 突然、納屋が爆発炎上した。 All of a sudden, the barn went up in flames. Suddenly, the barn exploded. 親は自分の子供の健康に気を付ける義務がある。 Parents have responsibilities to look to their children's health. Parents are obliged to watch their children's health. 体育は必修科目ですか。 Is physical education a required course? Is physical education required? 喜んで中国共産党に入ります。 I willingly join the Chinese Communist Party. I'm happy to join the Chinese Communist Party. 彼は昇進の資格がある。 He is qualified for promotion. He's qualified for promotion. 彼は赤子同然だ。 He's just like a baby. He's like a baby. 地上22階、地下2階のオフィスビルが建設中です。 An office building, with 22 stories above ground and 2 below, is under construction. 22nd floor, underground office building is under construction. 彼女は成人前に死んだ。 She died before coming of age. She died before she grew up. 君の電話番号を忘れた。 I've forgotten your number. I forgot your phone number. 宿題の一番最後の問題をやったかい。 Did you do the last problem of the homework? Did you do the last problem with your homework? 本店は警察の手入れを受けた。 The main office was raided by the police. The main store was taken care of by the police. 病気が彼の体力を奪い取った。 The disease sheared him of his physical strength. The disease robbed him of his strength. 彼は身の不安を嘆いた。 He lamented his hard fate. He mourned his own fears. 夕方の五時です。 It's five in the evening. It's five o'clock in the evening. 汚職政治家を追放せよ。 Down with corrupt politicians. Expel corrupt politicians. 弊社の会社案内を同封いたします。 Enclosed is our company profile. I'd like to share with you the company's guide. 嵐は作物に多大な影響を与えた。 The storm had a bad impact on the crops. The storm had a profound impact on the crops. 彼は最終電車に乗り遅れた。 He missed the last train. He missed the last train. 軍隊は簡単に反乱を鎮圧した。 The troops easily put down the rebellion. The army easily put down the rebellion. 彼の意見は全く正しい。 His opinion is quite just. His opinion was completely correct. コピー紙の節約運動が全社的に展開されている。 A campaign is underway throughout the company to achieve economy in the use of copying paper. There is a campaign to save paper from copying all over the country. 私は何度もその問題に挑戦した。 I tried the problem again and again. I tried it over and over again. 公益事業部門の急成長を見込んでいます。 We expect rapid growth of the utilities sector. We're looking for a rapid growth in the public sector. 彼女は彼の隠れ場所を警察に密告した。 She betrayed his hiding place to the police. She told the police where he was hiding. 彼の話は部分的に真実だ。 His story is partially true. Part of his story is true. 世界の人口は毎年平均2パーセントの割合で増えている。 Each year the world's population increases on average by two percent. The world's population is increasing at an average of 2 percent per year. 大阪は日本で2番目の大都市です。 Osaka is Japan's second biggest city. Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. 東京は日本最大の都市です。 Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. Tokyo is the largest city in Japan. 彼は大学生です。 He's a university student. He's a college student. 国際語は必要ですか? Do we need a universal language? Do you need an international language? 彼女は朝食前に犬を公園へ連れて行きます。 She takes her dog to the park before breakfast. She takes the dog to the park before breakfast. 勤勉は成功への道だ。 Diligence is the way to success. Hard work is the way to success. トム大好き! I love you Tom! I love Tom! 私は3番街で偶然彼女にあった。 I met her by accident on Third Avenue. I happened to be with her on Third Street. 彼は全くの野蛮人だ。 He is quite a savage. He's a complete savage. 科学者の中には百年以内に世界の石油資源を使い切るだろうと予言する者もいる。 Some scientists predict that the world oil reserves will be used up within a century. Some scientists predict to use the world's oil resources within a hundred years. 学業成績を上げるには、一生懸命勉強する必要がある。 Success in school calls for hard study. To improve your academic performance, you need to study hard. 彼は平均的な背丈だ。 He was a man of average height. He's average height. 私の車は途中で故障した。 My car broke down on the way. My car broke down on the way. 私の友人には2人の研究者がいる。一人は言語学者で、もう一人は化学者だ。 Two of my friends are researchers; one is a linguist, the other a chemist. One of my friends is a scholar, and the other is a chemist. 私は昨日汽車の中で財布を盗まれた。 I got my wallet stolen in the train yesterday. I stole my wallet in a train yesterday. 彼は二年前に就任した。 He took office two years ago. He was installed two years ago. 家に帰る許可を下さい。 Please let me go home. Allow me to go home. 去年の冬、彼女と出会った。 I met her in the winter of last year. I met her last winter. 彼女には兄弟が三人いる。 She has three brothers. She has three brothers. 日本の新会計年度の予算は通常12月に編成される。 Japan's national budget for a new fiscal year is normally compiled in December. Japan’s new accounting year budget is usually organized in December. ホワイト氏は進歩的な政治家だ。 Mr. White is a liberal politician. Mr. White is a progressive politician. 不言実行が俺のやり方。 My way is action not words. That's how I do it. その詩人は自分の書斎で自殺した。 The poet committed suicide in his study. The poet committed suicide in his study. 一般的に言って、高校生は大学生より一生懸命勉強する。 Generally speaking, high school students study harder than college students. Generally speaking, high school students study harder than college students. 彼らはフランス南部の出身だ。 They come from the south of France. They're from southern France. 隣の人の土地は自分の土地より優れた穀物を産出する。 Our neighbor's ground yields better corn than our own. Their land produces better grain than their own land. 笑顔を続けて。 Keep on smiling. Keep smiling. 彼らは青銅で像を鋳造した。 They cast bronze into a statue. They cast the statue out of bronze. その料理人は毎日違う料理を拵える。 That chef prepares different meals every day. The cook can cook a different dish every day. 彼はクラスで一番速く走れる。 He is the fastest runner in his class. He can run the fastest in his class. リンドバーグの大西洋横断無着陸単独飛行はめざましい偉業であった。 Lindbergh's solo nonstop transatlantic flight was a remarkable accomplishment. One-on-one flight across the Atlantic, Lindbergh, was a remarkable feat. 英国では労働祭は五月にある。 In England, Labor Day is in May. In Britain, labor festivals are in May. 今月は殺人事件が2件あった。 There were two murders this month. There were two murders this month. 梅の花は今週が見所です。 The plum blossoms are at their best this week. The flower of the sea is the scene this week. 世界中の多くの学生が英語を学んでいる。 A lot of students around the world are studying English. Many students around the world are learning English. 麻原は、自分を救世主だと思ってる。 Asahara thinks himself a savior. He thinks he's the savior. ある日彼女は森で狼に出会った。 One day she met a wolf in the woods. One day she met a wolf in the woods. 数人の生徒が風邪で学校を休んだ。 Several students were absent from school because of colds. A few students missed school with a cold. 郵便は1日1回配達される。 The mail is delivered once a day. The mail is delivered once a day. 私は毎朝六時に起きます。 I get up at 6 o'clock every morning. I wake up every six o'clock in the morning. 彼女は献身的に病身の父親に仕えた。 She waited on her sick father hand and foot. She devoted her life to serving her sick father. 彼らは舞台の上で順番に歌を歌った。 They sang on the stage in turn. They sang on stage in turn. 被告は有罪と判明した。 The accused proved to be guilty. The defendant was found guilty. 二人の政府高官が不動産会社から賄賂を受け取った容疑をかけられている。 Two senior officials are suspected of accepting bribes from real estate companies. Two government officials have been charged with accepting bribes from real estate companies. 彼は元気に試合に参加した。 He entered into the game with great spirit. He was in a good fight. 雪が何日も降り続いた。 It snowed for days on end. The snow continued to fall for days. 今朝から本を3冊読んだ。 I have read three books since this morning. I read three books this morning. 私の手荷物は輸送中に紛失した。 My baggage was lost in transit. My luggage was lost during transport. 私は新入生です。 I'm a new student. I'm a new student. その会社は資本金10万ドルで出発した。 The company was started with $100,000 in capital. So let's say that this company started off with $100,000 of equity. 警察は彼の失踪を調査している。 The police are looking into his disappearance. Police are investigating his disappearance. 美の認識は倫理の検査となり得る。 The perception of beauty is a moral test. The perception of beauty can be an ethical test. 二人は仲間、三人は寄せ集めの群れ。 Two's company, three's a crowd. You two are friends, and three are a bunch. 王は権力を剥奪された。 The king was stripped of his power. The king was deprived of power. 洗濯は私の仕事です。 Washing is my work. Washing is my job. 彼の容体が悪化した。 His condition changed for the worse. His condition worsened. 猛烈な暑さだ。 The heat is intense. It's hot. 彼女は彼の贈り物を受け取った。 She accepted his gift. She received his gift. 習慣は第二の天性である。 Habit is second nature. Customs are second nature. 私たちの英語の先生は発音を強調した。 Our English teacher put emphasis on pronunciation. Our English teacher highlighted the pronunciation. 元気?旅行は良かった? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How are you? How are you? 新鮮な果物や野菜は健康によい。 Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for your health. Fresh fruits and vegetables are wholesome. 日本は夏には蒸し暑い。 Japan is hot and humid in the summer. Japan is hot and steamy in summer. 裁判長は被告に死刑の判決を言い渡した。 The presiding judge sentenced the defendant to death. The judge sentenced the defendant to death. 医師の言葉はその患者を安心させた。 The doctor's remarks reassured the patient. The doctor's words made the patient feel safe. 船は乗務員全員を乗せたまま沈没した。 The ship sank with all her crew on board. The ship sank with the entire crew on board. 試験が目前に迫った。 The examination is near at hand. The test came close. 巧言令色、鮮なし仁。 Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. "I'm sorry, sir," said the Voice. "I'm sorry, sir. 彼女は彼の招待を断った。 She turned down his invitation. She turned down his invitation. 読書は知性を向上させる。 Reading improves the mind. Reading improves intelligence. 彼女は有名な歌手だ。 She is a noted singer. She's a famous singer. 月が水平線上に出た。 The moon rose above the horizon. The moon's on the horizon. 科学技術は偉大な力を我々に与えてくれた。 Technology has given us immense power. Technology has given us great power. 彼の職業は大工です。 He is a carpenter by trade. He's a carpenter. 彼女は彼の信頼を裏切った。 She betrayed his trust. She betrayed his trust. 全部で20個の卵が必要です。 We need twenty eggs all told. So we're going to have 20 eggs, and we're going to have 20 eggs. 先週の英語のテストで私は彼女より成績が悪かった。 On last week's English test, my score was worse than hers. Last week's English test made me worse than her. 車に彼女のお金を全部使う。 I spend all her money on the car. I'm going to use all of her money in the car. 就職専門学校が次から次へと創設された。 Vocational schools were set up one after another. Job schools were created from one school to another. 彼は1年中懸命に働く。 He works hard all the year round. He works hard all year. 私の意見は君のと反対だ。 My opinion is contrary to yours. My opinion is against you. 遠慮無く話せよ。 Go ahead and talk. Don't hesitate to talk to me. 彼は殺人罪で絞首刑に処せられた。 He was hanged for murder. He was hanged for murder. 私の友人はスピード違反で逮捕された。 My friend was arrested for speeding. My friend got arrested for speeding. 授業は午前8時半に始まる。 School begins at half past eight in the morning. Class starts at 8:30 a.m. 彼は衣料品業界で本当にうまく成功した。 He made out really well in the clothing business. He really succeeded in the clothing industry. 私達は核兵器の廃絶を願っている。 All of us would like to get rid of nuclear weapons. We hope that nuclear weapons will be eliminated. 彼女は散歩に出かけた。 She went out for a walk. She went for a walk. あのフォーク歌手は大衆に大変人気がある。 That folk singer is very popular with people in general. The folk singer is very popular with the masses. 暗闇の中で彼が写真を撮るのは不可能だ。 It was impossible for him to take the picture in the dark. It's impossible for him to take a picture in the dark. カナダの気候は寒い。 Canada has a cold climate. Canada's climate is cold. 彼は非常識だ。 He doesn't have any common sense. He's insane. 忍耐力は科学の根源である。 Patience is the mother of science. Patience is the root of science. その囚人は昨日釈放された。 The prisoner was set free yesterday. The prisoner was released yesterday. 飛行機は12時半にヒースロー空港を出発する。 The plane departs from Heathrow at 12:30. The plane leaves Heathrow Airport at 12:30. 国務長官は対外関係を統括する。 The Secretary of State administers foreign affairs. The Secretary of State governs foreign relations. 我が校は彼の授業方式を採用した。 Our school adopted his teaching methods. Our school adopted his method of teaching. 彼女の心臓は恐怖で早鐘を打った。 Her heart beat fast from fear. Her heart struck early with fear. 喫煙は健康に悪い。 Smoking is bad for the health. Smoking is bad for your health. 典型的です。 That's typical. It's typical. 彼女は法廷に判事と陪審員の前にたった。 She stood in the court before judge and jury. She was in court before a judge and a jury. 彼は仕事の鬼だ。 He is an eager beaver. He's a work demon. 私は石油会社に勤めている。 I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. 彼は若者に大変人気がある。 He is high in favor with the youths. He is very popular with young people. 彼は30日で太平洋を渡った。 He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days. He crossed the Pacific in 30 days. 我々は彼の判断を信頼できる。 We can rely on his judgement. We can trust his judgment. 学生時代は、クラシック音楽に夢中でした。 I was keen on classical music in my school days. When I was in school, I was obsessed with classical music. 空腹は最大の社会的不幸の一つである。 Hunger is one of the greatest social miseries. Hunger is one of the greatest social misfortunes. 彼は私の意見に屈した。 He gave in to my views. He gave in to his opinion. 彼らは侵略者に抵抗した。 They resisted the invaders. They resisted the invaders. 汚染公害は地域の生態環境に壊滅的な影響を与える。 Pollution has a disastrous effect on the ecology of a region. Contamination has devastating effects on the environment in the region. 毎日教会へ行きます。 I go to church every day. I go to church every day. 私の父は毎日散歩します。 My father takes a walk every day. My father walks every day. 原子力は原子核分裂と核融合反応で作られている。 Nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms or by bringing them together. Nuclear power is created by nuclear fission and fusion reactions. 火山が再び活動を始めた。 The volcano has become active again. The volcano has started to operate again. 我々は全員で利益を分け合った。 We shared the profit among us all. We all share our profits. 父は商用で不在です。 My father is absent on business. My father's not in business. 彼は実は犯罪者だった。 He was in reality a criminal. He was actually a criminal. 彼女は大変頭がいい。 She is very intelligent. She's very smart. 予定より少し遅れて成田に到着した。 We landed at Narita a little behind schedule. I arrived in Nakata a little behind schedule. 一年の最初の月は一月です。 The first month of the year is January. The first month of the year is a month. 18歳以上の人は車を運転できる。 People over the age of 18 can drive cars. People over 18 can drive. 政府は国産品の愛用を奨励している。 The government is promoting the use of domestically made products. The government encourages the love of state products. 彼は画家だ。 He is a painter. He's a painter. 彼は夜私を訪ねた。 He called on me at night. He visited me at night. 第二次世界大戦は1939年から1945年まで続いた。 World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. 彼らは「金と栄光」を求めて何ヶ月も航海した。 They sailed for months in hope of "gold and glory". They sailed for months in search of gold and glory. 彼は意図的に窓を割った。 He broke the window intentionally. He deliberately broke the window. 彼は母親の健康を心配している。 He is anxious about his mother's health. He's worried about his mother's health. 彼は今年の夏、東北地方を旅行した。 He traveled through the Tohoku district this summer. He traveled in the northeastern region this summer. 睡眠と栄養は健康に絶対不可欠である。 Sleep and good food are indispensable to good health. Sleep and nutrition are essential to health. その少年は我が校の名誉だ。 The boy is a credit to our school. The boy is the honor of our school. 彼女は人が悪い。 She is ill-natured. She's a bad person. 指導者は国民と没交渉になっていた。 The leaders were out of touch with the people. The leader was trying to negotiate with the people. 撃ち合い場面の多い西部劇ですよ。 It's a shoot-'em-up western. It's a Western play with a lot of shootings. これは私達自信の創造活動の所産です。 This is a product of our own creative activity. This is the birth of our confident creativity. 私は2000の英単語を暗記した。 I have memorized 2,000 English words. I memorized 2,000 English words. 報道関係者らが彼の婚約の噂を嗅ぎつけ早速来ました。 The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly. The press came as soon as they heard the rumors of his engagement. 彼は深呼吸した。 He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. 彼女は約二千冊の本を持っている。 She has about 2,000 books. She has about 2,000 books. 国連総会は停戦決議案を採択した。 The United Nations General Assembly adopted the cease-fire resolution. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a truce resolution. 私は委員会の決議を支持した。 I supported the committee's decision. I supported the committee's resolution. 彼は私の事を双子の兄と間違えた。 He mistook me for my twin brother. He mistook me for his twin brother. 人は皆平等だ。 All men are equal. We are all equal. 彼女は恐怖心を隠すため笑った。 She laughed to cover her fear. She laughed to hide her fear. 試験を受けた時、彼は一生懸命努力したが、不合格だった。 When he took the exam, he tried hard but failed it. When he took the test, he worked hard but failed. 私の留守中に犬の世話をして下さい。 Please take care of my dog while I am away. Take care of the dog while I'm gone. 昨年フィリッピンでは地震や津波のために六千人以上の死者があった。 Last year in the Philippines, earthquakes and tidal waves resulted in the deaths of more than 6,000 people. Last year, Filippin killed more than 6,000 people because of earthquakes and tsunamis. 幸福な人生には健康が不可欠です。 Health is indispensable to a happy life. A happy life requires good health. 彼は自信過剰だ。 He is overconfident. He's overconfident. 彼女は一晩中泣いた。 She cried throughout the night. She cried all night. 彼は一喜一憂した。 He fluctuated between hope and despair. He was delighted. 母は喫煙に反対だ。 My mother is against smoking. My mother's against smoking. 君は意志が強い。 You are strong-minded. You're very willing. 電光石火の速さで走った。 I ran like lightning. He ran at the speed of lightning. これは昭和座から舞台中継です。 This is a direct broadcast from the Showa theater. This is a live show from Kyushu. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる。 My patience has come to the breaking point. It's hard to be patient. 彼女は簡単に試験に合格した。 She passed the examination with ease. She passed the exam easily. 私は日本語の教師です。 I'm a Japanese teacher. I'm a Japanese teacher. EC諸国は新たな安全保障条約を検討中です。 The EC countries are working out a new security pact. The EU is considering a new security treaty. 私は犬も猫も両方好きです。 I like both dogs and cats. I like dogs and cats both. 彼は時計を分解した。 He took apart a watch. He broke the clock down. 先生は私が東大に入る可能性について非常に率直だった。 The teacher was quite candid about my chances of entering Tokyo University. He was very frank about the possibility of me entering Eastern University. 彼は外国車を買うために一生懸命働いた。 He worked hard for the purpose of buying a foreign car. He worked hard to buy a foreign car. 最近は車で旅行する人が多い。 Nowadays many people travel by car. Many people travel by car these days. 彼の提案は考慮に値する。 His proposal is worthy to be considered. His proposal deserves consideration. 彼は舞台で演じた。 He acted on the stage. He played it on stage. 彼は人生を全て、金銭の見地から見る。 He sees all life in terms of money. He sees all his life from the perspective of money. 一緒に日本に帰ろう。 Let's return to Japan together. Let's go back to Japan together. 彼は演説の中で自分の過去の経験に言及した。 He referred to his past experience in his speech. In his speech, he referred to his past experience: 彼女は妊娠8か月だ。 She is eight months pregnant. She's eight months pregnant. 梅雨時は雨降りが多くて外出の計画が立てにくい。 It rains so often in the wet season that it's hard to plan outings. It’s hard to plan to leave because it’s raining too much. 背丈は普通でした。 The man was of normal height. His height was normal. 私達は8月20日午前6時に出発します。 We will start at 6 a.m. on August 20. We leave at 6 a.m. on August 20. あの国は近隣諸国との外交関係を絶った。 That country broke off diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries. The country has cut off diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. 彼らは貿易問題についての特別総会を開催した。 They held a special session on trade problems. They held a special meeting on trade issues. 一旦風呂&飯落ち、40分ぐらいして帰還! Break for bath & food, back in about 40 minutes! Once we've had a bath and dinner, we'll be back in about 40 minutes! 野党は所得税減税法案を提出した。 The opposition party put forward a bill to reduce income tax. The opposition has submitted the tax reduction bill. 私は庭で熱心に働く。 I work hard in the garden. I work hard in the garden. 父は禁煙を決意した。 My father decided to quit smoking. My father decided not to smoke. 義務は、許可通知の後、発行料を支払った後、も続く点に留意。 It should be noted that the duty continues after a notice of allowance is mailed and the issue fee is paid. The obligation is to be aware that after a permit notice, you will continue to pay the bill. 彼女は彼の方に視線を向けた。 She cast an eye in his direction. She looked at him. 亡命者は無事国境を越えた。 The refugee crossed the line safely. The refugees crossed the border safely. 私はその商品の予約を解約した。 I canceled my order for the commodities. I canceled the reservation for the product. 頭隠して尻隠さず。 Protect yourself at all points. Don't hide your head. 痘痕も靨。 Love is blind. And pox marks. 我々は急ぐ必要がない。 There is no need for us to hurry. We don't have to hurry. 捕虜を虐殺したのは残忍な行為だ。 The slaughter of the prisoners was a barbarous act. Slaughtering prisoners was brutal. 裁判を中断するのは不可能だ。 Suspending the trial is out of the question. It's impossible to interrupt the trial. 今日の私の収入は2年前の2倍です。 Now my income is twice what it was two years ago. My income today is twice as much as it was two years ago. 彼は既婚者で二人の子持ちだ。 He is married with two children. He's married and has two children. 僕は最近の情勢に疎い。 I know little of the recent situation. I don't know what's going on with me these days. 11時10分前です。 It is ten minutes to eleven. It's 11:10. 私は休暇を利用して東京を訪れた。 I availed myself of a holiday to visit Tokyo. I used my vacation to visit Tokyo. どの学生も自動車運転試験に合格した。 Every student passed the driving test. Every student passed the driving test. 私は事実を友達全員に知らせた。 I made the fact known to all my friends. I let all my friends know the truth. 彼は方向音痴だ。 He has no sense of direction. He's a stammerer. あけるな危険。感電の可能性あり。 Caution: risk of electric shock. Do not open. You can't open it. You can't open it. There's a possibility of electrocution. トムは新人だ。 Tom is new. Tom's a new guy. 近代的な港湾施設がないために、多くの船積み業者が不便を被った。 The lack of modern post facilities caused trouble for many shippers. The lack of modern harbor facilities has caused many ships to suffer inconveniences. 郵便局は図書館の隣にある。 The post office is adjacent to the library. The post office is next to the library. 彼は自分の本を手に取った。 He took his book. He took his book. 山田先生は物理の先生ですか、化学の先生ですか。 Is Mr Yamada a physics or a chemistry teacher? Is Ms. Yamada a physics teacher, a chemistry teacher? 彼は何度も質問して発言者の話の邪魔をした。 He interrupted the speaker with frequent questions. He asked a number of questions and interrupted the conversation. 彼女の親切に感謝する一方負担にも感じる。 I appreciated her kindness, while I feel it burdensome. I'm grateful for her kindness, but I also feel the burden. 彼女は彼の顔を見た。 She looked him in the face. She saw his face. 彼女は商売を成功させた。 She guided her business to success. She made the business a success. 月間報告書を添付します。 Attached is my monthly report. Attach a monthly report. 被告人は死刑を宣告された。 The accused was sentenced to death. The defendant was sentenced to death. 堅い書き物は大嫌いだ。 I utterly despise formal writing! I hate hard writing. トムは出発を日曜に延期した。 Tom put off his departure till Sunday. Tom postponed his departure to Sunday. 海王星は太陽系の8番目の惑星だ。 Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system. Pluto is the eighth planet of our solar system. 英語は私の母国語です。 English is my mother tongue. English is my native language. 父は約10分前に帰宅した。 Father came home about ten minutes ago. My father came home about ten minutes ago. 彼女は近頃太ってきた。 She has put on weight recently. She's getting fat these days. 彼の家を探して一時間以上も歩き回った。 Looking for his house, I walked about for over an hour. I walked for more than an hour looking for his house. 趣味は言語を習う My hobby is learning languages. Hobbies learn language. 来月公開される彼の最新作にご注目ください。 Watch out for his latest movie which comes out next month. Please note his latest work, released next month. 警察は山田の挙動を注視している。 The police were watching Yamada's movements. The police are watching Yamada's behavior. 世界一大きい動物園はドイツのベルリンの動物園だ。 The world's largest zoo is in Berlin, Germany. The largest zoo in the world is a zoo in Berlin, Germany. 彼は世界が生んだ最大の科学者だ。 He is the greatest scientist that the world has ever produced. He is the greatest scientist in the world. 私は水泳が苦手です。 I am poor at swimming. I'm not good at swimming. バルカン山脈はブルガリアの中央を東西に走る山脈。 The Balkan Mountain range runs across Bulgaria from west to east. The Balkans run east and west through Bulgaria. 彼女は有機化学を専攻している。 She majors in organic chemistry. She majors in organic chemistry. 使節団は空路を利用して国境までの最短距離を行った。 The mission took the direct route by air to the boundary. The envoys used the airways to make the shortest distance to the border. 開拓者は多くの危険に出会った。 The pioneers met with many dangers. Pioneers have been in a lot of danger. 科学は非常に綿密な観察に基づいている。 Science is based on very careful observations. Science is based on very detailed observation. キング牧師は首を撃たれ、後方に倒れた。 Rev. King fell backwards, shot in the neck. Mr. King was shot in the head and collapsed in the back. 外国語の習得には根気が必要だ。 Learning a foreign language requires perseverance. Learning a foreign language requires perseverance. 私、菜々です。山内秀樹の娘です。 I'm Nana. I'm Hideki Yamauchi's daughter. I'm Yuzuyama's daughter. デトロイトは自動車産業で有名だ。 Detroit is famous for its car industry. Detroit is famous for its auto industry. 西洋の多くの習慣が日本に根付いてきた。 Many western customs have taken root in Japan. Many Western customs have taken root in Japan. 日本では石炭が石油との価格競争に負けてエネルギー市場を失った。 Petroleum priced coal out of the energy market in Japan. In Japan, coal has lost the energy market by losing the price race with oil. 彼は夕方遅く帰宅した。 He came home late in the evening. He came home late in the evening. 東京は日本の首都です。 Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 祖父は90歳代である。 My grandfather is in his nineties. My grandfather is in his 90s. 星は空高く輝く。 Stars shine above in the sky. Stars shine high in the sky. 湿地帯は生態系において水の浄化、洪水と侵食の防止、野生生物への食料とすみかの提供という重要な役割を演じる。 Wetland habitats serve essential functions in an ecosystem, including acting as water filters, providing flood and erosion control, and furnishing food and homes for fish and wildlife. Wetlands play an important role in ecosystems in purifying water, preventing floods and erosion, and providing food and shelter for wildlife. 夕食は彼女のお手製だった。 She cooked the dinner herself. She made dinner. 君は果物が好きだ。 You like fruit. You like fruit. 彼は海外へ留学した。 He studied abroad. He studied abroad. 今度は私が質問された。 I was asked a question in my turn. Now I was asked. 軍隊はギリシャに上陸した。 The troops landed in Greece. The army landed in Greece. 私は春が一番好きだ。 I like spring the best. I like spring the most. 彼女は10冊も本を書いた。 She wrote as many as ten books. She wrote 10 books. 彼は市長に再選された。 He was elected mayor again. He was re-elected by mayor. 彼は匿名で赤十字に多額のお金を寄付した。 He anonymously donated a large sum of money to the Red Cross. He anonymously donated large sums of money to the Red Cross. 彼は駅で二時間待たされた。 He was made to wait at the station for two hours. He waited two hours at the station. 今日は土曜日で、明日は日曜日です。 Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. It's Saturday, Sunday tomorrow. 彼に小包を送った。 I mailed a parcel to him. I sent him a package. 本格的な休暇は3年ぶりだ。 It's three years since I had a real vacation. It's been three years since I've had a real vacation. 彼の娘婿は完全に病気から回復した。 His son-in-law completely recovered from his illness. His son-in-law recovered completely from illness. 彼は20年前に陸軍を退役した。 He retired from the army 20 years ago. He retired from the Army 20 years ago. 就寝中、寝言が多いのです。 I talk in my sleep very often. I'm in bed and talk a lot. 予約より一日早く発ちます。 I'm going to leave one night early. I'm leaving a day early than booking. 先進7カ国の首脳は2000年、沖縄に集まる。 The leaders of seven industrial democracies will meet in Okinawa in 2000. Heads of seven developed countries flock to Okinawa in 2000. 彼の死は国家的な損失だと思います。 I think his death is a national loss. I think his death is a national loss. 18歳以上の人は車を運転できる。 People above 18 may drive. People over 18 can drive. 彼は五日の午後に到着する。 He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th. He arrives in five afternoons. 私は1950年4月3日に生まれた。 I was born on April 3, 1950. I was born on April 3, 1950. 日本の土地問題には簡単な解決策はない。 There are no easy answers to the land problem in Japan. There is no simple solution to the Japanese land problem. 何日滞在する予定ですか。 How long are you going to stay? How many days are you planning to stay? 給料は君の能力次第だ。 You will be paid according to your ability. Your salary depends on your ability. お土産何買ったの? What kind of souvenirs did you buy? What did you buy for me? これは今年出版された断然最高の小説です。 This is by far the best novel that has been published this year. This is the greatest novel ever published this year. 彼は明るい少年だ。 He is a cheerful boy. He's a bright boy. 少女達は踊りを満喫した。 The girls reveled in dancing. The girls enjoyed the dance. 彼は選挙で大勝した。 He won the election by a large majority. He won a lot in the elections. 私は野獣が恐い。 I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of the beast. その選手は選手権大会で連続して3度優勝した。 The player won the championship three times in a row. The player won three in a row in the championships. 日本語は理解しやすい。 Japanese is easy to understand. Japanese is easy to understand. 私はロンドンに滞在中彼女と友達になった。 I made friends with her during my stay in London. I made friends with her while I was in London. 彼女は金持ちだが彼は貧乏だ。 She is rich but he is poor. She's rich, but he's poor. 旗本の屋敷で、歌留多の会が催された。 A karuta gathering was being held at the hatamoto's estate. A number of concerts were held in the flag book compound. 黒雲が空一面に広がった。 Black clouds spread over the sky. The dark cloud spread across the sky. 鉄は役に立つ金属だ。 Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. 僕の両親はボストン出身です。 My mother and father were both born in Boston. My parents are from Boston. 彼は彼女の言葉に腹を立てた。 What she said made him angry. He was angry at her. 知恵は富に勝る。 Wisdom is better than riches. Wisdom is better than wealth. 私の専攻は農業です。 My major is agriculture. My major is agriculture. 警察は犯人の逃亡を妨げた。 The police balked the criminal's escape. The police prevented the killer from escaping. この付近は駐車禁止です。 You can't park around here. There's no parking around here. 彼女は暗闇の中に姿を消した。 She disappeared in the dark. She disappeared into the dark. 彼らの大部分が高校生だった。 They were for the most part high school students. Most of them were high school students. 我々は彼の死を残念に思う。 We regret his death. We regret his death. 中国では1949年に共産党が政権を取った。 Communists took power in China in 1949. In 1949, the Communist Party took power in China. 飛行機が山に墜落した。 A plane crashed into a mountain. A plane crashed into the mountains. 他言は無用だ。 Keep it quiet. Don't say anything else. 最も広い意味では、意思伝達は、人々の間の考えや感情を伝達するあらゆる形を包括する。 In its broadest sense communication includes all forms of transmitting thoughts or feelings between people. In the most broad sense, communication embraces every form of communication that conveys thoughts and emotions between people. 彼の罪は死刑に値する。 His crime deserves the death penalty. His sins deserve the death penalty. 彼女は彼の求婚に応じた。 She accepted his hand in marriage. She accepted his proposal. 彼女は勇気を持って行動した。 She behaved with a great courage. She acted courageously. 彼は奇怪な体験を詳しく話した。 He recounted his unusual experiences. He elaborated on the strange experiences. 私は彼女に成功を知らせた。 I informed her about the success. I let her know I'm successful. 私達は口で食べる。 We eat with our mouths. We eat with our mouths. 芸術は長く、人生は短い。 Art is long, life is short. Art is long, life is short. 彼女は昨晩大変遅く私に電話をかけてきた。 She called me up very late last night. She called me very late last night. 海外の日本人観光客は大金を使う。 Japanese tourists abroad are big spenders. Japanese tourists abroad spend a lot of money. 私は気分が悪い。 I'm not feeling well. I don't feel well. 彼は交通事故で失明した。 The traffic accident deprived him of his sight. He was blinded in a car accident. 人間も色々な方法で伝達し会う。 Human beings communicate in many ways. Humans can communicate with each other in different ways. 行方不明だった少年は服で身元が確認された。 The identity of the boy who had been missing was verified by the clothes he was wearing. The missing boy was identified in his clothes. 日本では新学期は4月に始まる。 In Japan a new school year starts in April. The new term begins in April in Japan. 今度は私が運転する番よ。 It's my turn to drive next. Now it's my turn to drive. 彼は大金を寄付した。 He kicked in a lot of money. He donated a lot of money. 彼女は婦人解放運動で積極的に活躍した。 She took an active part in the women's lib movement. She actively participated in the Women’s Liberation Movement. 彼女は彼の申し出を拒否した。 She refused his offer. She refused his offer. トムの命が心配だ。 I'm worried about Tom's life. I'm worried about Tom's life. 2年前中絶しました。 I had an abortion two years ago. Two years ago, I had an abortion. 私は母の見舞いに病院へ行った。 I went to the hospital to see my mother. I went to the hospital to visit my mother. 答案を提出せよ。 Hand in your papers. I want you to submit the answer. その国の経済は崩壊寸前だ。 The country's economy is about to collapse. The country's economy is on the verge of collapse. 一生懸命勉強すればよい。 You have only to study hard. Why don't you work hard? 彼は経済上の理由で計画を断念した。 He gave up the plan for economic reasons. He gave up his plan for economic reasons. その機械は自動的に動く。 The machine works by itself. The machine works automatically. 彼女は自分は無実ですと叫んだ。 She cried that she was innocent. She shouted that she was innocent. ギリシア人は昔大競技会を開いていた。 The Greeks used to hold a big athletic meet. The Greeks used to hold big competitions. 彼女は遅刻魔だ。 She tends to be late. She's late. うちの息子は去年身長が5インチ伸びた。 My son grew 5 inches last year. My son grew five inches last year. 絶対! Absolutely! Absolutely! 最後の生理は2か月前です。 My last period was two months ago. My last period is two months ago. 緊急の場合は警察を呼びなさい。 In case of an emergency, call the police. Call the police in case of an emergency. 3日以内に返事します。 I will answer within three days. I'll give you in three days. イラク戦争に費やした4560億ドルは、世界中の子供たちに一年間の無償の教育を提供できる。 The 456 billion dollars spent in the Iraq war could provide one year's free education for every child in the world. The 4.6 billion dollars spent in the Iraq war can provide free education to children around the world. 父は毎朝散歩する。 My father takes a walk every morning. My father walks every morning. 私達は明日ピクニックに行きます。 We will go on a picnic tomorrow. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. 探検隊は南極への出発を延期した。 The expedition has postponed its departure to the Antarctic. The expedition postponed its departure to the South Pole. トムとは長年の友達だ。 I've been friends with Tom for many years. Tom and I have been friends for a long time. 私は午前9時から午後5時まで勤務中です。 I'm on duty from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I work between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 家族全員が病気で寝ていた。 The whole house was ill in bed. The whole family was sick. ジョンは責任を他人に転嫁する。 John casts the blame on others. John turns the blame on others. 彼は字が下手だ。 His handwriting is bad. He's bad at writing. 月曜日は私が一番忙しい日です。 Monday is my busiest day. Monday is my most busy day. 彼は自分を嫌う。 He hates himself. He hates himself. 無罪の人々が死刑の判決を受ける場合もある。 It happens that innocents are sentenced to death. Sometimes innocent people are sentenced to death. 彼は日曜日に部屋を掃除した。 He cleaned his room on Sunday. He cleaned the room on Sunday. 試験は来週の月曜日から始まる。 The examinations will begin on Monday next week. The exam starts next Monday. あの政治家は内外の事情に精通している。 That politician is well versed in internal and external conditions. The politician is well versed in internal affairs. 沿岸地帯には津波警報が出た。 The coast was warned against a tsunami. There was a tsunami alert in the coastal area. 我々は彼の作品と彼女の作品を較べた。 We compared his work with hers. We wrapped up his work and hers. 彼は市民権を奪われた。 He was deprived of his civil rights. He was deprived of his citizenship. 毎年開催中に妙な魔力を感じるんだ。 Every year, during the event, we sense a strange magical force. I have a strange sense of magic during the annual event. 本日定休日。 Today is our regular closing day. Today's regular holiday. ロンドンに滞在中、私は彼に会った。 During my stay in London, I met him. I met him while I was in London. 弁護士は彼の無罪を強く主張した。 The lawyer insisted on his innocence. The lawyer insisted on his innocence. その列車は数分前に無事駅に到着した。 The train arrived safely at the station a few minutes ago. The train arrived safely at the station a few minutes ago. 新聞はその政治家の死を報道した。 The newspaper reported the death of the statesman. The newspaper reported the politician's death. 日本は富士山で有名です。 Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. Japan is famous for Mount Fuji. 明日、私たちの教授は英国に帰るのよ。 Tomorrow our professor is going back to England. Our professor's going back to England tomorrow. 彼らは日本人労働者が不足しているから外国人を雇う。 They employ foreigners because Japanese workers are in short supply. They hire foreigners because there is a shortage of Japanese workers. 彼等は貿易問題について臨時の会合を開いた。 They held a special session on trade problems. They held an emergency meeting on the trade issue. 円山川は城崎を流れている。 The Maruyama river flows through Kinosaki. The Kawasaki River is flowing through Kurosaki. 今は一年で一番暑い季節です。 It's the hottest season of the year now. It's the hottest season of the year. 君はその政策に賛成か反対か。 Are you in favor of that policy or are you opposed to it? You either agree or disagree with that policy. 君の資金は仕事量に応じて支払われる。 You'll be paid according to the amount of work you do. Your funds are paid according to the amount of work you do. 天気は上々だ。 It's a sunny day. The weather is good. 彼は外務大臣に収まった。 He was established as Foreign minister. He's now the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 肥沃な土壌は豊かな作物を産する。 Rich soil yields good crops. The fertile soil produces abundant crops. 少年は息を吹き返した。 The boy came back to life. The boy breathes back. 私たちは彼女の提案に同意した。 We agreed to her suggestions. We agreed with her proposal. 歳月は距離同様二重の魅力を添える。 Age, like distance, lends a double charm. The years add to the double charm, as well as distance. 我々の女の友達は先週小さな町へ旅行しました。 A female friend of ours took a trip to a small village last week. Our girl friend traveled to a small town last week. 平均で一週間に一回は映画に行きます。 On the average, I go to the movies once a week. On average, I go to a movie once a week. 彼の現在の助手は野上さんです。 His present assistant is Miss Nokami. His current assistant is Ono-san. 私の妹は昨日神戸に行った。 Yesterday my sister went to Kobe. My sister went to Shinto yesterday. 私は面目を失った。 I lost face. I lost face. 彼は自分の目的を全て達成した。 He carried out all his aims. He did everything he wanted. 私は当地は不案内です。 I am a stranger here. I'm out of sight here. 彼女は犬を怖がる。 She's afraid of dogs. She's scared of dogs. 小さな親切大きな成果。 A little kindness goes a long way. Small, kind, big results. 彼は子供の教育に非常に骨を折った。 He took great pains in educating his children. He was very hard on his child's education. 毎週土曜日の放課後に私たちはテニスをした。 We played tennis after school every Saturday. Every Saturday after school, we played tennis. 一番近い旅行代理店はどこですか? Where is the closest travel agency? Where's the nearest travel agency? 長官は彼に全権を委任した。 The governor invested him with full authority. The Secretary has delegated him full authority. 彼は答案を提出した。 He handed in his paper. He submitted the answer. 彼は歯医者に行った。 He went to the dentist. He went to the dentist. 大気は生物が反応する環境の主要な部分を構成しており、大きいな天然資源の持つ特徴を高度に備えている。 The atmosphere forms a major part of the environment to which life responds. The atmosphere is a major part of the environment in which living things respond, and it is highly prepared for the characteristics of large natural resources. 犯人を弁護してた弁護士が実は真犯人だったなんて、前代未聞だ。 It's totally without precedent for the suspect's attorney to be the true culprit. It’s unprecedented that the lawyer who was defending the killer was actually the real killer. 生徒達の何人かは図書館にいます。他は全員教室にいます。 Some of the students are in the library, but the others are in the classroom. They're in the library. They're all in the classroom. 彼女は不機嫌だった。 She was in a bad temper. She was upset. そのアメリカ映画は大成功を収めた。 That American movie was a great success. The American film was a big success. 彼の話し方は有名な作家の注意をひいた。 The way he spoke attracted the attention of a famous writer. His speech attracted the attention of a famous writer. 待合室に5人の患者がいる。 There are five patients in the waiting room. There are five patients in the waiting room. 彼は身分相応な生活をしている。 He lives within his means. He's living a decent life. 車の排気ガスは都市の深刻な汚染を引き起こしている。 Car exhaust causes serious pollution in towns. Car exhaust is causing serious pollution in the city. 彼は光の速度を計算した。 He calculated the speed of light. He calculated the speed of light. 中国人の友達は何人いますか? How many Chinese friends do you have? How many Chinese friends do you have? 本は現在誰の手にも入る。 Books are now within the reach of everybody. The book is now in everyone's hands. 彼女は家政学の一部として衛生学を学んでいる。 She studies hygiene as part of her domestic science course. She studies hygiene as part of family politics. 彼は四人の警官によって深夜拉致された。 He was spirited away by four police officers in the middle of the night. He was abducted at night by four cops. 彼女も一人前の女になった。 She has grown up to be a woman. She became a woman. 健康は幸福を増進する。 Good health is conducive to happiness. Health increases happiness. 斬新な意見だね。 That's an original idea. That's a new opinion. フランス語は彼女の母語だ。 French is her first language. French is her mother tongue. 彼の息子は恐怖で震えた。 His son trembled with fear. His son trembled with fear. 公式問題集には"受け身の現在進行形"と説明されています。 In the official question collection it is explained as being "passive voice of the present continuous tense". The official problem group described it as "the current process of acceptance." 彼は模型飛行機を作るのが好きだ。 He likes to build model planes. He likes to make models. 彼は彼女より三歳年上です。 He is older than she is by three years. He's three years older than her. 昨日の晩、第二次世界大戦についてのとても興味深い映画を見ました。 Last night I saw a very interesting movie about World War II. Last night, I saw an interesting movie about World War II. 俺には無理だ。 I can't do it. I can't do this. 同社の経営陣は組合に5%の賃上げを提示した。 The management of a company offered a 5% pay increase to the union. The company’s management offered the union an increase of 5%. 今日の夜予定ある? Do you have plans tonight? Do you have a night for today? 弁護人は裁判官に被告人たちの年齢を考慮するように求めた。 The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused. The lawyer asked the judge to consider the age of the defendants. 谷は滝の音を反響する。 The valley echoes the sound of the waterfall. The valley reflects the sound of the waterfall. 彼は重傷を負った。 He was badly wounded. He was seriously injured. 10年前に協和銀行と埼玉銀行は合併してあさひ銀行になった。 Kyowa Bank and Saitama Bank merged into Asahi Bank ten years ago. Ten years ago, the Cooperative Bank and the Shizuoka Bank became a consolidated bank. 早寝早起きは人を健康に裕福にそして賢明にする。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Fast sleep makes people healthier and wiser. 費用を全部一緒にしよう。 We will lump together all expenses. Let's get all the expenses together. 彼女は友達の安否を尋ねた。 She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend's whereabouts. 私は背が高い。 I'm tall. I'm tall. 人間は罪深い者です。 Man is sinful. Human beings are criminals. その牧師は今週3組の結婚式を行った。 The clergyman has married three couples this week. The pastor had three weddings this week. 雨で我々の計画が2週間遅れた。 The rain set our plans back two weeks. Our plan was delayed in the rain for two weeks. 皆満足だった。 Everyone was satisfied. Everyone was happy. 彼は自力で出世した。 He has made his way in life. He came out on his own. 日本の主要作物は米である。 The main crop of Japan is rice. Japan’s main crop is rice. 彼は疑いもなく世界で最も成功した映画監督だ。 He is without doubt the most successful movie director in the world. He is undoubtedly the world's most successful filmmaker. その警官は彼を飲酒運転で逮捕した。 The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. The policeman arrested him for drinking and driving. 彼は握手を求めた。 He held out his hand. He wanted to shake his hand. 彼の言動には嫌気が差す。 His behavior makes me sick. I don't like what he says. 私は新聞を粉々に引き裂いた。 I tore the paper into pieces. I ripped the paper to pieces. 擬声語的表現については、ホピ語に興味深い例がある。 There are interesting examples in the Hopi language concerning onomatopoetic expressions. An interesting example is the Hopi language. 健康は幸福の1つの必要条件である。 Health is a necessary condition for happiness. Health is a requirement for happiness. この政策の結果、物価が大幅に上昇した。 Prices rose drastically as a result of this policy. As a result of this policy, prices have increased dramatically. 日頃のご愛顧に厚く御礼申し上げます。 We really thank you for your patronage. Thank you very much for your hospitality. 彼はある種彼女の下僕だな。 He's some kind of manservant for her. He's a servant of her kind. 彼女は知能の程度が高い。 She has a high grade of intelligence. She's very intelligent. 彼の行動は非難の余地が無い。 His behavior allows of no criticism. I can't blame him for what he's doing. 興奮は極点に達した。 The excitement reached its peak. The excitement reached the point. 彼は行動家だ。 He is a man of action. He's a do-er. ゲーム機の国内市場は飽和状態で、大きなヒットは期待できない。 Being that the domestic game market is saturated, one can't hope for a big hit. The game's domestic market is saturated, and no big hit can be expected. 我々の利害は彼らの利害と衝突する。 Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests clash with their interests. 警察官は私が交通規則を無視したと責めた。 The policeman blamed me for ignoring traffic rules. The police accused me of ignoring traffic rules. 旅行に行こう。 Let's take a trip. Let's go on a trip. 漫画と日本の映画産業の関係は、ベストセラーとハリウッドの関係に似ている。 Manga are to the Japanese film industry what bestsellers are to Hollywood. The relationship between comic books and Japanese film industry is similar to the relationship between best sellers and Hollywood. 状況は我々の冷静な判断を必要とする。 The situation calls for our cool judgement. The situation requires our sober judgment. 私達は困難な立場にある。 We are in a difficult situation. We're in a difficult position. 料金は、税別で一泊100ドルです。 It costs $100 a night not counting tax. The price is $100 a night for tax purposes. 外国からの経営陣は製造工場を見学した。 The foreign executives visited the manufacturing plant. Foreign administrations studied manufacturing factories. 一生懸命働く事で夢を実現できる。 You can make your dream come true by working hard. You can make your dreams come true by working hard. 子供の頃、毎日友達と遊んでいた。 When I was a child, I played with my friends every day. I used to play with my friends every day when I was a kid. 宿題を終えた後で私は寝た。 After I had done my homework, I went to bed. After I finished my homework, I went to bed. 毎週釣りに行く。 Every week he goes fishing. I'm going fishing every week. この健康状態、原因は何なんだ? What is the cause of my condition? What's causing this state of health? 日曜は人々が教会に行く日である。 Sunday is the day when people go to church. Sunday is the day people go to church. 今朝は空気が多少冷たい。 The air feels somewhat cold this morning. The air is a little cold this morning. 私は昨夜テレビで野球の試合を見て2時間を過ごした。 I spent two hours watching a baseball game on TV last night. I spent two hours watching a baseball game last night. 彼女はアメリカ留学を決意した。 She has made up her mind to go to the States to study. She decided to stay in the United States. 貴社の最寄り駅を教えて下さい。 Please tell me the closest station to your office. Tell me your best stop. 彼の返事は事実上は拒絶だった。 His reply was in effect a refusal. His reply was, in effect, rejected. 私は彼の小説を読めば必ず深く感動する。 I never read his novels without being deeply moved. I'm sure if I read his novel, I'll be deeply moved. 出席者の中に市長もいた。 Among those present was the Mayor. Among those present was the mayor. 銀行強盗たちは四方八方に散らばった。 The bank robbers dispersed in all directions. Bank robbers scattered in all directions. 彼は昨日ロンドンに着いた。 He got to London yesterday. He arrived in London yesterday. 君の仕事は平均以下だ。 Your work is below average. Your job is below average. 飛行機の到着は10時の予定です。 The airplane is to arrive at ten o'clock. The plane's scheduled to arrive at 10:00. 要点を学生に十分理解させた。 I brought the point home to the student. I've given the students a good understanding of the point. 家内は医師です。 My wife is a doctor. My wife is a doctor. この高速度道路は東京と名古屋を結んでいる。 This expressway connects Tokyo with Nagoya. This high-speed road connects Tokyo with a classic. 私達は自分を守る方法を子供達に教えるべきだ。 We should tell children how to protect themselves. We should teach our children how to protect ourselves. 少年時代に川端康成は彼の祖父の面倒を見た。 In his boyhood, Yasunari Kawabata took care of his grandfather. When he was a boy, he took care of his grandfather. ロンドンに滞在中、彼は大英博物館を訪れた。 While in London, he visited the British Museum. During his stay in London, he visited the British Museum. 私は自分の仕事に興味を失った。 I lost interest in my work. I lost interest in my work. 新聞は世論を反映する。 The newspaper reflects public opinion. Newspapers reflect public opinion. 彼女の才能に関しては疑問の余地が無い。 There is no question as to her talent. There's no question about her talents. 水を一杯下さい。 Please give me a glass of water. A glass of water, please. 放射能が原子力発電所から漏れた。 The radioactivity leaked out of the nuclear power plant. Radioactive leaks from nuclear power plants. 妹はもう、本を上手に読む事が出来る。 My little sister can read books well now. My sister's already been able to read well. 生じた利息は貯金口座に入金されます。 Accrued interest will be paid into your account. The interest that happens is deposited into the savings account. トムは出発を日曜に延期した。 Tom postponed his departure till Sunday. Tom postponed his departure to Sunday. 中松は自分の頓馬な質問に苦笑いしました。 Nakamatsu smiled bitterly at his own stupid question. Nakamama laughed at her careless question. 強烈な暑さだ。 The heat is intense. It's hot. 私は自分の自転車を弟に直させた。 I had my bicycle fixed by my brother. I had my brother fix his bike. 私たちは余分に10ドル必要だ。 We'll need an extra ten dollars. We need $10 extra. この車は日本製だ。 This car was made in Japan. This car is made in Japan. 天気予報では明日は晴れです。 The weather forecast says it will be fine tomorrow. The weather report says it's clear tomorrow. 彼は私の理想の人よ。 He's my Mr. Right. He's my ideal man. 彼らは一時間前に町を去った。 They left the town an hour ago. They left town an hour ago. 弾丸は彼の胸部を貫通した。 The bullet penetrated his chest. The bullet went through his chest. 私は子供の頃毎日曜日に教会にいきました。 I went to church every Sunday when I was a boy. I went to church every day as a child. その百科事典の改訂版が出版された。 A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published. A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published. 私は衣類は普通地元の店で買います。 I usually buy clothing at a local store. I usually buy clothes at local stores. 音楽会は国歌で幕となった。 The concert concluded with the national anthem. The concert was in the country's anthem. 今日部屋の掃除をした? Did you clean your room today? Did you clean the room today? 朝、ボブは朝食を作る。 Bob cooks breakfast in the morning. Bob's making breakfast in the morning. 私達は正午に弁当を食べた。 We took lunch at noon. We ate lunch at noon. 地域住民の意見を調査する必要がある。 We need to make a survey of local opinion. We need to investigate the opinions of local residents. 彼は昨年転校した。 He changed schools last year. He moved to school last year. 正直は結局割に合うものだ。 Honesty will pay in the long run. Honesty is worth it in the end. 第二次世界大戦は1945年に終結した。 World War Two ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. 新聞は息子の死を知った母親の苦悩を伝えた。 The newspaper told of the mother's anguish at the death of her son. The newspaper reported on her mother's anguish when she learned of her son's death. 突然幽霊は消えた。 The ghost vanished suddenly. All of a sudden, the ghost is gone. 地下鉄は、市街電車よりはやい。 The subway is faster than the streetcar. The subway is better than the city train. 彼の成功には明確な見通しが非常に役立った。 Clear foresight contributed greatly to his success. His success had been very useful to him. 長髪は今や流行遅れだ。 Long hair is out of fashion now. Long hair is now out of fashion. 彼女の当選は確実だ。 Her election is in the bag. I'm sure she won. 布に応じて衣服を裁て。 Cut your coat according to your cloth. Put your clothes on according to the cloth. 我々はその国の新政府との友好関係を樹立した。 We have established friendly relations with the new government of that country. We have established a friendship with the new government in that country. 彼女は犬を怖がる。 She is afraid of dogs. She's scared of dogs. 私は彼女の沈黙は拒絶と解釈した。 I interpreted her silence as a refusal. I interpreted her silence as denial. 今日は少し体調が悪い。 I feel a little bad today. I'm a little sick today. 彼は警察に嘘の名前と住所を知らせた。 He gave the police a false name and address. He gave the police a false name and address. 電車は正午到着予定です。 The train is due to arrive at noon. The train is scheduled to arrive at noon. ジムは職権乱用で免職になった。 Jim got dismissed for his misconduct in office. Jim lost his job because of abuse of power. 彼は昨年遺書を書いた。 He made a will last year. He wrote his will last year. 前列の席の料金は5ドルです。 The charge for a front row seats is 5 dollars. The front seats are $5. 私は登校途中彼女にあった。 I met her along the way to school. I found her on the way to school. 従業員達は辛い仕事の苦労を共にしている。 The employees share the burden of toil. The workers are struggling with their hard work. 必要なら分解して。 Take it apart if necessary. Break it down if you need to. 圧政的な政府はしばしば政敵を投獄する。 Tyrannical governments frequently put their political opponents in prison. Oppressive governments often put political enemies in jail. 私は彼のただ一人の友人だ。 He has no friends besides me. I'm his only friend. 夏の間、私たちは田舎で生活する。 We live in the country during the summer. During the summer, we live in the countryside. 学校は新しい英語教授法を採用した。 The school adopted the new method of teaching English. The school adopted a new English professor's law. 中国のGDP統計はオオカミ少年か。 Are the Chinese GDP figures a case of the boy crying wolf? Chinese GDP statistics are wolf boys. 私は遺産を病院に贈ろう。 I shall will my money to a hospital. I'll give you your legacy to the hospital. 今夜電話します。 I'll call you tonight. I'll call you tonight. 彼は私の給料の3倍稼ぐ。 He earns three times as much as I. He makes three times my salary. 我々の便が運行中止となった。 Our flight was canceled. Our flight has been suspended. 地震の後、この辺りは物騒だ。 After the earthquake the neighbourhood felt insecure. After the earthquake, there's a lot of noise around here. 彼は賞金を銀行に預金した。 He deposited the prize money in the bank. He deposited the bounty in the bank. 我々は今危険な状態にはない。 We're in no danger now. We're not in danger right now. 無知は幸福。 Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is happiness. デネットの著作の中心的主張は、端的に言えば、内的精神状態の存在を否定するということである。 The main point of Dennett's book, in short, is to deny the existence of inner mental states. Dennett’s central claim is to deny the existence of an internal state of mind. 彼は現代文学を研究しています。 He studies contemporary literature. He's studying modern literature. ある冬の日、彼女と出会った。 I met her in the winter. I met her one winter day. 彼は毎朝電気カミソリで顔をそる。 He shaves with an electric razor every morning. He turns his face off with an electric razor every morning. 彼女は自分の外国語の力を利用できる仕事を探している。 She is looking for a job where she can make use of her foreign language ability. She's looking for a job that can use her foreign powers. 当地では外食は非常に高くつく。 The cost of eating out is quite high here. Eating out here is very expensive. 我々の列車は時速200キロで走った。 Our train went at 200 kilometers an hour. Our train ran 200 kilometers an hour. 彼女は17歳の時に結婚した。 She got married at the age of seventeen. She got married when she was 17. 彼女は数日間そのホテルに滞在した。 She stayed at the hotel for several days. She stayed in that hotel for a few days. 彼女は10年前の彼女でない。 She is not what she was ten years ago. She wasn't her ten years ago. 私は 12(十二) 歳です。 I am twelve years old. I'm 12 years old. 私は車の運転方法を知らない。 I do not know how to drive a car. I don't know how to drive. 時刻表が改正された。 The timetable has been revised. The timetable was changed. 近頃は旅行は楽だ。 Traveling is easy these days. It's easy to travel these days. 私は気分が悪い。 I'm feeling sick. I don't feel well. お名前は? May I have your name? What's your name? 事故は日曜日3時ごろに起こった。 The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. The accident happened around 3:00 a.m. Sunday. この本は日本語以外の言葉を母語とする学生用です。 This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese. This book is for students who speak a language other than Japanese. 彼女は非常に研究熱心だった。 She was quite eager in her studies. She was very keen on research. 彼は抜き足差し足で部屋に入った。 He tiptoed into the room. He went into the room on foot. 彼は自分の身辺を整理した。 He put his affairs in order. He organized his affairs. 彼女の歌声はとても表現力豊かだ。 She has an extremely expressive singing voice. Her voice is very descriptive. 急げ! Hurry up. Hurry! 私は彼に主張した。 I suggested to him. I insisted on him. 彼らを見送る必要は無い。 There's no need to see them off. You don't have to let them go. 人生は全て活動の連続である。 All life is a series of activities. All life is a series of activities. 彼は彼女との婚約を公表した。 He announced his engagement to her. He announced his engagement with her. その夜我々は大エビに舌鼓を打った。 We banqueted on lobster that night. That night we hit the shrimp with our tongue. 学校に遅刻するな。 Don't be late for school. Don't be late for school. 事態は急変した。 There was a sudden change in the situation. Things have changed suddenly. 私は公園に行く。 I'll go to the park. I'm going to the park. 列車は加速した。 The train gathered speed. The train accelerated. その墜落事故で400人もの乗客が死亡した。 As many as 400 passengers were killed in the crash. The crash killed 400 passengers. 彼女は図書館に本を返した。 She returned a book to the library. She returned the book to the library. 君の名前を大文字で書きなさい。 Write your name in capitals. Write your name in upper case. 注意深い運転は事故を防ぐ。 Careful driving prevents accidents. Careful driving prevents accidents. 彼は、東京に向けて出発した。 He set out for Tokyo. He left for Tokyo. 彼女は自分の仕事を完全に理解している。 She has a thorough grasp of her work. She fully understands her work. 彼の借金の合計は1000ドル以上になる。 His debts amount to over $1000. So let's say that he's going to owe $1,000. 保証は一年間です。 We guarantee our products for one year. It's a year of assurance. この講座では応急手当の基本的な技能を教えます。 This course teaches basic skills in First Aid. In this course, I'll teach you the basic skills of first aid. 彼の職業は医師だ。 He is a doctor by profession. He's a doctor. 今日は暑い。 It is hot today. It's hot today. 凡そ人間に限らず、あらゆる動物は、異性に対つて、意識的無意識的に、「性的示威」を行ふものである。 As a rule, not only in humans, but also in animals, "sexual display" occurs, consciously or unconsciously, towards individuals of the opposite sex. Not only to humans, but to all animals, it is an act of “sexual expression” in relation to each other, unconsciously and unconsciously. 彼女は健康食品に関心を持っている。 She is concerned with health foods. She's interested in health food. 彼女は彼と絶交した。 She has broken with him. She broke up with him. 母方の祖父は明日還暦を迎える。 My grandfather on my mother's side is celebrating his 60th birthday tomorrow. My mother's grandfather will have the lunar calendar tomorrow. 戦闘後、平和維持軍が平穏を取り戻すために活動しました。 Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle. After the fighting, the peacekeepers worked to restore peace. トムの仕事は中古車の販売です。 Tom's work is selling second-hand cars. Tom's job is to sell used cars. 私の運転免許証は来週、期限が切れる。 My driver's license will expire next week. My driver's license expires next week. 彼は明日東京へ出発します。 He's leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. He's leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. 彼らは夫婦になった。 They became man and wife. They became husband and wife. 彼の娘は動作がきびきびしている。 His daughter is quick in her movements. His daughter is very active. 彼は私をまるで他人行儀に扱う。 He treats me as if I were a stranger. He treats me like a stranger. 君が僕の立場だったら、どうしたか考えてほしい。 I would like you to think about what you would have done in my place. I want you to think about what's going on if you're in my position. この人形はマリリン・モンローのつもりらしいが、実物ほどよくないと思う。 This figure is supposed to represent Marilyn Monroe, but I don't think it does her justice. The doll's supposed to be Marilyn Monroe, but it's not as good as the real thing. 彼のお兄さんは先月亡くなった。 His brother passed away last month. His brother died last month. 彼はそれをしたが、さらに驚いたことには、1人でそれをやった。 He did it, and what was more surprising, he did it by himself. He did it, but even more surprised, he did it alone. それらの手紙を忘れずに投かんして下さい。 Please remember to mail the letters. Don't forget to write those letters. ふふ・・・いわくがあるのさ、あそこには。 He-heh... there's a tale behind that, for that place. There's a lot of people out there. あす晴れれば海に行きます。 I will go to the sea if it is fine tomorrow. We'll be at the beach tomorrow. とにかく義務だけ果たした。 At any rate, I did my duty. I just did what I had to do. 背が高くないことは不利ではない。 Not being tall isn't a disadvantage. It's not a disadvantage to be tall. 私たちは映画に行くところです。 We're going to the movies. We're going to the movies. このことが彼女に疑念を持たせた。 This aroused her suspicion. This has caused her to be suspicious. 何歳で結婚したい? At what age do you want to get married? How old do you want to be married? 我々は自らの文化を次の世代に伝えていかなくてはならない。 We have to transmit our culture to the next generation. We have to share our culture with the next generation. 急げば急ぐほど物事はうまくいかない。 More haste, less speed. The faster you hurry, the harder things don't work. 佐藤さんは英語をじょうずに話す。 Mr. Sato speaks English well. Sato-san speaks English well. 彼の歯は煙草の吸いすぎで黄色くなっている。 His teeth are yellow from smoking too much. His teeth are yellow because he smokes too much. まだ未婚です。 I'm unmarried. I'm not married yet. 彼らは8時から10時まで話していた。 They were talking from 8 to 10 o'clock. They were talking between 8:00 and 10:00. これは実質的にはそれよりも高くはない。 This is in effect less expensive than that. This isn't really much higher than that. どうあろうとも、私がまちがっております。 However that may be, I am wrong. Whatever it is, I'm wrong. 変化が欲しいんだ。1つ場所にいるのがいやなんだ。 They like variety; they don't like to stay in just one place. I don't want to be in one place. 新しい事務所にお出でいただけますよう、お待ちしております。 We are looking forward to your visit to our new office. I'm waiting for you to come to my new office. 私は病院まで自分で運転せねばならなかった。 I had to drive myself to the hospital. I had to drive myself to the hospital. 申告ものはありません。 I have nothing to declare. I don't have anything to declare. 私はそれを一人でやらなければいけない。 I have to do it by myself. I have to do it alone. そこに着くまで、彼女はまた楽しい気分になっているだろう。 By the time she gets there, she will be happy again. Until she gets there, she will be happy again. 私は夜更かしするのに慣れています。 I am accustomed to staying up late. I'm used to late. 彼が着いたらすぐにこの伝言を伝えてくれ。 Give him this message as soon as he arrives. Give me this message as soon as he gets here. 彼はあまりにも性格が攻撃的で、人に避けられている。 He is so aggressive that others avoid him. He is too aggressive of character and is being avoided by others. このスープはポテポテしてますね。 The soup is thick. This soup is important. トムはメアリーに何も買わなかった。 Tom didn't buy anything for Mary. Tom didn't buy Mary anything. 今日雨が降りますか。 Is it going to rain today? Is it raining today? 明日までいてくださると嬉しいのですが。 I should be grateful if you would stay until tomorrow. I'm glad you're here by tomorrow. 彼は都会の生活にあこがれた。 He'd love to live in the city. He found life in the city. もう少し小さいのはありますか。 Do you have one that is a little smaller? Is there a little bit less? うちの庭ではバラが咲いている。 The roses are in bloom in our garden. There are roses in our garden. ジム・ロビンソンとはいつからの知り合いですか。 How long have you known Jim Robinson? How long have you known Jim Robinson? 何事が起ころうとも。 Whatever may happen. No matter what happens. ウスターソースがいいんじゃない? How about adding some Worcestershire sauce? I thought you said wester sauce would be nice. 彼は眼鏡をかけて読み始めた。 He put on his glasses and began to read. He started reading with glasses. それを着てみてもいいですか。 May I try it on? Do you mind if I wear it? 笛が鳴るとレースが始まります。 When the whistle blows, the race will start. When the whistle rings, the race begins. 人はお互いに家の詮索するのが大好きだ。 People love to check out each other's houses. People love to spy on each other at home. 日本製の時計を持っていますが、とても時間が正確です。 I have a watch of Japanese make, which keeps very good time. I have a watch made in Japan, but the time is very accurate. 彼は私たちの申し出を断った。 He rejected our offer. He turned down our offer. まもなく飛行機で直接ニューヨークへ行くことができるようになるだろう。 It will soon be possible for us to go direct to New York by air. Soon we will be able to fly directly to New York. 彼女と付き合うきっかけになったのは、なんとなくフィーリングが合ったからだ。 I got together with her mainly because we seemed to share the same feelings about things. The thing that motivated me to go out with her was that I somehow got in touch with her. 法廷は彼のその殺人容疑について無罪とした。 The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder. The court found him guilty of the murder. 彼は何でもお金に換算してしまう。 He thinks of everything in terms of money. He's going to turn everything into money. 「刀の投擲の練習?」「すっぽ抜けただけです」 "Practising sword throwing?" "It just slipped out of my hands." (Laughter) 私たちはその少年のデッサンのすばらしさに驚嘆した。 We were amazed at the excellence of the boy's drawings. We were amazed at the boy’s beauty. 私たちは18世紀の衣装を着てそのパーティーに行きます。 We're going to the party in eighteenth century costumes. We're going to that party in 18th century costume. そんな大切なことを忘れるとは、君はずいぶん不注意だね。 How careless you are to forget such an important thing! You're too careless to forget such an important thing. あなたはあの本が欲しくないようだった。 You didn't seem to want that book. You didn't want that book. 彼は隣に住んでいますが、私は彼をよく知らないんです。 He is my neighbor, but I don't know him well. He lives next door, but I don't know him very well. これでやっかいなことがまた増える。 This adds to our troubles. That's a lot more complicated than that. 「よくなるにはこの薬全部飲まないとね」看護師は言った。 "You have to take all this medicine to get better," said the nurse. “You don’t take all the pills to get better,” the nurse said. 彼女はスキーが上手い。 She is great at skiing. She's a good skier. 彼はその真相を誰にも知らせなかった。 He did not repeat the truth to anyone. He didn't tell anyone the truth about it. 興奮する事と怒る事は決して同じではない。 Getting excited is not at all the same as getting angry. Excitement and anger are never the same. 結局なにも起こらなかった。 Nothing happened after all. Nothing happened after all. この歌は多くの人々に愛されています。 This song is liked by many people. This song is loved by a lot of people. 日曜日でも、働きます。 I work even on Sunday. I'll work on Sunday. オーストラリアの人口は日本の人口よりずっと少ない。 The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan. Australia has a smaller population than Japan. 私はもう子供ではありません。 I'm not a child anymore. I'm not a child anymore. 彼はお金をいくら持っていますか。 How much money does he possess? How much money does he have? 事故はとかく起こりがちなもの。 Accidents will happen. Accidents happen often. 彼女は注意が足りなかったから、試験にはとうてい合格できない。 Careless as she was, she could never pass an examination. She was too careful to pass the exam. ドアに鍵をかけ忘れるなんて不注意でした。 It was careless of me to forget to lock the door. I didn't care to lock the door. その強盗は罰せられることを免れた。 The robber escaped being punished. The robber was spared the punishment. この事と私は全く関係がない。 I have nothing to do with this matter. This has nothing to do with me. トムはまだ意識が戻っていません。 Tom hasn't regained consciousness yet. Tom's not conscious yet. 僕は君の友達じゃない。 I am not your friend. I'm not your friend. 私は親から経済的に独立している。 I'm economically independent of my parents. I am economically independent of my parents. 名案が心に浮かんだ。 A great idea presented itself in my mind. I had a good idea. 彼は朝から晩まで働いた。 He worked from morning till night. He worked from morning till night. 後ろの方に座ってもいいですか? May I sit in the back? May I sit in the back? 私は本を購入したい。 I want to buy a book. I want to buy a book. 彼はオレンジが好きではない。 He doesn't like oranges. He doesn't like oranges. あなたがたの近所の人たちをできるだけ助けてあげるようにしましょう。 You should do all you can to help your neighbors. Let's help your neighbors as much as possible. コートを着たほうがいい。 You should wear a coat. You should wear a coat. 南諸島のコミュニティの中にはまったくの正反対の血縁関係のパターンが観察されるであろう。 A diametrically opposed kinship pattern is to be observed among certain South Sea Island communities. In the South Islands communities, you will see a completely opposite pattern of relationship. パットは服を脱ぎ捨てて、水の中に飛び込んだ。 Pat stripped off his clothes and dived in. Pat took off his clothes and jumped into the water. 私にも同じものをください。 Give me the same, please. Give me the same thing. それは日本ではありきたりの出来事だ。 That is the common occurrence in Japan. It’s a common thing in Japan. 私たちがちょうどその門にたどり着いた時、雨が激しく降り出した。 It began to rain heavily just as we got to the gate. When we arrived at that gate, the rain came down violently. 彼女の母ははたらき続けるでしょう。 Her mother will continue to work. Her mother will keep moaning. 彼の才能はその仕事にうってつけだ。 His skill qualifies him for the job. His talent is good at his job. この日曜日にすき焼きパーティーをする事になっている。 We're having a sukiyaki party this Sunday. I'm supposed to have a karaoke party this Sunday. 興奮している女の子がかわいく見える事もある。 Excited girls look pretty sometimes. Sometimes it looks like a girl is excited. 私はまだ彼女からのたよりがない。 I have not heard from her yet. I'm not even from her yet. 私は来週友達を訪ねたいと思います。 I'm thinking about visiting my friend next year. I'd like to visit a friend next week. 信じるとこよ。 I almost believe you. I believe you. そこへ行くつもりだ。 I intend to go there. I'm going there. そのことについてどう思っているか本当のことを言ってください。 Tell me truly what you think about it. Tell me the truth about what you think about it. 彼があなたのことで怒るのも無理ないね。 He has every reason for getting angry with you. No wonder he's mad at you. 絶対に負けられない戦いという場面をしばしば人は経験する。 People have time upon time faced 'a war that must not be lost'. People often experience a battle that they will never lose. 子供は外で遊ぶのが好きだ。 Children like playing outside. Kids like to play outside. 僕は弟と一緒の部屋で暮らしています。 I share an apartment with my brother. I live in a room with my brother. 彼はたった今出発したところだ。 He left just now. He just left. やあ!元気? Hi, how are you? How are you? 僕はそこへ行くつもりだった。 I had intended to go there. I was gonna go there. おまえを捕縛する。 You are under arrest. I'll take you into custody. トムは全速力で走った。 Tom ran as fast as he was able to. Tom ran as fast as he could. ここにいて彼を待って下さい。 Stay here and wait for him, please. Stay here and wait for him. 本当の女性には曲線がある。 Real women have curves. There's a curve for a real woman. 彼にビールを一杯注いであげてください。 Please pour him a glass of beer. Give him a glass of beer. あなたの友達は何時に帰宅しましたか。 What time did your friend go home? What time did your friend get home? 私は忙しいのでお手伝い出来ません。 I can't help you because I am busy. I can't help you because I'm busy. 新しく小犬を飼いました。生後3ヶ月です。 We have a new puppy. He is about 12 weeks old. It's been three months since I was born. 嬉しいことに、彼女は入試に合格した。 To her joy, she passed the entrance examination. Happily, she passed the test. 努力が私に幸運をもたらした。 My efforts have brought me good luck. My efforts have brought me luck. 彼は非常に年をとっているが元気だ。 He is active although he is very old. He's very old, but he's fine. 和服を着て椅子に腰をかけると、何となく心細い。裾から風がはいるような気がする。 I feel somewhat uneasy when I sit on a chair with Japanese clothes. I feel like the wind is blowing in from the cuff of my trousers. When you sit in a chair in a Japanese dress, you are somehow weak, and you feel like a wind coming from the top. 彼の双子の妹たちを区別することができない。 I can't tell his twin sisters apart. We can't distinguish his twin sisters. お前には期待しているんだぞ。 I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. 支払いにカードは使えますか? May I use a credit card? Can you use a card to pay for it? あんなに朝早くから来なくてもよかったのに。 You need not have come so early in the morning. You didn't have to come that early in the morning. 彼は女に好かれなかった。 Women didn't care for him. He didn't like women. 他のシャツが全部洗濯中なので、彼には一枚しかシャツがない。 He's only got one shirt because all the rest are being washed. Since all the other shirts are in the laundry, he has only one shirt. これは今までに見た中でもっとも美しい光景だ。 This is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful scene I've ever seen. 彼女はいつも私に電話をかけてばかりいた。 She was always telephoning me. She kept calling me. 邦夫は自分の下品なテーブルマナーをあらためようとしなかったので、我々はがまんしなければならなかった。 We had to put up with Kunio's poor table manners because he refused to change. We had to take care of him because he didn't try to hit his dirty table manners. 彼は何と言ってよいのやらわからなかった。 He did not know what to say. He didn't know what to say. トムは椅子の背にもたれていた。 Tom leaned back in his chair. Tom was on the back of the chair. 私はその本が簡単だとわかった。 I found the book easy. I found that book easy. 私は君がそうすることは必要だと思う。 I think it necessary that you should do so. I think you need to do that. 私は1年以上もダイエットしています。 I've been on a diet for more than a year. I've been dieting for over a year. プエルトリコの位置を地図の上に示しなさい。 Locate Puerto Rico on a map. Show Puerto Rico on the map. 運よ!月のようにひたひたと変わって、大きくなって、そしてまた枯れる。 Oh luck! Like the moon, you steadily change, you always grow and then wither again. You're lucky! You're like a moon, you're like a moon, you're like a moon, you're bigger and you're gonna die again! 私の娘は新しい学校に慣れるのがたやすいとは思わないだろう。 My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school. My daughter doesn't think it’s easy to get used to new schools. 風は種を遠くへ運ぶ。 The wind carries seeds for great distances. The wind carries the seed far away. 彼女はオウムを愛玩している。 She keeps a parrot as a pet. She loves parrots. その自転車は私のです。 The bicycle is mine. That bike is mine. 彼がほしいと言うなら、それをあげよう。言わないならやめておこう。 If he asks, I will give it; if not, not. If he wants it, I'll give it to him. この報告書を今朝からタイプしているのですが、まだ半分しか終わっていません。 I have been typing this report since this morning, but I'm only halfway through. I've been typing this report since this morning, but only half of it is finished. そこをもう一度やってください。 Go over it again. Do it again. 当地の人々は寒さに慣れている。 The people here are accustomed to the cold. People here are used to the cold. いま駅着いた。図書館で待ってるね。 I just got to the station. I'll be waiting for you at the library. I just got to the station. I'll be waiting for you in the library. 彼女は終生その町に住んだ。 She lived all her life in that town. She lived in that town all her life. もし彼が頼んでくれれば、私達はかれを助けてあげます。 If he asks us for help, we'll help him. If he asks, we'll help him. 決してその計画は実行出来ないだろう。 Under no circumstances can the scheme be put into practice. You'll never be able to carry out that plan. 彼はたくさんの本を読みます。 He reads a lot of books. He reads a lot of books. バラは時として自生することがある。 The roses sometimes grow wild. Roses can be self-sustained at times. 嫌なら帰っていただいて結構です。 If you don't like it, it is alright for you to leave. You can go home if you don't want to. これに対して霊的なことがらに関する熱心な会話は、霊的な進歩に大いなる助けとなります。 Nevertheless, devout conversation on spiritual things helps no little with spiritual progress. A passionate conversation about spiritual things can be a great aid to spiritual progress. できるだけ明確に話したほうがいい。 You had better talk as clearly as you can. You should be as clear as you can. 彼は就職のチャンスをつかんだ。 He grabbed the chance to get a job. He got a chance to get a job. トムは家業を継いだ。 Tom inherited the family business. Tom took over the family business. 右へ曲がると病院があります。 Turning to the right, you will find the hospital. Turn right and there's a hospital. 彼が死んだものとして諦めた事は非常に残念である。 It is a great pity he was given up for lost. I am very sorry that he gave up on being dead. ゴルフは今では誰でも手が届く。 Golf is now within the reach of everyone. Golf can reach anyone right now. 彼は大変ねむくて、夕刊も読めなかった。 He was too sleepy to read the evening newspaper. He was very jealous and could not read the evening edition. 猫がネズミを嗅ぎつけたようですね。 It seems like the cat smelled a mouse. It's like a cat sniffed at a mouse. 最終試験でボブは全くひどい目にあった。出題範囲が講義の全てにわたっていたのだ。 At his final exam, Bob was really put through the wringer; the test covered everything that was in the course. And that's what we're going to talk about in the next video. 彼はどんな人ですか。 What is he like? What kind of man is he? 人によって禁煙すると体重が増える場合がある。 Some people gain weight when they stop smoking. Smoking by people can increase weight. 私がトムに知らせましょう。 I'll let Tom know. I'll let Tom know. 彼女は仕事はしないと言った。 She said no more work. She said she wouldn't do her job. 何か変わりはない? What's new? Is everything all right? ロボットは人間よりもたくさんの作業ができる。 A robot can do more work than a man can. A robot can do more work than a human can do. ドアを開けてはならない。 You must not open the door. Don't open the door. 目が口よりものを言う時がある。 Eyes sometimes talk louder than words. Sometimes your eyes say more than your mouth. 彼女は幸福に酔っている。 She is babbling with happiness. She's happy. できるだけ早く来ます。 I'll come as soon as I can. I'll be there as soon as I can. その映画では二大女優が顔合わせをした。 The movie costarred two great actresses. In the film, two actresses met each other. 今朝食が済んだところです。 I just finished breakfast. I just finished breakfast. もっと自分に誇りを持ってください。 Please take more pride in yourself. Have more pride in yourself. 何年も農場で仕事をして彼のからだはたくましくなった。 Years of farm work have hardened his body. After years of working on the farm, I felt better from him. しゃべるのもいい加減にしたら。 Quit talking, will you? Don't talk too much. 彼女は今度の日曜日にニューヨークへ出発します。 She leaves for New York next Sunday. She leaves for New York next Sunday. 私はなによりもまずこの辞書を手に入れたい。 I want to have this dictionary most of all. I want to get this dictionary first of all. 向こうについたら忘れずすぐ電話してね。 Don't fail to call me as soon as you arrive there. Call me as soon as you get over there. うそを言ってはいけないよ。 Never tell a lie. Don't lie to me. やさしい英語で書かれているので、この本は読みやすい。 This book is written in simple English, so it's easy to read. It is easy to read because it is written in soft English. 私がそこにいるのにだれも気がつかなかった。 Nobody was conscious of my presence there. No one noticed me there. この安楽いすは非常に快適だ。 This easy chair is quite comfortable. This comfort is very comfortable. その映画俳優にはファンが多い。 That movie star has many fans. The actor has a lot of fans. 車を運転する人は、常に交通事故に気をつけていなければならない。 Drivers should always be on their guard against accidents. Car drivers must always be careful about car accidents. 忘れてはいけないので彼女の宛名を書き留めた。 I wrote down her address so that I wouldn't forget it. I wrote down her name because I shouldn't forget it. 彼は我々にそのルールを守るように強く命じた。 He urged us to obey the rule. He urged us to keep those rules. これはエメットがいかに伝統的な建築デザインを修正したかを示すすばらしい例である。 This is a superb illustration of how Emmet modified the traditional architectural designs. This is a wonderful example of how Emmett modified traditional architecture. 彼女の病状は心配するほどのものではありません。 Her illness is not such as to cause anxiety. Her condition is not enough to worry about. 通りを横切る際には、注意しなければならない。 You must be careful in crossing the street. When crossing the street, you have to be careful. そうだね。とジョンが言いました。 "That's right", said John. That's right, John said. 君はもう髪をきりにいってよい。 It's high time you had a haircut. You're done with your hair. 彼は私をイギリス人と間違えた。 He mistook me for an Englishman. He made me look like an English man. 彼は私たちの家族の問題に干渉する権利はない。 He has no right to interfere in our family affairs. He has no right to interfere with our family problems. 彼はフランスに行ったことがない。 He has not been to France. He's never been to France. トムはやめた。 Tom stopped. Tom quit. 我々はその利益を分け合った。 We shared the benefit together. We share that benefit. ついに彼らは決定するに到った。 At last, they came to a decision. Finally, they decided. あの映画を見るべきだったのに。 You should have seen the movie. I should've seen that movie. トムが本当にそんなこと言ったの? Did Tom actually say that? Did Tom really say that? その後二度と彼と口を利かない。 I never spoke to him after that. I won't talk to him again after that. その家は赤レンガづくりです。 The house is built of red bricks. That house is made of red bricks. 彼は肉体の苦痛と闘わねばならなかった。 He had to contend against physical suffering. He had to fight physical pain. 私たちは計画を変えない方がよい。 We'd better not change the schedule. We don't want to change the plan. 彼がその長距離走に優勝しようと心に決めていたことなど、私達はだれも知らなかった。 None of us knew his decision to win the long-distance race. No one knew he was determined to win the long run. 彼の冗談で私たちは笑った。 His jokes made us laugh. We laughed at his jokes. コンピューターが飛ぶように売れています。 Computers are really selling like hotcakes. It's selling like a computer. 私と一緒に来ていただけませんか? Would you mind coming with me? Would you come with me? 彼は私の示唆に単に肩をすくめて無視した。 He simply shrugged off my suggestion. He simply shrugged his shoulders to my suggestion. 彼は私の努力をあざけった。 He mocked my efforts. He ridiculed my efforts. 今週末に学んだ何か重要な事を話して下さい。 Tell me something important you learned this weekend. Tell me something important you learned this weekend. この本は普通の読者向けだ。 This book is suitable for general readers. This book is for ordinary readers. このエアコンは電気を多量に消費する。 This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. The air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity. 彼はよくつまらぬことにかっとなる。 He often gets worked up over little things. He gets tired of it. パスポートを見せてください。 Show me your passport. Show me your passport. 彼が19歳で優勝したのは目覚しい。 It's amazing that he won the championship at the age of nineteen. It is remarkable that he won at 19 years of age. 太陽が昇ろうとしている。 The sun is about to rise. The sun is rising. 私たちはパイを2つに切った。 We cut the pie in two. We cut the pie in two. それを思うだけでも気持ちが悪い。 The very idea of it is disgusting. I don't feel good just thinking about it. どうぞ楽しい空の旅を。 Have a nice flight. Please enjoy the sky trip. 彼らは踊るのが好きじゃない。 They don't like to dance. They don't like to dance. 尻尾のない猫もいる。 Tails are absent in some cats. Some cats have no tail. 君も一緒に来ればよかったのに。 I wish you could have come with me. You should've come with me. 俺にとって、それは問題じゃない。 For me, that is not a problem. It doesn't matter to me. 私たちがもっとも必要としているものはあなたの出席です。 What we need most is your attendance. What we need most is your presence. これはアルプス山脈の絵です。 This is a view of the Alps. This is a picture of the Alps. カレーライスは、彼女の大好物です。 Curry and rice is her favorite food. Calais is her favorite. 車の列が、高速道路から町の中心部までずっと延びていた。 The line of cars stretched all the way from the expressway to the city centre. A row of cars stretched from the highway to the center of town. 君がひどい目にあうことはないよ。 No harm will come to you. It won't hurt you. 彼はその問題を解こうとした。 He tried to solve the problem. He tried to solve the problem. わたしの考えは読む価値がありますよ。 My idea is worth reading. My thoughts are worth reading. パンがふんわり焼けた。 The bread was baked light and fluffy. The bread was baked. メアリーは今にも笑いだしそうだった。 Mary was about to burst out laughing. Mary was about to laugh. 13歳から19歳の少年少女によくあることだが彼女はうぬぼれている。 As is quite common for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, she's full of herself. It is common for boys and girls between 13 and 19 years of age, but she is self-absorbed. いつか近いうちに伺います。 I'll call on you one of these days. I'll see you soon. 屋根裏部屋のものを1度すべてだそう。 Let's clear out the attic. Let's do it all once in the attic. 彼はまだここにいる。 He is still here. He's still here. その本は図書館に返したのを覚えています。 I remember returning the book to the library. I remember returning the book to the library. ナンシーはその場所に来ることになっていましたが、来ませんでした。 Nancy was to show up at the place, but she didn't make it. Nancy was supposed to be there, but she didn't. 私は何軒もの店でその本を探しました。 I inquired about the book in many stores. I looked for that book in several stores. 彼は思いやりのある父だ。 He is a considerate father. He's a caring father. 私達のクラスは30人の生徒から成る。 Our class consists of thirty students. Our class consists of 30 students. ひもじい時にまずいものなし。 Hunger is the best spice. There's nothing wrong with me when I'm old. 一回使っただけです。 I only used it once. I just used it once. この雑誌をいただいてもいいですか。 May I have this magazine? May I have this magazine? いつでもオフィスに遊びに来てください。 Drop by my office any time. You can come to your office any time you want. もうその話はやめよう。 Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not talk about it. みんな旅行の用意はできましたか。 Is everybody ready for the trip? Are you all ready for the trip? 私達は疲れ果てるまで何時間も、その音楽に合わせて踊った。 We danced to the music for hours until we were all exhausted. We danced to the music for hours until we were exhausted. 朝の天気予報にはおそくなって雷雨があるとのことだった。 The morning forecast predicted thunder showers later in the day. The morning weather report said that there was a thunderstorm later. あなたは顔が真っ青です。 Your face is pale. You're straight blue. 例えば、ロンドンは今は朝7時です。 For example, it is 7:00 a.m. in London now. For example, London is now seven o'clock in the morning. 彼女は僕を驚かせた。 She took me by surprise. She surprised me. 御存知ですよね。 You know about that, don't you? You know that. 彼は1時間以内に到着するでしょう。 He will arrive within an hour. He'll be arriving in an hour. ディックは何でも知っているかのような口ぶりだ。 Dick talks as if he knew everything. It's like he knows everything. 彼は私がいっしょに仕事をしていたときいつも私をからかってばかりいた。 He was always pulling my leg when we worked together. He always teased me when I was working with him. 逃げるは恥だが, 役に立つ。 Running away is shameful, but it's useful. Running away is a shame, but useful. これが私が読める限界です。 This is all I can read. This is the limit of what I can read. 今君はとてもお腹が空いているはずだ。 You must certainly be very hungry now. You must be very hungry right now. この件を、ご承認いただけますよう、お願いいたします。 We would appreciate it if you grant us this concession. I'm asking you to approve this. お金がないといい教育が受けられないのっておかしいと思う。 I think it's unfair that you can't receive a good education if you're poor. I don't think it’s funny that you can’t get a good education without money. 彼は騒音にぎょっとした。 The noise startled him. He was upset by the noise. 席は窓側、通路側のどちらがよろしいですか? Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat? Is the seat on the window or on the aisle? もうすっかり真夜中です。 It's the dead of the night. It's almost midnight. 誰かが階段を登ってくる。 There's someone coming up the stairs. Someone's coming up the stairs. 彼女はあどけない物の言い方をした。 She talked childishly. She'd say it like it's a piece of shit. たばこを吸ってもかまいませんよ。 I don't mind if you smoke. It's okay if you smoke. 彼は偉大な音楽家になる運命にあった。 He was destined to become a great musician. He was destined to be a great musician. 今年になってやっとこれらの記録が一般に公開された。 It was not until this year that these documents were made available to the public. It was only this year that these records were published publicly. おはいりになって、お茶でも召し上がりませんか。 Won't you come in and have a cup of tea? Why don't you come in and have some tea? ここに週刊誌が1冊あります。 Here is a weekly magazine. Here's a weekly magazine. ライオンはオリから出ようともがいた。 The lion struggled to get out of his cage. The lion was trying to get out of Oli. 彼の言ってることを理解する事は困難です。 I found it difficult to understand what he was saying. It's hard to understand what he's saying. 忙しいです。 I'm busy. I'm busy. 休日は、甥っ子の面倒を見たり、友人と食事に行ったりして過ごしています。 On my days off I look after my nephew and go out for dinner with friends. I spend my holidays taking care of my nephews and going to dinner with friends. 彼女はバスに間に合った。 She was in time for the bus. She's in time for the bus. イエスはナタナエルが自分の方に来るのを見て、彼について言われた「見よ、あの人こそ、ほんとうのイスラエル人である。その心には偽りがない」。 When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit." When Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, he said of him: “Look! だれでも皆ゴルフが好きなようです。 It seems that everybody likes golf. Everyone likes golf. 雨になりそうだったので、私は彼が泳ぎに行くのを思いとどまらせた。 I discouraged him from going swimming because it looked like it was going to rain. It was going to rain, so I stopped him from swimming. 美しい女の子が僕の隣に座った。 A beautiful girl sat next to me. A beautiful girl sat next to me. 今回は見逃してあげますよ。 You're off the hook this time. I'll let you go this time. カナダ人ならそんなこと言うわけがない。 No Canadian would ever say that. No Canadian would say that. 女優は後ろ向きに舞台から落ちた。 The actress fell backwards from the stage. The actress fell off the stage backwards. その猫は彼女の着物にまつわりついた。 The cat clung to her dress. The cat was attached to her clothes. 私たちはトムのことが心配で仕方がありません。 We're worried about Tom. We have no choice but tom. たまたま私は彼女と東京で出会った。 It happened that I met her in Tokyo. I happened to meet her in Tokyo. この村には工場は一つもない。 There is no factory in this village. There are no factories in this village. 最近、特急に乗りましたか。 Have you been on an express train recently? You've been on a special flight lately. 私は旅行で楽しい経験をした。 I had a pleasant experience on my trip. I've had a pleasant trip. 私の持ち物には触らないで。 Leave my things alone. Don't touch my stuff. 母親は夕食を作るのに忙しかった。 My mother was busy cooking the dinner. Mother was busy making dinner. 万一彼が来たら、この書類を渡して欲しい。 If by any chance he comes, I'd like you to give him this paper. I want you to give me this file if he comes in. 母は誰よりも先に起きる。 Mother gets up earlier than anybody else in my family. My mother wakes up before anyone else. ゴールは町のはずれに向かい合うように置かれていたのです。 The goals were placed at the opposite ends of the town. The goal was to get to the edge of town. 彼が早起きするなんて珍しい。 It's unusual for him to get up early. It's rare for him to wake up early. ライオンは肉を餌とする。 Lions feed on flesh. Lions feed on meat. 彼のまぬけな返答を聞いてみんなびっくりした。 His stupid answer surprised everybody. Everyone was surprised to hear his stupid reply. その問題についての彼の意見はずばり的を射ている。 His remarks on the subject are much to the point. His opinion on the issue is vague: その事典は約50万語の単語を収めている。 The dictionary contains about half a million words. It contains words of about half a million words. 男の子は新しい自転車をねだった。 The boy begged for a new bicycle. The boy's got a new bike. テニスが上手ですね。 You are a good tennis player. You're good at tennis. この言葉は、名前は伏せておくがある人が言ったものだ。 These words were spoken by someone who shall be nameless. The name is said by someone who keeps it down. 何言おうとしたか忘れちゃった。 I forgot what I was about to say. I forgot what I was going to say. 彼はもっといい仕事をしようと決心した。 He resolved to do better work in the future. He decided to do a better job. 10セント貸してください。 Can you lend me a dime? Give me a dime. お前が口を出すことではない。 That's my own affair. I'm not talking about you. 私はその映画をビデオで見た。 I saw the movie on video. I saw that movie in the video. アレッシアは英語を話せない。 Alessia cannot speak English. Aresia doesn't speak English. このホテルは千人以上の客が収容できる。 This hotel can accommodate over 1,000 guests. The hotel can accommodate more than 1,000 guests. その子供は、ひなたで横になって眠っていた。 He was lying asleep in the sun. "I'm sorry, sir," said Mary. "I'm sorry, sir." 彼女ってまめだね。 She doesn't have a lazy bone in her body. She's serious, isn't she? この砂利道は来年舗装されるだろう。 Next year, this gravel road will be paved. This dirt road will be paved next year. だれか玄関にいる。 There's someone at the doorway. Someone's at the front door. どうすれば戦争をなくす事ができるか。 How can we abolish war? How can we stop war? 簡単に見つかると思う。 I'm sure it'll be easy to find a place. I think it's easy to find. まもなく富士山が見えてきた。 By and by Mt. Fuji came into sight. Soon I saw Mount Fuji. 私としては、その提案に異議はない。 For my part, I have no objection to the proposal. As far as I'm concerned, there's no objection to the proposal. 彼女は多くの仕事を引き受けすぎている。 She has undertaken too much work. She's taking too many jobs. 今週までにはそれを終えてしまいたかったのだが。 I hoped to have finished it by this week. I wanted it done by the end of the week. 鍵がかかっている。 It's locked. It's locked. できるだけ早く手紙をください。 Please write to me as soon as possible. Letter as soon as possible. のろいはのろい主に返る。 Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. and the curse will return to its Lord. 謝ったんだから、さっきのはチャラにしてよ。 I've apologised, so lay off, OK? I said I'm sorry, so why don't you just do it? 先生は時間を守ることの大切さについて長々と述べた。 Our teacher dwelt on the importance of punctuality. The teacher said a lot about the importance of keeping time: いったい彼らはどうなるのでしょう。 I wonder what ever will become of them. What will happen to them? 桜が咲こうとしている。 The cherry trees are about to blossom. Sakura is about to blossom. この次はもっと早く来よう。 Next time I'll come earlier. Next time, we'll be here sooner. もう少し注意したら、君は成功したろうに。 With a little more care, you would have succeeded. If you'd been a little more careful, you'd have succeeded. 彼らは強い愛情の絆で結ばれている。 There is a strong bond of affection between them. They are bound by a strong bond of love. 彼の名前を後になってやっと思い出した。 I didn't remember his name until afterward. It was only later that I remembered his name. 君がここにいないと寂しい。 I miss you when you're not here. I miss you here. 硬貨が彼のポケットから落ちた。 A coin dropped out of his pocket. A coin fell out of his pocket. トムの身に何かが起きた。 Something has happened to Tom. Something happened to Tom. 彼女は今日いくらかいいですか。 Is she any better today? What do you think she's doing today? 議論する価値は殆どない。 It is hardly worth discussing. It's not worth talking about. その国は経済的にも政治的にも孤立している。 The country is isolated economically and politically. The country is economically and politically isolated. 発音に関しては、彼は全生徒のうちで一番だった。 With respect to pronunciation, he was the best of all the students. As far as the pronunciation was concerned, he was the best of all the students. 何日ぐらい滞在しますか。 How long are you going to stay here? How long do you want to stay? 晩さん会が次の土曜日に開かれるでしょう。 A dinner will be given next Saturday. The dinner party will be held next Saturday. 公園で降りました。 I got off at the park. I got off in the park. それは町の繁栄を脅かすだろう。 It will threaten the prosperity of the town. It will threaten the prosperity of the city. 済んだら戻してください。 Bring it back when you are through. Bring it back when you're done. まあまあ、そう怒らないでくださいな。 Now, please don't get so angry. Well, don't be so angry. 考えておきます。 I'll have to let you know. I'll think about it. 彼女は外国でまさか彼と会おうとは夢にも思わなかった。 She had never dreamed of meeting him abroad. I never imagined she would see him in a foreign country. 君は靴を脱ぐには及ばない。 You don't need to take your shoes off. You don't have to take off your shoes. 彼女が船で大島に行った時、船に酔って食べたもの全部吐いてしまった。 When she went to Oshima by sea, she got seasick and brought up all she had eaten. When she went to Oshima on the boat, she got drunk and threw up everything she ate. 毎年、私たちの町は春には暖かい天気になる。 Every year, spring brings warm weather to our town. Every year, our town becomes warm weather in the spring. 恐ろしく寒いな、今日の夜は。 It's awfully cold this evening. It's so cold today. 私はいつも腕時計を持っているので時間が分かります。 I always wear a watch so I know what time it is. I always have a watch so I can tell time. 彼女は2日前に亡くなった。 She passed away two days ago. She died two days ago. 今度のテレビドラマはたいへんおもしろい。 The new TV drama is quite interesting. This television drama is very interesting. 君の考えなどはどうだっていいことだ。 Nobody cares what you think. I don't care what you think. トムはとても健康そうに見える。 Tom looks very healthy. Tom looks so healthy. あなたはどんな種類の日本料理が好きですか。 What kind of Japanese food do you like? What kind of Japanese food do you like? メアリーは他人の前でからかわれることに慣れていない。 Mary is not used to being made fun of in the presence of others. Mary is not used to being teased in front of others. 蹴れ! 蹴れ! Kick! Kick! Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick 彼はドイツ語もフランス語もどちらも話せない。 He cannot speak either German or French. He can't speak either German or French. 外国に行こうと思っている。 I'm thinking of going abroad. I'm thinking of going abroad. 金を貸して友を失え。 Lend your money and lose your friend. Give me the money and lose my friend. この車は時代遅れです。 This car is out of date. This car is out of date. ドイツは多くの学者を生んだ。 Germany produced many scientists. Germany has produced a lot of scholars. お話は終わりましたか。 Have you finished talking? Are we done here? 両国はお互いに密接な関係がある。 The two countries are closely related to each other. Both sides are closely related to each other. オペレーターは電話を切って少し待つよう私に言った。 The operator told me to hang up and wait for a moment. The operator told me to hang up a little. 生徒たちはみんな同時にしゃべりだした。 All the students began talking at once. The students all talked at the same time. 彼女が僕といっしょにそこへ行くかどうかわからない。 I don't know if she will go there with me. I don't know if she's going there with me. 私の兄だけでなく、私にも責任がある。 I as well as my brother am to blame. It's not just my brother, it's my fault. 仮に君が正しいとしても、まず最初に彼を説得しなければならない。 Granted that you are right, we still have to persuade him first. Even if you're right, you have to convince him first. この場所には不思議な雰囲気がある。 This place has a mysterious atmosphere. There's a strange feeling about this place. いつも約束を守っているだろ。 I always keep my word. You always keep your word. 彼は失敗するといけないので熱心に勉強した。 He worked hard for fear that he should fail. He studied hard because he had to fail. 朝早く起きるのには慣れています。 I'm accustomed to getting up early. I'm used to getting up early in the morning. 政府は、若年層の要求と、老人の要求との釣り合いをとるのに大いに苦労することになるだろう。 The government will have much trouble balancing the needs of its younger population with the requirements of the old people. The government will have a lot of trouble balancing the demands of the younger generation with those of the older ones. 同じことを言うわけでもないが、酒を飲む人たちは車を運転すべきでないという私の意見はかわらない。 Not to harp on the same string, I still insist that those who drink should never drive. I don’t mean to say the same, but I don’t agree that those who drink should drive. 父はちょうど今帰宅したところです。 My father has just come home. My father just got home. 10軒の家がその火事で焼失した。 The fire burnt ten houses down. Ten houses were destroyed in the fire. やってみた。 I tried. I tried. 喧嘩はやめてください。 Please cease from quarreling. Stop fighting. 仙台の地震の結果は恐るべきだったよ! The consequences of Sendai's earthquake were dreadful! I should have been afraid of the consequences of the earthquake in Sendai! 自由と放任を取り違えてはならない。 You must not confuse liberty with license. Make no mistake about your freedom and your neglect. いくらたくさん食べても、彼女は体重が増えない。 However much she eats, she never gains weight. No matter how much she eats, she doesn't gain weight. もし都合がよかったら今夜ここに来てください。 If it's convenient, please come here tonight. If it's convenient, come here tonight. そのパン屋の主人はいい人です。 The baker is a good man. The baker is a good man. 彼はハムレットの役を演じた。 He played the part of Hamlet. He played Hamlet's role. 彼は降参のしるしとして両手を挙げた。 He held up his hands in token of surrender. He raised his hands as a sign of surrender. ボートはたちまち沈んだ。 The boat sank in a flash. The boat just sank. 彼女が私の代役をしてくれるものと当てにしていた。 I reckoned on her to take my place. He relied on her to substitute for me. あなたが近いうちにいらっしゃるのを楽しみにしております。 I really look forward to your visit in the near future. I look forward to seeing you soon. L・Aレーカースはゲームに勝つにちがいない。 The L.A. Lakers have got the game in the bag. L. Arekers must win the game. 彼女のかばんは母親のかばんと同じデザインだ。 Her bag is the same design as her mother's. Her cock is the same design as her mother's. あんたの時計は2分遅れていると思う。 I am afraid your watch is two minutes slow. I think your watch's two minutes late. 君は私を君の友人のうちに数えてよい。 You can count me among your friends. You can count me among your friends. その踊り子はホールをぐるぐる踊り回った。 The dancer whirled around the hall. The dancer danced through the hall. 彼は健康を害したので引退した。 He retired because of the loss of his health. He retired because of poor health. あのカメラを買うにはもう10ドル必要です。 You need another ten dollars to buy that camera. I need another $10 to buy that camera. お会いできて本当にうれしい! I am delighted to meet you. It's so nice to meet you! 何も問題はない。 No problem at all! Everything's fine. 持ち帰ります。 I'll take it home with me. Bring it back. 彼は持っている無け無しのお金を私にくれた。 He gave me what little money he had. He gave me the fucking money he's got. ぼくはこの問題には関係がない。 I am not concerned with this matter. I have nothing to do with this. 私には彼は正直なように思われる。 It seems to me that he is honest. I think he's honest. 彼はすきを捨てて剣を取った。 He exchanged a plough for a sword. He threw it away and took the sword. 私には、姉妹がいない。 I don't have any sisters. I don't have a sister. しかし、これは死にたいと思っているある老人の物語です。 But this is the story of an old man who wants to die. But this is the story of an old man who wants to die. その魚は生かしておこう。 I will keep the fish alive. Let's keep that fish alive. 彼が私の意見に同意しようとしまいと私はその仕事をするつもりだ。 Whether he agrees to my opinion or not, I will do the work. I'm going to do that work when he tries to agree with me. 入場料はただだった。 Admission was free. The admission fee was just fine. 金門橋は鉄でできている。 The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. Golden Gate is made of iron. 卵を硬く茹でた。 I hard-boiled an egg. Stirped the eggs hard. 夜は、そこでは東京よりたくさんの星が見える。 At night we can see more stars there than in Tokyo. At night, you can see more stars there than Tokyo. このハンバーガーはあの店よりおいしい。 This hamburger is better than those of that shop. This hamburger is better than that shop. こうした2国間の紛争は、国際法に従って解決されなければならない。 These disputes between the two nations should be solved in accordance with international law. These conflicts between the two countries must be resolved according to international law. またね! I'll see you later. See you! 私たちが話し合わなければならない問題がもう一つある。 There is another question too that we must discuss. There is another matter we have to discuss. 誰かが私の名前を呼んでいた。 Someone was calling my name. Someone called my name. 今、寿司とビールをお腹に入れたところだ。 I've just eaten some sushi and drunk a beer. I'm just hungry for sushi and beer. ハイヒールのかかとが折れたとき、ストッキングがほつれた。 She got a run in her stocking when she broke the heel of her shoe. When I broke my heels with high heels, my stockings broke. 私の好きな歌がラジオでかかっていた。 One of my favorite tunes was playing on the radio. My favorite song was on the radio. 誰がその赤ちゃんの世話をしますか。 Who will look after the baby? Who will take care of that baby? たとえ太陽が西から昇るようなことがあっても、私の決心は変わらない。 Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind. My decision will not change even if the sun rises from the west. このエレベーターの定員は10人だ。 This elevator's capacity is ten people. There are ten men in this elevator. トムは古くからの友人です。 Tom is an old friend. Tom is an old friend. 彼女は大変嬉しそうだ。 She looks very happy. She's very happy. ごゆっくりどうぞ。急ぐ必要はありません。 Take your time. There's no hurry. Please take your time. You don't have to hurry. 私はこんなふうに扱われるのは嫌です。 I don't like being treated like this. I don't want to be treated like this. 彼女は3個の奇麗なりんごを選んだ。 She picked out three beautiful apples. She chose three beautiful apples. ひどい風邪をひいたので、彼は今日学校を休んだ。 Since he had a bad cold, he was absent from school today. He got a bad cold and missed school today. 御忘れ物なきようお願いします。 Please leave nothing behind. I hope you don't forget. 彼は大学に進学すればよかったのに。 I wish he had gone on to university. He should've gone to college. 自分の顔が、パスポートの顔写真のようになってきたら、旅に出た方がいい。 When you start looking like your passport photo you should go on vacation. When your face begins to look like a picture of your passport, you should go on a trip. 彼がまだ来ていない。何か起きたのかもしれない。 He has not come yet. Something may have happened to him. He's not here yet. Something may have happened. 私が目覚めるともう日は高く昇っていた。 It was broad daylight when I woke up. When I woke up, the days were up high. テレビでフットボールの試合を見るのは楽しかった。 Watching the football game on television was fun. I enjoyed watching football on TV. 時間がなくて、最終バスに間に合わない。 Not enough time to catch the last bus. We don't have time for the final bus. ディックは交通事故にあった。 Dick was involved in a traffic accident. Dick was in a car accident. 家に帰るんじゃないよ。 I'm not going home. Don't go home. 彼の病状はまもなく好転するだろう。 His condition will soon change for the better. His condition will improve soon. この辞書には情報がたくさん入っています。 This dictionary contains a lot of information. This dictionary contains a lot of information. どれも良いけれど、この本ほどではないね。 All of the books are good, but none as good as this one. It's not as good as this book. カラオケ、ゲーム、ビデオに冷蔵庫・・・今のラブホってなんでもあるのねー。 Karaoke, TV games, videos and a fridge ... love hotels nowadays really have everything. Karaoke, games, videos, refrigerators. 本当を言うと私はそれに飽きた。 To tell the truth, I am tired of it. I'll tell you the truth. I'm tired of it. 仕事でこっちに来てるんです。 I'm here on business. I'm here on business. 彼女はしきりに帰りたがっていた。 She was eager to go home. She wanted to go home. 彼女はいつも緊張した面持ちをしているが、物を食べる時に限ってはリラックスして見える。 She always seems to be nervous, but at least she's relaxed when she eats. She always has a tense face, but she seems relaxed only when she eats. この会社は立派な組織をもっている。 This company has a fine organization. This company has a good organization. その生地を自分の目で見た方がいい。 You had better see the cloth with your own eyes. You should see the fabric for yourself. 彼がここに来たら、彼にそう言います。 I'll tell him so when he comes here. I'll tell him when he gets here. この政治的問題は激しい議論を巻き起こした。 This political problem gave rise to hot discussions. The political issue sparked a heated debate. メアリーは、10年近くの間、不当に投獄されていました。 Mary was wrongly imprisoned for nearly 10 years. Mary was unjustly imprisoned for nearly a decade. 彼がそんなことを言うとは考えられない。 I can't fancy his saying that. I don't think he would say that. これは彼が捕まえた魚です。 This is the fish he caught. This is the fish he caught. この川は、七月に泳ぐのは危険です。 This river is dangerous to swim in, in July. This river is dangerous to swim in July. なぜ皆猫がすきですか。 Why does everybody love cats? Why do we all like cats? 落第しないように一生懸命に勉強しなさい。 Study hard so you don't fail. Study hard not to fail. 彼は輸入にかかる税を減らしたかった。 He wanted to reduce the tax on imports. He wanted to reduce taxes on imports. みんな2人ずつの組になって踊り出した。 Everyone formed couples and began dancing. They all started dancing in pairs. どちらがよいか私にはわかりません。 We can't tell which is better. I don't know which is better. その結果にがっかりした。 I was disappointed with the result. I was disappointed by the results. 再利用するの? Do you recycle? You're gonna reuse it? 私はその社長としりあいになった。 I got acquainted with the chief executive. I made a deal with the president. 私の提案をもう1度検討してもらえませんか。 Please give my proposal one more chance. Why don't you consider my proposal one more time? その母親はにっこりとほほ笑みながら、彼女の赤ちゃんに手を差し出した。 The mother extended her hand to her baby, smiling brightly. The mother, smiling and smiling, reached out to her baby. 9時半の電車に乗れば、何時に秋田につきますか。 What time will we reach Akita if we take the 9:30 train? What time would you be in Akita if you got on the train at 9:30? 彼は金で国を売った。 He sold his country for money. He sold the country out of gold. 仮に競馬でたまたま大穴を当てたとしましょう。 Let's suppose you happen to strike it rich at the races. So let's say I'm on a horse and I'm on a horse. 私は、君がこの本を読むのはいいことだと思う。 I think it good for you to read this book. I think it's good for you to read this book. 学生服は普段着としても式服としても着られるので便利だ。 The school uniform is convenient because it can be worn for both informal and formal occasions. School clothes are useful because they are usually worn in or out of style. 彼らは世界平和のための促進のためにあらゆる努力をしている。 They are making every effort for the promotion of world peace. They are making every effort to promote world peace. トムを叩いた。 I hit Tom. I hit Tom. 入院する必要がありますか。 Do I have to be hospitalized? Should I be in the hospital? その小さな島が見えてきた。 The small island came into sight. I'm starting to see that little island. カーテンを開けたら、雪が降っていた。 When I opened the curtains, it was snowing. When I opened the curtain, it was snowing. 失礼のないようにしなさい。 Don't be rude. Don't be rude. もう一回読んでください。 Please read that again. Please read it again. でもよー、オラのおとうさんは良い気しねーよ、きっと。 But I don't think Dad would like me to. But I'm sure Ola's father is a good person. 努力すれば、先生は彼に合格点を与えるつもりです。 The teacher will give him a passing grade if he shows effort. If you try, sir, you're going to give him a pass. トムは年中、メアリーの話ばかりしている。 Tom talks about Mary almost all the time. Tom talks all year long about Mary. たまには会いに来て下さい。 Come and see me once in a while. Come see me from time to time. レコードが終わった。裏返しにしてくれ。 The record is finished. Turn it over. I'm done with the record. I need you to turn it around. 一番安い車を1週間借りたいんですが。 I'd like to rent your most inexpensive car for a week. I'd like to borrow the cheapest car for a week. すべての自由にもまして、知る自由、語る自由、良心に従い自由に議論する自由を私に与えよ。 Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties. With all freedom, give me freedom to know, to speak, to follow my conscience and to discuss freely. 日本人が野球が好きなようにアメリカ人はフットボールが好きだ。 Americans like football in the same way that Japanese like baseball. Japanese like baseball, Americans like football. 彼のスピーチは彼らを感動させ涙を流させた。 His speech moved them to tears. His speech moved them to tears. すばらしい考えがふと心に浮かんだ。 A bright idea occurred to me. I had a great idea, and it came to my mind. 彼女は私たちが行くように強く言った。 She insisted on us going. She said hard to let us go. 道理で、君が喜ぶわけだ。 No wonder you are so happy. That's why you're so happy. 空気が無ければ、我々は地球上で生きられないだろう。 If it were not for air, we could not live on the earth. Without the air, we wouldn't survive on Earth. マイクロ波はオーブンの中の食物を突き抜ける。 Microwaves penetrate the food in the oven. Microwaves penetrate food in ovens. 人は体を洗うべきである。 One should wash oneself. People should wash themselves. 彼には妹がいる。そして彼女もまた学校に行っている。 He has a sister and she goes to school, too. He has a sister, and she also goes to school. 病気のために私はそこへ行けなかった。 Illness kept me from going there. I couldn't go there because of my illness. 10ドルにまけられますか。 Can you lower the price to ten dollars? So let's say I'm going to charge $10. このとおりのどこかに郵便ポストがある。 There's a mailbox somewhere along this street. Somewhere in this street, there's a mailbox. 彼は家族に別れを告げた。 He said good-bye to the family. He said good-bye to his family. 早く食べないと学校に遅れちゃうよ。 If you don't eat fast, you will be late for school. If you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school. あなたは双子ですか? Do you have a twin brother? Are you a twin? 断水しました。 The water has been cut off. We've been dehydrated. あなたに折り入ってお話したいことがあるのですが。 I'd like to tell you something in private. I'd like to come in and talk to you. ジョーはその女の子にすっかり参っている。 Joe's nuts about the girl. Joe's totally on his way to that girl. 借金は返さなければならない。 You are to pay your debt. I have to pay my debts. 君は急いだほうがいい。 You'd better hurry up. You better hurry. ここに駐車してもよろしいですか。 Could I park my car here? Do you mind if I park here? 彼はウサギとりのわなにえさをつけた。 He baited the trap for rabbits. He put on a rabbit's tail. あなたは何を見つめているのですか。 What are you gazing at? What are you looking at? 同じ虹を、これだけたくさんの人が撮影したものを見たことがありません。 I have never seen the same rainbow photographed by this many people. I've never seen the same rainbow taken by so many people. 新しく道路を作るという決議が可決されました。 The resolution that a new road be built was passed. The decision to make a new road has been passed. 分かりません。 I do not understand. I don't know. 妻を元気付けようとして、トムは美しい真珠のネックレスを買ってやった。 Hoping to cheer up his wife, Tom bought her a beautiful pearl necklace. To cheer her up, Tom bought a beautiful pearl necklace. 試験でこんな悪い点を取って恥ずかしいと思っています。 I feel ashamed that I got such bad marks in the examination. I'm ashamed to take such a bad grade on my exams. 彼の傲慢さには我慢できない。 I can't stand his arrogance. I can't stand his arrogance. トマトは多くの病気にかかりやすい。 The tomato is subject to a number of diseases. Tomatoes are susceptible to many diseases. 彼はホテルのほうへ車で行った。 He drove down to the hotel. He drove to the hotel. 私はその問題を解こうとしたが、私にはできないことがわかった。 I tried to solve the problem, which I found impossible. I tried to solve the problem, but I found out I couldn't. 彼は儲けている。 He's raking it in. He's making a lot of money. その戦争は過った政策の結果起こった。 The war resulted from a mistaken policy. The war was the result of an overstated policy. どうやって箸を使いますか。 How do I use chopsticks? How do you use chopsticks? メロンが半分食べられた。 Half of the melon was eaten. Half the melon was eaten. 火が燃えるには酸素がいる。 Oxygen is needed for combustion. It takes oxygen to set the fire on fire. あなたの髪は何色ですか。 What color is your hair? What color is your hair? 交通事故で妻を亡くしました。 I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a car accident. あなたはすぐに新しい大学生活に慣れるだろう。 You'll soon get accustomed to your new college life. You will soon get used to your new college life. 彼は母のアドバイスを無視した。 He ignored his mother's advice. He ignored her advice. ここから私を運んでください。 Please take me away from here! Bring me out of here. でも名前くらいは知っている。 But his name is slightly familiar to me. But I know his name. 虎次郎は、私を愛してることを明らかにしました。 Torajiro made it clear that he was in love with me. Tigerro made it clear that he loves me. 私は耳を澄ましたが、何も聞こえなかった。 I listened, but I heard nothing. I listened, but I could not hear anything. 彼女は年のわりにはおどろくほど元気だ。 She was wonderfully alive for her age. She's amazingly well after age. トムは怒っていなかった。 Tom wasn't angry. Tom wasn't angry. アメリカは自国には階級がないと信じたがる国だ。 America likes to believe that it's a classless society. The United States wants to believe that there are no classes in the country. その女優はせりふを台なしにした。 The actress murdered her lines. The actress ruined her speech. トーストを焦がしてしまった。 I've burnt the toast. I burned the toast. デパートの試食コーナーへ行くと、いろいろな物がただで食べられるよ。 You can get all kinds of things to eat if you go to the free samples area in a department store. If you go to the department store's test section, you can eat all kinds of things for free. 10時40分から11時まで休み時間です。 We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00. It's between 10:40 and 11: 00 p.m. その花は気持ちのよい香りを放っている。 The flowers give off a very pleasant perfume. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. 他のみんなが家に帰るまでここで待ちましょう。 Let's wait here until everybody else goes home. Let's wait here until everyone else gets home. 彼女は遅刻して怒られた。 She was told off for being late. She got mad at me for being late. 海外へ行くことは事情が許さなかった。 The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. I couldn't allow myself to go overseas. 彼は宴会の事について触れた。 He mentioned the matter of the banquet. He mentioned the feast. この時計を買いたいところだが高すぎる。 I would buy this watch, except it's too expensive. I'd like to buy this watch, but it's too expensive. とうとう私の姉は結婚した。 Finally, my sister got married. Finally my sister got married. あの写真は彼女のものだ。 Those photos are hers. That photo belongs to her. 私のいとこは私より少し年上です。 My cousin is a little older than I. My cousin is a little older than me. 彼はこっそりと歩いて家の裏手のドアへと回った。 He sneaked around to the back door. He walked into the back door of the house. 英国では国王は君臨するが政治は行わない。 In Great Britain the king reigns, but does not govern. In England, the king comes to you but does not take politics. ガーデニングの本を見てたら、ドクロマークのついたのがいっぱいあって驚きました。 When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous. When I looked at the gardening book, I was surprised that there were so many dcromarks on it. スピーチの中で、彼は企業の強さについて言及した。 In the speech, he referred to the strength of the company. In his speech, he mentioned the strength of the company: あなたは今までにカーペットを直したことはありますか? Have you ever mended your carpets? Have you ever fixed a carpet? 君には会ったことがある気がする。 I have the impression that I already know you. I feel like I've met you. それよりも中にいて、テレビを見ているほうが好きなのです。 Instead, they prefer to stay in and watch television. I prefer to be inside and watch TV. ドルは昨日の126円から今日125円に下がった。 The dollar dropped to 125 today from 126 yen yesterday. The dollar dropped from last night's 126 to 125 today. いつ、どこで彼女と知り合ったんだい。 When and where did you come to know her? When did you meet her? 私はテニスをすることが出来ます。 I can play tennis. I can play tennis. 私は小さな男の子が走るのを見た。 I saw a little boy running. I saw a little boy run. トムはメアリーが大好きだと言った。 Tom said he loved Mary. Tom said he loved Mary. とてもおいしいよ。 It tastes very good. It's delicious. 高橋さんをご存知ですか。 Do you know Mr. Takahashi? Do you know Takahashi-san? 宗派によっては、お坊さんは坊主にしなくてもいいんだってね。知らなかったよ。 I didn't know that depending on which sect they belong to, priests don't necessarily have to shave their head. Some of them don't have to be a boy. I didn't know. 進路のことで先生に助言を求めた。 I asked my teacher for advice on my future course. I asked the teacher for advice on the course. その仕事をやろう。 Let's do the work. Let's do that job. つらいときは泣きたいだけ泣けばいいと思うよ。 I think that, in tough times, you can cry as much as you want. I think if you have a hard time, you can cry as much as you want. 彼女は身をかがめてコインを拾った。 She bent down and picked up the coin. She leaned over and picked up the coins. 彼は生まれはイタリア人です。 He is Italian by birth. He was born in Italy. その点では君は彼より上だ。 You have him there. In that respect, you're higher than him. 彼女はケーキを五つに分けた。 She divided the cake into five pieces. She divided the cake into five pieces. 私は旅に出かけたときはめったに孤独な感じがしなかった。 When I started traveling, I rarely felt lonely. When I left for the trip, I didn’t feel lonely. 奴らに見つかる前に逃げろ。 Go away before they see you here. Get out of here before they find us. 犬が好きです。 I like dogs. I like dogs. 彼女は正しいことをした。 She did what she believed was right. She did the right thing. その学生はまちがいの理由を説明することができなかった。 The student failed to account for the mistake. The student could not explain why. あなたの好みが分かりませんので自由にお取り下さい。 I don't know your preference, so please help yourself. I don't know what you like, so you're free to take it. 私達は昨日家にいなかった。 We didn't stay home yesterday. We weren't home yesterday. 地面はまだ濡れている。試合はたぶん中止されるだろう。 The ground is still wet. As likely as not, the game will be cancelled. The ground is still wet. The game will probably be canceled. その当時、私は朝食の前に散歩をするのが習慣でした。 In those days, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast. At that time, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast. バラック・オバマは、国際的な核兵器禁止を目指しているが、すべての戦争に対して否定的なのではない。 Barack Obama is aiming for an international ban on nuclear weapons, but is not against them in all wars. Barack Obama aims to ban international nuclear weapons, but is not negative about all wars. もっと早く返事を出さなくてごめんなさい。 I'm sorry that I didn't reply to you sooner. I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier. 彼女はあなたほど利口ではない。 She is less intelligent than you. She's not as smart as you. その崖は道路の上に突き出ている。 The cliff hangs over the road. The cliffs are over the road. その仕事はざっと2週間から3週間ほどかかります。 The work will take anywhere from two to three weeks. It's going to take about two to three weeks for the job to be done. この資料を翻訳するにはたいへんな忍耐を必要とする。 Translating this material calls for a lot of patience. It takes a lot of patience to translate this material. その光景を見て笑わずにはいられなかった。 I could not help laughing at the sight. I couldn't help but laugh at the scene. 高校時代について最も後悔することを人々に尋ねると大抵の人は決まってこう言う。時間を無駄にしすぎていた、と。 When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When you ask people what they regret most about high school, most people naturally say that they have wasted too much time. 日本人が英語をしゃべる場合、パーティーとか少人数の気さくな集まりなどでの形式張らない会話に対応するのが困難であることがよくある。 Japanese speakers of English often have difficulty in dealing with informal conversation, such as at parties or in small informal groups. When Japanese speak English, it is often difficult to deal with informal conversation at parties and small, casual gatherings. 彼は学生を部屋から出した。 He expelled the students from the room. He let the students out of the room. 憂うつな気分によくなります。 I often get the blues. It makes me feel depressed. くつろいでいて下さい。 Make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. この推理小説はまだ半分も読んでない。 I am halfway through this detective story. I haven't read half of this deniability novel yet. 人っ子一人見えなかった。 There wasn't a soul in sight. I couldn't see one of them. この実験には以下の手段を使用した。 We used the following procedures in this experiment. The experiment used the following methods: ハワイにいった事があると彼が言う。 He says he has been to Hawaii before. He says he's been to Hawaii. その質問に答えられるのは君だけだ。 Only you can answer the question. You're the only one who can answer that question. すね毛剃ったことある? Have you ever shaved your legs? Have you ever shaved? 専門家でさえこの信じられない事故は理解できない。 Even specialists do not understand this incredible accident. Even experts don't understand the incredible accident. 私のクラスには40人の生徒がいます。 There are 40 students in my class. I have 40 students in my class. ずいぶん長い間お目にかかりませんでした。 I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in a long time. 先生はすぐ近くに住んでいます。 Our teacher lives close by. He's in the neighborhood right now. 僕は危険を冒すのは嫌いだ。 I hate taking risks. I hate taking risks. 一つだけ約束してほしい。 You just have to promise me one thing. Just promise me one thing. お元気ですか?もう長い間、お目にかかりませんでしたね。 How are you doing? It's been a long time since we last met, hasn't it? It's been a long time since I've seen you. そこ閉めておいて。 Leave it closed. Close it up. その象は一歩も動こうとしない。 The elephant won't move an inch. The elephant is not willing to take a step. うちの電話は故障だ。修繕してもらわないと。 Our telephone is out of order so I shall have it repaired. My phone's in trouble. I need you to fix it. その点では私の意見は君のとは異なる。 In that respect, my opinion differs from yours. In that respect, my opinion is different from yours. 30ドル貸してもらえないかな? Can I borrow $30? Can I borrow 30 bucks? トムはひどい頭痛に悩まされている。 Tom is suffering from a bad headache. Tom has a terrible headache. あなたは彼にその計画を話さなければよかったのに。 You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You should've told him the plan. その通りに立ち並ぶ木々は春に美しい花を咲かせます。 The trees that line the street have lovely blossoms in spring. The trees standing in line will bloom in the spring with beautiful flowers. 夜中に一人で歩いて帰るべきじゃなかった。 I shouldn't have walked home late at night by myself. I shouldn't have walked home alone in the middle of the night. 若い人たちは戦禍というものを頭でしか知らない。 Young people know the disasters of war only in the abstract. Young people know only war with their heads. 疲れた! I'm worn-out. I'm tired! 私の女友達は今頃もうここに来ているはずだ。 My girl friend ought to be here by this time. My girlfriends should be here by now. 正門前には、まだ人の姿もない。 There isn't anybody in front of the main gate yet. We still don't have a man in front of the main gate. 私たちは、彼女がカナダで生まれたという事実を知っている。 We know that she was born in Canada. We know that she was born in Canada. 彼がいつ現れるのかよく分からない。 I'm not sure as to when he will turn up. I don't know when he'll show up. 彼は家に帰った時には疲れ果てていた。 He was worn out when he got home. He was exhausted when he came home. 彼は窓をとんとんたたいた。 He hammered at the window. He pulled up the window. まだ彼は成功していない。 He hasn't succeeded yet. He hasn't succeeded yet. 先週の土曜日に劇場にいましたか。 Were you at the theater last Saturday? Were you at the theater last Saturday? 僕はとてもいいダンサーではない。 I'm not a very good dancer. I'm not a very good dancer. 彼が来たらそう伝えよう。 I'll tell him so when he comes. That's what I'll tell him when he gets here. この庭は何と美しいのだろう。 What a beautiful garden! How beautiful is this garden? ドアはどうしてもしまらない。 The door won't close. I don't know how the door won't work. どこからどう見ても薄幸の美少女、悲劇のヒロインだ。 No matter how you look at it you're a beautiful, ill-fated woman, the heroine of a tragedy. The most beautiful girl from all walks of life, the hero of the tragedy. 病院の医師たちは彼等の時間がすべて仕事でふさがっているから、あまり外出しない。 Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often because they have all their time on the job. 底まではとても距離があるように思える。 It seems a long way to the bottom. So let's take a look at this. 歯を何時も清潔にしておかなければならない。 You must keep your teeth clean. You have to keep your teeth clean. フランス語を勉強している。 I'm studying French. I'm studying French. 数年前、ある仕事を得るために面接を受けているときに、私はその職を求める競争者に紹介された。 Several years ago, in the course of being interviewed for a job, I was introduced to a competitor for the position. A few years ago, when I was interviewed for a job, I was introduced to a contestant seeking it. ジャックは棚の上の雑誌を取ろうと手を伸ばした。 Jack reached out for the magazine on the shelf. Jack reached out to pick up a magazine on the shelf. トムはもう自分の不安を隠すことができなかった。 Tom could no longer hide his fear. Tom couldn't cover his fears anymore. 私たちは湖へ着くとすぐに泳ぎはじめた。 As soon as we got to the lake, we started swimming. As soon as we got to the lake, we started swimming. 彼らはお互いに仲のよい間柄です。 They are on good terms with each other. They're close to each other. 僕の努力は何の成果ももたらさなかった。 My efforts produced no results. My efforts did not bring any results. 私はアメリカの高校生と文通をしている。 I am corresponding with an American high school student. I'm communicating with a high school student in the United States. 夜の暗闇の中で目が見えますか。 Can you see in the darkness of the night? Do you see your eyes in the darkness of the night? 私は彼に判定で勝った。 I beat him on points. I won his judgment. いつかは今じゃないよ Whenever is not now. One day, it won't be now. おじいさんがあそこに一人で住んでいる。 A lonely old man lives there. My grandfather lives there alone. そういう習慣は米国人独特ではない。 Such a custom is not peculiar to the Americans. Such customs are not unique to Americans. この学説は3部から成り立っている。 This theory consists of three parts. The theory is made up of three parts. 私はハイカーのグループに出会ったが、その人たちの一部は大学生だった。 I met a group of hikers, some of whom were university students. I met a group of hikers, some of whom were college students. この国ではフランス語とアラビア語が話されている。 French and Arabic are spoken in this country. French and Arabic are spoken in this country. 以前ここに住んでいたのですか。 Did you use to live here? You used to live here. いつ帰ってくるの? When will you come back? When are you coming back? スイスのほとんどの人々は3、4の言語を話せる。 Most Swiss people can speak three or four languages. Most people in Switzerland speak 3 4 languages. 彼女は16の時に、その本を1度読んだ。 She read the book once when she was sixteen. She read that book once when she was 16. 目的に達するために、彼は必死に働いている。 He works frantically to achieve his goal. He's working very hard to reach his goal. 弟はよく夜通し起きて小説を読んでいたものだ。 My brother would often stay up all night reading novels. My brother used to wake up all night reading novels. その男の子は友達を臆病者と言って馬鹿にした。 The boy mocked his friend for being a coward. The boy made fun of his friend as a coward. 自分のレベルに合ったテキストでやるのが大切だろう。 It's important to do it with a textbook adapted to your level. It's important to do text on your level. 彼はその男性が盗みを働いたことを非難した。 He blamed the man for stealing. He accused the man of stealing. この川で泳ぐのはとても危険だ。 This river is very dangerous to swim in. It is very dangerous to swim in this river. この間彼をよく見かけています。 I've seen him around a lot lately. I've seen him a lot the other day. この社はジュピターにささげられたものだ。 This shrine is sacred to Jupiter. The company was handed over by Jupiter. その将軍は退役後ひっそり余生を送った。 The general lived the rest of his life peacefully after his retirement. The general sent him a life expectancy after he was discharged. 医師は難しい手術についてじっくり考えた。 The doctor contemplated the difficult operation. The doctor thought a lot about difficult surgery. この規則は全ての場合に当てはまる。 This rule applies to all cases. This rule applies in every case. 私たちはそれが自然なものとみなしているのです。 We assume it's natural. We think it's natural. その少年が私の傘を盗んだはずがない。 The boy cannot have stolen my umbrella. The boy wouldn't have stolen my umbrella. この教科書は、急いで印刷したためにミスプリントがたくさんある。 This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes. The textbook is full of misprints because of the rush to print it. 我々はたいていの犬はかむものだと考えがちである。 We are inclined to think that most dogs bite. We often think of most dogs as biting. 君はもうこのことを知っていてもよい年です。 You are old enough to know this. You're already a good year to know this. あなたは幽霊がいると信じますか。 Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe there's a ghost? これらの人々がコミュニティから排除されたのだと考えることは非合理的だとは言えない。 It is not unreasonable to think that these people were excluded from the community. It is not reasonable to think that these people have been excluded from the community. そこで落ち合おう。 Meet me there. I'll meet you there. 彼は生まれつきやさしい。 He is gentle by nature. He's born friendly. その通り! That's right. That's right! 宇宙には無数の星がある。 There are innumerable stars in the universe. There are countless stars in the universe. そんな服で出掛けるの?なんだか格好悪いなあ。 Are you going out in those clothes? How uncool! Are you going out dressed like that? 水は多くがあります。 There's plenty of water. There's a lot of water. ここで煙草をすってよろしいか。 May I smoke here? Can I smoke here? 彼は決して私をだますような人間ではない。 He is the last man to deceive me. He's not the kind of person who would fool me. もし彼があの時注意深かったのなら、その恐ろしい事故は起こらなかっただろう。 If he had been careful then, the terrible accident would not have happened. If he had been careful at the time, the terrible accident would not have happened. それから、それが適切であることを確認するために再度見直した。 Then he went back over it to make sure it was right. Then he reviewed again to make sure it was appropriate. 私達は趣味がまったく違うのだ。 We are distinct from each other in taste. We have very different tastes. 私は回答をする前にその問題をじっくり考えねばならない。 I must think over the matter before giving my answer. I have to think about the problem before I answer it. 今月の家賃を払うのを忘れた。 I forgot to pay my rent this month. I forgot to pay my rent this month. スパイスの効いた料理には慣れていません。 I'm not used to spicy food. I'm not used to good spices. 昨日の株価をチェックしたいんですが。 I would like to check yesterday's stock prices... I'd like to check yesterday's stock. 位置について、よーい、ドン! On your mark, get set, go! On your mark. Yes, Don! ブライアンは髪を濡らしてケイトの所にやってきた。 Brian came to Kate, with his hair wet. Brian came to Kate with his hair wet. 雨やんだ? Has it stopped raining? It's raining, isn't it? 彼女はピアノを練習していた。 She was always practicing the piano. She was practicing the piano. 彼らはクラブからジョンを締め出した。 They excluded John from the club. They locked John out of the club. 新しいドレスが気に入っている。 She's pleased with her new dress. I like my new dress. いまだかつて、神を見たものはいない。 No one has ever seen God. No one has ever seen God. 日曜の午後は忙しいですか。 Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Are you busy Sunday afternoon? 今、何回の裏ですか。 This is the bottom of what inning? How many times do I have behind me now? 夕食前に宿題をするのですよ。 You are to do your homework before supper. I'll do my homework before dinner. ユーザー名またはパスワードが間違っています。 Either your user name or password is incorrect. The user name or password is incorrect. 彼は祖父に生き写しだ。 He is the picture of his grandfather. He's a live image of his grandfather. 今日はネットが重いなあ。 The Internet is so slow today. The internet is heavy today. 私たちはみな幸福を願う。 We all wish for happiness. We all want to be happy. 雪が解けかかっていて、僕のスキーにくっついていた。 The snow was melting and stuck to my skis. The snow was melting and sticking to my skis. トムとメアリーはお互いに英語で会話をしている。 Tom and Mary speak to each other in English. Tom and Mary are talking to each other in English. 若い頃、あの川の側で遊んだものだった。 When I was young, I would play near that river. I used to play by that river when I was young. 空気はさまざまな気体の混合物である。 Air is a mixture of various gases. The air is a mixture of various gases. あの人達は退屈な仕事にあきあきしているのだ。 They are weary of their tedious work. They're getting tired of their boring work. そんな例は今日では珍しいことではありません。 Such a case is not uncommon today. It's not unusual today. 私は彼女の袖を引っ張ったが、彼女は平気で話し続けた。 I pulled her by the sleeve, but she went on talking unconcernedly. I pulled her sleeves, but she kept talking. その塀は犬が入れなくしておくほど高くは無かった。 The wall wasn't high enough to keep dogs out. The wall was not high enough to keep dogs out of it. 人は足るを知らねばならぬ。 People must learn to be satisfied. And man must know that which is added. その公園は市の中央に位置している。 The park is in the center of the city. The park is located in the center of the city. それは侵略から街を守るために造られた要塞だ。 It's a fort built to defend the town from invasion. It is a fortress built to protect the city from invasion. 警察は彼の行動を疑っていた。 The police were suspicious of his movements. The police suspected his actions. 彼は秘密を我々から隠そうとした。 He tried to keep the secret back from us. He tried to hide his secrets from us. わたしは生化学についてほとんど知らない。 I have little knowledge of biochemistry. I don't know much about biochemistry. なんてことだ!うちが燃えている! Oh, no! My house is on fire! No, no, no, no, no. ルチアーノは大声援を背負って戦えるかもしれないが、彼はまだヒヨコに過ぎない。 Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he's still wet behind the ears. Luciano may be able to fight with cheers, but he’s still nothing more than a yakuza. 私達は今いるところにいったほうがよい。 We may as well stay where we are. We better go where we are. 彼は間違いをしきりに謝っていた。 He was very apologetic for the mistake. He was apologizing for mistakes. なんか紙ちょうだい。 Can I borrow something to write on? Give me some paper. 30分早く出発すればよかったのに。 You should've left half an hour earlier. I should've left in half an hour. あの美術館にはピカソが1枚とルアノールが3枚あるそうだよ。 They say there's a Picasso and three Renoirs in that museum. They say there's a picnic and three luanols in the museum. 仕事ぶりはあんまりよくないということもわかっている。 I also know the job won't be very well done. I also know that work is not very good. 彼の言うことを信じないではいられない。 I cannot help believing what he says. I can't believe what he's saying. 羨ましい! I envy him. I envy you! これは彼女がそれを書くのに使った鉛筆です。 This is the pencil with which she wrote it. This is the pencil she used to write it. 警告しないといけないと思ったから、きみに会ったんだ。 I had to see you to give you a warning. I met you because I thought I had to warn you. 親の中には、子供たちが数について基本的なことを十分教わっていないのではないか、と心配しているものも多い。 Many parents are worried their children are not being given a basic understanding of numbers. Many parents fear that their children may not be well taught the basics of numbers. 鬼ごっこしよう。 Let's play tag. Let's play tag. 支払いにカードは使えますか? Can I pay with a credit card? Can you use a card to pay for it? 金は鉄よりも貴重だ。 Gold is more precious than iron. Gold is more valuable than iron. 我々は援助しなかったので彼は自力でやり遂げた。 We didn't help him, so he did it off his own bat. We didn't help him, so he did it on his own. 私は彼の絵の意味をじっと考えた。 I thought about the meaning of his painting. I still thought about the meaning of his paintings. 彼らは冬にはいつもスキーに行く。 They always go skiing in winter. They always go ski in winter. あの白い建物は病院です。 That white building is a hospital. That white building is a hospital. テレビを消してよ。集中できない。 Turn off the television. I can't concentrate. I can't concentrate. オーストラリアで仕事を見つけるのって簡単だった? Was it easy for you to find a job in Australia? Was it easy to find a job in Australia? ちょっと新聞を見せてもらえませんか。 Can I have a look at your newspaper? Can I see the paper for a second? 彼女は赤身しか食べなかった。 She ate nothing but lean meat. She only ate red. タバコを買いたいんです。 I want to get cigarettes. I'd like to buy a cigarette. われ思う、ゆえにわれあり。 I think, therefore I am. For what I think, for what I am, for what I am. 葵さんの趣味は踊ることです。 Aoi's hobby is dancing. It's my hobby to dance. 壊れた窓から冷たい風が吹き込んで寒かった。 Cold blasts from the broken window chilled us. It was cold as the cold wind blew through the broken window. 好きな野菜は何ですか? What's your favorite vegetable? What's your favorite vegetable? 彼女は手を振って彼らのテーブルを示した。 She designated their table with a wave of the hand. She shook her hand and showed them their table. 私の弟は泳ぎません。 My brother doesn't swim. My brother doesn't swim. 歯茎が炎症を起こしているようなのですが。 I think I have a gum infection. It looks like the gums have inflammation. その女の子は一人ぼっちで遊ぶことに慣れている。 The girl is used to playing all by herself. The girl is used to playing alone. 畑は今雨がどうしても必要だ。 The field is crying out for rain. Hatake needs it right now. この生徒たちはそれぞれの自分の意見をもっている。 Each of these students has his or her own opinion. Each student has his own opinion. 彼はその話で子供たちを面白がらせた。 He amused the children with the story. He made the children laugh at the story. 彼は歩いて学校に行っている。 He walks to school. He's going to school on foot. 誰であれ立派だと私たちが信じる人を選びます。 We will elect whoever we believe is worthy. We choose who we believe to be worthy. 彼は私が誘拐犯人と接触出来るようにしてくれた。 He put me in touch with the kidnappers. He made it possible for me to contact the kidnapper. みんな笑った。 Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. その人はガンで死んだ。 The man died of cancer. He died of cancer. 彼はきっと成功する。 I'm sure that he'll succeed. He'll make it. ここにいる私たちのほとんどは、フランス語が理解できないんです。 Most of us here don't understand French. Most of us here don't understand French. ネズミでした。 It was a mouse. It was a mouse. 彼は遊びの最中です。 He is at play. He's in the middle of a game. 兄がいます。 I have an older brother. I have a brother. それはあなたの才能を示すよい機会だと思いませんか。 Don't you think this is a good opportunity to show off your talents? Don't you think that's a good opportunity to show your talent? 誰もあの人と付き合いたがらないのは、あのひとがわがままだからです。 It is because of his selfishness that no one wants to associate with him. No one wants to go out with him because he's the one. きっと雨になりますよ。 It'll rain for sure. It's gonna rain. 彼がこんなふるまいをするとは。 That he should behave like this! I can't believe he's acting like this. 私はトムほどフランス語が上手くはない。 I can't speak French as well as Tom. I'm not as good in French as Tom. あそこのテーブルに座れますか。 Can we sit at the table over there? Can you sit at the table over there? あなたが第一印象を示す機会は一度きりだ。 You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You only have one chance to make your first impression. 飛行機が離陸するときに緊張するのは当たり前さ。 It's natural to be nervous when the plane takes off. It’s natural to be nervous when a plane takes off. 彼はこのごろ影を潜めてる。 He hasn't been around lately. He's hiding in the shadows these days. あいつは彼女のことをしゃべりすぎなんだよ。 He talks about her too much. He talks too much about her. 私はこの本を書くのに3年かかった。 It took me three years to write this book. It took me three years to write this book. 医師は彼女のけがの治療をした。 The doctor treated her injury. The doctor treated her. 彼が選出されるチャンスは十分にある。 He has a good chance of getting elected. There's a good chance he'll be elected. 彼は5歳でその詩をそらで覚えていた。 He learned that poem by heart when he was five years old. When he was five years old, he remembered the poem for a while. 太陽は月より大きい。 The sun is larger than the moon. The sun is greater than the moon. 道路は丘の周囲を曲がりくねっていた。 The road curled around the side of the hill. The road was winding around the hill. もう一杯ワインを召し上がりませんか。 Will you have another glass of wine? Would you like another glass of wine? もういいかい? Are you ready? Are we done? 彼は店の奥の暗い隅に姿を消した。 He disappeared into a dark corner at the back of the shop. He disappeared in a dark corner in the back of the shop. それは専門家に任せたほうがいいよ。 Leave that to the experts. You should leave that to the experts. 私の最も悪い習慣はタバコを吸うことです。 My worst vice is smoking. My worst habit is to smoke. どこで食べたい? Where do you want to eat? Where do you want to go? この本はちょっと時代おくれだ。 This book is a little out of date. This book is a little out of date. 世界はお前中心に回ってるわけじゃないんだよ。 The world doesn't revolve around you. The world isn't at the center of you. 彼女はフランスの諜報機関のために働いている。 She works for French intelligence. She works for French intelligence. 彼はすてきな青年です。 He's a fine young man. He's a nice young man. 彼は知恵のある人だ。 He is a man of wisdom. He's a wise man. 昔は出版の自由などなかった。 There used to be no freedom of the press. In the past, there was no freedom to publish. 我々が真理を知るのは、理知によるだけではなく、また心情(こころ)によって知るのである。 We know the truth, not only by reason, but also at heart. We know the truth not only through reason but also through compassion. そのハイキングは八時間もかかるでしょう。 The hike will take at least eight hours. That hike would take eight hours. 上京したときにお会いしたかった。 I hoped to have seen you when I went to Tokyo. I wanted to see you when you came to Tokyo. 急ぎなさい。そうしないと遅れますよ。 Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up or I'll be late. 私は黙っていたので彼女は余計に腹を立てた。 She got all the more angry for my silence. She was angry at me because I was silent. 君はすぐに始めた方がよい。 You may as well begin at once. You should get started right away. きっと彼はそれに失敗をするさ。 I bet he doesn't make it. I'm sure he'll make a mistake. その外国人はまったく日本語を知らなかった。 The foreigner didn't know Japanese at all. The foreigner knew no Japanese at all. 私たちは今シーズンたくさん試合をした。 We've played a lot of matches this season. We played a lot of games this season. その映画は良かった。 The movie was good. That movie was good. 喜んでそういたしましょう。 I'll do it with pleasure. Let's be happy to do that. 私はゴルフのやり方はさっぱりわからない。 I don't have a clue how to play golf. I don't know how to play golf. ここでは、すべてに保険がかかっています。 The insurance covers everything here. So let's say I have an insurance policy. 彼らはすぐに仲間に頼る。 They easily fall back on his company. They rely on their friends right away. この辞書には少なくとも5万語載っている。 This dictionary contains not less than fifty thousand words. This dictionary contains at least 50,000 words. 零細企業はインフレで苦境に陥っています。 Small enterprises are feeling the squeeze of inflation. The small companies are in trouble with inflation. 今日はスケートをしに行きません。 I won't go skating today. I'm not going to skate today. 私は彼と言葉を交わしたことはない。 I never exchanged a word with him. I've never spoken with him. あのドレスが彼女に似合うと思いますか? Do you think that dress suits her? Do you think that dress suits her? 明後日の晩かえります。 I'll come back the evening after next. I'll be back tomorrow night. 彼は親指と人差し指で蝶をつまみあげた。 He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger. He picked up the butterfly with his thumb and index finger. 私は先週の日曜日上司によって働かされた。 My boss made me work last Sunday. I was put to work last Sunday by my boss. 小中学生なんて、まだまだ善悪の見分けも、現実と仮想の見分けもつかない。 Elementary and primary school children don't yet know good from evil or reality from fiction. A junior high school student has yet to distinguish between right and wrong and reality from virtual reality. 喫煙を止めて私は生き返った。 I gave up smoking and I feel like a new man. I stopped smoking and came back to life. 遊びは終わりだ。 Fun and games are over. Play's over. 首はうなだれ、静かにいびきをかいていた。 His head nodded, and he snored gently. His head was snooze, snoring quietly. 彼女が歌っているのが、聞こえますか。 Can you hear her singing? Do you hear her singing? ある日、ローザ・パークスという黒人女性が、一日のつらい仕事を終えて帰宅しているところだった。 One day, a black woman, Rosa Parks, was returning home after a hard day's work. One day, a black woman named Rosa Parks was coming home after a hard day's work. あなたは自分の分担の仕事をしないことに対していつもいいわけをする。 You always make excuses for not doing your share of the work. You always make good excuses for not working part-time. 王子はその貧しい娘と結婚することを国中に知らせた。 The prince made it known all over the land that he would marry the poor girl. The prince made known to the country that he would marry his poor daughter. はさみを取って下さい。 Get me the scissors, please. Take the scissors off. 母はそのニュースを聞いて驚いた。 Mother was surprised at the news. My mother was surprised to hear the news. あの問題をどうやって処理しましたか。 How did you deal with the matter? How did you handle that problem? 彼は警官を見るとすぐ、逃げた。 As soon as he saw a policeman, he ran away. As soon as he saw the cops, he ran. 昨夜テレビで何を見ましたか。 What did you watch on television last night? What did you see on TV last night? あなたが見つけたその傘はトムのですか? Did the umbrella that you found belong to Tom? Is that umbrella you found Tom? 我々は商売をゼロから始めなければならなかった。 We had to start our business from zero. We had to start with the business at zero. 銀行はリスクの高い顧客へのローンには高い金利をつける。 Banks charge higher interest on loans to risky customers. The banks give high interest rates on loans to high-risk customers. そこは夏でも寒い。 It's cold there even in the summer. It's cold in summer. 日焼けでヒリヒリする。 My sunburn hurts. It's sunburning. ほらごらんなさい。長くなかったでしょ。 There! That wasn't long, was it? There you go, you haven't had a long time. 私は彼女のいうことを理解する。 I can understand what she is saying. I understand what she's saying. 私は君の言う事が理解できない。 I can't make head or tail of what you say. I don't understand what you're saying. そのラジオのアナウンサーは男らしい声の持ち主だった。 The radio announcer had a masculine voice. The radio announcer had a manly voice. 彼はすぐカッとならないで、冷静にしていることができる。 He has mastery of his temper. He can be calm and calm. ホーキングにとって、この本を書くことは容易ではなかった。 For Hawking, writing this book was not easy. It wasn't easy for Hawking to write. 人々は供給が断たれるまでは電気をあって当然のものと思っている。 People take electricity for granted until its supply is cut off. People take it for granted until the supply is cut off. 煙突から煙がもくもくと出ていた。 Smoke poured out of the chimney. There was smoke coming out of the chimney. 彼はそう言ったがそれは出任せに決まっている。 He must have said so without giving it much thought. That's what he said, but I'm sure he'll let it go. この駐車券に判を押していただけますか。 Can you validate this parking ticket? Why don't you mark this parking ticket? 彼女が入院して一ヶ月になる。 She's been in the hospital for a month. She's been in the hospital for a month. たいてい本当に堕落した感じだね。 Most people here have really hit the skids. Most of the time, it's really corrupt. ビルは一番列車に乗るために早起きした。 Bill got up early so he could catch the first train. Bill got up early to get on the first train. この本はやさしい英語で書かれている。 This book is written in simple English. The book is written in easy English. 年月を経て物事がどう変わっていくか見るのは面白そうだ。 It would be fun to see how things change over the years. It’s interesting to see how things change over the years. このドーナツ、外はさっくりしているのに中はふわふわで、おいしい! These donuts, the outside breaks apart easily and the insides are light and fluffy, delicious! This donut, it's fine inside, it's delicious! よく眠れました。 I slept very well. I slept well. 妹は彼らとの交際を望んでいない。 My sister doesn't wish to associate with them. She doesn't want to have sex with them. 彼は彼のおとうさんと同じくらいの背の高さがある。 He is as tall as his father. He's as tall as his father. やらなければならない事がありすぎる! There are too many things to do! There's too much to do! その老人が座っている。 The old man is sitting. That old man's sitting. お詫びの言葉もありません。 I can't apologize enough. I don't have any apologies. 彼の学校は高い丘の上に立っている。 His school stands on a high hill. His school stands on a high hill. 残念ながらその通りです。 Unfortunately, that's the case. I'm afraid so. もしも地図を持っていたならば、彼は道に迷わなかったろうに。 If he had carried the map with him, he wouldn't have got lost. If he had a map, he would not have lost his way. テッドは卒業旅行に行くことを楽しみにしています。 Ted is looking forward to going abroad after graduation. Ted is looking forward to his graduation trip. 宿題はもうしてしまいましたか。 Are you done with your homework yet? I'm done with my homework. ついうっかり言わないでおけばいいことを言ってしまった。 A foolish impulse made me say what I should have left unsaid. I didn't know what to say. 彼のスピーチの主旨を教えてください。 Tell me the substance of his speech. Tell me what his speech is all about. 彼に好きなことをしてもよいと許可を与えた。 I have given leave to do what he likes. I gave him permission to do what he liked. 競売の後で喜んで取り引きしましょう。 We will be willing to make a deal with you after the auction. Let's make a deal with him after the auction. どうした? What? What's going on? 彼は早起きに慣れている。 He is used to getting up early. He's used to getting up early. 私は行けないし、行きたいとも思わない。 I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't go, I don't want to go. 本を送ってくれるように彼女に言った。 I asked her to send us the book. I told her to send me a book. あなた、私のカップから飲んでますよ。 You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my cup. 現代の車は初期の車と多くの点で異なる。 Modern cars differ from the early ones in many ways. The modern car is different in many ways from the early ones. まもなく我々は町を出ていた。 Soon we were clear of the town. Soon we were out of town. 私はその事故と全く関係なかった。 I had nothing to do with the accident. I had nothing to do with that accident. 彼は若い時分にはバイオリンを弾いていた。 He used to play the violin in his youth. He played violin when he was young. お腹が減った。 I'm hungry! I'm hungry. そのように刃物を振り回すことは危険だ。 It is dangerous to wield an edged tool in such a way. It's dangerous to wave a blade like that. まともな無神論者は、神の不存在を証明しようとはしない。 No atheist worth his salt will try to prove that God does not exist. A decent atheist does not try to prove the existence of God. 疲れたなあ。 I am tired. I'm tired. 神田さんは何と速く走るのだろう。 How fast Miss Kanda runs! How fast does Koda-san run? 彼は機敏に動いて火事を消し止めた。 He acted quickly and put out the fire. He was quick to move and put out the fire. 彼は自分が成功したのは勤勉のためだと考えた。 He attributed his success to hard work. He thought he was successful for hard work. 私たちはその猫をミミと名付けた。 We named the cat Mimi. We named that cat Mimi. 明日東京へ立つつもりだ。 I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to leave for Tokyo tomorrow. トムを助けるつもりですか。 Are you planning to help Tom? You're gonna help Tom. 彼がその辞書を盗んだに違いない、とふと私はおもった。 It occurred to me that he must have stolen the dictionary. He must have stolen that dictionary, and I had it. ボブはいつも十時に寝る。 Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. Bob always sleeps at 10:00. 何か欲しいものがあれば、遠慮なく言ってくださいね。 If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. If you need anything, don't hesitate to say it. 外は寒いよ。コートを着なさい。 It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold out there. Put your coat on. 君にこのペンダントをあげるよ。 I'll give you this pendant. I'll give you this pencil. みんなで私をのけ者にした。 I was left out in the cold by everyone. We all made fun of me. 私たちはときどき間違いをする。 We sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes we make mistakes. 遅かれ早かれ私達は必ず死ぬ。 We shall die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we will die. マドンナにしばらく仕事に戻ってほしくない。 I'll bet Madonna doesn't return to her career for awhile. I don't want Madonna to go back to work for a while. ご覧のように私はまだ生きているし、それがいちばん大事なことだと父も言っている。 As you can see, I'm still alive, and that's the main thing. My father, too, says that's what's most important. As you can see, my father says I'm still alive and that's the most important thing. 今日の天気はどうですか。 How is the weather today? How's the weather today? トムは夜空を見た。 Tom looked at the night sky. Tom saw the night sky. 女性は読み物をしている。 The woman is reading. Women are reading. 今、私は家を整理整頓しなければならないから、忙しい。 I've got to get the house in order, so I'm busy now. Now, I have to clean up the house, so I'm busy. 君が悪いことははっきりしている。 It is plain that you are to blame. It's clear you're bad. 日本人は集団で旅行するのが好きだ。 The Japanese like to travel in groups. Japanese like to travel in groups. セーターが洗濯で縮んだ。 My sweater shrank in the wash. The sweater shrinks in the laundry. あいつらが困ってるみたい。手伝ってくれない? They are in trouble. Can you help them? I think they're in trouble. Can you help me? 彼らは皆彼の冗談に笑った。 They all laughed at his jokes. They all laughed at his jokes. 最初にあげなければならない問題は、それらのグループの間に文化障壁が存在していたかどうかということである。 The first question we must raise is whether a cultural barrier existed between those groups. The first question to be addressed is whether there was a cultural barrier between those groups. 私はひとりぼっちだし、このことをあなたに書いてもいいと思ったのよ。 I am alone and feel I can write this to you. I was alone, and I thought I could write about this to you. そんなことして何になるのか。 What's the point? I don't know what's going to happen to me. あなたのお役にたてればとてもうれしいです。 I'll be very happy if I can serve you. I'm so happy to be able to help you. 生徒はみんな校則を知っていることになっている。 Every pupil is supposed to know the school regulations. All students are supposed to know the rules. トムは前払いした。 Tom prepaid. Tom paid in advance. 薪割りを好む人が多いのは理解できる。 I know why there are so many people who love chopping wood. I understand that a lot of people like to cut wood. エドードは、ロバートより年下だ。 Edward is younger than Robert. Eddo is younger than Robert. 聞き上手になりたい。 I want to become a good listener. I want to be a good listener. 僕は犬が大好きです。 I like dogs very much. I love dogs. 私は彼が私のスリッパを履いているのに気付いた。 I noticed he was wearing my slippers. I noticed him wearing my slippers. 彼は一人でこの寂しい場所に住んでいます。 He lives in this lonely place by himself. He lives alone in this lonely place. 牙もないくせに吠えまくる犬とは違うんだ。 I'm not a toothless barking dog. It's not like a dog barks at you without its tusks. 何が起こっているのかぜひ知りたい。 I really want to know what's going on here. I'd like to know what's going on. あり得るけど、多分ないな。 It's possible, but not probable. It's possible, but maybe not. あなたの意見はある意味では正しい。 Your opinions are right in a way. You're right in a way. 「モーモー」と牛は鳴いた。 "Moo, moo," said the cow. "Momo" and "Momo" rang. ジョーの男っぽいにおいでルイーザは気分が悪くなってしまった。 Joe's masculine smell made Louisa sick. He's like Joe's man, and he's feeling sick. 本当の友達なら、あんなふうには行動しなかっただろう。 A true friend would have acted differently. A true friend wouldn't have acted that way. そんなことだろうと思った。 That's what I thought. I thought that's not true. パスポートは外国に行くのに必要不可欠なものだ。 You absolutely need a passport to travel to a foreign country. Passports are essential for travel abroad. テレビを付けて下さい。 Please turn on the television. Turn on the TV. ラジオを借りていいですか。 Can I borrow your radio? Can I borrow your radio? 事故の後、怪我をした人たちは病院へ運ばれた。 After the accident, the injured people were taken to the hospital. After the accident, the injured were taken to the hospital. 『スパニッシュ・アパートメント』はポルノ映画だ、と主張する向きもある。 There is also a tendency to call "L'Auberge Espagnole" a pornographic film. Some argue that the Spanish Apartment is a porn film. 私は鉛筆を10本買ったが、そのうち半分は弟に与える事になっていた。 I bought ten pencils, half of which were to be given to my brother. I bought 10 pencils, but half of them were to be given to my brother. 夏は肉が悪くなりやすいから冷蔵庫にいれて起きなさい。 In summer meat easily goes bad; you must keep it in the refrigerator. You should wake up in the fridge because the meat will get worse in the summer. お会いできるといいですね。 I hope to see you. It's good to see you. あなたは私を馬鹿にしてるじゃないか。 Are you messing with me? You're making fun of me. しかし、まもなく、彼は、自分一人では歩くことも、書くことも、食べることさえできなくなるだろう。 But soon he would not be able to walk, write, or even eat by himself. Soon, however, he will no longer be able to walk, write, or even eat by himself. 観光客は町中飲み歩いてどんちゃん騒ぎをした。 The tourists painted the whole town red. The tourists had been drinking all over town for a while. 君が彼の助力を断ったのは間違いだ。 You were wrong to turn down his help. You were wrong to turn down his help. 私のお母さんはもし私が駆け落ちしたら絶対許さないって言ってたわ。 My mother said if I eloped, she would never forgive me. My mother said she would never forgive me if I ran away. 葵さんは踊るのが何と上手なのだろう。 Aoi dances very well. I wonder how good it is to dance. ピータは花瓶を割るつもりはなかった。 Peter didn't intend to break the vase. Peeta didn't mean to break a vase. その件について個人的にお話できますか。 May I talk with you in private about the matter? Can I talk to you personally about it? ここにはこれ以上いない方がいいね。 We had better not remain here any longer. We shouldn't be here any longer. 私は言葉で気持ちを伝えることができます。 I can convey my feelings in words. I can express my feelings in words. あの人が失敗したと誰も私に教えてくれなかった。 No one informed me of his failure. No one told me he failed. ご親切に対してお礼の申し上げようもありません。 I cannot thank you enough for all your kindness. I can't thank you for your kindness. わが国はずっと何年にもわたって平和を享受してきた。 Our country has enjoyed many years of unbroken peace. Our country has been enjoying peace for many years. 何をしてよいのかわからなかったので、私は黙ってそこに立っていた。 Not knowing what to do, I stood there silently. I didn't know what to do, so I stood there quietly. 今年のポマトの生育はおしなべて良好です。 On the whole, the pomato plants are growing well this year. This year, Pomat is growing well. 日曜日はいつも家に引きこもっている。 I usually stay indoors on Sunday. Sundays are always locked up at home. どうやったら君はあんなものが食べられるんだ。 I don't see how you can eat that stuff. How can you eat something like that? その恐ろしさは名称し難い。 It is frightening beyond description. The horror is hard to describe. 寒くなったので、私はオーバーを着た。 I got cold, so I put on my coat. It got cold, so I overdressed. 我々はその規則に従った。 We obeyed the rules. We followed those rules. 念のため、銀行振込の領収書のコピーを同封いたしました。 Enclosed is a copy of the bank transfer receipt. I've signed a copy of the receipt for the bank, just in case. 彼は助けに来たとゆうより邪魔しに来た。 He didn't come to help, but to hinder us. He's not here to help. He's here to help. 彼は私たちと道を隔てた反対側に住んでいます。 He lives across the street from us. He lives on the other side of the road between us. 私はトルコ語を話しません。 I can't speak Turkish. I don't speak Turkish. その問題は私たちに重くのしかかっている。 The problem bears heavily on us. The problem is heavy on us. 私はタイヤの跡を見つけた。 I found the track of the tire. I found the tire tracks. どちらをとったら言いか私に教えてください。 Please tell me which one to take. Tell me which one you're going to take. 昼食前にしていただけますか。 Do you think you could make it before lunch? Why don't you do it before lunch? 彼らの、4分の3が賛成した。 Three quarters of them agreed. Three quarters of them agreed. 最近YouTubeがやけに重い気がする。 Recently, there has been a strong sense of despair on Youtube. I've been feeling a lot of pressure lately on YouTube. メアリーはクラスで一番かわいい女の子です。 Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Mary is the sweetest girl in her class. その日は、たまたま会合があった。 It happened that there was a meeting on that day. There happened to be a meeting that day. 誰でも音楽に対する興味を育てる事が出来ます。 Anyone can cultivate their interest in music. Everyone can develop an interest in music. ジェフリーは友達からジェフと呼ばれている。 Jeffrey is called Jeff by his friends. He's called Jeff from a friend. 彼の考えをどう思いますか。 What do you think of his idea? What do you think he thinks? 私は君のお父さんを知っている。 I know your father. I know your father. 彼の顔はパッと明るくなった。 His face brightened. His face became brighter and brighter. 飛行機事故で生き残った者はなかった。 No one survived the plane crash. No one survived the plane crash. その貴族は過去の光栄にしがみついている。 The aristocrat clings to the glory of his past. The nobleman clings to the glory of the past. 彼とはうまくやっている。 I get on well with him. I'm doing fine with him. 今日の午後テニスをしませんか。 What do you say to playing tennis this afternoon? Why don't we have tennis this afternoon? 彼らが遅れてくることを確かめなさい。 Make sure that they come here late. Make sure they're late. 君が明日暇かどうか知りたい。 I want to know if you'll be free tomorrow. I want to know if you're free tomorrow. 我々は敵の不意をついた。 We took the enemy by surprise. We've taken the enemy's mind off course. 彼は、誰に聞けばいいのかわからない。 He doesn't know who he should ask. He doesn't know who to ask. これが店で一番いいカメラです。 This is the best camera in the store. This is the best camera in the store. 他方でその経験から学んだものも大きかった。 On the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the other hand, the experience taught me a lot. 目がさめてみると雪が降っていた。 I awoke to find it snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. 博物館は月曜日にはしまっていると思います。 I understand the museum is closed on Mondays. I think the museum has been kept by Monday. そこのお店の息子さんが、今度この土地の女の子と出来ちゃった結婚をすることになってる。 Well the son of that shop's family, seems it's come about that he's to have a shot-gun wedding with a local girl. The son of the store is going to marry another girl here. 長い船旅は私たちにとって試練であった。 The long voyage was a trial for us. The long voyage was a test for us. 今日は少しでも練習しましたか。 Have you practiced any today? Did you practice a little bit today? 彼は1日で200キロ走ると言って、そうした。 He said he would run 200 kilometers in a day and he did. He said he would run 200 kilometers a day. その赤い家は新しい。 The red house is new. That red house is new. トムは来年100歳を迎える。 Tom will be a centenarian next year. Tom's going to be 100 next year. おまえ達子供が寝る時間はもうとっくに来ているよ。 It's high time you children went to bed. It's time for you kids to go to bed. 彼が何をしようと構わない。 I don't care what he does. I don't care what he does. 「実を言うと、俺、高所恐怖症なんだ。」 「臆病者っ!」 "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" As a matter of fact, I'm afraid of heights. 彼女は今頃もうパリに着いているだろう。 She will be in Paris by now. She will be in Paris by now. 彼は急に立ち止まった。 He stopped short. He stopped suddenly. 雪がたくさん降った。 It snowed a lot. A lot of snow. お昼頃雨が降るかもしれない。 It may rain around noon. Maybe it's raining around noon. ラッシュアワーの交通渋滞で、到着が2時間遅れてしまった。 A rush-hour traffic jam delayed my arrival by two hours. We arrived two hours late in rush hour traffic. 私はそのことについて隣の人から直接聞きました。 I heard about it at first hand from my neighbor. I heard directly from my neighbor about it. アインシュタインのような科学者はまれである。 Such scientists as Einstein are rare. Scientists like Einstein are rare. その島の住民に新しい法律が施行された。 The new law was enforced on the people of the island. New laws have been passed to residents of the island. メアリーは、私が電話したときには1時間編物をしていた。 Mary had been knitting for an hour when I called. "I don't know," said Mary. 健康の真のありがたみは健康を失ってはじめてわかる。 It isn't till we lose our health that we realize its true value. The true nature of health can be seen when we begin to lose our health. 女の強みは舌にある。 A woman's strength is in her tongue. The woman's strength is in her tongue. ダース単位で注文する方が安いですよ。 It's cheaper to order things by the dozen. It's cheaper to order a dozen. あまりに急いで書かれたので、その手紙には間違いがたくさんあった。 Written too quickly, the letter had many mistakes. It was written so quickly that there were many mistakes in the letter. 私はそれを見て肝をつぶした。 I was frightened at the sight. I burned my heart when I saw it. お腹すいて死にそう。 I'm famished. I'm starving. あなたはリーダーとしての資格がない。 You don't have what it takes to be a leader. You're not qualified to be a leader. 電話借りてもいい? Can I use your telephone? Can I borrow your phone? 上司がイライラし始めている。 My boss is starting to get edgy. My boss is starting to get frustrated. 私が講堂に入るか入らないかのうちに式が始まった。 No sooner had I entered the hall than the ceremony began. The ceremony began whether I went into the auditorium or not. 多くの日本の若者が朝食にパンを食べます。 Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many Japanese young people eat bread for breakfast. 払わせてください。 Let me pick up the check. Let me pay. 彼女がこんなにおびえたことは1度もなかった。 She'd never been so frightened. I've never been so scared of her. 私は彼女と結婚することに決めた。 I made up my mind to marry her. I decided to marry her. あなたはただここに座って先生のご質問に答えればいいのです。 All you have to do is sit down here and answer the doctor's questions. You just sit here and answer the doctor's question. あなたは彼女より背が高い。 You are taller than she is. You're taller than her. 原稿を少し変えたいと思います。 I'd like to make some changes in the draft. I'd like to change it a little bit. あなたは明日何をするつもりですか。 What are you going to do tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow? もう我慢できない。 It is more than I can stand. I can't take it anymore. ようやく、この三週間に受信したメールの返信を書く時間ができました。 Finally I have time to reply to the mail I received these three weeks. Finally, it is time to write replies to e-mails received during the last three weeks. あなたが今年の夏何をしたか知りたい。 I want to know what you did this summer. I want to know what you did this summer. 独りで外国に行ったらだめだ、と父に言われた。 My father told me I couldn't go abroad alone. My father told me not to go abroad alone. 行ってらっしゃい。 Have a safe trip. See you later. 去年は雪が多かった。 It snowed a lot last year. There was lots of snow last year. この道は上り坂になっている。 This is an uphill road. This road is uphill. その部屋には家具が無かった。 There wasn't any furniture in that room. There was no furniture in that room. 仮定法過去の場合be動詞はすべてwereになるんだよ? With the subjunctive past all the 'be' verbs become 'were', OK? Is all the verbs in the past of the assumption law going to be wee? 電話がかかってきたとき私はたまたま外出していた。 I happened to be out when the call came. When I got a phone call, I happened to be out of town. 私の電話番号をメモしましたか。 Did you note down my phone number? Did you write down my phone number? このたびはお見のがしくださったらと望んでおります。 I hope it will be overlooked this time. I hope you have seen me this time. 彼は何をすべきか当惑した。 He was at a loss what to do. He was confused about what to do. 当分はその金で間に合うだろう。 The money will do for the time being. I'll have the money for the time being. この州には鉱物資源が豊富です。 The province is rich in mineral resources. This state is rich in mineral resources. もし私が男の子ならば、野球部にはいることが出来るのに。 If I were a boy, I could join the baseball team. If I were a boy, I could be in baseball. 勝利によって彼女の努力は報われた。 Her efforts were crowned with victory. Her efforts were rewarded by victory. 私たちは子供がたくさんほしい。 We want to have a large family. We want a lot of kids. 研究するにつれてますます心理学が面白く感じるようになった。 The more I studied psychology, the more interesting I came to find it. And the more I studied it, the more interesting it became. 彼は大学で物理学を専攻することに決めた。 He decided to specialize in physics at college. He decided to major in physics at the university. 退かぬ,媚びぬ,顧みぬ! I’ll never quit, never curry favor, and never look back! Do not turn back, do not look back, do not look back! 散歩に行きたいと思いますか。 Do you feel like going out for a walk? You want to go for a walk. どういうふうに動くか見せてください。 Show me how it works. Show me how it works. その映画の出演者はほとんどアメリカ人であった。 The movie was cast mostly with Americans. The film was mostly American. あれは誰が必要なの? Who is essential for that? Who does that need? 好運が彼に微笑みかけた。 Fortune beamed on him. Good luck smiled at him. 彼は夜更かしには慣れていた。 He was accustomed to sitting up late. He was used to late nights. 彼は戦災孤児をひきとって養女として育てています。 He adopted a war orphan and is bringing her up as a foster daughter. He raised war orphans as foster girls. それは実に雄大な眺めだ。 It is quite a grand view. It's such a magnificent view. その話に我々は深く心を動かされた。 The story affected us deeply. That story moved us deeply. 君の言動は決して満足のいくものではない。 I am far from pleased with your behavior. You will never be satisfied with what you say. あなたの仕事はまったく満足できるというわけではない。 Your work is not altogether satisfactory. Your work is not entirely satisfying. 君が使ったお金全部を説明できますか。 Can you account for all the money you spent? Can you explain all the money you spent? 私があなたの立場だったら、別の行動をするだろう。 I would act differently in your place. If I were in your position, I'd do something else. 誰が君をここにこさせたのか。 Who made you come here? Who sent you here? まもなく暖かい春が来るだろう。 It won't be long before a warm spring comes. Soon there will be a warm spring. 病は気からとはうまく言ったものですね。 It is aptly said that illness starts from the mind. It's a good thing you said it out of your mind. 彼らがお互いに愛し合っているのを僕は知っている。 I know that they're in love with each other. I know they love each other. あなたが言ったことはおおむね正しかった。 What you said was in the main right. You were so right about what you said. 何が飲みたい? What do you want to drink? What do you want? こいつの性根が悪いから非モテなんだろ。 I expect it's his lousy personality that drives off the ladies. I'm sure he's not attractive because he's got a bad heart. 彼がピアノを弾いている間は静かにしていなさい。 Keep silent while he is playing the piano. Keep quiet while he plays the piano. その牙城はお前の地獄よ。 Her kingdom is your hell. That tusk is your hell. これは私が今までに読んだ最も長い小説です。 This is the longest novel that I have ever read. This is the longest novel I've ever read. ここら辺は道がガタガタしているので運転するのが大変だ。 It's really hard to drive on the bumpy roads around here. It's hard to drive around here because the roads are rough. この町は昔きれいでした。 Formerly, this city was beautiful. This town was beautiful a long time ago. 君は先生の指示に従うべきだ。 You should follow your teacher's advice. You should follow the doctor's instructions. 彼はあんなやつと喧嘩をするほど馬鹿じゃないはずだ。 He ought to know better than to quarrel with such a fellow. He's not stupid enough to fight that guy. あの赤ん坊は目もとに愛きょうがある。 That baby has charming eyes. That baby has love in her eyes. 体育祭も終わったし、次は中間テストかあ。 Well sports day is over too, next the midterms ... The gym is over, and now it's a midterm test. 熱あるなら早めに病院行った方がいいよ。 If you have a fever, it would be a good idea to go to the hospital right away. If you have a fever, you should get to the hospital early. フォースとともにあらんことを May the Force be with you. May the Force be with you. とてもそこまで手が回らない。 I can't possibly manage it. I don't have much of a hand. 私には父がまだ生きていると思えてならない。 I can't help thinking my father is still alive. I can't believe he's still alive. 雲に隠れて月が見えない。 The moon is invisible behind the clouds. I can't see the moon hiding in the clouds. メアリーは人と違ったことをするのが好きだ。 Mary likes doing different things from other people. Mary likes to do different things. 彼女はきちんとした身なりをしていた。 She was well-dressed. She was dressed properly. 少々おまちください。 Will you wait a moment? Give me a break. そのおおきな谷には川が流れている。 A river runs through the long valley. There's a river in the wide valley. その大学は20年前に、彼の父によって創設された。 The university was founded by his father twenty years ago. The university was founded by his father 20 years ago. 私は空想にふけって多くの時間を無駄に過ごす。 I waste a lot of time daydreaming. I'll spend a lot of time daydreaming. 行き止まりだ。 It's a dead end. It's a dead end. そのお城の外側は白く塗られていた。 The outside of the castle was painted white. The outside of the castle was painted white. 出発する前に私に電話をかけなさい。 Call me before you leave. Call me before you leave. 実は彼はその試験を受けてさえいなかったのだ。 The fact is that he didn't even take the exam. In fact, he didn’t even get the test. 彼は十年以上もその小屋に一人で住んでいる。 He has been living in the cabin by himself for more than ten years. He has lived alone in that cabin for over a decade. 牛乳と卵を混ぜなさい。 Blend milk and eggs together. Mix milk with eggs. 休みの前などは少し羽目を外して飲むのだが、杜仲茶割りで飲むと二日酔いが全くない。 I usually cut loose a bit and drink plenty before a day off work but if my drinks are cut with tochu tea then I get absolutely no hangover. A few drinks before holidays are taken out of the way, but if you drink in the middle of the night, you don’t get a hangover at all. 料理が上手ですね。 You are a good cook. You're a good cook. トムに殺害すると脅された。 Tom threatened to kill me. Tom threatened to kill me. 欲しいものはなんでもあげる。 I will give you anything you want. I'll give you whatever you want. 台所の床を掃除することに、もうこれ以上の時間を費やしたくなかった。 I didn't want to spend any more time cleaning the kitchen floor. I didn't want to spend any more time cleaning the kitchen floor. あえて彼の意見を支持した。 I dared to support his opinion. I dared to support his opinion. 彼はお金がなかった。 He had no money. He didn't have the money. 本当に骨の折れる仕事だった。 It was real hard work. It was really hard work. 実業家は、忙しい生活をしていたため、週末を家族と過ごす事ができなかった。 The businessman was leading too busy a life to spend weekends with his family. Businessmen were too busy to spend the weekend with their families. メアリーは搭乗券を失くした。 Mary lost her boarding pass. Mary lost her boarding pass. 前のメールがきつく響かなかったことを願っています。 I hope my last mail didn't sound too harsh. I hope the previous e-mails didn't ring a bell. 出発20分前になったら、搭乗案内のアナウンスがかかるって。 They said they'd make the boarding announcement 20 minutes before takeoff. They'll have a flight announcement in 20 minutes. ルーシーはよく食後ピアノを弾いたものだ。 Lucy would often play the piano after dinner. Lucy used to play the piano after she ate. なんて運が悪いんだ、僕は! I really am unlucky! How unfortunate, I am! 私達はすぐに晴れるかどうか疑わしいと思った。 We thought it doubtful whether it would clear soon. I thought we were suspicious of whether it would clear up soon. 「あなたはいつテレビを見ますか」「夕食後です」 "When do you watch TV?" "I watch TV after dinner." - When do you watch TV? - After dinner. 彼女は庭でボールを見つけた。 She found a ball in the garden. She found the ball in the garden. ブライアンは憂鬱そうに見える。 Brian looks blue. Brian looks depressed. 女というものは何でもお金に換算して考える。 A woman thinks of everything in terms of money. Every woman thinks in terms of money. 若い頃よく野球の試合をみにいったものでした。 When I was young, I would often go to watch baseball games. When I was young, I used to go to baseball games. 1日にリンゴ1個で医者いらず。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. One apple a day without a doctor. 例外もあるが、その会社はたいていは資産をとてもうまく利用している。 The company, although with some exceptions, usually utilizes its resources very well. There are exceptions, but most companies make very good use of their assets. 人々は彼女が死んだものだと思った。 People thought that she was dead. People thought she was dead. 私はたった今キツネが道路を横切るのを見た。 I saw a fox run across the road just now. I just saw a fox cross the road. 大切なのはどの大学を出たかではなくて、大学で何を学んだかである。 What's important isn't which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The important thing is not which university you left, but what you learned at the university. 家族はまだ仕事しているからすぐにはテキサスに行けないのだよ。 My family is still working, so I can't go to Texas right away. My family is still working, so I can't get to Texas right away. 彼はテニスを楽しんでいます。 He enjoys playing tennis. He's enjoying tennis. 働き続けなさい。 Keep on working. Keep working. 奇妙なことだけれども、その話は本当です。 Strange as it is, the story is true. It's a strange story, but it's true. 彼を一晩泊めてやった。 I accommodated him with a night's lodging. I let him stay overnight. 一国の経済力はその生産力だけでなく消費力にも存する。 The economic strength of a country lies not alone in its ability to produce, but also in its capacity to consume. A country's economic power depends not only on its productivity, but also on its consumption. シェークスピアは最も偉大な詩人の一人である。 Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets. Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets. 黙っていると罪を認めたことになる。 Silence is an admission of guilt. If you don't talk, you're guilty. 油と水はいっしょに混ぜ合わせることはできない。 You can't make a mixture of oil and water. Oil and water cannot be mixed together. 僕は友達に会うためにベルリンへいきます。 I'm going to Berlin to visit my friend. I'm going to Berlin to meet my friends. 男子生徒はたいてい偉大な運動選手を尊敬するものだ。 Schoolboys usually look up to great athletes. Boys are usually respected for their great athletes. 彼女はアドバイスを聞いて断ったから中々怒られちゃった。 He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice. When she listened to my advice, I got mad at her. なぜ嘘をついたの? Why did you lie? Why did you lie to me? トムには自分のやりたいことをする勇気がなかった。 Tom didn't have the courage to do what he wanted to do. Tom didn't have the courage to do what he wanted to do. このきのこは食べられない。 This mushroom isn't good to eat. I can't eat this one. 煙草は止めたほうがいいよ。 You'd better break off smoking. You should stop smoking. 彼はそれを聞いてカッとなった。 When he heard it, he saw red. When he heard it, he fell in love with it. 私は空を飛べないのと同じく泳ぐこともできない。 I can no more swim than I can fly. I can’t swim like I can’t fly. 私だったら彼よりうまくできただろう。 I could have done better than he. I would have done better than him. わたしは貸家をさがしている。 I'm looking for a house to rent. I'm looking for a tenant. 彼女は親の視線にきづいていた。 She was aware of her parents' eyes. She looked at her parents' eyes. 私は悩んでばかりいる。 My heart is full of trouble. I've been having a lot of trouble. 私は、旅行会社に勤めています。 I work for a travel agency. I work for a travel firm. 彼女はある事務所で秘書として働いている。 She works as a secretary in an office. She works as a secretary in an office. どうしたらもっと会ってくれるように彼女を説得できると思う? How do you think I can convince her to spend more time with me? How do you think I can convince her to see me more? 好きな動物は何ですか? What's your favourite animal? What's your favorite animal? 彼女は荷物を空港まで運んでもらった。 She had her baggage carried to the airport. She took the package to the airport. ちょうど出かけるところだ。 I'm about to leave. I'm just going out. 彼の英語は誤りはあるにしてもきわめて少ない。 There are few, if any, mistakes in his English. His English may be wrong, but very few. 彼女は名門の出である。 She comes from a good family. She's a man of fame. 紅茶にしますかそれともコーヒーにしますか。 Would you like tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? 遍路さんたちと一緒に去る事に決めた。 I decided to go away with the pilgrims. I decided to leave with them. 警官はその泥棒を取り押さえた。 The policeman caught the thief. The cops got that thief. 彼は私に駅までの道を教えてくれた。 He showed me the way to the station. He taught me the way to the station. 彼は腹立たしげに彼女を見た。 He looked at her angrily. He saw her angryly. 私たちがどこに行くのか知っていますか。 Do you know where we're going? You know where we're going. トムはもう朝ごはんを食べた。 Tom has already finished breakfast. Tom already had breakfast. 私達はみんなだれ一人として完璧な人間はいないことは分かっている。 We all know that no one is perfect. We all know that none of us are perfect. 1853年に青いジーンズが初めて出現した。 In 1853, the first blue jeans came out. The first blue jeans appeared in 1853. その提案は魅力的だけど、今は決断できないので考えさせて下さい。 Your offer is very attractive, but we will have to think about it. It’s fascinating, but I can't make a decision right now, so let me think about it. 私は何時かわかりません。 I don't know what time it is. I don't know when. トムは決して自分の仕事の話をしない。 Tom never talks about his work. Tom never talks about his work. これには、様々な種類の団体、人々、考え方が含まれている。 It includes widely varying organizations, people, and ideas. This includes various kinds of organizations, people and ideas. 彼女は自殺しようとした。 She attempted suicide. She tried to kill herself. 彼はその事実を軽く見て失敗した。 He made nothing of the fact and failed. He took it lightly and failed. 私たちはそのことで意見が対立した。 We clashed on that matter. We had a disagreement about it. おじはその時計をくれた。 My uncle gave me the watch. My uncle gave me that watch. たいていの人は60歳で退職する。 Most people retire at the age of sixty. Most people retire at 60 years of age. 私の立場をもっとハッキリさせよう。 Let me make my stand clearer. Let me make my position more clear. 許可なしに部屋に入るな。 Don't enter the room without permission. Don't go into the room without permission. 十二時までに帰ってくるのですよ。 You are supposed to be back by noon. You'll be back by midnight. 散歩しましょう。 Let's take a walk. Let's take a walk. 私は行くことを承諾した。 I consented to go. I agreed to go. あまり迷惑がかからないことを祈ります。 I hope this will not inconvenience you too much. I hope it doesn't bother you too much. 彼の怠惰は将来に対する悪い前兆だった。 His laziness boded ill for the future. His laziness was a bad sign of the future. 家に戻ってきなさい。 Come back home. Go home. 大丈夫、じきに慣れますよ。 You'll get used to it soon. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. 時間つぶしに読書する人もいます。 Some people read books to kill time. Some people read on time. 10円で電話がかけられますか。 Can I make a phone call for ten yen? Can you call me for ten yen? 誰が描いたのですか。 Who drew it? Who drew it? この家は住むのにとても快適だ。 This house is very comfortable to live in. The house is very comfortable to live in. さあ、この前やめた所から読みはじめなさい。 Now, resume reading where you left off. Now, start reading from where you left off last time. そのテストの結果で私はいかに学んでいなかったかを痛感した。 The result of the test brought home to me how little I had learned. The results of that test made me wonder how much I hadn't learned. ご伝言、うけたまわります。 I can take a message. I'm going around with your message. 先生が入ってきたらおしゃべりをやめなさい。 Stop talking when the teacher comes in. When the teacher comes in, stop talking. 私は生きたままのえびは食べたくない。 I don't want to eat a live lobster. I don't want to eat the rust alive. 彼はマッチをすった。 He struck a match. He made a match. 我々は教授のお決まりの冗談には飽き飽きしている。 We are bored with the joke of professorial custom. We are tired of the professor's routine jokes. あすの朝までには一面の銀世界になっているだろう。 By tomorrow morning all the world will have been covered with snow. By tomorrow morning, it will be a silver world. ひどく変わってしまったので、彼女だと分からなかった。 She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her. I didn't know it was her because it had changed so much. 行きたいですか。 Would you like to go? Do you want to go? そんな悪い習慣は廃止すべきだ。 Such evil customs should be done away with. Such bad habits should be abolished. 生徒は全員テストに合格しました。 All the students passed the test. All students passed the test. この赤ちゃんは生後3週間です。 This baby is 3 weeks old. This baby is three weeks old. 庭の花には、水をやる必要があります。 The flowers in the garden need watering. The flowers in the garden need water. 冗談にしろ、恐怖からにしろ、決してうそを言うな。 Never tell a lie, either for fun or from fear. You're joking, you're scared, and you're never lying. その戦争で彼らの幸せは奪われた。 The war deprived them of their happiness. That war took away their happiness. この道はいつも多くの車が通る。 There are always a lot of vehicles on this road. There's always a lot of cars on this road. だったら、私のお願いを聞いて欲しいの。それでチャラ。 If so then I want you to do something for me. That will make us even. Then I want you to do me a favor. 全会社員のほとんど3分の1の人が、眼鏡をかけている。 Almost one-third of all office workers wear glasses. Almost a third of all employees wear glasses. 彼は英語がとても好きだ。 He likes English very much. He loves English very much. トムは今にも泣き出しそうだった。 Tom was about to burst into tears. Tom was almost crying. 彼は間違って答えた。 He answered incorrectly. He answered in the wrong way. 大統領に会うなんて本当にわくわくした。 It was a great thrill to meet the President. I'm really excited to see the president. 帰り道で拾ったラジオを修理しているのさ。 I'm fixing the radio that I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I picked up on the way home. 英国人の礼儀正しさは、本質的には恐怖感なのだという人がいる。 Some people say that English politeness is, at bottom, really fear. Some say that British courtesy is essentially fear. 「トム、お母さんは?」「姉ちゃんと買い物に行ってるよ」 "Where's your mom, Tom?" "She's out shopping with my sis." Tom, where's your mom? I'm going shopping with my sister. この湖で泳いでもいいですか。 Is swimming allowed in this lake? You can swim in this lake. 理由聞いてもいい? Can I ask why? Can I ask why? ある意味であなたの言う事は正しい。 In a sense, you are right. In a way, you're right. 誰がしたの? Who did it? Who did it? 私はここに六十年余り住んでいる。 I have lived here a little over 60 years. I've lived here for over sixty years. 私のテレビはほぼ15年にもなるが、画質はまだ良い。 My TV set is almost 15 years old, but it still has a good picture. My TV has been around for almost 15 years, but the quality is still good. 彼の妻は、彼が怒った時、彼の扱いを知っている。 His wife knows how to manage him when he gets angry. His wife knows how to treat him when he gets angry. 巨大な卵が道の真ん中落ちていたのを目に入った。 I caught sight of a huge egg that had fallen into the middle of the road. I saw a giant egg fall in the middle of the road. 私は富士山を見たことがあります。 I have seen Mt. Fuji. I've seen Mount Fuji. 彼の技能はその仕事にうってつけだった。 His skills qualified him for the job. His skill was good at his job. 太らないように気をつけているの? Are you watching your weight? Are you taking care of yourself so you don't get fat? 私は唇の中を噛んで口内炎ができた。 I bit the inside of my lip and got a canker sore. I bit in my lips and developed an inflammation. この作家が本領を発揮しているのは短編小説だ。 This writer is at his best in his short stories. The author’s main theme is a short novel. 私はフランス語が読めないし、話すこともまたできない。 I can't read French, nor can I speak it. I can’t read French, nor can I speak French. その子の知識は進歩した。 The child has advanced in his knowledge. His knowledge has advanced. 何故イギリスだけが王権を弱めることに成功したのか。 Why is it that only England succeeded in abridging the King's power? Why only Britain succeeded in weakening its power? 彼は子供たちに立派な教育を受けさせた。 He gave his children a good education. He gave the children a fine education. 1000ドルあればパーティーの費用全部をまかなえるだろう。 One thousand dollars will cover all the expenses for the party. A thousand dollars will cover all the expenses of the party. 彼女は銀行で働いている。 She works at the bank. She works at the bank. オーストラリアで最も高い山は何ですか? What's Australia's highest mountain? What's Australia's tallest mountain? 彼にその荷物をあなたの事務所まで運ばせました。 I had him carry the baggage to your office. I had him carry that package to your office. 彼女がたばこをやめてくれたらなぁ。 I wish that she would stop smoking. I wish she had stopped smoking. そして、イングランドの多くの小さな町と同じように、ここにも非常に長い歴史があります。 And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history. And like many small towns in England, there is a very long history here. まるで太陽が沈んでしまったかのように空は暗くなった。 The sky became as dark as if the sun had sunk. The sky became dark as if the sun had set. 貸し家を持っています。 We have a house for rent. I have a house. その値段は約50ドルだった。 The price was in the neighbourhood of 50 dollars. It was about 50 dollars. 君は入ってはいけない。 You must not come in. You can't go in there. その仕事はいっそやめようかと思った。 I had half a mind to throw in the towel. I thought I'd stop doing my job. お返事を書くのがすごく遅くなってしまい、大変失礼いたしました。 I'm extremely embarrassed that it has taken so long to reply. I'm so sorry I'm so late to write you a reply. つまようじをください。 Give me a toothpick. Give me a pinch. そのキャンプの難民は1ヶ月の間、その日暮らしの生活を送っている。 Refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month. The refugees live that day for a month. 先生はすぐにその日の試験の採点をしていた。 The teacher was immediately at work correcting that day's test. The teacher was soon graded on the day's exam. 愛は小出しにせよ。 Love me little, love me long. Love may be small out. 彼女が部屋に入ると私はすぐに立ち上がり、深々と頭を下げた。 As soon as she entered the room, I rose to my feet and made a deep bow. "I don't know," she said. "I don't know." その犬は鎖でつないでおくべきだ。 The dog should be on a chain. The dog should be chained. あなたがおいでにならないのは残念です。 It is a pity that you can not come. I'm sorry you're not coming. テレビの音大きくして。 Turn up the TV. Make the TV loud. 警備員に成りすまして彼は銀行に入った。 He went into the bank in the disguise of a guard. When he became a security guard, he went into the bank. つばめが二羽頭上を飛んでいる。 A couple of swallows are flying overhead. He's flying over two of them. この情報をすぐに提供してくれ。 Supply me with this information as soon as possible. Give me this information right away. 私たちは今晩彼女の子供たちの世話をしなくてはならない。 We must look after her children this evening. We have to take care of her children tonight. こちらにサインをいただけますか? Could you sign here, please? Can you sign here, please? 家主に家賃を払えば、食物を買う金がなくなる。進退きわまったというところだ。 If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea. If you pay the rent to your landlord, you don't have enough money to buy food. すみませんが、今何時でしょうか。 Excuse me, what time is it? I'm sorry, what time is it? 今年のファッションは去年とはまったく違う。 This year's fashions are completely different to last year's. This year's fashion is completely different from last year. 全ての少年少女は読み書きを教えられる。 Every boy and girl is taught to read and write. All boys and girls are taught to read and write. 今日は天気がいいから、家にいるよりは出かけたい。 It is very fine today so I would rather go out than stay at home. I want to go out rather than stay home because the weather is good today. 自分たち以外には誰もいないはずの公園で、突然ブランコのギイギイとゆれる音が聞こえた。 We heard the swing squeaking back and forth in the park where there was supposed to be no one else but us. Suddenly, in the park, where no one else was supposed to be, I heard the sound of a swing with a swing of a swing of a swing in a swing. この部屋は暑すぎて、仕事には不向きだ。 This room is too hot for us to work in. The room is too hot for work. それのことなら、私より彼女が上手ですが。 She's better at it than I am. If that's what you mean, she's better than me. 彼女はロンドンに住んでいる。 She is living in London. She lives in London. すみません、ここ私の席なんですけど。 Excuse me, this is my seat. I'm sorry, this is my seat. 転勤を楽しみにしています。 I'm excited about the move. I'm looking forward to moving. 今晩お空きですか。 Are you free this evening? You're free tonight. 誰か海まで散歩に行かない? Does anybody want to take a walk to the beach? Why don't you go for a walk to the ocean? その目的は、どこに住んでいようと、そこに住んでいる貧しい人々を助けることである。 Their purpose is to help the poor in any place where they live. The goal is to help the poor people who live wherever they live. 奨学金を申し込むつもりだ。 I am going to apply for a scholarship. I'm going to apply for a scholarship. 彼のおばあさんは元気そうです。 His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother seems to be well. 僕に真相を話してくれ。 Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. この部屋は台所として使われている。 This room is used as a kitchen. This room is used as a kitchen. 私に試験の結果を知らせてください。 Let me know what you got on your exam. Please let me know the results of the exam. 私たちはボストンに行きました。 We went to Boston. We went to Boston. トムは毎朝犬の散歩をしている。 Tom walks his dog every morning. Tom's taking a dog walk every morning. 入学式も終わりました。同じ沿線の大学です。 I've already had the entrance ceremony. It's a university alongside the same railway line. I'm not going to go to college. I'm going to go to college. I'm going to go to college. 彼は大勢の新聞記者にとり囲まれた。 He was surrounded by a crowd of pressmen. He was surrounded by a lot of journalists. この手紙にはわざわざご返事くださるに及びません。 Don't bother to answer this letter. You don't have to answer to this letter. 彼女は私がそのパーティーに行くように主張した。 She made a point of my attending the party. She insisted on going to that party. 彼は四つん這いになって、指輪を探し始めた。 He got down on all fours and started searching for the ring. He got on his knees and started looking for the ring. 子供のころ、よく海へ泳ぎに行ったものだ。 I would often go swimming in the sea when a child. I used to swim to sea when I was a kid. このボールはあの男の子の宝物です。 This ball is that boy's treasure. This ball is the treasure of that boy. あなたのアドバイスなしではいられません。 I can't do without your advice. I can't leave without your advice. 汚れた食器を洗うのを手伝いましょうか。 Shall I help you with washing-up? Can I help you wash your dirty dishes? 母は1日おきに風呂に入る。 My mother takes a bath every other day. My mother takes a bath every day. 彼、能書きばかり立派だけど、言うは易く行うは難し、ってこと分かってんのかなあ。 His boosterism makes it sound wonderful but I wonder if he understands how hard it's going to be to actually carry out. He's a great writer, but it's hard for him to say it easily. 大雨のため川がはんらんした。 The heavy rains caused the river to flood. The river was flooded because of the heavy rains. 彼らは私をパーティーに招いてくれた。 They invited me to the party. They invited me to a party. 通りは自動車で混雑してきた。 The street was crowded with cars. The streets are crowded with cars. その薬は誤って使うと毒になる。 If it is wrongly used, the medicine will be a poison. The drug can be poisoned if it's used accidentally. 彼がその中に住んでいた小屋。 This is the hut in which he lived. The house where he lived in. あなたは健康のために早ね早起きをしたほうがよい。 You had better keep early hours so you will be in good health. You should get up early for your health. これがやつらの目当てじゃないとしたら、一体やつらの目的は何なんだ? If they don't want this, then what do they want? If this isn't what they want, then what the hell are they doing here? 彼はやり手だと思う。 I think he's a competent person. I think he's good at it. 恥よりも死のほうがましである。 Death preferable to shame. Death is better than shame. アーッ、そうだ、今日8時に友達と渋谷で約束してたんだ。 Oh yeah, that's right. I was supposed to meet some friends in Shibuya at eight. Uh, yeah, I was supposed to meet my friend in Shibuya at 8:00 today. すみません、通ります。 Excuse me, I'm coming through. Excuse me. Coming through. 靴、捨てたよ。 I threw away my shoes. I threw away my shoes. 彼のきざな態度は頭にくる。 His conceited attitude makes me mad. His softness comes to mind. この湖で泳ぐのは危険だ。 It's dangerous to swim in this lake. It's dangerous to swim in this lake. じんましんが出ました。 I have hives. I got hives. この道を行けば、琵琶湖の岸に降りられるでしょう。 This road will take you down to the edge of Lake Biwa. If we go this way, we'll be on the shore of Lake Shizuoka. 番号が間違っています。 I am afraid you have the wrong number. Wrong number. 父は今ちょうど帰宅したところだ。 Father has just come home. My father just got home. 彼は他の電話に出ています。 He is on another line. He's on the other phone. 「そっか。暇なら掃除しといて。」「なんだそれ。兄貴をアゴで使うなよ。」 "Oh? If you're free get the cleaning done." "What's up with that? Don't order your brother around!" And I said, "Well, why don't you clean it if you're free?" 学生たちはめいめい個人用の上履き靴がある。 Each of the students has his own shoes. Students have an elaborate personal pair of shoes. 彼はその角をフルスピードで曲がった。 He went round the corner at top speed. He turned the corner at full speed. いいえ、45分遅れてます。 No, it's been delayed 45 minutes. No, I'm 45 minutes late. 読書は驚異にみちたゆたかな世界へみちびいてくれる。 Reading will guide us to the rich world of wonder. Reading fades into a world of wonderment. ここに焼けるような痛みがあります。 I have a burning pain here. There's a burning pain here. 暑さで一晩中眠れなかったのさ。 The heat kept me awake all night. I couldn't sleep all night in the heat. あいつは苦手だ。 I don't like him. I don't like him. 日本人は魚をたくさん食べますか。 Do Japanese eat a lot of fish? Japanese eat lots of fish. 私を覚えておいでかどうかは存じませんが、数年前にボストンでお会いしました。 I don't know if you remember me, but we met a couple of years ago in Boston. I don't know if you remember me, but I met you in Boston a few years ago. 彼らがしているのは経済をだめにすることです。 What they are doing is ruining the economy. What they're doing is destroying the economy. 僕らは2時半に会うことになっている。 We're supposed to meet at 2:30. We're supposed to meet at 2:30. お水を1杯もらえますか。 May I have a glass of water? Can I have a glass of water? これでは気が変になりそうだ。 This is driving me crazy. This is going to be crazy. 私は明日手紙を書くつもりです。 I am going to write a letter tomorrow. I'm gonna write a letter tomorrow. 彼がはじめて東京へきたころは、この大学はまだ開校されていなかった。 When he came to Tokyo for the first time, this college had not been opened yet. When he first came to Tokyo, the university was not yet open. 君はこのチャンスを利用すべきだ。 You should make good use of this opportunity. You should take advantage of this opportunity. 何を持って行けばいいですか。 What should I bring? What should I take with me? 昨日たくさんの雨が降った。 We had a lot of rain yesterday. It rained a lot yesterday. あなたが彼と結婚するのを私は決して強要するつもりはない。 I will never force you to marry him. I'm never gonna force you to marry him. 10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか? Are you going to carry on your work until ten? Are you going to keep working until 10:00? もうそれで十分だ。 That will do. That's enough. それはおもしろいニュースだ。 It's an interesting piece of news. That's interesting news. 彼女は別れた夫に赤ちゃんを任せた。 She entrusted her baby to her divorced husband. She left the baby to her ex-husband. ぼくはやばい橋は渡りたくない。 I don't want to do anything risky. I don't want to cross that fucking bridge. 彼は私の言ったことに怒って立ち去った。 He took offense at what I said and turned on his heels. He left angry at me for what I said. トムは喜んだ。 Tom was pleased. Tom was happy. 私はきっぷをただで手に入れた。 I got a ticket for free. I got it for free. コートを着る間バッグを持っててあげよう。 I'll hold your bag while you put on your coat. I'll bring you a bag while you wear your coat. 私達は物事をあるがままに見なければならない。 We must see things as they are. We have to see things as they are. 警察がここに来るまでには暗くなっているだろう。 It will be dark by the time the police come here. It'll be dark before the police get here. 彼女は自分の名前をゆっくりと繰り返した。 She repeated her name slowly. She slowly repeated her name. ふつうテニスをします。 I usually play tennis. I usually do tennis. 人込みの中で彼とあった。 I met him in the crowd. I was with him in the crowd. エースレンタカーはどこにありますか。 Where's the office for Ace rental car? Where's the Esperant car? 彼女は彼を宥めすかして機嫌を直させた。 She blandished him out of his black mood. She made him feel better, congratulating him. 部屋はシーンとしていた。 There was quiet in the room. The room was a scene. まあ、お気の毒に。 Oh, my God! Well, I'm sorry. 彼女は自分の洋服を作ることができる。 She can make her own dresses. She can make her own clothes. 来年はもっと一生懸命に勉強しなければいけませんよ。 You'll have to study harder next year. I have to study harder next year. この部屋ではその机が小さく見えます。 The desk seems small in this room. In this room, the desk looks small. その問題は自然に論議を呼びました。 That problem naturally invited debate. The issue naturally arose. タトエバは人の名前じゃないって、何回言えば分かるの? How many times do I have to tell you that Tatoeba is not a human being? How many times do I have to tell you that Tatoeva isn't a person's name? 私は何も言わなかった。そのことが彼女を怒らせた。 I said nothing, which made her angry. "What's the matter with you?" あの人にたてつかない方がいいよ。 You're better off not getting in his way! It's better if you don't put it on him. トムおわた? Is Tom done? Did you hear Tom? なんでそんなにフランス語上手なの? Why do you speak French so well? Why are you so good at French? フリーダイヤル1—800—446—2581にお電話ください。 Call us toll-free at 1-800-446-2581. Please call Free dial 1-800-46-2581. 我々はそれに関する情報を新聞によって得ている。 We depended on the newspapers for information about it. We've got information about it in the papers. いつでもずっとトムのことを、誇りに思わない時はない。 I've always been proud of Tom. There's no time to be proud of Tom all the time. 次の角を右に曲がってください。 Turn right at the next corner. Turn the next angle to the right. ウェンディは必ずしも日本の祭りに興味があるわけではなかった。 Wendy was not always interested in Japanese festivals. Wendy wasn't necessarily interested in Japanese festivals. 僕には兄さんが一人と妹が二人いる。 I have an older brother and two younger sisters. I have one brother and two sisters. その若い男性はその高齢の女性が車に買った食料を積むことを手伝った。 The young man helped the old lady load the groceries into her car. The young man helped load the food that the elderly woman bought in the car. ケイスケはわたしよりも背が高い。 Keisuke is taller than I am. Kaysque is taller than me. 私は彼女が病気だと思い込まされた。 I was given to understand that she was ill. I was made to think she was sick. これらはみな大同小異だ。 These are all much the same. These are all identical. 私たちのチームに入りませんか。 Would you like to join our team? Don't join our team. 今日私たちは踊りに行きます。 Today, we are going dancing. Today we go dancing. 彼は年をとるにつれて、一層謙虚になった。 The older he grew, the more modest he became. As he grew older, he became more humble. 読者の方から意訳と直訳について質問されました。 I have been asked by a reader about free and direct translations. I've been asked by our readers about translation and direct translation. あの女はいつも人のあら探しばかりしている。 She is always finding fault with other people. She's always looking for people. 閉じ込められてしまった。 I'm trapped. We're trapped. 彼らはいっせいに叫んだ。 They cried out with one voice. They shouted at all. すぐにお持ちします。 I will bring it right away. I'll bring it to you soon. そこからスカイツリーイーが見えるんです。 You can see the Skytree from there. I can see Skytree from there. 生徒たちはたくさんの詩をそらで覚えた。 The pupils learned many poems by heart. The students learned a lot of poetry from it. 時がその問題を解決してくれると思います。 I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve that problem. 彼女はたった今外出しました。 She went out just now. She just left. それは問題をより複雑にするでしょう。 That'll complicate matters more. It'll make the problem more complicated. 言葉は消え去っても、打撃はおもくるしく残る。 Words may pass but blows fall heavy. The words go away, and the blow will continue very well. 彼を病院まで乗せていっていただけないでしょうか。 Could I ask you to drive him to the hospital? Would you please take him to the hospital? そのショーは今夜の番組の大きな呼び物になる。 The show will be a great feature of tonight's program. The show will be a big attraction for tonight's show. 私達はスウェーデンで素敵な休日を送った。 We had a wonderful holiday in Sweden. We sent a nice holiday in Sweden. 私たちはパーティーのための部屋を借りる必要がある。 We need to rent a room for our party. We need to rent a room for the party. 鍵を右に回しなさい。 Turn the key to the right. Turn the keys to the right. エネルギー問題の解決には長い時間がかかるだろう。 The solution of the energy problem will take a long time. It would take a long time to solve the energy problem. どうもここは私には場違いな気がする。 I feel that I don't really belong here. I feel like I'm out of place. 欠点のない人間はいない。 No one is free from faults. There's no one without fault. 彼女は涙まじりに話した。 She told her story in tears. She talked to me in tears. 彼女は赤くなる。 She blushes. She'll turn red. 公平に評価すると、彼はいい仕事をしている。 To do him justice, he's done some good work. Fairly assessed, he's doing a good job. この橋はもっとも長い橋だ。 This bridge is the longest bridge. This bridge is the longest bridge. おいしいもの食べてるときが何より幸せ。 Nothing makes me happier than eating good food. I'm happier when I'm eating something delicious. 両親が亡くなった子供は孤児と呼ばれる。 A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. The child whose parents died is called an orphan. この小説は読む価値がある。 It is worthwhile to read this novel. This novel is worth reading. 私は彼の説明を思い出すことが出来ない。 I can't remember his explanation. I can't recall his explanation. 船には甲板が3つあった。 The ship had three decks. There were three decks on the ship. 天候のためレースの開始は遅れるだろう。 The weather will delay the start of the race. Because of the weather, the race will be delayed. 彼は大作家達と肩を並べている。 He ranges with the great writers. He's on the side of the great writers. お父さんは病気でも何でもない。ただずる休みしたいだけに違いない。 Dad isn't sick or anything like that. I'm sure he just wants to laze around. He's not sick. He's just trying to get some rest. 母がお茶を入れてくれています。 Mother is making tea for us. My mother's making tea. トムは子供のころ日本に来た。 Tom came to Japan as a child. Tom came to Japan as a child. 私たちは4時に出発するつもりです。 We're going to set off at four. We're going to leave at 4 o'clock. 記憶のよさが彼の武器である。 A good memory is his weapon. The memory is his weapon. 人が話しているときは、黙っているべきだ。 You should hold your tongue while someone else is talking. You should keep your mouth shut when people are talking. 彼はその問題を解けるほど賢かった。 He was so clever that he could solve the problem. He was smart enough to solve the problem. まだ宵の口だ。 The night is still young. It's still tonight. 「小説? あたし小説は嫌ひですの」 おゝ、ミュウズよ、彼女の冒涜を赦せ。 "Novels? I hate novels." Oh muse, forgive her blasphemy. "I don't like novels." Oh, Mousse, forgive her blasphemy. なぜ彼が妻を殺したのかは謎だと思う。 I think the reason why he killed his wife is still a mystery. I think it's a mystery why he killed his wife. 指を使うことは野蛮なのだろうか。 Is using fingers uncivilized? Is it savage to use fingers? 老人のばかほどばかなものはない。 There's no fool like an old fool. There's nothing stupid about an old man. 彼は五歳の時に小児麻痺にかかった。 He was struck with polio when he was five. He was paralyzed when he was five. 彼は彼女を幸福にした。 He made her happy. He made her happy. それは君がいつも一生懸命勉強しているからだよ。 That is because you always study hard. That's because you're always studying hard. 「嘘つきは泥棒の始まり」ということわざを聞いたことある? Have you ever heard the saying: "Lying leads to thieving?" Have you ever heard the saying that a liar is the beginning of a thief? 全く君が言うとおりだ。 It's exactly as you say it is. You're absolutely right. 日本には、富士ほど高い山は他にない。 No mountain in Japan is so high as Mt. Fuji. Japan has no higher mountain than Fuji. あの悲劇は私の心に刻みこまれた。 That tragedy was etched in my mind. The tragedy was impressed upon me. 私って生きてる意味あるのかな? Is there any point in me living? What do you mean, I'm alive? 瀬戸大橋の長さはどのくらいありますか。 How long is the Seto Bridge? How long is the bridge? 敗者たちも「賞」を受けたのです。つまり、勝ったチームにたたきのめされたのでした。 The losers received a "prize" too: They were beaten up by the winning team! The losers were also awarded prizes, so they were beaten by the winning team. 彼女は人の助けを借りないで、どうにかその仕事をすますことができた。 She managed to finish the work on her own. She managed to do the job without getting help. メアリーは川を泳いで渡る事ができました。 Mary was able to swim across the river. Mary could swim across the river. 以前、彼女に会ったような気がする。 It feels like I've seen her before. I feel like I've met her before. 父はついてくるように私をせきたてた。 My father urged me to go with him. My father made me follow him. 私は出来るだけトンネルを避けるようにします。 I will try to avoid tunnels as much as possible. I'll avoid tunnels as long as I can. 気に入る? Like it? You like it? 君は昨日、僕に会いに来ればよかったのだ。 You ought to have come to see me yesterday. You should have come to see me yesterday. 彼女と仲良くしようとやってみたが無駄だった。 I tried to make up with her, but it was impossible. I tried to get along with her, but it wasn't worth it. 彼女は機嫌が悪かった。私が到着する前に起こったことでいらいらしていたに違いない。 She was in a bad mood; she must have been put off by something that had happened before I arrived. "I don't know." 頭に激しい痛みがした。 I had an intense pain in the head. I had a severe pain in my head. 彼女は英語だけでなくフランス語も話します。 She speaks not only English but also French. She speaks French as well as English. ひどく疲れていてね。 I'm very tired. I'm very tired. 彼女はやかんを沸騰させたまま台所を出た。 She left the kitchen with the kettle boiling. She left the kitchen with it boiling. どんなに努力しても、金曜日までに報告書を用意しておけないだろう。 Despite all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to keep the report by Friday. われわれはその会合を暫定的に月曜日ときめています。それは変更することがあります。 We've set the meeting tentatively for Monday. It's subject to change. That's what I'm talking about. 薬も過ぎれば毒となる。 All overs are ill. If it's taken too long, it'll be poisoned. 私はこのバイクを使わなければならない。 I must use this bike. I have to use this bike. その船は出航しようとしている。 The ship is about to set sail. That ship's about to sail. その木は芽が出ている。 The tree is in bud. The tree is sprouting. その少女は、目を閉じて牧師の話を聞いた。 The girl, closing her eyes, listened to the pastor. The girl closed her eyes and heard the pastor. 彼女が部屋から出て行くのを見た。 I saw her leaving the room. I saw her leave the room. 冷水浴で彼はさっぱりした。 A cold bath refreshed him. He was relieved by the cold bath. わあわあ泣きながら、小さな女の子は戸口へ走って行った。 Crying loudly, the little girl hurried to the door. While crying, the little girl ran to the door. 図書館であなたのおかあさんに出くわしました。 I ran across your mother in the library. I ran into your mother in the library. 何よ!またその子の肩を持つ気!? What! You going to take her side again!? What are you gonna do with that kid's shoulder? 彼が来るか来ないかは私にとって重要ではない。 It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter to me whether he's coming or not. メアリーはすぐにかんしゃくを起こす。 Mary loses her temper easily. "I don't think so," said Mary. アンが恥ずかしがりやなので、私はますますアンが好きだ。 I love Ann all the more because she is shy. I love her more because she's shy. パスポートを見せてもらえますか。 Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? 私は英語で書かれた手紙をうけとった。 I received a letter written in English. I received a letter in English. せいぜい40%の生徒しか大学に進学しない。 At most 40 percent of students go on to university. Only 40 percent of students go to college. 私は犬は好きではない。 I don't like dogs. I don't like dogs. 私は急いで服を着た。 I got dressed in a hurry. I dressed quickly. 新聞をやめて私の言うことを聞いてちょうだい。 Will you put down that paper and listen to me? Stop the newspaper and listen to me. 海辺で休暇を過ごしている。 I am taking a holiday at the beach. She spends her vacation on the beach. 私は彼に素敵なネクタイを選んであげた。 I chose him a nice tie. I picked him a nice tie. 東の空が白み始めていた。 The eastern sky was getting light. The sky to the east was beginning to white. あの家はまだ買い手がつかない。 They still haven't found a buyer for that house. That house hasn't been bought yet. 谷は赤や黄色の葉で色づいていた。 The valley was aflame with red and yellow leaves. The valley was colored with red and yellow leaves. 私達は世界平和の維持のためにあらゆる努力をすべきだ。 We should make every effort to maintain world peace. We should make every effort to maintain world peace. 私は一日おきにふろに入ります。 I have a bath every other day. I go in every day. 終わり良ければ全て良し。 All is well that ends well. It's all right if it's over. 私たちは他人に親切にしなければならない。 We must try to be kind to other people. We have to be kind to others. 彼はとても頭が良い。そのうえよく勉強する。 He is very bright, and what is more, he studies hard. He's very smart, and he studies well. わたしはあなたの健康をとても心配している。 I'm very concerned about your health. I'm very concerned about your health. 英語は中国でも勉強されています。 English is studied in China, too. English is also being studied in China. トムはまだ大人じゃない。 Tom isn't yet an adult. Tom's not a grown-up yet. ハウルに心臓とられちゃったんだってね。 They say Hauru tore her heart out. Howl had a heart. 彼女がその仕事に適しているとは思わない。 I don't think she is fit for the job. I don't think she's fit for that job. あの絵がだんだん好きになってきている。 That painting has started to grow on me. I'm starting to like that painting more and more. トムは普通の男とは違うぞ。彼は大概の男が好むことを好まないし、大抵の男なら喜んですることをやりたがらない。 Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing. He doesn't like to be liked by most men, and he doesn't want to be happy with most men. タローは亡き父の財産を相続した。 Taro succeeded to his late father's estate. Taro inherited the property of his late father. 電車が混んでいたので、京都まで行くのにずっと立ち通しだった。 As the train was crowded, I kept standing all the way to Kyoto. The train was crowded, so I stayed up all the time to get to Kyoto. 私の家は高い木のそばにあります。 My house stands by a tall tree. My house is near a tall tree. これ触ってもいいですか? May I touch this? Can I touch this? 初めて彼に会ったとき、意外な質問にびっくりしました。 When I first met him, I was taken aback by his unexpected question. When I first met him, I was surprised by a surprising question. あまり他人には頼ってはいけない。 Don't rely too much on others. Don't rely too much on others. 英雄も従者にはただの人。 No man is a hero to his valet. The hero is only a man to his followers. こちらの調子に合わせてください。 I want you to keep up with me. Let's see what we can do. トムに何と言えばいいのか分からない。 I don't know what I'm going to tell Tom. I don't know what to tell Tom. この小麦は粉にされる。 This wheat is made into flour. This wheat will be ground into flour. 英語のほかに、ドイツ語を話す。 In addition to English, he speaks German. Besides English, I speak German. あの人がそれをわたしにくれたの。 He gave it to me. He gave it to me. 君の提案することのほかに方法はないのか。 Is there no alternative to what you propose? Is there any other way you could suggest it? トムは盗んだカメラを売ろうとした。 Tom tried to sell the camera he'd stolen. Tom tried to sell the camera he stole. すみません、ここ何駅ですか? Excuse me, what station is this? I'm sorry, how many stations are there? あなたは今までに東京タワーを見たことがありますか。 Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? そのネクタイは高すぎる。 That tie is too expensive. That tie's too expensive. 彼女は当惑して私から逃げた。 She was puzzled, and she ran away from me. She ran from me confused. あなたはブルーの服を着るととてもすてきだ。 You are very attractive in blue. You're so good with blue clothes. 私はただ待つだけの事だ。 I can but wait. I'm just waiting. 君は私の息子の宿題を手伝ってやらなくてもよかったのに。 You need not have helped my son with his homework. You didn't have to help my son with his homework. 電話するよ。 I'll phone you. I'll call you. 私はあなたに怒っているんです。 I'm angry with you. I'm angry with you. 私はお金に困っている。 I am short of money. I'm in trouble with money. 私は結構ですよ。 That's fine with me. I'm fine. 彼は経験があったのでほかの人たちより有利だった。 The experience gave him an advantage over the others. He was better than others because of his experience. 長時間歩くと踵にたこができる。 If you walk a lot, you will develop calluses on your heel. After walking for a long time, you get a kite on your heels. もう一回やってみて。 Try again. Try again. これ誰にもらったんですか? Who did you get this from? Who gave you this? 彼が電車に乗り遅れたに違いない。 He must have missed the train. He must have missed the train. 彼はばかげた行いをして笑いものになった。 He was laughed at for a stupid act. He laughed at what he did. 彼はまもなく来るでしょう。 I'm sure he'll be along soon. He'll be here soon. 彼はとても頑健だ。 He's as strong as a horse. He's very stubborn. 私は馬を好きに走らせた。 I allowed my horse run. I've run horses as I please. アートと家で静かに夜を過ごすのが大好き。 I love art and quiet evenings at home. I love to spend the night quietly at home with art. 彼の助けがなかったら君は失敗していただろう。 You would have failed without his help. If it weren't for his help, you'd have failed. ひどい風邪をひいたんだ。 I had a bad cold. I got a bad cold. 誰かがやってきた。 Someone came. Someone's coming. 動物に残酷なことをしてはいけない。 Don't be cruel to animals. Don't be cruel to animals. あなたはまっすぐ家に帰るつもりなのだと思っていたんだけど。 I thought you were going to come straight home. I thought you were going to go home straight home. 私たちはどこでバスに乗りましょうか。 Where shall we get on a bus? Where should we get on the bus? 彼女は吠える犬を怖がる。 She is afraid of barking dogs. She's scared of a barking dog. ネズミが道路を横切った。 A rat ran across the road. Rats crossed the road. 子供の頃、どこでも眠る事ができた。 When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere. When I was a kid, I could sleep anywhere. いいかげんにして。 Quit wasting my time. Don't do this. 私の命が危ないと言ってるわけですか? Are you saying my life is in danger? You're saying my life is in danger? 私の言う通りにすれば間違いはないよ。 You can't go wrong if you are advised by me. If you do what I say, you'll make no mistake. 人の体は、頭と首と胴体そして上肢と下肢で構成されている。 The human body consists of a head, neck, and torso, and upper and lower extremities. The human body consists of the head, the neck, the body, the upper limbs and the lower limbs. 年齢を重ねるにつれ、だんだん遠視になってきている。 I'm getting farsighted as I get older. The older they are, the more distant they are. 彼は学校が終わる前にここに来た。 He came here before school was over. He came here before the school was over. この話は再読の価値がある。 This story is worth reading again. This story is worth re-reading. 彼は車を運転できる年になった。 He's old enough to drive a car. He's old enough to drive. なんでそんなこと言うの? Why do you say that? Why are you saying that? 仕事をすませて、彼は床についた。 His work finished, he went to bed. He went to work, and he went to the floor. これは豊能郡の地図です。 This is a map of the Toyono district. This is a map of the Great County. 君たちのうち誰でもそれはできる。 Any of you can do it. Anyone of you can do that. 車?ああ・・・あのリムジンでしたら、私がチャーターした物ですわ。 Car? Ah, if you mean that limousine, - I chartered it. I don't know what you're talking about. 我々は善悪を見分けなければならない。 We have to distinguish right from wrong. We must distinguish between right and wrong. まだ風が強い? Is it still windy? Is it still windy? 私は当然彼が出席するものだと思っていた。 I took his attendance for granted. I thought he deserved to be present. 試験に合格するように全力を尽くします。 I'll do my best to pass the examination. I'll do my best to pass the test. 私は中国語とスペイン語を勉強している。 I am studying Chinese and Spanish. I study Chinese and Spanish. 常に誰かに見られている気がします。 I feel like I'm always being watched. I always feel like someone's watching me. 彼女は彼の真の意図を嗅ぎつけましたね。 She got wind of his true intentions, huh. She sensed his true intentions. 起こしてくれる必要はなかったのに。 You didn't have to wake me up. You didn't have to wake me up. 大切なのはどの大学を出たかではなくて、大学で何を学んだかである。 What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The important thing is not which university you left, but what you learned at the university. 何か隠してるでしょ。 You must be hiding something. You're hiding something. 君はまだ高校生みたいだね。 You still look like a high school student. You're still in high school. 月は雲の陰に隠れています。 The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is hidden behind clouds. 支払いを滞る原因となるような問題があるのですが。 I have run into a problem that is causing the delay of my payment. There's a problem that's going to keep us from paying. フランス語はさっぱりできません。 I can't speak French at all. I don't speak French. 何の用でここまできたのですか。 What brings you here? What brings you here? 彼女はとても具合が悪そうに見える。 She seems to be very ill. She looks very sick. 私は絶えず人の名前を忘れて困る。 I am constantly forgetting people's names. I always forget the names of people. どうしてもこのたちの悪い風邪が抜けないのです。 I simply cannot get rid of this bad cold of mine. I can't help but feel these bad colds. この手紙を出しておいていただけませんか。 Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Would you please write me this letter? ボストンってどこにあるんですか? Where is Boston? Where's Boston? スミスさんにつないでもらえますか。 Please put me through to Mr. Smith. Can you connect me to Mr. Smith? その仕事引き受けてくれるか。 Can you take on the job? Why don't you take that job? これは私たちが外国映画を見る映画館だ。 This is the theater where we see foreign movies. This is a cinema where we watch foreign movies. 辞書の単語を全部覚えようとするのはむだだ。 It is useless to try to remember all the words in the dictionary. It's not good to try to remember all the words in the dictionary. 「ごめん、反省してる」「反省だけなら猿でもできるよ」 "I'm sorry. I reflected on what I did." "Reflected on what you did? That's something that even a monkey could do!" I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 私は、もっぱら推理小説を読む。 I read detective stories exclusively. I've read every theory novel I've ever read. すごくたくさんの本をお持ちですねぇ。 What an awful lot of books you have! You have so many books. 1時間後に出発するつもりだ。 We will leave in an hour. We're leaving in an hour. 明日のパーティーにはケータリングを手配しました。 I arranged catering for tomorrow's party. I've arranged catering for tomorrow's party. 私は予告なしに話すように言われた。 I was told to be ready to speak at a moment's notice. I was told to speak without warning. 彼女はとても優しく、大丈夫ですかと聞いた。 She said with deepest tenderness, "Are you all right"? I asked her if she was so kind and that she was okay. 私は彼の期待にそえなかった。 I could not come up to his expectations. I couldn't live up to his expectations. 彼らは前奏曲を聞き漏らさないように早く来た。 They came early so they wouldn't miss the prelude. They came early to make sure that they heard the music before. トムさんは謝らなくていいですよ。 You don't have to apologize, Tom. Tom doesn't have to apologize. 誰も知らなかった。 Nobody knew. No one knew. 私は彼女に難しい質問をした。 I asked her a difficult question. I asked her a hard question. 彼はその事故のあとすぐ死んだ。 He died soon after the accident. He died shortly after the accident. 特別展をやってますか。 Do you have any special exhibits? You're performing a special show. 何が起きたかを聞いて私達はとても驚いた。 We were astonished to hear what had happened. We were so surprised to hear what happened. 僕らが来年どこに住んでいるかわからない。 I don't know where we'll live next year. I don't know where we live next year. 闇夜に鉄砲じゃあるまいし、そんな場当たり的なやり方でうまくいくとは思えないよ。 That's just a shot in the dark. How do you think you'll succeed by just acting on the spur of the moment like that? I don't think it will work that way on a dark night or something like that. レポートはいつ提出しなければなりませんか。 When must I turn in the report? When do I have to submit my report? このコートをどこかに置いてもらえませんか。 Could you put this coat somewhere? Why don't you put this coat away somewhere? こんなに美しい景色を、今まで見たことがありません。 Never have I seen such a beautiful sight. I've never seen such a beautiful view. 今日の新聞は読みましたか。 Have you read today's paper? Did you read the newspaper today? このホラー映画はとても怖くて、見た後はもう寝られなくなってしまった。 That horror movie was very scary and I couldn't sleep after watching it. The horror film was so scary that after seeing it, I could no longer sleep. 一行はアメリカへ渡った。 The party crossed over to America. They went to America. ここ何で並んでるんですか? What are you lining up for? Why are we standing in line? 市が子供たちに食べ物を供給した。 The city supplied food for the children. The city provided food for the children. ここがトイレです。 This is the bathroom. This is the toilet. その放送をテープに録音してくれ。 Record the broadcast on tape. Record that broadcast on tape. 動いている電車に飛び乗るのは危険である。 It is dangerous to jump into a moving train. It is dangerous to jump on a moving train. きみの言っていることからすれば、彼はそこにいなかったことになる。 It follows from what you say that he was not there. From what you're saying, he wasn't there. これは彼女の手作りケーキです。 These are cakes that she baked herself. This is her homemade cake. この家はペンキで白く塗られているので、いっそう大きく見える。 Painted white, this house looks bigger. The house is painted white with paint, so it looks very big. 彼は欠席の言い訳をした。 He excused his absence. He made excuses for being absent. その歌手の歌は心をなごませてくれる。 The singer's voice melts your heart. The singer’s song is disturbing. ラジオを消していただけないでしょうか。 Would you mind turning off the radio? Would you just turn off the radio? 自分の金はびた一文持っていない。 I haven't a cent to my name. I don't have any money of my own. 良い知らせが家で待っていた。 Good news was in store for us at home. The good news was waiting at home. 私の手伝いがまだ必要ですか? Do you still need my assistance? You still need my help? 彼はまもなく着くだろう。 He is likely to arrive soon. He'll be there soon. 私たちの社会で余暇として通っているのものは、実は暇潰しなのである。 What passes for leisure in our society is actually time-consuming. What we spend so much time in our society is really a waste of time. ろうそくに火をつけてください。 Please light a candle. Set the candle on fire. 道路を横断する時は気を付けなさい。 Take care when you cross the street. Be careful when you cross the road. 独特のアイディアのおかげで、彼は高い収入を得た。 Unique ideas helped him to earn a high income. Because of his unique ideas, he earned a high income. 私たちは全力を尽くすつもりです。 We will do our best. We're gonna do everything we can. あなたはペットの世話ができない。 You can't care for pets. You can't take care of a pet. 飛行機が時間通りにそこに着くのは確かだ。 It is certain that the plane will reach there on time. I'm sure the plane will be there on time. 彼の腕の温かさを思い出す。 I remember the warmth of his arms. I remember the warmth of his arms. トップエンジニアが、その車に一連の厳重な検査を加えた。 The top engineer put the car through a series of rigorous tests. The top engineer added a series of severe tests to the car. 彼の経歴を会社に問い合わせた。 I referred to the company for his work record. I asked the company about his background. 私たちはパリ・オペラ座の踊りのレッスンを見ています。 We are watching a class at the Paris Opera. We're watching dance lessons in the Paris Opera. その物語は事実に基づいている。 The story is based on fact. The story is based on facts. 彼女は外出する前にオーバーをきた。 She put on her overcoat before going out. She came over before she left. 彼らは1語も聞きもらすまいと傾聴した。 They listened attentively so as not to miss a single word. They listened to him, not one word. 六時までに戻ります。 I'll be back by six o'clock. I'll be back by 6:00. 人間は誰も自分一人の力で単独に生きてはいけない。 No man can live by and for himself. No human should live alone in his own power. モンブランはどのくらいの高さがありますか。 How high is Mont Blanc? So it's going to look something like this. 申し訳ありませんが、あなたのお話にはついていけません。 I'm sorry but I can't follow you. I'm sorry, I can't follow your story. 私は普通8時に起きます。 I usually get up at 8. I usually wake up at 8:00. その小説を読んだかもしれないが、覚えていない。 I may have read the novel, but I don't remember it. You may have read that novel, but I don't remember. お金はどのくらい持っていますか。 How much money do you have? How much money do you have? 子供たちの楽しそうな声が聞こえた。 I heard the children's happy voices. I heard happy voices from the children. 私の学校は大きな学校なので、私は5分の休憩時間の間に教室から別の教室に行くために走らなければなりません。 Since my school is large, I have to run to get from one classroom to another in a 5-minute break. My school is a big school, so I have to run from classroom to another classroom during a five-minute break. 私たちは2週間の休暇をとります。 We are taking a fortnight's holiday. We take two weeks off. 彼のいった事がまだよく分からない。 What he said is still dark. I still don't know what he's doing. ひとりにさせて! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! 部屋の電気がつかない。 The light doesn't come on in my room. I can't power my room. 時計は10分進んでいる。 My watch is ten minutes fast. The clock is 10 minutes ahead. 彼は故郷で幸せな生活を送っている。 He leads a happy life in his hometown. He lives a happy life back home. 彼はどさくさにまぎれて行方をくらました。 He disappeared, taking advantage of the confusion. He's gone in the middle of nowhere. 私は一人でそこへいかねばなりませんでした。 I had to go there alone. I had to go there alone. 残念ながらあなたに悪いニュースをお知らせしなければなりません。 I regret that I have to inform you of the bad news. Unfortunately, I have to tell you the bad news. 知っている人のうち誰にだって好きな人に。 Well you can imitate everyone you know. Anyone you like of anyone you know. 彼は京大で学んでいる。 He is studying at Kyoto University. He's studying in Kyoto. 私は長い間、画家になりたいと思っている。 I've wanted to be a painter for a long time. I want to be a painter for a long time. 私がすでに赤いボタンを押しましていたが何も起こらなかった。 I'd already pressed the red button but nothing happened. I was already pressing the red button, but nothing happened. はい、着きました。 Here we are. Yes, I'm here. トムは暖房をつけた。 Tom turned on the heater. Tom's got a heating. 彼は母が恋しかった。 He longed for his mother. He missed his mother. 無くなったとあきらめていた財布がみつかって彼女は大変喜んだ。 She was very glad to find the purse she had given up for lost. How happy she was to find the wallet she had given up on when it was gone! 我々は常に自分の行動に注意しなければならない。 We should always be careful of what we do. We must always be aware of our actions. もっと注意深い読者だったら、誤りにきがついただろうに。 A careful reader would have noticed the mistake. If it were a more cautious reader, it would have been a mistake. 彼女はあまり外出しません。 She doesn't get outdoors much. She doesn't go out much. 彼女の警告にきちんと耳を傾ければよかったのに。 You should have paid attention to her warning. I should've listened to her warning. 彼はひところほどの元気が無い。 He isn't as energetic as he once was. He's not really feeling well. 太陽が昇ってきた。 The sun is coming up. The sun has come up. その少女は怪物の姿を見るやいなや逃げ出した。 No sooner had the girl caught sight of the monster than she ran away. As soon as the girl saw the monster, she ran away. 彼女は昨日東京へ向けて出発したようです。 She seems to have left for Tokyo yesterday. She left for Tokyo yesterday. 彼は私たちにおもしろい話をした。 He told us an interesting story. He told us funny stories. 門は大きくあいていたか、それともほんの少しあいていたか。 Was the gate wide open or just ajar? Was the gate large, or was the gate small? たとえあなたがどこへ行こうとも、私はついていきます。 No matter where you go, I'll follow you. I will follow you wherever you go. それを片付けてしまおう。 Let's get it over with. Let's clean it up. この規則はあなたにも当てはまる。 This rule applies to you, too. This rule applies to you too. 来られますか。 Will you be able to come? Are you coming? 彼女の誕生パーティーは明日の夜行われます。 Her birthday party will be held tomorrow evening. Her birthday party will be held tomorrow night. 一日中雨が止むことなく降り続いた。 It rained continuously all day. All day long, there was no rain. これはあまり長持ちしません。 This doesn't last very long. This won't last very long. 名前はリンダで、トニーより1つ年下でした。 Her name was Linda, and she was a year younger than Tony. My name is Linda, and I was a year younger than Tony. 愛することにかけては、女性こそ専門家で、男性は永遠に素人である。 When it comes to love, women are experts and men eternal novices. By love, women are experts, men are amateurs forever. その犬が欲しければ買えますよ。それは売り物ですから。 You can buy that dog if you want to. It is for sale. You can buy it if you want it, because it's for sale. 彼女は血を見て怖くなり顔をそむけた。 She turned away in horror at the sight of blood. She was scared to see the blood and turned away. 法律の観点からすると、彼は自由だ。 From the standpoint of the law, he is free. From a legal point of view, he is free. 「世界のみなさん、こんにちは」 "Hello, people of the world!" Hello, world. ハリーは事故のために昨日授業に遅れた。 Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident. Harry was late for class yesterday for the accident. それは、ブラック・ユーモアと呼ばれている。 It is called sick humor. It's called black humor. 不活発な子供は空想の世界に閉じこもる傾向がずっと高い。 The inactive child is far more inclined to live in a world of fantasy. Inactive children are much more likely to withdraw into the fantasy world. 彼は言葉とか手招きで話そうとした。 He tried to speak by word or gesture. He tried to talk to me by word or hand. 私は寝過ごさないように目覚し時計を3つ持っている。 I have three alarm clocks so as not to oversleep. I have three clocks that I don't want to sleep on. これは都市伝説です。 This is an urban legend. This is a urban legend. 彼は他の事に気を取られている。 He is preoccupied with something else. He's distracted by other things. お互いを信頼し合うしかない。 All you can do is trust one another. We have to trust each other. トランプでインチキをするという良い発想を偶然思い付いた。 I hit on the terrific idea of cheating at cards by chance. I happened to come up with a good idea of cheating on cards. この私の友人はピアニストであるばかりでなく、作曲家でもあります。 My friend here is not only a pianist, but also a composer. This friend of mine is not only a pianist but also a composer. 私は知らせを聞いて喜んだ。 I was glad to hear the news. I was happy to hear the news. 私は服はすべて注文で作らせる。 I have all my suits made to order. I'll make all the clothes for you. 彼はその村の誰にも劣らず勇敢な男である。 He is as brave a man as any in the village. He is the bravest man in the village. 仕事大変みたいだね。体調崩さないように気をつけるんだよ。 Looks like work's been tough. Be sure to take care of yourself. I don't know what you're talking about, but it's hard work. 私は甘党なんです。 I have a sweet-tooth. I'm a sweet party. 祖母は耳が遠い、つまり、耳が少し不自由なのだ。 My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other words she is slightly deaf. My grandmother is deaf, that is, a little deaf. 小学校のときから、酸性・アルカリ性という性質をリトマス紙で調べたりしてきていますね。 Since primary school we've been checking for the qualities known as acidity and alkalinity with litmus paper. Since elementary school, you've been studying the properties of acid and alkali in the newspaper Litmouth. 女王様が長生きされますように。 May the queen live long! May the queen live long. ポーラは明日車を洗うつもりです。 Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paula's gonna wash his car tomorrow. どのようにすればこの問題を解決できますか。 How shall we deal with this problem? So let's do that. 「失礼ですがおいくつですか?」「30です」 "Sorry to be so rude, but how old are you?" "I'm 30." "I'm sorry, how old are you?" バッテリーは別料金になっております。 The batteries are extra. Batteries are at a different rate. 私は彼と仕事をする。 I work with him. I'll work with him. オレンジはとても酸っぱくて食べられなかった。 It was so sour an orange that I could not eat it. The oranges were so sour they couldn't eat them. 機嫌が悪いのです。 He is cranky. I'm in a bad mood. 彼はイタリアに行くと私に言った。 He told me that he was going to Italy. He told me he was going to Italy. 話上手もいれば、聞き上手もいる。 Some people are good talkers and others good listeners. Some are good at talking, some are good at listening. いまだかつて偉大なもので熱烈な精神なくして成し遂げられたものは何もない。 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Nothing has ever been achieved without a great and intense spirit. 私のペンを探さなくちゃ。 I have to look for my pen. I have to find my pen. 電話は1876年にベルによって発明された。 The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. The phone was invented by Bell in 1876. 彼が私達に加わるのは当然だと思った。 We took it for granted that he would join us. I thought he deserved to join us. どうしてそんなに高い辞書を買いましたか。 Why did you buy such an expensive dictionary? Why did you buy a dictionary so high? 少女たちは協力してその貧しい家族を助けた。 The girls clubbed together to help the poor family. The girls worked together to save the poor family. 彼は弟と間違えられた。 He was mistaken for his younger brother. He was mistaken for his brother. このシャツは少し緩いです。 This shirt is a little bit loose. This shirt is a little loose. 登夢は真理の扉をとんとんと叩いた。 Tom knocked on Mary's door. The dreamers quickly knocked on the door of truth. 彼はいつも忙しい。 He is busy all the time. He's always busy. バスは20分間隔で運行されている。 Buses are running at 20 minute intervals. The bus runs every 20 minutes. 水が壊れたパイプからどっと流れ出した。 Water poured from the broken pipe. The water poured out of a broken pipe. 彼は国の将来について、とても心配している。 He is much concerned about the future of the country. He is very concerned about the future of his country. 私は何を言えばよいか途方に暮れた。 I was at a loss what to say. I didn't know what to say. 彼のしたことは間違っていない。 What he did is not wrong. What he did was not wrong. 私は思いもよらぬ結果に驚いた。 I was amazed at the unexpected result. I was surprised by the unexpected results. アメリカの歴史をさかのぼってみよう。 Let's look back on the history of the United States. Let's go back to the history of America. もう少し我慢していたら、彼女は成功することが出来ただろう。 If she had been a little more patient, she could have succeeded. If she had been a little more patient, she would have succeeded. ロシアはもう1つの超大国として台頭していた。 Russia had emerged as a second superpower. Russia was on the rise as another super power. 一緒にコーヒーを飲みながら雑談をしませんか。 Why don't you come in for a cup of coffee and a chat? Why don't we chat over coffee together? 車を貸していただけませんか。 Would you mind lending me your car? Can I borrow your car? 見ればわかるよ。 I know him by sight. I'll tell you when I see it. ビルは私より2歳年上である。 Bill is two years older than I am. Bill is two years older than me. 私が払いましょう。 Let me pay. I'll pay. 彼は何でもやりすぎる傾向がある。 He tends to do everything to excess. He tends to do too much of anything. 彼女は美術の勉強をするためにフランスにいった。 She went to France in order to study art. She went to France to study art. トムはとうとう刑務所から出るとは、私は思えなかった。 I never thought Tom would make it out of prison after such a long time. I didn't think Tom would finally leave the prison. 彼は犬小屋作りに取りかかった。 He went about making a doghouse. He took it upon himself to build a doghouse. 人は同時に多くのことをできない。 One can't do lots of things at the same time. People can't do a lot at the same time. 彼女は演奏会のためにお母さんに作ってもらった青いドレスを着ていた。 She wore a blue dress made by her mother for the concert. She was wearing a blue dress made by her mother for the performance. するのも楽しいよ。 It's fun to play, too. It's also fun. これからも連絡を取り合えることを願っています。 I hope we stay in touch. I hope we can keep in touch. いつでも使って下さい。 You can use it anytime. You can use it whenever you like. 私は以前よりも暇はあるがお金がない。 I have more time, and less money than ever. I have more time but I don't have the money. 私は昨日になって初めてそれを知った。 It was not until yesterday that I knew it. I didn't know that until yesterday. さようなら。 See you soon! Bye. 税金はどこで払うのですか。 Where should I pay the tax? Where does the taxes come from? 明日、雪が降るだろう。 It will be snow tomorrow. Tomorrow the snow will fall. その銃声に我々はあっと驚いた。 We are astonished at the shot. That shot surprised us. 私の車はCDプレーヤーを装備している。 My car is equipped with a CD player. My car has a CD player. 支払にカードはつかえますか。 Can I pay a credit card? I don't know if I can get a card to pay it. 期末試験のために、一生懸命勉強しなくてはいけない。 I have to give myself up to studying for final exams. I have to study hard for the final exam. ここでしばらくの間待って下さい。 Please wait here for a while. Wait here for a while. この辞書には大いに改善の余地がある。 There is plenty of room for improvement in this dictionary. The dictionary has much room for improvement. お医者さんに診てもらった方がいいですよ。 You'd better consult your doctor. You should see a doctor. たばこは絶対に吸わないでください。 Please don't smoke cigarettes no matter what. Don't ever smoke. ペンギンって、陸上ではヨチヨチのイメージだけど、水の中ではスイスイとカッコよく泳ぐんだね。 Penguins look strange when they waddle on land, but the way they swim so smoothly through the water is pretty cool. Penguins are images of Joy on land, but in the water they swim coolly with Swissy. 12人座れるだけの椅子がありますか。 Are there enough chairs to seat 12 people? Do you have enough chairs to sit 12 people? どんな事が起こっても私は心を変えません。 Come what may; I won't change my mind. No matter what happens, I don't change my mind. 審議会の新しいメンバーを任命する必要がある。 We have to appoint new members of the examining board. We need to appoint a new member of the council. 「彼は来ますか」「来ないと思います」 "Is he coming?" "No, I don't think so." - He's coming. - I don't think so. なんと不思議な偶然の一致だろう。 What a coincidence! What a strange coincidence. 彼はニューヨークへ飛行機で行った。 He went to New York by airplane. He flew to New York. 彼は若い女の子達に囲まれて座っていました。 He sat surrounded by young girls. He sat around young girls. わき腹が痛い。 I've got a pain in my side. My side hurts. 俺は知らないよ。 How should I know? I don't know. 私は本当に困惑していた。 I was truly perplexed. I was really confused. おじいさんは目を閉じてベンチに座っていました。 The old man sat on the bench with his eyes closed. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. 私はむこうにたっている少年をしっています。 I know the boy standing over there. I'm a little boy here. 私は今日の午後メアリーと会うことになるでしょう。 I'll be seeing Mary this afternoon. I'll meet Mary this afternoon. 私がこうやっていい給料をもらっているのも彼のおかげだ。 I owe it to him that I can earn a good salary. He thanks me for getting a good salary like this. 知識を増やすためにたくさん本を読まなければならない。 I must read many books to add to my knowledge. You have to read a lot to increase your knowledge. 心臓が速く鼓動しているのを感じた。 I felt my heart beating rapidly. I could feel my heart beating fast. トロント国際空港に近い部屋をとっていただけませんか。 Would you please reserve a room near the Toronto international Airport? Would you please take a room near Toronto International Airport? 彼は毎日川へ泳ぎにいく。 He goes swimming in the river every day. He goes to the river every day. 中学校時代に、入院中の祖父が病院の看護師に対して「ありがとう、助かるよ」とよく声をかけていたことがとても印象的でした。 In my secondary school days, I was much impressed by how my hospitalised grandfather would often tell the nurses there, "Thank you, I appreciate your help." When I was in middle school, my grandfather, who was in the hospital, used to say to the hospital nurse, "Thank you, thank you." その通りのどちら側にもたくさんの店がある。 There are many stores on either side of the street. That's right, there's a lot of shops on both sides. 明子にはハナという名の叔母さんがいます。 Akiko has an aunt whose name is Hana. Akiko has an aunt named Hana. 船は橋の下を通った。 The boat passed under the bridge. The ship passed under the bridge. 彼は演説した。 He gave a speech. He gave a speech. 私は休暇の間に京都見物をしました。 I saw the sights of Kyoto during my vacation. I saw Kyoto during my vacation. 神様を信じている? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? 食後に歯をみがきなさい。 Brush your teeth clean after each meal. Pick up your teeth after dinner. あなたは1ヶ月に何冊の本を読みますか。 How many books do you read a month? How many books do you read in a month? 私はまだこの教室に入ったことがない。 I have never been inside this classroom. I've never been in this class. 木の葉が赤くなった。 The leaves of the trees have turned red. The leaves have turned red. あそこのウィンドウの中にあるのを見せて下さい。 Please show me that one in the window over there. Let me see what's in that window over there. 本をたくさん買った。 I bought many books. I bought a lot of books. 何かを記録するために、彼らはラマかアルパカの毛糸でできた、結び目のついたひもを使った。 To record something, they used knotted cords made of the wool of the llama or alpaca. To record something, they used a knot that was made of lama or alpaca wool. 彼女は外出しようとしていた。 She was on the point of going out. She was trying to get out. 彼女は彼と会っていたことを否定した。 She denied having met him. She denied that she had met him. その音楽は何度も聞く価値がある。 That music is worth listening to many times. The music is worth listening to over and over again. あなたはこの色が好きですか。 Do you like this color? You like this color? その川にはフェリーの便がある。 They run a ferry service across the river. There's a ferry on that river. お金の持ちあわせがありますか。 Do you have any money with you? Do you have any money? 彼の手紙に返事をださなきゃ。 I have to answer his letter. I have to answer for his letter. ことわざにもあるように、「時は金なり」だ。 As the proverb says, "Time is money." As the saying goes: Times are money. 新聞に広告を出してみよう。 I think I will advertise in the paper. Let's put an ad in the paper. 彼とはつきあいがありますか。 Do you have access to him? Do you have a relationship with him? その木に登れますか。 Can you climb the tree? Can you climb that tree? 彼は強い。 He is powerful. He's strong. うそをつくな、正直であれ。 Don't lie. Tell the truth. Don't lie to me, be honest with me. 切らないで。 Hang on. Don't hang up. 私は、議論が終わるのを辛抱強く待つことに決め込んだ。 I decided to bide my time and wait for the argument to finish. I decided to wait patiently for the discussion to end. その学生がしたスピーチは面白かった。 The speech made by the student was interesting. The student's speech was interesting. 彼はハイカーの一行に追いついた。 He came up with a party of hikers. He caught up with the hikers. 日曜日だったので、店は閉まっていた。 It being Sunday, the shop was closed. It was Sunday, so the shop was closed. 少女は鳥を逃がしてやった。 The girl let the bird loose. The girl let the bird go. 先生はどちらの本が気に入ったか私に尋ねた。 The teacher asked me which book I liked. He asked me which book I liked. 必ず明朝お電話ください。 Be sure to call me up tomorrow morning. Make sure you call me tomorrow morning. 彼はこの大学の生徒です。 He's a student at this college. He's a student at this university. 彼は再び母に会えない運命だった。 He was never to see his mother again. He was destined to see her again. 政治家として企業のお金を受け取るのは、汚職でなくて何だろう。 Taking money from a corporation as a politician is definitely corruption. I wonder what it’s not corruption to get the money of a company as a politician. メアリーはテーブルの上に大きな地図を広げた。 Mary spread the big map on the table. "I don't think so," said Mary. とても寒かったけれども私は外出した。 It was very cold, but I went out. It was very cold, but I went out. 彼が来るかどうかは大して重要ではない。 It makes no difference whether he will come or not. It doesn't matter whether he's coming or not. 彼はその事件とは何らかの関係がある。 He has something to do with the matter. He had something to do with the case. 彼は私の弁解を認めてくれなかった。 He did not accept my apologies. He didn't approve of my excuses. 私は猫が好きだ。 I am a cat person. I like cats. この道でいいの? Am I on the right road? Are you sure this is the way to go? 泥棒が手袋をはめていたために、指紋は発見できなかった。 The burglar wore gloves, with the result that there were no finger-prints to be found. No fingerprints were found because the thief was wearing gloves. 彼が来る見込みはありますか。 Is there any hope that he will come? Is there any chance he'll come? そのケースは冷静に対処する必要がある。 The occasion demands a cool head. That case needs to be handled in a calm way. この写真を見ると必ず、田舎での幸せな日々を私は思い出す。 I never see this photo without being reminded of my happy days in the countryside. When I look at this picture, I always remember the happy days in the country. 旅行の準備はできていますか。 Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready to travel? 君が私にしてくれたことにはどんなに感謝してもたりない。 I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I don't appreciate anything you've done for me. お父さんがここにいて、私達を助けてくれればいいのに。 Would that our father were here to help us. I wish my father were here to help us. 彼の行いは賞賛に値する。 His conduct deserves to be praised. His actions are commendable. あまり多くを期待するな。 Don't expect too much. Don't expect too much. トムは黒ネコを飼っている。 Tom keeps a black cat. Tom has a black cat. 勝ったぞ! It won! I won! 彼の傑作はまだ現れていない。 His masterpiece has not appeared yet. His masterpiece has not yet appeared. 数日は絶食するようにしてください。 You must not eat anything for a few days. Don't eat it for a few days. 彼はいつも世界のことについて好奇心を持ち続けている。 He has always had a great curiosity about the world. He is always curious about the world. 彼といるとくつろいだ気分になります。 I feel relaxed with him. I feel relaxed with him. 息子は雨にぬれて遊んでいる。 My son is playing in the rain. He's playing with the rain. その仕事場は、侵略者の地区にあるのよ。 It's on the aggressor's side of town. The place of business is in the invader's district. そのことは彼から聞いたのですか。 Did you learn it from him? Did he tell you about it? 彼は3年前に死んでいたことがわかった。 We found out that he had been dead for three years. Turns out he was dead three years ago. ウインクが彼のたった一つの返事だった。 A wink was his only answer. It was the only answer he gave. 親の顔が見たい。 The son is known by his father. I want to see my parents' face. 彼は日曜日にはめったに家にいない。 He seldom stays home on Sundays. He's not home at all on Sunday. 出来るだけ安い席がいいんですけど。 I'd like inexpensive seats, if possible. I'd like to have as cheap a seat as possible. 私にできることはありませんか。 Is there anything I can do for you? Is there anything I can do? その火事はすぐに鎮火された。 The fire was soon extinguished. The fire was set on fire immediately. スプーンをいただけますか。 Could we have a spoon? Can I have a spoon? トムは病気のため講演を中止しなければならなくなった。 Tom had to cancel his lecture because he was sick. Tom had to cancel the talk because of his illness. ほかの種類の飲み物はいやだ。 I don't like other kinds of drinks. I don't want any other kind of drink. 葵さんは上手に踊ります。 Aoi dances well. Yasuo-san is a good dancer. 家まで車で送りましょう。 I'll drive you home. I'll drive you home. 当たり前だけど自分の書いた文が一番自然に見える。 It may seem obvious, but sentences you write yourself look the most natural. But, of course, my writing seems to be the most natural. 先生は私たちに静かにするようにと注意した。 The teacher admonished us that we should be silent. The doctor warned us to be quiet. トムは名刺を出して挨拶をした。 Tom exchanged greetings by giving his business card. Tom gave me his card and said hi. その考えのすべてが私は嫌いだ。 The whole idea is abhorrent to me. I hate all that thinking. 駅で1時間待ったが彼は現れなかった。 I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up. I waited an hour at the station, but he didn't show up. 忘れた。 I forgot. I forgot. 僕は彼女が好きになった。 I took to her. I fell in love with her. 彼は出会うどの女性ともいちゃつく。 He flirts with every woman he meets. He messes with every woman he meets. そのぬれたシャツはすぐに乾くだろう。 The wet shirt will soon dry up. The wet shirt will dry up soon. 彼らといっしょに科学者たちの一行が乗っていた。 A party of scientists were on board with them. There was a line of scientists with them. 彼は息子を自慢にしている。 He prides himself on his son. He's proud of his son. この通りを二つ目の角で左へ曲がりなさい。 Go two blocks and turn left. Turn this street to the left with the second corner. 新期にスタートしたテレビ番組だが、あいも変わらず新味がないな。 The new season's T.V. programs are as much old hat as ever. The TV show started at the new age, but it still doesn't look fresh. オマエ、そりゃいくらなんでもボッタクリ過ぎだろ!6:4がいいとこだろうが。もちろん、6は俺な! Oi you, that's too much of a rip off by anyone's count! 6:4 is more than enough. Of course I'm the '6'. I don't know what you're talking about. 例文を削除するにはどうしたら良いですか? How do I delete a sentence? What do you want to do to remove an example? トムは流れ弾に当たって死んだ。 Tom was killed by a stray bullet. Tom was killed by a bullet in the stream. 彼は愚かにも彼女の言うことを信じてしまった。 He was stupid enough to believe what she said. He foolishly believed her. 彼女はいつも聖書を持ち歩いている。 She always carries the Holy Bible about. She carries a Bible with her all the time. 彼の心を捕まえているのは誰ですか。 Who possesses his heart? Who's catching his mind? 政治と戦争との関係は何でしょうか。 What's the relationship between politics and war? What is the relationship between politics and war? 彼はすてきなアパートをメアリーにみつけてやった。 He found a nice apartment for Mary. He put a nice apartment on Mary. その老夫婦には子供がなかった。 The old couple had no children. The old couple had no children. 風邪をひいていたので、学校を休んだ。 I was absent from school because I had a cold. I missed school because I had a cold. そのレストランは2つの高速道路の合流点に立っている。 The restaurant stands at the junction of two superhighways. The restaurant stands at the intersection of the two highways. 先週あなたにした約束はまだ有効です。 The promise I made to you last week still holds true. The promise I made to you last week is still valid. 彼の小論文は簡潔で要点をきちんと押さえていた。 His essay was concise and to the point. His essays were brief and well-pressed. このような生き方は、アメリカ人から見ればあまり面白いものには見えない。 Such a lifestyle appears rather uninteresting to Americans. This way of life doesn’t seem so interesting to Americans. 手を上げなさい。 Raise your hand. Hands in the air. 彼の助けが必要だ。 I need his help. I need his help. 君のすばらしい仕事ぶりを見ると僕は恥ずかしくなるよ。 Your excellent work puts me to shame. I'm embarrassed to see you do a great job. このことは誰にも言うな。 Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone about this. トムがどこへ行ってしまったのか、私は知らない。 I don't know where Tom has gone. I don't know where Tom is. この料金に昼食代は入っていますか。 Is lunch included in this price? So I'm going to pay you a little bit more for lunch. その新しい方法は熟考に値する。 The new method is well worth consideration. The new method deserves to be considered. 君が忠告してくれたので成功できた。 Because of the advice that you gave me, I succeeded. It's been a success because you gave me your advice. え、そうですとも。 Yes, that is most certainly so. Yes, of course. プロ野球に入っても、僕なんか芽が出ないんじゃないかな。 I don't think I'll make the grade if I try to play professional baseball. I don't think I'll grow up in professional baseball. どうしていいのかわからなくて、彼は私に助けを求めた。 Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help. I didn't know what to do, so he asked me for help. 辛くて刺激の多いものは食べないように。 You shouldn't eat anything spicy. Don't eat anything hard and exciting. ビールが1杯ほしいのですが。 I'd like a glass of beer. I'd like a beer. 私は全てを否定する。 I deny everything. I deny everything. 私たちは彼らが新車を買うなんて予想もしなかった。 We didn't anticipate their buying a new car. We didn't expect them to buy new cars. ときには、機械によって意識不明の人が何年間も呼吸し続けることもあります。 Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. Sometimes people who are unconscious by machine keep breathing for years. 私は彼の気分を害するのではないかと気にした。 I was afraid that I might hurt his feelings. I wondered if he might hurt his mood. あなたの名前のつづりを教えてください。 Please tell me how to spell your name. Tell me your name spelling. 横倒しになった自動車が通行の妨げになった。 A car lying on its side blocked the passage. Cars that felled were blocked by traffic. 料理人は彼の信じられない程の食欲にとても驚いた。 The cook was astonished at his incredible appetite. The cook was so surprised by his incredible appetite. さあ、そろそろ本気で勉強を始めなくちゃ。 It's time to hit the books. Come on, I really need to start studying. トムは払った。 Tom paid. Tom paid. しばふに露が降りている。 The dew has fallen on the lawn. It's coming out of my mouth. 駅に行く道を教えていただけませんか。 Could you tell me the way to the station, please? Can you tell me how to get to the station? 血はどす黒かったです。 The blood was a dark color. The blood was black. 私達はよい音楽をじゅうぶんに楽しんだ。 We enjoyed good music to the full. We enjoyed a lot of good music. 夫がカナダ人に熱を上げて、離婚を迫られています。 My husband got the hots for a Canadian and is threatening me with divorce. My husband is in the middle of a Canadian divorce. そう言うわけじゃない。 No, not really. I'm not saying that. その歌はどんな歌詩ですか。 How does that song go? What song is that? 彼女は先生を見送りに駅に行きました。 She went to the station to see her teacher off. She went to the station to see the doctor. 私たちはフランス語のかわりにロシア語を学んだ。 We learned Russian instead of French. We learned Russian instead of French. そのスピーチの要点は把握できた。 I was able to grasp the main points of the speech. I got the point of the speech. ボストンってどこにあるか知ってる? Do you know where Boston is? Do you know where Boston is? あの人たちに私の感謝の気持ちを表したかった。 I wanted to show them my appreciation. I wanted to thank them. それはどこへ置いてもいい。 You can put it anywhere. I don't care where you put it. 漢字を少し教えてください。 Teach me some kanji, please. Let me give you a little bit of a character. クラス全体が先生のジョークに爆笑しました。 The whole class burst into laughter at the teacher's joke. The whole class laughed at the teacher's jokes. どこかまちがっているように私には思えます。 It seems to me that something's wrong. I feel like there's something wrong with me. 飼い犬が尻尾を振っている。 My dog is wagging her tail. There's a dog waving his tail. われわれはドアのそばに立ってまった。 We stood at the door and waited. We were standing by the door. 私たちはだれでも歴史にある程度の興味を持っている。ある意味ではみんな歴史家なのである。 All of us have an interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians. We all have some interest in history. In some ways, everyone is a historian. 幸いにして、ディックのお父さんは戦死をまぬがれました。 Luckily, Dick's father was not killed in the war. Fortunately Dick's father survived the war. 明日電話でトムに連絡して手伝ってくれるように頼むつもりだ。 I plan to telephone Tom tomorrow and ask him to help. I'm gonna call Tom tomorrow and ask him to help me. 昨日、ひょんなことで父親の戸籍抄本のコピーを見てしまいました。 Yesterday I stumbled across a copy of my father's family register. I saw a copy of my father's book yesterday. 散歩に出掛けていました。 I was out for a walk. I was out for a walk. 彼は大声で笑ったが、その振る舞いは不適切に思えた。 He laughed loudly, which behavior seemed inappropriate. He laughed loudly, but his behavior seemed inappropriate. 仕事に戻らなきゃ。 I have to go back to work. I have to get back to work. 今日は彼は授業に遅れたが概して申し分のない生徒です。 Today he was late for his class. But he is, on the whole, a satisfactory student. He's been late for class today, but he's usually a fine student. この部屋は凍えるよ、シンディー。この寒さはたえられないよ。 It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. 彼は私のわがままにこれ以上耐えられない。 He can't endure my selfishness any more. He can't stand what I'm doing. 君は私に本当のことを話してくれていればよかったのに。 I wish you had told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. 私は彼らが試験に受かることを確信している。 I am sure of their passing the examination. I'm sure they'll take the exam. その子はそれを箱の中に入れました。 She put it in the box. The kid put it in the box. 薄暗い明かりで本を読んではいけない。 You shouldn't read in such poor light. Don't read with dark lights. 生きてるのが嫌になってきた。 I have become disgusted of living. I hate being alive. 彼らはその悪法を施行しようとしている。 They are going to put the bad law in force. They're trying to enforce that law. 宇宙科学はまだその緒についたばかりである。 Space science is still in its infancy. Space science has only come to grips with it. 私は敵意をもったまでも、冷ややかな対応を受けた。 I met with a cool, not to say hostile, reception. I was treated coldly until I became hostile. コーヒーください。 I'd like to have a coffee. Coffee, please. ビュッフェの内容を見せていただけますか。 Could you show me what you're serving in the buffet? Why don't you show us what's going on with Buffe? あの雲は雨の前兆だ。 That cloud bodes rain. That cloud is a sign of the rain. トムは美しい木製家具を造ります。 Tom makes beautiful furniture out of wood. Tom makes beautiful wood furniture. その劇は終わった。 The show is over. The play is over. 失礼ですがそれは私のラケットです。 Pardon me, but that is my racket. Excuse me, that's my raket. 彼女に話し掛けるのはよそう。 Let's not talk to her. Let's not talk to her. 息子はないものねだりをしている。 My son asks for the moon. I don't have a son. 寝る前にかならず明かりを消しなさい。 Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to sleep. Turn off the lights before you go to sleep. 冬ここではめったに雪が降りません。 It seldom snows here in winter. It doesn't snow here in winter. 彼にわかるように、彼女は両手を振りました。 She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She shook her hands so he could see. この椅子は座っていると、本当に気持ちいい。 When I'm sitting in this chair, it's really comfortable. This chair really feels good when you sit down. 夕べ10時頃君の家のそばを通ったよ。 I passed by your house about 10 last night. I passed by your house around 10:00 last night. 決してカンニングをしてはいけません。 You should on no account cheat in the exam. Never cheat. クリスマスにお会い出来るのを楽しみにしています。 I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. 彼の生活は心配がない。 His life is free from care. Don't worry about his life. 彼はその小説で名を売った。 He won fame by the novel. He sold his name in the novel. 名前が書き終わったら日付も書いておきなさい。 When you have written your name, please write the date. If you're done writing your name, write the date. 安心したことには彼は無事に帰ってきた。 To my relief, he came home safe and sound. To make him feel safe, he's back safe. 教室を整理整頓するようにと命じられた。 It was ordered that the classroom be put in order. I was ordered to order the classroom. 彼には娘は目にいれても痛くない。 His daughter is very dear to him. His daughter doesn't hurt to see him. 必ずテレビのスイッチを切りなさい。 Make sure to turn off the TV. Make sure you turn off the TV. あなたと私はソウルメイトなのよ。 You and I are soulmates. You and I are soul mates. 彼は決して紳士的ではない。 He is anything but a gentleman. He's never a gentleman. 何か食べるものを持って来ましょうか? Can I get you something to eat? Can I get you something to eat? 外国語を学ぶのは難しい。 Studying a foreign language is hard. Learning a foreign language is difficult. メアリーは若いころ立派な歌手だったと言われている。 Mary is said to have been a great singer in her youth. Mary is said to have been a great singer when she was young. 彼の気分はよく変わる。 His moods often change. His mood changed a lot. このカーテンはすばらしい生地で出来ている。 This curtain is made of fine material. This curtain is made of excellent fabric. 彼は新車を買った。 He bought a new car. He bought a new car. 彼女の顔はうれしさで輝いていた。 She was beaming with delight. Her face beamed with joy. 喫煙席をお願いします。 Smoking, please. Please take a seat. 討論は夜遅くまで続いた。 The discussion went on till late at night. The discussion continued until late at night. 彼の失敗の原因を勤勉さがなかったせいにすべきではない。 His failure is not to be ascribed to want of diligence. It shouldn't be because he didn't work hard at the cause of his failure. バブルが跡形もなく消え去ったからである。 That's because the bubble vanished into thin air. Because the bubble disappeared without a trace. 君は遅れて来たよね? You got here late, didn't you? You're late, aren't you? 友情が彼らを結びつけた。 Friendship bound them together. Friendship brought them together. テレビをつけてくれる。 Will you turn on the television? He'll turn on the TV. これ触ってもいいですか? May I feel this? Can I touch this? 私の父は毎日酒におぼれている。 My father drinks daily. My father is drunk every day. 彼女は帰宅が遅すぎると娘を叱った。 She scolded her daughter for coming home too late. She scolded her daughter for coming home too late. 私の望みはスイスへ行くことです。 My wish is to go to Switzerland. I want to go to Switzerland. そのジェット機は稲光より速かった。 Those jets were faster than lightning. The plane was faster than lightning. そのお金は困っている人に配られるべきだ。 The money should be distributed to those in need. The money should be distributed to someone in need. トムは今日その手紙を書かなければなりませんか。 Does Tom have to write the letter today? Does Tom have to write that letter today? もっと思いやりをもって接してやらないといけませんよ。 You must treat them with more consideration. We have to treat them with more compassion. 友達より大切なものはない。 Nothing is more important than your friends are. There's nothing more important than a friend. 私の靴は、彼のと同じサイズです。 My shoes are the same size as his. My shoes are the same size as his. 彼女に恋している。 I'm in love with her. I'm in love with her. あなたに返事をしようとしているところです。 I'm about to tell you the answer. I'm trying to answer you. 彼女はその塀を赤く塗った。 She painted the wall red. She painted that wall red. 我が国の海岸汚染はとても深刻なものである。 The pollution of our coasts is very serious. Our coastal pollution is very serious. 私が付けているペンダントは叔母さんからもらった。 My aunt gave me the pendant I'm wearing. My aunt gave me the spokes I wear. 誰かがあなたを呼んでいます。 Someone is calling you. Someone's calling you. さあ飲もうじゃないか。 Let's drink. Let's have a drink. 重いけど、何とか運べます。 It's heavy, but I can manage it. It's heavy, but I can carry it. そのバスには五十人の乗客がいた。 There were fifty passengers on board the bus. There were 50 passengers on that bus. 小さいころは、自分が死ねば世界は消えると思っていた。幼稚な妄想!自分はいないのに世界が続くのは許せなかった。 When I was a kid, I thought that if I died the world would just disappear. What a childish delusion! I just couldn't accept that the world could continue to exist without me. When I was little, I thought that if I died, the world would disappear. 人類は戦争を終わらせないと戦争は人類の存在を終わらせる。 If mankind does not put an end to war, war will put an end to mankind. If we don't end the war, war will end the existence of mankind. 母親の象は川の中で小象の体をあらってやります。 The mother elephant bathes her baby in the river. Your mother's elephant will hit you in the river. 疑問の余地がない。 There is no room for doubt. There's no doubt about it. そんなしゃべり方してたら頭悪そうに見えるよ? You sound like an idiot if you talk like this. Don't you think I'm stupid enough to talk to you like that? もう寝るときだ。 It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. 多くの時間が無駄になった。 A lot of time was wasted. We've wasted a lot of time. これらの物質がどのようにして体内に吸収されるのかを知りたいと思う。 I would like to know how these substances are absorbed by the body. I want to know how these substances are absorbed into our bodies. この世界は、あなたたちの住む世界から遥か3億光年離れた位置にあります。 This world is a distant three hundred million light years away from the world where you live. This world is at a distance of 300 million light years from the world you live in. いつでも好きなときにいらっしゃい。 Come whenever you like. You're welcome whenever you like. 彼は帰宅するやいなや、誇らしげに衝撃の発表をした。 No sooner had he come home than he proudly made an earth-shattering announcement. As soon as he got home, he proudly announced his shock. 彼の行動は言葉と必ずしも一致しない。 His actions do not always correspond to his words. His actions do not always match words. 「お宅にお邪魔してもよろしいですか。」「いつでも構いませんよ。」 "May I come over to your house?" "Anytime you want." "Do you mind if I come to your house?" "No, it's all right." あなたは成功すると、私は確信している。 I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll succeed. 少年は母親のハンドバッグからお金を盗んだ。 The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy stole money from his mother's purse. 伝統的に、人々は4月1日にいたずらをする。 By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April. Traditionally, people do it on April 1st. ベジタリアンなので、できればお肉は遠慮したい。 I'm a vegetarian, so I'd rather not have meat, if that's okay. I'm a vegetarian, and I'd rather not eat meat. ケリーは体育をサボって家に帰った。 Kelly cut physical education and went home. Kelly left her body to go home. 何と言ってよいかわからなかったので、私は黙っていた。 Since I didn't know what to say, I remained silent. I didn't know what to say, so I kept quiet. 彼女は善悪の区別をつけることができない。 She cannot distinguish right from wrong. She can't tell the difference between right and wrong. ダーウィンはイギリスで知っていたのとは異なる動物や鳥を研究した。 Darwin studied the animals and birds different from those he knew in England. Darwin studied animals and birds that were different from what he knew in England. 私は1日たりともこの辞書なしでは済まされない。 I cannot do without this dictionary even for a single day. I'm not gonna be sorry without this dictionary for a day. 彼らは勝利を自分たちのものだと思った。 They assumed a victory as their own. They thought victory was theirs. タバコは健康に良くないことを忘れないでね。 Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Don't forget that cigarettes aren't healthy. 私が本当のことを言っていないというのですか。 Are you suggesting that I am not telling the truth? Are you saying I'm not telling the truth? 始まりがよければ半分できたも同じ。 Well begun is half done. That's the same thing as half of it, if you want to start. 若者は、外国に行きたがる。 Young people are eager to go abroad. Young people want to go abroad. トムの字ってうまくはないけど読みやすいよね。 Tom, your handwriting isn't very good, but it's easy to read. Tom's handwriting doesn't work, but it's easy to read. 彼女は頭を枕にのせた。 She laid her head down on the pillow. She put her head on the pillow. 私はアメリカ人ではありません。私はカナダ人です。 I am not an American. I am a Canadian. I'm not an American. I'm Canadian. 誰か写真を撮ってくれるかしら? Can someone take our picture? Can someone take a picture of me? 演説する人は皆が見えるところに立つべきだ。 A person giving a speech should stand where everyone can see him. All the speakers should stand where they can see them. これは本当ですか。 Is this true? Is this true? 乳歯の横に永久歯がはえてきました。 An adult tooth came in right next to a baby tooth. I have permanent teeth next to my baby teeth. 彼はその本に興味を示した。 He showed an interest in the book. He showed interest in the book. 彼は暗がりを怖がった。 He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of the dark. わたしはその問題を真剣に考えなかった。 I didn't consider the subject seriously. I didn't take the matter seriously. 高速道路を走る時は、いくら注意しても十分とは言えない。 You can't be too careful driving on the expressway. It’s not enough to be careful when you’re on the highway. あの自転車は私たちの学校のものです。 That bicycle belongs to our school. That bike belongs to our school. 遅刻してすみません。 Excuse me for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. 急げば、学校に間に合いますよ。 Hurry up, and you'll be in time for school. If you hurry, you'll be in time for school. 核兵器は人類の破滅以外の何ももたらさないだろう。 Nuclear weapons will bring about nothing but the ruin of mankind. Nuclear weapons will bring nothing but the destruction of humanity. われわれは過ぎし日の事を、必ずしも愛情とは言えないまでも少なくとも一種の憧れを持ってふりかえるのである。 We look back on days gone by, if not always with affections, at any rate with a kind of wistfulness. We can at least pretend to have a kind of longing for days and days, if not necessarily love. 長期の欠席について彼に弁明を求めた。 We called him to account for his long absence. I asked him for an argument about his long absence. 生徒たちの多くは疲れていた。 Many of the students were tired. Many of the students were tired. 日が沈んだので、彼らは仕事をやめた。 The sun went down, so they quit working. The sun has set, so they quit their job. もっと気楽に生きなよ。 Take it easy. Take it easy on yourself. それは高すぎます。 That's too expensive. It's too expensive. トムは素早く朝ご飯を食べた。 Tom quickly ate his breakfast. Tom ate breakfast fast. わたしはそうするつもりは無かった。 I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to. 彼らは日本に定住した。 They settled in Japan. They settled in Japan. 彼が来るかどうかはどうでもいいことだ。 It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter if he's coming. 伊藤先生は、歴史を教えていますか。 Does Mr Ito teach history? Do you teach history? クリスの行動を選択して下さい。 Select action for Chris. Please choose Chris' behavior. ほっとしたようだね。 You look relieved. You seem relieved. 君の自転車は私のと似ている。 Your bicycle is similar to mine. Your bike looks just like mine. どういう意味ですか? What does that mean? What do you mean? 私の兄は、大学を卒業した後、さらに研究を進めるために合衆国に行った。 After graduating from college my brother went to the United States for the purpose of doing further research. After graduating from college, my brother went to the United States to further his research. もしかして、私のこと怖がってる? Are you, by any chance, scared of me? Are you afraid of me? どこに自転車を置いたらいいですか。 Where can I leave my bicycle? I don't know where to put my bike. 困難な目に会っています。 I am in the soup. I'm having a hard time. 君が行かないのなら私も行きません。 If you don't go, I won't, either. If you don't go, I won't go either. 月に1回ほんの2、3行でいいからブログを書いていればそれだけで英語力が上がります。 Because just a few lines once a month are sufficient, if you write a blog, your ability in English will increase just from doing this. If you write a blog once a month, only a few lines a month, it will increase your English. その結果がどうなろうと私には関係ない。 Those consequences are no concern of mine. Whatever the outcome is, it doesn't matter to me. 今日のお昼は何食べた? What did you have for lunch today? What did you eat today? 顔にぶつぶつができてる。最近、寝不足だから。 I'm getting little pimples on my face. I wonder if I've been getting enough sleep lately. I've got a scratch on my face. I've been having trouble sleeping lately. その部屋に入ると、彼女がピアノを弾いていた。 When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. I went into that room and she played the piano. 私は泳げます。 I'm able to swim. I can swim. 彼は私の言うことにはまったく馬耳東風だ。 He turns a deaf ear to me. He's totally deaf to me. 私達の先生は女生徒だけをえこひいきする。 Our teacher favors only the girl students. Our teachers only favor girls. 耳で見える。 See with your ears. I can see it in your ears. これ、冷蔵庫に入れておくよ。 I'll put this in the refrigerator. I'll put this in the fridge. 私は18才です。 I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. 月曜日には彼の状態は少しだけ良くなった。 On Monday, his condition improved slightly. By Monday, his condition was a little better. あの女の子は映画スターになりたかったんだ。 That girl wanted to become a movie star. That girl wanted to be a movie star. トムは今頃はもうボストンにいるのだと思っていました。 I thought that Tom would be in Boston by now. Tom thought he was in Boston by now. 私は彼女の赤ちゃんの面倒を見なければいけなかった。 I had to take care of her baby. I had to take care of her baby. 彼は上司を殺そうと企んだが実行しなかった。 He planned to murder his boss, but did not carry it out. He tried to kill his boss, but he didn't. 歯並びをきちんと直していただきたいのですが。 I would like to have my teeth straightened. So let's say that I'm going to set up a set of teeth. ご署名をお願いします。 Please sign your name here. Please sign. その病気は治らない。 That disease is incurable. The disease won't be cured. 彼女が結婚したといううわさがある。 There is a rumor that she got married. There's a rumor that she's married. どなたか Beispiel という言葉を使ったドイツ語の例文を作っていただけないでしょうか? Could someone make an example sentence using the German word "Beispiel"? Who would you like to create a German example for using the word Beispiel? 放っておいてください、さもないと警察を呼びますよ。 Leave me alone or I'll call the police. Leave me alone, or I'll call the police. 最近はどんな物に凝っているの? What are you into these days? What are you getting into these days? 彼女は彼にぴょこんとおじぎをした。 She bobbed at him. She smiled at him. 被害は最小限に食い止められた。 The damage was held to a minimum. The damage was minimized. 彼はメイドを使っている。 He has a maid. He's using a maid. 彼は私の腕をつかんで私の目をじっと見た。 He took me by the arm and looked me in the eye. He grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. 彼女は疲れていたのでリンゴの木によりかかった。 She was worn out, and leaned against the apple tree. She was tired, so it took her by an apple tree. その会合は要するに時間の無駄だった。 The meeting, in short, was a waste of time. That meeting was really a waste of time. そのりんごは腐り始めている。 The apple has begun to decay. It's starting to rot. 明日雪が降ったら、わたしは雪だるまを作ります。 If it snows tomorrow, I will build a snowman. When the snow falls tomorrow, I make a snowman. 世界にはたくさんの異なった民族がいる。 There are a lot of different peoples in the world. There are many different ethnic groups in the world. 私たちは、君が試験に合格したときいている。 We have heard of your success in the exam. We're doing it when you pass the exam. 君は本気でそう言うのか。 Are you in earnest in saying so? Are you serious? トムは賢い犬を飼っている。 Tom has a smart dog. Tom has a smart dog. 彼は聴衆に静かな口調で話し掛けました。 He addressed the audience in a soft voice. He spoke to the audience in a quiet tone. 中に入らないと、耳が凍りそうだ。 My ears are going to freeze if I don't go in. If you don't get inside, your ears will freeze. 新種の稲によっては年に2、3回収穫できる物もある。 Some new kinds of rice can be harvested two or three times a year. Some varieties of rice can be harvested two or three times a year. 彼はきっと来ると思う。 He is sure to come. I'm sure he'll come. 叔父は冗談のつもりでその話を私にした。 My uncle told me the story by way of a joke. My uncle told me the story as a joke. 彼は北海道へ行ったことがある。 He has been to Hokkaido. He's been to the North Sea. ここに座ってもいいですか? Can I sit here? May I sit here? 豊作で米の値段が下がった。 The good harvest brought down the price of rice. A good crop has reduced the price of rice. 今朝あの人が私に2冊の本を貸してくれました。 The man lent me two books this morning. He loaned me two books this morning. 彼女は座ることに慣れている。 She is used to sitting. She's used to sitting. 君のお母さんの病気をきづかってやって来ました。 We came on account of your sick mother. I've come to tell you about your mother's disease. トムは高価なワインと安いワインの違いを説明できない。 Tom can't explain the difference between cheap wine and expensive wine. Tom cannot explain the difference between expensive and cheap wines. 価格は去年の2倍になっている。 The price is double what it was last year. Prices have doubled since last year. 私は一人でこれをしなければならない。 I have to do this alone. I have to do this alone. これは飲料水ではない。 This isn't drinking water. This is not a drink. その犬は私のブーツを食いちぎった。 The dog chewed off my boot. That dog ripped off my boots. どうかもう少し静かにして下さい。 Less noise, please. Please be quiet a little more. 今は何もすることがありません。 I don't have anything to do now. There's nothing we can do right now. 父が私を現在の私にしてくれた。 My father made me what I am today. My father made me what I am now. 彼無しで生きていく何て私には考えられない。 I can't conceive of living without him. I can't imagine living without him. ここでは遠慮はいりません。 Please make yourself at home here. You don't have to do that here. 手紙の返事をお忘れなく。 Remember to answer his letter. Don't forget to answer your letter. 彼は非常にきちんとした人なので、すべての鍋類はあるべき場所に整理されている。 He is such a tidy person. Every pot and pan is in its place. He is a very decent man, so all the pans are organized to their proper place. 祖父はいつも何やかやぶつぶつ不平を言っていた。 My grandfather was always grumbling about something or other. My grandfather used to complain about it all the time. 水は水平になろうとする。 Water tries to find its own level. The water is going to be flat. 動物にも魂があると思いますか。 Do you think animals have souls? Do you think animals have souls? あなたのスーツケース、運んであげますよ。 I can carry those suitcases for you. I'll carry your suitcase. トムとビルは別々に考えて同じ結論に達した。 Tom and Bill arrived at the conclusion independently of each other. Tom and Bill thought differently and came to the same conclusion. 会議では下記を話し合うつもりです。 I'd like to discuss the following at the meeting. At the conference, we're going to discuss the following: 僕らがもう一度やるべきだという点では君に賛成。 I agree with you that we should try again. I agree with you that we should do it again. 彼は文学を勉強するつもりでイタリアに行った。 He went to Italy with a view to studying literature. He went to Italy to study literature. 私は彼女にスキーを思いとどまらせた。 I argued her out of going skiing. I stopped her from skiing. 彼女は異性の前では非常に恥ずかしがる。 She feels very shy in the presence of the opposite sex. She is very embarrassed in the presence of the opposite sex. 先生はその少年が正直なので誉めた。 The teacher praised the boy for his honesty. The teacher commended the boy for being honest. 私はまだこの自転車に愛着がある。 I am still attached to this bicycle. I still love this bike. あっ!教えてくれ。 Oh! Show me how. What are you doing? どのくらいの料金がかかりますか。 How much will it cost? How much will it cost? 私は帰りの電車で寝過ごしてしまった。 On my way home, I fell asleep on the train and rode past my station. I fell asleep on the train home. 大学ってもっと楽しいところだと思ってた。 I thought college would be a more interesting place. I thought college was a fun place. 忍耐力がありません。 I have no patience. I don't have the patience. ビルは突然トムを殴った。 Bill dealt Tom a sudden blow. Bill hit Tom all of a sudden. 私はスーツケースを私の部屋に運んでもらった。 I had my suitcase carried to my room. I got a suitcase taken to my room. そのクラブは女性10人で構成されています。 The club is composed of ten women. That club is made up of 10 women. この習慣は世代から世代へと受け継がれてきた。 This custom has been handed down from generation to generation. The practice has been passed on from generation to generation. この型の携帯電話はよく売れています。 This type of mobile phone sells well. This type of cell phone is selling well. 猫は椅子の上にいますか、椅子の下にいますか。 Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? The cat is on the chair, under the chair. 彼はお金についてはたいへん締まり屋だ。 He is very close with his money. He's pretty serious about the money. 考えが変わりました。 I've changed my mind. I've changed my mind. 彼女は彼の昔の恋文を大切にしていた。 She cherished his old love letters. She respected his old love texts. あなたはお母さんを手伝わなければならない。 You must help your mother. You have to help your mother. この問題は軽々しく扱ってはならない。 This matter must not be trifled with. Don't treat this issue lightly. 彼って時々おもしろいんですよ。 He's sometimes an interesting fellow. He's funny sometimes. 彼は私達に対して実に堅苦しい。 He is very formal with us. He's really hard on us. 私は今朝電車に乗るときに旧友に会った。 As I got the train this morning, I met an old friend of mine. I met an old friend on the train this morning. 「あ、は、はい・・・ごめん、玲姉」「コラ。幾ら親戚とはいえ、私は先輩医師よ?院内ではちゃんとケジメをつけなさい」 "Ah, y-yes ... Sorry, Coz." "Hey! You might be my relative but here I'm your senior and a doctor. Keep things straight while you're in the hospital!" "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so close to you. 父はそんな馬鹿なことをしたことで息子に腹を立てた。 The father was angry with his son for doing such a silly thing. My father was angry with my son for doing such a stupid thing. メアリーは自分のドレスをどう思うか尋ねたが、トムは感じたままを口にするほど馬鹿ではなかった。 Mary asked Tom what he thought of her dress, but he knew better than to tell her what he really thought. Mary asked what Mary thought of her dress, but Tom was not so stupid to say as he felt. もっといいこと思いつきませんか。 Can you think of something better? Can't you think of something better? 書物は人生の楽しみを増やす。 Books add to the pleasures of life. Books increase the enjoyment of life. 上司はいらいらしてきました。 My boss is starting to get edgy. I don't like my boss anymore. ネズミが一匹部屋の中を走りまわっている。 A mouse is running about in the room. There's rats running around in one room. 彼はボート作りの過程を説明した。 He explained the process of building a boat. He explained the process of boat building. 彼女は彼に悪友に近づかないように言った。 She told him to keep away from bad friends. She told him to stay away from his bad friends. わたしは韓国を訪れたい。 I want to visit South Korea. I want to visit South Korea. 私は絶対に一人では飲みません。 I never drink alone. I never drink alone. どれほどたくさんの不幸な結婚があるかはおどろくほどである。 It is surprising how many unhappy marriages there are. It is amazing how many unhappy marriages there are. 彼は暇なときにそれをやった。 He did it at his leisure. He did it when he was free. そのにおいは学校中に広がった。 The smell penetrated through the whole school. The smell spread throughout the school. その大臣は不正取引によって窮地に立ちました。 The minister was in a fix over illegal dealings. The minister was in trouble with the transaction. きみにあえて嬉しい。 I am happy to meet you. I'm glad to see you. 私は彼が有名な音楽家であることを知っている。 I know that he is a famous musician. I know he's a famous musician. 彼は強そうにみえる。 He looks strong. He seems strong. あなたの家を思う熱心が、わたしを食い尽くす。 Zeal for your house will consume me. The zeal to think of your house will devour me. 物価が下がった。 Prices have gone down. Prices went down. トムとメアリーは怒鳴り合い始めた。 Tom and Mary began yelling at each other. Tom and Mary started yelling at each other. 子供が池のそばに行かないように気をつけてください。 Please see to it that the child does not go near the pond. Be careful not to go near the pond. 切符が見つかりません。なくしたに違いない。 I can't find my ticket. I must have lost it. I can't find the ticket. I must have lost it. ごめん。10分ほど遅れるわ。 I'm sorry. I will be 10 minutes late. I'm sorry, I'm about ten minutes late. 彼は8時前に帰ってきた。 He came back before eight. He came home before 8:00. 時のたつのは早いものだ。 Time flies. Time is fast. 羊の毛はもこもこしている。 Sheep fur is fluffy. Sheep's hair is tight. 健康を害してはじめてその価値がわかるものだ。 It's not until you have lost your health that you realize its value. You can only know the value of it if it is harmful to your health. 「いつ戻りますか。」 「天候次第です。」 "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." - When are you coming back? - Depends on the weather. 暗すぎて、外では遊べない。 It's too dark to play outside. It's too dark to play outside. 残りの5個を至急お送りください。 Would you please send the remaining five units right away? Send the other five immediately. 秋には、木から葉が落ちる。 In the autumn, leaves fall from trees. In the fall, the leaves fall from the tree. 彼の言うことがわかったか。 Did you make out what he said? You understand what he's saying. どうしてそんなに古い車がほしいのですか。 Why do you want such an old car? Why do you want such an old car? コンドームを持っていますか。 Do you have any condoms? Do you have a condom? 必要なら私は来ます。 I'll come if necessary. I'll come if you need me. 合図で皆がドアの方へ向かった。 Everybody made for the door at the signal. They were all headed for the door on the signal. 彼女は歌手として高く評価されていますか。 Is she valued highly as a singer? Is she appreciated as a singer? もしも、単なる手落ちでお支払いが遅れているのでしたら、早急に対処してくださいますか。 If the delay is simply an oversight, will you please take care of it at once? If you're just a little too slow to pay for it, will you take care of it? 人ごみは大嫌い。 I hate it when there are a lot of people. I hate the crowd. 彼女はむっつりとした表情を浮かべていた。 She had a sullen look on her face. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry." この講習会に参加をご希望のかたは、今すぐお電話ください。 Please give us a call now if you want to participate in the workshop! If you would like to participate in this course, please call me right now. その男はとうとう立ち去った。 The man went off at last. The man just walked away. それはこのようにして起こった。 It came about in this way. It happened like this. あなたは去年篠山に住んでいましたか。 Did you live in Sasayama last year? Did you live in Shizuyama? 彼が来たら知らせてもらえませんか。 Will you let me know when he comes? Let me know when he gets here. 踊り続けて。 Keep dancing. Keep dancing. あなたたちは手をつないで歩きますか。 Do you walk hand in hand? Will you walk hand in hand? ダイヤが乱れている。 The timetable was disrupted. The diamonds are inconsequential. 体温は午後に最も高くなる。 Body temperature is highest in the afternoon. Your temperature will be highest in the afternoon. 私たちは忙しくてのらくらしていられない。 We are too busy to be idle. We can't be too busy. あなたがスキーに行かないのなら、私もいきません。 If you don't go skiing, I won't, either. If you don't go ski, neither do I. 「どうすりゃいいんだ?」僕は独り言ちた。 "What shall I do?" I said to myself. "What am I supposed to do?" I said to myself. ビートルズは彼らの素晴らしい音楽で有名になった。 The Beatles set the world on fire with their incredible music. They became famous for their amazing music. 昨日あった老人が言うにはゴキブリは食べられるし味もそう悪くないとか。 According to the old man I met yesterday, cockroaches can be eaten and don't taste all that bad. An old man yesterday said that roaches are eaten and taste good too. 誕生日はどのように祝いましたか。 How did you celebrate your birthday? How did you celebrate your birthday? トムはめったに遅刻しない。 Tom is seldom late. Tom's never late. うかつにもそれを見逃してしまった。 I missed it inadvertently. I almost missed it. 個人的な質問はしないほうがいいよ。 You shouldn't ask personal questions. I don't want to ask you a personal question. 何かが私の腕をはい上がってくるのを感じた。 I felt something crawling up my arm. I felt something coming up my arms. 脚が治ったらまた動き回ります。 I'll be about again when my leg heals. (English captions by Andrea Matsumoto from the University of Michigan) 我々には死か降伏かのどちらかしかない。 We have the alternative of death and submission. We are either dead or surrender. そらバスが来た。 Here's the bus. Here comes the bus. 君は時には子供の世話をしなければならない。 You should look after the children from time to time. Sometimes you have to take care of the kids. 悪い習慣を取り除くことはとても難しい。 It's very hard to get rid of bad habits. It is very difficult to get rid of bad habits. 彼のそれのやり方を知っていますか。 Do you know the way that he does it? You know how he does that. 私はもう一度それを調べた。 I looked it over once more. I looked it up again. 私が結婚するまで母親を生かしておきたかった。 I had hoped that my mother would live until I got married. I wanted my mother to live until I got married. 一日でも君のことを思わずに過ごすことはまず無い。 Hardly a day passes that I don't think of you. It's hard to spend a day without thinking about you. 彼が来るというニュースはたちまち広まった。 The news that he would come, quickly got abroad. News that he was coming spread quickly. 彼女は友達から愛されています。 She's loved by her friends. She's loved by her friends. しばらくお待ちください。 Please hold on a moment. Please wait. 改めて反芻してると、何だか恥ずかしいぞ。 Now that I think over it, it's somewhat embarrassing. You're going to be embarrassed if you don't do it again. 人類は科学と技術で自然を征服したいと願っている。 Man hopes to master nature with science and technology. We want to conquer nature with science and technology. 一等賞は王女からのキスです。 The grand prize is a kiss from the princess. First prize is a kiss from the princess. 対戦相手を脅すという彼のやり方を彼らは気に入らなかった。 They did not like the way he threatened his opponents. They didn't like his way of threatening their opponent. 戦争は歴史上ずっと飢餓を引き起こしてきた。 War has produced famine throughout history. War has caused hunger throughout history. 少しお待ちいただけますか。 Would you please wait for a few minutes? One moment, please. この木は実が一つもならない。 This tree bears no fruit. This tree has no fruit. 前はよくピザを食べてたんだけど。 I often used to eat pizza. I used to eat pizza. これどういう意味? What's the meaning of this? What does this mean? ポットにもう少しお茶が残っていたに違いない。 There must have been some more tea in the pot. There must have been a little more tea in the pot. トムに見覚えがあると思った。 I thought I recognized Tom. I thought you knew Tom. 彼は働きすぎて、病気になった。 He worked too hard, and became sick. He worked too hard and got sick. パソコンを始めた頃はノートンの重いソフトに騙され四苦八苦していた。 When I started using a computer I was taken in by Norton's CPU-hungry software and had a lot of trouble. When I started my computer, I was trapped by the heavy software of Norton. 私が昨日会ったのはジャックでした。 It was Jack that I met yesterday. The one I met yesterday was Jack. 歩きましょうか、それともバスで行きますか。 Shall we walk or take the bus? Do you want to walk or take a bus? メガネが見つからない。 I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. かまわないよ。ぼくがやってあげるよ。 Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. 難しくはない。 It's not complicated. It's not difficult. 家に帰らなくちゃ。 I need to go home. I have to go home. 驚いたことに勝ってしまった。 To my great surprise, we won! What a surprise to win. 本を再び読み続けた。 I went on with my reading. I read the book again. 1年以内にあなた方が全員、流暢な英語を話しているようにしてあげます。 I'll have you all speaking fluent English within a year. I'll make sure you all speak fluent English within the year. あの人にお金を貸したんだけど、まだ返してもらってない。 I lent him some money, but he hasn't returned it yet. I loaned him money, but he hasn't paid me back yet. ピーターは父親と全然似ていない。 Peter isn't anything like his father. Peter doesn't look like his father at all. 田中さんは今度生まれた赤ちゃんの写真をたくさん見せてくれた。 Mr. Tanaka showed us many pictures of his newborn baby. Ms. Tanaka showed us a lot of pictures of the next baby. おはよう! ごめん、待った? Morning! Sorry, did I keep you waiting? I'm sorry, did you wait? 彼はバスで会社に通っている。 He commutes to his office by bus. He's on the bus to the company. 彼か私かのどちらかがその会合に出席しなければならない。 Either he or I am to attend the meeting. Either he or I have to attend that meeting. オートバイを持っていますか。 Do you have a bike? Do you have a motorcycle? この指輪は光沢をうしなった。 This ring lost its luster. This ring was brilliant. 僕はインチキをすることを教えられていたのだ。 I was being taught to cheat. I was taught to cheat. その県知事は7月の選挙で勝利をおさめました。 The prefectural governor got the upper hand in the July elections. The governor of the province won the election in July. 和室が好きな英国人もいると言われます。 It is said that some British people like a Japanese-style room. There's a lot of people in the U.K. who like the Japanese Room. お静かに。 Be quiet. Quiet. どこか行く前に、いくらかお金を両替しないとね。 Before we go anywhere, we should exchange some money. I have to change some money before I go. 彼女は今夜のパーティーの前に着替えをしなければならない。 She has to change clothes before tonight's party. She has to change before the party tonight. 私こんなにおそくまで外出歩いたことないわい。 I've never stayed out this late walking before. I've never been out so late. その校歌を聞くと私は楽しい昔の日々を思い出す。 The college song reminds me of the good old days. I hear that school song and it reminds me of the good old days. 私はショーの劇が特に好きというわけではない。 I am not particularly fond of Shaw's plays. I don't particularly like the show. ただで差し上げます。 You may have it for nothing. I'll give it to you for free. その点では私は君と意見が違う。 I differ from you on that point. In that respect, I disagree with you. その陶磁器は特別な棚に陳列されていた。 The china was displayed in a special cabinet. The ceramic was displayed on a special shelf. 何がそんなに悲しいの? What makes you so sad? What's so sad? 私たちは彼をとても正直だと思っている。 We think him to be very honest. We think he's very honest. ここでは最低賃金は存在しない。 There's no minimum wage here. The minimum wage does not exist here. 頂上が雪でおおわれている山はなんという山ですか。 What is the name of the mountain whose top is covered with snow? What kind of mountain is the peak covered with snow? たばこは健康に悪いことは言うまでもない。 It goes without saying that smoking is bad for your health. Tobacco doesn't have to be said to be bad for your health. 好きな人はもちろんいるけど、片思いなの。だって、その人にはとても素敵な奥さんがいるんだもの。 I do have a crush, but it's not mutual. He already has a lovely wife, anyways. Of course, there are people I like, but I love one, because I have a very nice wife. このエントリーフォームが動かないのか、それともうちのインターネット接続が正常じゃないのか? Is the entry form not working or is my Internet connection not working right? Is this entry form not working or is our internet connection normal? 暗がりではっきり見えなかったが、娘の顔が半泣きらしいことは声で判った。 He could not see well in the dark, but from the sound of her voice he could tell that the girl was on the verge of tears. I couldn't see it clearly in the dark, but I could see that her face was half crying. 駐車場はほとんど空いてた。 The parking lot was almost empty. The parking lot was almost empty. その夜の大半を、私たちは休暇のことを話し合って過ごした。 We spent most of the evening talking about our vacation. We spent most of the night talking about vacations. もし、君が僕ならそんなことはしないだろう。 Were I you, I would not do such a thing. If you were me, you wouldn't do that. 具合がよくありません。医者を呼びにやってくれませんか。 I'm not feeling well. Could you please send for a doctor? He's not feeling well. He's not feeling well. 断じて私は考えを変えません。 I will never change my mind. By no means will I change my mind. 私たちは彼の言葉に腹を立てた。 What he said made us angry. We were angry at his words. あんまりかっこいい人を知ると、それまで普通だった人がかっこ悪い人になっちゃうからよくない。 Hanging around really cool people too much isn’t great because it makes all the other ordinary people you’ve hung out with until then look uncool. When you get to know someone who's so cool, it's not a good thing that someone who's always been a normal person becomes a bad person. すみません、間違えました。 Sorry, I made a mistake. I'm sorry, I made a mistake. 砂糖がないよ。 We don't have sugar. I don't have sugar. 残りはとっておけ。 Keep the rest for yourself. Keep the rest. キャベツは生産過剰で値をくずした。 The price of cabbage fell because of overproduction. The cabbage is overproductive and has ruined the price. 私はスーパーで財布を無くしたに違いない。 I must have lost my purse in the supermarket. I must have lost my wallet in the supermarket. どうしていいのか分からない。 I had no idea what to do. I don't know what to do. たとえば、標本はいくつですか。 How many samples, for example? So let's say I have a sample. 休みがつづくととても退屈です。 The holiday continues to be very boring. It's very boring when you're off. 多くの実業家たちは政府の役人にとり入るために、進物や金を惜しげもなくあたえる。 Many businessmen, in order to curry favor with government officials, will shower them with gifts and money. Many businessmen are willing to pay for progress and money to get into government officials. これは彼女自身が描いた絵です。 This is a picture of her own painting. This is her own drawing. 一番近いバス停はどこですか。 Where's the nearest bus stop? Where's the nearest bus stop? こんな寒いとこで何してんの? What are you doing in a freezing place like this? What are you doing here in the cold? とうとう私達はその質問を解くことに成功した。 At last, we succeeded in solving the question. Finally, we succeeded in answering that question. この種の洋服地は持ちがよくないだろう。 The suit materials of this sort will not stand up well. This kind of clothing is not a good place to keep it. われわれはお返しに何かを与えないで、それらのものを享受することは当然できないのである。 It should not be possible for us to enjoy them without giving something in return. We cannot afford to enjoy them without giving them something in return. お前の心が助けを求めてる。 You are soul needs rescue. Your mind needs help. 彼女は頭が良くて、最もいいと子は大変心が優しい。 She is beautiful, intelligent and, what is best of all, very kind-hearted. She is smart and best, and the child is very gentle. 彼の今日あるのは勉強のおかげである。 Hard work has made him what he is. He's here today because of his studies. 時間というものは早く経過するものだ。 Time runs on. Time is an early time. 私は特にこれといってすることがない。 I have nothing particular to do. I don't particularly want to say this. マイクロファイバークロスは、髪の毛の100分の1という細さの繊維で編みあげられたクロスです。 Microfibre cloth is cloth woven from fibres as narrow as a hundredth of the width of a hair. A microfiber cross is a piece woven with a thin fiber of a hundredths of a hair. 私は腕時計を修理してもらわなければならない。 I have to get my watch repaired. I have to fix my watch. 6と4を足すと10になる。 Add six and four and you have ten. So let's add 6 to both sides of this equation. 電話すればよかったのに。 You should've phoned. You should have called. もし助言がなかったとしたらあなたは失敗していただろう。 But for my advice, you would have failed. If it hadn't been for advice, you would have failed. 私はバスに乗り遅れるかもしれないと思った。 I was afraid that I might be late for the bus. I thought I might miss the bus. ボブは昆虫の視察に楽しみを感じている。 Bob derives pleasure from observing insects. Bob enjoys visiting insects. 君は運転免許をとるには、まだ若すぎる。 You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're too young to get a driver's license. 暗すぎる。 It's too dark. It's too dark. さすがだね。君ならやってくれると思っていたよ。 Excellent! It's just like you to come through like that. That's great. I thought you'd do it. 貴社のご注文は最優先させております。 We have given your order highest priority. Your order is given priority. その考えは悪くない。 The thought is not bad. That's not a bad idea. たくさんのヨーロッパの人達は環境問題に目覚めています。 Many European people are aware of environmental problems. Many European people are waking up to environmental problems. アメリカではもやしをサラダにして食べる。 Bean sprouts are eaten as a salad in America. In the United States, sprouts are served as salads. 胃腸炎にかかったので、病院へ行きました。 I got gastroenteritis the other day, so I went to the hospital. I had gastrointestinalitis, so I went to the hospital. 道を空けてください。 Make way, please. Make way. 次のボストン行きは何時ですか。 When is the next train for Boston? What time is the next trip to Boston? 私はいつも手近に辞書を置いている。 I always keep a dictionary close at hand. I always have a dictionary at hand. 僕らはいつもフランス語を喋ってる。 We always speak in French. We always speak French. 私は一時間ではそこへ着けません。 I cannot get there in an hour. I can't get there in an hour. 彼は家賃をだいぶためている。 He is way behind on his rent. He's trying to cover his rent. 今まで人前で泣いたことのなかった二郎が、オンオンと泣き出した。 Jiro, who had never cried in front of anyone before, started crying. Niroo, who had never cried in public before, started to cry on. なんか全然勉強する気になれないな。 Somehow I just can't work up any desire to study. I'm not going to study at all. いくらですか? How much is it? How much? 彼女はテームズ川を泳いで渡ろうとした。 She attempted to swim across the Thames. She tried to swim across the Thames. 少なくとも50人の乗客がその事故でけがをした。 Not less than fifty passengers were injured in the traffic accident. At least 50 passengers were hit by the accident. きのう魚を3匹とった。 I caught three fish yesterday. I took three fish last night. 飛行機がケイトの家の上を飛んでいった。 The plane flew over Kate's house. The plane flew over Kate's house. 彼らの息子は大きくなりました。 Their son grew bigger. Their son grew up. その写真家は表現するのが下手でした。 The photo artist had trouble expressing himself. The photographer was not very good at expressing himself. 農園主は大きな農場を持っている。 The farm owner has a large farm. The farmer has a big farm. 取締役の演説をどう思いますか。 What do you think about the president's speech? What do you think of the director's speech? すべて私がそこを去った時のままでした。 Everything was as it had been when I left there. It all stayed the same when I left. ローソクを消していただけますか。 Would you put out the candles? Can you get rid of the candle? 彼はサンタクロースを信じている。 He believes in Santa Claus. He believes in Santa Claus. この靴はきつすぎてはけない。 These shoes are too tight to get into. These shoes can’t be too tight. 彼の生まれた町を覚えてますか? Do you remember the town in which he was born? Do you remember the town he was born in? 彼はタバコを吸うのをやめました。 He quit smoking. He stopped smoking. 彼は木から落ちた。 He fell from the tree. He fell from a tree. ここに何が起こってると知りたいです。 I'd like to know what's happening here. I want to know what's going on here. 彼女はいつも真剣な表情をしている。 She always has a serious look on her face. She always looks serious. 彼はわざと私を蹴った。 He kicked me on purpose. He kicked me on purpose. 彼はまるでその本を以前読んだことがあるような口振りである。 He speaks as if he had read the book before. He is as if he had read the book before. 私は今勉強をしている。 I am studying now. I'm studying now. 私は彼がいることに気がつかなかった。 I was not aware of his presence. I didn't recognize him. ジョーンズはその仕事をする資格は十分ある。 Jones is well qualified for the job. Jones deserves that job. 僕とお父さんはたまに一緒に釣りのいきます。 My father and I sometimes go fishing together. My dad and I fish together sometimes. 彼は彼女の袖をつかんだ。 He held her by the sleeve. He grabbed her sleeve. 彼は自分のことを偉大な詩人だと思っている。 He thinks himself a great poet. He thinks of himself as a great poet. 彼はなかなか骨っぽい男だ。 He is a man of spirit. He's a pretty boned man. 彼は滅多に新しいものを注文しない。 He seldom orders anything new. He rarely asks for something new. 遅刻して先生にしかられた。 I was scolded by the teacher for being late. I was late, and I was left to be a teacher. 窓を開けて下さいね。 Open the window, will you? Open the window, please. これらの人々が3艘の船で彼の国へやってきました。 These men had come to his country in three ships. These people have come to his country on three ships. あなたは船で海外旅行をしたことがありますか。 Did you ever travel abroad by ship? Have you ever traveled abroad on a ship? 早ければ早い程よい。 The sooner, the better. The sooner, the better. あなたがそのパーティーに来れることを願っています。 I hope that you'll be able to come to the party. I hope you'll come to that party. 私にはこの文の意味が分からない。 I cannot make out the meaning of this sentence. I don't know what this sentence means. 小難をのがれて大難に陥る。 Jump out of the frying pan into the fire. We're in a lot of trouble. その戸を閉めて下さい。 Close the door, please. Close that door. トムは、試験に落ちたのは病気のせいだと言った。 Tom attributed his failure in the exam to illness. Tom said it was a disease that caused him to fall off the test. 彼女は自分の犬が生きて見つかるという希望を、まだ捨てないでいた。 She was still clinging to the hope that her dog would be found alive. She has not yet given up hope that her dog will be found alive. 彼は一人でそこに行けるほど勇敢だ。 He is brave enough to go there by himself. He's brave enough to go there alone. その新しい映画は大当たりだった。 The new film was a great success. The new film was a big hit. 彼は試験に合格するために大変な努力をした。 He did serious effort, in order to pass an examination. He made a great effort to pass the exam. その少女は私の側をさっと通り過ぎた。 The girl brushed past me. The girl slipped past me. 公平に評すれば、彼は善意からやったのだと認めなければならない。 To do him justice, we must admit that his intentions were good. In all fairness, he has to admit that he did it out of good intentions. それが彼女の遅れた理由だ。 That accounts for her delay. That's why she's late. 彼がそのような間違いをするのは珍しい事ではない。 It is not rare for him to make such a mistake. It is not unusual for him to make such a mistake. エメット理論が物理学に与えたインパクトについては広く議論されているが、この論文では扱わない。 The impact of Emmet's theory on physics has been widely discussed, but this is not my concern in this paper. The impact of Emmett's theory on physics is widely discussed, but not in this paper. その塔の高さは100メートル以上ある。 The height of the tower is above 100 meters. The tower is over 100 meters high. ウチの犬は僕が部屋を出たらいつもついて来るんだ。 My dog follows me whenever I leave the room. My dog always comes after me when I leave the room. 車は車庫にあります。 The car is in the garage. The car's in the garage. 会わないでいると人の心はいっそう愛情が深くなる。 Absence makes the heart grow fonder. When we don't see each other, our hearts become more loving. たとえこれが好きでなくても、食べないといけませんよ。 Even though you don't like this, you must eat it. Even if you don't like it, you have to eat it. ひとりの少年が羊の群れを追っていた。 A boy was driving a flock of sheep. A boy was chasing a flock of sheep. 彼らは立ち聞きされるのを恐れた。 They were afraid of being overheard. They were afraid to be listened to. 私の手荷物はどこに預けるのですか。 Where can I check my luggage in? Where do you keep my luggage? 私は将来に希望を持っている。 I feel hopeful about the future. I have hope for the future. 大型と小型の2台の飛行機が、ハンガー内で停止していました。 Two airplanes, one large and one small, were at rest in the hangar. Two large and small planes had stopped inside the hanger. 法が常に公平であるとは限らない。 The law is not always fair. The law is not always fair. それは全くウソというわけではない。 That's not altogether false. It's not entirely a lie. これは私が先日なくしたのと同一の鉛筆である。 This is the same pencil that I lost the other day. This is the same pencil I lost the other day. それは飲まないでください。 Don't drink that. Don't drink it. 英語は学ぶのが難しくありません。 English is not difficult to learn. English is not difficult to learn. 彼は僕に銃を向けた。 He leveled his gun at me. He pointed a gun at me. 彼らは私たちを知らない。 They don't know us. They don't know us. トムが言ったことに私は本当に傷付いた。 What Tom said really hurt me. I was really hurt by what Tom said. このダムは多くの命を犠牲にして造られた。 This dam was built at the cost of many lives. This dam was made at the expense of many lives. 会合を開いている。 We're having a meeting. We've got a meeting. そのコンサートにはたくさんの人がきていた。 There were a lot of people at the concert. There were a lot of people at the concert. あなたはいつ旅行から戻って来ましたか。 When did you get back from your trip? When did you come back from the trip? ジーンはピアノの専門家とはいえないよ。 Jean is something less than an expert pianist. Jean's not an expert on piano. 私たちはよく将来のことについて話し合ったものだ。 We used to talk about our future. We used to talk about the future. 群集の中にささやきが伝わった。 A whisper ran through the crowd. There was a whisper in the crowd. ケンはその時走っていました。 Ken was running at that time. Ken was running at the time. 野原は雪で深く覆われていた。 The fields lay thickly covered with snow. The fields were covered with snow deep. 彼はそれがわかるだけの知能を持ち合わせていると思う。 I think he has enough intelligence to understand it. I think he has enough intelligence to understand that. 水は5分ほどで沸騰します。 The water will come to a boil in 5 minutes or so. The water boils in about five minutes. もし万一何かおこったら、ぜひ知らせてください。 If anything should happen, please let me know. If anything happens, please let me know. すぐに点検します。 We'll check on it right now. I'll check it out immediately. トムは、英語力を鍛えるために、言語サイトの tatoeba.org に何時間も費やした。 Tom spent many hours using the language website, tatoeba.org, to improve his English. Tom spent hours developing the English language on the language site Tatoeba.org. 私が彼女を愛したように、彼女も私を愛してくれた。 She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me like I loved her. 彼はこんどの3月で1年入院していたことになる。 He will have been in the hospital for a year next March. That means he was in the hospital for a year in any March. 「君はとっつきにくいね」と社長に言われてしまいました。 My boss told me it's hard to approach me. He said, "You're hard to get along with." その部族の民はその川沿いに住み着いた。 Members of that tribe settled along the river. And the people of his tribe settled by the river. 彼が着いたらすぐにこの伝言を伝えてくれ。 Give him this message the moment he arrives. Give me this message as soon as he gets here. ケンは幸せです。 Ken is happy. Ken is happy. 彼はだんだんとその曲が楽に弾けるようになった。 He got so he could play the piece easily. He's been able to play his songs more easily. 彼はその話を弟にした。 He told his brother the story. He made that story his brother. 彼は、母がギョッとするだろうと思いながら、顔を上げて母を見つめた。 He looked up at his mother, waiting for her to be shocked. He looked up and looked at her, hoping that she would be shocked. なんでこんなに眠いんだろう。 I wonder why I'm so sleepy. I don't know why I'm so sleepy. お気に入りのチーズは何? What's your favorite kind of cheese? What's your favorite cheese? 彼は悪い仲間につかまった。 He fell among bad companions. He caught up with the bad guys. その謎の解き方が分からない。 I can't figure out how to solve the puzzle. I don't know how to solve that mystery. 彼は病気のため、学校を休んだ。 He was absent from school because of illness. He left school because he was sick. エクアドルのキトは赤道のすぐ南にある。 Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator. Quito, Ecuador, is just south of the equator. ボストンにいるの? Are you in Boston? Are you in Boston? そのドレスを着たら、尻軽な女みたいね。 When you wear that dress, you look like a slut. When you wear that dress, you're like a cheap woman. 私は彼をたたいたことであなたを責めたりしない。 I don't blame you for hitting him. I don't blame you for hitting him. それをしなければならなかったのなら、その時にしていただろう。 If I had had to do it, I would have done it at that time. If I had to do that, I'd have done it at the time. 彼はどこに行った? Where did he go? Where'd he go? 私は騙すよりもむしろ騙されたい。 I would rather be deceived than to deceive. I'd rather be fooled than fooled. 遅れたので私はバスに乗った。 As I was late, I took a bus. I got on the bus because I was late. おじは私に昨日本をくれました。これがその本です。 My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book. My uncle gave me a book yesterday. 親切にしてくれてありがとう。 Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for being so kind. 以前はワインが好きではありませんでしたが、今はとても好きです。 I didn't use to like wine, but now I'm quite fond of it. I used to not like wine, but I like wine very much now. 私に泥をぶつけて、泥だらけになった。 He threw mud at me and made me dirty. They hit me with mud, and I was covered in mud. これまでお金を使って楽しんできた多くの人たちは、これからは出費に慎重になる必要がある。 A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money. Many people who have enjoyed spending money will now need to be careful about expenses. この本を英語に訳してほしいのですが。 I would like you to translate this book into English. I'd like you to translate this book into English. のどがかわいています。コーヒーを一杯飲みたいのですが。 I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee. I'm thirsty. I'd like to have a cup of coffee. 彼はいつも空想にふけっている。 He is always day-dreaming. He's always fantasizing. 列車の窓から富士山がちらっと見えます。 You can get a quick glimpse of Mt. Fuji from the window of the train. You can see Mt. Fuji from the train window. 頼めばトムが助けてくれますよ。 Tom will help you if you ask him to. If you ask, Tom will help you. 病は気から。 Care killed a cat. Don't worry about it. これはブラウンさんが書いた手紙です。 This is the letter written by Mr. Brown. This is Mr Brown's letter. この本を読んでもいい。 You may read this book. You can read this book. この機械はあれより品質の点ですぐれている。 This machine is superior in quality to that one. The machine is more of a quality point. 彼らは大笑いした。 They howled with laughter. They laughed a lot. ご親切本当にありがとう。 A thousand thanks for your kindness. Thank you very much. 私はいつでもニコニコしている女の子を知っている。 I know a girl who is always smiling. I know a girl who's always smoking. 僕は寝たい。 I want to sleep. I want to sleep. 子供たちが欲しがるものすべてを与えるべきではない。 You should not give your children everything they want. Children should not be given everything they want. 冗談だよ。 I'm joking. I'm just kidding. あのタレントはひっぱりだこである。 That talent is much sought after. That talent is a piece of shit. 私たちは互いに向き合って食事をはじめた。 We sat down to dinner in opposition to each other. We started eating face to face. トムは足が長い。 Tom has long legs. Tom has long legs. 私はその博物館を訪れるように勧められた。 I was advised to visit the museum. I was invited to visit the museum. 彼はみんなの気持ちを楽にしてくれます。 He makes everybody feel at ease. He makes everyone feel better. マヤ文明はどのくらいの間に繁栄したのだろうか。 How long did the Maya culture flourish? How successful was the Maya civilization? 子供でさえもそれはわかる。 Even a child can understand that. Even children know that. 駅で私たちを待ってくれませんか。 Will you wait for us at the station? Can we wait at the station? 彼はフランス語を話すことも書くこともできる。 He both speaks and writes French. He can speak or write French. 私は自分がその本によって退屈されたのを知った。 I found myself bored by the book. I knew I was bored by that book. 彼はまだ立っている。 He is still standing. He's still standing. 彼らを止めるものは何もありません。 Nothing can stop them. There's nothing to stop them. 彼の絶え間無い努力が平和をもたらした。 His constant efforts brought about peace. His constant efforts brought peace. 彼は怒るだろうと思ったが、驚いたことに彼は笑った。 I thought he would be angry but, to my surprise, he smiled. I thought he would be angry, but, to my surprise, he laughed. それは偶然の出会いだった。 It was a casual meeting. It was a coincidence meeting. 彼はすっかり私たちをだましていた。 He has entirely deceived us. He was completely deceiving us. あすは決してこない。 Tomorrow never comes. Tomorrow will never come. 彼女はテニスができます。そして私もできます。 She can play tennis, and so can I. She can do it, she can do it, she can do it. 君はああいった男たちと交際しないほうがいい。 It'd be better if you didn't associate with men like that. You shouldn't have had sex with those guys. 彼女はあの服を着ているときれいに見える。 She looks beautiful in that dress. She looks beautiful in that outfit. どちらかの学生が試験に落ちるかもしれない。 Either of the students may fail the exam. One of the students might fall off the test. ぼくの自転車はパンクしている。 My bicycle has got a flat tire. My bike's flat. このタオルで手を拭きなさい。 Wipe your hands with this towel. wipe your hands with this towel. 私は学校へ行かなければならない。 I must go to school. I have to go to school. 私たちは一日に7時間は寝なければならない。 We must sleep at least seven hours a day. We have to sleep seven hours a day. 笑いは移る。 Laughter is infectious. Laughs move. 車はカヴァーを掛け、ロックそして車庫に入れてある。 The car is kept in a garage, under cover and locked. The car's on the cab, locked, and in the garage. そんな退屈そうな顔しないの。 Now, quit being so blasé about this. I don't look so bored. 私にできることは何もありません。 There's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing I can do. 講義を聞いている時は、静かにしていなければならない。 When listening to a lecture, you should be quiet. When you're listening to lectures, you have to be quiet. 僕に話してみなよ。 Why don't you tell me about it? Why don't you talk to me? 私が看護婦だと思っていた女性は医者であることがわかった。 I learned that woman I thought was a nurse is, in fact, a doctor. Turns out the woman I thought I was a nurse was a doctor. ピンクの冷蔵庫を見たことがない。 I have never seen a pink fridge. I've never seen a pink fridge. 私でなく私の兄が仙台に住んでいる。 Not I but my brother lives in Sendai. Not me. My brother lives in Sendai. わざとじゃないんです。 I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't do it on purpose. アフリカ大陸のどこかへ行くとしたらどこが一番衛生的で安全ですか? If I was going to the African continent where would be the safest and most sanitary place? If you're going somewhere on the continent of Africa, where is it most sanitary and safe? あなたは思い出さない。私は決して忘れない。 You can't remember it and I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you. 彼らはその学校の制服を廃止した。 They have done away with uniforms at that school. They decommissioned the school uniform. 私は韓国語を勉強しています。 I'm learning Korean. I'm studying Korean. 現在はすべてうまくいっている。 Everything is all right at present. Everything's going so well right now. その地図はとても古く、ところどころ破れかけていた。 The map was very old and it was torn here and there. The map was very old, and it was beginning to break in some places. 私の成功はあなたの援助のおかげだ。 I owe my success to your help. My success thanks to your help. ひとりで外国へ出かけてみなさい。 You must go to a foreign country for yourself. Go abroad alone. 我々は一度その家にペンキを塗って、またそれを繰り返した。 We painted the house once, then we went over it again. We painted the house once and repeated it again. 私たちがお互いに分かり合うことは大切だ。 It is very important for us to know each other. It's important that we get to know each other. めっちゃお腹すいた。 I'm starving. I'm so hungry. その老人は私にフランス語で話しかけてきた。 The old man spoke to me in French. The old man spoke to me in French. 疲れているいないにかかわらず、彼は作業を続けた。 He carried on working, regardless of whether he was tired or not. Whether he's not tired or not, he kept on working. 彼は突然部屋に入ってきた。 He burst into the room. He suddenly walked into the room. 帰り道で拾ったラジオを修理しているのさ。 I'm fixing the radio I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I picked up on the way home. 群衆がすぐに彼の周りに集まった。 A crowd soon gathered around him. The crowd quickly gathered around him. 彼は登山になれている。 He's accustomed to mountain climbing. He is a climber. 彼らの両親はうちの両親より年をとっています。 Their parents are older than ours. Their parents are older than my parents. 私は今後の就職先を決めかねているので、弟にそれについて相談した。 Since I couldn't make up my mind about my future position, I got advice from my younger brother. I talked to my brother about it because I couldn't decide where I was going to get a job. トムはなんて賢いんだ! How clever Tom is! How clever is Tom? 頑固になればなるほど独立するよ。 The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become. The more stubborn you become, the more independent you become. 偽物のダイヤと本物とはどう違うのですか。 What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds? What's the difference between a fake diamond and a real diamond? 彼女は、メアリーより賢い、しかしメアリーほど美しくない。 She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. "I'm sorry, sir," said Mary. 私は彼女が私のことを好きだと思う。 I guess she really loves me. I think she likes me. 「さあ、156ページを開けて今日の授業を始めましょう」と先生は言った。 "Let us begin today's lesson by opening our books to page 156," said the teacher. "Come on, open 125 pages and start class today," said the teacher. 昨日の夜はとても蒸し暑くて、寝苦しかったね。 Last night was very hot and muggy, so I didn't sleep so well. Last night it was so steamy and hot that I couldn't sleep. 彼らが顧客に売った株は、不良株でした。 The stock they sold buyers was a lemon. The stock that they sold to their customers was a bad stock. あなたは1990年から彼女を知っているのですか? Have you known her since 1990? You know her from 1990? なぜ彼はそう言ったと思いますか。 Why do you think he said so? Why do you think he said that? 私にはモダンジャズは分からない。 I don't get modern jazz. I don't understand modern jazz. その老人は餓死した。 The old man died from hunger. The old man died of starvation. このドアはよく閉まりません。 I can't get the door to shut properly. This door doesn't close very often. 我々はお互いに身振りで意見を伝えあった。 We communicated with each other by gesture. We passed our opinions on to each other by gestures. 目的さえよければどんな手段をとってもよいわけではない。 The end does not always justify the means. We don't really need to do anything if we want to do it for a purpose. 明日、お邪魔してもかまいませんか。 Do you mind my visiting you tomorrow? May I come in tomorrow? 連中がこのことに気づかぬうち機先を制したほうがいいでしょう。 We'd probably be best off beating them to the punch before they notice that fact. It would be better if they didn't know about it. 彼は始発列車に乗って、やっとそこに間に合った。 He caught the first train and got there just in time. He finally made it in time for the first train. たくさんの星が空にきらめいている。 Many stars are twinkling in the sky. There's a lot of stars in the sky. 初めは断ったんです。 I refused at first. I said no at first. これはジョンに割られた窓です。 This is the window broken by John. This is John's window. 昨日は楽しかった。 I had a good time yesterday. It was fun yesterday. 車を持っていることは相当な出費だ。 Keeping a car is a considerable expense. Having a car is a substantial expense. 私は二年ぶりに帰宅した。 I returned home after an absence of two years. I came home for the first time in two years. それを私にファックスしてください。 Please send it to me by fax. fax it to me. 靴がすり減った。 My shoes are worn out. I've lost my shoes. 今夜あなたの子どもの世話をしましょう。 I'll take care of your child tonight. Let's take care of your child tonight. トムはぐでんぐでんに酔っ払っていた。 Tom was totally wasted. Tom was very drunk. 冬の朝には車の窓に霜が沢山つく。 Car windows accumulate frost on winter mornings. In winter morning, there's lots of frost on the windows. 私は多くの夢を持っています。 I have many dreams. I have many dreams. われわれは自然の法則に従う。 We are subject to the laws of nature. We follow the laws of nature. どこでそれを見つけたの、学校、それとも家で? Where did you find it, at school or at home? Where did you find it, at school or at home? 狐の親子が走っていたのに気がつきましたか。 Did you notice that a fox family were running? Did you notice the fox's parents were running? 彼は不器用のようにみえます。 He seems to be all thumbs. He seems clumsy. 私は神を信じます。 I believe in God. I believe in God. 彼女はほほえんで僕のささやかなプレゼントを受け取ってくれた。 She smiled and accepted my little present. She gave me a little gift for all of us. この情報は私たちにとってとても重要です。 This information is very important to us. This information is very important to us. これらの中から選ぶわけですか。 Do I take choice among these? So you're going to pick one of these. 私は、あの人たちみたいにはなりたくない。 I don't want to become like those people. I don't want to be like them. 正直が最良の策だという事は言うまでも無い。 It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy. Of course, honesty is the best policy. 納豆はねばねばしている。 Natto is sticky. Natto is sticky. 彼を見た即座に、怒っているとわかった。 The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was angry. どちらを選んでも、それは大いに役立つでしょう。 Whichever you may choose, it will do you a lot of good. And I'll do it in a different color. トムが次打者として控えています。 Tom is the batter on deck. Tom's standing by as the next hitter. パソコンは使えますか? Can you use a computer? Can you use your computer? 頭痛が消えた。 My headache has gone away. My headache's gone. あなたは何にするの。 What are you going to have? What are you gonna do? ドレスを選ぶ際にはいつも彼女は時間をかける。 She always takes her time in choosing her dress. She always spends time choosing a dress. よんどころない事情で、今年の夏は別荘で過ごせないんだ。 Due to unavoidable circumstances this summer I can't stay in my holiday cottage. I can't spend the summer in a vacation house. 豆腐は良い酒の肴になる。 Tofu is a good accompaniment for sake. Tofu's gonna be a good bottle of wine. 結論を下すのは君の義務です。 It's up to you to make the decision. It's your duty to come to a conclusion. 冬にグレーのスーツを1着あつらえる事を考えています。 I have it in mind to have a gray suit made to order for the winter. I'm thinking of putting on a gray suit in winter. 彼は立ち去って行きました。 He walked away. He left. やっぱり、やめとく。 Maybe next time. I don't think so. 中国語を上手くしゃべれますか? Are you good at speaking Chinese? Do you speak Chinese well? この上着は洗濯が簡単だという長所がある。 This jacket has the virtue of being easy to wash. This jacket is a good thing that it is easy to wash. 整地すれば、その土地は値段が上がるだろう。 Cleared, the site will be valuable. If the land is leveled, the price will go up. テーブルの上にはランプがぶら下がっていた。 There was a lamp hanging above the table. There was a lamp hanging on the table. 私は彼に、私の手紙を受けとりましたか、と尋ねた。 I asked him if he had got my letter. I asked him if he had received my letter. フランス語で「愛してる」ってどう言うんですか? How do you say "I love you" in French? What do you say, "I love you" in French? それは現存する最古の木造建築である。 It is the oldest wooden building in existence. It is the oldest wooden structure in existence. その夕食は彼が今夜食べた夕食より質が良かった。 The dinner was superior in quality to the one he ate this evening. That dinner was better than the dinner he had eaten tonight. 彼は深い眠りに落ちた。 He fell into a deep sleep. He fell into a deep sleep. ドアは開けられなかった。 The door could not be opened. I couldn't open the door. 彼の給料が安いために、彼はその家を買うことができない。 His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His salary is low, so he can't buy that house. みんなが眠ってしまったのがわかった。 We found that everyone was asleep. I know we all fell asleep. 運命は時として残酷である。 Destiny is sometimes cruel. Sometimes fate is cruel. 私は、ラジオを聞くのをやめた。 I stopped listening to the radio. I stopped listening to the radio. その靴は、この白いスカートにぴったりです。 Those shoes are a perfect match for this white skirt. Those shoes are perfect for this white skirt. 彼らに結婚式の日取りを聞きたい。 I want to ask them when their big day is. I want to ask them about their wedding date. タトエバへようこそ。 Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. 彼女は手を上げた。 She raised her hands. She raised her hand. 負けない! I won't lose! I can't lose! 「阿婆擦れ」とかいてあるがそれはヤリマンのことでしょう。 It's written abazure (bitch). Surely this must mean a slut? It's like, "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." 準備はまだ出来ていませんか。 Aren't you ready? Are you not ready? あなたがいっしょに来てくださるならうれしいのですが。 I'd appreciate it if you'd come with me. I'm glad you're coming with us. 呼んでいただきましてありがとうございます。 Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for calling. 彼は戸惑っていた。 He was bewildered. He was confused. 宿題は完全に終えたのですか。 Are you completely through with your homework? Did you finish your homework completely? 私に言ってくれてもよかったのに。 You might have told me. You could have told me. 鉄鋼の特性の1つは硬いことだ。 One of the qualities of steel is hardness. One of the properties of steel is hard. 我々は本当に何も予言できはしない。 We can't really predict anything. We really can't predict anything. これはあなただと思う。 I think that it's you. I think this is you. この道路は二つの市を結んでいる。 This road connects the two cities. The road connects two cities. 星は夜に見ることが出来る。 Stars can be seen at night. The stars can see at night. 時計を調整しなければ。遅れているのだ。 I must adjust my watch. It's slow. I have to adjust my watch. I'm running late. これを船便で送って下さい。 Please send this by sea mail. Send this on a flight. 彼はちらっと時計を見た。 He glanced at the clock. He just saw the watch. 彼は泳ぐのがとても速い。 He is a very fast swimmer. He swims very fast. 彼女は彼が去っていくのを見るだけで精一杯だった。 All she could do was watch him walk away. She was all she had to do to see him leave. 3日続けて雨が降った。 It rained three days on end. It's been raining for three days. この小切手を銀行の当座に入れなさい。 Deposit this check in my checking account. Put this check right here in the bank. 約1時間歩くと私たちは湖の所に来た。 About an hour's walk brought us to the lake. About an hour's walk and we came to the lake. 列車は彼らが駅へ着く前に出てしまった。 The train left before they got to the station. The train left before they got to the station. なめた真似するな! Do you think I was born yesterday? Don't fuck with me! 風邪がなかなか治らない。 I can't shake off my cold. The cold's hard to heal. あなたの作文には誤りが、もしあるにしてもほとんどない。 There are few, if any, errors in your composition. There's nothing wrong with your writing, if there's anything. 記憶力が衰えました。 My memory is failing. I've lost my memory. ああまた失敗した。 Ah, I've failed again! Oh, I failed again. 彼はその改革を止めさせようと出来るだけ努力した。 He made great efforts to stop the reform as best he could. He tried as hard as he could to stop that reform. 彼女は今日の午後私を訪ねてくることになっています。 She will be coming to see me this afternoon. She's supposed to visit me this afternoon. 私は彼の住所を知っている。でもそれは秘密だ。 I know his address, but it's a secret. I know his address, but it's a secret. 基本的にサイトや雑誌等で販売しているペニス増大サプリメントは効き目がありません。 Penis enlargement supplements, as sold on sites and in magazines, have essentially no effect. Basically, the larger supplements sold on sites and magazines are ineffective. 馬車を馬の前につなぐな。 Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't tie a wagon in front of a horse. 彼はパソコンに熱中するようになった。 He became enthusiastic about personal computers. He's got a crush on his computer. 駅に着いたとき、汽車はちょうど出発しようとするところでした。 The train was just on the point of starting when I got to the station. When I arrived at the station, the train was just about to leave. 欲しいのは君だけなんだ。 It is only you who want it. You're the only one I want. たぶん彼はまだその知らせを聞いてないかもしれない。 Chances are that he has not heard the news yet. Maybe he hasn't heard the news yet. 私たちは精一杯彼を助けたが、彼はありがとうとさえ言わなかった。 We did our best to help him, but he didn't so much as say thank you. We helped him to the best of our ability, but he didn't even say thank you. これらの口座に金が多く入り過ぎてる。 There's too much money in these accounts. There's too much money in these accounts. なぜそうあわてているの? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you saying that? 今夜彼らに会います。 I'm seeing them tonight. I'll see them tonight. 6回ぐらい聞いたよ。 Yeah, I asked about six times. I've heard it about six times. ナンシーはその火事の様子を私に話した。 Nancy told me about the fire. Nancy told me about the fire. 君の机をそのままにしてきなさい。 Leave your desk as it is. Leave your desk alone. 人生わずか70年である。 People live only about 70 years. It's only 70 years old. 彼女はその知らせを聞いてわっと泣き出した。 She burst into tears at the news. She cried as she heard the news. あなたは暗いの苦手ですか? Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the dark? そんなふうに言うなんて卑怯だ。 It's mean of you to talk that way. It's not fair to say that. この単語が何を意味するかわかりますか。 Can you tell me what this word means? So let's think about what this word means. ホストファミリーはよく助言してくれます。 My host family often advises me. The hosts are a good source of advice. いつか近いうちに伺います。 I'll visit you sometime in the near future. I'll see you soon. 個人的に言えば、選挙に誰が勝っても大した違いはないと思います。 Personally, I don't think it makes any difference who wins the election. Personally, I don’t think it’s much different for anyone to win the election. 雨がやんで、やっとテニスの試合を終わらせることができた。 It left off raining and we managed to finish our game of tennis. The rain stopped and I was finally able to finish the tennis game. 3日間便通がありません。 I have been constipated for three days. We've been out of service for three days. お礼には及びません。 Don't mention it. I don't want to thank you. 彼におおいに期待している。 I expect a lot from him. I'm so much looking forward to him. 私はここで妹を待ちます。 I will wait for my sister here. I'll wait for my sister here. 宇宙旅行するってどんなものだろう。 I wonder what it is like to travel through space. What would it be like to travel in space? 子供はもう寝る時間ですよ。 It's time for children to go to bed. It's time for the kids to go to bed. 私はそのような美しい女の子を一度も見たことがありませんでした。 I had never seen such a beautiful girl before. I've never seen such a beautiful girl. 動物はなぜ火を恐れると思いますか。 Why do you think animals dread fire? Why do you think animals fear fire? ネイティブスピーカーが書いた文だからといってそれがよい保証には全くならない。 In no way does the fact that a text was written by a native speaker guarantee that it is any good. It’s not a good guarantee because it’s written by a native speaker. テレビの画像はぼやけて見えた。 The TV picture was blurred. The images on TV were blurted out. 彼は翌朝、列車で旅をしていた。 The next morning I found him traveling by train. He was traveling by train the next morning. ホテルは部屋代として私に8000円請求した。 The hotel charged me 8,000 yen for the room. The hotel charged me 8,000 yen for the room. どうして帰らないの? Why don't you go home? Why don't you come home? 小包を受け取ったら、知らせてください。 Let me know when you get the package. Let me know when you get the package. 私は最善を尽くさなければならない。 I have to do my best. I have to do my best. 私は彼にすぐ追いついた。 I caught up with him soon. I caught up with him right away. 大事業は力ではなくて、忍耐によって達成される。 Great works are perfumed not by strength but by perseverance. Big business is achieved, not by force, but by patience. トムは熱を出して寝ています。 Tom is in bed with a fever. Tom's sleeping in a fever. ほら、始まるわよ。 It's starting now. Here we go. 彼女はきれいな歯並びだ。 She has even teeth. She's got a pretty set of teeth. 彼らの隠れ家を突き止めるのに1週間かかった。 It took us a week to locate their hideaway. It took me a week to track down their hideout. トムに双子のきょうだいがいるって本当? Is it true that Tom has a twin? Is it true that Tom has a twin brother? 科学技術が必要な物を何でも与えてくれるとは限らない。 I don't think technology provides us with everything we need. They don't give us everything we need with technology. トムは謝った。 Tom apologized. Tom apologized. 私はいとこから1000円借りた。 I borrowed 1,000 yen from my cousin. I borrowed a thousand yen from my cousin. あの本は読み終えましたか。 Have you finished reading that book? Have you finished reading that book? ぐっすり寝て彼は元気を回復した。 Sound sleep freshened him up. He slept well and recovered. 彼女は好機を利用しなかった。 She made nothing of her opportunities. She didn't take advantage of the opportunity. 教会は丘のふもとにある。 The church is at the foot of the hill. The church is at the foot of the hill. 彼は悪い行為のための罰せられた。 He was punished for his evil acts. He was punished for his evil deeds. キング牧師の家は爆弾で破壊された。しかし、それでもなお、バスは空っぽのまま走り続けた。 Rev. King's house was destroyed by a bomb. But still, the buses went on empty. "I'm sorry, sir," said Mr. Marvel. "I'm sorry, sir." 盗賊達は待っていた車で逃亡した。 The thieves made off in a waiting car. The bandits fled in the waiting car. それはすてきだとかれは叫んだ。 He cried, "That's good!" He cried out that it was good. 彼は果物しか食べない。 He eats nothing more than fruit. He only eats fruit. クーパーさんは(人種隔離政策が行われていたアラバマ州)モンゴメリでバスが黒人を差別するのを知り、(同州)バーミングハムで警官が消火ホースの水でもって黒人を抑圧するのを知り、(流血のデモ行進が行われた同州)セルマの橋を知り、そしてアトランタからやってきた牧師と時代を共有しました。アトランタからやってきたその牧師は人々に「We shall overcome(私たちは克服する)」と語った。Yes we can。私たちにはできるのです。 She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes, we can. Cooper knew about the bridge in Selma, and shared his day with the pastor from Atlanta, who said to the people: "We will overcome us." 彼は体重が増えている。 He is putting on weight. He's gaining weight. 私は彼を敵とみなす。 I regard him as an enemy. I consider him an enemy. 彼は太郎より忙しい。 He is busier than Taro. He's more busy than he is. 君にはあきれた。 I am disgusted with you. I'm so proud of you. それにはそれなりの価値がある。 It has a value all its own. It's worth it. 私は彼をいかせるつもりだ。 I will make him go. I'm gonna make him do it. その人は回復する可能性がありません。 There's no chance that he'll recover. That person can't recover. 1つ分からないことがあります。 There's one thing I don't understand. There's one thing I don't know. 彼は疲れて立っていられなかった。 He was so tired that he could hardly stand. He couldn't stand up tired. それは恐ろしい事件だった。 It was a terrible affair. It was a terrible incident. 母は私の幸福を願ってくれている。 Mother is anxious for my happiness. My mother wants me to be happy. 彼らは自身が犯した罪に対する反省はなく、次々と悪事を重ねています。 They show no remorse for their misdeeds, but continue to commit one crime after another. They don't feel sorry for their own sins, they commit more and more evils. シンガポールは1つの大きな問題を抱えています。 Singapore has one big problem. Singapore has one big problem. 信じられないような文化的退廃、驚くほどの無知、理想ばかりのガラクタ、真実を隠蔽する政策がアメリカの保守層のあいだでもっとも根強い支持を得ているのだ。 Unbelievable cultural decline, stupendous ignorance, idealistic rubbish, and obscurantism find their strongest support among American reactionaries. The incredible cultural degradation, amazing ignorance, ideal junk, and cover-up policies are the most strongly supported among the conservatives in the United States. あと5分だけ一緒にいさせて。 Let me spend just five more minutes together with her. Let me be with you for five more minutes. 彼は私のところへぺこぺこして借金を頼みに来た。 He came to me hat in hand and asked for a loan. He came to me and asked me for a loan. スポーツは率直に言って模擬的な戦闘である。 Sport is frankly mimic warfare. Sports are frankly a mock battle. 君は当然、僕の味方だと思っていたよ。 I took it for granted that you were on my side. I thought you were on my side, of course. それは良い考えです。 That is a good idea. That's a good idea. どこに住むつもりなのか教えてください。 Please tell me where you will live. Tell me where you're going to live. 彼女は夫の振る舞いに我慢ならない。 She cannot stand what her husband does. She can't stand her husband's behavior. 先生と話したいのですが。 May I speak to the professor? I need to talk to the doctor. 彼の忠告が私の胸にこたえた。 His advice came home to me. His advice touched my heart. 私の兄は教師です。 My older brother is a teacher. My brother is a teacher. これより遠くへは歩けない。 I can't walk any farther. I can't walk far. 電話で良の声を聞いたら胸がいっぱいになった。 I got all choked up when I heard Ryo's voice on the telephone. When I heard a good voice on the phone, my heart was full. 身なりは人を作る。 Clothes make the man. You look like a person. 彼は私の質問に答えなかった。 He didn't answer my question. He didn't answer my questions. 麻里はハンガリーに行ったことがある。 Mari has been to Hungary. I used to go to Hungary. お腹がいっぱいです。 My stomach is full. I'm hungry. 彼は息を切らしていた。 He was out of breath. He was out of breath. 銀行に行って下さい。 Please go to the bank. Go to the bank. 時々散歩にでかける。 I sometimes go out for a walk. Sometimes I go for a walk. 君に渡す物がある。 I have something to give you. I have something for you. その知らせを聞くと彼女は青ざめた。 When she heard the news, she turned pale. When she heard the news, she turned pale. 彼女は日記をつけることに決めた。 She decided to keep a diary. She decided to keep a diary. 今度新規ビジネスを始めるんだ。それで物は相談なんだけど、君、一枚噛んでくれないか。 We've got some new business coming in and I want to discuss it with you. Do you mind getting involved? We're going to start a new business. この前の日曜にメアリーと私はいっしょに図書館へいった。 Last Sunday, Mary and I went to the library together. Mary and I went to the library last Sunday. 彼は当分の間友達といっしょに住んでいる。 He is living with his friend for the time being. He lives with his friends for a while. 彼は仰向けに寝ていた。 He lay face up. He was lying on his back. これは古い型のアメリカの時計です。 This is an old type of American clock. This is an old American watch. 頼んである朝食がまだ来ません。すぐ持ってきて下さい。 I'm still waiting for my breakfast. Bring it to me now, please. The breakfast you ask for is not coming yet. Bring it now. 彼女はその会合に来る必要はなかったのに。 She needn't have come to the meeting. She didn't have to come to that meeting. その城は町から北へ3マイルのところにある。 The castle stands three miles north of the town. The castle is three miles north of town. 彼は続けざまに五時間以上働かされた。 He was forced to work more than five hours on end. He went on to work for more than five hours. 冗談じゃない。 It's no joke. You've got to be kidding me. そのことはどうしても話す気にならない。 I can never bring myself to talk about it. I just don't want to talk about it. 彼らは座るべきいすをさがしている。 They are looking for chairs to sit on. They're looking for a seat. 経済学って何の役に立つんですか? What use does economics have? What does economics do for you? ダベってないで仕事しろ。 Stop shooting the breeze and get to work! You don't have to do this. You have to do your job. ここまででご不明な点はございませんか? Has anything been unclear so far? Is there anything you don't know? 彼は若いころ、多くの苦難を経験した。 He went through many hardships in his youth. He suffered a lot as a young man. こんなにすばらしい本を書くとは、著者はさぞかしりっぱな学者だろう。 What a good scholar the author must be to write such a splendid book! To write such a wonderful book, the author is a very fine scholar. 行きたいですか。 Do you want to go? Do you want to go? 誰と行くの。 Who will you go with? Who are you going with? その会合は、中止になった。 The meeting was called off. That meeting was canceled. イヌは鋭い嗅覚を持っている。 A dog has an acute sense of smell. Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 彼女は私たちに食べるものをくれた。 She gave us something to eat. She gave us something to eat. 医者の治療がなければその患者は死んでいる。 If it wasn't for the doctor's treatment, that patient would be dead. Without the doctor's treatment, the patient is dead. お宅はどちらですか? Where is your house? Where are you? その件についてこれ以上話しても無駄です。 It is useless to discuss the matter any further. We can't talk about it anymore. 彼にはすばらしいユーモアの感覚があった。 He had a magnificent sense of humor. He had a great sense of humor. 私はこのことを少しも理解できません。 I can't understand this at all. I don't understand anything about this. 南ターミナルはどこですか。 Where is the south terminal? Where's the south terminal? エネルギー資源の確保について少し意見を述べるように頼まれた。 I was asked to make a few remarks on energy conservation. We were asked to comment a little on the conservation of energy resources. 部屋の隅に本がきちんと積み重ねられていた。 There was a neat pile of books in the corner of the room. Books were piled up in the corner of the room. 我々は伝統に敬意を払わなければならない。 We must have respect for tradition. We have to respect tradition. 僕の宿題を手伝ってもらえませんか。 Will you help me with my homework? Can you help me with my homework? 彼女は長い髪を風になびかせてデッキに立っていた。 She stood on the deck with her long hair waving in the wind. "I don't think so," she said. 警察官は勤務中に酒を飲むことは禁止されている。 The police aren't allowed to drink on duty. Policemen are not allowed to drink while at work. こちらで召し上がりますか、それともお持ち帰りですか。 Here or to go? Would you like to eat it here, or would you like to take it home? 彼は行儀には気を配っている。 He is careful about his manners. He's paying attention to the way he behaves. 私はお茶よりコーヒーを好む。 I prefer coffee to tea. I prefer coffee to tea. これは新種のメロンだ。 This is a new kind of melon. This is a new melon. ボストンでは何をなさったんですか? What did you do in Boston? What did you do in Boston? とても寒い日だったので、私たちは外出しないことに決めた。 It was such a cold day that we decided not to go out. It was a very cold day, so we decided not to leave. 策略は衣服を必要とするが、真実は裸でいることを望む。 Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked. Tactics require clothes, but I hope the truth is naked. パシフィック通りに行くには、このバスでいいんでしょうか。 Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard? Is this the only way to get to Pacific Avenue? ある週末、街のホテルは全て満室でした。 One weekend, all of the hotels in the city were full. One weekend, all the hotels in town were full. 大阪から京都までどれくらいありますか。 How far is it from Osaka to Kyoto? How many are there from Osaka to Kyoto? タイポみると答える気なくす。 When I see typos I lose interest in answering. The typhus don't want to answer. 母は私に帰れと呼んでいる。 Mother is calling me home. My mother calls me home. それは良い考えです。 It's a nice idea. That's a good idea. ある日、私は彼に会った。 One day I met him. One day, I met him. この計画から手をひかせてください。巻き込まれたくありません。 Leave me out of this plan. I don't want to get involved. I don't want to get involved. 高い木のてっぺんにひっかかった黒い帽子。 There's a black hat caught in the high tree top. A black hat in the top of a tall tree. スミス先生はどの生徒からも好かれている。 Mr. Smith is liked by all his students. Mr. Smith is popular with every student. 私たちの先生は車で学校に来ます。 Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teachers come to school by car. 私は足にも大けがをした。 I badly injured myself in the leg, too. I've got a big leg. 私たちは彼女が都会に住んでいることを知っている。 We know that she lives in the city. We know she lives in the city. 彼らは資金が不足している。 They are short of funds. They are in short supply. 老人が近づいてきた。 The old man approached. The old man approached. 第三に、あなたが努力することと難しいことに挑戦しようとしなければ、世界中で成功するものは何もない。 Thirdly, if you don't put in the effort and challenge difficult things, there is nothing in the world at which you will succeed. Third, if you do not try hard and try hard, nothing will succeed around the world. この車は故障しそうだ。 This car is going to break down. This car's going down. 父は暇なときにはよく推理小説を読んでいました。 Father would often read detective stories in his spare time. My father used to read reasoning novels when he was free. 公園でHしたことある? Have you ever had sex in a public park? Have you ever been in a park before? 友人と約束があるので行かなくてはなりません。 I have to go off because I have an appointment with a friend. I have an appointment with a friend and I have to go. 彼女は率直にものを言う。 She's a plain speaker. She speaks frankly. トムさんとお話がしたいのですが。 I'd like to speak with Tom. I'd like to speak with Tom. 我々の海岸を越えて見ている人びと、外国の議会や宮殿で見ている人びと、世界の忘れ去られた一角でラジオを取り囲んでいる集まっている人びとへ、我々の物語が異なっているけど、我々の運命は共有されており、新たなアメリカン・リーダーシップの夜明けがきたのです。 And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To those who watch us across our coast, to those who see us in foreign parliaments and palaces, and to those who gather around the radio in a forgotten corner of the world, our fate is shared, and the dawn of a new American leadership. 私は別に怪しい者ではありません。 I'm not a particularly suspicious-looking person. I'm not suspicious. 彼は銀行に3000ドルの預金がある。 He has a credit of $3000 at his bank. He's got $3,000 in the bank. だが、あなたは良いぶどう酒をよくも今までとっておきました。 But you have saved the best till now. But you've been drinking good wine for a long time. 彼はまるで君の弟みたいだよ。 He looks like your brother. He's like your brother. 私たちは今日家にいます。 We will be at home today. We're home today. 詳細は事務所に照会してください。 Apply to the office for further details. Get the details to the office. 私は父が私を育てたように息子を育てたい。 I want to bring up my son as my father did me. I want to raise my son the way my father raised me. もっと安い席がありますか。 Do you have any cheaper seats? Is there a cheaper seat? 彼は夜更かしをする習慣がある。 He is in the habit of sitting up till late at night. He has the habit of late-nighting. 母はとうとう私の考えに従った。 My mother finally has given in to my views. My mother followed my thinking. バスから降りましょう。 Let's get off the bus. Let's get out of the bus. 私は専門家ではないけど。 However, I am not a specialist. I'm not an expert. 私の宿題を手伝ってください。 Please give me a hand with my homework. Help me with my homework. 宿題をやってしまってから、私はママとおしゃべりをした。 Having done my homework, I had a chat with Mum. After I did my homework, I had a chat with my mom. 葡萄酒を1瓶ください。 Give me a bottle of wine. Give me a bottle of wine. 彼女は母とまったく同じほど美人だ。 She is no less beautiful than her mother. She's exactly as beautiful as her mother. ロンドンを流れている川は、テムズ川と呼ばれる。 The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river running through London is called the Thames. トムは盗み聞きしています。 Tom is eavesdropping. Tom's been listening. 私たちは人工雪でスキーをした。 We skied on artificial snow. We skied with artificial snow. だれも彼の言葉を重要なものと思わなかった。 No one conceived his words to be important. No one thought his words mattered. 私は今日100ドルも使った。 I spent 100 dollars today. I spent $100 today. 五月五日のホテルの予約確認をしたいのですが。 I'd like to confirm my hotel reservation on May 5th. I'd like to make an appointment at the hotel on May 5. だれかがこの本から2ページ破り取った。 Someone has torn two pages out of this book. Someone broke two pages from the book. 彼は手紙を書いた。 He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. その車がじゃまです。動かしてください。 The car is in the way. Please move it. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! 私たちは毎年夏に海外へ行きます。 We go abroad every summer. We go overseas every summer. ジョンはジェーンと結婚していた。 John was married to Jane. John was married to Jane. 彼はその計画を続ける決心をした。 He decided to get on with the plan. He decided to continue the project. 幸運にも彼女は死ななかった。 Luckily she did not die. Fortunately, she didn't die. まだどちらと決したわけではありませんので、引き続き成り行きを見守りたいと思います。 I haven't decided either way. I want to keep an eye on how things go. We haven't decided yet, so I'm going to continue to watch the outcome. あなたはそのことを前もって言ってくれても良かったのに。 You ought to have told me that before. You could've said that earlier. そんなに食べると、病気になるよ。 If you eat so much, you'll get sick. If you eat that much, you'll get sick. 昔々ある所に美しいお姫様が住んでいました。 Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. Once upon a time, in some places, there was a beautiful princess. どう埋め合わせしたら良いかわかりません。 There's no way I can make it up to you. I don't know how to make it up to you. とうとう彼は目的を達成した。 At last he attained his goal. Finally, he achieved his purpose. この地域は今や立て込んできた。 The area is built up now. The region is now set up. AはBの5倍の長さがある。 A is 5 times as long as B. A is five times as long as B. ダーウィンの考えをこのように改訂したことは学問的立場からの攻撃対象となった。 This revision of Darwin's ideas came under fire from academic positions. This revision of Darwin's thinking was an attack from a academic point of view. 私は職責を果たさなければならない。 I have to discharge my duty. I have to do my job. 彼は「私は科学者になりたい」と言った。 He said, "I want to be a scientist." He said, "I want to be a scientist." 2、3分でそれを終えるつもりだ。 I'll finish it in two or three minutes. I'm gonna finish it in a few minutes. 彼は私にその機械の説明をした。 He gave me an account of the machine. He explained to me that machine. 私の猫はかわいいですよ! My cat is cute! My cat is cute! この席はどのあたりでしょう? Where's this seat? I'm going to ask you, where is this seat? トムはメアリーを愛していた。 Tom loved Mary. Tom loved Mary. もっと安いものはありますか。 Do you have anything cheaper? Is there something cheaper? 前に見た時から彼女はすごく変わった。 She has changed greatly since I last saw her. She's changed from the last time I saw her. トムは周囲を見回したが、誰の姿も見なかった。 Tom looked around, but didn't see anyone. Tom looked around, but he didn't see anyone. 誰かが亡くなったときは悲しいものだよ。 It's a pity when somebody dies. It's sad when someone dies. 家にあるもの全部食べてしまったかと思ったけど、クラッカーをもう一箱見つけたよ。 I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought I ate everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. 彼女はひとりでに目を覚ました。 She woke up on her own. She woke up alone. 彼女は17歳です。 She's seventeen. She's 17 years old. 破水しました。 My water broke. Water broke. このジッパーはきつい。 This zipper doesn't zip smoothly. I don't know what you're talking about. 私は京都へ一度行ったことがあります。 I have once been to Kyoto. I went to Kyoto once. それ、テレビで見たわ。 I saw it on TV. That's what I saw on TV. 100メートルを12秒以内で走ることができます。 He can run 100 meters in less than twelve seconds. You can run 100 meters within 12 seconds. 彼はそのような値段でステレオを買う事はできなかった。 He could not buy the stereo set at such a price. He couldn't buy a stereo at such a price. 最近は、結婚しても自分の姓を変えたくないという女性が増えている。 These days the number of women who don't want to change their family names even after they get married is increasing. In recent years, more and more women who marry do not want to change their names. どうかもう一度私にその話をしてください。 Please tell me the story once more. Please tell me that again. 彼が驚いたことには、その泥棒は自分の息子だとわかった。 To his surprise, the thief turned out to be his own son. To his surprise, he found the thief to be his own son. 厄介者はどこにでもいるものだ。 There is a black sheep in every flock. Trouble is everywhere. もう年賀状を全部書いてしまったのですか。 Have you written all the New Year's cards already? You've already written all the old ones? なんでもっと早く言ってくれなかったの? Why didn't you tell us about this sooner? Why didn't you tell me earlier? 私達にもっとよいテーブルを手配するように私はウェイターに頼んだ。 I asked the waiter to see about getting us a better table. I asked the waiter to arrange a better table for us. よければ、一つ貸してあげる。 I'll lend you one if you like. I'll give you one if you want. 猫が気持ちを伝える主要なやり方は身振りである。 The prime means of communication for cats is body language. The main way cats express their feelings is by gestures. 誰だって、努力しなければ、英語をものにすることはできない。 No one can master English if he doesn't make effort. No one can speak English without effort. 彼が歌うのを聞いたことがない。 I never heard him sing. I've never heard him sing. 彼女は自分で編んだセーターを着ていた。 She wore a sweater that she'd knitted herself. She was wearing a sweater she drew herself. あのピアニストは巧妙でよく知られている。 That pianist is known for his skill. The pianist is clever and well-known. 彼女は彼を埠頭から突き落とした。 She pushed him off the pier. She pushed him out of the dock. 彼は円をドルと換えた。 He exchanged yen for dollars. He changed the circle to the dollar. トムがあなたを待っています。 Tom is waiting for you. Tom's waiting for you. 彼女は私に貸したコートを取り返した。 She took back the coat she lent me. She took back the coat she lent me. 彼らは雨が止むまでポーチで待った。 They waited on the porch until it stopped raining. They waited on the porch until the rain stopped. 10億人の人たちが英語を話しています。 One billion people speak English. A billion people speak English. フランス語が話せなかったので居心地が悪かった。 I was ill at ease because I didn't speak French. I was uncomfortable because I didn't speak French. 電池がだめになっちゃった。 The battery died out. The battery's gone bad. 私は家を探している。 I'm looking for a house. I'm looking for a house. ポケットの手を入れたままで発言してはいけません。 Don't speak with your hands in your pockets. Do not speak with your hands in your pockets. 彼は自分の成功を運がいいからだと考えている。 He thinks that his success is due to luck. He thinks he's lucky for his success. 大部分の人がその計画に賛成している。 The great majority is for the project. Most people agree with the plan. その男はまんまと私をだまして承知させた。 The young man tricked me into consenting. The man made me understand. どちらの道を行っても駅に着ける。 Whichever way you go, you can get to the station. No matter which way we go, we get to the station. 彼はそれについて単刀直入だ。 He is very direct about it. He's straight into it. 彼は私に手伝ってくれるといった。 He offered to help me. He said he'd help me. あなたは正しい。 You're right. You're right. 「どなたですか」「お母さんよ」 "Who is it?" "It's your mother." Who is it? Who is it? 元の場所に戻して。 Put it back. Put it back where it belongs. それは私に対する誤解ですよ。 You do me wrong. That's a misunderstanding against me. 医者はスミス氏に長生きしたいのならば煙草を止めるように言った。 The doctor told Mr Smith to give up smoking if he wanted to live long. The doctor told Smith to stop smoking if he wanted to live long. 警官達が彼らの鞄を調べていた。 The police were examining their bags. The cops were checking their bags. 米国のペンフレンドと文通し始めて1年になる。 I have been corresponding with a pen pal in the USA for a year. It's been a year since I started writing with U.S. pen pals. 彼があのように年若くして死んだのは、本当に惜しいと思う。 I think it's a great pity that he died so young. I really miss him dying so young. その森には鳥がたくさんいる。 Birds abound in the woods. There are plenty of birds in that forest. 誰かが彼女のお金を奪った。 Someone stole her money. Someone took her money. 彼は他人の苦しみに対して淡淡だ。 He is indifferent to the suffering of others. He is pale to the suffering of others. 旅費はせいぜい千ドルだろう。 The trip will cost $1000 at the outside. The trip will cost you a thousand dollars at all. その少年はおぼれそうになった。 The boy almost drowned. The boy almost forgot. ためらわずにどんな質問でもしてください。 Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Don't hesitate to ask any questions. 私は白ぶどう酒より赤ぶどう酒が好きだ。 I like red wine better than white. I prefer red wine more than white wine. 彼は私に金をねだった。 He bothered me for money. He gave me the money. 物語はますます面白くなかった。 The story got more and more exciting. The story wasn't much fun. 出かけるも出かけないもあなたの自由です。 You are free to go or stay. You're free to go and not go. 私の姉は20代だ。 My sister is in her twenties. My sister's in her 20s. 庭には雑草が生い茂っていた。 The garden was overgrown with weeds. There were weeds in the garden. その兄弟はそれぞれ車を所有している。 Each of the brothers has a car. Each brother owns a car. お母さん、夕食は何時ですか。 When will we eat dinner, Mom? Mom, what time is dinner? 星雲は,その形や見え方によって科学者が分類しています。 Galaxies are classified by scientists according to their shape and appearance. The galaxies are classified by scientists depending on their shape and appearance. そのニュースは当分の間差し止めになった。 The news was suppressed for the time being. The news stopped for a while. ハリウッドには昔日の面影はない。 Hollywood isn't what it used to be. Hollywood has no ancient shade. できればそうしたいけど。 I wish I could. I wish I could. 私は彼らはふた子にちがいないと思うのだが、彼女はそうであるはずがないという。 I think they must be twins, but she says they cannot be so. I think they’re just little kids, but she says it can’t be. 彼は友人を警察からかくまった。 He hid his friend from the police. He got his friend away from the police. 君は海外へ行くつもりですか。 Do you plan to go overseas? Are you going overseas? 彼は私に大学に進学するべきかどうかたずねた。 He asked me whether he should go on to university. He asked me if I should go to college. 明日雨が降れば、私たちはそこへ行かないだろう。 If it rains tomorrow, we'll not go there. If it rains tomorrow, we won't be there. のんびり行こう。 Take it easy. Take it easy. 彼はきっと時間どおりに来る。 I'm sure that he'll come on time. He'll come right on time. 先ごろのサービス上の不備について釈明したかった。 We wanted to explain the recent service failure. I wanted to explain some of my services' shortcomings recently. 手術がうまくいった。 The surgery went well. The surgery worked. 寝る前に明かりを消すのを忘れないように。 Do not forget to turn the light off before you go to bed. Don't forget to turn off the lights before you go to sleep. そんな席からコンサートが聴けたら、人は、何だってするさ。 People would sell their souls to hear the concert from those seats. People would do anything if they could listen to a concert from a seat like that. この湖はスケートをしても安全だ。 It is safe to skate on this lake. This lake is safe for skaters. 日本人が英語を流ちょうに話すのは難しい。 It is difficult for Japanese people to speak English fluently. It’s hard for the Japanese to speak English fluently. 私はトランプは得意でない。 Cards are not in my line. I'm not good with cards. 私はそのとき駅に向かって歩いていた。 I was walking to the station then. I was walking towards the station at that time. その小川は牧草地の中を曲がりくねって流れている。 The stream winds through the meadow. The streams are winding through the pastures. すべてがトムの予言通りに進んでいる。 Everything is working out just as Tom predicted. Everything's going exactly as Tom predicted. 実は私は彼女を愛してはいないのです。 The fact is I do not love her. Actually, I don't love her. もう大人なのだから、やるべきことは自分の責任で決めなさい。 Now that you are grown-up, it is up to you to decide what to do. As an adult, decide what you have to do on your own. 私たちは互いに助け合った。 We helped each other. We helped each other. ここでタバコを吸ってもいいですか。 Would you mind if I smoked here? Can I smoke here? 私がMITの学生であった頃、ボストンのある決まったレストランで食事をしていた。 When I was a student at MIT I used to eat at a certain restaurant in Boston. When I was a student of MIT, I was dining in a certain restaurant in Boston. 教科書はどうしたらいいんでしょうか。 Where do we get the textbooks? What should I do with my textbooks? その会社は私の兄が経営している。 The company is managed by my older brother. It's run by my brother. 秋は田舎をゆっくり歩くのに最適の季節であることは言うまでもない。 It goes without saying that autumn is the best season for taking long walks in the country. The fall is not to mention the best time to walk slowly through the countryside. じゃあ、今日はここまで。 Let's stop here for today. Well, that's it for today. 英語を話すことは簡単ではない、でもそれは面白い。 Speaking English isn't easy, but it's fun. English isn't easy, but it's interesting. ぼくは酒も煙草もやらない。 I neither drink nor smoke. I don't drink or smoke. 彼女は私にさよならを言った。 She bade me good-by. She said good-bye to me. 明日までに本を返しなさい。 Please return the book by tomorrow. Give me the book by tomorrow. とてもいい匂いがした。 It smelled really good. It smells so good. 彼の悪い癖を直してやろう。 I will cure him of the bad habit. I'll fix his bad habits. 色違いはありませんか。 Do you have this in any other colors? So let's see if we can simplify this a little bit. 彼の発音は決して完全ではない。 His pronunciation is far from perfect. His pronunciation is never perfect. 両親が私を自分たちの考え方に変えようとしていた。 My parents tried to convert me to their way of thinking. My parents were trying to turn me into their way of thinking. 能ある鷹は爪を隠す。 A smart falcon hides its talons. The powerful hawk hides its claws. それが事実だということはぼくにははっきりわかっている。 It's quite clear to me that is the truth. I know it's true. ビールの消費量は天気におおいに左右される。 How much beer people drink largely depends on the weather. The amount of beer consumed depends on the weather. ロープをぴんと張りなさい。 Pull the rope tight. Put the rope tight. 彼は人生の楽しみを知らなかった。 Life passed him by. He didn't know the fun of life. 都会に家のある人たちはいなかで生活したいと思う。 People whose homes are in the town want to live in the country. I think there are people in the city who want to live in the city. 彼らは車を修理しなければいけない。 They have to repair their car. They have to fix the car. 本当にありがとう。 Thanks a lot. Thank you so much. 私たちは昨日会う事になっていたのだが。 We are to have met yesterday. We were supposed to meet yesterday. 新聞を燃やした。 I burned the newspaper. I burned the paper. 彼は麻酔をかけられた。 He was put under anesthesia. He was anesthetized. 彼はちょうど帰ったところです。 He has just come back. He's just leaving. 幸いにも彼らは危険から逃れた。 Fortunately, they escaped the danger. Happily, they fled from the danger. とても寒くて湖は一面に凍ってしまった。 It was so cold that the lake froze over. It was so cold that the lake freezed to the surface. 朝ご飯を食べていないのでお腹空いた。 I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I haven't eaten breakfast. 駅からその学校まで、たっぷり5キロはありました。 It was a good five kilometers from the station to the school. From the train station to the school, there was a lot of five kilometers. 私はもうそこへ行かない。 I won't go there anymore. I'm not going there anymore. 教会の鐘が鳴っている。 The church bells are ringing. The church bells are ringing. 病気のため彼のコンサートへ行けなかった。 Illness prevented me from going to his concert. I couldn't go to his concert because of his illness. 君しかそれをできない。 You're the only one who can do it. You're the only one who can do that. 黙っていなさい。 Don't talk! Shut up. 「いいえ」とイギリス人は繰り返しました。 "No," repeated the Englishman. "No," the British repeated. 環境破壊は驚くほどすすんでいる。 The destruction of the environment is appalling. The destruction of the environment is alarming. 私たちはお互いに楽しく語り合った。 We enjoyed talking with each other. We have fun talking to each other. 今年あまり雨が降らなかった。 We haven't had much rain this year. It didn't rain much this year. 彼があなた達は席を予約すると思い込んでいました。 He supposed that you would book seats. He thought you guys would book a seat. この橋を支えるには重い柱が必要だ。 Heavy posts are needed to sustain this bridge. It takes heavy pillars to support the bridge. あなたは彼が死んでしまったと思いますか。 Do you think he is dead? You think he died. その鳥たちはとても人に慣れているので、手からえさを食べている。 The birds are so tame they will eat from your hand. The birds are so used to people that they eat their hands. あなたの気が変わるかもしれないと思っていました。 I thought you might change your mind. I thought you might change your mind. はい、眠くありません。 No, I'm not sleepy. Yes, I'm not sleepy. この規則は外国人にのみ適用されます。 This rule is applied to foreigners only. This rule applies only to foreigners. だれも話を聞いていなかった。 Nobody was listening to the speech. No one was listening. 誰が王位を継ぐのですか。 Who will succeed to the throne? Who will inherit the throne? 思わず笑わずにいられなかった。 I could not help laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. 旅行で記念メダルを買いました。 I bought a commemorative medal on my trip. I bought a memorandum on a trip. ガラスは壊れやすい。 Glass breaks easily. Glass is fragile. パーティーの準備を手伝ってくれませんか。 Will you help me prepare for the party? Why don't you help me get ready for the party? 彼は試験に落ちると思っていました。 He expected to fail the exam. He thought he'd fall for the test. 私は、病気だったので、家にいなければならなかった。 Being sick, I had to stay home. I had to be home because I was sick. 自分が生まれた正確な場所を知らない。 I don't know the exact place that I was born. I don't know exactly where I was born. 彼は頭でっかちだ。 He is an armchair theorist. He's big in his head. その公園の多くの掲示板に芝生内立ち入り禁止と書いてあった。 There were many signs in the park that said "Keep off the grass." On many billboards in the park, it said it was forbidden to enter the lawn. あなたは大嘘つきですね。 You are the biggest liar. You're a big liar. 私はボーイフレンドにぜんぜん不自由させていません。 I never want for a boyfriend. I'm not giving up on my boyfriend at all. 驚いて彼女は目を丸くした。 Her eyes become round in surprise. She was surprised and closed her eyes. 警察はトムの寝室の窓の外には誰の足跡も見つけることができませんでした。 The police couldn't find any footprints outside Tom's bedroom window. The police couldn't find anyone's footprints outside the window in Tom's bedroom. 逆もまた真なり。 The converse is also true. The inverse is also true. 事故が起こったところである。 An accident just happened. That's where the accident happened. 彼らは直ちに我々の救援にやってきた。 They came presently to our rescue. They came to our rescue immediately. 道案内をしてくださって、どうもありがとう。 You are very kind to show me the way. Thank you for showing me the way. 彼女はタイプがうまい。 She types well. She's a good type. どう思う? What do you think? What do you think? こちらで召し上がりますか、それともお持ち帰りにしますか。 Is that to eat here or take out? Would you like to eat it here, or would you like to take it home? 私はこのあたりは、よく知りません。 I am a stranger here. I don't know much about this area. この静かな生活にはいい加減飽きてしまった。 I'm about tired of this quiet life. I got tired of this quiet life. 私は雲の上を飛んだ。 I flew above the clouds. I flew over the clouds. もう少しお金が必要になると思うのですが。 I should think we will need some more money. I think we're going to need a little bit more money. 今晩、外食しましょう。 Let's eat out tonight. Let's eat out tonight. 父は今、庭に出ています。 My father is out in the garden now. My father is out in the garden now. 月曜までここに居るかも。 I may stay here until Monday. Maybe he'll be here till Monday. アメリカのパン屋では、「パン屋の1ダース」は12ではなく13だ。 In U.S. bakeries, a "baker's dozen" is 13, not 12. In American bakers, "a dozen bakers" are 13, not 12. 彼は背が高いからすぐに見分けられるでしょう。 You can easily identify him because he is very tall. He's tall, so you'll be able to recognize him immediately. 彼女はそのニュースを聞いて驚いた。 She was surprised at the news. She was surprised to hear the news. 彼女は花が大好きである。 She is very fond of flowers. She loves flowers. 彼女は彼をプログラマーとして雇った。 She engaged him as a programmer. She hired him as a programmer. 使っていない整理棚はありますか。 Do you have an extra shelf I can use? Is there an open cabinet that you don't use? 疲れたなあ。 I'm tired. I'm tired. 私が知っている大部分の人はフランス語を話せます。 Almost everyone I know can speak French. Most people I know speak French. 来てくれた人にこのパンフレットを配るのを手伝って下さい。 Please help me distribute these pamphlets to visitors. Help me pass this brochure on to those who are here. その婦人はあまりに驚いて口もきけなかったほどである。 Those women were so surprised that they couldn't speak. The lady was too surprised to speak. なぜ君は昨晩そのパーティーにこなかったのか。 Why didn't you show up at the party last night? Why didn't you come to that party last night? 貧しいからといって人を軽べつするな。 Don't look down on a man because he is poor. Don't despise people just because they're poor. 男はレストランで食い逃げした。 The man left the restaurant without paying his bill. The man ate and ran in the restaurant. 私の両親がここにいる間は上品な言葉遣いをして下さい。 Please keep your language decent while my parents are here. Please be polite while my parents are here. どちらに行くのですか。 Where are you going? Where are we going? 私はこの夏どこにも行かなかった。 I have been nowhere this summer. I didn't go anywhere this summer. 私の時計は故障しているかもしれないと言うことがふと頭に浮かんだ。 It occurred to me that my watch might be broken. It came to my head when I said that my watch might be broken. 私はほとんど毎日6時に起きます。 I get up at six almost every day. I get up almost every day at 6:00. トムは紙飛行機を作るのが好きだ。 Tom likes making paper aeroplanes. Tom likes making paper planes. よく寝ぼけます。 I'm often half-asleep. It's a good night's sleep. このらくだは人によくなれているからだれが乗っても大丈夫です。 This camel is so tame that anyone can ride it. This camel has become popular with people, so it's okay for anyone to ride it. 本を読むことは大切です。 It's important to read books. It's important to read. 犬が吠えている. The dog is barking. The dog's barking. 昨夜はメアリーと電話しながら寝落ちしてしまった。 Last night, I fell asleep while talking with Mary on the phone. I fell asleep on the phone with Mary last night. スキーは大変楽しい。 I really enjoy skiing. Skiing is very fun. お遍路さんの一行は四国に向かった。 The party of pilgrims started for Shikoku. He's headed to Shikoku. 姉の髪は肩まで届きます。 My sister's hair reaches to her shoulders. My sister's hair reaches her shoulders. 気候は我々の心身に大きな関わりを持っている。 The climate has much to do with our mind and body. The climate has a lot to do with us. 地は産物を出せり。 The earth hath yielded her increase. The land can produce. 彼は私に日付を確かめるように言った。 He told me to make sure of the date. He told me to check the date. 「私は疲れていない」「私もそうです」 "I am not tired." "Neither am I." I'm not tired, neither am I. あなたは十分事実を知っていると思う。 I take it that you are fully acquainted with the facts. I think you know enough facts. すっごくいいものを見つけたよ! I've found something amazing! I found something very nice! 昨日は、くもりだった。 It was cloudy yesterday. Yesterday, I was tired. 疲れているならば、休みをとるべきなのは、言うまでもないことだ。 It gone without saying, if you are tired, you should take a rest. If you are tired, you should take a break, of course. 休暇を利用して海外旅行をする学生がますます増えている。 The number of students who use their holidays to travel abroad is increasing. More and more students are taking vacation trips abroad. 彼はいつも他人のあらを探している。 He is always finding fault with other people. He's always looking for someone else. トムは教師になろうと決心した。 Tom decided to become a teacher. Tom decided to be a teacher. トムから電話があった? Did Tom call? Did Tom call you? そこへ行かなかった人はわずかだった。 Only a few people didn't go there. Few didn't go there. あなたの判断は正しい。 You are correct in your judgement. You're right. 彼は興奮してわれを忘れていた。 He was beside himself with excitement. He was so excited that he forgot me. ドアには鍵がかかっていてどうしてもはいれなかった。 The doors were locked and we couldn't get in anyhow. The door was locked and I couldn't find it. あなたが私たちの会社で働こうと思った理由を聞かせて下さい。 What's made you decide to work for our company? Tell me why you wanted to work for our company. 彼は物乞いをして暮らしている。 He lives by begging. He lives begging. 地理を研究するには地図をいつも利用しなければならない。 In studying geography, you must make constant use of maps. To study geography, we must always use maps. 日に日に彼は良くなるだろう。 Day by day he seemed to get better. Every day he'll be better. 彼は貧乏を何とも思わない。 He thinks nothing of poverty. He doesn't care about poverty. 是非どうぞ。 By all means. You're welcome. それは推測に基づいている。 It is founded on supposition. It's based on speculation. 私の机の上に面白い本があります。 There is an interesting book on my desk. There's a funny book on my desk. 騒音がひどかったので演説者の声は聞こえなかった。 There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself heard. The noise was so loud that I could not hear the speaker’s voice. 確かに彼女は彼のことを愛しているが、結婚はしないだろう。 No doubt she loves him, but she won't marry him. She does love him, but she won't marry him. もっとゆっくり言ってください。 Speak slower, please. Slow down. 君は最善を尽くしさえすればよい。 All you have to do is do your best. You just do your best. 彼は私に多額のお金を要求した。 He demanded a large sum of money from me. He asked me for a lot of money. 鬼が出るか蛇が出るか。この提案書の結果が見物だね。 There's no telling what kind of trouble this proposal might stir up. The result is certainly going to be something to see. You can see the results of this proposal. 彼は聡明であるのに、自分の意見を述べることをいつも嫌がっている。 For all his cleverness, he is always reluctant to give his views. Although he is intelligent, he is always reluctant to express himself. お金は大事にしなくてはならない。 You should be careful of your money. Money has to be taken care of. 努力なくしては何も得られない。 Nothing is achieved without effort. You don't get anything without effort. 閉会した。 The meeting was closed. It's closed. 躊躇すれば機会は二度とこない。 He who hesitates is lost. If you hesitate, you will never get another chance. 彼は困っている。 He is in trouble. He's in trouble. 彼はぽつんと一人立っていた。 He stood all by himself. He stood alone. 彼は多くの困難にもかかわらず、成功した。 He succeeded in the face of many difficulties. He succeeded in spite of many difficulties. もうやめろよ。これ以上傷口に塩を塗るようなことは可哀想だ。 Cut that out. You're just rubbing salt in the poor guy's wounds. Don't do this. I'm sorry to put salt on the wound any more. アメリカの植民地に連れて来られた奴隷たち。 Slaves are brought to the American colonies. Slaves brought to American colonies. 彼女は何を持っていますか。 What does she have? What does she have? ガイドが私たちをホテルまで案内してくれた。 The guide led us to the hotel. Our guide showed us to the hotel. そのデパートの前に本屋があります。 There is a bookstore in front of the department store. There's a book shop in front of that department store. 家具はすべてほこりをかぶっていた。 All the furniture was covered with dust. The furniture was all dust. いつ帰ってくるの? When will you return? When are you coming back? その学校は丘のふもとにあります。 The school is located at the foot of a hill. That school is at the foot of the hill. 私はやむなく薬をのまされた。 I was forced to take medicine. I was forced to take drugs. 意味がわかります。 I'm catching on. I know what that means. そろそろ床についてもいいころだ。 It's time you went to bed. It's time to get to the floor. これらの新出単語をノートに書きなさい。 Write these new vocabulary words in your notebook. Write down these new words. 彼がどのようにしてそれを手に入れたかを教えてくれ。 Tell me how he got it. Tell me how he got it. 私にはどうも腑に落ちない。 I can't quite understand it. It doesn't make any sense to me. 今私はその手紙を身につけていません。 I don't have the letter on me now. Now I don't wear that letter. 私は机の上に大きな地図を広げた。 I spread the big map on the table. I spread a big map on my desk. 彼は人生にはっきりした目標を持っていない。 He has no definite object in life. He doesn't have a clear goal in life. 朝食を食べるほうがよい。 You had better have breakfast. You should eat breakfast. これは日本の国旗です。 This is the flag of Japan. This is the Japanese flag. 知っていることと教えることは別物だ。 Knowing is one thing, teaching quite another. What you know and what you teach is different. 約束を守ることはとても大切なことである。 It is very important to keep your word. It is very important to keep your word. 彼は外国に行くことについて考えを変えた。 He has changed his mind about going abroad. He changed his mind about going abroad. 私たちは彼のことを何も知りません。 We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. 人を外見で判断してはいけない。 Don't judge people by appearance. Don't judge people by their appearance. 彼はその不足の埋め合わせをした。 He made up for the deficit. He made up for the shortage. 恋愛感情を制するということは、恋愛を感じないということではない。 Suppressing one's romantic feelings is not the same as having no such feelings. Control of romantic feelings does not mean that you don’t feel love. 私はタバコが吸えません。 I can't smoke. I don't smoke. 私は子供のときは上手に泳げました。 I could swim well when I was a boy. I was a good swimmer when I was a kid. 両親が来る前に、家を掃除しようと思う。 I would like to clean up the house before my parents come. I'm gonna clean up the house before my parents arrive. 私は彼を自分の弟だと思った。 I mistook him for my brother. I thought he was my brother. 赤道は地球を2つの半球に分ける。 The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. 彼はほとんど理解できない片言の英語で話した。 He spoke in a broken English that was hard to understand. He spoke in a single English language that he hardly understood. 池は一面に氷がはった。 The pond froze over. The pond was covered with ice. この手紙で彼は辞意を表明している。 This letter purports to be his resignation. In this letter, he expressed his resignation. トムは病気のため食欲がなかった。 Tom had no appetite because of his illness. Tom didn't want to eat because he was sick. 突然、飛行機が揺れ始め、シートベルトのサインがつきます。 Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on. Suddenly, the plane begins to shake and the seat belt is signed. 彼女が何をするつもりなのかはっきりとは知らない。 I don't know for certain what she is going to do. I don't know exactly what she's gonna do. 私には屋根裏部屋で物音がしたように思える。 It seems to me that I heard a noise in the attic. I feel like I heard a noise in the attic. これ、冷蔵庫に入れておくよ。 I'll put this in the fridge. I'll put this in the fridge. 家に帰らなきゃ。 I must go home. I have to go home. 彼女は若くして結婚した。 She married young. She got married when she was young. 明日お伺いしてもよろしいですか。 Do you mind if I call on you tomorrow? May I come by tomorrow? 旅行するならわたしは飛行機の方が好きです。 When I travel, I prefer to travel by air. If you want to travel, I prefer the plane. 沈黙は反抗を意味することが多い。 Silence often implies resistance. Silence often means rebellion. 戸を閉めてください。 Be kind enough to shut the door. Close the door. それを実行するのはほとんど不可能だ。 It is next to impossible to carry it out. It's almost impossible to do it. さて、何しようか? Well, what shall we do? Now, what do you want me to do? お金がないので、プチッと旅行。 As I don't have the money, it'll just be a short trip. I don't have enough money to travel, so I don't have any money. トムは全てを否定した。 Tom denied everything. Tom denied everything. うそをつくな、正直であれ。 Don't tell lies. Tell the truth. Don't lie to me, be honest with me. でももヘチマもないわ。 There's no but about it! But neither is he. あの二股男を懲らしめてやるから、ちょっと待ってて! Just wait till I get my hands on that two-timing bastard! I'm gonna beat that two-footed man. Wait a minute! 私たちは野球をしました。 We played baseball. We played baseball. 彼女は料理が上手だそうだ。 They say she's good at cooking. She's a good cook. みんないつもトニーをほめる。 Everyone always speaks well of Tony. They always pay Tony off. あそこの角には以前ドラッグストアがあった。 There used to be a drugstore on that corner. There was a drug store at that corner before. あの町かどに公衆電話ボックスがある。 There is a telephone booth at the corner of the street. There's a pay phone box in that town or something. そのドレスにいくら払いましたか。 How much did you pay for the dress? How much did you pay for that dress? 私はそのコンピューターをティムと呼びます。 I call the computer Tim. I call that computer Tim. 私は時流に遅れないように新聞を読む。 I read newspapers in order to keep up with the times. I read the newspaper to make sure I'm not late for the current. 彼女が何と言ったか知っていますか。 Do you know what she said? You know what she said. テレビで野球の試合を見ることほど好きなものはない。 I like nothing so much as to watch baseball games on television. Nothing like watching a baseball game on TV. 私はその試合に負けると思う。 I'm afraid we'll lose the game. I think I'll lose that game. 彼はフランス語を習って辞書をもらった。 He was taught French and given a dictionary. He was given a dictionary to learn French. 図星ですか? Is that it? Is that a diagram? 部屋には子ども達が少しいた。 There were a few children in the room. There were a few kids in the room. 彼はいつもどこかの家に居候しているようだ。 He always seems to be living rent-free in somebody's house. He always seems to be in a house somewhere. 役に立たないものは省きなさい。 Leave out anything that is useless. You don't need anything that's useless. 500円貸してくれませんか。 Can you lend me 500 yen? So let me do that in a different color. ビールはいくらですか。 How much does a beer cost? How much beer do you want? 彼らは愛情についてはなした。 They talked about love. They were about love. どうして気になるの? Why do you care? Why do you care? 囚人たちは鎖につながれている。 The prisoners are in chains. The prisoners are in chains. 私達は犯人の足跡をたどっていった。 We followed the tracks of the criminal. We followed the killer's footsteps. 不可能という言葉はフランス語にはない。 Impossible is not French. The word impossible is not in French. 私はタクシーから降りた。 I got out of the taxi. I got out of the cab. 私は大阪の生まれです。 I was born in Osaka. I'm from Osaka. その少女は自分の影におびえていた。 The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was terrified of her shadow. ふふ、恵一君いつも授業終わったら、ノビするよね。 Ha-ha, you always stretch when class is over don't you? When you're through with class, you'll always get nervous. 彼は非常に怒って、顔を真っ赤にしていた。 He was so angry, he was red in the face. He was very angry, and his face was completely red. 彼を説得しても無駄だと思う。 I figure that there is no point in trying to persuade him. I don't think we can talk him out of it. フランス語は得意じゃありません。 I'm not good at French. I'm not very good at French. 私の全体的な印象ではそれは非常によい。 My general impression is that it is very good. That's very good for my overall impression. 彼は知力では彼女に及ばない。 He is not equal to her in intelligence. He doesn't belong to her. 「どうしたの?」「鍵がない」「何の鍵?」「自転車の鍵」 "What's the matter?" "I can't find my keys." "Which ones?" "My bicycle ones." "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with you?" 彼はメイドを使っている。 He has a maid to wait on him. He's using a maid. 雨にもかかわらず出発した。 He started in spite of the rain. He left despite the rain. 体重に不満はないですか? Are you happy with your weight? Are you happy with your weight? もしスーが飛行機できているなら、まもなく着くはずだ。 If Sue is coming by air, she ought to arrive very soon. If Sue has a plane, she'll be there soon. 馬鹿な男と結婚したくないのだ! I don't want to marry a stupid man! I don't want to marry a stupid man! お金を借りることはできますか。 Is it possible to borrow money? So let's say I have $1 million of debt. その当時海外旅行に行ける人はほとんどいなかった。 In those days, few people could travel abroad. At the time, few people could travel abroad. 彼は大政治家になりたいという大望を忘れたことはなかった。 He never forgot his ambition to become a great politician. He has never forgotten his ambition to be a great politician. 君は勇気があるね。 You're very brave, aren't you? You're brave. トムさんがボストンから帰ってきたばかりです。 Tom has just come back from Boston. Tom just got home from Boston. トランプでごまかすのはよくないことだ。 It is wrong to cheat at cards. It's not good to cheat on cards. 僕はゆうべメアリーに振られた。 Mary gave me the ax last night. Mary dumped me last night. その問題はいろいろな論争を呼んだ。 The question excited much controversy. The issue has raised a lot of controversy. 彼は昼食に出かけた。 He has gone out for lunch already. He went out for lunch. 私はあの店でビデオデッキを安く買った。 I got a video cassette recorder cheap at that shop. I bought the video decks cheaply at that store. 利己的な行動をするべきではない。 You shouldn't act selfishly. We should not act selfishly. 島のそばにあるあの船が見えますか。 Do you see that ship near the island? See that ship by the island? 煙は煙突を通って上に昇った。 The smoke went upward through the chimney. The smoke rose through the chimney. 欠点があるけどやはり彼が好きです。 I love him despite his faults. I still like him, even though he has faults. 今日は何をするつもりですか。 What are you going to do today? What are you going to do today? いざという時役に立つ。 This will come in handy in a pinch. It's useful when you need it. 私はハンドバッグをひったくられた。 I was robbed of my purse. I was grabbed by a purse. 私達はあなた達家族に会えるのを楽しみにしています。 We're looking forward to seeing you and your family. We're looking forward to meeting your family. その作家は若い頃、ドイツの大学で学んだと言われている。 The writer is said to have studied at a university in Germany when young. The author is said to have studied at a German university when he was young. トムはその計画に興味を示した。 Tom showed interest in the plan. Tom showed interest in that plan. あなたの好きなように時間は使えばいいのです。結局あなたの時間なのですから)。 You can spend your time in any way you want; it's your time, after all. You can spend as much time as you like, after all, it's your time. 彼女がほのめかしていることを彼はほとんど理解できなかった。 He could hardly comprehend what she was implying. He barely understood what she was suggesting. この物語はテレビ用に脚色できるかもしれない。 This story may be adaptable for a television program. The story may be painted for television. 彼に書類を手渡すつもりであったが、忘れてしまった。 I intended to hand the paper to him, but I forgot to. I was going to hand him the papers, but I forgot. 彼女は恐ろしくて身震いした。 She trembled with fear. She was terrified and terrified. この2度目の衝撃にわたしは泣いた。 At this second shock, I began to cry. The second shock made me cry. 親は子に立派な教育を行けさせるためにしばしば犠牲を払う。 Parents often make sacrifices to give a good education to their children. Parents often sacrifice their children to get a good education. 毎日、規則正しく復習してください。 Please revise regularly every day. You're going to have to review it regularly every day. 彼は招待されなかったのでがっかりした。 He was disappointed at not being invited. He was disappointed that he was not invited. 今晩ホテルの部屋がとれるでしょうか。 Can we find accommodations at a hotel for tonight? Can we get a hotel room tonight? 警察はその男の身元を突きとめる事ができなかった。 The police could not establish the identity of the man. The police couldn't find the man's identity. わたしに必要な物、それはビールだ。 What I need is a beer. What I need, that's beer. そのカメラはどこか故障しているに違いない。 Something must be wrong with the camera. That camera must be malfunctioning somewhere. 著者の冗漫なスタイルは膨大な書類を作り出したが、その内容は乏しい。 The author's verbiage produced a document of mammoth size and microscopic import. The author's unkempt style has created a huge amount of documents, but the content of them is scarce. 長いわずらいで彼は借金をこさえた。 His long sickness ran him into debt. He's been in debt for a long time. これはあなたが自分で描いた絵ですか。 Is this a picture that you drew by yourself? This is the picture you drew yourself. 丘の上から彼の家が見えた。 His house was in sight from the top of the hill. I saw his house on top of the hill. あなたのご両親が私達の結婚に賛成してくれるといいんだけど。 I hope your parents will allow us to get married. I hope your parents approve of our marriage. 冬が近づくにつれて日が短くなる。 The days grow shorter as winter approaches. As winter approaches, the days get shorter. 彼は川を泳いで渡った。 He swam across the river. He swam across the river. 川の近くにテントを張った。 We set up the tent next to the river. I set up a tent near the river. 若い人が外であなたを待っています。 A young person is waiting for you outside. There's a young man outside waiting for you. 蓄音機はエジソンの頭脳から生まれた。 The gramophone was born of Edison's brain. The phonograph was born from Edison's brain. この鼠は私の猫に殺されました。 This mouse was killed by my cat. This rat was killed by my cat. 1人で旅行がしたいものだ。 I'd like to travel alone. I want to travel alone. 君がもらう給料の点からこれはいい仕事かね。 In terms of the pay you will get, is this a good job? Is this a good job from your salary point of view? 黙れっつってんだろ! I said shut up. Shut up! なぜ、人間は笑うのかという問題、これは、なかなかむずかしい問題であります。 Why do humans laugh? That's quite a difficult problem. Why do people laugh? This is a difficult question. この長火鉢は、震災でなくなってしまった。 I lost this oblong Japanese brazier in an earthquake. The house was destroyed by the earthquake. もし母がまだ生きていれば、あの時私を助けてくれていただろうに。 If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time. If my mother were still alive, she would have helped me at the time. 山の空気はすばらしい。 The air in the mountain is fresh and clean. The mountain air is great. 歩くよりも車に乗るほうがよい。 I prefer riding to walking. Better to get in a car than to walk. 彼はほとんど自分に自信がない。 He has little confidence in himself. He's almost not sure of himself. 彼は花瓶をわざと壊した。 He broke the flower vase on purpose. He deliberately destroyed the vase. この本にはたくさんの絵があります。 This book has many pictures. There's a lot of pictures in this book. 鳶に油揚げをさらわれたようなものだ。 I was robbed of my rightful share. It's as if the peppers were taken from me. 良い言葉は多大の価値があるが、金はほとんどかからない。 Good words are worth much, and cost little. Good words are worth a lot, but very little money. 彼女は貧しい、しかし幸せだ。 She is poor, but happy. She's poor, but happy. 彼女は他の女の子達に人気があります。 She is popular with other girls. She's popular with other girls. それは彼の言ったことと一致しない。 That doesn't agree with what he said. It doesn't match what he said. しゃっくりがよく出ます。 I hiccup a lot. There's a lot of stuff going on here. 古いカーペットが新しいものより価値が高い。 Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets. Old carpets are more valuable than new ones. あなたの研究はきっと実を結ぶでしょう。 Your research will surely bear fruit. I'm sure your research will bear fruit. それでもやはり、その話題は話し合う価値がある。 Nevertheless, the topic is worth discussing. Still, the topic is worth talking about. 最近何か面白い本読まれましたか? Have you read any interesting books recently? Have you read anything interesting lately? 彼は1マイル泳げない。 He can't swim a mile. He can't swim a mile. 彼には父親の借金を支払う義務があった。 He was bound to pay his father's debt. He was obliged to pay his father's debt. 私は友達がレポートを提出してくれるのを当てにしている。 I'm relying on my friend to turn in the report for me. I rely on my friend to submit the report. きっと雨が降る。 It's bound to rain. It's gonna rain. 通り雨だからすぐ止むよ。 This is a tropical storm. It'll be over soon. It's raining by the street. I'll stop right there. 彼は厳しそうに見えるが実際はとても親切だ。 He looks stern, but actually he's very kind. He looks tough, but he's actually very kind. 彼は授業が楽しくありませんでした。 He did not enjoy his lessons. He didn't enjoy his classes. とにかくやめろよ。 Just stop it. Just don't do it. たいそうがっかりしたことには、彼女は試験に落ちた。 She failed the examination and I was greatly disappointed. To her great disappointment, she fell to the test. 彼女の名は世界中で知られています。 Her name is known all over the world. Her name is known all over the world. 風が治まった。 The wind has calmed down. The wind's healed. 何が起ころうが君を支援するよ。 I'll stand by you whatever happens. Whatever happens, I'll help you. 僕らはついてるよ。 We're in luck. We're lucky. 先生にはベルベル語で話しかけます。 He speaks Berber to his teachers. I speak to the teacher in Bellebele. 口座番号はこれなんだけど。 Here's my account number. Here's the account number. その部屋は空っぽだった。 I found the room empty. The room was empty. 彼ら自身も、その事を知らなかった。 They did not know it themselves. They didn't even know it. 「色々どうも有難う」「どういたしまして」 "Thank you for everything." "You're welcome." - Thank you for everything. - You're welcome. トムを見つけて。 Find Tom. Find Tom. 人間はいつ道具を使い始めたのか。 When did man start to use tools? When did humans start using tools? お座りください。 Sit down, please. Sit down. 彼はなんという天才なんだろう。 What a genius he is! What a genius he is. 私は明日日本に戻ってきます。 I'll come back to Japan tomorrow. I'll be back in Japan tomorrow. 町の灯りはとても明るくとてもちかくなっていて通りの灯かりは夜中輝いています。 Now the lights of the city were bright and very close, and the streetlights shone all night. The lights in town are very bright and very small, and the lights on the streets shine through the night. 彼女は遅れてくるかもしれません。其の場合は待ちます。 She may be late, in which case we will wait. She may be late. In that case she waits. 彼女の話を聞いて感動して泣いた。 I was moved to tears by her speech. I cried as she listened to her. 彼は若い時には体が弱かったと言われている。 He is said to have been weak when he was young. He is said to have been weak when he was young. 彼はどんなに、飲んでも全くくらしふうにみえる。 Regardless of how much he drank, he seems as sober as ever. No matter how much he drinks, he seems completely blind. 目が覚めてみると体はすっかり元気になっていた。 I awoke to find myself completely refreshed. When I woke up, I was totally fine. そこに行ってもよろしいですか。 Will you permit me to go there? May I go there? 彼は将来医者になりたいと思っている。 He wants to be a doctor in the future. He wants to be a doctor in the future. 昨日学校へ行けなかったには病気だったからです。 It was because I was ill that I couldn't go to school yesterday. Because I was sick that I couldn't go to school yesterday. 君は自分がまちがっていることを認めなければならない。 You must admit that you are in the wrong. You have to admit you're wrong. この手袋が彼女の手を暖かくしてくれた。 These gloves kept her hands warm. These gloves kept her hands warm. そのへいは緑色に塗られている。 The fence is painted green. It's painted green. 彼は早く起きない。 He does not get up early. He won't get up early. 我々はその山に登ったが、大変な苦労だった。 We climbed up the mountain, but with difficulty. We climbed that mountain, but it was hard. 自分ですればいいだろ。 Do your own work. You can do it yourself. 彼女が愛しているのは僕じゃない、君だ。 It's you that she loves, not me. It's not me she loves, it's you. 試合はたぶん中止されるだろう。 The game will probably be called off. The game will probably be canceled. 邪魔なのです。 It is in the way. It's an obstacle. 映画作りは人をわくわくさせる仕事だ。 Movie making is an exciting job. Making movies is exciting work. カールが優等生だったはずがない。 Carl cannot have been a model student. Carl couldn't have been an honor student. 医者が、さじを投げた患者を元気づけようとする時には、嘘をいうことも許される。 Lying is forgivable when it is done by a doctor trying to give heart to a terminally ill patient. It is also allowed for doctors to lie when they try to cheer up the patient who threw the spoon. 私もそんな気がする。 I think so, too. I think so too. 私は彼がなんと言おうと気にしていない。 I don't care what he says. I don't care what he says. 一子相伝の技と言うわりには、彼の蹴りは大した事はないね。 For a guy who was chosen by his father as the only son to be taught the secrets of this martial art, he doesn't have much of a kick. I don't think it's a big kick for him, instead of a first-guessing technique. そよ風が彼女の顔をなでた。 The breeze kissed her face. The breeze shook her face. 大雨のためにダムが決壊した。 The dam burst owing to the heavy rain. The dam broke up because of the heavy rain. 私たちが行ってみると、その少年はぐっすりと眠っていた。 We found the boy fast asleep. When we went, the boy was well asleep. 彼がそれをやらなかったという事実は否定できない。 The fact that he did not do it cannot be denied. I can't deny the fact that he didn't do it. 赤い屋根の家が見えました。 I saw a house with a red roof. I see the house on the red roof. ラジオによると、明日は雨になるそうです。 According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. According to the radio, it'll rain tomorrow. 1週間以内に必要な100万ドルのお金を手に入れようと、私はその場ですぐに決めた。 I made up my mind, then and there, that I would get the necessary million dollars within a week. I immediately decided to get the $1 million I needed within a week. あいつの言うことは聞かなくていいよ。 You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to him. 私の友人が、私たちを案内してくれる。 My friend will be our guide. My friend will show us the way. もし彼の住所を知っていれば、手紙を書くだろうに。 If I knew his address, I would write to him. If I knew his address, I'd write him a letter. ディック、ご飯ですよ。降りていらっしゃい。 Come down, Dick. It is time for dinner. What are you doing here? 彼は試しにその問題を解いてみた。 He tried solving the problem. He tried to solve the problem. 我々は彼が来るのを今か今かと待っていた。 We are expecting him any moment. We were waiting for him to come now or later. ビルは私より2歳年上である。 Bill is two years senior to me. Bill is two years older than me. 僕らは3キロ走った。 We ran three kilometers. We ran three kilometers. 彼女の忠告を心に留めておきなさい。 Take heed of her advice. Keep her advice in mind. このラケットは私のものです。 This racket belongs to me. This racquet belongs to me. 私は水泳よりスキーの方がはるかに好きだ。 I like skiing much better than swimming. I love skiing far more than swimming. メアリーは利口でもあり親切でもある。 Mary is both intelligent and kind. Mary is smart and kind. ビルは失意のうちに死んだ。 Bill died a disappointed man. Bill died in desperation. トムは泣いている子供をあやそうとした。 Tom tried to comfort the crying child. Tom tried to trick the crying child. 必ずその光景に感動するだろう。 You will never fail to be moved by the sight. You will be impressed by the scene. 犬は人間の最も親しい友達である。 Dogs are man's best friend. Dogs are man's closest friends. だから地球の周りには磁場があります。 So there is a magnetic field around earth. So there's a magnetic field around the Earth. 毎朝運転するのに結構うんざりしてきていたのよ。 I'm getting pretty tired of driving every morning. I'm pretty tired of driving every morning. 私はしばしば人生の意義について深く考えることがある。 I often meditate on the meaning of life. I often think deeply about the meaning of life. ローラは自分が着る着物には特にうるさい。 Laura is very particular about her clothes. Laura is particularly annoying about her clothes. 決して嘘をついてはいけません。 Never tell a lie. Never lie. お願い、急いで! Please hurry up! Please, hurry! 君はなんて運がいいんだろう。 How lucky you are! How lucky you are. 太陽が明るく輝いている。 The sun is shining brightly. The sun is bright. サーバで何が起こってるのですか。 Is something going on with your server? What's going on on the server? 道はそこから上り坂になっている。 The road rises from there. The road is up and down from there. 暴動が起こったとき、当直の監視員はたった1人だった。 There was only one warden on duty when the riot started. When the riots broke out, there was only one person on guard right now. 何をそんなに焦ってるの? What're you in such a hurry for? What are you so nervous about? 昨年は雪が多かった。 We had plenty of snow last year. There was a lot of snow last year. 彼女が昨夜来ていたら良かったのに。 I wish she had come last night. I wish she'd been here last night. アメリカでは、老人は他の多くの国で受けているほど、尊敬を得ていない。 In America elderly people are not given the same degree of respect they receive in many other countries. In the United States, the elderly are not more respected than they are in many other countries. 彼がどこへ行こうと私には同じ事だ。 It is all the same to me where he goes. It's the same thing to me wherever he goes. もし手に余るようなことがあれば、私に助けを求めなさい。 If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. If there's anything you can do, you need my help. 湖の氷は彼の重さを支えれなかった。 The ice on the lake couldn't bear his weight. The ice of the lake couldn't hold his weight. その時計は1日に5分進む。 The clock gains five minutes a day. That clock goes five minutes a day. 私は彼に電話をしたが、話中だった。 I called him, but the line was busy. I called him, but I was in the middle of something. 出発の準備はできあがっています。 I'm ready to depart. We're ready to go. 歌ってみようか? Should we sing? Do you want me to sing? 窓を開ける時は、カーテンは閉めないで下さい。 Please don't draw the curtains when the window is open. Do not close the curtain when you open the window. ステーキはどのように焼きましょうか。 How would you like your steak? How would you like to cook steak? ジェット機には500人の乗客がのっていた。 The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. There were 500 passengers on the jet. トムと私は高校が同じです。 Tom and I went to the same high school. Tom and I are in high school together. 起きなさい! Get up! Wake up! あなたの忠告がなかったならば、彼は駄目になっていたでしょう。 Had it not been for your advice he would have been ruined. If you hadn't given him your advice, he would have been ruined. お前には関係ない。 That's none of your business. It's none of your business. 俺はお前とは違うんだ。 I'm not like you! I'm not like you. いつアルメニアに行きますか。 When will you go to Armenia? When are you going to Armenia? これが私の母です。 This is my mother. This is my mother. 彼女はコーヒー店で彼に会う約束をした。 She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. She promised to meet him at the coffee shop. なぜ私たちのチームが負けたか説明できますか。 Can you account for why our team lost? Can you explain why our team lost? 彼は相変わらずなまけ者だ。 He is as lazy as ever. He's just as lazy as ever. トムは65歳で退職した。 Tom retired when he was 65. Tom retired when he was 65. この大きさを超える犬はいない。 There is no dog which is bigger than this one. There's no dog over this size. 私はあなたのファンです。 I am your fan. I'm your fan. きのう旧友の一人に出会った。 I saw an old friend of mine yesterday. I met one of my old friends yesterday. 大変お疲れのことと思います。 I appreciate that you are very fatigued. I'm sure you've done a great job. あなたと私の両方が犬の世話をしなければならない。 Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and I both have to take care of the dogs. 彼女はその本に何気なく目をやった。 She took a casual glance at the book. She got an eye on that book. 姉は風邪をひきやすい。 My sister is subject to colds. My sister's got a cold. 一昨日あなたの手紙を受け取りました。 I received your letter the day before yesterday. I received your letter yesterday. 子どもは喫煙してはならない。それは法律上許されない。 Children can't smoke; it's not legal. Children are not allowed to smoke; that is not lawful by law. 返事がなかったので、彼はもう一度彼女に手紙を書いた。 Not having received a reply, he wrote to her again. He didn't answer, so he wrote her a letter again. 謝ったんだから、さっきのはチャラにしてよ。 I've apologized, so get off my back. I said I'm sorry, so why don't you just do it? 私は大学で経済学を勉強しています。 I'm studying economics at university. I study economics in college. 私の愛について語りたい。 I want to speak about my love. I want to tell you about my love. それらの子供たちは世話をしてくれる人が誰もいない。 Those children have no one to care for them. They don't have anyone to look after. 段々暗くなっていきます。 It's getting darker little by little. It's getting darker and darker. 両足をしっかりと地面につけていなさい。 Keep both feet firmly on the ground. Put your feet firmly on the ground. その犬は走り始めた。 The dog began to run. That dog started running. 残念ながらお申し出をお断りします。 We regretfully reject your offer. I'm afraid I'm going to decline your offer. 彼は毎日ミルクをたくさん飲みます。 He drinks a lot of milk every day. He drinks a lot of milk every day. 歯が痛くて眠れなかった。 A toothache deprived me of sleep. My teeth hurt. I couldn't sleep. 私の言う通りにしなさい。 You will do exactly as I say. Do as I say. あなたは彼がどこに住んでいるか知っていますか。 Do you know where he lives? You know where he lives. 寒かったので、私たちは火を焚きました。 It was cold, so we lit a fire. It was cold, so we started a fire. 我々を生かそうとして彼は死んだ。 He died, so we might live. He died trying to keep us alive. ちょっとした稼ぎになるし、ホワイト氏も気づきはしないだろう。 I'll make a little money and Mr. White probably won't notice. It makes a bit of money, and Mr. White won't even notice it. 彼女はしけで船に酔った。 She became seasick in rough seas. She got drunk on a raft. それでは私は結構です。 That will do me well. Then I'm fine. その夜、彼らは非常に疲れ、空腹で、喉がかわいていました。 They were very tired, hungry, and thirsty that night. That night, they were very tired, hungry, and thirsty. 甲斐性のない夫に愛想を尽かして。 Because of disaffection with her good-for-nothing husband. I'm so attached to my unprincipled husband. 彼らは穴を掘っている。 They're digging a hole. They're digging holes. 息子のことを考えただけでも彼女の心は温まった。 The mere thought of her son warmed her heart. Just thinking about her son warms her heart. その絵は装飾の施された額に入れられた。 The drawing was mounted in a fancy frame. The painting was placed on the decorated forehead. 彼は君に彼の希望を伝えてくれと私に頼んだ。 He asked me to communicate his wishes to you. He asked me to tell you what he wanted. エメット理論の妥当性について再検討する必要があることを指摘しなければならない。 I should point out that it is necessary to re-examine the validity of Emmet's theory. We have to point out that we need to reconsider the validity of Emmett's theory. 警察の車が事故の起きた現場の近くに止まった。 The police cruiser pulled to a stop near the spot where the accident happened. Police car stopped near the scene of the accident. この靴は小さすぎて私にははけない。 These shoes are too small for me to put on. These shoes are too small for me. 私は家に帰ってからうたた寝した。 I took a doze after coming home. I went home and fell asleep. 彼の英語には、誤りがあるにしても極めて少ない。 There are few, if any, mistakes in his English. His English is very few, even if there are mistakes. 多くの国々で内戦が起きている。 Civil wars are occurring in many countries. Civil war is taking place in many countries. 彼女のふるまいに我慢できない。 I cannot put up with her behavior. I can't stand her behavior. 万物が静まり返っている。 All is still. Everything is quiet. 尊敬するよ、トム。 I respect you, Tom. I respect that, Tom. 私はアメリカを訪れた事があります。 I have visited America. I've been to America. 肉離れを起こしました。 I pulled a muscle. I had to get out of the meat. 30ドル借りてもいい? Can I borrow $30? Can I borrow 30 bucks? 彼は6時に帰宅するでしょうか。 Will he come home at six? He'll be home at 6:00. あの女優は相変わらず美しい。 That actress is as beautiful as ever. The actress is as beautiful as ever. 母親はそれを聞いてびっくりして、すぐさま同情してしまった。 The mother was shocked and was at once all sympathy. His mother was surprised to hear that and immediately felt sorry for him. 私の代わりにこれをしていただけませんか。 Could you do this instead of me? Would you like to do this for me? 私の父は流感にかかっている。 My father is suffering from influenza. My father is in the mood. 終電に乗ることが出来た。 I was able to catch the last train. I was able to get to the end of the line. 彼女はその詩を声に出して読んだ。 She read the poem aloud. She read the poem aloud. 良い新聞記者は、どんなニュース源からも、つまり、出所不明型のニュース源からも、学びとれるものはなんでも利用する。 A good newspaper reporter takes advantage of what he learns from any source, even the "little bird told him so" type of source. Good reporters use whatever they can learn from any news source or from an unknown source. 月曜日の朝までにすべて終わらせる必要がある。 We need to finish everything before Monday morning. Everything needs to be done by Monday morning. クミは箱を作りませんでした。 Kumi did not make boxes. Kumi didn't make the box. 君はもう先延ばしにはできない。 You can't put it off any longer. You can't put it off. 葉っぱがはらはらと散っている。 The leaves are fluttering down. The leaves are scattered. 彼女は目に涙を浮かべてその事故について語った。 She told about the accident with tears in her eyes. She spoke of the accident with tears in her eyes. この靴はいくらですか? How much are these shoes? How much for these shoes? スワローズが4対1で勝っている。 The Swallows are ahead 4 to 1! Strazzows are winning four against one. トムは家に帰らなければいけない。 Tom has to go home. Tom has to go home. まもなく彼女に会えるとうれしくてぞくぞくした。 I felt a thrill of joy at the thought of seeing her soon. I was so excited to see her soon. ギターを弾いている少年は健です。 The boy playing the guitar is Ken. The boy playing the guitar is healthy. 彼は我々のチームで最も価値のある選手です。 He is the most valuable player in our team. He's the most valuable player on our team. 彼女は何を心配しているのだろう。 I wonder what's on her mind. What's she worried about? 私は駅へ行った。 I went to the station. I went to the station. 英語は日本で勉強されています。 English is studied in Japan. English is being studied in Japan. 多分彼は悪い子ではないと思います。 I think that he's probably not a bad boy. Maybe he's not a bad boy. 外で運動しなさい。 Go exercise outside. You need to get out of here. 彼に代わりますので少々お待ち下さい。 Just a minute, please. I'll call him to the phone. You'll have to wait for him. 彼は怒って雷を落とした。 He snarled out his anger. He was angry and struck the lightning. 支払にカードはつかえますか。 Can I use a credit card for payment? I don't know if I can get a card to pay it. 退屈しちゃったよ。 I'm bored. I'm bored. 彼らは帰国命令を受けている。 They have orders to return home. They're being ordered home. そこで彼女に会おうとは夢にも思わなかった。 I never dreamed that I would meet her there. I never dreamed I'd see her there. その煙突はレンガの造りだ。 The chimney is made of brick. The chimney is made of bricks. 彼は安月給で大家族を養わなければならない。 He has to maintain a large family on a small salary. He has to support his large family with a cheap monthly wage. 今年はよく雨が降った。 We've had a lot of rain this year. It used to rain this year. こういうわけでハトやキョクアジサシのような鳥は地球の自分の道を見つけることができる。 This is why birds like the pigeon or the Arctic tern can find their way around the world. This is how birds such as pigeons and terns can find their way to the earth. ここで待っていていてください。 Please wait here. Wait here. 彼は本心を隠すのが上手くなった。 He has become expert in hiding his true feeling. He's been good at hiding his true feelings. 明日…明日という日が遠い遠い先のことのように感じられた。 Tomorrow ... tomorrow seemed such a long, long way off. I felt like tomorrow... tomorrow was a long way off. 島は幅が1マイル近くある。 The island is nearly a mile across. The island is nearly a mile wide. 規則は全て会社の方針と一致していなければならない。 All of the rules must be in line with company policy. All the rules have to agree with the company's policy. 彼は会に出席できないと電話を入れてきた。 He called in to say he could not attend the meeting. He called and said he couldn't attend. 私はノートにそれを書き留めた。 He wrote it down in his notebook. I wrote it down in a note. それは道徳に反する。 It is contrary to the morals. It's not moral. 他人を軽蔑してはいけない。 Don't look down on others. Do not despise others. 日本に来たのは初めてですか。 Is this your first time in Japan? Is this your first time in Japan? 4つのレジスタは、呼び出された関数側が保存する。 The contents of the four registers are preserved by the called subroutine. The four registers are saved by the side of the function that is called. 最近はあまり彼と会っていない。 I haven't seen much of him recently. I haven't seen him much lately. ラジオを消してください。 Turn off the radio, please. Turn off the radio. 前立腺肥大になりました。 I had an enlarged prostate. Now you've got prostate enlargement. 万一何か悪いことが起こったら、私に知らせてください。 If anything bad should come about, let me know. Let me know if something bad happens. 1発目のローキックはこの布石か!? The first low kick was the set-up for this!? Is this the first low kick? 彼はなぜそんな大金を求めたのか。 Why did he ask for so much money? Why would he want that kind of money? 私はそのような鳥は全く好きでない。 I have no liking for such birds. I don't like birds like that at all. こちらはスミスと申します。ジョンソンさんはおいででしょうか。 This is Mr Smith speaking. Is Mr Johnson in? This is Mr. Johnson, and this is Mr. Johnson. 私は彼のような人は信用できない。 I cannot trust a person like that. I don't trust people like him. 昨日叔父がたずねてきた。 My uncle dropped in on me yesterday. My uncle ran to me yesterday. キティちゃんの下敷きが欲しい。 I want a Hello Kitty pencil board. I want Kitty's hat. 私に会いに来てくれてありがとう。 It is very kind of you to come and see me. Thanks for coming to see me. 母は大丈夫だと言った。 My mother said that she was all right. She said she'd be fine. 不意に電気がすべて消えた。 All of a sudden, all the lights went out. Suddenly, all the electricity was gone. 溺れている人は、助けを求めたが無駄だった。 The drowning man called for help, but in vain. The drowning man asked for help, but it was useless. ジョンはすでに駅に来ている。 John has already come to the station. John's already at the station. 昨夜このあたりで火事があった。 A fire broke out in this neighborhood last night. There was a fire around here last night. その知らせを聞いてみんな喜んだ。 All were glad to hear the news. Everyone was happy to hear the news. 数学にかけては彼についていけない。 We cannot keep up with him in mathematics. I can't keep up with him by math. 妻は食品を買いに毎日村のマーケットに出かける。 My wife goes to the village market to buy foods every day. My wife goes to the village market every day to buy food. 私は何も見えません。 I can't see anything. I can't see anything. 君の電話番号がわかっていたら、私は電話をかけたのだが。 Had I known your telephone number, I would have called you. If I had your number, I'd have made a call. 韜晦するな! Face facts! Don't fuck with me! 我々は馬を飛ばしてその丘を駆け抜けた。 We galloped our horses over the hill. We flew through that hill. 悪い習慣は実に簡単に身につくものだ。 How easily one acquires bad habits! Bad habits are very easy to acquire. これは私の自動車です。 This is my car. This is my car. 目を開けていられません。 I can't keep my eyes open. I can't open my eyes. 彼女がなぜ怒ったのか彼には完全には理解できなかった。 He completely failed to understand why she got angry. He didn't fully understand why she was angry. 残念だがお前とスーザンは結婚できない。 I'm sorry, but you can't marry Susan. I'm afraid you and Susan can't get married. 彼はいつも何でも自分の思い通りにするといってきかない。 He always insists on having everything his own way. He doesn't always tell me to do anything my way. 彼らもやってくるのですか。 Are they coming as well? They're coming too. あの女の子は美人であるとうぬぼれている。 That girl is arrogant because of her beauty. She thinks she's beautiful and self-absorbed. 隣の村まで歩いて1時間かかった。 An hour's walk brought me to the next village. It took me an hour to walk to the next village. 押したらその戸はあいた。 The door gave to my pressure. I pushed it, and the door came up. 彼らは手をふって別れの挨拶を告げた。 They waved good-bye with their hands. They wiped their hands and said good-bye. 彼は小船から全てのものを捨てていた。 He threw everything out of the boat. He was throwing everything away from the small boat. やっぱり朝はこのくらいゆっくり出発したいものです。 In the morning, I just want to have a leisurely start. I'd like to leave this slowly in the morning. 彼女は学校をやめた。 She dropped out of school. She quit school. 警報機が鳴っているときは絶対に踏み切りを渡らないでください。 Don't go onto the crossing when the alarm is ringing. Never step past the alarm when it goes off. 僕は実験方法を学んでいたのではなかったし、実験を再現する方法を学んでいるのでさえなかった。 I was not being taught to experiment or even to repeat experiments. I wasn’t learning how to experiment, and I wasn’t even learning how to reproduce the experiment. 彼女は作家として生計を立てている。 She earns a living as a writer. She makes a living as a writer. 彼は特権を乱用したに違いない。 He must have abused the privilege. He must have abused his privilege. 私はわずかな持ち金をすべて彼に貸してやった。 I lent him what little money I had. I loaned him all I had. 彼はわざわざその本を送ってくれた。 He took the trouble to send me the book. He used to send me that book. 彼の話はうそであることがわかった。 His story turned out to be false. Turns out he's lying. フランス語は滑らかには話せません。 I don't speak French fluently. French is not smooth. いつでもわが家へお寄りください。 Drop in at my house any time you want. You can come to my house any time you like. ご一緒にお茶をいかがですか。 Won't you have tea with us? Would you like a cup of tea with me? 彼は丸太の上に上手く乗っていた。 He balanced himself on a log. He was on top of it well. とうとう土壇場に追い込まれた。 We have been completely cornered. Finally forced me to go to the last minute. そのとき彼の上司が入ってきて、彼をたしなめた。 Just then his boss came in and cut him down to size. Then his boss came in and beat him up. 少し待って下さい。 Please wait a bit. Wait a minute. この単語は、一般によく使われていない。 This word is not in common use. The word is not commonly used. 彼女は彼と結婚するのを嫌がっている。 She is reluctant to marry him. She hates marrying him. 気分はどうですか。 How are you feeling? How are you feeling? 私はちょうど今英語の宿題が終わったところです。 I have just now finished doing my English homework. I'm just finishing my English homework. 彼女の家は道路から少し離れている。 Her house is a little way off the road. Her house is a little away from the road. 疑惑の影を捜そうとする盲人。 There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt. Blind looking for a shadow of suspicion. 新聞はその演説から数箇所引用していた。 The newspaper extracted several passages from the speech. The newspaper quoted several references from the speech. 彼女はそのとき恐ろしい顔つきをしていた。 She looked terrible at that time. She had a terrible look at her at the time. それを航空便で送ってください。 Send it by airmail. Send it over by air. 猫は驚いて跳び上がった。 The cat jumped in surprise. The cat jumped in surprise. そんな馬鹿な。 That's crazy. That's ridiculous. 一緒に食べにいきませんか。 How about eating out with me? Why don't you come and eat with me? 目が覚めているときばかりか眠っているときにもそれが必要だ。 We need it when asleep as well as when awake. I need it when I wake up or when I sleep. 私はあなたにお会いしたい。 I want to see you. I want to see you. 帽子を帽子掛けに掛けなさい。 Hang your hat on the hook. Put your hat on. その事を僕に隠さないでください。 Don't keep me in the dark about it. Don't hide it from me. 彼女は玄関のごみをはいた。 She swept the dirt from the porch. She was in the trash at the front door. 耳を貸して下さい。 Lend me your ears! I need you to listen to me. 同社は40億ドルの売上で、3億ドルの利益をあげた。 The company earned $300 million on sales of $4,000 million. The company made $3 billion for $4 billion in sales. トムはトラブルに巻き込まれたんだよね? Tom got in trouble, didn't he? Tom's in trouble, isn't he? お前には関係ないだろ。 That doesn't concern you. It's none of your business. 着替えてきます。 I'm going to change and I'll be back. I'm going to go change. スープが温まるまで待ちなさい。 Wait till the soup warms. Wait till the soup is warm. 何て速いんだろう。 So quick! I don't know how fast it is. 学校はいつ終わりますか。 When is school over? When will the school end? それは高過ぎる。 That is too expensive. It's too expensive. 彼女がそんな事を言ったはずがない。 She can't have said such a thing. She wouldn't have said that. 彼が成功しようとは夢にも思わなかった。 Never did I dream that he would succeed. I never dreamed he'd succeed. 第一に、それは正義の問題である。 Firstly, it is a matter of justice. First of all, it's a matter of justice. テニスの事になると、彼女は誰にも負けない。 When it comes to tennis, she is second to none. When it comes to tennis, no one loses. どんな本を読んでるの? What kind of book are you reading? What book are you reading? 私はそれを立証する。 I can testify to that. I'll prove it. 青年時代に親友をつくり、よい本を読みなさい。 Make good friends and read good books in youth. Make a good friend in your youth and read a good book. 彼にはいくら感謝してもしきれない気持ちだ。 I cannot thank him enough. I can't thank him enough. 私はピアノを弾きます。 I play the piano. I play the piano. この本を預けておきたいのですけど。 I'd like to leave this book with you. I'd like to leave this book with you. 私が駅で彼女に会ったのはまったくの偶然でした。 My meeting her at the station was a pure accident. It was a total coincidence that I met her at the station. 私はしがないサラリーマンです。 I'm just a plain office worker. I'm a shellless Salaryman. 冷蔵庫の中には何も残っていなかった。 There was nothing left in the refrigerator. There was nothing in the fridge. トムはほっとしたようだった。 Tom looked relieved. Tom seemed relieved. 出かける時間だ。 It's time for us to leave. Time to go. 年上の者がいつも年下の者より物知りだとは限らない。 The older ones do not always know more than the younger ones. Not all older people know better than the younger ones. 私は彼らの言ったことを信じる。 I believe in what they said. I believe what they say. 彼を好きというより、ただあこがれているだけなの。 It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive. I don't like him, I'm just looking for him. お腹がよじれるほど笑ったよ。 I doubled over with laughter. I laughed so much that I couldn't eat. まさかの時のために備えなければならない。 You must provide for a rainy day. We have to prepare for what we didn't expect. 公園にはたくさんの子供がいます。 There are a lot of children in the park. There's a lot of kids in the park. 彼はいくらかの情報を集めた。 He collected bits of information. He collected some information. 大統領は国民に貧窮や病気との戦いで団結するように呼びかけた。 The president called on the people to unite in fighting poverty and disease. The president has called on the people to unite in their fight against poverty and disease. 彼はその有名な女優を知っていると言ったが、それは嘘だった。 He said he knew the famous actress, which was a lie. He said he knew the famous actress, but it was a lie. この帽子は小さすぎるよ。別のを見せてくれないか。 This hat is too small. Please show me another one. This hat is too small. Let me see something else. はい、でも難しそうだな。 Yes, but it'll be difficult. Yes, but it's going to be hard. 彼がその事業に成功する可能性はほとんどないと思う。 I think there is little probability of his succeeding in the enterprise. I don't think he's very likely to succeed in the project. その写真は至る所に貼ってある。 The pictures are pasted on all sides. The photos are everywhere. 隣の家に泥棒が入ったのを耳にしましたか。 Have you heard that a burglar broke into my neighbor's house? Did you hear a thief come into the neighbor's house? 占星学は科学的な根拠もないのに、とても人気があって、占星学は信じている人が多いようです。 Although astrology has no scientific basis, it's very popular and it seems that many people believe in it. It seems that astrology is so popular, with no scientific basis, that many believe in astrology. 彼は全く不可能だと言った。 He said it was out of the question. He said it was absolutely impossible. 故障しているようです。 It seems out of order. Looks like it's malfunctioning. 私って太ってると思う? Do you think I'm fat? Do you think I'm fat? もう一度あの人たちに会いたいの。 I want to see them again. I want to see them again. 彼の家に不幸があった。 There's been a death in his family. There was misfortune at his house. 赤ん坊の世話を焼けるのが嬉しい。 I'm very happy that I can take care of the baby. I'm happy to take care of the baby. 彼は少しも仕事をしなかった。 He didn't do any work. He didn't do any work. 午後なら少し暇があります。 I have some free time in the afternoon. I'll have some time in the afternoon. トラックは急に左へ曲がった。 The truck made a sharp turn to the left. The truck suddenly turned left. あなたの船荷は、24時間以内に運ばれるでしょう。 Your shipment should be delivered within twenty four hours. Your cargo will be delivered within 24 hours. 気温が下がると関節が痛むんだ。 My joints ache when it gets cold. When the temperature drops, my joints hurt. 積み重ねた退屈な仕事がおかげさまで済んできた。 Thanks to you, the backlog of tedious work has been completed. It was done with a pile of boring work. 彼は港町に住んでいる。 He lives in a port town. He lives in port town. トムは詩人だ。 Tom is a poet. Tom is a poet. あなたはトムと彼のふたごの兄弟とを区別できますか。 Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? You can distinguish between Tom and his mother's brother. 彼は当てにしてもいいと思う。 I believe that he's trustworthy. I think he can count on. 多くの小説が彼によって書かれた。 Many novels have been written by him. Many novels were written by him. 天気がよければ1時間後に出発する予定だ。 Weather permitting, we will leave in an hour. If the weather's right, we're leaving in an hour. ときどき死は眠りにたとえられる。 People sometimes compare death to sleep. Sometimes death is compared to sleep. 留学生も入れるのかしら。 I wonder if exchange students can join this club. I don't know if I'll let you in for a while. 彼らは電話した。 They called. They called. 彼女が子供に関心があることを考慮すると、きっと教職が彼女にはふさわしい。 Given her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. Considering that she is interested in children, the teaching profession is probably appropriate for her. 何年も女遊びをした後、トムは遂にメアリーと結婚して身を落ち着けた。 After years of womanising, Tom finally settled down with Mary. After years of play, Tom finally married Mary and settled down. 彼は深く感動して、感謝の言葉を述べようとした。 Being deeply thankful, he tried to express his thanks. He was deeply moved and tried to express his gratitude. 国会の動きはこの問題をめぐる与野党間の政治的綱引きとなった。 Parliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue. The movement of the parliament has become a political tie between the ruling parties over the issue. 私はその映画を見ていないし、また見たいとも思わない。 I haven't seen the movie, nor do I want to. I don't see the movie, and I don’t want to see it again. その道は狭すぎて車は通れない。 The road is too narrow for cars. The road is too narrow for a car. 恋の苦悩は他のあらゆる喜びよりも遥かに甘美である。 Pains of love be sweeter far / Than all other pleasures are. The pain of love is far more sweet than any other joy. 国民に関する固定観念がどれほど有害かを理解するには、少数の外国人と親しくなるだけで十分だ。 You only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how harmful national stereotypes are. It is enough to get close to a few foreigners to understand how harmful stereotypes about citizens are. たくさんの白い白鳥がいた池が以前はここにあった。 There used to be a pond here where you could see many swans. There were a lot of white swans here before. すべては終わった。 Everything is over. Everything's over. 彼の部屋は小奇麗とはとうてい言えない。 His room is anything but neat. His room can't be pretty. 体力を維持するにはちゃんと食べなければいけません。 You must eat properly to keep up your strength. You have to eat well to stay strong. 周りに立っていた人々は勇敢な小犬を面白がって笑っていました。 The people standing around were amused and laughed at the brave little dog. The people standing around were laughing and laughing at their brave little dogs. 美は見る人の目の中にある。 Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. Beauty is in the eye of the viewer. トムさんは代表的な息子です。 Tom is the perfect son. Mr. Tom is a representative son. この写真の男性を見たことがありますか。 Have you ever seen the man in this photo? Have you seen the man in this picture? 女の子は動物園へ連れて行ってくれとせがんだ。 The girl insisted on being taken to the zoo. The girl wants me to take her to the zoo. 私はスミスさんに会いたいといった。 I asked for Mr Smith. I said I wanted to see Mr. Smith. お巡りがやってきたぞ。 Here comes a copper! There's a cop here. 彼は妻子を田舎に残して、職を求めてぶらぶらしていた。 With his wife and children in the country, he was at loose ends for something to do. He left his wife and children in the country, hanging out for a job. 私は他のどの少年よりも彼が好きだ。 I love him more than any of the other boys. I like him more than any other boy. さあお茶を一杯いかがですか。 Would you like a cup of tea now? Would you like a cup of tea? そこまで車で行くのに5時間かかりました。 It took me five hours to drive there. It took me five hours to get there. あなたはそのテストに合格できましたか。 Were you able to pass the test? Did you pass that test? 遅れて申し訳ありません。 Please excuse my being late. Sorry I'm late. 僕はこの問題と関係ない。 This doesn't concern me. I have nothing to do with this. まことは本当の愛はエアーズロックの上にあることに気付いた。彼女が大阪出身だ。 Makoto found his true love on top of Ayers Rock. She's from Osaka. I realized that real love is on Ayers Rock, she is from Osaka. 金をそれほど持っていないという理由で他人を軽べつする人もいる。 Some people look down on others because they have less money. Some people despise others because they don't have that much money. 政府の今度の経済計画はとても十分とはいえない。 The government's new economic plan leaves much to be desired. This time the government's economic plans are not enough. 彼は足を踏んだことを私にわびた。 He apologized to me for stepping on my foot. He felt sorry for me that I had stepped on his feet. 寒い天気に息を吐くと、息が見える。 When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath. When you breathe in the cold weather, you can see your breath. 大きくなったら何になりたいですか。 What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to be when you grow up? 少年がその川を泳いで渡ることは不可能だった。 It was impossible for the boy to swim across that river. It was impossible for the boy to swim across that river. この箱の蓋はどうしても開かない。 The lid of this box won't lift. The lid of this box can't open. その家族は、一人一人がマイカーを持っている。 Everybody in that family has a car of their own. The family has each one of them. すいません、郵便局はどこでしょうか。 Excuse me, which way is the post office? I'm sorry, where's the post office? 彼女は老婆のように頭を下げて歩いた。 She walked with her head down like an old woman. She walked down her head like an old woman. 彼は、アメリカ史を勉強します。 He studies American history. He studies American history. 医者は私にダイエットをするように指示した。 The doctor instructed me to go on a diet. The doctor told me to diet. この川は数百マイルも続いている。 This river extends for hundreds of miles. The river continues for hundreds of miles. ひろこはたばこの煙が嫌いだが、友達と飲みに喜んで出かける。 Although Hiroko dislikes cigarette smoke, she readily goes out drinking with friends. I don't like tobacco smoke, but I'm happy to go out to drink with my friends. 彼の心の寛大さにとても感心した。 I had great admiration for his generosity. I was very impressed by his generosity. 遅れて着きそうだ。 It looks like I'm going to arrive late. I'm gonna be late. ノリもさる事ながら、会場と一体化したような快感が忘れられない。 I got really into it, and I just can't forget the exhilaration of becoming one with the audience. I can't help but think of the joy that is shared with the audience. オルリー空港の日曜日、親たちが飛行機の飛び立つのを見せに子どもたちを連れてくる。 Orly, Sunday. Parents take their children there to watch the departing planes. On Sunday, Orry airport, the parents bring the children to watch the plane take off. 彼女は入ってからきっちりドアを閉めた。 She closed the door tightly behind her. She shut the door tightly since she came in. 暴力団はその金持ちから莫大な金をゆすり取った。 The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man. The gangsters stole a lot of money from that rich man. 鉛筆を削りなさい。 Sharpen your pencil. Cut your pencil. その町にはとても古いお寺がある。 There is a very old temple in the town. There's an old temple in that town. それは重要なことだと考えられる。 It's considered to be an important matter. I think that's important. あなたがどうしてそこへ行きたくないのかが分かります。 I see why you don't want to go there. I can see why you don't want to go there. 彼女は自分の話をするのが好きだった。 She was fond of talking about herself. She liked to talk about herself. トムは日本語がぺらぺらだ。 Tom speaks Japanese fluently. Tom is Japanese. 彼女は驚いて、彼をじっと見つめた。 She stared at him in astonishment. She looked at him in amazement. 先週、おばあさんは81歳になった。 Last week my grandmother turned 81 years old. Last week, my grandmother turned 81. 明日、時間があるかなって思ってたんだけど・・・。 I was wondering if you were free tomorrow. I was wondering if there was any time tomorrow. 私は彼女を知りません。 She is a stranger to me. I don't know her. 僕よりトムの方がメアリーのことが大好きだ。 Tom loves Mary more than I do. Tom loves Mary more than I do. あの映画を君は見るべきだったね。 You should have seen the film. You should have seen that movie. 天気の良い日曜には彼はよく釣りに行ったものだった。 He would often go fishing on a fine Sunday. On a sunny Sunday, he used to go fishing. 彼女の服とくつはよく似合っていた。 Her dress and shoes were a good match. She was dressed well. ビールを三本飲んだ。 He drank three bottles of beer. I had three beers. 彼女にまた会うなんて彼は馬鹿だ。 He is foolish to meet her again. He's a fool to see her again. 我々は嵐のため会合を延期しなければならない。 We had to put off the meeting because of the storm. We have to postpone the meeting for the storm. ゴリラの母親が自分の赤ん坊を抱くように、彼女はその子猫を抱きました。 She held the kitten like a mother gorilla would hold her own baby. She held the kitten so that the gorilla's mother could hold her baby. 一日に何回犬に餌をやればいいのですか? How many times a day should I feed my dog? How many times do I feed my dog a day? お願いを聞き入れていただけますか。 Will you do me a favor? Would you do me a favor? 「警察だ。ちょっと署まで来てもらおうか」「な、なんで?」「こんな街中でドンパチやって罪にならないわけないだろうが!!」 "This is the police. Would you mind coming down to the station?" "W-why?" "You can't think it's not a crime to go shooting guns off in the middle of town?!" "The police, I need you to come to the station for a second." "Why? 彼は午前中はかならずしも忙しくない。 He is not always busy in the morning. He's not busy in the morning either. 彼女はバレーを習うためにパリへ行った。 She went to Paris for the purpose of learning ballet. She went to Paris to learn ballet. 彼はびんを逆さまにして振ったが、はちみつはそれでも出てこなかった。 He turned the bottle upside down and shook it, but still the honey wouldn't come out. He waved it upside down, but he still didn’t come out. 主人はパーティーで私達をもてなしてくれた。 The host entertained us at the party. My husband had us at the party. 彼から何の便りもないまま何ヵ月も過ぎた。 Months went past without any news from him. Months passed without a word from him. 彼は相変わらず貧乏だ。 He is as poor as ever. He's still poor. 我々は彼におおいに期待している。 We expect much of him. We're so much looking forward to him. 我々の船は魚の群れを追った。 Our boat followed a school of fish. Our ship chased a herd of fish. アンはその仕事に専心した。 Ann bent her mind to the work. Ann dedicated herself to the job. それをすることは危険なことであったろう。 It wouldn't have been safe to do that. It would have been dangerous. 私たちは決心しなければならない、しかもすぐにだ。 We must make up our minds, and soon! We have to make up our minds, and soon. 警察は少女達に車が自分のものかどうかたずねた。 The policeman said to the girls, "Is this car yours?" The police asked the girls if the car belonged to them. 彼はあたかも金持ちのような口の利き方をする。 He talks as if he were rich. He speaks like a rich man. この公園はあれよりも美しい。 This park is more beautiful than that. This park is more beautiful than that. 私の言ったことは彼の自尊心を傷つけた。 What I said hurt his pride. What I said hurt his self-respect. どうかたばこはご遠慮ください。 Kindly refrain from smoking. Please don't smoke. 電車に傘を忘れていくとは、うっかりだったね。 You were careless to leave your umbrella on the train. I didn't know you were going to leave an umbrella on the train. これは君へのプレゼントだ。 This is a present for you. This is for you. 天気予報によると、台風は沿岸に接近しそうだ。 According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is likely to approach the coast. According to weather forecasts, typhoons are approaching coastal waters. 彼の母親は可哀相だ。あいつときたら母親泣かせもいいところだ。 I feel sorry for his mom; he really puts her through the wringer. I don't know what you're talking about. 血液のしみはたいてい落ちない。 Blood stains don't usually disappear. Blood usually doesn't drop. いつここを発ちますか。 When do you leave here? When do you leave? いくらで買うか。 What price will you give for this? How much do you want? 彼女は多額の金を失うかもしれないと承知の上で一か八かやってみた。 She took the risk, knowing that she might lose a lot of money. She knew she might lose a lot of money. 私についてきて。 Follow me. Follow me. あなたは転地療養が必要だ。 You need a change of air. You need recuperation. 目標を持っているという点で、彼女は他の人とは違う。 She differs from the others in that she has a goal. She's not like others in that she has goals. なにも田中さんの力がオンリーだというのはない。 This is not to say that Mr. Tanaka did it all on his own. There is no such thing as Ms. Tanaka's power is on-line. 皆は彼の言うことに注意を払うようだ。 Everybody seems to pay attention to what he says. Everyone seems to be paying attention to what he says. 先週ウッドさんに手紙を書いて、農場で仕事をさせてくれるように頼んでおいたよ。 I wrote to Mr Wood last week and asked him to give you a job on the farm. I wrote to Mr. Wood last week asking him to work on the farm. 彼は家から出かけるところをみられました。 He was seen going out of the house. He was seen going out of the house. 彼は自分が間違っていると認めた。 He admitted that he was wrong. He admitted he was wrong. アイスかかき氷が食べたい。 I want to eat either ice cream or shaved ice. I want ice cream. ジムは目覚めると、自分が部屋に1人なのに気がついた。 Jim awoke and found himself alone in the room. Jim woke up and realized that he was alone in the room. 答えの分かった人は手を挙げなさい。 Raise your hand if you know the answer. If you know the answer, raise your hand. そのとき赤ん坊は泣いていたのですか。 Was the baby crying then? Was the baby crying then? とてもハンサムな王子が世にも美しい王女に出会った。 A very handsome prince met an exceptionally beautiful princess. A very handsome prince has ever met a beautiful princess. 彼らは私達の勝利を祈ってくれた。 They congratulated us on our victory. They prayed for our victory. 私は多くの人のいる前で恥をかかされた。 I was put to shame in the presence of many people. I was humiliated in the presence of so many people. 心配するな。 Don't worry about it! Don't worry. 彼は何も悪いことはしていない。 He did nothing wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. ごたごたが君をごたごたさせるまでごたごたをごたごたさせるな。 Never trouble till trouble troubles you. Don't make me feel sorry for you until you're upset. どこへ行こうと自分の家庭ほどよいところはない。 Wherever you may go, you will not find a better place than your home. There is no better place for me to go than my own home. どこから来ましたか? Where have you come from? Where did you come from? 薬にアレルギーがあります。 I'm allergic to some medicine. I'm allergic to the drugs. この先の丸くなった鉛筆では書けない。 I can't write with this dull pencil. I can't write with a round pencil. 私は始終あなたのことを考えています。 You are in my thoughts at all times. I'm thinking of you all the time. かれらは埋蔵された宝物を求めて砂漠を探検した。 They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure. They explored the desert in search of treasures stored in it. 勤勉と品行方正とが彼にその奨学金を受けさせた。 His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship. Hard work and good manners made him accept the scholarship. 残念ですがそんなことをする暇がありません。 I'm afraid I am not at liberty to do that. I'm sorry, I don't have time to do that. その英語の歌を歌いましょう。 Let's sing the English song. Let's sing that English song. 私たちは夢中で喜んでいた。 We were beside ourselves with joy. We were so excited. 法を破れば罰せられるだろう。 You'll be punished if you break the law. If you break the law, you'll be punished. 映画はいつ始まるの? When does the movie start? When does the movie start? あなたはかなり多くの誤りを犯した。 You've made a good many mistakes. You've made quite a lot of mistakes. 何気なく言った言葉も誰かを傷つけることがある。 A casual remark can hurt someone. Words that are casual can hurt someone. ある日マイクとジェインは町へ買物をしに行きました。 One day Mike and Jane went downtown to do some shopping. One day, Mike and Jane went to town to buy something. その老人は門のところにじっと立っていた。 The old man stood still at the gate. The old man stood still at the gate. 彼女は自分のベッドにシーツを引いた。 She put sheets on her bed. She pulled a sheet into her bed. 彼は私に腹を立てている。 He is angry with me. He's angry with me. パトカーを見て彼は逃げた。 He ran away at the sight of a police patrol. When he saw the police car, he ran away. 私は彼に部屋を離れるように言った。 I told him to leave the room. I told him to leave the room. 腹がたった十数えよ、もっと腹がたったら百数えよ。 When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred. I'm only 10 hungry. If I get more hungry, I'll count a hundred. 好きな仕事をしているので、毎日とても楽しいです。 I like what I'm doing for work so every day is really fun. I love my work. I enjoy it so much every day. 彼は家族の者が不自由なく暮らせるように一生懸命働いた。 He worked hard in order that his family might live in comfort. He worked hard to keep his family alive. 自由の女神はニューヨークにある。 The Statue of Liberty is located in New York. The Lady of Liberty is in New York. 天気は今夜から悪くなるという予報だ。 The forecast says it will begin to rain tonight. The weather is getting worse tonight. 彼は作家として賞賛されている。 He is admired as a writer. He is praised as a writer. 帰る時には間違いなく火の始末をしてください。 Please don't forget to put out the fire before you go home. Make sure you clean up the fire when you get home. 彼は良い行いを積極的にしている。 He's active performing good deeds. He's active in good work. とにかく来てくださればうれしい。 At any rate, I hope you can come. I'm glad you're here anyway. 日本に来てから十年になります。 It's been ten years since he came to Japan. I've been in Japan for 10 years. ラグビーは雨が降っても中止にならないスポーツだ。 Rugby is a sport which is never called off by rain. Rugby is a sport that cannot be stopped when it rains. 私は鳥のさえずりに耳を傾けた。 I listened to the music of birds. I listened to the song of the birds. 彼女はパーティーを開くことを提案した。 She proposed giving a party. She suggested having a party. 私の父は昔、肉と魚を売る店を持っていた。 My father used to own a store dealing in meat and fish. My father used to have a business selling meat and fish. 君がそのようなことを考える正当な理由はない。 You have no good reason for thinking as you do. There's no valid reason for you to think that way. 15分までにユニオン駅にいてもらえるかしら。 Do you think you can get me to Union Station by a quarter after? Will you be at Union Station by 15 minutes? 居合わせた人々は皆感動の余りないた。 Those present were all moved to tears. Not everyone who was present was deeply moved. しかしながら、前置詞+関係代名詞whichの部分が関係副詞whereとなっています。 However, the preposition+relative pronoun (which) part becomes a relative adverb (where). However, the preposition + related noun "which" part is there. 私は彼が約束を守ってくれると信じていました。 I believed that he would keep his promise. I believed he would keep his word. 広子は魅力的な顔立ちをしている。 Hiroko has charming features. He's got an attractive face. フランス語にも同じような表現はありますか? Does French have a similar expression? Is there a similar expression in French? その家は売りに出ている。 That house is for sale. The house is on sale. ベルギーの首都を知っていますか。 Do you know the capital of Belgium? Do you know the capital of Belgium? 私たちは トッムさんと 歌いたいです。 We want Tom to sing with us. We want to sing with Mr. Tomm. 喜んで彼の助けになります。 I'm willing to help him. I'm willing to help him. 早起きしたほうが良い。 It is better to wake up early. You better get up early. 私はポストを探してあたりを見回した。 I looked around for a mailbox. I looked around looking for the post. 教育の改革はまだまだこれからだ。 Educational reforms still have a long way to go. Reform of education is still on the way. 彼女の顔はかなり赤くなった。 Her face went very pink. Her face turned pretty red. 奇妙に思えるが、それでもやはりそれは事実だ。 It sounds strange, but it is true none the less. Strange as it sounds, it still is. 彼女は根っからのコーヒー党です。 She's die-hard coffee drinker. She's a root coffee party. これらの2つの分子が異なったスピードで動いていることを示すだけでは不十分である。 It is not enough to show that these two particles are moving at different speed. It's not enough to show that these two molecules are moving at different speeds. あなたは当分の間私のところにいても良い。 You may stay with me for the time being. You can stay with me for a while. 私たちには処理しなければならない問題がたくさんある。 We have a lot of problems to deal with. We have a lot of problems to deal with. あなたは演説をしなければいけないの? Do you have to make a speech? Do you have to give a speech? 鉄板焼きを食べたことがありますか? Have you ever eaten teppanyaki? Have you ever eaten a piece of iron? お名前を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか? May I ask your name? May I ask your name? 彼は長い期間ここに滞在するだろう。 He will stay here for a long period. He'll stay here for a long time. いつでもその仕事はやめられる。 You can always quit the job. You can quit that job whenever you want. 王女は彼を見て笑わずにいられなかった。 The princess couldn't help laughing at him. The princess couldn't help laughing at him. 彼女はトイレにいます。 She is in the bathroom. She's in the bathroom. 逃げるな。 Don't run away. Don't run away. ベルが鳴るとすぐに先生が入ってきた。 As soon as the bell rang the teacher came into the classroom. As soon as the bell rang, the teacher came in. その王様はかつてあの宮殿に住んでいた。 The king once lived in that palace. The king once lived in that palace. 彼はただじっとして緊張したままそこに横になっていた。 He was lying there very still and tense. He just lay there, nervous. 批評家たちはその劇をあまり高く評価しなかった。 Critics thought little of the play. Critics did not value the play very highly. それはトムの懐中電灯です。 It's Tom's flashlight. It's Tom's flashlight. 彼女は英語を話すのが得意である。 She is good at speaking English. She is good at speaking English. 彼を殴ったことであなたを責めはしない。 I don't blame you for hitting him. I'm not blaming you for hitting him. 彼女はとても痩せたがっている。 She wants to become thin very much. She wants to be very thin. 激しく雨が降っている。 It's raining hard. It's raining. さようなら。 So long. Bye. この山には狐が住んでいるということが最近わかった。 We found out recently that some foxes live here on this mountain. I recently learned that the mountain is inhabited by foxes. あいにく私はあなたの申込書を今持ち合わせていない。 I don't happen to have your application on hand at the moment. Unfortunately, I don't have your application right now. どのチームのファンですか。 Which team are you a fan of? You're a fan of which team? 肘掛けいすに腰掛けてしばらく落ち着いてください。 Take a seat in the armchair and calm down a while. (English captions by Andrea Matsumoto from the University of Michigan) 昨晩大統領がテレビで話をするのを聞いた。 Yesterday evening we heard the President talk on television. I heard the president talking on TV last night. 彼の名前を思いだせない。 I can't remember his name. I can't remember his name. 彼の理論は入念な調査に基づいている。 His theory is based on careful research. His theory is based on careful research. どこに座ったらいいですか。 Where should I sit? I don't know where to sit. 庭の花を摘みましょう。 Let's pick flowers from the garden. Let's pick some flowers from the garden. 何のために彼女はそんなに悲しいのですか。 What made her so sad? For what is she so sad? 人は年を取るにつれて忘れっぽくなる。 The older we grow, the more forgetful we become. As we get older, we tend to forget. 急いでいるんですけど。 We've really got to step on it. I'm in a hurry. 猫が日なたで寝ている。 A cat is lying in the sun. Cats are sleeping in the sun. 彼は年を取ってきたが相変わらず健康だ。 He is getting old, but he is as healthy as ever. He's getting old, but he's still healthy. どう理解しますか。 What do you make of it? How do you understand that? おすすめの靴屋を教えてくれませんか。 Can you recommend your favorite shoe store? Why don't you tell me your shoe shop? 君はいつもテレビばかり見ているね。 You are watching TV all the time. You're always watching TV. 本当にあのハンバーガーにはネズミの肉は入っていない? Are you sure there isn't rat meat in that burger? Are you sure there's no rat meat in that hamburger? ここ座ってもいい? May I sit here? Can I sit here? 私に水を1杯下さい。 Please give me a glass of water. Give me a glass of water. 体重計に乗りなさい。 Stand on the scales. Get on the scale. 君はそれを知ってたんですか? Did you know that? Did you know that? 今日の午後には起きて歩けることでしょう。 She'll be up and around this afternoon. I'm sure you can get up and walk this afternoon. その光景を見て彼の勇気はぐらつき始めた。 His courage began to shake when he saw the sight. His courage began to waver when he saw the scene. 彼はこの仕事に慣れた。 He got used to the work. He's used to this job. ケーキをもう一つ召し上がりませんか。 Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Would you like another cake? あなたの病気について知らなかったので、病院へ見舞いにいけなかった。 If I had known about your illness, I could have visited you in the hospital. I couldn't go to the hospital because I didn't know about your illness. あなたはその新しい法律に賛成ですか。 Are you in favor of the new law? Are you in favor of that new law? 池の周囲は木で囲まれていた。 The pond was encircled with trees. The pond was surrounded by trees. 私は同意したということをうなずいて知らせた。 I nodded to show that I agreed. I let him know that I agreed. 私はあなたが実業家として成功することを心から願っています。 I am longing for you to succeed as a businessman. I sincerely hope you succeed as a businessman. 好きでした事ですから。 The pleasure is mine. Because I liked it. 詐欺師はことば巧みにやすやすと、女性を信頼させることができる。 A confidence man can talk his way into a girl's trust with ease. Swindlers can use their language to make women trust them. またこんなところに服を脱ぎっぱなしにしてる!ちゃんと片付けなさい! You left your clothes there on the floor again! Put them away properly! Get rid of it! 彼女には欠点もある。 She has faults, too. She has faults. 私は顔に冷たい風が当たるのを感じた。 I felt a cold wind on my face. I could feel the cold wind on my face. 美容と健康のためには、早寝早起きが一番です。 Going to bed early and waking up early is very good both for your health and appearance. For beauty and good health, early sleep is the best way to get up early. 君はタバコをやめなければならない。 You must give up smoking. You have to stop smoking. アキラは上手にテニスができます。 Akira can play tennis well. Akira can do tennis well. 彼はとてもけちだ。 He's very stingy. He's so fucked up. この事実から、私たちは彼が無実だとわかる。 This fact shows us that he is innocent. From this fact, we know he's innocent. 彼は結構しぶといね。転んでもただでは起きぬ、いい根性しているよ。 He's a tenacious guy who always manages to come out on top. He's the kind of guy who can turn any situation to his advantage. He's a good guy, but it doesn't just happen. だれでも苦労の無い生活を望んでいる。 Every one wants to live free from care. Everyone wants a life without hard work. 私どもが当地に引っ越してから5年になる。 It is five years since we moved here. It has been five years since we moved here. 近所の人たちは彼をばかにした。 The neighbors made a fool of him. The neighbors made fun of him. 市民は誰でもその権利を奪われてはならない。 No citizen should be deprived of his rights. No citizen should be deprived of that right. パリは自由を守るために最善をつくした。 Paris did her best to defend her liberties. Paris did its best to protect freedom. 今朝から停電している。 The power has been off since this morning. The power's been out since this morning. ペンをとる前に考えをまとめなければならない。 I must put my ideas together before I take up a pen. You have to put your thoughts together before you get a pen. 私たちは独特で成熟したひとりひとりの人間になるべきだ。 We should become unique, mature individuals. We should be unique and mature individuals. 台湾にいたとき私は彼と友達になった。 While I was in Taiwan, I made friends with him. When I was in Taiwan, I made friends with him. トムは2人の高校生にあざだらけになるまで殴られた。 Two high school boys beat Tom black and blue. Tom was beaten up by two high school students until they were bruised. トムがボストンに到着してから、まだ三週間は経っていません。 Tom arrived in Boston less than three weeks ago. It's been three weeks since Tom arrived in Boston. その数学の問題を解ける人は少ないようにおもえる。 There seem to be few people who can solve that math problem. And that's what we're going to do in the next video. 全部なくなってしまっていた。 All of them were gone. Everything was gone. 彼女は微笑みを浮かべてその処罰を受け入れた。 She took the punishment with a smile. She smiled and accepted the punishment. 多分彼はこの仕事が好きだろう。 It may be that he likes his job. Maybe he likes this job. 私は今まで3年間英語を勉強している。 I have been studying English for three years. I've been studying English for the past three years. 三日以内にお返事いたします。 I will answer within three days. I'll be with you in three days. 詳しくは説明している時間はない。 There isn't time to explain in detail. We don't have time for details. 一杯どう? How about a drink? Would you like a drink? 彼はその男を典型的な紳士と評した。 He described the man as a model gentleman. He described the man as a typical gentleman. いずれにしても、彼を助ける手段はない。 At any rate, we have no means of helping him. Either way, there's no way to help him. この島は19世紀にはフランス領であった。 This island belonged to France in the 19th century. The island was French by the 19th century. 私はかぜをひくといけないのでスキーには行かなかった。 I didn't go skiing for fear of catching cold. I didn't ski because I had to catch a cold. 音楽の好みは人によって好きずきです。 Music preferences vary from person to person. Music is something that people don't like. カメレオンはどんな色にでもなれる。 The chameleon can take on any color. And that's what we're going to see in the next video. いかに粗末であろうとも、我が家は我が家である。 No matter how humble it may be, home is home. No matter how poor we are, our home is our home. その組合の賃上げ要求は穏当だった。 The union was modest in its wage demands. The union's demand for more pay was reasonable. 彼はそう言ったが、さらに驚いたことには、自分自身でそれを実行した。 He said it, and what was more surprising, he did it himself. He said, but even more surprised, he did it himself. 心臓発作を起こしたことはありますか。 Have you ever had a heart attack? Have you had a heart attack? 山田さんの家に何度か電話したけれども、誰も出なかった。 I made several calls to Mr Yamada's residence, but no one answered the calls. I called Yamada's house several times, but no one answered. 道に迷った犬が昨日私たちの近所に迷い込んできた。 A lost dog strayed into our neighborhood yesterday. The lost dog got lost in our neighborhood yesterday. 組織犯罪の秘密結社「マフィア」のしきたりでは、その働きを洩らすものは、だれでもかならず消されることになっている。 In the "Mafia" tradition of organized crime, any member who discloses its operation is sure to be rubbed out. In the tradition of organized crime’s "Mafia" cult, anyone who lets go of its work will be wiped out. すぐ始めて仕上げよう。 Let's start at once and have done with it. Let's get started. きっと雨になりますよ。 It'll definitely rain. It's gonna rain. 現在人々はかつてより以上に教育を受けている。 People are more educated now than they used to be. People are now more educated than they used to be. 何か焦げ臭いよ。 I smell something burning. Something's burning. 僕ののほうが、君のより大きい。 Mine is bigger than yours. I'm bigger than you. 彼らは結婚式の日取りをまだ決めていない。 They haven't fixed a date for their wedding yet. They haven't decided on the wedding date yet. 私はどちらの手紙にも返事を書かなかった。 I answered neither of the letters. I didn't answer any of the letters. いくらうまくいっても土曜日までには終わらない。 We cannot finish it before Saturday even if everything goes well. No matter how well it works, it won't be over by Saturday. 彼女はとても行儀がよい。 She has very good manners. She's very polite. 日本人の中には、小学生になっても両親と一緒に寝ているものさえいる。 Some Japanese may continue to sleep with both parents even during elementary school days. Some Japanese students even sleep with their parents. それはこういう風にやりなさい。 Do it in this manner. Do it like this. 本当に泳ぎ方知らないの? Do you really not know how to swim? You really don't know how to swim? あっちへ行きな、ぼうや。 Out of my way, boy. Go away, boy. 私はしばしばそこへいったことがあります。 I have often been there. I've often been there. 君に貸して上げよう。 I'll lend it to you. I'll give you a loan. やっと天候が定まった。 The weather has settled at last. Finally, the weather is set. ママはその事については触れなかった。 Mom didn't mention it. She didn't mention it. 妻は風邪を引きやすい。 My wife is liable to catch a cold. My wife is easily infected with a cold. ついに雨が降り始めた。 At last, it began to rain. Finally it started to rain. 君はそれをヤミで買ったのか。 Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it from a piece of shit? 彼は故郷に錦を飾って帰ってくる。 A successful local boy is coming home. He will return to his homeland with jade. 彼はあまりに速く走るので私たちは彼に追いつけなかった。 He ran too fast for us to catch up with. He ran so fast that we didn't catch up with him. この自転車に油をさしなさい。 Oil this bicycle. Oil this bike. 彼は私を蹴っています! He is kicking me! He's kicking me! 君は歯医者に見てもらうべきだ。 You ought to see a dentist. You should see your dentist. 彼はきのう来たばかりだ。 He came as lately as yesterday. He just got here yesterday. 彼女は電車の中にかさを置き忘れた。 She left her umbrella in the train. She forgot to put it in the train. ジムは彼女に会うためにロンドンに戻った。 Jim went back to London for the purpose of seeing her. Jim went back to London to see her. 宿題が終わるまでまってください。 Please wait until I've finished my homework. Please stop after homework. 普通、この辺では泳がない。水があまりきれいではないので。 People don't usually swim around here. The water's not too clean. The water's not very clean. 輝けるもの必ずしも金ならず。 All that glitters is not gold. It is not gold that shines. 新聞はその事件を盛んに書き立てた。 The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair. The newspaper wrote a lot about the incident. 彼女が今の名声を得るに至ったいきさつは劇的である。 The events that led up to her present fame are quite dramatic. It is dramatic how she has come to have a reputation. それをして批判を浴びた。 I was criticized for doing that. That's what I did, and I got criticized. 彼女は彼の約束を当てにしていた。 She rested on his promise. She was counting on his word. まず第一に、あなたは正直でなければならない。 To begin with, you must be honest. First of all, you have to be honest. メロスは、決してうそつきではない。 Meros is anything but a liar. Meros is never a liar. これから見つけます。 I'll find one later. We're gonna find out. 結果が公表され次第お知らせします。 I'll let you know the result as soon as it is made public. I'll let you know as soon as the results are published. そんなに怒るなよ。 Don't be so angry. Don't be so angry. 私達は多かれ少なかれ社会と結びついている。 We are more or less related to society. We are more or less connected to society. 男の人がその部屋に入るのを見ました。 I saw a man enter the room. I saw a man go into that room. 彼が亡くなったとき、私達は5年間彼を知っていました。 We had known him for five years when he died. We knew him for five years when he died. お昼ごはんよ。 Lunch is on. I'm having lunch. その子はお父さんと公園に行くと言ってきかない。 He insists on going to the park with his father. She doesn't say she's going to the park with her dad. 彼はそれ以来宗教活動に携わっている。 He has engaged in religious activity since then. He has been involved in religious activities since then. 忠告を与えることは出来るが、行動を起こさせる霊感を吹き込むことは出来ない。 We may give advice, but we do not inspire conduct. I can give advice, but I can’t inspire the spirit of action. おやつにプリンを食べた。 I had some custard pudding for an afternoon snack. I've had the pudding for the snacks. 彼は弟と比べて若く見えた。 He looked young beside his brother. He looked younger than his brother. 時間の無駄ですよ。 You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. 私は若い時にウッドさんの農場で働いたのよ。 I worked on Mr. Wood's farm when I was young. I worked on Mr. Wood's farm when I was young. 彼の評論は問題の表面的な分析結果を取り上げていただけだったのでクラスで最上位の成績を得たことにとても驚いた。 His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class. His review was just about the surface analysis of the problem, so he was amazed that he got the highest grades in the class. 私はそのニュースで驚いた。 I was surprised at the news. I was surprised at the news. 彼女は今日来るような気がする。 I have a feeling that she will come today. I feel like she's coming today. この木はなんて高いのでしょう。 How tall this tree is! What is the height of this tree? 水なしでは生きられない。 You can't live without water. I can't live without water. 例の場所のこと、思い出してるんだ。 I remember that place. I'm remembering the place. ランダーは暴動とギャング的行動は貧困と貧しい経済条件の結果であると仮定している。 Lander assumes that rioting and gang behavior are a result of poverty and poor economic conditions. Lander assumes that riots and gang action are the result of poverty and poor economic conditions. 赤信号の時に横断してはいけないと警官は私たちに言いました。 The policeman told us not to cross the street against the red light. The police told us not to cross at the red light. 君はお父さんに、夕食に間に合うように帰宅しなかった事を詫びるべきだ。 You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper. You should apologize to your father for not coming home in time for dinner. なるほど彼には学識があるが、常識に欠ける。 It is true he is a learned man, but he lacks common sense. Well, he's learned, but he lacks common sense. この辞書を使っても良いですか。 Can I use this dictionary? Is it possible to use this dictionary? 会議は来週開かれることになっています。 The meeting is to be held next week. The meeting will be held next week. 「トム! 恋しかったよ」「僕も。やっと会えたね」 "Tom! Oh how I've missed you." "Me too. At last we meet again." Tom, I've missed you, too. そこへはバスと電車で行った。 I went there on the bus and the train. I took a bus and a train there. 昨夜は泥酔してお風呂に入らないで寝ちゃった。 Last night I was dead drunk and fell asleep without having a bath. I was drunk last night and I didn't go into the bath. 困難が完全に去るまでは喜ぶな。 Never halloo till you are out of the woods. Don't be so happy until the trouble is completely gone. この町の3人に1人が自分の車を持っている。 One out of three people in this city owns a car. One in three people in this town own a car. このコートにはポケットがない。 This coat hasn't pockets. This coat doesn't have any pockets. その先生はしばらくの間私をじっと見つめていた。 The teacher contemplated me for a while. "I don't know what you're talking about." 明日も来ていい? Is it okay to come tomorrow too? Can I come back tomorrow? この写真の中の少女は誰ですか。 Who is the girl in this picture? Who's the girl in the photo? 高校のときは毎日隕石落ちろって思ってた。 When I was in high school, I wished every day that a meteorite would fall. When I was in high school, I thought I'd drop a meteor every day. 初診の方ですか。 Have you been here before? You're the first one to see him. 彼女は優秀な学者であり、いたるところでそういう学者として認められている。 She is an excellent scholar, and is recognized everywhere as such. She is a good scholar, and in many places she is recognized as such. 波は岩にぶつかってくだけている。 Waves are breaking against the rocks. The waves just hit the rocks. 彼女はこちらから助けてやる必要がある。 She needs our help. She needs help from here. わかったら手を挙げなさい。 Raise your hand if you understand it. Put your hands up when you know what you're doing. 今は牡蠣が旬なの? Are oysters in season now? You're an oyster now, aren't you? 2匹の犬は眠っている。 Both dogs are asleep. Two dogs are asleep. 私を助けてくれますか。 Can you help me? You can help me. 雨が降っていたけれども彼女は外出した。 Though it was raining, she went out. Although it was raining, she went out. 私は泳げます。 I can swim. I can swim. 彼は美術に関するすばらしい蔵書を持っている。 He has a fine library of books on art. He has a wonderful library of art. ああでも安心してくれ。オレ、ノンケのコには手を出さないから。 Oh, but don't worry. I don't put the moves on straight guys. But don't worry, I won't touch Nonke's ass. ティムは結婚してから落ち着いた。 Tim settled down after he got married. Tim's settled down after he's married. 45セント切手を2枚ください。 I'd like to buy two 45-cent stamps, please. Two 45-cent incisions, please. 今夜は外食したくない。 I don't feel like eating out this evening. I don't want to eat out tonight. 君の意見はとても建設的だ。 Your opinion is very constructive. Your opinion is very constructive. お知らせください。 Please let us know. Please let me know. 困ったことに、声がほとんど出ないのです。 The trouble is, she's almost lost her voice. I don't know what I'm talking about. 間違ったからといって彼のことを笑うな。 Don't laugh at him for making a mistake. Don't laugh at him because he's wrong. 多くの人がそれを予言した。 Many a man has predicted it. A lot of people predicted it. 彼は原稿を繰り返し、繰り返し書き直している。 He is writing the manuscript over and over again. He repeats and rewrites the manuscript. あなたはどれくらい日本に滞在するつもりですか。 How long are you going to stay in Japan? How long are you going to stay in Japan? 私の妻はスミス家の出身でした。 My wife was a Smith. My wife was from the Smith family. 少なくとも100人は出席していた。 No less than one hundred people were present. At least 100 people were present. 僕らは3階にいる。 We're on the third floor. We're on the third floor. これは私が結婚した時に母がくれたものです。 This is what my mother gave me when I got married. This is what my mother gave me when I got married. 授業が終わるとすぐに彼らは教室から走り出た。 As soon as the lesson was over, they rushed out of the room. As soon as the class was over, they ran out of the classroom. もうすぐ春です。 It'll be spring soon. It's almost spring. 多くの人間にとって三角関数を学ぶことは無意味であるように思える。 I think that for many people learning the trigonometric functions is meaningless. It seems to many people that learning trigonometry is pointless. 私たちはあなたのご親切に感謝しています。 We are grateful to you for your kindness. We appreciate your kindness. 私は惨めな失敗のため、負けを認めたい気になった。 I felt ready to give in because of my miserable failure. I wanted to admit losing because of a miserable failure. 彼女は幸せだったようだ。 She seems to have been happy. She seemed happy. あれのことがトムに聴くつもりだったんだけど、機会がなかったんだ。 I was going to ask Tom about it but never got the chance. I was going to ask Tom about it, but I didn't have a chance. ここではおタバコをご遠慮願います。 Please refrain from smoking here. Please don't smoke here. 身分証明をお持ちですか。 Do you have any ID? Do you have an I.D.? トムはメーリにボールを投げました。 Tom tossed Mary the ball. Tom threw the ball to Mary. 私はそれを嫌々引き受けた。 I unwillingly undertook it. I didn't like it. クリストファーコロンブスはある時、ケルベロスという3つの頭を持った冥界の番犬と、自分の帽子しか使わないで戦った。 Christopher Columbus once fought Cerberus, the three-headed guardian of the underworld, with nothing but his hat. Christopher Columbus once fought with a three-headed underground guard dog named Cerberus only using his own hat. もちろんそのニュースをたいへんよく覚えています。 Of course I remember the news quite well. Of course I remember the news a lot. ここから駅までどれくらい距離がありますか。 How far is it from here to the station? So how far are we from here to the train station? 困ったことに私たちにはお金がたりない。 The trouble is that we do not have enough money. Trouble is, we don't have money. その風景は言い表せないほど美しい。 The view is beautiful beyond words. The landscape is untouchable. 口に物を入れたままで、話すのはやめなさい。 Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk to me with anything in your mouth. 父は部屋にいます。 My father is in his room. Dad's in the room. 彼はその事故のことをくわしく述べた。 He gave a detailed description of the accident. He spoke up about the accident. 大きな車が突然止まった。 The big car pulled up suddenly. The big car stopped all of a sudden. 神があなたを祝福してくれますように。 God bless you! May God bless you. 彼女は料理がうまい。 She cooks well. She's good at cooking. 彼は全快したのでもう働ける。 He has completely recovered and can go back to work. He's fine, so he can work now. 彼女が町から出ることはめったにない。 She rarely, if ever, goes out of town. She's never been out of town. このビデオはすばらしいよ。 This video is magnificent! This video is great. 彼女は少し疲れたと言った。 She said that she was a little tired. She said she was a little tired. 私は泳ぐことが出来ます。 I'm able to swim. I can swim. トムは何か役に立つようなことを考え出そうとしてみた。 Tom tried to think of something that would help. Tom tried to think of something useful. その医者は事故で負傷した4人を救った。 The doctor saved the four people injured in the accident. The doctor saved the four injured in the accident. もう少し冷静になった方がいいよ。 You should calm down a little. You need to get a little more calm. 私はあなたと一緒にそこにいたらよかったのだが。 I wish I had been there with you. I wish I was with you. 古い部品を新しいのと交換しなさい。 Exchange the old part for a new one. Exchange the old parts for new ones. 私の新しいアパートはたいへん気に入っています。というのは駅にとっても近いからです。 I love my new apartment because it's very close to the station. I love my new apartment very much because it's near the train station. もう一回。 Come again? One more time. 彼は、その仕事に適した男だ。 He is a good man for the job. He's the right man for that job. 私が払いましょう。 I'll pay. I'll pay. どうも熱がありそうだ。 I seem to have a fever. It looks like it's got a fever. 彼女は音楽を学ぶため海外へ行きたいと思っている。 She wants to go abroad so that she can study music. She wants to go overseas to learn music. 外国語は1年やそこらで身につけられるものではない。 A foreign language cannot be mastered in a year or so. A foreign language cannot be acquired in a year or so. だれかがピアノを弾いている。 Somebody is playing the piano. Someone's playing the piano. 彼は家にもどった。 He went back home. He went home. 子供たちの一人がドアを開けっ放しにしておいた。 One of the children left the door open. One of the kids left the door open. このテーブルの脚が取れてしまったから、使えない。 We can't use this table because a leg has come off. I've lost my leg on this table, so I can't use it. 私は駅で彼と落ち合った。 I joined him at the station. I met him at the station. これらの服は汚れているので洗濯する必要がある。 These clothes are dirty and need to be washed. These clothes are dirty, so we need to wash them. あなたには扶養しなければならない大きな家族がある。だが危険をおかしてまで大きな利益を得ようとするな。 You have a large family to support; don't play for high stakes. You have a large family to support, but do not risk great gain. 武は来るには来たが、すぐ帰った。 Takeshi did come, but didn't stay long. The war came, but he left right away. 物価はまだ上昇中である。 Prices are still on the rise. Prices are still rising. 嘘をつくべきだったかもしれないが、私は彼に真実を告げた。 I should have lied, but I told him the truth. I should have lied, but I told him the truth. 彼の失敗は無知のせいである。 His failure is due to his ignorance. His failure is due to ignorance. ビルは先週結婚して、ついに独身生活にピリオドを打った。 Bill was single until he tied the knot last week. Bill got married last week and finally made a period of singleness. 彼は新しい小説を書いている。 He is engaged upon a new novel. He writes a new novel. 犬と猫どっちが好き? Which do you like better, dogs or cats? Do you like dogs or cats? スーツケース、お持ちします。 I'll carry this suitcase for you. I'll bring you a suitcase. 外国語をマスターしたければできるだけ勉強しなければならない。 If you want to master a foreign language, you must study as much as possible. If you want to master a foreign language, you have to learn as much as you can. 彼は1万ドルも貯えた。 He saved no less than ten thousand dollars. He's saved $10,000. トムは手が空いてないと思うよ。 I don't think Tom is available. I don't think Tom's available. 彼はそのために仕事を失った。 That cost him his job. He lost his job for it. 我々は反対したが、それでも彼女は出ていった。 We objected, but she went out anyway. We objected, but she left. 何もおかまい出来ませんが今晩は私の家で休んでいってください。 There won't be nothing much, but please come by my house this evening. I don't want anything to happen to you, but you're going to have to rest in my house tonight. りっぱな先生は生徒に忍耐強くなければならない。 A good teacher must be patient with his pupils. A good teacher must be patient with his students. 彼はこの1カ月仕事がない。 He has been without employment for a month. He hasn't got a job in a month. 私の名前と住所はこれに書いてあります。 My name and address are on it. My name and address are written on this. 彼女は心から疑いを取り払おうと懸命だった。 She tried hard to clear her mind of doubts. She was working hard to get rid of her doubts. ジョンソン氏の部屋は広い部屋だった。 Mr. Johnson's room was a large one. Johnson's room was a large one. 滞りのない、優雅な仕草でグラスに水を注ぎ込んだ。 She smoothly and elegantly poured the water into the glass. He poured water into the glass with a steady, elegant gesture. やって欲しいなら、頼めよ。 Say please. If you want me to do this, you have to do it. 彼女は日本語の授業をほんの数時間しか受けられなかった。 She could only take Japanese lessons for a few hours. She attended Japanese classes for only a few hours. 虚心坦懐に申し上げる。今から言うことは、言葉どおりに受け取ってほしい。 I'm going to speak to you with utmost candor so I want you to take everything I'm about to say at face value. I'm going to tell you what I want you to say. 日本を離れて十年になる。 It has been ten years since I left Japan. I've been away from Japan for ten years. 俺のせいじゃねえよ。 It's not my fault. It's not my fault. この古い本はまったく時代遅れです。 This old book is quite out of date. This old book is totally antiquated. 彼が階下に降りて来るのが聞こえた。 We heard him come downstairs. I heard him coming downstairs. あっ、あぁぁぁ~~漏れそう。 Aa, Aaaaa~~ It's about to leak. Oh, it's gonna leak. 一番下の妹が出世したとき私は我を忘れて嫉妬した。 I was beside myself with jealousy when my youngest sister rose in the world. I was jealous of myself when my youngest sister came to life. 私たちは死に直面した。 We stood face to face with death. We faced death. 貧しい人たちのために、もっとお金が必要であることを私は指摘した。 I pointed out that we needed more money for the poor. I pointed out that we need more money for the poor. このテレビ、チカチカしてどうも映りがよくないな。 The picture on this TV is no good. It keeps flickering. I don't feel very good on this TV. なんてきれいな町なんだろう! What a beautiful town! What a beautiful town! その新聞は済みましたか。 Are you through with the newspaper? Is that paper done? 車の調子が悪かったので会社へバスで行かなければならなかった。 I had to go to my office by bus because my car had engine trouble. I had to take a bus to the company because the car wasn't feeling well. その病気はその地域ではやっている。 The disease is prevalent in the area. The disease does it in that part of the country. 彼女が愛しているのはトムであって、私でない。 She loves Tom, not me. She loves Tom, not me. もうひとつ必要なものは辞書である。 Another thing that is required is a dictionary. Another thing you need is a dictionary. 神を信じ、敢然と敵に向かった、そのクリスチャンの剣闘士は、たくさんの敵を倒した。 Putting his trust in God and taking the bull by the horns, the Christian gladiator defeated many adversaries. The Christian gladiator, believing in God and determined to turn to his enemies, has defeated many enemies. 彼の喉はかわいていた。 He was thirsty. His throat was dry. 洗練され教養のある人を区別する標識はなんであろう。 What are the marks that distinguish the cultured man? What are the signs that distinguish the people who are sophisticated and educated? それは初耳ですね。 That's news to me. That's new to me, isn't it? 彼は三才のとき東京に来た。 He came to Tokyo at the age of three. He came to Tokyo when he was three. 3月1日の方が都合がよいのですが。 We feel that March 1 would be more convenient. March 1st is more convenient. 主婦は節約に努めるべきである。 A housewife should be economical. Housewives should try to save money. どれを選べばいいか教えてください。 Tell me which one to choose. Tell me which one to choose. 彼らはその建物を保存してきた。 They have preserved the building. They've saved that building. 1枚の落ち葉が水面に浮かんでいた。 A fallen leaf floated on the surface of the water. One of the leaves was floating on the surface of the water. 本日の会議は中止になりました。 Today's meeting has been canceled. Today's meeting has been canceled. パーティーは終わった。 The party's over. The party's over. 彼は他の男の子達の物笑いの種だった。 He was the scorn of the other boys. He was laughing at other boys. 車はかなりの汚染を引き起こします。 Cars pollute a lot. The car causes quite a lot of contamination. 彼はパリへ旅行した。 He made a journey to Paris. He traveled to Paris. 兄は私にたばこをやめるようにと忠告した。 My brother advised me to stop smoking. My brother advised me to stop smoking. あの木の下にいる若い女性は悲しそうな顔をしている。 The young woman under that tree looks sad. The young woman under that tree looks sad. よく考えておきましょう。 I'll sleep on it. Let's think about it a little bit. 晴れないでしょう。 It won't clear up. It's not clear. まさに何かをしなければならないときだ。 It's really time something was done. It's just when you have to do something. 私たちは冬に毛織物を着る。 We wear wool in winter. We wear wool in winter. その女の子はかわいい人形を持っている。 That girl has a lovely doll. That girl has a pretty doll. その高層ビルの上からは町がよく見える。 From the top of that tall building, you can easily see the city. On top of that tall building, the city can be seen well. 私は中国が好きです。 I like China. I like China. その事で先生に掛け合ってもらうように彼女を選んだ。 We elected her to approach our teacher on the matter. I chose her to call the teacher about it. 私はお湯も沸かせない、まして七面鳥など焼くことができない。 I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey. I can’t cook hot water, and I can’t burn turkeys. 彼が約束をやぶったのはなぜだと思いますか。 What do you think made him break his promise? Why do you think he kept his word? 今夜ここにこうして立つ今も、私たちは知っています。イラクの砂漠でいま目覚めようとする勇敢なアメリカ人たちがいることを。アフガニスタンの山岳で目覚めるアメリカ人たちがいることを。彼らが、私たちのために命を危険をさらしていることを。 Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, to risk their lives for us. As we stand here tonight, we know that there are brave Americans trying to wake up in Iraq’s desert, that there are Americans waking up in the mountains of Afghanistan, that they are endangering their lives for us. 君は自分のしたことに対して責任がある。 You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you did. 彼はお父さんに似ています。 He looks like his father. He's like his father. 彼の報告は真実だった。 His report was truthful. His report was true. トムは息子が自殺したという事実を受け入れられずにいる。 Tom is having trouble coping with the fact that his son committed suicide. Tom is unable to accept the fact that his son committed suicide. スープを飲むときスースーいう音をたててはいけない。 When you drink soup, don't make any hissing sound. Don't make a susu sound when you drink soup. 君もこの手の仕事は初めてなんだろう?勝手がわかるまではマニュアル通りにやっておいたほうがいいよ。 It's your first time doing this kind of work. You should follow the manual exactly until you get more experience. You're the first one to do this kind of work, aren't you? テレビは見るより直す方が勉強になる。 You learn more from trying to repair a TV than from watching one. TV will learn to fix it rather than watch it. 私は一輪車に乗れる女の子を知っている。 I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. I know a girl who can ride a wheel. 君の援助がなかったら、彼は事業に失敗しただろうに。 If it had not been for your support, he would have failed in business. If it weren't for your help, he'd have failed in his business. 私は通りで彼の父に会った。 I met his father on the street. I met his father on the street. たまには赤ちゃんを泣かせておくのもいい。 It's OK to leave the baby to cry on occasion. You can make your baby cry from time to time. あの建物の前に立っている人は誰ですか。 Who's that standing in front of that building? Who's standing in front of that building? 私たちは2日前町かどで事故があったと信じている。 We believe there was an accident at the corner two days ago. We believe there was an accident in the city or something two days ago. それは私の鉛筆です。 That's my pencil. That's my pencil. 彼は仕事を終えると、炉辺で本を読み勉強したものだった。 After he had finished his work, he would read and study by the fireside. When he finished his job, he studied books on the side of the furnace. 11時45分のに乗りたいんです。 I want to catch the 11:45. I want to get there at 11:45. 今日の活動は、これでお開き。 With this, today's activities come to a close. That's what we're doing today. 教育は幸福と平和と正義と、そして勝利の道なのであります。 Education is the path to happiness, peace, righteousness, and success. Education is the way of happiness, peace, justice and victory. ひょっとしたら僕が君を助けられるかもしれないよ。 Perhaps I can help you. Maybe I can help you. もしおばあちゃんが来なければ子ども達はがっかりするだろう。 If Grandma doesn't come, the children will be disappointed. If Grandma didn't come, the children would be disappointed. 彼はまた戻ってきた。 He came back again. He's back again. 体を洗い、ずっと気分がよくなった。 I washed myself and felt much better. I've been washing my body. I've been feeling much better. 私はあなたはもっとたくさん食べる必要があると思う。 I think you need to eat more. I think I need more to eat. 母は雨が来そうだと言って洗濯物をとりこんだ。 Mother took the clothes off the line in anticipation of rain. My mother told me that the rain was coming, and she took the laundry. まだ寝足りないでしょ? Still sleepy, right? You're not getting enough sleep, are you? 彼女は彼の真の意図を嗅ぎつけましたね。 She had the wind of his true intentions. She sensed his true intentions. 最後に出て行ったのは背の高い男で、顔は青白く、つややかな黒い髪をしていた。 The last to leave was a tall man, with a pale face and smooth, black hair. The last person to leave was a tall man with a pale, dark face. 歩ける。 I can walk. I can walk. 彼女は古新聞紙を山積みにして置いておいた。 She left the old newspapers lying in a heap. She left a stack of old newspapers. 彼女は車がなかったので、家にいました。 She stayed at home as she didn't have a car. She was at home when the car wasn't there. 今日はどうだった? How was your day? How was your day? 僕らは何か面白いことが起こるのを願っていた。 We were hoping something interesting would happen. We wanted something funny to happen. ヨーロッパへは一度も行ったことがありません。 I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe. 少年が自転車に乗って通りすがりに私のハンドバッグをひったくった。 A boy snatched my purse as he rode by on his bicycle. A boy grabbed my purse as he passed by on his bike. 彼の論文は核家族における幼児虐待という問題に対処しようとするものである。 His paper confronts the question of child abuse in nuclear families. His paper is an attempt to address the problem of child abuse in the nuclear family. 今日はどんな天気ですか。 How is the weather today? What's the weather today? 彼女は窓に美しいカーテンをかけた。 She hung beautiful curtains over the window. She put a beautiful curtain on the window. ええ、先方から一応返事はありました。 Yeah, there was some sort of reply from them. Yeah, I got a reply from the other side. 今日は伺えなくて残念です。 I regret that I can't come today. I'm sorry I didn't see you today. 彼のおかげで取引がダメになった。 He blew the deal. He ruined the deal. 彼の家を見ると彼が貧乏であることがわかる。 His house argues him to be poor. When I look at his house, I know he's poor. この作品を私は理解できない。 This work is beyond my grasp. I don't understand this work. 私たちはなんとか意志の疎通ができた。 We managed to get through to each other. We managed to communicate. 一番近い館内電話はどこにあるか教えて下さい。 Can you tell me where the nearest courtesy phone is? Tell me where the nearest house phone is. 彼は昨日お亡くなりになりました。 He passed away yesterday. He died yesterday. 元気な男の子が産まれましたよ。 They just had a healthy baby boy. A healthy boy was born. 私の忠告がなかったら、彼は破滅していただろう。 But for my advice he would have been ruined. Without my advice, he would have been ruined. 緑はバイオリンが上手だというのは本当ですか。 Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that green is a good violin? 今日新しい葉が芽を出した。 Today the new leaf sent out a bud. Today, a new leaf sprouted. デザートに何がよろしいですか。 What would you like for dessert? What is dessert? 彼はこのごろ頭がぼけてきた。 He had grown senile recently. He's out of his mind these days. 私は彼女がオペラを歌うのにうっとりした。 I was fascinated by her opera singing. I was jealous of her singing the opera. ボストン行きの乗り継ぎ便に乗りたいのですが。 I want to get a connecting flight to Boston. I'd like to take a flight to Boston. その城はいつ建てられたのですか。 When was the castle built? When was that castle built? 彼はドアをあけたが、部屋はからだった。 He opened the door, only to find the room empty. He opened the door, but the room was empty. 熊はテントを引っかき始めた。 The bear began tearing at the tent. The bear started to scratch the tent. あなたは私をまったくの初心者と思っているのか。 Do you take me for a complete beginner? Do you think I'm completely new to you? 彼女は私に会っても知らん顔をした。 She refused to notice me. She looked like she didn't even know me. これらの質問に答えなければならない。 You must answer these questions. I have to answer these questions. 新鮮な空気がすいたい。 I want to breathe some fresh air. I need some fresh air. 私は、10冊もの本を持っている。 I have no less than ten books. I have 10 books. この切符は途中下車できます。 This ticket allows you to stop over at any station. This ticket can be dropped off on the way. あの頃は、毎朝六時に起きていました。 In those days, I used to get up at six every morning. I woke up every six o'clock in the morning. このあたりでちょっと待っていてください。 Please wait around for a while. So let's see if we can simplify this a little bit. 釣りはしますか? Do you fish? Do you want to fish? 昨夜はとても楽しかった。 I enjoyed myself very much last night. Last night was so fun. 兄は神戸の大学に行っています。 My brother goes to college in Kobe. My brother's going to the University of Shinto. 多くの人にとって変化は避けられないものであるように思われる。 To many, change seems inevitable. It seems to many that change is inevitable. ありがとう! Thank you. Thank you! 私をそのパーティーに招待してくださって本当にありがとう。 It is very kind of you to invite me to the party. Thank you so much for inviting me to that party. 家にいれば良かった。 I should've stayed home. I should've stayed at home. これは男です、それは女です。 This is a man, that is a woman. This is a man, it's a woman. 男の子が犬に石を投げた。 The boy threw a stone at the dog. A boy threw a stone at a dog. すいませんが、その銘柄の煙草は売り切れです。 I'm sorry, but that brand of cigarettes is out of stock. I'm sorry, but the brand is sold out. 私の議論はある意味では、『孤独な群集』でデビュド・リースマンが行った議論を変形したものである。 In a sense, I am turning around the argument made by David Riesman in The Lonely Crowd. My argument is, in a sense, a deformation of the debate of Devid Liesman in the "Lonely Crowd". このカレンダーには美しい写真が、たくさんある。 The calendar has many pretty pictures. There are many beautiful photos of the calendar. 駅まで歩いていこうか。 Shall we walk to the station? Let's walk to the station. オーストラリアへの旅で初めて赤道を超えた。 I crossed the equator for the first time on my trip to Australia. For the first time in his journey to Australia, he crossed the equator. それは面白い。 That's interesting. That's funny. 森にハイキングに行く前に、熊に遭った時どうしたらいいか調べておきなさい。 Before you go hiking in the woods, find out what you should do when you meet a bear. See what you can do when you have a bear before you hike into the woods. その村までは狭い道が1本通っている。 There's narrow road to the village. There is a narrow road to the village. 彼はネイティブのように英語を話す。 He speaks English like a native. He speaks English like native. よかったよ。欠席者はひとりもいなくて。 Good. No absentees. I'm glad there's no one missing. トニーさんは高い車を買ったそうです。 I've heard that Tony bought an expensive car. Tony bought a expensive car. 私は誕生日に彼女からセーターをもらった。 I received a sweater from her on my birthday. I got a sweater from her on her birthday. 私は気を失いました。 I passed out. I lost consciousness. チーズを食べちゃった。 I ate the cheese. I ate cheese. 電話でも受け付けていますよ。 We take telephone orders. She's on the phone. シャツを脱いで横になってください。 Remove your shirt and lie down. Take off your shirt and lie down. あの男は弁護士のペリー・メースンだ。 That man is Perry Mason, the lawyer. That man's lawyer, Perry Mason. 我々はさびしい島におろされた。 We were landed on a lonely island. We were stranded on a lonely island. 私はギリシャ文化について学んだ。 I learned about Greek culture. I learned about Greek culture. 私はロックが好きです。 I love rock. I like rock. みんなそう思う。 Everybody thinks so. Everyone thinks so. バスはもうやってくる時間だ。 The bus is due here any time now. It's time for the bus to come. 君のお母さんは、若い頃は美しかったに違いない。 Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. さぞお疲れでしょう。 I dare say you are tired. You must be tired. 彼はその事故で失明した。 He lost his eyesight in the accident. He was blinded in that accident. 全然変だと思いません。 I don't think it's strange at all. I don't think that's weird at all. ニュースによるとギリシアに大地震があったようだ。 The news says that there was a big earthquake in Greece. According to news reports, there was a massive earthquake in Greece. 週に四回フランスの授業があります。 We have four French classes a week. There's a French class four times a week. 旅行に行く前に注射をしなければならない。 I need some shots before I go on my trip. I'm gonna have to inject you before you go on a trip. 彼女が話している人はアレンさんです。 The person she's talking to is Allan. The person she's talking to is Mr. Allen. 私は自分に関してのことだけしかいえない。 I can only speak for myself. I can't care only about myself. 土曜日までに本を返さなければなりません。 I have to give back the book before Saturday. You have to return the book by Saturday. 甘い物好きですか。 Do you care for sweets? You like sweets. 山は深い雪におおわれていた。 The mountains lay covered with deep snow. The mountains were covered by deep snow. 私の父も兄もどちらも賭事が好きです。 Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling. My father and my brother both like gambling. 彼は今日病院へ行くつもりだ。 He'll go to the hospital today. He's going to the hospital today. いいカメラを買った。 I bought a good camera. I bought a good camera. 決めること決めちゃって、その後は二手に分かれるよ? Let's decide what needs to be decided, then let's split into two teams, OK? We're gonna make a decision, and then we're gonna split up? コップとお皿は割れていた。 Glasses and dishes were broken. The glass and the plate were broken. 息子はロンドンへ行った、そこは私の生まれたところだ。 My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, which is where I was born. このごろは5時半頃に暗くなる。 It gets dark about half past five these days. It's about 5:30 this time. 以前、その映画を見たかもしれないが、ほとんど覚えていない。 I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it. You may have seen that movie before, but you barely remember it. どこで切符を受け取ればいいのですか。 Where should I pick the tickets up? Where can I get my ticket? この道具はなんの役にもたたない。 This tool is good for nothing. This tool doesn't help. この情報は当然最新であるべきなのに、実際はそうでない。 This information is not as up-to-date as it should be. The information should, of course, be up to date, but it’s not. この小説は若い人に大きな影響を与えた。 This novel exercised a great influence on young people. The novel had a profound effect on young people. 彼女はその川を泳いでわたった。 She swam across the river. She swam through that river. 私は彼にかつて会ったことを覚えている。 I remember seeing him once. I remember seeing him once. 彼に反対する根拠がない。 He has no basis for his opposition. There's no reason to disagree with him. 彼は10行で10もの間違いをやった。 He made ten blunders in as many lines. He made 10 mistakes in 10 lines. 彼の負った傷はすべて外傷だった。 All his injuries are external. All the injuries he suffered were traumas. この社会が若さということにそのような感情的特権を付与するというのは誤解を引き起こしやすいと思う。 I find it apt to cause misunderstanding that society confers such emotional privileges upon youth. I think it is easy to make misunderstandings by granting such emotional privileges to the society of youth. 迷子になるといけないから、お母さんと手をつないでいようね。 You don't want to get lost, so take your mother's hand. I don't want to get lost, so I don't want to hold hands with my mom. 私はすぐによくなるでしょうか。 Will I get well soon? I'll be right back. 君は皿を洗いさえすればよい。 All you have to do is wash the dish. You just have to wash the dishes. これらの語をノートに書きなさい。 Write these words in your notebook. Write these words down in a note. 郵便局まで乗せてくださいませんか。 Would you mind giving me a ride to the post office? Can you give me a ride to the post office? 今まで彼にあったことがありますか。 Have you ever seen him? Have you ever been to him? 私の英語は通じなかった。 I could not make myself understood in English. I didn't speak English. トムが部屋に入ってきた。 Tom came into the room. Tom's in the room. 私の父はロンドンに行く途中である。 My father is bound for London. My father is on his way to London. 私たちはお金が足らない。 We are short of money. We don't have enough money. 今度の赤ちゃんのお名前、決まりましたか。 Have you decided on a name for your new baby? Did you decide the name of the baby? 彼は思いきって小川を飛び越える勇気があったのか。 Did he dare to jump the brook? Did he have the courage to jump over a stream? 日本の最新動向について報告したいと思います。 We would like to report about the latest trends in Japan. I'd like to report on Japan's latest trend. しばらくプータローしていて、迷ってたんです。勢いで辞表出しちゃったけど、本当は我慢して続けるべきだったのかな、って。 Having idled jobless for a while I wavered. I'd rushed into handing in my notice but maybe I should have endured it and kept going... It's been a while since I've been putting up with it, and I've been wondering if I should have been willing to resign, but I really should have been patient. もうすぐ七時だ。学校に行かなくちゃ。 It's almost seven. We have to go to school. It's almost 7 o'clock. I have to go to school. 私のレポートに目を通してくれませんか。 Will you look over my report? Why don't you look through my report? 1円たりとも無駄使いはできない。 I can't afford to waste a single yen. You can't waste a circle. 彼の感情を傷付けたくはない。 I don't want to hurt his feelings. I don't want to hurt his feelings. これらの木は彼らの植えたものだ。 These trees were planted by them. These trees are their plants. 待って! Wait up. Wait! 主人公は、子供の頃、親にほったらかしにされて苦しんだ。 The hero, as a child, suffered from parental neglect. The character suffered when his parents ignored him when he was a kid. 彼はそのスキャンダルにかかわりがあることを認めている。 He admits being involved in the scandal. He admits to being involved in the scandal. 彼が来週には帰るという保証はない。 There is no guarantee that he'll be back next week. There's no guarantee he'll be home next week. 一体全体どうして新築した家を売ってしまったのですか。 Why on earth did you sell your newly-built house? How the hell did you sell your new home? お子さんが車をおりたらすぐに車を出してください。 Please drive off as soon as your child has left the car. Please leave the car as soon as your child gets a car. どうぞご自由に果物をお召し上がり下さい。 Please help yourself to the fruit. Please eat the fruit freely. この部屋はガスのにおいがする。 This room smells of gas. This room smells like gas. 二度寝しないのっ! Don't go back to sleep! I don't sleep twice! どうぞ気楽になさってください。 Please make yourself at home. Please take it easy. 彼は誰からも何でも学ぼうとする。 He is ready to learn anything from anybody. He's trying to learn everything from anyone. この手紙をおじさんに送りました。 I sent this letter to my uncle. I sent this letter to my uncle. これほど美しい景色は見たことがない。 Never have I seen a more beautiful sight than this. I've never seen such a beautiful view. その伝言が重要なものなら彼に電話しなさい。 Telephone him if the message is important. Call him if that message is important. 嵐が雨戸をがたがたとならした。 The storm rattled the shutters. It turned out that the storm was trying to break down the storm. 彼はその話を全部でっちあげた。 He made up the whole story. He made up the whole story. 本当に車を運転したくないの? Are you sure that you don't want to drive? You really don't want to drive? 昔人々は地球が丸いとは思っていなかった。 In old times people didn't think that the earth is round. Back then, people didn't think the earth was round. 夏休みはバリへ行った。 I went to Bali for summer vacation. I went to Bali for summer vacation. 私は宿屋で部屋を見つけました。 We found a room at the inn. I found a room at the inn. その試験を受けそこなった人はあす受けなければいけません。 Those who missed the test must take it tomorrow. If you fail that test, you have to accept it. 悲しいことに多くの日本人が亡くなりました。 Sadly, many Japanese people died. Sadly, many Japanese died. テレビは少し離れて見るべきだ。 You should watch television at a distance. We should watch TV a little away. 彼の言ったことを信じる? Do you believe what he said? Do you believe what he said? 最初の角を右に曲がってまっすぐに行きなさい。 Take the first turn to right and then go straight on. You're going to have to go straight to the right of the first corner. 私は書籍売り場を担当している。 I'm in charge of the book department. I'm in the bookroom. 特大のグリーンのセーターを探してるんだけど。 I'm trying to find a green sweater in extra large. I'm looking for a giant green sweater. 彼女は私のお婆ちゃんじゃなくてママです。 She's not my grandma; she's my mom. She's not my grandmother. She's my mom. ジョンソンさんはおいででしょうか。 Is Mr. Johnson in? Mr. Johnson will be here. どっちが勝ってるの? Who's winning? Who's winning? この辞書はとても高いが買う価値がある。 This dictionary is very expensive, but is worth buying. This dictionary is very expensive, but it's worth buying. 健康は失われて有難味がわかる点において、親や水・空気と同じようなものです。 As far as knowing health's worth once you've lost it goes, that's the same thing with parents, water or air. It's like the parents and the water air when you lose your health and you know what it’s like. フランスの人口は何人ですか? What is the population of France? How many people are in France? トムさんはソファに眠りに落ちました。 Tom fell asleep on the couch. Tom fell asleep on the couch. 人間は己の肉体なり心の病気の餌食であり、死んだ後では地虫の餌食となる。 Man, being of flesh, is subject to diseases of the mind and after death, to worms. Humans are the prey of their own bodies and mental ills, and after death they are eaten by worms. 遅くなるときは電話します。 If I'm late, I'll call. I'll call you when it's late. もう一度翻訳を原文と比較してみなさい。 Set your translation against the original once again. Compare translation with original text again. メリーは、彼の同級生の中で一番の怠け者です。 Mery is the laziest person in his class. Mary is the most lazy of his classmates. 東京は日本の他のどの都市よりも大きい。 Tokyo is larger than any other city in Japan. Tokyo is bigger than any other city in Japan. ハリーは猫にやさしい。 Harry is gentle with cats. Harry's nice to cats. 休暇中は何もしないで日々を過ごした。 I spent idle days during the vacation. I spent my days on vacation doing nothing. 彼女はインドだけでなく中国でもよくしられている。 She is not only well known in India, but is also well known in China. She is well-known not only in India but also in China. 世界の熱帯雨林は、この惑星上の生命が形成する生態学的な連鎖の中で、かけがえのない環をなしているのである。 The world's tropical rainforests are critical links in the ecological chain of life on the planet. The world’s rain forests play an extraordinary ring in the ecological chain formed by life on this planet. この家は砦でもお城でもないが、少し冷静になれる。 This house is no fortress or castle, but it still instills a sense of security. This house is neither a fort nor a castle, but it can be a bit calmer. 私が後悔してふりかえることが一つある。 There is one thing I look back on with regret. There is one thing I can do to change my regret: 彼女は努力したにもかかわらず、成功しなかった。 For all her efforts, she didn't succeed. In spite of her efforts, she did not succeed. カップの取っ手がこわれている。 The handle of the cup is broken. The cup is being picked up. 彼女はインターネットで稼ぐよい方法を思いついた。 She thought of a good way to make money on the Internet. She came up with a good way to make money on the Internet. 彼が失敗したのは怠けたせいだ。 The reason he failed was because he neglected his work. He failed because he failed. もしその洗濯機の調子がまた狂ったら、製造会社に文句を言ってやろう。 If that washing machine goes wrong again, I shall complain to the manufacturer. If the washing machine goes crazy again, let’s complain to the manufacturer. プラットホームにはほかに一人しかいなかった。 There was only one other person on the platform. There was only one other person on the platform. 彼は私の申し出をきっぱり断った。 He rejected my offer flatly. He turned down my offer. 彼女は姉ほど美しくない。 She's not as beautiful as her sister. She's not as beautiful as her sister. 彼はパンにバターを塗った。 He spread butter on the bread. He put butter on the bread. この季節は卵が安い。 Eggs are cheap this season. Eggs are cheap this season. 彼は以前とても幸せだったように思えた。 It seemed that he had been very happy. He seemed so happy before. きみが誰かと付き合ってるとは知らなかったよ。 I didn't know that you were seeing someone. I didn't know you were going out with someone. 彼のせりふは割り引いて聞いてよ。単に売り言葉に買い言葉というだけなんだから。 Don't let what he said get to you. He was just getting back at you for what you said. Let's see if we can figure out what he's talking about. 彼のあの話はまゆつばものだ。 That story of his sounds very unlikely. His story is true. 彼女が怒るのも極めて当然だ。 It is quite natural for her to get angry. It's quite natural for her to be angry. 騒音のせいで私は眠ることができなかった。 I could not sleep because of the noise. I couldn't sleep because of the noise. 美しい日没に感嘆せざるをえなかった。 We could not help admiring the beautiful sunset. I had to marvel at the beautiful sunset. 私は彼と知り合った。 I struck up an acquaintance with him. I met him. 彼はすぐに戻った。 He lost no time coming back. He came back soon. お酒の飲み過ぎは健康に害がある。 Drinking too much is bad for your health. Overdrinking can be harmful to your health. 君はいつも何時に起床しますか。 What time do you usually get up? When do you always get up? 子犬たちは母親にぴったり寄り添っていた。 The puppies nestled against their mother. The little dogs were at their mother's side. 弁護士に相談しておくべきだった。 You should have consulted your lawyer. I should have talked to my lawyer. トムが遅刻するのもいたしかたなかった。 Tom had a good reason for being late. I had no choice but tom was late. その計画を断念するより他にしかたがない。 Abandoning that plan can't be helped. I have no choice but to give up that plan. 「私は森の中に小熊を探しに行くつもりはない」と兄がいった。 "I am not going into the forest after bear cubs," said the elder brother. “I’m not gonna go looking for a bear in the woods,” he said. あなたに同感です。 I agree with you. I agree with you. きっと雨になりますよ。 The weather is sure to be wet. It's gonna rain. そのニュースに私はろうばいした。 The news upset me. I was confused by the news. 私は忘れずに手紙を投函しなければならない。 I must remember to post the letter. I have to write to you without forgetting. 悪い習慣はひどく簡単につくものだ。 One acquires bad habits very easily. Bad habits are very easy. あなたのかばんは私の机の上にありますよ。 Your bag is on my desk. You're on my desk. 彼は私に帰宅するよう言ったので、私は従った。 He told me to go home and I obeyed him. He told me to go home, so I obeyed. フォント・ビジネスでは決して誰も信用してはいけないよ。 In the font business you must never trust anybody! You must never trust anyone in the font business. 彼は嘘をついていると思わざるえない。 I can't help suspecting that he is lying. I can't help but think he's lying. 彼は転んで足首を捻挫した。 He fell, twisting his ankle. He fell and broke his ankle. なぜ彼は彼女といっしょに来たのですか。 Why did he come with her? Why did he come with her? いつものウェイトレスは私をまったく無視していた。 My regular waitress wouldn't have anything to do with me. The usual waitress ignored me completely. 君は2才の時に10まで数える事ができた。 You could count to ten when you were two. You could count to ten when you were two. 彼ほどの偉人は古来いない。 He is as great a man as ever lived. A man as great as him can't be old-fashioned. 彼は一人ぼっちで森に暮らしていた。 He lived alone in the forest. He lived alone in the woods. この語はどんな意味ですか。 What's the meaning of this word? What does this word mean? 私はひとりでこの犬小屋を作った。 I built this dog house all by myself. I built this doghouse alone. パーティーの終わりがけに、まだ病院のことでぶつぶつと何かを言っていたとき、彼は氷のかけらで足を滑らせて、左足を折ってしまった。 He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. At the end of the party, when he was still saying something about the hospital, he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. なんで知ってるの? Why do you know that? How do you know that? トムでさえそれをした。 Even Tom did that. Even Tom did it. 彼女は美に対して眼識がある。 She has an eye for the beautiful. She has a sense of beauty. お仕事の調子はどうですか。 How is your work getting along? How's work going? 彼がついたら約束の金をはらいます。 If and when he arrives I'll pay. When he gets here, I'll take the money you promised me. あなたの乗る電車は10番線から出ます。 Your train leaves from Platform 10. Your train leaves line 10. 私たちはすべての人を公正に扱うようにすべきだ。 We should try to treat everybody with justice. We should treat everyone justly. 私はこの計画をぜひ完成させたい。 I intend to carry this project through to completion. I would love to finish this project. 私の家はその町の郊外にあります。 My house is on the outskirts of town. My house is on the outskirts of that town. なぜ彼が自殺をしたかはいまだに謎である。 Why he killed himself is still a mystery. It remains a mystery why he committed suicide. 彼はおおいに稼ぐ。 He earns a great deal. He makes a lot of money. それをあなたに売ることはできません。 I can't sell you that. I can't sell it to you. 五月に彼は中国に行きます。 He goes to China in May. He's going to China in May. 彼女は贅沢にそだてられた。 She was brought up in the lap of luxury. She was given to luxury. 彼が叫ぶと、首の静脈がはっきりと浮き上がった。 When he shouted, the veins in his neck stood out clearly. He cried out, and the veins of his neck came out clearly. 彼は果物しか食べない。 He doesn't eat anything except fruit. He only eats fruit. いく層もの卸業者の存在が特色である日本の流通機構は、複雑でコストもかかる。 The Japanese distribution system, characterized by layers of wholesale, is complex and costly. The Japanese distribution system, which is unique in the presence of several layers of wholesalers, is complex and expensive. 彼は今ごろはもう到着しているはずだ。 He should have arrived by this time. He should have arrived by now. トムによろしく言っておいてよ。 Tell Tom I said hi. Say hi to Tom. 子供たちは裸で泳いでいた。 The children were skinny dipping. Children were swimming naked. その少年は人込みの中で母親を見失った。 The boy lost sight of his mother in the crowd. The boy lost his mother in the crowd. 私たちは、教会のペンキを塗り直した。 We repainted the church. We repainted the church paint. 駐車違反で20ドルの罰金をとられた。 I was fined 20 dollars for illegal parking. He was fined $20 for parking tickets. 恐いもの知らずのその男は憎しみと軽蔑の目でやくざをちらりと見た。 The bold man glanced at the gangster with hatred and contempt. The fearful, ignorant man saw with his eyes of hatred and contempt. 彼は王についての物語を作り上げた。 He made up a story about the king. He built up a story about the king. 来週、サンパウロへ行くつもりです。 I'm going to go to Sao Paulo next week. I'm going to São Paulo next week. 彼女は病気の振りをした。 She made believe that she was sick. She pretended to be sick. 何が彼女をそうさせたのか。 Why did she do that? What made her do that? 田舎が好きかね。 Do you like the country? You like the country. 私と並んで歩きなさい。 Walk abreast of me. Walk with me. その会社はまた赤字になった。救いようがない。 The company once again went into the red. It is beyond saving. The company is also in deficit, and there is no way to save it. わくわくするなあ。 I'm very excited. I'm so excited. この時計は防水です。 This watch is waterproof. This clock is waterproof. 私はその重たい袋を背負って運んだ。 I carried the heavy bag on my back. I carried that heavy bag on my back. 彼らは、買い物に行く。 They are going shopping. They're going shopping. 家に帰って宿題しなきゃ。 I have to go home and do my homework. I have to go home and do my homework. この本を読むたびに、何か新しい発見をします。 Every time I read this book, I find something new. Every time I read this book, I do something new. 水は熱せられると蒸気になる。 Water changes into vapor when it is heated. Water is steaming when it is heated. トムはシャワーを浴びてから夕食を取った。 After taking a shower, Tom ate dinner. Tom had dinner after the shower. トムさんは深く息を吸って、目を閉じた。 Tom took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Tom took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 彼らは彼女にパーティーに参加するように誘った。 They invited her to go to the party. They invited her to a party. 大臣たちはきっとそのような提案を歓迎する。 Government ministers are certain to welcome such proposals. The ministers will surely welcome such proposals. 君は目的を達成しましたか。 Did you accomplish your purpose? Have you achieved your purpose? 彼は風の音に耳を澄ましながら、長い間座っていた。 He sat for a long time, listening to the sound of the wind. He sat for a long time listening to the sound of the wind. 薬は全部子供の手の届かないところにしまっておきなさい。 Keep all medicines out of reach of children. Keep all the pills out of the reach of children. 私は娘をどう扱ったらよいのか全然わからない。 I have no idea how to do deal with my daughter. I have no idea how to deal with my daughter. 私は今週ずっと忙しかった。 I have been busy all this week. I've been busy this week. 彼らに車の修理を頼みました。 I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix the car. 音楽は私達の生活を楽しくする。 Music makes our life happy. Music makes our lives fun. トムと私は二人ともフランス語が話せるんだ Both Tom and I can speak French. Tom and I both speak French. 戦いはローマ人の勝利に終わった。 The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans. The battle ended with the Romans winning. 大雨のため私たちは出かけられなかった。 The heavy rain kept us from going out. We couldn't go out because of the heavy rain. これが新型の車です。 This is a new type of car. This is a new car. 明日忘れずにその本を買わなくちゃいけない。 I must remember to buy that book tomorrow. I have to buy that book tomorrow. 言葉が出てこなかった。 Words failed me. I didn't get a word for it. 12月24日はクリスマスイブです。 December 24th is Christmas Eve. December 24th is Christmas Eve. 私の車が故障したとき、彼は親切にも彼の車を貸してくれた。 He had the kindness to lend me his car when mine broke down. He kindly lent me his car when my car broke down. どんなに速く走っても間に合わないだろう。 No matter how fast you run, you won't be in time. No matter how fast you run, you won't make it. それはお金の山をかき集めるために用いられた。 It was used for raking together heaps of money. It was used to pick up mountains of money. 彼女は生まれつき親切である。 She is kind by nature. She's born with kindness. 彼女は今は気楽に暮らしている。 She lives in comfort now. She's comfortable now. 彼は紙に1つの文を書いたが、私にはその文が分からなかった。 He wrote a sentence on the paper, but I didn't understand the sentence. He wrote one sentence on a piece of paper, but I didn't know what it was. 彼女は誰に対しても感じがいい。 She is friendly to everybody. She feels like anyone. もう1分早ければ、彼らはそのバスに乗れただろう。 One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus. One minute earlier, they would have gotten on that bus. 彼はビデオを持っています。 He has a video. He's got a video. 先生は私と兄を間違えたらしい。 It seems that the teacher mistook me for my older brother. The doctor made a mistake between me and my brother. 昨夜は陽気なパーティーだった。 We had a lively party last night. Last night was a happy party. 彼のはいっている寮は食事が大変よい。 The food is very good in the dormitory where he lives. His dormitories are very well fed. 自分の目がほとんど信じられなかった。 I scarcely believed my eyes. I could hardly believe my eyes. 自転車は車の右側を走ってはいけないことになっている。 It is illegal for bicycles to pass on the right of cars. The bike is not supposed to run on the right side of the car. 映画観る前に原作読んどけばよかった。 I should've read the original work before watching the movie. I should have read it before watching the movie. もう1日滞在を延ばしたいのですが、泊まれますか。 I'd like to stay one more night. Is that possible? I'd like to extend my stay for another day, but can I stay? 彼らは昼食が待ちどおしくてたまらない。 They are impatient for their lunch. They can't wait for lunch. 道に迷うといけないので私たちは地図を持っていった。 We carried a map with us in case we got lost. We had to get lost, so we took the map. 実のところは、私は暴力映画にはうんざりしている。 To tell the truth, I'm tired of violent movies. In fact, I am fed up with violent movies. 情報が外部に漏れたらしい。 The information seems to have leaked out. The information was leaked to the outside world. この事業で私は成功するなんて思っていませんでした。 Little did I dream of my success in this business. I didn't think I would succeed in this project. 彼は音楽と同様スポーツも好きです。 He likes sports as well as music. He likes sports as much as music. トムは急ブレーキをかけた。 Tom slammed on the brakes. Tom put the brakes on. ロビンは口が肥えて贅沢になったのかしら。 Perhaps the robin's got a taste for the finer things in life and has become extravagant. I wonder if Robin's fattened mouth has become a luxury. 私は彼が公園で自転車に乗っているのを見つけた。 I found him riding a bicycle in the park. I found him riding his bike in the park. 学生はこれらの英語コースの中から1つを受講する。 Students will take one of these English courses. Students take one of these English courses. 心はあなたと共に居ます。 I'll be with you in spirit. Your heart is with you. 君を見るといつでも僕は喜びでいっぱいになる。 I'm filled with joy every time I see you. Every time I see you, I'm filled with joy. そのショックのために彼女は口がきけなかった。 The shock robbed her of her speech. She couldn't speak for the shock. 彼がどこに逃げたのか誰も知らない。 God knows where he fled. No one knows where he got away. 彼は直ぐにそのショックから立ち直った。 He soon recovered from the shock. He quickly recovered from the shock. 私の図書は自由にお使い下さい。 You're welcome to any book in my library. My books are free to use. 君はなぜきのう休んだのか。 Why were you absent yesterday? Why did you rest last night? 彼女はどうにかこうにか、彼らのボートを車の後ろに引いてガレージに入れた。 She managed to back their boat into the garage. She somehow pulled their boat behind the car and put it in the garage. 少年は私に向かって駆けてきた。 A boy came running toward me. The boy came running toward me. これより会議を始めます。 Will the meeting please come to order? We're about to begin a meeting. 酔っ払いが階段から落ちた。 A drunk man fell down the stairs. A drunk fell down the stairs. 誤解があったように思われる。 It seems that there was a misunderstanding. Looks like there's been a misunderstanding. 泥棒が捕まってくれて嬉しい。 I'm glad that the thief was caught. I'm glad you got the thief. 勉強するのは学生の務め。 It's a student's business to study. It's a student's job to study. 彼には心配事がない。 He is free from care. Don't worry about him. 彼は、いつものように机の上に鍵を置いた。 He put the key on the desk as usual. He put the key on the desk as usual. 今日はラッキーです。 I'm lucky today. I'm lucky today. 彼女には敵が全くいない。 She doesn't have any enemies at all. She has no enemies. 私はあなたの子供を2人とも知っているわけではない。 I don't know both of your children. I don't know either of your children. まだ雪が降ってるの? Is it still snowing? Is it still snowing? 父は医者からタバコの量を減らせといわれた。 The doctor advised my father to cut down on smoking. My father was told by the doctor to reduce the amount of cigarettes he smoked. 19世紀末でも、イギリス海軍の船員は、そうすることが弱さの印だという理由で、ナイフとフォークを使うことを許されていなかった。 Even at the end of the nineteenth century, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered a sign of weakness. At the end of the 19th century, British Navy sailors were not allowed to use knives and fork because it was a sign of weakness. 私の時計を修理してくれ。 He repaired my watch for me. Fix my watch. 私は遺言のことで弁護士と相談した。 I had a consultation with a lawyer about my will. I consulted with a lawyer about the will. これは私がもらった最もすてきなプレゼントです。 This is the nicest present I've ever received. This is the most beautiful gift I've ever received. 栄華と便利は幸せと同義ではない。 Luxury and convenience do not equate to happiness. Luxury and convenience are not compatible with happiness. 母は台所でせっせと料理しながら歌を口ずさんでいた。 My mother hummed to herself as she went about her cooking in the kitchen. My mother was cooking and singing in the kitchen. 一等賞は彼によって勝ち取られるかもしれません。 The first prize may be won by him. The first prize may be won by him. 私が言わない限り、動かないで。 Don't move unless I tell you. Don't move unless I tell you. 「なんで君はいつもメアリーの側に立つんだ?」「私は別に誰の側にも立っていないよ。」 "Why are you always taking Mary's side?" "I'm not taking anyone's side." "Why do you always stand for Mary?" "I don't stand for anyone else." 外はだんだん明るくなっていく。 It is getting lighter outside. It's getting brighter out there. ちょっと待ってくれる? Could you wait a moment? Can you hold on a second? トムは今頃はもうボストンにいるのだと思っていました。 I thought Tom would be in Boston by now. Tom thought he was in Boston by now. 彼は私を、私の母と思い違いした。 He mistook me for my mother. He mistook me for my mother. あの博物館はくるに値する。 That museum is worth visiting. That museum deserves to come. 「一緒に行ってもいいですか」「どうぞ」 "May I go with you?" "By all means." - You can come with me. - Please. 私たちは頼りになるものを何か持たなければならない。 We must have something to fall back on. We have to have something we can count on. ヘルメットをかぶらずにバイクに乗るのは危険だ。 It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet. It is dangerous to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. いずれご連絡いたします。 I will get in touch with you. I'll be in touch. 私は手伝ってくれたお礼に彼に一杯おごった。 I bought him a drink in return for his help. I bought him a drink for your help. キムは将来外交官になるつもりである。 Kim plans to be a diplomat in the future. Kim is going to be a diplomat in the future. 列車はたった今ついたばかりです。 The train has just arrived here. The train just arrived. キリスト教信者は、一人の神が存在し、イエスキリストは神の子であると信じている。 In the Christian faith, followers believe that there is only one God, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Christians believe that there is a God and that Jesus Christ is God's Son. トムに話があります。 I need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. 申し訳ないけど、できません。 I'm sorry, I can't. I'm sorry, I can't. 新薬が彼の命を救った。 The new medicine saved his life. A new drug saved his life. それはどうかと思いますね。 I wouldn't be so sure about that. I don't know if that's true. 湖のそばの小屋にひとりの老人が住んでいる。 There lives an old man in the hut by the lake. An old man lives in a cabin by the lake. 僕はもっといい目をみせることができる。 I can show you a better time. I can get a better eye. 彼女の家に滞在中は、大きな部屋を貸してくれた。 She gave me a large room while I stayed at her house. While I was in her house, she gave me a big room. 衣装の素材はなんでしょう? I wonder what materials the garment is made of. What's the material for the costume? 煙突から黒い煙が出てきた。 Black smoke came out of the chimney. There was black smoke coming out of the chimney. 彼は今週ずっととても忙しかった。 He has been very busy this week. He's been very busy all week. 誰がそう思うのか。 Who thinks so? I don't know who's gonna say that. タトエバは人間じゃないって、何回言わせる気? How many times do I have to tell you that Tatoeba is not a human being? How many times have you told me Tatoeva isn't human? 羊が牧草地で草をはんでいた。 The sheep were feeding in the meadow. The sheep were grassing on the pastures. 帰りの航空券はありますか。 Do you have an airplane ticket back home? Is there a flight ticket home? 私の町にはお城がある。 There is a castle in my town. My town has a castle. いま何時か分かりますか? Do you know what time it is? Do you know what time it is? 私の言ったことを絶対に忘れるな。 Don't forget what I told you. Never forget what I said. トムは弱い。 Tom is weak. Tom's weak. 全員出席を義務づけられている。 Attendance is compulsory for all members. Everyone is required to attend. チェスではトムは私より上手だ。 Tom is more than a match for me in chess. Tom is better at chess than I am. トムは今一番会いたくない人だ。 Tom is the last person I want to see now. Tom's the last person I want to see right now. その仕事はあまり面白くなかったが、その一方で給与はよかった。 That job wasn't very interesting. However, the pay was good. The job was not very interesting, but on the other hand, the salary was good. 交通規制には従わないといけない。 We should obey the traffic rules. We have to follow traffic regulations. 私は思わず吹き出した。 I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I blew it out of my head. 世の中にはどんなに願っても叶わないことがあります。 There are some things in this world that will never come true, no matter how much you wish for them. There are times in the world where you can't hope for anything. ジャクソンは彼らを信頼できない。 Jackson could not trust them. Jackson can't trust them. そこでまだ要塞都市の遺跡をみることができる。 You can still see the remains of the fortress there. There you can still see the ruins of the fortified city. 彼は、とても満足げに見える。 He looks like a cat that ate the canary. He looks so happy. インドでは牛は神聖な動物です。 In India, the cow is a sacred animal. In India, cattle are sacred animals. 今日は授業がありませんでした。 We didn't have classes today. I didn't have any classes today. 私たちは喜んでお助けします。 We're willing to help you. We're happy to help. 私の前で生意気な口をきくんじゃないぞ、さもないと痛い目にあうからな。 Don't get smart with me, or you'll get a black eye! You're not gonna talk in front of me, you're gonna hurt yourself if you don't. 私は押し出された。 I was crowded out. I was pushed out. 残念ながら、冗談ではないんです。 I'm afraid not. Unfortunately, it's not a joke. 彼らは公園で遊んでいるかもしれない。 They may be playing in the park. They might be playing in the park. ナンシーは通りの向こうから私に会釈した。 Nancy greeted me with a nod from across the street. Nancy talked to me from across the street. 先生がそのやり方を説明するだろう。 The teacher will illustrate how to do it. The teacher will explain how it works. 彼らは一緒にサッカーをした。 They played soccer together. They played soccer together. ホワイト氏が彼の弁護人として出廷した。 Mr White appeared for him in court. Mr. White appeared in court as his lawyer. とても安かったのよ。 It was really cheap. It was so cheap. お手洗いを拝借できますか。 May I use the bathroom? Can I use your bathroom? 彼女は彼が困っている時はいつでも彼を助けた。 She stood by him whenever he was in trouble. She helped him every time he was in trouble. 彼は成長しようと夢中になっている。 He is earnest for success. He's obsessed with growing up. 彼はその試みに成功した。 He was successful in the attempt. He succeeded in that attempt. ドアをバタンと閉めないで。 Don't slam the door. Don't close the door. 出席していた人はみな彼の話に感動した。 All the people present were moved by his speech. Everyone in attendance was impressed by his story. 彼らはこの品物を海外で安く買い付け、国内で高い値段をつけて売る。 They buy these goods cheaply overseas and then mark them up to resell at home. They buy the goods overseas cheaply and sell them at high prices in the country. 何をしなければならないかは明白です。 It is clear what must be done. It's obvious what we have to do. この道を行くと駅に出ます。 This road leads to the station. If I go this way, I'll go to the station. はい、とても好きです。 Yes, I like it very much. Yes, I love it. また来てください。 I hope you will call again. Come again. メアリーは何時間もずっと座って海を眺めている事がある。 Mary sometimes sits still for hours and gazes at the sea. Mary sometimes sits and looks at the sea for hours. 君のことを考えています。 I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking of you. 彼に助けを求めても無駄だ。 It's no use asking him for help. You can't ask him for help. 彼は米を栽培しています。 He grows rice. He's growing rice. その件について彼らの意見はまちまちだ。 Their views vary on the subject. They disagree on the matter. 10日に10件の事故があった。 There were ten accidents in as many days. Ten accidents a day. 彼はそれを見たに違いない。 He must have seen it. He must have seen it. 私は走りに走った。でなければ遅れていたかもしれない。 I ran and ran; otherwise I might have been late. "I don't know what you're talking about. タトエバでは自分の母語についても多くを学ぶことができる。 At Tatoeba you can also learn a lot about your own language. Tatoeba also learns a lot about its mother tongue. ほんの一握りの男性しか育児休暇を取りたがらない。 Only a handful of men want to take childcare leave. Only a handful of men want to take child vacations. 少なくとも、だれもマラドーナと比肩する存在になってはいない。 At the least there is nobody who equals Madonna. At least no one has become a match for Maladona. 私は十分楽しみました。 I have enjoyed myself to the full. I've had enough fun. 冬には雪が多い。 There's a lot of snow in the winter. There's a lot of snow in winter. 彼女の声には私たちを落ち着かなくさせる何かがあった。 There was something about her voice that made us feel uneasy. There was something in her voice that would distract us. 御尊父の死に謹んで哀悼の意を表します。 Please accept our condolences on the death of your father. My condolences for your father's death. お噂はかねがねたいそう承っています。 I've heard quite a lot about you. I've heard so much about you. 彼の本は大部分役にたたない。 His books are almost useless. Most of his books are useless. どんなことがあっても小切手は受け取れません。 Under no circumstances can we accept checks. No matter what happens, I can't get a check. 人々は光よりも闇を愛した、その行いが悪かったからである。 But man loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. People loved darkness more than light, for their deeds were wrong. 誰もが彼女の仕事を高く評価している。 Everyone estimates her work highly. Everyone appreciates her work. また君に番号を聞けなかった。 I wasn't able to ask for your phone number again. I couldn't get your number again. これは、麻雀です。 This is mahjong. It's a marihuana. 彼は辛抱強くなった。 He has learned to be patient. He's been patient. 君はもっとはやくくるべきだったのに。 You should've come earlier. You should have been harder. バカにしないで。 Do not make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. 彼は針で指を刺した。 He hurt his finger with a needle. He stabbed his finger with a needle. 子供は大声で助けを求めた。 The child cried for help. The child called out for help. 僕達は農場の近くで遊んだ。 We played around the farm. We played near the farm. その主な理由は、被験者たちが近道の可能性をまったく意識していなかったことである。 The main reason is that the subjects were totally unaware of the possibility of shortcuts. The main reason is that the subjects were totally unaware of the possibility of shortcuts. ふざけるな Don't talk rubbish. You've got to be kidding me. 試験は全て終わった。 The examinations are all over. It's all over. 少年は一握りのピーナッツを集め、それを小さな箱に入れた。 The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy collected a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. 彼があまりに長いスピーチをしたので私達は皆うんざりした。 He made such a long speech that we all got bored. We were all fed up because he gave so long a speech. この時計は絶対に狂わないこと請け合いだ。 I guarantee this watch to keep perfect time. I assure you this watch will never go crazy. 彼は大人になったら医者になるだろう。 He will be a doctor when he grows up. He'll be a doctor when he's grown up. トムは運転した。 Tom drove. Tom drove. これらの車は大きい。 These cars are big. These cars are big. あそこの会社から技術情報をもらうには、まず機密保持契約を結ばなければいけない。 To get technical information from that company, we first have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. To get technical information from that company, you have to sign a security contract first. とても寒かったのだが、私たちは出かけたのだ。 It was very cold, but we went out. It was very cold, but we were out. 周りには誰もいなかった。 There was nobody about. There was no one around. まもなく例のウエーターが皿を片付けに戻ってきた。 Soon the same waiter came back to pick up the dishes. Soon the waiter came back to clean up the dishes. こちらの方がきれいだ。 This one is prettier. This one's cleaner. 彼はけっして約束を守らない。 He never keeps his word. He just doesn't keep his word. 北極の氷が解けると海面は本当に上昇するのだろうか? I wonder if the sea level really will rise when the ice at the North Pole melts. Is the sea really going to rise when the Arctic ice melts? 家は両方とも全焼した。 Both buildings burned down. The house was burned to the ground. コンサートのとチケットを手に入れるのに苦労した。 I had difficulty getting a ticket for the concert. I had a hard time getting a concert and tickets. ニューヨークまでどのくらい遠いですか。 How far is it to New York? How far is it to New York? 私たちの運命は皆さんの決定次第なのです。 Our fate depends on your decisions. Our fate depends on your decision. 私は自分の服装を人がどう思おうと構わない。 I don't care what people think about the way I dress. I don't care what people think of my dress. 彼は変わった人だ。 He's a strange character. He's a strange man. アンはヘンリーの求婚を受け入れた。 Anne accepted Henry's proposal. Anne accepted Henry's suit. 彼にお金を用立ててあげた。 I accommodated him with money. I gave him the money. 私の妹は仕事に夢中になっている。 My sister is now bound up in her work. My sister is obsessed with her work. 私たちは群集の中で彼を見失った。 We lost sight of him in the crowd. We lost him in the crowd. 私が今朝通りで会ったのはジョージだった。 It was George that I met in the street this morning. George was the one I met on the street this morning. 彼はその日出発する予定だったのだが出発しなかった。 He was to have started that day. He was scheduled to leave that day but did not leave. 彼女は生まれながらの音楽家だ。 She is a natural musician. She is a born musician. 食べ物はひどかった。それでも私は文句を言わなかった。 The food was terrible -all the same I didn't complain. The food was terrible, but I didn't complain. 10セントの10倍は1ドルである。 Ten dimes are equal to one dollar. Ten times ten cents is one dollar. SOS助けてくれ。 SOS, please help! S.O.S., help me. まもなく夕食の準備が出来るでしょう。 Dinner will be ready soon. Soon we'll be ready for dinner. 彼女に聞こえないように、静かに話してください。 Speak quietly lest she should hear us. Keep quiet so she doesn't hear you. 彼女はうそをついたことがないと私は信じている。 My belief is that she has never told a lie. I believe she has never lied. 私の提案を承認していただけますか。 Could you approve my proposal? Would you approve my proposal? その学校に問い合わせたら、山田という生徒はいなかった。 I inquired at the school only to find there was no student by the name of Yamada. I called the school, and there were no students, Yamada. どっちに転んでも君の負けだよ。 Heads I win, tails you lose. Either way, you lose. 彼は滑って、すんでのところで転ぶところだった。 He slipped and nearly fell. He slipped and fell on his knees. さようなら! Good-bye! Bye! 人のパスワードを乱用する「なりすまし」行為が問題になっている。 Now that people can steal passwords, illegal impersonation is becoming a serious problem. There is a problem with the abuse of human passwords. 一番近くの教会はどこにあるか教えていただけませんか? Can you please tell me where the nearest church is? Can you tell me where the nearest church is? しかし、中国語や韓国語を話すことができると、もっとたくさんの人と考え方を共有することができるんです。 However if you can speak Chinese, Korean, etc. you're able to share your way of thinking with many more people. But if you can speak Chinese or Korean, you can share your thoughts with more people. 殺し屋というのはテレビ映画では人気のある題材だ。 Hit men are a popular subject for TV movies. Killers are popular in TV movies. そちらへは空港からどのように行けば良いのですか。 How should I get there from the airport? How do I get to you from the airport? 彼は太りすぎているのでダイエット中です。 He's on a diet because he is a little overweight. He's on a diet because he's too fat. 唾液が多く出ます。 My mouth forms a lot of saliva. There's a lot of saliva. 私たちの会社で彼女より高慢な女はいない。 No other woman in our company is so proud as she. No woman in our company is more proud of her. あの人たちにはやさしすぎました。 It was rather easy for them. I was too close to them. 彼は英語をうまく使いこなす。 He has a good command of English. He makes good use of English. 彼女はますますかわいらしくなっていく。 She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting sader. 調べてもらう必要がある。 It wants looking into. I need you to look into it. 日本の若者は流行に乗る傾向があります。 The youth of Japan have a tendency to follow fashion. Japanese youth tend to be on the trend. その小説はほぼ2万部を売った。 The novel has sold almost 20,000 copies. The novel sold almost 20,000 copies. もう一歩で君は階段から落ちていただろう。 Another step, and you would have fallen down the stairs. One more step, you would have fallen down the stairs. ケンは昨晩英語を勉強しました。 Ken studied English last night. Ken studied English last night. 彼は自分が名優だとうぬぼれた。 He flattered himself that he was the best actor. He was so proud of himself. 友だちとメールをしていて、文章が達者だと褒められた。 I wrote an email to my friend and he praised me for my writing skills. I was texting my friends, and they praised me for being an expert in writing. 私はそんなことをする気にはとうていなれない。 I can't bring myself to do such a thing. I'm not willing to do that. その支配人は、私が求めていた正確な答えをくれた。 The manager gave the precise answer which I was looking for. The manager gave me the exact answer I was looking for. それは落としたら割れるだろう。 It would break if you dropped it. It'll break if it drops. その新しいスーパーは先月開店した。 The new supermarket was opened last month. The new supermarket opened last month. 実は言うと、私は前ほど丈夫ではない。 To tell truth, I'm not so well as before. Actually, I'm not as strong as I used to be. 「誰がきみを手伝ったのですか」「トムです」 "Who helped you?" "Tom did." - Who helped you? - Tom. 通例、喫煙は許可していません。 As a rule, we don't allow smoking. Usually, we don't allow smoking. 彼はせいぜい18歳だ。 He is not more than eighteen. He's 18 at most. あなたにお話したいという女性が下に来ていますよ。 There is a lady downstairs who wants to speak to you. There's a woman downstairs who wants to talk to you. 楽しかった。 I had fun. It was fun. 私はその板をインチで計った。 I measured the board in inches. I measured it in inches. 恥知らずな嘘つきは笑って嘘をいう。 A shameless liar speaks smilingly. Shameless liars laugh and lie. トムと私には共通点がありません。 Tom and I have nothing in common. Tom and I have nothing in common. とても助かりました。 That helped a lot. Thank you very much. 彼は少女の上に身をかがめてキスをした。 He bent over the girl and kissed her. He dressed himself on top of the girl and kissed her. 夫婦は、その日の夕方、馬車に乗りました。 The couple took a horse carriage that evening. The couple got on the wagon that evening. 母が帰って来たらしかられるよ。 You'll be scolded when your mother comes home. If my mother comes home, she'll be the only one. この本は最近よく売れている。 This book is selling well these days. The book has been selling a lot lately. これがだれの車か知っていますか。 Do you know who this car belongs to? Do you know whose car this is? あなたは食べ物を食べる。 You eat food. You eat food. 交通事故のために、私達は大変な目にあった。 A traffic accident caused us a lot of trouble. We were in a lot of trouble because of the car accident. 危険性を説明することはとても重要だ。 It's extremely important to explain the danger. It's very important to explain the dangers. お見事!よくやった! Good show! Well done! 若い時に心を豊かにするべきだ。 You should enrich your mind when young. You should expand your mind when you are young. 私達があの川を渡るのは不可能だ。 It is impossible for us to cross that river. It's impossible for us to cross that river. 彼はその問題に答えられなくて恥ずかしいと思った。 He felt ashamed of not answering the question. I felt ashamed he couldn't answer the question. スミスさんはその計画を上手くやった。 Mr Smith carried out the plan successfully. Mr. Smith made the plan very well. 彼は遅いですね。5時30分まで待ちましょう。 He is late. Let's wait for him till 5:30. I don't know. He's late. Let's wait till 5:30. トムはいい医者になるでしょう。 Tom will make a good doctor. Tom will be a good doctor. 人の食習慣が100万人以上の死亡原因になっているそうだ。 Diet accounts for more than one million deaths. People’s eating habits are said to be responsible for more than a million deaths. 彼は、怒り狂っている。 He is furious with anger. He's mad. この古い上着はもう着られない。 This old coat has had it. I can't wear this old jacket anymore. 仕方がないよ。 There is no choice. I don't have a choice. 私は仕事をし続けた。 I continued working. I kept on doing my job. 私はこれらの言葉を彼が話したとおりに思い出すことができる。 I can remember these words exactly as he spoke them. I can remember these words as he said. 人間は考えたり、言葉を使ったりできるという点で、動物とは異なっている。 Men differ from animals in that they can think and speak. Humans are different from animals in that they can think and use words. ジャガイモを掘ったことがありますか。 Have you dug up potatoes? Have you ever dug potatoes? 彼らはほとんど何も見えなかった。 They could hardly see. They almost didn't see anything. 予定があるんだ。 I have plans. I have plans. ボディペインティングをしたことがありますか? Have you ever tried body painting? Have you ever done body painting? あなたの忠告は彼らには何の効き目もないだろう。 Your advice will have no effect on them. Your advice will have no effect on them. メアリーは500人の中から選ばれた。 Mary was chosen amongst 500 applicants. Mary was chosen from among the 500. 君が真実を話したのは立派だ。 It's to your credit that you told the truth. It's a good thing you're telling the truth. 冷蔵庫にはバターがあまり残っていない。 There isn't much butter left in the refrigerator. There is not much butter left in the fridge. もう一度チャンスが与えられれば、彼は最善を尽くすだろう。 If he were given another chance, he'd do his best. If I give him another chance, he'll do his best. ぼくの眼鏡をどうしたの。 What did you do with my glasses? What happened to my glasses? 静かにしてもらえますか? Could you please be quiet? Will you be quiet? この部屋のどこかに隠れていることは分かっているぞ。 I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. 一度に15以上ご注文いただけるという条件で、STL#3456の特別値引きをいたします。 We can prepare to offer you a special discount of 5% for the STL#3456, on condition that you place an order for more than 15 at one time. I'm going to subtract the special value of STL #3456, provided you order 15 or more at a time. 見ているだけです。 I'm simply looking. I'm just looking at it. 彼は車を運転できる年になった。 He is old enough to drive. He's old enough to drive. 彼は同級生と仲がいい。 He is on good terms with his classmates. He's close to his classmates. 子供達は凧上げをしていた。 The children were flying kites. The kids were flying kites. 彼女はどこかで私に会ったことがあるようだった。 She looked as though she had seen me somewhere before. She seemed to have met me somewhere. バスはどのくらい前に出ましたか。 How long ago did the bus leave? How long ago did the bus leave? 彼女は静かに目を閉じた。 She slowly closed her eyes. She closed her eyes quietly. 会議は中止になったよ。 The meeting was canceled. The meeting has been canceled. この花は早咲きだ。 These flowers bloom earlier than others do. This flower is early. 私は物事を分類するのが得意でない。 I'm not good at classifying things. I'm not good at classifying things. 探す人が、見つけるのだ。 Who searches, finds. Find the people you're looking for. 腰痛のため、小泉さんのパーティー に参上いたしません。 Due to my lumbago, I won't be able to attend Koizumi's party. I'm not going to go to a party with you because of my back pain. じゃ下ろす。 Good. Now go down with it. All right, let's put it down. 彼女の手紙がその問題に新たな光を投げかけた。 Her letter cast a new light on the matter. Her letter cast a new light on the issue. どちらのチームが試合に勝つでしょうか。 Which team will win the game? Which team will win the match? あの日は強い風が吹いていました。 There was a strong wind that day. A strong wind was blowing that day. 私たちは自然をよい状態にしておかなければなりません。 We must keep nature in good condition. We have to keep nature in good shape. 時が経つのにつれて、フットボールの試合をより安全な競技にするために規則が付け加えられていったのです。 As time went on, rules were added to the game to make it safer. As time went on, rules were added to make football games safer. セーターが欲しいんだけど。 I'm looking for a sweater. I need a sweater. 私はよい席をとることができた。 I got a good seat. I could get a good seat. あなたは時には妹さんにおこづかいをあげますか。 Do you sometimes give your sister money? Do you sometimes give your sister something to eat? 秘書が結婚するというので、彼は彼女を手放さなければならなかった。 He had to let his secretary go because she got married. He had to let her go, since the secretary said he would marry her. 彼は随分変わってしまって昔の彼ではない。 He has changed a lot, and he is no longer what he used to be. He's not the old man who's changed so much. 彼は先生に向いてないように見える。 He seems not to be cut out for teaching. He doesn't look good for a teacher. そのホテルは設備がよい。 The hotel has good accommodation. The hotel is well equipped. 彼女は彼のために特別な晩御飯を作りました。 She cooked a special dinner for him. She made him a special dinner. 私は彼が来るのを今か今かと待っている。 I expect him to come at any moment. I'm waiting for him now or now. あの赤いセーターはあなたに似合いますよ。 That red sweater looks good on you. That red sweater suits you. 他人をばかにすべきではない。 We should not make fun of others. You shouldn't be making fun of other people. 今年は春の訪れが遅い。 Spring is late coming this year. Spring's coming late this year. 彼は、家に帰ったときつかれ果てていた。 He was worn out when he got home. When he came home, he was all over the place. 彼は私の提案を鼻であしらった。 He turned up his nose at my suggestion. He made my suggestion with his nose. トムは水を飲みに台所に行きました。 Tom went into the kitchen to drink some water. Tom went to the kitchen to drink water. 大きくなったら、英語の先生になりたい。 When I grow up, I want to be an English teacher. When I grow up, I want to be an English teacher. 「ここに駐車してもよろしいですか」「いいえ、いけません」 "May I park here?" "No, you must not." - Can I park here? - No, no, no. 私が目を覚ました時には、他の乗客はみんな降りていた。 When I woke up, all other passengers had gotten off. When I woke up, all the other passengers were off. 日曜日は家でゆっくりしました。 I relaxed at home last Sunday. Sunday was slow at home. 彼女は自分をうまく表現しようと努めた。 She tried hard to express herself well. She tried to express herself well. 私はお金が全くない。 I do not have any money. I have no money at all. 日本人の多くは英語に憧れているのにもかかわらず、英語を勉強しようとしない。 Despite being fascinated with English, many Japanese don't even try to study it. Although many Japanese prefer English, they do not try to learn English. 手の内を見せるな。 Don't show them your hand. Don't show me your hands. 車はすばらしい発明だ。 The automobile is a wonderful invention. The car is a great invention. 彼女はそこらにいますか。 Is she anywhere about? She's out there. 私達はもちろん彼が事業に成功すると思っている。 We take it for granted that he will succeed in his business. We believe, of course, that he will succeed in his business. 母はちょうど買い物に出かけたところです。 Mother has just gone shopping. My mother just went shopping. 私は甘い物を食べないようにしている。 I allow myself no sweets. I'm trying not to eat sweets. 彼女は寝る前に祈ったものだ。 She used to pray before going to bed. She used to pray before she went to bed. 放してくれ、息が詰まる。 Let me go. You're choking me. Let me go. I can't breathe. トムは部屋の中央に立っていた。 Tom stood in the middle of the room. Tom stood in the middle of the room. あなたの娘さんはいつ成年に達したのですか。 When did your daughter become an adult? When did your daughter reach puberty? 折り返し電話するよう伝えます。 I'll tell him to call you back. I'll tell him to call you back. 金持ちが必ずしも幸せとは限らない。 The rich are not always happy. The rich don't always be happy. その店は警察の監督のもとにある。 The shop is kept under police supervision. The store is under police supervision. 彼は洋行を望んでいる。 He hopes to go abroad. He wants to go to sea. タトエバのサイトに百文を書きたいが、することがありますよ。 I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I want to write a hundred words on Tatoeva's site, but I do have things to do. 音楽を理解する人なら、誰が彼の演奏が良かったと言えるだろうか。 Who that understands music could say his playing was good? If you understand the music, who would have liked to play him? 私は彼の言っている言葉がよく分からない。 I can't figure out what he is saying. I don't understand what he's saying. そんなふるまいをするなんていかにも彼らしい。 It's characteristic of him to behave like that. It's almost like he's acting like that. あのいとこは見かけは似ているが性格はまるで違う。 The cousins are similar in appearance but widely different in character. That cousin looks like him, but he has a very different personality. 彼らは数時間働きつづけた。 They went on working for hours. They kept working for hours. 彼にはいろんな欠点があるが、私は彼が好きだ。 For all his faults, I like him. He's got a lot of flaws, but I like him. 彼女は問題の解答を見つけ出すのにあまり苦労しなかった。 She didn't have much difficulty finding out the answer to the problem. She didn't have much trouble finding an answer to the problem. 彼女は事実を述べていたに過ぎない。 She was merely stating a fact. She was just telling the truth. このころ、病気の進行は遅くなった。 About this time, the disease slowed. At this point, the disease was slow. チップがグラス一つの中の10セントであれば、ウェイトレスは次の客に備えて急いでテーブルを片付けようとしてグラスを持ち上げ、水がこぼれだし、事はおしまいということになろう。 If the tip was a dime in one glass, the waitress, in her haste to get the table ready for the next customer, would pick up the glass, the water would spill out, and that would be the end of it. If the chip is 10 cents per glass, the waitress will pick up the glass to clean up the table in preparation for the next guest, and the water will spill, and the matter will be over. 囚人は警官を殺害したことを否定した。 The prisoner denied that he had killed a policeman. The prisoner denied killing a cop. ジェームズから突然電話があった。 I had a call from James out of the blue. James called all of a sudden. 今日は早く帰って料理でもしようかな。 I think I'll go home early and cook today. Let's get home early and cook. 秘書はボスが口述するのを受けた。 The secretary took dictation from her boss. The secretary received a statement from her boss. 両親は私が男と付き合うことを絶対に許そうとはしなかった。 My parents would not let me go out with boys. My parents would never allow me to date a man. 何よりもまず、君たちはお互いに助け合わなければいけない。 Above all, you must help each other. First of all, you have to help each other. 彼女はその知らせを聞いて、気も狂わんばかりに喜んだ。 She went mad with delight to hear the news. She was madly happy to hear the news. 値段を15ドルに決めた。 We fixed the price at $15. So let's say I had $1 million. パスポートは外国に行ったときなしではすまされないものだ。 A passport is something you cannot do without when you go to a foreign country. Passports are not taken for granted unless you go abroad. その子は犬がこわくて入れなかった。 That boy could not enter for fear of the dog. She couldn't get in because her dog was so tight. 私達は群集の中で彼を見失ってしまった。 We lost sight of him in the crowd. We lost him in the crowd. 彼は何もしないよりは仕事をするほうを好んだ。 He preferred working to doing nothing. He preferred to work rather than do nothing. 音楽はこれっぽっちも解らない。 I know nothing about music. The music doesn't even know what it is. 彼は自営業をしていた。 He did the work on his own. He was on his own. ヒーターをつけたまま外出した。 I went out with the heater on. I went out with the heater on. 駅へどう行ったら良いかを教えてもらえませんか。 Can you tell me how to get to the station? Tell me how to get to the station. 私は先日ジェーンに会った。 I met Jane the other day. I met Jane the other day. ボブはパーティーでいちばん声をはりあげて歌った。 Bob sang loudest at the party. Bob sang a lot at the party. 君はここに居るかぎり安全です。 You are safe so long as you stay here. You're safe as long as you're here. この本は英語で書かれています。 This book is written in English. This book is written in English. その機械からバッテリーをはずせ。 Take the battery off the machine. Remove the battery from the machine. Australiaという語のアクセントはどこですか。 Where do you place the stress in the word "Australia"? What is the accent of the word Australia? 私はウェイターにコーヒーを持ってきてもらった。 I had the waiter bring us some coffee. I had the waiter bring me coffee. だから私はその本をしまった。 So I put the book away. That's why I left that book. ダイレクト・マーケティングは人々が家に居ながらにして買い物が出来る方法である。 Direct marketing is a means of allowing people to shop from home. Direct marketing is a way for people to stay at home and shop. 運転免許証を取り上げられてしまったそうだね。 I hear you had your driver's license canceled. I heard you took my driver's license. 風が凪いだ。 The wind has fallen. The wind is blowing. 私は級友に計画を提案したが、級友の何人かはそれに反対だった。 I proposed the plan to my classmates, some of whom were against it. I proposed a plan to my classmates, but some of them were against it. 人を試すようなことをしないで。 Don't test me. Don't try people. 足元に何か落ちてますよ。 Something has fallen by your feet. There's something on your feet. 細く長く愛して。 Love me lithe, love me long. Love me thin and long. この歌を聴くたびに私は泣いてしまう。 I cry every time I listen to this song. Every time I hear this song, I cry. ライオンはウサギをひと口で食べた。 The lion ate the rabbit in one bite. A lion ate a rabbit with a mouth. 年齢聞いてもいいですか? May I ask how old you are? May I ask how old you are? コーヒーのお代わりはいいですか。 Would you like another cup of coffee? Can I get you another cup of coffee? 此処の平均温度はどれくらい? What's the average temperature here? What's the average temperature here? プロの将棋の面白さがやっとわかるようになって来た。 I'm finally able to understand what's interesting about professional shogi. I'm finally beginning to understand the fun of professional champions. 先生にみんな言いつけてやるぞ。 I will tell the teacher all about it. I'm going to tell you guys. トムの奥さんが誰かは知りません。 I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. 彼は靴下を裏返しに履いていた。 He had his socks on inside out. He was wearing socks on the back. 必要なだけおもち帰りください。 Keep as many as you need. Go home as much as you need. 彼女は彼の突然の反抗的態度にとてもびっくりした。 She was very surprised at his sudden defiant attitude. She was very surprised by his sudden rebelliousness. 私の父は大の旅行ずきです。 My father is a great traveler. My father's a great traveler. 家に入るとき、私はマットにつまずいた。 Entering the house, I tripped over the mat. When I went into the house, I got stuck with Matt. この席はふさがってますか。 Is this seat taken? Is this seat packed? なにかギリシャ神話を、知っていますか。 Do you know any Greek myths? You know something about Greek mythology. それをやってみるなんて狂気に近い。 It is little short of lunacy to try it. It's almost crazy to try it. どう言ったらよいかわからなかったので、私は黙っていた。 Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. I didn't know what to say, so I kept quiet. 彼女はテーブルの上にクロスを広げた。 She spread a cloth over the table. "I don't think so," said Mary. 私は映画が好きです。 I like movies. I like movies. 必ず、事前に全ての空欄部分を記入しておいて下さい。 Be sure to fill in the blanks from top to bottom beforehand. Make sure you fill out all the blanks in advance. 彼は私についてこいと合図した。 He beckoned me to follow him. He signaled to follow me. その生徒は、教師に見られていたのでとても緊張した。 The student became very nervous with the teacher watching him. The student was very nervous because he was seen by his teacher. あなたをクラスに迎えてうれしい。 We are glad to have you in our class. I'm glad you're in class. 何でも思い通りにすることはできない。 We cannot have our own way in everything. I can't do anything I want. 昨日それを言っておけばよかったよ。 You should have told me that yesterday! I should've told you that yesterday. これには納得がいきます。 This sounds reasonable. That makes sense. 君は学校で何の科目を取っていますか。 What subjects are you taking at school? What course are you taking at school? 言うことと行うことは別である。 Saying and doing are two different things. except what he says and does. 彼はもう待てない。 He can no longer wait. He can't wait anymore. 私たちはみんなの幸福を願う。 We all wish for happiness. We want everyone to be happy. このとき除雪車は確かに私たちの英雄でした。 At that time the snow plow was certainly our hero. The snow car was certainly our hero at this time. ジョークのわからない人もいる。 There are some who don't see a joke. Some people don't know how to joke. 世の中は俺に何かするべきだファックユー。 The world owes me, so fuck you! The world should do something to me, fuck you. 決定はあなたに任せる。 I'll leave the decision to you. The decision is yours to make. 彼女は毛筆を使うのがいやだった。 She doesn't like to use a writing brush. She didn't want to use a brush. 駅までの行き方を教えていただけませんか。 Could you tell me how to get to the station? Can you tell me how to get to the station? サンタさんっていると思う? Do you think Santa exists? Do you think he's Santa? 彼はアメリカ大使館に出入りしている。 He has access to the American Embassy. He's in and out of the American Embassy. 自分が勝ったと知って驚いた。 I was amazed to learn I had won. I was surprised to find out I won. 私は喫茶店に飲みに入ります。 I am entering the cafe to get something to drink. I go into the coffee shop. 病気のために、作家はその仕事を成し遂げることができなかった。 On account of ill health the writer couldn't go through with the work. Because of his illness, the writer could not accomplish his job. ここから市役所まで歩いてどれくらい時間がかかりますか。 How long does it take to walk from here to the city hall? How long does it take you to walk from here to the city hall? 彼女は本当にここへ来たんだ。 She did come here. She really came here. 彼からまだ何の便りももらっていない。 I have had no news from him yet. I haven't received anything from him yet. もう私の腹は決まっている。 I've made up my mind. I'm already pregnant. わたしはアルコールを飲みません。 I don't drink alcohol. I do not drink alcohol. その機械で、あなたは多くの時間と労力を節約できます。 The machine will save you much time and labor. With that machine, you can save a lot of time and effort. 祖父は早寝早起きをします。 My grandfather keeps early hours. My grandfather wakes up early. 彼は彼女に秘密を知らせた。 He revealed the secret to her. He told her his secret. そこで私は自分の計画を断念した。 Accordingly I gave up my plans. So I gave up my plan. 彼の計画には金が多くかかる。 His plan will call for a lot of money. His plans cost a lot of money. 9時前に学校に着いていなくてはいけません。 You should arrive at school before nine. I have to get to school before 9:00. ピザを自由に召し上がってください。 Please help yourself to the pizza. Enjoy pizza freely. 彼のスピーチは面白かった。 The content of his speech was interesting. His speech was interesting. 『トムとメアリー』は本当に救いようのない駄作だった。 "Tom and Mary" was really a hopeless failure. "Tom and Mary" was a truly unsaved masterpiece. 彼は落ちないように、しっかり勉強している。 He is studying hard for fear he should fail. He's studying hard so he doesn't fall. トムは私のことを好きじゃない。 Tom doesn't like me. Tom doesn't like me. それは人知の限界を越えている。 It is beyond the boundaries of human intellect. It's beyond the limits of human knowledge. トムが逮捕された。 Tom was arrested. Tom was arrested. 私は朝早く起きた。 I got up early in the morning. I woke up early in the morning. 彼はその仕事に対し十二分の報酬をもらった。 He was given ample payment for the work. He was paid two-tens of what he did. 彼は私の忠告を相手にしない。 He won't look at my advice. He won't listen to my advice. まだ早いのは分かっているけど、家に帰ろう。 I know it's early, but let's go home. I know it's early, but let's go home. 食事のドラが鳴ると部屋はからになった。 The room emptied when the gong for dinner sounded. The room was empty when the dra sounded. その小説家は10代の若者の間でかなり人気がある。 The novelist is pretty popular among teenagers. The novelist is quite popular among teenagers. ポットに残っていたらお茶のお代わりをしてもいいですか。 May I have some more tea if there is any in the pot? If you stay in the pot, can I have another cup of tea? 彼の声明は疑いの余地がない。 His statement admits of no doubt. There's no doubt about his statement. 10時まで仕事を頑張るつもりですか? Do you plan to work until 10:00? Are you going to keep working until 10:00? 彼はよい声をしている。 He has a sweet voice. He has a good voice. 素材は何ですか。 What kind of stone is this? What's the material? 金衡1ポンドは12オンスである。 One pound troy weighs 12 oz. A pound of gold is 12 ounces. 運転免許証を見せてください。 May I see your driver's license, sir? Show me your driver's license. 惑星の表面はほとんどが水から出来ている。 The surface of a planet is composed mostly of water. Most of the surface of the planet is made up of water. 我々は危険に対して油断してはならない。 We must be alert to dangers. We must not be impatient with the danger. 彼女は、私を見るとすぐに、突然泣き出しました。 The moment she saw me, she burst out crying. As soon as she saw me, she burst into tears. 彼はその美しい光景を見てわくわくした。 He was excited to see the beautiful scenery. He was excited to see the beautiful scene. もう少し諸規則の弾力的運用はできないか。 Can't you apply the rules a little more elastically? I don't know if I can do a little more ballistics. 彼女は息子のばかなまねをおもしろがった。 She was amused at her son's tomfoolery. She had fun with her son's pranks. 頭がもやもやしている。 I'm feeling dizzy. I don't know what's going on in my head. 尊敬する人はいますか。 Do you have anyone to look up to? I don't know if anyone respects me. 彼は彼女の秘密を知りたがっていた。 He was curious to know her secret. He wanted to know her secret. その子は公園で迷子になった。 He got lost in the park. She got lost in the park. 控え目にいっても素晴らしいディナーだった。 It was a good dinner, to say the least. It was a wonderful dinner, to say the least. 多くの人があなたを尊敬しています。彼らをがっかりさせないで下さい。 A lot of people look up to you. Don't let them down. Don't let them down. Don't let them down. 彼は養っていかなければならない四人の子供がいる。 He has four children to provide for. He has four children to feed. 「ケーキはお好きですか」「はい、好きです」 "Do you like cake?" "Yes, I do." - Do you like cake? - Yes, I do. ではまた会いましょう。 See you later! I'll see you in the next video. 両方一度にはできんよ。 You can't have your cake and eat it too. I can't do both at once. 船は港を出港して、二度と姿を見られることはなかった。 The ships left the port never to be seen again. The ship left the port and was never seen again. 仲の良い友達といると、時間が経つのが早い。 In the company of good friends, the time flew by. When you're with a good friend, it's too soon. 私は散歩に行く気など無い。 I don't feel like going for a walk. I'm not going for a walk. 僕は校長先生のまえでおちつかなかった。 I felt ill at ease in the presence of the principal. I didn't catch it in front of the principal. その機械はほこりをかぶっていた。 The machine was coated with dust. The machine was dusted. 多くの人に愛されるものは若死にしやすい。 Those loved by many are liable to untimely death. What many people love is easy to die young. ちょうど出発しようとしていた。 I was about to start. I was just about to leave. かぜをひかないよう用心しなければなりません。 You must guard against catching cold. We have to be careful not to catch a cold. 彼は他に何ができるか。 How else can he act? What else can he do? 彼は羊の毛を刈った。 He clipped the sheep. He cut sheep's hair. しかし、彼は違った大きさや色の木製の留めくぎを見たことはあるかもしれない。 He might, however, have seen a wooden peg of a different size or color. But he may have seen different sizes and coloured trees. 日本は外交政策の変更を迫られてきている。 Japan has been urged to alter her diplomatic policies. Japan is being forced to change its foreign policy. 彼らは再会を大いに喜んだ。 They were so happy to be together again. They were very happy to see each other again. この告訴を彼の国外退去につながることはおそらくないであろう。 It is unlikely that this indictment will lead to his deportation. The charges will probably not lead to his deportation. それから先の話を聞きたい。 I'd like to know the rest of the story. And I want to hear about the future. 偏頭痛がします。 I have a migraine. I'm going to have a migraine. あらゆる事情が助け合って彼を幸福にした。 Everything concurred to make him happy. Everything helped him to be happy. ここに本がある。 Here is a book. Here's the book. 精一杯やってみなさい。 Try hard. Do your best. 勝てる見込みがない。 We have no expectations of victory. There's no chance of winning. 彼は将来コックになろうとしている。 He wants to become a cook in the future. He's gonna be a cook in the future. 彼女はめをとじたままであった。 She kept her eyes closed. She stood still. 悪ふざけはほどほどにしろ。 Don't carry a practical joke too far. Don't make fun of me. あなたの車は運転しやすい。 Your car handles easily. Your car's easy to drive. 我々はその仕事で損をした。 We lost on that job. We lost that job. 車を運転していた人は酒を飲んでいた。 The man driving the car had been drinking. The driver was drinking. 私たちは今週末にテニスをする予定だ。 We plan to play tennis this weekend. We're going to play tennis this weekend. 彼は作法がぎこちない。 He is awkward in his manners. He doesn't know how to do it. メグはトムとまた会うのが楽しかった。 Meg was happy about meeting Tom again. Meg enjoyed meeting Tom again. ボーイスカウトたちは自分たちの作った物を一軒一軒売ってまわった。 The boy scouts went from door to door selling what they had made. Boy Scouts sold every piece of their work. 彼は妻と仲良く暮らしている。 He lives at peace with his wife. He lives with his wife. 彼は彼らから多額の金を借りようとしたが駄目だった。 He tried to borrow a large sum of money from them in vain. He tried to borrow a lot of money from them, but he couldn't. トニー君はいつ勉強しますか。 When does Tony study? When will Tony study? この車の燃費はどれくらい? What mileage do you get with this car? How much fuel is this car running? 小さな子供は何にでも触ってみるのが好きです。 Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to touch anything. えんぴつであなたの名前を書きなさい。 Write your name with the pencil. Write down your name. 彼女はしっかり耳をおさえていた。 She held her hands tightly over her ears. She was holding her ears tight. 忘れないでこの手紙を投稿しなさい。 Don't forget to mail this letter. Don't forget to post this letter. 明日の午後に行きましょう。 Let's go tomorrow afternoon. Let's go tomorrow afternoon. 人は自分の体に気をつけなければならない。 We must be careful of our health. People have to be careful of their own bodies. 彼女は、早起きすることをなんとも思っていない。 She makes nothing of getting up early. She doesn't care to get up early. 彼は叔父のところに泊まっている。 He's staying with his uncle. He's staying with his uncle. ニューヨーク市の警官は紺色の制服を着ている。 New York City policemen wear navy blue uniforms. New York City police are wearing blue uniforms. 彼女に喫煙しないように合図した。 I motioned to her not to smoke. I signaled her not to smoke. その決定は我々にとって不利だった。 The decision was unfavourable to us. That decision was against us. 詩は人生を解釈するのに助けとなる。 Poetry helps to interpret life. Poetry helps interpret life. いいこと聞いたわ。それって勉強になったわ。 I learned a lot from what I heard. I don't know what you're talking about. 彼は高校の先生と結婚している。 He is married to a high school teacher. He's married to a high school teacher. 興奮してる? Are you excited? Are you excited? この辺りには人家がない。 There are no houses around here. There are no houses around here. この牛乳は明日まで持たない。 This milk won't keep till tomorrow. This milk won't last until tomorrow. 何か悪いものでも食べましたか。 Did you eat anything bad? Did you eat anything bad? 今日より明日来てくれる方がいいです。 I'd rather you came tomorrow than today. Better come tomorrow than today. 成功するには互いに協力していかねばならない。 To succeed we must go shoulder to shoulder. If we are to succeed, we must work together. あなたは彼の言ったことを考慮に入れるべきだ。 You should take account of what he said. You should take his words into account. ハリケーンの種類は風速によって決まります。 The category of a hurricane depends on its wind speed. The type of hurricane depends on the speed of the wind. 我々はお互いにコミュニケーションをとる必要がある。 We need to communicate with each other. We need to communicate with each other. あなたは死後の命があることを信じますか。 Do you believe that there's life after death? Do you believe there is life after death? 勉強を続けて下さい。 Please go on with your study. Keep studying. 彼は自分の前にどんな障害が立ちふさがっているのか知ろうと努めた。 He tried to find out what he was up against. He tried to find out what obstacles were standing in front of him. 出来れば、釣りに行きたい。 I'd like to go fishing if possible. I'd like to go fishing if I can. それにおれに口を利くときは帽子くらい取れよ。 And when you talk to me, take off your hat. And get a hat when you talk to me. 私は客に別れのあいさつを述べた。 I bade farewell to the guests. I said good-bye to my guests. トムは去年の夏にボストンで死んだ。 Tom died in Boston last summer. Tom died last summer in Boston. 昨夜君は外出していましたか。 Were you out last night? Were you out last night? もし来られたら来なさい。 Come if possible. Come if you can. 冷たいものが歯にしみます。 My teeth are sensitive to cold foods. The cold one's on your teeth. 明日10時にお会いできますか。 Can I see you at ten tomorrow? I'll see you tomorrow at 10:00. 私達はもっと注意すべきだった。 We should've been more careful. We should have been more careful. 彼女はどこへ行っちゃったの。 Where has she gone? Where'd she go? 天井から美しいシャンデリアが下がっていた。 There was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was a beautiful chandelier down from the ceiling. ビルは驚くほど流暢に日本語を話した。 It's astonishing how fluently Bill spoke Japanese. Bill was surprisingly fluent in Japanese. 彼女は訪れた人々について本を書いた。 She wrote a book about the visitors. She wrote a book about the visitors. 彼と一緒にいるところを見られたくない。 I don't want to be seen in his company. I don't want to be seen with him. 彼は家を建てるつもりでその土地を買った。 He bought the land with the plan to build a house on it. He bought the land to build a house. ガスストーブは料理するのに最も均等な熱を供給する。 A gas stove provides the most even heat for cooking. Gas stoves provide the most equal heat for cooking. 人を訪問することのほうが、訪問されることよりすてきだ。 Visiting people is nicer than being visited. It is better to visit people than to be visited. 女性は職場や地域社会でますます重要な責任を担うようになっているので、育児と仕事の両方からストレスを感じている人の数が増えているといわれている。 Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. It is said that women are taking on more and more important responsibilities at work and in the community, and that the number of people who are stressed by both child care and work is increasing. それは全く間違いです。 That's altogether wrong. That's completely wrong. あなたは英語かフランス語のどちらかを習ったほうがいいです。 You had better learn either English or French. You should learn either English or French. その試験に合格し、彼は喜んだ。 He was happy that he passed that exam. I passed the test, and he was happy. 彼女の言葉は次の通りだった。 Her words were as follows. Her words were as follows: 痛み止めの注射をします。 I'll give you a painkilling injection. I'm going to inject you with a pain shot. あなたの時計では何時ですか。 What time is it by your watch? When is your watch? 街まで乗せていってください。 Give us a ride downtown. Please take me to the city. 彼の死を聞かせてくれて深く心を痛めた。 I was deeply affected when I heard of his death. It hurt me deeply to hear him die. 君を捕まえにやって来たのではないよ。 I'm not here to arrest you. I'm not here to catch you. 私たちは家が全部、次から次へと壊されるのをみた。 We saw all the houses pulled down one after another. We saw all the houses being destroyed from one place to another. そのようにして、彼はその大学に入学した。 That was why he entered the university. That's how he entered the university. トムは私に話してくれなかった。 Tom didn't tell me. Tom didn't tell me. ただいま通話中だ。 The line is busy now. I'm on the phone. 後ろ向きになってください。 Turn back, please. Turn around. そこの車、停まりなさい! You! In that car over there! Stop! Stop the car there! 彼らは選挙に勝つ可能性がないと感じていました。 They felt he had no chance to win the election. They felt that they couldn't win the election. お勘定お願いします。 Check, please. Please check it out. 今はすっきりした気分です。 I'm feeling fine now. I'm feeling better now. いつかフランスに行きたいです。 I'd like to go to France one day. I want to go to France someday. 私達は彼を正直だと思っている。 We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. 彼はポケットに手を入れて立っていた。 He was standing with his hands in his pockets. He stood with his hand in his pocket. 作者は恋人に対する情熱を表現している。 The author expresses his passion for his love. The author expresses his passion for lovers. 海洋研究の未来を過去の研究から判断するに、多くのすばらしい発見がこれからも期待できる。 If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. Many wonderful discoveries can still be expected to be made to judge the future of ocean research from past studies. 私たちはまず第一に、健康に注意しなければならない。 We must, first of all, be careful of our health. First of all, we have to watch our health. 彼らは図書館に多くの本を備え付けた。 They furnished the library with many books. They put a lot of books into the library. 風邪を治すのにひと月以上かかったが、もう大丈夫だ。 It took more than a month to get over my cold, but I'm OK now. It took me more than a month to cure the cold, but I'm fine. それまでは彼はそのことを思いつかなかった。 That had not occurred to him before. Until then, he didn't think of it. この例文は削除されました。 This example sentence was deleted. This example statement has been deleted. 彼女の熱意にはかなわない。 I cannot match her in enthusiasm. It doesn't match her enthusiasm. 幸福な者もいれば、また不幸な者もいる。 Some are happy; others unhappy. Some are happy, others are unhappy. 中国語を話しません。 I don't speak Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. 母は、にっこりと微笑みながら赤ん坊に手を差し出した。 The mother extended her hand to her baby, smiling brightly. As she smiled, she reached out to the baby. あなたはこれを聞いて衝撃を受けるだろう。 You will be shocked to hear this. You'll be shocked to hear this. ベルギーはフランスほど大きくない。 Belgium is not as big as France. Belgium is not as big as France. 弟と私はジョンを見送りに空港まで行った。 My brother and I went to see John off at the airport. My brother and I went to the airport to see John. 文章は大文字で書き始めなくてはならない。 You must begin a sentence with a capital letter. I've got to start writing letters in capital letters. 上司は秘書にタイプさせるために手紙を口述した。 My boss dictated a letter for his secretary to type. The supervisor explained the letter to his secretary to type: 彼が来ても来なくても、私にとってはどうでもいいことです。 It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter to me whether he comes or not. その都市の住人は飲み水をその川に頼っている。 The inhabitants of the city depend upon the river for drinking water. People in the city rely on the river for drinking water. フランス語をよく知っているかのように振る舞った。 She acted as if she knew French well. She acted as if she knew French well. 今夜は激しく雨が降っている。 It's raining hard tonight. It's raining hard tonight. 商売は先月ちょっと不調だった。 Business was a little slow last month. Business was a little off last month. ボクなんかは、トーストとコーヒーだけだよ。 Well, I'll only take toast and coffee. I'm just toast and coffee. 彼は私が言うことを何でも信じる。 He believes whatever I say. He believes anything I say. 私なら仕事を手伝ってあげることができたのに。 I could've helped you with your work. I could've helped you with the job. メグは私を見もしなかった。 Meg didn't even look at me. Meg didn't even look at me. 彼は昨日亡くなりました。 He passed away yesterday. He died yesterday. ちょっとねえ。 Not quite what I want. Hey. 今日現在、彼から返事をもらっていない。 As of today, we haven't had an answer from him. I haven't received a reply from him today. 私たちはテレビを見て楽しみます。 We enjoy watching TV. We'll enjoy watching TV. 宿題は終わりましたか。 Have you finished your homework? You finished your homework? なに、彼に援助を求めるだけでいいのさ。 Well, you have only to ask for his help. Why don't you just ask him for help? 進んで責任を取るということは成熟の印である。 Willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity. Taking responsibility is a sign of maturity. 誰が立てたのですか。 Who built it? Who put you up? 傘を電話ボックスに忘れてしまった。 I left my umbrella in the phone booth. I forgot my umbrella in the phone box. アンには姉妹がいません。 Ann has no sister. Ann doesn't have a sister. 彼は私にルールを説明した。 He explained the rule to me. He explained the rules to me. 一千万円くらいかな? Is it about ten million yen? I don't know. 10 million yen? 彼にたくさん仕事を与えなさい。 Give him plenty of work to do. Give him a lot of work. 君の心臓はまだ大きくハッキリと鳴っている。 Your heart's still beating loud and clear. Your heart is still beating. それは長さ30メートルです。 It is thirty meters in length. It's 30 meters long. 彼には音楽の才能がある。 He has a genius for music. He has musical talent. 全ての人を喜ばせることはできない。 You can't please everybody. I can't please everyone. 私は彼の住所を知っている。 I know his address. I know his address. 彼女はまもなく彼を信じるようになった。 She soon came to believe him. Soon she began to believe in him. 電車はどこで乗れますか。 Could you tell me where I can get a train? Where do you get the train? 彼は多くの困難に打ち勝った。 He overcame many difficulties. He won a lot of hard times. その花には蜜蜂がいっぱいたかっている。 The flower is alive with bees. The flowers are full of bees. 引き出しのカギをかけ忘れた。 I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. 僕の本をばらばらに引き裂いたのはあなたの子供だ。 It was your child who tore my book to pieces. You're the kid who ripped my book apart. それはまさに侵略行為だ。 It is nothing less than an invasion. That's an invasion. 長く待たせてすいません。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. 彼女は枯葉が散っていくのを眺めていた。 She was watching the dead leaves falling. She watched the dry leaves scatter. 君は無理押ししすぎるよ。 You are pushing matters. You're pushing too hard. そこへ着くのにどれぐらいかかりますか。 How long will it take to get there? How long does it take to get there? 一年には四季があります。 There are four seasons in a year. There are four seasons in a year. 高すぎて手が出ません。 I can't afford to buy that. It's too high. I can't reach it. あなたの言うことは正しいかもしれない。 You could be right, I suppose. Maybe you're right. 彼らはその少年をだまして父親の時計を盗ませた。 They fooled the boy into stealing his father's watch. They had the boy steal his father's watch. 伊藤さんはたいへん学識のある人です。 Mr. Ito is a highly educated man. Igado-san is a very learned person. 二度と数学のテキストを忘れてはなりません。 You must not forget your math textbook again. Never forget your math text again. 手を離すなよ。 Don't let go. Don't let go. 私たちは休息をとるために木陰を探した。 We sought the shade to rest. We searched for the shade to rest. 彼女は奇妙な帽子をかぶっていた。 She had a strange hat on. She was wearing a strange hat. 迎えに来てくれない? Can you come pick me up? Why don't you come get me? 上がるの手伝って。 Help me up. Help me get up there. 彼女は盗みは良くないといった。 She told me how it was wrong to steal. She said you shouldn't steal. 危険な状態にあるとき、彼らは逃げます。 When they are in danger, they run away. They run when they're in danger. 彼女がピアノを弾くのを聞いたことがありますか。 Have you ever heard her play the piano? Have you ever heard her play the piano? 彼は友人との約束を破った。 He broke faith with his friend. He broke his promise to his friend. 相手を選ぶときは慎重でなければならない。 You must be deliberate in selecting a partner. You have to be careful when you choose your opponent. この時計喉から手が出るほど欲しかったんだ。 I wanted this watch so badly I could taste it. I wanted my hand out of my watch throat. どう?近ごろ。 How are you doing? What do you think? お医者さんはもっと野菜を食べるように薦めた。 My doctor recommended that I eat more vegetables. The doctor recommended eating more vegetables. ビルはあの会社の株を持っている。 Bill has stock in that company. Bill has the shares of that company. 母は私を誇りに思っている。 My mom is proud of me. My mother is proud of me. 彼女は部屋に閉じこもった。 She shut herself up in her room. She locked herself in her room. 彼は注意が足りないと息子をしかった。 He blamed his son for being careless. He was too careful and had a son. いろいろなことがあって、私は昨夜あまり眠れなかった。 Many things kept me from getting much sleep last night. There were so many things that I didn't sleep too much last night. 彼女はどうしてそのことを彼に話さなかったのだろう。 I wonder why she didn't tell him about it. Why didn't she tell him about it? それが本当だと彼に納得させることができなかった。 I could not persuade him that it was true. I couldn't convince him it was true. 東京には何時に着きますか。 What time will he arrive in Tokyo? When will you arrive in Tokyo? 彼女は1時間で学校に着くはずです。 She should get to the school in an hour. She should be at school in an hour. 私の父は全く服装に構わない。 My father does not care about his clothes at all. My father doesn't care about clothes at all. 君は何でこんなに早くここへきたの。 What did you come here so early for? Why are you here so early? 過ちのない者は何も作り出せない。 He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. The innocent cannot create anything. だれかが私の背中をたたいた。 Someone hit me on the back. Someone got up on my back. 私はやっとその問題の解決策を見つけた。 I finally found the solution to the problem. I finally found a solution to the problem. ジェーンはその花を見て興奮するだろう。 Jane will be excited to see the flowers. Jane will be thrilled to see that flower. ナンシーには誠実さが欠けているようだ。 Nancy seems to lack sincerity. It seems Nancy lacks integrity. 大地震にそなえて必要なものを用意しておかなければならない。 You should stockpile necessary supplies in case of a big earthquake. In the face of the great earthquake, we have to make sure that we have what we need. 軽自動車の方が小回りがきくので重宝している。 Minivehicles are becoming popular for their improved maneuverability. Small cars are more important than small cars. トムはメアリーに嫌われている理由を知りたがっていた。 Tom wanted to know the reason Mary didn't like him. Tom wanted to know why Mary hated him. トムは怯えていた。 Tom was frightened. Tom was scared. 警察署にはどう行くのでしょうか。 How can I get to the police station? How are we going to get to the police station? 彼は彼女の名前をよく口にした。 Her name was often on his lips. He used to say her name. 私にやらせてみてくれ。 Let me have a try. Let me try. 彼女はバターと砂糖を混ぜ合わせた。 She mixed the butter and sugar together. She mixed butter with sugar. その会議は3月に開かれる予定だったが、4月に延期された。 The conference was scheduled for March, but it has been put off till April. The meeting was scheduled to be held in March, but was postponed in April. どうぞ皆さんくつろいで、飲物を自由に召し上がって下さい。 Please make yourselves at home, and help yourselves to drinks. Please relax and enjoy your drink freely. もう一度チャンスが与えられれば、彼は最善を尽くすだろう。 Given another chance, he'd do his best. If I give him another chance, he'll do his best. その計画は今まではうまくいっている。 The plan has been successful so far. That plan has worked so far. その絵は実物そっくりだ。 The picture is true to life. It looks like it's real. ボストンについてどう思うか、トムに聞いて。 Ask Tom what he thinks of Boston. Ask Tom what he thinks about Boston. パーティーは全体的に成功であった。 The party was, on the whole, successful. The party was a total success. 社長はどこですか。 Where's the boss? Where's the boss? 親友の結婚式だから、出席しなくてはならない。 Since it is the wedding of my close friend I have to attend it. It's my best friend's wedding, so I have to attend. 私は下宿を探していました。 I was on the hunt for lodgings. I was looking for a boarding house. ちょっとまて、君。 Hey you! Please wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa 汽車は大雪が降ったために遅れた。 The train was delayed because of heavy snowfall. The train was late for the snowfall. これは日本です。 This is Japan. This is Japan. 彼らは並んで座った。 They sat side by side. They sat side by side. 彼女は試験に失敗したことを悔やんでいる。 She regrets that she failed the examination. She regrets that she failed the exam. 彼が言う事にも一面の真理がある。 There is a certain amount of truth in what he's saying. There's one truth to what he's saying. 彼女はピアノで歌手の伴奏をした。 She accompanied the singer on the piano. She accompanied the singer on the piano. これでもいいや。 This'll do. It's okay. 次のページを見なさい。 Look at the next page. Look at the next page. 彼女は本を閉じて目をつぶった。 She shut the book and closed her eyes. She closed the book and closed her eyes. 探してください。 Could you help me to find it? Find it. 時は、その中で釣をする流れである。 Time is but the stream I go a fishing in. Time is the current of fishing in it. 彼は私をわざと待たせたようだ。 It is likely that he kept me waiting on purpose. Looks like he kept me waiting on purpose. トムは気が付いた。 Tom noticed. Tom found out. 「もう食事はしましたか。」「はい、しました。」 "Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have." - Have you eaten yet? - Yes, I did. タバコを吸う人の数は、増えている。だから、ガンは間もなく、一番多い死因となるだろう。 The number of people who smoke is increasing, so cancer will soon be the most common cause of death. The number of people who smoke is increasing, so cancer will soon be the most common cause of death. 皆目見当がつきません。 I don't have the slightest idea. They don't know what they're talking about. 私はどちらでも結構です。 Either way's fine with me. I'm either good at it. 僕にはどこにでもいるおっさんとしか見えないけどなあ。 To me he's no different from a million other dull middle aged men. I can only see him everywhere. いつ彼のところに行っても、彼は机に向かっているだろう。 Whenever you may call on him, you will find him at his desk. Every time I go to him, he'll be on his way to the desk. 序に、日本でシユウ・クリイムと呼んでゐる菓子は、英国へ行つても仏蘭西へ行つてもその名前では通用しない。英吉利でシユウ・クリイムを持つて来いと云つたら、靴墨を持つて来たといふおとしばなしもできてゐるくらゐだ。 By the way, the pastry known as "Shu Cream" in Japan is not known under this name neither in England nor in France. If you ask for a "Shu Cream" in England, you will end up comically receiving shoe shine. To begin with, the sweets we call Shi Yu Klim in Japan, which are not used by the name of any of us going to the UK or to the west of the country, are not used by that name. ごひいきの女優が出ていると思いますよ。 I think your favourite actress is in it. I think there's an actress out there. ミンは昨夜友達に電話をかけました。 Ming called her friend yesterday evening. Min called his friend last night. あの写真はどこに隠れているだろう。 Where's that picture hiding? Where would that picture be hiding? 休暇を過ごすのにどこがいいか言い合った。 We argued with each other about the best place for a holiday. We talked about what to do with vacations. 彼はすてきなユーモアの感覚を持った思いやりのあるやさしい人でした。 He was a warm gentleman with a pleasant sense of humor. He was a compassionate and gentle man with a nice sense of humor. 彼の家はいろいろと便利だ。 His house is full of convenience. His house is useful in a lot of ways. 極小の虫でも踏まれれば、そりくり返る。 Even the smallest worm will turn if trodden on. If you look at the smallest worm, you'll shave it back. 私のおじは大学で英語を教えている。 My uncle teaches English in a college. My uncle teaches English in college. 村人たちがおそれていたのは餓えた熊だった。 It was the hungry bears that the villagers were afraid of. The villagers were suffering from a hungry bear. バスの停留所はどこですか。 Where's the bus stop? Where's the bus stop? 弟は初めから彼女が好きじゃなかった。 My brother didn't like her from the start. My brother didn't like her from the beginning. この問題はお互いの誤解から生じたものだ。 This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding. This problem is due to misunderstandings amongst themselves. どうやら食べ過ぎたみたいだ。 I'm afraid I've eaten too much. Looks like he ate too much. 彼はメキメキ英語の実力をつけている。 He is making great progress in English. He's an English-language man. だれも満足しなかった。 None were satisfied. No one was happy. その男の子はどうしても私に名前を言おうとしない。 That boy won't tell me his name. That boy just doesn't want to say his name to me. 彼は他人のあら探しをするような人間ではない。 He's not the kind of person who finds fault with others. He's not the kind of person who looks for someone else's fault. 彼はその小説を書くのに3年かかった。 It took him three years to write the novel. It took him three years to write the novel. 問題ないよ。 No prob. It's okay. 今まで、一度、糖が出たことがありますが、今回は蛋白のみでした。 Until now sugar had been detected in my urine once, however this time there is only albumin. So let's say I have a little bit of sugar here. 私が1月10日に出したメールが着いていないようです。 It appears my mail on January 10 did not reach you. It looks like I didn't get the e-mail I sent on January 10. 僕らはトムを手伝うことを決めた。 We decided to help Tom. We decided to help Tom. 生き地獄は、言い過ぎだと私も思う。 I also think 'living hell' is putting it too strongly. I don't think living hell is an exaggeration. 最終投票がすべてを決めた。 The final vote was decisive. The final vote decided everything. お昼はもう食べた? Have you eaten your lunch yet? Have you had lunch yet? 誰も教えてくれなかった。 Nobody taught me. No one told me. ハーフタイムでの得点はどうでしたか。 What was the score at halftime? What was the score for half-time? トムはメアリーが隠していた手紙を見つけた。 Tom found the letters that Mary had hidden. Tom found a letter that Mary was hiding. 怒りっぽい人は10まで数えるようにすべきだ。そうすれば油が風波をしずめるように、むしゃくしゃした気持ちはおさまる。 A man who angers easily should learn to count to ten - it calms trouble like pouring oil on troubled waters. A angry person should count to ten, so that the oil stirs up a wind. 彼女は葬儀に参加するだけでなく、すべての段取りをつけなくてはならない。 Besides attending the funeral, she needs to make all the arrangements. She not only attends the funeral but also has to arrange all the arrangements. 住宅問題を解決するために、政府が最善を尽くしているとは思えない。 The government is not doing its best to solve the housing problem. I don't think the government is doing its best to solve housing problems. 彼は幸運にも炎上しているビルから救出された。 He had the good fortune to be rescued from the burning building. He was lucky to be rescued from a burning building. 私はその様な美しい動物に会えて嬉しい。 I'm glad to see such a beautiful animal. I'm glad to see such a beautiful animal. 誰がどう言おうと、それは本当ではない。 Whoever says so, it is not true. No matter what anyone says, it's not true. あなたのオーダーをチェックしろ。 Check your order. Check your order. 紅茶は、いかがですか。 Would you care for some tea? Would you like a cup of tea? 彼はそれからどうなりましたか。 What has become of him since then? What happened to him then? 彼らは時間に関しては厳格な考え方をしている。 They have a strict idea of time. They have a strict view of time. トムはメアリーが隠していた手紙を見つけた。 Tom found the letter Mary had hidden. Tom found a letter that Mary was hiding. 私は彼女がどんな服装をしているのか気づかなかった。 I didn't notice how she was dressed. I didn't know what she was wearing. 釣りのシーズンはいつ始まりますか? When does fishing season start? When does the fishing season begin? 彼女は学校に通っています。 She goes to school. She's in school. 彼は起き上がって、台所の電気を消したかどうか確かめた。 He got up to see if he had turned off the light in the kitchen. He got up and made sure he turned off the kitchen lights. 私は寒さに敏感だ。 I am very sensitive to the cold. I'm sensitive to the cold. その山で少なからぬ猿が発見された。 Not a few monkeys were found in the mountain. There were fewer monkeys found on that mountain. この世にお茶がなかったならばどうするだろう。 What would I do if there was no tea in the world? What if there's no tea in this world? 私たちには材料に加えて見本も必要だ。 We need a sample in addition to materials. We need a sample in addition to the ingredients. 車でそこへ行くのに一時間半かかった。 It took me an hour and a half to get there by car. It took me an hour and a half to drive there. これは学生相手の店です。 This is a store that caters specially to students. This is my student partner's shop. 彼らは微笑みを交わした。 They smiled at each other. They smiled. 3時と4時の間に私の部屋に来なさい。 Come to my room between three and four. Come to my room between 3:00 and 4:00. ピーターはその子を恋するようになった。 Peter fell in love with the girl. Peter fell in love with him. 私の家族はそれほど大家族ではない。 My family isn't very large. My family is not that big. 彼の予感があたった。 His predictions have come true. I got his feeling. 早起きすれば間に合いますよ。 Get up early, and you'll be in time. If you get up early, we'll make it. 中国を旅するならガイドを連れていくのが一番いい。 If you travel in China, it is best to go with a guide. To travel to China, it is best to take a guide. オレには意味がわからない。 It doesn't make sense to me. I don't know what that means. 先生が来るよ。歩き方がとてもゆっくりだね。 There comes our teacher. He is walking very slowly. I don't know what you're talking about. そんなことを言うなんて気でも狂ったのか。 Have you lost your sense to say so? Are you crazy to say that? あの人達に反抗しても無駄ですよ。 It'll be useless to stand against them. You can't stand against them. カタログを通じて郵便で買い物をすることによって、人々は幅広い商品を選ぶことが出来る。 Shopping by mail through catalogs gives people a wide choice of merchandise. By shopping through a catalog, people can choose a wide range of products. 彼女は一体どこに住んでいるのかしら? I wonder where she lives. Where the hell does she live? 彼は試験がよくできた。 He did well in the examination. He was good at the exam. ある本が読者の興味を引かないからといって、その原因がその本にあるということにはならない。 Just because a certain book does not interest readers does not mean that the fault lies in the book. The fact that a book does not interest readers does not mean that it is due to it. この問題はあたりまえのやり方では解決しない。 You cannot solve this problem in an ordinary way. The problem won't be solved in the right way. その少年は靴下を履いたまま寝た。 The boy went to bed with his socks on. The boy slept on his socks. 彼女は美しい声で歌った。 She sang with a beautiful voice. She sang with a beautiful voice. あなたには何も不自由はさせない。 You shall want for nothing. You won't be disappointed. トムは嘘をついた。 Tom lied. Tom lied. 「君の車はどこの製品ですか」「フォード社のです」 "What brand is your car?" "It's a Ford." - Where's your car coming from? - Ford. あなたはなぜ働いているの。 How come you're still working? Why are you working? 乗り換えるのですか。 Do I have to change trains? You're going to change your ride. この問題を5分で解いてください。 I'll give you five minutes to work out this problem. So let's see if we can solve this problem in five minutes. 学校では、理科の授業では時間を節約するために許しているが、数学の時間には使わせないことでその使用を制限しようとしてきた。 Schools have tried to limit their use by not allowing them to be used in math classes, although they allow them in science lessons to save time. At school, I have allowed it to save my time in science class, but I have tried to limit its use by not using it in math time. あと5分だけ一緒にいさせて。 Let me be with you just five more minutes. Let me be with you for five more minutes. そんなにカッカするなよ。短気は損気って言うだろ。 Don't be such a hothead. A short temper will cost you. Don't be so sure. 彼は床を踏みぬいた。 He put his foot through the floor. He stepped on the floor. 鈴木さんはその日の午後にスピーチをすることになっていた。 Mr. Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon. Mr. Suzuki was supposed to give a speech that afternoon. 何羽かの鳥は飛ばなかった。 Some of the birds didn't fly. I didn't fly a few birds. 歌ったり踊ったりしましょう。 Let's sing and dance. Let's sing and dance. やらないといけない事はまだたくさんあります。 There's still plenty that needs to be done. There's still a lot to do. 愛は許さない。 Love does not forgive. I won't forgive you. 中2のときが一番楽しかった気がする。 I feel my second year of junior high school was the most fun. I feel like I've had the most fun when I'm in medium two. ついに彼らはその山の頂上に到達した。 At last, they reached the top of the mountain. At last they reached the top of the mountain. 男女の間にはどうして違いがあるのか。 Why are there differences between the male and the female? Why is there a difference between a man and a woman? 省略は立派な表現技法の一つであり、多くの文法書でも紹介されています。 Omission is a perfectly good example of an expression technique, and is brought up in many grammar books. Abbreviation is one of the best forms of expression, as well as a number of grammars. この話の教訓がわかりましたか。 Did you understand the moral of this story? Do you understand the lesson of this story? 意識不明の人は自分が死にたいと思っていることを言うことはできません。 People who are unconscious can't say they want to die. The unconscious cannot say that they want to die. 疲れ切れているから勉強できない。 I'm too tired to do study. I can't study because I'm tired. 彼は何か気にかかることがあるようだ。 He seems to have something on his mind. He seems to have something on his mind. 反逆者はついに捕まり刑務所に監禁された。 The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to prison. The rebels were finally caught and locked up in prison. 彼が電話をかけてきたら、僕からあとで連絡すると言ってください。 In case he gives me a phone call, tell him that I will call him back. Tell him I'll call him when he calls. 私は母の手伝いをしなければならない。 I have to help my mother. I have to help my mother. 実はそのうわさは根拠がない。 The fact is that the rumor is groundless. As a matter of fact, there is no basis for that. 私は当地の厳しい気候に慣れつつあります。 I am becoming accustomed to the severe climate here bit by bit. I'm getting used to the harsh climate here. この寒いのに、彼女を外で待たせておいてはいけませんよ。 You must not leave her waiting outside in such cold weather. Don't leave her outside this cold. 簡単な曲なら初見で歌えます。 If it's a simple tune, I can sight-sing it. If it's a simple song, you can sing it for the first time. 50セントしかくれませんでしたよ。 You gave me only fifty cents. I only gave you 50 cents. 白ワインは魚料理にはつきものだ。 White wine is the usual companion of fish. White wines are a part of fish food. 決まり次第知らせて下さい。 Please let me know as soon as it's decided. Let me know when it's over. 人類は貪欲に知りたがるものだ。 Man is insatiably curious. Mankind is greedy to know. 日本は列島であり、山が多く、森は殆どない。 Japan is a group of islands with many mountains and almost no forests. Japan is a chain island, there are mountains, and there are few forests. 私が何を言いたいかおわかりでしょう。 You know what I mean. You know what I'm saying. 見通しは否定的だった。 The outlook was negative. The outlook was negative. あなたがこれらの服から最上の物を選ぶのをお手伝いしましょう。 I will help you in selecting the best from these clothes. Let's help you pick the best out of these clothes. 彼女は彼とつきあっていた。 She went with him. She was having a relationship with him. 私は3歳からバレエを習っており、バレリーナになりたいと思っています。 I have been taking ballet lessons since I was three and hope to be a ballerina. I've been learning ballet since I was three, and I want to be a ballet. 私はとりわけアメリカに行きたい。 I'd like to visit America most of all. I especially want to go to America. ジェーンはいつ、どこへ行ったらいいか全く分からなかった。 Jane had no idea when she should go or where she should go. Jane didn't know where to go at all. ケリーの声は、よく通る。 Kelly's voice carries well. Kelly's voice goes well. 私たちは小部屋に滞在させられた。 We were made to stay in a small room. We were forced to stay in a small room. 今日の午後、家に着いたら私は宿題をするつもりだ。 I am going to do my homework when I get home this afternoon. When I get home this afternoon, I'm gonna do my homework. 彼女が呼びかけてきたとき、私は飛び上がった。 When she called, I jumped up. I jumped when she called. バスで行こう。 Let's take a bus. Let's take the bus. 彼は正午まで来なかった。 He did not come till noon. He didn't come by noon. ここ座ってもいいですか? Would it be OK if I sat here? May I sit here? 他に何か知りたいことはある? Is there anything else that you want to know? Is there anything else you want to know? 風でうちの屋根を吹き飛ばされた。 We had our roof blown off. The wind blew my roof off. この本は日本でよく売れた。 This book sold well in Japan. The book was sold well in Japan. 君は外来思想に偏見を抱いているようだ。 You seem to be prejudiced against ideas that come from foreign countries. You seem to be prejudiced about foreign ideas. 彼は多忙だったが、それでも私たちを手伝いに来てくれた。 He was busy, and yet he came to help us. He was busy, but he came to help us. 彼はロシア語が話せるし書くことができる。 He can both speak and write Russian. He can speak Russian and write. 鍵を捜すのを手伝ってくれませんか。 Would you help me look for my keys? Can you help me find the keys? 私は自分の意志に反してそれをした。 I did it against my will. I did it against my will. そろそろプログラミングを覚えようかな。 Maybe it's about time I started learning to program. Let's learn how to program. この種の靴は地面がぬれているとすべりやすい。 This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground. This type of shoe is easy to slip when the ground is wet. 彼はケーキをつまみ食いするのを見られた。 He was seen to eat a piece of cake secretly. He saw me pick up a cake. 外出したいな。 I want to go out. I'd like to go out. インターネットの断片的ニュースを読んでいるだけですが、まあ、だいたい想像がつきます。 I'm only reading the scraps on news on the Internet, but, well, I get the general picture. I'm just reading fragmentary news on the Internet, but I can almost imagine. 外国語を習得することは決して容易なことではない。 It is by no means easy to master a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is never easy. 彼は通りかかったときに会釈した。 He nodded to me as he passed. "I don't know," said Mr. Marvel. その言葉のなかには、ある種の波長を合わせるという意味がこめられている。 In that word is included the meaning of matching up to somebody's particular wavelength. In the words, the word means to combine some sort of wavelength. そのような事はしょっちゅう起こる。 Such a thing occurs frequently. It happens all the time. 私は魚よりも肉の方が断然いい。 I prefer meat to fish any day. I would rather be meat than fish. 私はテレビゲームをします。 I play video games. I'll play a TV game. 彼は人を楽しませようと一生懸命だ。 He is eager to please. He's trying hard to entertain people. ではまた明日。 See you again tomorrow. See you tomorrow. 彼はまだ帰ってこない。彼は事故に遭ったのかもしれない。 He isn't back yet. He may have had an accident. He's not home yet. He could have been in an accident. 彼は昼食の後に葉巻をすった。 He smoked a cigar after lunch. He smoked a cigar after lunch. 私は子供のころから冒険が好きだった。 I have been fond of adventure since I was a child. I've loved adventure since I was a kid. あなたの話をして下さい。熱心に聞きますから。 Tell me your story. I am all ears. I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm going to talk about you. トムは高校生です。 Tom is a high school student. Tom is a high school student. テレビを消しなさい。 Please turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. 捨てられたアイスのまわりにアリがウヨウヨたかっていた。 The area around the melting ice cream was crawling with ants. Ants splattered around abandoned ice cream. なぜそんなことをしたの。 Why did you do that? Why did you do that? 私の魅力って何だと思う? What do you find attractive about me? What do you think my charm is? あの人は学校の勉強の方ははかどっているのですか。 How is he getting along with his school work? How well does he study school? その茶色の帽子は古いです。 That brown hat is old. That brown hat is old. ケーキをもう食べてしまいましたか。 Have you eaten the cake yet? Have you eaten cake already? プリズムは光を分解する。 A prism decomposes light. Prism breaks down light. 良いご返事をお待ちしております。 I'm looking forward to receiving a favorable answer from you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 私はあなたがひとりで外出するのが好きではない。 I don't like your going out alone. I don't like you going out alone. 彼女は面白いお話を作るのが得意である。 She is good at making up interesting stories. She's good at making interesting stories. 他の会社と同じように、我が社も未来に目を向けて将来計画をつくらねばならない。 Like any company, we've got to look ahead and plan for the future. Like other companies, we have to look to the future and plan for the future. 画家は自分の持っている技法を使ってこそ真の画家となる。 A painter only becomes a true painter by practicing his craft. The artist uses the technique he has to be a real painter. 来れるの? Can you come? Are you coming? その川には淡水魚がうようよしていた。 The river was alive with fresh water fish. The river was full of fresh fish. イベントを延期しました。 We postponed the event. Event deferped successfully. 時々私たちはドライブに出かける。 At times we go for a drive. Sometimes we go for a drive. それがトムの本当に抱えている問題だとは思えない。 I can't believe that's what's really troubling Tom. I don't think that's really Tom's problem. 彼はすばらしい考えを思い付いた。 He hit on a splendid idea. He had a great idea. この本は一番上に置いてください。 Please put this book on the very top. Put this book at the top. 達也にはニューヨーク住まいの友人が数人いる。 Tatsuya has some friends who live in New York. Tatsuya has some friends from New York. その女優は若者に人気がある。 The actress is popular with young people. The actress is popular with young people. 彼と話がしたい。 I want to have a talk with him. I want to talk to him. 一行はニューヨークへ向かった。 The party started for New York. They were on their way to New York. 彼女はゆうだちにあいずぶぬれになった。 She was caught in a shower and got wet to the skin. She got wet all the time. お客様の今後の購買需要を明らかにしようとしています。 We are trying to clarify your future procurement requirements. We're trying to clarify the customer's future purchase demand. 私は君に開会の挨拶をしてもらおうと当てにしています。 I am counting on you to give the opening address. I'm counting on you to say hello to the opening. 実際にこれらの目標を実現するのに欠くべからざる役割を果たしてきた。 These bodies have actually played indispensable roles in attaining these goals. In fact, we have played a vital role in realizing these goals. 濡れた傘はこの袋にお入れください。 Put the wet umbrella in this bag, please. Put the wet umbrella in this bag. 私はこの本を買うのに十分なお金を持っている。 I have enough money to buy this book. I have enough money to buy this book. 明かりが十分になかったので、本がよく読めなかった。 Poor light hindered my reading. I couldn’t read well because I didn’t have enough light. 女性はもはや、伝統的な専業主婦の役割に満足せずに、仕事場での彼女たちの必要性を認識してもらいたいと思っている。 Women no longer are satisfied with their traditional role of housewife, and are seeking recognition of needs in the workplace. Women no longer want to be satisfied with the role of traditional homeowners, but want them to recognize their needs in the workplace. その老婦人はしばしば駅で息子をむなしく待っている。 The old lady will often wait for her son in vain at the station. The old lady often waits in vain for her son at the train station. 太陽は燃える球体である。 The sun is a flaming ball. And the sun is a blazing sphere. 私たちは趣味、学歴など、いろいろと共通したものを持っている。 We have many things in common: hobbies, educational backgrounds, for instance. We have a lot in common, like hobbies, academics, and so on. いま何時ですか? What is the time now? What time is it? 私たちの惑星は飛ぶ鳥の気軽さで宇宙を動いている。 Our planet moves in space with the lightness of a bird in flight. Our planet is moving in space with the ease of flying birds. 安全運転でお願いします。 Drive safely. Drive safely, please. 人間は理想が無くっては駄目です。 What is a man without ideals? Human beings shouldn't be without ideals. 靴下はお脱ぎください。 Take off your socks, please. Take off your socks. その話はここではタブーです。 The topic is taboo here. That's a taboo here. 彼は彼女に飲酒をやめるようにと忠告した。 He advised her to stop drinking. He advised her to stop drinking. トラベラーズチェックをなくしてしまいました。 I lost my travelers checks. I've lost the Travers check. それじゃまた明日。 See you tomorrow! I'll see you tomorrow. そのレストランが出した食べ物は、あまりにも冷たくて塩辛かったので、満足するにはほど遠かった。 The food the restaurant offered us was so cold and salty that it was far from satisfying. The food served by the restaurant was too cold and salty, so far away to be satisfied. 時早く過ぎる。 Time flies. It's too early. 息を切らして座り込んだ。 I was out of breath and sat down. I was out of breath and sat down. 空の旅行ほどよいものはない。 There is nothing like air travel. Nothing is better than flying. お手洗いはどこですか? Where is the restroom? Where's your bathroom? 宿題はもう終わったのですか。 Have you finished your homework already? Are you done with your homework? 中に入ってもらって。 Let him in. I want you to go inside. ここが父の生まれたところです。 This is the place where my father was born. This is where my father was born. 深夜2時に寝たんだって?きょう眠そうなのも当然だね。 You went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning? No wonder you look sleepy today. She's sleeping at 2:00 a.m., and she's sleeping right now. その問題の裏には複雑な状況がある。 There are complicated circumstances behind the matter. There's a complex situation behind the problem. 中森さんのうちへちょっと立ち寄ってみよう。 Let's drop in on the Nakamoris'. Let's stop by for a moment. 「血の通った」とか、日本語の表現は面白いものがいろいろあります。 There are plenty of funny expression in Japanese, like for example "Chi no kayotta". There are a lot of interesting things like "blood flow" and Japanese expressions. 東京の大気汚染は、ニューヨークのものよりさらにひどい。 Tokyo's air pollution problem is even worse than that of New York. Tokyo's air pollution is even worse than New York's. 駅の近くに銀行はありますか。 Is there a bank near the station? Is there a bank near the train station? この旅行には主な五つの島がどれも含まれている。 This tour takes in each of the five main islands. The trip includes all five major islands. 私は一番列車に間に合うくらい早く起きた。 I got up early enough to catch the first train. I woke up as soon as I could in time for the train. ムーリエルは20歳になりました。 Muiriel has turned twenty. He's 20 years old. 彼女は元気よくピクニックに出かけて行った。 She went on picnic in spirits. She went out for a good picnic. くぎが壁を突きぬけた。 The nail pierced the wall. The nails came through the wall. 目覚しは5時30分に鳴った。 The alarm went off at five-thirty. The alarm rang at 5:30. 現金で払うと安くなりますか。 Could I get a discount if I pay in cash? Is it cheaper to pay cash? ご家族の皆さんによろしく。 Give my love to your family. Please take care of your family. だれとでも仲良くやって行くように努力しなければならない。 You must make an effort to get along with everyone. You have to try to get along with everyone. 私はあなたが日本に来るのを楽しみにしています。 I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan. I'm looking forward to you coming to Japan. 彼がここに来るなんて驚きだ。 That he comes here is surprising. I'm surprised he's here. われわれが毎日の生活で話している言葉についてはどんなに多く知っても知りすぎるということはない。 We cannot know too much about the language we speak every day of our lives. We don't know too much about the language we talk about in everyday life. 私は2ヶ国語を学んでいる。 I am learning two foreign languages. I am learning two languages. あなたは毎日ここへ来ますか。 Do you come here every day? You come here every day? トムとメアリーは別々のドアから出て行った。 Tom and Mary left through different doors. Tom and Mary went out a separate door. 私が意見をかえるのを期待するより太陽が西から昇るのを期待したほうがいいよ。 You can no more expect me to change my opinion than expect the sun to rise in the west. You should expect the sun to rise from the west rather than expect me to change my mind. この子は物覚えが早い。 The child is learning quickly. She's a fast learner. ねえ、久しぶりだね。 Hey, long time no see. Hey, it's been a while. 僕はただで切符をもらった。 I got the ticket for nothing. I just got the ticket. 仮に宝くじに当たったとしたら、そのお金で何を買いますか。 If you were to win the lottery, what would you buy with the money? If you win the lottery, what will you buy the money for? 友人達は私を夕食に招待してくれた。 My friends invited me to supper. My friends invited me to dinner. それはいい答えだ。 That's a good answer. That's a good answer. 1週間以内にお届けします。 We can deliver within a week. I'll bring it to you in a week. 私は他人の前で嘲笑されるのに耐えられない。 I can't stand being laughed at in front of others. I can't stand being ridiculed in front of others. 彼らは私に助けを求めてきた。 They asked for my help. They came to me for help. 今日は残業をしないつもりです。 I won't work overtime today. I'm not going to work overtime today. すぐに来て下さい。 Please come right now. You need to come now. 私はリンゴもブドウもどちらも好きではない。 I like neither apples nor grapes. I don't like apples or grapes either. 娘は、水色の着物をきていました。 The girl wore a light blue kimono. She was wearing water-colored clothing. 彼はちょっと前に物語を書いた。 He wrote a story just now. He wrote a story a little while ago. そうですか。 I see. I see. ハーブの専門店を聞いたことがありませんか。 Do you know a good specialty store dealing in herbs? Have you ever heard of a herb shop? あれがパリで会った詩人です。 That is the poet I met in Paris. That's the poet I met in Paris. 彼は5つの殺人を犯した。 He committed five murders. He committed five murders. 上りのエスカレータはどこですか。 Where's the up-escalator? Where's the escalata up there? もう少しお茶を飲んでいいですか。 Can I have some more tea? Can I have some more tea? 空の旅は早いが海はおちつく。 Air travel is fast; sea travel is, however, restful. Air travel is fast, but the sea is fragile. 陽気な席で、人気者の隣に、興ざめの者が座っていることがよくある。 At a hilarious party, one frequently finds a wet blanket sitting next to the life of the party. Often, there is a happy seat and a party next to the popular. お茶を召し上がりませんか。 Have some tea, won't you? Would you like some tea? 日本では、授業は4月に始まる。 In Japan, school starts in April. In Japan, classes begin in April. 彼が食事のことで不平を言うのを耳にしたことがない。 I've never heard him complaining about his meals. I've never heard him complain about food. この国には靴をはかないでくらしている人もいる。 Some of them go without shoes in this country. Some people in this country wear shoes. 事故のため彼は来ることができなかった。 The accident prevented him from coming. He couldn't come because of the accident. 免許証はお持ちですか。 Do you have your driver's license? Do you have a driver's license? 泣けばよいのか悪いのか。 I don't know whether to cry or to laugh. Should I cry or should I cry? 僕らは9の平方根は3だと学校で習った。 We learned at school that the square root of nine is three. So let's see if we can figure out what the square root of 9 is. 東京では、11月半ばに寒い季節が始まります。 In Tokyo, the cold season starts in the middle of November. In Tokyo, the cold season begins in the middle of November. 彼は雇われて2ヶ月もしない内に首になった。 He had not been employed two months before he was fired. He was fired in less than two months after being hired. いや、当初の考えはそうでした。 Or that was the idea. No, that's what I thought at first. その子はナイフとフォークをうまく使う。 The child handles a knife and fork well. The kid uses a knife and a fork well. この近辺にATMはありますか? Is there an ATM nearby? Is there an ATM around here? あなたなら解決できるものと確信しています。 Since it is you, I have confidence you can solve it. I'm sure you can solve this. ジミーの絵は他人のものと違っていました。 Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's. Jimmy's painting was different from other people's. 彼は仕事をこつこつやった。 He stuck to his job. He's got a job to do. この本がいただきたいのですが。 I would like this book. I'd like a copy of this book. 任せるよ。 I trust you. I'll take care of it. 「僕は、僕の願い事について考えていたのだ」小さい黒いウサギがいいました。 "I'm just thinking about my wish," replied the little black rabbit. "I was thinking about my wish," he said. 何もを食べる I'll eat anything. We eat nothing. 列車は30分遅れている。 The train is thirty minutes late. The train is 30 minutes late. 彼女はコンサートの切符を手に入れようとした。 She tried to obtain a ticket for the concert. She tried to get a concert ticket. 私はもっと敵の抵抗があると踏んでたんだけど、むしろ中枢に進むほど敵が減ってきてる・・・。おかしいと思わないかしら? I had expected stronger resistance from the enemy but if anything there are less of them as we advance to the centre... Don't you think that's strange? I've stepped on more enemy resistance, but the more the enemy gets to the center... don't you think that's funny? 私のせいじゃない! It's not my fault. It's not my fault! 私たちの究極の目標は世界平和を樹立することである。 Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace. Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace. 彼の生まれた日は雨だった。 The day that he was born was rainy. It was raining the day he was born. 出火したのは職員が帰宅した後に違いない。 The fire must've broken out after the staff had gone home. It must have been after the staff came home. 待つほどもなく月が出た。 We had not been waiting long when the moon appeared. There was no waiting for the moon. 夜更かしなど平気だ。 Staying up late nights is nothing to me. I don't care about late nights. あたりは静かだ。 The area was quiet. It's quiet around here. このペンをください。 Please give this pen to me. Give me this pen. 買い物ついでにでもお寄りください。 Please drop by when you go out for shopping sometimes. Why don't you stop by for a little shopping? その映画を前にいっしょに見たのを覚えていますか。 Do you remember seeing the movie together before? Do you remember seeing that movie together before? それを皮切りとして欧州の詩や文学を多数紹介するようになりました。 With that as a start many European poems and much literature came to be introduced. I started to introduce a lot of European poetry and literature as a skinline. あなたのアドバイスは彼らに何の影響も及ぼさなかった。 Your advice will have no effect on them. Your advice had no effect on them. 良い天気は続くでしょう。 The good weather will hold. Good weather will continue. 君なんかに笑い者にされはしないぞ。 You should not play a joke on me. You're not going to make me laugh at you. 私は私たちの計画について何も話しませんでした。 I didn't say anything at all about our plan. I didn't tell you anything about our plan. あなたにはまず最初に尋ねるべきだったでしょうか。 Should I have asked you first? I should have asked you first. 長い時間友人を待っていると、不安になる。 I get anxious waiting for a friend for a long time. Waiting for a friend for a long time makes me nervous. 彼と議論しようとしても無駄だ。 It is no use trying to argue with him. There's no point trying to discuss it with him. あの男ももう上がったりだ。 He is done for. He's already up there. 子供はその動物を面白がって眺めた。 The child watched the animal with amusement. Children watched with pleasure at the animal. 私と来て。 Come with me. Come with me. 虹は空に弓じょうにかかる。 The rainbow forms an arc in the sky. The rainbow rests on the sky. あなたはそれを求めさえすればよい。 You have only to ask for it. You can only ask for it. いつも歩いています。 I usually walk. I'm always walking. あなたにキスしたい。 I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. 彼はここでかなりの時間待っていた。 He's been waiting here for a long time. He had waited quite a while here. 友達と仲良くやっていますか。 Do you get on with your friends? You're getting along well with your friends. 先方が電話にお出になりました。 Your party is on the line. I just got off the phone. あなたはそれを独力で作ったのですか。 Did you make it by yourself? You made it on your own. 今年は1990年です。 This is the year 1990. This year, 1990. ガラスの鉢は粉々になってしまった。 The glass bowl broke into tiny fragments. The bowl of glass was shattered. たとえ彼は忙しくても来るよ。 Even if he is busy, he will come. He'll come even if he's busy. 私はイギリス演劇を勉強しています。 I'm studying the English drama. I'm studying English theater. あの子は一体どうなってしまうのかしら。 I wonder what ever will become of the child. What the hell is going to happen to her? 私たちは彼を議長に選出した。 We elected him chairman. We elected him President. うちの犬は2匹のうち大きいほうです。 My dog is the bigger of the two. My dog's bigger out of two of them. その問題は後回しにしよう。 Let's leave that matter for later. That's the problem we're going to have to deal with later. 明日の今ごろ、私たちは富士山に登山中でしょう。 About this time tomorrow, we'll be climbing Mt. Fuji. We'll be climbing Mount Fuji by this time tomorrow. ウインドウズ95がまたしても壊れてくれたのです。 Windows 95 crashed on me AGAIN! It was broken again by Winds 95. この2つの子音は相補分布をなしていそうである。 It is likely that these two consonants are in complementary distribution. And that's what we're going to talk about in the next video. もう彼には会いません。 I won't see him anymore. I don't see him anymore. 君といると幸せだ。 Being with you makes me feel happy. I'm happy to be with you. 次のように記載します。 We'll note it in the following way. ?php $a = $a = $a = $a = $a = もちろん私も行きます。 Of course I'll go. Of course I'll go too. 彼にはよくあることだが、彼は遅れてやって来た。 He came late, as is often the case with him. As often happens to him, he came late. 今日は暖かいですね。 It's warm today, isn't it? It's warm today. この組織は幹部ばかり名を連ねているのではたして決定を下せるのかあやしいものだ。 Since in this organization they're all chiefs and no Indians, it's a wonder any decisions get made. Since the organization is full of executives, it is difficult to make a decision. 私は彼に笑われた。 I was laughed at by him. He laughed at me. 私達は彼から見れば赤ん坊だ。 We are babies in his eyes. We're babies from his point of view. 私達は雨がやんだら行く。 We'll go when the rain stops. We'll go when the rain stops. ごめんなさい。今日来れません。 I'm sorry, I can't come today. I'm sorry, I can't come today. トムは学校に行く途中でメアリーと会った。 Tom met Mary on the way to school. Tom met Mary on the way to school. それに決めましょう。 Let's shake on it. Let's decide on that. 木はその実で分かる。 A tree is known by its fruit. The tree can tell by its fruit. きのう叔母が私を訪ねて来た。 My aunt dropped in on me yesterday. My aunt came to visit me yesterday. 小学校の時、よく椅子取りゲームをして遊びました。 We used to play musical chairs in elementary school. I used to play a chair game when I was in elementary school. ジャネットは確かにどうやってやりくりするか知っている。 Janet sure knows how to stretch a dollar. Janet certainly knows how to work it out. 子供の頃を思い出すことはだんだんと減ってきている。 I recall less and less of my childhood. When I was a kid, my memories were getting less and less. 彼の準備が間に合わないので私たちは彼を置いて出かけた。 We went without him because he wasn't ready. We left him because he wasn't ready in time. 私たち、おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんのことが心配だったの。 We're worried about Grandma and Grandpa. We were worried about Grandpa and Grandma. 彼は次のように答えた。 He answered as follows. He answered: 我々は飛行機でニューヨークへ行った。 We went to New York by plane. We flew to New York. ここが、ヘースティングズの戦いがあった所です。 This is the place where the battle of Hastings took place. So let's see if we can figure out what that is. その道は車で混雑している。 The roads are jammed with cars. That road is crowded with cars. 我々は、自分がしていることが何であろうとそれに目的を与えてくれるような目標あるいは指導的な思想を、今までのいかなる時代にまして、必要としている。 More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing. We need a goal or guiding idea that gives us a purpose whatever we are doing, at any time in our lives. 彼は風邪にかかった。 He came down with a cold. He got a cold. 自転車を持っていない。 I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. 私にキスしたいの? Do you want to kiss me? You want to kiss me? 私は飛べます。 I can fly. I can fly. それでもそれはやはり本当だ。 It is none the less true. Still, it is true. どっか行け。 Beat it. Go away. ケンが使っている机はもう古い。 The desk which Ken uses is old. Ken's old desk. 私は明日葵さんに会いに熊本へ行くつもりです。 I plan to go to Kumamoto tomorrow to see Mr. Aoi. I'm going to Takemoto tomorrow to see Mao-san. これからも連絡を取り合いましょうね。 Let's keep in touch. We'll keep in touch. ついに彼は自分の計画を実行した。 Finally, he carried out his plan. Finally he carried out his plan. 何で僕の助けが欲しいの? Why do you want my help? Why do you want my help? 私とタトエバ、どっちが大事なの? Who's more important, me or Tatoeba? Me or Tatoeva, which one of you is important? 学校が終わってとてもうれしいのです。 I am very glad school is over. I'm so happy that my school is over. その薬はきいた。 That medicine worked. The medicine's gone. 彼女は若いころ東京の郊外に住んでいました。 She lived in the suburbs of Tokyo when she was young. She lived on the outskirts of Tokyo when she was young. 彼にはいつものことだが、15分遅れてきた。 As is usual with him, he arrived a quarter of an hour late. As usual, I'm 15 minutes late. それは不可能と言っていい。 It is next to impossible. You can say that's impossible. これは重要ではない。 This isn't important. This doesn't matter. あんな素敵な家に住めたらなあ。 I wish I could live in a house that nice. I wish I could live in such a nice house. トムに鍵渡した? Did you give the key to Tom? Did you give Tom the key? そんなことをするとあなたは叱られますよ。 You will catch it if you do such a thing. If you do that, you'll be scolded. 悪魔の話をすると彼の骨がカタカタいう音が聞こえる。 When you speak of the Devil, you can hear the rattling of his bones. I can hear his bones talking about the devil. いとこは前もって知らせずにやってきて僕を驚かせた。 My cousin took me by surprise by coming without previous notice. My cousin didn't give me advance notice and surprised me. きっと、その政策は景気を今以上に後退させる。 The policy is bound to drive the economy into further recession. I'm sure that policy will cause the economy to retreat even more now. 私たちは7時にそこで会うことになっていたのですが。 We were to have met there at seven. We were supposed to meet there at 7:00. 寒い時期にあったかい飲物が欲しい時にはこういった魔法瓶がお薦め。 In the cold season when you want to drink something hot I recommend this sort of thermos flask. These magic bottles are recommended when you want a cold drink or a drink. 彼は成長すればするほど、ますます魅力的になった。 The older he grew, the more attractive he became. The more he grew up, the more attractive he became. 留学先をオーストラリアにするかカナダにするかで迷っています。 I'm not sure whether I should go study abroad in Australia or Canada. I'm lost either because I'm in Australia or because I'm in Canada. 私はイースター島へ10日間の旅をした。 I went on a ten-day trip to Easter Island. I traveled to Easter Island for ten days. 少年と少女は知り合いらしい。 The boy and the girl seem to know each other. The boy and the girl seem to know each other. ご自分を下に見るようなことは何もありませんよ。 There's really nothing much at all that you see as being beneath you. There's nothing you can do to look down on yourself. 一見したところそれ以上に理にかなったことはないであろう。 Nothing could be more reasonable, on the face of it. It will not make any more sense than it seems. 入口の側で立った。 He stood by the entrance. Stand by the entrance. 彼らは試験に失敗した。 They failed in the examination. They failed the exam. しかし、その一方、ラテン語はそのときまでに「死語」となっていた。 But, then again, Latin was already a "dead language" by that time. On the other hand, Latin had become a “dead language” by then. この家はあまり大きくないです。 This house is not very big. This house isn't too big. 彼はそれと反対のことは何も言わなかった。 He said nothing to the contrary. He didn't say anything the other way. 彼は一日中遊んでばかりいる。 He does nothing but play all day. He's been playing all day. ジョンは子供の頃からずっと切手を集めている。 John has been collecting stamps since he was a child. John's been collecting stamps since he was a kid. 新しい車が来週ここにくるのだよ。 My new car will arrive here next week. The new car will be here next week. そんな物を売っても二束三文にしかならない。 That would bring only a small price. Selling such items is only a couple of words. そこへ1人で行くとは君は何て愚かだったんだ。 How stupid of you to go there alone! How stupid of you to go there alone. 私はついにその問題の答えを出した。 At last, I found out the answer to the question. I finally came up with an answer to the question. 身をさすような寒さだ。 It is freezing cold. It's cold. 雨が降りそうだ。 It looks like it is going to rain. It's gonna rain. 私はその意見に賛成だ。 I am in favor of the option. I agree. これが彼の住んでいた家です。 This is the house in which he lived. This is the house where he lived. 二人の子供たちが柵の上に座っています。 Two children are sitting on the fence. Two kids are sitting on the fence. 間に合うように速く歩きなさい。 Walk fast so as to be in time. Walk fast so you can get there in time. ついに彼は泣きはじめた。 At length, he began to cry. Finally he started to cry. 行くんじゃない。 Don't go. Don't go. 当時英国は戦争の準備ができていなかった。 Britain was not geared up for war then. Britain wasn't ready for war at the time. 彼の話は本題からそれた。 His story departed from his main theme. He's gone from the point of view. 聖霊が現れた。 Spirit manifested itself. Holy spirit appeared. 彼女は何ておしゃべりなんだろう。 How she talks! I don't know what she's talking about. 彼らは抑揚のない声で50まで数えた。 They counted on monotonously to fifty. They counted up to 50 in an unspoken voice. 私は良い息子であることを誇りに思っている。 I am proud of being a good son. I'm proud to be a good son. 私たちのフライトが欠航になりました。 Our flight was canceled. Our flight was suspended. 彼は私の家のそばを通ったが立ち寄らなかった。 He passed by my house but didn't drop in. He passed by my house, but didn't stop by. 海辺で休暇を過ごしている。 I'm spending my holiday on the beach. She spends her vacation on the beach. わたしはこの写真を見るたび、父を思い出す。 Each time I see this picture, I remember my father. I remember him every time I saw this picture. その女性は出産後まもなく亡くなりました。 The woman died shortly after giving birth. The woman died shortly after giving birth. その本を貸してくれませんか。 Would you lend me that book? Can I borrow that book? スケジュールに関しては、後でお知らせします。 In regard to the schedule, I'll let you know later. I'll let you know later on the schedule. 午後は毎日練習したけれども、彼女のテニスは少しも上達しなかった。 Although she practised every afternoon, her tennis didn't improve at all. Although she practiced every day in the afternoon, her tennis did not improve at all. 彼はいつもと代わらず健康です。 He is as healthy as ever. He's healthy as usual. どうかしましたか。顔色が悪いですよ。 What's the matter? You look pale. What's wrong with your face? 6時間登って、ついに山頂に到達することに成功した。 After six hours' climbing, we finally succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain. He climbed for six hours and finally reached the top of the mountain. あなたの好きな人なら誰にでもその切符をあげてよろしい。 You may give the ticket to whomever you like. You can give that ticket to anyone you like. 彼は有名な俳優になるために、沢山の努力をした。 He made a lot of efforts to become a famous actor. He made a lot of efforts to become a famous actor. 親が多くの病気を子どもに遺伝させる事がわかった。 Parents can pass many diseases on to their offspring. It turns out that parents allow their children to inherit a lot of disease. あいつは手に負えない子供だ。 He is a spoiled child. He's a child that's out of control. ボールペンで書いて頂けませんか。 Will you write with a ballpoint pen? Why don't you write it down in a ballpoint pen? 私は奴隷になろうと思わないと同じように、奴隷の主人になろうとも思わない。 As I will not be a slave, so I will not be a master. I don't want to be a slave master, just as I don't want to be a slave. クッキーはケイトによって育てられた。 Cookie was raised by Kate. The cookies were raised by Kate. バスでは時間がかかると思いますか。 Do you think it will take long by bus? You think it'll take time on the bus. 静かにしている限り、ここに居てもよろしい。 You may stay here as long as you keep quiet. You can stay here as long as you're quiet. その惨事を引き起こした火事は病院の2階から出火した。 The fire which caused the disaster broke out on the second floor of the hospital. The fire that caused the disaster started on the second floor of the hospital. 彼は慌てていたのでドアを開けたままだった。 In haste, he left the door open. He had left the door open because he was in a hurry. 彼は多くのもめごとに悩まされた。 A lot of troubles preyed upon his mind. He was troubled by a lot of trouble. その少女は家事を手伝ってくれて、とても助かった。 The girl was very useful about the house. The girl was very helpful in helping out with the house. 私たちはサインある領収書がいる。 We need a signed receipt. We need a receipt with a signature. 彼らは互いに顔を見合わせた。 They looked at each other. They saw each other. こちらが私の父です。 This is my dad. This is my father. 彼はよいお医者さんだと言われている。 He is said to be a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor. ええと、買ったのは先週でした。 Let's see. I bought it last week. Uh, I bought it last week. これらの車は日本で作られています。 These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. ジャッキーがホームレスの人たちを助けようとする努力は反対の結果になってしまった。 Jackie's efforts to help homeless people backfired on her. Jackie’s efforts to help the homeless turned out to be the opposite. 彼は銀行家としての仕事をロンドンで覚えた。 He learned his trade as a banker in London. He learned his job as a banker in London. あの厚い本を読んでたの? Did you read that thick book? Did you read that thick book? 私の家は通りの向こう側にあります。 My house is just across the street. My house is on the other side of the street. 部屋を替えていただけますか。 Could you change my room for me? Would you change room for me? その事実を否定することはできない。 There is no denying the fact. I can't deny that fact. 雨は雪になった。 The rain became snow. The rain turned snow. この歌誰が歌っているの? Who sings that song? Who's singing this song? それは売れ足が早いですよ。 That will fly on the market. It's fast. 彼がやることをしっかり警戒したほうがいいですよ。 Now it would be better to keep a sharp lookout for what he might do. You should be very careful what he does. いい夏を過ごせたかい? Did you have a nice summer? Have you had a good summer? 卵の殻は壊れやすい。 The shell of an egg is easily broken. Egg shells are fragile. チャンネルを替えてもかまわない? Do you mind if I change the channel? Do you mind if I change the channel? 私はコーヒーをじゅうたんにこぼしてしまった。 I spilled my coffee on the carpet. I spilled all my coffee. パーティーでは何が出されたの? What was served at the party? What did you get at the party? 今日はほとんど風がない。 There is little wind today. There's almost no wind today. 公平に言えば、彼は悪い男ではない。 To do him justice, he is not a bad man. To be fair, he's not a bad man. この車は過去10年間使用されてきた。 This car has been used for the past ten years. This car has been in use for the past 10 years. 彼女が僕にプレゼントをくれた。 She gave me a present. She gave me a present. 健康のために、食べすぎを避けるよう努力している。 I try to avoid eating too much for my health. I try to avoid eating too much for my health. わたしは彼女を注意しようとしたが、彼女は聞く耳を持たなかった。 I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen. I tried to keep an eye on her, but she didn't listen. 僕の意見は君のとは全く違う。 My opinion is entirely different from yours. My opinion is different from yours. 彼は金のため仲間を裏切った。 He sold his party for money. He betrayed his people for money. あなたの行為の責任をもってもらおう。 We ask you to account for your conduct. I'll take responsibility for your actions. この店にはポストカードがたくさんある。 There are many postcards in this store. There are a lot of postcards in this store. 3人の少年のそれぞれが賞をもらった。 Each of the three boys got a prize. Each of the three boys received an award. 彼は部長の娘さんを妊娠させて、左遷されました。 He got the section chief's daughter pregnant and was demoted. He got pregnant and left his daughter. 恐竜は現在では死滅してしまった。 Dinosaurs are now extinct. The dinosaurs are now dead. あなたがあえて一人で行きたいならどうぞ。 If you insist on going alone, please do so. If you dare to go alone, go ahead. 彼は昨日ナイフでけがをした。 He cut himself with a knife yesterday. He hit the knife yesterday. 彼の意見は大体において正しい。 His opinion is generally correct. His opinion is generally correct. 交渉は失敗に終わった。 The negotiation ended in failure. The deal was a failure. 彼はいわゆるありふれた親ばかではない。 He is not your common doting parent. He's not the usual pros. 力を合わせれば、これを終わらせられるだろう。 If we unite our efforts, we will be able to finish this. Together, we'll be able to end this. 我々は祖国を守る覚悟ができている。 We are determined to protect the motherland. We are prepared to defend our country. 嵐のため行方不明の子供の捜索ができなかった。 The storm hindered us from searching for the missing child. We couldn't find the missing kid because of the storm. 映画を見に行くのが大好きよ。 I adore going to the cinema. I love going to the movies. もうねる時間です。ラジオを消しなさい。 It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio. It is time to hit it. Turn off the radio. 私は決して怠けてこの授業を欠席しているのではない。 I am by no means absent from this class because I am lazy. I am never lazy and absent from the class. その丘で殺された男はだれだったのか。 Who was the man killed on the hill? Who was the man killed on that hill? あなたはいつ日本へ戻られますか。 When do you go back to Japan? When will you return to Japan? 彼女はそれを繰り返し説明した。 She explained it over again. She explained it over and over again. かぜがなおるのに3週間かかった。 It took three weeks for me to get over my cold. It took me three weeks to get a cold. 目が覚めると有名になっていた。 I awoke to find myself famous. When I woke up, I was famous. 彼に会わなかったのだろう。 You didn't see him. You didn't see him. 荷物をはかりの上にのせてください。 Please put your baggage on this scale. Pack your things on the scales. なんて豪華なコートを着ているのだろう。 What a gorgeous coat you're wearing! What a gorgeous coat you are wearing. 僕の考えは君と異なる。 My opinion differs from yours. My thoughts are different from yours. 彼女がそんなことをしたはずがない。 She cannot have done such a thing. She wouldn't have done that. レポートは今月の末日までに提出してください。 Please hand in your papers by the last day of this month. Please submit the report by the end of the month. 頭を上げるな。 Keep your head down. Don't raise your head. 彼女は最近少しいらいらしている。 She's been feeling a little on edge recently. She's been a little upset lately. 彼女は新しい指輪が気に入っているようであった。 She looked pleased with her new ring. She seemed to like a new ring. 内容をご覧になり、適切なご意見をいただければ幸いです。 Please review the contents and provide any appropriate feedback. I hope you'll take a look at what's in it and take an appropriate look at what's in it. 私たちのすべてが彼女の考えに反対しているわけではない。 Not all of us are against her idea. Not all of us are against her thinking. 私はついさっき彼に会ったばかりです。 I saw him just now. I just met him. 彼は宿題をしてしまった後で散歩に出かけた。 After he had finished his homework, he went out for a walk. He went for a walk after he had done his homework. 彼は親から独立している。 He is independent of his parents. He's independent of his parents. 朝食のあとにコーヒーを飲みたくない。 I don't care to have coffee after breakfast. I don't want coffee after breakfast. 酒は百薬の長というが、飲み過ぎは体に毒だ。 They say that alcohol is the best medicine, but drinking too much is poisonous to the body. Alcohol is the chief of medicine, but too much is poison to your body. ついに私たちは湖に着いた。 We finally got to the lake. We finally got to the lake. 彼女がそんなに早く家に帰るなんて変だ。 It is strange that she should go home so early. It's strange that she'll be home so soon. 人はみな間違った考えを持っている。 Different people have different ideas. Everyone has the wrong idea. 彼にはどこか変わったことがある。 There's something unusual about him. There's something different about him. その物語は彼の死で幕を閉じる。 The story ends with his death. The story closes at his death. 彼はロンドンに向けて出発しました。 He set off for London. He left for London. 彼女は10代のころ拒食症になった。 She suffered from anorexia as a teenager. She became an anorexic when she was a teenager. 彼女はこの団体の会員である。 She is a member of this organization. She is a member of the organization. 早く起きなさい、さもないと遅刻しますよ。 Get up early, or you'll be late. Get up, or I'll be late. 彼の回復の望みはたとえあるにしてもきわめて少ない。 There is little, if any, hope of his recovery. His desire for recovery, even though there is some hope, is very little. よろしければ塩をこちらに回して下さいませんか。 The salt, if you please. If you don't mind, please pass the salt over here. トムは、自分にそれができると思っているんでしょうか? Does Tom think he can do it? Do you think you can do that? 目覚ましがなりました。 The alarm went off. I'm starting to wake up. 彼は生涯同じ仕事をしている。 He stayed at the same job for his whole life. He's doing the same job his whole life. 君が来る前に病院へ行ってきた。 I had been to the hospital before you came. I went to the hospital before you came. じきに雨が降ってきそうだ。 It is likely to rain soon. It's about to rain. 水道の蛇口から水がポタポタ落ちてたよ。 Water was dripping from the tap. Water was falling through the taps. 隣に住んでいる少女は、とてもきれいだ。 The girl who lives next door is very pretty. The girl who lives next door is beautiful. 君が入賞したのには驚いた。 I'm surprised you won the prize. I'm surprised you won. 彼女はピアノをとても上手に弾く。 She plays the piano very well. She plays the piano very well. トムがどこに行ったのかあなたが知っているかもしれないと思いました。 I thought you might know where Tom went. I thought you might know where Tom went. 私はおじによい贈り物をもらった。 I was given a nice present by my uncle. I got my uncle a good gift. 私の靴が見当たらない。 I can't find my shoes. I don't see my shoes. この部屋は十分大きい。 This room is large enough. This room is big enough. あれがあなたの新しい本? Is that your new book? Is that your new book? みんな彼をマックと呼ぶ。 Everybody calls him Mac. Everyone calls him Mack. 君は僕の考えを分かっている。 You know my opinion. You know what I'm thinking. あいつの度胸を試してみよう。 I'll put his courage to the test. Let's test his balls. 彼はしばしば歯痛で苦しんだ。 He often suffered from toothache. He often suffered with toothache. 古い日記を見るのは楽しみですわ。 I enjoy looking at my old diary. I look forward to seeing my old diary. 私が急いだのは暗くなってきたからではなく、空腹だったからであった。 I hurried, not because it was getting dark, but because I was hungry. I hurried, not because it was getting dark, but because I was hungry. 大抵の晩餐は11時頃に終わります。 Most dinner parties break up about eleven o'clock. Most dinners end around 11 o'clock. 彼女にはおじが二人いる。一人は京都に、もう一人は大阪に住んでいる。 She has two uncles; one lives in Kyoto and the other in Osaka. She has two uncles, one in Kyoto and another in Osaka. 時計が10分遅れている。 The clock is ten minutes slow. The clock's 10 minutes late. 船が入ってきた時に彼女は岸壁で待っていた。 She was waiting at the quay as the ship came in. She waited on the bank as the ship entered. バス停は学校の近くにある。 The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is near the school. 彼はそのパーティーはかなり退屈でした。 He found the party was rather slow. He was pretty bored with that party. 生化学の試験はやさしかった。 The biochemistry test was a cinch. The biochemistry test was easy. 彼は優れた英語学者であるが、さらに、教えるのも上手である。 He is a good English scholar, and, what is more, a good teacher. Although he is an excellent English scholar, he is also a good teacher. 娘はいつも、約束を守らない母親に苛立っていた。 The daughter was irritated with her mother, who always broke her promises. She was always frustrated by a mother who didn't keep her word. 今彼の頭には彼女に会うことしかない。 The only thing he's thinking about is seeing her. Now all he has to do is see her. 今は疲れ果てています。 I'm very tired now. Now I'm exhausted. チクショウ! また彼に逃げられた。 Damn it! He's escaped me again. Damn it, he got away again. あなたはそんなに一生懸命に働く必要はない。 You don't have to work so hard. You don't have to work so hard. 8時に出発したのだから、彼はもうそこに着いているはずだ。 Since he started at eight, he ought to be there by now. He left at 8:00, so he should already be there. 彼が勉強しているとき、ドアが突然バタンと開いた。 As he was studying, the door was suddenly flung open. When he was studying, the door suddenly opened. かなりたくさんの人がその式典に招待された。 Quite a few people were invited to the ceremony. Quite a few people were invited to the ceremony. そのことですぐに何か手を打たねばなるまい。 Something must be done about it in no time. We have to do something about it right away. 私のおごりだ。 I'll take care of the bill. It's my treat. 男性が女性よりすぐれているとか、女性が男性よりすぐれているとか考えるのは、愚かであるばかりでなく、こっけいなことである。 It is ridiculous as well as foolish to think man superior to woman, or woman to man. It's funny not only to think of men being better than women or women being better than men but also being stupid. 疲れたときはひと風呂浴びるのがいちばんだ。 When you feel tired, there is nothing like having a bath. I always take a bath when I'm tired. すぐお便りをいただければありがたいと思います。 I would appreciate hearing from you soon. I'd appreciate it if you could give me a quick ride. 私はたまたま美しい少女と出会った。 I chanced on a beautiful girl. I happened to meet a beautiful girl. トムは縄跳びをしている。 Tom is jumping rope. Tom's jumping rope. 素早く対処する必要があった。 We had to react quickly. We had to deal with it quickly. 彼はとうとう戻ってこなかった。 He didn't come back in the end. He didn't come back. いくつかのシーンがオリジナルから外された。 Several scenes have been cut from the original. Some scenes were removed from the original. 僕はフランス語をしゃべることにより関心がある。 I'm more interested in spoken French. I am interested in speaking French. だから何だってんだ。 So fuckin' what. That's why I'm here. 狩りをする犬のように地面を跳ねて。 Spring over the ground like a hunting hound. Jump on the ground like a hunting dog. あなたがどんな気分になったかは想像できます。 I can imagine how you felt. I can imagine how you felt. 外見で人を判断するな。 Don't judge people from the way they look. Don't judge people by their appearance. 急に長女が「飴がほしい」と声を上げました。 Suddenly the eldest daughter spoke up, saying, "I want candy." Suddenly the eldest woman cried out, "I want candy." 私たちは5月に結婚することになっていたが、結婚を6月まで延期しなければならなかった。 We were to be married in May but had to postpone the marriage until June. We were supposed to be married in May, but we had to postpone our marriage until June. 私はそんなばかげた計画には反対したい。 I want to oppose such a foolish plan. I object to such a ridiculous plan. 彼らは遅れることなくそこに着くことができた。 They could reach there without delay. They were able to get there without delay. 背後で糸を引いている人物がいると警察は言っている。 The police say there's someone pulling string behind the scenes. Police say there is someone behind it. 子供たちはもう学校へ行った。 The children have already gone to school. The kids have already gone to school. 君たちは何の話をしているのですか。 What are you talking about? What are you talking about? 彼の勇気を賞賛せずにいられない。 I cannot but admire his courage. I can't help thanking him for his courage. パーティーは一週間延期された。 The party was put off for a week. The party was postponed for a week. 叔母は私に花を持ってきてくれた。 My aunt brought me some flowers. My aunt brought me flowers. 私に言っているのですか? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? 子供向けの本を探しています。 I'm looking for a children's book. I'm looking for books for kids. このパペットは私の唯一の友達です。 This puppet is my only friend. This puppet is my only friend. 僕はテレビを見るのに飽きたよ。 I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. この道を行ったところに、バス停があります。 There is a bus stop down the road. There's a bus stop on this road. バッグを荷造りなさい。 Pack your bags. Pack your bags. 今にも雨が降るかもしれない。 It may rain at any moment. It could rain any day. 彼はとても危ない人だ。 He is very a dangerous man. He's very dangerous. あなたがたはパーティーで楽しく過ごしましたか。 Did you have a good time at the party? Have you enjoyed the party? 人の物はよく見える。 The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest. I see a lot of people's things. 彼は怒って鍵のかかったドアをがたがたゆすった。 He angrily rattled the locked door. "I don't know," said Mr. Marvel. あなたは今までに富士山に登ったことがありますか。 Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mount Fuji? 彼女は私をしかるのと同じくらいによくテリーをしかる。 She scolds Terry about as often as she scolds me. She's as good as she's got me. 今までずっとどこにいたのだ? Where have you been up to now? Where have you been all this time? となりの山田さんに貰ったパンはふわりとした食感で、固いパンが好きなお父さんの好みには合わないようだった。 The bread I got from my neighbor, Mr. Yamada, had a soft texture, and my father, who prefers hard bread, was sure to dislike it. The bread that Yamada received from Yamada seemed to fit his favorite taste for solid bread. 糸車の使い方は知りません。 I don't know how to operate a spinning wheel. I don't know how to use a spinning wheel. 石が泳げないのと同様私は泳げない。 I can no more swim than a stone can. I can't swim like a stone can't swim. 頭の毛は灰色だった。 His head was gray. The hair on his head was gray. 父と妹は大工さんです。 My father and sister are carpenters. My father and my sister are Dae-jin. 彼の部屋はいつもきちんとしている。 His room is always tidy. His room is always neat. 10時頃になって霧が消え始めた。 The fog began to disappear around ten o'clock. About ten o'clock, the fog began to disappear. 最近思いもよらない事件が多いね。事実は小説より奇なり、とはよく言ったもんだよ。 You hear about a lot of incidents these days that would be hard to dream up. It really backs up the old saying that fact is stranger than fiction. A lot of things are unexpected these days. I used to say that the facts are stranger than novels. 君は英語が話せますかと彼は私に聞きました。 He asked me if I could speak English. He asked me if you speak English. 忘れようとすればするほど元彼のこと思い出しちゃう。 The more I try to forget about my ex-boyfriend, the more I think about him. The more I try to forget, the more I remember him. 父が戦争の体験談を語ってくれた。 My father told me about his experiences during the war. My father told me stories about war. トムは気が狂ったように働いた。 Tom worked like a madman. Tom worked like crazy. 率直に言って、君のヘアースタイルは好きじゃないよ。 Frankly speaking, I don't like your haircut. Frankly, I don't like your hair style. 健はきのう友達と話しました。 Ken talked with his friends yesterday. Ken talked to his friends yesterday. 私は彼が正直で気さくであるから彼が好きだ。 I like him in that he is honest and candid. I like him because he's honest and nice. 君のTシャツはすぐ乾くでしょう。 Your T-shirt will dry soon. Your T-shirt will dry up soon. この品には税がかかりますか。 Is there any tax on this? Is this good taxed? 急いだのだが、その老婦人は終電車に乗り遅れた。 Even though she rushed, the elderly woman missed the last train. In a hurry, however, the old lady missed the end of the train. 私は毎朝7時に起きると彼に言った。 I told him that I get up at seven every morning. I told him I'd get up at 7:00 a.m. 立ち上がってはいけません。 Don't stand up. Don't get up. 私は自分の家が取り壊されるのを、我慢できなかった。 I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't stand the loss of my house. 将来真実が明らかになるだろう。 The truth will come out in the future. The truth will become clear in the future. 彼は私に1人で行けと命令した。 He ordered me to go alone. He ordered me to go alone. 是非とも外国語を勉強するようにしなさい。 Try to study a foreign language by all means. By all means, learn to speak a foreign language. 3時はお茶にしよう。 Let's have tea at 3:00. I'll have a cup of tea at 3 o'clock. 買い物に行ってくるなんていい子ですね。 You are an angel for doing my shopping. It's nice to go shopping. 上司を人前でからかうのは無礼なことです。 It's rude to make fun of your boss in public. It's rude to make fun of your boss in public. 彼の部屋は明かりがこうこうとついていた。 His room was brightly lit. His room was lighted up. その家は木立に囲まれている。 The house stands among trees. The house is surrounded by trees. エスペラントは形容詞が「a」で終わります。複数形が「j」を付けて作られます。 In Esperanto an adjective ends in "a." The plural is formed by adding "j." Pelant ends with the adjective " a " . Multiple forms are created with " j " . あの時、あの女の子をもっと優しく扱ってあげればよかった。 I wish I had treated the girl more kindly at that time. I should have treated that girl better then. 母は昼食後すぐに運動しすぎてはいけないと言う。 My mother disapproves of too much exercise right after lunch. My mother says we should not exercise too soon after lunch. 彼女は目に涙を浮かべて立ちあがった。 She rose to her feet with tears in her eyes. She stood with tears in her eyes. 住民の70パーセント以上がその計画に賛成しています。 More than 70 percent of the inhabitants are in favor of the program. More than 70 percent of the residents agree with the plan. そこまで歩いて行くのはめんどうくさい。 It's too much trouble to walk there. I don't think we're going to walk that far. 抗議のデモ隊が入り口にバリケードを築いた。 The protesters barricaded the entrance. Protest protesters built barricades at the entrance. 教室で食べるの。 I eat in the classroom. I'm going to eat it in class. もう私に手紙を書かないでくれ。 Please don't write letters to me anymore. Don't write me any more letters. 今朝トムは彼の姉はまだ病気で寝ていると言った。 This morning Tom said that his sister is still ill in bed. This morning Tom said his sister was still sick. 自由の女神はアメリカの象徴である。 The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of America. The goddess of freedom is a symbol of America. 徹夜した。 I was awake all night. I've been up all night. 友達にお金を借りました。 I borrowed money from my friends. I borrowed money from my friends. 彼女は娘をクラシック音楽に慣れ親しませた。 She acquainted her daughter with classical music. She used to get used to classical music. ほんとだってば。 I'm honest. It's true. もう眼鏡をかけていないのです。 I don't wear glasses anymore. I don't wear glasses anymore. 休日を楽しんできてね。 Enjoy your holidays. Enjoy your holidays. 少女はあっという間に金網フェンスを跳び越えた。 In the blink of an eye the girl jumped over the chain-link fence. The girl jumped over the wire fence in no time. あの建物、私の娘にくれてください。 Give the house to my daughter. Give that building to my daughter. 父は銀行に勤めています。 My father works for a bank. My dad works for a bank. ハワイってさ、暖炉つきの家が多いじゃない?あっちも朝夕は冷えるから、寒がりの人は暖炉を焚くんだ。 Hawai, y'know, has a lot of houses with fireplaces doesn't it? The mornings and evenings over there get cold as well so people who feel the cold light fires. Hawaii is a lot of houses with fireplaces, because it's cold in the morning. それは滑稽だ。 That will be funny. That's funny. 質の点で彼のレポートが最高だ。 In terms of quality, his is the best report. His report's the best in quality. 彼女はソナタを演奏した。 She played a sonata. She played Sonata. この花瓶は鉄で出来ている。 This vase is made of iron. The vase is made of iron. 大部分の少年は野球のヒーローをすばらしいと思っている。 Most boys admire baseball heroes. Most boys admire baseball heroes. 彼女は彼に、行かないで欲しいと懇願した。 She pleaded with him to stay. She begged him not to go. 現在の税制度のもとでは正直にやっていると割に合わない。 Honesty doesn't pay under the current tax system. Under the current tax system, honest work is not worth it. シカゴまで往復一枚ください。 I want a round-trip ticket to Chicago. One round trip to Chicago. 彼はやせ我慢しているんだ。 He is too proud to give up. He's putting up with it. お気づきかどうかは存じませんが、トムはどうやらお宅のお嬢さんと恋に落ちてしまったようなのです。 I don't know if you've noticed, but Tom seems to have fallen in love with your daughter. I don't know if you noticed, but Tom somehow fell in love with your daughter. その名前では誰も学校の名簿に登録されていません。 No person by that name is listed in the register of the school. No one is registered on the school list in that name. 彼は何処も悪くない。 There is nothing wrong with him. There's nothing wrong with him. 彼は車の運転の仕方を習っている。 He is learning how to drive a car. He's learning how to drive. 私は騒音のため、自分の声を通らせることができなかった。 I could not make myself heard on account of the noise. I couldn't let myself through because of the noise. 彼に一人でそれをさせてはいけません。 Don't let him do it alone. Don't let him do it alone. 王はその音楽を大いに楽しまれた。 The king was greatly entertained by the music. The king enjoyed the music a lot. この金属は磨くとつやがでる。 This metal burnishes well. This metal is smooth when it is polished. 彼らはオリンピック大会に参加したがっている。 They want to take part in the Olympic Games. They want to participate in the Olympics. ステーキの焼き具合はどうなさいますか。 How would you like your steak? How's the steak? おい、だからもう謝ったじゃん。 Hey, I said I was sorry. Hey, I already apologized. ウチの子どもたちは皆フランス語を学びたいと思っています。 All of my kids want to learn French. Our children all want to learn French. 概してアメリカ人は親切な国民である。 Generally the Americans are a kind people. By and large, Americans are a kind people. 甘いものが食べたい。 I want to eat something sweet. I want something sweet. その旅行は誰が計画したの? Who planned that trip? Who planned the trip? 彼の助手は彼の靴を磨いた。 His assistant polished his shoes. His assistant polished his shoes. 金庫にカギをかけてください。 Lock the safe. Lock the safe. 映画は良かったですか。 Was the movie good? Did you like the movie? とても騒々しかったので、私の言うことを聞き取ってもらえなかった。 It was so noisy that I couldn't make myself heard. It was so loud that they didn’t listen to me. 誰もその問題を解くことはできなかった。 No one could solve the problem. No one could solve that problem. 彼の無事を知らされて、部長は安堵のため息をついた。 Informed of his safety, the manager breathed a sigh of relief. When he was informed that he was safe, the chief breathed a sigh of relief. アメリカ合衆国の同胞諸君、国家が諸君のために何をしてくれるかを求めず、諸君が国家のために何をできるかを求めよう。 My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Brothers of the United States, let's not ask what the State will do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. かぜにはこの薬を一日三回飲みなさい。 Take this medicine for your cold three times a day. Drink this medicine three times a day for the cold. しかしながら、私はあなたの御意見に賛成できません。 I cannot, however, agree to your opinion. However, I do not agree with your opinion. 私はピーマンが大好きです。 I like green peppers very much. I love Peeman. ある手紙で彼は、「人生は一瞬の夢に過ぎない」と言っている。 In one letter he remarks, "Life is but a dream". In one letter, he says, "life is just a dream for a moment." 私はスキーが好きだ。 I am fond of skiing. I like skis. 私は母に借りがある。 I owe what I am to my mother. I owe my mother. あなたと少し個人的に話をする必要がある。 I would like to have a word with you. I need a little personal talk with you. もうすこし注意すべきだったのに。 You should've been more careful. I should've been a little more careful. 私たちのうちへようこそ! Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home! 彼は、抗うのをやめ、その身を運命に任せました。 He stopped resisting, and resigned himself to his fate. He stopped fighting and left himself to fate. この問題は、難しそうだ。 This problem seems difficult. This problem's going to be difficult. ご存じのように人生は航海にたとえられる。 As you know, life is comparable to a voyage. As you know, life can be compared to a voyage. トムはスポーツドリンクの飲みすぎで糖尿病になったらしい。 Tom got diabetes from drinking too many sports drinks. Tom says he got diabetes because he drank too much sports drinks. 彼は自分の失敗を運が悪いせいにしている。 He ascribes his failure to bad luck. He's bad luck with his failure. いいコートだね。 That's a nice coat. Nice coat. 私が電話を切るか切らないうちに別の電話が入った。 No sooner had I hung up the phone than there came another call. There was another call before I hung up. 本当にトムですか。 Are you really Tom? Are you sure it's Tom? いつパリに来たのですか。 When did you come to Paris? When did you come to Paris? 私の姉は毎週、髪を整えてもらう。 My sister has her hair done each week. My sister will have her hair ready every week. 彼女は本当のことを言ったほうが身のためだと悟った。 She realized that she had better tell the truth. She realized that it was better for her to tell the truth. 魂は不滅だとプラトンは考えた。 Plato held that the soul is immortal. Plato thought the soul was immortal. トムは少し酔っていた。 Tom was a little drunk. Tom was a little drunk. 彼の飲酒癖は今に始まったことではない。 His drinking habit is an old one. His drinking habits are not new. 出来高払いでやっています。 We are doing business at piecework payment basis. And we're doing it with a little bit of money. 我々は五分間ドアをノックしたが、無駄だった。 We knocked at the door for five minutes, but in vain. We knocked on the door for five minutes, but it was useless. 「少しうちに寄っていかない?」「いいの?」「うち共働きで親は遅いの」 "Want to drop round my place?" "Can I?" "My parents come home late as they both work." "Why don't you come by our house a little bit?" なんでトムはここで働くのが好きなの? Why does Tom like working here? Why would Tom like to work here? 彼らの考えは私たちには全く異質のものであるように感じられる。 Their ideas seem totally alien to us. Their thoughts seem completely foreign to us. 我々は読み書きをならう。 We learn to read and write. We learn to read and write. 私は本気でそういったのだ。 I meant what I said. I meant it. 彼がこの部屋に入ったにちがいない。 He must have entered this room. He must have been in this room. 彼はコートを脱いだ。 He took off his coat. He took off his coat. 私は今朝バターつきのパンを食べた。 I ate bread and butter this morning. I ate buttery bread this morning. ノートを出しなさい。 Get out your notebooks. Give me your notebook. クラスで、数学では彼の右に出る者はいない。 He is second to none in mathematics in his class. There's no one in the class who comes to his right in mathematics. トムはボストンから実家に戻ってきた。 Tom has come back home from Boston. Tom's back home from Boston. 気に入ってもらえるといいんだが。 I hope you like it. I hope you like it. 雪が降る。 It snows. It's snowing. この辞書はせいぜい2万語くらいしかのっていない。 This dictionary contains not more than 20,000 words. This dictionary has only about 20,000 words at most. たくさんのことが起こって、スケジュールが狂ってしまった。 A lot of things happened and my schedule was messed up. A lot of things happened and the schedule went wrong. どんな事で切手が必要ですか。 Why do you want stamps? What do you need a stamp for? 彼が我々に同意するのは確かだ。 It is certain that he will agree with us. I'm sure he agrees with us. 私は私たちが冷静にしていることが大切だと思う。 I think it's important for us to stay calm. I think it's important that we stay calm. 良いボールボーイやボールガールは精神を集中することができ、また、速く走ることができなければならない。 A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast. Good ball boys and ball girls have to be able to concentrate and run fast. 僕はトムと同じくらいの背の高さだ。 I'm as tall as Tom. I'm as tall as Tom. 当地は食べ物があまり良くない。 The food isn't very good here. We don't have much food here. ベェーだっ!乙女のことを嗤った罰よ! Pfft! That's your punishment for laughing at a girl! It's all right, it's all right, it's all right! 正しいと思うことをはっきりと言うだけの勇気を持つべきである。 You ought to have the courage to speak out what you believe to be right. You should have the courage to say exactly what you think is right. 残念ながらその予想は外れてしまった。 Sorry to say, that expectation was ill-founded. Unfortunately, that was not the case. 十中八九彼は遅れるだろう。 He's more than likely to be late. Of course he'll be late. 彼女は彼に砂糖を使いすぎないように忠告した。 She advised him not to use too much sugar. She advised him not to use too much sugar. 今日はまだ雨が降ってない。 It has not rained this month yet. There's still no rain today. 彼は来ないと思う。 I think he won't come. I don't think he's coming. 「君がすべて僕のものならいいのにな」と小さな黒ウサギは言った。 "I wish you were all mine!" said the little black rabbit. "I wish you were all mine," said the little black rabbit. みんなが私のことをどう思うかに興味がありません。 I'm not interested in what others think about me. I'm not interested in what people think of me. ボブが来るまで私たちは始めません。 We won't start till Bob comes. We don't start until Bob gets here. テレビをつけてくれる。 Would you please turn on the TV? He'll turn on the TV. その少年は重いソファーを動かそうとしたがだめだった。 The boy tried to move the heavy sofa in vain. The boy tried to move the heavy couch, but he couldn't. 私はきっとテニスの試合に勝つと思う。 I'm certain I'll win the tennis match. I'm sure I'll win the tennis game. 彼は自分が潔白であることを私に確信させた。 He convinced me of his innocence. He convinced me he was innocent. 明後日こづかいの一万円を自由に遣わしてくれるように母にいった。 The day after tomorrow I will urge my mother to leave an allowance of 10000 yen at my disposal. The day after tomorrow, I asked my mother to send me ten thousand yen. 彼は私がその部屋を出るまで、何度も同じレコードをかけつづけた。 He kept playing the same record over and over until I had to leave the room. He kept playing the same record over and over again until he left the room. 彼は自分の考えを書き留めた。 He put his thoughts on paper. He wrote down his thoughts. 彼は金持ちに見えた。 He looked like a rich man. He looked rich. カレンの裾が捲れている。 Karen's skirt is riding up. Karen's head is down. あなたはもっと勉強する必要がある。 It is necessary for you to study harder. You need to learn more. 彼は新しい服を作らせた。 He had a new suit made. He made me make new clothes. 落ちついて。 Play it cool. Calm down. 彼は壁にもたれかかって、片足で立っていた。 He stood on one leg, leaning against the wall. He stood on the wall, standing on one foot. 通りが凍っていたので、車を走らせることが出来なかった。 Because of the icy streets, we could not drive the car. The streets were frozen, so I couldn’t drive. 漏えいはすぐに食いとめる必要がある。 The leak needs to be stopped immediately. The leaks need to be eaten immediately. ココは、耳が不自由な人の言葉である手話を500語以上も知っていて、それらを使う。 Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. It knows and uses more than 500 words of sign language, which is the language of deaf people. 我がチームは大勝利を収めて帰国した。 Our team returned home after a huge victory. Our team returned with a great victory. イスマエルと呼んでください。 Call me Ismaël. Call me Ismael. 君がばかでないのと同様に僕もばかでない。 I am not any more foolish than you are. I'm not as stupid as you are. トムは何歳ですか。 How old is Tom? How old is Tom? 二十五歳までに、彼女は異なる五つの国で暮らしてきた。 She lived in five different countries by age 25. By the time she was twenty-five, she had lived in five different countries. 彼女に良い考えが寸前のところで浮かんだ。 A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. A good idea came up for her. なぜ森の中で道に迷ったのか。 Why did you get lost in the woods? Why did you go astray in the woods? フランス語って英語よりも難しいんですか? Is French harder than English? Is French more difficult than English? 彼らは学校の近くに住んでいる。 They live near the school. They live near the school. 私は日本語を話すことができます。 I speak Japanese. I can speak Japanese. ジョンとメアリーはその重要な問題について意見が違った。 John and Mary had different opinions about that important matter. John and Mary disagree on that important issue. 彼女は私にたずねもしないで、私の傘を持っていった。 She took my umbrella without so much as asking me. She didn't even bother me and took my umbrella. 私はその男に会った記憶がない。 I have no recollection of seeing the man. I don't remember seeing that man. どれでも好きなものを選びなさい。 Choose whichever you like. Choose whatever you like. 今度は君がそこにいかなければならない。 This time you must go there. Now you have to go there. 目覚し時計で、私は7時に目を覚まします。 The alarm clock wakes me at seven. With an alarm clock, I wake up at 7 o'clock. 2部屋あるアパートを借りたいのですが。 I want to rent an apartment with two rooms. I'd like to borrow a couple of apartments. 彼らは彼に話をさせた。 They let him tell the story. They let him talk. その子は悪い癖が直った。 He was cured of his bad habits. She got her bad habit fixed. ご好意を深く感謝します。 I am deeply grateful to you for your kindness. Thank you very much. 出ていけ。 Get out. Get out. 中にはむずかしそうなのもあるし。 Some of them seem to be too difficult. Some of them seem pretty awkward. 食事をする時間はたっぷりある。 We have time enough to eat. We have plenty of time to eat. 彼の成功の事は新聞に書いてあった。 His success was mentioned in the paper. It was written in the papers about his success. その若い医師は貧しい人々や病人を助けることに専念した。 The young doctor devoted himself to helping the poor and sick. The young doctor devoted himself to helping poor and sick people. 私は決して彼女に彼女が好きだとは言っていない。 Never did I tell her that I loved her. I never told her I liked her. 彼は著述に励んでいた。 He was closely occupied with his writing. He was encouraging the writing. 彼は私たちのすぐ隣に住んでいる。 He lives immediately next to us. He lives right next to us. 正直がいつも割に合うとは限らない。 Honesty doesn't always pay. Honesty doesn't always pay. あの人達は都会の生活にあこがれている。 They are longing for city life. They are struggling with city life. 私たちが訪ねたとき、彼は兄さんに英語を教えてもらっているところであった。 He was being taught English by his brother when we called on him. When we visited him, he was learning English from his brother. 君がどんなにがんばっても、1日で5冊も小説を読むことはできないだろう。 Try as you may, you will not be able to read as many as five novels in a day. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to read five books a day. トムはいつも驚くほど仕事が早い。 Tom always gets the job done surprisingly fast. Tom always works incredibly fast. 彼には教職の経験が無かったが、やみくもにこの世界に飛び込んだ。 He'd had no experience of teaching, but he plunged in nonetheless. He had no experience in teaching, but suddenly he jumped into the world. ほとんど雨は降っていない。 It is hardly raining. Almost no rain. 同級生を代表して歓迎の挨拶をいたします。 On behalf of our classmates, I welcome you. On behalf of my classmates, I welcome you. 彼は断固たる口調で「だめだ」と言った。 "No", he said in a decided tone. He said no with a firm tone of voice. 宮殿には国王と王妃が住んでいる。 In the palace live the king and the queen. There are kings and queens living in the palace. まず商売を繁昌させてから妻をめとれ。 First thrive and then take a wife. First, take care of your wife after you keep your business going. 秋は食べ物が特に美味しい時である。 Autumn is when food is especially delicious. Autumn is a time when food is especially delicious. 今日の政治状況はそれほど安定していない。 The current political situation is not very stable. The political situation today is not so stable. 絶対に誘惑にはまけないぞ。 I'm determined never to give way to temptation. You'll never be tempted. 引き続きのご支援を感謝いたします。 We appreciate your continued support. We will continue to thank you for your support. 私は彼からこの本を借りた。 I borrowed this book from him. I borrowed this book from him. 今年の8月は雨の日がほとんど無かった。 This year there were few rainy days in August. In August of this year, there was very little rain. デザートのお好きなかたもおばあちゃんの台所へどうぞ。 If you like dessert, you'll love Grandma's Kitchen! If you like dessert, go to your grandmother's kitchen. パーティーの食べ物がたくさん残った。 There was a lot of food left over from the party. A lot of food left at the party. そうです、異常音は空冷ファンの最後の断末魔だったのです。 That's right, that strange sound was the final death scream of the cooling fan. That's right. 君はいつも私のあら捜しをしている。 You're always finding fault with me. You're always looking for me. テイト氏をつれてきていただけませんか。 Aren't you going to get Mr Tate? Mr. Tate would like to join us. 為すことができる者が為し、為すことができない者が教える。 He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. I'll teach you who can do it, who can't do it. 私たちには飲む水が少しもなかった。 We had no water to drink. We had no water to drink. 自分でなんとかするよ。 I took care of it myself. I'll take care of it myself. 日本人はなんでそんなにビアンとかバイとかに偏見を持つのですか? Why are Japanese so prejudiced against lesbians and bisexuals? Why are Japanese so prejudiced about lesbians and vis? 君の言うことは認めるけれども、言い方が気に入らない。 I admit that what you say is true, but I don't like the way you say it. I admit what you say, but I don't like how you say it. これらのダンボールは壊れ易い。 These boxes are fragile. These cardboards are fragile. 老人を尊敬せねばならない。 You need to respect the elderly. We have to respect the elderly. あの壊れた花瓶は祖父のものです。 That broken vase is my grandfather's. That broken vase belongs to my grandfather. コンピューターを使える人を探しています。 We're looking for somebody who can use a computer. I'm looking for someone who can use a computer. 彼らはボートを30キロ近く運んだ。 They carried the boats almost thirty kilometers. They carried a boat of nearly 30 kilometers. 概して言えば、その国の気候は厳しい。 On the whole, the country has a severe climate. The climate is, by and large, severe. 私の叔父は医者の忠告を無視して酒を飲みつづけた。 My uncle kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's advice. My uncle ignored the doctor's advice and continued drinking. メグはわくわくしている。 Meg is excited. Meg is excited. やめてって言ってるでしょ! I said drop it! I said stop! 私は読書をする時間がない。 I have no time to read. I don't have time to read. 子供は母親にあいたがっている。 The child is lonesome for its mother. The child wants to see his mother. その人は僕が今まで見た中で一番きれいな女性です。 That's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. マネージャーは、私が彼と一緒に空港に行ってはどうかと言い出した。 The manager suggested that I go with him to the airport. The manager said that I should go with him to the airport. 私はそれを期待していたので、なおさらがっかりした。 I was all the more disappointed because of my expectations. I was even more disappointed when I expected it. ロボットを愛さなくなれば、彼奴は、御前に復仇する。」 「あのロボットが——」 「ああ。」 「どんな復讐?」 「殺す。」 "If you stop loving the robot, it will take its revenge upon you" "That robot will--" "Yes" " What type of revenge?" "It will kill you" If he doesn't love the robot, he will avenge himself. あなたは歌を歌えます。 You can sing a song. You can sing. つまらないことに時間を無駄に過ごすな。 Don't waste time on trifles. Don't waste your time on boring things. 彼は見知らぬ女の人を自分の母親として認めることはできなかった。 He could not accept a strange woman as his mother. He could not accept a stranger woman as his mother. 彼女はインターネットで稼ぐよい方法を思いついた。 She came up with a good way of making money by using the Internet. She came up with a good way to make money on the Internet. 僕は鶏肉が好きです。 I love chicken. I like chicken. 胸毛はセクシーだと思いますか? Do you think that chest hair is sexy? Do you think your chest hair is sexy? 家族がいるってすばらしいです。 It's great to have a family. It's wonderful to have a family. ロンドンは東京に比べて小さい。 London is small compared to Tokyo. London is smaller than Tokyo. 私にその本を取ってきて下さい。 Get that book for me. Get me that book. 渋滞に巻き込まれなければ、間に合うと思いますよ。 I think we'll get there in time if we don't get caught in a traffic jam. If you don't get stuck in traffic, you'll be able to make it. この騒音には、もう我慢できないの。 I can not bear this noise any more. I can't stand this noise anymore. 君は自分の健康を度外視するわけにはいかない。 You can't afford to neglect your health. You can't ignore your health. 際どかった。 That was a close shave. It was a disaster. カルロスは出て行き本を持って戻ってきました。 Carlos went away and came back with the book. Carlos left and came back with books. 水泳に関する限りでは彼は誰にもひけをとらない。 Where swimming is concerned, he is second to none. As far as swimming is concerned, he doesn't hit anyone. 彼女はいつも幸福そうだったが、実際は決して幸せではなかった。 She always looked happy, but never was. She was always happy, but she was never happy. 大学の設立が彼女の大きな願いだった。 The foundation of a college was her great ambition. The establishment of the university was her great wish. 営業時間を教えてください。 What hours is it open? Tell me when it's time to operate. 彼らの到着が遅れたのは雨のせいだ。 Their late arrival was owing to the rain. It was rain that delayed their arrival. 残念な事に私の父は長患いから回復できなかった。 To my regret, my father could not recover from his long illness. Unfortunately, my father was unable to recover because of his long illness. 外は寒いから中に入りなさい。 Come inside because it's cold outside. Go inside, it's cold outside. 私は彼を許せない、なぜなら彼は私を人前で侮辱したのだから。 I cannot forgive him because he insulted me in public. I can't forgive him, because he insulted me in public. たった10ドルだぜ。 It only costs $10.00! It's only $10. 彼を知っている人々は、彼のことを良く言います。 Those who know him speak well of him. People who know him speak well of him. 彼女は学生を下宿させて収入をえている。 She earns money by taking in students. She earns money by staying with her students. 何か言いたいことでもあんの? Is there something you want to say? Is there something you want to tell me? この景色を見ると、懐かしい生まれ故郷の町を思い出すよ。 This scenery carries me back to my old native town. The view reminds me of my old hometown. 今日なし得る事を明日まで延ばすな。 Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 何がそこにありますか。 What is over there? What's there? 平和に生活させてください。 Let me live in peace. Let me live my life in peace. 私がどんなに心配したかあなたはわかっていない。 You don't understand how worried I was about you. You don't know how much I'm worried. ご遠慮なくお使いください。 Be my guest. You're welcome to use it. 私の言うことが聞こえますか。 Can you hear me? Do you hear me? ディナーを食べに階下に行こう。 Let's go downstairs for dinner. Let's go downstairs for dinner. そんなこと真に受けちゃだめだよ。彼は大袈裟に言う傾向があるから。 Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate. Don't take it that way. その映画を見ておけばよかったなあ。 I wish I had seen the film. I should've seen that movie. 私たちは一言も聞き漏らさないように注意深く聞いていた。 We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word. We listened carefully not to leak a word. その花は非常にいい匂いがする。 The flowers give off a very pleasant perfume. The flowers smell very good. この映画は小説をもとにしている。 This film is based on a novel. The film is based on novels. あれは古いお城です。 That is an old castle. It's an old castle. トムは免疫力が低下している。 Tom has a weakened immune system. Tom's losing his immune system. 君は一人じゃない。 You aren't alone. You're not alone. あの方は私たちの先生です。 She's our teacher. He's our teacher. 彼は言われたようにせざるをえなかった。 He had no choice but to do as he was told. He had to do what he was told. 彼はりっぱに振る舞った。 He bore himself well. He acted well. この所は私たちの援助の申し出を断った。 She turned down our offer of help. This area has turned down our offer of help. 彼は名前を覚えるのが下手だ。 He's not good at remembering names. He's not good at remembering names. 音楽がなければ、この世は退屈な所になるだろう。 Were it not for music, the world would be a dull place. Without music, this world would be boring. 席を立ちかけて腰を浮かした。 I half rose to my feet to leave my seat. He stood up and floated. シカゴ行きの便を予約したいのですが。 Can I reserve a flight to Chicago? I'd like to book a flight to Chicago. 私は彼のそでをつかんだ。 I held his sleeve. I grabbed him out of there. わたしはそれの真意を疑う。 I doubt whether it is true or not. I doubt it's true. 彼は人生のすいも甘いも知っている。 He has tasted the bitters and sweets of life. He knows the softness and the sweetness of life. 誰が知っているだろうか。 Who knows that? Who knows? この本を1部ください。 Give me a copy of this book. Give me a copy of this book. 彼はあなたや私とほとんど同じように日本語が話せる。 He can speak Japanese almost as well as you and I. He speaks Japanese almost the same as you and me. 亡くなった。 He died. He's dead. もし彼を見たら外国人と思うだろう。 To look at him, you would take him to be a foreigner. If you saw him, you would think he was a foreigner. ハトは平和の表象である。 A dove is a symbol of peace. Doves represent peace. 私は人前で話すことになれていない。 I'm not accustomed to speaking in public. I can't talk in public. 君に秘密を打ち明けよう。 I will tell you a secret. I'll tell you a secret. あなたはテニスが上手ですか。 Are you good at tennis? Are you good with tennis? 父が快く車を貸してくれるとは思わない。 I don't think my father is willing to lend us the car. I don't think my father's willing to lend me his car. 町中だれもそれを知っている。 The whole town knows of it. Everyone in town knows that. 「君は日本人の学生ですか」「はい、そうです」 "Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes, I am." - Are you a Japanese student? - Yes, sir. 私はまだそのはなしは聞いてない。 I haven't heard that story yet. I haven't heard it yet. こんな所出よう! I wanna get out of here! Let's get out of here! バスの運転手は乗客の安全について責任がある。 A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of passengers. 今年の夏はこの30年で一番の暑さだ。 This is the hottest summer that we have had in thirty years. This summer is the hottest in 30 years. 彼は静かな田舎をハイキングするのが大好きです。 He loves to hike in the quiet countryside. He loves to hike through the quiet countryside. 私たちはその結果に十分満足しているわけではない。 We are not quite satisfied with the result. We are not satisfied with the results. ちょっと、君。 Hey, you. Hey, buddy. 「それはいい考えだ」と、私は心の中で思った。 I said to myself, "That's a good idea." “It’s a good idea,” I thought to myself. 彼女は彼に、行かないで欲しいと懇願した。 She pleaded with him to not leave. She begged him not to go. バケツを水で満たしなさい。 Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water. 明日は晴れかどうか知りたい。 We want to know if it will be sunny tomorrow. I want to know if it's clear tomorrow. 「可愛い子犬ね。どうしてパンダと名付けられたの?」「パンダのような顔をしているからだ」 "What a cute puppy. Why is he called Panda?" "Because his face looks like a panda." "You little puppy, why did you call me a panda?" "Because you look like a panda." これは私のかばんです。 This is my bag. This is my shield. その本を出版社に注文してもらえませんか。 I'd like to place an order for the book with the publishing company. Would you order that book with the publishers? あなたの手書きは上手です。 You have really good handwriting. Your handwriting is good. 私は彼がそこへ行った理由を知らない。 I don't know the reason why he went there. I don't know why he went there. 資金は彼が商売で身を立てるのに十分だった。 The money was enough to establish him in business. The money was enough for him to get into business. 飛行機は込み入ってそうですか。 Does it look like the plane will be crowded? Is the plane in trouble? そう、私きてくれて嬉しかったわ。 O.K. I'm glad you could come. That's right. I'm glad you're here. なんでそう思うの? Why do you think so? Why do you think that? 後者の能力はすべて遺伝によって私達に伝えられる。つまり、親から受けつぐ遺伝子を通して私たちはそうした能力を受け取るのである。 All of these abilities are passed on to us by genetic transmission; we receive them by way of the genes that we inherit from our parents. All the latter abilities are passed on to us by genetics. いつどこでその戦争は起きたのですか。 When and where did the war break out? When and where did that war take place? 着いてきてください。 Come with me, please. Come with me. その本を郵便でお送りします。 I'll send the book by mail. I'll send you that book by mail. 彼はたいへん金持ちだそうだ。 They say that he's very rich. He's a very rich man. 彼は私が思ったのとは違っていた。 He was otherwise than I thought. He was different from what I thought. この金属は亜鉛と呼ばれる。 This metal is called zinc. This metal is called zinc. どうかその歌をもう一度歌ってください。 Sing the song once more, please. Please sing that song again. トムは私より賢い。 Tom is more intelligent than me. Tom's smarter than me. コーヒー休みは米国のしきたりである。 The coffee break is an American institution. Coffee break is the custom of the United States. 過去へさかのぼることは不可能だと見なされている。 It is considered impossible to travel back to the past. It is considered impossible to go back. 四時まで待ちます。 I'll wait till four o'clock. Wait till 4:00. 警察は事件の真相を明らかにするだろう。 The police will reveal the truth of the case. The police will reveal the truth of the matter. トラックが道の真ん中に止まっていた。 A truck was standing in the middle of the road. The truck was parked in the middle of the road. 個人はそれぞれ異なっている。 Each individual is different. Each individual is different. 私の本はあなたの机の上にあります。 My book is on your desk. My books are on your desk. コンサートがあまりにも早く終わってしまったので私は驚いた。 I was surprised because the concert ended all too soon. I was surprised that the concert ended so soon. 私があなたの案内役を務めましょう。 I'll act as a guide for you. I'll be your guide. 嵐が私たちの町に近づいていた。 A storm was approaching our town. The storm was approaching our town. 私の質問に答えて下さい。 Please answer my question. Answer my question. その塔は321メートルの高さがある。 The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tower is 321 meters high. 彼は走るのがとても早い。 He runs very fast. He runs very fast. 彼女は卵を茹でた。 She boiled the eggs. She licked the eggs. これらの本はだれのですか。 Whose books are these? Who are these books? 俺に見せてくれ。 Show them to me. Let me see. あなたの息子さんを親離れさせるべきです。 You should have your son independent of you. Your son should be separated. ある調査によれば、世界の10億人の人口が貧困で苦しんでいます。 According to a survey, 1 thousand million people are suffering from poverty in the world. According to one study, one billion people worldwide suffer from poverty. 2度までも彼は約束を破ったのにまだ信じるのか。 Do you still trust him after he broke his promise twice? Do you think he still believes in breaking his promise twice? 台所にあります。 It is in the kitchen. It's in the kitchen. 彼が誕生日カードを送ってくれた。 He sent me a birthday card. He sent me his birthday card. 我々はどうにかしてその密林を通り抜けよう。 We'll get through the jungle somehow. We'll somehow get through that forest. 彼はその鳥を見失った。 He lost sight of the bird. He lost the bird. 彼女はそのロープをぐいっと引っ張った。 She gave a big pull on the rope. She pulled that rope loosely. 私たちは、悲しい知らせを聞いて涙を流さざるをえなかった。 We could not but weep at the sad news. We were forced to shed tears when we heard the sad news. あなたが女の子だからよ。 That's because you're a girl. Because you're a girl. 箱は空いていて中はからだった。 The box was open and empty. The box was empty and empty. 交通事故のない日は1日としてない。 Not a day passes without traffic accidents. We don't have a day without a car accident. 電話機が壊れているかどうか調べて下さい。 Can you check if the phone is out of order? See if the phone's broken. ある日彼がそこで彼女と会ったのは確かだった。 It was certain that he saw her there on a certain day. I was sure he met her there one day. 彼はあなたの手紙にまもなく返事をくれるでしょう。 He'll answer your letter soon. He'll respond to your letter shortly. 昨日家にいましたよね? You were at home yesterday, weren't you? You were home yesterday, weren't you? 彼女は彼がきらいなので、彼の忠告に従うことを拒みそうだ。 She is likely to refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him. She will refuse to follow his advice because she doesn't like him. 母は冷蔵庫を買って届けさせた。 My mother bought a refrigerator and had it delivered. My mother bought the fridge and sent it back to me. そのドアは手前へ折りたためるようになっている。 The doors fold back. The door began to fold in front of me. 何もしないでいるより働いているほうがましだ。 Work is preferable to idleness. I'd rather work than do nothing. 私が悲しいなんてとんでもない。 I am far from sad. I can't believe I'm sad. 彼はこれを食べませんよね。 He doesn't eat this, does he? He doesn't eat this. その社会奉仕家はスチブンソン家に関する情報をあくまでも追跡するよう求められた。 The social worker was asked to follow up the information about the Stevenson family. The social worker was asked to track down all the information about the Styvenson family. その会社は宣伝に多くを費やしている。 The company spends a lot of money on advertising. The company spends a lot of money on advertising. メグは四つ葉のクローバーを見つけた。 Meg found a four leaf clover. Meg found a four-leaf clover. 悪いのは私ではなくて君の方なんです。 It is, not I, but you, who are to blame. It's not about me. It's about you. あなたは新しいことを勉強したいのだと思った。 I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you wanted to learn something new. やれるだけのことはやりました。 I did all I could. I did what I could. 私たちは行くべきだと思う。 I think we should go. I think we should go. 巨大なタンカーがついに今し方出港した。 A huge tanker put off just now. The giant tanker finally set sail. トムは私たちがリクエストした歌を歌わなかった。 Tom didn't sing the song we requested. Tom did not sing the song we requested. かつてはここに橋があった。 At one time, there was a bridge here. There was a bridge here once. お噂はうかがっております。 I've heard a lot about you. We have heard so much about you. 試験はいつ受けたの? When did you take the exam? When did you take your test? オランダは狭い国です。 The Netherlands is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. 彼は頑として自分の間違いを認めようとしなかった。 He was not about to admit his mistake. He was stubborn and refused to admit that he had made a mistake. 車が凍てついた路面を滑った時は「ひやっ」とした。 It was frightful when my car skidded on the ice. When the car slipped on a frozen road, it was a “bullet.” その老人は妻に莫大な財産を残して死んだ。 The old man left a large fortune to his wife. The old man died leaving an enormous fortune to his wife. 彼女は客を心から迎えた。 She gave her guests a hearty reception. She received her guests with all her heart. 私は自分の目をうたがった。 I couldn't believe my eyes. I wanted my eyes. ミディアムレアにして、ポテトをひとつつけてください。 Medium-rare and a potato, please. Make a medium rare and put on a pair of potatoes. トムはメアリーが何をするつもりなのか、はっきりと知らない。 Tom doesn't know for certain what Mary is going to do. Tom doesn't know exactly what Mary's gonna do. ドレスはヒザまで長さがある。 The dress comes to my knees. The dress is long enough to go to Heza. われわれは、彼がその問題を解いた容易さに驚いた。 We were surprised at the ease with which he solved the problem. We were amazed at the ease with which he solved the problem. トムはお風呂を入れた。 Tom ran a hot bath. Tom took a bath. 彼は白い猫を飼っています。 He has a white cat. He has a white cat. あなたの意見は私のものと変わりません。 Your opinion is the same as mine. Your opinion is not the same as mine. その嘘は国中に広まった。 The rumor spread throughout the country. That lie spread across the country. あなたはそうすることでずっと手間が省けるだろう。 You would be saved a great deal of trouble. You'll save a lot of trouble by doing that. このクラスは女子が男子より多い。 There are more girls than boys in this class. The class is more girls than boys. 貴重品を預かってください。 Could you hold these valuables? Please hold your valuables. 彼がエジプトに行きたがっているのは事実だ。 It is fact that he wants to visit Egypt. It is true that he wants to go to Egypt. お年寄りには親切にするべきだ。 We should be kind to the aged. You should be kind to the elderly. 兵士達は警戒しながら国境に向かって進んだ。 The soldiers headed for the frontier with caution. The soldiers made their way to the border cautiously. 京葉鉄鋼の林様よりご紹介いただきました。 Your name was given to us by Mr. Hayashi of Keiyo Steel Corporation. I was introduced to you by Kyobashi Steel Forest. 私たちの意見は大きく食い違っている。 There is a gulf between our opinions. Our opinions are quite different. 前もって綿密な計画を立てておくべきだった。 We should have made a careful plan in advance. We should have planned in advance. この学校へ行くには多額の金を要する。 Going to this school requires a lot of money. It takes a lot of money to get to the school. この本とあの本ではどちらが古いですか。 Which is older, this book or that one? Which one is the old one or the old one? お体を大切に。 Take care. Take care of yourself. ジミーによろしくね。 Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jimmy. 人類は生態系の退化を防ぐことができるだろうか? Will humanity be able to prevent the degradation of ecosystems? Can we prevent the erosion of ecosystems? 私は、若いうちに禿げたくない。 I don't want to go bald when I'm still young. I don't want to be scared when I'm young. その気体は圧縮されてボンベに詰め込まれた。 The gas was compressed into a gas cylinder. The gas was compressed into the bonbe. 誰も部屋が出ることを許されなかった。 Nobody was allowed to go out of the room. No one was allowed to leave the room. 間食はよくない習慣だ。 Eating between meals is a bad habit. Eating in between is a bad habit. ジムはペンを落としたので、かがんで拾い上げた。 Jim dropped his pen and bent to pick it up. Jim dropped his pen, so he went down and picked it up. 少年は新しいバットでボールを打った。 The boy hit the ball with his new bat. The boy hit the ball with a new bat. 行って結構です。 You can go now, sir. You can go. 国王が王子をとらえたことがまた戦争をひきおこした。 The capture of the prince by the king led to another war. The king's capture of the prince led to another war. なんとかなるかな? Will I make it through? Is everything all right? 私は京都に住んでいる友達がいる。 I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. 約束はきちんと果たすべきだ。 You should carry out your promises. You have to fulfill your promise. 大雪のため列車は定刻どおり運行できなかった。 The heavy snow stopped the train from running on time. Because of the great snow, the train could not travel on time. 私はビルが明日アンに会えるように取りはからった。 I have arranged for Bill to meet Ann tomorrow. I took it out so Bill could see Anne tomorrow. 車で通りかかったときに、有名な女優の家をチラッと見ました。 When I passed by it in a car, I caught a glimpse of the house of a famous actress. I was driving past a famous actress's house. 私が外出していたとき彼がやってきた。 He came when I was out. He came when I was out. 警官は君に何か言いましたか。 Did a policeman say anything to you? Did the cops say anything to you? 寒い季節に入ると、体の弱い人はとかく風邪を引きやすい。 As the cold season sets in, people who aren't so healthy are likely to catch colds. In cold weather, people who are weak tend to catch colds. 君が困った時には僕が助けてあげるよ。 When you have difficulties, I will help you. I'll help you out when you're in trouble. 霧が濃くなってきていますね。 The fog is getting thicker. The fog is getting thicker. こんなところにこんなすてきなホテルがあるとは思いもしなかった。 I never expected this fine hotel to be found in such a place. I never thought there would be a hotel like this. 君はなんて失礼なんだろう。 You really are rude, aren't you? How rude of you. してもいないことをどうして謝るの? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why do you apologize for not doing it? 彼は昨日試合でけがをした。 He got hurt in the game yesterday. He got hit last night in a fight. 先生と私は向かい合って座っていた。 The teacher and I sat face to face. The teacher and I were sitting face to face. 何飲んでるの? What are you drinking? What are you drinking? 彼はひどい虐待を受けた。 He was treated with great cruelty. He was badly abused. これから何が起こるのか、誰にもわからない。 No one knows what's going to happen. No one knows what's going to happen. 彼は親切にも郵便局まで道案内してくれた。 He was kind enough to show me the post office. He kindly showed me the way to the post office. 先ずは、格好から入らないとね。 The first thing to do is just to get a nice outfit for it. We're gonna have to get out of here first. お力添えをお願いいたします。 I require your assistance. Thank you for your help. 昨日の晩何を食べたか覚えていない。 I can't remember what I ate last night. I don't remember what I ate last night. どうぞスミスさんにつないでください。 Please put me through to Mr Smith. Please don't call Mr. Smith. 私の代わりにいってくれませんか。 Will you go in place of me? Why don't you take my place? 彼は別れを告げて、暗闇の中を出発した。 He took his leave and set out in the dark. He said good-bye and left in the dark. 彼のふるまいを見たらむかむかした。 I felt disgust at his behavior. I was embarrassed to see his behavior. 再び彼に会う望みはない。 There is little chance of my meeting him again. I don't want to see him again. このワインは葡萄から作られています。 This wine is made from grapes. This wine is made from pepper. 今は本読んでる方が楽しいな。基本的にずっと本読みの部類ではあったけど、読まない時期はあんまり読まないんだよね。今はまたたくさん読む波が来ている感じかな。 I think I'll have more fun reading something now. I was always part of the bookworm group, but there are times when I just don't feel like reading anything. Right now I'm getting lots of "Read! Read!" waves coming at me. Now it’s more fun to read. Although I've been a book reader for a long time, I don’t read very often when I don’t. 結果はまだ不確かである。 The result is still in doubt. The results are still uncertain. こんなかわいい赤ちゃんはじめてみた! This is the cutest baby that I have ever seen. I've never seen such a cute baby before! 私はアメリカ人の少女に会った。 I met an American girl. I met an American girl. なんで今夜はこんなに月が大きいの? Why is the moon so big tonight? Why is the moon so big tonight? お前には関係ない。 This has nothing to do with you. It's none of your business. 仕事を始めよう。 Let us start our week. Let's get to work. あれ、一人なの? トムと来るのかと思ってた。 What? Are you alone? I thought you were coming with Tom. I thought you were coming with Tom. 今日は風が冷たい。 The wind is cold today. The wind is cold today. 木陰におばあさんがいるのが見える。 I see an old woman under the tree. I can see my grandmother in the shade. アーア、絶対うまくいくと思ったのになあ。 Oh man! I was sure this was going to work out. Aaah, I thought it would work. 君は彼女の感情をふみつけにしているよ。 You are treading on her corns. You're taking care of her feelings. 酔っ払い運転でつかまった。 He was arrested for drunken driving. I got a drunk driver. 嵐のため彼女は定時に到着できなかった。 The storm prevented her from arriving on time. She did not arrive at the appointed time for the storm. 1年間彼女から便りがありません。 I have not heard from her for a year. I haven't heard from her for a year. ご乗車願います! All aboard! All aboard! 人々はガスでいきが苦しくなった。 People were choked with the gas. The people were in trouble with the gas. これらの緑の葉は秋には赤色になる。 These green leaves turn red in the fall. These green leaves will be red in autumn. 私は息子にドアを修理させた。 I got my son to fix the door. I had my son fix the door. 彼らは皆そのレストランへ行った。 They all went to the restaurant. They all went to the restaurant. 小説だって絵と同様に練習が必要なんだから。 Because novels, just like paintings, need you to practice. Novels need practice as well as paintings. メアリーがトムをひっぱたいても、それは当然の報いなんだ。 If Mary slapped Tom, I'm sure he deserved it. That's what it's all about. トムが財布をなくした時、彼はついてなかったんだ。 When Tom lost his wallet, he was out of luck. He wasn't there when Tom lost his wallet. この靴はどんなに乱暴にはいても大丈夫です。 These shoes will stand up to hard use. I don't care how wild these shoes are. 私たちはみんな君の健康のことを気にしている。 We are all anxious about your health. We all care about your health. あなたの辞書を私に貸してくれませんか。 Will you lend your dictionary to me? Why don't you lend me your dictionary? 君の髪は、ほんとにくしゃくしゃに見えるよ。 Your hair really does look untidy. Your hair looks really annoying. 君は字がうまいね。 You write a very good hand. You're good at writing. 船積みの時壊れたに違いない。 It must've been broken during shipping. Must have broken when the ship was loaded. 私が助けたその少年はトニー君です。 The boy I helped is Tony. The boy I helped was Tony. 彼女は鳥についての本を書いた。 She wrote a book about the bird. She wrote a book about birds. これら二つの間には大きな違いがある。 These two are widely different from each other. There's a big difference between these two. 彼らは何を求めているのか。 What are they after? What do they want? ほとんどの人が、私たちが姉妹だと思っていない。 Almost no one thinks that we are sisters. Most people don't think we're sisters. あなたに隠し事はしていません。 I haven't kept any secrets from you. I'm not hiding anything from you. トムは何か忘れた気がすると言っていた。 Tom said that he thought that he had forgotten something. Tom said he felt like he had forgotten something. あなたは彼に会ったら元気づけてやりなさい。 Cheer him up when you see him. When you meet him, cheer him up. 我々の新しい本社は東京にあります。 Our new head office is in Tokyo. Our new headquarters is in Tokyo. 呼び出していただけますか。 Can you page someone for me? Why don't you call me out? なんて大きなスーパーだ。 What a big supermarket! What a big supermarket. 私は舞踏家が職業で、ジャズダンスを教えています。 I am a dancer by trade and I teach jazz dance. I am a dancer and teach jazz dance. 今ちょうど歩いているところです。 He is walking now. I'm walking right now. トムはプールを持っています。 Tom has a swimming pool. Tom has a pool. 彼は、その光景を詳細に述べた。 He described the scene in detail. He elaborated on the scene. この薬を今服用してください。 I want you to take this medicine now. Take this drug now. こうした本でも、いつかは価値が出るんだよ。 All these books will be worth their weight in gold someday. I don't know if it's worth it, but it's worth it. 暑中お見舞い申し上げます。 How are you getting along in this hot weather? I'd like to visit you in the heat. ピカソの絵は、私には奇妙に見える。 Picasso's paintings seem strange to me. The picture looks strange to me. ジャズが使う音符は、バッハが使ったのと同じだ Jazz uses the same notes that Bach used. The note that jazz uses is the same as Bach used it. 彼女には事の善し悪しがわからない。 She can't tell the good from the bad. She doesn't know what's good and what's bad. その話が本当かどうか知りません。 I don't know whether the story is true or not. I don't know if that's true. あれが貴方の探している鍵ですか? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? あたり1面花だった。 There were flowers all around. It was one-faced. 彼は何をしようとしているのか。 What does he plan to do? What he's doing. 私はビルを好きではない。すぐに怒るからだ。 I don't like Bill, who gets angry easily. I don't like buildings. さよなら、気楽にやってね。 Good-bye, take it easy. Good-bye. Take it easy. 今日は仕事をしたくない。 I don't feel like working today. I don't want to work today. 彼女の父は銀行で働いている。 Her father works at the bank. Her father works at the bank. 日本人は米と魚を主食にしています。 The basic Japanese diet consists mainly of rice and fish. Japanese eat rice and fish as their staple food. この件は君の利害にも関わることだ。 The matter touches your interest. This has to do with your interests. この次に来るときその本を持ってきてくれ。 Please bring me the book next time you come. Bring me that book the next time you come. どうせ日本文化の粋などは連中には絶対わかるまい。 The essence of Japanese culture could never be appreciated by them. They don't know anything about Japanese culture anyway. 私が気に入っているのは、彼女の話し方だ。 What I like is her way of talking. I like her way of speaking. あなたの飛行機は何時に離陸する予定ですか。 What time is your plane due to take off? What time are your planes going to take off? この手紙を航空便で出してください。 Send this letter by air. Please get this letter out of the air. わたしはソファーにかけている。 I'm sitting on the sofa. I'm on the couch. 暴風で私たちの家が倒された。 We had our house blown down by the storm. The storm knocked down our house. この話はトムには聞かせたくない。 I don't want Tom to know about this. I don't want Tom to hear this. トムは目をつぶった。 Tom shut his eyes. Tom closed his eyes. 私はあなたの10倍の本を持っている。 I have ten times as many books as you have. I've got ten times as many books as I have. 「ここまでは表向きの話なんです。キリカさんも知っていることですね」「ってことは、裏向きもあるんですか?」 "Up to this point has been the official story, which Kirika also knows." "By which you mean there is also an unofficial?" So far, we've been talking face-to-face, and you know that, right? あなたのご援助に感謝しています。 I am grateful to you for your help. Thank you for your help. 私に何かあたたかい飲み物をください。 Please give me something hot to drink. Give me something to drink. 私は彼女に私の出発のことを知らせた。 I informed her of my departure. I informed her of my departure. 回りくどい言い方はしないでくれ。 Don't say it in a roundabout way. Don't talk to me like that. ロージーは11時まで起きている事を許された。 Rosie was allowed to stay up till eleven o'clock. Rosy was allowed to wake up by 11:00. 日本人はこの百年間、西洋の考え方、感じ方を学びとろうとしてきた。 The Japanese have tried to learn the Western way of thinking and feeling for the past hundred years. For a hundred years, the Japanese have tried to learn how to think and feel the West. マイクがそんなことをしたはずがない。 Mike cannot have done such a thing. Mike wouldn't have done that. そのバス停で人々は整列して待っていたが、バスが止まるとすぐにその列は崩れた。 At the bus stop, people waited in orderly lines, but as soon as the bus pulled up, the line broke up. People waited in line at the bus stop, but as soon as the bus stopped, the line collapsed. ゆりかごを揺らす手は世界を支配する。 The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The cradle shaker is the ruler of the world. 彼は、子供にしたら大変な理解力を持っている。 He has a great deal of intelligence for a child. He has a lot of understanding for a child. 社長と話している男は浩だ。 The man talking with our boss is Hiroshi. He's talking to the boss. 「4ポンド90ペンスだよ」とボブが答える。 "Four pounds, ninety pence," Bob answers. “4 pounds 90 pens,” says Bob. 彼女は彼に座ってくださいと言った。 She asked him to sit down. She said sit down with him. ゆっくりはっきりと話しなさい。 Speak slowly and clearly. Slow down and speak clearly. 本を返却しましたか。 Did you take back the books? Have you returned the book? あなたはなんて美しい庭を持っているんでしょう。 What a beautiful garden you have! What a beautiful garden you have. 私たちはあの山に登るつもりです。 We plan to climb that mountain. We're gonna climb that mountain. 遠くの親類より近くの他人。 A close neighbor is better than a distant relative. A stranger closer than a distant relative. このお支払いが清算できないご事情がおありでしたら、ご連絡ください。 If you have any reasons for not clearing this payment, please let us know. If there is a situation in which this payment cannot be paid, please let me know. 好機を逸するな。 Don't throw away a good opportunity. Don't miss the opportunity. 彼がハワイに行ってから2年になる。 It is two years since he left for Hawaii. It's been two years since he went to Hawaii. 私にそんなにたくさん質問するな。自分の頭を使え。 Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. 私は彼のことを考えずにはいられない。 I cannot help thinking about him. I can't help thinking about him. きみ!こっちに来なさい。 You, come here. What are you doing? 彼は体を震わせて怒っていた。 His body was shaking in anger. He was angry with his body shaking. そこへはバスと電車で行った。 I went there by bus and train. I took a bus and a train there. 彼女の顔は喜びで輝いていた。 Her face beamed with joy. Her face beamed with joy. 私はとても背が高い。 I am very tall. I'm so tall. あなたを誤解してしまってごめんなさい。 I'm sorry that I misunderstood you. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. ケンはテニスをしますか。 Does Ken play tennis? Does Ken have tennis? 恋愛は、はしかのようなものだ。みんな一度はかからなければならない。 Love is like measles - everyone should experience it. I don't know what you're talking about. うちのクーラーが故障してしまった。 The air conditioner is out of order. Our cooler's broken down. 母親は赤ちゃんをベッドにそっと寝かせた。 The mother laid her baby on the bed softly. The mother lay her baby in bed. 彼は僕の立場からその問題を見る事が出来ない。 He cannot see the matter from my point of view. He can't see the problem from my point of view. みなさん、退出してください。 Everybody, please leave. Ladies and gentlemen, please leave. 亜由美ちゃんの足が河風の煽りを受けていた。 Ayumi's feet were fanned by the river wind. Yumi's feet were being fanned by the river. 彼の首筋を血がすっと伝った。 A trickle of blood ran down his neck. I've got a lot of blood on his neck. 彼女にはうんざりだ。 I'm fed up with her. I'm sick of her. 信じられないだろうけど、その洞窟から怪獣が現れたんだ。 Believe it or not, a monster emerged from the cave. You may not believe it, but a monster came out of that cave. 島が見えてきた。 An island came in sight. I'm beginning to see the island. ここにあなたの名前をかいてくれませんか。 Would you please write your name here? Do you want your name here? 誰がこの窓を壊したの? Who broke this window? Who broke this window? それ金を愛するは諸般の惡しき事の根なり、ある人々これを慕ひて信仰より迷ひ、さまざまの痛をもて自ら己を刺しとほせり。 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves with various pains. 馬鹿みたい! This is silly! I'm so stupid! 私には食べる時間が無かった。 I had no time to eat. I didn't have time to eat. バスの運賃はいくらですか。 What's the bus fare? What's the fare on the bus? 試合は終わったと思いました。 I thought the game was over. I thought the game was over. 有名なピアニストは微笑みました。 The famous pianist smiled. The famous pianist smiled. ガラスを割ったのは誰だと彼が聞いたら、男の子はみんな自分はやっていないという顔をした。 When he asked who had broken the window, all the boys put on an air of innocence. When he asked who broke the glass, all the boys said they didn’t do it. 私たちは多くの水を使用する。 We use a lot of water. We use a lot of water. かなりショックでかい。 It's a huge shock to me. That's quite a shock. 私たちは小船でその川を渡った。 We went down the river in a small boat. We crossed that river on a boat. 卵はどのように調理いたしましょうか。 How do you want your eggs? How do you cook the eggs? 目を閉じてはいけない。 Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. 夫婦が愛し合うのは全く自然である。 It is quite natural the couple should love each other. It is totally natural for couples to love each other. 彼の妹はとてもかわいいね。 His little sister is very cute, isn't she? His sister is so cute. あなたはもうテレビを見るのを止める時間だ。 It's about time you stopped watching television. It's time you stopped watching TV. 私は彼の演説にうんざりした。 I was bored with his speech. I was sick of his speech. もしもその機械が壊れたら、君が悪いんだよ。 If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If that machine's broken, it's your fault. 私の誕生日を覚えていてくれてありがとう。 Thank you for remembering my birthday. Thanks for remembering my birthday. ケーキを捜してもむだだよ、私が食べちゃったんだから。 It is no use looking for the cake; I already ate it. I don't care if you're looking for a cake, I ate it. この公園の西側に近いところは、道路の騒音も大きいが、奥にはいるともう聞こえない。 Near the west side of the park there's a lot of noise from the road, but when you go into the park you can't hear it any more. Near the west side of the park, there is also a loud noise on the road, but there is no sound in the back. 医師らは彼を治療するためにあらゆる手段を尽くした。 Doctors did everything they could to cure him. The doctors did everything they could to treat him. なんて大食いなのだろう。 What a big eater! I don't know how much food you eat. 怖くないの? Aren't you scared? Aren't you afraid? なんでナイフが必要なの? Why do you need a knife? Why do you need a knife? 彼は使いきれないほどの金を稼ぐ。 He earns more money than he can spend. He makes more money than he can use. 僕の夢はランボルギーニトラクターを買うことなんです。 My dream is to buy a Lamborghini tractor. My dream is to buy a lamborgini tractor. オゾン層をこれ以上の破壊から守るために私たちはもっと多くのことをすべきだ。 We should do more to protect the ozone layer from further damage. We should do more to protect the ozone layer from any further destruction. 彼女が自分で自分を嘲笑うのがわたしには魅力的だ。 It's the way that she laughs at herself that endears her to me. It is fascinating for me to laugh at herself. フランス語はどこで勉強されたんですか? Where did you learn French? Where did you learn French? 私にはそれの必要はない。 I have no use for it. I don't have to do that. 正直に言いますよ、ねえあなた、私は全く興味がないのです。 Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I'll be honest with you, honey, I'm not interested at all. 私は林檎が好きです。 I like apples. I like apples. その噂はなんの根拠もなかった。 The rumor was without foundation. The rumor had no basis. これから判断すると。 Judging from this. I'll see what I can do. 数学は何とか可を取った。 I somehow got a passing grade in mathematics. Mathematics has managed to do something. あすの今ごろ君は何をしているだろう。 What'll you be doing at this time tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow by this time? 教育の重要性はいくら強調してもしすぎることはない。 It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of education. The importance of education is not too high. 彼の事務所は駅のすぐ近くで便利だ。 His office is convenient for the station. His office is handy right near the station. 自分の宿題は自分でしなさい。 Do your homework for yourself. Do your homework. イニシャルをサインしてご返送ください。 Please initial and send back to us. Please sign the initials and send them back. 私はカーテンを開け放した。 I drew back the curtain. I let the curtain open. 私も傘に入れてください。 Let me in under your umbrella. Put me on the umbrella, too. ジョンのお父さんが心臓発作で亡くなったのを知っていますか。 Do you know John's father died of a heart attack? Do you know John's father died of a heart attack? 彼はトランプを上手に切れる。 He can cut the cards well. He's good at cutting a Trump. あなたとじかに会ってじっくり話したいことがあるのです。 I have something to talk over with you, face to face. There's something I'd like to talk to you about. トムはいつもすごく小さな声で話すから、僕には、何を言ってるのか分かるのがやっとだ。 Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I can barely understand what he says. Tom always talks so loud that I can barely understand what he's saying. 彼女は若いころ幸せだったようだ。 She seems to have been happy when she was young. She seemed happy when she was young. 彼は彼女をドライブに連れ出した。 He took her out for a drive. He took her to the drive. あなたはパリに行ったことがないのでしょう。 You've never been to Paris? You've probably never been to Paris. 私はよく同じ夢を見る。 I often dream of the same scene. I often dream the same thing. 健とジョーは正午ごろに昼食を食べましたか。 Did Ken and Joe eat lunch about noon? Ken and Joe had lunch around noon. マッチは子供の手の届かないところに置きなさい。 Put the matches out of reach of children. Move the matches out of the child's reach. このような義務があるなんて知らなかった。 I never knew about such a duty. I didn't know I had such a duty. 彼女は君にその写真を見せましたか。 Did she show you the picture? Did she show you that picture? これは彼女のペンです。 This is her pen. This is her pen. 胃痛のことで医者に診てもらいたい。 I want to see a doctor about my stomachache. I need you to see a doctor about stomach pains. 芸能界に長くいると、年齢的にも教えてくれる人が少なくなります。 When you're in show business for long, the number of people who can teach you something decreases every year. The longer you stay in the entertainment world, the less people will tell you in your age. トムみたいなやつは好きじゃない。 I don't like guys like Tom. I don't like people like Tom. 来られますか。 Can you come? Are you coming? 彼女は出かけてしまった。 She has gone out. She went out. もう少し待ってください。 Could you give me a few more minutes? Wait a little longer. 少年は花瓶を割ってしまったことを認めた。 The boy admitted having broken the vase. The boy admitted he broke a vase. 人前でそんなこと出来るはずもない。 There's no way I could do something like that in front of people. You can't do that in public. ここ数年南ア連邦は人種問題をかかえてきた。 The Union of South Africa has had racial problems in recent years. In recent years, the South African Union has changed its race issue. 真実を知ることは本当に難しいが真実を語ることはなおさら難しい。 It is truly difficult to know the truth, and still more difficult to speak it. It’s really hard to know the truth, but it’s harder to tell the truth. 和菓子にはやっぱり日本茶が合う。 Traditional Japanese sweets really do go well with Japanese tea. Japanese tea is still good for Japanese sweets. ジュディーは子供たちを寝室へ行かせた。 Judy sent her children to bed. Judy sent the children to the bedroom. 彼は苦労してこの歌を書いた。 He took pains to write this song. He struggled to write this song. 着物を着ると彼女の容姿はいっそう引き立つだろう。 Her figure will be shown off to advantage in a kimono. When she wears her clothes, her looks will almost stand in the way. 楽しく過ごしている。 We are having a good time. We're having a good time. それは何と長い橋だろう。 What a long bridge it is! That would be a long bridge. 彼は自由になるお金を全部私にくれた。 He gave me all the money at his command. He gave me all the money to be free. 教育において試験が大きな役割を果たしている。 Examinations play a large part in education. Tests play a major role in education. 自分で言ったことはちゃんとします。 I will properly carry out the things that I said myself. I'll do what I say. こんな荒れ模様の日に外出するなんて君は馬鹿だよ。 You are an idiot to go out in this weather. You're a fool to go out on such a rough day. お支払日が先月末の請求書56789について、まだお支払いを受けておりません。 With reference to the invoice No.56789 which was due last month, we have not yet received your remittance. The payment date has not yet been paid for the bill 56789 at the end of the month. 彼の行為は法律に背いている。 What he's doing is against the law. His actions are against the law. メアリーはフランス語を読むことさえできない、フランス語を話すことはなおさらできない。 Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can’t even read French, and she can’t even speak it. その計画は実にうまく考えた詐欺だった。 The plan was a masterpiece of fraud. The plan was a very well thought out fraud. しかし誰も私を助けることができなかった。 However, no one was able to help me. But no one could help me. 雪がたくさん降ってうれしいです。 We have had a lot of snow and I am very happy. I'm glad it's snowy. 今日は早退したらどうですか。 Why don't you go home early today? Why don't you leave early today? 君たち二人に何か飲み物を持ってきてあげよう。 I'll get something to drink for both of you. I'll bring you two something to drink. 彼女は日の出を見るために早起きした。 She got up early so as to see the sunrise. She woke up early to see the sunrise. 彼は彼女になぜ泣いているのかと尋ねた。 He asked her why she was crying. He asked her why she was crying. 私が出来る限りの援助を彼に差しのべるつもりです。 I'll offer him what help I can. I'm going to give him as much help as I can. あなたは何を捜しているのですか。 What are you looking for? What are you looking for? 私たちはカナダへスキーに行った。 We went skiing in Canada. We went to Canada to ski. その島は一年中あたたかい。 The island is warm all year. You've been on that island all year. これからもっと勉強します。 I'll study harder from now on. I'm going to learn more. みんなが関係する仕事は誰も自分の仕事と思わない。 Everybody's business is nobody's business. No one thinks it’s their job to do the work that everyone is involved in. 机の上に辞書があります。 There's a dictionary on top of the desk. There's a dictionary on the desk. 彼は彼女の愛を失ったので自殺しようとした。 He tried to kill himself because he lost her love. He tried to kill himself because he lost her love. 貧血で倒れました。 I collapsed from anemia. He died of anemia. 私たちは、交通渋滞にあったんです。それで20分遅れてしまいました。 We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in traffic, so we're 20 minutes late. ミルクとお砂糖はいかがでしょうか? Would you like milk and sugar? Would you like some milk and sugar? どう言っていいのかわからないので黙っていた。 Not knowing what to say, I kept silent. I didn't know what to say, so I kept quiet. あなたなら新しい職での困難にも対処できると確信しています。 We're confident that you are up to the challenge of the new position. I'm sure you can handle the challenges of a new job. あの子は思ったほどいたずらではない。 The boy isn't as bad as he seemed. She's not as funny as I thought. 哲学者は世間とあまり交渉を持たない傾向がある。 Philosophers tend to have little contact with the outside world. Philosophers tend not to deal much with the world. バイトで学費を稼ぎながら大学に通ってる。まあ苦学生ってとこかな。 I pay my university fees to go to university by part-time work. Well, I'm a 'working student' I suppose. I work part-time, earn money for school, and go to college. 統計によれば世界の人口は増加している。 Statistics show that the population of the world is increasing. According to statistics, the world’s population is increasing. 私は覚悟ができている。 I am ready. I'm ready. 外見にだまされるな。 Don't be deceived by appearances. Don't be fooled by your looks. ジェーンは、白黒をはっきりさせる人です。 Jane calls a spade a spade. Jane is a black and white man. ケイコは親切ですね。 Keiko is kind, isn't she? Kayko's kind. あなたのお父様はどこにいらっしゃいますか? Where is your father? Where is your father? 彼は弁当を持っている。 He has a lunch. He's got a lunch. 君はそれを取り返すはずでしたか。 Were you to take it back? You were supposed to take it back. コーヒーは少しも残っていないと思う。 I'm afraid there isn't any coffee left. I don't think there's any coffee left. 彼女は自分の意志で彼と結婚したのではない。 She didn't marry him of her own will. She did not marry him on her own. 偉大な学者が必ずしも良い先生であるとは限らない。 A great scholar is not necessarily a good teacher. Great scholars are not necessarily good teachers. 私は東京の叔父の家に滞在しています。 I am staying with my uncle in Tokyo. I'm staying with my uncle in Tokyo. お湯が沸騰して蒸発した。 The water has boiled away. The water boiled and steamed. スケートとスキーのどちらがより好きですか。 Which do you like better, skating or skiing? Which one do you prefer more than a skate or a ski? 彼はその決定について慎重さが欠けていた。 He was incautious in regard to the decision. He was not careful about the decision. 君はまだ未熟だ。 You're still inexperienced. You're still immature. 彼女の髪は床に届くほど長かった。 Her hair was so long as to reach the floor. Her hair was long enough to reach the floor. 新車時300万円した車も今では30万円位だそうですから、もう少し乗ろうと思います。 Cars that, when new, cost 3,000,000 yen are apparently now worth 300,000, so I think I'll use mine a little longer. I think we're going to get a little closer. 私は友達に電話をかけていました。 I was calling my friend. I was calling a friend. どのぐらい複雑なのだろうか。 How complex is it? How complicated is it? 彼は列車を崖から転落させた。 He ran the train over a cliff. He threw the train off the cliff. アウグスタ通りの337番地に住んでいます。 I live at 337 August Road. I live in 337 Augusta Street. あなたは英語が話せますか? Do you know how to speak English? Do you speak English? 私はその本を初めから終わりまで読んだ。 I read the book from beginning to end. I read the book from beginning to end. 彼を公平に扱いなさい、そうすれば彼はあなたに公平になるでしょう。 If you treat him fairly, he will be fair with you. Treat him just so he'll be fair to you. 暗くならないうちに、目的地に着けるようにバスに乗った。 I took the bus in order to reach the destination before it got dark. We got on the bus to reach our destination before it gets dark. ついに正体をあらわしたな。 Now you've given yourself away. You finally revealed yourself. その少女は泣いてばかりいた。 The girl did nothing but cry. The girl cried all the time. 彼の英語はまあまあだ。 His English is quite good. His English is pretty good. 辞書を買う金がない。 I don't have money to buy a dictionary. I don't have the money to buy a dictionary. 僕はもう万策尽きた。 It's all up with me. I've run out of options. それは君の思い過ごしだよ。 It is just your imagination. That's what you've been thinking. 時を超えて古代の昆虫たちが琥珀の中で生き生きと踊る。 Transcending time, the insects of ages gone past dance livelily in amber. Ancient insects live and dance in amber over time. トムは多分、正しかったと思う。 I think that maybe Tom was right. I think Tom was probably right. 私は友達を夕食にまねいた。 I invited my friends to dinner. I copied my friends for dinner. どうして届かないのか分かってる? And why do you think that is? Do you know why I can't reach you? 活気が出るからいいことだと思うよ。 I think it's a good thing because it keep us on our toes. I think it's a good thing you're getting excited. その3人の女の子は、それぞれ賞を獲得した。 Each of the three girls got a prize. Each of the three girls won a prize. 彼女は彼の顔に平手打ちを食らわせた。 She gave him a slap in the face. She gave him a slap on his face. それをどこにも見つけられなかった。 I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere. このいすはとても座りごこちがよい。 This chair is very comfortable. This chair is very comfortable. 鐘の合図で彼らは食事をした。 The bell chimed them to meals. They ate at the bell signal. 切符を拝見いたします。 Let me check your ticket. I'd like to see your ticket. 私はその損害の埋め合わせをしなくてはならない。 I must make up for the loss. I have to make up for the damage. 僕らの周囲で水はよどんでいた。 The water was dead around us. The water was everywhere around us. 明日もう一度息子を往診してくれるように、彼女は医師に頼んだ。 She asked the doctor to come and see her son again the next day. She asked the doctor to see her son again tomorrow. 斜視の人は斜めの大鎌で草を刈った。 Cross-eyed people hate cutting their grass slanted. Peeling people mowed the grass with an angled sickle. ブラウンさんはもう日本料理を食べるのに慣れている。 Miss Brown has gotten used to eating Japanese food. Brown is already used to eating Japanese food. 何が起こったの? What has happened? What happened? あなたに代わって買い物をして家を掃除して夕食を作ってあげる。 I'll do your shopping, clean up the house, and cook your dinner for you. I'll go shopping and clean the house and make dinner for you. さっさと行ったほうがいい。 We'd better get a move on. You better get going. 彼は私くらいの大きさだ。 He is about my size. He's about the size of me. 恥ずかしいと思いなさい。 You should be ashamed of yourself. You should be ashamed. 過度の運動は体のためというよりは、むしろ害になる。 Too much exercise does more harm than good. Too much exercise is more harmful than good for the body. 私のかばんです。 This is my bag. It's mine. 前のほうに進んで下さい。 Move up to the front, please. Go forward. 「次はどうしょうか」と彼女は独り言を言った。 "What should I do next?" she said to herself. “How about next?” she said to herself. 正午から雨が降ったりやんだりしている。 It has been raining on and off since noon. Rain and rain have been falling since noon. 握った拳はストレスを示すこともある。 A closed fist can indicate stress. The fists you hold can be stressful. 私たちは彼を学者としてたいしたものと思わない。 We think little of him as a scholar. I don't think we wanted him to be a scholar. 私は2時間勉強しています。 I have been studying for two hours. I've been studying for two hours. トムは黒縁メガネをかけている。 Tom is wearing glasses with black frames. Tom's wearing black-haired glasses. トムはフランス語が分からないふりをしている。 Tom pretends he doesn't understand French. Tom pretends he doesn't know French. 私は、ある程度まで心理学を勉強しました。 I have studied Psychology to some extent. I studied psychology to some extent. あなたの言ったことはこの場合当てはまらない。 What you said does not apply to this case. What you said doesn't apply in this case. 駐車場は何時まで開いてますか? What time does the parking lot close? How long is the parking lot open? 痛い!ドアに指挟んだ! Ouch! I stuck my finger in the door! No, no, no, no, no! 今日はビーチでのんびりしよう。 Let's take it easy at the beach today. Let's relax at the beach today. スミス氏には技師になった息子が3人いた。 Mr. Smith had three sons who became engineers. Mr. Smith had three sons who became engineers. 腹立ちまぎれに彼は言いたい放題のことを言って、帰って行った。 In a fit of anger he said everything he wanted to say and went home. Out of anger, he said whatever he wanted to say and left. あなたはきのう何をしましたか。 What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? 落ち着いて、ゆっくり息を吸って Relax and breathe slowly. Take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy. 何をそんなに緊張してんの? What're you so nervous about? What are you so nervous about? 彼女の成功は全くの熱心な努力のおかげであった。 Her success was due to sheer hard work. Her success was due to all her hard work. もう着きましたか。 Have you arrived yet? So let's see if we can do that. 彼は私の提案に賛成しなかった。 He didn't agree to my proposal. He didn't approve of my proposal. 彼らはおたがい握手をした。 They shook hands with each other. They shook hands. ドラえモンがよくにっこり笑います。 Doraemon often smiles. Draemon is always smiling. なあ、トム、悩みごとなんか忘れちゃって。 Hey, Tom, forget about your worries. Hey, Tom, I don't know what's bothering you. メアリーの新しいヘアスタイルは人ごみの中でも彼女を目立たせた。 Mary's new hairstyle made her stand out in the crowd. Mary's new hair came to the fore in the crowd. この写真を見るとむかつく。 I always view this photo with disgust. It's disgusting to see this picture. 日曜日だから、彼が学校に行ったはずはない。 It's Sunday. He can't have gone to school. He couldn't have gone to school because it's Sunday. 彼の話し方に私達はみな感銘を受けた。 His way of talking come home to us all. We were all impressed by his way of speaking. 人混みを抜けるまで私にくっついていなさい。 Stick with me until we get out of the crowd. Stay with me until you're out of the crowd. 私は彼が英語を話すのを聞いたことがありません。 I have never heard him speak English. I've never heard him speak English. 彼らは彼がそれを解決するのに手を貸しているが、それにしても難問だ。 They are helping him to solve it, but, all the same, it is a hard problem. They are helping him solve it, but that's a problem. 先月引っ越しました。 I changed my address last month. I moved in last month. 残念なことに、他の先進諸国と同様に、アメリカも高齢化社会になりつつある。 Unfortunately, like other developed countries, America is graying. Unfortunately, as in other developed countries, the United States is becoming an aging society. 子供のころ、よく海へ泳ぎに行ったものだ。 When I was a child, I often went swimming in the sea. I used to swim to sea when I was a kid. さあ、仕事の息抜きにコーヒーでも飲みましょうか。 Let's take a break from work by drinking coffee. Come on, let's get you a cup of coffee to relax. ロゼを一本ください。 We'd like a bottle of rosé. Give me a lose. この辺りにユースホステルはありますか? Is there a youth hostel near here? Is there a Youth hostel around here? 私達は湖へピクニックに行った。 We went on a picnic at the lake. We went to a picnic to the lake. 後で見て見ます、楽しみ。 Sounds great, I'll have a look afterwards. I'll see you later. I'm looking forward to it. そんなことやっても時間の無駄にすぎない。 Trying to do such a thing is a waste of time. It's just a waste of time. 何で学校に行かないといけないの? Why should I go to school? Why do I have to go to school? 外は真っ暗だよ。 It's totally dark outside. It's dark out there. 私は根っからの教師だ。 I am a career teacher. I'm a teacher from the roots. 彼は私たちのようではない。 He's not like us. He's not like us. 父は私が朝食時に新聞を読むのを嫌っている。 My father hates my reading a newspaper at breakfast. My father hates reading newspapers at breakfast. 彼女は彼女の妹に劣らずほっそりしている。 She is no less slender than her sister is. She's as thin as her sister. トムは靴ひもの結び方を知らない。 Tom doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces. Tom doesn't know how to tie shoes. 人前で彼を冷やかすなんて君は意地悪だ。 It is mean of you to ridicule him in public. You're mean to cool him down in public. 楽しい歌を何曲か歌おう。 Let's sing some merry songs. Let's sing some happy songs. 彼女の言い方は私の神経を尖らせる。 Her manner of speaking gets on my nerves. Her speech sharpens my nerves. そのいすは木でできている。 The chairs are made of wood. That chair is made of wood. それについては何の疑いも無い。 There is no doubt whatever about it. There's no doubt about it. 彼は私達にすぐ出かけられるように要求した。 He demanded that we leave at once. He asked us to leave right away. 交渉はほとんど進展しなかった。 The negotiations made little progress. There was little progress in negotiations. ここにもとは小学校があった。 There used to be an elementary school here. There was another elementary school here. もしそれが本当なら、君はどうするか。 Suppose it were true, what would you do? If that were true, what would you do? 私は彼が書いた手紙を持っています。 I have a letter written by him. I have a letter he wrote. これは頭にくる。 This is making me really angry. It's going to hit your head. 他人行儀は抜きにしましょう。 Let's not stand on ceremony. Let's get rid of other people's manners. 花瓶を壊したことを、あなたにお詫びしなければなりません。 I must apologize to you for breaking the vase. I owe you an apology for breaking the vase. 弟がこの手紙を書いたにちがいない。 My brother must've written this letter. My brother must have written this letter. この論文は私の思考に影響を及ぼすだろう。 This article will affect my thinking. This article will affect my thinking. 患者は深い昏睡状態であります。 The patient is in a state of profound stupor. Patients are in a deep coma. 新しい自転車が欲しいのなら、お金を貯めなさい。 If you want a new bike, you'd better start saving up. If you want a new bike, save up your money. 私は彼に会ったことがある。 I have met him before. I've met him before. もう一度会合をもってはどうかと思うよ。 I propose that we should have another meeting. I think we should have another meeting. その年彼らはバージニアに定住することを決めた。 They decided to settle down in Virginia that year. That year they decided to settle in Virginia. 彼が怒ったのも当然だと思います。 I think it natural that he got angry. I think it's natural for him to be angry. この本を読むのに2時間かかります。 It takes two hours to read this book. It takes two hours to read this book. 外国人は英詩をたくさん読んで初めてシェイクスピアの作品を理解することができる。 Only if a foreigner has read much English poetry can he understand Shakespeare. Foreigners can understand Shakespeare’s works only after reading a lot of English poetry. 目の前の仕事に精神を集中させなさい。 Concentrate your attention on the job in front of you. Let's focus on our work in front of us. ご請求次第カタログをお送りします。 Our catalog will be sent on demand. I'll send you the catalog as soon as you charge. あなたは長島さん一家と親戚ですか。 Are you related to the Nagashima family? Are you related to the Oshima family? 従うよりしかたなかった。 There was nothing for it but to obey. I had more to do than follow. どっちでも構いません。 It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. 君以外に、僕を幸せに出来る人はいない。 Nobody but you can make me happy. You're the only one who can make me happy. お金が幸福をもたらすとは限らない。 Money does not always bring happiness. Money doesn't bring happiness. 昨晩ある人があなたを訪ねてきました。 A man came to visit you last night. A man came to visit you last night. ネコがいる。 There is a cat. There's a cat. 人間ならだれでもそんな罪悪に対して不快感を持つ。 Human nature revolts against such a crime. Every human being is uncomfortable with such guilt. 私はジェーンが笑顔で教室に入るのを見ました。 I saw Jane go into her classroom with a smile. I saw Jane go into class with a smile. トムはお金は持っている。だがそれほど幸せというわけではない。 Tom has money. However, he's not all that happy. Tom has money, but he's not so happy. トムはつま先で鍵を拾おうとした。 Tom tried to pick up his keys with his toes. Tom tried to pick up the keys with his toes. 何かおかしなことが起こってる。 Something strange is going on. Something strange is happening. 唇に聴いてみる。 Ask my lips. I'll listen to your lips. 他人を当てにしてはいけない。 You should not rely on others. Don't count on other people. 嵐のため出発できなかった。 The storm prevented me from leaving. I couldn't leave for the storm. 私は昨日このカメラを買った。 I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. 私は大変疲れています。 I'm extremely tired. I'm very tired. 彼女の言葉は次のとおりであった。 Her words were as follows. Her words were: このホテルにとまってるの? Are you staying at this hotel? Are you staying in this hotel? そのバスは乗客をホテルから空港まで運ぶ。 The bus transports passengers from the hotel to the airport. The bus carries passengers from hotel to airport. モーターがきちんと動かない。 The motor does not function properly. The motor doesn't work properly. あなたの後ろにはいつも彼がいる。 He is always at your back. He's always behind you. それは一度やってみる価値がある。 It is worthwhile to have a try at it. It's worth a try. 彼女はフランス人かもしれない。 She may be French. She could be French. トムがあなたに嘘をついたという可能性はある。 It's possible that Tom lied to you. It's possible Tom lied to you. 私達は7時に夕食をとります。 We have dinner at seven. We'll have dinner at 7:00. 彼は泳ぐことをこわがっている。 He is afraid to swim. He wants to swim. あなたの誕生日はいつですか。 When's your birthday? When's your birthday? 歩道で自転車に乗ってはいけません。 One shouldn't ride a bicycle on the pavement. Don't ride a bike on the sidewalk. ここで激戦が行われた。 A fierce battle was fought here. There was a war here. 彼女からよろしくとのことです。 She sent you her best wishes. She said hello to you. 彼らは日本に来てから5年になる。 Five years have passed since they came to Japan. They have been in Japan for five years. 彼は娘に新しいドレスを買ってやった。 He bought his daughter a new dress. He bought her a new dress. 何人たりとも公共の利益を独占すべきではない。 Let no one appropriate a common benefit. The public interest should not be monopolized by any number of people. ディールの人々が、自分の仕事や、自分の生活の中での典型的な1日について話すのを聞いてみましょう。 Let's listen to the people of Deal talk about their jobs and their everyday lives. Let's hear Diehl talk about their work and the typical day in their lives. それは入院していた祖母がくれた大事な時計でした。 It was a precious clock his grandmother, who was in the hospital, gave him. It was the precious watch my grandmother had given me when I was in the hospital. その遊園地を建設するのに10年かかった。 It took ten years to build the amusement park. It took ten years to build the amusement park. まもなく彼がくるだろう。 He will come soon. He'll be here soon. メアリーが入ってきた。 Mary came in. Mary came in. 大雨のせいで予定がすっかり狂ってしまった。 Due to the rain, my plans were completely mixed up. The heavy rain has completely upset our schedule. アンディは、猛練習したにちがいない。 Andy must have practiced very hard. Andy must have had a lot of practice. 彼は何でもないことに時として腹を立てる。 He sometimes loses his temper for nothing. He's angry sometimes at nothing. 彼は一人で旅行するのが好きだ。 He likes to travel by himself. He likes to travel alone. 医者は私に1週間ベッドに寝ているように言った。 The doctor demanded I stay in bed for a week. The doctor told me to lie in bed for a week. 彼女はその知らせを聞いて泣き崩れた。 When she heard the news, she broke down crying. She broke down in tears when she heard the news. わざわざ家まで送っていただいてありがとう。 Thank you very much for driving me all the way to my house. Thank you for taking me home. 何を君の手に持っているの? What do you have in your hand? What do you have in your hand? 市民達は激しい爆撃を受けてひるんだ。 The citizens staggered under the heavy bombing. Citizens are hit by heavy bombings. ペットのためにご祈祷していただける御守と御札が実現しました。 Now there are charms and talismans for your pet that you can have blessed. Our prayers have been answered for the sake of our pets, and our prayers have been answered. 英語のメニューはありますか? Do you have a menu in English? Do you have any English menus? 君たちの意見はそれぞれ一長一短があるようだし、どちらが良いのかこの場では判断できないよ。 There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. Each of your opinions seems to be very short, and we cannot decide which is the right one. 私は速く走れる犬を飼っています。 I have a dog which can run fast. I have a dog that can run fast. ねえあなたたち行かないで。 Don't go, dears. Hey, guys, don't go. トムは全速力で走った。 Tom ran as fast as he could. Tom ran as fast as he could. 何か悪いことが起ころうとしていた。 Something wrong was about to happen. Something bad was about to happen. 彼は背を壁に向けて立っていた。 He stood with his back to the wall. He stood on the wall on his back. これで僕もようやく浮かばれる。 Then I can have some peace of my mind. I'm finally getting a hold of myself. その切り傷は2、3に治したら完全に治るでしょう。 The cut will heal up in a few days. The cut will heal completely after a few days. あれは昨日あの店で私に対応してくれた少女です。 That is the girl who waited on me in the shop yesterday. That's the girl who responded to me at that store yesterday. 君はよく勉強した、そうでなければ失敗していただろう。 You worked hard, or you would have failed. You studied well, otherwise you would have failed. 私は電車に乗り遅れた。 I missed the train. I missed the train. お手間をおかけしました。 Thank you for your trouble. Thank you for your time. 9時までにそこに行かなければなりません。 I must get there by 9 o'clock. I have to be there by nine. その学校は構内での生徒たちの喫煙を禁止している。 Students are forbidden to smoke on the school grounds. The school bans smoking on students on the campus. 私は脳挫傷を起こした。 I had a cerebral contusion. I had a concussion. 保険をかけて下さい。 Insure it, please. Insurance, please. もっと時間が必要だ。 I need more time. I need more time. 彼は生徒たちに静かにするように言った。 He told the students to be quiet. He told the students to be quiet. 私はインドネシアに住んでいます。 I live in Indonesia. I live in Indonesia. 100ドル札でおつりをいただけませんか。 Could you give me change out of a hundred-dollar bill? So let's say I have a $100 bill. 名前の混同が少しあった。 There has been a little confusion of names. There was a little confusion about the name. 必ず二時に電話してください。 Never fail to call me up at two o'clock. Make sure you call me at 2:00. 私はそんなことには少しも興味がありません。 I am not in the least interested in such a thing. I'm not interested in that at all. 彼女はちょっとの間そこにとどまっていた。 She stayed there for a moment. She stayed there for a while. この川は200キロメートルの長さがあります。 This river is two hundred kilometers long. This river is 200 kilometers long. このソース試してみて。 Try this sauce. Try this sauce. その試合は、雨のために中止されました。 The game was called off because of the rain. That match was canceled for the rain. トムがあんなに怒ってるの初めて見たよ。 That was the first time I'd seen Tom so angry. I've never seen Tom so angry. あの子もおもちゃで遊ぶ年は過ぎるころだ。 He will soon be past playing with toys. He's too old to play with. 彼女はその知らせを聞いて泣き崩れた。 Upon hearing the news, she broke down crying. She broke down in tears when she heard the news. ここにあなたあての手紙が何通かあります。 Here are some letters for you. Here's a few letters for you. 君は赤信号を無視して走りましたね。 You ran a red light. You ran through the red light, didn't you? 私はその本が私たちにはとてもむずかしいことを知っている。 I know the book is very difficult for us. I know that book is so difficult for us. 彼の記憶力は、年齢と共に衰えています。 His memory is deteriorating with age. His memory is failing with age. 私に任せなさい。 Let me handle this. Leave it to me. 彼女はとても賢い母親だ。 She's a very wise mother. She's a very smart mother. 会は5時に解散となった。 The meeting broke up at five. The meeting was dissolved at 5:00. ご要望により地図を送ります。 A map is available upon request. I'll send you a map if you want. 湯あがりの化粧をした顔には、ほんのりと赤みを帯びて、見ちがえるほど美しかった。 Her face after the bath, with a slight tinge of red, was beautiful as to mistake her for someone else. It was so beautiful, with a little red in it, that I couldn't see it. 彼は事故について説明した。 He explained about the accident. He explained the accident. 私はそのコーヒーが好きではない。 I don't like the coffee. I don't like that coffee. 私はやっと都会の生活に慣れてきた。 I've finally got used to urban life. I am finally getting used to living in the city. このネクタイは好きでない。もっといいのを見せてください。 I don't like this tie. Show me a better one. I don't like this tie. Show me something better. 今すぐに行く必要がありますか。 Need I go right now? Should we go now? このご恩は一生忘れません。 I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live. I'll never forget this thank you. 明日また来て下さい。 Come see me again tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. 彼は体によくないほど酒にふけるようになっていた。 He had taken to drinking more than was good for him. He was sick enough to drink. 彼はそれをうまくやれる、君ならなおさらだ。 He can do it well, and you can do it even better. He can do it, and you can do it. 明日の朝、事務所のほうへお伺いしてよいでしょうか。 May I visit your office tomorrow morning? May I come to your office tomorrow morning? トムは今日家にいなければいけませんか。 Does Tom need to stay home today? Does Tom have to be home today? 今日彼に電話をするのを忘れた。 I forgot to call him today. I forgot to call him today. 彼は若く見えるが実は30歳を越えている。 He looks young, but in reality he is past thirty. He looks young, but is actually over 30 years old. 「彼はいつ勉強しますか」「夕食前です」 "When does he study?" "He studies before dinner." When will he study? Before dinner. これはサミーさんのサインをもらう貴重な機会だ。 This is a precious chance to get Sammy's autograph. This is a precious opportunity to get Sammy's signature. 実のところ、私は彼について何も知りません。 As a matter of fact, I know nothing about him. Actually, I don't know anything about him. 今日はエイプリルフールだから嘘しか言わないことにする。 Today is April Fools, so I'm telling nothing but lies. Today I only tell lies because I am April Fuhr. もう少し小さいのはありますか。 Do you have one a little smaller? Is there a little bit less? 戦争は決して地震や津波のような天変地異ではない。何の音沙汰もなく突然やってくるものではない。 War is not a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tsunami. It does not come without warning. War is not alien to the sky like an earthquake or a tsunami. It does not come suddenly without a noise. できるだけ速く走ったので、友人に追いつけた。 Running as fast as I could, I was able to catch up with my friend. I ran as fast as I could, so I caught up with my friend. 彼の演説には内容がほとんどなかった。 His speech contained very little matter. His speech had very little content. 1ヤードは3フィートに等しい。 A yard is equal to three feet. One yard is equal to three feet. その女優はつまらぬ芝居を活気づけた。 The actress brought the whole silly play to life. The actress engaged in an endless act. 彼はすべての問題を解いた。 He solved all the problems. He solved all the problems. その大臣は私が最近話しかけた人であるが、彼は私に賛成している。 The minister, whom I spoke to recently, agrees with me. The minister has spoken to me recently, but he agrees with me. 私はトニー君に会いに東京に行った。 I went to Tokyo to see Tony. I went to Tokyo to see Tony. しかし、エヴァンス一家は清潔だし、食べ物も十分ありました。 But the Evans were clean and they had enough to eat. But the Evans family was clean, and they had plenty of food. すこし嫉妬深く感じたように思う。 I suppose I felt a little jealous. I feel a little jealous. 恋愛と戦争では手段を選ばない。 All's fair in love and war. In love and war, they don't choose their way. どうか楽しい旅行を。 I hope you enjoy your flight. Have a nice trip, please. あらゆる都市の中心部において無断欠席率が同様に高いことが調査で明らかになった。 Research revealed that the same high truancy levels were to be found in every inner city district. Research has shown that there is a similar high rate of absence in the heart of all cities. 少し離れたところから見ればそれはボールのように見える。 Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball. From a distance it looks like a ball. 彼女には自分の世話をしてくれる友人も親戚もいない。 She doesn't have any friends or relatives to take care of her. She has no friends or relatives to take care of her. その家は貸家です。 The house is to let. That house is a tenant. 彼女は僕の右足を思い切り蹴りつけた。 She gave me a hard kick on my right leg. She kicked me in the right foot. 彼は我々の期待にそわなかった。 He did not live up to expectations. He didn't live up to our expectations. クミは何を作りましたか。 What did Kumi make? What did Kumi make? 驚いたことに、彼は試験に失敗した。 To my surprise, he failed the examination. Surprisingly, he failed the exam. 彼はわざわざ私の手伝いをしてくれた。 He went out of his way to help me. He took the initiative to help me. 私は帰国してからとても忙しい。 I've been very busy since I returned from abroad. I've been very busy since I got home. 私は家のそばに木を見つけることができます。 I can find a tree by the house. I can find a tree by the house. あの人は物理学の大家です。 He is an authority on physics. He's a physicist. 余りよい考えではないと思いますが。 I'm afraid it's not a good idea. I don't think that's a very good idea. すみません、お箸を落としてしまったんですが。 Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks. I'm sorry I dropped your chopsticks. ニューヨークまでの直行便をお願いします。 I'd like a nonstop flight to New York. I need you to take a direct flight to New York. みんなが幸せです。 All are happy. We're all happy. 私は首尾よく山頂に到達できた。 I succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain. I got to the top of the mountain with a good tail. もうじきクリスマスが来る。 Christmas is coming soon. Christmas's coming soon. 床下にパイプを通す。 Run pipes under the floor. Pipe under the floor. 私たちは植物園で多くの珍しい植物を見ました。 We found many strange plants in a botanical garden. We saw a lot of rare plants in the garden. 彼は30年間国民の福祉のために働いてきた。 He has worked for the welfare of his people for 30 years. He has worked for the welfare of his people for 30 years. 今日は、ここまで。 Let's call it a day today. That's it for today. 彼は散歩が好きに違いない。 He must like taking walks. He must like to walk. 私は今晩あなたのパーティーに行きます。 I will come to your party this evening. I'm going to your party tonight. すべてを考慮に入れると、私たちはそれが悪いとはいえない。 All things considered, we can not say that it is wrong. Taking everything into account, we can't say it’s a bad thing. 1は素数ですか? Is 1 a prime number? Is 1 prime? 彼は自動車を買う余裕はない。まして家は買えない。 He cannot afford to buy a car, much less a house. He can't afford to buy a car. He can’t afford to buy a house. 梅雨の晴れ間に洗濯物を干すと気分はもう夏でした。 Drying the washing on a fine day in the rainy season; I felt like it was already summer. It was summer to dry the laundry during the rainy season. 父は寝るとき、よく本を読んでくれた。 Father used to read me books in bed. My father used to read to me when I went to bed. 彼が彼女に恋をしているというのは本当だ。 That he is in love with her is true. It's true that he's in love with her. 彼はお父さんの時計をなくしてしまった。 He has lost his father's watch. He lost his father's watch. 僕は時おりクラブで彼に出会います。 I occasionally meet him at the club. Sometimes I meet him at the club. 私は友人達に助けを求める事に決めた。 I decided to ask my friend for help. I decided to help my friends. 君の提案には同意できないな。 I cannot agree to your proposal. I don't agree with your offer. 彼の演説は短くて要点をついていた。 His speech was brief and to the point. His speech was short and important. ご指摘ありがとうございます。 Thanks for pointing this out. Thank you for pointing out. トムを許してやれよ。 Forgive Tom. You're gonna have to forgive Tom. 彼は老後を心配しているようだ。 He seems to have apprehensions of age. He seems to be worried about his old age. 愚かな女の子に、彼が収入を浪費しているというのが両親の意見でした。 His parents' view was that he was wasting his earnings on a silly girl. It was my parents' opinion that he was wasting his income on a stupid girl. 彼は軍に徴兵された。 He was drafted into the army. He was conscripted by the army. よく似たケースで責任は会社にあるとされた。 In a similar situation, the company was held liable. In a similar case, the company was held accountable. 新企画は図にあたった。 The new plan worked well. The new project came to light. パパ、肩車して。 Give me a ride on your shoulders, Daddy. Dad, give me your shoulder. このレストランは日本の食器だけど、フランス料理です。 The dishes and silverware are Japanese-styled but the food is French-style cooking at this restaurant. It's a Japanese dish, but it's French. この飛行機は東京までの直行便です。 This plane flies nonstop to Tokyo. This plane is a direct flight to Tokyo. エドワードが叔父の財産を継いだ。 Edward inherited his uncle's property. Edward inherited his uncle's property. トムは大きなあくびをした。 Tom gave a big yawn. Tom had a big yawn. 白色の光束はプリズムによって様々な色の光線に分離される。 A beam of white light is split by a prism into rays of various colors. The white light bundles are separated into different colors. その男は角を曲がって歩いていった。 The man walked round the corner. He walked around the corner. 子供のころ私はフットボールより野球が好きだった。 I preferred baseball to football in my childhood. When I was a kid, I liked baseball more than football. 彼らは、私に挨拶をした。 They greeted me. They greeted me. 当地の気候はイングランドよりも暖かい。 The climate here is milder than that of England. The climate here is warmer than England. その計画は会社に多額の出費を負わせるでしょう。 The project will entail great expense upon the company. It's going to cost the company a lot of money. 彼女は彼を名指しで呼んだ。 She called him by name. She called him by name. 彼と彼女と2人きりになれたほんの束の間に、デートをしてくれと頼んだ。 When he got her alone for a moment, he asked for a date. I asked for a date just a short time before I could be alone with him and her. 私が何でトムを嫌いなのか教えてあげる。 Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. I'll tell you why I don't like Tom. 私のおじさんたちが百万長者であればいいがなあ。 I wish my uncles were men of millions. I hope my uncles are worth millions. もし私があなたの立場なら、すぐにそれをやるのでしょう。 Were I in your position, I would do it at once. If I were in your position, I'd do it right away. 一言で言えば君は間違っている。 In a word, you are in the wrong. In a word, you're wrong. 鞄を開けてくれませんか。 Will you open the bag? Can you open the bag, please? その不届きな野郎の顔を、拝ませてもらうか。 Let's have a gander at this insolent man. I'd like to see the face of that impregnable son of a bitch. その橋は幅が30メートルです。 The bridge is thirty meters in width. That bridge is 30 meters wide. ジョンはその音を我慢できない。 John can't bear the noise. John can't stand that sound. 批判する者の中には、欧州中央銀行に課せられた目標が不適切であると考える者がいます。 Among the critics are those who think that the objective set for the European Central Bank is not appropriate. Some critics feel that the European Central Bank's goals are inappropriate. 「彼女はなんてきれいなんだろう」とベンは心の中で思った。 "How pretty she is!" said Ben to himself. “How beautiful she is,” Ben thought to himself. 彼はそこに行くように助言した。 He recommended that I go there. He advised me to go there. 電流は磁力を発生することができる。 An electric current can generate magnetism. An electric current can generate magnetic power. 彼女のことが頭から離れない。 I can't get her out of my mind. I can't stop thinking about her. 雨が降っていたんだ。道がぬれている。 It has been raining. The roads are wet. It was raining. その書類をもう一度調べた。 We checked the document again. I looked it up again. 国民保健サービスは、生涯に渡ってあなたのお世話を致します。 The national health service takes care of you from womb to tomb. The National Health Service will take care of you for the rest of your life. それは少し変だと思った。 I thought that was kind of strange. I thought it was a little weird. 犬は猫を追いかけ、猫は鼠を追いかける。 The dog chases the cat, and the cat chases the squirrel. Dogs chase cats, cats chase rats. 彼の会社は簡単に見つかった。 Finding his office was easy. It's easy to find his company. 彼は小さい部屋に大きい机を置いている。 He has a large desk in his small room. He's got a big desk in a small room. 会は来週の月曜日に催されます。 The meeting will take place next Monday. The meeting will be held next Monday. 彼は質問をするために挙手した。 He raised his hand to ask a question. He raised his hand to ask questions. 医者は私にベッドで寝ているように命じた。 The doctor ordered me to stay in bed. The doctor ordered me to lie in bed. 静かに! Be quiet. Quiet! 戦争をどう思いますか。 What do you think of war? What do you think of the war? 自由と放縦の間には大きな違いがある。 There is a great difference between liberty and license. There's a big difference between freedom and freeness. 彼女はそのニュースを聞いて泣きたい気分になった。 She felt like crying when she heard the news. She wanted to cry when she heard the news. 期待通り晴天となった。 As had been expected, the weather turned out to be very fine. As expected. あの事故がいつ起こったのかしっていますか。 Do you know what time that accident happened? Do you know when that accident happened? 彼らは会うと必ず口喧嘩する。 They can not meet without quarreling with each other. They always talk to each other when they see each other. バスはあの長く曲がりくねった道をはしった。 The bus ran on the long and winding road. The bus crossed that long, winding road. その問題はどうしても解けない。 The problem defies solution. There's no way we can solve that problem. その川は流れて海に注ぐ。 The river flows down to the sea. The river flows into the sea. 規則は守らなければならない。 We have to obey the rules. The rules must be followed. 巣に返してあげて。 Put it back in the nest. Give it back to the nest. 秘書は私にそっけなく答えた。 The secretary answered me shortly. The secretary answered me with a quick answer. 無料なのですか。 Is it free? Is it free? 火傷したらすぐに水で冷やしなさい。 If you burn yourself, quickly cool the burn with water. Let the water cool as soon as you're burned. 彼は夕食前に宿題を終えていた。 He had his homework done before supper. He had finished his homework before dinner. 眠っている赤ちゃんを見るのは楽しい。 It is delightful to look at a sleeping baby. Seeing a sleeping baby is fun. いなくなった犬を新聞広告によってみつけた。 I found my lost dog by means of a notice in the paper. I found the missing dog by a newspaper advertisement. 彼のお父さんは、彼の帰省後亡くなった。 His father died after his return home. His father died after his return. 僕の意見は君とはまったく違う。 My opinion is entirely different from yours. My opinion is completely different from yours. 彼は株の大暴落をうまくかわしていました。 He made his timely escape from the stock market crash. He was doing well with the stock crash. 彼の手助けのおかげで私はその仕事を終えることができた。 His help enabled me to finish the work. Thanks to his help, I was able to finish the job. そのとき彼らはたんぽぽをつみとって、彼らの耳につけました。 Then they picked dandelions and put them in their ears. At that time, they bit their dicks and put them in their ears. 彼の講演の主題を理解するのは難しかった。 It was very difficult to understand the subject of his lecture. It was difficult to understand the subject of his talk. 彼は決して勇気がないわけではない。 He is not entirely without courage. He is not without courage. もしあなたの病気を知っていたならお見舞いに行けたんだけど。 If I'd known that you were sick, I could've visited you in the hospital. If I knew you were sick, I could have gone to visit you. 試験前に彼はまじめに勉強を始めた。 Before the exam, he began to study in earnest. Before the test, he really started studying. 何があったんだ? Hey, what happened? What happened? その博物館は今日開館していますか。 Is the museum open today? Is that museum open today? テレビが観たい。 I want to watch TV. I want to watch TV. ラジオを聞きながら寝てしまった。 I fell asleep while listening to the radio. I fell asleep listening to the radio. ナンシーとジェーンは5時半に帰宅しなければならなかった。 Nancy and Jane had to go home at five-thirty. Nancy and Jane had to come home at 5:30. 彼は内幕をばらすといっていますよ。 He says he'll blow the story open. He's on the inside. 君がその会合に出ることが絶対に必要だ。 It is absolutely necessary that you be at the meeting. There's absolutely no need for you to go to that meeting. コンサートの最中に喋るのは無作法である。 Talking during a concert is rude. Speaking during a concert is rude. 彼女は夫の首に抱きついた。 She threw her arms around her husband's neck. She held her husband's neck. 誕生日には自転車をあげよう。 I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'll give you a bike for your birthday. 酒を飲むと打解けて来る。 As we drink, we open up to each other. If you drink, they'll come back to you. まさに蛙の面に水とはこのことだろう。 That's a clear case of "water off a duck's back". This is exactly what water is on the face of a frog. 彼が来ないのを見ると彼は旅行中なのかもしれない。 Seeing that he has not come, he may be on a trip. Maybe he's on a trip when he sees he's not coming. 不動産業者には独立した仲買人がたくさんいる。 Real estate agencies have many independent brokers. Realtors have a lot of independent brokers. 私たちってついてないよね。 I guess that we're out of luck. We're not lucky, are we? 彼女は夫が幸せでないことを感じとった。 She perceived that her husband was unhappy. She felt that her husband was not happy. お父さん、車を使ってもいい? May I use your car, Dad? Dad, can I use the car? 激しい雪にもかかわらず、彼女はわざわざ駅まで来た。 In spite of the heavy snow, she came all the way to the station. In spite of the heavy snow, she made every effort to get to the station. 彼らはそこで使われていた道具に類似した道具を使っていた。 They used tools similar to those used there. They used tools similar to those used there. 寝不足の影響がではじめた。 Lack of sleep began to tell on me. I started to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. 私は息子に新しいスーツを作ってやった。 I made his son a new suit. I made him a new suit. 見つかった。 I've found it. They found us. 私は母ほど早く起きません。 I don't get up as early as my mother. I don't get up as soon as my mother does. トムは何を勉強していますか? What's Tom studying? What's Tom learning? 彼は他人につらく当たることができない性格です。 It is not in his nature to be hard on other people. He's a person who can't play with other people. ケンがあなたを探していましたよ。 Ken has been looking for you. Ken was looking for you. 私たちのロンドンでの滞在は短すぎた。 Our stay in London was too short. Our stay in London was too short. 彼はまさしく日本のエジソンだ。 He is the Edison of Japan. He is truly the Japanese Edison. とにかくトムを探してきて。 Just find Tom. Just go find Tom. その泥棒は走るのが速かった。 The thief ran fast. That thief ran fast. 若者は変化にたやすく順応する。 The young adapt to change easily. Young people respond to changes easily. 彼は技師だった、それで技師として扱われた。 He was an engineer and was treated as such. He was an engineer, so he was treated as an engineer. 我々は計画が成功するには君の援助がどうしても必要だ。 Your help is vital to the success of our plan. We need your help to make the plan work. 俺って役立たずだな。 I'm useless. I'm useless. 学生達は扇動者のアピールに動かされた。 The students were animated by the agitator's appeal. The students were moved by the inciter's appeal. 明日の夜とかどう? How about tomorrow night? Maybe tomorrow night? どちらの新聞社にお勤めですか。 Which newspaper do you work for? Which newspaper do you work for? その新しい法律が市民から自由を奪った。 The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty. The new law robs citizens of their freedom. 勘弁してくれ。 Give us a break. Oh, come on. 私たちは、世界平和を願っている。 We all wish for permanent world peace. We want world peace. お前は何でも針小棒大に言う悪い癖がある。 You have a habit of exaggerating everything. You've got a bad habit of saying everything you want to say. あなたの言ったことが、まったく分かりません。 I can't fathom what you said. I don't know what you're talking about. 私たちは金銭的に彼を援助した。 We helped him financially. We helped him financially. 賢治君はテニスをします。 Kenji plays tennis. A wise man will do tennis. この時計は10分進んでいる。 This watch is ten minutes fast. This clock is 10 minutes ahead. この本をあなたにあげましょう。 I will give you this book. Let me give you this book. 今日の出来事には関心を持たなければいけません。 You must take an interest in current events. We need to be interested in what's happening today. 彼はジョンという名の私の友人です。 He is my friend whose name is John. He's my friend by the name of John. あり得ねぇー。 No way! That's impossible. トムはメアリーより疲れていません。 Tom isn't as tired as Mary. Tom's not tired any more than Mary. 最初のうちは彼は学生の顔を見分けるのに苦労した。 At first he had difficulty telling one student from another. At first, he had a hard time identifying the student's face. 彼女は部屋を掃除し、使い走りをしてくれた。 She cleaned the room, and ran errands. She cleaned the room and ran errands. 彼は職を求めて東京へやって来た。 He came to Tokyo in search of employment. He came to Tokyo in search of a job. みんなに聞こえるようにもっと大きな声で話しなさい。 Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Speak louder so people can hear you. 「何にやにやしてんの?」「今すれ違ったJKめっちゃかわいかった」 "Why are you grinning like that?""That high school girl we just passed is really cute." "What are you doing? What are you doing?" 私は早く寝た。というのは疲れていたので。 I went to bed early because I was tired. I fell asleep early because I was tired. 正方形は4つの同じ長さの辺をもつ。 A square has four equal sides. The square has four sides of the same length. 私は毎日日記をつけている。 I am keeping a diary every day. I have a journal every day. 馬を水際まで連れて行くことはできても、水を飲ませることはできない。 You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. We can take the horses to the water’s edge, but we can’t let them drink. トムがしようと言っていたことについて、彼と話す必要がある。 I need to talk to Tom about what he said he would do. We need to talk to him about what Tom said he was going to do. 蔵書があるということと、それを活用することとは別のことだ。 To own a library is one thing and to use it is another. There is a difference between having a library and taking advantage of it. チョコレートは少し酸味があるものが好きですね。 You like the slightly sour chocolates, don't you? Let's say it's chocolate, and it's chocolate. 子犬一匹に彼は100ドルも払いました。 He paid as much as a hundred dollars for a puppy. So let's say he paid a puppy 100 dollars. あなたが私達を手伝ってくれると頼りにしています。 I'm relying on you to help us. I'm counting on you to help us. 猫が居ないとネズミが遊びまわる。 When the cat's away, the mice do play. If you don't have a cat, the rats are playing around. ジョージがどこでテニスのラケットを買ったのか知っていますか。 Do you know where George bought his tennis racket? Do you know where George bought tennis rakes? ほかの人たちに追いついた。 I caught up with the others. I caught up with the others. 先生は生徒たちを笑わせた。 The teacher amused the pupils. The teacher made the students laugh. 聴衆は退屈そうだった。 The audience looked bored. The audience seemed bored. 白いゆりは見た目がとてもきれいだ。 A white lily is very beautiful to look at. The white wrinkling looks so beautiful. その仕事は昼までに終わっているでしょう。 I will have finished the work by noon. The job will be finished by noon. 次のワシントン行きは何時ですか。 What time's the next train to Washington? When's the next trip to Washington? 彼の考えは仏教と密接に結びついていた。 What he thought was bound up with Buddhism. His thoughts were closely connected to Buddhism. バカンスに行くのが待ち遠しい。 I can't wait to go on a vacation. I can't wait to go on vacation. 事態はかなり切迫している。 The matter is really pressing. Things are pretty urgent. 父がくれた時計をなくした。 I lost the watch Father had given me. I lost the watch my father gave me. 歩くことはよい運動です。 Walking is a good exercise. Walking is a good exercise. さあ、エドガー・ドガに会って、彼と一緒に彼の描いた絵を見ることにしよう。 Let's meet Edgar Degas and look at his pictures with him. Come on, let's meet Edgar Doga and see his drawing with him. その知らせはたちまち広まった。 The news quickly spread. The news spread widely. それは、健康でなければ成功は望めないからだ。 It is because it can't hope for a success if it isn't healthy. Because if you're not healthy, you can't hope to succeed. 看護婦は、患者が危篤状態なので、病室に入らないようにと私たちに言った。 The nurse told us not to enter the room because the patient was in a critical condition. The nurse told us to stay in the hospital because the patient was in critical condition. おなかがすいて死にそうだ。 I'm famished. I'm starving. 彼が成功したのは幸運のおかげである。 He owes his success to good luck. He's lucky he succeeded. 多くの道路が冠水し、その結果大幅な遅れが出ている。 Many roads are flooded. As a result there are long delays. Many roads have been filled with water, resulting in massive delays. うん。前の先生に紹介してもらって、転院したの。 Yes. She got an introduction from her previous doctor and transferred to this hospital. I don't know what you're talking about. 私はひなびた温泉が好きだ。 I like hot springs that are off the beaten track. I love the hot springs. この絵画はピカソの作品だと考えられている。 This painting is attributed to Picasso. The painting is thought to be the work of picnics. 彼は危険に直面して身動きできなかった。 He was paralyzed in the face of danger. He couldn't move in the face of danger. トムは一人でやるのが嫌いだ。 Tom doesn't like working alone. Tom doesn't like to do it alone. トムが自宅で犬を3匹飼ってるって、本当なの? Is it true Tom has three dogs at home? Is it true that Tom has three dogs at home? 私は誰なのだろうか。 Who am I? Who am I? 駅へはどのように行けばよいですか。 How can I get to the station? How do I get to the station? トムはレタスを千切りにした。 Tom shredded the lettuce. Tom cut up the lettuce. お酒も牛乳も問題を解決しません。 Alcohol does not solve any problems, but neither does milk. It doesn't solve the problem of alcohol or milk. この部屋には家具がたくさんある。 There is much furniture in this room. There's a lot of furniture in this room. 人を外見だけで判断するものではない。 You should not judge a person by his appearance alone. It's not just the appearance of a person. ヨハネはこの方について証言した。 John testified concerning him. John testified about this. 司教達はその提案に賛成であった。 The bishops were in favor of the proposition. The bishops agreed with the proposal. 大きな台風が来るだろう。 A big typhoon is coming on. There's going to be a big typhoon. 彼女はオウムをペットとして飼っている。 She keeps a parrot as a pet. She has a parrot as her pet. オーケストラの楽団員はみな成功を喜んだ。 All the orchestra were pleased with their success. The orchestra musicians all rejoiced in success. 実業界では、きちんとした身なりがとても重要です。 Proper clothes count for much in business. In the business world, it's very important to be properly dressed. どこにいたの? Where were you? Where were you? 私はあの騒音にはもう我慢できない。 I cannot stand that noise anymore. I can no longer stand that noise. 彼女がいつ結婚しようとかまうものか。 Who cares when she gets married? I don't care when she gets married. 母にプレゼントを探しています。 I am looking for a present for my mother. I'm looking for a present for my mother. 彼が東京に行ってから半年になります。 It is half a year since he went to Tokyo. It's been six months since he went to Tokyo. 彼が彼女におわびをするのは理の当然である。 It stands to reason that he should apologize to her. It makes sense for him to apologize to her. 君を好きなのは言うまでもない。 It goes without saying that I love you. I don't have to say I like you. 彼女のことはもう気にしないでいいわ。 You don't have to worry about her anymore. Don't worry about her anymore. 私たちの計画に賛成してくれますか。 Are you agreeable to our plan? Do you agree with our plan? 彼は寝返りをうった。 He turned over in bed. He turned around. こっちへおいで。 Come here. Come here. 電話すればよかったのに。 You should've called. You should have called. トムは長い間病気で寝込んでいる。 Tom has been sick in bed for a long time. Tom has been sick for a long time. 私がそのクラスに入ったとたんに生徒たちが質問をはじめた。 As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I joined the class, the students started asking questions. あなたは気が狂うだろう。 You will drive me mad. You'll be out of your mind. 奇妙なことに枯れた木に花が咲いた。 Curiously, a flower bloomed on the withered up tree. A strange thing was that the dead trees had blossomed. 野手はボールを取り損ねた。 The fielder failed to catch the ball. The wildling missed the ball. 先ほど不適切な発言がありました事を深くお詫び致します。 We're deeply sorry for the inappropriate remark earlier. I'm deeply sorry for what I said before. 日曜なので仕事が無い。 As it is Sunday, I have no work to do. I don't have work because it's Sunday. 丘はいつも緑だ。 The hill is always green. The hills are always green. 彼は英国人だがインドに住んでいる。 He is a British citizen, but lives in India. He is British but lives in India. 昨夜のコンサートには失望した。 Last night's concert was disappointing. I was disappointed at last night's concert. 電車の写真なんか撮って何が楽しいの? What's so fun about taking pictures of trains? What's so fun about taking pictures of trains? 何がベルによって発明されましたか。 What did Bell invent? What was invented by Bell? 最初に来たのはジェインだった。 It was Jane who came first. Jeane was the first one to come here. 彼は市長に立候補するそうだ。 They say that he will run for mayor. He's running for mayor. あとどれくらいでコンサートは始まるのですか。 How soon does the concert begin? How soon will the concert begin? 君は他人に頼りすぎる。 You depend too much on others. You're too dependent on others. 私は海軍に入った。 I went into the navy. I'm in the Navy. 彼はいつも上司と対立している。 He's always at odds with his boss. He's always at odds with his boss. もう1つの問題はどこで車を止めるかです。 Another problem is where to stop the car. Another problem is where to stop the car. パスポートを取得するにはどうすればいいですか。 What's the best way for me to get a passport? How do I get my passport? 君の言うことはいつも正しい。 What you say is usually true. You're always right. われわれは誤りを犯しがちである。 We are liable to err. We have made mistakes. 彼らはめいめい、自分の見たもののついてレポートを書かねばならない。 Each of them has to write a report about what he saw. They have to write reports about what they have seen. 彼は失敗したため毎晩酒を飲むようになった。 His failure led him to drink every night. He failed, so he started drinking every night. マイクの趣味は下乳の画像を集めることです。 Mike's hobby was collecting pictures of underboob. Mike's hobby is to collect pictures of undersea. 彼女は茶色の目をしている。 She has brown eyes. She's got brown eyes. 私達は5マイルほど歩いた。 We walked about five miles. We walked about five miles. ほんの気楽なパーティーだった。 It was only an informal party. It was just a nice party. 陸地は地球の表面の約30パーセントをおおっています。 Land covers about 30 percent of the surface of the earth. It's about 30 percent of the Earth's surface. 彼女はまさしくその事故を目撃したらしい。 She seems to have seen the very accident. Apparently she saw the accident. わたしはおこりました。というのは彼女が彼の忠告に従わなかったからです。 He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice. "I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do." どちらがあなたのギターですか。 Which is your guitar? Which is your guitar? 困ったことに私は今お金の持ち合わせがない。 The trouble is that I have no money on me now. Trouble is, I don't have any money right now. 彼らはゴミを外へ出すのは誰の順番かを言い争った。 They disputed about whose turn it was to take the trash out. They argued who was in order to get out of the trash. 彼は雨になると予言した。 He predicted there would be rain. He predicted it would rain. それは私にとって意外な話だった。 It was a revelation to me. It was a surprise to me. 彼はよくできない、自分の能力を最大限に利用していないからだ。 He doesn't do well because he doesn't make the most of his ability. He can't do it because he doesn't make the most of his abilities. その爆発の原因は何ですか。 What was the cause of the explosion? What's the cause of that explosion? もっと注意深くならなければならない。 You must learn to be more careful. We have to be more careful. 今夜は空港の近くのホテルに泊まらなければならない。 I have to stay at a hotel near the airport tonight. We have to stay in a hotel near the airport tonight. この薬は筋肉痛を和らげる。 This medicine helps relieve muscle pain. This drug can ease muscle pain. そろそろ終わりにしようか。 Shall we stop soon? Let's get this over with. 弁護士は彼を待っていた。 The lawyer was expecting him. The lawyer was waiting for him. そのうち君をそこに連れていってあげよう。 I'll take you there one of these days. I'll take you there in time. だれか玄関に来てるよ。 Somebody's at the porch! Someone's at the front door. 彼らは新しい税金に反対して叫んでいるのです。 They cry out against the new tax. They are shouting against new taxes. 大地の色彩は解き放たれた視界の中で高らかに鳴り響き。 Shades of earth are ringing through my open view inciting and inviting me. And the color of the earth is sounded high in the sight it is set free. じゃあ何歳なの? How old is she? How old are you then? 政府はその負債を支払うと発表した。 The government announced that they would pay their debts. The government has announced that the debt will be paid. あなたにいくら感謝してもしすぎることはない。 I can't thank you enough. It's not too much to thank you. 彼女は81才になった。 She turned eighty-one. She turned 81. この結果は、当初の予測に反して、変数の数が処理速度に影響を与えないということを意味しているのである。 This result means, contrary to prior expectations, that the number of variants does not affect the processing speed. This means that, contrary to initial predictions, the number of variables does not affect the processing speed. でも今では、病気で弱って寝ているのだった。 Now she lay weak in bed. But now she's sick and weak and she's sleeping. 私は日焼けをした。 I got sunburned. I had a tan. トムは何も欲しくなかった。 Tom didn't want anything. Tom didn't want anything. シャワーにするわ。 I'm going to have a shower. I'll take a shower. ロンドンは世界最大の都市のひとつである。 London is one of the largest cities in the world. London is one of the largest cities in the world. 温度計は10度を指している。 The thermometer reads 10C. The thermometer points to 10 degrees. 誰かが私をみているなんて気づかなかった。 I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me. I didn't realize someone was watching me. 彼はつい先月外国から帰ってきたばかりです。 He came back from abroad only last month. He just got home from abroad. 多量の水が残っている。 There's a lot of water left. There's a lot of water left. 申告する物はありますか。 Do you have anything to declare? Is there anything to declare? 先週誕生日を迎え、30歳になりました。 I had my thirtieth birthday last week. It was my birthday last week, and I'm 30. これと関連して知っていることはみな話しなさい。 Tell me all you know in connection with this. Let's talk about what we know about this. 昨日になってようやく真相を知りました。 It wasn't until yesterday that I found out the truth. I finally learned the truth yesterday. 人の好意に甘えてはいけない。 Don't depend on others' kindness. Do not yield to the good things of others. あなたは満足していますか、それとも不満足ですか。 Are you satisfied or dissatisfied? Are you satisfied or unhappy? あなたの苗字はどのように書くのですか? How do you spell your surname? How do you write your last name? トムは川に落ちた。 Tom has fallen into the river. Tom fell into the river. お年寄りに席を譲ることは確かに親切です。 To offer your seat to the old that is a kindness indeed. I'm sure it's kind of you to give up your seat to the elderly. 極めて緊急事態だったから、信号の色が変わるが早いか、父は車を発進させた。 Since it was an extremely urgent situation, my father sped up the car as soon as the traffic light changed. It was extremely urgent, so as soon as it changed the color of the signal, my father started the car. 僕のクラスでリンダよりかわいい女の子はいない。 No girl in my class is prettier than Linda. There's no girl in my class that's more pretty than Linda. 彼がいきなり、アナウンサーのまねをしてしゃべり始めたので笑ってしまった。 He suddenly started doing an impression of an announcer and we all cracked up. I laughed when he suddenly started talking like an announcer. 飛び越えろ! Jump! Jump over! この卵は新しい。 These eggs are fresh. This egg is new. ニューヨークにはたくさんの高層ビルがあります。 There are a lot of tall buildings in New York. There's a lot of tall buildings in New York. うみできれいな貝がらをひろった。 I picked up a pretty shell at the seaside. I grabbed a pretty clam with a walnut. トムが探してた写真見つけたよ。 Tom, I found the picture you were looking for. I found the picture Tom was looking for. クラウチ夫人、仕事はお持ちですか。 Mrs. Crouch, do you have a job? Mrs. Crouch, do you have a job? 彼はその計画を成し遂げた。 He carried out the plan. He's got the plan. 血液検査を受けていただきたいのですが。 I'd like you to have a blood test. I'd like you to take a blood test. 彼女は私の命より大事である。 She means more than my life to me. She's more important than my life. 小鍋はすぐ熱くなる。 A little pot is soon hot. The pot will get hot soon. その女の子は誰かがドアから出て行くのがわかった。 The girl noticed someone go out of the door. That girl found out someone was going out the door. 「お父さん、質問してもいい?」と彼女は経験を積んだ親なら誰でもおなじみの、我慢強く苛立ちを抑えた調子で口火を切った。 "Let me ask you something, Dad," she began, in a tone of patiently controlled exasperation that every experienced parent is familiar with. " father, can I ask you a question?" 私たちは彼の考えを変えさせようとしたが、できなかった。 We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to change his mind, but we couldn't. 彼の能力はいくら高く評価してもしすぎるということはない。 You cannot overestimate his abilities. His abilities are not too high. 新しい指導者はどんな人ですか。 What is the new leader like? What's your new leader like? どの電車に乗ったら良いのかはっきりわかりませんでした。 I didn't know for certain which train to take. I didn't know exactly which train to ride. 犬は人間よりも速く走る。 Dogs run faster than people. Dogs run faster than humans. 寝る時間ですよ。 It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. スターの野球選手はよくサインを求められる。 Star baseball players are often asked for autographs. Star baseball players are often asked to sign. 邪魔するのか。 You get in my way? You're in my way. 彼は私たちに「すぐに出発しなさい」と言った。 He told us, "Set off at once." He told us to leave now. 私が正直だと思っていた少年が、私をだました。 The boy I thought was honest deceived me. A boy who thought I was honest lied to me. 彼がどのようにして逃げたかはいまだに謎である。 How he escaped still puzzles us. How he escaped remains a mystery. 私はビルを見つけた。 I found the building. I found Bill. 春はすぐそこまで来ている。 Spring is just around the corner. Spring is almost here. 彼はまるで気が狂ったように振る舞った。 He behaved as if he were crazy. He acted like he was crazy. 彼の言ったことは本当であるとわかりました。 What he said proved true. I know what he said is true. ドアを閉めてくれませんか。 Would you mind closing the door? Can you close the door for me? あなたは子供の頃楽しい体験をたくさんしましたか。 Did you have a lot of happy experiences in your childhood? Did you have a lot of fun experiences when you were a kid? 近い内にお便りいただけることを楽しみにしています。 I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I'm looking forward to coming to you soon. この仕事は誰でも良いというわけではない。 I do not want anyone for this job. This job is not for everyone. 彼は眠っているだろう。 He will be sleeping. He'll be asleep. その閣僚はついに辞表提出に追い込まれました。 The cabinet minister ended up submitting his resignation. The minister was finally forced to submit. 笑うな。 Don't laugh. Don't laugh. その話どっかで聞いたことある気がする。 I think I've heard that somewhere before. I feel like I've heard about it in a while. あなたに何か読むものをあげましょうか。 Shall I give you something to read? I'll give you something to read. まだご飯食べてないの? Haven't you eaten yet? You still haven't eaten? シャーレイとアランは結ばれるだろうと以前からずっと思っていた。 I always thought that Shirley and Alan would get together. I've always thought that Sherley and Alan would be united. 彼は手品をして子供達を面白がらせた。 He amused the children by showing them some magic. He used magic to make fun of the kids. 私は彼にそれを秘密にしておくと約束した。 I promised him to keep it secret. I promised to keep it a secret. 少女は病気にもかかわらず学校へいった。 The girl went to school in spite of her illness. The girl went to school despite her illness. 霧はロンドンで見慣れた光景だった。 Fog was a familiar sight in London. The fog was a familiar sight in London. 各種の調査では、民間セクターが政策決定にほとんど影響力をもたないことが示されている。 It has been demonstrated in various researches that the private sector has little influence over policy making. Surveys show that private sectors have little influence on policy decisions. 野球が好きな人もいれば、サッカーが好きな人もいる。 Some people like baseball, others like soccer. Some like baseball, others like soccer. その事故はスモッグのせいであった。 The accident was due to the smog. The accident was the smog. 貧困は幸福への障害とはならない。 Poverty is not a bar to happiness. Poverty is not an obstacle to happiness. どこに何があるか知っているでしょ? You know where everything is. You know where it is, don't you? その町には高い建物がたくさんある。 That town has many tall buildings. There's a lot of tall buildings in that town. ここから富士山が見える。 Mt Fuji can be seen from here. From here you can see Mount Fuji. 彼の今度の小説はすごく退屈だった。たいした作家ではないと思う。 I found his new novel very dull. I don't think he is much of a writer. His next novel was very boring. I don't think he’s much of a writer. じゃあその時までね。 Until then. Until then. 私は京都の叔父のところに泊まるつもりだ。 I'm going to stay with my uncle in Kyoto. I'm going to stay with my uncle in Kyoto. 仮令遊女でも純粋な恋をすれば、その恋は無垢な清いものです。 Even if she's a prostitute which falls in love, her love is a pure and noble feeling. Even if a prostitute has a pure love, her love is innocent and clean. 石を投げてはいけない。 Don't throw stones. Don't throw stones. このタイプライターを特価で買ってきた。 I got this typewriter at a bargain price. I bought this typewriter for a price. 私達は台所を片付けなければならない。 We must clean up the kitchen. We have to clean up the kitchen. 彼はカイロで体を暖めた。 He warmed himself with a pocket heater. He warmed up in Cairo. もし臓器の販売を合法化したら、潜在的な健康問題が生じるかも知れません。 If the sale of organs is legalised, potential health problems may arise. If the sale of organs is legalized, potential health problems may arise. 次のイベントは寒いので、重ね着をして来て下さい。 Since the next event will be cold, please dress warmly. The next event is cold, so please wear a heavy dress. あまり太ったのでカラーの前が合わなかった。 He got so stout that his collar did not meet. I was too fat, so I didn't fit in front of the color. 友情が仕事より大切なのは言うまでもない。 It goes without saying that friendship is more important than business. Of course, friendship is more important than work. 駅はホテルの西の方にある。 The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. 絶好のタイミングに自分の仕事ができれば試合に勝てるよ。 It's going to take crackerjack timing, but if we can work the play, we'll win the game. If you can do your job at the right time, you can win the game. 彼は愛すべき性格の男ある。 He is a man with a lovable character. He has a man of personality to love. ジョンは近頃のみ過ぎだ。 These days John drinks too much. John's too late these days. 合うようにテーブルの高さを修正しなければならない。 You'll have to modify the height of the table to make it fit. You have to modify the height of the table so that it fits. まあ君なら出来るとは思ってたけどね。 Well, I thought if anyone could do it, it would be you. Well, I knew you could do it. 父は工場で働いている。 My father works for a factory. My father works at the factory. 彼らの船は波に揺られていた。 Their ship was at the mercy of the waves. Their ships were shaken by the waves. 商品はすべて陳列台に並べてあります。 All the goods for sale are set out on the tables. All the goods are lined up on the display table. こんなに激しく雨がふっている状態では、出発なんかできない。 With it raining like this, we'll never be able to leave. We can’t leave in such a heavy rain. 私はドアを開きます。 I open the door. I'll open the door. 知らせを聞いて彼は顔を曇らせた。 His face fell when he heard the news. When he heard the news, he clouded his face. この失敗は私に責任がある。 I am responsible for this failure. This failure is my responsibility. ヒトラーは1933年に権力を取った。 Hitler assumed power in 1933. Hitler took power in 1933. そのことについてもっとお聞きしたいのですが。 I'd like to hear more about that. I'd like to ask you more about that. インドのバイヤーと日本のビジネスマンは新製品の値をめぐって激しいやりとりをした。 An Indian buyer and a Japanese businessman haggled over the price of the new product. India's buyer and Japanese businessman had a violent exchange over the value of a new product. 車でたった30分です。 It only takes thirty minutes by car. It's only been 30 minutes in the car. 全部の学生がそこへ行ったわけではない。 Not all the students went there. Not all students went there. 事故の後、警察は近づかないようにと群集に命じた。 After the accident, the police told the crowd to keep back. After the accident, the police ordered the crowd not to come near. 兄は私にかわいらしい人形をくれました。 My brother gave me a cute doll. My brother gave me a pretty doll. パターンがあるはずだ。 There should be a pattern. There has to be a pattern. 野球は好きではないのですか。 Don't you like baseball? Don't you like baseball? 彼女は私の給料が安いとぶつぶつ言った。 She complained to me of my small salary. She told me that my salary was cheap. 彼はお金を払わずにレストランを出ました。 He left the restaurant without paying. He left the restaurant without paying. その手術をするのに医者は8時間かかった。 It took the doctor eight hours to do the operation. It took the doctor eight hours to operate. シスター、この患者から目を離さないでください。 Sister, don't let this patient out of your sight. Sister, keep an eye on this patient. 彼女は私の助言を求めている。 She is seeking my advice. She wants my advice. 彼らは彼女の両足を縛りつけた。 They bound her legs together. They tied her both legs together. 十中八九ジェーンは来るだろう。 It is probable that Jane will come. Most of all, Jane will be here. 彼はこの絵を書いた少年だ。 He is the boy who painted this picture. He's the boy who wrote this painting. 食事中にそんなことをするのは無作法なことです。 It is bad manners to do so at table. It's rude to do that during meals. 私は時計の針を進めた。 I advanced the hands on the clock. I followed the clock needle. 君がくるとは僕は思わなかった。 I had no notion that you were coming. I didn't think you'd come. あの黒い雲を見てごらん。 Look at those black clouds. Look at that black cloud. 彼らは人工芝の上に横たわっていた。 I found them lying on the artificial grass. They were lying on a man-made lawn. ママもパパもひどくいらだっているの。 Mom and Dad are very nervous. Mom and Dad are terrible. これがその少年です。 This is the boy. This is the boy. 最後の1頁を除き全部すんだ。 I've finished all except the last page. All but the last page. 彼はあまり新聞を読まない。 He doesn't read many newspapers. He doesn't read the paper very much. 道の途中で鍵を落としたに違いない。 I must've lost my key along the way. Must have dropped the key on the road. 彼女が何を言おうと落ちついていなさい。 Don't lose your head whatever she says. Whatever she says, stay calm. 彼にはその法案に反対の発言をする気骨があるだろうか。 Will he have the backbone to speak out against the bill? Is he willing to speak up against the bill? たったの一言も彼は言わなかった。 He didn't say a single word. He didn't say a word of it. あなたは私の2倍の力がある。 You are twice as strong as me. You're twice as powerful as I am. 太陽がなければ何も生きられないだろう。 If it were not for the sun, nothing could live. Nothing can live without the sun. もう一回トムに訊いてみて。 Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again. 彼にはその問題に対処する十分な経験がなかった。 He didn't have enough experience to cope with the problem. He didn't have enough experience dealing with the problem. 私は次に何をやればよいのか困った。 I was embarrassed when he talked to me. I don't know what to do next. あなたはとても美しい。 You are very beautiful. You're so beautiful. 今年の春は見るべき新番組がたくさんあります。 There are many new programs to watch this spring. There are a lot of new shows to watch this spring. 彼は日本の内部の事情をよく知っている。 He has a good knowledge of the internal affairs of Japan. He knows what's inside Japan. 勝手にしたら、どうぞお好きなように。 Have it your way. You can do whatever you want. よくくしゃみが出ます。 I sneeze a lot. That's what I'm talking about. 完璧な文章などといったものは存在しない。完璧な絶望が存在しないようにね。 There's no such thing as a perfect sentence. Just as there's no such thing as perfect despair. There is no such thing as a perfect sentence. あなたに歌ってほしい。 I want you to sing. I want you to sing. 彼の病気は過度の飲酒から来ている。 His illness comes of drinking too much. His illness comes from excessive drinking. 昨日魚を食べました。 I ate fish yesterday. I ate fish yesterday. なんでそんなこと言うの? What makes you say that? Why are you saying that? 彼は大観衆に語りかけた。 He addressed a large audience. He spoke to a huge audience. それは秘密です。誰にももらさないで下さい。 It's a secret; don't give it away to anyone. It's a secret, don't let anyone do it. そのことで誤解しないで下さい。 Let there be no mistake about it. Don't get me wrong about that. 台所には卵がいくつありますか。 How many eggs are there in the kitchen? How many eggs do you have in the kitchen? 人間が働かなくていい世界になればいいのに。 I wish the world would change so people did not have to work. I hope it's a world where humans don't have to work. 子供が親から遠く離れていたら、彼らの安全や幸福に関して親がしてやれることはない。 When parents are far away from their children, there is nothing they can do about their safety or welfare. If the children are far away from the parents, the parents can’t do anything about their safety and happiness. 君の負けだ。あきらめろ。 You are beaten. Give up. You lose. Give it up. 御茶をもう少しいただけますか。 Could I have some more tea? Would you like a little more tea? あなたの説明は私には抽象的すぎます。 Your explanation is too abstract to me. Your description is too abstract for me. 私はその時、テレビを見ていました。 I was watching TV then. I was watching TV at the time. 父は毎日日記をつけている。 My father writes in his diary every day. My father has a diary every day. 彼女は結婚したら幸福になるでしょう。 She will be happy when she gets married. She will be happy when she gets married. 配達してもらえませんか。 Can you deliver this? Could you deliver it to me? 英語で書かれていないコメントは削除されます。 Comments not written in English will be deleted. Notes not written in English will be deleted. 私はピアノが弾けます。 I can play the piano. I play the piano. 例えば、フランス人ならロシア人のジョークを聞いてもなかなか笑えないかも知れない。 A Frenchman, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. For example, a Frenchman might find it hard to laugh at Russian jokes. このシチューを作るの手伝ってくれないかしら。 Could you give me a hand with this stew? Can you help me make this stew? 電話をお借りしてもよいでしょうか。 Might I use your phone? Can I borrow your phone? おもしろければどんな本でもかまいません。 Any book will do as long as it is amusing. I don't know if that's a good idea. 今日の学校は以前と同じく立派な仕事をやっている。 Today's school does no poorer a job than it used to. Schools today are doing as well as they used to. 君は標準英語を学ばなくてはいけない。 You have to learn standard English. You have to learn standard English. すみませんが、免許証を見せていただけますか? Excuse me, could you please show me your driving licence? Excuse me, can I see your license? 言うまでもなく、誰でも法律を守る義務がある。 It goes without saying that every one is bound to obey the law. Needless to say, everyone has an obligation to keep the law. とぼけてないで、私の質問にちゃんと答えて! Don't play dumb. Answer my question properly! Don't play dumb with me. Answer my questions right now! 熱があるんです。 I have a fever. He's got a fever. 弟のことなんかほっときなさい。 Leave him alone. Leave my brother alone. 館内に案内所がありますか。 Is there an information counter? Is there a guide center in the hall? 今夜テレビを見てもいいですか。 May I watch TV tonight? Can I watch TV tonight? そのことについては彼は何か言いましたか。 Did he say anything about it to you? Did he say anything about that? 私は誤りを指摘されて決まり悪い思いをした。 I was abashed when my mistakes were pointed out. I had bad times when I was being pointed out wrong. 彼は陸路でイタリアへ行った。 He went to Italy by land. He traveled by land to Italy. コンサートの最中に喋るのは無作法である。 It's rude to talk during a concert. Speaking during a concert is rude. 妹には若さと夢があります。 My sister has youth and dreams. My sister has youth and dreams. 本当にいい天気だ。 It's so lovely a day. It's really good weather. 外国語を学ぶことは楽しい。 Learning a foreign language is fun. Learning a foreign language is fun. それは僕一人でやりたい。 I want to do it myself. That's what I want to do alone. 彼は一介の事務員にすぎない。 He is nothing more than a clerk. He's just a clerk. もはや疑いの余地はない。 There is no longer any room for doubt. There is no doubt anymore. 頭痛はするし、せきでも苦しんでいます。 I have a headache and I am suffering from a cough. I have a headache. I have a hard time. 彼は、たいてい話す前に考える。 More often than not, he thinks before he speaks. He usually thinks about it before he talks. ここに絶え間ない痛みがあります。 I have a continuous pain here. There's constant pain here. 彼が有名な人物だというのがわかります。 I see that he is an able man. I can see he's famous. どうぞお体を大事にして下さい。 Please take care of yourself. Please take care of yourself. 私はコード・リョーコを見るのが好きだ。 I like watching Code Lyoko. I like to see Code Loco. 彼は姉に彼の部屋の壁を塗るのを手伝ってもらった。 He had his older sister help him paint the wall of his room. He got his sister to help him paint the walls of his room. 開きそうにないわ。 It won't open. It's not gonna open. その小屋には誰も住んでないように見えた。 The cottage looked as if nobody were living in it. It looked like no one lived in that hut. 彼女は彼をぶった。 She hit him. She hit him. 警察は彼を捕まえた。 The police have caught him. The police have him. 碁を打つのが私の唯一の娯楽だ。 My only distraction is the game of Go. It's my only pleasure to hit the hammer. 明日忘れないで私を7時に起こしてください。 Please remember to wake me up at seven tomorrow. Don't forget to wake me up tomorrow at 7:00. わたしはどのようにこの問題を解くかわかる。 I understand how to solve the problem. I know how to solve this problem. 私は試合を申し込むつもりだ。 I intend to challenge him to a game. I'm gonna apply for a fight. 口を閉じなさい。 Close your mouth. Shut your mouth. 母の姿を見て子供はすぐに元気になった。 The sight of his mother Instantly enlivened the child. As soon as she looked at her mother, she felt better. 君がこんなに早く来るとは思っていなかった。 I didn't think you'd get here so soon. I didn't think you'd be here so soon. この夏は36年ぶりの暑さになるようだ。 This is going to be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. It seems this summer has been the first time in 36 years. 家族のご多幸を祈ります。 May you and your family be happy. I pray for my family's well-being. 空港までどれくらい距離がありますか。 How far is it to the airport? How far is it to the airport? 彼は日が暮れてからそこに登場した。 He arrived there after dark. He came there after dark. よほど重要な用向きでやってきたことが、彼の顔色で分かった。 I could tell by the look on his face that he had come on very important business. What we've done for a very important purpose turned out to be his face color. 水はかなり多く残っている。 There is quite a bit of water remaining. There's a lot of water left. 会社はそのプロジェクトから手をひいた。 The company drew back from the project. The company got away from the project. 私はトムの幼なじみです。 I'm a childhood friend of Tom's. I'm a childhood friend of Tom. トムを救うにはどうすればいいのですか。 How can we save Tom? What am I supposed to do to save Tom? トムは時計をちらりと見た。 Tom glanced at his watch. Tom glanced at his watch. 私たちは英語の読み方を学びました。 We learned how to read English. We learned how to read English. バッテリー残量が少なくなっています。 Your battery is low. Your battery's running low. 彼女は美人だ遠くから見ると。 She's a beauty from a distance. She's beautiful, from a distance. そんな愚かなことを言うな。 Do not say such foolish things. Don't be such a fool. 私は甘いケーキがとても好きだ。 I like sweet cakes very much. I like sweet cakes very much. こんな風に、彼は私を扱った。 This is the way he treated me. He treated me like this. この人が、あなたが先日ほめていらっしゃった少女ですか。 Is this the girl you spoke well of the other day? Is this the girl you missed the other day? 今朝は骨身にしみる寒さだった。 There was a keen frost this morning. It was cold this morning. 日本は貿易に頼っている。 Japan depends on foreign trade. Japan depends on trade. 犬は首輪をすり抜けた。 The dog slipped his collar. The dog slipped through the collar. 誤解があるようです。 There seems to be a misunderstanding. There seems to be a misunderstanding. 警官は女の子達にこの車は自分たちの物であるかどうかをたずねた。 The policeman said to the girls, "Is this car yours?" The police asked the girls if the car was theirs. トムは戻っていますか? Has Tom returned? Is Tom back? 気分転換に田舎にドライブに行かないかい。 Why don't we drive out to the country for a change of pace? Why don't we take a drive in the country for a change of pace? 12人の音楽家たちが協会を構成しています。 Twelve musicians constitute the society. 12 musicians make up the Society. 一日中ひなたに座っているなんていいはずがありません。 It can't be good sitting in the sun all day. I can't believe I'm sitting on you all day. おじは私たちに新しいテレビを持って来てくれた。 My uncle brought a new TV set for us. My uncle brought us a new TV. 君が必ずしも行く必要はない。 You don't necessarily have to go. You don't have to go. 私が早く去るので彼らは残念がった。 My leaving early made them feel sorry. They were sorry I left earlier. 彼は私と同じ職場にいます。 He works with me at the office. He's at work with me. あいつとは今後関係がない。 I've done with him for the future. I have nothing to do with him. 今の子供たちは人生におけるどのような問題でもリセットできると思っている。 Kids these days think that any issue in life can be resolved as easily as restarting a computer game. Today, children think they can reset any problem in life. 彼が息子を自慢に思うのも無理はない。 It's not surprising that he be proud of his son. No wonder he's proud of his son. 学校に行く途中、私はにわか雨にあった。 While I was going to school, I was caught in a shower. On my way to school, I was in the rain. あなたはピカソが描いたその絵を見たことがありますか。 Have you ever seen the picture painted by Picasso? You've seen that painting that Picaso drew. 昔は門のところにライオンの像があったものだ。 There used to be a statue of a lion at the gate. Once upon a time, there was a lion statue at the gate. 父は私にその会に出ないように言っていたが、私は出席した。 I attended the meeting though my father told me not to. My father told me not to go to that meeting, but I attended. 値段が高すぎる! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! その袋は大きかった。おまけに重かった。 The bag was big, and moreover, it was heavy. The bag was huge. It was heavy. 彼女の援助を求めても無駄である。 It is no use asking for her help. It is useless to seek her help. これが私が遅れた理由です。 This is the reason why I came late. This is why I was late. 私たちと一緒に食事しませんか。 Why not have dinner with us? Why don't you eat with us? 睡眠をとったほうがいい。 You need sleep. You should get some sleep. 彼女は彼のいう事が聞こえないふりをした。 She pretended not to hear him. She pretended she couldn't hear him. 彼女は編物を横において立ち上がった。 She put her knitting aside and stood up. She stood on the side of the painting. 貴方の到着時間を私たちに知らせてください。 Let us know when you'll arrive. Let us know your arrival time. あなたの夕飯はオーブンの中に入れてあります。 I have left you your dinner in the oven. Your dinner is in the oven. ジュリーが明日やってくると知って僕は驚いて倒れそうになったよ。 When I learned that Julie was coming for a visit tomorrow, I was so surprised I almost fainted. I was surprised to find Julie coming tomorrow. 泣いても笑ってもあと一日。 There is only one day left, whether we like it or not. Crying and laughing one more day. だからお互いに助け合う必要があったので、そういう意味では妹との絆は強かった。 Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong. That’s why we needed to help each other, so my sister and I were strong in that sense. 会議は2時半に始まります。 The meeting starts at 2:30. The meeting starts at 2:30. 私はもうこれ以上食べられない。 I can't eat any more. I can't eat anymore. 私は約1マイル歩いた。 I walked about a mile. I walked about a mile. 私たちが何をしているのかと思っていることでしょう。 He will be wondering what we are doing. I'm sure you're wondering what we're doing. 金より体。 Health is better than wealth. It's more of a body than gold. いつでも本当のことを言いなさい。 Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. 今回だけは許してあげる。 I'll forgive you just this once. I'll forgive you for this one time. あとでまた、彼に電話します。 I'll call him back later. I'll call him back later. またお話できたら嬉しいです。 I look forward to speaking with you again. It's nice to talk to you again. もしものときのために、お金は多少蓄えておいたほうがいいよ。 You'd better put aside some money for a rainy day. It’s better to store some money in case something happens. テレビは精神を受け身の状態にして置くという点で有害である。 TV is harmful in that it keeps your mind in a passive state. Television is harmful when it is kept in a mental state. 彼は姉が3人います。 He has three elder sisters. He has three sisters. 動いている列車に飛び乗るのは危険である。 It is dangerous to jump onto a moving train. It is dangerous to jump on a moving train. 彼の政権はきっと崩壊する。 His regime is bound to collapse. His regime will collapse. 彼は黒いズボンをはき、美しい白いワイシャツを着ていました。 He was wearing black trousers and a beautiful white shirt. He was wearing black pants and a beautiful white shirt. 顔色が悪いです。 He looks pale. You don't look so good. 彼は息子を怠けていると言って注意した。 He admonished his son for being lazy. He said he was lazy. トムは結婚したがっている。 Tom wants to get married. Tom wants to get married. ジムは弁護士でなく医者だ。 Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor. 元栓、しまってる。 The main tap is turned off. It's got an ex-blem. この辞書はまるで使い物にならない。 This dictionary is completely useless. This dictionary is no use to me. 彼はいくつかのコインを取り出した。 He took out some coins. He took out some coins. 業績は自分でやったのでなければ、自分のものと見なすことはできない。 An accomplishment cannot be looked upon as yours unless you paddled your own canoe. You can’t take it as your own unless you do it yourself. 私たちはローマへ行って、そこに一週間滞在した。 We went to Rome, where we stayed a week. We went to Rome and stayed there for a week. どこのご出身ですか。 Where do you come from? Where are you from? 疲れましたか。 Are you tired? You're tired. 彼らは明らかに違うことを考えている。 They clearly have something different in mind. They're obviously thinking something different. フランス語はグリーン先生ではなくホワイト先生が教えられます。 French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. The French are taught not by Mr. Green, but by Mr. White. 彼はそれ以上怒りを堪える事が出来なかった。 He couldn't keep his temper any longer. He was not able to put up with any more anger. 一般的に言えば、女は男よりも長生きする。 Generally speaking, a woman will live longer than a man. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. あんな奴のどこがいいんだよ? ただの女たらしじゃねえか。 What!? I can't see anything good about him. Doesn't he just break all the girls' hearts? I don't know what you like about him, but he's just a woman. 休日で車は街道をのろのろと動いた。 The holiday traffic crawled along the highway. On holiday, the car flew down the street. 私がその知らせを伝えると、ホワイト夫人はわっと泣きだした。 Mrs. White broke into tears when I told her the news. When I told her the news, Mrs. White burst into tears. 自分がその賞を得ようとは全く思っていなかった。 Little did I think that I would win the prize. I never thought I would win that award. あれは大した詩だ。 I call that some poem. That's a great poem. 私は彼を支店に転勤させることを決定した。 I decided that he should be transferred to the branch. I decided to move him to the branch. このひもは強い。 This string is strong. It's strong. あなたの答えは答えになっていない。 Your answer doesn't make sense. Your answer is not the answer. 彼女は自殺しようとした。 She tried to commit suicide. She tried to kill herself. 彼女が言っていることを理解するのに彼には随分時間がかかった。 It took him a long time to take in what she was saying. It took him a long time to understand what she was saying. トムに「ダメ」と伝えて。 Tell Tom no. Tell Tom no. サラダの作り方を教えて。 Teach me how to make a salad. Tell me how to make a salad. 食卓にたくさんの皿がのっている。 There are a lot of dishes on the table. There's lots of plates on the table. この間なくしたと言っていた傘は見つかりましたか。 Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day? Did you find the umbrella that you just said it was a short time ago? 棚の寸法はいくらあるか。 What are the measurements of the shelf? How much size do you have on the shelf? 彼女は昔、日記を付けていたが今はつけていない。 She used to keep a diary, but doesn't anymore. She used to keep a diary, but she hasn't. あいつ酔うと人が変わるから一緒に飲みたくないんだよ。 He's a different person when he's drunk, so I don't like to drink with him. He doesn't want to drink with you because people change when he gets drunk. 今日はついてない。 This is not my day. Not today. その事故はいつ彼女の身に起こったのか。 When did the accident happen to her? When did that accident happen to her? その催し物にはかなり多くの人が出た。 Quite a few people turned out for the event. There were quite a few of them. 外国語を話すのは簡単じゃない。 Speaking foreign languages is not easy. It's not easy to speak a foreign language. 私はあなたにそれをすぐにしてもらいたい。 I want you to do it at once. I want you to do it right away. 予定通りに、その業者は、時間がもう少し欲しい、と言ってきた。 Right on schedule, that contractor came around today, begging for more time. As planned, he said he wanted more time. どうか水を一杯持ってきてください。 Bring me a glass of water, please. Please bring me a glass of water. 押せばドアが開きます。 You have to push that door to open it. Press and the door opens. ジョンは私より2つ年下だ。 John is my junior by two years. John's two years younger than me. 私は将来医者になりたい。 I want to become a doctor in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. 彼の説明は説得力に欠けている。 His explanation is unconvincing. His explanation is unconvinced. ケーキが焦げたのは私の失敗です。電話で話していて、時間に気付かなかったのです。 It's my fault that the cake was burned. I was talking on the phone and didn't notice the time. My mistake is that the cake was burned. I was talking on the phone, and I didn't notice the time. 僕と一緒にコンサートに行って欲しいんだけど。 I would like to go to the concert with you. I want you to go to the concert with me. このシャツはアイロンをかける必要がある。 This shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs to be ironed. フランス語が話せるんですってね。トムが言ってましたよ。 Tom said you spoke French. You speak French. Tom said you speak French. アメリカへ行くくらいなら、国内にいるほうがましだ。 You might as well stay at home as go to America. I would rather stay in the country than go to America. 日本の学生の中には、よくあることなのだが、あまり勉強しないのがいる。 Some Japanese college students, as is often the case with them, don't study very much. Some Japanese students do not study much, although it is common. 彼女は病院に運ばれているところだった。 She was being carried to the hospital. She was being taken to a hospital. 違いが分かるには遅すぎた。 I came to the realization too late to make a difference. It's too late to tell the difference. 長いことずっとあの車が欲しいと思っている。 I have long wanted that car. I've wanted that car for a long time. 蚊に刺された。 I was bitten by a mosquito. Mosquito bit me. 息子さんの健康については何の心配もいらない。 You need not have any anxiety about your son's health. Don't worry about your son's health. 生は難しく、死は安い。 Life is hard, death is cheap. Life is hard, death is cheap. 私は兄ほど勤勉ではない。 I am not so diligent as my brother. I'm not as diligent as my brother. 我々は皆国家遺産を守るように気をつけなければならない。 We must all take care to preserve our national heritage. We all have to be careful to protect our national heritage. コンピューター端末はずっと一列に並んでいた。 The computer terminals were lined up in one long row. Computer terminals have been in line for a long time. メールの返信が遅くなってごめんなさい。 I'm sorry I'm late replying to your email. I'm sorry I'm late to respond to your e-mails. あいつら皆、僕がイスラム教徒だって知ってるよ。 They all know I'm a Muslim. They all know I'm Muslim. 彼を彼の弟と間違えっこない。 You can't mistake him for his younger brother. I won't mistake him for his brother. ハイキングは中止にしたほうがいいわね。 We'd better cancel the hike. I think we should cancel the hike. 犯罪は時に法律を知らないために引き起こされる。 Crimes sometimes result from ignorance of the law. Crime is sometimes caused by ignorance of the law. 誤解を正させてください。 Please let me set the record straight. Let me clear up the misunderstanding. 本気でそう言っていんのか。 Do you really mean it? Is that really what you're saying? 空いている部屋はありますか。 Do you have any vacancies? Is there an empty room? 戦争には悲惨と悲しみがつきものだ。 The accompaniments of the war are misery and sorrow. War is accompanied by misery and sorrow. 彼はイギリスへ2度行ったことがあります。 He has been to England twice. He's been to England twice. あなたは行く必要はないと彼は言った。 He said that you need not go. You don't have to go. He said. アメリカの大学に応募する際に、トフルの成績は一つの要因でしかない。 When applying to American universities, your TOEFL score is only one factor. When you apply for a college in the United States, your grades are only one factor. 闘争は満足の行ったことに和解に終わった。 The struggle ended in a satisfactory settlement. The struggle ended with satisfaction and reconciliation. 彼女は風邪を引きやすかった。 She caught colds often. She was able to attract a cold. この本はもう読みましたか。 Have you read this book? You already read this book. その軍隊は十分な武器を持っていた。 The army had plenty of weapons. That army had enough weapons. 彼女の言っていることを理解するのに彼にはずいぶん時間がかかった。 It took him a long time to take in what she was saying. It took him a long time to understand what she was saying. トムは明日メアリーがどうやって学校に行くのか知らない。 Tom doesn't know how Mary will get to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't know how Mary goes to school tomorrow. 私たちは見知らぬ人が家に入るのを見た。 We saw a stranger enter the house. We saw strangers entering the house. その犯罪の第一の要因は何ですか。 What is the main cause of the crime? What is the primary factor in that crime? ここでは果実を栽培しています。 They grow fruit here. We're growing fruit here. これを選びます。 This is my choice. I'll pick this one. 彼は皆から嫌われている。 He is hated by all. He's hated by everyone. 乗客は全員乗りましたか。 Are all passengers on board? All passengers aboard? 彼女は息子を誇りにしている。 She is proud of her son. She's proud of her son. みんな鉛筆持ってる? Does everybody have a pencil? Does everyone have a pencil? あの歌は若い人達に非常に人気がある。 That song is very popular with young people. The song is very popular with young people. 目的はよいとしても、どのようにその計画を実行するのか。 Granting that the aim is right, how will you carry out the plan? Whether it's for a good purpose or for a better purpose, how will it be carried out? いたずらっ子にすっかり花壇を踏み荒らした。 My flower garden was trampled by urchins. I broke into the flower table completely against the prankster. トムもメアリーも共に30代です。 Both Tom and Mary are in their thirties. Tom and Mary are in their 30s together. 始めましょう。 Let's begin. Let's get started. そうやって俺のことを気にしつつ、しかし素直になりきれない、そのツンデレさが今若い男の間で大ブーム! That way you keep thinking about me but are unable to admit to your feelings, that hot and cold feel is a real boom among young men! That's how you care about me, but you can't be honest with me, that's a huge boom between young men right now! 彼が帰ってきたのはホームシックだったからではなく、お金がなくなったからだ。 He came home because he had run out of money, not because he was homesick. He came home not because he was homesick, but because the money was gone. 福祉は十分に行き渡っていないように思うんですけど。 I think welfare isn't enough to go around. I don't think our welfare has gone well enough. その仕事をするの友人と協力しなさい。 Cooperate with your friends in doing the work. Cooperate with friends who do that work. ものすごい勢いで駆けていった。 He was flying down the road. He ran like hell. 窓際のテーブルがいいのですが。 Could we have a table by the window? I'd like a window table. どうもコンピューターの調子が悪いようだ。 It seems that something is wrong with the computer. Something's wrong with your computer. とても寒かったので外出しませんでした。 I didn't go out because it was very cold. It was so cold that I didn't go out. 私は、彼の電話を待ってます。 I'm waiting for his telephone call. I'll be waiting for his phone. 彼はほとんど滅多に映画を見にいかない。 He seldom, if ever, goes to see the movies. He rarely goes to the movies. 彼女は、彼にぜひ今いる所に留まってほしいと言った。 She insisted that he should stay where he was. She said she wanted him to stay where he is. 彼女は我が子の死に悲しんで泣いた。 She wept over her child's death. She wept over the death of her child. 時間はたっぷりあった。 You had plenty of time. We had plenty of time. 彼の言ったことは的はずれだった。 What he said was beside the point. What he said was wrong. 音楽は私たちを大いに楽しませてくれる。 Music affords us much pleasure. Music is a great pleasure to us. 彼らのうち何人かは私の友達です。 Some of them are my friends. Some of them are my friends. 何てこった、初心者にやられた! omg a n00b pwned me! Oh, my God. I've never seen anything like this before! 彼は歩いて学校に行っている。 He goes to school on foot. He's going to school on foot. 無意味なことに人生を浪費するな。 Don't waste your life on meaningless things. Don't waste your life on meaningless things. 父は病気から回復した。 My father got well again. My father recovered from his illness. 彼は後を見た。 He looked back. He saw after. お前はまだ一人で泳ぎに行くにはまだ幼すぎる。 You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're still too young to go swimming alone. おすすめの薬は何ですか。 What medicine do you recommend? What's your medicine? あの水を飲むと気持ちが悪い。 I don't feel well after drinking that water. I don't like drinking that water. 負傷した兵士はほとんど歩けなかった。 The wounded soldier could hardly walk. Wounded soldiers could hardly walk. この川は太平洋に注いでいる。 The river flows into the Pacific Ocean. The river pours into the Pacific Ocean. 彼は死ぬまで独身だった。 He remained single till the end of his day. He was single until his death. 私はテレビを見るより読書するほうが好きです。 I prefer reading books to watching television. I prefer reading to watching TV. 彼の言に従って行動するのはりこうではない。 It is not wise to go by his word. We are not going to do what he says. お茶をもう少しいかがですか。 Would you like some more tea? Would you like a little more tea? 彼は突然話をやめた。 He ceased talking suddenly. He stopped talking all of a sudden. 一般的に言って、子供は戸外で遊ぶのが好きだ。 Generally speaking, children like to play outdoors. Generally speaking, children like to play out. 恋人たちは自分たちの頭文字をかしの木に刻んだ。 The couples carved their initials in oak trees. The lovers carved their initials on a tree. はるか昔の初期の文化においては、競技で使われているボールは太陽を象徴していました。 Long ago in early cultures, the ball in the game was the symbol of the sun. In ancient cultures, the ball used in the games represented the sun. まったくひどい日だったわ。 It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. 「雪、きれいだね」「そうだね。でもメアリーの方がもっときれいだよ」 "The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, but Mary, you're even more beautiful." It's snowy, isn't it? そうね。いずれ分かることね。 Well, it's all come out in the wash. You're right. You'll figure it out. バグだか何だか分かんないけど、このソフトはちゃんと動かない。 I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. I don't know if it's a bug or something, but this software doesn't work. 彼女はなんでもかんでも引き出しにほうりこんだ。 She bundled everything into the drawers. She's in the drawer at all costs. もし皆の援助がなかったら、私は試験に合格しなかったでしょう。 But for everybody's support, I would not have passed the examination. If I didn't have everyone's help, I wouldn't have passed the exam. その話はいいよ。興味ないから。 Don’t bother explaining. Because I’m not interested. I don't want to talk about it. I don't care. 彼はまず朝食をたっぷりとることから始めた。 He started off with a good breakfast. He started with a lot of breakfast. そのホテルは見晴らしがよい。 The hotel has a good prospect. Look at the hotel. 彼は深いため息をついた。 He gave a deep sigh. He took a deep sigh. あなたが正しいのはわかっています。 I know you're right. I know you're right. 今、怖くない。 I'm not afraid now. I'm not afraid now. 庭の雑草を抜くのは彼の仕事だ。 It's his job to pull the weeds in the garden. It's his job to pull out the weeds in the garden. 彼は有能な人だが、他方では、私たちに要求が多すぎる。 He is able man, but on the other hand he asks too much of us. He's capable, but on the other hand, too much demands on us. 仕事を終えてから、私は散歩に出かけた。 Having finished the work, I went out for a walk. After work, I went for a walk. トラングのパーティーはお通夜みたいだった。 Trang's party was as much fun as a funeral wake. The party at Trang was like a wake. 市の美術館での彼の展覧会には全く興味をそそられなかった。 His exhibition at the city museum didn't appeal to me at all. I was never interested in his exhibition at the city museum. 春にはたくさんの花が咲き始める。 A lot of flowers begin to bloom in spring. In the spring, a lot of flowers begin to bloom. とにかくそのプログラムは成功だった。 At any rate, the program was a success. Anyway, the program was a success. ネコがひっくり返すといけないから、ビンに栓をしなさい。 Put the cap back on the bottle in case the cat knocks it over. It's got to be turned over by the cat, so stick the bottle. これはなんと面白い本でしょう。 What an interesting book this is! What a funny book. うむ。これだけのことをされて、ブチキレないほうがおかしい。 So. Having had all that done to him it would be stranger if he wasn't enraged. I don't think it's fair to do this and don't get mad. 彼はいつも出来る限り遅くまでベッドの中にいる。 He always stays in bed as late as he can. He's always in bed as late as he can. じつをいうと、二人は夫婦ではないのです。 To tell the truth, they are not husband and wife. In the meantime, they are not married couples. その岩は私達の頭上に突き出ていた。 The rock projected over us like a roof. The rock was thrust over us. その本を持って行っても構いません。 It doesn't matter to me if you take that book. You can take that book with you. 私は昼までに手紙を書き終えた。 I finished writing the letter by noon. I finished my letter by noon. お前なら勝てる。楽勝だよ! You can do it. It'll be a cakewalk! You're gonna win! You're gonna win! この場合にはその新しい規則があてはまる。 The new rule holds good in this case. In this case, the new rule applies. いくら家の中だからって、すっぽんぽんで歩き回るのはやめてよ! No matter how much you keep saying this is your house, please stop walking around naked. You can't just walk around like this because you're in the house! 英語を上達させたいなら、できるだけ英語を話すようにつとめなさい。 Try to speak English as often as possible if you want to improve your English. If you want to improve your English, try to speak as much English as possible. 大波を受けて彼のカヌーは転覆した。 A big wave turned over his canoe. After a big wave, his canoe capsized. 私たちが到着すると、いっぱいのご馳走が待ちかまえていました。 We arrived to find a huge meal ready for us. When we arrived, we were waiting for a treat. 木の葉は秋には黄色になる。 The leaves of the trees turn yellow in fall. The leaves of the tree will be yellow in autumn. 編集者と出版者がそのパーティーに出席していた。 The editor and the publisher were present at the party. The editors and publishers attended the party. 彼は私の話をゆがめて伝えた。 He has distorted my speech. He told me the story. 彼女はフランスで一番のテニス選手だと言われている。 It is said that she is the best tennis player in France. She is said to be France's best tennis player. 昨日の火事のことを聞きましたか。 Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? 私は長嶋茂雄を除いては誰も国民的英雄と考えることはできない。 I cannot look on anybody as a national hero with the exception of Shigeo Nagashima. I can't think of anyone as a national hero except Mao Mao. 彼女はごくささいなことでカッとなった。 She lost her temper at the slightest provocation. She was cut in half. 車に徐行するようにと合図した。 I signaled the car to go slow. I signaled to get in the car. ここでは喫煙してはいけないことになっています。 You are not supposed to smoke in here. You shouldn't smoke here. 彼はあの仕事を何十年もしている。 He has had that job for decades. He's been doing that job for decades. 今年の夏休みは、どこに遊びに行きたい? Where do you want to go this summer vacation? Where do you want to go this summer vacation? ホテルまで私を乗せていってくれませんか。 Could you take me as far as my hotel? Why don't you give me a ride to the hotel? ついに彼は目的を達成した。 Finally, he achieved his goal. Finally, he achieved his purpose. その発表を聞いて彼は飛び上がった。 The announcement brought him to his feet. When he heard the announcement, he jumped out. 私たちは2時間の労働と10分の休憩を交互にとった。 We alternated two hours of work and ten minutes of rest. We shared two hours of work and a ten-minute break. 人口は変動しないでいる。 The population remains stationary. The population is not changing. 私たちは、経費を切りつめなければならない。 We must cut down our expenses. We have to cut costs. 君が彼を罰するのは筋違いだと思った。 We thought it wrong that you should punish him. I thought it was a mistake for you to punish him. 私あての手紙が届いていますか。 Have any letters arrived for me? You have a letter for me. その仕事は大急ぎで行われた。 That work was done very quickly. The work was done in a hurry. 私はラジオで音楽を聞くのも好きだ。 I also like listening to music on the radio. I also like listening to music on the radio. 私は良くテレビでナイターを見るんです。 I often watch night games on TV. I'm a lot of watchers on TV. 彼の有罪は疑いの余地はない。 There is no room for doubt about his guilt. There is no doubt about his guilt. 家の中でコートが無くなるはずはない。 You can't have lost your coat in the house. There's no way there's no coat in the house. 私は彼を親友の一人と考えています。 I think of him as one of my good friends. I think he's one of my best friends. あなたのご招待はほんとにうれしいのですが・・・。 I appreciate your invitation, but... I really appreciate your invitation, but... 彼女は非常にうれしかったので、踊り出した。 Such was her delight that she began to dance. She was very happy, so she began to dance. 意思の弱い人は批判の的になる。だから友だちでさえも、その欠点を直せるものならとおもってかれをいじめようとするだろう。 A man of weak will is the target of criticism; even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects. The weak will be critical, and even friends will try to bully him with the hope that he can fix his flaws. 彼はじきに彼女が言ったことの重大さを理解した。 He soon comprehended the significance of her words. He soon understood the gravity of what she had said. 道はここからゆるやかな上りだ。 The road ascends gently here. The road's just getting up from here. 車に乗せてくれないか。 Why don't you give me a ride? Get me in the car. 二人の男の子は思っていたよりもよく似ている。 The two boys look more alike than I thought. The two boys are much more alike than I thought. お金が必要なら、いくらかお貸ししましょう。 If you need money, I'll lend you some. If you need money, I'll lend you some money. 口は乾いていました。 My mouth was dry. Her mouth was dry. 夜を徹するか否か。 To work all night, or not. I don't know if I'll spend the night. あの少年はトムですかベンですか。 Is that boy Tom or Ben? Is that the boy Tom or Ben? ロンドンに行く以上一つや二つの芝居を見なければ。 As long as I'm going to be in London, I ought to see a play or two. I have to watch one or two plays more than I have to go to London. その兵士は傷ついて地面に横たわっていた。 The soldier lay injured on the ground. The soldier was injured and lying on the ground. あなたがトムと話しているのを見ました。 I saw you talking to Tom. I saw you talking to Tom. 彼らは雪の中に熊の足跡を見つけた。 They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found a trail of bears in the snow. ここではほとんど雨が降ることがない。 It almost never rains here. There's almost no rain here. 石油の代りにアルコールを使うべきだ。 We should substitute alcohol for oil. We should use alcohol for oil. 私は1950年1月8日に東京で生まれました。 I was born in Tokyo on the eighth of January in 1950. I was born in Tokyo on January 8, 1950. 彼は毎週バイクを洗います。 He washes the bike every week. He wash his bike every week. バイト探してるんだ。 I'm looking for a part-time job. I'm looking for a part-time job. これらの鳥は冬には北アフリカに渡る。 These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. These birds travel to North Africa in winter. 図書館の前の木の下で昼食を食べている男性が何人かいた。 There were some men eating their lunches under the trees in front of the library. Several men were eating lunch under the tree in front of the library. 子供のいる所でそんなことを言うものではない。 You shouldn't say such a thing in the presence of children. Don't say that in the presence of children. この騒音には、もう我慢できないの。 I can't bear this noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. 英国人と親しくなるには時間がかかるそうだ。 I hear it takes time to make friends with the English people. He says it takes time to get close to the British. 取り入れ時には天気がよかった。 The weather was good at harvest. The weather was good when we took it in. だれかが部屋に入った。 Someone entered the room. Someone's in the room. この道の幅はどれくらいですか。 How wide is this road? So what's the width of this road? そのレースに勝つ人は誰であれ、その賞をもらえます。 Whoever wins the race will receive the prize. Whoever wins that race gets that award. インクで書かなくてはならないか。 Do I have to write in ink? I have to write it in ink. 箱の中には梨がいくつかある。 There are some pears in the box. There's a couple of candles in the box. こんなつまらないことをやめにしたいと彼は言った。 He said he wanted to put an end to such a trifle. He said he wanted to stop this nonsense. 彼らはソフトウエア製品を扱っている。 They deal in software products. They're dealing with software products. 山を掘り抜いてトンネルが造られた。 A tunnel has been bored through the mountain. They dug up the mountain and built a tunnel. 私が君なら、そんなことはしないのに。 If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. I wouldn't do that if I were you. 彼はそれを上着の下から出した。 He took it out from under his coat. He pulled it out of his jacket. 絶対必要でない限りタクシーを使わない。 Unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't use taxis. You don't use a taxi unless you absolutely need it. 私は恐竜の進化にとても興味を持っている。 I have a great interest in the evolution of dinosaurs. I'm very interested in the evolution of dinosaurs. 彼らはジョージの失敗を非難した。 They blamed George for the failure. They blamed George for his failure. 私は違います。あなたです。 No I'm not; you are! I don't think so. 彼女には兄弟はいない。 She has no brothers. She doesn't have a brother. それはすごい。 That sounds great. That's great. 私はコンサートに行くことを楽しみに待っている。 I'm looking forward to going to the concert. I look forward to going to the concert. 私の家はにぎやかな通りに面しています。 My house faces a busy street. My house is facing the steep streets. 今後旅行の際はぜひ当社をご検討ください。 Please consider us in the future for all your travel needs. Please consider the company for your next trip. このズボンはアイロンをかける必要がある。 These trousers need pressing. These pants need to be ironed. 私はリンゴが一番好きだ。 I like apples best. I like apples the best. 結婚したくないからおばあちゃんは僕の事をカタワだとか言ってました。 Because I don't want to marry, my grandmother called me a cripple. My grandmother told me that she didn't want to marry me. 彼には子供がいない。 He has no children. He doesn't have children. 列車は何時に大阪に着きますか。 What time does the train reach Osaka? What time will the train reach Osaka? 「・・・つまり、セックス!?」「うわあ、健二ったら・・・みもふたもない」 "... in other words, sex!?" "Geez, you don't beat around the bush!" I mean, sex? これを小銭に換えてもらえますか。 Can you change this into small money? Let's do another one. 恋人達はキスをした。 The lovers kissed. The lovers kissed. 人々は川を船で運ばれた。 The people were ferried across the river. People were taken by boat through the river. 6歳ぐらいから鍵っ子生活だったんだから。 From about age 6, I led the life of a latchkey kid. I've been a key child since I was about six. どちらでも好きな道を行っていただいて構いません。 You can take whichever road you like. You can either go your own way. 彼女は私の計画にはまるで反対だ。 She has a strong objection to my plan. She's just the opposite of my plan. 彼女は、彼が微笑んでいるのを見た。 She saw him smile. She saw him smiling. 一円玉を水に浮かせ、そこに磁石をゆっくり近づけると、一円玉は磁石に近づく。 If you float a one yen coin on water and move a magnet slowly towards it then the coin will approach the magnet. When the sphere is floated in water and the magnet is slowly drawn closer to the magnet, the ball is drawn closer to the magnet. 私は牛乳が飲みたい。 I want to drink milk. I want milk. その仕事は容易に考えていたが一週間かかってしまった。 The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week. It was easy to think about, but it took a week. 彼は試験に失敗して気を落としている。 He is discouraged by his failure in the examination. He has failed his exam, and he's upset. 素直に言えば、君は誤りを犯した。 Frankly speaking, you made a mistake. To be honest, you made a mistake. 知人が増えれば増えるほど、それだけ会う時間が少なくなる。 The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. The more people I know, the less time I have to see them. 子供さんを連れてきなさいよ。 Bring your children along. Why don't you take your kids with you? その製品は世界的な規模で販売されている。 The products are sold on a world scale. The product is being sold on a global scale. それを前に言ってくれればよかったのに。 You should've told me that before. You should have told me that before. ひろしは困り果てているのよ。レポートを書くのに必要な一冊しかない本をなくしてしまったの。 Hiroshi is worn out with worry since he lost the only copy of the book he needed for his report. I've lost the only book I need to write my report. 若いキャンパーたちは新しい防水上着を身につけていた。 The young campers were kited out with new waterproof jackets. The young campers were wearing new waterproof clothing. 父は今までに病気になったことがない。 Father has never gotten sick in his life. He's never been sick before. タクシーがなかったので、私は歩いて帰らなければならなかった。 As there was no taxi, I had to walk home. I had to walk home because there wasn't a taxi. 賭けてもいいが君は間違っているよ。 I'll bet you that you're wrong about that. I bet you're wrong. 日の光がだんだん衰えてきた。 The light became weaker and weaker. Sunlight's starting to fade. 私達、映画に行くのだけど。いっしょに行く気ありますか。 We're going to the movies. Are you game? We're going to the movie. Are you going with us? 今は手を握るという行為はひどく無粋な気がした。 I feel like holding hands now would be incredibly boorish. The act of holding hands now made me feel terrible. トムの視力は衰えつつある。 Tom's eyesight is deteriorating. Tom's eyesight is failing. 幸いなことに間に合った。 Fortunately, I was on time. I'm lucky to have it in time. 誰が知るものか。 Who knows? Who knows. 彼女は釣りが大好きです。 She loves to fish. She loves fishing. この本は私には読みやすい。 This book is easy for me to read. This book is easy for me to read. まさにロンドンを出発しようとしていた時、雪が降り出した。 When I was on the point of leaving London, it began to snow. When I was about to leave London, the snow came down. そのレポーターは戦争について直接に知った。 The reporter learned about war first hand. The reporter learned firsthand about the war. 明日の朝7時にモーニングコールしてください。 I'd like a wake-up call at seven tomorrow morning. Call morning at 7:00 tomorrow morning. 古い機種に比べてこちらのほうがずっと扱いやすい。 Compared with the old model, this is far easier to handle. This is much easier to handle than the old model. 彼は話題の乏しい人だ。 He has no small talk. He's a low profile. 2人を比較すると彼の方が形勢不利だった。 The comparison between the two was to his disadvantage. When I compared them to him, he was a bit of a mess. どうでしたか、旅行? How was your trip? How was your trip? 彼女の帽子はおかしかった。 Her hat looked funny. Her hat was weird. 彼は息子が着いた日に亡くなった。 He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day he arrived. シンジは新しい学校での生活になかなかなじめなかった。だが、エヴァのパイロットであるという事実は彼を人気者にした。 Shinji found it very difficult to adjust himself to life in the new school. However, the fact that he was an EVA pilot made him popular. She had difficulty adjusting to her new school life, but the fact that she was Eva’s pilot made him popular. 火事の際は119番に電話してください。 In case of fire, call 119. Call 119 when you're on fire. 彼は弁護士ではないと思います。 I don't believe he's a lawyer. I don't think he's a lawyer. アンは病気のようだ。 Ann seems to be ill. Ann looks sick. 家で休むくらいならむしろ外出したい。 I would rather go out than stay at home. I want to go out rather than rest at home. ご親切に対し深く感謝申し上げます。 I wish to express my deep appreciation for your kindness. Thank you so much for your kindness. 言葉は宇宙の果てへと飛び出していく。 Words travel across the universe. Words go out to the ends of the universe. 彼は今日も帰りが遅い。 He is also returning late today. He's late today. トムはまだ字が書けない。 Tom can't write yet. Tom can't write yet. 彼はバター付きパンが好きだ。 He likes bread and butter. He likes bread with butter. わがチームが負けた。 Our team lost. My team lost. トムは女性に生まれ変わりたいと思っている。 Tom would like to be reincarnated as a woman. Tom wants to be born a woman. 私は滑って階段から転げ落ちた。 I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell down the stairs. 我々は激しく戦った。 We fought a hard battle. We fought hard. 一歩踏み出せば半分終わったも同じ。 The first step is as good as half over. If you take a step, you're half done. 彼女は冗談を言おうと努力したが、うまくいかなかった。 She made an effort at joking but it fell quite flat. She tried to make a joke, but it didn't work out. 自分を愛さないものはいない。 There is no man but loves himself. There is nothing you can do to love yourself. ケンはわずか10冊しか本を持っていない。 Ken has no more than ten books. Ken has only 10 books. それはあなたには小さすぎてかぶれない。 That's too small to fit on your head. It's too small for you. 君の夢が実現する日は必ず来るだろう。 The day is sure to come when your dream will come true. The day will come when your dreams will come true. 窓を閉めてくださいませんか。 Would you mind closing the window? Can you close the window, please? 部屋の大きさは、これで十分ですか。 Is the room big enough for you? So let's think about how big this room is going to be. 「ラッキー! お釣りがちょうど256円だった」「ちょうどってどこが?」「ちょうどぴったし2の8乗じゃん」 "You're lucky! Your change comes to exactly 256 yen." "What do you mean by exactly?" "It's exactly two to the power of eight." And I said, "Well, lucky for you, the change was just 256 yen." オフィスに時間ぴったりについた。 We arrived at the office on time. It's right in the office. こちらに来なさい、そうすれば見せてあげます。 Come here, and I'll show you. Come here, and I'll show you. 彼は父親に似ていると思う。 I think he takes after his father. I think he's like his father. 聞こえますか。 Can you hear me? Do you copy? 彼には頼れる友人がいない。 He has no friends to fall back on. He doesn't have any friends he can count on. 私は彼女のいうことを理解する。 I can make out what she said. I understand what she's saying. 白ペンキを塗ると部屋が明るくなるでしょう。 White paint will brighten the room. So let's see if we can do that. 私はその少年の話したフランス語の流ちょうさに驚いた。 I was amazed at the fluency with which the boy spoke French. I was amazed at the French flu he spoke about. 彼はその事実を否定した。 He denied that fact. He denied that fact. 本当、疲れた。 I feel really tired. I'm really tired. トムと飲みに行くんだったら、突拍子もないホラを吹くだろうから、覚悟した方がいいよ。 If you go drinking with Tom, be prepared to listen to some pretty outlandish cock and bull stories. If you're going out for a drink with Tom, you're going to blow some crazy horror, so you should be ready. 彼女の議論は事実に基づいていなかった。 Her argument was not built on facts. Her argument was not based on facts. 君は彼が誰だか知っているか。 Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? あなたに教えたこれらのことは私が経験で知っている。 These things I've told you I know from experience. I know these things I taught you from experience. 彼は政治から遠ざかった。 He distanced himself from politics. He got away from politics. 彼女が破滅するのを黙って見ていられない。 I can't see her ruin her whole life. I can't just sit here and watch her fall. 私は大やる気が出る。 I'm very motivated. I feel like I'm doing a great job. お返事が遅くなってしまい申し訳ありません。 I apologize for the late reply. I'm sorry you're late. いつも彼は笑っている。 He is always laughing. He's always laughing. この歌を聞くと私はいつも、学生時代を思い出す。 Whenever I hear this song, I am reminded of my school days. I always remember that song when I was a student. 彼は病気だった、それで外出しなかった。 He was sick, so he did not go out. He was sick, so he didn't go out. パーティーに出席した。 He was present at the party. I attended a party. 私は昨晩CDを聞いた。 I listened to some CDs last night. I heard the CD last night. 肩揉んで。 Rub my shoulders. Aggression. トムさんはメアリさんを説得できませんでした。 Tom failed to persuade Mary. Tom couldn't convince Mary. 妻に四六時中ぶつぶつ言われるのには憂鬱になってしまう。 My wife's constant nagging is getting me down. I'm depressed when my wife talks to me all the time. 彼らは木の実を拾い集めている。 They are gathering nuts. They're picking up the nuts. 私が持っているのはせいぜい3千円だ。 I have not more than three thousand yen. I have at least 3,000 yen. だれにも私の邪魔をさせないで。 Let no one interfere with me. Don't let anyone get in my way. 彼はその王国から追放となった。 He was banished from the kingdom. He was expelled from the kingdom. 彼らが新しい車を買うとは思えない。 We do not anticipate their buying a new car. I don't think they'll buy a new car. それは私の知ったことではない。 It's no concern of mine. It's none of my business. この和文をフランス語に訳してください。 Please translate this Japanese text into French. Please translate this sum into French. 診察費の支払いにクレジットカードは使えますか。 Can I use my credit card? Can credit cards be used to pay for the visit? 彼らのうちのどちらもその交通事故に巻き込まれていないといいんですが。 I hope that neither of them were involved in that traffic accident. I hope neither of them got involved in that car accident. その仕事を1日でするのは不可能だとわかった。 I found it impossible to do the job in a day. Turns out it's impossible to do that job in one day. リンカーンの両親は、生涯ずっと貧しかった。 Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Lincoln's parents were poor for the rest of their lives. 彼女は生徒達との関係がとてもうまくいっている。 She has a very good relationship with her students. She is very successful in her relationship with the students. 私は汚い犬が庭に入ったのを見ました。 I saw the dirty dog go into the yard. I saw a dirty dog enter the garden. この都市は深刻な水不足なので、われわれは入浴を時折控えなければならない。 There is a severe shortage of water in this city, so we must give up having a bath occasionally. Since the city is running short of water, we have to keep bathing at times. この電車は乗り心地がいい。 This train rides very well. This train is comfortable. 彼は土地をたくさん持っている。 He has a lot of land. He has a lot of land. 子供にはだれか尊敬できる人が必要です。 A small boy needs some person he can look up to. Children need someone who can respect them. 私はもう少しで車にひかれるところだった。 I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. それは実に全くよい話だ。 It is really quite a good story. That's a really good story. 「みんな黙っていなさい」と彼は言った。 "Hold your tongues, every one of you!" said he. “Just shut up,” he said. その靴は時代遅れだ。 Those shoes are old fashioned. Those shoes are old-fashioned. いい案だ! That's a good plan. That's a good idea! 明日までに知っておく必要がある。 I need to know by tomorrow. We need to know by tomorrow. 頼りにしてるよ。 We depend on you. I'm counting on you. どちらの選択肢も慎重に検討した。 We have given careful thought to both alternatives. We carefully considered both options. 伯父さんは言った。「3足す4は幾つ?」 Uncle asked: "What is three plus four?" And he said, "What's three plus four?" やりたくないな。 I'd prefer not to. I don't want to do this. 我々はその問題を世界的視野で見なければならない。 We must look at the problem from a global point of view. We have to look at the issue in a global way. この問題が解けますか。 Can you solve this problem? So let's see if we can solve this problem. 私の父は風邪にかかっている。 My father is suffering from a cold. My father has a cold. 犬は病気みたい。 The dog seems sick. Dogs are sick. この歌手はあまりにもちやほやされすぎる。 This singer is made too much of. The singer is too proud. さらを片づけなさい。 Please take the dishes away. Clean up the mess. 「家」という単語は、草木に囲まれ、幸せな家族が住んでいる屋根や煙突がある長方形の建物、という心象を呼び起こす。 The word "house" evokes the mental image of a rectangular building with a roof and smoking chimney, which may be surrounded by grass and trees and inhabited by a happy family. The word “house” is a reminder of a rectangular building with roofs and chimneys where happy families live, surrounded by vegetation. 受け入れていただきますか。 Would this be acceptable to you? Would you accept that? 初めての日本訪問ですか。 Is this your first visit to Japan? Is this your first visit to Japan? 彼は価格変更のビラをはり出した。 He put up a notice about the change in price. He turned out to be the guy who made the change in price. 血が彼の傷口から流れた。 Blood ran from his wound. Blood flowed through his wound. その家の屋根は雨漏りがした。 The roof of the house let in the rain. The roof of the house was leaking. 乾いてぼそぼそになったパンをかみながらの山の旅で、大蛇にあった。 While on a mountain trip, I was chewing on some hard, stale bread when I happened upon a huge snake. On a mountain journey, biting a dry, dry bread, he was hit by a dragon. ゴルフではスコアが少ないほど良い。 The lower a golf score is, the better. The less you score in golf, the better. 近いうちに春が当地に訪れるだろう。 Spring will be here before long. Soon spring will be here. この間彼女の母親が病院で亡くなった。 The other day her mother passed away in the hospital. Her mother died the other day in the hospital. 今晩は外食したいんだが。 I want to eat out tonight. I'd like to eat out tonight. 私の計画にご承認をいただければ幸いです。 I would appreciate it if you could agree to my plan. I hope you approve of my plan. 彼の父親が亡くなり、そしてさらに悪いことに彼の母親まで病気になった。 His father died, and to make matters worse, his mother fell ill. His father died, and worse, his mother also became ill. トムはびっくりした。 Tom was shocked. Tom was surprised. 鳥は冬になると南へ飛んでいく。 Birds fly south in winter. The birds fly south in winter. 私が彼女にそれを説明します。 I will explain it to her. I'll explain it to her. 恥ずかしくて彼女に顔を合わせられない。 I am ashamed to see her. I can't face her because I'm ashamed. 私は会議には出席しなかった。 I was not present at that meeting. I didn't attend the meeting. 誰もその事実を知りません。 No one knows the fact. No one knows that fact. テッドがここにいれば、彼は私たちの部屋をきれいにするのを手伝ってくれるのに。 If Ted were here, he could help us clean our room. If Ted is here, he'll help clean our room. 自分の子供を持ってはじめて親の苦労がわかる。 It is only when you have your own children that you realize the trouble of parenthood. You know what it's like to have a child of your own. 今度来た先生は、先生というより友達みたいだ。 The new teacher is more like a friend than a teacher. The next teacher is more like a friend than a teacher. 彼は親切そのものだ。 He is kindness itself. He's a kind man. どうぞおかけになってください。 Please have a seat. Please sit down. 彼女の目標は教師になることだ。 Her goal is to become a teacher. Her goal is to be a teacher. あなたのお父さんは背が高い。 Your father is tall. Your father's tall. 妙だな。 It's weird. That's weird. 彼はその夜、旅人を泊めた。 He accommodated the traveler for the night. He stayed the traveler that night. うそをつくのは悪いことだと思う。 I think telling lies is wrong. I think it's a bad thing to lie. 昨日は申し訳ありませんでした。 I'm so sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. 何のことを言っているの? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? 高校生の頃、たくさんの笑い話を覚えたものだ。 When I was at high school, I knew a lot of jokes. I remember a lot of laughing stories when I was in high school. 誰が顕微鏡を発明したかご存知ですか。 Do you know who invented the microscope? Do you know who invented the microscope? 彼は奥さんを大事にすべきだ。 He ought to take good care of his wife. He should take good care of his wife. 彼は彼女を恨んでいる。 He hates her. He's holding a grudge against her. 僕は追い込まれると一番仕事をする。 I work best under pressure. I do the best I can when forced. ここでの喫煙は許されていません。 Smoking is not allowed here. I'm not allowed to smoke here. 彼は私にあまり車のスピードを出すなと言った。 He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive too fast. よい考えが私の心に浮かんだ。 A good idea came across my mind. The good thoughts came to my mind. 野生の虎はアフリカでは見られません。 No wild tigers are to be found in Africa. Wild tigers can't be seen in Africa. その大きなヘビを見て彼はとても驚いた。 He was very scared when he saw that large snake. He was so surprised to see that big snake. 彼女は涙を流しながら答えました。 She answered in tears. She answered with tears. いつ何時戦争が起こるかもしれない。 A war may break out at any moment. When might a war happen. 残念ながら待望の試合は中止せざるを得なかった。 To our regret, we were obliged to call off the game, which we had been looking forward to. Unfortunately, the game had to be canceled. 彼は立った。 He stood up. He stood up. 鉄道の道筋を決めるのは一体何だろうか。 What is it that determines the route a railway takes? What determines the course of the railway? おいしいコーヒー、どうもありがとう。 Thank you very much for the excellent coffee. Thanks for the delicious coffee. 私たちは、地球が太陽のまわりを回っていることを学んだ。 We learned that the earth goes around the sun. We learned that the earth revolves around the sun. その男の子はラジオを分解した。 The boy took the radio apart. That boy broke down the radio. この法律は日本では通用しない。 This law does not apply in Japan. This law does not work in Japan. テレビでナイターを見るのはどうですか。 What about watching the night game on TV? How about watching the heater on TV? 彼に電話して下さい。 Please telephone him. Call him. 持ち帰りですか。それともここでたべますか。 For here, or to go? You're going to bring it back, or you're going to put it here. ピートはそりで丘をすべり降りてきた。 Pete came coasting down the hill on his sled. Pete came down the hill with a razor. なにか座るものを見つけよう。 Let's find something to sit on. Let's find something to sit on. 我々は彼を彼らと交渉する代表にたてた。 We delegated him to negotiate with them. We were representing him in negotiations with them. この研究で彼はどれほどの役割を果たしたのか。 To what extent did he play a part in the research project? How much did he play in this study? それはただの作り話だ。 That's just a yarn. It's just a fiction. 両手をあげろ! Hands up! Hands in the air! トムよりもっとたくさん宿題があるんだ。 I have a lot more homework than Tom does. I have more homework than Tom. 彼は、昔の怠惰な少年ではありません。 He is not the idle boy he was. He's not a lazy boy of old. お米屋さんは、言わずと知れた斜陽産業。 Needless to say, dealing in rice is a declining industry. The rice shop is well known for its unspoken yin and yang industries. 父は今家にいるだろう。 My father may be at home now. My father would be home right now. ようやく夜が明けて長い夜が終わった。 Finally dawn broke; the long night had ended. Finally, the long night of dawn ended. この橋は長くは持たないだろう。 This bridge won't last long. This bridge won't last long. この席はどなたかいらっしゃいますか。 Is this seat taken? Where did you get this seat? これは難しい質問です。 This is a difficult question. This is a hard question to answer. したがって、世界平和のためには、私達全てが地球という惑星の住人なのだ、という意識を絶え間ない国際的文化及び経済交流によって育成していかなければならない。 For world peace, therefore, we must develop the consciousness that we are all one people of planet Earth through continual international cultural and economic exchange. For the sake of world peace, therefore, we must develop a constant awareness that we are all residents of the planet Earth, through constant international cultural and economic interactions. 彼は成功しようと夢中になっている。 He is earnest for success. He's obsessed with success. 私の知っていることといえば彼はその計画をあきらめたということだけだ。 All that I know is that he gave up the plan. All I know is that he gave up his plan. 彼らは彼を陪審員として登録した。 They enrolled him as a jury member. They registered him as a jury. 熱い風呂は私の筋肉を和らげた。 The hot bath relaxed my muscles. The hot bath eased my muscles. 庭に種をまきました。 We've planted the garden. I planted it in my garden. 頑張ってください。 Please do your best. Good luck. 私はあの連中からは金を借りない。 I will not borrow money from those people. I don't borrow money from them. 彼女が子供の頃から良く知っている。 I have known her since she was a little girl. I've known her since she was a kid. 彼は若いが、とても礼儀正しい。 Though he is young, he is quite polite. He's young, but very polite. 彼は今日は来ないでしょう。 He will not come today. He's not coming today. あんなにたくさんお金を使わなければよかったなあ。 I wish I hadn't spent so much money. I wish I hadn't spent so much money. メアリーは日本語をゆっくりと話しました。 Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. 静かにして下さいな。 Quiet down, please. I'm gonna need you to be quiet. 母は先月の終わりからずっと病気で寝ている。 Mother has been sick in bed since the end of last month. My mother has been sick since the end of last month. 彼らが日本にきてから5年になる。 It's been five years since they came to Japan. It's been five years since they've been here in Japan. ご本は明日にお返しします。 I'll bring the book back to you tomorrow. I'll return your book tomorrow. 私たちは自分の信念を人に押し付けないようにすべきである。 We should try to avoid imposing our own beliefs on others. We should not impose our beliefs on others. 5年待つには長すぎる。 Five years is too long to wait. It's too long to wait for five years. 私たちはこのままやっていくより仕方がない。 We have no choice but to carry on. We have no choice but to keep going. 彼は日常生活の中でエネルギーを余り使わない事を決めた。 He decided not to use much energy in his daily life. He decided to use less energy in his daily life. 彼らはずっと永遠の若さを捜し求めている。 They have sought after eternal youth. They are looking for eternal youth. その市には十分に水が供給されている。 The city is well supplied with water. The city has plenty of water. 彼は彼女と離れていることに耐えられなかった。 He couldn't stand being away from his girlfriend. He couldn't stand being away from her. 君の厚かましいのには呆れたよ。 I am amazed at your audacity. I'm so scared of you. 彼はそれについて述べた。 He mentioned it. He said it. うそをつくことはいつも罪なのでしょうか。 Is it always a sin to tell a lie? Is lying always a sin? 両親はさておき、誰もその容疑者を弁護しないであろう。 Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. Except for the parents, no one will defend the suspect. 若いころは今よりずっと早く走ることができた。 I could run much faster when I was young. When I was young, I was able to run much faster than I am today. いやだ、父さん! No, Dad! No, Dad! 何時に開店しますか。 What time do you open? What time do you want to open the shop? 彼の答案にはまちがいが1つもない。 There isn't a single mistake in his paper. There is nothing wrong with his answer. それぞれのスタイルがあるんだろうね。 Everyone has their own style. I'm sure there's different styles. ブラウンさんの電話番号を調べてください。 Please give me the number for Mr Brown. Check Mr Brown's phone number. 明日このことについてお目にかからなくてはと思います。 I'd better see you about this tomorrow. I'll have to see you about this tomorrow. 彼は財産があっても幸福ではない。 His wealth has not made him happy. He is not happy with his wealth. あたりを見回すと、机の上に手紙があるのに気づいた。 When I looked about, I found a letter on the desk. I looked around and noticed that there was a letter on the desk. 彼らは彼を教会の近くの墓地に埋葬した。 They buried him in the graveyard by the church. They buried him in a cemetery near the church. 彼は父親ほど背が高くない。 He is not as tall as his father. He's not as tall as his father. おしゃるとおり私が間違っていました。 I stand corrected. As you said, I was wrong. 私は通りで誰かが私を呼ぶのを聞いた。 I heard someone on the street calling me. I heard someone calling me in the street. 彼女の大胆な計画は難しすぎるように思われたが、間もなくそれは実現できることがわかった。 Her bold plan seemed to be too difficult, but before long it proved to be practicable. Her bold plan seemed too difficult, but soon it became possible. 申告が必要な物をお持ちですか。 Do you have anything to declare? Do you have anything you need to declare? 彼女の目つきは陰気になった。 Her eyes darkened. Her eyes were gloomy. 忍者ごっこをしよう。 Let's make believe we are ninja. Let's play Ninja. 私の娘は少なくとも週に一度は必ず手紙をくれます。 My daughter never fails to write to me at least once a week. My daughter always gives me a letter at least once a week. こんなところで何しているの? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? 彼はできるだけ多くその地方の文化を吸収しようとしていた。 He tried to absorb as much of the local culture as possible. He was trying to absorb as much local culture as possible. いつも本当のことを言う必要はない。 You don't have to tell the truth all the time. You don't always have to tell the truth. 日本人は知り合いには親切だが、そうでない人に対しては冷淡だと言われています。 It is said that Japanese people are kind to people they know, but rather cold to those they don't. The Japanese are kind to their acquaintances, but they are said to be cold to those who don’t. おいしい韓国料理のお店知らない? Do you know a delicious Korean restaurant? Have you ever heard of a delicious Korean restaurant? 空気が乾くと、喉も渇いて咳が出る。 When air dries, the throat dries, and cough comes out. When the air drys, it's thirsty and coughing. お願いを聞いてもらえないかな。 I wonder if you could do me a favor. Would you do me a favor? この人込みを見ると東京の通りを思い出す。 This crowd reminds me of the streets of Tokyo. This crowd reminds me of Tokyo streets. 何事にも最善を尽くさなければならない。 One has to do one's best in everything. We have to do everything we can. また明日。 See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. 彼の報告から判断すると計画は旨く行っているようだ。 Judging from his report, the project seems to be going well. Judging by his report, the plan seems to be working well. その町の中心にすてきな公園がある。 There is a nice park in the center of the town. There's a beautiful park in the heart of the city. 再びやってみるべきだという彼らの意見に賛成だ。 I agree with them that we should try again. I agree with their opinion that we should try again. その競技者は疲れがとれたようだった。 The athlete seemed immune from fatigue. It seemed that the athlete was exhausted. そんな風に振る舞うとは彼は頭がおかしいにちがいない。 To behave like that, he must be out of his mind. He must be crazy to act like that. 彼は上司についていつも不満を言っている。 He is always complaining about his boss. He's always complaining about his boss. 僕は辞書を持っています。 I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. 番号違いのようですが。 I'm afraid that you have the wrong number. I think you've got the wrong number. ここ数日空は厚い雲に覆われている。 It's been overcast for the past few days. The sky has been covered with thick clouds for the past few days. 私は明日東京に行くつもりです。 I am going to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. ひなたぼっこをしていると、あまりの気持ちよさに、ウトウトしてしまった。 I felt so good as I lazed in the sunshine that I drifted off to sleep. When I was young, I was so moved by my feelings. 私たち二人の間に何かの誤解があるに違いない。 There must be some misunderstanding between us. There must be some misunderstanding between us both. 食べ物はあまりおいしくありませんでしたが、それ以外はパーティーは成功でした。 The food wasn't very delicious, but otherwise the party was a success. The food didn't taste very good, but the party was a success. 彼は私のいとこでない。 He isn't my cousin. He's not my cousin. 私は暗くならないうちに家に帰らなければなりません。 I must get home before it gets dark. I have to get home before it gets dark. 私か仕事かって迫るのはやめてくれよ。 Don't ask me to choose between you and my job. Don't ask me if I'm working. 彼は勇敢な行為によって尊敬を勝ち得た。 His brave deed earned him respect. He won his respect by his brave deed. 彼女はあざけられた。 She was laughed at. She was ridiculed. 俺にはお前の心の音が聞こえる。 I can hear the sound in your mind. I can hear you. ボスがいるので、君は運がよかったね。 You're in luck because the boss is in. You're lucky you're with your boss. もし彼が来なかったら、君どうするの? If he doesn't come, what will you do then? What would you do if he didn't show up? ついに両方の国が戦争を終わらせる合意に達した。 At last both countries agreed on putting an end to the war. Finally, both nations agreed to end the war. タバコをご遠慮いただけますか。 Would you mind not smoking? Would you excuse me for a cigarette? ゼリーは冷えると固くなる。 Jelly sets as it cools. When she gets cold, she's solid. 運よく薬が効くとき1時過ぎに寝れるけど、薬を飲まないと4時ぐらいまで眠れない。 If I'm lucky enough for the medicine to work I can get to sleep after 1am but if I don't take it then I can't sleep until about 4am. Fortunately, I can sleep after 1:00 when the drugs work, but if I don't take them, I can't sleep until around 4:00. 彼らは暖かく迎えられた。 They got a warm reception. They were welcomed warm. コンサートはどうでしたか? How was the concert? How was the concert? 私はいくつかのアメリカの家庭を訪問することができました。 I was able to visit several American homes. I was able to visit some American families. ケン、私のスピーチの原稿を見てくれる暇ある? Do you have the time to run over the draft of my speech, Ken? Ken, why don't you take a look at my speech? もうすぐ私の誕生日だ。 It'll be my birthday soon. It's almost my birthday. 蚕が糸を吐いている。 The silkworm is spinning a thread. It's a silkworm. これは私が若いころに住んでいた家です。 This is the house where I lived when I was young. This is the house I lived in when I was young. 彼はただ傍観するだけでそのけんかを止めなかった。 He just looked on and didn't stop the quarrel. He just stood by and didn't stop the fight. この辺りにATMはありますか? Is there an ATM nearby? Is there an ATM around here? りんごの半数が腐っている。 Half of the apples are rotten. Half the apples are rotten. 君は5時までに駅に着かねばならない。 You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. You have to get to the station by 5:00. ぶつけた覚えがないのに、最近青あざが足によくできるんだ。何か変な病気だったらどうしよう。 Although I don't remember how, I've been getting some bruises on my legs lately. What should I do if it's some kind of weird disease? I don't know if I've ever been able to do that, but I've been able to do a lot of blue marks on my leg lately. 日本の多くの若者が生活の目的もなくぶらぶらしている。 Many young Japanese people are drifting aimlessly in life. Many young people in Japan hang out for no purpose in life. 彼は熱さにがまんできなかった。 He couldn't bear the heat. He couldn't stand the heat. うそをついているぞと私が言うと、彼女は憤慨していた。 She was indignant when I said she was lying. I told her she was lying, and she was angry. ここに手のないナベがある。 Here is a pan without handles. Here's a handless nave. 法律的な実務は政府が任命する弁護士、そのほかの専門家が行うことになっている。 Legal services will be provided by lawyers and other experts to be appointed by the government. The legal reality is that the government appoints lawyers and other experts. ジムは出て行ったが、メアリーは家にとどまった。 Jim went out, but Mary stayed home. Jim left, but Mary stayed at home. それはきっと、誤解だ。きみはわたしを過大評価してる。 That's a misunderstanding, for sure. You're giving me too much credit. That's a misunderstanding. You're overestimating me. 生きようという本能は誰にも生まれつきそなわっている。 The instinct for survival is innate. The instinct to live is born to everyone. 黙っていたほうがいい。彼に話しても無駄です。 You can save your breath. There is no use talking to him. (Laughter) あんなウダツがあがらない男といつまで付き合ってるの。 How long are you going to be seeing that loser of a boyfriend? I don't know how long I've been seeing a guy like that. 私達の先生は、私達の学校が州で一番だというが、ある意味でそれは本当のことだ。 Our teachers say ours is the best school in the state, and in a way, it is. Our teachers say our school is the best in the state, but in a way it’s true. スプーンがありません。 There is a spoon missing. There's no spoon. マークはまだ舞台に立ったことがなかった。それで、彼は不安だった。 Mark had never acted on the stage and he was ill at ease. "I don't know," he said. "I don't know." 砂糖とミルクはどうされますか。 Would you like sugar and milk? What about sugar and milk? あの家ではパーティーがあるらしい。 There appears to be a party in that house. I hear there's a party in that house. とてもいい質問ですね。 This is a very good question. That's a very good question. 彼女はとてもいい人です。 She is a very nice person. She's a very nice person. 彼女はきっと彼との約束を守るだろう。 She'll certainly keep the promise she made to him. She'll keep her promise to him. 彼は仕事でそこへ行った。 He went there on business. He went there on business. 私がやったのだと彼は早合点した。 He jumped to the conclusion that I had done it. He was quick to point out that I did. 彼らには2人の息子と1人の娘がいます。 They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and a daughter. その事件は明るみに出た。 The event has become known to the public. The case came to light. 今日は風が気持ちいいね。 The wind feels great today. I like the wind today. 着いたと思ったとたんに、ルーシーが家へ帰りたいと泣き出した。 We had hardly arrived when Lucy started crying to go home. As soon as I thought I had arrived, I cried that Lucy wanted to go home. 私はオートバイに乗りたい。 I want to ride a motorcycle. I want to ride the motorcycle. 私は叔母の家に滞在しています。 I'm staying at my aunt's. I'm staying with my aunt. 単位履修の手続きは終えましたか。 Did you finish your class registration? Did you finish your classing procedure? 彼がその仕事を終えるのに2時間かかるだろう。 It will take him two hours to finish the work. It'll take him two hours to finish that job. のどがゼーゼー言います。 I'm wheezing. I'm like, "What's going on?" 彼女には欠点があるが、それでもやはり彼女が好きだ。 I like her none the less for her faults. She has faults, but she still likes them. 英語は話せません。スペイン語はなおさらできません。 I cannot speak English, much less Spanish. I don't speak English, I can't speak Spanish. 私達は手遅れにならないうちに彼を病院へ連れて行かなければなりません。 We have to get him to the hospital before it's too late. We have to get him to the hospital before it's too late. 彼は私たちに馬の乗り方を教えてくれた。 He showed us how to ride a horse. He taught us how to ride horses. トムは私より身長が高いです。 Tom is taller than I. Tom is taller than me. 彼のミスがその計画を水泡に帰した。 His error brought the project to nothing. His mistake brought the plan back to nothing. 彼らは難民救済の資金を集めている。 They are appealing for money to help refugees. They are collecting funds to save refugees. 犬は肉を骨からかじりとった。 The dog bit meat off the bone. The dog bit the meat from the bones. 科学者たちはエイズを撲滅するために懸命に努力している。 Scientists are working hard to put an end to AIDS. Scientists are working hard to eradicate AIDS. 窓側の席がいいです。 I'd like a window seat. I'd like to have a seat by the window. 彼女の冗談は受けなかった。 Her jokes fell flat. I didn't get her jokes. 故郷を離れていると、家から小包ほどうれしいものはない。 When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home. Nothing is happier when you leave home than a package from home. 彼がそろそろ世間のことがわかりかけてきた頃には両親はすでに亡くなっていた。 By the time he was ready to cut his eye-teeth his parents were already dead. By the time he got to know the world, his parents were already dead. あれは彼の家だ。 That is his house. It's his house. 「これ本当に自然な言い方なのかな?」「グーグル先生に聞いてみよう」 "Is this really a natural expression?" "Let's ask Mr. Google." "Is this really a natural way of saying it?" 君は自分の収入の範囲内で生活するように、余分な支出は切りつめなければならない。 You must cut down on extra expenses in order to live within your means. You have to spend extra money to live within your income. あなたはお仕事しながらこっくりしてますよ。 You are nodding over your work. You're doing a lot of work. 今日の試験は君の将来にとってとても大切なものになるだろう。 Your exam today will be very significant for your future. Today's exam will be very important to your future. あなたの家からここまで来るのに電車でどのくらいかかりますか。 How long does it take you to get here from your house by train? How long does the train take to get here from your house? 私は通りで老人があお向けに倒れるのを見た。 I saw an old man fall on his back in the street. I saw an old man lying on his back in the street. 彼女をここに来させよう。 I'll have her come here. Let her come here. 彼は野球をすることが出来ます。 He can play baseball. He can play baseball. お好きなだけ時間をとっても構いませんよ。 Take all the time you want. You can have as much time as you like. 彼らは毎朝六時に目を覚まします。 They wake up at six every morning. They wake up every six o'clock in the morning. 彼のスピーチは延々と続いた。 His speech went on and on. His speech continued. 旅券をどこかに置き忘れました。 I left my passport somewhere. I left my passport somewhere. 泣き寝入りなんて嫌だ。 I can't let the matter drop. I don't want to go to bed crying. 猫は私の手を引っ掻いた。 The cat scratched my hand. The cat scratched my hand. 少年はだんだん背が高くなって、ついに父よりも背が高くなった。 The boy grew taller and taller, till at last he exceeded his father in height. The boy grew taller and finally taller than his father. そう!その通り。 You said it! That's right. 彼は水泳が得意ではなかった。 He didn't care for swimming. He wasn't good at swimming. 犬はその魚を骨も尾も全部食べた。 The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all. The dog ate all the fish, both the bones and the tail. 彼はそこで偶然彼女に会った。 It happened that he saw her there. He happened to meet her there. すべてのものがすばらしく見えた。 Everything looked nice. Everything seemed wonderful. それの正しいこたえを教えてくれ。 Tell me the right answer to it. Tell me what's right. 残念ながらあなたのパーティーには出席できません。 I'm sorry I'm unable to attend your party. Unfortunately, I can't attend your party. コーヒーでも飲みながら話をするのはどうですか。 Why don't we talk over coffee? Why don't you talk about it over coffee? トムはよく学校をさぼりましたか。 Did Tom use to play hooky? Tom used to leave school. 過去の雪はどこに行った? But where are the snows of yesteryear? Where's the snow in the past? 靴を脱いでから家にはいってください。 Please remove your shoes before entering the house. Take off your shoes and go home. 私はあなたよりも背が低い。 I am shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. その本についてどう思いますか。 What do you think about the book? What do you think about that book? 子供の頃、母はよく私におとぎ話を読んで聞かせてくれた。 When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me. When I was a child, my mother used to read me stories. 1週間田舎にいてすっかり元気になったような気がする。 I feel completely restored after a week in the country. I feel better in the country for a week. トムは言うまでもなくとても手先が器用だ。 Tom is obviously very good with his hands. Not to mention Tom, he's very handy. 規則を破ればだれでもすぐに出て行ってもらいます。 Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot. If you break the rules, anyone will leave immediately. ユミは1日でそれを仕上げられません。 Yumi can't finish it in a day. Yumi can't finish it in one day. これらの本をお願いできますか。 Could you ring up these books for me? Can I have these books, please? 彼はその犬に石を投げた。 He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone at that dog. 警官はすりに対する注意を呼びかけた。 The policeman called attention to the problem of pickpockets. The police called attention to the rails. 英語はあまり難しすぎて私にはわかりません。 English is too difficult for me to understand. English is too difficult for me to understand. 来週お邪魔したいのですが、何曜日ならご都合がよろしいでしょうか。 I'd like to visit you next week. What day of the week would it be convenient for you? I'd like to bother you next week, but how many days will it take? 鍵を探すのを手伝いましょうか。 Shall I help you look for your keys. I'll help you find the keys. ジョンは朝から機嫌が悪かった。 John has been moody since this morning. John's been in a bad mood since morning. 私は、2回行ったことがあります。 I've been there twice. I've done it twice. 彼を当惑させてはと思い私は答えなかった。 I gave no answer for fear I should confuse him. I didn't answer because I didn't want to confuse him. 彼女にはすばらしい夫がいたと言われています。 She is said to have had a nice husband. I'm told she had a wonderful husband. ディズニーランドは1955年に建設されました。 Disneyland was built in 1955. Disneyland was built in 1955. 内緒だけれど彼女は病気だった。 Between us, she was ill. I didn't tell her, but she was sick. 私はどうでも構わない。 I'm easy. I don't care. これはとても美味しい。 This is very good. This is very good. 今度は君のサーブだ。 Now it's your serve. Now it's your surf. 苦肉の策で企画したんですが、その本はよく売れました。 We arrived at that plan out of pure desperation, but the book sold well. I've been working on it for a long time, and I've been working on it for a long time. 私は甘いもの好きだ。 I have a sweet tooth. I like sweets. 趣味は議論にならない。 There is no disputing about tastes. Hobbies are not controversial. 私は記憶違いをしていた。 I was guilty of a slip of memory. I was wrong about my memory. バスの運行は雪がなくなるまでずっとないでしょう。 The bus service won't be available until the snow has melted. The bus will not continue until the snow is gone. 科学技術が必要な物を何でも与えてくれるとは限らない。 I don't think that technology provides us with everything we need. They don't give us everything we need with technology. 私のおじは大家族を養わなければならない。 My uncle has a large family to provide for. My uncle has to support his family. 日本についてどう思いますか。 What do you think of Japan? What do you think about Japan? うすい砂糖水を作った。 I prepared a weak solution of sugar and water. I made a soft sugar water. 私は本を買い、彼は定規を買った。 I bought a book and he a ruler. I bought a book, and he bought a rule. 彼女は私の質問に対してうなずいた。 She nodded in response to my question. She screamed at my question. 口答えしたら父は私を叩いた。 My father beat me answering him back. When I did, my father beat me. 私は黒の上着と白の上着をもっている。 I have a black and a white coat. I have a black jacket and a white jacket. トムは高いカメラが欲しくはなかった。 Tom didn't want an expensive camera. Tom didn't want a high-tech camera. なんと楽しいことか! What fun! What fun! 池が凍ってるよ The pond is frozen. The pond's frozen. その勝利で私たちのチームは意気が上がった。 Our team was in high spirits because of the victory. That victory inspired our team. 私はベッドで横になった。 I lay awake in bed. I lay in bed. 彼らはその犬にシロと名付けた。 They named the dog Shiro. They named the dog White. 箱の中に空瓶があります。 There are some empty bottles in the box. There's an empty bottle in the box. 先生は子供らを学校に慣らすように努力した。 The teacher tried to accustom the children to school. The teacher tried to adjust the children to school. あなたは、何時に帰宅しますか。 What time do you go home? When will you return home? 友人がいなくなるよ。 Soon you will find yourself friendless. You're gonna lose your friends. それについてのビデオはもう作ったよ。 I've already made a video about that. I've already made a video about it. その台風でたいへんな洪水になった。 The typhoon resulted in a lot of flooding. The storm turned into a severe flood. あなたは私を馬鹿にしようとしているのですか。 Are you trying to make a fool of me? Are you trying to fool me? その子をからかってはいけない。 Don't make fun of that child. Don't make fun of him. 彼はいつもよいプレーをする。 He always plays well. He always plays good. 心配する必要はない。 No need to worry. You don't have to worry. 10マイルと言えば短い距離ではない。 Ten miles is not a short distance. 10 miles is not a short distance. 電話したらよかったのに。 You should've called. You should have called. それは化学肥料よりも安い。 It is cheaper than chemical fertilizers. It's cheaper than chemical fertilizer. 彼に電話したのですか。 Did you telephone him? You called him. さあ、駆けつけ三杯、威勢よくぱっといきましょう。 Anybody who shows up late has to chug! Come on, three. Let's get to it. 明るい色が私たちの目を引いた。 The bright colors arrested our eyes. The bright colors caught our eyes. 君がそこに立っていては仕事ができない。 I can't work with you standing there. I can't work while you're standing there. 彼女は行くか残るかどちらかだった。 She had a choice of going or remaining. She was either going or staying. 「しまった!傘を電車に忘れた」「あわてん坊ね」 "Oh no! I left my umbrella on the train." "You are a scatterbrain!" "Oh my God, I forgot my umbrella on the train." 殺害の動機は明らかではない。 The motive for the murder is not yet known. The motive for killing is not clear. 負けそうになるのがわかったとき、彼らは降参した。 When they saw that they were losing, they gave up. When they found out they were going to lose, they gave up. 彼はそれができる唯一の人です。 He is the only person that can do it. He's the only one who can do it. 彼は倒れた木の下敷きになってうごけなかった。 He was pinned down by a fallen tree. He wasn't covered under a fallen tree. この本は5歳の子でも読めるくらいやさしい。 This book is easy enough for a five-year-old child to read. The book is so easy for five-year-olds to read. 私は何も言わなかった、そしてそのことで彼は一層激怒した。 I said nothing, which made him more furious. I didn't say anything, and he was even more angry at it. 私は図書館のすべての本を読んでしまいました。 I've read every book in the library. I read every book in the library. 彼女はとても慌てていたので電車に傘を置き忘れてしまった。 She was in such a hurry that she left her umbrella behind on the train. She was so upset that she forgot to put an umbrella on the train. 何かをせざるをえないという場合、それを妨げたり避けたりできないという意味である。 If you say that you cannot help doing something, you mean you cannot prevent or avoid it. When forced to do something, it means that it cannot be prevented or avoided. もし彼の助言がなかったならば、私は失敗していただろう。 If it had not been for his advice, I might have failed. If he hadn't given me his advice, I would have failed. その金をみな使ってしまった。 I've spent all the money. I spent all that money. 恵子はいつもグースカ寝てるじゃないか。食事を楽しんで貰いたい気持ちは分かるが、そんな慌てるな。 Don't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush. Keiko is always sleeping in Goska, I know she wants you to enjoy your meal, but don't panic about it. 2回も約束破られて、まだあいつのこと信用してんの? Do you still trust him after he broke his promise twice? You've broken your promise twice, and you still trust him? 私の知るかぎりでは彼は正直です。 As far as I know, he is honest. As far as I know, he's honest. お金はいりません。 I don't want any money. I don't want any money. 中国は日本よりとても大きい。 China is much larger than Japan. China is so much bigger than Japan. 彼はどこに住んでいると思いますか。 Where do you think he lives? Do you know where he lives? 私の心臓はどきどきし始めた。 My heart began to race. My heart started to beat. 私達は町外れに小さなホテルに泊まった。 We stayed at a small hotel just outside of town. We stayed in a small hotel on the outskirts of town. 旅行から帰るときの土産のことを考えておきなさい。 Make allowance for souvenirs on the return trip. Think about the souvenirs you get home from the trip. 今、それをしなければいけませんか。 Must I do it now? Do you have to do it now? 彼は私の娘と結婚したがっている。 He wants to marry my daughter. He wants to marry my daughter. アメリカ合衆国では誰もが大統領になれると言う。しかし実のところ事実ではないかもしれない。 They say that in America anyone can become president, but perhaps that's not really true. That's why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that I'm going to be president in the United States. 駆け出しの新聞記者にしては腕がいい。 You are doing well for a cub reporter. He's good for the press. 僕は今日はすることがたくさんある。 I have a lot of things to do today. I have a lot to do today. 彼は10年前にそうであったような少年ではない。 He is not the boy that he was ten years ago. He's not a boy like that ten years ago. 彼の研究室には、1、000冊以上のノートが保存されていた。 Preserved in his laboratory were more than a thousand notebooks. His lab contained over 11,000 notes. 彼はわたしより速く走ることができる。 He can run faster than I can. He can run faster than me. あなたの祖先をご存知ですか。 Do you know your forefather? Do you know your ancestors? 目前に迫った試験のことが彼女の心に大きく広がった。 The impending examination loomed large in her mind. The trials just before her eyes spread widely in her mind. 空港からホテルまでの送迎バスはありますか。 Is there a shuttle bus between the hotel and airport? Is there a bus to transport from the airport to the hotel? その説明は、もっとはるかに複雑なものかもしれない。 The explanation may be much more complex. The explanation may be much more complicated. トムは、自分で考えているほどいいチェスの棋士ではありません。 Tom is not as good a chess player as he thinks he is. Tom's not as good a chess player as he thinks he is. 彼女の表情がさっと変わった。 Her expression underwent a sudden change. Her face changed slightly. 失望するな。 Keep up your courage. Don't be disappointed. 彼女は若さを十分保っている。 She really keeps her youthfulness. She's young enough. そんなことが2度とないようにな。 Don't let that happen again! Don't let that happen again. 熱狂の宴が始まりを告げる。 A frenzied feasting tells of the beginning. The fiesta will tell you how it started. 君は彼女を信頼してよい。 You can rely on her. You can trust her. ご存じのように、UNとは国際連合のことです。 UN, as you know, stands for the United Nations. You know, UN is the United Nations. 彼女はアメリカへと行ってしまった。 She went to America. She went to America. 私たちにとって健康は一番大切なものです。 Health is the most precious thing we have. Health is the most important thing to us. 彼はみんなから好かれている。 He is liked by everybody. He's liked by everyone. 私たちはいつまでも一緒です。 We will be together forever. We'll be together forever. 銃器メーカーは小火器による暴力事件に対する責任を逃れてきた。 Gun makers have been able to escape responsibility for firearm violence. The gun manufacturer has escaped responsibility for the firearms violence. 辛くてもへっちゃらだよ。 I don't mind if it's hot and spicy. I don't care if it's hard. メアリーは日本に行こうと貯金している。 Mary is saving money to go to Japan. Mary's saving money to go to Japan. 鑑定書を送ってください。 Send me the account. Send me the results. 人手が多ければ仕事がらくになる。 Many hands make light work. If there's more work to do, you'll be better off. 実行するよりは計画を立てるほうがしばしば簡単である。 It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out. It is often easier to plan than to run. 彼の給料が安いために、彼はその家を買うことができない。 Because his salary is low, he can't buy that house. His salary is low, so he can't buy that house. ある実験で怪我をして、かなりの重傷だった。 I got hurt during an experiment, and the injury was pretty serious. He was injured in one of the experiments, and he was badly injured. 彼は月一で散髪してもらう。 He has his hair cut once a month. He'll cut his hair in the first month. 喫茶店に入ったら、二人に青年がテレビでレスリングの試合を見ていた。 As I entered the tearoom I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television. As I entered the coffee shop, I saw two young men watching a wrestling game on TV. 私は馬が荷車を引いているのを見た。 I saw a horse pulling a cart. I saw horses pulling carts. 彼らが出した食事はまずかった。 The dinner they served was badly cooked. The food they served was bad. 読書は私たちに楽しみを与える。 Reading affords us pleasure. Reading gives us enjoyment. すぐ出発した方がよい。 You had better leave at once. We better get out of here right away. 現代の情報及び交通網のおかげで世界はますます小さくなっている。 Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller. Thanks to modern information and transportation, the world is getting smaller and smaller. 先週弟に借りた10ドル、まだ返してないや。 I still owe my brother the ten dollars that he lent me last week. Ten bucks I borrowed from my brother last week, I haven't given it back yet. 彼は何事も起こらなかったのように本を読み続けた。 He went on reading the book as if nothing had happened. He continued to read the book, as if nothing had happened. 彼は話そうとするところだった。 He was about to speak. He was about to talk. トムは音楽の話をするのが大好きだ。 Tom loves talking about music. Tom loves to talk about music. 太陽は信じられないほど、とてつもない熱と光を多量に放出している。 The sun sends out an incredible amount of heat and light. The sun emits incredible amounts of heat and light. わたしが運ぶにはこの箱は重すぎる。 This is too heavy a box for me to carry. This box is too heavy for me to carry. どのスカートがお好みですか。 Which skirt do you like? Which skirt do you like? 彼は、まだ新人なんだから大目に見てやれよ。 Go easy on him. He's still new around here. He's still new, so take a good look at him. 彼女には哀れみの心がまるでない。 She is dead to pity. She has no pity. エズラ、おまえんとこはみんな今夜来るかね。 Ezra, will y'all come over tonight? Ezra, are you all coming tonight? トムは泥沼に突っ込んだ。 Tom fell into the mud. Tom went into the mud. 今夜は出かける気分じゃない。 I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't feel like going out tonight. 果物を自由にとって食べて下さい。 Please help yourself to some fruit. Eat the fruit for free. この時計は1万円した。 This watch cost me ten thousand yen. This watch was 10,000 yen. トムはメアリに、彼女が焼いたケーキは美味しかったと言った。 Tom told Mary that the cake she baked tasted good. Tom told Meri that the baked cake was delicious. 彼女のハンドバッグにはいろいろな物が入っている。 There are a variety of articles in her purse. Her purse contains a lot of stuff. 最新のバイオ技術によって、芋の臭みを最小限に抑え、非常に飲みやすい「芋焼酎」です。 It's very easy to drink potato shochu now that the potato-like smell has been reduced to a low level through use of the latest biotechnology. With modern biotech, the smell of potatoes is minimized and is very easy to drink. この仕事が終わったらすぐに行きます。 I'll be with you as soon as I finish this job. I'll be there as soon as I'm done with this job. その店はすぐ近くですか。 Is the store near at hand? It's just around the corner. 本当についてない! I really am unlucky! It's not real! 私たちはたちまち仲良くなった。 We got on like a house on fire. We're getting along pretty well. あなたが詩を書くとは知らなかった。 I didn't know you wrote poems. I didn't know you were writing poetry. ケンは、トムの本当の名前知ってる? Does Ken know Tom's real name? Ken, do you know Tom's real name? 彼はひとつには怠け者だし、ひとつには酒飲みだ。 For one thing he is lazy, for another he drinks. He is lazy on one side and a drunk on the other. いくらですか? How much does that cost? How much? 君はなぜ事務所へ行かなかったのですか。 Why didn't you go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? 誰も私に話しかけない。 Nobody speaks to me. No one talks to me. 9時30分発の便に乗りたいです。 I'd like to take a 9:30 flight. I'd like to take a flight at 9:30. 急がなくちゃ。 We have to hurry. We have to hurry. その学校は、制服を廃止すべきだ。 The school should do away with uniforms. The school should abolish the uniform. 君は、いつも手を清潔にしておかねばなりません。 You must always keep your hands clean. You have to keep your hands clean. 私はこの本を高く評価している。 I have a high opinion of this book. I appreciate this book. 彼女の夫は新しい月刊雑誌を出版するつもりだ。 Her husband intends to bring out a new monthly magazine. Her husband is going to publish a new monthly magazine. 父が友人の保証人となった。 Father vouched for his friend. My father became my friend's guaranteeer. 空港までどのくらいかかると思いますか。 How long do you think it will take to go to the airport? How long do you think it'll take to get to the airport? トムはシャワーを浴びています。 Tom is in the shower. Tom's taking a shower. なんだってずらからねえんだ! Why don't you leg it? I'm not messing with you! 残念ながら、あのオフィスでは賄賂を使わない限り何事もうまくいかないよ。 Unfortunately, you won't get anything done in that office unless you grease someone's palm. Unfortunately, nothing works in that office unless you use bribes. 認めるけど、条件が一つ。 I'll accept it, but with one condition. I admit it, but there's only one condition. 君には何も不自由させない。 You shall want for nothing. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. パリ中の人が戸外に出ている。 All the Parisians have gone outdoors. People all over Paris are out the door. 私たちは裏庭に小さな小屋を建てた。 I put up a small hut in the backyard. We built a little cabin in the backyard. ある日私はロンドンで道に迷った。 One day I was lost in London. One day I lost my way in London. トム、私たちの目的と意見が食い違っていると思います。 Tom, I think we're talking at cross-purposes. Tom, I think we have different goals and opinions. 道路はほこりで灰色になっていた。 The road was gray with dust. The road was dusted and gray. 学校からの帰りににわか雨に遭って、ぼくはずぶ濡れになって風邪をひいた。 I was caught in a shower on my way home from school, got soaking wet and caught a cold. On my way home from school, I had a rain, and I got wet and cold. 私の鼻は、とても大きく、しかも曲がっている。 My nose is really big, and it's crooked as well. My nose is so big and crooked. あちこちに、美しい湖があります。 There are beautiful lakes here and there. There are beautiful lakes everywhere. 彼が驚いたことに、列車は急に止まった。 To his surprise, the train made a quick stop. To his surprise, the train stopped suddenly. こういうわけで彼女はまだ僕に対して怒っている。 This is why she is still angry with me. That's why she's still mad at me. 彼がその仕事をひとりでやったはずはない。 He can't have done the work for himself. He couldn't have done it on his own. 彼女は外国人だったので外国人として扱われた。 She was a foreigner and was treated as such. She was treated as a foreigner because she was foreign. 確かに彼は両親から独立している。 He is certainly independent of his parents. Yes, he's independent of his parents. スミスさんは奥さんに先立たれた。 Mr Smith was bereaved of his wife. Mr. Smith was ahead of his wife. 私はそのことで強く心を動かされた。 I was deeply moved by that. I was deeply moved by it. 今日はとても暑い。 It's very hot today. It's so hot today. 彼の無礼な返事に彼女はかっとなって彼の顔をぴしゃりとたたいた。 His rude reply provoked her to slap him on the face. "What's the matter with you?" she asked. 彼女は私を軽蔑している。 She has scorn for me. She despises me. もし誤りがあったならば訂正しなさい。 Correct me if I am wrong. If there is a mistake, correct it. 祖母はゆっくり話す。 My grandmother speaks slowly. My grandmother talks slowly. 日本人には、見知らぬ人と会話を始めてまだくつろいだ気分にならないうちに、相手の、年齢や地位、既婚か未婚かなどの個人的な事柄を知りたがる傾向がある。 There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger. Japanese tend to be curious about personal matters, such as their age and status, married or unmarried, before starting a conversation with strangers. 日本人は和食ばかり食べているわけではありません。 Japanese eat more than just Japanese cuisine. Japanese don't just eat rice all the time. 奇妙なことが彼女の誕生日に起こった。 Strange things happened on her birthday. A strange thing happened on her birthday. 私はソビエト連邦のことはまったく知らない。 I don't know about the USSR at all. I don't know anything about the Soviet Union. 彼は御しやすい男だ。 He's easy to handle. He's an easy man. 家から遠くないところにあるのは軍の病院です。 Not far from the house was a military hospital. Not far from home is a military hospital. 海は各種の資源を与えてくれる。 The ocean affords various kinds of resources. The ocean provides us with all kinds of resources. 私はからかわれていた。 I was being made a fool of. I was being teased. 彼の経験不足を認めるにしても、私はやはり彼はもっとよくやるべきだと思う。 Admitting his lack of experience, I still think that he ought to do better. Even if I admit to his lack of experience, I still think he should do better. アンは今朝慌てていた。 Ann was in a hurry this morning. Ann was in a hurry this morning. 母親は子どもの歯を虫歯から守ってやらなければならない。 A mother must protect her child's teeth from decay. Mothers must protect their children's teeth from their teeth. 好きなだけ長く私たちの家に滞在しなさい。 You may stay at my house as long as you like. Stay in our house as long as you want. それは大問題だ。 That's a big problem. That's a big problem. 彼らはうまくその問題を解決した。 They were successful in solving the problem. They solved it well. トムの言うことは話半分に聞いた方がいいよ。 It's better if you take what Tom says with a grain of salt. You should listen to Tom. 彼は次のバス停で降車した。 He got off at the next stop. He got off at the next bus stop. 彼は遠隔地を旅するのを楽しんでいる。 He enjoys exploring remote areas. He enjoys traveling through remote places. 私は休暇で出かけていました。 I was out of town on vacation. I was out on vacation. 兄と比べて、彼はそんなに背が高くない。 Compared with his brother, he is not so tall. He's not that tall than my brother. 労働者の多くは飢えで死んだ。 Many of the workers died of hunger. Many of the workers died of starvation. 彼の意見はその問題に新しい見方を加える。 His opinion adds a new light to the question. His opinion took a new look at the issue. そのコンサートのチケットをやっとのことで2枚手に入れた。 I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. I finally got two tickets for the concert. 彼女は、ピアノの前に静かに腰をおろした。 She seated herself quietly before the piano. She sat quietly in front of the piano. 寮の規則は守らなければならない。 You must observe the rules of the dormitory. The rules of the dormitories must be followed. 私は靴を磨いてもらった。 I had my shoes cleaned. I got my shoes polished. 「述部」とは、動作を表す部分で、最後が「~だ」「~する」などになる部分です。 The "predicate" is that part that shows the action in the sentence. In Japanese it would be the part that ends in "da", "suru", etc. "Details" is the part that represents the action, and the end is "to" and "to" and so on. トキポナが話せますか? Can you speak Toki Pona? Is Tokipona able to talk? 明朝8時までには彼らは学校に行ってしまっているでしょう。 They will have gone to school by eight tomorrow morning. They will be at school by 8:00 tomorrow morning. 彼らはあれこれと話をしています。 They are talking about this and that. They're talking about this. 急ぎなさい。そうすれば列車に間に合いますよ。 Hurry up, and you can catch the train. Hurry up, and we'll make it to the train. その事故は明け方に起こった。 The accident occurred at dawn. The accident took place at dawn. 彼は何か気にかけることがあるようだ。 He seems to have something on his mind. He seems to have something on his mind. 落としてしまったに違いない。 I must've lost it. You must have dropped it. 切符を見せてください。 Please show your ticket. Show me your ticket. 彼が言ったことは決して本当ではない。 What he said was by no means true. He's never true. 私は優れた彼の妻になる素質がある。 I make an excellent wife for him. I have the potential to be his wife. 私はたいてい夕食後に入浴する。 I usually take a bath after dinner. I usually bathe after dinner. あなたがたのお父さんは何歳ですか? How old is your father? How old are your fathers? 今日のご気分はいかがですか。 How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? 私が友人だと思っていた人が私をだました。 The man who I thought was my friend deceived me. People who thought I was a friend cheated me. お宅の犬は大きいですね。 Your dog is very big. Your dog's a big one. 私は今何をすべきですか。 What am I to do now? What should I do now? あなたは熱があるのですか? Do you have a fever? You have a fever? 約束を破る人は決して信用されない。 Those who often break their promises are never trusted. A man who breaks his word will never be trusted. 私たちは20世紀の後半に生きている。 We are living in the latter half of the twentieth century. We live in the latter half of the 20th century. 気にしないで。でももう絶対言わないように気をつけてね。 It's fine, just make sure you don't say that again. Don't worry about it, but be careful not to say it again. もし車の数が増えると、道路はひどく込むことになるだろう。 If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic. If there were more cars, roads would get worse. 彼は彼女の容態がどんなに悪いか認識するようきっぱりと言った。 He told her firmly to realize how serious her condition was. He urged her to recognize how bad her condition was. 人工衛星が軌道に向けて打ち上げられた。 The artificial satellite was launched into orbit. Satellites were launched into orbit. 人生は楽しい。 Life is fun. Life is fun. 彼は大学を出るとすぐに結婚した。 He married directly after he left the university. He got married as soon as he left college. 彼女は彼がほかの女の子と歩いているのを見て焼きもちをやいた。 It made her jealous to see him walking with another girl. She saw him walking with other girls and burned up. 彼は速く泳げる。 He can swim fast. He can swim fast. 時間ほど貴重な物はない。 Nothing is so precious as time. There's nothing more precious than time. イギリスにいる間、よく毒づいたものだった。 When I was in England, I used to swear much. He used to poison me while I was in England. はい、ボブが手伝ってくれたんです。 Yes, Bob helped me. Yes, Bob helped me. 知識はその次の世代へと次々に伝えられてきた。 Knowledge has been passed down to subsequent generation. Knowledge has been passed on to the next generation. 僕たちの計画を誰にもしゃべるな。 Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't tell anyone about our plan. 彼と一緒に釣りに行くつもりだ。 I'm going fishing with him. I'm going fishing with him. 君も一緒に来たいか。 Would you care to come with us? I want you to come with me. 何という水の浪費だ。 What a waste of water! What a waste of water. 彼は助けてと大声をあげた。 He gave a loud cry for help. He cried out with help. モーツァルトは、音楽家になるように育てられた。 Mozart was brought up to be a musician. Mozart was raised to be a musician. ケンは音楽がとても好きです。 Ken likes music very much. Ken loves music very much. われわれの社会には、高潔な人もいれば、詐欺師もいる。 In our society we find men of integrity along with crooks. In our society, some are noble, others are con artists. ささやかながら持ち合わせのお金を全部寄附させてください。 Let me donate what little money I have with me. Let me give you all the money you have. 彼女は英語を話せるようになろうと骨を折った。 She directed her efforts at learning to speak English. She broke her bones to try to speak English. あなたは食べ過ぎてはいけない。 You must not eat too much. You shouldn't eat too much. できるだけお助けします。 I will help as much as I can. I'll help you as much as I can. 彼は在宅だろうか。 I wonder if he's at home. Is he home? このナイフは良く切れない。 The knife is not sharp. This knife doesn't cut very well. 彼は殺人罪で起訴されている。 He is accused of murder. He's being charged with murder. 手が届かない。 I can't reach it. I can't reach it. 家内は海外旅行中で、よく電話をかけてくる。 My wife often rings me up, while she travels abroad. My wife often calls me when she is traveling abroad. 死神はえじきを求めいる。 Death is seeking for his prey. The God of Death is looking for a beggar. このドアのペンキはまだ乾いていない。 The paint on the door isn't dry yet. The paint on this door is not dry yet. 油が切れてきたぞ。 Oil is running short. It's running out of oil. 結婚前は両眼を大きく見開いておれ、その後は、その半ばを閉じよ。 Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. I'll open my eyes wide open before we get married, then shut the middle of it. トムはボストンで暮らしている。 Tom lives in Boston. Tom lives in Boston. 来年30歳になります I'll be 30 next year. I'll be 30 next year. 天罰は遅くとも必ず来る。 Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. The punishment of the heavens will surely come at a late time. 総計は100ドルになった。 The total amounted to 100 dollars. The total was $100. その少年は大人びて見えた。 The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked mature. あなたは中野先生が何歳か知っていますか。 Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? You know how old Mr. Nakano is. 私は先生に英作文を直してもらった。 I had my teacher correct my English composition. I got the teacher to fix the English. 彼女はクラスの誰にも劣らず頭がよい。 She is as bright as any in her class. She's as smart as anyone in her class. 食べ物をきらしてしまった。 We have run short of food. I've missed the food. 彼らは学校を設立した。 They set up a school. They set up a school. 彼は広大な太平洋をいかだで横断した。 He crossed the immense pacific on a raft. He crossed the vast Pacific with a raft. もしあなたなら、その仕事に申し込むだろう。 Were I you, I would apply for the job. If you were me, you'd apply for that job. どうして企業文化を知ることが大切なのでしょうか? Why is it important to know about a company’s culture? Why is it important to get to know corporate culture? 結婚して五年になります。 We've been married for five years. I've been married for five years. 私は水中で生きられない。魚じゃない。 I cannot live in water. I'm not a fish. I can't live in water. I'm not a fish. 君は丘を上がって行かなければならない。 You must go up the hill. You have to go up the hill. 春も遅れるでしょう。 Spring will be late. You'll be late in the spring. 価格はいくらですか。 What is the price? What's the price? 明日早いんだからもう寝たら? Tomorrow is early for you; shouldn't you sleep? Why don't you go to bed tomorrow because it's early? 交通事故で彼は左手が使えなくなった。 A traffic accident deprived him of the use of his left hand. He lost his left hand in a car accident. 私は彼女がメキシコへ行ったことがあるかどうか聞いた。 I asked her if she had been to Mexico. I asked if she ever went to Mexico. そうする機転がきかなかった。 I didn't have the sense to do so. I didn't know how to do that. 私は彼が写真機を盗んでいる現場をとらえた。 I caught him stealing the camera. I grabbed him at the scene where he was stealing the camera. テニスにもあるけど、4大大会って何? What are the four major golf tournaments comparable to the ones in tennis? It's on tennis, but what's four grand? 私は、兄と川へつりに行きました。 I went fishing with my brother in the river. I went to the river with my brother. 疲れたなあ。 I am tired! I'm tired. そのレスラーはおそろしいほどの握力がある。 The wrestler has a formidable grip. The wrestler has an easy grip. 彼は若い頃に法律を学んだそうだ。 It is said that he studied law when he was young. He learned the law when he was young. 彼はうちのチームのMVPだ。 He's the most valuable player on our team. He's our team's MVP. その地主は以前かなり裕福な暮らしをしていた。 The landlord used to be quite well off. The landowner used to live quite well before. 測定には寸分の狂いもない精度が要求される。 Flawless precision is required in the measurements. The measurements require an innocuous precision. 彼はうまくその問題が解けた。 He succeeded in solving the question. He solved the problem well. 告白します、私の通訳は完璧でもなんでもないことを。 I confess my translation is not perfect. I confess, my translation is neither perfect nor nothing. 復讐は冷ましてから食べる料理である。 Revenge is a dish best served cold. Vengeance is a dish of food from the cold. 今日にやるんでしょう? You'll do it today right? You're gonna do it today, aren't you? あなたはその事実を考慮に入れなければならない。 You must take the fact into consideration. You have to take that fact into account. チャンネル変えてもいい? Can I change the channel? Can I change the channel? 彼は金のために自分の主義を捨てた。 He sold his principles for money. He gave up his philosophy for money. 来月から家賃を値上げします。 We will increase the rent next month. Next month, I'll raise rent. 海を見に行こう。 Let's go to the beach. Let's go see the ocean. そんなことが本当であるはずがない。 That cannot be true. That can't be true. いつ生まれましたか。 When were you born? When were you born? メグは机を片づけた。 Meg straightened up her desk. Meg cleaned up his desk. 医者は私に飲み過ぎないように忠告した。 The doctor advised me not to drink too much. The doctor advised me not to drink too much. 彼はまだここにいますか。 Is he still here? He's still here. 彼女には何か磁力のようなものがある。 She has something of a magnetic force. She has some kind of magnetic field. トムと私は二人ともフランス語が話せるんだ Tom and I both can speak French. Tom and I both speak French. 彼は彼女に服を買ってやった。 He bought a dress for her. He bought her clothes. 自動車を借りてもいいですか。 May I borrow your car? Can I borrow a car? 元日は何するの? What will you do on New Year's Day? What are you doing back in the day? 焼きもち女は大嫌いだ。 I hate jealous women. I hate women who burn. 彼がどんないい訳をしようとも、私は彼を許すことはできない。 It doesn't matter what excuse he gives me, I can't forgive him. I can't forgive him, no matter what good reason he makes. もうちょっと落ち着いたらどうなの? まったく危なっかしいんだから。 Why don't you calm down? You're really making me cringe. Why don't you just calm down a little? It's so dangerous. スイスと言えば、冬にそこに行った事がありますが。 Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? I've been there in winter, speaking of Switzerland. 学校から帰るとすぐに、彼女は台所で母親の手伝いを始めた。 When she returned home from school, she began to help her mother in the kitchen. As soon as she got home from school, she started helping her mother in the kitchen. 彼は人前で話をすることに慣れている。 He is used to speaking in public. He's used to talking in public. 私は玄関のベルが鳴るのを聞いた。 I heard the front doorbell ring. I heard the doorbell ring. 今働いています。 I'm working right now. I'm working right now. 遅れないように彼女に言った。 I told her not to be late. I told her not to be late. よく考えた末、私は家にいることに決めた。 After some careful thought, I elected to stay at home. After thinking it over, I decided to stay at home. 骨が喉にひっかかった。 A bone stuck in my throat. My bones got stuck in my throat. 爆発の音に村人たちは仰天した。 The explosion frightened the villagers. The villagers were terrified at the sound of the explosion. 彼は新しい環境に順応するのが早い。 He is quick to adapt to new circumstances. He is quick to adapt to his new environment. ひょっとしたら雨になるかもしれない。かさをもって行ったほうがよさそうだ。 It might rain. We should take an umbrella. Maybe it's raining, maybe it's raining, maybe it's better to take it with you. それは今はやりだ。 It is the in thing to do. That's what we do now. あちっ! 熱いよこのコーヒー! Ow! This coffee is hot! It's hot! 昨日はあまり寒くなかった。 It was not very cold yesterday. It wasn't too cold yesterday. 冬はやっぱり雪がないとね。 Winter does not look real without snow. It has to be snow in the winter. 流れに逆らって泳いでみよう。 Let's try and swim against the current. Let's swim against the current. 私は望遠鏡のピントを合わせた。 I adjusted the telescope to my vision. I put the telescope pins together. 私は数奇な運命にもてあそばれてきた。 I have lived a life of a puppet of fortune. I've been faced with odd fates. 彼はほこりに対してアレルギーを起こす。 He is allergic to dust. He's allergic to dust. 忘れないうちに彼の住所を書き留めておかねばならない。 I must write down his address before I forget it. We have to write down his address before we forget. 討論では自分の立場をはっきり述べなさい。 Declare your position in a debate. In the debate, express yourself clearly. それ取ってくれる? Can you give me that? Can you get that for me? 「それもう終わった」「それどころか、いまからだよ」 "Have you finished it?" "On the contrary, I'm just starting." - It's over. - In fact, it's time. 彼は来ないと思う。 I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. 間に合うと思いますか。 Do you think we can get there in time? I don't think we're gonna make it. もし銀行へ行っていればもっとよい交換レートだったのに。 They would've gotten a better exchange rate if they'd gone to a bank. If I had gone to the bank, it would have been a better exchange rate. 一回授業を休むと、クラスメートに追いつくのは大変です。 Once you skip a lesson, it's hard to catch up with your classmates. It's hard to catch up with your classmates when you're out of class. 君はタバコをやめた方がいい。 It is best that you stop smoking. You should stop smoking. 馬上の騎士をみてごらん。 Look at that knight on the horse. Look at the knights on the horse. 風が強くなった。 The wind picked up. The wind is getting stronger. 辺りには誰一人いなかった。 There was no one about. There was no one around. 私たちは子供の頃持っていたある種の感覚を決して失わない。 We never lose a certain sense we had when we were kids. We will never lose some sense we had when we were kids. 女友だちはみんなしてあの娘を引き止めようとしたけれど。 All the girls around her say she's got it coming. All my girlfriends tried to stop her. 彼は間違いなく試験に合格するだろう。 He will without doubt succeed in the exam. He'll definitely pass the test. 彼は私にお金をすぐに返せと要求した。 He demanded that I should pay the money back at once. He asked me to give him back his money right away. ばかなことを言うな! Don't talk nonsense! Don't be ridiculous! 歴史は量子物理学のようなもので、観測者が観測した事象に影響してしまう。ケネディ暗殺は粒子だろうか、それとも波動だろうか? History is like Quantum Physics, the observer affects the event observed. Is the Kennedy assasination a particle or a wave? History is like quantum physics, affecting events observed by observers. ポットに熱湯をいっぱい入れてください。 Please fill the teapot with boiling water. Fill the pot with hot water. 処方箋をもらうために医者に行きなさい。 To get a prescription, go to a doctor. Go to the doctor for a prescription. その種は今世紀の終わりまでに絶滅させられるでしょう。 The species will be made extinct by the end of this century. That species will be extinct by the end of the century. その話は本当でした。 The story was true. That story was true. その猫は部屋の中へ逃げ込んだ。 The cat ran away into the room. The cat ran into the room. 彼は一言も聞きもらすまいとたいへん注意して聞いた。 He listened very carefully in order not to miss a single word. He listened very carefully, without saying a word. 今週末までいくらかお金を貸してくれませんか。 Could you lend me some money until this weekend? Can I borrow some money by this weekend? 良い考えが浮かんだ。 A good idea presented itself. I've got a good idea. あなたとジェインは結婚してどれくらいになりますか。 How long have you and Jane been married? How long have you and Jane been married? どんなタイプのレストランだったか、わかりますか。 Can you guess what type of restaurant it was? Do you know what kind of restaurant it was? 講演者は言いたいことを聴衆に理解させることができなかった。 The lecturer couldn't get his message across to the audience. The speaker could not make his audience understand what he was saying. あそこに赤い家が見えるでしょう。 You will see a red house over there. You'll see the red house over there. 私は家にいるよりも外出するほうがいい。 I prefer going out to staying at home. I'd rather go out than stay home. 私はお金が全てではない事を知っている。 I know that money isn't everything. I know money isn't everything. ちょっと手伝ってもらえませんか。 I'd like a little help. Can you help me with something? 私はわざと彼女の気持ちを傷付けた。 I hurt her feelings on purpose. I hurt her on purpose. わが校はあす南高校と対戦する。 We will play against Minami High School tomorrow. Our school is against South High School tomorrow. あのとき君が話をしていた女性は、私の妹です。 The woman you were talking to at that time was my sister. The woman you were talking to was my sister. 君は靴下を裏返しにはいているよ。 You are wearing your socks inside out. You're turning your socks around. 皆が確実に席が取れるように早めに劇場に行った。 We went to the theater early, so we could be sure that everyone could get a seat. I went to the theater early so everyone could be sure of a seat. 生徒達は先生におじぎをした。 The students bowed to their teacher. The students thanked the teacher. 彼はよく座ったまま何時間も本を読み続けていたものです。 He used to sit reading for hours. He used to sit there and read for hours. 彼の議論にはとても説得力があった。 His argument was most convincing. He was very persuasive in his argument. 彼の生活は順調だった。 His life ran smoothly. His life was fine. 君はその子の世話をしなければならない。 You must look after the child. You have to take care of him. 彼は脱税しようとたくらんだ。 He schemed to evade tax. He's trying to get out of the house. このネクタイはきちんと結べない。 This tie does not tie well. I can't tie this tie properly. 彼はそのチーズケーキを味わってみた。 He tasted the cheesecake. He tasted that cheese cake. ナンシーとジェーンは5時半に帰宅しなければならなかった。 Nancy and Jane had to go back home at five thirty. Nancy and Jane had to come home at 5:30. チェックアウトのときにまとめて清算してください。 Put everything on my tab. I'll settle it when I check out. Please settle with a summary when checking out. 彼のふしだらな行為は気付かれずにはすまなかった。 His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. I'm sorry I didn't notice his foul behavior. 一体何を彼にあげたのですか。 What was it that you gave him? What the hell did you give him? 彼は物思いにふけっている。 He is buried in thought. He's got a crush on his mind. すぐに会いに行くからね。 I'll go meet them soon. I'll see you soon. はとは平和を象徴する。 The dove symbolizes peace. is a symbol of peace. トムは3年前からフランス語を勉強している。 Tom has been studying French for three years. Tom has been studying French for three years. 彼女は悪い仲間と付き合っている。 She is mixing with the wrong crowd. She's having bad company. この間の台風で、時速200キロの風が吹きました。 In the last typhoon, the wind blew at over 200 kilometers per hour! In the meantime, the typhoon blew 200 kilometers an hour. バスでは時間がかかる。 The bus will take time. It'll take time on the bus. 彼は犯行現場にいたように思われる。 It seems that he has been at the scene of the crime. Looks like he was at the crime scene. 彼はその会社を継いだ。 He acceded to the office. He took over the company. 彼に電話した。 I gave him a call. I called him. 田中さんは、十分なトレーニングをしました。 Mr Tanaka had trained sufficiently. Ms. Tanaka did enough training. 市長は税収入の落ち込みについて調査すべきだと思った。 The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The mayor thought he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. 私はときどき悲しく感じる。 I feel sad every now and then. Sometimes I feel sad. 彼らは昼間だけ働きます。 They work only during the day. They only work during the day. 仕事がなくて、お金をためられません。 With no work, I can't save any money. I don't have a job, I can't save money. 抜歯しなければなりません。 Your tooth must be extracted. You have to remove your teeth. 彼女が彼との出会いを面白く話してくれた。 She gave me a humorous account of her encounter with him. She told me a funny story about meeting him. 彼女は音楽を勉強しにパリへ行った。 She went to Paris to study music. She went to Paris to study music. ここのバスは1時間に何回ぐらい出るのですか。 About how many times an hour do these buses leave? How many buses do you have in an hour? 私たちは早起きして、家の掃除を始めた。 We got up early and set about cleaning our house. We got up early and started cleaning the house. 彼は寝返りをうった。 He rolled over in his sleep. He turned around. 国連はその国際問題を扱うだろう。 The United Nations will deal with that international problem. The UN will deal with that international issue. 私は初心者なので「ガーター編みのマフラー」か「一目ゴム編みのマフラー」から始めようと思います。 I'm a beginner, so I think I'll start from a 'garter stitch' muffler or a 'knit-one-purl-one stitch' one. Since I'm new, I'm going to start with "Gator’s Painter" or "One - Rubber". みなさん、こんにちは。 Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone. トムさんは仔牛に焼き印を押しました。 Tom branded the calf. Tom branded the calf. 息子にドアの修理をしてもらった。 I got my son to repair the door. My son fixed the door. 母の日をお母さんのために使う。 We celebrate Mother's Day in honor of our mothers. I use my mother's day for my mother. 私達は教会の周りに生えている草や雑草を全部切り取った。 We cut away all the grass and weeds around the church. We cut off all the grass and weeds that grow around the church. 私は新しい服を作らせた。 I had a new suit made. I made him make new clothes. これが起こったのは、今回が初めてではない。 This is not the first time this has happened. This is not the first time this happened. 彼は私にとても親切です。 He is very kind to me. He's so kind to me. 彼女は遠くから見れば美人だ。 If you see her from a distance, she is beautiful. She's beautiful from a distance. 僕、テニスが大好きなんだ。 I am keen on tennis. I love tennis. カメラをなくしました。 I lost my camera. I lost the camera. 彼は外国から来たんだ。 He's from a foreign country. He's from a foreign country. トムは私の兄です。 Tom is my older brother. Tom is my brother. 彼には俳優になる才能がない。 He lacks the talent to be an actor. He doesn't have the talent to be an actor. 彼女の顔を見るとバラが連想される。 We associate her face with a rose. When I look at her face, I think of roses. 彼はメキシコ人なので英語の発音はスペイン風になる。 He pronounces English words in Spanish fashion because he is a Mexican. Since he is Mexican, English sounds like Spanish. なあに、しがないサラリーマンですよ。 Me? I'm a plain old salaryman. What's the matter with you? You're a poor Salaryman. ドイツでは19%の消費税が課せられています。 The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent. In Germany, the consumption tax is 19 percent tax. 私は午後は時間がなくて行けません。 I'm not free to go this afternoon. I can't go this afternoon without time. 私は決して頭が良くない。 I'm anything but bright. I'm never smart. 息子が100まで数えるようになった。 My son became able to count to 100. My son's starting to count to 100. 駅へ行く道を教えて下さいませんか。 Would you please tell me the way to the station? Can you show us the way to the station? タモリさん、電話が故障しています。 The telephone is out of order, Mr Tamori. Mr. Tamoly, your phone's broken. 彼女は彼と結婚する約束をしたが、結婚しなかった。 She promised to marry him, but she didn't. She promised to marry him, but she didn't. 昨日はなぜ学校を欠席したのですか。 Why were you absent from school yesterday? Why did you miss school yesterday? 雨が窓に打ち付けている。 The rain is beating against the window. It's raining on the window. 委員会の目的は子供の音楽の才能を伸ばすことにあります。 The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent. The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent. 試合は引き分けになった。 The match ended in a draw. The game was a draw. 値段を当てられますか。 Can you guess the price? So let's see if we can figure out the price. お子さんはおいくつですか? How old is your child? How old are you? この川で泳いではいけない。 Swimming is not allowed in this river. Don't swim in this river. 彼はアメリカに行きたがっている。 He wants to go to America. He wants to go to America. もっと若ければいいのに。 I wish I were younger. I wish I were younger. ジョンは群集の間を通り抜けて行った。 John passed among the crowd. John went through the crowd. 人生の成功の秘訣は成功しなかった人だけが知っている。 The secret of success in life is known only to those who have not succeeded. Only those who haven't succeeded know the secret to success in life. 先生は、生徒たちに、この教訓を忘れるな、といった。 The teacher told his pupils not to forget that lesson. The teacher told the students not to forget this lesson. そんなふうにして事故が起こったのです。 That is how the accident occurred. That's how an accident happened. その部屋には200人の人々がいた。 There were two hundred people in the room. There were 200 people in the room. 私達はみんな教授は当然英語が話せると思っていた。 We all took for granted that the professor could speak English. We all thought that Professors spoke English. 高校ではサッカーチームに入っています。 I am on our high school soccer team. In high school, I'm part of a football team. それはトムにとっては無理だと思う。 I think that's impossible in Tom's case. I don't think that's possible for Tom. この歯ブラシを使っているのは母ではない。 The one who uses this toothbrush isn't my mother. It's not my mother who uses this toothbrush. 人は言葉より行いで判断される。 Actions speak louder than words. People are judged by their deeds rather than by their words. 夕方が近づいていた。 Evening was drawing near. The evening was getting closer. そうは言いたくない。 I'd rather not say that. I don't want to say that. 君はいつも何時ごろに寝るの? What time do you usually go to bed? When do you always sleep? その子は大きな木の陰に隠れていた。 The child was hiding behind a big tree. He was hiding behind a big tree. 消防士たちはドアをぶち破った。 The firemen battered down the door. The firefighters smashed the door. トムはどこにも行くつもりはないと言っている。 Tom says he isn't planning to go anywhere. Tom says he's not going anywhere. 何が問題なんだ、トム。 What's the problem now, Tom? What's the problem, Tom? 彼がその事についてなにも知らないとは不思議だ。 It is strange that he knows nothing about the matter. I'm surprised he doesn't know anything about it. なぜ彼は不機嫌な顔をしてるんだい。 Why does he look so black? Why does he have a bad look on his face? 彼女はお金を与えた。 She gave money. She gave me the money. どんな薬もこの病気を治療することはできない。 No medicine can cure this disease. No drug can cure the disease. 残りたい人は残りなさい。 Those who want to remain may do so. Leave those who want to stay. どんなものでも、スポーツはいやです。 I just do not like any kind of sports. I don't want any sport. 彼は4時頃には戻ると思います。 He'll be here around four o'clock. I think he'll be back by 4:00. もう帰宅すべき時間だ。 It's time we went home. It's time to go home. われわれは誤りを犯しがちである。 We're apt to make mistakes. We have made mistakes. 事故は良く不注意から起こるものだ。 An accident often comes of carelessness. Accidents are often caused by carelessness. 彼女は優秀な学者であり、いたるところでそういう学者として認められている。 She is a brilliant scholar and is everywhere recognized as such. She is a good scholar, and in many places she is recognized as such. 私は貴方が汽車で行くことを勧めます。 I recommend you to go by train. I encourage you to go on the train. これは見た目に気持ちがよい。 This is very nice to look at. This feels good to look at. 彼は眼を閉じて、仰向けに寝ていた。 He lay on his back with his eyes closed. He was sleeping on his back with his eyes closed. 彼は有り金残らず奪われた。 He was robbed of all his money. He was robbed of everything he had left behind. 音楽がなっているのに彼女の鳴き声が聞こえた。 Above the music, I could hear her crying. I could hear her singing when the music was playing. 彼は書類に署名せざるをえなかった。 He was forced to sign the document. He had to sign the papers. 今夜から三泊で予約をお願いしてあります。 I have a reservation for three nights from tonight. I'm going to have a reservation for three nights tonight. 帰国後その問題を調査してみるつもりだ。 I will inquire about the matter after I return home. After returning home, I'm going to investigate the issue. どうぞおたちにならないで下さい。 Please don't get up. Please don't do this to me. エジプトでは、何語が話されていますか。 What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? 誰かが口笛を吹くのが聞こえた。 I heard someone whistle. I heard someone whistle. うちはうち、そとはそと。 Our house, our rules. We're in the middle of something. マユコは私の質問に答えられなかった。 Mayuko could not answer my question. Mayuko could not answer my questions. 風景に気を取られて運転者は道路から目をそらした。 The scenery diverted the driver's attention from the road. The scene distracted the driver from the road. 君はもう寝たほうがいい。 You had better go to bed now. You need to get some sleep. あとになって初めて、それをやった理由を彼は説明した。 Only afterward did he explain why he did it. Only later did he explain why he did it. 私はあなたにはついていけません。 I can't keep up with you. I can't follow you. 彼はもちろん私の事を社長に告げ口するだろう。 He will, no doubt, tell the boss on me. He will, of course, tell the president about me. 彼は彼女にうるさく質問して困らせた。 He bothered her with questions. He made a quick question to her. 昨日、アメリカから帰ってきたので、まだ頭の中が英語環境だ。 I just got back from the States yesterday, so I'm still thinking in English. I came home from the United States yesterday and I still have English in my head. 彼らは疲れていたにちがいない。 They must have been tired. They must have been tired. 私は商社で働いています。 I work for a trading company. I work for a trading company. この品物の値段では製造費をまかなえない。 The price of this article does not cover the cost of its manufacture. The price of this item cannot cover the cost of manufacturing. どのくらい待たなければいけませんか? How long will you have to wait? How long do we have to wait? 彼女が昨日話してくれたことは、罪のない嘘だった。 What she told me yesterday is a white lie. What she told me yesterday was an innocent lie. 私はあなたにあげるものが何もない。 I don't have anything to give you. I have nothing to give you. やってはみた。 I tried. I tried. 彼は空想家にすぎない。 He is no more than a dreamer. He's just a fantasy. 長いこと贅沢三昧に暮らしていた彼らが、今になって何もない質素な生活に耐えるなんてとても無理な話だ。 They lived high on the hog for so long, and now they can't adjust to a simple life without luxuries. It is very difficult for them, who have lived in luxury for a long time, to endure a life of nothing now. 誰か他の人、答えられますか。 Can anybody else answer? Can you answer someone else's question? この本を読み終えたら本棚にもどしておきなさい。 Put the book back on the shelf when you're through with it. When you finish reading this book, go back to the bookshelf. 君は傘を持っていったほうが良い。 You had better take an umbrella with you. You better take the umbrella. 大容量のRAMが搭載されていると、メモリ不足を示すエラーメッセージが表示される。 If a very large amount of memory is installed, an 'insufficient memory' error message is displayed. If you have a large RAM on your system, an error message will appear indicating that you are short of memory. このお金を彼にあげるくらいなら、捨てたほうがいいです。 I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. So I'm going to give him some money, and I'm going to give him some money. 世界のコンピューター情報の80%が英語です。 Eighty percent of all information on computers around the world is in English. It's about 80 percent of the world's computer information. 彼は医者ではなくて教師である。 He is not a doctor but a teacher. He is not a doctor, he is a teacher. なによりもまず、今君は働かなければならない。 Above all, you must work now. First of all, you have to work now. ひな祭りがいつ頃からある祭りなのか、はっきりとはしていないが、平安時代にはすでに流しびなの原形があったようだ。 It is not known when the Hinamatsuri first started, but the Nagashibina, in its most primitive form, was already being celebrated during the Heian period. I don’t know exactly when the festival has been going on, but it seems that the period of peace has already begun. トムは今日何をしていましたか? What was Tom doing today? What was Tom doing today? 7歳になる私の姪は彼女の兄に向かって、「言いつけるよ」と言った。 My seven-year-old niece said to her brother "I'll tell on you." My seven-year-old niece said to her brother, “I will tell you.” 新しい英語の先生、トム・クルーズ似のイケメンらしいよ。 I heard that the new English teacher is a handsome guy who looks like Tom Cruise. It looks like a handsome new English teacher, Tom Crewes. ダンは誕生日に同僚から招き猫をもらった。 Dan got a lucky cat figurine from a co-worker for his birthday. Dan received a cat from a colleague on his birthday. 彼は今いません。 He's out now. He's not here right now. トムは疲れていて不機嫌だった。 Tom was tired and cross. Tom was tired and upset. 彼女は決して正直でない。 She is far from honest. She's never honest. 私たちは皆卒業を待ち望んでいる。 We all long for our graduation. We all look forward to graduation. 私はその列車に乗り遅れないように駅へ急いだ。 I hurried to the station so that I wouldn't miss the train. I rushed to the station to make sure I didn't miss that train. どんなに眠くても、歯を磨きなさい。 No matter how sleepy you are, brush your teeth. No matter how sleepy you are, brush your teeth. これは若い人たちが解決すべき問題だ。 This is a problem for young people to solve. It’s a problem young people need to solve. 私は東京で育ちました。 I was raised in Tokyo. I grew up in Tokyo. 森の中に車を停めるのは初めてです。 This is the first time I've parked my car in the woods. It's the first time I've stopped in the woods. そこに連れて行きますよ。 I'll take you there. I'll take you there. 彼らは、一人づつ立ち上がってスピーチした。 They stood up and made their speeches one by one. They stood up one by one and gave a speech. 「高校時代、あなたはどんな感じでしたか?」「私はもの静かで化学がとても得意でした。」 "What were you like in high school?" "I was quiet but really good at chemistry." "How did you feel in high school?" "I was quiet and very good at chemistry." 彼女は悲観する傾向がある。 She has a tendency to look on the dark side of things. She tends to be pessimistic. ルーシーは箸が使えない。 Lucy can't use chopsticks. Lucy can't use chopsticks. タクシーに傘を忘れてしまった。 I left my umbrella in the cab. I forgot my umbrella in the taxi. 彼は走り幅跳びに専念するために競争をやめた。 He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump. He stopped running to concentrate on the long jump. 私は日曜日には学校に行かない。 I don't go to school on Sundays. I'm not going to school on Sunday. 手伝って。 Help me. Help me. 私は彼女が新しい眼鏡をかけているのに気がついた。 I noticed that she was wearing new glasses. I noticed her wearing a new pair of glasses. 彼女の額は汗でぬれていた。 Sweat bathed her brow. Her forehead was sweaty. 僕は君に何一つかくしだてするつもりはない。 I will keep nothing back from you. I'm not gonna tell you anything. 私の妹は赤ん坊の頃、よく泣きながら寝入ったものでした。 My sister would often cry to sleep when she was a baby. My sister used to go to bed crying when she was a baby. あなたは他人のことに干渉する権利はありません。 You have no right to interfere in other people's affairs. You have no right to interfere with others. 私は家族を養うために懸命に働いた。 I worked hard in order to support my family. I worked very hard to support my family. 今回、まだ両替していなかったので、日本円を人民元に替える必要があった。 This time I hadn't converted my money yet, so I needed to change Yen into Yuan. This time we didn’t have to change the change, so we had to replace the Japanese yen with the people's headquarters. 彼が礼儀正しいので、私たちは尊敬している。 We look up to him because of his politeness. We respect him for being polite. この種の昆虫は日本に広く分布している。 These insects are widely distributed throughout Japan. These insects are widely distributed in Japan. この上着はちょっと大きすぎる。 This jacket is a little too big. This jacket is a little too big. ハルくんは昔からこうなの、心根は凄く優しいのよ。 Haru's always been like that; he's very kind at heart. Hal's been like this for a long time, and his heart is very kind. いびつな野菜はお嫌いですか? Do you hate misshapen vegetables? You don't like sweet vegetables? おやすみ。 Goodnight. Good night. 男が近づいて私に話しかけた。 A man came up and spoke to me. A man approached me. とても激しく雨が降っていた。 It was raining good and hard. It was raining so hard. 私たちを戸惑わせたのは、彼が会議に出席しないといったことだ。 What puzzled us was that he said he would not attend the meeting. The one thing that confuses us is that he doesn’t attend meetings. この世界を直視するべきだ。 We ought to look the world straight in the face. We should face this world. 私たちはその計画を良く考えてみなければならない。 We have to think over the plan. We have to think about that plan. 無駄にする時間はない。 There is no time to lose. There's no time to waste. かなり多くの学生が今日欠席している。 Quite a few students are absent today. Quite a few students are absent today. 彼は侮辱されて腹を立てた。 He got angry at being insulted. He was insulted. 彼は私が今まで会ったうちで一番頑固な子供だ。 He is the most obstinate child I have ever seen. He's the most stubborn child I've ever met. 彼は時間を浪費する気にはなれなかった。 He didn't approve of wasting time. He didn't mean to waste his time. それを前に言ってくれればよかったのに。 You should have told me that before. You should have told me that before. ぐっすり寝ました。 I slept soundly. I slept well. もうあなたとフランス語を話しません。 I will not speak French with you again. I don't speak French with you anymore. 我々は共鳴する点がおおい。 We have a lot of sympathies in common. We're missing the synchronization point. 我々の車は速く、じきにほかの車の先頭に立った。 Our car was fast and soon got ahead of the other cars. Our car was fast and soon was at the head of the other cars. 彼は私に計画の変更を知らせてきた。 He told me about the change in the plan. He told me he had a change of plans. その川は幅が広い。 The river is wide. The river is wide. 今日は家にいるより出かけたい気分だ。 I feel like going out rather than staying at home today. I feel more like going out today than at home. またお会いできるのを楽しみにしております。 We are looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to seeing you again. 申し訳ありません、全席予約済みです。 Sorry, but we're booked up. I'm sorry, all seats have been booked. 少女たちは縛り上げられて地下室に放置された。 The girls were trussed up and left in a cellar. The girls were tied up and left in the basement. その少年は少女をからかった。 The boy made fun of the girl. The boy made fun of the girl. 私は1分違いで列車に乗り遅れた。 I missed the train by a minute. I missed the train in a minute. 私達は食事をする時間がほとんどなかった。 We hardly had time to eat our dinner. We had little time to eat. 私は何をなすべきか決めなければならない。 I need to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. 遅刻するなんていかにも彼らしいと思う。 I firmly believe it is characteristic of him to be late. I don't think it's like him to be late. 昔、ここには橋がかかっていた。 A long time ago, there was a bridge here. There was a bridge here a long time ago. これだけ悪口雑言を浴びせられれば、後は怖いものなどありゃしない。かえってすっきりするよ。 I'm not afraid of anything after having verbal abuse heaped on me like that. In fact, I feel empowered by it. After that, there is nothing to be afraid of, if you can get me to talk about it all the time. あんなやつを負かすのはお茶の子さいさいだ。 I can beat him hands down. It's a bunch of tea girls who beat him. いくら金を積んでも彼の気持ちは変わらないでしょう。 No amount of money will change his mind. No matter how much money he has, he's not going to change his mind. あのドレス大好き。 I love that dress. I love that dress. 有難くも、10000hit越えのお祝いイラストを頂いてしまいました!本当にかたじけないです。 I'm very lucky to have been gifted with this 10,000 hit picture! Thank you so very much. I've been able to get more than 10,000 Heits in celebration, despite the fact that I've been able to do so! 湖まで歩いていきましょう。 Let's walk to the lake. Let's walk to the lake. 何読んでんの? What're you reading? What are you reading? あなたは愚かだ。 You are stupid. You're a fool. 彼の忠告のおかげで、私はたくさんのお金を節約した。 Thanks to his advice, I have saved a lot of money. Thanks to his advice, I saved a lot of money. 空が明るくなった。 The sky has brightened. The sky has become brighter. 俺のことはほっといてくれ! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! この道を行ってもダメですよ。工事中ですから。 You can't go along this road. It is under repair. I can't go on this road. I'm working on it. 彼は毎日かならず十ページ読む事にしていた。 He made a point of reading ten pages every day. He would read 10 pages every day. もう友達の作り方とか忘れちゃった。 I don't know how to make friends anymore. I've forgotten how to make friends. 京都は、1度は行ってみる価値がある。 Kyoto is worth visiting once. Kyoto is worth a try at once. 町の人たちが彼を助けにやってきた。 People in the town came to help him. People in town came to help him. 内緒にしておくと約束してくれるなら、話してあげましょう。 I'll tell you only if you promise to keep it to yourself. If you promise to keep it a secret, I'll tell you. あなたが業務を果たさないならば、人々はあなたを軽蔑するだろう。 If you don't do your duty, people will look down on you. If you don't do your job, people will despise you. 本が出版されましたらお送りいたします。 We would be happy to send our book to you when it is published. I'll send you the book as soon as it's published. 番号違いにおかけになっているようですよ。 I am afraid you have the wrong number. It looks like you're dialing the wrong number. 彼は私の失敗にご満悦の体でそこに座っていた。 He was sitting there, delighted with my failure. He sat there, pleased with my failure. スープを入れるくぼんだお皿がありますか。 Do you have a bowl for soup? Do you have a bowl of soup? 彼は見かけは健康そうだが実は体が弱いらしい。 Though apparently healthy, he really has a delicate constitution. He looks healthy, but he's really weak. 誰かがご用を伺っているのでしょうか。 Have you been waited on? Is someone here to see you? 一風呂浴びてさっぱりした。 I feel so refreshed after my bath. I just had a bath. わたしは風邪気味であったために、家族と指宿へ行かれなかった。 A slight cold prevented me from going to Ibusuki with my family. I was not allowed to go to the doghouse with my family because of the cold. 通りを横断するときには、いくら注意してもしすぎることはない。 You cannot be too careful in crossing the street. When crossing the street, there is no way to be too careful. 彼らはだれも出席していない。 Not all of them are present. They weren't there. 多くの人がその職に申し込んだ。 Many people applied for the position. A lot of people applied for the job. 週末にはよくヨットに乗りにいきます。 I often go sailing on weekends. I often get on a yacht this weekend. 休暇は短いので、最大限に活用しなければなりません。 We must make the most of our vacation, as it is so short. We have to make the most of our vacations because they are short. 赤ん坊を寝かしつけねばならない。 I have to put the baby to bed. We have to put the baby to bed. たいそうご無理をお願いしてすみません。 I am sorry I have imposed so much on you. I'm so sorry to ask so much of you. この法則はすべての場合に適用されるとは限らない。 This rule cannot be applied in every case. This law does not apply in all cases. 私は彼女がスカートを修繕しているのに気づいた。 I found her mending a skirt. I noticed her mending her skirt. 今日、私は現代社会におけるスポーツの重要性に関して話すつもりです。 Today, I'm going to talk about the importance of sport in modern society. Today I am going to talk about the importance of sports in modern society. 私には彼に借金がある。 I owe him a debt. I owe him. 私はこの辞書無しではやっていけません。 I cannot do without this dictionary. I can't do this without this dictionary. 65歳以上の人たちは政府から年金を受けている。 People of 65 and above get a pension from the government. People over 65 are pensioned by the government. 窓のところにいる少女に会って話がしたかった。 I wanted to meet and talk with the girl at the window. I wanted to meet a girl at the window and talk to her. 私たちはラジオを聞いている。 We're listening to the radio. We're listening to the radio. 家に帰る途中に、私は彼に会いました。 On my way home, I met him. On the way home, I met him. 私をトムと呼ぶのはやめて。 Stop calling me Tom. Don't call me Tom. わたしはどんなことがあっても貴方から離れない。 I would not leave you for all the world. I won't leave you, no matter what. 予約を3泊から5泊に変更したい。 I'd like to change my reservation for three to five nights. I'd like to change my reservation from three to five. 寝ても覚めても彼女はそのことを考えていた。 She thought about that matter all the time. At night she would wake up thinking about it. あなたの結婚式に行きたくはなかった。 I didn't want to go to your wedding. I didn't want to go to your wedding. 私には奥さんがピアニストである友人がいる。 I have a friend whose wife is a pianist. I have a friend whose wife is a pianist. この本は2度読むだけの価値がある。 This book is worth reading twice. This book is worth reading twice. 私は行きたくなかったのだが、あんまり彼女が親切にしてくれるので招待を受けざるをえなかった。 I didn't want to go, but she had been so kind to me that I couldn't but accept the invitation. I didn’t want to go, but I had to be invited because she was kind to me. 任せて! Leave it to me. I got it! ついに彼はアメリカに行きました。 At last, he went to America. Finally he went to America. 昨日、私は時計を調べてもらうためにその店に行った。 Yesterday I went to the store to get my watch checked. Yesterday, I went to the store to check the clock. あなたが私に話してくれたこと以外彼について何も知らない。 I don't know anything about him except what you told me. I don't know anything about him except what you told me. 医者が患者をよく診てくれたおかげで、患者はただちに回復した。 The doctor's careful treatment of the patient brought about her quick recovery. The doctor took good care of the patient, and the patient recovered immediately. それでいいと思います。 It may be all right. I think that's good. 髪を切ってもらいたいんですが。 I'd like you to cut my hair. I'd like you to cut my hair. 私は手紙を出したことを覚えている。 I remember mailing the letter. I remember sending the letter. 私は結婚していて子どもが二人いる。 I am married and have two children. I'm married and have two children. 私が雨宿りしていると、彼は親切にも車に乗せてくれた。 While I was waiting for the rain to stop, he kindly gave me a lift. When I was in the rain, he kindly put me in the car. 一瞬の間が生まれた。 There was a momentary pause. I was born for a moment. ペットロスとは、ペットを失った飼い主に起きるショックや怒りなどの反応をいう。 "Pet loss" refers to the reactions of shock and anger that occur in owners who have been bereaved of their pets. Petros are reactions to the shock, anger, and the loss of a pet. 何が起こるか知る由もない。 There is no knowing what may happen. I don't know what's gonna happen. 彼はしばしば時間を間違えて約束に遅れる。 He often mistakes the time, and is late for his appointments. He often delays his appointment by taking the wrong time. 恋人は外国語学校に勤めていて、その勤務がとても好きようだ。 My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. Her boyfriend works in a foreign school, and she seems to like her job very much. お茶を持ってきて。 Bring tea. Can I get you some tea? 4月には学校行事がたくさんある。 In April we have a lot of school events. There are a lot of schools in April. ちょうど食べ物が身体を養うように、読者は精神を養う。 Just as food feeds the body, so reading feeds the mind. Just as food feeds the body, readers feed the spirit. 私はそれがよい意見だと思います。 I consider that a good opinion. I think it's a good opinion. 彼に君の名を言っておきました。 I mentioned your name to him. I told him your name. その国は天然資源がある。 That country has natural resources. The country has natural resources. カルタを配ってください。 Please deal the cards. Hand over the carta. 夏休みに彼の農場に行くのが楽しみでした。 I delighted in going to his farm during the summer vacation. I was looking forward to going to his farm during the summer vacation. その太った女性は猿を抱きかかえていた。 The fat woman was holding a monkey. The fat woman was holding a monkey in her arms. 考慮すべきもう一つのことは、カーペットの素材、織り方、染料の質である。 Another thing to consider is the quality of the materials, knots, and dyes in the carpet. Another factor to consider is the quality of carpet material, weaving, and dyes. 彼女はその秘密を知っていたようだ。 She seems to have known the secret. Looks like she knew the secret. あの少年は誰ですか。 Who is that boy? Who's that boy? 雨のため、コンサートの聴衆は少なかった。 Because of the rain, the audience at the concert was small. There were few people at the concert because of the rain. いつもありがとうございます。助かります。 As always, thank you. You've helped me. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. 君は明日の朝6時にここへ来さえすればよい。 You only have to be here at six tomorrow morning. You can come here at 6:00 tomorrow morning. 君が言わんとする事は僕には理解できない。 I don't understand what you are trying to say. I don't understand what you have to say. クラスのもの皆が彼の冗談に笑った。 The whole class laughed at his joke. Everyone in the class laughed at his jokes. 私にいくらかお金を貸してくれませんか。 Can you lend me some money? Why don't you lend me some money? このニュースはまだ公にしてほしくない。 I don't want this news to be made public yet. I don't want this news to go public yet. 彼は私の三倍本を持っている。 He has three times as many books as I have. He's got my triplet. デパートではいつでも大きな展覧会を見られる。 You can see the large exhibition at the department store anytime. There are always big exhibitions in the department store. 彼の妻は私には醜いとは思えない。 His wife doesn't seem ugly to me. I don't think his wife is ugly to me. あなたの援助がなければ、計画を実行できないだろう。 Without your support, we probably won't be able to put this plan into practice. Without your help, we won't be able to carry out the plan. マヤ、アルマ、他の私の全ての兄弟姉妹たちへ、私にくれた助けをどうもありがとう。 To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. Thank you for the help you gave me to Maya, Alma and all my other brothers and sisters. 2つのうちどちらが美しいかが彼女にとっては大問題だった。 It was very important to her which was the more beautiful of the two. It was a big problem for her to see which of the two was beautiful. あなたはあなたの先生に相談したほうがよい。 You had better consult with your teacher. You should consult with your teacher. この報告書には誤りがない。 This report is free from errors. There's nothing wrong with this report. これ以上求められないのは当然だ。 We can not reasonably ask more. It's no wonder there's nothing more to be asked of. 部屋を出るときには、必ず電気を消してください。 Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the room. When you leave the room, always turn off the electricity. 彼は君と同じくらい速く走る。 He runs as fast as you. He runs as fast as you. 私たちは、その問題を論じあうために会議を開いた。 We held a meeting with a view to discussing the problem. We held a meeting to discuss the issue. トムと私は高校が同じです。 Tom and I go to the same high school. Tom and I are in high school together. 甘い香りがそよ風に乗ってくる。 Sweet scents are borne on soft breezes. The sweet smell comes from the breeze. どうぞお乗り下さい。 Please get into the car. Please come aboard. バスでそのビーチまで行けますか? Can we get to the beach by bus? Can you take the bus to that beach? 誰もこの機械を動かせない。 No one can operate this machine. No one can run this machine. 彼の助けがなかったら、私は失敗したろう。 Had it not been for his help, I should have failed. Without his help, I would have failed. 20世紀の間に、こうしたことすべてが変わった。 In the course of the twentieth century all this changed. During the 20th century, all of this changed. この新薬は効果が永続的である。 This new medicine has a lasting effect. The new drug is permanent. ほとんど歩けない。 I can hardly walk. I can barely walk. トムはフランス語の本が読めると言っている。 Tom says that he can read a French book. Tom says he can read French books. まさしくイギリスと事情は同じで、家を買うことは可能であった。ただし、自分が気に入った家を手頃な値段で買うという考えを捨てれば、という条件が付くのであった。 It was quite possible to buy a house, just as it is in England, provided one gives up the idea of buying a home one likes, and at a reasonable price. The situation was exactly the same with the UK, and it was possible to buy a house, but there were conditions for me to abandon the idea of buying a house I liked at a reasonable price. どうやらトムはメアリーのことが嫌いらしい。 Apparently, Tom doesn't like Mary. Apparently Tom doesn't like Mary. 家の支払いのため僕らは倹約しなければならないだろう。 To make our house payments, we're going to have to tighten our belts. We'll have to be thrifty to pay for the house. ここが痛い。 It hurts here. It hurts here. その老人は車にひかれて直ちに病院に担ぎ込まれた。 The old man was hit by a car and was immediately taken to the hospital. The old man was caught in a car and rushed to the hospital immediately. 昨日の夜、私が彼女と二人きりだったのに出くわして、さぞ驚いたことでしょうね。 You must have been surprised to find me alone with her last night. You must have been surprised to see me last night alone with her. 母にそれらを選んであげよう。 I will choose them for my mother. I'll give them to my mother. ご承知のように、彼は野球が好きだ。 You see, he is a good baseball player. As you know, he likes baseball. 日本へのコレクトコールをお願いします。 I'd like to make a collect call to Japan. Please welcome to Japan. ストアへ一緒に行きませんか。 Will you come with me to the store? Why don't you come with me to the store? 私たちはきのう教室をきれいにしました。 We cleaned our classroom yesterday. We cleaned the classroom yesterday. 彼は愚かにも彼女の言うことを信じてしまった。 He was stupid enough to believe her. He foolishly believed her. お仕事は何をなさってるんですか? What is your job? What do you do for a living? 時は金なり。 Time is money. Time is money. トムは火曜日以外ならいつでも来られると私に言った。 Tom told me that he could come on any day but Tuesday. Tom told me he could come any time except Tuesday. ほら、あなたのバッグはそこですよ。 There is your bag. Here's your bag. あそこに立っている少年は私の息子です。 The boy standing over there is my son. The boy standing over there is my son. 出る時にドアをお閉めください。 Please close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. 私の貯金はとても少ないので、あまり長くもたないだろう。 My savings are so small that they won't last much longer. My savings are so small that they won't last very long. 私は声を出して笑った。 I laughed out loud. I laughed out loud. 私はやっとのことで、あなたの家を見つけることができた。 I found your house with difficulty. I was finally able to find your house. 彼は農場で働いている。 He is employed on the farm. He works on the farm. 嵐を避けて近くの納屋に逃げ込んだ。 We took refuge from the storm in a nearby barn. He escaped to a nearby barn to avoid the storm. そうしょっちゅうここへは戻ってきません。 I don't come back here very often. They don't come back here all the time. 田中さんはもう帰りましたか。 Has Tanaka already returned? Is Ms. Tanaka gone? 宿題を済ませてからテレビゲームをしました。 I played video games after I finished my homework. I finished my homework and played a TV game. 私はこの件に関しては、あなたに賛成です。 I agree with you on this issue. I agree with you on this matter. 彼女は彼を師と考えている。 She regards him as her master. She thinks he's a teacher. この靴をどう思う? What do you think of these shoes? What do you think of these shoes? お父様にそっくりですね。 You're just like your father. You look just like your father. 彼は六か国語を話すことが出来ると自慢している。 He boasts that he can speak six languages. He is proud to be able to speak six languages. したいことの出来る自由がもっとあり、制限のあまりない社会生活を楽しむことが出来る。 Single people enjoy more freedom to do what they want and enjoy living a less restricted social life. We have more freedom to do what we want to do, and we can enjoy a less restricted social life. 運まかせにするな。 Don't leave it up to chance. Don't let him get away with it. 彼は新聞に何か寄稿しようと思った。 He purposed writing something for the paper. He wanted to send something to the newspaper. 彼は決して自分の学問を誇示することは無かった。 He never made a display of his learning. He never made a show of his education. ジムは、木から降りた。 Jim got down from the tree. Jim got out of the tree. 私は、知らない人といっしょにいると落ち着かない。 I am very ill at ease with strangers. I don't feel comfortable with strangers. 奥様とお話ししたいのですが。 I'd like to speak to the lady of the household. I'd like to speak with your wife. 彼女は仕事に対してとても積極的な態度を示している。 She shows a very positive attitude to her work. She is very active in her work. 昨日このスカートを買ったのは誰ですか。 Who was it that bought this skirt yesterday? Who bought this skirt yesterday? 判事は思わず笑った。 The judge laughed in spite of himself. The judge didn't think so. 君が持っていないもので、何か欲しいものはある? Is there anything you want that you don't have? What do you want, what you don't have? あなたはテニスをしましたか。 Did you play tennis? Did you do tennis? 存分に楽しもう。 Let's enjoy ourselves to our heart's content. Enjoy yourself to the full. これらの製品は同じ品質です。 These products are of the same quality. These products are of the same quality. 彼は嘘を付くような人ではない。 He is not a man to tell a lie. He's not a liar. その国は国際問題には力がある。 The country has power in international affairs. That country is powerful in international affairs. 正直だと思っていた少年が私をだました。 The boy I thought was honest deceived me. The boy who thought I was honest cheated me. 電話が使えません。 The telephone can't be used. I can't use the phone. そんな風にトムをからかうな。 Stop teasing Tom like that. Don't make fun of Tom like that. 注意して聞かないと、後で困りますよ。 Unless you listen carefully, you'll be in trouble later. If you don't listen carefully, you'll be in trouble later. どこか具合がよくないのですか。 Is something not well with you? Is there something wrong with you? 彼女はちっとも気にしていない。 She's not in the least worried. She doesn't care. 私は、このCDプレイヤーをただで得ました。 I got this CD player for free. I got this CD player for free. 彼はいつ悪事がばれるかと、気が気でなかった。 It made him uneasy that someone might find out any second what he was hiding. He wasn't sure when the bad would come out. ちょっと電話を借りていいですか。 Can I use your telephone? Can I borrow your phone for a second? 彼が成功する見込みは少しはある。 There is a little hope that he will succeed. There's a little chance he'll make it. 植木屋さんに木を何本か植えてもらった。 I had the gardener plant some trees. The planter planted some trees. あなたは何を見つめているのですか。 What are you staring at? What are you looking at? 戦争中は我々は砂糖無しですまさなければならなかった。 During the war, we had to do without sugar. During the war, we had to make sure there was no sugar. 母親の死を聞いて泣かずにはいられなかった。 He could not but cry, when he heard about his mother's death. I couldn't help but cry when I heard my mother's death. しかし、多くの点で珍しい鳥である。というのは彼は、かつて科学者達が人間にしかないと思っていた種の知的能力を示しているのである。 But in many ways, the bird called Alex is unusual, for it has shown the kind of mental abilities that scientists once thought only humans had. But in many ways it is a rare bird, which shows the intellectual capacity of the species that scientists once thought was the only human being. ヘレンは17歳です。 Helen is seventeen years old. Helen is 17. 彼女は素敵な時計をくれたが、私はそれをなくしてしまった。 She gave me a lovely watch, but I lost it. She gave me a nice watch, but I lost it. 少し反省すれば、君は間違っていることがわかるでしょう。 A little reflection will show you that you are wrong. If you think about it a little bit, you'll see that you're wrong. トムは今お金を数えています。 Tom is counting money now. Tom's counting the money right now. その特派員はモスクワから記事を送った。 The correspondent filed a report from Moscow. The correspondent sent an article from Moscow. けんかをするには二人の人間が必要だ。 It takes two to make a quarrel. We need two people to fight. 雨が降れば試合は延期されるでしょう。 If it rains, the game will be put off. If it rains, the game will be postponed. 羨ましい! I envy it. I envy you! 犯罪が増加している。 Crime is on the increase. Crime is increasing. 彼は間違って自分のでない帽子をかぶってしまった。 He picked up the wrong hat by mistake. He accidentally put on a hat that wasn't his own. この見地から歴史は2つの主要な時期に分けられる。 From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. From this perspective, history is divided into two major phases. テニスをします。 I like to play tennis. I'm going to play tennis. 「彼女は若いですか」「はい」 "Is she young?" "Yes, she is." - Is she young? - Yes. トムは靴の底にガムがくっついたままだった。 Tom had some gum stuck on the bottom of one of his shoes. Tom was stuck with gum on the bottom of his shoes. 今朝は風が強いですね。 Windy this morning, isn't it? It's windy this morning. どちらのチームが勝つかわからない。 There is no knowing which team will win. I don't know which team will win. 彼は上京してくるときはいつでも、必ず私に電話をくれる。 Every time he comes up to Tokyo, he never fails to call me up. Whenever he comes to Tokyo, he always calls me. トムはラジオをつけた。 Tom turned on the radio. Tom turned on the radio. 彼は私の耳元でその答えを囁いた。 He whispered the answer in my ear. He whispered his answer in my ear. 食べ過ぎに注意しなければならないことを覚えておきなさい。 Bear in mind that we must guard against overeating. Remember to be careful about eating too much. あなたの名前に聞き覚えがあります。 Your name sounds familiar to me. I recognize your name. 脱水症状を起こすのではないかと心配です。 I'm worried she'll dehydrate. I'm afraid it's going to cause dehydration. それは実業人にとって一つの赤信号になる。 It raises a red flag for businessmen. It's a single red light for a businessman. 私の後について繰り返してください。 Please repeat after me. Repeat after me. 観客は彼の感動的な演技にすっかり心を奪われた。 The audience was carried away by his touching performance. The audience was completely overwhelmed by his moving act. トムはメアリーがどれくらい裕福か知らない。 Tom doesn't know how rich Mary is. Tom doesn't know how rich Mary is. 全ての書物は二種類に分類できると言ってよい。 All books can be divided into two categories. Let's say that all books can be classified into two types. 物事をあるがままに受け取れ。 Take things as they are. Take things as they are. 彼らは多くの問題に直面した。 They were confronted with many problems. They've faced a lot of problems. その博物館は訪れて見るだけの価値がある。 That museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth visiting. あなたが料理するのを見た事が無いけど、本当に少しは出来るのですか。 I've never seen you cook. Can you cook anything at all? I've never seen you cook, but can you really do a little? 彼はその件についてあなたに助言してくれるだろう。 He will advise you on that matter. He'll advise you on the matter. 怪我をしないうちから泣き叫ぶな。 Don't cry before you get hurt. Don't cry when you're not hurt. すき腹にまずいものなし。 Hunger is the best sauce. There is nothing in the plow. 私はこの問題をよく知っている。 I am familiar with this subject. I know this issue well. 歩いて本屋へいきましょう。 Let's walk to the bookstore. Let's walk to the bookstore. 彼は成功を望んだが実際は成功しなかった。 He had hoped to succeed, but in reality, he had not. He wanted to succeed, but did not succeed. リンカーンは、全国の奴隷を解放せよと命令した。 Lincoln ordered that all the slaves in the country should be set free. Lincoln ordered freedom of slaves across the country. 君はなぜもっと早く来られなかったのか。 What prevented you from coming earlier? Why didn't you come earlier? そうなんだ。 I see. That's right. 彼女はギターに合わせて歌っている。 She is singing with a guitar. She sings to the guitar. もし君が私たちを助けてくれるなら、大変うれしい。 If you will help us, we will be very glad. I'm so glad you're helping us. 私は忙しい、そうでなければ君の招待を受けるだろう。 I'm busy. If that weren't the case, I'd accept your invitation. I'm busy, otherwise I'll be invited to you. 君が必ずしも行く必要はない。 You don't necessarily have to go there. You don't have to go. この事件はあの事件と似たところがある。 This case has an affinity with that one. This case is similar to that one. 彼は授業中漫画本を読んでいるところを見つかった。 He was caught reading a comic book in class. He was found reading comic books during class. あの先生は時々生徒を叩くが、誰も文句を言わない。 That teacher sometimes hits his students, but no one ever complains. The teacher beats the students sometimes, but no one complains. 彼女は風を入れるために窓を開けた。 She opened the window to let in fresh air. She opened the window to let the wind in. 一生懸命君がやったのはわかるが、それでも僕は君の報告書に満足ではない。 I know you worked very hard on it, but still I'm not satisfied with your report. I know you worked hard, but I'm not happy with your report. 会議はそのうち始まるでしょう。 The conference will commence in due course. The meeting will begin soon. 私はよく彼に頼っています。 I am on good terms with him. I often rely on him. その先生は大学を出たばかりだ。 The teacher is fresh from college. The teacher just left the university. 彼は私に野菜を取ってくれた。 He got me some vegetables. He took my vegetables. 彼は自分の仕事をやり終えた。 He got through his work. He finished his job. 建築家は芸術家ぶってはならない。 An architect should not pretend to be an artist. The architect should not be an artist. パスポートが見つからなかった時、とてもあせった。 I became very nervous when I couldn't locate my passport. When I couldn't find my passport, I was so excited. 明日は雨になりそうだ。 I'm afraid it's going to rain tomorrow. It's gonna rain tomorrow. みんな君がいてくれたら、って思ってるよ。 You've been missed. People wish you were here. 社長は僕たち全員に一日休みをくれた。 The boss gave us all a day off. He gave us all a day off. 私達が乗ったバスは8時に出発し、11時にボストンに着いた。 Our bus left at eight, arriving in Boston at eleven. We left at 8:00 and arrived in Boston at 11:00. 私はテレビを見たい。 I want to watch TV. I want to watch TV. 今のところそれで間に合うでしょう。 This will do for now. So far, we've got it in time. もし無理な場合は注文をキャンセルします。 Otherwise we will have to cancel this order. Cancel the order if you can't. 彼の話からその見聞の広さがうかがわれた。 His talk led me to believe that he knows a great deal. His story gave rise to the story. 彼は不正直だという悪評がある。 He has a bad reputation of being dishonest. He has a bad reputation for being dishonest. 私はその家を出ました。 I got out of that house. I left that house. 私のe—mailアドレスは8月1日より下記に変わります。 My e-mail address will be changed effective Aug. 1 as follows. My e-mail address will be below from August 1. マットで靴を拭きなさい。 Wipe your shoes on the mat. Clean your shoes in a mat. 社長のスピーチをどう思いますか。 What do you think about the president's speech? What do you think of the President's speech? 黙れ! Shut up! Shut up! 私は2、3ヶ月ここに滞在するつもりです。 I'm going to stay here for a couple of months. I'm gonna stay here for a few months. たいていの女性は流行を重んじる。 Most women make much of fashion. Most women value fads. 私は、本当のことを知っていればあなたに話すのだが。 If I knew the truth, I would tell you. I'd tell you if I knew the truth. 彼か私が悪い。 He or I am to blame. It's either him or me. いいえ、行ったこと無いです。 No, I've never been there. No, I've never been there. 私は、少なくとも10冊の本を持っている。 I have at least ten books. I have at least 10 books. あんまお腹空いてないんだ。 I'm not really hungry. I'm not hungry. その店には客は10人以上はいなかった。 There were not more than ten customers in the shop. There were no more than ten customers in the store. 慌てなくて良いですよ。そのことをじっくり考えるには2、3日必要でしょう。 Take your time. I know you need a couple of days to reflect on it. You don't have to panic. You'll need a couple of days to think about it. 私たちが見たすべての家の中で、これが群を抜いて一番よい。 Of all the houses we've looked at, this one is by far the best. This is the best house we've ever seen, out of the crowd. 最近、体重が増えちゃった。 I've put on weight recently. I've gained weight lately. お名前を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか? Might I ask your name? May I ask your name? 君は自分でそれを完成しなければならない。 You yourself have to finish it. You have to complete it yourself. その事故は、いつ起きたのか。 When did the accident take place? When did that happen? スウェーデンの人口は増加中である。 The population of Sweden is on the increase. Sweden’s population is increasing. イギリスでは多くの点で日本に似ている。 England resembles Japan in many respects. In many ways, Japan is similar in Britain. ますます高まる抗議の声に彼の演説は聞こえなかった。 Because the voices of protest grew louder and louder, his speech couldn't be heard. His speech was not heard by the growing protest. その日に限って財布を家に忘れた。 I left my wallet at home on that particular day. I only left my wallet at home that day. このクラブの部員の4分の3は女子です。 Three quarters of the members of this club are girls. Three quarters of this club's members are girls. 彼女は一生懸命勉強してクラスの人に追いつかなければならなかった。 She had to study hard to catch up with her classmates. She had to work hard to catch up with the class. トムはしきりに新車を買いたがっている。 Tom is eager to buy a new car. Tom wants to buy a new car. 彼にいい考えが浮かんだ。 A good idea came to him. I've got a better idea for him. 君はトムを信用できない。 You can't trust Tom. You don't trust Tom. 草花の香りがバスの開いた窓から入って来ました。 The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus. The smell of flowers came through the window of the bus. 私たちはみんなその映画を楽しんだ。 We all enjoyed the movie. We all enjoyed that movie. 6時半に戻ります。 I will be back at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. この著者は美しい文体を持っている。 The author has a beautiful style. This author has a beautiful style of writing. 彼はドアをノックしたが、だれも答えなかった。 He knocked on the door but nobody answered. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. 箱の内容はラベルに表示されている。 The contents of the box are listed on the label. The contents of the box are displayed on the label. その少女たちは体育館で踊った。 The girls danced in the gym. The girls danced at the gym. 君は彼が君の年だったころと同じほどよく働く。 You work as hard as he did at your age. You work as well as he did when he was your age. ジャックはその犯罪とは関係がないと言っている。 Jack insists that he has nothing to do with the crime. Jack says it has nothing to do with that crime. 円がドルに対して値を下げる見込みだ。 The yen is expected to lose value against the dollar. The circle is expected to lower the value of the dollar. 私は上手に英語を話す女の子を知っている。 I know a girl who speaks English well. I know a girl who speaks English well. しかしながら、高すぎる。 However, it is too expensive. However, it's too expensive. 彼の飛行機はまだ飛行場に着いていない。 His plane has not arrived at the airport yet. His plane hasn't arrived at the airfield yet. 塩は料理にとって必要な物だ。 Salt is necessary for cooking. Salt is necessary for cooking. ラジオの音を下げてくれませんか。 Could you turn down the radio? Can you turn off the radio? トムはメアリーの目を覗き込んだ。 Tom looked into Mary's eyes. Tom looked into Mary's eyes. はっきり言ってぼくは彼がきらいだ。 To put it clearly, I don't like him. To be clear, I don't like him. 紅茶を1杯お飲みになりませんか。 Have a cup of tea, won't you? Would you like a cup of tea? ちょうど手紙を書き終えたところです。 I've just finished writing a letter. I just finished writing the letter. 電車だと、横浜へは何時頃に着きますか? What time will the train arrive in Yokohama? When does the train get to Yokohama? 君は自分の過ちから学ばなければいけない。 You must learn from your mistakes. You have to learn from your mistakes. ログインできませんでした。再度ログインしてください。 Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again. Could not login. Please login again. 上昇しすぎているとみられるときは、主要国の中央銀行が協力して介入に当たります。 When it is seen to have risen too far, the central banks of major countries cooperate to intervene. When it seems too high, the central bank of major countries intervenes in cooperation. もし100万ドルあれば、どうしますか。 If you had a million dollars, what would you do? So let's say I have $1 million. ミルクを一杯ください。 Please give me a glass of milk. A glass of milk, please. それでいつも健康だったんだね。 That's why you were always healthy. That's why you've always been healthy. 私は助けてくれる友人がいない。 I don't have any friends to help me. I don't have a friend to help me. サンタさんって何人いるの? How many Santas are there? How many Santas are there? 事故は避けられない。 Shit happens. Accidents are inevitable. 国債収支危機が発生し、政府は経済にブレーキをかけることを余儀なくされた。 The balance of payments crisis emerged, forcing the government to put a brake on the economy. The debt crisis forced the government to brake the economy. 多くの学生がアルバイトを探しています。 Many students are looking for part-time jobs. A lot of students are looking for a part-time job. 座って本を読みながら私は寝入った。 Sitting over my book, I fell asleep. As I sat and read, I fell asleep. 彼はチョット口をつぐんだ。 He closed his mouth for a moment. He closes his mouth. ありがとう、でも遠慮しておきます。 I appreciate it, but I think I shouldn't. Thank you, but I don't think so. お金があれば、あのコンピューターを買ったのに。 If I'd had enough money, I would've bought that computer. If I had the money, I'd have bought that computer. そんなに緊張しなくてもいいですよ。 There's no need to be that tense. You don't have to be so nervous. 今朝はとても寒い。 It is very cold this morning. It's so cold this morning. その店は野菜を売っている。 This store sells vegetables. The store sells vegetables. 彼の語調はますます熱気を帯びてきた。 His tone became more and more fervent. His accent has become more and more intense. あなたはいつも朝食にコーヒーを飲みますか。 Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always drink coffee for breakfast? あなたが運ぼうと思う物は運ぶ必要はありません。 What you are thinking about moving doesn't need to be moved. You don't have to carry what you want to carry. おーい!ほら、彼がトムだよ。 Hey look, it's Tom. That's Tom. この絵は誰が描いたのですか。 By whom was this picture painted? Who drew this picture? その孤独な男は蟻を観察することに楽しみを感じる。 The lonely man derives pleasure from observing ants. The lonely man enjoys observing ants. 約束どおりにピアノをひいた。 She played the piano as promised. I took the piano as promised. すべては申し分なかった。 Everything turned out satisfactory. Everything was fine. 地震が大地を揺すった。 The earthquake shook the ground. The earth was shaken by an earthquake. 知っていれば私たちに話すだろう。 If he knows the truth, he will tell us. If they knew, they'd tell us. 彼女の決心をかえようとしたが無理だった。 I tried to change her mind, but I couldn't. I tried to change her decision, but I couldn't. なるほど。 I see. I see. 乗客はどちらの側にも4人すわっていた。 The passengers sat four aside. There were four passengers on both sides. 前にこの本を読んだことがある。 I have read this book before. I've read this book before. あなたはアメリカ人ですか? Are you an American? Are you an American? 智子が貸してくれた漫画の本は少しも面白くなかった。 The comic book that Tomoko lent me was not at all interesting. The comic book that Chiko lent me wasn't funny at all. 男は眼鏡をかけている。 The boy is wearing glasses. Men wear glasses. 今日、私たちに考えるべき社会問題が数多くある。 We have a lot of social problems to think about today. Today we have a lot of social problems to think about. 彼女は不誠実であったことで夫を責めた。 She accused her husband of having been disloyal to her. She blamed her husband for his dishonesty. 彼女はもちろん英語が話せます。 She can speak English, of course. She speaks English, of course. 私は彼が好きでない。 I don't care for him. I don't like him. 彼女は嫉妬にかられて苦しんでいる。 She is torn by jealousy. She suffers from jealousy. 君の住まいはどこですか。 Where do you live? Where is your home? 学生はもちろん先生も来た。 The teacher as well as his students has come. The students, of course, came. 彼が、そんなことをしたのは不思議だ。 It is strange that he should have done such a thing. I'm surprised he did that. お金を稼ぎたいならアメリカが一番だ。 If you want to earn money, America is the best. America is the best way to make money. なかには気難しい人がいる。 Some people are difficult to please. Some people are difficult. どこへ行こうとも、同じような人はいるものです。 Wherever you go, you will find the same kind of people. No matter where you go, there are similar people. そのバルコニーは通りに突き出している。 The balcony juts out over the street. The balcony's coming out on the street. 彼は7時30分のバスに乗り遅れた。 He was late for the 7:30 bus. He missed the 7:30 bus. 彼はボストンからやってきた。 He has come from Boston. He came from Boston. このグループに存在する儒教的価値観を強調したい。 I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group. I would like to highlight the Confucian values of the group. 私は大阪生まれですが、東京で育ちました。 I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. バスはすぐ来るはずです。 The bus should be coming soon. The bus should be here any minute. 車も何もなく、生活保護で生きてます。 I'm living on welfare, without a car or anything. We don't have cars, we don't have anything. 彼の忠告に従って、私はそれを決断した。 According to his advice, I decided it. Following his advice, I made a decision. トムの家のピアノは調律が狂っている。 The piano in Tom's house is out of tune. Tom's piano is out of tune. 彼その川を泳いで渡ろうとして失敗した。 He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. He failed to swim across the river. 下校の途中で犬をつれた女の子と遊んだ。 Halfway back from school I played with a girl who was walking her dog. I played with a girl with a dog on the way out of school. 彼は自分を幸運だと思った。 He considered himself lucky. He thought he was lucky. 急用で彼は出かけています。 Urgent business has called him away. It's urgent. He's out. 彼が日本に来たのは子供のときでした。 It was when he was a child that he came to Japan. He came to Japan when he was a child. 二年前にはバスケットボールは全然できませんでした。 Two years ago, I couldn't play basketball at all. Two years ago, I couldn't play basketball at all. 彼がこっちに来るのが見えました。 I saw him come this way. I saw him coming this way. 委員会はその提案に反対するだろう。 The committee will be opposed to the proposal. The committee will object to the proposal. 私は彼と競走した。 I ran a race with him. I raced with him. そのホテルの前に銀行がある。 There's a bank in front of the hotel. There's a bank in front of that hotel. 彼女は運転免許を取りたがっている。 She wants to get a driver's license. She wants to get a driver's license. 彼女はいわゆるヤンママだけど、料理は上手だし、なにより子どものことをとても大切にしてるんだよ。 She's what you call a "delinquent mom," but she's good at cooking, and most importantly, she's a really caring parent. She is a so-called Janmama, but she is a good cook and she loves her children very much. 栽培に適した土壌を得るには耕さなければならない。 In order to get the soil ready for planting you must plow it. The soil must be cultivated if it is to be suitable for cultivation. つばを吐き出してください。 Please spit. Spill it out. 私は彼が泳ぎわたるのを見ました。 I saw him swim across the river. I saw him swim. 空に雲一つなかった。 There wasn't a cloud in the sky. There were no clouds in the sky. 彼はその計画を実行するために最善をつくした。 He did his best to carry out the plan. He did his best to carry out that plan. いつでも遊びに来て下さい。 Please come and see me any time. You can come and play any time you like. 彼はいわゆるペダンチックな男だ。 He is what is called a pedant. He's a so-called pedantic man. 疲れていたので何もする気がしなかった。 Being tired, I felt like doing nothing. I was tired, so I didn't want to do anything. 彼は一日に二食しかとらない習慣だ。 He is in the habit of eating only two meals a day. He only eats two meals a day. 少し走ったら胸がどきどきした。 I felt my heart pound after running a little. I ran a little, and my heart pounded. 私はまだビジネスレターを書く事に慣れていない。 I'm not yet used to writing business letters. I'm still not used to writing business letters. 彼はケーキ1切れと引き換えにオレンジ1個を私にくれた。 He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake. He gave me a piece of cake in exchange for a piece of orange. 彼はずっと東京に住んでいる。 He's always been living in Tokyo. He's been living in Tokyo. 私は酒類は飲みません。 I don't drink. I don't drink alcohol. 私はキイチゴが好きです。 I like raspberries. I like berries. 頼みさえすれば、その花はもらえます。 The flower is yours for the asking. If you ask me, I'll give you that flower. 彼は時間稼ぎをしているだけだよ。 He's just buying time. He's just making time. 昔はいかなる王も国民に重税を課して苦しめた。 In ancient times all the kings burdened the people with heavy taxes. In the past, any king suffered with heavy taxes on his people. 謝るしかない。 There is nothing to do but apologize. I'm sorry. 彼女はとても綺麗な人です。 She's very beautiful. She's so beautiful. つまらないことで何という騒ぎだ。 Much ado about nothing. What's the matter with you? 彼女がどんなに幸福であったか想像できまい。 You cannot imagine how happy she was. I can't imagine how happy she was. 今1人の女の人が入っていきましたよ。 A woman is going into it now. One of the women just walked in. 父は夜ジョギングすることに慣れている。 My dad is accustomed to jogging at night. My father is used to jumping at night. その発明はエジソンがしたものとされている。 The invention is accredited to Edison. The invention is attributed to Edison. 彼は君にやさしいかい? Is he kind to you? Is he nice to you? トムは僕がどれだけ裕福か知らない。 Tom doesn't know how rich I am. Tom doesn't know how rich I am. 実は、彼はニューヨークには行った事がない。 In fact, he has never been to New York. Actually, he's never been to New York. 私は彼女と連絡をとりたい。 I want to get in touch with her. I want to get in touch with her. あ、流れ星だ! Look! There goes a shooting star. Oh, it's a shooting star! thatには、主格、目的格の2つしかなく、格による形の変化はない。 'That' has only the two cases, nominative and objective, and it does not inflect depending on the case. There's only two of them, the main purpose, and there's no change in form by size. 痛みはひどかった。 The pain was terrible. The pain was terrible. シチューは決して悪い味ではなかった。 The stew was not half bad. The stew was never bad. ついにマユコは目的を達成した。 At last, Mayuko gained her end. At last, Mayuko has achieved his purpose. ときに最近カーターさんをお見かけになりましたか。 By the way, have you seen anything of Carter lately? Did you see Mr. Carter recently? 生徒が朝飯を食べずに学校へ行くことも多いです。 It is common for students to go to school without eating breakfast. Students often go to school without having breakfast. 彼は退職後庭いじりを始めた。 He took up gardening after he retired. He started working in the yard after retirement. いつもテレビゲームをしている子どもが居る。 Some children play video games all the time. Some kids play video games all the time. 強盗達が木陰から出てきて彼に襲い掛かった。 The robbers came out from behind the trees and attacked him. The robbers came out of the shade and attacked him. 我々は心ゆくまで楽しんだ。 We enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. We had a good time. ついに彼はその車を手にいれた。 At last, he got the car. Finally he got the car. 私たちはあす湖まで自転車で行きます。 We're going to cycle to the lake tomorrow. We ride to the lake tomorrow. 日朝間にはまだ外交関係が樹立されていない。 Diplomatic relations have not yet been established between Japan and North Korea. There is still no diplomatic relationship in the morning. どうかテレビの音を小さくしてくれませんか。 Would you please turn down the TV? Please reduce the sound of TV. その質問に答えるのは難しい。 It is difficult for me to answer the question. It's hard to answer that question. 落ちついて勉強しなくてはダメだよ。 You've got to get down to your work. You don't have to learn to relax. 行くのはやめよう。 Let's not go. Let's not go. 何時に行きましょうか。 What time shall I come? What time do we go? 犬は家の中にいる。 The dog is in the house. The dog's in the house. 彼女はひどい扱いを受けたと怒っている。 She was indignant at the way she had been treated. She's angry that she was treated badly. コミヤコフは彼の腕を満足には使えないかもしれない。 Komiakov may never have full use of his arm. Komiyakov may not be able to satisfy his arm. 蒸し暑い夜だったが、彼女は窓を全部閉めて寝た。 Though it was a muggy night, she went to bed with all the windows closed. It was a hot, steamy night, but she slept with all the windows closed. 水をお持ちしましょうか。 Shall I get you some water? Can I get you some water? 父さんは考えを変えると思うかい。 Do you think Dad will change his mind? Do you think he'll change his mind? またお越しください。 Please come again. Please come again. 私は大学で経済学を勉強しています。 I'm studying economics in college. I study economics in college. モダンジャズは私の得意じゃない。 Modern jazz is not my line. I'm not good at modern jazz. その山は雪におおわれている。 The mountain is covered with snow. The mountain is covered by snow. 彼女は彼のもとを度々訪ねるが、長居することはない。 She visits him quite often, but never stays very long. She visits him often, but doesn't stay long. どうして言ってくれなかったの? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me? 彼女は骨董品がとても好きだ。 She loves antiques. She likes antiques very much. 彼の周りには人がたかり始めた。 A crowd was gathering around him. He started to hang around people. まもなく私たちは真相を知った。 It was not long before we knew the truth. Soon we learned the truth. 記念碑の一番上で禎子が頭の上に金の鶴をかざしている。 On top of the statue, Sadako is holding a golden crane over her head. At the top of the monument, Mao-sama wears a gold helmet over her head. 私は朝早く目が覚める。 I wake up early. I wake up early in the morning. この道をでたら博物館にでます。 This road will take you to the museum. On this road, we'll be in a museum. この工場はバイクを月に800台生産する。 The factory turns out eight hundred motorcycles a month. This factory produces 800 bikes a month. 私は忙しい、そうでなければ君の招待を受けるだろう。 I'm busy, otherwise I'd accept your invitation. I'm busy, otherwise I'll be invited to you. 私はハンサムだと思いますか。 Do you think I'm handsome? Do you think I'm handsome? 君の成功は君が一生懸命やるかどうかにかかっている。 Your success depends upon whether you work hard or not. Your success depends on whether you work hard or not. 先週彼はその賞を得た。 He won the prize last week. Last week he got that award. 彼は他人のあら探しをするような人間ではない。 He's not the kind of person who always criticizes others. He's not the kind of person who looks for someone else's fault. この中に、歩いて行けるところがありますか。 Are any of these within walking distance? Is there a place in here where you can walk? クリスマスまであと何日ありますか。 How many days are there before Christmas? How many days until Christmas? 彼はサッカーをする。 He plays soccer. He plays football. 公園は川の所まで拡張された。 The park was extended to the river. The park was extended to the river. 彼女はいつも鏡で自分の姿を見ている、何といううぬぼれだ。 She's always looking at herself in the mirror - What vanity. What vanity she always sees in the mirror. 私はドアの所で切符を見せた。 I showed my ticket at the door. I showed the ticket at the door. どうして花を買ったの? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy the flowers? 私たちは約1時間半ゲームをした。 We played games for about an hour and a half. We played around an hour and a half games. 私は1分間50語タイプできます。 I can type 50 words a minute. I can type 50 words a minute. いとしい人よ、なぜ泣いているのか? Why are you crying, my beloved? Honey, why are you crying? 働きに応じて支払われます。 You will be paid according as you work. They are paid according to their work. 氷が溶けると水になる。 When ice melts, it becomes water. When the ice melts, it becomes water. 職場に頭の悪い人がいてイライラします。 There's an idiot where I work and it gets on my nerves. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. 誕生日おめでとうございます。 Happy birthday! Happy birthday. この家はすぐ借り手が見つかるでしょう。 This house will rent easily. So let's say that this house right here is going to look something like this. 何か質問はありますか。 Do you have a question? Do you have any questions? 彼はすぐに来ると言っている。 He says he will come at once. He says he'll be here soon. 私たちはそこへ行くよりほかなかった。 We had no choice but to go there. We had to go there. 道路脇には今は刈られて裸になった田畑が広がっている。 The number of empty harvested fields along the roads is increasing right now. By the side of the road, the fields are now being mowed and naked. なんて素敵な家なんでしょう。 Your house is fantastic. What a lovely house. 何も心配することはない。 There is nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about. 健康のほうがもっと大事でしょう。 Your health is more important. I think it's more important to be healthy. 彼らは幼い時から逆境と闘ってきたにちがいない。 They must have struggled against adversity from their early days. They must have struggled with adversity since they were young. 外国へ行くというメアリーの夢はついに現実のものとなった。 Mary's dream of going abroad finally became a reality. Mary’s dream of going abroad finally became reality. あなたは誰と一緒に住んでいますか。 Who do you live with? Who do you live with? モーツァルトがこの世を去ってから200年になる。 It has been 200 years since Mozart died. It's been 200 years since Mozart left this world. しばしの沈黙があった。 There was a silence. There was a shrill silence. 私は子供のころからトムを知っている。 I have known Tom since I was a little boy. I've known Tom since I was a kid. 彼はそのことについて自分の子供に道理を説いた。 He reasoned with his child about the matter. He reasoned with his children about it. いよいよ賭け金を回収するときがきました。 It's time to call in our chips. It's time to collect the bets. バリー・テイラーの名が議長職に推挙されている。 Barry Taylor's name has been put forward for the post of chairman. Barry Taylor's name has been promoted to the chair. 気をつけろ、その男は銃を持っている。 Watch out, the man has a gun. Careful, man. He's got a gun. 彼女は子供の世話をするのが好きでした。 She liked to take care of the children. She liked to take care of the kids. 女の子の中にはそういう音楽が好きな者もあれば、そうでない者もいる。 Some of the girls like that sort of music, and some don't. Some girls like such music, others don’t. 恐れ入りますが席をちょっとお詰めください。 Excuse me, but could you scoot over a little bit, please? I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a seat. 警察が来てる。 The police are coming. The police are here. 彼がそのパーティーに出席したら、彼らは励まされたろうに。 If he had attended the party, they would have been encouraged. If he had attended that party, they would have been encouraged. それでこれ以上の義務を負わなくてよくなる。 That absolves me from further responsibility. That's why we don't have to carry any more obligations. 彼女は家事を切り盛りするだけでなく学校の先生もしている。 Not only does she keep house, but she also works as a school teacher. Not only does she manage to work at home, but she also has a teacher at school. トムはその高校生達に腹を立てた。 Tom got angry with the high school students. Tom got mad at those high school kids. みなさん鉛筆はお持ちでしょうか? Does everybody have a pencil? Do you guys have a pencil? 君が成功したと聞いてうれしい。 I'm glad to hear of your success. I'm glad to hear you've succeeded. このビンは開ける前に振りなさい。 Shake this bottle before you open it. Turn this bottle before you open it. 彼は予言の才を持っていた。 He had the gift of prophecy. He had the ability to predict. どのバスか電車に乗れば、街の中心街へ行けるのか教えてください。 Could you tell me which bus or train goes to the center of the town? Let me know if you can get on any bus or train to the city center. 「トムにめんどくさい仕事押し付けられた」「また?」 "Tom has gotten me to do some pretty tedious work." "Again?" (Laughter) すぐ戻る。 I'll be back soon. I'll be right back. 朝食用のパンはぎりぎり足りる。 We have barely enough bread for breakfast. I only have enough bread for breakfast. 彼は妻の帰りを心配する気持ちでいっぱいだった。 He was filled with anxiety about his wife's return. He was filled with concern for his wife's return. 特権はすべて責任を伴う。 Every privilege carries responsibility with it. All privileges come with responsibility. 彼らは猫をトムとジェリーと名づけた。 They named their cats Tom and Jerry. They named the cat Tom and Jerry. フランス語を学ぶのは難しい。 It's difficult to learn French. It’s hard to learn French. 私に怒鳴ったりしないでよ。 Don't yell at me. Don't yell at me. 霧がはれた。 The fog has lifted. It's a fog. なにがその机の側にありますか。 What's beside the desk? What's on that desk? 私はただ確認しただけよ。 I was just making sure. I just checked. クラスで彼ほど頭のいい少年はいない。 No other boy in his class is as bright as he. There's not a boy in class as smart as him. 佐藤さんという人があなたに会うために待っています。 A Mr Sato is waiting to see you. A Mr. Sato is waiting to meet you. 「もしも僕が豚になっても、変わらず友達でいてくれる?」「もちろんだよ!」 'Would you still be my friend even if I turned into a pig all of a sudden?' 'Of course!' "If I were a pig, would you be my friend?" あらかじめ電話をしておくべきでしたね。 You should've telephoned in advance. I should have called in advance. あなたの助力がなかったら、彼はだめになっていたでしょう。 Without your help, he would have been ruined. If it weren't for your help, he'd be dead. 簡単な曲なら初見で歌えます。 If it's a simple piece of music, I can sight-sing it. If it's a simple song, you can sing it for the first time. 僕の知っている中ではオーストラリアに行ったことがある人はいない。 Nobody I know has been to Australia. No one I know has ever been to Australia. トムはとても高級な、丁寧な作りの靴を購入した。 Tom bought a really expensive, well-made pair of shoes. Tom bought very expensive, polite shoes. 彼は両方のレースに勝てるだろうか。 I doubt whether he will win both races. Will he win both races? 彼女の目は涙でいっぱいだった。 Her eyes were filled with tears. Her eyes were filled with tears. ほら見て。と彼女は言いました。 "Look," she said. She said, "I don't know." 私の人生、山あり谷あり。 I've had my ups and downs. My life, my mountain valley. 彼は私より教えるのが上手だ。 He is better able to teach than I am. He's better at teaching. 裏庭には2羽、庭には2羽鶏がいる。 There are two chickens in the backyard and two in the front yard. Two birds in the backyard and two chickens in the garden. 読む本がありますか。 Do you have any books to read? Do you have a book to read? 気にしないで。 Don't worry about it. Never mind. 部屋中が笑いでいっぱいだった。 Laughter filled the room. The whole room was full of laughter. 彼はそのクラスを担任するだろう。 He will take charge of the class. He'll take that class. 私は彼が正直な男であると確信している。 I am sure that he is an honest man. I'm sure he's an honest man. 彼の行為は人から批判されやすい。 His conduct is open to criticism. His actions are easily criticized by others. 彼女は彼に口答えするほど愚かではない。 She knows better than to answer back to him. She's not as stupid as talking to him. 私は生態学について彼に多くの質問をした。 I asked him many questions about ecology. I asked him a lot of questions about ecology. この箱は彼に運べるほど軽い。 This box is light enough for him to carry. This box is light enough for him to carry. 車を停めなさい! Stop the car! Stop the car! 信じられないわ。 I don't believe it! I can't believe it. 地球の表面の4分の3は水です。 Three quarters of the surface of the Earth is water. So the surface of the Earth is 3/4 of the surface of the Earth. その女の子は部屋に入った。 The girl entered the room. The girl's in the room. 彼女は午後ずっと料理にかかりきりだった。 She spent all afternoon cooking. She's been cooking all afternoon. 彼女は親切にも駅までついて来てくれた。 She was kind enough to accompany me to the station. She was kind enough to come to the station. かさを持っていった方がいいよ。 You'd better take an umbrella with you. It's better if you take it with you. 公園のベンチでくつろいで時間をつぶしている人が何人かいる。 Some people are killing time relaxing on park benches. Several people are relaxing on park bench. 暑いしむしむしするので熟睡できなかった。 What with the heat and the humidity, I didn't sleep well. I couldn’t sleep well because it was hot and it was eaten. その道は車が通るには狭すぎる。 The road is too narrow for cars. The road is too narrow for a car. 私が生きている限りは、お前には何も不自由させない。 You shall want for nothing as long as I live. As long as I'm alive, I won't let anything happen to you. 私の父は四年前に死にました。 My father died four years ago. My father died four years ago. 老人は子供たちに面白い話をした。 The old man told the children an amusing story. The old man had a funny story to tell to the children. 交通渋滞のため私たちは会合に遅れた。 Because of a traffic jam, we were late for the meeting. We were late for the meeting because of traffic. 聖者は爪先立ちでガンジスを渡った。 The holy man tiptoed his way across the Ganges. The saint crossed the Ganges with his fingernails. 人民の、人民による、人民のための政治をこの世から滅ぼしてはならない。 Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. We must not destroy the politics of the people, the politics of the people, from this world. 私はいまはなにもすることができません。 I have nothing to do now. I can't do anything right now. 雨のためその試合は中止になった。 The game was called off on account of the rain. The match was canceled because of the rain. その写真を彼の手に返した。 She put the picture back in his hand. I gave the photo back to him. ひでおは自転車をこいでいた人を避けるためにハンドルをきった。 Hideo turned the steering wheel sharply to avoid the bicyclist. He pulled the steering wheel to avoid anyone who was riding a bike. ピーターはそのプリンが甘すぎるといった。 Peter remarked that the pudding was too sweet. Peter said it was too sweet. 探していた本が見付かりました。 I was able to find the book I was looking for. I found the book I was looking for. 手すりに捕まりなさい。 Hold the handrail. Get caught by the rails. 私に助言を求めるとは君は賢明だ。 It is wise of you to ask me for advice. You're wise to ask me for advice. トムはメアリーの手紙を私に見せた。 Tom showed Mary's letter to me. Tom showed me Mary's letter. 地下鉄の駅にはどのように行けばよいですか。 Could you tell me the way to the subway station? How do I get to the subway station? そのキャンペーンは、彼を驚かせた。 The campaign took his breath. The campaign surprised him. その時はどうすべきかわかりませんでした。 I didn't know what to do then. I didn't know what to do at that time. 彼らは長く灰色の通りのはずれのたいへん小さな家に住んでいました。 They lived in a very small house at the end of a long, gray street. They lived in a small house on the edge of a long gray street. 私は彼女が一人で行った方が良いといいました。 I suggested that she go alone. I wanted her to go alone. 彼女は体中が痛んでいた。 She was aching all over. She was in pain all over her body. ここにクリスマスツリーを立てましょう。 Let's put up the Christmas tree here. Let's make a Christmas tree here. 今は忙しいが明日はひまになるだろうと彼は言った。 Though he is busy but tommorrow may be free. He's busy now, but he said tomorrow's going to fall. 晴れています。 The skies are clear. It's clear. 彼は陽気に口笛を吹きながら通りを歩いた。 He walked down the street whistling cheerfully. He walked down the street with a happy whistle. 善いものでも汚れてしまったものが発する臭いくらい、ひどい悪臭はない。 There is no odor so bad as that which arises from goodness tainted. There is no bad smell as bad as the smell of good and dirty things. 失敗しないよう気をつけなさい。 Take care not to fail. Be careful not to fail. 日本ではスヌーピーに比べてチャーリー・ブラウンの知名度はずっと低い。 Compared to Snoopy, Charlie Brown is not well known at all in Japan. In Japan, Charlie Brown's reputation is much lower than hiss. スージーほど上手にピアノをひけるとよいのだが。 I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie. I wish I could take the piano as well as Suzy. ジョンソン氏の部屋は広い部屋だった。 Mr Johnson's was a large room. Johnson's room was a large one. 赤ん坊は寝入った。 The baby has fallen asleep. The baby went to bed. 彼女は快く願いを聞いてくれた。 She graciously listened to my request. She was willing to do me a favor. これが、彼がその写真を撮ったカメラです。 This is the camera with which he took the picture. This is the camera he took that picture of. こんなデカイのがチャリの荷台に乗るわけないだろ。 There's no way one that big is going to go on a bike's luggage rest. There's no way this big guy's gonna get on the back of the truck. ネズミが一匹部屋の中を走りまわっている。 One mouse is running around in the room. There's rats running around in one room. 彼女が約束を破ったはずがない。 She cannot have broken her promise. She wouldn't have broken her promise. 彼女は自分の仕事にぜんぜん熱意を示さない。 She shows no zeal for her work. She doesn't show any enthusiasm for her work. 彼が約束を守るかどうかは疑わしい。 It is doubtful whether he will keep his word. I doubt he'll keep his word. 母はまだディナーを料理していません。 Mother has not cooked dinner yet. My mother hasn't cooked dinner yet. 彼の馬は柵を飛び越えた。 His horse jumped over the fence. His horse jumped over the fence. 高く登るにつれ空気はより冷たくなってる。 As you climb higher, the air becomes colder. As the air rises higher, it becomes colder. コンピューターを使えば時間に節約になる。 Computers will save you a lot of time. Computers save time. もちろんだよ! Of course. Of course! 私は春休みの間アルバイトをするつもりです。 I am going to do odd jobs during the spring vacation. I'm going to do a part-time job during spring break. 私は山登りが好きです。 I like climbing mountains. I like climbing mountains. 僕の胸はいちじくの実よりもやわらかく、僕の心はいちじくの葉よりももろくなっていたのだ。 My chest had become softer than the fig tree's fruit and my heart had become more fragile than the fig tree's leaves. My heart was softer than the fruit of the fig tree, and my heart was weaker than the leaves of the fig tree. お会いできて本当にうれしい! Nice to see you. It's so nice to meet you! 私はタバコを吸うのをやめた。 I stopped smoking. I stopped smoking. ローランドさん、この問題についてどうお考えですか。 Ms. Roland, what do you think about this problem? Mr. Roland, what do you think about this issue? 彼はいつも父親の陰口を言います。 He always speaks ill of his father behind his back. He always says behind his father's back. 私はその劇を始めから終わりまで見た。 I watched the play from beginning to end. I saw it from the beginning to the end. 彼とその連れはいっしょに来ないかと私を誘った。 He and his companion asked me to come along with them. He and his companion invited me to join them. 彼は赤の他人だよ。 He is a total stranger to me. He's a stranger. 彼は私の借金をどうしても免除してくれないだろう。 He will never forgive my debt. He won't forgive me no matter how much I owe him. 彼は私の首筋をつかんだ。 He caught me by the neck. He grabbed my neck. 往復ですか、片道ですか。 Round trip or one-way? Back and forth, one way. この机は重くてパティには持ち上げられなかった。 This desk was too heavy for Patty to lift. The desk was heavy and Patty couldn't lift it up. この本を一冊ください。 Give me a copy of this book. Please have a copy of this book. 道化の妙技は少年達にとってとても楽しかった。 The clown's stunts were highly amusing to the boys. The clown trick was very fun for the boys. 今日は遊ぶよりもむしろ勉強をしたい。 I would rather study than play today. I'd rather study than play today. 私は彼に100ドルで車を洗ってもらった。 I got him to wash my car for a hundred dollars. I got him to wash his car for $100. 宛名が違っていたので、その手紙は彼の所に届かなかった。 Having been wrongly addressed, the letter never reached him. The letter did not reach him because the address was different. 彼は生まれつき親切だ。 He is kind by nature. He's born kind. これはオフレコだけど、君に同意するよ。 Don't quote me on this, but I agree with you. This is off-reco, but I agree with you. この棚はそんなにたくさんの本は支えられません。 These shelves cannot support so many books. This shelf can't support so many books. これは2つのうち断然より良い。 This is by far the better of the two. This is definitely better out of two. 私は彼が言っている事を理解できなかった。 I couldn't make out what he was saying. I didn't understand what he was saying. あなたが寝ている間に、私は本を読む。 I'll read a book while you're sleeping. I read books while you sleep. 机の上に舞踏についての本がある。 There is a book on dancing on the desk. There's a book on ball on the desk. 彼が言ったことを思い出す。 I remember what he said. I remember what he said. 私は試験に合格するために最善を尽くすつもりだ。 I will do my best to pass the examination. I'm gonna do my best to pass the exam. トムはそれがどう機能するか、メアリーに詳しく説明した。 Tom gave Mary a detailed explanation of how it worked. "I don't know," said Mary. 彼に頼るな。 Don't rely on him. Don't turn to him. 「助けて」といふ声が聞えるのです。私は笑つてゐました。 I heard a voice saying "Help me!". I laughed. I can hear you say, "Help me," and I laugh. 詳細を教えてください。 Give me the details. Tell me the details. 私は父の代わりをつとめているのです。 I am acting for my father. I'm taking my father's place. その古城は丘の上に建っている。 The old castle stands on the hill. The old castle is built on a hill. 乗組員たちは宇宙への航海のために準備をした。 The crew prepared for the voyage to outer space. The crew prepared to sail to space. 貴方は、テニスの選手です。 You are a tennis player. You're a tennis player. 君は日記を付けていますか。 Do you keep a diary? Are you wearing a journal? 彼は私が来なかったことを責めた。 He blamed me for not coming. He blamed me for not coming. その仕事の3分の2が終わっている。 Two thirds of the work is finished. Two-thirds of the job is done. これをアメリカドルに両替してください。 Can you change this into American dollars? So let's say it's the U.S. dollar. 彼は人の気持ちを傷つけないようにした。 He tried not to hurt others' feelings. He didn't want to hurt people. これを手で縫ったんですか。 Did you sew this by hand? You sewed this with your hand? 詩は彼の専門ではない。 Poetry is not in his line. Poetry is not his specialty. キャサリンが新車を買うように父にねだった時には下心があったのだ。彼女は自分が乗りまわすことができると思ったから。 Catherine had an ulterior motive when she urged her father to buy a new car. She hoped that she'd be able to drive it herself. When Catherine asked her father to buy a new car, she was at her heart because she thought she could ride it. もうこれ以上待てないよ。 I can't wait anymore. I can't wait any longer. あの女の人が彼の奥さんだろう。 That woman is his wife, I think. That woman is his wife. 車がトラックに激しくぶつかった。 The car crashed into the truck. Car hit the truck hard. 彼は30歳になってはじめて絵を描き始めた。 It was not until he was thirty that he started to paint. He started painting when he was 30 years old. 君は彼にちょっと手をかしてやりさえすればいい。 All you have to do is give him a little help. You just have to do something with him. テストの結果は気にするな。 Don't worry about the result of your test. Don't worry about the results of the test. 彼の会社で作っている機械は私たちの会社のより優れている。 Machines that his company produces are superior to ours. The machine he's making in his company is better than our company. 車の窓を開けていただけませんか。 Could you open the car window? Can you open the car window, please? いったいどういう意味ですか。 Whatever do you mean? What the hell does that mean? 何か書くものが欲しい。 I want something to write on. I need something to write. 話を楽しんでいる。 We enjoy talking. I'm having fun talking to you. その家の側には川がある。 There is a river beside the house. On its side is a river. 彼は私たちの古いラジオを10ドルで買うと言った。 He offered ten dollars for our old radio. He said he would buy our old radio for $10. 彼と一緒に学校に行くのが常だった。 I used to go to school with him. I used to go to school with him. 彼等にはお互いに共通点がまったくありません。 They don't have anything in common at all. They have nothing in common with each other. 彼は何かの役に立つ。 He is good for something. He's useful in something. 誰にとっても自分の性格を客観的に見ることは非常に困難なことである。 It is very difficult for anybody to be objective about his own character. It is very difficult for anyone to look at his personality in an objective way. ここでお買い上げの品は無料で配達します。 Articles bought here will be delivered free of charge. We're going to deliver our purchases here for free. 私は福井に行っています。 I'm going to Fukui. I'm going to Fukui. 学校でたばこを吸ってはいけないことになっている。 You are not supposed to smoke at school. You shouldn't smoke in school. そろそろ寝る時間じゃないの? Isn't it about time you went to bed? I think it's time to go to bed. 君はカナダのどこ出身なの? Where are you from in Canada? Where are you from Canada? この曲は我々の誰にも良く知られている。 This tune is quite familiar to us all. This song is well known to all of us. もっと野菜を食べた方がいい。 You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. 少し離れるとその船は島のようにみえる。 At a distance, the ship looks like an island. A little distance away, and that ship looks like an island. それは科学における偉大な発見の一つだった。 It was one of the great discoveries in science. It was one of the great discoveries in science. 夫は新聞を読みながら、朝ごはんを食べる。 My husband has his breakfast while reading the newspaper. My husband reads the newspaper and eats breakfast. テレビが故障した。 The TV is broken. The TV's broken. どんな天気ですか。 How's the weather? What's the weather? 星雲はその形や見え方によって科学者が分類しています。 Galaxies are classified by scientists according to their shape and appearance. The galaxy is classified by its shape and appearance. 賢い人は歴史をせきたてようとはしない。 A wise man does not try to hurry history. A wise person doesn't want history to get the better of him. トムはそれができない。 Tom can't do that. Tom can't do that. 立ちなさい。 Stand up. Get up. どこで会おうか? Where shall we meet? Where do we meet? 彼らは賄賂をもらうのを恥と思っていない。 They are not of above taking bribes. They are not ashamed to take bribes. その野球の試合は来週行われる。 The baseball match will come off next week. That baseball game will be held next week. 私にだって善悪に区別はつく。 I know right from wrong. I'll tell you what's right and wrong. トムは失敗した。 Tom failed. Tom failed. 値引きしてもらえませんか。 Could you give me a discount? So let's see if we can subtract it from both sides. 彼は彼女にセーターを買ってあげた。 He bought her a sweater. He bought her a sweater. トムの話はやめよう。 Let's not talk about Tom. Let's not talk about Tom. この間、気づいたらサイドブレーキ上げっぱなしで運転してた。自分でも、よく車動いてたと思うけど。 The other day I noticed I was driving around with the parking brake on. It's a wonder the car could even move. The other day, when I realized that I was driving on the side brake, I thought I used to drive. 前へ出て、他の人に場所をあけなさい。 Step forward and make room for others. Go forward, leave a place for others. その水は5分かそのぐらいで沸騰します。 The water will come to a boil in 5 minutes or so. The water will boil in about five minutes. 私にとってそれは重要なことです。 That's important to me. It's important to me. 彼女は電話が通じるとすぐ話し始めた。 She started talking as soon as she got through. She started talking as soon as the phone got through. 校長先生は、生徒が廊下を散らかしたときは、きびしく叱りました。 The principal severely reproved the students whenever they made a mess in the hallway. The principal sternly scolded the students when they littered the hallway. 彼女はただがっかりして見せているだけだよ。 She's just acting disappointed. She's just showing off disappointed. 彼女は健康が大切だと思わざるをえませんでした。 She could not help thinking that health is important. She had to think that health was important. 私もそうです。 Me, too. So do I. 彼女は彼を牛耳っている。 She has him under her thumb. She's controlling him. もう甘いものは食べ飽きた。 I have had enough of sweets. I'm tired of eating sweets. 彼に何が欲しいのか尋ねた。 I inquired what he wanted. I asked him what he wanted. 草花についてもっと知りたいと思いました。 He wanted to know more about the flowers. I wanted to know more about the flowers. さすが、彼は期待を裏切らないね。 That's just what one would expect of him. Well, he won't let you down. あなたのおいでをみんなで首を長くして待っています。 We're all looking forward to your coming. We're all waiting for you with a long head. 彼女と結婚した時、私は彼女と知り合って10年たったところだった。 I had known her for ten years when I married her. When I married her, I had known her for 10 years. 私は母に白い服をつくってもらった。 I had a white dress made by my mother. My mother made me wear white clothes. 案の定、彼は疑念を抱いていた。 Sure enough, he entertained doubts. Of course, he had doubts. どうか電灯を消して下さい。 Please turn off the light. Please turn off the light. ケーキを作るために砂糖がいくらか必要だ。 I need some sugar to make a cake. I need some sugar to make a cake. 彼女はここにたくさんの友人がいる。 She has a good many friends here. She has a lot of friends here. こんな天気にかれが来るかどうかおぼつかないと思う。 I have some doubts about his coming in this weather. I don't know if he will come in the weather like this. われわれは彼らと妥協しようとした。 We tried to compromise with them. We tried to compromise with them. 彼は愚かだ。 He is foolish. He's stupid. これは誰にも明らかだろう。 This should be clear to everyone. This will be obvious to no one. 海に面した都市で、隣のもっと有名な都市、ドーヴァーからは、海岸を13キロほど北に寄ったところに位置しています。 It's on the coast about 13 kilometers to the north of its more famous neighbor, Dover. From Dover, a more famous city on the sea, it is located about 13 kilometers north of the coast. 私はいつも家族を誇りに思う。 I'm always proud of my family. I'm always proud of my family. 彼女はその花をとても大事にしている。 She has been cherishing that flower. She loves that flower very much. 吠えている犬を恐れるな。 Don't be afraid of barking dogs. Don't be afraid of the barking dog. 彼の車はかぎが掛けられたままになっていた。 His car remained locked. His car was still covered. りんごとバナナどちらが好きですか。 Which do you like better, apples or bananas? Do you like apples or bananas? それらの大きさはほとんど同じです。 Their sizes are much the same. They're almost the same size. 私たちはバスに乗り遅れたのかもしれない。 We may have missed the bus. Maybe we missed the bus. 彼らも来てもかまいませんか。 Do you mind their coming too? Can they come? 確かに彼女は美人ではないが、気だてがよい。 She is not beautiful, to be sure, but she is good-natured. True, she's not pretty, but be careful. 私は姉が入学試験に受かることを望んでいる。 I hope that my sister will pass the entrance examination. I want my sister to take her entrance exam. 私たちは竹かごの作り方を教わった。 We received instructions on how to make a bamboo basket. We were taught how to make bamboo baskets. 私の計画は君のとは違う。 My plan is different from yours. My plan is different than yours. そんな奴だとは思わなかった。 I didn't know you were that kind of a person. I didn't think he was. 危険物を飲み込んだ場合、飲み込んだものによって対処法が違います。 When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed. When you swallow a dangerous item, it is different from what you swallow. 妹にあきらめるように説得してもだめだった。 It was no good persuading my sister to give up. I couldn't convince my sister to give up. 傘が良く売れる。 Umbrellas sell well. The umbrellas sell well. 彼女の顔は青くなった。 Her face turned pale. Her face turned blue. 彼女は君のお母さんを良く知っている。 She knows your mother very well. She knows your mother well. 彼は私には賢すぎて、私はまんまとだまされた。 He was too clever for me and I was done brown. He was too smart for me, and I fell in love with him. なぜ君はここに来たのか。 Why did you come here? I don't know why you're here. 誰も私の言うことに耳を傾けなかった。 Nobody listened to me. No one listened to me. 英語をやめてはいけません。 Don't quit English. Don't stop speaking English. 結局、私は彼女の話が理解できなかった。 After all I couldn't make heads or tails of her story. After all, I didn't understand what she was talking about. 私の名前はジャックです。 My name is Jack. My name is Jack. 彼は信頼できる。 He can be relied on. I can trust him. 本棚の上に手が届きますか。 Can you reach to the top of the bookshelf? Can you reach on top of the bookshelf? 彼がそれをするのは不可能だ。 It is impossible for him to do it. It's impossible for him to do it. お待たせしました。お子様セットとクリームソーダです。 Thank you for waiting. One kid's meal and an ice cream soda. Sorry to keep you waiting. It's your child's set and cream soda. まるで彼の手にふれるものはみんな金に変わるみたいだ。 It seems as if everything he touches turns to gold. It's as if everything in his hand is turned into gold. 私たちは結婚してから30年になります。 It's been thirty years since we got married. We've been married for 30 years. それは、そうでしょう。 That's pretty normal. Well, that would be, wouldn't it? 読書はあまり楽しくなかった。 I found little amusement in reading. I didn't enjoy reading very much. 私は本棚に多くの本を置いている。 I have a large number of books on my bookshelf. I've put a lot of books on the bookshelf. 彼女は行き先を決定できる立場にあった。 She was in a position to decide where to go. She was in a position to decide where she was going. 泳ぎに行きませんか。 How about going swimming? Let's go swimming. 彼は野球だけではなくフットボールも好きだ。 He likes not only baseball but football. He likes football as well as baseball. 僕は水泳が下手やねん。 I'm not very good at swimming. I'm not good at swimming. 車があればどんなによいだろう。 How I wish I had a car. I wish I had a car. お話があるのですけど。 I have something to tell you. I need to talk to you. 彼は京都に小さな家を買った。 He bought a small house in Kyoto. He bought a small house in Kyoto. 彼らは朝から夜まで働きつづけた。 They carried on working from morning till night. They kept working from morning till night. もし必要ならば手伝わせて下さい。 Let me help you, if necessary. Let me help you if you need me. ヒトは、バカになってしまう唯一の対象種です。 Man is the only animal subject to becoming an imbecile. Human beings are the only species to be stupid. ケンと弟は本当によく似ている。 Ken and his brother are very much alike. Ken and his brother are so much alike. 彼女はモーツァルトやベートーヴェンといった古典派の作曲家が好きだ。 She likes composers from the classical period like Mozart and Beethoven. She loves classical composers like Mozart and Beethoven. 彼女はあらゆる難問に意気消沈していた。 She was depressed by all her problems. She was discouraged by all the challenges. しかも、悪い人の中にはセルビア人もクロアチア人もイスラム教徒もいるのとちょうど同じように、よい人の中にも、セルビア人もいれば、クロアチア人もイスラム教もいるのよ。 And among the good there are Serbs and Croats and Muslims, just as there are among the bad. And just as there are Serbians, Croatians and Muslims among the bad, there are good people, there are Serbians, there are Muslims. 四十歳になって彼は昔ほど怒らない。 At forty, he does not get as angry as he used to. When he is 40, he is not as angry as he once was. 失うものは何もない。 I won't lose anything. There's nothing to lose. 利口な学生であればそのような事はしないだろう。 A clever student would not do such a thing. A smart student would not do that. 私が彼を助けるべき理由はまったくありません。 There is no reason why I should help him. There's absolutely no reason I should help him. このかばんはすばらしくて、しかも安い。 This bag is both good and inexpensive. It's amazing. It's cheap. 我々は絹織物を商っている。 We deal in silk goods. We're selling silk. 銀行は病院の左手にあります。 You'll see the bank on the left hand side of the hospital. The bank's in the left side of the hospital. 手を洗い終えましたか? Are you done washing your hands? Did you wash your hands? 私は列車に間に合うように早く起きた。 I got up early so as to be in time for the train. I woke up early so I could get on the train. エドワードが叔父の財産を継いだ。 Edward inherited his uncle's estate. Edward inherited his uncle's property. クリスはとても失礼で無神経だから私は彼が嫌いなの。 I dislike Chris because he is very rude and insensitive. Chris is so rude and insensitive that I hate him. 我々は感動して泣いた。 We were moved to tears. We cried as we were moved. 私たちはテントで眠りました。 We slept in a tent. We slept in tents. 今朝ブラウンさんという人がきました。 A Mr Brown came this morning. I got a guy called Mr. Brown this morning. 遅れてきたことを彼女に謝るべきだ。 You must apologize to her for coming late. You should apologize to her for being late. ボブは彼の部屋にたくさんの本を持っている。 Bob has a lot of books in his room. Bob has a lot of books in his room. 明かりが消え、私達は暗闇に残された。 The light went out and we were left in the dark. The lights went out, and we were left in the dark. この国の私たちは、ひとつの国として、ひとつの国民として、共に栄え、共に苦しむのです。この国の政治をあまりにも長いこと毒で満たしてきた、相変わらずの党派対立やくだらない諍いや未熟さに再び落ちてしまわないよう、その誘惑と戦いましょう。 In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. We, as a nation, flourish and suffer together as one nation. Let us fight against this temptation, lest we fall back into the constant sectarian conflict and the senseless or immatureness that has filled our politics for too long. 彼は明日の今ごろはロンドンにいるだろう。 He will be in London at this time tomorrow. He'll be in London by this time tomorrow. この机はトニー君に壊された。 This desk was broken by Tony. This desk was destroyed by Tony. 夏服を着ればいいのに。 You should just wear summer clothes. Why don't you put on your summer clothes? 蒸気がポットから立ちのぼっている。 Steam is rising from the pot. The steam's coming out of the pot. 誰でも幸福を求める。 Everyone seeks happiness. Everyone wants happiness. 君はもっと健康に注意すればよかった。 You should have been more careful of your health. You should've taken better care of yourself. 勉強するな。 Don't study. Don't study. 私は日本語を勉強しています。 I am learning Japanese. I'm studying Japanese. その船は航海中です。 The ship is at sea. That ship is sailing. 申し訳ありません。田中は今、席を外しております。 I'm sorry. Tanaka is not there for the moment. I'm sorry. 彼は若かったが、豪腕だった。 Young as he was, he was a man of ability. He was young, but he was proud. 英国にはほとんど地震がない。 They have few earthquakes in England. Britain has very little earthquake. 彼らは英語かフランス語かまたはその両方を話す。 They speak English or French or both. They speak either English or French or both. 信号が赤になるのに気づかなかった。 I didn't notice the light turn red. I didn't notice the signal turned red. トムはドアを通り抜けた。 Tom walked through the door. Tom passed through the door. 何かおかしなことが起こったら赤いボタンを押しなさい。 Press the red button if something strange happens. If something strange happens, press the red button. この本は面白さの点ではあの本にまさるとも劣らない。 This book is not less amusing than that one. The book is no less interesting than it is. 泥棒は暗くなってから逃げた。 The thieves ran away after it got dark. The thief got away after it got dark. この食べ物は生だ。 This food is raw. This food is raw. この流動体は接着剤の代用になります。 This fluid can be substituted for glue. So let's say that this fluid is going to replace the glue. 私達は50%以上の出資をしている。 We have a majority interest in the company. We're more than 50% invested. 去年は雨が多かった。 We had a lot of rain last year. There was a lot of rain last year. 次の授業までにこの詩を暗記しなければならない。 We have to memorize this poem by the next class. The poem must be memorized by the next class. その人たちは嵐が過ぎるのを待っているだけだ。 They are just waiting for the storm to pass. They're just waiting for the storm to pass. 雨になりそうだ。傘を持っていった方がよかろう。 It looks like rain. You'd better take an umbrella with you. It's going to rain. 駅への行き方を教えてもらえますか。 Could you tell me how to get to the station? Tell me how to get to the station. 私のバイクに乗ってもいいですよ。 You can have a ride on my motorcycle. You can ride my bike. 彼女は私を見ると、丁寧におじぎをした。 She bowed to me with courtesy when she saw me. When she looked at me, she kindly thanked me. 眠くなったら言ってね。 If you get sleepy, let me know. Tell me when you're going to fall asleep. 持ち物すべてに記名してください。 Please put their name on everything they take with them. Name everything you have. 俺は我慢強い男なんだ。 I'm a patient man. I'm a patient man. 何か熱い飲み物がありますか。 Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have anything hot to drink? 彼女は大学で勉強できるようにアルバイトを見つけた。 She got a part-time job so that she could study at college. She found a part-time job so she could study at college. このアルゴリズムが収束しないです。 This algorithm doesn't converge. This algorithm doesn't converge. エンジニアリングの仕事は日本の会社が担当することになっています。 Engineering service will be taken up by the Japanese company. I'm going to be in charge of the Japanese company. 凧は鳥のような速さで空に舞い上がった。 The kite soared upwards with the swiftness of a bird. The kite leaped into the sky as fast as a bird. その双子はとてもよく似ていたので、二人を区別するのは難しかった。 The twins were so alike that it was difficult to tell them apart. The twins were very similar, and it was difficult to distinguish them. 多くても払えるのは200ドルまでだ。 We can pay 200 dollars at most. It's only $200 at most. 私は散髪をしてもらった。 I got my hair cut. I got a haircut. 誰が彼女を手伝ってくれますか。 Who helps her? Who's gonna help her? すみません,インターネットはどこで買えますか? Excuse me. Where can I buy it on the internet? I'm sorry, where can the Internet be bought? 警察はその男の経歴を調べた。 The police looked into the records of the man. The police examined the man's background. 彼は逃亡を図った。 He attempted to escape. He tried to escape. 私は彼の述べたことをそっくりそのまま返した。 I repeated exactly what he had said. I gave him exactly what he said. その著名な詩人は自分の書斎で自殺を図ろうとした。 The prominent poet attempted to commit suicide in his study. The famous poet tried to kill himself in his study. 会の出席者は多かった。 The meeting was well attended. There were many attendees at the meeting. 彼はまたとない優れた思想家である。 He is as great a thinker as ever lived. He is a brilliant thinker again. 彼は英文の手紙の書き方をしりません。 He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. He doesn't know how to write English letters. 彼女が壁にかかっている絵を描いた。 She painted the picture which is on the wall. I drew a picture of her on the wall. 雪はいつ止んだの? When did it stop snowing? When did the snow stop? 彼らはフェンスを緑色に塗った。 They painted the fence green. They painted the fence green. 車のナンバーを書き留められなかった。 I was unable to write down the number of the car. I couldn't write down the license plate. 彼女を驚かせようという考えが突然私の頭にひらめいた。 The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. The idea of surprise came suddenly to my mind. もうちょっとで十時だ。そろそろ私たちの寝る時間だ。 It's close to ten o'clock. It's about time we went to bed. It's almost 10:00. It's almost time for us to sleep. 私は彼が生まれた家を知っている。 I know the house where he was born. I know where he was born. その女の子は母親に似ている。 That girl resembles her mother. That girl looks like her mother. 私は仕事にうんざりしていた。 I was tired of the work. I was fed up with my work. スミス教授は英語学では、最高級の学者の一人とみとめられている。 Professor Smith is recognized to be one of the greatest scholars in English philology. Professor Smith is identified as one of the finest scholars in English science. みんな大声を出して声をからした。 They were all hoarse from shouting. Everyone shouted out. あなたは、泳いで川を渡ることができますのか。 Can you swim across the river? Can you swim across the river? ひどい目にあった。 I had a devil of a time. I've been through a terrible thing. 今日の午後は雨が降らないと思う。 I do not think it will rain this afternoon. I don't think it's raining this afternoon. 列車に乗り遅れるな。 Don't be late for the train. Don't miss the train. 私たちは彼らと親しくなりました。 We made friends with them. We got close to them. 彼の真のねらいを理解できない。 I fail to understand his true aim. I don't understand his true envy. いいえ、彼女は一度も恋をしたことがありません。 No, she has never fallen in love. No, she's never been in love. 父は料理が得意だ。母はといえば、食べるのが得意だ。 My father is good at cooking. As for my mother, she is good at eating. My father is good at cooking, and my mother is good at eating. 彼はその少年をトムと呼んでいる。 He calls the boy Tom. He calls that boy Tom. 彼等は暗がりに身を隠した。 They hid themselves in the shadows. They hid in the dark. 「その通りだよ」と小さい黒いウサギは言いました。 "I really do," replied the little black rabbit. "You're right," said the little black rabbit. その話はずっと昔の経験を思い出させてくれる。 The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago. The story reminds me of a long time ago. 私は君と一緒に行きたい。 I want to go with you. I want to go with you. 彼はひかえめに言っても、倹約家だ。 He is frugal, to say the least of it. He is, to say the least, a thrifty man. 私はピアノを弾きます。 I play piano. I play the piano. 光線はプリズムによって七色に分解される。 Light is resolved by a prism into seven colors. The beam of light is broken down into seven colors. 彼は枕に頭を横たえた。 He laid his head on the pillow. He lay his head on his pillow. 人には誰でも弱点はある。 Every man has his weak side. We all have weaknesses. 彼女はタイピストの口が見つかった。 She got a job as a typist. She found the typist's mouth. 雨は絶え間なく降っていた。 It rained nonstop. The rain was constantly falling. 頼りにしてるよ。 I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. 彼女は泳ぐためにそこへ行った。 She went there to swim. She went there to swim. あの子が羨ましい。 I envy her. I envy her. トムはときどきボストンに行く。 Tom sometimes goes to Boston. Tom sometimes goes to Boston. この論文では交渉における仲介者の立場に関する困難点は何かという問題をとりあげる。 In this paper I address the question, what is difficult about the intermediary's position in a negotiation? The article raises the question of what is the difficulty with the middleman's position in negotiations. 私は単調な生活にあきあきしている。 I am tired of my monotonous life. I'm tired of living a single life. その大きな蛇を見て彼は非常に驚きました。 He was very much frightened at the sight of the big snake. He looked at that big snake and was very surprised. 君は木の下へ避難した。 You took shelter under a tree. You took refuge under a tree. あなたは何年生ですか。 What year are you in school? How old are you? 彼女は遠くまで行かなかった。 She didn't go far. She didn't go far. 彼女は笑いをこらえられなかった。 She couldn't help bursting into laughter. She couldn't laugh. お好きなようにしなさい。 Do whatever you like. Do whatever you want. 私は公園で彼に会いました。 I saw him in the park. I met him in the park. 急げ、さもないと最終電車に乗り遅れるぞ。 Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train. Hurry, or we'll miss the final train. この無責任なうわさの源を突き止めたいと思う。 I want to find out the source of this irresponsible rumor. I want to find the source of this irresponsibility. 警察は殺人事件について新しい証拠が発見できないでいる。 Police have failed to turn up any new evidence about the murder. Police are unable to find new evidence on the murder. その木は吹きたおされた。 The tree was blown down. The tree was blown away. このようなミスは見逃しやすい。 It's very easy to miss this kind of mistake. It's easy to overlook these mistakes. 少年を助けようとしていて私は危うく溺れるところだった。 I came near being drowned, trying to rescue a boy. Trying to help the boy, I almost drowned. 彼女は姉とまったく同じくらい美人だ。 She is no less beautiful than her sister. She's exactly as beautiful as her sister. 彼に必要なだけのお金を貸してやりなさい。 Lend him as much money as he needs. You're going to have to lend him as much money as he needs. 彼の事務所を見つけるのは私にとってたやすい。 I had no difficulty in finding his office. It's easy for me to find his office. 私の兄は東京に住んでいる。 My brother lives in Tokyo. My brother lives in Tokyo. 机の下にリンゴがあります。 There is an apple under the desk. There's an apple under the desk. 私はそのすべての本を処理した。 I got rid of all the books. I handled all those books. ある晩、ひとりの商人が帰り道にその坂を登っていた。 One night a merchant was walking up the slope on his way home. One night a merchant climbed the hill on his way home. 彼女は私にどの服を着ていったらよいか教えてくれた。 She showed me which dress to wear. She taught me which clothes to wear. 一月に彼に会いました。 I met him in January. I met him in January. 彼はどうしても私に手伝わせようとした。 He tried to get me to help him. He insisted on letting me help. 私たちは皆彼をよく知っています。 All of us know him well. We all know him well. この仕事のために私は世界中に出かけます。 This job carries me all over the world. I'm going to go around the world for this job. なぜ君はそんなに悲しそうな顔をしているのか。 Why are you looking so sad? Why do you look so sad? 彼の頭は新しいアイディアであふれている。 His brain bubbles with new ideas. His head is full of new ideas. どのクレジットカードが使えますか。 Which credit cards can I use? Which credit card is available? 私のカメラはニコンです。 My camera is a Nikon. My camera is Nikon. 彼はパリ経由でロンドンへ行った。 He went to London via Paris. He went to London via Paris. テニスウェアってなんでミニスカートなのかしら? I wonder why tennis is played in mini-skirts. Why is tennisware a miniskirt? 彼は背は低いが、バスケットボールが上手い。 He is short, but good at basketball. He's short, but he's good at basketball. クリスマスまでもう2週間だ。 Christmas is just two weeks away. It's been two weeks since Christmas. 男子学生同士が相合傘か、なかなかオツなシチュエーションだな。 Two male school pupils sharing an umbrella? That's quite a queer situation. Is it male or male? It's a pretty nice relationship. タップダンスのやり方わかる? Do you know how to tap dance? Do you know how to tap dance? ラテンアメリカでは、アニメが好きな人が多い。 There are many people that like Japanese animation in Latin America. Many people in Latin America love cartoons. わたしはギターアンサンブルでバスギターを弾いている。 I play bass guitar in a guitar ensemble. I play a bass guitar on the guitar Ansemble. オープンソースは技術革新をドライブするエンジンである。 Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation. Open source is an engine to drive innovation. 彼の好きな野球チームジャイアンツですが、ライオンズも好きです。 His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he likes the Lions, too. His favorite baseball team is Giants, and I like the lions. スポーツブランドとアニメのコラボレーションが発表された。 A sports brand and anime collab has been announced. The collaboration between sports brands and cartoons has been announced. オーストラリアが大好きだ。 I love Australia. I love Australia. オープンカーでアメリカを横断したい。 I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I want to cross the US with an open car. アタマ、スッキリさせなきゃ。 I need to clear my head. I've got to clear it up. インターネットが爆発しました。 The Internet has exploded. The Internet exploded. トムはメアリーに手紙を書いた。 Tom wrote a letter to Mary. Tom wrote a letter to Mary. トムはラケットを地面に置いた。 Tom put his racket on the ground. Tom put the racket on the ground. トムはパスワードを入力した。 Tom entered his password. Tom entered the password. トムはメアリーより三歳年下です。 Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom is three years younger than Mary. スローモーションでその場面を見せた。 They showed the scene in slow motion. I showed the scene in slow motion. クリスマスが近づいた。 Christmas drew near. Christmas is getting closer. ブラウン氏は医者です。 Mr Brown is a doctor. Mr. Brown is a doctor. 最近パソコンを始めた。 I started using PCs recently. I recently started a computer. ヘルシンキはフィンランドの首都です。 Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. アメリカ合衆国の最初の入植者はイギリス人とフランス人だった。 The first colonizers of the United States of America were the English and French. The first tenants of the United States were British and French. メアリーはカナダ人です。 Mary is Canadian. Mary is Canadian. 私は肉、チーズ、トマトのサンドウィッチが好きです。 I like meat, cheese and tomato sandwiches. I like meat, cheese and tomato sandwich. 地下はショッピング街です。 There is a shopping district underground. The basement is a shopping town. トムはパジャマを着てベッドに潜り込んだ。 Tom put on his pajamas and climbed into bed. Tom went to bed wearing pajamas. 怒りはエネルギー。 Anger is an energy. Anger is energy. ギリギリセーフ! That was close. No, no, no, no, no, no. これはカフェインレスコーヒーですか? Is this decaf coffee? Is this Cafares coffee? このネクタイとあのジャケットはよく似合う。 This tie and that jacket go well together. This tie and that jacket look good on you. トムはプロ野球選手です。 Tom is a professional baseball player. Tom is a professional baseball player. トムはメアリーを騙した。 Tom tricked Mary. Tom fooled Mary. 今朝、コーヒーショップでとても熱いダブルエスプレッソを飲んだ。 I drank a very hot double espresso at the coffee shop this morning. This morning I had a very hot double espresso at the coffee shop. カラーフィルムを一本ください。 One roll of color film, please. One color film, please. エルモア・ジェイムズのコピーじゃないぜ。 Elmore James got nothin' on this, baby. I'm not a copy of Elmore James. グレイ様からの恋文? A love letter from Gray? A love letter from Lord Gray? 彼はフランス語だけでなくスペイン語も話す。 He not only speaks French, but he speaks Spanish, too. He speaks Spanish as well as French. トムとメアリーはビーチバレーをしている。 Tom and Mary are playing beach volleyball. Tom and Mary have a beach ballet. 我々は熱狂的な阪神タイガースファンである。 We are enthusiastic Hanshin Tigers fans. We are Tigersfan, the god of Osaka. 左に曲がるとガソリンスタンドがある。 Turning to the left, you will find the gas station. There's a gas station at the left. 我々のヨットクラブは10人のメンバーで構成されている。 Our yacht club has ten members. Our yacht club is made up of ten members. 彼の妹は人気のテレビタレントだよ。 His younger sister is a well-known TV star. His sister is a popular TV talent. トムもメアリーもフランス語は話せない。 Neither Tom nor Mary can speak French. Tom and Mary don't speak French. オーストラリアから来ました。 I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. トムってバカ? Is Tom nuts? Tom's an idiot? フランス語とウェブ・デザインを勉強しています。 I'm studying French and web design. I'm studying French and web design. フルコースもあれば、サラダで軽いお食事もオーケー。 You can eat a complete meal, or just go easy with our salad bar. There are full courses, salads and light meals. チケットは百ユーロだ。 The ticket costs 100 euros. The ticket is 100 euros. フランス語を喋ろう。 Let's speak French. Speak French. マイクはクラスで一番できる。 Mike is the brightest student in class. Mike can do the best in his class. ジェーンと私はピアノを上手にひく。 Jane and I play the piano very well. Jane and I play the piano very well. マーテイン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニアは暗殺者の凶弾で命を落としたのである。 Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of peace, was killed by an assassin's bullet. Marthein Luther King Jr. was killed by an assassin's bullet. ランドマークホテルに連絡してくれれば、大丈夫だ。 You can get in touch with me at Hotel Landmark. If you call the landmark hotel, you'll be fine. アフリカは大陸であるが、グリーンランドは違う。 Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. イエス・キリストは私の救い主です。 Jesus Christ is my saviour. Jesus Christ is my Savior. 彼は三回フランスを訪れた。 He has visited France three times. He visited France three times. 彼女はタイピストです。 She is a typist. She's a typist. ペンフレンドが欲しい。 I want a pen friend. I need a pen pal. トムの作るレジュメはいつもミスプリだらけだ。 Tom's summaries are always full of misprints. Tom always makes mistakes. トムはネイティブ並みにフランス語を話す。 Tom speaks French like a native speaker. Tom speaks French as native. トムはメアリーにバイクを売った。 Tom sold his motorcycle to Mary. Tom sold Mary a motorcycle. このカードでトラベラーズチェックが買えますか。 Can I get travelers checks with this card? Can you buy Travers Check with this card? パスタならフェルナンドのお得意だよ。 Pasta is Fernando's province. I'm good at pasta. I'm good at it. クッキーはテーブルの下にいる。 Cookie is under the table. The cookies are under the table. 身長何センチ? How tall are you? How tall are you? トムはジャンプした。 Tom jumped. Tom jumped. スミス一家はオハイオウ州に引っ越した。 The Smiths moved to Ohio. The Smiths moved to Ohio. イタリア人です。 I am Italian. Italian. あのデパートはブランド品のバーゲン中です。 A sale of quality-brand goods is being held at that department. The department store's in a brand-made Burgen. ツベルクリン反応は疑陽性でした。 The tuberculin reaction was pseudopositive. The Tubelklin response was suspiciously positive. 彼女はハンドバッグを紛失した。 She lost her handbag. She lost her purse. クレジットカードは使えますか。 Do you take plastic? Can you use a credit card? イシュマエルを呼んでくれ。 Call Ishmael. Call Ishmael. トムとメアリーは夜空を見た。 Tom and Mary looked at the night sky. Tom and Mary saw the night sky. ケイトはテーブルに布を広げた。 Kate spread the cloth over the table. Kate spread the cloth on the table. 仕事場にコンピューターを設置した。 We have equipped our office with computers. I set up a computer at work. フェイスブックでの絶対的なプライバシーは幻想であり、実際には存在しない。 Absolute privacy on Facebook is an illusion. It doesn't exist in reality. The absolute privacy on Facebook is an illusion and does not exist. ケンは、ギターはもちろんバイオリンが弾ける。 Ken can play the violin, not to mention the guitar. Ken, of course, can play the violin. トムは多分今メアリーと一緒。 Tom is probably with Mary right now. Tom's probably with Mary now. メアリーにユーモアのセンスがないのは残念だ。 It's a pity that Mary has no sense of humor. I'm sorry Mary doesn't have a sense of humor. トムは契約書をフランス語に訳した。 Tom translated the contract into French. Tom translated the contract into French. 彼はそのクロスワードパズルを簡単に解いた。 He did the crossword with ease. He solved that crossword puzzle easily. ジョンはアメリカの少年です。 John is an American boy. John is an American boy. ポートサイドホテルに泊まります。 I'll be staying at the Portside Hotel. I'm staying at the Portside Hotel. トムはエメンタールチーズが好きだ。 Tom likes Swiss cheese. Tom likes Emmentar cheese. アイス食べる? Do you want some ice cream? You want some ice cream? トムは良いダンサーですか? Is Tom a good dancer? Is Tom a good dancer? ヨーロッパ人に見える。 You look European. It looks like a European. ウェイトが心配だ。 I'm worried about my weight. I'm worried about Waite. トムは自分のライフルを撃った。 Tom fired his rifle. Tom shot his own rifle. 車がトラックに衝突した。 The car collided with a truck. A car crashed into a truck. トムは有名なアイドルだ。 Tom is a famous pop star. Tom is a famous idol. コーヒーとクロワッサン、お願いします。 I'll have a coffee and a croissant. Coffee and Croisan, please. ベートーベンはある? Do you have Beethoven? Do you have Beethoven? メアリーのパパはリッチね。 Mary's dad is rich. Mary's dad's rich. 日本は世界のハイテク産業のリーダーだ。 Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. パーティーは彼のスピーチで始まった。 The party opened with his speech. The party started with his speech. 彼はケンブリッジ大学の教授であった。 He was a professor at Cambridge University. He was a professor at Cambridge University. 私はタクシーでホテルへ行った。 I went to the hotel by cab. I took a cab to the hotel. 私はテレビでそのボクシングの試合を見た。 I saw the boxing match on television. I saw that boxing game on TV. メアリーはトムの義理の母だ。 Mary is Tom's stepmother. Mary is Tom's mother-in-law. トムがピアノを弾き、メアリーが歌った。 Tom played the piano and Mary sang. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. トムとメアリーはルナパークへ行きました。 Tom and Mary went to the Luna Park. Tom and Mary went to Luna Park. 王はテロリストに襲われた。 The King was assaulted by terrorists. The king was attacked by terrorists. ヒトラーはドイツを戦争に引き入れた。 Hitler led Germany into war. Hitler led Germany to war. トムさんはチョコレートが大好き。 Tom loves chocolate. Tom loves chocolate. トムはクラスで一番背が高い。 Tom is the tallest in the class. Tom's the tallest person in the class. スキューバダイビングほど面白いものはない。 There is nothing more exciting than scuba diving. Nothing is more interesting than scuba diving. テニスは私の好きなスポーツです。 Tennis is my favorite sport. I love tennis. イタリア語は私の母語です。 Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my mother tongue. ヨーロッパの戦争がアフリカにまで広がった。 The war in Europe was carried into Africa. European war spread to Africa. いつコンサートのチケットを買ったの。 When did you get the concert ticket? When did you buy a concert ticket? あのデパートでは今週メンズスーツが売り出し中だ。 Men's suits are on sale this week at that department store. Men's suits are selling in that department store this week. 冷蔵庫の中にバターが2ポンドある。 There are two pounds of butter in the icebox. There's two pounds of butter in the fridge. トンプソンさんは2年間東京に住んでからスコットランドに帰った。 Mr Thompson had lived in Tokyo for two years before he went back to Scotland. Thompson returned to Scotland after living in Tokyo for two years. コンピューター・システムは午後8時に自動的に停止する。 The computer system shuts down automatically at 8pm. The computer system automatically stops at 8 pm. タマネギはジャガイモよりはやく煮える。 Onions cook more quickly than potatoes. Onion is cooked more easily than potatoes. 英語のアルファベットには26文字ある。 The English alphabet has 26 letters. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. メアリーのパパはリッチね。 Mary's father is rich. Mary's dad's rich. トムはベッドの下に隠れた。 Tom hid under the bed. Tom hid under the bed. あれはラッシュモア山です。 It's Mt. Rushmore. That's Mount Lafmore. トムはメアリーと別れた。 Tom split up with Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. トムはフランス語を教えている。 Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. トムはバスケに夢中だ。 Tom is crazy about basketball. Tom's crazy about basketball. トムはオレンジが好きだ。 Tom likes oranges. Tom likes oranges. 彼は左手でボールをキャッチした。 He caught the ball with his left hand. He caught the ball with his left hand. 私達は彼女をチームのキャプテンに選んだ。 We elected her captain of our team. We chose her to be captain of the team. デモインの裏庭、コンコードの居間、チャールストンの玄関からそれは始まった。 It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. It started in the back yard of Demoin, in the Concord room, at Charleston's front door. シャンペンを下さい。 I'll take a glass of champagne. Can I have some champagne, please? 武藤敬二はIWGPチャンピオンです。 Keiji Muto is IWGP champion. Takeshi Udo is the IWGP champion. ディックはピアノを弾き、ルーシーは歌を歌った。 Dick played the piano and Lucy sang. Dick played the piano and Lucy sang. トムはメアリーに苗字を訊いた。 Tom asked Mary what her last name was. Tom asked Mary her last name. エイヴィスのカウンターはどこですか。 Where is the Avis counter? Where's Avery's counter? トムは女性のどんなファッションが好き? What kind of women's attire does Tom like? What kind of fashion does Tom like about women? 英国の首都ロンドンはテムズ川の河畔にある。 London, the capital of England, is on the Thames. London, England's capital, is on the river Thames. 彼はコンピューターゲームに夢中だった。 He was absorbed in a computer game. He was obsessed with computer games. ホンミョンボはすばらしいプレイヤーです。 Hong Myong Bo is a great player. Honmingbo is a great player. ポリオワクチンは済んでいます。 She was vaccinated against polio. We're done with the polio vaccine. トムは波乱のスタートを切った。 Tom is off to a rocky start. Tom cut the start of the storm. パプアニューギニアに住むメラネシア人の多くは、かなり強い天然パーマですね。 Most of the Melanesians living in Papua New Guinea have very curly hair, don't they? Many Melanesians in Papua New Guinea are quite strong natural parmas. 僕はトマトスープが好きだ。 I like tomato soup. I like tomato soup. 旧友がレセプションに招かれた。 Old friends were invited to the reception. An old friend was invited to the reception. 俺をイシュマエルと呼べ。 Call me Ishmael. Call me Ishmael. レストランで歓迎パーティーが行われた。 A welcome party took place in the restaurant. A welcome party was held at the restaurant. ズッキーニは緑色です。 Zucchinis are green. Zucchini is green. そのコンピューターの色は赤い。 The computer's color is red. Its computer color is red. ヴァンホーン家は裕福だった。 The Van Horn family was prosperous. The Van Horns were rich. 私はチャンピオンと対戦した。 I played against the champion. I fought champions. 英語のスピーチコンテストに参加しますか。 Are you going to take part in the English speech contest? Join the English speech contest. この帽子はオーストラリア製です。 This hat is from Australia. This hat is made in Australia. 彼女はヘアブラシと歯ブラシを買った。 She bought a hair brush and a tooth brush. She bought a hair brush and a toothbrush. リンカーンはアメリカで最も偉大な人物の一人だ。 Lincoln is one of the greatest figures in American history. Lincoln is one of America’s greatest figures. シャンパンがグラスの中で泡立った。 The champagne bubbled in the glass. The champagne foamed in the glass. トムはメアリーより3歳年上だ。 Tom is 3 years older than Mary. Tom's three years older than Mary. トムはクロスワードパズルをしている。 Tom is doing a crossword puzzle. Tom's got a crossword puzzle. 一緒にダイエットしない? Do you want to go on a diet with me? Do you want to take a diet with me? 良いメキシコのレストランを見つけた。 I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. 私たちはジョンをキャプテンに選んだ。 We chose John as captain. We chose John as Captain. グラントはすごくモテモテだった。 Grant was extremely popular. Grant was very popular. ナンシーはストレスでダメになっている。 Nancy is stressed out. Nancy's stressed out. 今、フランス風のドレスが流行している。 The French style of dress is in vogue just now. There's a French dress going on right now. イギリスでは地下鉄のことを subway ではなく underground という。 In England, the subway isn't called "subway", it is called the "underground". In Britain, subways are not subways. 私の父はLegoTechnicが好きだ。 My dad likes Lego Technic. My father likes LegoTechnic. air と heir は同音異義語である。 "Air" and "heir" are homophones. Air and heir are symphonic. dareとdearとを混同するな。 Don't confuse "dare" and "dear". Don't confuse dére with dear. そうです。日本語ではウェートレスは英語の"waitress"と"weightless"にも該当する。でも"waitress"という意味が普通だね。 That's right. In Japanese, "uetoresu" corresponds both to the English "waitress" and "weightless". However, "waitress" is the more common meaning. That's true. In Japanese, wetress can also refer to the English word "watress" and "weightless".