Vocaveruntque Lot et dixerunt ei: Ubi sunt viri, qui introierunt ad te nocte? Educ illos ad nos, ut cognoscamus eos. And they called Lot, and said to him: Where are the men that came in to thee at night? bring them out hither, that we may know them: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are men, that came in to thee this night? Bring them up to us, that we may know them. Kamu telah melakukan apa yang harus kamu lakukan You did what you had to do. You've done what you have to do. Io ho delle notizie magnifiche. I have wonderful news. I have some wonderful news. Por que os meninos são tão burros? Why are boys so dumb? Why are the boys so dumb? Sunt geloşi pe succesul nostru. They are jealous of our success. They're jealous of our success. Fazia uma semana que minha vó estava doente quando eu visitei ela. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. It was a week ago that my flight was sick when I visited her. Ubi legere didicisti? Where did you learn to read? Where did you learn to read? Absența ta m-a dezamăgit. I was disappointed at your absence. Your absence has disappointed me. Que sais-tu de la petite amie de Tom ? What do you know about Tom's girlfriend? What do you know about Tom's girlfriend? Thomas suasit ut hic exspectemus. Tom suggested that we wait here. Thomas let's watch here. Eu brincava aqui. I used to play here. I was kidding here. Ela quase foi atropelada por um carro. She was almost run over by a car. She was almost hit by a car. Deja los libros tal como están. Leave the books as they are. Leave the books as they are. Romulus et Remus fratres erant. Romulus and Remus were brothers. Romulus and Remus were brothers. Siete sicure che Tom stia venendo? Are you sure Tom is coming? Are you sure Tom's coming? ¿Qué haría Tom si se enterara? What would Tom do if he found out? What would Tom do if he found out? Ha fugit un bou en pantalons curts acusat de furt. A bull with short trousers has escaped accused of stealing. He ran away a bull in shorts accused of stealing. Le dio un obsequio que le recordaría los días felices que habían vivido juntos. He gave her a gift that would remind her of the happy days they experienced together. He gave her a gift that would remind her of the happy days they had lived together. Él es sospechoso de robo. He is suspected of robbery. He's a suspect of theft. Você está em grande perigo. You're in grave danger. You're in great danger. Hace mucho que no hago una barbacoa. I haven't had a barbecue for a long time. I haven't done a barbecue in a long time. Nós tentamos tudo. We have tried everything. We tried everything. Não existe passado, nem futuro; tudo flui num eterno presente. There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present. There is no past, no future; everything flows into an eternal present. Hanya mereka yang berani segagal-gagalnya dapat meraih setinggi-tingginya. Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly. Only they will be able to reach their height. Este destul de greu să stăpânești limba franceză în 2 sau 3 ani. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's hard enough to master French in 2 or 3 years. E Britannia oriundus sum. I come from England. I'm from Britain. Il a considéré cette histoire comme une plaisanterie. He regarded the story as a joke. He considered this story a joke. Me duele la garganta al tragar. My throat hurts when I swallow. It hurts my throat at swallowing. Haec urbs in America Foederata est. This city is in the United States. This city in North America J'ai été condamnée. I was convicted. I was convicted. Chiel a l'é fortunà a 'vej na fomna tant brava. He is fortunate having such a good wife. Chiel to the fortune at 'see na fomna so brave. ¿Cómo creen que me siento? How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel? Quomodo hae duae locutiones Gallice dicuntur? How do you say these two phrases in French? How do these two words of Gallic say? Vogliamo diventare famose. We want to become famous. We want to be famous. Sciusciâ e sciorbî no se peu. You can't blow and sip. Sciusciâ and dissolved not to slow down. Delibavisti hoc libum? Did you taste this cake? Are you deliberating this book? Il me l'a reproché. He blamed it on me. He blamed me. Acho que há ratos no sótão. I think we have some mice in the attic. I think there's rats in the attic. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Flávio está cursando a terceira série do Ensino Médio. Flavio is enrolled in his third year of high school. Flavio is taking the third high school series. Sóc jo. It's me. It's me. Tom esfregou o chão. Tom mopped the floor. Tom rubbed the floor. È veloce in tutto. She is quick at everything. It's fast. Trebuie să clarifici situația odată pentru totdeauna. You need to set the record straight once and for all. You need to clarify the situation once and for all. Que l'èi ausit devarar. We heard him come downstairs. That's so easy to tell. Désolé, quelque chose est allé de travers. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something went through. Comecei a chorar. I began to cry. I started crying. Tom e seus amigos jogam pôquer quase toda sexta à noite. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom não tem advogado. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. Tom doesn't have a lawyer. El tiempo lo cura todo. Time heals all wounds. Time heals everything. Nonne perterritus es? Aren't you worried? Aren't you perplexed? Tom aussi vient à la fête. Tom is coming to the party, too. Tom's coming to the party too. Mi faccio una doccia una volta al giorno. I shower once a day. I shower once a day. Minuman anggur terbuat dari anggur. Wine is made from grapes. Drinks of wine made of wine. Malum edit. He's eating an apple. Bad editor. Io non ho capito nulla. I didn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything. Quid scribitis? What are you writing? What did you write? Gaudium erat loqui vobiscum. It's been a pleasure talking to you. He was glad to talk to you. Muitos rios deságuam no mar. Many rivers flow into the sea. Many rivers disembowel in the sea. Prefiero la primavera al otoño. I prefer spring to autumn. I prefer spring to autumn. Vocês conseguem sentir a tensão? Can you feel the tension? Can you feel the tension? Je ne suis pas le moins du monde intéressée par ce genre de choses. I'm not in the least interested in such things. I'm not the least interested in this kind of thing. Ells no beuen. They don't drink. They don't drink. Falem para eles virem para casa. Tell them to come home. Talk to them to come home. Je ne souhaite pas laisser de message. I don't want to leave a message. I don't want to leave a message. Estaré allí en un minuto. I'll be in there in a minute. I'll be there in a minute. Você é um cara sortudo. You're a lucky guy. You're a lucky guy. Tom escreveu tudo o que a Mary disse. Tom wrote down everything Mary said. Tom wrote everything Mary said. Poți să te faci înțeles în engleză? Can you make yourselves understood in English? Can you make yourself understood in English? Toate asistentele din acest spital sunt foarte amabile. All the nurses of this hospital are very kind. All nurses in this hospital are very kind. Eu duc mai departe tradițiile familiei. I'm carrying on the family's traditions. I'm moving on with family traditions. Dormir es la mejor meditación. Sleep is the best meditation. Sleeping is the best meditation. Trabajé en Rio de Janeiro durante dos años. I worked in Rio de Janeiro for two years. I worked in Rio de Janeiro for two years. Você deve ter senso de humor para usar os nossos produtos. You must have a sense of humour to use our products. You must have a sense of humor to use our products. Muchas madres malcrían a sus hijos por no ser lo suficientemente estrictas. Many a mother spoils her sons by not being strict enough. Many mothers abused their children for not being strict enough. Je n'arrive pas à faire ça par moi-même. I can't do this on my own. I can't do this on my own. Lingua Arabica maximi momenti est. Arabic is a very important language. The maximum Arabic language of the moment east. O problema é você. The problem is you. The problem is you. C'est un dictionnaire. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Oculos caeruleos habet. He has blue eyes. Caeruleous eyeballs are here. Prejudecata este o opinie fără judecată. Prejudice is an opinion without judgement. Prejudice is an opinion without judgment. Am rămas în picioare. I remained standing. We're standing. Totam pluit per hebdomadem. It rained all week. We all rained for the week. Incredibil! Incredible! Unbelievable! Commençons par les bases. Let's start with the basics. Let's start with the bases. Eam amo, quod patiens est. I love her because she is patient. I'm so sorry he is so patient. Yo no apostaría contra Tom. I wouldn't bet against Tom. I wouldn't bet on Tom. Mary si è abbracciata le ginocchia. Mary hugged her knees. Mary hugged her knees. Peu de personnes savent que M. Itsumi est originaire de Kansai. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. Few people know that Mr. Itsumi is from Kansai. Ad Appii Claudii senectutem accedebat ut cæcus esset. In his old age, Appius Claudius faced the additional challenge of being blind. To Appii Claudius, who was probably a priest, came near that he might be blind. Ton nom ne figure pas sur la liste. Tu n'es pas invité à la fête. Your name doesn't appear on the list. You're not invited to the party. Your name is not on the list, you're not invited to the party. Mengapa lebah meninggal setelah menyengat? Why do bees die after stinging? Why do bees die after suffocating? Foras non exiit, quamdiu hiems fuit. As long as it was winter, he did not go outdoors. He wasn't out, as long as he was in the winter. Saya tidak memiliki mobil. I don't have a car. I don't have a car. Tom in realtà si scusò con Mary. Tom actually apologized to Mary. Tom actually apologized to Mary. Haec arbor malos fructus edit. This tree bears ugly fruits. This bad tree produces fruit. Sami n'est pas d'accord avec Layla. Sami doesn't agree with Layla. Sami disagrees with Layla. Nu uitați să vă faceți temele, bine? Don't forget to do your homework, okay? Don't forget to do your homework, okay? Aku takkan pernah membuat janji bahawa aku tak dapat teruskan I will never make a promise that I can't keep I'll never make a promise that I can't go on. Tu sei generoso. You're generous. You're generous. Ursos timeo. I am afraid of bears. I'm afraid bears. Je sais que mes amies chinoises aiment bien quand je les corrige. I know that my Chinese female friends enjoy my disciplining them. I know my Chinese friends like it when I fix them. Mes devoirs m'ont pris plus de temps que je ne pensais. My homework took longer than I expected. My duties took longer than I thought. Nam profecti de Raphidim et pervenientes usque in desertum Sinai, castrametati sunt in eodem loco, ibique Israel fixit tentoria e regione montis. For departing out of Raphidim, and coming to the desert of Sinai, they camped in the same place, and there Israel pitched their tents over against the mountain. And they departed from Rephidim, and came to the wilderness of Sinai, and pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel pitched before the mount. Aku nyaris tak punya uang untuk membeli makanan. I barely have enough money for food. I hardly have any money to buy food. Qui percusserit servum suum vel ancillam virga, et mortui fuerint in manibus eius, ultioni subiacetur. He that striketh his bondman, or bondwoman, with a rod, and they die under his hands, shall be guilty of the crime. And if a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod, and they die under his hand, he shall be surely avenged. Me da igual. I don't care. I don't care. Tom está escrevendo algo no quadro. Tom is writing something on the blackboard. Tom's writing something in the painting. Vorrei trovare qualcuno che si prenda cura dei miei figli. I'd like to find somebody to take care of my children. I'd like to find someone who takes care of my children. Aku penasaran bagaimana rasanya. I wonder what it feels like. I wonder what it's like. Heureusement les récoltes ne furent pas endommagées par le typhon. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Fortunately the crops were not damaged by typhoon. Tu devi ascoltare Tom. You have to listen to Tom. You need to listen to Tom. Tom telah kehilangan harapan. Tom has lost hope. Tom's lost hope. Temo che non sia vero. I'm afraid it's not true. I'm afraid that's not true. Ne vous rendent-ils pas fou ? Don't they drive you mad? Don't they drive you crazy? Am râs cu hohote. We roared with laughter. I laughed with hohote. Nomen mihi Didymus, ei Maria est. My name is Tom and this is Mary. My name is Didymus, this is Mary. Non est illud quod audivi. That's not what I heard. It is not the kind of thing that I have heard. Doleo, sed non possum. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Cadê o amor? Where's the love? Is love falling? Thomas me domum suam invitavit. Tom invited me to his house. Thomas invited me to his home. Me dê um diferente mesmo. Give me a different one. Give me a different one. Quisiera hacer unas cuantas pruebas más. I'd like to run a few more tests. I'd like to do a few more tests. Je suis allé à la boulangerie. I went to the baker's. I went to the bakery. Loquerisne cum cane tuo? Do you talk to your dog? Did you talk to your dog? Mimpi indah! Sweet dreams! It's a beautiful dream! Tom è sempre prudente. Tom is always careful. Tom's always careful. Tom es abogado. Tom is a lawyer. Tom's a lawyer. Ella es demasiado joven para saber la verdad. She is too young to know the truth. She's too young to know the truth. J'apprécie la marmelade d'orange. I love orange marmalade. I like orange jam. Dez anos se passaram desde a sua morte. Ten years have gone by since his death. Ten years have passed since his death. Matar dos pájaros de un tiro. To kill two birds with one stone. Kill two birds with one shot. Les enfants jouent avec les jouets. Children play with toys. Children play with toys. Me gustaría comprar una cámara como esta. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to buy a camera like this. Tom a spus că o va rezolva. Tom said that he'd sort it out. Tom said he'd fix it. Est-ce que ça m'aiderait ? Would it help me? Would that help me? Tenés que prestar especial atención a lo que comés y tomás. You have to pay special attention to what you eat and drink. You have to pay particular attention to what you eat and take. Este filme é politicamente incorreto. This movie is politically incorrect. This film is politically incorrect. Sa prophétie se réalisa. His prophecy was fulfilled. His prophecy came true. O Tom teria feito isso se ele realmente quisesse. Tom would've done that if he'd really wanted to. Tom would have done that if he really wanted to. Eu quero fazer novos amigos. I want to make new friends. I want to make new friends. Estoy sin un duro. I'm broke. I'm out of a hard one. Il se moque juste de toi. He's just kidding you. He's just making fun of you. Tengo muchos proyectos de traducción. I have many translation projects. I have many translation projects. Nu vreau să vorbesc cu tine. I don't want to speak with you. I don't want to talk to you. Et canes et feles et equi animalia sunt. The dogs, the cats, and the horses are animals. And dogs and cats and animals are. Como eu sinto sua falta. How I miss you. How I miss you. Mi mancherà la competizione. I'm going to miss competing. I'll miss the competition. Ultimamente a delinquência juvenil está aumentando. Recently juvenile delinquency has been on the rise. Lately juvenile delinquency is increasing. Dia tidak pergi ke mana-mana. He doesn't go everywhere. He didn't go anywhere. Matant mwen renmen kreyòl mizik. My aunt loves Creole music. My aunt loved kreilish music. Merci pour votre aide. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Nous vous inscrirons sur la liste. We'll put you on the list. We'll sign you up on the list. Tom tenía razón. Tom was right. Tom was right. Voi lua o cină cu un prieten. I am going to eat an evening meal with a friend. I'll have dinner with a friend. Tom é culpado de roubar. Tom is guilty of stealing. Tom's guilty of stealing. Da mihi, quaeso, poculum theae. A cup of tea, please. Give me, ask me, that's it. Tom era impegnatissimo. Tom was real busy. Tom was very busy. Le grand mec en train de fumer un cigare là-bas est un réalisateur célèbre. The tall guy smoking a cigar over there is a famous director. The big guy smoking a cigarette there is a famous director. Parles àrab? Do you speak Arabic? Are you speaking Arabic? Cred că nu sunt deloc bun la limba germană. I think I'm really not any good at German. I don't think I'm good at German. Espero que você se divirta! I hope you have a good time! I hope you enjoy yourself! Tycho Brahe perdeu parte do seu nariz em um duelo de espadas. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a sword duel. Tycho Brahe lost part of his nose in a duel of swords. Ad tabernam eo. I'm going to the store. I told him we should go to work at him. Vozotros keresh un portokal? Do you guys want an orange? You're cricketing a orange? Io non ho mai fatto questo prima. I've never done this before. I've never done this before. Si el sol saliera por el oeste, no cambiaría de idea. If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind. If the sun were going out west, I wouldn't change my mind. Apa kau masih membaca buku-buku? Do you still read books? Are you still reading the books? Tu devrais suivre le conseil de ton professeur. You should follow your teacher's advice. You should follow your teacher's advice. Lumen candelae mihi placet. I like candlelight. I like the light of fire. Ha mai firmato un contratto? Have you ever signed a contract? Have you ever signed a contract? Igitur egressus Iacob de Bersabee pergebat Charran. But Jacob being departed from Bersabee, went on to Haran. Jacob's departure from Beersheba turned to Charran. Estamos sem tempo. We're out of time. We're running out of time. Computatorium reficere non possum. I'm not able to fix the computer. I can't restart computer. Duos ibi dies commoratus est. He stayed there a couple of days. He spent many days there. Souviens-toi de ça ! Remember this! Remember that! Dá para ir mais depressa? Can you go faster? Can you go faster? Você é boa. You're good. You're good. Je l'ai fait à temps. I made it on time. I did it in time. Multi gubernatores raedas in nive reliquerunt. Many drivers abandoned their cars in the snow. Many raed rulers have left in the snow. Kami bisa menemukan teman-teman kami kemanapun kami pergi. We can find friends wherever we go. We can find our friends wherever we go. Il boit trop. He drinks too much. He drinks too much. Parece que eu vim em um péssima hora. It looks like I came at a bad time. Looks like I'm here in a bad hour. Había vivido en Osaka dieciocho años cuando me mudé a Tokio. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo. Me gusta el color amarillo. I like the colour yellow. I like yellow. Tom ha detto che la sua casa non era chiusa a chiave. Tom said that his house wasn't locked. Tom said his house wasn't locked. Você se levantou cedo hoje? Did you get up early today? Did you get up early today? Por favor, ven a casa a veces. Please come home sometimes. Please come home sometimes. Saya berdiri disini selama tiga puluh menit. I stood here for thirty minutes. I've been standing here for thirty minutes. Tom non se fía de Mary co seu coche. Tom doesn't trust Mary with his car. Tom didn't trust Mary with his car. Nós consideramos isso. We considered that. We consider that. As únicas alternativas são o sucesso e a morte. The only alternatives are success and death. The only alternatives are success and death. A chuva forte causou uma inundação, provocando estragos. The heavy rain brought the flood, causing damage. The heavy rain caused a flood, causing damage. Cu asta nu este de glumă. This isn't a joking matter. That's not a joke. Me recomendaron que visitara el museo. I was advised to visit the museum. I was advised to visit the museum. James avait une grande peur de faire des erreurs en classe et d’être réprimandé. James had a great fear of making mistakes in class and being reprimanded. James was very afraid to make mistakes in class and to be reprimanded. Eu não estou tão ocupado assim. I'm not busy at all. I'm not that busy. Mary makan salad ayam panggang. Mary ate a grilled chicken salad. Mary ate roasted chicken salad. La multitud se lanzó hacia dentro del auditorio. The crowd surged into the auditorium. The crowd threw itself into the auditorium. Didymum necavisti. You killed Tom. Didym is out of sight. Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis ? Do you have many friends? Do you have a lot of friends? ¿Has venido alguna vez a Italia antes? Have you ever been to Italy before? Have you ever come to Italy before? ¿No cerraste el coche? Didn't you lock up your car? You didn't close the car? Tom estava na cena do crime. Tom was at the scene of the crime. Tom was at the crime scene. Labor omnia vincit. Patience and hard work will conquer all. Work's all won. Apprenons le français. Let's learn French. Let's learn French. In Iaponiam rediit. She returned to Japan. In Japan he came back. Penso che Tom non volesse andarsene così presto. I think Tom didn't want to leave so early. I don't think Tom wanted to leave so soon. O mais forte deveria tomar conta do mais fraco. The strong should take care of the weak. The strongest should take care of the weakest. A sorte desempenha um importante papel na vida. Luck plays an important role in our life. Luck plays an important role in life. Lorsque j'ai ouvert la porte, je l'ai trouvé endormi. When I opened the door, I found him asleep. When I opened the door, I found him asleep. Iso é o que significa compartir o mundo no século 21. Esa é a responsabilidade que temos uns cos outros como seres humanos. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. That's what sharing the world in the 21st century is the responsibility we have with each other as human beings. Tom não é tão conservador. Tom isn't all that conservative. Tom's not that conservative. Sunt asistentă medicală. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Qu'as-tu fait de mon sac ? What have you done with my bag? What did you do with my bag? Fareste meglio ad andare con lui. You'd better go with him. You'd better go with him. Vesperi est Crespuculum, manē Aurora et Diluculum. In the evening is twilight; in the morning the breaking and dawning of the day. Vesperi is Crespuculum, Manē Aurora and Diluculum. Femina transsexualis in transitu sum. I am a transsexual woman in transition. I'm the transsexual woman in the transit. Ea mentiebatur. She was lying. She was lying. Venter eius eburneus, distinctus sapphiris. His belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. He is sold by ivory, distinguished by sapphires. É melhor você verificar isso. You'd better check that. You'd better check that out. Judy é uma estudante muito inteligente. Judy is a very intelligent student. Judy's a very smart student. Quan va ser l'ultima vegada que vas llegir aquesta revista? When was the last time you read this magazine? When was the last time you read this magazine? Siamo tenaci. We're persistent. We're tenacious. Omnia intellexi, quae mihi dixisti. I understood everything that you said to me. I understood everything, what you said to me. Tot s'ha acabat amb ell. It is all over with him. It's all over with him. È credibile. You're believable. It's credible. Olli subridens hominum sator atque deorum, / vultu, quo cœlum tempestatesque serenat, / oscula libavit natæ, dehinc talia fatur: Then Jove, soft-smiling with the look that clears / the storms, and gently kissing her, replies. Olli, the offspring of men are satisfied with the gods, / their faces, wherewith cometh the stormy wind and tempest, / the kiss, and the natæ, which bringeth forth such things as: Tuas res age, transfuga. Meddle in your own matters, you turncoat. Your age-old thing, transfuge. Il y a une télévision dans cette pièce. There is a television in this room. There's a TV in this room. Eu durmo às 10 horas. I sleep at ten o'clock. I sleep at 10 o'clock. Não quero que a senhora saiba meu verdadeiro nome. I don't want you to know my real name. I don't want you to know my real name. Vocês já respiraram ar puro? Have you ever breathed pure air? Have you ever breathed pure air? Quants fills tens? How many children do you have? How many children do you have? Qui écoute Tom ? Who listens to Tom? Who's listening to Tom? Acho que sou um escritor muito bom. I think I'm a pretty good writer. I think I'm a very good writer. C'est bien, là ; ni trop lourd ni trop léger. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. It's good, there; neither too heavy nor too light. No pierdas esta oportunidad. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss this opportunity. Su perro no es muy rápido. Her dog isn't very fast. Your dog's not too fast. Dia ke New York atas urusan perniagaan. He went to New York on business. He went to New York on business. Tom entregava jornais quando era adolescente. Tom delivered newspapers when he was a teenager. Tom was delivering newspapers when he was a teenager. Tom vuole conoscerti. Tom wants to get to know you. Tom wants to meet you. Apa itu memang benar? Is that really true? Is that true? Deixa-me solenca! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Quando fumare coepisti? When did you start smoking? When did you start smoking? Hem vingut a la conferència sabent-ho, però sembla ser que tu no. We came to the conference knowing this, but it seems that you did not. We came to the conference knowing that, but it looks like you don't. Non ero per nulla spaventato. I wasn't scared at all. I wasn't scared at all. "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." E timpul sa nu mai aștepți. It's time to stop waiting. It's time he stopped waiting. Questo non è il mio ombrello, è di qualcun altro. This isn't my umbrella. It's someone else's. This isn't my umbrella, it's someone else's. Quanto dinheiro você tem? How much money do you have? How much money do you have? Mary era un'esile giovane donna alta con i capelli scuri. Mary was a tall slender young woman with dark hair. Mary was a young, tall woman with dark hair. Relinquite navem! Abandon ship! Relish the ship! A lâmpada estourou. The light bulb burst. The lamp went off. Non canzonare Tom. Don't tease Tom. Don't sing Tom. Saps on va néixer? Do you know his birthplace? Do you know where she was born? Je n'ai pas encore mangé. I haven't eaten yet. I haven't eaten yet. No llevará mucho tiempo acabar el trabajo. It won't take long to finish the job. It won't take long to finish the job. Je ne l'ai pas fait pour toi. I didn't do it for you. I didn't do it for you. Me siento atraído por Mary. I'm attracted to Mary. I feel attracted to Mary. Ela é gentil com animais. She is gentle to animals. She's kind to animals. Tom riesce a venire con noi. Tom can come with us. Tom can come with us. Tom foi buscar o médico. Tom went to get the doctor. Tom went to get the doctor. Quæ, depositis viduitatis vestibus, cooperuit se velo et, mutato habitu, sedit in porta Enaim in via, quæ ducit Thamnam; eo quod crevisset Sela, et non eum accepisset maritum. And she put off the garments of her widowhood, and took a veil: and changing her dress, sat in the cross way, that leadeth to Thamnas: because Sela was grown up, and she had not been married to him. How you put off your widow's garments and put them on immediately, and changed your clothing and sat in the way to the gate of Emmaim, which leads to Timnam; because she had grown up in Shelah, and she didn't receive him as her husband. "Hanc tamen immensam Calchas attollere molem / roboribus textis cœloque educere jussit, / ne recipi portis aut duci in mœnia possit, / neu populum antiqua sub religione tueri." "Tall and great, / with huge oak-timbers mounting to the skies, / they build the monster, lest it pass the gate, / and like Palladium stand, the bulwark of the State." "Nevertheless the immense Footsteps took hold of the mold / robots of classical text brought forth, / do not receive in my hand the gate or the duke, / no people of old under the religion kill." C'est un truc de filles. It's a girl thing. It's a girl thing. Cette guitare est tellement chère que je ne peux pas l'acheter. That guitar is so expensive that I can't buy it. This guitar is so expensive that I can't buy it. Este superioară dincolo de comparaţie. This is incomparably great. He's superior beyond comparison. Eu não quero ir até lá. I don't want to go up there. I don't want to go there. No se puede huir de la edad. No one can escape growing old. You can't run from age. Tengo una opinión diferente. I think otherwise. I have a different opinion. La vida és una qüestió de prioritats. Life is a question of priorities. Life is a matter of priorities. Duas feles habet. He keeps two cats. Two feles hauts. Tom l'è 'n anquanòun. Tom is uncertain. Tom's in there. Eles se ajudam. They help each other. They help each other. Me pareció un niño brillante. I found him to be a bright boy. I thought he was a brilliant kid. Sais-tu qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who his father is? O filho de Tom se chama John. Tom's son is called John. Tom's son's name is John. Mary è un po' piccola per la sua età. Mary is a bit small for her age. Mary's a little small for her age. La matriz constaba de cinco filas y siete columnas. The matrix consisted of five rows and seven columns. The matrix consisted of five rows and seven columns. Esse é o seu livro, não é? That's your book, isn't it? That's your book, isn't it? Ele desenha linhas retas. He draws straight lines. He draws straight lines. El hombre es el único animal que puede reírse. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Dia menganggap kalau dirinya berhasil karena beruntung. He attributes his success to good luck. He thinks he made it out of luck. O que há de errado com esses? What's wrong with these? What's wrong with these? Ele sempre vem aqui em casa. He always comes here at home. He always comes here at home. Você parece europeu. You look European. You look European. Il ministero amministra gli affari interni. The ministry administers the internal affairs. The Ministry administers internal affairs. Tout sournois que vous soyez, vous ne pouvez jamais vous surprendre vous-mêmes. No matter how sneaky you are, you can never surprise yourself. No matter how sly you are, you can never surprise yourself. Ecce puer cui nomen est Didymus Piscator. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. Here is a boy named Didymus Pescator. Ellos tienen un poderoso arsenal militar. They have a powerful military arsenal. They have a powerful military arsenal. Haec fuscinula sordida est. This fork is dirty. This deaf scissors east. Se pare că am scăpat de pericol. We seem to have escaped from danger. Looks like I got out of danger. Omnia paegnia lignea sunt. All of the toys are wooden. The pagan world of wood is. Care pare a fi problema astăzi? What seems to be the problem today? What seems to be the problem today? Mary si è accidentalmente imbattuta in Tom. Mary accidentally bumped into Tom. Mary accidentally ran into Tom. Aceasta este o carte valoroasă. This is a worthwhile book. This is a valuable book. Perché non le compro un cappello e basta? Why don't I just buy you a hat? Why don't you just buy her a hat? È di tua responsabilità. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Hic liber XL imagines photographicas continet. This book contains forty photographs. He is free and contains XL photo images. Por razões compreensíveis, eles foram rejeitados. For understandable reasons, they have been rejected. For understandable reasons, they were rejected. Tenho medo de escadas rolantes. I am afraid of escalators. I'm afraid of rolling ladders. Di sekitar sini supermarket ada di mana? Where's there a supermarket around here? Where's the supermarket around here? ¿Voy por el camino correcto? Am I on the right road? Am I going the right way? Não se deve cantar e dançar na Sexta-Feira da Paixão. You can't sing and dance on Good Friday. You should not sing and dance on the Sixth Passion Fair. Eum saepe visito. I visit him often. She's often visited. Può essere a casa. He may be home. He can be home. Dé ejemplos. Give examples. Give examples. Eu gosto de viajar sozinho. I like to travel by myself. I like traveling alone. Tom quebrou algo de novo? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break something new? Oppidum anno DLXXIII conditum est. The city was founded in 573. opportunity: in the DLXXIII year was reached. Linda estava tão desapontada que caiu em prantos. Linda was so disappointed that she burst into tears. Linda was so disappointed she fell in tears. Sāmī cibus Sīnārum minimē placet. Sami doesn't like Chinese food at all. The minimum size of the dog pleases. Vocavit autem pharao sapientes et maleficos, et fecerunt etiam ipsi magi Aegypti per incantationes suas similiter. Proieceruntque singuli virgas suas, quæ versæ sunt in colubros; sed devoravit virga Aaron virgas eorum. And Pharaoh called the wise men and the magicians; and they also by Egyptian enchantments and certain secrets, did in like manner. And they every one cast down their rods, and they were turned into serpents: but Aaron's rod devoured their rods. And he called for Pharaoh wise men and sorcerers, and they did likewise unto the magicians of Egypt by their enchantments. And they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents; but Aaron's rod was devoured. Barusan aku melihat Tom. I saw Tom earlier. I just saw Tom. Aku baru saja selesai makan. I've just finished eating. I just finished eating. As frutas contêm sementes. Fruits have seeds in them. Fruits contain seeds. Tom menikahi adiknya Mary dan Mary menikahi kakaknya Tom. Tom married Mary's sister and Mary married Tom's brother. Tom married his sister Mary and Mary married his brother Tom. Non penso che Tom riesca a farlo. I don't think Tom can do that. I don't think Tom can do that. Hawái es llamada a menudo "la perla del pacífico". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." Hawaii is often called "the pearl of peace". Pot să vorbesc puţin engleza. I can speak English a little. I can speak a little English. Sua opinião, gosto. Your opinion, I like it. Your opinion, I like it. Penses-tu qu'il va neiger ? Do you think it's going to snow? Do you think he's going to snow? J'espère qu'elle est saine et sauve. I hope she's safe. I hope she's healthy and saved. Les policiers sont là. The cops are here. The cops are here. Quid dicas, non intellego. I cannot understand what you say. What do you say? I don't understand. Berapa lama kamu akan pergi, Tom? How long will you be away, Tom? How long are you going to leave, Tom? Insistiu en que fosemos. She insisted on us going. He insisted that we be. Bene, paratus sum. OK, I'm ready. Well, I'm paralyzed. Mi chiedo se Tom e Mary siano soddisfatti. I wonder if Tom and Mary are satisfied. I wonder if Tom and Mary are satisfied. Nu sunt un idiot. I'm not an idiot. I'm not an idiot. Dia jarang, jika pernah, pergi ke gereja. He seldom, if ever, goes to church. He's rarely, if ever, gone to church. Je voudrais gagner ma nourriture pendant que je séjourne chez toi. I'd like to earn my keep while I'm staying with you. I'd like to earn my food while I'm staying with you. Eu não posso me gabar do meu time. Ele sempre perde. I cannot brag about my team. It always loses games. I can't brag about my team. Je ne peux pas te donner ça. I can't give you this. I can't give you that. Thomas nunc per telehorasim loquitur. Tom is on television now. Thomas now speaks through the telehorasim. Viens mon garçon, assieds-toi. Assieds-toi et repose-toi. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. Come, my boy, sit down. Sit down and get some rest. Estne aliquid tibi dicendum? Do you have something to say? Is there anything to tell you? Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès. It is six years since I started to study English. For six years I started to learn English. Cista nimis gravis erat. The box was too heavy. This was very serious. Tom era lì con la sua fidanzata. Tom was there with his girlfriend. Tom was there with his girlfriend. Penso que iso é incorrecto. I think that's wrong. I think that's wrong. El pomo de la puerta está roto. The door handle is broken. The doorknob is broken. Vous êtes dans une propriété privée, ici. You're trespassing here. You're in private property here. Tom no se ha perdido ni una sola reunión. Tom hasn't missed a single meeting. Tom hasn't missed a single meeting. Ua hèmna trobador ei aperada de costuma ua trobairitz. A female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz. A hen like that open-ended finder used to find you. Di' a Tom di mangiare le sue verdure. Tell Tom to eat his vegetables. Tell Tom to eat his vegetables. Je n'en suis pas tout à fait sûr. I'm not exactly sure. I'm not quite sure. Cur canis male olet? Why does the dog smell bad? How bad can dog smell? Si cierras la puerta a todos los errores, también la verdad se quedará fuera. If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. If you close the door to all mistakes, the truth will also remain out. Quem não aceita conselhos não merece ser ajudado. He who doesn't accept advice doesn't deserve to be helped. Those who do not accept advice do not deserve to be helped. Tom e Mary disseram que estavam com muita sede. Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty. Tom and Mary said they were thirsty. Balikkan badanmu. Turn on your back. Turn your head around. Horologium duas sagittulas habet. A clock has two hands. He has two sagittulas. Da mihi basium! Give me a kiss! Give me the bottom! Quando tornerà a scuola? When will you come back to school? When will he go back to school? Je suis disponible, ce soir. I am free this evening. I'm available tonight. Tom è molto ingegnoso. Tom is very ingenious. Tom's very resourceful. ¿Tienes alguna idea de por qué Tom desapareció? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Do you have any idea why Tom disappeared? Io vedo un leone bianco. I see a white lion. I see a white lion. Tom amarelou. Tom chickened out. Tom yellowed. Posso toccare questo? May I touch this? Can I touch this? Visitei o Canadá há muito tempo. I visited Canada a long time ago. I visited Canada a long time ago. Mañana me pasaré todo el día en casa. I'll be at home all day tomorrow. I'll be home all day tomorrow. Tom e Mary vanno in chiesa ogni domenica? Do Tom and Mary go to church every Sunday? Tom and Mary go to church every Sunday? Hay un monstruo debajo de mi cama. There is a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Il ne l'a pas crue une seconde. He didn't believe her for a second. He didn't believe him for a second. Está embaixo da mesa. It's under the table. It's under the table. Ella va aixecar la mà. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Quid in hac raeda deest? What is missing in this car? What's wrong with this badass? Lo has conseguido. You made it. You did it. ¿Cuánto duró la Guerra de los Cien Años? How long did the Hundred-Year War last? How long was the war of the One Hundred Years? È così pessima. You're so bad. It's so bad. Tous les oiseaux ne construisent pas de nids. Not all birds build nests. Not all birds build nests. Elle a trop confiance en elle-même. She's overconfident. She has too much self-confidence. Me preguntaba cómo podía marcar una diferencia en el mundo. I wondered how I could make a difference in the world. I wondered how I could make a difference in the world. Quelle connasse ! What an asshole! What a bitch! Tom dio una charla breve. Tom gave a short talk. Tom gave a short talk. Îi voi scrie o scrisoare lui Tom. I'll write Tom a letter. I'll write a letter to Tom. Utrum magis tibi placet? Which one do you like best? Do you like him the most? Beri makan burungnya. Feed the bird. Feed the birds. Adora los trenes. He loves trains. He loves trains. Panggilan tugas. Duty calls. Job call. Quis Bibliam scripsit? Who wrote the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Você tem como provar isso? Can you prove it? Do you have a way of proving that? "Præterea, si qua est Heleno prudentia, vati / si qua fides, animum si veris implet Apollo, / unum illud tibi, nate dea, proque omnibus unum / prædicam et repetens iterumque iterumque monebo: / Junonis magnæ primum prece numen adora; / Junoni cane vota libens, dominamque potentem / supplicibus supera donis: sic denique victor / Trinacria fines Italos mittere relicta." "This more, besides, I charge thee to obey, / if any faith to Helenus be due, / or skill in prophecy the seer display, / and mighty Phoebus hath inspired me true, / these warning words I urge, and oft will urge anew: / Seek Juno first; great Juno's power adore; / with suppliant gifts the potent queen constrain, / and winds shall waft thee to Italia's shore." "Præterea, if any is understanding, go/if faith, if true, fulfils Apollo, / one to you, born goddess, for every one / prædic and repeating again and again I beg: / Junis magnæ first worships no one; / Junoni dog votes libens, then dominates the powerful / supplicative super gift: so defeat / Trinacria fins Italos leave." Va ser negligent per la seva part deixar la porta sense tancar amb clau quan ella va sortir. It was careless of her to leave the door unlocked when she went out. It was neglecting for her to leave the door without locking with the key when she went out. Tom non voleva nominare i nomi. Tom didn't want to name names. Tom didn't want to name the names. Lavori con lei? Do you work with her? You work with her? Ces pêches ne sont pas très sucrées. These peaches aren't very sweet. These fisheries are not very sweet. El gato de Tom esta malato. Tom's cat is sick. Tom's cat is sick. Comprenderás luego. You'll understand later. You'll understand later. Omnia scio. I know everything. I know all of them. Haec digitabula mihi sunt. These gloves belong to me. This is what she told me. Lasă-i să aibă grijă de ei înșiși. Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. Je suis végétarienne. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Coloque algumas roupas. Put on some clothes. Put some clothes on. A minha festa de aniversário é amanhã. My birthday party is tomorrow. My birthday party is tomorrow. La conta a l'é familjar për noi. The tale is familiar to us. The story is to familiarize him to the boy. Ce zici de o felie de pizza? What about a slice of pizza? How about a slice of pizza? Lacus altus est. This lake is deep. Lake is high. Te iubesc foarte mult. I love you very much. I love you very much. aku menjawab pertanyaan I answer the question. I answered the question. Mense Martio Didymus triginta annos natus erit. Tom will be thirty in March. But Marsius Didymus will be born thirty years. Tom și Mary nu sunt cu adevărat verii mei. Tom and Mary aren't really my cousins. Tom and Mary are not really my cousins. Lei ha sette figli. She has seven sons. She has seven children. Arabice loquitur. He speaks Arabic. Arabic is spoken. Lui chi è? Who's he? Who is he? I vôreut divni medcén. He wishes to become a doctor. And I want to become a doctor. Sila kirimkan saya sekeping poskad. Please send me a postcard. Please send me a little postkad. S'il vous plaît, attendez jusqu'à mon retour. Please wait until I come back. Please wait until I return. Eu deixei Tom sentar nos fundos. I let Tom sit in the back. I let Tom sit in the back. Va anar de viatge a Amèrica. He went on a voyage to America. He went on a trip to America. Anno bis millesimo nongentesimo tricesimo tertio nata sum. I was born in 1933 (nineteen thirty three). I was born two and a half thousand ninety and thirty and a third. Esta es una historia tan triste. This is such a sad story. This is such a sad story. Qui est la fille dans ta voiture ? Who is the girl in your car? Who's the girl in your car? Aseară am studiat. I studied last night. I studied last night. Puedo oírte, pero no puedo verte. I can hear you, but I can't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Caesar, hortatus milites, proelium commisit. Caesar encouraged the soldiers and committed them to battle. Caesar, harrowing soldiers, battle is on. Sper c-o să-ți placă. I hope you'll like it. I hope you like it. Disfrutamos nuestros viajes por Europa. We enjoyed our travels in Europe. We enjoy our travels across Europe. Io ho avuto tre esami oggi. I had three exams today. I had three exams today. Boleh minta tolong? Can I ask you a favor? Can you please? Et dixit ad eos: "Non effundatis sanguinem; sed proicite eum in cisternam hanc, quæ est in solitudine, manusque vestras servate innoxias”. Hoc autem dicebat volens eripere eum de manibus eorum et reddere patri suo. Nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father. He said to them, "Don't shed blood; but cast him into this pit, which is in the wilderness, and lay your hands on him!" He said, "This one will deliver him out of their hand, and restore him to his father. No podemos evitar extrañarte. We cannot help missing you badly. We can't help but miss you. Beranak dalam pohon. Give birth in a tree. Child in a tree. Perbene cantat ac saltat. She sings and dances very well. That's great singing and jumping. Lui sta mangiando. He's eating. He's eating. J'ai ma voiture à sa disposition. I put my car at his disposal. I have my car at his disposal. Não coma antes de dormir! Don't eat before going to bed! Don't eat before you sleep! Non è stata una mia idea assumerle. It wasn't my idea to hire them. It wasn't my idea to take them. Tak ada hubungan antara mereka There is no connection between them. There's no connection between them. Ei acceptă studenți ca Tom. They accept students like Tom. They accept students like Tom. A Tom no le quedaba nada de beber. Tom had nothing left to drink. Tom had nothing left to drink. Tu hai parlato con Tom? Have you talked to Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Kau pernah ke London? Have you been to London? Have you ever been to London? C'est dur à trouver. It's hard to find. It's hard to find. A nuestros niños les gustan los perros, pero yo prefiero los gatos. Our children like dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids like dogs, but I prefer cats. On-z a assez po magnî. There is food enough for us. We have enough to magnify. Ille canis celerrime currit. That dog runs very fast. The dog is running fast. Há muitos clubes em sua cidade? Are there many clubs in your city? Are there many clubs in your city? L'ha perdonata? Have you forgiven her? Did you forgive her? Se hai tempo, andiamo a fare shopping. If you have time, let's go shopping. If you have time, let's go shopping. Dites à Tom que je suis désolée, s'il vous plaît. Please tell Tom I'm sorry. Tell Tom I'm sorry, please. Azi a fost o zi minunată și mâine va fi deasemenea. Today was a wonderful day, and tomorrow will be too. Today was a wonderful day and tomorrow will be the same. Notabile mihi videtur. It seems interesting to me. I think it's remarkable. Se'n va tà França la setmana qui veng. She is going to France next week. France's leaving next week. Nam est nullum discrimen inter pauperem et divitem, inter herum et servum. For there is no difference betwixt a poor man and a rich, betwixt a master and a servant. There is no discrimination between the poor and the rich, between the male and the female servant. Ele estava no telhado com sua guitarra. He was on the roof with his electric guitar. He was on the roof with his guitar. Se despidieron con un fuerte apretón de manos. They parted with a firm handshake. They fired with a strong grip on their hands. Podes causir llo líber que t'agrada. You may choose any book you like. You can choose the free that you like. Quo ivit? Where was he going? What's the point? Il est mort dans mes mains. He died in my arms. He died in my hands. Quel âge a ton chat ? How old is your cat? How old is your cat? Te vei căsători cu ea? Are you going to marry her? Will you marry her? Tom achou que era impossível persuadir a Mary. Tom found it impossible to persuade Mary. Tom thought it was impossible to persuade Mary. Él lo negó. He denied it. He denied it. Quiero aprender esa canción. I want to learn that song. I want to learn that song. Mimuna? Não, nunca ouvir falar disso. Mimouna? No, never heard of that. No, never hear about it. Ritorni appena può. Come back as soon as you can. Come back as soon as you can. Hacen un gran equipo. They make a great team. They make a great team. Tom está escondendo um terrível segredo. Tom is hiding a terrible secret. Tom's hiding a terrible secret. Tempora mutantur. Times change. Time changes. O Tom não pôde recusar o pedido da Maria. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Tom couldn't refuse Mary's request. Tom nu a mai fost același după accident. Tom was never the same after his accident. Tom wasn't the same after the accident. Sociis tunc arma capessant / edico, et dira bellum cum gente gerendum. To arms I call my comrades, and defy / the loathsome brood to battle. Members of the community then tear down their weapons, and say war with people to manage. Ea zace bolnavă în pat. She lies ill in bed. She's lying sick in bed. Ada di mana stasiun kereta apinya? Where is the railroad station? Where's the train station? Seu nome verdadeiro é Lisa. Her real name is Lisa. Your real name is Lisa. Reste calme. Stay calm. Stay calm. Non, pas moi, mais toi ! No, not me, but you! No, not me, but you! Ele veio, ele viu, e ele perdeu. He came, he saw, and he lost. He came, he saw, and he lost. Tom n'est pas sûr. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Fixo progresos sorprendentes en inglés. He made remarkable progress in English. He made surprising progress in English. Yo estoy bien, gracias. I'm doing well, thank you. I'm fine, thank you. ¿Preferís el arroz negro, o el blanco? Do you prefer white rice or brown rice? Do you prefer black rice, or white rice? Sesuatu yang kecil dapat menyebabkan hal yang besar. Small things can lead to bigger things. Something small can cause a big deal. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que leíste esta revista? When was the last time you read this magazine? When was the last time you read this magazine? "Ubi est tuus frater?" "Ivit domum modo." "Quid eo?" "Petitum nobis opsonium." "Where is your brother?" "He just went home." "What's he doing there?" "Getting food for us." "Where is your brother?" "That's his house now." "What's his?" "There's a room for us." Ella tuvo la amabilidad de prestarme una gran cantidad de dinero. She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money. She was kind enough to lend me a lot of money. Dixit autem Dominus ad Moysen: Ecce ego pluam vobis panes de cælo; egrediatur populus et colligat, quæ sufficiunt per singulos dies, ut tentem eum, utrum ambulet in lege mea an non. And the Lord said to Moses: Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you; let the people go forth, and gather what is sufficient for every day: that I may prove them whether they will walk in my law, or not. Yahweh said to Moysen, "Here I will rain bread for you; please let the people go out and gather it every day, that you may try him, whether he will walk in my law. Je n'ai pas réellement couché avec lui. I haven't actually slept with him. I didn't really sleep with him. Valde intelligens est. She is very clever. Valde intelligens man. Nos pasamos una eternidad buscando estacionamiento. We spent ages looking for a place to park. We spend an eternity looking for parking. Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Non saremo in grado di finire questo lavoro oggi. We won't be able to finish this job today. We're not gonna be able to finish this job today. Ecco cosa fare. Here's what to do. Here's what to do. Tom ha i capelli lunghi. Tom has long hair. Tom's got long hair. "Buka mulutnya", kata dokter gigi. "Open your mouth", said the dentist. "Open his mouth," said the dentist. Perché ci odia? Why do you hate us? Why does he hate us? Qual chave? Which key is it? What key? ¿Cuál es el apellido de Tomás? What's Tom's last name? What's Tomás' name? Où sommes-nous supposés nous asseoir ? Where are we supposed to sit? Where are we supposed to sit? Io aspetterò Tom. I'll wait up for Tom. I'll wait for Tom. Aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentang rencananya. I didn't know anything about his plan. I don't know anything about the plan. Asegúrate de venir a las 3. Be sure to come at 3. Make sure you come at 3:00. La grammaire est une chose très difficile. Grammar is very complicated. Grammar is a very difficult thing. Io l'ho provata. I tried it. I tried. Unus liber adest. There is one book here. A free one is right. Esta é a casa na qual ele mora. This is the house in which he lives. This is the house he lives in. El que ríe el último ríe mejor. He laughs best who laughs last. The one who laughs the last laughs better. Eu fiquei completamente devastado. I was completely devastated. I was completely devastated. Hic liber est tam parvus quam ille. This book is as small as that one. He is as small as he is. Calamus meus mihi inveniendus est. I have to find my pen. He is my need to find him. Sembla que ningú fa cas de les seves opinions. It seems that nobody takes any notice of his opinions. It seems that no one heeds their opinions. Estne Okayama urbs magna? Is Okayama a big city? Is all right, great city? Brasilia a decem terris et ab Oceano Atlantico circumdatur. Brazil is surrounded by ten countries and the Atlantic Ocean. Brasilia is surrounded by ten countries, and it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. Provi a saltare il più in alto possibile. Try to jump as high as possible. Try to jump as high as possible. Es un cuaderno. It is a notebook. It's a notebook. Si conociera su dirección, le escribiría. If I knew his address, I would write to him. If I knew your address, I'd write to him. Pater eius illic edit bis in hebdomade. His father eats there twice a week. His father edits there twice in the week. Ibi uno abhinc anno didici. I studied there a year ago. Here's one abhinc year ten. Me lastimé. I've been injured. I hurt myself. Abbiamo provato tutto. We have tried everything. We tried everything. Ini adalah kamarku. This is my room. This is my room. Il finlandese è finito. Finnish is finished. Finnish is done. Maria se defessam esse dicit. Mary says she's exhausted. Mary said she could've defended herself. Tom lee más libros que cualquier otra persona que conozco. Tom reads more books than anyone else I know. Tom reads more books than anyone I know. ¿Alguien te vio? Did anybody see you? Did anyone see you? La noble comtesse d’Ahlefeld rougit et pâlit. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushed and grew pale. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld is red and pale. Où sont tes yeux ? Where are your eyes? Where are your eyes? Aku ingin mati dengan Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. No quiero morir mañana. I don't want to die tomorrow. I don't want to die tomorrow. Loro hanno pulito la casa. They cleaned the house. They cleaned the house. Eu não entendo o que você está dizendo. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I don't understand what you're saying. Ad Allen fu dato un problema impossibile da risolvere. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Allen was given an impossible problem. Eu vou confiar em você. I'll trust you. I'll trust you. È straniero? Are you a foreigner? Is he a foreigner? Escutem! Listen. Listen! Vous souvenez-vous lorsque vous avez vu Tom pour la dernière fois? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Do you remember when you last saw Tom? Ninguém mora naquele prédio. No one lives in that building. No one lives in that building. Tom desligou o motor. Tom turned off the engine. Tom turned off the engine. Al g'a gnînt da fêr. He has nothing to do. I can't help it. Je déteste l'humour noir. I hate black humor. I hate black humor. Meu tio me deu o carro dele. My uncle gave his car to me. My uncle gave me his car. Anjing berlari lebih cepat dari manusia. Dogs run faster than people. Dogs run faster than humans. Cantor est aeque clarus ac Madonna. The singer is as famous as Madonna. Cantor is just as clear to Madonna. Le gusta el deporte tanto como el estudio. He likes sports as well as study. He likes sport as much as the studio. Ci riuscite a credere? Siamo in Europa! Can you believe it? We're in Europe! Can you believe us? We are in Europe! Je ne me rappelle pas vous avoir jamais vu ici auparavant. I don't remember ever seeing you here before. I don't remember ever seeing you here before. Je pensais que nous disposions de davantage de temps. I thought we had more time. I thought we had more time. Tout le village connaît bien le bonhomme. The whole village knows the man well. The whole village knows the good man well. J’ai un stylo. I have a pen. I have a pen. Sami era muito maduro. Sami was very mature. Sami was very mature. Kamu pasti lelah. You must be tired. You must be tired. El pelo largo pasó de moda. Long hair is out of fashion. The long hair went out of fashion. Quibus præcinebat dicens: Cantemus Domino, gloriose enim magnificatus est: equum et ascensorem eius deiecit in mare! And she began the song to them, saying: Let us sing to the Lord, for he is gloriously magnified, the horse and his rider he hath thrown into the sea. He said to them, "Sing to Yahweh, for he has triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea! Aku ingin pergi ke sebuah hotel. I want to go to a hotel. I want to go to a hotel. No dejéis que él pulse este botón. Don't let him press this button. Don't let him push this button. Quédate conmigo cuando te necesite, por favor. Please stand by me when I need you. Stay with me when I need you, please. Mari kita mencobanya. Let's give it a whirl. Let's try it. Dame la pala. Give me the shovel. Give me the shovel. Tom deveria ser preso. Tom should be arrested. Tom should be arrested. Che cos'ha cantato Tom? What did Tom sing? What did Tom sing? Digitabula mea quaero. I'm looking for my gloves. Turn away my damn thing, I want it. Lignum facile crematur. Wood burns easily. An easy to burn stick. Eu não vou sair esta noite. I'm not going out tonight. I'm not going out tonight. La xente miente dacuando. Sometimes, people lie. People lie once in a while. Epistulam scribo. I'm writing a letter. The script. Tuvimos mucha audiencia. We had a large audience. We had a lot of audience. ¿Cuántos kanjis de cuarto grado has memorizado? How many grade four kanji have you memorised? How many fourth grade kanjis have you memorized? Lei ha preso la matita e ha cominciato a scrivere. She took her pencil and started to write. She took the pencil and started writing. Eu não quero brincar. I don't want to play. I don't want to play. Saya berpuas hati bersendirian. I'm perfectly happy being alone. I am content with being alone. Imaxínome que Tom quedará sin diñeiro nalgún momento e terá que volver para casa. I imagine that Tom will eventually run out of money and have to go back home. I imagine Tom'll be running out of money at some point and he'll have to go home. Quiero comprarme un dron pero mis padres no me van a dejar. I want to buy a drone, but my parents won't let me. I want to buy myself a drone but my parents won't leave me. Nu credeam că aveam destui bani. I didn't think that we had enough money. I didn't think I had enough money. Quid dixerunt medici? What did the doctors say? What did the doctors say? Certo. Quanto? Okay. How much? Right, how much? Ne troverò uno più tardi. I'll find one later. I'll find one later. Tom est un garçon chétif. Tom is a scrawny kid. Tom's a bald boy. Ela se manteve perto dele. She stood close to him. She kept close to him. Tom esce dal lavoro alle cinque. Tom gets off work at five. Tom's out of work at five. O filme durou 2 horas. The film lasted 2 hours. The film lasted two hours. Tu peux remercier Jim pour ton échec. You have Jim to thank for your failure. You can thank Jim for your failure. Eu não sabia que Tom era da Austrália. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. I didn't know Tom was from Australia. Me temo que he tomado un tren equivocado. I'm afraid I have taken a wrong train. I'm afraid I took the wrong train. Io sono sicura che fosse lei. I'm sure that was her. I'm sure it was you. Loro hanno paura di dirla pubblicamente. They are afraid to say it publicly. They're afraid to say it publicly. Tom era căsătorit cu Mary de trei ani. Tom was married to Mary for three years. Tom had been married to Mary for three years. Je veux simplement que vous sachiez toutes que vous pouvez compter sur moi. I just want you all to know you can depend on me. I just want you to know everything you can count on me. Didymus Mariam osculatus est. Tom kissed Mary. Didymus kissed Mary. Tom mengatur meja. Tom set the table. Tom set the table. È di cattivo umore, vero? He's in a bad mood, isn't he? It's a bad mood, isn't it? Ne me jetez pas ce regard ! Don't give me that look. Don't look at me! Su comportamiento hizo enfadar al policía. His behavior angered the policeman. His behavior made the police angry. Avez-vous entendu la bonne nouvelle ? Have you heard the good news? Did you hear the good news? Sto pagando con questa carta di debito. I'm paying with this debit card. I'm paying with this debt card. Aliquis raedam Thomae dedit. Someone gave Tom a car. Alikis raedam Thomae gave. Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack's hard to convince. Il est dans sa bibliothèque. He is in his library. He's in his library. Je suis dur. I'm tough. I'm tough. Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? Do you like me? Do you love me? Maria estava vestindo uma saia vermelha. Mary was wearing a red skirt. Mary was wearing a red skirt. ¿Cuándo vuelves a Japón? When will you go back to Japan? When are you going back to Japan? Bene mihi est. I'm doing fine. She is good to me. In lyceo teniludio ludebam. I used to play tennis in high school. In teniludio high school I used to play. Si sacrifica per la comunità. She sacrifies herself for the community. He sacrificed himself for the community. Qu'ei la mea veitura. This is my car. You're in my car. Oricine începe să lucreze în tinerețe, ajunge să trăiască luxos la bătrânețe. Whoever starts working in their youth, gets to live lavishly when they're older. Anyone who starts working in youth gets to live luxuriously in old age. Ça me rend heureux que tu sois venu. I'm glad you came. I'm glad you came. No le llega agua al tanque. He's stupid. There's no water in the tank. Ell és un bon atleta. He is a good athlete. He's a good athlete. Los ejercicios son sencillos y efectivos. The exercises are simple and effective. Exercises are simple and effective. Voglio essere sicura che Tom sia colpevole. I want to be sure Tom is guilty. I want to make sure Tom's guilty. Eu acho que preciso de um pouco de ar. I think I need a little air. I think I need some air. Presi in prestito tre libri dalla biblioteca. I borrowed three books from the library. I borrowed three books from the library. Deslize para desbloquear. Slide to unlock. Slide to unlock. Id videre non possum. I cannot see it. I can't see. Nós temos que sair daqui. We have to get out of here. We have to get out of here. Tentu saja! Of course! Of course! Senes venerandi sunt. Old people deserve respect. Venerable senes are. Pakai jasmu. Put on your coat. Put on your suit. Apenas puedo oír sin mi audífono. I can barely hear without my earphone. I can barely hear without my earphone. Magnum canem habeo. I have a big dog. I have a great song. Hoje, tanto os Estados Unidos quanto a Rússia enfrentam uma série de desafios completamente nova. Today, both Russia and the United States face a whole new set of challenges. Today, both the United States and Russia face a series of completely new challenges. Je possède une vieille voiture. I have an old car. I have an old car. Crezi că este o problemă? Do you think it's a problem? You think it's a problem? Posso lembrar-me muito bem do apaixonado interesse que se apossou inteiramente de meu corpo e de minha alma quando pela primeira vez me apaixonei. I can well remember the passionate interest that took possession of my entire body and soul when I first fell in love. I can remember very well the passionate interest that rested entirely on my body and my soul when I first fell in love. Sembrava calma. She looked calm. He looked calm. Nonne est nigrum? Isn't it black? Isn't it black? Li avete malmenati, vero? You beat them, didn't you? You hurt them, didn't you? Dovete esservi sbagliate. You must be mistaken. You must be wrong. Él es un hombre al que todos respetamos. He's a man who we all respect. He's a man we all respect. Lei è un uomo ora. She's a man now. You're a man now. Mike Brant est un chanteur israélien de renommée internationale. Il est très apprécié par les algériennes. Mike Brant is an Israeli singer of international renown. He is very appreciated by the Algerian women. Mike Brant is an international renowned Israeli singer. He is very much appreciated by Algerians. Eu tenho um cavalo branco. I've got a white horse. I have a white horse. Por que você não deixou uma mensagem para Tom? Why didn't you leave Tom a message? Why didn't you leave a message for Tom? A Tom non piace stare da solo. Tom doesn't like being alone. Tom doesn't like being alone. O frango está cru. The chicken is raw. The chicken is raw. Les gens la croyaient morte. People thought that she was dead. People believed her dead. Tu kompras pan. You buy bread. You buy bread. Se n'avessan contou che gh'é de l'ægua, no l'aviëscimo credduo. If they'd told us there's water, we wouldn't have believed it. They told themselves it was water, I didn't believe it. Lo son roman navèth vau la pena d'estar lejut. His new novel is worth reading. The sound of naveth's novel is worth being read. Puc veure la llum. I can see the light. I can see the light. Ellas comen. They eat. They eat. Ostium pulsavit. He knocked on the door. Ostium pulsed. Cosa le è successo a Boston? What happened to you in Boston? What happened to her in Boston? Los científicos rastreaban a las aves mediante pequeños radiotransmisores que les acoplaban a la espalda. The scientists tracked the birds using small radio transmitters on their backs. Scientists tracked birds through small radio transmitters that attached them to their backs. Aquest és el meu ordinador. This is my computer. This is my computer. Am nevoie de un șoarece. I need a mouse. I need a mouse. Feche a porta, por favor. Will you please shut the door? Close the door, please. Je suis en assez bonne forme. I'm in fair shape. I'm in pretty good shape. Cretina! Fool! Asshole! Le capital est mort. Capital is dead. The capital is dead. O teu plan parece mellor que o meu. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan seems better than mine. As senhoras correm todos os dias? Do you run every day? Are the ladies running every day? O inverno está chegando. Winter is coming on. Winter's coming. Oui. Vous avez parfaitement raison. Yes. You're absolutely right. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Lavora con Tom? Do you work with Tom? You work with Tom? A cidade dorme. The city is asleep. The city sleeps. Je veux être ici avec vous. I want to be here with you. I want to be here with you. Terserah! Whatever! Whatever! Não chove. It doesn't rain. It doesn't rain. Esperei mais de duas horas. I waited more than two hours. I waited more than two hours. Tom vai ter de ir sozinho. Tom is going to have to go alone. Tom's gonna have to go alone. Tom foi convidado a uma festa na praia. Tom was invited to a beach party. Tom was invited to a party on the beach. Tom lo deve fare ogni mattina. Tom has to do that every morning. Tom has to do it every morning. Kamu sudah beli semangka? Have you bought a watermelon? Have you bought some? Assim que ele chegar, diga-lhe que compareça à minha sala. As soon as he arrives, tell him to meet me in the living room. As soon as he arrives, tell him to come to my room. Inizia a correre. Start running. Start running. Tomás ainda está trabalhando? Is Tomás still working? Tomás still working? El sociólogo tiene el hábito de rascarse la espalda. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back. Sociologist has the habit of scratching his back. Thomas quotiens ibi visitavisset non dixit. Tom didn't say how many times he had been there. Thomas often visited there and didn't say so. Bona sort. Good luck. Good luck. Nós somos irmãos. We're brothers. We're brothers. Eu estou estudando francês por conta própria. I'm learning French on my own. I'm studying French on my own. Eu tinha a sua idade. I was your age. I was his age. Fuscinula utor. I use the fork. Fuscinula utor. Arrête de défendre Sami. Stop defending Sami. Stop defending Sami. Eu perdi a chave do meu carro. I've lost my car key. I lost the key to my car. Dixitque pharao ad eum: Recede a me. Cave, ne ultra videas faciem meam; quocumque die apparueris mihi, morieris. And Pharaoh said to Moses: Get thee from me, and beware thou see not my face any more: in what day soever thou shalt come in my sight, thou shalt die. And he said to him, Recease from me. Cave, thou shalt see my face no more; for all the day thou seest me, thou shalt die. Você parece estar sonolento. You look sleepy. You seem sleepy. Tu n'es pas assez grande pour conduire. You're not old enough to drive. You're not big enough to drive. Mortem patris ultus est. He avenged his father's death. He was dead long ago. Él todavía dice que no hizo nada malo. He still says that he did nothing wrong. He still says he didn't do anything wrong. Questa frase è formata da sette parole. This sentence has seven words in it. This sentence is composed of seven words. Eu desejo a ela felicidade. I wish her happiness. I wish her happiness. Aperi librum et animam tuam aperiet. Open a book and it will open your soul. Open the book and your life. No sucedió nada especial. Nothing special happened. Nothing special happened. Tom ha lasciato questo messaggio. Tom left this message. Tom left this message. Tinon an mwen sé Dàn. My name is Dan. I am Dan. Je ne parviens pas à trouver quoi que ce soit. I can't find anything. I can't find anything. Tu sei di nuovo in anticipo. You're early again. You're in advance again. Aku menderita sakit gigi yang parah. I have a bad toothache. I'm suffering from severe toothache. Las dos estan okupadas. Both of them are busy. They're both busy. Sarà molto divertente. It's going to be lots of fun. It'll be a lot of fun. Houve alguma mudança? Have there been any changes? Was there a change? "Fando aliquod si forte tuas pervenit ad aures / Belidæ nomen Palamedis et inclyta fama / gloria, quem falsa sub proditione Pelasgi / insontem infando indicio, quia bella vetabat, / demisere neci, nunc cassum lumine lugent." 'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.' "I make some if your strength so strong comes to ears / Belidæ name Palamedis and insincere fame / glory, who lies under the prodition of Pelasgi / insatiable blushing hint, for it used to make war, / leave even now light case mourn." Tom lava i vestiti almeno una volta la settimana. Tom washes clothes at least once a week. Tom washes his clothes at least once a week. Tom ha sicuramente più di trent'anni. Tom is certainly over thirty. Tom's certainly over thirty years old. Stanno tutti sorridendo. Everybody's smiling. They're all smiling. Nesciebam te Gallice loqui posse. I didn't know you could speak French. I didn't know you were Gallic. Mon groupe sanguin est A positif. My blood type is A positive. My blood group is positive. Stava suonando il pianoforte. He was playing the piano. He was playing the piano. Mihi dictum est hunc puerum audire non posse. Someone told me that this boy cannot hear. It was said to me this child to listen I couldn't. Non mi capita niente. Nothing happens to me. I don't have anything to do with it. Ciò che ha fatto è molto sbagliato. What he did is very wrong. What he did is very wrong. De la ce aeroport plec? Which airport do I leave from? What airport am I leaving from? Il signor White è andato in Canada. Mr White has gone to Canada. Mr. White went to Canada. Boa festa amigo. Debería ter invitado aos meus primos a que viñesen tamén. Nice party my friend. I should have invited my cousins to come too. I should have invited my cousins to come, too. Tom può andare se vuole. Tom can go if he wants to. Tom can go if he wants to. Nonne nigrum est? Is it not black? Isn't he black? Janganlah awak risau. Don't you worry. Don't worry. C’est un portrait de mon défunt père. This is a portrait of my late father. This is a portrait of my late father. Potesne attendere? Can you pay attention? Can you wait? Eu vou enviar uma carta para a minha mãe. I'll send a letter to my mother. I'll send a letter to my mother. Potestisne Thomas intellegere? Can you all understand Tom? Could you understand Thomas? Él fue atropellado y murió. He was run over and killed. He was hit and died. Non foi miña culpa. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. Cras viginti quinque minutis post sextam horam antemeridianam hamaxostichus meus Dusseldorpium adveniet. My train to Düsseldorf will arrive tomorrow at 06:25 AM. It takes five and twenty-five minutes for me to arrive at Dusseldorpium in the sixth hour before noon. Isso é tudo o que eu sei. That's all I know. That's all I know. Ibis redibis nunquam, per bella peribis. You will go, you will never return, in war you will perish. You can never go back, for good reason. Tom pierde vremea. Tom is wasting time. Tom's wasting his time. Ela mudou de assunto. She changed the subject. She's changed her mind. Exoptatae cauponam nostram advenistis! Welcome to our restaurant! You've come out with our cap! Thomas Bostoniae anno MMXIII mortuus est. Tom died in Boston in 2013. Thomas Bostonia in MMXIII died. Ditemi come trovarla. Tell me how to find her. Tell me how to find her. Sudah ayo kita lakukan saja. Let's just do it. Let's do it. É assim que eu faço tudo. That's how I do everything. That's how I do everything. Estaven cofois. They were satisfied. They were lame. Salas ea noscebat. Salas knew them. Salas and nauseous. Hay café... y más café. There is coffee, and...coffee. There's coffee... and more coffee. Voi siete scosse. You're shaken. You're shaken. Eu vi o Tom remando do outro lado do lago. I saw Tom rowing across the lake. I saw Tom rowing from the other side of the lake. Me alegro de verte, Tom. Good to see you, Tom. Good to see you, Tom. O chão deve ser muito limpo. The floor must be very clean. The floor must be very clean. Tots els meus nens saben parlar francès. All of my children can speak French. All my children know how to speak French. Poculum vini rubri velim, quaeso. A glass of red wine, please. Look at this wine. It's all right. Eu procurei em todos os lugares, mas não consigo achar o meu livro. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my book. I searched everywhere, but I can't find my book. Ad urbem ire volo. I want to go to the city. To the city I want to go. Punì i suoi figli. She punished her children. He put his children together. Dove hai comprato questa chitarra? Where did you buy this guitar? Where did you buy this guitar? Încerc să fiu fericit. I'm trying to be happy. I'm trying to be happy. Tom è estremamente onesto. Tom is extremely honest. Tom is extremely honest. Je n'ai rien trouvé, à part des ciseaux. I found nothing but a pair of scissors. I found nothing but scissors. Eles sempre são cuidadosos. They're always careful. They're always careful. Îți mulțumesc foarte mult pentru ajutor. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much for your help. Non iam Thomas tibi nocere potest. Tom can't hurt you anymore. Thomas can no longer hurt you. Mangiai un hamburger. I ate a hamburger. I ate a hamburger. Aku takut kucing. I'm scared of cats. I'm scared of cats. Bukankah Tom terlihat lelah? Tom looks tired, doesn't he? Doesn't Tom look tired? Tom viu algumas espadas interessantes no museu anteontem. Tom saw some interesting swords at the museum the day before yesterday. Tom saw some interesting swords in the museum yesterday. Gostaria de um chá quente, por favor. I'd like some hot tea, please. I'd like some hot tea, please. Vôrîz vs danser? Would you like to dance? Do you want to dance? "¿Cómo se llama tu esposa?" "No estoy casado." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." Epistolas cremavi omnes, quas ad me scripsisti. I burned all the letters that you wrote to me. I burned them all, which you wrote to me. Cred că scrisoarea ta este sub acea carte. I think your letter is under that book. I think your letter is under that book. Scisne ubi macellum sit? Do you know where the supermarket is? Do you know where the slaughter is? Elle parle espéranto et portugais. She speaks Esperanto and Portuguese. She speaks hopeful and Portuguese. A garganta do Tom tinha sido cortada. Tom's throat had been slit. Tom's throat had been cut. Tom lo può fare. Tom may do that. Tom can do it. Milan merupakan ibu kota fesyen Italy. Milan is Italy's fashion capital. Milan is the capital of Italy. Lelaki sebenar minum teh. Real men drink tea. Man's really drinking tea. Questa è vuota. This one's empty. This one's empty. Je voudrais en savoir plus sur les techniques utilisées pour construire les pyramides d'Égypte. I would like to know more about the technology which was used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. I would like to know more about the techniques used to build the pyramids of Egypt. Vou fazer exercícios todo dia. I'm going to exercise every day. I'm going to exercise every day. Homines libenter pugnant. People like to fight. Men are liberally fighting. Tom me disse que não tinha muito tempo. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Tom told me he didn't have much time. Ho forzato Tom a farlo. I forced Tom to do it. I forced Tom to do it. Epistulam ab ea accepi. I received a letter from her. I received a letter from her. On és la bústia de correus? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? Somos peshkadores. We're fishermen. We're fishermen. C'est mon frère, pas mon père. He is my brother, not father. He's my brother, not my father. Airnya sudah cukup hangat untuk berenang. The water's warm enough for a swim. The water's warm enough to swim. Flores carpsit. She picked flowers. Carpsy flowers. O ciocolată pe zi te scapă de doctorii. A piece of chocolate a day keeps the doctor away. One chocolate a day gets rid of the doctors. Tom pourrait être le traître. Tom might be the traitor. Tom could be the traitor. Bene factum! Well done! Well done! Estou surpreso que Tom escolheu Mary. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. I'm surprised Tom chose Mary. Corvus est aeque niger ac carbo. The raven is as black as coal. Corvus is a black man with carbon. Il a écrit une nouvelle basée sur un mythe. He wrote a novel based on ancient myths. He wrote a new story based on a myth. La brecha entre ricos y pobres se está ampliando. The gap between the haves and the have nots is widening. The gap between rich and poor is widening. Încă îmi pot aminti momentul când Tom a căzut din copac. I can still remember the time when Tom fell out of the tree. I can still remember the moment Tom fell from the tree. Curăță cartofii și morcovii. Peel the potatoes and the carrots. Clean potatoes and carrots. Potesne frumentum ex hordeo discernere? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you discern wheat out of barley? Guardatemi adesso. Watch me now. Look at me now. Questa è la prima volta che rendo Marika felice. This is the first time I've ever made Marika happy. This is the first time I make Marika happy. Hace poco encontré nuevos diccionarios, en otros idiomas. Recently I found new dictionaries, in other languages. I recently found new dictionaries in other languages. Quiere dárselo a Jack. He wants to give it to Jack. He wants to give it to Jack. Aku ada di dalam mobil. I'll be in my car. I'm in the car. Ele estava com pressa de ver sua mãe. He was in a hurry to see his mother. He was in a hurry to see his mother. ¿Él va a la escuela en autobús? Does he go to school by bus? He's going to school by bus? Tom disse che lo avrebbe fatto presto. Tom said that he'd do that soon. Tom said he would do it soon. Tom joue très bien du vibraphone. Tom plays the vibraphone exceptionally well. Tom plays very well with the vibraphone. Cui iratus respondit Iacob: Num pro Deo ego sum, qui privavit te fructu ventris? And Jacob being angry with her, answered: Am I as God, who hath deprived thee of the fruit of thy womb? Jacob's anger was kindled because he said, "Am I in God's place, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb? Il trouve ça difficile de résoudre ses problèmes. He is finding it difficult to solve his problems. He finds it difficult to solve his problems. No tenim cap prova. We don't have any proof. We don't have any proof. Visurile lor s-au realizat. Their dreams came true. Their dreams have come true. Nihil Thomae emendum est. Tom doesn't need to buy anything. He is Nihil Thomae. Lebih mudah mendapatkan wang daripada menyimpannya. It is easier to get money than to keep it. It is much easier to make money than to keep it. Essaie de faire bonne impression. Try to make a good impression. Try to make a good impression. Formosus Pavo, pennis superbit. The beautiful Peacock, proud of its feathers. Formosus Pavo, superbit penis. Non credo te hodie moriturum esse. I don't think you'll die today. I don't think you're going to die today. ¿Ula? Where is she? Ula? «les scientifiques sont-ils sur le point de répliquer un être humain ?» «Loin de là.» "Are scientists close to cloning a human being?" "Not by a long shot." "Are scientists about to replicate a human being?" "Far from it." Un caballero lo intentó contactar durante su ausencia, señor. A gentleman called in your absence, sir. A gentleman tried to contact him during his absence, sir. Tom foi o único que voltou para casa. Tom was the only one who walked home. Tom was the only one who came home. L-am rugat pe Tom să facă asta, dar el a refuzat. I asked Tom to do that, but he refused. I asked Tom to do this, but he refused. ¿Está en lo cierto? Is he right? Is that right? Eu quero viver em Boston ou em Chicago. I want to live in Boston or in Chicago. I want to live in Boston or Chicago. Enseñe usted el camino al señor. Show this gentleman the way. You teach the Lord the way. ¡Adivina a quién me he encontrado hoy! Guess who I met today! Guess who I found today! Ce n'était pas lui. That wasn't him. It wasn't him. Eu tenho 18 anos. I am 18 years old. I'm 18. Îți sunt foarte îndatorat. I am very much obliged to you. I owe you very much. Per piacere, mi scriva una lettera. Please write a letter to me. Please, write me a letter. Didymus intelligentior est quam ego. Tom is more intelligent than me. Didymus is smarter than I am. Me he comprado un par de zapatos. I've bought me a pair of shoes. I bought myself a pair of shoes. Beliau tidak lagi kanak-kanak. He is no longer a child. He's no longer a child. Pense bem antes de prometer alguma coisa. Think carefully before you promise anything. Think about it before you promise anything. In dubio pro reo. When in doubt, in favour of the accused. I doubt it. Je pense que vous savez que c'est déplacé. I think you know that's inappropriate. I think you know it's moved. Unum filium et duas filias habet. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. Él se considera enfermo. He is considered sick. He thinks he's sick. ¡El día está tan bueno! Time is so beautiful. The day is so good! Pater tuus procerus est. Your father is tall. Your father is our attorney. Mi sono sentita al sicuro. I felt safe. I felt safe. Quels âges ont tes enfants ? How old are your kids? How old are your children? Il nous acheta de bons livres. He bought us nice books. He bought us some good books. Ecce. Here it is. Here. Mari kita pertahankan pernikahan kita. Let's stay married. Let's keep our marriage together. Seu texto está excelente! Meus parabéns! Your submission is great! Congratulations! Your text is excellent! Congratulations! El radar se rompió. The radar broke. The radar broke. New York est la plus grande ville du monde. New York is the world's biggest city. New York is the largest city in the world. Consideremos mi plan alterno. Let's consider my alternate plan. Let's consider my alternate plan. Acabo de ver uma estrela cadente. I just saw a shooting star. I just saw a fallen star. A quin hostel vau passar la nit? At which hostel did you spend the night? What hostel did you spend the night? Ignoranța ta este un produs secundar al aroganței tale. Your ignorance is a byproduct of your arrogance. Your ignorance is a secondary product of your arrogance. Terra minor quam sol est. The earth is smaller than the sun. Land is smaller than sun. La meva mare parla una mica d'anglès. My mother speaks little English. My mother speaks a little English. Tota la gent de la meva generació pensen igual sobre això. People of my generation all think the same way about this. Everyone in my generation thinks the same thing. N'élevez pas la voix ! Don't raise your voice. Don't raise your voice! Ubi puer est? Where is the boy? Where is the boy? Je l'ignore. I do not know. I don't know. Tom pergi ke Boston untuk menemui Mary. Tom went to Boston to meet Mary. Tom went to Boston to see Mary. Elle n'a que la peau sur les os. She is all skin and bone. She only has the skin on her bones. A cidade foi fundada em 573. The city was founded in 573. The city was founded in 573. Le piacerebbe essere un elefante? Would you like to be an elephant? Would you like to be an elephant? La bomba destruyó tres casas. The bomb destroyed three houses. The bomb destroyed three houses. Io la ascolto sempre. I always listen to her. I always listen to her. L'été est presque terminé. Summer is almost over. Summer's almost over. C'est le moment pour vous de jouer votre carte maîtresse. The time has come for you to play your trump card. It's time for you to play your master card. Is liber meus est. This is my book. It is free of mine. Diventai nervosa sul palco. I got nervous on the stage. I got nervous on stage. Te l'ho mandata due giorni fa. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. Qua de causa Thomas se occidit. That's why Tom killed himself. Which caused Thomas to kill himself. Mary nu poate avea peste treizeci de ani. Ea pare a avea cam vreo optsprezece ani. Mary can't be over thirty. She looks like she's about eighteen. Mary can't be over thirty, she seems to be about eighty. Você é a única pessoa em quem eu posso confiar. You're the only person that I can trust. You're the only person I can trust. Liberos diligunt. They love their children. Free dodge. Ne son pas las vòstas cadièras. Those are not your chairs. Didn't sound like all of your chairs. La situación está difícil. The situation is complicated. The situation is difficult. Thomas negavit se facere posse ea quae rogavissem. Tom said he couldn't do what I asked. Thomas refused to do everything I asked him to do. Você vai ser pai de novo! You are going to be a father again! You're gonna be a father again! A árbore é verde. The tree is green. The tree is green. Je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à ça de ta part. I really wasn't expecting that from you. I didn't really expect that from you. Flumen in Oceanum Pacificum influit. The river flows into the Pacific Ocean. The flow in the Oceanum Pacificum has an influence. Le travail était très dur. The work was very difficult. The work was very hard. Tu hai paura di dormire, vero? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? Eu tenho um amigo que mora na Alemanha. I have a friend who lives in Germany. I have a friend who lives in Germany. Lei ha un albero di Natale? Do you have a Christmas tree? Do you have a Christmas tree? Caesar telephonum gestabile non habuit. Caesar had no mobile phone. Caesar could not hold his phone. Fui a casa. I went home. I went home. Cette rivière est belle. This river is beautiful. This river is beautiful. Sed nasus ejus pulcher non est. But his nose is not pretty. But it isn't fair yog's nose. Tu hai fatto colazione questa mattina? Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have breakfast this morning? Liber est super mensam. The book is on the table. He's free on the table. Il ne va nulle part sans sa voiture. He doesn't go anywhere without his car. He's not going anywhere without his car. Maria i Júlia són ambdues cegues. Maria and Julia are both blind. Mary and Julia are both blind. Quan el número 21 es divideix entre 7, el resultat és 3. When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3 When number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3. El policía lleva puesta una máscara de gas. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The police are wearing a gas mask. Tempore pomeridiano teniludio ludam. I will play tennis this afternoon. Afternoon season teniludio ludam. Quis januam pulsat? Who's knocking at the door? Why don't you have a pulsat? Jepang terkenal akan Gunung Fujinya. Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji. The Japanese are famous for the Fuji Mountain. Tenho um filho de treze anos. I have a thirteen-year-old son. I have a 13-year-old son. Cela prit exactement une heure. It took exactly an hour. It took exactly an hour. Eu abomino a violência. I abhor violence. I abhor violence. La capitale del Brasile è Brasília. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. The capital of Brazil is Brasília. Quand vient le printemps, les jours rallongent de jour en jour. When spring comes, the days get longer day by day. When spring comes, days extend from day to day. È cieco come una talpa. He's as blind as a bat. He's blind like a mole. Dia sangat pintar. He's very intelligent. He's very smart. Ganamos mucho dinero vendiendo pasteles en la escuela. We make a lot of money selling cakes in the school. We made a lot of money selling pastries at school. Am de două ori mai multe cărți decât el. I have twice as many books as he. I have twice as many books as he does. La BBC est ma radio préférée. The BBC is my favourite channel. The BBC is my favorite radio. Sim, ela está com raiva. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. He mengatakan bahwa dia telah kehilangan kekuatannya di usia 40. He said he had lost his vigor at forty. He said that he had lost his power at the age of 40. Ascoltatele e basta. Just listen to them. Just listen to them. Perché lo state leggendo? Why are you reading that? Why are you reading it? Didymus stultissimus est. Tom is very stupid. The didymus is fools. N-am nici cea mai mică idee. I haven't the foggiest. I have no idea. Sunt mândru să fac parte din acest proiect. I'm proud to be a part of this project. I'm proud to be part of this project. Quiero ir a su casa en mi auto. I want to go to his house using my car. I want to go home in my car. O cafea, vă rog. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Le daré un año de subsidio de una vez. I'm going to give you a year's worth of allowance all at once. I'll give you a year's grant once. Memini. I remember. Remember. Emisiunea asta e plictisitoare. This show is boring. This show's boring. Nous nous accordâmes entre nous. We agreed among ourselves. We agreed to each other. Il écrasa la boîte. He crushed the box. He smashed the box. Elle travaille dur, ce semestre. She is working hard this semester. She's working hard this semester. Je suis une sculpture. I am a sculpture. I'm a sculpture. Ibu bapa Sami telah membuat keputusan untuk bercerai. Sami's parents have decided to divorce. Sami’s parents decided to divorce. Il finit en tête. He came out on top. He's in the head. ¿Dónde están vuestras cosas? Where are your things? Where are your things? Thomas et Maria agricolae sunt. Tom and Mary are farmers. Thomas and Mary are farmers. Merci d'éteindre la lumière lorsque tu quittes la pièce. Please put the light out when you leave the room. Thank you for turning off the light when you leave the room. Credo Thomam tibi istud dixisse. I'm sure Tom told you that. I think you had said this to Thomam. Por favor, no mueras. Please don't die. Please don't die. Lui è esperto con un word processor. He is expert with a word processor. He is experienced with a word processor. No hay nada más aterrador que la muerte. There is nothing scarier than death. There's nothing more terrifying than death. Attends dans la voiture. Wait in the car. Wait in the car. Até onde eu sei, ele é um homem confiável. As far as I know, he is a reliable man. As far as I know, he's a reliable man. Si peccavi, ignosce. If I have sinned, forgive me. If I've sinned, I don't know. Claro, debo decirle. Of course, I have to tell her. Sure, I have to tell you. Thomas alia consilia habet. Tom has different plans. Thomas has other advice. Ce nouvel investissement démultipliera nos profits. This new investment will multiply our profit. This new investment will multiply our profits. Non lasciate che vi disturbi. Don't let it bother you. Don't let me disturb you. Parece que están satisfechos con el resultado. It looks like they're satisfied with the result. They seem to be satisfied with the result. Il écrit une lettre à sa mère de temps en temps. He writes to his mother every now and then. He writes a letter to his mother from time to time. Le soleil brille. The sun is shining. The sun is shining. Non preoccupatevi. Parlerò con lui. Don't worry. I'll talk to him. Don't worry, I'll talk to him. Lo nadaire que lhevè lo cap e cerquè aire. The swimmer raised his head and gasped for breath. The swimmer who lifts his head and looks for air. Hunc tapetem emere nolo. I don't want to buy this carpet. Hunc tapetem emre nolo. Carum non est. It isn't expensive. Carum isn't there. Excitavine Thoman? Did I wake Tom up? Excite Thoman? Berapa harga rumah ini? How much does this house cost? How much is this house? Você usa óculos? Do you wear glasses? Do you wear glasses? Nigram malo. I prefer the black one. Bad nigram. Vi chiamerò dopo pranzo. I'll call you after lunch. I'll call you after lunch. È la tua idea. That's your idea. That's your idea. Qu'est-ce qui selon toi, rend Mary différente des autres jeunes femmes? What, in your opinion, makes Mary different from other young women? What do you think makes Mary different from other young women? Explica brevemente lo que quieres Explain what you want shortly. Explain briefly what you want Eu comecei a tocar clarineta aos treze anos. I began to play clarinet when I was thirteen. I started playing clarinet at the age of thirteen. Ma sœur est la marraine de ma fille. My sister is my daughter's godmother. My sister is my daughter's nanny. Acho que sei o que houve com Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. Non penso di essere inavvicinabile. I don't think I'm unapproachable. I don't think I'm getting close. Tom dan Mary adalah orang luar. Tom and Mary are outsiders. Tom and Mary were outsiders. Eya es muy yakishikliya. She is very pretty. Eya is very yakikliya. Thomas in nosocomio psychiatrico est. Tom is in a mental institution. Thomas in nosocomio psychiatric est. Un gato saíu de embaixo do escritorio. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of the bottom of the desktop. Ela não pode beber álcool. She can't drink alcohol. She can't drink alcohol. Apa kau ingin makan sesuatu? Do you want anything to eat? Do you want something to eat? O pisică a fost pe masă. There was a cat on the table. A cat was on the table. Elle est russe. She is Russian. She's Russian. Nu am vrut să se întâmple asta. I didn't want it to happen. I didn't want this to happen. Che altro sai fare? What else can you do? What else can you do? J'ignore ce qu'est la peur. I don't know what fear is. I don't know what fear is. Puto me feminae vocem audivisse. I think I heard a woman's voice. I don't like the voice of a woman who has heard. Nunc valde miser sum. I'm very unhappy just now. Now I'm very unhappy. Dove ha preso le uova? Where did he get the eggs? Where did he get the eggs? Forse lo dovrebbe dire a lei. Maybe you should tell her. Maybe you should tell her. Cada segundo nacen cuatro bebés en el mundo. Four babies are born every second around the world. Every second four babies are born in the world. Non est tibi loquendum. You're not supposed to talk. You don't have to talk. Il allait se coucher à onze heures d'habitude. He usually went to bed at eleven. He was gonna go to bed at eleven hours. È perché vi amo. It's because I love you. It's because I love you. Aku bertemu Tom malam ini. I met Tom tonight. I met Tom tonight. Yo sé. I know. I know. En Tom és un professor d'història. Tom is a history teacher. Tom's a history teacher. Preparati ad evacuare. Prepare to evacuate. Get ready to evacuate. Thomas multo procerior quam Maria est. Tom is much taller than Mary. Thomas is much more powerful than Mary. Te rog, du-te la bancă. Please go to the bank. Please go to the bank. Allons-y étape par étape. Let's take it step by step. Let's go step by step. "Incute vim ventis submersasque obrue puppes, / aut age diversos et disjice corpora ponto." "Strike force to the winds, sink and overwhelm the ships; or drive them apart and scatter their bodies on the sea." "I saw winds submersasque orue puppes, / or age diverse and dissociate body point." Mi hermana normalmente va al parque todos los fines de semana. My sister usually goes to the park every weekend. My sister usually goes to the park every weekend. He oído que una manera de estar sano es evitar comer cualquier alimento con ingredientes impronunciables. I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients. I've heard that one way to be healthy is to avoid eating any food with impromptu ingredients. Thomas capitis damnatus est. Tom was sentenced to death. Thomas himself was sentenced to death. Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang Israel? What do you know about Israel? What do you know about Israel? Elle n'est pas toujours heureuse. She is not always happy. She's not always happy. Thomas rursus fores pulsavit. Tom knocked on the door again. Thomas roursus foresailed. Ludum pilae Caledonicae amo. I love golf. Game pillar Caledonica master. Care este cântecul dumneavoastră preferat? What is your favourite song? What's your favorite song? Não há dúvidas. There's no doubt. There's no doubt about it. Pan e manteiga é o meu almorzo habitual. Bread and butter are my usual breakfast. Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. Quando você quer ir? When do you want to go? When do you want to go? Onde está o garoto? Where's the boy? Where's the boy? Thomas bonus amicus est. Tom is a very good friend. He is a good friend Thomas. Oamenii deștepți știu cum să facă bani din orice. Clever people know how to make money out of nothing. Smart people know how to make money out of anything. Tu collezioni ancora francobolli? Do you still collect stamps? Still collections of stamps? Tom jauh lebih baik hari ini. Tom is a lot better today. Tom's much better today. Te ves como si hubieras visto a un fantasma. You look as if you had seen a ghost. You look like you've seen a ghost. Muchos de mis amigos estuvieron en Japón este año. Several of my friends have been to Japan this year. Many of my friends were in Japan this year. Ar trebui să câștigăm. We should be winning. We should win. Allons-nous vraiment à Boston la semaine prochaine ? Are we really going to Boston next week? Are we really going to Boston next week? La symétrie, c'est l'ennui. Symmetry is boring. Symmetry, it's boredom. Aku mengembalikannya. I'm giving it back. I gave it back. Discipulus sum. I'm a student. I'm the disciple. Perché lo sta chiamando? Why are you calling him? Why are you calling him? El merge pe jos până la școală. He walks to school. He goes on foot to school. Liba dulcia mihi valde placent. I like sweet cakes very much. I have a soft job, I like them very much. Extenditque Moyses virgam in cælum, et Dominus dedit tonitrua et grandinem ac discurrentia fulgura super terram; pluitque Dominus grandinem super terram Aegypti. And Moses stretched forth his rod towards heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and lightnings running along the ground: and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. And Moses stretched out his rod over the earth, and the LORD sent thunder, hail, and lightning flashed down to the earth; and the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt. Glossarium novum mihi emit. He bought me a new dictionary. New glossary sent me. Ho detto che l'avrei preso. I said I'd get it. I said I'd take it. Estoy seguro que a usted le gustará Tom. I'm sure you'll like Tom. I'm sure you'll like Tom. Ai ieșit aseară? Did you go out last night? Did you come out last night? Tom și-a abandonat mașina, care a rămas fără benzină, și a început să meargă pe jos. Tom abandoned his car that had run out of gasoline and started walking. Tom abandoned his car, which ran out of gas, and started walking. Siapa yang mengundang kalian? Who invited you guys? Who invited you? Je ne suis pas fou. I'm not mad. I'm not crazy. Pensate che la situazione migliorerà? Do you think the situation will improve? Do you think the situation will improve? Tom nu ar fi trebuit să vină aici. Tom shouldn't have come here. Tom shouldn't have come here. Isso não está acabado mesmo. This isn't finished at all. That's not really over. Demonstrația e lăsată cititorului. The proof is left to the reader. The demonstration is left to the reader. Je suis là pour t'aider. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. Pásame el bolígrafo rojo. Pass me the red pen. Give me the red pen. O pai de Tom é rico. Tom's father is rich. Tom's father is rich. Ella solía vivir cerca de él. She used to live near him. She used to live near him. No me los puedo sacar de la cabeza. I can't get them out of my mind. I can't get them out of my head. Ela a lo pèu brac. She has short hair. She put it on her arm. Purga cubiculum tuum. Clean your room. Clean up your cubicle. Eso tomó 30 minutos. That took thirty minutes. That took 30 minutes. Copiae Romanorum fessae erant. The Roman troops were exhausted. Roman copyists were frayed. Tom ha guardato attraverso il foro nella parete. Tom looked through the hole in the wall. Tom looked through the hole in the wall. Tom pediu para a Mary para fazer isso. Tom urged Mary to do that. Tom asked Mary to do that. Camilla ex Uraquaria oriunda est. Uraquariana est. Camila is from Uruguay. She is Uruguayan. Camilla from Uraquaria west or it is. Uraquariana east. Nesciebam eum Anglice loqui posse. I didn't know that he could speak English. I didn't know how to speak English. Ça m'a fait peur. It sure scared me. I was scared. Itu pasti akan menarik perhatiannya Tom. That should get Tom's attention. That would have drawn Tom's attention. Eu não gostava de vinho, mas agora adoro. I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot. I didn't like wine, but now I love it. Bisa tolong untuk tidak merokok tidak ruangan ini? Could you please not smoke in this room? Can you please not smoke this room? Ego te plus amo quam Maria. I love you more than Mary does. I love you more than Mary. Apa harapanmu? What are your hopes? What's your hope? M-am săturat de el! I'm tired of him! I'm sick of him! Dacă înveţi din greu, vei deveni un student bun. If you study hard, you will become a good student. If you learn hard, you'll become a good student. Je ne croyais pas que ça finirait comme ça. I didn't think that it would turn out like this. I didn't think it would end like that. Un frizer e un om care rade și taie părul bărbaților. A barber is a man who shaves and cuts men's hair. A barber is a man who shaves and cuts men's hair. Você se importaria de sair da sala? Would you mind leaving the room? Would you mind getting out of the room? Ci ha salvati. You saved us. He saved us. Erano un po' imbarazzati. They were a bit embarrassed. They were a little embarrassed. Les Américains sont nos amis. The Yanks are our friends. The Americans are our friends. J'ai tout d'abord refusé. I refused at first. First I refused. La paraula "sam" és una abreviatura de "ordinador" en Lojban. The word "sam" is short for "computer" in Lojban. The word "Sam" is a short word for "computer" in Lojban. Todos os nossos esforços foram em vão. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts have been in vain. Tom no quiere que lo molesten. Tom doesn't want to be disturbed. Tom doesn't want to be bothered. Solo los productos animal contienen colesterol. Only animal products contain cholesterol. Only animal products contain cholesterol. Hawking que's tornèc aus estudis. Hawking went back to his studies. Hawking to go back to school. Precamur omnia laeta vobis omnibus. All our wishes of happiness! Let us preach all things and rejoice with you all. "Jamne salutavisti?" "Salutavi quum descenderit ex equo." "Have you already greeted him?" "I will greet him as soon as he's got off his horse." "Did you greet anyone?" "I greeted him who came down from the horse." Le bonheur est plus important que la richesse. Happiness is more important than wealth. Happiness is more important than wealth. Cuéntanos la verdad. Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth. Omnia fluit. Everything flows. Omnia whistles. Speriamo che non abbiate fatto un errore. Let's hope you haven't made a mistake. Let's hope you didn't make a mistake. Dia mengantarkan murid ke sekolah. She drove a student to school. He's taking students to school. Comment sais-tu ce que j'ai entendu ? How do you know what I heard? How do you know what I heard? Ademais de ser doutor, é escritor. In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer. Besides being a doctor, he's a writer. Nous avons apprécié nager. We enjoyed swimming. We enjoyed swimming. Tem algo mais que você pode fazer pelo Tom? Is there something else you can do for Tom? Do you have anything else you can do for Tom? Mi hermano acaba de llegar de Kobe. My brother has just come home from Kobe. My brother just arrived from Kobe. La hija pequeña de Tom es su favorita. Tom's youngest daughter is his favorite. Tom's little daughter is his favorite. Il Canada, un paese coperto di neve e ghiacci otto mesi all'anno, abitata da barbari, orsi e castori. Canada, a country covered with snows and ices eight months of the year, inhabited by barbarians, bears and beavers. Canada, a country covered with snow and ice eight months a year, inhabited by barbarians, bears and beavers. Je me suis imaginée que je pourrais te trouver là. I figured I might find you here. I figured I could find you there. Ayer fue djugeves. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. Ut pater tuus valet? How is your dad? That your father is worth it? Apa kau mabuk? Were you intoxicated? Are you drunk? Anno iunior sum Roberto. I'm a year younger than Robert. I'm young year Roberto. Aku pikir kita perlu mencari pengasuh bayi yang baru. I think we need to find a new babysitter. I think we need to find a new babysitter. Noi lo prenderemo. We'll take it. We'll take it. Ventus fiat validē. The wind blows strongly. wind becomes valid. Esto no se tolerará. This will not be tolerated. This will not be tolerated. Aeque pulchra est ac mater. She is as beautiful as her mother. She is beautiful with her mother. Tom pensava che fosse un'idea terribile. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Tom thought it was a terrible idea. Era dureros de subţire. He was painfully thin. It was a pain of thinness. Ce problème ne peut être résolu de la manière habituelle. You cannot solve this problem in an ordinary way. This problem cannot be solved in the usual way. Él entró al equipo contrincante. He joined the opposing team. He entered the opposing team. Non darmi la colpa. Don't blame me. Don't blame me. Je suis resté au Japon seulement quelques mois, pendant lesquels j'ai fait face à de nombreuses difficultés les unes après les autres. I stayed in Japan only a few months, during which time I went through a series of hardships. I stayed in Japan only a few months, during which I faced many difficulties after each other. Personne ne sait son nom. No one knows her name. No one knows his name. Debería apagar su teléfono móvil. You should turn off your cell phone. You should turn off your cell phone. Tiveron que despedir a 300 homes da factoría. They had to fire 300 men at the factory. They had to fire 300 men at the factory. Eu fracassei. I've failed. I failed. Esne ex America Foederata oriundus? Are you from the United States? Esne from America Foederata orundus? Achei que a Mary me amasse. I thought Mary loved me. I thought Mary loved me. Eu sei que vocês são vegetarianos. I know that you are vegetarians. I know you're vegetarians. Kon plazer. With pleasure. Like fun. Daong-daong turung palang-palang. The leaves are falling slowly. It's a long, long, long, long way. Non è molto probabile che Tom voglia farlo. Tom isn't very likely to want to do that. It's not very likely that Tom wants to do this. Laurie a vingt ans. Laurie is twenty years old. Laurie's 20 years old. La pobreza es la madre de todos los vicios. Poverty is the mother of all vices. Poverty is the mother of all vices. Il y a du jus de canneberge dans le réfrigérateur. There is cranberry juice in the fridge. There's canneberge juice in the refrigerator. Tom pode voltar. Tom can come again. Tom can come back. Quand de violents extrémistes opèrent dans un coin de montagne, des gens sont mis en danger de l'autre coté de l'océan. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean. When violent extremists operate in a mountain corner, people are in danger on the other side of the ocean. Deixe-me nadar. Let me swim. Let me swim. A equipe de Tom sofreu uma derrota esmagadora. Tom's team suffered a crushing defeat. Tom's team has suffered a crushing defeat. At ille: Servus, inquit, Abraham sum; et Dominus benedixit domino meo valde, magnificatusque est; et dedit ei oves et boves, argentum et aurum, servos et ancillas, camelos et asinos. And he said: I am the servant of Abraham. And the Lord hath blessed my master wonderfully, and he is become great: and he hath given him sheep and oxen, silver and gold, men servants and women servants, camels and asses. He said, "I am Abraham, servant, and Yahweh has blessed my master greatly. He has become great. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male servants and female servants, camels and donkeys. Vuoi dello zucchero? Do you want sugar? You want some sugar? Yo creo que Tom va a ganar. I think Tom is going to win. I think Tom's gonna win. Asemănarea este destul de vagă. The similarity is pretty vague. The similarity is quite vague. Hodie domi est. He is at home today. He is today. La nieve ha desaparecido. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. El muchacho perdió la oreja durante una pelea callejera. The boy lost his ear in a street fight. The boy lost his ear during a street fight. Nimic nu iese cu adevărat în evidență. Nothing really stands out. Nothing really stands out. El paciente pronto se recuperará de su enfermedad. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon recover from his illness. Un ensemble totalement ordonné est souvent appelé une "chaîne". A totally ordered set is often called a "chain". A totally ordered set is often called a "chain". ¿Cómo va tu proyecto? How's your project coming along? How's your project? O marido de Tom é bissexual. Tom's husband is bisexual. Tom's husband is bisexual. Din câte știu, el nu a făcut niciodată aşa o greşeală. As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake. As far as I know, he never made such a mistake. O Tom pode falar francês também. Tom can speak French as well. Tom can speak French too. Anne me dijo que mi cabello está demasiado largo. Anne told me that my hair was too long. Anne told me my hair is too long. "Aku tidak bisa menyalakan mesinnya." "Biarkan aku mencobanya." "I can't start the engine." - "Let me have a go." "I can't turn on the engine." "Let me try." Mihi nihil iucundius est quam tecum loqui. Nothing is more pleasant for me than talking with you. Here is nothing more important than talking to you. Præcepitque pharao super Abram viris; et deduxerunt eum et uxorem illius et omnia, quæ habebat. And Pharaoh gave his men orders concerning Abram, and they led him away and his wife, and all that he had. And Pharaoh took Abram by himself, and brought him and his wife, and all that he had. Lei ha il raffreddore. She has a cold. You have the cold. Perché non lo spiega? Why don't you explain that? Why don't you explain it? Cosa mi hai comprato? What did you buy for me? What did you buy me? Io penso che Tom stia interferendo. I think Tom is interfering. I think Tom's interfering. Va costa aproape 10.000 de yeni. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. It'll cost almost 10,000 yen. Mi fareste spazio? Would you make room for me? Would you make room for me? Caoimhe punya seekor anjing yang besar. Caoimhe has a big dog. Caoimhe has a big dog. Tom é sorrateiro. Tom is sneaky. Tom's a squirt. Quelle est votre type d'art préféré ? What's your favorite kind of art? What's your favorite art type? Non credo che un giorno la maggioranza della popolazione mondiale parlerà esperanto. I don't believe that some day a majority of the world's population will speak Esperanto. I do not think that one day the majority of the world's population will speak Esperanto. Lamentablemente, nunca tuve la oportunidad de conocerla. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to meet her. Le gusta jugar al fútbol. He likes playing soccer. He likes to play football. Odia lo yogurt. He hates yogurt. He hates yogurt. Lo creas o no, Tom tiene 70 años. Believe it or not, Tom is 70 years old. Believe it or not, Tom's 70 years old. Aprender lenguas extranjeras es difícil. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning foreign languages is difficult. Tom è lì ora, vero? Tom is there now, isn't he? Tom's there now, isn't he? Por que o Tom não gosta deste hotel? Why doesn't Tom like this hotel? Why doesn't Tom like this hotel? Tom mă poate contacta la acest număr în orice moment al zilei. Tom can reach me at this number any time of day. Tom can contact me at this number at any time of the day. Pasó. It happened. It's over. Senhor Presidente, o anseio de democracia levou à queda do Muro de Berlim. Mr President, it was yearning for democracy that brought down the Berlin Wall. Mr President, the desire for democracy has led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Avete un account di Facebook? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you have a Facebook account? Mereka dulunya menjunjung tinggi derajat ayahnya. They used to look up to their father. They used to uphold his father's heights. Kamu harus membaca jenis buku yang informasinya dapat berguna untukmu di masa depan. You should read the kind of books that contain the kind of information that will be useful to you later in life. You have to read the kind of book that information can be useful to you in the future. Perché il treno era in ritardo? Why was the train late? Why was the train late? Ubi nunc habitat? Where does she live now? Where does it now live? A dor era esmagadora. The pain was overwhelming. The pain was overwhelming. Só che traio té só. I only bring you tea alone. I'll bring you tea alone. Potionem Sinensem saepe bibo. I often drink tea. Poison of Sinseem often passes through the Bible. Le connaissais-tu ? Did you know him? Did you know him? Thomas prope tam iuvenis erat quam Maria. Tom was almost as young as Mary. Thomas was near the young man as well as Mary. Grasias. Thanks. Thank you. Tu cosa vorresti che facessimo? What would you like us to do? What would you like us to do? Eu disse a Tom que sabia o que tinha acontecido. I told Tom I knew what had happened. I told Tom I knew what had happened. Care este locul tău preferat de vacanță? What's your favorite vacation place? What's your favorite vacation place? Io non voglio che lei finisca nei guai. I don't want her to get into trouble. I don't want her to get into trouble. Au moment où il prendra sa retraite, mon père aura travaillé presque trente ans. By the time he retires, my father will have worked for almost thirty years. By the time he retired, my father had worked for almost thirty years. Danos un poco de privacidad, ¿puede ser? Give us some privacy, will you? Give us some privacy, can it be? Stasiun kereta apinya di mana? Where is the train station? Where's the train station? Te liberabo. I'm going to release you. I'll set you free. La muchacha se veía tan pálida. The girl looked so pale. The girl looked so pale. Et venerunt in Mara nec poterant bibere aquas de Mara, eo quod essent amaræ; unde vocatum est nomen eius Mara (id est Amaritudo). And they came into Mara, and they could not drink the waters of Mara because they were bitter: whereupon he gave a name also agreeable to the place, calling it Mara, that is, bitterness. When they came to Mara, they couldn't drink from the waters of Mara, because they were bitter, so it was called Mara. Adakah John mahu menonton sebuah filem Korea? Does John want to see a Korean movie? Was John planning to watch a movie in Korea? Quiero quedarme aquí. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Tom sospirò rumorosamente. Tom exhaled loudly. Tom sighed loudly. « Tu es amoureux de ce garçon ! » « Non, ce n'est pas vrai ! » "You've got a crush on this boy." "No, I don't!" "You're in love with this boy!" "No, that's not true!" Estacionei no lado esquerdo da rua justo em frente à escola. I parked on the left side of the street just in front of the school. I parked on the left side of the street right in front of the school. Insectis omnibus seni pedes sunt. All insects have six legs. All the old feet are insects. Si tu ne manques pas le train, tu y seras à temps. If you don't miss the train, you'll get there in time. If you don't miss the train, you'll be there in time. Tom înseamnă mult pentru mine. Tom means a lot to me. Tom means a lot to me. Non sei troppo vecchia per lui. You're not too old for him. You're not too old for him. Silentium! Silence! Quiet! Il a failli mourir. He almost died. He almost died. Thomas me aspexit. Tom looked at me. Thomas looked at me. Amo a mi esposa. I love my wife. I love my wife. Je serai à tes côtés quoi qu'il arrive. I will stand by you whatever happens. I'll be by your side no matter what happens. Aveva intenzione di diventare un'attrice. She intended to become an actress. He was going to become an actress. Estoy convencido de que tienes razón. I'm convinced that you're right. I'm convinced you're right. Te odi, sceleste! I hate you, creep! You hate yourself, choose! Você sabe qual é o endereço deles? Do you know their address? Do you know their address? Ia bukan cinta sejati. That's not true love. He's not true love. În primul rând, trebuie să vă dați seama de ce sunteți aici. First and foremost, you need to figure out why you're here. First, you have to figure out why you're here. Dreptatea costă mult. Justice is expensive. Justice costs a lot. A él le encanta escribir artículos para Wikipedia. He loves writing articles for Wikipedia. He loves to write articles for Wikipedia. El nu era omul care să se lase descurajat de un singur eșec. He was not a man to be disheartened by a single failure. He was not the man who let himself be discouraged by one failure. Discimus. We're learning. Discimus. ¡Vuelve aquí ahora mismo! Come back here immediately! Get back here right now! Felicitările mele mâinilor care au făcut asta posibilă. My compliments to the hands that made this possible. My congratulations to the hands that have made this possible. ¿Por qué estás tan agotado? Why are you so exhausted? Why are you so exhausted? Ella tiene una pregunta. She's got a question. She has a question. Me pergunto se o Tom não é feliz aqui. I wonder if Tom isn't happy here. I wonder if Tom's not happy here. Bene vale! Goodbye! All right! C'est affaire de goût personnel. It's a question of personal taste. It's about personal taste. Algo ficou preso no encanamento. Something is stuck in the pipe. Something got stuck in the plumbing. Beton! Cool! Beton! ¿Por qué me estás imitando? Why are you imitating me? Why are you imitating me? Eu acho isso meio estranho. I think that that's kind of strange. I think that's kind of weird. Eu diria que você está apaixonada. I'd say you are in love. I'd say you're in love. Puso una venda en mi dedo lastimado. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. He put a sale on my injured finger. E assim o Lobo Mau soprou e bufou, e derrubou a etiqueta que requeria a verificação de um nativo. And so the Big Bad Wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew down the tag that demanded a native check. And so Lobo Mau blew and blew, and dropped the label that required the verification of a native. O menino gravou o seu nome na árvore. The boy carved his name into the tree. The boy recorded his name on the tree. Chemaţi-mă dacă aveţi nevoie de ajutorul meu. Call on me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need my help. Adoro i film francesi. I love French movies. I love French movies. C'est difficile de convaincre John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. As crianças precisam de amor e de atenção. Children need love and attention. Children need love and attention. Te garantizo que te encontraré un trabajo. I guarantee I'll get you a job. I guarantee I'll find you a job. Nimis multi in hortis publicis sunt. There are too many people in the park. There are no many in public gardens. Regarde où tu poses le pied. Watch your step. Look where you're standing. Quot liberos habere vis? How many children do you want to have? What are you free to have? El mi-a telefonat. He has phoned me. He called me. Quero fazer isso. I want to do it. I want to do that. J'aimerais faire un petit somme. I'd like to get a little shut eye. I'd like to make a small amount. Si la hieres de alguna manera, te mataré. If you harm her in any way, I'll kill you. If you hurt her somehow, I'll kill you. Datemi quei soldi. Give me that money. Give me that money. Ad sellam tuam redi. Go back to your seat. In your blindfold. Opera Homeri e Graeco in Anglicum sermonem convertit. He translated Homer from the Greek into English. Opera Homeri and Graeco in England word converted. Elle eut la permission d'utiliser la voiture. Permission to use the car was accorded to her. She had permission to use the car. Te semper amabo. I will always love you. I always love you. Is malacissimus est. He is so gay. He is very unhappy. Le bateau était en chemin vers Le Caire. The boat was heading to Cairo. The boat was on its way to Cairo. Pater et rex diversissima sunt. Pater nos genuit; at non rex nos sed nos regem creavimus. A father and a king are very different. Our fathers begot us; but a king did not create us, but we him. The Father and the King are very different. The Father gave us birth, not us, but we, King, but we, king. Si no vols estar sol, puc fer-te companyia. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. If you don't want to be alone, I can keep you company. ¿Me dejas tu navaja? May I borrow your knife? Can I have your knife? Si no quieres ponerte protector solar es tu problema, pero no vengas a quejarte conmigo cuando tengas quemaduras de sol. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don't want to put on sunscreen is your problem, but don't come and complain about me when you have sunburns. Faites attention à ne pas attraper froid. Take care not to catch a cold. Be careful not to catch cold. No tengo nada que decirle. I've got nothing to say to him. I have nothing to say to you. Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Lequel des livres n'as-tu pas encore lu ? Which of the books have not you read yet? Which one of the books haven't you read yet? Tom è grandissimo. Tom's terrific. Tom's great. Masalah ini bermula dari kesalahpahaman. This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding. This problem begins with a misunderstanding. ¿Por qué ese ganso se sienta sobre sus huevos? Why does that goose sit on her eggs? Why does that goose sit on their eggs? Cuius birota est? Whose bicycle is this? Where's the office? Me has herido mucho. You've hurt me a lot. You hurt me a lot. Jamku sangat akurat. My watch keeps very good time. My watch is very accurate. Feliç Pasqua! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! No hemos sabido de ella desde entonces. We haven't heard from her since then. We haven't heard from her since. Di mana pintu keluarnya? Where is the exit? Where's the exit? Quem enterrou as barras de ouro aqui? Who buried the gold bars here? Who buried the gold bars here? Lac male sapiebat. The milk tasted bad. Bad lake wise. Si tienes preguntas, no dudes en levantar la voz. If you have questions, don't hesitate to jump in. If you have questions, don't hesitate to raise your voice. Quot mala sunt? How many apples are there? How bad are they? Os preços subiram drasticamente como resultado dessa política. Prices rose drastically as a result of this policy. Prices rose dramatically as a result of this policy. Isso é ridículo. This is ridiculous! That's ridiculous. Qu'ei çò que digó. This is what he said. That's what he said. Noi siamo una grande famiglia felice. We're one big, happy family. We're a big happy family. Não posso aceitar este presente. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Combien de temps cela prend-il pour aller à Okinawa en avion ? How long does it take to go to Okinawa by plane? How long does it take to get to Okinawa by plane? Non sei ancora arrivata a metà. You haven't heard the half of it yet. You haven't come in half yet. Parece que peguei um resfriado. I seem to have caught a cold. Looks like I caught a cold. Magnum armarium frigidarium emere volo. I want to buy a large sized refrigerator. I wish you would like to see me. ¡Cobarde! Chicken! Coward! Luptă! Fight! Fight! Kamu ada pada acara pernikahanku. You were at my wedding. You're on my wedding. Visteu-se coma umha mulher. He dressed up as a woman. She looked like a woman. La passe a été interceptée. The pass was intercepted. The pass was intercepted. Didymus valde stultus est. Tom is very stupid. Didymus is very stupid. Lei ha lasciato che Tom la baciasse? Did you let Tom kiss you? Did you let Tom kiss her? Tom nu-şi face niciodată patul. Tom never makes his bed. Tom never makes his bed. Tom non mi dirà quando è nato. Tom won't tell me when he was born. Tom won't tell me when he was born. Riesco ad avere questa pellicola sviluppata? Can I have this film developed? Can I have this film developed? Ignosce mihi, nesciebam te adhuc adesse. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. I don't know him, I didn't know you were still here. Sedang turun hujan. It is raining. It's raining. Să ne spui dacă vii. Let us know if you're coming. Tell us if you're coming. La famille de Tom n'est pas très grande. Tom's family isn't very big. Tom's family isn't very big. Ea tandem advenit! She finally arrived! This tandem has come! Si accorse che i genitori la stavano tenendo d'occhio. She became aware that her parents were watching her. It was noticed that her parents were keeping an eye on her. Haec est diaeta tua. This is your apartment. This is your diaet. Magister optimus est. He is a very good teacher. Magister optimist he is. Fuistine umquam Narae? Have you ever been to Nara? Were you ever Narae? J'aime le bœuf. I love beef. I like the beef. Mary ti proteggerà. Mary will protect you. Mary will protect you. Je pense que Yumi est souffrante. I think that Yumi is sick. I think Yumi is suffering. Estabamos a cociñar tempura naquel intre. We were cooking tempura at that time. We were cooking tempora at the time. Am încercat să scot câinele afară din casă. I tried to take our dog out of our house. I tried to get the dog out of the house. Vă mulțumesc foarte mult! — Cu plăcere. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. J'oublie déjà le visage de ma grand-mère. I am already forgetting my grandmother's face. I'm already forgetting my grandmother's face. Bene olet! It smells good! Good smell! Mi sono presa la colpa. I took the blame. I blamed myself. Deus eum creavit. God created him. God created him. Esurio. I'm hungry! I'm exurin'. Le juge l'a condamné à un an d'emprisonnement. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. Să facem curat. Let's clean up. Let's clean up. Esses foram vítimas da guerra, por assim dizer. These were victims of war, so to speak. Those were victims of the war, so to speak. Él es puntual y discreto en sus deudas. He is punctual and discrete in his debts. He is punctual and discreet in his debts. Mary, apakah yang sedang awak lakukan? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Mike vient souper ce soir. Mike is coming to dinner this evening. Mike's here for dinner tonight. Él se gana la vida tocando el piano. He earns his living by playing the piano. He earns his life playing the piano. Quando putas te illum visurum esse? When do you think you'll see him? When do you think you saw him? Tom ya ha estado esperando tres horas. Tom has been waiting three hours now. Tom's been waiting for three hours. Tom me disse que ele precisa comparecer em uma reunião hoje. Tom told me I need to attend today's meeting. Tom told me he needed to attend a meeting today. Tom non può leggere. Tom can't read. Tom can't read. Eu estacionei o meu carro perto do seu. I parked my car next to yours. I parked my car near yours. ¿Qué crees que estoy pensando ahora mismo? What do you think I'm thinking right now? What do you think I'm thinking right now? Sed et Lot, qui erat cum Abram, fuerunt greges ovium et armenta et tabernacula. But Lot also, who was with Abram, had flocks of sheep, and herds of beasts, and tents. She and Lot, who were with Abram, were flocks, herds, and tents. Quindecies quina sunt septuaginta quinque. Fifteen times five equals seventy-five. The fives that are seventy-five. Es un suicidio. That's suicide. It's suicide. Aku sama sekali tidak berkata demikian. That isn't what I was saying at all. I didn't say that at all. Didymus manere vult. Tom wants to stay. Didymus wants to stay. Tom mal conseguia falar francês. Tom could barely speak French. Tom could barely speak French. Malaysia berbatasan dengan Indonesia. Malaysia borders Indonesia. Malaysia borders on Indonesia. Joey está fascinado por Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. Joey's fascinated by Shane. Voulez-vous rester ? Do you want to stay? Do you want to stay? Maria uxor Thomae est. Mary is Tom's wife. His wife, Maria Thomae, is one of them. Aku mendengar seseorang bersiul. I heard someone whistle. I heard someone whistle. Você estava tão feliz. You were so happy. You were so happy. Remington passou vários meses em Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. Remington spent several months in Havana. M'agradaré que la ploja s'estanquèsse. I wish the rain would stop. I'd like the rain to stop. Tom no quiso hacer eso. Tom didn't want to do that. Tom didn't want to do that. Tenho que fazer isso de vez em quando também. I have to do that sometimes, too. I have to do that from time to time, too. Ellos no estaban allá. They weren't there. They weren't there. El avuse puţini prieteni şi puţini bani. He had few friends and little money. He had little friends and little money. Ahora tengo dos prometidas. Now I have two fiancées. I've got two engaged now. Lelucon tentang ibu tiri itu lucu karena sesuai dengan kenyataan. Mother-in-law jokes are funny because they're true. The joke about the stepmother is funny because it's true. Eles não deveriam estar fazendo aquilo. They shouldn't be doing that. They shouldn't be doing that. Cumque circumspexisset huc atque illuc et nullum adesse vidisset, percussum Aegyptium abscondit sabulo. And when he had looked about this way and that way, and saw no one there, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. And when he looked this way and that way and that there was no man, he smote the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. No sabía que cocinaras así de bien. I did not know that you could cook so well. I didn't know you'd cook so well. Si vous êtes fatiguées, allez au lit. If you're tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. Você precisa me contar o que aconteceu. You need to tell me what happened. You need to tell me what happened. Éstos son mis libros y ésos son los suyos. These are my books and those are his books. These are my books and these are yours. Eu te vi ontem. I saw you yesterday. I saw you yesterday. Ergo insperata tandem tellure potiti, / lustramurque Jovi, votisque incendimus aras, / Actiaque Iliacis celebramus litora ludis. / Exercent patrias oleo labente palæstras / nudati socii: juvat evasisse tot urbes / Argolicas, mediosque fugam tenuisse per hostes. Saved beyond hope and glad the land is won, / and lustral rites, with blazing altars, pay / to Jove, and make the shores of Actium gay / with Ilian games, as, like our sires, we strip / and oil our sinews for the wrestler's play. / Proud, thus escaping from the foemen's grip, / past all the Argive towns, through swarming Greeks, to slip. Unexpected Ergo tandem tellure potiti, / plastoirque Jovi, vodka acrimus aras, / Actiaque Iliacis celebrata litora ludis. / Exercent homelands oil labante palæstras / nudati socii: juvat evasisse all cities / Argolicas, means of escape held by hosts. Il comportamento non ha fatto bene alla sua reputazione. The behavior did his reputation no good. The behavior has not done well to his reputation. Tom ha iniziato a ballare. Tom started dancing. Tom started dancing. Tom n'est pas votre frère. Tom isn't your brother. Tom's not your brother. Você está tão pálida! You are so white! You're so pale! Non voglio che rinunci. I don't want her to give up. I don't want you to give up. Quelle impression cela fait-il d'être constamment suivi par des gens autour de vous ? What does it feel like to always have people following you around? What impression does it make of being constantly followed by people around you? Nous devons être attentifs et écouter. We have to pay attention and listen. We need to be careful and listen. Uxor Thomasae sum. I'm married to Tom. I'm usually a Thomasae. La porta è rimasta chiusa. The door remained closed. The door's locked. Precor ut hic dies tibi candidus illuxerit. Have a wonderful day. I pray you here days are excellent. Me temo que ellos no se llevan muy bien. I am afraid that they don't get along very well. I'm afraid they don't get along very well. Hari yang indah. Beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. Déjame ver tu receta médica. Let me see your prescription. Let me see your prescription. Deseo ir de compras. I want to go shopping. I want to go shopping. De que cor é o cabelo do Tom? What's the color of Tom's hair? What color is Tom's hair? Li abbiamo visti. We've seen them. We saw them. Todos nós sentimos pelo Tom. We all felt sorry for Tom. We all feel for Tom. On estan els nostres paraigües? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Nunc liber sum. I'm free now. I'm free now. Ela estava pronta em ajudá-lo a limpar a casa. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. She was ready to help you clean the house. Ini adalah hari yang paling buruk seumur hidupku. It was the worst day of my life. This is the worst day of my life. No me odies por eso. Don't hate me for that. Don't hate me for that. Tu sai dove ha messo Tom le sue chiavi? Do you know where Tom put his keys? Do you know where Tom put his keys? Qué hilh de puta de film es aquò ? What the hell kind of movie is this? What kind of a fucking movie is this? Acesta este stiloul cu care a scris faimosul romancier. This is the pen which the famous novelist wrote with. This is the pen with which the famous novelist wrote. ¿Por qué piensas que Tom haría eso? Why do you think Tom would do that? Why do you think Tom would do that? Am câștigat cursa. I won the race. I won the race. Quid putas ei faciendum esse? What do you think she should do? How did you think he could be made? Mereka semua sedang sibuk. They were all busy. They're all busy. Jefferson non era pronto ad abbandonare il suo piano. Jefferson was not ready to give up his plan. Jefferson wasn't ready to leave his plan. Namque humeris de more habilem suspenderat arcum / venatrix dederatque comam diffundere ventis, / nuda genu nodoque sinus collecta fluentes. Bare were her knees, and from her shoulders hung / the wonted bow, kept handy for the prey / her flowing raiment in a knot she strung, / and loosed her tresses with the winds to play. And the wetlands of the wetlands suspend the bow / venatrix and gave how many winds poured out, / nude and knotty sinews, a pool of fluids ran away. Quando raeda tibi allata est? When was the car delivered to you? When do you shave east wing? Je vais chez mon oncle cette semaine. I'm going to my uncle's this week. I'm going to my uncle's this week. A cidade fica a 3 milhas do lugar. The town is 3 miles from the place. The city is 3 miles from the place. Non vile est. It's not cheap. He is not a villain. Me sentio persolum esse. I feel very lonely. I feel pretty good about that. Merci pour les fruits. Thanks for the fruit. Thanks for the fruit. Aquesta cola s'ha esbravat i no té bon gust. This cola has lost its fizz and doesn't taste any good. This tail has snuck and it doesn't taste good. Él llegó en el quinto lugar en la carrera. He came in fifth in the race. He arrived in fifth place in the race. Parli ebraico? Do you speak Hebrew? You speak Hebrew? Ei au fost norocoși. They were lucky. They were lucky. Vocês estão subestimando ele. You are selling him short. You're underestimating him. Ella está en el trabajo, ¿no? She's at work, isn't she? She's at work, isn't she? Îi văd pe Dan și Andrei. I see Dan and Andrei. I see Dan and Andrei. Che cosa ne pensa? What do you think about it? What do you think? Talia flammato secum dea corde volutans, / nimborum in patriam, loca feta furentibus Austris, / Aeoliam venit. Such thoughts revolving in her fiery mind, / straightway the Goddess to AEolia passed, / the storm-clouds' birthplace, big with blustering wind. A flame was heard from the goddess of the heart, / the number in the country, the place where festering Austrians, / Aeoliam came. Mon grand-père conte des centaines d'anecdotes. My grandfather tells hundreds of anecdotes. My grandfather tells hundreds of anecdotes. Je suis un enfant, j'ai besoin d'amour ! I'm a child, I need love! I'm a child, I need love! S-ar putea să-l întâlnești pe Tom dacă mergi la bibliotecă. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. Que l'am cercada. We looked for her. I've been looking for her. Ne ho cancellata una. I deleted one. I canceled one. Perché non lo apre? Why don't you open it? Why don't you open it? És Tòquio. It's Tokyo. It's Tokyo. Você precisa se barbear. You need to shave. You need to shave. Tu es l'institutrice. You're the teacher. You're the teacher. Dia mulai merasa sakit. He began to feel ill. He's starting to feel sick. Fecero una lista. They made a list. I made a list. A fi la cuțite. To be at daggers drawn. Be at the knives. Il te faut sauver la princesse. You need to save the princess. You need to save the princess. A me piace il suo romanzo. I like her novel. I like his novel. Estaba demasiado cansado para seguir caminando. I was too tired to walk any more. I was too tired to keep walking. Terminémoslo enseguida. Let's finish it right away. Let's finish it right away. Tenho 40 anos. I'm 40 years old. I'm 40 years old. Kami kehilangan Mary. We lost Mary. We lost Mary. Va dient el mateix desde que el vaig conéixer. He's been saying the same things since I first met him. He's been saying the same thing since I met him. Le encantan las naranjas. He likes oranges. She loves oranges. Hortus noster duas cerasos habet. Our garden has two cherry trees. Our family has two zerosas. Tu n'as pas souvent tort. You're not often wrong. You're not often wrong. Pecuniam non habeo. I have no money. I don't have any money. Feles dormit. The cat is sleeping. Feles sleep. Ils m'ont mis hors de moi. They made me really angry. They got me out of here. S-ar putea să mă întâlnesc cu Tom mâine. I might see Tom tomorrow. I might be meeting Tom tomorrow. L'educació d'aquest món em decep. Education in this world disappoints me. The education of this world disappoints me. Tabanus dicit 'ds ds'. The horse-fly buzzes 'zz zz'. Tabanus says 'ds ds'. Acum ei au trei copii. Now they have three children. Now they have three children. Je dois le rappeler. I must return his call. I have to remind you. Après avoir marché un moment, nous sommes parvenues au lac. After we walked for a while, we got to the lake. After walking for a while, we got to the lake. Et feles et canes diligo. I love both cats and dogs. And beans and dogs I love. Non sai parlare inglese, vero? You can't speak English, can you? You don't know English, do you? ¿Cuántas letras hay en el alfabeto inglés? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? Tom trovò un impiego. Tom found a job. Tom found a job. Mia madre non sa guidare un'automobile. My mother cannot drive a car. My mother can't drive a car. Tu as une odeur corporelle étrange. You have a weird smell. You have a strange body smell. L'evidència estava en contra meua. The evidence was against me. The evidence was against me. Tapi tidak ada yang percaya padanya. But nobody believed him. But nobody trusts him. Io sono arrabbiato con entrambi voi. I'm mad at both of you. I'm angry with both of you. Exact! Correct! Exactly! Dan non si è nemmeno presentato. Dan didn't even show up. And he didn't even introduce himself. Así es como está escrito. It's written like that. That's how it's written. Tom è partito per l'Australia. Tom has departed for Australia. Tom left for Australia. Pur și simplu nu pot să o înțeleg. I just can't fathom it. I just can't understand it. Excusez-moi, mais puis-je ouvrir la fenêtre ? Excuse me, but may I open the window? Excuse me, but can I open the window? El bebé no puede caminar todavía. The baby can't walk yet. The baby can't walk yet. ¿Puedes oírnos? Can you hear us? Can you hear us? Paris adalah ibukota dari Prancis. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. Ho fatto vedere a Tom come si fa. I showed Tom how to do it. I showed Tom how to do it. Tom pisou no meu pé. Tom stepped on my foot. Tom stepped on my foot. Sono appena stato a casa di mio zio. I've just been to my uncle's house. I just went to my uncle's. Redde Caesari quae sunt Caesaris, et quae sunt Dei Deo. Return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God that which belongs to God. Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. Nu sunt un magician. I'm not a magician. I'm not a magician. Você bebe café, não bebe? You drink coffee, don't you? You drink coffee, don't you? No m'ha passat mai i toque ferro. That has never happened to me, touch wood. It's never happened to me and I touch iron. Io penso che sia ora di un fine settimana tranquillo. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. I think it's time for a quiet weekend. Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange. Something weird's going on. Something strange's going on. Me acusaron injustamente. I was falsely accused. I was unjustly accused. Semper felix videtur. She always looks happy. Felix always looks like. Você devia ter me contado a verdade. You should've told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Não há hipótese de dar a volta a isso. There's no way around that. There's no chance of turning around that. Itu bukan masalahku. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Aku selalu suka dengan sepak bola. I've always liked soccer. I always like football. Thōmās est ēbrius. Tom's drunk. Thōmās is ēbrius. Me gusta ir a caminar al parque. I like going for a walk in the park. I like to go walk to the park. Acum era în afara oricărui pericol. She was now out of danger. Now he was out of any danger. Ini komputer saya. This is my computer. It's my computer. Ese es un coche muy bueno. That's a very good car. That's a very good car. Il découvrit comment ouvrir la boîte. He discovered how to open the box. He found out how to open the box. Por que você não está com ele? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? "Morte Neoptolemi regnorum reddita cessit / pars Heleno, qui Chaonios cognomine campos, / Chaoniamque omnem Trojano a Chaone dixit, / Pergamaque Iliacamque jugis hanc addidit arcem." "The tyrant dead, a portion of his reign / devolves on Helenus, who Chaonia calls / from Trojan Chaon the Chaonian plain, / and on these heights rebuilds the Trojan walls." "The death of Neoptolem of kingdoms gave up / part of Helen, who is surnamed Chaonios of fields, / and all the Tyrannus of Chaone said, / Pergamaque Iliacam and this judge added bow." Buku itu berwarna merah. The book is red. It's red. Isaac autem venerat a regione putei Lahairoi et habitabat in terra Nageb. At the same time, Isaac was walking along the way to the well which is called Of the living and the seeing: for he dwelt in the south country. Now Isaac came from the country of the well Lahairoi and lived in the land of Nageb. E adevărat că o să studiezi la Londra? Is it true that you are going to study in London? Is it true you're going to study in London? Il mio lavoro mi piace davvero. I really love my work. I really like my work. Ci sono abituato adesso. I'm used to it now. I'm used to it now. Bon dòppodisnâ. Good afternoon. Good dopodysna. ¡Claro! Indeed! Of course! Il lui a conseillé d'arrêter de fumer. She was advised by him to give up smoking. He advised her to quit smoking. Você está me dizendo que foi o Tom quem fez isso? Are you telling me Tom is the one who did that? Are you telling me it was Tom who did that? Cerevisiam bibit. She drinks beer. I was cerevising drink. Est non minor confusio ibi linguarum et personarum, quam olim in turri Babel. There is no less confusion of languages and people there, than there was in the tower of Babel. Is not less confused there of languages and people than we used to be in the tower of Babel. Eu îl pot recunoaște chiar într-o mulțime. I can recognize him even in a crowd. I can recognize him even in a lot. Nunca estou livre aos domingos. I am never free on Sundays. I'm never free on Sundays. Tu as l'air un peu remuée. You look a little shaken. You look a little dizzy. Tom a murit la vârsta de treizeci de ani. Tom died at the age of thirty. Tom died at the age of thirty. Já faz mais de dois anos que nos vimos. It's been over two years since we saw each other. We've been seeing each other for more than two years. Tom sedang memotong rumput di halaman depannya. Tom is mowing his front lawn. Tom's cutting the grass on his front page. Amb qui esteu? Who are you with? Who are you with? Lo rifaccia. Do it again. Do it again. Espero que me entiendas. I hope you understand me. I hope you understand me. Non giudicare le persone dall'apparenza. Don't judge people by appearance. Don't judge people by appearance. Je veux que vous compreniez que ça ne va pas être aisé. I want you to understand this isn't going to be easy. I want you to understand that it's not going to be easy. Quam lenta es! How slow you are! How slow you are! Estou doente desde domingo. I've been sick since Sunday. I've been sick since Sunday. Mi hai deluso. You disappointed me. You let me down. Am reuşit să găsesc strada, dar nu am putut să-i găsesc casa. I was able to find the street, but I couldn't find her house. I managed to find the street, but I couldn't find the house. Todo el mundo está de acuerdo con ustedes. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. Sos un buen amigo. You're a good friend. You're a good friend. Tom pouvait tout faire lui-même. Tom could do everything by himself. Tom could do everything himself. Babbo Natale porta dei regali ai bambini per Natale. Santa Claus brings gifts to children for Christmas. Santa brings presents to children for Christmas. Ellas han venido. They have come. They've come. Lei prende il treno? Are you taking the train? Are you taking the train? Monte, je te conduirai quelque part. Get in. I'll drive you somewhere. Get up, I'll drive you somewhere. Tom ha iniziato a scrivere. Tom started writing. Tom started writing. Thomas sagitta ictus est. Tom was hit by an arrow. Thomas, an archer, can shoot an arrow. Il faut que j'y aille maintenant. I must be going now. I need to go now. I son bon a lese l'anglèis. I am able to read English. And his good left English. A nova lei garante os mesmos direitos jurídicos e sociais aos casais homossexuais. The new law guarantees the same judicial and social rights to homosexual couples. The new law guarantees the same legal and social rights to homosexual couples. In horto meo multae arbores pomiferae sunt. In my garden many trees are bearing fruit. In my garden are many apple trees. Tom nu avea nicio idee că Mary era o criminală în serie. Tom had no idea that Mary was a serial killer. Tom had no idea Mary was a serial killer. Quando Romam proficisceris? When will you leave for Rome? When's Romam Sucuris? Dopo aver raggiunto il rango di primo ministro, e con il sostegno entusiasta delle masse, sembra che sia in grado di esercitare i poteri presidenziali. Having reached the rank of prime minister, and with the enthusiastic support of the masses, it seems he is able to wield presidential powers. After reaching the rank of prime minister, and with the enthusiastic support of the masses, it seems that he is able to exercise presidential powers. Si Thomas laetatur, ego laetor. When Tom's happy, I'm happy. If Thomas rejoices, I'm glad. Sos demasiado joven para tomar alcohol. You're too young to have alcohol. You're too young to drink alcohol. ¿Sabes prender fuego usando solo palos de madera? Do you know how to start a fire using just sticks of wood? Can you set fire using only wooden sticks? Se ti racconto una storia, andrai a dormire? If I tell you a story, will you go to sleep? If I tell you a story, are you going to sleep? Dia kakakku. He's my brother. He's my brother. Você já foi traído por um grande amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a great friend? Estou com um pouco de febre. I have a slight fever. I'm having a little fever. Él tenía una gentileza que atraía a las mujeres atractivas. He had a gentleness that was attractive to women. He had a kindness that attracted attractive women. La natation devrait t'aider à perdre du poids. Swimming should help you lose weight. Swimming should help you lose weight. Ten en cuenta que fumar no es bueno para tu salud. Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Be aware that smoking isn't good for your health. Uterque puer punitus est. Both children were punished. We used a boy to punish him. Tom mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Tom tried to commit suicide. Tom tried to kill himself. Io sto correndo per poter prendere il treno. I am running in order to catch the train. I'm running to get the train. Arrivammo sull'isola due giorni dopo. We arrived on the island two days later. We arrived on the island two days later. Non possiamo vederla. We can't see it. We can't see her. De qué hè ? What is he doing? What is it? Riusciva a parlare in francese. He could speak French. He was able to speak in French. Parlando di passatempi, colleziona francobolli? Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps? Speaking of pastimes, do you collect stamps? Frumosul nu e totuna cu binele de fiecare dată. The beautiful is not always the same as the good. Beautiful isn't always good every time. Unde este toaleta? Where's the loo? Where's the toilet? Non est bonum in exedra obscura legere. It's not good to read in a dark room. It is not good in the dark idiom to read. Acela este un câine. That is a dog. That's a dog. Kemaren saya menerima surat Anda. Yesterday I received your letter. Yesterday I received your letter. Cur me aspicis? Why are you looking at me? Cur looks at me? Tom disse a Mary di non giocare col fuoco. Tom told Mary not to play with fire. Tom told Mary not to play with fire. Je dois être en train de fatiguer. J'ai sommeil dès que termine de dîner. I must be getting tired. I feel sleepy as soon as I finish eating supper. I must be getting tired. I fell asleep as soon as I finished dinner. Non eravamo d'accordo su niente! We didn't agree to anything! We didn't agree on anything! J'ai besoin de plus d'exemples pour savoir comment ce mot est utilisé. I need more examples to know how this word is used. I need more examples to know how this word is used. Chi aspettò? Who waited? Who's waiting? Você realmente contou isso pro Tom? Did you really tell Tom that? Did you really tell that for Tom? Voi sarete pronte. You'll be ready. I'll be ready. L'autobús va arribar amb deu minuts de retard. The bus arrived ten minutes late. The bus arrived ten minutes late. Aliquid edit. She's eating something. Aliquid edit. Nós cozinharemos. We'll cook. We'll cook. Didymus discipulus est. Tom is a student. Didymus is a disciple. Liberi mei Novi Eboraci habitant. My children live in New York. My Liberi Novi Eboraci lives. Libum in pistrina emit. She is buying a cake in the bakery. Libum in the pistrina issued. C'était très facile. That was very easy. It was very easy. Vou me encontrar com alguns amigos. I will meet some friends. I'm gonna meet some friends. Io non ho ricevuto alcun avviso che lei sta arrivando. I haven't received any notice that she's coming. I didn't get any notice that you're coming. Tu che cosa fai domani? What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Hoc libum nimis dulce est. This cake tastes too sweet. This is a very sweet book. Puellae plorabant. The girls were crying. Puellae was crying. Lei ignora anche la più semplice nozione di scienze. She is ignorant of even the simplest fact about science. You also ignore the simplest notion of science. Aștept o scrisoare de la ea. I'm expecting a letter from her. I'm waiting for a letter from her. Parlate più lentamente, per favore! Speak more slowly, please! Speak more slowly, please! Te ad ludum comitor. I'm taking you to school. You're kidding me. No estoy de acuerdo con él. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Ma il Progetto Tatoeba non è un paradiso delle parole. Per piacere, basta aggiungere parole. But Tatoeba Project is not a word heaven. Please stop adding words. But the Tatoeba Project is not a paradise of words. Please just add words. Umidum est. That's wet. It is wet. Flumen in mare influit. The river flows into the sea. Flumen in the sea influenced. Há quanto tempo você estuda japonês? How long have you been studying Japanese? How long have you been studying Japanese? Sine eo vivere non potest. She can't live without him. Here you can't live. Comment puis-je me débarrasser de lui ? How can I get rid of him? How can I get rid of him? Los que quieran permanecer, pueden permanecer. Those who want to stay can stay. Those who want to stay can stay. Ele mereceu. He deserved it. He deserved it. Argumentati sunt eum mentitum esse. They concluded that he had told a lie. They argued that he was lying to him. Tom non è molto in saluto. Tom isn't very healthy. Tom's not very saluted. Prendi quante pesche vuoi. Take as many peaches as you want. Take as many fish as you want. Muncea noaptea şi dormea ziua. He worked at night and slept in the daytime. She was working the night and sleeping the day. Ho aiutato Tom anche se stava occupato. I helped Tom even though I was busy. I helped Tom even though he was busy. Auditisne me? Can you hear me? Do you hear me? La bala va penetrar al seu pit i el va deixar en estat crític. The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition. The bullet penetrated his chest and left him in critical condition. Quem vem comigo? Who's going with me? Who's coming with me? Venez à nous. Come to us. Come to us. Tom todavía es tu mejor amigo, ¿no? Tom is still your best friend, isn't he? Tom's still your best friend, isn't he? Je vais jouir. I'm about to cum. I'll enjoy it. Aquam frigidam libenter bibo. I like drinking cold water. Now I'm cold enough to talk to you, man. Sami est de garde la nuit. Sami is on night duty. Sami is on duty at night. Loquimini ad universum cœtum filiorum Israel et dicite eis: Decima die mensis huius tollat unusquisque agnum per familias et domos suas. Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day of this month let every man take a lamb by their families and houses. Speak to all the families of the children of Israel, and say to them, On the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb. Volete che li aiutiamo? Do you want us to help them? You want us to help them? El Sr. Philips, junto con algunos amigos y vecinos, está planeando una celebración. Mr Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Mr. Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. ¿Lo conocen? Do they know? Do you know him? Non vos preocupedes. Don't worry. Don't worry. Răspunsul dumneavoastră este total insuficient. Your answer is entirely unsatisfactory. Your answer is totally insufficient. Nunc est bibendum. Now is the time to drink. It is now we will drink. Trebuie să depăşeşti dificultăţile. You must overcome the difficulties. You must overcome the difficulties. Eu sabia que você não iria gostar da maneira que o Tom fez aquilo. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that. I knew you wouldn't like the way Tom did that. Il ouvrit la porte. He pulled open the door. He opened the door. Ten vostede algo de leite?. Do you have some milk? Do you have any milk? Hay un agujero en el fondo del balde. There's a hole in the bottom of the bucket. There's a hole in the bottom of the bucket. Pe cös'o serve st'angæzo? What's this thingamajig for? What's the use of anangæzo? Cela m'intrigue. I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued by that. Je vous ai vues avec lui. I saw you with him. I saw you with him. Dev'esser più che sessantenne. He must be over sixty. It must be more than sixty years old. In un universo lontano, molto lontano, in cui tutto ciò che è visualizzato diventa reale, un novellino ha cercato di visualizzare un oggetto quadridimensionale, per poi visualizzare un oggetto con un numero infinito di dimensioni che ha spedito tutta la nostra esistenza nel caos ponendo così fine all'universo così come lo conosciamo. In a far, far away universe where whatever is visualized becomes real, a noob tried to visualize a four dimensional object only to end up visualizing an object with an infinite number of dimensions that sent our entire existence into disarray thereby ending the universe as we know it. In a distant universe, far away, where everything that is displayed becomes real, a novice tried to display a four-dimensional object, and then to display an object with an infinite number of dimensions that sent our entire existence into chaos by putting an end to the universe as we know it. J'ai encore dû lui repasser ses chemises ! C'est la dernière fois ! I had to iron his shirts again! It's the last time! I still had to give him his shirts! En Escocia puede hacer bastante calor en septiembre. Scotland can be very warm in September. In Scotland it can be quite hot in September. Tom mencuri cincinnya. Tom stole her ring. Tom stole the ring. Matura igitur, ne in commodes meo studio. Make haste, lest you hinder my study. Grow up therefore, not in my mood for study. Nihil boni de hoc veniet. Nothing good will come out of this. Good nihil out of this comes. Eya es italiana? Is she Italian? Is Eya Italian? Tom deveria ter ido para Boston com a Mary. Tom should've gone to Boston with Mary. Tom should have gone to Boston with Mary. A empresa contratou um assistente de escritório temporário. The company hired a temporary office assistant. The company hired a temporary office assistant. J'ai écrit une lettre à ma mère la nuit dernière. I wrote a letter to my mother last night. I wrote a letter to my mother last night. Praeterito anno mortuus est. He died last year. In the third year of his reign, he died. Ama cantar. He loves singing. She loves to sing. Uma das pás do ventilador se soltou e despedaçou-se na parede. One of the fan blades broke loose and shattered against the wall. One of the fan blades dropped off and broke off on the wall. Folium cadit. A leaf is falling. Folium fell. Bayak kartu ulang tahun yang akan segera datang. A lot of birthday cards will arrive soon. Pay me the birthday card that's coming soon. Ini semua salahku. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Je nous emprunterai des outils. I'll borrow us some tools. I'll borrow some tools. Dia berhasil berenang melewati sungai itu. He managed to swim across the river. He was able to swim through that river. Io ero pronta a farla. I was ready to do it. I was ready to do it. Am găsit camera goală. I found the room empty. We found the empty room. Il laissa tomber la tasse, qui se cassa. He dropped the cup and broke it. He'll drop the cup, he'll break. Tom a épluché la pomme. Tom peeled the apple. Tom stuffed the apple. Il te faut être davantage organisé. You gotta get more organized. You need to be more organized. A mi perro le gusta retozar en la nieve. My dog likes to romp in the snow. My dog likes to scramble in the snow. Tom est retourné dans la voiture. Tom got back in the car. Tom's back in the car. Quam latum est? How wide is it? How big is it? Você não gosta de chocolate. You don't even like chocolate. You don't like chocolate. Todos estão se divertindo. Everybody's having a good time. Everyone's having fun. Los ojos dicen más que mil palabras. The eyes say more than thousand words. Eyes say more than a thousand words. Lui è più anziano di suo padre. He's older than her father. He's older than his father. Eu não achava que o Tom podia correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. Valde pulcher est. He is very handsome. He is a pretty guy. Faccia attenzione, c'è un'automobile! Be careful, there's a car! Be careful, there's a car! È piuttosto buono. It's quite good. It's pretty good. O sol está muito distante da terra. The sun is so distant from the earth. The sun is very far from the earth. Zouti-la pèrmèt nou travay. The tool enables us to work. Help her allow us to work. M'illumino d'immenso. I'm enlighted by immensity. I'm going through a lot of lighting. Mio zio abita a Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. Chacun pour soi -- Dieu pour tous. Everyone for themselves and God for us all. Each one for himself -- God for all. Tunjukkan paspor Anda. Show me your passport. Show me your passport. Ma langue maternelle est le polonais. My mother tongue is Polish. My mother tongue is Polish. Ha una camicia nera. He has a black shirt. He's got a black shirt. Ai lavat ma veitura I washed the car. You washed my car. Carotae et rapae stirpes accommodae ad vescendum sunt. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. The dead and few are able to eat. Tom se lavó las manos y el rostro. Tom washed his hands and face. Tom washed his hands and face. Le amate ancora? Do you still love them? Do you still love her? Corra e entre. Hurry up and get in. Run and come in. Hoc deversorium pulchrum est. This hotel is beautiful. This is a beautiful vice versa. Non dubito quin fessa sis. I'm sure you're tired. I don't doubt that six. Io avevo solo bisogno di un po' di spazio. I just needed some space. I just needed some space. Eu pensei que isso fosse meio estranho. I thought that this was kind of weird. I thought that was kind of weird. Digamos que no me pilló de sorpresa. Let's just say that I wasn't surprised. Let's say he didn't surprise me. Com'è che non l'hai fatta? How come you didn't do it? How come you didn't? Pourquoi n'y allons-nous pas tous ? Why don't we all go? Why don't we all go? ¡Está viva! Se estaba ahogando, pero su padre la salvó. She's alive! She was drowning, but her father saved her. She was drowning, but her father saved her. Qu'ei ua mapa deus camins. This is a road map. Let's have a map of two paths. Tom pensiun dari dinas tentara tiga tahun yang lalu. Tom retired from the army three years ago. Tom retired from the army service three years ago. El nenu mancóse. The kid got hurt. The boy's missing. A la debuta, la Meg avèva lo mau de casa. At first, Meg was homesick. At first, the Meg took care of the house. Nu e clar cine a scris această scrisoare. It is not clear who wrote this letter. It's not clear who wrote this letter. Essaies-tu de me tuer ? Are you trying to kill me? Are you trying to kill me? Eu gostaria de estar em Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. I'd like to be in Paris. Je vous rendrai visite un jour dans le futur proche. I'll visit you sometime in the near future. I'll visit you one day in the near future. Grazas. Thank you! Thank you. Saya akan tinggal di sini selama seminggu. I'll be staying here for a week. I'll stay here for a week. Vamos comer juntos. Let's go eat together. Let's eat together. Tu iras à l'école. You will go to school. You're going to school. Grasie tante. Thanks a lot! Thank you so much. Jangan mengejekku. Don't mock me. Don't make fun of me. Ni òksijèn andidan boutèy-lasa. There is oxygen in this bottle. Oxygen's in the bottle-lass. Las personas no deberían abusar de los animales. People shouldn't abuse animals. People should not abuse animals. Tom ainda está em Boston. Tom is still in Boston. Tom's still in Boston. Perché le odia così tanto? Why do you hate them so much? Why do you hate her so much? Me llamu Sasha. My name is Sascha. My name is Sasha. Tu me demandes de faire quelque chose que je ne veux pas faire. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. È proibita nella maggior parte dei paesi. It's prohibited in most countries. It is prohibited in most countries. Condusul în stare de ebrietate e o problemă serioasă. Drunk driving is a serious problem. Driving drunk is a serious problem. Câteodată mergem la pescuit. We sometimes go fishing. Sometimes we go fishing. A lui manca la motivazione. He lacks motivation. He lacks motivation. Anne a l'air d'être malade. Ann seems to be ill. Anne looks like she's sick. Tom estaba determinado a matar a Mary. Tom was determined to kill Mary. Tom was determined to kill Mary. À quelle heure t'es-tu réveillé ? At what time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? Qu'ei lo lor ostau. This is their house. Have their hostage. ¿Dijo Tom cómo de temprano podría salir Mary? Did Tom say how soon Mary could leave? Did Tom say how early Mary could get out? Para tu cumpleaños te regalaré una bicicleta. I'm going to give you a bike for your birthday. For your birthday I'll give you a bike. Jogue-o para Tom. Throw it to Tom. Play it for Tom. Io mi sono divertito molto ieri. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I had a lot of fun yesterday. Et vidit puteum in agro, tres quoque greges ovium accubantes iuxta eum; nam ex illo adaquabantur pecora, et os eius grandi lapide claudebatur. And he saw a well in the field, and three flocks of sheep lying by it: for the beasts were watered out of it, and the mouth thereof was closed with a great stone. He saw a well in the field, and behold, there were three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of it they watered the flocks, and its mouth was massive. Sampai jumpa lagi. I'll see you around. I'll see you later. Sono nata nel 1982 ad Atene, dove vivo ancora oggi. I was born in 1982 in Athens, where I still live today. I was born in 1982 in Athens, where I still live today. Diz tchau para os teus amigos. Say goodbye to your friends. He said he did it for your friends. Faça isso você mesmo! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Você ainda não está com sono? Aren't you sleepy yet? Aren't you still sleepy? Perché non lo fai anche tu? Why don't you do that, too? Why don't you do it? I-am adus ciocolată. I brought her chocolate. I brought him some chocolate. Il a disparu en un instant. He disappeared in an instant. He disappeared in an instant. O Tom diz que a encontrará. Tom says he'll find her. Tom says he'll find her. Aku sudah berpikir kalau kau gila. I already think you're crazy. I thought you were crazy. ¿Ha oído alguna vez a alguien hablar en esperanto? Have you ever heard someone speaking in Esperanto? Have you ever heard anyone speak Esperanto? Qui remarquerait ? Who would notice? Who would notice? Quelle est sa taille ? How tall is he? How big is it? Cunctus autem populus videbat voces et lampades et sonitum bucinæ montemque fumantem; et perterriti ac pavore concussi steterunt procul dicentes Moysi: Loquere tu nobis, et audiemus; non loquatur nobis Deus, ne moriamur. And all the people saw the voices and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking; and being terrified and struck with fear, they stood afar off, saying to Moses: Speak thou to us, and we will hear: let not the Lord speak to us, lest we die. For the people saw the thunderings, the lightnings, the noise of the mountain smoking; and the terrors, and the trembling, stood afar off, saying to us, Speak to us, and we will hear; don't let God speak to us, and we won't die. Acuzația dumneavoastră este absurdă. Your accusation is preposterous. Your accusation is absurd. No puede cantar. He can't sing. She can't sing. Zilele săptămânii sunt: luni, marți, miercuri, joi, vineri, sâmbătă, duminică. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the seven days of the week. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Calamus potentior est quam gladius. The pen is mightier than the sword. The sword can't help us. מילייוניס די מוסולמאנוס נו פוידין בﬞיסיטאר לה סיבﬞדאד סאנטה די ירושלים. Millions of Muslims can't visit the holy city of Jerusalem. just a few years ago, it's a long time ago, but it's a long time ago, when we're going to have to find out what we're going to do. Eu voi aștepta. I will wait. I'll wait. Ella rompió el florero a propósito para molestarme. She broke the vase on purpose to bother me. She broke the florist on purpose to bother me. Igitur Israel pater eorum dixit ad eos: Si sic necesse est, facite, quod vultis; sumite de optimis terræ fructibus in vasis vestris et deferte viro munera: modicum resinæ et mellis et tragacanthum et ladanum, pistacias terebinthi et amygdalas. Then Israel said to them: If it must needs be so, do what you will: take of the best fruits of the land in your vessels, and carry down presents to the man, a little balm, and honey, and storax, myrrh, turpentine, and almonds. Their father, Israel, came to Israel and said to them, "If it must be so, do what you want; take of the best fruits in your vessels, and carry down the man with you a little resin and honey and swallow your cumble, terebinthian and ammygdalas. Historiae Anglicae studebat. He studied English history. History of England studied. Tornarà a les sis. He'll return at six. He'll be back at six. Ce matin nous avons eu un froid rigoureux. We had a heavy frost this morning. We had a severe cold this morning. Nobis domum mox redeundum. We have to go back home soon. You know, I can't wait to see you back at home tonight. Ne sono convinto. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. É um lixo não-reciclável It's worthless junk. It's a non-recyclable trash Amo Paulum, tamquam si sit pater meus. I love Paul as if he were my father. I love Paulus, as if he were my father. Aliquis fores pulsat. Someone is knocking at the door. Somebody's pulsated holes. Hic calamus Didymi est. This is Tom's pen. Here we have Didymi. Nu iese fum fără foc. There is no smoke without fire. There's no smoke without fire. Loquerisne Anglice? Do you speak English? Loquerisne English? Compara compositionem tuam cum exemplo. Compare your composition with the example. Compare your composition with an example. S'il te plaît, conseille-moi quoi faire. Please advise me what to do. Please, advise me what to do. Tom o conhece. Tom knows you. Tom knows him. Preciso de mais ajuda. I need more help. I need more help. J'étais si occupé la semaine dernière. I was so busy last week. I was so busy last week. "¿Hay un libro en el escritorio?" "No, no hay." "Is there a book in the desk?" "No, there isn't." "Is there a book on the desk?" "No, there isn't." Já limpou a banheira? Have you cleaned the bathtub yet? Have you cleaned the bath yet? Tom se demandait quand la réunion commencerait. Tom wondered when the meeting would start. Tom was wondering when the meeting would begin. Feminae incessanter loquuntur. Women talk nonstop. Incessant women speak. Esto no es un sueño. It isn't a dream. This isn't a dream. Longam epistulam scribebam. I was writing a long letter. I wrote the longest letter. Ela sempre traballa moito. She always works hard. She always works a lot. Posso te contratar para minha empresa. I can hire you in my company. I can hire you for my company. L'ho visto al parco ieri. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw him at the park yesterday. Datemi l'indirizzo di Tom. Give me Tom's address. Give me Tom's address. Hoc rebar perspicuum esse. I thought it was obvious. This I see is what I am thinking. Tom non ti aspetterà. Tom isn't going to wait for you. Tom won't wait for you. Il se pourrait que je vote pour toi. I might vote for you. I might vote for you. Tom convenceu Mary a mudar de ideia. Tom persuaded Mary to change her mind. Tom convinced Mary to change her mind. Habesne raedam? Have you got a car? Have you raedam? Promitto me hunc librum lecturum esse. I promise that I'll read this book. I promise you, this is the ledger. Este é um trabalho muito difícil. This is very difficult work. This is a very difficult job. Eu posso dizer quando alguem está mentindo. I can tell when someone is lying. I can tell when someone's lying. Onde você joga tênis? Where do you play tennis? Where do you play tennis? Tom pensava che sarebbe stato divertente andare a vela. Tom thought that it would be fun to go sailing. Tom thought it would be fun going to see him. Tom Jackson è l'uomo che hai incontrato l'altro giorno. Tom Jackson is the man you met the other day. Tom Jackson is the man you met the other day. Ela tem medo de ficar sozinha com o paciente. She is afraid of being alone with the patient. She's afraid to be alone with the patient. Perché le avete lasciate andare? Why did you let them go? Why did you let her go? Tu plan ha fracasado. Your plan failed. Your plan has failed. Ricòrdo i Natali de quand'ea picin. I remember the Christmases when I was little. I remember Christmas when it was pissing. La gente podría pensar que sos un estúpido si hacés eso. People might think you're stupid if you do that. People might think you're a fool if you did that. Ellos están aquí porque son mis amigos. They're here because they're my friends. They're here because they're my friends. Meu Inglês é péssimo. My English is terrible. My English is bad. Tomás y María estaban parados uno al lado del otro. Tom and Mary were standing close to each other. Thomas and Mary were standing by each other. Debo cambiar la foto del perfil. I have to change my profile picture. I have to change the profile picture. Tom não fazia brownies o suficiente para todos. Tom didn't make enough brownies for everybody. Tom didn't do enough brownies for everyone. Aș dori să vorbesc cu tine pe Skype dacă nu te deranjează. I'd like to talk to you on Skype if you don't mind. I'd like to talk to you on Skype if you don't mind. Je vous donnerai cet argent. I'll give you this money. I'll give you that money. Je resterai à la maison aujourd'hui. I'll stay at home today. I'm staying at home today. Ël passà a peul mach esse conossù, nèn cambià. Ël futur a peul mach esse cambià, nèn conossù. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The future of the skin was changed, not known. The future of the skin was changed, not known. Quelqu'un veut se faire couper les cheveux. Somebody wants a haircut. Someone wants to get their hair cut. Burung minum aer. Birds drink water. Birds drink air. Hace dos días que estoy sin comer. I haven't eaten for two days. I haven't eaten in two days. Eu não tomei banho. I didn't shower. I didn't take a bath. Servus autem cuncta, quæ gesserat, narravit Isaac; qui introduxit eam in tabernaculum Saræ matris suæ et accepit Rebeccam uxorem; et dilexit eam et consolatus est a morte matris suæ. And the servant told Isaac all that he had done, who brought her into the tent of Sara his mother, and took her to wife: and he loved her so much, that it moderated the sorrow which was occasioned by his mother's death. And the servant, when he had done so, told Isaac; and he brought her into the tent of Sarah his mother, and took Rebekah to his wife; and he loved her, and comforted her from her mother's death. Siapa nama anda, pak ? What is your name, sir? What's your name, sir? Awak ada tekanan, saya ada tekanan, kenapakah awak hendak mencetuskan saya? "You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?" You have pressure, I have pressure, who are you going to kick me off? Tu aiuti sempre Tom e Mary a farlo? Do you always help Tom and Mary do that? You always help Tom and Mary do that? Je ne savais pas que Tom avait peur des fantômes. I didn't know Tom was afraid of ghosts. I didn't know Tom was afraid of ghosts. Esne somniculosus? Are you sleepy? Is she sleepy? Eu realmente não quero ir. I really do not want to go. I really don't want to go. Tom nu se poate descurca cu salariul său pentru că are cheltuieli medicale mari. Tom can't get along on his salary because he has high medical expenses. Tom can't handle his salary because he has high medical expenses. Nu e nicio speranţă de reuşită. There is no hope of success. There's no hope of success. En serio, no te cortes. Seriously, don't be a stranger. Seriously, don't cut yourself. Nós devemos seguir as regras. We must follow the rules. We must follow the rules. Espero que me puedas ayudar. I'm hoping you can help me. I hope you can help me. Finalment se'm va ocórrer una idea genial. In the end I came up with a great idea. I finally had a great idea. Demain est mon anniversaire. Tomorrow is my birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday. Non mi dire di calmarmi. Don't tell me to calm down. Don't tell me to calm down. El señor Tanaka parece ser muy rico. Mr Tanaka appears very rich. Mr. Tanaka seems to be very rich. Foi planejado para que parecesse um acidente. It was made to look like an accident. It was planned to look like an accident. Es mediodía. It is midday. It's noon. Estne haec aqua ad bibendum apta? Is this drinking water? Is this water suitable for drink? Pourquoi est-ce que les lapins ont de grandes oreilles ? Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do rabbits have big ears? Spesso la paella include delle lumache. Paella often includes snails. Often the paella includes snails. J'aime rire. I like to laugh. I like to laugh. Thomas Mariam e raeda abstulit. Tom pulled Mary out of the car. Thomas Mariam and Raeda took off. Komo vos yamash? What's your name? Why are you calling? Io spero che qualcuno lo farà. I hope somebody will do that. I hope someone will. Más de diez mil mensajes son enviados cada segundo en Facebook. Over ten thousand messages are sent every second on Facebook. More than 10,000 messages are sent every second on Facebook. Ea a chiulit deseori. She often skipped class. She's shut down often. Tom aposentou-se aos 67 anos. Tom retired at the age of 67. Tom retired at 67. Bagaimana kau bisa menjadi seorang polisi? How did you become a police officer? How could you be a cop? Tocmai am făcut un duș. I just showered. I just took a shower. De ce este Tom acasă? Why is Tom home? Why is Tom home? Tom tiene una relación íntima con María. Tom has a close relationship with Mary. Tom has an intimate relationship with Mary. Glumești, așa-i? You're kidding, right? You're kidding, right? Nolo tecum ire. I don't want to go with you. I'm not going with you. J'ai l'intention d'enfoncer cette idée dans la tête des étudiants. I intend to hammer this idea into the student's heads. I intend to put this idea in the head of the students. Existem outros hotéis que você pode recomendar? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there other hotels you can recommend? Unha persoa que é sapiosexual séntese atraída pola intelixencia doutra persoa máis que pola súa apariencia. A person who is sapiosexual feels attracted by the intelligence of another person more than by outward appearance. A person who is wise-sexual feels attracted by someone else's intelligence more than by his appearance. Les gens accepteront beaucoup plus volontiers votre idée si vous leur dites que Benjamin Franklin l'a dit en premier. People will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first. People will be much more willing to accept your idea if you tell them that Benjamin Franklin first said it. Parlez lentement et distinctement. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and separately. Provate questa pomata miracoloso. Try this miracle ointment. Try this miracle apple. O autor escreveu alguns belos poemas no início de seu livro. The author wrote some beautiful poems in the beginning of his book. The author wrote some beautiful poems at the beginning of his book. Nampaknya awak tahu segala-galanya. You seem to know everything. You seem to know everything. Tom ha dato a Mary un libro sull'Australia. Tom gave Mary a book about Australia. Tom gave Mary a book on Australia. Ingoiala. Non masticarla. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Don't chew it. ¿Ellos hablan francés? Are they speaking French? Do they speak French? As-tu peur de l'obscurité ? Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the darkness? Estás manejando demasiado rápido. You're driving too fast. You're driving too fast. È stato improvviso. That was abrupt. It was sudden. Est-ce que Tom embrasse bien ? Is Tom a good kisser? Did Tom kiss well? Tentativas de lutar contra o incêndio usando baldes logo se provaram infrutíferas. Attempts to fight the fire with buckets soon proved fruitless. Attempts to fight fire using buckets soon proved fruitless. Mi padre consintió mi ida al extranjero. My father consented to my going abroad. My father consented to my journey abroad. Al mé fradèl l'é dvintê prét. My brother has become a priest. FRlAR ME IT'S BEEN PRESENTED. Seniores lente ambulant. Old people walk slowly. Seniors walking slow. Vremea s-a făcut rece. The weather got cold. The weather's getting cold. Mecum plus annum vixit. He lived with me for more than a year. Mecum plus annum lived. Num sunt boni? They aren't good, are they? No. No. No. No. Tom sarà così felice di vederla. Tom will be so happy to see you. Tom will be so happy to see you. Bisakah saudaramu mengendarai mobil? Can your brother drive? Can your brother drive a car? Não faça com os outros o que você não quer que seja feito com você. Don't do to others that which you would not wish done to yourself. Do not do with others what you do not want to be done with you. Você não pode entender como eu me sinto. You can't understand how I feel. You can't understand how I feel. Aturan-aturanya sudah berubah. The rules have changed. The rules have changed. Eso es muy peligroso. That's very dangerous. That's very dangerous. Non è in grado di comprare un'auto. He is unable to buy a car. He can't buy a car. Tom știa că aveam dreptate. Tom knew I was right. Tom knew I was right. Tom sta cominciando a scoraggiarsi. Tom is beginning to get discouraged. Tom's starting to get discouraged. Setelah memainkan sebuah theremin, instrumen-instrumen lain akan membuatmu merasa seperti mengenakan jaket pengekang. After playing a theremin, all other instruments make you feel like you're in a straitjacket. After playing a thermomin, other instruments will make you feel like wearing a banner jacket. Măcar lasă-mă să te ajut cu masa. At least let me help with the table. At least let me help you with the table. É uma boneca. It's a doll. She's a doll. Tout le monde a continué à parler. Everyone kept talking. Everyone kept talking. Dia berusaha keras untuk tidak lagi memikirkan dirinya. He did his best never to think of her. He tried hard to stop thinking about himself. Domus est frigida. The house is cold. Domus is cold. Les arabes algériens voilent leurs soeurs mais violent et tabassent les femmes qui ne sont pas voilées. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters but violate and beat women who are not veiled. The Algerian Arabs are covering their sisters but violent and bullying women who are not veiled. Vreau să te iubesc pentru totdeauna. I want to love you forever! I want to love you forever. Gostaria de comprar um Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. Io non ero d'accordo con Tom. I didn't agree with Tom. I didn't agree with Tom. Te estoy tratando de ayudar. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you. Tom amarrou os cavalos ao poste. Tom tied the horses to the post. Tom tied the horses to the pole. Eu conhecia bem o Tom. I knew Tom well. I knew Tom well. Tutti noi siamo entrati in macchina. All of us got into the car. We all got into the car. L-am făcut să vopsească poarta săptămâna trecută. I had him paint the gate last week. I made him paint the gate last week. Començaré aquest vespre. I'll start this evening. I'll start tonight. Je ne me souviens pas que vous m'ayez demandé de faire cela. I don't remember you asking me to do that. I don't remember you asking me to do that. Deberías dejar de fumar ya que es malo para la salud. You should give up smoking since it's unhealthy. You should quit smoking because it's bad for your health. Sinto muito tê-lo deixado esperando. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm sorry I left you waiting. Llevé a la espalda la bolsa pesada. I carried the heavy bag on my back. I took the heavy bag to my back. Io sarò felice di bere un bicchiere di champagne. I'll be glad to drink a glass of champagne. I'll be glad to have a glass of champagne. Aku suka semangka. I like watermelon. I like trimmings. Nous nous sommes rencontrés jeudi dernier. We met last Thursday. We met last Thursday. Dilihat dari pesawat, pulau itu terlihat indah sekali. Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful. In view of the plane, the island looks beautiful. Cur non considimus? Why don't we sit? Aren't we looking at that? Mă duc să trag un pui de somn. I am going to take a nap. I'm gonna go get some sleep. O rosto de Tom ficou vermelho de raiva. Tom's face turned red with anger. Tom's face became red with anger. Dia ditemukan terbaring tidak sadar di lantai dapur. He was found lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. He was found unconsciously lying on the kitchen floor. Me he estado sintiendo un poco agitado. I've been feeling a little restless. I've been feeling a little agitated. Tengo algo de dinero. I have got some money. I got some money. Tom ha un lavoro. Tom has a job. Tom has a job. Per favore, non votare per Tom. Please don't vote for Tom. Please don't vote for Tom. Gaudeo quod profui. I'm glad I could help. I enjoy that because. Thomas librum e Gallico in Anglicum sermonem convertit. Tom translated the book from French into English. Thomas the Book and Gallico into England the word is converted. Le train partit à l'heure. The train left on time. The train left in time. Tom sembrava sorpreso. Tom looked startled. Tom seemed surprised. Él ha decidido no beber. I decided not to drink. He has decided not to drink. Sono stata impegnata a scrivere un racconto breve. I've been busy writing a short story. I was committed to writing a short story. Io sto provando a imparare l'inglese. I'm trying to learn English. I'm trying to learn English. Ia berlaku kadang-kadang. That happens sometimes. It happens sometimes. La gente beve il tè nel tuo paese? Do people drink tea in your country? People drink tea in your country? Él me dio lo que yo necesitaba. He gave me what I needed. He gave me what I needed. So Hisashi. My name is Hisashi. So, Hisashi. Siccome faceva freddo abbiamo acceso un fuoco. Since it was cold, we made a fire. As it was cold, we lit a fire. Tene hoc. Hold this. Have this. Pouvez-vous appuyer sur le bouton ? Could you press this button? Can you press the button? Portale a casa. Bring them home. Bring them home. Quattuor oceani in mundo sunt. There are four oceans in the world. There are four oceans in the world. Apa tujuanmu? What are your intentions? What's your goal? Tom tiene problemas para acostumbrarse a la idea de que su padre fue el autor de una masacre. Tom is having trouble dealing with the fact that his father was a mass murderer. Tom has trouble getting used to the idea that his father was the author of a massacre. El templo fue construido hace doscientos años. The shrine was built two hundred years ago. The temple was built two hundred years ago. Întinde-ți brațele. Stretch out your arms. Spread your arms. Spero Didymum diligere me. I hope Tom likes me. I hope Didymum loves me. Io non riesco a smettere di ridere. I can't stop laughing. I can't stop laughing. Há mais alguma coisa que nós precisamos fazer antes de irmos? Is there anything else we need to do before we go? Is there anything else we need to do before we go? Tom é todo ouvidos. Tom is all ears. Tom's all ears. "Mesi." "De ryen." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Mesi." "De Ryen." Aku lelah. I got tired. I'm tired. Apa Tom tahu apa yang harus ia lakukan? Did Tom know what to do? Does Tom know what to do? Richard Dawkins est un célèbre athéiste. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. Richard Dawkins is a famous atheist. A Tom piace essere con Mary. Tom enjoys being with Mary. Tom likes to be with Mary. Quand es-tu revenu de Londres ? When did you get back from London? When did you come back from London? Aqueth líber qu'ei navèth. This book is new. That freedom is naveth. Me comí unas papas fritas. I ate some crisps. I ate some fries. A me piace l'anguria. I like watermelon. I like trouble. Que con el calor y la humedad, no dormí bien. What with the heat and the humidity, I didn't sleep well. That with the heat and the humidity, I didn't sleep well. Thomas voluit omnia. Tom wanted everything. Thomas wanted everything. Ad therotrophium ivi. I went to the zoo. Therotrophium ivi. Por que você está tão feliz? What are you so happy about? Why are you so happy? Només els adults tenen permís per fer allò. Only adults are allowed to do that. Only adults are allowed to do that. Ce sac à main est à moi. This handbag is mine. This handbag is mine. Elles peuvent ajouter une traduction littérale. They can add a literal translation. They can add a literal translation. Nunc in deversorio est. She's at the hotel now. This is a fallback. Foi difícil para eles chegarem na ilha. It was hard for them to get to the island. It was hard for them to get to the island. Si quieres ir a Israel, necesitas muchos shekels. El agua cuesta sólo 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need many shekels. Water costs only 0,50 ₪. If you want to go to Israel, you need a lot of shekels. Affer mihi illud poculum lactis. Bring me that glass of milk. Show me that bottle of milk. Sembravano davvero occupati. They looked really busy. They seemed really busy. Vous ai-je demandé votre opinion ? Did I ask your opinion? Did I ask your opinion? Assieds-toi. Seat yourself. Sit down. Sami a mers să înoate în fiecare Vineri. Sami went swimming every Friday. Sami went swimming every Friday. A volte, un po' di orgoglio è quello che ci serve. Sometimes, a little bit of pride is what we need. Sometimes a little pride is what we need. Tom este mult mai tânăr ca Mary. Tom is a lot younger than Mary. Tom's a lot younger than Mary. Jangan berbuat sesuatu yang tidak mau diperlakukan kepada anda kepada orang lain. Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. Don't do anything that you don't want to do to someone else. Carnem semel in hebdomade edunt. They eat meat once a week. They eat meat at least once in a week. Conflictul escaladează. The conflict escalates. The conflict is escalating. «¿En qué estás pensando?» «Estoy pensando en ti.» "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about you." "What are you thinking?" "I'm thinking of you." Tendré que rendir un examen en análisis real. I'll have to take an exam on real analysis. I'm going to have to give a real-life analysis. Você não quer fazer isso? Do you want to do it? You don't want to do that? A América foi descoberta em 1492 por Colombo. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered in 1492 by Colombo. O Tom realmente quer fazer isso. Tom really does want to do that. Tom really wants to do that. Larga isso. Put that down. Let go of that. Devo comprare un regalo per lei. I need to buy a gift for her. I need to buy you a gift. Acum simt la fel. Now I feel the same. Now I feel the same way. Eu pretendo fazer isso. I intend to do that. I intend to do that. C'était mon tour de ranger la chambre. It was my turn to straighten up the room. It was my turn to save the room. Dixitque Moyses: Comedite illud hodie, quia sabbatum est Domino; non invenietur hodie in agro. And Moses said: Eat it to day, because it is the sabbath of the Lord: to day it shall not be found in the field. Moses said, "Eat it today, for it is a Sabbath to Yahweh; you shall not find it in the field today." Equitare non potes. You can't ride a horse. Equitation you can't. Străzile noastre se inundă când plouă. Our streets flood when it rains. Our streets are flooded when it rains. Non memini! I don't remember! Don't remember! No sé si Tom nadará o no. I don't know whether Tom will swim or not. I don't know if Tom will swim or not. É mellor estar aproximadamente no certo que estar completamente equivocado. It's better to be approximately right than completely wrong. It's better to be about right than to be completely wrong. Eu pensei que o Tom poderia ter permissão para fazer isso. I thought that Tom might be allowed to do that. I thought Tom might have permission to do that. Você está se comportando como um pirralho mimado. You're behaving like a spoilt brat. You're acting like a spoiled twat. A quale club appartieni? Which club do you belong to? Which club do you belong to? No había nadie en la pileta. No one was in the swimming pool. There was no one in the battery. Je pense que j'ai des problèmes avec ma femme. I think I'm in trouble with my wife. I think I have problems with my wife. Je n'ai amené ici que mon linge et mon cheval. I have brought here only my clothes and my horse. I just brought my clothes and my horse here. Tom está casado con Mary ahora, pero una vez estuvo casado con Alice. Tom is married to Mary now, but at one time he was married to Alice. Tom's married to Mary now, but once he was married to Alice. Tom nunca leu o livro que a Maria lhe deu. Tom never read the book that Mary gave him. Tom never read the book Mary gave him. ¿Puede repararme estos zapatos? Can you mend these shoes for me? Can you fix me these shoes? J'ai pensé qu'il pourrait venir. I thought he might come. I thought he might come. Penso che dovreste chiederlo a lui. I think you should ask him. I think you should ask him. Vita pulchra est. Nemo eam facilem esse dixit. Life is beautiful. No one said it was simple. He is very nice. Nobody likes her to be easy. I-ați invitat și pe prietenii dumneavoastră, nu-i așa? You've invited your friends too, haven't you? You invited your friends, too, didn't you? Kamu lelah, ya? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Perché ha raccontato questa barzelletta? Why did you tell this joke? Why did you tell this joke? Arabia Saudita es muy rica en petróleo. Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil. Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil. Tom é feio. Tom is ugly. Tom's ugly. Elle m'a dit où aller. She told me where to go. She told me where to go. El niño juntó un puñado de maníes y los metió en una cajita. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy put a handful of peanuts together and put them in a box. Devo spiegarle questo. I have to explain this to her. I need to explain this to you. Mary și eu avem în plan să creștem doi copii. Mary and I plan to have two children. Mary and I are planning on raising two children. Bolehkah aku memainkan pianonya? May I play the piano? Can I play the piano? Éste es el último tren, señor. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. Io prestai a Tom tutti i miei soldi. I loaned Tom all my money. I lent Tom all my money. Eu prefiro café. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. ¡Yo lo aprendí de ti! I learned that from you! I learned it from you! Nu cred că aceste pete de cerneală vor ieși. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think these ink spots will come out. Salvus sis, Thoma! Hello, Tom! Save six, Thoma! Attendre trop longtemps exaspère la plupart des gens. Waiting for too long makes most people annoyed. Waiting too long exaggerates most people. Tom está tentando não enlouquecer. Tom is trying not to freak out. Tom's trying not to go crazy. Linguam anglicam disco, quia Civitates Foederatas ire volo. I'm studying English because I plan to go to the United States. I don't have any language on my disk, because I want you to go to United States. Da eis hanc imaginem. Give them this picture. Give them this picture. A França é uma república. France is a republic. France is a republic. No se puede chiflar y comer pinole. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't chirp and eat pineapple. Ya los veo. I see them now. I see them. Les visiteurs ne sont pas autorisés à nourrir les animaux. Visitors may not feed the animals. Visitors are not allowed to feed animals. Fixamos as nosas tarifas para os próximos tres anos. We have fixed our fees for the next three years. We've made our rates for the next three years. Il était tard dans la nuit quand Tom est enfin arrivé chez lui. It was late at night when Tom finally got home. It was late the night when Tom finally arrived at his house. Nous sommes plus ou moins sortis ensemble tout au long de nos études à la fac. We dated on and off through college. We went out more or less together throughout our college studies. Non siamo qui per arrestarvi. We're not here to arrest you. We're not here to arrest you. Mi piace di più in assoluto l'autunno. I like autumn best. I like autumn more than ever. Preferi viatjar per trin que non pas volar. I prefer traveling by train to flying. I'd rather travel by train than fly. El matrimonio precipitado rara vez tiene éxito. Hasty marriage seldom succeeds. Precipitated marriage is rarely successful. Farò qualche chiamata. I'll make a few calls. I'll make some calls. Nous sommes confiants que nous serons en mesure de gérer cela. We're confident we'll be able to handle this. We are confident that we will be able to manage this. Tu non sei da incolpare. You're not to blame. You're not to blame. Letakkan sampah di luar. Put the garbage outside. Put the trash outside. El s-a hotărât să se facă pilot. He made up his mind to become a pilot. He decided to make himself a pilot. Voi cosa avete detto ai ragazzi? What did you say to the boys? What did you guys say to the boys? L'è mìa fâcil. That's not easy. It's easy. Tres erant homines. There were three men. There were three people. Tom ha superato i trent'anni. Tom is past thirty. Tom's over thirty. Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri cu toții. Sooner or later, we all are going to die. Sooner or later, we'll all die. Ce-ai pe suflet? What's in your heart? What do you have on your soul? Andrete con loro? Will you go with them? Will you go with them? El este un om căsătorit. He's a married man. He's a married man. Je pourrai te voir l'année prochaine. I'll be able to see you next year. I can see you next year. Credeam că am auzit o ușă de mașină izbindu-se. I thought that I heard a car door slam. I thought I heard a car door popping out. Vous avez l'air un peu remuées. You look a little shaken. You look a little dizzy. Piaţa respectivă s-a extins rapid. That market has been rapidly expanding. That market has spread rapidly. Hi equi pulchri sunt. These are beautiful horses. Hi horses are beautiful. Je dois manger, aussi. I have to eat, too. I have to eat, too. Il but directement à la bouteille. He drank straight from the bottle. He's going straight to the bottle. En règle générale, c'est l'été qu'il grêle. As a rule, hail falls in summer. As a general rule, it's the summer he's throwing. Io vedo un modello. I see a pattern. I see a pattern. On se remet encore de la nuit dernière ? Still recovering from last night? Are we getting back from last night? Discutiremos el problema con ellos. We'll discuss the problem with them. We'll discuss the problem with them. Tom ouviu alguma coisa lá fora. Tom heard something outside. Tom heard something out there. Tu eri giovane. You were young. You were young. Je ne parviens pas à me souvenir où je l'ai rencontré la première fois. I can't remember where I first met him. I can't remember where I first met him. Thomas Mariae dixit quid eam facturam esse vellet. Tom told Mary what he needs her to do. Thomas Mariae said what she wants to do. Elle n'a pas de frère. She has no brothers. She doesn't have a brother. Antehac putābam te habere cornua. I thought you had balls, it seems I was wrong. I used to have horns before you. É você mesmo? Is it really you? Is that you? "¿Tocarás el piano mañana?" "No, no lo haré." "Will you play the piano tomorrow?" "No, I won't." "Will you play the piano tomorrow?" "No, I won't." Em vaig quedar un dia més al llit per si de cas. I stayed in bed one more day just to be on the safe side. I stayed in bed one day in case. Pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta jubæque / sanguinæ superant undas, pars cetera pontum / ponet legit sinuatque immensa volumine terga. Their breasts erect they rear amid the deep, / their blood-red crests above the surface shine, / their hinder parts along the waters sweep, / trailed in huge coils and many a tortuous twine. The pectora whose curvature is shaped like a jubæque / bloodæ surpasses each other by the rest of the point, reading it as an immeasurable, back volume. Niciunul dintre noi nu este nemuritor. None of us are immortal. None of us are immortal. Está escurecendo cedo por aqui. O sol parece cair como uma pedra quando chega o outono. It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around. The sun seems to fall like a stone when autumn comes. Sí? Hello! Yeah? AD LONDONIUM VENIVIT ANTE MENSE He went to London a month ago. LONDONIUM FIVED FOR MONTH Vous devriez suivre son conseil. You should take her advice. You should follow his advice. Les seves ulleres estan trencades. Your glasses are broken. His glasses are broken. Iernile erau foarte friguroase. The winters were bitterly cold. Winters were very cold. Há quanto tempo você está sentada aqui? How long have you been sitting here? How long have you been sitting here? Necesito estirar las piernas. I need to stretch my legs. I need to stretch my legs. Je sais où Tom vit. I know where Tom lives. I know where Tom lives. Maria berkata kepada dirinya sendiri, "Aku sangat beruntung". Maria said to herself, "I am very lucky". Mary said to herself, "I am very lucky." Voldria un to més clar. I want a lighter shade. I'd like a clearer tone. Avionul a aterizat la aeroportul Narita. The airplane landed at Narita Airport. The plane landed at Narita Airport. Eu não costumo andar em qualquer lugar. I don't usually walk anywhere. I don't usually walk anywhere. Me da miedo saltar la zanja. I am afraid to jump over the ditch. I'm afraid to skip the trench. Pourquoi as-tu peint le banc en rouge ? Why did you paint the bank red? Why did you paint the bench in red? Seja realista! Be realistic. Be realistic! Le stress est aujourd'hui le premier risque pour la santé des travailleurs dans le monde. Today, stress is the number one risk for the health of workers in the world. Stress is now the first risk to the health of workers in the world. Ésa es la casa donde nací. This is the house where I was born. That's the house I was born to. At illi responderunt: Interrogavit nos homo per ordinem nostram progeniem: si pater viveret, si haberemus fratrem; et nos respondimus ei consequenter iuxta id, quod fuerat sciscitatus. Numquid scire poteramus quod dicturus esset "Adducite fratrem vestrum vobiscum"? But they answered: The man asked us in order concerning our kindred: if our father lived: if we had a brother: and we answered him regularly, according to what he demanded: could we know that he would say: Bring hither your brother with you? They said, "The man asked directly concerning the family, 'If your father lives, if you have a brother, and we told him according to the question, wouldn't we be able to know what he would say, 'Bring your brother down'?" Voi siete così strane. You're so weird. You guys are so weird. Tom devint populaire auprès des adolescents dès qu'il fit ses débuts à l'écran. Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom became popular with teenagers as soon as he started his screen. ¿Querés ir a la ópera conmigo? Do you want to go to the opera with me? You want to go to the opera with me? Tempore pomeridiano ludunt. They play in the afternoon. Afternoon season. Os cavalos são animais. Horses are animals. Horses are animals. Io stavo pensando a Tom. I was thinking about Tom. I was thinking about Tom. Éste es el que prefiero. This is the one I prefer. This is what I prefer. Sono molto riservata. I'm very reserved. I'm very private. Lutetiae linguam Gallicam didici. I learned French in Paris. Lutetiae lenguam Gallicam learned. Nisi Deus patris mei, Deus Abraham et Timor Isaac, affuisset mihi, certemodo nudum me dimisisses; afflictionem meam et laborem manuum mearum respexit Deus et iudicavit heri. Unless the God of my father, Abraham, and the fear of Isaac had stood by me, peradventure now thou hadst sent me away naked: God beheld my affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesterday. This was because the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, who had sent me away naked; my affliction and the labor of my hands God saw and judged the night. Lectus meus minor est quam Thomae. My bedroom is smaller than Tom's. My reading is less than Thomas. Fadil saiu com sua bicicleta doze horas atrás e desde então nunca mais foi visto. Fadil left with his bicycle twelve hours ago and he has never been seen since. Fadil left with his bicycle 12 hours ago and since then has never been seen again. J'ai toujours payé le loyer. I've always paid the rent. I've always paid the rent. Deixa que vagi a comprar. Let me go shopping. Let me go buy it. Como você vai ajudar o Tom? How will you help Tom? How are you gonna help Tom? Les guêpes piquent. Wasps sting. Peanuts sting. J'aime les vêtements de coton l'été. I like cotton clothing in the summer. I like cotton clothes in the summer. Al mal temps, fer-li bona cara. What can't be cured must be endured. In bad weather, make him look good. Gråces vormint des côps! Many thanks. Thank you so much sometimes! In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Al final, Jane no lo compró. Jane ended up not buying it. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. Tom și-a pierdut interesul în jobul său. Tom lost interest in his job. Tom lost his interest in his job. En den tic, sipita lastic, sipita laboumlala, en den tic. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. In tic den, say lastice, say laboumlala, den tic. Amasne Moscoviam? Do you like Moscow? Amasne Moscow? Este hombre es mercader. This man is a merchant. This man is a merchant. ¿Por que non entras? Why don't you come in? Why don't you come in? De qué i a còsta lo burèu ? What's beside the desk? What is the cost of the desktop? Putasne me foedum esse? Do you think I'm ugly? You think I'm so happy? Tom sorrise, ma non rispose. Tom smiled, but didn't respond. Tom smiled, but didn't answer. La comprerei se non fossi al verde. I'd buy it if I weren't broke. I'd buy it if I wasn't green. Frater meus abest. My brother is out. My brother is an abust. Tom est chevrier. Tom is a goatherd. Tom's a knight. Tom está cantando. Tom's singing. Tom's singing. Tom non ha un grande appetito. Tom doesn't have a big appetite. Tom doesn't have a great appetite. Aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah dan ingin tidur, tapi ini sudah waktunya untuk sekolah lagi... I finished the homework, and want to go to bed, but now it's time to go to school again... I've finished my homework and wanted to sleep, but it's time for school again... A torrada sempre cai sobre o lado da manteiga. Toasts always fall on the buttered side. The toast always falls on the side of the butter. Vàire temp ch'a resta? How much time is left? What time's left? Mirou ao ceo. He looked up at the sky. He looked into the sky. ¿Debería dimitir? Should I quit my job? Should I resign? Lo entenderé. I'll understand. I'll get it. Il demanda un peu d'argent. He asked for some money. He asked for some money. Cos'è questo posto? What is this place? What is this place? Gostaria de ir fazer compras? Would you like to go shopping? Would you like to go shopping? Quin ei aquera hauta bastida ? What's that tall building? Which one is that tall? Non est tibi cor. You don't have a heart. You don't have a colour. Andatevene! Get out! Get out of here! Esperamos, pero él no llegó. We waited, but he didn't come. We wait, but he didn't make it. Birotam novam proxima hebdomade comparabit. He is going to buy a new bicycle next week. New Bureau next week compares. Para o homem, é tão impossível demonstrar a existência de Deus como seria, até para Sherlock Holmes, demonstrar a existência de Arthur Conan Doyle. It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. For man, it is as impossible to demonstrate the existence of God as it would even be for Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle. Travaille-t-elle dans la cuisine ? Does she work in the kitchen? Does she work in the kitchen? Dilarang merokok di area ini. Smoking is forbidden in this area. No smoking in this area. Ande! Look alive. Come on! Viri, feminae, pueri puellaeque omnes homines sunt. Men, women, boys, and girls, they're all people. There are all boys, girls, boys and girls. Le sue poesie sono difficili da capire. His poems are difficult to understand. His poems are hard to understand. "Velisne plus potionis Arabicae?" "Nolo, gratias. Satis bibi." "Will you have some more coffee?" "No, thanks. I've had enough." "Are you going to see more Arabicae potion?" "No thanks, thanks." O homem vive não só sua vida pessoal, mas também, consciente ou inconscientemente, a vida de sua época e de seus contemporâneos. A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries. Man lives not only his personal life, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his time and his contemporaries. Non puiden ir aí, porque a miña nai estaba enferma. Because my mother was ill, I could not go there. I couldn't go there, because my mother was sick. Saya belum datang bulan. My period hasn't come. I haven't come in the moon. Tom e Mary dicono che non hanno studiato francese. Tom and Mary say they didn't study French. Tom and Mary say they haven't studied French. Nu este necesar să te îmbraci formal. Este un eveniment informal. You don't need to get all dressed up. It's an informal event. You don't need to dress formally. It's an informal event. Has hecho realidad todos mis sueños. You have made all my dreams come true. You've made all my dreams come true. Il attisa le feu. He fanned the fire into flame. He's firing the fire. Pensas, que lo Tòm nos a mentit ? Do you think Tom lied to us? You think the Tom lied to us? Noi non possiamo essere più precise. We can't be more specific. We can't be more precise. Tom está fazendo a barba em seu quarto. Tom is shaving in his room. Tom's having a beard in his room. Vorrei poter parlare con loro. I wish I could talk to them. I wish I could talk to them. A pesar de eso, lo he conseguido. Despite that I succeeded. Despite that, I got it. Nu încerca să o ţii numai pentru tine. Don't try to keep her to yourself. Don't try to keep it for yourself. Los tons sauneis que son vasut vertadièrs. Your dreams have come true. Tones of health that are normal. La puerta se cerró con el viento. The door blew shut. The door closed with the wind. Isso é realmente permitido? Is that really allowed? Is that really allowed? L'interlinguistica tratta di comunicazione attraverso le barriere linguistiche ed esplora il modo in cui lingue pianificate come l'esperanto e il volapük sono utilizzate in queste situazioni. Interlinguistics deals with communication across language barriers, and explores how planned languages like Esperanto and Volapük are used in these situations. Interlinguistics deals with communication through language barriers and explores how languages planned as Esperanto and volapük are used in these situations. Vivere militare est. To live is to fight. He's a military living. Você realmente quer ir para Boston sozinho? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? Do you really want to go to Boston alone? E l'ân mìa catê. They didn't find it. And my hip caté. Que'ns cau tribalhar dur. We must work hard. We're going to fall for tough tribals. "Ut vales?" "Non male." "How are you doing?" "Not bad." "That's good?" "Not bad." Não dobre! Do not fold. Don't double! Me gusta el chucrut. I like sauerkraut. I like the chucrut. Elas não são boas. They're not good. They're not good. Cet homme n'est pas mon mari. This man isn't my husband. This man is not my husband. L-am văzut pe Tom sărutând-o pe Mary. I saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw Tom kiss Mary. No me puedo creer que estés tratando de sobornarme. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. Il est capitaine de l'équipe de football. He is captain of the football team. He's captain of the football team. O livro caiu ao chão. The book fell to the floor. The book fell to the ground. Tom jamás podrá perdonar a Mary por haberlo engañado. Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. Tom can never forgive Mary for deceiving him. La maggior parte delle persone sono d'accordo. Most people agree. Most people agree. Aqueth ganivet que trenca plan. This knife cuts well. Athatth knife that breaks plan. Ha chiuso la finestra? Did you close the window? Did you close the window? Por favor. Please. Please. Quel est ta matière préférée ? What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite stuff? Yo no me quejo. I'm not complaining. I don't complain. Desideri dell'altra insalata? Would you like some more salad? Would you like another salad? Poma ab arboribus fructiferis decerpuntur. Malum est rotundum. Pyrum et ficus sunt oblonga. Fruits are picked from fruit-bearing trees. The apple is round. The pear and the fig are somewhat long. The apple by the fruit of the trees is fertilized. It is turned into malt. The Pyrus and fig are overlong. Mary ti catturerà. Mary will catch you. Mary will catch you. Ii paniculum fartum edunt. They are eating a sandwich. They eat enough bread. Sa famille émigra aux États-Unis d'Amérique. His family emigrated to the United States. Her family emigrated to the United States of America. Vivo a Osaka. I live in Osaka. I live in Osaka. Ho lavorato con un contratto annuale. I worked on a yearly contract. I worked on an annual contract. A fost incredibil de ireal. It was incredibly surreal. It was incredibly unreal. Non è la mia idea di divertimento, però come volete. That's not my idea of fun, but whatever floats your boat. It's not my idea of fun, but whatever you want. E schola eiicieris. You'll be expelled from school. It's school you'll leave. Penses-tu vraiment que Tom le fera ? Do you actually think Tom will do that? Do you really think Tom will? Io sono un po' stanco oggi. I'm a little tired today. I'm a little tired today. Ken melompat atas tembok. Ken leapt over the wall. Ken jumped over the wall. A última parte do filme estava interessante. The latter half of the film was interesting. The last part of the film was interesting. Te diré lo que puedo hacer. I'll tell you what I can do. I'll tell you what I can do. Te rog să mă însoțești. Please accompany me. Please come with me. Îmi place să cânt. I like singing. I like to sing. Tom era un avvocato. Tom was a lawyer. Tom was a lawyer. Posso beber um pouco de água? Can I have some water? Can I have some water? Se tu lo sentissi parlare francese, lo scambieresti per un francese. If you were to hear him speak French, you would take him for a Frenchman. If you heard him speak French, you'd trade him for a Frenchman. Tom va a estudiar francés el año que viene. Tom will study French next year. Tom's going to study French next year. C'est ma femme. She's my wife. She's my wife. Sois muito esquecidos, não é mesmo? You're quite forgetful, aren't you? You're very forgotten, aren't you? Il padre è buono. The father is good. Dad's good. Sami sta leggendo quel libro. Sami is reading that book. Sami's reading that book. Ascoltatela! Listen to her! Listen to her! Puteți fi atent, vă rog? Can you pay attention, please? Can you be careful, please? Novo Eboraco duabus abhinc hebdomadibus profectus sum. I left New York two weeks ago. I took a couple of weeks off next week. Do lado de fora, os carros ribombavam e trepidavam à medida que passavam. Outside, cars rumbled and rattled as they passed by. On the outside, the cars bloated and sloshed as they passed. Todo es negociable. Everything is negotiable. Everything is negotiable. On me pose beaucoup cette question. I get asked that question a lot. I have a lot to ask this question. Tom ne peux pas empêcher Mary de faire cela. Tom can't stop Mary from doing that. Tom can't stop Mary from doing this. Hazlo ahorita. Do it later. Do it now. Eu me dou bem com o meu irmão caçula. I get along with my younger brother. I'm good with my brother Kazula. "Onde está meu telefone?" "Está em cima da minha escrivaninha." "Where is my phone?" "It's on my desk." "Where's my phone?" "It's on top of my desk." Ça n'a pas de sens. This is pointless. That doesn't make any sense. No tengo hijos. I don't have sons. I have no children. Tom tiene una voz agradable, definitivamente. Tom certainly has a nice voice. Tom has a nice voice, definitely. Quiers bailar con yo? Would you like to dance with me? You want to dance with me? De qué hè ? What does she do? What is it? J'ai ouvert un œil. I opened one eye. I opened my eyes. Eu gostaria de poder voltar no tempo. I wish that I could turn back time. I wish I could come back in time. Thomas fuit unicus amicus Mariae. Tom was Mary's only friend. Thomas was the only friend of Mary. Come va-la? How are you? How's it going? Tenha um bom voo! Have a nice flight. Have a good flight! ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que enseñaste a conducir? When was the last time you taught driving? When was the last time you showed up driving? Nosotros, la gente de los Estados Unidos, a fin de formar una unión más perfecta, establecer la justicia, asegurar la seguridad doméstica, proveer defensa al común, promover el bienestar común, y asegurar las bendiciones de la libertad a nosotros mismos como a nuestra posteridad, se decrete y establezca esta constitución para los Estados Unidos de América. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic security, provide defence to the common, promote common welfare, and ensure the blessings of freedom to ourselves as to our posterity, decree and establish this constitution for the United States of America. Che mi ha insegnato la vita? What did life teach me? What did he teach me? Nimis tristis sum. I'm very sad. I'm not really sad. Estamos contando com vocês. We're counting on you. We're counting on you. Por fin, llegamos al lago. We finally got to the lake. Finally, we reached the lake. Perché non mi risponde più? Why doesn't he write me back anymore? Why don't you answer me again? Todavía no ha parado de llover, ¿verdad? The rain hasn't stopped yet, has it? It hasn't stopped raining yet, has it? Considero Tom un idiota. I consider Tom an idiot. I consider Tom an idiot. Tom hizo su parte. Tom did his part. Tom did his part. Minha terra amada, pérola do Mar do Oriente. My beloved land, pearl of the Orient Sea. My beloved land, pearl of the East Sea. Mă scuzaţi? Poftim? Sorry? Pardon? Excuse me? Saya diperiksa badan oleh petugas Bea dan Cukai di bandar udara. I was searched by the customs officers at the airport. As you can imagine, I was physically examined by an officer in the airport who was Bea and Cukai. Ce n'est pas le sien. It's not his. It's not hers. Vous ne pouvez pas rivaliser avec Tom. You can't compete with Tom. You can't compete with Tom. Tom volta na segunda-feira. Tom returns Monday. Tom's back on Monday. È andata a fare acquisti. She has gone shopping. She went shopping. ¡Mantenlo en secreto! Keep it secret! Keep it secret! Quis id pinxit? Who painted that? What did he paint? Para ser sincero, eu não notei. To tell the truth, I didn't notice it. To be honest, I didn't notice. Tom es un banquero de inversiones. Tom is an investment banker. Tom's an investment banker. La prenderò domani. I'll get it tomorrow. I'll take it tomorrow. Sarò di ritorno tra dieci minuti. I'll be back in ten minutes. I'll be back in ten minutes. ¿Por qué te quieres ir hoy? Why do you want to leave today? Why do you want to go today? Servus aquam portat. The slave carries the water. Water service brought in. Tom abrió la boca para decir algo pero Mary lo interrumpió. Tom opened his mouth to say something, but Mary interrupted him. Tom opened his mouth to say something but Mary interrupted him. Tom si presentò presto per la lezione. Tom showed up early for class. Tom showed up early for the lesson. C'est insuffisant. It's not enough. That's not enough. Tempus pretiosissimus est. Time is more precious than anything else. He is our most precious time. Et indicavit ei quod frater esset patris eius et filius Rebeccæ. And he told her that he was her father's brother, and the son of Rebecca: He told her that he was her father’s brother and son. Io non dimenticherò mai la Germania. I will never forget Germany. I will never forget Germany. Mereka pergi lebih awal. They left early. They're leaving early. Lapides non fluitant. Stones don't float. Non-floating stones. Has de complir amb la teva obligació peti qui peti. You've got to carry out your commitment at all costs. You must fulfill your demand obligation. Hoy hay más nubes que ayer. There are more clouds today than yesterday. There are more clouds today than yesterday. Dji ratind. I am pregnant. Waiting. « Merde, pourquoi je pète tellement ? » dit Mary. "Shit! Why am I farting so much?" said Mary. "Fuck, why do I lose so much?" said Mary. Apakah ini cinta? Is it love? Is this love? Dulu kami suka berkemah ketika aku masih kecil. We used to go camping when I was a kid. We used to love camping when I was a kid. A căzut cortina. The curtain fell. The curtain's down. Hi ha esperança. There is hope. There's hope. Avez-vous entendu l'orage la nuit dernière ? Did you hear the storm last night? Did you hear the storm last night? Canem sexque feles habet. He has a dog and six cats. She's canned and she's got sex. Tom puede hablar francés casi tan bien como puede hablar español. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Tom can speak French almost as well as he can speak Spanish. Républicains et Démocrates, Chrétiens, Athées, Musulmans et tous les autres cultes, Étasuniens et immigrants, chacun était uni dans la douleur de la dévastation du onze septembre. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other faiths, Americans and Immigrants, everyone was united in grief for the devastation of 9/11. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Athens, Muslims and all other cults, Americans and immigrants, each one was united in the pain of the 11th September devastation. Elle mange une poire. She's eating a pear. She eats a pear. Credo te novisse eam. I believe you know her. I think you told her to. Lorsque je me trouve avec toi, je suis heureuse. When I'm with you, I'm happy. When I'm with you, I'm happy. ¿Cantas veces teño que dicir que o sinto? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? ¿Ya ha terminado los deberes? Has he finished his homework yet? Have you finished your duties? Fames optimum condimentum. Hunger is the best sauce. Fame, excellent condiment. A venit ora somnului. It's time for bed. The time for sleep has come. ¿Cuál es el tipo de cambio hoy? What's the exchange rate today? What is the type of change today? Quello è troppo caro. That's too expensive. That's too expensive. Dorm prea mult și sunt mereu obosit. Even though I sleep too much, I'm always tired. I sleep too much and I'm always tired. Encontré mi sombrero en el coche de Tom. I found my hat in Tom's car. I found my hat in Tom's car. Per piacere, riempi il fronte. Please fill up the front. Please fill the front. Me siento más despierto después de tomar una taza de café. I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee. I feel more awake after having a cup of coffee. A propósito, de onde você é? By the way, where are you from? By the way, where are you from? Estos pájaros migran al norte de África en invierno. These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. These birds migrate north of Africa in winter. Thomas surgere conatus est, neque potuit. Tom tried to stand up, but he couldn't. Thomas did not manage to create a new project. Maria alterum filium habere vult. Mary wants to have another child. Maria's another son had a will. Tom nu ar fi trebuit să o facă. Tom shouldn't have done it. Tom shouldn't have done it. Nu îți băga nasul în treburile mele personale. Don't stick your nose into my personal affairs. Don't get your nose into my personal business. Avisame si llegás a necesitar algo. Let me know if you'll need anything. Let me know if you ever need anything. Eu me encontrei com um antigo aluno em Londres. I met an old student in London. I met an old student in London. Mwen ka bwè èvè on pay. I am drinking with a straw. I can drink Eve on pay. Vous êtes tous les deux jolis. You're both pretty. You're both beautiful. Está mojado. That's wet. It's wet. Punitus sum. I was punished. I'm Punitus. לוס סובﬞריביבﬞירימוס. We will outlive them. It's not like we're going to have to go to the hospital, but it's not going to be a good time. Foi perfeito. It was perfect. It was perfect. Reginam video. I see a queen. We're filming. La joven que trabaja en la panadería es linda. The young woman who works at the bakery is pretty. The young woman who works at the bakery is beautiful. Non dubito quin veniat. I'm sure he's coming. I don't doubt what's coming. Quand ce mystère sera-t-il éclairci ? When will that mystery be cleared up? When will this mystery be clarified? Sencillamente no quiero salir con Tom. I just don't want to go with Tom. I just don't want to go out with Tom. Merci de m'ajouter en tant qu'ami. Thanks for adding me as a friend. Thank you for adding me as a friend. Thomas multa praemia accepit. Tom has received many awards. Thomas got a lot of praemies. Tom chiar are idei bune. Tom has really good ideas. Tom really has good ideas. Ele tem algo para você. He has something for you. He's got something for you. Orang asing menepuk pundakku dari belakang. Saya yakin dia mengira saya kenalannya. A stranger tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He took me for some other person, I'm sure. I'm sure he thinks I know him. Lei è normale. You're normal. You're normal. Corrió tan rápidamente que se encontró sin aliento. He ran so fast that he was out of breath. He ran so fast he found himself without breath. Lorsque vous rencontrez une personne pour la première fois, soyez attentives à la distance à laquelle vous vous en tenez. When you meet someone for the first time, be careful about how close you stand to that person. When you meet a person for the first time, be careful at the distance you keep. Achegouse á estación. He approached the station. He approached the station. Lincoln murió en 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Si è ricordata di ringraziarla? Did you remember to thank her? Did you remember to thank her? Tom vai trabalhar em Boston no próximo mês? Will Tom work in Boston next month? Are you going to work in Boston next month? Eo tempore Romani et terras et mare regebant. At that time, the Romans ruled land and sea. At that time the Romans lived with their homeland and sea. Bostoniae peregrinus eram. I was a stranger in Boston. I was a pilgrim in Boston. Já reparaste na semelhança da pronúncia entre a língua portuguesa e a língua polaca? Have you noticed the similarity in pronunciation between the Polish and Portuguese languages? Have you noticed the similarity between Portuguese and Polish? Vocês estão certos. You guys are right. You're right. Ah, se empezaron a prender las luces de la calle. Oh, the streetlights have turned on. Ah, they started to light the street. Que dites-vous d'une promenade avec nous ? How about taking a walk with us? What about a walk with us? Dari tempat ini, kita dapat mendengar suara azan daripada beberapa masjid dan surau berdekatan. From here, we can hear the calls to prayer from several mosques and suraus in the area. From there, we listen to human voice from some of the mosques and even from some nearby areas. Je veux parler à ton gérant. I want to talk to your manager. I want to talk to your manager. Kamu harus pergi. You have to go. You have to go. C'est une arnaque nigériane classique. It's a classic Nigerian 419 scam. It's a classic Nigerian hangover. Thomas crematus est. Tom was cremated. Thomas is burnt. Vista-se, por favor. Please get dressed. Get dressed, please. Voi siete veramente fastidiose. You're really annoying. You guys are really annoying. Io sogno di andare a vivere in Lituania. I dream of going to Lithuania and living there. I dream of going to live in Lithuania. Thomas vult rem esse inopinatam. Tom wants it to be a surprise. Thomas wants the matter to be ignored. Ma mère se lève tôt chaque matin. My mother gets up early every morning. My mother wakes up early every morning. Aceasta este o poveste absurdă. That is a preposterous story. This is an absurd story. In ogni caso devo finire il lavoro per domani. In any case, I must finish this work by tomorrow. Anyway, I have to finish my job by tomorrow. Il faut que je perde cinq livres. I need to lose five pounds. I need to lose five pounds. Onde fica o hospital? Where's the hospital? Where's the hospital? Il mio nome è James, però chiamami Jim, per favore. My name is James, but please call me Jim. My name is James, but call me Jim, please. Il voyage souvent dans des pays étrangers. He often travels to foreign countries. He often travels to foreign countries. Bunga-bunga ini sudah mati. These flowers have died. These flowers are dead. Je veux rêver. I want to dream. I want to dream. Se vén, dille que agarde por min. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. Sembra divertito. He seems amused. Sounds like fun. Aku suka terung. I love aubergine. I like diving. Estne calamus an plumbum? Is this a pen or a pencil? Is it lead? No sé qué creer. I don't know what to believe. I don't know what to believe. Comme les espoirs augmentent que le dollar s'affaiblisse, la réaction du marché des changes aux indicateurs économiques étasuniens a été relativement modérée. As expectation increases that the dollar will weaken, the foreign exchange market's reaction to US economic indicators has been fairly muted. As hopes increase the weakening of the dollar, the exchange market response to American economic indicators has been relatively moderate. Dovremmo cominciare a cercare i regali di Natale per i bambini. We should start getting Christmas gifts for the children. We should start looking for Christmas gifts for the kids. Garde l'œil sur elle. Keep your eye on her. Keep an eye on her. Parla lentamente. Speak slowly! Speak slowly. Eum novi. I know him. It's new. Farebbe meglio ad andare ad aiutarli. You'd better go help them. You'd better go help them. Matilah. Die. Die. ¿Gústanlle as laranxas? Does he like oranges? Do you like oranges? Tom aida. Tom helped. Tom helped. Solis dies est. Today is Sunday. It's only days away. Est-ce qu'il y a une autre solution ? Is there another solution? Is there any other solution? Peiora exspectavi. I expected worse. I'm looking forward to it. Para detectar drogas o explosivos ocultos, no hay tecnología que iguale a la nariz de un can. For detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose. To detect drugs or hidden explosives, there is no technology equal to a dog's nose. Uma pessoa começou a correr atrás de mim. Someone started running behind me. Someone started running after me. Didymus et Maria duas feles habent. Tom and Mary have two cats. Didymus and Mary have two veins. Ho dormito meglio di ieri notte. I slept better than I did last night. I slept better than last night. Noli sollicitari! Never mind! I won't ask you! Bagaimana menurutmu? What do you think? What do you think? Hai avuto questo da loro? Did you get this from them? Did you get this from them? O Tom está fumando um cigarro. Tom is smoking a cigarette. Tom's smoking a cigarette. J'en ai assez vu. I have seen enough. I've seen enough. Vidi il video. I saw the video. See the video. Por que o Tom está vestido? What's Tom all dressed up for? Why is Tom dressed? Canem vidi. I saw a dog. Canem saw. Pouvez-vous me fournir tout ce dont j'ai besoin ? Can you supply me with all I need? Can you give me everything I need? No hace falta decir que Tom está enamorado de Kathy. It goes without saying that Tom is in love with Kathy. There's no need to say Tom's in love with Kathy. Ce mot a trois syllabes. This word has three syllables. This word has three syllables. Voglio mangiare qualcosa. I want to eat something. I want something to eat. Nesciebam te saltare posse. I didn't know you could dance. I didn't know you were in possession. Canem non habeo. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. Tom está indo para uma escola em Boston. Tom is going to school in Boston. Tom's going to a school in Boston. Miré en el armario. I looked in the cupboard. I looked in the closet. Você acabou de responder a sua própria perguntar. You've just answered your own question. You just answered your own question. Dokter, nama saya Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. Io amo indossare abbigliamento sportivo. I love to wear sport clothes. I love wearing sports clothes. Ivus uvam vidit. Ivo saw the grape. He saw that grape. O Tom me encontrará. Tom will find me. Tom will find me. Fale conosco. Talk to us. Talk to me. Avunculus eius dives videtur. His uncle appeared rich. His uncle seems rich. Ninge! It's snowing. Snow! Ke mana mereka pergi? Where did they go? Where did they go? Io e lui piangemmo. He and I cried. He and I were crying. Todos concordam contigo. Everybody agrees with you. Everybody agrees with you. ¡Te enseñaré una lección! I'll teach you a lesson! I'll teach you a lesson! Sóc Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Lo Tòm que sap tutar la tusta mei plan que jo qu'ac podèvi a la soa edat. Tom can already play the drums better than I could at his age. The Tom who knows how to take care of my own plan so that I could do it at his own age. Loro hanno fatto qualcosa per lei? Did they do something to her? Did they do anything for you? Hay comida en el escritorio. There is food on the desk. There's food on the desk. Puoi usufruire del mio aiuto. You can use my help. You can take advantage of my help. Se hizo esas heridas por tocar demasiado la guitarra. He got those wounds because he played too much guitar. Those wounds were made for playing the guitar too much. Domus eius prope mare est. Her house is near the sea. His house is near the sea. Noi abbiamo fatto il possibile per Tom. We've done what we can for Tom. We did our best for Tom. Quot mala? How many apples are there? What's wrong? Plus dure sera la chute. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. The harder it will be to fall. Kamu tidak belajar berjalan dengan mengikuti peraturan. Kamu belajar dengan melakukan dan kejatuhan. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. You don't learn to walk by rules, you learn by doing and falling. Tony parle bien l'anglais. Tony speaks English well. Tony speaks English very well. Anda bisa bahasa Inggris? You know English? You speak English? Marcos es geólogo. Marcos is a geologist. Marcos is a geologist. El discurso del político fue ofensivo. The politician's speech was offensive. The politician's speech was offensive. Io non sono infelice. I'm not unhappy. I'm not unhappy. Respeita a polícia, vagabunda! Respect the police, bum! Respect the police, you vagrant! Io giocherò con voi. I'll play with you. I'll play with you. Voi fi foarte deschis cu tine. I'm going to be very honest with you. I'll be very open with you. Son idée a été mise en avant lors de la réunion. His idea got a boost at the meeting. His idea was put forward at the meeting. Há pessoas que não gostam de ir para a cama cedo. There are people who don't like to go to bed early. There are people who don't like to go to bed early. Vorrei avere una voce come quella di Tom. I wish I had a voice like Tom's. I'd like to have a voice like Tom's. Quid tibi faciendum est? What do you have to do? What is your name? Si fuera joven iría al extranjero. If I were young, I would go abroad. If I was young, I'd go abroad. Acho que já tenha decisão. I guess it's decided. I think I've made up my mind. Eu não tive muita escolha. I didn't have much choice. I didn't have much choice. C'est un plaisir que de finalement vous rencontrer. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Tom vuole che parliamo. Tom wants us to talk. Tom wants us to talk. Elle essaya de cacher ses larmes. She tried to hide her tears. She's trying to hide her tears. A fonsion-a nèn bin përchè le pile a son ëscàriche. It's not working well because the batteries are weak. The foundation has nothing to do with the stack. De que passó's anueit ? What happened last night? What happened to them? Le chien est sous la table. The dog is under the table. The dog's under the table. Bisakah kau kecilkan volume radionya? Could you turn down the radio? Can you turn the radio down? Il me faut quelqu'un à qui je puisse parler. I need somebody to talk to. I need someone I can talk to. Alzai lo sguardo. I looked up. I looked up. Unu, dos, tres, kwater, sinku, seis, shete, ocho, nuebe, dies. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, Kuwait, five, six, seven, eight, nine, days. Io lo so com'era Tom. I know how Tom used to be. I know what Tom was like. Esta casa tiene seis habitaciones. This house has six rooms. This house has six rooms. Você se lembra do que o Tom disse? Do you remember what Tom said? Do you remember what Tom said? Postquam cuncta videt cœlo constare sereno, / dat clarum e puppi signum; nos castra movemus, / tentamusque viam et velorum pandimus alas. Far away / he sees the firmament all calm and clear, / and from the stern gives signal. We obey, / and shifting camp, set sail and tempt the doubtful way. When all sees the noise,_BAR_gives the light,_BAR_gives the sign;_BAR_we move our camp,_BAR_and try the way and_BAR_the wings. Paene cotidie pediludio ludo. I play football almost every day. Almost daily playful pedillus. Eu ajudei o Tom a escapar da prisão. I helped Tom escape from jail. I helped Tom escape from prison. Cães nadam. Dogs can swim. Dogs swim. Este és un cavall. This is a horse. This is a horse. A lei piace cacciare, vero? She likes to hunt, doesn't she? You like hunting, don't you? Ela provavelmente virá. She is likely to come. She'll probably come. Non la userò. I'm not going to use it. I won't use it. O Tom entrou levando as compras. Tom came in carrying groceries. Tom came in taking the shopping. Romae tres dies mansura sum. I'll remain in Rome for three days. I'm in Rome for three days. Tom tem uma filha adulta. Tom has a grown daughter. Tom has an adult daughter. ¿Miraste el debate presidencial? Did you watch the presidential debate? You messed with the presidential debate? Il est tard. It's late. It's late. A pipoca é muito barata quando comparada a outros petiscos. Também é geralmente mais saudável. Popcorn is very inexpensive when compared to many other snack foods. It's also usually healthier. Peanut is very cheap when compared to other snacks. It is also usually healthier. Juste une seconde. Laissez-moi finir. Just a second. Let me finish. Just a second, let me finish. Tom fa un bagno almeno tre volte a settimana. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. A esta hora viene él siempre. This is the time he normally arrives. At this hour he always comes. Eu discordo de você, Tom. I disagree with you, Tom. I disagree with you, Tom. Tu as l'air fort ravi. You look very delighted. You look so happy. As bananas são uma boa fonte de potássio. Bananas are a good source of potassium. Bananas are a good source of potassium. América fue descubierta por Colón en 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. No puedo hacer mi cama. ¡No tengo tiempo para eso! I cannot make my bed. I don't have time for that! I can't make my bed. I don't have time for that! Écrivez chaque mot ! Write down each word. Write every word! Te pido disculpas por no haberte escrito antes. I apologize for not writing to you before. I apologize for not writing to you before. Je suis distrait. I'm forgetful. I'm distracted. Tom necesita una transfusión de sangre. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Tom needs a blood transfusion. Andrà a casa con il naso rotto! You'll go home with a broken nose! He's going home with his broken nose! Eso fue hace años. That was years ago. That was years ago. Ela é três anos mais velha que eu. She's three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. Esse é teu nome verdadeiro? Is that your real name? Is that your real name? Você acha que eu sou bobo? Do you think I'm silly? You think I'm stupid? Quam lenti estis! How slow you are! How slow you are! È solo un bebè. It's just a baby. He's just a baby. Perché non è andato in Germania? Why didn't you go to Germany? Why didn't you go to Germany? Era consciente de eso. I was aware of that fact. He was aware of that. Tom privi în jur. Tom looked around. Tom looked around. Eu nem sequer tenho namorado. I don't even have a boyfriend. I don't even have a boyfriend. Didymus valde tristis est. Tom is very sad. She is very sad. C'est un poison mortel ! It's a deadly poison! It's a deadly poison! Înțelepciunea nu vine în mod automat cu vârsta. Wisdom does not automatically come with age. Wisdom does not come automatically with age. Loro sono pronti per lei. They're ready for you. They're ready for you. Se si pulissero le porte della percezione, ogni cosa apparirebbe all'uomo come essa veramente è, infinita. If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. If the doors of perception were cleaned, everything would appear to man as it really is, infinite. Vereor ne erres. I'm afraid you're mistaken. You're wrong. Num socolata tibi placet? You don't like chocolate, do you? Does she like a chocolate? Il presidente venne forzato a ritornare a Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. The president was forced to return to Washington. Tom quer se casar. Tom wants to get married. Tom wants to get married. Io avrei dovuto cambiare l'olio. I should've changed the oil. I should have changed the oil. mengapa kamu menangis ? Why do you cry? Why are you crying? Intenta ser fuerte. Try to be strong. Try to be strong. È un giocatore d'azzardo compulsivo. He is a compulsive gambler. He's a compulsive gambler. Além do nariz congestionado, também sofro de febre. In addition to a blocked nose, I'm also suffering from a high temperature. Besides the congested nose, I also suffer from fever. Je n'en suis pas certain. I am not certain about that. I'm not sure. Brazilia a pierdut un politician important. Brazil lost a major politician. Brazil has lost an important politician. Je pense que nous descendrons à la prochaine station. I think we'll get off at the next station. I think we're going down to the next station. Este camino no es muy seguro. This road isn't very safe. This road is not very safe. Apa kau punya kopi? Do you have any coffee? Do you have any coffee? Não está lá. It's not there. It's not there. Lei ha provato a nuotare. She tried to swim. She tried to swim. Nu e niciodată prea târziu pentru a învăța. It is never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Îți înțeleg reticența. I can understand your reluctance. I understand your reluctance. O que é que Tom tem que fazer com isso? What does Tom have to do with this? What does Tom have to do with it? Aku masih belum menerima kabar darinya. I still haven't heard from him. I haven't heard from him yet. Todos interpretaron la presencia de aquel búho como una premonición ominosa. They all interpreted the presence of that owl as an ominous premonition. They all interpreted the presence of that bull as an ominous premonition. Știu că ești bogat. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Thomas puer bonus erat. Tom was a good boy. Thomas was a good boy. Eles não vão te dar nada. They won't give you anything. They're not gonna give you anything. Je veux lui dédier cette chanson. I want to dedicate this song to him. I want to dedicate this song to him. È tutto quello che dovete sapere. That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know. Tom disse que está com uma gripe leve. Tom said he had a slight cold. Tom said he's with a mild flu. "Ergo agite et divum ducunt qua jussa sequamur; / placemus ventos et Gnosia regna petamus. / Nec longo distant cursu; modo Jupiter adsit, / tertia lux classem Cretæis sistet in oris." "Come then and seek we, as the gods command, / the Gnosian kingdoms, and the winds entreat. / Short is the way, nor distant lies the land. / If Jove be present and assist our fleet, / the third day lands us on the shores of Crete." "Now move and lead which suits us; / we please the winds and Gnosia we like. / We don't have long distance course; Jupiter mode stands up, / third light class stands up in the air." ¡Para de criticarme! Stop criticizing me! Stop criticizing me! Nu te aștepta ca ceilalți să gândească pentru tine! Don't expect others to think for you! Don't expect the others to think for you! paucōs tantum librōs habeō. I only have a few books. few librōs only have one. Je suis sûr que Tom ne sait pas nager. I'm sure Tom can't swim. I'm sure Tom can't swim. Homo debet esse integer. A man must be honest. So must be an integer. Je me le rappelle, maintenant. I remember it now. I remember that now. E semine procrescis planta, planta abit in fruticem. Frutex in arborem. Arborem sustentat radix. A shoot grows from a seed. A shoot transforms to a sapling, a sapling to a tree. The root sustains the tree. And seed progrecis plant, plant habit in fruitiem. Fruitex in tree. Tree sustains root. Thomas mihi solvit. Tom paid me. Thomas released me. Creo que Tom no se ha ido todavía. I think Tom still hasn't left. I don't think Tom's gone yet. Ès un bon cosinèr. You are a good cook. You're a good cousin. La civilisation est aujourd'hui menacée par une guerre nucléaire. Civilization is now threatened by nuclear war. Civilization today is threatened by a nuclear war. Você pode me ajudar, por favor? Can you help me, please? Can you help me, please? Yo lo aprendí de ti. I learned it from you. I learned it from you. Vi siete rifiutate di pagare. You refused to pay. You refused to pay. Tom está sendo entrevistado na televisão. Tom is being interviewed on TV. Tom's being interviewed on TV. J'étais rassuré d'entendre qu'il était en sécurité. I was relieved to hear that he was safe. I was reassured to hear he was safe. Me fas falta! I miss you! You need me! Kamu sebaiknya pulang ke rumah. You should get back home. You better go home. El é un bo atleta. He is a good athlete. He's a good athlete. Puto eum probum esse. It seems to me that he is honest. I think he wants to prove himself. Dominus Catus nos linguam Anglicam docet. Mr. Kato teaches us English. Do you like to use English as a common language? Aku harap kalian berdua bahagia. I hope you two are very happy together. I hope you two are happy. Kalau ngana mu pigi negara laeng tu ngana musti ada paspor. You need a passport to enter a foreign country. If your teeth are fed by the state of the mustache, there's a passport. Tudo o que sei sobre o Tom é que ele é professor. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. Siete soddisfatti. You're satisfied. You're satisfied. As-tu tué Tom ? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? Ha habido muchos genocidios en la historia, pero el más famoso (o infame) es aquél perpetrado por los Nazis. There have been many genocides in history, but the most famous (or infamous) is that perpetrated by the Nazis. There have been many genocides in history, but the most famous (or infamous) is the one perpetrated by the Nazis. Nessuno poteva lavorare. No one could work. Nobody could work. Anhelo recibir una contestación favorable por su parte. I am looking forward to receiving your favorable answer. I look forward to receiving a favourable answer for you. Unde ți-ai găsit cheia? Where did you find your key? Where did you find your key? Il a fait des études de décorateur. He studied interior design. He's been studying as a decorator. ¿Te importa que encienda la radio? May I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? Io la vedrò di nuovo venerdì prossimo. I will be seeing her again next Friday. I'll see you again next Friday. Tunggu! Wait! Wait! Il est temps que vous arrêtiez vos enfantillages. It is time you left off your childish ways. It's time for you to stop your childhood. Tom tinha várias fotos da Mary que o John havia lhe dado. Tom had several photos of Mary that John had given him. Tom had several pictures of Mary that John had given him. Qui êtes-vous pour juger ? Who are you to judge? Who are you to judge? Suhu dia biasa sahaja His temperature is normal. The temperature was only normal Sinuciderea este un act de disperare. Suicide is an act of desperation. Suicide is an act of despair. ¿Compraste un billete de ida y vuelta? Did you buy a round trip ticket? Did you buy a round-trip ticket? Puis-je emprunter votre crayon ? Could I borrow your eyeliner? Can I borrow your pencil? Ai vrea ca noi să aducem ceva la cină? Would you like us to bring anything to the dinner? Would you like us to bring something to dinner? ¿Para qué se usa esto? What is this thing used for? What is this used for? Il semble que le monde soit un endroit d'une complexité infinie. The world is a place of seemingly infinite complexity. It seems that the world is a place of infinite complexity. Ini bukan lelucon. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. C’est l’opinion d’un dilettante. That's the opinion of a dilettante. It is the opinion of an amateur. Clausi erant. They were closed. They were clauses. El imprumuta masina de la vecinul lui. He borrows the car from his neighbor. He borrowed the car from his neighbor. Calceis novis egent. They need new shoes. Hot new shoes. Hunc librum emit. He bought this book. Hunc the book issued. Non fate rumore mentre mangiate la minestra. Don't make noise while eating soup. Don't make any noise while you eat the soup. Qual è il nome della signora che deve rimanere senza nome? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What is the lady's name that must remain nameless? En nombre de la luna, ¡te castigaremos! In the name of the moon, we'll punish you! On behalf of the moon, we will punish you! Je me demande qui est venu. I wonder who has come. I wonder who came. Buena suerte! Good luck! Good luck! Maukah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana cara pergi ke Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to go to Shinjuku? Todo ciudadano debería ayudarles. Every citizen ought to help them. Every citizen should help them. Que't caleré n'i anar pas. You'd better not go. I'll keep you warm and not go. Celerrime currit Didymus. Tom runs very fast. Didymus celebratory celebratory. ¿Cómo puedes soportar el ruido? Can you put up with the noise? How can you bear the noise? Io sono una persona piuttosto felice. I'm a pretty happy person. I'm a pretty happy person. Berapa ongkos busnya? How much is the bus fare? How much is the bus fare? Ho abitato qui per dieci anni. I have lived here for ten years. I've lived here for ten years. No pierdas el sueño por eso. Don't lose sleep over that. Don't lose your sleep for that. Tom mencintai Mary yang tidak mencintainya sama sekali. Tom loved Mary, who didn't love him at all. Tom loved Mary who didn't love her at all. Saccum scorteum mihi dedit. She gave me a bag made of leather. He gave me Scotsburgh. Thomas dixit Mariam fugisse priusquam advenisset. Tom said that Mary had run away before he arrived. Thomas said that he had fled before he came. Nemo eventum tale possibile esse credebat. No one believed such a thing could happen. No such possible event believed. Parece-me que você tem apendicite. It seems to me you have appendicitis. It seems to me you have appendicitis. Non sarà là? Aren't you going to be there? Won't he be there? Me sentí un poco mal por Tom. I felt kind of sorry for Tom. I felt a little bad for Tom. Je suis affolée. I'm frantic. I'm overwhelmed. Aplaudă! Clap! Give it a hand! Ini adalah kamera terbaik di toko tersebut. This is the best camera in the store. This is the best camera in the store. Plus quam felices erant. They were more than happy. They were more than happy. Él no es el tipo de persona que robaría. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person I'd steal. Ya estoy buscando mis anteojos nuevamente. I am already searching for my glasses again. I'm already looking for my eyebrows again. Casa păsărilor este în pădure, casa peștilor este în râu, casa albinelor este în flori, iar casa copiilor mici este în China. Ne iubim patria decând suntem mici, precum păsarile iubesc pădurea, peștii iubesc râul si albinele iubesc florile. The birds' home is in the forest, the fish's home is in the river, the bees' home is in the flowers, and the little children's is in China. We love our motherland from the time we're little, as the birds love the forest, the fish love the river, and the bees love the flowers. The house of birds is in the forest, the house of fish is in the river, the house of bees is in the flowers, and the house of young children is in China. We love the country since we are little, as birds love the forest, fish love the river and bees love the flowers. Il burqa è una scelta. The burqa is a choice. The burqa is a choice. Cape hunc librum. Take this book. Take this book. É possível aprender mesmo em uma idade avançada. One can even learn at an old age. It is possible to learn even at an advanced age. Belle femme, n'est-ce pas ? Beautiful woman, isn't she? Beautiful woman, isn't it? Je les rencontrai. I met them. I'll meet them. Lac bibe. Drink your milk. Drinking lake. Sami saiu do estacionamento subterrâneo. Sami exited the underground parking lot. Sami left the underground parking lot. Tienes que volver. You have to go back. You have to go back. Tom menjelaskannya padaku. Tom explained it to me. Tom explained it to me. Você não sabe o que eu ia fazer. You don't know what I was going to do. You don't know what I was gonna do. Saya tidak tahu harus berbicara apa. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to talk about. Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam. It is better to receive an injury than to cause one. I need you to do this wrong. Elephans a venatore interfectus est. The elephant was killed by the hunter. Elephans a venatore interfectus est. Come sa di loro? How do you know about them? How do you know about them? Bahasa Thai merupakan bahasa negara Thailand. Thai is the language of Thailand. Thai is the Thai language. Non ci crederà. He won't believe it. He won't believe it. E cineva acolo? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Tom fait quelque chose de stupide. Tom is doing something stupid. Tom's doing something stupid. Nous avons discuté du problème depuis longtemps déjà. We discussed the problem for a long time. We've been discussing the problem for a long time. Tom deveria ter vencido a corrida. Tom should've won the race. Tom should have won the race. Ta vie privée est-elle importante pour toi ? Do you care about your privacy? Is your privacy important to you? Aqua valde necesse est. Water is much needed. I need a lot of water. Esse é o problema? Is that the problem? Is that the problem? Eu não sou muito bom na natação. I'm not very good at swimming. I'm not very good at swimming. Diga ao Tom que estou com fome. Tell Tom that I'm hungry. Tell Tom I'm hungry. Je me demande ce qu'il adviendra de l'enfant. I wonder what ever will become of the child. I wonder what will happen to the child. J'arrose les fleurs. I water the flowers. I'm spraying the flowers. Sed ego scio quod non dimittet vos rex Aegypti, ut eatis, nisi per manum validam. But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go, but by a mighty hand. But I know that the king of Egypt won't let you go, no, not by a mighty hand. Então, David, qual é o seu trabalho? So David, what is your job? So, David, what's your job? Pardonne ma paresse. Forgive my laziness. Forgive my lazyness. Non voglio comprare altro. I don't want to buy anything else. I don't want to buy anything else. Potete prendere appunti per telefono? Can you take notes over the phone? Can you take notes by phone? Il a fait du bon boulot. He did a good job. He did a good job. Tom está empolgado com as possibilidades. Tom is excited about the possibilities. Tom's excited about the possibilities. Tu travailles dur. You're working hard. You're working hard. Aquí no puedes hacer eso. You can't do that here. You can't do that here. Que óculos de sol são rosa? What sunglasses are pink? What sunglasses are pink? Vult Samuel audire de illa re. Sami wants to hear about that. I want Samuel to hear from that re. Jangan sungkan untuk meminta saran. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Língua e cultura não podem ser separadas. Language and culture can't be separated. Language and culture cannot be separated. Tom precisa de algo. Tom needed something. Tom needs something. Fa sis anys que vaig començar a aprendre anglès. I started learning English six years ago. For six years I started to learn English. Thomas erat in silvis. Tom was in the woods. Thomas was in the woods. Dia telah mengeluarkan iklan satu halaman penuh di surat khabar merayu bantuan untuk mencari anak perempuannya yang telah diculik. She took out a full-page ad in the newspaper pleading for help in finding her kidnapped daughter. She placed a full page on the newspaper as she ran errands for her kidnapped daughter. Tom fuma três maços de cigarro por dia. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Tom smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. Chromosomata in cellulis nostris totam materiam geneticam continent. The chromosomes in our cells contain the whole of our genetic material. Chromosome in our cellulists all genetic matter continent. Su respuesta no fue favorable. His answer was not favorable. His answer was not favorable. Non avevo tempo di fare quello che doveva essere fatto. I didn't have time to do what needed to be done. I didn't have time to do what was supposed to be done. On dirait que nous allons avoir un Noël blanc cette année. It looks like we're going to have a white Christmas this year. Looks like we're gonna have a white Christmas this year. J'aime ma vieille théière en laiton. I like my old brass tea pot. I like my old brass teapot. Wajahnya memerah. Her face became pink. His face is red. Locuiesc în oraș. I live in the city. I live in town. Visite-nos, por favor! Visit us please! Please visit us! Pero yo tuve otra ventaja en eso. But I had another advantage in it. But I had another advantage in that. Quo pacto res se tibi habent? How are things going with you? What covenant do you have that they have for you? Est-ce moi que tu désignes ? Are you pointing at me? Do you mean me? Veuillez déposer ce paquet chez Jones lorsque vous irez au travail s'il vous plait. Please drop off this package at the Jones' when you go to work. Please place this package at Jones when you go to work, please. Potrebbe non esserci alcuna soluzione a questo problema. There may be no solution to this problem. There may be no solution to this problem. Nous sommes assez pressés. We're in kind of a hurry. We're kind of in a hurry. Mark no tardará mucho en recuperarse. It won't be long before Mike gets well. Mark won't be long to recover. Maria maesta matrem suam sepelivit. Mary sorrowfully buried her mother. She buried her mother, Mary. Minuman ini sangat enak. This drink is very delicious. This drink is really good. Tom tidak yakin kau akan suka dengan ide itu. Tom didn't think you would like the idea. Tom wasn't sure you'd like that idea. Mennad es profesor. Mennad is a coach. Mennad is a professor. "Como se chama a sua esposa?" "Não sou casado." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." "What's your wife's name?" "I'm not married." Tom estava vestindo um suéter azul. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Tom was wearing a blue sweater. Iskandar ialah kawan baik saya. Iskandar is my best friend. But I have kept my promise to Jehovah, and I am happy that he will listen to me. Et locupletatus est homo et ibat proficiens atque succrescens, donec magnus vehementer effectus est. And the man was enriched, and he went on prospering and increasing, till he became exceeding great. And the man grew great, and grew more and more until he became very great. Prends un peu de sommeil. Get some sleep. Get some sleep. Lei è quello che causa tutti i problemi. You're the one causing all the trouble. You're the one who causes all the problems. Huc veni ut id facerem. I came here to do that. So I came to do that. Todavía no he encontrado mis llaves. I haven't found my keys yet. I haven't found my keys yet. Nell'ultima pagina, Mary scrisse: "La nave sta affondando." On the last page, Mary wrote: "The ship is sinking." On the last page, Mary wrote, "The ship is sinking." Ellas son mis hermanas. They are my sisters. They're my sisters. Hoc glossarium est tam utile quam tuum. This dictionary is as useful as yours. This glossary is as good as you. Cuesta un rato hacer galletas. Making cookies takes time. It takes a while to make cookies. Eu gosto desse. I like that one. I like that one. Necesitas desayunar. You need to have breakfast. You need breakfast. Há mais de 70 milhões de vídeos de Minecraft no YouTube. There are more than 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. There are over 70 million Minecraft videos on YouTube. Trist! Sad! Sad! Nous n'avons pas eu à faire face à cela auparavant. We haven't had to deal with this before. We have not had to deal with this before. Il vous faut choisir votre propre destin. You have to choose your own destiny. You must choose your own destiny. Tom dibunuh Mary. Tom was murdered by Mary. Tom killed Mary. Știi unde este Tom? Do you know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Voi bevete troppo caffè. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Não conheço essa música. I don't know that song. I don't know that song. Stà bòun. Stay calm. Stà boun. Jalur Tokaido berhenti di Tokyo The Tokaido line terminates at Tokyo. Tokaido Road stops in Tokyo Huele esto. Smell this. Smell this. Estne id normativum? Is this OK? Is that a normative id? Eu sei que você está se esforçando muito. I know you are struggling. I know you're trying hard. La giovane coppia andò a Kyoto per divertimento. The young couple went to Kyoto for fun. The young couple went to Kyoto for fun. Non credo Didymum te amare. I don't think Tom likes you. I don't think Didymum will love you. Fue imperdonable. It was unpardonable. It was unforgivable. J'ai un commentaire. I have a comment. I have a comment. Arrêtez de vous conduire en bébé ! Stop acting like a baby. Stop driving you to a baby! Tom tinggal di seberang sungai. Tom lives across the river. Tom lives across the river. Sincer, nimeni nu iese în evidență. Frankly, no one really stands out. Honestly, no one's getting out. Tom prontamente concordou em fazer o que pedimos. Tom readily agreed to do what we asked. Tom readily agreed to do what we asked. Ustedes son de Columbia. You are from Columbia. You're from Columbia. Tom descendit le seau dans le puits. Tom lowered the bucket into the well. Tom went down the bucket into the well. No suelo ganar. I don't win very often. I don't usually win. Cuando les vi se lo dije, y a él también se lo comenté. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. When I saw them, I told them, and I also told him. Discipuli lycei sunt. They are high school students. Lycian disciples are. Ini alamat e-mail saya. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Io credo ancora che Internet non sia un posto per bambini. I still believe the Internet is not a place for children. I still believe that the Internet is not a place for children. Le envié una tarjeta virtual a un amigo que cumple años hoy. I sent an e-card for a friend whose birthday is today. I sent a virtual card to a friend who celebrates years today. Finivistine? Have you finished? Finivistine? Quo raedam conducere possum? Where can I rent a car? What raeddam can I drive? ¿Qué es el regalo de Navidad que le vamos a dar? What is the Christmas gift we are giving to her? What is the Christmas gift we're giving you? Perché non l'avete detto a qualcuno? Why didn't you tell someone? Why didn't you tell anyone? Tandis que je glissais sur le trottoir mouillé, ma tête a rebondi sur l'arête. As I slid across the wet pavement, my head ricocheted off the curb. As I slipped on the wet sidewalk, my head bounced up the cliff. Ustedes tienen dos opciones: San Pablo y Río de Janeiro. You have two options: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. You have two options: San Pablo and Rio de Janeiro. ¿Por eso no ayudarás a Tom? Is that why you won't help Tom? That's why you're not gonna help Tom? Nu numai că ne era foame, dar sufeream şi de sete. Not only were we hungry, but we were also suffering from thirst. Not only were we hungry, but we were also thirsty. Se venden recuerdos. Souvenirs are sold or are for sale. You sell memories. Eu os vi. I saw them. I saw them. Mulțumesc foarte mult! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! C'est stupide. That's stupid. That's stupid. Sus amigos le quieren. She's loved by her friends. Your friends love you. Quelle suggestion stupide ! What a foolish suggestion! What a stupid suggestion! Ieri Tom a stat toată ziua acasă. Yesterday Tom stayed home all day. Tom stayed home all day yesterday. Urbs Sanctorum magnum portum habet. The city of Santos has a large port. The Urbs of the Holy Harbor has a large harbor. Por que as senhoras ainda estão acordadas? Why are you still awake? Why are the ladies still awake? Cette entreprise espionnait ses employés. This company has been spying on its employees. This company was spying on its employees. Tom non è ordinato. Tom isn't neat. Tom's not ordered. Noi non la prenderemo. We won't take it. We won't take it. Dia menjumputnya untuk bermain bola sepak dengan kami. He invited him to play football with us. He invited her to play soccer with us. Eu disse que o ajudaria. I said I would help you. I said I'd help you. ¿Quieres esto? You want this? You want this? De qué vòus estar ? What do you want to be? What are you going to be? Mereka suka perempuan. They like girls. They like women. Kedua orang tuanya baik-baik saja. Both of his parents are well. Both parents are fine. Soy japonesa. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. Tom meminta Mary untuk tidak pergi. Tom begged Mary not to leave. Tom asked Mary not to go. Está chovendo forte esta noite. It's raining hard tonight. It's raining hard tonight. Magister eos laudavit. Their teacher praised them. Master them he praised. Muka tom pucat Tom's face was pale. Tom face pale Certaines personnes pensent que c'est une mauvaise idée. Some people think it's a bad idea. Some people think it's a bad idea. Homines credebant Solem circum Terram volvi. People used to think the Sun spins around the Earth. Men believed Solem around Earth I returned. Quan tindràs vacances? When will you have holidays? When will you have a vacation? ¡Quiero un MP3! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3! Je n'y parviens pas. I can't do it. I can't do it. Esse é o que quero. It's what I want. That's what I want. A que horas termina a sua aula? What time does your class end? What time does your class end? I ka di tout moun papa a i sé on avyatè. He tells everyone his dad is an aviator. And the whole person with the father is on a plane. Bagaimana caramu membuat kopi? How do you make coffee? How do you make coffee? Opiniile lui sunt importante. His opinions carry weight. His opinions are important. Tom cree que su país es el mejor del mundo. Tom thinks his country is the greatest country in the world. Tom thinks his country is the best in the world. Didymus capitis damnatus est. Tom was sentenced to death. He's named Didymus. He's been condemned. Mi ricorderò sempre di te. I'll remember you forever. I'll always remember you. Você sabe o que é passar realmente fome? Do you know what it is like to be really hungry? Do you know what it's like to get really hungry? Ceasul meu o ia înainte cu cinci secunde pe zi. My watch gains five seconds a day. My watch takes it forward five seconds a day. Ojalá hubiera escuchado tu consejo. I wish I had listened to your advice. I wish I'd listened to your advice. Eu torci o tornozelo. I twisted my ankle. I coughed my ankle. Você pode me ajudar levar isso, por favor? Can you help me take this please? Can you help me take that, please? De cap a on anàvan ? Which direction were they heading in? Where are you going? Unii oameni preferă conformitatea, în timp ce alții caută noutatea. Some people prefer conformity, while others seek novelty. Some people prefer compliance, while others are looking for news. Eu ainda tenho amigos em Boston. I still have friends in Boston. I still have friends in Boston. ¿Cómo está el clima? How is the weather? How's the weather? Esta mañana he visto a Bob. I saw Bob this morning. I saw Bob this morning. Perché a Tom piace così tanto Boston? Why does Tom like Boston so much? Why does Tom like Boston so much? Sudahkah kau selesai membersihkan kamarmu? Have you finished cleaning your room yet? Have you finished cleaning your room? Ho trovato le mie scarpe. I found my shoes. I found my shoes. Tatoeba: dimana ayat-ayat sentiasa ayat, kecuali apabila ia tidak! Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't. He said: 'Where are the verses, except if they do not!' Aku harap aku dapat menemukan cara untuk membuat Tom membantu kami. I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to help us. I hope I can find a way to get Tom to help us. J'ai beaucoup de fleurs. I have a lot of flowers. I've got a lot of flowers. Duce nobis opus est. We need a leader. leads us to work. Nós começamos a conversar. We started talking. We started talking. Die tertio mensis Aprili, anni MCML nata sum. I was born on April 3, 1950. On the third day of April, the MCML year was born. Ele está correndo atrás do que? What is he running after? He's running after what? Notre école est située sur une colline. Our school is situated on a hill. Our school is located on a hill. Apa pekerjaannya? What is her profession? What's the job? Melius cum cepis esset. It would be better with onions. It was better when he was caught. Él perdió de vista al pájaro. He lost sight of the bird. He lost sight of the bird. A me non piace il modo in cui sorride. I don't like the way he smiles. I don't like the way he smiles. Devi essere molto orgoglioso di tua figlia. You must be very proud of your daughter. You must be very proud of your daughter. Mă asculţi? Are you listening? Are you listening to me? Axiña que ela chegue, habemos comezar. As soon as she comes, we will begin. Soon as she arrives, we will begin. Lo que hiciste fue deshonesto. What you did was dishonest. What you did was dishonest. Está claro que há um problema. Obviously, there's a problem. Of course there's a problem. Faccia un passo in avanti. Step forward. Step forward. Tu doar bagi problemele vieții sub preș. You're just sweeping life's problems under the rug. You just put life's problems under the press. Los grandes hombres no son siempre sabios. Great men are not always wise. Big men aren't always wise. Les tortues marines ont une haute espérance de vie. Sea turtles have a long lifespan. Marine turtles have a high life expectancy. Eu am făcut duş înainte să iau micul dejun. I showered before breakfast. I showered before I had breakfast. Tom es demasiado bueno para María. Tom is too good for Mary. Tom's too good for Maria. Quello vale la pena di essere considerato. That is worth considering. That's worth considering. Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. Il Sudafrica diventò indipendente nel 1961. South Africa became independent in 1961. South Africa became independent in 1961. Haec effigies Neptuni est. This is a statue of Neptune. This is the Neptuni effect. J'ai perdu mon nouveau stylo plume. I have lost my new fountain pen. I lost my new pen. Tom tidak pernah melihat Mary lagi. Tom never saw Mary again. Tom never saw Mary again. Deja de empujar. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. Está bem. It's OK. Okay. Io penso che sia davvero importante. I think that's really important. I think it's really important. Non mi serve un dottore. I don't need a doctor. I don't need a doctor. À moins que vous n'aies des preuves, tu ne peux pas l'accuser de vol. You can't accuse him of stealing unless you have proof. Unless you have evidence, you can't charge him with theft. Su novela se tradujo al japonés. His novel was translated into Japanese. His novel was translated into Japanese. Nu te răzgândi! Don't back down. Don't change your mind! Se lo expliqué. I explained it to him. I explained it. Bulan lalu saya sakit flu. I caught a cold last month. The other month, I was sick of the flu. Ci dica cos'è successo a Tom. Tell us what happened to Tom. Tell us what happened to Tom. Tom encontrou uma nota de cem dólares na rua. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a $100 note on the street. Maria tem mente poluída. Mary has a dirty mind. Mary has a polluted mind. Boleh saya membawa kot anda? Shall I carry your coat? Can I take you to your place? Saya pesan dua bufet santap siang. Two for the lunch buffet, please. I'll have two breakfast buffets. O home do tempo di que teremos chuvia pola tarde. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The weather man says we'll have rain in the afternoon. No me hagas enojar. Don't make me angry. Don't make me angry. Grătarul este o modalitate de a găti carnea. Barbecuing is one way to cook meat. Grilling is a way to cook meat. Tom no tuvo buen desempeño. Tom didn't perform well. Tom didn't perform well. Va-t-il pleuvoir aujourd'hui ? Is it going to rain today? Is it going to rain today? Je préfère la science fiction. I like science fiction better. I prefer science fiction. Tu ne peux le nier. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Videsne patrem meum? Can you see my father? Do you see my father? Lasciate che parli con loro prima. Let me talk to them first. Let me talk to them first. Esta es mi última oferta. This is my last offer. This is my last offer. La meilleure conférence à laquelle tu pourrais assister est la conférence que tu ne comprends pas. The best lecture that you can attend is the one you won't understand. The best conference you could attend is the conference you don't understand. Senatul a acceptat tratatul, iar președintele Polk l-a semnat. The Senate accepted the treaty, and Polk signed it. The Senate accepted the treaty, and President Polk signed it. ¡Entiendo! I understand! I understand! Quelle qu'en soit la raison, ils ne se sont pas mariés. Whatever the reason, they did not marry. Whatever the reason, they didn't get married. Pater in fabrica opus facit. My father works in a factory. Father does work in the factory. C'est la matière que je préfère. This is my favourite subject. That's the stuff I prefer. Je ne peux rien promettre. I can't promise anything. I can't promise anything. Tom non quere ir para casa agora. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Es muy amargo. It's very bitter. It's very bitter. El s-a întors în Japonia. He went back to Japan. He's back in Japan. El sol se hundió bajo el horizonte y se puso oscuro. The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark. The sun sank under the horizon and became dark. Nous avons pris un peu de soupe de poulet. We had some chicken soup. We took a little chicken soup. A vâgh a cà. I go home. Let's go. Quot cubicula habetis? How many rooms do you have? What do you have? Aku tahu kalau kau akan bilang tidak. I know you're going to say no. I knew you'd say no. Tengo heces blandas. I have soft stools. I've got soft beans. Tom quase teve um infarto quando viu Mary parada na beirada do telhado. Tom nearly had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. Tom almost had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof. En invierno me gusta comer chocolate. In winter I like to eat chocolate. In winter I like to eat chocolate. Il n'y a pas de réponse aisée. There is no easy answer. There's no easy answer. Tom non è colpito. Tom isn't impressed. Tom's not hit. Pulau itu terletak dua mil dari pantai. The island is about two miles off the coast. The island is two miles from the beach. Tepati janjimu. Keep your promises. Keep your promise. Dec tenir el número equivocat. I must have the wrong number. I must have the wrong number. Io imparai la posizione del loto al corso di yoga. I learned the lotus position in yoga class. I learned the loto position during yoga. Thomas primus advenit. Tom was the first to arrive. Thomas first came. Tom siguió sus instintos. Tom followed his instincts. Tom followed his instincts. Mi juguete está dañado. My toy is broken. My toy is damaged. Nessuno può fare niente. No one can do anything. No one can do anything. Tom se quedó tirado cuando su coche se estropeó en el medio de ninguna parte. Tom was stranded when his car conked out in the middle of nowhere. Tom got shot when his car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Mike canta bien. Mike sings well. Mike sings good. Tem um tamanho menor? Have you got smaller size? Does it have a smaller size? Por que você não nos faz uma visita? Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you pay us a visit? Habitavit ergo Israel in Aegypto, id est in terra Gessen, et possedit eam; auctusque est et multiplicatus nimis. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. Israel lived in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen; he possessed it, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. С’est vachement compliqué ! It's complicated as hell. It’s very complicated! Didymus dicit se omnia vidisse. Tom says he saw everything. Didymus said he saw everything. Mi por haña bo number di telefòn? Can I have your telephone number? Can I get your phone number? Eles montaram acampamentos temporários ao longo da costa. They made temporary camps along the coast. They set up temporary camps along the coast. Você quer um copo de água? Do you want a glass of water? You want a glass of water? No quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida arrepintiéndome de ello. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting that. Il ressemble à sa mère. He looks like his mother. He looks like his mother. Sí, una mica. Yes, a little. Yeah, a little bit. Didymo scribite. Write to Tom. Didymo wrote. Tom a luat o mână de popcorn din castron. Tom took a handful of popcorn from the bowl. Tom took a popcorn hand out of the bowl. Itu tidak mungkin. It isn't possible. That's impossible. Potesne legere? Can you read? Can you read it? Fit strepitus tectis, vocemque per ampla volutant / atria; dependent lychni laquearibus aureis / incensi, et noctem flammis funalia vincunt. The noise of festival / rings through the spacious courts, and rolls along the hall. / There, blazing from the gilded roof, are seen / bright lamps, and torches turn the night to day. There is strept roofs, voice and volume by volume / court; depending on lychni's golden ponds / incense, and the night they land in flames of funality. Siete così stupide. You are so stupid. You're so stupid. Elles veulent juste quelqu'un à blâmer. They just want someone they can blame. They just want someone to blame. El examen es difícil. The exam is difficult. The exam is difficult. Ha comprato un libro in inglese in una libreria. He bought an English book at a bookstore. He bought a book in English in a bookstore. J'ai trop bu, hier au soir. I had too much to drink last night. I drank too much last night. Ela tem medo de perder dinheiro. She's afraid of losing money. She's afraid of losing money. Lavora de diya i de noche para abasteser a su famiya. He works day and night to provide for his family. Work in the middle of the day and at night to provide for your family. Estou preparado para o pior, mas espero o melhor. I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. I'm ready for the worst, but I hope the best. ¿Ulu? Where is he? Ulu? Tom viu Mary na televisão. Tom saw Mary on TV. Tom saw Mary on TV. Aku suka terung. I love brinjal. I like diving. "Sed non ante datam cingetis mœnibus urbem, / quam vos dira fames nostræque injuria cædis / ambesas subigat malis absumere mensas." "But ne'er the town, by Destiny assigned, / your walls shall gird, till famine's pangs constrain / to gnaw your boards, in quittance for our slain." But before I give you the city, you won't bother us. And you won't harm us, either you will take away our tables." Tom este student la universitate. Tom is a university student. Tom's a college student. Je pense qu'il t'apprécie. I think he likes you. I think he likes you. I-am scris lui. I did write to him. I wrote to him. Quando em Roma, faça como os romanos. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Rome, do as the Romans. Digli che la farò. Tell him I'll do it. Tell him I'll do it. Suo padre è un medico? Is his father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? Abi in pace. Go in peace. Abi in peace. Quanto le piace il suo nuovo lavoro? How do you like your new job? How much do you like your new job? ¿Ves al pájaro sobre el cable de teléfonos? Do you see the bird on the telephone wire? You see the bird on the phone cable? Temos cinco tipos de kebab. We have five kinds of kebab. We have five types of kebab. ¿Por qué ella no quería juntarse con él? Why didn't she want to join him? Why didn't she want to join him? Mio padre è morto da tre anni. My father has been dead for three years. My father's been dead for three years. La frase di esempio n° 354618 ha creato molta confusione nel sito web di Tatoeba. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. Example sentence No. 354618 has created a lot of confusion on Tatoeba's website. Para qual praia você quer ir? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you want to go to? Dezbaterea a fost foarte controversată și nu a dus la nici o concluzie fructuoasă. The debate was very contentious and didn't result in any fruitful conclusions. The debate was very controversial and led to no successful conclusion. E ta posibel. It is possible. It is possible. Estou orgulloso de pensar que ainda non cheguei nunca tarde a escola. I'm proud to think that I have never yet been late to school. I'm proud to think that I've never been late for school yet. Para ser chica, es valiente. She is brave for a girl. To be a girl, he's brave. Aku suka dengan bunyinya. I like the way it sounds. I like the sound. Tout en agitant le café instantané, elle lui ajoutait du lait. She stirred the instant coffee and poured in milk. While waving instant coffee, she added milk. ¿Usted fuma? Do you smoke? You smoke? Tom e Mary erano qui prima, però ora sono scomparsi. Tom and Mary were here earlier, but now they've disappeared. Tom and Mary were here before, but now they're gone. Eu não joguei muito bem hoje. I didn't play very well today. I didn't play very well today. Eu acho que esta mesa ocupa muito espaço. I think this table takes up too much space. I think this table takes up a lot of space. Mi perro no muerde, a menos que se lo pidas. My dog won't bite you, unless you ask for it. My dog doesn't die, unless you ask. O leste da China apresenta condições propícias para a cultura do trigo. East China has appropriate conditions for wheat culture. East China has favourable conditions for wheat cultivation. Você não pode nadar aqui. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. Quel âge a ton grand-père ? How old is your grandpa? How old is your grandfather? Eu tenho uma ideia diferente. I have a different idea. I have a different idea. Crezi că acest lucru este relevant? Do you think this is pertinent? You think this is relevant? Hoc in flumine natare non licet. Swimming is not permitted in this river. This is not lawful for you to swim in the rivers. Este asta o poză recentă? Is this a recent photo? Is this a recent picture? Tom no estaba contento con la situación. Tom wasn't happy about the situation. Tom was not happy with the situation. Mary adalah gadis yang menawan. Mary is a lovely girl. Mary is a beautiful girl. Hay una masa de nubes negras en el cielo. There is a mass of dark clouds in the sky. There's a mass of black clouds in the sky. Ella le identificó como el asesino. She identified him as the murderer. She identified him as the killer. Tom non ha pagato la sua quota. Tom didn't pay his share. Tom didn't pay his share. Numele meu Cyril. Încântat de cunoștință! My name's Cyril; pleased to meet you! My name Cyril. Ele perdeu toda a esperança. He has lost all hope. He lost all hope. ¿Eres tú quien dejó pasar al perro? Are you the one who let the dog in? Are you the one who let the dog pass? Somniabam. I was dreaming. I was dreaming. Știe cineva franceză? Does anyone know French? Does anyone know French? Tom dove ha imparato il francese? Where did Tom learn French? Tom where did he learn French? Quid ab eo petivisti? What did you request from him? What did you ask him for? Estoy cansado y quiero ir a la cama. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Tom a l'avìa gnente da dì. Tom didn't have anything to say. Tom's been there since then. Vi ho svegliate? Did I wake you up? Did I wake up? En varios países europeos, a divisa actual é o euro e o seu símbolo é "€" e o euro é a división da lira turca entre dous. In several European countries, the current currency is the euro. Its symbol is €. One euro is worth about two Turkish lira. In several European countries, the current currency is the euro and its symbol is "€" and the euro is the division of the Turkish lira between two. Perché non stai cercando un lavoro? Why aren't you looking for a job? Why aren't you looking for a job? Pour le dire clairement : l'odeur de ta transpiration est abominable. To put it bluntly, your sweat smells awful. To make it clear: the smell of your sweating is abominable. O acidente se deu devido à neblina. The accident was due to the smog. The accident occurred because of the fog. Domus Iaponium parvae sunt. Japanese houses are small. Domus Japium is small. Quocum locutus es? With whom did you talk? What did you say? Lei ha mai letto la Bibbia? Have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever read the Bible? J'ai entendu cette phrase dans la rue il y a environ une heure. I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago. I heard that phrase on the street about an hour ago. Daniela mi-a telefonat acasă. Daniela called me at home. Daniela called me home. ¡Increíble! Incredible! Unbelievable! No tinc família. I have no family. I have no family. A menina quer um biscoito. The girl would like a cookie. The girl wants a cookie. O Tom faz tudo o que lhe pedem. Tom does whatever he's asked to do. Tom does whatever he's asked. Tolong berikan saya bantal dan selimut. Please give me a pillow and a blanket. Please give me my pillows and blankets. Le gusta vivir en Tokio. He likes to live in Tokyo. He likes to live in Tokyo. Não são apenas os esportes que eu gosto, também gosto de música. It's not only sports I like, I like music, too. It's not just the sports I like, but also the music. Hentikan. Knock it off. Stop it. Gracias por el consejo. Lo probaré. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. Thank you for the advice. Avete studiato francese ieri? Did you study French yesterday? Did you study French yesterday? Tom parou de comer doces. Tom has cut down on sweets. Tom stopped eating sweets. Parece que está ficando cada vez mais quente cada ano que passa. It seems that it is getting warmer and warmer every year. Looks like it's getting warmer every year. Je n'ai pas besoin d'une raison. I don't need a reason. I don't need a reason. Quand la réunion s'est-elle terminée ? When did the meeting end? When did the meeting end? Ei sunt aliați. They're allies. They're allies. Nous nous rencontrons à un moment de tension entre les États-Unis et les musulmans à travers le monde - tension enracinée dans des forces historiques qui dépassent tout débat politique actuel. We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world – tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate. We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world - tension rooted in historical forces that transcend any current political debate. Io ho comprato mezza bottiglia di vino. I bought half a bottle of wine. I bought half a bottle of wine. Magister me hortatus est ad legendum, scribendum et loquendum. The teacher encouraged me to read, write and speak. Master, I have been taught to read, write and speak. Acho que ninguém notou o que você fez. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. I don't think anyone noticed what you did. O te gusta l'amê cristallizzou? Do you like set honey? Or do you like crystallizzou ammes? Juga al beisbol tots el dies. He plays baseball every day. He plays baseball every day. Cosa sarebbe il mondo senza le donne? What would the world be without women? What would the world be without women? Aku bengal ketika bom itu meledak di hadapanku. I was stunned when the bomb blew in front of me. I missed it when the bomb exploded in front of me. Da mihi poculum lactis, quaeso. Please give me a cup of milk. Give me the milk, please. Diamole un'altra opportunità. Let's give her another chance. Let's give her another chance. Ea are o inimă bună. She has a tender heart. She has a good heart. Viennent-ils aussi ? Are they coming, too? Are they coming too? ¡Ustedes son imbatibles! You are unbeatable! You're unbeatable! Ianuam pulsavi. I knocked on the door. I've been pulsating. O processo já começou. The process has already begun. The process has already begun. Tuve que aceptarlo. I had to accept it. I had to accept it. J'avais pensé te parler de ça. I was meaning to ask you about that. I thought I'd talk to you about it. Tornate dentro. Go back inside. Go back inside. ¡Qué incordio! How annoying! What a hug! "Você me ama?" "É claro que te amo." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." "Do you love me?" "Of course I love you." Marah tidak memberikan manfaat apa-apa. It never pays to lose your temper. Anger doesn't benefit anything. Je ne suis pas intimidée. I'm not intimidated. I'm not intimidated. Estne pater in culina? Is dad in the kitchen? Is he a father in the kitchen? Qu'ei lo son líber. This is her book. That I'm free. Las flores en el jardín son maravillosas. The flowers in the garden are beautiful. The flowers in the garden are wonderful. Tu sei coraggiosa. You're courageous. You're brave. Mi-am pierdut codul pin! I've lost my pin number! I lost my pin code! Deixe a gente te ajudar a fazer isso. Let us help you do that. Let us help you do that. Tom muore. Tom dies. Tom dies. È un pittore, vero? He's a painter, isn't he? He's a painter, isn't he? Feminae me terrent. Women frighten me. Feminine scares me. Je suis allé au jardin public ce matin. I went to a park this morning. I went to the public garden this morning. Tinc dos nebots. I have two nephews. I have two nephews. Casa mea este murdară. My house is dirty. My house is dirty. Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat. Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ commands. Christ overcomes. Christ reigns. Christ reigns. Eu acho que Tom é romântico. I think Tom is romantic. I think Tom's romantic. Non dite cose stupide! Don't say stupid things! Don't say stupid things! Não consigo mentir para eles. We can't lie to them. I can't lie to them. Il est précisément celui que tu cherches. He is precisely the one you are looking for. He's exactly the one you're looking for. Ella lo llamó. She called him. She called him. Irruimus ferro, et divos ipsumque vocamus / in partem prædamque Jovem. Tum litore curvo / exstruimusque toros, dapibusque epulamur opimis. We, sword in hand, make onset, and invite / the gods and Jove himself the spoil to share, / and piling couches, banquet on the fare. We're talking about iron, we're calling the name of it, we're talking about it, we're talking about it, we're done, we're done for, we're talking about it, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're done for, we're going to make our money, we're going to celebrate it, we're done for, we're going to have that. ¿Qué es lo que más quieres? What is it you want most? What do you want most? Utra verum dicit? Which of the two is telling the truth? Does she really say that? Non ci creda. Don't believe it. Don't believe it. Quina llengua parleu al vostre país? What language do you speak in your country? What language do you speak in your country? Estava pensando em você. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you. Grupul a stat la fortul Clatsop pentru patru luni. The group stayed at Fort Clatsop for four months. The group stayed at Clatsop for four months. Ve ne posso prendere di più. I can get you more. I can take more. L'uccello era grande la metà di un falco. The bird was half the size of a hawk. The bird was half the size of a hawk. Sono molto arrabbiato con loro. I'm very angry with them. I'm very angry with them. Dites à Tom que je reviendrai. Tell Tom I'll be back. Tell Tom I'll be back. É muito pequena. It's very small. It's very small. Odio i poliziotti come lui. I hate policemen like him. I hate cops like him. Io e Tom ci sposeremo la prossima primavera. Tom and I'll get married next spring. Tom and I will be married next spring. Notre bureau est du côté nord de l'immeuble. Our office is on the northern side of the building. Our office is on the north side of the building. La voix de Tony est agréable. Tony's voice is nice. Tony's voice is nice. Canis meus Didymo non placet. Tom doesn't like my dog. My dog Didymo doesn't like it. Questa è carne. This is meat. This is meat. Io voglio parlare con un avvocato. I want to speak to a lawyer. I want to talk to a lawyer. Je veux boire du lait. I want to drink milk. I want to drink milk. El este liber profesionist. He's self-employed. He's a free professional. Sella procul a ianua est. The chair is far from the door. A chair is far from the east door. Da mihi uxores et liberos meos, pro quibus servivi tibi, ut abeam; tu nosti servitutem, qua servivi tibi. Give me my wives, and my children, for whom I have served thee, that I may depart: thou knowest the service that I have rendered thee. Give me my wives and my children, for whom I have served thee, that I may go; for thou knowest my service with which I have served thee. Gigantes erant super terram in diebus illis et etiam postquam ingressi sunt filii Dei ad filias hominum, illæque eis genuerunt: isti sunt potentes a sæculo viri famosi. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And the giants were in the earth in those days; and when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, they brought them forth: they are mighty in the house of men, famous men. Tom estaba seguro de que venían tiempos mejores. Tom was sure better times were coming. Tom was sure there were better times coming. Te amat. He loves you. He loves you. Nimium gracilis es! You are too skinny! You're Nimium Gracilis! Pensavo che sarebbe stato troppo. I thought it'd be too much. I thought it would be too much. Hablamos del asunto desde un punto de vista educativo. We discussed the matter from an educational point of view. We are talking about this from an educational point of view. ¿Es cierto que tú te vas a París? Is it true that you are going to Paris? Is it true you're going to Paris? Mi chiedo se Tom verrà qui in orario. I wonder if Tom will get here on time. I wonder if Tom will be here on time. Tom sta giocando a basket adesso. Tom is playing basketball now. Tom's playing basketball now. No llevará mucho tiempo hacerlo. It won't take long to do that. It won't take long. Il me confiait des choses qu'il n'aurait dites à personne d'autre. He confided in me things he would tell no one else. He trusted me with things he wouldn't have told anyone else. I ka manjé. He is eating. And it can eat. Si malum mihi dabis, Helena, omnibus ceteris mulieribus pulchrior, tua erit. If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours. If you would give me that which is wrong, Helena, all the rest of the women will be beautiful, you'll be jealous. Posso mangiare il mio pranzo qui? Can I eat my lunch here? Can I eat my lunch here? Quota hora Didymus Bostoniam adveniet? What time will Tom arrive in Boston? How long does Didymus Boston arrive? Tom es el que me dijo cuando sería la junta. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who told me when it would be the meeting. Deja de cantar esa canción, por favor. Please stop singing that song. Stop singing that song, please. So la ragione per cui sei arrabbiata con loro. I know the reason why you are angry with them. I know why you're mad at them. Combien d'assiettes désires-tu? How many plates do you want? How many plates do you want? Il y a un grand parc près de mon école. There is a big park near my school. There's a big park near my school. O que você quer fazer primeiro? What do you want to do first? What do you want to do first? Illa puella valde pulchra est. That girl is very beautiful. The girl is very beautiful. Ini hari kita su pake doi saratus dolar. I spent 100 dollars today. It's our day su pake doi saratus dollar. Margaritae et Uniones crescunt in conchis. Coralia in Marinā arbuscula. Succinum colligitur ē mari. Pearls and unions grow in shellfish; corals in a sea shrub. Amber is gathered from the sea. Margaritas and Unions grow up inconspicuous. Coralia shoots into the sea. Succinum hits the sea. Ha detto che mi avrebbe chiamato. He said he'd call me. He said he'd call me. Ver est tempus quod magis Luciae placet. Spring is the season that Lucy likes best. I see the time in Lucy's hand is her best. Che ora è a Tokyo? What time is it in Tokyo? What time is it in Tokyo? Io spero che Tom e Mary non si spaventino. I hope Tom and Mary don't get scared. I hope Tom and Mary don't get scared. Invertir en conocimientos produce siempre los mejores beneficios. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Investing in knowledge always brings the best benefits. I.N.R.I. = Iesus . Nasarenus . Rex . Iudeorum. I.N.R.I. = Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Jews. I.N.R.I. = Jesús . Nasarenus . Rex . Judeorum. Je veux juste être ton ami, rien de plus. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. I just want to be your friend, nothing more. Nosotras deberíamos seguirlos. We should follow them. We should follow them. É coller ou largar Take it, or leave it. Is to grab or drop Hispania terra castellorum est. Spain is the land of castles. It is the land of Spain. Aș vrea să-mi pese mai mult de notele mele, dar se pare că, la un anumit moment din viața mea, am decis că n-ar fi chiar așa de important. I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore. I wish I cared more about my grades, but it seems that at some point in my life, I decided that it wouldn't be that important. ¿En qué año nacisteis? What year were you born? What year were you born? El vaig reconèixer de seguida. I recognized him at once. I recognized him right away. Trebuie să mănânc ceva.‎ I need to eat something. I need to eat something. Je vais vous faire envoyer une potion calmante que vous donnerez à mademoiselle pour qu’elle dorme, elle a besoin de sommeil. I'll send you some medicine to give to her so she can sleep. She needs the rest. I will send you a soothing potion that you will give to the lady to sleep, she needs sleep. Până și Tom a rânjit. Even Tom grinned. Even Tom scratched. J'ai décidé d'étudier les kanji. I've decided to study kanji. I decided to study the kanji. Tom va fi intructorul. Tom will be the instructor. Tom will be the intruder. Quando tornerete? When will you return? When will you be back? Credi ai fantasmi? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Femina teniludio libenter ludit. The woman likes to play tennis. Female teniludio libenter ludit. Oceanus mihi non placet. I don't like the ocean. Oceans don't like me. Quando andate? When do you go? When are you going? Ja has conegut el senyor Smith, oi? You've met Mr. Smith already, haven't you? You've met Mr. Smith, haven't you? Está debajo de la silla. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. ¿No podemos despedir a Tom? Can't we fire Tom? Can't we say goodbye to Tom? Que é que achais que eu estive a fazer? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? ¿Que estás a facer na escola esta tarde? What are you doing at school this afternoon? What are you doing at school this afternoon? Je n'ai pas très envie de manger. I don't feel much like eating. I don't really want to eat. Não conte com aquele acontecimento. Don't count on that happening. Don't count on that event. Nunquam salto sobrius. I never dance sober. I never jump soberly. Il ne peut pas être plus vieux que moi. He can't be older than me. He can't be older than me. Io ne ero sorpresa. I was surprised about it. I was surprised. Jam berapa rencana kedatangan pesawat? What time is the plane scheduled to land? What time's the plane coming? Él te traicionó. He betrayed you. He betrayed you. Che cosa dovrei fare riguardo a lei? What should I do about her? What should I do about you? Terra stella non est, sed planeta est. The earth is not a star, but a planet. Earth is not a star, but it is a planet. Kami masih mencari. We're still searching. We're still looking. Glielo prometto. I promise you. I promise. Io penso che a Tom sarebbe piaciuto. I think Tom would have liked that. I think Tom would like that. Sami era qui con Layla. Sami was here with Layla. Sami was here with Layla. Ehi ragazzi, penso di aver trovato qualcosa. Hey guys, I think I found something. Hey guys, I think I found something. Italy adalah negara yang paling indah. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is the most beautiful country. Il est tombé une légère pluie hier. There was a light rain yesterday. There was a slight rain yesterday. Allí hace frío incluso en verano. It's cold there even in the summer. It's cold there even in summer. Me encanta coleccionar estampillas. I love to collect stamps. I love collecting stamps. Dixitque pharao: Multus nimis iam est populus terræ; videtis quod turba succreverit; quanto magis si dederitis eis requiem ab operibus? And Pharaoh said: The people of the land are numerous; you see that the multitude is increased; how much more if you give them rest from their works? And he said to the Pharaoh, There is yet a very great multitude; yea, they are many; and ye behold that the people is burned: how much more, if ye would give them rest from work? Tom ne sait rien à ce sujet. Tom doesn't know anything about it. Tom doesn't know anything about that. Misitque pharao et vocavit Moysen et Aaron dicens ad eos: Nunc peccavi; Dominus iustus, ego et populus meus rei. And Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron, saying to them: I have sinned this time also, the Lord is just: I and my people, are wicked. And he sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, I have sinned; even the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are king. Luc, je suis ton fils. Luke, I am your son. Luc, I'm your son. Tom a vraiment l'air contrarié. Tom really sounds upset. Tom looks really upset. Entonces era una niña pequeña. She was a little girl then. So she was a little girl. No me'n recorde d'on ho vaig comprar. I can't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Bin ëvnù! Welcome. Come on! Necesito tiempo. I need time. I need time. Ella está meditando. She is meditating. She's meditating. Comment avez-vous trouvé ceci ? How did you find this? How did you find this? ¡Estoy tan agotado! I'm so worn out! I'm so exhausted! Si tú dices "te amo", entonces te diré lo mismo a ti. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you. If you say "I love you," then I'll tell you the same thing. Você é incrível. You're amazing. You're amazing. C'era altro che volevi che facessi? Was there anything else you wanted me to do? Was there anything else you wanted me to do? Él vino muy rápido. He came really fast. He came very fast. C'est précisément ce qu'il nous faut. That's just what we need. That's exactly what we need. Tras tantas citas, por fin se besaron. After so many dates, they finally kissed. After so many appointments, they finally kissed. Il dut partager une chambre avec son frère. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to share a room with his brother. Fuscinula e mensa cecidit. A fork fell off the table. Fuscinula and the table fell. Se você está cansado, deveria ir para a cama. If you're tired, you should go to bed. If you're tired, you should go to bed. Il fait froid : nous avons allumé un feu. It being cold, we made a fire. It's cold: we lit a fire. Je ne peux pas accepter une telle ignorance de mes élèves : n'ont-ils rien appris l'an dernier ? I can't accept such ignorance from my students. Did they learn nothing last year? I can't accept such ignorance from my students: haven't they learned anything last year? Ella está lejos, pero todavía la quiero. She is far away, but I still love her. She's far away, but I still love her. Per què no m'ho demana? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Ela gostava de poesia e música. She was fond of poetry and music. She liked poetry and music. Un perro me mordió la pierna. I was bitten on the leg by a dog. A dog bit my leg. Pare de peerse. Stop farting. He seems to be losing himself. No hace falta que respondas. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Tom kini menggunakan Windows 8.1. Tom now uses Windows 8.1. Tom now uses Windows 8.1. El mushteri esta de akordo. The customer agrees. The mushteri is a kordo. Tengo que cambiar las llantas. I have to change tires. I have to change the wheels. Quanto formaggio ha mangiato? How much cheese did you eat? How much cheese did you eat? Italiam desidero. I miss Italy. Italy I want. Su auto puede ser más agradable de conducir, pero también le cuesta más la manutención. Her car might be more pleasant to drive, but it also costs her more for maintenance. Your car may be more enjoyable to drive, but it also costs you more maintenance. Nux juglans, avellana et castanea involuta sunt cortici et putamini. The walnut, hazelnut and chestnut are wrapped in a husk and a shell. Nux juggles, oats and chestnuts are wrapped in curtains and whores. ¿Cómo te pasó esto? How did this happen to you? How did this happen to you? Aku baru makan. I just ate. I just ate. Algo me preocupa. Something worries me. Something worries me. Non mi lascerà vederla. They won't let me see her. She won't let me see her. L'ho vista là dentro. I saw her in there. I saw her in there. Ahora le quiere más que antes. She loves him now more than she did before. Now he wants you more than before. Pourquoi avez-vous cela ? Why do you have that? Why do you have that? Arrête cette voiture ! Stop that car! Stop this car! Dia menjual makanan. She sells food. He's selling food. I puristi devono morire. Il linguaggio non dev'essere tenuto nella gabbia della tradizione. Purists are to be defeated. Language is not to be kept in the cage of tradition. Purists must die. Language must not be kept in the cage of tradition. No sabía que eras rico. I didn't know you were rich. I didn't know you were rich. Mi piace molto Tom. I like Tom a lot. I like Tom very much. Le soleil est sur le point de se coucher. The sun is about to set. The sun is about to go to bed. Pot să-i pun lui Tom niște întrebări? Can I ask Tom some questions? Can I ask Tom some questions? Estás livre agora? Are you free now? Are you free now? Lei ha portato suo fratello allo zoo. She took her brother to the zoo. She took her brother to the zoo. Melius non loqui. It's better not to speak. Melius doesn't speak. Ai cerut un loc la fereastră? Did you request a seat by the window? Did you ask for a place at the window? Calcei rubri puellae non placent. The girl doesn't like the red shoes. I don't like girls' red shoes. Il économise pour acheter une maison. He is saving in order to buy a house. He saved to buy a house. Trata-me como sempre. Treat me as you've always done. Treat me as always. Mi-e somn. I feel sleepy. I'm sleepy. El procesador de texto del escritorio es el de mi padre. The word processor on the desk is my father's. The word processor on the desktop is my father's. Io non riesco a muovere questa libreria senza il tuo aiuto. I can't move this bookcase without your help. I can't move this library without your help. Ella volvió del hospital. She returned from the hospital. She came back from the hospital. Il futuro è incerto. The future is uncertain. The future is uncertain. Io non ho davvero una pistola. I don't really have a gun. I don't really have a gun. Que'm soi lavat la camisa. I washed my shirt. I'll wash my shirt. Tutto quello che voglio è un po' di cameratismo. All I want is some camaraderie. All I want is a little cameratics. Ce a mâncat Tom la prânz? What did Tom eat for lunch? What did Tom eat at lunch? Vi la película el año pasado en San Francisco. I saw the film in San Francisco last year. I saw the film last year in San Francisco. Potestne aliquis hoc verbum pronuntiare? Can anyone pronounce this word? Can you speak any word? Apa minuman tidak beralkohol kesukaanmu? What's your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? What's not your favorite alcohol? Mohon beri tahu saya stasiun terdekat ke kantor anda. Please tell me the closest station to your office. Please let me know my nearest station to your office. Bibo. I drink. Bibo. Chiar așa! Indeed! That's right! É a primeira vez que eu entro num barco. This is the first time I've ever got on a boat. It's the first time I get into a boat. Maria scit cur. Mary knows why. Maria knows ass. Une grosse vague a renversé le canoë. A big wave turned over his canoe. A big wave overturned the canoe. Non loquitur sed clamat. She doesn't speak, she screams! She doesn't speak but she cries out. C'est moi-même qui ai cueilli ces fleurs. I'm the one who picked those flowers. I'm the one who picked those flowers myself. He! Gue bilangin ya! Lu nggak pantes sama Radit! Gue yang pantes! Ngerti? Ngomong sama tangan! Hey, I'm tellin' ya! You don't deserve with Radit! I'm the one who deserve it! Got it? Talk to the hand! I'm telling you, you're not the same guy as Radit! Sembra familiare? Does that sounds familiar? Do you look familiar? La Coca-Cola contiene caffeina? Does Coca-Cola contain caffeine? Does Coca-Cola contain caffeine? Asta ar putea fi în întregime o înșelătorie. This might all be a sham. That could be entirely a deception. Hari yang cukup berat. It's been a difficult day. It's a pretty rough day. Non vuole vederla? Don't you want to see her? Don't you want to see her? Raeda tua mihi placet. I like your car. I like your Raeda. Non mi sarei dovuta fidare di lei. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. Il te faut le faire immédiatement. You ought to do it at once. You need to do it right away. Egressi sunt de Bethel. Et adhuc spatium quoddam erat usque ad Ephratham, cum parturiret Rachel; ob difficultatem partus periclitari cœpit, dixitque ei obstetrix: Noli timere, quia et hac vice habes filium. And going forth from thence, he came in the spring time to the land which leadeth to Ephrata: wherein when Rachel was in travail, by reason of her hard labour, she began to be in danger, and the midwife said to her: Fear not, for thou shalt have this son also. They went out from Bethel. The woman said to him, "Don't be afraid, because you have a son this time. Ce la stiamo facendo. We're managing. We're doing it. Pater meus procerus est. My father is tall. My father is a prosecutor. Ele usou uma fantasia de pirata para o Halloween. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He used a pirate fantasy for Halloween. J'ai beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. Él aínda anda solto. He is still on the loose. He's still loose. He oído hablar que en Echigo había espíritus hembras de nieve, pero no sé si es verdadero o no. I heard that there were female snow spirits in Echigo, but I don't know whether it's true or not. I've heard that in Echigo there were female snow spirits, but I don't know if it's true or not. Eu estava tentando esquecer tudo. I was trying to forget everything. I was trying to forget everything. No recuerdo cuándo se trasladó él a Boston. I can't remember when he moved to Boston. I don't remember when he moved to Boston. Cât de mulți de felul vostru există? How many of you are there? How many of your ways exist? Es tu canción favorita. It's your favorite song. It's your favorite song. Em vaig cansar d'estar tot el dia estirat al llit. I got tired of lying in bed all day. I got tired of being lying in bed all day. Me invitaron a almorzar. I was invited to lunch. I was invited to lunch. Eu tenho que me despedir. I have to say goodbye. I have to say goodbye. Não se preocupe se você acha um verde do que você gosta. Don't worry if you find a green one you like. Don't worry if you find a green of what you like. Induravitque Dominus cor pharaonis, et non audivit eos, sicut locutus est Dominus ad Moysen. And the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he hearkened not unto them, as the Lord had spoken to Moses. Yahweh hardened the heart of the Pharaoh, and he didn't listen to them, as Yahweh spoke to Moysen. Eravamo seduti sull'erba. We sat on the grass. We were sitting on the grass. I n' a fok k' èn oxhea d' tchey dvins l' cervele di s' tiesse. He hasn't got much upstairs. Only one eyeglasses inside the canvas. Haruskah aku tinggal atau haruskah aku pergi? Should I stay or should I go? Should I stay or should I go? ¿Querés conocer mi secreto? Es muy simple... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... You want to know my secret? T'ê un grand'òmmo. You're a great man. You're a big man. E Gallia oriundi sumus. We are from France. And Gallia where we are. Sfortunatamente il mio compleanno è soltanto una volta all'anno. Unfortunately, my birthday is only once a year. Unfortunately my birthday is only once a year. Aku bahkan tidak punya pacar. I don't even have a boyfriend. I don't even have a girlfriend. Layla usò la carta di credito di sua madre. Layla used her mother's credit card. Layla used her mother's credit card. Tu ne peux pas gérer ça toute seule. You can't handle this alone. You can't handle this on your own. Ei sunt oameni care iubesc pacea. They are peace-loving people. They're people who love peace. Las flores atraen las abejas. Flowers attract bees. Flowers attract bees. Aku hanya ingin tahu apakah kamu memperhatikan atau tidak. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention. I just want to know if you're watching or not. Viuen a l'altra banda del riu. They live on the other side of the river. They live across the river. Sua paciência chegou ao limite. His patience reached its tipping point. Your patience has reached the limit. Aprendemos a leer y a escribir. We learn to read and write. We learned to read and write. Le dije a Tom que realmente no estaba interesada. I told Tom that I really wasn't interested. I told Tom I wasn't really interested. Seperti itulah dia, orang yang dingin. He's a cold person like that. That's how he is, cold people. Tom è qui adesso? Is Tom here now? Is Tom here now? Creo que el libro es interesante. I think the book is interesting. I think the book is interesting. Elle est riche mais malheureuse. She's rich but miserable. She's rich but unhappy. Ella gritaba mientras blandía el cuchillo. While she was screaming, she brandished the knife. She screamed as she softened the knife. Nu te voi înșela niciodată. I'll never deceive you. I'll never cheat on you. Ellos llegaron tarde por causa de la tormenta. They were late because of the storm. They arrived late because of the storm. Tom ha detto che Mary era bassa. Tom said that Mary was short. Tom said Mary was low. Ela mora a alguns quarteirões daqui. She lives a few blocks away from here. She lives a few blocks from here. Mon fils est entré au lycée. My son entered high school. My son went to high school. Wow, finalmente siamo a Parigi. Cosa dovremmo visitare per primo? Wow, we're finally in Paris. Where should we visit first? Wow, we're finally in Paris. Il lavoro lascia delle tracce su Tatoeba... The work leaves traces on Tatoeba... The job leaves traces on Tatoeba... Quanti soldi le devo? How much money do I owe you? How much money do I owe you? No quiero herir a Tom, pero si tengo que hacerlo lo haré. I don't want to hurt Tom, but I will if I have to. I don't want to hurt Tom, but if I have to, I will. Thomas me quondam timebat. Tom used to be scared of me. Thomas feared me. Tu hai fatto così tanto. You've done so much. You've done so much. Eso no tiene nada que ver con él. That has nothing to do with him. That has nothing to do with him. Posso farle una foto? May I take a picture of you? Can I take a picture of her? Columbarum pennae albae sunt. The pigeons' feathers are white. Columbarum blue pens are. Kau seorang peminum kopi atau teh? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Are you a coffee drinker or tea? Je viens d'Amérique. I come from America. I'm from America. O tempo mudou de repente. The weather changed suddenly. Time has changed all of a sudden. Un vaisseau est en détresse. A ship is in distress. A ship is in distress. Stasiunnya terletak 2 mil dari sini. The station is two miles away. The station is two miles from here. Est-ce que ça te dérange d'allumer la télé ? Do you mind turning on the TV? Do you mind turning on the TV? Nous faisons des affaires avec de nombreux pays. We are doing business with many countries. We do business with many countries. ¿Ya te juntaste con él? Have you met him already? Have you joined him yet? Je suis épileptique. I'm epileptic. I'm epileptic. Sóc Tom. I'm Tom. It's Tom. Saya pikir dia sakit. I think he is sick. I think he's sick. Je ne suis pas fatigué en ce moment. I'm not tired right now. I'm not tired right now. "Tenesne nunc?" "Opinor sic, faciam periculum, si vis audire me." "Do you remember it now?" "I think so, I will make an attempt at it, if you will listen to me." "Do you have it now?" "I think so, I'll risk it, if you want to hear me." El este vechiul meu prieten. He is my old friend. He's my old friend. J'ai joué au catch avec mon père. I played catch with my father. I played catch with my father. Jură! Swear! Swear! Les filles éclatèrent de rire lorsqu'elles entendirent sa blague. The girls burst into laughter when they heard his joke. The girls laughed when they heard his joke. Tiada sesiapa yang menjawab telefon. Nobody answered the telephone. No one answered the phone. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir. You didn't need to come. You didn't have to come. Tom sudah ada di sini, tapi Bill masih belum datang. Tom's already here, but Bill hasn't come yet. Tom's already here, but Bill hasn't come yet. Ce înseamnă „Tatoeba” ? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does "Tatoeba" mean? Sé objetivo. Be objective. Be objective. Videnda est. It's a must-see. She is the widow. Când va veni, vom mânca. When she comes, we'll eat. When he comes, we'll eat. Les États-Unis veulent devenir l'unique superpuissance dans le monde. United States want to be the World unique superpower. The United States wants to become the only superpower in the world. Las rubias no son taradas. Blondes aren't dumb. Blondes aren't fucked up. Viginti aleis egebimus ut hunc ludum ludamus. We'll need twenty dice to play this game. We need to win this game. Acredito que o nome dele seja Tom. I believe his name is Tom. I believe his name is Tom. Nunc dormiendum est mihi. I have to sleep now. Now I have to sleep. Estamos en buenas condiciones. We are in good condition. We're in good condition. Lihat! Look! Look! Când a fost ultima oară când ne-am întâlnit? When was the last time we met? When was the last time we met? Nimeni nu-i cunoaște numele. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his name. Ego et Didymus boni amici sumus. Tom and I are good friends. I and Didymus are good friends. Com que he viscut a Tòquio, conec bastant bé la ciutat. Since I lived in Tokyo, I know that city pretty well. Since I lived in Tokyo, I know the city quite well. Puto nimis carum esse. I think this is too expensive. It really looks like something. En el otoño, algunos animales guardan comida para el invierno. In autumn some animals store food for the winter. In the fall, some animals keep food for the winter. Îmi place să vizionez filme. I like watching movies. I like watching movies. Él se ha hecho rico. He became rich. He's become rich. Thomas cultro silvatico armatus erat. Tom was armed with a machete. Thomas was an armed forest cult. Tom boit une bière. Tom is drinking a beer. Tom drinks a beer. Quis vocetur, nescio. I don't know his name. Thank You for your voice, I don't know. Saya sarankan Anda untuk berhenti merokok. I advise you to stop smoking. I suggest you stop smoking. Mientras estamos esperando, ¿por qué no me dices qué pasó? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? És degradant per a ella. It is degrading for her. It's degrading for her. Mary nunca besa a su marido en público. Mary doesn't ever kiss her husband in public. Mary never kisses her husband in public. Èri trucat peu policièr. I was hit by the policeman. Eri called little police officer. Caçoaram de Maria. They made fun of Mary. They hunted Maria. Saya lepaskan tali. I let go of the rope. I'm taking off the rope. Tu as raison. Je m'y rendrai en taxi. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll go in a cab. Quins son los simptòmas ? What are the symptoms? What are the symptoms? Je suis sûre que Tom sera acquitté. I believe Tom will be acquitted. I'm sure Tom will be acquitted. Il semble qu'il puisse pleuvoir cette après-midi. It seems like it might rain this afternoon. It looks like it could rain this afternoon. Glieud ed ora as stu piglier scu cha sun. You've got to take people and the weather as they come. Glieud and now as stu pillier scu cha sun. Eu estou sendo honesto. I'm being honest. I'm being honest. Siempre dejas el suelo del baño mojado. You always leave the bathroom floor wet. You always leave the floor of the bath wet. La date limite s'approche. The deadline is drawing near. The deadline is approaching. Ramudu vino al colegio. Ramudu came to school. Ramudu came to school. Vivo a Boston adesso, però vengo da Chicago. I live in Boston now, but I'm from Chicago. I live in Boston now, but I come from Chicago. ¿Tom y Mary son realmente amigos? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Are Tom and Mary really friends? Você ainda não sabe como fazer isso, não é? You still don't know how to do that, do you? You still don't know how to do that, do you? El Universo es un misterio. The Universe is a mystery. The Universe is a mystery. Tom acha difícil comer com suas novas dentaduras. Tom finds it difficult to eat with his new dentures. Tom finds it hard to eat with his new teeth. Você já experimentou uma sopa tão boa? Have you ever tasted such a good soup? Have you ever experienced such a good soup? Il plongea dans l'eau et remonta pour respirer. He dived into the water and came up for air. He dived into the water and went back to breathe. On ne devrait pas faire de blague au dépens des autres. We shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense. We shouldn't joke at the expense of others. Chiesi a Tom cosa voleva fare. I asked Tom what he wanted to do. I asked Tom what he wanted to do. Odio el café. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. Elle est dépourvue de silhouette. She has no figure. She has no silhouette. Qu’attends-tu de nous ? What do you want from us? What are you waiting for from us? Non crederà a quello che è successo oggi. You're not going to believe what happened today. He won't believe what happened today. Enquanto eu viajava pela Europa, roubaram minha carteira num trem. While traveling in Europe, I was pickpocketed on a train. While I was traveling to Europe, they stole my wallet on a train. Bienvenue ! Welcome. Welcome! Qu'aimerais-tu faire demain ? What would you like to do tomorrow? What would you like to do tomorrow? Ea a încremenit în picioare ca și cum ar fi văzut o fantomă. She stood transfixed as if she had seen a ghost. She cremated up like she'd seen a ghost. "Signa tibi dicam: tu condita mente teneto." "These tokens bear, and in thy memory store." "Sign up to tell you: you keep your mind." Nous ne te demanderions pas de faire ça. We wouldn't ask you to do that. We wouldn't ask you to do that. Didymus mihi placuit. I liked Tom. Didymus pleased me. Sei stato a Nashville? Have you been to Nashville? Have you been to Nashville? Che ragazzo! What a boy! What a boy! Il sommelier approva i clienti che scelgono il vino rosso col pesce. The sommelier approves of customers who choose red wine with fish. The sommelier approves customers who choose red wine with fish. El a explicat în detaliu ceea ce văzuse. He explained in detail what he had seen. He explained in detail what he had seen. Saya terdengar awak sudah dipecat. I heard you got fired. I heard you got fired. Nu are importanță. It's not important. It doesn't matter. Tom m'a dit qu'il ne se sentait pas très bien. Tom told me he wasn't feeling very well. Tom told me he didn't feel very well. Tom terminou seus trabalhos domésticos e então fez sua lição de casa. Tom finished his chores and then he did his homework. Tom finished his housework and then did his housework. Stai cu ochii pe el. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Cuius domus est? Who owns this house? Is it a place where he lives? Negli ultimi anni, la scienza ha fatto dei progressi notevoli. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. In recent years, science has made considerable progress. Tom merasa jengkel. Tom became irritated. Tom was upset. Tom puede usar mi cámara de vídeo si quiere. Tom may use my video camera if he wants to. Tom can use my video camera if you want. Lei ha spento il computer. You turned off the computer. You turned off your computer. Dímelo, por favor. Please, tell me. Tell me, please. Ea este fanatică. She's a fanatic. She's a fanatic. Estne caelum serenum? Is the sky clear? Is the sky dark? Aș fi putut fi un concurent. I could've been a contender. I could have been a competitor. Andrò a vederli. I'll go and see them. I'll go see them. Estou tentando entrar em forma. I'm trying to get into shape. I'm trying to get in shape. Eu não o vi aqui antes. I haven't seen him here before. I didn't see him here before. Tu pensi che Tom sarà offeso? Do you think Tom will be offended? You think Tom's gonna be offended? Piscina e folosită în comun de toţi copiii din vecinătate. The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood. The pool is commonly used by all children in the neighborhood. Bill meneleponku tadi malam. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. A la debuta Diu que hascoc lo cèu e la tèrra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At the beginning He says I dig up the sky and the earth. Lo vi correr. I saw him running. I saw him run. Bill y yo somos buenos amigos. I am good friends with Bill. Bill and I are good friends. Su pieza es muy chica. Her room is very small. His piece is very girl. Tom è frustrato. Tom is frustrated. Tom's frustrated. Aku berkata pada Tom bahwa aku pikir itu adalah ide yang bagus. I told Tom I thought it was a good idea. I told Tom that I thought it was a good idea. Tenemos una fiesta mañana por la noche. We have a party tomorrow evening. We have a party tomorrow night. La dipendenza da droga è un cancro nella società moderna. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society. Mi piacciono sia la pallavolo sia il basket. I like volleyball as well as basketball. I like basketball and basketball. Como você sabe que o Tom não vai querer que a Mary faça isso? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? How do you know Tom won't want Mary to do that? Bondjoû! Good day! Hello! Toată lumea admiră picturile sale. Everyone admires the pictures painted by him. Everyone admires his paintings. Quid bibere possumus? What can we drink? What can we do to drink? Je suis un alcoolique. Je suis un drogué. Je suis homosexuel. Je suis un génie. I'm an alcoholic. I'm a drug addict. I'm homosexual. I'm a genius. I'm an alcoholic, I'm a drug addict, I'm gay, I'm a genius. El bebe parecía estar profundamente dormido. The baby seemed to be fast asleep. The baby seemed to be deep asleep. Ma mère m'a fait un pull-over. My mother made a sweater for me. My mother gave me a sweater. A l'é difìcil convince John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to convince John. Tom ti aspetterà. Tom will wait for you. Tom'll wait for you. Praeterito Solis die raedam novam emi. Last Sunday I bought a new car. Praetorito Solis die raedam new emi. Tom sa cosa vuol dire questo. Tom knows what this means. Tom knows what that means. Quem te contou onde moro? Who told you where I live? Who told you where I live? Esto está muy soso. This is very bland. This is very hard. Biduum ibi fui. I was there for two days. I've been there by the two of you. Metete en el auto y esperame. Get into the car and wait for me. Get in the car and wait for me. Se não está à venda, não faça propaganda. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. If it's not for sale, don't advertise. Tu problema es parecido al mío. Your problem is similar to mine. Your problem looks like mine. Timuerunt autem obstetrices Deum et non fecerunt iuxta præceptum regis Aegypti, sed conservabant mares. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded, but saved the men children. Also, they Tim took witnesses with them; and they did not do according to the law of the king of Egypt, but they saved up the sea. Eu tenho cada vez mais cabelos grisalhos. I'm getting more and more gray hair. I've got more and more gray hair. Ce calități admiri cel mai mult la Tom? What qualities do you most admire in Tom? What qualities do you admire most about Tom? Eu și Tom suntem pe aceeași lungime de undă. Tom and I are on the same wavelength. Tom and I are on the same wavelength. Sponsa non habet. He has no girlfriend. Sponsa doesn't have it. Un coccodrillo ha mangiato Tom. A crocodile has eaten Tom. A crocodile ate Tom. Digitabula tua in raeda mea inveni. I found your gloves in my car. I found your fingerprint in my drive. Io sono molto frustrato. I'm very frustrated. I'm very frustrated. Os traballadores pediron unha suba de soldo. The workers asked for an increase in pay. The workers asked for a raise. Eu tentei muito convencer o Tom a parar de fazer aquilo. I tried really hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. I tried very hard to convince Tom to stop doing that. Estou sozinho agora. I'm alone now. I'm alone now. U figghiolu dissi cu tassì spariu nta nigghia. The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog. I told you I'd take a taxi and get away with it. Revenez dans une heure ! Come back in an hour. Come back in an hour! Pecuniam non habeo. I do not have any money. I don't have any money. Ella está loca. She's crazy. She's crazy. Ele levantou a mão. He raised his hand. He raised his hand. La fermele mari, vitele sunt de obicei însemnate cu fierul roșu. On large farms, cattle are usually marked with brands. At large farms, cattle are usually marked with red iron. Sé que sabes que lo sé. I know that you know that I know. I know you know I know. Ille nihil, nec me quærentem vana moratur, / sed graviter gemitus imo de pectore ducens, / "Heu fuge, nate dea, teque his, ait, eripe flammis. / Hostis habet muros; ruit alta a culmine Troja. / Sat patriæ Priamoque datum." To such vain quest he cared not to reply, / but, heaving from his breast a deep-drawn sigh, / "Fly, Goddess-born! and get thee from the fire! / The foes", he said, "are on the ramparts. Fly! / All Troy is tumbling from her topmost spire. / No more can Priam's land, nor Priam's self require." He won't even notice anything, neither will he die in vain, / but gravely groaned at the top of his heart, / "He is fleeing, born of a goddess, thee art thou, said he, erype flames. / Hosts has walls; the fruit is high at the top of Troy. / Satpatriæ Priamoque datum." Maria mures timet. Mary is afraid of mice. Maria muries shy. Elle était déjà amoureuse de lui. She was already in love with him. She was already in love with him. Gostaria de saber de qual ele gosta. I'd like to know which he likes. I'd like to know which one he likes. Quanti punti ha? How many points do you have? How many points do you have? Epistula a Didymo scripta est. The letter was written by Tom. The Epistula of Didymo is written. Io mi chiedo se il professore lavori qui. I wonder if the teacher works here. I wonder if the professor works here. Non licet tibi hic sedere. You can't sit here. It is not lawful for you to sit here. Não acho que Tom deixaria a sua esposa. I don't think that Tom would leave his wife. I don't think Tom would leave his wife. Solía haber un pequeño santuario por aquí. There used to be a small shrine around here. There used to be a little shrine around here. Ini bukan awal yang bagus. It's not a good start. This isn't a good start. Am multe de făcut azi. Te rog vino mâine! I have a lot to do today. Please come tomorrow! I have a lot to do today. Eu ajudei bastante, eu acho. I've helped a lot, I think. I helped a lot, I think. Il dit qu'il s'est rendu au Japon la semaine précédente. He said he had come to Japan the previous week. He says he went to Japan the week before. Tom est marrant. Tom is funny. Tom's funny. Es por tu bien. It's for your own good. It's for your own good. Je peux t'apprendre à nager. I can teach you how to swim. I can teach you how to swim. Oamenii folosesc calculatorul atât pentru jocuri cât și pentru muncă. People use computers for both games and work. People use the computer for both games and work. Chi l'ha dipinto? Who painted that? Who painted it? Credo di essere obiettivo. I believe I'm objective. I think I'm objective. A sua esposa diz algumas coisas estranhas. Your wife says some strange things. Your wife says some strange things. Mercurius planeta Soli proximus est. Mercury is the first planet from the Sun. The Mercury of the planet Soli is near. Noi l-am găsit în viață. We found him alive. We found him alive. Non, non et non ! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no, no! Non videntur laeti. They don't seem happy. There's no such thing as laity. Thomas intellexit quomodo Maria se haberet. Tom understood how Mary felt. Thomas understood how Mary was getting along. Un toro è maschio e una vacca è femmina. A bull is male and a cow is female. A bull is male and a cow is female. Aku harus bangun pagi-pagi. I have to get up early. I have to get up early. Il cacciatore ha messo delle munizioni nella pistola. The hunter put ammunition in the gun. The hunter put ammunition in the gun. É bom você estar aqui. It's a good thing you were here. It's good that you're here. Spero che Tom e Mary non siano ubriachi. I hope Tom and Mary aren't drunk. I hope Tom and Mary aren't drunk. Ese es un gran plan. That's a great plan. That's a great plan. Estou segura aqui? Am I safe here? Am I safe here? Il sogno diventò realtà. The dream came true. The dream came true. Frunzele au căzut. The leaves fell. The leaves have fallen. Il n'y a pas de lait dans le verre. There isn't any milk in the glass. There's no milk in the glass. Él es popular entre los alumnos. He's popular with the students. He's popular with students. Thomas callidus videtur. Tom seems smart. Thomas callidus seems. Quot ova mater emit? How many eggs did Mother buy? What kind of eggs are they? Je ne peux pas répondre à ça. I can't answer that. I can't answer that. En Europe et aux États-Unis, ils considèrent le chien comme un membre de la famille. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and the United States, they consider the dog to be a member of the family. Qualcuno mi aiuti. Somebody help me. Somebody help me. Saya tidak pernah mempertimbangkan kemudahan dan kegembiraan sebagai tujuan hidup itu sendiri. I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself. I have never considered ease and happiness as a purpose in life. Elle avait besoin d'argent. She needed money. She needed money. Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu. I agree with your opinion. I agree with your opinion. Gloria virtutem tanquam umbra sequitur. Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow. The glory of the shadow is taken away. Vous méritez d'être félicité. You deserve to be congratulated. You deserve to be congratulated. El este foarte sensibil. He is very sensitive. He's very sensitive. Eu queria fazer isso por Tom. I wanted to do that for Tom. I wanted to do that for Tom. Non penso che Tom sarà arrestato. I don't think Tom will be arrested. I don't think Tom will be arrested. Eu te levarei para casa. I'm going to get you home. I'll take you home. Où piochez-vous vos idées ? Where do you get your ideas from? Where do you put your ideas? Tom era in giardino. Tom was in the garden. Tom was in the garden. Estou triste. I'm sad. I'm sad. Ar trebui să regândiți acest program. You should rethink this program. You should rethink this program. Plumbum meum amisi. I have lost my pencil. My lead is friendly. Merauke adalah kota paling timur di Indonesia. Merauke is the easternmost city in Indonesia. Merauke is the easternmost city in Indonesia. Ci sono molti squali da queste parti? Are there lots of sharks around here? Are there many sharks around here? Pulsa fores, quaeso. Please knock on the door. Forensics press, please. El cânta un cântec. He sang a song. He sings a song. Você deve ser capaz de falar em inglês ou espanhol nessa empresa. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You should be able to speak in English or Spanish in this company. Tom ficou extremamente agressivo. Tom got extremely aggressive. Tom was extremely aggressive. Tom a dîné avec ses parents. Tom had dinner with his parents. Tom had dinner with his parents. La abuela fue al mercado a comprar comida para la familia. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Ei au refuzat să lupte. They refused to fight. They refused to fight. Didymus cum Maria loqui vult. Tom wants to talk to Mary. Didymus when Mary asked to speak. Crezi ceea ce a spus el? Do you believe what he said? Do you believe what he said? Tom perse le sue scarpe. Tom lost his shoes. Tom lost his shoes. Maaf, saya melupakannya. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. La música es el idioma internacional. Music is the international language. Music is the international language. Elle l'embrassa. She kissed him. She kissed her. Estne tibi difficile intellegere quid mulieres tibi infantesque dicant? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Are you hard to understand why women and children say to you? Cicero oratorum Romanorum eloquentissimus fuit. Cicero was the most eloquent of the Roman orators. He was the first orator of an eloquent Roman man. T'es givrée ! You're nuts! You've turned around! Tom trató de mantener la calma. Tom tried to keep calm. Tom tried to keep calm. Est-ce fatal ? Is it fatal? Is it fatal? Ebbe uno scatto di rabbia. He broke out into rage. He had a shot of anger. Eu sei por que o Tom está com medo. I know why Tom is afraid. I know why Tom's scared. Yo era demasiado rápido. I was too fast. I was too fast. Eles não estão nadando no rio. They aren't swimming in the river. They're not swimming in the river. Le processus est en cours. It's an ongoing process. The process is under way. Ludisne pediludio? Do you play soccer? Pediludium Games? Voilà le secret du véritable bonheur. This is the secret of true happiness. This is the secret of true happiness. Jane não era feliz. Jane was not happy. Jane wasn't happy. Aku tidak peduli Tom terlihat seperti apa. I don't care what Tom looks like. I don't care what Tom looks like. Me tornei um novo homem. I've become a new man. I became a new man. Il vivait dans une maison éloignée du village. He lived in a house remote from the village. He lived in a house away from the village. Je ne sais s'il faut que je sois heureux ou pas. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don't know if I have to be happy or not. En quoi puis-je vous être utile ? What can I help you with? What can I do for you? È assolutamente incredibile. That's absolutely unbelievable. It's absolutely incredible. Dia telah berjanji akan memberi tahu kita. He promised he would tell us. He has promised to tell us. Mi sono ripreso dal mio brutto raffreddore. I have recovered from my bad cold. I recovered from my bad cold. L'accompagnerò all'ospedale. I'll accompany you to the hospital. I'll take you to the hospital. Tom não me disse por que estava planejando sair de Boston. Tom didn't tell me why he was planning to leave Boston. Tom didn't tell me why he was planning to leave Boston. Nous ne pouvions le prendre par surprise. We could not overtake him. We couldn't take it by surprise. Berapa banyak gambar yang kau beli? How many pictures did you buy? How many pictures do you buy? Tócame Chopin. Play me some Chopin. Chopin's on me. Él cumplió su ambición de navegar por el mundo. He realized his ambition to sail around the world. He fulfilled his ambition to navigate the world. Te gândești serios să mănânci toată aia? Are you seriously thinking about eating all that? Are you seriously thinking about eating all that? Ansiaba unha entrada para o concerto. He was itching for a ticket to the concert. I longed for an entrance to the concert. Dia membuat penemuan ilmiah penting. He made an important scientific discovery. He made an important scientific discovery. Il limone è acido. Lemon is sour. Lemon is acid. Am auzit că ai o ședință astăzi. I hear that you have a meeting today. I heard you had a meeting today. Eu realmente adoro o Japonês. I really love Japanese. I really love Japanese. Yutaka a deux frères plus âgés. Yutaka has two older brothers. Yutaka has two older brothers. La bonne a balayé le sol. The servant swept the floor. The good one swept the ground. Debatnya berlanjut. The debate is continuing. The debate continues. Por favor, tráiganme mi libro cuando vengan. Please bring my book up when you come. Please bring me my book when they come. Aliquis ianuam tuam pulsat. Somebody's knocking at your door. Somebody knocks your door. Saya belum lagi menghabiskan makan. I haven't quite finished eating. I haven't finished eating yet. Credo Thomam iam huc accessurum esse. I'm sure Tom is on his way. I think Thomam is already here to get in touch. Quelles sont tes qualifications ? What are your qualification? What are your qualifications? A che ora è la cena? What time is supper? What time is dinner? Tout le monde vous appréciait. Everybody liked you. Everyone liked you. Não tenho certeza de que é uma boa ideia. I'm not sure it's a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Él encontró la puerta cerrada. He found the door closed. He found the door closed. Que pausèc uas questions au professor. He asked his teacher several questions. Let me ask the teacher a few questions. Non ho saputo risolvermi ad accettare il lavoro. I couldn't bring myself to take the job. I couldn't resolve to accept the job. Așteptați cinci minute, vă rog. Wait five minutes, please. Wait five minutes, please. Venite a cenare con me. Come have dinner with me. Come and have dinner with me. O Tom dormiu demais. Tom overslept. Tom slept too much. El tren ya había salido cuando llegué a la estación. The train had already left when I arrived at the station. The train had already left when I got to the station. Secondo te non fa proposte concrete e fattibili? In your opinion, she does not make concrete and feasible proposals? You don't think he makes concrete and feasible proposals? Fratri glossarium dedi. I gave my brother a dictionary. Brother glossarium finger. Não temos nenhuma preocupação. We don't have any concerns. We have no concern. Io sono sicura che Tom sarà sveglio. I'm sure Tom will be awake. I'm sure Tom will be awake. Puto Thoman puniendum esse. I think Tom should be punished. Fucking Thoman being punished. Ei canem emit. He bought her a dog. They can emit. Saya tidak suka yang ini. I don't like this one. I don't like this one. Kami pergi nonton semalam. We went to the movies last night. We went to watch last night. Je ne peux pas adhérer au projet de Jim. I can't go along with Jim's plan. I can't join Jim's project. Pueri arbores libenter ascendunt. Children like climbing trees. Pure trees libenter ascending. O altă lume este posibilă. Another world is possible. Another world is possible. Los alumnos absorbieron todo el conocimiento que el profesor les dio. The pupils absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them. The students absorbed all the knowledge that the teacher gave them. Tom não é tão pobre quanto a maioria das pessoas acham. Tom isn't as poor as most people assume he is. Tom's not as poor as most people think. Lui non avrebbe guardato la mia proposta. He wouldn't look at my proposal. He wouldn't have looked at my proposal. El fueu siempre ye peligrosu. Fire is always dangerous. Fire is always dangerous. Sequere me, quaeso. Please follow me. Follow me, please. Eu não acho que o Tom esteja acordado. I don't think Tom is awake. I don't think Tom's awake. O petrecere de rămas bun a fost ţinută în onoarea d-lui Tanaka. A farewell party was held in honor of Mr. Tanaka. A farewell party was held in honor of Mr. Tanaka. Tens papel? Do you have paper? Do you have any paper? Vi un partido de tenis por la tele. I watched a tennis match on TV. I saw a tennis game on TV. Juntémonos el domingo. Let's get together on Sunday. Let's meet on Sunday. Karena keretanya penuh, aku berdiri sepanjang jalan menuju Tokyo. Since the train was crowded, I stood all the way to Kyoto. Because the train's full, I'm standing all the way to Tokyo. Les hommes ne pensent qu'à une chose. Men only think about one thing. Men think only of one thing. Matrem meam amo. I love my mother. My mother loves me. Tom a plongé dans la piscine. Tom dove into the swimming pool. Tom plunged into the pool. Això és bufar i fer ampolles. It's a piece of cake. That's blowing and making bottles. Tom ada di dok. Tom is on the dock. Tom's on the dock. Merka! Buy! United States! Así que sos un tipo raro. You are, then, a strange person. So you're a weird guy. Nu sunt aici ca să lupt. I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to fight. Tres de las carreras fueron ganadas por Tom. Tom won three races. Three of the races were won by Tom. Kita manganto skali sampe mata mu tabuka me susa bahaya. I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. We're suffocating once in a sample of your eyes open up to me in danger. Post prandium ire possumus. We can go after lunch. We can go early for lunch. A me piace la mia lingua. I like my language. I like my tongue. Io voglio dormire ora. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. Tom abusa de su autoridad. Tom abuses his authority. Tom abuses his authority. Kemarin adalah hari ulang tahunku. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Me requieren para trabajar más duro. They require me to work harder. They require me to work harder. Tom quase morreu tentando me salvar. Tom almost died trying to save me. Tom almost died trying to save me. La santé est plus importante que tout le reste. Health is more important than everything else. Health is more important than anything else. Forse hai ragione. Perhaps you are right. Maybe you're right. A Tom piacque parlare con Mary. Tom enjoyed talking with Mary. Tom likes to talk to Mary. Tom se ha enamorado de Mary. Tom has fallen in love with Mary. Tom has fallen in love with Mary. C'est trop gros. It's too big. It's too big. Puer cum amicis natat. The boy is swimming with his friends. Well, that's how my friends were born. Licetne mihi cum Maria ludere? May I play with Maria? Are you allowed to play with Maria? Sapete che dobbiamo molto a Tom. You know we owe Tom a lot. You know we owe Tom a lot. Devo aiutarla. I need to help her. I need to help you. Jangan mempermainkanku! Don't pull my leg! Don't mess with me! Selepas selesai kerja saya akan telefon awak. When I get through with my work, I'll call you. After my job, I'll call you. Nenhum deles sabe francês. None of them know French. None of them know French. Potionem Sinensem bibe. Drink some tea. Symposium to drink. Eu irei com você. I'll come with you. I'll go with you. Eu não estava a mentir quando disse que as amava. I wasn't lying when I said that I loved you. I wasn't lying when I said I loved them. Eu quero muito aprender francês. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. Dia memberiku senyuman lebar. She gave me a wide smile. He gave me a big smile. Perché non ti siedi qui un momento? Why don't you sit here a moment? Why don't you sit here for a moment? Vós sois velhas. You're old. You're old. Ornamenta cara gerimus. We are wearing expensive jewels. Decorations of the way we manage. Cui dixit: "Revertens veniam ad te tempore isto, et habebit filium Sara uxor tua". Quo audito, Sara risit ad ostium tabernaculi, quod era post eum. And he said to him: I will return and come to thee at this time, life accompanying, and Sara, thy wife, shall have a son. Which when Sara heard, she laughed behind the door of the tent. I said, "Reversive! I will come to you at this time, and he will have your wife Sarah's son." As soon as he heard it, Sarah laughed at the door of the tent door, which was after him. No quiero que vuelvas a poner un pie en ese bar. I never want you to step foot in that bar again. I don't want you to put your foot back in that bar. Lui presta sempre attenzione al comportamento delle sue figlie. He always pays attention to his children's behavior. He always pays attention to the behavior of his daughters. Claro que Tom sabe jugar al tenis. Tom sure can play tennis. Of course Tom knows how to play tennis. Creo que si. I think so. I think so. Ha chiamato il signor Tanaka mentre eri fuori. Mr. Tanaka called while you were out. Mr. Tanaka called while you were outside. Il court fort vite. He runs very fast. He's running fast. Nos a calgut repossar l'amassada pr'amor de la pluèja. We had to postpone the gathering because of rain. We had to rest the gathering for love of rain. On parle l'anglais dans de nombreux pays. English is spoken in many countries. We speak English in many countries. Bill a arrêté de fumer. Bill stopped smoking. Bill stopped smoking. Camioanele au făcut ca bunurile să fie transportate în mod facil. Trucks made it easy for goods to be transported. Trucks made the goods easily transported. È saltato sul treno. He jumped on the train. He jumped on the train. Envie-me um e-mail caso você queira. Write me an email if you feel like it. Send me an email if you want. Tom va in vacanza domani. Tom is going on vacation tomorrow. Tom's going on vacation tomorrow. Il n'a pas expliqué pourquoi il avait été absent. He gave no explanation why he had been absent. He didn't explain why he was missing. Malum flavum est. It's a yellow apple. It is evil falcon. Acta est fabula. The play is over. Let's see if this is a story. La verdad es que no tengo intenciones de detenerme en este momento. Actually, I have no intention to quit right now. The truth is, I have no intention of stopping right now. Personne ne se trouve dans la pièce. No one is in the room. Nobody's in the room. Je suis vraiment déçu. I'm really disappointed. I'm really disappointed. Prefiero el inglés a las matemáticas. I like English better than Math. I prefer English to mathematics. Je ne suis pas la personne que j'étais. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the person I was. Filius Mariae sum. I'm Mary's son. I am the Son of Mary. La mia opinione è completamente diversa dalla tua. My opinion is entirely different from yours. My opinion is completely different from yours. ¡Tú eres un hombre varonil! You're a manly man! You're a man! ¿Cuántos huevos te has comido esta mañana? How many eggs did you eat this morning? How many eggs have you eaten this morning? Je pensais que vous vous seriez perdue. I thought you'd got lost. I thought you'd be lost. Noi stavamo per sparare a loro. We were going to shoot them. We were about to shoot them. Personne ne te croira. No one will believe you. No one will believe you. Qu'ei ua mapa. This is a map. There's a map. Je veux que tu dises que tu ne retournes pas à Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. Tom está xingando Maria. Tom is calling Mary names. Tom's kidding Maria. Sono un uomo libero. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Câinele pare bolnav. The dog looks sick. The dog looks sick. Se per qualche motivo dovessi fallire, ci riproverei. If for some reason I failed, I'd try again. If for some reason I fail, I'll blame you again. Wak lah cubo mamelok annyo taruih, tapi nyo alun elok juo lai. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. Look at all the cubes it will require, but they have not yet. No es la misma cosa. It isn't the same thing. It's not the same thing. Senex prope mortem est. The old man is near death. Old man near death is. Espèri que va s'i escàder. I hope that he will succeed. I hope he's gonna squat. Pertanyaan yang bodoh akan menghasilkan jawaban bodoh Stupid questions will produce stupid answers. A stupid question will lead to a stupid answer. In Graecia multae insulae sunt. There are many islands in Greece. In Greece there are many islands. Când a fost tânăr, a muncit cu sârguinţă. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was young, he worked hard. Ho intenzione di andare. I'm going to go. I'm going to go. Tom se lo merita. Tom deserves that. Tom deserves it. Non sta russando. He isn't snoring. He's not raving. Para mim, elas são todas parecidas. They all look the same to me. To me, they're all similar. Isto não é duro. This isn't hard. This isn't tough. Vous feriez la même chose à ma place. You'd do the same thing if you were me. You would do the same for me. Il est venu en bus. He came by bus. He came by the bus. În vremuri grele, în vremuri triste, hai să încercăm să facem ceva pentru alți oameni. In hard times, in sorrowful times, let's try doing something for other people. In difficult times, in sad times, let's try to do something for other people. Finché Tom non è sobrio, io non voglio che ci aiuti. Unless Tom is sober, I don't want him helping us. Until Tom's sober, I don't want you to help us. Non pioverà stasera. It's not going to rain tonight. It won't rain tonight. Ia-o mai lent. Slow up. Take it slower. La scorsa notte non sono riuscita a chiudere occhio. Last night I did not get a wink of sleep. Last night I couldn't close my eyes. Anche io l'ho pensata così. I thought so, too. I thought so too. Hic liber multo utilior est quam ille. This book is much more useful than that one. He is so much better off than he is. Mihi est cor. I have a heart. My heart. Eu vou arriscar. I'll take my chance. I'll risk it. Elle viendra peut-être demain. Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. Flores emit. He bought flowers. Flowers issued. Terraemotus omnia delevit. The earthquake destroyed everything. Terraemot destroyed everything. Podría nevar esta noche. It might snow tonight. I could snow tonight. Tom obișnuia să se ducă în Boston în fiecare vară când era copil. Tom used to go to Boston every summer when he was a child. Tom used to go to Boston every summer when he was a kid. O Tom pediu informação sobre um endereço. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for information about an address. Tratar de corregir a ese niño es machacar en hierro frío. Trying to correct that boy is useless. Trying to fix that child is to grind in cold iron. Nós estávamos no mesmo ônibus. We were on the same bus. We were on the same bus. Da nobis telum. Give us the gun. Give us the phone. Mau bergabung dalam pembicaraan kami? Won't you join our conversation? Want to join in our conversation? Él siempre está alardeando. He is always talking big. He's always bragging. Studesne? Are you studying? Studentne? La llave a un problema a menudo está en la puerta del vecino. The key to a situation often is in the neighbor's door. The key to a problem is often at the neighbor's door. Són paraules buides. Those are empty words. They're empty words. Je suis heureux d'avoir un ami comme vous à qui me confier. I'm glad I have a friend like you to confide in. I'm glad to have a friend like you who trusts me. De tels manuels devraient être écrits dans un langage plus simple. Such manuals should be written in simpler language. Such manuals should be written in a simpler language. Leia sua declaração antes de assinar. Read your statement before you sign it. Read your statement before signing. He ido a Kioto dos veces. I've been to Kyoto twice. I went to Kyoto twice. Non concupisces domum proximi tui: non desiderabis uxorem eius, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum nec omnia, quæ illius sunt. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house; neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house: thou shalt not covet his wife, he shall not be his servant, he shall not be his maidservant, he shall not be an ox, nor his ass, nor any of his goods. Mercès per tot. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Mi scusi, dov'è il bagno? Excuse me, where is the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Potesne comprehendere Thomas? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Thomas? Todo lo que quiero es una lavadora. All I want is a washing machine. All I want is a washing machine. Mi è veramente piaciuto il film. I really enjoyed the movie. I really liked the movie. Tu hai un odore così buono. You smell so nice. You smell so good. Non ti fidi dei tuoi istinti? Don't you trust your instincts? Don't you trust your instincts? Setelah hujan. Jalanan basah. It has been raining. The roads are wet. After it rains, wet roads. Só o Obama sabia disso. Only Obama knew about it. Only Obama knew that. Le stă bine împreună. They look cute together. They look good together. Juego con él. I play with him. I play with him. Hic liber de Sinis est. This book is about China. He is free here from Sinis. Eu faço o meu melhor. I do my best. I do my best. Psittaci humanas voces imitantur. Parrots imitate human speech. Psittac human voices imitate. Tom ha scritto un paio di libri. Tom has written a couple of books. Tom wrote a couple of books. Je n'appartiens pas à ce monde. I'm not from this world. I don't belong to this world. Él olvidó comprar un regalo para ella. He forgot buying a present for her. He forgot to buy her a gift. Vou escrever uma carta. I am going to write a letter. I'll write a letter. Ne te rappelles-tu pas mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Ils n'ont pas tenu leur promesse. They didn't keep their promise. They didn't keep their promise. Natare possum. I'm able to swim. I can swim. Dia sangat pintar. She is very intelligent. He's very smart. Eles foram embora depois de terminar de almoçar. They left after they finished lunch. They left after lunch. Licetne mihi? Do I have permission? Will you excuse me? Que vergonha, Tom. Shame on you, Tom. Shame on you, Tom. ¡Mejor, callate! You'd better hold your tongue. Better, shut up! Tom té trenta anys. Tom is thirty years old. Tom's 30 years old. ¿Estás casado? Are you married? Are you married? Tom est le plus grand de sa famille. Tom is the tallest in his family. Tom's the greatest of his family. Qual è la sua squadra di football preferita? Which is your favourite football team? What's your favorite football team? Tom mulai menyukai anjing liar yang mngikutinya sampai ke rumah. Tom grew to love the stray dog that followed him home. Tom began to like the wild dog that followed him home. Por que os senhores nunca me revelaram? Why didn't you ever tell me? Why have you never revealed it to me? Didymo placuit hoc. This pleased Tom. Didymo liked this. Semnificația cuvintelor se poate schimba în funcție de contextul lor. The meaning of words can change according to their context. The meaning of words may change depending on their context. Ce vrei să mănânci? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? Sono andata all'università. I went to university. I went to college. Non penso che capiterà. I don't think it'll happen. I don't think he'll make it. J'ai fait hier la connaissance de ton papa. I became acquainted with your dad yesterday. I met your dad yesterday. È un pittore famoso e dovrebbe essere trattato come tale. He is a famous painter and should be treated as such. He is a famous painter and should be treated as such. Tom non ha paura di morire. Tom isn't afraid to die. Tom's not afraid to die. Astăzi sunt on-line. Today I'm online. I'm online today. Apa kau akan menembakku? Are you going to shoot me? Are you gonna shoot me? Sta comprando quelle, giusto? You're buying those, right? He's buying those, right? Lo extraño mucho. I miss him a lot. I miss him a lot. Tom telah bersetuju untuk berada di sini pada pukul 2:30, tetapi dia masih belum sampai lagi. Tom agreed to be here at 2:30, but he's not here yet. Tom had agreed to be here at 2:30, but he still hasn't reached again. Tom e eu vamos nos casar. Tom and I are getting married. Tom and I are getting married. Yo no soy de la India. I am not from India. I'm not from India. É bonita, não é? It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful, isn't it? Tom ne connaît pas la différence entre l'Irak et l'Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Não há nada errado com a maneira que o Tom fez aquilo. There's nothing wrong with the way Tom did that. There's nothing wrong with the way Tom did that. Menyerah bukan jawaban. Giving up isn't the answer. Surrender is not the answer. Videsne illum virum? Maritus meus est. Do you see that man? He's my husband. Is he my husband? Cuius coloris thorax laneus eius est? What color is his sweater? How many colors is her age? Patrem tuum videre volunt. They would like to see your father. Your father wants to see it. Tolos hombris nacin libris i egualis en digniá i derechus i, comu gastan razón i concéncia, ebin comportal-se comu hermanus los unus conos otrus. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All hombres are born books and equal in dignity and right and, as they spend reason and conscience, they behave as sisters together as one another. Je le rencontrerai demain. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll meet him tomorrow. No gràcies, només miro. No, thank you. I'm just looking. No thanks, I'm just looking. Canisne etiam mandolino? Do you also play the mandolin? Can I help you? Gallia altera patria est mihi. France is my second country. Gallia is the next day of my father's family. Il mangea le steak et en commanda un autre. He ate up the steak and ordered another. He ate the steak and ordered another one. Esta flor extiende sus pétalos de noche. This flower spreads its petals at night. This flower extends its petals at night. Mi por haña bo number? Can I have your telephone number? Can I get your number? Lei non si deve preoccupare. You don't need to worry. You don't have to worry. No quiero que se lo digas a nadie. I don't want you to tell anybody. I don't want you to tell anyone. Era una historia desconsoladora. It was a heartbreaking story. It was a comforting story. Pòrta 's lìber andrera a chiel. Take this book back to him. Bring 's liber will go to chiel. Não o conheço mais. I don't know you anymore. I don't know him anymore. Acum, asta e o problemă. Now, this is a problem. Now, that's a problem. Ela está se exibindo. She's showing off. She's showing herself. Tiene el doble de libros que yo. He has twice as many books as I do. He has twice as many books as I do. Eu posso lhe ensinar a cozinhar. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. Lo que más me sorprendió realmente fue que yo fui el único al que despidieron. What really surprised me most was that I was the only one who got fired. What really surprised me was that I was the only one they fired. Tom es más inteligente que yo. Tom is more intelligent than I am. Tom's smarter than me. Desde que estoy aquí, se me ha ensuciado toda la ropa. All my clothes have gotten dirty since I've been here. Since I've been here, I've had all my clothes dirty. El a renunțat fără niciun anunț. He quit without notice. He gave up without an announcement. Tom era ganancioso. Tom was greedy. Tom was greedy. Se todas as abelhas morressem, a humanidade só viveria por mais quatro anos. If all the bees died, mankind would only live for four more years. If all the bees died, humanity would only live for another four years. Orate pro eis. Pray for them. Pray for them. Se nos pidió que nos presentáramos por turnos. We are asked to introduce ourselves in turn. We were asked to meet on shift. ¿Los encontrarás, no? You will find them, won't you? You'll find them, won't you? Me gustaría hablar con usted sobre este tema. I'd gladly speak with you on this subject. I would like to talk to you about this. Volètz har au jòc dab jo ? Would you play with me? Do you want to bring the game to me? Te timeo. I'm afraid for you. I'm afraid of you. O seu pai é médico? Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? Mostrate loro come si fa. Show them how it's done. Show them how to do it. Le-am ordonat să părăsească încăperea. I ordered them to leave the room. I ordered them to leave the room. Podésh entender a Tom? Can you understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Me zia avi tri picciriddi. My aunt has three children. I'm surprised you had three picciriddi. Videsne puerum? Do you see the boy? You see a boy? "Sed quis ad Hesperiæ venturos litora Teucros / crederet, aut quem tum vates Cassandra moveret? / Cedamus Phœbo, et moniti meliora sequamur!" "Ah! who listened or obeyed? / Who dreamed that Teucrians should Hesperia gain? / Yield we to Phoebus now, nor wisdom's words disdain." "But who is going to Hesperæ to be seen by thee? or who is going to move Cassandra?/Cedamos Phoebe, and the mountains are better off!" Él me sonríe amistosamente. He smiles kindly at me. He smiles friendlyly at me. Ela é bonita, mas perigosa. She is beautiful, but dangerous. She's pretty, but dangerous. Siete davvero sporchi. You're really dirty. You're really dirty. Maria flores distribuit. Mary is giving out flowers. Mary flowers distributed. Aku mengundang mereka ke pesta. I invited them to the party. I invited them to the party. Que idade tem esse guarda-chuva? How old is this umbrella? How old is that umbrella? Quando Londinium advenisti? When did you get to London? When did Londinium come? Tom levou um ano para escrever o livro. Tom took a year off to write a book. Tom took a year to write the book. Tu ets tot per mi. You are everything to me. You're all for me. Eu emprestei o meu guarda-chuva a Tom. I lent my umbrella to Tom. I lent my umbrella to Tom. Siquiera te saludó con la mano. A mí ni me miró. At least she shook your hand. She didn't even look at me. He even greeted you with his hand, and he didn't even look at me. Mungkin besok saya akan pergi. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I'll go. Tom sintió peligro e inmediatamente se sintió preocupado. Tom sensed danger and was suddenly worried. Tom felt dangerous and immediately worried. Je suppose que tu as raison. I suppose you are right. I guess you're right. Aku tidak bisa menerima uang Tom. I can't take Tom's money. I can't take Tom's money. O verdureiro é muito gentil com seus clientes. The greengrocer is very kind to his customers. The gardener is very kind to his clients. El mănâncă mult. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. Você faz do mundo um lugar tão maravilhoso. You make the world such a wonderful place. You make the world such a wonderful place. Vocês riram de mim. You have laughed at me. You guys laughed at me. Sunt curioasă. I'm curious. I'm curious. Ella es seis años mayor que yo. She is senior to me by six years. She's six years older than me. Am dat locul meu doamnei în vârstă. I gave my seat to the old lady. I gave my place to the old lady. Devo usare dell'inchiostro? Do I have to use ink? Should I use ink? Entonces, ¿cuál es el plan? What's the plan, then? So, what's the plan? Je te verrai dans quelques jours. I'll see you in a few days. I'll see you in a few days. Je vais vous donner une chance additionnelle. I'm going to give you one more chance. I'll give you another chance. Abbi fede in Dio. Have faith in God. Have faith in God. Hanc diaetam odi. I hate this apartment. Remove the Hungry Diaet. Noi siamo ottimisti. We're optimistic. We're optimistic. Vado ben volentieri a scuola. I go very gladly to school. I'm happy to go to school. Thomas ientaculum solus in culina sumit. Tom is eating breakfast alone in the kitchen. Thomas is an implant in the furnace alone. Io devo essere punita. I have to be punished. I must be punished. Este îndrăzneț pentru oameni să presupună că sarcina noastră este de a face ceea ce poate face numai Dumnezeu. It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do. It is bold for people to assume that our task is to do what God alone can do. Eu tomei chá ontem. I drank tea yesterday. I had tea yesterday. Leopolin ire volo... I want to go to Lviv... Leopolin going flight... Dia memberitahu saya rahsianya. She told me her secret. He told me his secret. Îmi plac bomboanele. I like candy. I like candy. Disculpe, tengo una petición. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Vorbiţi chineza? Do you speak Chinese? Do you speak Chinese? Il ne pleut pas. It is not raining. It doesn't rain. Mi volevo scusare per quello che è successo ieri. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. Ne m'as-tu pas dit hier que toi et ton petit ami aviez rompu ? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend had broken up? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend broke up? No es una cuestión de bueno o malo sino de mejor o peor. It's not a question of good or bad but of better or worse. It is not a matter of good or bad but of better or worse. Vós podeis usar este dicionário. You can use this dictionary. You can use this dictionary. Qual è il modo più facile per imparare l'inglese? What is the easiest way to learn English? What is the easiest way to learn English? Em que empresa você trabalha? Which company do you work for? Which company do you work in? Aku baru saja pergi ke bank. I've been to the bank. I just went to the bank. Ea rosa pulchra est. This rose is beautiful. It is a beautiful rose. Estaba a tratar de matar o tempo. I was trying to kill time. I was trying to kill time. Je suis très désorientée. I'm all confused. I'm very disoriented. De las víctimas, ocho son mayores de edad y dos son menores. 8 was the oldest of the victims and 2 was the youngest. Of the victims, eight are older and two are younger. È veloce con i calcoli. She is quick at figures. It's fast with the calculations. Yo solía ir a la iglesia los domingos. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sundays. Èra plan, lo filme ? Was the movie good? Was it a plan, the film? Solea ferrea ex equi pede cecidit. The shoe fell off the horse's hoof. The iron sun off the horse's foot fell. ¿Cuándo será el desayuno? When is breakfast served? When's breakfast? Quando scrivete? When do you write? When are you writing? Esta palabra no se usa comúnmente. This word is not in common use. This word is not commonly used. Aku harus belajar. I have to study. I have to learn. ¿Dónde está? Llevo horas buscándolo. Where is it? I've been searching for hours. I've been looking for him for hours. O home come para vivir, non vive para comer. Man eats to live, he does not live to eat. Man eats to live, he doesn't live to eat. Non sono una centrista. I'm not a centrist. I'm not a centrist. Falei de música. I talked about music. I talked about music. Tom pa ka fè fòt. Tom cannot make mistakes. Tom could not make mistakes. Mă plimbam pe bulevard. I was strolling down the avenue. I was walking on the boulevard. Demain est-il un jour férié ? Is tomorrow a holiday? Is tomorrow a holiday? Veritas odium parit. The truth bears hatred. Truths hate parit. Tom était le meilleur ami du défunt mari de Mary. Tom was Mary's late husband's best friend. Tom was the best friend of Mary's late husband. Me abstuve de votar. I refrained from voting. I abstained from voting. La mujer sigue usando blusas pasadas de moda. The woman keeps wearing out-of-fashion blouses. The woman still wears fashionable past blouses. At ille respondit: Pax vobiscum, nolite timere. Deus vester et Deus patris vestri dedit vobis thesauros in saccis vestris; nam pecuniam, quam dedistis mihi, probatam ego habeo. Eduxitque ad eos Simeon. But he answered: Peace be with you, fear not: your God, and the God of your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks. For the money, which you gave me, I have for good. And he brought Simeon out to them. And he said to them, Peace be with you, fear not: your God and the God of your father hath given you treasure in your sacks; for I have proved your money, which ye have given me, and he hath brought it out to them, Simeon. Tidak. Nay. Not at all. O Tom, geralmente, chega em casa apenas a tempo do jantar. Tom usually arrives home just in time for dinner. Tom usually gets home just in time for dinner. Eu gosto de ler livros. I like to read books. I like reading books. Tom privea absent pe fereastră. Tom looked absently out the window. Tom was looking away on the window. Chiar m-am săturat de viață. I'm really sick of life. I'm really sick of life. Vi um cachorro cuja cauda tinha sido cortada. I saw a dog and its tail was cut short. I saw a dog whose tail had been cut. Volo quod optimum ei est. I want what's best for him. I want the best for him. Là où l'on brûle les livres, on finit aussi par brûler des hommes. Where they burn books, they will eventually burn people. Where the books are burned, we also burn men. Domnul Suzuki nu este dentist, ci medic. Mr Suzuki is not a dentist but a physician. Mr. Suzuki is not a dentist, but a doctor. Quem escreveu esse livro? Who wrote that book? Who wrote this book? Lei è disposto ad aiutarla? Are you willing to help her? Are you willing to help her? Je ne suis pas médecin, mais instituteur. I'm not a doctor, but a teacher. I'm not a doctor, but a teacher. Volte para a cama. Go back to bed. Go back to bed. Loro hanno bisogno di noi per finire il lavoro. They need us to finish the job. They need us to finish the job. Hoy no estuve ocupado. I wasn't busy today. I wasn't busy today. Até Tom esperou. Even Tom waited. Even Tom waited. Provai a parlare con lei. I tried to talk to her. Try to talk to her. Nu am fost forțați în nici un fel. We haven't been coerced in any way. We weren't forced in any way. Sanguinem enim animarum vestrarum requiram de manu cunctarum bestiarum; et de manu hominis, de manu viri fratris eius requiram animam hominis. For I will require the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man, and of his brother, will I require the life of man. For I will require the blood of your souls, at the hand of every beast; and at the hand of man, even at the hand of man's brother, I will require the life of man. Patrem bis in anno inviso. I go to my father's place twice a year. Father two in the year old. Ouvi isso. I've heard that. I heard that. Lo Tòm ne sap pas hèr au tenís. Tom can't play tennis. Tom doesn't know yesterday when he is playing. Io a volte scrivo a mia madre. I sometimes write to my mother. Sometimes I write to my mother. Il n'est pas du tout honnête. He is not honest at all. He's not being honest at all. Tom trabalha para o pai de Maria. Tom works for Mary's father. Tom works for Maria's father. La troverò io stesso. I'll find her myself. I'll find her myself. Ne joue pas les héros ! Don't try to be a hero. Don't play heroes! Ubique est. It's everywhere. Where is he. Besok saya pergi ke Paris. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. Tomorrow I go to Paris. No dormí bien. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well. Procul est. She's far away. Procul's east. Pohon dikenali melalui buahnya. A tree is known by its fruits. Trees are known for their fruits. Yo so un gato. I am a cat. I'm a cat. Navem nisi sarcinas recuperem ingrediar. I cannot get on this boat if I don't find my luggage. We ship unless the load recovers the ingredient. Je ne l'ai pas pris au sérieux. I didn't take it seriously. I didn't take it seriously. Você está de bom humor? Are you in a good mood? Are you in good mood? Il passa la soirée à lire. He spent the evening reading. He spent the night reading. Tom suonò una canzone con la sua chitarra. Tom played a song on his guitar. Tom played a song with his guitar. Ad quem tum Juno supplex his vocibus usa est: / "Aeole – namque tibi divum pater atque hominum rex / et mulcere dedit fluctus et tollere vento –, / gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat æquor, / Ilium in Italiam portans victosque Penates." Him now Saturnia sought, and thus in lowly strain: / "O AEolus, for Jove, of human kind / and Gods the sovran Sire, hath given to thee / to lull the waves and lift them with the wind, / a hateful people, enemies to me, / their ships are steering o'er the Tuscan sea, / bearing their Troy and vanquished gods away / to Italy." It is used by the Juno supple to whom the following voices are used: / "Aaeole – for the good father and the goodly king / and strong hand has waves and taken away the wind – the enemy nation of Tyrrehen sails æquor, / the illustrious ruler in Italy, carrying both the victorious Penitents." Est-ce que tu veux partir aujourd'hui ? Do you want to leave today? Do you want to leave today? Mentre stava facendo il bucato ha trovato un preservativo nella tasca posteriore dei pantaloni di suo figlio. While doing the wash she found a condom in the back pocket of her son's pants. While doing the laundry he found a condom in his son's back pocket. Bună dimineața. Morning! Good morning. Comes novus tibi sum. I'm your new partner. I'm newly appointed to you. O policial suspeitou que o homem fosse culpado. The policeman suspected the man was guilty. The police suspected the man was guilty. C'est également vrai pour l'Allemagne. The same holds true for Germany. It is also true for Germany. ¿Puedo ir a nadar después del mediodía? Can I go swimming after noon? Can I go for a swim after noon? Cosa direbbe? What would you say? What would you say? Por favor, hágalo. Please do that. Please do it. Onde devemos nos encontrar? Where should we meet? Where should we meet? Mon propre bien-être est ma priorité absolue. My own welfare is my top priority. My own well-being is my top priority. Nuestro profesor de música me aconsejó visitar Viena. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna. Une enquête de police a été ouverte. The police have opened an investigation. A police investigation was opened. Corrí adonde mi madre. I ran to my mother. I ran where my mother was. Eu tenho bolhas nos meus pés. I've got blisters on my feet. I have bubbles on my feet. Has de menjar més a poc a poc. You should eat slower. You need to eat slowly. Tom n'avait pas l'habitude de parler travail à la maison. Tom wasn't used to talking about work at home. Tom wasn't used to talking work at home. A verdade é que nós humanos não podemos viver sem ar. The truth is that we can't live without air. The truth is that we humans cannot live without air. Sinice scribit. She writes Chinese. Unique written. Koreksi kesalahannya dan kembalikan berkas itu ke Tn. Luxemburg. Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg. Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr. Luxembourg. Non hai nulla da mangiare? Don't you have anything to eat? You got nothing to eat? Digiti tui pulchri sunt. Your fingers are pretty. Your fingers are beautiful. Eles estão a caminho. They're on their way. They're on their way. Feci quod potui. I did what I could. You're doing what I can. La gloire est le soleil des morts. Glory is the sun of the dead. Glory is the sun of the dead. E păcat că nu l-am vizitat pe Tom atunci când am avut ocazia. It's a pity we didn't visit Tom when we had the chance. It's a shame I didn't visit Tom when I had the chance. A ideia de surpreendê-la subitamente passou pela minha cabeça. The idea of surprising her suddenly crossed my mind. The idea of suddenly surprising her went through my head. Vous commettrez la même erreur si les choses se poursuivent de cette manière. You'll make the same mistake if things continue in this way. You will make the same mistake if things continue this way. Ne me prends pas au sérieux. Je ne fais que blaguer. Don't take me seriously. I'm only joking. Don't take me seriously. Tom gifla Mary. Tom slapped Mary. Tom gifla Mary. Tentantes ad Troiam pervenerunt Graeci. The Greeks came to test Troy. Trying to Troy, they came to Greece. ¿Qué haces despierta tan temprano? What are you doing up this early? What are you doing up so early? Quina foto més bonica! Pareix una pintura. What a beautiful photo! It seems like a painting. What a beautiful picture! Un malheur n'arrive jamais seul. When it rains, it pours. A tragedy never happens alone. Il vostro francese è buono. Your French is good. Your French is good. Tiene miedo de ir en avión. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid to fly. Tom ha perso la sua penna preferita. Tom lost his favorite pen. Tom lost his favorite pen. Sub arbore malo suscitavi te. I raised thee up under the apple tree. Under the bad tree I woke you up. É melhor nós começarmos. We'd better get started. We better get started. Bondjoû! Good morning! Hello! Il a tourné la clé. He turned the key. He turned the key. Lui non è molto gentile, vero? He isn't being very nice, is he? He's not very kind, is he? Alexandra e Columbia oriunda est. Columbiana est. Alejandra is from Colombia. She is Colombian. Alexandra and Columbia east. Columbiana east. Il est responsable de cet accident. He is responsible for the accident. He's responsible for this accident. El a vorbit despre muzică. He talked about music. He talked about music. Quando veniet Thomas? When is Tom coming? When's Thomas coming? Aku tidak bisa tidur nyenyak karena diluar berisik. I couldn't sleep well because it was noisy outside. I can't sleep well because of the noise outside. Eles não sabiam o que fazer primeiro. They didn't know what to do first. They didn't know what to do first. Queremos información. We want information. We want information. Ponte una bata. Put on a robe. Put on a robe. Bene laborat. He works well. Well-worked. Aș fi fost foarte bucuros dacă veneai. I'd be very glad if you'd come. I would have been very happy if you'd come. Tom parece horrorizado. Tom looks appalled. Tom seems horrified. Es bastante coqueta. She is quite coquettish. You're quite coke. Père est en colère contre moi. Father is angry with me. Father is angry with me. Tom debería haberle prestado atención a lo que Mary dijo. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. Tom should have paid attention to what Mary said. Canis manum meam momordit. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Puto me solum esse. I guess I'm on my own. I thought I was the only one. Ne avevo davvero bisogno. I really needed it. I really needed it. ¿Tienes una opinión? Do you have an opinion? Do you have an opinion? Tom adalah pekerja yang baik. Tom is a good worker. Tom's a good worker. Eu sou porque vocês são, portanto nós somos. I am because you are, and therefore we are. I am because you are, so we are. Tom voulait rentrer chez lui tôt. Tom wanted to go home early. Tom wanted to go home early. ¿Quién ha partido el pastel? Who cut the cake? Who broke the cake? Mes cheveux sont en désordre. My hair is a mess. My hair's messed up. Ele não deu explicação do por quê que tinha estado ausente. He gave no explanation why he had been absent. He didn't explain why he was missing. În sfârșit am absolvit liceul. I finally graduated from junior high school. I finally graduated from high school. Io ne ero felice. I was happy with that. I was happy. Egressus ad eos Lot post tergum occludens ostium ait: Nolite, quæso, fratres mei, nolite malum hoc facere. Lot went out to them, and shut the door after him, and said: Do not so, I beseech you, my brethren, do not commit this evil. When Lot went out to them behind the door, he said to them, "No, my brothers, don't act like that. Solo quiero ir a casa. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. Lei è la più alta. You're the tallest one. You're the tallest. Eu acho que o Tom é incompetente. I think Tom is incompetent. I think Tom is incompetent. Cred că e prea puțin probabil ca tu să poți face asta singur. I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself. I think it's too unlikely that you can do this on your own. A quoi ressemble ta sœur ? What is your sister like? What does your sister look like? Muchas personas cazan. Many people hunt. A lot of people hunt. Tom sembra avvilito. Tom looks dejected. Tom looks up. Il l'a détournée de son mari. He lured her away from her husband. He turned her away from her husband. Non enim possum redire ad patrem meum, absente puero, ne calamitatis, quæ oppressura est patrem meum, testis assistam. For I cannot return to my father without the boy, lest I be a witness of the calamity that will oppress my father. For I can't go back to my father, except for the boy, or for the disaster, how he will push my father, I will sit down. Fue rápido y divertido. It was fast and fun. It was quick and fun. Io non riesco a controllarla. I can't control it. I can't control it. Parece bom no papel. It looks good on paper. Looks good on paper. J'accorde une très haute valeur à ton amitié. I value your friendship very much. I value your friendship very highly. Qu'est-ce que vos enfants mangent d'habitude au petit-déjeuner ? What do your children usually eat for breakfast? What do your kids usually eat at breakfast? Tom poderia ganhar. Tom could win. Tom could win. Eu já dei a metade a você. I already gave you half. I already gave half to you. Il dit au tenant de la librairie qu'il reviendrait dans l'après-midi pour acheter le livre. He told the bookstore keeper that he would come there again to buy the book that afternoon. He told the bookstore that he would come back in the afternoon to buy the book. Tom disse que ele ia falar com Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. Il attacha son chien à l'arbre pendant qu'il allait dans le magasin. He tied his dog up to the tree while he went into the store. He attached his dog to the tree while he was in the store. Tom menunjuk suatu tempat di peta. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. Tom's pointing somewhere on the map. Io ho fatto ciò che mi è stato chiesto. I did what I was asked. I did what I was asked to do. Eu falei para o Tom não ligar. I told Tom not to call. I spoke to Tom not to call. Dia cuma kebudakan je. He is just a kid. He's just a je slave. Este é um novo sistema? Is this a new system? Is this a new system? La Corea del Sud si chiama "Hanguk" in coreano. South Korea is called "Hanguk" in Korean. South Korea is called "Hanguk" in Korean. Studiez la universitate. I study at the university. I'm studying at the university. Seorang istri boleh memiliki harta benda milik mereka sendiri dan terpisah dari suaminya. A wife can have property independent of her husband. A wife can have her own possessions and be separated from her husband. C'est un petit égoïste méprisable. He's a selfish little snot. He's a lousy little selfish man. Saya adalah seorang ahli kelab tenis. I'm a member of the tennis club. I'm a tennis club expert. La leche viene de la vaca. Milk comes from cows. Milk comes from the cow. Não havia nada que pudessem realmente fazer para evitar que Fadil batesse em Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from beating Layla. There was nothing they could really do to prevent Fadil from beating Layla. Saya sangat menyesal. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Am avut ceva probleme. I had some trouble. I had some problems. Eu acho que ele está escondendo alguma coisa da gente. I think he is holding something back from us. I think he's hiding something from us. Vai a prendere un po' di latte. Go fetch some milk. Go get some milk. Não toque o doce. Don't touch the candy. Don't touch the candy. C'è qualcuno intrappolato nella macchina. Is there anyone trapped in the car? Someone's trapped in the car. Domnul Spencer lucrează la magazin. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer works at the store. J'ai accouché naturellement. Last time it was a natural childbirth. I gave birth naturally. Me apuesto cinco dólares a que no viene. I bet five dollars that he will not come. I'll bet you five dollars you don't come. El mío es más grande que el vuestro. Mine is bigger than yours. Mine is bigger than yours. Todos eles sabem. They all know. They all know. Mirava en el syelo i en la estreyeriya. He looked into the sky and at the stars. I looked in the sky and in the cricket. Volete mangiare fuori questa sera? Do you want to eat out tonight? Would you like to eat out tonight? Alguém tem um lápis? Does anybody have a pencil? Does anyone have a pencil? E fizician. He is a physicist. He's a physicist. Es el mejor pavo que he probado nunca. It's the best turkey I've ever tasted. He's the best turkey I've ever tried. Acum am nevoie de o asistentă medicală. I need a nurse now. Now I need a nurse. Montes pulchri sunt. The mountains are beautiful. Hills are beautiful. No es común que pase pronto. It's not likely to happen soon. It's not common for it to happen soon. ¿Pensáis que estoy gordo? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm fat? Tom veult estre fort. Tom wants to be strong. Tom is strong. Nessuna risposta è necessaria. No answer is necessary. No answer is necessary. Scio te me non amare. I know you don't love me. I know you don't love me. Você assiste TV? Do you watch TV? Are you watching TV? Kita musti nae tidor skarang. I have to go to sleep. We mustn't do it now. Dacă asculți versurile o să vezi că nu spun nimic. If you listen to the lyrics, you'll realize that they don't say anything. If you listen to the lyrics you'll see that I'm not saying anything. Quando hic liber in lucem emissus est? When was this book published? When was he here free for light emitted? Canicus est aeque procerus ac Gulielmus. Ken is as tall as Bill. Canicus is the chief justice, as well as Gulielmus. Si Tom aparece, entrégale este documento, por favor. If Tom drops by, please give him this document. If Tom shows up, give him this document, please. Feliç aniversari! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! Me plazen los dos. I like both of them. I'm both pleased. Je suis nerveux. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. Ha detto che avrebbe parlato con lui. You said you'd talk to him. He said he'd talk to him. Me estoy meditando adelgazar un poco. I'm planning on losing some weight. I'm meditating on slowing down a little bit. O que você fez agora? What have you done now? What have you done now? Nu este problema ta. It's no concern of yours. It's not your problem. Licetne carne cibationi crudo felibus? Can raw meat be fed to cats? Licensing meats raw chilibus? Quando hai cominciato a studiare tedesco? When did you begin learning German? When did you start studying German? Ele vai terminar o namoro com ela. He will break up with her. He's gonna end his date with her. Estuvo chido. It was cool. It was locked. Kamu lagi ngapain? What are you doing? What are you doing again? "Hei, apa hal?" "Oh, takda hal." "Hey, what's up?" "Oh, not much." "Hey, what's the matter?" "Oh, nothing." Sine te non possum vivere. I can't live without you. I can't live with you. Escucho lo que estás diciendo. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Quero algo novo. I want something new. I want something new. Tengo un par de libros en inglés. I have a few English books. I have a couple of books in English. Trebuie să studiezi mai mult. You must study more. You need to study more. Apa aku sedang berhalusinasi? Am I imagining things? Am I hallucinating? Minha carteira foi roubada ontem. My wallet was stolen yesterday. My wallet was stolen yesterday. Ibuku sudah tiada sepuluh tahun ini. My mother has been dead these ten years. My mother's been gone for ten years. Proiectul nostru a eșuat. Our project failed. Our project failed. J'ai besoin de connaître votre réponse d'ici vendredi. I need to know your answer by Friday. I need to know your answer by Friday. Saya mahu belajar di luar negeri. I want to study abroad. I wanted to take a foreign assignment. Non ho cercato di fermarla. I didn't try to stop her. I didn't try to stop her. Babaca! Idiot! Babaca! Você vai me buscar às 7 amanhã de manhã? Are you picking me up at 7 tomorrow morning? Are you gonna pick me up at 7:00 tomorrow morning? Ketika ia berada di Los Angeles, ia memiliki setidaknya enam pekerjaan yang berbeda. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When he was in Los Angeles, he had at least six different jobs. Eu comprei uma camiseta. I bought a T-shirt. I bought a T-shirt. Come ha trascorso le sue vacanze? How have you spent your holiday? How did you spend your holidays? Semestinya tidak ada koma pada kalimat ini. There shouldn't be any commas in this sentence. There's definitely no coma in this sentence. Cales son as alternativas? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Lasciatemi da solo, OK? Leave me alone, will you? Leave me alone, OK? Vine a hablar con Tom. I came to talk to Tom. I came to talk to Tom. Pa ni pwoblèm. No problem. Not at all. Lo ingoi. Non lo mastichi. Swallow it. Don't chew it. Don't chew it. Aku sedang sibuk sekali. I've been very busy. I'm so busy. La carta estaba escrita en cifra. The letter was written in code. The letter was written in figures. Ciò sarebbe accettabile per te? Would this be acceptable to you? Would that be acceptable to you? Il partit tôt. He left early. He left early. Tom et Mary travaillent dans le même bureau. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary are working in the same office. Dovrebbe essere pronto al peggio. You should be ready for the worst. He should be ready for the worst. Nós somos os campeões. We're the champions. We're the champions. Al no haber tenido noticias suyas, le volví a escribir. Not having heard from him, I wrote to him again. Since I had no news of yours, I wrote to him again. Le thé est brûlant. The tea is scalding hot. Tea's burning. Abbiamo finalmente pubblicato il libro. We finally published the book. We finally published the book. Quanto burro avete comprato? How much butter did you buy? How much butter did you buy? Quibus auditis, Moyses fecit omnia, quæ ille suggesserat; et, electis viris strenuis de cuncto Israel, constituit eos principes populi, tribunos et centuriones et quinquagenarios et decanos, qui iudicabant plebem omni tempore. And when Moses heard this, he did all things that he had suggested unto him. And choosing able men out of all Israel, he appointed them rulers of the people, rulers over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens. And they judged the people at all times. To the hearers, Moyses did all that he had suggested; and, chosen able men out of all Israel, made them rulers of the people, captains of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, judges of the people all the time. Tatăl meu merge la muncă cu bicicleta. My father goes to work by bike. My father goes to work with his bike. ¿Quieres otra taza de té? ¡Acabo de hacerte una! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! You want another cup of tea? Omnia mutantur, nos et in illis mutamur. All things change, and we also change with them. They change everything, we change for them. Elimina esa foto. Delete that picture. Remove that photo. Aku juga tidak dapat menjelaskannya. I can't explain it either. I can't explain either. Le soleil se lève pour tous. The sun rises for everyone. The sun rises for all. Pater e natu france locutus est mater etiam anglice locuta est. My father is a native French speaker and my mother is a native English speaker. The father spoke French as well. The mother also spoke English. Não podemos beber leite. We can't drink milk. We can't drink milk. Comprò questa penna in quel negozio. She bought this pen at that store. I bought this pen in that store. Sacrilegium crimen est sine nocito. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. The crime of sacrilege is harmless. Avec qui veux-tu t'entretenir ? Who do you want to talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Él no podía respirar profundamente. He could not breathe deeply. He couldn't breathe deeply. Fortissimus es. You are very brave. Strongest ice. Cubitum maturius eo. I go to bed very early. He was maturing his life. Vous êtes celle qui m'a formée. You're the one who trained me. You're the one who trained me. Serios? Are you serious? Really? Noi non riuscivamo più ad aiutarle. We couldn't help them any more. We couldn't help them anymore. Questo è uno dei miei luoghi preferiti. This is one of my favorite places. This is one of my favorite places. Comment as-tu perdu autant de poids ? How did you lose so much weight? How did you lose so much weight? Eu espero que Tom não tenha perdido o ônibus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. I hope Tom didn't miss the bus. Mangkali dia orang Prancis. She may be French. He's a Frenchman. Oh, eu não sei se concordo com você. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. L'addestramento sarà fornito. Training will be provided. Training will be provided. Lingua modus est communicationis. Language is a means of communication. The language mode is communication. Tom acenou com a cabeça em direção à porta. Tom nodded toward the door. Tom waved his head towards the door. Je me suis endormi en faisant mes devoirs. I fell asleep while I was doing my homework. I fell asleep doing my homework. Cela ne vous tracasse-t-il jamais ? Doesn't it ever bother you? Don't you ever worry about that? Miriam es antisemita. Mary's an antisemite. Miriam is anti-Semite. Los vuelos fueron cancelados. The flights were cancelled. The flights were cancelled. Quid scripsit? What did he write? What did he write? Sto progetto, stæto propòsto a-i tempi de Napolion, o l'é ciù costoso. This project, proposed during the Napoleonic era, is more expensive. I'm planning, proposed at the time of Napolion, or it's expensive. Avremo l'elemento della sorpresa dalla nostra parte. We'll have the element of surprise on our side. We'll have the element of surprise on our side. Sarebbe rischioso. That would be risky. It would be risky. Continuo venti volvunt mare magnaque surgunt / æquora: dispersi jactamur gurgite vasto. / Involvere diem nimbi, et nox humida cœlum / abstulit; ingeminant abruptis nubibus ignes. / Excutimur cursu, et cæcis erramus in undis. / Ipse diem noctemque negat discernere cœlo, / nec meminisse viæ media Palinurus in unda. Winds roll the waters, and the great seas rise. / Dispersed we welter on the gulfs. Damp night / has snatched with rain the heaven from our eyes, / and storm-mists in a mantle wrapt the light. / Flash after flash, and for a moment bright, / quick lightnings rend the welkin. Driven astray / we wander, robbed of reckoning, reft of sight. / No difference now between the night and day / e'en Palinurus sees, nor recollects the way. The wind continues, the sea is driven back and forth by the wind, which rises / æquora: we are scattered, our bodies are vast. / Involve the day of clouds, and wet the neck / is hidden at night; we are ingested with clouds of fire. / We are inextinguishing the course, and we are wandering around in eleven. / Ipse the day and night denies to discern the neck, / we don't remember the half of Palinurus in one. J'essaye d'arrêter Tom. I'm trying to stop Tom. I'm trying to stop Tom. Quis mortem Caroli ulciscetur? Who will avenge the death of Karl? Why does Caroli's death boil? Qual é o seu palavrão favorito? What's your favorite curse word? What's your favorite word? Ma grand-mère est devenue vieille. My grandmother has become old. My grandmother has become old. Meu primo, que é advogado, está atualmente na França. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is in France at present. My cousin, who is a lawyer, is currently in France. J'aimerais aller skier avec elle. I'd like to go skiing with her. I'd like to go skiing with her. Tu hai comprato questi per loro? Did you buy these for them? Did you buy these for them? Qu'ei lo men can. This is my dog. I mean, I can. Noi non siamo ancora state in grado di risolvere il problema. We haven't been able to solve the problem yet. We have not yet been able to solve the problem. Ella es tan joven como yo. She is as young as I am. She's as young as me. ¿Qué estaban haciendo Tom y Mary ayer? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? What were Tom and Mary doing yesterday? Desista. Come off it. Give up. Tom a scos o cutie de sub pat. Tom pulled a box from under the bed. Tom pulled a box from under the bed. Débarrassez-vous d'eux ! Get rid of them. Get rid of them! ¿Le gustó la comida? Did you like the meal? Did you like the food? Horologium tuum carius est quam meum. Your watch is more expensive than mine. He's in love with you and he is just like me. Cur hoc facis? Why are you doing this? What the hell are you doing? Je veux devenir amie avec ta sœur. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to be friends with your sister. Tom vai comprar um violoncelo novo. Tom is going to buy a new cello. Tom's gonna buy a new cello. Enviou ao seu fillo a por un doutor. She sent her son for a doctor. He sent his son to see a doctor. Este un cal. This is a horse. It's a horse. Tom a avut o specializare în psihologie. Tom was a psychology major. Tom had a degree in psychology. Aku akan menghancurkannya. I'll destroy it. I'll destroy it. L'avion disparut en un clin d'œil. The plane disappeared in the twinkle of an eye. The plane disappeared in a blink of an eye. On l’attacherait contre un arbre, et un singe, derrière lui, le frapperait sur la tête avec une pierre. He would be tied to a tree, and a monkey, placed behind him, would hit him on the head with a rock. He would be attached to a tree, and a monkey, behind him, would hit him on the head with a stone. Thomas stultior est quam putas. Tom is more stupid than you think. Thomas is foolisher than you think he is. J'en ai mangé environ la moitié et laissé le reste dans mon assiette. I ate about half of it and left the rest on my plate. I ate about half of it and left the rest in my plate. Thomas de sententia sua decessit. Tom has changed his opinion. Thomas of judgment his death. Os fazendeiros se rebelaram contra o governo. Farmers rebelled against the government. Farmers rebelled against the government. Hae arbores nunquam florebunt. These trees will never blossom. There are never any trees that will bloom. Il proposa d'aller avec lui au théâtre, mais il n'y avait aucune représentation ce soir-là. He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night. He proposed to go with him to the theatre, but there was no representation that night. Recte dixisti, Thoma. You were right, Tom. Right you said, Thoma. Linguam Gallicam quam Germanicam mavult. He prefers French to German. Galician language literally means Germania. Unquamne miles fuisti? Have you ever been a soldier? Have you received tens of thousands? Ambil perlengkapanmu. Grab your gear. Get your gear. Podes traduzir? Can you translate? Can you translate? Podaresselo indicarme n'ostaria bona par magnar? Can you suggest me a good tavern? Could you show me some good housekeeper? Ele sabe falar só um pouco de inglês. He can speak only a little English. He can only speak a little English. Tom normalmente pesca desde el muelle, pero a veces pesca desde la playa. Tom usually fishes off the dock, but sometimes he fishes from the shore. Tom usually fishing from the dock, but sometimes fishing from the beach. Habesne fratrem, Petre? Do you have a brother, Pedro? Have you got a brother, petre? Ce am făcut să merit asta? What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve this? Tengo que buscar mi bolígrafo. I have to find my pen. I have to get my pen. Sembra che Tom sia infastidito. It looks like Tom is annoyed. Looks like Tom's upset. Illam puellam novi. I know that girl. We are talking about the new girl. En additionnant cent et mille vous obtenez mille cent. If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred. By adding a hundred and a thousand you get a thousand. Siete sicuri che Tom non sarà arrabbiato? Are you sure Tom won't be angry? Are you sure Tom won't be angry? Por favor, muéstranos tus imágenes. Please show us your pictures. Please show us your images. Este tipo de cão existe apenas no Japão. This kind of dog exists only in Japan. This kind of dog exists only in Japan. Praestat invidos habere quam misericordiam. It is better to envy than to pity. Presumptuous people are eager to be merciful. Va començar a ploure. It started raining. It started to rain. Librum vendidi. I sold a book. Librum sold. Smammi! Get lost! Smammi! Não achava que o Tom estivesse sozinho. I didn't think Tom was lonely. I didn't think Tom was alone. Minha filha se casa em junho. My daughter is getting married in June. My daughter gets married in June. Bonus magister mihi fuit. I had a good teacher. My teacher was good to me. Aliquid sub lecto est. There's something under the bed. Aliquid under east bed. Aștept trenul. I'm waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the train. Vas-tu oser lui poser des questions sur l'accident ? Dare you ask him about the accident? Are you going to dare ask him questions about the accident? Sto mischiando la maionese con il ketchup. I mix mayonnaise with ketchup. I'm mixing mayonnaise with ketchup. Nós precisaremos falar com o Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. We'll need to talk to Tom. Trebuie să ne gândim la comunitate. We must think about the community. We need to think about the community. Ne t'en va pas ! Don't leave! Don't go! Eu me sinto desconfortável. I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable. Não se desespere, nem tudo está perdido. Do not despair, all is not yet lost. Don't despair, not everything is lost. El problema es que no tenemos suficiente dinero. The trouble is that we do not have enough money. The problem is we don't have enough money. Ès arribat tròp tard au tribalh. You were late for work. It's too late for the tribal. Hans este un om de afaceri german. Hans is a German businessman. Hans is a German businessman. Tiens-toi à l'écart de ma fille ! Stay away from my daughter. Stay away from my daughter! Thomas vir negotiosissimus est. Tom is a very busy man. Thomas is a businessman. Nemo amicorum meorum potionem Arabicam bibit. None of my friends drink coffee. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nous voulons saisir le caractère unique de chaque langue. Et nous voulons aussi saisir leur évolution à travers le temps. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to grasp the unique character of each language, and we also want to grasp their evolution over time. Je suis allée au cinéma mais le film ne m'a pas beaucoup plu. I went to the cinema, but I didn't enjoy the film much. I went to the movies, but the movie didn't like me very much. Aku tidak bisa berhenti merokok. I can't stop smoking. I can't stop smoking. Isterinya di hospital kerana dia cedera dalam kemalangan kereta. His wife is in the hospital because she was injured in a car crash. His wife was injured in a car crash in the hospital. Nu mă trezi. Don't wake me. Don't wake me. Io non riesco a vivere senza di lei. I can't live without her. I can't live without her. Tom queria encontrar-se com Maria. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Tom wanted to meet with Maria. Hacé lo que quieras. Do whatever you like. Do whatever you want. Notre dette totale s'élève à dix mille dollars. Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars. Our total debt is ten thousand dollars. Ella jugó al baloncesto. She played basketball. She played basketball. La revedere, ne vedem mai târziu. So long, see you later. Goodbye, see you later. Onde ele estava naquela noite? Where was he that night? Where was he that night? Uno de los síntomas de la esquizofrenia es la atención patológica a los detalles, así que me siento aliviado cuando olvido algunas comas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to detail, so I feel comforted when I forget a few commas. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is pathological attention to details, so I feel relieved when I forget some commas. ¿Qué diablos estás haciendo? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Aquera veitura qu'a besonh d'estar lavada. This car needs washing. That car needs to be washed. Vous avez choisi le meilleur. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where she lived. Él actúa como la bruja malvada en los cuentos de hadas. He acts like the wicked witch in fairy tales. He acts like the evil witch in fairy tales. C'est parce que vous ne voulez pas être seuls. It's because you don't want to be alone. It's because you don't want to be alone. Veuillez le servir en premier. Please wait on him first. Please serve first. Te ayudará si se lo pides. He'll help you if you ask. It'll help you if you ask. Voglio fare amicizia con tua sorella. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to make friends with your sister. Eles foram atacados. They were attacked. They were attacked. Mă voi așeza să mă odihnesc. I'm going to lie down. I'll sit down to rest. Hodie fluctus alti sunt. The waves are high today. Hodies fluctuates are different. È diretta, vero? She's direct, isn't she? It's direct, isn't it? Ti sostengo. I'm supporting you. I support you. Sekarang saya tahu rahasia-rahasiamu. Now I know your secrets. Now I know your secrets. Tidak ada yang ingin kukatakan padamu. I have nothing to say to you. There's nothing I want to tell you. Id videre non possum. I can't see it. I can't see. Novam birotam emere volo. I want to buy a new bicycle. New offices emerre volo. Datemi una pausa, per piacere. Give me a break, please. Give me a break, please. Non metto mai le patate in frigo. I never put the potatoes in the refrigerator. I never put potatoes in the fridge. É bom ler livros quando se é jovem. It's good to read books when you're young. It's good to read books when you're young. Todos os seus libros están escritos en italiano. All of her books are written in Italian. All your books are written in Italian. Si tu fais une sieste ici, tu vas attraper froid. If you take a nap here, you'll catch a cold. If you take a nap here, you'll catch cold. O Tom comprou uma câmera para mim. Tom bought a camera for me. Tom bought me a camera. Non sembrava felice. She did not look happy. He didn't seem happy. Te hanc artem docebo. I will teach you this skill. I teach you this art. Eu gosto das minhas amigas. I like my friends. I like my friends. Tom a l'ha dij problema a sté dësvij an class. Tom has trouble staying awake in class. Tom said the problem was in class. Prefiero jugar al futbol que natación. I'd rather play football than go swimming. I'd rather play football than swimming. Aku baru menyelesaikan pekerjaanku. I've just finished my work. I just finished my job. Libum in sex partes secuit. She divided the cake into six pieces. Book in six dry parts. Travailleriez-vous au SMIC ? Would you work for minimum wage? Would you work at SMIC? No te hagas el inocente. Don't play innocent. Don't make yourself innocent. Laissez-moi ça ! Leave that to me. Leave this to me! Mata Tom merah, dan ia terlihat sangat lelah. Tom's eyes are red, and he looks very tired. Tom's eyes are red, and he looks very tired. Hei mercar un Ford. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a Ford. Decidiron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They decided to elect him as president. Io devo negare la vostra richiesta. I have to deny your request. I must deny your request. Tom așteaptă să te ia acasă. Tom is waiting to take you home. Tom's waiting to take you home. Saya punya kakak tiri. I have a half brother. I have a stepbrother. Thomas mihi dixit se vulneratum esse. Tom told me he was wounded. Thomas told me he was injured. Odio le conversazioni a sfondo sessuale. I hate sex talk. I hate sex-backed conversations. Eu comprei alguns talheres. I bought some silverware. I bought some cutters. Quem mais lhe ajudou? Who else has helped you? Who else helped you? El teléfono sonó apenas llegué a casa. I had barely got into the house when the phone rang. The phone rang just came home. Cur piger es? Why are you lazy? Aren't you a pigger? Escorpiões são perigosos. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpions are dangerous. Elas estão jogando xadrez. They're playing chess. They're playing chess. Gli ho fatto mettere a posto il mio orologio. I had him fix my watch. I made him set my watch. Dovreste aiutare vostro padre. You should help your father. You should help your father. Dix, c'est dix pour cent de cent. Ten is ten percent of one hundred. Ten, that's ten percent. Fiecare opinie este un amestec de adevăr și greșeli. Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes. Every opinion is a mixture of truth and mistakes. Quand la pomme de terre fut-elle introduite au Japon ? When were potatoes introduced into Japan? When was the apple introduced to Japan? Vos keresh un portokal? Do you want an orange? Would you like to be a Portuguese? Cookie se dio vuelta mientras dormía. Cookie turned over in his sleep. Cookie turned around while he was asleep. É difícil ficar calmo. It's hard to stay calm. It's hard to stay calm. El jove es va ressentir per ser tractat com un covard. The youngster resented being treated as a coward. The young man resented being treated like a coward. ¿A qué hora vas a trabajar? What time do you get to work? What time are you going to work? Je suis assise à la table. I am sitting at the table. I'm sitting at the table. Lingua tua non loquor. I don't speak your language. I don't speak your language. ¿Qué planea hacer este verano? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning on doing this summer? Verbum "impossibile" nescio. I don't know the word "impossible". I don't know "impossible" verb. Los estuches están viejos. The pencil cases are old. The cases are old. Cuando mi padre se marchó de la habitación, ¡mi hermana me hizo un gesto grosero levantando el dedo medio! When my dad left the room, my little sister gave me the finger! When my father left the room, my sister made me a rough gesture raising his middle finger! Ne perdez pas votre temps à essayer de convaincre Tom. Don't waste your time trying to convince Tom. Don't waste your time trying to convince Tom. Quid simulabis? What are you going to be? What kind of simulated me? Feci riparare la porta. I had the door repaired. We repaired the door. Elle fixa son reflet dans le miroir. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She's fixing her reflection in the mirror. Por favor, me chame de Bob. You can call me Bob please. Please call me Bob. Poculum pulchrum inveni. I found a nice cup. Pouch of beauty found. Știi cine l-a ucis pe Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Un pélican peut placer beaucoup de poisson dans son bec. A pelican can fit a lot of fish in its beak. A pelican can place a lot of fish in its beak. J'ai apprécié ce livre. I liked that book. I liked that book. Apakah Anda pernah ke Inggris? Have you ever been to Britain? Have you ever been to England? ¿Cómo lo sabes? How do you know? How do you know? Et je n'ai pas tiré. Je n'ai pas pu... Au dernier moment, c'est honteux à dire... Je n'ai pas eu le courage de tirer. And I did not shoot. I couldn't... At the last moment, it's shameful to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. And I didn't shoot, I couldn't... at the last moment, it's embarrassing to say... I didn't have the courage to shoot. Begitulah hidup. Such is life. That's how life is. Sa famille ne manque de rien. His family lacks for nothing. His family doesn't lack anything. Itu akan terbakar It'll burn. It'll burn. Tenim dues filles. We have two daughters. We have two daughters. Ella ganó treinta mil dólares. She made thirty thousand dollars. She won $30,000. Aprendí mucho esta semana. I learned a lot this week. I learned a lot this week. Recibiu un trato moi duro. He received rough treatment. He got a really hard deal. Spală gutuia cu atenție. Wash the quince thoroughly. Wash your throat carefully. Je vais au théâtre. I go to the theatre. I'm going to the theater. Triginta minutis post quintam horam domum advenit. He comes home at five-thirty. The house came within three minutes after the fifth hour. Ella es una muy buena nadadora. She's a very good swimmer. She's a very good swimmer. Perge, Maria. Go ahead, Mary. Go, Maria. ¡Ven por lo que más quieras! Do come by all means. Come what you want most! Bem-vindos à Boston, pessoal! Welcome to Boston, everybody. Welcome to Boston, guys! O Tom ouviu um barulho alto lá fora. Tom heard a loud noise outside. Tom heard a loud noise out there. ¿Cuál es tu vino favorito? What's your favorite wine? What's your favorite wine? Voltarei num instante. I'll be back in a sec. I'll be right back. Ella acomodó su horario al de él. She accommodated her schedule to his. She accommodated his schedule. Tom realmente se la pasó bien. Tom really had a good time. Tom really had a good time. Tengo ganas de ir al cine. I feel like going to the movies. I want to go to the movies. Ngana mara pa kita, io to? You're angry with me, aren't you? Don't worry about us, I don't? Solo quiero que seas feliz. I just want you to be happy. I just want you to be happy. Ecrivez un paragraphe sur le climat en Provence. Write a paragraph on the climate in Provence. Write a paragraph on climate in Provence. De câte ori pe zi te uiți în oglindă? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Apenas os amigos roubam os seus livros. Just your friends steal your books. Only friends steal their books. Salve ! Utens novus sum. Hello! I'm a new user. Hey, I'm in the new room. Tom quiere estar en contacto con Mary. Tom wants to get in touch with Mary. Tom wants to be in touch with Mary. Como tofu. I eat tofu. Like tofu. Cablurile de fibră optică sunt alcătuite din fibre minuscule de sticlă care sunt la fel de subțiri ca părul uman. Fiber-optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. Optical fibre cables are made up of tiny glass fibers that are as thin as human hair. Comment savez-vous de quelle épaisseur c'est ? How do you know how thick it is? How do you know what thickness it is? Je n'ai plus de souffle. I'm out of breath. I'm out of breath. La legga ad alta voce. Read it aloud. Read it aloud. Él siempre está leyendo cómics. He's always reading comics. He's always reading comics. Pourquoi pas ? Why not? Why not? Hoy no estoy ocupado. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Fortis esto. Be brave. Hold this. No som la policia. We're not the police. We're not the police. "Ipsa, Jovis rapidum jaculata e nubibus ignem, / disjecitque rates evertitque æquora ventis; / illum exspirantem transfixo pectore flammas / turbine corripuit, scopuloque infixit acuto." "She, hurling Jove's winged lightning, stirred the deep / and strewed the ships. Him, from his riven breast / the flames outgasping, with a whirlwind's sweep / she caught and fixed upon a rock's sharp crest." "Ipsa, the fast-paced young man and the clouds fire, / dismisses and scatters rats and turns away the winds; / him/he/she breaths the transfixes of the flame/turbine breasts, corrects the sharp target." De sententia sua decessit. He has changed his opinion. By your judgment your death. Ken était en train de lire quand je suis rentrée à la maison. Ken was reading when I came home. Ken was reading when I came home. ¿Me debería ir o quieres que me quede? Should I go or would you like me to stay? Should I go or do you want me to stay? Lac libenter bibo. I like to drink milk. Lake libenter bibo. Ne pas déranger. Do not disturb. Don't bother. Esta es una hoja de ruta. This is a road map. This is a road map. Cette voiture n'a-t-elle pas un air familier ? Doesn't that car look familiar? Isn't this car familiar? Maaf, bolehkah saya meminjam toiletnya? Sorry, could I use the toilet? I'm sorry, can I borrow the toilet? Mater mea in culina est. My mother is in the kitchen. My mother's in the east. Ora sono libero. Now I am free. I'm free now. Tolong pergi dan panggil bantuan. Please go get help. Please go and get some help. L'integrità a l'ha nèn da manca 'd régole. Integrity has no need of rules. Integrity to it has no lack of rule. Mi vocabulario es limitado. My vocabulary is limited. My vocabulary is limited. Tenéis mucho que aprender. You've got a lot to learn. You have a lot to learn. Ho delle carie? Do I have cavities? Do I have any caries? Nós deveríamos ser devotos aos nossos amados sempre. We should be devoted to our loved ones always. We should always be devoted to our loved ones. ¿Qué occurre dentro del quirófano? What happens inside the operating room? What's in the operating room? Sim, meu coronel! Sir, yes, sir! Yes, my colonel! Él regresó por primera vez a Japón en ocho años. He came back to Japan for the first time in eight years. He first returned to Japan in eight years. Sititisne? Are you thirsty? Stitisne? Mereka akan pulang kerumah besok. They'll return home tomorrow. They'll be home tomorrow. Eu tenho de ajudar o Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Do I have to help Tom? Mon nom est John. My name is John. My name is John. Je viens de France. I am from France. I'm from France. Nolo, gratias. Satis edi. No, thank you. I've had enough. Thank you, that's enough. Nu știu ce se va întâmpla cu tine. I don't know what will happen with you. I don't know what's going to happen to you. Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses. If you had remained silent, you would have remained a philosopher. If you'd shut up, you'd be fine. Para empezar, quiero agradecerles a todos ustedes. To start with, I want to thank you all. For one thing, I want to thank all of you. Ea a avut un atac cerebral. She had a stroke. She had a stroke. M'agrada lo tennís. I like tennis. I like tennis. Cewek itu seksi gila! That chick is fucking hot! That girl's crazy sexy! Je l'ai oublié. I forgot it. I forgot. Nu știu dacă am timpul necesar. I don't know if I'll have time. I don't know if I have the time. Je dis que je l'aimais. I said I liked it. I said I loved him. À quelle distance devons-nous nous rendre ? How far do we have to go? How far should we go? Tom berjanji kepada Mary yang dia ingin berjumpa selepas tamat persekolahan. Tom promised Mary that he'd meet her after school. Tom promised Mary he wanted to see him after school. Ce te-a adus aici? What has brought you here? What brought you here? Tenho uma coisinha para você. I have a little something for you. I got a little something for you. J'ignore comment conduire une voiture. I do not know how to drive a car. I don't know how to drive a car. Desculpe por te incomodar nesta hora de pico. Sorry for bothering you at this busy time. I'm sorry to bother you at this peak hour. Tom é três polegadas mais alto que eu. Tom is three inches taller than I am. Tom's three inches taller than me. Hmm... Como as coisas estão indo? Uh... How's that working? Hmm... how are things going? Este un actor printre actori. He is an actor among actors. He's an actor among the actors. Ninguém quis me ajudar. Nobody would help me. No one wanted to help me. Nos mudamos. We're moving. We're moving out. Il ne reste aucune nourriture. There's no food left. There's no food left. Ha davvero parlato con loro? Have you really talked to them? Did you really talk to them? Tom tenía algo de lo que necesitaba conversar con Mary. Tom had something he needed to talk to Mary about. Tom had something he needed to talk to Mary. Feminae vocem audivi. I heard a woman's voice. Feminine voice I heard. No ho sabrem mai. We'll never know. We'll never know. La venta de cigarros debería prohibirse. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. The sale of cigarettes should be prohibited. Il est jeune et en bonne santé. He's young and healthy. He's young and healthy. Tu la ami? Do you love her? Do you love her? Taberna clausa est. The store is closed. Tab will be closed man. ¿No hablaráis con Tom al respecto? Won't you speak to Tom about it? Won't you talk to Tom about it? Bisakah Anda mengulanginya sekali lagi? Could you please repeat it once again? Can you repeat it again? Makan pagi telah dipesan. Breakfast is served. The morning meal has been ordered. Lui sta provando a suicidarsi. He's trying to commit suicide. He's trying to kill himself. Ea a fiert ouăle. She boiled the eggs. She boiled the eggs. Seguro que se te han caído. You must've dropped them. I'm sure you've fallen. ¿Tienes cambio de un dólar? Do you have change for a dollar? Do you have a dollar change? Maioris accusatus est velocitatis. He was charged with speeding. He was accused of more speed. L'amore non perdona. Love doesn't forgive. Love doesn't forgive. Te joindras-tu à nous ? Will you join us? Will you join us? Farei uma viagem para Kyoto no próximo mês. I'll take a trip to Kyoto next month. I'll make a trip to Kyoto next month. Per favore, aspetta. Please wait. Please, wait. T'es-tu entiché de lui ? Do you have a crush on him? Are you afraid of him? Thomas domum movit. Tom moved house. Thomas moved home. No consigo abrir la puerta. I can't open the door. I can't open the door. Loro sono belle. They're lovely. They're beautiful. Non è impossibile. It is not impossible. It's not impossible. Estamos aprendiendo francés. We're learning French. We're learning French. Ele não era capaz de falar inglês na vida real. He was not able to speak English in real life. He wasn't able to speak English in real life. Rēgīnam vīdī. I saw the queen. We're looking forward to it. È la mia scuola. This is my school. It's my school. Nós pegamos um táxi. We took a cab. We took a cab. La reine a visité le musée. The queen visited the museum. The queen visited the museum. O que é Física Quântica? What is quantum physics? What is Quantum Physics? Je veux l'épouser. I want to marry her. I want to marry him. Aeque procerus est atque frater meus. He is as tall as my brother. See, he is my brother too. Mora en Mueva York. He lives in New York. She lives in Mueva York. Le père est dans son bureau. Father is in his office. Dad's in his office. Ele me pôs essa ideia na cabeça. He put the idea into my head. He put that idea in my head. Si sente minacciata dai semafori? Do you feel threatened by the traffic lights? Do you feel threatened by traffic lights? Jamás imaginé que yo podría dar un concierto en Boston. I never imagined I'd be able to give a concert in Boston. I never imagined I could give a concert in Boston. Ce fut la meilleure chose qui m'est jamais arrivée. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. Perché hai deciso di diventare una professoressa? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Les cerisiers sont en pleine floraison. The cherry trees are in full blossom. The cherry trees are in full bloom. Tatoeba nem mesmo é uma pessoa. Tatoeba is not even a person. Tatoeba is not even a person. Penso che Tom sia creativo. I think Tom is artistic. I think Tom's creative. Eles eram imigrantes. They were immigrants. They were immigrants. Je ne pourrais penser à rien de pire. I couldn't think of anything worse. I couldn't think of anything worse. Eu não posso responder esta pergunta. I can't answer this question. I can't answer this question. Credo ut hoc Thomas amet. I'm sure Tom would love it. I think Thomas is gonna do this. Quero ir aonde quer que você vá. I want to go wherever you're going. I want to go wherever you go. La police a arrêté trois hommes. The police arrested three men. The police arrested three men. Non so nulla di Boston. I don't know anything about Boston. I don't know anything about Boston. Tenemos algo en común. We have something in common. We have something in common. No puede medirse en términos del dinero. It can't be measured in terms of money. It cannot be measured in terms of money. Maria costumava ser capaz de fazer isso por conta propiá. Mary used to be able to do that by herself. Mary used to be able to do that on her own. O Tom não gosta de ficar lá fora. Tom doesn't like to be outside. Tom doesn't like to stay out there. Isso levaria à produção de mais dióxido de carbono, o principal gás responsável pelo aquecimento global. That would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. This would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming. Caelum aspiciebat. He was looking at the sky. Caelum looked. Paris adalah kota tercantik di dunia. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. El ar fi ultimul care te-ar înșela. He would be the last to deceive you. He would be the last to cheat you. Ela adórao. She worships him. She loves him. A moça de casaco azul é minha filha. The girl in a blue coat is my daughter. The blue jacket girl is my daughter. O Tom vai voltar essa semana também. Tom will return this week, too. Tom's coming back this week, too. Solus ego illuc ibo. I'm going there alone. I'm just going there. Kenapa awak nak buat macam ini? Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to do this? Non li voglio incontrare. I don't want to meet them. I don't want to meet them. Cerevisiam bibebat. He used to drink beer. Cerevisia drank. Nu e cine știe ce surpriză, nu-i așa? It's not much of a surprise, is it? He's not who knows what a surprise, is he? Com voldria poder comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. How I wish I could buy this guitar. O Tom tinha algo a dizer. Tom had something to say. Tom had something to say. C'était une très grande pièce. It was a very big room. It was a very big room. Placetne tibi succus? Do you like juice? Does it please you to be dead? Eu quero falar com o meu advogado. I want to talk to my lawyer. I want to talk to my lawyer. Ella té curiositat per saber qui va enviar les flors. She's curious to find out who sent the flowers. She's curious to know who sent the flowers. Ce sont des questions importantes. These are questions that matter. These are important issues. Și eu trebuie să mănânc. I have to eat, too. And I have to eat. An discipulus lycei es? Are you a high school student? Are you a high school disciple? No tengo tiempo para juegos. I don't have time for games. I don't have time for games. Je dispose d'un visa. I have a visa. I have a visa. Sami nu dorea o pisică în casa lui. Sami didn't want a cat in his house. Sami didn't want a cat in his house. Él había creado un par. He was created a peer. He had created a couple. Não achei que podíamos ajudar vocês. I didn't think we could help you. I didn't think we could help you. Aimerais-tu cela ? Would you like that? Would you like that? O Tom é um parente distante meu. Tom is a distant relative of mine. Tom's a distant relative of mine. A cosa si sta riferendo esattamente Tom? What exactly is Tom referring to? What exactly is Tom referring to? Itu agak menggelikan. It was kind of funny. That's a little ridiculous. C'è un vecchio cinema in città. There's an old movie theater in town. There's an old movie in town. Semoga hari anda menyenangkan! I wish you a nice day! Have a nice day! Ho qualcosa di cui devo parlarle. I have something I have to talk to you about. I have something I need to talk to you about. Não quero ficar sozinho. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone. Che inizino le vacanze! Let the holidays begin. Let's start the holiday! Na verdade, o Tom não fez aquilo. Tom didn't actually do that. Actually, Tom didn't do that. Domi est. He is at home. Domain he is. Bagaimana kalau Tom mengetahuinya? What if Tom finds out? What if Tom found out? Ele conseguiu, apesar das dificuldades. He succeeded, despite the difficulties. He did it, despite the difficulties. O que você normalmente faz aos sábados? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you usually do on Saturdays? Valde periculosus est. He is very a dangerous man. He is a dangerous man. Murum aedificabimus. We are going to build a wall. Mum, we'll build. Io? Incoraggiare lei a lavorare? Blasfemia! Me? Encourage you to work? Blasphemy! Encourage her to work? Blasphemy! La maison prit feu. The house caught fire. The house burned down. Pediram-me que esperasse um instante. I was told to wait for a while. They asked me to wait a minute. Nolite eos rogare quo eant. Don't ask them where they are going. Don't ask them where they are. Ele foi ferido por uma bala. He was wounded by a bullet. He was wounded by a bullet. Une robe rouge lui va bien. A red dress looks good on her. He's fine with a red dress. Escrevo isso em nome de nossos amigos que se foram. I'm writing that on behalf of our friends who passed away. I write that on behalf of our friends who left. Sono troppo pigra per fare i miei compiti. I'm too lazy to do my homework. I'm too lazy to do my homework. Tom disse che Mary non aveva paura. Tom said that Mary wasn't afraid. Tom said Mary wasn't afraid. Aquest abric et queda bé. This coat fits you. That coat looks good on you. Qu'ei rapide caminaire. He's a fast walker. It's a quick walk. Dormi até tarde e perdi o primeiro comboio. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept late and lost the first train. Pari plictisită. You look bored. You look bored. Tu és um mau pai. You're a bad father. You're a bad father. Vendré como a las 10. I'll come by 10. I'll come around at 10:00. Jeruk peras rasanya tidak terlalu masam. Sweet oranges are not very sour. The oranges don't feel too dull. De agora em diante, você vai ter que cuidar de si mesmo. From now on, you'll have to take care of yourself. From now on, you will have to take care of yourself. Él también sabe que es de buena educación ceder el asiento a los ancianos. He also knows that it is a sign of good breeding to offer one's seat to seniors. He also knows that it is good to yield the seat to the elders. Non si ricorda di lei. He doesn't remember her. She doesn't remember you. O meu móbil non funciona. My cell phone doesn't work. My phone's not working. Preciso de um novo. I need a new one. I need a new one. Mercurius nuntius deorum erat. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He was probably a messenger of God. Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a quelques semaines. We met a few weeks ago. We met a few weeks ago. Ha detto a Tom perché vuole andare a Boston? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Did you tell Tom why he wants to go to Boston? Yo dije que iba a ayudarte. I said I would help you. I said I was gonna help you. Estamos de preto este mês. We're in the black this month. We're close this month. Lutetiam ivit ut amitam suam videret. She went to Paris to see her aunt. He went to his friend and saw the light. Tom quería que Mary pose desnuda para su pintura, pero ella se negó a hacerlo. Tom wanted Mary to pose in the nude for his painting, but she refused to do so. Tom wanted Mary to pose naked for her painting, but she refused to. Sembri un po' nervosa. You seem a little nervous. You look a little nervous. Qui a propagé ces rumeurs ? Who spread these rumours? Who spread these rumors? Hace años que no nos vemos. We haven't met for ages. We haven't seen each other in years. Il resta silencieux tout le temps. He remained silent the whole time. He's been quiet all the time. Voi prinde trenul următor. I'll catch the next train. I'll catch the next train. Bagaimana efeknya untukmu? How did this effect you? How's the effect on you? Linguam meam amo! I love my language! My tongue, my master! Você é um bom aluno. You are a good student. You're a good student. Canis cum catellis suis est. The dog is with his puppies. Dogs with their dogs. Nunc loqui non possum. I can't talk now. I can't speak. Poate putem ajunge la o înțelegere. Maybe we can make a deal. Maybe we can get to a deal. C'est humiliant. This is humiliating. It's humiliating. Noi obbediremo. We'll obey. We will obey. Dacă mâine plouă, nu voi merge. If it rains tomorrow, I will not be going. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Iulius et Cornelius ad villas suas eunt. Julius and Cornelius are going to their houses. Julius and Cornelius go to their villages. Divisez le gâteau entre vous trois ! Divide the cake among the three of you. Break the cake between the three of you! Je prenais un bain quand le téléphone a sonné. I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. I was taking a bath when the phone rang. Es un dicionario andante? Are you a walking dictionary? Is that a going dictionary? Sudah mari kita lakukan saja sekarang. Let's just do it now. Let's do it now. Eu não trabalho normalmente na segunda-feira. I don't normally work on Monday. I don't usually work on Monday. Ella no fuma. She does not smoke. She doesn't smoke. Vreau să fiu lăsat singur. I want to be left alone. I want to be left alone. Cum Didymo opus faciam. I'll work with Tom. When Didymo works, I do. Tom melangkah masuk melalui pintu depan. Tom walked in through the front door. Tom stepped through the front door. Kita dapat banyak hujan musim panas ini. We have had much rain this summer. We got a lot of rain this summer. Tom tidak akan pernah memaafkan kita jika kita melakukan itu. Tom would never forgive us if we did that. Tom will never forgive us if we do that. Lui non gioca a calcio. He doesn't play soccer. He doesn't play football. Sono andata in libreria. I went to the book store. I went to the bookstore. Lean todos juntos después de mí. Read after me all together. They all read together after me. Nunca he visto un frigo rojo. I have never seen any red fridge. I've never seen a red fridge. Ça passe le lundi soir à 9 heures. It's on on Monday evenings at 9. It's Monday night at 9 o'clock. Kamma? How much? Kamma? O plural de "person" é "people", não "persons". The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The plural of "person" is "people", not "people". L'è un lêder. He is a thief. He's a leder. Las clases empiezan el lunes. Classes begin on Monday. Classes start on Monday. No te puedo parar. I can't stop you. I can't stop you. Numquid putas te esse extraordinarium? So you think you're special? Do you think you're extraordinary? Al fin el gobierno escucha al pueblo. At last, the Government are listening to the people. The government finally listens to the people. No entiendo nada de esto. I don't understand any of this. I don't understand any of this. Error ubi erat? Where was the mistake? Error where was he? Talvez você possa ajudar. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. Io l'ho vista esattamente una settimana fa. I saw her a week ago today. I saw it exactly a week ago. Quem foi que escolheu essas cores? Who chose those colours? Who chose those colors? Ho rifiutato il suo invito a cena. I refused her invitation to dinner. I refused your invitation to dinner. Quid Thomas edit? What's Tom eating? What did Thomas edit? Les preuves abondent. The evidence is overwhelming. The evidence is abundant. Maria viros veretur. Mary is afraid of men. Maria's gonna be the truth. Vuole andare in Australia con me? Do you want to go to Australia with me? You want to go to Australia with me? Deve stare sveglia. You need to stay awake. You need to be awake. Vorrei che mi aveste chiamata. I wish you'd call me. I wish you'd called me. Não toque o plugue do cabo de alimentação AC com as mãos molhadas. Do not touch the plug of the AC power cord with wet hands. Do not touch the AC power cable plug with wet hands. Il significato di questa pratica è stato offuscato da secoli di interpretazioni soggettive dei praticanti. The meaning of this practice was obfuscated by centuries of the practitioners' subjective interpretations. The meaning of this practice has been obscured by centuries of subjective interpretations of practitioners. Lei è mio amico. You are my friend. You're my friend. Nu pentru viață, ci pentru școală învățăm. Not for life, but for school do we learn. Not for life, but for school we learn. Qu'ei la bicicleta deu Mike. This is Mike's bicycle. That's Mike's bike. Guidate. You drive. Drive. Aku tidak mau tinggal dengan itu. I don't want to live with that. I don't want to stay with that. Quam pulchrum est! How beautiful it is! How beautiful it is! Ya que en esta organización todos son caciques y no hay indios, es de extrañar que cualquier decisión se materialice. Since in this organization they're all chiefs and no Indians, it's a wonder any decisions get made. Since in this organization all are cacic and there are no Indians, it is strange that any decision materializes. ¿Ya encontraste a Tom? Have you found Tom yet? Have you found Tom yet? Por Deus, eu terminarei esse trabalho. By God, I'll finish this homework. For God's sake, I'll finish this job. Pelajar itu pergi tanpa menyebut apa-apa. The student left without saying anything. The student left without saying anything. Elle fait de l'urticaire lorsqu'elle mange des œufs. She gets hives when she eats eggs. She makes urticaria when she eats eggs. No kero ke lavoresh ayi. I don't want you to work there. No kero to workesh come on. Tom non si aspettava che Mary fosse così gentile. Tom didn't expect Mary to be so kind. Tom didn't expect Mary to be so kind. Ele me fez chorar. He made me cry. He made me cry. Questa lingua ha solo una frase. This language has only one sentence. This language has only one sentence. Quell'uomo è nato fortunato. That man was born lucky. That man was born lucky. "J'ai oublié", répondit-elle. "I forgot," she said. "I forgot," she answered. Umbraculum album tuum est. The white umbrella is yours. Your album shadow is. FBI mencoba untuk menangkap Dan, tapi dia berhasil melarikan diri. The FBI tried to apprehend Dan, but he managed to escape. The FBI tried to arrest Dan, but he managed to escape. Calamus, quem heri amisi, novus erat. The pen I lost yesterday was a new one. Calamus, who was last friends, was new. Tom è un uomo con molti talenti. Tom is a man of many talents. Tom is a man with many talents. Tom cree en lo sobrenatural. Tom believes in the supernatural. Tom believes in the supernatural. Vou me encontrar com um amigo. I will meet a friend. I'm gonna meet a friend. Aku baru akan membeli mobilnya jika mereka terlebih dahulu memperbaiki remnya. I'll only buy the car if they fix the brakes first. I'll just buy the car if they first fix the brakes. Oaspeții sunt toți plecați. The guests are all gone. Guests are all gone. Ella tiene una casa pequeña. She has a small house. She has a small house. Non riesco ancora a farla. I can't do it yet. I still can't do it. Pro populo meo pugnabo. I will fight for my people. In the case of my people I will fight. Eu não peço um peso mais leve, mas ombros mais largos. I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. I don't ask for a lighter weight, but wider shoulders. Cinta tidaklah buta, itu merupakan keterbelakangan. Love isn't blind, it's retarded. Love is not blind, it's late. Ci state interrompendo. You're interrupting us. You're interrupting us. Você ainda tem dificuldades em física? Are you still having difficulty with physics? Do you still have any physical difficulties? La guardi. Look at it. Look at her. Est occupatus. He is busy. He's busy. Bukannya sekolah, dia malah di rumah. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Not school, he's at home. ¿Es cómodo viajar en barco? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is it convenient to travel by boat? En este momento estoy ocupado cocinando. I am busy cooking at the moment. Right now I'm busy cooking. Maria intelligentior est sorore. Mary is more intelligent than her sister. Maria is an intelligent sister. La felicidad de tu vida depende de la calidad de tus pensamientos. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Je t'ai dit que j'ai une nana. I told you I have a girlfriend. I told you I had a girl. Demandez à n'importe qui. Ask anyone. Ask anyone. Ese chico alto salvó al niño ahogándose. That tall boy saved the drowning child. That tall boy saved the boy drowning. Vous devriez essayer, un de ces jours. Someday you should give it a try. You should try one of these days. No hagas nada precipitado. Don't do anything hasty. Don't do anything hasty. M. Parker tenta de manger avec des baguettes. Mr Parker tried eating with chopsticks. Mr. Parker is trying to eat with wands. Haec gravia sunt. These are heavy. This is serious. Tony es un chico educado. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's an educated guy. Mai întâi cred că primul lucru pe care îl observă un străin ajuns în China este cu siguranţă mărimea ţării. Firstly, I think that the first time each foreigner is in China, the earliest impression is certainly the size of the country. First I believe that the first thing a stranger sees in China is definitely the size of the country. Escribe o teu nome e enderezo neste sobre. Write your name and address on this envelope. Enter your name and address in this envelope. Algetisne? Are you all cold? Algetisne? ¿Alguna vez has querido vivir en el Caribe? Have you ever wanted to live in the Caribbean? Have you ever wanted to live in the Caribbean? Avete una calcolatrice? Do you have a calculator? Do you have a calculator? C'est une question de principe. It's a question of principle. It's a matter of principle. À cette époque, le Mexique n'était pas encore indépendant de l'Espagne. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. Deu volta na cama. He rolled over in his sleep. He went back to bed. M-am săturat de frigiderul meu vechi. I am fed up with my old fridge. I'm sick of my old fridge. "Estamos en medio de una guerra", dijo el presidente. "We are in the middle of a war", said the President. "We're in the middle of a war," the president said. Volto mais tarde. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. Para anjing pemburu mengikuti bau dari rubah itu. The hunting dogs followed the scent of the fox. The hounds followed the smell of that fox. Eu não consigo encontrar meu dicionário de Francês. I can't find my French dictionary. I can't find my French dictionary. Thomas cum Maria rem habuit. Tom had sex with Mary. Thomas and Mary had the same thing. Ci do a mucchio fin da subito. I'm giving up before I start. I'll give you a lot from now on. A reunião durou uma hora. The meeting lasted one hour. The meeting lasted an hour. Di nuovo, ciao. Again, hello. Again, bye. Non posso accettare questo regalo. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Ningú va córrer davant d'ell. No one ran ahead of him. No one ran in front of him. Am iubit cartea aceea! I loved that book. I loved that book! As árvores emitem oxigênio e absorvem dióxido de carbono. Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The trees emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Non possiamo lasciarti lì. We can't leave you there. We can't leave you there. Dia akan menjadi dokter ketika sudah besar. He will be a doctor when he grows up. He'll be a doctor when he's grown up. Buku Harry Potter apa yang paling anda suka? What's your favorite Harry Potter book? What book does Harry Potter like the most? Saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan minyak. I work for an oil company. I work at an oil company. Boa noite! Como você está? Good evening, how are you? How are you? Non la vedo da un po'. I haven't seen her for a while. I haven't seen her in a while. Didymus cantat. Tom is singing. Didymus sang. La física em sebla chinés. Physics is Greek to me. Physics is Chinese to me. Mon père a la même voiture que Monsieur Kimura. My father has the same car as Mr Kimura's. My father has the same car as Mr. Kimura. Saepe est ut populus nolit tyrannum tollere, sæpe est ut non possit. Often the people do not wish to depose a tyrant, often they cannot not. It is often so like the people don't take it up too often, it is safe that they can't. Nous avons deux chiens, trois chats et six poulets. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. Eu acho que o Tom é competente. I think Tom is competent. I think Tom's competent. Completa la frase. Complete the sentence. Complete the sentence. Dame un respiro. Give me a break. Give me a break. Riesco a sentire l'odore dell'oceano. I can smell the ocean. I can smell the ocean. Pourrais-tu fermer les yeux là-dessus pour cette fois ? Could you please overlook it this time? Could you close your eyes above this time? Non è più forte di me. She's not stronger than me. She's not stronger than me. Ele tem divisas de cabo. He has corporal's stripes. He's got cable money. Mwen ka manjé. I am eating. I can eat. Scholae triginta minuta post octavam horam incipiunt. School begins at half past eight. School shall be thirty minutes after the eighth hour. Oryzam edo. I am eating rice. Oryzam edo. Nous ferions mieux de le laisser tranquille. We'd better leave him alone. We'd better leave him alone. Je suis désolé pour ce malentendu. I'm sorry about my mistake. I'm sorry about this misunderstanding. ¿Qué hace Tom en su tiempo libre? What does Tom do in his free time? What's Tom doing in his spare time? Dându-i usturoi câinelui meu va cauza vreo problemă? Will feeding my dog garlic cause any problems? Giving my dog garlic will cause any trouble? Saya langsung tidak tahu apa yang berlaku selepas saya mabuk. Kenapa ada beberapa orang tua tidur di dalam bilik saya? I have absolutely no clue what happened after I got drunk. Why is there some old dude sleeping in my room? I never knew exactly what happened after I was drunk, so why did some parents sleep in my room? Tom è un professionista. Tom is a pro. Tom's a professional. Apa kau pernah ke Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Preciso me apressar. I need to hurry up. I need to hurry. Përchè is preocupoma 'd lòn che Tom a farà? Why do we care about what Tom is going to do? Why are you worrying' of the lion that Tom will do to her? Io non sapevo che cosa dire. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. Aestuatisne? Are you all hot? Astoatisne? Il est déjà onze heures. It's already 11 o'clock. It's already eleven hours. C'est un adverbe. This is an adverb. It's an adverb. Nessuno riesce a sentirla. Nobody can hear you. No one can hear it. John doarme pe canapea. John's sleeping on the couch. John sleeps on the couch. Ubi es, Thoma? Hic moritura sum! Tom, where are you? I'm dying here. Where are you, Thoma? Dovrebbe essere nella sua stanza. He should be in his room. He should be in his room. Io farò quello che dovrò fare. I'll do what I have to. I'll do what I have to do. Meu pai é velho demais para trabalhar. My father is too old to work. My father's too old to work. Je n'aime pas le chocolat. I don't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate. Questi fiori oltre a essere belli hanno anche un buon profumo. These flowers aren't only beautiful, but they smell nice. These flowers as well as being beautiful also have a good scent. Todos vitorearon. Everybody cheered. They all won. Acesta este un efort meritoriu. This is a worthwhile endeavor. This is a meritious effort. Je suis très stricte. I'm very strict. I'm very strict. Quid non habetis? What don't you have? What don't you have? Shalom, komo vos yamash? Hello, what's your name? Shalom, what's your name? Nós falamos sobre fuso horários. We talked about time zones. We're talking about time zone. Tom no té fam. Tom isn't hungry. Tom's not hungry. Me costó muchísimo encontrar tu apartamento. It was very hard for me to find your apartment. It took me a lot to find your apartment. Lo feci in Australia. I did that in Australia. I did it in Australia. Dixitque Iacob: Deus patris mei Abraham et Deus patris mei Isaac, Domine, qui dixisti mihi: "Revertere in terram tuam et in locum nativitatis tuæ, et benefaciam tibi", minor sum cunctis miserationibus et cuncta veritate, quam explesti servo tuo. And Jacob said: O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac: O Lord who saidst to me, Return to thy land, and to the place of thy birth, and I will do well for thee, I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies, and of thy truth which thou hast fulfilled to thy servant. He said to Jacob, "The God of my father Abraham, and the God of my father Isaac, Yahweh, who said to me, 'Return to your land, and to the place of your birth, and I will do you good,'--I am less than all the goodness and all the truth, than you have dealt with your servant. Numquam Thomae pecunia sua redditur. Tom never got his money back. He never paid for his money by himself. Dudo que el venga a tiempo. I doubt if he will come on time. I doubt he'll come in time. Canis tuus mihi placet. I like your dog. I like your dog. Qu'am pro de temps. We have enough time. I've got plenty of time. Je n'ai pas d'autres questions. I have no further questions. I don't have any other questions. Je dois prendre mon déjeuner. I have to eat lunch. I need to have my lunch. Verba eius non intellego. I don't understand her words. I don't understand your speech. Tom está olhando para o céu. Tom is looking up into the sky. Tom's looking up at the sky. Tom dormiu sem cobertor. Tom slept without a blanket. Tom slept without a blanket. Aku masih menunggunya sejak hari itu. I am still waiting for him since that day. I've been waiting for him since that day. Kalian percaya dengan Tom. You believe in Tom. You believe in Tom. Aku tidak bisa melihat film ini. Aku tidak suka. I cannot watch this film. I don't like it. I can't see this movie. I don't like it. J'ai essayé de le lui expliquer, mais il ne comprend pas. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. Você parecem estar muito cansadas. You seem very tired. You seem to be very tired. Je n'ai pas de compte dans cette filiale de la Tokai Bank. I don't have an account at that branch of Tokai Bank. I don't have an account in this branch of Tokai Bank. Adivistine Romam in peregrinationibus tuis? Did you go to Rome during your travels? Have you set Rome before you as a foreigner? Tom berharap dia memiliki waktu yang lebih panjang. Tom wished he had more time. Tom hoped he had a longer time. Tom llegó hace diez minutos, pero yo no lo he visto todavía. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't seen him yet. Tom arrived ten minutes ago, but I haven't seen him yet. Notre projet s'est planté. Our project collapsed. Our project has come to an end. Tom s'est versé un grand verre de lait. Tom poured himself a tall glass of milk. Tom poured himself a big glass of milk. Tenho que fazer isso agora? Do I have to do this now? Do I have to do that now? Este chipeș și misterios. He's handsome and mysterious. He's handsome and mysterious. Eu não estou a fim de dançar. I don't feel like dancing. I'm not about to dance. Nici măcar Tom nu vrea să facă asta. Even Tom doesn't want to do that. Tom doesn't even want to do that. Ce n'est pas ce que je veux. That's not what I want. That's not what I want. Passai le mie vacanze in Tunisia. I spent my vacation in Tunisia. I spent my vacation in Tunisia. Guardi quello! Look at that! Look at that! Qu'am acabat lo disnar. We have finished lunch. I'm done having it. È credibile. You're credible. It's credible. Eu me virei para Tom. I turned to Tom. I'll go to Tom. Ça dépend de la situation. It depends on the situation. It depends on the situation. As lìber-sì a l'é 'd mè pare. This book is my father's. As liber-yes to the 'e' apparently. Tolong tutup pintunya. Shut the door, please. Please close the door. Lahan sawah bera itu sudah tidak menghasilkan lagi. That fallow paddy field does not yield anymore. The briar patch is no longer producing. Tom stava cantando. Tom was singing. Tom was singing. O pai dela está vivo? Is her father alive? Her father's alive? N'est-ce pas votre dictionnaire ? Isn't that your dictionary? Isn't that your dictionary? ¿A qué hora acostumbras a almorzar? What time do you usually eat lunch? What time do you get used to lunch? Era obvio que quería besarme. It was obvious that she wanted to kiss me. It was obvious he wanted to kiss me. Cântăreața slovenă Maja Keuc, s-a născut în 1992. Slovenian singer Maja Keuc was born in 1992. The Slovenian singer Maja Keuc, was born in 1992. Menjauhlah dariku. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. Rimanga qui un momento. Stay here for a moment. Stay here for a minute. Qui mons altissimus mundi est? What's the highest mountain in the world? Who is the highest mountain in the world? Post edenda dentes terget suos. He brushes his teeth after his meals. After we eat, our teeth get out of here. O Tom está sempre em meu pensamento. Tom is always on my mind. Tom's always on my mind. No desveló su secreto. He didn't reveal his secret. He didn't reveal his secret. Estaba muy ocupado todo el día. He was very busy all day. I was very busy all day. Taja sòn-sì an tòch pròpe cit. Cut this into very fine pieces. They're on their own. Ke mana saja kamu? Where have you been? Where have you been? Estou melhorando. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. I veri eroi siamo noi. The real heroes are us. The real heroes are us. Io penso che lei abbia più di quarant'anni. I think she is over forty years old. I think she's over 40 years old. Cucini a gas o a elettricità? Do you cook by gas or electricity? Gas or electricity cookers? Ho avuto successo. I succeeded. I was successful. J'ai douze ans. I am 12 years old. I'm 12 years old. Preciso do meu casaco. I need my coat. I need my coat. Il demanda à ma mère. He asked my mother. He asked my mother. Terima kasih banyak. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. Tudo bem. Você conhece um bom lugar? Sure. Do you know a good place? All right, you know a good place? L'ufficiale di polizia fa rispettare le leggi civili. The police officer enforces civil law. The police officer enforces civil law. Você quer tomar café da manhã comigo? Do you want to have breakfast with me? Would you like to have breakfast with me? Riesce a venire alla riunione domani? Can he come to the meeting tomorrow? Can you come to the meeting tomorrow? Ésa es la casa en que nació Tom. That's the house where Tom was born. This is the house where Tom was born. Dia menggambar dua buah persegi pada papan tulis. He drew two squares on the blackboard. He drew two square pieces on the writing board. Desliga. Shut it down. Turn it off. Será que Tom nunca me perdoará? Will Tom ever forgive me? Will Tom ever forgive me? No inverno passado, eu fui esquiar no Canadá. I went skiing in Canada last winter. Last winter, I went skiing in Canada. Du-mă de aici. Take me away. Get me out of here. Petasus tuus est. The hat is yours. He is your petasus. Io non posso proteggerla qui. I can't protect you here. I can't protect her here. Lac bibit. She drank milk. Lake bivouac. Vamos a jugar. Let's play something. Let's play. Kamu tidak menandatangani semua dokumennya You didn't sign all the documents. You didn't sign all the documents. Nous l'avons perdu de vue. We have lost sight of him. We lost sight of him. Não entendo as palavras inscritas na face da moeda. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin. Ei paret. She obeys him. Hey, wall. Voglio che le mie figlie imparino a parlare in francese. I want my children to learn to speak French. I want my daughters to learn to speak French. Ne'n vòli pas mei. I don't want any more. Don't want me. Agora case nunca vou o cine. Now I seldom go to the movies. Now I almost never go to the movies. Dapatkah saya melihat paspor anda? Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? Elle va tous les trois jours au supermarché. She goes to the supermarket every three days. She goes to the supermarket every three days. Que presente maravilhoso! What a wonderful gift! What a wonderful gift! Io vivo piuttosto vicino a loro. I live pretty close to them. I live pretty close to them. Tom installerà il nuovo software per voi. Tom will install the new software for you. Tom will install the new software for you. Pensavo foste arrabbiati con me. I thought you were mad at me. I thought you were mad at me. Anak-anak berlari kencang. Children run quickly. The kids are running fast. Telephonum meum invenire non possum. I can't find my phone. I can't find my phone. Tenho certeza de que o Tom não fará nada maluco. I'm pretty sure Tom won't do anything crazy. I'm sure Tom won't do anything crazy. Mi è stato rubato il portafoglio sull'autobus. I had my wallet stolen on the bus. My wallet was stolen on the bus. Eu acordei às 5 da manhã. I got up at 5 in the morning. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning. Ela é qual uma tigresa. She's like a tigress. She's like a tiger. Tom foi uma grande inspiração para mim. Tom was a big inspiration for me. Tom was a great inspiration to me. Trabalhaste bem. You did good work. You worked well. Tom mungkin masih bersembunyi. Tom is probably still hiding. Tom may still be hiding. Fratele meu vrea să meargă pe lună cândva. My brother wants to go to the moon some day. My brother wants to go on the moon sometime. Si ella conociera tu dirección, te escribiría. If she knew your address, she would write to you. If she knew your address, I'd write to you. Eles estão discutindo o problema. They are discussing the problem. They're discussing the problem. Inter arma enim silent leges. In times of war, the law falls silent. For they are silent between the weapons, because they are silent about the laws. Fii vesel! Adăugă un semn de exclamare la toate propozițiile tale! Be cheerful! Add an exclamation mark to all of your sentences! Be joyful! Add an exclamation mark to all your sentences! Acho que o senhor deveria se sentar. I think you should sit. I think you should sit down. Asta e o perioadă importantă. This is an important time. This is an important time. Masih ada orang-orang yang tidak bisa membaca. There are still people who are unable to read. There are still people who can't read. Vuelve a casa. Come back home. Go home. Opus melius quaerit. She's looking for a better job. Better seek. Dico ancora che era una buona idea. I still say it was a good idea. I'm still saying it was a good idea. Ella también tiene una buena memoria. She also has a good memory. She also has a good memory. A decir verdad la película no me pareció muy interesante. To tell the truth, that film was not very interesting to me. Actually, the film didn't seem very interesting to me. Credeam că îți este foame. I thought you were hungry. I thought you were hungry. Kelakuan sedemikian boleh menyebabkan kemalangan. Such behavior can cause an accident. That kind of conduct can lead to disaster. Je veux que tu me dises tout ce qui s'est produit. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to tell me everything that happened. Potiones emam. I'll buy the drinks. Potions emam. La foule acclamait le vainqueur. The crowd hailed the winner. The crowd hailed the winner. Qu'ei lo vòste líbers. This is your book. You must be free. Dicen que este pueblo está lleno de estafadores. They say this town is full of cozenage. They say this town is full of swindlers. As crianças falam devagar. The children speak slowly. The children speak slowly. Tom traduziu o contrato em francês. Tom translated the contract into French. Tom translated the contract into French. Saya ingin pergi. I want to go. I want to go. Kim bive kon Ken. Kim is living with Ken. Kim lived with Ken. Tom minus pecuniae habet quam frater eius. Tom has less money than his brother does. Tom is less than his brother's money. Aku merasa sangat lelah. I feel really tired. I'm really tired. Aceste mănuși îi aparțin lui Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves belong to Tom. Lei chiuse gli occhi. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. Ele volta já. He will be back soon. He'll be right back. As-tu enlacé qui que ce soit ? Did you hug anybody? Did you link anyone? Por que estás a chorar? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Ciapalo. Catch this. Fuck it. Vrei să mă ajuți un minut? Will you help me for a minute? Do you want to help me for a minute? Falando da Mary, faz tempo que não a vejo. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her for a long time. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her in a while. ¿Qué sueles hacer los domingos? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you usually do on Sundays? Thomas patruus meus est. Tom is my uncle. Thomas is my uncle. Le voglio vedere adesso. I want to see them now. I want to see them now. Mi-am spălat tricoul. I washed my T-shirt. I washed my shirt. OK, o senhor venceu. Okay, you win. OK, you won. Jim masih belum terbiasa untuk mengemudi di sebelah kiri jalan. Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road. Jim's still not used to driving on the left side of the road. S-a îmbrăcat cu jacheta roşie. He put on the red jacket. She's dressed up in a red jacket. Je n'ai rien appris de l'institutrice. I learned nothing from the teacher. I didn't learn anything from the teacher. Fais ce que tu as à faire. Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do. Dove sono i miei soldi? Where's my money? Where's my money? Je me suis mordu la langue. I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. Quem cuida desse cachorro? Who looks after this dog? Who cares for that dog? Tom non canterà. Tom won't sing. Tom won't sing. Tu ne peux pas partir tant que tu n'as pas dit au revoir à Tom. You can't leave until you've said goodbye to Tom. You can't leave until you say goodbye to Tom. Thomas canem Regem nuncupavit. Tom named his dog Rex. Thomas cange Regem now. Me acordaré de ti para siempre. I'll remember you forever. I'll remember you forever. Ho il mal di testa ora. I have a headache now. I've got headaches now. Tidak ada bunga mawar di taman. There were no roses in the garden. No rose flowers in the park. Tom i-a cumpărat câteva flori lui Mary. Tom bought Mary some flowers. Tom bought Mary some flowers. Sou viúva. I am a widow. I'm a widow. No sé de qué Tom está hablando. I don't know what Tom is talking about. I don't know what Tom's talking about. Son idée est pareille à la mienne. His idea is identical with mine. His idea is the same as mine. Ceea ce îi este permis lui Jupiter nu este în mod necesar permis și unui bou. All that is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. What Jupiter is allowed is not necessarily allowed to a bull. Ele é muito calmo. He has a lot of poise. He's very calm. Tom lavora per una banca. Tom works for a bank. Tom works for a bank. Mary está preocupada com sua aparência. Mary is concerned with her looks. Mary's worried about her appearance. Ad deversorium ire volo. I want to go to a hotel. To the reverserium go flight. Escuchamos música. We listen to music. We listen to music. Hic vero victus genitor se tollit ad auras, / affaturque deos et sanctum sidus adorat. Up rose my sire, submissive to the sign, / and briefly to the Gods addressed his prayer, / and bowed adoring to the star divine. Here the victory father takes hold of himself to auras, / it devours gods and holy city worships. Ester es la mujer de Rahel. Esther is Rachel's wife. Ester is Rachel's wife. Tom è di buonumore, vero? Tom is in a good mood, isn't he? Tom's in good mood, isn't he? Puer viro acta diurna vendidit. The boy sold the man a newspaper. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. Que m'arribè shens un sol mot. He went by me without a single word. May I have one word for it. É fermosa. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. La sciencia es una manera de hacerle preguntas al mundo y de escuchar sus respuestas. Science is the art of questioning the world and listening to its answers. Science is a way of asking questions to the world and listening to their answers. Je ne veux pas le voir. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see him. Tom non ha mai ricevuto un premio. Tom never got an award. Tom never got a prize. Io non voglio sembrare una turista. I don't want to look like a tourist. I don't want to look like a tourist. Eyos merkan pan. They buy bread. Heys to eat bread. Não coma tanto. Você vai engordar. Don't eat so much. You'll get fat. Don't eat that much. On la trouva mystérieusement assassinée. She was found mysteriously murdered. We found her mysteriously murdered. Los sorprendiste a todos. You surprised everybody. You surprised them all. Tu peux te reposer. You can rest. You can rest. Je ne pourrais davantage le supporter. I couldn't stand it any longer. I couldn't stand it anymore. "Mulțumesc pentru ajutor." "Pentru puțin." "Thanks for your help." "No problem." "Thank you for your help." "For a little bit." Você acredita em magia? Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in magic? Maria calceis novis eget. Mary needs new shoes. Maria shoes novices like that. Malaria e o boală răspândită de țânțari. Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes. Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes. Tots els éssers humans neixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets. Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, endowed with reason and conscience, and must behave fraternally with one another. É seguro aqui em Cairo. It's safe here in Cairo. It's safe here in Cairo. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que le ofreciste flores a tu esposa? When was the last time you offered flowers to your wife? When was the last time you offered your wife flowers? Thomas puer improbus est. Tom is a bad boy. The boy Thomas is improbable. A Muralha da China tem mais de 5500 milhas de comprimento. The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long. The Wall of China has more than 5500 miles in length. Itulah yang sedang mereka rencanakan. That's what they were planning. That's what they're planning. Qu'est-ce que je peux dire pour te convaincre ? What can I say to convince you? What can I say to convince you? Tamara parecía un alma en pena porque andaba siempre sola, cabizbaja, melancólica. Tamara seemed like a soul in despair since she was always lonely, downcast, and melancholic. Tamara looked like a grieving soul because she was always alone, stubborn, melancholy. Él es muy famoso en Japón también. He is also very famous in Japan. He's very famous in Japan too. J'avais peur qu'il meure. I was afraid he might die. I was afraid he would die. Ce chapeau est trop serré pour moi. This hat is too tight for me. This hat is too tight for me. Cantabisne? Are you going to sing? Cantabise? Guidi con la massima attenzione. Drive with the utmost care. Drive with the utmost attention. Io ho conosciuto Tom a Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I met Tom in Boston. Me dan miedo las películas de terror. Horror movies frighten me. I'm scared of horror movies. Je ne peux pas te raconter ce que Tom m'a dit. I can't tell you what Tom told me. I can't tell you what Tom said. Per totam Galliam iter feci. I traveled all through France. All through Galliam I made it. Qué tiengas un buen diya. Have a nice day! Have a good dam. Los resultados se antojan prometedores. The results seem promising. The results are promising. Foi um belo dia ensolarado. It was a beautiful sunny day. It was a beautiful sunny day. Voy a la casa de Tom a estudiar. I'm going to Tom's house to study. I'm going to Tom's house to study. Desde essa época a distinção das duas raças, a conquistadora ou goda e a romana ou conquistada, quase desaparecera, e os homens do norte se haviam confundido com os do meio-dia em uma só nação, para cuja grandeza contribuíra aquela com as virtudes ásperas da selvagem Germânia, esta com as tradições da cultura e polícia romanas. Since that time the distinction between the two races, the conqueror or Gothic and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confounded with those of midday in a single nation, to whose grandiosity had contributed that with the rough virtues of savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and polity. Since that time the distinction of the two races, the conqueror or enjoyment and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had confused themselves with those of the noon in one nation, to whose greatness had contributed that with the harsh virtues of the German savage, this one with the traditions of Roman culture and police. Loro non la troveranno. They won't find her. They won't find her. Che tipi di birra ha? What kinds of beers do you have? What kind of beer does he have? Passa-me a chave inglesa. Hand me the wrench. Give me the English key. Dominus Smith venit. Mr. Smith came. Lord Smith is coming. Suecia tiene generosas políticas de licencia parental y atención de los niños. Sweden has generous parental leave and child care policies. Sweden has generous parental leave and child care policies. Conte-me sobre Tom e sua família. Tell me about Tom and his family. Tell me about Tom and his family. Haec imago photographica sororis meae est. This is a picture of my sister. This photo is my sister's. Eu vou te pagar. I'll pay you. I'll pay you. Hanc tunicam optas? Do you want this shirt? Change which tunic do you want? Eu comprei alguns presentes de Natal hoje. I bought some Christmas presents today. I bought some Christmas gifts today. Perché è così bravo a scacchi? Why are you so good at chess? Why is he so good at chess? Tom disse che non voleva una morosa. Tom said he didn't want a girlfriend. Tom said he didn't want a grumpy one. Lac bibo. I am drinking milk. Lake bibo. En cas d'incendie, utilisez les escaliers. In case of a fire, use the stairs. In case of a fire, use the stairs. Aquera soma qu'includís las taxas. This amount includes tax. That adds up to including fees. No creo que el hombre sea capaz de escuchar la naturaleza. I don't believe that man is able to listen to nature. I don't think man is capable of listening to nature. Terramque, quam dedi Abraham et Isaac, dabo tibi; et semini tuo post te dabo terram hanc. And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac, I will give to thee, and to thy seed after thee. And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give this land. Os cristãos acreditam em Jesus Cristo. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Los dos estaban desnudos. Both were naked. They were both naked. Nous sortons manger vendredi. We're going out for a meal on Friday. We're going out to eat Friday. C'è qualcosa in lui che non mi piace. There is something about him I don't like. There's something in him that I don't like. ¿Por qué debería pagar? Why should I pay? Why should I pay? Me desculpe, mas você tem que ir. I'm sorry, but you've got to go. I'm sorry, but you have to go. A sala está esquentando. The room's getting hot. The room's warming up. Tu t'en remettras. You'll get over this. You'll get rid of it. Mengapa ini rahasia? Why was this a secret? Why is this a secret? Stiamo cercando qualcuno che possa usare un computer. We are looking for somebody who can use a computer. We're looking for someone who can use a computer. Desatadme. Untie me. Untie me. Si lamenta sempre di questo e quello. He is always complaining of this and that. She always complains about this and that. Creatia si-a omorat propriul creator. The creation killed its creator. Creation killed its own creator. Cet hôtel est loin de mériter les quatre étoiles que le guide lui décerne. This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it. This hotel is far from worth the four stars the guide gives it. È povero, vero? He's poor, isn't he? He's poor, isn't he? Vocês podem traduzir esta canção para mim? Can you translate this song for me? Can you translate this song for me? Los Morales están en la sala. The Morales are in the living room. The Morales are in the room. Su técnica era la mejor. His technique was the best. His technique was the best. Tom desenha bem. Tom draws well. Tom's drawing well. Pero el granjero le sonrió. But the farmer smiled at him. But the farmer smiled. Cuius liber est? Whose is this book? Is his body free? Aku lupa mengunci lacinya. I forgot to lock the drawer. I forgot to lock the drawer. So che qualcuno è qua. I know someone's here. I know someone's here. O Tomás está a dormir no berço. Tom is fast asleep on the cot. Tomás is sleeping in the crib. Nimeni nu are nici o explicație. No one has an explanation. No one has an explanation. Scelesti puniendi sunt. Criminals should be punished. You choose punishments are. Deve chover pela noite. It may rain around noon. It must rain at night. Meminisne? Do you remember? Meminisne? Saya sungguh senang berjumpa denganmu lagi. I am very pleased to see you again. I'm so happy to see you again. Yo no asistí a su funeral. I didn't attend his funeral. I don't attend his funeral. Parece que el sabe a verdade. It seems that he knows the truth. Looks like he knows the truth. Iter unius diei feci. I made a day trip. It's one day I did. Era ne volèva pas que sortissi dab autas hemnas. She didn't want him to go out with other women. She didn't want me to get out of high-shems. Kenapa kau membutuhkannya? Why do you need it? Why do you need it? Te extrañamos. We miss you. We miss you. Tom sabe que non vai ser quen de ir a Boston con Mary. Tom knew that he wouldn't be able to go to Boston with Mary. Tom knows he won't be able to go to Boston with Mary. A Mary le gusta Japón, ¿verdad? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? Ninguém pensa assim. No one thinks so. No one thinks so. La bière est bonne. Beer's good. Beer's good. Dice que no sabe jugar al billar, pero siempre gana. Debe de ser la suerte del principiante. She says she can't play billiard, but she wins every time. It must be the beginner's luck. He says he doesn't know how to play billiards, but he always wins. Ei, ouviu isso? Hey, did you hear that? Hey, did you hear that? A pesar de todos los contratiempos, él permanece optimista. Despite all his setbacks, he remains an optimist. Despite all setbacks, he remains optimistic. Ela estava muito ocupada. She was very busy. She was very busy. Estamos desayunando adentro. We are eating breakfast indoors. We're having breakfast inside. ¿Podrías tú por favor profundizar en esa idea después de la reunión? Could you please follow up on that idea after the meeting? Could you please deepen that idea after the meeting? Hazlo ahorita. Do it right now. Do it now. Kita mesti bersedia untuk menerima akibat perbuatan kita sendiri. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own action. We must be ready to accept the consequences of our own actions. Se non ci fosse il sole, tutti gli animali sarebbero morti. If there was no sun, all the animals would be dead. If there was no sun, all the animals would be dead. Peux-tu emmener Tom à l'aéroport ? Can you take Tom to the airport? Can you take Tom to the airport? Fue a verle cuando estaba en Londres. He went to see her while she stayed in London. He went to see you when I was in London. Non c'era nulla che Tom potesse fare a riguardo. There was nothing that Tom could do about it. There was nothing Tom could do about it. Spegnilo. Switch it off. Turn it off. Es un día muy caluroso. It's a very hot day. It's a very hot day. Viaggio leggera. I travel light. Light travel. Aqueth caishau que bolega. This tooth is loose. That caishau's bugging. Espera por nosotros, Tom. Wait for us, Tom. Wait for us, Tom. En este momento estamos lavorando. We're working at the moment. We're working right now. Quelqu'un doit l'avoir laissé là. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left him there. Tu ne peux pas le nier. You can't deny that. You can't deny it. Mejor hubiera ido al concierto anoche. I'd rather have gone to the concert last night. I'd better go to the concert last night. Ce bureau est trop petit pour Meg. That desk is too small for Meg. This office is too small for Meg. Marie est jeune et attrayante. Mary is young and attractive. Marie is young and attractive. Care este durata medie de viață în Japonia? What is the average life span in Japan? What is the average life span in Japan? Lui è seduto di fianco a suo fratello. He was sitting beside his brother. He's sitting next to his brother. Esto no me concierne. I am not concerned with this. This doesn't concern me. Si satis pecuniae habuissem, saccum emissem. If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag. If we had enough money, we'd get rid of the money. Aku pikir jawabanmu benar. I think your answer is correct. I think you're right. Ellos abandonaron su patria. They abandoned their homeland. They left their homeland. Tom ci mandò dei regali di Natale. Tom sent us Christmas presents. Tom sent us Christmas presents. Il primo ministro propose riforme amministrative. The Prime Minister proposed administrative reforms. The Prime Minister proposes administrative reforms. Você realmente quer acordar o Tom? Do you really want to wake Tom up? Do you really want to wake Tom? C'è qualcuno qua? Is anybody here? Is anyone here? A maioría dos estudantes aquí son aplicados. Most of the students here are diligent. Most of the students here are applied. Veuillez vous retourner ! Turn around, please. Please come back! Tu sei diplomatico. You're diplomatic. You're a diplomat. Kon ta k'e bida? How are you? What is life like? Ain' tu? Do you think so? Even you? Em sembla interessant. I think it's interesting. I think it's interesting. Quam pulchra es! How beautiful you are! How beautiful you are! O Tom escapou para a Austrália. Tom escaped to Australia. Tom escaped to Australia. Didymus est aeque robustus ac equus. Tom is as strong as a horse. Didymus is the strong man and the horse. J'apprécie vraiment toute ton aide. I really appreciate all your help. I really appreciate all your help. Ad piscinam eo. I am going to the swimming pool. To the pool there. Tom est un écrivain mondialement connu. Tom is a world-famous writer. Tom is a world-famous writer. Tom se metió en el coche. Tom got into the car. Tom got in the car. Nous sommes bourrés. We're plastered. We're drunk. Londres, donde vivo, solía ser famosa por su niebla. London, where I live, used to be famous for its fog. London, where I live, used to be famous for its fog. Nonagesimum sextum aetatis annum agens, in lecto mortua est. She died in her bed at the age of 96. At the age of nine, she died in bed. Anuli argentei mihi magis quam aurei placent. I prefer silver rings to gold ones. I thought I had a silver ring more than I'd like. Non ha alcun significato. It doesn't have any meaning. It doesn't make any sense. Apa yang membuat pikiranmu berubah? What made you change your mind? What makes your mind change? Ele escutou histórias magníficas sobre cidades de ouro com árvores de prata. He had heard wonderful stories about cities of gold with silver trees. He listened to magnificent stories about gold cities with silver trees. Creo que esta noche va a helar. I think it'll freeze tonight. I think tonight's gonna freeze. Não se meta na vida alheia! Don't meddle in other people's lives. Don't get involved in other people's lives! Tom devrait mettre à profit cette opportunité. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Ella era una mujer encantadora. She was a charming woman. She was a lovely woman. Tidak seorang pun akan tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. No one will know what will happen in the future. Eu admito que cometi um erro. I admit that I made a mistake. I admit I made a mistake. Él tiene la mala costumbre de beber demasiado vino. He has a bad habit of drinking too much wine. He has the bad habit of drinking too much wine. Illa mensa lignea est. That table is made of wood. It's the wooden table. No trabajo. I do not work. I don't work. Non possiamo parlarne con lui? Can't we tell him about it? Can't we talk to him? Ubi habitabas? Where did you live? Where did you live? Io sarò felice di lavorare con voi. I'll be happy to work with you. I'll be happy to work with you. Tened fe. Have faith. Have faith. Lunae die eos allocuta es? Did you talk to them on Monday? Are you speaking to them day after day? No me iré de rositas. I won't go down without a fight. I'm not going to pee. Lina belajar bahasa Ilokano. Lina studied the Ilokano language. Lina learned Ilokano. Mi transición de hombre a mujer está yendo bien. My transition from male to female is going well. My transition from man to woman is going well. Nós estávamos todos no mesmo ônibus. We were all on the same bus. We were all on the same bus. Tom perse tutto ciò che possedeva. Tom lost everything he owned. Tom lost everything he had. Scusami, qual è la minestra del giorno? Excuse me, what's the soup du jour? I'm sorry, what's the soup of the day? Voi pensate che Tom sia divertente? Do you think Tom is funny? You think Tom's funny? Que contient-il ? What does it contain? What does it contain? Perguntava o que ele iria fazer. I asked what he was going to do. I was asking what he was going to do. Mettetelo lì. Put it there. Put it there. Comparată cu a ta, maşina mea este mică. Compared with yours, my car is small. Compared to yours, my car is small. Ea e interesată să învețe lucruri noi. She is interested in learning new ideas. She's interested in learning new things. Combien y a-t-il de jours dans une semaine ? How many days are there in a week? How many days are there in a week? Je me demande si je l'aime. I'm wondering if I love him. I wonder if I like him. Quid Lutetiae faciam? What will I do in Paris? What will Litetia do? Qu'avez-vous dit à Paula ? What did you say to Paula? What did you say to Paula? Faré una excepció només per aquesta vegada. I'll make an exception just this once. I'll make an exception only this time. En el mercado pueden comprarse muchas cosas. Many things can be bought at the market. Many things can be purchased in the market. Monstravimus ei picturas quasdam Alpium. We showed him some pictures of the Alps. We showed him some pictures of that Alps. Ça doit s'être passé ainsi. It must've happened that way. It must have happened that way. Tom dov'è salito su questo autobus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Where did Tom get on this bus? Nos sentimos mal. We feel bad. We feel bad. Să încercăm din nou, băieți! Let's try again, guys! Let's try it again, boys! Ele faltou à escola por uma semana. He was absent from school for a week. He missed school for a week. Je ne pouvais pas m'arrêter de rire. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Yang harus kau lakukan adalah menekan tombolnya. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. Tom a cerut un apel de deşteptare. Tom asked for a wake-up call. Tom called for a wake-up call. Estne mater tua domi? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Io sto venendo. I am coming. I'm coming. Nadie te quiere. Nobody likes you. No one loves you. Tom ebrius erat. Tom was drunk. Tom was drunk. Vocês tentaram. You've tried. You guys tried. Se eu tivesse de fazer de novo, eu faria! If I had to do it again, I would! If I had to do it again, I would! In mediam urbem eamus. Let's go downtown. We're going to the middle of town. Non ho mai visto un vegano grasso. I've never seen a fat vegan. I've never seen a fat vegan. Qual é o nome do seu filme favorito? What's the name of your favourite film? What is your favorite movie name? Thomas Mariam in culina verberavit. Tom beat Mary in the kitchen. Thomas Mariam in the handcuffs. Garde-la à l'œil ! Keep an eye on her. Keep an eye on her! Sospechamos de envenenamiento. We suspect poisoning. We suspect poisoning. Eu não vou morrer. I won't die. I'm not going to die. A ferida supurou. The wound discharged pus. The wound sucked. Tom meletakkan kartu-kartunya di atas meja. Tom laid his cards on the table. Tom put his cards on the table. Te așteptai să fac asta? Did you expect me to do that? You expected me to do that? Eu estou com vergonha de mim mesmo. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed of myself. Es-tu déjà allé en Allemagne ? Did you already go to Germany? Have you ever gone to Germany? Nunc pater in horto est. Father is in the garden now. He is my father in the garden. Eu sou astrólogo. I am an astrologer. I'm an astrologer. Ese presidente escribió sus memorias. This president has written his memoirs. That president wrote his memoirs. Pensi che questo sia folle? Do you think this is crazy? You think this is crazy? Ton histoire m'a rappelé ma jeunesse. Your story reminded me of my younger days. Your story reminded me of my youth. Tom estava no mesmo ônibus que eu. Tom was on the same bus as I was. Tom was on the same bus as me. Muitas palavras persas existem em turco. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. Many Persian words exist in Turkish. Dixitque Sara: Risum fecit mihi Deus; quicumque audierit, corridebit mihi. And Sara said: God hath made a laughter for me: whosoever shall hear of it will laugh with me. And he said to Sarah, God hath made me a laughingstock; and whosoever heareth, he will correct me. Creo que vale la pena intentar. I think it's worth a try. I think it's worth a try. J'ai ouvert une bouteille de vin rouge. I opened a bottle of red wine. I opened a bottle of red wine. Por que você está procrastinando? Why are you procrastinating? Why are you procrastinating? C'est un garçon très intelligent. He is a very smart boy. He's a very smart boy. Dia pergi ke mana? Where is she going? Where did he go? Dov'è vostro padre? Where's your father? Where's your father? Has sentit el meu fill tocar el violí? Have you heard my son play the violin? Did you hear my son play the violin? Tom stava indossando una benda per occhi l'ultima volta che l'ho visto. Tom was wearing an eyepatch the last time I saw him. Tom was wearing a blindfold the last time I saw him. O bebê parece dormir. The baby seems to be asleep. The baby seems to sleep. Se é para você terminar o trabalho antes de junho, você terá que trabalhar muito melhor. If you are to finish the work before June, you will have to work much better. If it is for you to finish the job before June, you will have to work much better. Tu as enfreint les règles. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Est-ce que tu as déjà mangé ? Have you already eaten? Have you ever eaten? Aku harap aku bisa segera bertemu denganmu lagi. I hope to see you soon. I wish I could see you soon. I passeggeri sono tutti a bordo? Are the passengers all aboard? Are the passengers all on board? Tout bien considéré, mon père a eu une vie heureuse. All things taken into consideration, my father's life was a happy one. All well-considered, my father had a happy life. Comment est-ce que je vais pouvoir arriver à rencontrer l'échéance pour ce document ? How can I make the deadline for this document? How am I going to be able to meet the deadline for this document? Al final los dos se quedaron dormidos. Finally they both fell asleep. In the end, they both fell asleep. Ella se maquilla en público. She makes up in public. She's make-up in public. Siento como si estuviera a bordo de un gran barco. I feel as if I were aboard a great ship. I feel like I'm on board a big boat. J'ai passé quelques appels. I made a few calls. I made a few calls. Tom não estava usando equipamento de mergulho. Tom wasn't wearing scuba gear. Tom wasn't using diving equipment. Ahora es tarde para hacer algo al respecto. It's too late to do anything about that now. Now it's late to do something about it. Ci dovremmo sbrigare. We should hurry. We should hurry. Apakah kamu dan Tom pernah membicarakan hal itu? Did you and Tom ever talk about that? Did you and Tom ever talk about it? Kami membantu Tom. We help Tom. We helped Tom. Nos viri sumus. We are men. We are men. Tom n'a plus joué de guitare depuis des années. Tom hasn't played the guitar for years. Tom hasn't played guitar in years. Tom dan Mary sedang bermain Mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing mahjong. Tom and Mary are playing Mahjong. Quello è tutto tuo. That one is all yours. That's all yours. ¿Quién crees que ganará el torneo? Who do you think will win the tournament? Who do you think will win the tournament? Nu mă pot gândi la nimeni care să te urască mai mult ca Tom. I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom does. I can't think of anyone who hates you more than Tom. Dixitque Moyses ad Aaron: Dic universæ congregationi filiorum Israel: Accedite coram Domino; audivit enim murmur vestrum. Moses also said to Aaron: Say to the whole congregation of the children of Israel: Come before the Lord; for he hath heard your murmuring. And Moses said to Aaron, Say unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel: Come near before the LORD, for he hath heard your murmurings. Lei riempì una bottiglia. She filled a bottle. She filled a bottle. Habe plus libi, quaeso. Please help yourself to some more cake. There's more books available, man. Os britânicos tinham mais tropas do que o outro lado. The British had more troops than the other side. The British had more troops than the other side. State indietro. Stay back. Stay back. Saya tidak melihat ada yang salah dengan yang ini. I don't see anything wrong with this. I don't see anything wrong with this one. Hay alguien a la puerta. Someone is at the door. There's someone at the door. Domi mansi ut quiescerem. I stayed home to rest. Do your best to keep me quiet. Da, cu plăcere. Yes, with pleasure. Yeah, you're welcome. De qué hascoc Jean ? What did Jean make? What have I got Jean from? Caută pe Wikipedia. Look it up on Wikipedia. He's looking for Wikipedia. J'ai quelque chose à vous faire faire. I have something for you to do. I've got something to get you to do. Parla bulgaro? Do you speak Bulgarian? Does he speak Bulgarian? Que horas são? What's the time? What time is it? Autrefois, je rêvais pouvoir respirer sous l'eau. I used to dream about being able to breathe underwater. I used to be able to breathe under the water. Tom are un mesaj pentru John de la Mary. Tom has a message for John from Mary. Tom has a message for John from Mary. Él es un guarro. He is nasty. He's a kid. No me había dado cuenta de lo importante que esto es para ti. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this is to you. Verbum "turris" ex lingua Sanscrita oriundum est, et "carotam" significat. The word "rook" comes from Sanskrit and means "chariot". The word "turris" is from a Sanskrit language derived from the original one, and "carotum" means. Vass tchire e Mouze! Go fuck yourself! Vasschire and Mouze! ¿No es un hermoso día para un picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Isn't it a beautiful day for a picnic? Apakah dia tahu apa yang kamu lakukan? Does he know what you did? Does he know what you're doing? Trebuie să fii atent. You must be careful. You have to be careful. Você é poderosa. You're powerful. You're powerful. Elas são muito velhas. They are very old. They're too old. Le tomará dos horas terminar el trabajo. It will take him two hours to finish the work. It'll take you two hours to finish the job. Linguam Arabicam discit. He's learning Arabic. We speak Arabic. Caffeum mihi non placet. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. Voi șterge propoziția. I'll delete the sentence. I'll delete the sentence. Ya he hablado con Tom. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already spoken to Tom. Consilium tuum nobis opus est. We need your advice. It's your job to help us. Il m'a cassé le nez ! He broke my nose! He broke my nose! Thomas imagines photographicas in ignem eiecit. Tom threw the photos in the fire. Thomas photographic images in the fire he threw out. Parvae puellae in silva saltant. Little girls are dancing in the woods. Little girls in the woods jumping. Il bestiame si nutre d'erba. Cattle feed on grass. He eats grass and eats grass. Bienveníu. Welcome. Welcome. Quindi cos'è successo qui? So what happened here? So what happened here? Ele ouvia música no seu quarto. He listened to music in his room. He heard music in his room. Sei que Tom é estranho. I know that Tom is odd. I know Tom's weird. Saya baru sudah makan. I just ate. I just ate. Eu estava grávida. I was pregnant. I was pregnant. Salvere te iubeo. I wish you well. Save I love you. Puis-je vous parler un moment ? Can I talk to you for a moment? Can I talk to you for a moment? Didymus et Maria domi Gallice non loquuntur. Tom and Mary don't speak French at home. They don't speak Didymus and Mary at the house of Gallicus. Apakah kamu tidak ingat pertanyaannya? Don't you remember the question? Don't you remember the question? Lingua est mundus in quo habitant homines. Language is the world in which men live. It is a language of the world where people live. Quam cum vidisset Sichem filius Hemmor Hevæi principis terræ illius, adamavit eam et rapuit; et dormivit cum illa, vi opprimens illam. And when Sichem the son of Hemor the Hevite, the prince of that land, saw her, he was in love with her: and took her away, and lay with her, ravishing the virgin. When Shechem, the son of Hemor, the chief Hevæi, saw her, he loved her and took her; and he lay with her, violently oppressing her. Aku punya saudara kembar adik laki-laki. I have a twin brother. I have a brother-in-law brother-in-law. Quante contee ci sono in Florida? How many counties are there in Florida? How many countes are there in Florida? Él se mantuvo en el trabajo todo el día. He kept at the job all day. He stayed at work all day. Você sabe o endereço de Tom? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Nunca digas eso. Never say that. Never say that. Tom é um mau perdedor. Tom is a bad loser. Tom's a bad loser. Imaginatio maior est scientia. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is greater than knowledge. Necesito algunas cajas de cartón para empacar mis pertenencias. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my possessions. I need some cardboard boxes to pack my belongings. Las aves ponen huevos. Birds lay eggs. Birds lay eggs. Araneis octo pedes sunt. Spiders have eight legs. There are eight feet in Araneis. Qu'ei lo son estilo. This is her pen. That's his style. Ho fatto andare Tom. I made Tom go. I made Tom go. Sabía que preguntarías eso. I knew you were going to ask that. I knew you'd ask that. Em que navio você chegará? What ship will you arrive on? Which ship will you reach? Les animaux n'ont pas de raison. Animals have no reason. Animals are not right. Tom penteou o cabelo para trás. Tom combed back his hair. Tom combed his hair back. Le Canada compte environ 26 millions d'habitants. The population of Canada is about 26 million. Canada has about 26 million inhabitants. Cur telephonum meum habes? Why do you have my phone? Why do you have my phone? Tom tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan Mary. Tom wasn't happy with Mary's answer. Tom’s answer did not satisfy Mary’s satisfaction. Tout ce que tu as à faire c'est de nous rejoindre. All you have to do is to join us. All you have to do is join us. Durante los últimos diez años, la gente se ha dado cuenta progresivamente de que necesitan cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios. Over the past ten years, people have become increasingly aware that they need to change their eating habits. Over the past ten years, people have gradually realized that they need to change their eating habits. Il ne savait pas nager. He could not swim. He couldn't swim. Coquere possum. I can cook. I can ride. Foi tudo culpa de Tom. It was all Tom's fault. It was all Tom's fault. Questa è gratuita. This one is free. This is free. Voglio parlare con lei di fuori. I want to talk to you outside. I want to talk to her outside. A fost un moment de tăcere. There was a moment of silence. It was a moment of silence. Je veux du jus d'orange. I want some orange juice. I want orange juice. Tom ha un lavoro part-time dopo la scuola. Tom has a part-time job after school. Tom has a part-time job after school. Entiendo tu frustración. I understand your frustration. I understand your frustration. Tom es un principiante. Tom is a beginner. Tom's a beginner. Siete vegetariani? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarians? ¿Cuál es el número de fax de ese hotel? What's the fax number for this hotel? What is the fax number of that hotel? Eres la única persona que conozco, aparte de mí mismo, a la que no le gusta ver béisbol. You're the only person I know besides myself who doesn't like watching baseball. You're the only person I know, apart from myself, who doesn't like to see baseball. No entendí tu apellido. I didn't catch your last name. I didn't understand your last name. Sami est imprévisible. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami is unpredictable. Io sto usando del buon senso. I'm using common sense. I'm using common sense. Profecto laetus ero, si te videbo. I will be very happy if I see you. I'll be glad if I see you. È ostile. He's unfriendly. He's hostile. Correlación no implica causalidad. Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation does not imply causality. Fadil conseguiu cedo ser posto em liberdade condicional. Fadil got early release on parole. Fadil was soon released on parole. Nonne frustrati estis? Aren't you disappointed? Aren't you frustrated? Aqueth tricòt qu'ei plan caud. This sweater is warm. Well, that sweater is really cool. O meritò quidem te ex jurisconsulto Grammaticum! You have done well in leaving off being an Advocate and sticking to grammar. Oh, I deserve you from the jurisconsultation Grammaticum! Eu quero ir ao centro da cidade. I want to go downtown. I want to go downtown. Dove ha messo il libro che stava leggendo? Where did she put the book she was reading? Where did he put the book he was reading? Eles detiveron o seu xogo e ollaron en fite para min. They stopped their game and stared at me. They stopped their game and looked at me. Para mim é indiferente se ele gosta de beisebol ou de futebol. It makes no difference to me whether he likes baseball or football. He's indifferent to me if he likes baseball or football. Tom a besoin de se faire couper les cheveux. Tom needs a haircut. Tom needs to get his hair cut. O que vai acontecer se aquilo acontecer? What happens if that happens? What will happen if that happens? Él devolvió la carta sin abrirla. He sent the letter back unopened. He returned the letter without opening it. Ferme la fenêtre pour éviter de t'enrhumer. Shut the window to prevent catching a cold. Close the window to avoid drowning. Estaba desarmado. I was unarmed. He was unarmed. Io voglio darle il mio cuore per sempre. I want to give you my heart for ever. I want to give her my heart forever. Lamento llegar tarde. Sorry to be late. I'm sorry I'm late. Et Didymus et Maria ex Australia oriundi sunt. Tom and Mary are both from Australia. And Didymus and Mary, from Australia, are where they come from. Perché pensate che sto mentendo? Why do you think I'm lying? Why do you think I'm lying? Ție îți plac elefanții. You like elephants. You like elephants. Non mi dovrebbe ascoltare. You shouldn't listen to me. You shouldn't listen to me. Estaba brillantoso y las tovas sílatas gieron y llueron en la valba; todo miamsa eran las borgas y la muma ruo de gram. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe. It was brilliant and the syllables ran and flowed into the valve; all miamsa were the holes and the gram wheel mummy. Como amigo, le di mi opinión. As the friend, I gave an opinion. As a friend, I gave him my opinion. Io non ho letto nessuno di quei libri. I didn't read any of those books. I haven't read any of those books. Hic pons saxeus est. The bridge is made of stone. Here you are going to Saxony. Tom estaba mintiendo. Tom was lying. Tom was lying. N-am fost de acord să-l întâlnesc pe Tom. I didn't agree to meet Tom. I didn't agree to meet Tom. Tenga cuidado de no resbalar en las baldosas mojadas. Mind you don't slip on the wet tiles. Be careful not to slip on wet tiles. T'agrada toa mair? Do you love your mother? Do you like the whole mayor? Eu sei como é difícil pra você acreditar em mim. I know how difficult it is for you to believe me. I know how hard it is for you to believe me. Il n'y a aucun problème du tout. There's no problem whatsoever. There's no problem at all. Riusciamo a riparare qualsiasi cosa. We can fix anything. We can fix anything. Thomas bene natare potest. Tom is able to swim well. Thomas can swim well. È richiesta un'azione urgente. Urgent action is needed. There is an urgent need for action. Por que você está chorando? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Que't balharèi tot lhevat aquò. I'll give you anything but this. I'll give you all that stuff. Îmi trebuie un nou computer. I need a new computer. I need a new computer. Eles deviam ter casado em maio. They were to have got married in May. They were supposed to be married in May. Tom não é tão doido quanto as pessoas acham. Tom is not as crazy as most people think he is. Tom's not as crazy as people think. Estou ensinando basco. I'm teaching Basque. I'm teaching Basque. Tu fumes beaucoup trop. Tu devrais freiner ta consommation. You smoke far too much. You should cut back. You smoke too much, you should slow down your consumption. Le bonheur d'un homme dépend plus de ce qu'il est que de ce qu'il a. A man's happiness depends on what he is rather than on what he has. A man's happiness depends more on what he has than on what he has. O sistema educacional precisa ser mais flexível. The education system needs to be more flexible. The educational system needs to be more flexible. La plupart des gens sont idiots. Most people are idiots. Most people are idiots. Aku tidak merasa sakit atau apapun. I don't feel sick or anything. I don't feel hurt or anything. Sembra confuso. You sound confused. He looks confused. Le virus a causé la mort de plusieurs éléphants en Afrique. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus caused the death of several elephants in Africa. Vorrebbe aspettare al bar? Would you like to wait in the bar? Would you like to wait at the bar? El ladrón apuntó al oficial de policía con su pistola. The robber aimed his gun at the police officer. The thief pointed to the police officer with his gun. Io mangiai tutta la mela. I ate the whole apple. I ate all the apple. Vozotras avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Vozotras avlash Ladino? Sora mea este mai tânără ca mine. My sister is younger than me. My sister is younger than me. Mia mamma è fiera di me. My mom is proud of me. My mom is proud of me. El professor em va dir que estudiés molt. The teacher told me to study harder. The teacher told me to study a lot. Cenam cum marito sumo. I'm eating dinner with my husband. I'm having dinner with my husband. Hay muchas cervecerías en Baviera. There are a lot of breweries in Bavaria. There are many breweries in Bavaria. O Tom ficou louco. Tom went bananas. Tom's gone crazy. El iubește tigrii. He loves the tigers. He loves tigers. Saya di Teheran. I'm in Tehran. I'm in Tehran. É o meu CD. This is my CD. It's my CD. Apriamolo. Let's open it up. Let's open it. Postquam prima quies epulis mensæque remotae, / crateras magnos statuunt et vina coronant. Now, hushed the banquet and the tables all / removed, huge wine-bowls for each guest apart / they wreathe with flowers. After the first time you want to buy a far away, / large craters stand up and wind up crowning. La casa que Tom construyó es realmente bonita. The house that Tom built is really nice. The house that Tom built is really nice. A ella le atraen los negros. She's attracted to black men. She's attracted to black people. È sul punto di partire. He is about to leave. It's about to go. Mis padres lo saben. My parents know about it. My parents know. Muricidus est. He's a coward. He is a murderer. Judy è una studentessa molto intelligente. Judy is a very clever student. Judy's a very smart student. ¿Cuánto puedes entender de lo que he escrito aquí? How much of what I've written here do you understand? How much can you understand about what I've written here? Baixa el volum del televisor. Turn the TV down, please. Turns the TV down. Eles vão me matar. They'll kill me. They're gonna kill me. Bo tin frei? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Je n'ai pas besoin de votre boulot. I don't need your job. I don't need your job. Rumahnya jauh dari stasiun. His house is far from the station. The house is far from the station. Aquí es donde Tom quiere vivir. This is where Tom wants to live. This is where Tom wants to live. Senja yang indah, ya? Lovely sunset, isn't it? Beautiful evening, huh? Facies Didymi rubra est. Tom's face is red. You're making Didymi red-headed. Non e ligno factum erat. It wasn't made of wood. It wasn't and the tree was made. A l'é 'na tipica gexa gòtica. It is a typical Gothic church. It's the typical Gothic geese. Pensei que você tivesse dito que gostaria de saber por que Tom fez isso. I thought you said you'd like to know why Tom did that. I thought you said you'd like to know why Tom did that. Eu perdi as chaves de casa. I lost my house keys. I lost my keys to the house. Aku tidak bisa memainkannya melalui ingatan. Tolong mainkan musiknya. I can't play it from memory. Please give me the music. I can't play it through memory, please play the music. Huc veni ut te servarem. I came here to save you. Huc came to save you. Auriez-vous la gentillesse de me prêter votre livre ? Would you be so kind as to lend me your book? Would you be kind enough to lend me your book? ¿Lo crees? Do you believe that? You think so? A nord di questo posto c'è una strada. North of this place there is a road. North of this place there's a road. ¿Cuántas veces llamó ella? How many times did she call? How many times did she call? Aku ingin seekor anak anjing. I want a puppy. I want a puppy. İmprestame on pochi de schei. Loan me some money. Lend me a few schematics. Io so tutto di lei. I know all about her. I know everything about you. Avez-vous ces chaussures dans ma taille ? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have those shoes in my size? È nubile, vero? She's unmarried, isn't she? It's cloudy, isn't it? Água, por favor. Water, please. Water, please. Io non sto facendo del male ai vostri animali. I'm not hurting your animals. I'm not hurting your animals. Dixi me paenituisse. I said I was sorry. He said I was sorry. Tom speră să obțină un profit în acest an, chiar dacă profitul va fi unul mic. Tom hopes to make a profit this year, albeit a small one. Tom hopes to get a profit this year, even if the profit will be a small one. Te adiuvare non possum, quod occupatus sum. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help you at the time, because I'm busy. Kita punya banyak tujuan. We have many goals. We have a lot of goals. O calor está se propagando através do meu corpo. Heat is rippling through my body. The heat is spreading through my body. Qui? Here? Who? Nunc non esurio. At the moment I am not thirsty. I'm not hungry. Ele está com medo. He is afraid. He's scared. Quiero alquilar una caja de seguridad. I want to rent a safety deposit box. I want to rent a safety deposit box. Est-il difficile d'apprendre le français ? Is it difficult to learn French? Is it difficult to learn French? Veniu ací tots els dies? Do you come here every day? Are you coming here every day? Esta sopa está com um gosto delicioso. This soup tastes really great. This soup is delicious. Rūfa sum. I'm a redhead. I'm sorry. Combien cela va-t-il me coûter ? How much is it going to cost me? How much will it cost me? Io sono un tale idiota. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. Je crois qu'il est temps pour moi de laver ce chandail. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. I think it's time for me to wash that shirt. Era o dia antes de Acção de Graças. It was the day before Thanksgiving. It was the day before Thanksgiving. No tienes que ayudarme. You don't have to help me. You don't have to help me. El precio de la Coca-Cola en el buffet aumentó. The price of Coca-Cola at the buffet increased. The price of Coca-Cola in the buffet increased. Ne pouvez-vous pas y appliquer une petite remise ? Can't you discount it a little? Can't you apply a small discount? Vale a pena visitar os antigos castelos. It's worthwhile visiting the old castles. It's worth visiting the old castles. Vreau timpul și puterea să termin manualul de islandeză. I want the time and the health to finish my Icelandic textbook. I want time and power to finish the Icelandic manual. Tollensque se angelus Dei, qui præcedebat castra Israel, abiit post eos; et cum eo pariter columna nubis, priora dimittens, post tergum. Stetit inter castra Aegyptiorum et castra Israel; et erat nubes tenebrosa et illuminans noctem, ita ut ad se invicem toto noctis tempore accedere non valerent. And the angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, removing, went behind them: and together with him the pillar of the cloud, leaving the forepart, stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp and the camp of Israel: and it was a dark cloud, and enlightening the night, so that they could not come at one another all the night. And the angel of God, which destroyed the camp of Israel, went after them; and with him the pillar of cloud, which left at first, behind. And there stood between the host of the Egyptians and the host of Israel; and there was a cloud of darkness and light in the night, so that the one came unto him at all the night; and the other came unto him not. Esto, profectus es, quia desiderio tibi erat domus patris tui; cur furatus es deos meos? Suppose thou didst desire to go to thy friends, and hadst a longing after thy father's house: why hast thou stolen away my gods? This was your departure, because you were desirous of your father's house; why have you stolen my gods? Se ne abituerà presto. You'll get used to it soon. He'll get used to it soon. Ela está na igreja agora. She is at church right now. She's in church now. Perdoai-me, pai, pois eu pequei. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Anche io sono annoiata. I'm bored, too. I'm bored, too. Gracias, por no traicionarnos. Thank you for not betraying us. Thank you for not betraying us. Espero que te mueras. I hope you die. I hope you die. Nimeni nu a venit cu excepția lu Mary. No one came except Mary. No one came except Mary. Stava fumando. He was smoking. He was smoking. Avete qualche medicina per l'asma? Do you have any asthma medicine? Do you have any asthma medicine? Estos son los fundamentos. These are the ABCs. These are the foundations. Huc undique Troia gaza / incensis erepta adytis, mensæque deorum, / crateresque auro solidi, captivaque vestis / congeritur; pueri et pavidæ longo ordine matres / stant circum. There, torn from many a burning temple, lay / Troy's wealth; the tripods of the Gods were there, / piled in huge heaps, and raiment snatched away, / and golden bowls, and dames with streaming hair / and tender boys stand round, and tremble with despair. Everywhere Troy gazes / Incense arise adidyts, men and women, and the craters of solid gold, which are taken captive/dressed; children and pavidæ long order mothers / stand around. Tom berkata ini tidak masuk akal. Tom says this is absurd. Tom said it didn't make any sense. Tom disse a Mary che era pazza. Tom told Mary that she was crazy. Tom told Mary he was crazy. Jugar a las cartas es divertido. It is fun to play cards. Playing cards is fun. Saya tidak menganggur I'm not unemployed. I'm not unemployed Chama un taxi para que nos recolla. Call a taxicab to take us. Call a cab to pick us up. Raedam conducere velim. I'd like to rent a car. Raedam driving sail. Io non sono per niente impegnata. I'm not at all busy. I'm not busy at all. Los pasajeros deberían subir al tren ya. Passengers should board the train now. Passengers should get on the train by now. Io persi i miei occhiali. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. È pazza, vero? She's insane, isn't she? She's crazy, isn't she? Trebuie să jucăm după reguli. We should play by the rules. We have to play by the rules. Peter a l'era 'n giugador ëd video-gieugh altruista; chiel a l'avrìa dait la ròba a la gent ch'a n'avìa da manca, pitòst che vëndje për profit përsonal. Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit. Peter in the era 'n jugador ed video-gieugh altruista; chiel in the aprìa gives the loot to the people who were missing, pitóst that came for profit pÃr pÃrsonal. Neste livro, o escritor compara o Japão com os Estados Unidos. In this book, the writer contrasts Japan with America. In this book, the writer compares Japan with the United States. Il a marché dans une merde de chien. He stepped into dog shit. He walked into a fucking dog. Tout ce que tu dois faire, c'est apprendre cette phrase par cœur. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is learn that sentence by heart. Je ne pus m'empêcher de me sentir déçu lorsque j'entendis les nouvelles. I couldn't help but feel disappointed when I heard the news. I couldn't help but feel disappointed when I heard the news. La votz deu Tòm qu'ei beròia. Tony's voice is nice. The voice of the god Tom who is brougham. Această care descrie viaţa japonezilor, aşa cum era acum o sută de ani. This novel describes the life of the Japanese as it was a hundred years ago. This one that describes the life of the Japanese, as it was a hundred years ago. Non facies tibi sculptile neque omnem similitudinem eorum, quæ sunt in cælo desuper et quæ in terra deorsum et quæ in aquis sub terra. Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. "You shall not make for yourselves an engraved image or any likeness of them, which are in the sky above and which is on the earth beneath, and which is in the waters beneath the earth. Pater eius Iapo est. Her father is Japanese. His father is Japo. Mo ena enn frer. I have a brother. I have one brother. Ele quer desenvolver mais as forças armadas do país durante os próximos anos. He wants to develop the country's military more during the next few years. He wants to further develop the country's armed forces over the next few years. Nancy parece cansada. Nancy looks tired. Nancy looks tired. Tom não parece estar muito feliz. Tom doesn't seem to be very happy. Tom doesn't seem to be very happy. Potionem Arabicam non bibo. I do not drink coffee. I don't live in arabic potion. Pater tuus sum. I am your father. I am your father. Personne ne me vit. Nobody saw me. No one lives with me. Il sait très bien jouer au tennis. He can play tennis very well. He knows how to play tennis. Gracias por cambiarte de ropa. Thank you for changing your clothes. Thanks for changing your clothes. Helen, el este vărul meu. Helen, this is my cousin. Helen, he's my cousin. Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. That is not what I meant to say. That's not what I meant. Chiar am nevoie să lovesc pe cineva. I really need to hit somebody. I really need to hit someone. Ella seguramente estudió en Francia, porque habla francés con fluidez. She probably studied in France, as she speaks French fluently. She probably studied in France, because she speaks French fluently. Tu m'appelleras, n'est-ce pas ? You'll call me, won't you? You're gonna call me, aren't you? Me lo sono ricordato. I remembered it. I remembered that. Può aiutarmi a chiamare un taxi? Can you help me call for a taxi? Can you help me call a taxi? Te esperaremos Tom y yo. Tom and I'll wait for you. Tom and I will be waiting for you. Tom e Mary fanno lo stesso impiego. Tom and Mary have the same job. Tom and Mary do the same job. Algo así podría arruinar tu carrera. Something like this could ruin your career. Something like that could ruin your career. Mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu, ei au scăpat nevătămați din accident. Thank God they came out unscathed from the accident. Thank God, they got away with the accident. Tom se hizo paso a través de la multitud. Tom made his way through the crowd. Tom went through the crowd. Dis-moi ce qui est arrivé cette nuit-là. Tell me what happened that night. Tell me what happened that night. J'ai sauté. I jumped. I jumped. Io ho la sensazione di avere già incontrato quel tizio. I have the feeling that I've met that guy before. I feel like I've already met that guy. L'agent de police suspecta que l'homme était coupable. The policeman suspected the man was guilty. The police officer suspected the man was guilty. Mayuko le dio una mascada a mi manzana. Mayuko took a bite of my apple. Mayuko gave my apple a mask. I-am spus. I told him. I told him. Tom va a la escuela andando. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom's going to school. Tu adorais le chocolat. You loved chocolate. You loved chocolate. Será mejor que te calles. You'd better shut up. You better shut up. Aku tidak berpikir kalau kau gila. I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you're crazy. Ils haïssaient Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Je n'y vois pas d'objection. I have no objection to that. I don't see any objection. Você voltou para casa cedo só para comer e depois sair de novo? Did you come home early just to eat then go out again? Did you come home early just to eat and then leave again? Jika saya kaya, saya akan memberimu uang. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money. If I'm rich, I'll give you money. Nadie tiene hambre. No one's hungry. Nobody's hungry. El deume 10.000 iens. He gave me 10,000 yen. He called it 10,000 yens. Saepes nostra e ferro facta est. Our fence is made of iron. He has made us many times and iron. Nu lucrezi astăzi? Aren't you working today? You don't work today? Il critiqua la guerre après avoir quitté les armes. He criticized the war after leaving the military. He criticized the war after he left his weapons. La tátara-tátara-tátara-abuela de Tom vivía en Escocia. Tom's great-great-great grandmother lived in Scotland. Tom's Tatara-Tatara-Tatara-Grandma lived in Scotland. Kau bisa saja membiarkan rasa takut akan kemiskinan mengatur hidupmu dan pahalanya adalah apa yang akan kau makan, tetapi Kau tidak hidup. You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live. You could have let fear of poverty govern your life and its reward is what you're going to eat, but you're not alive. El de abia poate să-și scrie numele. He can scarcely write his name. He can barely write his name. Kami perlu bicara dengan Anda. We need to speak with you. We need to talk to you. Mary recebeu moitos agasallos para o seu aniversario. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Ha llovido continuamente durante tres días. It has rained for three days on end. It has rained continuously for three days. Em faríes un mapa? Would you draw me a map? Would you give me a map? J'ai moins de livres que toi. I have fewer books than you. I got less books than you. Eu preciso estar aqui amanhã? Do I need to be here tomorrow? Do I need to be here tomorrow? O que ele quer fazer? What does he want to do? What does he want to do? Hay leche en el refrigerador. There is some milk in the fridge. There's milk in the refrigerator. Flores valde ei placent. She is very fond of flowers. She loves flowers very much. Stanno intervistando Tom. They're interviewing Tom. They're interviewing Tom. Non possiamo lasciarla qui. We can't leave her here. We can't leave her here. Opprimantur operibus et expleant ea, ut non acquiescant verbis mendacibus. Let them be oppressed with works, and let them fulfil them; that they may not regard lying words. Let's stop the work and make sure they don't get fake words. Io non rispondo alle domande stupide. I don't answer stupid questions. I'm not answering stupid questions. ¿Dónde puedo comprar una camiseta? Where might I be able to buy a T-shirt? Where can I buy a T-shirt? Aku masih belum yakin. I'm still not certain. I'm still not sure. Didymus nartis prolabitur. Tom's skiing. Didymus nartis shall succeed. Los jóvenes deberían ser amables con los mayores. The young should be kind to the old. Young people should be kind to older people. Gracias por compartir esto conmigo. Thanks for sharing this with me. Thanks for sharing this with me. Que va fer ella amb tots els diners? What did she do with all the money? What did she do with all the money? Je ne m'attends pas à recevoir d'aide. I don't expect help. I don't expect any help. Pourquoi portez-vous ceux-là ? Why are you wearing those? Why are you wearing these? Ha dei gatti? Do you have any cats? Do you have cats? Esta é a cidade em que nasci. This is the town where I was born. This is the city I was born to. Quando scesi dal treno vidi un mio amico. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train I saw a friend of mine. Le ministre a fini par remettre sa démission. The cabinet minister ended up submitting his resignation. The Minister finally resigned. Tom spune că tu meriți o șansă. Tom says that you deserve a chance. Tom says you deserve a chance. Multa flumina in mare influunt. Many rivers flow into the sea. There was a lot of flow in the sea. Non possiamo lasciarlo. We can't leave him. We can't leave him. Brian se fue al colegio con Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. Hujan terus-menerus turun sejak hari Selasa. It has been raining since Tuesday. It's been raining all the time since Tuesday. Isso é, estritamente falando, um erro. This is, strictly speaking, a mistake. That is, strictly speaking, a mistake. J'ai bu une partie du lait et j'ai conservé le reste au réfrigérateur. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator. Sentii delle voci. I heard voices. I heard voices. Byen veni. Welcome. Welcome back. Hiemem amo. I love winter. Hiem I love. Tu n'as plus besoin de te faire du souci pour elle. You don't have to worry about her anymore. You don't need to worry about her anymore. Ella tiene un novio turco. She's got a Turkish boyfriend. She has a Turkish boyfriend. Il fait froid à l'extérieur. Mets ton manteau. It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat. It's cold outside, put on your coat. Saya heran mengapa Tom membutuhkannya. I wonder why Tom needs that. I wonder why Tom needed it. Estoy terminando mis deberes. I'm finishing my homework. I'm finishing my duties. Tutto è rovinato. Everything's ruined. It's all ruined. Je ne le recommanderais pas. I wouldn't recommend that. I wouldn't recommend it. Charras anglés? Do you speak English? English chat? Una alubia puede responder todas las preguntas. A bean can answer all the questions. A flood can answer all questions. Aku melihatmu bersama anak laki-laki yang badannya tinggi. I saw you with a tall boy. I saw you with a tall boy. Me voy a echar una siesta. I'm going to have a siesta. I'm going to take a nap. Kamu tidak melihat apa-apa? Didn't you see anything? You didn't see anything? Nunca pensei que algo assim aconteceria. I never thought that would happen. I never thought something like that would happen. Da hora! Awesome! Time! J'ai tout essayé. I've tried everything I know of. I tried everything. Mi go vintitrì ani. I'm twenty three-years old. I'm goin' for twenty years. Que penses-tu qu'il se produise alors ? What do you think happens then? What do you think happens then? Elles descendirent la rue en chantant une chanson. They walked down the street singing a song. They went down the street singing a song. ¿Con quién estabas? Who were you with? Who were you with? Minus pulchra est sorore. She is less beautiful than her sister is. Minus is beautiful as a sister. Il écrit encore des romans de temps en temps, mais pas autant qu'avant. He still writes novels from time to time, but not as often as he used to. He still writes novels from time to time, but not as much as before. Qué aprofeite. Bon appetit. Nice to meet you. John se hizo policía. John became a policeman. John became a cop. Est tibi telephonum. You have a telephone. You have a phone call. No me gusta ninguno de estos sombreros. I don't like any of these hats. I don't like any of these hats. Fă-o de dragul meu. Do it for my sake. Do it for my sake. El Jack no és aquí. Deu haver perdut l'autobús de cada dia. Jack isn't here. He may have missed his usual bus. Jack's not here, he must have lost the bus every day. Terima kasih. Thank you. Thank you. Conversé con mi familia. I spoke with my family. I talked to my family. Îmi place foarte mult Google Drive. I really like Google Drive. I really like Google Drive. Tom a fost deosebit de ghinionist. Tom was extremely unlucky. Tom was particularly unlucky. Ele vai morrer? Will he die? Is he going to die? Sanguis meus magis rubeus quam tuus non est. My blood is no redder than yours. My blood is redder than you are. Nosotros somos sus hijos. We are his sons. We are his children. "Salve, Ioannes." "Ego non sum Ioannes." Hi, John. - I'm not John. "Hello, Ioannes." "I'm not Ioannes." Isso soa justo. That sounds fair. That sounds fair. Aku akan membutuhkan bantuan. I'll need help. I'm gonna need some help. Ils ne disent jamais rien concernant leur famille. They never say anything about their family. They never say anything about their family. Pourquoi as-tu quitté ton dernier travail ? Why did you leave your last job? Why did you leave your last job? Je vais avoir besoin de votre aide. I'm going to need your help. I'm gonna need your help. Quelle cuisson voudrais-tu pour ton bifteck ? How would you like your steak? What cooking would you like for your steak? Nesta loja vendemos carne. In this shop we sell meat. We sell meat in this store. Los muertos vivientes se alimentan de carne humana. The undead feed on human flesh. The living dead feed on human flesh. Trois choses ne peuvent pas être cachées bien longtemps: le soleil, la lune et la vérité. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Three things cannot be hidden long: the sun, the moon and the truth. Cresme? Do you believe me? Do you believe me? Te visitabimus. We'll visit you. We'll visit you. Quanto costa? What does it cost? How much? Non leo. I don't read. I don't read. La mayoría de los osos son omnívoros. Most bears are omnivores. Most bears are omnivorous. Potesne loqui? Can you talk? Can you talk about it? De cât timp ai mașina asta? How long have you had this car? How long have you had this car? Dia membuka jendela. She opens the window. He opened the window. La neige a fondu. The snow has melted. The snow has melted. Videns autem pharao quod cessasset pluvia et grando et tonitrua, auxit peccatum; et ingravatum est cor eius et servorum illius et induratum nimis; nec dimisit filios Israel, sicut dixerat Dominus per manum Moysi. And Pharaoh seeing that the rain, and the hail, and the thunders were ceased, increased his sin: and his heart was hardened, and the heart of his servants, and it was made exceeding hard: neither did he let the children of Israel go, as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses. And because the rain and the hail and the thunder and the hail were ceased, he hardened his heart, and his servants were hardened; he would not let the children of Israel go, as the LORD had said by Moysi. Respondit Laban: Melius est, ut tibi eam dem quam alteri viro; mane apud me. Laban answered: It is better that I give her to thee than to another man; stay with me. Laban said, "It is better to have her than that of another man; stay with me. Estaba fingiendo. He was pretending. I was pretending. Ce crezi că are de gând Dana? What do you think Dana has in mind? What do you think Dana's going on? Tom nos disse que não seria necessário fazer isso. Tom told us that it wouldn't necessary to do that. Tom told us it wouldn't be necessary to do that. Pater meus quadragesimum nonum aetatis annum agens, mortuus est. My father died at the age of forty-nine. My father, being at the age of nine, died. Quamdiu hic manebis? How long will you be here? How long do you stay here? Menja menjar ràpid, mor ràpid. Eat fast food, die fast. Eat fast, die fast. Pot lăsa un mesaj? Can I leave a message? Can I leave a message? Asta e ideea mea. That's my idea. That's my idea. Darwin telah mengubah dunia. Darwin changed the world. Darwin has changed the world. Diedi un libro al ragazzo. I gave the boy a book. Give the boy a book. Observa. Watch. Watch. Vous ne resterez pas, si ? You won't stay, will you? You won't stay, will you? Bouge-toi le cul ! Move your ass! Move your ass! Tom non ha chiesto a Mary di aiutare. Tom didn't ask Mary to help. Tom didn't ask Mary to help. Puoi salvarli? Can you save them? Can you save them? Non sono riuscito a capire nulla di quello che ha detto Tom. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. Tom tidak tahu apa yang Mary pikirkan tentang hal itu. Tom didn't know what Mary thought about it. Tom didn't know what Mary was thinking about it. Ella es la seva amiga She is his friend. She's her friend. Es muy fácil criticar a posteriori. It is easy to be wise after the event. It is very easy to criticize a posteriori. Tom n'a pas de téléviseur chez lui. Tom doesn't have a TV at home. Tom doesn't have a TV at his place. Mariam semper amabo. I will always love Mary. I always love Mariam. Eu estou com dificuldades com a gramática francesa. I'm having a hard time with French grammar. I'm having trouble with French grammar. Io lo posso provare. I can try that. I can try. Tu es un homme bon. You're a good man. You're a good man. Todos estão aqui menos o Tom. Everyone is here except for Tom. Everyone's here but Tom. Nocte solet sero vigilare. He is used to sitting up late at night. Sunny night I'll watch. ¿Me das un vaso de leche? Will you give me a glass of milk? Can I have a glass of milk? En contournant cet obstacle, vous retrouverez votre chemin. Bypassing this obstacle, you find your way again. By bypassing this obstacle, you will find your way. La gallina puso cinco huevos. The hen hatched five eggs. The hen put five eggs. Odio hacer esto. I hate doing this. I hate doing this. Ell és un somia truites. He is a daydreamer. He's a trout dream. Dure accepit hoc Abraham propter filium suum. Abraham took this grievously for his son. Technically, Abraham learned this from his son. Quer algo mais? Do you want anything else? Do you want anything else? Il nous montra un beau chapeau. He showed us a beautiful hat. He'll show us a nice hat. Je ne peux pas danser, un verre à la main. I can't dance holding a drink. I can't dance, a glass in my hand. La administración decidió mover la oficina central de la compañía a Hawaii. The administration decided to move the home office of the company to Hawaii. The administration decided to move the company's central office to Hawaii. Kemarin bulan purnama. It was a full moon yesterday. Yesterday the full moon. Temos 24 horas para evacuar a cidade. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. We have 24 hours to evacuate the city. Estou cansado de ler. I am tired of reading. I'm tired of reading. Não te querem. They don't want you. They don't want you. Habetisne pecuniam? Do you have money? Do you have money? Sedete ad mensam. Sit at the table. Sit down at the table. No soy un adicto a las drogas. I'm not a drug addict. I'm not a drug addict. Combien de temps penses-tu rester ici ? How long are you planning to stay here? How long do you think you're staying here? In aquae deiectu lavatur. He's taking a shower. In the water of the goddess is washed. Todo mundo sonha. Everyone dreams. Everyone dreams. Tom ne porte pas de nouveau chapeau. Tom isn't wearing a new hat. Tom doesn't wear a hat again. Você escreveu para Tom, não é? You've written to Tom, haven't you? You wrote to Tom, didn't you? Dovete andare. You need to go. You have to go. Avete conosciuto dei canadesi qui a Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Você é mais velha que o Tom. You're older than Tom. You're older than Tom. Je ne connais pas le maire mais je voudrais le rencontrer. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet him. Je pense qu'on va passer une bonne journée. I think it's going to be a nice day. I think we're gonna have a good day. De qué i a hens la caisha ? What's in the box? What are we gonna do with the caisha? È stata dalla polizia? Have you been to the police? Was it the police? Medicamentum emit. He buys medicine. Medication issued. Mary était traumatisée. Mary was traumatized. Mary was traumatized. Apa Ken di rumah kemarin? Was Ken at home yesterday? Is Ken at home yesterday? A-t-il réussi à l'examen? Did he succeed in the examination? Did he pass the exam? Los exámenes tocan justo después de las vacaciones de verano. Exams are right after summer vacation. The exams play right after the summer vacation. Não posso responder isso, por que esta pergunta é difícil demais para responder. I can't answer that, because that question is too difficult to answer. I cannot answer that, because this question is too difficult to answer. Thomas Mariam in matrimonium duxit. Tom married Mary. Thomas Mariam married. Questi occhiali da sole sono vostri? Are these sunglasses yours? Are these sunglasses yours? Mary nada igual de rápido que Jack. Mary swims as fast as Jack. Mary's nothing as fast as Jack. È piuttosto maleducato, vero? He's quite rude, isn't he? He's pretty rude, isn't he? Dia meninggalkan warisan yang banyak untuk anak perempuannya. He left his daughter a great fortune. He left behind a lot of inheritance for his daughter. Ella tiene un buen corazón por naturaleza. She is kindhearted by nature. She has a good heart by nature. Ho realizzato che non ero pronto. I realized I wasn't ready. I realized I wasn't ready. Cur sententiam mutavisti? What changed your mind? Should we decide to change our eyes? Perché dovrei scusarmi con te? Why should I apologize to you? Why should I apologize to you? Nonne sunt sani Thomas et Maria? Tom and Mary are healthy, aren't they? Are Thomas and Mary healthy? Un navire cargo, à destination d'Athènes, a sombré en Méditerranée sans laisser de trace. A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. A cargo ship, destined for Athens, submerged in the Mediterranean without leaving any trace. Il faisait un froid de canard, dehors. It was bitterly cold outside. It was a cold duck outside. Nihil spero, nihil timeo; libera sum. I hope for nothing, I fear for nothing, I am free. I hope nothing, I am free. Yo también debo comer. I have to eat, too. I have to eat, too. Tom e eu estávamos ocupadíssimos na semana passada. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom and I were very busy last week. Gheața de sub picioarele voastre se va sparge. The ice under your feet will break. The ice under your feet will break. Kami kekurangan dana. We've run short of money. We're underfunded. ¿Cuál es la montaña más grande del mundo? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the largest mountain in the world? Ho passato la scorsa domenica a leggere romanzi. I spent last Sunday reading novels. I spent last Sunday reading novels. Uită-te! Look! Look! Tom fala muito sobre isso. Tom talks about that a lot. Tom talks a lot about it. Delirant isti Romani! They're crazy, those Romans! Delirious these Romans! Pero seguimos sin él. But we carried on without him. But we're still without him. Até certo ponto estou de acordo contigo. I agree with you to a degree. To some extent I agree with you. Por cierto, creo que eres muy lindo. By the way, I think you're really nice. By the way, I think you're very cute. Finalement, j'ai achevé un tableau. Finally, I finished a painting. Finally, I finished a painting. Si vous voulez que quelque chose soit fait correctement, il suffit parfois de le faire soi-même. If you want something to be done right, sometimes you've just got to do it yourself. If you want something done right, sometimes it is enough to do it yourself. Não posso cavalgar. Minha perna está quebrada. I cannot ride a horse. My leg is broken. My leg's broken. Há 10 tipos de pessoas no mundo: aquelas que entendem binário e aquelas que não entendem. There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who do not understand. Sistem abjad bahasa Esperanto terdiri daripada 28 huruf: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. The Esperanto alphabet consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z. Esperanto’s Abjad System consists of 28 letters: a, b, c, ★, d, e, f, g, ★, h, ⇢, i, j, ⇢, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ★, t, u, ★, v, z. Aku harap tidak ada seorangpun yang akan duduk di depan kita. I hope no one sits in front of us. I hope no one will sit in front of us. Io non ne sono proprio sicuro. I'm really not sure. I'm not sure. John ha provato a non svegliare la bambina addormentata. John tried not to wake the sleeping baby. John tried not to wake the sleeping child. Esta mesa estava tão pesada para ser erguida. This desk was too heavy to lift. This table was so heavy to be raised. Me entristece oírte decir eso. It saddens me to hear you say that. I'm sad to hear you say that. Domus mea tua est. My home is yours. My house is old and old. C'est techniquement impossible. This is technically impossible. It's technically impossible. Bis in America Foederata fui. I have been to America twice. Bis in America Foederata was. Si vous pouvez, venez avec nous. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Pensavo ci odiassi. I thought you hated us. I thought you hated us. Gostaria de ir ao concerto com você. I would like to go to the concert with you. I'd like to go to the concert with you. Vers le sud. To the south. To the south. Cur plumbo scribitis? Why are you writing with a pencil? Curl of lead do you write? Las ratas son el origen de la plaga. Rats carry the plague. Rats are the origin of the plague. Son pare es va morir, i per acabar-ho d'adobar, sa mare es va posar malalta. His father died, and to make matters worse, his mother fell ill. His father died, and to finish his development, his mother got sick. De ce ești aici? Why are you here? Why are you here? Por favor, espere aquí un momento. Please wait here for a while. Please wait here a moment. Eu te contarei depois. I'll tell you later. I'll tell you later. Sei casuale. You are random. You're random. Me gusta el pollo. I love chicken. I like chicken. ¿Quién podría no amarte? Who could not love you? Who wouldn't love you? Didymus est aeque procerus ac Iacobus. Tom is as tall as Jack. Didymus is the next state to James. Mangiamo assieme questa notte. Let's eat together tonight. We eat together tonight. A súa casa queda preto do metro. His house is near the subway. His house is close to the subway. El compune poezii frumoase. He composes beautiful poems. He composes beautiful poems. Avez-vous vu la nouvelle ? Did you see the news? Have you seen the news? Può mangiare quanto vuole. You may eat as much as you want to. She can eat as much as she wants. Ce que nous, républicains, devons défendre, c'est la croissance de l'économie. Nous devons agrandir la tarte. What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher. What we Republicans need to defend is the growth of the economy. Sunt mort de foame. I am terribly hungry. I'm starving. Eu gostaria de alugar um carro. I'd like to rent a car. I'd like to rent a car. Eu posso falar com o Tom? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Las mujeres son la parte más bella de la vida de un hombre. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Women are the most beautiful part of a man's life. Estoy flacucho. I'm skinny. I'm thin. Penglihatannya sangat buruk. His eyesight is bad. It looks really bad. Soţia mea a născut un copil săptămâna trecută. My wife had a baby last week. My wife was born a baby last week. Ayo! Goodbye! Come on! Eles estão tentando. They're trying. They're trying. Il gatto scottato teme l'acqua fredda. A burnt child dreads the fire. The hatched cat fears cold water. Compare los medios de comunicación unidireccionales como la radio o la televisión con los medios bidireccionales como la correspondencia o Internet. Compare unidirectional mass media such as radio and television with bidirectional ones such as correspondence and the Internet. Compare unidirectional media such as radio or television with bidirectional media such as correspondence or the Internet. Iam licet tibi abire. You may go now. This is ready to open up for you. Je suis celui qui devrait s'excuser. I'm the one who ought to apologize. I'm the one who should apologize. Quam pigri estis! How lazy you are! How slothful you are! Você leu tudo? Did you read all of it? Have you read everything? Não estamos com pressa. We're in no hurry. We're not in a hurry. Le Ministère de la Justice des États-Unis et le Bureau fédéral d’investigation (FBI) ont pris pour cible des musulmans américains lors d’opérations d’infiltration abusives menées dans le cadre de la lutte antiterroriste et basées sur des critères d’identité religieuse et ethnique, ont affirmé Human Rights Watch et l'Institut des droits de l'homme. The US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have targeted American Muslims in abusive counterterrorism “sting operations” based on religious and ethnic identity, Human Rights Watch and Human Rights Institute said. The Ministry of Justice of the United States and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have targeted U.S. Muslims in abusive infiltration operations in the context of counter-terrorism and based on religious and ethnic identity criteria, said Human Rights Watch and the Institute of Human Rights. Me prenderam no aeroporto. I got detained at the airport. I got caught at the airport. Él está un poco pálido. He looks kind of pale. He's a little pale. Si no tuviera que trabajar, podría leer estos libros. Were I free from work, I could read these books. If I didn't have to work, I could read these books. Et ait Dominus Deus: Ecce homo factus est quasi unus ex nobis, ut sciat bonum et malum; nunc ergo, ne mittat manum suam et sumat etiam de ligno vitæ et comedat et vivat in æternum! And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now therefore lest perhaps he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. But Yahweh God said, "Alas, man has become as one of us, that he may know good and evil; now therefore, don't let him put his hand to take of the tree of the vine, and eat and live at it! Ignoramus et ignorabimus. We do not know and will not know. Ignorant and I don't know. La chaleur de leur accueil m'a rendu heureux. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. Habesne ova? Do you have eggs? Do you have any eggs? Mi sono abbuffato di pizza. I pigged out on pizza. I had pizza. Je dois le faire. I have to do this. I have to. Tony pode correr rápido. Tony can run fast. Tony can run fast. No puc tolerar els covards. I have no tolerance of cowards. I can't tolerate cowards. Per quanto ha abitato a Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? How long have you lived in Kobe? Tenemos sueño. We're sleepy. We have a dream. Itu masalah orang lain. That's someone else's problem. It's someone else's problem. Itulah jawaban yang benar. That's the right answer. That's the right answer. No, no ho faré. No, I won't do that. No, I won't. Io sono tornata da scuola, poi sono uscita con le mie amiche. I came back from the school, then I went out with my friends. I came back from school, then I went out with my friends. Cepatlah, atau kau akan ketinggalan busnya. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Vorrebbe andare con me? Would you like to go with me? Would you like to go with me? Tu gagnes ? Are you winning? You win? Sangro con facilidad cuando me corto. I bleed easily when I am cut. I bleed easily when I cut myself. Ab omnibus mortuum esse putor. Everybody thinks I'm dead. You don't all dead. Aun si no tenemos suerte en el primer intento, podemos seguir follando hasta que yo quede embarazada. Even if we don't get lucky on the first try we can just keep fucking till I get pregnant. Even if we're not lucky in the first attempt, we can still fuck until I get pregnant. Tom gana mucho dinero. Tom makes big money. Tom makes a lot of money. Siete favorevoli o contrarie al piano? Are you for or against the plan? Are you in favour or against the plan? Nos non multum exercemus. We don't practice a lot. We don't have much exercise. Quin és el teu propòsit real? What's your real purpose? What is your real purpose? Como é que você sabe tanto sobre a história do Japão? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about Japan's history? Quam ob rem dixit Iudas Thamar nurui suæ: “Esto vidua in domo patris tui, donec crescat Sela filius meus”. Timebat, enim, ne et ipse moreretur sicut fratres eius. Quæ abiit et habitavit in domo patris sui. Wherefore Juda said to Thamar his daughter-in-law: Remain a widow in thy father's house, till Sela my son grow up: for he was afraid lest he also might die, as his brethren did. She went her way, and dwelt in her father's house. Quam therefore said to Judas, the daughter-in-law of Tamar, that was his wife's: “This is a widow in your father's house, until Shelah my son grow up.” She was very much afraid, for she didn't die like her brothers. She went and lived in her father's house. O trabalho de um motorista não é tão fácil quanto parece. A driver's job is not as easy as it looks. The work of a driver is not as easy as it seems. Eu tive que consertar a torradeira. I had to fix the toaster. I had to fix the toaster. Mary adalah gadis yang enak diajak bicara. Mary is a girl who is pleasant to talk with. Mary is a good girl to talk to. A enfermidade de Fadil não lhe moderou a atividade. Fadil's infirmity didn't slow him down. Fadil's disease did not moderate his activity. Închide ușa aia! Close that door. Close that door! Plaudite, amici, comoedia finita est. Applaud, friends, the comedy has ended. Plaudite, my friends, comedy is finished. Imparai delle cose sulla cultura greca. I learned about Greek culture. I learned things about Greek culture. Pulsa fores. Knock on the door. Foresight pulse. Gurita menggunakan tempurung kelapa sebagai pelindung portabel. Octopuses use coconut shells as portable shelters. The octopus uses coconut shells as a portable protector. Singula mala acceperunt. They each received an apple. Only bad things have been received. Pouvons-nous réparer ça ? Can we fix this? Can we fix this? ¿Qué cosa cosadiella ye? Una vieya con un diente, apiella a tola xente. La campana. Guess the riddle. An old woman with one tooth, summons everybody. The bell. An old woman with a tooth, knocks everyone. Ecquid novarum rerum ex Australia audivisti? Have you heard any news from Australia? Did you hear anything new from Australia? Io spero che questo vada bene. I hope this goes well. I hope this goes well. Ignora Thoman. Just ignore Tom. Ignore Thoman. Kita harus memberitahukan kepada anak-anak bagaimana caranya melindungi diri sendiri. We should tell children how to protect themselves. We have to tell the kids how to protect themselves. Él se convirtió en un actor famoso. He became a famous actor. He became a famous actor. Em sorprèn que acceptés l'oferiment. I'm surprised that he accepted the offer. I'm surprised you accepted the offer. El valor de un hombre no tiene nada que ver con su apariencia. A man's worth has nothing to do with his appearance. The value of a man has nothing to do with his appearance. Alors, que s'est-il passé ? So what happened? So what happened? O casamento deles vai ser amanhã. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Sono stato rapinato. I've been mugged. I was robbed. Te veré dentro de tres horas. I'll see you in three hours. I'll see you in three hours. On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the station? Where's the railway station? Raedam emam. I will buy a car. Raedam emam. Perché siete così influenti? Why are you so influential? Why are you so influential? Les arabes algériens voilent leurs sœurs et leurs femmes mais passent leur temps à regarder des films pornographiques. Algerian Arabs veil their sisters and their wives but spend their time watching pornographic films. Algerian Arabs watch their sisters and women but spend their time watching pornographic films. Pense simplement à ce que tu ressentirais en pareille situation ! Just think about how you'd feel in a similar situation. Just think of how you would feel in that situation! Divida isso ao meio! Halve that! Split it in the middle! ¿Usted sabía que la estrella más cercana de la Tierra es el Sol? Did you know that the star nearest to Earth is the Sun? Did you know that the nearest star on Earth is the Sun? Tom ha imitato Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. O concerto terá lugar o próximo verán. The concert will take place next summer. The concert will take place next summer. Vado sempre a piedi. I always walk. I always walk. Sta diventando sempre più caldo. It's getting warmer and warmer. It's getting warmer and warmer. Tom itu berbahaya. Tom's dangerous. Tom's dangerous. Echipa noastră a pierdut toate meciurile. Our team lost all of its games. Our team lost all the games. De repente se le empezó a acelerar el corazón. His heart suddenly began to beat faster. Suddenly he started to accelerate his heart. Necesitas hablar con Tom. You need to talk to Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Nu mai trebuie să muncesc. I don't have to work anymore. I don't have to work anymore. Ele voltou às seis. He returned at six. He came back at six. Habesne papyrum? Do you have paper? Do you have papyrum? Imagino que no soy tan lista como tú. I guess I'm not as smart as you. I guess I'm not as smart as you. Tom vuole conoscere meglio Mary. Tom wants to get to know Mary better. Tom wants to know Mary better. Io sto provando qualcosa di nuovo. I'm trying something new. I'm trying something new. Sé Bondyé ki ka bay lavi. It is God who gives life. Life can be given to God. Tom nu a intenţionat să întârzie atât de mult timp. Tom didn't mean to be so late. Tom didn't mean to be so long. Aku bisa menghilangkan kemungkinan itu. I can't rule out that possibility. I can get rid of that possibility. Jamque ibat, dicto parens, et dona Cupido / regia portabat Tyriis, duce laetus Achate. Forth Cupid, at his mother's word, repairs, / and merrily, for brave Achates led, / the royal presents to the Tyrians bears. There she went, said her father, and the wife of Cupid/director bore Tyri, the blessed duke of Achate. Él me imploró que me quedase. He begged me to stay. He begged me to stay. Noli aquam bibere. Don't drink the water. There's no water to drink. Así que puedo ir, ¿correcto? So I can go, right? So I can go, right? Il y a des yeux qui reçoivent la lumière et il y a des yeux qui la donnent. There are eyes that give light, and others that receive it. There are eyes that receive light and there are eyes that give it. Praeceptor non sum. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a breadwinner. Eu odeio regras. I hate rules. I hate rules. So suonare la chitarra. I can play the guitar. I'm playing the guitar. Lo men pair qu'aima la pizza. My father loves pizza. It looks like he likes pizza. Sei curioso, vero? You're curious, aren't you? You're curious, aren't you? Thomas opus mirabile fecit. Tom has done a wonderful job. Thomas did marvelous work. O Tom nunca vai mudar, vai? Tom is never going to change, is he? Tom's never gonna change, is he? A matre amor. I am loved by my mother. Love master. Aqueth peish qu'ei gròs. This fish is big. That fish is fat. Todo el mundo quiere conocerle, usted es famoso. Everyone wants to know you; you're famous. Everyone wants to meet him, you're famous. Non posso lasciare qui Tom. I can't leave Tom here. I can't leave Tom here. Êtes-vous abonné à un magazine ? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Are you a subscriber to a magazine? O pisică a fost pe masă. On the table there was a cat. A cat was on the table. Yo soy el que llama. I am the one who knocks. I'm the one who calls. Cur ea me aspicit? Why is she looking at me? Ass she looked at me? Nous avons fait du garçon notre guide. We made the boy our guide. We made our guide boy. Sea como sea, mañana toma ese tren. In any case, catch the train tomorrow. Anyway, tomorrow takes that train. Siapa gurumu? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Vou mostrar meu álbum para você. I'll show my album to you. I'll show you my album. In hortis publicis ludebamus. We used to play in the park. In public hortis ludebamus. Non le dia delle idee. Don't give her any ideas. Don't give her ideas. Minha irmã vai preparar o pequeno almoço. My sister will prepare breakfast. My sister's going to prepare breakfast. Tom aveva molti problemi. Tom had many problems. Tom had a lot of problems. Hoc utilissimum est. This is very useful. This is useful. Pode nevar. Maybe it'll snow. It can snow. Sono sicuro che siete molto impegnati. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Chi ha organizzato quella riunione? Who organized that meeting? Who organized that meeting? Eu não tenho nada para fazer. I don't have anything to do. I have nothing to do. À ce moment, je regardais la télé. I was watching TV then. At the time, I was watching TV. Estash en Berlin? Are you guys in Berlin? Ecash in Berlin? Dica a Tom che sono ammalata. Tell Tom I'm sick. Tell Tom I'm sick. Newton viu uma maçã cair de uma árvore. Newton saw an apple fall off a tree. Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. Tu n'as pas l'habitude de montrer tes sentiments. You don't have the habit of showing your feelings. You're not used to showing your feelings. Todos se alzaron. They all rose. They all got up. L'une des filles a été laissée en arrière. One of the girls was left behind. One of the girls was left behind. Heri de te locutus est. He spoke about you yesterday. Here you are. He spoke to you. Aquest cotxe és un trasto. This car is a pile of rubbish. This car is a mess. Saya sedang menulis pesan kepada Tom. I am writing a message to Tom. I'm writing a message to Tom. Je pensai que nous avions tout mangé dans la maison mais je trouvai une autre boîte de biscuits. I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers. I thought we ate everything in the house, but I found another box of cookies. Eu sei que o Tom está com o coração partido. I know that Tom is heartbroken. I know Tom's with a broken heart. Pons nobis efficiendus est. We need to build a bridge. Sets us efficient man. Què passa? What is going on? What's going on? "¿Va a venir él?" - "No, no lo creo." "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." "Will he come?" - "No, I don't think so." Sole mundus illustratur. The world is lightened by the sun. Illustrator worlds only. Tout va bien maintenant. Everything is all right now. It's all right now. Como Mary é uma garota muito gentil, é amada de todos. Since Mary is a very nice girl, she's loved by everyone. As Mary is a very kind girl, she is loved by all. Si sono sviluppati presto dei problemi. Problems soon developed. There have been problems soon. Eu sempre como frutas e aveia no café da manhã. I always have fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. I always like fruit and oats at breakfast. Habesne amicam? Do you have a girlfriend? Did you have a friend? Didymus novam raedam emit. Tom bought a new car. Didymus new raedam issued. Linguagens de programação são seu passatempo. Programming languages are his hobby. Programming languages are your hobby. J'ai besoin de davantage d'argent. I need more money. I need more money. Teño dous irmáns e tres irmás. I have two brothers and three sisters. I have two brothers and three sisters. Ontem estiveste muito ocupado? How busy were you yesterday? Were you very busy yesterday? Undecim discipuli praemium acceperunt. Eleven students received the award. The eleven disciples received the first prize. Non ho piani per stasera. I have no plans for tonight. I don't have plans for tonight. Vous n'êtes pas obligées de répondre. You don't have to respond. You don't have to answer. ¡Déjame marchar! Let me go! Let me go! Ce planuri ai astăzi? What are your plans for today? What are your plans today? Quem Tom trouxe? Who did Tom bring? Who did Tom bring? Él vio a un antiguo amigo la semana pasada a quien no había visto en años. He saw an old friend last week whom he hadn’t seen in years. He saw an old friend last week who he hadn't seen in years. Tom a avut o poliță de plătit lui Mary. Tom had a score to settle with Mary. Tom had a cop to pay Mary. É a primeira vez que esquento a janta. This is the first time I've ever heated the dinner. It's the first time I've had dinner. Este un dezastru complet și mă calcă pe nervi. It's a complete mess, and it's getting on my nerves. It's a complete disaster and it's stepping on my nerves. Tom ha continuato a lavorare. Tom continued working. Tom kept working. Tenha certeza de ter desligado a luz quando você sair da sala. Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the room. Be sure you turned off the light when you leave the room. Pensavo che fossi arrabbiata con lui. I thought you were mad at him. I thought you were mad at him. Aconselleino de que non sufrira polo pasado. I advised him not to grieve over the past. I advise you not to suffer from the past. La educación comienza en casa. Education begins at home. Education begins at home. Thomas me legere docuit. Tom taught me to read. Thomas read me the doc. Domum ibam. I was going home. I'm leaving. Le è piaciuto? Did you enjoy that? Did you like it? Cosa c'è dentro? What's inside? What's inside? Yo podría matarte. I could kill you. I could kill you. ¿Estuvo Tom en el equipo de ustedes? Was Tom on your team? Was Tom on your team? Tom économise de l'argent pour un voyage en Australie. Tom is saving money for a trip to Australia. Tom saved money for a trip to Australia. Hodie in officio non sum. I'm not in the office today. I'm not in the office today. Onde fica a estação de metrô mais próxima? Where's the nearest subway station? Where's the nearest metro station? El foi ao Reino Unido dúas veces. He has been to the United Kingdom twice. He went to the United Kingdom twice. Cafeam parabo. I'm going to make coffee. Coffee parabo. ¿Qué edad tiene vuestro tío? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Nihil pretiosius quam amicitia. Nothing is more valuable than friendship. Nothing is more precious than friendship. Deberías tener más cuidado en un cruce. You should be more careful at a crosswalk. You should be more careful at a crossing. Lei ci aiutò con piacere. She helped us with pleasure. She helped us with that. Kamu itu masih bau kencur. You were too young. You're still stinking. Dacă aș putea să-ți trimit un dulce, Trang, aș face-o. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. If I could send you a sweet, Trang, I would. Sus ingresos se redujeron a la mitad tras su jubilación. His income was diminished by half after retirement. Their income was halved after retirement. Ne laissez pas les apparences vous tromper ! Don't let appearances fool you. Don't let the appearances deceive you! Ora riprovate. Now try again. Now try again. Non posso parlare per lei. I can't speak for her. I can't talk for you. O que estás a fazer? What are you doing? What are you doing? Le connaissez-vous par hasard ? Do you know him, by any chance? Do you know him by chance? Mallem esse avis quam piscis. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. We're working on that fish. Chiamate mia moglie. Call my wife. Call my wife. Kamu sudah memikirkan masalah ini sejak pagi. Beristirahatlah! Ayo makan siang! You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch. You've been thinking about this since the morning. Nous nous levâmes tous d'un seul homme. We all stood up at once. We all got rid of one man. Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi hermana pequeña. Today is my little sister's birthday. Today is my little sister's birthday. Ella se casó con él por su dinero. She married him for his money. She married him for his money. Recordes quin dia de la setmana tanca Blue Sky Sports? Do you remember what day of the week Blue Sky Sports is closed? Remember what day of the week is closing Blue Sky Sports? Estudiaré anglés aquesta vesprada. I am going to study English this afternoon. I'll study English this evening. Îmi place limba occitană. I like Occitan. I like the Occitan language. L'extérieur de cette boîte est vert, mais l'intérieur est rouge. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. Tom perdeu o guarda-chuva dele de novo. Tom has lost his umbrella again. Tom lost his umbrella again. În caz de urgenţă, luaţi legătura cu agentul meu. In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent. In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent. Él jugaba un rol importante en el comité. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role on the committee. Eu queria ser o patrão. I wanted to be the boss. I wanted to be the boss. Tokii nata sum. I was born in Tokyo. I was born to Tokii. Sono completamente sola adesso. I'm all alone now. I'm completely alone now. ¿Hay un médico en la casa? Is there a doctor in the house? Is there a doctor in the house? Elizabetha regina anno MDCIII mortua est. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Elizabeth the queen in MDCIII died. De qué i a acerà ? What is over there? What will it be like? Estoy en contra de este proyecto de ley. I'm against the bill. I am against this bill. En este momento los dos estamos demasiado ocupados para ayudarte. We're both way too busy to help you right now. Right now we're both too busy to help you. Sunt șomer. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Nenhum amigo de Tom sabia onde ele morava. None of Tom's friends knew where he lived. No friend of Tom knew where he lived. Thomas et Maria me multum adjuverunt. Tom and Mary have helped me a lot. Thomas and Mary helped me very much. No tengo un duro. I have no money. I don't have a hard one. Ea l-a făcut bogat. She made him rich. She made him rich. De necrezut! Incredible! Unbelievable! Lui ha tagliato la mela a metà. He cut the apple in half. He cut the apple in half. Por favor compre uma cerveja para mim. Please buy me a beer. Please buy me a beer. Em vaig cremar els dits amb una planxa calenta. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers with a hot plate. Me he pasado toda la tarde durmiendo. I slept the whole afternoon away. I've been sleeping all afternoon. Ecco una sua foto. Here's a picture of him. Here's your picture. Ite domum. Go home. It's home. Io non credo a ciò. I don't believe this. I don't believe that. Cur hic natare non licet? Why is swimming not permitted here? Aren't you allowed to swim here? Panem in duas partes secuerunt. They divided the bread into two pieces. Panem in two parts followed. Il Burj Khalifa è attualmente il grattacielo più alto del mondo. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the highest skyscraper in the world. "Huc tandem concede: hæc ara tuebitur omnes, / aut moriere simul." "Hither to this shrine retire, / and share our safety or our death." "Well at last gives: haæc now everyone will be killed, / or die together." Tom va a casa a piedi. Tom walks home. Tom's walking home. Personne n'est rationnel. No one is rational. No one's rational. Acetabulum metallicum carum est. The metal bowl is expensive. It is a metal tube. Tom beruntung. Tom was lucky. Tom's lucky. Acest fapt îi dovedește nevinovăția. This fact proves her innocence. This proves his innocence. În zilele acestea nimeni nu se mai așteaptă la omenie. No one expects friendliness these days. In these days no one is waiting for mankind anymore. Tu nu privești. You're not looking. You don't look. Quota hora ad theatrum ivistis? What time did you go to the theater? How much time did you visit the theater? Tom ha dei problemi a respirare. Tom has trouble breathing. Tom has trouble breathing. Dimineața următoare, omul de zăpadă se topise complet. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning, the snowman had melted completely. Aku belum lihat apapun. I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen anything. Gua akan menelpon dia malam ini. I'll phone her tonight. I'll call him tonight. Vi piacerebbe vivere con noi? Would you like to live with us? Would you like to live with us? Não fiquem com medo de falar com o Tom. Don't be afraid to talk to Tom. Don't be afraid to talk to Tom. Ero impaurito quando lo vidi. I was frightened when I saw that. I was scared when I saw him. Se in cellario subterraneo abdiderunt. They hid in the cellar. They broke into an underground cell. Ça a l'air bon. It looks good. It looks good. Cur Thomas Mariam timet? Why is Tom afraid of Mary? Are you afraid of Thomas Mariam? Aqueth iogort qu'a un gost estranh. This yogurt tastes strange. This is a strange thing to do. Toutes les routes mènent à Rome. All roads lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. Ela estava lavando as louças. She was washing the dishes. She was washing the dishes. Ada banyak hal yang harus kami pikirkan. There are lots of things for us to think about. There's a lot to think about. Tom no pudo oír lo que estaba diciendo Mary. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. ¿Eso era parte del plan? Was that part of the plan? Was that part of the plan? Hic aliquos dies manebo. I am going to stay here for a couple of days. I've been driving for several days. Si nous pouvons rassembler nos ressources, il sera d'autant plus facile de résoudre le problème. If we pool our resources, it'll be that much easier to solve the problem. If we can gather our resources, it will be all the easier to solve the problem. Dies calidior est quam nox. The day is warmer than the night. She is warmer than night. Mi alzai prima dell'alba. I got up before dawn. I got up before dawn. Cibum edis. You eat food. Edis cibum. Il ne s'attendait pas à vivre si longtemps. He did not expect to live so long. He didn't expect to live that long. Ells estan llegint un llibre. They're reading a book. They're reading a book. Sub nicio formă va putea Tom vreodată să jongleze. There's no way that Tom will ever be able to juggle. In no way will Tom ever be able to joggle. C'est un article fort populaire. This is a real popular item. It's a very popular item. Necesítoo para mañá. I need it by tomorrow. I need it by tomorrow. Le temps file et n'attend personne. Time waits for no one. Time runs out and nobody waits for it. Vogliamo diventare cittadine. We want to become citizens. We want to become citizens. Por que não param de dizer essas coisas que os senhores bem sabem que não são verdade? Why do you keep saying things you know are not true? Why don't you stop saying these things that you well know are not true? Eu sei que você está ouvindo. I know you're listening. I know you're listening. Eu sou do futuro. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Le preparo del caffè? Shall I make you some coffee? Can I get you some coffee? Elle est en train de cuisiner pour lui. She is cooking for him. She's cooking for him. Lavora per una grande società. She works for a large corporation. He works for a big society. Când am sunat, el deja plecase. When I called, he had already set off. When I called, he was already gone. Tom nu mai poate locui aici. Tom can't live here anymore. Tom can't live here anymore. Mary tem dois namorados. Mary has two boyfriends. Mary has two boyfriends. Él no tiene idea de nada, pero sin embargo, tiene una opinión respecto a todo. He doesn't have a clue about anything. But he still has an opinion about everything. He has no idea of anything, but however, he has an opinion about everything. Fins a un cert punt, el rumor és cert. The rumor is true to some extent. To some extent, the rumor is true. A me è sempre piaciuto questo ristorante. I've always liked this restaurant. I always liked this restaurant. Apagué el ordenador. I turned the computer off. I turned off the computer. Voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je retourne maintenant dormir ? Do you mind if I go back to sleep now? Do you see any drawbacks for me to go back to sleep now? Tom puede visitarme cuando le plazca. Tom may come and visit me any time he wants to. Tom can visit me when he likes me. Proximo mense sedecim annos nata ero. I'll be sixteen years old next month. The next month, sixteen years ago, I was born. Iamque advenerat tertius dies, et mane inclaruerat; et ecce cœperunt audiri tonitrua ac micare fulgura et nubes densissima operire montem, clangorque bucinæ vehementius perstrepebat; et timuit populus, qui erat in castris. And now the third day was come, and the morning appeared: and behold thunders began to be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the trumpet sounded exceeding loud; and the people that was in the camp, feared. And it came to pass on the third day, and it came to pass in the morning, that, behold, there heard thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of an exceeding great noise; and the people, which was in the camp, trembled. Você escolheu o melhor. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Tom no podía pedir más. Tom couldn't ask for more. Tom couldn't ask any more. Es un cuenco de fruta. It's a bowl of fruit. It's a fruit bowl. Appelez Tom. Give Tom a call. I'm calling Tom. Non omnes aequales nascuntur. Not all men are created equal. Not all equal ones are born. Thomas mihi nondum dixit quid facere. Tom hasn't yet told me what to do. Thomas didn't tell me yet what to do. Tu es demandé au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. Unde e biroul meu? Where is my office? Where's my office? Ia tegas. She's assertive. He's strong. Parece que o trem está atrasado. The train seems to be late. Looks like the train's late. Adesso mi dia le mani. Now give me your hands. Now give me your hands. Thomas angues timet. Tom is afraid of snakes. Thomas is a fearsome angel. Você fez o seu melhor. You did your best. You did your best. N'oublie pas de poster cette lettre sur le chemin de l'école. Don't forget to mail this letter on your way to school. Don't forget to post this letter on the way to school. La madre de Alex cayó en coma no mucho antes de la caída del Muro de Berlín. Alex' mother lapsed into a coma not long before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Alex's mother fell into a coma not long before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tom a fost în Boston timp de o săptămână. Tom has been in Boston for a week. Tom's been in Boston for a week. Ell encara no ha tingut èxit. He hasn't succeeded yet. He hasn't made it yet. Buon compleanno, caro amico! Happy birthday, dear friend! Happy birthday, dear friend! Apprezzo il tuo commento. I appreciate your comment. I appreciate your comment. Dua pelajar tidak hadir hari ini. Two students are absent today. Two students are not present today. Os óculos protegem os olhos da poeira. The goggles protect your eyes from dust. The glasses protect the eyes from dust. In strada c'era molta gente. There were a lot of people on the street. There were a lot of people on the street. Kau ini keras kepala seperti bagal! Sekali saja, akuilah kalau dia benar. You are as stubborn as a mule! For once, accept that she is right. You're as stubborn as a bagal, just once, admit that he's right. Elle a de la jugeotte. She has brains. She's got a judge. Sii misericordiosa. Be merciful. Be merciful. Che il concerto abbia inizio! Let the concert begin! Let the concert begin! Tots l'estimen. Everyone loves him. They all love her. Facciamo una passeggiata. Let's take a walk. Let's take a walk. Sono andato a piedi sulla collina. I walked up the hill. I walked to the hill. Aku harap kau menyukainya. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Colui che scrive legge due volte. He who writes reads twice. The one who writes the law twice. Tem uma pomba branca no telhado. There's a white dove on the roof. There's a white dove on the roof. Bill adalah seorang pemain bisbol. Bill is a baseball player. Bill is a baseball player. Aquí hace mucho calor en verano. It is very hot here in the summer. It's hot here in summer. Hola, com va? Hello, how are you? Hey, how's it going? Hoc studium meum valde excitat. I find this very interesting. This is my study very exciting. Y a-t-il deux fenêtres dans ta chambre ? Are there two windows in your room? Are there two windows in your room? Las herramientas están en el contenedor. The tools are in the container. The tools are in the container. ¿A dónde iremos mañana? Where will we go to tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow? Quanto mais pressa, menos rapidez. The more hurry, the less speed. The faster the faster the faster. Puella quae est? Who is the girl? What is she like? Thomas nonagesimum nonum aetatis annum agens, mortuus est. Tom died at the age of ninety-nine. Thomas, aged nine, died at the age of nine. Lo riesci portare? Can you bring him? Can you get him? Por favor poña moita nata líquida no meu café. Please put a lot of cream in my coffee. Please put a lot of liquid cream in my coffee. Le differenze sono importanti. The differences are important. Differences are important. Auldey és una marca xinesa. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Nu știu cu cine să mă consult. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult. Aimez-vous ce jardin ? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? Peguei um resfriado. I have a bit of a cold. I took a cold. Posso bere alcool? Can I drink alcohol? Can I have some alcohol? Jika dia datang kemari, aku akan menerimanya dengan tangan terbuka. If he came here, I would receive him with open arms. If he comes here, I'll take it with an open hand. No hay razón para que hagamos eso. There's no reason for us to do that. There's no reason for us to do that. Ada banyak sekali buku di perpustakaan sekolah kami. There are a lot of books in our school's library. There's a lot of books in our school library. Mi i l'hai doi fieuj e doe fije. I have two sons and two daughters. I've got two fiuges and two fixes. Tom e Mary costumam falar sobre tênis. Tom and Mary often talk about tennis. Tom and Mary usually talk about tennis. ¿Qué le regalaste a Tom el día de su cumpleaños? What did you give Tom on his birthday? What did you give Tom on his birthday? Si diedero la mano. They shook hands with each other. They gave themselves their hands. Doctor in officio suo scribit. The teacher is writing in his office. Doctor in his written office. Est-ce la ville où Mika est né ? Is this the town where Mika was born? Is this the city where Mika was born? Queria voltar para o nosso povoado. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to our village. Mangeons dehors pour changer. Let's eat out for a change. Let's eat outside to change. Tienen dos hijas. They have two daughters. They have two daughters. Kapal akan berlabuh di Cadiz. The ship will make a stop at Cadiz. The ship will sail at Cadiz. Image Viewer és un software per a la visualització d'imatges. Aquest software és un programa molt petit. Aquest software només té les funcions bàsiques. Això és traduïble per usuaris del projecte Tatoeba. Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users. Image Viewer is a software for viewing images. This software is a very small program. This software has only basic functions. This is translated by users of the Tatoeba project. No muestra sus sentimientos. He doesn't show his feelings. He doesn't show his feelings. L'inglese è parlato in tutto il mondo ora. English is spoken everywhere in the world now. English is spoken all over the world now. Stia qui con lei. Stay here with her. Stay here with her. Ignosce, ubi thermopolium est? Excuse me, where is the café? Know, where the thermopolie is? Eşti ocupat? Are you busy? Are you busy? Mary è eccezionalmente attraente. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Mary is exceptionally attractive. Ellas hacen un gran equipo. They make a great team. They make a great team. Il m'intrigue. He intrigues me. He's intriguing me. Nu i-am cerut să se întoarcă. I didn't ask him to come back. I didn't ask him to come back. Aquam bibit. He drinks water. Aqua vibrate. Voudrais-tu encore un peu de salade ? Would you like a little more salad? Would you like some more salad? Limpia la pieza. Clean up the room. Clear the piece. Unam, quæ Lycios fidumque vehebat Oronten, / ipsius ante oculos ingens a vertice pontus / in puppim ferit: excutitur pronusque magister / volvitur in caput, ast illam ter fluctus ibidem / torquet agens circum et rapidus vorat æquore vortex. One, that bore / the brave Orontes and his Lycian crew, / full in AEneas' sight a toppling wave o'erthrew. / Dashed from the tiller, down the pilot rolled. / Thrice round the billow whirled her, as she lay, / then whelmed below. One, because Lycius was the bishop of Oronten, / in his eyes he leaned on the top of a bridge / in the sternum: he shakes his head bow / to turn it upside down, as well as three waves and turns it around and quickly turns over the vortex. Lei deve essere fiero. You must be proud. You must be proud. Sara fece delle foto di quella montagna in estate. Sara took pictures of that mountain in summer. Sara took pictures of that mountain in the summer. Mundus nondum pacem invenit. The world still has not found peace. The world has not yet found peace. La llibertat no és gratuïta. Freedom is not free. Freedom is not free. Dans ce film d'horreur, les morts peuvent revenir à la vie. In this horror movie, it is possible for the dead to come back to life. In this horror film, the dead can come back to life. Maria pupis ludebat. Mary used to play with dolls. Maria's dolls were playing. Le pedí a mi padre que comprase este juguete. I asked my father to buy this toy. I asked my father to buy this toy. Ex Italia oriunda sunt. They are from Italy. Ex-Italy wherever they are. Tom fu arrestato per avere trasportato trenta grammi di cocaina. Tom was arrested for carrying 30 grams of cocaine. Tom was arrested for carrying 30 grams of cocaine. Thomas confessus est. Tom has confessed. Thomas confessed. Tutti i tentativi fallirono. All attempts failed. All attempts failed. Tom tem várias sugestões. Tom has several suggestions. Tom has several suggestions. Je glisserai un mot en ta faveur. I'll put in a word for you. I'll slip a word in your favor. Está claro que Tom es principiante. Tom is obviously a beginner. Of course Tom's a beginner. Ex Australia oriundae sumus. We're from Australia. From Australia where we are. Mori milies præstitit quam hæc pati. It would be better to die a thousand times than suffer such infamy. I'm going to die of millions of lives without it. Kon plazer. Gladly. Like fun. ¿Usted ayudó? Did you help? Did you help? Tom si è quasi ucciso. Tom almost killed himself. Tom almost killed himself. O poţi folosi oricând. You can use it anytime. You can use it anytime. Apa keunggulan yang dimiliki mobil aneh ini? What does this weird-looking car has to offer? What's the big deal with this weird car? Quer um copo? Tem um na mesa. Do you want a glass? There is one on the table. You got one on the table. Você teve um longo dia. You had a long day. You've had a long day. Si tuviera más dinero me podría mudar a una casa más grande. If I had more money, I could move to a bigger house. If I had more money, I could move to a bigger house. Aigua és vida. Water is life. Water is life. El foc sempre és perillós. Fire is always dangerous. Fire is always dangerous. El padre de Tom era un djudio. Tom's father was a Jew. Tom's father was a Thursday. El Sahara es el mayor desierto del mundo. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. The Sahara is the world's largest desert. Deberiades ter máis coidado. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. Vòus un pauc de tè ? Won't you have some tea? Would you like a piece of tea? Il cielo era grigio. The sky was grey. The sky was gray. Vreau să părăsesc școala. I want to leave school. I want to leave school. Associamo l'Egitto al Nilo. We associate Egypt with the Nile. We associate Egypt with the Nile. Kita membutuhkan aturan-aturan. We need rules. We need rules. Haec sunt omnia, quibus opus est mihi. This is all I need. This is all I need from him. Tua mulher deve ser muito feliz. Your wife must be very happy. Your wife must be very happy. Loro moriranno? Are they going to die? Will they die? Mulieres me oderunt. Women hate me. Muliers hate me. De momento estoy ocupado. I'm busy at the moment. I'm busy right now. Está frio lá fora. It is cold outside. It's cold outside. Plus il a de loisirs, plus il est heureux. The more leisure he has, the happier he is. The more he has leisure, the happier he is. ¡Qué mundo más maravilloso! What a wonderful world! What a wonderful world! No quiero insultar a Tom. I don't want to insult Tom. I don't want to insult Tom. Hanno speso sei mesi a costruire la casa. They spent six months building the house. They spent six months building the house. nunc trīstis sum. I'm sad now. Now I'm late. Tom vuole sapere chi è il ragazzo di Mary. Tom wants to know who Mary's boyfriend is. Tom wants to know who Mary's boy is. Jurusanmu apa? What is your specialty? What are you doing? Me encanta aprender otras lenguas. I love learning other languages. I love learning other languages. Avevo paura di Tom. I was afraid of Tom. I was afraid of Tom. Il m'écrivit de temps à autre. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me from time to time. Ho has sentit també? Did you hear it too? Did you hear that, too? Podes tostemps utilizar lo men diccionari. You may always use my dictionary. You can still use the dictionary word. Tom hizo todo lo que pudo, pero no lo logró. Tom did his best, but he failed. Tom did everything he could, but he didn't. Non dobbiamo parlare in biblioteca. We must not speak in the library. We don't have to talk in the library. Flumen placide fluit. The river flows calmly. Fluctuated platelets. Ayo kita pergi ke pantai! Let's go to the beach! Let's go to the beach! Este é o CD do meu filho. This is my son's CD. This is my son's CD. Boune tchance. Good luck. Good luck. Les fusées ont été lancées depuis une rampe de lancement. The rockets were fired from a launching pad. The rockets have been launched since a launch ramp. Loro ci hanno chiamati. They called us. They called us. Tom fa quello che gli pare. Tom does what he wants. Tom does what he thinks. Kalian boleh pergi ke mana pun yang kalian suka. You may go anywhere you like. You can go anywhere you like. Tom menikahi perempuan yang lebih mudah dari dirinya. Tom married a girl much younger than himself. Tom married a woman that was easier than he was. Comment je fais cela ? How do I do that? How do I do that? Yo pienso que la comida en Japón es cara. I think food is expensive in Japan. I think the food in Japan is expensive. A me piace fare cose con Tom. I enjoy doing things with Tom. I like doing things with Tom. Je pensais qu'elle ne remarquerait pas qu'il n'était pas là. I thought she wouldn't notice that he wasn't here. I thought she wouldn't notice he wasn't here. Todos ustedes morirán. You will all die. All of you will die. Legi praesidem Brasiliae feminam esse. Dilma vocatur. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. The president of Brazil must be a female. Tom è abbastanza bravo con le mani. Tom is pretty crafty. Tom's pretty good with his hands. Les résultats étaient très mauvais. The results were very bad. The results were very bad. Tom gosta de brincar com seus carrinhos de brinquedo. Tom likes playing with his toy cars. Tom likes to play with his toy carts. Nonne audivisti quod dixerim? Have you heard nothing I've said? Didn't you hear what I said? Nosotros oímos a los ratones chillando. We hear the mice squeaking. We heard the mice screaming. Marque de vermelho tudo o que não entender e peça sobre isso na aula. Mark in red anything you don't understand and ask about it in class. Red mark everything you don't understand and ask about it in class. Voici une ordonnance pour quelques comprimés. Here is a prescription for some tablets. Here's an order for a few tablets. Vada a trovarle. Go find them. Go find them. Fiquem longe da colmeia! Stay away from the beehive. Stay away from the hill! Que volèm ua veitura. We want a car. We want your car. Aqueth arrelòtge ne fonciona pas. This clock isn't working. Clock doesn't work. "Nãoo!" gritou o Tom. "Noo!" cried Tom. "No!" cried Tom. Eu estava no Irã. I was in Iran. I was in Iran. Dixit Iacob: Nosti, domine mi, quod parvulos habeam teneros et oves et boves fetas mecum; quas si plus in ambulando fecero laborare vel una die, morientur cuncti greges. And Jacob said: My lord, thou knowest that I have with me tender children, and sheep, and kine with young: which if I should cause to be overdriven, in one day all the flocks will die. Then he said to him, "You know, my lord, that the children are tender, and the sheep and the cattle with which I have young; and if they go any further, they will all die. Je connais son secret. I know his secret. I know his secret. Ne pensez-vous pas que ça pourrait être un peu lourd ? Don't you think it might be a bit heavy? Don't you think that might be a little heavy? De nos jours, la vie est bien plus facile que par le passé. Life today is much easier than in the past. Today, life is much easier than it used to be. Foedus est. He's ugly. He is a kid. Ele está olhando mas não vê nada. She's looking but she doesn't see anything. He's looking but he doesn't see anything. Ce médicament fera des miracles en cas de nez bouché. This medicine will do wonders for a stuffed nose. This medicine will perform miracles in case of a closed nose. In Brasilia tantum quinque dies habitaverunt. They have lived in Brazil for only five days. In Brazil only five days remained. ¿Hay algo que quieras que le diga a Tom? Is there anything you want me to tell Tom? Is there anything you want me to tell Tom? Hei, Tom, kau sudah jauh lebih tinggi dibanding terakhir kali aku melihatmu. Hey, Tom, you've gotten a lot taller since I last saw you. Hey, Tom, you've been so much taller than last time I saw you. Quiero hablar con vos, Tom. I want to talk to you, Tom. I want to talk to you, Tom. Ubi unum illorum invenire possum? Where can I find one of those? Where can I find one of them? Tom și-a cumpărat o nouă mașină sport. Tom bought himself a new sports car. Tom bought himself a new sports car. Quo mortuo et universis fratribus eius omnique cognatione illa, filii Israel creverunt et pullulantes multiplicati sunt ac roborati nimis impleverunt terram. After he was dead, and all his brethren, and all that generation, the children of Israel increased, and sprung up into multitudes, and growing exceedingly strong they filled the land. That the dead, and all his brethren, and all that generation, the children of Israel grew, and became many, and were very strong, and filled the land. Lupus non mordet lupum. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. Lupus doesn't bite wolves. La quiero hacer feliz. I want to make her happy. I want to make her happy. En 1493, el Vaticà va regalar Amèrica a Espanya i va obsequiar l'Àfrica negra a Portugal, 'perquè les nacions bàrbares siguin reduïdes a la fe catòlica'. In 1493, the Vatican gave America to Spain and granted Africa to Portugal, "so that barbarous nations be reduced to the Catholic faith". In 1493, the Vatican gave away America to Spain and supplied black Africa to Portugal, 'because the barbaric nations were reduced to the Catholic faith'. Maria est puella proba. Mary is a good girl. Maria is the test girl. Vous ne pouvez pas tous les deux dire la vérité. You can't both be telling the truth. You can't both tell the truth. Tom ha provato a suicidarsi. Tom tried to commit suicide. Tom tried to kill himself. Semua ini sangat menganggu. This is all very disturbing. It's all very disturbing. Questo è illegale. This is illegal. This is illegal. Dia sedang memakan sebuah apel. He's eating an apple. He's eating an apple. Les teves ulleres estan trencades. Your glasses are broken. Your glasses are broken. ¿Por qué compraste ese paraguas? Why did you buy that umbrella? Why did you buy that umbrella? Dove li avete tolti? Where did you take them off? Where did you take them? Espere poder-ho fer. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do it. Você não sente saudade do seu pai? Don't you miss your father? Don't you miss your father? Tom vai estar de volta amanhã à tarde. Tom will be back tomorrow afternoon. Tom's coming back tomorrow afternoon. Il ne s'en est jamais vraiment remis. He never really got over it. He never really got over it. Tom sarebbe così fiero di te. Tom would be so proud of you. Tom would be so proud of you. J'ai été contente. I was pleased. I was happy. Cos'avete per colazione? What do you have for breakfast? What do you have for breakfast? "It parles tëdesch?" "Nò." "Do you speak German?" "No, I don't." "Are you talking about tédesch?" "No." Ce simpatic! How cute! That's nice. Mama este ocupată cu ţinerea gospodăriei. Mother is busy keeping house. My mother's busy holding the house. J'aurais dû simplement me taire. I should've just shut up. I should have just shut up. Te veneramur. We respect you. We worship you. Lo ha mai sentito cantare? Have you ever heard him sing? Have you ever heard of it? Che cosa stava fissando Tom? What was Tom staring at? What was Tom staring at? J'ai entendu dire qu'en Angleterre l'herbe était verte même en hiver. I hear the grass is green even in the winter in England. I heard that in England the grass was green even in winter. Queremos ser fuertes. We want to be strong. We want to be strong. Esta noche, la luna está excepcionalmente bella. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. Tonight, the moon is exceptionally beautiful. È cresciuto un dente permanente proprio accanto a un dente da latte. An adult tooth came in right next to a baby tooth. A permanent tooth has grown right next to a milk tooth. Continui tradițiile familiei. I'm carrying on the family's traditions. You follow the traditions of the family. Andai a casa a cambiarmi i vestiti. I went home to change my clothes. I went home to change my clothes. Defendamus nostram pacem! Let us defend our peace! We defend our peace! Quell'infermiera è molto gentile ed educata. That nurse is very kind and polite. That nurse is very kind and polite. Princesse, ne buvez pas la potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Princess, don't drink the potion. Têş! Shut up! Tês! Elle trouva barbant d'habiter à la campagne. She found it dull living in the country. She found it barbaric to live in the countryside. Tom ha aperto la bocca. Tom opened his mouth. Tom opened his mouth. Vous n'êtes pas encore prêt, n'est-ce pas ? You're not ready yet, are you? You're not ready yet, are you? Tom não quer ir embora. Tom doesn't want to go away. Tom doesn't want to leave. Si ricorda di lei. She remembers you. She remembers you. Je veux mettre un terme à ceci. I want to end this. I want to put an end to this. Sedecim annos natus sum. I am sixteen years old. I was born sixteen years ago. O meu amigo adoita axudar ó meu fillo cos seus estudos. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. A zis ea asta? She said that? Did she say that? Eu te admiro. I admire you. I admire you. Venietne cras? Will he come tomorrow? Venietne tomorrow? Sa chi ha scritto questa poesia? Do you know who wrote this poem? Do you know who wrote this poem? Deja tu paraguas en el pasillo. Leave your umbrella in the hall. Leave your umbrella in the hallway. Sembla que avui estaré despert tota la nit. It seems I'm going to be up all night tonight. Looks like I'm gonna be awake all night. Il est condamné à perpétuité. He has a life sentence. He's sentenced to life. Com licença, quanto custa isso? Excuse me, how much does this cost? Excuse me, how much does that cost? Eu li o artigo. I read the article. I read the article. A primeira muller espida que vin foi nunha revista de National Geographic. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. Utinam sciret! If only I knew! I knew it! Casse-toi ! Get lost! Break it up! Putavi fore ut Thomas excitaretur. I thought Tom would be excited. I thought Thomas was getting excited. Nombreux sont ceux qui, en Angleterre, veulent voir disparaître le financement public de la monarchie. Many in England want to see the public subsidy of the monarchy done away with. Many are those who, in England, want to see public funding of the monarchy disappear. Avete avvisato Tom? Did you warn Tom? Did you notice Tom? Cred că am tendinită. I think I have tendonitis. I think I'm tending. Tu pertences a um sítio melhor que este. You belong in a better place than this. You belong to a better place than this. Parece que vamos ter de ficar sem férias este ano. It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year. Looks like we're gonna have to run out of vacation this year. Ho suggerito che dovremmo ascoltare la musica tanto per cambiare. I suggested that we should listen to music for a change. I suggested that we listen to the music so much to change. Ontem à noite, ocorreu um forte terremoto. A strong earthquake happened last night. Last night, there was a strong earthquake. Siempre está aprendiendo algo nuevo. He's always learning something. He's always learning something new. Tom tiene una importante decisión que hacer antes del próximo lunes. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Non licenziare Tom. Don't fire Tom. Don't fire Tom. Ini bukang kalimat. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Quid vides? What do you see? What did you live? Tengo familia en Los Ángeles. I have family in Los Angeles. I have a family in Los Angeles. Quanti ani ti gà? How old are you? How old are you? Quiero terminar lo que estoy haciendo antes de marcharme a casa. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. I want to finish what I'm doing before I go home. Os filhos de Tom estão lá embaixo. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's kids are down there. Tom não gosta de filmes de terror. Tom doesn't like horror movies. Tom doesn't like horror movies. Dia benar-benar pintar, ya? She's really smart, isn't she? He's really smart, huh? Apparuit iterum Deus Iacob, postquam reversus est de Paddanaram, benedixitque ei dicens: "Non vocaberis ultra Iacob, sed Israel erit nomen tuum”, et appellavit eum Israel. And God appeared again to Jacob, after he returned from Mesopotamia of Syria, and he blessed him, saying: Thou shalt not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And he called him Israel. And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came again from Paddanam, and blessed him, saying, Thou shalt no more call Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name, and he shall be thy name. And he called his name Israel. Stà bòun. Keep calm. Stà boun. L'ha decorata. She decorated it. She decorated it. Se són atrovæ inte 'na forèsta. They found themselves in a forest. They're welcome between the forest. Dove li hai grigliati? Where did you grill them? Where did you grill them? Adakah terdapat kerusi yang ditempah untuk filem ini? Are there reserved seats for this film? Is there a suitcase available for this movie? Mi può citare. You may quote me. You can quote me. Tom a stat treaz aproape toată noaptea gândindu-se la Mary. Tom lay awake almost all night thinking about Mary. Tom stayed up almost all night thinking about Mary. Constitit et lacrimans: "Quis jam locus", inquit, "Achate, / quæ regio in terris nostri non plena laboris?" Pensive he stood, and with a rising tear, / "What lands, Achates, on the earth, but know / our labours?" He consisted of saying, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Voi non sembravate sicuri. You didn't seem certain. You didn't seem safe. Attualmente sto lavorando nella scuola come professoressa. I'm currently working at the school as a teacher. I'm currently working in school as a teacher. El este ecologist. He is an environmentalist. He's an environmentalist. Perché mi dovrebbe importare quello che pensa Tom? Why should I care what Tom thinks? Why should I care what Tom thinks? LLeva lloviendo desde el lunes pasado. It has been raining since last Monday. It's been raining since Monday. El reloj estaba garantizado. The watch was guaranteed. The watch was guaranteed. Aviam meam valde amo. I love my grandmother very much. I am very much loved by him. Aku mau memeriksa. I'd like to check out. I want to check it out. Puto eam e Gallia oriundam esse. I think that she is from France. I think she and Gallia are coming. Raedas Anglicas quam externas malo. I prefer English cars to foreign ones. English raedas as bad externals. Sto cercando di risparmiare dello spazio per il dessert. I'm trying to save room for dessert. I'm trying to save some space for dessert. Hic habitat ursus. Here lives one bear. He is here to live a bear. Los votantes escogieron a Nixon el día de las elecciones. On election day, voters chose Nixon. The voters chose Nixon on election day. Você quer saber? Do you want to know? You want to know? Trabajas muy duro estos días. ¿No estás cansado? You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? You work very hard these days. Aren't you tired? Redidistine raedam, quam emeras? Did you return the car that you bought? Redisyn, what are you buying? Uno, tres y cinco son números impares. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are odd numbers. Eu nu-ți împărtășesc opinia. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. Tom se tomará un par de días la próxima semana. Tom is taking a couple of days off next week. Tom will take a couple days next week. Le singe saute de branche en branche. The monkey jumps from branch to branch. The monkeys jump from branch to branch. Mungkin akan turun hujan. It may rain. Maybe it'll rain. Tom está no terceiro andar. Tom is on the third floor. Tom's on the third floor. Portal ini memang dibangunkan khusus untuk kegunaan para pelajar. This portal was created exclusively for students to use. This portal has been specially designed for the benefit of the students. Kenapa kau tidak berkata sepatah katapun? Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you say a word? Dacă n-ar fi fost zăpadă, am fi putut să ne urcăm pe munte. If it were not for the snow, we could climb the mountain. If it wasn't snow, we could have climbed the mountain. Vous êtes un génie. You are a genius. You're a genius. L'opération ne peut attendre. The operation cannot wait. The operation cannot wait. No encontrarás este libro en ninguna librería. You won't find this book in any bookstore. You won't find this book in any bookstore. Cette taxe entre en vigueur dès aujourd'hui. This tax comes into force from today. This tax comes into effect today. Il a visité la France trois fois. He has been to France three times. He visited France three times. Este é o livro dela. This is her book. This is her book. Eravamo tutti sull'autobus insieme. We were all on the bus together. We were all on the bus together. O xílgaro é un paxaro moi interesante. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. The cricket is a very interesting bird. O imperador faleceu em janeiro de 1989. Por essa razão, o nome da era mudou de Showa para Heisei. The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. The emperor died in January 1989. For this reason, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei. Não estou orgulhosa disto. I am not proud of this. I'm not proud of this. C'est très bien. This is very good. That's very good. Pon bien el reloj. Put the clock right. Put on the clock. An vlé wété Bòstòn. I want to visit Boston. We are in the weather, Boston. Metti via i tuoi libri. Put your books away. Put your books away. Scisne cuius hae nartae sint? Do you know who these skis belong to? Do you know who these narrates are? L'auto si è schiantata contro il muro. The car crashed into the wall. The car broke down against the wall. Coloque isso no chão. Put that on the floor. Put that down. Tengo que recuperar el tiempo perdido. I have to catch up the lost time. I've got to get my time back. Quis vocatur pater tuus? What's your father's name? Who is your father's name? Controlli in giro. Check around. Check them around. No quiero que entre en pánico. I don't want you to panic. I don't want you to panic. Ai nevoie de mai mult din asta. We need more of this. You need more of this. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face astăzi. Don't delay today's work until tomorrow. Don't leave tomorrow what you can do today. Io non ti odio più. I don't hate you anymore. I don't hate you anymore. Essa velha tradição desapareceu. That old tradition has disappeared. That old tradition is gone. Ese problema está irresuelto. The problem remains unsolved. That problem is unresolved. Ideea lui e prea abstractă pentru a fi folosită practic de către noi. His idea is too abstract to be of practical use to us. His idea is too abstract to be used practically by us. ¿El tour incluye almuerzo? Is lunch included in the tour? Does the tour include lunch? No solo te quejes, haz algo. Don't just whine, do something! Don't just complain, do something. I dovrìo sté 'nsema a Tom. We should be with Tom. I should've stayed with Tom. Préstame xugar al fútbol. I like to play soccer. He wants me to play football. Il est un tantinet plus petit que moi. He's a bit shorter than me. He's a little bit smaller than me. Ella miró tímidamente al joven. She glanced shyly at the young man. She looked timidly at the young man. Io ti sono grato per avermi invitato alla festa. I am grateful to you for inviting me to the party. I appreciate you inviting me to the party. Aku tidak dapat melakukannya tanpa bantuan dia(perempuan). I can't do without her help. I can't do it without her help. So che questa è la prima volta che questo è successo a lei. I know that this is the first time this has happened to you. I know this is the first time this happened to you. Hay libros que, cuanto más los leo, menos los entiendo. With some books, the more I read them, the less I understand them. There are books that, the more I read them, the less I understand them. Puis-je revenir ? May I come again? Can I come back? Io vivo in un hotel. I live in a hotel. I live in a hotel. C'est sans doute une idée. That is surely an idea. It's probably an idea. Mwen rele Tom. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Esta planta precisa de muita água. This plant needs a lot of water. This plant needs a lot of water. Faciam quidquid necesse est ut liberos meos protegam. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my children. I have to do something that needs to be my children's protection. Hay que cortar el pasto. The grass needs cutting. We need to cut the pasture. Cuius calamus est? Whose pen is this? What is it, our caliber? Ainda não é noite. It's not evening yet. It's not night yet. Gli impiegati sono tutti iscritti a un sindacato. The employees are all unionized. Employees are all enrolled in a union. Le vieux couple le prit pour mort. The old couple gave him up for lost. The old couple took him for death. Le langage humain est capable de former un nombre infini de phrases. Human language is capable of forming an infinite number of sentences. Human language is capable of forming an infinite number of sentences. Son mavis. They're blue. They're mavis. Eu vou começar a fazer isso hoje. I'm going to start doing that today. I'm gonna start doing this today. Ce n'est pas difficile à trouver. It's not hard to find. It's not hard to find. A che serve questa chiave? What's this key for? What's this key for? Loro sostituirono tutto. They replaced everything. They replaced everything. Eu não vou negar que foi difícil. I won't deny it was difficult. I'm not going to deny it was hard. Oh, nu mi-a plăcut sfârşitul. Oh, I didn't like the ending. Oh, I didn't like the end. Saya belum pernah melihat tato yang seperti itu. I've never seen such a tattoo. I've never seen a tattoo like that before. Al principi Déu creà el cel i la terra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. At first, God created the heavens and the earth. É melhor você se levantar. You'd better get up. You better get up. Estou aqui. I'm over here. I'm here. Que copèc la cadiera entà hèr buscalha. He broke up the chair for firewood. That evening I ran into a cell phone and came in search of it. Solamente vendemos productos de la mejor calidad. We only sell top quality products. We only sell products of the best quality. Me l'hai detto prima. You've told me that before. You told me before. Eu te amo, minha deusa! I love you, my goddess! I love you, my goddess! Não é o que o Tom queria fazer. That's not what Tom wanted to do. That's not what Tom wanted to do. Mary fu eletta regina del ballo studentesco. Mary was elected queen of the prom. Mary was elected queen of the student dance. ¡Adivina a quién he conocido hoy! Guess who I met today! Guess who I met today! Potser el Tom li va demanar a la Mary que mentís. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Maybe Tom asked Mary to lie. Por favor, saca a túa bicicleta de aquí. Please move your bicycle out of here. Please get your bike out of here. Ese no es mi nombre. That's not my name. That's not my name. Este es el último tren. This is the last train. This is the last train. Quello non mi sorprende. That doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Esos son mis zapatos. Those are my shoes. Those are my shoes. ¿Cómo llego a la oficina de correos? How do I get to the post office? How do I get to the post office? Tom non sta guardando la TV adesso. Tom isn't watching TV now. Tom's not watching TV right now. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es escribir aquí tu nombre y dirección. All you have to do is to write your name and address here. All you have to do is write your name and address here. "Quis orationes scripsit?" - "Ego eas non scripsi." "Who wrote the speeches?" "I didn't write them." "Which prayers did he write?" - "I didn't write them." Aqueras fòtos que son las soas. Those photos are hers. Those photos that are alone. Io la rivoglio indietro. I want it back. I want her back. "Você não é o Sr. Ogawa?" "Sou, sim. Posso ajudá-los?" "Aren't you Mr. Ogawa?" "Yes, I am. Can I help you?" "Are you not Mr. Ogawa?" "I am, yes. Can I help you?" É frio do lado de fora. It is cold outside. It's cold outside. Quelle langue on parle en Égypte ? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language do we speak in Egypt? Vinum non bibo. I don't drink wine. I didn't live. Era uma deliciosa noite de outono. It was a lovely autumn evening. It was a delicious autumn night. La fille engagée par ce magasin pour attirer les clients est assez jolie et à chaque fois que j'y vais je finis par acheter beaucoup de trucs. The girl hired by the shop to attract customers is quite cute and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of things. The girl engaged by this store to attract customers is pretty pretty and every time I go there I end up buying a lot of stuff. Bukannya Anda punya sepeda? Don't you have a bicycle? Don't you have a bike? Tenho que mijar. I need to pee. I have to pee. E Sinis oriunda sum. I come from China. It's Sinis wherever I am. Tranca-se a porta às nove horas. The door is locked at nine o'clock. Lock the door at nine o'clock. Credit se heroem. He believes himself to be a hero. Believed we were heroes. Tom disse a Maria que estava quente demais para brincar lá fora. Tom told Mary that it was too hot to play outside. Tom told Maria it was too hot to play outside. Bon viatge. Enjoy your trip. Have a nice trip. Puede ser vergonzoso. It can be embarrassing. It can be embarrassing. Elas sabem teu nome. They know your name. They know your name. Ai corectat astea? Did you proofread these? Did you fix these? Tú eres un profesor. You're a teacher. You're a teacher. Esto es una norma. This is a rule. This is a rule. Estic desesperat. I'm desperate. I'm desperate. O sumô é um tradicional esporte japonês. Sumo is a traditional Japanese sport. The sumo is a traditional Japanese sport. Difficile est linguam Graecam discere. It's difficult to learn Greek. It is hard for the Graecam language to learn. I-am spus lui Tom să poarte o cravată. I told Tom to wear a tie. I told Tom to wear a tie. Mi grupo sanguíneo es A positivo. My blood type is A positive. My blood group is A positive. Desearía llevar unas botas. I would like to purchase some boots. I'd like to wear some boots. Nunca traiciones la confianza de tus amigos. Never betray the trust of your friends. You never betray the trust of your friends. Sou eu quem fez isso. I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who did that. Mon opinion diffère de la sienne. My opinion differs from hers. My opinion differs from yours. Queria mudar de canal, mas minha esposa não deixou. I wanted to switch channel, but my wife didn't let me. I wanted to change channels, but my wife didn't leave. Le dispiacerebbe dire dove ha preso questo? Would you mind telling where you got this? Would you mind saying where he took this? Tom comprende quello che intendo, penso. Tom understands what I mean, I think. Tom understands what I mean, I think. Puto eum ex Italia oriundum esse. I think that he is from Italy. It thought he was from Italy. Quale di questi due è quello buono? Which one of these two is the good one? Which one of these two is the good one? Tom è responsabile, vero? Tom is responsible, isn't he? Tom's responsible, isn't he? No me gusta el nuevo libro de texto para las clases de inglés; prefiero el original. I don't like the new textbook for my English class; I prefer the original. I don't like the new textbook for English classes; I prefer the original. Ea ocupă o poziție de invidiat. She has a very enviable position. She's in a position to envy. Puellae de Astronomia locutae sunt. The girls talked about astronomy. Puellae de Astronomía locutae are. Lasci che le parli di Tom. Let me tell you about Tom. Let me tell you about Tom. Para de tocarme. Stop touching me. Stop touching me. Tom n'a pas crié. Tom didn't scream. Tom didn't scream. Je voulais te faire sentir comme chez toi. I wanted to make you feel at home. I wanted to make you feel at home. Ils ont attrapé le renard avec un piège. They caught the fox with a trap. They caught the fox with a trap. A dire il vero, ho guidato l'auto di mio padre senza il suo permesso. To tell the truth, I drove my father's car without his permission. Actually, I drove my father's car without his permission. Me empecé a preparar. I started to prepare myself. I started to prepare. Nós nos importamos com você, Tom. We care about you, Tom. We care about you, Tom. Il mio è meglio del suo. Mine is better than yours. Mine's better than yours. Dite loro di non parlare con nessuno. Tell them not to talk to anyone. Tell them not to talk to anyone. Ditele che siamo impegnati. Tell her we're busy. Tell her we're engaged. Não temos ouvido falar dela desde então. We haven't heard from her since then. We haven't heard of her since. El món és un lloc perillós. The world is a dangerous place. The world is a dangerous place. Mi mujer era una Smith. My wife was a Smith. My wife was a Smith. Síntoo, traballo a media xornada dende mañá pola mañá. Sorry, I've got part-time work from the morning tomorrow. I'm sorry, I've been working half a day since tomorrow morning. Cela vous semble-t-il familier ? Sound familiar? Does that sound familiar to you? Sono entrata in contatto in maniera frequente con degli studenti stranieri. I came into frequent contact with foreign students. I have been in frequent contact with foreign students. ¿Juegas bien al baloncesto? Do you play basketball well? Do you play basketball well? Habetisne calamum an plumbum? Do you have a pen or pencil? Have you got any pencil or lead? Tom teve de esperar. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Ellos ya saben. They already know. They know. Te rog, împrumută-mi mașina ta. Please lend me your car. Please, lend me your car. Nós ficamos sem gasolina. We've run out of gasoline. We're running out of gas. No podía hablar bien ese día. I couldn't speak well that day. I couldn't speak well that day. Regarde ta carte. Look at your map. Look at your card. J'ai besoin de l'asile politique. I need political asylum. I need political asylum. Eu acho que você vai se sair muito bem. I think you're going to do great. I think you're gonna be all right. Haec potio Sinensis optima est. This tea is very nice. This is the best Sinensis pot. Mary nu este la fel de înaltă ca el. Mary is not as tall as he is. Mary's not as tall as him. Tom tem certeza de que Maria virá à escola hoje. Tom is certain that Mary will come to school today. Tom's sure Maria's coming to school today. Tom sarà spaventato. Tom is going to be frightened. Tom's gonna be scared. Horologium eius carius est quam meum. His clock is more expensive than mine. He is looking after my own clocks. A Tom se le olvidó de tomar su medicina esta mañana. Tom forgot to take his medication this morning. Tom forgot to take his medicine this morning. Ella es de verdad una muchacha decente. She is really a nice girl. She's really a decent girl. Il trouve toujours à redire aux autres. He is always finding fault with others. He always finds it necessary to talk to others. Me temo que no puedo ayudarte. I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm afraid I can't help you. Cuando daba marcha atrás, choqué con otro coche, haciendo que le saltara la alarma. While backing up, I bumped into another car and set off its alarm. When he left behind, I bumped into another car, causing him to skip the alarm. Dum spiro, spero. While there is life, there is hope. From a spiral, I hope. Quem di diligunt adulescens moritur. He whom the gods love dies young. Whoever loves young people dies. At ille subiunxit: “Iuste vocatum est nomen eius Iacob; supplantavit enim me en altera vice: primogenita mea ante tulit et nunc secundo surripuit benedictionem meam”. Rursumque ait: “Numquid non reservasti mihi benedictionem?” But he said again: Rightly is his name called Jacob; for he hath supplanted me lo this second time: My birthright he took away before, and now this second time he hath stolen away my blessing. And again he said to his father: Hast thou not reserved me also a blessing? He said, “Just be called Jacob’s name; for he has supplanted me the second time: my birthright has taken away, and now has attained to my blessing.” He said, “Why have you not reserved a blessing for me? ” Autrefois, les choses étaient différentes. In days gone by, things were different. In the past, things were different. Tom non aveva molto denaro con sé. Tom didn't have much money with him. Tom didn't have much money with him. Lo men pair que va au tribalh en veitura. My father drives to work. The man who goes to the tribal car. Tot lo monde sembla estadit. Everyone looks exhausted. Everyone seems to be in state. Cât de mare e casa lui Tom? How big is Tom's house? How big is Tom's house? Imparai molto da Tom. I learned a lot from Tom. I learned a lot from Tom. Dia mengangkat tanganya. He raised his hand. He's lifting his hands. Pemahaman Bahasa Inggerisnya lemah. His knowledge of English is poor. His English comprehension is weak. Eu faço isso todos os dias. I do this every day. I do that every day. Tom de fapt aproape niciodată nu studiază. Tom actually hardly ever studies. Tom almost never actually studied. Dia pergi ke stasiun kereta untuk mengiringi keberangkatannya. She went to the train station to see him off. He went to the train station to follow his departure. Ha raccolto le sue cose? Have you collected your things? Did he pick up his stuff? Papá está ocupado revisando mi tarea. Father is busy looking over my homework. Dad's busy checking my job. Thomas Mariae repudium scripsit. Tom divorced Mary. Thomas Mariae, a god of divorce, wrote. A comida deste restaurante é insípida. The food in this restaurant is bland. The food in this restaurant is insipid. Os senhores pensavam em mim? Were you thinking about me? Did you guys think of me? Torang tu tara bole tako biar bagimana lagi. There's no reason to be afraid. You're gonna put the taco ball away for where else. Cosa hanno fatto Tom e Mary ieri? What did Tom and Mary do yesterday? What did Tom and Mary do yesterday? Maria me odeia? Does Mary hate me? Does Maria hate me? Supa aceasta are gust de pește. This soup tastes like fish. This soup tastes like fish. C'est un de ces pauvres types ! He's such a jerk. He's one of those poor guys! C'è un telefono nella mia stanza. There's a telephone in my room. There's a phone in my room. Um idioma nunca é abondo. One language is never enough. A language is never enough. Quanti fratelli e sorelle hai? How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Feliz Pesah! Happy Passover! Happy Message! Nous voulons tous aller à la maison. We all want to go home. We all want to go home. Corsica et Sardinia et Sicilia insulae sunt. Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily are islands. Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily are islands. Preţurile sunt mari. Prices are high. Prices are high. Ouvrez ces portes ! Open those doors! Open those doors! Estupa lo lum. Turn off the light. Surprise the light. Tom disse a Mary tutto sulla sua infanzia. Tom told Mary all about his childhood. Tom told Mary everything about her childhood. Lucrurile se înrăutățesc. Things are getting worse. Things get worse. Esta mañana estaba lloviendo cuando tomé el autobús. This morning it was raining when I took the bus. I was raining this morning when I took the bus. Et prætereuntibus Madianitis negotiatoribus, extrahentes Ioseph de cisterna, vendiderunt eum Ismaelitis viginti argenteis. Qui duxerunt eum in Aegyptum. And when the Madianite merchants passed by, they drew him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ismaelites, for twenty pieces of silver: and they led him into Egypt. And because the Midianites were merchants, they took Joseph out of the pit, the Ishmaelites sold him twenty pieces of silver; and they brought him into Egypt. Ave Satana! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Mi-e teamă că am luat o răceală. I worry that I have caught a cold. I'm afraid I took a cold. Devo vedere la mia famiglia. I need to see my family. I need to see my family. Estaba ofendido por su comportamiento. I was offended by his behavior. He was offended by his behavior. C'è una zanzara sul tuo avambraccio destro. You have a mosquito on your right forearm. There's a mosquito on your right forearm. Uso meu computador para fazer vários trabalhos no Excel. I use my computer to do various jobs in Excel. I use my computer to do several jobs in Excel. Ventus flat. The wind is blowing. Ventus flat. scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons. Knowledge is the foundation and source of good writing. The type is right to know, the beginning and background. É indispensável que as senhoras usem proteção para os olhos. Make sure you wear eye protection. It is essential that women use protection for their eyes. Mantente en contacto conmigo. Keep in touch with me. Keep in touch with me. Tom é um conselheiro. Tom is a counselor. Tom's a counselor. Parentes mei Anglice non loquuntur. My parents don't speak English. My parents don't speak English. El și-a recunoscut greșelile. He admitted his mistakes. He recognized his mistakes. Adevărul este că nu am vrut să mănânc cu Tom. The truth is that I didn't want to eat with Tom. The truth is I didn't want to eat with Tom. La principal cosa que queremos en la vida es alguien que nos hará hacer lo que podemos. Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can. The main thing we want in life is someone who will make us do what we can. Tengo que dar una clase mañana a las dos y media. I have to give a class tomorrow at 2:30. I have to give a class tomorrow at 2:30. Il n'est pas aussi intelligent que son frère ainé. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. Entenc tot el que has dit. I understand everything you said. I understand everything you said. Tom, kamu pura-pura tidur, ya? Tom, you're pretending to be asleep, aren't you? Tom, you pretended to sleep, didn't you? Tom não é artista. Tom isn't an artist. Tom's not an artist. Loro sono diversi. They're different. They're different. Tom e Mary sono ottimi amici. Tom and Mary are very good friends. Tom and Mary are great friends. Tom ha rifiutato il loro invito. Tom declined their invitation. Tom refused their invitation. Como nós dizemos "obrigado" em francês? How do you say "thank you" in French? How do we say "thank you" in French? Volevo essere ricco. I used to want to be rich. I wanted to be rich. Wow, siete così fortunate! Wow, you're so lucky! Wow, you're so lucky! Bonam diem. Have a nice day. Good day. Él tuvo mucho que ver con ese proyecto. He had much to do with the project. He had a lot to do with that project. Convidei meus amigos. I invited my friends. I invited my friends. Não esqueça sua promessa. Don't forget your promise. Don't forget your promise. Tom não está rindo. Tom isn't laughing. Tom's not laughing. Crecí haciendo esto. I grew up doing this. I grew up doing this. A túa explicación non pega nin con cola; é demasiado improbable para ser certa. Your explanation won't wash; it's too improbable to be true. Your explanation doesn't stick with a tail; it's too unlikely to be true. Ești nebun să cumperi o bicicletă atât de scumpă. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such a expensive bike. Este foarte bolnav. He's very ill. He's very sick. Per què no m'ho demanes? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Si faltas a mi clase, te mato. If you skip my class, I will kill you. If you miss my class, I'll kill you. O golfe agora está ao alcance de todos. Golf is now within the reach of everyone. Golf is now within reach of everyone. Creo que Tomás es ingenuo. I think Tom is naive. I think Thomas is naive. La chica usaba bragas rosas. The girl was wearing pink panties. The girl wore pink panties. Tom aceitaria. Tom would accept. Tom would accept. Acesta este simplu. This is simple. It's simple. Abi! Go away! What have you been doing there, my lamb? O Tom queria deixar Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Tom wanted to leave Boston. Haec domus pingenda est. This house needs painting. This is the pendant's house. Les habitants de la ville furent effrayés par le tremblement de terre. The townsfolk were frightened by the earthquake. The inhabitants of the city were frightened by the earthquake. Lo siento, que no podía coger lo que dijiste. Sorry, I couldn't catch what you said. I'm sorry, I couldn't take what you said. Je passe quelques heures par jour à entretenir mon site web. I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website. I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website. Tuve un sueño agradable la pasada noche. I had a pleasant dream last night. I had a nice dream last night. Me empiezo a sentir mucho mejor. I'm starting to feel much better. I'm starting to feel a lot better. Los cursos intensivos son siempre los más agotadores. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Titik-titik air sedang jatuh pada komputer riba saya. Droplets are falling on my laptop computer. Water points are falling on my recuperated computer. Arreglé el auto ayer. I fixed the car yesterday. I fixed the car yesterday. Uxor mea medica est. My wife is a doctor. He is my medical doctor. Afanya't. Hurry up. Hurry up. Tengo muchas habilidades. I have many abilities. I have a lot of skills. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Ai vrea să fii atent? Would you please pay attention? Would you like to be careful? Não confie em ninguém. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anyone. Mary ora sta studiando nella sua camera. Mary is now studying in her room. Mary is now studying in her room. Hic flos est omnium florum pulcherrimus. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. Here is the flower of everything we have beautiful flowers. E Burj Khalifa awo ta e mas halto edifisio di e mundo. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Today’s Khalifa Burj is the world’s tallest building. Tom berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk bisa sampai ke sini, tapi dia tidak berhasil. Tom tried his best to get here, but he didn't make it. Tom was trying as hard as possible to get here, but he didn't make it. Qu'am besonh de dinèrs. We need some money. I need some money. I ni lajan He has money. And neither money Perché non avete portato un ombrello? Why didn't you bring an umbrella? Why didn't you bring an umbrella? Mâna mea este în apă caldă. My hand is in warm water. My hand is in hot water. Tom não confia no governo. Tom doesn't trust the government. Tom doesn't trust the government. Ballerò con loro. I'll dance with them. I'll dance with them. Ini telah diperbaharui pada musim gugur tahun 2013. It was updated in autum 2013. It was renewed in the fall of 2013. ¿Qué hay en esta caja? What's in this box? What's in this box? Es un milagro que yo pudiera vencer el cáncer. It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. It's a miracle that I could beat cancer. Oamenii din Brazilia erau mândri de el. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Esta é uma excelente maneira de estudar. This is a great way to practice. This is an excellent way to study. Tom non provava nulla. Tom felt nothing. Tom wasn't trying anything. Ella me pidió que no se lo contara a nadie. Así que no lo hice. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. Mary se parece com o pai. Mary takes after her father. Mary looks like her father. Nous avons étudié le français ensemble. We studied French together. We studied French together. Veng t'agorrinar dab jo. Come swing with me. I'm coming to pick you up. Munceşte când munceşti, joacă-te când te joci. Work while you work, play while you play. Work when you work, play when you play. Jésus pleura. Jesus wept. Jesus wept. Tom stava fumando. Tom was smoking. Tom was smoking. Adoptaron dos niños de Asia. They've adopted two boys from Asia. Two children from Asia were adopted. Tu n'es pas forcé de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. E un fraier. He's a pushover. He's a sucker. Lui Tom îi lipsește familia. Tom misses his family. Tom's missing his family. Eu tive muita ajuda. I had a lot of help. I had a lot of help. Am fost luat prin surprindere. I was taken aback. I was caught by surprise. Lei pianse quando sentì la terribile notizia. She wept when she heard the terrible news. She cried when she heard the terrible news. Un corte de cabello te vendría muy bien. You could really do with a haircut. A haircut would do you good. Posso fare una domanda intima? May I ask a personal question? Can I ask you an intimate question? Elas estão estudando a Bíblia. They're studying the Bible. They're studying the Bible. John dulu menikah dengan Jane. John was married to Jane. John used to marry Jane. Yo te respeto. I respect you. I respect you. Tom di que non sabe con quén planea Mary ir o baile. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary is planning on going to the prom with. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary's planning to go to the dance. Avete visto il nuovo film? Have you seen the new movie? Did you see the new movie? Pra mim chega, com vocês dois. I'm done with you two. It's enough for me, you two. Nesciebam te negotiosam esse. I didn't know you were busy. I didn't know you were a businessman. Vamos ver se nós conseguimos abrir essa porta. Let's see if we can get this door open. Let's see if we can open that door. Fu costretto a tornare indietro a causa del maltempo. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. Tom pensa che Mary abbia mentito. Tom thinks Mary lied. Tom thinks Mary lied. Aku menonton TV pagi ini. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. Apa kamu menulis buku harian? Do you keep a diary? Did you write a diary? Felem habui. I had a cat. Felem, I got it. Mă doare capul. My head aches. My head hurts. Bolehkah aku mematikan lampunya? May I turn off the light? Can I turn the lights off? Nihil Thomae debemus. We don't owe Tom anything. Nihil Thomae we owe. Aquela é sua mãe? Is that your mother? Is that your mother? Las mofetas no temen a los perros, ni a los humanos. Skunks fear neither dogs, nor men. Muffets don't fear dogs or humans. Tom non tornò mai a casa. Tom never came back home. Tom never came home. Tom se puso como loco cuando fue notificado del saqueo por correo electrónico. Tom was hopping mad when he was notified of his sacking by email. Tom went crazy when he was notified of the e-mail looting. Eu não quero reprovar nas minhas provas. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to repudiate my evidence. Haec raeda est tam magna quam illa. This car is as big as that car. This raeda is both great and that one. Todos eles cantaron xuntos o retrouso. They all joined in the chorus. They all sang the retrosuit together. Tom avea destule relații. Tom was too well connected. Tom had enough relationships. Deixa que che demos un consello. Let us give you a piece of advice. Let us give you some advice. Tom se enfrenta a un enigma. Tom faces a conundrum. Tom is facing an enigma. Thomas cum cane venit. Tom came with his dog. Thomas when the dog came. Saíu un tema novo na conversa. A new topic came up in conversation. A new theme came out in the conversation. Estamos comezando a cuestionarnos o que criamos que sabiamos. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. We're beginning to question what we believe we knew. Salve, Mike sum. Hello, I'm Mike. Hi, Mike I am. Como você sabe, nós nos atrasamos por causa da chuva forte. As you know, we were late due to the heavy rain. As you know, we're late because of the heavy rain. Tom donna tout ce qu'il possédait. Tom gave away everything he owned. Tom gave everything he had. Te enganaram. They've fooled you. They tricked you. Aku tidak mengharapkan apa-apa darimu. I don't expect anything from you. I didn't expect anything from you. Tom fece irruzione. Tom broke in. Tom broke up. Cura ut venias. Make sure you'll come. You need to know that you are coming. Aliquis ianuam pulsat. Somebody's knocking at the door. Some of them are pulsated doors. Uno se debería vestir bien. One should dress oneself well. One should dress well. Siempre trato de cumplir las normas. I always try to obey the rules. I always try to comply with the rules. Kau akan mati jika kau tidak makan. If you don't eat, you die. You'll die if you don't eat. Suntne feles super mensas scriptorias? Are there some cats on the desks? Are there super desk tables? Riesco a capire come potrebbe essere fastidioso. I can see how that might be annoying. I can see how annoying it could be. Eu me lembro de ter chaveado a porta. I remember locking the door. I remember shutting the door. Como você me reconheceu? How did you recognize me? How did you recognize me? Il s'arrêta brusquement et regarda en arrière. He stopped short and looked back. He stopped suddenly and looked back. Vous n'auriez pas dû lui dire une telle chose. You ought not to have said a thing like that to him. You shouldn't have told him such a thing. Tom fingió no entender lo que Mary quería que hiciera. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary wanted him to do. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary wanted him to do. Eu comprei uma camiseta vermelha ontem. I bought a red T-shirt yesterday. I bought a red shirt yesterday. Da mihi cultrum, ut hoc filum secem. Give me a knife to cut this string with. Give me the cult, that's just a dry thread. Elle n'a pas traduit les phrases en français. She hasn't translated the sentences in French. She did not translate the sentences into French. Qui est-ce qui joue du piano ? Who is playing the piano? Who's playing the piano? ¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta? May I ask you something? Can I ask you a question? I miei occhi non sono buoni come una volta. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be. My eyes are not as good as once. Eu me orgulho do que faço. I take pride in what I do. I'm proud of what I do. Il est fort grand. He is very tall. He's pretty big. Bukang saloh aku. It wasn't my fault. I don't give a shit. Saya lapar. I am hungry. I'm hungry. No todo en este mundo se mide en dinero. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Not everything in this world is measured in money. Io non devo rendere conto a lei delle mie azioni. I am not accountable to you for my actions. I don't have to account for my actions. È intelligente. He is intelligent. He's smart. Homines infidi sunt. People are unfaithful. Unbelievable men are. Bueno, ¿qué estás cantando? Well, what are you singing? Well, what are you singing? Un chubasco me cogió y me mojó hasta los tuétanos. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. A chubasco picked me up and wet me up to the Taiwanese. Puoi guidare, vero? You can drive, can't you? You can drive, right? Buena nueit! Good night! Good night! Voglio mostrarle qualcosa su cui ho lavorato. I want to show you something I've been working on. I want to show you something I've been working on. Este degradant pentru ei. It is degrading for her. It's degrading to them. À quelle heure prenez-vous votre service ? What time are you going on duty? What time do you take your service? Trump llama al coronavirus "el virus chino". Trump calls the coronavirus the "Chinese virus." Trump calls the coronavirus "the Chinese virus." Il faut que tu te brosses les dents avant de dormir. You are to clean your teeth before you go to bed. You need to brush your teeth before you sleep. As lo pèu tròp long. Your hair is too long. You have to be too long. Cinquecento soldati britannici sono stati presi in ostaggio. Five hundred British soldiers had been captured. Fifteen hundred British soldiers were taken hostage. Omnes aequi sunt. All are equal. They're all right. Si è uccisa in Australia. She killed herself in Australia. She killed herself in Australia. Je jette l'éponge. J'ai beau m'évertuer, rien ne semble te convenir dans ce que je fais. I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied. I'm throwing the sponge. I'm glad I woke up, nothing seems to agree with you in what I'm doing. Camera are două ferestre. The room has two windows. The room has two windows. Fins demà. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Es-tu en mesure d'aller plus vite ? Can you go faster? Are you able to go faster? Uralele au devenit un vacarm. The cheers swelled to a roar. Smells have become a cow. Mulțumim! Thanks! Thank you! Você está prestando atenção? Are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Perché non siete stati qui ultimamente? Why haven't you been here lately? Why haven't you been here lately? No quiero ser rica. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to be rich. Je n'aime simplement pas qu'on me laisse à la traîne. I just don't like getting left behind. I just don't like being left behind. Já falaram para o Tom fazer de novo. Tom has already been told to do that again. They've already spoken to Tom to do it again. Sono tutti così impegnati. Everybody's so busy. They're all so busy. Vous ne le regretterez pas ! You won't regret it! You won't regret it! Tenemos dos cabras. We keep two goats. We got two goats. Laetissimus esse videtur. He seems to be very happy. We are very happy to be here. La faim est l'une des misères sociales les plus grandes. Hunger is one of the largest social misfortunes. Hunger is one of the greatest social misery. L'ho data a lei. I gave it to her. I gave it to her. Absolvistine opus tuum? Did you complete the work? Solve your work? Sortons nous asseoir dans le jardin. Let's go outside and sit in the garden. Let's go sit in the garden. O homem está na cozinha. The man is in the kitchen. The man's in the kitchen. Porterete questo all'ufficio postale, vero? You'll take this to the post office, won't you? You'll take this to the post office, won't you? Allo ! Speaking. Hello! Ella me dejó esperando media hora. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She let me wait half an hour. Tom sta leggendo un libro di storia. Tom is reading a history book. Tom's reading a history book. Sempre ha sigut així. It's always been like that. It's always been like that. Hic non est. He's not here. He is not here. Ne me crie pas dessus. Don't yell at me. Don't yell at me. Tambahkan sedikit gula. Put in a little more sugar. Add some sugar. Sou de Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. I'm from Drenthe. Kita tara dengar apa-apa. I didn't hear anything. We heard nothing. Hai moitos cadros na parede. There are many paintings on the wall. There are many paintings on the wall. Acabou a gasolina do carro do Tom. Tom's car ran out of gas. Tom's car gas's out. Criou a ese rapaz a un precio moi alto. She raised that child at a great cost. He raised that boy at a very high price. Canapeaua este în prim-plan, lângă masă. The couch is in the foreground next to the table. The couch is in the foreground next to the table. O que você acha desse plano? What do you think about this plan? What do you think of that plan? Sami pourrait revenir à la maison pour quelques jours. Sami might come home for a couple of days. Sami could come home for a few days. Io sono stato al supermercato. I've been to the supermarket. I went to the supermarket. Alors, allez-vous me dire qui vous êtes ? So, are you going to tell me who you are? So will you tell me who you are? Ho capito. I understood. I get it. Belanda adalah negara yang kecil. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Eu faço isso porque quero. I do it because I want to. I do that because I want to. Quan estudias ? When do you study? When are you studying? Il massacro dei prigionieri era un atto barbaro. The slaughter of the prisoners was a barbarous act. The massacre of the prisoners was a barbaric act. Soror tua sum. I'm your sister. I'm your sister. Cette rose sent bon. This rose smells sweet. That rose feels good. Escuchemos música. Let's listen to music. Let's listen to music. Quis est illa femina? Who is that woman? Who is that woman? He plantat un pomer al meu jardí. I planted an apple tree in my garden. I planted an orchard in my garden. Hari Valentine hampir berakhir, dan aku masih tidak tahu apa yang akan kuberikan padanya. Valentine's Day is close, and I still don't know what to give to her. Valentine's day is almost over, and I still don't know what I'm gonna give him. Avez-vous été en mesure de résoudre le problème ? Were you able to solve the problem? Have you been able to solve the problem? Nikmati pekerjaanmu! Enjoy your work! Enjoy your work! Nonne tu es qui mihi hoc dixisti? You're the one who told me that, aren't you? Aren't you the one who told me that? É complicado, não é? It's complicated, isn't it? It's complicated, isn't it? Elle m'a laissé les clefs. She left me the keys. She left me the keys. Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous ne soyez pas disposé à au moins envisager la possibilité qu'il y ait une autre explication. I can't believe that you aren't at least willing to consider the possibility that there's another explanation. I cannot believe that you are unwilling to at least consider the possibility of another explanation. Cultivez-vous des tomates dans votre jardin ? Do you grow tomatoes in your garden? Do you grow tomatoes in your garden? Volo in Italia habitare. I want to live in Italy. I want to live in Italy. ¿De quién era ese plan? Whose plan was that? Whose plan was that? Pernah ke Inggris? Have you ever been to Britain? Ever to England? Tum victu revocant vires, fusique per herbam / implentur veteris Bacchi pinguisque ferinæ. So wine and venison, to their hearts' desire, / refreshed their strength. You vines pluck the branches, fused by grass, / they are filled with old wineskins and fattened ferinæ. Tolong belok kanan di persimpangan berikutnya. Please turn right at the next intersection. Please turn right at the next intersection. Não entendo por que Tom está tão zangado. I don't understand why Tom is so angry. I don't understand why Tom's so angry. Por favor, bata na porta antes de entrar. Please knock before you come in. Please knock on the door before you come in. Pode ser que ele goste do emprego dele. It may be that he likes his job. Maybe he likes his job. Isaac amabat Esau, eo quod de venationibus illius libenter vesceretur; et Rebecca diligebat Iacob. Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his hunting: and Rebecca loved Jacob. And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat his venison; and Rebekah loved Jacob. Hablando del rey de Roma. Speak of the devil. Speaking of the king of Rome. I giocatori di calcio prendono molti soldi. Soccer players make a lot of money. Football players take a lot of money. Dia masih menganggap kita teman. She still thinks of us as friends. He still thinks we're friends. In flumine natat. He is swimming in the river. In the swimming stream. Non dovevo rimanere. I didn't need to stay. I didn't have to stay. O meu fillo é xornalista. My son is a journalist. My son's a journalist. Precizia este importantă în aritmetică. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Accuracy is important in arithmetic. Lui chiamò suo zio mentre arrivava a Matsuyama. He called up his uncle on reaching Matsuyama. He called his uncle on his way to Matsuyama. Ești gelos. You're jealous. You're jealous. Rester à la maison est barbant. Staying at home is boring. Staying home is rude. Fata obstant. It's not meant to be. Girl though. Não acredito em mais nada. I don't believe in anything else. I don't believe anything else. Sono veramente felice per lei. I'm really happy for her. I'm really happy for you. Intercambiamos números de teléfono. We exchanged phone numbers. We swapped phone numbers. Sonitum audiverunt. They heard a noise. They heard it. O luns falaremos con el. We'll talk with him on Monday. Monday we'll talk to him. Lo sto considerando. I'm considering it. I'm considering it. Il dansa toute la nuit. He danced all night long. He danced all night. S-a întâmplat, la un moment dat, în mijlocul iernii. It happened at some point in midwinter. It happened at some point in the middle of winter. Maria joue encore avec des poupées. Mary still plays with dolls. Maria is still playing with dolls. Ce l'hai un fiammifero? Do you have a match? Do you have a fire? Tom disse que era uma emergência. Tom said it was an emergency. Tom said it was an emergency. Ad quos ille clementer: “Accedite, inquit, ad me”. Et cum accessissent prope: “Ego sum, ait, Ioseph frater vester, quem vendidistis in Aegyptum". And he said mildly to them: Come nearer to me. And when they were come near him, he said: I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. And when they came near, he said, I am he, Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. Noroc bun! Bless you. Good luck! Tom berlatih piano sekurang-kurangnya tiga puluh menit setiap hari. Tom practices the piano at least thirty minutes every day. Tom's practicing piano at least thirty minutes every day. Espero que você caia de um precipício. I hope that you fall off a cliff. I hope you fall from a cliff. În ciuda recesiunii economice, prețurile mărfurilor sunt încă ridicate. In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high. Despite economic recession, commodity prices are still high. Devo esperar por você aqui? Should I wait for you here? Should I wait for you here? Yo no tengo nada que ver con el asunto. I have nothing to do with the matter. I have nothing to do with it. Tienen que haber averiguado quién era yo. They must've found out who I was. They must have found out who I was. Equus celerrime currere potest. A horse can run very fast. Equus can run fast. ¡Esfuérzate! Make an effort! Make an effort! Él tiene un problema de actitud. He has an attitude problem. He's got an attitude problem. Non ha mai visto uno spettacolo teatrale. He's never seen a play. He's never seen a theatrical performance. Tom no almorzó. Tom didn't have lunch. Tom didn't have lunch. Tom sapeva che ero pigro. Tom knew I was lazy. Tom knew I was lazy. Bibisne vinum? Do you drink wine? Wine Bibisne? Viri omnes sunt similes! Men are all the same! Look, they're all the same! No toquis les meves coses! Don't touch my stuff! Don't touch my stuff! Alguien debe haberlo dejado ahí. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left him there. A miña nai puxo trece candeas na miña torta de aniversario. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. La început a făcut Dumnezeu cerul şi pământul. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At first God made heaven and earth. Chemiam odi. I hate chemistry. I was calling hate. Je n'aime pas le printemps. I do not like spring. I don't like spring. Ibi dabo tibi ubera mea. There will I give thee my love. Here I will give you my love. Miriam no lo kere. Mary doesn't want it. Miriam did not believe that. E absurd. That's preposterous. That's absurd. Beritahu aku kalau ada yang bisa kubantu. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. È il suo fratello maggiore, vero? He's your older brother, isn't he? He's his older brother, isn't he? Meus filhos tinham comido todas as bolachas quando voltei para casa. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My children had eaten all the cookies when I came home. Vas' tchîre è Moûze ! Go fuck yourself! You're going to kick Moze! Tom intentou reducir os seus gastos. Tom tried to cut down on his expenses. Tom tried to reduce his expenses. Sami était inquiet de la réaction que pourraient avoir les autres personnes. Sami was worried about other people's reactions. Sami was concerned about the reaction that other people might have. Es la semana nacional del libro. It's the national week of the book. It's the national week of the book. Hodie quindecim chiliometra curram! Today I'm going to run fifteen kilometers! Today we run fifteen kilometers! Mii de pești morți au fost găsiți plutind pe lac. Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in the lake. Thousands of dead fish were found floating on the lake. He vivido más de un mes en Nagoya. I lived for more than a month in Nagoya. I've lived more than a month in Nagoya. Obrigado pela espera. Thanks for waiting. Thank you for waiting. Porro Henoch genuit Irad, et Irad genuit Maviael, et Maviael genuit Mathusael, et Mathusael genuit Lamech. And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad begot Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathusael, and Mathusael begot Lamech. And Poro Henoch begat Irad, and Irad begat Mehujael, and Mehujael begat Mathusael, and Mathusael begat Lamech. A partir de cette soirée, Swann comprit que le sentiment qu'Odette avait eu pour lui ne renaîtrait jamais. From that evening onwards, Swann understood that the feeling which Odette had once had for him would never revive. From that evening on, Swann understood that Odette's feelings for him would never come back. Lei chiese dei consigli al suo insegnante. She asked her teacher for advice. She asked her teacher for advice. Recuerda esta regla. Remember this rule. Remember this rule. Le royaume fut envahi par l'ennemi. The kingdom was invaded by the enemy. The kingdom was invaded by the enemy. Mangiate finché è calda. Eat while it's warm. Eat as long as it's hot. Ante monumentum est. It is in front of the monument. It is before the memorial. Estoy escuchando a esta banda. I'm listening to this band. I'm listening to this band. Quando você vai para Boston, posso ir com você? When you go to Boston, could I go with you? When you go to Boston, can I go with you? Stiamo per incontrarlo. We're about to meet him. We're about to meet him. Tôt ou tard, la vérité éclatera. Sooner or later, the truth'll come out. Sooner or later, the truth will shine. Eu sei que você provavelmente está bravo com o que eu disse ontem. I know you're probably mad about what I said yesterday. I know you're probably mad at what I said yesterday. Thomas et brevior et gravior quam Ioannes est. Tom is shorter and heavier than John. Thomas is shorter and worse than John is. Meu pai parou de fumar. My father quit smoking. My father stopped smoking. Io sono il dio del nuovo mondo. I am the god of the new world. I am the god of the new world. ¡Puedes hacerlo! You can do it. You can do it! Então o quê? Não me interessa. So what? It doesn't matter to me. I don't care. En cuanto recibí el cheque, me fui al banco. As soon as I received the cheque, I went to the bank. As soon as I got the check, I went to the bank. È troppo sensibile alle critiche. You are too sensitive to criticism. It's too sensitive to criticism. Da antlora piuré a l'é stàit proibì. Since that time, crying has been forbidden. From the worst anthlora to the east he was forbidden. O pau está viscoso. The stick is sticky. The stick is viscous. Aínda que chova, xogará ao golf. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if it rains, he'll play golf. Je vais changer de chemise. I'm going to change my shirt. I'm gonna change my shirt. Los que olvidan todo son felices. Those who forget everything are happy. Those who forget everything are happy. Tom merasakan sakit yang tidak ada henti-hentinya. Tom is in constant pain. Tom feels the pain that doesn't stop. ¿Siempre tomas café con el desayuno? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always have coffee with breakfast? Su vasto conocimiento me sorprende. His extensive knowledge surprises me. Your vast knowledge surprises me. Grazas, irmáns. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Ha del resto? Do you have any change? Does he have anything else? Aunque él lo dice, ella lo hará. Although he says it, she will do it. Even if he says so, she will. Selamat hari kemerdekaan! Happy Independence Day! Happy day of independence! No totes les pomes vermelles tenen el mateix gust. Not all red apples taste the same. Not all red apples have the same taste. Suatu hari nanti, semua kanak-kanak di Malaysia akan berpeluang untuk menerima pendidikan yang terunggul. One day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education. One day, all children in Malaysia will be given the chance to receive the highest education. Memini praeteritorum. I remember the past. Mind the passersby. Squalos edunt. They eat shark. Sharks eat. Je ne suis pas comme la plupart des gens. I'm not like most people. I'm not like most people. Kenapa kamu tidak mempercayaiku? Why won't you believe me? Why don't you trust me? Mangerà questo? Are you going to eat this? Will you eat this? Il est trop petit pour atteindre le livre sur l'étagère. He is too short to get at the book on the shelf. It's too small to reach the book on the shelf. Abita in questo edificio. He lives in this building. He lives in this building. Vi dovete fermare. You need to stop. You need to stop. Sin autem resistis et non vis dimittere eum, ecce ego inducam cras locustam in fines tuos, quæ operiat superficiem terræ, ne quidquam eius appareat, sed comedatur, quod residuum fuerit grandini; corrodet enim omnia ligna, quæ germinant in agris. But if thou resist, and wilt not let them go, behold I will bring in to-morrow the locusts into thy coasts, to cover the face of the earth, that nothing thereof may appear, but that which the hail hath left may be eaten: for they shall feed upon all the trees that spring in the fields. If you refuse and don't let him go, behold, tomorrow I will bring a locust into your border, that it will cover the surface of your ground, that anything of its surface may not be seen, but be eaten, whatever remains of the hail; for it will corrode all trees, it will sprout in the field. Qual é a moral da história? What is the moral of the story? What is the morale of history? L'autobús para ací? Does the bus stop here? The bus here? Beginilah cara dia memperoleh banyak uang. This is how he earned so much money. This is how he makes a lot of money. Tom cortó la torta en seis trozos. Tom cut the pie into six pieces. Tom cut the cake in six pieces. Elle lui fit un au revoir de la main. She waved goodbye to him. She said good-bye to her hand. Sol est rex caeli, luna est regina siderum. The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. He is the King of heaven, the moon is the queen of sidereals. Tom no está celebrando, ¿verdad? Tom isn't celebrating, is he? Tom's not celebrating, is he? Nonne pigra es? You're lazy, aren't you? Aren't you lazy? Tom memutuskan untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua kelas. Tom decided to run for class president. Tom decided to run as a class leader. Não suporto isso. I can't stand that. I can't stand that. Tom era qui un secondo fa. Tom was here a second ago. Tom was here a second ago. È limpida come il fango. It's as clear as mud. It's as clear as mud. Ils n'écoutèrent pas. They did not listen. They didn't listen. Eu fui pescar três vezes no mês passado. I went fishing three times last month. I went fishing three times last month. Dovrei annullare il mio viaggio a Los Angeles. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel my trip to Los Angeles. Ho sparato a loro. I shot them. I shot them. Même si Marcel travaille très fort, il ne gagne que 30 000 dollars canadiens par année. Even though Marcel works hard, he only earns 30 000 Canadian dollars per year. Although Marcel works very hard, he earns only 30,000 Canadian dollars a year. La vostra mare sap conduir? Can your mom drive a car? Does your mother know how to drive? Han sido buenos soldados. You have been good soldiers. They've been good soldiers. Soy más alta que él. I am taller than he. I'm taller than him. Keputusannya adalah negatif. The results were negative. His decision is negative. Gomor autem decima pars est ephi. Now a gomor is the tenth part of an ephi. Now omer is the tenth part of an Ephi. Carpe diem. Seize the day. Carpe diem. Ci scusereste per un minuto, per piacere? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Ce sont les propriétés qu'elles possèdent. Those are the properties that she owns. These are the properties they own. Me gusta jugar al golf. I like to play golf. I like playing golf. A que horas você vai? At what time are you leaving? What time are you going to? Eu vi que eu estava errado. I see I was wrong. I saw I was wrong. Lo que está hecho no puede deshacerse. What's done can't be undone. What is done cannot be undone. Adamas a puero anno millesimo octingentesimo septuagesimo tertio repertus est. The diamond was discovered by a boy in 1873. The first to multiply was Adamas, a thousand and eighty-seventy-third. Cerevisiam bibere cupio. I feel like drinking a beer. I was cerevising cupio. Sono andato dalla polizia. I went to the police. I went to the police. A mãe de Tom estava chorando. Tom's mother was crying. Tom's mother was crying. La esposa de mi tío es mi tía. My uncle's wife is my aunt. My uncle's wife is my aunt. Je dus boire le café à petites gorgées parce qu'il était trop chaud. I had to sip the coffee because it was too hot. I had to drink coffee in small throats because it was too hot. Elle a besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler. She needs someone to talk to. She needs someone to talk to. Apakah Mary sudah mulai? Has Mary started yet? Is Mary already starting? Ils ont été défavorisés. They got the short end of the stick. They were disadvantaged. Aegroto! I'm sick. Aegroto! Il n'est point besoin de se soucier de précision, cette fois ; estime-la juste !» There's no need to worry about accuracy this time; just eyeball it. There is no need to worry about precision this time; consider it just!" ¿Por que non lle pedimos consello? Why don't we ask his advice? Why don't we ask him for advice? Raedam habes. You have a car. You have Raedam. Îi voi suna mâine când mă întorc. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Era oarecum încântat. He was somewhat excited. He was kind of excited. Quer um abraço? Do you want a hug? You want a hug? Foi Tom quem me ensinou a xingar. Tom is the one who taught me how to swear. It was Tom who taught me how to pee. No quiero morir aquí. I don't want to die here. I don't want to die here. Dux malus est qui ducere vult. People who desire power make bad leaders. Two bad is who wants to bring. Cum îndrăznești să-mi faci asta din nou? How dare you do this to me again? How dare you do that to me again? Quando has arbores plantavisti? When did you plant these trees? When did you plant trees? Io berrò il tè. I will drink the tea. I'll drink the tea. El mono está en la jaula. The monkey is in the cage. The monkey's in the cage. Può essere licenziato. He may be fired. He can be fired. España controlaba Florida. Spain controlled Florida. Spain controlled Florida. Thomas cerevisiam petivit. Tom ordered a beer. Thomas was cerevising the petition. Tom não quer que a mesma coisa aconteça novamente. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. Tom doesn't want the same thing to happen again. Tom está preparado para aceitar as consequências. Tom is prepared to accept the consequences. Tom's ready to accept the consequences. Òbviament. Obviously. Obviously. Fascia Croatica mea flammea est. My tie is orange. My beloved Croatia is my flame. Mata saya sangat sensitif kepada cahaya. My eyes are very sensitive to the light. My eyes are very sensitive to light. Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem. It is difficult to give up a long love suddenly. Difficult it is long to file love immediately. Io dovevo andare a Boston. I had to go to Boston. I had to go to Boston. Canis latrat. The dog is barking. The barking dog. Berapa banyak yang kalian habiskan? How much did you guys spend? How much do you spend? Não se esqueça de pagar o aluguel. Don't forget to pay the rent. Don't forget to pay the rent. Inizierò a lavorare presto. I will start work soon. I'll start working soon. Quelle heure votre montre indique-t-elle, maintenant ? What time does your watch say it is now? What time does your watch indicate now? Tiò, qu'ac crèsi tanben. Yeah. I think so, too. Well, I think so too. E timpul să mergi înainte. It's time to move forward. It's time to go ahead. Je donnai dix balles de pourboire au taxi pour m'avoir emmené à l'heure à l'aéroport. I tipped the cabbie ten bucks for getting me to the airport on time. I gave ten rounds to the taxi for taking me to the airport on time. Dorang bauni tifi? Do they watch TV? Who smells like a girl? Oggi potete mangiare quanto volete. Today you can eat as much as you want. Today you can eat as much as you want. Você devia pagar suas dívidas. You should pay back your debts. You should pay your debts. Bunga-bunganya semakin mekar disebabkan pengaruh dari cuaca. The blossoms expand under the influence of the weather. The flowers are growing because of the influence of the weather. Può parcheggiare qui. You may park here. You can park here. Latrones se in silva abdiderunt. The thieves hid in the woods. Thirsty robbers turned their backs on the woods. Pourquoi vous ne dites rien ? Why aren't you saying anything? Why don't you say something? Gioca a scacchi? Do you play chess? You're playing chess? Él recibió en una ocasión una medalla de oro. He's been awarded a gold medal once. He once received a gold medal. Favlash Ladino? Do you gals speak Ladino? Favlash Ladino? Tom diz que precisa de mais tempo. Tom says he needs more time. Tom says he needs more time. Et Didymus et Maria in horto laborant. Tom and Mary are both working in the garden. And Didymus and Maria working in the garden. Andatevene! Leave! Get out of here! Dime dónde has estado. Tell me where you've been. Tell me where you've been. Je n'aime pas sa façon grossière. I don't care for his rudeness. I don't like his rude manner. Voi siete anziani. You're old. You're elders. Parlant de genocidis, avui és el Dia de la Hispanitat. Speaking of genocide, today is Columbus Day. Speaking of genocides, today is Hispanity Day. Tom masih betah disini. Tom still loves it here. Tom's still here. Por que você não tomou o ônibus? Why didn't you take the bus? Why didn't you take the bus? La chica y sus padres eran muy simpáticos. The girl and her parents were very sympathetic. The girl and her parents were very nice. Thomas verum dicit. Tom is telling the truth. Thomas is telling the truth. Sapevo che mi stavano osservando. I knew that I was being watched. I knew they were watching me. No caminho para a escola eu perdi minha carteira. I lost my wallet on the way to school. On the way to school I lost my wallet. Aku bisa melakukannya dengan sedikit bantuan dari Tom. I was able to do it with a little help from Tom. I can do it with a little help from Tom. Estas gafas no me quedan bien. Son demasiado grandes. These glasses do not fit me well. They are too large. These glasses don't look good on me, they're too big. Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumée à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you got used to eating Japanese food yet? Are you finally used to eating Japanese food? Thomas nunquam contentus fuit. Tom never was contented. Thomas was never content. Prends tout le temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as long as you want. J'ai entendu une voix que je n'ai pas reconnue. I heard a voice I didn't recognize. I heard a voice I didn't recognize. Stai facendo delle amicizie qui? Are you making friends here? Are you making friends here? Ioanna pulchrior est quam Susanna. Jane is more attractive than Susan. Joanna is as beautiful as Susanna. Thomas animadvertit Mariam recte dicere. Tom realized that Mary was right. Thomas saw Mary right to say. È venuto via il francobollo. The stamp came off. The stamp came out. Vocês dois estão demitidos. You're both fired. You two are fired. Ce face acest dispozitiv? What does this device do? What's this device doing? Também quero ir para Boston. I also want to go to Boston. I want to go to Boston, too. Non vi ho preso nulla. I didn't get anything for you. I didn't get anything from you. Aenigmatice loquebantur. They were speaking in riddles. Aenigmatics spoke. Do que você está rindo, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? What are you laughing at, Tom? Je suis désolé d'appeler si tard. Je voulais juste entendre votre voix. I'm sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry to call so late. I just wanted to hear your voice. Tom não esperou por você? Didn't Tom wait for you? Tom didn't wait for you? M'agradaré qu'estosse ací adara. I wish he were here now. I'd like you to meet me here. María se ve estupenda para su edad. Mary looks terrific for her age. Mary looks great for her age. Qua de re cogitas? What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about? Mater mea est meum ornamentum. My mother is my jewel. My mother is my ornaments. Je sais que Tom se montrera juste. I know Tom will be fair. I know Tom's just gonna show up. Avis volare potest. A bird can fly. Notice that you can fly. Loro ti proteggeranno. They will protect you. They'll protect you. Esta es mi bicicleta vieja. This is my old bicycle. This is my old bike. No me puedo acordar de dónde puse la máquina de coser buena. I can't remember where I put the good sewing machine. I can't remember where I put the sewing machine good. Michael Iaponice bene loquitur. Mike speaks good Japanese. Michael Japonice speaks well. Les beaux vitraux sont de l'art. Beautiful stained glass is art. The beautiful windows are art. Omnes homines aequales sunt. All men are equal. All men are equal. Tu hai viaggiato in Europa prima? Have you traveled in Europe before? Have you traveled to Europe before? Haec domus maxima non est. This house is not very large. This great house isn't. Ía prestame que fixeras una prueba de sangre. I'd like you to have a blood test. I was going to lend you a blood test. Di mana pekhidmatan kastam? Where is the Customs Service? Where's the beauty service? Aprendemos a ler Francês. We learned how to read French. We learned how to read French. Fractum est. This is broken. Please don't have anything to do with everything I'm afraid you will not have Ia mengendarai mobil impor. She drives an imported car. He's driving an import car. Tom não escreveu de volta para a Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. Tom didn't write back to Mary. Eu esqueci completamente. I completely forgot. I completely forgot. Eu sei que o Tom está furioso. I know that Tom is furious. I know Tom's mad. Aku hanya ingin bilang aku cinta padamu I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just wanted to say I love you. Trebuie să studiaţi toată viaţa voastră. You must study your whole life. You have to study your whole life. Dan ha licenziato Linda per avere rovinato il piano. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. Dan fired Linda for ruining the plan. La raó és perquè sé parlar xinès. The reason is because I can speak Chinese. The reason is because I know Chinese. Pentru mine e OK dacă iei cartea aia. It's OK with me if you take that book. It's OK for me if you take that book. Voglio che tu sia migliore. I want you to be better. I want you to be better. Florile se usucă repede după ce au fost tăiate. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers dry fast after they have been cut. Sus abuelos son de Silesia. His grandparents hail from Silesia. His grandparents are from Silesia. Thomas ita fessus erat, ut ambulare non posset. Tom was so tired that he couldn't walk. Thomas was so tired that he could not walk. Siapapun bisa melakukan itu. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Silakan mampir ke kantor saya kapanpun juga. Drop by my office any time. Please stop by my office anytime. Mary menolak undangan ke konser. Mary declined an invitation to the concert. Mary refused the invitation to the concert. Elle me prit au dépourvu. She caught me off-guard. She took me for nothing. Tom melihat Mary ingin menangis. Tom could see Mary was about ready to cry. Tom saw Mary want to cry. S’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous me donner votre nom ? Please tell me your name. Please, can you give me your name? Tom e Mary estão jogando futebol por aí. Tom and Mary are playing soccer somewhere. Tom and Mary are playing football around. Cette route est trop étroite pour le passage des camions. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. Lacurile sunt înghețate. The lakes are frozen. The lakes are frozen. Lui aveva un libro in mano. He had a book in his hand. He had a book in his hand. Pots venir amb mi. You can come with me. You can come with me. Nunca va a superar las grandes pérdidas de su negocio. He will never get over his huge business losses. He's never going to overcome the big losses of his business. J'ai accepté de rester. I agreed to stay. I agreed to stay. Vass ti fé araedjî! Fuck off! Vases made room for it! Vous êtes-vous adonnée à la peinture corporelle ? Have you ever tried body painting? Did you give in to body painting? Mi sto sentendo stressato. I'm feeling stressed. I feel stressed. Debe haber algo mal con el motor. There must be something wrong with the engine. There must be something wrong with the engine. Ninguém me ama. Nobody loves me. Nobody loves me. Este cuerpo no tiene vida. This body has no life. This body has no life. Io non so guidare molto bene. I can't drive very well. I don't know how to drive very well. Regarder les photos de vos amis de Facebook est une perte de temps. Looking at your Facebook friends' photos is a waste of time. Looking at photos of your friends on Facebook is a waste of time. "Quid si forte eguero, dabisne mutuo?" "Dabo mutuo, et libenter quidem." "Ago tibi gratias." "What if I happen to need something, will you give me a loan?" "I will gladly lend something to you." "Thank you." "What if I were like, would you like to join each other?" "I have a mutual, and gladly." "I thank you." Tom não vai perceber. Tom won't notice. Tom won't understand. Tom e Mary dissero che non erano canadesi. Tom and Mary said they weren't Canadians. Tom and Mary said they weren't Canadian. Apa kau percaya akan hal ini? Are you buying into this? Do you believe this? Noi dobbiamo posticipare la nostra partenza. We have to postpone our departure. We must delay our departure. Eu acho que nós estamos melhorando. I think we're getting better. I think we're getting better. Une telle occasion doit être saisie ! An opportunity like this must be seized! Such an opportunity must be seized! ¿Puede decirme por qué Tom está haciendo eso? Can you tell me why Tom is doing that? Can you tell me why Tom's doing that? Eu vivi em Boston por três anos. I've lived in Boston three years. I lived in Boston for three years. Esto es lo que quería. This is what I wanted. This is what I wanted. Yo los maté a ambos. I killed them both. I killed them both. Tom déteste Mary. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Todos nuestros esfuerzos terminaron en fracaso. All our effort ended in failure. All our efforts ended in failure. Eu preciso praticar um pouco mais. I need to practice a little more. I need to practice a little more. Cumple tu promesa. Abide by your promise. Keep your promise. Tom meninggalkan sekolah sejam yang lalu. Tom left school an hour ago. Tom left school an hour ago. Plecam la munte dacă aveam bani. I would have gone to the mountains had I had the money. We'd go to the mountain if we had money. Combien coûte l'excursion par personne ? How much is the tour per person? How much does the tour cost per person? Lui fu intimidito dalla sua intelligenza. He was cowed by her intelligence. He was intimidated by his intelligence. Il est différent de son frère. He differs from his brother. He's different from his brother. No estoy preocupado por el dinero. I'm not worried about money. I'm not worried about the money. Le darò trenta dollari per quella. I'll give you thirty dollars for that. I'll give you $30 for that. C'è ancora tempo. There is yet time. There's still time. Transportasi umum lebih cepat dibandingkan transportasi pribadi hanya di area urban. Public transport is only quicker than private transport in urban areas. General transport is faster than personal transport only in urban areas. sine aquā moriuntur flōrēs. Flowers die without water. without this they die. O Tom odeia o seu trabalho por vários motivos. Tom hates his job for a lot of reasons. Tom hates his work for a number of reasons. Tom écrit très bien. Tom writes very well. Tom wrote very well. Qu'èm bandats a clau. We got dead drunk. We're locked up. Tu sai programmare? Do you know how to program? You know how to schedule? Hærent parietibus scalæ, postesque sub ipsos / nituntur gradibus, clipeosque ad tela sinistris / protecti objiciunt, prensant fastigia dextris. Close cling their ladders to the walls; these, fain / to clutch the doorposts, climb from floor to floor, / their right hands strive the battlements to gain, / their left with lifted shield the arrowy storm sustain. Hærent pareibus scalæ, posts under them / catch degrees, clips to the left screen / protect against, pressing the right disgust. Kyoto terkenal dengan kuil dan viharanya. Kyoto is famous for its shrines and temples. Kyoto is famous for its temple and vihara. Tom a fost prins furând din magazin. Tom was caught shoplifting. Tom was caught stealing from the store. Il met quelque argent de côté tous les mois. He puts aside some money every month. He puts some money away every month. Edison Iaponiae est. He is the Edison of Japan. Edison Japonia is in Japan. Thomas cultro coquinari armatus est. Tom is armed with a kitchen knife. Thomas is an armed cook. Saya boleh baca bahasa Sepanyol dengan mudah. I can read Spanish easily. The Spanish language made it easy for me to read the Spanish language. Tom escreveu um livro enquanto esteve na Austrália. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. Tom wrote a book while he was in Australia. Puis-je vous faire un câlin ? Can I give you a hug? Can I give you a hug? Ellas se están escapando. They're escaping. They're running away. Tom normalmente llega a su casa cerca de las 6 en punto. Tom usually gets home at about six o'clock. Tom usually arrives at his house near 6 o'clock. El Sr. Wang normalmente toma una siesta en la sala de reuniones. Mr. Wang usually has a nap in the meeting room. Mr. Wang usually takes a nap in the meeting room. Apa sedang hujan? Is it raining? Is it raining? Ele não teve jamais o talento de compor melodias. He never had the talent of composing melodies. He never had the talent of composing melodies. Esta mansana es vedre. This apple is green. This mannequin is a glass. Cu cine vorbesc? Who am I talking to? Who am I talking to? Baixei algumas coisas. I've downloaded some stuff. I dropped a few things. La polizia le ha arrestate. The police arrested them. The police arrested them. Noli eam nunc per telephonum adire. Don't phone her now. You don't want her to be on the phone now, that's all. Ipoteza dumneavoastră e plauzibilă. Your hypothesis is plausible. Your hypothesis is plausible. Quanti documenti devi tradurre? How many documents do you have to translate? How many documents do you have to translate? Didymus erravit. Tom made a mistake. Didymus is wrong. Quero este. I want this one. I want this one. « C'est un tigre quand il se met en colère » est un exemple de métaphore. "He's a tiger when he's angry" is an example of metaphor. "It's a tiger when he gets angry" is an example of metaphor. Se tivesse chegado mais cedo, eu poderia ter visto a Kelly. Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. If I had arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. Álif es la primera letra del alfabeto árabe. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Daba por sentado que Tom podía hablar francés. I took it for granted that Tom could speak French. I thought Tom could speak French. S'il pleut, rentre le linge. If it rains, bring the washing in. If it rains, go in the laundry. Mon fils est allé faire ses études de médecine aux États-Unis d'Amérique. My son went to the United States to study medicine. My son went to medical school in the United States of America. Él compartió su sopa conmigo. He shared his soup with me. He shared his soup with me. Caput valde mihi dolet. My head really hurts. That's why I'm so sorry. Bahasa adalah subjek dari perubahan yang konstan. Languages are subject to constant change. Language is the subject of constant changes. Por favor, não me interrompa enquanto eu estiver falando. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Trouve un emploi, de façon à pouvoir subvenir aux besoins de ta femme et de tes enfants ! Get a job so you can support your wife and kids. Find a job, so you can support your wife and children's needs! Sami jouait. Sami was gambling. Sami was playing. סו פאליסטינייאנו. I'm Palestinian. It's not like you're in the middle of the day, but you're in the middle of the day. Ninguém sabe. Nobody knows. No one knows. Haec exedra frigidissima est. This room is very cold. This is the cool exodus. Iste mihi parum placet. I'm not a big fan of his. That wife just likes me. Anas tretinnit 'kha kha'. The duck quacks 'quack quack'. Thirty-year-old 'kha kha' Anas. Nonne laeta es? Aren't you happy? Aren't you glad? El canto es su punto fuerte. Singing is her strong point. The song is your strong point. Nikmati makananmu. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your food. Sami est mon voisin. Sami is my neighbor. Sami is my neighbor. Noli ergo metuere, sed, quidquid dixeris mihi, faciam tibi; scit enim omnis populus, qui habitat intra portas urbis meæ, mulierem te esse fortem. Fear not therefore, but whatsoever thou shalt say to me I will do to thee. For all the people that dwell within the gates of my city, know that thou art a virtuous woman. So don't be afraid, I will do for you whatever you tell me I will do for you; because all the people know you, who dwell within my city gates, you are a mighty woman. Andrò da mio zio a Kyoto quest'estate. I will visit my uncle in Kyoto this summer. I'm going to meet my uncle in Kyoto this summer. Te rog ia legătura cu mine mai târziu. Please contact me later. Please get in touch with me later. Como descubro se ele gosta de mim? How do I know if he likes me? How do I find out if he likes me? Bueno, atended. OK, listen up. Well, take care. No quiero hacerme falsas ilusiones. I don't want to give myself false hopes. I don't want to make myself false illusions. Non gli ho fatto molte domande. I didn't ask him any questions. I didn't ask him a lot of questions. Cum sententiam scribis, littera maiuscula eam fere incipis et puncto (.) an signo exclamationis (!) an signo interrogationis (?) eam finis. When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?). When I say write a word, capitalize it up so that it starts at point (.) or sign of exclamation (!) or sign of question (?) it finishes. Masha danki. Thank you so much! Thank you very much. Por favor cuéntame sobre ello. Please tell me about it. Please tell me about it. So che posso fare questo impiego. I know I can do this job. I know I can do this job. Mungkinkah anda masih memiliki koran Sabtu kemarin? I don't suppose you'd still have last Saturday's paper? Could you still have a newspaper on Saturday? Ho commesso molti errori. I made many mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes. Proximo anno nartis prolabi poteris. You will be able to ski well next year. Next year nartis prolabies powers. Io sono così sola. I am so lonely. I'm so alone. Kamu menuju ke mana? Where are you headed for? Where are you going? Tom è un po' troppo vecchio per me. Tom is a little too old for me. Tom's a little too old for me. Qualcuno mi può dire che cosa sta succedendo qui? Can someone tell me what's going on here? Can someone tell me what's going on here? ¡Policía herido! Officer down! Police wounded! A che ora sei entrata? What time did you get in? What time did you get in? Mengagumkan! Awesome! That's amazing! Eu gosto de basquete, mas eu não sei jogar. I like basketball, but I can't play. I like basketball, but I don't know how to play. Él pintó un perro. He painted a dog. He painted a dog. Eu tenho algo muito importante para lhe dizer. I have something very important to tell you. I have something very important to tell you. Fui vanidoso. I was overconfident. I was vain. J'ai poli le plancher et les meubles. I polished up the floor and furniture. I polished the floor and the furniture. A che ora è il tuo volo verso casa? What time is your flight home? What time is your flight home? Acho que é exatamente o que Tom está esperando fazer. I think that's exactly what Tom is expecting to do. I think that's exactly what Tom's hoping to do. Eu conseguia ouvir vários membros da platéia roncando. I could hear several audience members snoring. I could hear several members of the audience snoring. Ça avait l'air réel. It looked real. It looked real. Sunt aici să ajut. I'm here to help. I'm here to help. Eu não posso ir sozinho. I can't go alone. I can't go alone. Você come carne de vitela? Do you eat veal? Do you eat beef? Que't cau demorar au lheit. You should stay in bed. You need to stay in bed. Mary fue dejada gravemente marcada después de la chapuza de cirugía plástica. Mary was left badly scarred after botched plastic surgery. Mary was left severely marked after the plastic surgery chapuza. Eu acho que eu gostaria de ser uma professora. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Papa est impatient aujourd'hui. Dad's in an impatient mood today. Dad's looking forward to it today. Tom ada di rumah. Tom is at home. Tom's home. Un conejo corretea por el jardín. A rabbit is running in the garden. A rabbit runs through the garden. No hay nada ahí. There's nothing there. There's nothing there. Sus padres me querían. Her parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Francamente falando, non quero traballar con el. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Nós esperávamos que alguns estudantes fossem vir, mas não havia ninguém na sala de aula. We had hoped some students would come, but there was no one in the classroom. We expected some students to come, but there was no one in the classroom. Él está leyendo un libro. He is reading a book. He's reading a book. Apa kamarmu sunyi? Is your room quiet? Is your room alone? Manus lavatura sum. I have to wash my hands. I'm hand washing. Je veux que Tom et toi le fassiez ensemble. I want you and Tom to do that together. I want you and Tom to do it together. Pecuniam, quam invenimus in summitate saccorum, reportavimus ad te de terra Chanaan; et quomodo consequens est, ut furati simus de domo domini tui aurum vel argentum? The money, that we found in the top of our sacks, we brought back to thee from the land of Canaan: how then should it be that we should steal out of thy lord's house, gold or silver? And how little cattle, how much have we found in the top of our sacks, we have brought again unto thee out of the land of Canaan? and how can we steal gold or silver from thy lord's house? Algunos cuestionarían la veracidad de tales rumores. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some would question the truthfulness of such rumors. Esa palabra es de origen griego. That word is of Greek origin. That word is of Greek origin. Ele implorou a seu pai para comprar uma bicicleta para ele. He begged his father to buy him a bicycle. He begged his father to buy him a bicycle. Keresh un portokal? Do you guys want an orange? Keresh a orange? Come y bebe. Eat and drink. Eat and drink. Não é assim que o mundo funciona. That's not how the world works. That's not how the world works. Chi ha rotto il vaso? Who broke the vase? Who broke the pot? Tom ne-a spus să nu ne îngrijorăm. Tom told us not to worry. Tom told us not to worry. Façam uma lista. Make a list. Make a list. Quandō Ītaliam redībitis? When are you going back to Italy? When will you redeploy? Ne t'inquiète pas, je suis certain que cela te conviendra à la perfection. No worries, I'm sure it will be a perfect fit for you! Don't worry, I'm sure this will suit you for perfection. Mari berpesta. Let's party. Let's party. Ad alcune persone piacciono gli sport. Ad altre no. Some people like sports. Others don't. Some people like sports. I-é lo quaj agiut disponìbil? Is there any help available? Is that the ease available? Licetne mihi? May I? Will you excuse me? L'ho scaricata. I downloaded it. I downloaded it. Nosotros dos sabemos que vosotros dos mentís. We two know that you two lie. We both know that you two lied. Mi novia mora en Mueva York. My girlfriend lives in New York. My girlfriend lives in Mueva York. Traduzca esta frase al inglés. Put this sentence into English. Translate this phrase into English. Homines errant. People make mistakes. Wrong men. Parece que hay un malentendido. There seems to be a misunderstanding. Looks like there's a misunderstanding. Surge et perambula terram in longitudine et in latitudine sua, quia tibi daturus sum eam. Arise and walk through the land in the length, and in the breadth thereof: for I will give it to thee. Arise, walk through the land in its length and in its breadth, for I have given it to you. Las bicicletas reclinadas son cómodas. Recumbent bikes are comfortable. Reclining bikes are comfortable. Odiavano Tom. They hated Tom. They hated Tom. Tom si è concentrato sul suo lavoro. Tom focused on his work. Tom focused on his work. Él murió el día en que llegó su hijo. He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day his son arrived. Sic cunctus pelagi cecidit fragor, æquora postquam / prospiciens genitor, cœloque invectus aperto, / flectit equos, curruque volans dat lora secundo. So sank the furious wave, / when through the clear sky looking o'er the main, / the sea-king lashed his steeds and slacked the favouring rein. All the furrows fell into a quagmire, æquora as the parent/looks out, coloque invectus open, / archit horses, carriage gives way to the second. Didymus nunc iratissimus est. Tom is very angry now. He is angry at Didymus now. Gallinae nigrae ova alba pariunt. Black hens lay white eggs. White egg white hens are standing by. Thomas saepe verum dicit. Tom usually tells the truth. Thomas often says the truth. Giuro che era lui. I swear it was him. I swear it was him. È molto piccola. It's very small. It's very small. Os animais que viven nunha granxa son o gando. The animals living on a farm are the livestock. The animals that live on a farm are the cattle. Es un fashisto. He's a fascist. It's a fashion. Salvete, omnes! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! Estou bêbado demais para isso agora. I'm too drunk for this now. I'm too drunk for that now. Mungkin dia lupa hari ulang tahunku. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe he forgot my birthday. Quattuor linguis loquitur. He speaks four languages. Four languages speak. Estamos demasiado ocupados en este momento. We are too busy at the moment. We're too busy right now. E o oaie neagră în fiecare turmă. There is a black sheep in every flock. There's a black sheep in every herd. Jane llevaba un lazo amarillo en el pelo. Jane had a yellow ribbon in her hair. Jane was wearing a yellow tie on her hair. Mi-e teamă că este o neînțelegere. I'm afraid there's a misunderstanding. I'm afraid it's a misunderstanding. Je veux aller nager avec Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. I want to go swimming with Tom. Il a rencontré un gentil jeune homme. He met a nice young man. He met a nice young man. Tirem uma sonequinha no sofá. Take a little nap on the couch. Take a nap on the couch. Tom entenderá. Tom will understand. Tom will understand. Je vais les mettre dans une pièce et les laisser se le disputer. I'm going to put them in a room and let them battle it out. I'll put them in a room and let them argue. ¿Cúando te has levantado esta mañana? When did you get up this morning? When did you get up this morning? Ella no sabe nadar. She doesn't know how to swim. She can't swim. Qui és l'home amb qui parlaves? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who's the man you were talking to? Come ti guadagnavi da vivere a Tokyo? How did you make a living in Tokyo? How did you get to live in Tokyo? Diventiamo serie. Let's get serious. Let's get serious. Ningún río en el mundo es más largo que el Nilo. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. No rivers in the world are longer than the Nile. Suono un po' il pianoforte. I play the piano a little. They play the piano a little bit. Vozotros komprash pan. You buy bread. Vozotros comprash bread. El buzón de Tomás está lleno de postales. Tom's mailbox is full of postcards. Thomas' mailbox is full of postcards. Obrigada pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. Tom ha fatto una foto alla lavagna con il suo smartphone. Tom took a picture of the blackboard with his smartphone. Tom took a picture of the board with his smartphone. Liber meus ubi est? Where's my book? Free me, where is it? Les gens ont le droit de se défendre. People have the right to defend themselves. People have the right to defend themselves. Dia mempelajari bahasa Latin di sekolah. She learned Latin in school. He studied Latin at school. J'ai pensé qu'il devait s'agir de quelque chose du genre. I thought it must be something like that. I thought it was supposed to be something like that. Él me pidió que le escriba una carta de amor en árabe. He asked me to write him a love letter in Arabic. He asked me to write him a letter of love in Arabic. Vous pouvez me compter au nombre de vos amis. You can number me among your friends. You can count on me as your friends. Tom dit à Mary qu'il ne lui mentirait jamais. Tom told Mary he'd never lie to her. Tom told Mary he would never lie to her. Tom non mi ha convinta. Tom didn't convince me. Tom didn't convince me. Et sapientior et diligentior est quam Robertus. He is wiser and more careful than Bob. He is wiser and wiser than Robert. Beh, cambia le cose, vero? Well, that changes things, doesn't it? Well, it changes things, doesn't it? Este é meu cavalo. This is my horse. This is my horse. Itaque festinato deponentes in terram saccos aperuerunt singuli. Then they speedily took down their sacks to the ground, and every man opened his sack. Then they hurried, and each man took his sack down to the ground, and each man opened it. Eu não gostei desse livro. I didn't like that book. I didn't like that book. Haec fabula etiam in Gallicum sermonem conversa est. This novel has also been translated into French. This is a story about Gallic too. ¡Ten cuidado con los dedos! Watch your fingers! Watch your fingers! A natureza parece pacífica, mas é na verdade um perpétuo banho de sangue de animais morrendo de maneiras horríveis. Nature seems peaceful, but it is actually a perpetual bloodbath of animals dying in horrific ways. Nature seems peaceful, but it is actually a perpetual bath of animal blood dying in horrible ways. Es difícil tener buenas ideas. It's difficult to have great ideas. It's hard to have good ideas. Ça n'est pas mieux que ça. It doesn't get better than this. It's no better than that. Io pensavo che Mary fosse la morosa di Tom. I thought Mary was Tom's girlfriend. I thought Mary was Tom's grumpy. Vi posso portare un po' di caffè? Can I get you some coffee? Can I get you some coffee? Tocmai am spus o mare prostie. I just said something very stupid. I just said a great stupid thing. Mary ha portato le sue figlie allo zoo. Mary took her children to the zoo. Mary brought her daughters to the zoo. T'estranya que ningú hi confiï? Do you wonder why no one trusts him? Does it surprise you that no one trusts him? Sono un grande fan della cucina americana. I'm a big fan of American cooking. I'm a big fan of American cuisine. Le devo dei soldi? Do I owe you money? Do I owe you money? Aconteceu há muito tempo. It happened a long time ago. It happened a long time ago. Trovai il libro molto interessante. I found the book very interesting. I found the book very interesting. Soffri di osteoporosi. You suffer from osteoporosis. You're suffering from osteoporosis. Quem librum emistis? Which book did you buy? Who did you issue? Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas dit la vérité ? ׁWhy didn't he tell the truth? Why didn't he tell the truth? Tom estaba escondido atrás de la cortina. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Vivemos no complexo de apartamentos do outro lado da rua. We live in the block of flats just there on the other side of the street. We live in the apartment complex across the street. Encara no he trobat un metge. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Am fost impresionați până la lacrimi. We were moved to tears. We were impressed up to tears. Mereka sangat kelelahan sampai-sampai mereka tidak bisa belajar. They are so tired that they can't study. They're so tired that they can't learn. Tom pode fazer as duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Tom can do both at the same time. Tom can do both at the same time. O que você vai fazer hoje à noite? What're you doing tonight? What are you going to do tonight? Am 18 ani. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18. Nous sommes ici avec nos enfants. We're here with our children. We're here with our children. Estaba de vacaciones. I was on leave. I was on vacation. Cela dépend de toi. It depends on you. It's up to you. Terra circum solem volvitur. The Earth rotates round the Sun. Earth turns around the sun. Acabei de falar com o Tom. I just talked with Tom. I just talked to Tom. Io sto lavorando qui adesso. I'm working here now. I'm working here now. No puedo soportar verlo. I can't bear the sight of him. I can't bear to see it. Dis à Tom que je suis en colère. Tell Tom that I'm angry. Tell Tom I'm angry. Nu era nici măcar un copil în parc ieri. There was not one child in the park yesterday. There wasn't even a kid in the park yesterday. Artem amant. They love art. Lovely art. O Tom faz isso quando está com sono. Tom does that when he's sleepy. Tom does that when he's sleepy. L'aventure en vaut la peine. Adventure is worthwhile. The adventure is worth it. Tom e Mary hanno chiesto delle migliori condizioni di lavoro. Tom and Mary demanded better working conditions. Tom and Mary asked for better working conditions. Pen ada. There is a pen. Pen exists. Visne sucum pomorum? Do you want fruit juice? Do you want a juice? Siento como si me fuera a echar a llorar. I feel like I could cry. I feel like I'm gonna be crying. Tom me donna une réponse vague. Tom gave me a vague answer. Tom gave me a vague answer. Mari kita mencobanya. Let's have a go at it. Let's try it. Scribisne epistulam? Are you writing a letter? Write the letter? Llámame más tarde por favor. Please call me up later. Call me later, please. Didymus purgamenta abstulit. Tom took out the garbage. Didymus purgatory took off. Thomas me multa docuit. Tom taught me a lot of things. Thomas taught me a lot. Tom a așteptat-o o oră bună pe Mary. Tom waited a good hour for Mary. Tom waited an hour for Mary. Je ne savais pas que vous étiez riche. I didn't know you were rich. I didn't know you were rich. Fiul meu este prea slab. My son is too skinny. My son is too weak. Eu quero uma lista completa de tudo o que Tom comprou. I want a complete list of everything Tom purchased. I want a complete list of everything Tom bought. Potreste prestarmi un telo da bagno? Could you lend me a bath towel? Could you lend me a bathrobe? Chiamala e basta. Just call her. Just call her. ¿Qué habéis hecho? What've you done? What have you done? Você entende o que eu quero dizer? Do you know what I mean? Do you understand what I mean? Dame tres trozos de tiza. Give me three pieces of chalk. Give me three pieces of scissors. Hanno rubato la borsa a mia sorella mentre tornava a casa la scorsa notte. My sister was robbed of her bag on her way home last night. They stole my sister's purse while she was coming home last night. Les examens ADN montrèrent qu'il était innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. En varios restaurantes turcos, shishkebab es el plato principal. In various Turkish restaurants, shishkabob is the main food. In several Turkish restaurants, shishkebab is the main dish. Hi ha dues milles d'aquí al parc. It is two miles from here to the park. There's two miles from here in the park. Es ilegal copiar libros sin permiso del autor. It is illegal to copy from books without the author's permission. It is illegal to copy books without permission from the author. Estoy en la N634, a unos cinco kilómetros de Llanes. I'm on the N634, five kilometers from Llanes. I'm at N634, about five kilometers from Llanes. Eu quero checar isso. I want to check it out. I want to check it out. Saya penasaran apanya yang lucu. I want to know what's funny. I wonder what's so funny. Por que Tom não está na equipe? Why isn't Tom on the team? Why isn't Tom on the team? Jangan berterimakasih kepada saya, berterimakasihlah kepada Tom! Don't thank me, thank Tom! Don't thank me, thank Tom! A decidit de miar ua politica navèra. He had decided on a new policy. He's decided on a naval policy. Complevitque Deus die septimo opus suum, quod fecerat, et requievit die septimo ab universo opere, quod patrarat. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made: and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. On the seventh day God completed his work, as he had done; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Canis lātrābat. The dog was barking. Old dog. Trovò la cimice. He found the bug. He found the monkey. Preferirei essere a casa. I'd prefer to be at home. I'd rather be home. Eu acho que é uma ótima ideia. I think that's a great idea. I think it's a great idea. E o muncă foarte, foarte grea. It's very, very hard work. It's a very, very hard job. Nous savons que le travail est dangereux. We know the work is dangerous. We know that work is dangerous. ¿Por qué Tom está ausente? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom away? Stavi parlando di me? Were you talking about me? You were talking about me? Me omnes amare volo. I want everyone to love me. I want you all to love me. Di mana kamu melepas kacamatamu? Where did you take your glasses off? Where did you take off your glasses? Kita pe tangan cuma ada dua. I only have two hands. We only have two hands. Jim Carrey é muito famoso e um bom comediante. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Eu lhe disse que ela era a minha namorada. I told him she was my girlfriend. I told her she was my girlfriend. Tom tentou pegar o coelho. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Tom tried to catch the rabbit. Pisaunya terlalu tumpul sampai tidak bisa digunakan untuk memotong daging, akhirnya aku menggunakan pisau saku milikku. The knife was so blunt that I could not cut the meat with it and I resorted to my pocket knife. The knife was too dull until it could be used to cut meat, I finally used my pocket knife. Arrives-tu à voir ? Can you see? Can you see that? Tom sta diventando paranoico. Tom is getting paranoid. Tom's getting paranoid. Meu pai envelheceu consideravelmente durante sua convalescença. My father aged remarkably during his convalescence. My father grew old considerably during his convalescence. Tom terlihat tidak tertarik. Tom seemed uninterested. Tom doesn't look interested. Ha comenzado a nevar. It's started snowing. It's starting to snow. Quien venga me verá. Whoever comes will see me. Whoever comes will see me. Tidak ada yang peduli terhadap masalah kita. Nobody cares about our problems. Nobody cares about our problems. Valde iuvenis est. He is very young. Young man. Lamentavelmente! Regrettably! I'm sorry. Je vais mettre fin à ton supplice. I'll put you out of your misery. I'm gonna put an end to your plea. Quicumque effuderit humanum sanguinem, per hominem fundetur sanguis illius; ad imaginem quippe Dei factus est homo. Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God. Whoever sheds man's blood, by man will his blood be shed; for in God's image he became man. Affer fratri tuo claves. Bring the keys to your brother. Hold up your brother with keys. ¿Qué tal si salimos a comer afuera esta noche? How about eating out this evening? How about we go out to eat outside tonight? Ea s-a dus cu el la zoo. She went with him to the zoo. She went with him to the zoo. Care este adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail? What's your e-mail address? What's your e-mail address? Estamos caindo fora daqui, a polícia está vindo! We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. We're falling out of here, the police are coming! Tom esteve com a gente por apenas três meses. Tom has only been with us three months. Tom was with us for only three months. Je me brosse toujours les dents avant d'aller au lit. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. Por favor, visite-nos. Please visit us. Please visit us. Computatorium meum reficiendum est. I have to get my computer repaired. I've got my computer back. Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il créé l'univers ? Why did God create the universe? Why did God create the universe? Terían que ter metido a alguén como Tom nun psiquiátrico o século pasado. Last century they would have just thrown someone like Tom into a lunatic asylum. They should have put someone like Tom in a psychiatric ward last century. Je les tuerai toutes. I'll kill all of them. I'll kill them all. Ningún dos seus consellos foron moi útiles. None of his advice was very useful. None of his advice was very helpful. ¡Cuidado con lo que haces! Watch what you're doing! Watch what you're doing! Tengo que predicar con el ejemplo. I need to walk the talk. I have to preach with the example. O carro é branco. The car is white. The car's white. Felix sit annus novus! Happy New Year! Felix is New Year's Eve! L'inquinamento è un grosso problema. Pollution is a massive problem. Pollution is a big problem. Chiamò il suo avvocato. She called her lawyer. He called his lawyer. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by flames. Io spero che Tom perda. I hope Tom loses. I hope Tom loses. Exi e diaeta mea. Get out of my apartment. That's my diaette. Qual era a configuração do experimento? O que estava conectado e como? What did the experimental set-up look like? What was connected to what and how? What was the setup of the experiment? What was connected and how? Atunci e o problemă… Then there is a problem... Then there's a problem... L’exception qui confirme la règle. An exception which confirms the rule. The exception which confirms the rule. Opera apakah yang sedang dipertunjukkan di Lincoln Center saat ini? What operas are being performed at the Lincoln Center right now? What opera is being shown at Lincoln Center right now? Esse quarto tem dois roupeiros. This room has two closets for clothing. This room has two wardrobes. Tom a été escorté hors du bâtiment. Tom was escorted out of the building. Tom was escorted out of the building. Minha mãe foi quem me ensinou Francês. My mother was the one who taught me French. My mother taught me French. Tam pulchra est quam Albanix. She is as beautiful as Snow White. She is as beautiful as Albanix. Estarei olhando. I'll be watching. I'll be looking. Me paenitet me iratum esse. I'm sorry I lost my temper. I regret that I was angry. Qualcuno ha avuto sue notizie? Has anybody heard from her? Has anyone heard from you? Tom a zis că a trebuit să spună cuiva despre problemele sale. Tom said he had to tell someone about his problems. Tom said he had to tell someone about his problems. Eu sabia que você não recuaria. I knew that you wouldn't back down. I knew you wouldn't go back. Escribín a canción para ela. I wrote the song for her. I wrote the song for her. Existe algo que você ainda não me disse? Is there something you haven't told me yet? Is there anything you haven't told me yet? Todos estamos preocupados por Tom. We're all worried about Tom. We're all worried about Tom. Kami terlambat akibat dari kemacetan lalu lintas. We were late as a result of the traffic jam. We're late for traffic jams. Não consigo encontrar meu relógio. I can't find my watch. I can't find my watch. Tom nunca fez isso comigo antes. Tom has never done this to me before. Tom never did that to me before. Elle est tombée amoureuse de moi. She has fallen in love with me. She fell in love with me. ¡Atención! La nueva contraseña y su confirmación no coinciden. Por favor, confirme e intente nuevamente. Attention! Your new password and confirmation password do not match. Please confirm and try again. Attention! The new password and your confirmation do not match. Please confirm and try again. Ou pèd lajan'w ? Did you lose your money? You lose'w money? Me alegra que te guste. I'm glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Tom mi dovrebbe lasciare aiutare Mary. Tom should let me help Mary. Tom should let me help Mary. Dar tu? Ai încredere în acest om? What about you? Do you trust this man? Do you trust this man? Já terminei a tarefa. I finished the job. I've done my job. Estic a casa. I'm at home. I'm home. O que pode ser visto nesta foto? What can be seen in this picture? What can be seen in this picture? Arrête de parler quand le professeur entre. Stop talking when the teacher comes in. Stop talking when the teacher comes in. Le crede? Do you believe her? Do you believe them? Nemo problema solvit. Nobody has solved the problem. No problem solved. Hanno aggiunto una donna al comitato. They added a woman to the committee. They added a woman to the committee. Onde esta el hakim? Where's the judge? Where's the judge? La domanda è per quanto a lungo. The question is how long. The question is how long. Ti rimangono trenta minuti. You've got thirteen minutes left. You have 30 minutes left. Eu só tenho moedas americanas. I only have American coins. I only have American coins. Tom mengepos foto tidak senonohnya di media sosial. Tom posted a lewd photo of himself on social media. Tom posted his inappropriate photos on the social media. Quand êtes-vous né ? When were you born? When were you born? Não estou com vontade de me levantar. I don't feel like getting up. I'm not willing to get up. Ti fidi veramente di lei? Do you really trust her? Do you really trust her? ¿Tiene un pasaje de vuelta a Japón? Do you have a return ticket to Japan? Do you have a ride back to Japan? Certains serpents sont venimeux. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are venomous. Kamu mau mengenakan apa? What are you going to wear? What are you wearing? De ahora en adelante déjanos estudiar por las mañanas. From now on, let's study in the morning. From now on, let us study in the morning. Lucernam accendi. I turned on the lamp. Lucernam's on. Foarte! Very! Very! Mașina mea a fost furată noaptea trecută. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Que son las meas bragas. Those are my trousers. That's my panties. Io unisco sempre quei due. I always unite those two. I always join those two. Et sabbatizavit populus die septimo. And the people kept the sabbath on the seventh day. So on the seventh day the people rested. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer comment aller à la gare ? Could you tell me how to get to the station? Can you tell me how to go to the station? Ella tuvo lástima por él. She took pity on him. She felt sorry for him. Tom estaba aburrido. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. Meu quarto tem duas janelas. My room has two windows. My room has two windows. Gli fece una paura del diavolo. It scared the daylights out of him. It scared him of the devil. Comment vous êtes-vous blessés ? How did you get hurt? How did you get hurt? Non sembra troppo sorpresa. You don't seem too surprised. Doesn't look too surprised. Ai vrea ceva de băut? Would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? Il nous faut nous protéger. We need to protect ourselves. We need to protect ourselves. Le enseñé a manejar a mi novia. I taught my girlfriend how to drive. I taught him how to handle my girlfriend. Eu não queria discutir com Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. I didn't want to argue with Tom. Él viajó con su familia a Hawai. He traveled to Hawaii with the family. He traveled with his family to Hawaii. Eu não irei me rebaixar a seu nível. I won't stoop down to his level. I'm not going to lower myself at your level. Trabajo para el bienestar público. I work for public welfare. Public welfare work. A en Tom li agrada la tecnologia. Tom likes technology. Tom likes technology. Cras incipiam. I'm going to start tomorrow. Cras was starting. Habeo te loco fratris. You're like a brother to me. I have your brother's location. Voi non siete ammalate. You're not sick. You're not sick. Nadie estaba contento. None were satisfied. No one was happy. O sangue escorria do ferimento dele. Blood ran from his wound. The blood would drain from his wound. Estàs a favor o en contra de la pena de mort? Are you for or against the death penalty? Are you in favor of or against the death penalty? Satis cibi habemus. We have enough food. We have plenty of food. Yo necesito consejos. I need advice. I need advice. Io ho la fedina penale sporca. I've got a criminal record. I've got the dirty criminal feder. È adirata. She's outraged. She's angry. Doveva essere detto. It needed to be said. It had to be said. Soția sa este un membru al familiei Castelli. His wife is a member of the Castelli family. His wife is a member of the Castelli family. Thomas procerissimus est puer. Tom's a very tall boy. Thomas, our next partner is a boy. Le nombre de voitures circulant en ville a augmenté. The number of cars running in the city has increased. The number of cars circulating in the city has increased. Il est allé à la maison hier. He went home yesterday. He went home yesterday. George telah mengirimi aku kartu ucapan ulang tahun. George sent me a birthday card. George has sent me a birthday card. Semper laeta videbatur. She always looked happy. He was always happy. De qué vòs díser ? What do you mean? What are you talking about? Jesús és el teu fill, Maria! Jesus is your son, Mary! Jesus is your son, Mary! Este artista morreu jovem. This artist died young. This artist died young. Nos fugamos para casarnos sin pensárnoslo. ¡Fue tan romántico! We eloped on the spur of the moment. It was so romantic! We ran away to get married without thinking. It was so romantic! Iaponia non tam magna est quam Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan is not as large as Canada. L'ocell és al cel. The bird is in the sky. The bird is in heaven. Tom merasa gembira. Tom was elated. Tom was happy. Ini su siang jam dua. It's 2:00 p.m. It's 2:00 a.m. Rápido! Não há tempo a perder. Hurry! There's no time to lose. There's no time to waste. Io sono un fottuto economista. I'm a fucking economist. I'm a fucking economist. Après plusieurs retardements, l'avion finit par décoller. After several delays, the plane finally left. After several delays, the plane ends up taking off. O primeiro-ministro renunciou ontem. The Prime Minister resigned yesterday. The Prime Minister gave up yesterday. Aucun Canadien n'a été blessé. No Canadians were injured. No Canadian was injured. Adverbium est. This is an adverb. I have told you. Quelqu'un sait-il comment on peut gagner de l'argent en temps de crise ? Does someone know how to earn money in time of crisis? Does anyone know how we can make money in times of crisis? I biglietti vanno in vendita lunedì. Tickets go on sale Monday. Tickets go for sale on Monday. Beata esse potes, si vis. You can be happy if you want. Blessed are you if you wish. Lux multo celerior quam sonus est. Light is much faster than sound. Light is as fast as this sound is. Era strano. It was weird. It was weird. J'adore votre chandail. I love your sweater. I love your shirt. Tom sta zoppicando. Tom is limping. Tom's snooping. Je suis satisfait de sa performance. I'm pleased with her performance. I'm satisfied with his performance. I vas anar en trin ? Will you go by train? And you went on a train? Affer mihi illum petasum. Bring me my hat. Let me talk to him. Je pense avoir une idée. I think I have an idea. I think I have an idea. Você não deve tocá-lo. You mustn't touch it. You shouldn't touch it. Él cogió el teléfono. He hung up. He took the phone. ¿Habla usted alemán? Can you speak German? Do you speak German? Eu vou passar a tarde inteira ouvindo música. I'll spend all afternoon listening to music. I'm gonna spend the whole afternoon listening to music. Les entraîneurs sportifs les plus efficaces sont ceux qui causent le plus de douleur. The most effective athletic trainers are those who cause the most pain. The most effective sports coaches are those that cause the most pain. Sembrava stanca ma felice. She looked tired, but happy. He looked tired but happy. Bob diventò un predicatore. Bob became a preacher. Bob became a preacher. Sono minorenne. I'm a minor. I'm a minor. Totam cervisiam protinus obsorbuit. He drank the beer in one gulp. We all agree on it protinus obsorbed. El durmiu coa fiestra aberta. He slept with the window open. He slept with the open window. Nous ne nous sommes pas vus depuis. We haven't seen each other since then. We haven't seen each other since. Apa kau pernah membakar jasmu dengan sebatang rokok? Have you ever burnt your coat with a cigarette? Have you ever burned your suit with a cigarette? Lo fraire escriu. The brother is writing. The friar writes. Assim como a paz é um símbolo de toda a bondade, a guerra é um emblema, um hieróglifo, de toda a infelicidade. As peace is of all goodness, so war is an emblem, a hieroglyphic, of all misery. Just as peace is a symbol of all goodness, war is an emblem, a hieroglyphic, of all unhappiness. Il m'envoya un cadeau. He sent me a present. He sent me a present. Inversa unei matrice nepătratice este un lucru periculos. The inverse of a non-square matrix is a dangerous thing. Inverse of an unpatented matrix is a dangerous thing. Tom le preguntó a Mary qué clase de comida le gustaba. Tom asked Mary what kind of food she liked. Tom asked Mary what kind of food she liked. J'ai reçu ton message hier. I received your message yesterday. I got your message yesterday. Ecce puella pulchra cum rosis pulchris! Look, a beautiful girl with some pretty flowers! Behold, the girl is beautiful with beautiful roses! Ola! Cómu andamus? Hello! How are you? How are we doing? Tantæ molis erat Romanam condere gentem! So massive was the labor of founding the Roman line. So kindly was the Romans a people! Ik hebb den Tomas güstern sehn. I saw Tom yesterday. And hebb in Tomas üstern sehn. Devinez qui a gagné. Guess who won. Guess who won. Libenter bibit. She likes to drink. Libenter's drinking. Amar é fácil, difícil é ser amado. It is easy to love, but difficult to be loved. Love is easy, it's hard to be loved. Tu prêches un convaincu. You're preaching to the choir. You're preaching a conviction. Nunca recibí el dinero. I never received the money. I never got the money. Él está seguro de su éxito. He is sure to succeed. He's sure of his success. Olvidémonos de Tom. Let's forget about Tom. Let's forget about Tom. Berapa harganya? What does it cost? How much is it? Erravi. I made a mistake. You're wrong. Io amerei avere la sua età. I'd love to be your age. I'd love to be his age. Homo pretiosior est quam pecunia. A person is worth more than money. She is more precious than money. Había pasajeros heridos, pero el resto estaba a salvo. Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe. There were wounded passengers, but the rest were safe. El meu pare va aturar de beure. My father quit drinking. My father stopped drinking. Mai ai permis de conducere? Do you still have a driver's license? Do you still have a driver's license? Voglio sentire cosa pensa Tom. I want to hear what Tom thinks. I want to hear what Tom thinks. Hai salvato la vita a Tom due volte. You've saved Tom's life twice. You saved Tom's life twice. Ne parlez pas tous en même temps. Don't all speak at the same time. Don't all talk at the same time. No quiero té. I don't want tea. I don't want tea. J’ai annulé. I canceled. I canceled. Queriturne Thomas? Is Tom complaining? Queriturne Thomas? A ver. Son como unas dos horas en bus. Let me see. It takes about two hours by bus. They're like two hours on a bus. Matàvem el temps jugant a les cartes. We killed time playing cards. We used to kill time playing cards. Êtes-vous proches de vos parents ? Are you close to your parents? Are you close to your parents? Las paperas son una enfermedad contagiosa. Mumps is an infectious disease. Papers are a contagious disease. Viaggiate spesso? Do you travel often? Do you travel often? L'intervista è fissata per le 10 di domattina. The interview is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. The interview is scheduled for 10 in the morning. ¿Quieres hablar en mi oficina? Do you want to talk in my office? You want to talk in my office? Ahora estoy algo preocupado. I'm a bit worried now. Now I'm a little worried. Non malum. Not bad. Not bad. Am comandat pizza. I ordered pizza. I ordered pizza. Estava tentando distraí-la. I was trying to distract her. I was trying to distract her. Legite hanc fabulam! Read this story! Read this fairy tale! Roma urbs italica est. Rome is an Italian city. Rome is the Italian city. Nunc clavichordo cano. I am playing the piano now. This is a lot to do with. Tom gosta de Mary e Mary gosta de Tom. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. Tom likes Mary and Mary likes Tom. Sei manipolatoria. You're manipulative. You're manipulative. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous. I heartily support you. I'm very much with you. Tom melihat ke arah tanah. Tom looked down at the ground. Tom looked toward the ground. Eu văd casa. I see the house. I see the house. Dia meminta uang kepadaku dalam jumlah yang tidak masuk akal. She asked me for an unreasonable sum of money. He asked me for money in an unreasonable amount. Gli studenti non erano rispettosi verso la loro insegnante. The students were not respectful towards their teacher. The students were not respectful of their teacher. Omnem pecuniam meam in stultitiis consumpsi. I spent all my money on stupid stuff. I spent all my stupid money. Nancy a l'air idiote mais elle est vraiment maligne. Nancy looks a fool but she's really very clever. Nancy looks stupid, but she's really smart. Il n'y a pas suffisamment de temps. There's not enough time. There's not enough time. Abbiamo dormito per tutto il giorno. We slept all day. We slept all day. Calitatea traducerii s-a îmbunătăţit. The quality of translation has improved. The quality of translation has improved. Tom non è qui ora. Tom isn't here now. Tom's not here now. Perché non lavorate più duramente? Why don't you work harder? Why don't you work harder? No tiene sueño. He is not sleepy. He doesn't have a dream. Je ne peux pas venir travailler demain. I can't come to work tomorrow. I can't come to work tomorrow. Quorsum attinet homini accersere obesitatem, nisi ut incedat onustus graviore sarcina? Dic mihi, si haberes famulum, utrum malles obesum, an vegetum, et habilem ad omnia munia? What does it mean for a man to become fat other than that he will go about loaded down by a heavier pack? Tell me, if you had a servant, would you rather he was fat, or lively, and fit for any task? How does it appeal to a man to get obey, but to put on an burden that is heavy enough to carry? Tell me, if you have a servant, whether you have an obese person, or an old man, and you have a skill for everything? Juguem a futbol cada dissabte. We play soccer every Saturday. Let's play football every Saturday. Estaba tan nervioso que no podía dormir. I was so excited that I could not fall asleep. I was so nervous I couldn't sleep. Thomae non interfuit. It didn't matter to Tom. Thomae didn't interfere. Tutti ne stavano parlando. Everyone was talking about it. Everyone was talking about it. Hai perso la barca. You've missed the boat. You lost the boat. Tu ne peux pas payer quelqu'un pour dormir à ta place. You can't pay someone to sleep for you. You can't pay someone to sleep in your place. Aquae urbem totam vastavit. Water devastated the whole city. He spoiled all the city with water. No tengo el coraje de pedirle a mi jefe que me preste su auto. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car. Tú la conoces. You know her. You know her. Sería como poner el carro delante de los bueyes. That would be putting the cart before the horse. It would be like putting the cart in front of the oxen. Fa quatre anys que estudio francès. I have been studying French four years now. I've been studying French for four years. Thomas timidus est. Tom is shy. Thomas is timid by nature. Estoy estudiando en la biblioteca. I'm studying in the library. I'm studying in the library. Tom nunca teria machado você. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have hurt you. Saya tidak bodoh. I'm not stupid. I'm not stupid. Recordo á miña nai agarrándome forte. Recollect my mother holding me tight. I remember my mother holding me tight. À quelle heure commence cette représentation ? What time does that play start? What time does this representation begin? Aqui em Portugal diz-se assim. In Portugal we say it like so. This is what is said here in Portugal. Je vous aiderai à chercher Tom. I'll help you look for Tom. I'll help you find Tom. Permaneció en silencio durante la comida. He kept silent during the meal. He remained silent during the meal. Fareite feliz. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Tom está haciendo las compras. Tom is doing the shopping. Tom's shopping. M. Jackson est un professeur super. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. Mr. Jackson is a great teacher. As crianças estavam inquietas. The children were restless. The children were worried. Dia menjadi pucat karena kedinginan. He was blue from the cold. He became pale because of the cold. Tu nu ar trebui să te plimbi cu o bicicletă pe trotuar. You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. You shouldn't ride with a bike on the sidewalk. El president Clinton va negar l'acusació. President Clinton denied the accusation. President Clinton denied the charge. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce dont Tom parle. I have no idea what Tom's talking about. I have no idea what Tom's talking about. An g'a gnînt da fêr. He has nothing to do. Let's do this. Eu não acho que Tom gostaria de Boston. I don't think Tom would like Boston. I don't think Tom would like Boston. Non ti piace neanche il pesce. You don't even like fish. You don't even like fish. Laissez-moi rejoindre votre mouvement. Let me join your cause. Let me join your movement. Tom è stordito. Tom is groggy. Tom's clumsy. Algumas pessoas poderiam pensar assim. Some people might think so. Some people might think so. Quantos erros vocês encontraram até agora? How many mistakes have you found so far? How many mistakes have you found so far? Busnya berangkat setiap 15 menit. The bus leaves every fifteen minutes. The bus leaves every 15 minutes. Procerissimus es. You're the tallest one. You're prosecuting. Non sono sicura se a George piacerà questa idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. I'm not sure if George will like this idea. Tu n'es pas obligé de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. La madre di Tom morì nel 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. Tom's mother died in 2013. El gato es grande. The cat is big. The cat's big. La télé-réalité n'est-elle pas réelle ? Reality TV isn't real? Isn't tele-reality real? Quot sunt raedae in America Foederata? How many cars are there in the United States? What are raedae in America? Guilelmus multos amicos habet. Bill has many friends. Guillemus has many friends. Seguimos el curso del río. We followed the course of the river. We follow the course of the river. Come puoi mangiare così tanto? How can you eat so much? How can you eat so much? Dan mungkin telah berselingkuh. Dan may have been having an affair. And maybe she's had an affair. Posso presentarvi il mio amico? May I introduce my friend to you? May I introduce you to my friend? Tom non è onesto. Tom isn't honest. Tom's not honest. Seorang perempuan jatuh ke laut dari sebuah kapal. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. A woman falls into the sea from a ship. Sume chartam et scribe! Take a paper and write! Take the paper and write! Itu tidak ada di sana sebelumnya. That wasn't there before. It wasn't there before. Minha amiga tem dezessete anos. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend is seventeen years old. Le travail sera-t-il terminé demain ? Will the work be finished by tomorrow? Will the work be done tomorrow? "Estne liber super mensam scriptoriam?" "Non est." "Is there a book in the desk?" "No, there isn't." "Is he free on the desk?" "He's not." Hoy no has ido a la escuela y quiero saber por qué. You skipped school today and I want to know why. You didn't go to school today and I want to know why. Unde e mașina mea? Where is my car? Where's my car? Pedro no tuvo la intención de romper el jarrón. Peter didn't intend to break the vase. Peter did not intend to break the jar. Non sono riuscito a trovarlo da nessuna parte. I couldn't find it anywhere. I couldn't find him anywhere. Periculosum est! That's dangerous! It's dangerous! Nescimus. We don't know. We don't know. Tom sempre amou a Mary. Tom has always loved Mary. Tom always loved Mary. Toute cette affaire pue au plus haut point. This whole affair stinks to high heaven. This whole thing is at the very top. Eu não tenho filhos. I have no kids. I don't have kids. Pada malam hari, semuanya terlihat berbeda. During the night, everything looks different. At night, everything looks different. Cette voiture se manie bien. This car handles well. This car works well. Fumem-nos aquesta merda! Let's smoke this shit! Let's smoke this shit! Qu'ei un líber deus petits. This is a small book. There's a little God-free. Eles são bonitos. They are pretty. They're beautiful. Siete mai state attaccate da un cane? Have you ever been attacked by a dog? Have you ever been attacked by a dog? Tom no consigue describir cuán divertido fue. Tom can't describe how fun it was. Tom can't describe how funny it was. Não perguntamos para o Tom. We didn't ask Tom. We don't ask Tom. El mirlo silba. The blackbird whistles. The dark-haired look. Ubi est balneum? Where is the bathroom? Where is the ball? Em sap greu, però no trobo el llibre que em vas deixar. I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you lent me. I'm sorry, but I can't find the book you left me. Tom disait aimer apprendre le français. Tom said he likes studying French. Tom said he liked to learn French. A me non piacciono le città grandi. I dislike big cities. I don't like big cities. Io non sono interessata alla poesia. I'm not interested in poetry. I'm not interested in poetry. ¿Cuándo escuchaste la noticia? When did you hear the news? When did you hear the news? Este ano tivemos máis neve que o ano pasado. This year we had more snow than last year. This year we had more snow than last year. El perro ladró al forastero. The dog barked at the stranger. The dog stole from the outside. Se secó con la toalla. He dried himself with a towel. It dried with the towel. ¿Cómo podemos salvar la Tierra? How can we save the earth? How can we save the earth? Sa fille est malade. Her daughter is sick. His daughter's sick. Ne le laisse pas le toucher. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch him. Eu sunt din Franța, tu? I'm from France, and you? I'm from France, you? Tú me entiendes. You understand me. You understand me. Estou a estudar. I am studying. I'm studying. Lei che vuole? What does she want? What do you want? Grazie per il suo consiglio. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for your advice. Perkataan ini dipinjam daripada Bahasa Perancis. This word was borrowed from French. It comes from the French language. Kehidupan itu susah, kematian itu murah. Life is hard, death is cheap. Life is difficult, and death is cheap. ¡El tío está como una cabra! That guy is completely nuts! The guy's like a bitch! Il n'y a rien que vous et moi ne ferons pas ensemble. There's nothing you and I won't do. There's nothing that you and I won't do together. Pensiamo che Tom possa essere nei guai. We think Tom may be in trouble. We think Tom might be in trouble. Lei mi ha aiutata. She helped me. She helped me. "Nua abitais Vus?" "Jau abitesch a Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Our inhabitants of Vus?" "Jau residesch to Tokyo." Je n'ai rien à lire. I don't have anything to read. I don't have anything to read. Kau tidak boleh tambah nombor sebenarnya dan nombor khayalan. You cannot add a real number and an imaginary number. You can't add the actual number and the imaginary number. Et ascendit ab eo Deus. And he departed from him. And God ascended from him. Tom disse que tinha coisas para fazer. Tom said that he had been busy. Tom said he had things to do. Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal. I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi. I suspect this is an illegal taxi. Capisco il turco. I understand Turkish. I understand Turkish. Lei ha portato i suoi figli allo zoo. She took her children to the zoo. She took her kids to the zoo. La persona herida gemía de dolor después de recuperarse de la anestesia. The injured person wailed with pain after recovering from the anaesthesia. The injured person groaned from pain after recovering from anesthesia. Forse dovrebbe ascoltare. Maybe you should listen. Maybe you should listen. Tolong duduklah. Sit down, please. Please sit down. Didymus dixit Mariae se multum habere pecuniae. Tom told Mary he had a lot of money. Didymus said that she had a lot of money. Tom mengambil pisau dan memeriksanya. Tom picked up the knife and examined it. Tom took the knife and checked it out. Pensé que estaría aquí ya. I thought it would be here by now. I thought you'd be here by now. Obramos de buena fe. We act in good faith. We work in good faith. Tom creó varias frases y se las pasó corriendo a María antes de publicarlas en Tatoeba. Tom thought up several sentences and ran them past Mary before posting them on Tatoeba. Tom created several phrases and ran them to Maria before publishing them in Tatoeba. Esta costumbre comenzó durante el periodo Edo. This custom began during the Edo period. This custom began during the Edo period. Tom usou uma das minhas camisas ontem. Tom wore one of my shirts yesterday. Tom used one of my shirts yesterday. Ambos perros duermen. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs sleep. Thomas consensit. Tom agreed. Thomas consented. Comment sauraient-elles quoi faire ? How would they know what to do? How would they know what to do? Saya tidak tahu. I don't know. I don't know. Tom a podrìa esse ant ël parch con ij sò amis. Tom might be in the park with his friends. Tom could be between ël parch and ij are friends. Studiile dumneaei au contribuit foarte mult la dezvoltarea cercetării științifice. Her studies contributed greatly to developing scientific research. Your studies have greatly contributed to the development of scientific research. Tutti gli zuccheri sono dolci. All sugars are sweet. All sugars are sweet. Vous êtes fort attirant. You're very attractive. You're very attractive. Esperamos que você visite Boston em breve. We hope you visit Boston soon. We hope you will visit Boston soon. La tasse est pleine. The cup is full. The cup's full. La prego di trascrivere quello che lui dice. Please write down what he says. Please write down what he says. Tom espère qu'il ne deviendra pas accro au travail comme son père. Tom hopes he doesn't become a workaholic like his father. Tom hopes he won't get back to work like his father. Scisne quanti constet? Do you know how much it costs? Do you know how many? Tom detesta ir al colegio. Tom hates going to school. Tom hates going to school. Você definitivamente não pode comparar Marselha e Lyon. You definitely can't compare Marseilles and Lyons. You definitely can't compare Marseille and Lyon. Tu sei favorevole o contraria all'aborto? Are you for or against abortions? Are you favorable or against abortion? Je suis du genre à fuir le risque comme la peste. I'm the type that avoids risk like the plague. I'm kind of running away from risk like plague. El pequeño patito puede nadar pero no ha demostrado esta facultad. The small duckling can swim but has not demonstrated this ability. The little suffering can swim but has not demonstrated this faculty. Por que ela não me liga mais? Why doesn't she call me anymore? Why doesn't she call me anymore? Elle est contente de son succès. She's pleased at his success. She's pleased with her success. Il Messico è uno Stato dell'America del Nord. Mexico is a country in North America. Mexico is a State of North America. Los dos equipos se igualaron al final. The two teams were tied at the finish. The two teams were equal at the end. Noi siamo timide. We're timid. We're shy. Você o quebrou. You smashed it. You broke it. ¿Vas a dejar tu trabajo? Are you going to quit your job? Are you going to quit your job? Che cosa devo fare con il coltello? What shall I do with the knife? What do I do with the knife? Io preferirei prendere un pezzo di torta. I'd rather have a piece of cake. I'd rather get a piece of cake. Nunca te permitiré volver a hacer eso. I'm never going to allow you to do that again. I'll never let you do that again. Soarele a topit zăpada. The sun melted the snow. The sun has melted snow. Elle s'est mariée avant vingt ans. She got married in her teens. She got married before twenty years ago. Galliam ter visitavit. He visited France three times. Galliam has visited. Ela foi à Itália para aprender italiano. She went to Italy to learn Italian. She went to Italy to learn Italian. Vir phaselos edit. The man is eating beans. Come phaselos edit. Io sono intelligente. I am smart. I'm smart. Três vezes três é nove. Three times three is nine. Three times three is nine. Animal muta! Change the animal! Animals move! Feles mures capiunt. Cats catch mice. Feles murals understand. Vous passez trop de temps à l'ordinateur. You're spending too much time on the computer. You're spending too much time on the computer. Stai puțin. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Não posso conversar agora. I can't talk right now. I can't talk right now. Emistine canem? Did you buy a dog? Emitine canem? Suelo dormir ocho horas al día. I usually sleep eight hours a day. I usually sleep eight hours a day. Perché non le riesco a vedere? Why can't I see them? Why can't I see them? Pourquoi ces adolescents sont-ils en train de rire ? Why are these teenagers laughing? Why are these teenagers laughing? Mi profesora de latín acostumbraba bajar la mirada con rigurosidad sobre mí por encima del borde de sus gafas, pero ahora sé que sólo se debía al hecho de que ella llevaba gafas de lectura y que resultaba molesto quitárselas siempre, así que lo que parecía desprecio hacia nosotros los estudiantes podría bien y realmente haber sido amabilidad. My Latin teacher used to look down sternly on me over the rim of her glasses, but now I know it only had to do with the fact that she was wearing reading glasses and that she will have found it a nuisance taking them off all the time, so what looked like contempt towards us students might well and truly have been kindness. My Latin teacher used to look down rigorously at me above the edge of her glasses, but now I know it was only because she was wearing reading glasses and it was annoying to take them off all the time, so what seemed to be contempt for us students could well and really have been kind. Há outras maneiras de se fazer isto. There are other ways to do this. There are other ways to do this. Le lait nous rend fort. Milk makes us strong. Milk makes us strong. Et musica et ludi ei placent. He likes both music and sports. And music and play her place. Puedo hacer eso con una mano atada detrás de mi espalda. I can do that with one hand tied behind my back. I can do that with one hand tied behind my back. Vêts-toi ! Get dressed! Get dressed! Hoy estás un poco paliducho. You look pale today. You're a little pale today. Tom a donné la moitié de la pomme à Mary. Tom gave Mary half of the apple. Tom gave Mary half the apple. Nós fomos para o Havaí a lazer. We went to Hawaii for pleasure. We went to Hawaii to have fun. Îți bați joc de mine. You’re fucking with me. You're messing with me. Te omnes venerantur. You're respected by everybody. You're all venerated. Eu disse que estava triste. I said I was sad. I said I was sad. Las flores del jarrón se han marchitado. The flowers in the vase were wilted. The flowers in the jar have withered. Y a-t-il de mignonnes filles, dans ta classe ? Are there any cute girls in your class? Are there any cute girls in your class? Amo litigare con lui. I love arguing with him. I love arguing with him. A me piacerebbe vedere Tom. I'd like to see Tom. I'd like to see Tom. Pourriez-vous vous tenir tranquille, tout le monde ? Could you keep still, everyone? Would you mind taking it easy, everyone? În mod miraculos, nimeni nu a fost grav rănit. Miraculously, nobody was seriously injured. Miraculously, no one was seriously hurt. Usa a porta da frente. Use the front door. Use the front door. Am vărsat apă pe tastatură. Trebuie să îmi cumpăr una nouă. I spilled water on my keyboard. I must buy a new one. I have to buy me a new one. Thomas Mariaque mortui sunt. Tom and Mary are dead. Thomas Mariaque is dead. Si tu veux venir, tu peux. If you want to come, you can. If you want to come, you can. Elas vão reduzir suas despesas. They will cut down on their expenses. They're gonna cut their expenses. Am pias ëscalé le montagne. I like climbing mountains. I walked up and down the mountain. Egesne cibo? Do you need any food? Do you need food? Mi dà proprio sui nervi. He really gets on my nerves. It's really on my nerves. Quella è la ragione per cui non volevo uscire con Tom. That's why I didn't want to go out with Tom. That's why I didn't want to date Tom. Ela mereceu. She deserved it. She deserved it. He fet un escriptori de fusta. I made a desk of wood. I made a wooden desk. Iuvenis sum. I'm young. I'm young. Donne-moi une raison. Give me a reason. Give me a reason. Ils vous aideront à vous réchauffer. They will help you to get warm. They'll help you warm up. Salas effetus videbatur. Salas looked exhausted. The halls were seen. Ada sesiapa tahu jika ada kedai dobi di kawasan ini? Anyone knows if there's a laundromat in the area? Does anyone know if there's a drug store in this area? Il suo regno è il tuo inferno. His kingdom is your hell. His kingdom is your hell. Esa es la oficina de Tom. That's Tom's office. That's Tom's office. Mercés ! Thank you! Thank you! Mecum sunt. They're with me. Mecum I am. Res est abscondita inter nos. It's a secret between you and me. Nothing is hidden between us. Oui, je suis allé hier. Yes, I went yesterday. Yeah, I went yesterday. Salutări din Brazilia! Greetings from Brazil! Greetings from Brazil! Nullus amor maior matris amore est. No love is greater than the love of a mother. I don't have no greater love than my mother, my love is. Personne ne s'en rappelle. Nobody remembers. No one remembers. Tom cometeu suicídio no ano passado. Tom committed suicide last year. Tom committed suicide last year. Aku ingin menjadi anak kecil. I want to be a child. I want to be a little boy. Anne n'a pas de sœur. Ann doesn't have a sister. Anne doesn't have a sister. O colégio começa às 8h40. School starts at 8:40. The college starts at 8:40. El volcán retumbó. The volcano rumbled. Volcano retweeted. Ela foi promovida antes de os colegas mais antigos. She was promoted over the heads of her seniors. It was promoted before the older colleagues. Enregistre-le sur le disque dur externe. Save it on the external hard drive. Record it on the external hard drive. ¿Qué estáis haciendo aquí tan tarde? What are you doing here so late? What are you doing here so late? Datemi il sale, per piacere. Give me the salt, please. Give me the salt, please. Tom pare chinuit de remușcări. Tom looks contrite. Tom seems distressed by remorse. Didymus cubiculum suum purgare non vult. Tom doesn't want to clean his room. Didymus doesn't want his cubicle to be purged. Diga'm qui vòs. Tell me which you want. Tell me who you are. Não havia uma fila comprida no ponto de ônibus. There was not a long queue at the bus stop. There wasn't a long row at the bus stop. Ellos intentaron escapar. They tried to escape. They tried to escape. Heus, permitte mihi aliquid de te petere. Hey, let me ask you something. Well, let me ask you something. Es-tu sûre que tu n'es pas fatiguée ? Are you sure you're not tired? Are you sure you're not tired? Je commence demain. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Thōmās poēta est. Tom is a poet. Themās can be seen. Aku menghirup udara yang berpolusi. I am breathing polluted air. I'm inhaling a polluted air. Dia memiliki lengan dan kaki yang panjang. She has long arms and legs. He has long arms and legs. Puniendus est. He deserves punishment. Punished east. Il y avait au milieu du cercle une colonne de cuivre supportant un œuf de cristal; et, comme le soleil frappait dessus, des rayons de tous les côtés en partaient. There was in the centre of the circle, a column made out of copper that supported a crystal egg. And because the sun shone on it, rays of light shot from all sides of the egg. In the middle of the circle there was a copper column holding an egg of crystal; and, as the sun was beating on it, there were rays from all sides. Ele é bom no golfe. He is good at golf. He's good at golf. D'vas li faye et goyî comm' ein' tute. I'm going to strangle him. You're gonna fail him and enjoy how he's safe. Devi essere meno impaziente. You must be less impatient. You must be less impatient. Açò no va a acabar bé! That didn't end up right! This isn't gonna end well! Eu realmente quero ser feliz. I really want to be happy. I really want to be happy. ¿Están seguras de que no quieren nada? Are you sure you don't want anything? Are you sure they don't want anything? Ki bò w ye? Where are you? Where are you? Elephantus cinereus est. The elephant is grey. He is an elephant with ashes. Elles ne m'autoriseront pas à faire ce pour quoi je suis payé. They won't allow me to do what I'm being paid to do. They won't allow me to do what I'm paid for. Il a de la classe. He's got style. He's got class. Ela tentou se matar noite passada. She tried to kill herself last night. She tried to kill herself last night. Coba saya lihat. Let me see. Let me see. Ubi Antonius est? Where's Tony? Where is Antonius? Fluvius iuxta domum est. There is a river beside the house. The river is near his house. Santa Claus sedang jatuh dari langit! Santa Claus is dropping from the sky! Santa Claus is falling from the sky! A me dispiace che Tom sia malato. I'm sorry that Tom is sick. I'm sorry that Tom's sick. Esta es la casa. This is the house. This is the house. Ella faltó a las actividades del club. She was absent from the club activities. She missed the club's activities. Yo necesito primeros auxilios. I need first aid. I need first aid. Estamos felices de estar aquí. We're happy to be here. We're happy to be here. Non venire più qui. Don't come here anymore. Don't come here anymore. À quelle heure est servi le dîner ? At what time is dinner served? What time is dinner served? Elephantes Asiam et Africam colunt. Elephants live in Asia and Africa. Elephant Asia and Africa are on it. Feminismus est mirabilis! Feminism is wonderful! He is a wonderful woman! Eu li as notícias sobre o deslizamento causado pela tempestade. I read the news about the landslide caused by the storm. I read the news about the slide caused by the storm. Ai venit să mă salvezi? Have you come to save me? Are you here to save me? María necesita recortar con regularidad sus pestañas internas por un optometrista. Mary regularly needs to have ingrowing eyelashes trimmed by an optometrist. Mary needs to regularly trim her internal tabs by an optometrist. Am nevoie de ziare vechi pentru a acoperi pereții. I need old newspapers to cover the walls. I need old newspapers to cover the walls. Le Paraguay a deux langues officielles : l'espagnol et le guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Dia(lk) menjadi sangat marah, karena dia(pr) menolak untuk mengikuti sarannya. He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice. He was very angry because he refused to follow his advice. Ela pensa nele todo o tempo. She thinks about him all the time. She thinks of him all the time. Si estuviera en tu posición, me opondría a aquel plan. Were I in your position, I would oppose that plan. If I were in your position, I'd be opposed to that plan. Tom e Mary cominciarono a pranzare assieme al parco. Tom and Mary started taking their lunches together in the park. Tom and Mary started lunch together with the park. Lava los platos. Do the dishes. Wash the dishes. Nu sunt un specialist. I'm not a specialist. I'm not a specialist. El cuadro que está mirando es una copia de un Picasso. The picture you are looking at is a copy of a Picasso. The picture you're looking at is a copy of a Picasso. Eu não vou deixar você sozinha. I'm not leaving you alone. I'm not leaving you alone. Él la besó. He kissed her. He kissed her. ¿Qué estás comiendo? What're you eating? What are you eating? Aku tidak pernah mengira kalau dia bisa jatuh sakit. I never thought that he could be sick. I never thought he could get sick. Estoy muy interesado en la música. I am very interested in music. I'm very interested in music. Abita a Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. Francezii nu se gândesc la un lucru ca fiind imposibil. French people don't think of anything as impossible. The French don't think of something as impossible. Petasum Thomae odi. I hate Tom's hat. Petasum Thomae hate. Tom buzinou e se inclinou pela janela. Tom honked the horn and leaned out the window. Tom buzinated and leaned through the window. Estic estudiant anglès. I'm studying English. I'm studying English. Pune puțin lapte. Add a little milk. Put on some milk. Com està? How are you? How is she? La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question persists, why would Tom want to do that? Pater eum Thoman appellat. His dad calls him Tom. Father him Thoman called. La phrase était si élaborée que je n'ai pas immédiatement compris de quoi il en retournait. The sentence was so elaborate that I did not understand immediately what it was about. The phrase was so elaborate that I did not immediately understand what it was about. Habesne tabulam geographicam? Do you have a map? Do you have geographic tabulation? Per quanto tempo è stato via? How long have you been away? How long has he been gone? Nu te teme de a face greşeli. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Îndreaptă-te. Straighten up! Get in the way. Eu tenho muitos amigos em Boston. I've got a lot of friends in Boston. I have many friends in Boston. No me gusta la persona en que te has convertido. I don't like who you've become. I don't like the person you've become. Tom quería ser alto. Tom wanted to be tall. Tom wanted to be tall. J'en garde un souvenir très vivace. I remember it vividly. I keep a very vivid memory. ¿Cuál es tu música favorita? What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? Ha studiato legge ad Harvard. He studied law at Harvard. He studied law at Harvard. As-tu la moindre idée de combien je me sens désormais idiote ? Do you have any idea how stupid I feel right now? Do you have any idea how stupid I am now? He fet un vestit nou per a mon fill. I made my son a new suit. I made a new suit for my son. Voglio essere parte di questo. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of this. Keretanya baru saja berangkat. The train has just left. The train just left. Onde você trabalhou? Where did you work? Where did you work? Ha bevuto troppo. You drank too much. He drank too much. Egrediente autem anima et imminente iam morte, vocavit nomen filii sui Benoni (id est Filius doloris mei); pater vero appellavit eum Beniamin (id est Filius dextræ). And when her soul was departing for pain, and death was now at hand, she called the name of her son Benoni, that is, the son of my pain: but his father called him Benjamin, that is, the son of the right hand. And it came to pass, as soon as his soul was about to die, that he called his name Benoni (that is, The Son of my birth;) but his father called him Benjamin (that is, The Son of the right hand). Tom sabia onde Maria estava. Tom knew where Mary was. Tom knew where Mary was. Luna es una persona de fiar. Luna is a reliable person. Luna is a trustworthy person. El siete es considerado a veces como un número de la suerte. Seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. The seven is sometimes considered as a number of luck. Je ne parle plus du tout français. I never speak French anymore. I don't speak French anymore. Non è ciò che ha detto Tom. That's not what Tom said. That's not what Tom said. Aqueras flors qu'aulorejan. Those flowers smell sweet. Those blooming flowers. Alá é grande! Allah is great! Allah is great! Aku mengatakan padamu yang sebenarnya. I'm telling you the truth. I told you the truth. Fece bene. He did right. It did good. Ça ne sert à rien de réessayer. It is no use trying again. It's no use trying again. Tunc etiam fatis aperit Cassandra futuris / ora, dei jussu non umquam credita Teucris. E'en then – alas! to Trojan ears in vain – / Cassandra sang, and told in utterance plain / the coming doom. And I won't hesitate to open Cassandra futuris / now, gods and goddesses don't ever believe in Yourus. Dan queria falar com a polícia de novo. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. Dan wanted to talk to the police again. A me non importa più. I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore. Negotiator sum. I am a businessman. I'm a negotiator. Ella le mostró varios libros que estaban en el estante. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. She showed him several books that were on the shelf. Vou esperar com você. I'll wait with you. I'll wait with you. Tom se quedó toda la noche estudiando. Tom stayed up all night studying. Tom stayed all night studying. Tom non è il benvenuto in questa casa. Tom is not welcome in this house. Tom's not welcome to this house. El sempre di a verdade. He always tells the truth. He always tells the truth. Voi avete firmato qualcosa? Did you sign anything? Did you sign anything? Mari kita lakukan seperti ini: aku akan berbicara selama lima menit, lalu kau bisa berbicara selama lima menit, dan kemudian kita akan berdiskusi. Let's do it like this: I'll speak for five minutes, then you'll have five minutes to speak, and then we'll discuss. Let's do this: I'll talk for five minutes, then you can talk for five minutes, and then we'll discuss it. Él vendrá a mediodía. He'll come at noon. He'll come at noon. Cubiculum Didymo purgandum est. Tom needs to clean his room. I'm doing the didymo room. A não ser que você tome uma decisão rápida, a oportunidade será perdida. Unless you make a decision quickly, the opportunity will be lost. Unless you make a quick decision, the opportunity will be lost. Compre-me quatro batatas grandes. Buy four big potatoes for me. Buy me four big potatoes. Ai putea să traduci asta pentru mine? Would you mind translating this for me? Could you translate this for me? Ajudei minha mãe com a cozinha. I helped my mother with the cooking. I helped my mom with the kitchen. Elle a disparu il y a deux jours. She disappeared two days ago. She disappeared two days ago. Tom geralmente vai ao cinema sexta-feira à noite. Tom usually goes to the movies on Friday night. Tom usually goes to the movies Friday night. Tom y Mary no se llevan bien. Tom is on bad terms with Mary. Tom and Mary don't get along well. Ho parlato ancora con loro. I talked to them again. I've talked to them again. Post prœlium, præmium. After the battle, there is the reward. Post pròlium, præmium. Le déjeuner a une odeur délicieuse. Dinner smells delicious. Lunch has a delicious smell. Un, dous, tres, catro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Sarai impegnata domani, vero? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? Utrum esse an non esse? To be or not to be? Wouldn't it be? Invitata non sum. I wasn't invited. I'm not invited. Apakah kamu paham dengan apa yang kamu katakan? Do you understand what you're saying? Do you understand what you're saying? Qual é o nome da doença da qual Tom morreu? What's the name of the disease that Tom died of? What's the name of the disease Tom died of? Kami membuat sebuah kesepakatan. We made a deal. We made a deal. Ha fatto un buon discorso. She made a good speech. He made a good speech. Aquera taula qu'ei reservada. This table is reserved. That table is reserved. Yo amaría ser capaz de leer en francés sin esfuerzo. I would love to be able to read French effortlessly. I'd love to be able to read French without effort. Eu não poderia me importar menos com o que o Tom pensa. I couldn't care less about what Tom thinks. I couldn't care less about what Tom thinks. Escriba con tinta. Write in ink. Write ink. Deixao. Just leave it. Let him go. Buen diya. Good morning. Good paper. Ei s-au mutat aici acum trei ani. They moved here three years ago. They moved here three years ago. Tom estava vestindo um uniforme de zelador. Tom was wearing a janitor's uniform. Tom was wearing a watcher uniform. Tom ama a María más que a su propia vida. Tom loves Mary more than his own life. Tom loves Mary more than his own life. Scio quis sit. I know who he is. I know who that is. Ce n'est pas juste du tout. It's not fair at all. It's not just at all. Este reloj es mío. This clock is mine. This watch is mine. Quina és la teva adreça? What is your address? What's your address? Per piacere, non mi fraintendete. Please don't get me wrong. Please don't misunderstand me. El libro me pareció muy interesante. I found the book very interesting. I thought the book was very interesting. Guvernul a înființat un comitet care să investigheze problema. The government has set up a committee to look into the problem. The government has set up a committee to investigate the problem. Ești pregătit să faci asta? Are you prepared to do this? Are you ready to do this? J'abandonnerai. I'll quit. I'll give up. Será que eu deveria falar com ela sobre o problema? I wonder if I should talk to her about the problem. Should I talk to her about the problem? Illa est lex. That's the law. That's lex. Potete chiedere a Tom di venire dentro? Can you ask Tom to come on in? Can you ask Tom to come in? A ella dejadla fuera de esto. Leave her out of this. Leave her out of this. Quero que Tom me diga o que fazer. I want Tom to tell me what to do. I want Tom to tell me what to do. Tom precisava ficar em Boston. Tom needed to stay in Boston. Tom needed to stay in Boston. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ella allí? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Tom é muito artístico. Tom is very artistic. Tom's very artistic. Si tu t'y rends par le bus, tu peux y être dans environ le tiers du temps. If you go by bus, you can get there in about one-third of the time. If you go by the bus, you can be there in about a third of the time. El techo gotea. The roof leaks. The roof was dripping. Li ucciderò tutti. I'll kill them all. I'll kill them all. Qual o som que uma ovelha faz? What sound does a sheep make? What sound does a sheep make? La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German. The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me deep sorrow; the second was simply a German. Tom si preparò un sandwich. Tom made himself a sandwich. Tom made himself a sandwich. J'achète du lait presque tous les jours. I buy milk almost every day. I buy milk almost every day. Lo capì. She understood him. He got it. O queijo é amarelo. The cheese is yellow. Cheese is yellow. Horologium meum minore pretio quam tuum constat. My watch costs less than yours. My clock life is less costly than you are. ¿Te gusta este color? Do you like this color? You like this color? Audivi Thomam Bostoniae habitare. I heard that Tom is living in Boston. I heard Thomam in Boston living. Betty se acostó en la cama. Betty laid herself on the bed. Betty lay in her bed. Scandalosi! Scandalous! Scandalosis! No tengo suficiente dinero para comprar el medicamento que mi padre necesita. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. I don't have enough money to buy the medicine my father needs. Necesito crema para las quemaduras. I need skin burn ointment. I need cream for the burns. Estamos apurados. We're in a hurry. We're ready. Rien ne me rendrait plus heureux que de vous voir heureuse. Nothing would make me happier than to see you happy. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you happy. Dame tu cuchillo. Give me your knife. Give me your knife. Cur me excrucias? Why do you torment me? Are you crossing me? Maria canem "Regem" nominavit. Mary named her dog Rex. Mary can sing "King" she named. Deberías reconocer tu derrota. You should acknowledge your failure. You should recognize your defeat. Simone ha chiesto: "Come state? Bene?" Simone asked, "How are you? Well?" Simone asked, "How are you? Comment pouvez-vous être à ce point aveugle ? How can you be so blind? How can you be so blind? Voi state sprecando il mio tempo. You're wasting my time. You're wasting my time. Ou, nou papa ki dan lesyel, Fer ou ganny rekonnet konman Bondye. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. O our heavenly Father, make known to me God’s ways. ” Mi amigo rompió con su novia y ahora quiere salir conmigo. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. My friend broke up with his girlfriend and now he wants to go out with me. Ayah saya meninggal dua tahun yang lalu. My father passed away two years ago. My father died two years ago. Il adore l'argent à l'exclusion de toute autre chose. He worships money to exclusion of everything else. He loves money except for anything else. Tom dan Mary telah berkencan selama tiga bulan. Tom and Mary have been dating for three months. Tom and Mary have been dating for three months. Tom ha perso il suo passaporto. Tom has lost his passport. Tom lost his passport. Elle jouait au tennis tous les dimanches. She used to play tennis every Sunday. She played tennis every Sunday. Tu sei favorevole o contrario alla guerra? Are you for or against the war? Are you in favour or against the war? C'è ancora molto da fare. There's still a lot to be done. There's still a lot to do. Nimănui nu-i place războiul. No one loves war. No one likes war. Mecum Lusitanice loquere? Will you speak Portuguese with me? Mecum Lusitanice speaks? Sunt atât de obosit! I'm so tired! I'm so tired! Sono ancora sposata. I'm still married. I'm still married. Eu fui expulso da escola. I was expelled from school. I was expelled from school. Mi cliente no está diciendo una palabra más. My client isn't saying another word. My client's not saying another word. Toute la famille est en bonne santé. The whole family is enjoying good health. The whole family is in good health. Lo devi salvare. You must save him. You have to save him. Era uma cena caótica. It was a chaotic scene. It was a chaotic scene. Meu sonho é ser fluente em chinês. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. My dream is to be fluent in Chinese. Rischiò la sua vita per salvarla. He risked his life to save her. He risked his life to save her. Dia juga tidak datang. He is not coming, either. Neither did he come. - ¡Usted tiene un gusto caro! -exclamó la dependienta- ¿Está seguro de que no quiere mirar nuestras versiones más baratas primero? "You have expensive taste!" the shopkeeper exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?" Are you sure you don't want to look at our cheapest versions first? "Come pronunciate il simbolo @ in questa lingua?" "Chiocciola." "How do you pronounce the sign @ in this language?" "at" "How do you pronounce the @ symbol in this language?" "Chiocciola." Deberíamos reanudar la meditación. We should take up meditation. We should resume meditation. Tom debería pagarlo. Tom should pay for it. Tom should pay for it. Mi racconti la storia completa. Tell me the whole story. Tell me the full story. Devo cucinarle la colazione. I must cook breakfast for her. I have to cook them breakfast. Ele não fala inglês. He doesn't speak English. He doesn't speak English. Eu me encarregarei do trabalho. I'll take charge of the work. I'll take care of the job. Debes ayudarla. You must help her. You must help her. Habetisne plumba? Do you have any pencils? Had any lead? Catillos lavi. I washed the dishes. Catillos lives. Qu'èram hèra cansats. We were very tired. I was just tired. La mise in salvo. He rescued her. I saved her. Mi è piaciuto davvero quel film! I really liked that film! I really liked that movie! Prends l'appareil photo. Get the camera. Take the camera. C'est une pièce de musée ! This is a museum piece! It's a museum piece! Eu consigo me ver no espelho. I see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Eu não vi nenhuma criança. I didn't see any children. I didn't see any kids. Um bom casamento é aquele onde cada um nomeia o outro como guardião da sua solidão. A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. A good marriage is that where each one appoints the other as guardian of his loneliness. Tu sais, je me suis bien amusée. You know, I had a lot of fun. You know, I had a good time. Hic flos pulchrior est illo. This flower is more beautiful than that one. Here comes the beautiful looks of that. Itu tadi menarik, ya? That was interesting, wasn't it? That was interesting, wasn't it? Posez tout sur la table ! Lay it all on the table. Put everything on the table! Di mana saya bisa menaiki sebuah bus? Where can I catch a bus? Where can I board a bus? Oculi Didymi humidi lacrimis erant. Tom's eyes were wet with tears. Didymi eyes were wet with tears. Eso es terrible. That's terrible. That's terrible. Il sud-est è un importante produttore di energia del carbone, petrolio greggio e gas naturale. The Southeast is a major energy producer of coal, crude oil, and natural gas. South-east is an important producer of coal, crude oil and natural gas. El problema es suyo. The problem is hers. The problem is yours. Discete! Study! Discet! Questa fabbrica produce 500 macchine al giorno. This factory produces 500 automobiles a day. This factory produces 500 machines a day. Tom mengirimiku tiga puluh lebih pesan kemarin. Tom wrote me more than thirty messages yesterday. Tom sent me thirty more messages yesterday. Comportamentul tău a fost jenant. Your behavior was shameful. Your behavior was embarrassing. Ne mangez pas pendant au moins trois heures. Don't eat for at least three hours. Do not eat for at least three hours. Deberías ir. You should go. You should go. Pídele a Tom que venga mañana. Ask Tom to come tomorrow. Ask Tom to come tomorrow. Puer bene natabam. I could swim well when I was a boy. Well, I was born right away. Eu também não acredito nele. I don't believe that either. I don't believe him either. L'air est un mélange de gaz que nous ne pouvons pas voir. Air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see. The air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see. Non hanno toccato niente. They didn't touch anything. They didn't touch anything. Se te olvidó borrar tu nombre. You forgot to erase your name. You forgot to delete your name. Questa è una mela verde. This is a green apple. This is a green apple. Tom tidak ikhlas dahulu. Tom was insincere. Tom wasn't sincere. Didymus capillos murreos habet. Tom has brown hair. Didymus has brown hair. ¿Cuántos países son miembros de las Naciones Unidas? How many countries are members of the United Nations? How many countries are members of the United Nations? Après le travail d'abattage que le patron a fait sur mes suggestions, je ne suis pas sûr de vouloir travailler encore longtemps ici. After the hatchet job my boss did on my proposal, I'm not sure how long I want to keep on working here. After the work of slaughtering that the boss has done on my suggestions, I'm not sure I want to work here for a long time. Você poderia tirar fotos da sua cidade para mim? Could you take some photos of your city for me? Could you take pictures of your city for me? Ella no té més de quinze dòlars She has no more than fifteen dollars. She doesn't have more than $15. Eu sofri muito com essa notícia. I suffered a lot with this news. I suffered a lot with that news. Quanto è lungo questo ponte? How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? Tom a imité Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Eu não consegui escapar. I wasn't able to escape. I couldn't escape. A moins qu'une belle femme ne soit un ange, son mari est le plus malheureux des hommes. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most wretched of men. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most unhappy of men. Ego Thoman legere docui. I was the one who taught Tom to read. I'm Thoman reading docks. No sé cómo eludir legalmente esas regulaciones. I don't know how to legally get around those regulations. I don't know how to legally circumvent those regulations. Lui îi place să cânte în cada de baie. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathtub. Tom quer falar com Mary sobre o quê? What does Tom want to talk to Mary about? Tom wants to talk to Mary about what? C’était un lapin diabolique. That was an evil bunny. It was a devilish rabbit. Tom besó a Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Tom kissed Mary. Você pode começar? Would you like to start? Can you start? Loro venivano dall'Australia. They were from Australia. They were coming from Australia. J'étais juste devant toi. I was right in front of you. I was right in front of you. Você não está doente. You aren't sick. You're not sick. Apa kamu berencana pergi ke luar negeri? Do you plan to go abroad? Are you planning on going abroad? Perché mi parlate sempre in inglese? È perché sono straniero? Why do you always speak to me in English? Is it because I'm a foreigner? Why do you always talk to me in English? ¿Te pasó algo? Did something happen to you? Did something happen to you? Deixe-me dormir. Let me sleep. Let me sleep. Eu perdi a confiança no Tom. I've lost confidence in Tom. I lost confidence in Tom. Acordaron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They agreed to elect him as president. Hyaena sermonem humanum assimulat. The hyena imitates the human voice. Hyaena human asymulate. Pode-se ler nas entrelinhas. You have to read it between the lines. You can read between lines. Lui i s-a refuzat tratamentul medical. He was refused medical treatment. He refused medical treatment. Attache ton lacet de chaussure. Tie your shoe. Attack your shoelace. Puedo leer desde que cumplí seis años. I've been able to read since I was six years old. I can read since I was six years old. Feliz Pesah! Happy Pesach! Happy Message! Es muy difícil complacerla. She's very hard to please. It's very difficult to please her. Yo trabajé igual de duro que lo hizo Tom. I worked just as hard as Tom did. I worked as hard as Tom did. Ça a été fait à la main. It was handmade. It was done by hand. Didymus ab urbe abest. Tom is out of town. We've come from the east city. Era la primera vez que imitaba a la profesora e hice reir a todos los compañeros. It was the first time I mimed the teacher and I made all the students laugh. It was the first time I imitated the teacher and made all my companions laugh. Me plaze ambezar linguas. I like to study languages. I like language ambiguity. Aqueths ostaus que son grans. Those houses are big. They're big hostages. Maria! Maria! O Maria! Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary Ela ficou indignada com o jeito que ela foi tratada. She was indignant at the way she had been treated. She was outraged by the way she was treated. Usted sabe lo que quiero, ¿no? You know what I want, don't you? You know what I want, don't you? Estaba en la montaña. I was on the mountain. I was on the mountain. Todavía no he encontrado nada. I still haven't found anything. I haven't found anything yet. Tu cosa fai nel pomeriggio? What do you do in the afternoon? What are you doing in the afternoon? C'est ma chatte. That's my cat. It's my pussy. Didymus nescit quid intersit inter adiectivum et adverbium. Tom doesn't know the difference between an adjective and an adverb. Didymus doesn't know what he Intersects and Adverbs. Furit ventus. The wind is raging. Furious wind. Hanya ini kamera yang aku dapatkan. This is the only camera I've got. This is the only camera I've got. Tocmai am renunțat. I just gave up. I just gave up. Aguarda hasta las seis. Wait till six. Wait till 6:00. ¿En qué barco estabas? What ship were you on? Which ship were you on? Tom só falou francês. Tom spoke only French. Tom only spoke French. El cohete fue lanzado al espacio. The rocket was launched into space. The rocket was thrown into space. Tom era incosciente. Tom was unconscious. Tom was unconscious. Iarna a fost rece și cu ninsori. The winter was cold and snowy. Winter was cold and snowy. Por favor, deixe-me carregar a sua mala. Please allow me to carry your bag. Please let me carry your suitcase. Panis parvus est. The loaf is small. Thick bread is. Me absente, ille vicarius meus erit. He will be my deputy while I am away. He is missing, he will be my widow. Aku akan melakukan apa saja untukmu. I will do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Non entendo. I don't understand. I don't understand. En cuanto entré a clase, los estudiantes empezaron a hacerme preguntas. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I entered class, the students began to ask me questions. Guarde su energía. Usted va a necesitarla más tarde. Save your energy. You're going to need it later. Keep your energy. You're gonna need it later. Não faça barulho! Don't make noise. Don't make a noise! Sarai al sicuro qua. You'll be safe here. You'll be safe here. Berapa besar Anda mematok biaya per jamnya? How much do you charge per hour? How much do you cut costs per hour? Tom la sauva des flammes. Tom saved her from the fire. Tom saved a lot of flames. Io spero che Tom si sposi presto. I hope Tom gets married soon. I hope Tom gets married soon. At pater Anchises oculos ad sidera lætus / extulit, et cœlo palmas cum voce tetendit : / "Jupiter omnipotens, precibus si flecteris ullis, / adspice nos: hoc tantum; et, si pietate meremur, / da deinde auxilium, pater, atque hæc omina firma." But gladly sire Anchises hails the sign, / and gazing upward through the starlit air, / his hands and voice together lifts in prayer: / "O Jove omnipotent, dread power benign, / if aught our piety deserve, if e'er / a suppliant move thee, hearken and incline / this once, and aid us now and ratify thy sign." At Antioch he brought out his eyes to the iron scepter, and with his voice he said: / "Jupiter omnipotent, precussive if you love, / look at us: this is the case; and if godliness be precious, / then give help, father and he has committed to mankind." Tom é mais talentoso do que eu. Tom is more talented than I am. Tom's more talented than me. Un cas vraiment malheureux fut soumis à notre attention il y a plusieurs années. A very unfortunate case came to our attention several years ago. A very unfortunate case was brought to our attention several years ago. Nostri est legem servare. It is our duty to obey the law. Ours is the law to keep. ¿Cuándo contrajo matrimonio? When did she get married? When do I get married? Fadil percebeu que não era a bicicleta de Layla. Fadil realized it wasn't Layla's bike. Fadil realized it wasn't Layla's bike. Ye más fácil divertise que trabayar. It is easier to have fun than to work. It's easier to have fun than to work. Meus filhos estão sentados à mesa. My children are sitting at the table. My kids are sitting at the table. Quid quaeris? What are you looking for? What do you want? Il veut beaucoup cela. He wants that a lot. He wants a lot of this. Thoman exspectamus. We're waiting for Tom. Thoman, let's watch. Questa è la norma. This is standard. That's the rule. ¿Estás pensando seriamente en involucrarte? Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved? Are you seriously thinking about getting involved? ¿Qué programa de televisión te gusta más? What is your favorite TV program? What TV show do you like most? Habitasne in Lusitania an in Brasilia? Do you live in Portugal or in Brazil? Habitats in Lusitania an in Brasilia? Tu conosci i loro nomi? Do you know their names? Do you know their names? Fumatul este foarte dăunător pentru sănătatea dumneavoastră. Smoking is very bad for your health. Smoking is very harmful to your health. Je ne dispose pas de ces réponses. I don't have those answers. I do not have these answers. Unum in raeda habeo. I have one in the car. I have one in raeda. Je ne capte simplement pas. I just don't get it. I just don't get it. È un altro problema. That's another problem. It's another problem. Desculpe! Sorry! Excuse me! Adakah kamu tahu tentang Singapura? Do you know about Singapore? Do you know about Singapore? Tom sta ignorando Mary, vero? Tom is ignoring Mary, isn't he? Tom's ignoring Mary, isn't he? Lui è sempre dalla mia parte. He is always on my side. He's always on my side. Quanto ganhaste para fazer isso? How much were you paid to do that? How much did you earn to do that? Puniturus est. He shall be punished. Puniturus is in. Ibricul fierbe. The kettle is boiling. The bottle's hot. Quid est Sparta? What is Sparta? What is Sparta? Estuvimos estudiando toda la tarde. We were studying all afternoon. We've been studying all afternoon. Perché ha deciso di diventare una professoressa? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Mary me fit promettre de ne pas le dire à Tom. Mary made me swear not to tell Tom. Mary made me promise not to tell Tom. Tengo suficiente dinero para comprarlo. I have enough money to buy it. I have enough money to buy it. Tom colocou a mesa para o jantar. Tom set the table for dinner. Tom put the table for dinner. Noi siamo concorrenti, non partner. We're competitors, not partners. We're competitors, not partners. Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que falava Francês. I dated a girl in high school who spoke French. I dated a high school girl who spoke French. Domus nostra est domus tua. Our house is your house. Our house is yours. Elle dansa avec lui. She danced with him. She danced with him. Que penses-tu faire après ? What do you think you'll do next? What are you gonna do next? Aguanta. Stick it out. Hold on. Descends du train immédiatement. Get off the train immediately. Get off the train immediately. Que acha o senhor de ir para a Austrália conosco no próximo verão? How would you like to go to Australia with us next summer? What do you think about going to Australia with us next summer? Este lugar é chato. This place is boring. This place is boring. Él es igual de alto que su padre. He is as tall as his father. He's as tall as his father. Siamo molto simili. We are very similar. We're very similar. I son content përché i son nèn na fomna. I'm happy because I am not a woman. And they're happy to meet him and aren't they hungry. Não perdi uma única reunião. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a single meeting. Diligentissimus eram. I was very careful. I was very diligent. È ancora troppo presto. It's still too early. It's still too soon. Onde é o aeroporto? Where's the airport? Where's the airport? Fécit sine írá et sine carítáte. He acted without anger and without sympathy. Fecit without going and without going. Ehi, l'ha sentito? Hey, did you hear that? Hey, did you hear that? Această aplicaţie vă va lăsa să sincronizaţi fotografiile şi muzica dumneavoastră între toate aparatele dumneavoastră. This app will let you sync your photos and music between all your devices. This application will let you sync your photos and music between all your devices. Ce să fac acum? What should I do now? What should I do now? Intel mendapat royalti besar dari penemuan itu. Intel gets a huge royalty from the invention. Intel got a big royalty of that discovery. È ancora nella cucina, vero? He's still in the kitchen, isn't he? He's still in the kitchen, right? Já tenho este livro. I already have this book. I already have this book. Peste o săptămână, voi fi în Anglia. A week from today, I'll be in England. In a week, I'll be in England. Talvez eu não deva ir para Boston esse fim de semana. Perhaps I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Maybe I shouldn't go to Boston this weekend. Me gusta mucho haceros enfadar. I like making you mad. I really like to make you angry. Este de neconceput pentru mine că el ar face așa ceva. It is inconceivable to me that he would do such a thing. It's improbable to me that he would do such a thing. Non sei onde reside. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. Eu acredito que ele seja inocente. I believe him to be innocent. I believe he's innocent. Non era colpa di Tom. It wasn't Tom's fault. It wasn't Tom's fault. Ce-ai făcut? What did you do? What did you do? Tom mora no mesmo andar de que eu. Tom lives on the same floor as I do. Tom lives on the same floor as me. Sono una tossicodipendente. I'm an addict. I'm a drug addict. Vous pouvez le faire, aussi. You can do it, too. You can do it, too. Ha bisogno di istruzioni? Do you need instructions? Do you need instructions? A gh'ò du fiō. I have two sons. At the end of the day. Scio Thomam magistrum bonum esse. I know that Tom is a good teacher. I know Thomas is a good teacher. Esta mansana es amariya. This apple is yellow. This mannequin is amariya. Ai nevoie să-ți dau niște bani? Do you need me to give you some money? Do you need me to give you some money? Je t'en prie, donne-moi une bouteille ! I beg you, give me a bottle! Please, give me a bottle! Tom pediu para a Mary para que abrisse a janela. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Tom asked Mary to open the window. Animal es. You're an animal. Animal is. Les pièces sont en métal. The coins are made of metal. The parts are made of metal. Ele caiu sobre o gelo e machucou a perna. He fell down on the ice and hurt his leg. He fell on the ice and hurt his leg. A me piace il suo caffè. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. De qui êtes-vous la plus proche dans votre famille ? Who are you closest to in your family? Who are you closest to in your family? Tom punya gaji yang lumayan. Tom has a decent salary. Tom's got a lot of pay. Es demasiado tarde, ya tengo que acostarme. It's very late, so I should already be in bed. It's too late, I have to go to bed. Siapa orang-orang itu? Who are those guys? Who are those people? Cuando estás a punto de tener exámenes, hacer pesas alivia la tensión, y es bueno además para la mente y el cuerpo. When you're about to have exams, lifting weights really does relieve stress, and it's also good for your mind and body. When you're about to have exams, making weights relieves tension, and it's also good for the mind and body. Parece óbvio que ele está doente. It seems obvious that he is sick. It's obvious he's sick. Elles sont ici. They're here. They're here. No existe tal cosa como una erección inoportuna. There is no such thing as an untimely erection. There is no such thing as an inopportunity erection. Grădinarul arde frunze uscate în curtea din spate. The gardener is burning dead leaves in the backyard. The gardener burns dry leaves in the backyard. Asta explică accidentul. That accounts for the accident. That explains the accident. Hiems est tempus quod magis mihi placet. Winter is the season I like best. winter is the time I like most. Eu atravessei a rua escura. I crossed the dark street. I crossed the dark street. Penso che Tom sia un bravo ragazzo. I think Tom is a nice guy. I think Tom's a good guy. Não estou muito cansado. I'm not very tired. I'm not too tired. Scio me erravisse. I know that I was wrong. I know I was upset. Sua esposa tem muita sorte. Your wife is very lucky. Your wife is very lucky. Esto que hueles ahora es el aroma de las pesadillas. What you smell now is the scent of nightmares. What you smell now is the smell of nightmares. Lui nu-i plac portocalele. He doesn't like oranges. He doesn't like oranges. O Tom não parecia estar com sono. Tom didn't seem to be asleep. Tom didn't seem to be sleeping. Je ne vais rien faire que tu ne veux pas que je fasse. I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to. I'm not gonna do anything you don't want me to do. La última carta es mía. The last card is mine. The last letter is mine. Tom a fost singur în majoritatea timpului. Tom was alone most of the time. Tom was alone most of the time. Foeda es. You are ugly. Fuck you. Mary ha avvertito davvero Tom. Mary did warn Tom. Mary really warned Tom. Când eram tânăr a trebuit să muncesc mult. I had to work hard when I was young. When I was young, I had to work a lot. Sarò qua stanotte. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. Je ne veux pas que mon cœur se brise une seconde fois. I don't want to lose my heart a second time. I don't want my heart to break a second time. No volem arribar tard. We don't want to be late. We don't want to be late. Nescio an Georgius venturus sit. I don't know if George is coming. I don't know if Georgius is coming. Apa warna mata Tom? What color are Tom's eyes? What's Tom's eye color? Il a souri et est parti. He smiled and left. He smiled and left. Tom komio un portokal. Tom ate an orange. Tom komio a portico. Ele era nosso professor de Ciências. He was our science teacher. He was our science teacher. Non l'ho ignorata. I didn't ignore her. I didn't ignore her. Parece uma proposta bem razoável. That sounds like a fairly good proposal. It seems to be a very reasonable proposal. Basho foi o melhor poeta. Basho was the greatest poet. Basho was the best poet. Seràn pas jamei d'acòrd. They will never agree. They'll never agree. As-tu déjà été trahi par une amie ? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Dans ce genre de situation, il est préférable de rester calme. In this kind of the situation, it is preferable to remain calm. In this kind of situation, it is better to stay calm. Na verdade, eu tenho sim, um favor para pedir. In fact, I do have a request. Actually, I have a yes, a favor to ask. Tom ne veut pas habiter à Boston. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Tom doesn't want to live in Boston. Studio all'università di Hyogo. I'm studying at the University of Hyogo. Study at Hyogo University. Cliccate qui per creare un account. Click here to create an account. Click here to create an account. Ela me deu estas moedas antigas. She gave me these old coins. She gave me these old coins. Ero con lei la scorsa notte. I was with her last night. I was with her last night. ¿Cómo vamos a llegar allí? How are we going to get there? How are we gonna get there? Tom berlari kembali ke hutan. Tom ran back into the woods. Tom ran back into the woods. Non posso mostrargliela. I can't show you. I can't show her. Lei è annoiata come me? Are you as bored as I am? Are you bored like me? Penyakitnya belum sembuh. The pain hasn't gone away. His illness hasn't recovered yet. Estaba jugando al tenis. I was playing tennis. I was playing tennis. Astăzi este 18 iunie și este ziua lui Muiriel. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and is the day of Muiriel. Que diabos você vai fazer? What on earth are we going to do? What the hell are you gonna do? Maria se somni cupidam esse dicit. Mary says she's sleepy. She said, "I wish I was." Una soluzione deve essere trovata. A solution must be found. A solution must be found. Sono una cuoca. I am a cook. I'm a cook. Francia estaba en guerra con Rusia. France was at war with Russia. France was at war with Russia. Parad de tiraros pedos. Stop farting. Stop kicking them. Quo itis? Where are you going to? What is it? Haz este trabajo para mañana si entra dentro de lo posible. Do this work by tomorrow if at all possible. Do this job by tomorrow if you get inside as much as you can. Elle continuait à marcher dans la pièce. She kept walking about the room. She kept walking in the room. Et exaudivit Deus Liam, concepitque et peperit Iacob filium quintum et ait: “Dedit Deus mercedem mihi, quia dedi ancillam meam viro meo”; appellavitque nomen illius Issachar. And God heard her prayers; and she conceived: and bore a fifth son. And said: God hath given me a reward, because I gave my handmaid to my husband. And she called his name Issachar. And God heard Leah, and she conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth son, and said, God hath given me my hire, because I have given my handmaid to my husband. And his name was Issachar. Aeque procera est ac mater. She is as tall as her mother. Aeque is your mother. Putem vorbi mai târziu? Can we talk later? Can we talk later? Această bere conține 5% alcool. This beer contains 5% alcohol. This beer contains 5% alcohol. Thomas insanus est. Tom is insane. Thomas is insane. Um nevoeiro se instala sobre a terra. A fog settles over the land. A fog is installed on the ground. Gli uccelli stanno beccando il terreno. Birds are pecking at the grounds. The birds are catching the ground. El niño tiene un reloj en su mano. The boy has a watch in his hand. The boy has a watch in his hand. Nampaknya tidak ada seorang pun di rumah. It seems that there is also nobody at home. It seems nobody's home. Hay una isla que es medio año española y medio año francesa. There's an island that's Spanish for half a year and French for the other half. There is an island that is half a year Spanish and half a year French. Dia menanggalkannya. She took it off. He took it off. Pensa que é un fracaso por iso se dá á bebida. He thinks he is a failure so he drinks. He thinks it's a failure. That's why he drinks. Am fost foarte impresionat de discursul său. I was much impressed by his speech. I was very impressed by his speech. Ella se burló de su marido. She made fun of her husband. She made fun of her husband. Danki! Thank you! Thank you! Hic tres menses manebo. I'll be staying here for three months. I've been living there for three months. Non è che l'idea di mettermi in casa un elettrodomestico ad ammoniaca mi attiri molto. The idea of getting ammonia-powered household appliance inside my house doesn't attract me a lot. It's not that the idea of putting me home with an ammoniac home appliances attracts me a lot. Estne benzoina in raeda? Is there gas inside the car? Is benzoine rusty? Ea nu i-ar fi dat ora exactă. She wouldn't give him the time of day. She wouldn't have given him the exact time. Kami sarapan pada pukul tujuh. We have breakfast at seven. We had breakfast at seven o'clock. Je savais qui l'avait fait. I knew who did it. I knew who did it. Ella debe pagar el libro. She has to pay for the book. She must pay the book. Il grimaça tandis que l'infirmière enfonçait l'aiguille dans son bras. He winced as the nurse pushed the needle into his arm. He grimaça while the nurse shoved the needle in his arm. Salut tuturor! Hi, everybody! Hey, everybody! A s'ē ròt la mâchina. The car broke down. The machine's broken. Toz os ombres naxen libres y iguals en dinidat y en dreitos. Adotatos de razón y de conzenzia, deben apachar-sen unos con atros d'una manera freternal. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All the shades are born free and equal in dignity and in rights. Adopts of reason and consent, they must blacken one with others in an inner manner. Puer legere didicit. The boy has learned to read. You can read it. Pouvons-nous avoir une table près de la fenêtre ? Could we have a table by the window? Can we have a table next to the window? Garabateé su dirección en el dorso de mi diario. I scribbled down his address in the back of my diary. I caught his address on the back of my diary. Se battre ne résoudra rien. Fighting won't settle anything. Fighting won't solve anything. Dia pasti sudah berkata bohong. She must have told a lie. He must have lied. Didymus laborat. Tom's working. Didymus worked. Tempus non perdis. You don't waste time. Time does not lose. Elle jouait du piano, pendant que son frère jouait dehors avec ses amis. She played the piano while her brother played with his friends outside. She played the piano while her brother was playing outside with his friends. Ella compró esa cámara cuando estaba en Japón. She bought that camera while she was in Japan. She bought that camera when she was in Japan. Aku bisa melakukan ini sepanjang hari. I could do this all day. I can do this all day. Un poisson peut nager. A fish can swim. A fish can swim. Eu tive problemas maiores. I've got bigger problems. I had bigger problems. Saccharum salemque in illa taberna vendunt. They sell sugar and salt at that store. They sell salt in the tavern island. Tom è pazzo. Tom is crazy. Tom's crazy. Dia terlihat sangat mirip dengan ayahnya. He looks just like his father. He looks very much like his father. Avrà il diritto di scegliere. You will get the right to choose. You'll have the right to choose. Tom a peur des médecins. Tom is afraid of doctors. Tom's afraid of doctors. Hoje eu fui de carro para a praia. I drove a car to the beach today. Today I went by car to the beach. Pensavo le fosse successo qualcosa. I thought something had happened to you. I thought something happened to her. Peregrinarisne saepe? Do you often travel abroad? Peregrinarisne saepe? Pienso que usted es una persona muy agradable. I think you are a really nice person. I think you're a very nice person. Apa yang Jack bilang tentang kamu adalah sebuah kebohongan. Aku tidak mempercayainya. What Jack told me about you is a pack of lies. I don't believe him. What Jack said about you was a lie. Sebaiknya kau berkonsultasi dengan doktermu. You'd better consult your doctor. You better consult your doctor. Avec qui suis-je supposé y aller ? Who am I supposed to go with? Who am I supposed to go with? Mis calificaciones eran promedio. My school grades were average. My ratings were average. A todos les gustan las personas educadas. Everybody likes polite people. Everyone likes educated people. Il a quitté le bureau en toute hâte. He left the office in great haste. He left the office in no time. Vultisne mecum piscatum ire? Do you want to go fishing with me? Do you want to go with me? Diventerà un bravo dottore. He will become a good doctor. He'll become a good doctor. Qual è il tuo film storico preferito? What's your favorite historical movie? What is your favorite historical film? Siempre serás especial para mí. You'll always be special to me. You'll always be special to me. El Sol también brilla de noche. The sun shines also at night. The sun also shines at night. Dans son discours, il a dénigré toutes les religions sauf la sienne. In his speech, he cast aspersions on all religions except his own. In his speech, he denigrated all religions except his own. ¿Viven muchas personas en tu ciudad? Do a lot of people live in your town? Do many people live in your city? Vende aparatos de radio. He sells radios. He sells radio equipment. Je ne peux pas regarder ce film, il y a trop de violence. I can't watch this film, there is too much violence in it. I can't watch this movie, there's too much violence. Tres filias habet. He has three daughters. He has three daughters. Permisi. Metro ada di mana ya? Excuse me. Where's the metro? Excuse me, where's the subway? Tom não sabia disso. Tom didn't know this. Tom didn't know that. J'aurais pu être tué. I could have been killed. I could have been killed. La bistecca aveva un sapore meraviglioso. The beefsteak tasted marvelous. The steak had a wonderful taste. Eu vou ficar esperando aqui por Tom. I'll sit wait here for Tom. I'll be waiting here for Tom. Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. There was once when Cristobal Columbus challenged another explorer duel. The last, an unhonored guy, did not take ten steps as they mark the rules, but two; then he turned and shot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus had not taken a single step. Não me distraia. Don't distract me. Don't distract me. Se você ignora o passado, põe o futuro em jogo. If you ignore the past, you jeopardize the future. If you ignore the past, put the future at stake. Tom está rolando em dinheiro. Tom is rolling in money. Tom's rolling money. Tom se olvidó de quién lo dijo. Tom forgot who said it. Tom forgot who said it. In silva porci erant. There were pigs in the forest. There were pigs in the woods. Nós caminhamos ao redor do lago. We walked around the pond. We walk around the lake. Quer um sanduíche? Do you want a sandwich? You want a sandwich? Qual a sua altura e peso? What is your height and weight? What is your height and weight? Lui è un po' geloso. He's a bit jealous. He's a little jealous. ¿Se puede reparar? Can it be repaired? Can you fix it? Mense Iulio in hoc flumine natare periculosum est. This river is dangerous to swim in July. The month July in this river is dangerous. Las rosas son rojas. The roses are red. The roses are red. Tutti vogliono il denaro. Everyone wants money. Everyone wants the money. Oggi il tempo è bello. Today the weather is nice. Today the weather is beautiful. Il villaggio era morto dopo il tramonto. The village was dead after sunset. The village was dead after sunset. Pájaro viejo, no entra en jaula. Old birds are not caught with chaff. Old bird, don't go into cage. O que você quer fazer hoje? What do you want to do today? What do you want to do today? Tom dorme ancora. Tom is still asleep. Tom's still asleep. Ada banyak anak kecil di taman. There are a lot of children in the park. There's a lot of kids in the park. La mia patria è il mondo. My country is the world. My homeland is the world. Voglio riposarmi. I want to take a rest. I want to rest. La TV non dovrebbe essere così vicina. Mettila un po' più indietro. The TV shouldn't be so close. Put it a little further back. TV shouldn't be so close. Voló a Nueva York por negocios. He flew to New York on business. He flew to New York by business. Tom sembra vecchio. Tom seems old. Tom looks old. Tom explicó la situación con calma. Tom calmly explained the situation. Tom explained the situation calmly. Me arrepiento de lo que hice. I'm sorry for what I have done. I'm sorry about what I did. Ele ilustrou sua teoria com exemplos. He illustrated his theory with examples. He illustrated his theory with examples. Cantou e cantou. He sang and sang. She sang and sang. Nunca he trabajado con Tom. I've never worked with Tom. I've never worked with Tom. Cui Pyrrhus: "Referes ergo hæc et nuntius ibis / Pelidæ genitori; illi mea tristia facta / degeneremque Neoptolemum narrare memento." "Go then", cries Pyrrhus, "with thy tale of woe / to dead Pelides, and thy plaints outpour. / To him, my father, in the shades below, / these deeds of his degenerate son deplore." Cui Pyrhus: "So you refer to hæc and news ibis / Pelidæ parents; to him my sorrow was / to him and I caused Neoptolem to mention this." Jangan meremehkanku. Don't make little of me. Don't underestimate me. Dobbiamo sederci. We must sit down. We have to sit down. Traduza a parte sublinhada. Translate the underlined part. Translate the underlined part. Evigilans, rursus sopore depressus, vidi somnium: Septem spicæ pullulabant in culmo uno plenæ atque pulcherrimæ. Aliæ quoque septem tenues et percussæ vento urente oriebantur e stipula; quæ priorum pulchritudinem devoraverunt. Narravi coniectoribus somnium, et nemo est qui edisserat. I awoke, and then fell asleep again, and dreamed a dream: Seven ears of corn grew up upon one stalk, full and very fair. Other seven also thin and blasted, sprung of the stalk: And they devoured the beauty of the former: I told this dream to the conjecturers, and there is no man that can expound it. In the second dream, I dreamed about how the dream began to unfold. I dreamed about the seven ears of each, full and beautiful. The seven ears, thin, and blasted with the east wind, burst as they were; they devoured the first. I told the dream to those who had dreamed of it, and there was no one who had eaten them. ¡Pásele! Do come in! Come on in! Ele se encontra com a namorada aos sábados. He meets his girlfriend Saturdays. He's meeting her girlfriend on Saturdays. I prinçippi generali son riportæ chi sotta. The general principles are given below. The general princes are reporting below. ¡Los animales no son juguetes! Animals are not toys! Animals aren't toys! Si no hubiera sido por tu impermeable, me hubiera calado hasta los huesos. If it had not been for your raincoat, I would have been drenched to the skin. If it hadn't been for your waterproof, I'd have shut up my bones. Anna socolatam libenter edit. Anna gladly eats chocolate. Anna chocolated libenter edit. Vamos tomar uma. Let's go for a beer. Let's have one. De momento está viviendo en un departamento. He is living in an apartment at present. He's living in an apartment right now. Puer in exedra dormit. The boy sleeps in the living room. Poir in the exedra slept. Loro si schiantarono. They crashed. They crashed. El mi-a scris din când în când. He wrote to me from time to time. He wrote to me from time to time. Que parla anglès, ell? Does he speak English? Who speaks English, him? Ero spaventato. I was scared. I was scared. Quomodo linguam Zamenhofianam discis? How do you learn Esperanto? How do you speak the language of Zamenhophan? Je ne pourrais jamais être comme cela. I could never be like that. I could never be like that. Ella va arribar a l'hotel a altes hores de la nit. She got to the hotel late at night. She arrived at the hotel at night hours. O escritorio cheo de cousas renxeu de novo. The loaded desk groaned again. The desktop filled with things has been angry again. Regarde autour de toi. Look around. Look around you. La città è a due miglia dalla costa. The town is two miles away from the coast. The city is two miles from the coast. Se pueden aplicar algunas restricciones. Some restrictions may apply. Some restrictions may be applied. Gaudeo tua causa. I'm happy for you. Gaudeo your cause. Terima kasih banyak atas undangannya. Thank you very much for your invitation. Thank you so much for the invitation. Ea este un cetățean care respectă legea. She's a law-abiding citizen. She's a citizen who respects the law. Rússia és una endevinalla embolicat en un misteri dins d'un enigma. Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Russia is a riddle wrapped up in a mystery inside a riddle. Ainda estou trabalhando com meu pai. I'm still working with my dad. I'm still working with my dad. Eu não vos devo nada. I owe you nothing. I don't owe you anything. Ellos comenzaron la jornada con el canto del gallo. They set out at the rooster's call. They started the day with the cock singing. Tom pèse plus de 80 kg. Tom is over 80 kilos. Tom weighs more than 80 kg. Si on ne peut pas obtenir l'argent de quelconque autre manière, on peut, en dernier recours, vendre la voiture. If we can't get the money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car. If we can't get money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car. Tom me convenció. Tom convinced me. Tom convinced me. El seu cotxe no és bo. Their car is not good. His car's not good. Io ho vissuto in questa casa da bambino. I lived in this house as a child. I lived in this baby house. Notre école a été fondée en 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. Le entregué el negocio a mi hijo. I turned over the business to my son. I handed the deal to my son. O meu pai não disse nada. My father didn't say anything. My father didn't say anything. Tom non ha preso molto denaro. Tom didn't make much money. Tom didn't take much money. En vull! I want some! I want it! Nu cânt la pian. I don't play the piano. I don't play piano. Tom no pudo descubrirlo. Tom couldn't figure it out. Tom couldn't find out. Tu n'es pas obligé de le faire immédiatement. You don't have to do it immediately. You don't have to do it right away. Mendier dans la rue est interdit par la loi. By law, begging in the street is forbidden. Mendier on the street is prohibited by law. C'est incroyable ! That's amazing! That's incredible! Videsne rosam? Do you see the rose? Do you see pink? Fadil se tornou um homem perigoso. Fadil became a dangerous man. Fadil has become a dangerous man. No aboltaremos a la normalidad porke la normalidad era el problem. We won't go back to normality because normality was the problem. We will not abolish normality because normality was the problem. Lei è affascinante. You're fascinating. You're charming. Il est intéressant de se faire des amis avec un étranger. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It's interesting to make friends with a stranger. Se lo dí al niñito. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to the little boy. Elle lui écrit chaque semaine. She writes to him every week. She writes to her every week. No te rías de su error. Don't laugh at his mistake. Don't laugh at his mistake. Tom a pornit robinetul, dar nimic nu ieșea. Tom turned on the water faucet, but nothing came out. Tom started the tap, but nothing was coming out. De nombreux instituteurs se sentent mal préparés à enseigner la lecture et le calcul. Many new teachers feel ill-prepared to teach basic literacy and numeracy. Many teachers feel unprepared to teach reading and calculation. I poveri sono anche persone con dei sentimenti. The poor are also people with feelings. The poor are also people with feelings. Abominabilis est. He is hateful. He is absolved. Siamo egoiste. We're selfish. We're selfish. Non dubito quin somni cupidus sis. I'm sure you're sleepy. I don't doubt what a coveted six dream. Bienvenido a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Bawang dan bawang putih adalah obat yang mujarab untuk mengobati flu biasa. Garlic and onion are good remedies against the common cold. Onions and onions are a good medicine to cure the normal flu. Butyro egeo. Estne tibi butyrum? I need some butter. Do you have any? Butyro, is this butyrum for you? Nu era o aberație. It wasn't an aberration. It wasn't an aberration. Am vrut să cumpăr cartea. I wanted to buy the book. I wanted to buy the book. Seorang siswa ingin bertemu dengan Anda. A student wants to see you. A student wants to meet you. I l'hai 'n fieul e na fija. Mè fieul a l'é a New York, e mia fija a l'é a Londra. I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London. And you've got it in the hay and you've got it fixed, I've got it in New York, and I've got it in London. Selena Gomez crebbe a Grand Prairie, in Texas. Selena Gomez grew up in Grand Prairie, Texas. Selena Gomez grew up in Grand Prairie, Texas. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de neige sur le sol. There isn't much snow on the ground. There's not much snow on the ground. El sol de verano pegaba en nuestra frente. The summer sun glared down on us. The summer sun hit in front of us. Hoje está chuvoso. It's rainy today. It's raining today. ¿Un hospital, por favor? A hospital, please? A hospital, please? Gostaria de te ajudar. I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you. Ait Moyses: Cum egressus fuero de urbe, extendam palmas meas ad Dominum; et cessabunt tonitrua, et grando non erit, ut scias quia Domini est terra. Moses said: As soon as I am gone out of the city, I will stretch forth my hands to the Lord, and the thunders shall cease, and the hail shall be no more: that thou mayst know that the earth is the Lord's. Ait Moyses: When I come out of the city, I will stretch out my hands to Yahweh; and the thunder shall cease, and there shall be no more hail, that you may know that the earth is Yahweh's. Je me suis habitué à vivre seul. I've gotten used to living alone. I used to live alone. Pois sim. Of course. Yeah. Estoy pelando el apio y las patatas. I am peeling the celery and the potatoes. I'm peeling the api and potatoes. Deja de jugar cerca del cristal. Don't play around with the glass. Stop playing near the crystal. La sangre en el camino ha de ser mía. The blood on the road must be mine. Blood on the road must be mine. O Tom não liga para comida japonesa. Tom doesn't care for Japanese food. Tom doesn't call for Japanese food. Sitio. I'm thirsty. Site. Io non devo pagare un affitto. I don't have to pay rent. I don't have to pay a rent. J'aimerais avoir une chambre simple avec un bain pour deux nuits. I'd like to have a single room with a bath for two nights. I'd like to have a simple room with a bathroom for two nights. Nadie habla así en Alemania. Nobody speaks like this in Germany. No one speaks like that in Germany. Vigie as malas. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on your bad ones. Eles gostam de Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. They like Tsuneoki Ikeda. Ei avem monstravit. He showed him a bird. They've got monsters. Aquera mòstra qu'ei copada. This watch is broken. She shows it's cut. Il a mis le feu au bâtiment de l'école. He set fire to the school building. He set fire to the school building. Vivi e lascia vivere. Live and let live. Live and let live. Scio Thoman pulchriorem esse quam ego. I know that Tom is more handsome than I. I know I'm prettier than I am. Missus de valle Hebron venit in Sichem; invenitque eum vir errantem in agro et interrogavit quid quæreret. So being sent from the vale of Hebron, he came to Sichem: And a man found him there wandering in the field, and asked what he sought. He was sent from the valley of Hebron, and came to Shechem; and a man found him wandering in the field, and asked him, "What would he do?" Ho detto a Tom che dovrebbe accettare il lavoro che gli ha offerto Mary. I told Tom he should consider taking the job Mary offered him. I told Tom he should accept the job Mary offered him. De tout inconnu le sage se méfie. Of any stranger, wisemen are suspicious. Of all unknown, the wise man mistrusts himself. C'est incroyable, n'est-ce pas ? It's incredible, isn't it? It's incredible, isn't it? Cine va oferi capital pentru această întreprindere? Who will provide capital for the venture? Who will offer capital for this company? S-a înfăşurat în pătură. She wrapped herself in a blanket. He wrapped himself in the blanket. El doctor te recomendó que dejaras de fumar. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. The doctor recommended you quit smoking. Nolite timere. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Ela abre a janela. She opens the window. She opens the window. Eu poderei lhe arranjar um cobertor, se você precisar de um. I could get you a blanket if you need one. I can get you a blanket if you need one. Tom no quería que María viera su pintura hasta que estuviera lista. Tom didn't want Mary to see his painting until it was done. Tom didn't want Maria to see his painting until she was ready. I-ai putea arăta lui Tom cum să folosească aplicația asta? Could you show Tom how to use this application? Could you show Tom how to use this app? Eu sou chofer de limusine. I drive a limo. I'm a limo driver. Quina hruta vòs ? What fruit do you want? What the hell are you doing? Qu'ei tròp brac. This is too short. That's too much. Mi piace farlo. I enjoy doing that. I like doing it. ¿Nieva mucho aquí en el invierno? Does it snow much here in winter? Did it snow a lot here in the winter? Tom é um cara teimoso. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom's a stubborn guy. Partez ! Go! Let's go! Cometa erros, aprenda com eles e cresça! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow! Make mistakes, learn from them and grow up! Aku lupa menutup pintunya. I forgot to close the door. I forgot to close the door. ¿Quién gobernó Piedmont? Who ruled Piedmont? Who ruled Piedmont? Solo se ho personalmente ucciso e macellato un animale ne mangio la carne. I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered. Only if I personally killed and slaughtered an animal do I eat the meat. Quid fers? What are you carrying? What are you doing? Que volerí estar joen. I wish I were young. That I want to be joen. A reunião aconteceu ontem. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting happened yesterday. Utinam adesset. I wish he were here. We're using this as a tool. Haec effigies in Gallia aedificata est. The statue was built in France. The area is built in Gallia. A verdade é que nunca cheguei a conhecer o Tom. The truth is I've never even met Tom. The truth is, I've never met Tom. Fortunata sum. I'm lucky. I'm lucky. Aceasta este o femeie. This is a woman. This is a woman. Ad medicum dentium ibat. He went to the dentist. He was on his way to the dentist. Francia queda en Europa Occidental. France is in western Europe. France remains in Western Europe. Cât de des ia Tom lecții la franceză? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom take lessons in French? Tom memeluk saya. Tom hugged me. Tom hugged me. Voy a tener que pasar de eso. I'm going to have to pass on that. I'm gonna have to get through that. Je ne suis pas vraiment occupé. I'm not really busy. I'm not really busy. Es muy improbable que alguna vez encontremos una solución a este problema. It's very unlikely that we will ever find a solution to this problem. It is very unlikely that we will ever find a solution to this problem. Tomás le pasó a María un billete de veinte dólares. Tom handed Mary a twenty-dollar bill. Thomas gave Maria a 20-dollar ticket. Quod genus fructuum magis tibi placet? What sort of fruit do you like best? What kind of fruit do you like most? Nu-mi pot dezvălui sursele. I can't reveal my source. I can't reveal my sources. Saya harap kamu tidak akan membuat saya kecewa. I hope you're not going to disappoint me. I hope you won't let me down. Tom è gentile con me. Tom is nice to me. Tom's nice to me. Tom sedang bermain violin sekarang. Tom is playing the violin now. Tom's playing violin now. Você deve sempre lavar roupas novas antes de usá-las. You should always wash new clothes before wearing them. You should always wash new clothes before using them. Mo ena de frer. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Tom terganggu secara mental. Tom is mentally disturbed. Tom's mentally disturbed. Su sobrenombre era Quijada o Quesada. Her nickname was Quijada or Quesada. His surname was Quijada the Quesada. Ăsta e perfect. This is perfect. That's perfect. Eu tenho um cachorro e dois gatos. I have a dog and two cats. I have a dog and two cats. Quin còsta lo bus ? What's the bus fare? What's the bus cost? Dovremmo aspettare Tom? Should we wait for Tom? Should we wait for Tom? Tom comprou cordóns novos para os seus zapatos. Tom bought new laces for his shoes. Tom bought new cords for his shoes. Éste es el libro de que te hablé. This is the book I told you about. This is the book I spoke to you about. Semper mecum est. He is always with me. He is always with me. Há muitas galáxias no Universo. There are many galaxies in the universe. There are many galaxies in the universe. Aquesta és la raó per la qual va entrar a la universitat. This is the reason why he entered at the university. That's why he went to college. Eravate con loro quella notte? Were you with them that night? Were you with them that night? Thomas Mariam vigilare putabat. Tom thought Mary was awake. Thomas Mariam watch the fuck. Faço tudo por minha família. I do everything for my family. I do everything for my family. Kura-kura tidak punya gigi. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles don't have teeth. Stanno esaminando i campioni. They're analyzing the samples. They're examining the samples. Illa domus e lateribus facta est. That house is built of bricks. The house came from each other. Ini adalah tanggungjawab kami untuk membantu. It is our obligation to help. It's our responsibility to help. Eas non scripsi. I didn't write them. I didn't write those words. Grasie tante. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Io penso di avere già visto questo film. I think I've seen this movie before. I think I've seen this movie before. Noi siamo divorziati. We're divorced. We're divorced. Yo kreyo en el sol, afilu si el no briye. Yo kreyo en el amor, afilu si no lo senta. Yo kreyo en el Dio, afilu si El se kaye. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent. I believe in the sun, I am a fool if he doesn't shine. I believe in love, I believe in love if he doesn't feel it. I believe in God, I believe in God, I am a fool if He falls. Elas se perderam na floresta. They got lost in the forest. They lost themselves in the forest. Apoya esta adjensia. Support this agency. Support this aid. Personne n'est au courant. No one knows the fact. No one knows. La aspettavamo alle 2:30. We expected you at 2:30. We were waiting for her at 2:30. «No puedes responder a mi pregunta con una pregunta.» «¿Por qué no?» "You can't answer my question with a question." "Why not?" "You can't answer my question with a question." "Why not?" Lavez les plats s'il vous plait. Please wash the dishes. Please wash the dishes. Tengo que encontrar otro. I have to find another one. I have to find another one. Nessuno può aiutare Tom. Nobody can help Tom. No one can help Tom. Tu as de nombreux livres. You have many books. You have a lot of books. Il a l'habitude de réaliser des discours. He is used to making speeches. He's used to making speeches. Un giorno renderemo il mondo un posto migliore. We'll someday make the world a better place. One day we'll make the world a better place. A l'ha dame na rispòsta sensa sens. He gave a vague answer. It gives me a sense of response. Era vestito di blu. He was dressed in blue. He was dressed in blue. Il m'a promis qu'il viendrait à quatre heures. He promised me that he would come at four. He promised me he'd be here at four o'clock. Te ves cansado, deberías dormir un poco. You look tired. You should rest a little. You look tired, you should get some sleep. Bak kata pepatah, "Masa itu emas." As the proverb says, "Time is money." The words of the saying, "The time is gold." Noi toți te dorim să revii. We all want you back. We all want you to come back. Ací està la teua bossa. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. Que hèi judò. I'm practising judo. That there are Jews. Ne'm vòli pas balhar faus espèrs. I don't want to give myself false hopes. I don't want to give you false waiters. La mia stanza è un casino. My room is a mess. My room is a mess. Iuppiter valde magnus est. Jupiter is very large. This is very great. Magister eam laudavit. Her teacher praised her. Master she praised her. El agricultor estuvo arando su campo todo el día. The farmer plowed his field all day. The farmer was plowing his field all day. Facta est autem fames in terra; descenditque Abram in Aegyptum, ut peregrinaretur ibi; prævaluerat enim fames in terra. And there came a famine in the country: and Abram went down into Egypt, to sojourn there: for the famine was very grievous in the land. There was a famine in the land; and Abram went down into Egypt to live as a foreigner there, because the famine was severe in the land. Un tal Sr. Ito desea verle. There is a Mr Ito who wants to see you. Such a Mr. Ito wishes to see you. Lo sorèlh lusís. The sun is shining. His sister was lucid. Já que não há tempo como o presente, ele achou que era hora de apresentar o presente. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. Que't calerà estudiar mei dur l'an qui veng. You will have to study harder next year. You'll have to study me for the year I'm coming. Rapatnya berlangsung selama dua jam. The meeting lasted two hours. The meeting lasted two hours. Ero nella casa. I was in the house. I was in the house. Éternels débutants, restez sur la touche. Forever tiroes, stay on the side aisle. Beginners, stay on your touch. La traducció de la novel·la francesa li va portar més de tres mesos. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. The translation of the French novel took him more than three months. Depois do inverno, vem a primavera. After winter, spring comes. After winter, spring comes. No tienes por qué asustarte. No te hará daño. There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you. You don't have to be scared. Eu trabalho num hotel em Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. I work at a hotel in Boston. O nome verdadeiro de Sophia Loren é Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Sophia Loren's real name is Sofia Scicolone. Je ne veux pas que vous soyez blessé. I don't want you to be hurt. I don't want you getting hurt. Su esfuerzo dará fruto. His effort will bear fruit. Your efforts will bear fruit. Tu n'en es pas la seule responsable, je le suis aussi. You are not the only one responsible for it, I am too. You're not the only one responsible, I'm the one. Chi ha scritto "Il Principe"? Who wrote "The Prince"? Who wrote "The Prince"? Je veux un gros tube de dentifrice. I want a large tube of toothpaste. I want a big toothpaste tube. Didymus raedam gubernabat. Tom drove the car. Didymus raedam was the governor. Perché non me ha parlato prima? Why didn't you tell me about it sooner? Why didn't you talk to me before? Tom quiere culparnos. Tom wants to blame us. Tom wants to blame us. Voleva essere un contadino. He wanted to be a farmer. He wanted to be a farmer. Ella sabe hablar bien español. She can speak Spanish well. She can speak Spanish well. Tom a pledat vinovat pentru delapidare. Tom pleaded guilty to embezzlement. Tom pleaded guilty to the robbery. Duvido que o Tom possa fazer isso. I doubt that Tom could do that. I doubt Tom could do that. Aku terkena flu berat. I've caught a bad cold. I was hit by a heavy flu. J'ai été arrêté. I was arrested. I was arrested. La reina Liliuokalani fue forzada a rendirse. Queen Liliuokalani was forced to surrender. Queen Liliuokalani was forced to surrender. Repetitio est mater studiorum. Repetition is the mother of learning. Repetition is the mother of studios. Voy a visitar a un amigo mío que está en el hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend in the hospital. I'm going to visit a friend of mine who's in the hospital. Încă nu am ieşit din pădure. We're not out of the woods yet. I haven't been out of the woods yet. Je vous laissai une note. I left you a note. I left you a note. Este río desemboca en el Océano Pacífico. This river flows into the Pacific Ocean. This river leads to the Pacific Ocean. La route a été bouchée par des arbres qui sont tombés. The road was obstructed by fallen trees. The road was blocked by trees that fell. Mary este foarte bolnavă şi mi-e teamă că e pe moarte. Mary is very ill and I'm afraid she is dying. Mary is very sick and I'm afraid she's dying. Vorrei potere parlare con loro. I wish I could talk to them. I wish I could talk to them. Tom tiene problemas para discernir distancias. Tom has trouble judging distances. Tom has trouble discerning distances. J'ai envie d'aller au cinéma. I want to go to the movies. I want to go to the movies. Ho dimenticato qualcosa nella stanza. I forgot something in the room. I forgot something in the room. ¿Cuánto tiempo se va a quedar en Japón? How long is he going to stay in Japan? How long will he stay in Japan? Que l'èi vist que m'espiava. I saw him looking at me. I saw him spying on me. Vidulus meus plenus chartarum est. My briefcase is full of papers. My widow is full of beads. Wikipedia es una enciclopedia libre que cualquiera puede editar. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Nessuno vuole aiutarci. Nobody wants to help us. Nobody wants to help us. No, non sono arrabbiata con lei, sono solo delusa. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. No, I'm not mad at her. I'm just disappointed. Când voi crește mare, vreau să fiu rege. When I grow up, I want to be king. When I grow up, I want to be king. Stola tibi miro modo convenit. The dress fits you very well. I stare at you now so agreed. "Ipsa sed in somnis inhumati venit imago / conjugis, ora modis attollens pallida miris, / crudeles aras trajectaque pectora ferro / nudavit, cæcumque domus scelus omne retexit". "But, lifting features marvellously pale, / the ghost unburied in her dreams laid bare / his breast, and showed the altar and the bale / wrought by the ruthless steel, and solved the crime's dark tale." "But in inhuman dreams came imago / conjugals, now fashion pale attollens miris, / cruel altars and paths pectora ferret / naked, as the house crime reticted all". Son entreprise a crû tellement vite qu'elle s'est mise à franchiser. Her company grew so quickly that she began franchising. Her business grew so fast that she started to cross. Pediu que eu não tocasse no assunto. He asked me not to touch the subject. He asked me not to touch it. Suntne boni? Are they good? Are they dolls? Tolong buang sampah ini. Please throw this away. Please get rid of this shit. Você tem que contar tudo para o Tom. You have to tell Tom everything. You have to tell Tom everything. Ei bine, să mergem. Well, let's go. Well, let's go. Elas estavam molhadas. They were wet. They were wet. Non mi diede soltanto dei consigli, ma anche dei soldi. He gave me not just advice, but money as well. He gave me not only advice, but also money. Usted está libre mañana. You are free tomorrow. You're free tomorrow. Valde misera videris. You look very unhappy. Valde misappears to see. Tom necesita tu ayuda. Tom needs your help. Tom needs your help. No te acerques al bulldog por si muerde. Don't come near to the bulldog in case it bites. Don't get close to bulldog in case he's dying. Avete parlato con loro? Have you spoken to them? Did you talk to them? Inter se loquuntur. They're talking with each other. They speak between themselves. Ce n'était qu'une façon de parler. That was only a figure of speech. It was just a way of talking. Ella plantó rosas en el jardín. She planted roses in the garden. She planted roses in the garden. È meschino. You're mean. He's mean. Você está escondendo alguma coisa? Are you hiding something? Are you hiding something? Hoje, aqui e agora. Today, here and now. Today, here and now. ¿Para qué necesitas monedas de veinticinco centavos? Why do you need quarters? What do you need twenty-five cents for? Sai che a Tom piacciono le automobili. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. Je ne permettrais jamais cela. I would never allow that. I would never allow that. Estou a comer. I'm eating. I'm eating. Sin autem dominus dederit illi uxorem, et pepererit filios et filias, mulier et liberi eius erunt domini sui; ipse vero exibit solus. But if his master gave him a wife, and she hath borne sons and daughters; the woman and her children shall be her master's: but he himself shall go out with his raiment. But if his master gives him a wife, and he bears his sons and daughters, his wife and her children shall be her master's; he will go out by himself. Ha cambiato la sua dieta. He changed his diet. He changed his diet. Smettetela di piagnucolare. Quit whining. Stop crying. Je pense pouvoir réussir. I think I can do it. I think I can make it. Je n'ai jamais été à Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Tom ci chiese se avevamo delle domande. Tom asked us if we had any questions. Tom asked if we had any questions. Eu não gosto de café gelado. I don't like iced coffee. I don't like iced coffee. Mwen ka chèché on bijoutri. I am looking for a jewelry store. I can hook a jewel. Eu tenho certeza de que ela tem outras habilidades. I'm sure she has other skills. I'm sure she has other skills. Tomás cantó con María. Tom sang with Mary. Thomas sang with Mary. Kita akan bertarung. We're going to fight. We're going to fight. Creo que voy a quedarme. I think I'll stay. I think I'm gonna stay. Sekarang, saya lapar. I'm very hungry now. Now, I'm hungry. Coba pahami ini. Get a picture of this. Try to understand this. Tom garde chaque lettre que lui envoie sa mère. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom a l'intention de s'établir à demeure au Japon. Tom intends to live in Japan for good. Tom intends to stay in Japan. Mary mora em Boston com sua mãe. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Lavorate? Do you work? You work? Cred că e puțin probabil că noi vom putea să evadăm din această închisoare. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to escape from this prison. I think it's unlikely that we'll be able to escape this prison. O meu pai chamoume Kazunari. Father named me Kazunari. My father called me Kazunari. Poēta puellae rosam dedit. The poet gave the girl a rose. Because she gave it to the pink girl. Tom estudou literatura na faculdade. Tom studied literature in college. Tom studied literature in college. Non c'è fumo senza fuoco. There's no smoke without fire. There's no smoke without fire. Êtes-vous content de votre travail ? Are you satisfied with your job? Are you happy about your work? Vita Thomasae facilis non erat. Tom hasn't had an easy life. The life of Thomasae was not easy. L'ha già fatta. She's done it before. He's already done it. Cele mai frumoase fete sunt din Lituania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. Aquest pa és molt deliciós. This bread is very delicious. This bread is very delicious. Plumbo ursum petii. I shot a bear. Lead bear chests. ¿Cuándo ocurrió? When did it happen? When did it happen? Mon opinion était sans importance. My opinion was irrelevant. My opinion was irrelevant. Ha amici su Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Do you have any friends on Tatoeba? És tranquil, oi? It is restful, isn't it? It's quiet, isn't it? Puis-je écouter ce disque ? Can I hear a little bit of this record? Can I listen to this disc? Tu sarai così felice qui. You're going to be so happy here. You'll be so happy here. Tom fez o trabalho atual. Tom did the actual work. Tom did the current job. Io dovrò lavorare domenica. I will have to work on Sunday. I'll have to work on Sunday. Quando adveniemus? When do we arrive? When do we get here? Esta é uma questão de consciência. This is a question of conscience. This is a matter of conscience. Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan paruh waktu. I'm looking for a part-time job. I'm looking for part-time jobs. Molti musei sono chiusi al lunedì. Many museums are closed on Mondays. Many museums are closed on Monday. Il me faut refuser. I must refuse. I have to refuse. Hari ini adalah sebuah hari yang indah di Boston. It's a beautiful day here in Boston. Today is a beautiful day in Boston. Ce e dragostea? What is love? What is love? Ce n'est pas trop épicé ? It's not too spicy? Isn't it too spicy? Mon dos me fait mal. My back aches. My back hurts. Tom está preocupado por Mary. Tom is worried about Mary. Tom's worried about Mary. ¡Al Diablo con esta barba! To hell with this beard! To the devil with this beard! Placetne tibi hoc munus? Do you like this job? Is this a present for you? Eu gostaria de informações a respeito de motéis. I'd like some information on motels. I'd like information about motels. Mozotros merkamos. We buy. Mozotros merkamos. Moritura sum. I'm about to die. I'm dying. Siete magnifiche. You are wonderful. You're magnificent. Je ne l'ai jamais même dit à mon mari. I've never even told my husband. I never even told my husband that. Encendí la estufa porque hacía mucho frío. I turned on the heater because it was very cold. I turned on the stove because it was very cold. Eu voi mânca. I will eat. I'll eat. A Tom le ha dejado su novia. Tom just got dumped. Tom left his girlfriend. Eya tyene ojos mavis. She has blue eyes. Eya tyene eyes mavis. È già ottobre. It's October already. It's October. Sebaiknya kamu lakukan sesuai saran saya. You'd better do what I suggest. You better do as I suggest. Dixitque Abram: Domine Deus, quid dabis mihi? Ego vadam absque liberis, et heres domus meæ erit Damascenus Eliezer. And Abram said: Lord God, what wilt thou give me? I shall go without children: and the son of the steward of my house is this Damascus Eliezer. He said to Abram, "Lord Yahweh, what will you give me? I will go childless, and the heir of my house shall be Eliezer of Damascus. Utra vestrum id fecit? Which of you did it? Did your tool do that? Hemos estado probando. We've been trying. We've been testing. Ele é campeão de tênis. He is a tennis champion. He's a tennis champion. Ele bebeu uma garrafa inteira de leite. He drank a whole bottle of milk. He drank a whole bottle of milk. Maria sternuit. Marie sneezed. Maria died. Déjame llamar a Tom. Let me call Tom. Let me call Tom. Soy extremadamente alérgico a los cacahuetes. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. I'm extremely allergic to peanuts. Fammi parlare. Let me talk. Let me talk. Tom bebia. Tom used to drink. Tom drank. Tom non sta per arrendersi ora. Tom is not about to give up now. Tom's not about to give up now. Întârzie des la şcoală. He often comes late to school. He's usually late at school. Lo que me dijo Jack sobre ti es un montón de mentiras, no le creo. What Jack told me about you is a pack of lies. I don't believe him. What Jack told me about you is a lot of lies, I don't believe him. Didymus faber bonus non est. Tom isn't a good worker. I don't have a good Didymus faber. Tom era un testimone collaborativo. Tom was a cooperating witness. Tom was a collaborative witness. Sono dovuta tornare a casa. I had to get back home. I had to go home. Responda-me. Answer me! Answer me. Ea purta o pălărie ciudată. She was wearing a strange hat. She was wearing a weird hat. Tom vuole più caffè. Tom wants more coffee. Tom wants more coffee. Êtes-vous esseulé ? Are you lonely? Are you locked up? Pot să fac mai mult de atât. I can't do more than that. I can do more than that. Que cheiro é este? What's that smell? What smell is this? Ele já me havia contado a verdade, quando vocês nos viram na sala de visitas. When you saw us in the sitting room, he had already told me the truth. He had already told me the truth when you saw us in the visiting room. Te-am auzit. I heard you. I heard you. Saben tot. You know everything. They know everything. In bibliotheca fui. I have been to the library. I went to the library. Hi calcei scortei sunt. The shoes are made of leather. I was kicking the stock. Não estou brigando com você. I'm not fighting with you. I'm not fighting with you. Io sono un casanova. I'm a womaniser. I'm a housekeeper. Nonne fessa es? Aren't you tired? Aren't you? An discipula lycei es? Are you a high school student? Are you a disciple of lycei? Marcus plus pecuniae habet quam tu. Mark has more money than you. Marcus has more money than you do. Elle a déchiré la lettre après l'avoir lue. She tore the letter up after reading it. She broke the letter after she read it. Yo puedo consolarla. I can comfort her. I can comfort her. Voi come interpretate la poesia? How do you interpret the poem? How do you interpret poetry? Nu ești destul de ambițios, Tom. You're not ambitious enough, Tom. You're not ambitious enough, Tom. O Tom não sabe tocar violão. Tom doesn't know how to play guitar. Tom can't play violin. ¿No huele a algo extraño? It smells weird, doesn't it? Don't you smell something strange? An ka manjé pen a lè a didiko-la. I eat bread for my breakfast. Let's eat the air air and learn it. Ele jamais jogou golfe. He has never played golf. He never played golf. Contanto que isso não estrague com o fim de semana. As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend! I'm glad that doesn't ruin the weekend. Thomas se puniturum esse scit. Tom knows that he'll be punished. Thomas knows how to punish himself. De postre siempre tomaba fruta. He always ate fruit for dessert. From dessert he always took fruit. Je t'ai posé cette question auparavant. I've asked you this question before. I've asked you this question before. Tom è più intelligente di noi. Tom is smarter than we are. Tom's smarter than us. O meu pai, eu aprendo muito com ele. I learn a lot from my father. My father, I learn a lot from him. Faça como quiser. Suit yourself. Do whatever you want. Animalia sunt. These are animals. The animal is. "Atque equidem Teucrum memini Sidona venire / finibus expulsum patriis, nova regna petentem / auxilio Beli; genitor tum Belus opimam / vastabat Cyprum, et victor dicione tenebat". "Ay, well I mind me how in days of yore / to Sidon exiled Teucer crossed the main, / to seek new kingdoms and the aid implore / of Belus. He, my father Belus, then / ruled Cyprus, victor of the wasted plain." "And remember that Theus came from Sidon, he was evicted from the country; he was in demand of a new kingdom / help of Beli; he was the father of Belus the chief / plundered by Cyprus, and he was invincible." Le nostre città creano seri problemi di inquinamento. Our cities create serious pollution problems. Our cities create serious pollution problems. Te rog să te abții de la fumat. Please refrain from smoking. Please refrain from smoking. Tu devrais passer un peu de temps chaque jour à revoir du vocabulaire. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. You should spend a little time every day reviewing vocabulary. In Italiam ire volo. I want to go to Italy. Go to Italy for the flight. Ho visto il film prima. I have seen the film before. I've seen the movie before. Je peux conduire. I can drive. I can drive. Las reglas antiguas no aplican. The old rules don't apply. The old rules do not apply. Se contrae con el frío. It contracts with the cold. It's getting cold. Mi è permesso mangiare qualunque cosa? Am I allowed to eat anything? Am I allowed to eat anything? Quiero verlos. I want to see them! I want to see them. El significat exacte de la metafísica és controvertit. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. Va provar d'escórrer la taronja. She tried to squeeze the juice out of the orange. He tried to run the orange. Pouvez-vous me prendre à la gare ? Can you pick me up at the station? Can you take me to the station? Siete pronte a studiare il klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Are you ready to study the klingon? Lo siento, mi madre no está en casa en este momento. I'm sorry, but my mother is out at the moment. I'm sorry, my mom's not home right now. Vuole davvero andare a Boston per conto suo? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? You really want to go to Boston on your own? Ne penses-tu pas que Tanaka l'as fait ? Don't you think Tanaka is the one who did it? Don't you think Tanaka did it? Vous devriez vous excuser pour votre grossièreté. You should apologize for your rudeness. You should apologize for your rudeness. Unde crezi că am cunoscut-o? Where do you think I met her? Where do you think I met her? Père a rencontré de nombreux problèmes en préparant le dîner pour les invités. Father went to a lot of trouble to prepare dinner for our guests. Father had many problems preparing dinner for guests. Libum bonum est. It is a good cake. Good book is. Amanhã irei aos Estados Unidos. I'm going to America tomorrow. I'll go to the United States tomorrow. Kami telah tertunda oleh kemacetan lalu lintas, jadi kami harus bergegas. We were delayed by traffic congestion, so we had to hurry. We've been delayed by traffic jams, so we have to hurry. ¿Es tu socio un americano? Is your coworker an American? Is your partner an American? Saya cuba untuk meneka umurnya. I tried to guess her age. I tried to age her. Je crois qu'il faut réfléchir avant de prendre cette décision. I think we must think it over before making this decision. I think we need to think before we make that decision. Tom nu mai vrea niciodată să o vadă din nou pe Mary. Tom doesn't ever want to see Mary again. Tom never wants to see Mary again. Chi ha spento le luci? Who turned off the lights? Who turned off the lights? "Dextrum Scylla latus, lævum implacata Charybdis / obsidet, atque imo barathri ter gurgite vastos / sorbet in abruptum fluctus, rursusque sub auras / erigit alternos et sidera verberat unda." "Here Scylla, leftward sits Charybdis fell, / who, yawning thrice, her lowest depths laid bare, / sucks the vast billows in her throat's dark hell, / then starward spouts the refluent surge in air." "The 2nd Scylla side, the 5th wheel of Charybdis / ossidet, and the 6th wheel of amber sprouts abundantly, in a roar of waves, and subverts under auras / uplifts the 2nd wheel of amber." Umur berapa? How old are you? How old? Non so a che ora sarò a casa. I don't know what time I'll be home. I don't know what time I'll be home. Quali sono le origini delle Olimpiadi? What are the origins of the Olympics? What are the origins of the Olympics? Soy un gran fanático del arte. I am a big fan of the arts. I'm a great art fan. Você se lembra de mim? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? C'è stato un incidente. There's been an accident. There was an accident. ¿Has dejado la ventana abierta? Did you leave the window open? Did you leave the window open? O nosso cão está no canil. Our dog is in the kennel. Our dog's on the canyon. Eu quero uma lista de todos os parentes de Tom. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. Vrea să se răzbune. He wants to retaliate. He wants revenge. J'ai de la compagnie. I've got company. I have company. Acest trandafir este foarte frumos. This rose is very beautiful. This rose is very beautiful. Eu queria ter tido tempo suficiente para dormir. I wish I had enough time to sleep. I wanted to have had enough time to sleep. Quid ratione divinius? What is more divine than reason? What is God's reason? Ils ont infiltré notre réseau. They have infiltrated our network. They infiltrated our network. Patriam meam amo. I love my homeland. I'm from my family, I'm in. Le state aspettando? Are you waiting for them? Are you waiting for her? 'Sa gh'ê-t cumprê? What did you buy? 'Is his gh' satisfied? ¿Quién es ese hombre? Who is that man? Who is that man? Rien ne semblait fonctionner. Nothing seemed to work. Nothing seemed to work. Gracias! Thank you! Thank you! Tom le dice a todo el mundo que no habla francés, pero eso no es verdad. Tom tells everyone that he can't speak French, but that's not true. Tom tells everyone he doesn't speak French, but that's not true. A Tom le gusta la gente como él. Tom likes people similar to himself. Tom likes people like him. O que tem lá? What's in there? What's wrong with you? Você não está sendo justo. You're not being fair. You're not being fair. Apakah kau pernah pergi ke Laut Hitam? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever gone to the Black Sea? Dia menunggu sampai tersengguk-sengguk menahan mengantuk. He waited until he was already nodding off to sleep. He's waiting till he's suffocating. La mantequilla es blanda. Butter is soft. Butter is soft. Lui îi place ceaiul. He likes tea. He likes tea. Le rugby est un jeu de plein air. Rugby is an outdoor game. rugby is an outdoor game. Siamo cavie umane. We are test subjects. We're human cables. Siamo tutti qui nel ranch. We are all here on the ranch. We're all here on the ranch. Era lo suficiente insensata para creerla. He was foolish enough to believe her. She was foolish enough to believe it. Esta camisa precisa ser passada. This shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs to be passed. Aku menyekakmat lawanku dengan kedua bentengku. I checkmated my opponent by using my two rooks. I scoured my opponent with both of my forts. Ubique esse non possum. I can't be everywhere. Where I can't be. Setetes demi setetes, airnya dapat berkumpul hingga membentuk sebuah danau. Drop by drop, the water can conglomerate into a lake. A drop by a drop, the water can gather to form a lake. Por favor cuelga tu abrigo en la antesala. Please hang your coat in the anteroom. Please hang your coat in the anteriorala. No l'entenc. I do not understand you. I don't understand. Quiero ser como ella. I want to be like her. I want to be like her. Puc prémer el botó? Can I push the button? Can I press the button? Programul echipei este istovitor. The team's schedule is grueling. The team's program is stoivotive. Entregarei isso ao Tom amanhã. I'll give it to Tom tomorrow. I'll give it to Tom tomorrow. Ce ticket est valable trois jours. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Es-tu sûre de ne vouloir que de l'eau ? Are you sure you just want water? Are you sure you want only water? Non tecum loquor. I'm not speaking to you. I'm not talking to you. Tom este foarte obosit. Tom is very tired. Tom's very tired. Fetiţa a izbucnit în lacrimi. The young girl burst into tears. The girl broke into tears. Noi siamo armati. We're armed. We're armed. Na verdade, você está certo. Actually, you're right. Actually, you're right. L'avió s'enlairà a les sis clavades. The plane took off exactly at six. The plane will be taken at six o'clock. Ele preencheu este formulário? Has he filled out this form? Did he fill out this form? Je ne pense pas que ça va arriver. I don't think that's going to happen. I don't think that's gonna happen. Utrum es somniculosa an fessa? Are you sleepy or tired? Is Utrum dreamy or ugly? La cogí de la mano. I caught her by the hand. I took her by the hand. Je dois y aller maintenant. I must go now. I have to go now. Horologium aureum ei dedi. I gave him a gold watch. I gave her golden watch. Lapis in calceo meo est. There's a rock in my shoe. He is a stone in my shoe. J'en ai plein d'autres là d'où c'est venu. I've got plenty more where that came from. I've got plenty more from where it came from. Am auzit că te-ai descurcat bine la examen. I heard you did well on the exam. I heard you did well on the exam. Ii pro libertate pugnant. They're fighting for liberty. It's for fighting freedom. Tom poderia ser canadense. Tom could be Canadian. Tom could be Canadian. Le garçon a plus que confirmé l'opinion favorable qu'ils s'étaient fait de lui. The boy more than justified the favourable opinion they had formed of him. The boy more than confirmed the favorable opinion they had made of him. Je veux que vous me disiez tout ce que vous savez à ce propos. I want you to tell me everything you know about that. I want you to tell me everything you know about it. Barbam et pallium, philosophum nondum video. I see a beard and a cloak, but I have yet to see a philosopher. I haven't seen a beard and a robe, a philosopher yet. Appropinquant. They're getting closer. Approximate. Es la gota que colma el vaso. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. It's the drop that fills the glass. Il est toujours alité. He is still on his back. He's always at ease. Cras Lutetiam ibo. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. Cras Lutetiam ibo. Tom e Mary sempre brincavam juntos quando eram crianças. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary always played together when they were kids. Aku rasa aku harus mencari pinjaman. I think I may have to get a loan. I think I should be looking for a loan. Hic exspectabimus. We'll wait here. We'll wait for him. Berapa lama kau tinggal di luar negeri? How long did you stay abroad? How long have you been living abroad? Tu ne peux pas te débarrasser de moi. You can't get rid of me. You can't get rid of me. Urbs optima erit. It will be a wonderful town. The best Urbs will be. Je me suis dépêché. I hurried. I'm on my way. Eres mejor que él. You're better than him. You're better than him. Omnes necavi. I killed them all. All fools. M-am distrat bine noaptea trecută. I enjoyed myself last night. I had a good time last night. No bebas nada. Don't drink anything. Don't drink anything. Lo perderemos todo. We'll lose everything. We'll lose everything. Tom mengolesi sepotong roti dengan mentega Tom buttered a slice of bread. Tom roasted a piece of bread with butter La chatte s'est assise sur le tapis. The cat sat on the mat. The pussy sat on the carpet. Tom ha chiamato alle due e mezza. Tom called at 2:30. Tom called at 2:30. Sami não contestou. Sami pled no contest. Sami didn't answer. Mia mamma era una donna meravigliosa. My mom was a wonderful woman. My mom was a wonderful woman. Fuistine umquam in America? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Le règlement scolaire exige le port d'un uniforme par les élèves. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms. The school regulations require the wearing of a uniform by the students. Nonne somni cupidi estis? Aren't you guys sleepy? Aren't you eager for a dream? Loquerisne cum felibus tuis? Do you talk to your cats? Are you willing to go with your legs? Ella no mencionó la razón de su retraso. She didn't mention the reason for being late. She didn't mention the reason for her delay. Tres liberos habet. He has three children. He has three children. Hubo silencio por un momento. There was silence for a moment. There was silence for a moment. Vi andrebbe di prendere un caffè insieme? Would you like to get a coffee together? Would you like a cup of coffee together? Deixe Tom vencer. Let Tom win. Let Tom win. Kobe est la ville où je suis né. Kobe is the city which I was born in. Kobe is the city where I was born. Avez-vous un chien ? Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog? Volo gladium similem! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like that! At ille: “Affer, inquit, mihi, et comedam de venatione tua, fili mi, ut benedicat tibi anima mea”. Quos cum oblatos comedisset, obtulit ei etiam vinum. Quo hausto, dixit ad eum Isaac pater eius: “Accede ad me et da mihi osculum, fili mi”. Then he said: Bring me the meats of thy hunting, my son, that my soul may bless thee. And when they were brought, and he had eaten, he offered him wine also, which after he had drunk, he said to him: Come near me, and give me a kiss, my son. And he said, Further, I, even I, shall eat of thy venison, my son, that my soul may bless thee. And when he had brought it near unto thee, he offered him wine. And Isaac his father said unto him, Come near to me, and kiss me, my son. El noventa y nueve siempre me hace reír. Ninety-nine always makes me laugh. Ninety always makes me laugh. Ei nu mai aveau mere, așă că am cumpărat niște banane în schimb. They were all out of apples, so I bought some bananas instead. They no longer had apples, so I bought some bananas instead. Traitons ceci un problème à la fois ! Let's handle this one problem at a time. Let's deal with this one problem at a time! Quel idiot tu es ! You're such an idiot! What an idiot you are! Permítame presentarle a mi familia. Let me introduce you to my family. Let me introduce my family. Creo que sobrevivirás. I think you're going to survive. I think you'll survive. He impreso 100 páginas. I have printed 100 pages. I've printed 100 pages. Ren. Nothing. Ren. Tam pulchra est quam mater. She is as beautiful as her mother. She is as beautiful as a mother. « Quel âge as-tu ? » « Seize ans. » "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." "How old are you?" "Six years." În general lupii nu atacă oamenii. In general, wolves do not attack people. The wolves usually don't attack people. Kyoto es visitado por muchos turistas. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Kyoto is visited by many tourists. Palatium altam turrim habet. The palace has a tall tower. He has a high palace. Salvo yo, nadie tenía hambre. Nobody was hungry except me. Except me, nobody was hungry. Tom non mi fece mai nulla. Tom never did anything to me. Tom never did anything to me. Realmente quero ir para Boston. I really want to come to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Tres calamos habes. You have three pens. You've got three of us. Algo le tiene que haber pasado a Bob ayer. Something must have happened to Bob yesterday. Something must have happened to Bob yesterday. Dice che odia studiare il berbero. He says he hates studying Berber. He says he hates studying beer. Si ho sabés, et diria tot el que sé. If only I knew, I would tell you all that I knew. If I knew, I'd tell you everything I know. Vult Thomas in domo manere et telehorasim aspicere. Tom wants to stay at home to watch television. I want Thomas to stay in the house, and I want to have a look at him. Tom ha intenzione di farlo domani, vero? Tom is planning to do that tomorrow, isn't he? Tom's going to do it tomorrow, isn't he? Kau memang benar. You're totally right. You're right. Thomas languet desiderio Mariae. Tom longs for Mary. Thomas speaks of Mariae's desire. Soi policièr. I'm a policeman. I'm a cop. Ci mostri come si fa. Show us how it's done. Show us how to do it. Você poderia parar com isso. You could stop this. You could stop that. Prenez une décision et prenez-la avec la certitude que vous avez raison. Make a decision and make it with the confidence that you are right. Make a decision and make it with the certainty that you are right. Et ingressus est Noe et filii eius, uxor eius et uxores filiorum eius cum eo in arcam propter aquas diluvii. And Noah went in and his sons, his wife and the wives of his sons with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark because of the waters of the flood. John tem duzentos empregados. John employs 200 workers. John has two hundred employees. Tinon a madanm a'y sé Liz. His wife’s name is Liz. I have a wife there, Liz. Je n'aime absolument pas le fromage de chèvre. I absolutely do not like goat cheese. I don't really like goat cheese. Nessuno riesce a indovinare la sua età. Nobody can guess her age. No one can guess his age. Cuando miro esta foto me acuerdo de mi familia. When I look of this photo I remember my family. When I look at this picture, I remember my family. Neglijența conduce adesea la accidente. Carelessness often results in accidents. Neglect often leads to accidents. Dia mengambil sebuah buku dari rak buku. He took a book from the bookshelf. He took a book from the bookshelf. Mary está completamente apaixonada pelo Tom. Mary has a huge crush on Tom. Mary is completely in love with Tom. Ils préféreraient que nous attendions. They would prefer that we wait. They'd rather we wait. Nasci em um navio. I was born on a ship. I was born on a ship. Estou à procura de um bar. I'm looking for a bar. I'm looking for a bar. Considérons le chemin que tu as parcouru jusqu'à date. Consider the path. Let's consider the way you've traveled so far. No hablemos más sobre ello. Let's say no more about it. Let's not talk about it anymore. State con Tom. Go be with Tom. Stay with Tom. Tom tiene miedo. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. Quão ingênua as senhoras estão presumindo que eu seja? How naive do you think I am? How naive are you ladies pretending to be me? Essuyez vos lèvres sur la serviette. Clean your lips with the napkin. Wipe your lips on the towel. De ce nu mănânci legume? Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? Cette montre est d'un nouveau modèle. This watch is a new type. This watch is a new model. Sin aire, en la luna no puede haber viento ni ruido. Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. Without air, there can be no wind or noise on the moon. Aliémonos con ese grupo. Let's ally ourselves to that group. Let's join that group. Tom tinggal sendiri di rumah yang besar Tom lives alone in a large house. Tom lives alone in a big house Abite! Get lost! Abite! Exoptatus cauponam nostram advenisti! Welcome to our restaurant! You've come out of our lockup! L'ho già chiamato. I've already called him. I already called him. Quamdiu Georgius linguam Lusitanicam didicit? How long has George studied Portuguese? When did Georgius learn the Lusitanic language? Non deve assolutamente sapere perché l'ho fatto. You absolutely don't need to know why I did it. You don't have to know why I did it. Aku merasa seperti orang bodoh. I felt like an idiot. I feel like a fool. Tom e Mary sono davvero gelosi, vero? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? Tom and Mary are really jealous, aren't they? Harap tenang! Be quiet! Please calm down! Omnes pueri riserunt. The guys all laughed. All the kids laughed. A filosofia nos ensina a desconfiar das coisas que nos parecem ser óbvias. A propaganda, por outro lado, ensina-nos a aceitar como óbvias questões sobre as quais seria sensato evitar julgamentos ou duvidar. Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. Philosophy teaches us to distrust the things that seem obvious to us. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as obvious questions on which it would be wise to avoid judgment or doubt. Kijan ou di "kaisha" an angle? How do you say "kaisha" in English? How do you say "kaisha" in English? Las personas lucen como hormigas. People look like ants. People look like ants. Noi non abbiamo fatto nulla. We've done nothing. We didn't do anything. Ses études l'absorbent. His study absorbs him. His studies absorb him. No instante em que viu o policial, ele fugiu. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. The moment he saw the police, he ran away. Are nevoie de puțină iubire. It just needs a little love. He needs a little love. Rómulo y Remo eran hermanos. Romulus and Remus were brothers. Romulus and Remo were brothers. Tom è piuttosto occupato in questo momento. Tom's rather busy just now. Tom's pretty busy right now. Não se preocupe. Tomarei cuidado. Don't worry. I'll be careful. Don't worry, I'll be careful. ¡Lo siento! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Usianya sebelas tahun. He's eleven years old. She was eleven years old. Quot milites in Secundo Bello Mundano perierunt? How many soldiers died in World War Two? How many soldiers in Second World Bello have perished? Escucha y puede que aprendas algo. Listen and you might learn something. Listen and maybe you can learn something. Tom admirait Marie pour son courage. Tom admired Mary for her bravery. Tom admired Mary for her courage. Il est plus beau que tu le penses. He is more handsome than you think. It's more beautiful than you think. Masha sonha começar uma revolução, mas tem muito medo. Masha dreams of starting a revolution, but is quite afraid. Masha dreams of starting a revolution, but she's very scared. Non teño ningún bolígrafo. I don't have any pens. I don't have any pens. Você vem quando? When will you come? When are you coming? Esne decem annos nata? Are you ten years old? Was it ten years old born? La mansana es vedre. The apple is green. The mansana will be seen. Le sue condizioni di salute mi preoccupano. His health situation worries me. I'm worried about his health conditions. Senti-me sem fôlego depois de subir correndo as escadas. I felt winded after running up the stairs. I felt breathless after I went up the stairs. Tom quer ser paramédico. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Tom wants to be a paramedic. Numquam Thomas depositus sit. Tom should never have been fired. He never caused Thomas to lose his job. Didymus clavichordo canit, dum Maria cantavit. Tom played the piano and Mary sang. Didymus clavechordo sings, while Mary sang. Il est tombé amoureux d'un femme plus jeune. He fell in love with a younger woman. He fell in love with a younger woman. Sono stato bocciato all'esame perché non ho studiato. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I got kicked out of the exam because I didn't study. "Ah !" est une interjection. "Ah!" is an interjection. "Ah!" is an interference. Hubo una epidemia de cólera en Haití. There was a cholera epidemic in Haiti. There was a cholera epidemic in Haiti. J'admets qu'il a raison. I admit that he is right. I admit he's right. Ficaremos aqui por apenas alguns dias. We'll be here for only a few days. We'll stay here for just a few days. Si multam pecuniam habebis, terrebis. If you have a lot of money, you will become afraid. If you have a lot of money, you can go ahead and clean up. Tu i jo tenim la mateixa edat. You and me are the same age. You and I are the same age. Exoptata domum meam advenisti. Welcome to my home. You accepted my house and came here. Cum amico tuo laboro. I work with your friend. I'm working with your friend. Creemos que un empleado descontento fue el que colocó la bomba. We think a disgruntled employee was the one who planted the bomb. We think a disgruntled employee was the one who put the bomb in. Si le fromage est bon, mais que le gâteau est un mensonge, qu'est-ce qu'un gâteau au fromage ? Un bon mensonge. If cheese is good, but the cake is a lie, what is a cheesecake? A good lie. If cheese is good, but cake is a lie, what is a cheese cake? J'ai préparé à déjeuner. I made dinner. I made lunch. Pisces branchias et pinnas habent. Fish have gills and fins. Branches and fins have fish. Aquí todos te temen. Everyone here is afraid of you. Everyone here is afraid of you. On és l'estació de ferrocarrils? Where is the railroad station? Where's the railway station? Tom tem de calar a boca. Tom needs to shut up. Tom has to shut up. A zona acima de 8000m é conhecida como a zona da morte. The zone above 8000m is known as the death zone. The area above 8000m is known as the area of death. Bem começado é meio caminho andado. Well begun is half done. Well started is half a walk. Kalau saja aku menjual properti itu sebelum gelembung ekonomi terjadi, aku tidak akan kehilangan semua uangku. If only I'd sold that property before the economic bubble burst I wouldn't have lost all that money. If only I sold that property before the economic bubble happened, I wouldn't lose all my money. O garoto usa óculos. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy wears glasses. Eu não conheço essa pessoa. I don't know that person. I don't know that person. Haec cista valde gravis est. This box is very heavy. This is a very heavy cost. Vamos, admíteo. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Han pasado tres horas y media desde que se marchó. Three and a half hours have passed since he left. It's been three and a half hours since he left. Pedro mora com seu amigo. Peter lives with his friend. Peter lives with his friend. Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible to the gods. Asini animalia robusta sunt. Donkeys are tough animals. Strong animal donkeys are. Él estaba impaciente por ver a su hijo. He was impatient to see his son. He was impatient to see his son. Pensei que você estava brincando. I thought you were kidding. I thought you were kidding. Tomás sabe quienes son ellos. Tom knows who they are. Thomas knows who they are. Aqueste hèit muisha que la Tèrra vira a l'entorn deu sorèlh. This fact shows that the earth goes round the sun. This eight muzzles Earth's turn around ten sisters. Tom guindou una pedra á árbore. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone to the tree. Ne fais pas l'effarouchée avec moi ! Don't play coy with me. Don't worry about me! ¿De quién es esta bolsa? Whose is this bag? Whose bag is this? Lui ha detto solo cose stupide. He said only stupid things. He just said stupid things. Je pense que c'est toi qui l'a fait. I think you did it. I think you did it. Ho detto a Tom che stavo bene. I told Tom I was fine. I told Tom I was okay. Merci de prendre soin de tout ceci. Thanks for taking care of all of this. Thank you for taking care of all this. Você é sempre muito sério. You're always too serious. You're always very serious. La niña salió herida de gravedad en el accidente de tránsito. The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident. The girl was seriously injured in the traffic accident. Eh, tengok, monyet berkepala tiga! Hey, look, a three-headed monkey! Uh, look, monkey headed three! Locutus est Deus ad Iacob: Surge et ascende Bethel et habita ibi; facque altare Deo, qui apparuit tibi, quando fugiebas Esau fratrem tuum. In the mean time God said to Jacob: Arise and go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an altar to God, who appeared to thee when thou didst flee from Esau, thy brother. God said to Jacob: “Arise, go up to Bethel, and live there; and make an altar to God, who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother. C'était négligent de sa part de faire une telle erreur. It was careless of him to make such a mistake. It was careless of him to make such a mistake. Quid? Nondum gubernare potes? What? You can't drive yet? You can't really rule, can you? Beatus esse posset, si vellet. He could be happy if he wanted. Blessed is he who has the strength, if he is old. Didymus solium purgavit. Tom scrubbed the bathtub. Didymus held a throne. O que você fez no seu aniversário? What did you do on your birthday? What did you do on your birthday? Care este prognoza meteo pentru ziua de mâine? What's the forecast for tomorrow? What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Tom sta parlando con Mary al telefono. Tom is talking to Mary on the phone. Tom's talking to Mary on the phone. Con quale strada posso cominciare? Which street may I start with? Which way can I start? Sami e Layla cominciarono a incontrarsi in segreto. Sami and Layla started meeting in secret. Sami and Layla started meeting secretly. Zilele sunt mai scurte iarna. Days are shorter in winter. The days are shorter than winter. Pernyataan itu sekarang penuh dengan semanga/kekuatan. The statesman is now in full vigor. That statement is now full of enthusiasm/power. Je connais très bien cet endroit. I know this area pretty well. I know this place very well. Edistine umquam libum musarum? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? Have you ever set up a museum book? La ciudad fue destruida durante la guerra. The town was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Tout ce qui peut être mal compris le sera. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Everything that can be misunderstood will be. Ele há de ser demitido. He shall be fired. He has to be fired. Sposerò una bella donna estone. I will marry a beautiful Estonian woman. I'm going to marry a beautiful young woman. Quadrupeda sunt animalia quae quattuor pedes habent. Quadrupeds are animals that have four feet. There are four-footed animals that have four feet. Non estaba seguro da miña capacidade para facelo. I was uncertain of my ability to do it. I wasn't sure about my ability to do it. ¡Qué puesta de sol más bonita! Rondemos por aquí unos cuantos minutos para verla. What a gorgeous sunset! Let's hang around for a couple of minutes and watch it. What a beautiful sunset! Let's ride around here a few minutes to see it. La smetta di balbettare. Stop babbling. Stop jerking around. Capilli mei sunt aeque promissi ac Ioannae. My hair is as long as Jane's. My hair is one of the promised hairs of mine with Joanna. Loro si sono nascoste dietro l'albero. They hid behind the tree. They hid behind the tree. Ellos sienten una gran pasión por los deportes al aire libre. They are keen on outdoor sports. They feel a great passion for outdoor sports. I miei genitori non ci punirono mai. My parents never punished us. My parents never punished us. Timesne tenebras? Are you afraid of the dark? Timesne darkness? Dia sedang tidur denga dua bantal. He is sleeping with two pillows. She's sleeping with two pillows. Se puidese renacer, querería ser fillo dunha familia rica, entón estaría listo para a vida. If I could be reborn, I would want to be the child of a rich family, then I'd be set for life. If I could be born again, I'd like to be the son of a wealthy family, then I'd be ready for life. ¡Disfrutamos al máximo! We enjoyed ourselves to the maximum! We enjoy it as much as possible! Essas coisas são divertidas. Those things are fun. These things are fun. Gulanya larut dalam kopi hangat. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. Sugar's late in hot coffee. Parentes eius me ad cenam invitaverunt. His parents invited me to dinner. His parents invited me to a supper. N'i a pas nada error. There's no mistake. There's nothing wrong with that. Alguém já pensou seriamente nisso? Has anybody ever given serious thought to this? Has anyone ever seriously thought about that? Ela não é minha amiga. Eu a odeio. She's not my friend. I hate her. She's not my friend. Eu não serei capaz de ajudá-lo. I won't be able to help you. I won't be able to help you. Ella estaba contenta con su nuevo vestido. She was pleased with her new dress. She was happy with her new dress. Me has decepcionado. You disappointed me. You let me down. Cò' a l'é 'n "terpomo"? Un pom ant la tera, o na patata? What is 'terpomo'? An apple in the ground, or a potato? What's in the "terpome"? An apple in the ground, or potato? Le petit-déjeuner est prêt. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Io e Tom vogliamo parlarle di qualcosa. Tom and I want to talk to you about something. Tom and I want to talk to you about something. Tom escreveu uma carta. Tom wrote a letter. Tom wrote a letter. Toko ini buka sepanjang tahun. The store is open all the year round. It's open all year round. Tom è incorreggibile. Tom is incorrigible. Tom's incorrigible. Nunca pensé que me haría eso. I never imagined he'd do that to me. I never thought I'd do that. Aliquis ostium pulsat. Someone is knocking at the door. Somebody's knocking the door. Au deable ceste barbe ! To hell with this beard! To the poor beard basket! Não posso te dizer o que penso. I can't tell you what I think. I can't tell you what I think. Ton école se situe-t-elle dans cette ville ? Is your school in this town? Is your school in this town? Solía haber una oficina de correos en la esquina. There used to be a post office on the corner. There used to be a post office in the corner. Sellae e ligno factae sunt. The chairs are made of wood. There were saddles and wood made. Je lui enverrai un message personnel. I'll shoot him a PM. I'll send him a personal message. Ouro é mais pesado do que ferro. Gold weighs more than iron. Gold is heavier than iron. Tom marinò la scuola. Tom cut school. Tom sailed to school. También. As well. Also. Post horam te per telephonum adibo. I will call you in an hour. After an hour, I'll put you on the phone. Baixou as persianas. She pulled the blinds down. The blinds are down. Nulla puella discipula est. None of the girls is a student. No girl is a disciple. Você me telefonou ontem à noite? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Creo que deberían pensar en su futuro. I think you should think about the future. I think they should think about their future. Ha la metà dei suoi anni. She's half his age. He's half his age. Sce tu ne menges nia, tu mueres. If you don't eat, you die. You know you're eating our nanny, you're dying. Mi refrigerador está descompuesto. My refrigerator is out of order. My refrigerator is broken down. Perché è così grassa? Why are you so fat? Why is she so fat? Le sel est une substance utile. Salt is a useful substance. Salt is a useful substance. J'ai été récompensé par votre agréable compagnie. I was rewarded by your pleasant company. I've been rewarded by your pleasant company. Orașul a fost distrus în timpul războiului. The city was destroyed during the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Capisci? Do you understand? You understand? Thomas celeriter movet. Tom moves quickly. Thomas's fast moving. Haec pipa non est. This is not a pipe. This pipe does not exist. Você está conosco? Are you with us? Are you with us? Tom nunca admite que está errado, mesmo quando sabe que está. Tom never admits he's wrong even when he knows he is. Tom never admits he's wrong, even when he knows he's. Layla escuchó cerrarse violentamente la puerta. Layla heared the door slam. Layla heard the door shut violently. O que será que ela quis dizer com isso. I wonder what she meant by that. What did she mean by that? Vorrei insegnarvi il cinese in cambio di un'altra lingua. I'd like to teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me another language. I would like to teach you Chinese in exchange for another language. Siapa orang-orang ini? Who are these people? Who are these people? La dictature c'est "ferme ta gueule", la démocratie c'est "cause toujours". Dictatorship can be summed up by "shut up!", democracy by "keep talking". The dictatorship is "close to your mouth," democracy is "always causing". Kelompok tersebut berusaha untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah sosial. The group tried to solve social problems. The group is trying to solve social problems. Qual è il tuo videogioco preferito? What's your favorite video game? What is your favorite video game? Um homem com bom senso não falaria comigo daquele jeito. A man of sense wouldn't speak to you like that. A man with good sense wouldn't talk to me that way. Deus creavit caelum et terram. God created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. Spediscilo per posta. Send it by mail. Send it by mail. Êtes-vous prêt à travailler ? Are you ready to work? Are you ready to work? El silencio es un argumento difícil de contradecir. Silence is an argument which is difficult to counter. Silence is a difficult argument to contradict. Ha mangiato qualcosa. He ate something. He ate something. Une pluie de printemps raviva la fleur. A spring rain revived the flower. A spring rain revives the flower. Andai bene nel mio test di francese. I did well on my French test. I went well in my French test. Nu poţi demonstra asta. You can't prove that. You can't prove that. Dia pernah mengenalnya, tetapi mereka tidak lagi berteman. He once knew her, but they are no longer friends. She had known him before, but they were no longer friends. Tolong bicara deng bahasa Prancis. Please speak French. Please speak French. Como se pode esperar que uma mulher seja feliz com um homem que insiste em tratá-la como se ela fosse um ser humano absolutamente normal? How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. How can one expect a woman to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were an absolutely normal human being? Vocês podem falar com o Tom. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Esperamos mejorar con el tiempo. We hope to improve with time. We hope to improve over time. Sacra Dionææ matri divisque ferebam / auspicibus cœptorum operum, superoque nitentem / cœlicolum regi mactabam in litore taurum. Due rites to Venus and the gods I bore, / the work to favour, and a sleek, white steer / to Heaven's high King was slaughtering on the shore. The sacred Dioneææ matrix, which was divided by the opinions of the ceptums used to work, was superoected by the king and killed by him on the bed of a bull. Mucha gente te va a decir que no debiste haber hecho eso. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. A lot of people are gonna tell you you shouldn't have done that. Avete invitato Tom alla festa? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Furtuna a făcut multe pagube. The storm caused a lot of damage. Storm has done a lot of damage. O senhor quer uma aspirina? Would you like some aspirin? You want an aspirin? Je mentis lorsqu'elle demanda mon âge. I lied when she asked how old I was. I lied when she asked for my age. Il y a quelques livres sur le bureau. There are some books on the desk. There's a few books on the desk. Riesci a leggere? Can you read? Can you read? Lui sa recitare le poesie. He knows how to recite poems. He can recite the poems. Dia menikah dengan orang biasa. She has married a nobody. He's married to a regular. Avla madjar. She speaks Hungarian. You've got to be mad. Dixitque Cain ad Abel fratrem suum: “Egrediamur foras”. Cumque essent in agro, consurrexit Cain adversus Abel fratrem suum et interfecit eum. And Cain said to Abel his brother: Let us go forth abroad. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him. And Cain said to Abel his brother, "Let us leave the field." He rose up against Abel his brother and killed him, although they were in the field. Potionem Arabicam bibo. I'm drinking the coffee. Arabicic potion alive. Mi nombre es Sasha. My name is Sasha. My name is Sasha. Nunc est dormiendum. It is time to go to bed. Now he's sleeping. Eu queria falar com Tom sozinho. I wanted to speak to Tom alone. I wanted to talk to Tom alone. Vos avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Avlash Ladino? Ela o ajuda. She helps him. She helps him. Tom não é o único que está chateado. Tom isn't the only one who's upset. Tom's not the only one who's upset. Cosa odia? What do you hate? What does he hate? Tomás perdió un dedo. Tom lost a finger. Tomás lost a finger. Thomas irascetur. Tom will be angry. Thomas became angry. ¡Eres un idiota! You are a moron. You're an idiot! Trebuie să vorbim. We have to speak. We need to talk. Tom nu a scăpat nevătămat. Tom didn't escape unscathed. Tom didn't get away with it. Toți din oraș îl cunosc după nume. Everyone in town knows his name. Everyone in town knows him by name. Dove hai visto quella donna? Where did you see that woman? Where did you see that woman? Entre sollozos, esa niña perdida dijo su nombre. Between sobs, that lost girl said her name. Between solos, that lost girl said her name. Tom nu mi-a spus nimic. Tom hasn't told me anything. Tom didn't tell me anything. Extraño a mis padres. I miss my parents. I miss my parents. Samua-samua kita makang. I eat everything. All of us are snoring. Jam tangan ini perlu dipasang. This watch needs to be fixed. This watch needs to be installed. Nous sommes en retard sur l'emploi du temps. We're behind schedule. We are late on the use of time. Qui sou tots vosaltres? Who are you all? Who are all of you? El reloj da las cuatro. The clock strikes 4. The clock is four o'clock. Nolite hic venire. Don't come here. Don't come here. A pantasma de Cock Lane é un conto de pantasmas inglés do século 18. The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century. Cock Lane's ghost is an 18th-century English ghost tale. O Tom é intrometido, mas a Mary não é. Tom is nosey, but Mary isn't. Tom's intrusive, but Mary's not. Quelle est votre adresse ? What is your address? What's your address? Thomas plumbo ursum petiit. Tom shot a bear. Thomas lead bear asked. J'ai sauté une ligne en lisant. I have left out one line in reading. I skipped a line by reading. Eu gostaria de viajar sozinho. I would like to travel alone. I'd like to travel alone. Eo tempore descendens Iudas a fratribus suis divertit ad virum Odollamitem nomine Hiram. At that time Juda went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Odollamite, named Hiras. And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren unto an Adullamite, whose name was Hiram. No cerré la puerta. I left the door open. I didn't close the door. J'ai une bicyclette du dernier modèle. I have a bicycle of the latest model. I have a bicycle from the last model. Am fost la Boston de mai multe ori. I've been to Boston several times. I've been to Boston several times. Mano, qual é mesmo seu sobrenome? Bro, what's your family name? Mano, what's your last name? J'adorais lire quand j'étais petit. I loved reading when I was a child. I used to read when I was a kid. Je vous ai vus au parc, hier. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw you in the park yesterday. Adesso non ha niente per cui vivere. Now he has nothing to live for. Now he has nothing to live for. Ut rex vivit. He lives like a king. That's the king alive. Recuerdo realmente bien el día. Well do I remember the day. I really remember the day well. Mary pidió un aumento a su jefe. Mary requested a raise from her boss. Mary asked her boss for an increase. Tom dice algunas cosas estúpidas a veces. Tom says some stupid things sometimes. Tom says some stupid things sometimes. Lui ci ha detto una bugia. He told us a lie. He told us a lie. Ubi dubium, ibi libertas. Where there is doubt there is freedom. Where doubly, there's freedom. Y avait-il un problème avec la voiture ? Was there something wrong with the car? Was there a problem with the car? Hey Pandark, comment ça se fait que tu sois devenu si célèbre que Pharamp commence à écrire des phrases sur toi ? Hey Pandark, how did you became so famous that Pharamp started writing sentences about you? Hey Pandark, how does it make you so famous that Pharamp starts writing sentences about you? Bisakah kau memperbaiki radio yang rusak itu? Can you fix the broken radio? Can you fix that broken radio? Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works in a language school and loves it. Tom estaba pasmado. Tom was shocked. Tom was amazed. Le dio una caja. He gave her a box. He gave her a box. Quibus iussa explentibus, transierunt quadraginta dies; iste quippe mos erat cadaverum conditorum. Flevitque eum Aegyptus septuaginta diebus. And while they were fulfilling his commands, there passed forty days: for this was the manner with bodies that were embalmed, and Egypt mourned for him seventy days. For those who knew the law, the dead bodies had been embalmed for forty days, and the Egyptians rejoiced for seventy days. Ho visto una barca sopra il ponte. I saw a boat above the bridge. I saw a boat over the bridge. L'espéranto est une langue flexible, facile à apprendre, pratique et mémorisable. Esperanto is a flexible and practical language, easy to learn and memorize. Hopeanto is a flexible language, easy to learn, practical and memorable. Partículas de polvo flotan en la atmósfera. Particles of dust float in the atmosphere. Particles of dust float into the atmosphere. Akeya bisikleta no es vuestra. That bicycle isn't yours. Akeya bicycleta is not yours. El Tom és jove, però sap el que està fent. Tom is young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom's young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom acaba de venir. Tom just showed up. Tom just came. Kotak ini mengandungi epal. This box contains apples. This box contains epals. Em puc dutxar pel matí? May I take a shower in the morning? Can I take a shower in the morning? Ho bisogno di parlare con lui. I need to talk to him. I need to talk to him. A estátua de bronze parece muito bonita a certa distância. The bronze statue looks quite nice from a distance. The bronze statue looks pretty at a certain distance. Mo pé ekrir enn liv. I'm writing a book. I’m writing a book. Io ho fame perché non ho pranzato. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. L-am văzut pe Ion la bibliotecă. I saw John at the library. I saw Ion at the library. La prenda come viene. Take it as it comes. Take it the way it comes. La escuela se encuentra en la colina. The school is on the hill. The school is on the hill. Estupa lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. Stupid hynestron. Báixome do tren na próxima estación. I'm getting off the train at the next station. I'm getting off the train at the next station. As-tu eu des nouvelles de lui, récemment ? Have you heard from him recently? Did you hear from him recently? Répons-lasa sé érè. This answer is wrong. Answer me if I'm wrong. Thōmās frātrem minōrem habet. Tom has a younger brother. Phrase has a mine. Solía ser profesora. I used to be a teacher. I used to be a teacher. Non mi piace essere abbracciato. I don't like to be hugged. I don't like being hugged. Um grupo de moços estava lutando. A group of young men were fighting. A group of boys were fighting. Puis-je revoir ça ? Can I see that again? Can I see that again? Ut piscis nat. He swims like a fish. That fish was born. Aku pikir mereka melihat kita. I think they saw us. I think they saw us. Non mi piace così tanto bere birra. I don't like drinking beer that much. I don't like beer so much. Ele acabou de sair do escritório. He left the office just now. He just left the office. El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero. The knife belongs to the gardener. The knife belongs to the gardener. Stiamo prendendo della pizza? Are we getting pizza? Are we taking pizza? Vamos ao hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Selamat pagi. Good morning. Good morning. El Islam es ermozo. Islam is beautiful. Islam is weed. Nadie puede adivinar lo que él está pensando en este momento. No one can guess what he's thinking now. No one can guess what he's thinking right now. Uter saccus tuus est? Which is your bag? Is the use of your bag? Veo que estoy rodeado de rostros hostiles. I see that I'm surrounded by hostile faces. I see I'm surrounded by hostile faces. J'espère que tu vas accepter ma demande. I hope that you'll accept my request. I hope you'll accept my request. Tu es tatillonne. You're finicky. You're a tattoo. Ninguén pode escapar da morte. Nobody can escape death. No one can escape death. Pr'amor que lo monde sus tèrra parla pas la medisha lenga, hèra eforç qu'ei consacrat a l'arrevirada. Because people in the world don't speak the same language, much effort is now devoted to translation. To ensure that the world does not speak medieval language, the era has moved far behind it. A la debuta Diu que hascoc lo cèu e la tèrra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. At the beginning He says I dig up the sky and the earth. Tom no vive muy lejos de acá. Tom doesn't live too far from here. Tom doesn't live far from here. Tom era un po' scioccato. Tom was a little shocked. Tom was a little shocked. Inda nun atopé trabayu. I still haven't found work. Still not found a job. A comédia está muito mais próxima da vida real do que o drama. Comedy is much closer to real life than drama. Comedy is much closer to real life than drama. Sigues amable amb Ann. Be nice to Ann. Be kind to Ann. Este é um dos piores filmes que eu já vi. This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. En invierno me pongo un abrigo. I wear an overcoat in the winter. In winter I put on a coat. Étant seulement étudiant, je ne peux pas me permettre de me marier. Being only a student, I can't afford to get married. Just being a student, I can't afford to get married. Nous aurions dû acheter trois bouteilles de vin. We should've bought three bottles of wine. We should have bought three bottles of wine. Perspexi quam stultus essem. I realized how stupid I was. I looked like a fool. ¿Entendéis? Do you understand? Do you understand? Hotel ini tidak menyediakan makan siang. This hotel does not serve lunch. This hotel doesn't provide lunch. Tanto Tom quanto Maria nasceram em Boston. Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. Both Tom and Maria were born in Boston. Jangan khawatirkan aku. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Les étudiants sont exposés à l'influence de leurs professeurs. Students are open to the influence of their teachers. Students are exposed to the influence of their teachers. É algo como "olha, eu vi um papel azul quadrado agorinha!". Like, 'Hey, I just saw a blue paper square!' It's something like "Look, I saw a square blue paper agorin!". Toda el armazón era de hierro. The whole framework was made of iron. The whole frame was made of iron. Um grupo de crianças está brincando no andar de baixo. A group of children is playing downstairs. A group of children are playing on the ground floor. Prizonierii au fugit de la lagărul de concentrare. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. Prisoners fled the concentration camp. Voy a acercarme a la tienda de juguetes con los niños. I'm going to the toy store with the children. I'm gonna get closer to the toy store with the kids. Ci vorrà troppo per spiegare. It'll take too long to explain. It'll take too long to explain. Devias estar a dormir. You're supposed to be asleep. You should be sleeping. Sami aveva una guardia del corpo personale. Sami had a personal bodyguard. Sami had a personal bodyguard. Spero te cras venturum esse. I hope that you will come tomorrow. I hope we'll see you tomorrow. Essa é a parte de que eu mais gostei. That's the part I liked best. That's the part that I liked most. Florentia est Italiae urbium pulcherrima. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is a city in Italy. Noli me verberare! Don't beat me! Don't talk to me! Quanto è romantico? How romantic are you? How romantic is it? O forno está quente. The oven is hot. The oven's hot. Vous êtes plus grandes que moi. You're taller than me. You're bigger than me. Tom foi embora de táxi. Tom left in a taxi. Tom left the taxi. Latina Lingua permagni ab Ecclesia Catholica Romanisque Pontificibus usque est aestimata, quandoquidem ipsorum propria habita est lingua, qui eandem cognoscendam et diffundendam assidue curaverunt, cum Evangelii nuntium in universum orbem transmittere valeret, quemadmodum in Constitutione Apostolica Veterum sapientia Decessor Noster beatus Ioannes XXIII iure meritoque edixit. The Latin language has always been held in very high esteem by the Catholic Church and by the Roman Pontiffs. They have assiduously encouraged the knowledge and dissemination of Latin, adopting it as the Church’s language, capable of passing on the Gospel message throughout the world. This is authoritatively stated by the Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia of my Predecessor, Blessed John XXIII. Latin language by the Catholic Church and the Roman Pontiff is believed to be the so-called "Latin" language, which has its own home language, which has the same knowledge and diffusion as they have now healed, with the Evangelies of the gospels transmitting news throughout the world, as in the Apostolic Constitution of Veteum wisdom Decessor Noster. Blessed is John XXIII and he has published merit. Aimes-tu le mien ? Do you like mine? Do you love mine? "Pourquoi tu n'y vas pas ?" "Parce que je ne veux pas." "Why aren't you going?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you go?" "Because I don't want to." Feles sub lecto est. There is a cat under the bed. Feles under east bed. Así fue como llegué a conocerla. That's how I came to know her. That's how I came to know her. À quoi êtes-vous bonnes ? What are you good at? What are you good at? O Tom não precisava ir lá sozinho. Tom didn't need to go there himself. Tom didn't have to go there alone. Omnes digitabula gerebamus. We were all wearing gloves. Every digitized we did. Te gândești serios la divorț? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? Are you seriously thinking about divorce? O que você pensa que eu andei fazendo? What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I've been doing? J'en ai rien à secouer. I don't give a shit about it. I have nothing to shake. Al ping pong también se le llama tenis de mesa. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Ping pong is also called table tennis. Hay algunos errores de impresión, pero en general, es un buen libro. There are some misprints, but all in all, it's a good book. There are some print errors, but in general, it's a good book. Tom tem sotaque britânico. Tom has a British accent. Tom has British accent. Respiratne? Is he breathing? Breathe? "Terima kasih." "Sama-sama." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." La mesera coqueteó con Tom creyendo que él le dejaría una mejor propina. The waitress flirted with Tom thinking that he'd leave her a larger tip. The waitress flirted with Tom thinking he'd leave him a better tip. Dum Nero regnabat, Apostoli Petrus et Paulus, qui Romam advenerant ut praedicarent, necati sunt. During the reign of Nero, the Apostles Peter and Paul, who had come to Rome to preach, were killed. While Nero was reigning, there were some of the apostles Peter and Paul, who came to Rome to preach, and they were dead. Non è in salute. He isn't healthy. It's not healthy. O Japão é estranho. Japan is weird. Japan's weird. Te rog spune-mi cum să ajung la plajă. Please tell me how to get to the beach. Please tell me how to get to the beach. Extrēmis malis extrēma remedia. Extreme evil needs an extreme remedy. Extreme evils extrēma cures. Le travail est presque terminé. The job is almost finished. Work's almost done. Está muy triste. He is very sad. He's very sad. Quereis ter a gentileza de vos calar? Would you please stop talking? Would you like to have the kindness to shut up? Te vigilare video. I see you are awake. Watch your video. Ela quer mas não precisa. She wants but doesn't need it. She wants it, but she doesn't need it. Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Ille est liber, quem legere volo. This is the book I want to read. He's free, whoever reads flight. Com sabèva lo Tòm que la Maria seré pas ací ? How did Tom know that Mary wouldn't be here? How did he know the Tom that Maria wouldn't be here? Può essere un fraintendimento. That may be a misunderstanding. It may be a misunderstanding. Tom a primit un zece la franceză. Tom got an A in French. Tom got a ten in French. Non mi parlate di religione! Don't talk to me about religion. Don't talk to me about religion! Hem vist els dos professors. We saw the two teachers. We've seen the two teachers. Ganhar las eleccions èra una victòria de las bèras peu partit deu candidat. Winning the election was a great victory for the candidate's political party. Winning the election was a victory for the only few of your candidates that won the race. Orgulho-me de ser canadense. I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud to be a Canadian. Sede et bibe theam! Sit and have some tea! Sit down and drink tea! Lui accese la radio. He turned on the radio. He's on the radio. Tom sarà in TV stasera. Tom is going to be on TV tonight. Tom will be on TV tonight. Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken with her? Did anyone talk to her? Aku temanmu. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. Nombre furent massacrés. Many were slain. Number were massacred. Haveria um traidor entre nós? Would there be traitor among us? Would there be a traitor among us? O corpo inteiro é densamente coberto de pelos. The entire body is densely covered with hair. The whole body is densely covered with hair. Estudamos Inglês todos os dias. We learn English every day. We study English every day. Am studiat la greu când am fost la școală. I studied hard when I was in school. I studied hard when I was at school. O nome de meu pai é Tom. My father's name is Tom. My father's name is Tom. No te vayas sin decir adiós. Don't leave without saying goodbye. Don't go without saying goodbye. ¿Conoce a un buen dentista? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Nós trocamos de casa ano passado. We moved house last year. We changed our house last year. Eu suspeitava que algo assim pudesse acontecer. I suspected that something like this might happen. I suspected something like this could happen. Tom a terminat penultimul. Tom finished second-to-last. Tom's done with the final. La niña que trabaja en la panadería es linda. The girl who works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works at the bakery is beautiful. Mozotros somos parientes. We're relatives. We're relatives. Tom dobrou o papel. Tom neatly folded the paper. Tom doubled the paper. Sóc Tom. I am Tom. It's Tom. Aku akan pergi ke Tokyo besok. I will go to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. ¿Este pez sigue vivo? Is this fish still alive? Is this fish still alive? Ha del nastro adesivo? Do you have any tape? Do you have adhesive tape? ¿Cuántos pisos tiene ese edificio? How many floors does that building have? How many floors does that building have? Lui Tom nu-i place casa în care locuiește. Tom doesn't like the house that he lives in. Tom doesn't like the house he lives in. Me adiuva. Help me. Help me. Maria tirou o colar. Mary took her necklace off. Maria pulled the necklace. Musik membuat hidup kita bahagia. Music makes our life happy. Music makes our lives happy. La mort est un acte du cœur. Death is an act of the heart. Death is an act of the heart. Por favor, não grite. Please don't shout. Please don't yell. Sembla que plourà. It looks like it'll rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Je me sens drôle. I feel funny. I feel funny. Estne Thomas maritus Mariae? Is Tom married to Mary? Is Thomas Mary's husband? Com que estic malalt, no hi aniré amb vostè. As I'm ill, I won't go with you. Since I'm sick, I'm not going with you. Você pode trazer quem quiser. You may bring whoever you like. You can bring whoever you want. Ce drăguț! How cute! How cute! El arma homicida no fue hallada. The murder weapon wasn't found. The murder weapon was not found. Eu não diria nada ao Tom se eu fosse você. I wouldn't tell Tom anything if I were you. I wouldn't say anything to Tom if I were you. Ils envoient de l'aide. They're sending help. They're sending help. Cine a scris aceste poezii? Who wrote these poems? Who wrote these poems? Sam, qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? Eu nunca vou te esquecer. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. Tom è venuto a Boston con lei? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Did Tom come to Boston with you? Elephantes herbam edunt. Elephants eat grass. Elephant weed etun. Es-tu prêt pour le voyage ? Are you ready for the trip? Are you ready for the trip? Apa yang ada di bajumu itu? What's that on your shirt? What's in your shirt? Qual é a terceira opção? What's the third choice? What is the third option? Ella me hizo una seña de que no dijera nada. She signed to me to say nothing. She gave me a sign that she didn't say anything. Io ho bisogno di un po' di carta da lettere. I need some writing paper. I need a little letter-paper. Sententia eius nequam est. His opinion is worthless. He is the worst of you. Hydrogenium elementorum levissimum est. Hydrogen is the lightest element. It is made of hydrogen. It is lightweight. Comprammo l'auto per 12.000$. We bought the car for $12,000. We bought the car for $12,000. Lo men tribalh qu'ei encuentà's deu nenet. My job is to take care of the baby. The tribal word that is supposed to be called a child. Seus pais estão um tanto preocupados com sua segurança. Your parents are just worried about your safety. Your parents are a little concerned about your safety. O Tom perguntou à Mary se ela estava ocupada. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Tom asked Mary if she was busy. Es pobre, pero no se preocupa por el dinero. He is poor, but he doesn't care about money. He's poor, but he doesn't care about the money. Tom no presta mucha atención a cómo se viste. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he dresses. Tom doesn't pay much attention to how he looked. As vacacións son boas para a xente que se aburre durante o ano. Vacations are good for people who get bored during the year. Holidays are good for people who get bored during the year. A vòj crèder. I want to believe. A voyeurs creder. Quais os progressos na prevenção e no tratamento do antraz? What advances have there been in preventing and treating anthrax infection? What progress has been made in the prevention and treatment of anthrax? Je pensais que votre père vous avait retiré votre carte de crédit. I thought your dad took away your credit card. I thought your father took your credit card away from you. Tom tidak bisa berenang. Tom is not able to swim. Tom can't swim. Mary non farebbe mai qualcosa del genere. Mary would never do something like that. Mary would never do anything like that. Je ne peux pas laisser Tom continuer à faire ça. I can't let Tom keep doing that. I can't let Tom keep doing this. Elle l'a exhorté à examiner la demande. She urged him to consider the request. She urged him to consider the application. Tom tidak lemah. Tom's not weak. Tom's not weak. Tom é casado com uma mulher canadense chamada Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Tom's married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Tom pasó el día entero en la cama leyendo. Tom spent the whole day reading in bed. Tom spent the whole day in bed reading. Estoy feliz porque estás acá. I'm happy because you're here. I'm glad you're here. Qual é a favela mais perigosa do Rio de Janeiro? What's the most dangerous slum in Rio de Janeiro? What is the most dangerous favela in Rio de Janeiro? Il se pourrait que je rentre tard chez moi. Dans ce cas, je vous téléphonerai. I might have to come home late. In that case, I'll phone you. Maybe I'll be home late, so I'll call you. Io penso che il tuo inglese sia migliorato molto. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved a lot. En general, els homes són més alts que les dones. In general, men are taller than women. In general, men are taller than women. Tom diz que quer aprender Francês. Tom says he wants to learn French. Tom says he wants to learn French. Il est conducteur de bus. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Claro que nós acreditamos em você! Of course, we believe you. Of course we believe in you! La pluja ens ha impedit fer una passejada. Rain prevented us from taking a walk. The rain has prevented us from taking a walk. Nós não temos alternativa senão trabalhar. We have no alternative but to work. We have no choice but to work. Qu'a hèit lo nòste gavidaire. He acted as our guide. What's the new trigger. Cum in ludo litterario eram, hunc librum legi. When I was in elementary school, I read this book. When I was in the literary game, this is the book of the law. La plupart des élèves vont à l'école à pied. Most students walk to school. Most of the students go to school on foot. La conoscerete domani. You'll meet her tomorrow. You'll meet her tomorrow. Quando decolla il vostro aereo? When does your plane take off? When does your plane take off? De mon point de vue il n'est pas fait pour ce travail. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. From my point of view, it is not done for this work. Je me sens tout à fait bien. I feel all right. I feel really good. Sei buona. You are good. You're good. Espero que no esté enfermo. I hope he isn't ill. I hope you're not sick. Él lamentó no haber seguido mi consejo. He regretted not having taken my advice. He regretted not having followed my advice. Eu preciso falar com o Tom. I need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Lei ha sentito di noi? Have you heard about us? Did you hear about us? Mi madre tiene cinco años más que mi padre. My mother has five more years than my father. My mother is five years older than my father. Thomas Bostoniam rediit. Tom returned to Boston. Thomas Bostony returns. Domne Murata, ecce amica mea, Lisa. Mr. Murata, this is my friend Lisa. Mrs. Murata, this is my friend Lisa. Tu serais celui qui est au courant. You'd be the one to know. You'd be the one who knows. Ontem ele viu um grande homem. Yesterday he saw a big man. Yesterday he saw a great man. Dove ha preso i suoi soldi? Where did she get her money? Where did he get his money? Lei ha finito il lavoro con facilità. She finished the job with ease. She's done her job easily. Unha lingua nunca é abondo. One language is never enough. A language is never enough. Qui que ce soit d'autre se trouve-t-il à la maison ? Is anyone else home? Is anyone else home? Bercanda. This is a joke. I'm kidding. Elle ne fait rien d'autre que se plaindre. She does nothing but complain. She does nothing but complain. Haec sella nimis parva est. This chair is too small. This is a very small seal. Io devo lottare. I have to fight. I have to fight. Tom não queria ser nem advogado nem médico. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Tom didn't want to be a lawyer or a doctor. Sembla que aquell parell estan fets l'un per l'altre. It seems those two are made for each other. Looks like that couple are made for each other. Sincerus es. You're sincere. You're honest. O Tom realmente não quer comer agora. Tom doesn't really want to eat now. Tom really doesn't want to eat now. Io sono buona con te stamattina. I'm being good to you this morning. I'm good with you this morning. Ei nu înțeleg. They do not understand. They don't understand. Je ne pense pas que je parvienne à faire cela. I don't think I can do that. I don't think I can do this. Eu estava me sentindo do mesmo jeito. I was feeling the same. I was feeling the same way. È scossa. You're shaken. She's upset. Chi ti ha ferito? Who hurt you? Who hurt you? Je suis allergique aux langoustes. I'm allergic to Japanese spiny lobster. I'm allergic to lobsters. No te estoy insultando, te estoy describiendo. I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you. I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you. S'il te plaît, mange un peu de gâteau ! Please eat some cake. Please, eat some cake! Vado in bici al lavoro. I bike to work. I'm going on a bike to work. Quid agitis? How are you all doing? What's going on? Não faça mais isso. Don't do that anymore. Don't do that anymore. Am avut dificultăți în interpretarea întrebării. I had difficulties interpreting the question. We had difficulties interpreting the question. Vocês já se conhecem? Do you know each other? Do you guys already know each other? Jo estava xerraire. I was talkative. I was a speaker. Filia capillos pectit. The daughter brushes her hair. Filia capillos pectit. Anda tahu menggunakannyakah? Do you know how to use it? You know how to use it? L'Afrique est le continent le plus pauvre. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. Naiba! Darn! Naiba! Tom me contou que ele era canadense. Tom told me he was Canadian. Tom told me he was Canadian. Aku tahu apa yang sedang aku rasakan. I know what I'm feeling. I know what I'm feeling. Tahan! Hold it! Hold it! Você passou a noite com ela? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Je ne suis pas très fort au backgammon. I'm not very good at backgammon. I'm not very strong in the backgammon. Sol in caelo est. The sun is in the sky. Only he is in heaven. Eu acho vergonhoso que alguns professores de língua estrangeira tenham conseguido se formar na faculdade sem nunca terem estudado com um falante nativo. I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker. I think it is embarrassing that some foreign language teachers have managed to graduate from college without ever studying with a native speaker. Tom était motivé. Tom was motivated. Tom was motivated. A me piace mangiare. I like eating. I like to eat. Eu espero que o tempo continue assim. I hope that the weather stays this way. I hope time goes on like this. Ela tem dois gatos. Um é branco e o outro é preto. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She's got two cats, one's white and the other's black. Je pense que vous êtes intéressant. I think you're interesting. I think you're interesting. Ce a făcut Tom cu vechea lui mașină? What did Tom do with his old car? What did Tom do with his old car? Ella le aconsejó que no bebiera demasiado. She advised him not to drink too much. She advised him not to drink too much. Ò sentio o dovei de falo. I felt it my duty to do so. I'll hear it or I'll talk. Donnez-moi le ballon ! Give me the ball! Give me the ball! Les tables faisaient trois mètres de long. The tables were made three meters long. The tables were three meters long. Permitte ut catalogum videam. Let me see that list. Let me see the catalog. Això et posarà en perill. That'll put you in danger. This will put you in danger. Nihil tam pretiosum quam amicitia. Nothing is as precious as friendship. Nothing is so precious as a friendship. Berapa lama kuda hidup? How long do horses live? How long does the horse live? L'appartement était silencieux. The apartment was silent. The apartment was quiet. Nu traduceţi această propoziţie! Do not translate this sentence! Do not translate this sentence! Fadil mostrou sua verdadeira índole. Ele era um covarde. Fadil showed his true colors. He was a coward. Fadil showed his true nature. He was a coward. Il craqua une allumette mais l'éteignit bientôt. He struck a match, but quickly put it out. He broke a light but soon turned it off. Grazie, figlia mia. Thank you, my child. Thank you, my daughter. Linguam Bengalicam quoque studeo. I study Bengali, too. I also study the language of Bengalicam. Ha conosciuto Mary. He met Mary. She met Mary. Le café me garde éveillée. Coffee keeps me awake. Coffee keeps me awake. Todos tenemos defectos. We all have flaws. We all have flaws. No los he visto recientemente. I haven't seen them recently. I haven't seen them recently. Ella es más joven que yo. She is younger than me. She's younger than me. C'est insensé de ta part de mettre ta vie en jeu. It is crazy of you to put your life at risk. It's foolish of you to put your life at stake. ¿Hay alguna oficina de correos cerca de aquí? Is there a post office around here? Is there a post office nearby? Diffugimus visu exsangues. Illi agmine certo / Laocoonta petunt; et primum parva duorum / corpora natorum serpens amplexus uterque / implicat, et miseros morsu depascitur artus. Pale at the sight we fly; unswerving, these / glide on and seek Laocoon. First, entwined / in stringent folds, his two young sons they seize, / with cruel fangs their tortured limbs to grind. They are covered by an exsanguinary view. They are groups certain / Laocoonta ask for certain views; and they involve a few snakes between two / bodies, one / half snakes, and the other eats away at art. Un buen entrenador es como un padre para sus jugadores. A good coach is like a father to his players. A good coach is like a father to his players. Kamu nggak sibuk kan sekarang? You aren't busy now, are you? You're not busy right now, are you? Preciso pagar uma consulta ao médico. I must pay a visit to the doctor. I need to pay an appointment to the doctor. Ho già preparato le mie valigie. I've packed my suitcases already. I've already packed my bags. Ego sum maximus natu. I'm the oldest. I'm maximum born. Nous ne devrions pas nous disputer. We shouldn't be fighting with each other. We shouldn't argue. Preencham-no, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it up, please. Pourquoi êtes-vous si silencieuse ? Why are you so quiet? Why are you so silent? Cum Thoma non loquar. I won't talk to Tom. When Thoma didn't talk. Pater meus domi est. My father is in. My father is at home. O Sr. Takahashi nos deu dever de casa. Mr. Takahashi gave us some homework. Mr. Takahashi owes us homework. Roga Thoman num paratus sit ad pugnandum. Ask Tom if he is really ready to fight. Please ask Thoman, he's here to fight. Al año siguiente ella se hizo actriz. She became an actress the following year. The next year she became an actress. Ini adalah kalimat yang ditampilkan secara acak melalui Tatoeba. This is a sentence that is being randomly displayed through Tatoeba. This is a phrase randomly displayed through Tatoeba. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan caminando? How long have they been walking? How long have you been walking? Nonne nigrum est? Isn't it black? Isn't he black? Estoy cansado de hablarte acerca de esto. I'm tired of talking to you about this. I'm tired of talking to you about this. M'accusez-vous d'être une menteuse ? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Il padre di Tom è un poliziotto. Tom's father is a police officer. Tom's father is a cop. Quem anulum vides? What ring are you seeing? Who's canceling your vines? Ele tem uma cabeça lógica e é chato. He was so logical and boring. He's got a logical head and it's boring. Tom, cadê você? Estamos com saudades! Tom, where are you? We miss you! Tom, you fall? ¿Ustedes caminan de la mano? Do you walk hand in hand? Do you walk hand in hand? Nobis placuit manere. We decided to stay. Nobis liked to ride. Didymus in mensa scriptoria sua sedet. Tom is at his desk. Didymus in the desk table his sedation. Por que vocês não convidaram o Tom? Why didn't you invite Tom? Why didn't you invite Tom? Provavelmente, vocês estarão todos mortos nos próximos cinquenta anos. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. You'll probably all be dead in the next fifty years. Tu sei arrabbiato con lui? Are you angry at him? Are you mad at him? La neige n'en finissait pas de tomber. The snow did not stop falling. The snow didn't fall. Maria officio suo functa est. Maria did her job. It is the work of Mary. Eu vou ficar com vocês até que o Tom chegue aqui. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. Procurorul vrea să depun mărturie împotriva lui Tom. The DA wants me to testify against Tom. The prosecutor wants me to testify against Tom. Benvenute su Tatoeba, tequila, sesso e marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Não o acordes. Don't wake him up. Don't wake him. Ne gaspillez pas de munitions. Don't waste ammunition. Don't waste any ammunition. A grande maioria das crianças ama sorvete. The vast majority of children love ice cream. The vast majority of children love ice cream. Nonne iurisconsultus es? You're a lawyer, right? Aren't you jurisconsultus? Lavari mihi opus est. I need to take a shower. I need a handshake. Os japoneses são pessoas valentes. The Japanese are a brave people. The Japanese are brave people. Dic me de Germania. Tell me about Germany. Tell me about Germany. Nadie me habló acerca de eso. No one told me about that. No one told me about that. Yo lo hice ir. I made him go. I made him go. Você já viu uma borboleta roxa? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Have you ever seen a red butterfly? Ese perro es realmente feo. That's a really ugly dog. That dog is really ugly. Equus meus est. This is my horse. My horse. Ea a mâncat mărul. She ate the apple. She ate the apple. Sinto muito, não posso ficar muito tempo. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. Concordia cum veritate. In harmony with truth. Agree with the truth. Eu era exigente. I was demanding. I was demanding. Devo parlare con lui ora. I need to talk to him now. I need to talk to him now. Tota classis tacebat. The whole class was quiet. All classes are silent. Yo me senté al lado de ella. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. No subas de peso. Don't get fat. Don't lift weight. E necugetat din partea ta să crezi asemenea lucru. It is foolish of you to believe such a thing. It's unthinkable of you to believe that. Que é isto? What's this? What's this? Divenne famosa. She became famous. She's become famous. Me gustaría escribir cientos de frases en Tatoeba, pero tengo otras cosas que hacer. I'd like to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. I would like to write hundreds of phrases in Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. Mundus super dorsum immanis testudinis jacet. The world rests on the back of a great turtle. The world over the dormitory lies behind the sheer texture. Tampaknya dia berubah pikiran. It appears that she might change her mind. Looks like he changed his mind. Você acha que todo mundo gostou da festa? Do you think everyone enjoyed the party? Do you think everyone liked the party? In scapha sum. I'm on a boat. I'm on my way. Thomas Mariam amat. Tom loves Mary. Thomas Mariam loves it. "Redibo," inquit Thomas. "I'll be back," said Tom. "Redibo," said Thomas. Comi todas as suas abelhas. I ate all your bees. I ate all his bees. In ludo scribere didici. I learned to write in school. In play write ten. En réalité le noir n'est pas une couleur. C'est l'absence de couleur. In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color. In fact, black is not a color. It is the lack of color. Haec methodus est longe optima. This is by far the best method. This method is far optimal. Un bon docteur est bien disposé à l'égard de ses patients. A good doctor is sympathetic to his patients. A good doctor is well prepared for his patients. Tolong, beri dia pertolongan lagi! Please, lend him some more aid! Please, give him another help! "Tom fez aquilo?" "Não, ainda não." "Has Tom done that?" "No, not yet." "You did that?" "No, not yet." Isto soa a trabalho duro. That sounds like a lot of work. This sounds like hard work. Elas estão olhando. They are watching. They're looking. Todo sitio web tiene una dirección única. Every website has a unique address. Every website has a unique address. Êtes-vous tous les deux occupés ? Are you two busy? Are you both busy? Es bastante posible. It's quite possible. It's quite possible. Quaesivi, non autem reperi id. I searched, but I didn't find it. When I arrived, I did not find that. O que você está escrevendo? What're you writing? What are you writing? Lo voglio ringraziare in berbero. I want to thank him in Berber. I want to thank him in beer. Lo sabía desde el comienzo. I knew it from the start. I knew it from the beginning. Roma é uma cidade antiga. Rome is an old city. Rome is an ancient city. Ciò che voglio è un word processor. What I want is a word processor. What I want is a word processor. Necesito perder un par de quilos. I need to lose a few kilos. I need to lose a couple pounds. Aku akan membicarakan puisi - puisi. I'll talk about poems. I'll talk about poetry. Nous avons un hiver doux cette année. We are having a mild winter. We have a sweet winter this year. Tom disse que ele estaria lá. Tom said he'll be there. Tom said he'd be there. Tom ci ha scoperte. Tom has spotted us. Tom found out. J'ignore vraiment. I really don't know. I really don't know. Deke no puedo akodrar tu nombre? Why can't I remember your name? Deke can't alocate your name? Aqueth sac qu'ei lo men. This bag is mine. That guy's lying. Tom est plus grand que Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom's bigger than Mary. Elle sait quoi faire, maintenant. She knows what to do now. She knows what to do now. Nulla vita sine aqua. No water, no life. I have no water for life. Hic est corona. There's a crown here. He is crowned here. Sabía que Tom estaba aquí. I knew Tom was here. I knew Tom was here. La Terre tourne autour du Soleil en 365 jours. The earth moves around the sun in 365 days. Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days. Apa kamu melihatnya? Do you see it? Did you see it? Vous êtes trop curieuses des affaires des autres. You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs. You're too curious about other people's business. Dóna-li aquest missatge quan arribi. Give him this message the moment he arrives. Give him this message when he gets here. Tom respondeu todas as perguntas corretamente. Tom answered all the questions correctly. Tom answered all the questions correctly. Algún día correré como el viento. Someday I'll run like the wind. Someday I'll run like the wind. Am discutat deja cu studentul acesta. I already talked to this student. I've already talked to this student. Experții istorici încă nu sunt siguri ce s-a întâmplat. History experts still are not sure what happened. Historical experts are still not sure what happened. Éprouves-tu toujours des sentiments pour lui ? Do you still have feelings for him? Do you still have feelings for him? Tom e un puști inteligent. Tom's a bright kid. Tom's a smart kid. Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne pouvais pas manger de poisson cru. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. I thought you said you couldn't eat raw fish. Cóntame que fixeches en Hawai. Tell me what you did in Hawaii. Tell me what you did in Hawaii. Hic ludus anno MCMLXX conditus est. This school was founded in 1970. He is doing this game in MCMLXX year. Perché non cerchi di ripararlo? Why don't you try to fix it? Why don't you try to fix it? O telhado tem uma goteira. The roof is leaking. The roof has a drop. Hodie dies gaudii plenus est. Today is a day full of joy. Today the day of joy is full. Adoro i vostri occhi. I love your eyes. I love your eyes. È un nome indù. It's a Hindu name. It's a Hindu name. Ero davvero annoiato. I was really bored. I was really bored. Tu auto es veloz. Your car is fast. Your car is fast. Kedalaman kolam tersebut tiga meter. The pond is 3 meters deep. The depth of the pool is three meters. Mi esposa trató de persuadirme a comprar un coche nuevo. My wife tried to persuade me into buying a new car. My wife tried to persuade me to buy a new car. Avez-vous jamais été vous baigner nus ? Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever been bathing naked? Elle se porta volontaire pour aller à la réunion avec lui. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. She volunteered to go to the meeting with him. Je n'utilise plus jamais mon appareil photo. Je prends juste des photos avec mon téléphone. I never use my camera anymore. I just take pictures with my phone. I never use my camera again. I just take pictures with my phone. Is perplane me amat. It's very obvious that he likes me. Is very much loved me. Tom n'aime pas ce jeu. Tom doesn't like this game. Tom doesn't like this game. Kejadian ini terjadi sebelum aku menerima suratmu. This happened prior to receiving your letter. This happened before I received your letter. As flores estão se abrindo. The flowers are opening. The flowers are opening. Los españoles son gente amigable. The Spaniards are a friendly people. The Spaniards are friendly people. Io non riesco più a continuare a fingere! I can't keep pretending anymore! I can't keep pretending! La Lune est le seul satellite de la Terre. The Moon is the Earth's only satellite. The Moon is the only satellite on Earth. Je travaille à temps plein dans une librairie jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre. I'm working full time in a bookshop until the end of September. I work full-time in a bookstore until the end of September. Lo telefonet deu Tòm estoc confiscat peu regent. Tom's phone was confiscated by the teacher. The phone number of Tom's confiscated little regent. Benvenuto su Tatoeba, tequila, sesso e marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Welcome to Tatoeba, tequila, sex and marijuana. Carpe diem. Enjoy your day. Carpe diem. Tu ne peux pas admettre ta défaite. You can't give up. You can't admit your defeat. Està nevant! It's snowing! It's snowing! Quid obtulerunt? What did they offer? What did he offer? ¿De dónde has sacado esos zapatos tan raros? Where did you get those strange-looking shoes? Where did you get those weird shoes? La reina Elizabeth murió en 1603. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603. Tomás me preguntó si quería cocinar. Tom asked me if I would like to cook. Tomás asked me if he wanted to cook. Fatemi esprimere un desiderio con una stella cadente. Let me wish upon a shooting star. Let me express a desire with a fallen star. Usted no debió escribir eso. You should not have written that. You shouldn't have written that. No debería decírtelo. I shouldn't tell you. I shouldn't tell you. Terra habet Montes, Sylvas, Campos, Animalia, Homines. Land has hill, woods, fields, animals and men. Earth has Montes, Sylvas, Campos, Animalia, Men. Tom é pontual. Tom is punctual. Tom's punctual. Kapan kita bisa makan? When can we eat? When can we eat? Le cochon engraisse. The pig is growing fat. The pig's fat. Piotr se interessa por futebol. Piotr is interested in soccer. Piotr is interested in football. Lui accettò la sua offerta. He accepted his offer. He accepted his offer. ¿Para qué está la puerta cerrada con llave? What's the door locked for? What's the door locked for? Io smisi di fumare e di bere. I stopped smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Parece como si estuvieran intentando no reírse. It looks like you're trying not to laugh. Looks like they're trying not to laugh. Vi piace Tom? Do you like Tom? You like Tom? Avete un tavolo prenotato? Have you got a table booked? Do you have a booked table? J'aimerais que vous soyez tous bien sages. I want you all to be on your best behavior. I'd like you all to be very wise. Am nevoie să fiu aici. I need to be here. I need to be here. Cred că nu ar fi prea greu să vii cu un sistem mai bun. I think it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a better system. I don't think it'd be too hard to come with a better system. Festinate. Hurry up. Festinate. Non è sempre occupato, vero? He isn't always busy, is he? He's not always busy, is he? Păsărilor le era foame. The birds were hungry. Birds were hungry. No sé qué haría si te pasara algo. If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. Credidit Deo, et reputatum est ei ad iustitiam. Abram believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice. He believed in God, and reputationed it to him for righteousness. A Tom piace la birra? Does Tom like beer? Does Tom like beer? Omnes debent saltem duas linguas externas discere. Everyone should learn at least two foreign languages. All must skip two external languages learn. Ero impegnata a lavorare. I was busy working. I was busy working. Lui ha bisogno di una mano. He needs a hand. He needs a hand. Ô Roméo Roméo, pourquoi es-tu Roméo ? O Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? O Roméo Roméo, why are you Roméo? Grazias! Thank you! Thank you! Saya berada di dalam rumah yang indah. I am inside a house that's beautiful. I'm in a beautiful house. Volete che vi insegni qualche parolaccia? Do you want me to teach you some swear words? You want me to show you some word? Una batidora te permite mezclar comidas diferentes. A blender lets you mix different foods together. A beater allows you to mix different meals. Voulez-vous vous joindre à moi pour déjeuner ? Do you want to join me for lunch? Would you like to join me for lunch? Optimus sum. I'm the best. I'm fine. I'm fine. L'hai fermata? Did you stop her? Did you stop her? Mwen pa konnen. I don't know. I don't know. Voi lo sapevate che lui è bravo a preparare il caffè? Did you know he is good at making coffee? Did you know he's good at making coffee? Tom è nato a Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Tom este un bucătar renumit. Tom is a renowned chef. Tom's a famous chef. Ele fala 10 línguas. He can speak 10 languages. He speaks 10 languages. È sempre preparato. He is always prepared. He's always ready. Quis queritur? Who's complaining? Who are you kidding? Voi avete avuto una cotta per me? You had a crush on me? Did you guys have a crush on me? Quid tu vis ut ego faciam? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Je ne peux toujours comprendre tout ce que tu écris. I can't always understand everything you write. I can't always understand everything you write. Tendrías que haber empezado con preguntas más simples. You should have started with simpler questions. You should have started with simpler questions. El resplandor del sol me lastima los ojos. The glitter of the sun hurts my eyes. The glow of the sun hurts my eyes. Se apresse! Look alive. Hurry up! Tom não gostará dessa resposta. Tom won't like that answer. Tom won't like that answer. eum solum esse adhoc non credere possum. I can't believe he's still single. I can't believe he's the only one I can believe. Tom volvió a acomodarse en su camión. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom settled back in his truck. Volo ire. I want to go. I want to go. Ele tem um filho e duas filhas. He has one son and two daughters. He has a son and two daughters. Pourquoi ne vous conduirais-je pas ? Why don't I drive you? Why wouldn't I drive you? Horologium tuum maiore pretio quam horologium meum constat. Your watch is more expensive than mine. Your clocks are more expensive than my clocks. Te ipsum amas. You love yourself. You love her. È il mio problema. That's my problem. That's my problem. Amica mea septemdecim annos nata est. My friend is seventeen years old. She was born 17 years old, my friend. Jane telah mengguntingkan rambutnya pendek sebelum mesyuarat hari sukan. Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet. Jane cut her hair short before the sporting meeting. Je veux ces bagages dans ma chambre immédiatement. I want this luggage taken to my room at once. I want those bags in my room right away. Gente buena puede encontrarse en cualquier parte. Good people can be found anywhere. Good people can be found anywhere. Mas que expressão ambígua. What an ambiguous expression! But what an ambiguous expression. Tom ha baciato Mary sulla guancia. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Porta il vaso da qualche parte dove c'è la luce del sole. Bring the vase somewhere where there is sunlight. Bring the pot somewhere where the sunlight is. Você já esteve no Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to the Tokyo Dome? Have you ever been to Tokyo Dome? Comment puis-je me rendre à la gare ? How can I get to the train station? How can I go to the station? Pourquoi es-tu ici ? What are you here for? Why are you here? La mangiscla n'ei pas hèra bona aquí. The food isn't very good here. Mangoes don't look good here. Indak mungkin! Impossible! As soon as possible! "Ut vales?" "Valde bene." "How are you?" "Very well." "That's good?" "It's good." Pada pukul berapa anda keluar dari pejabat? At what time do you exit from the office? When did you get out of the office? Supongo que ella era feliz entonces. I suppose that she was happy then. I guess she was happy then. Il se peut que j'y accorde trop de réflexions. I may be overthinking this. I may give it too much thought. Mantiene la sua parola. He keeps his word. Keep his word. A Betty le gusta la música clásica. Betty likes classical music. Betty likes classical music. Voglio prendere in prestito la sua automobile per un'ora. I want to borrow your car for an hour. I want to borrow his car for an hour. Tom nu știe unde să o aștepte pe Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Tom doesn't know where to wait for Mary. Pour le crime de meurtre au premier degré, cette cour vous condamne à la prison à perpétuité, sans possibilité de remise de peine. For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. For the crime of first-degree murder, this court sentenced you to life imprisonment without the possibility of being sentenced. ¿Eres choctaw? Are you Choctaw? Are you choctaw? Eu posso ser honesto? May I be honest? Can I be honest? Ils font grève pour obtenir plus d'argent. They are on strike for money. They're on strike to get more money. Não posso concordar com eles neste assunto. I can't agree with them on this matter. I can't agree with them on this matter. De acordo com muitas religiões, adultério é crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. According to many religions, adultery is a crime. Aku tidak berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris. I wasn't speaking English. I don't speak English. Antequam domum adveni numquam perulam annotaveram absentem. I never even noticed I'd lost my wallet until I got home. Before I came home, I never had an appointment. C'est bien trop difficile pour moi. This is way too hard for me. It's too hard for me. Ninguém faz ideia. No one knows. No one has any idea. No me lances una mirada tan triste. Don't give me such a sad look. Don't give me such a sad look. Tom voltou para Boston. Tom has gone back to Boston. Tom's back in Boston. Estás pidiendo demasiado. You're asking for too much. You're asking too much. Ioannes duos filios habet. John has two sons. Johnes has two sons. Susțin din toată inima această decizie. I wholeheartedly endorse this decision. I wholeheartedly support this decision. Ya no me acuerdo. I don't remember anymore. I don't remember anymore. Você pode falar com Tom, certo? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, right? Thomas ex officio eius exiit. Tom came out of his office. Thomas came out of his office. Je ne vous ai jamais vu ainsi. I've never seen you like this. I've never seen you like this before. Questo non è successo. This did not happen. That didn't happen. Veamos si Tom está parando en este hotel. Let's see if Tom is staying at this hotel. Let's see if Tom's stopping at this hotel. Cumque acciderit eis aliqua disceptatio, veniunt ad me, ut iudicem inter eos et ostendam præcepta Dei et leges eius. And when any controversy falleth out among them, they come to me to judge between them, and to shew the precepts of God, and his laws. Whenever any argument happens to them, they come to me, and I judge between them and I show the law of God and his law. Il gelo ha causato molti danni ai raccolti. The frost did a lot of damage to the crops. The ice has caused a lot of damage to the crops. Por que você acha que o Tom faria aquilo? Why do you think Tom would do that? Why do you think Tom would do that? Io ti sto sostenendo. I'm supporting you. I'm supporting you. Le tennis est extrêmement divertissant. Tennis is loads of fun. Tennis is extremely fun. Era uma emergência. It was an emergency. It was an emergency. Il demeure inflexible. He heeds not – stirs not. It remains inflexible. Tom a été poignardé. Tom was stabbed with a knife. Tom was stabbed. Tom começou a chorar. Tom began to cry. Tom started crying. Tom emporte son ours en peluche partout où il va. Tom takes his teddy bear with him wherever he goes. Tom takes his teddy bear wherever he goes. Mary ha ascoltato della musica triste. Mary listened to sad music. Mary listened to sad music. El poate vorbi foarte bine atât engleza cât și franceza. He can speak both English and French very well. He can speak very well both English and French. Afară este cineva care te așteaptă. There's somebody waiting for you outside. There's someone outside waiting for you. Ha acabar too llueu abondo. It'll all be over soon. It's all over now. Dulu mereka suka bercanda. They used to love jokes. They used to be kidding. Ha bisogno di un ginocchio nuovo. He needs a new knee. He needs a new knee. Quan estoc bastit ? When was it built? When am I built? Thōmās est ēbrius. Tom is drunk. Thōmās is ēbrius. Por favor dígalo de nuevo. Please say it one more time. Please say it again. Despiértame. Wake me up. Wake me up. Foeda es. You're ugly. Fuck you. Saya kira ada yang salah pada tagihan saya. I think there's a mistake in my bill. I guess there's something wrong with my bill. Tom rescató al gato de las llamas. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. Tom rescued the cat from the flames. Sono così preoccupato. I'm so worried. I'm so worried. Quisiera pasar algunos días con Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. I'd like to spend a few days with Tom. Dixeron que a condición do señor Wilson non cambiara. They said Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. They said Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. Saya sebaiknya membatalkan perjalanan ke LA. I should cancel the trip to LA. I'd better cancel the trip to LA. Ils ont tout misé là-dessus. They've bet the farm on it. They put everything up there. Avez-vous une chambre moins chère ? Do you have a cheaper room? Do you have a cheaper room? Sa proposition ne mérite pas qu'on en parle. His proposal is not worth talking about. His proposal does not deserve to be discussed. Corta la tarta con un cuchillo. Cut the cake with a knife. Cut the cake with a knife. Ti aiuteremo a salvare Tom. We'll help you rescue Tom. We'll help you save Tom. Je ne voulais pas vous interrompre. I didn't mean to interrupt you. I didn't want to interrupt you. Estamos a punto de salir de aquí. We are about to leave here. We're about to get out of here. Cum Didymo i. Go with Tom. Like Didymo. Eu não estou errado. I'm not mistaken. I'm not wrong. Duo infantes habemus. We have two children. We have two children. Tom gana mogollón de pasta. Tom makes a shit-ton of dough. Tom earns mogollone of pasta. Per favore, tornate a casa. Please come back home. Please come home. Perché devo aiutarlo? Why do I have to help him? Why should I help him? Las tejas que cayeron del tejado se rompieron en pedazos. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces. The tiles that fell from the roof were broken into pieces. Non mi piace fare errori. I do not like to make mistakes. I don't like making mistakes. Io potrei avere torto. I might be wrong. I could be wrong. Ho convinto a Tom a farlo. I've convinced Tom to do that. I convinced Tom to do it. Estava frio ontem. It was cold yesterday. It was cold yesterday. Noi am avut ședințe. We've had meetings. We had meetings. Tres mulieres subriserunt. The three women smiled. Three women came in. Mater eum vocavit. His mother called him. He killed him. Fata a vărsat câteva lacrimi atunci când i-a murit tatăl. The girl shed some tears when her father died. The girl shed a few tears when her father died. Sto pensando di trasferirmi in una nuova città. I'm thinking of moving to a new city. I'm thinking about moving to a new city. Voi avete dormito bene? Did you sleep well? Did you guys sleep well? Sunt medic. I am a doctor. I'm a doctor. Sekarang malam. It's night. It's tonight. Heu, Tom. Alos buenus días. Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hey, Tom, good morning. Molte persone pensano che le macchine d'epoca abbiano un prezzo superiore al loro valore effettivo. Many people think that antique cars are overpriced. Many people think that vintage machines have a price greater than their actual value. Ele fala muito rápido. He speaks very fast. He talks too fast. Je ne vais pas te dire mon nom. I'm not going to tell you my name. I'm not gonna tell you my name. A Tom le encanta escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves climbing mountains. Langitnya menjadi mendung. The sky has become overcast. The sky is cloudy. On és el teu germà? Where is your brother? Where's your brother? Eos non relinquo. I'm not abandoning them. They don't leave me alone. Por favor, charre mas lento. Please speak more slowly. Please, slow down. Nous avons deux chiennes. L'une est noire et l'autre est blanche. We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white. We have two dogs, one is black and the other is white. Ils ont toujours quelque chose à dire lorsqu'on commence à parler de la politique. They always have something to say when people start talking about politics. They always have something to say when we start talking about politics. María continuó trabajando a pesar de su enfermedad. Mary kept on working in spite of her illness. Maria continued to work despite her illness. ¿Cuánto ganas? How much do you earn? How much do you want? Dite a Tom quello che avete detto a me. Tell Tom what you told me. Tell Tom what you told me. Leila voltou para o Cairo. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leila's back in Cairo. À quelle heure te lèves-tu d'habitude ? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Voi siete ancora arrabbiati? Are you still mad? Are you still angry? Venit hamaxostichus! The train is coming! Hamaxostichus coming! Sareste sorprese di quello che potete imparare in una settimana. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You'd be surprised at what you can learn in a week. Ce vrei ca eu să fac? What is it that you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Non si sta trasferendo. He isn't moving. He's not moving. Tom e Mary faltaron á clase e foron ao zoo. Tom and Mary cut classes and went to the zoo. Tom and Mary missed the class and went to the zoo. Feceruntque similiter malefici Aegyptiorum incantationibus suis; et induratum est cor pharaonis, nec audivit eos, sicut dixerat Dominus. And the magicians of the Egyptians with their enchantments did in like manner; and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hear them, as the Lord had commanded. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: but the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. Gila! Crazy! Crazy! Perché mi stai dando questo denaro? Why are you giving me this money? Why are you giving me this money? Tom se apretó el cinturón de seguridad. Tom fastened his seatbelt. Tom tightened his seat belt. Se non riesce a batterli, si unisca a loro. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. If he can't beat them, join them. Ya no puedo más con este ruido. I can no longer stand this noise. I can't take this noise anymore. Apa yang dia katakan di dalam suratnya? What does he say in his letter? What did he say in his letter? Tom es un activista en su comunidad. Tom is an activist in his community. Tom is an activist in his community. Les âmes qui ont oublié comment frémir sont superficielles. Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder. The souls who have forgotten how fremir are superficial. Fale sem rodeios e me conte a verdade. Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth. Speak with no wheels and tell me the truth. Ils ont eu une réception chaleureuse. They got a warm reception. They had a warm reception. Je ne me hais point. I don't hate myself. I don't hate myself. Ce ai spus? Îmi pare rău, căzusem pe gânduri. What did you say? I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. I'm sorry, I was thinking. Je déteste cet endroit. I hate this place. I hate this place. I costumi includono cibo, feste e balli. Customs include food, celebrations and dancing. The costumes include food, parties and dances. El Japó importa una gran quantitat de petroli. Japan imports a large quantity of oil. Japan imports a large amount of oil. Non ti ricordi di loro? Don't you remember them? Don't you remember them? Mangiò una mela. She ate one apple. He ate an apple. Voi conoscete Tom da molto più tempo di me. You've known Tom a lot longer than I have. You've known Tom for a long time longer than I do. Pfirsichbaeumchen vuole imparare il berbero. Pfirsichbaeumchen wants to learn Berber. Pphirsichbaeumchen wants to learn beer. Nesciunt id. They don't know about it. I don't know id. Io sono la gemella di Tom. I'm Tom's twin. I'm Tom's twin. Vous n'êtes pas forcée de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You're not forced to apologize. Nos delubra deum miseri, quibus ultimus esset / ille dies, festa velamus fronde per urbem. We, sunk in careless joy, / poor souls! with festive garlands deck each fane, / and through the town in revelry employ / the day decreed our last, the dying hours of Troy! We're the god of misdeeds, the last days we would have been celebrating, let's watch branches through the city. Lo so che era una cosa stupida da fare. I know it was a stupid thing to do. I know it was a stupid thing to do. Como fizestes vós isso exatamente? How exactly did you do that? How exactly did you do that? Você ainda deixa o Tom fazer isso? Do you still let Tom do that? You still let Tom do that? Tom e Mary estão se vendo em segredo. Tom and Mary are seeing each other secretly. Tom and Mary are seeing each other in secret. Dulu dia pergi ke bioskop pada hari Minggu. She used to go to the movies on Sundays. He used to go to the movies on Sunday. Minha irmã costuma ir ao parque todo final de semana. My sister usually goes to the park every weekend. My sister used to go to the park all weekend. Habesne duos libros? You have two books? You got two books? "Italiam cursu petitis, ventisque vocatis / ibitis Italiam, portusque intrare licebit." "Ye seek Italia and, with favouring wind, / shall reach Italia, and her ports attain." "Italiano has a small course, twenty calls / yes Italian, he will take advantage of it." Me'n trufi de çò qui hè. I don't care what he does. I'm kidding what there is. Est-ce que John a déjà décidé son plan de carrière ? Has John decided on a career yet? Has John ever decided his career plan? Você parece ocupado. You seem busy. You seem busy. Onde será que Tom estacionou o carro? I wonder where Tom parked the car. Where did Tom park the car? J'ai trouvé le livre par hasard. I found the book by chance. I found the book by chance. Ce voi face acolo? What will I do there? What am I gonna do there? Et audivit gemitum eorum ac recordatus est fœderis, quod pepigit cum Abraham, Isaac et Iacob. And he heard their groaning, and remembered the covenant which he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And he heard their groaning, and remembered her palaces, which he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Fui despejado. I've been evicted. I was cleared. Infans dormiens similis est angelo. A sleeping child looks like an angel. The childhood sleeping is like an angel. Mari la torang makang. Let's go eat. Let's go. Esta pedra pesa cinco toneladas. This stone weighs five tons. This stone weighs five tons. Di mana mereka? Where were they? Where are they? Tuo fratello si è sposato, vero? Your brother got married, didn't he? Your brother married, didn't he? Les secours arrivèrent sur les lieux en quelques minutes. Paramedics arrived on the scene within minutes. The rescue arrived on site in a few minutes. Librum eius cepit. He took his book. His book was taken. Sono stanco di ascoltarle. I'm tired of listening to them. I'm tired of listening to them. Lei venne in compagnia di sua madre. She came in company with her mother. She came with her mother. Noi am rămas fără răbdare. We've run out of patience. We've run out of patience. Tu sei troppo pronto a parlare male degli altri. You are too ready to speak ill of others. You're too ready to talk bad about others. Nous pouvons essayer cela. We can try that. We can try this. Je vais à Mayence puis à Cologne l'an prochain. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mayence and then to Cologne next year. Cutis eius est aeque alba ac nix. Her skin is as white as snow. Its skin is just white and snow. Tom vai vir. Tom'll come. Tom's coming. Hem trobat una petjada gran i un parell de més petites de diferent mida. We found one large footprint and a couple of different size smaller footprints. We found a large footprint and a couple smaller of different sizes. Homines in annis 1960 sic dixerunt. People said so in the sixties. They said so in the 1960s. Ouvi dizer que o Sr. Collins pediu que você se case com ele. I heard that Mr. Collins asked you to marry him. I heard Mr. Collins asked you to marry him. Ya no estamos juntos. We're not together anymore. We're not together anymore. Ele costumava levantar cedo. He used to get up early. He used to get up early. Ini aneh. It's strange. It's weird. Non est bonum esse hominem solum. It is not good that the man should be alone. It is not good to be the man only. Estamos trabalhando para consertar esse erro. We're working to fix this bug. We're working to fix this mistake. Hi ha tants llibres que vull... què hi he de fer? There are so many books that I want...what should I do? There are so many books I want... what do I do? Nu știu nimic! I don't know anything! I don't know anything! J'apprécie vraiment ça. I really appreciate this. I really appreciate that. Gli ci son voluti tre mesi per imparare ad andare in bicicletta. It took him three months to learn to ride a bicycle. It took him three months to learn how to ride a bicycle. C'est tout ce qui reste du pays. This is all that is left from the country. That's all that's left of the country. Didymus ibi erit. Tom will be there. Didymus will be there. În general lupii nu atacă oamenii. Wolves won't usually attack people. The wolves usually don't attack people. Tom este bun la gătit. Tom is good at cooking. Tom's good at cooking. Por que ele estava rindo? Why was he laughing? Why was he laughing? Vuole andare a fare la spesa con me? Do you want to go shopping with me? You want to go shopping with me? El clima de Japón es más moderado que el de la India. The climate of Japan is milder than that of India. Japan's climate is more moderate than that of India. Nadie puede vivir doscientos años. Nobody can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live two hundred years. Je fus amèrement déçu. I was bitterly disappointed. I was terribly disappointed. Escric cartes que no envio mai. I write letters that I never send. I write letters I never send. Isso não pode estar certo. Ele ainda está em férias no Havaí. It can't be right. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. Les médecins hospitaliers ne sortent pas souvent car leur travail leur prend tout leur temps. Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work takes up all their time. Hospital doctors do not often leave because their work takes them all their time. Je n'aime pas la façon dont il me parle. I don't like the way he speaks to me. I don't like the way he talks to me. Aku butuh beberapa informasi. I need some information. I need some information. Galliam amo! I love France. Gallia I love! Il joue aux échecs depuis qu'il est au Lycée. He has been playing chess since he was in high school. He's been playing chess since he's in high school. Haec domus mea est. This house is mine. This house is my house. Encara no ens hem començat a barallar. We haven't yet begun to fight. We haven't started fighting yet. Domus igni deleta est. The house was destroyed by fire. She is a destroying fire. Verdaderamente aprecio que lo digas tú. I really appreciate you saying that. I really appreciate you saying that. Hieme socolatam libenter edo. In winter I like to eat chocolate. Hieme sucked libenter edo. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut memperlihatkan bahwa tempurung kepalanya hancur akibat pukulan keras. Closer examination revealed that the skull had been crushed by some heavy blow. Further examination showed that his head was crushed by a severe blow. ¿Dónde está el taxi? Where is the taxi? Where's the cab? Il suo lavoro è superiore al mio. Her work is superior to mine. His work is superior to mine. Tom tiene tres gatos. Tom has three cats. Tom has three cats. Esne amicus mihi? Are you my friend? Are you a friend to me? Impedimenta mea invenire non possum. I can't find my luggage. I can't find my obstacles. C'était vraiment sympa. That was really nice. It was really nice. Tom datang pagi ini. Tom came by this morning. Tom came this morning. Bon nochi. Good night. Good night. É completamente insoportable. He is utterly impossible. It's completely unbearable. A quale club volete unirvi? Which club do you want to join? Which club do you want to join? La maladie l'a empêché de venir à la fête. Illness prevented him from attending the party. The disease prevented him from coming to the party. Não apague a lousa. Don't erase the board. Don't turn off the slate. Foi agradable conversar con ela. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice talking to her. La mancanza di sonno può avere un impatto negativo enorme sui voti di uno studente. Lack of sleep can have an enormous negative impact on a student's grades. Lack of sleep can have a huge negative impact on the votes of a student. Didymus nesciebat Mariam discipulam lycei esse. Tom didn't know that Mary was a high school student. Didymus did not know that Mary was a disciple of lyceus. Hoc valde facile est. This is very easy. This is very easy. ¿Irá calor mañá? Will it be hot tomorrow? Is it going to be hot tomorrow? M-am identificat cu gangsterii din film. I identified myself with the gangsters in the film. I identified myself with the gangsters in the movie. Valde fessus videris. You look very tired. Valde whips you see. Il nous raconta une histoire tellement bizarre que nous avons tous ri. He told us such a funny story that we all laughed. He tells us a story so strange that we all laughed. ¡Scott! Haz completos para el almuerzo, por favor. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott! Make it full for lunch, please. Une pluie légère tombait. A light rain was falling. A slight rain was falling. Tu hai qualche idea su come sia la mia vita? Do you have any idea what my life is like? Do you have any idea what my life is like? Ini kota yang bagus. It's a nice town. This is a good city. È urgente andare in bagno. It is urgent to go to the bathroom. It's urgent to go to the bathroom. Non est cibus. There's no food. That is not a bug. Ce vârstă ai acum? How old are you now? How old are you now? Îmi aduc aminte de ce a spus el. I remember what he said. I remember what he said. Estne prope domum tuam? Is it near your house? Is it near your house? Tom mangajar pa torang bahasa Prancis. Tom teaches us French. Tom delivered to a French-speaking man. El agua que tomaste estaba a la temperatura del ambiente. The water you drank was at room temperature. The water you took was at room temperature. Ellos no mantuvieron su promesa. They didn't keep their promise. They did not keep their promise. I ni diven. He has wine. And no wine. Canico suffragium tuli. I gave my vote to Ken. Canico suffragium tuli. Elle avait l'air très fatiguée. She looked very tired. She looked very tired. Thoman domum meam invitavi. I invited Tom to my house. Thoman, I invited you by myself. Que porra é essa? What the hell is this? What the fuck is that? Nuestros descendientes llegarán tarde o temprano, como raza, a la condición de conciencia cósmica, al igual que, hace mucho tiempo, nuestros antepasados pasaron de la conciencia simple a la autoconciencia. Our descendants will sooner or later reach, as a race, the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness into self-consciousness. Our descendants will arrive late or early, as a race, to the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors moved from simple consciousness to self-consciousness. Tom tidak tahu kapan Mary akan kembali. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom didn't know when Mary would be back. Tom a spus că va face asta el însuși. Tom said that he was going to do that himself. Tom said he'd do it himself. Evident, teorema este adevărată pentru mulțimi finite. Obviously, the theorem is true for finite sets. Obviously, the theory is true for many finite. Io penso che Tom sia solerte. I think Tom is hard-working. I think Tom's lonely. ¿Cuál es tu lugar preferido para ir cuando querés estar sola? Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? What's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Tom è ricco e potente. Tom is rich and powerful. Tom is rich and powerful. Je rajoute une phrase d'exemple. I am adding an example sentence. I add an example sentence. La France avait de nombreuses colonies en Afrique. France used to have many colonies in Africa. France had many colonies in Africa. ¿Puedo hablar con Judy? May I speak with Judy? Can I talk to Judy? Lui parla il francese e ovviamente anche l'inglese. He speaks French and of course he speaks English, too. He speaks French and of course also English. Doar reia ceea ce făceai. Just go back to what you were doing. Just repeat what you were doing. Acho que você não fracassou muito. I guess that you didn't miss much. I don't think you've failed much. Ci avete trovati. You found us. You found us. Déme candela para encender el cigarrillo. Give me a light for my cigarette. Give me a candle to light the cigarette. Eu vim para esse país com o propósito de estudar música. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. I came to this country for the purpose of studying music. Bună seara. Good evening. Good evening. Riesci a finire in tempo il lavoro? Can you get the work finished in time? Can you finish your job on time? "Ast ego, quæ divum incedo regina, Jovisque / et soror et conjux, una cum gente tot annos / bella gero! Et quisquam numen Junonis adorat / præterea, aut supplex aris imponet honorem?" "But I, who walk in majesty as queen of the gods, both sister and wife of Jupiter, I am still waging wars with one tribe for all these years! And who will worship the divine spirit of Juno after this, or what suppliant will bring an offering to her altars?" "Am I, the fair Queen, the young / sister and the bride, the one with the nation all year long / the beautiful gender! And who doesn't worship Juneis / the Praeter, or does the supplicant air impose honor?" Él hizo una gran fortuna durante su vida. He made a great fortune in his lifetime. He made a great fortune during his life. Cobalah untuk bergaul dengan adikmu. Please try to get along with your brother. Try to hang out with your sister. Estou convencido de que estoy no certo. I am convinced that I am right. I'm convinced I'm not right. Precisaremos de mais comida que isso. We'll need more food than that. We'll need more food than that. Non deluderò Tom. I won't let Tom down. I won't disappoint Tom. Toată lumea era indiferentă. Everyone was numb. Everyone was indifferent. Vous êtes d'accord avec lui. You agree with him. You agree with him. A trebuit să achităm datoria. We had to write off the debt. We had to pay off our debt. Avlash muy avagar. You speak very slowly. Avlash is very slow. Saya sedang menulis surat. I am writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Puerto Moresby es la capital de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. Puerto Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea. Nu fi așa de imatur. Don't be so immature. Don't be so immature. Eu vou para Kyoto. I go to Kyoto. I'm going to Kyoto. El Tanah es la Biblia djudia. The Tanach is the Jewish Bible. The Land is the Thursday Bible. Estoy aquí para probar que estás equivocada. I'm here to prove you wrong. I'm here to prove you're wrong. Io di solito leggo mentre mangio. I usually read while I eat. I usually read while I eat. J'ai envie de lire quelque chose dans le train. I want something to read on the train. I want to read something on the train. La ce oră te-ai dus ieri la culcare? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed yesterday? Tom è un bugiardo e un manipolatore. Tom is a liar and manipulator. Tom is a liar and a manipulator. Ce se întâmplă cu Tom? What's the matter with Tom? What's going on with Tom? Eu sou de Tóquio, Japão. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. In diaeta habitas. You live in an apartment. In a living diet. O microfone é seu. The mic is yours. The microphone is yours. "A te dove piacerebbe lavorare?" "In Australia." "Where would you like to work?" "In Australia." "Where would you like to work?" "In Australia." Está ficando frio. It's getting cold. It's getting cold. Ele está furioso com o filho. He's angry at his child. He's mad at his son. Per favore, passi il pepe. Please pass the pepper. Please pass the pepper. Al Tom gh'éa pagüra. Tom was very scared. Tom's paying for it. Tom sabía que Mary conocía a John. Tom knew that Mary knew John. Tom knew Mary knew John. Ce médicament n'a pas d'effets secondaires indésirables. This medicine has no harmful side-effects. This medicine has no side effects. Kau tidak bisa meninggalkanku di sini sendirian dengan Tom. You can't leave me here alone with Tom. You can't leave me here alone with Tom. Tom ha tre automobili. Tom has three cars. Tom has three cars. Eu mudei de ideia. I changed my mind. I changed my mind. Kapan kecelakaan itu terjadi? When did the accident take place? When did the accident happen? Você não tem escolha. You've got no choice. You have no choice. Sta pelando le patate, vero? He's peeling the potatoes, isn't he? He's peeling potatoes, isn't he? O policía pitou ó coche para que parase. The policeman whistled for the car to stop. The police asked the car to stop. Podemos abrir las ventanas. We can open the windows. We can open the windows. Hic liber ab adultis saepe legitur. This is a book often read by adults. He is reading read by adults free of charge. Napoleo Bonapars feles nigras timebat. Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of black cats. Napoleon Bonapars fries nigras fearbat. On l'a repéré en train de dérober des biscuits. He was spotted stealing cookies. He's been spotted stealing cookies. Il passe trop de temps à regarder la télé. He's spending too much time watching TV. He spends too much time watching TV. Es-tu encore contrarié à propos de ce qui a eu lieu ? Are you still upset about what happened? Are you still upset about what happened? Thomas adhuc plorat. Tom is still crying. Thomas is still crying. As-tu enfin décodé le message ? Have you decoded the message yet? Did you finally decode the message? A Samsung é uma empresa grande. Samsung is a big company. Samsung is a big company. Iulius iratus puerum improbum verberat. Julius angrily beats the rude boy. Iulius was angry with the boy improvised. Vocês são mais do que bem-vindos. You're more than welcome. You're more than welcome. Todo mundo disse que não poderia ser feito. Everybody said it couldn't be done. Everyone said it couldn't be done. Perché è senza fiato? Why are you out of breath? Why is it breathless? Ire non possum, neque volo. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't go, I can't do it. Nu fi terorizat. Don't be terrified. Don't be terrified. Je dois escalader cette montagne. I have to climb this mountain. I have to climb this mountain. It l'has dla pitura 'doss. You've got paint on you. It's from the painting's back. El profesor les riñó. They were scolded by the teacher. The teacher laughed at them. Pasamos la tarde comiendo uvas. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. We spent the afternoon eating grapes. Quin color associes amb la teva infància? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color do you associate with your childhood? Ajudei Tom a carregar o caminhão. I helped Tom load the truck. I helped Tom load the truck. Lingua est dialectos cum exercitu et classi. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. It is a language of dialect with an army and class. Que emocionante! How thrilling! How exciting! È arrabbiata con te, vero? She's angry at you, isn't she? She's mad at you, isn't she? Lui ha cercato nella sua borsa le chiavi della macchina. He searched his bag for his car key. He searched his bag for the keys to the car. Dominus pugnabit pro vobis, et vos silebitis. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Yahweh will fight for you, and you shall be silent. Nemo Graecorum in proeliis melior quam Achilles erat. No one of the Greeks was better in battles than Achilles. Non-Greek people in war are better than Achilles. Quero ir à França. I want to go over to France. I want to go to France. Tenho uma reunião de negócios. I have a business meeting. I have a business meeting. O aspartame é um açúcar artificial. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. Aspartame is an artificial sugar. Sono così felice che il Natale sia qui. I'm so happy that Christmas is here. I'm so glad Christmas is here. Merita una promozione. He deserves a promotion. It deserves a promotion. Solo estoy un poco aburrido. I'm just a little bored. I'm just a little bored. Proximo anno ad mare ibo. Next year I'll go to the sea. Next year at sea i go. Quem non incusavi amens hominumque deorumque, / aut quid in eversa vidi crudelius urbe? Whom then did I upbraid not, wild with woe, / of gods or men? What sadder sight elsewhere / had Troy, now whelmed in utter wreck, to show? Who didn't charge the Amen, the Gods, or thevers? Did I see the cruelest city in the city? Io sono scioccato. I'm upset. I'm shocked. Lectus meus commodior est quam tuus. My bed is more comfortable than yours. My reading is more relevant to you than you. Savez-vous pourquoi Tom rit ? Do you know why Tom is laughing? Do you know why Tom's laughing? Non lavora nel campo del marketing? Doesn't he work in marketing? Doesn't he work in the marketing field? J'étais absente de l'école parce que j'étais malade. I was absent from school because I was sick. I was away from school because I was sick. Anda seorang pelanggan yang baik. You are a good customer. You're a good customer. Eu lembro o seu rosto, mas não lembro o seu nome. I remember her face, but I don't remember her name. I remember your face, but I don't remember your name. L'examen approche. The examination is drawing nearer. The examination is approaching. Não quero fazer com que ninguém se sinta infeliz. I don't want to make anyone unhappy. I don't want to make anyone feel unhappy. Non posso essere sua amica. I can't be friends with her. I can't be his friend. Cred că ar trebui să îi spui lui Tom ceea ce el vrea să știe. I think you should tell Tom what he wants to know. I think you should tell Tom what he wants to know. Sarò con te per sempre. I'll be with you forever. I'll be with you forever. Felis dia di San Valentin. Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day. Qu'ei dejà miejanueit. It's midnight already. What's left of the middle of the day. Placetne tibi ludus pilae Caledonicae? Are you fond of golf? Is it your play of the Caledonian pillar? Nunc in culina est. She is in the kitchen right now. As long as he's in the kitchen, he's in the kitchen. Berapa lama kamu menginap? How long did you stay? How long have you been staying? O Tom vai comprar uma casa nova. Tom is buying a new house. Tom's gonna buy a new house. Tenemos que echar una mano. We must help. We need to get a hand. Mary dijo que ella no era cristiana. Mary said that she wasn't a Christian. Mary said she was not a Christian. Quo eunt? Where are they going to? What is it? Conosco il fratello di Tom. I know Tom's brother. I know Tom's brother. Țare lor este amenințată de anarhie. Their country is threatened by anarchy. Their country is threatened by anarchy. Les étrangers se sentent souvent de trop ici. Foreigners often feel unwelcome here. Foreigners often feel too much here. Uxorem cultro vulneravit. He wounded his wife with a knife. We hate damaged cult. Sede. Sit down. Sit down. Tom ayudó. Tom helped. Tom helped. Eles comem tomates. They eat tomatoes. They eat tomatoes. Catolicii nu pot să-și arate religia în mod fățiș. Catholics could not openly observe their religion. Catholics can't show their religion in a face. Même Tom n'a pas put répondre aux questions du professeur. Even Tom wasn't able to answer the teacher's questions. Even Tom couldn't answer the teacher's questions. Non habes animum. You have no heart. You don't have an heart. Todos se pusieron a pelear. Everyone started fighting. Everyone got into a fight. Io non ho dato da mangiare al cane. I didn't feed the dog. I didn't feed the dog. Io ammiro la dedizione di Tom. I admire Tom's dedication. I admire Tom's dedication. Canibus sunt domini; felibus sunt servi. Dogs have owners; cats, servers. Canibus are masters; catas are servants. Dite a Tom che mi servono un po' di soldi. Tell Tom I need some money. Tell Tom I need some money. Você trabalha duro. You work hard. You work hard. Passatemi il ketchup, per piacere. Pass me the ketchup, please. Give me the ketchup, please. Demis în urma unei lovituri militare în septembrie 2006, fostul prim-ministru al Thailandei s-a reîntors în ţară după aproape un an şi jumătate de exil. Deposed in a military coup in September 2006 and having effectively been in exile, the Former premier of Thailand Thaksin has returned after about a year and a half. After a military strike in September 2006, the former Prime Minister of Thailand returned to the country after almost a year and a half of exile. È pronto per Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? J'ai seulement une sœur. I only have one sister. I only have one sister. Siempre me había preguntado qué era ese ruido. I always wondered what that noise was. I've always wondered what that noise was. No seré yo quien te lo discuta. You won't get an argument from me. I won't be the one to argue with you. Essa é a palavra que eu estava tentando lembrar. That's the word I was trying to find. That's the word I was trying to remember. Il fait très chaud, n'est-ce pas ? It's very hot, isn't it? It's very hot, isn't it? Discutimos nuestros planes para el futuro. We discussed our plans for the future. We discuss our plans for the future. Mă voi întoarce la 6:30. I will return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. Bebe algo. Drink something. Have a drink. Gustaríame que detallases os custos. I'd like you to itemize the charges. I'd like you to detail the costs. Eu consegui escapar. I managed to escape. I managed to escape. Ille calamus carior est quam hic. That pen is more expensive than this one. I just need to see her because she's here. Scrivi solamente il tuo cognome in maiuscolo. Write only your family name in capitals. Just write your last name in capital. Les réponses sont toutes deux incorrectes. The answers are both incorrect. The answers are both incorrect. Dobbiamo fare come dicono loro, Tom. We must do as they say, Tom. We have to do as they say, Tom. No he tenido resfrío últimamente. I have not had a cold lately. I haven't had a cold lately. O jovem está bem-disposto! The boy's as fit as a fiddle! The young man is welcome! N'attendons plus ! Let's not wait any longer. Let's not wait! Non abbiamo visto niente. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. Lei doveva condividere una camera da letto con sua sorella. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Il était Anglais. He was English. He was English. Con chi vivi? Who do you live with? Who do you live with? Pekerjaan sekarang sudah selesai. The work is not finished. The work is now done. Cele două tabere discută săptămâna aceasta. The two sides hold talks this week. The two camps are discussing this week. Cuando él sonrió, los niños vieron sus largos y grises dientes. When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth. When he smiled, the children saw his long, grey teeth. Cela n'est pas possible. This is impossible! That's not possible. ¿Juegas golf? Do you play golf? Do you play golf? Non ho detto che non stavo andando. I didn't say I wasn't going. I didn't say I wasn't going. Siéntense, por favor. Sit down, please! Sit down, please. Você não me enganou. You didn't fool me. You didn't fool me. Desearía que Tom no hablara siempre de trabajo. I wish Tom wouldn't always talk about work. I wish Tom hadn't always talked about work. Je ne peux pas accepter ce cadeau. I cannot accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Cur absque me inisti? Why did you begin without me? You don't want to fuck with me? Nous prendrons la décision pour vous. We'll make the decision for you. We'll make the decision for you. Muncho plazer. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Lectus meus commodior est tuo. My bed is more comfortable than yours. My reading is yours. Je suis certain que vos intentions sont honnêtes. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are honest. Tú recoges lo que siembras. You reap what you sow. You collect what you sow. Conchita decidió decirle la verdad a María. Conchita decided to tell Mary the truth. Conchita decided to tell Mary the truth. Travaille lentement ! Work slowly. Work slowly! Yo les di mi vida. I gave you my life. I gave them my life. Si tu agis comme un idiot, tu dois être traité comme tel. If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such. If you act like an idiot, you have to be treated like that. Nós estamos aqui agora. We're here now. We're here now. El vaig sentir cantant al concert. I heard him sing at the concert. I heard him singing at the concert. Tom dan Mary selalu bertengkar. Tom and Mary fight constantly. Tom and Mary were always arguing. Est-ce que tu as oublié quelque chose ? Did you forget anything? Did you forget something? Tom decidiu desistir. Tom decided to give up. Tom decided to give up. El barco se hundió en seguida. The boat sank in a flash. The boat sank immediately. Me siento claustrofóbica. I'm feeling claustrophobic. I feel claustrophobic. Modeste et court d'imagination, Justin ne connaissait le mal que par ouï-dire. Humble and not imaginative, Justin only knew evil through hearsay. Modest and short-sighted imagination, Justin knew only evil, so to speak. Perché detesta Tom così tanto? Why do you dislike Tom so much? Why does Tom hate you so much? Mary nu a avut un soț. Mary didn't have a husband. Mary didn't have a husband. Tom pidió direcciones. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for directions. Sami vulneratus est. Sami got wounded. She was wounded in the same situation. Le professeur a donné une présentation sur l'histoire de France. The teacher gave a presentation on the history of France. The professor gave a presentation on the history of France. Ella dio con una buena idea. She hit upon a good idea. She came up with a good idea. Relatia noastra este stabila. Our relationship is stable. Our relationship is stable. Tom cercava la sua penna. Tom looked for his pen. Tom was looking for his pen. A Tom non importa neppure. Tom doesn't even care. Tom doesn't even care. C'est un esprit indépendant. She's an independent thinker. It's an independent spirit. El mes pasado este programa costaba el doble de lo que cuesta hoy. Last month this program cost double what it costs today. Last month this programme cost twice what it costs today. Noroc bun! Cheers! Good luck! Chi mi chiamò? Who called me? Who called me? Flamma fumo est proxima. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Is not the first time I have seen you smoking? Siamo state attaccate. We've been attacked. We've been attacked. Fructus huius arboris dulces sunt. The fruit of this tree is sweet. The fruit of this tree is sweet. E schola eiiciere. You'll be expelled from school. It's home school. Aku dalam masalah, ya? I'm in trouble, aren't I? I'm in trouble, huh? Sus libros se venden muy bien. Her books sell pretty well. Your books are sold very well. Mi sono iscritto a un corso di spagnolo. Inizia la prossima settimana. I joined a Spanish course. It starts next week. I enrolled in a Spanish course, starting next week. Avete dimenticato di chiudere la porta. You forgot to close the door. You forgot to close the door. El e cu siguranță isteț. He certainly is smart. He's definitely smart. Elle ne veut pas qu'il cueille les fleurs. She doesn't want him to pick the flowers. She doesn't want him to pick up the flowers. Cum amicis meis veni. I came with my friends. My friends came by as soon as they saw me. Tom é um mentiroso compulsivo. Tom is a compulsive liar. Tom's a compulsive liar. Va vénguer fòrça mei caud en març. It will become much warmer in March. Many of my tails will come in March. Esta pergunta vale 50 pontos. This question counts for 50 points. This question is worth 50 points. Tomás parece ser muy inocente. Tom seems to be very naive. Thomas seems to be very innocent. Comparez votre phrase avec celle du tableau. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence with that of the table. Il était droit debout. He stood in an upright position. He was standing right up. Están aquí. They are here. They're here. Non ho votato Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. I didn't vote for Tom. Adi eum per telephonum, quaeso. Please telephone him. He got it by the phone, man. Quando hanc imaginem photographicam fecisti? When did you take this picture? When did you get this picture? Atque hic successu exsultans animisque Corœbus / "O socii, qua prima" inquit "fortuna salutis / monstrat iter, quaque ostendit se dextra, sequamur." Flushed with success and eager for the fray, / "Friends," cries Coroebus, "forward; let us go / where Fortune newly smiling, points the way." And here he was suppose to be an associate of Corœbus / "O sociercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierciercierce iterciercierciercierciercierce. Consobrina Thomae fuit. That was Tom's cousin. Thomae was confirmed. Haec raeda laeta videtur. This car looks happy. This raeda rejoices. Vrei să-ți spun ce a făcut Tom? Do you want me to tell you what Tom did? You want me to tell you what Tom did? ¿Estás buscando algo? Are you looking for something? Are you looking for something? Sampai jumpa lagi, Tom. We'll be seeing you, Tom. See you later, Tom. Estoy nervioso. I'm jittery. I'm nervous. Pranziamo. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. Muriel berumur 20 sekarang. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is 20 now. Vaza spartă nu poate fi reparată. This broken vase cannot be repaired. The broken vessel can't be repaired. Você vai se meter em encrenca. You'll get into trouble. You're gonna get in the way. Non dubito quin Thomas recte dicat. I'm sure that Tom is right. I don't doubt which Thomas says right. Aku akan membuat kopi. I will make some coffee. I'll make coffee. Eles moram numa casa muito bonita. They live in a very beautiful house. They live in a very nice house. Vòli quauquarren de beure. I want something to drink. I want them to drink. Deixa'm intentar-ho. Let me have a try. Let me try. Je n'ai pas d'objection. I have no objection. I have no objection. Thomas corpus Mariae in fossa invenit. Tom discovered Mary's body in a pit. Thomas, the body of Mary, found in the pit. Siamo d'accordo, venite a cena da noi. We agree, you will come to dinner at our house. We agree, come to dinner with us. La bella coda del pavone lo aiuta ad attirare le femmine. The peacock's beautiful tail helps it attract females. The beautiful peacocktail helps him attract females. Aperi ampullam. Open the bottle. You open the ampoule. Ça vous évoque quelque chose ? Does this ring a bell? Does that remind you of anything? Didymus dixit se nihil vidisse. Tom said he saw nothing. Didymus said he saw nothing. Dovete essere molto fiere di vostro figlio. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Sincusa-me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Acho que gostaria de ser professor. I think I'd like to be a teacher. I think I'd like to be a teacher. Tentei salvar o Tom. I tried to save Tom. I tried to save Tom. Hè los tons devers adara. Do your homework now. There's the opposite tone. Un individu est la plus petite unité de la société. An individual is the smallest unit of the society. An individual is the smallest unit in society. Hic Maccus inquit, dic mihi bona fide, nusquamne usu venit tibi, ut quem armasses sic ocreis et calceis ad cursum, quemadmodum nunc armasti me, abierit non numerato pretio? Here Maccus says, tell me in good faith, did it never happen to you, that one whom you had furnished thus with leather stocking and shoes for a race, as now you have furnished me, went off without paying the price? And he said to me Maccus, Tell me good faith. Is it never easy for you to come and fight? Is it so for you to burn and run, as you have now, done with me, and not numbered at all? Perché non mi risponderete? Why won't you answer me? Why won't you answer me? Vidistine unquam elephantem volantem? Have you ever seen an elephant fly? Have you ever seen elephants flying? Cognovit autem Cain uxorem suam, quæ concepit et peperit Henoch. Et ædificavit civitatem vocavitque nomen eius ex nomine filii sui Henoch. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city, and called the name thereof by the name of his son Henoch. Cain knew his wife when she conceived, and she bore him Henoch, and he built a city, and he named it Henoch, after the name of his son Henoch. Anak anjing yang lapar mengonggong di jalan. Hungry puppy barks on the street. The hungry dog barks on the street. Tom ci ha chiesto di seguire Mary. Tom asked us to follow Mary. Tom asked us to follow Mary. Tom fue secuestrado y retenido por sus captores en un edificio abandonado en Park Street. Tom was kidnapped and held by his captors in an abandoned building on Park Street. Tom was kidnapped and detained by his captors in an abandoned building on Park Street. Sarà lì, vero? He's going to be there, isn't he? He'll be there, won't he? Tom terluka ketika sedang bercukur. Tom cut himself shaving. Tom got hurt while he was shaving. Tom gosta de gatos. Tom likes cats. Tom likes cats. Qual é o seu nome? What is your name? What's your name? L'è mia na fras, chesta. This is not a sentence. It's my na fras, shit. Je déteste mon ordinateur. I hate my computer. I hate my computer. Lasciatelo con me. Leave him with me. Leave him with me. Dixit autem rex Aegypti obstetricibus Hebræorum, quarum una vocabatur Sephra, altera Phua, præcipiens eis: Quando obstetricabitis Hebræas, et partus tempus advenerit, si masculus fuerit, interficite eum; si femina, reservate. And the king of Egypt spoke to the midwives of the Hebrews: of whom one was called Sephora, the other Phua, commanding them: When you shall do the office of midwives to the Hebrew women, and the time of delivery is come: if it be a man child, kill it: if a woman, keep it alive. So the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of each was Shiphrah, the other of Puah, which he took away from them: When you perform the duty of the Hebrew midwives, and report to the Hebrew midwives, if he is a male, then kill him; if he is a woman, save him. Tu corbata va bien con tu traje. Your necktie matches your suit. Your tie is fine with your suit. Cosa hai mangiato per colazione? What did you have for breakfast? What did you eat for breakfast? Ho aspettato per un'ora e mezzo. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. I waited an hour and a half. Servez-vous à boire ! Help yourself to a drink. Have a drink! Algunos creen que la familia real inglesa desciende directamente del linaje del Rey David. Some believe that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David. Some believe that the English royal family descends directly from the lineage of King David. Ha non pochi amici in America. She has not a few friends in America. He doesn't have a few friends in America. Vede întotdeauna frumusețea în lucrurile mici. He always sees beauty in the little things. She always sees beauty in little things. Servus meus es. You are my slave. You're my servant. Tiene una casa grande en la montaña. He has a big house on the mountain. He's got a big house on the mountain. Quiero que te quedes donde la señorita. I want you to stay by the lady. I want you to stay where the lady is. Suntne tibi elephantes Africani? Do you have African elephants? Are you African elephants? Planeo ir a Europa la semana que viene. I'm planning to leave for Europe next week. I plan to go to Europe next week. Beaucoup de prisonniers ont été décapités. Many of the prisoners were decapitated. Many prisoners have been beheaded. Onde está a minha bengala? Where's my cane? Where's my bean? Itu ada di bawah kursi. It is under the chair. It's under the seat. Adiknya, Joanna seceria dan sesemampai bunga bakung. Her sister Joanna was bright and slender as a lily. Her sister, Joanna, was as earnest as flowers. Thomas a nullo videbatur, ipse autem omnes videbat. Tom was seen by no one, but he himself saw everyone. Thomas saw nothing, but he all saw it. Tenéis que ser más cuidadosos. You've got to be more careful. You need to be more careful. Ecrivez votre nom ici s'il vous plaît. Please write your name here. Write your name here, please. Volo te e domo mea exire. I want you to leave my house. I want you out of my house. Eso es vulgar. That is gross! That's vulgar. O Tom ainda está na Austrália. Tom is still in Australia. Tom's still in Australia. Elle vit encore. It's still alive. She's still alive. Je préfère m'y rendre seul. I prefer to go alone. I'd rather go alone. Simt că-nnebunesc. I feel like I'm going mad. I feel like I'm crazy. Acel gest este ofensator. That gesture is offensive. That gesture is offensive. Tom nunca piensa en los demás. Tom never thinks about others. Tom never thinks of others. Num epistulae meae missae sunt? Were my letters sent? No letters sent from me? O Tom ficaria relutante em fazer isso. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Tom would be reluctant to do that. Sarò qua questa sera. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. O Tom morreu? Did Tom die? Tom's dead? Musica artium optima est. Music is the greatest of the arts. He is the best music artist ever. Tom s-a îmbrăcat cu o cămașă curată. Tom put on a clean shirt. Tom dressed up in a clean shirt. Eu não posso aceitar este presente. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Non le hai detto niente? You didn't tell her anything? You didn't tell her anything? Mi por duna bo un sunchi? Can I kiss you? May I offer you a kiss? Él ha estado haciendo ejercicio para desarrollar sus músculos. He has been working out to develop his muscles. He has been exercising to develop his muscles. No entiendo francés. I don't understand French. I don't understand French. Adieu, mon amie. Farewell, my friend. Goodbye, my friend. Ti piace bere birra? Do you like to drink beer? You like beer? Avete toccato qualcosa? Did you touch anything? Did you touch anything? Él exigió que tuvieran al perro salvaje amarrado. He demanded that the savage dog be kept tied up. He demanded that they have the wild dog tied. Perché sei così pigro? Why are you so lazy? Why are you so lazy? Ubi nunc habitas? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Estou esperando pela mulher certa. I'm waiting for the right woman. I'm waiting for the right woman. Non quidem. No. Not at all. Tom vai concordar. Tom will agree. Tom will agree. « La mort de Tom était un accident. » « En êtes-vous sûr ? » "Tom's death was an accident." "Are you sure?" "Tom's death was an accident." "Are you sure?" É unha boa idea ler este libro. It is a good idea to read this book. It's a good idea to read this book. Tom y Mary dicen que son buenos haciendo eso. Tom and Mary say they're good at doing that. Tom and Mary say they're good at doing that. Ne me laissez pas vous influencer ! Don't let me influence you. Don't let me influence you! Je l'ai fait une fois. I did that once. I did it once. Nimeni nu m-a ascultat. No one listened to me. No one listened to me. Vreau să petrec mai mult timp cu familia mea. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to spend more time with my family. Ero così nervosa. I was so nervous. I was so nervous. Esta é a casa que Tom construiu. This is the house that Tom built. This is the house Tom built. Tom adora cantar. Tom loves singing. Tom loves to sing. Prestome ayudar a Tom a mercar lo que-y facía falta. I was happy to be able to help Tom buy what he needed. I'm willing to help Tom buy what he needed. Laetissima sum. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. Nuestro frigorífico está roto. Our fridge is broken. Our fridge is broken. Anche se Marcel lavora duramente, guadagna solo 30.000 dollari canadesi all'anno. Even though Marcel works hard, he only earns 30 000 Canadian dollars per year. Although Marcel works hard, he earns only 30,000 Canadian dollars a year. Eu também gostaria de saber. I would also like to know. I'd like to know, too. No me gusta el pescado crudo. I don't like raw fish. I don't like raw fish. Los esperantistos son muestros haveres. Esperantists are our comrades. Expectants are proofs. Ela queria ser amiga dele. She wanted to be friends with him. She wanted to be his friend. Haec caro male olet. This meat smells bad. This is a bad smell. Narravit ergo pharao, quod viderat: Putabam me stare super ripam fluminis et septem boves de amne conscendere pulchras nimis et obesis carnibus, quæ in pastu paludis virecta carpebant. So Pharao told what he had dreamed: Methought I stood upon the bank of the river, and seven kine came up out of the river, exceeding beautiful and full of flesh: and they grazed on green places in a marshy pasture. She spoke to Pharaoh, and said to him, "I thought that I would stand on the river's bank and the seven oxen out of the river came up so beautiful that they fed in a meadow of water. Hispanice non loquor. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Hispanice. Raccontò una barzelletta. He told a joke. He told a joke. Tom morì all'età di 97 anni. Tom died at the age of 97. Tom died at the age of 97. ¡Exactamente! Exactly! Exactly! Vass ti fé araedjî! Fuck you! Vases made room for it! O nosso professor parece muito novo. Our teacher looks very young. Our teacher looks very young. Votre secret est en sécurité avec nous. Your secret's safe with us. Your secret is safe with us. Nada debería impedir el divorcio. Nothing should prevent divorce. Nothing should stop the divorce. Bisa tukar ini ke dolar Amerika? Can you change this into American dollars? Can you switch this to the American dollar? Él fue el héroe militar de la Guerra Civil. He was the military hero of the Civil War. He was the military hero of the Civil War. Lui non aveva soldi per comprare la fattoria. He had no money to buy the farm. He had no money to buy the farm. Saya sudah letih sangat. I'm so tired already. I've been so tired. Tú estudiarás. You will study. You'll study. Sostenlo con ambas manos. Hold it with both hands. Hold it with both hands. Empreste-me algum dinheiro, se você tiver. Lend me some money, if you have any. Lend me some money if you have. Omnia bene fient. Everything's going to work out. Ally well done. Nu mi-e foame acum. I don't feel like eating now. I'm not hungry right now. Thomas vix videre potest. Tom can barely see. Thomas won't see. Você sabe o meu nome? Do you know my name? You know my name? Tom to dia tako skali ngana. Tom was very scared. Tom to he's a fool. Ci sarà di nuovo caldo domani? Will it be hot again tomorrow? Is there going to be hot again tomorrow? Didymus molestus videtur. Tom looks bored. Didymus is annoying. Tom está trabalhando em sua mesa. Tom is working at his desk. Tom's working on his desk. Didymus brevissimus est. Tom is very short. Just him. Just him. Just him. Just him? Habesne pallium et petasum? Do you have a coat and a hat? Do you have a rag and a rag? Je me réjouis que quelqu'un comprenne. I'm glad someone understands. I'm glad someone understands. As ruas estavam decoradas com bandeiras. The streets were decorated with flags. The streets were decorated with flags. Tom estava encharcado. Tom was soaking wet. Tom was loaded. Ci sarà bello domani. It'll be fine tomorrow. It'll be nice tomorrow. Ell mai deixa d'escriure als seus pares una vegada al mes. He never fails to write to his parents once a month. He never stops writing to his parents once a month. Librum e Gallico in Anglicum sermonem converti. I translated the book from French into English. Librum and Gallico in England have been converted. "Tu non sei messicana?" "Sì, anche se ora vivo in Argentina." "Aren't you Mexican?" "Yes, though now I live in Argentina." "Are you not Mexican?" "Yes, although now I live in Argentina." Domus eius ter maior est quam mea. His house is three times larger than mine. His house is three is greater than my own. Lui Tom nu-i place atitudinea lui Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. "Cur?" "Cur non?" "Why?" "Why not?" "Cur?" "Cur?" "Cur?" Esperemos aquí. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. Futue te ipsum! Go fuck yourself! Fuck you! Bonum vesperum. Good evening. Good evening. No sé què està fent, però no ho fa amb ella. I don't know what he/she is doing, but he/she isn't doing it with her I don't know what he's doing, but he's not doing it with her. Si Tom kena tiga operasi sampai sekarang. Tom has had three operations so far. Tom's got three operations up to now. Karena aku membencimu. Because I hate you. Because I hate you. Pourriez-vous me montrer cela ? Could you show me that? Could you show me that? Plumbum est. This is a pencil. Lead is in. Tu mi hai ingannato. You misled me. You tricked me. De qué se passa ? What is going on? What's going on? Tom pensava que tinha todo o tempo do mundo. Tom thought he had all the time in the world. Tom thought he had all the time in the world. Lei ritornò in Giappone. She returned to Japan. She went back to Japan. Bush piensa que fue enviado por Dios para establecer la justicia en la Tierra. Bush thinks that he has been sent by God to establish justice on Earth. Bush thinks he was sent by God to establish justice on earth. Ella se estremeció a la vista del gato tuerto. She shuddered at the sight of the one-eyed cat. She shuddered at the sight of the dead cat. Aceasta este casa în care a crescut Tom. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house where Tom grew up. Perge igitur, et ego ero in ore tuo; doceboque te quid loquaris. Go therefore, and I will be in thy mouth; and I will teach thee what thou shalt speak. Go, then, and I will be in thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say. Semua mobil yang ada di tempat parkir berwarna putih, kecuali tiga mobil. All but three of the cars in the parking lot were white. All cars in the white parking lot, except three cars. Você tem de ir à escola. You need to go to school. You have to go to school. Quelle sono sue? Are those yours? Those are yours? Houston, aquí tuvimos un problema. Houston, we've had a problem here. Houston, we had a problem here. Volete un bicchiere? Ce n'è uno sul tavolo. Do you want a glass? There is one on the table. There's one on the table. Aparent, ai dreptate. Apparently you are right. Apparently, you're right. Nunca lo he dudado. I never doubted that. I've never doubted it. Este acolo un birou lângă fereastră? Is there a desk by the window? Is there an office next to the window? Kaoru se fué a América. Kaoru has gone to America. Kaoru went to America. Como estamos? How do we look? How are we? Je pense que vous devriez y aller. I think you should go. I think you should go. Terkadang ia berperilaku aneh. His behaviour is sometimes weird. Sometimes he's acting weird. Dia diduga membunuhnya karena membela diri. She allegedly killed him in self-defense. He was supposed to kill him for defending himself. Sănătatea este un factor important al fericirii. Health is an important factor of happiness. Health is an important factor in happiness. Mi-am croit cale prin mulțime. I made my way through the crowd. I've crossed my way through a lot. Está ok. This is OK. It's okay. Buenas pasquas! Happy Easter! Good Easter! Ciascuna è diversa. Each one is different. Each one is different. Ne demandez pas ce qu'ils pensent. Demandez ce qu'ils font. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. Don't ask what they think. Tom est un homme très discret. Tom is a very private man. Tom is a very discreet man. Aqueste hèit que'ns muisha qu'ei inocent. This fact shows us that he is innocent. That's how we feel about being innocent. Estoy contento de que me recordases sobre la reunión. I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I'm glad you remembered me about the meeting. Por fin ha llegado mi turno. At last, my turn came. My shift is finally here. Você tem que nos ajudar. You have to help us. You have to help us. Butyro egeo. Habesne butyrum? I need some butter. Do you have any? Butyro egeo. A me non va di uscire stasera. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't want to go out tonight. Certe plerique habent Hispanicam scabiem, sive, ut quidam vocant, Gallicam, cum sit communis omnium nationum. Certainly most have the Spanish pox, or, as some call it, the French, although it is common to all nations. They certainly have some Hispanic scabies, or, that some call, Gallica, when it is common of all nations. Apakah anda tidak berfikir ini beresiko? Don't you think it's risky? Would you not risk that? Una lengua l'è mai assé. One language is never enough. A tongue has never been touched. Apucă-te de el. Grab him. Take it from him. Ficarei aqui por um breve período de tempo. I will stay here for a short period. I'll stay here for a short period of time. Bilalah agaknya ayah awak akan pulang? I wonder, when would your father return? When do you think your dad's going home? Tom a perdu son porte-monnaie. Tom lost his wallet. Tom lost his wallet. Tom are o voce puternică. Tom has a loud voice. Tom has a loud voice. Ho mal di testa. My head hurts. I've got headaches. Vanitas vanitatum, dixit Ecclesiastes; vanitas vanitatum, et omnia vanitas. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; vanity of vanities, and all is vanity. Comment épelez-vous votre nom de famille ? How do you spell your family name? How do you name your family? On te mettra sur la liste. We'll put you on the list. We'll put you on the list. J'étais sûr que vous changeriez d'avis. I was sure that you'd change your mind. I was sure you'd change your mind. Diga para ela que estou assistindo o noticiário. Tell her that I am watching the news. Tell her I'm watching the news. Je me suis trempée. I got soaking wet. I was soaked. Hemos tenido suficiente. We have had enough. We've had enough. Tom no está buscando una relación. Tom isn't looking for a relationship. Tom's not looking for a relationship. Dedisti satis poenarum, etiamsi occidisses Romanum pontificem, aut si minxisses ad sepulchrum divi Petri. You have taken enough punishment, as if you had killed the Pope of Rome, or pissed on the sepulchre of St Peter. You die a long time ago, even if you had killed the Roman high priest, or if you had gone to the common grave of Peter. La structure de la maison devrait être terminée d'ici un ou deux jours. The frame of the house should be finished in a day or two. The structure of the house should be completed within one or two days. En un sens, la vie n'est qu'un rêve. In a sense, life is but a dream. In a sense, life is just a dream. Una mujer cruzó un foso de castillo para rescatar a un viejo perro atrapado. A woman crossed a castle moat to rescue a stranded old dog. A woman crossed a castle pit to rescue an old caught dog. Num ille discipulus celeriter currit? That student runs fast, doesn't he? Did the disciple run quickly? Ele jazia morto na banheira. He sat there dead in the bathtub. He lay dead in the bathtub. Me gustaría ir a los Estados Unidos un día. I would like to go to the United States one day. I'd like to go to the United States one day. Sciamo. Let's ski. We know. Tom deveria voltar para casa hoje. Tom should get back home today. Tom should be back home today. Kewujudan adalah konsep yang tidak bermakna. Existence is a meaningless concept. Creation is a meaningless concept. Meditari debeo. Libri me exspectant. I must study. My books are waiting for me. I should meditate. Books watching me. Haec perfecta sunt. These are perfect. I'm perfect. Tom sangat merindukan keluarganya. Tom misses his family a lot. Tom missed his family so much. Voy a hacerlo. I am going to do it. I'll do it. Entah Ann atau Carol yang akan merawat bayinya. Either Ann or Carol is going to take care of the baby. Either Ann or Carol will take care of the baby. Me llamu Henry. My name is Henry. My name is Henry. Eu sentarei ali. I'll sit over there. I'll sit there. Lei vuole ballare? Do you want to dance? You want to dance? Tom não sabe se Maria virá amanhã. Tom doesn't know if Mary will come tomorrow. Tom doesn't know if Maria's coming tomorrow. Cometi um erro de digitação. I made a typing error. I made a typing error. Il pouvait toujours dire dans quelle direction soufflait le vent. He could always tell which direction the wind was blowing. He could always say in which direction the wind was blowing. Nosso anfitrião nos ofereceu uma bebida. Our host offered us a drink. Our host offered us a drink. Une bonne nuit de sommeil vous fera un bien fou. A good night's sleep will do you a world of good. A good night's sleep will make you crazy. Una banda de bronces está marchando por la calle. A brass band is marching along the street. A band of bronzes is marching down the street. Pauper esse malim, quam dives. I'd rather be poor than rich. Paul being evil, as you are. Iudas quoque dixit patri suo Israel: Mitte puerum mecum, ut proficiscamur et possimus vivere, ne moriamur nos et tu et parvuli nostri. And Juda said to his father: Send the boy with me, that we may set forward, and may live: lest both we and our children perish. And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the lad with me, that we may go and live, and not die, thou and our little ones. Lo so che non le conoscete. I know you don't know them. I know you don't know them. Sou contra a guerra. I'm against the war. I'm against war. Je déteste faire ça. I hate doing that. I hate doing this. No puedes vivir tu vida bajo estas condiciones. You can't live your life under these conditions. You can't live your life under these conditions. El este student în anul doi. He's a sophomore. He's a student in the second year. Tom sempre dá 100 por cento em tudo o que faz. Tom always gives 100 percent in whatever he does. Tom always gives 100 percent in everything he does. Se Deus não pretendeu que comêssemos animais, então por que Ele os fez de carne? If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? If God did not intend us to eat animals, then why did He make them flesh? Didymus potionem Arabicam non bibit. Tom doesn't drink coffee. Didymus didn't drink a Arabicic potion. Quale dizionario online utilizzi di più? Which online dictionary do you use most? Which online dictionary do you use more? Era un fel de suprarealism. It was kind of surreal. It was kind of overrealism. Les pauvres s'appauvrissent davantage. The poor are getting poorer. The poor are becoming more impoverished. Todas as maceiras foron pinchadas. All the apple trees were cut down. All the masons have been pinned. Tem alguém ferido? Has anybody been hurt? Has anyone been hurt? Amicus meus septemdecim annos natus est. My friend is seventeen years old. My friend, he was born seventeen years old. O prédio branco foi destruído pelo terremoto. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. Ne servís pas d'arren de'm demandar dinèrs. It's no use asking me for money. Don't use this to ask me for money. Il travaille comme nègre. He works as a ghost writer. He works as a black man. Soyez prudents ! Be careful. Be careful! Com estàs, Mike? How are you, Mike? How are you, Mike? Illa raeda valde celeris est. That car is very fast. She is very fast. Tom doou muito dinheiro para a caridade. Tom contributed a lot of money to charity. Tom donated a lot of money to charity. Fuimos robados. We got robbed. We were stolen. Ne dis pas une chose pareille. Don't say such a thing. Don't say something like that. Atualize essa correspondência. Bring that correspondence up to date. Update this correspondence. Les journalistes exigèrent de savoir pourquoi le maire ne voulait pas leur parler. The reporters demanded to know why the mayor wouldn't talk to them. The journalists demanded to know why the mayor did not want to talk to them. A fost un fiasco total. It was utter fiasco. It was a total fiasco. C'est tout ce que tu as à dire ? Is that all you've got to say? Is that all you have to say? Tom está lendo. Tom is reading. Tom's reading. Mon passe-temps consiste à collectionner les insectes. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is to collect insects. Pomum est. It's a fruit. Mom is. Queríamos desejar-lhe boa sorte. We wanted to wish you good luck. We wanted to wish you good luck. Veux-tu venir t'asseoir à mon côté ? Do you want to come sit by me? Will you come sit next to me? Pensez-vous que la télévision fasse du mal aux enfants ? Do you think television does children harm? Do you think television is hurting children? Sentii Tom singhiozzare. I heard Tom sobbing. I heard Tom singly. Esta é tão boa quanto aquela. This one is as good as that one. This one's as good as that one. Aqueth burèu qu'ei copat. This desk is broken. Desktop has been closed down. ¿Cómo pudo suceder esto? How could this have happened? How could this happen? Espero me encontrar com vocês essa tarde. I hope to meet up with you this afternoon. I hope to meet you this afternoon. Pe mine mă cheamă Dan. My name is Dan. My name is Dan. Només jo puc fer-ho. Ho vaig fer sol. Only I can do it. I did it alone. Only I can do it, I did it alone. Eu posso te perguntar quem é você? May I ask who you are? Can I ask you who you are? La chica está feliz leyendo. The girl is happily reading. The girl's happy reading. Chiar sunt într-o pasă proastă. I'm in a really bad mood. I'm really in a bad place. Tom est à court d'argent. Tom is hard up for money. Tom's short of money. Non riesce a distinguere il giusto dallo sbagliato. He can't tell right from wrong. He can't distinguish the right from the wrong. Onte traballei máis de oito horas. I worked more than eight hours yesterday. I worked more than eight hours yesterday. Tu seras endormi au moment où ton père arrivera à la maison. You'll be asleep by the time your father gets home. You'll be asleep when your father gets home. Mary și-a făcut temele. Mary has done her homework. Mary did her homework. Nos iterum congrediemur. We'll meet again. Let's say good-bye again. ¿Tienes empleados que hablen japonés? Do you have any employees who speak Japanese? Do you have employees who speak Japanese? Thomas ientaculum coquit. Tom's cooking breakfast. Thomas intaculum coquit. Is cithara canere potest. He can play the guitar. The harp can sing. Tulit quoque ligna holocausti et imposuit super Isaac filium suum; ipse vero portabat in manibus ignem et cultrum. And he took the wood for the holocaust, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he himself carried in his hands fire and a sword. He took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. Cosa fa qui? What do you do here? What are you doing here? O bourbon está feito de millo. Bourbon is made from corn. Bourbon is made of corn. C'est une catholique dévote. She's a devout Catholic. He's a devout Catholic. Je suis inquiet pour le bébé. I'm worried about the baby. I'm worried about the baby. No quiero ir a trabajar hoy. I don't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work today. Reginae corona aurea erat. The Queen's crown was made of gold. Queene was crowned with gold. Lei non c'era nemmeno. You weren't even there. She wasn't even there. Oceanus Atlanticus Americam ab Europa secernit. The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. Atlantic Ocean, America, from Europe. J'ai entendu dire qu'une manière de rester en bonne santé est d'éviter de manger de la nourriture contenant des ingrédients imprononçables. I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients. I've heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating food containing impracticable ingredients. Você trabalha com eles? Do you work with them? You work with them? Asta te va salva de o mulţime de probleme. This will save you a lot of trouble. This will save you from a lot of trouble. Hoje é 11 de outubro. Today is October 11th. Today is October 11th. Tom dia tako skali. Tom was very scared. Tom's a taco once in a while. Polypis terna corda sunt. Octopuses have three hearts. Polypis thin the strings are. Am stat în Londra două săptămâni. We stayed in London for a fortnight. I stayed in London for two weeks. Estoy tan exhausto debido a que he caminado durante 4 horas. I am so exhausted because I have padded the hoof for 4 hours. I'm so exhausted because I've been walking for 4 hours. Él va a la escuela en bicicleta. He goes to school by bicycle. He goes to school by bicycle. Utri parentum similis es? Which of your parents do you resemble? Are you a parent like that? Esse feriado está muito sem graça - deveríamos ter voltado para casa. This holiday isn't much fun - we should have gone home. This holiday is a lot of fun - we should have come home. Am încercat să spar uşa, dar am descoperit că e imposibil. I tried to break down the door, but I found out that it is impossible. I tried to break the door, but I found it impossible. "Nunc Phœnissa tenet Dido blandisque moratur / vocibus, et vereor, quo se Junonia vertant / hospitia: haud tanto cessabit cardine rerum". "Him with speeches fair / and sweet allurements doth the queen detain; / but Juno's hospitality I fear; / scarce at an hour like this will she her hand forbear." "No. Don't worry. Dido is easy to live in, and I promise he will, since he is a guest of Junia: he may have stopped so much. L'uomo è deceduto qualche ora fa. The man passed away a few hours ago. The man died a few hours ago. Gostaria de ligar. I would like to call. I'd like to call. Domina Kanda celerrime currit. Miss Kanda runs very fast. Domina Kanda is running fast. Ils sont nerveux. They're jittery. They're nervous. Cave Graecos dona ferentes. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Graeco Caves injured woman. Sto ancora scrivendo dei commenti. I'm still writing comments. I'm still writing comments. Posso andare a nuotare questo pomeriggio? Can I go swimming this afternoon? Can I go swimming this afternoon? Mi sueño es vivir tranquilamente en el campo. My dream is to lead a quiet life in the country. My dream is to live quietly in the country. Tom perguntou se eu estava com sono. Tom asked me if I was sleepy. Tom asked if I was sleeping. Tu n'es pas venu à l'école hier. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't come to school yesterday. Tom dove fa colazione? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Tom, where's breakfast? Il y a peut-être un moyen. There may be a way. Maybe there's a way. Es fasil. It's easy. It's easy. Sóc una persona prima, però ara he engreixat. I am a thin person, but at the moment I am fat. I'm a thin person, but now I'm fat. Nous avons été incapables d'en déterminer la cause. We've been unable to determine the cause. We were unable to determine the cause. Thōmās in Cambriā habitat. Tom lives in Wales. Thōmās in Cambriā habitat. Sa come si usa questa macchina fotografica? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how this camera is used? Tom e Mary si sposarono la Vigilia di Natale. Tom and Mary got married on Christmas Eve. Tom and Mary married the Christmas Eve. Prefer să mor decât să te văd plângând. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die than see you cry. Não entendi o que disse o professor. I didn't understand what the professor said. I didn't understand what the teacher said. Suni sedang bermain. Suni is playing. Suni's playing. Tu hai paura della morte? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? T'es un bon garçon ! You're a good boy. You're a good boy! Cur me rogas? Why are you asking me? Are you begging me ass? Tom non la dimenticherà. Tom won't forget it. Tom won't forget it. Este fereastra deschisă? Is the window open? Is the window open? ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date? What's today's date? Tom quería despedir a Mary, pero John se lo impidió. Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him. Tom wanted to say good-bye to Mary, but John stopped him. Proverò a dirlo in francese. I'll try to say it in French. I'll try to say it in French. Tiens-tu un journal de rêves ? Do you keep a dream diary? Do you have a dream newspaper? Ibu ingin aku kuliah di Swiss. My mother wants me to study in Switzerland. I want to go to a Swiss college. J'ai demandé à Nancy de rester à la maison. I asked Nancy to stay at home. I asked Nancy to stay at home. Dia pe password tu "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". He's on your "Muiriel" password. Venta muito nesta manhã, não? There's a lot of wind this morning, isn't there? You're selling a lot this morning, aren't you? Vidistne Alpes unquam? Have you ever seen the Alps? Have you ever seen the Alps? Saya datang dari Australia. I come from Australia. I came from Australia. Tu trabajo ha mejorado notablemente. Your work has greatly improved. Your work has improved significantly. Kamu suka lagu? Do you like songs? You like the song? Ho dovuto portarle a scuola. I had to get them to school. I had to take them to school. Como estão o Tom e a Mary? How are Tom and Mary? How are Tom and Mary? Tom non sa quando sarà qui Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be here. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be here. Quanto a mim, eu não aprovarei o plano. As for me, I will not approve of the plan. As for me, I will not approve the plan. O Tom se casou com a Mary mês passado. Tom married Mary last month. Tom married Mary last month. Io non ho paura di lei. I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of you. Habesne tempus? Do you have time? Do you have time? Pelayanan surat di negara itu tidak cepat. Mail service in that country is not quick. Mail service in that country was slow. Îmi voi întoarce privirea. I will look the other way. I'll look back. Kamu punya alamatnya Tom? Do you have Tom's address? Do you have Tom's address? A me non piace il teatro, però ci vado comunque perché piace a te. I don't like the theater, but I go nevertheless because you like it. I don't like the theater, but I'm going anyway because I like you. Cur Thomas sternuit? Why is Tom sneezing? Ass Thomas fainted? O que eu quero é um processador de texto. What I want is a word processor. What I want is a word processor. Sami aspettò. Sami waited. Same as I expected. Ella iba de lugar en lugar buscándolo. She went from place to place in search of him. She went from place to place looking for him. Noi mangiamo mele. We eat apples. We eat apples. Sei mai uscito con loro? Did you ever date them? Have you ever gone out with them? Tomás no quería que sus padres se enteraran. Tom didn't want his parents to find out. Thomas didn't want his parents to know. O que aconteceria? What would happen? What would happen? Você não devia ter feito uma coisa dessas. You shouldn't have done such a thing. You shouldn't have done something like that. Non sono preoccupato per voi. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you. Gràcies! Thank you! Thank you! Lawan kata dari salah adalah benar. The opposite of wrong is right. The opposite of the word of error is true. Apa yang kau katakan pada Paula? What did you say to Paula? What did you tell Paula? Vous devez les traiter avec davantage de considération. You must treat them with more consideration. You must treat them with more consideration. Tom e Mary vogliono veramente sapere? Do Tom and Mary really want to know? Tom and Mary really want to know? Je suis plus astucieux que vous. I'm smarter than you. I'm more cunning than you. Les clés étaient dans mon sac. The keys were in my bag. The keys were in my bag. Hanc caltulam emere vis. You want to buy this skirt. Toggle whether you want to save your life. No crec que Tom estigués parlant de mi. I don't think Tom was talking about me. I don't think Tom was talking about me. Io penso che forse riesco ad aiutare Tom. I think perhaps I can help Tom. I think maybe I can help Tom. Por que você decidiu aprender o Árabe? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Numquam dixit verbum Betty. Betty never said a word. He never spoke the word Betty. Num sal mihi ponendum est? Do I need to add salt? Is there no salt in it for me? Lo avete già visto? Have you seen him yet? Have you seen him before? Le projet de loi fut fortement allégé avant d'être voté par le parlement. The bill was eviscerated before being passed by the legislature. The bill was greatly reduced before being voted by Parliament. Tu ne compreresti uno? Would you buy one? Would you buy one? Kematian seorang pria yang berbakat menyedihkan saya, daripada surga rasanya dunia lebih membutuhkan dia. The death of a talented man always saddens me, as the world needs them more than heaven does. The death of a talented man who was my grief, rather than heaven, felt that the world needed him more. O garoto era bem afiado em física. The boy was very sharp at physics. The boy was very sharp in physics. ¿Podemos apagar la TV? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Carregava uma faca ou algo similar. He carried a knife or something similar. He was carrying a knife or something. Nous nous dirigeons vers l'est. We're going east. We're heading east. O que estava esperando? What were you expecting? What were you waiting for? Je n'aime pas la viande. I don't like meat. I don't like meat. Estas corbatas son muy caras. These ties are very expensive. These ties are very expensive. Thomas dicit se non desperare. Tom says he isn't giving up. Thomas says he doesn't give up. Je dois me grouiller. I must hurry. I have to grow up. Nós sinceramente pedimos desculpas pelo nosso erro. We sincerely apologize for our error. We sincerely apologize for our mistake. ¿A quién le pertenece? Who does it belong to? Who does it belong to? Tout le monde a-t-il entendu ça ? Did everybody hear that? Did everyone hear that? A língua é o veículo do pensamento. Language is the vehicle of thought. The tongue is the vehicle of thought. Le temps a soudain changé. The weather changed suddenly. Time has suddenly changed. En, adsum; duc me in nomine Dei. See, here I am; lead me in the name of God. Here I am; carry me in the name of God. Pater meus medicus est. My father's a doctor. My father is a doctor. Je fus le seul à ne pas être invité à la soirée. I was the only one not invited to the party. I was the only one who wasn't invited to the evening. Sia namo sanak? What is your name? Is he a healthy boyfriend? El e fluent în franceză. He is fluent in French. He's fluent in French. Da mihi ocularia mea. Give me my glasses. Give me my eyeball. Dia terfokus pada teka-teki itu. He was immersed in the puzzle. He's focused on the puzzle. Você está pedindo demais. You're asking for too much. You're asking too much. Por ejemplo, ¿cuántas muestras? How many samples, for example? For example, how many samples? Il ne vous est point nécessaire de me remercier. Je suis ici pour vous servir. You don't need to thank me. I'm here to serve you. You don't need to thank me. I'm here to serve you. As pessoas estão falando ao mesmo tempo. People are speaking at the same time. People are talking at the same time. Lo hablaré con Marty y veré que piensa él. I'll talk it over with Marty and see what he thinks. I'll talk to Marty and see what he thinks. La anciana se mantenía ocupada en su huerta. The old lady busied herself on her vegetable garden. The old lady kept busy in her garden. Kamu mau makan apa? What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? Nomēn mihi est Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. J'ai attrapé une grosse araignée à la cave et elle est maintenant dans un bocal dans ma chambre. I caught a big spider in the cellar and she's now in a jar in my room. I caught a big spider in the basement and she's now in a mouthpiece in my room. Tiene sobrepeso. He is overweight. He's overweight. Aimerais-tu que j'y fasse quelque chose ? Would you like me to do something about it? Would you like me to do something about it? Am nevoie să ies. I need to get outside. I need to get out. Poderíamos conversar por um momento? Could we talk for a moment? Could we talk for a moment? Anche se la mia casa era nel percorso del tornado, rimase illesa. Though my house was in the path of the tornado it came through unscathed. Even though my house was on the way to the tornado, it remained unharmed. De die Martis pluit. It has been raining since Tuesday. Martis' day rains. Saya ingin kamu baca buku ini. I want you to read this book. I want you to read this book. Statim venimus. We are coming at once. We're here. Difficultates tibi superandae sunt. You have to overcome the difficulties. Difficult to you are superandas. Tom roubou a minha ideia. Tom stole my idea. Tom stole my idea. Nu știi adevărul. You do not know the truth. You don't know the truth. El equipo campeón mundial japonés regresó a casa con la victoria. The Japanese World Cup champion team came back home flushed with victory. The Japanese world champion team returned home with victory. So ingleza. I'm English. I know English. Todavía puedo ver la cara de mi madre. I can still see my mother's face. I can still see my mother's face. Ses yeux bleus étaient clairs et brillants. His blue eyes were clear and bright. His blue eyes were bright and bright. Acest caz poate că nu va fi rezolvat pentru un timp. This case might not get resolved for a while. This case may not be solved for a while. Por que isto continua acontecendo? Why does this keep happening? Why is this still happening? Tom piensa que entiende a las mujeres. Tom thinks he understands women. Tom thinks he understands women. Trois personnes manquent encore à l'appel. Three people are still missing. Three people are still missing from the call. Les enfants grandissent vraiment vite. Children grow up very quickly. Children grow up really fast. O Japão tenta fazer frente ao envelhecimento de sua população. Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population. Japan is trying to cope with the ageing of its population. Você sabe onde coloquei meu chapéu? Do you know where I put my hat? Do you know where I put my hat? ¡Estás tolo! You're nuts! You're crazy! Clamor ergo filiorum Israel venit ad me, vidique afflictionem eorum, qua ab Aegyptiis opprimuntur. For the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have seen their affliction, wherewith they are oppressed by the Egyptians. Now when I speak to the children of Israel, I have come to them and have seen their affliction, for which they are oppressed by the Egyptians. Konsep itu tidak masuk akal. The concept doesn’t make sense. That concept doesn't make sense. Não nos diga o que fazer. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what to do. Ferrum multo utilius est auro. Iron is much more useful than gold. Iron is very useful in gold. Eu não tenho certeza do que ele estava pensando. I'm not sure what he was thinking. I'm not sure what he was thinking. Cum Thoma veni. I came with Tom. When Thoma comes. Lo haré que te llame en el momento que regrese. I'll make him call you back just as he returns. I'll have you call when I get back. J'en doute fort. I very much doubt it. I doubt it. En el prinsipyo krio el Dyo los syelos i la tyerra. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In principle krio the Dyo los seylos and the tyerra. Essa foi a última vez que eu visitei Tom. That was the last time I visited Tom. That was the last time I visited Tom. Ces personnes âgées fabriquent des vêtements pour hommes. Those old people manufacture men's clothes. These elderly people make clothes for men. Dirige un negozio di scarpe. He runs a shoe shop. He runs a shoe shop. Thomas timidus erat. Tom was shy. Thomas was shy. Haec telehorasis gravis est. This television set is heavy. This is a serious telehorosis. Aliquis ostium pulsat. Someone's knocking at the door. Somebody's knocking the door. No es tan fácil. It's not that easy. It's not that easy. Avete nostalgia di casa, vero? You're homesick, aren't you? You have nostalgia at home, don't you? Apesar de que estava doente, o menino foi à escola mesmo assim. Even though he was sick, the boy still went to school. Although he was sick, the boy went to school anyway. Las abejas nos dan miel. Bees provide us with honey. The bees give us honey. Mai devreme sau mai târziu, vom muri. We'll die sooner or later. Sooner or later, we'll die. Comment fait-on le pluriel des noms ? How do you make nouns plural? How do we make multiple names? Quedaba un poco de leche en la botella. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was some milk left in the bottle. Não me odeies. Don't hate me! Don't hate me. Cutem fuscam et capillos nigros habent. They have brown skin and black hair. Cute melts and have black hair. Solis die vaco. I'm free on Sunday. It's just an empty day. Mi sono fatto rasare e tagliare i capelli. I got a shave and a haircut. I had my hair shaved and cut. Lei ha abbracciato Mary. You hugged Mary. She hugged Mary. Perché eravate così scortesi? Why were you so rude? Why were you so rude? Estoy considerando irme con ellos. I'm considering going with them. I'm considering going with them. Nu știu de ce Tom a renunțat la job. I don't know why Tom quit his job. I don't know why Tom gave up his job. Estive tenso durante toda a manhã. I've been tense all morning. I've been tense all morning. Sono in disaccordo con lei. I disagree with her. I disagree with you. A filha do prefeito foi sequestrada. The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped. The mayor's daughter was kidnapped. ¡Matalo con fuego! Kill it with fire! Kill him with fire! Io ero molto emozionata. I was very excited. I was very excited. Tu non devi chiamarmi. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Jangan lupa tiket! Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket! Le français était la langue de la diplomatie. French was the language of diplomacy. French was the language of diplomacy. Tom está escrevendo um novo livro. Tom is writing a new book. Tom's writing a new book. ¿Cuándo se construyó? When was it built? When was it built? Rester à la maison est ennuyeux. Staying home is boring. Staying home is boring. Pater mihi novam birotam emit. Father bought me a new bicycle. My father issues a new office to me. Maria cum fratre venit. Mary came with her brother. Mary's brother coming. "Quid amplius fecisti illi?" "Detraxi calcaria et ocreas." "What else did you do for him?" "I pulled off his boots and greaves." "What'd you do to him any more?" "I drew limestone and ochrees." Non dirò questo due volte. I'm not going to say this twice. I won't say this twice. Io sono stata a casa. I stayed at home. I was home. Apenas um pequeno menino sobreviveu ao acidente de trânsito. Only one little boy survived the traffic accident. Only a little boy survived the traffic accident. Tom não é meu filho. Tom is not my son. Tom's not my son. Ayo makan siang! Let's do lunch! Let's have lunch! Sunt prea multe lucruri de făcut! There are too many things to do! There are too many things to do! Não posso fazer duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. I can't do two things at the same time. I can't do two things at the same time. Quamquam argentum pretiosum est, aurum pretiosius est. Although silver is precious, gold is more precious. It is however precious as silver, it is more precious than gold. Ese é un vestido precioso. That's a beautiful dress. That's a beautiful dress. Eravamo tutte sedute. We all sat. We were all sitting. So chi è il mio nemico. I know who my enemy is. I know who my enemy is. Je vais manger. I'm going to eat. I'm going to eat. Tom salió de la sala sin decirle una palabra a nadie. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. El kompra pan. He buys bread. He buys bread. Saya yakin kamu sudah meninggalkan kota. I thought for sure you'd left town already. I'm sure you've left town. Habui equos, viros, arma, opes: quid mirum si haec invitus amisi? Nam si vos omnibus imperitare vultis, sequitur ut omnes servitutem accipiant? I had horses, men, arms, and riches: are you surprised I am sorry to lose them? For if you want to rule the world, does it follow that everyone else welcomes enslavement? He has horses, men, weapons, wares: what if you invite great men, if you desire all of them to become slaves? Lo long pèu de la Jessy èra sancerament molhat. Jessie's long hair was completely wet. Jessy's long foot was bleeding from the ground. Vim pra casa de ônibus. I came home by bus. I came to the bus home. È dove sta accadendo. That's where it's happening. That's where it's happening. Trei sferturi dintre ei au fost de acord. Three quarters of them agreed. Three quarter of them agreed. Indossa un maglione di lana. She wears a woolen sweater. She wears a woolen sweater. O meu avô não dirige mais. My grandfather doesn't drive anymore. My grandfather doesn't run anymore.